vjtfHMVBHfe. A*VO! SK Jf* <=> ii ^ Ils^l I -r> V A\\E UNIVERSE CATALOGUE LIBRARY OF THE NEW COLLEGE, EDINBURGH. CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE NEW COLLEGE, EDINBURGH. EDINBURGH : WILLIAM PATEESON, PRINCES STEEET. M.D.CCC.LXVIII. ROBERT FAIRLY, PRINTER, EDINBURGH. PREFACE THE following Catalogue will be most easily understood, as respects its nature and purpose, from a statement both of what it is not, and of what it is. It is not bibliographical or descriptive. A few notes, taken chiefly from writers who are regarded as authorities, such as Panzer, Le Long, Home, Pettigrew, and Cotton, have been added to several of the entries under the heading, " Bibles" ; and an occasional explanatory statement will be found in other parts of the volume. But these are neither so numerous nor so elaborate as to entitle the Catalogue to a character which it was never designed that it should possess. Neither is it a classed Catalogue. Partly from the nature of the case ; partly because the Library is, to a considerable extent, theological ; and, still more, because it could be accomplished without making a dangerous experiment in a field where success has never been attained, and is probably unattainable, there is a classification, to the extent of bringing together, under the several heads, all the Bibles, Confessions, Catechisms, Liturgies, and important Collections of works of the Fathers. But no farther attempt has been made in this direction : while, even in the cases alluded to, the several entries will be found, given more fully, in all instances except the Bibles, under the names of the commentators, translators, authors, or editors, as circumstances required, where the names of such appear, or have been discovered, an arrangement modified only by the rule regarding anonymous works, which will be afterwards explained. Nor, finally, is the Catalogue exhaustive, in the sense of analysing, except to a very limited extent, the larger Collections, more especially, which the Library contains. Such an analysis would have occupied a longer time and a larger space than were deemed desirable. As a general rule, the catalogue of every library ought to be so full as to be independent of all other catalogues. But a departure from this rule is, in the present case, the less to be regretted, inasmuch as an analysis, such as that to which reference has been made, will be found in Darling's Cyclopaedia Bibliographica, the 766390 M. I'KKFA' Catalogue of the Advocates' Library, and Bowling's Notitia Scriptorum SS. Patruin aliorunique veteris Ecclesiae Mouumentorum ; all of which are accessible ; as well as in the Catalogues of the Bodleian Library, and that of Trinity College, Dublin, which could, without any difficulty, be made available for consultation. The Catalogue, then, being neither bibliographical, classed, nor exhaustive in the sense explained, is merely an arrangement, in alphabetical order, of the various headings under which the books are to be sought, whether these headings consist of authors' names, or of the word or words under which the entries would, in the judgment of the compiler, be naturally looked for, with the titles and other particulars regarding the books which the title-pages afford, or which have been gathered from other sources. Aud it professes to accomplish little or nothing more than should be expected in a work bearing even the simple and limited designation of a General Alphabetical Catalogue. Such being the nature and purpose of the Catalogue, it will be necessary to state the principles on which it has been compiled, beginning with those which require expla- nation or illustration ; and concluding with those which are so simple as to stand in need of neither. I. ANONYMOUS BOOKS. In every considerable library these form an important element ; and their entry in the way most likely to facilitate their discovery is admitted on all hands to be one of the most serious difficulties which the compiler of a catalogue has to encounter. The rule which has on its side the strongest arguments and the highest authority, is that which requires the first word of the title not an article nor a preposition to be taken as the heading of the primary entry (i. e. the entry which gives the title, imprint, date, size, number of volumes, &c.), with the addition of the author's name, if ascertained. It is essential to this rule that, under all the important words in the title, as well as under the name of the author, when that is known, there should be secondary entries (i. e. entries which contain the title in an abridged form, without any of the other particulars, except the date), with a reference to the primary entry. There can be no doubt that the rule thus indicated is calculated, if consistently followed out, to satisfy the inquiries of all whose knowledge of the book is not so excessively vague as, in reality, to amount to nothing. Because, however, the above rule requires for its successful application, a larger number of secondary entries than space or time permitted, a method shorter, but less satisfactory, although perhaps, in the main, sufficient for ordinary purposes, has been adopted ; that, namely, of taking, as the heading for the primary entry, a word or words in the title which all would probably regard as leading; and of adding, within brackets, the author's name, if that has been discovered. For the secondary entry, the author's name stands as the heading ; and under it, the title abridged, but containing, in small PREFACE. TIL capitals, the word or words under which the primary entry is made, with the addition of the date, so that the book may be easily identified. The following example will be sufficient to show the rule which has been adopted : Primary Entry. TOLERATION. Toleration discussed ; in two dialogues. I. Betwixt a conformist and a non- conformist. II. Betwixt a Presbyterian and an Independent. [By Sir Roger L'ESTRANOE. J London, 1670. 8 d Secondary Entry. L'ESTRANGE (Sir ROGER). TOLERATION dis- cussed ; in two dialogues. 1670 II. PSEUDONYMOUS BOOKS. The principle which has been followed in cataloguing the works of authors with assumed names is that of entering the work under the real name, when it has been dis- covered, and under the assumed name, when it has not. The application of this principle can be attended with no difficulty. In every case, the Pseudonyme takes its alphabetical place in the Catalogue. If the real name has not been ascertained, the entry will be found under the name assumed. If the real name has been ascertained, the reference from the assumed name is so printed as to lead at once to the heading under which the entry is given. IIL THE ARRANGEMENT OF AUTHORS* WORKS. In all cases where the collected works of an author occur, they take the first place under the author's name, irrespective altogether of the date of their publication. These are followed by the separate works in chronological order, an arrangement qualified, of course, by the natural requirement that parts and volumes, if entered separately, as well as the several editions, shall succeed each other in numerical order. IV. TITLES. Under the impression that an author knows best both the subject and the object of the book which he has written, and is entitled to convey that knowledge to others in language of his own selection, no attempt has, in any case, been made to change the words of a title ; nor have the titles been materially abridged. Occasionally, a little curtailment has been found advisable, and this has generally been indicated by the use of points (...) substituted for the parts omitted. But the shortening of titles has been almost uniformly avoided, as leading, in the great majority of cases, either to positive misapprehension, or as failing to convey anything except the most inadequate concep- tion of the contents of the Library. The light, moreover, thrown upon the history of literature generally, as well as upon the history of controversies, by the fulness and accuracy with which the titles of books are given, is greater than is perhaps generally believed. For all these reasons, it has been deemed an object of importance, not only that the books should be found as readily as possible, but that the subjects and objects Mil. PREFACE. uf the books, in so far as these are indicated by the title-pages, should be ascertainc-il from the Catalogue itself. V. CROSS-REFERENCES. Under this head are embraced not only the references of all secondary entries to those which are primary, but all references, of every description, from one part of the Catalogue to another. It includes the reference from one author to another, from one work to another, from a title, whether civil or ecclesiastical, to the family name, from an author to his anonymous work, from a real name to an assumed one, from initials to tlie full name, and occasionally from one form of a name to another. In every library of any extent, these references must be numerous ; and, in catalogues generally, they are indicated by the use of the word See, or V-lde. It has not been found possible to dispense altogether with the use of this mode of reference. But to a very large extent, and to the saving of space, without interfering witli the distinctness of the reference, the method adopted in the Catalogues of the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, and of that of Trinity College, Dublin, has been followed. Its main, its only feature, indeed, consists in the use of small capitals in all cases where, otherwise, the word See or Vide would have been employed The plan is extremely simple ; so much so, that it stands in need of no illustration. It will be understood, then, that wherever, in any part of the Cata- logue, a name (excepting, of course, the Christian name), or word is found printed with small capitals, in another part of the Catalogue, under the name or word so printed, there will be found an entry or a reference, more or less extended, which will distinctly show the connection of the one entry or reference with the other. The only exception to this ride is in those cases where small capitals have been used solely for the purpose of breaking up, with the view of simplifying, very long entries. VI. THE USE OF THE ASTERISK. An asterisk prefixed to any title is intended to indicate that, while the place which the title occupies under an author's name is the natural and appropriate one, the author named is not the writer of the book so entered, but is only, somehow or other, connected with it, generally either as its subject, or as the author of a work to which it is an anonymous reply. A favourable illustration of its use will be found under the heading " Daniel AYaterland." That author's work, entitled, " Scripture vindicated : in answer to a book intituled, Christianity as old as the creation," gave rise to a controversy in which Conyers Middleton, Zachary Pearce, and Philip Williams took part. Had their works appeared with the authors' names, they would have been entered accordingly. But they were published anonymously ; and their primary entry, with the asterisk, is under " Waterland," and immediately after the entry of the controverted work. Their connection with that author, and with the book in question, is thus indicated without PREFACE. IX. any hazardous attempt at classification. Their secondary entry will be found under the authors' names, in accordance with the rule regarding anonymous books. VII. BIBLES. Under this head are included Bibles and parts of the Bible in the original languages ; all translations of the whole and of any part of the Bible, whether prose or poetical, into any foreign language ; and all new translations into English, whether accompanied by a commentary or not. In the case of commentaries accompanied by the authorized version, it has been found impossible to ascertain whether the commentary has been added for the sake of the text, or the text for the sake of the commentary. In all such cases, the work finds its place in the Catalogue in conformity with the title which the commentator has chosen to affix to it. As an illustration of this, Thomas Scott calls his commentary " The Holy Bible... with explanatory notes, &c.", while Matthew Henry calls his " An exposition of the Old and New Testaments ". The two works are identical in character and aim: but the former will be found under the heading, "Bibles", with a cross-reference from Thomas Scott; while the latter will be found under Matthew Henry without any cross-reference at all. Such an arrangement is not only the natural one under the general principles which have been followed, but it is unattended by any practical difficulty or disadvantage : for either under the general heading, " Bibles", with cross-references from the names of the translators, editors, or commentators, or under the names of the latter only, will be found every Bible and every commentary which the Library contains. The following is the general arrangement of Bibles : I. Polyglotts. II. Hebrew. III. Greek. The other languages follow each other in alphabetical order. Under these general divisions there are various subdivisions, each marked with a letter of the alphabet for the purpose of easy reference from the editor, translator, commentator, or printer. A single illustration will be sufficient to show the plan which has been followed. Under Charles Henry Hamilton Wright, the following entry will be found : " The Book of Genesis in Hebrew, with a critically revised text. 1859. See BIBLES HEBREW. D." Such is the secondary entry. By following out the reference, the principal entry is found to be " BIBLES HEBREW. D. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT The Book of Genesis in Hebrew, with a critically revised text, various readings, and grammatical and critical notes, by C. H. H. WRIGHT. London, 1859. 8". The other rules which have been followed are so simple, that it will not be necessary to do more than enumerate them, without either explanation or illustration. I. Works having more than one author's name on the title-page are entered fully under the first, with a cross-reference from the second. In a few cases, where it seemed desirable, the same principle has been applied to works having more than two authors. X. PREFACE. I 1. Works published under initials are entered under the full name of the author, in nil cases where the name has been discovered. III. \\ '.irks published by Popes are catalogued under the ecclesiastical name of the author, with a cross-reference from the family name, when it has been ascertained. IV. Works by Archbishops and Bishops are entered under the family name, with a cross-reference from the ecclesiastical title. V. Works of NobK'inm are catalogued under the family name, with a cross-reference from the civil title. VI. Publications issued by Scientific and Learned societies are entered under the name of the country or city to which they belong. I 1 1. Documents issued by Ecclesiastical bodies are entered under the designation assumed by such bodies. VIII. Translations are catalogued under the names of the authors of the original works. IX. Biographies are entered under the subject ; without a cross-reference from the biographer, except in a few cases where it seemed desirable. X. Acts of Parliament connected with any particular country are entered under the name of the country ; while those passed in any particular reign are entered under the name of the Sovereign. XI. Parliamentary reports are entered under the subject. XII. Foreign names, excepting French, preceded by a preposition, an article, or both, are entered under the letter immediately following. French names, preceded by a preposition only, follow the same rule ; while those preceded by an article, or by a pre- position and an article, are entered under the initial letter of the article. This rule has not been applied to English names of foreign origin. The preceding rules, although they do not include all, even the most minute, which have been followed, are yet the most important in their general aspect and application ; and will, if kept in mind, make the consultation of the Catalogue a work of comparatively easy performance to any one of ordinary intelligence. They have been, in almost all cases, rigidly adhered to ; and no departure from them has been admitted, unless in cases, too insignificant in number to require any specification, when, in the judgment of the compiler, the facilities for finding the book sought after were thereby, upon the whole, rather increased than diminished. An Appendix has been added, consisting chiefly of books added to the Library since the printing of the Catalogue was begun, and of those which were, from various causes, omitted; but containing also occasional references from the body of the work. The author of an anonymous book was sometimes discovered, too late for insertion except PREFACE. XI. in the Appendix, It was deemed more advantageous to give such information there, than to withhold it altogether. The general body of the work, and the Appendix, will therefore be together regarded as one whole, and as containing all the printed books in the Library at this date. Immediately after the Appendix, the Manuscripts are entered. The Catalogue of these is, from the nature of the case, more or less descriptive. They will all be found under the heads of English, Latin, Oriental, and Wodrow Manuscripts. Superadded to all, although not noticed in the Title-page, is the Catalogue of Books attached to the class of Natural Science, but which do not belong to the General Library of the New College. I have to express my obligations to Dr. THOMAS SMITH for aid rendered to me in cataloguing some of the Oriental books ; and to Dr. DUNCAN for a like assistance given in the case of the Oriental manuscripts. In conclusion, I have great pleasure in acknowledging my special obligations to SAMUEL HALKETT, Esquire, Keeper of the Advocates' Library. I never had occasion to consult him without deriving the benefit of his sound judgment, his large experience, and his bibliographical knowledge, remarkable alike for its extent and its accuracy. JOHN LAING, Acting-Librarian. NEW COLLEGE LIBRARY, EDINBURGH, March, 1868. CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTED BOOKS IN THE NEW COLLEGE LIBRARY A. (A.) ABBOTT. A. (A.), i. e. Alexander ANDERSON. A. (G.). An orthodox plea for the sanctuary of God, the common service, and the white robe of the house. London, 1669. 8 A. (H. F.)., i.e. Robert Peirce GILLIES. A. (J. ), i. e. John ALLINGTON. A. (M. L. C. D., M. D. L. D. G. D. C. D. M. L. C. D'.) [These initials stand for M. le Chevalier DUVERNOIS, marechal-des-logis des gardes du corps de M. le Comte d'Artois. 1 See DUVERNOIS. A. (P.), i. e. Pierre ALLIX. A. (R.), i. e. Richard ALLEINE. A. (T. ), i. e. Thomas AITON, A. (W. TL i. e. William ALLEN. ABBADIE (JACQUES), D.D. Defense de la na- tion Britannique, ou les droits de Dieu, de la nature, et de la societe* clairement etablis au sujet de la revolution d'Angleterre, contre 1'auteur [Bayle] de 1'Avis important aux Re- fugids. A la Haye, 1695. 12 - Traite'delaverite'delareligionChre'tienne. Cin- quieme Edition. 2 torn. Rotterdam, 1715. 12 Another copy. Render'd into English by H. L. [i. e. Henry Lussan.] London, 1694. 8 - Le triomphe de la providence et de la religion ; ou 1'ouverture des sept seaux par le fils de Dieu ; ou 1'on trouvera la premiere partie de FApo- calypse clairement explique'e par ce qu'il y a de plus connu dans 1'histoire et de moins con- test^ dans la Parole. Avec une nouvelle et tres sensible demonstration de la ve'rite' de la religion Chre'tienne. 4 torn. Amsterdam, 1723. 12 Traits' de la divinite de notre Seigneur Jesus Christ. Septieme dd. Amsterdam, 1729. 12 - Rendered into English. Montrose, 1784. 8 ABBATUS (ROB.), i. e. Robert ABBOT. ABBOT (GEORGE). Vindicise Sabbathi ; or, an answer to two treatises of Master Broad's. London, 1641. 4 ABBOT (GEORGE), Archbishop of Canterbury. Jonah. With an introduction, and some ac- count of the author, by the editor, Grace Web- ster. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8 ABBOT, or ABBATUS (ROBERT), Bislwp of Salis- bury. Antichristi demonstratio, contra fabulas pontificias, et ineptam R. Bellarmini de Anti- christo disputationem. Londini, 1603. 4 Antilogia adversus apologiam Andrese Eudae- mon-Joannis pro H. Garneto jesuita proditore. Londini, 1613. 4 De gratia et perseverantia sanctorum exerci- tationes. Quibus accessit in R. Thomsoni diatribam de amissione, et intercisione justifi- cationis et gratise, animadversio brevis. Londini, 1618. 4 De siiprema potestate regia, exercitationes ha- bitse in academia Oxoniensi, contra R. Bellar- minum et F. Suarez. Londini, 1619. 4 ABBOTSFORD CLUB. The presentation in the temple, a pageant as originally represented by the corporation of WEAVERS in Coventry. 1836 Inventaire chronologique des documents rela- tifs a 1'histoire d'Ecosse, conserve's aux archives du royaume a Paris. Suivi d'une indication sommaire des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Royale [par M. TEULET.] 1839 ABBOTT (JACOB). The young Christian ; or, a familiar illustration of Christian duty. Revised ed. New York, 1832. 12 - Eighth edition. Edin., 1836. 8 Tenth edition. Edin., 1839. 8 The teacher ; or, moral influences employed in the instruction and government of the young. London, 1836. 12 - The way to do good ; or, the Cliristian cha- racter mature. 2d ed. Edin., 1836. 8 ABBOTT (JAMES). A history of the Romish ard AI5I '. iTT English 1. : with mi evunin.-ition of tin- assumptions, abuse*, und int<>lerance of Episcopacy : |>r"\iir_; jlu- n. : a re- lonm-u Ki!-ii>li Churcli. 'Jd ed. 1833. 8 Ai:r,OTT I.IOIIN S. C.). Tin- mother at h-nm- : the principles of maternal iluty familiarly illu.stnr. New )'<>//;, a. u. 12^ Tin- chil.l :it limne ; or. the principles of filial duty familiarly illu.str.i- Nero York, s. a. 12 ABDY(Enu \ i. Journal of a residence and tour in the I'nited States of North Ame- rica, from April 1833 to October 1834. 3 vol. Londim, 1835. 12 ABEEL (DAVii>), Minister, lf>,t,-h <'hnr<-h, N. America. The missionary convention at Jeru- salem ; or, an exhibition of the claims of the world to the gospel. New York, 1838. 12 ABEK KN ( II . >, ( /,.(/./"'" / the Pntstian LC at Rome. A. letter to E. B. Pusey, D.D., in re- ference to certain charges against the German Church, contained in his letter to the Arch- bishop of Canterbury. London, 1842. 8 ABENDANA (R. ISAAC). See ISAAC Abendana. ABEON A. Narrative of the loss of the Abeona, which was destroyed by fire on the 25th of No- vember 1820. Compiled by some of the sur- vivors. Glasgow, 1821. 8 ABERBROTHOCK. Case, Charles Allan, Esq. Provost of Aberbrothock, and others, heritors, klers, and heads of families of the parish of Aberbrothock, appellants ; the Synod of Angus and Mearns, the Presbytery of Aberbrothock, and Mr George Gleig, some time preacher of the gospel, and thereafter, in the face of an appeal, ordained by the Presbytery minister of Aberbrothock, respondents. The appellants' case, to be heard at the bar of the General As- sembly, May 1789. s. I et a. 4 ABERCROMBIE (JOHN), M.D. Inquiries con- cerning the intellectual powers and the investi- gation of truth. Edin.,I83Q. 8 Fifth edition. Edin., 1835. 8 Eleventh edition. London, 1841. 8 - The philosophy of the moral feelings. London, 1833. 8 Sixth edition. London, 1841. 12 Address delivered in the Hall of Marischal College, Aberdeen, 5th Nov. 1835, on occasion of his installation as Lord Rector of the Uni- versity. Aberdeen, 1835. 8 The harmony of Christian faith and Christian character. Edin., 1835. 12 The culture and discipline of the mind. 16th ed. -., 1839. 12 Think on these things. 2ded. J&Zin. , 1839. 12 Essays and tracts. Edin., s. a. 12 Another copv. ABERCROMBY (Rt. Hon. JAMES), 1st Lord Dun- fermline. * Letter to the Right Hon. James Abercromby, M.P., on the ecclesiastical affairs of Edinburgh. By an old friend. Edin., 1834. 8 ABERDEEN. Collections for a history of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff. [Edited for the Scalding Club by Joseph Robertson.] Aberdeen, 1843. 4 ABERDEEN. Liat of p-.lhl.le p. THOU* within iliiv nf A . iinl ii. [Edited for the Spalding Club by John Stuart, j ,'deen, 1844. 4' Extracts from Ihe council register of tin- Imr^h vr-K-rn, i.v- mi':.. _' rol |Kdi; tlie Spolding Club by John Stuart. J Aberdeen, 1844, 48. 4 Registnim Episcopatus AWi'l'-mnsis. Ec- Cathedralis Alicrdonensis regesta qu extant in unum collecta. Vol. i. ami ii. [Edited for the Spalding Club by Cosmo In- nes.] , 1845. 4 Selections from the records of the Kill sion, Presbytery, and Synod of Aberdeen. [Edited fur the Spalding Club by John Stuart.] Aberdeen, isn;. 4 Illustrations of the topography and antiquities of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff. Vol. ii. [Edited for the Spalding Club by Joseph Ro- bertson, and forming Vol. ii. of the " Collec- tions" entered above.] Aberdeen, 18-1', Fasti Aberdonenses. Selections from the records of the University and King's Col- lege of Aberdeen. 1494-1854. [Edited for the Spalding Club by Cosmo Innes.] Aberdeen, 1854. 4 Generall demands concerning the late COVE- NANT ; propounded by the ministers and pro- fessors of divinitie in Aberdeene. 1638 Aberdeen Hall. Report of debate on the Col- lege question, in the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, on Wednesday, 28th May, 1853. Revised by the speakers. Bdm,, 1853. 8 The Aberdeen Voluntary Churchman. No. xix. Aberdeen, 1835. 8 BISHOP of. See John SKINNER. EARL of. See George Hamilton GORDON. ABERNETHY (JOHN), Bishop of Caithness. A Christian and heavenly treatise. Containing physicke for the soule : very necessary for all that would injoy true soundnesse of minde, and peace of conscience. London, 1622. 4 ABERNETHY (JOHN), Presbyterian Minister at Dublin. Discourses concerning the being and natural perfections of God. Dublin, 1740. 8 Another copy. Sermons on various subjects. With a large preface, containing the life of the author. [By Dr Duchal.] 4 vol. London, 1748, 51. 8 Scarce and valuable tracts and sermons occa- sionally published by J. A. ; now collected to- gether. London, 1751. 8 ABJURATION, OATH OF. The case of an oath of abjuration considered. London, 1702. 4 A letter to a friend, concerning the oath of abjuration. [By George RIDPATH.] (Wants title.) 1712. 4 The oath of abjuration displayed in its sinful nature and tendency, in its inconsistency with Presbyterian principles and covenants ; the security it affords to the Church of England... Being the copy of a letter sent to one of the ABJURATION ADAMS. jurant ministers of the Presbytery of Dum- blane. s. I, 1713. 4 ABJURATION, OATH OP. The Scotish dove, with an olive branch : or, peace and unity be- twixt jurant and non-jurant, about the oath of abjuration. By a lover of the Church's peace and unity, Edin., 1732. 8 Another copy. ABOOL KASIM-I-MUNSOOR, assuming the iwme of FIRDOUSEE. The Shah Nameh : an heroic poem. Containing the history of Persia from Kioomurs to Yesdejird ; that is, from the earliest times to the conquest of that empire by the Arabs. Carefully collated with a num- ber of the oldest and best manuscripts, and illustrated by a copious glossary of obsolete words and obscure idioms : with an introduc- tion and life of, the author, in English and Persian ; and an appendix, containing the in- terpolated episodes, &c. found in different ma- nuscripts. By Turner Macan. 4 vol. Calcutta, 1829. 8 ABOUT (EDMOND-FRANCOIS- VALENTIN). Greece and the Greeks of the present day. Translated by authority. Edin., 1855. 8 ABRABANIEL (ISAAC). See ISAAC Abarbanel. ABRAHAM Bar Ghyiah, Rabbi. On the ma- thematical and technical chronology of the Hebrews, Nazarites, Mahommetans, &c. Edit- ed by H. Filipowski. [Hebrew Antiq. Soc.] London, 1851. 8 ABRANTES, LAURA, Duchess of. See JTINOT. ABUDACNUS (JOSEPHUS), or BARBATUS. The true history of the Jacobites of Egypt, Lybia, Nubia, &c. , their origine, religion, ceremonies, laws, and customs. Whereby you may see how they differ from the Jacobites of Great Britain. Translated by a person of quality [Sir E. Sad- leir] from the Latin. London, 1692. 4 ACADEMIE ROYAL DES SCIENCES. See FRANCE. ACCOMMODATION. The case of the Accommo- dation lately proposed by the BISHOP of DUM- BLANE [Robert LEIGHTON] examined. 1671 ACCUM (FREDRICK). Elements of crystallogra- phy, after the method of Haiiy. London, 1813. 8 ACHERIUS (LUCAS D'). See Luc d'AcHERY. ACHERY (Luc D'). Spicilegium ; sive collectio veterum aliquot scriptorum qui in Gallise bib- liothecis delituerant...Nova editio...ad fidem MSS. codicum, quorum varias lectiones S. Baluze, ac E. Martene collegerunt, expurgata, per L. F. J. de La Barre. 3 torn. Parisiis, 1723. fol. ACKERMANN (C.). The Christian element in Plato, and the Platonic philosophy, unfolded and set forth. Translated from the German by Sam. Ralph Asbury, B.A. With an introduc- tory note by W. G. T. Shedd, D.D. Edin., 1861. 8 ACLAND (HUGH DYKE). A compendious his- tory of the Vaudois ; [with the translation of the glorious recovery by the Vaudois of their valleys, by Henri ARNAUD.] 1827 ACRuEUS. God's laws versus corn laws. A Let- ter to the Ai'chbishop of Canterbury, from a dignitary of the English Church. London, 1846. 8 ACTA SANCTORUM. See BOLLANDUS. ADAM. A theological systeme upon that pre- supposition, that men were before Adam. The first part. [By Isaac PEYRERIUS.] London, 1655. 8 Men before Adam. Or a discourse upon the 12th, 13th, and 14th verses of chap. v. of the Epistle of Paul to the Romans, by which are proved, that the first man was created before Adam. [By Isaac PEYRERIUS.] London, 1656. 8 ADAM (ALEXANDER), LL.D. Roman Antiqui- ties. 4th ed. Edin., 1797. 8 Fifth edition. London, 1801. 8 Ninth edition. London, 1822. 8 Classical biography. 2d ed. London, 1802. 8 A summary of geography and history, both ancient and modern. 6th ed. London, 1824. 8 - The principles of Latin and English grammar. 8th ed. Edin.,lS13. 8 ADAM (JOHN). *Memoir of J. A., late mission- ary at Calcutta. London, 1833. 12 ADAM (JOHN), Minister of the Free Church, Aber- deen. The testimony ever borne by the true Church of Scotland to the Headship of Christ. Aberdeen, 1858. 8 ADAM (ROBERT), B.A. The religious world dis- played ; or, a view of the four grand systems of religion ... and of the various existing denomina- tions, sects, and parties in the Christian world. To which is subjoined, a view of deism and atheism. 3vol. Edin., 1809. 8 A new edition. 2 vol. London, 1823. 8 ADAM (ROBERT), M.A., Edinburgh. An affec- tionate reply to an affectionate address to the clergy of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, on the theological writings of the Hon. Emanuel Swedenborg. Edin. , 1815. 8 ADAM (THOMAS), Rector of Wintringham. A pa- raphrase on the first eleven chapters of St Paul's Epistle to the Romans. London, 1771. 8 A new edition. Glasgow, 1815. 12 Christ's riches : a Sermon [on Rev. iii. 18.1 York, [1772.] 8 d Evangelical sermons. London, 1781. 8 Private thoughts on religion, and other sub- jects connected with it ; by T. A. To which is prefixed, a short sketch of his life and charac- ter. London, 1803. 12 Another edition. With an introductory essay by the Rev. Daniel Wilson, A.M. Glasgow, 1823. 12 An exposition of St Matthew's Gospel , with suit- able lectures and prayers. London, 1822. 8 ADAMS (GEORGE), Sen. , Mathematical inst-rument maker. A treatise describing the construction and use of new celestial and terrestrial globes. 30th ed. London, 1810. 8 ADAMS (JAMES), F.R.S.E. The pronunciation of the English language vindicated from im- puted anomaly and caprice : in two parts. With an appendix, on the dialects of human speech in all countries, and an analytical discussion ADAMS- ADDRESS. and vindication of the dialect ..f Scotland. . 17i'.. K \I> \M^ I.I..MN .. D.D., 1 ''I/'', \;i !>.-,.- iv concerning Mn-murther. Win-rein is endeavoiirM t<> |>r<>\e, that it is un- lawful a.-cnnliii!,' tn natural iirim-i|.les. With s.>me cnMsidcratiiinsi.il u hat is pretended fnnn the aaiil principles, l.\ tin- ant In >r of a treatise, intituled, Uiatlianat"s, ami utlirrs. ../on, 1700. 8 A sermon [on Jer., iii. 15], preached. ...June 6, 1708, at the consecration of William [Fleet- wood] Lord Bishop of St Asaph. A./i, 1708. 4 ADAMS (JOHN). The flowers of modern travels. 4th i>d. :; \.>l. / irim, i::. 12 ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY). Letters on the masonic institution. Boston, 1847. 8 ADAMS (NEHEMIAH), D.D., Boston. The power of Christian gratitude. A sermon, preached Sept. 11, 1855, before the American board of commissioners for foreign missions. n*ton, 1855. 8 ADAMS (THOMAS), Rector of St Sennet's, Lon- don. The works of T. A. : being the sum of his sermons, meditations, and other divine and moral discourses. With memoir by Joseph Angus, D.D. 3 vol. Edin., 1861, 62. 8 An exposition upon the second Epistle general of St Peter ; revised and corrected by the Rev. James Sherman. London, 1842. 8 ADAMS (WILLIAM), D.D., Archdeacon of Llan- daff. An essay in answer to Mr Hume's essay on miracles. London, 1752. 8 Third edition, with additions. London, 1767. 8 The nature and obligation of virtue. ...With an appendix, containing notes on the same sub- ject. [2d ed.] London, 1768. 8 - A treatise on confirmation ; [with the Church catechism explained, by the Rev. J. LEWIS.] 1806 ADAMSON (HENRY). The muses threnodie ; or, mirthful mournings on the death of Mr Gall. ...To this new edition are added explanatory notes and observations ; King James's charter of confirmation ; an account of Gowrie's conspi- racy. Compiled from authentic records. By J. Cant. Perth, 1774. 12 ADAMSON (JAMES), D.D., Cape Town, South Africa. What ought England to do with re- spect to Church patronage in Scotland ? Edw,., 1840. 8 ADAMSON (JOHN), Preacher of the Gospel Con- tendings for the kingdom of light ; being a copy of a true dispute betwixt Mr John STEEL and Mr J. A. 1715 ADAMSON (Rev. JOHN). Christ's burial solem- nized, with an eye to his resurrection. Being a sermon preached at the sacrament of Dalzel, 1713, immediately after that Act of Assembly ; Abjuration no ground of separation. . I. et a. 4 An alarming sound to sinfull sleepers. Being a sermon pivaehed in tin- parneh nf Hliind, at tin- time i>f jriu-ral apostacy fn.ni f ; connected with the court of AMi. ... Concisely abridged from Mr Agg's new work, "The Book . 1813. 12 A<;iS. Agis; atragedy. [Bv .John HOME.] . 17r>8. 12 AGNEW rSir ANDREW), Bart. * Memoirs of the lit".' of Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart. By Thomas M'Crie, D.D., LL.D. London, 1851. 8 AGNEW (DAVID C. A.), Minister of the Free i'iuii-,-h nt ll'i'itott. The working-man's week. 1850. 8 Englishmen introduced to the Free Church of Scotland. !>, 1851. 8 - Protestant lectures and addresses to the people. Delivered in Wigton. 7;./;/i., 1857. 8 The soul's business and prospects familiarly dis- cussed in several sermons. London, 1863. 8 AGNEW (JOHN HOLMES). A manual of the Chris- tian Sabbath, embracing a consideration of its perpetual obligation, change of day, utility and duties. With introductory essay by Dr Miller of Princeton. Philadelphia, 1842. 12 Another copy. AGRICOLA (GEORGIUS). De re metallica libri xii...Ejusdem de animantibus subterraneis liber. Basika, 1C21. fol. AGRICULTURE. Report on national agricul- tural schools for the year 1853. . . .By Dr Kirk- patrick. Dublin, 1854. 8 AGRIPPA (HENRICUS CORNELIUS). De occulta philosophia libri tres. s. I. , 1551. 4 - Another edition. Parisiis, 1567. 8 De incertitudine et vanitate scientiarum de- clamatio. Colonice, 1584. 8 AGUILONIUS (FRANCISCTTS). Opticorum libri sex. Antuerpice, 1613. fol. AGUR. An illustration of Agur's prayer. Prov. , xxx. 8, 9. Edin., 1797. 12 AIKIN (ANNA L^ETITIA), afterwards A. L. BAR- BAT7LD. AIKIN (ARTHUR). A dictionary of chemistry and mineralogy, with an account of the processes employed in many of the most important che- mical manufactures. To which are added, a description of chemical apparatus, and various tables. By A. A. and C. R. AIKIN. 3 vol. London, 1807-14. 4 AIKIN (C. R.). A dictionary of chemistry. By Arthur AIKIN, and C. R. A. 1807-14. AIKIN (JOHN), M.D. An essay on the applica- tion of natural history to poetry. Tnrrin//foji, 1777. 8 A1K I :' all ages, renditions, ami , IS. Chielly eomposed 1.-. [The other authors of the work u LL.D., Mr Nicholson, Rev. T. Morgan, William .Johnston, and others. | lo vol. .. 4 AIKIN < Li 01 ). Memoirs of the o.nrt of o. l>eth. 4tli rd. ' vol. Limdnn, I81'.i. ,s Al K 1 N ( KOI;I.KT). Recipes of great impr-.M -m.-ni. in the mode of curing all kinds of meat, fi.-Oi. . lXL'i. S' AIKMAN (JAMES). The cenotaph, a poem. /:./;,(., 1821. 12 DISAPPOINTMENT: and other p- 1824 The history of Scotland, translated from the. Latin of G. BUCHANAN. With notes and a con- tinuation, by J. A. 1829-32 Annals of the persecution in Scotland from the Restoration to the Revolution. Edin., 1842. 8 An historical account of covenanting in Scot- land, from the first band in Mearns, 1556, to the signature of the grand national Covenant, 1638. Edin., 1848. 8 AINSLIE (ANN MARIA). Letters from the dead to the living ; and moral letters. Edin. , 1812. 8 AINSLIE (JOHN), Land Surveyor. A comprehen- sive treatise on land surveying. With a treatise appended on trigonometrical surveying, level- ling, and railway engineering, by W. GAL- BRAITH. Edin., 1842. 4 AINSLIE (ROBERT), W,-\t.-r 1<> //..- N; ; ,/M /.Rea- sons for the hope that is in us : a series of essays on the evidences of natural and revealed religion, the immortality of the soul, and other important subjects. Edin., 1831. 8 AINSLIE (WHITELAW), M.D. An historical sketch of the introduction of Christianity into India, and progress and present state in that and other eastern countries ; preceded by a brief account of the religious opinions of some of the heathen philosophers before and after the coming of Christ. s. L, 1835. 8 AINSWORTH, or AYNSWORTH (HENRY). Annotations upon the book of Psalmes. 2d ed. s. L, 1617, 18. 4 A reply to a pretended Christian plea for the anti-christian Church of Rome : published by Mr Francis Johnson, anno 1617. s. I. , 1620. 4 Annotations upon the five bookes of Moses, the booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs, or Canticles. [Imperfect at the end]. Londo-,1, 1627. fol. Another edition. With a memoir of the au- thor. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1843. 8 An arrow against idolatry, taken out of the quiver of the Lord of Hosts. Nova Selgia, 1640. 8 Two treatises. The first, Of the communion of saints. The second, entitled, An arrow against idolatry, &c. To this edition is pre- fixed some account of the life and writings of the author. Edin., 1789. 12 Another copy. AINSWORTH (ROBERT). Dictionary, English AINSWORTH ALEXANDER, and Latin [and Latin and English]. A new edi- tion... By Thomas Morell, D.D. London, 1773. 4 AINSWORTH (ROBERT). Another copy. AIRAY (HENRY), D.D., Provost of Queen's Col- lege. Lectures upon the whole Epistle of St Paul to the Philippians. [Nichol's series of Commentaries]. Edin., 1864. 4 AITCHISON (DAVID), M.A., Archdeacon of Ar- gyll and the Isles. The truth with boldness : being strictures on two lectures on Prelacy by the Rev. Robert Burns, D.D. [In two parts.] Glascjmv, 1841. 8 d AITCHISON (THOMAS). A Sermon [from Lev., xix. 30] on the Sabbath. Edin., 1822. 8 AITKEN (ANDREW), Overton. Three ESSAYS... by a cultivator of the ground. 1830 AITKEN (MARK), Minister of the Free Church at Dyke. The special duties of the office-bearers and members of the Free Church in her pre- sent emergency. Elgin, 1844. 8 AITKEN (WILLIAM). The potato rescued from disease. Edin., 1837. 16 AITON (JOHN), D.D, Minister of Dolphington. The life and times of Alexander HENDERSON ; giving a history of the Second Reformation of the Church of Scotland, and of the Covenanters, during the reign of Charles I. Edin. , 1836. 8" AITON (THOMAS). The original constitution of the Christian Church : wherein the extremes on either hand are stated and examined. To which is added an appendix, containing the rise of the Jure Divino Prelatists ; and an an- swer to their arguments, by Episcopal divines. Edm., 1730. 8 Another copy. - Another copy. AITON (WILLIAM), Sheriff-Substitute of Lanark- shire. A history of the rencounter at Drum- clog, and battle at Bothwell Bridge, in the month of June 1679 ; with an account of what is correct and what is fictitious in the " Tales of My Landlord" respecting these engage- ments ; and reflections on political subjects. Hamilton, 1821. 8 AKEN (ADOLPHUS CHRISTOPHORUS AB.). Ori- gines rerum sacranun disquisitise. Rostochii, 1756. 8 AKENSIDE (MARK), M.D. The poetical works of M. A. 2 vol. London, 1805. 8 The pleasures of imagination : a poem. In three books. London, 1744. 4 - Another edition. Edin., 1758. 12 ALBANUS (^EGIDITJS), pseud, i. e. Gilles de WITTE. ALBERONI (GitJLio), Cardinal, successively Bi- shop of Malaga and Archbishop of Seville. *A modest apology for parson A. , governor to King Philip, a minor ; and universal curate of the whole Spanish monarchy. The whole being a short but unanswerable defence of priestcraft, .and a new confutation of the Bishop of Bangor. 3d ed. London, 1719. 8 ALBERTI DE VILLENEUVE (FRANCOIS D') Nouveau dictionnaire Fran9ois-Italien [et Ita- Nice, 1778. 4 ALBERTI (FRIEDRICH VON). Halurgische Geo- logic. 2 Band. Stuttgart u: Tubingen, 1852. 8 ALBINUS. See ALCXTINUS. ALBUM. College album. Edited by students in the University of Glasgow. Glasgmv, 1828. 12 ALCHEMY. The lives of alchemystical philoso- phers ; with a critical catalogue of books in oc- cult chemistry, and a selection of the most cele- brated treatises on the theory and practice of the hermetic art. [By Francis BARRETT.] London, 1815. 8 ALCIPHRON. Alciphron ; or, the minute phi- losopher : in seven dialogues. Containing an apology for the Christian religion, against those who are called free-thinkers. [By George BERKELEY.] 2vol. 2d ed. London, 1732. ' 8 ALCORAN. See MOHAMMED. ALCORANUS FRANCISCANORUM. See FRANCISCUS. ALCUINUS, seu ALBINUS (FLACCUS), Abbot, Monastery of St. Martin, Tours. Opera. Post primam editionem a D. A. Quercetano curatam, de novo collecta, multis locis emen- data, et opusculis primum repertis plurimum aucta, variisque modis illustrata, cura ac stu- dio Frobenii, S. R. I. , principis et abbatis ad S. Emmeramum Ratisbonse. 2 torn. 4 vol. Batisbonce, 1777. fol. ALDER (JOSHUA). A monograph of the British Nudibranchiate mollusca : with figures of all the species. By J. A. and Albany HANCOCK. Parts ii., iii., iv. [Ray Society]. London, 1846-48. fol. ALDHELMUS, Saint, Bishop of Sherborne. Liber de virginitate ; [ad calc. operuni theol. BEDJS]. 1693 ALDIS (W.). The holy prophecies... of ENOCH... Carefully arranged by W. A. 1839 ALDRICH (HENRY), D. D. , Dean of Christ Church. A compendium of logic : translated and abridged by J. Wesley. The whole illustrated with copious notes, examples, and explana- tions, by Thomas Jackson, B.A. London, 1836. 12 ALEMBERT (JEAN LEROND D'). Miscellanies concerning literature, history, philosophy, and other subjects of the belles lettres. Translated from the French. Glasgoiv, 1765. 12 Another copy. Histoire des membres de 1'Acade'mie Fran- coise, morts depuis 1700 jusqu'en 1771, pour servir de suite aux Eloges imprimes et his dans les seances publiques de cette compagnie. 6 torn. Paris, 1787. 12 ALES, or HALES (ALEXANDER DE). See ALEX- ANDER de Ales. ALESIUS (ALEXANDER). See ALEXANDER deAles. ALETHEUS (THEOPHILUS), pseud, i. e. Joannes LYSERUS. ALEXANDER ab Alexandra. Genialium dierum libri sex. Cum integris commentariis A. Tira- quelli, D. Gothofredi, J. C. Christophori Coleri, et Nic. Merceri. 2 torn. Lugd. Batav. , 1673. 8 ALEXANDER de Ales. Pars prima (tertia, quarta) summe theologice. Lwjduni, 1515, 16. 4 I ALEXANDER ALEXANDER. AI.KX \Mi:': \'I RaraXOO Li:\/"i.i !?..i * Tin- livesof I'..].i- Alexander VI., and hia son Caar Bonria, by Alexander <;i>i:i><>v ALEXANDER VII. [FABio CHI. si], /',./. * I'opc Alexander's supremacy and infallibi- lity examined. London. 17'_">. 4 ALEX AM>KK (A\i>i:i:\\K /'/' iivh and State; I:K (.I..H.N), iu> ,,//. Re- view i.f certain nivnt proceedings of the Kirk ; and of a report of the speeches deliver ed in.. . Kdinburjjh...liOth Dec. 1838, in o-m- im-moration of the (Glasgow ASSEMBLY of 1638. 1839 ALEXANDER (JOSEPH ADDISON), D.D., Profes- j/. A geography <>f the Bible : compiled by J. W. ALEXAMH:I:, and J. A. A 1830 The earlier prophecies of Isaiah. New York, 1846. 8 Another copy. The later prophecies of Isaiah. New York, 1847. 8 Another copy. The prophecies of Isaiah, earlier and later. Reprinted under the editorial superintendence of JohnEadie, LL.D. Glasgow, 1848. 8 Another copy. The Psalms translated and explained. 3 vol. New York, 1850, 51. 8 Another copy. The Acts of the Apostles explained. 2 vol. London, 1857. 8 Another copy. The Gospel according to Mark explained. New York, 1858. 8 Another copy. ALEXANDER (NATALIS). Dissertatio polemica de Confessione sacramental!, ad versus libros quatuor Joannis Dallsei, Calvinistae, divinam ejus institutionem et usum in ecclesia perpe- tuum impugnantes. Pari.-ii.^. Hi?!). 8 Dissertationum ecclesiasticarum trias. I. De divina Episcoporum supra Presbyteros emi- nentia. Adversus Blondellum. Accedit quaes- tio de Chorepiscopis. II. De sacrorum minis- trorum ccelibatu. III. De vulgata Scripturae sacrse versione. Paris, 1679. 8 Historia ecclesiastica veteris novique Testa- menti. [Cum supplements. ] 10 torn. Parisiis et Bassani, 1699, 1778. fol. Editio...novissima... opera et studio Constan- tini Roncaglia. [Cum supplemento. ] 20 torn. Bingii ad Rhenum, 1785-90. 4 Theologia dogmatica et moralis, secundum or- dinem catechismi Concilii Tridentini. 2 torn. Parisiis, 1714. fol. ALEXANDER (WILLIAM), Minister at Duntocher. The Church of Scotland a Church of Christ. A sermon preached... the 22d of July, 1841. Glasgow,* 1841. 8 Another copy. ALEXANDER (WILLIAM LINDSAY), D.D. The spiritual destitution of our country, and the best means of remedying it, considered in a dis- course preached 8th April, 1841. [Luke, xiv. 21-23]. Glasgow, 1841. 12 The connexion and harmony of the old and new Testaments : being an inquiry into the relation, literary and doctrinal, in which these two parts of the sacred volume stand to each other. [Congregational lecture.] London, 1841. 8 Another edition. London, 1853. 8 ALEXANDER ALLATIUS. ALEXANDER (WILLIAM LINDSAY), D.D. A discourse [John, v. 35] of the qualities and worth of Thomas Chalmers, D.D. Edin., 1847. 8 The influence of Romanism on the intellectual and moral condition of the people subject to its sway. [Exeter Hall lectures, 1849-50.] London, 1850. 16 Christ and Christianity : a vindication of the Divine authority of the Christian religion, grounded oil the historical verity of the life of Christ. Edin., 1854. 8 ALFIERI (YITTORIO). The tragedies of V. A. Translated from the Italian by C. Lloyd. 3 vol. London, 1815. 12 ALFORD (CHARLES RICHARD), M.A. First prin- ciples of the oracles of God : vindicated from the aspersions of Professor Jowett and authors of the rationalistic school. London, 1856. 8 ALFORD (HENRY), D.D., Dean of Canterbury. The Greek Testament : with a critically re- vised text. 1861-1863. See BIBLE. Sermons on Christian doctrine. London, 1862. 8 ALFRED the Great. *The life of A. By Sir John Spelman, Kt. ... With considerable additions and historical remarks by the pub- lisher, Thomas Heame, M.A. Oxford, 1709. 8 ALGAROTTI (FRANCESCO), Count. The phi- losophy of Sir Isaac Newton explained. Translated from the Italian. Glasgmv, 1765. 12 ALGEBRA. Elements of Algebra. 4th edition. Edin., 1796. 8 All, Bey, El Abassi. Pseiid. i. e. Domingo BA- DiA-y-Leblich. ALIBERT (JEAN Louis). Physiologie des pas- sions ; ou, nouvelle doctrine des sentimens moraux. 2 torn. Paris, 1825. 8 ALIQUIS. A letter to the Rev. George Harris, containing an examination of the arguments adduced in his lectures to prove the non-exist- ence of the Devil. Liverpool, 1820. 8 ALIQUIS, pseud, i. e. R. MARKS. ALIQUIS. The personal reign : or, an attempt to remove objections and to simplify truth. Limerick, 1836. 12 ALIQUIS. The anti-apocryphal beauties of the Edinburgh Christian Instructor, with a dedi- catory letter to the Rev. A. Thomson. Accom- panied by notes, critical and explanatory. Edin., 1828. 8 ALIQUIS. Letter to the Rev. Dr Buchanan, convener of the finance committee of the Free Church. Edin., s.a. 8 ALISON (ALEXANDER). The Second Reforma- tion : or Christianity developed. 2d ed. London, 1851. 12 ALISON (ARCHIBALD), LL.B. Essays on the nature and principles of taste. 2 vol. Edin., 1811. 8 ALISON (SiR ARCHIBALD), Bart. History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in 1789 to the restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. 10 vol. 3d ed. Edin., 1839-44. 8 ALISON (SiR ARCHIBALD), Bart. Another edi- tion, withportraits. 14vol. .EtKn.,1849,50. 8 ALISON (WILLIAM PULTENEY), M.D. Observa- tions on the management of the poor in Scot- land, and its effects on the health of the great towns. Edin., 1840. 8 Reply to Dr Chalmers' objections to an im- provement of the legal provision for the poor in Scotland. Edin., 1841. 8 ALKALI. An antidote to the acid of Lucius' letter to the Rev. Andrew Thomson. By an Alkali. Edin., 1817. 8 ALLACCI. See ALLATIUS. ALLAN (ALEXANDER), Minister at Cupar-Angus. The power of the civil magistrate in matters of religion, and the nature of religious cove- nanting, considered. Edin., 1807. 8 Another copy. A view of religious covenanting. . .being a course of sermons preached in 1807. Edin., 1810. 12 ALLAN (GEORGE). A key to the Apocalypse. Paisky, 1818. 8 ALLAN (GULIELMUS). Tentamen medicum in- augurale, de febre continua communi sive typho. Edin., 1814. 8 ALLAN (JAMES), Minister at Eyemouth. Mode- ration explained and recommended. A sermon on Philip, iv. 5 ; preached before the Synod of Merse and Teviotdale, April 18, 1749. Edin., 1749. 8 ALLAN (JOHN), Minister at Garmouth. The home and foreign missions of the Free National Church of Scotland, and the duty of the Church in respect of her missionary character. Elgin, 1844. 8 ALLAN (JOSEPH). Works. Dairy, 1806. 8 ALLAN (ROBERT). A manual of mineralogy. Edin., 1834. 8 ALLAN (THOMAS). Mineralogies! nomenclature alphabetically arranged ; with synoptic tables of the chemical analyses of minerals. Edin., 1814. 8 ALLATIUS (LEO), Bibliothecarius Vaticanus. Confutatio fabulse de Joanna Papissa, ex monumentis Graecis. Bartoldus Nihusius re- censuit, prologo atque epilogo auxit, nee non telescopium adjunxit. Colonies Agrippince, 1645. 8 De libris et rebus ecclesiasticis Grsecorum, dissertationes et observationes varies. Parisiis, 1646. 4 Grseciae orthodoxse tomus primus (et secundus), in quo continentur scriptores, Nicephorus Blem- mida, Joannes Veccus, Petrus episc. Medio- lanensis, Georgius Pachymeres, Esaias Cyprius, Joannes Argyropulus, Gregorius Protosyncel- lus, Georgius Trapezuntius, Joannes Plusia- denus, Hilario Monachus, Niceta Byzantius. (Constantius Meliteniota, Georgius Metochita Diaconus, Maximus Chrysoberga) De proces- sione Spiritus sancti, et aliis. L. A. nunc pri- mum e tenebris eruit, et Latine vertit. 2 torn. Roma;, 1652-59. 4^ 2 10 \I.I.\TH - ALLATIl'S (I,i:o), / Deof do I'hotiana. AmuAa i ..! .1. II I luiiiL,'rri disputation!* apologeticee -.-,-, 1823. 12 - An alarm to unconverted sinners. With an introductory essay, by Andrew Thomson, D.D. Glasgow, 1823. 12 - Another edition. New York, s. a. 12 - Earail Dhurachdach do Pheacaich Neo-Iom- paichte. Eidir-theangaicht' o Bheurla an Ur- ramach J. A. iilia, 1781. 12 - Another edition. Eidir-theangaicht bho'r Bheurla C. J. S., Ministeir ann Canibleton. //iWurnew, 1807. 12 - * Life and death of the Rev. J. A. , written by the Rev. R. Baxter, his widow, and other per- sona. To which are added, his Christian let- ters., .with a recommendatory preface by Alex- ander Duff, D.D. Edin., 1838. 12 - Another copy. ALLEINE (RICHARD). Viiidicite pietatis : or, a vindication of godlinesse, in the greatest strict- ness and spirituality of it, from the imputa- tions of folly and fansie. Together with se- veral directions for the attaining and main- taining of a godly life. London, 1664. 8 - Another edition. London, 1669. 8 - Another edition. London, 1839. 18 - The godly man's portion and sanctuary : being a second part of Vindiciae pietatis. London, 1663. 8 Another copy. [Wants title.] - Heaven opened : or, a brief and plain disco- very of the riches of God's covenant of grace. Being the third part of Vindiciae pietatis. London, 1666. 8 - Another edition. London, 1671. 8 - The world conquered, or a believer's victorv over the world. Laid open in several sermons on 1 John, v. 4. London, 1668. 8 Another copy. ALLEN (JOHN). Modern Judaism ; or, a brief account of the opinions, traditions, rites, and ceremonies of the Jews in modern times. 2d ed. London, 1830. 8 ALLEN (JOSHUA). Twenty-six sermons on the most important subjects of the Christian reli- gion. London, 1751. 8 ALLEN (LYDIA). * Experimental Cliristianity of eternal advantage ; exemplified in the life of Miss Lydia Allen of London. By Edward Barnard. " London, '1741. 8 AIJ.KN ( llor.i i .1 ). r,,ncordanccs of the holy l'i"\.-rl>M of Km- Solnm-'ii ; ami of L sent'-n. ' bm. Itil'J. 4 .\M,KN (\\ i i.i.i \M ). i'xiii'1. i. >'. Si! \LLKN (WILLIAM), D.I> Ipeuoiar. A discourse of divine assistance, ami the method thereof. don, lti?!>. 8 ALLKN ( WILLIAM), D.D. , /'/ /;./,///. Cullftje. An American bio^iaphical and rical dictionary, containing an account of the lives, characters, and writings of the n'^t eminent persons in North America from its first settlement, and a summary of the history of the several colonies, and of the United States. 2d ed. Ion, 1832. 8 ALLESTREE (RICHARD), D.D., Provost of Ein. A paraphrase and annotations upon all the epistles of St Paul. By Abraham WOODHEAD, R.A., and Obadiah WALKER. 1708 ALLEY (JEROME), LL.B. Vindicia; Christ i a comparative estimate of the genius and tem- per of the Greek, the Roman, the Hindu, the Mahometan, and the Christian religions. London, 1826. 8 ALLIES (THOMAS WILLIAM), M.A., Recto, Lanuton. Joined tlie Cliurch of Rome, 1850. The royal supremacy viewed in reference to the two spiritual powers of order and jurisdic- tion. London, 1850. 8 ALLINGA (PETER). The satisfaction of Christ, stated and defended, against the Socinians : In two parts. Translated from the Dutch by the Rev. Thos. Beti. Glasgow, 1790. 8 Another copy. Another copy. ALLINGTON (JOHN). A brief apologie for the sequestred clergie, wherein (among other things) this case of conscience is judiciously handled : whether any minister of the Church of England may (to avoid sequestration) omit the publike use of the liturgie, and submit to the directory. In a letter from a sequestred divine to Mr Stephen Marshall. s. I, 1649. 4 ALLIOTT (RICHARD), LL.D. Psychology and theology. [Congr. Lect.] London, 1855. 8 ALLIX (PIERRE), D.D. Doiize sermons... sur divers textes. Seconde Edition. Rotterdam,- 1685. 12 Reflexions sur les cinq livres de Moyse, pour dtabHr la ve'rite' de la religion Cltre'tienne. Londres, 1687. 8 Reflections upon the Books of the Holy Scrip- ture, to establish the truth of the Christian religion. 2 vol. London, 1688. 8 Another edition. To which is prefixed a life of the author. London, 1809. 8 Some remarks upon the ecclesiastical history of the ancient churches of Piedmont. London, 1690. 4 Another copy. The judgment of the ancient Jewish church against the UNITARIANS. 1699. ALLOM (THOMAS). Constantinople, and the scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor, 1 illustrated. In a series of drawings from ALMANAC A M ARAKOCHA. 11 nature by Thomas Allom. With an historical account of Constantinople, and descriptions of the plates, by the Rev. Robert WELSH, LL.D. London, s. a. 4 ALMANAC. The British almanack, and Glasgow register, for 1808. Edin. 12 The general almanack of Scotland, and Britisli register, 1809-10-11. Edin. 12 - The Edinburgh almanack, and imperial register, 1812-13-14. Edin. 12 The Edinburgh almanack, and universal Scots register, 1815, 1816. Edin. 12 - Oliver and Boyd's Edinburgh almanac, 1817- 1864. Edin. 12 - The companion to the almanac, 1828-1834. 7 vol. [L. U. K.] London. 12 The Ceylon almanac for 1836. Colombo. 8 - The Presbyterian historical almanac, and an- nual remembrancer of the Church for 1860 and 1861. By J. M. WILSON. 2 vol. Philadelphia. 8 ALMELOVEEN (JOHANNES). Disputationum physicarum prim a, de natura et constitutione physicae. Ultrajecti, 1635. 4 ALMONI (PELONI), Cosmopolites, pseud. A com- pendious discourse, proving Episcopacy to be of apostolicall and consequently of divine in- stitution ; by a clear and weighty testimony of St Irenseus. London, 1641. 4 ALNESS. Case of the parish of Alness : Andrew Munro of Lealdy, heritor, and certain elders and heads of families, appellants ; His Majesty, patron of the said parish, and who has pre- sented the Rev. Mr Angus Bethune, minister of the gospel at Harris ; ...(and others), being all the heritors in the said parish, respondents. The respondents' case. To be heard at the bar of the venerable Assembly in May, 1771. s. I. et a. 4 ALSOP (VINCENT). Melius inquirendum ; or a sober inquirie into the reasonings of the Serious inquirie [by John Goodman, D.D.], wherein the inquirer's cavils against the principles... of the NON-CONFORMISTS are examined. 1678 The mischief of impositions ; or, an antidote against a late discourse [by E. Stillingfleet, D.D.], partly preached at Guild-Hall Chappel, May 2, 1680, called, The mischief of separation. [Dedication signed T. P. , the final letters of the author's name.] London, 1680. 4 - Another copy. - A faithful REBUKE to a false report. 1697 - A vindication of the faithful REBUKE to a false report. 1698 ALSTEDIUS (JOANNES HENRICUS), Professor at Alba Julia in Transylvania. Lexicon theolo- gicum, in quo sacro sanctae theologiae termini dilucide explicantur juxta seriem locorum com- munium. s. L, 1612. 8 Another copy. - Encyclopaedia libris xxvii. HerborncK Nassoviorum, 1620. 4 - Theologia catechetica. Hanovice, 1622. 4 - Compendium theologicum, exhibens metho- duin SS. theologize octo partibus absolutam. Hauovitc, 1624. 8 * Quaestiones theologicae breviter propositse, et expositse. Francofurti, 1627. 12 Synopsis theologize. Hanovice, 1627. 12 Regulae theologicae quibus corpus doctrinse Christianae partim illustratur, partim confir- matur. Francofurti, 1628. 12 Summa casuum conscientiae nova methodo ela- borata. Accedunt opuscula duo ejusdem ar- gumenti. I. Explicatio terminorum, quibus utuntur casuistae ; II. Arithmologia sacra et quotidiana conscientise luctantis. Francofurti, 1628. 12 Logica theologica. ostendens modum argumen- tandi in SS. theologia. Francofurti, 1629. 12 - Loci communes theologici perpetuis similitu- dinibus illustrati. Francofurti, 1630. 12 Theologia casuum, exhibens anatomen con- scientiae et scholam tentationum. Hanovice, 1630. 4 Methodus SS. theologiae, in vi. libros tributa. Hanovice, 1634. 12 ALTIERI (FERDINANDO). A new Italian gram- mar. Venice, 1753. 8 ALTING (HENRICUS). Scriptorum theologorum Heidelbergensium tomi tres, continentes locos communes, problemata theologica, et expli- cationem catecheseos Palatinae. 3 torn. Amstelodami, 1646. 4 Scripta theologica Heidelbergensia. . .accessit. . . exegesis Augustanse confessionis. 3 torn. Amstelodami, 1654. 4 Theologia elenctica nova. Amstelodami, 1654. 4 Theologia historica. Amstelodami, 1664. 4 ALTING (JACOBUS). Opera omnia theologica analytica, exegetica, practica, problematica, et philologica. 5 torn. Amstelcedami, 1687. fol. Fundamenta punctationis linguae sanctae. Edi- tio tertia. Groningce, 1675. 8 Editiosexta. FrancofurtiadMcenum,I7Ql. 8 ALVAREZ (DIDACUS), Archbishop of Trani.Do auxiliis divinae gratiae et humani arbitrii viri- bus et libertate, ac legitima ejus cum efficacia eorundem auxiliorum concordia, libri xii. Lugduni, 1611. 4 ALVELDENSIS (AUGUSTINUS). See ALVELDI- ANUS. ALVELDIANUS (AUGUSTINUS). Super aposto- lica sede, an videlicet divino sit jure nee ne, anque pontifex qui Papa dici caeptus est, jure divino in ea ipsa praesideat, non parum lau- danda ex sacro Bibliorum canone declaratio sedita per A. A. Franciscanum. Lipsice, 1520. 4 ALZOG (JEAN). Histoire universelle de 1'Eglise ...tradmte sur la cinquieme edition par J. Goschler...et C. F. Audley...Seconde edition. 3 torn. Paris, 1849. 8 AMAMA (SIXTINUS), Professor of Hebrew at Franeker. Dissertatiuncula, qua ostenditur praecipuos Papismi errores ex ignorantia Ebra- ismi et Vulgata versione partim ortum partim incrementum sumpsisse. Franekene Frisiorum, 1618. 4 AMARAKOCHA. Amarakocha on vocabulaire d'Amarasinha public en Sanskrit avec une tra- I'J AMIJnYNA- A.MKI;!' \ duct i.>n I (lea notes et un index par A. Loiseleur Dealongchamps. 2 part t. Parit, 1839, 45. 8 AMIioYNA. A true relation of tin-... barbarous proceedings against the English at Amboyii:i in the E;ust- Indies by the Netherlandish Hour and council. Loinlmi, lo.~>l. 12 AMBROSE (ISAAC). The complete works of I A. .. 17M. f,,l. Prima, media, et ultima : the first, middle, and j last things ; in time iivatises : wherein is set forth, I. The doctrine of regeneration, or the new birth. II. The practice of sanct ideation, in the means, duties, ordinances, both secret, private, and publike, for continuance and in- crease of a godly life. III. Certain medita- tions of man's misery, in his life, death, judg- ment, and execution, (and) of God's mercy, in our redemption and salvation. In this last edition is added a sermon of redeeming the time. London, 1659. 4 \Var with devils : ministration of, and commu- nion with, angels. Glasgow, 1769. 8 Looking unto Jesus : a view of the everlasting Gospel ; or, the soul's eyeing of Jesus, as car- rving on the great work of man's salvation, from first to last. 2 vol. Berwick, 1816. 8 AMBROSIUS, friint, Bishop of Milan. Opera., ad manuscriptos codices Vaticanos, Gallicanos, Belgicos, &c. , nee non ad editiones veteres emendate, studio et labore monachorum or- dinis S. Benedicti, e congregatione S. Mauri. [D.-N. Le Nourry and J. Dufrische.] 2 torn. Parisiis, 1686, 90. fol. Opusculum quod Hexameron vocitatur. [Ed. Princeps.] A>"J- Vindel, per Johannem .sV/nw/er. 1472. fol. Another edition. [Bib. Patr. eccles. Lat. se- lecta...curanteE. G. Gersdorf , vol. ix., pars, ii.] Lipna, 1840. 8* De officiis clericorum. [Bib. Patr. eccles. Lat. selecta . . . curante E. G. Gersdorf, vol. viii., pars i.] Lipsice, 1839. 8 A M BRUN (PIERRE), pseud. , i. e. Richard SIMON. AMEDEUS, Bishop of Lausanne. Homiliae octo de laudibus B. Virginis Marise, [ad calc. ope- rum S. FULGENTII]. 1742 AMELOT DE LA HOUSSAYE (ABRAHAM NI- COLAS). The history of the government of Venice. London, 1677. 8 AMERICA. The domestic manners of the Ame- ricans. By recent travellers. Glasymo, 1836. 12 - Change for the American notes. By an Ame- rican lady. London, 1843. 8 America as I found it. By the author of " Memoir of Mary L. Duncan." [Mrs M. G. L. DUNCAN.] London, 1852. 8 ASSOCIATE REFORMED CHURCH. The consti- tution and standards of the Associate Reformed Church in North- America. Neic York, 1799. 8 ASSOCIATE SYNOD. A display of the religious principles of the Associate Synod of North I America. 6th ed. Philadelphia, 1839. 12 j EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD. Proceed- : ings of the ninth annual convention of the ' .1 Lutheran Synod of tin- West. Held in Hopeful eliuivh, Boon Co., K-ntuck\ , :-h, 1843. 1-C5. 8 I'r-'i-eedings of the twelfth convention of the ral Synod of the K\ :ur_relii al Lutln ran Church, in the United States, convened in Baltimore, May 21, 1843. ll.'lfimore, 1843. 8 ; :YTERIAN CHURCH. A digest, compiled from the records of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United E of America, and from the records of the late synod of New York and Philadelphia, of their acts and proceedings, that appear to be of per- manent authority and interest ; together with a short .account of the missions conducted by the Presbyterian Church. 7 VM /,/,/,,/,;, 182(1. !'_' Minutes of the General Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church in the United States of Ame- rica ; [1835, 1836, 1838, 1841]. /'/../,/, /,,/.;,r, 1836-11. 8 An address to the ministers, elders, and mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church in the Unhid States. New York, 1836. 8 Pastoral and circular letters of the General Assembly of 1837. Philadelphia, 1837. 8 Another copy. Records of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. By W. M. E.N FkHaddpH*, 1841. 8 Another copy. The form of government, the discipline, and the director}' for worship, of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1841. 12 The constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Containing the confession of faith, the catechisms, and the directory for the worship of God : together with the plan of government and discipline. Philadelphia, 1842. 12 Another copy. A series of tracts, on the doctrines, order, and polity of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 2 vol. PhilarMplw, 1842. 12 A history of the division of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. J !y a committee of the synod of New York and New Jersey. New Yark, 1852. 12 A collection of the acts, deliverances, and tes- timonies of the supreme judicatory of the Presbyterian Church, from its origin in Ame- rica to the present time : with notes and docu- ments explanatory and historical. By Samuel J. BAIRD. PhilwMphia, 1858. 8 REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Refor- mation principles exhibited by the Reformed Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. New York, 1835. 12 Reformation principles exhibited ; being the declaration and testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America. 3d ed. Pittsburgh, 1843. 12 Another copy. AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY AMES. 13 AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY. Annual Re- ports of the American Bible Society. With an account of its organization. Vol. i. [1816- 1838.] New York, 1838. 8 AMERICAN EDUCATION SOCIETY. Re- ports. [From 1816 to 1843.] 2vol. Andover and Boston, 1816-1843. 8 Quarterly register and journal of the American Education Society. [From 1829 to 1843.] 15 vol. Andover and Boston, 1829-1843. 8 AMERICAN MISSIONARIES. The recent sufferings of the American missionaries in the Burman Empire, during the late war : with their signal deliverance, by being conveyed to the British camp. From authentic documents. Edin., 1827. 12 AMERICAN PENITENTIARIES. Report of William CRAWFORD, Esq., on the Peniten- tiaries of the United States. London, 1834. fol. AMERICAN PREACHER. The American Preacher ; or, a collection of sermons from some of the most eminent preachers now living in the United States. Vol. iv. New-Haven, 1793. 8 Select discourses from the American Preacher. By some of the most eminent evangelical mi- nisters of the United States. Edin. , 1796. 8 - Another copy. - Select discourses from the fourth volume of the American Preacher. By some eminent evangelical ministers in the United States. With a supplement, containing a variety of interesting separate discourses. Edin., 1801. 8 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. History of the American Revolution. [L. U. K.] s. I. et a. 8 AMERICAN SLAVERY. American slavery as it is. New York, 1839. 8 AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY. The publica- tions of the American Tract society. 12 vol. New York, s. a. 12 AMERSFOORDT (JACOBUS), S.T.D. Oratio de studio literarum Arabicarum, variis, post rena- tam in Europa doctrinam, setatibus identidem variato. Harderovici, 1816. 4 AMES (FISHER). Works compiled by a number of his friends. To which are prefixed, notices of his life and character. Boston, 1809. 8 AMES (WILLIAM). Puritanismus Anglicanus, sive prsecipua dogmata eorum, qui inter vulgo dictos Puritanos in Anglia, rigidiores habentur . * Quibus annectitur scholastica disceptatio de circulo pontificio et eorum omnium xTosXn/// qui in Scripturis non acquiescunt. Fmncofurti, 1610. 8 [* Ames was the author of the preface only. The work itself is merely a translation by Ames of " English Puritanism," written by William BRADSHAW, and published anony- mously. The Scholastica Disceptatio is the work of Ames.] The chiefe heads of divinitie, briefly and orderly set down, in forme of catechising, by question and answere. Dordrecht, 1612. 8 Bellarminus enervatus. 3 torn. Franekeras, 1625, 26. 12 Another edition. 4 torn. Amstel., 1628. 12 Editio tertia. 4 torn. Oxonice, 1629. 12 Medulla SS. theologise, ex sacris literis, ea- rumque interpretibus, extracta, et methodice disposita. In fine adjuncta est disputatio de fidei divinse veritate. Editio quarta. Londini, 1630. 12 Editio novissima variis in locis emendatior, et orationibus duabus, nunquam hactenus editis, auctior. Amstel, 1648. 12 The marrow of sacred divinity, drawne out of the holy Scriptures, and the interpreters thereof, and brought into method ... Trans- lated out of the Latine. London, 1642. 4 Another copy. Another edition. London, 1642. 12 De conscientia, et ejus jure vel casibus. [Wants title.] Amstel., 1631. 12 Another edition. Amstel., 1655. 12 Another edition. Amstel., 1660. 12 Conscience, with the power and cases thereof. Divided into v. bookes ... Translated out of Latine into English. s. I., 1639. 4 Another copy. A fresh suit against humane ceremonies in God's worship, or a triplication about ceremo- nies, opposed unto D. Burgesse his rejoinder for D. Morton's defence of 3 nocent ceremo- nies, s. Z.,1633. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Rescriptio scholastica et brevis ad Nic. Gre- vinchovii responsum, quod opposuit disserta- tion!, de redemptione generali, et electione ex fide preevisa. Lugd. Batav., 1634. 12 Another edition. Hardervici, 1645. 12 Lectiones in omnes Psalmos Davidis. Amsterdami, 1635. 8 Coronis ad collationem Hagiensem, qua argu- menta pastorum Hollandise adversus Remon- strantium quinque articulos de divina prsedes- tinatione, &c., ab horum exceptionibus vindi- cantur. Amstelodami, 1636. 12 An analytical exposition of both the Epistles of the Apostle Peter, illustrated by doctrines oiit of every text. London, 1641. 4 Another copy. Disceptatio scholastica de circulo Pontificio, et eorum omnium 4xcrAip/'/9, qui in Scripturis non acquiescunt. Item ejusdem disquisitiones theologicse, de lumine naturae et gratiae ; pre- paratione peccatoris ad conversionem ; adora- tione Christi Mediatoris. Ac deniqxie orationes dure, antehac non editse. Quibus subjecta est D. ESTEII oratio, de certitudine salutis. Amstelodami, 1644. 12 Anti-synodalia scripta, vel animadversiones in dogmatica ilia, qua? Remonstrantes in Synodo Dordracena exhibuerunt et posteadivulgarunt. Amsterodami, 1646. 12 The saint's security against seducing spirits ; or, the anointing from the Holy One the best teaching. Delivered in a sermon [on 1 John, ii. 20], Nov. 5, 1651. London, 1652. 4 14 AMKsn s ANIH-:I:SN. AMK>irs (Cri.m.M \VilIi;iiii A AMlt'l'S. [Two] : .left-lie.: of the Uri- tisli :uiil i-'oivi-n Bible Sooietr. addreM friend in tin- i- "imn-y. I^lin., iSUtl. IS *] tiers by Amicu-*, In fence of the British ami Foivi-u I'.i . iiinl of the Ki-iei-tic EteTi '.v, ami Con- gregational Magazine for April l.S'Jli. Win., 1826. 8 AMICUS SECUNDUS. Brief statement ..f iva- - for Bible societies in Scotland withdraw- ing their confidence in the- British and Foreign I JiMe Society. S.-o.nd edition. ., ISL'U. .S A.MICUS TERTIUS. Review of the first letter of Anulieanus. ., 1828. 8 = AMICl'S VKIMTATIS. An address to the in- habitants of Edinburgh : on the outrages com- mitted on the 30th Dec., and the statements in various publications, regarding the conduct of the civil power. Eu]en, 1804. 8 Summa theologize Christianje. Editio quarta. Lipsia', 1830. 8" Fortbildung des Christenthtims. Ite Halfte u : Ite Abth : 2ten Hf te. Leipzig, 1833-34. 8 Die Geschichte des Lebens Jesu mit steter Riiksicht auf die vorhandenen Quellen dar- gestellt von Dr C. F. von A. 3 Bande. Leipzig, 1842-47. 8 AMO. Reasons against seceding from the Estab- lished Church, s. I., 1843. 4 AMORY (THOMAS), D.D. Dying in faith ex- plained, and the happiness attending it, repre- sented in a sermon on Heb. xi. 13, preached May 18, 1766 ; on occasion of the death of Sam. Chandler, D.D. To which are added the speech at his interment, and a catalogue of his works. London, 1766. 8 Another copy. AMOUNET (CAROLUS-FRANCISCUS). Homilia... in laudem Thomte Aquinatis habita,anno 1058. s. I., 1658. 4 AMOUR (Louis GORIN DB SAINT). See Saint AMOUR. AMPHILOCHIUS, Saint, Bishop of Iconium. A., METHODII, et ANDREW Cretensis opera omnia. Nunc primum Latine reddita ac re- cognita, notisque illustrata, opera et studio F. Combetis. [Gr. et Lat.] Parisiis, 1644. fol. AMSDORFF (NICOLAS VON), Bishop of Naum- burg. Ein gut newe Jar, den grossen Herrn in dieser Welt geschanckt. Begenspurg, 1562. 4 AMYRALDUS (MOSES). See AMYRAULT. AMYRAULT (MOYSE). Considerations sur les droits par lequels la nature a regie les ma- riages. Saumur, 1648. 8 Du gouvernement de 1'Eglise contre ceux qui veulent abolir 1' usage et 1'autorite des synodes. Savmur, 1653. 8 Appendice anlivrr du Oil il e.st traitte de la pni.-- i'-iies. De mysterio Trinitatis, de'iiu; vcn.-ilni.sac plira- sibus quibus tain in Scrijitnra (jnain apnd I'.t- tres explicatur di.~ .n ].artil>n liittt. . IDiil. 8 Y.io^vix.dv, sive, de ratione ]>;icis, in ruligionis iio, inter evangelico.s coiistitn. : lium. ExercitatioiH'S dn;e. Altera in oratioiiem Do- ininicani, in Bymbolom Apostoloruiu Editio secunda. Ultra,- .-/;, 1707. 8 1 'KK< >X. Anacreon, Teius...ad Jidem vet. MS. Vatican, einendatns ... item Ainu : ..i ij .era et studio Josuuj Barnes. [(Jr. et Lat.] Editio tertia. London, 1734. 8 Anacreontica ( in- -re. Recensuit notisque cri- ticis instruxit F. H. Bothe. Oxonii, 1813. 8 AXALECTA. Analecta Gneca. Ex MSS. codd. eruerunt, Latine verterunt ... Monachi Bene- dictini Congr. S. Mauri. [D. D. Ant. Pouget, Jac. Lopin et Bern, de Montfaucou.] Tom. i. [all published.] [Gr. et Lat.] Lutetia: Parisiorum, 1688. 4 ANALOGY. Things divine and supernatural conceived by Analogy with things natural and human. By the author of The procedure, ex- tent, and limits of human uiiderstunding [i. e. Peter BROWNE]. London, 1733. 8 Another copy. The analogy which subsists between the British constitution in its three estates of Queen, Lords, and Commons, and that of the Church of Scotland in its mutual rela- tions of Patron, Presbytery, and People, shortly considered... by the head of a family in communion with the Church of Scotland. ., 1840. 8 ANASTASIUS, Saint, Patriarch of Antloch. Anastasii et Cyrilli compendiaria orthodoxse fidei explicatio ; [una cum ATHANASII dialogis]. 1570 ANASTASIUS, S. E. E. Bibliothecarius.Hi&to- ria ecclesiastica ; sive chronographia tripartite, [sc. ex Syncello, Nicephoro, et Theophane ex- cerpta]...Accedunt notae Caroli Annibalis Fa- broti. Parisiis, 1649. fol. ANATOMY. Reports from the select committee on Anatomy. London, 1828. fol. ANCELL (SAMUEL). A circumstantial journal of the long and tedious blockade and siege of Gibraltar, from the 12th Sep. 1779, to the 23d Feb. 1783. 3d ed. Edin., 1786. 8 ANCILLON (FREDERIC). Pense'es sur 1'homme, ses rapports et ses interets. 2 torn. Berlin, 1829. 12 ANCLOSE (P.), pseud., i. e. Richard SIMON. ANDERDON (WILLIAM HENRY), M. A. Is there a Church, and what is it .' Two lectures by W. H. A. London, 1854. 12 ANDERSON (^ENEAS). A narrative of the Bri- tish embassy to China, in the years 1792, 1793, and 1794. Lom!n, 1705. 4 ANDERSON ANDERSON. 15 ANDERSON (ALEXANDER), Aberdeen. The Popery of Protestants ; and providential judg- ments and deliverances. Two sermons. Aberdeen, 1836. 12 - Gymnasia ; or, intermediate institutions. Be- ing a statement submitted to the College com- mittee of the Free Church. Edin., 1846. 8 - Statement of principles on the spirituality of the New Testament church. Given in to the Free Presbytery of Aberdeen. ...25th April, 1848. With relative documents. Edin., 1848. 8 - The Scottish university system : problem of I reconciling the elevation of its standard with the maintenance of its public utility. With a reference to the question of College ftision in Aberdeen. Edin., 1859. 8 ANDERSON (ALEX.), M.A. * Life in the Spirit : a memorial of the Rev. A. A. By the Rev. Norman L. Walker. With prefatory Note by W. Cunningham, D.D. London, 1859. 8 ANDERSON (C.) A statement of the experience of Scotland with regard to the EDUCATION of the people. 1825 ANDERSON (CHRISTOPHEB). Memorial on be- half of the native Irish, with a view to their improvement in moral and religious knowledge, through the medium of their own language. London, 1815. 8 - Memorial respecting the diffusion of the sacred Scriptures throughout the united kingdom ; particularly in the Celtic or Iberian dialects. Edin., 1819. 8 - Historical sketches of the ancient native Irish and their descendants ; illustrative of their past and present state with regard to literature, education, and oral instruction. Edin., 1828. 12 - Second edition. Edin., 1830. 12 - The Christian spirit which is essential to the triumph of the kingdom of God. A discourse delivered at the annual general meeting of the Baptist Missionary Society, 23d June, 1824. London, 1824. 8 - The annals of the English Bible. 2 vols. London, 1845. 8 - The domestic constitution, or, the family circle the source and test of national stability. A new edition. Edin., 1847. 8 - * The life and letters of C. A. By his nephew, Hugh Anderson. Edin., 1854. 8 U ANDERSON (GEORGE), Chaplain to Watson's Hospital. The use and abuse of diversions ; a sermon on Luke, xix. 13. With an appendix, shewing that the stage in particular is an un- christian diversion. Edin., 1733. 8 Another copy. - *Some remarks upon the Rev. Mr Anderson's positions concerning the unlawfulness of stage plays. In a letter to the author. Edin., 1733. 8 A reinforcement of the reasons proving that the stage is an uncliristian diversion ; or a vin- dication of the appendix to the use and abuse of diversions. Edin., 1733. 8 - A remonstrance against Lord Viscount Bo- lingbroke's philosophical religion, addressed to D. Mallet, Esq. , the publisher. Edin., 1756. 8 ANDERSON (J. W.), A.M. The manner point- ed out in which the Common Prayer was read in private by the late Mr Garrick, for the in- struction of a young clergyman. 2d ed. London, 1797. 8 ANDERSON (JAMES), A.M., W.S. An histori- cal essay shewing that the crown and kingdom of Scotland is imperial and independent. Edin., 1700. 8 Collections relating to the history of Mary Queen of Scotland ; containing a great number of original papers never before printed ; also a few scarce pieces reprinted. . . .Revised and pub- lished by James Anderson. With an explana- tory index of the obsolete words, and prefaces showing the importance of these collections. 4vol. Edin., 1727, 28. 4 ANDERSON (JAMES). The ladies of the cove- nant. Memoirs of distinguished Scottish fe- male characters, embracing the period of the covenant and the persecution. Glasgoiv, 1857. 8 Memorable women of the puritan times. 2 vol. London, 1862. 12 ANDERSON (JOHN), D.D. Saving faith, as laid down in the Word of God, and maintained in confessions of the reformed Churches. Being a series of works by the following authors : J. A., United States, Rev. E. ERSKINE, Rev. W. CUDWORTH. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. ANDERSON (JOHN), A.M., Minister at Ihim- barton. A dialogue between a curat and a countreyman concerning the ENGLISH-SERVICE. s. I. et a. The second dialogue between a curat and a countreyman concerning the ENGLISH-SERVICE. 1711 The countrey-man's letter to the curat, where- in besides a historical view of the English liturgie [or ENGLISH-SERVICE] the assertions of the author [Sage] of the Fundamental Charter of presbytery are... proved to be false. 1711 The answer to the dialogue between the curat and the countrey-man, concerning the ENG- LISH-SERVICE, examined. 1712 Curat CALDER whipt. 1712 A defence of the church -government, faith, worship and spirit, of the Presbyterians ; in answer to a book, entitled, An Apology for Mr Thomas Rhind, separating from the Presbyterian party, and embracing the com- munion of the Church of England. Glasgoiv, 1714. 4 Another copy. Another edition. Edin., 1820. 8 Another copy. Letters upon the overtures concerning kirk- sessions and presbyteries. Glasgoiv, 1720. 8 - Another copy. - Another copy. Reprinted Edin., 1720. 8 ANDERSON- ANDREW ES ANDERSON (Jo 1 1 nftortoft. nctTiiing flu; < Kvrtmvs S t >si..ns ami Pivsliytrrirs, which \\.-iv transmitted to Preslyti-rirs 1>\ tin- < '"imiussion df tin- iJ.-m-ral Assembly, N<>\ -nil.cr \i. 171-' b a postscript containing ivinarks on Mr Andersi Hi's tirst letter. The HI ml edition. . 1720. 8' - * Remarks on Mr Anderson's second letter upon the Overtures. In a letter to a frit-mi. Tin- s.-o.ml edition. /-.'./MI., 1720. 8 ANDERSON (.I..HN), Junr. Sketches of the Kilinlnir-li ru 1832 ANDERSON (JOHN), D.D., Minister at New- Imiyh. Address t<> the minister and pari- shioners of Flisk, delivered on the occasion of the induction there, on Friday, April 14, 1843. Third thousand. Oupar-Fife, 1843. 8 Another copy. ANDERSON (JOHN), Min'mter at Helensburgh. The footsteps of the flock, or the contending* of our forefathers for the headship of Christ. Glasgow, 1843. 12 ANDERSON (JOHN), Missionary at Madras. * The late Rev. J. A. of the Free Church mission, Madras. /^/'/i., 1855. 8 ANDERSON (JOHN). Alexander and Rufus ; or, a series of dialogues on church communion. In two parts. Pittsburgh, 1820. 8 ANDERSON (JOHN). Essays on various subjects relative to the present state of religion. Glasgow, 1782. 8 ANDERSON (WALTER), D.D. The Philosophy of Ancient Greece investigated, in its origin and progress, to the aaras of its greatest cele- brity in the Ionian, Italic, and Athenian Schools : with remarks on the delineated systems of their founders, and some account of their lives and characters. Edin. , 1791. 4 Lectures upon part and portions of the Psalms of David. Edin., 1797. 4 ANDERSON (WILLIAM). The popular Scotish biography. ./;,<., 1842. 8 ANDERSON (WILLIAM), LL.D. The lame re- stored : being an exposition of the views of the projected Voluntary Church association. Glasgow, 1832. 12 Regeneration. Glasgmc, 1850. 8 An apology for the organ, as an assistance of congregational psalmody. 3d ed. Glasgmv, [1855.] 8 Discourses. Second series. Glasgow, 1859. 8 ANDERSON (WILLIAM), Loanhead. Claims of the divine government applied to the British Constitution, and the use of the elective fran- chise. Edin., 1843. 12 ANDERSTON. Memorial from St Mark's con- gregation, Anderston, to the Glasgow church- building society. Glasgow, 1842. 8 ANDERTON (JAMES). The Protestant's apo- logie for the Roman Church ; divided into three several tractes. By JOHN BRERELY. [Pseud.] s.L, 1608. 4 ANDRE'(L' ABBE' JEAN FRANCOIS). Cours alpha- bdtique et me'thodique de droit canon mis en rapport avec le droit civil ecclesiastique, ancien . ili-nii-. ..PuMi. : par M. I/AM., .1. P. Migne. 2 tout. [Enoydop. TheoL YoL '*, 1858, 69. 8* \NDl:i:.i: ..I v.). See ASM ANDREAS, Uwrosoli/init'ii' .--, . 1 n-hbishopoft ' , AMPHH.IM mi, Ifetiiodii et A. C. <; . ANDREAS (ANTONIUS). Questiones sex prinri- pionun ; [\ina cum miestt. ScoTl super uni- iililius PurphvriiJ 1 i'.'L' ANDREAS, or ANDREyE [>/;/.. EM.ERS] (JA- "i. is). Acta colloquii Montis Belligartensis inter J. A. et Thedor. Bezam ; sc. de 0111,1 Domini, de peimma (.'hristi, de templis papis- ticis et imaginibus, do baptisnm t-t di- | tinat TubinyoK, 1587. 4 ANDREWES (LANCELOT), successively l>'i*l.i> f Cl>;<-lt,:-;f, /, /.'///. /"/ n incliester. Detennina- tion concerning oaths ; [with an APOL< > sundry proceedings by jurisdiction ecclesias- tical!. '| A sermon [on Numb. x. 1, 2] preached before the king's majestic, at Hampton Court, con- cerning the right and power of calling assem- blies, 1606. London, 1606. 4 Tortura Torti : sive ad Matthsei Torti [i. e. Cardinal. Bellarmini] librum responsio qui nu- per editus contra Apologiam Jacobi Magna: Britanniae regis, pro juramento fidelitatis. Londini, 1609. 4" Responsio ad apologiam Cardinalis Bellarmini, quam nuper edidit contra prsefationem moni- toriam Jacobi regis. [Lib. of Anglo-Cath. Theol.] Oxonii, 1851. 8 A sermon preached before his Majestic, at Whitehall, Nov. 5, 1617. London, 1618. 4 Another copy. A sermon preached before his Majestic, at Whitehall, on Easter-day last, 1618. London, 1618. 4 Another copy. Opuscula qusedam posthuma. London, 1629. 4 Opuscula qusedam posthuma. Accedit in opera ejus Latina index copiosissimus. [Lib. of Anglo. -Cath. Theol.] Oxonii, 1852. 8 A summarie view of the government both of the old and new Testament : whereby the episcopall government of Christ's Church is vindicated. Oxford, 1641. 4 The morall law expounded... Whereunto is an- nexed nineteene sermons of his, upon prayer in generall, and upon the Lord's Prayer in particular. Also seven sermons upon our Sa- viour's tentations in the wildernesse. London, 1642. fol. The pattern of catechistical doctrine at large : or, a learned and pious exposition of the ten commandments. 3d ed. London, 1675. fol. Another copy. Seventeen sermons modernized, by the Rev. Charles Daubony. London, 1821. 8 The devotions of Bishop A. Translated from the Greek by Dean Stanhope. A new edition. London, 1827. 12 ANDREWS ANNE. 17 ANDREWS (EDWARD), LL.D. Lectures on the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Part ii. London, 1822. 8 ANDREWS (GEORGE). Sermons upon the twelfth chapter of the epistle of Paul the Apostle, to the Hebrews. Edin. , 1711. 4 ANDREWS (J.), LL.B. The Scripture doctrine of divine grace. 3d ed. Chatham, 1813. 8 Sermons on the most important subjects. Second edition ; also an additional sermon. London, 1815. 8 ANDREWS (JAMES PETTIT), F.A.S. History of Great Britain from the death of Henry VIII. to the accession of James VI. of Scotland to the crown of England ; being a continuation of Dr Henry's history of Great Britain, and written on the same plan. Vol. i. London, 1806. 8 ANDREWS (LANCELOT). See ANDREWES. ANDREWS (SAMUEL J.) The life of our Lord upon the earth, in its historical, chronological, and geographical relations. London, 1863. 8 ANDREWS (SiLAS M.) The Sabbath at home. [Presb. Tracts, vol. i.] Philadelphia, 1840. 12 Another copy. ANDREWS (W. E.> The Catholic Vindicator... in reply to " The Protestant," from Dec. 5th, 1818, to Dec. llth, 1819. London, 1819. 8 ANDROWES(L.) See ANDREWES. ANET (LEONARD). Le salut de la socie'te' et de la famille. Discours prononce'...le 29 Mai, 1851. Bruxelks, 1851. 8 - La Messe condamne'e par 1'enseignment des peres des premiers siecles. Examen historique de la doctrine de 1'Eucharistie. Bruxelles, 1854. 12 ANGELONI (BATTISTA). Select letters on the English nation. Translated from the Italian. Dublin, 1763. 8 ANGELS. Lectures on the Scripture revelations respecting good and evil Angels. By a country pastor, author of "Lectures on the Scripture revelations respecting a future state," [i. e. Richard WHATELY]. London, 1851. 12 ANGLIA. See ENGLAND. ANGLICANISM. England, Greece, or Rome? A letter to a friend, by a convert from Angli- canism. York, 1853. 8 ANGLIC ANUS. View of the character, position, and prospects of the Edinburgh Bible Society. In seven Letters. Edin., 1827. 8 *Anglicanus : the falsehood of his account of the meeting of the Newcastle, North Shields, South Shields, and Sunderland Bible Society, attested and exposed. Edin. , 1827. 8 Another copy. ANGLICANUS. Universal redemption, a truth according to the Scriptures, defended from the misrepresentations and cahimnies contained in a late pamphlet, entitled, " The Gairloch here- sy tried." In a letter addressed to the Rev. R. Burns, D.D. , author of the aforesaid pamphlet. Glasgow, 1830. 12 ANGLO-SCOTUS. A new exposure of the Re- verend leaders of the Voluntary Church asso- ciations, lately organized to oppose the Estab- lished Churches of the empire, and particu- larly the Church of Scotland ; in a letter, con- taining eight demonstrations that they are a degenerate body of professing Christian mi- nisters. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1833. 8 Second edition. Newcastle-upm^Tyne, 1834. 8 Anglo-Scotus again ; or, the lucubrations of a Rev. correspondent of the United Secession and Voluntary magazines exposed, and fresh facts adduced illustrative of the growing secu- larity, profanity, and revolutionary spirit of the Rev. leaders of the Voluntary Church as- sociations. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1834. 8 Another copy. -- A further exposure of the Rev. Dr Ralph Wardlaw, his meeting-house, and his Volun- tary associates ; in a letter addressed to him. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1834. 8 Another copy. Correspondence between the Rev. R. Pengilly and Anglo-Scotus, with notes and additional information, by Anglo-Scotus. Newcastle, 1834. 12 The West-of-Scotland arch-voluntary ; or, the Rev. Andrew Marshall, the Anti-burgher mi- nister at Kirkintilloch, called to account for his mendacious, dishonest, and impertinent lucubrations in the 24th number of the United Secession Magazine. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1835. 8 ANGUS (WILLIAM), A.M. English grammar : with numerous exercises, a large collection of Anglicisms, Scotticisms, Iricisms, &c., and a Key. 5th ed. Glasgow, 1839. 8 The beauties of paradise lost. Glasgow, 1841. 12 ANGUS AND MEARNS, SYNOD OF. A warn- ing and admonition by the synod of Angus and Mearns... against the undue accepting of presentations to parishes ; with a preface and postscript by a private hand. s. I. , 1733. 8 ANN (Si). An abridgment of the prerogatives of St Ann, mother of the mother of God ; to which a preface is added concerning the ori- ginal of the story. [By W. CLAGETT.] London, 1688. 4 ANNAN (WILLIAM). The difficulties of Armi- nian methodism. 3d ed. Pittsburg, 1838. 12 ANN AND ALE. The liar's weapons wrested from him : or, remarks upon a scurrilous pamphlet, entitled, The new reformation in Annandale set in its true light, &c. Edin. , 1745. 8 ANN AT (FRANQOIS). Lettre de Monsieur Jan- senius...au Pape Urban VIII. contenant la de- dicace de son livre intitule' Augustinus, sup- prime'e par ceux qui eurent soin de la premiere edition de ce livre. Et quelques autres pieces, qui peuvent decider la question de fait. Le tout avec les reflexions de F. A. Paris, 1666. 4 ANNE D' AUTRICHE. *Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire d' Anne d' Autriche, epouse de Louis XIII. Par Frangoise Bertaut, dame de Motteville. 5 vol. Amsterdam, 1723. 12 3 ANNE- ANTIQUITATES. ANNE, (, "" *The liu- i.f i % uei-u A., as well before i ceasion to the. throne ;ui alu r. '_'\.-|. (\V;mts title). 17-1- 8 inoirs of Queen Anne, being a compleat supplement tn tin.- history "1 lit r iviu r n, wherein the trans.ictions <>f tlic four last years are fully related. To which is prefixed. ..a succinct ac- count of affairs from the Ilc'fonu;itiou...with the issue th nf Canterbury. Opera ; nee non EADMERI, monacal Cantua- : s , h istoria no vm-i 1 1 1 1 , e t al ia opuscula. La- M studio D. < Jahrielis < Jerberon. Secuinla 10. . I7'_'l. fol. Editio nova, opusculis recens editis illustrate. mi. .1 I'. .Migne. 2vol. [1'atp Cursus, vol. 158, 159.] 1853,54. 8 Meditationes B. A., cum tractatu ile humani generis rudeinptionc... opera. H. BoomuJio; [ad calc. meditatt. Aur. Auut >TIM, lii.'{7.j Another edition. [Ad calc. meditatt. Auous- IIM, U149.] Contemplations... translated by G. Stanhope, D.D. ; [with the meditations of S. Auot'si i > i:, 1818.] Cur Deus homo ? Libri duo. London, 1863. 8 * The Life and Times of A. Translated and abridged from the German of F. R. Hasse... by the Rev. William Turner, M.A. London, 1850. 8 ANSON (GEORGE), Viscount Anson. A voyage round the world. By Lord Anson. Compiled from his papers by Walter RICHARDS, 1781. ANSPACH. Requete des bourgeois de la ville d'Anspach, a sa Majeste* le Roi de Prusse, avec les observations d'un magistrat d'Ans- pach. Traduit de 1'Allemand. A Londres, 1806. 8 ANSTEY (CHRISTOPHER). The new BATH guide, 1788. ANSTRUTHER (Sir WILLIAM), Bart. Essays, moral and divine, in five discourses viz. I. Against Atheism. II. Of Providence. III. Of learning and religion. IV. Of trifling studies, stage-playes, and romances. V. Upon the in- carnation of Jesus Christ, and redemption of mankind. Edin., 1701. 4 ANSWER. The full and final answer examined. [Wants title.] ANTHOLOGY. Anthologiae Sacrse libri iv. Lugduni, 1591. 16 ANTI- APOCRYPHA. Review of the statement by the dissentient members of the committee of the Glasgow auxiliary Bible society, of the grounds of their dissent from the resolution to separate from the British and Foreign Bible Society. Glasgow, 1826. 8 ANTICHRIST. The trial of Antichrist, other- wise, the man of sin, for high treason against the Son of God. Dublin, 1806. 12 Another edition. DunfermUnc, 1819. 12 ANTI - ENTHUSIASTICUS. The wonderful narrative : or, a faithful account of the French prophets, their agitations, extasies and inspi- rations. To which are added, several other remarkable instances of persons under the in- fluence of the like spirit, in various parts of the world. Glasgow, 1742. 8 ANTI-MAMMON. Anti-Mammon ; or, an ex- posure of the unscriptural statements of ' ' Mammon " [by John Harris] ; with a state- ment of true doctrine, as maintained by sound divines, and derived from holy Scripture. By two clergymen. London, 1837. 12 ANTIQUITATES. Antiqiutatum variarum au- tores. Lugduni, 1560. 8 ANTI-SOCINUS APOCRYPHA. 19 ANTI-SOCINUS. Anti-socinus. Hoc est, solida et exacta confutatio omnium et singulorum errorum, quos olim Ariani, Ebionitse, Samo- sateniani, Pelagian!, et Tritheitse, horribili audacia propugnarunt ; et nuper demum Ser- vetus, Ochinus, Blandrata, Fr. Davidis, Soci- nus, 0. Osterodus, eorumq', complices ab inferis revocanmt ; cum solida et orthodoxa assertione Deitatis Jesu Christi, et Spiritus Sancti, et imputationis meriti Christi pro nostris peccatis, &c. cum innumeris aliis. [Auctore Joachim BERENGER.] Francofurti, 1612. 8 ANTI-SPECULATOR. Two letters, addressed to a noble Lord, on the manufactures, agri- culture, and apparent prosperity of Scotland. With a few strictures on the speculations, morals, and manners, of the nineteenth cen- tury. Edin., 1804. 8 Another copy. ANTI - STATE - CHURCH CONFERENCE. Proceedings of the first Anti-State-Church conference, held in London, April 30, May 1 and 2, 1844. London, 1844. 12 - Tracts of the British Anti-State-Church Asso- ciation. London, 1846. 12 Tracts of the British Anti-State-Church Asso- ciation. London, 1851. 8 ANTOINE (PAULUS GABRIEL). Theologia mora- lis universa...a Philippe de Carboneano novis tractatibus aucta. 4 vol. Bassani, 1794. 12 ANTONINUS, Augustus. Iter Britanniarum, commentariis illustratum T. Gale. Opus post- humum ; revisit, auxit, edidit R. G[ale] ; ac- cessit anonymi Ravennatis Britanniae choro- graphia. Londini, 1709. 4 ANTONINUS (MARCUS ANNTUS VERUS AURE- LIUS), Emperor of Rome. M. A. Imperatoris de seipso et ad seipsum libri xii. G. Xylan- der Greece et Latine primus edidit : Nunc verb emendavit, et notas et emendationes ad- jecit Mericus Casaubonus. [Gr. and Lat.] Londini, 1643. 8 Another edition. [Edited by R. Ibbetson.] Oxonice, 1704. 8 - De rebus suis libri xii. Gr. and Lat. [Ad calc. opp. Thomse GATAKERI, 1698.] - Pensdes morales. Traduit du Grec. Paris, 1681. 12 The meditations of the Emperor M. A. A. Translated from the Greek : with notes, and an account of his life. 2d ed. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1749. 8 ANTONIUS (R. P.). Commentarii in libros Aristotelis Stagyritse de Coelo et Mundo : una cum dubiis et qusestionibus in Schola agitari solitis. Nunc iterum in Germania editi. Colonice Agrippino?, 1626. 4 ANVIL (JACK). The village disputants ; or, a conversation on the subject of the present times, between Jack Anvil the blacksmith and Tom Hod the mason : submitted to the peru- sal and consideration of all the mechanics, journeymen, and labourers in Great Britain. London, 1816. 12 ANVILLE (JEAN BAPTISTE BOURGUIGNON D'). Compendixim of ancient geography.,. Translat- ed from the French. First American edition. 2 vol. New York, 1814. 8 APINUS (SIGISMUNDUS JACOBUS). Vitse et effi- gies Procancellariorum Academise Altorfinse. [Camerarius, Remus, Oelhafen, Richterus, et Tobias Oelhafen.] Norimbergce et Altorfii, 1721. 4 APOCALYPSE. The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ ...briefly, yet minutely, explained and inter- preted to the xix. chapter inclusive. London, 1829. 12 The nature and purpose of God as revealed in the Apocalypse. 3vol. Edin., 1857-58. 8 Another copy. APOCALYPTIC BEAST. The future of France and the world ; or, the Apocalyptic Beast in connexion with the Antichrist of the last days. In three lectures by presbyters of the Church of England. London, 1859. 8 APOCRYPHA. A plea for the Protestant canon of Scripture, in opposition to the Popish canon ...or a succinct account of the Bible Society controversy, respecting the circtilation of the Apocryphal writings : with the history of the translations of the English Bible and Apocry- pha, at the period of the Reformation. London, 1825. 8 Remarks on the controversy respecting the Apocrypha. Reprinted from the Eclectic Re- view. London, 1825. 8 A vindication of the proceedings of the Edin- burgh Bible Society, relative to the Apocry- pha, against the aspersions of the " Eclectic Review," in a letter to the members of the committee of the parent institution. London, 1825. 8 Review of the Evangelical Magazine and Chris- tian Guardian, for May 1826, on the Apocry- pha controversy. Edin. , 1826. 8 Statement [first, second, and third] by the committee of the Edinburgh Bible Society re- lative to the circulation of the Apocrypha by the British and Foreign Bible Society. [Se- cond edition of first statement.] Edin., 1826. 8 Another copy. Review of " Apocrypha. Perthshire Bible So- ciety." Edin., 1826. 8 Review of the Apocrypha controversy, con- taining supplementary catechism addressed to the London committee, &c. Edin., 1826. 8 Review of the Apocrypha controversy. Edin., 1826. 8 - New and important facts in the Apocrypha controversy. Funeral of the corresponding board. The Earl Street committee's new bible. Meeting of the Philo-Apocryphists in Rose Street chapel. Narrative of the London committee's septuagint doings. Edin. , 1828. 8 The Apocryphal New Testament, being all the Gospels, Epistles, and other pieces now extant, attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, his apostles, and their compa- nions, and not included in the New Testament. [Published by William Hone.] London, 1820. 8 20 APOLLONII (GuitiELMtrs). Jus majestati- ca sacra, sive, tractatus theologicus, do juiv magistral us circa res ecclesiasticas, ] ...Nicolai VedeTii tractatui, dtocfliMOpBfel Con- stant ini magni. 2 torn. Medivburgi Zelandorum, 1642, 43. 8 Another copy. *GRALL/E, seu vere puerilis cothurmis sapirii- ti, quo se jactat apud imperitoa Guilk-lnms Apollonii minister ecclesue Mittelburgensis vere anus in centionibus, qxios edidit de jure majestatis circa sacra. 1G46 *GRALLATOB f urens, denovoin scenani proilm-- tus cum pantomimo suo, Bombomachide Ulis- singano : seu responsio ad epistolas Guilk'lmi Apollonii... et Jodoci Lareni...quas in lucem dedero adversus Grallanun amh<>rum. 1647. [Other works on this controversy will be found under J. LARENUS and N. VEDEMUS.] Consideratio quarundam controversiarum ad regimen ecclesiae Dei spectantium, quse in Ang- liae regno hodie agitantur. . .Londini, 1644. 8 Translated out of Latine. London, 1645. 8 Another copy. APOLLONIUS, Pergceus. Conicorum lib. iiii. methode novo illustrata et succincte demon- strata per Js. Barrow. [Cum ARCHIMEDIS opp. 1675.] APOLLONIUS, Sophista. Apollonii Sophist* Lexicon Grsecum Iliadis et Odyssete. Ex editione Parisiensi repetiit, recensuit et illus- travit, Hermannus Tollius. Lugd. Bat., 1788. 8 APOLLONIUS, Tyaneus.The two first books of PHILOSTRATUS, concerning the life of A. T. . . . published in English. . .by Charles Blount, Esq. London, 1680. fol. APOLOGIE. See APOLOGY. APOLOGY. An apologie for sundry proceed- ings by jurisdiction ecclesiastical!... divided into three parts... whereun to I have presumed to adjoine that determination concerning oaths [written in Latin] made by M. Lancelot AN- DROWES. [By Richard COSIN.] London, 1593. 4 A modest apology, &c. (Wants title). 8 An apology for not joining the Protestant Episcopal church. By a presbyter. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 APOSTATE, APOSTASY. Concerning the Apostate Christians that think to do miracles by dead men's bones, &c. ...concerning Proga- tory...the Traditions the Jews taught... and the Traditions the Apostate Christians teach people to follow. London, 1688. 4 The great Apostacy ; or, the Church of Rome proved to be not the Church of Christ... Being the substance of a reply to William Cobbett's history of the Protestant reformation in Eng- land and Ireland. London, 1839. 8 Another copy. APOSTLES. A short account of the first preach- ing of the Gospel bv the Apostles. London, 1830. 12 APPARITIONS. Letter on apparitions; ad- dressed to a lady. s. 1. et a. 8 APPEAL. Appeal from Scotland ; or the cry of a whole nation of dissenters, urging their claims to the redress of their grievances; a speech, addressed to the Right Hon. tin- Lord Chancellor of England, as Judge in Equity. By a Voluntary advocate [Rev. Adam THOM- SON, Coldstream]. 2ded. Edin., 1834. 8 An apj>eal to the people. *. 1. et a. 8 APPKL (Fi:inER. FERDIN.) De jure liturgico ratione habita ad agenda, quse nupiTi niiniatris Ecclesite evangelic commendata sunt. /-.>:, 1825. 8 APPERLY (JAMES). Revealed truth vindicated. London, 1845. 8 APPETITES. An inquiry into the origin of the human appetites and affections, showing how each arises from association, with an account of the entrance of moral evil into the world. / :<>-<>ln, 1747. 8 APPIANUS, Alexandrimis. Romance Historian. Alexander Tollius textum. ...emendavit, cor- rexit, et H. Stephani, ac doctorum quorundam virorum selectas annotationes adjecit. 2 torn. [Gr. and Lat.] Amstelodami, 1670. 8 APPLETON (JESSE), D.D., President of Boivdoin College. The works of Rev. J. A., D.D., em- bracing his course of theological lectures, his academic addresses, and a selection from hia sermons : with a memoir of his life and character. Vol. ii. Andover, 1836. 8 APPLEYARD (E. S.) Claims of the CHURCH OF ROME, considered. 1844 Another edition. 1848 Principles of PROTESTANTISM. 1848 APPRENTICE. A present for an apprentice. By a late Lord Mayor of London. Glasgow, 1750. 16 The apprentice's Sabbath friend, containing forty family sermons from the works of the Rev. Hugh Binning ; and biographies. Edin., 1833. 8 APTHORP (EAST), D.D. Discourses on pro- phecy: read... at the lecture founded by the Right Rev. William Warburton, late Bishop of Gloucester. 2 vol. London, 1786. 8 Another copy. APULEIUS (Lucius). Opera, interpretatione et notis illustravit Julianus Floridus. In usum Delphini. 2 torn. Parusiis, 1688. 4 Metamorphoseon libri xi. Cum notis integris P. Colvii, J. Wowerii, G. Stewechii, G. El- menhorstii, et aliorum, imprimis cum animad- versionibus hucusque ineditis F. Oudendorpii. Prsefationem pnemisit D. Ruhnkenius. Lugduni Batavorum, 1786. 4 AQUILINIUS (C^SAR), pseud, i. e. Scipio HEN- RICUS. AQUINAS (THOMAS). Opera omnia. Ad fidem vetustissimorum codicum MSS. et editorum emendata, aucta et cum exemplaribus Romano, Veneto, et Antverpiensi accuratfe collata. Nunc primum in Galliis prodeunt. Partim a Joanne Nicolai, ex ordine fratrum Predicatorum... ; partim ab aliis Patribus ejusdem ordinis emen- data. 23 vol. Partsiis, 1660. fol. Summa Theologica. 3 part. Parisiis, 1638. fol. ARCHAMBAULT ARISTOTELES . 21 Summa theologica cum commentariis Thomse de Vio, Card. Cajetani, et elucidationibus lit- teralibus P. Seraphini Capponi a Porrecta. Cui etiam accedunt in fine ejusdem S. Thomse Qusestiones quodlibetales, et peculiares qui- dani alii Tractatus. Editio novissima. 10 torn. Eomce, 1773. fol. Accurante et denuo recognoscente J.-P. Migne. 4 torn. Paris, 1858. 8 ARCHAMBAULT (P. J.). Dictionnaire des analyses cliimiques ; par J. H. M. VIOLETTE, et P. J. A. 1851 ARBUTHNOT (Mrs G.). A guide to the study of the Holy Scriptures, in the form of a cate- chism, for the use of young persons. London, 1839. 18 ARBUTHNOT (JOHN), M.D. Tables of ancient coins, weights and measures, explained and exemplify 'd in several dissertations. London, 1727. 4 ARCHER (JAMES). Sermons. 2d ed. 4 vol. London, 1794. 12 ARCHER (JOHN), Preacher at Alhallows, Lom- bard Street. The personal reigne of Christ upon earth ; in a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved, that Jesus Christ, together with the saints, shall visibly possess a monarchicate state and kingdome in this world. [2d ed.] London, 1643. 4 [The first edition of this work was published in 1642, under the name of Henry Archer. The author's real name was John.] ARCHER (JOHN), Minister of Tunbridge-Wells New Chapel. The kingdom turned about. A sermon preached at Tunbridge- Wells, August 8, 1714. On occasion of his present Majesty King George's happy accession to the throne. 2d ed. London, 1714. 8 ARCHIMEDES. Opera : APOLLONII Pergsei co- nicorum lib. iiii. THEODOSII sphserica, me- thodo novo illustrata et succincte demonstrata per Js. Barrow. Londini, 1675. 4 ARCHINARD (A.). De la religion dans ses rap- ports avec I'e'tat. Geneve, 1834. 8 ARCKEL (DANIEL AB). Disputatio philosophica continens positiones quasdam de physica gene- rali. Ultrajecti 1641. 4 ARDROSSAN. Case of Mr John Duncan, pre- sentee of the parish of Ardrossan. To be heard at the bar of the Venerable Assembly, in May 1789. s. 1. et a. 4 ARETIUS (BENEDICTUS). Commentarii in pri- orem (et secundam) epistolam Pauli ad Corin- thios. Lausannce, 1579. 8 Another edition. Morgiis, 1583. 8 Commentarii in epistolas Pauli ad Philippen- ses, Coloss., et in utramque ad Thessal. Morgiis, 1583. 8 Commentarii in epistolam ad Hebraeos. Morgiis, 1583. 8 Commentarii in epistolas canonicas. [Morgiis], 1589. 8 In Novum Testamentum Commentarii. Editio postrema. Geneva, 1618. fol. A short history of Valentinus Gentilis the tritheist ; wrote in Latin by B. A. , and now translated into English for the use of Dr. Sherlock, with a preface by N. N. [i. e. Dr. South.] London, 1696. 8 ARGYLL, DUKE OF. See George-Douglas CAMP- BELL. ARGYLL, DUKE OP. See John-Douglas-Edward Henry CAMPBELL. ARGYLL, MARQUIS OF. See Archibald CAMPBELL. ARIAS MONTAJSTUS (BENEDICTUS). BIBLIA Hebraica. 1657 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Greece*. 1657 ARIST^EAS. Historia Ixxii. interpretum. [Gr. et Lat.] Accessere veterum testimonia de eorum versione. [Edited by H. Hody, H. Aldrich, and E. Bernard.] Oxonii, 1692. 8 ARISTOPHANES. Comcedise undecim. [Gr., edited by S. Grynseus.] BasilecK, 1532. 4 Another edition. Lugduni Bat. , 1600. 8 Ex optimis exemplaribus emendatae : cum versione Latina, variis lectionibus, notis, et emendationibus. Accedunt deperditarum comoediarum fragmenta. A R. F. P. Bnmck. 4 torn. Oxonii, 1810. 4 Another copy. Ad optimorum librorum fidem accurate edi- tse. 3 torn. Lipsice, 1819, 21. 8 Edidit F. H. Bothe. 4 torn. Lipsice, 1828, 30. 8 Cum scholiis et varietate lectionis. Recensuit I. Bekkerus. Accedit versio Latina. Tom ii. Londini, 1828. 8 ARISTOTELES. Opera omnia quse extant Greece et Latine. Veterum ac recentiorum interpretum, ut A. Turnebi, J. Casauboni, J. Pacii, studio emendatissima. Cum Kyriaci Strozse libris duobus Greeco-Latinis de repub- lica in supplementum politicorum A. Huic editioni accessit brevis ac perpetuus in omnes A. libros commentarius....authore Guillielmo Du Val. 2 torn. Lutetice Parisiorum, 1619. fol. Aristoteles Latine interpretibus variis. Edidit academia regia Borussica. Berolini, 1831. 4 Organum, hoc est, libri omnes ad Logicam pertinentes, Greecfe et Latine. Jul. Pacius recensuit, atque...emendavit. Editio tertia ...Accessit ejusdem Pacii in universum Or- ganum commentarius analyticus. Geneva, 1605. 4 Libri Physicorum octo : cum singulorum epi- tomatis hactenus non impressis : Averroeq ; ejus exactiss. interprete : ac. M. Anto. Zimare philosophi famosiss. apostillis. Et hec et alia ejus opera : Cosultis variis exemplaribus tarn feliciter expolita sunt : ut hactenus nitidiora non prodierint. B. L. Lugduni, 1520. 8 Ethicorum Nicomacheorum libri decem. Co- dicum MSS. collatione recogniti, et notis illus- trati, a Gulielmo Wilkinson, A.M. e Coll. Re- gince. [Gr. et Lat.] Oxonii, 1803. 8 De Poetica liber, ad optimorum codicum emendatus...Cum versione Latina Theodori Goulstoni. [Gr. and Lat.] Edinburgi, 1731. 12 Another edition. Glasguw, 1745. 1 2 A 1 1 1 THMETIC A-ARNALD. Do arto Rhetorica libri tres. [OJr. ] . 1638. 8 Ab Antonio Ricobono Latiiie converei. [ ( Jr. ami Lat.j Ejusdi-m Rhetorical paraplinwis. |L;it.) //,<.;,., KM". A new translation; with an introduction and aj>|'i-ndi\, explaining its ivlation to his exact Siilosophy, and vindicating that philosophy. y .1. (iiliies. S. 8 Also the Poetic of Aristotle, literally trans- lated... by Theodore Buckley, B.A. 3d ed. [Bonn's Classical Library.] London, 1860. 8 Commentarii Collegii Coniinbrkviisis Societa- tis Jesu, in duos libros de generatione et cor- ruptione, Aristotelis Stagintte. Nunc Giwci context us Latino e regione respondent i.s accessione auctiores, et emendatiores. Lwjilmn. 1013. 4 In trea libros de anima, Aristotelis Stagiritee. Hac quinta editione, Gneci contextus Latino e regione respondentis accessione auctiores, et emendatiores. Lugduni, 1G27. 4 Histoire des Animaux d'Aristote, avec la tra- duction Franfoise, par M. Camus. 2 torn. 7Wi*, 1783. 4 ARITHMETIC A. Arithmetica universalis. Edi- tio secunda. Ltimlini, 1722. 8 ARIUS. *Arius detected and confuted ; or, a short and familiar direction to plain Chris- tians... how to understand the language of the disciples of Arius...2d ed. To which is added an appendix, in answer to two pamphlets pub- lished against it, by the author of the letter to a dissenter in Exon. London, 1719. 8 *Arius slain, and Socinus mortally wounded ; by scripturally proving a plurality of persons in the Godhead ; that Jesus Christ has all the divine names applied to him ; and that he is essentially Christ, the wisdom and the power of the Godhead. Addressed to Joseph Priest- ley, LL.D., by an Old Seaman. London, 1792. 8 ARK. The ark of the testament opened... in a treatise of the covenant of grace. In two parts. [By the Rev. Patrick GILLESPIE.] London, 1661. 4 ARKLEY (PATRICK), Sheriff-Substitute of E'J',,,- In i-yl,*l, .'jr. Letter to the Rev. A. Beith, Stir- ling, one of the secretaries of the Gaelic school society, on the recent decision of the commit- tee of that society. Edin., 1846. 8 ARMAGH, ARCHBISHOP OF. See Jacobus USSE- Rirs. ARMINIAN. The Arminian heresy and the (commonly called) New Method, compar'd. And the foundation of these two schemes con- sider'd and examin'd. s. I. , 1742. 8 ARMINIUS (JACOBUS). Opera Theologica. Lv. lYtr-i I'xitin. L'ira-K stinationis mod<> dine, itumqiic de amplitudine gratia- dr. Itil'J. 8 Epistola ad Hipp<>lvtum...seripta : nee imn articuli diligent i examine perpi-mU-mli, e'> <|m>d inter ipsos refonnatje religionLs professores de iis ali([ua incidit controversia. /' V/M.S Bat., 1613. 8 Arnica, cum Francisco Junio de praedestina- tione per litteras habita, collatio. Lutj'l. i:f., 1013. 8 *Historia vitas J. A....AuctoTeCasparoBrantio. Amatelodami, 1724. 8 *Life and death of J. A. and Simon Episco- j >i us. Published in the English tongue. [By J. K.] London, 1672. 8 *Life of J. A. By Nathan Bangs, D.D. New York, 1843. 12 ARMSTRONG (DAVID). *Report of the trial by jury, David Armstrong against George Buchan Vair, and Gideon Alston, for sending a chal- lenge to fight a duel. Edin., 1823. 8 ARMSTRONG (Rev. DAVID). Sermons. With a short memoir of the author. Glasgow, 1838. 8 ARMSTRONG (JOHN), M.D. The poetical works of J. A. With the life of the author. London, s. a. 12 The art of preserving health : a poem. To which is prefixed a short account of the axithor. Haimck, 1811. 8 ARMSTRONG (JOHN ECHLIN), D.D., Hector of Burskm. The Church of Rome condemned by its own authorities ; or the "true English" of the Romish Bible : corrected by the " cor- rupt English " of the English Bible. London, 1854. 8 ARMSTRONG (N.) A. M. Two letters toafriend, in answer to the inquiry, what is the use of the gifts of the Spirit ? To which are added, pas- sages of Scripture regarding the baptism of the Holy Ghost, with a few remarks, and an ex- tract from a sermon on Rev. iii. 1-5. Greenock, 1832. 12 Another copy. ARMSTRONG (ROBERT), C.E. An essay on the boilers of steam engines. New edition. London, 1839. 8 ARMSTRONG (ROBERT ARCHIBALD), M.A. A Gaelic dictionary in two parts... With a short historical appendix of ancient names deduced from the authority of Ossian and other poets. To which is prefixed a Gaelic grammar. London, 1825. 4 ARNALD (RICHARD), Rector of Thurcaston. A commentary on the Apocrypha ; [a continuation of commentary by Bishop PATRICK.] 1808, 9 ARNALDUS ARNOLD. 23 ARN ALDUS (ANTONIUS). See A. ARNAULD. ARNAUD (GEORGIUS D'). De diis *$;?, sive adsessoribus et conjunctis, commentarius. Hagce Comitum, 1732. 8 ARNAUD (HENRI). Histoire de la glorieuse rentree des Vaudois dans leurs valees. s. I, 1710. 8 - The glorious recovery by the Vaudois of their Valleys, from the original by H. A. With a compendious history of that people, previous and subsequent to that event. By Hugh Dyke ACLAND. London, 1827. 8 ARNAULD (ANGELIQUE DE SAINT-JEAN), Fille de Rob. Arnauld dAndilly. Reflexions de la Mere Angelique de S. Jean Arnauld, pendant sacaptivite...en Fanne'e 1664. s. I. , 1710. 8 Relation de la captivite" de la Mere Angelique de Saint Jean...dcrite par elle-meme. s. I., 1711. 12 - Discours appelles Misericordes, ou recomman- dations faites en chapitre, de plusieurs per- sonnes unies a la maison de Port-Royal des Champs. Utrecht, 1735. 12 - Reflexions de la Mere Angelique de St. Jean Arnauld, &c., pour prdparer ses soeurs a la persecution. s. I. 1737. 12 - Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de PORT- ROYAL. 1742 ARNAULD (ANTOINE), Doctor of the Sorbonne. CEuvres, avec la perpetuite* de la foi [redige'es par Gabr. du Pac de Bellegarde, et 1'abbd Hautefage]; et sa vie [par Noel de Larriere.] 49 torn. Paris et Lausanne, 1775-1783. 4 La perpetuite de la foi de I'e'glise Catholique touchant 1'Eucharistie defendue centre le livre du Sieur Claude, par A. A. [et Pierre NICOLE] avec la continuation [d'Eusebe RENAUDOT.] 6 torn. Paris, 1781, 82. 4 - De la frequente COMMUNION. 1648. 1683 - Deflense de la traduction du NOUVEATJ TES- TAMENT imprime a Mons. 1668 - De la lecture de 1'Ecriture sainte centre les paradoxes... de M. MALLET. 1680 - Le CALVINISMS convaincu de nouveau de dogmes impies. 1682 - La LOGIQUE. 1685 - Traite' de la FOY humaine. Par Pierre NICOLE et A. A. 1693 - Le jugement equitable de St Augustine sur la grace ; [avec la traitd de la Foi humaine. ] 1693 - Instructions sur la grace selon 1'Ecriture et les Peres, avec 1'exposition de la foi de 1'eglise Romaine touchant la grace et la predestination par feu M. de Barcos...Et plusieurs autres pieces sur ce sujet. [Le tout mis au jour par le P. Quesnel.] Cologne, 1700. 8 Another copy. - Nouvelle heresie dans la morale, denonce'e au pape et aux eveques, aux princes et aux ma- gistrats. s. 1. et a., 12 - CEuvres philosophiques d'A., pre'cede'e d'une introduction par Jules Simon. Paris, 1843. 12 Avec des notes et une introduction par C. Jourdain. Paris, 1843. 12 r - *Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de M. Ar- nauld. Augmente'e en cette edition d'un grand nombre de pieces sur le meme sujet. [Par P. QUESNEL.] Liege, 1697. 12 ARNAULD (CATHERINE AGNES), Sceur d'Ant. Arnauld. Les constitutions du monastere de PORT-ROYAL. 1721 ARNAULD (MARIE ANGELIQUE DE S. MAGDE- LEINE), Abbesse de Port-Royal, sceur d'Ant. Ar- nauld. *Relations sur la vie de la Mere Ange- lique de S. Magdeleine Arnauld, et la reforme de Port-Royal. [Par Angelique de Saint-Jean Arnauld.] s. I, 1737. 12 *Memoires pour servir a la vie de la Mere M. A. A. , reformatrice de Port-Royal, par la Mere Angelique de Saint- Jean Arnauld. [The same work as the preceding, with a different title.] [Paris], 1737. 12 ARNAULD D'ANDILLY (ROBERT), Frere d'Ant. Arnauld. CEuvres chrestiennes douzieme edition. Paris, 1669. 8 Me'moires de R. A. d'A. ecrits par lui-meme. [Edited by C. P. Goujet.] 2 pt. Hambourg [Paris], 1734. 12 ARNDT (JOHANN). De vero christianismo. . .cura et studio A. W. Boemi. Accedit huic edition! nova prsefatio de vita et scriptis Arndtianig. 2 torn. Londini, 1708. 8 True Christianity ; or, the whole economy of God towards man ; and the whole duty of man towards God. [Translated from the German.] Edited by William Jaques. 2 vol. London, 1815. 8 Sechs Biicher vom wahren Christenthum.... nebst desselben Paradies-Giirtlein. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. G. A. Francke. Funfzehnte Auflage. Halle, 1830. 8 ARNDTIUS (JOANNES). See J. ARNDT. ARNOBIUS, Afer. Ad versus Gentes libri vii. ; cum recensione viri celeberrimi [Claudii Sal- masii] et integris omnium commentariis. [Cura Antonii Thysii.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1651. 4 Editio altera. Recognovit notis priorum in- terpretum selectis aliorumque et suis illustra- vit J. C. Orellius. 2 vol. Lipsia, 1816. 8 Another copy. ARNOLD (JOHN MUEHLEISEN). Ishmael ; or, a natural history of Islamism, and its relation to Christianity. London, 1859. 8 ARNOLD (THOMAS), D.D., Head Master of Rug- by School. Introductory lectures on modern history. 2d ed. London, 1843. 8 Another copy. - Third edition. Londo-n, 1845. 8 History of Rome. 3 vol. 4th ed. London, 1845, 6. 8 History of the later Roman Commonwealth, from the end of the second Punic war to the death of Julius Caesar ; and of the reign of Augustus : with a life of Trajan. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8 Fragment on the Church. 2d ed. London, 1845. 8 Sermons, chiefly on the interpretation of Scrip- tTire. 2d ed. London, 1845. 8 Sermons. 3 vol. London, 1845. 8 ARNOLD ARTICLES Christ inn life, its course, its hindrances, and its helps. Sermons. 4th ed. London, 18 1 Christian life, its hopes, its fears, and its close. 4th i-.l. London, 1845. 8 *The Life and Correspondence of T. A., by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, M. A. 2 vol. 4th ed. London, 1846. 8 Sixth i-.lition. London, 1846. 8 ARNOLD (THOMAS KEROHEVER), A.M. A prac- tical introduction to Latin prose composition. In two parts. [Part i., (5th ed., Part ii.. LM ed.] London, 1839, 44. 8 6 A practical introduction to Latin verse compo- sition. 2d !. London, 1845. 8 - A practical introduction to Greek prose com- position. Part i. 6th ed. London, 1846. 8 ARNOLDUS (NICOLAUS). Religio Sociniana, sen catechesis Racoviana major publicis disputa- tionibus (inserto ubique f ormali ipsius cateche- seos contextu) refutata. Franequerce, 1645. 4 Another edition. Amstelodami, 1654. 4 Lux in tenebris ; seu, brevis et succincta vin- dicatio simul et conciliatio locorum Vet. et Novi Testamenti. Editio tertia. Fmnequera, 1680. 4 Another copy. ARNOT (DAVID). The strait gate and the nar- row way : being a familiar exposition of Mat- thew, vii. 13, 14. Dundee, 1838. 8 Another copy. ARNOT (HUGO), Advocate. The history of Edin- burgh. y;./;n., 1779. 4 ARNOT (WILLIAM), Kennoway. The harmony of law and gospel in the method of grace, de- monstrated in several sermons. London, 1785. 8 ARNOT (WILLIAM), Minister, of the Free High Church, Edinburgh. The way of salvation not discovered by reason, but revealed to faith. A sermon addressed to students. Glasgow, 1843. 8 - Temperance and total abstinence in their rela- tion to the Bible and the Church ; with special reference to the late discussion in the Free Church presbytery of Glasgow. Glasgow, s. a. 8 Laws from heaven for life on earth : Illustra- tions of the Book of Proverbs. [First series.] London, 1857. 8 d AROUET DE VOLTAIRE (FRA^ois MARIE). See F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. ARRAIS (EDWARD MADEIRA), M.D. Arbor Vitee ; or, a physical account of the tree of life in the garden of Eden... Translated out of the Latine. [By Richard Browne.] London, 1683. 8 ARRHENIUS (CLAUDIUS), ennobled under the name O/ORHXJELM. Historiae Sueonum Go- thorumque ecclesiasticae libri quatuor priores ad linem seculi post Christum duodecimi. Stockholmice, 1689. 4 ARRIANUS (FLAVIUS). De Expedit. Alex. Magni, Historiarum libri viii. Ex B. Vul- canii interpret. Acced. Alexandri vita, et libri ii. de fortuna vel virtute ejus ex Plutarcho. [Gr. et Lat.J [Paris], 1575. fol. ARROWSMITH (AAEON). A compendium of ancient and modern geography, for the use of Eton school. L',., <.... i-:;i. 8 A I: i:\\ SMITH (JOHN), Regius Professor of Di- /, Cambridge. The covenant-avenging sword brandished ; in a sermon [on Lev. xxvi. 25] before the House of Commons. Jan. 25 |1;4'_'). . lf,i:i. 4 England's Eben-ezer...in a sermon [on 1 Sam. vii. 12] preached to both the Honorable Houses of Parliament... upon the late solemno day of thanksgiving, March 12. London, 1645. 4 Armilla catechetica. A chain of principles ; or, an orderly concatenation of theological aphorismes and exercitations. Cambridge, 1659. 4 Another edition. To which is prefixed, an account of the life of the author. Edin., 1822. 8 Another copy. ARSDEKIN (RICHARDUS), S.J. Theologia tri- partita universa. 3 torn. Dilingw, 1687. fol. ARSY (JEAN Louis D'). Le grand dictionnaire Fran9ois-Flamen. Item une grammaire Fran- coise ; le tout revu...par Th. la Grue. Amsterdam, 1694. 4 ART. The art of knowing mankind. London, 1766. 12 The report of the committee appointed by the council of the Society of Arts to inquire into the subject of industrial instruction, with the evidence. London, 1853. 8 ARTAUD (ALEXANDRE FRANCOIS). Histoire du Pape Pie VII. 2 torn. Deuxieme edition. Paris, 1837. 8 ARTEMONIUS (LUCAS MELLIERUS), pseud, i. e. Sam. CRELLIUS. ARTHUR (ARCHIBALD). Discourses on theologi- cal and literary subjects, by the late Rev. A.. A. ; with an account of some particulars in his life and character, by W. Richardson. Glasgow, 1803. 8 ARTHUR (WILLIAM), A.M. The duty of giving away a stated proportion of our income ; an address delivered in the Victoria Hall, Belfast. London, 1855. 8 The tongue of fire ; or, the true power of Chris- tianity, llth e.d. London, 1857. 8 ARTICLES OF RELIGION. Articuli Lam- bethani : id est, I. Articulorum Lambethae exhibitorum historia. II. Articuli de prae- destinatione, et annexis capitibus a D. Whit- akero Lambethse propositi. III. lidem prout ab Episcopis Theologisque concepti et admissi. IV. Lanceloti Andrewes ftv to. Wintoniensis episcopi, de Synodo oblatis articulis judicium ; una cum ejusdem censura censurse D. Barreti, de certitudine salutis. Quibxis annexa est, V. Sententia D. Overal theologiae in academia Cantabrigiensi Professoris olim Regii, de Prae- destinatione *< TOH txpwis. [Una cum arti- culorum xxxix. Ecclesiae Anglicanae defen- sione, authore J. ELIS. 1696.] [Cum Summa trium de prsedestinatione sen- tentianim per Petrum BARONEM. ] 1513 [1613] ARUNDELL ASHMUN. 25 - A collection of ARTICLES, CANONS, INJUNC- TIONS, &c., together with several acts of Par- liament concerning ecclesiastical matters. London, 1699. 8 An exposition of the xxxiv. article of religion, Of the traditions of the Church. By a Clergy- man of the Church of England. London, 1718. 8 An historical and critical essay on the Thirty- nine Articles of the Church of England. Wherein it is demonstrated, that this clause, The Church has power to decree rites and cere- monies, and authority in controversies of faith, inserted in the 20th article, is not a part of the Articles as they were established by act of Parliament in the 13th of Elizabeth, or agreed on by the Convocation of 1562 and 1571. [By Anthony COLLINS.] London, 1724. 8 - Another copy. - The 39 Articles of the Church of England ; [with the HOMILIES appointed to be read in churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth.] 1816 - [And with various editions of the Book of COMMON PRAYER.] Original sin, free-will, grace, regeneration, justification, faith, good works, and universal redemption, as maintained in certain declara- tions of our reformers, which are the ground- work of the Articles of our Established Church upon these subjects ; with an important ac- count of the subscription to the Articles in 1604, and an historical and critical introduc- tion to the whole. By the Rev. Henry John TODD. London, 1818. 8 - La prueba, 6 algunos de los articulos de la religion probados por las santas Escrituras. Gibraltar, 1846. 8 [For other works on Articles of Religion, see BURNET, CARDWELL, CONFESSIONS, FORD, FORMULARIES of Faith, NEWLAND, WELCH- MAN, WINCHESTER.] ARUNDELL (FRANCIS VYVYAN IAGO). Chaplain at Smyrna. A visit to the seven churches of Asia ; with an excursion into Pisidia ; contain- ing remarks on the geography and antiquities of those countries, a map of the author's routes, and numerous inscriptions. London, 1828. 8 ASCANIUS. Ascanius ; or, the young adven- turer ; containing a succinct account of the rebellion in Scotland in 1745-46. 13th ed. Stirling, 1818. 12 ASCHAM (ANTHONY). A discourse : wherein is examined, what is particularly lawfull during the confusions and revolutions of government . . .likewise whether the nature of warre be in- consistent with the nature of the Christian re- ligion. Three parts. London, 1648. 8 ASCHAM (ROGER). Epistolarum libri quatuor. Accessit J. Sturmii aliorumque ad Aschamum, Anglosque alios eruditos, epistolarum liber unus. [Edited by W. Elstob]. Oxonice, 1703. 8 - The English works of R. A. A new edition. London, 1815. 8 The scholemaster ; shewing a plain and perfect way of teaching the learned languages. Re- vised... by James Upton, A.M. London, 1743. 8 ASGILL (JOHN). A collection of tracts written by J . A. ; from the year 1700 to the year 1715. Some relating to divinity, and others to the history of the monarchy, the succession of the crown, and constitution of the government, of Great Britain. London, 1715. 8 An essay concerning the use of reason in pro- positions, the evidence whereof depends upon human testimony. 2d ed. London, 1709. 8 Mr A.'s defence upon his expulsion from the House of Commons of Great Britain in 1707. With an introduction and a postscript. London, 1712. 8 The succession of the house of Hanover vindi- cated, against the pretender's second declara- tion, in folio, intitled, The hereditary right of the crown of England asserted, &c. [by George Harbin]. 2d ed. London, 1714. 8 An argument proving that, according to the covenant of eternal life revealed in the Scrip- tures, man may be translated from hence into that eternal life, without passing through death, although the human nature of Christ himself could not be thus translated till he had passed through death. London, 1715. 8 The assertion is, that the title of the House of Hanover to the succession of the British mo- nai'chy (on failure of issue of her present Ma- jesty) is a title hereditary, and of divine insti- tution. 3d ed. London, 1715. 8 A discourse concerning ridicule and irony in writing, in a letter to the Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Marshall. London, 1729. 8 ASHE (SIMEON), Rector of St Austin's, London. The best refuge for the most oppressed, in a sermon [on Psalm ix. 9] preached to the Hon. House of Commons at their solemnefast, March 30, 1642. London, 1642. 4 The efficiency of God's grace in bringing gain- saying sinners to Christ ; a sermon [on John vi. 44] preached at the funerall of Mr. R. Strange, with a narrative of his life. London, 1654. 4 Living loves betwixt Christ and dying Chris- tians ; a sermon [on John xi. 11] preached... at the funerall of. . .Mr. Jeremiah Whitaker. . .with poems and elegies on his death. 2d ed. London, 1654. 4 Gray hayres crowned with grace ; a sermon [on Prov. xvi. 31] preached... at the funerall of . . .Mr. Thomas Gataker. Together with his stu- dious, laborious, religious life, and patient, comfortable death. London, 1655. 4 J The good man's death lamented ; a sermon [on Isa. Ivii. 1] preached... at the funerall of Mr. Ralph Robinson. London, 1655. 4 - The faithful Christian's gain by death ; opened in a sermon [on Phil. i. 21] at the funerall of Essex [Montagu], Countess of Manchester. London, 1659. 4 ASHETON. See ASSHETON. ASHMUN (JEHUDI). * Life of J. A., late co- ASSndATK. lonial agent in Liberia. ..with n 1-rirf sketch of tin- lit",-' of th.- i:.-\. Lott Gary. By Ralph iolph Cnrley. -tow lorfc, 18&V J ASHl'o.N i.l.'iiNi. -*An answer to the papt-r d luvivd l.v .Mr Ashton at his i-Mji-ution, to Sir Francis L'hild, She-rill' of London, A with the papi-r itself. [By Eduard Sin MS*. !;r.J Lonn ami p j preached at the cathedral church of St Paul, before the sons of the clergy, May L'. 1745. -/on, [1745.] 4 ASTRONOMY. Astronomical observations made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Vol. i.-xii. Edin., 1834-69. 4 ATHANASE, Saint. See ATHANASIUS. ATHANASIUS, Saint, Archbishop of Alexandria. Opera omnia quae extant, ad MSS. codices castigata, opera et studio monachorum ordi- nis S. Benedict!. [Gr. et Lat.] 3 torn. Patavii, 1777. fol. Dialogi V. de sancta Trinitate. BASILII libri iiii. , adversus impium Eunomium. ANASTASII et CYRILLI compendiaria orthodoxse fidei expli- catio. Ex interpretatione Theodori Bez.*e. [Gr. etLat.] FOEBADI sive FOEBADII liber con- tra Arianoa. Quae Athanasii, Anastasii, et Cyrilli sunt, et quse Foebadii, nunc primurn eduntur. [The Dialog! de sancta Trinitate are not considered to be a genuine work of Athanasius ; but are generally attributed to St Maximus.] [Poro], 1570. 8 The festal letters of A. , discovered in an ancient Syriac version, and edited by William Cureton, M.A., F.R.S. London, 1848. 8 * The History of the life and actions of St. Athanasius, together with the rise, growth, and down-fall of the Arian heresy. By N. (B.)P. C. Catholick. London, 1664. 8 ATHENAEUM. The Athenaeum, London lite- , rary and critical journal, for 1836-1840. 5 j vol. London., 1836-40. 4 ATHEN.'EUS, Naucratita. Deipnosophistarum libri quindecim ; ex optimis codicibus, nunc primum collatis, emendavit ac supplevit nova Latina versione et animadversionibus, cum I. Casauboni aliorumque, turn suis illustravit, commodisque indicibus instruxit J. Schweig- hieuser. [Gr. et Lat.] 14 torn. Argent o rat i, 1801-07. 8 [The volumes containing the text and Latin version are numbered i.-v., 1801-05; those containing the annotations, &c. , i.-ix., 1801- 07.] ATHENAGORAS. Legatio pro Christianis.... Ejusdem, de resurrectione mortuorum. Ac- cedunt Latina versio...atq\ie indices... cura et Btudio Ediiardi Dechair, A.M. [Gr. and Lat. ' , 1706. 8 ! 1 The apologetics < : i^oras, I. For the chrisu.ui religion. 11. For the truth of the resurrection. Against the scepticka and inii- dols of tliat age. Together with :i curious fragment of Justin Martyr on tin- sul v tlic i-i -;i! ! - : i"ii .. .ami to other frayi. tbr I'D.- attributed to Josephus ; the other to ."dins, concerning the state of tlie dead. ...Done into English, with notes. To which are prefix'd two dissertations : the one con- ng the Jewish notion of the resurrection ; the other concerning Athenagoras and his re- uriins. By David Humphreys, B.A. Ion, 1714. 8 ATHENS. The Athenian oracle. By a mem- ber of the Athenian Society. 'Ion, 1703. 8 Athenian Letters ; [written by the Hon. Philip Yorke, afterwards Earl of Hardwicke, and others.] New edition. 2 voL London, 1798. 4 ATHERTON (JOHN), Bishop of Waterford and Lisinore. * The penitent death of John Atherton...as also the sermon. . .preached at his buriall. By Nicholas BARNARD, Deane of Ardagh. /'"Mm, 1641. 4 ATLAS. A new genealogical, historical, and chronological Atlas; being a complete guide to history, both ancient and modern, exhibit- ing an accurate account of the origin, descent, and marriages of all the royal families, from the beginning of the world to the present time ; complete in thirty-six maps, by C. V. Lavoisne and C. Gros. London, 1807. fol. Wilkinson's General Atlas of the World. 2d ed. London, 1809. 4 Le Sage's historical, genealogical, chronolo- gical, and geographical Atlas, exhibiting all the royal families in Europe, their origin, descent, marriages, &c Translated from the last French edition. To which have been added six maps, composed by Madame Coindd. 2d ed. London, 1818. fol. A new universal Atlas, containing distinct maps of all the principal kingdoms and states throughout the world. London (published by John Gary), 1828. 4 A new general Atlas, consisting of a series of geographical designs on various projections, exhibiting the form and component parts of the globe, and a collection of maps and charts delineating the natural and political divisions of the empires, kingdoms, and states of the world. Edin., (printed for John Thomson & Co.) 1828. fol. A new general Atlas of the World, compiled from the latest authorities, both English and foreign... By John DOWER. London, 1838. 4 Blackwood's Atlas of Scotland : containing thirty-one separate maps of the Counties and Islands. ., 1839. 4 U The national Atlas of historical, commercial, and political geography, constructed... by A. K. Johnston... accompanied by maps and illus- trations of the physical geography of the globe, byDr Heinrich Berghaus, and an ethnographic ATKINSON AUCHTERARDER. 29 map of Europe, by Dr Gustaf Kombst. Edin., 1843. fol. - Atlas zur Geschichte des Alten Bundes von J. H. Kurtz. Entworfen...Von G. Jung. Berlin, 1859. 4 - A classical Atlas, consisting of maps of all the countries mentioned by the ancient authors. Edin., s. I. 4 - The Atlas of nature, being a graphic display of the most interesting subjects in the three kingdoms of nature. London, s. a. fol. A classical Atlas, with a memoir on ancient Geography, By the Rev. Thomas NELSON. Edin., s. a. 8 ATKINSON (A.). Ireland exhibited to England in a political and social survey of her popula- tion, and in a statistical and scenographic tour of certain districts. 2 vol. London, 1823. 8 ATKINSON (CHRISTOPHER W.), A.M. The emigrant's guide to New Brunswick. Benvkk-upon-Tweed, 1842. 8 ATMORE (CHARLES). Hints on the recent per- secutions in the British empire ; [with the history of persecution, by Samuel CHANDLER.] 1813 ATONEMENT. Christian faith and the atone- ment. Sermons preached before the Univer- sity of Oxford, in reference to the views pub- lished by Mr Jowett and others. By E. B. Pusey, D.D., Rev. T. D. Bernard, M.A., Stephen J. Rigaud, D.D., The Lord Bishop of Oxford, Charles A. Heurtley, D.D., E. M. Goulburn, D.C.L. , Charles Baring, M.A. , Frederick Meyrick, M.A. With a preface by the Rev. the Vice-Chancellor. Oxford, 1856. 8 The Atonement. Discourses and treatises by Edwards With an introductory essay by E. A. PARK. 1859. - The atonement, sacrifice, and mediation of Jesus Christ, placed on the true Scripture basis. London, s. a. 12 ATTERBURY (FRANCIS), Bishop of Rochester. The rights, powers, and privileges of an Eng- lish convocation, stated and vindicated. In answer to a late book of Dr Wake's, entituled, The authority of Christian princes over their ecclesiastical synods asserted, &c. , and to several other pieces. 2d ed. London, 1701. 8 - Another copy. A sermon [011 Matt. xxv. 40] preach'd before the Rt. Hon. the Ld. Mayor, the aldermen, sheriffs, and governours of the several hospi- tals of the city of London, in St. Bridget's Church... April 17, 1707. London, 1707. 8 - Sermons and discourses on several subjects and occasions. [Vol. 1, 2, 4th ed., 1735. Vol. 3, 4, 8th ed., 1766.] 4 vol. London, 1735, 66. 8 - * Memoirs of the life... of Dr F. A. ...from his birth to his banishment. By Thos. Stack- house, M.A. 2d ed. London, 1727. 8 ATTERSOLL (WILLIAM). The principles of Christian religion. Breefely set downe in questions and answers, very necessary, and profitable for all persons, before they be ad- mitted to the Lord's Supper. London, 1635. 8 ATWOOD (WILLIAM). The Scotch patriot un- mask'd, in animadversions upon a seditious pamphlet [by George Ridpath], intituled, The reducing of Scotland by arms, and an- nexing it to England as a province, considered. London, 1705. 4 Another copy. AUBERLEN (CARL AUGUST). The prophecies of Daniel and the revelations of St. John, viewed in their mutual relation. With an exposition of the principal passages. With an appendix by M. Fr. Roos. Translated by the Rev. Adolphe Saphir. Edin. , 1856. 8 AUBIGNE' (JEAN HENRI MERLE D'). See MERLE D'AUBIGNE'. AUBREY (JOHN). Miscellanies. 2d ed. To which is prefixed some account of his life. London, 1721. 8 Another edition. London, 1723. 8 AUCHER (PASCHAL), D.D. A grammar, Ar- menian and English. Venice, 1832. 8 Another copy. AUCHENSAUGH. The true copy of the Decla- ration published at Auchensaugh nigh Dow- glas, July 24, 1718. s. I, 1719. 4 AUCHINCLOSS (J.)D.D. The sophistry of both the first and second part of Mr Paine's Age of Reason ; or, a rational vindication of the Holy Scriptures as a positive revelation from God. With the causes of Deism. In four sermons. [2 Tim. iii. 16.] Edin., 1796. 8 Another copy. AUCHTERARDER. Address from the pari- shioners of Auchterarder to their fellow- Christians throughout Scotland. Perth, 1840. 4 AUCHTERARDER CASE. Papers in the Auchterarder case. The Earl of Kinnoull, and the Rev. Robert Young, against the Presbytery of Auchterarder, &c. Edin., 1836-1843. 4 Report of the debate in the General Assembly ...on the 20th and 23d May, 1839. Edin., 1839. 8 Revised speeches of George Cook, D.D., and Robert Whigham, Esq. in the General As- sembly, May 22, 1839, and of the Earl of Dalhousie, next day on retiring from the Assembly. With the various reasons of dis- sent from the decision of the Assembly, and list of dissentients. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. - Report of speeches of the Rev. Dr Burns, Rev. Robert S. Candlish, and Alexander Earle Monteith, Esq. , in the General Assem- bly, May 22, 1839, in the Auchterarder case. Revised by the speakers. With an appendix, containing reasons of adherence to the Church of Scotland ; and answers to the various reasons of dissent from the decision of the Assembly [by William CUNNINGHAM, D.D.] Edin., 1839. 8 30 AUCKLAND AUSTEN. - Another copy. Report of the speeches of the Rev. Dr Gord >n, .Mr I',u.-Ii:m of Ki'llo.-, ami llov. R. 8. Caml- lisli. in tlu- Commission of tin- ;riu-r:il As si-uililv, August 14, 1839, on tin- Aucliterarder case. . IBSfc ' s - Another copy. - Reasons of dissent [against the injunction of the Commission not to take Mr Young on trial], &c. [by George Cook, D.D., and otluTs], ami Answers thereto [by DrCandlish |. , 1839. 8 Report of the Auchterarder case. By Charles Robertson, Esq. 2vol. ./m., 1838. 8 - Another copy. - Supplement to the report of the Auchterarder case. Containing the speeches of the Lord Chancellor and Lord Brougham. By Charles Robertson, Esq. , 1839. 8 - Review of Robertson's report of the Auchter- arder case ; [from the Wesleyan Methodist Magazine for July, 1841.1 s. L, 1841. 8 - Speeches by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Brougham, Lord Cottenham, and Lord Camp- bell, in the House of Lords, 9th August, 1842, in the Appeal, the Presbytery of Auchterarder, against the Earl of KinnouLl and the Rev. R. Young, with the judgment of the Hoxise of Lords. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. Another copy. AUCKLAND, BARON. -Sec William EDEN. AUDITORS. The Acts of the Lords Auditors of Causes and Complaints. A.D. 1466-A.D. 1494. London, 1839. fol. AUGSBURG CONFESSION. Twenty-one dis- courses or dissertations upon the Augsburg Confession, which is also the Brethren's con- fession of faith : deliver'd by the Ordinary of the Brethren's Churches before the seminary. To which is prefixed, a synodal writing relat- ing to the same subject. Translated from the high Dutch, by F. Okeley, B.A. London, 1753. 12 AUGUSTS-HISTORIC SCRIPTORES. See ROME. AUGUSTANUS (THOMAS WEOELINUS). Oratio de V. Paulis Romanis per diversa temporum intervalla pontificibus : eorum vitam et res gestas brevitor complectens, prout ea pontificii historicii monumentis assignata reliquerunt. Habita Tubings, Junii 23, 1608. Argentorati, 1609. 4 AUGUST! (JOHANN CHRIST-WILHELM). Grund- riss einer historisch - kritischen Einleitung in's Alte Testament. Leipzig, 1806. 8 s Corpiis librorum symbolicorum, qui in eccle- sia Reformatorum auctoritatem publicam ob- tinuerunt. Novam collectionem instituit, dis- sertationem historicam et litterariam sub- junxit....J. C. G. A. 2 part. Erberfelde, 1827. 8 Editio secunda. Lipsice, 1846. 8 AUGUSTINE, Saint. See Aur. AUGUSTINTJS. AUGUSTINUS (ANTONIUS), successively Bishop of Alife and of Lerida, and Archbishop of Tarra- gona. De emendatione Gratiani libri duo. (I> rli von Masti i( lit J.C. edidit iterum, recen- suit, in lianc formam digessit, et Stephani Baluzii suasquo notas in eundem et Cirat lainnu, it.-m in tin.- .nMtioiu-m Amir. Schotti, de vita et scriptis auctoris, adjecit. It, ,;.j, ,!,;,, ,i,i l;ii,-num, 1677. 8 AUGUSTINUS (AURELIUS), >'.//, Huhop of ///'//*>. Opera. Post Lovaniensium theologo- rum recensionem castigatus denuo ad manu- scriptos codices Gallicanos, Vaticanos, Angli- canos, Belgicos, &c. nee non ad edition.^ .m;i.|iii"ivs et castigatiores. Opera et studio monachorum ordinis S. Benedict!, e congre- gatione S. Mauri. Editio nova a multi* mendis purgata. 12 torn. Anhoerpice, 1700-1703. fol. De spiritu et litera ; [at the end of the reprint of Stephens' folio edition of the BIBLE.] 1534 Meditationes, soliloquia, et manuale. Studio Henrici Sommalii. Colonice, 1621. 12 Meditationes, soliloquia, et manuale. Medi- tationes B. ANSELMI, cum tractatu de humani generis redemptione. Meditationes D. BER- NARDI. Meditationes IDIOTS viri docti de amore divino. Emendata opera ac studio R. P. Henrici Sommalii. Colonice Agrippince, 1637. 12 Another edition. Colonice Agrippince, 1649. 12 The meditations of St. Augustine, his treatise of the love of God, soliloquies, and manual. With contemplations from St. ANSELM and St. BERNARD. Translated by Geo. Stanhope, D.D. London, 1818. 8 A right Christian treatise, entituled, St. Au- gustine's prayers. Published. .. .by Thomas Rogers. Wherexuito is annexed St. Augus- tine's Psalter. London, 1640. 12 St. Augustine's manuall. Containing special and picked meditations and godly prayers Corrected, translated, and adorned by Thomas Rogers. London, 1640. 12 De gratia Dei, et libero arbitrio hominis et pnedestinatione sanctorum, opera selecta. [With an appendix containing the works of St. PROSPER on the same subject.] 3 torn. Pansiis, 1758-60. 12 Confessiones. ...Edidit Carl. Herm. Bruder. Lipsiw, 1837. 8 De doctrina Christiana libri quatuor, et En- chiridion ad Laurentium. Lipsiv means of spiritual considerations and affec- tions. Translated from the French... by R. P. 2ded. 2 vol. . 17 .'_'. 1-' B*** (Le Comtede). Les oeuvres complettes de M. le Comte de B*** Demiere eU 2 torn. 17aral>!es i if "in- Lord, showing their connec- tion with liis ministry, their prophetic charac- ter, and their gradual development of the gos- pel dispensation. With a preliminary disser- tation on the parable. /,-.;. /.>/!, l.Sl'S. 8 BAILEY (NATHAN). An universal etymological English dictionary. 20th ed. London, 1704. 8 Vol. II. Containing an additional collection of words (not in the first volume). 3d ed., with many additions. London, 1737. 8 - A compleat English dictionary, oder voll- standiges Englisch-Deutsches [Deutsche-Eng- lischesj Worterbuch, einfiinglich von Nathan Bailey herausgegeben ; jezt aber fast ganz um- gearbeitet, vermehret und verbessert von An- ton Ernst Klausing. Vierte Auflage. Leipzig, 1771. 8 - Neunte Auflage ganzlich umgearbeitet von Johann Anton Fahrenkriiger. 2 Theil. Leipzig, 1796. 8 - Worterbuch der englischen Sprache. Zwolfte Auflage ganzlich umgearbeitet von Adolf Wag- ner. Jena, 1822. 8 BAILLET (ADRIEN). Les vies des saints... avec 1'histoire de leur culte, selon qu'il est dtabli dans 1'Eglise Catliolique. 4 torn. 7 './/-/a, 1715, 16. fol. Histoire des demelez du pape BONIFACE VIII. avec Philippe le Bel. 1718 BAILLIE (JOANNA). A series of plays ; in which it is attempted to delineate the stronger pas- sions of the mind ; each passion being the sub- ject of a tragedy and a comedy. 4 vol. [Vol. i. 5th ed., vol. ii. 3d ed.,' vol. iii. ed. 1812, vol. iv. 2d ed.] London, 1805, 1812. 8 A collection of poems, chiefly manuscript and from living authors. Edited for the benefit of a friend, by Joanna Baillie. London, 1823. 8 - Fugitive verses. London, 1840. 8 BAILLIE (ROBERT), Principal of tlw University of Glasyoiv. Ladensium Au-roncfraK^iris, the CANTERBURIAN'S self-conviction. 1640 Satan the leader in chief to all who resist the reparation of Zion ; as it was cleared in a ser- mon [on Zech. iii. 1, 2] to the Hon. House of Commons, at their late solemn fast, Feb. 28, 1643. London, 1643. 4 - Another copy. Errours and induration, are the great sins and the great judgements of the time, preached in a sermon [on Ps. Ixiii. 17] before the Right Hon. House of Peers, in the Abbey Church at West- minster, July 30, 1645, the day of the monethly fast. London, 1645. 4 A Dissuasive from the errours of the time : wherein the tenets of the principall sects, espe- cially of the Independents, are drawn together in one mass, for the most part in the words of their own authours, and their maine principles ' art- examined by the touchstone of the Holy Scriptures. /,<-,(./,,,,, liil"). 4" - Second ini|iivssi..n. {on, 1'illt. 4 Anabajitisiii, the true fountaine of Inde|,cii ilein-y, I'.rowiiisme, Antinomy, Familisme, and the most of the other errours, which f>r tho time doe trouble the Church of England, un- sealed. Also the questions of Piedobaptisme and Dipping handled from Scripture. In a second part of the Disswasive from the errors of the time. /e. opinions concerning it. London, 1646. 4 ! \LAAM. Tlu- error of Halaam, the sin of the nt ilay, i-r the shadow of K^vpt, tin- r.- ..f the Church. /:,/;., [1843. J 1L' BAlZS!U8(J.) >'" -Mm BALK. r. \l.('A!:i! \s, KARL of. See CV.lvU LINDSAY. hAl.lMIM > ( Ki;ii'KKh i >i. Advcntus Chnsti t\ picus ; sen, iloctrina dc adveiitu Jesu Christi in camera; ad judicium ; ad nu ut. -s il .-tuque lunniiuuii. I \"tt //('"/\ Sir J. B.... Lord Pre- sident of the Court of Session. :;>4. foi. BALFOUR (Sir JAMES), of Kinnaird. Hist< a \\nrks ; published from the original manu- scripts. 4 vol. Edin., 1824. 8 BALFOUR (JOHN BUTTON), M.D., Professor of Botany in the University of adMnnryk, A manual of botany ; being an introduction to the study of the structure, physiology, and classification of plants. London, 1849. 8 Letter to R. K. Greville, LL.D. : being an answer to certain statements contained in a pamphlet entitled " Singular specimens of the Edinburgh practice of criticism. By John Joseph Griffin." Edin., 1851. 8 BALFOUR (ROBERT), D.D. Liberal charity stated and recommended on the principles of the gospel. A sermon [on 2 Cor. ix. 6] preached before the Society for propagating Christian knowledge, at Edinburgh, June 5, 1789. Edin., 1789. 8 Sermons. Glasgow, 1819. 8 *Lines to the memory of Robert Balfour, D.D. Glasgow, 1818. 8 BALFOUR (ROBERT G.), Minister of the Free t'lmrch, Eothesay. Infant baptism a divine institution. Edin., 1860. 8 BALGUY (JOHN), M.A., Vicar of Nvrihtdlerton. Silvius's examination of certain doctrines lately taught and defended by the Rev. Mr Stebbing. London, 1718. 8 Silvius's letter to the Rev. Dr Sherlock. London, 1719. 8 - Silvius's defence of a dialogue between a pa- pist and a protestant : in answer to the Rev. Mr Stebbing. To which are added, several remarks and observations upon that author's manner of writing and reasoning. London, 1720. 8 The foundation of moral goodness ; or, a fur- ther enquiry into the original of our idea of virtue ; by a clergyman. London, 1728. 8 Divine RECTITUDE. 1730 The law of TRUTH. 1733 A collection of tracts, moral and theological, placed in the order wherein they were first published : viz. I. A letter to a deist. II. The foundation of moral goodness : part 1. III. The foundation of moral goodness : part 2. IV. Divine rectitude. V. A second letter to a deist. VI. The law of truth. W T ith some additional notes, and a supplement concerning rectitude. London, 1734. 8 - Sermons. 2 vol. 3d ed. London, 1790. 8 BALL (JOHN). A friendly triall of the grounds BALLANTYNE -BANDINEL. 37 tending to separation ; in a dispute touching the lawfulness of a stinted liturgie and set form of prayer, communion in mixed assem- blies, and the power of the keyes. Cambridge, 1640. 4 Another copy. - An answer to two treatises of Mr John Can, the leader of the English Brownists in Amster- dam. The former called, A necessitie of sepa- ration from the Church of England,... The other, A stay against straying. Published by Simeon Ash. London, 1642. 4 - The power of godlines, both doctrinally and practically handled... Whereunto are annexed distinct treatises, I. Of the affections. II. Of the spiritual combate. III. Of the government of the tongue. IV. And of prayer. Together with, V. An exposition upon the Lord's prayer. London, 1657. fol. BALLANTYNE (JAMES R. ), LL. D. Christianity contrasted with Hindu philosophy : an essay, in five books, Sanskrit and English ; with practical siiggestions tendered to the mission- ary among the Hindus. London, 1859. 8 BALLANTYNE (JOHN). An examination of the human mind. Edin., 1828. 8 Another copy. A comparison of established and dissenting Churches. 2d ed. Edin., 1830. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - On the being of a God. [Theological tracts, edited by John BROWN, D.D., vol. ii.] Edin., 1853. 8 BALLANTYNE (JOHN), .Secession Minister at Stonehaven. On the origin of evil. [Theolo- gical tracts, edited by John BROWN, D.D., vol. i.] Edin., 1853. 8 BALLERINIUS (PETRUS). De potestate eccle- siastica summorum pontificum et conciliorum generalium liber, una cum vindiciis autoritatis Pontificise contra opus...Febronii...Edidit E. W. Westhoff. Monasterii Westphalorum, 1847. 8 BALLIUS (ROBERTUS). See Robert BAILLIE. BALLOU (HosEA). Notes on the parables of the New Testament, scripturally illustrated and argumentatively defended. 3d ed. Halloivell, (U. S.), 1822. 12 BALM. Balm from Gilead : or, the differences about the Indulgence, stated and impleaded, in a sober and serious letter to the ministers and Christians in Scotland. By an healing hand. [J. BAIRD.] London, 1681. 8 Another copy. BALMER (ROBERT), D.D., Professor of Theology, United Secession Church. Academical lectures and pulpit discourses. With a memoir of his life. 2vol. Edin., 1845. 12 - The Scripture principles of unity. [Essays on Christian UNION.] 1845 BALME'S (JACQUES). Art d'arriver au vrai. Tra- duit de 1'Espagnol par M. Manec (Edouard), avec une preface de M. de Blanche Raffin. Nouvelle Edition pre'ce'de'e d'xine notice sur la vie ct les travaux tie 1'auteur. Liege, 1861. 8 Philosophic fondamentale ; traduite de 1'Espa- gnol par Manec (Edouard). 2 torn. Liege, 1852. 8 BALSCOPO (GIOVANNI BATTISTA), pseud, i. e. John TROTTER. BALTHASAR(JAC. HENR.) Doctrina Polycarpi de Scriptura sacra, exposita a J. H. B. Gryphiswaldite, 1731. 4 Doctrina Polycarpi de Deo Triuno. Quam sub prsesidio J. H. B. ...publice defendet Dan. Fri- der. Schroder. Gryphiswaldice, [1733.] 4 Doctrina Polycarpi de Ecclesia. Quam sub prsesidio J. H. B. ...publice defendet Nicol. Bserenwald. Griiphiswaldiae, [1735.] 4 BALTUS (JEAN FRANQOIS), S. J. Defense des SS Peres accusez de P^TONISME. 1711 BALUZE (ETIENNE). Capitularia. regum Fran- corum. Additse sunt Marculfi et aliorum for- mulae veteres, et noise doctissimorum virorum. 2 torn. Parisiis, 1677. fol. Miscellanea novo ordine digesta, et non paucis ineditis monumentis opportunisque am'mad- versionibus aucta ; opera ac studio Joannis Dom. Mansi. 4 torn. Lucce, 1761-64. fol. BAMPTON LECTURES. -See names of the authors. BANCK (LAURENTIUS). Taxa S. Cancellariae Romanse, notis illustrata. FranekercR, 1651. 8 BANCKS (JOHN). Miscellaneous works in verse and prose. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1739. 8 BANCROFT (EDWARD). An essay on the natural history of Guiana in South America. London, 1769. 8 BANCROFT (GEORGE). History of the United States, from the discovery of the American continent, to the war of independence. Edin., 1843. 8 BANCROFT (RICHARD), D.D., Archbishop of Canterbury. Dangerous positions and pro- ceedings, published and practised within this iland of Britaine, under pretence of reforma- tion, and for the presbiteriall discipline. London, 1640. 4 Another copy. BANDERS. The Banders disbanded ; or an ac- curat discourse. . .demonstrating how. . .sinfull it is, in the present circumstances of the Church of Scotland, for ministers of Christ there, that they may obtain a pretended liberty to preach and administer the sacraments, . . .to give bond to their present rulers, that they shall live peaceably. [By Robert M'WARD.] s. I, 1681. 4 Another copy. - The Banders disbanded, exemplified in the lives, characters, principles, and practices of the present professors of Presbytery. By a lover of true Presbytery. Glasgow, 1805. 12 BANDINEL (JAMES), D.D. Eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1780, at the lectiire founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. To which is added, a vindication of St Paul from the charge of wishing himself acciu'sed. A sermon 38 UAXI-T IUITISM. preached likewise before the University, M;iivh it. i::s. I- AM- '!'. Collections for a history of the shiivs ..[' Ai:i.i:i-i.i.\ uii'l Man If. - Illustrations of the topography of ABERDEEN ami Manff. 1847 I'.ANCUK. MisHOFOf.- 8M Lt-wis i:\vi.v. I '- A NGOR, BISHOP OF. See Christ, >phi-r M i . i : , J;\V ;< MI. MI-HOP OF. . l."'7l. !', j With appendix con- taining Letters from Secretary .M.utl.md and the Earl of Mortoun, 1572. An account of tlio death :ir t t. A sermon [on Psalm xxvi. <>) pn-arhed be- fore the Hon. the House of Commons, Feb. K ;_':;. London, 1624. 4 BARING (CHARLES), D.D., Bixlutp of Gloucester and Bristol, and afterwards of Durham. Christ's death a propitiatory sacrifice. A ser- mon preached before the University of Oxford, Feb. 17, 1856. Oxford. 1856. 8 BARKER (JOHN). Sermons. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1763, 64. 8 Another copy. BARKER (JOSEPH). Grace, and the means of grace. s. I. et a. 12 - Conscientiousness, a bad sentiment in a good book. Newcastle, s. a. 12 - A brief report of the proceedings of the con- ference of the Methodist new connexion, in the case of Joseph Barker and William Trotter. Newcastle, s. a., 12 - Truth against misrepresentation : being a reply to the lectures of T. Allin and S. Hulme. Newcastle, 1841. 12 - A true statement of facts. In reply to T. Allin's brief and erroneous statements. s. I. et a. 12 - Water baptism. A letter to Thomas Allin. Newcastle, s. a. 12 - Toleration, human creeds, &c. A letter to Thomas Allin, in reply to his letter to J. B. s. 1. et a. 12 - The great need which the young have of our attention and care. Manchester, s. a. 12 - The socinianism, infidelity, and blasphemy of Barkerism ; in a letter to P. Budd, Methodist travelling preacher. s. 1. et a. 12 On what principles should a Christian act in reference to business. Newcastle, s. a. 12 - The Christian character. Newcastle, s. a. 12 - True religion. In three tracts, s. 1. et a. 12 - Letter to J. G. Holyoake. s. 1. et a. 12 The deceitfulness of sin ; or, the madness of procrastination. A sermon. Preston, s. a. 12 Who are the cowards and deceivers ? or, ex- tracts from correspondence between J. B., A. Dyson, and the Huddersfield committee : and between J. B. and W. Cooke. Newcastle, s. a. 12 Belief and disbelief ; or, the sentiments of J. B. and his friends ; in letters to the inhabi- tants of Bramley. s. 1. et a. 12 \Viiy ili-1 the ministers of the town of I. alismt tli. ' 'in tin- ant i-sh illi,' mi T/i: iiiir.' la-it .' x.l. >t tl. 12 Tli.- l.|--s>inx> " ! I'*' 1 ' ti'i'l'-. and how th.-v may bi> in. I nude l.i>tin^'. A livnvd .Inh L'7, 1846. . /. eta. 12 Hrii-f outline of the prindplt-s of evangelical mi. Newcastle, s. . !'_' Address to his Belfast friends. a. I. et. a. 12 The Christian's great consolation under trials. A sermon. Newcastle, a. a. T_' The merits of Christ, the atonement, &c. s. 1. et a. 12 A summary view of the evidence for the primi- tive Christians having held the doctrine of the simple humanity of Christ. Newcastle, a. a. 12 Pure gospel again ; or, a few more remarkable particulars in the life and doctrine of Christ. s. I et a. 12 Another copy. On the miraculous conception of Jesus Christ. -s. 1. et a. 12 Letters to J. J. Gurney, containing remarks on his views of the atonement, imputed right- eousness, &c. Newcastle, a. a. 12 The atonement. [In five tracts.] Neivcastle, s. a. 12 The imitation of the divine goodness. a. 1. et a. 12 An account of J. B.'s visit to Ireland, with outlines of his lectures, &c. s. 1. et a. 12 Answers to questions, on perfection, assurance, and conversion. s. 1. et a. 12 Reason and revelation. Newcastle, s. 1. et a. 12 A word to young professors, a word to tee- totalers. Newcastle, a. a. 12 Temperance and luxury. London, 1842. 12 The duty of Christian Churches to provide for their poor members, and the impropriety of professing Christians connecting themselves with benefit societies, Rechabite societies, life insiirances, loan funds, or with any societies founded on worldly principles. Newcastle, s. a. 12 Truth and innocence defended against priestly calumny. Newcastle, a. a. 12 3 In what way ought Sunday to be employed ? s. 1. et a. 12 Mercy triumphant ; or, teaching the children of the poor to write on the Sabbath day, proved to be in perfect agreement with the oracles of God. Manchester, s. a. 12 The obligation of Christians to seek the salva- tion of their fellow-men. A sermon. Newcastle, s. a. 12 The duty of Christians to labour for the in- struction and salvation of their fellow-men. s. 1. et a. 12 All-sufficiency of religion. Newcastle, s. a. 12 Orthodoxy and heterodoxy ; or, a correspond- ence between J. B. and one of his old Metho- distical friends. s. 1. et a. 12 Most horrible and astounding facts, or, a i - eve- BARKER BARLOW. 41 lation of a modern mystery of iniquity. s. a. et a. 12 The happiness of doing good. Worthy, s. a. 12 Truth and reform against the world, or letters to W. Cooke, in reply to his attack on Mr Joseph Barker. s. I. et a. 12 Christian liberty, and evangelical reform. Newcastle, s. a. 12 A discourse on Christian perfection. Newcastle, s. a. 12 The necessity of Christian zeal. s. 1. et a. 12 The happy tendency and final triumph of the Christian religion. s. 1. et a. 12 Winter fashions. Newcastle, s. a. 12 Both sides of the question : or, three letters, two to Joseph Meir, of Burslem, and another to John Ridgway, Hanley, Staffordshire. Newcastle, s. a. 12 Public prayer. s. 1. et a. 12 Public worship, Church organization, priest- ism, &c. s. 1. et a. 12 All war anti-Christian. s. 1. et a. 12 Love and uniformity. Newcastle, s. a. 12 Saving faith, or the way of salvation made plain. [In two parts.] Wortley, s. a. 12 The Church and the press. Newcastle, s. a. 12 The abominations of Socialism exposed, in reply to the Gateshead Observer. Newcastle, s. a. 12 Conversation between a Socialist and a Chris- tian. Newcastle, s. a. 12 Non-resistance. In two letters, s. 1. et a. 12 Objections to peace principles answered. s. 1. et a. 12 Other objections to the peace principles an- swered, s. 1. et a. 12 War and governments ; or, further objections to the peace principles answered. s. I. et a. 12 A few questions for orthodox theologians, &c. Newcastle, s. a. 12 A few questions to George Bell, Presbyterian preacher, of Newcastle, and author of a pamph- let, entitled, " The doctrine of satisfaction to the justice of God explained and supported in opposition to the views of Joseph Barker." Newcastle, s. a. 12 The Scripture doctrine of justification. s. 1. et a. 12 Instantaneous sanctification. s. 1. et a. 12 Extracts from a letter on creeds, s. 1. et a. 12 A good conscience. s. 1. et a. 12 Inspiration, infallibility, &c. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, s. a. 12 The inspiration of the sacred Scriptures. s. I. et a. 12 ! The hired ministry. [In seven tracts.] s. 1. et a. 12 Solemn caution. s. 1. et a. 12 Letter to J. Carveth. s. 1. et a. 12 Two letters to the Church at Newcastle. Newcastle, s. a. 12' Do read, if possible, a few words for Ireland. s. I. et a. 12 ! The cause of the distress at present prevailing in Great Britain and Ireland. s. 1. et a. 12 - The Methodist travelling preacher and the shoemaker. s. 1. et a. 12 Self-abasement and self-exaltation. s. 1. et a. 12 BARKER (PETER). A learned and familiar expo- sition upon the ten commandments. 2d ed. London, 1633. 4 BARKER (THOMAS). Dr Wells's letter to a dis- senting parishioner considered. Wherein the principles of the dissenters commonly called Presbyterians are stated and vindicated ; and it is shew'd, that the principles the Doctor ad- vances are destructive to the national Church and Protestant Reformation. London, 1707. 8 BARKE Y (NICOLAUS). Bibliotheca Bremensis nova historico-philologico-theologica. VI. Classes. [Edited by N. B.] Bremce et Amstel., 1760-1766. 8 - Bibliotheca Hagana historico-philologico-theo- logica, ad continuationem Bibliothecse Bre- mensis novae, constructa a N. B. VI. Classes. Amstel. et Lugd. Bat., 1768-1775. 8 Museum Haganum historico-philologico-theo- logicum, extructum a N. B. Hagce, Comitum, 1774-1780. 8 Symbolse litterarise Haganse, ad incrementum scientiarum omne genus, a variis amice colla- tis. Editore N. B. II. Classes. Hagce Comitum, 1777-79. 8 BARL^EUS (CASPAR), Professor of Philosophy at Amsterdam. Bogermannus Sxsy^^tsvo,- : sive, examen epistolse, quam suis ad Pietatem il- lust. ord. Hollandiae ac Westfrisiae notes prse- fixit. In quo etiam crimina a Matthseo Slado impacta Erasmo diluuntur. Lugd. Batav., 1615. 4 BARLOW (FREDERIC), M. A. The complete Eng- lish peerage... to the year 1775 inclusive.... 2ded., with additions. 2vol. London,!??!). 8 BARLOW (JOEL). Advice to the privileged orders in the several states of Europe, result- ing from the necessity and propriety of a gene- ral revolution in the principle of government. Part i. 2d ed. London, 1792. 8 - The Columbiad, a poem. London, 1809. 8 BARLOW (THOMAS), Bishop of Lincoln. Brutum fulmen ; or, the Bull of Pope Pius V. concerning the damnation, excommunication, and depo- sition of Q. Elizabeth... With some observa- tions and animadversions upon it. 2d ed. London, 1681. 4 The genuine remains of...Dr T. B. Contain- ing divers discourses theological, philosophi- - cal, historical, &c. In letters to several per- sons of honour and quality. To which is added the resolution of many abstruse points. As also directions to a, young divine for his study of divinity, and choice of books, &c. With great variety of other subjects. Publish'd from his Lordship's original papers. [Edited by P. Pett.] London, 1693. 8 Two letters concerning justification by faith only. London, 1828. 12 6 BARLOW I-. <\\ 11 1 I\MK / . '"'/ I'd.- first .4" tin- fomv tin- Kind's Majestic, I mipton C..int in Si-ph-mber last. This rnin^ thi! Hiitiipiitiu and .supc-noritiu of horn, s.-pt. -Jl, Ki(H). [Acts, xx. 28.1 London, 1607. 4 BARNABAS, Saint. B* t-r,fr\it ; [cumNo- \.. '1,-t.ii.u nt" Sinaitico.] &ee BIBLES GREEK. F. [Gr. et Lat.] cum notis variorum et doctis- siiininuii virorum judii-iis ; [torn i. p. 1. Pa- tnim apost. J. B. COTELERII.] 1724 (Tom i. p. iii. Biblioth. Vet. Patrum per A. GALLANDIUM.] 1788 [P. 1, Patr. Apostol. opp. perC. J. HEFELE.] 1855 Cum notis Steph. Lo Moyne ; [torn i. Varia sacra per S. LK M < v N K . ] 1685 [Apxid Patres Apostol. per R.RrssEL.] 1746 Textum recensuit F. X. Reithmayr. [Apud opp. Patr. Apostol. per FT. X. REITHMAYR.] 1844 Translated ; [in W. WAKE'S epistles of the Apostolical Fathers, p. 155.] 1840 - Dictum S. Barnabse, quod in catholica ejus epistola non reperitur, Gr. et Lat. [torn i. p. 302 Spicileg. J. E. GRABII.] 1698 BARNARD (JOHN), D.D. An answer to Mr Baxter's false accusations of Dr Heylin ; [with Theologo-historicus, or the true life of Peter HEYLIN, D.D.] I'.s:; BARNARD (NICHOLAS). See N. BERNARD. BARNERD (RICHARD), Preacher of God's Word u f H'orsop. Thefaithfull shepheard, amended and enlarged. With the shepheard 's practise in preaching annexed thereunto ; or his man- ner of feeding the flocke. Londo'ii, 1609. 4 BARNES (ALBERT), 3/ /'/M. .-/.-/ of the First Presby- < Clmn-h, Philadelphia. Notes. ..on the book of Job. 1847. See BIBLES ENG- LISH. C. - Notes... on the book of the prophet Isaiah. 1840. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. Notes, explanatory and practical, on the New Testament. Vol. i. -x. Glasgow, 1842-49. 12 - Another edition. New York, 1843, 44. 12 - Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Epis- tle to the Romans. 8th ed. , revised and cor- rected. New York, 1839. 8 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the first epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. Edited by the Rev. Ingram Cobbin, M.A. London, 1847. 12 Notes, explanatory and practical, on the book of Revelation. Revised by J. Gumming, D.D. London, 1853. 8 An inquiry into the organization and govern- ment of the apostolic Church : particularly with reference to the claims of Episcopacy. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 Our position. A sermon, preached before the General Assembly of the Presbvterian Church in the United States, May 20, 1852. New York, 1852. 8 - The way of salvation illustrated in a series of ; 1 K\ tin- \l \ K. IKii.U-r D.D. /..../-.. [is;,.-,.j i-j Essays mi science and theology. Arranged and revised by tin I: . i; I! Icrson, D.D. . | 1-" The atonement, in its relations to law and in.. ml u"'v I '. A I ; i ;T), Professor of Divinity in Maris- chal College, Aberdeen. Philosophiatheologiaa ancillans ; hoc est pia et soliri.-i i-xplicatio qutestii mum philoHophicarum in dispututioni- bus theologicis subinde occurivntiuni. Oxonia, 1641. 16 Another edition. Amstel., 1649. 12 Disputatio theologica de vero discrimin. cati mortalis et venialis, deque impossibilitate iiupleiidi legem Dei ob quotidianam peccato- rum venialium incursionem. Cui annexa eat appendix de possibilitate pnestandi legem con- aideratam secundum ir,'uxna> evangelicam. Amstel., 1649. 12 Another edition. Oxonii, 1658. 12 Metaphysica generalis ; accedunt quae supere- rant ex parte speciali. Londini, s. a. 12 BARNS, or BARNES (ROBERT), D.D. Scrip- tores duo Anglici de vitis pontificum Romano- rum : vid. Rob. BARNS et Joh. BALEUS, quos a tenebris vindicavit, veterum testimoniis con- firmavit et usque ad Paulum V. continuavit Jo. Martini LYDIUS. Lugd. Ba tav., 1615. 8 BARONIUS (CAESAR), Cardinal, Librarian of the Vatican. Annales ecclesiastici [A. D. 1-1198], una cum critica historico-chronologica P. An- tonii Pagii, in qua rerum narratio defenditur, illustratur, suppletur, ordo temporum corrigi- tur, et periodo Grseco-Romana munitur. 19 torn. LUCr>frssor of belles lettres i.i-i lotjic in ti,c r,nVo-.s-;/;/ of St Andrews. - Lectures on belles lettres and logic. 2 vol. London, 1806. 8 BARROW (ISAAC), -Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Works : being all his English works. 3 vol. London, 1683. fol. Another copy. . Another edition. London, 1716. fol. Another edition. 8 vol. Oxford, 1830. 8 A new edition. With a life of the author, by the Rev. James Hamilton. 3 vol. Edin., 1842. 8 Lectiones xviii. , Cantabrigise in scholis publicis habitse ; in quibus opticorum phsenomenwn genuinae rationes investigantur ac exponuntur. Annexse sunt lectiones aliquot geometricse. Londini, 1672. 4 Lectiones opticse et geometricse. [The same book as the preceding, with a new title.] Londini, 1674. 4 Opuscula ; viz. Determinationes, cone, ad cle- rum, orationes, poemata, &c. [Operum volu- men quartum.] Londini, 1687. fol. Another copy. A brief exposition on the creed, the Lord's- prayer, and ten commandments. To which is added, the doctrine of the sacraments. London, 1697. 8 Mathematical lectures. Translated by the Rev. John Kirkby. London, 1734. 8 Sermons and fragments attributed to I. B., D.D. To which are added, two dissertations, on the duration of future punishments, and on dissenters. Now first collected and edited from the MSS. in the University and Trinity College libraries, Cambridge, by the Rev. J. P. Lee, M.A. London, 3834. 8 BARROW (JOHN HENRY). The Mirror of PAR- LIAMENT. 1833-1837. Edited by J. H. B. 1833-1837 BARROW (WILLIAM), LL.D. , Archdeacon of Not- tingham. Eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1799, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton, M.A. London, 1799. 8 BARROWE (HENRY). Brief discoverie of the false Church. As is the mother such the daughter is. [Wants title.] s. I., 1590. 4 BARRUEL (L'Abbe* AUGUSTIN). Memoirs illus- trating the history of Jacobinism. Translated by the Hon. Robert Clifford. 4 vol. 2d ed. London, 1798. 8 Du Pape, et de ses droits religieux a 1'occasion du Concordat. 2 torn. Paris, 1803. 8 Les Helviennes ou lettres provinciates philoso- phiques. 4 torn. Cinquieme Edition. Paris, 1812. 12 BARRY (JAMES). A reviving cordial for a sin- sick despairing soul, in the time of temptation. . . .To which is subjoined, the only refuge of a troubled soul in the time of trouble and afflic- tion ; or, the mystery of the apple-tree, ex- plained, in two discourses from Cant. ii. 3. Edin., 1810. 12 BARTHELEMY ( JEAN- JACQ.) Voyage du jeuiie Anacharsis en Grece, vers le milieu du qua- trieme siecle avant 1'ere vulgairc. Quatrieme BABTHOLINU8 liAMl.H S Edition. 7 tm. [1799.] 8 - Recueil de cartes geograpluques, plans, vues n : d:iillee do ranrieiuic (irece, relatifs an voyage du jeune Anacharsis, pre'cedd d'une analyse critique des cartes. Para, 1799. 4 Translated from the French, by W. Beau- mont. 6th ed. 6 vol. [The 7th v.il. in 4 con- taining the maps, &c. is wanting. ] London, 1825. 8 Abrdge" de 1'ouvrage original de 1'AbW Bar- thelemy...avec la vie de I'auteur, par M. le Due de Nivernois. Neuvieme e'dition. Revue ...par V. Wanostrocht. A Londres, 1834. 12 BARTHOLINUS (CASPABUS), Senior. Rheto- rica. Anjiittoriiti, 1624. 12 Oratoria, A, : . 1624. 12 BARTHOLINUS (THOMAS). Orationes varii ar- gumenti. Hafnice, 1668. 8 BARTHOLMESS (CHRISTIAN). Huet Eveque d'Avranchea, ou le scepticisme theologique. , 1850. 8 Another copy. Histoire critique des doctrines religieuses de la philosophic moderne. 2 torn. Paris, 1855. 8 BARTHOLOMLEUS (JOANNES.) Qujestiones Calvinisticae contra Pareum Moguntise ad dis- putendum propositee. Moguntice, 1605. 4 BARTLETT (WILLIAM HESRY). Walks about the city and environs of Jerusalem. London, 1844. 8 Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, &c. illus- trated. In a series of views drawn from na- ture by W. H. Bartlett, William Purser, &c. With descriptions of the plates by John Came, Esq. London, s. a. 4 BARTOLOCCIUS ( JULIUS). Bibliotheca magna Rabbinica de scriptoribus et scriptis Hebraicis ordine aphabetico Hebraice et Latine digestis ...[iv. torn] absolute, aucte, et in lucem edite a D. Carolo Jos. Imbonato...Huic quadripar- tite operi accedit tomus alter, nempe, Biblio- theca Latino-Hebraica, sive de scriptoribus Latinis, qui ex diversis nationibus contra Ju- dseos, vel de re Hebraica utcumque scripsere . . .opera et studio ejusdem D. Caroli Jos. Imbo- nati. 5 torn. Rornce, 1675-94. fol. BARTON (CHARLES), B.D. A sermon [on Psalm cvii. 34] preached at Henton on the 14th and 21st of December 1800. London, 1800. 8 BARTON (JOHN*). Observations on the circum- stances which influence the condition of the labouring classes of society. London, 1817. 8 - A lecture on the geography of plants. London, 1827. 12 BARTON (PHILIP), LL.D. A sermon [on 1 Tim. iii. 7] preached in Lambeth Chapel at the con- secration of Robert [Lowth] Bishop of St Da- vid's, June 15, 1766. London, 1766. 4 BARUH (RAPHAEL). Critica sacra examined : or, an attempt to shew that a new method may be found to reconcile the seemingly glaring varia- tions in parallel passages of Scripture ; and that such variations, consequently, are no proofs of conniptions or mistakes of tran- scribers. London, 1775. 8 WICK (Ki.w.v; iM.-i.li the Church, chiclly with respect to ite government : in which the divine right of Episcopacy is maintain. <1. the supremacy <>f the Dishop of Rome proved to be contrary to tin: Sciiptures ami pnmithc Father* : ami the Reform. copal Church in England, hvlaml. an laml proved to be a sound and orthodox part of the catholic Church. Compiled from the most eminent divines. 2d ed. Belfast, 1813. 8 Am ther copy. I'.ASlLll'.S MAGNUS, Saint. A /./(/,;.v the Lord Jesus Christ. 3d ed. London, 1688. 8 Spiritual perfection, unfolded and enforced, fn.m '2. C..r. vii. 1. London, 1699. 8 The four last things, death, judgment, heaven, and hell, practically considered and applied. To which is added, the great duty of resigna- tion to the Divine will, in times of affliction. Bungay, s. a. 8 - Another edition. Manchester, 1837. 12 BATEUS (GEOROIUS). See George BATE. BATH. The new Bath guide ; or memoirs of the B n r d family. [By Christopher A_NST i; v . | New edition. London, 1788. 8 I'.ATH AND WELLS, BISHOP OF. See Richard KlDDER. BATH AND WELLS, BISHOP OF. See Arthur LAKE. BATHURST (H.) Christianity and present poli- tics, how far reconcilable : in a letter to the Right Hon. W. Wilberforce. London, 1818. 8 BATTELY (JOHN), D.D., Archdeacon of Cant, r- bury. Antiq\iitates Rutupinae. Oxonice., 1711. 8 BATTELY (NICOLAS), M.A. The antiquities of Canterbury. In two parts ; the first part by William SOMNER ; the second part by N. B. 1703 BAUDARTIUS (WILHELMUS). Index ad notas V. T. triplex. See BIBLES LATIN. A. 1617 BAUDIER (MICHAEL), Historiographer of France. History of the administration of Cardinal Ximenes. Translated into English (from the French) by W. Vaughan. London, 1671. 8 BAUDRAND (MICHAEL ANTONIUS). FERRARII Novum Lexicon geographicum...M. A. B. auxit. 1738 BAUDRAND (L'ABBE). L'Ame embrasse'e de 1'amour divin par son union aux sacres coeurs de Je'sus et de Marie. A Lyon, 1829. 12 BAUDRIMONT (ALEXANDRE-EDOUARD). In- troduction a la chimie. /W/x, 1833. 8 BAUER (GEORG LORENZ). Entwurf einer Her- meneutik des alten und neuen Testaments. Leipzig, 1799. 8 - Another copy. - The theology of the Old Testament ; or, a bib- lical sketch of the religious opinions of the ancient Hebrews, from the earliest times to the commencement of the Christian era. Extracted and translated from the Theologie des alten Testaments. Lr>ndii, 1838. 8 ( ), U /.''/-(. History of tin- Protestant r.-li in II BAUMKI> II. I: I I. II. I. Kl. II rilKlSTIAN). 1: tmioiirs ]iliilosojilii;i- rationale methudo \\.il fii conscriptn. Editio dnodeeima. ' mberyce, 1749. 8 Another edition. 17i,r>. 8 - Elementu philosophise recentioris, usibus ju- \entutis scholastics accomodata, et plnrimis sententiis exempli-so^ie ex vi-terum scriptorum Romanomni monumentis illustrata. Lipsue, 1756. 12 - Editio novissima. ..f .loans Christ, i.f tin- Holy Clmst, and Trinity in unity, against atheists and heretics. Newcastle, 1804. 12 UAYL.r.rS (THOMAS). De nu-riio mortis Christi, et modo convcrsionis, diatril>;u duio ; iifi-non o>neio fjusdun ad cknun, in .)ud;r versuin unn-ln, 1820. 8 BAYNE(Ki:NSi.iii). *Thcchara. teachers of righteousness, and their future glory. A sermon, preached April 22d, 1821, on occasion of the death of the Rev. K- ninth Bayne. Glasgoiv, 1821. 12 BAYNE, or BAYNES (PAUL). The diocesans tryall : wherein all the sinnewes of Doctor Downliam's defence are brought into thivr heads, and orderly dissolved. Published by Dr William Ames. s. I., 1621. 4 A commentarie upon the first and second chap- ters of St Paul to the Colossians...To_ with divers places of Scripture briefely ex- plained. London, 1634. 4 Another edition. London, 1635. 4 Another copy. An entire commentary upon the whole Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians. London, 1643. foi. .Fifth edition. To which is added, the life of the author. London, 1658. foi. BAYNE (PETER), M.A. The Christian life, so- cial and individual. Edin., 1855. 8 New edition. Edin., 1859. 8 Essays, biographical, critical, and miscella- neous. Edin., 1859. 8 The testimony of Christ to Christianity. London, 1862. 8 BEACON (THOMAS). See T. BECON. BEAK (FRANCIS), M.A., Rector of Saltwood, Kent. Two letters to disswade from the errors of the Anabaptists ; on occasion of their restless endeavours to deceive the members of our Church who were baptiz'd in their infancy. London, 1701. 4 BEAN (JAMES), M. A. Family worship ; a course of morning and evening prayers for every day in the month. To which is prefixed, a dis- course on family prayer. 17th ed. London, 1829. 8 BEARBLOCK (JAMES), A.M. Observations on a pamphlet, written by Richard Flower, re- commending the abolition of tithes. London, 1809. 8 BEARD (JOHN R.), D.D. Voices of the Church, in reply to Dr D. T. Strauss, author of " Das Leben Jesu ;" comprising essays in defence of Christianity, by divines of various commu- nions. Collected and composed by J. R. B. , D.D. London, 1845. 8 A biblical atlas ; with a brief geographical in- troduction, and a complete scriptural gazet- teer. London, 1849. 8 BEARD (THOMAS), D.D. The theatre of God's judgments.... Collected out of sacred, ecclesi- asticall, and pagan histories... by T. B., and Thomas TAYLOR. 4th ed. London, 1648. foi. BE ART (JOHN). Truth defended : or, a vindica- tion of the eternal law and everlasting gospel. 3d ed. 2 parts. London, 1779. 12 Another edition. London, 1813. 12 Another copy. BE ATHE- BECKIUS. 51 BEATHE (MORGAN). The praise of patronage ; a satire. Glasgow, 1834. 12 BEATSON (ROBERT). A political index to the histories of Great Britain and Ireland. Edin., 1786. 8 Naval and military memoirs of Great Britain from 1727 to the present time. 3 vol. London, 1790. 8 BEATTIE (JAMES), LL.D., Professor of moral philosophy, Aberdeen. Essays. On the nature and immutability of truth, in opposition to sophistry and scepticism. On poetry and mu- sic. On laughter and ludicrous composition. On the utility of classical learning. Edam,., 1776. 4 - Another copy. - Essays on poetry and music. 3d ed. London, 1779. 8 - SCOTICISMS, arranged in alphabetical order. 1787 - The Minstrel ; or, the progress of genius ; with some other poems To which are now added, Miscellanies, by James Hay BEATTIE, A.M. 2 vol. London, 1799. 16 - Evidences of the Christian religion ; briefly and plainly stated. 5th ed. London, 1806. 8 Another copy. An essay on the nature and immutability of truth. 8th ed. Edin., 1807. 8 - Elements of moral science. 2 vol. 2d ed. Edin., 1807. 8 - The poetical works of Beattie, COLLINS, and GRAY. London, 1826. 12 - *An account of the life and writings of J. B. ...Including many of his original letters. By Sir William Forbes, of Pitsligo, Bart. 2d ed. 3vol. Edin., 1807. 8 BEATTIE (JAMES), Minister of Balmullo. His- tory of the Church of Scotland during the Commonwealth. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. Another copy. BEATTIE (JAMES HAY). Miscellanies ; [with The Minstrel, by James BEATTIE, LL.D.] 1799 BEAUMONT (ARTHUR J.). An American's de- fence of his government, in an appeal to the common sense of the nations of Europe. London, 1831. 8 BEAUMONT (JOHN). English statesmanship and Indian policy. s. I. et a. 8 BEAUSOBRE (ISAAC DE). Defense de la doc- trine des Reformes sur la providence... la pre- destination...^ grace, et sur 1'eucharistie. Magdebourg, 1693. 8 - Histoire critique de Manichee et du Mani- chdisme. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1734-39. 4 - Le Nouveau Testament... avec des notes. Par Mrs. de B. et LENFANT. 1736. See BIBLES FRENCH. C. - Remarques histofiques, critiques et philolo- giques sur le Nouveau Testament ; avec la vie de 1'auteur. 2 torn. La Haye, 1742. 4 - Sermons. 4 torn. Lausanne, 1755. 8 - Histoire de la Reformation, o\i origine et pro- gves du Luthe'ranisme, dans 1'empire et les etats de la confession d'Augsbourg, depuis 1517 jusqu' en 1530. Ouvrage posthume. 4 torn. Berlin, 1785, 86. 8 Another copy. BEAVER (PHILIP), Captain, E.N.The life and services of Capt. P. B....By Capt. W. H. Smyth, R.N. London, 1829. 8 BEBELIUS (BALTASAR) Disputatio theologica de auctoritate Scripturse sacrae, Atheis potis- simum opposita, et imprimis ex octo Origenis contra Celsum Philosophastrum libris illustra- ta, quam sub prsesidio D. B. B. ...defenden- dam submittit Johann. Daniel Gukkelen. Argentorati, [1669]. 4 EEC ANUS (MARTINUS). Dissidium Anglicanum de prinaatu regis, cum brevi pref atione ad Catho- licos in Anglia degentes. Moguntice, 1612. 8 Manuale controversiarum hujus temporis, in v. libros distributum. Herbipoli, 1626. 4 Summa theologise scholasticse. Duobus trac- tatibus pernecessariis aucta ; uno de natura theologise, altero de gratise auxiliis. Authore Gervasio BIJONIO. Editio novissima. Lugduni, 1683. fol. BECCARIA (CESARE BONESANA, Marquis de). An essay on crimes and punishments, trans- lated from the Italian ; with a commentary, attributed to M. de Voltaire, translated from the French. A new edition. Edin. , 1778. 12 BECIUS (JOHANNES). Problemata qusedam, e philosophia desumpta. Ultrajecti, 1651. 4 BECK (LEWIS C.), M.D. Mineralogy of New York ; comprising detailed descriptions of the minerals hitherto found in the State of New York, and notices of their use in the arts and agriculture. Published by authority. Albany, 1842. 4 BECKER (ABRAHAMUS). Disputatio" philosophi- ca, ad historian! creationis. Ultrajecti, 1653. 4 BECKER (CLEMENS). Dissertationes theologi- cae. Editio secunda. 2 torn. Monasterii Westphalice, 1802. 8 BECKER (KARL CHRISTIAN), Ph. D. Beitrage zu der Kirkengeschichte der evangelisch Lu- therischen Gemeinde zu Frankfurt am Main, mit besonderer Beziehung auf Liturgie. Frankfurt am Main, 1852. 8 BECKET (THOMAS A), Archbishop of Canterbury. *Becket...A biography. By James Craigie Robertson, M.A., Canon of Canterbury. London, 1859. 8 BECKHAUS (M. J. H.), D.D. Remarks on the interpretation of the tropioal language of the New Testament. Translated by C. H. Terrot. [Bib. Cab., vol. 2.] Edin., 1833. 8 BECKIUS (CHRISTIANUS DANIEL). Commeiita- rii historic! decretorum religionis Christianas et formulae Lutherise. Lipsice, 1801. 8 - Another copy. Monagrammata hermeneutices libroriun Novi Foederis. Pars prima hermeneutice N. T. imiversa. Lipsice, 1803. 8 C - Another copy. BECKIUS (MARTINUS MATTHIAS). Ex historia ecclesiastica, de convocatoribus, ac directori- l:K( 'KM ANN I1KKCHER. bus, qiiatuur ]>rii>niiii ci-iicilionini (Kcunu-ni- o.nini, an \ N \ ). A history of inventions ami ilisciivi-rirs. Translated from the German, l>v William Johnston. 2d ed. 4vol. London, 1814. 8 BECON, or BEACON (THOMAS). The early works of T. B. ; being the treatises published by him in the reign of King Henry \ III. Edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. John Ayre, A.M. Cambridge, 1843. 8 6 Another copy. - The booke of matrimony, both profitable and comfortable for all them that intende quietly and g*bdly to lyve in the holy state of honor- able wedlocke : newly made, and now firste of all published. [B. L.] London, 1564. fol. The sicke man's salve ; wherein al faithful Christians may learne both how to behave themselves patientlye and thankfully in the time of sickenesse, and also virtuoushe to dis- pose their temporall goods, and finally to pre- pare themselves gladly and godly to die. [B. L. ] London, 1597. 8 6 - - The catechism of T. B. With other pieces writ- ten by him in the reign of King Edward the Sixth. Edited, for the Parker Society, by the Rev. John Ayre, M.A. Cambridge, 1844. 8 Another copy. Prayers and other pieces of T. B. Edited, for the Parker Society, by the Rev. John Ayre, A.M. Cambridge, 1844. 8 - Another copy. BEDA, Venerabilis. Opera quotquot reperiri po- tuerunt omnia. 8 torn. Col. Agripp. 1688 Opera qusedam theologica nunc primum edita, necnon historica antea semel edita. Accesse- runt EGBERT: archiepiscopi Eboracensis Dia- logus de ecclesiastica institutione, et ALDHEL- MI episcopi Scireburnensis, Liber de virgiui- tate, ex codice antiquissimo emendatus. Loudini, 1693. 4 - Martyrologium, quod heroico carmine compo- suit ; [Specilegium L. d'AcHEKii, torn ii., p. 23.] . 1723 - Acta Sancti Cuthberti, Lindisfamensis epis- copi, heroico carmine conscripta ; [CANISII Antiq. Lectiones, torn ii. , part. 1, p. 1.] 1725 - Epistola ad Egbertum ; [GALLANDII Bibl. Patr., torn xiii., p. 261.] 1788 Ratio computandi per digitos et utramque manum ; [Thesaur. Antiqq. Roman, per J. G. GRJEVIUM., torn xi., coll. 1699.] 1732-37 Libri quatuor in principium Genesis usque ad nativitatem Isaac et ejectionem Ismaelis ; [The- saur. Anecdott. per MARTENE et DURAND, torn v., p. 111.] 1717 Liber in canticum Habacuc ; [ibid., p. 295.] Homilise undecim ; [ibid., p. 315.] Liber precum ; [ibid., p. 381.] Libellus annalis ; [Vett. Scriptt., per MAR- TENE et DVRAND, torn vi. , p. 637.] 1724-1733 - Historia Ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum...Re- censuit Josephus Stevenson. Vol. i. [Eng- lish Hist, Soc.] Londini, 1838. 8 liKUDu.MK (IJ:x.iAMi.N). M at Bourton-on-tli' - II //. Slmi-i 8 vi. 1. L",',l", t , 1H10-20. 12" BEDDOME (P. A.). State- of iiatinn.s, past ami presL-ut Lomlon, ls-14. 12 BKDKl.L ;KEOORYT.), D.D., Jfr,-f..i -../Nf. An- drews, Philadelphia. * Memoir <>f the Rev. G. T. B., D.D....By Sti-phm If. Tyng. 2d ed. ;/.;/../. '/./'.;.. 1836. 12 BEDELL (WILLIAM), Bishop of Kilmore.The copies of certain letters which have passed... between Master J. WADESWOUTH and W. B. 1624. A letter to Mr. James Waddesworth in reply to several letters from him upon the principal points of controversy between Papists and Protestants. London, 1827. 8 The Old Testament translated into Irish. See BIBLES IRISH. A. 1685 BEDFORD (ARTHUR), M.A. The temple mu- sick : or, an essay concerning the method of singing the psalms of David, in the temple, before the Babylonish captivity. Bristol, 1706. 8 A defence of the doctrine of the holy Trinity, and the incarnation of the Son of God, from the testimony of the most ancient Jews. In eight sermons, preached at the Lady Moyer's lecture, 1739 and 1740. London, 1741. 8 BEDFORD (HILKIAH). A vindication of the Church of England from the aspersions of a late libel, entituled "PRIESTCRAFT in perfec- tion." 1710 BEDFORD (JAMES), B.D. The perusal of an old statute concerning death and judgment as it was lately delivered in a sermon [on Heb. ix. 27] at the funeral of Mrs Francis Bedford. London, 1657. 4 BEE. The Bee, or literary weekly intelligencer for July 27, 1791. s. I. et a. 8 BEECHAM (JOHN). Ashantee and the Gold coast. London, 1841. 12 Another copy. BEECHER (CATHARINE E.). Letters on the difficulties of religion. Hartford, 1836. 12 BEECHER (EDWARD), D.D. Baptism, with re- ference to its import and modes. New. York, 1849. 12 The conflict of ages ; or, the great debate on the moral relations of God and man. London, 1853. 12 Another copy. The papal conspiracy exposed ; or, the Romish corporation dangerous to the political liberty and social interests of man. With a preface by Rev. James Begg, D.D. Edin., 1856. 8 Another copy. The concord of ages ; or, the individual and organic harmony of God and man. New York, 1860. 12 BEECHER (LYMAN), D.D. The works of L. B. 3 vol. Boston, 1852, 3. 8 The government of God desirable. A sermon. 7th ed. Boston, 1827. 8 Views in theology. 2d ed. Cincinnati, 1836. 12 BEELEN BELFAST. 63 Six sermons on the nature, occasions, signs, evils, and remedy of intemperance. 10th ed. New York, 1838. 12 - On the remedy of intemperance. (Extracted from Dr Beecher's sermons on intemperance.) Glasgow, s. a. 8 BEELEN (JOANNES THEODOBUS). Grammatica Grsecitatis Novi Testamenti. Lovanii, 1857. 8 BEGG (JAMES), D.D., Minister of New Monkland. A treatise on the use of the communion table, in celebrating the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Glasgow, 1824. 8 - Another copy. BEGG (JAMES), D. D. , Minister of the Free Church, Edinburgh. The antiquity of church exten- sion ; with the methods by which it was pro- moted by the Church of Scotland, nearly two hundred years ago ; interspersed with remarks adapted to the present time. With an appen- dix. Edin., 1838. 8 - Seat-rents brought to the test of Scripture, law, reason, and experience ; or, the spiritual rights of the people of Scotland vindicated against modern usurpations. ...With a special explanation of the case of Edinburgh, and ap- pendix. Second thousand. Edin. , 1838. 8 The seat-rent question. The duty of the friends of the Church of Scotland, in conse- quence of the judgment of the Lord Ordinary in the case of the Tolbooth kirk-session v. the magistrates of Edinburgh. Edin., 1839. 8 - Another copy. - Reasons why no seat-rents should be in the Free Church, with practical directions for get- ting on better .without them. Edin. , [1843. ] 8 - The history of the statute 10 Anne, c. 12, re- storing Church patronage in Scotland. Edin., 1842. 12 - Reply to Sir James Graham's letter ; being the substance of an address delivered in Roxburgh church,... 19th January 1843. Edin., 1813. 8 Another copy. National education for Scotland practically considered ; with notices of certain recent pro- posals on that subject. Edin., 1850. A handbook of Popery ; or, text-book of mis- sions for the conversion of Romanists ; being Papal Rome tested by Scripture, history, and its recent workings. With an appendix of documents. Edin., 1852. Another copy. - Reform in the Free Church ; or, the true ori- gin of our recent debates. Edin. , 1855. No. II. ; or, practical questions of immediate interest briefly discussed. Being suggestions respectfully addressed to members of the ap- proaching Assembly. Edin. , 1856. - Another copy. - The headship of Christ over the visible Church : a correspondence between the Rev. William HANNA, LL.D., and the Rev. J. B., D.D. 1860 BEGG (JAMES A.). A connected view of some of the scriptural evidence of the Redeemer's speedy personal return, and reign on earth with his glorified saints, during the millen- nium ; Israel's restoration to Palestine ; and the destruction of antichristian nations. Paisley, 1829. 12 Fourth edition. Paisley, 1831. 12 Letters to a minister of the gospel, on his and other interpretations of our Saviour's predic- tions of his return, recorded Matt, xxiii. , xxiv. , xxv. Paisley, 1831. 12 The heresy of Hymeneus and Philetus, con- cerning the first resurrection. London, 1832. 12 *Millenarianism indefensible : being a reply to Mr James A. Begg's defence of that system. Paisley, 1832. 12 BEGG (JOHN). A letter to the Rev. A. Syming- ton, D.D., containing extracts from the testi- mony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, and reasons for relinquishing that communion. Glasgmv, 1834. 12 BEGGING. Report of the Committee appointed by the Commissioners of Police, to inquire into the practicability of suppressing the practice of common begging, and relieving the indus- trious and destitute poor. Edin., 1812. 8 Another copy. BEHMEN (JACOB). Signatura rerum : or the signature of all things : shewing the sign, and signification of the several forms and shapes in the creation : and what the beginning, ruin, and cure of everything is.... Written in high Dutch, 1622. By J. B. , alias Teutonicus Phy- losophus. [Translated by J. Ellistone.] London, 1651. 4 *Memoirs of the life, death, burial, and won- derful writings of ,J. B. Now first done at large into English. With an introductory preface of the translator, Francis Okely. Northampton, 1780. 12 BEILHAVEN, LORD. See John HAMILTON, 2d Lord Belhaven. BEITH (ALEXANDER), D.D., Minister of the Free Church, Stirling. Dearbhaidhean an aghaidh Teagasg nan Anabaisteach : a' nochdadh gur coir Naoidheana a Bhaisteadh. Glaschu, 1824. 12 The essential and special kingdom of God. [Stirling tracts, No. i.] Stirling, 1841. 8 Another copy. Does not the Church of Scotland, in her pre- sent position, occupy ground new as well as unwarranted ? [Ibid., No. v.] Stirling, 1842. 8 The " Two witnesses" of the Apocalypse traced in history. Edin., 1846. 12 Letter to Patrick Arkley, Esq., in reply to a letter addressed by him to Rev. A. B., Stir- ling, on the recent decision of the committee of the Gaelic School Society. Edin. , 1846. 8 Christ our life ; or, expository discourses on the Gospel by John. 2 vol. London, 1856-58. 8 BELCHER (JOSEPH). Interesting narratives from the sacred volume, ilhistrated and im- proved. 2d ed. London, 1840. 12 BELFAST. Minutes of an inquiry taken before r.KU'oi i: i.: a coniinitttv df the joint hoard of managers ami \UiiMi-s ..i" i!u- II", .il llelt'ast Ai-:idemieal Instituti respecting the im.ral philosophy olMM. Betfad, is:;;, Minutes of a general Synod, held at Belfast, Belfast, [1835.] 8 6 IU-:U-'o^ie, drliveiv.1 in tin -('..in n "I' tin- < l<-ii'T;iI A-iseiniih, <.n August !_', islo. With an appendix on the bond of union lor the abolition oi' patronage. 1840. 8 Another copy. BELL(THOMAH). T.B.'s motives : concerniir. misli faith and religion. Cambridge, 1593. 4 BELL (TiioM nor of philnlmjii. i'.!)2. 8 BELL (THOMAS), Minister at Glasgow. The standard of the Spirit lifted up against the enemy coming in like a flood. Being the sub- stance of several sermons, preached from Isaiah lix. 19, on. the alarming progress of Popery. Glasgow, 1780. 8 - Sermons. Glasgow, 1803. 8 - A view of the covenants of works and grace ; and a treatise on the nature and effects of sav- ing faith. To which are added, several dis- courses on the supreme Deity of Jesus Christ. Glasgoio, 1814. 8 - Another copy. BELL (THOMAS B.), Minister of the Free Chinrlt, Leswalt. Notes on the revival at Newton- Ards. A letter to James Douglas, Esq. yr. of Cavers. Edin., 1839. 8 BELL (WILLIAM), D.D. An enquiry into the divine missions of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. London, 1761. 8 An attempt to ascertain and illustrate the au- thority, nature, and design of the... Lord's Supper. London, 1780. 8 BELLAMY (JOSEPH), D.D. The works of the Rv.J.B.,D.D. 3vol. New York, 1811, 12. 8 The great evil of sin, as it is committed against God. A sermon [on Ps. li. 4] preached May 30th, 1753. Boston, 1753. 8 True religion delineated ; or, experimental re- ligion, distinguished from formality on the one hand, and enthusiasm on the other, set in a scriptural and rational light. In two dis- courses. 2ded. Edin., 1788. 12 Another copy. Third edition, with a recommendatory preface by Andrew Fuller. London, 1809. 8 With a preface by the Rev. Jonathan Ed- wards. 4th ed. Glasgoio, 1828. 12 - Letters and dialogues. . .on the nature of love to God, faith in Christ, and assurance of sal- vation. With an introductory essay, by Ro- bert Burns, D.D. Glasgow, 1830. 12 Another copy. BELLARMINUS (ROBERTUS), 8. R. E. Cardina- lis. Opera omnia, mine postremo ab ipso au- tliore recognita, cum indicibus S. Scriptures rerum item et verborum locupletissimis. 7 torn . Colonice Agrippince, 1617-20. fol. - Responsio [sub nomine Matthad TORTI] ad librum inscriptum, Triplici nodo, triplex cu- neiiR, sive. Apologia pro jiiramcnto fidelitatis BELLEGARDE -BENGEL. 55 contra duo brevia Pauli V., et literas Card. Bellarmini ad G. Blackvellura. Colon. Agrip., 1610. 8 Apologia pro responsione sua ad librum Jaco- bi, Magnae Britannias regis, cujus titulus est, Triplici nodo triplex cuneus ; in qua Apologia refellitur praefatio monitoria regis ejusdem. Accessit eadem ipsa responsio, iteruni recusa, quoe sub nomine Matthsei TORTI anno siiperiore prodierat. Colon. Agrip., 1610. 8 - Trac.tatus de potestate summi Pontificis in re- bus temporalibus, adversus Gulielmum Bar- claium. Colon. Agrip., 1611. 8 - Disputationes de controversiis Christianas fi- dei ; adversus hujus temporis hsereticos. 4 torn. Colon. Agrip., 1615. fol. Explicatio symboli Apostolici. Colon. Agrip., 1617. 12 - De septem verbis a Christo in cruce prolatis. Colon. Agrip., 1634. 8 - De ascensione mentis in Deum per scalas re- rum creatarum opusculum. Colon. Agrip., 1634. 8 - De aeterna felicitate sanctorum. Colonice, 1634. 8 - De gemitu columbae, sive de bono lacrymarum, libri tres. Colonial, 1634. 16 De arte bene moriendi. Colon. Agrip., 1634. 8 Uberior explicatio doctrines Christianas. ...In Illp-icam linguam....per Joannam Tomcum Marnavitium versa. Romce, 1805. 8 - * Notes of the Church, as laid down by Cardi- nal Bellarmine, examined and confuted, in a series of tracts, written severally by Arch- bishop TENISON, Bishops KIDDER, PATRICK, WILLIAMS, FOWLER, STRATFORD, GROVE, Drs SHERLOCK, CLAGETT, SCOTT, THORPE, PAYNE, LINFORD, RESBURY, FREEMAN. London, 1839. 8 - *La vie de R. B. ...compose'e en Italien par le P. Jacques Fuligati, et traduicte en Francois par Pierre Morin. Paris, 1626. 8 BELLEGARDE (JEAN BAPTISTS MORVAN DE.) Reflexions sur le ridicule, et sur les moyens de Feviter. Huitieme Edition. La Haye, 1720. 12 BELLENGER (W.). Nouvelles conversations Frangaises et Anglaises. Trentieme e'dition. Paris, 1840. 12 SELLERS (FETTIPLACE). A delineation of uni- versal law : being an abstract of an essay to- wards deducing the elements of universal law, from the first principles of knowledge, and the nature of things : in a methodical and con- nected series. In five books. London, 1750. 4 BELLICARD (JER.-CH.). Observations sur les antiquites d'Herculaneum, par J. C. B. et Ch. Nic. COCHIN. Seconde e'dition. Paris, 1755. 8 BELSHAM (THOMAS). Dishonest shame the primary source of the corruptions of the Chris- tian doctrine. A sermon [on Rom. i. 16] preached April 6, 1794. London, 1794. 8 - Elements of the philosophy of the mind and of moral philosophy. London, 1801. 8 r - Letters upon Arianism, and other topics in metaphysics and theology, in reply to the let- ters of the Rev. Benjamin Carpenter. London, 1808. 8 A calm inquiry into the Scripture doctrine concerning the person of Christ ; including a brief review of the controversy between Dr Horsley and Dr Priestley. London, 1811. 8 - Second edition. London, 1817. 8 American Unitarianism ; or, a brief history of the progress and present state of the Unita- rian Churches in America. 3d ed. Boston, 1815. 8 The Epistles of Paul the Apostle translated. 1822. See BIBLES ENGLISH. E. * Memoirs of the late Rev. T. B., including a brief notice of his published works, and co- pious extracts from his diary ; together with letters to and from his friends and correspon- dents. By John Williams. London, 1833. 8 BELSHAM (WILLIAM). Memoirs of the reign of George III. , to the session of Parliament end- ing A. D. 1793. 4vol. London, 1795. 8 BENEDICT! (J.). Somme des pechez, et le re- mede d'iceiix. Rouen, [1584.] 8 BENEDICTUS, Saint. Abbot of the Monastery of Monte Casino, and founder of the Benedictine Order. Regula monachorum ; [torn xi. , p. 296, Biblioth. vett. Patr. per GALLANDIUM.] 1788 BENEDICTUS XIV., [PROSPER LAMBERTINI] Pope. Opera omnia. 15 torn. Venetiis, 1767. fol. Bullarium. 4 torn. Venetiis, 1778. fol. Epitome doctrines moralis et canonicae ; [ad calc. torn vi. Theol. moralis per A. LIGORIO.] 1846 BENEDICTUS CAJETANUS. See BONIFACE VIII. Pope. BENEDICTUS (RENATUS). Locorum pracipuo- rum sacrse Scripturae quibus abutuntur haere- tici catholica expositio, quae Christianorum adversus omnes nunc vigentes hasreses pano- plia merito dici potest. Parisiis, 1576. 8 BEN DAVID, pseud, i. e. John JONES, LL.D. BENEKE (FRIEDRICH EDUARD). Lehrbuch der Logik. Berlin, 1832. 8 - Die neue Psychologic. Berlin, 1845. 8 BENEVOLENCE. Divine benevolence ; or, An attempt to prove that the principal end of the Divine providence and government is the hap- piness of his creatures. Being an answer to a pamphlet [by John Balguy] entitled, Divine rectitude ; or, An inquiry concerning the moral perfections of the Deity. [By Thomas BAYES. ] London, 1731. 8 d BEN-EZRA (JUAN JOSAFAT), pseud, i. e. Ema- nuel LACUNZA. BENGEL (ERNST GOTTLIEB). Opuscula Acade- mica. Edited... M. Jo. Godofr. Pressel. Hamburgi, 1834. 8 BENGEL (JOHANN ALBRECHT). Novum Testa- mentum Graecum. See BIBLES GREEK. F. 1734 Introduction to his exposition of the Apoca- lypse : with his preface to that work, and the N l:KN.I AM IN Ii KNNKT greatest part of the conclusion of it : and also | his marginal noti-s "ii the text, which are a ' summary of the whole exposition. Translated f i-i. in the High-Dutch by John Robertson, M.D. / -"'Ion, 1757. 8 Apparatus criticus ad Novum Testamcntuni. Eilitio secunda...curante P. D. Burkio. ingce, 1763. 4 - Gnomon Novi Testamunti in qua ex n:itiv:i verborum vi simplicitas, profunditas, concin- nitas, salubritas sensuum ccelestium indicatur. Editio tertia per M. Ernestum Bengelium, quondam curata, denuo recusa adjnvante Joh. Christ. Frid. Steudel. 2 torn. Tnbinga;, 1835, 36. 8 - Another edition. Londini, 1855. 8 Now first translated into English. With ori- ginal notes explanatory and illustrative. Re- vised and edited by Rev. Andrew R. Fausset, M.A. 5 vol. Win., 1857, 58. 8 Another copy. - *A memoir of the life and writings of J. A. B. ... Compiled... by John Christian Frederic Burk, A.M. Translated by Robert Francis Walker, M.A. London, 1837. 8 BENJAMIN, Rabbi, of Tudela. Itinerarium D. B. , cum versione et notis Constantini 1'Em- pereur ab Oppyck. [Heb. et Lat.] id. Batav., 1633. 8 BENJAMIN, BEX MORDECAI, pseud, i. e. Henry TAYLOR. BENNET (BENJAMIN). Several discourses against Popery. London, 1714. 8 A memorial of the Reformation, (chiefly in England ;) and of Britain's deliverances from Popery and arbitrary power, since that time to the year 1716. London, 1717. 8 Another copy. - Another edition. Edin., 1748. 8 - Irenicum : or, A review of some late contro- versies about the Trinity, private judgment, Church authority, &c With an appendix, vindicating the Apostle Paul, and the rights of conscience, from the misrepresentations of the Dean of Worcester [Dr F. Hare] in his Scripture vindicated from the misrepresenta- tions of the Lord Bp. of Bangor. London, 1722. 8 Another copy. Another copy. A defence of the Memorial of the Reformation, against the exceptions of Presbyterian preju- dice display'd by an hearty well wisher of the established Church : with a particular inquiry into the authors and abettors of the Irish mas- sacre. A vindication of Mr Baxter, and others, with reference to the story of the Marquis of Antrim, against the accusations of Mr. Thomas Cart of the Bath, in his Irish massacre set in a clear light. And a detection of the forgeries publish'd by Dr. Hollingworth, concerning Mr. Henderson's recantation, and character of K. Charles on his death-bed. London, 1723. 8 Another copy. The truth, inspiration and usefulness of the Scripture, asserted and proved. In several i discourses on 2 Tim. iii. 16. Published from his manuscripts by L. Latham, M.D. /. ./.4on, 1730. 8 Another copy. The Christian oratory : or, the devotion of tho closet displayed. 2 vol. th <plegate, London. An answer to the dis- senters' pleas for separation, or, an abridg- ment of the London cases. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1701. 8 Fifth edition. London, 1711. 8 A discourse of schism. To which is annexed, an answer to a book intituled, Thomas against Bennet, or, The protestant dissenters vindi- cated from the charge of schism. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1702. 8 Fourth edition. London, 1716. 8 A brief history of the joint use of precompos'd set forms of prayer. To which is annex'd, A discourse of the gift of prayer ; shewing that what dissenters mean by the gift of prayer is not promised in Scripture. Cambridge, 1708. 8 A paraphrase with annotations upon the book of common prayer. 2d ed. London, 1709. 8 The rights of the clergy of the Christian Church ; or, a discourse shewing that God has given and appropriated, to the clergy, autho- rity to ordain, baptize, preach, preside in church-prayer, and consecrate the Lord's Sup- per ; wherein also the pretended divine right of the layety to elect, either the persons to be ordained, or their own particular pastors, is examin'd and disprov'd. London, 1711. 8 A confutation of Popery ; in iii. parts. 4th ed. London, 1714. 8 Directions for studying, 1. A general system or body of divinity. 2. The thirty-nine ar- ticles of religion. To which is added St. Je- rome's epistle to Nepotianus. 2d ed. London, 1715. 8 *Dr Bennet 's concessions to the non- jurors prov'd to be destructive of the cause which he endeavours to defend ; as they make the non- jurors to be the catholicks, and his own com- munion to be schismatical. In a letter to a BENNETT BENSON. 57 friend. (By Thomas BRETT, LL.D.) London, 1717. 8 A discourse of the ever-blessed Trinity in uni- ty, with an examination of Dr Clarke's Scrip- ture doctrine of the Trinity. London, 1718. 8 BENNETT (JAMES), D.D. An antidote to infi- delity. Lectures on the external evidences of divine revelation. .. .With the discussions which followed. 3d ed. London, [1831.] 12 - The history of dissenters. By David BOGUE and J. B. 1833 Justification as revealed in Scripture, in oppo- sition to the Council of Trent, and Mr New- man's lectures. London, 1840. 8 - The theology of the early Christian Church, exhibited in quotations from the writers of the first three centuries : with reflections. [Con- greg. Lect.] London, 1841. 8 - Another edition. London, 1855. 8 BENNETT (JOHN 0.). The history of the saints ; or, an expose" of Joe Smith and Mormonism. 3d ed. Boston, 1842. 12 BENNETT (WILLIAM JAMES EARLY), M. A. The eucharist ; its history, doctrine, and practice, with meditations and prayers suitable to that holy sacrament. In two parts. London, 1837. 8 BENNIE (ARCHIBALD), D.D. The coming of the kingdom of God : A sermon [on Mat. vi. 10] preached in behalf of the Scottish missionary society, May 19, 1833. Edin., 1833. 8 - The Headship of our Lord Jesus Christ. [Lec- tures on non-intrusion. No. 1.] Edin., 1842. 12 BENNINGH (GISBERTUS). Disputationum ethi- carum octava et ultima, de virtutibus in spe- cie, nominatim justitia particulari...quam... sub preesidio...D. Berckringeri...publice de- fendere conabitur, G. B. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1646. 4 BENONI (LORENZO). Lorenzo Benoni ; or, pas- sages in the life of an Italian. Edited by a friend. Edin., 1853. 8 BENOIST (ELIE). Histoire de FEdit de Nantes, contenant les choses les plus remarquables qiii se sont passe"es en France avant et apres sa publication, a Foccasion de la diversite des religions... jusques a 1'Edit de revocation, en Octobre 1685. 5 torn. Delft, 1693, 95. 4 Translated into English. [By Mr. Cooke.] Vol. i. and ii. London, 1694. 4 BENSON (CHRISTOPHER), M.A., Canon residen- tiary of Worcester. Hulsean lectures for 1820. Twenty discourses preached before the Uni- versity of Cambridge, 1820, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Hulse, M. A. 3d ed. London, 1824. 8 - Fifth edition. London, [1826.] 8 On Scripture difficulties. Twenty discourses preached before the University of Cambridge, 1822, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Hulse, M.A. 2d ed. London, 1825. 8 - Fourth edition. London, s. a. 8 BENSON (GEORGE), D.D. A paraphrase and notes on the Epistle of St James. Attempted in imitation of Mr Locke's manner. With a dissertation on James ii. 14-20. London, 1738. 4 A sermon [on 1 Thess. v. 22] preached at Little St Helen's, August 2, 1742. London, 1742. 8 A paraphrase and notes on the first Epistle of St Peter. Attempted in imitation of Mr Locke's manner. With an essay to explain what is meant by Christ's preaching to the spirits in prison. London, 1742. 4 The reasonableness of the Christian religion, as delivered in the Scriptures. Being an an- swer to a late treatise, entitled, Christianity not founded on argument. [By Henry Dod- well.] In three parts. London, 1743. 8 Second edition. To which is added an appen- dix, or, part iv. Being a vindication of some things, which have been objected against, in the preceding parts of this book. Lo-ndon, 1746. 8 A brief account of Calvin's burning Servetus for an heretic. 2d ed. London, 1743. 8 A paraphrase and notes on the second Epistle of St Peter : Attempted in imitation of Mr Locke's manner. London, 1745. 4 A collection of tracts. I. A dissertation on 2 Thess. ii. 1-12.... II. A letter to a friend, concerning the end and design of prayer III. A postscript to the letter on prayer IV. The thirtieth dissertation of Maximus Ty- rius, concerning this question, Whether we ought to pray to God, or no ? Translated from the Greek. V. Remarks on the foregoing dis- sertation. VI. The doctrine of preedestina- tion reviewed. VII. A brief account of Cal- vin's causing Servetus to be burned, at Geneva, for an hseretic. VIII. A defence of the Brief account of Calvin's treatment of Servetus. IX. A brief account of Archbishop Laud's cruel treatment of Dr Leighton. X. An essay concerning the belief of tilings which are above reason. 3d ed. London, 1748. 8 A paraphrase and notes on six of the Epistles of St Paul, viz. , i. and ii. Thessalonians, i. and ii. Timothy, Philemon, Titus : Attempted in imitation of Mr Locke's manner. To which are annexed, critical dissertations on several subjects, for the better understanding of St Paul's epistles. 2d ed. London, 1752. 4 Another copy. A paraphrase and notes on the seven (com- monly called) catholic Epistles. To which are annexed several critical dissertations. 2d ed. London, 1756. 4 Another copy. A paraphrase and notes on the Epistle of St Jude : Attempted in imitation of Mr Locke's manner. s. 1. et a. 4 The history of the first planting of the Chris- tian religion : taken from the Acts of the Apostles, and their Epistles. Together with the remarkable facts of the Jewish" and Roman history ; which affected the Christians, within this period. 3 vol. 2d ed. London, 1756. 4 8 i:rii).- S i aor- lIloHS. I'al't V. ''. 8 A comiiKiitnrv mi llii- H"lv I'.iLlf. fth utl. 6vol. /. ", 1835, 40. 4 Sermons on various occasions. ...With a bio- graphical sketch of the author, by the Rev. Jabez Bunting, D.D. 2d ed. L'\.l. London, 1836. 12 *Memoirs of the Rev. J. B. By Richnnl Treffry. London, 1840. 12 BENSON (WILLIAM). A letter to Sir J B [Jacob Bancks] concerning the late .M i \ KHEAD doctrine. 1711 \THAM (EDWARD), D.D., Regi us professor of iHrinitii in flu Umvienity of Oxfora. A letter to a young gentleman of Oxford. nrd, 1748. 8 BENTHAM (GEORGE). Outline of a new system of logic, with a critical examination of Dr Whately's " Elements of logic." London, 1827. 8 BENTHAM (JEREMY). A view of the hard-la- bour bill ; being an abstract of a pamphlet, intituled, "Draught of a bill, to punish by imprisonment and hard-labour, certain offend- ers ; and to establish proper places for their reception." Interspersed with observations relative to the subject of the above draught in particular, and to penal jurisprudence in ge- neral. London, 1778. 8 A table of the springs of action ; shewing the several species of pleasures and pains, of which man's nature is susceptible ; together with the several species of interests, desires, and mo- tives, respectively corresponding to them ; and the several sets of appellatives, neutral, eulo- gistic, and dyslogistic, by which each species of motive is wont to be designated : To which are added explanatory notes and observations. London 1817. 8 Church of Englandism and its catechism exa- mined. London, 1818. 8 - Not Paul, but Jesus. By Gamaliel SMITH [Pse BENZELIUS (CAROLUS JESPER). Commentatio historico-theologica de Johanne Duneo, pac-iri- catore celeberrimC, max i me de act is ejn canis. 7/<7//M-<'<"///, 1744. 4 BENZELIUS (HEKRicus). Syntagma diaserta- tionum in Academia Lund< -nsi hal'itannn, qui- bus varia theologize, philologies, antiquitatum ct liistorioe capita illustrantur. Cum j tione Johannis Erhardi Kappii. 2 torn. Francofti ft i > t Lijisite, 1745. 4 BENZO (HIERONYMCS). Novae novi orbia histo- rue, id est, rerum ab Hispanis in India occi- dental! hactenus gestarum, ...libri tres, Urban! Calvetonis opera industriaque ex Italicis... La- tine facti ac perpetuis notis...illustrati. [Geneva], 1581. 8 BERCKRINGERUS (DANIEL). Oyl,*, quarta disputationum ethico-Aristotelicarum, de vir- tutibus in specie,... sub pnesidio ac modera- mine Daniells Berckringeri Accedit E/<'.-'>",;,'<, 1783, 84. 8 BERG (JOSEPH F.) The great apostacy, identi- cal with Papal Rome. Phtl'Kl-l^lna, 1842. 12 BERG^US (VINCENTIUS). Theses physioe de visu. Lugd. Bat., 1620. 4 Varise theses philosophise. Lugd. Bat., 1621. 4 BERGER (IMMAXUEL). Praktische Einleitung ins Alt Testament. 3 Theil. Leipzig, 1799-1806. 8 BERGIER (NICOLAS SYLVESTRE). La certitude des preuves du Christianisme ; ou re"futation de 1'examen critique des apologistes de la reli- gion Chre'tienne. Deux parties. Nouvelle e'dition. Paris, 1770. 12 BERGMAN BERNAYS. 59 Re*ponse aux conseils raisonnables : pour servir de supplement a la certitude des preuves du Cliristianisme, &c. A Paris, 1770. 12 - Le Delsme refute par lui-meme ; ou exanien des principes d'incredulite dans les ouvrages de M. Rousseau. Deux parties. Cinquieme e'dition. Paris, 1771. 12 Apologie de la religion Chretienne contre 1'au- teur du Christianisme devoile' [le Baron de Holbachj. Seconde e'dition. 2 torn. Paris, 1776. 12 - Dictionnaire de theologie. ...Edition enrichie de notes... par M. Gousset...augmentee d'ar- ticles nouveaux par M. Doney. 6 torn. Besanfon, 1846. 8 BERGMAN (TORBERN). Physical and chemical essays. Translated from the original Latin by Edmund Cullen, M. D. To which are added, notes and illustrations by the translator. 3 vol. London, 1788. 8 BERINGER (JOACHIM), or URSINUS. ANTI-SO- CINUS. Hoc est, solida confutatio omnium errorum, quos olim Ariani...propugnarunt. 1612 BERINGTON (JOSEPH). A literary history of the middle ages ; comprehending an account of the state of learning from the close of the reign of Augustus to its revival in the fifteenth century. London, 1814. 4 - Another edition. [Edited, with a biographi- cal notice of the author, by W. Hazlitt.] London, 1846. 8 - The faith of Catholics on certain points of con- troversy confirmed by Scripture, and attested by the Fathers of the first five centuries of the Church. Compiled by the Rev. J. B. and the Rev. John KIRK. Third edition, revised and greatly enlarged, by the Rev. James Wa- terworth. 3 vol. London, 1846. 8 BERKELEY (GEORGE), D. D. , BisJwp of Cloyne. The works of G. B. , D.D. To which is added, An account of his life ; and several of his let- ters to Thomas Prior, Esq. , Dean Gervais, Mr Pope, &c. 3 vol. London, 1820. 8 - Another edition. Edited by the Rev. G. N. Wright. 2 vol. London, 1843. 8 - ALCIPHRON ; or, the minute philosopher. 1732 - Dialogues entre Hylas et Philonous, contre les Sceptiques et les Athe"es, par George Berke- ley. Traduit de 1'Anglois, [par 1'Abbe de Gua deMalves.] Amster., 1750. 12" - *Memoirs of G. B., D.D. 2d ed. London, 1784. 8 BERNADOTTE (CHARLES JOHN), Prince Eoyal, afterwards King, of Sweden. *Memoirs and campaigns of Charles John, Prince Royal of Sweden ; by John Phillipart, Esq. London, 1814. 8 BERNARD, Saint, Abbot of Clairvaux. See BERNARDUS. BERNARD (JOSHUA L.), A.M. The Synagogue and the Church... condensed from the original Latin work of YITRINGA. 1842 r.KRNARD (/,',,. - _)._The SIMPLE TRUTH, according t<> the Scriptures only, considered. J70S BERNARD (NICHOLAS). The penitent death of John Atherton, Bishop of Waterford, who was executed at Dublin the 5th of December, 1640. As also the sermon preached at his burial. London, 1642. 8 The judgement of the late Archbishop of Ar- magh, 1. Of the extent of Christ's death, &c. . . With a vindication of him from a pretended change of opinion. 1657. See Jacobus Us- SERIUS. BERNARD (RICHARD), Preacher of God's Word at Batcombe. Ruth s recompense : or, a com- mentary upon the Book of Ruth delivered in several sermons. [Nichol's Series of Commen- taries.] Edin., 1865. 4 BERNARD (Sir THOMAS), Bart. An account of a supply of fish, for the manufacturing poor ; with observations. 2d ed. London, 1813. 8 On the supply of employment and subsistence for the labouring classes, in fisheries, manu- factures, and the cultivation of waste lands ; with remarks on the operation of the salt du- ties, and a proposal for their repeal. London, 1817. ~ 8 The comforts of old age. 3d ed. London, 1817. 12 BERNARDIN DE SAINT PIERRE (JACQUES HENRI). Paul et Virginie. Londres, 1823. 12 BERNARDINUS OF SIENNA, Saint. Opera om- nia, synopsibus ornata, postillis illustrata, nec- non variis tractatibus, prsecipue eximiis in Apocalypsim commentariis locupletata. Opera et labore R. P. Joannis de la Haye. 5 torn. Parisiis, 1635. fol. BERNARDUS, Saint, Abbot of Clairvaux. Opera omnia Post Horstium denuo recogni- ta, aucta, et in meliorem digesta ordinem, nec- non novis prsefationibus, admonitionibus, no- tis et observationibus, indicibusque copiosissi- mis locupletata et illustrata, tertiis curis Dom- ni Johannis Mabillon, Presbyteri et Monachi Benedictini e congregatione S. Mauri. Nova editio. 6 torn. Parisiis, 1719. fol. Floretus in se continens sacrae theologies et canonmn flores ad gaudia paradisi finaliter eos (qui se in illis exercitaverunt) perducentes. B. L. s. 1. et a. 8 Opuscula. (B. L.) Venetii, 1495. 8 - Meditationes ; opera H. Sommalii ; [cum me- ditatt. Aur. AUGUSTINI, 1637.] Meditationes de aniore divino. Ed. H. Som- malio. [Ad calc. meditatt. AUGUSTINI, 1649.] Select contemplations of... St. Bernard, trans- lated by G. Stanhope, D.D. ; [with the medi- tations of St. AUGUSTINE. 1818.] *The life and times of St. Bernard, by Dr Au- gustus NEANDER. 1843 BERNARDO, da Paruji. Vocabolario Italiano- Turchesco. Tradotto dal Francese nelT Ita- liano con la fatica de Pietro d'Abbavilla. 3 torn. Roma, 1665. 4 BERNAYS (ALBERT JAMES). Household che- mistry ; or, the rudiments of the science ap- plied to every (lay life. New and enlarged edition. L<>)i. ) 4 - Cluysostomus Ergodioctes secundus et tertius, h. e. pastoralis theologife monita quonim se- cundam partem disputandam proponunt proe- ses J. B. B. et respondens Johannes David Otho. Altorfii, [1730.] 4 - Chrysostomus Ergodioctes quartus et quintus, h. e. theologife pastoralis monita quorum par- tem tertiam disputandam proponunt pneses J. B. B. et respondens Christophorus Mauritius Lochner. Altorfii, [1730.] 4 Chrysostomus Ergodioctes sextus, h. e. theo- logize pastoralis monita quorum clausulam dis- putandam proponunt pneses J. B. B. et res- pondens Adamus Rudolphus Schedel. Altorfii, [1730.] 4 BERNIER (FRANgois). Voyages ; contenant la description des dtats du Grand Mogol, de 1'Hindostan, du royaume de Kachemire, &c. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1710. 12 BERNIERA (JOHANNES ANGELUS). Compen- dium historic Refonnationis, h, Zuinglii et Lutheri temporibus, ad nostra usque tempora deductte. Londini, 1707- 8 BERO ALDUS (MATTH^Etrs). Chronicum, Scrip- turae sacne authoritate constitutum. Cui ac- cessit ejusdem sacrse Scripturse concentus, au- thore Hugone Broughtono, Anglo. Editio cseteris emendatior. Frnnfof'iiii, 1606. 4 BERQUIN (ARNAUD). Balmitra, vol. i. Trans- lated from the English translation of Berquin's Ami des enfans by Sadashiev Kashinath Chliatreh, reprint of the original work newly revised by Narayen Vishwanath Shastrf , Head master Government Marathi school, Lochar- chal. Bombay, 1859. 8 BERRIDGE (JOHN), A.M., Vicar of Everton, Bedfordshire. The works of J. B. ; with an enlarged memoir of his life, by the Rev. Richard Whittingham. London, 1838. 8 - The Christian world unmasked. To which is prefixed, the life of the author. New edition. To which is now added, by the same author, Cheerful piety, or religion without gloom. Also his farewell sermon [on Psalm Ixii. 8.] London, 1822. 12 BERRIMAN (WILLIAM), D.D., Rector of St An- drew's, Undershaft. An historical account of the controversies that have been in the Church, concerning the doctrine of the Trinity. In eight sermons [on Deut. xxxii. 7] preached... in the years 1723, and 1724, at the lecture founded by Lady Moyer. London, 1725. 8 The gradual revelation of the gospel ; from the time of man's apostacy : set forth and explained in twenty-four sermons, preached... at the lec- ture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle ; in 1730, 31, 32. 2 vol. London, 1833. 8 i [Ami in ;i r'>U,-<-rii.n i sinuous preach' the Hon. Robert J>YU.'S Lecture.] 17.;'.' BERKY (\\II.I.I\M). (. ;i:itii|ii;i : .r, mythological and classical tables, compiled from the best authors on fabulous and ancient history. London, 1810. fol. BERRY-STREET. Faith and practice repre- sented in fifty-four sermons on the principal heads of the Christian religion ; pread Berry-Street, 1733. By J. Watts, D.D., D. Neal, M.A., J. Guyse, D.D., S. Price., D. Jennings, J. Hubbard. 3d ed. 2 vol. Edin., 1792. 8 BERTHEAU (ERNST). Das Buch der Richtc-r und Rut. Erklart von E. B. [Exeg. Handb. zum Alt. Test. Sechste Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1845. 8 Die Spriiche Salomo's. Erklart von E. B. [Exeget. Handb. zum Alt. Test. Siebente Lieferung.] />zig, 1847. 8 - Die Biicher der Chronik. Erklart von E. B. [Exeget. Handb. zum Alt. Test. Funfzehnte Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1854. 8 Commentary on the books of Chronicles. [Sup- plement to commentary on the books of Kings, by K. F. KEIL.] 1857 Die Biicher Esra, Nehemia, und Ester. Erk- lart von E. B. [Exeget. Handb. zum Alt. Test. Siebenzehnte Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1862. 8 BERTHEAU (CHARLES). Sermons sur divers textes de 1'Ecriture sainte. Seconde e'dition. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1730. 8 BERTI (JOANNES LAURENTIUS), An Augustine monk, Professor of ecclesiastical history at Pisa. Augustinianum systema de gratia ab iniqua Bajani, et Janseniani erroris insimulatione vindicatum ; sive refutatio librorum, quorum titulus Bajanismus, et Jansenismus redivivi in scriptis PP. FF. Bellelli, et Berti. 2 torn. Eomce, 1747. 4 Historia ecclesiastica sive Dissertationes his- toricae. 4 torn. Augusta Vindeliforum, 1761. 8 BERTIUS (PETRUS). Hymenseus desertor, sive de sanctorum apostasia problemata duo. I. An fieri possit ut Justus deserat suam justitiam 1 II. An quse deseritur fuerit vera justitia. Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1612. 4 Scripta adversaria collationis Hagiensis habi- ta3 anno 1611, inter quosdam Ecclesiarum pas- tores de divina prsedestinatione, et capitibus ei adnexis, una cum pressiore declaratione, sive narratione processus omnis observati a pastoribus Ecclesiarum, qui Remonstrantes dicuntur, in dissidiis ecclesiasticis ad annum 1612. Quse ex Belgicis autoritate 111. Hollan- diae et West-Frisite ordinum jampridem editis, Latine fecit Petrus Bertius. Liigd. Batav., 1616. 4 BERTRAMUS, seu RATRAMNUS, Presbyter. Du corps' et du sang du Seigneur. Avec une dis- sertation preliminaire sur Ratramne, et une aiitre dissertation liistorique sur la vie et les ouvrages de cet auteur. Traduite de 1'Anglois. Am*(erdam, 1717. 12 BERTRAND DE MOLEVILLE BEVERLEY. 61 BERTRAND DE MOLEVILLE (Le Marquise ANT.-FR. DE). Annals of the French Revolu- tion.... Translated byR. C. Dallas, Esq. [First Series.] 4 vol. London, 1800. 8 [Second Series.] 5 vol. London, 1813. 8 BERVILLE (SAINT-ALBIN). Collection des me'- moires relatifs a la Revolution Frangaise. 53 torn. [Edited by S.-A. B. and J.-Fr. BAR- RIERE.] Paris, 1821-27. 8 BERZELIUS (Joxs JACOB). Aflrandling om Galvanismen. Stockholm, 1802. 8 Arsberattelse oni Framstegen i Physic och Cheinie [och Mineralogie]. 1821-1847. 14 Del. Stockholm, 1822-28. 8 - Untersuchungen ; [aus den Annalen der Phy- sik. 1824-27.] s. I, 1824-27. 8 - Undersokningar : Beitrage [Tillhor K. Vet. Acad. Handl.] By Berzelius, Mosander, and Gmelin. Stocklwlm, 1825-33. 8 - Larbok i organiska Kemien. 3 Afdelningen. Stockholm, 1827-30. 8 - Die Anwendung des Lothrohrs in der Chemie und Mineralogie. Zweite Auflage. Niirnberg, 1828. 8 - Traite* de Chiniie. Traduit par A. J. L. Jour- dan [et Me. Esslinger] sur les manuscrits in- e*dits de 1'auteur, et sur la derniere Edition Al- lemande. 8 torn. Paris, 1829-33. 8 Chemische Operationen und Gerathschaften. Aus dem Schwedischen tibersetzt von F. Woh- ler. Dresden, 1831. 8 - Thedrie des proportions chimiques. Deuxieme Edition. Paris, 1835. 8 - Neues chemisches Mineralsystem...Herausge- geben von C. F. Ranrmelsberg. Niirnberg, 1847. 8 BESSARION (JOA^XES), Cardinal. Bessarionis Cardinalis ad Italos de periculis imminentibus oratio. B. L. s. 1. et a. 4 - Bessario Cardinalis de discordiis sedandis, et bello in Turcum decernendo. B. L. s. 1. et a. 4 BEST (THOMAS), M.A., Incumbent of St James', Sheffield. Theatrical amusements. A sermon preached at St James's Church, September 26, 1830. Sheffield, 1830. 8 - A sermon, delivered at Saint James's Church, Sheffield. Sheffield, 1832. 8 - A sermon. Sheffield, 1833. 8 - The lawfulness and necessity of a national ec- clesiastical establishment. A sermon, preached at Sheffield, Feb. 9, 1834. Sheffield, 1834. 8 BETAGH (WILLIAM). A voyage round the world ; being an account of a remarkable en- terprize, begun in the year 1719, chiefly to cruise on the Spaniards in the great South ocean ; relating the true histoiical facts of that whole affair. London, 1728. 8 BETHEL (SLINGSBY). The interest of the princes and states of Europe. 2d ed. London, 1681. 8 15ETHELL (CHRISTOPHER), D.D., Bishop of Ban- yor. A general view of the doctrine of regene- ration in baptism. 5th ed. London, 1850. 8 BETHUNE (GEO. W.), D.D., Philadelphia. The fruit of the Spirit. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1839. 12 BETHUNE (MAXIMILIEN DE), Due de Sully. Memoires du Due de Sully, mis en ordre ; avec des remarques [par I'Abbe' de 1'Ecluse des Loges.] 6 torn. Paris, 1827. 8 Translated from the French edition of M. del'Ecluse. 5vol. Edin., 1805. 12 BEVERIDGE (WILLIAM), D.D., Bishop of St Asaph. The works of W. B. : with a preface [by Is. Kimber] giving some account of the author and his writings. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1729. fol. 2t/vo;xov, sive, Pandectse canonum SS Apos- tolorum, et conciliorum ab Ecclesia Grseca re- ceptorum ; necnon canonicarum SS Patruni epistolarum : una cum scholiis antiquorum singulis eorum annexis, et scriptis aliis hue spectantibus. 2 torn. Oxonii, 1672. fol. Codex canonum Ecclesise primitivse vindicatus ac illustratus. Londini, 1678. 4 Et [ad calc. vol. ii. opp. SS Patrum...per J. B. COTELERIUM.] 1724 A sermon [on 1 Cor. xiv. 16] concerning the excellency and usefulness of the common- prayer. 12th ed. London, 1708. 8 Good-Friday to be kept by all Christians, and the manner of keeping it. [On Zech. xii. 10.] London, 1709. 8 Thesaurus theologicus : or, a compleat system of divinity summ'd up in brief notes upon se- lect places of the Old and New Testament. 4 vol. 2d ed. London, 1711. 8 Another copy. The great necessity and advantage of publick prayer and frequent communion. 8th ed. London, 1740. 12 Sixteen discourses, (abridged from the works of W. B.) by the Rev. G. H. Glasse, M.A. With a supplement. London, 1805. 8 Private thoughts upon religion, and a Chris- tian life. London, 1822. 12 - Another edition. With an introductory essay, by Thomas Chalmers, D.D. Glasgow, 1836. 12 Ecclesia Anglicana Ecclesia catholica ; or, The doctrine of the Church of England consonant to Scripture, reason, and the Fathers ; in a discourse upon the 39 articles. 2 vol. Oxford, 1840. 8 BEVERIDGE (HENRY). A comprehensive his- tory of India, civil, military, and social, from the first landing of the English, to the sup- pression of the Sepoy revolt ; including an out- line of the early history of Hindoostan. 3 vol. London, 1860-62. 8 BEVERLANDUS (ADRIANUS). Peccatum ori- ginale, xar \\<>w> sic nuncupation philologice vri>\riparixas elucubratum a Themidis alum- no. Eleutheropoli, [Lugd. Bat.] 1678. 8 De stolatse virginitatis jure lucubratio acade- mica. Lugd. Bat., 1680. 8 - De fornicatione cavenda admonitio ; sive, ad- hortatio ad pudicitiam et castitatem. Editio nova et ab auctore correcta. s. I. , 1698. 8 BEVERLEY (Jonx), M.A. An account of the dill'i-ivnt , .M-rvftl in tho senate huusiM.f tlu- I'niwrsih <>L' Caii>lirid;,v, through- CbM&rtdta I7H8. 8 Tho polls for the I'h'ction of chancellor of the I'liivi-rsity "i" ('ain!>ri!\L,'ainia, in i|iia rt Orlnni i i" |io|\._'aniia. <-t .MiiiitaiiUtarmn Ml onnn adversus repetitas miptiaa argument.! iitur. Geneva, 1573. 8 Another copy. Another ediaon. Qew/-./, I.V.M. 8 Another edition. 1. 8 ui<> de repudiis et divortiis. otf, 1573 Another copy. Anotlier edition. - w, 1591. 8 Another edition. Darentria, 1651. 8 Epistolm theologicte. V(K, 1577. 8 -te(iu;estiones dueexj)licat;e : una, sitne contagiosa : altera, an et quatenus sit Chris- tianis per secessionem vitanda. Geneva-., 1579. 8 De hypostatica duarum in Christo naturavum unione et ejus eftectis, placida et Christiana disceptatio Theodori Bezie...cum D. Johanne Pappo. Geneva, 1579. 8 Histoire ecclesiastique des EGLISES REFORMEES au royaume de FRANCE. 1580 Histoire ecclesiastique des Eglises r^form^es au royaume de France. (Edited by Th. Mar- zdal.) 3tom. Lille, 1841, 42. 8 Les vrais pourtraits des homines illustres en piet^ et doctrine. .. .Avec les descriptions de leur vie et de leurs faits plus memorables. Plus, quarante quatre emblemes Chrestiens. Traduicts du latin de Theodore de Beszr. s. I., 1581. 4 T. Bezae pro corporis Christi veritate, adver- sus ubiquitatis commentum, et Guilielmi Hol- deri convitia, responsio. Addita est responsio altera, adversus putidissimas Jacobi Andruif calumnias. Geneva, 1581. 8 - Tractationes theologicje. Editio secunda. 3 torn. Geneva, 1582. fol. - Another copy. - De praedestinationis doctrina et vero usu trac- tatus absolutissima Adjecta sunt aliquot loca ex libello D. Lutheri de servo arbitrio adversus Erasmum desumpta. Geneva, 1582. 8 - Editio secunda. Geneva, 1583. 8 - Acta colloquii... inter Jacobum ANDREAM...et Th. B. 1587 - Tractatus piiis et moderatus de vera excom- municatione, et Christiano presbyterio, jam- pridem pacis conciliandte causa, Cl. V. Joan. Erasti, M. D. centiim maniiscriptis thesibus oppositus, et nunc primum cogente necessitate editus. Geneva, 1590. 4 - Propositions and principles of Divinitie, pro- pounded and disputed in the universitie of Geneva, by certain students of Divinitie there, under M. Theod. Beza and M. Anthonie FAIUS, profcssoi-s of Divinitie. . . .Translated out of the Latine into English. />/;/(., ir>91. 4 BEZE -BIBLES. 63 Apologia pro justificatione per unhia Christi viva fide apprehensi justitiam gratis imputa- tam. Adverstis aiionymi scrip toris tractatum, clam nuper ab Antonio quodam Lescalio edi- tuni et public^ postea impudentissime spar- sum, s. I., 1592. 8 - Ad tractationem de ministrorum evangelii gra- dibus, ab Hadriano Saravia Belga editam Th. B. responsio. s. I., 1592. 8 Another copy. - Traicte des vrayes, essensielles, et visibles marques de le vraye Eglise catholique. s. I, 1592. 8 - Annotationes majores in Novum Dn. nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum. 2 part. s. I., 1594. 8 - Poemata varia. Omnia ab ipso auctore in unum nunc corpus collecta et recognita. Hanovice, 1598. 16 - Novum Testamentum Gr. 1559. See BIBLES GREEK. H. - Les Pseaumes de David mis en rime Frangoise par Clement MAROT et Th. de Beze. 1561. See BIBLES FRENCH. B. - La Sainte Bible... avec annotations, par M. Jean CALVIN et Th. de B. . 1563. See BIBLES FRENCH. A. - Psalmorum Davidis...libri quinque. Argu- mentis et Latina paraphrasi illustrati. 1580. See BIBLES LATIN. B. - Novum Testamenum Latinum. 1582. See BIBLES LATIN. C. Testamenti Veteris Biblia Sacra... quibus ad- junximus Novi Testamenti Libros, ex Graeco sermone a T. B. in Latinum versos. 1596. See BIBLES LATIN. A. - Codex Th. Bezse Cantabrigiensis. See BIBLES -GREEK. 1. 1793 - *Historia de vita, moribus, doctrina, et rebus gestis Theodori Bezse, scripta Gallice per H. BOLZEC ; et Latine reddita per P. Theveiiinum : accessit de vita Bezse cento ; itemque de here- ticis ac de religione poematia. Ingolstadil, 1584. 8 - *De vita et moribus Theodori Bezse Authore Jacobo LAING^EO, Doctore Sorbonico. 1585 - *De vita et obitu clarissimi viri, D. Theodori Bezse Vezelii \]sxoftvvp.uriov. Autore Antonio FAYO. Geneva, 1606. 4 BEZE (THEODORE DE). See Th. BEZA. BHUNIAIN (JAIN). See John BUNYAN. BIALLOBLOTZKY (CHRIST. HENR. FRID.). De legis Mosaicse abrogatione commentatio. Gottingce, 1824. 4 - Another copy. BIBLE. The doctrine of the Bible ; or rules of discipline : briefly gathered through the whole course of the Scripture, by way of question and answer. Bristol, 1783. 12 - The reasons for revising by authority our present version of the Bible, briefly stated, and impartially considered. Cambridge, 1788. 8 - La Bible mutile'e par les Protestants, ou de*- monstration de la divinite* des Ecritures re- jete"es par la Heforme. Seconde edition. Toulouse, 1847. 8 D - Companion to the Bible. A new edition. London, s. a. 12 BIBLES POLYGLOTT. A. WHOLE BIBLE. Biblia Hebraica, Samaritana, Chaldaica, Grse- ca, Syriaca, Latina, Arabica. Quibus textus originales totius Scrip turse Sacrse, quorum pars in editione Complutensi, deinde in Ant- verpiensi Regiis sumptibus extat, nunc inte- gri, ex manuscriptis toto fere orbi qusesitus exemplaribus, exhibentur. [Cura Guid. Mich. le JAY.] 9 torn. Lutetice, Parisiorum, Excudebat Antonius Vi- tre, Regis, Regince. Kagentis, et Cleri Gallicani Typographies, 1645. fol. [Le Jay's, or the Paris Polyglott. It consists of the Complutensian and Antwerp Poly- glotts, with the addition of a Syriac and Ara- bic version of the greatest part of the Old, and of the whole of the New, Testament. The first printed edition of the Samaritan Penta- teuch appeared in this Polyglott.] Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, complectentia textus originales, Hebraicum, cum Pentateucho Sa- maritano, Chaldaicum, Grsecum, versionum- que antiquarum, Samaritanse, Grsecse LXXII. Interp. , Chaldaicte, Syriacse, Arabicse, JEthio- picse, Persicse, Vulg. Lat. quicquid comparari poterat. Cum textuum, et versionum ori- entalium translationibus Latinis. Ex vetus- tissimis MSS. undique conquisitis, optimisque Exemplaribus impressis, summaque fide coUa- tis. Quaa in prioribus Editionibus deerant suppleta. Multa antehac inedita, de novo adjecta. Omnia eo ordine disposita, ut tex- tus cum versionibus uno intuitu conferri pos- sint. Cum Apparatu, Appendicibus, Tabulis, Variis Lectionibus, Annotationibus, Indicibus, &c. Opus totum in sex tomos tributum. Edidit Brianus WALTONUS, S. T. D. Londini, imprimebat Thomas Roy croft* 1657. fol. [Nine languages are used in this Polyglott ; yet there is no one book in the whole Bible print- ed in so many. " In the New Testament, the Four Gospels are in six languages ; the other books, only in five ; those of Judith and the Maccabees, only in three. The Septuagint version is from the edition printed at Rome, 1587, which exhibits the text of the Vatican manuscript. The Latin is the Vulgate of Clement VIII. The Chaldee paraphrase is more complete than in any former publica- tion. There is an interlineary Latin version of the Hebrew text ; and some parts of the Bible are printed in Ethiopic and Persian, none of which are found in any preceding Polyglott. Both of the New College Library copies have the loyal Preface.] - Another copy. Biblia Sacra Grsece, Latine & Germanice. Opera Davidis WOLDERI. 7 parts. 2 vol. ; BIB! MIl'.LKS rol^CL'HT l.ound : llii,lropagatoris. 2 torn. *niiii>tibH* et typi Ni**> ' L662 [This edition is formed principally frmn tin- quarto of U. Stephens, which lia.s been col- lated with tin- second of Bouiberg, ani 1. nosseh ben Israel.] - Biblia Hebraica sine punctis. Versibus, ca- pitihus et sectionibus interstincta, imtisquu Masoretanini quas Ktri et Ktif appellant, in- structa. Ad Leusdcnianam editiomni ador- n:ita. Amstel. et Ulti-r. metriccs ope, niultis in locis intcgritati BUIL reatitutus. Cum dissertatione de antiqna He- bneorum poesi, aliisqtie qurusitis, ad Psaluxi- rum librinn pcrtim-ntilitis. Ad finem n i . 1802. fol. B. PARTS OP THE BIBLE. Monumenta Sacra inedita. Nova Collectio. Volumen primum. Fragmenta Sacra Palim psesta sive Fragmenta cum Novi turn Veteria Testament! ex quinque codicibus Gnecis Pa- limpsestis antiquissimis nuperrime in Oriente repertis. Addita sunt Fragmenta PsaLmorum Papyracea et Fragmenta Evangelistarionuu Palimpsesta, item Fragmentum codicis Fri- derico-Augustani. Nunc primum emit atque edidit ^Enoth. Frederic. Constantinus 'i ENDORP. Lipnifc, 1855. 4" - Monumenta Sacra inedita. Nova Collectio. Volumen alterum. Fragmenta Evangelii Lu C83 et Libri Genesis ex tribus codicibus Groe- cis quinti sexti octavi saeculi. Uno Palim- psesto ex Lybia in Museum Britannicum ad- vecto, altero celebeiTimo Cottoniano ex flam- mis erepto, tertio ex Oriente nuperrime Oxo- nium perlato. Addita sunt et Novi et Veteris Testament! Fragmenta similia nuperrime in codicum sex antiquissimorum reliquiis in- venta. Nunc primum emit atque edidit ^Enoth. Frederic. Constantinus TISCHENDORF. Lipsue, 1857. 4 Monumenta Sacra inedita. Nova Collectio. Volumen tertium. Fragmenta Origenianoa Octateuchi edition is cum Fragmentis Evange- liomm Groacis Palimpsestis. Ex codice Lei- densi Folioque Petropolitano quarti vel quinti, Guelferbytano codice quinti, Sangallensi oc- tavi fere sreculi. Emit atque edidit ^Euoth. Frederic. Constantinus TISCHENDORF. Lipsice, 1860. 4 C. OLD TESTAMENT. Vetus Testamentum juxta Septuaginta ex auctoritate Sixti V. Pont. Max. editurn (Grsece). Romce, exTypographiaFrancisci Zannetti, 1587. fol. [The first printed edition of the manuscript in the Vatican Library at Rome, known as the Codex Vaticanus. It was edited by Cardinal CARAFFA. The manuscript executed in the uncial character is supposed to have been written in the 5th or 6th century.] Vetus Testamentum juxta Septuaginta inter- pretes ; ex antiquissimo MS. codice Alexan- drine accurate descriptum, et ope aliorum ex- BIBLES GREEK. BIBLES. BIBLES GREEK. 67 emplarium, ac priscorum scriptorum, praeser- tim vero Hexaplaris editionis Origenianae, emendatuin atque suppletum, additis saepe asteriscorum & obelorum signis, suinma cura edidit Joannes Emestus GRABE, S. T. P. 4 torn, in 2 vol. Oxonii, 1707-9-19-20. fol. [Tom ii. iii. were completed by Dr F. Lee, Shippen, and Bishop Potter.] Another edition. 8 vol. Oxonii, 1707-9. 8 - Vetus Testamentum (Greece) ex versione Sep- ttiaginta interpretmn, secundum exemplar Vaticanuni Romse editum, accuratissime de- nuo recognitum, una cum scholiis ejusdem editionis, variis MStorum codicnm veterum- que exemplarium lectionibus, nee non f ragmen- tis versionum Aquilae, Symmachi et Theodo- tionis. Summa cura edidit Lambertus Bos, L. Gr. in Acad. Franeq. Professor. Fmnequerce, 1709. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum, secundum exemplar Vaticanuni Romae editum, denuo recognitum. Praefatio- nem una cum variis lectionibus, e praestantis- simis MSS. codicibus Bibliotheca Leidensis descriptis, praemisit David MILLIUS. 2 torn. Amstel. , sumptibus Societatis, 1725. 8 [A very accurate edition, founded on that of Bos.] Vetus Testamentum (Greece) ex versione Sep- tuaginta interpretum olim ad fidem codicis MS. Alexandrini...expressum, emendatum ac suppletum a Joanne Ernesto Grabe, S.T.P. Nune vero exemplaris Vaticani aliorumque MSS. codd. lectionibus var. nee non criticis dissertationibus illustratum, insigniterque lo- cupletatum. Summa cura edidit Joannes Ja- cobus BREITINGERUS. 4 torn. Tiguri Helvetiorum, 1730. 4 Another copy. Vetus Testamentum Grsecum ex versione Sep- tuaginta interpretum iina cum libris Apocry- phis secundum exemplar Vaticanuni Romee editum et aliquoties recognitiun, quod nunc denuo ad optimas quasque editiones recensuit et potiores quasdam cod. Alexandrini et alio- rum lectiones variantes adjecit M. Christianus REINECCIUS, SS. Th., &c. Lipsice, apud Bemliardum Christoph. BreitJcop- pixm, 1730. 8 [This accurate edition is formed on the Roman of 1587. A second edition was published in 1757.] Vetus Testamentum Greecum juxta Septua- ginta interpretes ex auctoritate Sixti Quinti Pontificis Maximi editum. Juxta exemplar originale Vaticanuni Romte editum 1587 quoad textum accuratissime et ad amussim recusum cura et studio Leandri Van Ess. Editio ste- reotypa. Lipsice, 1824. 8 Vetus Testamentum Greece juxta LXX. inter- pretes. Textxim Vaticanuni Ronianum emcn- datius edidit... omncm lectionis varietatem co- dicum vetustissimorum Alexandrini, Ephraemi Syri, Friderico-Augustani subjunxit, com- mentationem isagogicam praetexuit Constan- tinus TISCHENDORF. 2 torn. Lipsiw, 1850. 8 - Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum. Juxta exemplar Vaticanum, ex editioiie Hohnesii et Lamberti Bos. Editio nova. Lotidini, s. a. 8 D. OLD TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. - Biblia Grseca et Latina. 4 torn. Basilece, ex officina Brylingeriana, 1582. 8 E. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. - Nova versio Grseca Pentateuchi. Ex unico S. Marci Bibliothecse codice Veneto nunc pri- mum edidit atque recensuit Christoph. Fri- der. AMMON Philosophiaa Doctor et Professor extraordinarius litteraruni in Universitate Er- langensi. 3 torn. Erlangaz, sumptibus Joannis Jacobi Palmii, 1790, 91. 8 Ultima Capita Libri Jobi ; nempe cap. xxxviii. , xxxix., xl., xli. et capitis xlii. pars, ad Grae- cam versioiiem recensita, notisque instructa ab E. J. GREVE SS. Min. Cand. inter refor- matos. Accedit tractatus de metris Hebrai- cis prsesertirn Jobaeis. 2 part. Daventrice, 1788. 4 Metaphrasis Libri Psalmoruni Greecis versibua contexta. [Gr. et Lat.] Per Jacobum DTJ- PORTXJM Cantabrigiensem, Regium GraecaB Un- gU33 Exprofessorem, D.P. Cantabrigice,excudebat Joannes Field, 1666. 4 Psalterium Grascum e codice MS. Alexandri- no, qui Londini in Bibliotheca Musei Britan- nici asservatur, typis ad similitudinem ipsius codicis Scripturas tideliter descriptum cura et labore Henrici Herveii BABER, A.M. Musei Britannici Bibliothecarii. Londini, ex prelo Hicardi Taylor et socii, 1812. fol. Jeremias Vates e versione Judseorum Alexan- drinorum ac reliquorum interpretum Graeco- rum. Emendatus notisque criticis illustratus a M. Gottlieb Leberecht SPOHN. 2vol. (Vo- lumen secundum post obitum patiis edidit F. A. G. Spohn.) Lipsice, 1794, 1824. 8 F. NEW TESTAMENT. Novum Testamentum (Greece). [Parisiis.] Apud S. Colinceum, 1534. 8 [An edition of great beauty, accuracy, and rarity. It has been made from the Complu- tensian, Erasrnian, and other editions. Ac- cording to Le Long, it varies from all pre- ceding editions in 750 places, which have all been taken from MSS. ] Novum Testamentum (Graece). Ex Biblio- theca Regia. 2 torn. Lutetice, ex officina Roberti STEPHANI, tijpo- fjraphi Regii. 1546. 16 [The first of R. Stephens' editions, and known 68 BIB] JIBLE8 as tlio <> tin- preface be- ginning with these words. Only PJ errata are said to have been discovered in it. ) Ni. MIIII TcMaiiicntmn (lini, 1561. 8 [Tlie fourth, and the rarest of all R. Stephens' editions. It is remarkable for being the first edition of the New Testament divided into verses. It is founded on the edition of 1550. ] Novum Jesu Christi D. N. Testamentum. Geneva, excudebat Petrus de la ftovivre, 1009. 12 [This edition accords with the Antwerp Poly- - glott.] - Novum Testamentum (Gnece). 2 torn. Lugd. Batav. , ex officina Elzeviriana, 1624. 12 [The first Elzevir edition. They are all founded on the edition of R. Stephens, 1550. It has been called the Textus Receptus.] - Novum Testamentum (Grsece). Geneva, 8\iii>t>l>"$ Joann. de Toumes et Jac. de la Pierre, 1632. 12 - Novum Testamentum (Greece) cum Is. Casau- boni, Henrici Stephani, et aliorum, turn mar- gini, turn ad finem adscriptis, variis lectioni- bus, notis, et interpretationibus. Editio pos- trema. Generce, sumptibus Jacobi Crespini, 1632. 16 - NoviTestamenti libri omnes, recens nunc editi : cum notis et animadversionibus doctissimo- rum, prsesertiin vero Roberti Stephani, Joseph! Scaligeri, Isaaci Casauboni. Varioe item lec- tiones ex antiquissiinis exemplaribus, et cele- berrimis bibliothecis, desumptse. Londini, apud li. Wh'dtalx rum, 1633. 8' Novum Testamentum (Greece). Londini, typis Rogeri Daniel-is, 1652. 12 - Novuni Testamentum (Gnece). Editio nova : In qua diligentius quam unquam antea vari- antes lectiones tarn ex manuscriptis quam im- pressis codicibus collectse, et parallela Scrip- turse loca annotata sunt, studio et labore Stephani CURCELLJ.I. Amstel., ex officina Ekeviriana, 1658. 12 [All the editions of Curcellteus are highly esteemed for their beauty and accuracy.] - Novum Testamentum , ex regiis aliisque optimis editionibus cum cura expressum. Amstclodami, 1670. 16 IMKI.! BE - Novi Testanienti lil.ri omnes. Accesserunt iiumllela Scrijitiirje loca, ncc non variantes l.itioiiea ex plus 100 MSS. codicibus, et antiquis versionibus collectae. Oxonii, 1676. 8 [This edition, founded upon those, of Robert Stephens and the Elzevirs, was made by Dr .John Kr.i.i., Dean of Christ Church, and after- wards Bishop of Oxford. ) Novum Test cc). In quo turn selecti versiculi 1900, quibus oinnes Novi Testanienti voces continentur, asteriscis notan- t\ir ; tuni oinnes et singuhe voces, semel vel scepius occun-entes, pecidiari nota distinguun- tur. Auctore Johanne LEUSDEN. Amstel., ex q$io';< II"- /*' ninmi. 1701. 12 Another copy. Novum Testamentum (Grsece). Amstel., ex officina Wetsteniana, 1717. 12 [One of Leusden's editions.] Novum Testamentum una cum scholiis Gnecis, e Grsecis scriptoribus, tarn ecclesiasticis quam exteris maxima ex parte desumptis. Opera ac studio Johannis GKEOORII. Oxonii, 1703. fol. Novum Testamentum. Cum lectionibus vari antibus MSS. exemplarium, versionum, edi- tionum, SS. Patrum & scriptorum eccle- siasticonmi ; & in easdem notis. ...Studio et labore Joamiis MILLII, S.T.P. Oxonii, 1707. fol. Novum Testamentum Graecum... Studio et labore Joannis Millii, S.T.P. Collectionem Millianam recensuit, meliori ordine disposuit, novisque accessionibus locupletavit Ludolphus KUSTEBUS. Eoterodami, apud Casparum Fritsch et .1; lem Bohm, 1710. fol. Another copy. Editio secunda. Lipswe, 1723. fol. Novum Testamentum (Greece). Post priores Steph. Curcellaei, turn et DD. Oxoniensium labores ; quibus parallela Scripturse loca nee non variantes lectiones... exhibentur ; accedit tantus locor. parall. numerus quantum nulla adhuc, ac ne vix quidem ipsa prof ert prsestantiss . editio Milliana ; variantes prseterea ex MS Vindobonensi ; ac tandem Crisis perpetua, qua singidas variantes earumque valorem aut ori- ginem ad ex XLIII. canones examinat G. D. T. M. D. Cum ejusdem prolegomenis ; et notis. Amstel., ex officina Wctnteniana, 1711. 8 [The Editor was Gerardus de Trajecto Mosse, Doctor, i. e. Gerard von M^STKICHT.] Novum Testamentum. Londini, 1714. 12 Novum Testamentum. Londini, 1728. 8 Novum Testamentum Gnecum ita adornatum ut textus probatarum editionum medullam margo vaiiantium lectionum in suas classes distributarum locorumque parallelorum de- lectum apparatus subjunctus criseos sacne Milliana; praesertim compendium, limam, sup- plementum ac fructum exhibeat inserviente BIBLES. 69 BIBLES GREEK. Jo. Alberto BENGELIO. Tubengce, 1734. 4 [The first edition of Bengel's Greek Testament.] - Novum Testamentum Greecum. Textu per omnia Milliano, cum divisione pericoparum et interpunctura J. A. Bengelii. 2 tom. Oxonii, 1742. 12 - Novum Testamentum Greecum manuale, ex iterata recognitione Jo. Alb. Bengelii, S.T.D. Quintee huic editioni, preeter tabulam criticam ...mine etiam accedit Spicilegium lectt. varr. . . .Auctore M. Ernesto Bengelio, filio superst. Tubingce, 1790. 8 - Novum Testamentum (Greece). Eilinlnirgi, apud Tho. et Wai. Ruddimannos, 1740. 8 - Another edition. Edin., 1750. 8 - Another copy. Edin. , 1750. 8 - Novum Testamentum (Greece). Taurini, ex Typographia Regia, 1741. 12 Novum Testamentum (Greece). L. P. Glasguce, in cedibus R. Urie, 1750. 8 [The first edition by Urie. It is very rare.] Novum Testamentum Graecum editionis recep- tee cum lectionibus variantibus codicum MSS. , editionum aliarum, versionum et Patntm nee non commeiitario pleniore... opera et studio Joannis Jacobi WETSTENII. 2 tom. Amstelcedami, 1751-2. fol. Another copy. Novum Testamentum. Juxta exemplar Joan- nis Millii accuratissime impressum. Londini, 1760. 12 - The New Testament, collated with the most approved MSS. ; with select notes in English, critical and explanatory ; and references to those authors who have best illustrated the sacred writings. To which are added, a cata- logue of the principal editions of the Greek Testament ; and a list of the most esteemed commentators and critics. By E. HARWOOD, D.D. 2 vol. London, 1776. 12 Another copy. Novum Testamentum Greecum, e codice MS. Alexandrine, qui Londini in Bibliotheca Musei Britannici asservatur, descriptum a Carolo Godofredo WOIDE, S. Th. D. Londini, ex prelo Joannis Niclwls, typis Jack- sonianis, 1786. fol. - Novum Testamentum Greece. Textum ad fidem codicum versionum et Patrum recen- suit et lectionis varietatem adjecit D. Jo. Jac. GBIESBACH. 2 vol. Editio secunda. L. P. Londini et Hake, Saxomtm, 1796-1806. 8 [The most valuable of all the critical editions of the Greek Testament existing at the time of its publication. - Another edition. 2 vol. Londini, 1809, 10. 8 - Editio nova. 2 tom. Londini, 1818. 8 - Novum Testamentum Greece. Edidit Chris- tianus Fridericus de MATTHJEI. 3 tom. Wittenbergce, 1803, 7. 8 - Novum Testamentum Greece, perpetua anno- BIBLES GREEK. tatione illustratum. Editio Koppiana. Con- tinuavit Joannes Henricus HEINRICHS. Vol. iii.-x. Gottingce, 1809-18. 8 [Editio altera.] Continuavit J. H. HEIN- RICHS, C. F. AMMON, D. J. POTT. Tom. iii.-v. Part, i., vi.-x. Gottingce, 1816-1832. 8 Novum Testamentiim Greece. Antiq. et ho- diern. Londini, 1810. 12 [The ancient and modern Greek is printed in parallel columns.] Another copy. Another copy. - Novum Testamentum Greece. Recognovit at- que insignioris lectionum varietatis et argu- mentorum notationes subjunxit Georg. Chris- tian. KJSTAPPIUS. 2 tom. Editio tertia. Halis Sax&num, 1824. 8 Editio quarta. 2 tom. Londini, 1824. 8 - NoATim Testamentum Greece. Textum ad fi- dem testium criticorum recensuit, lectionum familias subjecit, e Grsecis codicibus manu- scriptis...e versionibus antiquis, conciliis, sanc- tis Patribus et scriptoribus ecclesiasticis qui- buscunque vel primo vel iterum collatis copias criticas addidit,..Dr. J. Mart. Augustinus SCHOLZ. 2 vol. Lipsice, 1830, 36. 4 Another copy. The New Testament ; with English notes, cri- tical, philological, and explanatory. By E. VALPY. 3 vol.. 4th ed. London, 1836. 8 Greek New Testament. Griesbach's text, with the various readings of Mill and Scholz. London, 1837. 8 Greek New Testament. [American Bible So- ciety's edition.] New York, 1842. 12 J Novum Testamentum Greecum. Editio Hel- lenistica. 2 tom. Londini, 1843. 8 - The Greek Testament, with English notes, critical, philological, and explanatory... By the Rev. S. T. BLOOMFIELD, D.D. 5th ed. [With supplemental volume.] 3 vol. London, 1843, 50. 8 - The Greek Testament, with English notes. By the Rev. Edward BURTON, D.D. 3d ed., with a new index. Oxford, 1848. 8 Novum Testamentum Greece. Ad antiques testes recensuit apparatum criticum multis mo- dis auctum et correctum apposuit commen- tationem isagogicam preemisit Constantinus TISCHENDORF. Editio Lipsiensis secunda. Lipsite, 1849. 8 Editio septima. 2 tom. Lipsice, 1859. 8 The Greek Testament : with a critically re- vised text : a digest of various readings : mar- ginal references to verbal and idiomatic usage : prolegomena : and a critical and exegetical commentary. By Henry ALFORD, M.A. 4vol. London, 1849-61. 8 - Another edition. [Vol. i. of fifth, vol. ii. of fourth, vol. iii. of third, and vol. iv. of second, edition.] London, 1861-63. 8 - Novum Testamentum Greece. Ex recognitione Knappii emendatixis edidit argumentorumque notationes locos parallelos annotationem criti- 7') I:KI I '.MILKS -OB cam et indices adjecitCar. Godofr. Gmliclmus Lipsiensis. Editio steremv ].;t . t inrinlatior. .".', 1850. 8 : aim-lit, with notes grammati- cal and < l'\ William WEBSTER, M \., and William Fram-i.s WII.K: Vol. i. London, 1865. 8 Niivum Testamentum Gnece, secundum c, 1830. 8 Pauli ad Romanes epistola [Gr.] Recensuit et cum commentariis perpetuis edidit C. F. A. FRITZSCHE. 3 vol. HalisSaxonum, 1836-43. 8 St Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. The text revised ; and illustrated by a commentary, in- tended principally for the use of ministers, and students of theology. By Henry Theod. James BAGGE, B.A. London, 1856. 8 St Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. A revised text, with introduction, notes, and disserta- tion. By J. B. LIGHTFOOT, D.D. Cambridge, 1865. 8 Pauli Epistola prinia ad Tirnotheum Greece. Cum commentario perpetuo edidit Gottlob Eduardus LEO. Lipsia, 1837. 8 Pauli Epistola altcra ad Timotheum Greece. Cum commentari , ttlcli Eduardus I sift, 1850. 8" H. NEW TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. Novum Instnimuntiim omne, diligentt-r al> :o lioti -rodamo rcco^iiitum t-t iincnda turn, nun solum ad Gnecaiu veritak-m, vt-runi etiam ad multorum utriuaq ; lingua) codieum ...(Gr. et Lat.) Jo. Frobenius, Basilete, 1516. fol. / iiceps of Erasmus. ] Tliu third edition. Jo. Frobcnius, Basilea, 1522. fol. Another copy. The fourth edition. Jo. Frobenitu, Basilece, 1527. fl. [This edition contains, besides the Greek ami Latin versions of the preceding editions, that of the Latin Vulgate. The Greek text is cor- rected from the Complutensian edition of 1514.] The fifth edition. Jo. Frobenius, BasilecK, 1535. fol. [This is the last edition published by Erasmus, who died in 1536. It is the most correct of all, although the variations from the fourth edition are inconsiderable.] Novum D. N. Jesu Chnsti Testamentum (Grsece), a Theodoro BEZA versum, ad verita- tem Grseci sermonis e regione appositi : cum ejusdem annotationibus, in quibus ratio inter- pretationis redditur. Additi sunt indices tres. Basilece, Impensis Nicolai Barbirii et Thomce Courteau, 1559. fol. [The Latin version of Beza with the Greek text of R. Stephen's edition of 1551.] Jesu Christi D. N. Novum Testamentum, sive Novum Fo3dus. Cujus Graeco textui respon- dent interpretationes dufe : una, vetus : altera, nova, Theodori BCZJB, diligenter ab eo recog- nita. (Gr. et Lat.) Excudebat Henrieus Stephamis, ilhistris riri HuJdrici Fuggeri typograpInU) 1565. fol. [The first edition of Beza's Greek Testament. J Jesu Christi D. N. Novum Testamentum, Gr. et Lat. Theodoro Beza interprete. s 1567. 8 Jesu Christi Domini Nostri Novum Testamen- tum, sive Novum Fojdus (Gr. et Lat.) *. I., 1598. fol. [The last edition superintended by Beza.] Jesu Christi Domini Nostri Novum Testamen- tum, sive Novum Foedus...(Gr. et Lat.) Ac- cessit Joachimi CAMERARH in Novum Fcedus commentarius. Cantabrigite, ex officina Sogeri Daniclis, . . .1642. fol. [The edition of Beza, considered the Editio ./*.] Novum Testamentum Grsecum, cum Vulgata interpretatione Latlna Graeci contextus Uneis insertis : Quse quidem interpretatio ciun a Graecarum dictionum proprietate discedit, sen- sum, videlicet, magis qiiam verba exj>rimens, BIBLES. 71 BIBLES AMHARIC . in margine libri est collocata : atque alia Ben. ARI^E MONTANI Hispalensis opera e verbo red- dita, ac diverse characterum genere distincta, in e jus est substituta locum. Accesseruiit et htiic editioui Libri Greece scripti, qui vo- cantxtr Apocryphi ; cum interlineari inter- pretatione Latina ex Bibliis Complutensibus deprompta. Lipsice, Impensis Christiani Kirchneri, 1657. fol. - Novum Testamentum cum versione Latina ARLE MONTANI, in quo turn selecti versiculi 1900, quibus omnes Novi Testament! voces continentur, asteriscis notantur...Auctore Jo- hanne LEUSDEN. Editio nova. Amstel., apudJ. Welsteniumet G. Smith, 1741. 12 - Scientia Biblica, containing the New Testa- ment, in the original tongue, with the English Vulgate, and a copious and original collection of parallel passages. 3 vol. London, 1825. 8 Novum Testamentum Greece et Latine. Caro- lus LACHMANNUS recensuit ; Philippus Butt- mannus, Ph. F. Grsecte lectionis auctoritates apposuit. 2 torn. Berolini 1842, 50. 8 - Novum Testamentum Greece et Latine. Tex- tum Grsecum recognovit et vulgatam Latinam Clementis VIII, jussu editam ' addidit Franc. Xav. REITHMAYR. Monachii, 1847. 8 - Novum Testamentum Greecum cum versione Latina et notis. Londini, s. a. 8 [Manuscript title.] I. PARTS OP THE NEW- TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. - Codex Theodori BE2L Cantabrigiensis, Evan- gelia et Apostolorum Acta complectens, Qua- dratis literis Grseco-Latinus-Academia aus- picante venerandse has vetustatis reliquias summa qua potuit fide adumbravit, ex- pressit, edidit, codicis historian! preefixit, no tasque adjecit Thomas KIPLING, S.T.P. 2 torn. Contabrigiw, e prelo Academico impensis Aca- demics, 1793. fol. - The Epistle to the Ephesians, in Greek and English, with an analysis and exegetical com- mentary. By Samuel H. TURNER, D.D. Neiv York, 1856. 8 - The Epistle to the Hebrews, in Greek and Eng- lish, with an analysis and exegetical commen- tary. By Samuel H. TURNER, D.D. Neio York, 1852. 8 BIBLES AMHARIC. A. NEW TESTAMENT. - Novum Testamentum . . . sub auspiciis D. Asselini rerum Gallicarum apud ^Egyptos Procurator-is in linguam Amharicamvertit Abu-KumiHabes- Binus. Edidit Thomas Pell PLATT, A.M. London, 1829. 4 [Only the four Gospels were printed.] BIBLES ARMENIAN. A. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. Quinque Libri Moysis Prophetse in lingua ^Egyptia. Ex MSS. Vaticano, Parisiensi et Bodleiano descripsit ac Latine vertit David WILKINS, S.T.P. Londini, Typis Gul. Bowyer, 1731. 4 B. NEW TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. Novum Testamentum ^Sgyptium Vulgo Copti- cum ex MSS. Bodleianis descripsit, cum Vati- canis et Parisiensibus contulit, et in Latinum Sermonem convertit David WILKINS, Ecclesite Anglicanse Presbyter. Oxonii, 1716. 4 [In the Memphitic dialect.] BIBLES ARABIC. A. WHOLE BIBLE. - Biblia Arabice. London, 1831. 8 [The British and Foreign Bible Society's edi- tion.] B. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. Liber Psalmorum...ex Arabico idiomate in Latinum translatus. A Victorio SCIALAC Ac- curensi, et Gabriele SIONITA Edeniensi Maro- nitis, et Monte Libano, philosophise et sacra; theologies professoribus. JRomce, ex Typographies Sauariana, 1614. 4 C. NEW TESTAMENT. Novum Testamentum Arabice. London, 1831. 8 [British and Foreign Bible Society's edition.] Another copy. BIBLES ARMENIAN. A. WHOLE BIBLE. The Bible in Armenian. Serampore, 1817. 4 [Reprinted by the order and at the expense of the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society, at the mission press.] Another copy. B. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. The Five Books of Moses in modern Armenian. Calcutta, 1847. 12 Psalms in the modern Armenian of Constan- tinople. [ 1 1843. 16 PsaLms in ancient Armenian. [ ] 1844. 16 C. NEW TESTAMENT. New Testament in ancient Armenian. London, 1838. 16 Novum Testamentum Armenice. Calcutta, 1842. 12 [Modern Armenian.] Novum Testamentum Armenice. Calcutta, 1844. 8 [Baptist mission edition in ancient Armenian.] BIBLES-ARM KM VN 'I I KKI>U Another copy. Calcutta, 184 1 ( Baptist mission edition in anci. nt Armenian.] Another copy. BIBLES ARMENIAN-TURKISH. 8ee~Bir.Li.-i TruKi BIBLES ASSAM. A. NEW Ti: - The holy Bible... translated from the originals into the Assam language. By the Serampore missionaries. Vol. v. containing the New Testament. mpore, 1820. 8 BIBLES CHINESE. A. NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament in Chinese. 2 vol. s. I. et a. Another copy. Another copy. BIBLES BENGALI. A. OLD TESTAMENT. The Old Testament in the Bengali language. Translated out of the original Hebrew by the Calcutta Baptist missionaries with native as- sistants. Calcutta, 1844. 8 Another copy. B. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. The Book of Genesis, translated into the Ben- galee language from the original Hebrew. Published by, and for, the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society. Calcutta, 1833. 8 - The Psalms of David, translated into the Ben- gali language from the original Hebrew. Calcutta, 1838. 8 - The Psalms of David in Bengali. Translated from the original Hebrew by the Calcutta Baptist missionaries. Calcutta, 1844. 8 The Psalms of David and the Proverbs of Solomon in Bengali. Translated from the original Hebrew by the Calcutta Baptist mis- sionaries. Second edition. Calcutta, 1844. 8 The Proverbs of Solomon in Bengali. Trans- lated for the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society. By Rev. W. MORTON. Calcutta, 1843. 8 The Books of the prophets Isaiah and Daniel in Bengali. Translated from the original lan- guages by the Calcutta Baptist missionaries. Calcutta, 1842. 8 C. NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in the Bengali. Translated from the Greek, by the Calcutta Baptist mission- aries. Calcutta, 1837. 8 [Edition of the Calcutta Bible Society. ] - Another copy. BIBLES-DELAWARE !M> Another edit ion. Calcutta, 1847. 8" b edition. Calffii", ]>!' [ Edition of the Bible Translation Society. ] Another copy. D. NEW TEST A MI. vi \\ nil VI:K The New Testament in Bengali and English. Printed for the British and I Bil.IeSor London, 1839. 8 Another copy. BIBLES- BULGARIAN. A. NEW TESTAMENT. Bulgarian New Testament. *. I, 184() BIBLES BURMESE. A. OLD TESTAMENT. The Old Testament in Burmese. 3 vol. Maulmein, 1834, 3.~> [Translated by Th. LATTER.] B. NEW TESTAMENT. - The New Testament, in Burmese. Maulmein, 1832. 8 3 Another copy. C. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. The four Gospels in the Burman language. *. I. et a. 8 3 BIBLES CHIPPEWAY. A. NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament in the Chippeway lan- guage. Albany, 1833. 12 [By an American missionary, for the Indians on the borders of Lake Superior.] Another copy. B. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. The Gospel of St Matthew in the Chippewa\ language. York, 1831. 8 BIBLES DANISH. A. WHOLE BIBLE. Biblia, det er den gandske Hellige Skriftes, det Gamle og Nye Testamentes canoniska Bo- ger, efter det semte Kjobenhavnske Oplag, udgivne. London, 1829. 8 B. NEW TESTAMENT. - Det Nye Testamente. London, 1809. 8 Nye Testament, ved Kong Frederik den Siet- tes. Kiobenhavn, 1825. 12 BIBLES DELAWARE INDIAN. A. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. The three Epistles of the Apostle John. Trans- lated into Delaware Indian, by C. F. DEN< KE. New Yoi*, 1818. 12 BIBLES. 73 BIBLES DUTCH. A. WHOLE BIBLE. - Biblia, dat is, De gantsche H. Schrifture vervattende alle de Canonycke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testements. Amsterdam, 1684. 4 [This Bible has bound up with it the Psalms set to music.] Another edition. Amsteldam, 1715. 4 [This edition has the Psalms set to music, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Articles of the Synod of Dort, and the Liturgy of the Re- formed Church of the Netherlands, all in Dutch.] B. NEW TESTAMENT. - Het Nieuwe Testament... gelyck dat voor we- nigh jaren van nieuws uyt D. M. Luthers hoogh-Duytsche Bybel. Amsterdam, 1651. 12 BIBLES ENGLISH. A. WHOLE BIBLE. The Byble in Englyshe, that is to say the contet of al the holy scripture, both of ye olde and newe testamet, with a prologe therinto, made by the reverende father in God, Thomas [CRANMER] archbysshop of Canterbury. This is the Byble apoynted to the use of the churches. Prynted by Rychard Grafton. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. [Apryle] M.D.XL. [THE FIRST EDITION OF CRANMER'S BIBLE. It wants the names of the Books, 2 pp. ; Genesis, fol. xvi. ; Exodus, fol. xxv. ; in. Kynges, half of fol. LI. ; Proverbes, fol. xxxiv. ; Ec- clesiastes, fol. xxxix., XL., XLI. ; Esay and Jeremy, from fol. XLVIII. to fol. LXV. in- clusive ; Jeremy, fol. LXXII. ; Ezechiel, fol. xcn., and cv. ; Amos, fol. cxx. ; Hebrues, half of fol. xcvui. There is also in the Library an English Bible, said to be Cranmer's, of date 1539. This must be a mistake. Cran- mer had nothing to do with either the trans- lation or publication of the Bible of 1539. It was put forth by Thomas Cromwel, Earl of Essex, who employed Coverdale to revise the translation. Moreover, the arms of the Earl of Essex, which appear in the title-page of the edition of April 1540, are defaced. This could not have taken place until after his exe- cution on the 28th of July 1540. The copy must therefore belong to a later date. It is, besides, so defective in every respect as to be little better than a fragment.] The Byble... In why ch are cotayned the Olde and New Testament, truly & purely traslated into English, & nowe lately with greate in- dustry & diligece recognised. Imprynted at London by Jhon Daye, dwelling at Aldersgate, and William Seres, divellinft in Peter Colledge. 1549. fol. [This is Taverner's version, recognised by Ed- mund Becke. It contains Tyndale's Pro- logues, and has several wood-cuts. The title, and Almanack on the back of the title, are BIBLES ENGLISH. in manuscript a beautiful fac-simile. It wants the Kalendar, An exhortacion to the study of the holy Scriptures, The summe and content of all the holy Scripture, A dedication to the King, and A description of the successe of the Kings of Juda.] The Bible, that is, the holy Scriptures con- teined in the Olde and Newe Testament... with most profitable Annotations. . . . London, by the Deputies of C. Barker, 1599. 4 [The Genevan version. The New Testament ia translated from the Greek by Beza, with brief summaries and exposition by him and others, made English by L. Tomson : with the an- notations of F. Junius upon Revelation. At the end there are ' ' The CL. Psalmes of David in meeter, after the forme they are used to be sung in the Kirke of Scotland," printed at Edinburgh by Evan Tyler, the King's Printer for Scotland, 1643.] Another copy. [Imperfect. It begins at the xxi. chapter of Genesis.] Another copy. [Wants title.] The Holy Bible. London, imprinted by Robert Barker, 1601. 4 [Genevan version. At the end of this edition there is ' ' The whole Booke of Psalmes, col- lected into English meetre, by Thomas Stem- hold, John Hopkins, and others... with apt notes to sing them withall. London, printed by John Windet for the Assignes of Richard Daye, 1601.] The Holy Bible. London, by Robert Barker, 1607. 4 [Genevan version.] The Holy Bible. London, by Robert Barker, 1612. 4 [King James's, or the authorized version. The first quarto edition.] The Holy Bible. London, by Robert Barker, 1615. 4 [Genevan version.] The Holy Bible. London, by Bonham Norton and John Bill. 1619. 4 [King James's version.] The Holy Bible. London, 1620. 4 [King James's version, with Sternhold and Hopkins' Psalms, 1618.] The Dutch annotations upon the whole bible ...Together with and according to their own translation of all the text, as both the one and the other were ordered and appointed by the Synod of Dort, 1618, and published by autho- rity, 1637. Now faithfully communicated for the use of Great Britain in English. Where- unto is prefixed an exact narrative touching the whole work, and this translation, by Theo- dore HAAK. 2 vol. London, 1657. fol. The Holy Bible. Cambridge, printed by John Field, 1661. 8 [King James's version.] The Holy Bible. London, 1679. fol.. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament 10 74 IJ1BLES ENGLISH. f.l HI BIBLES ENGLISH. and the New. .bridge, print' <1 lj John Fi.lt, 1668. 4 [King James s version, with Sternhold and Hopkins' Psalms, NitHi.] The Holy Bible. London, 1696. 12 [John C ANNE'S edition, with the Scottish Psalms, 1682.] The Holy Bible. London, prints // Charles Bill, 1698. 12 [With the Scotch Psalms, Glasgow, 1682.] The Holy Bible. /i., [James Watson,} 1716. 12 The Holy Bible. Oxford, printed by the University printer, 1731. 4 [The authorized version, with above 200 his- torical cuts curiously engraven from designs of the best masters. ] The Holy Bible. A'.///!., printed by Adrian Watkins, 1752. 4 The Holy Bible. Oxford, 1769. fol. The Holy Bible. 2 vol. London, 1772. 8 The Holy Bible. . 1772. 8 The Holy Bible. Oxford, 1784. 4 The Holy Bible. 2vol. .,1787. 8 The Holy Bible. Cambridge, 1790. 12 [ With a\ithorized version of the Psalms, 1791.] The self -interpreting Bible. By the Rev. John BROWN, Haddington. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1791. 4 Fourth edition. Edin., 1808. 4 The Family Bible. With the self -interpreting and explanatory notes, and marginal refer- ences of the late Rev. John BROWN, Hadding- ton. The text alone printed by authority. E'lln.., 1842. 4 The Holy Bible... faithfully translated from corrected texts of the originals. With vari- ous readings, explanatory notes, and* critical remarks. By Alexander GEDDES, LL.D. Vol. i. ii. [No more published.] London, 1792-97. 4 C The Holy Bible. Cambridge, 1792. 12 [With the authorized version of the Psalms, 1793.] The Holy Bible. Neic York, 1792. 12 [The first edition of the Bible printed in New York.] The Holy Bible. 9 vol. London, published for John Reeves, Esq., 1802. 8 [An edition published by John REEVES, Esq. The notes are selected from Patrick, Lowth, Whitby, and others.] Another copy. L. P. The Holy Bible. With notes by the editor [T. PARSONS.] Bristol, 1803. 12 The Holy Bible. . , 1803. 8 The Holy Bible. . .with explanatory notes, prac- tical observations, and copious marginal re- ferences. By the Rev. Thomas SCOTT. 6 vol. 7th ed. London, 1823. 4 A new edition. London, 1832. 4 Another copy. The Holy Bible. [With authorized version of th- ; , 1824. 12 The Holy Bible. rd, Clarendon press, 1828. 12 The Holy Bible according to the authorized version : with notes explanatory ami \ cal ; taken principally from the most emim-nt writers of the Established Church of England and Ireland.... Prepared and arranged by the Rev. George D'OYLY, D.D., and the Rev. Richard MANT, D.D. (now Lord Bishop of Down and Connor). 3 vol. 'ridge, 1830. 4 The Holy Bible, an exact reprint, page for page, of the authorized version published in the year Kill. /, 1833. 4 The Holy Bible... arranged in historical and chronological order, in such a manner that the whole may be read as one connected history, in the words of the authorized version. By the Rev. George TOWNSEXD, A.M., Preben- dary of Durham. New edition. 2 parts. London, 1834. 8 Another copy. The Pictorial Bible ; being the Old and New Testaments according to the authorized ver- sion : illustrated with many hundred wood-cuts. ...To which are added, original notes. 3 vol. London, 1836-1838. 8 The Holy Bible, with a commentary and criti- cal notes. By Adam CLARKE, LL.D. 6 vol. London, 1836. 8 Another copy. 6 vol. [Wanting vol. v.] London, s. a. 8 The Holy Bible. New York, 1836. 12* [American Bible Society's edition, with refe- rences.] New York, 1838. 4 New York, 1839. 8 New York, 1840. 12 New York, 1841. 18 New York, 1842. 12 New York, 1843. 8 New York, 1843. 12 Another copy. The Holy Bible. London, 1838. 12 [Arranged in paragraphs and parallelisms.] Biblia. The Bible, that is the holy Scripture of the Olde and Newe Testament, faithfully and truly translated into Englishe. M.P.XXXV. London, Bagster, 1838. 4 [Myles Coverdale's translation ; reprinted from the copy in the Library of his Royal High- ness the Duke of Sussex.] Another copy. The Holy Bible. New York, 1841. 8 The Holy Bible ; translated from the Latin Vulgate :...The Old Testament, first published By the English College, at Douay, A. p. 1609 : and the New Testament, first published by the English College, at Rheims, A. p. 1582. With annotations... published with the approbation of the Most Rev. Dr Murray, Archbishop of Dublin. Dublin, 1847. 8 BIBLES ENGLISH. BIBLES. BIBLES ENGLISH. 75 The Annotated Paragraph Bible ; containing the Old and New Testaments, arranged in paragraphs and parallelisms. With explana- tory notes. Vol. i. London, 1853. 8 Part iv. The prophetical books. London, 1854. 8 B. OLD TESTAMENT. The Septuagint version of the Old Testament, according to the Vatican text, translated into English, with the principal various readings of the Alexandrine copy. By Sir Lancelot Charles Lee BRENTON, Bart. 2 vol. London, 1844. 8 C. PARTS OP THE OLD TESTAMENT. A new and literal translation, from the ori- ginal Hebrew, of the Pentateuch of Moses, and of the historical books of the Old Tes- tament to the end of the second book of Kings : with notes critical and explanatory. By the Rev. Julius BATE, M.A. London, 1773. 4 The book of Job : metrically arranged accord- ing to the Masora, and newly translated into 'English. With notes critical and explana- tory : accompanied on the opposite page by the authorized English version. By Joseph STOCK, D.D. Bath, 1805. 4 The book of Job, literally translated from the original Hebrew, and restored to its natural arrangement : with notes critical and illustra- tive ; and an introductory dissertation on its scene, scope, language, author, and object. By John Mason GOOD, F.R.S. London, 1812. 8 The book of Job, translated from the Hebrew. By George HUNT. Bath, 1825. 8 A new translation and exposition of the very ancient book of Job ; with notes, explanatory and philological. By the Rev. John FRY, B.A. London, 1827. 8 The book of Job, translated from the original Hebrew . . .To which is prefixed an introduction, on the history, times, country, friends, and book of the patriarch ; with some strictures on the statements of Bishop Warburton, and of the rationalists of Germany, on the same sub- jects. And to which is appended a commen- tary, critical and exegetical. By Samuel LEE, D.D. London, 1837. 8 Job and his times ; or, a picture of the patriar- chal age during the period between Noah and Abraham, as regards the state of religion and morality, arts and sciences, manners and cus- toms, &c. And a new version of that most ancient poem, accompanied with notes and dissertations. By Thomas WEMYSS. London, 1839. 8 Notes, critical, illustrative, and practical, on the book of Job : with a new translation, and an introductory dissertation. By the Rev. Albert BARNES. Carefully revised... by the Rev. John dimming, B.D. London, 1847. 8 Revised English version of the Holy Scrip- tures. By the American Bible Union. Parts i. and ii. Containing the Hebrew text, &c. of Job, chap, i.-xxix. London, 1856. 4 A commentary, grammatical and exegetical, on the book of Job ; with a translation. By the Rev. A. B. DAVIDSON, M.A., Professor of Hebrew, New College, Edinburgh. Vol. i. Edin., 1862. 8 The whole Book of Psalmes. Collected into English meetre, by Thomas STERNHOLDE, John HOPKINS, and others, conferred with the He- brue, with apt notes to sing them withall. London, printed by John Windet for tJie as- signes of Richard Daye. 1601. 4 [See BIBLES ENGLISH. A. 1601.] Another edition. London, 1639. 4 Another edition. London, 1733. 8 [For other editions of Sternhold and Hopkins' Psalms see BIBLES ENGLISH. A. 1620, 1668, and various editions of the Book of Common Prayer.] The Book of Psalms. Englished both in prose and metre. With annotations, opening the words and sentences, by conference with other Scriptures. By H. A. Amsterdam, by G-iles Thorp, 1612. 4 The Psalmes of David in prose and meeter. With their whole tunes in f oure or mo parts ; and some other Psalmes in Reports. Where- unto is added many godly prayers, and an exact Kalendar for xxv. yeeres to come. [By John KNOX.] Printed at Edinburgh by the Heires of Andreiv Hart. 1635. 8 Another copy. A paraphrase upon the Psalmes of David, and upon the hymnes dispersed throughout the Old and New Testaments. By G. S. London, 1636. 16 Another copy. The CL. Psalmes of David, in meeter : after the forme they are used to be sung in the Kirke of Scotland. Edin., printed by Evan Tyler, 1643. 4 [See BIBLES ENGLISH. A. 1599.] The Psalms of King David paraphrased, and turned into English verse. By Myles SMYTH. London, 1668. 8 A version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in Churches. By the Hon. Sir John DENHAM. London, 1714. 8 The Psalter of David ; with titles and collects according to the matter of each psalm. Where- unto are added devotions for the help and assistance of all Christian people, in all occa- sions and necessities. Fifteenth edition. London, 1724. 12 The Psalms of David in metre. Together with the annotations of David DICKSON, Professor of Divinity, Edinburgh. Glasgow, 1764. 12 The Psalms of David in metre. Edin., 1756. 12 [Authorized version.] 76 I; IDLES ENGLISH. BIBLES. I'.IBLES ENGLISH. Another editi.m. Perth, 1794. 12 Anotlu-ri-.htioii. :'.8. 12 The Psalter in its original form : or, The Book of Psalms mliu-t-il to lines, in an easy and familiar style, and a kind of blank verse in un- equal measures, answering for the most part to the original lines, as supposed to contain each a sentence, or some entire' ] art of one... By the author of Thoughts on the Hebrew titles of the Psalms. [George J IJ.D.l London, 1769. 8 d A new translation of the Psalms from the ori- ginal Hebrew, with notes, critical and explana- tory : To which is added a dissertation on the last prophetic words of Noah. By the Rev. William GREEN. Cambridge, 1762. 8 A new version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in Churches. By N. TATE and N. BRADY. London, 1772. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1777. 8 Another edition. Oxford, 1833. 8 Another edition. Oxford, 1838. 8 A new version of the whole Book of Psalms in metre. To which is added, A supplement of divine hymns or Scripture songs... adapted to the present state of the Church. By James MAXWELL, S.D.P. Glasgow, 1773. 12 A version or paraphrase of the Psalms origi- nally written by the Rev. James MERRICK, M.A. Divided into stanzas, and adapted to the purposes of pxiblic or private devotion, by the Rev. W. D. TATTERSALL, A.M., Vicar of Watton under Edge. London, 1789. 12 A new literal version of the Book of Psalms, with a preface and notes. By the Rev. Ste- phen STREET. London, 1790. 8 The Psalms of David methodized ; being an attempt to bring together (without the smallest alteration) those passages in them which relate to the same subjects. By Robert WALKER, F.R.S.E. Edin., 1794. 12 An entire new version of the Book of Psalms, in which an attempt is made to accommodate them to the worship of the Christian Church in a variety of measures now in general use : with original prefaces and notes, critical and explanatory. By the Rev. William GOODE. 2 vol. London, 1811. 8 The book of Psalms, translated from the He- brew, with notes, explanatory and critical. By Samuel HORSLEY, D.D. 2 vol. London, 1815. 8 Another copy. Lyra Davidis ; or, a new translation and expo- sition of the Psalms, grounded on the principles adopted in the posthumous work of the late Bishop Horsley. By the Rev. John FRY, B.A. London, 1819. 8 Second edition. London, 1842. 8 The Psalmes of David translated into divers and sundry kindes of verse, more rare and excellent for the method and varietie, than hath been done in English ; begun by Sir Philip SIDNEY, and finished by the Right Hon. Countess of Pembroke, his sister. London, 1823. 8 The Psalter, or Psalms of David, in English verse ; by a member oi 1 1 1 . I 1 1 i versity of Oxford. [ lU-v. .Mm KKBUE.] 2ded. Oxford, 18:; Psalms and hymns adapted to social, private, and pabtte wvahip in the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Approved and authorized by the General Assembly. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 A metrical version of the Book of Psalms, coin- posed for private meditation or public worship. By Francis SKURRAY, B.D. London, 184;; ir The psalms in a new version... with notes in examination of the difficult passages. By M. MONTAGU. London, 1851. 8 Another copy. New translation, exposition, and chronological arrangement of the Book of Psalms ; with cri- tical notes on the Hebrew text. By Benjamin WEISS. Jtfm., 1852. 8 The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scotch ; from the authorized English version. By Henry Scott KIDDELL. Impensis Ludovici Luciani Bonaparte. London, 1857. 8 The Scottish metrical Psalter of A.D. 1635, re- printed in full from the original work ; the additional matter and various readings found in the editions of 1565, &c. , being appended, and the whole illustrated by dissertations, notes, and fac-similes. Edited by the Rev. Neil LIVINGSTON. Glasgow, 1864. fol. The Book of Psalms. A new translation with introduction and notes, explanatory and criti- cal. By the Rev. J. S. PEROWNE. Vol. i. London, 1865. 8 An index to the Psalms and Paraphrases ; con- taining the first line of every stanza arranged in alphabetical order. Edin., 1828. 12 The Proverbs of Solomon translated from the Hebrew by Bernard HODGSON, LL.D., Prin- cipal of Hertford College, Oxford. [With cri- tical notes.] Oxford, 1788. 4 Ecclesiastes, a new translation from the ori- ginal Hebrew, by Bernard HODGSON, LL.D., [With critical notes.] Oxford, 1790. 8 The Song of SOLOMON, newly translated. By ThomasPERCY,D.D.,Bishopof Dromore. 1764. Solomon's Song translated from the Hebrew by the Rev. Bernard HODGSON, LL.D. [With critical notes.] Oxford, 1786. 4 The Song of songs, which is by Solomon. A new translation, with a commentary and notes. By T. WILLI \ London, 1801. 8 The Song of songs unveiled : a new transla- tion and exposition of the Song of Solomon. By the Rev. Benjamin WEISS. Edin., 1859. 12 Isaiah. A new translation ; with a prelimi- nary dissertation and notes, critical, philolo- gical, and explanatory. By Robert LOWTH, D.D., Bishop of London. 2d ed. London, 1779. 4 - Another edition. 2 vol. London, 1824. 8 BIBLES ENGLISH. BIBLES. BIBLES ENGLISH. 77 Tenth edition. London, 1833. 8 Twelfth edition. London, 1837. 8 The Book of the Prophet Isaiah translated from the Hebrew ; with critical and explana- tory notes, and practical remarks : to which is prefixed a preliminary dissertation on the na- ture and use of prophecy. By the Rev. Al- fred JENOUR. 2 vol. London, 1830. 8 Another copy. The Book of the Prophet Isaiah, translated from the original Hebrew ; with a commen- tary, critical, philological, and exegetical : to which is prefixed an introductory dissertation on the life and times of the prophet ; the cha- racter of his style ; the authenticity and inte- grity of the book, and the principles of pro- phetic interpretation. By the ~Rev. E. HEN- DERSON, Ph. D. London, 1840. 8 Notes ; critical, explanatory, and practical, on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah ; with a new translation. By the Rev. Albert BARNES. 3 vol. Boston, 1840. 8 Another copy. Jeremiah, and Lamentations. A new transla- tion ; with notes critical, philological, and ex- planatory. By Benjamin BLAYNEY, B.D. Oxford, 1784. 4 Another edition. Edin., 1810. 8 Another copy. The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah and that of the Lamentations, translated from the ori- ginal Hebrew ; with a commentary, critical, philological, and exegetical. By E. HENDER- SON. London, 1851. 8 An attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement, and an explanation of the Prophet Ezekiel. By W. NEWCOME, D.D. Dublin, 1788. 4 A version of the Prophecies of Ezekiel. By the Rev. James M'FARLANE. Edin., 1845. 8 Daniel, an improved version attempted ; with a preliminary dissertation, and notes critical, historical, and explanatory. By Thomas WINTLE, B.D. 2d ed. London, 1807. 4 An attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement, and an explanation, of the twelve minor prophets. By William NEW- COME, D.D. London, 1785. 4 Another copy. Another edition. London, 1836. 8 - The Book of the twelve minor Prophets, trans- lated from the original Hebrew : with a com- mentary, critical, philological, and exegetical. By E. HENDERSON, D.D. London, 1845. 8 The minor Prophets, with a commentary ex- planatory and practical, and introductions to the several Books. By the Rev. E. B. PUSEY, D.D. 3 parts. 5th thousand. Oxford, 1860. 4 Zechariah ; a new translation : with notes, critical, philological and explanatory ; and an appendix, in reply to Dr Eveleigh's sermon on Zech. ii. 8-11. To which is added (a new edition with alterations) a dissertation on Daniel, ix. 20, to the end. By Benjamin BLAYNEY, D.D. Oxford, 1797. 4 D. NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament of Jesus Christ, faithfully translated into English, out of the authenti- cal Latin, according to the best corrected co- pies of the same, diligently conferred with the Greeke and other editions in divers languages ...In the English College of Rhemes. Rhemes, by John Fogny, 1582. 4 [The first edition of the Rhemish Testament. The translators were William Allen, Dr Sta- pleton, Gregory Martin, and Richard Bris- tow. The notes were written by Bristow. This copy is imperfect. It wants part of the Preface to the reader, and all the " Table di- recting the reader to al Catholike truthes de- duced out of .the holy Scriptures, and im- pugned by the Adversaries," from the word Justification. It has an incorrect manuscript title.] The New Testament... Translated out of the Latin Vulgate. . .and first published by the Eng- lish College of Rheims, 1582. With the ori- ginal Preface... To which are now added, an in- troductory essay, and a complete topical and textual index. Neio York, 1834. 8 The text of the New Testament of Jesus Christ, translated out of the vulgar Latine by the Papists of the traiterous Seminarie at Rhemes. .. .Whereunto is added the transla- tion out of the original Greeke commonly used in the Church of England. With a confuta- tion of all such arguments, glosses, and anno- tations, as contain manifest impietie, or here- sie....By W. FULKE, D. in Divinitie. London, by the Deputies of Christopher Barker. 1589. fol. Second edition. London, by Robert Barker, 1601. fol. Another edition. London, printed for Thomas Adams, 1617. fol. New Testament. Edin., [John Hart], 1631. 12 The New Testament... translated out of the Latin Vulgat by John WICLIF, S.T.P....about 1378. To which is pnefixt, a history of the several translations of the H. Bible and N. Testament into English... by John LEWIS, A.M. London, 1731. fol. The New Testament, translated from the Latin, in the year 1380, by John WICLIF, D.D. To which are prefixed, Memoirs of the life, opi- nions, and writings of Dr Wiclif ; and an historical account of the Saxon and English versions of the Scriptures, previous to the 'opening of the Fifteenth century. By the Rev. Henry Hervey BABER, M.A. London, 1810. 4 - Another copy. [This copy has two Prologues by Wiclif, now first printed from the original manuscript on 78 131 BLES ENGLISH. BIBLES. hlBLES ENG1. vi-llum in the possession of tho Rev. J. T. I'.anvtt, D.D.] The New Testament : carefully collated with tho Greok, and corrected ; divided iiinl pointed UIP_C t.> tin- various subjects treated i>f by the inspired writers,... and illustnited \\itit critical and explanatory. By Richard N\ \\M:. A.M. 2vol. London, 1764. 8 A translation of the New Testament from the original Greek. By the Rev. Thomas H\ London, 1795. 8 A translation of the New Testament. By Gilbert WAKEFIELD, B.A. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1795. 8 A New Testament ; or the New Covenant, ac- cording to Luke, Paul, and John, published in conformity to the plan of the late Rev. Edward EVANSON, A.M. [Unitarian version.] London, J. Johnson, 1807. 8 The New Testament, in an improved version, upon the basis of Archbishop Newcome's new translation : with a corrected text, and notes critical and explanatory. London, 1808. 8 [A Socinian version, generally attributed to the Rev. W. BELSHAM.] Fourth edition. London, 1817. 8 Fifth edition, with corrections and additions. London, 1819. 12 The New Testament. London, 1814. 32 The New Testament, translated from the Greek : and the four gospels arranged in a harmony. . . With some preliminary observations : and notes, critical and explanatory. By the Rev. William THOMSON, A.M. 3 vol. Kilmarnock, 1816. 8 The New Testament. Oxford, 1828. 12 The New Testament. Oxford, 1829. 12 The New Testament, with explanatory notes, illustrated with maps. London, 1831. 16 The Book of the New Covenant of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. London, 1836. 8 The New Testament. Edin., 1836. 12 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : published in 1526. Being the first translation from Greek into English, by ...William TYNDALE. Reprinted verbatim, with a Memoir of his life and writings, by London, 1836. 8 Edin., 1838. 12 Oxford, 1838. 8 New York, 1839. 12 George OFFOR. Another copy. The New Testament. The New Testament. The New Testament. [American Bible Society.] Neiv York, 1841. 8 New York, 1843. 16 The New Testament. Edin., 1839. 12 The New Testament. Glasgow, (William Collins). 1841. '12 The English Hexapla, exhibiting the Six im- portant English translations of the New Tes- tament Scriptures, Wiclif, 1380 ; Tyndale, 1534 ; Cranmer, 1539 ; Genevan, 1557 ; An- glo-Rhemish, 1582 ; Authorized, 1611. The Original < iii i k Text after Scholz ; with tho va- 'idtilU principal Constantiiiopolitaii and Alexandrine. .MSS., and a complete collation oi' S.-hoI/.'s sbach's edition of ! ! l.y an historical account of tho English translations. L"nrKK mm. BIBLES- ITALIAN. - Another copy. The New Testament... in the Hindustani [Ur- du J language. Calcutta, 1841. 8 The New Testament in the Hindustani lan- guage. Calcutta, 1842. 8 Another copy. E. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. The Four Gospels and Acts in the Hindustani language. . 1841. 12 [Edition of the Auxiliary Bible Society.] Another copy. Gospel of St Matthew. Hindustani. [Roman character.] *. I. et a. 8 Gospel of Mark. Hindustani. [Roman cha- racter.] a. I. et a. 8 - The Gospel by Luke. And Paul's Epistle to the Romans in Urdu. Calcutta, 1841. 8 - The Gospel of St John in Urdu. s. 1. et a. 12 Gospel of St John in Anglo-Hindustani. [Ro- man character.] s. I. et a. 8 C The Acts of the Apostles in the Hindustani language. Calcutta, 1841. 12 Another copy. The Acts of the Apostles. Anglo-Hindustani, [Roman character.] s. 1. et a. 8 Pauli Apostoli Epistolae in linguam Indosta- nicam translate a Benj. SCHULTZIO. Edidit Joh. Henr. Callenbergius. Balce, 1749, 50. 12 F. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. - The Gospels and Acts in English and Hindus- thanf. St Matthew, translated by HENRY MARTYN. - St Mark, translated by the Rev. W. BOWLEY. St Luke, translated by the BENARES TRANS- LATION COMMITTEE. St John, translated by the Rev. W. BOWLEY. - Acts, translated by the BENARES TRANSLA- TION COMMITTEE. Calcutta, Church Mission Press, 1837. 8 Another copy. BIBLES HINDUWEE. A. WHOLE BIBLE. The Holy Bible translated into the Hinduee language, by the Rev. William BOWLEY, under the patronage of the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society. 2 vol. Calcutta, s. a. 8 B. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Genesis in Hindawi. s. 1. et a. 12 Genesis and Exodus in Hindi Kaithi. Allahabad, 1845. 12 Psalms and Proverbs in Kaithi-Hindi. Allahabad, 1845. 12 Proverbs of Solomon in Hindawi. s. 1. et a. 12 The Proverbs of Solomon in the Hindu language in the Arabic character. . 1. et a. 8 C. NEW TEST AMI The New Testament translated from the ori- ginal Greek into the Hindui language. CalcritOj 1841. 12 The New Testament... in the Hindi language. Translated from the Greek by the Calcutta Baptist missionaries. Calcutta, 184-1 The New Testament in Kaithi-Hindi. s. 1. et a. 8 D. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. The Four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. Altered from Martyn's Oordoo translation into the Hinduee language, by the Rev. William BOWLEY. Serampore, 1838. 8 The Gospel of Matthew in Hindui-Nagri. *. 1. et a. 8 The Gospel of Mark in Hindawi. *. 1. et a. 8 The Gospel of Luke in Hindui-Nagri. *. 1. et a. 8 The Gospel of John in Hindui-Nagri. *. 1. et a. 8 The Gospel of St John in Hindawi. s. 1. et a. 8 Acts of the Apostles in Hindui- Kaithi. s. 1. et a. 8 BIBLES IRISH. A. OLD TESTAMENT. The Books of the Old Testament translated into Irish by the care and diligence of Dr William BEDEL, late Bishop of Kilmore in Ireland, and for the publick good of that nation. London, 1685. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Second edition. London, 1690. 12 [W T ith the New Testament, by William O DOMHNUILL. Both were translated from the Irish into the Roman character by the Rev. Robert KIRKE.] B. NEW TESTAMENT. Tiomna Nuadh ar Dtighearna agus ar Slanuig- heora Josa Criosd, ar na tharruing go firinneach as Greigis go Gaoidheilg. Re William O DOMHNUILL. Lunnduin, 1690. 12 BIBLES ITALIAN. A. WHOLE BIBLE. La Sacra Bibbia, tradotta in lingua Italiana, e commentata da Giovanni DiODATi...Seconda editione, migliorata, ed accresciuta. Con 1'aggiunta de' Sacri Salmi, messi in rime per lo medesimo. Geneva, per Pietro Chovet, 1641. fol. Another copy. La Sacra Bibbia, tradotta da Giovanni Diodati. BIBLES JAVANESE. BIBLES. BIBLES LATIN. 83 Edizione Londinese riveduta da Giambattista Rolandi. Londra, 1819. 8 - La Sacra Bibbia, che contiene il Vecchio e il Nuovo Testamento ; tradotta in lingua Italiana da Giovanni Diodati. s. I, 1827. 8 B. NEW TESTAMENT. II Novo Testamento. 2 part. In Vinetia al Segno de la Speranza, 1546. 12 II Nuovo ed Eterno Testamento di Giesu Christo. In Lione, per Giovanni di Tornes e Guillelmo Gazeio, 1556. 16 [Illustrated with many beautiful wood-engrav- ings, generally attributed to Bernard Salomon called Le Petit Bernard. The translation is by Massimo Theofilo.] II Nuovo Testamento. Londra, 1808. 8 II Nuovo Testamento secondo la volgata tra- dotto in lingua Italiana, da Monsignor Antonio MARTINI, Arcivescovo di Firenze. Londra, 1818. 12 C. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. - The Gospel of St John, adapted to the Hamil- tonian system, by an analytical and interlineary translation from the Italian, with full instruc- tions for its use. By James HAMILTON. London, 1825. 8 C BIBLES JAVANESE. A. NEW TESTAMENT. Javanese New Testament. s. I. et a. 8 Another copy. BIBLES KASHMEERA. A. NEW TESTAMENT. The Holy Bible, translated from the originals into the Kashmeera language. By the Seram- pore missionaries. Vol. v., containing the New Testament. Serampore, 1821. 8 BIBLES KASSIA. B. PARTS OP THE NEW TESTAMENT. - The Gospel of Matthew in Kassia. Calcutta, 1846. 12 BIBLES KUNKUNA. A. NEW TESTAMENT. - The Holy Bible, . . .translated from the originals into the Kunkuna language. By the Seram- pore missionaries. Vol. v. , containing the New Testament. Serampore, 1818. 8 BIBLES LATIN. A. WHOLE BIBLE. - Biblia cum summariorum apparatu pleno qua- druplicique repertorio insignita : cui ultra cas- tigationem diligentissimam et signanter in vo- cabulario dictiomim hebraicarum ubi pro ma- jore sui parte erat mendosa et vitiosa : addite sunt marginales additiones annales et gentis cu j uscunque secundum ea tempora hy storias no- tan tes ; canonum quoque ad sacram scripturam concordantias qxias cruce adnotavimus. G. L. Lugduni, in officina Jacobi Saconi, 1515. 8 [This edition corresponds chiefly with that of 1511. It wants the title and part of the ex- hortation, to the lovers of divine literature one leaf in all. The title has been taken from the description of the book in Panzer, An- nal. Typograph. vol. vii. , p. 308.] Biblia Sacra : integrum utriusque testament! corpus complectens : diligenter recognita et emendata. Cum concordantiis ac summariis simul et argumentis : ad totius intelligentiam biblie non parum conducentibus. Insuper in calce ejusdem : annexe sunt nominum He- braicorum interpretationes. G. L. Impressum Parisiis (per Joannem Preuel). 1528. 8- [The third edition by Preuel. It wants the title, the exhortation, the address from the printer, and the first page of the division of the books of the Bible two leaves in all. The title is taken from Panzer, Annal. Typo- graph, vol. viii., p. 116.] Biblia. Bi'eves in eadem annotationes, ex doctiss. interpretationibus, et Hebraeorum commentariis. Parisiis, ex officina Roberti Stephani, 1534. 8 [A reprint of R. Stephens' folio edition of 1532. Jerome's Prefaces are collected and printed at the end. There is added also AUGUSTINE, "De Spiritu et Litera."] Biblia Sacra utriusque Testamenti, et Vetus quidem post omnes omnium hactenus sedi- tiones, opera D. Sebast. Munsteri evulgatum, et ad Hebraicam veritatem quoad fieri potuit redditum, collatis ubique vetustissimis et pro- batissimis ejus linguae scriptoribus. Novum vero non solum ad Grsecam veritatem, verum etiam ad multorum utriusque linguae et inter- pretum et codicum fidem, opera D. Eras. Rot. ultimo recognitum et seditum. Additi sunt e LXX. versione et Apocryphi libri sive Ecclesi- astici, qui habentur extra canonem. Tiguri apud Christophorum Froschoverum. 1539. 8 Biblia Hebrsea, Chaldsea, Grseca et Latina nomina virorum, mulierum...cum Latina in- terpretatione. Locorum descriptio e Cosmo- graphis. Index praeterea rerum et sententi- arum quse in iisdem Bibh'is continentur. His accesserunt schemata Tabernaculi Mosaici, et Templi Salomonis, quae prseunte Francisco Vatablo Hebraicarum literarum professoro doctissimo, summa arte et fide expressa sunt. Parisiis, exofficina Robert iSteplumi, Typography Regii. . 1540. fol. [The fourth of R. Stephens' editions of the Bible, and the EDITIO OPTIMA of his editions of the Vulgate.] Biblia. R. STEPHANUS lectori. En tibi Bib- 64 HIIJLKs BIBLKS LATIN lioruin vulgnta t-ditio, in qua juxta Hubraico- nini versuum rationuin singula capita versibus distincta aunt, numeris pnetixis qui verauuin numoris quos in Concordantiis nostris novis et integris, post literas marginales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, addidimus respondent : ut qxuerendi molestia leveris, qunm tifci tanquam digito, quod quseris demonstrabunt. Oliva Roberti M>-i>lmni [Geneva'], 1556. 8 [The text is that of the editions of the Vulgate of 1540 and 1546, in smaller type.] - - Biblia Sacrosancta Testamenti Veteris et Novi, e sacra Hebneorum lingua Greecorumque fon- tibus, consnltis simul orthodoxia interpretib. religiosissime translata in sermonem Latinum. ';/', t.>-<-iiil.-l>:if ('. />< >,se/iot>eras, 1543. fol. [The celebrated Tigurine Bible. It was prin- cipally the work of Leo JUDA. After his death, it was completed by Bibliander, Cho- lin, and Gaulter. The whole was revised and edited by Pellican.] Biblia sacra, integrum utriusque testamenti corpus complectens diligenter recognita et emendata. Cum concordantiis simul et argu- mentis ; cumque Juris canonici allegationibus passim adnotatis. Insuper in calce ejusdem, annexe sunt nominum Hebraicorum, Chaldeo- rum atque Grfecorum interpretationes. Huic editioni adjectus est index rerum et sententia- rum veteris et novi testamenti. G.L. Partms, ex ojficina libraria YolandeBonhomme, vidue spectabilis viri Thielmanni Kerver. 1549. 8 Biblia. Interprets Sebastiano CASTALTOITE. Una cum ejusdem annotationibus. [First edi- tion.] Bcutilece, per Joannem Oporinum, 1551. fol. Biblia Sacra ex Sebastiani Castalionis postrema recognitione. Cum annotationibus ejusdem, et Histories supplemento ab Esdra ad Macha- bseos, inde usq ; ad Christum, ex Josepho. Basilece, per Petrum Pernam, 1573. fol. [The third edition of Castalio's Bible, and pub- lished after his death.] - Biblia Sacra ex Sebastiani Castellionis inter- pretatione, ejusque postrema recognitione. 4 torn. Londini, impensis J. Knapton, c. , 1726. 12 [Without the notes usually accompanying the editions of this version.] Another copy. Another copy. - Biblia Sacrosancta Veteris et Novi Testamenti, juxta Vulgatam editionem. Luf/duni, ex officina Typographical Michcelis Sylvii, 1555. 8 [Wants title and a portion of the Epistola Hieronymi. The Scotch Psalms and Para- phrases are bound tip with this copy.] - Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria nunc recens castigata. Antverpite. apud hceredes Arnoldi Birckmanni. 1570. 8 [This edition is formed from those of Robert 1I1ULES LATIN. Stephens. This ropy wants tin- Title, ;t Privi- lege, and tho Preface by Hcntcnius ; tlio Index Testimoimim, Ac. of K. Stephens; (.'. -iii-sis, from cliap. i. to chap, iii., v. L'l, and nearly the whole, from letter T t" tho end of the " Interpretatio Nouiin. Heb. Chald. Gncc. etLat."] Biblia Ljitii a-. London, 1581. 4 [This Bible belonged to John Veitch, first Minister of Westruther. It contains the Apo- crypha, translated from the Greek, with notes by F. Junius. The Old Testament begins at (ii-n. iii. ; and the New Testament (Beza's) ends at the middle of 2 Cor. viii. j Biblia Sacra Vulgatse editionis Sixti Quinti Pont. Max. jussu recognita atque edita. Ruince, ex Typvyraphia Apostolica I'nticana. i.v.i;}. 4 [This edition was published under the auspices of Clement VIII., the successor of Gregory XIV., whose Constitution declares it to be the only authentic edition. It is the basis of all subsequent editions printed for the mem- bers of the Romish Church.] Testamenti Veteris Biblia Sacra, sive Libri Canonici priscse Judaeorum Ecclesiae a Deo traditoe, Latini recens ex Hebrseo facti, brevi- busque scholiis illustrati ab Immanuele TRE- MELLIO et Francisco JUNIO. Accesserunt Libri... Apocryphi, Latinfe redditi, et notis quibusdam aucti a Fr. Junio...quib. etiam adjunximus Novi Testamenti Libros ex ser- mone Syro ab eodem Tremellio, et ex Grseco a Theodoro BEZA in Latinum versos, notisq ; itidem illustrates. Tertia cura Francisci Junii. [Wants title.] Hanovice, 1596. fol. Editio quarta cura Francisci Junii ante obitum. Cum Indice ad Notas V. T. triplice : Hebraeo, Graeco & Latino. Genevce, mmptibux Matthcfi Berjon, 1617. fol. [By Wilhelmus BAUDAKTIUS.] Editio postrema. Genevce, apud Philippum Albcrtum, 1630. fol. Another copy. Another copy. [Wanting the Apocrypha.] Biblia Sacra, sive Testamentum Vetus, ab Im. Tremellio et Fr. Junio ex Hebraeo Latinfe red- ditum. Et Testamentum Novum a Theod. Beza e Graeco in Latinum versum. Sternhold and Hopkins' psalms, 1682.] Amstelodami, 1669. 12 Biblia Sacra sive Testamentum Vetus et No- vum ex linguis origin alibus in linguam Lati- nam translatum, additis capitum summariis et partitionibus, a Sebastiano SCHMIDT, SS. TH. D. Argentorail, suvnpiibus Joh. Fridenci Spoor, 1696. 4 [The canonical books are translated from the Hebrew and Greek, and the apocryphal from the Greek. The translation is strictly literal. ] - Bibliorum Sacrorum Latinae versionis anti- quae, seu Vetus Italica, et caeterse quaecunque in codicibus MSS. et antiquorum libris repe- BIBLES LATIN. BIBLES. BIBLES- LATIN. 86 riri potuerunt : Qua? cum Vulgata Latina, et cum textu Grseco comparantur. Accedunt Prtefationes, observationes, ac notse, index- que novus ad Vulgatam e regione editam, idemque locupletissimus. Opera et studio D. Petri SABATIER, ordinis Sancti Benedict!, e congregatione Sancti Mauri. 3 torn. Parisiis, 1751. fol. Biblia Sacra Vulgatse editionis Sixti V. Pon- tificis Max. jussu recognita, et Clementis VIII. auctoritate edita. Versiculis distincta. ...Accessere in hac editione Veneta, omnibus erroribus emendata, correctiones Romanse. Venetiis, 1758. 8 Bibliorum Sacrorum Vulgatse versionis editio, Clero Gallicano dicata. 2 torn. Parisiis, excudebat Fr. Amb. Didot natu maj. 1785. 4 Biblia Sacra Vulgatse editionis, Sixti V. et Clementis VIII. jussu recognita atque edita. Editio nova, versiculis distincta. s. I, 1841. 8 Another copy. B. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Mosis Prophetae Libri quinque ex translatione Joannis CLERICI, cum ejusdem paraphrasi per- petua (et) commentario philologico. Editio tertia. Amstel., 1735. fol. Pentateuchus : ex recens. textus Hebr. et versionum antiquarum. Latine versus, no- tisque philologicis et criticis illustratus, a Jo. Aug. DATHIO. Editio altera. Hake, 1791. 8 Canticum Mosis, quod continetur Deuter. cap. xxxii. Latino carmine redditum : Gu- lielmo HOG^EO auctore. 1739 Veteris Testamenti Libri historici, ...ex trans- latione Joannis CLERICI, cum ejusdem com- mentario philologico. Amstel., 1708. fol. Libri historici Veteris Testamenti ex recens. textus Hebr. et vers. antiqq, Latine versi notisque philologicis et criticis illustrati, a Jo. Aug. DATHIO. Hake, 1784. 8 Veteris Testamenti Libri hagiographi, ex translatione Joannis CLERICI, cum ejusdem commentario philologico... et paraphrasi in Jo- bum ac Psalmos. Amstel. , 1731. fol. Paraphrasis Jobi poetica : auctore Patricio ADAMSONO. 1739 Gulielmi HOG^I paraphrasis Jobi poetica. 1739 Jobus, Proverbia Salomonis, Ecclesiastes, Can- ticum Canticorum, ex recens. textus Hebr. et vers. antiqq. Latine versi, notisque philologicis et criticis illustrati, a Jo. Aug. DATHIO. Halve,, 1789. 8 M. Antonii FLAMINII in Librum Psalmorum brevis explanatio, atque in eorum aliquot, paraphrases luculentissimse. His adjecimus alias ejusdem in Psalmos triginta, paraphrases, carmine conscriptas ac suo loco positas. Qu8e omnia a Flaminio aucta, multo locupletiora, quam Parisiensi editione habentur, nunc pri- mum in lucem edidimus. Aldius, Venetiis, 1564. 8 Georgii BTJCHANANI.... Psalmorum Davidis paraphrasis poetica, nunc primum edita. Ejus- dem Buchanani tragcedia quse inscribitur Jephthes. [Paris], 1566. 8 Another edition. Cum Alexandri Julii, Edin- burgeni, ecphrasi ; et notis integris T. Ruddi- mannietP. Bunnanni; selectisqueN. Chyteei scholiis : quibus suas quoque adnotationes ad- jecerunt editores. Edin., 1737. 8 Another edition. Glasguce, 1750. 8 Another edition. Ad optimam editionem... Ruddimanni... recognita et castigata. Edinburgi, 1793. 12 Another edition, [by Waddell] with English translation. [Wants title.] 8 Psalmorum Davidis et aliorum Prophetarum, libri quinque. Argumentis et Latina Para- phrasi illustrati, ac etiam vario carminum genere latine expressi. Nunc postremum re- cogniti et a variis mendis repurgati. Theodoro BEZA Vezelio auctore. Londoni, Typis Thomce. Vautrollerii et impetisis Herculis Francisci. 1580. 8 Arcturi JONSTONI Paraphrasis poetica Psalmo- rum Davidis. 1739. Psalmi, ex recens. textus Hebr. et vers. antiqq. Latine versi, notisque philologicis et criticis illustrati, a Jo. Aug. DATHIO. Halce, 1787. 8 Satyra Sacra, sive paraphrasis in Ecclesiasten poetica : auctore Gulielmo HOG^EO. 1739. Cantici Solomonis paraphrasis poetica. Arcturo JONSTONO auctore. 1739. [Ace. Cantica evangelica.] Cantici Solomonisparaphrasis gemina. Auctore Joanne KERRO. 1739. Veteris Testamenti Prophetee, ex translatione Joannis CLERICI, cum ejusdem commentario philologico, etparaphrasi in Esaiam, Jeremiam, ejus Lamentationes, et Abdiam. Amstel., 1731. fol. Prophetse Majores, ex recens. textus Hebr. et vers. antiqq. Latine versi, notisque philolo- gicis et criticis illustrati, a Jo. Aug. DATHIO. Editio altera. Halce, 1785. 8 Threnorum, sive Jeremise Prophetse Lamenta- tionum, paraphrasis poetica : Patricio ADAM- SONG auctore. 1739. Prophetee minoris ex recens. textus Hebr. et vers. antiqq. Latine versi, notisque philologicis et criticis illustrati, a Jo. Aug. DATHIO. Editio tertia. Hake, 1790. 8 C. NEW TESTAMENT. Testamentum Novum ex Des. ERASMI Rot. versione, ac ejusdem recognitione postrema. Lugduni, apud Seb. Gryphium, 1550. 16 Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum. In quo prsetercastigationesadvetustissimaexemplaria, et varias lectiones, capita singula ita versibus distincta sunt...Cum approbatione R. D. P. Inqxiisitoris. Venctiis, apud DominicumNicolinum, 1564. 12 86 BIBLES. BIBLES-LITHUANIAN. Jesu Christi D. N. Novum Tostamentum aivo Novum Fcedus. Ejusdem Th. BC/.JO anii>-t;i- tiones, quas itidem hac tertia editiune recog- novit. *. l. t 1582. fol. Another copy. (Wants title.) Novum Testamentum iuturprete Theodore BEZA. Londini, 1715. 12 Editio nova. Londini, 1814. 12 Editio nova. Edin., 1829. 12 Novum Testamentum interpret* Sebastiano CASTELLIONE. Ex postrema ejusdem castiga- tione. Amstel., 1683. 12 Another edition. Londini, 1726. 12 Another edition. Londini, 1756. 12 Another edition. 2 torn. Glasgow, 1758. 8 Novum Testamentum, Vulgatse editionis : juxta exemplar Vaticanum anni 1592. Colon. Agrippince, 1647. 16 Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum, Vulgatse editionis, Sixti V. Pont. Max. jussu recogni- tum atque editum. Lovanii, typis Martini Hullegcerde, 1679. 12 D. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Novum Testamentum, ex versione Vulgata, cum paraphrasi et adnotationibus Henrici HAMMONDI. Ex Anglica lingua in Latinam transtulit, suisque animadversionibus illustra- vit... Joannes CLERICUS. Editio secunda. Francofurti, 1714. fol. Epistolse Sanctorum Apostolorum et Apoca- lypsis Joannis, ex versione Vulgata, cum para- phrasi et adnotationibus Henrici ELvmcOHDL Ex Anglica lingua in Latinam transtulit, suis- que animadversion ibus illustravit . . . Joannes CLERICUS. Editio secunda. Francofurti, 1714. fol. PauliadGalatasepistola. Latinevertitetperpe- tua annotatione illustravit Dr Georgius .Bene- dictus WINER. Editio tertia. Lipsice, 1829. 8 Editio quarta. Lipsice, 1859. 8 BIBLES- LITHUANIAN. A. WHOLE BIBLE. Biblia, tai esti : Wissas Szwentas Rastas, Se'no ir Naujo Testamento. Tilzeje, 1824. 8 BIBLES MALAGASY. A. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. The Gospel by Luke in Malagasy. s. 1. et a. 12 BIBLES MALAY. A. WHOLE BIBLE. Elkitab, Ija 'Itu, Segala Surat Perdjandjian lama dan baharuw. Tersalin kapada bahasa Malajuw. [London], 1821. 8 The Holy Bible in the Malayan language. London, 1821. 8 6 [Edition of the British and Foreign Bible So- ciety Roman character. ] BIBLES- OKI Y A. - The Bible in Malay. Another copy. BIBLES MALTESE. Serampore, 1821. 4 a A. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. Quatuor Evangelia, et Actus Apoatolorum, juxta Vulgatam Roime A.D. 1692, editum : necnon eorundem versio Melitensis. Londini, 1829. 8 BIBLES MANKS. A. NEW TESTAMENT. Conaant Noa nyn Jiarn as Saualtagh Yeesey Creest. Pointit dy ve lhait ayns Kialtec-nyn. Lunnyng, 1763. 8 B. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Screeuyn Paul yn Ostyl gys ny Romance. Pointit dy ve lhait ayns Kialteenyn. Mannyng, 1767. 8 BIBLES MARATHI. A. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. The Gospel according to St John in English and Marathi. Bombay, 1861. 8 [The Marathi expressed in Roman characters.] BIBLES MOHAWK. A. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Ne Kaghyadonghsera ne Royadadokenghdy ne Isaiah. New York, 1839. 16 B. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. The Gospel according to Saint Luke translated into the Mohawk tongue, by H. A. HILL. New York, 1827. 12 The Gospel according to Saint John in the Mohawk language. New York, 1818. 12 BIBLES NEPALA. A. NEW TESTAMENT. The Holy Bible translated from the originals into the Nepala language. By the Serampore missionaries. Vol. v., containing the New Testament. Serampore, 1821. 8 BIBLES NORWEGIAN. A. NEW TESTAMENT. Vor Herres og Frelseres Jesu Christi Ny Testament. 2den Udgave. Christiania, 1830. 8 BIBLES- ORIYA. A. WHOLE BIBLE. - The Holy Bible in the Oriya language. A new BIBLES. 8T BIBLES PERSIAN. translation, with the former versions in Bengali and Oriya diligently compared and revised. 3 vol. Cuttack, 1842-44. 8 BIBLES PERSIAN. A. WHOLE BIBLE. The Bible in Persian. By the Rev. William GLEN. 2vol. Edin., 1846. 8 B. OLD TESTAMENT. - [The Old Testament] in Persian. Translated by the Rev. Thos. ROBINSON, Archdeacon of Madras. [In four parts.] Lon.don and Calcutta, 1831, 38. 8 C. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. The five Books of Moses in Persian. Vol. i. London, 1839. 8 Another copy. The book of Genesis and part of the book of Exodus ; translated for the Calcutta Auxi- liary Bible Society by the Rev. Thomas RO- BINSON, Archdeacon of Madras. Calcutta, 1843. 8 The Psalms of David in Persian ; translated by the Rev. William GLEN. London, 1835. 8 - Another copy. The book of Psalms in Persian, translated for the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society, by the Rev. Thomas ROBINSON. Calcutta, 1838. 8' The Proverbs, in Persian ; translated for the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society, by the Rev. Thomas ROBINSON. Calcutta, 1838. 8 C Isaiah to Malachi in Persian ; translated for the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society, by the Rev. Thomas ROBINSON. Calcutta, 1838. 8' - The Book of the Prophet Isaiah, translated into Persian, by Mirza Ibrahim. London, 1834. 8 Another copy. D. NEW TESTAMENT. - The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated from the origina] Greek, into Persian, by the Rev. Henry MARTYN, B.D. 3d ed. London, 1827. [Edition of the British and Foreign Bible Society.] Another edition. Translated... by the Rev. Henry Marty n, with the assistance of Meerza Sueyid Alee, of Sheeraz. Calcutta, Church Mission Press, 1828. 8 Another edition. Calcutta, 1841. 8 - The New Testament... in the Persian language. Calcutta, 1842. E. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. The four Gospels and Acts in the Persian lan- guage. Calcutta, 1841. [Edition of the Auxiliary Bible Society.] BIBLES SPANISH. The four Gospels in Urdu Persian. s. I. et a. 8 U BIBLES PORTUGUESE. A. NEW TESTAMENT. Novo Testamento. . .traduzido na lingua Por- tuguesa. London, 1809. 12 Another copy. BIBLES -RUSSIAN. A. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Russian Psalter : printed by the Russian Bible Society. s. I, 1822. 12 BIBLES SANSCRIT. A. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. The Book of Genesis and part of Exodus in Sanscrit : translated from the Hebrew by the Calcutta Baptist missionaries. Calcutta, 1843. 12 The Psalms of David, faithfully rendered from the original Hebrew into Sanscrit verse ; by the Calcutta Baptist missionaries. Calcutta, 1839. 12 The Proverbs of Solomon in Sanscrit : trans- lated from the original Hebrew, by the Cal- cutta Baptist missionaries. Calcutta, 1842. 12 B. NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament... in Sanscrit: translated from the Greek, by the Calcutta Baptist mis- sionaries, with native assistants. Calcutta, 1841. 8 C. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. The History of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, compiled from the Gospels. [Ameri- can Tract Society.] Bombay, 1836, 12 BIBLES SIAMESE. A. NEW TESTAMENT. The New Testament. Translated from the original Greek. By J. T. JONES. For the American and Foreign Bible Society. 2d ed. Bangkok, 1850. 8 BIBLES SPANISH. A. WHOLE BIBLE. Biblia en lengua Espanola, traduzida de la verdad Hebraica, por muy excelentes letrados. Y aora nuevamente imprimada por David Fer- nandes. Y corregida por Dr R. Yshac de Ab. Diaz. Amsterdam, A.M. 5486 [1726.] 8 [An edition of the Ferrara Bible.] La Biblia Sagrada, a saber. . .traducidos de la Vulgata Latina en Espanol, por el Rmo. P. Felipe Scio DE S. MIGUEL, Obispo electo de 88 BIBLES lUI'.LES SWEDISH. Segovia. Nuova edicion a costa de la Socie- dad Americana de la Biblia. Nueva York, 1826. 8 B. NEW TESTAMENT. - El Nuevo Testamento...traducido de la Biblia Vulgata Latina en Espauol por el Rmo. P. Felipe Scio DE S. MIGUEL, Obispo electo de Segovia. Nueva York, 1823. 8 [Reprinted from the second Madrid edition, LW.] Another edition. Nueva York, 1828. 12 El Nuevo Testamento, traducido al Castellano por Cipriano de VALERA en 1602, y revisado en 1831. Londres, 1832. 12 - Another copy. BIBLES SWEDISH. A. WHOLE BIBLE. - Bibelen, eller then Heliga Skrift, innehallande Gamla och Nya Testamentets canoniska Bocker ...utgifen af J. P. WA.HLIN, A.M. London, 1828. 8 B. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Den Swenska Psalmboken af Konungen Gillad och Stadfiistad. AT 1819. Stockholm, 1826. 12 - Another edition. Gefle, 1853. BIBLES SYRIAC. A. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. - Psalterium Syriacum recensuit et Latine ver- tit Thomas ERPENIUS. Notas philologicas et criticas addidit Joannes Augustus DATHE. Hate, 1768. 8 B. NEW TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. Novum Domini nostri Jesu Christi Testamen- tum Syriace, cum omnibus vocalibus, et ver- sione Latina Matthsei...adornata...Accurante ^Egidio GUTBIRIO, SS. Th. D. Hamburgi, 1664. 8 [The second edition of Gutbirius.] - Novum. . .Testamentum Syriacum, cum versione Latina ; cura et studio Johannis LEUSDEN et Caroli SCHAAF editum. Ad omnes editiones diligenter recensitum ; et variis lectionibus, magno labore collectis, adornatum. Lugd. Batav., 1709. 4 - Another copy. - Second edition. Lugd. Batav., 1717. 4 C. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. Remains of a veryantient recension of the Four Gospels in Syriac, hitherto unknown in Europe ; discovered, edited, and translated by William CURETON, D.D., F.R.S. London, 1858. 4 Another copy. BIBLES APOCRYPHAL I BIBLES TAMIL. A. WHOLE BIBLE. - The Holy Bible, in Tamil. The Old Testa- ment, translated from the original by the Rev. J. P. FABRICIUS ; the New Testament, by the Rev. C. T. E. RHENICS, and revised by the Committee of the Madras Auxiliary Bible Society. Madron, 1844. 8 BIBLES TURKISH. A. OLD TESTAMENT. - The Old Testament in Armenian Turkish. 2 vol. London, 1841. 8 B. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. The first Four Books of Moses in Turkish. s. I. ct a. 4 C. NEW TESTAMENT. New Testament in Armenian Turkish. 2 vol. London, 1843. 8 BIBLES VIKANERA. A. NEW TESTAMENT. The Holy Bible... translated from the origi- nals into the Vikanera language. By the Serampore missionaries. Vol. v., contain- ing the New Testament. Serampore, 1820. 8 BIBLES WELSH. A. NEW TESTAMENT. Testament Newydd ein Harglwydd a'n Hiach- awdwr Jesu Grist. Argraffiad Ystrydeb. Caer Grawnt, 1806. 12 Another edition. London, 1828. 12 BIBLES- APOCRYPHAL BOOKS OLD TES- TAMENT. A. POLYGLOTT. See BIBLES POLYGLOTT. A. 1596. 1645. 1657. B. GREEK. See BIBLES GREEK. A. 1524-26. 1545. 1597. 1730. 1857. 1862. See BIBLES GREEK. C. 1587. 1707. 1709. 1725. 1730. 1850. C. GREEK, WITH LATIN VERSION. See BIBLES HEBREW. C. 1657. See BIBLES GREEK. D. 1582. D. ENGLISH. See BIBLES ENGLISH. A. 1540. 1549. 1597. 1601. 1607. 1645. 1668. 1731. 1752. 1769. 1784. 1802. 1833. 1838. The Books of the Apocrypha, with critical and historical observations prefixed to each book ; BIBLES BIBLE SOCIETY. 89 also two introductory discourses. By Charles WILSON, D.D. Edin., 1801. 8 Another copy. E. FRENCH. See BIBLES FRENCH. A. 1554. 1563. 1588. 1678. 1702. 1712. 1723. 1730. F. GERMAN. See BIBLES GERMAN. A. 1664. 1729. 1734. G. ITALIAN. See BIBLES ITALIAN. A. 1641. H. LATIN. See BIBLES LATIN. A. 1515. 1528. 1534. 1539. 1540. 1543. 1549. 1551. 1555 [Lugduni]. 1555 [Genevse]. 1570. 1573. 1581. 1593. 1596. 1617. 1630. 1660. 1696. 1726. 1751. 1758. 1785. BIBLES APOCRYPHAL BOOKS NEW TESTAMENT. See APOCRYPHA. The Apocryphal New Testament. 1820. See FABRICIUS (J. A.). Codex apocryphus Novi Testament!. 1703, 19. BIBLE SOCIETY. A letter on the subject of the British and Foreign Bible society. Ad- dressed to the Rev. Dr Gaskin. By an old friend of the society for promoting Christian knowledge. London, 1810. 8 - Proceedings of the public meeting held at... Cambridge... Dec. 12, 1811, for the purpose of taking into consideration the proposal of estab- lishing an auxiliary Bible society, in aid of the British and Foreign Bible society. 2d ed. London, 1812. 8 Summary account of the proceedings of the British and Foreign Bible society ; and of the beneficial effects which have resulted from its institution. London, 1816. 8 An explanation of the interesting prophecy respecting the two apocalyptic witnesses, as fulfilled by the institution and progress of the British and Foreign Bible society. By an observer of the times. London, 1817. 8 - Reports of the British and Foreign Bible society, 1805-1821. 12 vol. London, 1810-1821. 8 - Twenty-third Anniversary of the British and Foreign Bible society, May 2, 1827. [With report.] London, 1827. 8 - Minutes of the committee of the British and Foreign Bible society, relating to the publica- tion of an edition of the Holy Scriptures, with an introduction prefixed, by the Strasburg Bible Society, in the year 1819, accompanied by the official correspondence which took place upon the subject. London, 1826. 8 - Minutes of the committee of the British and Foreign Bible society, relating to the publica- tion of a revised edition of Ostervald's French version of the Scriptures at Lausanne in the year 1822, accompanied by the official corre- spondence which took place on the occasion, and by extracts from other documents con- nected with the subject. London, 1826. 8 - Review of the Earl Street committee's minutes, &c. , respecting the Lausanne Bible, Mr Platt's second letter toDr Wardlaw, and Mr M* Gavin's fourth letter to Mr M'Farlane. Edin., 1827. 8 - Compendious view of the principal charges which have been preferred against the commit- tee of the British and Foreign Bible society. Edin., 1826. 8 - Another copy. - Remarks upon the recent accusations against the committee of the British and Foreign Bible society. In a letter to a clergyman in the country from a lay member of that in- stitution. 2d ed. London, 1826. 8 - Statement of the claims of the British and Foreign Bible society on the support of the Christian public ; by the Edinburgh committee of correspondence with the B. and F. Bible society. Edin., 1828. 8 - The Edinburgh auxiliary Bible society. Re- solutions agreed to at the formation of the society, 1828. Edin., 1828. fol. - The Earl-Street auxiliary in Edinburgh ; or, the old corresponding board in a new shape. Being strictures on the circular of that associa- tion. Edin., 1828. 8 - The seventeenth report of the Edinburgh Bible society. With an appendix, containing extracts of correspondence, &c. Edin., 1826. 8 - Statements of dissentient members of the com- mittee of the Edinburgh Bible society, in refer- ence to its separation from the British and Foreign Bible society, and publication of its "Second Statement." Edin., 1826. 8 - Circular to Bible societies, from the Edinburgh Bible society. Edin., 1827. 8 - Eighteenth annual meeting of the Edinburgh Bible society, held in... Edinburgh, July 9, 1827. Edin., 1827. 8 - Another copy. [With report.] - The nineteenth report of the Edinburgh Bible society. With an appendix, containing ex- tracts of correspondence, &c. Edin. , 1828. 8 - Twentieth annual meeting of the Edinburgh Bible society, held in Edinburgh, July 15, 1829. [With report.] Edin., 1829. 8 - The twenty-first report of the Edinburgh Bible society. With an appendix, containing extracts of correspondence, &c. Edin. , 1830. 8 - Edinburgh Bible society. Extraordinary meet- ing ; held in the Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh, the 1st of March, 1830. Edin., 1830. 8 - Another copy. Statement of the committee of the Glasgow auxiliary Bible society, relative to the grounds of their late resolution to withdraw from the British and Foreign Bible society : with rea- sons of dissent from that resolution. Glasgow, 1826. 8 12 90 IM1JLIA -151CKERSTETH. Review of the statement by the Glasgow dis- sontients. " /:./;/., is-ji;. A letter to the dissentients in the committee of the Glasgow auxiliary Bible society. Olasffow, 1826. 8 Address to the friends of Bible societies in Perthshire, by the dissentients from the com- mittee of the Perthshire Bible society. [By James M'LAOAN, D.D.] Edin., 1829. 8 Defence of the address of the dissentients from the committee of the Perthshire Bible society, in reply to the vindication of that committee. /;./\. m, ut in the East. Newburtj, 1798. 8 The signs of the times, in three parts. A new i>d it ion ; with additional notes to illustrate the subject discussed. To which is added, an ai>]>i-ntlix, containing thoughts on the full of the papal government ; and on the prospects now opening on the East. With a symbolical vocabulary, for the illustration of the prophe- tic style. London, 1799. 8 - The fulfilment of prophecy farther illustrated by the signs of the times ; or, an attempt to ascertain the probable issues of the recent re- storation of the old dynasties ; of the revival of popery ; and of the present mental ferment in Europe : as likewise, how far Great Britain is likely to share in the calamities by which Di- vine Providence will accomplish the final over- throw of the kingdoms of the Roman monar- chy. London, 1817. 8 A friendly address to the Jews. Stating the motives to serious inquiry into the cause of their present dispersion ...The characteristics of the Messiah from the prophets. And the testimonies in favor of Jesus as the Christ. To which is added, a letter to Mr D. Levi ; containing remarks on his answer to Dr Priest- ley's letters to the Jews. London, s. a. 8 BICKELL (RICHAJRD), Curate of Port Royal The West Indies as they are ; or, a real pic- ture of slavery. London, s. a. 8 BICKERSTAFF (ISAAC), pseud., i. e. Sir Richard BICKERSTETH (EDWARD), Sector of Watton, Herts. A treatise on the Lord's Supper ; de- signed aa a guide and companion to the holy communion. 2 parts. 4th ed. London, 1824. 8 Eleventh edition, enlarged. London, 1841. 8 An invitation to the Lord's Supper : being an abridgment of the first part of the treatise on the Lord's Supper. London, 1830. 12 A Scripture help, designed to assist in reading the Bible profitably. 12th ed. London, 1825. 12 Eighteenth edition. London, 1840. 8 A treatise on prayer. 10th ed. London, 1826. 12 Sixteenth edition. London, 1843. 8 - The Christian hearer. 4th ed. London, 1829. 12 The national fast of 1832. A help for duly observing it. 28th ed. London, 1832. 12 A harmony of the four gospels, founded on the arrangement of the harmonia evangelica, by the Rev. Edward Greswell. With the practical reflections of Dr Doddridge. London, 1832. 8 Preparedness for the day of Christ urged on all Christians. 3d ed. London, 1835. 16 - Remarks on the progress of Popery, including observations on its true character, the causes BIDDLE BINDER, 91 of its present progress, its final fall, and the difficulties and duties of Protestants in these days. 5th ed. London, 1836. 8 - Seventh edition. London, 1836. 8 - The testimony of the reformers. First series. London, 1836. 8 The Christian fathers of the first and second centuries. London, 1838. 8 Another copy. Occasional works. London, 1838. 8 The book of private devotions... Edited by the Rev. E. B. London, 1839. 8 - A practical guide to the prophecies, with re- ference to their interpretation and fulfilment, and to personal edification. 6th ed. London, 1839. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - A treatise on baptism. London, 1840. 8 Christian truth. 3d ed. London, 1841. 8 - The restoration of the Jews to their own land, in connection with their future conversion and the final blessedness of our earth. 2d ed. London, 1841. 8 Practical reflections on the four gospels... Se- lected from various expositions With a pre- face by the Rev. E. B. London, 1841. 8 - The chief concerns of man for time and eter- nity. Fifth edition, with four sermons on preparedness for the day of Christ, and one on care of souls. London, 1841. 8 - Family prayers. Fifth thousand. London, 1843. 8 - The divine warning to the Church. Sixth thousand. London, 1843. 12 - Christian psalmody. Seventy-first thousand. London, s. a. 12 The Episcopal Church in Scotland. [Review, by the Rev. E. Bickersteth, of Pamphlets in the Drummond controversy.] From the Churchman's Monthly Review. din.,[LS4S]. 8 - *Memoir of the Rev. E. B,...By the Rev. T. R. Birks, M.A. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1852. 8 BIDDLE, or BIDLE (Jons), M.A. The faith of one God, who is only the Father ; and of one Mediator between God and men, who is only the man Christ Jesus ; and of one Holy Spirit, the gift (and sent) of God ; asserted and defended in several tracts. London, 1691. 4 - *A review of the life, character, and writings of the Rev. J. B., M.A. ...By Joshua Toulmin, A.M. London, 1789. 12 BIDDULPH (THOMAS TREGBNNA), M.A., In- cumbent of St James', Bristol. A sermon [on Matt. vii. 12] preached May 22, 1804, before the society for missions to Africa and the East. London, 1804. 8 - The theology of the early patriarchs, illus- trated by an appeal to subsequent parts of the Holy Scriptures. 2 vol. Bristol, 1825. 8 Christian patriotism ; a sermon delivered in Bristol, Nov. 20th, 1836. Bristol, [1836.] 8 BIDLAKE (JOHN), D.D. The summer's eve : a poem. London, 1800. 8 The truth and consistency of divine revela- tion ; with some remarks on the contrary ex- tremes of infidelity and enthusiasm, in eight discourses, delivered before the University of Oxford in 1811, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. 2d ed. London, 1813. 8 BIDLE (JOHN). See John BIDDLE. BIDPAI, or PILP.AY. Calila et Dimna, ou Fables de Bidpai, en Arabe ; pre'cedees d'un memoire sur 1'origine de ce livre, et sur les diverses traductions qui en ont etds faites dans 1'orient, et suivies de La Moallaka de Lebid, en Arabe et en Francois ; par M. SILVESTBE DE SACY. Paris, 1816. 4 BIEL (GABRIEL), S.T.D. Inquatuor libros Sen- tentiarum. 2 vol. B. L. Basilece, 1512. fol. BIEL (Jo. CHRISTIANUS). Novus thesaurus phi- lologicus ; sive lexicon in LXX. et alios inter- pretes et scriptores Apocryphos Veteris Testa- menti. Ex B. Autoris Mscto edidit ac prsefa- tus est E. H. Mutzenbecher. 3 torn. Hagce, Comitnm, 1779, 80. 8 BIESENTHAL (Jo. H. R.). Biblisches, kir- kenhistorisches und archaologisch.es Handwoi> terbuch. Berlin, 1841. 8 BIFIELD (N.). See N. BYFIELD. BIGEONIUS (G.).-See G. BIJONIXTS. BIGGS (WILLIAM), Lieutenant. The military history of Europe. 2d ed. London, 1756. 8 BIJONIUS, or BIGEONIUS (GERVASIUS). Duo tractatus ; unus, de natura theologise ; alter, de gratiye auxiliis ; [cum Summa theologise scholasticae, per Martinum BECANUM.] 1683 BILEY (EDWARD), A.M. A supplement to the Horse Paulinae of Archdeacon Paley ; wherein his argument from undesigned coincidences is applied to the Epistle to the Hebrews, and the 1st Epistle of Peter, and showing the former to have been written by the Apostle Paul. London, 1845. 8 BILLOT (JEAN). Prones rdduits en pratique, pour les dimanches et fetes principales de Fan- ne'e. 5 torn. Lyon, 1774. 12 BILLROTH (GUSTAV), Ph.D. A commentary on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians. Translated from the German, with notes, by the Rev. W. L. Alexander. 2 vol. [Bib. Gab., vol. 21, 23.] Edin., 1837, 38. 8 BILSON (THOMAS), D.D., Bishop of Winchester. The true difference betweene Christian sub- jection and unchristian rebellion. Oxford, 1585. 4 The perpetual governement of Christes Church. London, 1593. 4 The survey of Christ's sufferings for man's re- demption : and of his descent to Hades or Hel for our deliverance. London, 1604. fol. BINCKES (WILLIAM), D.D. The Cliristian sy^ nagogue : or, the original use and benefit of parochial churches, set forth in a sermon preach'd at Byrmingham...on the feast of St Philip and St James, anno 1710. London, 1710. 8 s BINDER (CHRISTOPUORUS). Copulations-form r.IMSHAM BIRCH. ausdem 19 Psalm. [B. L.] Regenpurg, 1G02. 4 HAM (J. ELLIOT), Commander, R.N.- Narrativi'of tlu- i-xprditi<>n t> China, fnun the coiimu'iK-i im-iit of the war to tin- i ),i-ri..d. L'v.l. London, 1842. 8 BINGHAM (JOSEPH), M.A., Rector of Hcadbourn n'ciuty, chiefly from manuscripts in the library of the Faculty of Advocates. By W. K. Tweedie, D.D. 2vol. Edin., 1845, 47. 8 A dictionary of contemporary biography : a handbook of the peerage of rank, worth, and intellect. London and Glasgow, 1861. 8 BION, Smyrna-us. Idyllia, Greece et Latine... ...opera et studio Thomse Martin ; [una cum Idyll. THEOCRITI.] 1760 Translated from the Greek, by the Rev. R. Polwhele ; [with the Idylls of THEOCRITUS.] 1811 Another edition. Accedunt...animadversiones, scholia, indices, et M. ^-Emilii Porti Lexicon Doricum ; [una cum Idyll. THEOCRITI.] 1829 Bionis et MOSCHI fragmenta. [Greece.] Illus- trabat et emcndabat Gilbertus Wakefield. Londini, 1795. 8 BIONDI (GIOVANNI FRANCESCO). An history of the civil warres of England betweene the houses of Lancaster and Yorke. Englished by... Henry, Earle of Monmouth. 2 vol. London, 1646. fol. BIOT (JEAN-BAPTISTE). Traite" de physique ex- pe'rimentale et mathe'matique. 4 torn. Paris, 1816. 8 BIRCH (ANDREAS). Varise lectiones ad textum Act. App. Epp. catholicarum et Pauli e codd. Graecis MSS. bibliothecse Vaticanse, Barberi- nse, Augustinianorum Eremitarum Romee, Bor- gianas Velitris, Neapolitan* regire, Laurentia- na3, S. Marci Venetorum, Vindobonensis Cse- sarise et Havniensis regite, collectse et editse ab A. B. Hai-nuK, 1798. 8 Varies lectiones ad textum Apocalypseos ex codd. Gnecis MSS. bibliothecae Vaticanae, Bar- berinae, Borgianne Velitris, Laurentianae atque S. Marci Venetorum, collectse et editae ab A. B. Havnice, 1800. 8 BIRCH (EDWAKD), B. A. Remarks on socialism. Lmidon, s. a. 12 BIRCH (THOMAS), D.D.- Memoirs of the reign of Queen Elizabeth from the year 1581, till her death... From the original papers of... .An- BIRD- BLACK. 93 thony Bacon... and other manuscripts... 2 vol. London, 1754. 4 BIRD (EDWARD), B.A. Some account of the great religious awakening now going on in the United States. London, 1858. 8 BIRD (GEORGE). Hints for the revival of scrip- tural principles in the Anglican Chxirch. London, 1842. 8 BIRD (GOLDING), M.D. *Biographical sketch of the late Dr G. B....By John Button Balfour, M.D. Edin., 1855. 8 C BIRKS (T. R.), Rector of Kelshall, Herts. First elements of sacred prophecy : including an examination of several recent expositions, and of the year-day theory. London, 1843. 12 - The four prophetic empires, and the kingdom of Messiah : being an exposition of the first two visions of Daniel. London, 1844. 8 - The Christian state : or, the first principles of national religion. London, 1847. 8 - Horse evangelicse ; or, the internal evidence of the gospel history. Being an inquiry into the structure and origin of the four Gospels, their historical consistency, and the character- istic design of each narrative. London, 1852. 8 - Truth and life in the Church at home, in their influence on the work of foreign missions. Dublin, 1855. 12 The Bible and modern thought. London [1861]. 12 - The exodus of Israel : its difficulties examined and its truth confirmed. With a reply to re- cent objections. 2d ed. London, 1863. 8 BISCHOF (CHARLES-GUSTAV), Ph. D. Physical, chemical, and geological researches on the in- ternal heat of the globe. Vol. i. London, 1841. 8 BISCOE (RICHARD), M. A., Prebendary of St Paul's. The history of the Acts of the holy Apostles confirmed from other authors... and considered as full evidence for the truth of Christianity : with a prefatory discourse upon the nature of that evidence. Oxford, 1829. 8 BISHOP. The proceedings and tryal in the case of William [Sancroft] Archbishop of Canter- bury, and William [Lloyd] Bishop of St Asaph, Francis [Turner] Bishop of Ely, John [Lake] Bishop of Chicester, Thomas [Ken] Bishop of Bath and Wells, Thomas [White] Bishop of Peterborough, and Jonathan [Trelawny] Bi- shop of Bristol, in the Court of King's Bench at Westminster., anno 1688. London, 1716. 8 The sameness of Bishops and Presbyters, as to order, tho' not as to dignity, no less briefly than clearly proved ; and likewise that laymen are as essentially the Church as clergymen ; having as much authority to declare the tradi- tions of the Church, and consequently to de- termine controversies. With a defence of Uni- versities against the Pope and Bishops... in a letter from a Doctor of the Sorbonne to the Bishop of Autun. Translated from the French. London, 1717. 8 A view of the elections of Bishops in the pri- mitive Church : wherein is shewed, what were the several shares of the Bishops, inferior clergy, and people in these elections ; as also of the emperors after they became Christians : and the nature of the Church, its unity and govern- ment, are likewise explained. By a presbyter of the Church of Scotland. [James DUNDASS. ] Edin., 1728. 8 The reformed Bishop : or, xix. articles, ten- dered by v acitixiiu. ,1841. * BLACK (ALEXANDER), D. D. The exegetical study of the original Scriptures considered in connection with the training of theological students. In a letter to the Rev. Thomas M'Crie, D. D. , LL. D. , 1866. 8 BLACK (DAVID), Minister of burgh. Sermons on death. Kdin. , 1806. 12 Sermons on important subjects. To which is prefixed an account of the life and character of the author. .,1808. 8 - Second edition. . ]Sli. h BLACK (JOSEPH), M. D. Lectures on the ele- ments of chemistry, delivered in the Univer- sity of Edinburgh... Published from his manu- scripts, by John Robison, LL.D. 2 vol. Edin., 1803. 4 BLACK BOOK. The black book : an exposition of abuses in Church and State. A new edition, with an appendix. London, 1835. 8 BLACKADDER (JOHN). Sermons on Psalm cxxvi. 1, 2. s. I. et a. 8 BLACKADER (JOHN), Lieut. Col. *The life and diary of Lieut. Col. J. B. ...By Andrew Crichton. Edin., 1824. 8 Select passages from the diary... of the late J. B...Now first published from his own ma- nuscripts... To which is prefixed an account of the life... of the writer. With a preface by John Newton. Edin., 1806. 12 BLACKALL (OFSPRING), D. D., Bishop of Exe- ter. The works of O. B...With a preface giv- ing some account of the author, by William [Dawes] Archbishop of York. 2 vol. London, 1723. fol. Fourteen sermons. Second edition. London, 1706. 8 The way of trying prophets. A sermon [on 1 John, iv. 1] preach'd before the Queen, at St James's, Nov. 9. 1707. 3d ed. London, 1707. 8 Practical discourses upon our Saviour's sermon on the mount. 8 vol. London, 1717-18. 8 The sufficiency of a standing revelation, &c. ; [eight sermons preached at the Hon. Robert Boyle's lecture, 1?$ J. 3 7 : >' BLACKAJVIORE (A.). Ecclesise primitivse noti- tia : or, a summary of Christian antiquities. To which is prefixed, an index hereticus. There is also added, a brief account of the eight first general councils. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1722. 8 BLACKBTJRNE (FRANCIS), Archdeacon of Cleve- land. Works theological and miscellaneous. With some account of the life and writings of the author, by himself, completed by his son. 7 vol. Cambridge, 1804. 8 A short historical view of the controversy con- cerning an intermediate state, and the separate existence of the SOUL. 1765 The CONFESSIONAL ; or, a full and free inquiry into the right of establishing confessions of faith in Protestant churches. 1767 I BLACKBURN I:LOT), D.D., A of York. The blessedness of suli a for righteousness sake. A BI rmon [on Matt. v. 10-12] pr- .iv her Majesty .James's Cliaj.jK-1 : Dec. IN;, 17(18. Being Si Stephen'* martyrdom. /."/<'//!, 1 1709.] 8 A sermon preach'd before tlu- Hmi. House of iions at St Margaret's, Westminster, Ja- nuary yiJth, 17',a. Being the day of the mar- tyrdom of King Charles I. London, 1716. 8 BLACKIE (J. I:T), Professor of Greek, . On subscription to articles of faith : a plea for the liberties of tlio Scottish Universities ; with special reference to the Free Church professors. 1843. 8 On the studying and teaching of languages : two lectures delivered in the Marischal col- lege of Aben I .,1852. 8 On the living language of the Greeks, and its utility to the classical scholar. An introduc- tory lecture delivered... 1853. .Edin., 1853. 8 On the advancement of learning in Scotland : a letter to the Right Hon. the Lord Provost and Town Council of Edinburgh. Edin., 1855. 8 To the Honourable the Town Council of Edin- burgh, and the very learned the Senatus Aca- demicus, anent the remodelling of the Greek classes, the representation and petition of J. S. B. Edin., 1857. 8 BLACKLOCK (THOMAS), D.D. Poems. To which is prefixed, an account of the life, cha- racter, and writings of the author, by the Rev. Mr" Spence. 2d ed. London, 1756. 4 BLACKMORE (Sir RICHARD), M.D. The poeti- cal works of Sir R. B To which is pre- fixed the life of the author. London, s. a. 12 BLACKSTONE (Sir WILLIAM), LL.D. Com- mentaries on the laws of England. In four books. The sixteenth edition... With notes by John Taylor Coleridge. 4 vol. London, 1825. 8 The seventeenth edition... With notes and ad- ditions by Edward Christian. 4 vol. London, 1830. 8 BLACKWALL (ANTHONY), M.A. An introduc- tion to the classics... With an essay on the na- ture and use of those emphatical and beautiful figures which give strength and ornament to writing. 2d ed. London, 1719. 12 Fourth edition. London, 1728. 12 The sacred classics defended and illustrated : or, An essay humbly ofl'er'd towards proving the purity, propriety, and true eloquence of the writers of the New Testament. In two parts. London, 1725. 4 The second edition. In three parts. 2 vol. London, 1727, 31. 8 - Third edition. 2 vol. London, 1737. 12 BLACKWELL (GEORGE). Mr George Blackwell (made by Pope Clement 8. Archpriest of Eng- land) his answeres upon sundry his exami- nations : together with his approbation and taking of the oath of allegiance. London, 1C07. 4 BLACKWELL BLACKHAL. 95 BLACKWELL (THOMAS), D.D., Principal of Marischal College, Aberdeen. Ratio sacra : or, An appeal unto the rational world, about the reasonableness of revealed religion. Edin., 1710. 8 - Schema sacrum : or, A sacred scheme of na- tural and revealed religion. Glasgmv, 177V. 8 - Another edition. Glasgoiv, 1781. 12 Another edition. Aberdeen, 1841. 12 BLACKWELL (THOMAS), LL.D., Principal of Marischal College, Aberdeen, and son of the pre- ceding. An enquiry into the life and writings of HOMER. 1736 BLACKWOOD (WILLIAM). Hypocrisy unveiled and calumny detected : in a review of Black- wood's Magazine. [By Prof. Macvey NAPIER and others.] 3d ed. Edin., 1818. 8 BLAIKIE (WILLIAM GARDEN), D.D., Minister of the Free Church, Edinburgh. David, King of Israel, the divine plan and lessons of his life. Edin., 1856. 8 - Bible history, in connexion with the general history of the world. London, 1859. 8 BLAIKIE (Rev. ). Accusation of the Pres- bytery of Auchterarder against Mr Blaikie, with his answers to it. As likewise, the ar- ticles of charge extracted by the Synod of Perth and Stirling from the foresaid answers, together with his defences. s. I. [1736]. 4 BLAIR (ADAM). History of the Waldenses. 2vol. Edin., 1832, 33. 8 BLAIR (DUNCAN). Marbh-Rann do'n Urramach Jain Ceanaideach. Duneidin, 1843. 12 BLAIR (HUGH), D.D. Sermons. 5 vol. ; [va- rious editions.], London, 1791, 94, 1801. 8 - Another edition. 5 vol. London, 1798-1801. 8 - Aireamh Thaghta de Shearmoinibh. Air an Eadar-theangachadh gu Gaelic le P. Mac- Pharlain. Lhin-Eudainn, 1812. 8 - Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres. To which is prefixed a life of the author. 3 vol. London, 1817. 8 U - Another edition. Edin., 1819. 8 - *An account of the life and writings of H. B. , D.D. By the late John Hill, LL.D. Edin., 1807. 8 BLAIR (JAMES), M.A., Sector of Williamsburg, Virginia. Our Saviour's divine sermon on the mount... explained : and the practice of it recommended in divers sermons and discourses. 4 vol. To which is prefixed a paraphrase on the whole sermon on the mount, and a preface by Dr Waterland. 2d ed. London, 1740. 8 BLAIR (JOHN), LL.D. - Lectures on the canon of the Scriptures. Comprehending a disserta- tion on the Septuagint version. London, 1785. 4 BLAIR (ROBERT). -Memoirs of the life of Mr R. B. , minister of the gospel some time at Ban- gor in Ireland, and afterwards at St Andrews in Scotland. In two parts. The first part wrote by himself, and the second by Mr Wil- liam Row, some time minister of the gospel at Ceres. Edin., 1754. 16 Another copy. Another copy. Another edition. Edited for the Wodrow Society, from the original manuscript, by Thomas M'Crie, D.D. Edin., 1848. 8 BLAIR (ROBERT). The grave. A poem. 6th ed. To which is added an Elegy written in a country church-yard, by Mr GRAY. Edin., 1761. 12 Another edition. With evening contempla- tions in a college, by Mr [John] DUNCOMBE. Glasgow, s. a. 16 Another edition [of The grave] ; illustrated by twelve etchings executed from original de- signs. To which is added, a life of the author. London, 1813. 4 BLAIR (ROBERT), M.D. Scientific aphorisms ; being the outline of an attempt to establish fixed principles of science, and to explain from them the general nature of the constitution and mechanism of the material system, and the dependence of that system on mind. Edin., 1827. 8 BLAIR (WILLIAM). Prostitutes reclaimed and penitents protected : being an answer to some objections made against the principle and ten- dency of the London Female Penitentiary ; with" observations on licensed brothel-houses, and on the means of discouraging prostitution. London, 1809. 8 BLAIR (WILLIAM), M. A. The revival of Popery, its intolerant character... and unceasing usur- pations : detailed in a series of letters to Wil- liam Wilberforce, Esq. M.P. London, 1819. 8 Another copy. BLAKE (THOMAS), M.A., Pastor of Tamworth. Vindicise foederis, or, A treatise of the cove- nant of God entered with man-kinde, in the several kindes and degrees of it. London, 1653. 4 The covenant sealed ; or, a treatise of the sacraments of both covenants, polemicall and practicall. Especially of the sacrament of the covenant of grace... Together with a brief an- swer to Rev. Mr Baxter's apology in defence of the Treatise of the Covenant. London, 1655. 4 BLAKEMORE (RICHARD). A letter to the Right Honourable Charles B. Bathurst, M.P., on the subject of the poor laws. London, 1819. 8 BLAKENEY (RICHARD P.), LL.D. A manual of Romish controversy : being a complete re- futation of the creed of Pope Pius IV. Edin., 1851. 12 - Another copy. Protestant catechism ; or, Popery refuted and Protestantism established by the Word of God. Sixth thousand. Edin., 1855. 12 BLAKEY (ROBERT), Ph. D. An essay towards an easy and useful system of logic. London, 1834. 12 BLAKHAL (GILBERT). A brieffe narration of 96 BLANC- BLO! the services done to three noble ladyes, by G. I! , j.r.-ist <-f tin- Scots mission in Frui. tlu- Low Countries, ;md in Scotland. lolll ' [Edited for the Spalding Club, by John trt. J Aberdeen, 1844. 4 III. A N< ' (AuousTiNUS LB), pseud . , . e. Jac. Hyac. tar, i;l, \NC (Luoovicus). See L. LB BLANC. BLANC (L'Abbe' p. s.). Cours d'histoire eccle'- siastiipu'... Introduction a l\ tmK- de 1'histoire eccle*siasticiue. S 1861. 8 Cours d'liistoire eccle'siastique. 2 torn. /'.-/;*, 1851. 8 BLANC (THEODORE DE). Principes contre les Sociniens. 2 torn. Hambourg, 1718, 19. 8 C Another copy. BLANCARDUS (NicoLAUs). Historiie Romanre epitome. '. Jlntnr., 1648. 12 BLANCO (MANUEL). Flora de Filipinos. Manila, 1837. 4 BLAND (HARCOURT). The Apocalyptical his- tory contained in the Book of Revelation, solved upon an entirely new and consistent principle. Glasgow, 1858. 8 BLAND (MILES), D.D. Geometrical problems, deducible from the first six books of Euclid. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1827. 8 Annotations on the historical books of the New Testament. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1828, 29. 8 BLAND (PETER). Resolved upon the question. Or, A question resolved concerning the right which the King hath to Hull, or any other fort.... Wherein is likewise proved, that nei- ther the setling of the militia as tis done by the Parliament, nor the keeping of Hull by Sir John Hotham, nor any other Act that the Parliament have yet done is illegall, but ne- cessary, just, and according to that power which the law hath given them. London, 1642. 4 BLAYNEY (BENJAMIN), D.D., Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford. -Jeremiah and Lamenta- tions. A new translation. 1784. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. Zechariah : a new translation ; with notes, critical, philological, and explanatory. 1797. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. BLEDSOE (ALBERT TAYLOR), LL.D., Virginia. A Theodicy ; or, vindication of the divine glory, as manifested in the constitution and government of the moral world. 9th ed. New York, 1853. 8 An essay on liberty and slavery. Philadelphia, 1856. 12 BLEEK (FRIEDRICH). Der Brief an die He- braer erliiutert durch Einleitung, Ueberset- zung und fortlaufenden Commentar. 2 Ab- theilung. Berlin, 1828, 36. 8 BLINSHALL (JAMES), D.D., Minister at Dim- dee. The evidence of the future publication of the Gospel to all nations : A sermon [on Matt. xxiv. 14.] Edin., 1780. 8 Another copy. BLISS (GEORGE). The annual of scientific dis- covery ; by David A. WELLS and G. B. 1850 BLOCQUIUS (JACOBUS). Disputationum meta- j'hysicarum secundie, do en to, pars alt- . 4 BLOMEFIELD (Sir THOMAS \ Consi- deration* on the Bible society question. London, 1828. 8 BLOMFIELD (CHARLES JAMES), D.D. , / London. A charge delivered to the rlergy of tin; diocese of London, at the visitation in October 1842. 5th ed. London, 184. Three sermons on the Church, preached in the parish church of St James, \\fstiiiinstc-r, dur- ing Lent, 1842. -Ion, 1842. 8 BLOMFIELD (E.).-The life of Jesus Christ ; with a history of the first propagation of the Christian religion, and the lives of the most eminent persons mentioned in the New Testa- ment. BMpoy, 1809. 4 BLONDEL (DAVID). Esclaircissements familiers de la contravene de 1'eucharistie, tirez de la parole de Dieu, et des escrits des SS. Peres. QueviUy, 1641. 8 Another copy. De la primaute' en 1'Eglise. Geneve, 1641. fol. Apologia pro sententia Hieronymi de Episco- pis et Presbyteris. Amstel., 1646. 4 Another copy. De formulae regnante Christo in veterum mo- numentis usu, justas pro regibus maxim is Phi- lippo I. & II. summaque regum omnium po tes- tate, vindicias complexa diatribe. Amstel, 1646. 4 Traitte' de la creance des Peres, touchant 1'estat des ames apres cette vie. Et de 1'origine de la priere pour les morts, et du purgatoire. A 1'oc- casion de 1'escrit attribue' aux Sibylles ; qui est icy examine'. Charenton, 1651. 4 Tractatus de jure plebis in regimine ecclesias- tico ; [cum commentario H. GROTII de imperio summarum potestatum circa sacra.] 1661 BLONDELLUS (DAVID). See David BLONDKL. BLONDUS (FLAVIUS.) De Roma triumphante lib. x...Romae instauratae libriiii. De origine ac gestis Venetorum liber. Italia illustrata. . . Historiarum ab inclinato Rom. Imperio, de- cades iii. BasilecK, 1559. fol. BLOOD. The Blood of the Lamb and the union of saints. London, s. a. 12 BLOOM (JOHN HAGUE). Pulpit oratory in the time of James the First, considered, and prin- cipally illustrated by original examples. London, 1831. 8 BLOOMFIELD (SAMUEL THOMAS), D.D. Re- censio synoptica annotationis sacrce, being a critical digest and synoptical arrangement of the most important annotations on the New Testament, exegetical, philological, and doc- trinal. 8 vol. London, 1826-28. 8 The Greek Testament, with English notes. 1843, 50 See BIBLES GREEK. F. BLORE (EDWARD), F. S. A. The monumental remains of noble and eminent persons, com- prising the sepulchral antiqiiities of Great Bri- tain. London, 1826. 8 BLOUNT (CHARLES). The oracles of reason, con- sisting of a vindication of Dr Burnet's Archseo- BLOUNT BOECKH. logise, Moses's description of the original state of man, &c. : by C. B. , Mr GILDON , and others. London, 1693. 12 BLOUNT (THOMAS), of the Inner Temple. No AI. A law dictionary interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms as are found either in our common or statute, an- cient or modern laws. 2d ed. London, 1691. fol. Boscobel : or the compleat history of... Charles II. most miraculous preservation after the battle of Worcester. 4th ed. Edin., 1709. 16 BLUHME' (B.), A new methodical spelling and reading book of the French language, preceded by rules for pronunciation. Glasgoiv, 1841. 12' BLUNT (HENRY), M.A., Hector of Streatham. Two discourses upon the trial of the spirits. 3d ed. London, 1834. 12 Discourses upon some of the doctrinal articles of the Church of England. 4th ed. London, 1835. 12 Lectures on the histoiy of St Paul. 2 parts. London, 1835, 36. 12 - Lectures upon the history of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 3 parts. London, 1835, 36. 12 - A practical exposition of the Epistles to the seven Churches of Asia. 2d ed. London, 1839. 12 BLUNT (JOHN JAMES), B.D., Margaret Professor of Divinity, Cambridge. The veracity of the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, argued from the undesigned coincidences to be found in them, when compared with each other, and with Josephus. 2d ed. London, 1831. 8 - Undesigned coincidences in the writings both of the Old and New Testament, an argument of their veracity : with an appendix, contain- ing undesigned coincidences between the Gos- pels and Acts, and Josephus. 8th ed. London, 1863. 8 Sketch of the Reformation in England, loth ed. London, 1854. 8 A history of the Christian Church during the first three centuries. London, 1856. 8 The right use of the early Fathers ; two series of lectures delivered in the University of Cam- bridge. London, 1857. 8 BLYTH (GEORGE). Reminiscences of missionary life, with suggestions to Churches and mission- aries. 2d thousand. Edin., 1851. 8 BOAK (BARCKOFT), B.A. A brief account of the origin and nature of the connexion between the British government and the idolatrous sys- tems of religion prevalent in the island of Cey- lon, and of the extent to which that connexion still exists. Colombo, s. a. 12 BOARDMAN (HENRY A.), D.D., Philadelphia. The vanity of a life of fashionable pleasure. A sermon [on 1 Tim. v. 6.] Philadelphia, 1839. 12 A treatise on the Scripture doctrine of original sin. With explanatory notes. Philadelphia, 1839. 12 Is there any ground to apprehend the exten- sive and dangerous prevalence of Romanism in the United States I A lecture delivered in the Walnut Street Presbyterian church, Phila- delphia, December 27, 1840. Philadelphia, 1841. 12 The prelatical doctrine of the apostolical suc- cession examined : with a delineation of the High-Church system. Philadelphia, 1844. 12 Another copy. Another copy. - The Bible in the family ; or, hints on domestic happiness. Edin., 1853. 8 BOATSWAIN'S MATE. The boatswain's mate ; or, an interesting dialogue between two Bri- tish seamen. 3d ed. London, s. a. 12 The quarter-master ; or, the second part of the boatswain's mate. 2d ed. London, s. a. 12 The sailors on shore ; or, the third part of the boatswain's mate. London, s. a. 12 Jack Tars at Plymouth ; or, the fourth part of the boatswain's mate. London, s. a. 12 BOCCACCIO (GIOVANNI). II Decamerone recor- retto in Roma, emendato secondo 1'ordine del S. Concilio di Trento, et riscontrato in Fi- renze con testi antichi et alia sua vera lezione ridotto da' deputati di loro Alt. Ser. Firenze, nella stamp, di Filip. e Jac. Giunti, e fratelli. 1573. 4 Annotazioni e discorsi sopra alcuni luoghi del Decamerone del Boccaccio, fatti da' deputati sopra la correzione di esso Boccaccio stampato 1'anno 1573. Firenze, Giunti, 1574. 4 BOCHANNAN (DUGHALL). See Dugald BU- CHANAN. BOCHART (SAMUEL). Opera omnia ; hoc est Phaleg, Chanaan, et Hierozoicon...Quibus ac- cesserunt dissertationes varise operis Joh. Leusden et Pet. de Villemandyrecensitae. Edi- tio quarta [curante Hadr. Relando]. 3 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1712. fol. Another copy. Geographia sacra, cujus pars prior Phaleg de dispersions gentium. . . ; pars posterior Chanaan de coloniis et sermone Phcenicum agit. Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1681. 4 BODE (JOHN ERNEST), M.A. The absence of precision in the formularies of the Church of England, scriptural and suitable to a state of probation. In eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, 1855, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1855. 8 BODIUS (ROBERTUS). See Robert BOYD. BODLEY (Sir THOMAS). Reliquiie Bodleian ; or, some genuine remains of Sir T. Bodley. Containing his life, the first draught of the statutes of the public library at Oxford (in English), and a collection of letters to Dr James, &c. Published from the originals in the said library. [By Thomas HEARNE.] London,, 1703. 8 BOECKH (AUGUSTUS). The public economy of Athens. To which is added, a dissertation on the silver mines of Laurion. Translated by 13 98 BCEHME BOLD. George Cornowall Lewis, Esq. A.M. 2d ed. London, 1842. 8 BCEHME (CHRIST. FRID.). Epistola Pauli ad Romanes. Edidit C. F. B. 1806. See BIBLES LATIN. D. BCEHMER (JUSTUS HENN DTOIUs). XII. disser- tationes juris ecclesiastici antiqui ad Plinium Secunduin et Tertullianuin genuinas origines prsecipuarum materiarum juris ecclesiastic! de- nionstraiites. Secunda editio. Hate, 1729. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Jus ecclesiasticum Proteetantium, usum ho- diernum juris canonici juxta seriem decreta- lium ostendens et ipsis reruin argumentis illus- trans. Tertia editio. 6 torn. [Tom. iv., v. ed. 2da.] Hake, 1730-36. 4 - Editio quinta. [Tom. ii., iii., iv. ed. 4ta ; torn. v. ed. 2da.] Hate Magdeb., 1736-56. 4 Corpus JURIS CANONICI... J. H. B. recensuit. 1747 Jus parochiale ad fundamenta genuina revo- catuin, a spuriis principiis purgatum, atque ita adornatum ut jus ecclesiasticum Protes- tantium illustrare et usum modernum libri tertii decretalium quoad prcecipuas materias ostendere queat. Editio sexta. Hate Magdeb., 1760. 4 Another copy. Institutions juris canonici turn ecclesiastici turn pontificii ad methodum decretalium nee non ad fora Catholicorum atque Protestan- tium composite. Editio quarta. Hate Magdeb., 1760. 8 Another copy. BCEHMERUS (GUILIELMUS), Professor of Tlieo- logy at Berlin. Isagoge in Epistolam a Paulo Apostolo ad Colossenses datam theologica, his- torica, critica. Accesserunt enarratio cap. i. Coloss. v. 1-14 et excursus, quos vocant, epis- tolam spectantes tres. Berolini, 1829. 8 BO3HRINGER (FRIEDRICH). Die Kirche Christi und ilire Zeugen. 2 Band. Zurich, 1856, 58. 8 BOERHAAYE (HERMANNUS). Elementa che- mise ; cum tabulis aeneis. 2 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1732. 4 BOETHIUS (ANicius MANLIUS TORQUATUS SEVE- RINUS). De consolatione philosophise libri v. Amstel., 1668. 32 Translated into English. By Robert Dun- can. Edin., 1789. 8 BOETHIUS (HECTOR). Scotorum historise a pri- ma gentis origine, cum aliarum & rerum & gentium illustratione non vulgari. . .Quae omnia impressa quidem sunt Jodoci Badii Ascensii typis et opera, impensis autem...Hectoris Boe- thii Deidonani a quo sunt & condita & edita. [Paris], 1526. fol. Another copy. The description of Scotland, written. . .by H. B. in Latine... translated... by John Bellenden... and now finally done into English by R. H. 1585. fol. BOGAN (ZACHARY), M. A. A view of the threat* and punishments recorded in the Scriptures, alphabetically composed. With soiuu brief ob- servations upon several! text*. ,-,/. n ;.-,:. 8 BOGERMANNUS (JoHAUinw). Ad Scripti... I ( ugonis Grotii. . .partes priores duas, in quibus tractat causam Vorstii et Remonstrantium, an- notationes...Addita est sententia...F. JTMI de Synod is et Synodalibus judiciis, Magistra- tusque in talibua jure atque officio : desumpta ex, disputationibus ejus adversns Bellarminum. kerce, 1614. 4 Leovarduf, 1614. 4 BOGIE (B. D.), B.A. The crisis; or, the approaching grand religious revolution, and the fall of the national Churches. London, 1836. 12' The crisis is come : or, the crisis of the Church of Scotland ; the apostacy in the Church of England ; and the fall of the Church of Rome. With an appendix, containing the speeches and decision of the House of Commons on the pe- tition of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1843. 8 BOGUE (DAVID), D.D. -A sermon [on Matt. vi. 19], preached before the correspondent board in London of the society in Scotland for propa- gating Christian knowledge, March 30, 1792. London, 1793. 8 Discourses on the millennium. London, 1818. 8 An essay on the divine authority of the New Testament. 5th ed. London, 1820. 12 Another edition. London, s. a. 12 Another edition. New York, s. a. 12 The history of Dissenters, from the Revolution to the year 1808. By D. B. and James BEN- NETT. 2d ed. By James Bennett, D.D. 2 vol. London, 1833. 8 Another copy. * Memoirs of the life of the Rev. D. B., D.D. . . .By James Bennett, D. D. London, 1827. 8 BOHMER (J. H.). See J. H. BOEHMER, BOHRINGER (F.). See F. BOEHRINCER. BOHUN (EDMUND). The general history of the Reformation, written in Latin by John SLEI- DAN : Englished, with a continuation to the end of the council of Trent, in the year 1562. London, 1689. fol. BOILEAU (JACQUES), Doctor of the Sorbonne. Histoire des Flagellans....Traduite du La- tinde M. L' Abbs' Boileau. [Par L'AbW Granet. ] Seconde eMition. Amsterdam, 1732. 12 BOILEAU-DESPREAUX (NICOLAS). Les ceu- vres de N. B.-D. Avec des dclaircissemens historiques, donnez par lui-meme. Nouvelle Edition revue, corrige'e, et augmente'e. 4 torn. Amsterdam, 1717. 12 Another copy. BOLD, or BOLDE (SAMUEL), Vicar of Shapwiclce, in Dorsetshire. A sermon [on Gal. iv. 29] against persecution, preached March 26, 1682, being the fourth Sunday in Lent, and the time when the brief for the persecuted Protestants BOLEYN BONAR. 99 in France was read in the parish church o Shapwicke. 2d ed. London, 1682. 4< - An examination of Dr Comber's scholastica' history of the primitive and general use o: liturgies in the Christian Church. London, 1690. 4 A second examination of Dr Comber's scholas- tical history of the primitive and general use of liturgies in the Christian Church, during the greatest part of the fourth century. London, 1691. 4 BOLEYN (ANNE).* Memoirs of the life of A. B. By Miss Benger. 2 vol. London, 1821. 8 BOLINGBROKE (HENRY). A voyage to the Demerary, containing a statistical account of the settlements there, and those on the Esse- quibo, the Berbice, and other contiguous rivers of Guayana. London, 1807. 4 BOLINGBROKE, Viscount. See Henry ST JOHN. BOLLANDUS (JOANNES), S. J. Acta sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel a Catholicis scriptoribus celebrantur, et Latinis et Grsecis aliarumque gentium antiquis monumentis, col- legit, digessit, notis illustravit J. B. ; [conti- nuata per Godefr. Henschenius, D. Papebro- chium, C. Janningum, J. B. Sollerium, J. Pinium, J. Stillingum, C. Suyskenuni, C. Byeum, et alios.] 52 torn. Antwerp., BruxelUs, et Tongerloce, 1643-1694. fol. BOLLEVILLE, LE PRIEUR DE, pseud, i. e. Richard SIMON. BOLSEC (HIEROSME HERMES). Historia de vita Theodori BEZJS. 1584 - La vie, mort et doctrine de Jean CALVIN. Ensemble la vie de Jean LABADIE. 1664 BOLTON (ROBERT), B.D.- Instructions for a right comforting afflicted consciences, with speciall antidotes against some grievous temp- tations. [On Prov. xviii. 14.] London, 1631. 4 Some generall directions for a comfortable walking with God. [On Gen. vi. 8, 9.] 4th ed. London, 1634. 4 Fifth edition. London, 1638. 4 - A three-fold treatise : containing the saint's sure and perpetuall guide [on Ps. cxix. 105] ; selfe-enriching examination [on 1 Cor. xi. 28] ; soule-fatting fasting [on 2 Chron. xx. 23]. Or, meditations, concerning the word, the sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper, and fasting. London, 1634. 4 - Another copy. - The foure last things, death, judgement, hell, and heaven [on Is. xxvi.] With his Assise- sermon [on 1 Cor. i. 26], and notes on Justice Nicolls his funerall. Together with the life and death of the author. Published by E. Bfagshawe]. 3d ed. London, 1635. 4 Fourth edition. Hereunto is added the ser- mon [on Philip, i. 23, 24] on Mr Bolton's fu- nerall, by M. Nic. Estwick. London, 1639. 4 - A short and private discourse betweene Mr Bolton and one M. S. concerning usury. Pub- lished by E. B[agshawe]. London, 1637. 4 Helps to humiliation [on Acts, ii. 37]. Pub- lished before his death. 4th ed. London, 1637. 4 A discourse about the state of true happinesse, delivered in certain sermons [on Psalm i.] in Oxford and at St Paul's Cross. 7th ed. London, 1638. 4 Meditationes in diebus Dominicis de vita fu- tura. [Wants title.] London, 1628. 4 Meditations of the life to come. London, 1639. 4 A cordiall for Christians in the time of afflic- tion. A sermon [on Mic. vii. 8, 9.] London, 1640. 4 BOLTON (SAMUEL). The true bounds of Chris- tian freedome Whereunto is annexed a dis- course of the learned John Cameron's, touch- ing the threefold covenant of God with man, faithfully translated by S. B. London, 1645. 8 BOLZEC (HIERONYMUS). See Hierosme Hermes BOLSEC. BONAMICUS (LAZARUS). Carmen de vita rus- tica ; [cum Hortorum lib. iv. per Renatum RAPINUM.] 1672 BONAPARTE (NAPOLEON). See NAPOLEON I. BONAR (ANDREW A.), Minister of the Free CJiurch, Glasgow. Narrative of a mission of inquiry to the Jews from the Church of Scot- land in 1839. [By A. A. B. and R. M. M'Cheyne.] Edin., 1842. 8 Fourth thousand. Edin. , 1843. 8 A commentary on the Book of Leviticus, expo- sitory and practical. With critical notes. London, 1846. 8 Second edition. London, 1847. 8 Redemption drawing nigh. A defence of the pre-millennial advent. London, 1847. 8 The Church of Scotland's duty to the masses. Edin., 1857. 8 BONAR (ARCHIBALD). Sermons, chiefly on devo- tional subjects. 2vol. Edin., 1817. 8 Another copy. Genuine religion the best friend of the people. 5th ed. With a memoir of the author. Glasgow, 1822. 12 BONAR (HORATIUS), D.D., Minister of the Free Church, Kelso. Can we remain in the Church ? A brief statement of the proceedings of the late Convocation. With a summary of the reasonings on which their resolutions were founded. Kelso, 1843. 12 The schools of the Prophets ; or, training for the ministry. Edin., 1844. 12 Prophetical landmarks ; containing data for helping to determine the question of Christ's pre-millennial advent. London, 1847. 8 The coming and kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ : being an examination of the work of the Rev. D. Brown, on the second coming of the Lord. Kelso, 1849. 8 Truth and error ; or, letters to a friend, on some of the controversies of the day. 3d ed. Edin., 1860. 12 100 BONAi; (.I.'HN) The duty and advantage of religions societies. ..in two letters ; iioia tin- Rev. John \\ n.i.isoN and tin- IN \ . .). I'.. 17-W Observations on the conduct and eharar' .1 l |i\s Isi V1UOT. 17-".(l -New edition. /:!., 1822. 12 The nature and necessity of a religious educa- t it >n. A sermon [on Eph. vi. 4J preached January G, 1752. /:.//,<., 1752. 8 BONAR (JOHN), D.D. The recent proceedings of the Church of Scotland, authorized by the law of the land. [Stirling Tracts, No. iv.] N/.Y/.Y,./, 1842. 8 Reasons for religious people taking a livi-ly in- terest in the present position of the Church of Scotland. [Stirling Tracts, No. vi.] (Mf, 1842. 8 BONARELLI (C. G. DE). See G. GIUDUBALDO DE BONARELLI. BOND (JOHN), LL.D. Ortus occidentalis : or, a drawing in the west ; as it was delivered in a sermon [on Is. .\\\. !>j before the House of Commons upon their day of thanksgiving for several victories in the west. London, 1645. 4 BONIFACE VIII. [BENEDICTUS CAJETANUS], Pope. *Histoire du differend d'entre le Pape Boniface VIII. et Philippe le Bel, Roy de France. [Par Simon VIGOK.] Paris, 1655. fol. * Histoire des de'melez du Pape Boniface VIII. avec Philippe le Bel, Roi de France. [Par feu A. BAILLET. Mise a\i jour par le P. Le Long, de I'Oratoire, qui y a ajoute" les pieces servant de preuves.] Paris, 1718. 12 * Histoire de Boniface VIII. et de son siecle. Par Louis TOSTI. 1854 BONNECHOSE (FRANCOIS-PAUL-EMILE Bois- NORMAND DE). The reformers before the Re- formation. The fifteenth century. John Huss and the council of Constance. Translated from the French by Campbell Mackenzie, B.A. 2 vol. Edin., 1844. 12 - Another copy. Another copy. BONNELL (JAMES), Accountant-General of Ire- land. * The exemplary life of J. B. By W. Hamilton, archdeacon of Armagh. 3d ed. London, 1707. 8 BONNER (JAMES). A new plan for speedily in- creasing the number of bee-hives in Scotland. E;edobaptists. London, 1784. 12 Third edition ; with replies to the arguments and objections of Dr Williams and Mr Peter Edwards. 3vol. /...,/./, 1829. 8 Another copy. The reign of grace, from its rise to its consum- mation. New edition. London, 1795. 12 Another edition. With an introductory essay, by Thomas Chalmers, D.D. <:t,i*gaw, 1827. 12 The death of legal hope the life of evangelical obedience. 6th ed. Edin., 1823. 18 Pastoral cautions ; an address to Mr Thomas Hopkins, when ordained pastor of the Church of Christ. London, 1826. 12 * Essay on the life and writings of Mr A. B. By William Jones. Liverpool, 1808. 8 BOOTH (DAVID). Introduction to an analytical dictionary of the English language. Edin., 1806. 8 BOOTHROYD (B. ). Biblia Hebraica, or the He- brew Scriptures of the Old Testament without points, s. a. See BIBLES HEBREW. A. BOPP (FRANCisctrs.) Nalus MAHA-BHARATI epi- sodium. 1832 BORGER (ELLAS ANNEUS.) Oratio de modesto ac prudenti sacrarum literarum interprete. lAigd. Bat., 1808. 4 Disputatio de mysticismo. Hagce Comitiim, 1820. 8 BORGIA (C^SARE). The lives of Pope Alexan- der VI. and his son Caesar Borgia ; by Alex- ander GORDON. 1729 BORGIA (FRANCISCUS). Rhetorica concionandi; [cum Enchirid. theol. pastoral, a Petro Bixs- FELPIO]. 1637 BORGIA (RODRIGO LENZOLI). See ALEXANDER VI., Pope. BORLAND (FRANCIS). The history of Darien. Glasgow, 1779. 8 BORNIUS (HENRI crs). Disputatio philosophic* continens positiones miscellaneas. Ultrajecti, 1637. 4 BORNMEISTER (SIMON). Pharus geographica Hispanise, Gallise, et Italise. Norimbergmo avertiasement : Le fondement dos empires renverse' par co ministre. Paris, 1690. 4 Another edition. Tom. iii. et iv. Paris, 1760. 12 Sermons choiais. Pari*, 1803. 12 Chefs-d'oeuvres oratoires de Bossuet, on recneil choisi de ses sermons pane"gyriques et oraisons funebres. 6 torn. S 1803. 12 Super reunione Protestantium cum ecclesia Catholica tractatus inter J. B. B. et D. Mo- LANTM. ', 1782. 4 * De la connaissance de Dieu et de soi-meme ; traite* du libre arbitre, et la Logique, avec un Essai sur la philosophie de Bossuet. 1 '>,;<,, 1846. 12 *Some account of the life and writings of J. B. B. By Charles Butler, Esq. London, 1812. 8 *Histoire de Bossuet. . .compose'e sur les manu- Bcrits originaux : par M. le Cardinal de Baus- set. Troisieme edition. 4 torn. Versailles, 1821. 12 BOSSUETUS (JACOBUS BENIGNUS). See J. B. BOSSUET. BOSSUT (CHARLES). A general history of ma- thematics. Translated from the French. London, 1803. 8 BOST (jEAjr-AuousTix). Recherches sur la con- stitution et lea formes de 1'Eglise Chre'tienne. e, 1835. 8 Histoire ancienne et moderne de 1'Eglise des Freres de Boheme et de Moravie, depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours. Deuxieme e'dition. 2 torn. Pam, 1844. 8 Translated from the French, and abridged. With an appendix, continuing the history to Zinzendorf's death, and a sketch of the pre- sent state of the Moravian Church. 2d ed. London, 1838. 12 Memoires pouvant servir a 1'histoire du reVeil religieux des Eglises Protestantes de la Suisse, etde la France... 3 torn. Para, 1854-55. 8 Discours prononce's par MM. POZZY, A.B., et Jn. MONOD. 1858 Saint Pierre n'a jamais 6t6 Pape. Troisieme Edition. Bmxelles, 1859. 12 BOSTOCK (JOHN), M.D. An elementary sys- tem of physiology. 3d ed. London, 183G. 8 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. The form of covenant of the Old South Church in Boston, Massachusetts. Boston, 1833. 12 BOSTON (MICHAEL), Pastor of the Relief Church, Falkirk. The nature of Christian liberty ex- plained, the violations of it marked, and the weapons by which it ought to be defended pointed out, in a sermon delivered before the Belief Synod, May 28, 1776. Edin., 1777. 8 Discourses. To which is prefixed an account of the author, by the Rev. William Campbell, A.M., Dysart. iV-'u., 1787. 8 BOSTON (THOMAS), Minister of Ettrick.The whole works of T. B. To which is subjoined ; the Marrow of modern divinity, illustrated ! with many valuable notes by Mr B. Edin., 17C7. fol. Anotlu-r ropy. Select works of T. B. With a memoir of his lifo and writings. Edited by the Rev. Alex- ander S. Patterson. , 1844. 8 The everlasting espousals : being a Benin. n [on HOB. ii. 19] preach'd at the administra- tion of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, August 1714. 3ded. Edin., 17:. 8 Fifth edition. Edin., 174.'.. 8 A view of the covenant of grace from the sa- civd records.... To which is subjoyn'd, a me- nu. rial concerning personal and family fasting and humiliation, presented to saints and sin- ners. E-lln., 1734. 8 Another copy. Tractatus stigmologicua Hebrseo-biblicus, quo accentuum Hebneorum doctrina traditur, va- riusque eorum, in explananda S. Scriptura, usus exponitur. Cum pnefatione...Davidi8 Millii. Amstel., 1738. 4 Another copy. The mystery of Christ in the form of a ser- vant, briefly enquired into, and practically im- proved ; in a sermon [on Phil. ii. 7.] Edin,, 1742. 8 Another edition. Glasgow, 1742. 8 A true description of conversion. s. I., 1742. 8 [The crook in the lot ; or,] The sovereignty and wisdom of God displayed in the afflictions of men, together with a Christian deportment under them. Being the substance of several sermons on Eccles. vii. 13, Prov. xvi. 19, and 1 Pet. v. 6. To which are added some ser- mons on the nature of Church communion, from 1 Cor. x. 17. Edin., 1745. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1805. 12 Sermons and discourses. 2 vol. Edin., 1753. 8 An illustration of the doctrines of the Chris- tian religion, with respect to faith and prac- tice, upon the plan of the Assembly's shorter catechism. Comprehending a complete body of divinity. 3vol. Edin., 1773. 8 A view of the covenant of works. 2d ed. Berwick, 1790. 12 The distinguishing characters of true be- lievers....^ which is prefixed, a soliloquy on the art of man-fishing. ^ Falkirk, 1791. 12 Primitiae et ultima : or, The early labours and last remains that will meet the public eye. 3vol. Edin., 1800, 1. 12 Sermons... delivered chiefly on communion oc- casions. To which is added, memoirs of the lifetime and writings of the author ; abridged by the Rev. John Brown of Haddington. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1814. 8 Human nature in its fourfold state, of primi- tive integrity, entire depravity, begun reco- very, and consummate happiness or misery. With an introductory essay, by the Rev. David Young, Perth. Glasgow, 1830. 12 Another edition. London, 1841. 12 BOSTON BOURIGNON. 103 Nadur an Duine, 'na staid cheithir-fillte...Air eadar theangachaclh le G. MacDhonuill. DunrJEidin, 1811. 8 Another copy. A memorial concerning personal and family fasting and humiliation. With prefatory re- marks and appendix, by the Rev. Alex. Moody [-Stuart.] Edin., 1837. 12 Another copy. Memoirs of the life, time, and writings of T. B. Written by himself. To which are added some original papers. Edin. , 1813. 8 Another copy. BOSTON (THOMAS), Minister of the Relief Church, Jedburgh. Essays on the following theologi- cal subjects : I. The truth of the Christian religion proved II. The scriptural doctrine of the satisfaction of Christ represented. Falkirk, 1773. 8 Sermons. [Wants title.] 8 BOSTWICK (DAVID), A.M. , Minister of the Pres- byterian Church, New York. A fair and ra- tional vindication of the right of infants to the ordinance of baptism : being the substance of several discourses from Acts, ii. 39. Reprinted, Edin., 1766. 8 Fourth edition. Edin., 1787. 12 Self disclaimed, and Christ exalted. A sermon preached at Philadelphia, before the Reverend Synod of New York, May 25, 1758. Philadelphia, 1776. 8 BOS WELL (JAMES). An account of Corsica, the journal of a tour to that island, and memoirs of Pascal Paoli. 3d ed. London, 1769. 8 BOTANY. Botany. In four parts. [L. U. K.] London, 1838. 8 Reports and papers on botany. By Dr Tuc- carini, Professor Grisebach, Carl Nageli, and Dr H. F. Link. [Ray Society.] London, 1846. 8 Reports and papers on botany. [By Mohl, Nageli, Link, and Grisebach.] Edited by Arthur Henfrey, F.L.S. [Ray Society.] London, 1849. 8 BOTTICHER (W.). Die Englischen Apostel ; ihre Lehre der Wiederkunft Christi. Berlin, 1848. 8 BOTTOMLEY (SAMUEL), of Scarborough. A short plea in favor of infant baptism ; and of administering it by sprinkling. A new edition. Scarborough, 1822. 8 Another copy. ^ BOUCHARLAT (JEAN^OUIS). EMmens de calcul difie"rentiel et de calcul integral. 3me. ed. Paris, 1826. 8 Translated from the French by R. Blake- lock, B.A. Cambridge, 1828. 8 BOUCHET (JEAN). Les annales d'Aquitaine. Poictiers, 1557. fol. BOUCHIER (BARTON), A.M. My parish ; or, "The country parson's" visits to his poor. Second series. London, 1857. 8 BOUE' (A.), Secretary to the Geological Society of France. Essai gdologique sur 1'Ecosse. Paris, s. a. 8' BOULAINVILLIERS (Le Compte HENRI DE). History of the antient Parliaments of France, or states general of the kingdom. Translated. 2 vol. London, 1754. 8 BOULTER (HUGH), Bishop of Bristol. A sermon preach'd in the parish church of St Olave, November 18, 1722. London, 1722. 8 BOURDALOUE (Louis). Sermons sur les mys- teres. Seconde Edition. 2 torn. Lyon, 1719. 12 Sermons pour les festes des saints. Troisieme Edition. 2 torn. Lyon, 1720. 12 Exhortations et instructions Chrestiennes. 2 torn. Lyon, 1721. 12 Sermons pour le Caresme. Cinquieme Edition. Tom. i., ii., et iii. Lyon, 1723. 12 Sermons pour les Dimanches. 4 torn. Lyon, 1725. 12 Retraite spirituelle a 1'usage des communautez religieuses. Lyon, 1727. 12 Sermons pour 1'Avent. Cinquieme Edition. Lyon, 1727. 12 BOURGOING (Le Baron JEAN-FRANCIS). Me- moires sur PIE VI. et son pontificat. 1799 The modern state of Spain... Translated from the last Paris edition of 1807. 4 vol. London, 1808. 8 BOURIGNON (ANTONIA). An admirable treatise of solid vertue...in twenty-four letters. (2 parts.) Translated from the French original. London, 1699. 8 The light risen in darkness. In four parts. Being a collection of letters written to several persons, upon great and important subjects... AVith a large explication of the 24. and 25. chapters of St Matthew's Gospel. Done out of the French. London, 1703. 8 Another copy. The renovation of the gospel-spirit. In three parts. Shewing the universal apostacy of man- kind from the spirit and life of our Lord Jesus Christ. With the sure and infallible means of retrieving it. Done out of French. To which is prefix'd, a preface to the English reader. London, 1707. 8 A collection of letters, written by Mrs A. B. upon occasion of the many persecutions rais'd against her, for the sake of the truth. Done out of French. To which is prefix'd, her con- fession of faith : with a preface to the English reader. London, 1708. 8 A warning against the Quakers... Done out of French. To which is prefixed, a preface to the English reader. London, 1708. 8 The Academy of learned divines : shewing how to discern between the truth of God and the studied opinions of men. [3 parts.] London, 1708. 8 The confusion of the builders of Babel ; being a collection of letters showing that they who ought to build Jerusalem, set themselves most against the divine truth. London, 1708. 8 An apology for Mrs A. B. In four parts... To which are added, two letters from different hands, containing remarks on the preface to the Snake in the Grass, and Bourignianism 104 BOURN BOWYEB detected. As alao, some of her own letters. /.../i.A./i, 1699. 8 BOURN (SAMUEL). Lectures to children an-1 young people in a < 1 method. ..With a preface shewing the importance of a religious education. London, 1738. 12 Twenty sermons on the most serious and prac- tical subjects of the C'hri- tian religion. ..To which is added, some memoirs of the life of the author. L'd ed. Lon7. 8 A series of discourses on the principles and evidences of natural religion and t lie Christian revelation. And on some proper practical subjects. 2 vol. London, 1760. 8 BOURNE (G.). A chapter on the effect of the Reformation in America; [with prize essay on the effect of the Reformation on civil society in Europe, by the Rev. W. MACKRAY.] 1846 BOURNE (HENRY). Antiquitates vulgares, with addenda to every chapter, by John BRAN i>. 1810 BOURNE (VINCENT). The poetical works of V. B. "'-ford, 1826. 8 BOUSTON (T.). See T. BOSTON. BOUTERWEK (FRIEDRICH). Lehrbuch der phi- losophischeu W T issenschaften. 2 Theil. G&ttingen, 1815. 8 BOUTIGNY (ROLL AND LE VAYER DE). See R. LEVAYER DE BOUTIGNY. BOUVIER (JEAN-BAPTISTE). Dissertatio in sex- turn decalogi prreceptum, ei supplernentum ad tractatum de matrimonio. Quhita editio. Cenomani, 1832. 12 A treatise on indiilgences. Translated from the French. With a preface by the Rev. Fre- derick Oakeley, M.A. London, 1848. 12 BOWDEN (JAMES). Remains selected from the MSS. of J. B. Edited by Richard Bowden. London, 1814. 8 BOWDEN (JOHN), D.D., Professor of belles-lettres and moral philosophy, New York. Works on Episcopacy, by J. B. and J. E. COOKE. 2 vol. New York, 1831. 12 BOWDEN (JOHN WILLIAM), M.A. The life and pontificate of GREGORY VII. 1840 BOWDLER (Miss). Poems and essays. 2 vol. 4th ed. Bath, 1787. 8 BOWDLER (JOHN), oft he Inner Temple. Reform or ruin : take your choice ! In which the con- duct of the king : the parliament, the ministry, the opposition, the nobility and gentry, the bishops and clergy, &c. &c. &c. is considered ; and that reform pointed out, which alone can save the country. 5th ed. London, 1798. 8 *Memoir of the late J. B., Esq. ...To which is added some account of the late Thos. Bowdler, Esq. By the Rev. Thomas Bowdler. London, 1825. 8 BOWDLER (JOHN), Jun., of Lincoln's Inn. Se- lect pieces in verse and prose. 2 vol. 3d ed. London, 1818. 8 Theological tracts. E\\ Mi-.u.n). The history of the Popes, from the foundation of the see of Koine, to the present time. 7 vol. A.//K/./K, 17."o <;;. 4' *A dialogue between A rchiha Id and Timothy ; or, some observations upon the dedication and preface to the History of the Popes, by A B- , Esq., which may serve to form a judg- ment of that undertaking. Lontlon, 1748. 8 *Six letters from A[rchihal]d B[owe]r to Fa- ther Sheldon... illustrated with several remark- able facts, tending to ascertain the authenti- city of the said letters, and the true character of the writer. [By Dr John DOUGLAS, Bishop of Salisbury.] Ion, 17-"'<5. 8 -* One very remarkable fact more, relating to the conduct of the Jesuits. 1758. 8 Mr B.'s own account of his escape from the inquisition. To which is annexed, an account of the charge lately brought against Mi- Bower, extracted from a pamphlet, entituled, Six let- ters to Father Sheldon, &c. Edin., 1757. 8 BOWLES (CAROLINE), afterwards Caroline SOUTH EY. BOWLES (OLIVER), B.D. Zeale for God's house quickened : or, a sermon [on John, ii. 17J preached before the assembly of Lords, Com- mons, and divines, July 7, 1643. London, 1643. 4 De pastore evangelico tractatus. Londini, 1655. 8 - Another edition. Geneva?, 1667. 8 BOWLES (WILLIAM LISLE), M.A. , Canon of Salis- bury. Vindicias Wykehamicae ; or, a vindica- tion of Winchester college : in a letter to Henry Brougham, Esq., occasioned by his let- ter to Sir Samuel Romilly, on charitable abuses. London, 1818. 8 BOWLEY (WILLIAM). The Gospels and Acts in English and Hindusthanf. 1837. See BIBLES HINDUSTANI. F. The Holy Bible translated into the Hinduee language. See BIBLES HINDUWEE. A. The four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. Altered from Martyn's Oordoo translation. 1838. See BIBLES HINDUWEE. D. BOWMAN (JOHN EDDOWES). An introduction to practical chemistry, including analysis. London, 1848. 8 BOWNDE (NlOOLAsWp.D. The unbeleefe of St Thomas the Apostle, laid open for the com- fort of all that desire to beleeve. With a comfortable treatise for all that are afflicted in soule, or bodie, or otherwise. Cambridge, 1608. 8 BOWYER (THOMAS), M.A. A true account of the nature, end, and efficacy of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper : in which is contained an answer to a book [by Bishop Hoadly] en- titled, A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. London, 1736. 8 BOWYER (WILLIAM), F.S.A. Critical conjec- tures and observations on the New Testament, BOXHORNIUS BRADBURY. 105 collected from various authors. 4th ed. London, 1812. 4 BOXHORN1US (MARCUS ZUERIUS). De Tra- pezitis, vulgo Longobardis, qui in foederato Belgio mensas foenebres exercent, dissertatio. Lugd. Bat., 1640. 8 BO YD (ARCHIBALD), A.M. Episcopacy, ordina- tion, lay eldership, and liturgies ; considered in five letters. London, 1839. 8 Episcopacy and Presbytery. London, 1841. 8 Another copy. BO YD (HUGH STUART). Reflections on the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Margate, 1817. 8 BOYD (ROBERT), Professor of divinity in the Uni- versity of Glasgoiv. In Epistolam Pauli Apos- toli ad Ephesios prselectiones. Londini, 1652. fol. BOYD (ZACHARIE). The last battell of the soule in death. 2 vol. [Imperfect ; blanks sup- plied in MS.] Edin., 1629. 8 BOYER (ABEL). Le dictionnaire royal, Fran- cois- Anglois et Anglois-Francois. [le. part.] Londres, 1764. 4 Nouveau dictionnaire Frangois-Anglois et Anglois- Fran9ois. 2 torn. Paris, 1785. 4 BOYER (FR.). Les gemissemens d'une ame vivement touches de la destruction de PORT- ROYAL. 1713-17 BOYER (PIERRE). A parallel of the doctrine of the Pagans with the doctrine of the Jesuits, and that of the Constitution UNIGENITUS issued by Pope Clement XI. 1726 - The history of the Vaudois... Translated out of the French by a person of quality. London, 1692. 12 BOYLE (CHARLES), 4th Earl of Orrery. Dr Bentley's dissertations on the epistles of Pha- laris, and the fables of ./Esop, examin'd. 4th ed. London, 1745. 8 BOYLE (JOHN), 5th Earl of Cork and Orrery. Remarks on the life and writings of Dr Jona- than Swift. 5th ed. London, 1752. 12 BOYLE (The Hon. ROBERT). The works of the Hon. R. B. 6 vol. To which is prefixed the life of the author. London, 1772. 4 The theological works of the Hon. R. B. epi- tomized. By Richard Boulton. Vols. i. and ii. London, 1715. 8 Some motives and incentives to the love of God, pathetically disco^irs'd of in a letter to a friend. 5th ed. Edin., 1667. 8 - New edition. Edin., 1825. 12 - The excellency of theology, compar'd with natural philosophy... discours'd of in a letter to a friend. To which are annex' d some occa- sional thoughts about the excellency and grounds of the mechanical hypothesis. London, 1674. 8 Some considerations touching the style of the holy Scriptures. 4th ed. London, 1675. 8 A free inquiry into the vulgarly received no- tion of nature. London, 168|. 12 Disquisition about the final causes of natural things. London, 1688. 12 A defence of natural and revealed religion : being a collection of the sermons preached at the lecture founded by the Honourable Ro- bert Boyle, Esq. ; (from the year 1691 to the year 1732). With the additions and amend- ments of the several authors, and general in- dexes. See names of the authors. 3 vol. London, 1739. fol. An abridgment [by Gilbert BURNET, vicar of CoggeshalJ] of the sermons preached at the lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle, Vol. i.-iii. London, 1737. 8 - *The life of the Hon. R. B. By Thomas Birch, M.A. &F.R.S. London, 1744. 8 BOYS (EDWARD). Narrative of a captivity and adventures in France and Flanders ; between ...1803 and 1809. 2d ed. London, 1831. 8 BOYS (JOHN), D.D., Dean of Canterbury. The workes of J. B. London, 1629. fol. BOYSE (JOSEPH), Dissenting minister, Dublin. The works of J. B. 2 vol. London, 1728. fol. Remarks on a late discourse of William [King] Lord Bishop of Derry ; concerning the inven- tions of men in the worship of God. Dublin, 1694. 4 A clear account of the ancient EPISCOPACY. 1712 A vindication of the true deity of our blessed Saviour ; in answer to a pamphlet, intitled, An humble enquiry into the Scripture account of Jesus Christ, &c. 3d ed. London, 1719. 8 BRACHELIUS (ADOLPHUS). Historia nostri temporis. Editio ultima. In duas partes di- visa...et continuata in annum 1654. 2 torn. Amstelodami, 1659. 12 BRADBURY (THOMAS), Minister of New Court, Carey Street, London. The welfare of Israel considered in two sermons... With a thanks- giving sermon. London, 1707. 8 U The son of Tabeal. A sermon [on Isaiah, vii. 5-7] occasion'd by the French invasion in fa- vour of the Pretender. 2d ed. London, 1708. 8 Theocracy : the government of the judges, consider'd and applied to the Revolution, 1688 ; in a sermon [on Judges, ii. 18]. London, 1712. 8 The ass : or, the serpent. A comparison be- tween the tribes of Issachar and Dan, in their regard for civil liberty. London, [1712.] 8 New edition. Edin., 1797. 8 Steddiness in religion, recommended from the example of Daniel under the decree of Darius : in a sermon [on Dan. vi. 10]. 3d ed. London, 1712. 8 The lawfulness of resisting tyrants, argued from the history of David, and in defence of the Revolution. With some remarks on Mr Luke Milbourn's preface and sermon. 2d ed. London, 1714. 8 Justice and property the glory of a deliverance. In two sermons [on Nehem. v. 13]. London, 1715. 8 I Hardness of heart, the certain mark of a ruin'd party : opened in two sermons [on Josh. xi. 20]. London, 1716. 8 14 ! is", URADFulID The divino riiflit of kings enquir'd into, and st.it. il ; nt Iy tin- lusta of men, but tho ^re- vealed) will of (iiul, in a sermon [ on l'n>\. \iii. IT,]. London, 1718. 8 - The repontence of Ninr\ vh considi'r'd ami ap- 1'Iv'd, in two sermons [on Jonah, iii. l-lo). Lowln,', ITL'l. 8 Sermons concerning offences, rovilings, and a confession of the faith. London, 1723. 8 - Remarks on a paper entitled, A letter to Pro- testant DISSKN i I;KS. 1732. The Popish doctrine of justification by works, consider'd ; in a sermon [on Romans, iv. 3]. l.un.lun, 1735. 8 The Cliristian's consolations, in times of trouble and at death ; or, the Christian's joy in finish- ing his course exemplified. Illustrated in five sermons and sundry tracts, by the Rev. Dr Bradbury, Mess. Hervey, Halyburton, and Drelincourt. Glasgow, 1790. 12" - The mystery of godliness, considered in sixty- one sermons. Wherein the deity of Christ is proved. 2 vol. Edin. , 1795. 8 - The duty and doctrine of baptism. In thirteen sermons. With an introduction and notes, by John B. Romeyn, D.D., and Alexander M'Leod, D.D. New York, 1810. 12 BRADFORD (JOHN), M.A., Prebendary of St r.diTs. The writings of J. B., M.A. Edited for the Parker Society by Aubrey Townsend, B.D. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1848, 53. 8 Holy meditations upon the Lord's prayer, the beleife, and ten commaundements. With many holy and comfortable prayers. London, 1614. 12 BRADFORD (SAMUEL), Bishop of Carlisle, (/./'/re- wards of Rochester. The credibility of the Chris- tian revelation, from its intrinsick evidence; [in eight sermons preached at the Hon. Robert Boyle's Lecture for the year 1699 : with a ninth sermon in reply to an objection.] 1739 BRADLEY (CHARLES), M.A. Sermons, preach- ed in the parish church of High Wy combe. 2 vol. [Vol. i., 8th ed. ; vol ii., 5th ed.] London, 1830. 8 - Another edition. London, 1836. 8 Parochial sermons, preached at Glasbury. 6th ed. London, 1835. 8 Seventh edition. London, 1837. 8 C Sermons, preached in St James's, Clapliam, Surrey. 4th ed. London, 1836. 8 - Another copy. Practical sermons. Vol. i. London, 1836. 12 Second edition. 2vol. London, 1837, 38. 12 Sermons, preached chiefly at the celebration of the Lord's Supper. 2d ed. London, 1843. 8 C BRADSHAW (WILLIAM). Puritanismus Angli- cantis. 1610. [A Latin translation by W. AMES of Bradshaw's " English Puritanisme ; containing the maine opinions of the rigidest sort of those that are called puritanes in the realine of England," published anonymously in 1605.] Dissertatio de justificationis doctrina, qua via jilana munitur ad eomm concordiam qui hac do iv variai lint. /.> MUM I ' .. H dt: virtiiu- rau.sariiin, lil'i'i t *tudio Heiirii-i Savilii. . /', 1618. fol. Another ropy. BRADY (NICOLAS), D.D. A new version of tlu: Psalms <.f David. By N. TATE and N. B. 1772. .See BIULKS ENGLISH. C. BRAGGE (FRAN, is), 1M>.. /',-./.. ,,..Wi/ of Lin- I 'radical discourses upon the parables of our blessed Saviour, with prayers annexed to each discourse. 2 vol. London, 1694, 1704. 8 Practical observations upon thr miracles of our Saviour." /.-"/,/, 1702. 8 Of undissembled and persevering religion : in several sermons. London, 1713. 8 BRAGGE (ROBERTUS). Disputatio pneumatica de omniprsesentia divina ; pars prior. Trajecti ad lihenum, 1686. 4 BRAHE (TYCHO). Astronomue instauratte me- chanica. Noribergce, 1602. fol. BRAKELONDA (JOCELINUS DE). Chronica de rebus gestis Samsonis abbatis monasterii Sancti Edmundi. Nunc primum typis mandata, cu- rante Johanne Gage Rokewode. Edited for the Camden Society. Londini, 1840. 4 BRAID WOOD (WILLIAM). Parental duties il- lustrated from the word of God, and enforced by a representation of the salutary consequences arising from the proper government of children. In three discourses. 2d ed. Edin. 1796. 12 Letters on a variety of subjects, relating chiefly to Christian fellowship and Church order, in- tended as a refutation of certain principles re- spectively taught by Mr Walker of Dublin, Mr Ewing of Glasgow, Mr Ballantine of Lon- don, and some anonymous writers. Edin., 1808. 12 Another copy. Faith and works contrasted and reconciled, in six letters to a Christian friend ; containing remarks on a late address by Dr Chalmers. Glasgow, 1816. 8 BRAINE (J. T. BLED DE). Cours synthetique, analytique, et pratique de la langue Arabe. Paris, 1846. 8 BRAINERD (DAVID). An account of the life of the late Rev. D. B....by Jonathan Edwards. Edin., 1765. 8 Another edition, somewhat abridged. New York, s. a. 12 Another edition, revised and abridged, with an introductory essay by James Montgomery. Glasgow, 1829. 12 Another edition. Compiled from the memoir published by President Edwards, by the Rev. Josiah Pratt, B.D. London, 1834. 8 BRAMHALL (JOHN), D.D., Archbishop of Ar- magh. A just vindication of the Church of England, from the unjust aspersion of criminal schism. London, 1654. 8 BRAMSTON (Sir JOHN), K.B. The autobiogra- phy of Sir J. B. , of Skreens, in the hundred BRAND BRENTON. 107 of Chelmsford ; now first printed from the ori- ginal MS. in the possession of his lineal de- scendant, Thomas William Bramston, Esq. Edited for the Camden Society. London, 1845. 4 BRAND (GEOKGB BELL). Lectures and sermons. Edin., 1841. 12 BRAND (JOHN), Secretary to the Society of An- tiquaries. Observations on popular antiqui- ties ; including the whole of Mr BOURNE'S Antiquitates vulgares, with addenda to every chapter of that work : as also an appendix, containing such articles on the subject as have been omitted by that author. London, 1810. 8 BRAND (JOHN). A brief description of Orkney, Zetland, Pightland-Firth, and Caithness. Edin., 1701. 8 BRANDER (ALEXANDER), Minister of Duffus. Pastoral letter to the parishioners of Duffus. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. BRANDES (RUDOLPH). Die Mineralquellen zu Meinberg. Lemgoiv, 1832. 4 BRANDIS (CHRISTIAN AUG.). Handbuch der Geschichte der Griechisch-Romischen Philo- sophic. 2 Theil. Berlin, 1835, 44. 8 BRANDIUS (HENRICUS). Collatio scripto ha- bita Hagfe Comitis anno. . .1611, inter quosdam ecclesiastas de divina prsedestinatione, et ejus appendicibus, ex sermone vernaculo Latina facta. Huic est etiam subjecta collatio inter sex ecclesiastas Delphis habita 1613. Ziriza'ce, 1615. 4 BRANDT (Count ENWOLD). * History of Count E. B. from his imprisonment to his death ; [with a faithful narrative of the conversion and death of Count STRUENSEE.] 1773 BRANDT (GERARD), Professor of divinity to tJie Remonstrants. The history of the Reforma- tion and other ecclesiastical transactions in and about the Low Countries, from the begin- ning of the eighth century to the famous Sy- nod of Dort inclusive... Translated from the Low Dutch [by John Chamberlayne]. Vol. i., ii., iii. London, 1720-23. fol, BRASCHI (GIOVANNI ANGELO). See Pius VI., Pope. BRATHWAIT (RICHARD), A.M. The English gentleman. 2d ed. London, 1633. 4 BRAUNIUS (JOHANNES). Doctrina Foederum. Amstelodami, 1688. 4 BRAY (THOMAS), D.D. Bibliotheca parochia- lis : or, a scheme of such theological heads... as are more peculiarly requisite to be well studied by every pastor of a parish. Together with a catalogue of books which may be read upon each of those points. Part i. [all pub- lished.] London, 1697. 4 - Second edition, with large additions. London, 1707. 8 The good fight of faith, in the cause of God against the kingdom of Satan. Exemplified in a sermon [on 1 Tim. vi. 12] preach'd at the parish church of St Clement's Danes, West- minster, March 24th, 17C|, at the funeral of Mr John Dent. London, 1709. 8 BRAYLEY (EDWARD WEDLAKE). The history of the ancient palace and late houses of Par- liament at Westminster. By E. W. B., and John BRITTON. London, 1836. 8 BREADALBAJSE, 2d MARQUIS OF. See John CAMPBELL. BREADMAKING. The danger of scarcity guarded against by economy and improvement in the art of breadmaking. London, 1810. 8 BREAY (JOHN GEORGE), B. A.* Memoir of the Rev. J. G. B. With a selection from his cor- respondence. By a member of his congrega- tion. 2d ed. London, 1841. 8 - Seventh edition. London, 1859. 8 BRECHIN, BISHOP OP. See David LYNDESAY. BRECKINRIDGE (ROBERT JEFFERSON), D.D. Papism in the xix. century, in the United States. Baltimore, 1841. 12 The calling of the Church of Christ, and the rule of her faith. Philadelphia, 1842. 12 Another copy. The rule of faith : a discourse to vindicate the incarnate Word. Philadelphia, 1842. 16 Presbyterian government, not a hierarchy, but a commonwealth : and, Presbyterian ordina- tion, not a charm, but an act of government. The substance of two arguments delivered be- fore the Synod of Philadelphia met in Balti- more, October 1843. s. I. et a. 8 The Christian pastor, one of the ascension gifts of Christ. Baltimore, 1845. 8 The knowledge of God, objectively considered. New York, 1858. 8 The knowledge of God, subjectively considered. New York, 1859. 8 BREITHAUPT (JOACHIM JUSTUS). Institutio hermeneutico-homiletica...ex Divi Augustini de doctrina Christiana libris quatuor conqui- sita, illustrata atque ad usum accomodata a J. J. B. Kilonii, 1685. 4 BREITINGERUS (JOANNES JACOBUS). Vetus Testamentum (Gr.) ex versione Septuaginta interpretum. 1730. See BIBLES GREEK. C, BREKELL (JOHN). The Christian warfare ; or, a critical and practical discourse of making our calling and election sure. With an appendix concerning the persons proper to be admitted to the Lord's Supper. London, 1742. 8 BREMNER (JAMES). Memorial of Mr J. B., to the Reverend the Moderator, and other mem- bers of the New North Church session, and to the members of the congregation, in that church assembling. Edin., 1843. 4 BRENAN (M. J.), O. S. F. An ecclesiastical his- tory of Ireland : from the introduction of Chris- tianity into that country, to the year 1829. 2d ed. Dublin', 1848. 8 BRENTIUS (JOANNES). Opera. 8 torn. Tubingen, 1576-1590. fol. Catechismus pia et utili explicatione illustra- tus. Francofurti, 1551. 4 BRENTON (Sir LANCELOT CHARLES LEE), Bart. The Septuagint... translated into English. 1844. See BIBLES ENGLISH. B. 103 RELY- BE r.i;::i: ; ".!.Y <.I..n\X !>*"I> (Ki.w.vi:!.). Kiiiuine tom-hiii- the diversity of languages and ivl. throu'jh the ehiefe parts of the world. (on, H'--'2. 4 Another edition. . 1H74. 8 A learned treatise of the Sabaoth written l>v Mr E. B., to Mr Nicolas Byiield...With .Mr BYFIELD'S answere and Mr BREREWOOD'S reply. /. n;:;i. :i2. 4 Reply to Mr Byfield's answer to Mr B. 's trea- tise on th'e Sal)l>atli. 1032 A declaration of the patriarchal government of the ancient Church ; [with the Original! <>f Bishops and metropolitans, by Martin 1>< 1041 Veteris Ecclesioe gubernatio patriarchalis ab E. B. descripta ; [cum opusculis duobus Jacobi UssERii.l 1687 BRETON ( ), Llml. R.N. Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Pieman's Land, during the years 1830, 1831, 1832, and 1833. London, 1833. 8 BRETSCHNEIDER (KARL GOTTLIEB). Lexici in interpretes Gnecos Veteris Testamenti maxime scriptores Apocryphos spicilegium. Post Bielium et Sclileusnerum. .siVp, 1805. 8 Probabilia de evangelii et epistolarum Joannis Apostoli indole et origine. Lipslw, 1820. 8 Lexicon manuale Grseco-Latinum in libros Novi Testamenti. Editio secunda. 2 torn. Lipsice, 1829. 8 Ueber die Grundprinzipien. der evangelischen Theologie. [Wants title.] Altenburg, 1832. 8 Joannis Calvini, Theod. Bezse, Henrici IV., Regis, aliorumque illius aevi hominum literae quaedam nondum editre. LipsUf, 1835. 8 BRETT (THOMAS), LL.P., Rector of Bettesliangcr, Kent. An account of Church government and governors. Wherein is shewed that the go- vernment of the Church of England is most agreeable to that of the primitive Church. London, 1701. 8 Second edition, with large additions and amendments. London, 1710. 8 Another copy. A sermon on remission of sins, according to the Scriptures and the doctrine of the Church of England [John, xx. 21-23]. With a pre- face in its vindication from Popery. London, 1711. 8 A letter to [R. Lawrence] the author of Lay- baptism invalid : wherein the Popish doctrine of lay-baptism, taught in a sermon, said to have been preach'd by [Gilbert Burnet] the B[ishop] of S[arum], the 7th of Nov. 1710, is censur'd and condemned. London, 1711. 8 The Christian altar and sacrifice. A sermon, [on Heb. xiii. 10] shewing that the Lord's table is a proper altar, and the sacrament of the eucharist a proper sacrifice. London, 1713. 8 The dangers of a relapse. A sermon [on John, v. 14] preach'd at the Royal Chapel at St James's, on May 29, 1713. London, 1713. 8" A sermon on the honour of the ('hri.stian iiood, and the necessity of a divi: t< that olliee : with a prefao- to the /on, 1761. 8 The glory of the gospel, considered : in a ser- mon Ton 1 Tim. i. 2J. London, 1762. 8 A right to eternal glory, through the merito- rious obedience of Christ, proved to be consist- ent with the absolute freedom and sovereignty of divine grace, as the origin of it. In a short discourse on Titus, iii. 7. ///"//, 17U2. 8 Sin reigns not, nor shall reign, in the saints : a discourse [on Rom. vi. 14]. London, 1764. 8 A treatise on various subjects. 2d ed. "/on, 1766. 8 BRISBANE (DARCY), Lady Maxwell. The life of Darcy, Lady Maxwell, of Pollock. . .with ex- tracts from her diary... 3d ed. Abridged and revised by the Rev. W. Atherton. London, 1839. 12 BRISBANE (Sir THOMAS MAKDOCGALL), Bart. * Reminiscences of General Sir T. M. B. Edin., 1860. 4 BRISPOT(P. T. L.). Nouvelle grammaire An- glaise. Paris, 1841. 8 BRISTOL, BISHOP or. See Hugh BOULTER. BRISTOL, BISHOP or. See John CONYBEARE. BRISTOL, BISHOP OF. See Thomas N I:\VTON . BRITAIN. Remaines, concerning Britaine : but especially England, and the inhabitants there- of. [By William CAMDEN.] London, 1614. 4 The description of Britaine. [Imperfect.] B. L. fol. The political state of Great Britain ; for the month of September 1711. London, 1711. 8 The present state of Great Britain and Ire- land, in three parts. 9th ed. London, 1742. 8 BOROUGHS. An entire and complete history, political and personal, of the Boroughs of Great Britain ; together with the Cinque Ports. [By Tho. HentonBurley OLDFIELD.] 2vol. 2d ed. London, 1794. 8 CHURCH. De aiitiquitate Britannicae Eccle- sije, et nominatim de privileges Ecclesiae Can- tuariensis, atque de archiepiscopis ejusdem LXX., historia. [By Matthew PARKER.] Hanoi-ice, 1605. fol. PEERAGE. A biographical peerage of Great Britain. 4 vol. London, 1808-17. 12 ROYAL FAMILY. A short and plain descrip- BRITANNIC A- BROMLEY. Ill tion of the Royal-Family of Great Britain, shewing who of the descendants profess them- selves Popish, and who not. With a brief and easy account of the Electoral House of Hano- ver in Germany. Edin. , 1704. 4 BRITANN1CA ECCLESIA. See Church of BRITAIN. BRITANNICUS. The occasional writer: con- taining an answer to the second manifesto of the Pretender's eldest son :... Containing re- flections, political and historical, upon the last revolution, and the progress of the present rebellion in Scotland. London, 1746. 8 BRITANNICUS. Radical reform, the only re- medy for the disorders of our country ; or, observations 011 the changes necessary both in Church and State. London, 1819. 8 BRITANNUS PHILOPRESBYTER. Presby- terial government described : or, a methodical synopsis of it, as it is professed and practized in the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1695. 4 BRITISH ASSOCIATION. Lithographed sig- natures of the members of the British Associa- tion... who met at Cambridge, June 1833. With a report of the proceedings... and an al- phabetical list of members. Cambridge, 1833. 4 Reports of the meetings of the British Asso- ciation for the advancement of science, i.-xii. 11 vol. London, 1835-43. 8 BRITISH MUSEUM. The Tpwnley Gallery. 2 vol. London, 1836. 12 List of the specimens of British animals in the collection of the British Museum. Part i. Centronix or radiated animals. London, 1848. 12 - Report of the commissioners appointed to in- quire into the constitution and government of the British Museum; with minutes of evidence. London, 1850. fol. BRITTON (JOHN). The history of the ancient palace... at Westminster. ByE. W. BRAYLEY, and J. B. 1836 BROADE (THOMAS). Three questions [concern- ing the fourth commandment] answered. Oxford, 1621. 4 BROCHANT DE VILLIERS (A. J. M.). Traits' e'le'mentaire de mine'ralogie. 2 torn. Paris, 1801. 8 BROCHMAND (CASPAR ERASMUS). Religionis Christiana) articuli : De ministerio ecclesiastico, et disciplina ecclesiastica...explicati. [Wants vol. i. and part of vol. ii.] s. I. et a. 4 BROCK (WILLIAM), M.A., Rector of Bishop's Waltham. Popery in the English church : A letter to the Archbishop of York on Archdea- con Wilberf orce's ' ' Doctrine of the holy eucha- rist." With an appendix. London, [1854]. 8 BROD^EUS (JOANNES). EPIGRAMMATA Grseca annotationibus. . .illustrata 1600 BRODIE (ALEXANDER), of Brodie. The diary of Alexander Brodie of Brodie, MDCLII.-MDCLXXV. , and of his son, James BRODIE of Brodie, MDCLXXV.-MDCLXXXV. Consisting of extracts from the existing manuscripts, and a republi- cation of the volume printed at Edinburgh in the year 1740. [Edited for the Spalding Club by David Laing, LL.D.] Aberdeen, 1863. 4 BRODIE (GEORGE), Advocate. A history of the British empire from the accession of Charles I. to the Restoration. 4vol. Edin., 1822. 8 BRODIE (JAMES), of Brodie. The diary of Alex- ander BRODIE of Brodie, and of his son, J. B. 1863 BRODIE (JAMES), Minister of the. Free Church, Monimail. The alphabet explained ; or, the science of articulate sounds described, illus- trated, and viewed in connection with the ori- gin and history of nations. Edin. , 1840. 16 Remarks on the Headship of Christ, and the present position of the Church of Scotland. [Cupar-Fife], 1842. 8 Another copy. Our present position on the chart of time, as revealed in the word of God. London, 1844. 12 The rational creation ; an inquiry into the nature and classification of rational creatures, and the government which God exercises over them. Edin., 1855. 8 Remarks on the antiquity and nature of man, in reply to the recent work of Sir Charles Lyell. Edin., 1864. 8 BRODIE (PETER BELLINGER), M.A. A history of the fossil insects in the secondary rocks of England. London, 1845. 8 BRODRICK (Hon. GEORGE C.), Barrister-at- Law. A collection of the judgments of the judicial committee of the PRIVY COUNCIL. Edited by G. C. B. and the Rev. W. H. FRE- MANTLE. 1865 BROEDER (CHRISTIAN GOTTLOB). Practische Grammatik der lateinischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1787. 8 Lectiones Latinfe, delectandis excolendisque puerorum ingeniis accommodates. Collectoe a C. G. B. .. Lipsice, 1787. 8 BROES (BROERIUS). Institutiones theologies theoreticse, tarn elencticse, quam theticae. Lugd. Bat., 1788. 8 BROGDEN (JAMES), M.A. Catholic safeguards against the errors, corruptions, and novelties of the Church of Rome ; being discourses and tracts, selected from the works of eminent divines of the Church of England, who lived during the seventeenth century. Vol. i., ii. London, 1846. 8 BROKESBY (FRANCIS), B.D. An history of the government of the primitive Church for the three first centuries and the beginning of the fourth ; shewing that the Church in those first ages, as it has been ever since, was governed by Bishops, or officers superior to Presbyters. Wherein also the suggestions of David Blondel to the contrary are considered. London, 1712. 8 The divine right of Church-government by Bishops asserted and proved. London, 1714. 8 BROMLEY (THOMAS). The way to the sabbath of rest, or, the soul's progress in the work of the new birth. To which are now added, two BROOK-BROWN discourses of the author, never before printed, vix . Thu journeys of tin- children of Israel, as in their names and historical passages, they comprise the great and gradual work of rege- neration. And a treatise of extraordinary divine dispensations, under the Jewish and gospel administrations. London, 1710. 8 BROOK ( I 1 . i N.I AM IN). The lives of the Puritans : containing a biographical account of those divines who distinguished themselves in the cause of religious liberty, from the Reforma- tion under Queen Elizabeth, to the Act of Uniformity, in 1062. 3 vol. London, 1813. 8 BROOKE (HENRY). The Earl of Essex : a tra- gedy. ,1761. li' - Gustavtts Vasa ; a tragedy. E'l'm., 1701. 12 BROOKE (HENRY JAMES), F.R.S. A familiar introduction to crystallography. London, 1823. 8 BROOKE, LORD. See Fulke GREVILLE. BROOKE (ZACHARIAH), B.D. An examination of Dr Middleton's " Free inquiry into the miraculous powers of the primitive Church."... In which is proved at large, as well from pre- sumptive evidence as positive testimony, that we have sufficient reason to believe the con- tinuance of miracles after the days of the Apostles. Cambridge, 1750. 8 BROOKES (MATTHEW), D.D.-The sacred and most mysterious history of man's redemption, wherein is set forth the gracious administration of God's covenant with mankind at all times, from the beginning of the world unto the end. London, 1057. fol. BROOKES (RICHARD), M.D. The general ga- zetteer, or compendious geographical diction- ary. London, 1815. 8 BROOKS (JOSHUA W.), M. A. , Vicar ofSt Mary's, Nottingham. Elements of prophetical inter- pretation. London, 1836. 8 Another copy. Essays on the advent and kingdom of Christ and the events connected therewith. 3d ed. London, 1840. 8 Lectures on subjects connected with prophecy. [First series.] Edin., [1841 j. 8 BROOKS (THOMAS). A string of pearles ; or, the best things reserved till last. Discovered in a sermon [on 1 Pet. i. 4]. London, 1657. 8 The mute Christian under the smarting rod : with sovereign antidotes against the most mi- serable exigents, llth ed. Glasgow, 1730. 12 Fourteenth edition. Falkirk, 1783. 12 A treatise on assurance. A new edition, con- siderably amended and abridged. JBdin., 1777. 12 A golden key to open hidden treasures. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1810, 11. 8 Apples of gold for young men and women: and a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, the happiness of being good betimes : and the honour of being an old disciple, clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully ap- plied. Also, the young man's objections an- swered, and the old man's doubts resolved. 22d i > I 1 . 1 _ BROTCHIE (JAMES). The Church and dissent- ers : a lecture delivered in...< >rkne\ , 7th No- vember, 1833. 12 HKoTIIKlIs ( K,. HAHD). A revealed knowledge of the prophecies and times. Book the first. Wrote under the direction of the Lord God, and published by his sacred coniinuinl taining, with other great and remarkable tilings... the restoration of the Hebrews to Je- rusalem, by the year of 17!W, under their re- vealed prince and prophet, Richard Brothers. London, 1794. 12 BROUGHAM (HENRY), LordBroughamand Vantx. A letter to Sir Samuel Romiily, M.P., upon the abuse of charities. With appendix : con- taining minutes of evidence taken before the Education committee. 7th id. 1818. 8 The speech of H. B. in the House of Commons, May 8, 1818, on the education of the poor, and charitable abuses. London, 1818. 8 Practical observations upon the education of the people, addressed to the working classes and their employers. 10th ed. London, 1825. 8 A discourse of natural theology. Showing the nature of the evidence and the advantages of the study. London, 1835. 12 Second edition. London, 1835. 12 Fourth edition. London, 1835. 12 Dissertations on subjects of science connected with natural theology : being the concluding volumes of the new edition of Paley's work. 2 vol. London, 1839. 12 Installation address delivered [by Lord B. as Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh] on 18th May. With notes. /., 1860. 8 BROUGHTON (ELIZABETH). Six years' resi- dence in Algiers. London, 1839. 12 BROUGHTON (Hucn). The works of H. B. collected into one volume and digested into four tomes. London, 1662. fol. Concentus SS. Scripturse. Liber continens et explicans breviter, pneter accuratam chro- nologiam, ab Adamo usque ad Domini Nostri Jesu Christi mortem, praecipuos turn aliorum Scripturae librorum nodes, turn vero Apoca- lypseos. Hanovice, 1602. 4 Another edition. Francofurti, 1606. 4 BROUGHTON (TOMAS), M.A.- An Saighidear Criosduidh no na dleasnais iomchuidh chaum beatha dhiadhiadh chaithe air an Spairadh air an armailt o Eisempleir Chornelius Searmoin Le T. B. Dun-Eaduin, 1797. 12 BROUN (J.), Wamphray. See J. BROWN. BROWN (ADAM).* Remarks on a letter ad- dressed to the members of the old Church of Scotland, by the Rev. Adam Brown of Crock- edholm ; with an introductory narrative of the rise and progress of sectarian principles among the old dissenters : and an appendix... By an old dissenter. Edin., ,1823. 8 Sacramental discourses. With a brief memoir BROWN BROWN. 113 by the Rev. Peter Macindoe, A.M. Glasgow, 1839. 12 BROWN (ANDREW). History of Glasgow ; and of Paisley, Greenock, and Port-Glasgow. Glasgoiv, 1795. 8' BROWN (ARCHIBALD), A.M. The strength of the Church : a sermon preached at the open- ing of the Synod of Original Seceders, January 11, 1842. With an appendix, pointing out the sinf ulness of patronage, and the manner in which the Church of Scotland should exert her strength in the present crisis. Edin., 1842. 12 BROWN (CHARLES J.), D.D., Minister of Free New North church, Edinburgh. Letter on the Government scheme of EDUCATION. 1832 - Church establishments defended, with special reference to the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1833. 12 Another copy. Formidable character of Popery ; its present aspect in relation to this country ; the duty of Protestants. Glasgow, 1836. 8 - Tract on the intrusion ministers. NQ. v. Edin., 1839. 8 - Rights of the Christian people in the appoint- ment of their minister, and especially the ne- cessity of their consent to the formation of the pastoral relation. Edin. , 1842. 12 - Sermon preached before the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, on Tuesday, 21st May 1844, being the day appointed by the Assembly for solemn humiliation and prayer, in reference to the state of religion. Edin., 1844. 8 - The moral law, its immutability and sanc- tions ; sin, its nature and consequences : oppo- site errors of popery destructive of the law ; venial sin ; human satisfactions and merits ; indulgences, &c. &c. (Lect. on Protest.) s. I. et a. 12 BROWN (DAVID), D.D., Professor, Free Church College, Aberdeen. Christ's second coming : will it be pre-millennial ? Edin., 1846. 8 - Second edition. Edin., 1849. 12 Another copy. - Third edition. Edm., 1853. 8 - Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, embracing the latest results of criticism. Glasgow, 1860. 8 - The restoration of the Jews : the history, principles, and bearings of the question. Edin., 1861. 8 BROWN (GEORGE). An account of the rotula arithmetics Edin., 1700. 16 C BROWN (GEORGE), North Berivick. Discourses on interesting subjects. To which is added a sermon, preached on occasion of his death, by John BROWN, D.D., Edinburgh. Edin., 1844. 8 BROWN (HENRY). The history of Illinois, from its first discovery and settlement, to the pre- sent time. New York, 1844. 8 BROWN (J.). Mathematical tables... 4th ed., improved and enlarged by the Rev. J. Wal- lace. Edin., 1826. 8 BROWN (Captain J. ). A letter to Messrs George Miller, Thomas Allan, and Peter Brown. Edin., 1821. 8 BROWN (JAMES REID). Reply to certain "re- marks" contained in a pamphlet, lately pub- lished by George Stokes, Esq., in which Mr S. professes to repel " the recent accusations against the committee of the British and Fo- reign Bible society ;" being the substance of a speech, part of which was delivered at the last committee meeting of the Berwick Auxiliary Bible society, January 2, 1827. Berwick, 1827. 8 Another copy. BROWN, or BROUN (JOHN), Minister at Wam- phray. An apologeticall relation of the suffer- ings of the ministers of the CHURCH OF SCOT- LAND. 1665 Libri duo ; in priori Wolzogium, in libellis duobus de interprete Scripturarum, causam orthodoxam prodidisse demonstratur. In pos- teriori, Lamberti Velthusii sententia libertino- Erastiana in libello vernaculo de idololatria et superstitione, nuper proposita, detegitur et confutatur. Amstel, 1670. 8 Another copy. De causa Dei contra antisabbatarios, tractatus. 2 torn. [Tom i. wants title. ] JRotterodami, 1674, 76. 4 Tom ii. Eotterodami, 1676. 4 Christ the way, and the truth, and the life. Or, a short discourse, pointing forth the way of making use of Christ for justification, and especially... for sanctification, in all its parts, from John, xiv. 6. Rotterdam, 1677. 12 Another edition. Edin., 1839. 12 Quakerisme the pathway to paganisme ;... being an examination of the theses and apolo- gie of Robert Barclay. Edin., 1678. 4 Another copy. Another copy. The life of justification opened ; or, a treatise grounded on Gal. ii. 11. s. I. , 1695. 4 Another copy. The life of faith in time of trial and affliction, cleared up and explained, from Heb. x. 18. 2 parts. Edin., 1716. 12 A new edition ; to which is prefixed a biogra- phical sketch of the author. Paisley, 1824. 12 A pious and elaborate treatise concerning prayer and the answer of prayer. Edin., 1720. 8 Christ in believers the hope of glory ; being the substance of several sermons. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1736. 12 Another edition : with an introductory sketch by the Rev. J. Macdouald, A.M., Scots Church, Islington. London, 1837. 12 An exposition of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans, with large practical observations. Edin., 1766. 4 The history of the Indulgence ; [with Faithful witness-bearing exemplified, by John HOWIE]. 1783 A mirror : or, looking-glass for saint and sin- 15 lit BROWN-BROWN i ., triiu-s of the Gospel , viv, from (Jul. ii. l!>. ./ , 17'.':;. 1-' 1 t . I . . ii N). A brief dissertation concern- in" the righteousness of Christ. 2il . <\. . i::>9. 16 BROWN (.II.IIN), D.D., r, <'"<"- of the MANNERS and j.riu- , of tli.- Ii. 1759 BROWN (.IMHN), Minister at Haddington. Sa- ! >,'v ; i >r, a brief view of the figures, and i xplK.uiou of the metaphors, contained in Svriptuiv. Vv'./m., 1768. 12 ..ml edition. /v/,'/i., 1782. 12 A general history of the Christian Church, from the birth of our Saviour to the present time. 'Jvol. /;,/;., 1771. 12 Another copy. - The absurdity and perfidy of all authoritative toleration of gross heresy, blasphemy, idolatry, Popery, in Britain. In two letters to a friend. Glasgow, 1780. 8 Another edition. Glasgow, 1803. 12 The re-exhibition of the testimony vindicated. In opposition to the unfair account given of it, by the Rev. Mr Adam Gib. Glasgow, 1780. 8 - The Christian, the student, and the pastor ex- emplified : in the lives of Messrs James Fraser, James Hog, T. Halyburton, O. Stockton, M. Henry, P. Doddridge, T. Shepherd, C. Ma- ther, and Jonathan Edwards. Edin., 1781. 12 A compendious view of natural and revealed religion. In seven books. Glasgow, 1782. 8 Second edition. JBdm., 1796. 8 A harmony of Scripture prophecies, and his- tory of their fulfilment. Glasgmc, 1784. 8 Two short catechisms mutually connected. 18th ed., to which is now added, the Gospel catechism. Edin., 1790. 12 - Twentieth edition. Edin., 1793. 12 Another edition. Edin., 1797. 12 - Da Leabhar Cheist co-cheangailte r'a cheille. [Translated by Mr M'Donald, teacher, Edin- burgh.] Dun-Eidin, [1802]. 12 An historical account of the rise and progress of the Secession. ' 6th ed. Edin., 1791. 12 - The self-interpreting Bible. 1791. See BIBLES ENGLISH. A. The Family Bible. 1842. See BIBLES ENG- LISH. A. - Letters on the constitution, government, and discipline of the Christian Church. 2d ed. Edin., 179!). 12 - The Christian journal ; or, common incidents, spiritual instructors. Being a series of medi- tations on a spring, summer, harvest, winter, and sabbath-day. 8th ed. Edin., 1804. 12 - An essay towards an easy, plain, practical, and extensive explication of the Assembly's shorter catechism. 8th ed. .,1812. 12 Ninth edition. . Mont rose, 1822. 8 A dictionary of the Holy Bible.... A new edi- tion, with the author's last additions... and further enlarged and corrected by his sons. With a life of the author. Edin., 1819. 4 L Original edition, with notes ;... and a iiK-nioir of the author by his grandson, Rev. J. lln.w n Paters, m. 9rdL . 1833. 8 A O'liiprnilious history of the British C'liur- in Kn^land, Scotland, Ireland, and Am. r With an introductory sketch of the histm -\ the Waldenses. To which is added an Imto- 1 account of th< ... ii vol. /;>//,/., 1820. 8 Devout breathings of a pious soul, with con- siderable improvements. To which are add. select meditations on interesting subjects, by the same author. Eh Church question, with documents sub- mitted to them by the MARQUIS OF BREADAL- BANE and the Rev. Dr Brown. 1843 BROWN (JOHN), Minuter at /Sfetrai-fon. Prayers and sermons. Glasgow, 1834. 8 Prayers printed from the MSS. of the late Rev. J. B. Glasgow, 1838. 8 BROWN (JOHN), D.D., Aghadowey. 1638 ; or, the covenanters : a sermon preached in Hope- street Gaelic church, Glasgow, on 21st Nov. , ls:;s. Glasgow, 1839. 8 BROWN (JOHN TODD). A brief reply to " Sco- tus," the dominie, by TORRIS. [Pseud.] 1843 BROWN (JOSEPH), M.A., of Queen's College, Cam- bridge. A sermon [on Rev. xiv. 13] occa- sioned by the death of W. Wilberforce, Esq. , preached Aug. 11, 1833. London, 1833. 8 BROWN (ROBERT), F.R.S. Prodromus Florae Novse Hollandise, et insulae Van Dieman ; ex- hibens characteres plantarum, quas, annis 1802-5, per oras utriusque insulae collegit et descripsit. 2d ed. Norimbergce, 1827. 8 BROWN (ROBERT), Minister at Dunfermline. Lectures, sermons, and sacramental addresses. With a brief memoir of his life. Edin., 1830. 12 BROWN (ROBERT). Light and darkness : an his- torical parallel. London, 1859. 8 An exposition, explanatory and practical, of the parable of the sower. London, 1859. 12 BROWN (ROBERT LUNDIN), Minister of the Free t'lmrch at Largo. A letter to the MODERATE BRETHREN. 1842 Address to the parishioners of Largo, on behalf of a TEMPERANCE society. s. a. BROWN (SAMUEL), M.D. Lectures on the ato- mic theory, and essays scientific and literary. 2 vol. Edin., 1858. 12 BROWN (T. J.), S.T.D., R. C. Bishop of New- port. Supplement to the Downside discussion. London, 1836. 8 The infallibility of the Church of Rome. A correspondence between the Right Rev. Bishop B....and the Rev. Joseph BAYLEE, M.A. London, 1851. 12 BROWN (THOMAS), the younger, pseud., i. e. Tho- mas MOORE. BROWN, or BROWNE (Sir THOMAS), M.D. Religio medici. 4th ed. With annotations, never before published, upon all the obscure passages therein. London, 1656. 8 The seventh edition, corrected and amended. With annotations upon all the obscure passage* th.-ivin. Also observations by Sir Kiialm Digl.y. London, 1672. 4 Another edition. / mlon, 1678. 8 AnotluT i-ditiiin : to which is added, Hydro- taphia, or um-lmri:il, a discourse on sepulcln.il urns. With ;i ]>ivlinmi:iry discourse and notes, by J. A. St. John, Esq. London, 1838. 8 Pseudodoxia epidemica ; or, enquiries into i.iaiiy ivcchvd U-nriit ;md commonly pre- sumed truths, which examined prove but vul- gar and common errors. f>th cd. Wla-numo are now added two discourses ; the one, of Urn- burial... The other, of The Garden of Cyrus. Eon, ii;;'.. 4 Sixth edition. London, 1672. 4 Certain miscellany tracts. London, 1684. 8 BROWN (THOMAS), M.D. , Professor of moral /./. i- losophy in tlie University of Edinburgh. Obser- vations on the Zoonomia of Erasmus Darwin, M.D. Edin. ,1796. 8 Observations on the nature and tendency of the doctrine of Mr Hume, concerning cause and effect. Edin., ISM. 8 Third edition. Edin., 1818. 8 Another copy. Fourth edition ; [a reprint of the 3d ed.]. London, 1835. 8 Another copy. A short criticism of the terms of the charge against Mr Leslie, in the protest of the minis- ters of Edinburgh, as explained by them in their late pamphlet. Edin. , 1806. 8 An examination of some remarks in the reply of Dr John Inglis to Professor Playfair. Edin., 1806. 8 Another copy. Two letters, on the subject of the present va- cancy in the professorship of ORIENTAL LAN- GUAGES. 1813 Sketch of a system of the philosophy of the human mind. Part first. Comprehending the physiology of the mind. Edin., 1820. 8 Another copy. * Remarks on Dr Brown's physiology of the mind. Perth, 1820. 8 Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind. 4vol. Edin,, 1820. 8 Another edition With a memoir of the au- thor by the Rev. David Welsh. Edin., 1830. 8 Tenth edition. E din., 1837. 8 Thirteenth edition. Edin., 1842. 8 The poetical works of T. B. 4 vol. Edin., 1820. 16 Another copy. * Account of the life. . .of T. B. , M.D. By the Rev. David Welsh. Edin., 1825" 8 Another copy. BROWN (THOMAS), D.D., Dalkeith. A sermon [on Heb. xi. 4] preached at Leith on the Sab- bath after the funeral of the Rev. Thomas Aitchison. Edin., 1826. 8 Sermons. Edin., 1828. 8 J The reminiscences of an old traveller through- BROWN BROWNE. out different parts of Europe. 2d ed. Edin., 1835. 8 Another copy. BROWN (THOMAS), D.D., Minister of Free St John's, Glasgow. Popery perverts the Gospel. Justification Merits Impetrations Pil- grimages Relics, &c. [Glasgow Lectures on Popery.] " Glasgmo, 1836. 8 BROWN (THOMAS), M.D., Musselburgh. The present ruined and degraded aspect and posi- tion of the KIRK OF SCOTLAND. 1842 BROWN (WILLIAM), M.D. Hints on the estab- lishment of an universal written character. In a letter to the Rev. Dr John Kemp. [Edin., 1797.] 8 Hints respecting the motion produced by mag- netism. : and further remarks on the universal character. Edin., 1815. 8 BROWN (WILLIAM), Junior. A probationary essay on the powers which move the blood. Edin., 1817. 8 BROWN (Rev. WILLIAM), M.D. The history of the propagation of Christianity among the heathen since the Reformation. 2 vol. Edin., 1814. 8 - Third edition. 3vol. Edin., 1854. 8 BROWN (WILLIAM). Teagasgan Criosduidh ar- son Cloinne o thri gu deich bliadhna dh'aois ann an tri earrannaibh. Glascho, 1819. 12 Another copy. BROWN (WILLIAM), D.D., Minister of Eskdale- muir. Antiquities of the Jews, carefully com- piled from authentic sources, and their cus- toms illustrated from modern travels. 2 vol. London, 1820. 8 Another copy. BROWN (WILLIAM), Minuter at Enfield. Ser- mons for the use of families. Vol. i. London, 1821. 8 BROWN (WILLIAM LAURENCE), Principal of Ma- rischal College, Aberdeen. Substance of a speech, in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 28th of May, 1800, on the ques- tion respecting the settlement, at Kingsbarns, of the Rev. Dr Robert Arnot, professor of di- vinity in St Mary's College, St Andrews. Edin., 1800. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - Letters to the Rev. Dr George Hill, Principal of St Mary's College, St Andrews. Aberdeen, 1801. 8 - Remarks on certain passages of ' ' An examina- tion of Mr Dugald Stewart's pamphlet, by one of the ministers of Edinburgh ;" relative to subjects nearly connected with the interests of religion and learning. Aberdeen, 1806. 8 - The advantages of early piety. A sermon [on 2 Tim. iii. 15J preached... May 11, 1806. Aberdeen, 1806. 8 - Another copy. - A letter to George Hill, D.D., St Andrews, occasioned by the publication of the substance of his speech in the General Assembly, May 23, 1807. Edin., 1807. 8 Another copy. On the character and influence of a virtuous king. A sermon preached. . .on occasion of the jubilee on the fiftieth anniversary of his Ma- jesty's accession. Aberdeen, 1810. 8 An essay on the existence of a supreme Crea- tor, possessed of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness. 2d ed. 2 vol. Aberdeen, 1818. 8 Lecture introductory to the course on practi- cal religion,... delivered in...Marischal College and University of Aberdeen, Nov. 22d, 1825. Aberdeen, 1826. 8 BROWND (GEORGE). A voyce from heaven, speaking good and comfortable words, con- cerning saints departed, in a sermon [on Rev. xiv. 13] preached Sept. 6, 1658, at the funeral of Mr Thomas Goodwin. London, 1659. 4 BROWNE (EDWARD HAROLD), B.D. An expo- sition of the thirty r nine articles, historical and doctrinal. 4th ed. Londo-ii, 1858. 8 BROWNE (ISAACUS HAWKINS). De animi im- mortalitate ; poema. Editio quinta. AbredonifK, 1813. 8 BROWNE (JAMES), LL.D. A history of the Highlands and of the Highland clans. 4 vol. Glasgow, 1837, 38. 8 BROWNE (JOHN), M.A., Rector of Beeby.The divine authority of the Christian religion, and the natural deity of Jesus Christ, the author of it, asserted in eight sermons, preached... in the years 1730, and 1731, at the lecture found- ed by Lady Moyer. London, 1732. 8 BROWNE (JOHN), M.A., Cambridge. An essay on universal redemption ; tending to prove that the general sense of Scripture favours the opinion of the final salvation of all mankind. London, 1798. 8 BROWNE (JOHN), M.A., Fellow of C. C. C., Ox- ford. Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1806, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1809. 8 BROWNE (JOHN), LL.B., Curate of Trinity church, Cfoltenham. Sermons, preached in the church of the Holy Trinity, Cheltenham. London, 1836. 8 BROWNE (MARY ANN). Mont Blanc, and other poems. London, 1827. 8 Repentance : and other poems. London, 1829. 8 BROWNE (MosEs). The Christian's glorious coronation day. A sermon [on 1 Pet. v. 1] preached Oct. 4, 176] . London, 1761. 8 The works, and rest, of the creation. 6th ed. Edin., 1805. 12 BROWNE (PETER), D.D., Bishop of Cork and Rosse. The procedure, extent, and limits of human UNDERSTANDING. ' 1729 Things divine and supernatural conceived by ANALOGY. 1733 Sermons on various subjects. 2 vol. London, 1749. 8 BROWNE (RICHARD). A physical account of the tree of life. Translated out of the Latin of Edward Madeira ARRAIS, by R. B. 1683 BROWNE (SIMON), Dissenting minister in the Old 118 l;llu\\M; IMM OE ions on several subjects. London, 1722. 8 A defence of the religion of nature, and the itimi : against tin- defective ac- o.uii '!-, ami the exceptions against ther, in a ln.dk [by Matthew TindalJ en- titled. " Christianity as old as the creation." Lun'l,i, 17:52. 8 - Another copy. Second edition. Lorn/on, 1752. 8 - A fit rebuke to a ludicrous infidel : in some ivmarks on .Mr Woolston's fifth discourse on the miracles of o\ir Saviour. With a preface concerning the prosecution of such writers by . ,-rs. London, 1732. 8 [Theological tracts, edited by John BROWN, D.D. Vol. i.) .,1853. 8 I'.KOWNK (Sir THOMAS). See Sir T. BROWN. liltoWNE (THOMAS), D.D. An examination of the calumnies which have been assigned as rea- sons for the opposition to Dr Browne's election into the office of vice-chancellor. Oambridg*, 1810. 8 Remarks on two pamphlets lately published at Cambridge : the first, entitled, " An examina- tion of calumnies," &c. ; the second, entitled, " A plain statement of facts." By a member of the Senate. London, 1811. 8 BROWNE ( WILLIAM GEORGE). Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, from the year 1792 to 1798. 2d ed. London, 1806. 4 BROWNING (ARCHIBALD), Titlicoultnj. Apo- logy for withdrawing from the communion of the United Associate Church. Alloa, 1841. 12 BROWNING (COLIN ARROTT), M.D. The con- vict ship ; a narrative of the results of scrip- tural instruction and moral discipline, as these appeared on board the " Earl Grey," during the voyage to Tasmania : with brief notices of individual prisoners. London, 1844. 12 BROWNING (G.). The domestic and financial condition of Great Britain ; preceded by a sketch of her foreign policy, and of the sta- tutes and politics of France, Russia, Austria, and Prussia. London, 1834. 8 BROWNING (JAMES), AucMermuehty.Jesaf Christ the true God : A sermon [on 1 John, v. 20] in which the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ is proved and illustrated. Edin., 1792. 8 -Sermons. 2vol. Edin., 1794. 12 BROWNING (WILLIAM SHIPTOX). The history of the Huguenots during the sixteenth century. 2 vol. London, 1829. 8 BROWNISTS. An apologie or defence of siich true Christians as are commonly (but unjustly) called Brownists : against such imputations as are lay'd upon them by the heads and doctors of the University of Oxford. [By the Rev. John ROBINSON.] s. I, 1604. 4 Another copy. BROWNLEE (THOMAS), Laird of Torfoot.A narrative of the battles of Drumclog and Both- well bridge. With an appendix, containing notices of some of the principal characters who figured in these transactions. ,1823. 12 BROWNLEE (\VIU.IAM 0*UO), I'D.. New }'< .!>.. /V../.'oro/ He- brew intheUni /.Wi'/i '"';'//!. Scriimiis ami I^tures. /:-///<., 1818. 8 Outlines of a speech intended t<> h;i\c liri-n de- livered in tlu- Commission of General Assem- bly, 1st March 1843. /;./;., 1843. 8 Another copy. II1U ' NTON (G.), Solicitor. An historical account of the senators of the College of Justice.... By G. B., and D. HAIG, assistant librarian to the Faculty of Advocates. /;./;,<., 1832. 8 BRUTUS (PETRUS). De omni genere virtutis benemeritos victoria contra judieos. Vicentice, 1489. fol. BRUTUS (STEPHANUS JUNIUS), pseud, i. e. Hu- 1-crtus LANGUKTI s. BRUYN (GUALTERUS DE). Disputationum phi- losophicamni decima, de ethica. i 'Itrajecti, 1640. 4 Disputationum philosophicarum undecima, et ultima. De ceconomica et politica. t'lf,;,j,;-ti,I640. 4 BRUYS (FRANCOIS). Histoire des PAPES. 1732-34 BRYANT (JACOB), M.A. A treatise upon the authenticity of the Scriptures, and the truth of the Christian religion. London, 1792. 8 Second edition. Cambridge, 1793. 8 Another copy. A dissertation concerning the war of Troy, and the expedition of the Grecians. 2d ed. Londoii, 1799. 4 Observations upon some passages in Scripture, which the enemies to religion have thought most obnoxious, and attended with difficulties not to be surmounted. London, 1803. 4 A new system ; or, an analysis of antient my- thology, wherein an attempt is made to divest tradition of fable, and to reduce the truth to its original purity. 3d ed. ; with... some ac- count of the author, a vindication of the Apa- mean medal, observations and inquiries relat- ing to various parts of antient history... and 41 plates. 6 vol. London, 1807. 8 Observations upon the plagues inflicted upon the Egyptians. ...To which is prefixed a prefa- tory discourse, concerning the Grecian colonies from Egypt. A new edition. London, 1810. 8 BRYCE (JAMES). A narrative of the proceed- ings of the Associate (Antiburgher) Synods, in Ireland and Scotland, in the affair of the royal bounty. With remarks on ordination. Belfast, 1816. 8 BRYCE (JAMES), D.D. Sermons. London, 1818. 8 Idolatry in India. [A letter] to the Rev. Robert Buchanan, Glasgow. Edin., 1838. 8 V The present position of the Church of Scot- land ; a letter to George Cook, D.D. Edin., 1838. 8 Another copy. A second letter on the present position of the Church of Scotland ; addressed to George Cook, D.D. Edin., 1839. 8 - Another copy. Speech of J. B., in the Commission of the General Assembly, on tin.- llth Dec. is:; 1 .', "ii the Strathbogie case. Revised. To which is added speech of the Rev. W. LISTON, on second- ing Dr Bryce's motion ; and an address t" the clergy of the Church of England, on the pre- sent position of the Church of Scotland. /;/;,.., 1839. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The non-intrusion question. Speeches on the Earl of Aberdeen's bill, and the Strathbogie case, delivered in the last General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. London, 1840. 8 Speech delivered in the General Assembly, on the 27th May, 1841, in the case of the Strath- bogie ministers. Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. Letter to the ministers of the Convocation. A brief summary of " Moderate" principles and policy, as they affect the present position of the Church of Scotland. 2d ed., with an ap- pendix, (being a letter from the Rev. W. Cun- ningham to Dr J. B.). Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Postscript to Dr Bryce's letter to the ministers of the Convocation ; containing reply to Dr Cunningham's letter to Dr Bryce. Edin., 1843. 8 Three letters of Dr CUNNINGHAM and Dr Bryce on the circa sacra power of the civil magistrate. 1843 Ten years of the Clnirch of Scotland from 1833 to 1843. With historical retrospect from 1560. 2 vol. Edin., 1850. 8 BRYCE (R. J.), LL.D. Practical suggestions for reforming the educational institutions of Scot- land : being an attempt to point out the neces- sity for desectarianizing the schools and uni- versities simultaneously. . .In two letters to the Lord Viscount Melgund. Edin., 1852. 8 BRYDGES (Hon. HENRY), D.D., Archdeacon of Rochester. A sermon [on Acts, vii. 60], preach'd before the Queen, at St James's chappel, January 31, 170|. Being the anni- versary of the martyrdom of King Charles I. London, 1709. 8 BRYDGES (Sir SAMUEL EGERTON), Bart. Let- ters on the poor laws, shewing the necessity of bringing them back nearer to the simplicity of their ancient provisions, especially with re- gard to settlements, as well for the relief of the rates, as for the comfort and moral cha- racter of the poor themselves. London, 1813. 8 BRYDON (ROBERT). The practical bearings of the doctrine of Christ's headship over the Church, with reference to the great Church controversy. Dumfries, 1844. 12 BRYDONE (P.), F.R.S. A tour through Sicily BRYDSON BUCHANAN. 121 and Malta. 2 vol. New edition. London, 1775. 8' BRYDSON (THOMAS). A summary view of he- raldry, in reference to the usages of chivalry, with an appendix respecting such distinctions of rank as have [place in the British Constitu- tion. Edin., 1795. 8 Letters on precedence, ecclesiastical and secu- lar. Being a supplement to a treatise on that subject. Edin., 1815. 12 BRYSON (JAMES). M. A. Sermons. Belfast, 1778. 8 BRYSSON (GEORGE). Memoirs of William VEITCH, and G. B. 1825 BUCANIERS. The history of the Bucaniers of America... written in several languages, and now collected into one volume. . .translated into English. 3d ed. London, 1704. 8 BUCANUS (GUILIELMUS). Institutiones theolo- gicse, seu locorum communium Christianse re- ligionis, ex Dei verbo, et prsestantissimorum theologorum orthodoxo consensu expositorum, analysis. Bernce Helvetiorum, 1602. 8 BUCER (MARTINUS). In sacra quatuor Euage- lia, enarrationes perpetuae secundum et post- remum recognitoe. Quibus inspersi sunt syn- cerioris theologize loci communes, ad Scriptu- rarum fidem simpliciter et nullius cum insec- tatione tractati : adjectis etiam aliquot locorum tractationibus, et indice copiosissimo. [Paris], 1553. fol. - Psalmorum libri quinque ad Hebraicam veri- tatem traducti, et summa fide, parique diligen- tia a M. B. enarrati. Ejusdem commentarii in librum Judicum, et in Sophoniam Prophe- tam. [Paris], 1554. fol. The mynd and exposition of that excellente learned man Martyn Bucer, uppon these wordes of S. Mathew : Woo be to the wordle by cause of offences. Faythfully translated in to Eng- lishe, by a faythfull brother, with certayne ob- jections and answeres to the same. [B. L.j Emden, 1566. 8 - The originall of bishops and metropolitans ; briefely laid downe by M. B. , John RAINOLDES, and James USSHER. . .Whereunto is annexed, a geographicall and historicall disquisition touch- ing the Lydian or Proconsular Asia ; and the seven metropoliticall Churches contained in it ; by the said Arphbishop of Armagh. Together with a declaration of the patriarchicall govern- ment of the ancient Church ; by Edward BRERE- WOOD. Oxford, 1641. 4 -- De vera Ecclesiarum in doctrina, ceremoniis, et disciplina, reconciliatione et compositione... Responsio ad caluirnias Alberti Pighii Cam- pensis, contra confessionem et apologiam Pro- testantium nuper vulgatas, et refutatio suggil- lationis Eccianre, contra acta Ratisponensia. s. 1. et a. 4 BUCERUS (GERSOMUS). Dissertatio do guber- natione Ecclesire, maximeque de presbyterio, et episcopat\i. Middclburgi Zclandontm, 1618. 4 BUCERUS (M.) See M. BXJCER. BUCH (LEOPOLD VON). Travels through Norway and Lapland, during the years 1806, 1807, and 1808. Translated from the original German, by John Black. Loixiqn, 1813. 4 BUCHAN (CHARLES FORBES). Drunkenness : a sermon preached in Glasgow, 8th March, 1840. Glasgow, 1840. 12 BUCHAN, EARL OF. See David Stewart ERS- KINE. BUCHAN (GEORGE), of Kelloe. Remarks on duelling ; comprising observations on the argu- ments in defence of that practice. Edin., 1823. 8 Historical sketch of the ecclesiastical establish- ment in Scotland, more particularly with re- ference to the present statfe and future pro- spects of the Church of Scotland. To which are added, remarks on the speech delivered by Lord Brougham, in the House of Lords, in the Auchterarder case. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. Letter to the Right Hon. Sir John Campbell, Her Majesty's Attorney-General, on the late trial of the Earl of Cardigan : with explanatory remarks on the subject of duelling, and sug- gestions as to the means of checking that evil. Edin., 1841. 8 BUCHAN (Mrs JANE). * The power of divine grace and truth, as exemplified in the life and character of Mrs (Jane Brown) Buchan, wife of the Rev. William Buchan, Hamilton. s. I, 1854. 8 BUCHAN (WILLIAM), Minister oftlie Free Church, Hamilton. Mr Gillon, M.P. , called to account for his misrepresentations of the friends of the Church of Scotland, generally ; and especially of the committee of the General Assembly, in reference to their account of the state of church accommodation in Hamilton. In two letters, with an appendix, with Mr Gillon's answers. Glasgow, 1835. 8 BUCHANAN (C.) Prospectus of a system of initiatory lessons in drawing ; designed for the use of young people in our elementary schools. s. I. et a. 8 BUCHANAN (CLAUDIUS), D.D. Notices of the present state of the inquisition at Goa ; [with the history of persecution, by Samuel CHAND- LER.] 1813 Colonial ecclesiastical establishment ; being a brief view of the state of the colonies of Great Britain, and of her Asiatic empire, in respect to religious instruction. London, 1813. 8 Christian researches in Asia : with notices of the translation of the Scriptures into the Ori- ental languages, llth ed. London, 1819. 8 Another edition. To which are prefixed, a memoir of the author, and an introductory sketch of Protestant missions in India : with an appendix, containing a summary of the sub- sequent progress of missionary operations in the east. London, 1840. 8 *Memoirs of the life of the Rev. C. B. , D.D. . . . By the Rev. Hugh Pearson, M.A. 3d ed. 2 vol. London, 1819. 8 Another edition. New York, s. a. 12 BUCHANAN (DAVID). De scriptoribus Scotia 16 123 SANAN BUCHANAN. liliri duo, jiiiiu- j.riniuin c.liti. [ Kditcd fi>r the U.iiiii:itvnc Club, by Dr Irving.] E.linburgi, 1837. 4 BUCHANAN(DuGALD). Conih-chruinnoacha do Lat)ilhil>h Spioradail. Glaagho, 1792. 12 Another flit i. .11. />/<'., 1812. 12 Another edition. Inbhirneis, 1813. 12 BUCHANAN (GEOROE). Opera omnia historica, dironologica, juridica, politica, satii ira, it ]n - tica, castigata...Curante Thoma Kuddimanno. Cum indicibus rerum memorabilium et prsefa- tione Petri Burmanni. 2 torn. /. llnt.tr., 1725. 4 Psalmorum Davidis paraphrasis poetica. 1560. See BIBLES LATIN. B. De jure regni apud Scotos, dialogus. s. I., 1580. 4 - Another edition. Glasguce, 1750. 12 - Another edition, reprinted from the edition of 1799 ; translated into English by Robert Mac- farlan, A.M. ; [at the end of Lex, Rex, by Samuel RUTHERFORD]. 1843 - Another edition. [Wants title.] 12 Et ad calc. var. editt. hist, rerum Scoticarum, ut infra. Rerum Scoticarum historia, libris xx. de- scripta. Another copy. Another copy. Another edition. Scotos, dialogus. Edimburgi, 1582. fol. Accessit De jure regni aptid Ultrajecti, 1668. 8 Another edition; ad optimam...Roberti Fre- barnii editionem expressa...Accesserunt auc- toris vita ab ipso scripta, ejusdemque dialogus de jure regni apud Scotos. Edimburgi, 1727. 12 Another copy. Translated into English. [By W. Bond]. 3ded. Vol. i.,ii. London, 1733. 8 Translated from the Latin of G. B., with notes, and a continuation to the Union... By James AIKMAN. 6 vol. Glasgow, 1829-32. 8 Poemata quse extant. Amstelcedami, 1687. 16 Another copy. Satyra in Cardinalem Lotharingum, notis illus- trata : [cum Commentario in vitam Georgii BUCHANANI ab ipsomet scriptam.] 1702 The Franciscan friar, a satire : and the mar- riage ode of Francis of Valois and Mary, sove- reigns of France and Scotland. Translated into English verse from the Latin of G. B. by George Provand. Glasgow, 1809. 8 r - Poeticum duellum : seu G. EGLISEMMII cum G. B. certamen. 1739 *Commentarius in vitam G. B. ab ipsomet scriptam Accessit ejus Satyra in Cardinalem Lotharingum, notis illustrata. Edin., 1102. 8' - *A vindication of Mr G. B. in two parts ; I. from the vile aspersion cast on him by Camden ; II. from the horrible ingratitude he is charged with to Q. Mary. Edin., 1749. 8 . * Memoirs of the life and writings of G. B. By David Irving, LL.D. 2d r.l. />/;/-., 1817. 8 BUCHANAN (JAMES), D.D., I'rofrsaur of t- /" tin- civil powers ; and, the Christian ministry in its missionary functions. /-.'i,Mir l-t\voen a Muni man and death, by Richard STANJU \-i . 1745. - The Pilgrim's progress. With notes, an 1 the life of the author ; by Thomas Scott, chaplain to the Lock hospital. L.,if the arguments against the one God- he. id of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, pro- duced l>v the Rev. Mr Lindsev, in his late Apology. I '-',1 in, 1775. 8 Another edition. York, 1775. 8 An inquiry into the belief of the Christians of the first three centuries, respect in-.; the one Godhead of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Being a sequel to a scriptural confutation of the Rev. Mr Lindsey's late Apology. Tori, 1778. 8 Another copy. BURGH, or DE BURGH (WILLIAM), D.D. The Englishman's Greek CONCORDANCE of the New Testament. [Edited by George V. Wigram. ] 1839 An exposition of the Book of Revelation. 3d ed. Dublin, 1834. 12 BURGON (JOHN WILLIAM), M.A. Inspiration and interpretation : seven sermons preached before the University of Oxford : with prelimi- nary remarks : being an answer to a volume entitled ' ' Essays and Reviews. " Oxford and London, 1861. 8 BURIGNY (J. DE). See Jean LEVESQUE DE BURIGNY. BURKE (Right Hon. EDMUND). A philosophi- cal enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the SUBLIME and Beautiful. 1773 Another edition. With an introductory dis- course concerning taste, and several other ad- ditions. Cupar, 1821. 12 Speech of E. B., on presenting to the House of Commons (on the llth of February, 1780) a plan for the better security of the independ- ence of Parliament, and the ceoonomical re- formation of the civil and other establish- ments. London, 1780. 8 Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the proceedings in certain societies in Lon- don relative to that event. 4th ed. London, 1790. 8 Ninth edition. London, 1791. 8 A letter to a noble Lord, on the attacks made upon him and his pension, in the House of Lords, by the Duke of Bedford and the Earl of Lauderdale. London, 1796. 8 A letter to his Grace the Duke of Portland, on the conduct of the minority in Parliament. Containing fifty-four articles of impeachment against the Right Hon. C. J. Fox. London, 1797. 8 Another copy. - The speeches of E. B. 4 vol. London, 1816. 8 *A letter to the Right Hon. E. B., in reply to his " Reflections on the Revolution in France," &c. By a member of the Revolution society. Dublin, 1791. 8 *An answer to the Right Hon. E. B.'s Reflec- tions on the Revolution in France, with some remarks on the present state of the Irish con- stitution. By an Irishman. Diil.!:,.. 17-.il. 8 * Strictures on Mr B.'s two letters, addressed to a member of the present Parliament. Part i. loa, 1 7'.'<;. 8 *The life of E. B., comprehending ;in impar- tial account of his literary and political ell'orts, and a sketch of the conduct and character of his most eminent associates, coadjutors, and opponents. By Robert Bisset, LL.D. 2d ed. 2vol. London, 1800. 8 * Memoir of the life and character of E. B., with specimens of his poetry and letters, and an estimate of his genius and talents, com- pared witli those of his great contemporaries. Mv James Prior, don, 1824. 8 BURKHARD (D.). -Katechismus oder Unter- richt in der Christlichen Religion filr die rei- fere Jugend von D. B. , ich, 1838. 8 BURKITT (WILLIAM), M.A., Vicar of Dedham. Expository notes, with practical observations, on the New Testament. 14th ed. London, 1753. fol. Another edition. Berwick, 1823. 4 Another edition. 2 vol. London, 1837. 8 Another edition. 2 vol. London, 1838. 8 An help and guide to Christian families.... Unto which are added, principles of religion, useful to be known... by such as desire to re- ceive the holy communion.... With forms of prayer for families. Also divine hymns. 39th ed. London, 1806. 12 BURKIUS (PHILIPPUS DAVID). Gnomon Psal- morum, in quo ex nativa verborum vi simpli- citas, profunditas, concinnitas, salubritas sen- suum coelestium indicatur. 2 torn. Stutgardice, 1760. 4 BURMANNUS (CASPARUS). Trajectum erudi- tum, virorum doctrina inlustrium, qui in urbe Trajecto, et regione Trajectensi nati sunt, sive ibi habitarunt, vitas, fata et scripta exhibens. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1738. 4 BURMANNUS (FBANCISCUS). Synopsis theolo- giae, et speciatim ceconomiae foederum Dei. 2 torn. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1671, 81. 4 Another edition. Amstelwdami, 1699. 4 BURN (ANDREW), Major-General. * Memoirs of the late Major-General Andrew Burn, of the royal marines. 2d ed. London, 1816. 12 BURN (EDWARD), M.A., Lecturer of St Mani'.t, Birmingham. A reply to the Rev. Dr Priest- ley's appeal to the public, on the subject of the late riots at Birmingham, in vindication of the clergy, and other respectable inhabitants of the town. Birmingham, 1792. 8 BURN (JAMES), M.A., Minister of the Gospel at Forgan. Sermons. Dundee, 1805. 8 BURN (RICHARD), LL.D. Ecclesiastical law. 2d ed. 4 vol. London, 1767. 8 Fourth edition. London, 1781. 8 BURNE (NicoL), Professor of Philosophy, St An- drews. The disputation concerning the con- troversit headdis of religion, haldin in the reabne of Scotland, the zeir of God ane thou- sand, f yve hundreth fourscoir zeiris. Betwix the praetendit ministeris of the deformed BURNET BURNET. 129 Kirk in Scotland, and N. B. Parise, 1581. 8 BURNET (GILBERT), D.D., Bishop of Salisbury. A vindication of the authority, constitution, and laws of the Church and State of Scotland. Wherein the Answer to the dialogues betwixt the conformist and the nonconformist, is exa- mined. Glasgow, 1673. 8 Another copy, Observations on the first and second of the canons, commonly ascribed to the holy Apos- tles. Wherein an account of the primitive constitution and government of the Church, is contained. By Polyhistor. [Pseud.] Glasgow, 1673. 8 Another copy. A relation of a conference held about religion ...by Dr STILLINGFLEET and G. B., with some gentlemen of the Church of Rome. . . . 1676 - A vindication of the ordinations of the Church of England. In which it is demonstrated that all the essentials of ordination, according to the practice of the primitive and Greek Churches, are still retained in our Church. In answer to a paper written by one of the Church of Rome to prove the nullity of our orders ; and given to a person of quality. London, 1677. 8 - Another copy. - The memoires of the lives and actions of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton and Castle- herald... in which an account is given of the civil wars of Scotland 1625-52 ; with many letters and other papers written by Charles I. London, 1677. fol. - The history of the Reformation of the Church of England. Part i. 2d ed. London, 1681. fol. - A new edition. 6 vol. London, 1820. 8 Another copy [wanting vol. iii.]. Another edition. With numerous illustrative notes, and a copious index. 2 vol. London, 1841. 8 - The abridgement of the history of the Refor- mation of the Church of England. 2d ed. London, 1683. 8 Another copy. - The history of the rights of princes in the dis- posing of ecclesiastical benefices and Church lands. Relating chiefly to the pretensions of the crown of France to the Regale and the late contests with the court of Rome. To which is added, a collection of letters written -on that occasion : and of some other remark- able papers put in an appendix. London, 1681, 82. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - The life and death of Sir Matthew HALE. 168*2. - The letter writ by the last general assembly of the clergy of France to the Protestants, invit- ing them to return to their communion. . .Trans- lated into English and examined. London, 1683. 8 - A letter to Mr Simon Lowth, occasioned by hia late book, Of the subject of Church power. London, 1685. 4 Another copy. * A letter to Dr Burnet, occasioned by his late letter to Mr Lowth. London, 1685. 4 Another copy. An answer to a letter to Dr Burnet, occasion- ed by his letter to Mr Lowth. London, 1685. 4 *A second letter to Dr Burnet. London, [1685]. 4 A letter occasioned by the second letter to Dr B. London, 1685. 4 Some letters containing an account of what seemed most remarkable in travelling through Switzerland, Italy, some parts of Germany, &c. in the years 1685 and 1686. London, 1686. 12 Second edition. Rotterdam, 1687. 8 Another edition. Edin. , 1752. 12 Three letters concerning the present state of ITALY. 1688 Reflections on Mr Varillas's history of the revolutions that have happened in Europe in matters of religion. And more particularly on his ninth book that relates to England. Amsterdam, 1686. 12 An apology for the CHURCH OF ENGLAND, with relation to the spirit of persecution for which v she is accused. 1689 A discourse of the pastoral care. London, 1692. 8 Fourth edition. Dublin, 1726. 8 Fifth edition. London, 1766. 8 A sermon [on 2 Tim. iv. 7] preached at the funeral of John [Tillotson], Archbishop of Can- terbury. London, 1694. 4 An essay on the memory of the late Queen. [Mary, wife of William III.] London, 1695. 8 An exposition of the thirty-nine articles of the Church of England. London, 1699. fol. - Third edition. London, 1705. fol. Fourth edition. London, 1720. fol. Fifth edition. London, 1746. 8 - Sixth edition. Edin., 1745. 8 Another edition. With an appendix contain- ing the Augsburg confession, creed of Pope Pius IV., &c. Revised and corrected, with copious notes, and additional references, by the Rev. James R. Page, A.M. London, 1837. 8 Another copy. Another edition. London, 1840. 8 Two sermons, preached in the cathedral-church of Salisbury : the first, on the fifth of Novem- ber, gun-powder-treason day : the second, on the seventh of November, being the thanks- giving-day : in the year 1710. London, 1710. 8 History of his own time ; from the restoration of King Charles II. to the settlement of King William and Queen Mary at the Revolution : to which is prefixed, A summary recapitulation of affairs in Church and State from King James I. to the Restoration in the year 1660. Vol. i. London, 1724. fol. Another copy. Vol. ii. From the Revolution to the conclu- 17 130 WRNET BURNETT. sion of the treaty "f i"uv at T'tm-ht in tlio ,.f Our.-!i Ann.-. To which is now added, the author's life, by the editor [Thomas Bur- net]. London, 1734. fol. Another copy. Another edition [of both volumes], with the author's life by the editor. 4 vol. London, 1763. 8 Another edition. London, 1815. 8 The character of the Hon. Robert Boyle ; [with irs of the lives of the illustrious family oftheBoyles, by K. MUDGELL]. 17-7 Dr B.'s yindu-ation of himself from the calum- nies with which he is aspersed, in a pamphlet, entitled, Parliamentum pacilicum. . I. et a. 4 Some passages of the life and death of John [ WILMOT], Earl of Rochester. Written at his desire by G. B. *. a. Memorial of MARY, PRINCESS OF ORANGE, Queen-Consort to King William III. With an appendix. 1842 BURNET (GILBERT), second son of the Bishop of '>nry. Letters between the late Mr Gil- bert Burnet and Mr Hutchinson [i. e. Francis HUTCHESON], concerning the true foundation of virtue and moral goodness ; formerly pub- lished in the London journal. To which is added a preface and postscript, by Mr Burnet. London, 1735. 8 BURNET (GILBERT), A.M., Vicar of Coggeshall, Essex. An abridgment of the sermons preach- ed at the lecture founded by the Hon. Robert BOYLE. 1737 BURNET (JAMES), Lord Monboddo.Ot the ori- gin and progress of LANGUAGE. 1774-92 BURNET (JOHN). Puseyism examined, in a course of lectures, delivered at Mansion- house chapel, Camberwell. London, [1842]. 8 BURNET (THOMAS), LL.D., D.D., Master of the Charter-house. Telluris theoria sacra : orbis nostri originem et mutationes generales, quas aut jam subiit, aut olim subiturus est, com- plectens. Accedunt Archfeologiae philosophi- cse, seu doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus. Editio ultima. Amstel, 1699. 4 The sacred theory of the earth : containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already un- dergone, or is to undergo till the consumma- tion of all things. In four books... With a re- view of the Theory, and of its proofs ; espe- cially in reference to Scripture. As also the author's defence of the work from the excep- tions of Mr Warren, and the examination of Mr Keil. 2 vol. London, s. a. 8 [Not intended to be strictly a translation of the preceding, but rather to be a popular work, enlarged in some respects, abridged in others, and having comparatively few references to learned authorities.] Seventh edition. To which are now added, Memoirs of the author's life and writings... London, 1759. 8 Archseologise philosophicse : sive doctrina anti- qua de rerum originibus, libri duo. - Translated into English from the Latin b\ Mr Mead and Mr Foxton. / .../..,.. 17:;c>. 8 A re-survey of the Mosaic sysh -m of the tion. With rules for the fight judging and interpreting of Scripture. In two lett : friend. Translated from the Latin of Dr Min- uet. By Mr Foxton. 8. I. >> > De statu mortuorum et resurgentium liber. Accesserunt epistoLe dim- eirea libellnm do archseologiis philosophicis. [L. P.] Londint, 1723. 4 Editio secunda. . 1727. 8 - Translated from the original Latin of Dr. I :. With an answer to all the heresies therein. By Matthias Earbery. 2 vol iM ed. L- union, 1728. 8 Appendix to the ninth chapter of the state c >f the dead. Concerning the two resurrections, the new-heavens and new-earth ; the millenary reign of Christ, and of the future restauration of the Jews. Published from the author's Latin original. By Francis Wilkinson, Esq. Translated by Mr Foxton. London, 1729. 8 De fide et officiis Christianorum. Liber post- humus. Editio secunda. Londini, 1728. 8 Another copy. BURN ET (THOMAS), D.D., Rector of WestKn-.i- ton, and Prebendary of Sarum. The demon- stration of true religion, in a chain of conse- quences from certain and undeniable princi- ples ; wherein the necessity and certainty of natural and revealed religion... are proved and explained ; and, in particular, the authority of the Christian revelation is established, not only from the natures and reasons of things, but also from the relation it bears to the Scriptures of the Old Testament. In sixteen sermons preached at Bow-Church, in the years 1724 and 1725, for the lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle. 2 vol. London, 1726. 8 - [And in a collection of sermons preached at the Hon. Robert BOYLE'S Lecture]. 1739 The argument set forth in a late book [by Matthew Tindal], entitled, Christianity as old as the creation, reviewed and confuted. [In three conferences.] To which is added, An essay on the power of human reason, and a view of the nature and reason of the Christian revelation. London, 1730-32. 8 The nature, use, and efficacy of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, with the obligation all Christians are under to receive it frequently, and the qualifications necessary to do it wor- .tliily. London, 1731. 8 The Scripture doctrine of the redemption of the world by Christ intelligibly explained to the capacity of mean people : which may serve as an answer to a book [by Thomas Morgan], entitled, The moral philosopher. London, 1737. 8 BURNETIUS (T.). See Thomas BURNET. BURNETT (CHARLES MOCNTFORD), M.D. The power, wisdom, and goodness of God, as dis- BURNEY BURNS. 131 played in the animal creation ; showing the renicirkable agreement of this department of nature and Revelation. London, 1838. 8 BURNEY (CHARLES), Mus. Doct. * Memoirs of Dr B. ...By his daughter, Madame D'Arblay. 3 vol. London, 1832. 8 BURNHAM (RICHARD). Pious memorials... il- lustrative of the power of religion upon the mind... With a recommendatory preface by the Rev. James Hervey. London, 1820. 8 BURNS (GEORGE), D.D., Minister of the Free Church, Corstorphine. Lectures and sermons. St John, New Brunswick, 1820. 8 - Prayers adapted for public worship, the domes- tic altar, Sunday schools, and the chamber of sickness and death. To which are added, prayers for the use of young persons, and graces before and after meals. With a con- clusion, recommendatory of prayer as a Chris- tian duty. Saint John, 1829. 8 - The national Church a national treasure ; or, the excellencies of the Scottish ecclesiastical establishment delineated... With an appendix, ...in which the religious state of America is particularly brought forward as the result of personal observation. Edin., 1835. 8 BURNS (ISLAY), D. D. , Professor of theology in the Free Church college, Glasgow. The history of the Church of Christ : with a special view to the delineation of faith and life. (From A. D. 1 to A. D. 313.) London, 1862. 8 BURNS (JABEZ), D.D. The pocket remembran- cer ; and Christian's evangelical companion. Edin., 1830. 12 - The Christian's sketch book ; in three parts. I. The essence of theology. II. The power of religion exemplified. III. Anecdotes, pre- cepts, and select poetry. 6th ed. London, 1830. 12 - Another copy. BURNS (JAMES D.), M.A., Minister of the Eng- lish Presbyterian Church at Hampstead. The vision of prophecy, and other poems. Edin., 1854. 12 BURNS (JOHN), M.D. The principles of Chris- tian philosophy. 2d ed. London, 1828. 12 - Fifth edition. London, 1836. 12 BURNS (ROBERT). The works of R. B. ; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed, some obser- vations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. By J. Currie. 4 vol. 2d ed. London, 1801. 8 - Poems. Edin., 1787. 8 - Another edition. 2 vol. Edin. , 1798. 8 - Letters addressed to Clarinda. New edition. Belfast, 1806. 12 Tomas Seannsair maille ri naoidh dain eile, air an cuir an Gaelic le Rob. MacDhughaill, agus oranan uraleis an Eadar-theangair. Glascho, 1840. 12 BURNS (ROBERT), D.D., Professor of Church his- tory, and the evidences of Christianity, in Knox's. College, Toronto. Illustrations of the divine government, particularly in reference to late events. A sermon [on Psalm xcvii. 1]. Paisley, 1814. 8 Another copy. A letter to the Rev. Dr Chalmers of Glasgow on the distinctive characters of the Protestant and Roman Catholic religions : occasioned by the publication of his sermon for the benefit of the Hibernian Society. Paisley, 1818. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Historical dissertations on the law and prac- tice of Great Britain, and particularly of Scot- land, with regard to the poor. ...2d ed. Glasgow, 1819. 8 Another copy. Compend of the history, constitution, and po- lice establishment of the Burgh of PAISLEY. 1820 * Thoughts on a more intimate connection be- tween the Established Church and Presbyte- rian dissenters : in a letter to the Rev. Dr B. By a Spectator. Edin., 1822. 8 Plurality of offices in the Church of Scotland examined, with a particular reference to the case of the Rev. Dr M'Farlane, Principal of the University of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1824. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Review of the debate in the General Assembly, 1826, on the overtures anent the UNION OP OFFICES. 1826 Speech delivered in the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, on the 14th of April, 1825, on the sub- ject of the Roman Catholic claims. Glasgow, 1825. 12 Three letters to a friend on the moral bearings of the Bible society controversy. Edin., 1827. 8 Another copy. The history of the sufferings of the Church of Scotland from the Restoration to the Revolu- tion. By Robert WODROW. With an original memoir of the author, extracts from his cor- respondence, a preliminary dissertation, and notes. By R. B. 1829, 30 " Ought the British Parliament to withdraw its support from the Church of Scotland '?" The question answered in a sermon, preached October 12, 1830, before the Synod of Glas- gow and Ayr. Paisley, 1830. 12 Speech delivered at the anti-slavery meeting, held at Paisley, Nov. 1, 1830. Paisley, 1830. 8 The Gairloch heresy tried ; in a letter to the Rev. John M. Campbell, of Row ; and a ser- mon. 3d ed. Paisley, 1830. 12 Another copy. Another copy. * Letter to the Rev. Robert Burns, D.D., and the Rev. William HAMILTON, D.D., occasioned by their late publications entitled " The Gair- loch heresy tried," and "Remarks on certain opinions recently propagated, respecting uni- versal redemption," &c. By a lay member of 132 BUBN8 BUBBOUGHE8. the Chuirh of Si-otland. Grecnock, 1830. 12 Anotlur ropy. Another i-i'i'.v. Reply t<> UM 1. -iv -member of the Church of Scotland ; with a note for the Rev. James Russell, minister >f (iairlodi. Paisley, 1830. 12 Another copy. *ProU stant truths and Popish errors : a letter to the author of " the Gairloch heresy tried ;" occasioned by his reply to the lay member of the Church of Scotland : with a postscript ad- dressed to the Rev. Dr Hamilton, Stratlihliinc. Greenock, 1830. 12 Another copy. Another copy. * Cursory remarks on religious establish- ments, as " vindicated by the Rev. R. Burns, D.D."...By a plain man. Glasgow, 1830. 12 Hints on ecclesiastical reform : addressed to the lay eldership of the Church of Scotland. LJui., 1831. 8 Another copy. The Church revived without the aid of un- known tongues. A sermon preached in the Scots church, Swallow Street, 6th November, 1831 ; to which are now added, a few prefa- tory remarks. London, 1831. 8 Lecture on religious endowments. Delivered in the High church of Paisley, May 4th, 1835. With a historical vindication of new erections. London, 1835. 12 Another copy. Another copy. A plea for " State Churches :" in reply to the Rev. Archibald Baird. Paisley, 1836. 12 Another copy. Scottish voluntaryism the atheist's ally : a let- ter to the Rev. William Smart. Paisley, 1836. 12 Another copy. Another copy. Truth and love versus Prelacy and the Prayer- book : being a reply to Rev. W. M. Wade's pamphlet. Paisley, 1840. 8 Another copy. Another copy. A lecture on the use of the Episcopal liturgy in Presbyterian churches : delivered in Pais- ley, Dec. 4, 1840. 2d ed. 'Paisley, 1840. 8 Another copy. A plea for the poor of Scotland, and for an enquiry into their condition. Paisley, 1841. 8 The explosion of the telegraph : being the sub- stance of a discourse [on Luke, xiii. 1-5]. Paisley, [1842]. 12 Christian patriotism in times of public dis- tress. A lecture delivered Feb. 4, 1842. Paisley, 1842. 8 Restrictive laws on food and trade tried by the test of Christianity. A lecture delivered Decem. 6, 1842. Glasgoic, 1843. 8' - Lord Aberdeen's Act as it means, and not as it seems. [Tract* for the times, No. iv.l 8 The history and character of Ton tins Pilate ; a sermon [on AI:irt. .\\vii. 34J. (Extracted from the Scottish Pulpit.) s. I. et a. S" The travail of : IKT'H soul ; a ser- mon [on Isaiah, liii. 11] preached April oOth, is:;;. [I l,;,l. \ 8 Love to Christ ; a sermon [on 1 Pet. i. 8]. [Ibid.] s. I. et a. The duties of young men in the present crisis of the Church ; a sermon [on 1 Chron. xxii. 5] preached 18th May, 1835. [Ibul. \ 8. 1. et a. 8 The Christian's duty in times of public dis- tress. [From the Friendly Monitor. N>. cxii. j s. 1. et a. 8* The LORD'S SUPPER. [A sermon on 1 Cor. xi. 24.] . a. BURNS (W. H.), D.D. Essay and address on family worship. 2d ed. London, 1858. 12 BURNS (WILLIAM), Min'tt> r <>f 11- fn <'!><>, od\ , rationally and scripturally consi- d,-ivd. l.",,-h- of Cashcl. Catechism : revised, en- larged, approved, and recommended l, v tin- four K. ('. Aivhlii.shoji.s of livland, as a gene- ral catechism for the kingdom. /"'f It'tilitim. The works of .1. K. To uliidi is j>reli\ed, a life of the author by Dr Kippis. With a preface, giving some account of his character and writings, by S. Halifax, D.D. 2vol. /:/<., isi:;. ,s - Another edition. London, 1841. 8 Several letters to the Rev. Dr CLAKKK from a gentleman in Gloucestershire [relating t<> tin; l>i i nons tration of the being and attributes of (Jo'lj, with the Dr's answers thereunto, oth rd. 1731 The analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature. To which are added two brief dissertations : I. Of personal identity. II. Of the nature of virtue. 4th ed. London, 1750. 8 A new edition. With a charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Durham... in the year 1751. With a preface... by Samuel [Halifax] Bishop of Gloucester. London, 1791. 8 Another edition. With an introductory essay by the Rev. Daniel Wilson, A.M. Glasgow, 1837. 12 A new edition. London, 1842. 12 Another edition. With a life of the author, copious notes, and index, by William Fitz- gerald, A.M. Dublin, 1849. 8 Also, fifteen sermons. With a life of the author, a copious analysis, notes and in- dexes. By Joseph Angus, D.D. London, [1856]. 8 Fifteen sermons preached at the Rolls chapel. To which are added, six sermons preached on public occasions. New edition. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1769. 8 Another edition. Loiidon, 1841. 12 Another copy. BUTLER (LILLY), D.D., Vicar of St Mary Al- dermanbury, London. Religion no matter of shame ; [eight sermons preached at the Hon. Robert BOYLE'S Lecture in the year 1709J. 1739 BUTLER (SAMUEL). The poetical works of S. B. With the life of the author by Dr John- son. 2 vol. London, a. o. 12 Hudibras. With large annotations and a pre- face by Zachary Grey, LL.D. 2 vol. Edin., 1779. 12 BUTLER (W. J.), M.A. The testimony of his- tory to the divine inspiration of the holy Scrip- tures ; or a comparison between the prophecies and their historical fulfilment. London, s. a. 12 BUTLER (WILLIAM ARCHER), A.M., Professor of moral />/u7o,soy*/n/. Trinity Coll-ege, Dublin. Sermons, doctrinal and practical. Edited with a memoir of the author's life by the Rev. Thomas Woodward, M.A. Dublin, 1849. 8 Second series. Edited from the author's BUTTERWORTH BYRON. 135 MSS. By James Amiraux Jeremie, D.D. Cambridge, 1856. 8 - Letters on the development of Christian doc- trine, in reply to Mr Newman's essay. Edited by the Rev. Thomas Woodward. Dublin, 1850. 8 - Lectures on the history of ancient philosophy. Edited from the author's MSS. with notes, by William Hepworth Thompson, M.A. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1856. 8 BUTTERWORTH (JOHN). A new concordance to the holy Scriptures. A new edition, with considerable improvements, by Adam Clarke, LL.D. London, 1812. 8 BUTTMANN (PHILIP CHARLES), LL.D. - [Smaller] Greek grammar, translated from the German. London, 1824. 8 - Intermediate or larger Greek grammar, trans- lated from the German by D. Boileau ; with a biographical notice of the author : edited, with a few notes, by E. H. Barker. London, 1833. 8 BUTTURA (A.). I quattro poeti Italiani [Dante, Petrarca, Ariosto, Tasso] con una scelta di poesie Italiane dal 1200 sino a' nostri tempi. Publicati da A. B. Parigi, 1833. 8 BUXTON (Sir THOMAS FOWELL), Bart. The African slave trade. London, 1839. 8 The African slave trade and its remedy. London, 1840. 8 Abridgement of Sir T. F. B.'s work on the African slave trade and its remedy. With an explanatory preface and an appendix. London, 1840. 8 - * Memoirs of Sir T. F. B., Bart. Edited by his son, Charles Buxton. London, 1848. 8 BUXTORFTUS (JOANNES), Professor of Hebreiv at Basle. De abbreviattiris Hebraicis...Cui accesserunt operis Talmudici brevis recensio... Item Bibliotheca Rabbinica nova. Editio secunda. Basil., 1590. 12 - Thesaurus grammaticus linguae sanctae He- brsese. Adjecta prosodia metrica, sive poeseos Hebrseorum tractatio. Basil. , 1629. 12 Another copy. Concordantiae Bibliorum Hebraicae. . . .Accesse- runt novae concordantiae Chaldaicae omnium vocum, quae corpore Bibliorum Hebraico con- tinentur. Basil., 1632. fol. Concordantiarum Hebraicarum et Chaldaica- rum epitome. Berol. et Francof. , 1677. 8 - Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum, et Rabbi- nicum. Editum a Jo. Buxtorfio filio. Basil., 1640. fol. - Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. Amstelodami, 1654. 8 - Editio nova. Accessenmt, Lexicon breve Rab- binico-Philosophicum, et index Latinus. Glasgucc, 1824. 8 - Synagoga Judaica, de Judaeorum fide, ritibus, ceremoniis, tarn publicis et sacris, quam priva- tis in domestica vivendi ratione. Tertia hac edit, de novo restaurata et innumeris accessi- onibus in ampliorem...formam redacta a Jo. Buxtorfio filio. Basil, 1661. 8 Quarta hac editione revisa et a mendis ex- purgata, a Joh. Jacobo Buxtorfio, J. Fil. J. Nep. Basil., 1680. 8 Another copy. Epitome grammaticae Hebraeae. Editio 4ta. Lugd. Bat., 1716. 8 Another copy. - Sixth edition. Lugd. Batav. , 1790. 8 BUXTORFIUS (JOHANNES), son of the preceding, and Professor of oriental languages at Basle. Dissertatio de sponsalibus et divortiis. Cui accessit Isaaci ABAKBENELIS diatriba de exci- dii poena. Basil. , 1652. 4 Anticritica : seu, Vindicise veritatis Hebraicae, adversus Ludovici Capelli Criticam quam vo- cat sacram, ejusque defensionem. Basil., 1653. 4 Another copy. BUXTORFIUS (JOHANNES), nephew of the second Buxtorf, and Professor of Hebreio at Basle. Catalecta philologico-theologica. Accedunt mantissae loco virorum celeberrimorum Casau- boni, Heinsii, Usserii, Waltoni, Schickardi, aiionunque epistolaj ad Joh. Buxtorfium pa- trem et filium, nunc primum in lucem editse. Basil, 1707. 8 BYFIELD (NICHOLAS), Vicar of Isleworth. Ser- mons upon the first chapter of the first Epistle of Peter. [Imperfect.] London, 1617. 4 A commentary : or sermons upon the second chapter of the first Epistle of Saint Peter. London, 1623. 4 The marrow of the oracles of God. Or, divers treatises, containing directions about six of the weightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life. 5th ed. London, 1623. 12 Seventh edition. London, 1630. 12 An exposition upon the Epistle to the Colos- sians. London, 1627. fol. Another copy. [Wants title.] - The principles, or, the patterne of wholesome words. Containing a collection of such truths as are of necessity to be believed unto salva- tion. 3d ed. London, 1627. 12 Answer to a learned treatise on the Sabbath, written by Edward BREREWOOD. 1631 BYFIELD (RICHARD). The power of the Christ of God, or, A treatise of power (ecclesiasticall and civill) as it is originally in God the Father, and by him given to Christ his Sonne. London, 1641. 4 Temple defilers defiled, wherein a true visible Church of Christ is described... in two sermons in Kingston upon Thames, Feb. 20 and 27, 1644, out of 1 Cor. iii. 17. London, 1645. 4 Zion's answer to the nations' ambassadors, according to instnictions given by Isaiah from God's mouth : in a sermon [on Isaiah, xiv. 32] preached to the Hon. House of Commons... June 25, 1645. London, 1645. 4 BYRON (GEORGE GORDON NOEL), sixth Lord Byron. The works of Lord Byron. 4 vol. London, 1829. 16 English bards and Scotch reviewers. 4th ed. London, 1811. 8 Childe Harold's pilgrimage ; a romaunt : and other poema. 9th ed. 2 vol. Loiuion, 1815-16. 8 Don Juan, cantos iii., iv., v. .London, 1821. 8 BYRTH (THOMAS), D.D. A letter [on the Tri- nity.) | Wants title.] BYTHNEH (VlOTOMrus). Clavis lingute sanc- .ractica Psabnoruin. In qua oinnes et singuhu voces Hebneje in Psaltcrio contents ad regulas artis revocautur, earumquo signin- explicantur...Insupcr Har- ninni;i Urin.i 1 1. \tu-i rum panphnciuha .1, liiK-litur ouifiTtur. Cui M calcem addita est brevia instituti im-u 1 1 bneoe et Chaldae. Lon-i / . !'..':'. 4 AiiMtlu-r i-ihtinii. / . ir.iii. 4 Another edition. Lou /'/.. Hi7!. 4 Lingua eruditurum ; sive, methodica institu- tio lingune sanctie. Cui addita est, Intr<>\mock. Eclitio nonn. / .W./i, 1832. 12 Made English from the original Latin, by Col. Martin lil.uk a. Cth ed. London, 1837. 8 >>AR (CHARLES). Numerus infanstus ; [with The life of Sir Julius CAESAR, by Edmund Lodge]. 1827 S AR (Sir J tares), Master of the Rolls.* The life of Sir J. C....with memoirs of his family and descendants, by Edmund Lodge To which is added, Numerus infaustus, an histo- rical \vui-k, liy Charles Caar, Esq., grandson to Sir Julius. London, 1827. 4 CAHILL ( ), D.D. A lecture delivered in... Manchester, June 1, 1851. Subject : The Bible alone, and interpreted by private judg- ment, is a false rule of Christian faith. Mom-heater, 1851. 8 CAIMBEUIL (UILLIAM). See William CAMP- BELL. CAIMBEUL (DO'NALL). See Donald CAMPBELL. CAIN. The death of Cain, in five books ; after the manner of the death of Abel. By a lady. The 4th ed. To which is now prefixed, an in- troductory view of the principal events in the history of man, from the creation until the death of Abel. London, 1811. 12 CAIRNS (ADAM), D.D., Minister of the Gospel, Melbourne. A discourse on the judgments of God, and the refuge of his people. Addressed to the congregation of the established church in Cupar. Cupar, 1838. 12 Some objections to universal atonement stated, and the current objections to a particular and efficacious atonement considered. In two dis- courses. 2d ed. Cupar, 1844. 8 Historic sketches of Gibraltar and its neigh- bourhood. A lecture, delivered May 3, 1854. Melbourne, 1854. 8 CAIRNS (JOHN), D.D, Minister of the United l >yterian church, Benvick. The Scottish philosophy ; a vindication and reply. Edin., 1856. 8 C An examination of Professor Ferrier's ' ' Theory of knowing and being." Edin., 1856. 8 CAIRNS (WILLIAM), LL.D. A treatise on mo- ral freedom ; containing inquiries into the operation of the intellectual principles in con- nexion with moral agency and responsibility. London, 1844. 8 Another copy. CAITHNESS, BISHOP or. See John ABERNE- THY. CAJETAN (BENEDICT). See BONIFACE VIII. Pope. CAJETANUS (THOMAS DE Vio). See Thomas de Vio Cajetamis. CALAIS. The chronicle of Calais in the reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIII., to the year 1540. Edited from the MSS. in the British Museiim, for the Camden Society, by John Gough Nichols, F.S.A. London, 1846. 4 CALAMY (BENJAMIN), Vicar of St Lawrence, i. Some considi-ntiniis about the case I >AL. A discourse about a scrupulous CONSCIK Passive obedience the doctrine of the Church of England; and doing t-\il that good may come, a damnable sin. A sermon |<>n Km. iii. 8J preach'd lufmv tin- lIL'lit llii'iural>lc the Lord Mayor, &c., September 30th. London, 1710. 8 CALAMY (EDMCND), Minister of St Mary Alder- God's free mercy to England ; pre- sented as a pretious and powerful! motive to humiliation ; in a sermon [on Ezek. xxxvi. :;_') before the Hon. House of Commons, Feb. 23. 1041. London, 1642. 4* The great danger of covenant- breaking, Ac. Being the substance of a sermon [on 2 Tim. iii. 3J preached the 14. June, 1045 ; [with a PHEXIX]. . a. An indictment against England because of her sclfe-murdering divisions... in a sermon [on Matt. xii. 25] preached before the Right Hon. House of Lords, Dec. 25, 1644. /. -,,'lon, 1645. 4 The saint's transfiguration. . .a sermon [on Phil, iii. 20, 21] preached Oct. 19, 1054, at the fune- ral of Dr Samuel Bolton. London, 1655. 4 A patterne for all, especially for noble and honorable persons, to teach them how to die nobly and honorably : in a sermon [on Heb. xi. 13] preached at the funeral of Robert, Earle of Warwick. London, 1658. 4 The art of divine meditation... in several ser- mons on Gen. xxiv. 63. London, 1680. 8 The godly man's ark ; or, city of refuge, in the day of his distress : five sermons. To which is annexed, Mrs MOORE'S evidences for heaven. New edition. Edin. , 1825. 8 CALAMY (EDMUND), D.D., grandson of the pre- ceding. A defence of moderate non-confor- mity ; in answer to the reflections of Mr Olyffe and Mr Hoadly, in the tenth chapter of the Abridgment of the life of the Rev. Mr Richard Baxter. 3 vol. London, 1703, 5. 8 Another copy. A practical discourse [on Ps. Ivi. 12] concern- ing vows : with a special reference to baptism and the Lord's Supper. London, 1704. 12 The inspiration of the holy writings of the Old and New Testament, considered and improved. In fourteen sermons preached at the Merchant's lecture at Salter's Hall. To which is added, a single sermon in vindication of the divine institution of the office of the ministry, preach'd at the same lecture. London, 1710. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Comfort and counsel to protestant dissenters. W T ith some serious queries to such as hate and cast them out ; and a friendly admonition to such as desert them. In two sermons [on Is. lx,vi. 5]. 2d ed. London, 1712. 8 An abridgement of Mr Baxter's history of his life and times. W T ith an account of the minis- ters, &c. who were ejected after the restaura- CALCUTTA CALIFORNIA. 139 tion of King Charles II. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1713. 8 A continuation of the account of the ministers lecturers, &c. who were ejected and silencec after the restoration in 1600, by or before the Act for Uniformity. 2 vol. London, 1727. 8 - Another copy. - The Nonconformists' memorial ; being an ac- count of the lives, sufferings, and printed works of the two thousand ministers ejected from the Church of England, chiefly by the Act of Uniformity, Aug. 24, 16G6. Abridged, corrected, and methodized with many addi- tional anecdotes, and several new lives, by Samuel PALMER. 2d ed. 3 vol. London, 1802-3. 8 - Another copy. - Thirteen sermons concerning the doctrine of the Trinity, preached at the Merchant's lec- ture, at Salter's Hall. Together with a vindication of that celebrated text, 1 John, v. 7, from being spurious. London, 1722. 8 Another copy. Another copy. An historical account of my own life, with some reflections on the times I have lived in (1671-1731). Edited by John Towill Rutt. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1830. 8 CALCUTTA, BISHOP OF. See Reginald HEBER. CALDER (ROBERT), Minister of the Episcopal Church of Scotland. The Scotch Presbyterian eloquence ; or, the foolishness of their teaching discovered from their books, sermons, and prayers ; and some remarks on Mr Rule's late Vindication of the kirk. By Jacob CURATE. [Pseud.] London, 1692. 4 - Another edition ; with considerable additions, taken from scarce and valuable MSS. London, 1790. 12 Answer to a pamphlet [by John Anderson] entitled, A dialogue between a curat and a countreyman, concerning the ENGLISH-SER- VICE. 1711. * Curat Calder whipt. [By John ANDERSON.] Edin., 1712. 4 Another copy. - *A letter to a friend concerning Mr Calder's late paper entitled, A return, &c. and the Continuation thereof. [By John ANDERSON.] Glasgow, 1712. 4 - The priesthood of the Old and New Testament by succession. In seven letters. In two parts. Edin., 1717, 19. 12 - Another edition. Edin. , s. a. 12 - The lawfulness and expediency of set forms of prayer, maintained. Leith, 1766. 12 CALDERWOOD (DAVID). The speach of the KIRK OF SCOTLAND to her beloved children. 1620 Quaeres concerning the state of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 1621 The course of CONFORMITIE. 1622 - The PASTOR and the Prelate. 1628 - PERTH ASSEMBLY. Containing, 1. The pro- ceedings thereof. 2. The proofe of the nulli- tie thereof. 1619 Altare Damascenum ceu politia Ecclesiae An- glicanae obtrusa Ecclesise Scoticanse, a forma- lista quodam delineata, illustrata et examinata studio et opera Edwardi Didoclavii. Cui. locis suis interserta confutatio Parseneseos Tileni ad Scotos Genevensis, ut ait, disciplinse zelotas. Et adjecta Epistola Hieronymi Philadelphi de regimine Ecclesise Scoticanae. Ejusque Vin- diciae contra calumnias Johannis Spotsvodi Fani Andrese pseudo archiepiscopi per anony- mum. s. I. 1623. 4 [A greatly enlarged Latin edition of " The Altar of Damascus, or the patern of the Eng- lish Hierarchic, and Church-policie obtruded upon the Church of Scotland," published ano- nymously in 1621. There is an imperfect copy of it in the New College Library.] Another edition. Lugd. Batav. , 1708. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Confutatio parseneseos Tileni ad Scotos ; [with " Altare Damascenum," by Edtvardus Dido- clavius, i. e. David CALDERWOOD]. 1623 The true history of the Church of Scotland, from the beginning of the Reformation, unto the end of the reigne of King James VI. s. I, 1678. fol. Another copy. Another edition. s. I. , 1704. fol. Another edition. Edited [for the Wodrow So- ciety] from the original manuscript preserved in the British Museum, by the Rev. Thomas Thomson. 8vol. Edin., 1842-49. 8 CALDERWOOD (HENRY), LL.D., Minister of G-reyfriars United Presbyterian church, Glas- gow. The philosophy of the infinite ; with special reference to the theories of Sir William Hamilton and M. Cousin. Edin., 1854. 8 Another copy. Caffres and Caffre missions ; with preliminary chapters on the Cape colony as a field for emi- gration, and basis of missionary operation. London, 1858. 8 ALDERWOOD (JOHN). Supplement to some pamphlets lately published, against the cor- rupted practices of the professors of religion. Kilmarnock, 1813. 12 CALEPINUS (AMBROSIUS). Dictionarium unde- cim linguarum. Basilece, [1627]. fol. ALFHILL (JAMES), D.D., Rector of Socking, and Archdeacon of Colchester. An answer to John Martiall's treatise of the Cross, wherein ye shall see by the plain and undoubted word of God the vanities of men disproved by the true and godly fathers of the Church, &c. 1565. Edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. Richard Gibbings, M. D. Cambridge, 1846. 8 Another copy. CALIFORNIA. California : its past history ; its present position ; its future prospects. .. .Inclu- ding a history of the rise, progress, and pre- sent condition of the Mormon settlements. London, 1850. 8" 140 CALIXTUS OALVIN. CALIXTUS (FRIDERICUS ULKICDS), Professor of theoluijij at // !n,-f'nH. Tractjvtus theologicus do hasresi, schisinate, et haereticoruin jm-nis. //. !,,,si,tdii Saxonum, [1690J. 4 Do Chiliasmo cum ontiquo turn ptMUn renato, tractatus theologicus. Helmstadii Saxonum, 1602. 4 CALI XTUS (GEORGIUS), Professor of theology at Helmstadt. Judicium, de controversiis theo- logicis, quae inter Lutheronos et Refonnntos agitantur. Et de inutua partium fraternitate atque tolerantia, propter consensum in f unda- mentis. Accedit ejusdem desiderium et atu- dium concordice ecclesiasticte. Lufjd. Bat., 1651. 12 De pnecipuis Christianas religionis capitibus dis])iitatione8 xv. ...anno 1658 tertium editae a Frid. Ulrico G. F. Calixto. Helmstadii, 1658. 4 Scholse propheticae ex academicis pnelectioni- bus G. C. in iv. prophetas majores, ab interitu vindicatae et prajfatione atque indicibus neces- sariis instructie, opera et studio J. E. Schulen- burgii. Quedlinburgi, 1713. 4 CALKOEN (J. F. VAN-BEECK). Examen du systeme de Dupuis et Volney sur 1'origine de la religion Mosaique et Chre"tienne. Amsterdam, 1802. 8 CALLANDER (WILLIAM BURN), of Prestonhall. Copy correspondence between the Rev. Ro- bert COURT and W. B. C. 1843 CALLET (FRANSOIS). Tables portatives de lo- garithmes. Paris, 1795. 8 Table of the logarithms of sines and tangents for every second, of the first five degrees, and of the sines, cosines, &c. for every ten seconds of the quadrant. Paris, 1827. 8 CALLIMACHUS. Hymni, epigrammata, et f ragmen ta ex recensione T. J. G. F. Graevii, cum ejusdem animadversionibus. Accedunt N. Frischlini, H. Stephani, B. Vulcanii, P. Voetii, A. T. F. Daceriae, R. Bentleii com- mentarius, et annotationes E. Spanhemii. 2 torn. Ultrajecti, 1697. 8 CALLS. Report of the debate in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland on the overtures anent Calls. 24th May, 1832. Edin., 1832. 8 May 23, 1833. Edin., 1833. 8 Another copy. CALMET (AUGUSTIN), of the order of S. Be- nedict, abbot of Senones. Dissertations qui peuvent servir de proldgomenes de 1'Ecriture sainte. Revues, corrige'es, considerablement augmentees et raises dans un ordre metho- dique. 3 torn. , Paris, 1720. 4 Commentaire litteral sur tous les livres de 1'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament. 8 torn. 7 '.,-;, 1724-1726. fol. An historical, critical, geographic.il, clironolo- gical, and etymological dictionary of the Holy Bible. ...To which is annexed, Bibliotheca Sa- cra, or a copious catalogue of the best editions and versions of the Bible ; with a large ac- count of the most valuable commentaries, ex- positions, and paraphrases upon the whole, or I any part thereof, and the authors of the game. ...Translated into English, from tliu ;iutli>r'n last edition, with occasional remarks, by Sa- muel D'Oyly, M.A and John Colson, M.A. :; vol. fa, 17:;:;. fol. Fourth i-(lition. With an extensive aeries of pl.iti-s, r\|il;m:itory, illustrative, and ornamen- tal : under the direction of Charles T.-ivl-T. 6 vol. London, 1827. 4 Eighth edition ; with the biblical fragments, by the late diaries Taylor, illustrated with numerous maps and other engravings. 5 vol. . 1841. 4 Histoire de 1'Ancien et du Nouveau Testa- ment, et des Juifs, pour servir d'introductioii a 1'histoire ecclesi;istiy Francis Sibson, A.B., Trinity Collect, Dnbl'in. London, 1834. 8 U First American from the last London edi- tion. //M/.i./.V/i/.m, 1830. 12 Commentary upon the Epistle of St Paul to the Romans. Edited from the original English translation of Christopher Rosdell, preacher, by Henry Beveridge. [Calv. Transl. Soc.] /:./,/..., 1844. 8 d Commentary upon the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans. Translated and edited by the Rev. John /;,.., i Vol. iii. Tracts containing Antidote to the council of Trent: German Interim with refu- tation ; true method of reforming the Chun h ; sinfulness of outward conformity to Roman rites ; psycho|>annychia ; or, the soul's imagi- nary Heap between death and judgment. Translated from the original Latin and French, by Henry Beveridge. [Calv. Transl. Soc.] Urn., 1851. 8 Epistolie et responsa. Edii 1 1 -nuance, 1697. 8 Lettres de J. C. Recueillies...par J < net. 2 torn. , 1854. 8 Letters of J. C. Compiled from the original manuscripts, and edited with historical notes by Dr Jules Bonnet. Translated from the Latin and French languages by David Con- stable and Marcus Robert Gilchrist. 3 vol. Edinburgh and P/i//./r/,7 r /mi, 1855, 58. 8 Another copy [of vol. i. and ii. ] Lettres a Jaqve de Bourgogne, Seigneur de Falais et de Bredam, et a son epouse Jolande de Brederode. Imprime'es sur les originaux. Amster., 1744. 8 Another copy. Traite* des reliques. Geneve, 1601. 12 Newly translated from the French original. With an introductory dissertation on the mi- raculous images, as well as other superstitions, of the Roman Catholic and Russo-Greek Churches. Edin., 1854. 8 The answere and judgemente of that famous and excellent learned man, touching the [Com- mon-Prayer] book of England, after that he had perused the same ; faithfully translated out of Latin by Maister Whittingnam. *. I., [1642]. 4 A treatise on the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper. Edin., 1838. 16 * L'Histoire de la vie et mort de J. C... : prinse* de la preface de Theodore de Besze aux comentaires dudit Calvin sur losue*. Genl-te, 1565. 8 *La vie, mort et doctrine de Jean Calvin... escrite par M. Hierosme Hermes Box.- imprime'e a Lyon 1'an 1577. Ensemble la vie de Jean LABADIE, a present ministre a Geneve. Lyon, 1664. 8 * Memoirs of the life and writings of John Calvin ; compiled from the narrative of Theo- dore Beza, and other authentic documents. Accompanied with biographical sketches of the Reformation. By John MACKENZIE. London, [1809]. 8 *Das Leben Johann Calvins des grossen Re- formators ; mit Benutzung der handschrift- lichen Urkunden, vornehnilich der Genfer und Ziiricher Bibliothek, entworfen, nebst einem Anliang bisher ungedruckter Briefe und an- CALVIN TRANSLATION SOCIETY CAMDEN. 143 derer Belege, von Paul HENRY. 2 Band. Hamburg, 1835, 38. 8 Translated from the German of Paul Henry, by Henry STEBBING, D.D. 2 vol. London, 1849. 8 Another copy. - *Histoire de la vie, des ouvrages et des doc- trines de Calvin, par M. AUDIN. Quatrieme Edition, abre'ge'e. Paris, 1845. 12 - Cinquieme e'dition. 2 vol. Paris, 1850. 12 - *The life of John Calvin. Compiled from authentic sources, and particularly from his correspondence. By Thomas H. DYER. London, 1850. 8 * Calvin : his life, labours, and writings. By Felix BUNG EN ER. 1863 Calvinism by Calvin : being the substance of discourses delivered by Calvin and the other ministers of Geneva on the doctrines of grace. With an introductory essay by Rev. R. Go- vett, Jun. London, 1840. 12 Calvin's Calvinism. Part I. A treatise on the eternal predestination of God. Part II. A defence of the secret providence of God. Translated by Henry Cole, D.D. London, 1856, 57. 8 CALVIN TRANSLATION SOCIETY. Works printed for the Calvin Translation Society. 62vol. Edin., 1844-56. 8 Another copy. Another copy. CALVINIANUS PRESBYTER, pseud, i. e. Ar- chibald BRUCE. CALVINISM. Le Calvinisme convaincu de nou- veau de dogmes impies : ou la justification du livre, Du renversement de la morale, par les erreurs des Calvinistes. [Par Ant. ARNAULD.] Cologne, 1682. 12 Another copy. - Remarks on two particulars in A refutation of Calvinism. By a friend to the principles of that work. London, 1811. 8 A ready reply to an Irish enquiry : or, A con- vincing and conclusive confutation of Calvin- ism. To which is subjoined, leropaideia ; or, the true method of teaching the clergy of the Established Church By a clergyman of the Church of England. London, 1818. 8 CALVINIST. Prejugez legitimes contre les Cal- vinistes. [Par Pierre NICOLE.] Paris, 1671. 8 CALVINISTIC SOCIETY. First [and second] anmial report of the Edinburgh young men's Calvinistic Society. Edin., 1834, 35. 12 CALVINUS. Two letters to the Rev. Dr Thomas M'Crie, and the Rev. Mr Andrew Thomson, on the parody of Scripture, lately published in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. By Cal- vinus. Edin., 1817. 8 Another copy. - Another letter (being the third), to the Rev. Dr M'Crie, and the Rev. Mr Andrew Thom- son, on the parody of Scripture, lately pub- lished in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Edin., 1817. 8 Another copy. Two more letters (being the fourth and the last), to the Rev. Dr M'Crie, and the Rev. Mr Andrew Thomson, on the parody of Scripture, lately published in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Including a brief view of minis- terial character and duty. Edin., 1817. 8 Another copy. Postscript to the letters of Calvinus to the Rev. Dr Thomas M'Crie, and the Rev. Mr Andrew Thomson, on a late parody of Scrip- ture, including a comparative view of the lax and the strict doctrines entertained of minis- terial character and duty. Edin., 1817. 8 Another copy. CALVINUS (JOANNES). See John CALVIN. CALVINUS MINOR, pseud, i. e. Archibald BRUCE. CALVISIUS (SETHUS). Opus chronologicum, ad annum M.DCLXXXV. continuatum. Cui prae- missa est Isagoge chronologica et subjuncta appendix epistolarum et judiciorum de hoc opere, nee non controversiarum chronologica- rum nunc primum ex MSC. CL. autoris col- lectarum. Franco/ . ad Mcenum et Lipsice, 1685. fol. CAMBRIDGE. Remarks on the enormous ex- pense in the education of young men in the University of Cambridge ; with a plan for the better regulation of the discipline of that Uni- versity. London, 1788. 8 Cambridge problems... 1801-1820. Cambridge, 1821. 8 Collection of Cambridge mathematical exami- nation papers. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1831-33. 8 Classical examinations. Cambridge, 1830. 8 Second series. Cambridge, 1831. 8 The Cambridge University calendar for 1842. Cambridge, 1842. 12 Report of Her Majesty's commissioners ap- pointed to inquire into the state, discipline, studies, and revenues of the university and colleges of Cambridge : together with the evi- dence, and an appendix. London, 1852. fol. CAMBRIDGE AND S A YBROOK. Cambridge and Saybrook platforms of Church discipline, with the Confession of faith of the New Eng- land Churches, adopted in 1680. Boston, 1829. 12 CAMBUSLANG. A short narrative of the ex- traordinary work at Cambuslang ; in a letter to a friend. With proper attestations. By ministers, preachers, and others. Glasgow, 1742. S J A short account of the remarkable conversions at Cambuslang. In a letter from a gentleman in the west country to his friend at Edin- burgh. Glasgow, 1742. 8 CAMDEN (THEOPHILUS). The imperial history of England, accurately and concisely compiled from the best authorities. [From the landing of Julius Caesar, to the end of the reign of George III.]. 2 vol. London, 1810, 11. fol. CAMDEN (WILLIAM). Remaines concerning BRITAINE. 1614. Britannia : or, a chorograpliical description of OAMDEN SOCIETY-CAMDEN MISCELLANY. tho flourishing kingdoms of England, Scot- land, and 1'ivlaiid, and the islands ad j fn.ni tin; t-arlii-st antiquity. Translated from tin- edition puNishi-d l>y the ant hot- in MH.-VII., enlarged by tho latest disci >\<-rii s. By EUdUKNJ Ji. iM ed. Illustrated with maps and othri- copperplates. 4vol. London, 1800. fol. Tin- history of the most renowned and victo- rious Princess Elizabeth, late Queen of Eng- land. The 4th ed., revised. London, 1688. fol. CAMDEN SOCIETY. Publications of the Cam- l.-u Society. 84 voL London, 1839-64. 4 CAMDEN MISCELLANY. Vol. i. Containing, 1. Register and chronicle of the abbey of Aber- conway : from the Harleian MS. 3725. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. 2. Chronicle of the rebel- lion in Lincolnshire, 1470. Edited by John Cough Nichols. 3. Bull of Pope Innocent VIII. on the marriage of Henry VII. with Elizabeth of York. Communicated by J. Payne Collier. 4. Journal of the siege of Rouen, 1591. By Sir Thomas Coningsby. Edited by John Gough Nichols. 5. Letter from George Fleetwood to his father, giving :m account of the battle of Lutzen, and the death of Gustavus Adolphus. Edited by Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart. 6. Diary of Dr Edward Lake, Archdeacon and Preben- dary of Exeter, chaplain and tutor to the Princesses Mary and Anne, daughters of the Duke of York, afterwards James the Second, in the years 1677-1678. Edited by George Percy Elliott. London, 1847. 4 Vol. ii. Containing, 1. Account of the ex- pences of John of Brabant, and Henry and Thomas of Lancaster, A.D. 1292-3. Edited by Joseph Burtt. 2. Household expenses of the Princess Elizabeth during her residence at Hatfield, October 1, 1551, to September 30, 1552.. Edited by Viscount Strangford. 3. The request and suite of a true-hearted English- man, written by William Cholmley, Londyner, in the year 1553. Edited, from the original MS. in the library of the Faculty of Advo- cates of Edinburgh, by W. J. Thorns. 4. The discovery of the Jesuits' college at Clerken- well in March 1627-8 ; in a letter found in their house, (as asserted) directed to the Fa- ther Rector at Bruxelles. Edited by John Gongh Nichols. 5. Trelawny papers. Edited by William Durant Cooper. 6. Autobiogra- phy and anecdotes, by William Taswell, D.D. , some time Rector of Newington, Surrey, Rec- tor of Bermondsey, and previously student of Christ Church, Oxford. A.D. 1651-1682. Edited by George Percy Elliott. London, 1853. 4 Vol. iii. Containing, 1. Papers relating to proceedings in the county of Kent, A.D. 1642- 1646. Edited by Richard Alinack, from ori- ginal MSS. in the possession of John George WellerPoley. 2. Ancient biographical poems, on the Duke of Norfolk, Viscount Hereford, the Earl of Essex, and Queen Elizabeth. From Gough's Norfolk MSS. in the Bodleian library. Edited by J. Payne Collier. :'.. A ivl.-ition of .s.iin almscs which are. committed against tho common-wealth : t.. o-ther with a frinidlio ro- pivhriision of tin- same. Composed especialliu for tin; benefit of this countio of Durhame, December the xxvjth 1629, by a poor bJMM and well wisher to the common -wealth. Kditi-d, from the original MS. preserved in thu i Museum, by Sir Frederick Madden. I. In- ventories of the wardrobes, plate, chapel stuff, &c. of Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond ; and of the wardrobe stuff at Baynard's castle, of Katharine Princess Dowager. Edited, with a memoir and letters of the Duke of Rich- mond, by John Gough Nichols. London, 1855. 4 Vol. iv. Containing, 1. A London Chronicle during the reigns of Henry the Seventh and Henry the Eighth. Edited from the original MS. in the Cottonian library of the British Museum, by Clarence Hopper. 2. The ex- penses of the judges of assize riding the West - em and Oxford circuits, temp. Elizabeth, 1596-1601. Edited from the MS. account- book of Thomas Walmysley, one of the jus- tices of the Common Pleas, by William Durant Cooper. 3. The skryveners' play, The incre- dulity of St Thomas. From a manuscript in the possession of John Sykes, Esq., M.D., of Doncaster. Edited by J. Payne Collier. 4. The childe of Bristow, a poem by John Lydgate. Edited, from the original MS. in the British Museum, by Clarence Hopper. 5. Sir Edward Lake's account of his inter- views with Charles I. on being created a Ba- ronet, and receiving an augmentation to his arms. Edited by T. P. Langmead. 6. The letters of Pope to Atterbury, when in the Tower of London. Edited by John Gough Nichols. 7. Supplementary note to the dis- covery of the Jesuits' college at Clerkenwell in March 1627-8 : printed in the second vo- lume of the Camden Miscellatiy. By John Gough Nichols. London, 1859. 4 Vol. v. Containing, 1. Five letters of King Charles II. Communicated by the Marquis of Bristol. 2. Letter of the Council, to Sir Thomas Lake, relating to the proceedings of Sir Edward Coke atOatlands ; and, documents relating to Sir Walter Raleigh's last voyage. Communicated to the Caniden Miscellany by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. 3. A catalogue of early English miscellanies formerly in the Har- leian Library. Edited by W. Carew Hazlitt. 4. Letters selected from the collection of auto- graphs in the possession of William Tite. 5. Sir Francis Drake's memorable service done against the Spaniards in 1587. Written by Robert Ling, gentleman, one of his co-adven- turers and fellow-soldiers. Now first edited, from the original MS. in the British Museum, together with an appendix of illustrative pa- pers, by Clarence Hopper. 6. Inquiry into the genuineness of a letter dated February 3d, 1613, and signed "Mary Magdaline Davers." London, 1864. 4 CAMERARIUS CAMPBELL. 145 CAMERARIUS (JOACHIMUS). Jesu Christ! D N. Novum Testamentum. 1642. See BIBLES GREEK. H. - De vita Philippi MELANCTHONIS narratio. 177 1 ! wyouv KitfaXaice vymv Lipsice, s. a. 8 CAMERARIUS (PHILIPPUS). Relatio vera et solida de captivitate Romana, ex falsa delatione orta, et liberatioiie fere miraculosa P. C. et Petri Rieteri ; [cum SCHELHORNII comment. de vita Camerarii]. 1740 CAMERON (HUGH). Some meditations on the first thirty-eight questions of the Assembly's shorter catechism. Edin. , 1783. 8 CAMERON (JOHN), Professor of theology at Sau- mnr. Arnica collatio, instituta inter Danielem TILENUM et J. C. 1622 An examination of those plausible appear- ances which seeme most to commend the Ro- mish Church, and to prejudice the Reformed. Discovering them to be but mere shifts. Eng- lished out of French. Oxford, 1626. 4 - Proelectiones in selectiora quaedam N. T. loca Salmurii habitarum. In quo habetur explica- tio celebres loci, qui est Matth. xviii. 15... Una cum integro et pleno tractatu De Ecclesia. Cui aliorum quorundam locorum communium doctse ejusdem Cameronis explicationes inter- textse aunt. Omnia post ejus obitum ex dic- tatis ipsius collecta et in lucem edita sunt. 3 torn. Salmurii, 1626, 28. 4 - Myrothecium evangelicum. Hoc est, Novi Testament! loca quamplurima ab eo, post alio- rum labores, aptb et commode vel illustrata, vel explicata, vel vindicata. Quibus ad cal- cem adjectumest, Lud. CAPPELLI Spicilegium, ejusdem argument!, et Diatribae duo, I. De interpretatione loci Matth. xv. 5. II. De voto Jephtae. Geneva, 1632. 4 - TA 212ZOMENA, sive opera partim ab auctore ipso edita, partim post ejus obitum vulgata, partim nusquam hactenus publicata, vel & Gal- lico idiomate nunc primum in Latinum lin- guam translata. Geneva?., 1642. fol. [Substantially the same work as the preced- ing, with a different title.] Another copy. [Wants title. ] CAMERON (MARGARET). Grain Nuadh Ghaidh- ealach. Inbhirneis, 1805. 12 CAMERON (RICHARD). Good news to Scot- land. A sermon preached in the parish of Carluke, in Clydsdale ; July 8th, 1680. filasgow, 1741. 8 CAMERONIANS. A short memorial of the suf- ferings and grievances, past and present, of the Presbyterians in Scotland : particularly of those of them called by nick-name Camero- niana. [By Alexander SHIELDS.] s. I, 1690. 4 CAMOENS (Luis DE). The Lusiad : or, The discovery of India. An epic poem. Trans- lated from the original Portuguese ; by Wil- liam Julius Mickle. 2 vol. 3d ed. London, 1798. 8 CAMP (JOANNES). Disputationum metaphysica- rum prima, de constitutione metaphysicse. Ultrajecti, 1640. 4 CAMPBELL (ALEXANDER). Libel against Rev. Alexander Campbell, minister of Kilcalmonel and Kilberry. s. 1. et a. 4 CAMPBELL (ALEXANDER B.), Minister of the Free Church at Markinch. Indian missions : their modes of operation. A letter to the Rev. DrTweedie. Edin.,l8GL 8 CAMPBELL (ALEXANDER J.), Minister of St George's church, Geelong. The power of Jesus Christ to save unto the uttermost. London, 1859. 8 CAMPBELL (ANGUS). Grain Ghaidhealach. [Wants title.] 16 CAMPBELL (ARCHIBALD), D.D., Regius Profes- sor of divinity in the University of St Andrews. An enquiry into the original of moral virtue. Edin., 1733. 8 CAMPBELL (ARCHIBALD), Marquis of Argyll. Instructions to a son, containing rules of con- duct in publick and private life. Glasgow, 1762. 12 CAMPBELL (DANIEL). Sacramental medita- tions on the sufferings and death of Christ. 12th ed. Glasgow, 1760. 12 - Another edition. Falkirk, 1792. 12 CAMPBELL (DONALD). Smuaintean Cudthro- macha mu Bhas agus Fhulangas ar Slanui'- fhir. Air an tiundadh gu Gailig Albannuich, le D. M'Phairlain, M.A. An Peairt, 1800. 12 IAMPBELL (DUNCAN). Nuadh Grain Ghailach. Corcuig, 1798. 18 lAMPBELL (GEORGE), D.D., Principal of Ma- rischal College, Aberdeen. A dissertation on miracles : containing an examination of the principles advanced by David Hume, Esq. , in an essay on miractes. Edin., 1762. 8 Third edition. With a correspondence on the subject by Mr Hume, Dr Campbell, and Dr Blair, now first published. To which are added, sermons and tracts. 2 vol. Edin., 1797. 8 Another edition. Edin. , 1812. 8 C A new edition. Edin., 1823. 8 A new edition. London, 1834. 8 [And in Christian literature. EVIDENCES.] 1840 The success of the first publishers of the Gos- pel, a proof of its truth. A sermon [on 1 Cor. i. 25] preached June 6, 1777. Edin., 1777. 8 The four Gospels translated from the Greek. 1789. See BIBLES ENGLISH. E. Lectures on ecclesiastical history. To which is added, an essay on Christian temperance and self-denial. With some account of the life and writings of the author. By the Rev. George Skene Keith. 2 vol. London, 1800. 8 Another copy. A new edition. London, 1834. 8 A new edition. London, 1840. 8 Lectures on systematic theology, and pulpit eloqiience. London, 1807. 8 Another copy. 19 il'BELL CAMl'HELL. Anntlu-r copy. - Another cditi"M. 1824. 8 Another i-dition [of the Lectures on pulpit elo- quence only]. London, 1824. 12 Lectures on -the pastoral character : Ediu d by James Fraser, D.D., minister of Drumoak. / ndon, 1811. 8 The philosophy of rhetoric. A new edition, with the author's last additions and correc- tions. 2 v.i. /;./;/., is it;. 8- Anew edit i<. n. Edin. t 1819. 8 Eleventh edition. London, 1841. 8 CAMPBELL (GEORGE), .V, -' ridge. Sermons on interesting subjects. ,1816. 8 Another copy. CAMPBELL (GEORGE-DOUGLAS), Marquis of Lome, aftenrards SthDuke of Argyll. Letter to the Peers from a Peer's son, on the duty and necessity of immediate legislative interposition in behalf of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 1842 Another copy. A letter to the Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D.D., on the present position of Church affairs in Scotland, and the causes which have led to it. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. A letter on the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1843. 8 "Presbytery examined:" An essay, critical and historical, on the ecclesiastical history of Scotland since the Reformation. London, 1848. 8 Second edition. London, 1849. 8 * Observations on Church and State, suggested by the Duke of Argyll's essay on the ecclesias- tical history of Scotland. Edin., 1848. 8 CAMPBELL (HARIETTE). The cardinal virtues ; or, morals and manners connected. 2 vol. London, 1841. 8 CAMPBELL (Sir HUGH), of Calder.A. collec- tion of letters, relative to an essay upon the Lord's prayer, which was printed anno 1704. And now reprinted anno 1709. The essay itself is printed at the end of the collection. Edin., 1709. 8 CAMPBELL (HUGH), Professor of Church history, Presbyterian College, London. *In memoriam. A sketch of the life and labours of the late Rev. H. C. By his colleague, Peter Lorimer, D.D. London, 1855. 8 CAMPBELL (ISABELLA). * Peace in believing ; a memoir of I. C. With a preliminary essay. By an American clergyman. From the last English edition. New York & Boston, 1830. 12 CAMPBELL (JAMES R.), A.M. The endowment scheme examined : a lecture delivered in Montrose, 8th Jan. 1839, in reply to a lecture delivered by the Rev. W. Nixon. Glasgow, 1839. 12 CAMPBELL (JoH> T ), 2d Duke of Argyle, and Dnl;e of Greenunch. The speech of the D ke of A le upon the state of the nation ; April 15th, 1740. s. I, 1740. 8 *The life of. . .John Duke of Argyle and Green- b, l.v Robert CampU 11. km, i:ir. 8 * Cumhadh do Dh' larla Earraghaidhail. ran/, *. a. 16 CAMPBELL (JOHN), LL.D. Lives of the ad- mirals and other cmim-nt British seanu-n Including a new and accurate naval history. :;ded. London, 1701. 8 Laves of the British admirals. ..chic-fly al>n from the work of Dr J. C. Glasgow, 1841. 8 A political survey of Britain; being a series of reflections on the situation, land, inhabitants, revenues, colonies, and commerce of this island. 2 vol. London, 1774. 4 CAMPBELL (JOHN), Minister of Kippen.The perpetual duration of Christianity established by historic proof ; a sermon [on Matt. xvi. 18J preached before the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian knowledge... 5th June, IHIO. Edin., 1801. 8 Another copy. CAMPBELL (JOHN), Dundee. An essay on the nature of Christ's kingdom. Dundee, 1805. 8 CAMPBELL (JOHN). Letters to the Rev. J. C. ...on the subject of a false report said to have been circulated by Mr C. to the prejudice of the Rev. Thomas Ross ; with Mr C.'s answers. 1807 CAMPBELL (JoHx). A short statement of the Scripture doctrine of the unity of God ; and of the person of his Son Jesus Christ. In a let- ter to a friend [James A. Haldane]. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1813. 8 CAMPBELL (JOHN). A journey in the High- lands, with conversations and remarks on reli- gious subjects. In two parts. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1815. 12 CAMPBELL (JOHN), of Carbrook. Considera- tions on the immoral tendency of a law re- quiring unanimity of juries. Edin., 1815. 8 Observations on the antichristian tendency of modern education, and on the practicability and means of its improvement. Edin., 1823. 12 Letter to his friends, containing a vindication of his conduct from the mis-statements of the Rev. Dr Thomson. AV-'/t., 1827. 8 Six letters on the Church question. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. CAMPBELL (JOHN), Minister of Kingsland cha- pel. Travels in South Africa, undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society. 3d ed. London, 1815. 8 Travels in South Africa, undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society ; being a narrative of a second journey in the interior of that country. 2 vol. London, 1822. 8 Another copy. j African light thrown on a selection of Scripture texts. 2d edition ; with a biographical sketch of the author. Edin., 1842. 12 CAMPBELL (JOHN), D.D. The faithful minis- CAMPBELL C AN ADA. 147 tor's character and reward : a sermon [on 2 Tim. iv. 6-8]. Edin., 1818. 8 - Another copy. - The acclamation of the redeemed : a sermon [on Rev. vii. 10] delivered May 11, 1808. 2ded. Edin., 1818. 8 r Another copy. Another copy. - Sermons and theological pieces. To which is prefixed, the sermon preached on occasion of his death, by the Rev. Robert Lorimer, LL.D. 2d edition, containing letters on affliction. Edin., 1838. 8 - Another copy. CAMPBELL (JOHN), Lord Campbell. * A. full and impartial report of the speeches in the House of Lords, on Lord Campbell's resolu- tions respecting the Church of Scotland, March 31, 1843. Edin., 1843. 8 r Speech of the Right Hon. Lord Chief Justice Campbell, in the House of Lords, Feb. 25, 1851, against the second reading of the bill for legalising marriage with a deceased wife's sister. London, s. a. 12 CAMPBELL (JOHN), 2d Marquis of Breadal- bane. A brief statement of facts respecting certain interviews with Her Majesty's minis- ters on the Scottish Church question, with do- cuments submitted to them, by the Marquis of Breadalbane, and the Rev. Dr BROWN of Lang- ton. Edin., 1843. 8 Address in Glasgow, on the subject of the Free Church of Scotland. Oupar, [1843]. 4 - *Gif t from the ladies of the Irish Presbyterian Church to the Marquis of Breadalbane. 2d ed. Belfast, 1844. 12 CAMPBELL (JOHN), D.D. Theology for youth : a CATECHISM on the doctrines, experience, mo- rals, and dispensations of Christianity. 9th ed. London, 1854. 12 CAMPBELL (JOHN DOUGLAS-EDWARD HENRY), 7th Duke of Argyll. * Strictures on the Duke of Argyll's bill. By an elder of the Church [Rev. John JOHNSTONE]. Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. CAMPBELL (JOHN M'LEOD), Minister at Bow. Notes and recollections of two sermons, by the Rev. Mr Campbell ; delivered in the pa- rish church of Row, 6th Sept. 1829. By a hearer. Greenock, 1829. 12 Another copy. - * Exposure of certain errors put forth in "notes and recollections of two sermons by the Rev. Mr Campbell, of Row," being ex- tracts from a review of said sermons in the London Evangelical Magazine. With a brief introductory notice by the editor. Greenock, 1830. 12 - Notes of a sermon [on Matt. v. 1-12] preached in the parish church of Row, 8th July, 1830 ; being the day of the visitation of that parish by the Presbytery of Dumbarton. Greenock, 1830. 12 Another copy. The everlasting Gospel ; notes of a sermon by the Rev. J. M. C., preached in the floating chapel, at Greenock, 28th April, 1830. Greenock, 1830. 12 Notes of sermons, by the Rev. J. M. C. Vol. i. Greenock, 1831. 12 * Libel of Mr John Macleod Campbell. Glasgow, s. a. 12 *The whole proceedings in the case of the Rev. J. M. C. before the Presbytery of Dum- barton, the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, and the General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land ; including, besides all the documents, the speeches in the different Church courts. Greenock, 1831. 12 Another copy. A sermon on Jeremiah, vi. 14. s. I. et a. 12 Sermon on Luke, ii. 8-11. 3. I. et a. 12 A sermon on John, xv. 1, 4, 5, 6. s. 1. et a. 12 Tract on unbelief. s. 1. et a. 12 On confessing Christ. s. 1. et a. 12 Letters. s. 1. et a. 12 CAMPBELL (PETER), Minister of the Original Burgher Synod, Kilmarnock. General remarks on several public questions connected with the Church controversy, as affecting the estab- lished, secession, and dissenting Churches, of the United Kingdom : a lecture delivered 16th July, 1835. Glasgow, 1835. 8 CAMPBELL (ROBERT), M.A., Stirling. The glory of Christ displayed in the conversion of the nations, a sermon [on Isaiah, Iv. 5]. Edin., 1800. 8 CAMPBELL (THOMAS). The poetical works of T. C. London, 1840. 8 The pleasures of hope : with other poems. 7th ed. London, 1803. 4 - Eighth edition. Edin., 1805. 12 CAMPBELL (WILLIAM). The value of annui- ties. London, 1810. 8 CAMPBELL (WILLIAM). Am feum agus a chomhfhurtachd tha' g'eirigh o na Bainc- Theaniaidh, air a chur an ceill ann an comh- chomhradh eadar Uilliam Caimbeuil agus Do- null Mac-illean. [Wants title.] 12 CAMPBELTON. Reasons of protest against re- solutions adopted at a meeting in College street Relief church, Edinburgh, with refer- ence to the case of the Campbelton Relief church, now in dependence before the Court of Session, and interlocutor therein by Lord Moncrieff. Edin., 1837. 8 Papers in the case, Archibald Galbraith and others, advocators ; against the Rev. James Smith and others, respondents, s. 1. et a. 4 CAMUS (HIERONYMUS LE), pseud, i. e. Richard SIMON. CANAAN. Canaan ; or, the land of promise : A friendly response to ' ' The harp on the wil- lows, " and ' ' Farewell to Egypt. " By a mem- ber of the United Secession Church of Scot- land. London, 1843. 12 CANADA. An account of upper and lower Ca- nada, exhibiting its importance and growing prosperity as a British province, extracted by permission from the Edinburgh Encyclopedia. Glasgow, 1815. 8 Views of Canada and the colonists. By a four IIS CANARIES CANDLISH. years' resident. [By James Bryce BROWN. ] , 1844. 8 The Canadian Presbyter. Vol. i. Montreal, 1857. 8 CANARIES (JAVES), D.D. A discourse repre- .HI 11 ting the sufficient manifestation of the will of God to his Church in all its several periods and dispensations. /.'-//'/I., 1684. 16 A sermon [on Psalm xx. 5] preacht at Selkirk upon the 29 May, 1085, being the anniversary of the restoration of the royal family to the throne of these kingdoms. , 1685. 4 Rome's additions to Christianity shewn to be inconsistent with the true design of so spiri- tual a religion. In a sermon preached at Edin- burgh, in the East church of St Giles, Feb. 14, 1686. To which is prefixt a letter, vindi- cating it from the misrepresentations of some of the Romish Church. London, 1686. 4 CANDIDUS. Observations on a letter by Lu- cius, to the Rev. Andrew Thomson, minister of St George's Church. By Candidus. Edin., 1817. 8 - Another copy. CANDLISH (ROBERT SMITH), D.D., Principal of the New College, and minister of Free St George' 's, Edinburgh. Remarks on the Dean of Faculty's letter to the Lord Chancellor. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - Report of the speech delivered at a meeting of the Commission of the General Assembly, llth Dec. 1839, on the Marnoch case. Re- vised. Edin., 1839. 8 P Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. The state of the case for the Church of Scot- land, in her negociation with the government and the legislature, on the subject of the law against the INTRUSION of ministers. 1839 Answer to reasons of dissent by Dr COOK, and others. 1839 Tracts on the intrusion of ministers, Nos. iii. and Lx. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. A letter to the Marquis of Normanby. Edin., 1840. 8 Third thousand. Edin., 1841. 8 Friendly address to the DISSENTERS of Scot- land. 1840 Second friendly address to the DISSENTERS of Scotland. 1840 Speech at the Commission of the General As- sembly, August 12, 1840, on the motion for serving the suspended ministers of the Pres- bytery of Strathbogie with a libel. Editt., 1840. 8 - Another copy. - * A letter to the Rev. Rol>ert S. Candlish by a parishioner of St George's parish, Edinburgh. <7m., 1840. 8 | - Another edition. E'lin., 1841. 8" Summary of the question respecting thcChiuvh rlaml, with s|>t-<-i;il ivf.-iviice to the pre- sent stage of the controversy. 1841. 8 Application of principles already proved tu the Church, as established by civil :iuth< Narrative relating to certain ivvnt m,-gocia- tions for the settlement of the Scottish Church question. '<'., 1842. 8 Another copy. Notes on Rev. John Cumming's letter to the Marquis of Cholmondeley, on the present state of the Church of Scotland. London, 1843. 12 * Ought the non-intrusionists to join with the United Secession I A letter addressed to the Rev. Dr C., by a minister of the Unit. cession Church. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. *The repentance, recantation, and reforma- tion of a non-intrusionist and evangelical preacher ; addressed to the Rev. Dr Candlish. Edin., 1843. 8 Contributions towards the exposition of the Book of Genesis. Vols. i. and ii. [Vol. i.. 3ded.] Edin., 1844, 52. 8 6 Another edition. 3vol. Edin., 1862. 8 The cross of Christ ; the call of God ; saving faith : An inquiry into the completeness and extent of the atonement, with especial refer- ence to the universal offer of the Gospel, and the universal obligation to believe. 2d ed. Edin., 1845. 8 Another copy. The atonement : its reality, completeness, and extent. London, 1861. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Christian unity in connection with the propa- gation of the Gospel. [Essays on Christian UNION.] 1845 College extension in the Free Church of Scot- land, considered with reference to the present state of the question. Edin., 1849. 8 9 Scripture characters and miscellanies. Edin., 1850. 8 Another edition [of the Scripture characters only]. .fc'\\, iiiiniaiiisiiii-, 1'. .jn.no, and tyrannic of Unit faction, \>y their own confessions ; with a postscript to the Persoiiat Jesuito Lysiniaclms Nicanor, a prime Can terburian. | i'.v K.-lm-t I:\II.I.IK.J s. L, 1G40. 4 CANTERBURY, AKCHBISHOP OF. Afc* Rich:ml BANCROFT. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP or. See Thonias a BECKET. CANTERBURY, AKCHBISHOP OF. See Thomas CRANMKR. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See Edmund GRINDAL. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See William LAUD. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See Thomas BANCROFT. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See Thomas S EO K K R CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See John Bird SUM - CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See Thomas TEXISON. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See William WAKE. CANUS, or CANO (MELCHIOR), Bishop of tlw Canaries. Opera, in liac prinmni editione clarius divisa, et pnefatione instar prologi Galeati illtistrata, a P. Hyacintho Serry, Doct. Sorbon. 2 part. Vienna, 1764. 4 CANZIUS (ISRAEL-THEOPHILUS). Philosophise Leibnitianae et Wolffianze usus in theologia per pnecipua fidei capita. Editio nova. 2 torn. Francofurti et Lipsice, 1749. 8 CAPELLUS (JACOBUS). See Jacques CAPPEL. CAPELLUS (L.). See L. CAPPELLUS. CAPPE (NEWCOME), Unitarian pastor in York. A sermon preached on the thirteenth of De- cember, the late day of national humiliation, to a congregation of protestant-dissenters. York, 1776. 8 - Critical remarks on many important passages of Scripture : together with dissertations upon several subjects, tending to illustrate the phraseology and doctrine of the New Testa- ment. To which are prefixed memoirs of his life, by the editor, Catherine Cappe. 2 vol. York, 1802. 8 CAPPEL (JACQUES), Professor of Hebrew and Theology at Sedan. Apologie pour les Eglises reforrue'es contre les blasmes de Leonard Les- sius, Pierre Coton et autres. Sedan, 1611. 8 Observationes in libros Veteris Testament! ; [cum commentariis in Vet. Testament, per L. CAPPELLUM.] 1689 CAPPELLUS (LuDpvicus), Professor of Hebrew at Saumur. Spicilegium, et diatribae duse, I. De interpretatioiie loci Matth. xv. 5. II. De voto Jephtae ; [ad calc. Myrothecii evangelici, per J. CAMERON.] 1632 Historia apostolica illustrata ex actis Apostol- orum et Epistolis Paulinis...Una cum verse Epistolarum Paulinarum (juxta temporis, quo singulse sunt scriptse, ordinem) seriei historica demonstratione. His additum est historia? -,al> Asinonax>rum,8i ., :i'l ilu ro.solyuionini, et Teiujili j.er Tituiii \ esposianuni uliiiiiuin exculmiii, l.rcvu ex JoMpho compendium. ;t. 4 a Am. tlu-r edition. Xlinnni, 1083. 4 COIHIIH nt.irii et notnj critiau in Vetus Testa- iiientiiin. Acivsserc Jacol.i C.\i-Ki.u...()l>ser- vatioia-s in c-osdem liliros. Item L. Capelli ar- canum punciatioiiis revelatum...ejus and his forsaking of a rich Marquesgcd<>> the gospel's sake. \Viitteii lust in Italian, thence translated into latin by revereix, and for the benefit of our people put into Eng- lish : and now published by W . Crashaw, li. D. , and Preacher at tho Temple. [London}, 1G08. 4 CAJRADOC, ofLhancarvan. The history of Wales. Written originally in British byC. of L., Eng- lished by Dr Powell, and augmented by W. Wynne. To which is added, a description of Wales, by Sir John PRICE. A new edition, greatly improved and enlarged, with pedigrees of families. London, 177-1. 8 CARAFFA (ANTON i us), Cardinal. Vetus Testa- mentum juxta Septuaginta. 1587. (b'trBi. GREEK, C. CARDINALS. II Cardinalismo di Santa Chiesa ; or the history of the cardinals of the Roman Church, from the time of their first creation to the election of the present Pope Clement the Ninth, with a full account of his conclave. In three parts. Written in Italian by tho author of the Nipotismo di Roma [Gregorio LETI] and faithfully Englished by G. H. London, 1070. fol. Another copy. CARDROSS. Report [on the Cardross case] to the Commission of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, 10th August, 1859, with speech of Rev. Dr Buchanan. Edin., 1859. 8 The Cardross case in relation to the civil rights of the community. By a member of the Free Church. L'din., 1860. 8 The Cardross case. Proceedings at the Com- mission of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, January 18, 1860. Edin., 1860. 8 The liberty of the Christian Church. A report of the speeches at the meeting in Edinburgh on January 14th, 1861. Edin., [1861.] 8 Decision of the Court of Session. Speeches of the Lord President, and Lords Ivory, Currie- hill, and Deas. [Edin,.] s. a. 8 CARD WELL (EDWARD), D.D., Principal of St Alban's Hall. A history of conferences and other proceedings connected with the revision of the Book of Common Prayer from the year 1558 to the year 1690. Oxford, 1840. 8 Synodalia : A ^collection of ARTICLES of reli- CARE CARLYLE. 151 gions, CANONS, and proceedings of convocations in the province of Canterbury, from the year 1547 to 1717. With notes historical and ex- planatory. 2 vol. Oxford, 1842. 8 - Documentary annals of the reformed Church of England : being a collection of Injunctions, Declarations, Orders, Articles of inquiry, &c. , from the year 1546 to the year 1716 ; with notes historical and explanatory. New edi- tion. 2 vol. Oxford, 1844. 8 CARE (HENRY). A word in season : being a pa- rallel between the intended bloody massacre of the people of the Jews, in the reign of King Ahasuerus ; and the hellish powder-plot against the Protestants in the reign of King James. London, 1679. 4 - * Some queries concerning liberty of CON- SCIENCE directed to William PENN and H. C. s. I. et a. CAREW (GEORGE, Lord). Letters of George, Lord Carew, to Sir Thomas Rae, ambassador to the court of the Great Mogul, 1615-1617. Edited [for the Camden Society] by John Mac- lean, F.S.A., Keeper of the Records of H. M. Ordnance in the Tower of London. London, 1860. 4 CAREW (P. J.), Professor of divinity, Maynooth. Remarks analytical and historical on the con- nexion of revealed religion with literature and civil liberty. Being a reply to certain state- ments contained in the first preliminary dis- sertation of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Dublin, 1831. 8 CAREY (WILLIAM), D.D., Professor of Oriental la 1 1 images in the college of Fort-William. A dictionary of the Bengalee language. 2 vol. 2cl ed. Serampore, 1825. 4 CARGILL (DONALD). Torwood excommunica- tion. Being the lecture and discourse going before, and the afternoon sermon following after, with the action of excommunication itself, pronounced at Torwood, Sept. 1680. s. J.,1741. 8 Lecture and sermon preached at different times by Mr D. C. Concerning Jehosaphat. his association with Achab, and the difficulty where to make recourse, when staged before the tribunal of God. s. I. et a. 4 Another copy. CARGILL (MARGARET).* Memoirs of Mrs M. C . Including notices of the progress of Christianity in Tonga and Feejee. By her husband. London, 1841. 12 CARION (JOHANNES). Chronicon, expositum et auctum multis et veteribus et recentibus his- toriis, in descriptionibus regnorum et gentium aiitiquarum, et narrationibus rerum ecclesias- ticarum, et politicarum, Grfecarum, Roman- arum, Germanicarum et aliarum, ab exordio mundi usque ad Carohim quintum impera- torem, a Philippo Melanthone et Casparo Peucero. s. I, 1581. 8 CARLETON (GEORGE), D.D., Bishop of Win- chester. Jurisdiction regall, episcopall, pa- pall. Wherein is declared how the Pope hath intruded upon the jurisdiction of temporal! princes, and of the Church. Londini, 1610. 4 An examination of those things wherein the author of the late appeale holdeth the doctrines of the Pelagians and Arminians to be the doc- trines of the Church of England. 2d edition. Whereunto also there is annexed a joynt at- testation, avowing that the discipline of the Church of England was not impeached by the Synod of Dort. London, 1626. 4 CARLILE (JAMES), Minister of the Scots church in Mary's Abbey, Dublin. An examination of the arguments for the pre-eminency of the Roman Catholic episcopacy, adduced by the Rev. John Ryan, in a sermon preached in Townsend-street chapel, Dublin, at the con- secration of the Right Rev. Dr. Plunkett and the Right Rev. Dr Waldron, 24th Feb., 1815. Dublin, 1815. 8 A series of sermons, on the nature and effects of repentance and faith. London, 1821. 8 The old doctrine of faith asserted in opposition to certain modern innovations. London, 1823. 12 - The Apocryphal controversy summed up, and directed to useful purposes. Glasgow, 1827. 8 The constitution" of primitive Churches, and the design of their establishment. A dis- course delivered in Belfast, July 17, 1831. Dublin, 1831. 8 Letters on the divine origin and authority of the holy Scriptures. 2 vol. 2d ed. Edin., 1837. 12 Another copy. CARLISLE (NICHOLAS), F.S. A. A.topographical dictionary of Scotland, and of the islands in the British seas ;... being a continuation of the topography of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vol. London, 1813. 4 CARLISLE, BISHOP OF. See Samuel BRADFORD. CARLISLE, BISHOP OF. See Edmund LAW. CARLISLE, BISHOP OF. See William NICOLSON. CARLYLE (THOMAS), Advocate. Substance of notes from the speech of T. C., in behalf of the Rev. H. B. Maclean, presented to the parish of Dreghorn ; delivered at the bar of the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, 13th October, 1830. Greenock, 1830. 12 Another copy. The moral phenomena of Germany. London, s. a. 12 CARLYLE (THOMAS). The French revolution. A history. 3vol. [3d vol. imperfect.] 2d ed. London, 1842. 12 Another copy. Vol. ii. and iii. - Past and present. 2d ed. London, 1845. 8 Oliver CROMWELL'S Letters and Speeches ; with elucidations by T. C. 1845. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 4 voL 3d ed. London, 1847. 8 SARTOR resartus ; or the life and opinions of Heir Teufelsdrockh. 1849 Latter-day pamphlets. London, 1850. 8 - History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called 1.VJ C ARMENT CARPENT I K 1 : Frederick the Great. Vol. i. and ii. 2d ed. A,.,,,/,,,,. is;,x. s GARMENT (JOHN), A.M. Dr Hanna and his accusers ; or, six letters to a friend. Edin., s. a. 8 CAi;Mi:\T(I>\\ n.\ M;,i:sf< rf fit,- !'',> f 1 /, ./,./., Tin- t\v parties in the Church brought to the test ; or, MODERATISM and evangelism contrasted. 1843 CARMICHAEL (A. N.), Master of the Edhilmiyli academy. Greek verbs ; their leading forma- tions, defects, 'and irregularities [ascertained and illustrated.... With observations... on pe- culiarities of form, meaning, construction and quantity. 2d ed. London, 1844. 8 CARMICHAEL (FREDERICK), one of the min o/Edinbtt jv//i . Sermons on important subj ects. /:-/.'., 1753. 8 Of Christian zeal. A sermon [on Gal. iv. 18] preached... January 7, 1751. Edin., 1753. 8 CARMICHAEL (GERSCHOMUS). Synopsis theo- logire naturalis. Edin., 1729. 8 CARMICHAEL (JOHN). A letter to the minis- ters *nd elders who are to form the Church of Scotland's General Assembly of 1843, assign- ing five reasons why they ought to maintain inviolate the " Veto " and the " sole headship of Christ." Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. CARNE (JOHN). Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, &c., illustrated. In a series of views drawn from nature by W. H. Bartlett, William Purser, &c. With descriptions of the plates by J. C. s. I. ct a. 4 CARNE (ROBERT HARKNESS), A. B. , Minister of High street chapel, Exeter. The two cove- nants ; or law and gospel. Being the substance of sundry discourses. London, 1828. 8 CAROLINA. Minutes of the Evangelical Lu- theran Synod and Ministerium of North Caro- lina, convened at Sandy-Creek church, David- son Co., North Carolina, April 28th, 1843. Baltimore, 1843. 8 Discipline, articles of faith and synodical con- stitution, as adopted by the Evangelical Lu- theran Synod of South Carolina and adjacent states, in Synod assembled. To which is add- ed, a liturgy, and some forms of prayer for fa- milies and individuals. Baltimore, 1841. 12 CAROLINE, Queen consort of George II. Epitaphium Reginse Carolina. London, 1738. fol. CAROLINE, Queen consort of George IV. Minutes of evidence in the trial of Queen Caroline. [Incomplete.] 2 vol. [London, 1820.] fol. Report of the proceedings in the House of Lords on the bill of pains and penalties against the Queen. 3 vol. Edin. , 1820. 8 Vindication of the ministers of the Church of Scotland, who have prayed for the Queen by name, notwithstanding the order in council on that subject. By a Presbyterian. 2d ed. Edin., 1820. 8 CAROLSTADIUS (ANDREAS BODENSTEINIUS), Professor of d'n-'mHu t ll'ittmiberg. Cc< t.\\ : i't ;i]K>logeticte rm-lii^incs pro sacris literis et Wittenburgen. ita edit.-i- ut -T Ic.-t..ril.;, futune flint. I'ulff,-, i/, ( , ./;,, I.MS. 4 J Weliche biecher Biblisch s. iml. I T >/,//, nherg, 1520. 4 Von geweychtem wasser und salts, weder den unvordienten Gardian Fr. St-vl.-r. [ H'itt, -I'M/I. /-./I, 1520. 4 Von den Sabbat unnd gebotten Feyertagen. s. I, 1524. 4 Missa de nuptiis Andrea) Carolostmlii , t sacerdotibus matrimonium contrahentibus. s. I. et a. 4 CAROLUS (ANDREAS). Memorabilia ecclesiasti- ca seculi a nato Christo decimi septimi, juxta annorum seriem notata. Tom ii. Till,;,,,,,?, 1699. 4 CAROLUS, Rex. See CHARLES, A CAROLUS V.-See CHARLES V. CARPENTER ( ). The life and reign of Lewis XIV. of France and Navarre. London, 1715. 12 CARPENTER (LANT), LL.D., Unitarian n, ter at Bristol. Unitarianism the doctrine of the Gospel. Letters to Rev. Daniel Veysie, B.D. ; occasioned by his preservative against Unitarianism. London, 1809. 12 A view of the scriptural grounds of Unitarian- ism. 2d ed. London, 1811. 8 An examination of the charges made against Unitarians and Unitarianism, and the im- proved version, by Dr Magee in his " Dis- courses and dissertations on atonement and sacrifice ;" with some strictures on the state- ments of [Thomas Burges] the Bishop of St David's, Dr Hales, Dean Graves, Dr Nares, Dr Pye Smith, and Mr Rennel, &c., and on the system pursued by some recent editors of the Greek Testament. Bristol, 1820. 8 * Memoirs of the life of the Rev. L. C. , LL.D. , with selections from his correspondence. Edit- ed by his son, Russell Lant Carpenter, B.A. Bristol, 1842. 8 CARPENTER (RICHARD), Vicar of Poling, Sus- sex. The downfall of Anti-Christ. London, 1647. 16 CARPENTER (THOMAS). The Christian's ma- nual, or prayers for every morning and even- ing in the week. To which are added family and other prayers, select portions of scrip- ture, &c. London, 1828. 8 CARPENTER (WILLIAM). Popular lectures on biblical criticism and interpretation. London, 1829. 8 The Biblical companion ; or, An introduction to the reading and study of the holy Scrip- tures, comprising a comprehensive digest of the principles and details of biblical criticism, interpretation, theology, history, natural science, &c. London, 1836. 4 CARPENTER (WILLIAM B.), M.D. Principles of general and comparative physiology. London, 1839. 8 CARPENTIER (PIERRE), a Benedictine of the congregation of St Maur. Glossarium novum CARPOVIUS CARSON. 153 ad scriptores medii sevi, cum Latinos turn Gal- licos ; sen supplementum ad auctiorem Glossa- rii Cangiaiii editionem...Adjuncta est Cangii dissertatio de inferioris sevi aut imperii numis- matibus, quam excipiunt emendationes typo- graphicse ad postremam Glossarii editionem. 4 torn. Paris, 1760. fol. CARPOVIUS (JACOBUS). Theologia revelata dogmatica methodo scientificaadornata. 3 torn. Francof. , Lipsice, et Jence, 1737-49. 4 CARPZO VIUS (BENEDICTUS). Jurisprudentia ecclesiastica seu consistorialis remm et quses- tionum in...Principis Electoris Saxonise sena- tu ecclesiastico et consistorio supremo probe ventilatarum . . . deliberatarum et . . . decisarum, definitiones succinctas, jure divino, canonico, civili, constitutionibus et ordinationibus ec- clesiasticis probatas, rescriptis, decretis, et responsis electoralibus corroboratas, exhibens. Libri iii Editio novissima. Lipsice, 1708. fol. CARPZOVIUS (Jo. BENBDICTUS), Professor of tlieology at Leipsic. Isagoge in libros Ecclesi- arum Lutheranarum symbolicos, I. Tria sym- bola oecumenica, II. Augustanam confessio- nem ejusque apologiam, III. Articulos Smal- caldicos, IV. et V. Utrumque catechismum Lutheri, VI. Formulam concordue. Opuspost- humum a Johanne Oleario...continuatum. Cum indicibus necessariis editum a Jo. Bene- dict. Carpzov. Fil. Editio secunda. Lipsice, 1675. 4 - Editio tertia. Lipsice, 1699. 4 CARPZOVIUS (Jo. BENEDICTUS), Professor of ancient literature in the University of Helm- stadt. Sacrse exercitationes in S. Pauli Epis- tolam ad Hebrseos ex Philone Alexandrino. Praefixa sunt Philoniona prolegomena. Helmstadii, 1750. 8 - Liber doctrinalis theologise purioris ut ilia in academia Helmstadiensi docetur. Brunswigce, 1767. 8 CARPZOVIUS (Jo. GOTTLOB). Introductio ad libros canonicos bibliorum Veteris Testamenti omnes, prtecognita critica et historica, ac au- toritatis vindicias exponens. Adornata studio L. Joh. Gottlob Cai*pzovii. Lipsice, 1721. - Critica sacra Veteris Testamenti ; parte I. Circa textum originalem ; II. Circa versiones ; III. Circa pseudo-criticam Guil. Whistoni, solicita. Lipsice, 1728. 4 - Apparatus historico criticus antiquitatum sacri Codicis et gentis Hebrsese. Uberrimis annota- tionibus in Thomse Goodwini Mosen et Aaron- em subministravit J. G. C. Francofnrti et Lipsice, 1748. 4 - A defence of the Hebrew Bible, in answer to the charge of corruption brought against it by Mr Whiston, in his essay towards restoring the true text of the Old Testament, &c. Translated from the Latin, with additional notes, by Moses Marcus. London, 1729. 8 CARR(ALEX. ALLAN). A history of Coldingham priory. Edin., 1836. 8 CARR (GEORGE), Episcopal minister in Edinburgh. A sermon [on Deut. xxiii. 9] preached April 11, 1744 ; being the day appointed for a general fast to implore a blessing on His Majesty's arms. Edin., 1744. 8 A sermon [on Eccl. vii. 14] preached in Edin- burgh, June 26, 1746 ; being the day appointed as a day of thanksgiving for the late victory at Culloden. Edin., 1746. 8 Sermons. 2 vol. 7th ed. London, 1796. 12 CARR (JOHN). A Northern summer ; or, Travels round the Baltic... in the year 1804... Abridged from the original. Glasgow, 1806. 12 CARR (SAMUEL), D.D., Rector of Finchley, Mid- dlesex. Sermons on practical subjects. 3 vol. 3d ed. London, 1817. 8 CARR (THOMAS WILLIAM). " Not far from the kingdom of God. " The substance of a sermon, preached at Nettleton church, Lincolnshire, August 24th, 1834. Caistor, 1834. 8 CARRANZA (BARTHOLOMEWS), Archbishop of Toledo. Summa omnium conciliorum a sancto Petro usque ad Pium quartum Pontificem. Antverpice, 1564. 8 Summa conciliorum et Pontifiik, proved to be erroneous. Edin. , 1830. 8 Another edition. With remarks on the Chris- tian Observer and Eclectic Review. <., s. a. 8 - Another copy. Baptism in its mode and subjects considered ; and the arguments of Mr Ewing and Dr Ward- law refuted. London, 1831. 8 History of providence, as unfolded in the Book of Esther. 2d ed. 7>Wi, 1835. 12 Examination of the principles of biblical in- terpretation of Ernesti, Animon, Stuart, and other philologists. Edin., 1836. 8 - Another copy. - Another couy. Refutation of Dr Henderson's doctrine in his late work on divine inspiration : with a criti- cal discussion on 2 Tim. iii. 16. London, 1837. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The doctrine of transubstantiation, subversive of the foundations of human belief. 3d ed. Dublin, 1837. 12 Review of Dr Brown on the law of Christ respecting civil obedience, especially in the payment of tribute. With an appendix, rela- tive to grammatical accuracy, as it bears on the question of the inspiration of the Scrip- tures, in reply to the Rev. Mr Menzies, the translator of Tholuck on the Epistle to the Romans. London, 1838. 8 The knowledge of Jesus the most excellent of the sciences. 2d ed. London, 1839. 12 History of providence as manifested in Scrip- tivre With a defence of the doctrine of pro- vidence, and an examination of the philosophy of Dr Thomas Brown on that subject. Edin., 1840. 8 Part of Mr Carson's fourth letter to Mr Ewing. s. I. et a. 8 CARSTAIRES (JOHN), Minister of the High church, Glasgow. Notices of the life of the Rev. J. C. With a number of his unpub- lished letters, and the letters of other Scot- tish worthies. By the Rev. William Ferrie, A.M. Edin., 1843. 8 CARSTAIRS (A. G). The Scottish communion service ; with the public services... before and after communion. Edin., 1829. 12 CARSTARES (WILLIAM), Principal of the Uni- !-. ,-.si7;/ of Edinburgh. *State papers and letters addressed to W. C. relating to public affairs in Great Britain, but more particularly in Scotland, during the reigns of King William and Queen Anne. To which is prefixed the life of Mr C. Published from the originals, by Joseph M'Cormick, D.D., minister of Pres- tonpans. Edin. , 1774. 4 I CARTER (EDMUND), M.A. The duty and ne- cessity of speaking in ro- CART WRIGHT CASE. 155 phanesse, treasons, slanders, absurdities, false- hoods, and other evills. s. I., 1618. fol. Commentarii succincti et dilucidi in Proverbia Salomonis. Quibns adhibita est prtefatio Johannis Polyandri. Amstel., 1032. 4 A directory of Church-government ; anciently contended for, and as farre as the times would suffer, practised by the first non-conformists in the daies of Queen Elizabeth. London, 1644. 4 - Harmonia evangelica, commentario analytico, metaphrastico, practice, illustrata. Lugd. Bat., 1647. 4 A commentary upon the Epistle of St Paul written to the Colossians. [Nichol's series of Commentaries.] Edin., 1864. 4 - * Memoirs of the life and writings of T. C including the principal ecclesiastical move- ments in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. By the Rev. B. Brook. London, 1845. 8 CARTWRIGHT (THOMAS), Bishop of Chester. The diary of Dr T. C. ; commencing at the time of his elevation to that see, August 1686 ; and terminating with the visitation of St Mary Magdalene College, Oxford, October 1687. Now first printed [for the Camden Society] from the original MS. in the pos- session of the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. London, 1843. 4 CARUANA (F. S.), It. C. Bishop of Malta. Compendio della dottrina Christiana corretto ...per ordine di D. F. S. Caruana...Vescovo di Malta...Seconda edizione. Malta, 1843. 8 CARVALHO E MELLO (SEBASTIAN-JOSEPH DI), Marquis ofPombal. * Memoirs of the Marquis of Pombal... By John Smith. 2vol. London, 1843. 8 CARWITHEN (JOHN BAYLY SOMERS), M.A., Vicar of Sandhurst, Berks. A view of the Brahminical religion, in its confirmation of the truth of the sacred history, and in its in- fluence on the moral character ; in a series of discourses preached before the University of Oxford, 1809, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. London, 1810. 8 - The history of the Church of England. 2 parts. 3 vol. London, 1829, 33. 8 - History of the Christian Church, from the fourth to the twelfth century. By J. B. S. C. and the Rev. A. LYALL. London, 1856. 8 GARY (Sir Lucius), 2d Viscount Falkland. His discourse of infallibility, with an answer to it [by Thomas WHITE] : and his Lordship's reply. Together with Mr Walter MOUN- TAGUE'S letter concerning the changing his re- ligion, answered by my Lord of Falkland. London, 1651. 4 CARYL (JOSEPH), Preacher to the Hon. Society of Lincoln's Inn. The workes of Ephesus ex- plained in a sermon [on Rev. ii. 2, 3] before the Hon. House of Commons, April 27, 1642. London, 1642. 4 The nature, solemnity, grounds, property, and benefits of a sacred covenant, together with the duties of those who enter into such a covenant. Delivered in a sermon [on Nehem. ix. 38]. London, 1643. 4 The saints' thankful acclamation at Christ's resumption of his great power and the initials of his kingdom, in a sermon' [on Rev. ii. 16, 17] before the Hon. House of Commons, 1644. London, 1644. 4 The arraignement of unbelief, as the grand cause of our national non-establishment : cleared in a sermon [on Is. vii. 9] preached before the Hon. Commons, May 28, 1645. London, 1645. 4 An exposition with practical observations on the Book of Job. 12 vol. London, 1653-71. 4 Another edition. 2 vol. London, 1676, 77. fol. CASAUBONUS (ISAACUS), Professor of Greek at Geneva. De rebus sacris et ecclesiasticis, ex- ercitationes XVI. ad Cardinal. Baronii pro- legomena in Annales et primam eorum partem de D. N. Jesu Christi nativitat^, vita, passione, assumptione. Cum prolegomenis auctoris in quibus de Baronianis Annalibus candide dis- putatur. Genevce, 1655. 4 Epistolse, editio secunda LXXXII. epistolis auctior, et juxta seriem temporum digesta. Curante Johanne Georgio Grsevio. Magdeb. et Helmstad., 1656. 4 Epistolse, insertis ad easdem responsionibus, quotquot hactenus reperiri potuerunt, secun- dum seriem temporis accurate digestse. Ac- cedunt huic tertise editioni, prseter trecentas ineditas epistolas, Isaaci Casauboni vita, ejusdem dedicatione, prtefationes, prolego- mena, poemata, fragmentum de libertate ec- clesiastica. Item Merici Casauboni I. F. epistolae, dedicationes, prsefationes, prolego- mena, et tractatus quidam rariores. Curante Theodoro Janson, ab Almeloveen. Roterodami, 1709. fol. Casauboniana, sive Isaaci Casauboni varia de scriptoribus librisque judicia, observationes sacrae in utriusque foederis loca, philologicas item et ecclesiastics, ut et animadversiones in annales Baronii ecclesiasticos ineditse, ex varii Casauboni MSS. in Bibliotheca Bod- leiana reconditis, nunc primum cruise a Jo. Christophoro Wolfio...Accedunt duse Casau- boni epistolte ineditse, et praefatio ad librum de libertate ecclesiastica, cum notis editoris in Casauboniana, ac praefatio qua de hujus ge- neris libris disseritur. Hamburgi, 1710, 8 ? CASE (THOMAS), Rector of St Giles in the Fields. Mount Pisgah : or, a prospect of heaven. Being an exposition on the fourth chapter of the first Epistle of St Paul to the Thessa- lonians, from the thirteenth verse to the end of the chapter. Divided into three parts. London, 1670. 4 CASE (WILLIAM). A sermon of the nature and necessitie of godly feare. [On Ps. iv. 4. ] London, 1616. 4 A sermon of the nature and end of repentance : CASHEL CATALOGUE. shadowed in tin mi:. .i.-hn tin- U | On Johni. 13.] , 1'ilii. .} . IKL, E. C. ARCHBISHOP OF. See James C.\s LEY (DAVID). A catalogue of the manu- script* of the King's library : an appendix to tho catalogue of theCottonian library : together \\ith an account of books burnt or damaged by a late fire : one hundred and fifty specimens of tlu- manner of writing in dillVrt-nt agt-s, from tho third to the tiftci-nth century, on COJ.IHT- plates; and some observations upon manu- scripts, in a preface. London, 1734. 4 CASPARUS (JOANNES). Loci communes theolo- gici. Parom, 1573. 10 CASSANDER(GEOHGius). Dearticulisreligionis inter Catholicos et Protestantescontroversis... consultatio. Lugdnni, 1G12. 8 De officio pii ac publics? tranquillitatis vere auiantis viri, in hoc religionis dissidio. Lvgdtmi, 1612. 8 CASSI ANUS (JOANNES). Opera omnia cum com- mentariis I>. Alardi Gazrei Coenobites Vedas- tini ordinis S. Benedicti. Nova editio ab eodem denuo recognita...novoque insuper in libros de Incarnatione, qui desiderabatur, corn- men tario locupletata. Atrebati, 1628. fol. CASSIODORUS (MAGNUS AURELIUS). Opera omnia qute extant, ex fide Manuscr. auctiora et locupletiora. Genevce, 1650. 4 Another edition. Ad fidem MSS. codd. emen- data et aucta, notis et observationibus illus- trata...quibus prsemittitur illius vita, quae nunc primum in lucem prodit cum disserta- tione de ejus monachatu. Opera et studio J. Garetii, monachi ord. S. Benedicti e congreg. S. Mauri. 2 torn. Rotomagi, 1679. fol. CASSIUS (DiON), i. e. DION Cassius. CASTAUO, or CASTELLIO (SEBASTIANUS), Pro- fessor of Greek at Bask. Biblia. Interprete S. C. 1551. See BIBLES LATIN. A. De H^ERETICIS, an sint persequendi, et omnino quomodo sit cxim eis agendum. 1610 DialogilV. De prsedestinatione. Deelectione. De libero arbitrio. De fide. Ejudem opuscula quaedam. Gowda, 1613. 16 Novum Testament um. Interprete S. C.See BIBLES LATIN. C. 1683 * Sebastian Castellio offentlichen Lehrers der Griechischen Sprache auf der Universitat zu Basel Lebensgeschichte, zur Erlauterung der Reformations = und Gelehrten = Historic, beschrieben von Johann Conrad Fiiesslin. Frankfurt trnd Leipzig, 1775. 8 CASTAN^EUS (HENRICUS LUDOVICU'S), Bishop of Poitiers. Celebriorum distinctionum philo- sophicarum synopsis. Liigd. Bat., 1655. 8 CASTEL DE SAINTE - PIERRE (CHARLES IRENEE). Political annals [of the reign of Louis XIV.] Translated from the last edition of the French. 2 vol. London, 1762. 8 CASTEL (E.) Les Huguenots et la constitution de 1'Eglise reforme'e de France en 1559. Pan*, 1859. 12 CASTELLUS (BARTHOLOMEWS). Lexicon mecli- Cncco-Latinum, ante a Jacobo Pan Urn n. 'in- it. i a 1.1 i-l n ii in, niiix-di inn- al) <.-<\t in c-t aliis j.liirimis novis accessionibus locuj 1 - ni. ...Kditio nova. 099. 17-Hi. 4 i HI.Llo ;.;istianua VLIO. CASTELLUS (EDMUNDUH). Lexicon Hept-i ton, 1 1> -liraii -tun, Clialdaifiini, S\ ri.iriiin, Sa- iiiaritaiiuin, .KtliinpiL-uin, Arahiciim, conjunc- tim ; et Persicum, separatim Cui a. lnvvis, tt haiinonica (quantum tiuri potuit) (raiiiiuaticii:, oinniuiii pnucedcntimn lingua- mni (k-lim-atio. 2 torn. Luudini, 1GOU. fol. Another coj>\. CASTERA(J.) History of Catharine II., Em- press of Russia. Translated from tliu Kivm-h by Henry Hunter, D.D. London, 1800. 8 CASTLEFORD (CHARLES), Lord Vi*comd Cher- l,.,,i,ni. * Memoirs of the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Cherington. 2 vol. London, 1782. 12 CASTLEREAGH, VISCOUNT. See Robert STEWART. CASTRO (ALFONSUS DE). Adversus omnes hsereses Libri xiiii. Colonies, 1543. fol. CATALANUS (JOSEPHUS). Sacrarum C^:RE- MONIARUM Romanae Ecclesue libri tres, com- mentariis aucti. 1750 RITUALE Romamim Benedicti Papae XIV. jussu editum, et auctum, perpetuis commen- tariis exornatum. 1757 CATALAUNUM [or CHALONS SUR MARNE]. Compendium theologiae dogmaticas et moralis, ad usum seminarii Catalaunensis. Parisii*, 1714. 12 CATALINE. A letter from Cataline to the surviving members of the constitutional and other societies of the year 1794 ; or, symptoms of the times. By a barrister [Isaac ESPINASSE]. London, 1810. 8 CATALOGUE. A catalogue of the library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. 3 parts. Edin., 1742, 76, 1807. fol. Catalogue of the printed books in the library of the Faculty of Advocates. Parts i., ii. Edin., 1863, 64. 4 Catalogue of books belonging to the theologi- cal library of Marischal College, Aberdeen. Aberdeen, 1811. 8 Catalogue of the library of the theological seminary in Andover, Mass. By Oliver A. Taylor. Andover, 1838. 8 Catalogue of the library of the United Asso- ciate Synod, for the use of their theological students. Edin., 1839. 8 Catalogue of the Divinity hall library of the United Presbyterian Church. dm.,1850. 8 A catalogue of the library of Harvard Uni- versity in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 3 vol. [With supplement.] Cambridge, 1830-34. 8 Auctarium bibliothecae Edinburgenae, sive Ca- talogus librorum quos Guilielmus Drummondus ab Hawthornden bibliothecae D. D. Q. Anno 1627. Reprinted, Edin,, 1815. 4 Catalogue of a class library, instituted in the CATCOTT CATECHISM. 157 year 1823, for the use of the students of Hu- manity in the University of Edinburgh. Edin. , 1823. 8 - Catalogue of the theological library in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh. Edin., 1829. 8 Catalogue of the library in the New College, Edinburgh. Edin., 1846. 8 - Catalogue of the library of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Edin., 1849. 8 - Catalogue of the Edinburgh subscription library. 1794-1833. Edin., 1833. 8 Catalogue of the Edinburgh select subscription library. Edin., 1842. 8 - Catalogue of the library of the philosophical institution of Edinburgh. Edin. , 1857. 8 - Catalogue of the library of the Society of Wri- ters to the Signet. In four parts, with a gene- ral index. Edin., 1837. 4 Catalogue of the library of Dr Kloss, of Franck- fort a M. professor ; including many original and unpublished manuscripts, and printed books with MS. annotations by Philip Me- lancthon. [Sale catalogue.] London, 1825. 8 Catalogue of the Leightonian library, Dun- blane. Edin., 1843. 8 - Catalogue of the mathematical, historical, bib- liographical, and miscellaneous portion of the celebrated library of M. Guglielmo Libri. Part I. [Sale catalogue.] London, 1861. 8 - Catalogue of books and maps in the library of the Geological Society of London. London, 1846. 8 Catalogo dei libri esistenti nella pubblica Bib- lioteca di Malta compilato per ordine di ma- terie. Valletta, 1843. 8 - Catalogue of the library of the literary and philosophical society of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; with the laws, and a list of the officers and members. Newcastle, 1848. 8 - Bibliotheca Parriana ; a catalogue of the library of the late... Samuel Parr, LL.D. London, 1827. 8 Catalogus librorum in bibliotheca Universitatis Andreanse, secundum literarum ordinem dis- positus. St Andrews, 1826. fol. Supplement to the catalogue of books in the University library, Glasgow. Glasgow, 1825. 8 - Another copy. Catalogue of books in Stirling's public library, Glasgow. Glasgow, 1852. 8 Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecse Bodleianse pars sexta, codices Syriacos, Car- shunicos, Mendseos, complectens. Confecit B. Payne Smith, A.M., Hypo-Bibliothecarius. Oxonii, 1864. 4 CATCOTT (ALEXANDER), M.A., Lecturer of St John's, Bristol. A treatise on the deluge. Containing, I. Remarks on the Lord Bishop of Clogher's [R. Clayton's] account of that event. II. A full explanation of the Scrip- ture history of it. III. A collection of all the principal heathen accounts. IV. Natural proofs of the deluge. London, 1761. 8 CATECHISM. A short catechisme. 7th ed. London, 1632. 8 A catechism : or, An instruction in the Chris- tian religion, by way of question and answer. In three parts. London, 1732. 8 The poor man's catechism : or, The Christian doctrine explained. With short admonitions. s. I, 1752. 12 Questions and answers, on the necessary truths and duties of religion. Glasgow, 1832. 24 A catechism. [By a member of the church of England. It wants the title.] 8 The chiefe heads of divinitie, briefly and or- derly set down, in forme of catechising. By William AMES. 1612 The principles of Christian religion. Breefely set downe in questions and answers By William ATTERSOLL. 1635 Two short catechisms mutually connected ; to which is now added, the Gospel catechism. By John BROWN. 1790 KaTti%fi',, i.lin, 1767. 12 Another edition. /' /v'/m, 1790. 12" Anotlu-r edition. /' N ''I'm, 1799. 12 Another edition. 1><\- K!-ilislu-d Church of Kn^lund and Ireland ed. With a new chapter on apostolical suc- cession. Belfast, 1843. 12 A sacramental catechism : or, a familiar in- structor for young communicants. [Wants title and otherwise imperfect. | \'2 ' A short preparation to the worthy receiving of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, by way of question and answer. By John B\ L640 A form of examination before communion. [By John CRAIG.] 17J4 A sacramental catechism. By James OLI- PHANT. 1805 A sacramental catechism. By the Rev. John WILLISON. 17i;-' Catechetical instructions : or, the Church-cate- chism, with some ecclesiastical terms, explain- ed. To which are added Bishop KENN'S morn- ing and evening hymns, and morning and evening prayers for a child, with prayers be- fore and after confirmation. Edin., 1791. 12 Another copy. The Church catechism explained. By John LEWIS. 1806 An exposition of the Church catechism. By Isaac MANN. 1812 Catechismo cive istruttione secondo il decreto del concilio di TRENTO. 1507 Catechismus pro Barmanis Addita etiam La- tina interpretatione opera Clericorum Regula- rium S. Paulli in regno Avse missionariorum adprobante Sac. Congreg. de propaganda fide. 2 partt. EomoR, 1785, 86. 8 The Roman Catholic catechism, containing a short abridgement of Christian doctrine, as used by Roman Catholics in general, and at present by many families in the highlands of Scotland. To which is added, by way of con- futation of such pernicious principles, a brief view of the Protestant belief. Glasgow, 1779. 8 An abstract of the Dow AY catechism, revised, improved, and recommended by authority, for the use of the faithful in the four districts of England. London, 1827. 16 Third edition. London, 1831. 16 The general catechism, revised, corrected, and enlarged', by the Right Rev. James DOYLE, D.D. , Bp., &c. ; and prescribed by him to be taught throughout the dioceses of Kildare and Leighlin. Dublin, 1828. 12 Instructions for the sacrament of PENANCE. 1834 An abridgment of the Christian doctrine, with proofs of Scripture, for points controverted... To which is added Doctor Baily's challenge. Dublin, s.a. 12 Le catechisme des JESTJITES. 1677 Abrege' de la theologie et de la morale Chre- CATECHISM- CATHOLIC VINDICATOR. 159 tienne en forme tie catdchisme. Par Jaques SAURIN. 1722 Catechismes du diocese de Montpellier, im- primis par ordre de...C. J. Colbert. [Par le P. POUGET.] Paris, 1728. 12 Instructions ge'nerales, en forme de cate"chisme, ou 1'on explique en abre'ge'...rhistoire et les dogmes de la religion, la morale Chre'tienne, les sacremens, les prieres, les ceremonies et les usages de 1'Eglise ; imprime'es par ordre de feu M. C. J. Colbert, eveque de Montpellier. ...Avec deux catechismes abreges a 1'usage des enfans. [Par le P. POUGET.] Nouvelle e"di- tion. 3 torn. Paris, 3739. 32 Instruction theologique en forme de cate"- chisme sur les promesses faites a 1'Eglise. [Par le P. TRANQUILLE de Bayeux, c'est a dire OSMONT Du SELLIER.] Utrecht, 1733. 12 Catdchisme historique et dogmatique sur les contestations qui divisent maintenant 1'Eglise. [Par I'Abbe' DE FOURQUEVAUX.] La Haye, 1733. 8 [This copy wants the continuation by the Abbe Troya d'Assigny.] Cours d'instruction religieuse par le direc- teur des catechismes de la paroisse de Saint- Sulpice. [Jean- Jacques OLIER.] 2 torn. Paris, 1846. 12 Petit cate'chisme, ou abre'ge' de la doctrine Chre'tienne... Avec les prieres du matin et du soir, et les rdponses de la inesse. Rouen, s. a. 24 A catechism for the use of all the churches in the French empire. To which are prefixed, the Pope's Bull and the Archbishop's Man- damus. Translated from the original, with an introduction and notes, by David Bogue. London, 1807. 12 A dialogue betwixt two Protestants, (in answer to a Popish catechism, called, A short cate- chism against all sectaries). [By the Pvev. John RAWLET.] London, 1686. 8 The third edition. London, 1686. 8 A Protestant catechism ; shewing the prin- cipal errors of the Church of Rome. Edin., 1778. 12 Leabhar ceasnuighe aithleasuighte, ata nochda mearachda sonruighte Eaglais na Roimh. Dun-eudain, 1779. 12 Another copy. The Protestant catechism. By the Rev. Daniel BAGOT. 1836 An abridgment of Christian doctrine, in which each question is taken word for word, from the Most Rev. Dr James Butler's catechism,... in which its errors are corrected, and such answers are given as are agreeable to the holy Scrip- tures. 2d ed. Belfast, 1838. 8 Catechismus Ecclesise GENEVENSIS. Per J. CALVIN UM. 1550 The HEIDELBERG catechism. 1744 Catechismi quajstiones concinnatse per Nico- laum HEMMING. 1560 Catechesis ecclesiarum qu?e in regno Polonise, ...affirmant, ncminem alium, prseter P.itrem Domini nostri Jesu Christi, esse ilium unum Deum Israelis : Hominem autem ilium Jesum Nazarenum, qui ex Virgine natus est, nee alium, prater aut ante ipsum, DeiFiliuni unigenitunx et agnoscunt et confitentur. Racovice, 1609. 12 Another copy. Another edition. Per Joh. Crellium, Jonam Schlichtingium, Mart. Ruarum ac And. Wis- sowatium emendata, notisque illustrata. Stauropoli, 1680. 4 The Racovian catechism, with notes and illus- trations, translated from the Latin: To which is prefixed, a sketch of the history of Unita- rianism in Poland and the adjacent coun- tries. By Thomas REES. London, 1818. 12 - The Jew's catechism, containing the thirteen articles of the Jewish religion. With a prefa- tory discourse against atheism, &c. London, 1825. 12 Catechismus pro pueris et juventute [per M. LUTHERUM] e Germanico Latine redditus, per Justum Jonam. 1543 Catechismus major D. Martini LUTHERI recog- nitus et auctus. 1544 Catechismus von Dr Martin LUTHER. 1822 Katechismus fiir die evangelisch-protestant- ische Kirche des Grossherzogthums BADEN. Pforzheim, 1830. 8 An exhortation to catechising : the long ne- glect whereof is sadly lamented ; and the speedy reviving as earnestly desired. By the Provincial Assembly at London. August 30, 1655. London, 1655. 4 C ATHARINUS (AMBROSIUS), A rchbishop of Conza. Dissertatio de Epistola ad Hebneos, [cum Commentt. in Epist. ad Hebr. TENA auctore]. 1661. CATHCART (ROBERT), E. I. Company's civil ser- vice. Memoir of R. C. Edin., 1838. 8 CATHERINE II., Empress of Russia. Code of laws and regulations issued by the Empress of Russia, Catherine II., 4th January, 1780. 1780. 4 CATHOLIC CLAIMS. Extracts from the speeches and writings of eminent public cha- racters, respecting the Catholic claims : with a few prefatory remarks. London, 1813. 8 A report of the discussion and proceedings which recently took place in the General As- sembly of the Church of Scotland respecting the Catholic claims. Edin., 1813. 8 A letter, stating the connection which Presby- terians, Dissenters, and Catholics, had with the recent event, which has agitated, and still agitates, the British empire. To which are added, Lord Grenville's letter to Dr Gaskin, and Scasvola's letter, containing most important facts respecting the Catholic claims. Glasgow, s. a. 8 Papers on the Catholic question. [Chiefly from newspapers.] s. 1. et a. fol. CATHOLIC VINDICATOR. The Catholic Vin- dicator. Vol. i. Nos. i.-iv. London, 1718. 8 160 CATHOLICS- CAVE. CATHOLICS. A fair statement of that doctrine .[(holies as really hold 1>\ them ; which ia commonly, 1'iit erroneously called, the uncha- ritable doctrine of exclusive salvation. Liimlun, x. (I. 8 CATLIN (JACOB), D.D. A compendium of the system of divine truth, contained in a series of essays, in which the principal subjects con- tained in the holy Scriptures are carefully ar- ranged, briefly discussed, and improved. To which is added, a system <>f questions adapted to the foregoing system, by the Rev. Hermann DAGGETT. 2d ed. MiddUtmcn, 182G. 12 CATLOW (AGNES). Popular field botany ; con- taining a familiar and technical description of the plants most common to the various locali- ties of the British isles, adapted to the study of either the artificial or natural systems. London, 1848. 8 CATO (DiONYsrus). Disticha de moribus, vulgo Catoni adscripts. Cum Groeca planudis ver- sione et D. Erasini Rotterod. scholiis. Franekerce, 1611. 12 CATO (MARC. PORTIUS), major. De re rustica ; [cum scriptt. REI RUSTIC.K). 1735 CATOR (CHARLES), A.M. The necessity of a national Church, considered in a series of [five] letters to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. London, 1835. 8 CATROU (FRANCOIS). Histoire Romaine, depuis la fondation de Rome [jusqu'a 1'annde 705]. Par les RR. PP. Catrou et RouilM. 20 torn. Paris, 1731. 12 CATTANEO (ANTONIO). II latte e i suoi pro- dotti. Hilano, 1839. 8 CATTENBTJRGH (ADRIANUS A), Professor of tlwology among the Remonstrants. Spicilegium theologiae Christianse Philippi a Limborch, variis dissertationibus historico-ecclesiasticis, multisque ad praxin pietatis promovendam pertinentibus refertum. AmstekEclami, 1726. fol. Bibliotheca scriptorum Remonstrantium, cui subjunctum est specimen controversiarum in- ter Remonstrantes et Socinum ej usque asse- clas, exliibitum ipsissimis scriptorum verbis. Amstelcudami, 1728. 8 - Another copy. CATTLE (WILLIAM), Dundee. Popery deline- ated ; or, Information for Protestants. Dundee, 1846. 16 CATULLUS (CAius [or QUINTUS] VALERIUS). Catullus, TIBULLUS, PROPERTIUS cum C. GALLI fragmentis serio castigata. Amstel.,lGS6. 16 Another edition ; [without the fragments of Callus]. Londini, 1749. 12 CAULFIELD (EDWIN T.), Lieut., R.N. Some remarks in defence of the doctrine of an im- puted righteousness. London, 1833. 12 CAUSIDICADE. The Causidicade. A pane- gyri-satiri-serio-comic-dramatical poem . London, 1743. fol. CAUSTON (J. D.). The day of Christ, a poem : Ruth, a pastoral : sonnets to the months ; and j several minor pieces. London, 1842. 8 ' VLCANTI (FRANOISCUS ANTOXIUS). Yin- Itomanorum 1'ontilieum, npus posthu- miim. /. . 17 lit. f,,l. CAVALLO (TIBERIUS), F.R.S. The. elements of natural or experiment. il p!iil..snphy. 4 vol. 'Ion, 1803. 8 3 CAVE (Wi i.i. i \M i, D.D. Primitive Christianity ; or, the religion <>f the ancient Christiana in the. first ages of the Gospel. In three parts. /. ndon, 1072. 8 Fourth edition. /,..///.>/(, 1682. 8 Another edition. To which are added tlu> lives of .Justin Martyr and St Cyprian... With an introductory essay and notes, by tli \Vm. Trollope, M.A. 2 vol. >nlun, 1834. 8 A new edition. To which is added, a disserta- tion concerning the government of the ancient Church by bishops, metropolitans, and patri- archs... carefully revised by Henry Gary, M.A. >rd, 1-840. 8 A dissertation concerning the government of the ancient Church by bishops, metropolitans, and patriarchs. London, 1683. 8 Chartophylax ecclesiasticus : quo prope M.D. scriptores ecclesiastici tarn minores quam nia- jores, turn Catholici, turn haeretici, eorumq ; patria, ordo, secta, munera, setas et obitus ; editiones operum prcestantiores ; opuscula, quin et ipsa fragmenta breviter indicantur : Scriptores dubii a certis, supposititii a genui- nis, non-extantes a superstitibus distinguun- tur. A Cliristo nato ad annum usq; MDXVII. Accedunt scriptores gentiles, Christianas re- ligionis oppugnatores, et brevis cu jus vis sse- culi conspectus. Londini, 1685. 8 Another copy. Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum historia literaria, a Christo nato usque ad steculum xiv. facili methodo digesta. Qua, de vita illorum ac rebus gestis, de secta, dogmatibus, elogio, stylo ; de scriptis genuinis, dubiis, suppositi- tiis, ineditis, deperditis, fragmentis ; deque variis operum edition ibus perspicue agitur. Accedunt scriptores gentiles, Christianas re- ligioiiis oppugnatores ; et cujusvis saeculi breviarium. Additur ad fin em cuj usque ste- culi, conciliorum omnium, turn generaliiim turn particularium, historica notitia. Inseruntur suis locis veterum aliquot opuscula et frag- menta, turn Grseca turn Latina, hactenua inedita...Editio novissima, ab autore ipsomet ante obitum recognita et auctior facta. 2 vol. Basilece, 1741, 45. fol. The lives of the primitive Fathers. London, 1686. fol. Antiquitates apostolicse: or, the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of the holy Apostles of our Saviour [forming the second part of Jeremy TAYLOR'S Antiquitates Christianas]. 1703 Another edition... With an introductory essay by the Rev. Henry Stebbing, M.A. 2vol. London, 1834. 8 A new edition, carefully revised, by Henry Gary, M.A. Oxford, 1840. 8 Apostolici ; or, the history of the lives, acts, CAVENDISHE-CELTIC SOCIETY. 101 death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the Apostles. As also the most eminent of the primitive Fathers for the first three hun- dred years. To which is added, a chronology of the first three ages of the Church. 4th ed. London, 1716. fol. - Ecclesiastic!; or, the history of the lives, acts, death, and writings of the most eminent Fathers of the Church, that flourished in the fourth century, wherein, among other things, an account is given of the rise, growth, and progress of Arianism, and all other sects of that age descending from it. Together with an introduction, containing an historical ac- count of the state of Paganism under the first Christian emperors. London, 1716. fol. - Lives of the most eminent Fathers of the Church that flourished in the first four cen- turies, with an historical account of the state of Paganism under the first Christian empe- rors. A new edition, carefully revised, by Henry Gary, M.A. 3 vol. Oxford, 1840. 8 [The same as the " Apostolici" and " Eccle- siastici," with different title.] CAVENDISHE (WILLIAM), Duke of Newcastle. The life of...W. C. Duke, Marquess, and Earl of Newcastle... Written by Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, his wife. London, 1667. fol. CAWDOR. The book of the Thanes of Cawdor. A series of papers selected from the charter room at Cawdor. 1236-1742. [Edited for the Spalding Club, by Cosmo Innes.] Edin., 1859. 4 CAWDREY (DANIEL), Preacher of the Word at Billing Magn., Northamptonshire. Sabbatum redivivum : or, the Christian Sabbath vindi- cated ; in a full discoxirse concerning the Sab- bath and the Lord's day. Wherein, whatso- ever hath been written of late for, or against, the Christian Sabbath, is exactly, but modestly examined ; and the perpetuity of a Sabbath deduced from grounds of nature and religious reason. By D. C. and Herbert PALMER. Divided into foure parts. London, 1645-[1652], 4 - Another copy. Parts ii., iii., iv. London, 1652. 4 - The inconsistencie of the Independent way, with Scripture and itself. Manifested in a threefold discourse. I. Vindicife vindiciarum, with M. Cotton. II. A review of Mr Hooker's survey of Church discipline... III. A diatribe with the same M. Hooker concerning baptism of infants of non-confederate parents. London, 1651. 4 - Diatribe triplex ; or, a threefold exercitation concerning, 1. Superstition ; 2. Will worship ; 3. Christmas festivall, with the Rev. and learned Dr Hammond. London, 1654. 8 Church-reformation promoted : in a sermon on Mat. xviii. 15-17 As also, I. Some ani- madversions upon Mr Humphry's second vin- dication, for promiscuous admission to the sacrament. II. Some animadversions upon Mr Sanders his antidiatribe, tending to the same end of Church-reformation. London, 1657. 16 Independence a great schism. Proved against Dr Chven his apology in liis tract of schism. As also an appendix to the former discourse, shewing the inconstancy of the Dr, and the inconsistency of his former and present opi- nions. London, 1657. 8 Independency further proved to be a schism. Or, A survey of Dr Owen's review of his tract of schism ; with a vindication of the author from his unjust clamours and false asper- sions. London, 1658. 16 C A WOOD (JOHN), M.A., perpetual curate of Bewdley, Worcestershire. The Church of Eng- land and dissent. 2d ed. London, 1831. 12 CAYLA (J.-M.). Pape et Empereur. Paris, 1860. 8 CAZENOVE (JOHN GIBSON), M.A. On certain characteristics of holy Scripture, with special reference to an essay on the interpretation of Scripture contained in " Essays and Reviews." (Reprinted, with additions, from " The Chris- tian Remembrancer," Jan. 1861.) London, 1861. 8 Another copy. CEBES, THEBANUS. The embleme of humane life ; [with the life of EPICTETUS]. 1670 -Tabula. Gr. et Lat. Edin., 1747. 8 CECIL (RICHARD), M.A., Minister of St John's chapel, Bedford Row, London. The works of the Rev. R. C. With a memoir of his life. Arranged and revised, with a view of the au- thor's character, by Josiah Pratt, B. D. 4th ed. 2 vol. London, 1838. 8 Remains of the Rev. R. C. To which is pre- fixed, a view of his character. By Josiah Pratt, B.D. From the llth London edition. New York, 1843. 12 CECIL (Sir ROBERT). Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew. Edited, for the Camden Society, by John Maclean, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, &c. London, 1864. 4 CELLARIUS (CHRISTOPHORTJS). Geographia an- tiqua. [Editio sexta.] Londini, 1731. 8 Notitia orbis antiqui, sive geographia plenior ab ortu rerum-publicarum ad Constantinorum tempora, orbis terrarum faciem declarans, an- notationibus L. J. C. Schwartz. 2 vol. , , Lipsice, 1773. 4 CELLERIER (JACOB ELISEE), Professor of exege- tical theology, Geneva. Manuel d'herme'neu- tique biblique. Geneve, 1852. 8 CELSUS (AURELIUS CORNELIUS). De medicina libri octo, cum notis integris J. Cfesarii, R, Constantini, J. Scaligeri, I. Casauboni, J. B. Morgagni...Cura et studio Th. J. ab Almelo- veen. Accedunt J. Rhodii vita C. Celsi... itemque loci aliquot Hippocratis et Celsi ab H. Stephano njxxix*f concinnati. Rotterodami, 1701. 8 CELTIC SOCIETY. Statement in explanation of the objects of the Celtic Society ; and the measures adopted for promoting them ; taken from the report of the committee of manage- 21 1 _' CENNICK CHALMERS. in. nt to the general meeting of the society in TjHift., 1886.] 8 ^NM'K (JOHN). Village discourses on the more vital doctrines of the Gospel. With u life of the author. 2 vol. in one, compli-u-. New edition. Liverpool, 1840. 12 CENSURES. Recueil de diverses pieces con- cernant les censures de la Facultv de Theolo- gie de Paris. Sur la Hierarchie de 1'Eglise et sur la morale Chrestienne. Avec des remarques BUT le xviii. tome des Annales ecclesiusti<|iH-ii de Odoricus Raynaldxis. [Par Jacques Boi- LEAC.] .<(' r, ll'iHi. 12 CENSUS. Census of Great Britain, 1851. Popu- lation tables. 1. Numbers of the inhabitants, in the years 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, 1841, and 1851. [With index.] 2 vol. London, 1862. fol. CEPHAS. Voluntary verses ; or, rhyme and reason regarding religious establishments. By Cephas. Glasgow, 1835. 12 CERAMIS, R. C. BISHOP OF. See Andrew CARRUTHERS. CEREMONLE, CEREMONIES. Histoire des ceremonies et des superstitions, qui se sont iutroduites dans 1'Eglise. Amsterdam, 1717. 12 Sacrarum cseremoniarum sive rituum eccle- siaaticorum sanctse Romance Ecclesue libri tres ab Augustino Patricio ordinati, et a Marcello Corcyrensi archiepiscopo primum editi, nunc vero tandem in duos tomos distributi, ac in- numeris pene mendis purgati, et commentariis aucti ad sanctissimum patrem Benedictum XIV. Pont. Max. ...Auctore Josepho CATA- LANO. 2 torn. RonvK, 1750. fol. CERF (FiLiPE LE). See Fil. LECERF. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL DE). Vida y hechos del. ...Don Quixote de la Mancha. 4 torn. Nueva edicion. Madrid, 1782. 16 Translated by several hands. 4 vol. Win., 1803. 12 Translated by Charles Jarvis Illustrated by Tony Johannot and others. 2 vol. London, 1842. 8 CEVENNES. Les prophetes Protestants. R^- impression de I'ouvrage intitule' Le Theatre sacre des Cevennes, ou recit des diverses mer- veilles nouvellement opere'es dans cette partie de la province du Languedoc (Londres 1707). [By Maximilien MISSON.] Avec une preface et des notes de A. Bost. ' Paris, 1847. 8 CHABROL DE VOLVIC (Le Comte GILBERT- JOSEPH-GASPARD DE.) Statistique des pro- vinces de Savone, d'Oneille, d'Acqui, et de partie de la province de Mondovi, formant 1'ancien departement de Montenotte. 2 torn. Paris, 1824. 4 CHADERTON (LAURENCE), B.D., first master of Emanuel College, Cambridge. *Vita Laurentii Chadertoni, S. T. P. ...Una cum vita Jacobi USSERII Archiepiscopi Armachani ... a Wil- helnio Dillingham, S. T. P. Accesserunt etiain ejusdem conciones, altera pro gradu Baccalaureatua in SSta theologia, pro Doc- toratus gradu altera. ''S't-itjUe, 1700. 8' CHAD WICK (EDWIN). A suj-pK uu-nury report on the results of a special inquiry into tho practice of interment in towns. Ion, 1843. 8 CHAFIE (THOMAS). The seventh day S.-tlibjith, or a brief tract on the fourth commainliiicnt ; wherein is discovered the cause of all our con- troversies about the Sabbath-day, and the means of reconciling them. London, 1692. 4 CHAIMBEULL (DONNCHADH). See Duncan CAMPBELL. CHAIS (CHARLES). Lettres historiques et dog- matiques sur les jubiles et les indulgences a 1'occasion du jubile' universel ce'lebre' a Rome par Be'noit XIV. Tan MDCCL. et e*tendu & tout le monde Catholique-Romain en MDCCLI. 3 torn. La Haye, 1751. 8 CHALLONER (RICHARD), D.D., R. C. Buh^, ../ Debra. The touchstone of the new religion : or, sixty assertions of Protestants, tried by their own rule of Scripture alone, and con- demned by clear and express texts of their own Bible. To which is added, the true principles of a Catholic. 10th ed. London, 1823. 12 The Catholic Christian instructed in the sacra- ments, sacrifice, ceremonies, and observances of the Church. 13th ed. Dublin, 1828. 12 The grounds of the catholic doctrine, contained in the profession of faith, published by Pope Pius IV. 21st ed. Dumfries, 1831. 12" CHALMERS (ALEXANDER), F. S. A. The gene- ral biographical dictionary; containing an... account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation ; particularly the British and Irish... A new edition... en- larged. 32 vol. London, 1812-17. 8 CHALMERS (GEORGE). An estimate of the comparative strength of Great Britain, during the present and four preceding reigns. New edition. London, 1794. 8 Caledonia : or, An account, historic and topo- graphic, of North Britain, from the most an- cient to the present times. 3 vol. London, 1810-1824. 4 CHALMERS (JAMES). The divine institution and model of the Christian priesthood. In a sermon [on John, xx. 21] preached in Colches- ter, April 13, 1713. London, 1714. 4 CHALMERS (PETER), A.M., Minister of the Abbey church, Dunfermline. Strictures on some recent sayings and doings of the Dun- fermline voluntaries, in reference, particularly, to ecclesiastical statistics ; and the statement of the Scottish central board of dissenters. Glasgow, 1835. 8 Historical and statistical account of Dunferm- line. E/M., 1836. 12 Another copy. The cause of Church extension, and the ques- tion shortly stated between churchmen and dissenters in regard to it. Edin., 1835. 12 Speech on the proceedings of the Church deputation in London, during their late visit there. Delivered before the Commission of the General Assembly, at its meeting on 30th September 1835. /;. /,/<., 1835. 8 Another copy. The right ecclesiastical economy of a large town. Edin., 1835. 12 Another copy. An attempt to point out the duty which the Church owes to the people of Scotland ; and more especially to settle the qiiestion of pre- cedency between these two objects, the work that should be done, and the payment that should be made for the doing of it ; being an argument on chapel bonds. Edin. , 1836. 8 Another copy. A conference with certain ministers and elders of the Church of Scotland on the subject of the moderatorship of the next General As- sembly ; to which is added, an address on the same subject, to the Church at large. 3d ed. Glasgow, 1837. 8 Another copy. * Statement in answer to the Rev. Dr Chalmers' pamphlet, on the subject of the moderatorship of the next General Assembly : on the part of the " Ministers and Elders " therein addressed. Edin., 1837. 8 Another copy. Lectures on the establishment and extension of national Churches ; delivered in London, from April 25th to May 12th, 1838. 5th thousand. Glasgow, 1838. 8 Another copy. Tracts on the intrusion of ministers. No. xi. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Remarks on the present position of the Church of Scotland. Occasioned by the publication of a letter from the Dean of Faculty to the Lord Chancellor. Glasgow, 1839. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Substance of a speech delivered in the General Assembly, on Wednesday, the 22d of May 1839, respecting the decision of the House of Lords on the case of Auchterarder. 3d thou- sand. Glasgow, 1839. 8 Another copy. What ought the Clmrch and the people of Scotland to do now I being a pamphlet on the prineipli-s of tin- Clmivli <|iirstioti : with an appendix, "n the pi, lilies and personalities of the Church question. 2d thousand. Glasgow, 1840. 8 Third thousand. Glasgow, 1840. 8 Speech on the non-intrusion question, d, - Ihen-d In-fore the General Assembly, on 27th May 1840. Mi*., 1840. 12 On the sufficiency of the parochial system. /'-'-, 1841. 12 Circular anent calling a general convocation. Edin., 1842 Sermon preached before the convocation of ministers in St George's church, Edinburgh, on 17th Nov. 1842. <:i.i*f proof, advanced in ;i late discourse [by Antln-: linsj, of the grounds and reasons of th> ti;in religion. London, 17-5. 8 - Another copy. - Tliird edition. London, 1728. 8 A vindication of the defence <>f Christianity from tin- prophecies of the Old Testament. In answer to The scheme of literal prophecy con- sidered. [By A. Collins.) With a letter from the Rev. Mr Masson, concerning the religion of Macrobius, and his testimony touching the slaughter of the infants at Bethlehem, with a postscript upon Virgil's fourth eclogue. 2vol. London, I7i's. ,s Another copy. CHANDLKK (JJi: rEORGE) LL.D., Dean of Chiches- The scheme of divine revelation consi- dered, principally in its connection with the progress and improvement of human society ; in eight sermons preached before the Univer- sity of Oxford, 1825, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1825. 8 CHANDLER (HENRY). A sermon [on Job, i. 21] preached at the funeral of Mr Nathaniel Smith. With a brief account of his life in an account to Dr Annesly. London, 1691. 4 CHANDLER (RICHARD), D.D. Travels in Asia Minor. Oxford, 1775. 4 Travels in Greece ; or, an account of a tour made at the expense of the Dilettanti society. Oxford, 1776. 4 CHANDLER (SAMUEL), D.D. Minister of the Presbyterian congregation at Peckham. A vin- dication of the Christian religion, in two parts : I. A discourse of the nature and use of miracles ; II. An answer to a late book [by Anthony Collins] entitled, A discourse on the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion. London, 1725. 8 - Second edition. London, 1728. 8 - Reflections on the conduct of the modern deists, in their late writings against Chris- tianity : occasioned chiefly by two books [by A. Collins], entitled, A discourse of the grounds and reasons, &c., and The scheme of literal prophecy considered. London, 1727. 8 Another copy. - Knowledge and practice necessary to happi- ness. A sermon [on John, xiii. 17] preached [at the Wednesday lecture at Old Jewry] March 172J. London, 1728. 8 s1 - Doing good recommended from the example of Christ. A sennon [on Acts, x. 38] preached Jan. 172|. To which is added, an answer to an essay on charity schools, by the author of The fable of the bees [Bernard de Mandeville]. London, 1728. 8 Another copy. A vindication of the antiquity and aiithority of Daniel's prophecies, and their application to Jesus Christ : in answer to the objections of the author of The scheme of literal prophecy considered. London, 1728. 8 Another copy. A paraphrase and critical commentary on the prophecy of Joel. A. .,,,/,,,,, I , ;">. 4 J - The notes of the Church considered ; in a benuoii on 1 Tun. iii. 14, 16. 3d ed. London, 1735. 8 A second treatise on the notes of the Church nig the substance, of two sermons [on 1 Tim. iii. 14, 15J preach'd at the Wednesday lecture at the Old Jewry, Jan. 22 and _'.'. London, 1735. 8 The necessary and immutable dhterence be- i moral good and evil, asserted and ex- plained, in a sermon |on is. v. 20J preached at Salters Hall, Sep. 2o, 1738. 'Ion, 1738. 8 - A vindication of the history of the Old Testa- ment, in answer to the misrepresentations and calumnies of Thomas Morgan, M.D. , and The moral philosopher. Loiulon, 1741. 8"" - Another copy. The witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus Christ re-examined ; and their testimony Droved entirely consistent. London, [1744]. 8 A review of the history of the man after God's own heart ; in which the falsehoods and mis- representations of the historian are exposed and corrected. 'dun, 170ii. 8 A critical history of the life of David ; in which the principal events are ranged in order of time ; the chief objections ot Mr Bayle and others against the character of this prince, and the Scripture account of him, and the occurrences of his reign, are examined and re- futed ; and the Psalrns which refer to him, explained. 2 vol. London, 1706. b j Sermons. ...Published from his manuscript. With a preface, giving a brief account of the life, character, and writings of the author, by Thomas Amory, D.D. 2d ed. 4 vol. London, 1769. 8 A paraphrase and notes on the Epistles of St Paul to the Galatians and Ephesians : with doctrinal and practical observations. Together with a critical and practical commentary on the two Epistles of bt Paul to the Thessalo- nians. London, 1787. 4 The history of persecution, from the patriar- chal age, to the reign of George the Second. A new edition. To which are added, the Rev. Dr BUCHANAN'S notices of the present state of the inquisition at Goa. Also, an appendix, containing hints on the recent persecutions in the British empire... by Charles ATMORE. Hull, 1813. 8 Another copy. Plain reasons for being a Christian. [Chris- tian literature. First series.] 1839 Another edition. [Christian literature. Evi- dence.] 1840 CHANDLER (THOMAS BRADBURY), D.D., Epis- copal minister at Elizabeth-Town. An ap- peal to the public, in behalf of the Church of England in America. New York, 1767. 8 CHANNING (WILLIAM ELLERY), D.D. Works of W. E. C., including his analysis of the cha- CHAPELAIN CHARLES I. 167 racter of Napoleon Bonaparte, &c. &c. London, 1829. 8 - The entire works of W. E. C. Published un- der the care of the Rev. R. E. B. Maclellan. 2 vol. Belfast, 1843. 8 Discourses, reviews, and miscellanies. 2 vol. Boston and London, 1830, 34. 8 - Another copy. - The importance and means of a national litera- ture. [Stud. Cab. Lib., vol. i.] Edin., 1835. 8 - Slavery. [Ibid., vol. vii.] Edin., 1836. 8 - Remarks on the character and writings of Fenelon. [Ibid., vol. vii.] Edin., 1837. 8 - Remarks on the life and character of Napoleon Bonaparte. [Ibid., vol. vii.] Edin., 1837. 8 - Treatises on self-culture, immortality, and the future life. [Ibid., vol. vii.] Edin., 1839. 8 CHAPELAIN (C.-J.-B.-LE). See C.-J.-B. LB CHAPELAIN. CHAPELLE (ARMAND DE LA). See Armand de LA CHAPELLE. CHAPELLE (CLAUDE-EMMANUEL LHUILLIER). (Euvres de C. et de BACHAUMONT. La Haie, 1755. 12 CHAPELS. Reasons of dissent from a sentence of the Presbytery of Edinburgh on the 30th November 1796, approving of regulations and overture respecting the erection of chapels of ease. s. 1. et a. fol. Address to the ministers of the Church of Scotland, on the subject of the overture and regulations, respecting chapels of ease. By a moderate clergyman, of the Synod of Aber- deen. [Rev. Mr Skene KEITH.] s. I, 1797. 8 Another copy. CHAPLAIN. The office of a chaplain enquir'd into, and vindicated from servility and con- tempt. Cambridge, 1688. 4 CHAPMAN (GEORGE), LL.D. * Sketch of the life of the late G. C., LL.D. Edin., 1808. 8 CHAPMAN (JOHN), D.D., Archdeacon of Sud- bury. Remarks on a letter to Dr Waterland, in relation to the natural account of languages. By PHILOBIBLTCUS CANTABRIGIENSIS. [Pseud.] Cambridge, 1731. 8 - Another copy. - Eusebius : or, the true Christian's defense against a late book [by Thomas Morgan] en- titul'd, " The moral philosopher." 2 vol. Cambridge, 1739. 8 - *Some remarks on a book, entitled, A view of the expediency and credibility of miracu- lous powers among the primitive Christians, after the decease of the Apostles. London, 1752. 8 CHAPMAN (THOMAS), D.D. An essay on the Roman senate. Cambridge, 1750. 8 CHAPONE (HESTER), formerly Hester MULSO. Letters on the improvement of the mind. Glasgow, 1804. 12 CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE (L'abb^ JEAN). Voyage en Sibdrie, fait par ordre du Roi en 1761. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1769-70. 12 CHARACTERS. -British public characters (of 1798-1802]. 4vol London, 1798-1802. 8 CHARACTERISTICS. Characteristicks. [By the EARL OF SHAFTESBURY.] 3 vol. *. I, 1744. 12 CHARD1N (JEAN). Voyages en Perse, et autrea lieux de 1'Orient. 3 torn. Amsterdam, 1711. 4 Nouvelle edition... augmentee d'une notice de la Perse, depuis les temps les plus recule's jusqu' a ce jour, de notes, &c. Par L. Lang- les. 10 torn. Paris, 1811. 8 CHARITY, CHARITIES. The use and abuse of charity ; earnestly addressed to associations for relief of the distressed throughout the country. Edin., 1819. 8 - A letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott, &c. , in answer to Mr Brougham's letter to Sir Samuel Romilly, upon the abuse of charities, and ministerial patronage in the appointments under the late act. 4th ed. Lond . . .as it was acted and done at Scoone, Januarie, [And with a PHENIX.] *. a. A declaration of the King's Majesty to all his loving subjects in Scotland ; [with a PHEXIXJ. a. a. The laws and acts of the first Parliament, of. . . Charles the Second. IMm., UMil. fol. His Majesties proclamation, forbidding the tendring or taking of the late vow or cove- nant, devised by some members of both Houses, to engage His Majesties good subjects in tho maintenance of this odious rebellion. [<> ford], 1667. 4 * An answer to some papers lately printed, concerning the authority of the Catholic Church in matters of faith, and the reforma- tion of the Church of England. [By Edward STILLINGFLEET.] London, 1686. 4 * A defence of the papers written by the late King of blessed memory and Duchess of York against the answer made to them. [By John DRVDEN.] London, 1686. 4 Another copy. * A vindication of the answer to some late papers, concerning the unity and authority of the Catholic Church, and the reformation of the Church of England. [By Edward STIL- LINGFLEET.] London, 1687. 4 * A reply to the answer made upon the three Royal papers. London, 1686. 4 U [These papers on the subject of the authority of the Catholic Church in matters of faith, and the reformation of the Church of England, are said to have been found in the closet of Charles II. after his death. They were answered, anonymously, by Dr Stillingfleet, Bishop of Worcester, who also wrote, anonymously, a vindication of his answer against Mr Dryden'a defence. Mr Dryden is supposed to have been concerned only in the last part of the defence. ] CHARLES V., King of Spain. Historia de vita, morte...Caroli V auctore Frid. Staphylo. Augusta Vindelicorum, 1669. 4 CHARLES (JOHN), A.M., Garvock. The Pro- testant's hand-book ; a reply to the question, why are you neither a Papist nor a Puseyite. but a Christian and a Presbyterian ? Edin., 1855. 12* CHARLES (THOMAS), A.B., Minister at BaJa. Two letters, giving an account of a re- vival of religion in Wales. Edin., 1792. 12 * A brief liistory of the life and labours of the CHARLES CHAUNCY. 169 Rev. T. C. By the Rev. Edward Morgan, M.A. London, 1828. 12 - Second edition. London, 1831. 12 CHARLES (NICHOLAS). The visitation of the county of Huntingdon, under the authority of William Camdeii, Clarenceux King of Arms, by his deputy Nicholas Charles, Lancaster Herald, A.D. 1613. Edited [for the Camden Society] by Sir Henry Ellis. London, 1849. 4 CHARLETON (WAITER), M.D. Chorea gigan- tum ; [with Stone-Heng restored, by Inigo JONES]. 1725 CHARLOTTE-AUGUSTA, Princess of Wales.- * The beauties of sincerity, or, a selection of passages... in various sermons... on the death of H.R.H. Princess Charlotte of Wales. London, s. a. 8 CHARNOCK (STEPHEN), B.D.-The works of S.C. 2 vol. 3d ed. [Vol. ii. 2d ed.] London, 1699. fol. Another edition. With an introduction, by the Rev. Jarnes M'Cosh, LL.D. Vol. i.-iv. Edin., 1864, 65. 8 - Several discourses upon the existence and at- tributes of God. London, 1682. fol. Another edition, reprinted from the edition of 1684. 2 vol. London, 1834. 12 - A treatise of divine providence, general" and particular ; as relating to the Church of God m the world. 4th ed. London, 1808. 8 Another copy. CHARRON (PIERRE), Canon of Bordeaux. De la sagesse, trois livres. Suivant la vraye copie de Bourdeaux. Amsterdam, 1662. 12 Made English by George Stanhope, D.D. 3d ed. Londmi, 1729. 8 CHARTERS (SAMUEL), D.D., Minister at Wilton. A sermon [on 1 Tim. ii. 1] preached at the anniversary meeting of the Society for propa- gating Christian knowledge, on June 3, 1779. Edin., 1779. 8 Sermons. Edin., 1786. 8 New edition. 2vol. Edin., 1816. 8 - Sermons and meditations suited to the Lord's Supper. Hawick, 1807. 12 CHAR VAZ (ANDREA), Bishop of Pignerol. Re- cherches historiques sur la veritable origine des VAUDOIS. 1836 CHASE (SAMUEL), A.M. Antinomianism un- masked : being an inquiry into the distinctive characteristics of the two dispensations of law and grace. With a preface by the Rev. Robert Hall, A.M. , , , London, 1819. 8 CHASSAY (FREDERIC-EDOUARD). Le mysti- cisme catholique. Response aux objections de MM. Pauthier, Pierre Leroux, Guizot, Joufiroy, Michelet, Cousin, et B. Saint Hi- laire. Paris, 1850. 8 CHASSEPOL (M. DE). The history of the Grand Visiers, Mahomet, and Achmet Coprogli, and of the three last grand signiors. With the most secret intrigues of the seraglio. Englished by John Evelyn, junior. London, 1677. 8 CHATEAUBRIAND (FRANOIS AUGUSTE, Vi- comte de). Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary. Translated from the French by Frederic Shoberl. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1812. 8 Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem et de Jerusa- lem en allant par la Grece, et revenant par FEgypte, la Barbaric, et 1'Espagne a Paris. Seconde Edition. Paris, 1812. 8 The beauties of Christianity ; translated from the French, by Frederic Shoberl. With a pre- face and notes by Rev. Henry Kett, B.D. 3 vol. London, 1813. 8 CHATELAIN (N.). Histoire du Synode de Dor- drecht consider^ sous ses rapports religieux et politiques, des 1609 a 1619. Paris, 1841. 8 CHATHAM, EARL OF. See William PITT. CHATTERTON (THOMAS). Miscellanies in prose and verse. London, 1778. 8 CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The works of G. C., compared with the former editions, and many valuable MSS. Out of which three tales are added which were never before printed ; by John Urry To the whole is prefixed the au- thor's life newly written, and a preface giving an account of this edition. London, 1721. fol. The riches of Chaucer : in which his impurities have been expunged ; his spelling modernised ; his rythm accentuated ; and his obsolete terms explained. Also have been added a few ex- planatory notes, and a new memoir of the poet. By Charles Cowden Clarke. 2 vol. London, 1835. 12 CHAUDON (L' Abbs' L. MAYEUL). Nouveau dictionnaire historique Par L. M. C. et F. A. DELANDINE. Huitieme Edition. 13 torn. , Lyon, An xii. [1804.] 8 CHAUFEPIE (JAQUES GEORGE DE). Nouveau dictionnaire historique et critique, pour servir de supplement ou de continuation au diction- naire historique et critique de M. Pierre Bayle. 4 torn. Amsterdam, 1750-56. fol. Another copy. CHAULIEU (L'Abbe' GUILLAUME AMFRYE DE). Les osuvres de 1'abbd de C. Nouvelle Edition, augmented d'un grand nombre de pieces... et corrige'e...par Levevre de Saint-Marc. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1750. 12 CHAUNCY (CHARLES), D.D., Pastor of the first church in Boston. The validity of Presbyte- rian ordination asserted and maintained. A discourse delivered at the anniversary Dud- leian-lecture, at Harvard-College in Cambridge, New-England, May 12, 1762. With an ap- pendix, giving a brief historical account of the epistles ascribed to Ignatius. Boston, 1762. 8 A sermon [on Eph. vi. 18, 19] preached at the ordination of the Rev. Penuel Bowen in Bos- ton, April 30, 1766. Boston, 1766. 8 Remarks on certain passages in the Bishop of Llandaff s society sermon. Boston, [1768.] 8 - The appeal to the public ansAvered, in behalf of the non-episcopal Churches in America ; containing remarks on what Dr Thomas Brad- bury Chandler has advanced.... Wherein the 22 170 CHAUNCY CHESTEB reasons for an American episcopate are shewn to be insufficient, and the objections ap. in full force. Boston, 1768. 8 A reply to Dr Chandler's " Appeal defended." \Ylu-ivin his mistakes are rectified, his false arguing refuted, and the objections against the nod American episcopate shewn to remain in full force, notwithstanding all that he has offered to render them invalid. Boston, 1770. 8 A compleat view of Episcopacy, as exhibited from the Fathers of the Christian Church, un- til the close of the second century. Boston, 1771. 8 CHAUNCY (W- SNELL). Dissertations on un- accomplished prophecy. London, 1838. 8 CHAUV1N (I'KTia s). De naturali religione li- ber ; ubi falsa refelluntur, vera probantur vel deteguntur, ac orthodoxarum Ecclesiarum fratres ad concordiam vocantur. 3 part. Rotterodami, 1693. 8 CHEEVER (GEORGE B.), D.D. The Pilgrim Fathers ; or, the journal of the pilgrims at Plymouth, New England, in 1620. With his- torical and local illustrations of principles, pro- vidences, and persons. Glasgow, s. a. 8 Punishment by death : its authority and ex- pediency. New York, 1842. 12 Lectures on the " Pilgrim's Progress," and on the life and times of Bunyan. London, 1846. 8 Wanderings of a pilgrim in the shadow of Mont Blanc. New York, 1846. 8 The pilgrim in the shadow of the Jungfrau Alp. London, 1847. 8 CHEKE (Sir JOHN). A remedy for SEDITION. 1536 *The life of the learned Sir J. C., Kt. : first instructor, afterwards Secretary of State to King Edward VI A work, wherein many re- markable points of history, relating to the state of learning and religion in the times of K. Henry VIII., K. Edward VI., and Q. Mary I., are brought to light. To which is added, A treatise of superstition, writ by the said learned Knight, and now first published. By John Strype, M.A. London, 1705. 8 CHELSUM (JAMES), D.D., Rector of Droxford, Hampshire. A sermon [on Isaiah, xxix. 19]. To which is annexed an account of the Society for promoting Christian knowledge. London, 1787. 4 CHEMIE. See CHEMISTRY. CHEMISTRY. Dictionnaire de chymie. 2 torn. Paris, 1766. 8 Annales de chemie. Tom. i.-xviii., xx.-xxxiv., Iv.-lxxv. ; with index to torn, xxxi.-lx. 7W;.s, 1789-1840. 8 Annales de chemie. * Troisienie serie. Tom. i.- iii. , vii.-xxiv. [wanting part 4], xxv.-xxxii. [wanting part 1], xxxiii.-xliv. [wanting part 4]. Paris, 1841-1855. 8 Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Band xx. , xxi., xxxi.-xcvi. [wanting 3 Stiicke] [with v. Erganzungsbande and Register zu Ixi.-xc. und Erg:bandeii.-iv.] Leip-Jy, 1830-1855. 8 Annuaire TVii:mt li.-s applica- tions de cette science a la medicine et a la pharmacie...par E. Millon it .1. Keiset ; [for 1847J. Paris, 1847. 8 Jahresbericht der Chemie. 1847-1864. von Liebig und Kopp. 7 Bande. Givuen, 1849-65. H CHEMNICIUS, or CHEMNITIUS (MARTINUS). Repetitio same doctrimc de vera prtesentia corporis et sanguinis Domini in Cuma...Addi- tus est tractatus...de communicatione idioma- tum eodem autore. iff, 1 .'.<>!. 8 Examen concilii Tridentini...In quibus prae- cipuorum capitum totius doctriiue papisticce, tirnui et solida refutatio, turn ex sacra) Scrip- turje fontibus, turn ex orthodoxorum Patrum consensu collecta est. 4 part. Franco/, ad Mcenum, 1577. 8 Another edition. Frann>jii.r(i, 1609. fol. Another edition. / /' i ncofurti ad Mcenum, 1707. fol. De duabus naturis in Christo ; de hypostatica earum unione ; de communicatione idiomatum, et aliis qusestionibus inde dependentibus libel- lus. Jena, 1591. 4 Loci theologici, quibus et loci communes Phi- lippi Melanchthonis perspicue explicantur et quasi integrum Christianas doctrinae corpus Ecclesise Dei syncere proponitur. Editio nova. Opera et studio Polycarpi Lyseri. 3 part. Francofurti, 1608. 8 Editio nova. Cui nunc recens accesserunt Fun- damenta sanae doctrinse de vera et substantial! praesentia, exhibitione et sumptione corporis et sanguinis Domini in Coana, repetita ab eo- dem M. C. Item Libellus de duabus naturis in Christo... ejusdem auctoris. Wttebergce., 1623. fol. Harmoniae evangelicae, a M. C. primuna in- choatae, et per Polycarpum LYSERUM conti- nuatae, libri quinque. Accessit in Harmoniam hist, evangelicse de passione, crucifixione, morte et sepultura Christi Salvatoris nostri ex quatuor Evangelistis contextam, Commenta- rius conscriptus, opera et studio Johannis GER- HARDI. Geneva, 1628. fol. Another copy. - Another edition. Geneva, 1641. fol. CHENEVIERE (J.-J.). Dogmatique Chreti- enne. Geneve, 1840. 8 CHERINGTON, LORD VISCOUNT. See Charles CASTLEFORD. CHESS. The games of the match at chess, played between the London and the Edinburgh chess clubs. Edin., 1829. 8 CHESTER, BISHOP OF. See Thomas CART- WRIGHT. CHESTER, BISHOP OF. See Sir William DA WES. CHESTER, BISHOP OF. See Francis GASTRELL. CHESTER, BISHOPOF. SeeNicholas STRATFORD. CHESTER, BISHOP OF. - See John Bird SUMNER. CHESTERFIELD, EARL OF. See Philip Dor- mer STANHOPE. CHESTER (JOHN), D.D. * Obituary notices of the Rev. J. C., D.D.,...late pastor.. .in the city of Albany. Albany, 1829. 8 CHETWOOD CHRIST. 171 CHETWOOD (KNIGHTLEY), D.D., Dean of Glou- cester. A sermon [on 1 Kings, x. 9] preached at the Cathedral clmrch of Gloucester, Jan. 20, being the day of thanksgiving for His Ma- jesty's accession to the throne. London, 17J5. 4 CHE VALLIER (TEMPLE), B.D., Professor of Ma- thematics, Durham. On the historical types contained in the Old Testament. Twenty dis- courses preached before the University of Cam- bridge in the year 1826, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Hulse. Cambridge, 1826. 8 - A translation of the epistles of Clement of Rome, Polycarp, and Ignatius ; and of the apologies of Justin Martyr and Tertullian : with an introduction and brief notes illustra- tive of the ecclesiastical history of the first two centuries. Cambridge, 1833. 8 Another copy. CHEVERUS (Jean -Louis -Anne-Madeleine LE- FEBVRE DE). See J. L. A. M. LEFEBVKE DE CHEVERUS. , CHEVREUL (MICHAEL-EUGENE). Recherches chimiques sur les corps gras d'origine ani- male. Paris, 1823. 8 CHEYNE (GEORGE), M.D. An essay on health and long life. 7th ed. London, 1725. 8 The natural method of curing the diseases of the body. 5th ed. London, 1753. 8 CHEYNELL (FRANCIS), D.D., Margaret professor of divinity, and president of St John's college. The rise, growth, and danger of Socinianism. London, 1643. 4 The man of honour described in a sermon [on Ps. xlix. 20] preached before the Lords of Parliament, March 26, 1645. London, 1645. 4 CHICHESTER, BISHOP OF. See Robert GROVE. CHICHESTER, BISHOP OF. See John WILLIAMS. CHIFFLETIUS (PETRUS FRANCISCUS), S.J. Scriptorum veterum de fide Catholica quinque opusctila. I. ALCUINI confessio fidei suae. II. Exlibrisdecem S. FuLGENTiicontraFabianum, fragmenta xxxix. to turn pene ipsum opus com- plexa. III. Ex libro S. FULGENTII de incar- natione Christi, insignia tredecim fragmenta. IV. RABANI Mauri liber adversus Judseos. V. Anonymi de BERINGERII haaresiarchse damna- tione multiplici commentariolus, eo anno quo Beringerius vivere desiit, conscriptus. P. F. C. hsec e MSS. codicibus emit: quibus et suam in sanctum Ferrandum redivivum animadver- sionem adjecit. Divione [Dijon], 1656. 4 CHIGI (FABIO). See ALEXANDER VII., Pope. CHILD (MRS.). Appeal in favor of that class of Americans called Africans. New York, 1836. 12 CHILDREN". Report from the select committee [of the House of Commons] on criminal and destitute children ; together with the proceed- ings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. [London], 1853. fol. CHILLINGWORTH (WILLIAM), M.A., Chancel- lor nnd prebendary of Salisbury. The works of W. C. 7th ed. London, 1719. fol. Tenth edition. With a preface giving some account of the corrections and improvements made in this edition. [With the life of Chil- lingworth by Birch.] London, 1742. fol. Twelfth edition. With life by Birch. London, 1836. 8 The religion of Protestants a safe way to sal- vation. To which is added, the apostolical institution of Episcopacy. As also ix. sermons. 4th ed. London, 1674. fol. Fifth edition. London, 1684. fol. Another edition. Made more generally useful by omitting personal contests ; with an edition of some genuine pieces of Mr Chillingworth's never before printed. London, 1687. 4 Judgment of the religion of Protestants, &c. Printed for the information of the Reverend... gentlemen of the committee, appointed by the lower house of Convocation to draw up a re- port against the Right Rev. the Bishop of Bangor. London, 1717. 8 * An historical and critical account of the life and writings of Mr. Chillingworth. By P. Des Maizeaux. London, 1725 CHINA. Some facts relative to the China trade ; shewing its importance to this country, and the inexpediency of its remaining exclusively in the hands of the East India Company. Edin., 1813. 8 CHRISMANN (PHIL. NERI). Regula fidei ca- tholicae et collectio dogmatum credendorum. De nuo revidit et edidit P. J. Spindler. Editio nova. Wirczburgi, 1854. 8 CHRIST. Elevation a Jesus Christ... sur sa pas- sion, et sa mort. ...Par un pretre de 1'Oratoire de Jesus. A laquelle on a ajoute...les avan- tages de la mort Chretienne. Lyon, 1706. 12 The tryal of the witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus. [By Thomas SHERLOCK.] London, 1729. 8 Second thoughts concerning the sufferings and death of Christ. London, 1748. 8 An examination of a book intitled, The true Sonship of Christ investigated ; and his per- son, dignity, and offices, explained and con- firmed from the sacred Scriptures. Edin., 1778. 8 A key to the Scripture character of Jesus Christ ; or, the doctrine of the ancient exist- ence of his glorious soul in union with his deity, clearly proved and demonstrated from revelation. By a free inqiiirer after truth. London, 1784. 8 Two discourses on the creation of all things by Jesus Christ ; and on the resurrection of the dead. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1787. 8 An humble attempt to set forth the true Christ of God above the false Christs of men. . . . By a lover and preacher of the revealed word of God. Ipswich, 1799. 8 The doctrine held by the Church of Scotland concerning the human nature of our Lord, as stated in her standards. Edin., 1830. 12 The opinions circulating concerning our Lord's human nature, tried by the Westminster con- 178 CHRISTIAN CHR] fossil >n i'f faith. By a minister of the Church of Scotland. ., 1830. 12 Scries of tracts on important doctrines of the word of Cod. No. A. On the headship of Christ. , 1831. 12 - Another copy. Lectures on the headship of Christ, as embo- diid ill the constitution and illustrated in the history of the Church of Scotland. By mi- nisters of the Established Church of Scotland. gov>. 1840. 12 Essay on the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. By an office-bearer of the Church of Scotland as by law established. /:./;,, 1842. 8 Another copy. The headship of Christ, and the power of the civil magistrate. By a member of the Estab- lished Church. 7.Vm.,[1843.] 8 - Christ a Prophet : a notice of some of the pro- phecies of our Lord ; more especially those respecting his speedy personal second coming. By a Bible student. Glasgow, 1835. 12 Arguments from the first four verses of John's Gospel, to prove the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ : To which are added, extracts from the judgment delivered by the Vice- Chancellor,... Sir L. SHADWELL, on the case of Lady Hewley's charity. Showing the unfaith- fulness of the Unitarian translation of the New Testament, with an address to the reader. Dundee, 1834. 12 The fulness of Christ. London, s. a. 12 The Scripture-doctrine of the eternal genera- tion of Christ. [By the Rev. William DAL- GLEISH.] [Wants title.] 8 CHRISTIAN. The happy man and true gentle- man ; or the sincere Christian, s. I. et a. 4 CHRISTIAN RELIGION. A discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion. In two parts : The first containing some con- siderations on the quotations made from the Old in the New Testament, and particularly on the prophecies cited from the former and said to be fulfilled in the latter. The second, containing an examination of the scheme ad- vanc'd by Mr Whiston in his essay towards restoring the true text of the Old Testament, and for vindicating the citations thence made in the New Testament. To which is prefixed, an apology for free debate and liberty of writ- ing. [By Anthony COLLINS.] London, 1724. 8 Another copy. CHRISTIAN YEAR. The Christian year : thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holy- days throughout the year. [By John KEBLE. ] Oxford, 1828. 12 8 Another copy. CHRISTIANITY. The reasonableness of Chris- tianity, as delivered in the Scriptures. [By John LOCKE.] To which is added, A vindica- tion of the same, from Mr Edwards's excep- tions. London, 1696. 8 The private Christian's witness for Christiani- ty. [By Sir Dav id HA M i i/r< \ . ] . 8 The sum of Christianity, containing a brief account of what we are to U-li.-vr, and of what wo are to practise, in order to our obtaining :;il life : des<-ri'>ed in a discourse on Acts, xi. 20. By a minister of the Church of Scot- land. /:!;,>., 1718. 8 Christianity as old as the creation : or, the- Gospel, a re-publication of the religion of na- ture. [ By Matthew TINDAL.] Part i. [2d ud. | London, 1730. 8 s Another copy. An essay on revealed religion ; and the great truths discovered to us by Christianity. London, 1736. 8 Christianity not founded on argument, and the true principles of Gospel-evidence assigned ; in a letter to a young gentleman at Oxford. [By Henry DODWELL.] 2d ed. London, 1743. 8 Third edition. London, 1743. 8 A defence of the peculiar institutions and doc- trines of Christianity. In answer to a late pamphlet, entitled, Deism fairly stated and fully vindicated from the gross imputations and groundless calumnies of modern believers. London, 1746. 8 Proofs of Christianity ; from the resurrection of Jesus by Dr Sherlock ; the conversion of St Paul by Lord Lyttleton ; and the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch, by a minister of the Church of Scotland. * Mini., 1769. 12 An analysis of Christianity... by a layman. London, 1823. 8 Family conversations on the discoveries and evidences of Christianity. By the author of Winter evening conversations. Edin., 1824. 12 Thoughts on propagating Christianity more effectually among the heathen. 2d ed. [Re- printed.] Edin., 1827. 12 Archives du Christianisme au dix-neuvieme siecle. Treizieme et quatorzieme anne'es. Paris, 1830, 1831. 8 Ancient Christianity, and the doctrines of the Oxford tracts for the times. By the author of "Spiritual Despotism" ; [Isaac TAYLOR]. 2 vol. London, 1839, 42. 8 Third edition. London, 1841, 42. 8 Another copy. The certainty of Christianity ; a sketch. By a layman. Edin. , 1854. 12 Christianity and its counterfeits. 3 vol. s. 1. et a. 8 Extracts from a recent work on Christianity. No. iv. Passages important to parents and teachers. Glasgow, s. a. 12 CHRISTIANUS. The religious establishment in Scotland examined upon Protestant principles : A tract, occasioned by the late prosecution against the late Rev. Mr Alexander Ferguson, minister in Kilwinning. By Christianus. London, 1771. 8 Another copy. CHRISTIE (ANNIE M'DONALD). * A memoir of CHRISTMAS- CHUBB. 173 A. M'D. C. By Rev. J. Brodie. 2d ed. Edin., 1835. 12 CHRISTMAS (HENRY), M.A. A concise his- tory of the Hampden controversy, from the period of its commencement in 1832 to the present time. London, 1848. 8 CHRISTODULUS. The power of grace illus- trated. In six letters from a minister of the reformed Church to John Newton. Translated from the original Latin by William Cowper, Esq. Edin., 1792. 16 CHRISTOFFEL (R.). ZWINGLI ; or, the rise of the Reformation in Switzerland. 1858 CHRONICLE. An English chronicle of the reigns of Richard II., Henry IV., Henry V., and Henry VI. , written before the year 1471 ; with an appendix, containing the 18th and 19th years of Richard II. and the Parliament at Bury St Edmund's, 25th Henry VI. And supplementary additions from the Cotton MS. Chronicle called "Eulogium." Edited [for the Camden Society] by the Rev. John Syl- vester Davies, M.A. London, 1856. 4 - Short chronicle of events, July 27, 1791. s. I. et a. 8 CHRYSOSTOMTJS (JOANNES), Saint, Archbishop of Constantinople. Opera omnia quse extant, vel que ejus nomine circumferuntur. Ad MSS. Codices Gallicanos, Vaticanos, Anglicanos, Ger- manosque ; necnon ad Savilianam et Fron- tonianam editiones castigata, innumeris aucta : nova interpretatione ubi opns erat, prsefatiom- bus, monitis, notis, variis lectionibns illus- trata, nova sancti doctoris vita, appendicibus, onomastico et copiosissimis indicibus locuple- tata opera et stiidio D. Bernard! de Montfau- con, monachi ordinis sancti Benedicti e con- gregatione S. Mauri, opem ferentibus aliis ex eodem sodalitio monachis. 13 torn. [Gr. et Lat.] Parisiis, 1718-1738. fol. In omnes Pauli Epistolas commentarii. Parisiis, 1548. 8 - Divi Patris J. C de Virginitate liber ; mine primum editus, interprete Joanne Livincio Gandensi. [Gr. et Lat. ] Antverpice, 1575. 4 Homelies de S. J. C qui contiennent son commentaire sur tout 1'Evangile de S . Matthieu. ...Traduita en Frangois par P. A. de Marsilly. 4 torn. Lyon, 1685. 8 - Snpplementa homiliarum J. C. Ex codicibus MSS. Bibliothecre Bodleianse emit, Latine ver- tit, et notis illustravit Ericus Benzelius Filius. ' [Gr. et Lat.] Upsaliw, 1708. 4 De sacerdotio libri vi. [Gr. et Lat.] Ed. al- tera. AccessitS. GREGORiiNazianzenide eodem argumento conscripta, oratio apologetica. Opera S. Thirlby, A.B. Cantabrigice, 1712. 8 Another copy. Translated by Edward Garrard Marsh, M.A. London, 1844. 8 A panegyric, or sermon in honour of Christmas day ; translated from the Greek. To which is prefixed the life of the author. By the Rev. William Scott. 5th ed. London, 1775. 8 C - * Der heilege Johannes Chrysostomus imd die Kirche, besonders des Orients, in dessen Zeit- alter. Von A. Neander. 2 Band. Berlin, 1821, 22. 8 Translated by the Rev. J. C. Stapleton, M.A. London, 1845. 8 CHRYSTIE (JAMES). Strictures on Dr John M. Mason's plea for sacramental communion on catholic principles. (Reprinted.) Paisley, 1822. 12 CHUBB (THOMAS). A collection of tracts on various subjects. Vol. 2. Part i. London, 1743. 8 A discourse concerning reason, with regard to religion and divine revelation. Wherein is shewn that reason either is, or else that it ought to be, a sufficient guide in matters of religion... To which are added, some reflections upon the comparative excellency and useful- ness of moral and positive duties. ...2d ed. [Collection of tracts.] London, 1746. 8 An enquiry concerning the grounds and rea- sons... on which two of our anniversary solem- nities are founded : viz. that on the 30th of January, being the day of the martyrdom of King Charles I., appointed to be kept as a day of fasting ; and that on the 5th of November, being the day of our deliverance from Popery and slavery... appointed to be kept as a day of thanksgiving. To which is added, the suffi- ciency of reason in matters of religion, farther considered. [Collection of tracts.] London, 1732. 8 Four tracts, viz., I. An enquiry concerning the Books of the New Testament, whether they were written by divine inspiration, &c. II. Remarks on Britannicus's letters... containing an argument drawn from the single fact of Christ's resurrection, to prove the divinity of his mission... III. The case of Abraham with respect to his being commanded by God to offer his son Isaac in sacrifice, farther con- sidered. In answer to Mr Stone's remarks. IV. The equity and reasonableness of a future judgment and retribution exemplified ; or, a discourse on the parable of the unmerciful ser- vant, as it is related in Matt, xviii. , from v. 23 to the end of the chapter. [Collection of tracts.] London, 1734. 8 Some observations offered to public considera- tion. Occasioned by the opposition made to Dr Rundle's election to the See of Gloucester. In which the credit of the history of the Old Testament is particularly considered. To which are added, these three tracts, viz. , I. An an- swer to Mr Stone's second remarks on the case of Abraham... II. A discourse on sincerity... occasioned by what Dr Waterland has lately written on the subject... III. A siipplement to the tract, entitled, The equity and reasonable- ness of a future judgment and retribution ex- emplified. In which the doctrine of the eternal and endless duration of punishment to the wicked, is more particularly and fully consi- dered. [Collection of tracts.] London, 1735. 8 The equity and reasonableness of the divine 174 t, in pardoning sinners xipon their iv- iv, exemplified : or, a discourse on the paraMu i>f the prodigal son... To \\hicli are added two dissertations, viz., I. Concerning the sense and meaning of St Paul's words, Titus iii. 10, 11. ..II. Concerning the tim-- fW keepingaSabbath... To which is likewise add. -.1, Tlie case of pecuniary mulcts, with regard to dissenters, particularly considered. In a se- cond letter to the Rev. Dr Stebbing. [Col- lection of tracts.] London, 1737. 8 Another copy. The true gospel of Jesus Christ asserted. To which is added, a short dissertation on provi- dence. London, 1738. 8 Second edition. London, 1741. 8 * Remarks on Mr Tho. Chubb's short disserta- tion on providence. With animadversions on his true gospel of Jesus Christ asserted. By an advocate of the Christian revelation. [Rev. Caleb FLEMING.] London, 1738. 8 An enquiry into the ground and foundation of religion... To which are added, I. A postscript occasioned by the publication of Dr Stebbing's visitation-charge... to the clergy of the arch- deaconry of Wilts. II. A short dissertation on Matt. xix. 21... occasioned by Dr Stebbing's unjust and groundless reflection on the author, with regard to this text, in the aforesaid charge. III. An answer to a private letter, from a stranger to the author, on the subject of God's foreknowledge. [Collection of tracts.] London, 1740. 8 CHURCH, CHURCHES. Der Felsz der Chris- tenlichenn Kirchen. s. I., 1522. 4 The naked truth ; or, the true state of the primitive Church. By an humble moderator. [Herbert CROFT, D. D.] s. I., 1675. 4 No evidence for diocesan Churches, or any bishops, without the choice or consent of the people, in the primitive times ; or, an answer to the allegations out of antiquity for such Churches, and against popular elections of bishops : in a late volume [by Dr Stillingfleet], entituled, The unreasonableness of separation. [By David CLARK SON.] London, 1681. 4 Diocesan Churches not yet discovered in the primitive times ; or, a defence of the answer to Dr Stillingfleet's allegations out of antiquity for such Churches. Against the exceptions offered in the preface to a late treatise called a vindication of the primitive Church. Where what is farther produced out of Scripture and antient authors for diocesan Churches is also discussed. [By David CLARKSON.] London, 1682. 4 The succession of the Church and sacraments, from Christ and his Apostles to the end of the world. Cleared, and stated according to the antient doctrine of the Greek and Latine Fa- thers. London, 1686. 4 The rights of the Christian Church asserted, against the Romish, and all other priests, who claim an independent power over it. With a preface concerning the government of the Church of England, as by law established. [By Matthew TIN I.A i..] Parti. 4th ed. London, 1709. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The external peace of the Church only attain- able by a zeal for Scripture in it.s jnst latitude, and 1>\ mutual charity ; not by a pretense of \iniformity of opinions. In a letter to . By a lover of truth and peace. [Arthur Ash- ley SYKES.] London, 1716. 8' An original dnuight of the primitive Church : in answer to a discourse entituled, An enquiry into the constitution, discipline, unity, an- 1 worship of the primitive Church... By a Pres- byter of the Church of England. London, 1717. 8 The order of the primitive Churches, as it is fully described in the inspired writings of the Apostles and Evangelists, humbly enquired in- to. By an impartial hand. London, 1719. 8 The extent of the primitive Churches enquired into ; and some reasons to prove that they were congregations. London, 1720. 8 An essay on the nature of the Church ; and a review of the election of bishops in the primi- tive Church. [By James Dundass.] Together with some annexed dissertations. Edin., 1728. 8 Another copy. Another copy. An important inquiry ; or, the nature of a Church reformation fully considered... Re vised and corrected, with... an appendix concerning communion under one kind....2d ed. London, 1758. 8 Essays on the Church. With some reference to Mr James's work entitled ' ' Dissent and the Church of England." London, 1833. 16 Our national Church : What is the popular party to do? Edin., 1833. 8 Essays on the Church. By a layman. 3d ed. London, 1836. 16 The rock of the Church, and the houses built on sand : or, a true guide to all travellers in search of a religion. Dublin, 1836. 8 Scripttiral grounds for a national Church, and a national profession of Christianity. In a letter to a friend. By a layman. Glasgow, 1836. 8 The Christian Church considered in relation to unity and schism. By the author of Hours of thought. London, 1838. 12 The New Testament sanction of the national establishment and spiritual liberty of the Church of Christ. By a clergyman. Glasgow, 1840. 8 The Church of the Fathers. [By John Henry NEWMAN.] 2d ed. London, 1842. 8 Church and State. An allegory. Cupar, 1843. 12 A crack aboot the Kirk for kintra folk. [By Norman M'LEOD, D.D.] 7th ed. Glasgoiv, 1843. 8 Another copy. A second crack aboot the Kirk for kintra folk. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1843. 8 CHURCH CHURCH. 175 Another copy. A third crack about the Kirk, or questions for the times, answered by modern reformers. Glasgow, 1843. 8 Focal rabhaidh mu thiomchiol cuis na H-Eag- lais. A word of admonition regarding the case of the Church. Air. i., ii. Glasgow, [1843.] 8 A comparison of established and dissenting Churches. By a dissenter. Edin. , s. a. 8 Lectures on foreign Churches, delivered in Edinburgh and Glasgow, May 1845, in con- nection with the objects of the committee of the Free Church of Scotland on the state of Christian Churches on the continent and in the East. First series. [By Dr Candlish, Dr Wilson, Bombay, Dr M'Crie, London, Dr Stewart, Leghorn, Dr Tweedie, Dr M'Farlan, Greenock, and Dr Lorimer, Glasgow.] Edin., 1845. 8 Second series, delivered... in 1846. [By Dr Wilson, Bombay, Dr Forbes, Glasgow, Prin- cipal Fairbairn, Dr Bryce, Aberdeen, Dr Tweedie, Dr Hetherington, and Dr Buchanan, Glasgow.] Edin., 1846. 8 ACCOMMODATION. Statement on church ac- commodation. By the friendly society of dis- senters. Glasgow, 1833. 12 Statement relative to church accommodation in Scotland ; in answer to the representations in the circular of the Moderator of the General Assembly, &c. By the Scottish central board for vindicating the rights of dissenters. 2d ed. With an appendix containing the circular referred to. Edin., 1835. 8 Report of the deputation appointed by the United Associate Synod, to present a memo- rial to his Majesty's Government on church accommodation and endowments in Scotland. Edin., 1835. 8 A letter to the... Lord Provost of Edinburgh on the question of church accommodation, and the necessity of an official document to satisfy the public on the subject. By a Churchman. Edin., 1835. 12 A full report of the speeches delivered at the great meeting, held in... Glasgow, to further and promote the interests of the General As- sembly's church accommodation scheme, 27th January, 1837. Glasgow, 1837. 8 ASSOCIATION. Report of the speeches deliver- ed at the meeting of the young men's Church association, Edinburgh, 7th Nov. 1834. Edin., [1834.] 12 First report of the Edinburgh young men's Church association, with the speeches, deliver- ed at the annual meeting held in St Andrew's church, Nov. 12, 1835. Edin., 1835. 12 CATECHISM. Proposed reform of the Church catechism and order of confirmation. By the author of An inquiry and suggestions on in- fant baptism. Brighton, 1851. 8 DEFENCE. Church-defence and anti-patron- age electoral association. Regulations. JMin., 1840. 8 Scheme issued by the central Church defence committee with reference to the provision to be made for the support of the Gospel, in the event of a disruption. Edin. , 1842. 4 EXTENSION. Reports [1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, and 6th] of the committee of the General As- sembly of the Church of Scotland on Church extension... Given in and read [1835-1840] by Thomas Chalmers, D.D., convener. Edin., 1835-1840. 8 Another copy [of Reports 1st, 3d, and 4th]. Edin., 1835, 37, 38. 8 Another copy [of Report 4th]. Edin., 1838. 8 Second edition [of Reports 1st, 2d, and 3d]. Edin., 1835-37. 8 Report of the statistical sub-committee of the General Assembly's Church extension commit- tee [1836]. [Edin., 1836.] 8 A report of the speeches delivered at the Church extension meeting, held in the new church, Dumfries, the 16th Feb., 1837. Dumfries; 1837. 12 Statement and address by the committee of the East Lothian Church extension society. HaMington, 1837. 8 Report made to the General Assembly's com- mittee on Church extension, by their deputation to London, April 24, 1838. To which is ap- pended, " Statement relative to Church exten- sion in Scotland," drawn up and circulated by the deputation there. Edin., 1838. 8 Another copy. Report of the speeches at the great Church ex- tension meeting, and dinner to Dr Chalmers, at Haddington,... October 15, 1838. Berwick-upon-Tweed, [1838.] 12 Report of the speeches delivered at a Church and school extension meeting, held at Dun- fermline, Feb. 25, 1839. Edin., 1839. 12 GOVERNMENT. An abstract of certaine acts of Parlement : of certaine Her Majesties in- junctions : of certaine canons, constitutions, and synodals provinciall, established and in force, for the peaceable government of the Church, within Her Majesties dominions. s. I. et a. [1583.] 4 An answer to the two first and principall trea- tises of a certaine factious libell, put foorth latlie,... under the title of An abstract of cer- taine acts of Parlement. [By Richard COSIN, LL.D.] London, 1584. 4 [See the full title of the work to which this is an answer immediately above.] An attestation of many learned, godly, and famous divines, justifying this doctrine, That the Church government ought to bee alwayes with the peoples free consent. [By Henry JACOB. s. L, 1613. 8 C Another copy. Certain briefe treatises, written by divers learned men, concerning the ancient and mo- derne government of the Church. Wherein the primitive institution of Episcopacie is main- tained, and the lawfulness of the ordination of the Protestant ministers beyond the seas likewise defended. Oxford, 1641. 4 176 CIUKCH-CIirUCHILL. - The beauty of godly government in a Church reformed.... \\lu-ivunto id added, A .short par- II hctweene the Presbyterian and rivlati;iu government. . I., lull. 4 A model of the government of the Church under the Gospel, by Presbyters, pn>v<; Scotl.-iml by a prevailing party in the < i. !! r.tl Assembly. Qltugow, l7->4. 8 An essay on Church x" vt i -iHiu-nt. By a lay- man of the Church in Scotland. , 1835. 8 HISTORY. Abre'ge' chronologique de 1'histoire iastique-.-Depuis la nai&sance de Christ jusqu' a 1'anm'e 1700. Nouvclle edi- tion, revue, corrige'e, et augmented. [Par Philippe MAOQUER.J 2 torn. 1'uris, 1757. 8 LEASES. Report from the select committee on Church leases ; together with the minutes of evidence, appendix, and in/, l.".s. rj CLASON (JAMES), Minister at Ratho. Sermons. With a biographical memoir by the Rev. P. ' Clason, D.D. , 1843. 12 CLASON (PATRICK), D.D., Minister of Free Buc- cleuch chur<-h, J-^linburgh. Considerations on the propriety of erecting the chapels of ease in the parish of St Cuthbert into parish churches, and on the necessity of increasing the church accommodation : with a statement of the means by which these objects may be accomplished. ,1833. 8 Speech in the Presbytery of Edinburgh, 28th January 1835, on a motion regarding a suit- able provision for the ministers of the Gospel in the new and extended burghs of Scotland. With illustrative notes. Edin., 1835. 8 Strictures on the statement of the central board of Scottish dissenters, in a series of let- ters to Bailie M'Laren. , 1835. 12 Two sermons preached in the Free High church, Edinburgh, Nov. 6, 1853, after the funeral of the late Robert Gordon, D.D. By P. C. and William CCXXLXCHAM, D.D. Edin., 1853. 8 CLAUBERGITJS (JOHAX>T>S), Professor in the College of Duisburg. De cognitione Dei et nostri quatenus natural! rationis lumine, se- cundum veram philosophiam, potest compa- rari. Exercitationes centum. Editio novis- sima atque emendatissima. Harlingce, 1685. 8 CLAUDE (JEAX), Minittcr of Charenton. CEuvres posthumes de J. C. 5 torn. Amsterdam, 1688, 9. 8 Another edition. Amsterdam, 1690. 8 Reponse aux deux traittez [par A. Arnatdd et P. Nicole] intitulez, La perpetuite' de la f oi de 1'Eglise Catholique touchant 1'EucHARisriE. 1667 The Catholic doctrine of the Eucharist in all ages : In answer to what M. Arnatid alledges touching the belief of the Greek, Moscovite, Armenian, Jacobite, Nestorian, Coptic, Ma- ronite, and other Eastern Churches. Where- unto is added an account of the book of the body and blood of our Lord, published under the name of Bertram. In six books. London, 1684. fol. La defense de la Reformation contre le livre [par Pierre Nicole] intitule', Pre'juge'z le'gitimes contre les Calvinistes. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1683. 12 Faithfully translated into English by T. B. London, 1683. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Another edition. To which is prefixed a sketch of the author's life. ...By John Towns- end. 2 vol. London, 1815. 8 *La defense de 1'Eglise contre le livre de Mr. 1 :: York, 1829. 4 CLJSSOLD (HENEYV Minister of chapel, Lambeth. The last hours of cmim-nt Christians, from the comim-no-im-nt <>f the Christian era to the death of George III. London, 1829. 8 rUHJHKII. BlSHOror.- >' K..U-rt CI.AVT..N. PPBM \:\ l: i I US (JOHANXKH). Prufe**- 1l t ,;,l,,,j,j t //,//./. rwyck. Theologica opera omnia. 2 tom. Amsteledami, 1684. -1 Compendiolum Socinianismi, confntatum. Pnemissa est pnefatio liistorica, de origine et progressu Socinianismi. .4- CLOSE (FRANCIS), A.M., Dean of darUnle.- The o-nvlative claims and duties of the ministers of God, and of the people committed to their charge. Being the substance of a sermon preached Feb. 10th, 1833. London, 1833. 8 A brief sketch of the character and hist days of the Rev. C. Simeon. 2d ed. Cheltenham, 1836. 8 The chartists' visit to the parish church. A sermon addressed to the chartists of Chelten- ham, August 18, 1839, on the occasion of their attending the parish church in a body. Third thousand. Edin., 1840. 12 Church architecture scripturally considered, from the earliest ages to the present time. London, 1844. 8 Popery, destructive of civil and religious li- berty, proved historically : being the sub- stance of a sermon preached in Cheltenham, Nov. 5, 1853. London, 1853. 8 CLOWES (JOHN), M.A., Hector of St John's church, Manchester. Letters on the human body, principally designed to prove that the body is a mere effect derived from the soul, as its instrumental cause ;...and that consequent- ly in every human body may be seen a demon- stration of the continual presence and opera- tion of the causes, both primary and instru- mental, of which it is the effect. Warwick, 1826. 8 CLUVERIUS (PHILIPPUS). Italia antiqua, auc- toris methodo, verbis, et tabulis geographicis retentis, contracta opera Joh. Bunonis. Guelferbyti, 1659. 4 Sicilia antiqua, auctoris methodi, verbis, et tabulis geographicis retentis, contracta opera Joh. Bunonis. Ej usque Sardinia et Corsica antiqua. Guelferbyti, 1659. 4 Introductio in universam geographiam. Londini, 1711. 4 CLOYNE, BISHOP OF. See George BERKELEY. COBB (JOHN), D.D. Eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1783, at the lectitre founded by the Rev. J. Bampton. Oxford, [1783.] 8 COBBET (THOMAS), Pastor at Ipswich, New Eng- land. The civil magistrate's power in matters of religion, debated. Together with a brief answer to a certain slanderous pamphlet called, 111 news from New England, by John Clark. London, 1653. 4 COBBETT (WILLIAM). Porcupine's works ; con- COBBOLD CCELESTINUS I. 185 taining various writings and selections, exhi- biting a faithful picture of the United States of America Comprising also a complete series of historical documents and remarks, from the end of the war in 1783, to the election of the President, in March, 1801. 12 vol. London, 1801. 8 A grammar of the English language, in a series of letters. 2d ed. London, 1819. 12 - Third edition. London, 1819. 12 Sermons. London, 1822. 12 - The woodlands ; or, a treatise on the prepar- ing of ground for planting, on the planting, cultivating, pruning, and cutting down of fo- rest trees and underwoods. London, 1825. 8 * The great apostacy ; or, The Church of Rome proved to be not the Church of Christ. . . .Being the substance of a reply to William Cobbett's history of the Protestant Reformation. London, 1839. 8 COBBOLD (JOHN SPENCER), A.M. A reply to the dissenters' reasons for separating from the Church of England ; in a letter to John Gill, D.D., editor ofthem. Ipswich, 1804. 8 COBBOLD (T. SPENCER), M.D. Observations on Entozoa, with notices of several new spe- cies, including an account of two experiments in regard to the breeding of Tyenia serrata and T. cucumerina. [Read before the Royal So- ciety of London, Dec. 3d, 1857.] [London, 1858.] 4 COBHEY (JAIN). See John COVEY. COCCEIENS. Entretiens sur les differentes me- thodes d'expliquer FEcriture et de precher, de ceux qu' on appelle Cocceiens et Voetiens dans les Provinces Unies. Amsterdam, 1707. 12 COCCEIUS (JOHANNES), Professor of theology at Leyden. Opera omnia theologica, exegetica, polemica, philologica. 8 torn. Amstelodami, 1675-79. fol. - Prophetoe duodecim minores versione Latina. 1652. See BIBLES LATIN. B. COCHELETIUS (ANASTASIUS). Calvini infer- nus adversus Joannem Polyandrum ministrum Calvinistam. Antverpice, 1608. 8 Coerneterium Calvini inferni et aliarum ejus- dem impietatum, adversus interpolata sophis- mata falsb et calumniose adscripta Anastasio Cocheletio, a Johanne Polyandro, alias, Van- den-Kerck-hove. Antverpice, 1612. 8 COCHIN (Cn. NIC.). Observations sur 1'anti- quite's d'Her*culaneum, par J. C. BELLICARD et C. N. C. 1755 COCHL^EUS (JOHANNES). Consyderatio de fu- turo concordise in religione tractatu Vuorma- tise habendo. Ingolstadii, 1545. 4 Septiceps Lutherus, ubique sibi, suis scriptis centrarius, in visitationem Saxonicam : per J. C. ante annos 44. seditus. Parisiis, 1564. 8 Historia de actis et scriptis Martini Lutheri Saxonis, chronographice, ex ordine ab anno Domini M.D.XVII. usq ; ad annum M.D.XLVI., inclusive, fideliter conscripta, et ad posteros denarrata. Cum indice, et edicto Vuorma- ciensi. Cui mine recens adjecimus Antidotum contra veneficium sectarum hujus teuiporis, Bonifacio Britanno Germano autore. Parisiis, 1565. 8 COCHRANE (JAMES), A.M., Minister of Cupar- Fife. The manual of family and private devo- tion ; consisting of prayers, original and se- lected. With a preface by Thomas Chalmers, D.D. 3ded. Edin., 1838. 8 The Protestant's manual. Vol. i. Edin., 1839. 12 Substance of an address on the present state of the Church, delivered in...Cupar-Fife, on Sabbath, June 4, 1843. Third thousand. Cupar-Fife, 1843. 8 Another copy. COCKBURN (JOHN), D.D., Vicar of Northall, Middlesex. Fifteen sermons, preached upon several occasions and on various subjects. London, 1697. 8 Humane life displayed in'a sermon on the first Sunday of this new year. 1706. London, [1706.] 8 The history and examination of duels : shew- ing their heinous nature and the necessity of suppressing them. With the edict of the King of France against duels, and an abridgment of that of the King of Poland. In two parts. London, 1720. 8 COCKBURN (PATRICK), M.A., Vicar of Long- Horsley, Northumberland. An enquiry into the truth and certainty of the Mosaic deluge. Wherein the arguments of the learned Isaac Vossius, and others, for a topical deluge are examined ; and some vulgar errors, relating to that grand catastrophe, are discovered. London, 1750. 8 COCKBURN (W.). Strictures on clerical educa- tion in the University of Cambridge. London, 1809. 8 COCKBURN (ROBERT). An historical disserta- tion on the books of the New Testament : or an enquiry into their authority and particular character ; with a history of the methods by which these sacred writings have been pre- served and conveyed down to us. Composed from original authors. s. L, 1755. 8 COCKER (EDWARD). Arithmetick. 49th ed. . . . With notes upon the Irish weights and mea- sures, &c. By Geo. Fisher. Dublin, 1751. 12 COCUS, or COOKE (ROBERTUS). Censura quo- rundam scriptorum, quse sub nominibus sanc- torum et veterum auctorum a pontificiis (in qusestionibus potissimum hodie controversis) citari solent. In qua ostenditur, scripta ilia, vel esse supposititia, vel dubise saltern fidei. Londini, 1623. 4 CODE. Les cinq codes. Nouvelle Edition, col- latioune'e sur I'e'dition de I'impriinerie royale. Paris, 1822. 12 CODMAN (JOHN), D.D., Pastor of the second church in Dorchester. Sermons delivered on various occasions, with addresses. Boston, 1834. 8 CCELESTINUS L, Pope. Pro Prospero et Ili- lario, de gratia Dei epistola ad quosdam C!al- 24 186 CCENEN COLIN ITS. lianini Episcopos ; [CASSIANI opera, p. 905]. Epistolre et docreta. Quibus nonnulla intex- ta, ad eundem sanctum Pontificem pertinentia. Ex editioiu- V. ('. lYni I'otitantii ; [GALLAN- DII Bibl. Vet. Patr. torn ix., p. 286]. 1788 CCENEN (THOMAS). Disputatio physica specialis de nitri pulvere, priiua. Ultrajecti, 1652. 4 COGAN (THOMAS), M.D. A philosopliical trea- tise on the passions. 2d ed. Bnth, 1802. 8 A treatise on the passions and affections of the mind, philosophical, i-thieal, and theological, in a series of disquisitions... 5 vol. [Vol. i. fi'i-ms the third edition of the philosophical treatise on the passions.] London, 1813. 8 Theological disquisitions ; or, an enquiry into those principles of religion which are most in- fluential in directing and regulating the pas- sions and affections of the mind. London, 1812. 8 COGSWELL (JONATHAN), D.D., Professor of ec- clesiastical history in, tlte theological institute of Connecticut. Discourses ; intended as a keep- sake for the family and friends of the author. Jlnrtford, 1842. 8 A treatise on the necessity of capital punish- ment. Hartford, 1843. 12 Another copy. Another copy. COHEN (SAMUEL CORNELIUS). The glory of the latter house ; or, the promise fulfilled. London, s. a. 12 COKE (THOMAS), D.C.L. The life of the Rev. T. C. By J. W. Etheridge, M.A. London, 1860. 12 COLBERT (CHARLES JOACHIM), Bisliop of Mont- pellier. Lettres. 4 torn. Cologne, 1741. 12 COLBERT (JEAN-BAPTISTE). Minister and Secre- tary of Stofc to Leivis XIV. The life of the . famous J. B. C. Done into English from a French copy printed at Cologne, 1695. London, 1695. 8 COLBY (SAMUEL), A.M. A sermon [on Prov. xxviii^ 2] preach'd on the anniversary fast, for the martyrdom of King Charles I. London, 1708-9. 8 COLBY ( ), Lieutenant-Colonel. Ordnance survey of the county of Londonderry. Dublin, 1835. 4 COLDEN (ALEXANDER). An examination of the new doctrines in philosophy and theology, pro- pagated by Dr Priestley. With some short strictures on the power of the civil magistrate as the ordinance of God. Berwick, 1793. 8 COLE (HENRY). Popular geology subversive of divine revelation ; a letter to the Rev. Adam Sedgwick. London, 1834. 8 3 COLE (THOMAS). Minister of the Gospel in Lon- don. A discourse of regeneration [on John, iii. 3], faith [on Rom. x. 17], and repentance [on Mark, i. 15], preached at the Merchants' Lecture in Broad-street. London, 1689. 8 COLE (W.), A.M. A key to the Psalms, being an easy, concise, and familiar explanation of ', wurds, allusions, and sentt -no in them, se- ed from substantial authorities. .;/;/.-, 1788. 8 COLEMAN (BENJAMIN). Some of the glories of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ exhibited in tvM-nty sacraiiirntal discourses preached at Boston in New England. [Wants title.] London, 1728. 8 COLEMAN (LYMAN), Professor of German in fun I'olltge. A Church without a Bi- shop. The apostolical and primitive Church, popular in its government, and simple in it* worship. With an introductory essay by Dr Augustus Neander. Boston, 1844. 12 Another copy. Another copy. Reprinted. London, a. a. 8" COLEMAN (THOMAS). Rector of 8t Peter's, < hill, London. The Christian's course and com- plaint...^ a sermon preached before the Hon. House of Commons, August 30, 1643. London, 1643. 4 The heart's engagement : a sermon [on Jerem. xxx. 21] preached at St Margaret's, Westmin- ster, at the public entering into the covenant. Sept 29, 1643. London, 1643. 4 J Hopes deferred and dashed. Observed in a sermon [on Job, xi. 20] to the Hon. House of Commons, July 30, 1645. Londvti, 1645. 4 A brotherly examination re-examined. London, 1646. 4 COLENSO (JOHN W.), D.D., Bishop of Natal. The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua critically considered. Four parts. [Parts i. and iii. 2d ed.] London, 1862-S3. 8 COLERIDGE (HENRY NELSON), M.A. Intro- ductions to the study of the Greek classic poets. 3d ed. London, 1846. 8 COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Aids to reflec- tion. 1st American ed. . Burlington, 1829. 8 Fourth edition. London, 1839. 8 Another edition. Edited by Henry Nelson Coleridge. 2 vol. London, 1843. 8 Another edition. 2 vol. London, 1848. 8 On the constitution of the Church and State, according to the idea of each, with aids to- wards a right judgment on the late Catholic bill. 2d ed. London, 1830. 8 The poetical works of S. T. C. 3 vol. London, 1836. 8 The friend ; a series of essays. 3d ed. 3 vol. London, 1837. 8 Fourth edition. London, 1844. 8 * S. T. C. : his philosophy and theology. Re- printed (with additions), from the "Eclectic Review," Jan 1851. London, 1851. 8 COLES (ELISHA). A practical discourse of God's SOVEREIGNTY. 1073 Another edition. London, 1788. 8 Another edition. Edin.', 1798. 12 - Another edition. Glasgow, 1800. 8 COLES (JOHN B.), M.A. A few remarks on the teaching of our reformers on absolution. London, 1859. 8 COLINIUS (CASPAR). Sec Caspar de COLLIGNY. COLLECTIONS-COLLINS. 187 COLLECTIONS. Statement of parochial collec- tions and contributions received in aid of the General Assembly's four schemes, from 25th May 1837 to 1st June 1838. [Edin., 1838.] 8 From 31st May 1838 to 31st May 1839. Edin., 1839. 8 COLLET (PETRITS). Institutiones theologise mo- ralis, ojuas ad usum seminariorum e propriis suis prtelectionibus contraxit P. C. Ed. nova. 5 torn. Lugduni, 1768. 12 COLLET (STEPHEN). Relics of literature. London, 1823. 8 COLLETTE (CHARLES HASTINGS). Popish frauds exemplified by Dr Wiseman's lectures. Purgatory. London, 1853. 8 - Second edition ; [with Dr Wiseman's Popish literary blunders exposed. By C. H. COL- LETTE.] I860 Dr Wiseman's Popish literary blunders ex- posed. London, 1860. 8 COLLIER (JEREMY), M.A.. Lecturer of Gray's Inn, London. Essays upon several' moral sub- jects. In two parts. 3d ed. London, 1698. 8 Fourth edition. London, 1703. 8 Fifth edition. London, 1728. 8 A short view of the immorality and profane- ness of the English stage, together with the sense of antiquity upon this argument. London, 1698. 8 A second defence of the short view of the pro- phaneness and immorality of the English stage, &c. Being a reply to a book entituled, The ancient and modern stages surveyed, &c. London, 1700. 8 - An ecclesiastical history of Great Britain, chiefly of England : from the first planting of Christianity to the end of the reign of King Charles the Second. With a brief account of the aft'airs of religion in Ireland. 2 vol. London, 1708, 14. fol. A new edition, with a life of the author, em- bracing a view of his opinions, and those of the Non- jurors as a body. 9 vol. London, 1852. 8 COLLIGNON (CHARLES), M.D., Prof essor of ana- tomy in the University of Cambridge. The miscellaneous works of C. C. Cambridge, 1786. 4 COLLIGNY (GASPAR DE), Admiral of France. G. C. . . .vita. Nunc demum ob defectum ex- emplarium in gratiam et usum Christianorum principum, politicorum, aulicorum, militum recusa, ad exemplar anni 1575. Ultrajecti, 1644. 12 Memoirs of G. de C. With an account of the massacre of St Bartholomew's day, August 24, 1572. Translated [from the French edi- tion of 1665J and edited by David Dundas Scott. Edin., 1844. 8 COLLINGS, or COLLINGES (JOHN), D.D., Mi- nister of the Gospel in Norwich. A cordial for a fainting soule. 3 parts. [Part ii. 2d ed.] London, 1650, 52. 4 - Vindicire ministerii evangelici ; a vindication of the great ordinance of God, viz., A Gospel- ministry. London, 1651. 4 Another copy. Responsoria ad erratica pastoris, sive Vindi- cise vindiciarum. Id est, The shepherd's wandrings discovered, in a revindication of the great ordinance of God : Gospel-preachers and preaching. By way of reply and answer to a late booke, called, The people's priviledges, and duty guarded against the pulpit and preachers encroachment. And their sober justification and defence of their free and open exposition of Scriptures. Published by Wil- liam Sheppard. London, 1652. 4 Another copy. Vindicise ministerii evangelici revindicatae : or the preacher (pretendedly) sent, sent back again, to bring a better account who sent him, and learn his errand. By way of reply to a late book (in the defence of gifted brethrens preaching), published by Mr John Martin... Mr Samuel Petto... Mr Frederick Woodale, so far as any thing in their book pretends to an- swer a book published 1651, called, Vindicise ministerii evangelici ; with a reply also to the epistle prefixed to the said book, called, The preacher sent. London, 1658. 4 Elisha's lamentation for Elijah. Discoursed in a lecture sermon [on 2 Kings, ii. 12]. London, 1657. 4 Several discourses concerning the actual pro- vidence of God. Divided into three parts. London, 1678. 4 Thirteen sermons upon several useful subjects. Two of them being funeral discourses, occa- sioned by the death of the Rev. Mr Nathanael Mitchel. London, 1684. 8 COLLING WOOD (G. L. NEWNHAM). A selec- tion from the public and private correspond- ence of Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood, inter- spersed with memoirs of his life. 3d ed. London, 1828. 8 COLLINS (ANTHONY). An essay concerning the use of REASON in propositions, the evidence whereof depends upon human testimony. 1709 [This essay has also been ascribed to John ASGILL.] A letter to the learned Mr Henry DODWELL ; containing some remarks on a (pretended) de- monstration of the immateriality and natural immortality of the soul, in Mr Clark's answer to his late Epistolary discourse, &c. 1709 A reply to Mr Clark's defence of his letter to Mr DODWELL. 1709 Reflections on Mr Clark's second defence of his letter to Mr DODWELL. 1711 An answer to Mr Clark's third defence of his letter to Mr DODWELL. 1711 PRIESTCRAFT in perfection. 1710 Reflections on a late pamphlet, intitled, PRIESTCRAFT in perfection. 1710 An historical and critical essay on the Thirty- nine ARTICLES of the Church of England. 1724 A vindication of the Divine attribute?, In 188 COLLINS- COLQUHOUN. some n- murks upon the Archbishop of Dublin's [\\ 'illi.-ini K i N:'S] sermon, intituled, Divine pivdt -stinatiou and foreknowledge consistent with tin- freedom of mail's will. 1710 A discourse of FIU:K THINKING. 1713 A discourse of the grounds and reasons of tin: CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 1724 A letter to the Rev. Dr ROGERS, on occasion of his eight sermons concerning the necessity of divine revelation. 1727 The scheme of literal PROPHECY considered. 1726 A dissertation on liberty and necessity : whe in the process of ideas, from their first entranee into the soul, until their production of action, is delineated. With some remarks upon the late Rev. Dr Clarke's reasoning on this point. And an epistle dedicatory to truth. London, 1729. 8 A philosophical inquiry concerning human LIBERTY. 1749 COLLINS (HERCULES). An antidote to prevent the prevalency of anabaptism ; or, infants' bap- tism vindicated by way of query and answer. By H. C. of Wapping. London, 1693. 4 COLLINS (STEPHEN), D.D. Miscellanies. Philadelphia, 1842. 12 COLLINS (WILLIAM). The poetical works of W. C. Edited by Thomas Park. London, 1805. 16 Another edition ; [with the poetical works of James BEATTIE, LL.D.] 1826 Another edition. With the life of the author by Dr Johnson : Observations on his writings by Dr Langhorne ; and biographical and cri- tical notes by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. London, 1827. 8 COLLINS (WILLIAM), Bookseller in Glasgow. The Church of Scotland the poor man's Church. Glasgow, 1835. 8 Statistics of the church accommodation of Glasgow, Barony, and Gorbals, presented to the royal commissioners appointed to inquire into the means of religious instruction... on 9th May, 1836... with accompanying observations. Glasgow, 1836. 8 On the harmony between the Gospel and tem- perance societies. Glasgow, 1836. 8 Another copy. Speech at the first public meeting of the Edin- burgh association for the suppression of intem- perance, s. I. et a. 12 COLLINSON (JOHN), M.A., Rector of Gatesfoad, Durham. A key to the writings of the prin- cipal Fathers of the Christian Church, who flourished during the first three centuries. In eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, 1813, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton. Offord, 1813. 8 COLLYER (WILLIAM BENGO'), D.D., Minister of the Independent chapel, Peckham. The faith- ful pastor : a sermon [on Ps. xl. 9, 10] occa- sioned by the death of the Rev. George Ford ; delivered at Stepney, April 15, 1821. London, 1821. 8 COLMAN (BENJAMIN), M. A. Practical dis- courses upon the parable of the ten virgins. .London, 1707. 8 COLOMESIUS, or COL< >M I i -:s < I \ . /./.(y M/,I ,il /../,/,. /' eritiei et lu.M.'iiei ;i!-umcnti...Junctim edit a euranle J. A. Fabricio. //.;. 4 COLONLA, AORIPPINA. CANONES coneilii pn.- vincialis Coloniensis, anno lf>:;ii ce!cl>rati. L643 COLONLA (DOMINIQUE DE). BIBLIOTHEQUE .Jan- senisto. IT:;.') COLONIAL CHURCHES. Report of commit- tee of General Assembly, on colonial Churches, 30th May, 1836. With deliverance of the As- sembly, and proceedings of their committee, 1st June, 1836. Glasgow, 1836. 8 Report... 1837. With appendix, containing correspondence with the colonial office and re- port of the North American colonial society for 1837. poio, 1837. 8 Report... 1838. Glasgow, 1838. 8 COLONIES. Report of the committee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, for promoting the religious interests of Seot- tish Presbyterians in the British colonies, 23d May 1839, and deliverance of the Assembly. With appendix, containing correspondence with the colonial office, and other documents, with a state of accounts, &c. E. tl. COM M KNT. ( '< >M M KNTAUY.' Verklarin- van de geheele Heilige Schrift, door senlgeu van de voomaamste Engelsche Godgeleerden. Met oene Voorreden van den heer Joan vandeii lloiiert. 17 Duel. Amsterdam, 1741-1757. fol. A commentary upon the Holy Bible from Henry and Scott ; with occasional observations and notes from other writers. 2d ed. 6 vol. Eon, 183U :;:.. lii - Short comments on every chapter of the Holy Bible. London, 1839. 8 The illustrated commentary on the Old and New Testaments, chiefly explanatory of the manners and customs mentioned in the sacred Scriptures Being a re-publication of the notes of the Pictorial Bible. London, 1840. 12 Explanatory and practical comments ; being a series of short lectures upon the New Testa- ment... by a clergyman of the Established Church. 2 vol. Dublin, 1829, 34. 8 COMMISSIONS. Forms of commissions, &c. [of representatives to the General Assembly]. s. I., [1783.] fol. COMMON .PRAYER. The Booke of Common Prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other parts of divine service for the use of the Church of Scotland. Kilt H., jirinted by Robert Young, printer to the King's most excellent Majestic. M.DC.XXXVII. fol. [This copy contains also, The Psalter, or Psalmes of David : according to the last translation in King James his time. Pointed as they shall be said or sung throughout all the churches of Scotland. Edin., printed by Robert Young, printer to tJie King's most ex- cellent Majestie. Anno M.DC.XXXVI. fol.] Another copy. [Without the Psalter.] - Another edition. With a paraphrase of the Psalms in metre by King James the VI. E<>rd, 1836. 32 [This edition hits also the proper lessons to be read at morning and evening prayer on the Sundays and other holy-days throughout tho year. 1835. The New Testament. 1838 ; and Tate and Brady's Psalms. 1833.] Another edition. >/, 1837. 8 Another edition. 1840. 8 The two Books of Common Prayer, set forth by authority of Parliament in the ivi-.ni of King Edward the Sixth, compared with each other. [With a preface by the editor, Edward Cardwell.] /."i. 8 Collected, and translated into the Mohawk language under the direction of the late Rev. W. Andrews, the late Rev. Dr Henry Barclay, and the Rxev. Mr John Ogilvie. s. I. , 1769. 8 La liturgie on formulaire des Prieres pub- liques...selon 1'usage de 1'Eglise Anglicane. Londres, 1706. 12 Translated into Hebrew. London, 1836. 8 La liturgia Ynglesa, o el Libro de Oracion Comniun...segun el uso de la Yglesia de In- glaterra....Hispanizado porD. Felix Anthony de Alvarado. Londres, 1707. 8 Leabhar na h-urnuigh Choitchionn...do reir gnathachadh na H-eaglais Shasgonaich. [Translated by Patrick Stewart, of Foss.] Dun Eideann, 1794. 8 Another copy. Another edition. Inbhernis, 1819. 12 Another copy. Another edition. J.nin, s. a. 8 The Book of Common Prayer, and administra- tion of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America : Together with the articles of religion, forms of ordination and consecration, office of institution, &c. &c. From the Philadelphia authorised edition. London, 1833. 12 Liturgia Tigurina : or, The Book of Common Prayers, and administration of the sacraments COMMON PRAYER COMMUNION. 191 and other ecclesiastical rites and ceremonies, usually practised and solemnly performed in all the churches and chappels of the city and canton of Zurich in Switzerland, and in some other adjacent countries ; as by their canons and ecclesiastical laws they are appointed ; and as by the supreme power of the... Senate of Zurich they are authorised, established, and commanded. With the orders of that Church. Faithfully translated out of the Helvetian into the English tongue, by John Conrad Werndly. London, 1693. 12 The Tephilloth, or daily prayers ; according to the order of the Polish and German Jews, in Hebrew and English, as publicly read in their synagogues, and daily used by all their families. Faithfully translated from the ori- ginal Hebrew by A. Alexander. 2d ed. London, A.M. 5548, i. e. 1787. 8 The order for daily prayer, with the liturgy and other offices of the Church. London, 1843. 12 [Prefixed is the Rationale of the offices and liturgy of the Church. The whole consti- tutes the liturgy of the followers of Mr Tait.] The old non-conformist, touching the Book of Common-Prayer and ceremonies. Unto which is annexed, the reasons why Scotland refused the Book of Common-Prayer. London, 1660. 4 The reasons agreed upon by the reformers of the Church of Scotland, for which the Book of Common-Prayer, urged upon Scotland, anno 1637, was refused. As also the reasons agreed upon by the ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES at WEST- MINSTER, for laying aside the English Book of Common-Prayer. Together with Mr George GRAHAM'S renunciation and abjuration of Epis- copacy. Edin., 1744. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Advice to the readers of the Common-Prayer, and to the people attending the same. With a preface concerning divine worship. By a... Layick of the Church of England. London, 1682. 4 The public divine service of the Church, or the Common Prayer-book, proved to be taken out of the Holy Bible, and agreeable to the practice of the primitive Church ; and now published for the information and instruction of those who dissent from the Church of Eng- land. With a preface by the Rev. Dr Brett. London, 1713. 8 A brief discourse of the troubles begun at Frankfort, in the year 1554, about the Book of Common Prayer and ceremonies. Reprint- ed from the black-letter edition of J.575, with an introduction. London, 1846. 8 Suggestions for a revision of the Prayer Book. With the opinions of the Archbishop of Can- terbury, the Bishops of St Asaph, Chester, Limerick, &c. &c. London, 1859. 8 Declaration of the clergy against alteration of the Book of Common Prayer, &c. &c. London, 1860. 8 [See also LITURGY.] COMMONS, HOUSE OF. Journals of the House of Commons, [1547-1834] vol. 1-89. [Want- ing vol. 61, 62, 63, 69, 71, 76, 77, 80, 85, 87, 88.] . [London], 1803-1834. fol. General index to vol. 1-75. 6 vol. [London], 1803-1825. fol. Reports from committees of the House of Commons which have been printed by order of the House, and not inserted in the Jour- nals. [1715-1773.] Vol. 1-4. [London'], s. a. fol. A letter from the House of Commons assembled in the Parliament of England at Westminster, to the Right Honorable and Right Reverend, the Lords, Ministers and others of the present General Assembly of the Church of Scotland sitting at Edinburgh ; containing a narrative of the proceedings of the Parliament of Eng- land in the work of Reformation, and of their resolutions to maintain the government of the kingdom established by law, and of their en- deavours for settlement of peace, and for pre- servation of the Union between the two king- doms. London, 1648. 4 A true extract out of the Commons Journal : of the most principal proceedings of that Ho- nourable House, in this last short meeting ; in order to the preservation of the King and king- dom from the growth of Popery, and also for reducing the growing greatness of France. London, 1678. 4 An exact collection of the debates of the House of Commons, held at Westminster, October 21, 1680. London, 1689. 8 The humble representation of the House of Commons to the Queen, with Her Majesty's most gracious answer thereunto. Edin., 1711. 4 Report of committee of secrecy of the House of Commons. London, [1799.] 8 Another copy. Proceedings in the House of Commons, which issued in the appointment of a royal commis- sion for inquiring into the opportunities of religious worship, and means of religious in- struction and pastoral superintendence, af- forded to the people of Scotland. Edin., 1835. 12 Report from select committee on standing or- ders revision (1842) ; as agreed to by the House, 2d August 1842, and made standing orders of the House of Commons. London, 1842. fol. COMMUNINGS. Communings with the heart. Suggested by passages in the four Gospels. With aids to self-examination, and prayers compiled from Scripture. London, 1855. 8 COMMUNION. De la frequente communion. [Par A. ARNAULD.] Paris, 1648. 8 Septieme edition. Paris, 1683. 8 A persuasive to communion with the Church of England. [By Robert GROVE.] London, 1683. 4 The case of lay-communion with the Church of England considered. [By John WILLIAMS. 1 London, 1684. 4 s COMPANION CONDER. The case of mutt communion : whether it l>e, lawful to srparate from a Church upon the account i if pri.miscui MIS congregations and inixt communions. [! % >v Samuel FKKKMAN. | Loiufon, 1684. 4 A companion to the altar : shewing the nature .iml necessity of a sacramental pivp;ir;itiiiu, in onler to our worthy receiving tin- holy com- munion, wherein those fears and scruples about eating and drinking unworthily, and of incurring our own damnation thereby, are proved groundless and unwarrantable. Unto which are added, prayers and meditations pre- parative to a sacramental preparation, accord- ing to what the Church of England requires from her communicants. id, s. a. 8 Terms of ministerial and Christian communion imposed on the Church of Scotland, by a pre- vailing party in the General Assembly... con- sidered, in some conferences between two neighbouring ministers. Glasgow, 1753. 8 - Purity of Christian communion recommended as an antidote against the perils of the latter days, in three discourses, [on 2 Tim. iii. 1-5] delivered... in Richmond court, Edinburgh. To which is added an appendix, containing some thoughts on the weekly celebration of the Lord's Supper. Edin., 1796. 8 A Free Church communion in the West High- lands. [From the Scottish Guardian, August 4, 1843.] Glasgow, 1843. 12 COMPANION. The Christian's companion in the principles of religion and the concerns of human life:... In four parts. To which are annexed, The terms of our salvation, &c. London, 1771. 8 The closet companion ; or an help to serious persons, in the important duty of self-exami- nation. Edin., 1791. 8 The companion to the newspaper, 1833-5. 3 vol. London, 1834-36. 8 A companion for the afflicted ; or, texts of Scripture, containing duties, prayers, and pro- mises, with verses of hymns occasionally added. 5th ed. 2 parts. London, 1836. 12 The Christian's daily companion, presenting an entire view of divine truth By thirty-one clergymen of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1843. 8 The Christian's daily companion : a series of meditations and short practical comments, on the most important doctrines and precepts of the holy Scriptures ; arranged for daily read- ing throughout the year. Glasgow, s. a. 8 Another copy. COMPASSION. The compassion of God. London, s. a. 12 COMTE (AUGUSTE). Cours de philosophic posi- tive. 6 torn. Pom, 1830-42. 8 COMPTON (HENRY), D.D., BisJiop of London. Eighth letter to his clergy, upon a conference how they ought to behave themselves under the toleration. London, 1692. 4 CONANT (Mrs H. C.). The English Bible. History of the translation of the holy Scrip- tures into the English tongue. With speci- , of the old English versions. '/on, 1856. 12 CONANT (JOHN), B.D., Pastor of Lymington, Somenetuhire. The woe and weale of God's people, displayed in a sermon [on Jer. xxx. 7) preached before the Hon. House of Com- mons, July 26, 1643. '-,.. ir.ia. 4 CONC I U-:s ,Sc COUNCILS. CONCLAVES. Ilistoire des Conclaves dcpuis Clement V. juaqu' & present ; traduite de 1'Italien ; [par Vanel, conseiller en la cour des romptes de Montpellier]. Purw, 168'.. 4 CONCORDANCE. A concordance to the holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. London, 1762. 8 Concordance to the metrical Psalms and Pa- raphrases. Edin., 1856. 8 The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee con- cordance of the Old Testament. 2 vol. London, 1843. 8 The Englishman's Greek concordance of the New Testament. [By William BUKOH, or DE BURGH.] London, 1839. 8 CONDER (JAMES). An arrangement of provin- cial coins, tokens, and medals, issued in Great Britain, Ireland, and the colonies within the last twenty years. l/>*n*ich, 1798. 4 CONDER (JOHN). Living Christianity delineat- ed in the diaries of Mr Hugh Bryan, and Mrs Mary Hutson. With a preface by the Rev. J. C. and the Rev. Thomas GIBBONS. London, 1760. 12 CONDER (JOSIAH). Reviewers reviewed ; in- cluding an enquiry into the moral and intel- lectual effects of habits of criticism, and their influence on the general interests of literature. To which is subjoined a brief history of the periodical reviews published in England and Scotland. By John Charles O'Reid. [Pseud.] Oxford, 1811. 8 d On Protestant nonconformity. 2d ed. London, 1822. 12 The law of the Sabbath, religious and politi- cal. London, 1830. 8 An analytical and comparative view of all reli- gions now extant among mankind : with their internal diversities of creed and profession. London, 1838. 8 Syria and Asia Minor. 2 vol. ; [The modern traveller, vol. ii. , iii.]. London, 8. a. 12 Arabia ; [ibid., vol. iv.]. London, s. a. 12 Egypt, Nubia, &c. ; [ibid., vol. v. and vi.]. London, s. a. 12 Burmah, Siam, &c. ; [ibid., vol. vii.]. London, s. a. 12 Italy. 3 vol. ; [ibid., vol. xxxi.-xxxiii.]." London, 1831. 12 A memoir on the geography and ancient history of Armenia ; [with missionary researches in Armenia, by Eli SMITH, and H. G. O. DWIGHT.] 1834 The literary history of the New Testament. Comprising a critical inquiry into the author- ship, chronological order, characteristic fea- tures, internal evidence, and general scope of the sacred documents. [London], 1850. 8 CONDILLAC CONFESSIO. 193 CONDILLAC (ETIEKNE BONNOT DE), Abbe de Mureaux. (Euvres completes. 16 torn. Paris, 1822. 8 Trait^ des systemes, oil 1'on en de'mele les in- conve'nieiits et les a, vantages. Amsterdam, 1771. 12 Cours d'e'tude. Noilvelle Edition faite d'apres 1'originale. 16 torn. Paris, 1795. 8 La langue des Calculs. Paris, 1798. 8 CONDOM, BISHOP OF. See Jacques Benigne BOSSUET. CONEY (THOMAS), D.D., Prebendary of Wells. Honesty and plain-dealing an usual bar to honour and preferment. A sermon [on Numb, xxiv. 11] preached at St Mary's before the Uni- versity of Oxford, upon Act-Sunday July ix. 1710. Oxford, 1710. 8 CONFERENCES. Conferences between the Danish Christian missionaries, resident at Tranquebar, and the heathen natives of Hin- doostan. Now first rendered into English from the original manuscript by an officer in the service of the Hon. East India Company. London, 1812. 12 CONFESSIO, CONFESSION. Harmonia con- fessionum fidei, orthodoxarum, et reforma- tarum Ecclesiarum, quse in prcecipuis qui- busque Europse regnis, nationibus, et provin- ciis, sacram evangelii doctrinam pure profiten- tur. Geneva, 1581. 4 [The following are the confessions of which the above Harmony is composed : Confessio Augustana, 1530 ; Quatuor civitatum, 1530 ; Basiliensis, 1532 ; Helvetica prior, 1536 ; Saxonica, 1551 ; Wirtembergensis, 1552 ; Gallica, 1559 ; Anglica, 1562 ; Helvetica pos- terior, 1566 ; Belgica, 1579 ; Bohemica, pos- trema, 1573.] Another copy. Translated from the Latin. A new edition, revised and considerably enlarged, by the Rev. Peter HALL. 1842 Corpus et syntagma confessionum fidei quse in diversis regnis et nationibus, Ecclesiarum no- mine fuerunt authentic^ editse : in celeberri- mis conventibus exhibitse, publicaque aucto- ritate comprobatse. Quibus annectitur, in omnibus Christian* religionis articulis, Catho- licus consensus, ex sentientiis veterum qui Patres vocantur, desumptus. Geneva?., 1612. 4 [The above Corpus et syntagma contains the following confessions : I. Confessiones fidei editse ex Symbolo Apostolico. In concilio cecumenico. 1. Nicreno. 2. Constantinopoli- tano primo. 3. Ephesino. 4. Chalcedonensi ...II. Confessio Helvetica, Gallica, Anglicana, Scoticana, Belgica, Polonica, Argentinensis, sive quatuor civitatum Imperii, Augustana, Saxonica, Wirtembergica, illustrissimi Elec- tpris Palatini, Bohemica, Consensus Eccle- siarum Majoris et Minoris Polonize, Lithu- anise.] - Editio nova. Geneves, 1654. 4 [This edition differs from the preceding in the following particulars : 1. The confessio Helvetica is printed from the edition of Zurich, 1651. 2. The confessio Belgica is printed as it was revised, corrected, and ap- proved by the Synod of Dort in 1619. 3. It contains the confession of Basle ; the Judg- ment of the Synod of Dort ; the confession of Cyril, of Constantinople ; and the general confession of the reformed Churches in Po- lonia, Lithuania, and the provinces annexed, according to the Assembly of Thorn.] Sylloge confessionum sub tempus reformandte Ecclesise editarum, videlicet, Professio fidei Tridentina. Confessio Helvetica (1566). Con- fessio Augustana (1530). Confessio Augus- tana (1540). Confessio Saxonica. Confessio Belgica. Subjiciuntur catechismus Heidel- bergensis et canones Synodi Dordrechtanse. Editio altera et aiictior. Oxonii, 1827. 8 [This edition, revised by Bishop Lloyd, con- tains the Augsburg confession, both as pre- sented to Charles V. at the Assembly at Augsburg, in 1530, and as altered by Me- lancthon, and laid before the Diet of Worms, in 1540.] Another copy. Corpus librorum symbolicorum qui in Ecclesia Reformatorum auctoritatem publicam obtinue- runt. Continens : I. Tres confessiones Hel- vetica?. II. Confessio Gallicana. III. Con- fessio Anglicana. IV. Confessio Scotica. V. Confessio Belgica. VI. Canones Dordraceni. VII. Confessio Hungarica. VIII. Confessiones Polonicse. IX. Confessio Bohemica. X. Confessio Tetrapolitana. XI. Confessio Marchica. XII. Colloquium Lipsiacum. XIII. Declaratio Thoruniensis. XIV. For- mula consensus Helvetica. XV. Catechismua Genevensis. XVI. Catechesis Heidelbergen- sis. Novam collectionem instituit, disserta- tionem historicam et litterariam subjunxit, et indices rerum et verborum adjecit Jo. Christ. Guil. AUGUSTI. 1827 Collectio confessionum in Ecclesiis reformatis publicatarum. Edidit H. A. NIEMEYER. 1840 [The following confessions are contained in the above collection : 1. Articuli sive conclusio- nes LXVII. H. Zwinglii, Germ, et Lat. 1523. 2. Theses Bernenses, Germ, et Lat. 1528. 3. Fidei H. Zwinglii ratio, 1530. 4. Fidei ab Zwinglio expositio, [1530]. 5. Basiliensis prior confessio, Germ, et Lat. [1532]. 6. Hel-< vetica prior, seu Basil, posterior, Germ, et Lat. 1536. 7. Catechismus Genevensis, 1545. 8. Consensus Tigurinus, 1549. 9. Consensus Genevensis, 1552. 10. Confessio Gallicana, Fr. et Lat. 1561. 11. Confessio Scoticana i. 1560. 12. Confessio Scoticana n. 1581. 13. Confessio Belgica, 1579. 14. Catechesis Pa- latina seu Heidelbergensis, Germ, et Lat. 1563. 15. Confessio Helvetica posterior, 1566. 16. Confessio Czengerina, 1570. 17. Consensus Poloniae, 1570. 18. Articuli XLII. Eduardi VI. 1552. 19. Articuli xxxix. 1562. 20. Repetitio Anhaltina [1577?]. 21. Con- fessio Sigismundi. 22. Colloquium Lipsiense, 1631. 23. Declaratio Thoruniensis, 1645. 25 - FESSIO-CONFESSIO. 24. Canones Synodi Dordrechtanre, 1618, 19. 25. Formula consensus Helvetica. -<. C>.n- feasio Tetrapolitana, 1630. 27. Confess hcemica, 1536. And in the appendix, Puri- tanonun lil>ri symbolici, [i. e. the Westmin- ster confession, and the larger and shorter :,ism in Liitiii ]. Libri Symbolic! Lntherante. Cum appendice quinquc partita cdidit Fredericus KK. 1847 [The above collection contains, 1. Symbola oecumenica. 2. Confessio Augustana. 3. Apo- logia confessionis Augustame. 3. Articuli Smalcaldici. 4. Lutheri catechismus minor. 6. Lutheri catechismus major. 6. Formula concordite. 7. Quatuor veteris Ecclesise sym- bola. 8. Confessio variata, a. 1640. 9. Con- futatio pontificia. 10. Confessio Saxonica. 11. Articuli visitatorii. 1 Concordia pia. Evangelisk Lutherska Kyrk- aus Symboliska Bocker jemte Upsala Motes Beslut af iir 1593, samt ett Kort historiskt Foretal af P. Fjellstedt. Gefle, 1853. 8 Volumen acatholicum xx. Articulorum con- fessionis Augustanae : editum a Jacobo Heil- bronner...compendio recognition et castigatum a Sebastiano HEISSIO. S. J. 1608 Confessio Augustana et responsio pontificia seu confutatio quae vulgo dicitur...E codice Dessaviensi exscriptam cum prolegomenis et epilegomenis...curavit Michael WEBER. 1810 Twenty-one discourses or dissertations upon the AUGSBURG-CONFESSIOX. 1753 Libri symbolici Ecclesiae evangelicse sive Con- cordia. Recensuit Carolus Augustus HASE. 1827 [The above collection contains, I. Symbolum apostolicum. II. Symbolum Nicenum. III. Symbolum Athanasii contra Arianos scrip- turn. IV. Confessio Augustana, 1530. V. Apologia Confessionis. VI. Articuli Smal- caldici, 1537. VII. Lutheri catechismus minor. VIII. Lutheri catechismus major. IX. Formula concordise.l Professio fidei Fratrum WALDENSIUM ad Vla- dislaum Hungariae Regem missa ; [cum Fascic. rerum expetendar. et fugiendar., ab Orth. GRATIO. i. p. 162.] 1690 Fidei et religionis Christianas confessio (Uni- tatis Boemicae). Herbornce, 1612. 8 Libri symbolici Ecclesiae Catholicae. Conjuncti atque notis, prolegomenis indicibusque in- structi, opera et studio Frid. Guil. STREIT- WOLF et Rudolph. Ernest. KLENER. 1838 [The above collection contains, I. Tria sym- bola Catholica. II. Canones et decreta con- cilii Tridentini. III. Catechismus, ex decreto concilii Tridentini, ad parochos.] TON EKKAH2UJN TH2 BEAFIKH2 \e,-TES vo- cantur ; super praecipuis articulis religionis Christianas. 1702 Cunsura in confessionem sive declarationem Bonteiitiiu eunnn (jui in foederato lii-1- " llr.- MONHTRASTES vocaiitur, super prari]iiiis ar- ticulis Christiante religionis, a SS. tin.. I. j m- fessoribus Academiw Leidensis instituta. [Johannes Polyaiulcr, Andrea-s Kivctu.s, Ani.>- nius Walteus, Antonius Thysius. j I ( .'_'i The confession of faith, of the rif.u-im .1 Churches in th- N tin ilands. \\ itli i which they use in the administration of the sacraments. The exercise of ecclesiastical dis- ciplino. The confirmation of ecclesiastical of- ficers, ministers, elders, and deacons. The celebration of marriage before the Church. Amsterdam, 1774. 12 La confession de foi des Eglises refonne*es Wallonnes et Flamandes. Bruxelles, 1850. 8 Confessions de foi des Eglises rdformdes de France et de Suisse, suivies des 39 articles de 1'Eglise Anglicane, et d'un fragment de la confession d'Augsbourg. Montpellier, 1825. 8 CYRILLI Patriarchae Constantinopolitani con- fessio Christianas fidei [Gr. et Lat.]. 1633 The confession of faith, used in the English congregation, at Geneva ; received and ap- proved by the Church of Scotland, in the be- ginning of the Reformation. With proofs from the Scripture. *. I., 1764. 8 C The confession of the faith and doctrine, be- lieved and professed by the Protestants of Scotland, exhibited to the Estates of the same in Parliament, and by their publick votes au- thorized, as a doctrine grounded upon the in- fallible Word of God, August 1560. And ra- tified and established by Act of Parliament 1567, as the public and avowed confession of faith of the Church of Scotland. And after- wards further established and publicly con- firmed by sundry Acts of Parliaments, and of lawful General Assemblies. W r ith proofs from the Scripture. Edin., 1739. 8 Another edition. s. L, 1764. 8 The humble advice of the Assembly of divines, now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning a confession of faith : with the quotations and texts of Scripture an- nexed. Presented by them lately to both Houses of Parliament. London, 1647. 4 The confessions of faith, catechisms, direc- tories, form of Church government, discip- line, &c. , of public authority in the Church of Scotland. Qbugew, 1771. 16 A collection of confessions of faith, catechisms, directories, books of discipline, &c., of pub- lick authority in the Church of Scotland. To- gether with all the Acts of Assembly, which are standing rules concerning the doctrine, worship, government and discipline of the Church of Scotland. W r ith a large preface, containing a full account of the several ends and uses of confessions of faith, the just foun- dations of their authority as a public standard of orthodoxy, and a vindication of the equity, usefulness, and excellency of such composures. CONFESSIO CONFESSIO. 195 [By William DUNLOP.] 2 vol. Edin., 1719, 22. 8 [The above collection contains, I. The West- minster confession, and the larger and shorter catechisms. II. The confession of faith used in the English congregation at Geneva. III. The confession of the faith and doctrine belevit and professit be the Protestantis of Scotland, 1560. IV. The confession of faith of the Kirk of Scotland, or, The national Covenant, 1580. V. A general band made for mainte- nance of the trew and Christian religion, 1588. VI. The national covenant, 1638. VII. Calvin's catechism. VIII. The Palatine ca- techism, 1591. IX. Craig's catechism, 1591. X. Summula catechismi, 1591. XI. The Book of common order, 1556. XII. The first Book of discipline, 1560. XIII. Ane schorte somme of the Buik of discipline, [1560]. ' XIV. The forme and ordoure of the election and admission of the superintendent, 1560. XV. The electioun of eldaris and deaconis in the Church of Edinburgh, 1560. XVI. The ordoure and doctrine of the general fast, 1565. XVII. The ordoure of excommu- nication and of publict repentance, 1569. XVIII. The second Buik of discipline, 1578. XIX. Confessio fidei Ecclesise Scoticanse, [a translation of the National Covenant, 1581]. Another copy. A preface to an edition of the Westminster confession, &c., lately publish'd at Edinburgh. Being a full and particular account of all the ends and uses of creeds and confessions of faith. [By William DUNLOP.] 2d ed. London, 1720. 8 Another copy. The confession of faith, and the larger and shorter catechisme first agreed upon by the Assembly of divines at Westminster, and now approved by the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, to be a part of uniformity in religion between the Kirks of Christ in the three kingdomes. Together with the solemn league and covenant of the three kingdoms. Amsterdam, 1649. 16 Another edition. Edin., 1650. 12 Another edition. London, 1651. 16 Second edition. London, 1658. 4 Another copy. Amsterdam, 1658. 4 Another copy. London, 1658. 4 Fourth edition. London, 1675. 4 Another edition. Edin., 1688. 12 Another edition. Glasgow, 1693. 12 Fifth edition. London, 1717. 8 Another edition. Glasgow, 1736. 12 Another edition. Edin., 1757. 12 Another edition. s. I., 1764. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1810. 12 Another edition. Edin., 1815. 12 Another edition. Reprinted, Edin. , 1829. 8 Another edition. Edin. , 1836. 8 Another edition. Glasgow, 1842. 12 Another edition. Aberdeen, 1844. 12 Confessio fidei in conventu theologorum au- thoritate Parliament! Anglican! indicto elabo- rata ; eidem Parliamento postmodum exhibita; quin et ab eodem, deindeq. ; ab Ecclesia Sco- ticana cognita et approbata ; una cum cate- chismo duplici, majori minorique ; e sermone Anglicano summa cum fide in Latinum versa. CantabrigicB, 1656 Another edition. Edinburgi, 1670. 16 Another edition. Edinburgi, 1694. 12 Another copy. Another c*opy. Another edition. Edinburgi, 1708. 12 The confession of faith, larger and shorter ca- techisms, &c. Translated into the Irish lan- guage by the Synod of Argyle. Edin., 1725. 12 The late Assembly of divines confession of faith examined. As it was presented by them unto the Parliament. Wherein many of their excesses and defects, of their confusions and disorders, of their errors and contradictions are presented, both to themselves and others. London, 1651. 8 Another copy. Truth's victory over error. Or, an abridge- ment of the chief controversies in religion, which since the Apostles days to this time, have been, and are in agitation between those of the orthodox faith, and all adversaries what- soever Wherein, by going through all the chapters of the confession of faith, one by one, and propounding out of them, by way of ques- tion, all the controverted assertions ; and an- swering by Yes, or No, there is a clear confir- mation of the truth, and an evident confuta- tion of what tenets and opinions are maintained by the adversaries. [By David DICKSON.] Edin., 1684. 8 Another copy. Another edition. Glasgow, 1725. 8 A brief sum of Christian doctrine contained in holy Scripture, and holden forth in the con- fession of faith and catechisms agreed upon by the Assembly of divines at Westminster, and received by the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland : with the practical use thereof. [Drawn up by David Dickson.] [With the Westminster confession.] 1693 [And with various other editions of the same confession. ] . An exposition of the confession of faith of the Westminster Assembly of divines. By the Rev. Robert SHAW. 1845 An analysis of the Westminster confession of faith. Glasgoiv, 1854. 12 [For other works relating to the confession of faith, or national covenant, see under COVE- NANT.] A new modern confession of faith, for the purpose of nationalising the modern converted Jews. To which is added, a discovery of the face of covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations. Edin., 1821. 12 The scriptural unity of the Protestant Churches exhibited in their published confessions. 106 CONFESSIONAL-CONOLLY. [Edited by D. Stuart, D.D.] '/;/,, 1835. 12 [The above contains, I. Articles <.t" tlie Irish Church, IC.lTi. II. Articles of tlu- I nit.a Church. III. Tliu \N \-sttnmstcr Confession. IV. Declaration of faith of the Congrega- tional or Independent duMnian. 1833.] The expectant ; being outlines the Restoration to the preseht time. [With historical register of all the axithors.] 2 vol. / ', 1783. 8 COOKE (JoHX ESTF.X), M.D. Works on Epis- copacy. By John BOWDEN, D.D., and J. E. C. 1831 COOKE (JOSEPH). On justification by faith, and the witness of the Spirit ; being the substance of two sermons [on Acts, xiii. 38, 39] preached in the Methodist chapel, Rochdale. 2d ed. Rochdale, 1806. 12 Methodism condemned by methodist preach- ers, or, a vindication of the doctrines contain- ed in two sermons, on justification by faith, and the witness of the Spirit. Rochdak, 1807. 12 COOKE (RoB.). See R. Cocus. COOKE (THOMAS), B.D. Episcopacie asserted : as it now stands established in our Church and commonwealth. London, 1641. 4 COOKE (WILLIAM), M.A. A sermon [on Deut. xxviii. 49] preached before the University of Cambridge on January 30th, 1781. Cambridge, 1781. 4 COOKWORTHY (JOSEPHUS COLLIER). Dispu- tatio medica inauguralis de Hepatis VI. in valetudine tuenda, et in morbis curandis ; quam,...pro gradu Doctoris...eruditorum exa- mini subjicit J. C. C. Edin., 1812. 8 COOPER (ALEXANDER), Traquair. An essay upon the chronology of the world, from the creation to the birth of Christ... With a parti- cular explication of Daniel's seventy weeks. E>l!n., 1722. 8 COOPER (AMBROSE). The complete distiller. 2d ed. London, 1760. 8 COOPER (ANTHONY ASHLEY), EarlofShaftesbury. CHARACTERISTIC'S. 1744 Letters. s. I, 1746. 12 Original letters of LOCKE, Algernon SIDNKY. and Anthony, Lord Shaftesbury. 1830 COOPER (BASIL H.), B.A. The Free Church of ancient Christendom, and its subjection under Constantino. London, s. a. 8 COOPER (DAVID), M.D. Prayer and preaching, the great duties of ministers of the Gospel. A sermon [on Acts, vi. 4]. Glasgow, 1747. 8 The great design of the Gospel explained and applied : in a sermon [on Heb. iv. 2^ preached before the Presbytery of Air, March 5th, 1735. Edin., s. a. 8 COOPER (EDWARD), Rector of Yoxall, Stafford- shire. Sermons, chiefly designed to elucidate some of the leading doctrines of the Gospel. 5th ed. London, 1814. 8 Letters addressed to a serious and humble en- quirer after divine truth, with a peculiar aspect to the circumstances of the present times. 'Ion, 1817. 12" Practical and familiar sermons designed for iiial and domestic instruction. 7 vol. 1 1 th ed. London, 1819-26. 12 The crisis ; or, an attempt to shew from pn>- . , illustrated by the signs of the the prospects and the duties of the Chun li <>f Christ at the present period. With an inquiry into the probable destiny of England during the predicted desolations of the papal king- dom*. iM od. London, 1825. 12 - Third edition. London, 1826. 12 COOPER (Mrs MARY). * Memoirs of the late Mrs M. C. of London. By Adam Clarke, LL.D. 7th ed. I.'mdon, 1839. 12 COOPER (P.). The Anglican Church the crea- ture and slave of the state, being a refutation of certain Puseyite claims advanced in behalf of the Established Church. London, 1844. 8 COOPER (SAMUEL), D.D., Rector of Morley and Yelveston, Norfolk. Consolation to the mourn- er, and instruction both to youth and old age, from the early death of the righteous. Yarmouth, 1786. 8 The one great argument for the truth of Chris- tianity, from a single prophecy, evinced, in a new explanation of the 7th chapter of Isaiah ; and in a general refutation of the interpreta- tions of former commentators. Yarmouth, 1787. 8 COOPER (THOMAS). Facts illustrative of the condition of the negro slaves in Jamaica : with notes and an appendix. London, 1824. 8 j COOPER (THOMAS), D.D., Bishop of Winchester. An admonition to the people of England : against Martin Mar-Prelate. Reprinted, London, 1847. 8 Another copy. An answer in defence of the truth against the apology of private mass... To which is prefixed [as in the original edition] the work answered, entitled, An apology of private mass, an anonymous popish treatise against Bishop Jewel. Edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. W. Goode, M.A. Cambridge, 1850. 16 COOPER (WILLIAM), D.D., Archdeacon of York. Discourses. 2 vol. London, 1795. 8 COOPER (WILLIAM), Pastor at Boston, New Eng- I'linl. The doctrine of predestination unto life explained and vindicated : in four sermons [on Rom. viii. 29, 30] preached to the Church of Christ, in Brattle Street, Boston, New Eng- land. . .With some additional passages and quo- tations. Edin., 1805. 12 COPLESTON (EDWARD), D.D., Bishop of Llan- daff. An enquiry into the doctrines of neces- sity and predestination. In four discourses preached before the University of Oxford. With notes, and an appendix on the seven- teenth article of the Church of England. London, 1821. 8 Remains of the late E. C. With an introduc- tion containing some reminiscences of his life, COQUEREL CORSINUS. 201 by Richard Whately, D.D. London, 1854. 8 COQUEREL (ATHANASE), fils. Christologie ou essai siir la personne et 1'oeuvre de Jesus-Christ en vue de la conciliation des Eglises Chre- tiennes. 2 torn. Paris, 1858. 12 Jean Galas et sa famille, etude historique d'apres les documents originaux, suivie des de"peches du C te . de Saint- Florentin, ministre secretaire d'etat, et d'autres fonctionnaires publics, et des lettres de la sceur A. J. Fraisse, de la visitation, a Mademoiselle Anne Galas. Paris, 1858. 12 - La Saint BartheMmy. Paris, 1859. 8 COQUEREL (ATHANASE - LAURENT - CHARLES), Pastor of the Walloon Church at Amsterdam. L'orthodoxie moderne, nouvelle edition avec une introduction sur cette question, Qu'est-ce que 1'orthodoxie ? Des notes et un appendice. Paris, 1855. 12 COQUEREL (CHARLES). Histoire des Eglises du Desert chez les Protestants de France, depuis la fin du re"gne de Louis XIV. jusqu'a la Revo- lution Franaise. 2 torn. Paris, 1841. 8 CORBET (JOHN), Minister at Bonyl, Dumbarton. The ungirding of the Scottish armour : or, an answer to the informations for defensive armes against the King's Majesty, which were drawn up at Edenburgh, by the common help and Industrie of the three tables of the rigid cove- nanters of the nobility, barons, ministry, and burgesses, and ordained to be read out of pul- pit by each minister, and pressed upon the people to draw them to take up armes, to re- sist the Lord's anointed. Dublin, 1636. 4 CORBET (JOHN), Minister at Chichester. A dis- course of the religion of ENGLAND. 1667 - An account given of the principles and prac- tises of several non-conformists. Wherein it appears that their religion is no other than what is profest in the Church of England. London, 1682. 4 - An inquiry into the oath required of non-con- formists by an act made at Oxford. Wherein the true meaning of it and the warrantableness of taking it, is considered. London, 1682. 4 - The non-conformists plea for lay-communion with the Church of England, &c. [To which is added] A defence of my endeavours for the work of the ministry. [Without title page, and beginning at p. 5.] [London, 1682.] ? 4 - A humble endeavour of some plain and brief explication of the decrees and operations of God, about the free actions of men : more es- pecially of the operations of divine grace. [3 parts.] London, 1683. 4 - The remains of the Rev. J. C. Printed from his own manuscripts. London, 1684. 4 CORBETT (EDWARD), Fellow of Merton college. God's providence, a sermon [on 1 Cor. i. 27], preached before the Hon. House of Commons, Dec. 28, 1642. London, 1642. 4 CORDERIUS (MATURINUS). Colloquiorum cen- turia selecta, secundum editionem G. Willy- mot. Aucta...a Gulielmo Ritchie. Edin., 1814. 12 Another edition. Edin., 1828. 12 CORK AND ORRERY, EARL OF. See John BOYLE. CORK AND ROSSE, BISHOP OF.- See Peter BROWNE. CORMACK (JOHN), A.M., Minister of Stow. Account of the abolition of female infanticide in Guzerat, with considerations on the ques- tion of promoting the Gospel in India. London, 1815. 8 An inquiiy into the doctrine of original sin ; with a critical dissertation on the words " all," " all men," "many," &c., Rom. v. 12, &c., and I Cor. xv. 22. ' Edin., 1824. 12 Another copy. Pastoral hints to his parishioners. 3d ed. Edin., 1835. 12 - Illustrations of faith. Edin., 1839. 12 CORMACK (JOHN ROSE), M.D. A treatise on the chemical, medicinal, and physiological properties of creosote. (Harveian prize dis- sertation for 1836. ) Edin., 1836. S Another copy. Natural history, pathology, and treatment of the epidemic fever, at present prevailing in Edinburgh and other towns : illustrated by cases and dissections. London, 1843. 8 CORNARO (LEWIS). Discourses on a sober and temperate life. Translated from the Italian. London, 1768. 8 CORNEILLE (PIERRE). Les chef-d'oeuvres de P. C. Avec le jugement des savans a la suite de chaque piece. Nouvelle Edition. Oxford, 1746. 8 Theatre de P. C., avec les commentaires de Voltaire. 12 torn. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1797. 8 Chef-d'oeuvres dramatiques de Corneille, RACINE, MOLIERE, VOLTAIRE, CREBILLON, et DESTOUCHES. 3 torn. Londres, 1782. 12 U CORNELIUS (ELIAS). * Memoir of the Rev. E. C. By B. B. Edwards. 2d ed. Boston, 1834. 12 CORNELIUS NEPOS. -See Cornelius NEPOS. CORNEWALL (FREDERICK), M. A. Zeal for re- ligion recommended : in a sermon [on Gal. iv. 18] preach'd at the assizes at Salop, August 4th, 1710. London, 1710. 8 CORNWALLIS (Mrs), of Wittenham, Kent. Observations, critical, explanatory, and prac- tical, on the canonical Scriptures. 4 vol. London, 1817. 8 CORPE (JOHN). Some very remarkable facts lately discovered, relating to the conduct of the Jesuits, with regard to Mr Bower ; which will greatly contribute to unravel the mystery of that affair. 2d ed. London, 1758. 8 CORPORATION. See TEST. CORRECTION, HOUSES OF. A bill (with the amendments) for the amending, and rendering more effectual, the laws in being relative to houses of correction. s. 1. et a. 8 CORSINUS (LAURENTIUS). See CLEMENT XII., Pope. 20 PES roTTLE. CORTES i Ili.ns \\i>i). The despatches of H. C., the o>ii<|m-i<'r nf Me.\ir<.i... Translated. ..liv George Folsoni. New York, 184:;. s COR VAN (A- Theses theologies ctoris suKtilis. Quas prie- side Patricio Duffy dcfendet A. C. LaouH'n, [1074.] 4 CORVINUS (JOANM:- A I; \OLDUS), J/.;i, Leyden. Defensio sentential D. Jacobi Ar- ininii, do ]>r;< drstinatione, gratia Dei, libero hoininis arbitrio, A e. adversus ejusdem a D. Daniele Tilt-no... editam OOnudentionem. . 1613. 8 Responsio ad Joannis Bogennanni annota- tiones, quibus vindicatam a D. Hugone Gro- tin pietatem illustrium ordinum Hollandi;u et Westfrisue denuo impugnavit. 2 partt. Lugd. Batav., 1614. 4 C COSENS (JOHN), D.D., Minuter ../7V,/,/;. Sennons on useful and important subjects. 2 vol. London, 1793. 8 COSIN (JOHN), Bishop of Durham. A scholasti- cal history of the canon of the holy Scripture, or the certain and indubitate Books thereof as they are received in the Church of England. London, 1657. 4 - Another copy. - Another edition. London, 1672. 4 - The history of popish transubstantiation. To which is premised and opposed the catholick doctrine of the holy Scripture, the ancient Fa- thers and the reformed Churches, about the sacred elements, and presence of Christ in the blessed sacrament of the Eucharist. London, 1676. 8 A new edition. To which is added, a memoir of the author by Rev. J. S. Brewer, M. A. London, 1840. 12 A collection of private devotions ; in the prac- tice of the ancient Church, called, The hours of praj'er. Taken out of the holy Scriptures, the ancient Fathers, and the divine service of our own Church. 9th ed. London, 1693. 12 - A letter on the validity of the orders of the j foreign reformed Churches ; [with two treatises , on the Church, by Thomas JACKSON, and Ro- bert SANDERSON. Edited by William Goode]. ', 1843 j COSIN (RICHARD), LL.D., Chancellor of the dio- [ cese of Worcester. An answer to the two first and principal treatises of a factious libell, put foorth latly... under the title of An abstract of certaine acts of Parlement. London, 1584. 4 [See the full title of the work to which this is an answer, under CHURCH GOVERNMENT.] An APOLOGIE for sundrie proceedings by juris- diction ecclesiasticall. 1593 Conspiracie for pretended reformation, viz. Presbyteriall discipline ; a treatise discovering the late designments and courses held for the advancement thereof, by William Hacket, Ed- mund Coppinger, and Henry Arthington ; [with the life of John WHITGIFT]. 1699 >' COSSAIim S ^GABRIEL). Sacrosancta concilia .-.1 iv_'iaiii edition, m exact, i.. .-,iu.liu Philip}.! i: et G. C. 17. n.\). The four witnesses : being a harmony <>f the (losjiels mi a new principle. Translated. l>v David Dundas Scott. 1851. 8 - Another er;rri]>n;uum nostri teni{M,ri.i de religione, in gratiam sodalitatis 1> virginis Maiice. Nunc aliquot locis, ac bona controversiarum parte locupletatum atquo emendatum. Colonipin!' SESSION. Where did the Court ..f >sion get its Church powei [Edin., 1841.] 8 < i M'RTAULD (GEORGE). Address to those who may be disposed to remove to the United states of America, on the advantages of equi- table associations of capital and labour, in the formation of agricultural establishments in the nor country. Including remarks on Mr Birkbeck's opinions upon the subject. Sudbury, 1820. 8 COURTENAY (REGINALD), D.D., Bishop of The future states ; their evidences and nature considered <>n principles physical, moral, and scriptural, with the design of show- ing the value of the Gospel revelation. London, 1857. 8 COURTOY (HENRY). Historical guide to the abbey and palace of Holyrood. 2d ed. /;-/;., 1838. 8 COURTS OF JUSTICE. A bill, intituled, An act for better regulating the courts of justice in Scotland, and the administration of justice therein ; and establishing trial by jury in cer- tain civil causes. Edin. , 1807. 8 COUSIN (VICTOR). Elements of psychology : in- cluded in a critical examination of Locke's Es- say on the human understanding. With addi- tional pieces. Translated from the French, with an introduction and notes. By the Rev. C.S. Henry, D.D. 2ded. New York, 1838. 8 Lecons sur la philosophic de Kant. J ',; s, 1844. 8 C - Cours de 1'histoire de la philosophic moderne. Premiere sdrie. Nouvelle Edition. 5 torn. Paris, 1846. 8 Deuxieme serie. Nouvelle Edition. 2 torn. Paris, 1847. 12 Fragments philosophiques pour faire suite aux cours de 1'histoire de la philosophic. 4e. e'di- tion. 4 torn. Paris, 1847. 12 - Fragments de philosophic Carte'sienne pour faire suite aux Fragments philosophiques. r.n-ia, 1852. 12 COUSSEMAKER (BALDUINUS DE). Disputatio physica quarta, de aqua. Ultrajecti, 1652. 4 COUTTS (JANET). * Memoir and correspondence of Mrs Coutts, widow of the late Rev. Robert Coutts, Brechin. By the Rev. W. M. He- therington, LL.D. Er the na- tional covenant ) : subscribed at tin- lirst by the Kin^s Majesties umwhile dearest fat). blessed memorie, and his hooshold, in the year of (Jod, 1580. Then-after, by persons of all ranks, in the year of God, 1581 : by ordinance <>f the Lords of Secret Councell, and acts of ,11 Assembly. Subscribed again by all sorts of persons in the year 1590, by a new ordinance of Councell, at the desire of the Ge- nerall Assembly : with the generall Band for maintenance of the true religion. And now renewed and subscribed again [in 1638] by His Majesties speciall command, by... James, Mar- ques of Hammiltoun...and Lords of Secret Councel under subscribing. And that of and according to the date and tenor of the said con- fession of faith, dated in March, 1580, and of the Band, dated in anno 1589. . I. et a. 4 Another edition. [Wants title.] 4 Another edition. Edin., 1739. 8 Another edition. . I., 1764. 8 [And with various editions of the Westmin- ster confession of faith.] Generall demands concerning the late cove- nant : propounded by ministers and professors of divinitie in Aberdene, to some reverend brethren, who came thither to recommend the late covenant to them, and to those who are committed to their charge. Together with the answers of those reverend brethren to the said demands. As also the reply es of the foresaid ministers and professors to their answers. Edin., 1638. 4 The answeres of some brethren of the minis- terie, [A. HENDERSON and D. DICKSON] to the replyes of the ministers and professours of di- vinitie in Aberdeene, concerning the late cove- nant, s. I., 1638. 4 The protestation of the noblemen, barrens, gentlemen, borrowes, ministers, and commons, subscribers of the confession of faith and cove- nant, lately renewed within the Kingdom of Scotland, made at the Mercate Crosse of Edin- burgh, the 4. of Julij immediately after the reading of the proclamation, dated 28. June 1638. s. I., 1638. 4 Another copy. The protestation of the noblemen, barrens, gentlemen, borrowes, ministers, and commons ; subscribers of the confession of faith and co- venant, lately renewed within the kingdome of Scotland, made at the Mercate Crosse of Edinburgh the 22. of September, immediately after the reading of the proclamation, dated September 9, 1638. [Edin.], 1638. 4 Another copy. The protestation of the Generall Assemblie of the Church of Scotland, and of the noblemen, barons, gentlemen, borrowes, ministers, and commons ; subscribers of the covenant, lately renewed, made in the high Kirk, and at the COVENANT- COVENANT. 205 Mercate Crosse of Glasgow, the 28. and 29. of November 1638. Glasgow, 1638. 4 The protestation of the Generall Assembly of the Kirke of Scotland, and of the noblemen, barrens, gentlemen, borrowes, ministers and commons ; subscribers to the covenant, lately made at the Mercate Crosse of Edinburgh, the 18. of December 1638. Edin., 1639. 4 Reasons against the rendering of our sworne and subscribed confession of faith. s. I. [1638]. 4 Another copy. [Wants title.] The solemn league and covenant. . .agreed upon by commissioners from the Parliament and As- sembly of divines in England, with commis- sioners of the Convention of Estates, and Ge- neral Assembly in Scotland ; approved by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and by both Houses of Parliament and Assem- bly of divines in England, and taken and sub- scribed by them, anno 1643 ; and thereafter, by the said authority, taken and subscribed by all ranks in Scotland and England the same year ; and ratified by Act of Parliament of Scotland anno 1644 : and again renewed in Scotland, with an acknowledgment of sins, and engagement to duties, by all ranks, anno 1648, and by Parliament 1649 ; and taken and sub- scribed by King Charles II. at Spey, June 23, 1650 ; and at Scoon, January 1, 1651. Edin., 1739. 8 Another edition. s. I. , 1764. 8 [And with various editions of the Westmin- ster confession of faith.] The mysterie of iniquity yet working in the kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland, for the destruction of religion truly Protest- ant, discovered. [By Edward BOWLES.] London, 1643. 4 The plain perjury and great iniquity of the se- ceding brethrens new covenant discover'd. - In a familiar dialogue between a seceder, and an adherer to the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1644. 8 The national covenant and solemn league and covenant ; with the acknowledgement of sins and engagement to duties : as they were re- newed at Lesmahago, March 3, 1688 To- gether with an introduction toucliing national covenants, by way of analysis on the 29th chapter of Deuteronomy. The substance whereof, was delivered in a discourse to the people, on the preparation day, before they were renewed. s. I., 1688. 4 The national covenant, and solemn league and covenant, with the acknowledgement of sins, and engagement to duties : as they were re- newed at Douglass, July 24th, 1712. With accommodation to the present times. Together with an introductory preface, containing a nar- rative of the manner of the action, and the scope of the sermons preached before it. s. L, 1712. 4 Reasons of the present judgment of the Uni- versity of Oxford, concerning the solemn league and covenant, the negative oath, the ordinances concerning discipline and worship, approved by general consent in a full convocation, June 1, 1647, and presented to consideration. s. Z.,1647? 4 [Wants title, the solemn league and covenant, the negative oath, and about two pages at the end.] Judicium Universitatis Oxoniensis de 1. So- liga et foedere. 2. Juramento negative. 3. Ordinationibus Parlamenti circa disciplinam et cultum, in plena convocatione Jun. 1. 1647, communibus suffragiis promxilgatum. Editio tertia. Londini, 1682. 8 Editio quarta. Londini, 1689. 8 [The reasons were drawn up chiefly by Dr Sanderson, Bishop of Lincoln, and will be found, both in English and Latin, in his works, vol. iv., Oxford, 1854.] The harmonious consent of the ministers of the province within the County Palatine of Lancaster, with their reverend brethren the ministers of the province of London, in their late testimonie to the trueth of Jesus Christ, and to our solemn league and covenant : as also against the errours, heresies, and blas- phemies of these times, and the toleration of them. London, 1648. 4 To the ministers and elders met at Edinburgh, April 26, 1710. The just complaint and re- monstrance of the national covenant of Scot- land, and the solemn league and covenant, of the three kingdoms of Scotland, England, and Ireland. [Wants title.] 8 A review of a paper lately written against the being and binding of our sacred national cove- nants ; especially the solemn league and cove- nant of the three kingdoms. Whereunto an analysis of the solemn league and covenant of Scotland, England, and Ireland, is prefix'd ; and some testimonies of learned and orthodox divines, for these covenants, are subjoin'd. By a lover, of truth and peace. Edin., 1727. 8 A solemn acknowledgment of public sins, and breaches of the covenant ; and a solemn en- fagement to all the duties contained therein. Wants title.] 4 Another edition. s. I. , 1764. 8 [And with various editions of the Westmin- ster confession of faith. ] A letter, wherein the scriptural grounds and warrants for the reformation of Churches by way of covenant, are succinctly considered and cleared. By a wellwisher to a covenanted re- formation. Edin., 1727. 8 A declaration and testimony against all the high injuries done to our national and solemn league and covenants, by the pretended Asso- ciate false brethren : Together with a preface proving that the Church has been, is prophe- sied of to be, and also is, without faitlif ul teach- ers, according to our once attained to reforma- tion, s. I, 1750. 8 Renewal of the covenants, national and solemn league ; a confession of sins, and engagement to duties ; as they were carried on at Middle 200 COVENTRY- Octarnrain IVnnsylvania, NoveiiiU-i- 11, I7K'.. Together with ;ui introductory essay. s. I., 1743. 8 England and Scotland's covenant with their <;,,'l. London, K.4G. 12 - Three letters, between ;i clergyman and a lay- man, concerning the testimony, and the obli- gation of the covenants upon posterity. /:.//., 1799. 12 - The covenant ; or, The conflict of the Clmreh. With other poems. .,1842. 10 [See also under CONFESSION.] - Vindication of the Scotish Presbyterians and covenanters, against the aspersions of the au- thor of " Tales of inv landlord." By a mem- ber of the Scottish bar. Glasgow, 1817. 8 Another copy. Another copy. [Imperfect.] - History of the covenanters in Scotland. By the author of The histories of the Reformation, Christian Church, &c. 2 vol. ., 1830. 12 Tracts on the martyrs and covenanters. Edin., s. a. 12 - A vindication of the Scottish covenanters : consisting of a review of the first series of the " Tales of my landlord," extracted from the Christian Instructor for 1817 ; with an appen- dix, containing various extracts, illustrative of the principles and character of the reformers. [By Thomas M'CfiiE.J Glasgow, 1824. 12 Another copy. - The covenants of redemption and grace dis- played. [Wants title.] /:./;., 1707. 4 Dissertations on the Abraham ic covenant, shewing its connexion with the New Testa- ment dispensation, in relation to the ordinan- ces of the Gospel. 2ded. Edin., 1817. 8 COVENTRY AND LICHF1ELD, BISHOP OF. See Edward CHANDLER. COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD, BISHOP OF. See Thomas MORTON. COVENTRY (HENRY). Philemon to Hydaspes : or, the history of false religion in the earlier pagan world : related in a series of conver- sations. 4th ed. Reprinted, Glasgow, 1761. 12 - Another copy. COVERDALE (MYLES), Bishop of Exeter. Writ- ings and translations of M. C. Edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. George Pearson, B.D. Cambridge, 1844. 8 Remains of M. C. [Ibid.] Cambridge, 1846. 8 COVET (JACQUES). Traicte", servant a 1'eclair- cissement de la doctrine de la predestination. Bask, 1599. 8 COVEY (JOHN). * Cunntas mu Jain Cobhey, Seoladair, a bh' air am Venerable, a fhuair a dha chois a sgathadh dheth ann an Cath Champer Down, October llth, 1797. Edin., 1813. 12 COWAN (ROBERT), M.D. Vital statistics of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1838. 8 COWE (JAMES), M.A., Vicar of Sunbury, Mid- dlesex. The principles and duties of Chris- tianity ini-uli ,-ited and enforced : A sermon Jon I'hil. i. 27.] dm, 17'.Mi. 4* Twelve sermons, on the advantages which re- sult from Christianity ; and on the influence of Christian principles on the mind and con- duct....^) which are added, philanthropic tracts : consisting of, I. An essay on the state of the poor, and on the means of improving it by parochial schools, friendly societies, &c. 1 1 . Rules for forming and conducting friendly ti.s. iM ed. London. 1800. 8 COWE (ROBERT), A.M., Minister of Free St Mc- ptieiCs church, Glasgow. The gift and the gauge. London, 1855. 8 COWELL (JOHN), Prof essor of civil / in the. Uni- ri r*ity of Cambridge. The interpreter : or booke containing the signification of words. Wherein is set foorth the true meaning of all, or the most part of such words and tennes, as are mentioned in the law writers, or statutes of this...kingdome, requiring any exposition or interpretation. ton, li'.:i~. 4 COWIE (GEORGE), Huntly. The dissenter's guide in choosing a pastor :... In a letter to the seceders. 2d ed. Edin. , 1799. 12 COWIE (GEORGE), A.M., Congregational minister at Montrose. Discourses. With a memoir of his life. Edin., 1830. 8 COWLEY (ABRAHAM). The works of A. C. Con- sisting of those which were formerly printed : and those which he designed for the press, now published out of the author's original co- pies. 4th ed. London, 1674. fol. The poetical works of A. C. 4 vol. Edin., 1784. 12 Prose works. Including his essays in prose and verse. London, 1826. 8 i COWPER (B. H.). Syriac miscellanies ; or, ex- tracts relating to the first and second general councils, and various other quotations, theo- logical, historical, and classical. Translated into English from MSS. in the British Mu- seum and Imperial library of Paris. With notes by B. H. C. London, 1861. 8 I COWPER (WILLIAM), D.D., Bishop of Galloway. The workes of W. C. Whereunto is added a commentary on the Revelation, never before published. London, 1626. fol. Pathmos : or, a commentary on the Revela- tion of St John, divided into three severall prophecies. London, 1619. 4 Heaven opened : wherein the counsaile of God, concerning man's salvation is so manifested, that all men may see the Ancient of dayes... absolving the Christian from sinne and death. ...6thed. London, 1632. 4 COWPER (WILLIAM). The works of W. C. His life and letters. By William Hayley. Now first completed by the introduction of Cow- per's private correspondence. Edited by the Rev. T. S. Grimshawe. 8 vol. London, 1847. 8 Another edition [by Southey], vol. xi.-xiv. [Containing translation of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.] London, 1837. 8 Poems. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1786. 8 COX CRAGHEAD. 207 - Another edition. 3 vol. London, 1808-15. 12 Private correspondence. 2 vol. London, 1824. 8 COX (FRANCIS AUGUSTUS), D.D. On baptism : chiefly in reply to the Rev. Greville Ewing, Timothy Dwight, D.D., and Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. London, 1824. 8 Religion in America ; a narrative of the depu- tation from the Baptist Union in England to the United States and Canada. By the Rev. F. A. C., and the Rev. J. HOBY, D.D. 3ded. London, 1837. 12 COX (JOHN EDMUND), M.A. , Vicar of St Helen, Bishopsgate, London. Protestantism contrast- ed with Romanism, by the acknowledged and authentic teaching of each religion. 2 vol. London, 1852. 8 Another copy. Vol. ii. COX (JOSEPH MASON), M.D. Practical observa- tions on insanity To which are subjoined, remarks on medical jurisprudence as connected with diseased intellect. London, 1804. 8 COX (ROBERT), M.A., perpetual curate of St Leo- nard's, Bridgenorth. Motives to missionary zeal. A sermon [on Ps. Ixvii. 1, 2] preached before the Missionary society, May 14, 1819. London, 1819. 8 COX (ROBERT). Sabbath laws and Sabbath du- ties considered in relation to their natural and scriptural grounds, and to the principles of religious liberty. Edin., 1853. 8 - The literature of the Sabbath question. 2 vol. Edin., 1865. 8 COX (SAMUEL HANSON), D.D., Presbyterian mi- nister, Brooklyn, New York. Regeneration, and the manner of its occurrence, a sermon from John, v. 24, preached at the opening of the Synod of New York, Oct. 20, 1829. New York, 1829. 8 - Quakerism not Christianity : or, reasons for renouncing the doctrine of Friends. In three parts. New York, 1833. 8 COX (WILLIAM). *A narrative of the life and trial of W. C. for robbery ; [with the life of John RANN]. s. a. COXE (NEHEMIAH). A discourse of the cove- nants that God made with men before the law. Wherein the covenant of circumcision is more largely handled, and the invalidity of the plea for psedo-baptism taken from thence disco- vered. London, 1681. 8 CRABB (GEORGE), M.A. English synonymes explained, in alphabetical order ; with copious illustrations and examples drawn from the best writers. London, 1816. 8 - A new edition. London, 1826. 4 - Universal technological dictionary ; or, a fami- liar explanation of the terms used in all arts and sciences. 2 vol. London, 1823. 4 - Universal historical dictionary. 2 vol. London, 1825. 4 CRABB (JAMES). The gipsies' advocate. 3d ed. London, 1832. 12 CRABB (JOHANNES), M.A. Panegyricon trium- phale rusticum in invictissimum Georgium Salisburiam invisentem. s. ?., 1722. fol. CRABBE (GEORGE), LL.B. The works of the Rev. G. C. 7 vol. London, 1820. 12 Another edition. With his letters and jour- nals, and his life, by his son. Vol. i. [Con- taining the life.] London, 1834. 8 The village : a poem. In two books. London, 1783. 4 CRADOCK (JOHN), D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. A sermon [on Amos, iv. 11, 12] preached in Christ church, Dublin, Feb. 17, 1758, before the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled. Dublin, 1758. 4 CRADOCK (SAMUEL), B.D., Rector of North Cad- bury. The harmony of the four Evangelists, and their text methodized, according to the order and series of times, in which the several things by them mentioned, were transacted. London, 1670. fol. The apostolical history, containing the acts, labours, travels, sermons, discourses, miracles, successes and sufferings of the holy Apostles, from Christ's ascension to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus ; with a narration of the times and occasions upon which the Epistles were written, with an analytical paraphrase of them. London, 1672. fol. The history of the Old Testament methodiz'd, according to the order and series of time ; in which the difficult passages are paraphrased, the seeming contradictions reconciled, the rites and customs of the Jews opened and ex- plained. To which is annexed, a short history of the Jewish affairs, from the end of the Old Testament to the birth of our Saviour. London, 1683. fol. CRADOCK (WALTER), Minister of All-Hallows church, London. The works of the late Rev. W. C. ; with a short account of his life, in- cluded in a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. T. Charles, of Bala, and the Rev. P. Oliver, of Chester. Chester, 1800. , 8 Another copy. CRADOCK (ZACHARY), D.D., Provost of Eton Two sermons : The first [from Eccles. is. 2] upon the providence of God in the govern- ment of the world. Preached before King Charles II., Feb. 10, 1678. The second [from 1 Tim. i. 5] upon charity, proving without it there is no obtaining the love of God. Glasgow, 1743. 8 CRAFORD (MATTHEW), M.A. Exercitatio apo- logetica. Pro doctrina (de perpetua obligatione quarti precepti de Sabbato) ab Ecclesiis refor- matis communiter recepta, (prout in confess. Britannica, cap. 21, sect. 7, tradita est) adver- sus Socinianos, Anabaptistas, Libertinos, Pon- tificios, quosdam Lutheranos, Enthusiastas, et quosdam viros doctos in Ecclesiis reformatis... 2partt. s. I, 1669. 8 A discovery of the bloody principles of Pa- pists ; [with Popery anatomized, by John WELSH]. 1672 CRAGHEAD (ROBERT). Warning and advice both unto the secure and doubting Christian, for more diligence to be sure of salvation. Edin., 1714. 12 908 CRAIG-C U A 1C A \TIIORPE. Advice to communicants, for necessary prepa- ration and profitable improvement... of the Lord's Supper. Philadelphia, 18K, 12 CRAKi (EDWARD), A.M.. '"0- ; //i. Christian ho|, ( . the tmo source of liberality ; a sermon [on Heb. xiii. 14 j. , 1820. 8 - A respectful remonstrance, addressed to the Rev. James Walker, M.A., senior minister of St Peter's chapel : on the subject of a sermon preached before the Bishop ami clergy of the united diocese of Edinburgh, Fife, and Glas- gow, in St John's chapel, 22d June 1825. . I>_M. s - Sermons on practical subjects. London, 1828. 12 - A letter to Thomas Erskine, in reply to his re- cent pamphlet in vindication of the West coun- try miracles. ., 1830. 12 - A friendly address to Roman Catholics, occa- sioned by a late introductory address from the Rev. Mr M'Kay, to the congregation of St James's episcopal chapel. Edin., 1831. 12 Another copy. A second friendly address to Roman Catho- lics, occasioned by "The answer of the Rev. Mr M'Kay ;" intended as a summary view of the controversy between Protestants and Ro- man Catholics. ,1831.12 The Scottish episcopal Church, in its founda- tion and superstructure. A sermon, preached at the consecration of Trinity chapel, Paisley, September 25th, 1833. Edin. 1833. 8 r The priest's last shift. /.'-//'/(. The priest's machinery. Edin. - Roman Catholics ! The two systems. Edin. CRAIG (GEORGE), Minister of the Free Church at Ny/-(.ifx/o/i. The proceedings of the late Gene- ral Assembly regarding the Auchterarder case considered and defended, in an address to the parishioners of Sprouston. Glasgow, 1839. 8 Another copy. CRAIG (HUGH). In the appeal of H. C., elder in the High church, . . .against a sentence of the Presbytery of Irvine, confirmed by the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. Kilmamock, 1835. 12 CRAIG (JAMES), Minister of the Gospel at Edin- burgh. Sermons, preached on several subjects and occasions. 3vol. Edin. , 1732-38. 8 CRAIG (JOHN). A form of examination before the communion, approved by the General As- sembly of the Kirk of Scotland ; and appoint- ed to be used in families and schools. Edin., 1739. 8 - Another edition. s. I. , 1764. 8 J CRAIG (ROBERT), A.M. A refutation of certain i primary doctrines of Popery, in a series of theological dissertations, in which it is demon- strated that the Italian or Roman Church has long since ceased to be orthodox Also a de- monstrative argument, founded chiefly on the facts of revealed Scripture, that St Peter never was Bishop of Rome. Vol. i. Dublin, 1823. 8 - Another copy. 1834. 1834. 1834. 1834. 16 16 16 1C !: ( ROBERT), A.M., Minuter of the (.'liui-i-li ut H'lthfisay. Theocracy ; or, the prin- ciples of tin- Ji-wish religion and polity adapt- ed to all nations and times. Edin., 181 - The Man Christ Jesus. /.' .1 365. 8 < l; \ I '.-carton. Scotland's sovereignty asserted. Being ;i dispute con- r_,' homage, against those who maintain that Scotland is a f<-u or fee-liege of England, and that therefore the King of Scots o\\ to the King of England.... Translated from the Latin manuscript, and a preface add- ed, with a short account of the learned author ...My Cuo. Kidpath. "ton, 1695. 8 Another copy. The right of succession to the kingdom of Eng- land, in two books ; against the sophisms of Parsons the jesuite, who assumed the coun- terfeit name of Doleman ; by which lie vours to overthrow not only the rights of suc- cession in kingdoms, but also the sacred au- thority of kings themselves. Written origi- nally in Latin... and now faithfully translated into English with... a preface by the translator [the Rev. Dr J. Gatherer] giving an account of the author and of his adversary. London, 1703. fol. *An account of the life and writings of Sir T. C. of Riccarton ; including biographical sketches of the most eminent legal characters, since the institution of the Court of Session by James V. till the period of the union of the crowns. By Patrick Fraser Tytler. Edin., 1823. 12 CRAIG (THOMAS). The proper sentiment and aim of the Christian missionary. A sermon [on Acts, xx. 24] preached before the London missionary society, May 9, 1821. London, 1821. 8 CRAIG (WILLIAM), D.D. An essay on the life and character of Jesus Christ. 3d ed. Edin., 1811. 8 CRAIGELLACHIE. A cry from Craigellachie. Translated into Gaelic by the Rev. Alexander Cameron. [Single leaf.] s. 1. et a. 12 CRAIGMILLAR. Craigmillar castle. An elegy. Edin., 1776. 4 Another copy. CRAIK (HENRY). Improved renderings of those passages in the English version of the New Testament, which are capable of being more correctly translated. London, 1836. 8 The Hebrew language : its history and cha- racteristics. Including improved renderings of select passages in our authorized translation of the Old Testament. London, 1860. 8 CRAKANTHORPE (RICHARD), D.D., Chaplain to King Charles I. A sermon [on 2 Chron. ix. 5-9] at the solemnizing of the happie inaugu- ration of our most gracious and religious sove- raigne King James. Wherein is manifestly proved, that the soveraignty of kings is imme- diatly from God, and second to no authority on earth whatsoever. Preached at Paules Crosse, the 24. of March last. 1608. London, 1609. 4 CRAMER CRAWFORD. 209 A sermon [on 2 Peter, i. 10] of predestination, preached at St Maries in Oxford. London, 1620. 4 - The defence of Constantino : with a treatise of the Popes temporal! monarchic. London, 1621. 4 Defensio Ecclesise Anglicanaa, contra M. An- tonii de Dominis, D. Archiepiscopi Spalaten- sis injurias. Opus posthumum. A. D. lohanne Barkham, S. T. D. in lucem editum. [Lib. of Anglo-Cath. theology.] Oxonii, 1847. 8 CRAMER (J. A.), Regius professor of modern \ history, Oxford. Catenae Grsecorum Patrum j in Novum Testamentum. Edidit J. A. C. | 8 vol. Oxonii, 1844. 8 CRAMER (JOHANN ANDREAS). Neue Samm- lung einiger Predigten, besonders liber Evan- gelia und einige andere Texte. [Theil I. Zwote verbesserte Ausgabe.] 12 Theil. Kopenhagen und Leipzig. , 1763-73. 8 CRAMER (JOHANN FBIEDRICH HEINRICH). Predigten iiber die gewohnlichen Sonn=und Festtags = Evangelien des ganzen Jalires. Dritte Auflage. 2 TheU. Zittau und Leipzig, 1827. 8 CRAMP (S. M.). A text-book of Popery ; com- prising a brief history of the council of Trent, and a complete view of Roman-Catholic theo- logy. 2d ed. London, 1839. 8 - Another copy. CRANDON (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel at Fawley, Hants. Mr Baxter's aphorisms exor- ized and anthorized ; or, an examination of, and answer to, a book written by Mr Rich. Baxter, entituled, Aphorisms of justification. 2 parts. London, 1654. 4 CRANIUS(HENRicus ANDREAS). Dissertationes juridico-politicse de pace religionis ac libertate conscientise in Romano imperio servanda. Quse ex variis constitutionibus, edictis, rescrip- tis et diplomatibus collectee et in tres partes distinctae. Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1709. fol. CRANMER (THOMAS), Archbishop of Canterbury. The works of T. C. Edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. John Edmund Cox, M.A. Cambridge, 1844, 46. 8 Another copy. - The Byble in Englishe. 1540. See BIBLES- ENGLISH. A. An answer unto a crafty and sophisticall cavil- lation devised by Stephen Gardiner doctour of Law, late byshop of Winchester, agaynst the trewe and godly doctrine of the moste holy sa- crament of the body and bloud of our Saviour Jesu Christe. Wherein is also. . .answered such places of the booke of D. Rich. Smyth, as may seeme any thyng woorthy the aunsweryng. Item... the true copye of the booke written... by D. Stephen Gardiner. London, 1551. fol. - Epistolae et vita Divi Thomas martyris et Archi-episcopi Cantuariensis. Nee non epis- tolae Alexandri III. Pontificis, Gallite Regis Ludovici Septimi, Anglioa Regis Henrici II. Aliarumque plurium sublimium, ex utroque foro personarum : concernentes Sacerdotii et Imperii concordiam. In lucem products ex MS. Vaticano ; opera et studio F. Christian! Lupi...Accedit index... ex quo res gestae pro Sacerdotio et Imperio facile queant intelligi. 2 torn. Bruxellis, 1682. 4 A short instruction into Christian religion ; being a catechism set forth by Archbishop Cramner in 1548 ; together with the same in Latin. Translated from the German by Jus- tus Jonas in 1539. Oxford, 1829. 8 * Memorials of T. C. By John STRYPE. 1694 * The life of Archbishop Cranmer. By the Rev. Henry John Todd, M.A. 2 vol. London, 1831. 8 * The life of Archbishop Cranmer. By Charles Webb Le Bas. 2 vol. London, 1833. 8 CRANTZ (DAVID). The history of Greenland : containing a description of the country and its inhabitants : and particularly, a relation of the mission, carried on for above these thirty years by the Unitas Fratrum, at New Herrn- huth and Lichtenfels, in that country. Trans- lated from the High-Dutch. London, 1767. 8 The ancient and modern history of the Breth- ren : or, a succinct narrative of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, or, Unitas Fratrum, in the remoter ages, and particularly in the present century. Written in German by D. C. Translated into English, with some additional notes, by Benjamin La Trobe. London, 1780. 8 CRANWELL (LUKE). The holding the Bishop and Presbyter equall, vindicated from heresy. London, 1661. 8 CRAUFURD (THOMAS), A.M., Professor of phi- losophy and mathematics in the University of Edinburgh. History of the University of Edinburgh, from 1580 to 1646. To which is prefixed, the charter granted to the college by James VI. of Scotland, in 1582. Edin., 1808. 8 CRAUFURD AND LINDESAY, EARL OF. See John LINDESAY. CRAWFORD (A.), M.D. Experiments and ob- servations on animal heat, and the inflamma- tion of combustible bodies. 2d ed. London, 1788. 8 CRAWFORD (CHARLES). A dissertation on the Phsedon of Plato ; or, dialogue of the immor- tality of the soul. London, 1773. 8 CRAWFORD (JAMES). A serious expostulation with that party in Scotland, commonly known by the name of WHIGS. 1682 CRAWFORD (WILLIAM), Minister of Wiltoun. A short manual against the infidelity of the age. In a discourse which... saps the founda- tion of Mr Tindal's book, entitled, Christianity as old as the creation... Together with a preface containing a chronological narrative of the Apostles grounds of the Christian religion, in opposition to Mr Collins's grounds. Edin., 1734. 12 Another edition. Edin. , 1748. 12 A short practical catechism, wherein there is an instruction in the principal articles of the Christian religion. Together with a solution 27 210 CRAWFORD CUE; of divers weighty crises of conscience ; and linvticnis in oi-.l.T to build up t!i : th, holiness and comfort, unto eternal life. '..., 1 7-!'>. 12 ; Anotlier copy. Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of A sermon [on 1 Cor. i. '_'.', 24] preached i at the opening of the Synod < nd Te- ' viotdalo, Oct. 2()th 1730. &K*. t 17-48. 12 Dying thoughts ; in three parts. ,1782. 12 - Tenth edition. Glasgow, 1800. 8 Zion's traveller ; or, the soul's progress to heaven. New edition. Falkirk, 1785. 8 CRAWFORD (WILLIAM), D.D., Minister of Straiton. Sermons. ,1815. 8 CRAWFORD (WILLIAM). Report on the PEN i- rr.vn ARIES of the UNITED STATES. 1834 CRAWFURD. The Crawfurd peerage : with other original genealogical, historical, and bio- graphical particulars relating to the illustrious houses of Crawfurd and Kilbirnie ; including also a succinct account of the persecutions and abuses to which John Lindsay Crawfurd, Esq. . the legal claimant of the titles and immunities of these ancient families, has been subjected... Compiled... by an Antiquary. Edin., 1829. 4 CRAWFURD (DAVID), of Dmmsoy, historiogra- pher for the Kingdom of Scotland. Memoirs of the affairs of Scotland. Containing a full and impartial account of the revolution in that kingdom in the year 15(57. 2d ed. To which is added, The Earl of Morton's confession. Edin., 1753. 12 CRAWFURD (GEORGE). A genealogical history of the royal and illustrious family of the Stewarts, from the year 1034 to the year 1710. ...To which are prefixed, first, A general de- scription of the shire of Renfrew. . .and, second- ly, A deduction of the noble and ancient fa- milies, proprietors there for upwards of 400 years, down to the present times. Edin., 1710. fol. Another copy. Another edition. Continued to the present period by George Robertson. Paisley, 1818. 4 Another copy. CRAYON (GEOFFREY), pseud, i. e. Washington IRVING. CREBILLON (PROSPER JOLYOT DE). Chef- d'oauvres dramatiques ; [avec les chef-d'oeuvres dramatiques de CORNEILLE]. 1782 j CREDNER (CARL AUGUST). Geschichte des i Neutestamentlichen Kanon. Herausgegeben ; von Dr G. Volkmar. Berlin, 1860. 8 j CREED. The history of the Apostles' creed: | with critical observations on its several ar- ticles. 2d ed. [By Lord KING.] London, 1703. 8 Third edition. London, 1711. 8 Fifth edition. London, 1738. 8 CREEDS. Appeal to the Presbyterian Churches in Scotland on the subject of creeds and con- fessions. Eilin., s. a. 8 Another copy. LLIUS (J ''.'/"/ didaetiea et pdemioa. 4 tom. (Formis of the liiULif. . :nna I'olononim. j >. fol. Opera omnia excgetica. '2 tom. fol. Ad libnnn Hu<_joni.s (irotii, qu. i^fac- tione Christi ud versus Faustina Sociiium Se- nenscm scripsit, responsio. vice, 1C23. 4 The two books of J. C. touching one <?^, the fastning of St Peter's fetters, by seven links or propositions. Or, The efficacy and extent of the solemn league and covenant asserted and vindicated, against the doubts and scruples of Dr John Gauden's anonymous questionist. St Peter's bonds not only loosed, but annihilated by Mr John Rus- sell, attested by John Gauden, D.D. The league illegal, falsely fathered on Dr Daniel Featley ; and the reasons of the University of Oxford for not taking (now pleaded to dis- charge the obligation of) the solemn league and covenant. London, 1660. 4 Another copy. AvaAjj^j : or, Saint Peter's bonds abide ; for rhetorick worketh no release, is evidenced in a serious and sober consideration of Dr John Gauden's sense and solution of the solemn league and covenant, so far as it relates to the government of the Church by Episcopacy. 4th ed. London, 1661. 4 Berith Anti-Baal, or, Zach. Crofton's appear- ance before the prelate- justice of peace, vainly pretending to binde the covenant and cove- nanters to their good behaviour. By way of rejoinder to, and animadversion on Doctor J. Gauden's reply or vindication of his analysis. London, 1661. 4 A serious review of Presbyters re-ordination by Bishops : In a letter. . .resolving this case of conscience, whether a minister ordained by Presbyters, may with a good conscience be re- ordained by a Bishop, Presbyter and Deacon, so that they will declare their ordination to be nieerly accumulative, and the man shall not renounce his ordination by it. London, [1660]. 4 The hard way to heaven explained and applied in a sermon [on Matt. vii. 14]. London, 1662. 4 CROI (JEAN DE), Protestant Minister at Uzcs. 212 CROKATT- CROTTET. La vcrit<$ de la religion reformed, on, 1'esclair- cisseinent, ct I:i 1'ivuve KATT ] London. 17iHi. 8 CROPPER (JAMES). Relief for West-Indian dis- tress, shewing the inefficiency of protecting du- ties on East-India sugar, and pointing out other modes of certain relief. London, 1823. 8 CROSS. A scholastic-all discourse against symbo- lizing with Antichrist in ceremonies ; especi- ally in the signe of thecrosse. s. I., 1607. fol. Le mystere de la croix, amigeante et conso- lante, mortifiante et vivifiante, humiliante et triomphante, de Je'sus-Christ, et de ses mem- bres. Ecrit au milieu de la croix au-dedans et au-dehors. Par un disciple de la croix de Jesus. [Reprinted.] London, 1860. 8 CROSS (WALTER), M.A. An exposition of the second verse of the fourth chapter of the epistle to the Romans... with an appendix on chap. iii. 27. The former being the summ of fifteen sermons, the latter of five, for further explication of the great doctrine of justifica- tion. London, 1694. 4 The instrumentality of faith asserted, prov'd, explained, compared with, and preferr'd to a conditional relation thereof, in order to par- don and happiness, when strictly taken in a legal or fcederal sense. Delivered in several sermons. London, 1695. 4 CROSTHWAITE (JOHK CLARKE), M.A., Sector of St Mary-at-hill, London. Modern hagi- ology : an examination of the nature and tendency of some legendary and devotional works lately published under the sanction of the Rev. J. H. Newman, the Rev. Dr Pusey, and the Rev. F. Oakeley. 2 vol. London, 1846. 8 History of the Christian Church. By Alfred LYALL,...and J. C. C. L<,S CROSWELL (ANDREW), V.D.M., Boston. The heavenly doctrine of man's justification only by the obedience of Jesus Christ. In a ser- mon from Rom. v., ver 19... With a preface in which the Protestant doctrine of justifying faith, is explained, and briefly defended. Boston, 1758. 8 Free forgiveness of spiritual debts : being a discourse on Luke, vii. 42. Boston, 1766. 8 Observations on several passages in a sermon preached by William Warburton, Lord Bishop of Gloucester, before the society for propagat- ing the Gospel in foreign parts : 21 February 1766. Wherein our colonies are defended against his most injurious and abusive reflec- tions. Boston, 1768. 8 CROTTET (A.). Petite chronique Protestante de France, ou documents historiques sur les CROTTY CULBERTSON. 213 Eglises reformees de ce royaume, recneillis, nils en ordre et publics par A. C. xvie siecle. Paris, 1846. 8 CROTTY (MICHAEL). The Catholic, not the Ro- man Catholic, Church, exhibited in letters of the Reverend Messieurs Michael and William Crotty, Catholic priests of Parsonstown. Dublin, 1836. 8 - Catholics undeceived ; being a further expo- sure of Dr Murray and his priests. Glasgow, 1836. 12 CROUSAZ ( JEAN-PIERRE DE), Professor of philo- sophy and matJiematics, Lausanne. Traite du beau. Nouvelle edition. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1724. 12 - Examination of Mr Pope's essay on man. Translated from the French. London, 1739. 12 CROW^EUS (GuiL.). Elenchus scriptorum in sacram Scripturam, tarn Grsecorum quam La- tinorum, &c. in quo exhibentur eorum gens, patria, professio, religio : librorum tituli, vo- lumiiia, editiones varise. Quo tempore clarue- rint vel obierint. Elogia item aliquot viro- rum clarissimorum. Quibus omnibus pree- missa sunt S. Biblia, partesque Bibliorum, variis linguis, variis vicibus edita. Londini, 1672. 8 CROWTHER (JONATHAN). Sermons. London, 1839. 8 CRUDEN (ALEXANDER). A complete concord- ance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. In two parts. London, 1738. 4 Sixth edition. To which is added a concord- ance to the books called Apocrypha. In two parts. To which is added a life of the author, by Alexander Chalmers. London, 1810. 4 - Eighth edition. To which is added a life of the author. Berwick, 1817. 4 - Another edition. London, 1839. 4 - Tenth edition. London, 1842. 4 CRUDEN (WILLIAM), A.M. Nature spiritual- ised, in a variety of poems. London, 1766. 12 CRUICKSHANK (JAMES), A.M. -Observations on the Scotch system of poor laws. Aberdeen, 1813. 8 CRUM (WALTER). Experimental inquiry into the number and properties of the primary co- lours. Glasgow, 1830. 8 CRUSCA (AcAD. DELLA). Vocabolario degli Ac- cademici della Crusca. Venetia, 1686. fol. CRUSIUS (CHRISTIANUS AUGUSTUS). Commen- tarius in Jesaiam Prophetam observationes continens selectas et maxime necessarias ad veram vaticiniorum sententiam investigandam et argumentis firmandam ; curavit C. F. Pezol- dus. Lipsice, 1778. 8 CRUSIUS (MARTINUS). Civitas coelestis, seu catecheticae conciones : item, trium summorum anniversariorum festorum conciones : aliquot denique orationes et epistolse : a Martino Cru- sio editse. Tubingce, 1586. 4 CRUSO (TIMOTHY), Minister of a dissenting con- gregation in London. The mighty wonders of a merciful providence, in a sermon [on Numb, xxiii. 23] preached Jan. 31, 1688. London, 1689. 4 Sermons on various important subjects. 2 vol. Edin., 1798. 12 CRUSOE (ROBINSON). Lebensbeschreibung dts R. C. [By Daniel DEFOE.] Philadelphia, 1809. 12 CRYBBACE (THOMAS TULLY), A.M. Essay on moral freedom. Edin., 1829. 8 Another copy. - Convocation of the Protestant people. A statement of facts, versus the misrepresenta- tions of Messrs Simon Prince and John Mair of Glasgow. London, s. a. 8 CUBITT (GEORGE). Scripture expositions : con- taining, The Philippian jailer, or conversion [Acts, xvi. 30, 31] ; Enoch, or personal piety [Gen. v. 24] ; Obed-Edom, or family religion [2 Sam. vi. 11, 12] ; Antioch, or primitive Christianity [Acts, xi. 26]. London, 1844. 12 CUDWORTH" (RALPH), D.D., Master of Christ's college, Cambridge. A discourse concerning the true notion of the Lord's Supper. By R. C. London, 1642. 4 Third edition. To which are added, two ser- mons, on 1 John, ii. 3, 4 ; and 1 Cor. xv. 57. London, 1676. fol. The life of Christ the pith and kernel of all religion : a sermon [on 1 John, ii. 3, 4] preach- ed before the Hon. House of Commons, at Westminster, March 31, 1647. Rcpi-inted. Glasgow, 1647. 8 The true intellectual system of the universe : the first part ; wherein all the reason and phi- losophy of Atheism is confuted ; and its im- possibility demonstrated. London, 1678. fol. Another copy. Systema intellectuale hujus universi, seu de veris naturae rerum originibus commentarii, quibus omnis eorum philosophia, qui Deum esse negant, funditus evertitur. Accedunt re- liqua ejus opuscula. J. L. Moshemius omnia ex Anglico Latine vertit, recensuit, variisque observationibus dissertationibus illustravit et auxit. Editio secunda. 2 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1773. 4 The true intellectual system of the universe : with a treatise concerning eternal morality. . . . To which are added, the notes and disserta- tions of Dr J. L. Mosheim, translated by John Harrison, M. A. With a copious general index to the whole work. 3 vol. London, 1845. 8 The true intellectual system of the universe... A treatise on immutable morality ; with a dis- course concerning the true notion of the Lord's Supper ; and two sermons on 1 John, 2 : 3, 4, and 1 Cor. 15 : 27. First American edition ; with references to the several quotations in the intellectual system ; and an account of the life and writings of the author : By Thomas Birch, M.A. 2 vol. Andover, 1837. > CUDWORTH (W T ILLIAM). Saving faith... by John ANDERSON, D.D., Rev. Eben. Erskine, and W. C. 1843 CULBERTSON (ROBEKT), Minister of the I'll !ANM s (TMXCHAME. A vindication <>f the principles of Se- crdi-rs, ui>n the head of occasiunal commu- nion ; with answers to the principal objections. /;./;., ioo. 12 - The covenanter's manual ; or, a short illustra- tion of the Scripture doctrine of public \<.\vs. F.'lln., 1808. 8 Scriptural union ; or, the promised harmony of the views and feelings of the professors of religion in the latter-days. A sermon, ] ed on occasion of the proposed union between the two branches of the {Secession. ,1819. 8 - Lectures, expository and practical, on the Book of Revelation. A new edition, 3 vol. ,1826. 8 CULMANNUS (LEONHARDUS). Instructio con- solatoria de parentnm liberorum, alienorurn atque propriorum peccatis. JV- . 1550. 8 CULSAMOND. The Culsamond mystery. From the Banner of Nov. 13, 1841. [Intrusion of Mr Middleton.] Aberdeen, 1841. 12 Report of the opinions of the Judges, and de- cision by the Court of Session (First Divi- sion), in the cause, the Rev. W. Middleton, and others, suspenders, against Alex. Ander- son, and others, respondents : March 10, 1842. E'Un,, 1842. 8 Another copy. CULVERWEL (NATHANAEL), M.A. An ele- gant and learned discourse of the light of na- ture. London, 1654. 4 Another edition. Edited by John Brown, D.D. With a critical essay on the discourse by John Cairns, M.A. , 1857. 8 Another copy. CUMBERLAND (RICHARD), D.D., Bishop of Peterborough. An essay towards the recovery of the Jewish measures and weights, compre- hending their monies ; by help of ancient standards, compared with ours of England. London, 1686. 8 De legibus naturte, disquisitio philosophica, in qua earum forma, summa capita, ordo, pro- mulgatio, et obligatio e rerum natura investi- gantur ; quin etiam elementa philosophise Hobbianae, cum moralis turn civilis, conside- rantur et refutantur. Editio tertia. Lubecte et Francofurti, 1694. 8 Made English from the Latin, by John Max- well, M.A. London, 1727. 4 SANCHONIATHO'S Phoenician history, trans- lated from the first book of Eusebius, De prae- paratione evangelica. With a continuation of Sanchoniatho's history by Eratosthenes Cy- renseus's Canon, which Dicaearchus connects with the first Olympiad. These authors are illustrated with many historical and chronolo- gical remarks. With a preface giving a brief account of the life of the author, [Dr Cumber- land] by S. Payne, M.A. London, 1720. 8 CUMBERLAND (RICHARD). A few plain rea- sons why we should believe in Christ, and ad- here to his religion ; addrest to the patrons and professors of the new philosophv. London, ISOL 8 l.MMINC (.IMHN), M.A, Minuter oj < Vi"< 'inn. The grounds of the pre- sent differences, among the London mi; In two parts. Part I. A dissertation concern- ing the authority of SanptaVMOBteqw D matteis of faitli II. Considerations on the professed .-igreenieiit of the non-subscribing ministers, with the subscribers, in their senti- ments concerning the doctrine of the Trinity. London, Another copy. Another c< > i, D.D., Minister of the Scots Court, London. An apology for the Church of Scotland ; or, an explana- tion of its constitution and character. y,'/,,,/,,/,, 1837. 8 A short statement of the origin and natii; the present divisions in the CHURCH 01 LAND. 1840 Present state of the Church of Scotland : a letter addressed to the Most Noble the Mar- quis of Cholmondeley. 2d ed. , with a preface and copious notes. London, 1843. 12 Another copy. The Hammersmith Protestant discussion... be- tween the Rev. John Gumming, D.D., and Daniel FRENCH, Esq., during the months of April and May 1839. New edition, with a copious index. 7th thousand. London, 1851. 8 CUN^EUS (PETRUS), Professor of law in the uni- versity of Leyden. De repubk'ca Hebrseorum. Libri hi. Editio altera, priore emendatior. Lifd. JJatav., 1031. 12 CUNINGAMIUS (ALEXANDER). See Alexander CUNNINGHAM. CUN1NGHAME (WILLIAM), of Laimhaw.The apostasy of the Church of Rome, and the iden- tity of the Papal power with the man of sin and son of perdition of St Paul's prophecy, in the second Epistle to the Thessalonians, proved from the testimony of Scripture and history. Glasgow, 1818. 8 Another copy. Second edition. With an appendix, contain- ing an examination of the Rev. W. Burgh's attempt to vindicate the Papacy from those charges, and to fix on the Protestant Churches the imputation of falsely interpreting the pro- phecies of Antichrist. Glasgow, 1833. 12 Another copy. The Protestant interpretation of St Paul's pro- phecy of the man of sin ; vindicated from the objections of the Rev. William Burgh, in his lectures on the second advent : being an ap- pendix to The Church of Rome the apostasy, and the Pope the man of sin, and son of per- dition. Glasgow, 1833. 12 Another copy. A critical examination of some of the funda- mental principles of the Rev. George Stanley Faber's sacred calendar of prophecy ; with an answer to his arguments against the millennial CUNINGHAME CUNNINGHAM. 215 advent and reign of Messiah. Glasgoiv, 1829. 8 A dissertation on the seals and trumpets of the Apocalypse, and the prophetical period of twelve hundred and sixty years. 3d ed. London, 1832. 8 Fourth edition. London, 1843. 8 The premillennial advent of Messiah demon- strated from the Scriptures. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1833. 12 Third edition, with a preface, containing stric- tures on a tract entitled ' ' The time of Christ's second coming identified with the day of judg- ment." London, 1836. 12 The doctrine of the millennial advent and reign of Messiah, vindicated from the objec- tions of the Edinburgh Theological Magazine, in a letter to the editor of that magazine. With an appendix, containing remarks on Dr Hamilton's recent work on millennarianism. 2d ed. With some strictures on a review of the author's "premillennial advent of the Messiah," &c. , in a late number of the Edin- burgh Christian Instructor. London, 1837. 12 A review of the Rev. Dr Wardlaw's sermon on the millennium ; with an answer to his argu- ments against the millennial resurrection and reign of the saints and martyrs of Jesus. 3d ed. With an appendix, containing strictures on certain passages of Dr Wardlaw's sermon on civil establishments of Christianity. London, 1840. 12 The chronology of Israel and the Jews from the exodus to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. With remarks on the systems of former chronographers. Glasgow, 1835. 8 A synopsis of chronology from the era of crea- tion, according to the Septuagint, to the year 1837 ; with a discourse on the astronomical principles of the scriptural times, showing that they comprehend a complex harmony of deep- ly scientific order and arrangement, demon- strating their exact truth, and evincing that their author is the omniscient Creator. London, 1837. 8 The Septuagint and Hebrew chronologies tried by the test of their internal scientific evidence. London, 1838. 8 The fulness of the times ; being an analysis of the chronology of the Seventy. In two parts. Containing also a dissertation on the year of our Lord's nativity ; an examination of the sacred chronology of Mr Clinton's Fasti Hel- lenici ; and an enquiry into the system of Jo- sephus. With an introductory dissertation, wherein is established the epoch of the fall of Adam, &c. 2d ed. London, 1839. 8 The scientific chronology of the year 1839. A sign of the near approach of the kingdom of God. Luke, xxi. 31. London, 1839. 8 A supplement to the scientific chronology of the year 1839... Comprising the arithmetical solution and chronological application of the number 666. London, 1840 8 The season of the end ; being a view of the scientific times of the year 1840. With prefa- tory remarks on theories of geology as opposed to the Scriptures, and an appendant disserta- tion on the dates of the nativity and passion. London, 1841. 8 Another copy. A short essay on the scientific measures of the mundane times, and on the general reasons for rejecting the Hebrew, and receiving the Sep- tuagint chronology. 2d ed. London, 1843. 12 CUNNINGHAM (ALEXANDER), British envoy at the Court of Venice. Animadversiones in Richardi Bentleii notas et emendationes ad Q. Horatium Flaccum. Hafj(R Comitum, 1721. 8 The history of Great Britain : from the Revo- lution in 1688, to the accession of George the First. Translated from the Latin manuscript of A. C. To which is prefixed, An intro- duction, containing an account of the author and his writings, by William Thomson, LL.D. 2 vol. London, 1787. 4 CUNNINGHAM (ELIZA). Eachdraidh Beatha Eoin NEWTON agus E. C. 1817 CUNNINGHAM (FRANCIS), M.A., Rector of Pakefield, Suffolk. A letter to the Right Hon. Lord Bexley, containing a statement made to the committee of .the British and Foreign Bible society, as to the relations of that insti- tution, with France, the valleys of Piedmont, Switzerland, and Germany. London, 1827. 8 * Review of the Rev. Francis Cunningham's letter to Lord Bexley ; account of the annual meeting of the British and Foreign Bible so- ciety. Edin., 1827. 8 CUNNINGHAM (GEORGE GODFREY). Lives of eminent and illustrious Englishmen from Al- fred the Great to the latest times... Edited by G. G. C. 8 vol. [Wanting vol. vi.] Glasgow, 1835-37. 8 CUNNINGHAM (JAMES ?). Some questions re- solved concerning Episcopal and PRESBYTE- RIAN government in Scotland. 1690 CUNNINGHAM (JOHN). The ordinance of co- venanting. Glasgow, 1843. 12 Another copy. CUNNINGHAM (JOHN), Minister of Crieff. The Church history of Scotland from the com- mencement of the Christian era to the present time. 2vol. Edin., 1859. 8 CUNNINGHAM (JOHN WILLIAM), A.M., Vicar of Harroiv. A world without souls. 6th ed. London, 1816. 8 Sermons. 2 vol. 3d ed. [Vol. ii. of 1st ed.] London, 1823, 24. 8 Morning thoughts in prose and verse on single verses in the successive chapters in the Gospel of St Matthew. 3d ed. London, 1824. 12 CUNNINGHAM (WILLIAM), D.D., Principal and professor of divinity in the Neio College, Edinburgh. The works of William Cunning- ham. Edited by his literary executors. Vol. I. The Reformers, and the theology of the Reformation. Vol. II., III. Historical theo- 916 CUNNINGHAM CURCELL^US. logy. Vol. IV. Discussions on Church prin- los. * l' S(i:; - ' - Another copy. - Lecture on UMUktON and lawfulness of union between Churcli ami St:ite. Delivered .-it Edinburgh, 27. Nov. 1834. Edin., 183:.. N OM the principle of Church ESTABLISHMENTS. | From Eraser's Magazine, Aug. 1836.] 1836 - Reply to tho statement of certain ministers :'.nd elders, published in answer to Dr Chal- mers's " Conference" on the subject of the moderatorship of the next General Assembly. 2d ed. , 1837. 8 - Another copy. - * A word more on the moderatorship ; in a let- ter to the Rev. William Cunningham. By a bystander. Edin., 1837. 8 - Another copy. - Letter to John Hope, Esq. , Dean of Faculty. Occasioned by his letter to the Lord Chancel- lor on the present claims of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1839. 8 - Another copy. - Another copy. * A layman's letters to the Rev. William Cun- ningham, in reference to his letter to the Dean of Faculty. [By Alexander PETERKIN. ] ., 1839. 8 Another copy. Tracts on the intrusion of ministers. Nos. vii., viii., and x. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Speech on the independence of the Church, in reference particularly to the present state of the Auchterarder case. Delivered... on Txies- day, the 9th April, 1839. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Review of pamphlets on the commemoration of the [Glasgow] General Assembly. Edin., 1839. 8 Strictures on the Rev. James Robertson's ob- servations upon the veto act. Part i. Legal and scriptural branches of the argument. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Defence of the rights of the Christian people in the appointment of ministers, from the con- stitutional standards and history of the Church of Scotland : with continuation of strictures on Mr Robertson's observations on the veto act. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. Second edition. Edin.,1841. 8 Speech delivered at an extraordinary meeting of the Presbytery of Edinburgh, held on the 6th January 1841, in moving resolutions against the recent decision of the Court of Session in the case of Marnoch. Reprinted from the "Witness." Edin., [1841.] 8 Another copy. Review of the report of the STRATHBOGIE CASE. 1841 The objects, nature, and standards of ecclesias- tical authority. Edin., 1842. 12 I Letters on tho Church question, in answer to a speech of the Rev. Mr Kob.Ttsmi of Kllmi. . isi-j. 8 Another copy. - Letter to tin- Rev. James Bryce, D.D. [Tho :nlix to I)r MKYCK'S letter to the m of tlie <'.. 11 vocation.] ',,., 1843. 8 Three letters of Dr Cunningham and Dr 1 : on (!: <( power of the civil magistrate. I '.'I'm., 1843. 8 Another copy. Animadversions upon Sir William Hamilton's pamphlet, entitled " Be not schismatics, be ii"t martyrs, by mistake," &c. Edin., 1843. 8 i Another copy. i Three letters on Sir William Hamilton's pamphlet, entitled " Be not schismatics, be not martyrs, by mistake." With Sir William Hamilton's reply to the first letter. Edin., 1843. 12 Remarks on the twenty- third chapter of the confession of faith, as bearing on existing con- troversies. Edin., 1843. 12 Inaugural lecture addressed to the theological students of the Free Church of Scotland, Nov. 9, 1847, at the opening of the session of Col- lege succeeding the death of Rev. Dr Chalmers. Edin., 1848. 8 Another copy. ! Speech delivered at the meeting against papal aggression, held in... Edinburgh, December 5, 1850. Edin., 1850. 8 Two sermons preached in the Free High church, Edinburgh, Nov. 6, 1853, after the funeral of the late Robert Gordon, D.D. By Patrick CLASOST, and W. C. 1853 Address [at the close of the session of the New College 1855-56]. Edin., 1856. 8 Address delivered at the conclusion of the ses- sion of the New College, Edinburgh, 1st April 1857, containing animadversions upon a recent review of the works of Dr Chalmers. Edin., 1857. 8 CUNNINGHAM (WILLIAM BRUCE), Minister of the Free Church, Prestonpans. Collegiate edu- cation versus collegiate extension ; with ani- madversions on the pamphlet of the Rev. An- drew Gray. Edin., 1850. 8 CUPER (GISBERT). Supplement a 1'histoire cri- tique des dogmes et des cultes, [par Pierre JURIEU]. Amsterdam, 1705. 4 CUPPLES (GEORGE), Minister of the Free Chwli, Kilmadock. Peculiar jurisdiction of the Church as distinguished from that of the State. Doctrine of the Church of Scotland. [Stirling tracts, No. vi.] Stirling, 1842. 8 CURATE (JACOB), pseud, i. e. Robert CALDER. CURCELL^EUS (STEPHANUS). Novum Testa- mentum Gr. 1658. See BIBLES GREEK. F. Opera theologica. Amstclodami, 1675. fol. - Another edition. Amstelodami, 1775. fol. Another copy. Synopsis ethices. Editio tertia. Accessit Henri : Jenkesii pnefatio, de natura et con- stitutione ethicae, preesertim Christianas ; ejus- que usu et studio. Huic postreuue editioni CURETON CUTHBERTSON. 217 annexa est Renati DES-CARTES ethice. Cantabrigice, 1702. 16 CURETON (WILLIAM), M.A., Rector of St Mar- garet's. Vindiciee Ignatianse ; or the genuine writings of St Ignatius, as exhibited in the antient Syriac version, vindicated from the charge of heresy. London, 1846. 8 - Corpus Ignatianum : a complete collection of the Ignatian epistles, genuine, interpolated, and spurious ; together with numerous ex- tracts from them, as quoted by ecclesiastical writers down to the tenth century ; in Syriac, Greek, and Latin ; an English translation of the Syriac text, copious notes, and introduc- tion. London, 1849. 8 Spicilegium Syriacum ; containing remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose and Mara Bar Serapion. Now first edited, with an English translation and notes, by W. 0. London, 1855. 8 Remains of a very antient recension of the four Gospels in Syriac, edited and translated by W. C. 1858. See BIBLES SYRIAC. C. CURIO (CCELIUS SECUNDUS). Araneus seu de providentia Dei... cum aliis nonnullis ejusdem opusculis...nunc primum in lucem editis. Basilece, 1544. 8 Pasquillus Ecstaticus, una cum aliis etiam ali- quot sanctis pariter et lepidis dialogis, quibus prsecipua religionis nostrte capita elegantissime explicantur. ...Adjectse quotquot sunt quses- tiones pasquilli. s. I. et a. 8 CURLING (W.), M.A. The spirit of Christ not the spirit of the popish religion. Preached Nov. 5, 1841. s. 1. et a. 8 CURLL (WALTER), D.D. A sermon [on Heb. xii. 14] preached at Whitehall on the 28th April, 1622. London, 1622. 4 CURRAN (The Right Hon. JOHN PHILPOT). The life of J. P. C....By his son, William Henry Curran. 2 vol. 2d ed. Edin., 1822. 8 CURRIE (ARCHIBALD). The principles of Gaelic grammar. Edin., 1828. 12 CURRIE (JAMES). A few thoughts on the Church of Christ, suggested by a sermon lately published and entitled " The Church of Scrip- ture and the Church of the Disruption." Edin., 1860. 8 CURRIE (JOHN), A.M., Minister of the Gospel at Kinglassie. Jus populi divinum, or the peo- ple's right to elect their PASTORS, made evi- dent from Scripture. 1727 The overture considered.... In a letter to a member of the ensuing General Assembly. 2d ed., with some additions. Edin., 1732. 8 A full vindication of the people's right to elect their own pastors. Wherein a discovery is made of the false reasonings, misrepresenta- tions, inconsistencies, &c. of [Rev. George Logan] the author of two late pamphlets ; the one intituled, A modest and humble enquiry concerning the right and power of electing and calling ministers to vacant churches ; the other, The public testimony made more public. Edin., 1733. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. The SEARCH : or, an enquiry into the conduct of the author of the Modest and humble en- quiry, in his late writings against the people's right to elect their pastors. 1734 An essay on separation : or, A vindication of the Church of Scotland. In which the chief things in the testimonies of these Reverend brethren who lately made a secession from her are considered, and shown to be no ground of separation or secession. Edin., 1738. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. A short vindication of the essay on separation : or some observes by the author thereof on the remarks made upon that performance by the Rev. W. Wilson, Perth. Edin., 1738. 8 Another copy. A vindication of the real Reformation-prin- ciples of the Church of Scotland concerning SEPARATION. 1740 * Light out of darkness : or, a dialogue be- tween Mr Cunie and a countryman. Being a direct reply to an answer to a cry from the dead, appended to Mr Currie's vindication ; and a significant reply to Mr Currie's essay on separation, and vindication itself. Edin., 1741. 8 CURROR (WILLIAM), Minister of Pitlessie. *A short account of the life of Mr W. C. By John Warden, teacher, Cupar. Cupar, 1811. 12 CURTIS ( ), Apothecary in Edinburgh. REVELATION the best foundation for morals. 1798 CURTIS (JOHN HARRISON). Observations on the preservation of health in infancy, youth, manhood, and age. 3d ed. London, 1839. 12 CURTIUS RUFUS (QtJiNTtrs). Historiarum libri, accuratissime editi. Lugd. Batav. , 1633. 12 De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni libri super- stites. Cum Freinshemii supplementis. Suis variorumque notis illustravit A. Huguet. 2 torn. Parisiis, 1834. 8 Another edition. [Wants title.] 12 De la vie et des actions d'Alexandre le Grand. De la traduction de M. de Vangelas. Edition nouvelle avec les supplemens de J. Freinshe- mius. Traduits par feu M. du Ryer. Amsterdam, 1684. 8 CURTIUS (SEBASTIANUS). Radices linguae sanc- tae Hebraese biblicis moralibus sententiis, adagiis, particulis historicis, aliisque elegan- tioribus e sacro codice depromptis loquendi formulis expressse. Geismarice, 1649. 4 CUSTOMS. Jewish and Eastern customs... Col- lected from the most celebrated travellers and the most eminent critics. Dundee, 1825. 8 CUTHBERTSON (D.). Addresses delivered at the annual distribution of prizes, to the pupils of the Glasgow grammar school, 1828-1833. Glasgoiv, 1833. 12 28 CUTHILL CZYMMEKMAN. CUTHILL (A.), Ayr.Pullic sins, aggravated liv tin- i-jiji'viiu'iit <>f j^ivat. puMic blessings, illustrated from tlio case of the Jews, and the present compared with the former position of the Church of Scotland. A sermon, delivered in... Ayr, on the 4th day of May, 1843. 1-^1 in., 1843. 8 CUVIER (CLEMENTINE). * The flower faded ; a short memoir of C. C. ...With reflections by John Angell James. 3d ed. London, 1837. 16 CUVIER (Le baron GEORGE LEOPOLD CHRETIEN FREDERIC DAGOBERT). Essay on the theory of the earth. Translated from the French by Robert Kerr, F.R.S. With mineralogical notes, and an account of Cuvier's discoveries, by Professor Jameson. 2d ed. .,1815. 8 An essay on the theory of the earth. With geological illustrations, by Professor Jameson. 6th ed., translated from the last French edi- tion, with numerous additions by the author and translator. Edin., 1827. 8 Le regne animal distribue* d'apres son organi- sation, pour servir de base a 1'histoire natu- relle des animaux et d'introduction a 1'anato- mie comparee. Nouvelle ddition. 5 torn. Paris, 1829. 8 The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization. With additional de- scriptions of all the species hitherto named, and of many not before noticed, by Edward Griffith, and others. 9 vol. London, 1827-30. 8 CUYLER (CORNELIUS C.), D.D. The signs of the times. Philadelphia, 1839. 12 Another copy. The parity of the ministry. Philadelphia, 1844. 12 CYGN^EUS (SiMON SINAPIUS). Wie man sich zum Tode schicken sol. B. L. Magdeburg, 1563. 4 CYPRIANUS (ERNESTUS SALOM.). Schediasma de vitiis PAP ARUM. 1699 CYPRIANUS (THAScms CJECILIUS), Saint, Bishop of Carthage. Opera. Ad MSS. codices recog- nita et illustrata studio ac labore Stephani Baluzii. Absolvit post Baluzium, ac preefa- tionem et vitam S. Cypriani adornavit unus ex monachis congregationis S. Mauri. Parisiis, 1726. fol. Opera genuina. Ad optimorum librorum fidem expressa, brevique adnotatione instructa. Cu- rante D. I. H. Goldhorn. [Bib. Patr. Eccles. Lat. selecta...curante E. G. Gersdorf. Vol. ii., iii.] Liptice, 1838, 39. 8 Opera. Editio nova, accurante D. A. B. Cail- lau, nonullisque cleri Gallicani presbyteris. Parisiis, 1842. 8 The genuine. works of St Cyprian.... Together with his life, written by his own deacon Pon- tius. All done into English from the Oxford edition ; and illustrated with diverse notes. To which is added, A dissertation upon tlio case of heretical and schismatical baptisms, at tin- close of the famous council of Carthage, lu Id iii the year of our Lord, 250. Whose acts are also herewith published : By Nath. Marshall. London, 1717. fol. De idolorum vanitate liber. [Cum Octavio. per M. MIXUTIUM FKI.H-KM. ) 1709 * The life and times of Saint Cyprian. By Geo. Aylifle Poole, M.A. Oxford, 1840. 8 CYPRUS. The history of the war of Cyprus. Written originally in Latin. Translated by Robert Midgeley. London, 1687. 8 CYRIACUS(FRiEDRiCH GOTTLIEB). S. Cyrillum Hierosolymitanum a corruptelis pontificiis, quas recentissimus ejus elucidator Antonius Augustinus Toutteeus, aliique ei afnnxerunt, Prseside Salomone Deylingio...publicu purga- bit et vindicabit auctor F. G. C. Lipsia, 1726. 4 CYRILLUS, Saint, Bishop of Jerusalem. Opera quse reperiuntur ; ex variis bibliothecis, praj- cipue Vaticana, Grsece nunc primum edita, cum Latina interpretatione Joannis Grodecii, plerisque in locis aucta et emendata studio Joannis Prevotii. [Gr. et Lat.] Lutetice Parisiorum, 1631. fol. Another edition. Ad manuscriptos codices nee non ad superiores editiones castigata, dis- sertationibus et notis illustrata, cum nova in- terpretatione et copiosis indicibus. Cxira et studio D. Antonii-Augustini Toutte"e, Presb. et monachi Benedictini e congreg. S. Mauri. [Gr. et Lat.] Parisiis, 1720. fol. CYRILLUS, Saint, Bisliop of Alexandria. Opera. [Gr. et Lat.] Cura et studio Joannis Auberti. 6 torn. Lutetice, 1638. fol. Compendiaria orthodoxae fidei explicatio ; [una cum ATHANASII dialogis.] 1570 Cyrilli adversus anthropomorphitas liber unus Gr. et Lat. Ejusdem de incarnatione Unige- niti, et, quod unus sit Christus ac Dominus secundum Scripturas, ad Hermiani dialogi duo, nunquam antehac editi, interprete Bona- ventura Vulcanio, cum notis ejusdem, quibus epistolae aliquot Isidori Pelusiotse et Joannis Zonarse, idem quod Cyrillus hisce libris argu- mentum tractantes ; multaque loca ex Cyrilli libris nondum editis sunt inserta. Lugd. Batav., 1605. 4 Pro Christiana religione adversus Julianum imperatorem libri decem, interpretibus Nico- lao Borbosio et Joanne Auberto ; [cum operi- bus JULIANI]. 1690 CYRILLUS LUCARIS, Patriarch of Constan- tinople. CONFESSIO Christianse fidei. [Gr. et Lat.] Geneva:, 1633. 4 Another copy. CZYMMERMAN (ANTHONIUS). Antwort u: Entschuldigung an den Herzog zu Sachszen widder seine Angeber. s. L, 1524. 4 D DAILLE. D. (A. M. T. C.). A letter from a Master of Tri- nity college, Dublin, to the electors, on the present vacancy in a high and important office in the university of Cambridge ; with the let- ters of the candidates, &c. London, 1811. 8 D. (G. D. T. M.). [These initials stand for Ge- rardus de Trajecto Mosse Doctor, i. e. Gerard von MAESTEICHT.] D. (J.). Velitationes polemic* : or, polemicall short discussions of .certain particular and se- lect questions. London, 1651. 16 D*** (M.), i. e. Antoine Nicolas DEZALLIER D'Au- GENVILLE, fils. D. (M. A. D.). A guide to the clergy. Glasgow, s. a. 8 D. (T.), Thomas DE LAUNE. D. (T.). An appeal to the genuine records and tes- timonies of heathen and Jewish writers : being full evidence for the truth of the Christian religion, and its primitive doctrines. Part i. London, 1730. 8 DABNEY (ROBERT L.), D.D., Virginia. A dis- course on the uses and results of Church his- tory. Inaugural address delivered in the Union theological seminary, Virginia, May 8, 1854. Richmond, 1854. 8 - The world white to harvest : reap ; or it perishes. A sermon preached for the board of foreign missions of the Presbyterian Church in New York, May 2, 1858. New York, 1858. 8 DACHERIUS (LUCAS). See Luc d'AcHERY. DA COSTA (ISAAC). See Isaac da COSTA. DAGGETT (HERMANN). A system of questions adapted to a compendium of the system of divine truth, by Jacob CATLIN, D.D. 1826 DAILLE (JEAN), Minister of tlie French Protest- ant Church at Cliarenton. Traicte" de 1'employ des saincts Peres, pour le jugement des dif- ferends qui sont aujourd'huy en la religion. [Deux livres.] Geneve, 1632. 8 - A treatise concerning the right use of the Fa- thers in the decision of the controversies that are at this day in religion. Written in French byJ. D. [In two books.] London, 1651. 4 Another edition. Translated from the French, and revised by the Rev. T. Smith, M.A. Now re-edited and amended ; with a preface by the Rev. G. Jekyll, LL.B. 2d ed. London, 1843. 12 - De usu Patrum ad ea definienda religionis ca- pita quae aunt hodie controversa, libri duo, LatinS e Gallico nunc primum a J. Mettayero redditi. Geneva, 1656. 4 - LafoyfondeesurlessaintesEscritures. Centre les nouveaux methodistes. Paris, 1634. 8 Ab auctore recognita, emendata, aucta, et Latine ex Gallico reddita. Adjecti sunt de simili argumento duo insignes THEODORETI, vetustissimi ex quinto Christianismi sseculo Episcopi, sermones, sive libelli. Geneva, 1660. 8 De la creance des Peres sur le fait des images. Geneve, 1641. 8 Apologia pro Ecclesiis reformatis. Amstelodami, 1652. 8 De pseudepigraphis apostolicis, seu libris octo constitutionum apostolicarum apocryphis, li- bri iii. Hardervici, lt>53. 8 De jejuniis et quadragesima liber. Daventrice, 1654. 8 Another copy. Apologia pro duabus Ecclesiarum in Gallia Protestantium synodis nationalibus ; altera Alensone, anno 1637 ; altera verb Carentone, anno 1645 habitis : Adversus Friderici Span- hemii Exercitationes de gratia universal!. 2 torn. Amstelcedami, 1655. 8 Another copy. Vindicise apologise pro duabus Ecclesiarum Protestantium synodis nationalibus... ad versus Epicritam [Maresius, or Des Marets] gratiam Dei universalem oppugnantem. Amstelcedami, 1657. 8 Vingt sermons, prononce's a Charenton sur cer- tains jours et certains temps de Fanne'e. Geneve, 1658. 8 Melange de sermons, prononce's a Charenton en divers temps, et sur differens sujets. Pre- miere [et deuxieme] partie. ' Amsteldam, 1658. 8 Exposition sur la divine Epitre de 1'Apotre S. Paul aux Filippiens. En vingt-neuf sermons, prononce's a Charenton... 1'an. 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642. Deux parties. Edition deuxiesme. Geneve, 1659. 8 Translated from the French by the Rev. James Sherman. London, 1843. 8 De duobus Latinorum ex unctione sacramen- tis confirmatione, et extrema, ut vocant, unc- tione, disputatio. Genevce, 1659. 4 Exposition de 1'institution de la S. Cene, rap- porte'e par St Paul en sa I. Epitre aux Corin- thiens. Auxquels on a ajoute'. . .un sermon du mesme de la presence du Seigneur avec ses fideles, sur S. Jean, xii. 8. Geneve, 1663. 8 Adversus Latinorum de cultus religiosi objecto traditionem, disputatio qua demonstratur ve- tustissimis ad A. D. ccc. Christianis ignotos et inusitatos fuisse eos cultus, quos nunc in Ro- mana communione solent eucharistise, sanctis, reliquiis, imaginibus, et crucibus deferre. Genevce, 1664. 4 De cultibus rcligiosis Latinorum libri no vein. 220 DALE- DALRYMPLE. I. Do baptismi cferimoniis. II. Do confirma- tione. Rrli;/.,", 17<">2. 8 Memorials and letters relating t<> t lie history of Britain in the reign of Charles the First. Pub- lished from the originals. Glaggoir, 17'i'i. J Another copy. Remarks on the history of Scotland. , 1773. 16 Annals of Scotland, from the succession of Malcolm III. surnamed Canmore, to the ac- cession of Robert I. . 177ii. 4 Another copy. From the accession of Robert I. surnamed Bruce, to the accession of the House of Stewart. Edin. , 1779. 4 Another copy. Annals of Scotland, from the accession of Mal- colm III. [1057]... to the accession of the House of Stewart [1371]... To which are added several valuable tracts relative to the history and antiquities of Scotland. A new edition. 3vol. Edin., 1797. 8 Third edition. 3 vol. Edin., 1819. 8 Remains of Christian ANTIQUITY. With ex- planatory notes. 3vol. Edin., 1776-80. 8 Another copy. Vol. ii., iii. Disquisitions concerning the ANTIQUITIES of the Christian Church. 1783 An inquiry into the secondary causes which Mr Gibbon has assigned for the rapid growth of Christianity. Edin., 1786. 4 Second edition. To which is prefixed, a brief memoir of the life and writings of the author. Edin., 1808. 12 Another copy. Another copy. An account of lay-patronages in Scotland, and of the fatal differences they have occasioned betwixt the Church and lay patrons ; with ob- servations on the arguments for restoring them in 1711. [Select anti-patronage library.] Edin., 1842. 8 [And with Tracts on PATRONAGE.] 1770 Of the eminent heathen writers, from Seneca to Marcus Antoninus, who are said to have disregarded or contemned Christianity. [Theo- logical tracts, edited by John BROWN, D.D., vol. i.] Edin., 1853. 8 DALRYMPLE (Sir JAMES), Bart. Collections concerning the Scottish history, proceeding the death of King David the First, in the year 1153. Wherein the soveraignity of the crown and independency of the Church are cleared ; and an account given of the antiquity and purity of the Scottish-British Church, and the noveltie of Popery in this kingdom. With an appendix, containing the copies of charters of foundation of some churches ; with genealogi- cal accounts of the donors and witnesses. Edin., 1705. 8 Second edition. Glasgow, 1766. 8 DALRYMPLE (JAMES), Viscount of Stair, Lord President of the Court of Session. The institu- tions of the law of Scotland, deduced from its DALRYMPLE DAMIRON. 221 originals, and collated with the civil and feu- dal laws, and with the customs of neighbour- ing nations. In four books. The 3d ed., cor- rected, and enlarged, with notes. Edin., 1759. fol. DALRYMPLE (JOHN), Earl of Stair.- A. vindi- cation of the divine PERFECTIONS. 1695 DALRYMPLE (Sir JOHN), Bart. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. From the disso- lution of the last Parliament of Charles II. until the sea-battle off La Hogue. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1771-73. 4 C Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from the battle off La Hogue till the capture of the French and Spanish fleets at Vigo Vol. ii. [An appendix to vol. i. & ii. of " Memoirs," and completing the work.] Edin. , 1788. 4 r DALRYMPLE (GILBERT), D. D., pseud, i. e. Ge- DALRYMPLE (WILLIAM), D.D., Minister of Ayr. A history of Christ, for the use of the unlearned : with short explanatory notes, and practical reflections. Edin. , 1787. 8 - The Acts of the Apostles made easy ; by a short paraphrase, notes, and reflections. Air, 1792. 8 DALSERF. A protestation, by a part of the parishioners of D f , against the settlement of that pretended preacher, Mr J n K k, as minister of said parish. Dairy, 1800. 12 DALTON. Case, Robert Henderson of Cleugh- heads, Esq. ; and others, heritors, elders, and heads of families in the parish of Dalton, li- bellers of Dr William Bryden, minister of the said parish of Dalton ; pursuers. The said Dr William Bryden defender. The pursuers' case. To be heard at the bar of the Venerable Assembly, May 1784. s. I. et a. 4 Case of Dr William Bryden, minister of the parish of Dalton, defender ; against Robert Henderson of Cleughheads, a non-residing heritor, and others in the said parish, pur- suers. To be heard at the bar of the Vene- rable Assembly in May 1784. The defender's case. s. I, [1784.] 4 Case, Robert Henderson of Cleughheads, Esq. ; and others, heritors, elders, and heads of fami- lies in the parish of Dalton, libellers of Dr William Bryden, minister of the said parish of Dalton ; pursuers. The said Dr William Bry- den, defender. The pursuers' case. To be heard at the bar of the Venerable Assembly, May 1785. s. I, [1785.] 4 - Case, Robert Henderson of Cleughheads, Esq. ; and others, heritors, elders, and heads of fami- lies, in the parish of Dalton, libellers of Dr William Bryden, minister of the said parish of Dalton ; pursuers : the said Dr William Bry- den defender. The pursuers' case. To be heard at the bar of the General Assembly May s. I. et a. 4 DALTON (ANDREAS). Theses theologicse de jus- titia et jure...defendent Antonius MULFAIL et A. D. 1G79 DALTON (J.). Fifteen sermons... preached at Coventry. Coventry, 1771. 8 DALTON (JOHN). Meteorological observations and essays. London, 1793. 8 A new system of chemical philosophy. 2 parts. Manchester, 1808, 10. 8 DALTON (J. S.). The companion to Westmin- ster abbey. London, s. a. 12 DALTON (WILLIAM), A.M., Minister of St Jude's church, Liverpool. The word of God vindi- cated, in reply to the Rev. F. Martyn, Ro- mish pastor of Walsall. 2d ed. London, 1830. 12 Fifth edition. London, 1830. 12 The family altar ; or, prayers for every day in the week ; with occasional prayers and medi- tations. 2d ed. Liverpool, 1832. 12 Fourteen expository discourses on the Lord's prayer, and other important subjects. London, 1833. 12 The duty of watchfulness and prayer for the coming of Messiah's triumphant kingdom and millennial reign. Glasgow, 1835. 12 The scoffers of the last days at the coming of Christ. Glasgow, 1835. 12 The coming of the day of God. Glasgow, 1835. 12 DALY (ROBERT), A.M. A sermon [on Luke, vi. 9] preached in aid of the funds of the Sunday school society for Ireland, 23d March, 1817. Dublin, 1817. 8 DAL YELL (JOHN GRAHAM). A tract, chiefly relative to monastic antiquities ; with some account of a recent search for the remains of the Scotish kings interred in the abbey of Dun- fermline. Edin., 1809. 8 DALZEL (ANDREAS), Professor of Greek in the university of Edinburgh. Collectanea Grseca majora. Tom. ii. Edinburgi, 1797. 8 DALZEL (ARCHIBALD), Governor at Cape-Coast Castle. The history of Dahomey, an inland kingdom of Africa ; compiled from authentic memoirs ; with an introduction and notes. London, 1793. 4 DAMASCENUS (JOANNES), seu JOANNES Da- mascenus. DAMASUS, Saint, Pope. Opuscula, et gesta cum notis M. M. Sarazanii iterum collecta, nunc vero primum aucta, et illustrata diatribis dua- bus, altera de gestis Liberii exulis. Altera an Damasus faverit aliquando Maximo Cynico adversus Gregorium Nazianzenum ; et Necta- rium. Quibus...adjiciuntur etiam opuscula apocrypha ejusdem. Romce, 1754. fol. Epistolae et carmina ; [Bibl. vet. Patr. per A. GALLANDIUM, torn vi., p. 321]. 1788 DAMBERGER (CHRISTIAN FREDERICK). Tra- vels through the interior of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco... between the years 1781 and 1797. Faithfully translated from the German. London, 1801. 8 DAMIANUS, or DAMIANO (PETRUS), Saint, Cardinal, and Bishop of Ostia. Opera omnia nunc primum in unum collecta, ac argumentis, et notationibus illustrata studio ac labore D. Constantini Cajetani. 4 torn. Bassani, 1783. 4 DAMIRON (JEAN-PHLLIBERT). Essai sur 1'his- DAMVILLIERS-DATII K tire dc la philosophic en Franco au dix-neu- vioino .sieclo. Seoiude edition. 2 torn. ', 1828. 8 DAMVILLIERS (Lo Sicur DE), pseud, i. e. Pierre <>LE. DANA (JAMES DWIGHT), A.M. A system of mi- neralogy, comprising the most recent disco- veries : with numerous woodcuts and four cop- perplates. 2d ed. Nen- YrJ: i, 1855, 56. 8 DANIELL (JOHN FREDERIC), Professor of chemis- try in King's college, London. An introduc- tion to the study of chemical philosophy : being a preparatory view of the forces which concur to the production of chemical pheno- mena. London, 1839. 8 DANTE ALIGHIERL [Opere], con nuove et utili ispositioni. In Lione, 1575. 1G Dell' Inferno. Del Purgatorio. 2 torn. Venezia, 1798. 8 L'Enfer, traduit de 1'Italien ; suivi de notes .\jilicat iVL-s pour chaque chant. 1'ar un mem- bra de la socit'te Colombairu de Fl<-n j , 1812. 8 DANTECOURT (Le P.). La defense do 1'Eglise contre le livre de M. CLAUDE. 1G89 DANTZICK. A particular description of the city of Dantzick. By an English muivhant. London, 1734. 8 DANVERS (HENRY). Certain quarries concern- ing liberty of conscience, propounded to those ministers (so called) of Leicestershire, whru tiny first met to consult that representation winch they so privately framed, and yet after- wards so publiquely fathered upon that count v. London, [1649]. 4 DARACOLT (R.). A manuscript, found among the papers of the late Mr R. Daracolt, minis- ter at Willington, Somersetshire. s. I, 1792. 12 DARBY (WILLIAM ARTHUR). Notes and queries on the Roman Catholic controversy ; with in- troductory correspondence between a Roman Catholic priest and the author. Manchester, s. a. 8 DARES, Phryyiiis. De bello Trojano historia ; [cuni Bibliotheca historica DIODORI Siculij. 1578 DARIEN. A defence of the Scots settlement at Darien By PHILO-CALEDON. IG'Jl) DARLING (GRACE). * Grace Darling. By a young lady. Glasgow, 1840. 12 DARLING (JAMES), Booteelkr in London. Cy- clopaedia bibliographica : a library manual of theological and general literature, and guide to books for authors, preachers, students, and literary men. Analytical, bibliographical, and biographical. London, 1854. 8 Subjects. Holy Scriptures. London, 1859. 8 DARWIN (CHARLES), M.A., F.R.S. The struc- ture and distribution of coral reefs. London, 1842. 8 A monograph on the fossil Lepadidse, or Pe- dimculated Cimpedes of Great Britain. [Pa- laeontographical Society.] London, 1851. 4 A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species. [Ray Society.] London, 1851. 8 A monograph on the fossil Balanidae and Ver- rucidae of Great Britain. [Palaeontographical Society.] London, 1854. 4 On the origin of species by means of natural selection. Fifth thousand. London, 1860. 8 DARWIN (ERASMUS), M.D. The botanic GAR- DEN. 1793 A plan for the conduct of female education in boarding schools. Derby, 1797. 4 Zoonomia : or the laws of organic life. 4 vol. 3d ed. London, 1801. 8 The temple of nature : or, The origin of so- ciety : a poem. London, 1803. 4 Another edition. London, 1824. 8 DATHE, or DATHIUS (JOANNES AUGUSTUS), Professor of Hebrew at Leipsic. Disputatio philologico-critica in Aquilai reliquias inter- DAUBENY DAVENANT. 223 pretationis Hose?e, quam defendent J. A. D. et S. F. N. MORUS. Lipsue, 1757. 4 - Disputatio philosophica de causis cur logic! subtillissimi in proeceptis saspe parum subtiles sint in eorum usu. Lipsice, [1760]. 4 Prolusio de difficultate rei critici in Vetere Testamento caute dijudicanda. Lipsice, 1762. 4 - De ratione consensus versionis Chaldaicse et Syriacae Proverbiorum Salomonis. Lipsice, [1762]. 4 - Disputatio philologico-exegetica in Canticum Mosis Deut. xxxii. Lipsice, [1769]. 4 - De ordine pericoparum biblicaruni non mu- tando, disputatio philologico-critica. Lipsice, [1769]. 4 - Pentateuchus Lat. versus, notisque illustra- tus. 1791. See BIBLES LATIN. B. - Libri historic! Veteris Testament!, Latink ver- si, notisque illustrati. 1784. See BIBLES LATIN. B. Jobus, Proverbia Salomonis, Ecclesiastes, Can- ticuin Canticorum, Latine versi, notisque il- lustrati. 1789. See BIBLES LATIN. B. - Psalmi, Latink versi, notisque illustrati. 1787. See BIBLES LATIN. B. - Psalterium Syriacum. Notas addidit J. A. D. 1768. See BIBLES SYKIAC. A. - Prophetse majores, Latinfe versi, notisque il- lustrati. 1785. See BIBLES LATIN. B. - Prophetae minores, Latinfe versi, notisque il- lustrati. 1790. See BIBLES LATIN. B. Opuscula ad crisin et interpretationem Veteris Testamenti spectantia. Collegit atque edidit Ern. Fred. Car. Bosenmtiller. Lipsice, 1796. 8 - Another copy. DAUBENY (CHARLES), LL.B., Archdeacon of Sarum. Vindicise Ecclesite Anglicance ; in which some of the false reasonings, incorrect statements, and palpable misrepresentations in a publication, entitled, " The true Church- man ascertained," by John Overton, A.B., are pointed out. London, 1803. 8 The trial of the spirits, a seasonable caution against spiritual delusion ; in three discourses. London, 1804. 8 - A respectful examination of the judgment de- livered Dec. 11, 1809, by the Right Hon. Sir J. Nicholl... against the Rev. John W. Wickes, for refusing to bury an infant child, which had been baptized by a dissenting minister : in a letter to Sir John Nicholl. Bath, 1811. 8 - On the nature, progress, and consequences of schism : with immediate reference to the pre- sent state of religious affairs in this country. London, 1818. 8 A guide to the Church ; in several discourses. To which are added, two postscripts : the first, to those members of the Church who occasion- ally frequent other places of public worship ; the second, to the clergy. To which is pre- fixed some account of the author's life and writings. 3d ed. London, 1830. 8 - An appendix to the Guide to the Church ; in several letters ; in which the principles ad- vanced in that work are more fully maintain- ed, in answer to objections. To which are added, some extracts from the author's diary. &c. 3d ed. London, 1830. 8 DAUBENY (CHARLES GILES BRIDLE), Professor of chemistry. Journal of a tour through the United States and in Canada, in 1837, 38. Oxford, 1843. 8 DAUBUZ (CHARLES), M.A., Vicar of Brotherton, Yorkshire. A perpetual commentary on the Revelation of St John With a preliminary discourse, concerning the certainty of the principles upon which the Revelation of St John is to be understood. London, 1720. fol. A symbolical dictionary ; in which, agreeably to the nature and principles of the symbolical character and language of the Eastern nations in the first ages of the world, the general sig- nification of the prophetic symbols, especially those of the Apocalypse, is laid down and proved from the most ancient authorities sa- cred and profane. A new and enlarged edi- tion. With a memoir ; and a preface, by Mathew Habershon. London, 1842. 12 DAUDE (ADRIANUS). Majestas hierarchies ec- clesiasticse...commendata ; per dissertationem inauguralem ex dogmatibus theologicis, sacris canonum statutis, historia ecclesiastica et ci- vili digestam proposita, quando A. D Hen- ricum Christianum Ignat. de Brauns... supre- mo doctoratus theologici gradu...condecorabat die xviii. Maji, MDCCXLV. Wirceburgi, [1745]. 4 DAULIS, BISHOP OF. See George 'HAY. DAVENANT (JOHN), D.D., Bishop of Salisbury. Prselectiones de duobus in theologia contro- versis capitibus : de judice controversiarum, primo ; de justitia habituali et actuali, altero. Cantabricjice, 1631. fol. Determinationes quoestionum quarundam theo- logicarum. Cantabrigice, 1634. fol. Another copy. Editio secunda. Cantabrigice, 1639. fol. An exhortation to brotherly communion be- twixt the Protestant Churches. London, 1641. 16 Animadversions upon a treatise [by Sam. Hoard], intitled, God's love to mankind. Cambridge, 1641. 8 Another edition. London, 1661. 12 Expositio Epistolae D. Pauli ad Colossenses. Editio quarta. Amstelodami, 1646. 4 An exposition of the Epistle of St Paul to the Colossians. Translated from the original La- tin ; with a life of the author, and notes illus- trative of the writers and authorities referred to in the work, by Josiah Allport. To the whole is added, a translation of Dissertatio de morte Christi, by the same prelate. 2 vol. London, 1831, 32. 8 Dissertationes duse : prima de morte Christi, altera de praedestinatione et reprobatione. Cantabrigice, 1650. fol. A treatise on justification, or the Disputatio de justitia habituali et actuali. Translated 224 DAVIDSON. from the original Latin, together with trans- lations of the ' ' Determinationes" of the same prelate : by the Rev. Josiah Allport. 2 vol. London, 1844, 46. 8 Another copy. DAVENANT (Sir WILLIAM). The works of Sir W. D., consisting of those which were fonm-r- ly printed, and those which were designed for the press ; now published out of the author's originall copies. London, 1673. fol. DAVENPORT (W.), M.A. The protestant ex- Ctulator, upon the modern controversies, ween the Bishop of Bangor and the Reve- rend Dr Sherlock, Law, Snape, Trap, and the rest of the anti-Bangorian party. The first part. A general answer discovering the evil tendency of the anti-Bangorian principles. London, 1718. 8 DAVID, King of Israel. * An historical account of the life and reign of David, King of Israel. In four books. Interspersed with various con- jectures, digressions and disquisitions. In which (among other things) Mr Bayle's criti- cisms upon the conduct and character of that prince, are fully considered. By the author of Revelation examined with candour. [Pa- trick DELANY.] 3 vol. 2d ed. London, 1740, 42. 8 Fourth edition. 2 vol. London, 1759. 8 David and Jonathan. An account of a con- versation occasioned by a sermon, preached in the chapel in New Street, Canongate, on Mark, xvi. 15, 16. By Charles SIMEON, M.A. Edin., 1797. 12 DAVIDS ( ARTHUR LUMLEY). GrammaireTurke : pre'ce'de'e d'un discours preliminaire sur la langue et la litte'rature des nations orientales ; avec un vocabulaire volumineux, des dialogues, un recueil d'extraits en prose et en vers, et en- richie de plusieurs planches lithographiques extraites de manuscrits anciens et modernes. Traduite de 1'Anglais par Madame Sarah Da- vids. Londres, 1836. 4 DAVIDSON (ALEXANDER D.), A.M., Minister of Free West church, Aberdeen. The position and duties of Christ's Church : a sermon [on Phil. ii. 16] preached before the Free Provin- cial Synod of Aberdeen, on Tuesday the 9th April, 1844. Aberdeen, 1844. 8 Lectures, expository and practical, on the Book of Esther. Edin., 1859. 8 DAVIDSON (ANDREW BRUCE), M.A., Professor of Hebrew in tlie New College, Edinburgh. A commentary on the Book of Job. 1862. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. DAVIDSON (B.). The analytical Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon : consisting of an alphabetical arrangement of every word and inflection con- tained in the Old Testament Scriptures, pre- cisely as they occur in the sacred text, with a grammatical analysis of each word, and lexico- graphical illustration of the meanings. London, 1848. 4 DAVIDSON (DAVID). Family prayers for every morning and evening during a week. Dundee, 1833. 12 Pocket biblical dictionary, condensed from Calmet, Brown, Clarke, Jon< s, A< . /:>/;., ix:w. 12 DAVIDSON (HENRY). Letters to Christina friends. With a short memoir of his life. .'..., 1811. 12 DAVIDSON (JOHN). The poetical remains of Mr J. D. /:n;i:. DAWES (Sir WILLIAM), Bart. I'.iihopofCI * I;. The v. In lU- works of Sir W. D. ...With a preface, giving some account of the life, writings, and charac- ter of the author. :; \ London, 1732, 33. 8 Sermons preach'd upon several occasions be- fore King William, and yiireii Anno. London, 1709. 8 A sermon [on Ps. xxi. 7] preached before tin- Right Hon. the Lords spiritual and temporal at Westminster Abbey, March 8, 1711. London, 1712. 4 DAWSON (BENJAMIN), LL.D., Rector of Jl tfiiji'olk. An address to the writer of a second letter to the author of the Confessional [Fran- cis Blackburne] : containing a vindication of the original principles of the reformers as laid down in the Confessional : and a confutation of the principles on which the letter- writer has founded his argument for subscription to estab- lished articles of religion. London, 1708. 8 An answer to letters concerning established confessions of faith ; being a vindication of the Confessional, on the main points relative to the case of subscription. [Part i.] London, 1709. 8 The scriptural right of establishing human systematical confessions of faith, and doctrine, considered. Being part the second of An answer to letters concerning confessions of faith, &c. Occasioned by the Confessional. London, 1769. 8 The utility of establishing human, systemati- cal confessions of faith, considered ; in an an- swer to letters concerning confessions, &c. Oc- casioned by the Confessional. Part iii. [of An answer, &c.] London, 1769. 8 Free thoughts on the subject of a farther re- formation of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND. 1771 A letter to the clergy of the Archdeaconry of Winchester. Being a vindication of the peti- tion presented the last sessions of Parliament to the Legislature, for the removal of subscrip- tion to human formularies of religious faith and doctrine, from the misrepresentations of Dr Balguy, in a late charge to the clergy of his Archdeaconry. In which also the ques- tion, "Whether subscription to the 39 articles of the Church of England be constitutionally required of the clergy," is occasionally dis- cussed. London, 1773. 8 DAWSON (GEORGE), M.A. Origo legum : or, a treatise of the origin of laws, and their obliging power. In seven books. London, 1694. fol. DAWSON (JAMES HOOPER), of the Inner Temple. An abridged statistical history of Scotland, illustrative of its physical, industrial, moral and social aspects, and civil and religious in- stitutions, from the most authentic sources, arranged parochially with biographical, histo- rical, and descriptive notices. Edin., 1853. 8 DAWSON (Mrs JANE). The life and writings of Mrs Dawson of Lancaster : With nine un- published letters from the Rev. John Newton ; and... preface by the Rev. W. Cams Wilson. . L828. rj DA \VSON (THOMAS), D.D..Y md- sor. Suspiria sacra, or, The Clum-h land's memorial : with an admonition to -I. - suite and their patrons, extracted out of i\n; statute law. don, 1718. 8 DAY (.JKKKMIAII), 7V/>^/. t ,f < > . An inquiry respecting the self-determining power of the will ; or contingent volition. N, 1838. 12 Another copy. An examination of President Edwards's in- quiry on the freedom of the will. New Haven, 1841. 12 Another copy. DAY (WILLIAM). An address, read, November 26th, 1823, to the members of a class for tho critical study of the Greek New Testament. Edin., 1823. 8 DATES (EDWARD). A picturesque tour tliro' the principal parts of Yorkshire and Derbyshire. 2d ed. Ln.ulon, 1825. 8 DEALTRY (WILLIAM), D.D., Archdeacon of rcy. Honour from God the sure portion of them that honour Him. A sennon preached at Cambridge, Nov. 20, 1836, on the death of the Rev. Charles Simeon. Cambridge, 1836. 8 DEACON. The Deacons' court. Answer to the address to the congregation of Free Middle church [Greenock], by the deacons of the con- gregation. By a member. s. I. , 1844. 12 DEANS (ARCHIBALD), Bowden. An account of the last words of Christian Karr who died at Edinburgh on the 4th Feb. 1702, in the llth year of her age. Edin. , 1702. 4 DEATH. Death-bed scenes ; or, the Christian's companion on entering the dark valley. By the author of the Evangelical rambler, [Timo- thy EAST]. London, 1825. 12 DE BODE (Baron C. A.). Travels in Luristan and Arabistan. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8 DEBRA, R. C. BISHOP OF. See Richard CHAL- DEBRETT (JOHN)- The peerage of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 9th ed. 2 vol. [1st vol. imperfect.] London, 1814. 12 The baronetage of England. 2 vol. London, 1808. 12 DEBT. Statement regarding a proposal for liqui- dating the debt of the Church. Glasgow, 1841. 8 j DE BURE (GyiLLAFME-FRANcois), le Jeune. Bibliographic instructive : ou traitd de la con- noissance des livres rares et singuliers. 7 vol. Paris, 1763-68. 8 Supplement a la Bibliographic instructive, ou catalogue des livres du cabinet de feu M. Louis Jean Gaignat. 2 vol. [Forming vol. viii. and ix. of the Bibliographic instructive.] Paris, 1769. 8 j Bibliographic instructive ; tome dixieme, con- tenant une table destine'e a faciliter la re- cherche des livres anonymes qui ont 4ie an- DE BURGH DE LA BECHE. 227 nonces par M. De Bure le jeune dans sa Bib- liographic instructive et dans le Catalogue de M. Gaignat, et a .supplier a tout ce qui a 6t6 omis dans les tables de ces deux ouvrages. [Par Ne'e de la'Rochelle.] Paris, 1782. 8 DE BURGH (W.).-See William BURGH. DE CANDOLLE (A. P.). See A. P. de CAN- DOLLE. DECLARATION. Declaration of the religious society, meeting for public worship in the Trades hall, Glasgow. Edin., 1801. 12 DE COETLOGON (CHARLES EDAVARD), M.A., Godstone, Surrey. The portraiture of the Christian penitent : attempted in a course of sermons on Psalm li. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1776. 8 DE COURCY (RICHARD), Vicar of St Alkmond. Letter of solemn counsel to a person in a declining state of health. Shrewslntry, 1778. 8 DEE (JOHN), D.D. The private diary of Dr J. D. , and the catalogue of his library of manu- scripts ; from the original manuscripts in the Ashmolean museum at Oxford, and Trinity college library, Cambridge. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell [for the Camden Society]. London, 1842. 4 DEERING (EDWARD). See E. DERING. DEFOE (DANIEL). A collection of writings by the author of the True-born ENGLISHMAN. 1703 The True-born Englishman. A satire. London, s. a. 12 [And in a collection of the writings of the author of the True-born Englishman]. 1703 An enquiry into occasional CONFORMITY. 1702 An enquiry into the occasional CONFORMITY of the dissenters in cases of preferment. 1703 A letter to Mr How, by way of reply to his considerations of the preface to an enquiry into the occasional conformity of Dissenters. [With a collection of the writings of the au- thor of the True-born Englishman.] London, 1703. 8 An enquiry into the occasional CONFORMITY bill. 1704 The shortest way with the DISSENTERS. 1703 A brief explanation of the shortest way with the DISSENTERS. 1703 A dialogue between a dissenter and the obser- vator concerning the shortest way with the DISSENTERS. 1703 - The mock MOURNERS. A satyr. 1703 - Reformation of MANNERS. A satyr. 1703 - The poor man's plea, concerning reformation of MANNERS. 1703 The Spanish DESCENT. A poem. 1703 - A new test of the Church of England's LOYAL- TY. 1703 Lex talionis : or, an enquiry into the most proper ways to prevent the persecution of the PROTESTANTS in France. 1703 - A JOURNEY to the world in the moon. 1705 - An essay at removing national prejudices against a UNION with England. 170C Part iii. 1700 A fourth essay at removing national preju- dices ; with some reply to Mr H[od]ges and some other authors who have printed their ob- jections against an UNION with England. 1706 The Scots narrative examined ; or the case of the EPISCOPAL MINISTERS in SCOTLAND exa- mined. 1709 The history of the Union of Great Britain. Edin., 1709. fol. Another edition. With an introduction, in which the consequences and probability of a like union between this country and Ireland are considered. [By J. L. De LOLME.] To which is prefixed, A life of Daniel De Foe, by George Chalmers. London, 1786. 4 Memoirs of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND in four periods. 1717 Another edition. With a preface and notes, by the Rev. William Wilson. Perth, 1844. 8 Lebensbeschreibung des Robinson CRUSOE. 1809 A journal of the plague year ; or, memorials of the great pestilence in London, in 1665. A new edition, attentively revised, and illus- trated with historical notes, by Edward Wed- lake Brayley. [Family Library, No. LII.] London, 1839. 8 * Memoirs of the life and times of Daniel De Foe : containing a review of his writings, and his opinions upon a variety of important mat- ters, civil and ecclesiastical. By Walter Wil- son. 3 vol. London, 1830. 8 DEGERANDO (Le baron JOSEPH MARIE). Du perfectionnement moral, ou de 1'education de soi-meme. 2 torn. Paris, 1824. 8 Another copy. Histoire compare'e des systemes de philosophic considered relativement aux principes des con- naissances humaines. Deuxieme partie. 4 torn. Pans, 1847. 8 DEISM, DEIST, DEISTICAL CONTROVER- SY. A letter to a deist, concerning the beauty and excellency of moral virtue, and the sup- port and improvement which it receives from the Christian revelation. By a country cler- gyman. [John BALGUY.] 2d ed. London, 1730 [And in a collection of tracts, by John BAL- GUY.] 1734 A second letter to a deist, concerning a late book [by M. Tindal], entitled, Christianity as old as the creation. By a country clergyman. [John BALGUY.] London, 1731. 8 Another copy. [And in a collection of tracts, by John BAL- GUY.] 1734 The cure of deism : or, the mediatorial scheme " by Jesus Christ, the only true religion. By a country clergyman. [Elisha SMITH.] 2 vol. London, 1736. 8 Essays and sermons on various subjects rela- tive to the deistical controversy. [By James LUNN.] Edin., 1790. 8 DE LA BECHE (HENRY T.), F.R.S. A geolo- gical manual. 2d ed. London, 1832. 8 -JS DELAXDINE- DEMONIACS. Third edition. London, 1833. 8 ResL-urclu-s in theoretical geology. A./., 1834. 8 Report on the geology of Cornwall, Devon, and Wi-st Somerset. Loiulon, 1839. 8 6 DELANDINE (FR. ANT.). Nouveau du-ti..n- naire historique. Par L. M. CHAUDON et F. A. D. 1804 DELANY (PATRICK), D.D., Dean of Down. The doctrine of abstinence from BLOOD de- fended. London, 1734. 8 An historical account of the life and reign of DAVID, King of Israel. 1740, 42 REVELATION examined with candour. 1745, 63 Twenty sermons \ipon social duties and their opposite vices. To which is added, An essay towards evidencing the divine original of tithes, which the author considers as a species of social duties. London, 1750. 8 - Sixteen discourses upon doctrines and duties, more peculiarly Christian ; and against the reigning vanities of the age. London, 1754. 8 DE LAUNE (THOMAS). TgowoAoy/a, or, a key to open Scripture metaphors. The first book... partly translated, and partly compil'd from the works of the learned. By T. D. The se- cond and third books, . . .by Bfenjamin] K[each]. Londwi, 1681. fol. A plea for the non-conformists : shewing the true state of their case : and how far the conformist's separation from the Church of Rome, for their popish superstitions, &c. in- troduced into the service of God, justifies the non-conformist's separation from them. In a letter to Dr Benjamin Calamy on his ser- mon, called Scrupulous conscience, inviting hereto. To which is added, a parallel scheme of the pagan, papal, and Christian rites and ceremonies : and a narrative of the sufferings underwent for writing, printing, and publish- ing hereof.... With a preface by the author of the Review [Daniel De Foe]. London, 1706. 4 Another edition. London, 1712. 8 Another edition. London, 1719. 8 Another edition. Printed from the original copy, and corrected from many faults escaped in former impressions. London, 1720. 8 The image of the Beast. Showing what a con- formist the Church of Rome is to the pagan. By T. D. London, 1712. 8 Another copy. DELAUNE (WILLIAM), D.D., Margaret prof essor of divinity, Oxford. Of original sin. A ser- mon [on Psalm li. 5] preach 'd Feb. 22, 17 J?. 4th ed. London, 1725. 8 DELAY AN (EDWARD C.). The enquirer, con- taining a series of letters to professing Chris- tians. Albany, N. Y., 1841-43. fol. DELEYRE (ALEX.). Analyse de la philosophic du Chancelier BACON. 1755 DELITZSCH (FRAXZ), Professor in Erlangen. Die biblisch-prophetische Theologie, ihre Fortbildung durch Clir. A. Crusius und ihre ha Kiituu-kil'in.,' si-it di-r Christologio Hi iiu'sti nln ix's. Historisch-kritisch darge- stellt von F. D. 1845. 8 ComiiK-ntar Eom Brief e an die !. Mit airluioloiriHchun und dogmati^-lu-ii Kxcursen iiber das Opfer und die VLTM .Inning. /. . 1857. 8 Commentar ilber den Psalter. 2 theil. Leipzig, 1859, 60. 8 Commentar iiber die Genesis. Dritte AlMg MA. lS(in. Biblical commentary on the Old Testament. By C. F. KEIL, and F. D. 186-1. 66 DELL1US (GODEFRIDUS). Theses philosophic miscollaneaj. C/f/vj. .h >ri.\us). Institutions dis- ciplinae ecclesiastic-it- praesertim Gallicame, ad principia sive theologiae, sive juris public! comparatse. Tom. i. [All published.] 1' urmis, 1819. 8 Another copy. DELTA. The Revelation of St John, simply analysed and briefly expounded. By Delta. London, 1850. 8 DEIMETRIUS (ANDREAS). Disputationum phi- losophicarum secuuda, continens positiones lo- gicas. Ultrajecti, 1640. 4 Disputationum philosophicarum quinta, de animatis et mundo. Ultrajecti, 1640. 4 Disputationum philosophicarum octava, de pneumatica general!, et specialius de Deo. Ultrajecti, 1640. 4 DEMOCRITUS JUNIOR, pseud, i. e. Robert BURTON. DEMONIACS. An enquiry into the meaning of Demoniacks in the New Testament. [By T. P. A. P. O. A. B. I. T. C. O. S., i. e. Arthur Ashley SYKES.] 2d ed. London, 1737. 8 An essay towards vindicating the literal sense of the Demoniacks in the New Testament ; in answer to a late Enquiry [by A. A. Sykes] into the meaning of them. [By Thomas CHURCH.] London, 1737. 8* Another copy. A further enquiry into the meaning of Demo- niacks in the New Testament. Wherein the Enquiry is vindicated against the objections of the Rev. Mr Twells, and the author [Thomas Church] of the Essay in answer to it. [By Arthur Ashley SYKES.] London, 1737. 8 A reply to the Further enquiry into the mean- ing of the Demoniacks in the New Testament ; as far as the Essay towards vindicating the literal sense of them is concerned. By the au- thor of the Essay, [Thomas CHURCH]. London, 1738. 8 A short state of the controversy about the meaning of the Demoniacks in the New Testa- ment : with a vindication of the reply to the Further enquiry, from all the objections of a late tract [by A. A. Sykes], entitled, A review of the Controversy. [By Thomas CHURCH.] London, 1739. 8 DE MORGAN DERHAM. 229 DE MORGAN (AUGUSTUS). On the study and difficulties of mathematics. London, [1831]. 8 - Arithmetic, algebra, mathematics, &c. [Wants title.] [London, 1831]. 8 Elements of algebra. 2d ed. London, 1837. 8 Formal logic : or, the calculus of inference, necessary and probable. London, 1847. 8 Another copy. - On the symbols of logic, the theory of the syl- logism, and in particular of the copula, and the application of the theory of probabilities to some questions of evidence. From the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Vol. ix. Part i. Cambridge, 1850. 4 DEMOSTHENES. Demosthenis et ^SCHINIS principum Graeciae oratorum opera, cum utri- usq ; autoris vita, et Ulpiani commentariis, novisq ; scholiis, ex quarta, eaque postrema recognitione, Grajcolatina variis lectionibus ad- auctje, et annotationibus illu strata. Per Hiero- nymum Wolfium Oetingensem, utriusque lin- guae in Augustana schola professorem. Basileie, 1572. fol. - Orationes ad optimorum librorum fidem edi- ise, [Gr.] 3 torn. London, s. a. 12 Orations of Demosthenes, translated by the Rev. Mr Francis, with critical and historical notes. Vol. i. London, 1757. 4 - Demosthenis orationes Philippicse duodecim. Glasguai, 1762. 8 Selectae orationes . . . Illustravit Ricardus Mouiit- eney. Editio sexta. [Gr. et Lat.] Londini, 1778. 8 - De Corona oratio. [Gr.] Glasguce, 1782. 8 - De Corona oratio. [Lat.] s. 1. et a. 8 - Translated into English, with notes, and the Greek text, with various readings selected from Wolf, Taylor, Reiske, and others. By Henry, Lord Brougham. London, 1840. 8 Oratio in Midiam, cum annotatione critica et exegetica. Curavit Philippus Buttmannus. Editio tertia. Berolini, 1841. 8 - Translation of select speeches of Demosthenes. With notes : by Charles Rann Kennedy. Cambridge, 1841. 8 DEMPSTERUS (THOMAS), a Muresk. Antiqui- tatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum. In quo preeter ea quse Joannes Rosinus delinea- verat, infinita supplentur, mutantur, addun- tur Editio postrema. Colonies Allobrogum, 1632. 4 - Historia ecclesiastica gentis Scotorum : sive, De scriptoribus Scotis. Editio altera. 2 torn. [Edited for the Bannatyne Club, by David Irving.] Edinburgi, 1829. 4 DENCKE (C. F.). The three Epistles of John translated. 1818. See BIBLES DELAWARE INDIAN. A. DENHAM (DIXON), Major. Narrative of travels and discoveries in northern and central Africa, in the years 1822, 3, 4, by Major D., Captain CLAPPERTON, and Dr OUDNEY. London, 1826. 4 DENHAM (Sir JOHN). A version of the Psalms of David. 1714. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. DENHOLM (JAMES). The history of the city of Glasgow and suburbs. To which is added, a sketch of a tour to the principal Scotch and English lakes. 3d ed. Glasgow, 1804. 8 DENINA (CARLO GIOVANNI MARIA). Istoria politica e litteraria della Grecia. 4 torn. Torino, 1781, 82. 8 DENISON (EDWARD), D.D., Bishop of Salisbury. A review of the state of the question re- specting the admission of dissenters to the Universities. New edition. London, 1835. 8 DENMARK AND NORWAY. De regno Daniae et Norwegiae insulisque adjacentibus, juxta ac de Holsatia et finitimis provinciis, tractatus varii. Lugd. Batav., 1629. 16 DENNE (HENRY). Antichrist unmasked in two treatises. The first, an answer unto two pae- dobaptists, Dan. Featly, D.D., and Stephen Marshall, B.D. ...The second, the man of sinne discovered in doctrine. s. I. , 1645. 4 DENNEJJoHN), D.D., Archdeacon of Rochester. The wisdom and goodness of God in the vegetable creation. Further consider'd in a sermon [on Gen. i. 11-13] preach'd in the pa- rish church of St Leonard Shoreditch, May 15, 1733. London, 1733. 8 DENNIS (JOHN). An essay on the writings and genius of SHAKESPEARE. 1772 DENOVAN (ALEXANDER). Observations in op- position to Mr Fleming of Neilston's "Cri- tique" in favour of " civil establishments of Christianity," in two discourses. Glasgow, 1834. 8 DENS (PETRUS). Theologia moralis et dogmati- ca. Editio nova et absolutissima. Cui nunc primum accedunt epitome ex operibus Bene- dicti XIV. nee non et variae summorum Pon- tificum, praesertim vero ejusdem Pontificis constitutiones, literse encyclicse, &c. 8 torn. Dublinii, 1832. 12 Another copy. A synopsis of the moral theology of Peter Dens... Translated from the Latin of the Mech- lin edition of 1838, by Joseph F. Berg. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1842. 12 Extracts from Dens' theology, with remarks, designed to shew the unscriptural nature and destructive tendency of the doctrines of the Church of Rome, as now held and taught in Ireland. Dublin, 1836. 12 DENS (THEODORUS EMMANUEL), Professor in the episcopal seminary at Antiverp. Introductio ad scientiam theologicam. Antverpias, 1748. 8 DENT (ARTHUR), Minister of South Smibery, Es- sex. The plain man's pathway to heaven, wherein every man may clearly see whether he shall be saved or damned. 50th ed. Belfast, 1859. 8 DEPONT (M.). Answer to the reflections of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. With the ori- ginal notes. Dublin, 1791. 8 DERHAM (W.), D.D., Rector of Upminster iu 230 DERING-DEWAR. Essex. Physico-theology : or, a demonstra- tion of the being and attributes of God, from his works of creation. Being the sul>st.mrr i,r sixteen sermons preached... at the Hon. Mr le*l Lectures, 1711 and 1712. 8th i d. London, 1732. 8' [And in a collection of sermons preached at the Honourable Robert BOYLE'S Lecture.] 1739 A new edition. /:/;/!,, 1773. 12 - Third Scots edition. Glasgow, 1758. 12 - Astro-Theology : or, a demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from a survey of the heavens. 7th ed. Glasgow, 1755. 12 BERING, or DERINGE, or DEERING (ED- WARD). Workes. More at large then ever hath heere-to-fore been printed in any one volume. l.",ulf rightly conduct- ing the NMOO, ami s.-.-kni^ truth in the sciences. ...Translated from the French : with an introduction. [ Bv John \\-itch, M.A.] .0. 12" DESCENT. The Spanish Descent. A poem. [In a collection of the writings of the author of the True-born English-man, i. e. Daniel IMIKOE.I '.. 8 DES FONTAINES (PiERRE-Fi: \N V .,I., ( ; i vox). 1 1 ihtory of the revolutions of Poland, from tin: foundation of that monarchy, to the death <>f Augustus II. Translated from the original French. London, 1736. 8 DES MAIZEAUX (PIERRE). Recueil de di- verses pieces, sur la philosophie, la religion natiirelle, 1'histoire, les mathcmatiques, &c. Par Messieurs Liebnitz, Clarke, Newton, et autres auteurs cdlebres. Troisieme ddition. 2 torn. Lausanne, 175t>. 1 'J DESPOTISM. Spiritual despotism. By the au- thor of Natural history of enthusiasm. [Isaac TAYLOR.] London, 1835. 8 Another copy. Despotism in America. By the author of "Archy Moore." Boston, 1840. 12 DESTOUCHES (PHIL. NERICAULT). Chef- d'oauvres dramatiques ; [avec les Chef-d'ceuvres dramatiques de CORNEILLE]. 1782 DESTUTT-DE-TRACY (Le comte ANTOIM:- LOUIS-CLAUDE). El&nens d'iddologie. Pre- miere partie. Troisieme ddition. Paris, 1817. 8 Eldmens d'iddologie. 5 part. Bruxelles, 1826, 27. 12 DESV(EUX (A. V.), Pastor of the French Chnn-k in Dublin. A philosophical and critical essay on Ecclesiastes. London, 1700. 4 DEUTZ (JosEFHUs). Disputationum historica- rum ad textum Herodiani, secunda. Ultrajecti, 1641. 4 DEVAULT (FRANCOIS-EUGENE). Memoires mi- litaires.-.pre'ce'de's d'une introduction par le Lieut. -Gen. PELET. 1835 DEVOTI (JOANNES). Institutionum canonica- rum, libri iv. Editio Romana septima accu- ratior et additionibus locupletata. 4 torn. Roma, 1829. 12 DEVOTION. A new manual of devotions. In three parts. I. Containing prayers for fami- lies and private persons. II. Containing of- fices : 1. Of humiliation. 2. For the sick. 3. For women with child. III. Consisting of an office for the holy communion : to which are added some occasional prayers. 26th ed. London, 1818. 12 The Christian's voice of devotion ; a manual of prayers for family and private worship. With preface, by the Rev. J. G. Lorimer. Glasgow, 1841. 16 DEWAR, (DANIEL), D.D. Searmoin, anns' s am bheil Fulangais Cliriosd air a thorit fanear, mar Bhrosnacha chum naomhachd. Maille ri Earail mu dhamhsa. London, 1805. 8 Laoidhean o'n Scrioptur Naomha ; chum bhi air an seiim aim an Aora' Dhe. A collection DE WETTE DICK. 231 of Gaelic hymns for the worship of God. London, 1806. 18 The glories of Christ's kingdom. A sermon [on Is. Ix. 11-16] preached before the London missionary society, 10th May 1820. London, 1820. 8 - The nature and obligations of personal and family religion : with a variety of prayers for individuals and families. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1821. 8 The faithful ministry, as connected with real religion. Glasgow, 1824. 12 The nature, reality, and efficacy of the atone- ment. Edin., 1831. 12 - Third edition. London, 1860. 8 Another copy. - A dictionary of the Gaelic language, in two parts. By Norman M'LEOD, D.D., and D. D. 1831 The reformation of the Church of Ireland : a letter addressed to the Bight Hon. Lord Stan- ley. Edin., 1835. 8 DE WETTE (W. M. L.). See G. M. L. de WETTE. DEWEY (ORVILLE), D.D., Pastor of the church of the Messiah in New York. Discourses and re- views upon questions in controversial theology and practical religion. New York, 1846. 12 DEWHIRST (CHARLES). Essays on the nature, order, privileges, and duties, of the Christian Church. With an address on personal reli- gion. London, 1808. 8 DE WITT (JOHN), D.D. A sermon on the atone- ment : [with SPRUCE STREET lectures]. 1841 DEYLINGIUS (SALOMON). S. Ireneus...a Re- 5iati Massueti pravis explicationibus vindica- tus. Lipsice, 1717. 4 Observationes sacrae, in qua multa Scripturse Veteris ac Novi Testament! dubia vexata sol- vuntnr, loca difliciliora ex antiquitate, et varise doctrince apparatu, illustrantur, atque ab au- daci recensiorum criticorum depravatione so- lide vindicantur. Editio altera. 5 partt. [Pars iv. ed. 2da.] Lipsiai, 1720-48. 4 - Pars iv. Editio tertia. Lipsice, 1757. 4 Observationes miscellanese, in quibus res varii argument! ex theologia, historia et antiquitate sacra enodate tractantur. Lipsice, 1736. 4 DEZALLIER D'ARGENVILLE (ANT. NIC.), fils. Voyage pittoresque de Paris. Par M. D***. Seconde edition. Paris, 1752. 12 DIALOGUE. Dialogues of the dead. [By George Lord LYTTELTON.] Dublin, 1760. 12 Another edition. London, 1760. 8 C - Three dialogues between a minister and one of his hearers, on the true principles of religion, and salvation for sinners by Jesus Christ the only redeemer. Edin. , 1788. 12 - Another edition. Edin. , 1792. 12 - A dialogue between the devil and a Socinian divine on the confines of the other world. [By John JAMIESON.] Edin., 1791. 8 - Dialogues between two Christian ministers, on the difference between the saints and the righ- teous, and on eternal life, righteousness, and faith. York, 1799. 12 Dialogue between a Christian and a tee-totaller. s. 1. et a. 12 DIBBLE (SHELDON). History and general views of the Sandwich islands' mission. New York, 1839. 12 DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL), D.D. An intro- duction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics ; in- cluding an account of Polyglot Bibles ; the best Greek, and Greek and Latin, editions of the Septuagint and New Testament ; the Scriptores de re rustica ; Greek romances, and lexicons and grammars. 3d ed. 2 vol. London, 1808. 8 Fourth edition. London, 1827. 8 A bibliographical, antiquarian, and picturesque tour in France and Germany. 3 vol. London, 1821. 8 The library companion ; or, the young man's guide and the old man's comfort in the choice of a library. London, 1824. 8 DICK (ALEXANDER), First Secession minister in A berdeen. Sermons, or notes of sermons. With a sketch of his life, and of the origin of the Secession in Aberdeen. Aberdeen, 1852. 8 DICK (ANDREW COVENTRY), Advocate. Sub- stance of a speech delivered at a meeting of evangelical dissenters of different denomina- tions, held in Edinburgh on 13th September 1832. Edin., 1832. 16 Dissertation on Clmrch polity. Edin., 1835. 12 *The principle of voluntary Churches defended ; being remarks on " Remarks on the speech of A. C. Dick, Esq." By a plain man. Glasgow, 1833. 12 DICK (DAVID). All modern slavery indefensible. Montrose, 1836. 12 In favour of the Free Church, and also of the abolition cause : or, on American slavery and the Free Church of Scotland. . . .By one not of the Free Church. Edin., 1848. 8 DICK (JOHN). A testimony to the doctrine, wor- ship, discipline, and government of the Church of Scotland, and the covenanted work of refor- mation as it was professed in the three king- doms : together with an account of the perse- cution of some of the most eminent in our days, for their adherence to the same, as it was left in write by Mr John Dick. To which is added, his last speech and behaviour on the scaffold. s. L, 1684. 4 DICK (JOHN), D.D., Professor of theology to the United Secession Church. Confessions of faith shown to be necessary, and the duty of Churches with respect to them explained, in a sermon [on 2 Tim. i. 13] preached at the opening of the Associate Synod, April 26. 1796. Edin., 1796. 8 The qualifications and call of missionaries : a sermon [on Acts, xiii. 2] preached before the Edinburgh missionaiy society, 1801. Edin., 1801. 8 An essay on the inspiration of the Holy Scrip- tures of the Old and New Testament. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1803. 12 S39 DICK DICKSON. Third edition. Glasgow, 1813. 8 Another o>py. Lectures on some passages of the Acts of the Apostles. Glasgow, 1805. 8 First American, from the second Glasgow, edi- tion. New York, 1844. 8 Sermons. (ila.-xjow, 1816. 8 Lectures on theology. With a memoir of the author by his son. 4 vol. 2d til. ., 1838. 8 * Religious toleration : a letter addressed to the Rev. Dr Dick, professor of divinity to the United Secession Church. By a lav man. Glasgow, 1823. 8 DICK (ROBBRT), D.D., Min^'-r <>f Trinity col- lege -lj>liM, 1841. 12 Another ropv. DICKSON (DAVII.). PrvftMor o/ cKmmty M B iiiihtt njli. Select practical writ- ings of D. D. , j.sio. b j Another copy. The answeres of some brethren of the mini.i- terie to th ; the ministers and j>n>- fessours of divmitie in Aberdeene, concerning the late CuVKXAXT. 1638 Expositio aualytica omnium apostolicaruin Epistolarum. Seu brevis introductio ad plcni- ores commentaries, in usmn studiosorum theo- lo^iju. . GUusgiue, 1645. 4 A short explanation of the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews. Cambiidge, 161 Therapeutica sacra, seu, de curandis casibus conscieiitiif circa regeneratioiiem, per fuederum divinorum prudentem upplicationem. Libri tres. Edin., 1656. 4 Another copy. Truth's victory over error. Or, an abridge- ment of the chief controversies in religion, which since the Apostles' days to this time, have been, and are in agitation between those of the orthodox faith, and all adversaries what- soever. Wherein, by going through all the chapters of the CONFESSION of faith... there is a clear confirmation of the truth. 1684 Dickson and Durham against Independency : or, some qxiotations out of Mr D. D.'s treatise on the confession of faith, intituled, Truth's victory over error ; and out of DURHAM on the Revelation . Together with an appendix , touch- ing obedience to and praying for the civil ma- gistrate, out of the foresaid treatise by Mr Dickson. Edin., 1738. 4 The Psalms of David in metre. Together with the annotations of D. D. 1754. Hee BIBLES ENGLISH. C. A brief explication of the Psalms ; with a life of the author, by Rev. Robert Wodrow. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1834. 12 True Christian love. (Hymns.) To which is added, Honey drops, or chrystal streams flow- ing from Christ the fountain and head thereof. Glasgow, 1754. 8 DICKSON (DAVID), D.D., Minuter of St Cutli- bert's, BaMbwrgk. On the education of the lower orders of society. A sermon [on Prov. xxii. 6] preached... July 13, 1806, before the Society of the orphan hospital. Edin., 1806. 8 The advantage of being in the house of mourn- ing : A sermon [on Eccl. vii. 4] preached Nov. 19, 1817,the day of the funeral of H.R.H. Princess Charlotte. Edin. , 1818. 8 Sermons. Edin., 1818. 8 The goodness of God, in the late favourable harvest, illustrated : A sermon [on Ps. Ixv. 11] delivered in Edinburgh, October 28, 1819. Edin., 1819. 8 *Copy of documents in favour of the Rev. David Dickson, Rev. Alexander Brunton, and Rev. David Scott, as candidates for the pro- DICKSON DIEZIUS. 233 fessorship of Oriental languages. Edin., 1812. 8 DICKSON (JAMES), Minister at Markinch. Prac- tical discourses. Edin. , 1731. 8 DICKSON (JOHN). A letter to a minister in the country : asserting the national covenant, the solemn league and covenant, well warranted from the New Testament, and therefore law- ful and perpetually binding. In answer to a late anonymous letter. s. I. , 1727. 8 Another copy. DICKSON (JOHN), Eutherglen. A letter written from the Bass prison. s. I. et a. 4 DICKSON (J. BATHURST), Minister of Free High church, Paisley. Speech delivered on the 2()th Oct. 1852, at a public meeting in Paisley, held on behalf of Francesco and Rosa Madiai. Paisley, 1852. 12 DICKSON (ROBERTUS). Dissertatio medica in- auguralis de phthisi pulmonali ; quam...pro gradu Doctoria...eruditorum examini subjicit R. D. Edin., 1826. 8 DICSONUS (DAVID). See David DICKSON. DICTIONARY. Lexicon Graecolatinum cui... ingens vocabulorum numerus accessit : idq ; partim ex Grsecorum lexicis, partim ex recen- tium lucubrationibus...nimirum G. Budsei, Erasmi, L. Valise, H. Barbari, A. Politiani, L. Coelii, aliorumque ejusdem classis. Parisiis, apud Collegium Sorbonce, 1530. fol. Novum lexicon Grseco-Latinum in Novum Testamentum. 2 vol. London, 1829. 8 - Teutonicae linguae semina et germiiia, sive Lexi- con Germanicum. . .una cum grammatica linguae theotiscae...Accurante Serotino. Noribergce, 1671. 4 - A new dictionary of the English and Dutch [and Dutch and English] language. [2 vol.] 2d ed. Nimmegen, 1832. 12 C A new Hebrew-English lexicon containing all the Hebrew and Chaldee words in the Old Testament Scriptures, with their meanings . in English. London (Bagster & Sons), 1844. 8 Dictionnaire de I'Academie Frangoise. Cin- quieme edition. 2 vol. Paris, 1813. 4 - Pocket dictionary of the English and Arme- nian [and Armenian and English] languages. 2 vol. Venice, 1835. 16 - Dictionarium Scoto-Celticum : a dictionary of the Gaelic language. . . .Compiled and published under the direction of the Highland Society of Scotland. 2vol. Edin., 1828. 4 - The youth's spelling, pronouncing, and expla- natory theological dictionary of the New Tes- tament. London, 1818. 12 - The Union Bible dictionary. Philadelphia, 1839. 8 A biographical and martyrological dictionary ...extracted from the Scriptures. ...Fox's Acts and Monuments, and the works of the most eminent writers... by a clergyman and others. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1790. fol. A general dictionary of arts and sciences : or, a complete system of literature By the Rev. James Scott... Charles Green... William Fal- coner... James Meader...and a society of gen- tlemen. 3 vol. London, 1765, 66. 4 The philosophical dictionary for the pocket. Written in French by a society of men of let- ters, and translated into English from the last Geneva edition, corrected by the authors. With notes containing a refutation of such passages as are any way exceptionable in re- gard to religion. London, 1765. 8 Dictionnaire des sciences philosophiques, par une Societe de professeurs de philosophic. 6 torn. Paris, 1844-52. 8 [The other Dictionaries or Lexicons in the Li- brary will be found under the names of their authors or editors.] DICTYS CRETENSIS. De bello Trojano historia ; [cum Bibliotheca historica DIODORI Siculi]. 1578 DIDEROT (DENIS). ffiuvres completes. 20 torn. Paris, 1821. 8 J O3uvres inedites. [Contenant le Nerue de Ra- meau, le Voyage en Hollande, Correspondance de 1765 a 1770, et tables.] Paris, 1821. 8 * Me'moires historiques et philosophiques sur la vie et les ouvrages de D. D. Par J. A. Naigeon, de 1'Institut. Paris, 1821. 8 Pense'es PHILOSOPHIQUES. 174G Pense'es sur 1'interpretation de la NATURE. 1754 DIDOCLAVIUS (EDWARDUS), pseud., i. e. David CALDERWOOD. DIDYMUS, of Alexandria. Liber contra Mani- chaeos : Greece et Latine. Interprete Francisco Turriano ; [CANISII Lectiones antiquse, torn, i., p. 197]. 1725 De Spiritu Sancto liber unus. S. Hieronymo interprete : [GALLANDII Biblioth. Vet. Patr. , torn, yi., p. 264]. 1788 In Epistolas catholicas breves enarrationes. In- terprete Epiphanio Scholastico ; [ibid. , p. 286]. DIETLEIN (W. O.). Das Reich Gottes. Berlin, 1846. 8 DIEU (LuDOVicus DE). Apocalypsis Sancti Joannis. 1627. See BIBLES POLYGLOTT. C. Grammatica linguarum Orientalium, Hebraeo- rum, Chaldseorum, et Syrorum inter se colla- tarum. Lugd. Batav., 1628. 4 Animadversiones in Acta Apostolorum, ubi collatis Syri, Arabia, .^Ethiopici, Vulgati, Eras- mi, et Bezae versionibus, difficiliora quseque loca illustrantur, et variae lectiones conferun- tur. Lugd. Batav., 1634. 4 Critica sacra, sive animadversiones in loca quaedam difficiliora Veteris et Novi Testamen- ti. Editio nova. Suflixa est Apocalypsis D. Johannis Syriaca, quam ante aliquot annos ex MS. Josephi Scaligeri autor primus edidit, versione Latina notisque illustravit. Atnstel, 1693. fol. Aphorismi theologici, quibus fides reformata explicatur et defenditur. M. Leydeckerus... edidit, et prsefationem...prsefixit. Ultrajecti, 1693. 8 DIEZIUS (JUSTUS LAURENTIUS). Succincta his- toria ecclesiastica Novi Testamenti a Christo 30 DICJBY-DION. nato, usque od Philippnm Melancthom-m. Amstelodami, 1726. 8 DIGBY (Sir EVERARD). Several papers or letters chietlv relating to the QUN-I'OWDKK I-LOT. 1G79 DIGBY (GEORGE), Lord Digby. Letters between the Lord George Digby, and Sir K^mlm Digby, Kt. , concerning religion. Lnnn, 11151. 12 DIGBY (Sir K I:\KI.M), Kt. Letters between tin- Ld. George DIOBY, and Sir K. D. Hi:, I DILIGENCE. Diligence for both worlds. London, s. a. 12 DILL (E. M.), A.M., M.D. Homo and her bap- tism : the questions briefly answered, Is Rome a Church of Christ ? and, Is her baptism valid .' Belfast, 1859. 12 DILL (RICHARD), A.M., Minister of Ormond-quay Presbyterian church, Dublin. Speech on the case of Mr Neilson, delivered before the Ge- neral Assembly, in Armagh, 9th July 1852. Also a letter to the Presbyterians of Ireland, on the report of the law committee, embodied in the minutes of the Assembly of 1851. Londonderry, [1852]. 12 Prelatico-Presbyterianism : or, curious chap- ters in the recent history of the Irish Presby- terian Church. Dublin, 1856. 8 The Presbyterian and Protestant dissenter in the army and navy. London, 1858. 16 DILLINGHAM (FRANCIS), B.D., Preacher of God's word at Wilden, Bedfordshire. A Chris- tian direction to heare sermons profitably. London, 1606. 8 A preparative for God's guests to come to his holy Supper. London, 1606. 8 A golden keye, opening the locke to eternall happiness. Containing seven most sweete and comfortable directions to a Christian life. London, 1609. 8 DILLINGHAM (WILHELMUS), S.T.D. Poemata varii argumenti, partim e Georgio Herberto Latine (utcunque) reddita, partim conscripta a W. D. Adscitis etiam aliis aliorum. Londini, 1678. 8 Vita L. CHADERTONI. 1700 DILLON (JOHN JOSEPH), of Lincoln's Inn. Con- siderations on the royal marriage act, and on the application of that statute to a marriage contracted and solemnized out of Great Bri- tain. 2d ed. London, 1811. 8 Cursory suggestions for the consideration of an approaching meeting of the British catho- lics, in a letter to E. Jerningham, Esq. Glasgow, 1813. 8 The claims of the Irish catholics, considered, as they regard the institutions of Scotland, civil and religious, in a letter, occasioned by a motion lately made in the Presbytery of Glas- gow. Glasgmv, 1813. 8 Hints for an argument against the reception of a petition by either House of Parliament from the PRESBYTERIES of Scotland. 1813 DILLON (ROBERT CRAWFORD), D.D., Minister of Charlotte chapel, London. Lectures on some of the articles of faith of the Church of Eng- land. London, 1835. 12 DILLONTJS (1 s). Theses theologies de Deo Uno et Triim, ad mfiiUm DoctorU Hiibtilis Joaiiiiia Dims So. ti, <|ii.is pi-aside F. Antonio MacCurthv...dcfcndut F.D. 1G75. 4 DINDORFIUS (GuiiiELMUs). Poet Gneci. Accedunt pi-rditanim fabularum frag- iiK-nta. Recognovit L -t j-iM-faMis ist (}. D. /, //write, 1830. 8 DING (LAURENCE). The scholar's assistant ; a collection of tunes of much esteem in the Churches, and dissenting congregations in Scotland. 4th ed. ..., a. a. 8 DIODATI (EDOUARD). Essai BUT le Christian- isme envisage" dans ses rapports avec la purfec- tibilite" de IVtre moral. Geneve, 1830. 8 DIODATI (GIOVANNI), Professor of divinity at Geneva. La Sacra Bibbia, tradotta in lingua Italiana. 3641. See BIBLES ITALIAN. A. Pious annotations upon the Holy Bible. [Wants last leaf.] London, 1642. 4 Fourth edition. London, 1664. fol. DIODORUS, Siculus. Bibliothecre historic^ li- bri xv., hoc est, quotquot Grsece extant de quadraginta, quorum quinque mine iterum Latink diligenter recogniti, et chronologia il- lustrati eduntur. Sebastiano Castalione to- tius operis correctore, partim interprete. In- ter jecta vero est, DICTYS Cretensis et DARETIS Phrygii de bello Trojano historia, et TRYPHIO- DORI JEgyptii, Ilii excidium, G. Xylandro in- terprete. . .In calce operis accessere fragmenta historica ejusdem Diodori Latink versa. Basilece, 1578. fol. Bibliothecse historicse libri qui supersunt, in- terprete Laurentio Rhodomano. Ad fidem MSS. recensuit Petrus Wesselingius, atque Henr. Stephani, Laur. Rhodomani, Fulvii Ursini, Henr. Valesii, Jacobi Palmerii et suas adnotationes, cum indicibus locupletissimis, adjecit. [Gr. et Lat.] 2 torn. Amstelodami, 1745. fol. DIOGENES, Laertiiis. De vitis, dogmatibus et apophthegmatibus clarorum philosophorum, Libri x. Graece et Latine. Cum subjunctis integris annotationibus Is. Casauboni, Th. Al- dobrandini et Mer. Casauboni. Latinam Am- brosii versionem complevit et emendavit Mar- cus Meibomius. Seorsum excusas ^Eg. Mena- gii in Diogenem observationes auctiores habet vol. ii. Ut ct ejusdem Syntagma de mulieri- bus philosophis ; et Joachimi Ktthnii ad Dio- genem notas. 2 vol. Amstel&dami, 1692. 4 DION, Cassiiis. Dionis Cassii Cocceiani Historise Romanpe Libri xlvi. , partim integri, partim mu- tili, partim excerpti. Francofurti, 1592. 8 Historiae Romanss quaa supersunt. [Complec- tentes] Fragmenta librorum i.-xxxv. cum an- notationibus maxime Henrici Valesii. Libros xxxvi.-liv. integros cum annotationibus J. A. Fabricii ac paucis aliorum. Libros Iv.-lx. passim mutilos et breviatos cum annotationibus J. A. Fabricii et nonnullis aliorum. Libros Ixi.-lxxx. ex compendio lo. Xiphilini, cum annotationibus H. S. Reimari, Grfeca ex codi- cibus MSS. et fragmentis supple vit, emenda- DIONYSIUS DISCIPLINE . 235 vit, Latinam versionem Xylandro-Leunclavia- nara limavit, varias lectiones notas doctorum et suas cum apparatu et indicibus adjecit Her- mannus Samuel Reimarus. [Gr. et Lat.] 2 vol. Hamburgi, 1750, 52. fol. DIONYSIUS, the Areopagite, Saint. Opera om- nia quoe extant, et commentaria quibus illus- trantur. Tom i. In quo universus sancti textus, et Georgii Pachymerae paraphrasis Grsece et Latine, cum annotationibus Bait. Corderii in singula capita, continentur. Om- nia studio et opera ejusdem Baltharis Corderii S. J. Doct. Theol. Nova editio. Lutet. Paris., 1C44. fol. Tom ii. In quo S. Maximi scholia, Pachy- merse paraphrasis in epis tolas, et authores va- rii, qui aut vitam S. Dionysii descripserunt, aut dignitatem ipsius Areopagiticam asserue- runt, continentur. Opera et studio Petri Lans- selii et B. Corderii. Accessit nunc primum Areopagitae defensio adversus haereticum Cal- vinistam per. . .Dominum D. Joannem de Chau- mont. Nova editio. Lutet. Paris. , 1644. fol. DIONYSIUS, Bishop of Alexandria, surnamed the Great. Quse superant ex ejus operibus et epistolis nunc primum collecta et illustrata. Gr. et Lat. ; [in Biblioth. vet. Patr. per A. GALLANDIUM, torn, iii., p. 479]. 1788 Commeiitarium in principium Ecclesiastae. Gr. et Lat. ; [p. 110 append, ad torn. xiv. Bib- lioth. vet. Patr. per A. GALLANDIUM]. 1788 DIONYSIUS, of Halicarnassus. The Roman an- tiquities of Dionysius Halicarnassensis, trans- lated into English ; with notes and disserta- tions. By Edward Spelman. 4 vol. London, 1758. 4 DIONYSIUS, Periegetes. Orbis descriptio ; com- mentario critico et geographico ac tabulis il- lustrata a Guilielmo Hill, A.M. Londini, 1679. 8 Geographi Groeci minores ex recensione et cum annotatione Godofredi Bernhardy. [Gr. et Lat.J 2 vol. Lipsice, 1828. 8 DIRECTORY. A directory for the public wor- ship of God throughout the three kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Together with an ordinance of parliament for the taking away of the Book of Common Prayer ; and for establishing and observing of this present di- rectory throughout the kingdom of England, and dominion of Wales. London, 1644. 4 [And with various editions of the Westmin- ster confession of faith. ] With an Act of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, for establishing and observ- ing this present directory. Together with an Act of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Scot- land approving and establishing the same. Edin., 1645. 4 [And with various editions of the Westmin- ster confession of faith.] - - An ordinance of the Lords and Commons, as- sembled in Parliament, for the more effectuall puting in execution the directory for publique worship, in all parish churches and chappells within the kingdomo of England and dominion of Wales, and for the dispersing of them in all places and parishes within this kingdome, and dominion of Wales. London, 1645. 4 - The directory for the public worship of God, agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, with commissioners from the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1739. 8 [And with various editions of the Westmin- ster confession of faith.] With propositions concerning Church go- vernment, and ordination of ministers. London, 1651. 12 A directory for Church government, Church censures, and ordination of ministers. Agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westmin- ster, s. I., 1764. 8 The directory for family- worship, approved by the General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land, for piety and uniformity in secret and private worship, and mutual edification. With an act of the General Assembly, anno 1647, for observing the same. s. I., 1764. 8 [And with various editions of the Westmin- ster confession of faith.] DIROM (Lieut. -Colonel). Plans for the defence of Great Britain and Ireland. Edin., 1797. 8 DISAPPOINTMENT. Disappointment and other poems. [By James AIKMAN.] Edin., 1826. 12 DISCIPLINE. Ecclesiastics disciplines, et An- glicanse Ecclesiae ab ilia aberrationis, plena e verbo Dei, et dilucida explicatio. [By Gual- terus TBAVERS.] Mupelke, 1574. 8 A full and plaine declaration of ecclesiastical discipline owt off the word of God, and of the declininge off the Church off England from the same. [By Thomas CART WRIGHT.] s. l.eta.,15U. 4 [A translation by Cartwright from the Latin work of Travers.] A parte of a register, contayninge sundrie me- morable matters, written by divers godly and learned in our time, which stande for, and de- sire the reformation of our Church, in disci- pline and ceremonies, accordinge to the pure worde of God, and the lawe of our lande. [Edin., 1593]. 4 The first and second booke of discipline. To- gether with some Acts of the Generall Assem- blies, clearing and confirming the same : And an Act of Parliament. s. L, 1621. 4 The books of discipline, and of Common Or- der ; the directory for family worship, the form of process, and the order of election of superintendents, ministers, elders and dea- cons. Edin., 1836. 12 Another copy. A short sum of the first book of discipline for the instruction of ministers and readers in their office. Edin., 1739. 8 Another edition. s. L, 1764. 8 The second book of discipline or heads and conclusions of the policy of the Kirk : agreed upon in the General Assembly 1578. Edin., 1739. 8 230 DISCLOSURES DISSENT. - Another edition. . I, 17C4. 8 Articles of milikirio discipline. (Observed in the army of Scots covenanters assembled on Dunse Law, Anno 1639, under General Leslie.) y;./;/i., 1639. 4 A fair warning to take heed of the Scottish discipline, as being of all others most injurious to the civill magistrate, most oppressive to the subject, most pernicious to both. [By John BRAMHALL, D.D.] 8. 1, 1649. 4 The practice of discipline, or, some directions for the right managing of ecclesiastick disci- pline. By an elder of the Church of Scotland. .Edtn.,1705. 4 The penitential discipline of the primitive Church, for the first 400 years after Christ : together with its declension from the fifth cen- tury, downwards to its present state, impar- tially represented. By a Presbyter of the Church of England. [By Nathanael MAR- SHALL, D.D.] London, 1714. 8 The want of discipline shewn to be a great cause of the present corruption of Christians, and the remedies thereof. s. I. et a. 8 An humble motion with submission to the LI. of the Counsell concerning the necessity of Christ's discipline in our laud. [Wants title, and otherwise imperfect.] 4 DISCLOSURES. Ecclesiastical disclosures for the years 1842 and 1843. (Reprinted from the Stirling Observer of 22d Jan., 12th and 26th Feb., 1846.) [By Ebenezer JOHNSTON. ] s. I. et a. 8 DISCOURSE. A phisico-theological discourse upon the Divine Being. Providence of God. Separate existence of the humane soul. Cer- tainty of reveal'd religion. Fallacy of modern inspiration, and danger of enthusiasm. ...In several letters from a gentleman to his doubt- ing friend. London, 1698. 4 Four discourses on the following subjects : viz. , I. Of obedience to the supreme powers, and the duty of subjects in all revolutions. II. Of the laws of nations, and the rights of sovereigns. III. Of the power of the magis- trate, and the rights of mankind, in matters of religion. IV. Of the liberty of the press. [By Mathew TINDAL.] London, 1709. 8 Another copy. - Discorsi religiosi. Flrcnze, 1847. 8 DISNEY (DAVID). The portion of God's people : or, the great privileges and blessedness of all the children of God, both in time, and to eternity. Also the means of attaining that blessed and happy condition, and a comfort- able sense thereof. Together with directions for their daily walk. . . .2 vol. Edin. , 1764. 8 DISNEY (JOHN), D.D., Unitarian minister, Es- sex street, London. Sermons. 2 vol. London, 1793. 8 Another copy. Vol. ii. DISPENSARY. The dispensary. A poem. 6th ed. London, 1706. 8 Statement regarding the new town dispensary, by the medical gentlemen conducting that in- stitution. E'lln., 1816. 8 Another copy. Another c<>| Observations by the managers of the new town dispensary, on the n-port to the quar- terly meeting of managers of the public dis- try, 7th August 1817. Edin., 1817. 8 Another copy. DISQUISITIONS. Disquisitions on several sub- jects. 2d ed. London, 1782. 16 D'ISRAELI (ISAAC), D.C.L. Miscellanies of literature. A new edition. London, 1840. 8 Curiosities of literature. A new edition. London, 1864. 8 DISRUPTION. A poetical address on the late disruption among the clergy of the Established Church. By a layman. [Edin., 1843]. 12 The disruption of the Scottish Church-Estab- lishment. By an elder of the Free Church. Edin., 1843. 12 DISSENT, DISSENTER. A collection of cases and other discourses lately written to recover dissenters to the communion of the Church of England. By some divines of the city of Lon- don. 2d ed. London, 1694. fol. A converse betwixt two Presbyterians of the Established Church, an elder and a preacher. Wherein, the Presbyterian dissenters from the Established Church, are vindicate from the charge of jacobitism ; their principles anent civil government, are fairly stated, and suc- cinctly proven consonant to Scripture light, and the confession of faith ; and several ob- jections thereanent, answered. *. I, 1714. 4 The shortest way with the dissenters. [In a collection of writings by the author of the True- born English-man, i. e. Daniel DEFOE.] London, 1703. 8 * Reflections upon a late scandalous and mali- cious pamphlet, entitul'd, The shortest way with the dissenters ; or Proposals for the estab- lishment of the Church. To which the said pamphlet is prefix'd entire by itself. London, 1703. 4 A dialogue between a dissenter and the obser- vator, concerning the shortest way with the dissenters. [In a collection of the writings of the author of the True-born English-man, i. e. Daniel DEFOE.] London, 1703. 8 Another copy. London, 1703. 4 A brief explanation of the shortest way with the dissenters. [In a collection of writings by the author of the True-born English-man, i. e. Daniel DEFOE.] London, 1703. 8 An enquiry into the causes of the decay of the dissenting interest. In a letter to a dissent- ing minister. [By the Rev. S. GOUGH.] 2d ed. London, 1730. 8 A letter to the author of An enquiry into the causes of the decay of the dissenting interest. Containing an apology for some of his incon- sistencies ; with a plea for the dissenters, and the liberty of the people. To which is added, A short epistle to the Rev. Mr Gough, occa- sioned by his taking orders in the Church of England. London, 1730. 8 DISSENT DODD. 237 Free thoxights on the most probable means of reviving the dissenting interest, occasion'd by the late enquiry into the causes of its decay. By a minister in the country. [Philip DOD- DRIDGE.] London, 1730. 8 [And with Tracts on Patronage.] 1770 [And, in an abridged form, and with a dif- ferent title, in the Select anti-patronage li- brary.] 1842 A defence of the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England against the new reviv'd calumnies of the dissenters. In answer to a late pamphlet, call'd, An enquiry into the causes of the decay of the dissenting interest. ...By a layman of the establish'd communion. London, 1731. 8 - Some observations upon the present state of the dissenting interest, and the case of those who have lately deserted it. London, 1731. 8 A brief vindication of those who have lately conform'd, from the uncharitable censures of a pamphlet, entitled, Some observations upon the present state of the dissenting interest. . . . [By Rev. William BIRCH.] London, 1731. 8 - The interests of the Protestant dissenters con- sidered. London, 1732. 8 A letter to Protestant dissenters concerning their conduct in the ensuing elections. For- merly published in the year 1722. [By John Shute BARRINGTON, 1st Viscount Barrington.] London, 1733. 8 Another copy. - Remarks on a paper entitled, A letter to Pro- testant dissenters concerning their conduct in the ensuing elections. [By Thomas BRAD- BURY.] London, 1732. 8 A full and fair discussion of the pretensions of the dissenters, to the repeal of the sacramen- tal test. London, 1733. 8 - Old dissenters and new dissenters ; or the In- dependents of 1834. London, [1834]. 12 - ' ' The case of the dissenters ; in a letter to the Lord Chancellor," examined. Extracted from the " Record" newspaper. London, 1834. 12 Another copy. - A reply to the dissenters in their attacks on the Established Church ; addressed to the peo- ple of England by a gentleman of Reading. 3d ed. Reading, 1835. 8 Exposure of the false principles contained in the statement published by the Scottish cen- tral board of dissenters. Edin., 1835. 8 - Friendly address to the dissenters of Scotland, by ministers of the Established Church. [By R. S. CANDLISH, D.D.] Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. - Friendly reply to the " Friendly address to the dissenters of Scotland, by ministers of the established Church." By dissenting ministers. [By Hugh HEUGH, D. D. ] Edin. , 1841. 8 Another copy. - Second friendly address to the dissenters of Scotland. [By R. S. CANDLISH, D.D.] Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. The dissenting ministers' friendly reply to a "Second friendly address, from ministers of the Establishment." Edin., 1840. 8 Dissent, its character, its causes, its reasons, and the way to effect its extinction. Likewise an appendix containing records and papers not generally known. London, 1844. 16 DITTON (HUMPHREY), Master in Christ's Hospi- tal. The general laws of nature and motion : with their application to mechanics. Also the doctrine of the centripetal forces, and veloci- ties of bodies, describing any of the conick sections. London, 1709. 8 A discourse concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In three parts. . . .Together with an appendix concerning the impossible pro- duction of thought from matter and motion ; the nature of human souls and of brutes ; the anima mundi, and the hypothesis of the TO Trow ; as also concerning divine providence, the origin of evil, and the universe in general. 4th ed. London, 1727. 8 Fifth edition. London, 1740. 8 DIVORCE. Considerations on divorce a vinculo matrimonii, in connexion with Holy Scripture. By a Barrister. London, 1857. 8 II divortio celeste, cagionato dalle dissolutezze della sposa Romana, et consacrato alia simpli- cit& de scropolosi Christiani. [Da Ferrante PALLAVICINO.] Ingolstatt, 1643. 12 Another copy. DIXON (C. G.), Lieut.-Col, Bengal artillery. Sketch of Mairwara ; giving a brief account of the origin and habits of the Mairs ; their sub- jugation by a British force ; their civilization, and their conversion into an industrious pea- santry. ...Illustrated with maps, plans, and views. London, 1850. 4 DIXON (JAMES). Methodism in its origin, eco- nomy, and present position : A sermon, in three parts. London, 1843. 8 DIXON (THOMAS), Bolton. The sovereignty of the divine administration, vindicated : or, a rational account of our blessed Saviour's re- markable temptation in the wilderness ; the possessed at Capernaum ; the demoniacs at Gadara, and the destruction of the swine. With a preface by the Rev. John Seddon. London, 1766. 8 DOCTRINE. Aithghearradh na Teagaisg Chri- osduidh ; le dearbhaidh Scrioptuir, air Modh Ceisd agus Freagair...Eadar theangaichte Gu Gaoilig Albannach le Graidhoir do'n fhirinn. s. I, 1781. 12 Another copy. DOD (JOHN), Rector of Fawcsley. A plaine and familiar exposition of the Proverbes of Salo- mon. [Chap, ix.-xx.] By J. D., and Robert CLEAVER. 1611-1615 DODD (CHARLES). [This author's real name was Hugh Tootle.] Church history of England from the commencement of the 16th century to the Revolution in 1688. With notes, addi- tions, and a continuation by the Rev. M. A. Tierney. Vol. 1-5. London, 1839-1843. 8 DODD (CHARLES R.). The annual biography : 238 DODD DODSLEY. being lives of eminent or remarkable persons, who have died within the year, 1842. London, 1843. 8 DODD (WILLIAM), LL.D., ]', <>f Brecon. Practical discourses on tin; miracles [and parables] of Jesus Christ. 3 vol. 2d rd. London, 1768. 8 A sermon on Zechariah, iv. 7, pivaehed July 28th, 17G9. 2d ed. London, [1769J. 4 The Magdalen, or history of the tirst penitent received into that charitable asylum ; in a se- ries of letters to a lady. With anecdotes of other penitents. London, s. a. 12 Reflections on death. 9th ed. London, 1792. 12 Comfort for the afflicted, under every distress. With suitable devotions. London, 1808. 12 DODDRIDGE (PHILIP), D.D., Ml ;*!,> at North- ampton. The works of the Rev. P. D. [With memoirs by the Rev. Job Orton.] 10 vol. Leeds, 1802-10. 8 The miscellaneous works of P. D. With an introductory essay, by the Rev. T. Morell, of Coward college. London, 1839. 8 Free thoughts on the most probable means of reviving the DISSENTING interest. 1730 An answer to a late pamphlet, [by Henry Dod- well] intitled, Christianity not founded on ar- gument, &c. In three letters to the author. London, 1743. 8 The Cliristian warrior animated and crowned : A sermon [on Rev. ii. 10], occasioned by the heroick death of Col. James Gardiner... at Preston-Pans. 2d ed. London, 1746. 8 Deliverance out of the hands of our enemies, urged as a motive to obedience. In the sub- stance of two sermons [on Luke, i. 74, 75] preached Feb. 9, 1745-6. On occasion of the flight of the rebels from Stirling. London, 1746. 8 The substance of five chapters of Dr D. 's ad- dresses. Glasgoiv, 1757. 12 The family expositor ; or, a paraphrase and version of the New Testament : with critical notes, and a practical improvement of each section. 6 vol. London, 1761, 62. 4 Tenth edition. To which is prefixed a life of the author, by Andrew Kippis, D.D. London, 1811. 8 Paraphrastische Erkliirung der samtlichen Schriften Neues Testaments. Aus dem Eng- liindischen iibersetzt von F. E. Rambach. 5 Theil. Biel, 1756-59. 4 A friendly letter to private soldiers, on the customary vice of swearing, &c. Addressed to a regiment after the battle of Culloden. s. I, 1797. 8 A course of lectures on the principal subjects in pneumatology, ethics, and divinity. 2 vol. 4th ed. London, 1799. 8 Practical discourses on regeneration. In ten sermons ; preached at Northampton. Derby, 1817. 12 Another copy. Another edition. To which is added, the scripture doctrine of salvation by grace through faith ; illustrated and improved in two ser- mons. /;./;!., 1820. 8 The rise and progress of religion in the soul ; illustrated in a course of ^ rums and |.i addresses. ...To which ia ailLxed, a scrim >n <>n the care of the sold. 19. ' Another edition. , 1821. 12 Another edition. New York, s. a. 12 A)i"t her edition. With an introductory essay, by John Foster. Clamjow, s. a. 8 J Toiseach agus Fas diadh'achd aims an aiiam... eadartheangaicht gu Gaelic o Bheurla, P. D. le P. Macpharlain. 1^1 in,, 1842. 12 The care of the soul urged as the one tiling needful : A sermon preached on occasion of the death of a young person, at Maidwell in Northamptonsliire, J une 22, 1735. /;f 1h<> 6V/.. ' par in Fife. Sermons on important subjects : with some essays in poetry. Edin., 1789. 12 Journal of a mission to part of the highlands of Scotland, in summer and harvest 1797, by appointment of the Relief Synod. ' E.lla,, 1799. 12 A seasonable warning... to professors in this ominous period, especially those who are in- clining to the Unitarian system. . .Also thoughts on Christ's deity, and an answer to an Unita- rian's letter. Glasgow, 1808. 8 An address to the judges and jury, in a case of alleged sedition, on 26th May 1817, which was intended to be delivered before passing sentence. fflas;/""-, 1S17. s Extracts from sermons published in the year 1795, and other works, recommending a re- formation worthy of Britons and of Christians. Glasgow, 1817. 8 DOUGLAS (R. K.). Letter to the Lord Advo- cate, on the claims of the parochial school- masters, s. I, [1825]. 8 DOUGLAS, or DOWGLAS (ROBERT), Minister at Edinburgh. A sermon [on the coronation of Charles L] ; [with a PHENIX]. s. a. The form and order of the coronation of Charles II. ...at Scoon, January 1, 1651. London, 1660. 4 s DOUGLAS (Sir ROBERT), of Glenbervie, Bart. The peerage of Scotland, containing an histo- rical and genealogical account of the nobility of that kingdom, from their origin to the pre- sent generation : collected from the public re- cords, and ancient chartularies of this nation, the charters and other writings of the nobility, and the works of our best historians. Illus- trated with copperplates. Edin., 1764. fol. ^ Second edition. Revised and corrected, with 'a continuation to the present period, by John Philip Wood, Esq. With engravings of the arms of the peers. 2 vol. Edin. , 1813. fol. DOUGLAS (THOMAS), 5th Earl of Selkirk. Ob- servations on the present state of the high- lands of Scotland. London, 1805. 8 DOUGLAS (WILLIAM). * William Douglas, or, The Scottish exiles. 3vol. Edin., 1826. 12 DOUGLASS (WALTER), Lintonn. Five sermons preached before and after the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Edin., 1721. 8 Eleven sermons preached before and after the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Endon, 1768. 4 DOW (CHRISTOPHER), B.D. A discourse of the Sabbath and the Lord's day. Wherein tlio difference both in their institution and their due observation is briefly handled. London, 1636. 4 DOW (DANIEL). New Haven theology, alias Tay- lorisin, alias neology : in its own language, with notes appended. Thompon, 1834. 8 DO WAY. An abstract of the Doway CATECHISM. 1827 DOWER (JOHN). A new general ATLAS. 1838 DOWGLAS (ROBERT). See Robert DOUGLAS. DOWLING (EDWARD). A treatise on free agen- cy, maintaining that the immutability of the divine nature is perfectly compatible with the moral freedom of the intellectual world ; also, a dissertation on the Mosaic account of the creation. London, 1829. 8 DOWLING (JOHN), D.D., Pastor of the Berean Cl< >irch, New York. The history of Romanism, from the earliest corruptions of Christianity to the present time. ...Anew edition, with a sup- plement, comprising historical sketches of the last Pope, Gregory XVX , and of the present Pope, Pius IX. New York, 1849. 8 DOWLING (JOHN COULTER), M.A., Hector of St Mary-de-crypt, Gloucester. An introduction to the critical study of ecclesiastical history, attempted in an account of the progress, and a short notice of the sources, of ecclesiastical history. London, 1838. 8 Another copy. Notitia scriptorum SS. Patrum aliorumque veteris Ecclesiae monumentorum, quae in col- lectionibus anecdotorum post annum Christi MDCC. in lucem editis continentur, nunc pri- luuin instructa opera et studio J. G. D. Oxonii, 1839. 8 History of the Christian Church. By Alfred LYALL...and J. G. D. 1858 DOWN AND CONNOR, BISHOP OF. See, Richard MANT. DOWNAME (GEORGE), D.D., Bishop of Derry. A treatise concerning Antichrist, in two books ; the former proving that the pope is Antichrist ; the latter] maintaining the same assertion against all the objections of Rob. Bellarmine. London, 1603. 4 A defence of the sermon, preached at the con- secration of the Bishop of Bath and Welles, against a confutation thereof by a namelesse author. London, 1611. 4 Another copy. A treatise of justification ; wherein is first set downe the true doctrine in the causes, ef- fects, fruits, consequents of it according to the word of God, and then all objections and ca- vils of the adversaries to God's free justifica- tion by grace, are answered and confuted, spe- cially of Robert Bellarmine, Jesuit and Car- dinal. London, 1633. fol. DOWNAME DREW. 243 Another edition. London, 1639. fol DOWNAME (JOHN), B.D., Brother of the preced- ing. The Christian warfare against the devill world and flesh ; wherein is described their nature, the manner of their fight, and meanes to obtaine victorye. In two parts. 4th ed London, 1634. fol. Another copy. A treatise tending to direct the weak Chris- tian, how he may rightly celebrate the sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper. With medita- tions, &c. London, 1645. 8 DOWNE (JOHN), B.D. A treatise of the true nature and definition of justifying faith ; to- gether with a defence of the same, against the Answere of N. Baxter. Oxford, 1635. 4 DOWNES (GEORGE), A.M. A glossary to the first six Psalms, and a compendium of Chal- dee grammar ; [with a Hebrew grammar, by J. S. C. F. FREY]. 182 DOWNIE (JOHN), Minister of Urray. The sub- stance of a speech addressed to the SYNOD of Ross. 1810 DOWNSIDE. The authenticated report of the discussion which took place in the chapel of the Roman Catholic college of Downside... February... and March, 1834. London, 1836. 8 Another copy. DOYLE (JAMES), Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin. The general CATECHISM. 1828 DOYLE (JOHN), Horn. Cath. Bishop in Ireland. [This author wrote under the signature of J. K. L.] A reply by J. K. L. to the late charge of the Most Rev. Doctor Magee, Protestant Archbishop of Dublin. Ikiblin, 1827. 8 D'OYLY (GEORGE), D.D., Rector of Lambeth. The Holy Bible... with notes... by the Rev. G. D'O. and the Rev. Richard MANT, D.D. 1830. See BIBLES ENGLISH. A. D'OYLY (ROBERT), M.A. Four dissertations: I. Of God's permitting the fall of Adam, and creating man capable of sin. II. Of the ex- traordinary assistances vouchsafed to the first publishers of the gospel, and the primitive Church. III. Of prophetical revelation. IV. Of the resurrection of the same body. London, 1728. 8 DRAKE (ROGER), Minister of Petersclieap, Lon- don. A boimdary to the holy mount, or, a barre against free admission to the Lord's Supper. In answer to an humble vindication of free admission to the Lord's Supper ; pub- lished by Mr Humphrey, minister of Froome in Somersetshire. London, 1653. 8 DRAKE (SAMUEL), S.T.B. Ara ignoto Deo sa- cra. Concio ad clerum habita in templo beatue Maria? Cantabrigioe, vii. Id. Julii 1724, pro gradu Doctoratus in sacra theologia. Cantab., 1724. 4 DRANSFIELD, (W.). Sermons on various inte- resting subjects, adapted for families and vil- lages. [Vol. i. of a series of three.] 4th ed. London, 1831. 12 Sermons. [Forming vol. ii. of the series.] 2d ed. London, 1831. 12 Forty-six short sermons. [A reprint of vol. i., ii., and iii.] London, 1844. 8 DRECHSLER (MORITZ). Der Prophet lesaja iibersetzt und erklart von D. M. D. 3 Theil. Berlin, 1851, 57. 8 DREIERN (CHRISTIAN). Griindliche Erorte- rung etzlicher schwerer Theologischer Fragen bey unterschiedenen Stiicken der Christlicheii Lehre. Konigsberg, 1651. 4 DRELINCOURT (CHARLES), Minister of the Pro- testant Church of Paris. Recueil de sermons, avec quelques prieres et meditations. 2 torn. Geneve, 1658, 60. 8 The Protestants' triumph. Wherein the ex- cellency, divinity, antiquity, certainty, &c. of our religion is asserted against the Papists. Englished by S. A. Gent. London, 1664. 8 La defense de Calvin. Contre 1'ouvrage fait a sa memoire dans un livre qui a pour titre, Traitte" qui contient la methode la plus facile, et la plus asseuree pour convertir ceus qui ce sont separez de 1'Eglise. Par le Cardinal de Richelieu. Geneve, 1667. 8 Les consolations de Fame fidele centre lea frayeurs de la mort. Avec les dispositions et les preparations ndcessaires pour bien mourir. Nouvelle Edition. Amsterdam, 1699. 8 The Christian's defence against the fears of death, with seasonable directions how to pre- pare ourselves to die well. Written, originally, in French. ...Translated into English, by Ma- rius D'Assigny, B.D. A new edition. With an account of the author, and his last minutes. London, 1829. 8 The Christian's consolations, in times of trouble and at death. Illustrated in sundry tracts by the Rev. Dr BRADBURY, Messrs Hervey, Ha- lyburton, and D. 1790 Dialogues familiers sur les principales objec- tions des missionnaires de ce temps. Rotterdam, 1709. 8 Suite des dialogues familiers sur les principales objections des missionnaires de ce temps. Rotterdam, 1709. 8 Les visites charitables, ou les consolations Chretiennes, pour toutes sortes de personnes aflige'es. Nouvelle edition retouche'e par J. Brutel de la Riviere. 3 torn. Amsterdam, 1731. 8 Abrege* des controverses ou sommaire des er- reurs de 1'Eglise Romaine, avec leur refutation par les textes expres de la Bible de Louvain. Nouvelle Edition. Rotterdam, 1736. 8 DRESSEL (ALBERTUS RUD. MAX.). Patrum apostolicorum opera... recensuit A. R. M. D. Accedit HERM.S Pastor ex fragmentis Graecis Lipsiensibus...auctore C. Tischendorf. [Gr. et Lat.] Lipsice, 1857. 8 DREW (GEORGE SMITH), M.A., Minister of St Pancras chapel, London. Scripture studies : or, expository readings in the Old Testament. London, 1855. 12 DREW (SAMUEL). An attempt to demonstrate from reason and revelation the necessary exist- ence, essential perfections, and superintending providence of an eternal being who is tho 244 DRE WE- DRUSIUS. creator, the supporter, and tho govern- -i-, of all things. L' vol. Can , : JO. 8 An essay on the identity and general resurrec- tion of the human body ; in which the evi- dences in favour of these important subjects are considered, in relation lx>th to philosophy and Script uiv. I'd ed. London, 1822. 8 An essay on the immateriality and immortali- ty of the human soul... With notes and me- moir by J. R. Mills. London, 1842. 12 DREWE (PATRICK). The CHURCH of ENGLAND'S late conflict with fanaticism. 1710 DREXELIUS (HiEKEMiAs). The considerations of D. upon eternity. Translated by Ralph Winterton. London, 1672. 12 DRIESSCHUS (JOHAN.). See Joannes DRUSIUS. DRINKWATER (JOHN). A history of the siege of Gibraltar, 1779-1783. [Murray's Colon. & Home Lib., No. viii.] London, 1844. 8 DROIT. Les droits de 1'empire sur 1'Estat eccle'- siastique, recherchez et pleinement e'claircis a 1'occasion de la Dispute de Comacchio...Tra- duit de I'ltalien. Utrecht, 1713. 4 Les droits respectifs de 1'Etat et de 1'Eglise, rappele's a leurs principes. [Par I'Abbd Pi- CHON.] Avignon, 1766. 12 DROMORE, BISHOP OF. See Thomas PERCY. DRONES. The drones and bees ; a fable. Edin., 1831. 8 DROSTE DE VISCHERING (CLEMENT-AU- GUSTE DE), Archbishop of Cologne. De la paix entre 1'Eglise et les Etats...Traduit sur 1'ori- ginal Allemand par le Comte d'Horrer. Paris, 1844. 8 DRUIDS. Identity of the religions called druidi- cal and Hebrew ; demonstrated from the na- ture and objects of their worship, and, from a careful consideration of certain customs, for- merly prevalent in Egypt, Canaan, Carthage, Babylon, Persia, Arabia, America, India, Greece, Italy ; and, among the Etruscans, Bonzes, Gymnosophists, Chaldeans, &c. London, 1829. 12 DRUMCLOG. The battle of Drumclog, and the Sabbath bell : stanzas for the times. Edin., 1843. 12 DRUMMOND (ALEXANDER), Consul at Aleppo. Travels through different cities of Germany, Italy, Greece, and several parts of Asia, as far as the banks of the Euphrates : in a series of letters. London, 1754. fol. DRUMMOND (D. T. K.), B.A., Minister of St Thomas's episcopal chapel, Edinburgh. Cor- respondence between the Right Rev. C. H. I TERROT and the Rev. D. T. K. D. 1842 | Reasons for withdrawing from the Scottish ( episcopal Church, and for accepting an invita- tion to continue his ministrations in Edin- i burgh, as a clergyman of the Church of Eng- | land. With a full reply to the charge of schism. Edin., 1842. 8 | * Resignation of the Rev. D. T. K. Drummond. Resolutions on the above case, agreed upon at a meeting of the clergy of the episcopal Church belonging to the diocese of Edinburgh, held 1st Nov. 1842. Together with a remon- strance against the publicly announced pro- jKisal to in\ he him to 1 a independent duvpaL /;/(., IK-PJ. .s Reply to resolutions of the clergy of the Scot- tish episcopal Church of the diocese of Edin- burgh, in which the Itev. D. Drummond in :<>[ t<> have separated himself from that Church " totally without cause." 1842. 8 j Historical sketch of Episcopacy in Scotland, from 1688 to the present time. Edin., 1845. 12 DRUMMOND (Mrs H.). Christian experience : being the second series of peace for the dying Christian. Selected by H. Drummond, with a preface by Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel, and an introductory notice by Rev. D. T. K. Drummond. /,'. 8 Missions the chief end of the Christian clmuh ; also, the qualifications, duties, and trials, of an Indian missionary : being the substance of services held at the ordination of the Rev. Thomas Smith, as one of the Church oi land's missionaries to India. Edin. , 1839. 10 Another copy. Another copy. Farewell address, on the subject of the Church of Scotland's India mission ; being the sub- stance of a speech delivered before the General Assembly of the Church, the 22d May, 1839. 2d ed. Edin., 1839. 8 - India and India missions : including sketches of the gigantic system of Hinduism, both in theory and practice ; also, notices of some of the principal agencies employed in conducting the process of Indian evangelization, iVe. Ac-. 2d ed. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. The cause of Christ and the cause of Satan... with special reference to the defeats and tri- umphs that signalize the history of redemption. A discourse... delivered on Sunday, 13th Au- gust, at the first meeting for public worship, in connection with the Free Protesting Church of Scotland, Calcutta. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another edition. Calcutta, 1843. 8 Explanatory statement addressed to the friends of the India mission of the Church of Scotland, as it existed previous to the disruption in May, 1843. E-liii. t 1844. 8 Another copy. The sole and supreme headship of the Lord Jesus Christ, as illustrated in the history of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1844. 12 Another copy. The sole and supreme headship of the Lord Jesus Christ over the Church, explained and vindicated. Ediu., 1844. 12 The Jesuits : their origin and order, morality and practices, suppression and restoration. 2d ed. Edin., 1845. 8 * An appeal to the Churches on behalf of the highlanders. A letter to the Rev. Dr Dufi', Moderator of the last General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, by a Western high- lander. Edin., 1852. 8 Speech on foreign missions and America, deli- vered in the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, May 29, 1864. Edin., 1854. 8 Sermons... by the Rev. Theodore J. W. WYLIE, J. N. M'Leod, and A. D., D.D. 1854 DUFF (PATRICK). Sketch of the geology of Mo- ray. Elgin, 1842. 8 DUFF (WILLIAM), M. A. National prosperity the consequence of national virtue, and national ruin the effect of national wickedness. A ser- mon, on Ezra, ix. 13, delivered July 9. 1784. To which is subjoined an address to the proprie- tors of land in Scotland. Aberdeen, 1785. 8 DUFIEF (NICOLAS GOUIN). Nature displayed in her nii'di- oi ti .-aching language to man. ..Adapt- ed to the French... The fourth edition. l<>n, 1820. 8 Dl'FLOS (ADOLF). Lebens-bedurfnisse, ihro Aechtheit und Gute. 2te Inn u-herte Auttage. , /:,,.u Gard. London, 1816. 8 DUGDALE (Sir WILLIAM), Gaiti-r at arms. A short view of the late troubles in England ; briefly setting forth their rise, growth, and tragical conclusion... To which is added, A perfect narrative of the treaty at Uxbridge in an. 1644. Oxford, 1681. fol. The history of St Paul's cathedral in London, from its foundation... Whereunto is added, a continuation thereof, setting forth what was done in the structure of the new church, to the year 1655. Likewise, an historical account of the Northern cathedrals, and chief collegiate churches in the province of York. 2d ed., corrected and enlarged by the author's own hand. To which is prefixed, his life, written by himself. London, 1716. fol. DUFRESNE DU CANGE (CAROLUS). Glossa- rium ad scriptores mediae et inlinuu Latinita- tis. Editio nova locupletior et auctior. Opcia et studio monachorum ordinis Benedicti e Congr. S. Mauri ; [Maur. Dantine, Carpen- tier, Guesnie", Nic. Toustain, Le Pelletier, Charl. Toustain, et Thibaut]. 6 torn. Parisiis, 1733-36. fol. DUGHALACH (AILEIN). See Allan MACDOV- GALL. DUGHALLACH (DONNACHADH). See Duncan MACDOUGALL. DUIGENAN (Right Hon. PATRICK). * An an- swer to the Right Hon. P. Duigenan's two great arguments, against the full enfranchise- ment of the Irish Roman Catholics. By a mem- ber of the Establishment. Dublin, 1810. 8 DUKE (RICHARD), M.A., Rector of Witney, in Oxfordshire. Fifteen sermons preached on several occasions. Published from the au- thor's original copies. Oxford, 1714. 8 Another copy. DU LAC (MKLCHIOR). La liturgie Romaine et les liturgies Francaises, details historiques et statistiques. Paris, 1849. 8 L'Eglise et 1'etat. 2 torn. Paris, 1850. 12 DULAURE (JACQ. ANT.). Nouvelle description des environs de Paris. Deux parties. Paris, 1786. 12 DUMAS (L'abbe* HILAIRE). Histoire des cinq propositions de Jansenius. Liege, 1699. 12 [The above work has also been ascribed to Mi- chel Le Tellier.] DUMAS DUNBAR. 247 DUMAS (JEAK-BAPTISTE). Traite' de chimie, applique'e aux arts. 6 torn. Paris, 1828-43. 8 Me*moires de chimie. Paris, 1843. 8 Essai de statique chimique des etres organises. Par MM. D. et BOUSSINGAULT. Troisieme Edition. Paris, 1844. 8 - Lecons sur la philosophie chimique professe'es au College de France ; recueillies par M. Bi- neau. Paris, s. a. 8 DUMBLANE, BISHOP OF. See Robert LEIGH- TON. DUMESNTL (J. B. GARDIN). Latin synonyms, with their different significations, and exam- Eles taken from the best Latin authors. Trans- ited into English, with additions and correc- tions, by the Rev. J. M. Gosset. London, 1809. 8 DUMFRIES. Resolutions adopted at the an- nual meeting of the commissioners of supply of the county of Dumfries, on the collision between the civil and ecclesiastical courts. s. I, 1840. 4 DUMONT (HuBERT-AxDRE). Me'moire sur la constitution giSologique de la province de Lidge. Bruxelles, 1832. 4 DU MOULIN (Louis). Rerum nuper in regno Scotiae gestarum historia. Per Irenseum PHI- LALETHEN ELEUTHERITJM. [Pseud.] Dantisci, 1641. 8 Another copy. The power of the Christian magistrate in sacred things. London, 1650. 8 Pareenesis ad sedificatores imperii in imperio ; in qua defenduntur jura magistratus adversus Mosem Amyraldum, et caeteros vindices potes- tatis ecclesiasticae Presbyterianse. In prsefa- tione excurritur in Johannis Dallaei Apologiam pro duabus Synodis. Londini, 1656. 4 - Of the right of Churches, and of the magistrate's power over them. London, 1658. 16 Papa Ultrajectinus ; auctore Ludiomaeo COL- vmo. 1668 [The above work is entered fully under Colvi- nus. The author was Du Moulin, who con- cealed the Latin form of his name by convert- ing the letters of which it is composed into Ludiomseus Colvinus, i. e. Ludovicus Moli- nseus.] JUQULUM causse, seu nova ratio per quam to- tus doctrinarum Romanensium complexus, et una papa, ej usque imperium funditus evert- untur. 1671 Patronus bonje fidei, in causa PURITANORTJM, contra hierarchicos Anglos. 1672 La nouvelle decouverte du Mystere d'Iniquite'. La Haye, 1672. 4 A true report of a discourse between Monsieur de 1'Angle, Canon of Canterbury, and minister of the French Church in the Savoy, and Lewis Du Moulin ; 10th Feb. 1678. London, 1679. 4 A short and true account of the several ad- vances the Church of England hath made to- wards Rome ; or, a model of the grounds upon which Papists for these hundred years have built their hopes and expectations that Eng- land would ere long return to Popery. London, 1680. 4 Another copy. Conformity de la conduite de ceux qu'on ap- pelle communement Independans avec celle des anciens Chretiens. Londres, 1680. 8 DU MOULIN (PIERRE), Father of the preceding. Defense de la foy catholique contenue au livre de Jaques I. , Roy de Grand Bretagne et d'Irelande, contenue en trois livres ; centre la reponse de F. N. Coeffeteau. s. I., 1612. 8 De la vocation des pasteurs. Derniere Edition. Sedan, 1618. 8 Another copy. Another edition. Geneve, 1624. 8 Anatome Arminianismi, seu eneucleatio con- troversariurn quse in Belgio agitantur, super doctrina de providentia, de prsedestinatione, de morte Christi, de natura et gratia. Editio secunda. Lugd. Batav., 1620. 4 Postrema editio ab auctore recognita et aucta. Lugd. Batav., 1621. 4 Accroissement des eaux de Silod ; pour es- teindre le feu de purgatoire et noyer les satis- factions humaines et les indulgences papales. Geneve, 1624. 8 Defense de la confession des Eglises reformees de France ; avec une epistre au Roy; centre les accusations de sieur Arnould Jesuite, de- duites en un sermon fait en la presence du Roy a Fontaine-Bleau. Geneve, 1625. 8 Another copy. Anatomie du livre du Sieur Coeffeteau, inti- tule', Refutation des faussete's contenues en la deuxieme edition de 1'apologie de la Cene, du ministre Du Moulin. Geneve, 1625. 8 Nouveaute' du Papisme, oppose'e a 1'antiquit^ du vray Christianisme ; centre le livre de M. le Card, du Perron, intit. , Replique a la re- ponse du Roy Jaques I. Geneve, 1627. 4 Les elements de la philosophie morale. Geneve, 1627. 8 Elements de la logique Frangoise. Geneve, 1631. 8 Du juge des controverses ; traitte" auquel est defendue 1'autorite' et la perfection de la S. Escriture, contre les usurpations et accusations de 1'Eglise Romaine. Geneve, "1631. 8 Des traditions et 'de la perfection et suffisance de 1'Escriture Saincte. Geneve, 1632. 8 (Dix) decades de sermons. 2 torn. Geneve, 1641-54. 8 Anatomie de la Messe. Ou est monstre' par 1'Escriture Saincte, et par les temoignages de 1'ancienne Eglise, que la messe est contraire a la parole de Dieu, et eloigne'e du chemin de salut. Cinquiesme Edition. Charenton, 1647. 8 Newly translated from the French. To which is prefixed, A concise history of the Eucharist. By the Rev. Robert SHANKS, A.M. Edin., 1833. 12 DUNBAR (GEORGE), Professor of Greek in the iiniversity of Edinburgh. An analysis of the formation of the radical tenses of the Greek verb : with an essay on tho original and gene- 248 DUNCAN- DUNCAN. ral power of the particle 'Ax. Edin., 181.'!. Pmsodia (Jrciva: sivo inctmnnn i'\positio : live in'ii dissri-tatio, Anglic!- Hcripta, do usu digamma in Iloniori carminibus. K,li, t ., IXin. H Exercises on the syntax, and observations on some peculiar idioms of the Greek language... 2ded. /:-/;-.., 1816. 8 The NON-INTRUSIONISTS ; their principles, con- duct, and their consequences. 1842 DUNCAN ( A i, K \.\M.Kii), D.D., Mid Colder. The devout communicant's assistant : or, the nature and end of the Lord's Supper explain- ed, and the obligation to partake of it consi- dered. Klin., 1777. 12 The evidence of the resurrection of Jesus, as recorded in the New Testament. A sermon [on Acts, x. 40, 41] preached... in Edinburgh, June 5, 1783. . , 1783. 8 DUNCAN (ALEXANDER), Mid Calder, son of tlie preceding. Two discourses, delivered at How- gate, after the funeral of the Rev. William M'Ewen ; with a memoir. Edin., 1827. 8 A sermon on the vario\is forms of universal- ism, with an appendix on assurance. Glasgow, 1831. 8 DUNCAN (ANDREW), Sen., M.D., Professor of the theory of physic in the university of Edin- burgh. Elegiorum sepulchralium Edinensium delectus. Monumental inscriptions, selected from burial-grounds at Edinburgh. Ed**., 1815. 8 Another copy. Letter to the Right Hon. Kincaid Mackenzie, Lord Provost of the city of Edinbiirgh. /*/;., 1818. 8 Tribiite of veneration, addressed to the first meeting of the Loyal Edinburgh Association, for commemorating the reign of George III. ^ E.I in., i82i. 8 - (Letter) to the Lord Provost, magistrates, and town council of the city of St Andrews. Ed hi., 1822. . 8 A discourse read at the annual election meet- ing of the Caledonian horticultural society, Dec. 4, 1823, stating the advantages which would accrue to the Church of Scotland, from a professorship of horticulture in the Univer- sity of Edinburgh. /;y tin- Synod ,,i" <;i;n-ow ami A\ r !tli April 17'-'- ( , '"it from whidi ho has appealed to the \\m-r.ililc AssrinMy of the Church of Scotland. To be heard at : of the Assembly, in May or Juno IT'.' 1 .'. *. I et a. 4 DUNFERMLINE. Case for the Rt. Hon. Ro- bert Dundas of Arniston... patron of the kirk ami parish of Dunforinliuo, the Rev. Mr Allan M'Lean, his Majesty's presentee... respon- dents ; against John Eckford, merchant in DunfermLine appellant. To bo heard at tin- bar of the General Assembly, in May 1791. Respondents case. .-. '. et a. 4 The spirit of the union ; or, a narrative of the treatment received from the United Secession Church courts, by the congregation of Queen Ann's street, Dunfermline, in their late at- tempt to elect a minister. [Wants title.] 8 Free thoughts, on the case of the Presbytery of Dunfermline, address'd to the clergy. s. I, 1733. 8 Registrum de Dunfermelyn. Liber Cartarum Abbatie Benedictine S. S. Trinitatis et B. Mar- garete Regine de Dunfermelyn. [Bannatyne Club.] Edln. t 1842. 4 DUNFERMLINE, LORD. See James ABER- CROMBY. DUNKELD, BISHOP OF. See Gawin DOUGLAS. DUNKELD, BISHOP OF. See Henry GUTHRY. DUNLOP (ALEXANDER MURRAY). A treatise on the law of Scotland relative to the poor. .,1825. 8 Second edition. E< I hi., 1828. 8 Parochial law. 2d ed. Edin., 1835. 8 Law of patronage, and settlement of parochial ministers. Being a supplement to " Parochial law," by the same author. Edin., 1833. 8 Another copy. Speech delivered from the bar of the General Assembly on the 20th May 1833, in support of the petitions of certain ministers of chapels of ease to be admitted to the exercise of their full powers and privileges as pastors of the Church of Scotland. Edin.,1833. 8 Tracts on the intrusion of ministers. Nos. i., ii., and iv. Edin., 1839. 8 An answer to the Dean of Faculty's " Letter to the Lord Chancellor," " on the claims of the Church of Scotland in regard to its juris- diction, and the proposed changes in its po- lity." Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Third edition. Edin., 1840. 8 Which party breaks the LAW ? 1839 Which party still breaks the LAW ? 1841 A letter to the Earl of Aberdeen on the cor- respondence recently published by his Lord- ship. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. Reply [to a letter from Sir James GRAHAM] ; being the minute of the General Assembly's special Commission, adopted at a meeting held at Edinburgh, Jan. 12, 1843. 1843 DUNLOP (JOHN). The history of fiction : being a critical account of the most cck-bratt-d prose works of fiction, from i : ' (Jroek ro- mances to tin- novi-U of tin' ], resent ago. L 8 Memoirs of Spain during tin; n-i^ns of Philip IV. and Charles II., from H\'>1 to 1700. ii vol. , 1834. 8 Artificial and compulsory drinking usages of North Britain. 5th ed. , abridged. 1837. 8 Another copy. The universal tendency to association in man- kind analysed and illustrated. With practical and historical notices of the bonds of s. as regards individuals and communities. London, 1840. 8 DUNLOP (WiM.i \M), Ii . yi'i/.* professor <_' and ecclesiastical hi-itrii in > \l\j f Ediiilmrih. A collection of COM faith, catechisms, directories, books of disci- pline. Arc., of public authority in the Church of Scotland. 1719,22 A preface to an edition of the Westminster CONFESSION, &c. lately published at Edin- burgh. 1720 Sermons preached on several subjects and oc- casions, with some lectures. 2 vol. Edin., 1722. 8 Second edition. Glasgow, 1747. 12 DUNN (ANDREW). * The history of A. D., an Irish Catholic. Chelsea, s. a. 12 DUNN (P.). Report of a discussion on social- ism, between Messrs P. D. and C. LECKIE, which took place in the Trades' Hall, Glas- gow, on the evenings of 20th and 21st Nov. 1839. Glasgow, 1839. 8 DUNN (SAMUEL), Teacher of the mathemo sciences, London. A new directory for the East Indies... a work originally begun upon the plan of the Oriental Neptune, augmented and improved by W. Herbert, W. Nicholson, and others, now methodised, corrected and further enlarged. 5th ed. London, 1780. 4 DUNN (SAMUEL). Memoirs of the seventy-five eminent divines whose discourses form the Morning exercises at Cripplegate, St Giles in the fields, and in Southwark ; with an outline of a sermon from each author. London, 1844. 8 DUNN (WILLIAM), A.M. Josias ; or, the morn- ing of life. Glasgow, 1824. 12 DUNNIPACE. Case for the heritors of the pa- rish of Dunnipace appellants, against the Rev. Mr Robert Knox, minister of the united Sarishes of Larbert and Dunnipace respon- ent. s. 1. et a. 4 DUNS (JOANNES), Scotus, ord. min. Doctor sub- tilis. Clarissimi doctoris subtilis Joannis Scoti questiones incipiunt super universalibus Por- phyrii ac libris predicamentorum perierme- nias Aristotelis. Quibus sui discipuli Antonii ANDRE.E questiones sex principiorum connec- tuntur. B. L. Vcnetiis, MCCCCLXXXXII. fol. I DUNS (JOHN), D.D., Professor of tudural science, N< . Edinlwryh. The brotherhood ; DU PERRON DUPPA. 251 or some social aspects of Christianity. Edin., 1856. 8 Christianity and science. The introductory lecture delivered 13th Nov. 1860 in the class of natural science, New College, Edinburgh. Edin., 1860. 8 Biblical natural science : being the explana- tion of all references in holy Scripture to geo- logy, botany, zoology, and physical geography. 2 vol. London, [1863, 64]. 8 Science and Christian thought. London, s. a. 8 DU PERRON (JEAN DAVY), Archbishop of Sens. Divers traittez et discours des controverses de ce temps. t Paris, 1617. 4 DUPIN (ANDRE-MARIE-JEAN JACQUES). Ma- nuel du droit public ecclesiastique Francais, contenant : Les libertds de 1'Eglise Gallicane en 83 particles, avec un commentaire ; la De- claration du clerge' de 1682, sur les limites de la puissance ecclesiastique ; le Concordat, et sa loi organique, precede's des rapports de M. Portalis ; avec une exposition des principes sur les appels comme d'abus, les congregations, les seminaires et I'enseignement public ; le texte des principales lois relatives a la police, et aux regimes des cultes, aux biens ecclesias- tiques, aux fabriques, aux inhumations, &c. [4me Edition.] Paris, 1845. 12 DU PIN (Louis ELLIES), Doctor of the Sorbonne. Nouvelle bibliotheque des auteurs ecclesias- tiques. ' Seconde Edition. Tomes i.-iii., v., vi., ix.-xi. Paris [et Mons], 1690-1700. 4 De antiqua Ecclesiae disciplina dissertationes historicse. Colon. Agripp. , 1691. 4 Another copy. A compleat history of the canon and writers of the Books of the Old and New Testament, by way of dissertation : with useful remarks on that subject. Done into English from the French original. 2 vol. London, 1699, 1700. fol. Traite de la doctrine Chre'tienne et orthodoxe, dans lequel les veritez de la religion sont dtablies sur 1'Ecriture et sur la tradition, et les erreurs opposees detruites par le memes principes. Paris, 1703. 8 A vindication of the epistles of St. Ignatius. Reprinted, Edin., 1708. 16 Another edition. London, 1716. 12 - Bibliotheque universelle des historiens ; con- tenant leurs vies, 1'abrege', la chronologic, la geographic, et la critique de leurs histoires ; un jugement sur leur style, et leur caractere ; et le denombrement des differentes editions de leurs ceuvres. Amsterdam, 1708. 4 Traitd historique des EXCOMMUNICATIONS. 1715 A compleat method of studying divinity... To which is annex'd, a catalogue of the most im- portant theological questions, and of the most eminent authors that have wrote upon each question . Written originally in French ... and now first translated into English. London, 1720. 8 Another copy. [ A new history of ecclesiastical writers : con- taining an account of the axithors of the seve- ral Books of the Old and New Testament ; of the lives and writings of the primitive Fathers ; an abridgment and catalogue of their works ; their various editions, and censures determin- ing the genuine and spurious. Together with a judgment upon their stile and doctrine. Also a compendious history of the councils ; with chronological tables of the whole. [Trans- lated by several hands, and revised by W. Wotton.j 3d ed. 3 vol. Dublin, 1722-24. fol. Another copy. A new ecclesiastical history of the seventeenth century : containing an account of the contro- versies in religion ; the lives and writings of ecclesiastical authors, an abridgment of their works, and a judgment on their style and doc- trine : also a compendious history of all affairs transacted in the Church. Vol. i. [In two parts.] Translated, and illustrated with addi- tional annotations, by Digby Cotes, A.M. Oxford, 1725. fol. Histoire de 1'Eglise en abrege", depuis le com- mencement du monde jusq' a present. Nou- velle Edition. 4 torn. Paris, 1726. 12 Translated into English. 2d ed. 4 vol. London, 1716. 12 Third edition. Translated into English ac- cording to the third Paris edition. 4 vol. London, 1724. 12 Traite' de rautorite" ecclesiastique et de la puissance temporelle, conforme'ment a la de- claration du clerge' de France en 1682 ; a 1'eMit de Louis XIV. , meme annee ; et a 1'arret du conseil d'etat du Roi en 1766. ...Revu et aug- mente' par M. I'abbd Dinouart. 2 torn. Paris, 1768. 12 Translated into Latin. [Forming vol. xiii. of the Collectio prsestantiorum operum Jus canonicum illuatrantium.] Moguntice, 1788. 4 DUPINIUS (LUDOVICUS ELLIES). See L. E. DUPIN. DU PLESSIS (ARMA^ND JEAN), Cardinal, Duke of Richelieu. Les principaux poincts de la foy de 1'Eglise Catholique defendus centre 1'escrit addressd au Roy par les quatre Ministres de Charenton. L. P. Paris, 1629. 4 Testament politique. Quatrieme Edition. Amsterdam, 1691. 12 *The history of the government of France, under the administration of the great A. Du P. ...Translated out of the French by John Dodington. London., 1657. fol. DUPORT (JAMES), D.D., Master of Magdalen col- lege, Cambridge. Evangelical politic, or, a Gospel conversation, a sermon [on Phil. i. 27] preached at St Paul's, London, May 20, 1660. Cambridge, 1660. 4 Metaphrasis Libri Psalmorum Grrecis versibus contexta. 1666. See BIBLES GREEK. E. DUPORTUS (JACOBUS). See James DUPORT. DUPPA (RICHARD), Bachclor-at-laiv of Lincoln's Inn. A brief account of the subversion of the 969 DU PETE-DURHAM. papal government. 1708. 2d id. Lmttlxn, 17!>9. 8 DU PRIE (HENRICUS). Disputatio physica spe- cialis do insularum generatione, tertia. r// /-.>,-//, 1660. 4 DURJ3US, or DURY (JOHANNES). De pace in- ter evangelicosprocurandasenteiitin' quatuor : quarum tres a reverendis ilmninis Episcopis Tho. [Morton] D\uu hiH-nsi, Jo. [T)avfiiaiit ) Sarisburiensi, Jos. [Hall] Exoniensi. t'ltima ab eximiis quibusdam in Gallia theologis con- scripta est....Accessit syllabus brevis eorum qui de hoc argumento antehac scripsenmt. Londini, 1638. 12 [The above work is not by Dury himself, but consists chiefly of letters addressed to him by Bishops Morton, Davenant, and Hall.] A model of Church-government : or, the grounds of the spirituall frame and govern- ment of the house of God. London, 1647. 4 Irenicorum tractatuum prodromus, in quo pneliminares continentur tractatus de I. Pa- cis ecclesiastic remoris e medio tollendis. II. Concordise evangelioe fundamentis suffi- cienter jactis. IH. Reconciliationis religiosse procurandse argumentis et mediis. IV. Me- thodo investigatoria ad controversias omnes, sine contradicendi studio et proejudicio paci- fice decidendas. AmsteL, 1662. 8 DURAND (DAVID). Le Nouveau Testament... revue sur le texte de M. Martin. 1772. See BIBLES FRENCH. C. DURAND (Loris). LTEveque de Bruges, la Bible et les Protestants, ou Reponse au der- nier mandemeiit de cet Eveque, dans laquellc il est clairement dtabli qu'il a calomiiie les Protestants en les accusant de tronquer et de falsifier la Bible, et refutation des principales portions de son ouvrage sur la lecture de la Bible. Bruxella, 1864. 12 Qui achete les consciences ? Lettre a M. J. B. Malou, Eveque de Bruges. Deuxieme e'di- tion. BnixdUs, 1858. 8 L'infallilnlite' papale prise en manifesto et fla- grant delit de mensonge, ou le dognie de 1'im- macule'e conception cite" et condamne' au tri- bunal de 1'histoire et des Peres. Exam en de quelques assertions de la bulle Ineffabilis Deus, et refutation des deux volumes de M. J. B. Malou sur le nouveau dogme. Bnixelles, 1859. 12 Another copy. DURAND (UKSIXUS). Thesaurus novus anecdo- torum, per Edmundem MARTENE et U. D. 1717 Veterum script omm...amplissima collectio, opera et studio Edmundi MARTENE et U. D. 1724-33 DURAND DE MAILLANE(PiERRE-ToussAiNT). Histoire du droit canonique, pour servir d'introduction a 1'e'tude du droit canonique. Lyon, 1770. 12 DURANT (WILLIAM FRIEND). * Memoirs and select remains of an only son.... By Thomas Durant. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1822. 12 DUREL (JOHN), Minister of the French Church in the Savoy. A brief declaration of the several formes of government iviviveil [in tin -Churches lu \i>ii(l the seas] ; [with the validity of the onlinatii'ii <>f tlir ministers of the reformed Churches beyond the seas, by Francis ]M A view of the government and public worship of God in the reformed Churches K'vnnd the seas. Wherein is shewed their conformity and agreement with the Church of England, as it is established by the Act of uniformity. London, 1662. 4 Another copy. The liturgy of the Church of England asserted in a sermon preached at the chappel of the Savoy. Translated into English by G. B. London, 1662. 4 Another copy. Sanctoe Ecclesise Anglicanae adversus iniquas et inverecundas schisiuaticorum criminationes, vindicise. Londini, 1669; 4 DURELLUS (JOANNES). See John DUREL. DURHAM. The antiquities of the Abbey or Cathedral church of Durham. Also a parti- cular description of the County Palatine of Durham. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1767. 12 DURHAM, BISHOP OF. See Charles BARING. DURHAM, BISHOP OF. See Shute BARRINGTON. DURHAM, BISHOP OF. See John COSIN. DURHAM, EARL OF. See John George LAMB- TON. DURHAM (JAMES), Minister of the Gospel in Glasgow. The dying man's testament to the Church of Scotland ; or, A treatise concerning scandal. Divided into four parts... Published by John Carstares, one of the ministers in Glasgow. To which is prefixed an excellent preface of famous Mr Blair, minister of the Gospel at St Andrews, (wherein he also vigo- rously driveth the main design of the blessed author in this last piece of his labours). Edin., 1659. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1680. 8 Another edition. Glasgow, 1740. 8 Clavis Cantici : or, an exposition of the Song of Solomon. Edin., 1668. 4 Another edition. With a preface by the Rev. Gavin Parker. Aberdeen, 1840. 12 The law unsealed : or, A practical exposition of the ten commandments. With a resolution of several momentous questions and cases of conscience. Glasgow, 1677. 8 Sixth edition. Edin., 1703. 4 Seventh edition. Ed in. , 1715. 8 Heaven upon earth, in the serene tranquillity, and calm composure ; in the sweet peace and solid joy, of a good conscience ; sprinkled with the blood of Jesus ; and exercised always to be void of offence toward God and toward men. Brought down, and holden forth in xxii. very searching sermons. Edin., 1685. 8 The unsearchable riches of Christ, and of grace and glory in and thoTow him. Diligently searched into, clearly unfolded, and comfort- ably holden forth in fourteen rich Gospel scr- DURY-DWIGHT. 253 mons preached on several texts, at commu- nions in Glasgow. Edin., 1704. 12 Another edition. Glasgow, 1709. 12 Christ crucified : or, the marrow of the Gos- pel, evidently holden forth in seventy- two ser- mons on the whole fifty-third chapter of Isaiah. 4th ed. London, 1723. fol. - Fifth edition. Edin., 1726. 4 Another copy. Another copy. - Sixth edition. Glasgoiv, 1761. 4 Dickson and Durham against Independency ; or, some quotations out of Mr D. DICKSON'S treatise on the confession of faith, and out of Durham on the Revelation. 1738 The blessedness of the death of those that die in the Lord, and more especially in an evil time, discoursed in seven very searching, but very sweet sermons. On Rev. xiv. 13. Glasgow, 1754. 12 An exposition of the whole book of Job, with practical observations. Together with some of his sermons... never before pxiblished. With a short account of the author's life. Glasgow, 3759. 8 A learned and complete commentary upon the book of the Revelation : Delivered in several lectures... As also two sermons preached by the author, on Rev. xxii. 20. Together with a col- lection of some memorable things in his life. Glasgow, 1764. 4 DURY (JOHN). See Joannes DTJR^EUS. DUSSELTHAL. Dusselthal Abbey. Count von der Recke's institution for destitute orphans and Jewish proselytes. 3d ed. London, 1837. 12 DU TOUR (MARCUS). Disputatiommi historica- rum ad textum Herodiani, prima [et quarta]. Ultrajecti, 1641. 4 DUTT (HuR CHTJNDER). Bengali life and society, a discourse, read at the Bethune Society. Calcutta, 1853. 8 DUTTON (THOMAS), Minister in London. A treatise on justification : shewing the matter, manner, time, and effects of it. London, 1740. 12 - Third edition. Glasgow, 1778. 8 DUTY. The works of the learned and pious au- thor of The whole duty of man. Oxford, 1704. fol. - The whole duty of man. London, 1709. 12 - The new whole duty of man, containing the faith as well as practice of a Christian. 22d ed. London, s. a. 8 - Another edition. London, s. a. 8 Social duties on Christian principles. London, 1830. 12 - Duty and obligation ; or, what Christ has done, what Christ requires, and what might be done for Christ. Dundee, [1844]. 12 DU VAL (ANTHOINE). Les contrarietez et con- tredicts, qui se trouvent en la doctrine de Jean Calvin, ~de Luter et autres nouveaux evange- listes de notre temps. Avec les demandes et repliques a Jean Calvin s\ir son livre de la predestination. Un recueil d'aucuns escrits d'Erasme centre les Luteriens. Un catechisme de la foy et devoir du vray Chretien, centre les heresies de ce temps. Recueilliz des oeuvres d'un auteur incertain, et de Guilb. Lindan, par Ant. du Val. Paris, 1561. 8 DU VEIL (CAROLUS MARIA), D.D. A literal ex- planation of the Acts of the holy Apostles, written in Latine by C. M. Du Veil. Now translated into English out of a copy carefully reviewed and corrected by the author. To which is added, a translation of a learned dis- sertation about baptism for the dead, 1 Cor. xv. 20. Written in Latine by the famous F. Spanhemius, filius. [Imperfect.] London, 1685. 8 DU VERDIER (ANTOINE), Sieurde Vauprivas. Les Bibliotheques de LA CROIX DU MAINE, et de Du Verdier. 1772, 73 DU VERGER DE HAURANNE (JEAN), VAbbe de Saint-Cyran. * Mdmoires touchant la vie de Monsieur de S. Cyran, pour servir d'eclair- cissements a 1'histoire de Port Royal, par M. [Claude] Lancelot. 2 torn. Cologne [Utrecht], 1738. 12 Another copy. DU VERNOIS (Le Chev.). Essais de ge"ogra- phie, de politique et d'histoire, sur les pos- sessions de 1'Empereur des Turcs en Europe, pour servir de suite aux Memoires du Baron de Tott. Par M. L. C. D. M. D. L. D. G. D. C. D. M. L. C. d'A. Neuchatel, 1784. 8 DUVIVIER (GiRAUi/r). Grammaire des gram- maires, ou analyse raisonne"e des meilleurs traites sur la langue Francoise...Cinquieme Edition. 2 torn. ' Paris, 1822. 8 DUVOISIN (J. B.), Bishop of Nantes. A demon- stration of the truth of the gospel : with an essay on toleration. Translated from the French, by Henry Thomson, D.D. Edin., 1816. 12 DUYSING (HENR. OTTO). Theses controversas de textu Ireneei Grseco...publice defendent Presses H. O. D. et responsurus auctor Geor- gius Chris tianus Lautemann. Marburgi Cattorum, [1747]. 4 Theses controversas de versione Irensei Latina ...publice defendent Presses H. O. D. et re- sponsurus auctor Joannes Wernerus Gille. Marburgi Cattorum [1747]. 4 DWALPHINTRAMIS. The anatomy of the Service-Book, dedicated to the High Court of Parliament. Wherein is demonstrated the unlawfulnesse of it. s. 1. et a. 4 DWIGHT (H. G. O.). Missionary researches hi Armenia. By Eli SMITH and H. G. O. D. 1834 Christianity in Turkey : a narrative of the Pro- testant reformation in the Armenian Church. London, 1854. 8 DWIGHT (S. E.). The Hebrew wife : or the law of marriage examined in relation to the lawful- ness of polygamy and to the extent of the law of incest. New York, 1836. 12 DWIGHT (TIMOTHY), D.D., President of Yale college. Greenfield hill : a poem in seven parts. New York, 1794. 8 254 DYCHE-DYSART. Travels in New-England and New- York . 1\1. Theology explained and defended, in a series of sermons. With a memoir of tlio life of the author. 2vol. . 1822. 4 Another edition. a vol. Lmtilim, lM. - Another eopy. Another edition. London, 1830. 8 - Eleventh edition. 4vol. Newhaven, 184:. S - * Memoirs of T. D. . 1822. 12 Another ropy. DYCHE (THOMAS). A new general English dic- tionary. 17th ed. London, 1794. 8 DYER (GEOROE), A.B. An inquiry into the na- ture of subscription to the thirty-nine articles. Wherein it is proposed to examine, I. How far subscription is consistent with the natural rights of mankind. II ____ with the powers of the human mind. III.... with the principles of the British constitution. IV ____ with the doctrines and precepts of Christianity. 2d ed. London, 1792. 8 DYER (JOHN), LL.B. Poems. London, 17C1. 8 DYER (SAMUEL). Philadelphia selection of sa- cred music. 4th ed. New York, 1828. 4 DYER (THOMAS H.) The life of John CALVIN. 1850 DYER (WILLIAM), Preacher of the Gospel at Chesham, Bucks. Christ's famous titles, and a believer's golden chain, handled in divers sermons : together with his cabinet of jew- els ; or, a glimpse of Zion's glorv. Edin., 1750. 12 Another edition. Together with Christ's voice to London ; or, a call to sinners. London, 1820. 12 DYKE (DjfNiEL), B.D. The mystery of selfe-de- ceiving. Or, a discourse and discovery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart ; [on Jer. xvii. 10]. London, 1615. 4 Two treatises. The one, of repentance, the other, of Christ's temptations. /.../..//-K, K;K;. 4 The sixt impression. /.<, .. 4 Twoti . t'ruitfull expo- sition upon Philemon : the i of affliction. Lot '. 4 Coinf ortable sermons upon tin- e\ \iiii. I'.salme. I.ein^ thankefull rememl>nimv.s for (Jod'swon- deilull deli iterance of vs from the late gvnpovv- A funeral sermon on John, ii. 25. [Wants title, and otherwise imperfect.] [London, 1035]. 4 DYKE (JER.), Brother of the preceding, and in /' / ;< . ;'/ nt ]-'/ar t i - cular doctrines ought to be preached by the dispensers of the Gospel... With continued ad- vice to students in divinity, and to young preachers. To which is annexed, The hearer : or a brief discourse, shewing what are the quali- fications that are required in those persons who would receive benefit and advantage by hear- ing the word preached. London, 1707. 8 Veritas redux. Evangelical truths restored : namely, those concerning God's eternal de- crees, the liberty of man's will, grace and con- version, the extent and efficacy of Christ's re- demption, and perseverance in grace... Being the first part of the theological treatises which are to compose a large body of Christian divi- nity. London, 1707. 8 Another copy. The doctrine of faith and justification set in a true light. In three parts... Being the second part of the theological treatises, which are to compose a large body of Christian divinity. London, 1708. 8 Second edition. London, 1728. 8 Theologia reformata ; or, the body and sub- stance of the Christian religion, comprised in - distinct discourses or treatises upon the Apos- tles' creed, the Lord's prayer, and the ten com- mandments. 2 vol. London, 1713. fol. Theologia reformata : or, discourses on those graces and duties which are purely evangelical, and not contained in the moral law... Being an entire treatise in four parts ; and if added to the two former volumes, makes a compleat body of divinity. London, 1726. fol. The doctrines controverted between Papists and Protestants particularly and distinctly con- sidered ; and those which are held by the for- mer confuted. With an introduction giving an account of the rise and gradual progress of Popery : and of the decay of it at the Refor- mation. London, 1724. 8 EDWARDS (JONATHAN), Principal of Jestw col- lege, Oxford. A preservative against Socinian- ism, shewing the direct and plain opposition between it and the religion revealed by God in the Scriptures. [In four parts. Part i., 2ded.] Oxon., 1693-1703. 4 The doctrine of original sin, as it was always held in the Catholick Church, and particularly in the Church of England, asserted and vin- dicated from the exceptions and cavils of the Rev. Dr Daniel Whitby. Oxford, 1711. 8 Another copy. EDWARDS (JONATHAN), A.M., President of Princeton college, New Jersey. The works of President Edwards. 8 vol. A new edition. [Edited by E. Williams and E. Parsons. With memoir by Samuel Hopkins, D.D.] London, 1817. 8 Another copy. [With supplementary volumes. ] 10vol. A..K./../I .,../ /;,/;,,., 1817, 1847. 8* With an essay on his genius and writings, by Henry Rogers. 2 vol. London, 1836. 8 Another copy. Another edition. With an essay on his genius and writings, by Henry Rogers : and a memoir by Sereno E. Dwight, revised and corrected by Edward Hickman. 2 vol. London, 1840. 8 Another edition. A reprint of the Worcester edition, with valuable additions, and a copious general index. 4 vol. New York, 1844. 8 A faithful narrative of the surprising work of God in the conversion of many hundred souls in Northampton... New-England. In a letter to the Rev. Dr Benjamin Colman of Boston... Published, with a large preface, by Dr Watts andDrGuyse. Edin., 1738. 8 Some thoughts concerning the present revival of religion in New-England. In five parts. Reprinted. Edin., 1743. 8 Sinners in the hands of an angry God. A ser- mon [on Deut. xxxii. 35] preached at Enfield, July 8th 1741. With a preface by the Rev. John Willison, Dundee. Reprinted. Edin., 1745. 8 Second edition. Boston, 1753. 8 Another edition. Philadelphia, 1840. 12 True grace distinguished from the experience of devils ; in a sermon [on James, ii. 19] preach- ed before the Synod of New- York, Sept. 28, 1752. New York, 1753. 8 The great Christian doctrine of original sin defended, evidences of its truth produced, and arguments to the contrary answered. Con- taining in particular, a reply to the objections and arguings of Dr John Taylor, in his book, intitled, " The Scripture-doctrine of original sin proposed to free and candid examination," &c. (Reprinted.) London, 1766. 8 Another edition. Dublin, 1768. 12 A new edition. Glasgow, 1819. 12 A careful and strict enquiry into the modern prevailing notions of that freedom of the will, which is supposed to be essential to moral agency, virtue and vice, reward and punish- ment, praise and blame. 4th ed. London, 1775. 8 Another edition. London, 1790. 8 Another edition. London, 1816. 8 A new edition : with an introductory essay, by the author of ' ' Natural history of enthusiasm . " London, 1831. 8 Two dissertations concerning the end for which God created the world ; and the nature of true virtue. Edin., 1788. 12 A dissertation concerning the end for which God created the world. [Theological tracts, edited by John BROWN, D.D., vol. ii.] Edin., 1853. 8 An humble inquiry into the rules of the word of God, concerning the qualifications requisite to a complete standing and full communion in the visible Christian Church. With an appendix by Mr Foxcroft. 2d ed. Edin., 1790. 12 EDWARDS EGYPT. 261 A history of the work of redemption ; com- prising an outline of Church history. New York, s. a. 12 - Another edition. With a new life of the au- thor, and notes, by James Brownlee, Advocate. Edin., 1832. 12 The treatise on religious affections, somewhat abridged. New York, s. a. 12 - Charity and its fruits ; or Christian love as manifested in the heart and life. Edited from the original manuscripts, with an introduction, by the Rev. Tryon Edwards, D.D. London, 1852. 8 EDWARDS (JONATHAN), D.D., Son of the pre- ceding, and President of Union college, Sclienec- tady, New York. The works of J. E., D.D. With a memoir of his life and character, by Tryon Edwards. 2 vol. Andover, 1842. 8 Another copy. - The necessity of atonement, and the consist- ency between that and free grace, in forgive- ness. [Theological tracts, edited by John BROWN, D.D., vol. i.] Edin., 1853. 8 EDWARDS (JUSTIN), D.D. The temperance manual. New York, s. a. 16 EDWARDS (PETER). Candid reasons for re- nouncing the principles of antipaedobaptism. 2d ed. London, 1799. 12 Third edition. To which is subjoined a trea- tise on infant baptism. By James KIDD, D.D. Aberdeen, 1822. 12 The fourth edition. With a prefatory notice by James Kidd, D.D. Aberdeen, 1841. 12 Another copy. Another copy. - Another edition. Pittsburgh., 1841. 32 * Short observations relative to Mr Peter Ed- wards' Candid reasons. Irvine, s. a. 8 EDWARDS (THOMAS), B. A. Reasons against the independant government of particular con- gregations : as also against the toleration of such churches to be erected in this kingdome. Together with an answer to such reasons as are commonly alledged for such a toleration. London, 1641. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Antapologia : or, a full answer to the apologe- ticall narration of Mr Goodwin, Mr Nye, Mr Sympson, Mr Burroughs, Mr Bridge, mem- bers of the Assembly of divines ; wherein are handled many of the controversies of these times. . London, 1644. 4 r Another copy. - Another edition. London, 1646. 4' - The first and second [and third] parts of Gan- grsena : or, a catalogue and discovery of many of the errors, heresies, blasphemies and pernici- ous practices of the sectaries of this time, vent- ed and acted in England in these four last yeers. [Parts i. and ii., 3d ed.] London, 1646. 4 Another copy. Part i. London, 1646. 4 The casting down of the last and strongest hold of Satan. Or, a treatise against toleration ; and pretended liberty of conscience. London, 1647. 4' EDWARDS (THOMAS). The paraselene dismant- led of her cloud. Or, Baxterianism barefac'd. Drawn from a literal transcript of Mr Baxter's, and the judgment of others, in the most radi- cal doctrines of faith ; compar'd with those of the orthodox, both conformist and nonconfor- mist ; and transferr'd over by way of test, unto the Papist and Quaker. London, 1699. 4 Another copy. EDWARDS (THOMAS), D.D., Vicar of Nuneaton, Warwickshire. The doctrine of irresistible grace prov'd to have no foundation in the writ- ings of the New Testament. Cambridge, 1759. 8 Another copy. Prolegomena in Libros Veteris Testament! poeticos, sive dissertatio, in qua F. Harii de antiqua Hebrseorum poesi hypothesin ratione et veritate niti fuse ostenditur. Subjicitur metricse Lowthianse confutatio. Cantabrigice, 1762. 8 EGANE (ANTHONY), B.D. The book of rates, now used in the sin custom-house of the Church and court of Rome. Containing the bulls, dispensations and pardons for all manner of villanies and wickednesse, with the several sums of monies given and to be paid for them. London, 1674. 4 EGBERTUS, Arch-Bishop of York. Dialogus de ecclesiastica institutione ; [ad calc. opp. theol. BEDJS]. 1693 EGERTON. The Egerton papers. A collection of public and private documents, chiefly illus- trative of the times of Elizabeth and James I. from the original manuscripts, the property of the Right Hon. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P., President of the Camden Society. Edited [for the Camden Society] by J. Payne Collier. London, 1840. 4 EGERTON (Lady Francis). Journal of a tour in the holy land, in May and June, 1840. London, 1841. 8 EGERTON (STEPHEN). A briefe method of CATE- CHIZING. [Wants title.] [ London, 1630] ? 8 EGINHARDUS. Memoirs of Europe towards the close of the eighth century ; written by Egin- hardus, secretary and favorite to Charlemagne, and done into English by the translator of the New Atlantis. 2d ed. London, 1711. 8 [The real author of this book is Mrs de la Riviere Manley.] EGLISEMMIUS (GEORGIUS). Poeticum duel- lum : sen G. E. cum Georgio Buchanano pro dignitate paraphraseos Psalmi civ. certamen. Cui adnectitur Gul. Barclaii...de eodem certa- mine judicium ; nee non consilium Collegii Medici Parisiensis de ejusdem Eglisemmii mania, quod carmine exhibuit Arcturus Jon- stonus...Subjungitur etiam ejusdem Psalmi alias paraphrases poeticae sex, auctoribus toti- dem Scotis ; [cum Poett. Scot. mus. sacr. per Arcturum JONSTONTJM]. 1739 EGYPT. The antiquities of Egypt ; with a par- ticular notice of those that illustrate the sacred Scriptures. London, 1841. 8 Another copy. BIGHORN- ELLIOTT. EICHORN (Joiiv.vN COTTKICIKD), Profes.* . Repertorium fiir biblische und morgen- liiiulisclie Litteratur. 18 Thi-il. /.. ;/.-.;/. 1777 85. 8 - Allgemeine Bibliuthek der biblischen Littera- tur. 10 Uiin.li-. /. . 1787-1801. 8 Commeutarius in Apocalypsin Joannis. 2 vol. (.initiii-jit, 17!H. 8 - Einleitung in das Neue Testament. 3 J:iiiili-. [Band i. 2te. Ausg.] Leipzig, 1810-1820. 8 Another copy. Einleitung in das Alte Testament. 5 Biindc. Vierte Ausgabe. Gtittingen, 1823, 24. 8 EKKER (Ecco). Disquiaitio critica et historica de dementis Romani priore ad Corinthios Epistola quam...pro gradu Doctoratus sum- misV.I eorundem versioiif. His accedunt AKIH i i.i Lainbetliiini. una cum Rev. et doct. viroruiu in eos ceusura, A.C. Editio tertia. J Hutdodami, 16%. 12 - Another copy. ELIS^EUS, Bishop of the Amadunians.The his- tory of Vartan, and of the battle of the Arme- nians ; containing an account of the religious wars between the Persians and Armenians. Translated from the Armenian by C. F. Neu- mann. London, 1830. 4 ELIZABETH (CHARLOTTE), t. e. Charlotte Eliza- beth Brown, afterwards C. E. T..NNA. ELLENDT (FRIDERICCS), A.M. Lexicon Sopho- cleum, adhibitis veterum interpret um explica- tionibus, grammaticorum notationibus, recen- tiorum doctorum commentariis. 2 vol. Reyimontii Prussorum, 1835. 8 ELLICOTT (CHARLES JOHN), D.D., Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. A critical and gram- matical commentary on St Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. 1854. See BIBLES ENCLI-H. E. A critical and grammatical commentary on St Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. 1855. See BIBLES ENGLISH. E. A critical and grammatical commentary on St Paul's Epistles to the Philippians, Colossians, and to Philemon. 1857. See BIBLES ENG- LISH. E. A critical and grammatical commentary on St Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians. 1858. See BIBLES ENGLISH. E. A critical and grammatical commentary on the Pastoral Epistles. 1856. See BIBLES ENG- LISH. E. The destiny of the creature : and other ser- mons. Preached before the University of Cambridge. London, 1858. 8 Historical lectures on the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, being the Hulsean lectures for the year 1859. London, 1860. 8 Another copy. ELLIOT (GILBERT), 2d Earl of Minto. Speech at a general meeting of the county of Rox- burgh, held at Jedburgh the 15th August 1803, on moving an address to His Majesty. Kelso, 1803. 8 ELLIOT (R.), A.B. Sermons on the most im- portant and interesting subjects of Chris- tianity. London, 1764. 8 ELLIOTT (CHARLES), D.D. Delineation of Ro- man Catholicism, drawn from the authentic and acknowledged standards of the Church of Rome ; namely, her creeds, catechisms, deci- sions of councils, papal bulls, Roman Catholic writers, the records of history, &c. A new edition, with numerous important additions. ...By the Rev. John S. Stamp. London, 1844. 8 - Third edition. London, 1851. 8 ELLIOTT (CHARLES BOILEAU), Rector of Tatting- stone. Letters from the North of Europe ; or ELLIOTT ELTON. 263 a journal of travels in Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Prussia, and Saxony. London, 1832. 8 ELLIOTT (EDWARD BISHOP), A. M. , Vicar of Tux- ford. Horse apocalypticae, or a commentary on the Apocalypse, critical and historical ; in- cluding also an examination of the chief pro- phecies of Daniel. Illustrated by an apoca- lyptic chart, and sundry engravings from me- dals and other extant monuments of antiquity. 3 vol. London, 1844. 8 Second edition. With an appendix, contain- ing, besides other matter, a sketch of the his- tory of apocalyptic interpretation, and indices. 4 vol. London, 1846. 8 - Reply to Dr Candlish's four letters, on certain passages in the " Horse apocalypticse. " London, 1847. 8 ELLIOTT (HENRY VENN), A.M., Perpetual cu- rate of St Mary's, Brighton. A sermon on the death of the Rev. Henry Mortlock, preached February 19, 1837, at St Mary's, Brighton, and a brief memoir. London, s. a. 12 ELLIOTT (RICHARD). Eternal realities consider- ed as forming the principle of missionary exer- tions. A sermon [on 2 Cor. iv. 18] preached before the London missionary society, May 11, 1820. London, 1820. 8 ELLIS (ALEXANDER JOHN), B. A. A plea for pho- netic spelling ; or the necessity of orthographic reform. 2d ed. London, 1848. 8 ELLIS (GEO. AOAR), Lord Dover. Historical in- quiries respecting the character of Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon. London, 1827. 8 ELLIS (GEORGE E.). A half-century of the Uni- tarian controversy, with particular reference to its origin, its course, and its prominent sub- jects among the Congregationalists of Massa- chussets. With an appendix. Boston, 3857. 12 - Another edition. London, 1858. 8 ELLIS (HENRY). Journal of the proceedings of the late embassy to China ; comprising a cor- rect narrative of the public transactions of the embassy, of the voyage to and from China, and of the journey from the mouth of the Pei- ho to the return to Canton. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1818. 8 ELLIS (JOHN), F.R.S. An essay towards a na- tural history of the Corallines and other ma- rine productions of the like kind, commonly found on the coasts of Great Britain and Ire- land. To which is added the description of a large marine Polype taken near the North pole ...in the summer 1753. London, 1755. 4 ELLIS (JOHN), D.D., Vicar of St Catherine's, Dublin. The knowledge of divine things from revelation, not from reason or nature. 2d ed. Vol. i. London, 1771. 8 - Third edition. To which is now first added, by the same author, The continuation, or se- cond volume completing the work, entitled, An enquiry, whence cometh wisdom and un- derstanding to man ? London, 1811. 8 ELLIS (Sir RICHARD), Bart. FORTUITA sacra. 1727 ELLIS (SARAH), formerly S. STICKNEY. Look to the end ; or, the Bennets abroad. 2 vol. London, [1845]. 8 ELLIS (WILLIAM), Secretary to the London mis- sionary society. Narrative of a tour through Hawaii, or, Owhyhee ; with remarks on the history, traditions, manners, customs, and language of the inhabitants of the Sandwich islands. London, 1826. 8 Second edition. [Forming vol. iv. of Ellis' Polynesian researches.] 1831 Polynesian researches, during a residence of nearly six years in the South Sea Islands. 2 vol. London, 1830. 8 Second edition. 4 vol. London, 1831. 8 The history of Madagascar. Comprising also the progress of the Christian mission establish- ed in 1818 ; and an authentic account of the persecution and recent martyrdom of the na- tive Christians. 2 vol. London, [1838]. 8 The history of the London missionary society. Vol. i. London, 1844. 8 ELLYS (ANTHONY), D.D., Bishop of St David's. Tracts on the liberty, spiritual and tempo- ral, of Protestants in England. Addressed to J. N. , Esq. ; at Aix-la-Chapelle. In two parts. A new edition. Landon, 1767. 4 ELLYSON (THOMAS). The Shepheard of Ease- ington his letters, or, petitions to the late King's Majestie, and many great potentates besides. s. L, [1647]. 4 ELOI, Saint. Bishop of Noyon. * Vie de Saint E. par Saint Ouen. Traduite par Charles Barthelemy. Precede' d'une introduction, et suivie de notes historiques sur le vii me siecle. Paris, 1853. 8 ELOQUENCE. Christian eloquence in theory and practice. [By Blaise GISBERT.] Made English from the French original, by Samuel D'Oyley, M.A. London, 1718. 8 ELRINGTON (THOMAS), D.D., Bishop of Leigh- lin and Ferns. Sermons preached in the cha- pel of Trinity college, Dublin, in the year 1795, at the lecture established... under the will of Mrs Anne Donnellan. To which is added, an Act sermon [on 2 Thess. ii. part of v. 9]... for the degree of D.D. Dublin, 1796. 8 ELSNER (JACOBUS), Professor of theology and ori- ental languages at Lingen. Observationes sa- crae in Novi Foederis libros, quibus plura illo- rum librorum loca ex auctoribus potissimum Graecis et antiquitate exponuntur et illustran- tur. 2 torn. Trajecti ad Etienum, 1720, 28. 8 Commentarius critico-philologicus in Evange- lium Matthsei [et Marci]. Eum edidit, et 110- tulas quasdam adjecit, Ferdinandus Stosch. 3 torn. Trajecti ad Ehenum, 1767, 73. 4 ELTON (EDWARD), B.D., Preacher of God's word at St Mary Magdalen's, Bermondsey. The complaint of a sanctified sinner answered : or, an explanation of the seventh chapter of the Epistle of St Paul to the Romans... Delivered in sundrie sermons. [Wants title.] Londmi, 1618. 4 2C4 ELTON ENFANT. The triumph of a tnie Christian described : or, an explication of the eight chapter of the Kpis tie of St Paul to tho Romans... Delivered in sundrie sermons. London, 1G23. 4 e Another copy. An exposition of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Colossians. Delivered in sundry sermons. 2d ed. London, 1G20. fol. A forme of CATECHIZING : set downe by ques- tions and answers. Wherein the principall grounds of Christian religion are delivered. 10th ed. London, 1634. 8 ELTON (THOMAS). Mode of instruction followed in the Fitzroy Sabbath and free day schools : with an arrangement of scriptural subjects, catechisms, and hymns for each month. London, 1819. 8 ELVENICH (P. J.). Die moral Philosophic. Erster Band. Bonn, 1830. 8 EL WOOD (ANNE KATHARINE). Narrative of a journey overland from England, by the conti- nent of Europe, Egypt, and the red sea, to In- dia ; including a residence there, and voyage home, in the years 1825, 26, 27, and 28. 2 vol. London, 1830. 8 ELY, BISHOP OF. See Lancelot ANDREWES. ELY, BISHOP OF. See William FLEETWOOD. ELY, BISHOP OF. See Symon PATRICK. ELY, BISHOP OF. See Hon. James YORKE. ELY (EZRA STILES), A.M., stated preacher to the city hospital, New York. A contrast between Calvinism and Hopkinsianism. New York, 1811. 8 Visits of mercy ; being the journal of the stated preacher to the hospital and almshouse, in the city of New York, 1811. Reprinted, London, 1813. 12 EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). Essays. With preface by Thomas Carlyle. London, 1841. 12 EMLYN (THOMAS), V.D.M. The works of Mr T. E....To the whole are prefixed, Memoirs of the life and writings of the author. Vol. i., ii. 4th ed. London, 1746. 8 - Sermons. London, 1742. 8 EMMONS (EBENEZER), M.D., Professor of natu- ral history in Williams college. Geology of New- York. Part ii. comprising the survey of the second geological district. [Natural his- tory of New -York. Part iv.l Albany, 1842. 4 Agriculture of New- York : comprising an ac- count of the classification, composition and distribution of the soils and rocks, and the natural waters of the different geological for- mations ; together with a condensed view of the climate and the agricultural productions of the state. 2 vol. [Natural history of New- York. Part v.] Albany, 1846, 49. 4 EMMONS (NATHAN AEL), D.D. The works of N. E. , D.D. With a memoir of his life. Edit- ed by Jacob Ide, D.D. 6 vol. Boston, 1842. 8 Another copy. * A review of Dr Emmons's theory of God's agency on mankind. Also a refutation of the views entertained by advocates of that theory respecting the necessity of the moral evils ex- isting in the universe to a display of the divine glory. New York, 1821. 12 EM PSYCHO VIUS (HERMANNUS). Apologia, qua mania fere crimina, quaj pontificii ortho- doxae doctrinee et refonnatis Ecclesiis impu- denter et falsb imppgerunt, in priinis yero, qu nuper Lutheranis concionatoribus objece- runt, dihmntur et in pontificios retorquentur. . . (ilfjssa, 1612. 8 ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2ded. 10vol. Edin., 1778-83. 4 Third edition. With supplement. 20 vol. ,,.,1797-1801. 4 Seventh edition. 21 vol. Edin., 1841. 4 Another copy. Vol. i., ii. [Part 1-4.] l-l'lin., s. a. 4 Preliminary dissertations to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. [By Dugald STEWART, Sir James MACKINTOSH, John PLAYFAIR, and Sir John LESLIE.] [Edin.], 8. a. 4 Another edition, with a general index. Edin., 1835. 4 Another copy. The article Christianity, as it appears in the sixth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, contrasted with the same article as it appears in the seventh edition, now in progress of pub- lication. Edin., 1836. 8 Encyclopaedia Perthensis. 2d ed. 23 vol. Edin., 1816. 8 Oxford Encyclopaedia. . .By the Rev. W. Harris ; J. A. Stewart, A.M. ; C. Butler ; and the Rev. J. H. Hinton, A.M. ; assisted by other lite- rary gentlemen. 6 vol. Oxford, 1828. 4 The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia : conducted by David Brewster, LL.D. 18 vol. Edin., 1830. 4 AllgemeinedeutscheReal-Encyklopadie. (Con- versations-Lexikon.) [With supplement.] 13 Bande. Reutlingen, 1830-32. 8 The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. With supple- ment. 29 vol. London, 1833-46. 8 The British Cyclopaedia... Arranged and edited by Charles F. Partington. [Nat. Hist., 3 vol. Arts and Sciences, 2 vol. Hist. , 3 vol. Bio- graphy, 2 vol.] London, 1835-37. 8 The Popular Encyclopaedia ; or " Conversa- tions lexicon. " 7vol. Glasgow, 1842. 8 The Encyclopaedia of mental philosophy : com- prising The science of method. By S. T. Cole- ridge. Universal grammar. By Sir John Stoddart. Logic. By Richard Whately, D.D. Rhetoric. By R. Whately, D.D. Moral and metaphysical philosophy. By F. D. Maurice. Law. By Richard Jebb, Archer Poison, and J. T. Graves. Theology. By the Rev. G. E. Corrie, B.D., and the Rev. H. J. Rose, B.D. Forming a portion of the Encyclopaedia Me- tropolitana. London, 1847. 4 ENDEMANN (SAM.). Institutions theologiae dogmaticae. 2 torn. Hanovia, 1777, 78. 8 ENFANT (JACQ. L'). See Jacques L'ENFANT. ENFIELD -ENGLAND. 265 ENFIELD (WILLIAM), LL.D. An apology for the clergy, and particularly for Protestant dis- senting ministers : A sermon [on Rom. xi. 13] preached Oct. 1,1777. Warrington, 1777. 4 - Biographical sermons : or, a series of dis- courses on the principal characters in Scrip- ture. London, 1777. 12 The preacher's directory ; or, a series of sub- jects proper for public discourses, with texts under each head : to which is added, a supple- ment, containing select passages from the Apo- j crypha. 2d ed. London, 1782. 4 The history of philosophy, from the earliest times to the beginning of the present century ; drawn up from Brucker's Historia critica phi- losophise. 2 vol. London, 1791. 4 Another edition. London, 1840. 8 Sermons on practical subjects. To which are prefixed memoirs of the author, by J. Aikin, M.D. 3 vol. 2d ed. London, 1799. 8 The Speaker : or, miscellaneous pieces, select- ed from the best English writers... with a view to facilitate the improvement of youth in read- ing and speaking. To which are prefixed two essays : I. On elocution. II. On reading works of taste. Stereotype edition. London, 1823. 12 ENFIELD (WILLIAM). Principles of mental and moral philosophy. To which is prefixed, ele- ments of logic. London, 1809. 12 ENGLAND. Rerum Anglicarum scrip tores post Bedam praecipui, ex vetustissimis codicibus manuscriptis mine primum in lucem editi. Willielmi monachi Malmesburiensis de gestis regum Anglorum lib. v. Ejusdem historic novelise lib. ii. Ejusdem de gestis Pontificum Angl. lib. iiii. Henrici archdiaconi Huntin- doniensis historiarum lib. viii. Roger! Hoven- deni Annalium pars prior et posterior. Chro- nicorum Ethelwerdi lib. iv. Ingulphi Abbatis Croylandensis historiarum lib. i. Adjecta ad finem Chronologia. [Edited by Henry Savile.] Francofurti, 1601. fol. An unhappy game at Scotch and English. Or, a full answer from England to the papers of Scotland. [By John LILBURNE.] Edin., 1646. 4 - A discourse of the religion of England, assert- ing that reformed Christianity settled in its due latitude is the stability and advancement of this kingdom. [By John CORBET.] London, 1667. 4 (>Yivul/i ; or, England's passing-bell : a poem. [By Thomas GILBERT.] London, 1679. 4 A collection of papers relating to the calling and holding the convention of Estates of Eng- land, at Westminster January 22, 1689. And the meeting of Estates of Scotland at Edin- burgh the 14 March, 1689. Edin., 1689. 4 A complete history of England : with the lives of all the Kings and Queens thereof ; from the earliest account of time, to the death of His late Majesty King William III. Containing a f aithful relation of all affairs of state ecclesias- tical and civil. 3 vol. London, 1706. fol. The parliamentary or constitutional history of England ; from the earliest times, to the resto- ration of King Charles II. Collected from the records, the rolls of parliament, the journals of both houses, the public libraries, original manuscripts, scarce speeches, and tracts ; all compared with the several contemporary writers, and connected, throughout, with the history of the times. By several hands. 24 vol. [Vol. i., ii., 2d ed.] London, 1751-62. 8 An history of England, in a series of letters from a nobleman to his son. 5th ed. 2 vol. London, 1776. 12 A great discovery of the Queen's preparation in Holland to assist the King in England. [Reprints of rare tracts, &c. by M. A. Richard- son.] Newcastle, 1843. 8 Old England's alarum. London, 1844. 12 A relation, or rather a true account of the Island of England ; with sundry particulars of the customs of these people, and of the Royal revenues under King Henry the Seventh, about the year 1500. Translated from the Italian, with notes, by Charlotte Augusta Sneyd. [Published by the Camden Society.] , London, 1847. 4 CHURCH. The form of Church government to be used- in the Church of England and Ire- land : agreed upon by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, after advice had with the Assembly of divines. London, 1648. 4 Another copy. A serious and compassionate inquiry into the causes of the present neglect and contempt of the Protestant religion and Church of Eng- land. 3d, ed. London, 1675. 8 An instance of the Church of England's loyalty. London, 1687. 4 A reply to the new test of the Church of Eng- land's loyalty. London, 1687. 4 A plain account of the persecution, now laid to the charge of the Church of England. s. I. et a. 4 An apology for the Church of England, with relation to the spirit of persecution : for which she is accused. [By Gilbert BURNET.] s. I, [1689]. 4 The Church of England's wish for the restor- ing of primitive discipline ; considered, in or- der to its being brought to effect. On which occasion is shewn the institution, nature, end, and necessity of discipline in the Church of Christ. London, 1703. 8 The history of the Church, in respect both to its ancient and present condition. To which is added, a continuation of the same ; with the opinions of several Bishops and learned di- vines concerning the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England. By one called an High-Churchman. London, 1706. 4 The Church of England's late conflict with, and triumph over the spirit of fanaticism... By a lover of the Church of England ; [Patrick DREWE]. London, 1710. 8 The layman's vindication of the Church of England, as well against Mr Howell's charge 34 966 ENGLAITO-XFHRAEM. of schism, as against Dr Bennet's ]>r< answer to it. L,c ! ->. 17H>. 8 Free and candid disquisitions relating to the Church of England, and the means of ad- vancing religion therein. [By John .1 2d ed. //!, 17">0. 8 - Another copy. Free and impartial considerations upon the Free and candid disquisitions relating t<> tin- Church of England. Addressed to the authors of the Disquisitions. [By John WHITE.] London, 1751. 8 The real advantages which ministers and peo- ple may enjoy, especially in the colonies, by conforming to the Church of England ; faith- fully considered, and impartially represented, in a letter to a young gentleman. s. I, 1762. 8 Free thoughts on the subject of a farther re- formation of the Church of England ; in six numbers : To which are added, the remarks of the editor. By the author of A short and safe expedient for terminating the present debates about subscription. Published [and really written] by Benjamin DAWSON. London, 1771. 8 The case of the Church of England. Reprinted from Eraser's Magazine for February, 1834. London, 1834. 16 The Anglican reformation : or the Church of England but half reformed. Philadelphia, 1844. 12 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sketch of the his- tory and principles of the Presbyterian Church in England. London, 1840. 8 Third edition. London, 1850. 12 ENGLAND (GEORGE), Rector of Woolterton, Nor- folk. An enquiry into the morals of the an- cients. London, 1737. 4 ENGLAND (JOHN), D.D., Bishop of Charleston, U. S. A. A brief account of the introduction of the Cathob'c religion into the States of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Dublin, 1832. 8 Explanation of the construction, furniture and ornaments of a church, of the vestments of the clergy, and of the nature and ceremonies of the mass. Rome, 1833. 12 ENGLES (WILLIAM M.), D.D., Philadelphia. Qualifications and duties of ruling elders in the Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia, 1836. 12 Another edition. [Presb. Tracts, vol. i.] Philadelphia, 1840. 12 A caution against prevailing errors : being a conversation between a Presbyterian pastor and his parishioner. Philn<]< '///(/, 1837. 12 Another edition. [Presb. Tracts, vol. ii.] Philadelphia, 1840. 12 Records of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of AMERICA. 1841 ENGLISHMAN. A collection of the writings of the author of the True-born English-man. [Daniel DEFOE.] London, 1703. 8 ENGLISH-SERVICE. A dialogue between a curat and a countreyman concerning the Eng- lish- s folium .11 -prayer- book of Eng- land. [ By John AMIKKSO.V] s.l.cta. 4 Another o>py. Another copy. Another copy. Answer to a pamphlet entitled, A dialogue be- a curat and a roiinti _-, man, n.n. the English sen-ice. [By R. CALDER.] . I., 1711. 4 Another copy. The second dialogue between a curat and a countreyman concerning the English-service. [By John ANDERSON.] a. L, 1711. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. The Answer [by R. Calder] to the dialogue between the curat and the countrey-man, con- cerning the English-service, or, Common- prayer-book of England examined. In a fa- miliar letter to the author of the answer. [By John ANDERSON.] s. I., 1712. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. The countrey-man's letter to the curat. Where- in, besides a historical view of the English li- turgie, the assertions of the author of the Fun- damental charter of presbytery, [Bishop Sage] concerning its universal usage in Scotland at the time of the Reformation, &c. are examined, and proved to be false. [By John ANDERSON. | s. I, 1711. 4 d Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. ENIEDINUS (GEORGIUS), Superintendent of the Unitarian churches in Transylvania. Explica- tiones locorum Veteris et Novi Testamenti, ex quibus Trinitatis dogma stabiliri solet. s. I. et a. 4 ENOCH, tlie Prophet. The holy prophecies... of Enoch ; quoted by St Jude's Epistle on Christ's millennial reign. Carefully arranged by W. ALOIS. Edin., 1839. 8 ENS (JOHANNES). Bibliotheca sacra; sive dia- tribe de librorum Novi Testamenti canone. Amstel., 1710. 8 ENSLIN (THEODOR CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH). Bibliotheca historico-geographica. Berlin, 1825. 8 Bibliotheca theologica. Zweite auflage. Muttgart, 1833. 8 ENTHUSIASM. Natural history of enthusiasm. [By Isaac TAYLOR.] Lomlon, 1829. 8 Another copy. - Fourth edition. London, 1830. 8 Another copy. - Eighth edition. London, 1842. 8 ENVY. Envy at arms ! or, Caloric alarming the Church. Edin., 1805. 8 EPHRAEM, SYRUS. Opera omnia quae extant Greece, Syriace, Latine, ad MSS. codices Va- ticanos afiosque castigata, multis aucta, nova EPICTETUS EPISCOPACY. 267 interpretatione, prsefationibus, notis, varian- tibus lectionibus illustrata : nunc primum sub auspiciis sanctissimi Patris Clementis XII. Pont. Max. e bibliotheca Vaticana prodeunt. 6 torn. [Tom. i.-iii. Greece et Latine ; torn, iv.-vi. Syriace et Latine.] Syriacum textum recensuit Petrus Benedictus S. J., notis voca- libus animavit, latine vertit, et variorum scho- liis locupletavit. Romce, 1732-46. fol. A serious exhortation to repentance and sor- row for sin, and a strict and mortified life... Translated in English from the Greek and La- tin versions compared. London, 1731. 8 - Codex Ephraemi Syri rescriptus. 1848. See BIBLES GREEK. A. The repentance of Nineveh, a metrical homily on the mission of Jonah, by E. S. Also, an exhortation to repentance, and some smaller pieces. Translated from the original Syriac, with an introduction and notes, by the Rev. Henry Burgess, Ph. D. London, 1853. 12 Select metrical hymns and homilies of E. S. Translated from the original Syriac, with an introduction and historical and philological notes, by the Rev. Henry Burgess, Ph. D. London, 1853. 12 EPICTETUS. The life and philosophy of E. With the Embleme of humane life, by CEBES. Rendred into English, by John Davies. London, 1670. 12 Epictetus his morals, with Simplicius his com- ment. Made English from the Greek by George Stanhope, D.D. 5th ed. With the life of Epictetus from Mons. Boileau. London, 1741. 8 Enchiridion ; ex editione Joannis Upton. [Gr. et Lat.] GlasgiUK, 1758. 16 - Editio quinta. Per Jos. Simpson. [Gr. et Lat.] Oxonii, 1804. 8 EPIGRAMMATA. Epigrammata Grteca anno- tationibus Joannis Brodsei, nee non Vincentii Obsopoei, et Graecis in pleraque epigrammata scholiis illustrata. Libri vii. Accesserunt Henrici Stephani in quosdam Anthologiae epi- grammatum locos annotationes. Francofurti, 1600. fol. EPIPHANIUS, Saint, Bishop of Salamis. Opera omnia. Dionysius Petavius Aurelianensis, S. J. theologus ex veteribus libris recensuit, La- tine vertit, et animadversionibus illustravit. 2 torn. [Gr. et Lat.] Parisiis, 1622. fol. - Panaria eorumque anacephalseosis. Ad vete- res libros recensuit et cum Latina Dion. Peta- vii interpretatione et integris ejus animadver- sionibus edidit Franciscus CEhler. Tom. i. et tomi ii. pars prior. Berolini, 1859-61. 8 EPISCOPACY. Triple Episcopacie ; or, a three- fold order of Bishops... one of God, another of men, and another of the divell. s. I. eta. 4 - The apostolicall institution of Episcopacy. [By William CHILLINGWORTH.] Oxford, 1644. 4 Confessions and proofes of Protestant divines of reformed Churches, that Episcopacy is in respect of the office according to the word of God, and in respect of the use the best. To- gether with a briefe treatise touching the ori- ginall of Bishops and Metropolitans. Oxford, 1644. 4 [The latter treatise is by Archbishop USHER.] The judgment of Protestant divines, of remote Churches, as well such as were the first Re- formers of religion, as others after them in behalf of episcopal degree in the Church. s. 1. et a. 4 A brief defence of the divine institution of the episcopal order ; and of the superiority of Bishops over the inferior clergy. By a Pres- byter of the Church of England. In answer to a pamphlet lately published, intitled, Epis- copacy. London, 1678. 8 A vindication of the primitive Church, and diocesan Episcopacy : in answer to Mr Bax- ter's Church history of Bishops. [By Henry MAURICE.] London, 1682. 8 Differences of the time, in three dialogues. The first, anent Episcopacy. The second, anent the obligation of the Covenants. The third, anent Separation. [By David FORRES- TER.] Edin., 1679. 12 Another copy. - Rectius instruendum, or, A Review and exa- mination of the doctrine presented by one as- suming the name of ane informer, in three dialogues with a certain doubter, upon the controverted points of Episcopacy, the Cove- nants against Episcopacie, and Separation. [By Thomas FORRESTER.] s. I, 1684. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Some questions resolved concerning episcopal and presbyterian government in Scotland. London, 1690. 4 The reduction of Episcopacy unto the form of synodical government, received in the antient Church, proposed in the year 1641, as an ex- pedient for the prevention of those troubles, which afterwards did arise about the matter of Church government, episcopal and presby- terial government, conjoyned. Proposed now again 1703. By the author of the Essay for promoting national love and unity. Edin., 1703. 4 A review and consideration of two late pamph- lets. The first [by Robert Calder] entituled, Queries to the Presbyterians of Scotland, by a gentleman of that countrey. The second, [by Archibald Campbell] a Querie turn'd into an argument in favours of Episcopacy... To which are annex'd, Counter-Queries offered to the prelatists of Scotland. As also considerations upon Church-government. [By Thomas FOR- RESTER.] Edin., 1706. 4 - Another copy. A clear account of the ancient Episcopacy, proving it to have been parochial, and there- fore inconsistent with the present model of diocesan Episcopacy. [By Joseph BOYSE.] London, 1712. 8 Another copy. A letter from a layman to a lay-deacon of the Kirk of Scotland. Containing the reasons of his dissenting from the presbyterian, and join- 208 EPISCOPIUS ERASMUS. ine tho episcopal communion. [Imperfect.] . J., 1749. 8 d EPISCOPIUS (SIMON), Hector <>f the L college at Amsterdam. Optra, theologica. m. [Tom. i., ed 2da.] /<' './ ... I.'-mJini, 1C65, 78. fol. Tom. i. Editio sccunda. Londini, 1078. fol. * The life and death of James ARM i M i S. E. Published in the English tongue. [By J. K.] * Historia vitse S. E. scripta a Philippo a Lim- borch, e Belgico in Latinum sennonem versa. Amstelodami, 1750. 8 * Memoirs of S. E....To which is added a brief account of the Synod of Dort ; and of the suf- ferings to which the followers of Arminius were exposed in consequence of their attach- ment to his opinions. By Frederick Calder. London, 1835. 8 EPISTLES. Praestantixwn ac eruditorum viro- rum epistolse ecclesiasticse et theologicae, qua- rum longe major pars scripta est a Jac. Anni- nio, Joan. Uytenbogardo, Conr. Vorstio, Ger. Joan. Vossio, Hug. Grotio, Sim. Episcopio, Casp. Barheo. Editio secunda. Amstelcedami, 1684. fol. Editio tertia, novo augmento locuplet.-ita. Amstelcedami, 1704. fol. - Elegant epistles. 2 vol. London, 1807. 8 EPITAPHS. Tiv n/uv...Ex-

lt nicinunta das sein mit gewalt jil.ilrin.u'rii, Ac. . ?., 1521. 4 - \ orin.-Liiiing das heylige Euan^-liu und der lu-ylixfii xxvi-lfbote schrifft fleissig zu leaen. In kurtz verdeutscht. B. L. . 1522. 4 - Vonn walfart E. R. vermanung wo Christus und sein Reich zu suche ist. B. L. s. L, 1522. 4 - De libero arbitrio A/arj/e*) sive collatio. [Edi- tio princeps.] 1524. 8 - Another copy. - Hyperaspistes diatribte adversus servum arbi- trium Martini Lutheri. 2 lib. ( Editio prin- ceps. 1 Bcusilea, JOliO, 27. 8 - Another copy. Part i. - Dilutio eorum quae Jodocus Clithoveus scripsit adversusdeclamationem suasoriam matriiiK 'iiii. Epistola ejusdem de delectu ciborum,cum scho- liis per ipsum autorem recens additis. In elen- chum Alberti Pii brevissima scholia per eun- dem Erasmum. BasilecE, 1532. 8 - Declarationes ad censuras Lutetiaa vulgatas sub nomine Facultatis Theologiae Parisiensis. Basilct?, 1532. 8 - Familiarium colloquiorum formulas. Colonial, 1538. 8 - Another edition. Cum notis selectis variorum ...Accurante Corn. Schrevelio. Lugd. Batav. et Eoterod., 1664. 8 - / Another copy. - Another edition. Cum scholiis quibusdam perquam eruditis, qu difficiliora passim loca diligenter explicant. Recensuit... Samuel Pa- trick, A.M. Londini, 1760. 8 - Twenty-two select colloquies out of Erasmus Roterodamus, pleasantly representing several superstitious levities that were crept into the Church of Rome in his days. By Sir Roger L'Estrange. To which are added, seven more dialogues, with the life of the author. By Mr Tho. Brown. London, 1725. 8 - Adagiorum chiliades juxta locos communes digestae. Quibus Hadriani Junii, Johannis Alexandri Brassicani, Johannis Ulpii, Gilberti Cognati, Coelii Rhodigini, Polydori Virgilii, Petri Godofredi, CaroS Bovilli, Adr. Turnebi et aliorum quorundam paroemiographorum adagia eodem ordine descripta subjuncta sunt. Aurelioe, Allobrogum, 16C6. fol. - Adagiorum epitome. Editio novissima. Oxonia, 1666. 12 - Enarratio in Psalmurn i. Lugd. Batav., 1644. 12 - Enarratio triplex in Psalmum xxii. Lugd, Batav., 1645. 12 - Concionalis interpretatio, plena pietatis, in Psahnum Ixxxvi. Editio novissima. Lugd. Batav., 1652. 12 - Enarratio pia justa ac docta in Psahnum xxxiv. Editio novissima. Lugd. Batav., 1652. 12 - [A paraphrase upon the Epistles ; with the paraphrase of Leo Judah upon the Revelation, and a table of matters by Thomas Norton. Wants title, and a leaf of the table.] fol. ERASTUS ERROR. 2C9 Another edition. [Wanting the argument upon the epistle to the Romans, four leaves of the paraphrase upon the Revelation, and the whole of the table.] fol. The Christian's manual : being a translation from the Enchiridion militis Christiani of Eras- mus. By John Spier, D.D. Second edition. London, 1752. 8 * The life of Erasmus, more particularly that part of it which he spent in England ; wherein an account is given of his learned friends, and the state of religion and learning at that time in both our Universities. With an appendix containing several original papers. By Samuel Knight, D.D. Cambridge, 1726. 8 ERASTUS (THOMAS). Disputationes de medici- na nova Philippi Paracelsi. 3 partt. Basilece, 1572. 4 Explicatio qusestionis famosse illius, utrum ex metallis ignobilibus aurum verum et naturale arte conflari possit. [Basilece], 1572. 4 - Explicatio gravissimse qusestionis utrum ex- communicatio, quatenus religionem intelligen- tes et amplexantes, a sacramentorum usti, propter admissum facinus arcet ; mandato ni- taturdivino, an excogitata sit ab hominibus... Adjectte sunt...theologorum epistolas. Pesclavii, 1689. 4 Translated from the Latin, with a preface, by the Rev. Robert Lee, D.D. Edin., 1844. 8 Another copy. - Another copy. ERBERY (WILLIAM). The testimony of W. E., left upon record for the saints of succeeding ages. Being a collection of the writings of the aforesaid authour for the benefit of posterity. Whereunto is added, The honest heretick, being his tryal at Westminster, a piece never printed before. , London, 1658. 4 ERDMANN (OTTO LINNE). Lehrbuch der Che- mie. 3te Auflage. Leipzig, 1840. 8 EREMUNDUS (ERNESTUS). Origo et historia Belgicorum tumultimm, continens, prater Hispanorum regum sanguinaria diplomata et S. inquisitionis arcana consilia ; tyrannides ipsorum caedesque ac crudelitates per univer- sam Belgicam ipsamque Cliviam et Westpha- liam immaniter patratas, ad usque inducias duodecennales. Accedit prseterea Historia tragica de furoribus Gallicis et csede Admiralii ; nee non formula abjurationis et confess, fidei cui debebant subscribere in Gallia quicunque vitam redimere volebant. Item, Responsio D. D. Ordin. Feed. Belg. ad legatum Cses. Ma- jestatis. Ainstd., 1641. 12 ERMELER (C. F.). Deutsches Lesebuch fiir Frankreichs Schulen. Paris, 1829. 12 - Dritte Ausgabe. Paris, 1833. 12 ERNEST, the pious, first Duke of Saxe-Gotha. Memorials of E. ...with historical notices of Frederick, John, and John Frederick, Elec- tors of Saxony, the chief promoters of the Re- formation in Germany. By the Rev. Thomas Lathbury, M.A. London, 1843. 12 ERNESTI (AUGUSTUS GUIL.). Disputatio histo- rico critica qua Hosium concilio Nicseno non prsesedisse ostenditur...Defendent M. A. G. E. et Paulus Christianus GB.ENZ. Lipsice, 1758. 4 Disputatio historica de Concilii Lateranensis A. C. IOCCLXXIV. veritate. Lipsice, 1761. 4 ERNESTI (JOANNES AUGUSTUS), Professor of theo- logy at Leipsic.De glossariorum Grsecorum vera indole et recto usu in interpretatione dis- putatiuncula. Lipsice, 1742. 4 Vindicise arbitrii divini in religione constitu- enda. [2 partt.] Lipsice, [1756]. 4 Prolusio de epigrammate Callimachi in Arati phsenomena. Oratiunculis VI. in schola Tho- mana...habendis, praemissa a rectore J. A. E. Lipsice, [1757]. 4 Prolusio de theologise historicae'et dogmaticae conjungendiB necessitate. Lipsice, 1759. 4 Brevis narratio critica de interpretatione pro- phetiarum Messianarum in Ecclesia Christiana. Lipsice, [1769]. 4 Elogium Gotfridi Heinsii. [Lipsice, 1770.] 4 Elogium Christiani Furchtegott Gellerti. Lipsice, [1770.] 4 Opuscula philologica critica. Editio secunda. Lngd. Batav., 1776. 8 Opuscula theologica. Editio secunda. Lipsice, 1792. 8 Opuscula varii argument!. Lipsice, 1794. 8 Lectiones academicee in Epistolam ad Hebraeos ab ipso reviste cum ejusdem excursibus theo- logicis. Edidit, commentarium in quo multa ad recentissimorum imprimis interpretum sen- tentias pertinentia uberius illustrantur adjecit Gottlib Immanuel Dindorf . 2 torn. Lipsice, 1795. 8 Elements of interpretation translated from the Latin of J. A. E. and accompanied by notes. With an appendix containing extracts from Morus, Beck, and Keil. By Moses Stuart. Second edition. Andover, 1824. 12 Translated by Charles H. Terrot, A.M. [Bibl. Cab. vol. i. and iv.] 2 vol. Edin., 1832, 33. 8 ERPENIUS (THOMAS), Professor of Oriental lan- guages at Leyden. Grammatica Arabica, quinque libris methodic^ explicata. Leidce., 1613. 4 Grammatica Arabica dicta Gjarumia, et libel- lus centum regentium. Cum versione Latina et commentariis. Leidce, 1617. 4 Rudimenta linguae Arabicae. Florilegium sen- tentiarum Arabicarum ut et clavim dialecto- rum ac praesertim Arabicae adjecit Alb. Schul- tens. Editio altera, aucta indicibus. Liujd. Batav., 1770. 4 Psalterium Syriacum, Latine vertit T. E. 1768. See BIBLES SYKIAC. A. ERROR. The growth of error ; being an exerci- tation concerning the rise and progress of Ar- minianism, and more especially Socinianism, both abroad, and now of late in England. By a lover of truth and peace ; [Stephen LOBB]. London, 1697.- 8 The innocency of error asserted and vindicated. 870 EllSKINE ERSKINE. fBy Arthur Ashley SYKKS.] 3d ed. London, 1729. 8 K!;^K 1 NE (EBENEZER), Minister of the Gospel at Stirling. The whole works of the Rev. E. E., consisting of sennons and discourses on the most important and interesting subjects. 2 vol. './/A, 1791. 4 Another edition. 3vol. A'-/;/.., IT'.'S. s Another edition. To which is added an en- larged memoir of the author, by the Rev. D. Fraser. 2 vol. London, 1826. 8 The select writings of the Rev. E. E. Edited by the Rev. David Smith, Biggar. Vol. i. Doctrinal sermons. Edin., 1848. 8 The rainbow of the covenant surrounding the throne of grace. Being the substance of some sermons. /,'1 i si 1 1 1 u- 1 1 1 s . /'.///,. is;;:;, s The voluntary Church scheme without founda- tion in Scripture, reason, or common sense. With an examination of Mr Young's reply to Mr Eadailo's animadversions. Perth, 1834. 8 Second edition. Perth, 1834. 8 The spirit, principles, and reasoning of the Voluntaries, exposed. With an examination of the Rev. D. Young's pamphlet, entitled, " Scripture, reason, and common sense, vindi- cated." Perth, 1834. 8 * Report of the speeches delivered at a dinner given to the Rev. James Esdaile, Perth, July 18, 1834, by some of the admirers of his de- fence of Church establishments. Perth, 1834. 8 ESPEN (ZBGERUS BERNARDUS VAN). Tractatus do recursu ad principem...Item de hujus re- cursus effectu. Lovanii, 1725. 4 ESPINASSE (ISAAC), of Gray's Inn. A letter from CATALINE. 1810 ESS (LEANDER VAN). Vetus Testamentum Gr. juxta Septuaginta interpretes. 1824. See BIBLES GREEK. C. Two letters addressed to the Rev. G. C. Gor- ham, on some points of his " Statement on the Apocryphal Books" and on some of the alleged doctrines of the Romish Church. With a re- ply by G. C. GORHAM. London, 1826. 8 ESSAYISTS. The British essayists. To which are prefixed prefaces... by James FERGUSON. New ed. 45 vol. London, 1819. 12 ESSAYS. Essays on the principles of morality and natural religion. In two parts. /:./;/(., 1751. 8 Philosophical essays. Edin. , 1708. 12 Essays and observations. . .Read before the Phi- losophical Society in Edinburgh. Vol. i.-iii. 2ded. Edin., 1771. 8 Original essays and translations. By different hands. Edin., 1780. 8 Essays by a society of gentlemen at Exeter. filter, [1796]. 8 Essays on the sources of the pleasures received from literary compositions. 2d ed. London, 1813. 8^ Three essays on important subjects. By a cultivator of the ground ; [Andrew AITKEN]. Beith, 1830. 8 Oxford essays, contributed by members of the university, 1857. London, 1857. 8 - Essays by ministers of the Free Church of Scotland. Edited by Rev. William Hanna, LL.D. /;,//, i., 1858. 8 Essays and Reviews. London, 1860. 8 Third edition. London, 1860. 8 The " Essays and Reviews" and the people of England, a popular refutation of the principal propositions of the essayists. With an appen- dix containing the protest of the Bishops and clergy, the proceedings in Convocation, and all the documents and letters connected with the subject. London, 1861. 8 Replies to " Essays and Reviews." By the I. Rev. E. M. (Joull.nrn, D.I). II. Rov. H. J. Rose, B.D. Ill llev. C. A. Heurtley, D.D. I V. Rev. W. J. Irons, D.D. V. II, v! G. Ro- rison, LL.D. VI. Rev. A. \V. Haddun, It 1>. VII. K,-v. ('In-. Wordsworth, D.D. With a preface by the Lord Bishop of Oxford ; and letters from the Radclitfe Observer and the reader in geology in the university of Oxford. 2d ed. With a note by Professor Owen. Oxford and Lon, 1<52. 8 Essays o"n religion and literature. By various writers. Edited by H. E. Manning, D.D. London, 1865. 8 j ESSENIUS (ANDREAS). Disputation um philoso- phicarum tertia, de physica general i, et spe- cialius de coslo. Ultrajecti, 1640. 4 Disputationum philosophicarum sexta, de mo- taphysicte natura principiis et simplicibus sub- jecti affectionibus. Ultrajecti, 1640. 4 Disputationum philosophicarum nona, de spi- ritibus creatis. Ultrajecti, 1640. 4 Triumphus crucis sive fides catholica de satis- factione Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, asserta et vindicata ab exceptionibus atque objectionibus Socinianis : nominatim vero ab illis, quas Jo- hannes Crellius Francus in responsione sua ad librum H. Grotii de eodem argumento, protu- lit. Amstel, 1649. 4 Another copy. Another edition. Ultrajecti, 1666. 4 Vindicire quarti prsecepti in decalogo, seu lege divina morali. Ultrajecti, 1666. 4 Synopsis controversiarum theologicarum : et index locorum totius S. Scripturse. Editio tertia. Ultrajecti, 1677. 16 Compendium theologise dogmaticum. . .Fini ad- jecta est Johannis HOORNBECKII Methodus concionandi. Ultrajecti, 1682. 16 ESSZLINGEN (MICHAEL STYFELS VON). Evan- gelium von den Zehen pfunden Matthei. am xxv. mitt schoner christlicher usslegung M. S. v. E. s. I., 1522. 4 ESTABLISHMENTS. A free and candid dis- quisition on religious establishments in gene- ral, and the Church of England in particular. Occasioned by a visitation sermon preached at Chelmsford, May 22, 1770. To which is pre- fixed, an answer to a letter from a clergyman, concerning siibscription to the xxxix. articles of the Church of England. London, 1771. 8 (Ten) tracts on religious establishments. s. 1. et a. 8 Defence of ecclesiastical establishments, in re- ply to the Rev. Andrew Marshall's letter. [By James LEWIS.] JV///L, 1830. 8 Thoughts on ecclesiastical establishments, par- ticularly the Established Church of Scotland. Edin., 1832. 8 Examination of the equity and expediency of ecclesiastical establishments. [By David KING.] Edin., 1832. 8 Church establishments defended : being a re- view of the speeches, delivered in Dr Beattie's chapel, 12th November, 1832, by the leading ESTABLISHMENTS ETTRICK. 273 men of the Voluntary Church association. By a Churchman ; [J. G. LORIMER]. Glasgow, 1832. 8 - Second edition. Glasgow, 1833. 8 - A second defence of Church establishments : being a second review of the speeches, deliver- ed in Dr Beattie's chapel, 12th November, 1832, by the leading men of the Voluntary Church association ; in which the argument against establishments drawn from the state of religion in the United States of America is fully considered, and ample information on the subject adduced. By a Churchman ; [J. G. LORIMER]. Glasgow, 1833. 8 Another copy. " Voluntary Church association," and their manifesto against establishments considered ; with an exposure of the complete abandonment of their own principles by those of them who still call themselves " The United Secession Church." 2ded. Edin., 1832. 12 Church establishments indefensible, on the ground of their opposition to Scripture, their tendency to substitute a form of godliness for real religion, and to cause the name of Christ to be blasphemed. By a member of the Church of Christ. Glasgow, 1833. 8 The whole question of ecclesiastical establish- ments stated and considered. [By Low- RIE.] Edin., 1833. 12 Review of objections to ecclesiastical establish- ments. (From the Edinburgh Christian In- structor for February 1833. ) Edin. , 1833. 8 Account of a meeting held at Arbroath, on the 16th April 1834, in defence of Church estab- lishments ; with a full report of the speeches delivered on that occasion, by the Rev. Messrs j Stevenson, Meek, Whitson, Lee, Guthrie, and j Muir. Arbroath, 1834. 8 The might and mastery of the Established Church laid low : a review and refutation of the principal arguments of the Rev. Drs Inglis and Chalmers, in vindication of ecclesiastical establishments. [By Adam THOMSON.] Edin., 1834. 8 Another copy. Lectures on the Church establishment contro- versy, and subjects connected with it. Deli- vered in Glasgow. Glasgow, 1835. 8 Lectures on the nature, lawfulness, duty, and advantages of civil establishments of religion, with an application of the argument to the pa- rochial economy of Scotland, delivered in Edin- burgh. With a prefatory discourse, contain- ing a general statement of the case. Edin., 1835. 12 Another copy. Lectures on Church establishments ; delivered in Edinburgh, at the request of the Voluntary Church association. Edin. , 1835. 12 A dialogue between a Voluntary and a Church- man on the important question of ecclesiasti- cal establishments... with particular reference to the establishments of Great Britain and Ire- land, but especially to that of Scotland. Dundee, 1836. 12 Fundamental reform of the Church establish- ment, by which it may be rendered less despo- tic in its constitution, less secular in its spirit, and less intolerant in its administration : With remarks on Lord Morpeth's Irish Church bill. 2d ed. By a Clergyman. London, 1836. 8 On the principle of Church establishments. [From Eraser's Magazine, August, 1836. By William CUNNINGHAM, D.D.] London, 1836. 8 The New Testament sanction of the national establishment and spiritual liberty of the Church of Christ. By a Clergyman. Glasgoiv, 1840. 8 ' Another copy. i Review of the Scripture polity of Church estab- lishments. By a Presbyterian layman. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. An inquiry into the constitution, nature, and service of religious establishments. Edin., 1845. 12 ESTEIUS (D.). Oratio de certitudine salutis ; [cum Disceptat. scholast. de circulo Pontificio inter Nic. Grevinchovium et Gul. AMESIUM]. 1644 ESTIENNE. See STEPHANTTS. ESTIUS (GUILLELMUS), Professor of theology, and Chancellor of the university of Douay. In qua- tuor libros Sententiarum commentaria : qui- bus pariter S. Thomse Summae theologicse par- tes omnes mirifice illustrantur. 2 torn. Parisiis, 1680. fol. Another edition. Parisiis, 1696. fol. Absolutissima in omnes beati Pauli et septem catholicas Apostolorum Epistolas commentaria, tribus tomis distincta...Accedunt huic novissi- mse editioni...textus sacer Clementinse editio- nis : annotationes locorum communium ad fi- dem et mores pertinentium... studio et opera Jacobi Merlo-Horstii. Parisiis, 1666. fol. Annotationes in praecipua ac difficiliora sacraj Scripturee loca. Quinta editio. Parisiis, 1685. fol. ESTLIN (JOHN PRIOR), .LL.D. Discourses on universal restitution. London, 1813. 8 ESTWICK (NICOLAS), B.D., Rector of Warkton, Northamptonshire. A learned and godly ser- mon [on Phil. i. 23, 24] preached on the 19th day of December 1631, at the funerall of Mr Robert Bolton. London, 1635. 4 ETERNAL LIFE. The strait gate and narrow way to eternal life illustrated. Edin. , 1802. 12 ETERNITY. Serious thoughts on eternity. London, s. a. 12 ETHERIDGE (J. W.). The Syrian Churches : their early history, liturgies and literature. With a literal translation of the four Gospels, from the Peschito, or canon of holy Scripture in use among the oriental Christians from the earliest times. London, 1846. 12 ETTEMARE (L'abbe' d'). See LE SCENE DBS MENILLES. ETTRICK (W.), A.M. The second exodus ; or reflections on the prophecies relating to the 35 274 EUBULUS EUROPE. rise, fall, and perdition of the great Roman Beast of the 12(50 years and his last huad, and their connection with the lony captivity :unl :i]i])ri);iching restoration of the Jews. 3 vol. _M ed. Nmi./ci-tenrf, 1814. 8 EUBULUS. Ought females to have a voice in the election or call of ministers ? answered from Scripture, by Eubulus, a lay member <>t the Free Church. Glasgow, 1844. 8 EUCHARIST. Sermo do digna pneparatione ad sacramentum eucharistioa. B. L. Augustce Vindelicorum, 1519. 4 Reponse aux deux traittez [par A. Arnauld et P. Nicole] intitulez La papetuiM de la foi de 1'Eglise Catholique touchant 1'Eucharistie. [Par Jean CLAUDE.] s. I, 1667. 12 Histoire de 1'eucharistie, divise'e en trois par- ties : dont la pivniiriv traitte de la forme de la celebration ; la seconde, de la doctrine ; et la troisieme, du culte. [Par Matthieu de LAR- ROQUE.] Amsterdam, 1609. 4 Another copy. Done into English by J. W. London, 1684. 4 The propitiatory oblation in the holy eucharist truly stated and defended, from Scripture, an- tiquity, and the communion service of the Church of England ; in which some notice is taken of Dr Hancock's answer to Dr Hickes. [By John JOHNSON.] London, 1710. 8 - The eucharist. A poem. Edin.,1737. 8 EUCLID. Preclarissirmis liber elementorum Eu- clidis perspicacissimi : in artem Geometric in- cipit quam foelicissime. [EDITIO PRINCEPS.] Venetiis. Erhardus Eatdolt, M.CCCC.LXXX.II. 4 The elements of Euclid, viz. the first six books, together with the eleventh and twelfth. In this edition, the errors, by which Theon, or others, have long ago vitiated these books, are corrected, and some of Euclid's demonstrations are restored. By Robert Simson, M.D. Glasgoic, 1756. 4 Euclidis elementorum libri xv. Accessit liber xvi. De solidorum regularium cujuslibet in- tra quodlibet comparatione. Omnes perspicuis demonstrationibus, accuratisque scholiis illus- trati : nunc quarto editi, ac multarum rerum accessione post primam editionem locupletati. Auctore Christophoro Clavio. Francofurti, 1607. 8 Euclidis elementorum libri priores xii. ex Com- mandini et Gregorii versionibus Latinis... Edidit, pluribus in locis auxit, et in deprava- tis emendavit Samuel [Horsley] Episcopus Rof- fensis. Oxonii, 1802. 8 Elements of Geometry ; containing the first six books of Euclid... By John PL A YF AIR. 8th ed., with additions, by William Wallace, A.M. Edin., 1831. 8 EUD^EMON-JOANNES (ANDREAS). Ad versus Roberti Abbati Oxoniensis de Antichristo so- phismata disputationis libri tres. Ingolftadii, 1609. 4 Parallelus Torti ac Tortoris ejus L. Cicestren- sis : sive responsio ad Torturam Torti pro il- lustr mo Card. lii-Il.-mnino. r,,/,,,M.r .l-//-'/>;>i)ur, 1611. 8 EUGENE (FRANCOIS), V >'>,< * His- toire du Prince Eugene de Savoye. 6 torn. Vienne en Autriche, 1777. 12 EUGENIUS PHILALETHES. See Euguniu* 1*1111. AI.KTIil I. EULER (LEONARD). Elements of Algebra. Translated from the French, with the critical and historical notes of M. Bernoulli. To which are added, the additions of M. de La Grange, some original notes by the translator ; ni' of the life of Euler, with an estimate of his character ; and a praxis to the whole work. 2 vol. London, 1797. 8 Fourth edition. Translated from the French. By the Rev. John Hewlett, B.D. To which is prefixed, a memoir of the lift- :nul character of Euler, by the late Francis Horner. London, 1828. 8 Letters on different subjects in natural philo- sophy. Addressed to a German princess. With notes, and a life of Euler, by David Brewster. 3d ed. 2 vol. Edin., 1823. 12 - Another copy. EURIPIDES. Drama supplices mulieres. Ad codd. MSS. recensitum : et, versione correcta, notis uberioribus illustratum. [Gr. et Lat.j Accedit de Graecorum quinta declinatione im- parisyllabica, et inde formata Latinorum ter- tia, quaestio grammatica. Editio altera. Londini, 1775. 8 Hercules Furens, notis Hermanni, Porsoni, Burneii, Elmsleii, Musgravii, Barnesii, Beckii, aliorumque illustrata. [Gr. et Lat.] Glasguce, 1820. 8 Tragpediarum interpretatio Latina ex editione Musgravii passim reficta. Oxonii, 1821. 8 Alcestis Euripidea. Edidit, diatriba recogni- ta, et annotatione perpetua illustravit Gotlobb Adolph Wagner. Lipsice, 1800. 8 Hecuba, Orestes, Phoenissae, et Medea, ad fi- dem manuscriptorum emendatae et brevibus notis emendationum potissimum rationes red- dentibus instructae. [Gr. ]. . .Edidit R. Person, A.M. Accedunt indices locupletissimi, et no- tne criticae Godofr. Henr. Schseferi. Londini, 1825. 8 Editio secunda. Recensuit suasque notulas subjecit Jacobus Scholefield, A.M. Cantab., 1829. 8 Editio correction Edidit Ricardus Porson. Londini, 1829. 8 EUROPE. A compleat history of Europe, or a view of the affairs thereof, civil and military : from the beginning of the treaty of Nimeguen, 1676, to the conclusion of the peace at Res- wick, 1697. London, 1698. 8 A compleat history of Europe : or, a view of the affairs thereof, civil and military, for the year 1703. London, 1704. 8 The present state of Europe ; explaining the interests, connections, political and commer- cial views of its several powers, comprehend- ing also a clear and concise history of each country, so far as to shew the nature of their EUSEBIUS EUSTACE. 275 present constitutions. 6th ed. London, 1761. 8 EUSEBIUS, Pamphilus, Bishop of Ccesarea. Chronico : quod Hieronymus presbyter diuino ejus ingenio Latinum facere curauit, et usq ; in Valete Caesarem Romano adjecit eloquio. Ad que et Prosper et Matthseus Palmerius, et Matthias Palmerius coplura addidere. Quibus demum nonnulla ad hsec usq ; tempora subse- cuta : adiecta sunt. Henricus Stephanus, Parisiis, 1518. 4 Chronicorum canonum libri duo. Opus ex Haicano codice a doctore Johanne Zohrabo col- legii Armeniaci Venetiarum alumno, diligen- ter expressum et castigatum. Angelus Maius et Johannes Zohrabus nunc primum conjunc- tis curis Latinitate donatum notisque illustra- tum additis Grsecis reliquiis ediderunt. Mediolani, 1818. 4 Thesaurus temporum Eusebii Pamphili Chro- nicorum canonum omnimodse historise libri duo, interprete Hieronymo : ex fide vetustis- simorum codicum castigati. Item autores omnes derelicta ab Eusebio et Hieronymo con- tinuantes. Ejusdem Eusebii utriusque partis Chronicorum Canonum reliquiae Greece, quse colligi potuerunt. Opera ac studio Josephi Justi Scaligeri, Julii Caesaris a Burden filii. Editio altera ; in qua ejusdem Jos. Scaligeri tertia fere parte auctiores notse et castigationes in Latinam Hieronymi interpretationem et Graeca Eusebii, suprema autoris cura emen- datae. Ejusdem Jos. Scaligeri Isagogicorum chronologize canonum libri tres ad Eusebii Chronica, et doctrinam de temporibus admo- dum necessarii. 2 torn. Amstd. , 1658. f ol. - Euangelicse preparation es lib. xv. [Gr.] Edi- tio princeps. Lutetice, ex officina Bob. Stephani, M.D.XLIIII. fol. Another edition. Franciscus Vigerus...ex MMSS. codd. et laudatis ab ipsomet Eusebio scriptoribus recensuit, Latine vertit, notis il- lustravit. [Gr. et Lat.] Parwiis, 1628. fol. Euangelicae demonstrationes lib. x. [Gr.] Editio princeps. Lutetiai, in officina Bob. Stephani, M.D.XLV. fol. Another edition. Quibus accessere nondum hactenus editi nee visi contra Marcellum An- cyrse Episcopum libri duo : De ecclesiastica theologia tres. Omnia studio R. M. Latine facta, notis illustrata : et indicibus loco suo ne- cessariis locupletata. [Gr. et Lat.] Parisiis, 1628. fol. Ecclesiasticse historise Eusebii Pamphili, lib. x. Ejusdem de vita Constantini, lib. v. SOCRA- TIS, lib. vii. THEODORITI Episcopi Cyrensis, lib. v. Collectaneorum ex historia eccles. THEODORI Lectoris, lib. ii. Hermii SOZOMENI, lib. ix. EUAGRII, lib. vi. [Gr.] LutetuK Parisiorum, ex ojffkina B. Stephani, 1544. fol. - Another copy. - Eusebii Pamphili, RUFFINI, SOCRATIS, THEO- DORITI, SOZOMENI, THEODORI, EVAGRII, et Do- ROTHEI ecclesiastica historia, sex prope secu- loiomi res gestas complectens : Latine jam olim a doctissimis uiris partim scripta, partim e Grseco eleganter conuersa : et nunc ex fide Graecorum codicum, sic ut nouum opus uideri possit, per Jo. Jacobvm Grynaevm locis ob- scuris iiinumeris illustrata, dubijs explicata, mutilis restituta. Basikce, 1570. fol. t The auncient ecclesiasticall histories of the first six hundred yeares after Christ, written in the Greeke tongue by three learned historiogra- phers, Eusebius, SOCRATES, and EUAGRIUS... Whereunto is annexed DOROTHEUS Bishop of Tyrus, of the liues and endes of the Prophetes Apostles and 70. Disciples. All which authors are faithfully translated out of the Greeke tongue and now perused and corrected by Meredith Hanmer, D.D. London, 1585. fol. The history of the Church, from our Lord's incarnation to... the year of Christ 594. As it was written in Greek, by Eusebius Pam- philus . . . SOCRATES Scholasticus . . . and EVA- GRIUS Scholasticus... Made English from that edition of these historians which Valesius pub- lished at Paris in the years 1659, 1668, and 1673. Also, The life of Constantine in four books, written by E. P. ; with Constantino's oration to the convention of the saints ; and Eusebius's speech in praise of Constantine. Cambridge, 1683. fol. Ecclesiastic* historise libri decem. Ejusdem de vita Imp. Constantini, libri iv. Quibus subjicitur oratio Constantini ad sanctos, et panegyricus Eusebii. Henricus Valesius Grse- cum textum collatis iv. MSS. codicibus emen- davit, Latinb vertit, et adnotationibus illus- travit. [Gr. et Lat.] Parisiis, 1659. fol. Another edition. Hanc editionem criticis plu- rium eruditorum observationibus locupletavit Gulielmus Reading. Cantabrigice, 1720. fol. Another edition... Edidit suas animadversiones et excursus indices emendates ac longe locu- pletiores adjecit Fredericus Adolphus Hei- nichen. 3 torn. Lipsice, 1827-28. 8 An ecclesiastical history to the twentieth year of the reign of Constantine. . .Translated by the Rev. C. F. Cruse, D.D. 3d ed. To which is prefixed, the life of Eusebius, by Valesius ; translated by S. E. Parker, of Philadelphia. [Vol. iii. of Greek Eccl. Hist, of the first six Cent.] London, 1842. 8 On the Theophania or divine manifestation of our Lord and Saviour Jesiis Christ. A Syriac version, edited from an ancient manuscript recently discovered. By Samuel Lee, D.D. London, 1842. 8 The life of the blessed Emperor Constantine, in four books, from 306 to 337 A.D. [Contain- ing also the oration of the Emperor Constan- tine which he addressed " to the assembly of the saints ;" and Eusebius' oration in praise of Constantine.] [Vol. i. of the Greek Eccl. Hist, of the first six centuries.] London, 1845. 8 - Another copy. EUSTACE (JOHN CHETWODE). A tour through 27fl Kl TUOPIUS- EVELYN. Italy, exhibiting a view of its scenery, its an- tiquities, and its monuments ; particularly as tin v are objects of classical interest and eluci- dation : with an account of the present state of its cities and towns ; and occasional obser- >na on the recent spoliations of the French. 2 vol. .London, 1813. 4 EUTROPIUS. Histories Roman breviarium, ab urbe condita usque ad Valentinianum etJ Valentem Augustos. Ex recensione et cum notulis Tan. Faeri. Monterosarum, 1790. 16 EUTYCHIUS, Patriarch of Alexandria. Eccle- site sure origines. Ex ejusdem Arabico nunc primum typis ediditac versione et commentario auxit Joannes Seldenus. Londini, 1642. 4 EUZELUS PHILALETHES. Shaftsbury^ ghost conjured : or, a letter to Mr Francis Hutcheson, Professor of moral philosophy in the University of Glasgow. Wherein several . . . errors, vented by him in the course of his teaching are... refuted. s. I. , 1738. 8 E VAGRIUS, Scholasticus. Ecclesiastic* historise lib. vi. [Gr.] ; [cum Eccles. hist. EDSEBII]. 1544 Ecclesiastica historia ; [cum Eccles. hist. Eu- SEBII]. 1570 The ecclesiasticall historic of E. S. ...comprised in six books, beginning where Socrates left, and ending a hundreth and seventy yeares after. [With the auncient ecclesiasticall his- tories of EUSEBIUS.] 1585 Ecclesiasticae historise libri sex. Henrico Va- lesio interprete. Gr. et Lat. [Cum Hist. Eccl. THEODORITI.] 1673 The ecclesiastical history of E. S. in six books, translated oxit of the Greek, according to that edition set forth by Valesius in 1681. [With The history of the Church, from our Lord's incarnation to... the year of Christ 594. By ErsEBitrs. Made English.] 1683 EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE. Report of the proceedings of the conference, held at Free- mason's hall, London... 1846. .London, 1847. 8 Abstract of the proceedings of the sixth annual conference, held in Dublin, August 1852. With the annual report presented to the conference ; and a list of members and subscribers. London, 1852. 8 Report presented to the eighth annual confer- ence, held in London, October 1854. With a list of members and subscribers. London, 1854. 8 EVANGELIZATION. Home evangelization : a view of the wants and prospects of our count ry, based on the facts and relations of colportage : By one of the secretaries of the American tract society. Neic York, s. a. 12 EVANS (ALFRED BOWEN), Lecturer of Quebec cha- pel, Marylebone. War : its theology ; its ano- ' malies ; its incidents and its humiliations. A j discourse. London, 1855. 8 j EVANS (JAMES HARINGTON), Baptist minister of \ John Street chapel, London. Letters to a j friend, containing the writer's objections to his ; former work, entitled, Dialogues on important ; subjects, published in 1819 ; together with his reasons for believing in the proper deity of the Son of God, and the divine personality of the Holy Ghost. .London, 1826. 12 EVANb (JOHN), D.D. Sermons upon various subjects, preached to young people. Designed for the promoting of early piety. 2d ed. London, 1772. 12 A new edition, with the life of the author l>y DrJ. Erskine. Edin., 1802. 12 Practical discourses concerning the Christian temper. To which is now prefixed, a brief account of the life of the author by John Ers- kine, D.D. 2 vol. London, 1812. 12 Another copy. Vol. i. Another edition. London, 1825. 8 EVANS (JOHN), LL.D. A sketch of the deno- minations of the Christian world, to which is prefixed an outline of Atheism, Deism, Theo- philanthropism, Mahometanism, Judaism, and Christianity. 15th ed. .London, 1827. 12 Another edition. Corrected and enlarged from, the seventh edition by James Aikman. With an appendix containing a short account of Ox- ford popery. Edin. , 1842. 16 EVANS (JOHN.) An essay on the character of Socrates as a philosopher ; to which was as- signed the first prize in the Greek class of the University of Edinburgh, April 5, 1815. London, 1815. 8 EVANS (LEWIS). Zaida : a tale of Granada; and minor poems. London, 1842. 8 EVANS (ROBERT WILSON), B.D., Vicar of He- iv/>7iaw. Scripture biography. [Theol. Lib. vol. vii.] London, 1834. 8 Tales of the ancient British church. 2d ed. .London, 1846. 8 EVANS (WILLIAM). An English- Welsh dictio- nary... 2d ed. Improved by the late Rev. Mr Richards. Carmarthen, 1812. 8 EVANSON (EDWARD), A.M. A New Testament, published in conformity to the plan of the late E. E. 1807. See BIBLES ENGLISH. D. EVELEIGH (JOHN), D.D., Provost of Oriel col- lege, Oxford. The doctrine of the holy Trinity stated from the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Two sermons [on 1 Pet. iii. 15] preached before the University of Oxford at St Peter's on Sunday Feb. 6. 1791. Oxford, 1791. 8 Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1792. At the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M. A. 2d ed. To which are now subjoined four ser- mons preached before the University of Oxford, in 1791, and 1794. Oxford, 1794. 8 EVELYN (J.). Publick employment and an ac- tive life prefer'd to solitude, and all its appa- nages, such as fame, command, riches, conversa- tion, &c. In reply to a late ingenious essay of a contrary title. By J. E. London, 1667. 16 Kalendarium hortense : or, the gard'ners al- manac, directing what he is to do monthly throxighout the year, and what fruits and flowers are in prime. 6th ed. London, 1676. 16 EVERETT EXLEY. 277 Navigation and commerce, their original and progress. London, 1674. 16 - Numismata. A discourse of medals, antient and modern. Together with some account of heads and effigies of illustrious and famous persons, in sculps, and taille-douce, of whom WE have no medals extant ; and of the use to be derived from them. To which is added, a digression concerning physiognomy. London, 1697. fol. Sculptura ; or, the history and art of chalco- graphy. 2d ed. London, 1769. 8 Silva : or, A discourse of forest trees, and the propagation of timber in his Majesty's domi- nions... Together with an historical account of the sacredness and use of standing groves. With notes by A. Hunter, M.D. York, 1776. 4 EVERETT (EDWARD). A discourse on the im- portance to practical men of scientific know- ledge, and on the encouragements to its pur- suit. [Stud. Cab. Lib. vol. v.] Edin., 1837. 8 EVERETT (JOSEPH D.), M.A. The philosophy of teaching, or, psychology in its relation to intellectual culture ; being an essay, read before the literary and philosophical society of the University of Glasgow. London and Glasgow, 1858. 8 EVIDENCE. The evidences of the Christian re- ligion briefly stated. Edin. , 1796. 12 - Letters on the evidences of the Christian reli- gion. By an Inquirer. A. new edition. London, 1804. 12 - Lectures on the evidences of revealed religion. By ministers of the established church in Glas- gow. Eighth thousand. Glasgow, 1838. 12 Another copy. - Christian literature. Evidences. With pre- fatory memoirs by the Rev. J. S. Memes, LL.D. Edin., 1841. 8 Introductory lessons on Christian evidences. [By Richard WHATELY. ] 3d ed. London, 1843. 12 - Seventh edition. London, 1846. 12 - Evidences of Christianity : a course of lectures delivered in Dundee during 1848-9. By the Rev. W. Wilson ; Alex. Hannay ; and J. R. M'Gavin. Dundee, 1849. 12 EVIL. A free inquiry into the nature and origin of evil. [By Soame JENYNS.] 2d ed. s. L, 1758? 12 EWALD (GEORG HENR. AUG.). A grammar of the Hebrew language of the Old Testament. Translated from the last edition... By John Nicholson, A.B. Burlington, 1836. 8 - Geschichte des Volkes Israel bis Christus. Anhang z\im zweiten bande. GMtingen, 1848. 8 Zweite ausgabe. 7 Bande. [Mit anhang zum zweiten und dritten bande.] Gottingen, 1851-1859. 8 EWING (ALEX.), A.M. The grand aim of the Christian's life ; and his infinite gain at death. A sermon, delivered at Thurso, Jan. 1, 1826, on occasion of the death of George Miller, Esq. : including a brief sketch of his life. Thurso, 1826. 8 The obligation of the Churches of Christ to observe the Lord's Supper every Lord's day. Thurso, 1827. 8 EWING (GKEVILLE). A defence of itinerant and field preaching : a sermon, preached before the society for gratis Sabbath schools, on 24th Dec. 1797, in Lady Glenorchy's chapel, Edin- burgh. Edin., 1799. 8 An attempt towards a statement of the doc- trine of Scripture on some disputed points respecting the constitution, government, wor- ship and discipline of the Church of Christ. Glasgow, 1807. 12 Essays addressed to the Jews, on the autho- rity, the scope, and the consummation of the law and the prophets. London, 1809. 12 Facts and documents respecting the connec- tions which have subsisted between Robert Haldane, Esq. and G. E., laid before the pub- lic, in consequence of letters which the former has addressed to the latter, respecting the Ta- bernacle at Glasgow. Glasgow, 1809. 8 A Greek grammar, and Greek and English Scripture lexicon. 2d ed. Glasgoiv, 1812. 8 Letters [of G. E. and Dr RYLAND] respecting a passage in Ryland's memoirs of the Rev. Andrew Fuller. [Glasgow, 1816.] 8 The testimony of God against massacre and rapine : A sermon [on Gen. xlix. 5-7] preached April 9, 1820. Glasgoiv, 1820. 8 An essay on baptism ; being an inquiry into the meaning, form, and extent of the admi- nistration of that ordinance. Glasgow, 1823. 12 Second edition. Glasgow, 1824. 12 Remarks on the strictures of the Rev. Patrick M'Farlane, on Mr Swing's speech in the last meeting of the Glasgow auxiliary Bible society. Glasgow, 1826. 8 A Greek and English lexicon : originally a Scripture lexicon ; and now adapted to the Greek classics ; with a Greek grammar pre- fixed. 3d ed. Glasgoiv, 1827. 8 Another copy. EXCOMMUNICATIONS. Traits' historique des excommunications. [Par Louis Ellies DUPIN.] Paris, 1715. 12 EXETER, BISHOP OF. See Of spring BLACKBALL. EXETER, BISHOP OF. See Myles COVERDALE. EXETER, BISHOP OF. See Joseph HALL. EXETER- HALL. Lectures to young men : de- livered before the young men's Christian asso- ciation in Exeter Hall, from Nov. 21, 1848, to Feb. 6, 1849. London, 1849. 8 EXLEY (THOMAS), M.A. A commentary on the first chapter of Genesis... To which are added, a short treatise on geology, showing that the facts asserted by Moses not only agree with, but corroborate, geological facts ; illustrated by sketches. A short treatise on the deluge, showing from scriptural and geological facts the cause of that catastrophe. London, 1844. 8 EXPOSE. The Expose'. [In two parts.] AVm., 8. a. 12 i:\TRACTS. Elegant extracts: or, useful and entertaining passages in prose, selected for the improvement of young persons. [9th ed.J 2 vol. London, 1808. 8 Elegant extracts : or, useful and entertaining pieces of poetry. 2 vol. London, 1809. 8 Extracts of letters to a Christian friend, by a lady. With an introductory essay, by Thomas Ere'kine. Greenock, 1830. 12 J Select extracts for the young. /:olitica de electionis et successionis comparatione. Quaiu...sub pnesidio . . . D. Berckringeri...publici: ikfiinK-ro cnnaliitur 1'. ab E. Ultrajecti, 1645. 4 EYRE (VIXCENT), Lieut., Bengal Artillery. The military operations at Calul, which ended in the retreat and destruction <>f tin- Hritish army, January, 1842. With a journal of imprison- ment in Afghanistan. 3d ed. London, 1843. 8 E YRE( WILLIAM), M. A., >,f tit Edmund' t church, Salisbury. Vindicise justifications gratuitae. Justification without conditions ; or the free justification of a sinner explained, confirmed, and vindicated from the exceptions, objections, and seeming absurdities which are cast upon it by the assertors of conditional justification ; more especially from the at- tempts of Mr B. Woodbridge in his sermon, [en- tituled justification by faith], of Mr Crawford in his epistle to the reader, and of Mr Baxter, in some passages which relate to the same mat- ter. Wherein also the absoluteness of the new Covenant is proved, and the arguments against it are disproved. London, 1654. 4 F. FABER, F. (A.), Blacksmith. A letter from a blacksmith to the ministers and elders of the Church of Scotland. In which the manner of public wor- ship in that Church is considered ; its incon- veniences and defects pointed out ; and me- thods for removing them humbly proposed. London, 1759. 8 F. (D.), i. e. Daniel DEFOE. F. (E. D. L. P. D.), i. e. Edme de LA Poix DE FREMINVILLE. F. (G.). Presbyterial ordination vindicated. In a brief and sober discourse concerning Episco- pacy... With a brief discourse concerning im- posed forms of prayer, and ceremonies. London, 1660. 4 F****** (H. A.). Preuves incontestables de la ve'rite' de 1'Eglise Catholique Romaine... Com- pose* en Anglais en 1800, et traduit par 1'au- teur. Liege, 1819. 8 F. (J.). A letter to the Rev. Thomas Foxcroft. Boston, 1745. 4 F. (J.). A general, corresponding, circulating and friendly letter, with particular addresses. (To patrons, professors, students, ministers and elders.) Glasgoiv, 1771. 8 F. (R. ), i. e. William FLEETWOOD. F. (T.I i. e. Thomas FULLER. FABER (ANTONIUS). Tractatus theologico-juri- dico-politicus de religione regenda in repub- lica. In libros tres divisus, cum notis et ad- ditamentis Ahasueri Fritschii. Editio nova. Francofurti et Lipsice, 1565. 4 FABER (BASILIUS). Thesaurus eruditionis scho- lasticoe. Post...Buchneri, Cellarii, Grsevii operas et adnotationes...Nunc iterum emenda- tionum, additionum exemplorumque uberri- mis supplements, indiceque Germanico- Latino insigniter auctus. . .assiduitate laborum Andreae Stlibelii. Lipsi iv face by the Rev. the Vice-Chancellor, and an appendix of authorities, (h-j',,,-,1, 1X06. 8 Aids to faith ; a series of theological esaays. By several writers. Edited by William Thom- son, D.D., Archbishop of York. London, 1861. 8 The foundations of our faith : ten papers read before a mixed audience of men. By Profes- sors Auberlen, Gess and others. London, 1863. 8 FAIUS (ANTHONIE). Propositions and principles of Divinitie, propounded and disputed in the universitie of Geneva... under M. Theod. BEZA, and M. A. F. 1591 Enchiridion theologicum aphoristica methodo compositum ex disputationibus A. F. Geneva, 1605. 4 De vita et obitu clariss. viri, D. Theodori BEZA: Vezelii. 1GOG Another copy. FALCON (JOHANNES). Synopsis, qua pia et de- bita veneratio Christi hominis...tam in exina- nitionis, quam exaltationis statu ; ex Luthero et formula concordia?, repetitur : et simul... monstratur via, qua controversise de statu exi- nanitionis motae, vel tandem pie componi pos- sint, ad sedificationem Ecclesue, per charita- tem. Tubingce, 1625. 4 FALCONER (PATRICK). The danger of resting in inadequate views of Christianity. Address- ed particularly to Christian parents. Glasgow, 1828. 12 FALCONER (THOMAS), A.M. Certain principles in Evanson's " Dissonance of the four gene- rally received Evangelists," &c. examined in eight discourses preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1810, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1811. 8 FALCONER (WILLIAM). An universal dictio- nary of the Marine : or, a copious explanation of the technical terms and phrases employed in the construction, equipment, furniture, ma- chinery, movements, and military operations of a ship. Illustrated with a variety of ori- ginal designs of shipping... To which is an- nexed, a translation of the French sea-terms and phrases, collected from the works of Mess. Du Hamel, Aubin, Saverien, &c. New ed. London, 1784. 4 The Shipwreck ; a poem, in three cantos. Edin., s. a. 12 FALKLAND, VISCOUNT. See Sir Lucius CARY. FALKNER (WILLIAM), Preacher at S. Nicholas, in Lynn Regis. Libertas ecclesiastica, or, A discourse, vindicating the lawfulness of those things, which are chiefly excepted against in the Church of England, especially in its litur- gie and worship. 3d ed. London, 1677. 8 Christian loyalty : or, A discourse, wherein is asserted that just royal authority and emi- nency, which in this Church and realm of England, is yielded to the King, especially concerning supremacy in catises ecclesiastical. FALSTAFF-FAST. 283 Together with the disclaiming all foreign juris- diction ; and the unlawfulness of subjects tak- ing arms against the King. London, 1679. 8 Another copy. FALSTAFF (Sir JOHN). * An essay on the dra- matic character of Sir John Falstaff. [By Maurice MORGANN.] London, 1777. 8 FAMILY CHAPLAIN. The family chaplain : being a complete course of sermons upon the festivals and fasts (throughout the year) as prescribed in the book of Common Prayer. 2 vol. London, 1775. 8 FAMILY-RELIGION. The importance of fa- mily-religion stated and enforced. Edin., 1798. 12 Another copy. FAMILY WORSHIP. Family worship. A se- ries of prayers, with doctrinal and practical remarks on passages of sacred Scripture, for every morning and evening throughout the year ; adapted to the services of domestic wor- ship, by one hundred and eighty clergymen of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1841. 8 FANATICISM. Fanaticism. By the author of Natural history of Enthusiasm ; [Isaac TAY- LOR]. London, 1833. 8 Another copy. Another copy. FANCOURT (SAMUEL), Pastor of a dissenting congregation at Salisbury. An essay concern- ing certainty and infallibility : or, some reflec- tions upon a pamphlet, stiled, The nature and consequences of enthusiasm considered, in some short remarks on the doctrine of the blessed Trinity stated and defended. In a letter to the author of those remarks. London, 1720. 8 FANNING (ROBERT). A lost sheep returned home ; or, The motives of the conversion of R. F. , to the catholick faith, according to the principles of the Reformed Churches of Eng- land and Ireland. Together with his recanta- tion. Dublin, 1705. 4 FANSHAWE (Sir RICHARD). Poems, and a short discourse of the civill warres of Rome ; [with his translation of II pastor fido, by B. GUARINI]. 1664 FARADAY (MICHAEL), F.R.S. Chemical- mani- pulation. London, 1827. 8 FARMER (HUGH), Dissenting minister at Wal- thamstow. An inquiry into the nature and design of Christ's temptation in the wilderness. 3d ed. London, [1761], 8 A dissertation on miracles, designed to shew that they are arguments of a divine interposi- tion, and absolute proofs of the mission and doctrines of a Prophet. London, 1771. 8 - A new edition. Edin., 1798. 8 - An examination of the late Rev. Mr. Le Moine's treatise on miracles. London, 1772. 8 Another copy. An essay on the demoniacs of the New Testa- ment. London, 1775. 8 - The general prevalence of the worship of hu- man spirits, in the antient heathen nations, asserted and proved. London, 1783. 8 * Memoirs of the life and writings of the late learned and Rev. H. F. : to which is added, a piece of his, never before published, printed from the only remaining manuscript of the author. Also several original letters, and an extract from his essay on the case of Balaam. Taken from his manuscript, since destroyed. By the late Michael Dodson. London, 1804. 8 FARQUHAR (DAVID). The torch of time ; or, The temporal advantages of the Sabbath con- sidered in relation to the working classes. London, 1849. 12 FARQUHAR (GEORGE). The works of G. F. 2vol. London, 1742. 12 FARQUHAR (JOHN), M.A., Minister at Nigg. Sermons on various subjects. Carefully col- lected from the author's manuscript, by George Campbell, D.D., and Alexander Gerard, D.D. 2 vol. London, 1772. 8 Another edition. Aberdeen, 1799. 12 FARQUHAR (WILLIAM), A.M., Examining chap- lain to Hie Bishop of St Andrews. Prelacy, not Presbytery, the divinely instituted polity of the Christian Church, and medium of convey- ing the ministerial commission : comprising a newedition of " Presbyterianism indefensible," and a refutation of the Rev. Dr Crawford's reply to that publication, entitled, " Presby- tery or Prelacy." Edin., 1856. 8 FARR (EDWARD). Select poetry, chiefly devo- tional, of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Col- lected and edited for the Parker Society, by E. F. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1845. 8 Another copy. FARRAR (ADAM STOREY), M.A., Michel Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford. A critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian religion. Eight lectures preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1862, on the foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. London, 1862. 8 FARRER (JOHN), M.A., Rector of St Clement, Eastcheap. Sermons on the mission and cha- racter of Christ, and on the beatitudes : com- prehending what were preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1803, at the lecture founded by the late John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1804. 8 Sermons on the parables. New ed. London, 1809. 8 FAST. That part of a late book which relates to a general fast and humiliation. s. I. et a. 4 A short 'but plain discovery to whom the due right of describing and appointing of fasts doth belong, viz. Whether to ministry or magis- tracy, the prior is clearly proven from the word of God : with particular application to that fast appointed 14th January 1708. London, 1707. 4 A collection of some of the causes of fasts, ap- pointed by the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, and their Commissions, 964 FATHERS FELL< >Wsi 1 1 ]> before 1651, for reformation in religion. Re- printed. *. f., 1728. 8 FATHERS. -See PATRES. FAUJAS DE SAINT-FOND (BARTHELEMY). MineYalogie des volcanos, ou description tics toutes les substances produites ou rejetees par lea feux souterrains. Paris, 1784. 8 FAULKNER (Sir ARTHUR BROOKE). Letter to the Lord Chancellor, on the evils of our State 1 - Church, suggested by his late remarks in the House of Lords. London, 1834. 8 Another copy. FAUSSETT (GODFREY), D.D., Laihj Margaret's professor of dii-initu, .-/ -ril. The claims of the established Church to exclusive attach- ment and support, and the dangers which me- nace her from schism and indifference, con- sidered ; in eight sermons, preached before the University of Oxford, 1820, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. J. Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1820. 8 FAWCETT ( JOHN). An essay on anger. Leeds, 1787. 12 FAWCETT (JOHN), D.D., Minister at Hebden- bridge. * An account of the life, ministry, and writings of the late Rev. J. F. ...comprehend- ing many particulars relative to the revival of religion in Yorkshire and Lancashire ; and il- lustrated by copious extracts from the diary of the deceased, from his extensive correspond- ence, and other documents. London, 1818. 8 FAWCETT (JOHN), A.M., Rector of Scaleby. Sermons, chiefly designed for the use of fami- lies. 2 vol. 3d ed. London, 1823. 12 FAYE (CLEMENT DE). L'Eglise de Lyon depuis 1'Eveque Pothin jusqu' au Re'formateur P. Viret (152 a 1563), pre'ce'de'e d'une lettre de M. Rosseeuw Saint-Hilaire. Paris, 1859. 12 FAYUS (ANTONIUS). See Anthonie FAIUS. FEARNSIDE (WILLIAM GRAY). The history of London : illustrated by views in London and Westminster, engraved by John Woods, from original drawings, by Shepherd, Garland, Sal- mon, Topham, Clarke, Browne, Roberts, &c. Edited by W. G. F. , and (in continuation) by Thomas Harral. London, s. a. 8 FEATLY, or FEATLEY (DANIEL), D.D., Hector of Acton, and Provost of Chelsea college. The Romish fisher caught and held in his owne net. Or, a true relation of the Protestant conference and Popish difference. A justifica- tion of the one, and refutation of the other. In matter of fact [and] faith. London, 1624. 4 Roma ruens, Rome's mine : being a succinct answer to a Popish challenge, concerning the antiquity, unity, universality, succession, and perpetual! visibility of the true Church, even in the most obscure times, when it seemed to be totally eclipsed, in the immediate ages be- fore Luther. London, 1644. 4 The dippers dipt. Or, the Anabaptists duck'd and plung'd over head and eares, at a disputa- tion in Southwark. Together with a large and full discourse of their 1. Originall. 2. Sererall sorts. 3. Peculiar errours. 4. High attempts against the State. 5. Capitall punishments : with an application to these times. 4th ed. London, 1646. 4 The league illegall : wherein the late solemn league and covenant is seriously examined, scholastically and solidly confuted... Written long since in prison, by D. F. London, 1660. 4 FEATLEY (D.). See D. FEATLY. FEBRONIUS (JUSTINUS), pseud, i. e. Joannes- Nicol. de HONTHEIM. FECHTIUS (JOANNES). De excommunicatione ecclesiastica, ej usque indole et sequitate trac- tatio theologica Godofredo Arnoldo opposita. Rostochii et Lipsice, 1712. 4 Epistolae anti-predestinatianse, opposite epis- tolis anti-Pelagianis. Accedit meditatio de precibus pro subnet conversione ad Deum f u- sis. Rostochii et Lipsue, 1714. 4 FEIJO (DiOGO ANTONIO), Bishop elect of Marian- na. Demonstration of the necessity of abo- lishing a constrained clerical celibacy ; exhi- biting the evils of that institution, and the remedy. Translated from the Portuguese, with an introduction and appendix, by Rev. D. P. Kidder. Philadelphia, 1844. 10 Another copy. FELDBORG (A. ANDERSEN), of the university of Copenhagen. Denmark delineated ; or, sketches of the present state of that country. Illustrated with engravings from the designs of eminent Danish artists. Edin. , 1824. 8 FELIBIEN (MICHEL). Histoire de la ville de Paris... reveue, augmente'e et mise au jour par D. Guy- Alexis Lobineau. Justified par des preuves autentiques, et enrichie de plans, de figures, et d'une carte topographique. 5 torn. Pam, 1725. fol. FELICE (G. DE). History of the Protestants of France, from the commencement of the Refor- mation to the present time. Translated from the second revised and corrected edition, by Philip Edw. Barnes, B.A. London, 1853. 8 FELIX (MARCUS MINUTIUS). See M. MINUTIUS FELIX. FELL (JOHN), Classical tutor at Homerton aca- demy. Lectures on the evidences of Chris- tianity. Four by the late J. F., and eight by Henry HUNTER, *D.D. London, 1798. 8 FELL (JOHN), D.D., Bishop of Oxford. Novi Testamenti libri omnes. 1675. See BIBLES GREEK. F. FELLOWES (ROBERT), A. M. A picture of Chris- tian philosophy. 2d ed. London, 1799. 8 Fourth edition. With a supplement on the culture and practice of benevolence. London, 1803. 8 A body of theology, principally practical. In a series of lectures. 2 vol. London, 1807. 8 FELLOWSHIP. An attempt towards the im- provement of religious fellowship. In three books. By a well-wisher to religion. Glasgow, 1757. 12 Consistent Christian fellowship, being a reply FELLTHAM FENTON. 285 to "A few thcmghts on what is commonly called pure communion." Glasgow, 1842. 8 FELLTHAM (OWEN). Resolves : divine, moral, political. The ninth impression. With new and several other additions both in prose and verse not extant in the former impressions. London, 1670. fol. - Another edition. London, 1840. 8 FELTON (CORNELIUS CONWAY), Eliot professor of Greek literature in Harvard university. Clas- sical studies : Essays on ancient literature and art. By Barnas SEARS, B. B. EDWARDS, and C. C. F. 1843 FELTON (HENRY), D.D., Principal of Edmund Hall, Oxford. A dissertation on reading the classics, and forming a just style. London, 1713. 12 Sermons on the creation, fall, and redemption of man ; and on the sacrifices of Cain and Abel, the rejection and punishment of Cain. Published from his manuscripts by William Felton, M.A. London, 1748. 8 FENELON (FRANQOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LAMOTTE), Archbishop of Cambray. CEuvres completes de F. Archeve'que de Cambrai ; pre'ce'dees de son histoire litte'raire, par M.*** Directeur au s4- minaire de Saint-Sulpice. 10 torn. Paris, 1851, 52. 8 - CEuvres diverses. L. P. Paris, 1824. 8 CEuvres spirituelles. Tom. i. , ii. Anvers, 1718. 8 CEuvres philosophiques... Nouvelle Edition col- lationnee sur les meilleurs textes et prece'dee d'une introduction, par M. A. Jacques. Paris, 1845. 12 De 1'education des filles. Paris, 1696. 16 - Demonstration de 1'existence de Dieu, tirde de la connoissance de la nature, et proportionnee a la foible intelligence des plus simples. Qua- trieme Edition. Amsterdam, 1715. 8 Newly translated from the French, by Samuel Bojse, A.M. London, 1749. 12 Pastoral letter concerning the love of God. Together with the opinions of the Fathers, on the same subject. Now done into English. To which is added, a circular letter, by George Bull, D.D., his visitation sermon, and his charge to his diocese. Published by Robert Nelson. London, 1715. 8 The fundamental maxims of civil government according to the principles of the late Arch- Bishop of Cambray. Done from the French. Edin., 1722. 16 Proper heads of self-examination for a King. Together with the author's life, a complete catalogue of his works, and memoirs of his family. Translated from the French. Dublin, 1747. 12 Letters upon divers subjects concerning reli- gion and metaphysics. Translated from the Paris edition in 1718. Glasgow, 1750. 12 Dialogues of the dead ; together with some fables, composed for the education of a prince. Newly translated from the French, by Mr El- phingston. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1754. 8 - Les avantures de Telemaque. Nouvelle Edi- tion revue, corrigee et enrichie de belles re- marqiies Allemandes, par Joseph Antoine D'Ehrenreich. s. I, 1762. 8 Nouvelle edition, revue et corrige'e. Edinbourg, 1763. 12 Translated from the French by John Hawkesworth, LL.D. 2 vol. London, 1773. 12 Pious reflections for every day in the month. Translated from the French. 9th ed. To which is now added, a sketch of the life of the author, and a father's advice to his son. London, 1800. 16 Lives of the ancient philosophers... Translated from the French... by John Cormack. 2vol. Edin., 1803. 12 Dialogues sur l'eloquence...avec une lettre dcrite a 1'Academie Frangaise. Paris, 1810. 12 Dialogues concerning eloquence : with a letter to the French Academy, concerning rhetoric and poetry. To which is added, a discourse pronounced by the author at his admission into the Academy : with a new translation of his dialogues between Demosthenes and Ci- cero, Virgil and Horace. Translated from the French, and illustrated with notes and quota- tions ; by William Stevenson, M.A. Glasgow, 1750. 8 Dialogues concerning eloquence in general ; and particularly that kind which is fit for the pulpit. Translated from the French, and il- lustrated with notes and quotations ; by Wil- liam Stevenson, M.A. Glasgow, 1760. 16 A new edition [of the dialogues concerning eloquence, and of the Letter to the French Academy]. With additional notes by the Rev. James Creighton, B.A. London, 1808. 8 De 1'autorite du souverain Pontife, disserta- tion par F. , traduction Frangaise, publiee avec une introduction, des notes, un appendice. et suivie de six lettres ine'dites de Fenelon. Par M. L.-F. Guerin. Paris, 1854. 8 * The life of F. , Archbishop of Cambray. By Charles Butler. London, 1810. 8 FENNER (WILLIAM), B.D., Rector of Eochford, Essex. The works of W. F. London, 1657. fol. A treatise of the affections ; or, the soules pulse. Whereby a Christian may know whe- ther he be living or dying. Together with a lively description of their nature, signes, and symptomes. As also directing men to the right use and ordering of them. London, 1642. 8 The soul's looking-glasse, lively representing its estate before God : with a treatise of con- science ; wherein the definitions and distinc- tions thereof are unfolded ; and severall cases resolved. Cambridge, 1643. 8 Christ's alarm to drowsie saints, or, Christ's epistle to his Churches. London, 1646. 4 FENTON (THOMAS), M.A., Hector of Nately- Scures, Hampshire. Annotations on the Book of Job, and the Psalms. Collected from se- veral commentators, and methodized and im- proved. London, 1732. 8 FENWICK FERME. FENWICK (GEORGE), B.D., Rector of Hallaton, Leicestershire. The Psalter in its original form. 1759. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. Thoughts on the Hebrew titles of the psalms, and of some of those in the Septuagint, en- deavouring to discover the meaning, and point out the use of them. London, 1749. 8 FENWICK (JOHN). Substance of the speech of Mr J. F. at a general meeting of the various denominations of Protestant dissenters, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, on the 14th June, 1825, to take into consideration the propriety of ob- taining a new place of sepulture. 2d ed. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1826. 8 FERGUS (HENRY), Minister at Dunfermline. A short account of the laws and institutions of Moses : showing that they were worthy of their divine Author, being fitted for the ac- complishment of the most important purposes. Dunfermline, 1810. 8 Another copy. The testimony of nature and revelation to the being, perfections, and government of God. Edin., 1833. 8 FERGUSON (ADAM), LL.D., Professor of moral philosophy in the university of Edinburgh. Analysis of PNEUMATICS. 1766 Institutes of moral philosophy. For the use of students in the College of Edinburgh. Edin., 1769. 12 Principles of moral and political science ; being chiefly a retrospect of lectures delivered in the College of Edinburgh. 2 vol. Edin., 1792. 4 The history of the progress and termination of the Roman republic. A new edition. 5 vol. Edin., 1813. 8 - Another edition. London, 1825. 8 FERGUSON (JAMES), F.R.S. Lectures on select subjects in mechanics, hydrostatics, pneuma- tics, and optics. London, 1764. 4 Analysis of a course of lectures on mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, sphe- rics, and astronomy. 5th ed. London, 1767. 8 Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles, and made easy to those who have not studied mathematics. To which are added, a plain method of finding the distances of all the planets from the sun, by the transit of Venus over the sun's disc, in the year 1761. An account of Mr Horrox's observations of the transit of Venus in the year 1639 ; and, of the distances of all the planets from the sun, as deduced from observations of the transit in the year 1761. 9th ed. London, 1794. 8 Another edition. With notes, and supplemen- tary chapters. By David Brewster, LL.D. 2 vol. With a quarto volume of plates. Edin., 1811. 8 FERGUSON (JAMES). The headship of Christ over his Church, and her independent juris- diction. [Lect. on Sec. Reform.] Glasgmv, 1841. 12 Another copy. The Church coming up from the wilderness, being the substance of a discourse preached in ...London, May 21st, 1843. London, 1843. 12 FERGUSON (JOHN), Minister of the Free Chur,-h at Bridge of Allan. The microscope, its reve- lations and applications in science and art. Edin., 1858. 8 FERGUSON (ROBERT). Justification onely upon a satisfaction : or, the necessity and verity of the satisfaction of Christ, as the alone ground < >f remission of sin, asserted and opened against the Socinians. Together with an appendix in vindication of a sermon preached on Heb. 2. 10. from the exceptions of H. W. in a pamph- let called, The freeness of God's grace in the forgiveness of sins by Jesus Christ. London, 1668. 8 Another copy. FERGUSON (ROBERT), Minister of Brickfield chapel, Stratford, London. Puseyism : or the errors of the times. London, 1842. 8 FERGUSSON (DAVID), Minister of Dunfermline. Tracts by D. F. MDLXIII.-MDLXXII. [Edited for the Bannatyne Club, by David Laing.] Edin., I860. 8 FERGUSSON (JAMES), Minister at Kilwinning. A brief exposition of the Epistles of Paul to the Galatians and Ephesians. London, 1659. 8 A brief exposition of the Epistles of Paul to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colos- sians, and Thessalonians. Reprinted from the original editions, 1656- 1674. London, f. a. 8 Another copy. A brief refutation of the errors of toleration, erastianism, independency, and separation : delivered in some sermons from 1 John, 4. 1. preached in the year 1652. To which are added four sermons preached on several occa- sions. Edin., 1692. 8 Another copy. A brief refutation of the doctrine of erastian- ism. By the Rev. J. F. minister of Kilwin- ning in the year 1652. With a prefatory note byDrCandlish. [Reprinted] Cupar, 1843. 8 Another copy. FERGUSSON (JAMES), F.R.A.S. An essay on the ancient topography of Jerusalem, with re- , stored plans of the Temple, &c., and plans, sections, and details of the church built by Constantine the Great over the holy sepulchre, now known as the mosque of Omar, and other illustrations. London, 1847. 4 FERISHTA (MAHTJMMUD CASIM), of Delhi. The history of Hindostan, translated from the Per- sian of M. C. F. by Alexander Dow. 1768 FERME (CHARLES). A logical analysis of the Epistle of Paul to the Romans, by C. F., translated from the Latin by William Skae, A.M. ; and a commentary on the same Epistle by Andrew MELVILLE, in the original Latin. Edited, [for the Wodrow Society] with a life of Ferine, by W. L. Alexander, D.D. Edin., 1850. 8 U Another copy. FERNIE FINANCE. 287 FERNIE (JOHN), Minister of Dunfermline. Ser- mons on important subjects. Revised and published from his manuscripts. Dunfermline, 1818. 8 j FERNANDEZ (FELIPE), A.M. A new practical | grammar of the Spanish language. . .The 6th ed. | Lomlon, 1812. 8 i FERRAND (Louis). Traite' de 1'Eglise centre les heretiques, principalement centre les Cal- vinistes. Seconde Edition. Paris, 1736. 12 FERRARIUS (PHILIPPUS). Novum lexicon geo- j graphicum, in quo universi orbis urbes, regio- i nes, provincise, regna, maria, flumina, novis | et antiquis nominibus appellata, suisque dis- | tantiis descripta recensentur. Illud priimim in ! lucem edidit P. F. Nunc vero Michael Anto- i nius BAUDRAND opus emendavit, illustravit, dimidioque auxit, ut novum plane existat. 2 | torn. Venetiis, 1738. fol. FERRELL (HULL). A history of the dissenters' marriages bill of 1855. London, [1855]. 8 FERRERIUS (JOANNES). Historia abbatum de Kynlos : una cum vita Thomae Chrystalli ab- batis. [Edited for the Bannatyne Club.] Edin., 1839. 4 FERRIER (A.). La Russie. Bruxelles, 1841. 12 FERRIER (JAMES F.), A.B., Professor of moral philosophy, St Andrew's. Institutes of meta- physic the theory of knowing and being. Edin. and London, 1854. 8 - Scottish philosophy the old and the new, a statement. Edin., 1856. 8 FERRIS (SAMUEL), M.D. A general view of the establishment of physic as a science in Eng- land. London, 1795. 8 FESSLER (INNOCENTIUS), Professor of Oriental languages in the university of Lemburg. In- stitutiones linguarum Orientalium, Hebrsese, Chaldaicse, Syriacse et Arabicse. Chrestoma- thiam Arabicam addidit J. G. Eichhorn. Pars prior. Wratislavia, 1787. 8 FEUDAL LAW. A summary view of the feudal law ; with the differences of the Scots law from it ; together with a dictionary of the select terms of the Scots and English law. Edin., 1710. 16 FEUERBACH (LuDWio). Das Wesen des Chris- tenthums. Leipzig, 1841. 8 FICHTE (JOHANN GOTTSLIEB). The nature of the scholar and its manifestations. Translated from the German, with memoir of the author, by William Smith. London, 1845. 8 The destination of man. Translated from the German, by Mrs Percy Sinnett. London, 1846. 8 FICINUS (MARSILIUS). Opera, et quse hactenus extitere, et quse in lucem nunc primum prodi- ere, omnia...Una cum Gnomologia, hoc est, sententiarum ex iisdem operibus collectarum farragine copiosissima, in calce totius volumi- nis adjecta. 2 torn. Parisiis, 1641. fol. FICK (JOHANN CHRISTIAN). Anhang zur prak- tischen englischen Sprachlehre. Nurnberg und Leipzig, s. I. 8 FIDDES (RICHARD), D.D., Rector of Halsham. Fifty-two practical discourses on several sub- jects. Six of which were never before pub- lished. London, 1720. fol. FIELD (RICHARD), D.D., Dean of Gloucester. Of the Church, five bookes. 3d ed. Oxford, 1635. fol. Another copy. FIELDING (HENRY). Select works of H. F. To which is prefixed an original account of the life and writings of the author, by William Watson. 5vol. 2d ed. Edin., 1812. 8 FIERY CROSS. The fiery cross ; or, a warning voice to the sons and daughters of Caledonia. , , Edin., [1842]. 8 FIEVEE (J.). Causes et consequences des evene- ments du mois de Juillet 1830. Paris, 1830. 8 1FE, BISHOP OF. See Robert KEITH. FIFE, SYNOD OF. A faithful remembrancer from the Synod of Fife, 1735, to the Presbytery of St Andrew's, 1834, in consequence of that Presbytery, at their late meeting, petitioning Parliament to continue " the grievous yoke of Patronage" on the Church of Scotland. Perth, [1834]. 8 FILALETHES (PHILANTROPICOS). A defence of restoration ; or, an answer to a letter, which has appeared in the Liverpool Theological Re- pository for September 1807, under the signa- ture M. : To which some other articles are sub- joined. Glasgow, 1807. 8 FILIPOWSKI (HERSCHELL). The choice of pearls... To which is added the book of Antio- chus. London, 1851. 32 FILLEAU (JEAN). Decisions catholiques, ou re- cueil general des arrests rendus en toutes les cours souveraines de France, en execution, ou interpretation des edits, qui concernent 1'exer- cice de la religion pret. reformed. Avec lea raisons fondamentales des dits arrests, tirees de la doctrine des Peres de 1'Eglises, des conciles, et des loix civiles et politiques du royaume. Examine" et approuve' par 1'Assemblee generale du clerge de France. Poictiers, 1668. fol. FILMER (EDWARD), D.C.L. A defence of plays : or, the stage vindicated, from several passages in Mr Collier's Short view, &c. Wherein is offer'd the most probable method of reforming our plays. With a consideration how far vici- ous characters may be allow'd on the stage. London, 1707. 8 FILMER (Sir ROBERT), Bart. The freeholder's grand inqiiest touching our sovereign lord the King and his parliament. To which are add- ed, observations upon forms of government. Together with directions for obedience to go- vernors in dangerous and doubtful times. London, 1680. 8 Patriarcha : or the natural power of Kings. London, 1680. 8 FINANCE. A reply to some financial misstate- ments in and out of parliament. London, 1803. 8 Report of the financial committee to the Gene- ral Assembly of 1843 : being the first Assem- bly of the Free Church of Scotland. Read by 283 FINCH- FISHER. Dr Chalmers, on Monday, May 29, 1843. /;./;., 1843. 8 Another copy. Report of the financial committee to the Gene- ral Assembly of 1843 : being the second Assem- bly of the Free Church of Scotland. Read by Dr Chalmers, at Glasgow, 23d October 1843. [Glasgow, 1843.1 8 Report of the committee on regulations. With an extract from the report of the financial com- mittee, by Dr Chalmers. [Edin., 1843.] 8 FINCH (DANIEL), Earl of Nottingham.* A let- ter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Nottingham. Occasioned by a late motion made by the Arch- deacon of London at his visitation for the city clergy to return their thanks to his Lordship for his answer to Mr Whiston. By a curate of London. [Arthur Ashley SYKES. j London, 1721. 8 FINCH (G.). The sketch of the Romish contro- versy. 2 vol. London, 1850. 8 FINCH (J.). Travels in the United States of America and Canada. London, 1833. 8 FINCH (THOMAS). The true Church viewed in contrast with modern High-Churchism. London, 1841. 12 FINCH (WILLIAM), LL.D., Rector of Avington, Berks. The objections of infidel historians and other writers against Christianity, considered in eight sermons, preached at the Bampton Lecture at Oxford in the year 1797. To which is added, a sermon preached before the Uni- versity, Oct. 18, 1795. Oxford, 1797. 8 FINDEN (EDWARD). Illustrations of the Vau- dois, in a series of views : engraved by E. F., from drawings by Hugh Dyke Acland. Ac- companied with descriptions. London, 1831. 4 FINDLATER (CHARLES), Minister of Newlands. General view of the agriculture of the county of Peebles, with various suggestions as to the means both of the local and general improve- ment of agriculture. Edin., 1802. 8 Sermons, or essays as the reader shall chuse to design them, upon Christian duties. Edin., 1830. 12 FINDLATER (ROBERT), Minister of the chapel of ease, Inverness. * Memoir of the Rev. R. F. Together with a narrative of the revival of re- ligion during his ministry at Lochtayside...in 1816-1819. To which are prefixed, memoirs of his parents. By the Rev. W. Findlater. Glasgow, 1840. 12 FINDLAY (JOHN), D.D. * Memoir of the life and character of the Rev. J. F., D.D., minis- ter of the High church of Paisley. With an appendix and biographical notes. By Thomas Crighton. Paisley, 1821. 8 FINDLAY (ROBERT), A.M., one of the ministers of Glasgow. A vindication of the sacred books and of Josephus, especially the former, from various misrepresentations and cavils of the celebrated M. de Voltaire. Glasgow, 1770. 8 Another copy. Another copy. i FINISHING STROKE.- The finishing stroke. ; a vindication of the patriarchal scheme of government ; in defence of the Rehearsals, Best answer, and Best of all... To which are added, remarks on Dr Higden's late defence, in a dialogue between three H a. [By Charles LKSLIK.] Presby- tery of Dumbarton, the 23d October, 1832, on his resignation of the parochial charge of Old Kilpatrick. To which are prefixed, the Act anent union of offices, and an extract from the minutes of the Presbytery. Glasgow, 1832. 8 FLETCHER (ALEXANDER), of Flnsbury chapel, London. A guide to family devotion ; con- taining a hymn, a portion of Scripture with reflections, and a prayer for the morning and evening of every day in the year, with an ap- pendix of prayers and hymns on various sub- jects. 2d ed. London, s. a. 4 - A sermon [on 2 Tim. iv. 7] on the death of Her late Majesty Queen Caroline, delivered August 19, 1821. 4th ed. London, 1821. 8 FLETCHER (ANDREW). The political works of Andrew Fletcher, Esq. of Saltoun. Glasgow, 1749. 12 FLETCHER (ARCH.). A memoir concerning the origin of the... royal burghs of Scotland. Edin., 1819. 8 FLETCHER (JOHN), D.D. The difficulties of Protestantism. London, 1829. 8 FLETCHER, or LA FLECHERE (JOHN WIL- LIAM), Vicar of Madely. The works of the Rev. J. F. 8 vol. London, 1836-38. 12 Another copy. Vol. ii.-viii. The portrait of St Paul ; or, The true model for Christians and pastors. Translated... by the Rev. Joshua Gilpin. 2 vol. Shrewsbury, 1790. 12 An appeal to matter of fact and common sense ; or, a rational demonstration of man's corrupt and lost estate. London, 1809. 8 * The life of the Rev. J. W. de La Flechere. Compiled from Wesley, Gilpin, his own let- ters, &c. By the Rev. J. Benson, llth ed. London, 1838. 12 FLETCHER (JOSEPH), D.D., Independent minis- ter at Stepney. The select works and memoirs of the late Rev. J. F. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Fletcher, Junr., of Hanley. Vol. i. and iii. London, 1846. 8 FLETCHER (JOSEPH), of Hanley, son of the pre- ceding. The history of the revival and pro- gress of Independency in England, since the period of the Reformation ; with an introduc- tion, containing an account of the development of the principles of Independency in the age of Christ and his Apostles, and of the gradual departure of the Church into anti-Christian error, until the time of the Reformation. 4 vol. London, 1847-49. 8 Education national, voluntary, and free. London, 1851. 8 FLETCHER (MARY). -* The life of Mrs M. F., consort and relict of the Rev. John Fletcher, vicar of Madely, Salop ; compiled from her journal, and other authentic documents. By Henry Moore, llth ed. London, 3844. 12 FLETCHER (WILLIAM), Bridge-of-Teath. The Scripture-loyalist : containing a vindication of obedience to the present civil British govern- ment, in things lawful : A defence of several passages of holy Scripture, from gross abuse and misrepresentation. And an answer to ignorant and sophistical cavils against subjec- tion to said government, in its lawful com- mands. To which is added, an appendix, containing answers to one hundred questions proposed to Seceders by Andrew Newton, mer- chant in Dunse. And a postscript, containing twelve queries, proposed to the serious con- sideration of the Reformed Presbytery, and their followers. 2ded. Falkirk, 1789. 8 Another copy. FLEURIMONT (G. R.). Medailles du regne de Louis XV. s. I. et a. 4 FLEURY (CLAUDE), Prior of ArgenteuiLIjea mceurs des Chrestiens. La Haye, 1682. 12 Histoire ecclesiastique [jusqu' en 1414], avec la continuation [jusqu' en 1595, par le P. Jean- -02 FLINDERS FORBES Cl. Fabro ct Goujet]. 36 torn. [This copy wants the valuable " Table ge'ne'rale des ma- tieres" by Rondet, published at Paris in 1758. 1 S 1722-38. 4 d ' Another edition. 25 torn. Caen, 1781. 4 * Justification des discours et de 1'histoire ec- clesiastique de M. 1'Abbe" Fleuri, centre les reproches . . . de quelques religieux Flamans. (Par le Pero TRANQUILLE DE BAYEIX.) Nancy, 1737. 12 - Discours sur les libert^s de 1'Eglise Gallicane ...Avec un commentaire par M. 1'abbe* de C*** de L*** [t. e. Chinac de LabastideJ. Au-dela des monts, a Venstiyne de la rerite. [Paris], 1765. 12 - * Reflexions importantes et apologiques sur le nouveau Commentaire du discours de M. 1'Abbe* Fleury . . .touchant les liberte"s de 1'Eglise Gallicane, donne" en 1765. Avec une lettre a 1'auteur des Nouvelles Ecclesiastiques. Par 1'auteur du Commentaire. Pom, 1766. 12 Institutiones juris ecclesiastici. Latinas reddi- dit, et cum animadversionibus J. H. Boahmeri, edidit J. B. Gruber. Editio quarta. Parisiis, 1768. 8 Discours sur I'histoire e'ccle'siastique. . .nouvelle edition. On y a joint le discours sur le renou- vellement des Etudes ecclesiastiques depuis le xiv. siecle. Nismes, 1785. 12 Done into English. London, 1721. 8 Mceurs des Israelites et des Chretiens. Nou- velle Edition. Tours, 1806. 12 The manners of the ancient Israelites ; con- taining an account of their peculiar customs, ceremonies, laws, polity, religion, sects, art* and trades, their division of time, wars, capti- vities, dispersion, and present state... [Trans- lated from the French by Thomas Bedford.] With a short account of the ancient and mo- j dern Samaritans. The whole much enlarged ...by Adam Clarke, LL.D. 4th ed. London, 1820. 8 - Nouveaux opuscules. Paris, 1807. 12 - Seconde Edition. Paris, 1818. 12 FLINDERS (MATTHEW). A voyage to Terra Australis ; undertaken for the purpose of com- pleting the discovery of that vast country, and prosecuted in the years 1801, 1802, and 1803. . . 2 vol. London, 1814. 4' FLINT (JOHN). A sermon at the opening of the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale ; Nov. 6, 1705. [On Malachi, ii. 7.] Edin., 1705. 4 Examen doctrinse D. Johannis Simson, S.S.T. in celebri academia Glasguensi professoris. Edin. ,1717. 8 I FLORENTINIUS (HIERONYMUS). De homini- ' bus dubiis sive abortivis baptizandis, pia pro- ; thesis. Editio in Germania novissima. Augusta Vindelicorum, 1761. 4 FLORIAN (JEAX PIERRE CLARIS DE). Gonzalve de Cordoue, ou Grenade reconquise. Pre'ce'de du precis historique sur les Maures. Nouvelle Edition. Londres, 1808. 12 FLORUS (Lucius ANJTSUS). [Rerum Romana- rum epitome], cum notis integris Cl. Salmasii et selectis-sinus variorum, accurante S. M. D. C. Additus oliaiii L. Anipelius ex Biblinthcca Cl. Salmasii. Aniftdodami, 1674. 8 Another edition. Interpretatione et notu'il- lustravit Anna, Tanaquilli Fabri filia. . .in usuiu serenissimi Deiphini Editio terti:i. Londini, 1727. 8 FLOWERS. Popular flowers. London, 1843. 12 FLUGEL (J. G.), Ph. D. Complete dictionary of the German and English languages. Adapt- ed to the English student, with great additions and improvements, by C. A. Foiling and A. Ueimann. 2 parts. 2d ed. London, 1843. 8 FLY SHEETS. The " Fly Sheets" vindicated : or, the statements and arguments of the writers in the Fly Sheets re-asserted and defended, in answer to observations in " The Watchman," " Papers on Wesleyan matters," " Remarks on the Fly Sheets," and other anonymous publi- cations. By some of them. London, 1849. 8 FCEBADUS, or FCEBADIUS, Bishop. Liber contra Arianos ; [cum ATHANASII dialogis}. 1570 FOISSET (JOSEPH-THEOPHILE). Catholicisme et Protestantisme. Deuxieme edition. Dijon, 1846. 8 FONCTIONS. Le?ons sur le calcul des fonctions. [Par J.-L. de LAG RANGE.] Nouvelle Edition. Paris, 1806. 8 FONTENELLE (Bernard LB BOUYEB de). Les ceuvres de B. de F. Nouvelle edition. 11 torn. Port*, 1766. 12 FOOLS. An essay to discover who are the true fools and fanatics in the world. . I, 1708. 4 Another copy. [Wants title.] FOOT (GEORGE), A.M. The mode of Christian baptism. Three sermons. Binghampton, N. Y., 1836. 12 FOOT (JOSEPH J.), D.D., President elect of Wash- ington college. Sermons. With a brief bio- graphical sketch ; by Rev. George Foot. Philadelphia, 1841. 8 - Another copy. FOOTE (A. L. R.), Minister of the Free Church, Brechin. Incidents in the life of our Saviour, illustrative of his divine character and mis- sion. London, 1853. 8 Christianity viewed in some of its leading as- pects. Edin., 1854. 8 FOOTE (JAMES), A.M., Minister of the Free East church, Aberdeen. Lectures on the Gospel according to Luke. 6 vol. Glasgow, 1838, 39. 8 Second edition. 3vol. Edin., 1849. 8 FOOTE (SAMUEL). The author : a comedy. Glasgow, 1758. 12 Apology for the Minor. In a letter to the Rev. Mr Baine. To which is added, the ori- ginal epilogue. Edin., 1771. 12 FORBES ( ), Lord Pitsligo. Essays moral and philosophical. London, 1763. 12 J FORBES (CHARLES), Comte de Montalembert. * L'Eglise Gallicane ct ses maximes veng^es FORBES FORD. 293 centre les attaques de M. le Comte de Mont- alembert. Paris, 1853. 8 FORBES (DUNCAN), of Culloden, Lord President of the Court of Session. The whole works of D. F. To which is affixed, a short account of the author. Glasgow, 1788. 8 Another edition. To which is prefixed a bio- graphical sketch of the life of the author, by J. Bannatyne. London, 1816. 8 - Some thoughts concerning religion, natural and revealed, and the manner of understand- ing Revelation. 2d ed. London, 1736. 4 Reflections on the sources of incredulity with re- gard to religion. [Theological Tracts, edited by John BROWN, D.D. Vol. i.] Edin., 1853. 8 FORBES (EDWARD), Professor of natural history in the university of Edinburgh. Monograph of the Echinodermata of the British Tertiaries. [Palseontographical Society.] London, 1852. 4 FORBES (JAMES DAVID), D.C.L., Principal of the united college of St Salvator and St Leonard, St Andrews. Travels through the Alps of Sa- voy and other parts of the Pennine chain, with observations on the phenomena of gla- ciers. Edin., 1843. 8 FORBES (JOHN), Minister of Alford, Aberdeen- shire, and afterwards ofMiddleburg, inHolland. The saints hope, and infallibleness thereof. Or two sermons preached before the English companie at Middelb. about the moneth of October, 1608. Middelborough, 1610. 16 Certain e records touching the estate of the Kirk in the years 1605 and 1606. [With An apologetical narration of the state and govern- ment of the Kirk of Scotland since the Refor- mation, by William SCOT.] 1846 FORBES (JOHN), of Corse, Professor of theology and ecclesiastical history in King's college, Aber- deen. Opera omnia, inter quse plurima post- huma, reliqua ab ipso auctore interpolata, emendata atque aucta. 2 torn. Amstelcedami, 1702, 3. fol. Irenicum amatoribus veritatis et pacis in Ec- clesia Scoticana. Aberdonice, 1629. 4 Instructiones historico-theologicse, de doctrina Christiana et vario rerum statu, ortisque er- roribus et controversiis, jam inde a temporibus apostolicis, ad tempora usque seculi- decimi- septimi priora. Amstelodami, 1645. fol. Another copy. - Arnoldi MONTANI Forbesius contractus, sive compendium instructionum historico-theologi- carum. Amstelodami, 1663. 8 FORBES (JOHN), D.D. , Minister of Free St Paul's church, Glasgow. On the Rule of Faith the nature and origin of Popery its progress and extent. Glasgow;, 1836. 8 A sermon preached in St Paul's church, Glas- gow, 23d November 1837, being the day of public thanksgiving appointed by the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. Glasgow, 1837. 8 Introductory lecture on the physical, educa- tional, and religious improvement of the peo- ple, especially of the great towns. Glasgow, 1842. 8 The true Church Christ its Head, its safety and preservation the authority of its minis- ters false claims to infallibility and supre- macy usurped power. [Lect. on Protest.] s. 1. et a. 12 FORBES (JOHN), LL.D., Home governor and chaplain of Donaldson's hospital. The symme- trical structure of Scripture : or, the principles of Scripture parallelism exemplified, in an ana- lysis of the decalogue, the sermon on the mount, and other passages of the sacred writ- ings. ' Edin., 1854. 8 FORBES (JOHN HAY), Advocate, aftenvards Lord Medwyn. Observations on banks for savings ; to which is prefixed a letter to the editor of the Quarterly Review. Edin., 1817. 8 FORBES (PATRICK), D.D., Minister of Old Ma- char. Considerations on the constitution of the Church of Scotland ; on the nature, inten- tion, and advantages of an established Church, particularly of the Scottish establishment ; and on the modes of appointing ministers to va- cant parishes. Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. FORBES (WILLIAM), Advocate. A treatise of church-lands and tithes : In two parts. Edin., 1705. 8 Another copy. Another copy. A letter to a gentleman in the country, con- cerning the parson of Banchory and his late pamphlet, entituled, "Some just reflections on a pasquil against him," &c. Edin., 1706. 8 A few remarks on a scurrilous pamphlet, en- tituled, " Some charitable observations on his late treatise of church-lands and tithes :" by the author of the Reformed Bishop, [James Gordon] under the vizard of a moderat son of the Church of England. Edin., 1706. 8 Another copy. FORCELLINUS (^EGIDIUS). Totius Latinitatis lexicon consilio et cura Jacobi Facciolati opera et studio JE. F. Edidit, Anglicam interpreta- tionem in locum Italicse substituit, appendi- cem Patavinam lexico passim intertexuit, pauca de suo distinctione per obelos facta hue atque illuc sparsit ; auctarium denique et Horatii Tursellini de particulis Latinse ora- tionis libellum etiam Gerrardi siglarium Ro- manum et Gesneri indicem etymologicum ad- jecit Jacobus Bailey, A.M. 2 vol. Londini, 1828. 4 Another copy. FORD (JAMES), A. M. , Minister of the Gospel in Lauder. The certain danger of perverting di- vine truth, and disregarding the judgments of heaven. [A sermon on Rev. ii. 5.] Edin., 1778. 8 FORD (JAMES), B.D., Minister of St Lawrence, Ipswich. The new devout communicant, ac- cording to the Church of England : containing an account of the institution ; prayers and meditations before and after the administra- tion, and a companion at the Lord's table. Ipsinch, [1825]. 12 FORD-FORSTER. FORD (JoiiN), Minister of Siidbu nj. A serious address to men iix business, concerning the right ordering their affairs. 3d ed. /;./;., 1815. 12 - A brief enquiry concerning the dignity of the ordinance of the LOAD'S SUITER. 1732 FORD (RANULPHUS). Christianas religionis, sive Ecclesiae Anglicanoe ARTICULI xxxix., perspi- cua analysi breviter explicati, et firmissimis S. Scripturarum testimoniis abunde confirmati. Quibus commentarii instar, turn ex antiquis, turn etiam e recentioribus citationes ad earn rem pertinentes accesserunt, cum objectioni- bus earumque solutionibus a D. Ellis, aliisquu collectis. His adduntur Articuli Lambethani, &c. L. P. Londini, 1720. 8 6 FORD (WILLIAM). The religious care of families recommended, in a sermon [on Gen. xviii. 19J preached at Miles- Lane, Dec. 25th, 1769. London, 1770. 8 FORDUN (JOANNES DE). Scotichronicon, cum supplementis et continuatione Walteri Boweri : e codicibus MSS. editum cum notis et varian- tibus lectionibus. Prsefixa est ad historian! Scotorum introductio brevis, cura Walteri Goodall. 2 vol. Edin., 1759. fol. FORDYCE (DAVID), Professor of moral philosophy in Marischal college, Aberdeen. The elements of moral philosophy ; in three books. 4th ed. London, 1769. 12 FORDYCE (JAMES), D.D., Minister of Alloa. A sermon [on Rev. xiv. 6] occasioned by the death of the Rev. Dr Samuel Lawrence ; with an address at his interment. London, 1760. 8 The folly, infamy, and misery of unlawful pleasure. A sermon [on Prov. vii. 7] preached before the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May 25, 1760. Edin., 1760. 8 Fourth edition. Edin., 1768. 8 Sermons to young women. 2 vol. 3d ed. Dublin, 1766. 12 FORDYCE (W.). Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Glenorchy, President of the Edinburgh Bible society, containing strictures on the Apocrypha controversy ; and on the arguments of one of the secretaries of the Edinburgh Bible society ; with hints to those members of the Edinburgh committee who have opposed their brethren in London, since they abandoned the circulation of the Apocry- pha ; observations on the state in which Bibles with Apocryphas are still sold in Scotland ; and a review of the plans which the Edinburgh committee propose for treating the continental societies, and for disseminating Bibles on the continent. Elgin, 1828. 8 FORFAR. Record in the case of the Forfar pa- rochial chapel. (1835.) [Edin., 1835]. 8 FORMEY (JEAN HENRY SAMUEL), Professor of eloquence in the French college. Vindicise B. reformatorum et imprimis Lutheri contra va- riasobjectionesab Cardinal! A. M. Quirinipro- positas. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1750. 8 I - An ecclesiastical history ; from the birth of Christ, to the present time. To which is add- ed, an appendix, giving an account of the people called Methodists by the translator. '2 vol. [Several leaves supplied in main; London, 1766. 8 U FORMS. The Scotch minister's assistant, or a collection of forma, for c K l.uitmg the ordi- nances of marriage, baptism, and the Lord's Suj'i'i i , according to the usage of the Church of Scotland, with suitable devotions for church and family worship. Inverness, 1802. 8 FORMULARIES. Formularies of Faith put forth by authority during the reign of Henry VIII., viz. Articles about Religion, 1JJ3G. The Institution of a Christian man, 1537. A ne- cessary doctrine and erudition for any Chris- tian man, 1543. Edited by Charles Loyd, D.D., Bishop of Oxford. Oxford, 1825. 8 Another edition. Oxford, 1850. 8 FORRESTER (DAVID). Differences of the time, in three dialogues. The first, anent EPISCO- PACY. The second, anent the obligation of the Covenants. The third, anent Separation. 1679 FORRESTER (THOMAS), Principal of St Mary'* college, St Andrews. Rectius instruendum, or, A review and examination of the doctrine pre- sented by one assuming the name of ane in- former, in three dialogues with a certain doubter, upon the controverted points of EPIS- COPACY, the Covenants against Episcopacy, and Separation. 1684 A counter-essay, or, a vindication and asser- tion of Calvin and Beza's PRESBYTERIAN judg- ment and principles. 1692 The hierarchical Bishops claim to a divine right, tried at the Scripture bar. Or, a con- sideration of the pleadings for Prelacy, from pretended scriptural arguments presented and offered by Dr Scott, in his book intituled, The Christian life, Part ii. A. M[onro], D.D., in his Enquiry into the new opinions, &c. And by the author of the second part of the Survey of Naphtali ; [supposed to be Bishop Hony- man oi Orkney]. Edin., 1699. 4 Another copy. Another copy. [With MS. title.] A review and consideration of two late pamph- lets. The first entitled, Quseries to the Pres- byterians of Scotland, by a gentleman of that country. The second, A querie turn'd into an argument in favours of EPISCOPACY. 1706 Causa episcopatus hierarchici lucifuga : or, A confutation of J[OHN] S[AGE]'S Vindication of the (pretended) principles of the Cyprianic age. 1706 FORRY (SAMUEL), M.D. The climate of the United States and its endemic influences. Based chiefly on the records of the medical de- partment and adjutant-general's office, United States army. Neiv York, 1842. 8 FORSTER (CHARLES), B.D., Rector of titisteth, Essex. Mahometanism unveiled : an inquiry, in which that arch-heresy, its diffusion and continuance, are examined on a new principle, tending to confirm the evidences, and aid the propagation, of the Christian faith. 2 vol. London, 1829. 8 FORSTER FOSTER. 295 The apostolical authority of the Epistle to the Hebrews : an inquiry, in which the received title of the Greek Epistle is vindicated against the cavils of objectors, ancient and modern, from Origen to Sir J. D. Michaelis, chiefly upon grounds of internal evidence hitherto unno- ticed, comprising a comparative analysis of the style and structure of this Epistle, and of the undisputed Epistles of St Paul, tending to throw light upon their interpretation. London, 1838. 8 - The historical geography of Arabia ; or, the patriarchal evidences of revealed religion : a memoir, with illustrative maps ; and an ap- pendix, containing translations, with an alpha- bet and glossary, of the Hamyaritic inscrip- tions recently discovered at Hadramaut. 2 vol. London, 1844. 8 - The one primeval language traced experimen- tally through ancient inscriptions in alphabetic characters of lost powers from the four conti- nents : including the voice of Israel from the rocks of Sinai : and the vestiges of patriarchal tradition from the monuments of Egypt, Etru- ria, and Southern Arabia. With illustrative plates, a harmonized table of alphabets, glos- saries and translations. [In three parts.] London, 1852-54. 8 FORSTER (R. P.). A collection of the most celebrated voyages and travels, from the dis- covery of America to the present time. Ar- ranged in systematic order, geographical and chronological... Carefully selected from writers of different nations. Illustrated and embel- lished with correct maps and beautiful engrav- ings. 3d ed. 4 vol. London, 1818. 8 FORSTER (THOMAS). Two letters from a late dissenting teacher ; with an answer to the former, and animadversions upon the latter : proving, from the best authorities, that the doctrines, discipline, and government of the Clmrch of England, are truly primitive and apostolical. London, 1764. 8 FORSTER (THOMAS), F.L.S. Researches about atmospheric phsenomena. 3d ed., corrected and enlarged ; with a series of engravings il- lustrative of the modifications of the clouds, &c. To which is added the calendar of na- ture. London, 1823. 8 FORSTERUS (JOHANNES). Orationes tres con- tra calumniam Jesuitarum. [Wants title.] 4 FORSTNERUS (CHRISTOPHORUS). In tres post- remos libros Annalium C. Cornelii Taciti, no- tae politicpe. Francofurti, 1661. 12 - In xvi. libros Annalium Cornelii Taciti notse politicoe. Francofurti, 1662. 12 FORSYTH (J. S.). The antiquary's portfolio. 2 vol. London, 1825. 8 FORSYTH (ROBERT), A d vacate. Political frag- ments. Edin., 1830. 12 - Remarks on the Church of Scotland : its his- tory, constitution, and recent proceedings ; the different qxiestions that have been agitated ; its present peril ; and a suggestion of reme- dies. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. FORTEGUERRI (NICOLAS). The first canto of Ricciardetto : translated from the Italian of Forteguerri : with an introduction, concerning the principal romantic, burlesque, and mock- heroic poets ; and notes critical and philologi- cal. By Sylvester (Douglas) Lord Glenbervie. London, 1822. 8 FORTUITA. Fortuita sacra : Quibus subjicitur Commentarius de Cymbalis. [By Richard ELLIS.] Rotterodami, 1727. 8 FOSBROOKE (THOMAS DUDLEY), M.A., Vicar of Walfwd, Herefordshire. British mona- chism ; or, manners and customs of the monks and nuns of England. To which are added, I. Peregrinatorium religiosum ; or, manners and customs of ancient pilgrims. II. The con- suetudinal of anchorets and hermits. III. Some account of the continentes, or persons who had made vows of chastity. IV. Select poems in various styles. 3d ed. London, 1843. 8 Another copy. FOSTER (HENRY), A.M., Perpetual curate of St Jams\ Clerkenwell. The Bible preacher, or closet companion for every day in the year ; consisting of three hundred and sixty-five out- lines of sermons... Together with six complete sermons... Collected and arranged, with a me- moir of the author, by the Rev. S. Piggott, A.M. London, 1824. 12 FOSTER (JAMES), D.D., Minister of a dissenting congregation at Barbican, London. The use- fulness, truth, and excellency of the Christian revelation defended against the objections con- tain'd in a late book, [by M. Tindal] intitled, Christianity as old as the creation, &c. 2d ed. , with the addition of a postscript. London, 1731. 8 Another copy. An answer to Dr Stebbing's letter on the sub- ject of heresy. 2d ed. London, 1735. 8 An answer to Dr Stebbing's Second letter on the subject of heresy. In which the whole controversy is fairly stated and re-examined. London, 1736. 8 Sermons. 4 vol. [Vol. i., 4th ed. ; vol. ii., 2d ed.] London, 1743-5. 8 Discourses on all the principal branches of na- tural religion and social virtue. 2 vol. London, 1749, 52. 4 FOSTER (Right Hon. JOHN), Speaker of the House of Commons in Ireland. An accurate report of the speech of the Right Hon. J. F. in the committee on the Roman Catholic bill, Feb. 27, 1793. Dublin, 1793. 8 FOSTER (JOHN), Baptist minister, Broadmead chapel, Bristol. An essay on the evils of po- pular ignorance. London, 1820. 8 Another copy. Second edition : [with] a discourse on the com- munication of Christianity to the people of Hindostan. London, 1821. 8 Essays in a series of letters, on the following subjects : On a man's writing memoirs of him- self. On decision of character. On the appli- cation of the epithet romantic. On some of the causes by which evangelical religion has FOSTER FOXCROFT. been rendered less acceptable to persons of cultivated taste. 7th ed. London, 1823. 8 Eighth edition. London, 1826. 8 Ninth edition. London, 1830. 8 Contributions, biographical, literary, and phi- losophical, to the Eclectic Review. 2 vol. London, 1844. 8 - Lectures delivered at Broadmead chapel, Bris- tol. London, 1844. 8 Second series. London, 1847. 8 Second edition. London, 1849. 8 An essay on the improvement of time : and other literary remains. With a preface by John Sheppard. Edited by J. E. RjlMUL M.A. London, 1863. 8 - An appeal to the young, on the importance of religion. New York, s. a. 12 - * The life and correspondence of J. F. Edited by J. E. Ryland. With notices of Mr Foster as a preacher and a companion, by John Shep- pard. 2 vol. London, 1846. 8 - Another edition. London, 1855, 6. 8 FOSTER (Sir MICHAEL). An examination of the ! scheme of Church power laid down in the Co- i dex juris ecclesiastic! Anglicani ; [by Bishop | GIBSON]. 1736 ' FOULIS (HENRY), B.D., Fellow of Lincoln col- \ lege, Oxford. The history of Romish treasons \ and usurpations ; together with a particular account of many gross corruptions and impos- tures in the Church of Rome. London, 1671. fol. FOURNET (J.). Etudes sur les depots me'talli- feres. Paris, 1834. 8 FOURQUEVAUX (L'abbrf J.-BAPT.-RAIMOND PAVIE DE). CATECHISMS sur les contestations qui divisent 1'Eglise. 1733 FOWLER (EDWARD), D.D., Bishop of Gloucester. The design of Christianity ; or, a plain de- monstration and improvement of this proposi- tion, that the enduing men with inward real righteousness was the ultimate end of our Sa- viour's coming into the world. London, 1671. 8 - A discourse of the great disingenuity and un- reasonableness of repining at afflicting provi- dences : and of the influence which they ought to have upon us, on Job, ii. 10. Second im- pression. With another discourse of the great duty of praise and thanksgiving ; and keeping our minds in a grateful temper in all condi- tions, on Psalm cvii. 8. Not before published. Lotidon, 1707. 8 - The fourth note of the Church examined ; viz. Amplitude, or, multitude and variety of be- lievers ; [Notes of the Church, as laid down byCard. BELLARMIXE, examined and confuted, p. 111]. 1839 FOWNES (GEORGE), Ph. D. A manual of ele- mentary chemistry. London, 1844. 8 FOX (Right Hon. CHARLES JAMES). * The man of the people ! inscribed to the Hon. C. J. F. London, 1782. 4 A letter to the worthy and independent elec- tors of the city and liberty of Westminster. London, 1793. 8 - History of the early part of the reign of JaniiM the Second; with an introductory chapter... To which is added an appendix. Lotidon, 1808. 4' Another copy. * Memoirs of- the latter yean of the Right Honble. C. J. F....By John Bernard Trotter. 3d ed. L, m don, 1811. 8 FOX (FRANCIS), A.M. Convivium Juvenile : or a colloquy between Martin and Erasmus, anent ecclesiastical establishments and voluntary Church associations ; with a preface and notes. /:j>ciidice quinque 1-artita rdidit F. F. , 1847. 8 FRANC KITS (AUGUSTUS HERMANXUS), Profes- torof Greek and Oriental languages at Halle. Prselectiones henneneuticte. Hake Magdeb., 1717. 8 Nicodemus : or, a treatise against the fear of man. Wherein the causes and sad effects thereof are briefly described with some reme- dies against it. 2d ed., in English. Edin., 1731. 8 * The life of A. H. F. Translated from the German of H. E. F. Guerike by Samuel Jack- son. With an introductory preface, by the Rev. E. Bickersteth. London, 1847. 12 FRANCKIUS (GEORGIUS SAMUEL). De historia dogmatum Arminianorum. Kilice, 1813. 8 FRANCKREICH. Zwey Edict sampt einer off- nen Patent der Koniglischen Wiirden inn Franckreich. / s. I, 1568. 4 FRANCOIS (RENE), pseud., i. e. Etienne BINET. FRANCOIS DE SALES, Saint, Bishop of Geneva. * Vie de St F. de S. par M. le cure" de Saint- Sulpice. Edition abrege'e. Paris, 1855. 8 I FRANGIDELPHE ESCORCHE - MESSES. Histoire de la mappe-monde papistique, en laquelle est declare tout ce qui est contenu et pourtraict en la grande table, ou carte de la mappe-monde. Composed par M. Frangi- delphe Escorche-Messes. Luce-Nouvelle [Geneve], par Briffaud Cliasse- diable, 1567. 4 [This violent satire against the court of Rome has been generally ascribed to Beza ; while M. de Marolles, in his " Manuel bibliogra- phique," says that he had seen a copy on which was written, ,in a contemporary hand, the name of P. Viret as the author.] FRANKLAND (THOMAS), M.D. The annals of King JAMES, and CHARLES the First. 1681 FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). The works of Dr B. F. , consisting of essays humorous, moral, and literary ; with his life, written by himself. London, 1826. 12 Experiments and observations on electricity, made at Philadelphia in America. London, 1769. 4 FRANKLIN (JOHN), Captain, R.N. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the polar sea, in the years 1819, 20, 21, and 22. With an ap- pendix on various subjects relating to science and natural history. Illustrated by numerous plates and maps. London, 1823. 4 Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the polar sea, in the years 1825, 1826, and 1827. Including an account of the progress of a detachment to the Eastward, by John Rich- ardson, M.D., surgeon and naturalist to the expedition. Illustrated by numerous plates and maps. London, 1828. 4 FRANKS (JAMES), A.M., of H alifax. Sacred li- terature, or remarks upon the Book of Gene- FRANKS -FRAYSSINOUS. 299 sis, collected and arranged, to promote the knowledge, and evince the excellence, of the Holy Scriptures. [Consisting principally of extracts from various authors.] Halifax, 1802. 8 FRANKS (JAMES CLARKE), M.A., Vicar of Hud- dersjield, Yorkshire. University prize essays on theological subjects. Cambridge, 1819. 8 - Hulsean lectures for 1821. On the evidences of Christianity as they were stated and en- forced in the discourses of our Lord : compris- ing a connected view of the claims which J esus advanced, of the arguments by which he sup- ported them, and of his statements respecting the causes, progress, and consequences of infi- delity. Cambridge, 1821. 8 Hulsean lectures for 1823. On the apostolical preaching and vindication of the Gospel to the Jews, Samaritans, and devout Gentiles, as ex- hibited in the Acts of the Apostles, the Epis- tles of St Peter, and the Epistle to the He- brews. Cambridge, 1823. 8 FRANZIUS (WOLFGANGUS), Professor of divinity at Wittemberg. Tractatus theologicus novus et perspicuus de interpretations sacrarum Scripturarum maxime legitima. [Editio se- cunda.] Witebergw, 1634. 4 FRASER (ALEXANDER), Minister of Kirkhill. The prophecies of the New Testament con- cerning the Man of Sin, considered and ap- plied. A sermon [on 2 Thess. ii. 8] preached ...in Edinburgh, June 3, 1784. Edin., 1784. 8 A key to the prophecies of the Old and New Testament which are not yet accomplished. Containing, I. Rules for their arrangement. II. Observations on their dates. III. A gene- ral view of the events foretold in them. Edin., 1795. 8 - A commentary on the prophecy of Isaiah. Being a paraphrase, with notes, shewing the literal meaning of the prophecy. Edin., 1800. 8 - Another copy. FRASER (ALEXANDER C.), Professor of logic in the university of Edinburgh. Rational philo- sophy in history and in system : An introduc- tion to a logical and metaphysical course. Edin., 1858. 8 FRASER (DONALD), A.M., Minister of Free High church, Inverness. Leaves from a minister's portfolio. London, 1858. 8 - Concerning the King : a discourse. Inverness, 1859. 8 FRASER (JAMES), of Brea, minister of the Gospel at Culross. Prelacy an idol, and Prelates ido- laters : all Prelatists, maintainers of, and com- plyers with Prelacy, charg'd with idolatry, and proven guilty, in a sermon. s. I. , 1713. 4 - A treatise concerning justifying or saving faith : wherein the nature of faith is largely handled... Written by him while he was pri- soner in the Bass, 1679. Edin., 1722. 8 - A treatise on justifying faith. Wherein is opened the grounds of believing, or the sin- ner's sufficient warrant to take hold of what is offered in the everlasting Gospel. Together with an appendix concerning the extent of Christ's death, unfolding the dangerous and various pernicious errors that hath been vent- ed about it. [Forming part ii. of the Treatise on justifying faith.] Edin., 1749. 8 The lawfulness and duty of separation from corrupt ministers and Churches explained and vindicated. . .Printed from his own original ma- nuscript. Edin., 1744. 16 Another copy. Another copy. Memoirs of the life of the very Rev. Mr J. F., of Brea. Written by himself. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1798. 12 - Fourth edition. Aberdeen, 1843. 12 FRASER (JAMES). The genuine history of Nadir Shaw, formerly called Thamas Kuli Khan, Em- peror of Persia ; to which is prefixed a short history of the Moghol Emperors ; and at the end is inserted about 200 manuscripts, in the Persic and other Oriental languages. London, 1742. 8 FRASER (JAMES), Minister of the Gospel at Al- ness. The works of the Rev. J. F. The Scrip- ture doctrine of sanctification, with an appen- dix ; and sacramental sermons. [With a short account of the author.] Edin., 1834. 12 Another copy. The Scripture doctrine of sanctification ; being a critical explication and paraphrase of the sixth and seventh chapters of the Epistle to the Romans, and the four first verses of the eighth chapter. With an appendix, wherein the Apostle's doctrine, principles, and reason- ing are applied to the purposes of holy prac- tice and of evangelical preaching. Edin., 1813. 12 - Another edition. Edin., 1830. 12 FRASER (JAMES B.). An historical and descrip- tive account of Persia, from the earliest ages to the present time : with a detailed view of its resources, government, population, natural history, and the character of its inhabitants, particularly of the wandering tribes ; including a description of Afghanistan and Beloochistan. 2d ed. [Edinburgh Cab. Lib., vol. xv.] Edin., 1834. 12 FRASER (JANET DOUGLAS), Thornhill. Poems on religious subjects. Dumfries, s. a. 16 FRASER (WILLIAM), Minister of Free Middle church, Paisley. The educational condition of Scotland a national disgrace. Present reme- dial suggestions considered. Paisley, 1859. 8 Another copy. Australian union speech in the Free Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, 17th April 1861. Glasgow, 1861. 8 FRASER (DAVID), Minister of Dores.The pre- sent state of POPERY. s. a. FRAYSSINOUS (DENIS), Bishop of Hei-mopolis. Les vrais principes de I'Egfise Gallicane, sur la puissance ecclesiastique ; la Papaute ; les libertes Gallicanes ; la promotion des Eveques ; les trois Concordats, et les Appels commc 300 FKF.A.MK FRIENDSHIP d'abus, sui vie de reflexions sur un ecrit de M. Fieve. S 1818. 8 - Troisieme Edition. Paris, 18LT,. ,s FREAME (JOHN). Scripture instruction in the form of question and answer, as taught in the royal Lancasterian schools. London, 1813. 12 FREDERIC II., surnamed the Great, King of Prussia. Poesies diverses du Roi de Prusse. 2 torn. Berlin, 1760. 8 FREDERICUS (HENRICUS). Disputatio philo- sophica de selectis quibusdam problematis. Ultrajecti, 1651. 4 FREEBAIRN (JOHN), M.A., Minister of Dum- barton. A sermon [on Rev. iv. 6, 7] preached in the High Church of Glasgow, before the Synod of Glasgow and Air, Oct. 8, 1765. Glasgow, 1765. 8 A caution against false teaching. A sermon [on 2 Pet. ii. 1-3] preached at Edinburgh, J\me7, 1771. /;/;., 1771. 8 FREE-HOLDER. The freeholder. Or, politi- cal essays. 4th ed. London, 1729. 12 FREEMAN. The freeman's guide. Charlestown, 1812. 12 FREEMAN (SAMUEL), D.D., Dean of Peterbo- rough. The case of mixt COMMUNION. 1684 Bellarmine's first note of the Church concern- ing the name of Catholic examined ; [Notes of the Church, as laid down by Card. BELLA R- MINE, examined and confuted, p. 69]. 1839 FREEMAN (Z.), A.M. Manual of American colleges, and theological seminaries : giving statistical statements of their origin, endow- ments, libraries, students, alumni, &c. Rochester, 1856. 8 FREE-THINKING. A discourse of Free-think- ing. Occasioned by the rise and growth of a sect called Free-thinkers. [By Anthony COL- LINS.] London, 1713. 8 Another copy. Another copy. [Wants title.] FREIGHTS (J. T.). Orationes viii. ; [una cum epistolis et orationibus J. C. SCALIGERI]. 1612 FREIND (JOHN). An account of the Earl of Peterborow's conduct in Spain, chiefly since the raising the siege of Barcelona, 1706. To which is added the campagne of Valencia. With original papers. 2d ed. London, 1707. 8 FREMANTLE (WILLIAM H.), Chaplain to the Bishop of London. A collection of the judg- ments of the judicial committee of the PRIVY COUNCIL. Edited by the Hon. G. C. BRO- DRICK, and the Rev. W. H.-F. 1865 FREMY (EDMOND). Cours de chimie generale. Par J. PELOUZE et E. F. 1848-1850 FRENCH (DANIEL), Barrister-at-law. The Ham- mersmith Protestant discussion between John CUMMISG, D.D., and D. F. 1851 FRENCH CONVERT. The French convert : being a true relation of the happy conversion of a noble French lady from the errors and superstitions of Popery to the reformed reli- gion, by means of a Protestant gardener, her servant. To which is added, a brief account i >f the present severe prosecutions of the French Protestants. . 1721. 8 - Fourth edition. .1771. 8 FREND (Wii.i.i \M), M.A., of Jesus college, Cam- l-r'nlije. * The trial of \V. F. in the vice-chan- cellor's court, for writing and publishing a pamphlet, entitled, Peace and union, recom- iiu-nded to the... republicans and anti-repub- licans. Cambridge, s. a. 8 * The Proceedings in the court of delegates on the appeal of W. F. from the sentence of the vice-chancellor's court. Cambridge, s. a. 8 FRERE (JAMES HATLEY). A combined view of the prophecies of Daniel, Esdras, and St John, shewing that all the prophetic writings are formed upon one plan. Also, a minute exa- mination of the prophecies of Daniel ; together with critical remarks upon the interpretations of preceding commentators, and more particu- larly upon the systems of Mr Faber and Mr Cuninghame. 2d ed. London, 1815. 8 ! On the general structure of the Apocalypse, being a brief introduction to its minute inter- pretation. London, 1826. 8 ; Eight letters on the prophecies, relating to the last times : viz. The seventh vial ; The civil and ecclesiastical prophetic periods ; and the type of Jericho. London, 1831. 8 j Three letters on the prophecies... Being in con- tinuation of eight letters published in 1831. London, 1833. 8 FREY (JOSEPH SAMUEL C. F.). A Hebrew, La- tin, and English dictionary. 2 vol. London, 1815. 8 A Hebrew grammar, in the English language, a new and enlarged edition. To which are added, a glossary to the first six Psalms, and a compendium of Chaldee grammar by George DOWKES. London, 1823. 8 Ninth edition. New York, 1835. 8 The Hebrew reader. Brooklyn, 1835. 8 Judah and Israel : or, the restoration and con- version of the Jews and the ten tribes. 2d ed. Prefixed by the fifteenth edition of the au- thor's narrative. London, 1838. 12 FREYLINGHAUSEN (JOHN ANASTASIUS). An abstract of the whole doctrine of the Christian religion. London, 1804. 8 FREYTAG (FRIDERICUS GOTTHILF.). Disserta- tiuncula litteraria de codice in membrana exa- rato qui Augustini libros de civitate Dei com- plectitur. Lipsioz, [1747]. 4 FREYTAG (GEORGIUS WILHELMUS), Professor of Oriental languages at Bonn. Lexicon Arabico- Latinum prsesertim ex Djeuharii Firuzaba- diique et aliorum Arabum operibus, adhibitis Golii quoque et aliorum libris, confectum. Accedit index vocum Latinarum locupletissi- mus. 4 torn. Halts Saxonum, 1830-37. 4 Q FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Report on friendly or benefit societies ; exhibiting the law of sick- ness. Edin., 1824. 8 FRIENDSHIP. Thoughts on friendship... For the use and improvement of the ladies. By a well-wisher to her sex. London, 1725. 8 FRISCHLINUS- FULKE. 301 Friendship in death : in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. In three parts. By the same author, [Elizabeth ROWE]. 4th ed. London, 1737. 8 On the delicacy of friendship. [Addressed to Dr Jortin by Bishop HURD.] London, 1755. 8 U FRISCHLINUS (NICODEMTTS). Comcedife sex. Tragoedise dute. s. I., 1589. 8 FRITH (FRANCIS). Egypt and Palestine photo- graphed and described by F. F. 2 vol. London, s. a. fol. - Cairo, Sinai, Jerusalem, and the pyramids of Egypt : a series of sixty photographic views by Francis Frith. With descriptions by Mrs Poole and Reginald Stuart Poole. London, s. a. fol. FRITH (JOHN). See J. FRYTH. FRITZSCHE (CAR. FRID. AUG.). Evangelium Marci [Gr.]. Recensuit C. F. A. F. 1830. See BIBLES GREEK. G. - Pauli ad Romanes Epistola [Gr.]. Recensuit C. F. A. F. 1836-1843. See BIBLES GREEK. G. Commentationes ; [una cum opusc. acad. C. F. FRITZSCHII]. 1838 - Nova opuscula academica. Turici, 1846. 8 FRITZSCHE (CHRIST. FRID.). Fritzschiorum opuscula academica. Ediderunt C. F. Fritzsche, Carl. Frid. Aug. FRITZSCHE, Otto Fridolin. FRITZSCHE. lApsiae, 1838. 8 FRITZSCHE (OTTO FRID.). Commentationes ; [una cum opusc. acad. C. F. FRITZSCHII]. 1838 FRGEREISENIUS (ISAACTTS). * Hierogymnas- matum Academicorum sylloge prima in qua varise ac illustres, de praecipuis fidei articulis, controversies explicate ; sub prsesidio I. F. . . . a S. S. theologise studiosis propugnatse com- prehenduntur. Argentorati, 1622. 4 FROMMENT (ANTHOINE). Les actes et gestes merveillevx de la citd de Geneve. Nouuelle- ment conuertie a 1'Euangille faictz du temps de leur Reformation et comment ils 1'ont re- ceue redigez par escript en fourme de cliro- niques annales ou hystoyres commengant 1'an MDXXXII. par A. F. Mis en lumiere par Gustave Revilliod. Geneve, 1854. 4 FROMONDUS (LIBERTUS), Professor of philoso- phy in the university of Louvain. Philosophise Christianas de anima, libri quatuor. Lovanii, 1649. 4 - Commentaria in omnes B. Pauli Apostoli, et septem canonicas aliorum Apostolorum Epis- tolas. Lovanii, 1663. fol. RY (CAROLINE). CHRIST our example. 1838 FRY (EDWARD). Essays on the accordance of Christianity with the nature of man. Edin., 1857. 8 FRY (HENRY PHIBBS), A.B., of St George's, Ho- bart Town. The scriptural evidence of the apostolic ministry and tradition of the Church ! catholic. Van Diemen's Land, ] 843. 8 ' FRY (Joux), B.A., Rector of Desford, Leicester- '' shire. Lyra Davidis ; or, a new translation and exposition of the Psalms. 1819. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. The second advent ; or, the glorious epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ : Being an attempt to elucidate, in chronological order, the pro- phecies both of the Old and New Testaments, which relate to the approaching appearance of the Redeemer, and " the manifestation of the sons of God" to the judgment of the apostate nations of the Christian faith the restoration of Israel and the erection of the kingdom of Christ upon earth. 2 vol. London, 1822. 8 A new translation of the Book of Job. 1827. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. Lectures, explanatory and practical, on the Epistle of St Paul to the Romans. 2d ed. London, 1825. 8 FRYER (JOHN), M.D. A new account of East India and Persia ; in eight letters. Being nine years travels, begun 1672. And finished 1681. London, 1698. fol. FRYTH (JOHAN). A boke made by J. F., pry- soner in the Towr of London, answering unto M. Mores letter, which he wrote against the fyrst lytle treaty se that J. F. made concerning the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ : unto which boke are added in the ende the ar- tycles of his examination before the bysshoppes of London, Winchester and Lincolne, in Paules Churche at London, for whych J. F. was con- dempned and after brente in Smythfield with- out Newgate, the forth day of July, anno. 1533. Now newely reuised corrected and printed in the yeare of our Lord. 1548. the last day of June. [B. L.] Imprinted at London by Anthony Scoloker. A nd Wyllya Seresdwelling wythoutA Idersgate. 8 FRYXELL (ANDERS). Berattelser ur Swenska Historien. Delen 1-3. Tredje upplagan [Del. tredje andra upplagan.] Stockholm, 1828, 31. 8 FUCHS (KARL). Die general- Sy node des Con- sistorial = Bezirks Ansbach im Jahr 1823 in einer allgemeinen Darstellung ihrer Verhand- lungen von K. F. Niirnberg, 1823. 8 FUCHSIUS (LEONHARTUS). Institutionum me- dicinse ad Hippocratis, Galeni, aliorumque veterum scripta recte intelligenda mire utiles, libri quinque. Lugduni, 1555. 8 FULGENTIUS, Saint, Bishop of Bwpa. Opera, quse sunt publici juris omnia. Ad manuscrip- tos codices plures, nec-non ad editiones anti- quiores et castigatiores emendata, aucta, et in unum volumen nunc primum collecta. Acces- sere praeterea in hac nostra editione D. AME- DEI Episcopi Lausanensis homiliae. Venetiis, 1742. fol. Ex libris S. Fulgentii de incarnatione Christi, insignia tredecem fragmenta ; [cum Scriptt. vet. de fide Catholica quinque opusculis qure P. F. CHIFFLETIUS e MSS. cod. emit]. 1656 Ex libris decem S. Fulgentii contra Fabianum, fragmenta xxxix. ; [ibid.]. FULKE (WILLIAM), D.D., Master of Pembrb' S02 F-TLLKll I-TLLKK Hall, <',n,>l>ri,l,j,-.- Tin- u-\t ..f the New Tes- tament translated at Rhemes, whereunto is added the translation out of the original Greeke. With a confutation of all such argu- nu-nts as contain impietie or heresie. 1589. See BIBLKS ENGLISH. D. - The woman of Canaan. A comfortable ser- mon of faith in temptations and afflictions, [on Matt. xv. 21-27]. London, 1011. 4 Confutation of the Rhemish Testament. With an introductory essay ; including a biographi- cal notice of the author. New York, 1834. 8 - A defence of the sincere and true translations of the holy Scriptures into the English tongue, against the cavils of Gregory Martin. Edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. C. H. Hartshorne, M.A. Cambridge, 1843. 8 - Another copy. Stapleton's fortress overthrown. A rejoinder to Martiall's reply. A discoveiy of the dan- gerous rock of the Popish Church commended by Sanders. Edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. Richard Gibbings, M.A. Cambridge, 1848. 8 FULLER (ANDREW), Baptist minister at Ketter- ing. The complete works of Rev. A. F. With a memoir of his life by Andrew Gunton Fuller. 5 vol. London, 1831, 2. 8 New edition. London, 1837. 8 Another edition. London, 1841. 8 - Another edition. London, 1844. 8 - The nature and importance of walking by faith. 3d ed. Edin., 1800. 12 - The nature and importance of walking by faith ; and the importance of a deep and inti- mate knowledge of divine truth ; Two sermons [on 2 Cor. v. 7, and Heb. v. 12-14]. To which is added, persuasives to a general union in ex- traordinary prayer for the revival and extent of real religion. A new edition. Edin., 1815. 8 - Expository discourses on the Book of Genesis, interspersed with practical reflections. 2 vol. London, 1806. 8 Jesus the true Messiah. A sermon [on Ps. xl. 6, 7, 8] delivered in the Jews' chapel, Church Street, Spitalfields, Nov. 19, 1809. London, 1810. 8 - Expository discourses on the Apocalypse, in- terspprsed with practical reflections. Kettering, 1815. 8 ; - The Calvinistic and Socinian systems examined and compared, as to their moral tendency. To j which is added, a postscript, establishing the principle of the work, against the exceptions of Dr Toulmin, Mr Belsham, &c. A new edi- tion, with a life of the aiithor. Edin., 1828. 12 j Another copy. The Gospel its own witness ; or the holy na- I ture and divine harmony of the Christian reli- gion, contrasted with the immorality and ab- surdity of deism. New edition, with a life of the author. Edin.. 1828. 12 Another copy. Strictures on Saiidriiianiunism. I'd ! London, a. a. l_ The Gospel of Christ worthy of all acceptation . Nui-tlniiii/'li'ii, . a. 12 - * Carmen flebile : or an ode, to tin nummy ft" the late Rev. A. F. of l\. itnin^, \\ln> de- parted this life, much and justly laiiu-nii NKII CATAKKR. The faiths of the world ; an account of all re- \ ligions and religious sects, their doctrim-s, rites, ceremonies, and customs. OomnQea from the latest and best authorities, and illus- trated from authentic and trustworthy autho- rities. 2 vi. 1. AVm., a. a. 8 GARDNER (JOHN). Jottiana. A poem in eleven chirls. Glasgow, 1862. 8 (jrARIE (JAMES), M',,,<4e.r of the Gospel in Perth. * Memoirs of the late Eev. J. G. With extracts from his diary, and an appendix. Compiled by William Gardiner, Master of the hospital, Perth. , 1801. 8 ( : A RNIER (J.-JACQ.). Histoire de France ; [commence'e par 1'abbe* Paul-Francois Vm.i.v, continue'e par Claude VILLARKT, et acheve'e p:irJ. J. G.]. 1769-1786 CAKNONS (JOHN), Curate and lecturer of All- hallows, Barking. Sermons. 2 vol. London, 1793. 8 GARRICK (DAVID).* Memoirs of the life of D. G. , interspersed with characters and anecdotes i of his theatrical contemporaries. The whole j forming a history of the stage, which includes i a period of thirty-six years. By Thomas Da- vies. A new edition, with ample additions and illustrations in the form of notes. 2 vol. London, 1808. 8 The private correspondence of D. G. with the most celebrated persons of his time ; now first published from the originals and illustrated with notes, and a new biographical memoir of Garrick. 2 vol. London, 1831, 32. 4 GARRISON (WILLIAM LLOYD). Thoughts on African colonization. Boston, 1832. 8 G ARROW (DAVID WILLIAM), D.D., Sector of East Barnet, Herts. Sermons comprising va- rious matters of doctrine and practice. London, 1820. 8 GARTHWAIT (HENRY). MoKorwaajov. The evangelicall harmonic. Reducing the foure Evangelists into one continued context. Cambridge, 1634. 4 GARVIE (WILLIAM). The light and the sha- dows : or, Christianity the ideal of our race. A lecture, delivered before the Halifax young men's Christian association, December 6, 1859. Halifax, N.S.,1S60. 12 GASCOYNE (R.), M.A., Mickleton, Gloucester- shire. A new solution of the contemporaneous symbols of the Revelation of St John...2d ed. , London, 1855. 12 GASPARIN (Le Comte AGENOR-ETIEXNE DE). Christianisme et Paganisme, ou principes en- gages dans la crise ecclesiastique du Canton de . Vaud. 2 torn. Gemve, 1848. 8 I Another copy. The doctrine of plenary inspiration, and the | errors of M. Scherer of Geneva. Translated I by the Rev. John Montgomery, A.M. Edin., 1852. 12 ! Another copy. - Les ^coles du doute et 1'ecole de la foi. Geneve, 1853. 8 Translated by Robert B. Watson, B.A. /:./,., isr>4. 8 Another copy. - The concessions of the Apostle Paul and the claims of tin- truth. Transl;iU-.l l.y K. L. D. F. /:.///.., 1854. 8 - Le Christianisme au quatrirmu Hiecle. Con- stantin, Ambroise, Augustin. Stances his* toriques (seconde serie) donne'es a Geneve en Mars 1858 par MM. de Gasparin, BUNOENEK et de PRESSBNSE'. Geneve, 1858. 8 GASSENDUS (PETRUS), Regius professor of ma- 1li> iii'it'n -.-> in flu n it if fatty of Paris. Opera omnia. Hactenus edita auctor ante obitum rt- censuit, auxit, illustravit. Posthuma verb to- tius naturae explicationem complectentia, in lucem mine primiun prodeunt, ex bibliotheca illustris viri Henrici Ludovici Haberti Mon- Morii libellorum supplicum magistri. 6 torn. Lugduni, 1658. fol. Institutio astronomica, juxta hypotheses tarn veterum quam recentiorum. Cui accesserunt Galilei GALILEI Nuntius sidereus, et Johannis KEPLERI Dioptrice. Editio secunda. Londini, 1653. fol. Tertia editio. Londini, 1683. 8 GASTON (HUGH). A complete common-place book to the Holy Bible ; or, a scriptural ac- count of the faith and practice of Christians ; consisting of large and numerous collections of pertinent texts of Scripture upon the several doctrines, &c. of revealed religion. A new edition. To which is added, an index to the proper names in the Bible, and a table of the several passages in the Old Testament, quoted by Christ and his Apostles in the New. Glasgow, 1816. 8 Another copy. Second Philadelphia edition. Philadelphia, 1820. 8 GASTRELL (FRANCIS), Bishop of Chester. The Christian institutes, or, the sincere word of God. Being a plain and impartial account of the whole faith and duty of a Christian. Col- lected out of the writings of the Old and New Testament : digested under proper heads, and delivered in the words of Scripture. 2d ed. Londo-n, 1709. 8 Fourteenth edition. Edin., 1806. 12 The certainty and necessity of religion in ge- neral ; [eight sermons preached at the Hon. Robert BOYLE'S Lecture]. 1739 GATAKER (CHARLES), Hector of Hoggeston, Bucks. The way of truth and peace ; [with An antidote against errour concerning justifi- cation, by Thomas GATAKER]. 1670 GATAKER (THOMAS), B.D., Rector of Rother- hithe. Christian constancy crowned by Christ. A funeral sermon [on Apocalypse, ii. 10] preached at the buriall of Mr William Winter, London. London, 1624. 4 Antithesis. Partim Guil. Amesii. PartimGisb. Voetii. De sorte thesibus reposita. Editio secunda. Lugd. Batav., 1659. 12* - Opera critica. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1698. fol. Adversaria miscellanea. In qiiibus sacrae Scrip- GATFORD GEDDES. 307 tune primo, deinde aliorurn scriptorum locis aliquam multis lux redditur. Quae animad- versionum hujusinodi cinnuni ab ipso authore prsemissum jam subsequuntur, edente Carolo Thomse Gatakeri filio. Adjicitur authoris vita propria manu scripta. Londini, 1659. fol. An antidote against errour, concerning justifi- cation. Or, the true notion of justification, and of justifying faith, cleared by the light of Scripture, and solid reason, from several mis- takes of the words... To which is added, The way of truth and peace : or, a reconciliation of. ..S. Paul and S. James, concerning justifi- cation by faith without works, Rom. iii. 28 ; [and] by works, and not by faith only, Jam. ii. 21, 24. By Rev. Charles GATAKER. London, 1670. 4 GATFORD (LIONEL), Bachelor in Divinity-phy- sick. Aoyoj AX|p^fl6*of, or, Hyperphysi- call directions in time of plague. Collected out of the sole authentick dispensatory of the chief physitian both of soule and body, and disposed more particularly (though not with- out some alteration and addition) according to the method of those physicall directions print- ed by command of the Lords of the Councell at Oxford 1644, and very requisite to be used with them. Also, certaine aphorismes, pre- mised, and conclusions from them deduced, concerning the plague, necessary to be known and observed of all, that would either prevent it, or get it cured. Oxford, s. a. 4 GATTEL (C. M.). Dictionnaire Fra^ois-Espa- gnol et Espagnol-Fran9ois. 2 vol. Lyon, 1803. 4 GAUDEN (JOHN), Bishop of Worcester. Certaine scruples and doubts of conscience about taking the solemn league and COVENANT. s. a. GAUDIE (JOHN), Professor, Edinburgh. A ser- mon [on Luke, xix. 41, 42] preached at the opening of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May 2d, 1734. Edin., 1734. 8 GAUNTLETT (HENRY), Vicar of Olney. An ex- position of the Book of Revelation ; being the substance of fifty-four discourses, preached in the parish church of Olney, Bucks, on evening services of the Lord's day, in the years 1819 and 1820. 2d ed. London, 1821. 8 \ - Third edition. London, 1822. 8 j GAUSSEN (S. R. L.), Pastor of the Reformed \ Church, Geneva. Gideon devant 1'ange de j 1'Eternel. Sermon sur Juges, vi. 17-24. Geneve, 1829. 8 - La conversion, sa necessite, sa nature, et 1'unique voie pour 1'accomplir. Sermon sur Luc, xiii. 1-5. 4 me Edition. Geneve, 1829. 8 - David et Hanun. Sermon sur 2 Samuel, x., j precn^ a Geneve... le 18 Mars 1830. Paris, 1830. 8 \ - Le serpent d'airain. Sermon sur Nombres, i xxi. 1-13. Seconde Edition. Geneve, 1831. 8 ! Translated from the French. London, 1841. 8 Theopneustie ou pleine inspiration des saintes Ecritures. [Wants title.] [Paris, 1840.] 8 Translated from the French. London, 1841. 8 Another copy. i Another edition. Translated by E. N. Kirk. New York, 1844. 12 Second English edition. London, 1847. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Le canon des saintes Ecritures, au double point de vue de la science et de la foi. 2 torn. Lausanne, 1860. 8 Translated into English. London, 1862. 8 GAUSSENUS (STEPHANUS), Professor of divinity in the university of Saumur. Dissertationes theologicse, I. De studii theologici ratione. II. De natura theologise. III. De ratione concionandi. IV. De utilitate philosophise in theologia. V. De recto usu clavium. VI. De verbo Dei. Editio nova, cui accessit prsefa- tio Joannis Jacobi Rambachii. Halce, 1727. 8 GAVAZZI (ALESSANDRO). * The life of Father A. G. By G. B. Nicolini. With three of hia orations. Edin., 1851. 12 My recollections of the last four popes, and of Rome in their times. An answer to Dr Wise- man. London, 1858. 8 GAVIN (ANTONY). A master-key to popery. The 3d ed. To which is added the Spanish Bull of Pope Clement XI. omitted in the 2d ed., with the English translation, in two co- lumns ; and also, the remarks of a popish priest on this volume. 3 vol. [Vol. ii. , iii. , 1st ed.] London, 1726, 29. 12 GAY (JOHN). Fables. In two parts. Glasgow, 1752. 12 GAYA (Louis DE). Ce're'monies nuptiales de toutes les nations. La Haye, 1681. 12 GAYOT DE PITAVAL (FRANC.). Causes cele- bres et interessantes, avec les jugemens qui les ont decide'es. Recueillies par M. G. de P. tome 10. La Haye, 1738. 12 GAZETTEER. The modern Gazetteer. . .brought down to the present time. Illustrated with coloured maps. 2 vol. Perth, 1799. 8 GEDDES (ALEXANDER), LL.D. Prospectus of a new translation of the Holy Bible from cor- rected texts of the originals, compared with the ancient versions. With various readings, explanatory notes, and critical observations. Glasgow, 1786. 4 A letter to the Lord Bishop of London : con- taining queries, doubts and difficulties, relative to a vernacular version of the Holy Scriptures. Being an appendix to a prospectus of a new translation of the Bible. London, 1787. 4 Another copy. Dr G.'s general answer to the queries, coun- sils, and criticisms that have been communi- cated to him since the publication of his pro- posals for printing a new translation of the Bible. London, 1790. 4 Another copy. 4)8 GEDDES GEM/ Address to the public, on the publication of the first volume of his new translation of the Bible. London, 1793. 4 Letter to the Right Rev. John Douglass, Bishop of Centuriae, and Vicar Apostolic in the London district. London, 1794. 4 Critical remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures : corresponding with a new translation of the Bible. Vol. i. Containing remarks on the Pentateuch. [No more published.] London, 1800. 4 The Holy Bible faithfully translated. 1792, 97. See BIBLES ENGLISH. A. * Memoirs of the life and writings of the Rev. A. G. By John Mason Good. London, 1803. 8 GEDDES (MICHAEL), D.D., Chancellor of the ca- th-'ilrnl I'lmiYh of Sarum. The Church history of Ethiopia. Wherein, among other things, the two great splendid Roman missions into that empire are placed in their true light. To which are added, An epitome of the Dominican his- tory of that Church. And an account of the practices and conviction of Maria of the An- nunciation, the famous nun of Lisbon. London, 1696. 8 Miscellaneous tracts. 3 vol. 2d ed. London, 1714. 8 Martyrologium Protestantium Hispanorum La- tine versum ex Anglico ; [cum MOSHEMII dis- sertationibus ad hist, ecclesiastic, pertinenti- bus]. 1733 GEDDES (WILLIAM), Minister of the Gospel at 1 J 'i>A - . The saint's recreation ; third part, upon the estate of grace, containing, and me- thodically delineating, a Christian's progress, privileges, comforts, and duties, beginning at conversion. [In verse ; and the only part pub- lished.] Edin., 1682. 4 GEE (EDWARD), Minister of the Gospel at Eccles- ton in Lancashire. A treatise of prayer : and of divine providence as relating to it. With an application of the general doctrine thereof unto the present time, and state of things in the land, so far as prayer is concerned in them. London, 1653. 8 GEE (EDWARD), D.D., Rector of St Benedict, Paul's Wharf) London. A third letter to Lewis SABRAN, Jesuit ; wherein the defence of his challenge concerning invocation of saints is examined. 1688 CEIERUS (MARTINUS), D.D. In Psalmos Da- vidis praelectiones publicse. Pars secunda. Dresdce, 1668. 4 GELASIUS, of Cyzicus, Bishop of C(esarea, in Pa- lestine. Commentarius actorum Nicseni con- cilii ; cum corollario Theodori Presbyteri, de incarnatione Domini... interprete R. Balforeo ...[Gr. etLat.] Lutetice, 1599. 8 GELL (ROBERT), D.D., Rector of St Mary's, Al- der-Mary, London. An essay toward the amendment of the last English-translation of the Bible. London, 1659. fol. Remaines : or, several select Scriptures of the New Testament opened and explained : where- in Jesus Christ, as yesterday, to-day, and the name for ever, is illustrated, in sundry i-inis and learned notes and observations tln.-n.-ui -on. Collected and set in order by R. Bacon, Ph. London, 1676. fol. GELL (PHILIP), M.A. The true miniatem of Christ accredited by the Holy Spirit. A ser- mon, preached at the visitation of the vene- rable the Archdeacon of Derby, in All Saints' church, 21st June, 1842. London, 1842. 8 GELPKE (FRID. CHRIST.). Vindiciae originia Pauliniu ad Hebraeos Epistolae, nova ratione tentatse. Lugd. Batav. , 1832. 8 GEMMEL (JOHN), A.M., Minister of the Free fVi)/;<7i, Fa it-lie. A sermon [on Coloss. iii. 1-4] preached at Fairlie, on June 13, 1847, being the second Sabbath immediately after the funeral of Thomas Chalmers, D.D.."..With some reminiscences of the author whilst resid- ing in the house of the deceased at the time of his death. Edin., 1847. 8 I GEMS. Gems, selected from the antique, with illustrations. [Engraved by Richard Dagley.l London, 1804. 4* GENER (S.). M. Gener ; or, a selection of let- ters on life and manners. By the Rev. John Muckersy. 3vol. 4th ed. Edin., 1815. 8 I GENESIS. Conjectures sur les memoires ori- ginaux dont il paroit que Moyse s'est servi pour composer le Livre de la Genese, avec des remarques qui appuient ou eclaircissent ces conjectures. [Par Jean ASTRUC.] I Bruxelles, [Paris] 1753. 12 ; GENEVA. CATECHISMUS Ecclesiae Genevensis, per Joannem CALVINUM. 1550 Les ordonnances ecclesiastiques de 1'Eglise de Geneve. Item 1'ordre des escoles de la dite cite'. Geneve, 1562. 8 Tableau historique et politique des deux der- nieres revolutions de Geneve. [Par M. d'YvER- NOIS.] 2 torn. Londres, 1789. 8 Assemble'e gen^rale de la society evangelique de Geneve. Anniversaires 2 m e, 23 me , 25 me , 28me. 29me. Geneve, 1833-60. 8 I GENLIS, (STEPHANIE - FELICITE' DUCREST DE SAINT- AUBIN, comtesse de). Mademoiselle de Clermont, nouvelle historique. Paris, 1813. 12 GENNADIUS, Patriarch of Constantinople, i. e. Georgius SCHOLARIUS. GENTILIS (VALENTINUS). * A short history of V. G., wrote in Latin by Benedictus ARETIUS. 1696 GENTILLET (INNOCENT). Examen canonum et decretorum concilii Tridentini, in quo, suc- cincte et nervose demonstratur, concilium hoc canonibus conciliorum antiquorum, et axicto- ritati Regis Gallorum adversari. Auctore G. I. C.D.I. s . I., 1690. 8 GENTLE (ALEXANDER), Minister of the Free Church, Alves. The principles of the Free Church closely connected with Christian faith and practice. Elgin, 1844. 8 GENTLEMAN. An account of some remarkable passages in the life of a private gentleman. Glasgow, 1765. 12 GENTZ (FRIEDRICH VON). On the state of En- GEOGRAPHY GERDESIUS. 309 rope before and after the French revolution. Translated from the German by John Charles Herries. 3d ed. London, 1803. 8 GEOGRAPHY. Geographia classica : The geo- graphy of the ancients. 5th ed. London, 1725. 4 GEOLOGY. Scriptural geology ; or geological phenomena consistent only with the literal in- terpretation of the sacred Scriptures upon the subjects of the creation and deluge ; in answer to M. Cuvier and Professor Buckland. [By George BTJGG.] 2 vol. London, 1826. 8 A portrait of geology. By a Fellow of the Geological Society. London, 1838. 8 Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London. Vol. i.-xv. [Wanting part ii. of vol x., and part iv. of vol. xv.] London, 1845-59. 8 - Memoirs of the Geological Society of Great Britain. 2 vol. 3 parts. London, 1846-48. 8 Geological surveys of Scotland. 2 vol. s. I. et a. 8 GEOMETRY. Geometry, plain, solid, and sphe- rical. Published under the superintendence of the Society for the diffusion of useful know- ledge. London, 1830. 8 GEORGE I., King of Great Britain. An Act for making more effectual the laws appointing the oaths for security of the government, to be taken by ministers and preachers in churches and meeting-houses in Scotland. Edin., 1719. 8 GEORGE III., King of Great Britain. An Act to continue an Act., .intituled, An Act for ren- dering the payment of the creditors of insol- vent debtors more eqxial and expeditious. Edin., 1780. 8 - An Act for rendering the payment of the cre- ditors of insolvent debtors more eqxial and ex- peditious. Edin., 1781. 8 An Act for rendering the payment of creditors more equal and expeditious. Edin., 1786. 8 An Act for granting to His Majesty several ad- ditional and new duties upon stamped vellum, parchment, and paper. Edin. , 1783. 8 - An Act for repealing an Act... intituled, An Act for charging a stamp-duty upon inland bills of exchange. . .and for granting new stamp- duties on bills of exchange. Edin. , 1783. 8 - An Act to explain and amend an Act... inti- tuled An Act for repealing an Act... intituled An Act for charging a stamp-duty upon inland bills of exchange. . .and for granting new stamp- duties on bills of exchange. Edin. , 1784. 8 - Abstract of the Acts of Parliament passed last session, imposing duties on bills of exchange. . . registry of burials... vellum... quack medicines. Edin. , s. a. 8 - An Act for granting to His Majesty certain duties on horses kept for the purpose of rid- ing, and on horses used in drawing certain carriages. Edin., 1784. 8 An Act for granting to His Majesty certain duties on certificates to be taken out by soli- citors, attornies and others practising in cer- tain courts. Edin., 1785. 8 Heads of a Bill for altering the Act 43 George III. cap. 54. s. I. et a. 8 GEORGE IV., King of Great Britain. An Act for extending to Scotland certain provisions of an Act for the relief of the poor, in so far as the same relate to parochial relief to Chelsea and other pensioners. Edin. , 1825. 8 ! GEORGIEVITZ (BARTHOLOM^US). De Turca- rum moribus epitome. [Romce], 1598. 8 GERARD (ALEXANDER), D.D., Professor of divi- nity in Marischal college, Aberdeen. The in- fluence of the pastoral office on the character examined ; with a view, especially, to Mr Hume's representation of the spirit of that office. A sermon preached before the Synod of Aberdeen, April 8, 1760. Aberdeen, 1760. 8 1 Dissertations on subjects relating to the ge- nius and the evidences of Christianity. Edin., 1766. 8 Another copy. Liberty the cloke of maliciousness, both in the American rebellion and in the manners of the times. A sermon [on 1 Pet. ii. 16] preached Feb. 26, 1778. Aberdeen, 1778. 8 Sermons. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1782. 8 The corruptions of Christianity considered as affecting its truth. A sermon, preached before the society in Scotland for propagating Chris- tian knowledge ; at their anniversary meeting in... Edinburgh, June 2, 1791. To which is added, an appendix, containing an abstract of the proceedings of the society from Sept. 1. 1790. Edin., 1792. 8 Another copy. - The pastoral care. Published by his son and successor, Gilbert Gerard, D.D. London, 1799. 8 A compendious view of the evidences of na- tural and revealed religion ; being the sub- stance of lectures read in the University and King's college, Aberdeen. By A. and Gilbert GERARD. London, 1828. 8 GERARD (GILBERT), D.D., son of the preceding, and Professor of divinity in King's college, Aber- deen. Institutes of biblical criticism ; or, heads of the course of lectures, on that subject, read in the University and King's college of Aber- deen. 2ded. Edin., 1808. 8 I Another copy. A compendious view of the evidences of na- tural and revealed religion by A. GERARD, and G. G. 1828 GERBERON (GABRIEL). Histoire general du JANSENISME. 1700 GERBERTUS (MARTINUS), Abbot of tlie Benedic- tine monastery of St Blaise, in the Black Fo- rest. Jansenisticarum controversiarum ex doctrina S. Augustmi retractatio. s. I, 1791. 8 GERDESIUS (DANIEL), Professor of theology and ecclesiastical histoi'y at Duisburg. Doctrina gratise, sive compendium theologiee dogmati- cse, ex Scripturarum fontibus haustum, in usum scholse privatse. Duisburgi ad Ehenum, 1734. 4 310 :EE- Another edition. <>i<>ningce, 1744. 4 Elenchus veritatum circa quas defendendas versatur theologia elenchtica in usum scholaa privates adomatus. Groningce, 1740. 4 Introductio in historiam Evangelii seculo xvi. passim per Europam renovati doctrinieque re- formate. Accedunt varia quibus ipsa historia illustratur, monumenta pietatis atque rei lit r- rariae. 4 torn. Groningce et Bnmce, 1744-52. 4 Another copy. Scrinium antiquarium, sive Miscellanea Gro- ningana nova ad historiam Reformationis ec- clesiasticam praecipue spectantia. Inseruntur tractatus varii generis, epistolse, orationes, biographies, et sim. sive nunquam antea edi- tse, sive ita factae rariores ut pro ineditis haberi possint. 6 torn. Groningce et Bremce, 1749-60. 4 Meletemata sacra, sive, Isagoge et exegesis in caput xv. Epistolae prioris ad Corinthios. Groningce et Bremce, 1759. 4 Specimen Italiae reformatse, sive observata qu&dam ad historiam renati in Italia tempore reformationis Evangelii, una cum syllabo refor- matorum Italorum. Luqd. Batav., 1765. 4 GEREE (JOHN), M.A., Minister of St Faith's, London. Vindiciae paedo-baptismi : or, a vin- dication of infant baptism, in a full answer to Mr Tombs his twelve arguments alleaged against it in his exercitation, arid whatsoever is rational, or material in his answer to Mr Marshal's sermon. London, 1646. 4 GEREE (STEPHEN). The doctrine of the Anti- nomians by evidence of God's truth plainely confuted ; in an answer to divers doctrines in the seven first sermons of Dr Crisp's fourteen. London, 1644. 4 GERET (JOANNES GEORGIUS). Exercitatio anti- Lactantiana qua de mendosa Eucharistiae Pla- tonicse interpretation, Praeside J. G. Ber- gero. . .publice disseret auctor J. G. G. f Exer- citatio prima.] Vitembergce, [1722]. 4 Exercitatio anti-Lactantiana de mendosa Eu- charistioe Platonicse interpretatione quam Prae- side J. G. G. ...defendendam suscipiet J. F. Brunnerus. [Exercitatio secunda.] Vitenibergce, [1722]. 4 Exercitatio historico-literaria qua variorum de Lactantio ejusque theologia judicia...exhibet J. G. G., respondente J. M. Braunio. Vitembergce, [1722]. 4 Specimen examinis theologize Lactantianse in articulo de Deo absolute considerato Filio et Spiritu Sancto. Vitcmbergce., 1723. 4 GERHARDUS (JOHANNES), Professor of divinity \ at Jena. Quinquaginta meditationes sacrte \ ad veram pietatem exercitandam, et interioris hominis profectum promovendum accommo- I datse. cissce, 1621. 12 Another edition. Jamque quinta vice emen- : datiores editae. Opera et studio J. G. Jence, 1622. 12 Hannoniae evangelistarum Chemnitio-Lyseri- anae a J. G. continuatae et justo commentario illustrate. Pars prima. Jenw, 1625. 4 In harni' miain historiue evangelicae de passiono, crucifixione, morto et sepulture Christ i ex quatuor Evangelistis con tc-x tain, Commentari- us ; [cum Hannon. Evangel, inchoate a M. CHEMNITIO]. Confessio catholica, in qua doctrina cathnlica et evangel ica, quam Ecclesite Angus tana? con- f essioni addictae profitentur, ex Romano Catho- licorum scriptorum suffrugiis confirmatur. 4 torn. LipsitK et Jence, 1634-68. 4 Loci theologici cum pro adstruenda veritate turn pro destruenda quorumvis contradicen- tium falsitate per theses nervose Bolide et copi- ose explicati. 6 vol. Geneva, 1639. fol. Denuo edidit variique generis observationea nee non prasfationem qua de vita ac script is auctoris disseritur adjecit Jo. Fridericus Cotta. [Cum indicibua, cura Ge. Henr. Milller.] 21 torn. Tulingce, 1762-1789. 4 Homilite sacra. Pars ii. Editio secunda. Jence, 1639. 8 C Commentarius super priorem D. Petri Episto- lam. Jeme, 1641. 4 Patrologia, sive de primitivae Ecclesias Christi- anas Doctorum vita ac lucubrationibus opus- culum posthumum. Accesserunt de scholasti- cis ac historise ecclesiasticae scriptoribus, turn aliis quoque recencioribus nonnullis judicia varia. Item laudationes funebres in diversis Gemianiaa academiis dictae, in quibus auctoris vita ac scripta pertractantur. Jence, 1653. 8 GERLACH (OTTO VON), Preacher at the Cathe- dral, Berlin. Commentary on the Pentateuch. Translated from the German by Rev. Henry Downing. Edin., 1860. 8 GERMLAJNY. Considerations on the present Ger- man war. In two parts. 4th ed. [By Israel MAUDUIT.] London, 1761. 8 A full and candid answer to a pamphlet, en- titled, Considerations on the present German war. London, 1760. 8 GERRALD (JOSEPH). A convention the only means of saving us from ruin. In a letter ad- dressed to the people of England. London, 1793. 8 The trial of J. G., delegate from the London corresponding society to the British Conven- tion, before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, on the 3d, 10th, 13th and 14th of March, 1794, for sedition. Edin., [1794]. 8 Another copy. GERSONIUS (JOANNES), Chancellor of the Uni- versity of Paris. Opera omnia, novo ordine digesta ; ad Manuscriptos codices quampluri- mos collata, et innumeris in locis emendata ; quaedam etiam nunc primuin edita. Quibus accessere Henrici de HASSIA, Petri de ALLIACO, Joannis BREVICOX^E, Joannis de VARENIS, scriptorum coaetaneorum, ac insuper Jacobi ALMAINI et Joannis MAJORIS tractatus, partim editi partim inediti ; necnon monumenta omnia ad causam Joannis Parvi pertinentia. Opera et studio M. Lud. Ellies du Pin... qua huic novse editioni praefixit Gersoniana, in quibus historia ecclesiastica temporis illius quo Gerso- nius vixit texitur, hujus et cosevorum vita nar- GERST.ECKER GIBB. 311 ratur, scripta recensentur, doctrina exponitur. 5 torn. Antwerpice, 1706. fol. GERST^ECKER (FRIEDRICH). Tales of the de- sert and the bush. Edin., 1854. 8 GESENIUS (GUILIELMUS), Professor of theology at the University of Halle. De Pentateuch! Samaritan! origine indole et auctoritate com- mentatio philologico-critica. Halce, 1815. 4 - Another copy. - Neues Hebraisch-Deutsches Handworterbuch tiber das Alte Testament. Leipzig, 1815. 8 - A Hebrew and English lexicon to the Old Tes- tament ; including the biblical Chaldee. Edit- ed, with improvements, from the German works of Gesenius, by Josiah W. Gibbs, A. M. London, 1832. 8 - Lexicon mannale Hebraicum et Chaldaicum in Veteris Testament! libros. Post editionem Germanicam tertiam Latine elaboravit, multis- que modis retraetavit et auxit G. G. Lipsice, 1833. 8 A Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Tes- tament, including the Biblical Chaldee. Trans- lated from theLatin by Edward Robinson, D.D. A new edition. London, 1844. 8 - Another copy. - Thesaurus philologicus criticus linguse Hebrsese et Chaldseae Veteris Testamenti. Editio altera secundum radices digesta priore Germanica longe auctior et emendatior. 3 torn. [Tom. iii. completed by ^Emilius Roediger, in consequence of the death of Gesenius.] Lipsice, 1835-53. 4 - Tomi tertii fasciculus novissimus, quo conti- nentur indices, additamenta et emendationes. Digessit et edidit ^Emilius Roediger. Lipsice, 1858. 4 - Hebraische Grammatik. Zehnte...Auflage. Halle, 1831. 8 - Hebrew grammar, from the fourteenth German edition. Enlarged and improved by E. Rodi- ger, Ph. D., D.D. ...Translated by Benjamin Davies. With a Hebrew reading book, pre- pared by the translator. London, 1846. 4 - Seventeenth edition, with numerous correc- tions and additions, by Dr E. Rodiger. Trans- lated by T. J. Conant. With grammatical exercises and a Chrestomathy by the translator. New York, 1855. 8 - The Hebrew grammar of Gesenius. Translated from the eleventh German edition, by T. J. Conant. With a course of exercises, and a Hebrew Chrestomathy by the translator. Re- printed from the American edition of 1839. London, s. a. 8 Another copy. G ESNER (ABRAHAM), Surgeon. New Brunswick ; with notes for emigrants, comprehending the early history, an account of the Indians, settle- ment, topography, statistics, commerce, tim- ber, manufactures, agriculture, fisheries, geo- logy, natural history, social and political state, immigrants and contemplated railways of that province. London, 1847. 8 - The industrial resources of Nova Scotia, com- prehending the physical geography, topogra- phy, geology, agriculture... natural history and resources of that province. Halifax, N. S., 1849. 8 GESNERUS (CONRADUS). Thesaurus Euonymi PHILIATRI de remediis secretis. Lugduni, 1554. 16 GESS (T. W.). The revelation of God in his word ; shown in a graphic delineation of Holy Scripture for its friends and enemies. Trans- lated from the German, by W. Brown, A. M. [Bib. Cab. vol. 31.] Edin., 1841. 8 GESS (WOLFGANG FRIEDRICH). Die Lehre von der Person Christi entwickelt aus dem Selbst- bewusstsein Christi und aus dem Zeugnisse der Apostel. Basel, 1856. 8 GESSNER (SOLOMON). The death of Abel : in five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. [By Mary Collyer. ] Stereotype edition, with plates. London, 1807. 12 GHUTHRIE (UiLLiAM). See William GUTHRIE. GIANNONE (PiETRo). Istoria civile del regno di Napoli. Edizione accresciuta di note criti- che, rinessioni, medaglieemoltissime correzioni fatte dall' Autore che non si trovano nelle tre anteriori. 4 torn. Jn, Venezia, 1766. 4 - Anecdotes ecclesiastiques, contenant la police et la discipline de FEglise Chretienne, depuis son etablissement jusq'au xi. siecle ; les in- trigues des Eveques de Rome, et leurs usurpa- tions sur le temporel des Souverains. Tire'es de 1'histoire du royaume de Naples, de Gian- none, brule'e a Rome en 1726. (Par Jacques VERNET.) Amsterdam, 1738. 8" GIB (ADAM), Minister of the Gospel, Edinburgh. A warning against countenancing the minis- trations of Mr George Whitefield. Edin., 1742. 12 Another copy. Another copy. The present truth : a display of the Secession testimony ; in the three periods of the rise, state, and maintenance of that testimony. 2 vol. Edin., 1774. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - Kec/j/os x.i Kcthctia.. Sacred contemplations : in three parts. I. A view of the covenant of works... II. A view of the covenant of grace... III. A view of the absolute and immediate de- pendence of all things on God : in a discourse concerning liberty and necessity. Edin., 1786. 8 Another copy. Another copy. * A short account of the conduct of some of the Secession judicators, concerning some peti- tions presented to them for redress of griev- ances, referring to some late publications, by Mr Adam Gib, and Mr Josiah Hunter. Glasgoiv, 1782. 8 GIBB (JOSEPH), Minister of the Gospel, Banff. The first principles of religion, collected and arranged as a help for those who are unskilful in the word of righteousness, and as a memo- rial for the teachers of youth. 3d ed. Edin., 1824. 12 312 GIBBES GIB - A view of the new covenant, taken expressly | from the sacred records. Edin., 1827. 1* > - Directions for searching the Scriptures. In \ MX parts. Edin., 1828. I'-' <;IHUES (CHARLES), D.D. XXXI. sermons preached to the parishioners of Stanford- Ri- vers in Essex upon several subjects and occa- sions. London, 1677. 4 \ GIBBON (CHARLES), Minister of Lonmay. A j letter by a delegate to the General Assembly to Dr M. on the subject of the Earl of Aber- deen's Bill for removing doubts as to the powers of the Church courts to adjudicate ex- clusively on the qualification and fitness of presentees to the particular parishes to which j they are named by patrons. With an appeal j to members of Assembly on the subject of the Moderatorship. By C. G. Aberdeen, 1840. 8 GIBBON (EDWARD). The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. 8 vol. London, 1825. 8 Another edition. Reprinted from the origi- nal text, with the careful omission of all pas- sages of an irreligious or immoral tendency. By Thomas Bowdler. 5 vol. London, 1826. 8 Another edition, printed from the edition in twelve volumes. With an introductory me- moir of the author by William Youngman. London, 1830. 8 Another edition. London, 1839. 8 - Miscellaneous works. With memoirs of his life and writings composed by himself. Illus- trated from his letters, with occasional notes and narrative by John, Lord Sheffield. London, 1837. 8 GIBBONS (THOMAS), D.D., Minister of the Inde- pendent congregation at Haberdasfor's Hall, London. The mourner's complaint considered and applied. In a funeral discourse [on John, xi. 32] for Mr William Beldam. 2d ed. London, 1746. 8 Living Christianity delineated in the diaries of Mr H. Bryan and Mrs M. Hutson. With a preface by the Rev. John CONDER and the Rev. T. G. 1760 The character and blessedness of the righteous represented : in a sermon [on Is. iii. 10] preach- ed on the death of William Cromwell, Esq., July 1772. To which is added the speech de- livered at his intennent. London, 1773. 8 Memoirs of eminently pious women. . .To which is now added a second vol., containing the lives of many others equally exemplary in every grace which can adorn the female cha- racter. By the Rev. G. JERMONT. 2 vol. London, 1804. 8 - A new edition... Corrected and enlarged by the Rev. Samuel Burder, A.M. 3 vol. London, 1815. 8 The hidden life of a Christian, exemplified in the diary, meditations and letters of a young minister. A new ed. Edin., 1822. 12 GIBBS (GEORGE). A defence of the baptists ; or i the baptism of believers by immersion shewn to be the only baptism of the Christian dis- - i ed. ...', 1>L".. 8 J GIBERT (E.). A sermon, [on Psalm xcix. 1] preached Feb. 28, 1794, at the French Chapel- royal... London. Translated frnu the I original. . I7'.'-V I-' >ON (EDMUND), D.D., Bishop of London. J-'ivu pastoral letters to the people of his dio- cese ; particularly to those of the two great cities of London and Westminster. The tlireo first in defence of the Gospel-revelation, and by way of preservative against the late writ- ings in favour of infidelity. The fourth against lukewarmness on one hand, and enthusiasm on the other. And the fifth and last on the late Rebellion, and exciting to a serious reforma- tion of life and manners. With a postscript, setting forth the danger and mischiefs of Po- pery. London, 1749. 12 Pastoral letters [i.-iii.] to the people of his diocese. 7th ed. London, 1735. 12 Pastoral letter to the people of his diocese... occasioned by some late writings in favour of infidelity. London, 1728. 8 Fourth edition. London, 1731. 8 * A plea for humane reason, shewing the suf- ficiency of it in matters of religion, in a letter to the Bishop of London. [By John JACKSON.] London, 1730. 8 U Second pastoral letter to the people of his diocese... Occasioned by some late writings, in which it is asserted, " that reason is a suf- ficient guide in matters of religion, without the help of revelation." London, 1730. 8 Another copy. * A defence of the plea for human reason, being a reply to a book, entitled, A plea for divine revelation. In a letter to the Bishop of London. [By John JACKSON.] London, 1731. 8 The great work of our REDEMPTION by Christ and the several branches of it, as represented at one view and in the words of Scripture, under the sixth head of the Bishop of Lon- don's second pastoral letter. 1735 Third pastoral letter to the people of his dio- cese... Occasioned by the suggestions of infidels against the writings of the New Testament, considered as a divine rule of faith and man- ners. London, 1731. 8 Another copy. [Fourth] pastoral letter to the people of his diocese. By way of caution, against luke- warmness on one hand, and enthusiasm on the other. 2d ed. London, 1739. 8 Tenth edition. Part i. London, 1760. 12 Another edition. Part ii. London, 1751. 12 An exhortation to a serious reformation of life and manners. Being the. . .fifth pastoral letter, occasioned by the dangers that threatened this nation from the late wicked and unnatural Re- bellion. London, 1751. 12 The charge to the clergy of his diocese ; in his visitation begun... 28th May, 1730. Concern- ing the proper methods of opposing and de- feating the present attempts of infidels against GIBSON GIBSON. 313 the Christian religion. 2d ed. London, 1731. 8 *An examination of the scheme of Church- power laid down [by Bishop Gibson] in the Codex juris ecclesiastici Anglicani. [By Sir Michael FOSTER.] 3d ed. London, 1736. 8 An earnest dissuasive from intemperance in meats and drinks. [A sermon on 1 Cor. ix. 25.] llth ed. London, 1756. 12 An admonition against profane and common swearing. 20th ed. London, 1760. 12 - Directions to ministers and people, in order to a confirmation. 5th ed. London, 1762. 12 - The excellent use of psalmody, with a course of singing-psalms for half a year. A new ed. London, 1819. 12 A preservative against Popery, in several se- lect discourses upon the principal heads of con- troversy between Protestants and Papists : being written and published by the most emi- nent divines of the Church of England, chiefly in the reign of King James II. Collected by the Right Rev. E. G. Carefully revised and edited for the British society for promoting the religious principles of the Reformation, by the Rev. John Gumming, D.D. 18 vol. Lotulon, 1848, 49. 8 GIBSON (G. M.). Etymological geography ; by T. A. GIBSON and G. M. G. 1840 GIBSON (JAMES), D.D., Professor of divinity and Church history in the Free Church College, Glas- gow. Remarks on the speech of A. C. Dick, Esq. Advocate, with the expenditure of the Glasgow city churches ; and a glance at the spirit of the speeches delivered at the forma- tion of the Glasgow voluntary Church society ; with a short review of Dr Wardlaw's sermon "on civil establishments of Christianity." 2d ed. Glasgow, 1833. 8 - The principle of voluntary Churches, and not the principle of an Establishment, proved to be the real origin of Romish and priestly do- mination. An historical essay. Glasgow, 1833. 8 The poor man's enemies exposed ; being a plain statement of matters of fact, principally for the consideration of the poor themselves. Glasgoio, 1835. 8 - Popery the enemy of freedom, and the bane of national prosperity destructive of liberty, civil and religious the priest exempt from civil jurisdiction intolerant and persecuting priestcraft a trade unproductive to the na- tion monasteries, pilgrimages, holidays, &c. Glasgow, 1836. 8 Connexion between Popery and infidelity. Historical illustrations. [Lect. on Protest] , Glasgow, 1837. 8* The union of Church and State : What is it ? and what is it not ? Glasgow, 1842. 12 A plain but friendly remonstrance, addressed to the Glasgow memorialists to government, regarding the affairs of the Church of Scot- land ; together with a few words of warning to the friends of the Church in Glasgow there- on, Glasgow, [1843]. 8 The inability of man, both natural and moral, to receive the testimony of God ; with its re- lation to Gospel doctrine, and moral responsi- bility. Glasgow, 1846. 8 Another copy. Speeches of the Rev. J. G., and Rev. An- drew King, A.M., in the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr ; with a review of the principles main- tained in the speeches of the Rev. Dr Candlish and others on Christian union, delivered Oct. 28, 1845. Also, remarks on the " Narrative" and " Address" of the Liverpool conference by the Rev. J. G. Glasgow, 1846. 8 Objections to the principles of the proposed evangelical alliance, stated in the speeches of the Rev. Andrew King, A.M., and the Rev. J. G. in the Free Presbytery of Glasgow, Feb. 4th, 1846. Glasgow, 1846. 8 Extension of divinity halls. A letter ad- dressed to Free Churchmen... With a reply to the pamphlets of Rev. Dr Candlish, and Rev. Dr James Buchanan. Glasgow, 1850. 8 Marriage affinity question : or, marriage with the sister of a deceased wife fully discussed, in the light of history, ecclesiastical and civil law, Scripture, reason, and expediency. Edin., 1854. 8 Another copy. Principles of Bible temperance : a speech de- livered in the Free Church Presbytery of Glas- gow, May 2, 1855. 2d ed. Glasgotc, 1855. 8 What is the infidel standard of truth ? With a review of the doctrines of modern spiritual- ism. Being the introductory lecture at the opening of the Free Church College, Glasgow, November 5, 1858. Glasgow, 1858. 8 Truth vindicated and contrasted with error, and error tried and contrasted with truth. Being a statement prepared for the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, in the case of certain students of Glasgow Free Church College. Glasgow, 1859. 8 GIBSON (Mrs JANE). * Memoirs of Mrs G.... including selections from her correspondence. By Francis A. West. 2d ed. London, 1844. 12 GIBSON (JOHN), one, of the ministers of the West church, Edinburgh. Observations on the cre- dibility and importance of Scripture history. Edin., 1762. 8 The unlimited extent and final blessedness of God's spiritual kingdom. A sermon [on Rom. vii. 9, 10] preached at Edinburgh before the Society for propagating Christian knowledge, June 3, 1768. Edin., 1768. 8 GIBSON (PATKICK). Select views in Edinburgh. Edin., 1818. 4 GIBSON (T. A.). Etymological geography. By T. A. G. and G. M. Gibson. 2d ed. Edin., 1840. 8 GIBSON (WILLIAM), D.D., Belfast. The flock in the wilderness ; or, The secession of eighteen hundred and forty-three. Belfast, 1843. 8 Another copy. 40 <;li:SELER-GILFILl. GIESELER(JoH. CARLLUUW.), /'/-../'. .<>./ --///,,- liu-h iU-r Kin' schichte. 2 Band. Bonn, l> Translated from the third German edition by Francis Cunningham. 3 vol. ri,;i,ui}; or, E imasing-bfll. ic.7'.' GILBERT (THOMAS). Plan for the better relief and employment of the poor ; for enforcing and amending the laws respecting houses of correction, and vagrants ; and for improving the police of this country. Together with bilb intended to be offered to Parliament for those purposes. ''", 1781. 8 * A letter to T. G., on his plan for the better relief and employment of the poor. A..,,./..,-, I?*:.'. K- GILBERT DE VOISINS (Le comte P. PAUL- ALEXANDRE). Procedure contre 1'institut et lea constitutions des Jesuites, suivie au parle- ment de Paris, sur 1'Appel comme d'abus in- ter jete" par le procureur general du roi ; re- cueillie par un membre du parlement et publicc par M. G. de V. Paris, 1823. 8 GILCHRIST (JOHN). The Oriental linguist, an easy and familiar introduction to the popular language of Hindoostan. Calcutta, 1798. 4 GILCHRIST (JOHN), D.D., Minister of the first charge, Canongate, Edinburgh. Sermons and lectures. Edin., 1833. 8 GILDAS, Saint. Gildae, cui cognomentum est sapientis, de excidio et conquestu Britanniae, ac flebili castigatione in reges, principes, et sacerdotes epistola, vetustissimorum exempla- rioru auxilio non sohim a medis plurimis vin- dicata, sed etiam accessione eoru, quse in prima^ editione a Polydoro Vergilio resecta erant, mul- tipliciter aucta. Londini excudebat Joannes Daius, 1568. 8 GILDON (CHARLES). The oracles of reason, l>y Charles BLOUNT, Mr G. and others. 1693 GILES (HENRY). There is one God, and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. A lecture delivered March 5, 1839. Liverpool, 1839. 8 The Christian view of retribution hereafter. A lecture delivered in Liverpool, May 7, 1839. Liverpool, 1839. 8 Creeds the foes of heavenly faith ; the allies of worldly policy. A lecture delivered in Liver- pool, April 23, 1839. Liverpool, 1839. 8 GILES (W.). The refuge. London, s. a. 12 GILFILLAN (GEORGE), Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Dundee. Hades, or the unseen ; a discourse, preached in George's chapel, Dundee... 2d Oct. 1842. Dundee, 1842. 8 GILFILLAN (JAMES), Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Stirling. The Sabbath viewed in the light of reason, revelation, and history, with sketches of its literature. 2d ed. Edin., 1862. 8 GILFILLAN (SAMUEL), Minister of the Gospel, Comrie. The duty of family- worship, urged and recommended on the principles of reason and Scripture. Edin., 1803. 12 Second edition. Edin., 1803. 12 An essay on the sanctification of the Lord's day ; humbly designed to recommend that im- portant duty. 9th ed. ./<'n.,1817. 12 Domestic piety ; or, the duties connected with GILL GILL. 315 the devotion, instruction, and government of a family, stated and enforced. Edin., 1819. 12 Practical views of the dignity, grace and ope- rations of the Holy Spirit ; a series of dis- courses on the fruits of the Spirit : and addi- tional discourses on select subjects. Edin., 1826. 12 Another copy. - Letters, chiefly to afflicted friends. To which is prefixed, a memoir of the author. Edin., 1828. 12 GILL (JOHN), D.D., Baptist minister at Horsley- doivn, SoutJuvark. An exposition of the Old Testament ; [from Genesis to the Song of So- lomon]. 4 vol. London, 1763-65. fol. An exposition of the Books of the Prophets of the Old Testament, both larger and lesser. 2 vol. London, 1757, 58. fol. An exposition of the New Testament. 3 vol. London, 1746-48. fol. An exposition of the Book of Solomon's Song, commonly called Canticles. [This work is not the same as that included in Dr Gill's Exposi- tion of the Old Testament.] London, 1776. 4 Another edition. 2 vol. Edin., 1805. 8 A complete body of doctrinal and practical di- vinity ; or, a system of evangelical truths, de- duced from the sacred Scriptures. New ed. 3 vol. London, 1796. 8 Another copy. - The glory of God's grace displayed, in its abounding over the aboundings of sin". A ser- mon, [on Rom. v. 20, 21] occasioned by the death of Mr John Smith, preach'd April 15th, 1724. London, 1724. 8 Second edition. London, 1764. 8 Another copy. Levi's Urim and Thummim found with Christ. A discourse on Deut. xxxiii. 8. Wherein some account is given of the Urim and Thum- mim, and in what sense they belong to Christ. London, 1725. 8 An essay on the original of funeral sermons, orations, and odes. Occasioned by two funeral discourses, lately published on the death of Dame Mary Page, relict of Sir Gregory Page, Bart. The one by Mr Harrison, with an ora- tion at her interment ; and an ode sacred to her memory. The other by Mr Richardson. With some observations on each of them. In a letter to a friend. London, 1729. 8 The doctrine of the Trinity, stated and vindi- cated. Being the substance of several dis- courses on that important subject ; reduc'd into the form of a treatise. London, 1731. 8 Second edition. London, 1752. 8 Another copy. The head of the serpent bruised by the seed of the woman. A sermon on Genesis, iii. 15, oc- casioned by the death of Mrs Martha Gifford ...preached January 14, 17$f. London, 1733. 8 A discourse on prayer, from 1 Cor. xiv. 15, preached December 25, 1732... With a preface relative to some calumnies cast upon the au- thor. London, 1733. 8 Job's creed : or, confession of faith. A ser- mon [on Job, xix. 25-27] occasioned by the death of the Rev. Mr Edward Wallin. . .preach- ed June 18, 1733. London, 1733. 8 The duty of a pastor to his people, represented in a discourse [on 1 Tim. iv. 16] preached at the ordination of the Rev. George Braith- waite, M.A., March 28, 1734. London, 1734. 8 Another copy. Another copy. A discourse on singing of psalms as a part of divine worship, from 1 Cor. xiv. 15, preached Dec. 25, 1733. London, 1734. 8 A sermon [on 2 Thess. ii. 16] occasioned by the death of Mr Edward Ludlow... preached Ja- nuary 1st, 1749. London, 1749. 8 Another copy. The doctrine of the resurrection stated and de- fended ; in two sermons [on Acts, xxvi. 8] preached at a lecture in Lime Street. 2d ed. London, 1750. 8 Another copy. Two discourses ; the one on prayer, the other on singing of psalms, from 1 Cor. xiv. 15. In which are shewn the obligation to these du- ties ; the nature of them ; and the manner and usefulness of performing them. 2d ed. London, 1751. 8 Another copy. A sermon [on Acts, xx. 38] occasioned by the death of the Rev. Mr Samuel Wilson... preach- ed Oct. 14, 1750. 4th ed. London, 1751. 8 Another copy. The doctrine of grace clear'd from the charge of licentiousness. A sermon [on 1 Tim. vi. 3] preached... December 28, 1737. 2d ed. London, 1751. 8 Another copy. The Scriptures the only guide in matters of religion. A sermon [on J er. vi. 16] preached at the baptism of several persons in Barbican, November 2, 1750. 2d ed. London, 1751. 8 Another copy. The watchman's answer to the question, what of the night ? A sermon [on Is. xxi. 11, 12] preached... December 27, 1750. 4th ed. London, 1754. 8 Another copy. The practical improvement of the Watchman's answer to the question, what of the night ? A sermon [on 1 Chron. xii. 32] preached... Ja- nuary 1, 1752. 2d ed. London, 1752. 8 Another copy. Christ, the ransom found. A sermon [on Job, xxxiii. 24] occasioned by the death of Mr John Davenport... preached Oct. 13, 1754. London, 1754. 8 Another copy. Neglect of prayer complained of. A sermoji [on Isaiah, Ixiv. 7] preached... Nov. 21st,- 1754. London, [1754]. 8 Another copy. 310 C ILL GILL. Faith in God any I>r \Vhitl,\, in his discourse on the Five points : in which the arguments founded on the said passages of Scripture are answered ; the objections taken from them removed, and the genuine sense of tin-in given. 4 parts. [Each part has a sepa- rate title.] London, 1736-38. 8 A new edition. With a vindication of Part iv. from the cavils, calumnies, and defamations of Mr Henry Heywood, &c. London, 1838. 8 A vindication of a book, entitled, The cause of God and truth, part iv. relating to the sense of the antient Christian writers, about some things in controversy with the Arminians, from the cavils, calumnies and defamations, of Mr Henry Heywood, &c. London, 1740. 8 Another copy. The doctrine of God's everlasting love to his elect, and their eternal union with Christ : to- gether with some other truths, stated and de- fended. In a letter to Dr Abraham Taylor. 3d ed. London, 1752. 8 Another copy. The doctrine of predestination stated, and set in the Scripture-light ; in opposition to Mr Wesley's Predestination calmly consider'd. With a reply to the exceptions of the said writer to the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. 3d ed. London, 1752. 8 Another copy. The doctrine of the saints final perseverance, asserted and vindicated : in answer to a late pamphlet, called Serious thoughts, on that sub- ject. 3d ed. London, 1754. 8 Another copy. Antipsedo-baptism ; or, infant-baptism an in- novation : being a reply to a late pamphlet, entitled, Paedo-baptism ; or, a defence of in- fant-baptism, in point of antiquity, &c. London, 1753. 8 Another copy. The argument from apostolic tradition, in fa- vour of infant-baptism, with others, advanced in a late pamphlet, [by Towgood] called The baptism of infants a reasonable service, Ac. consider'd ; and also an answer to a Welch clergyman's twenty arguments for infant-bap- tism. To which are added, the dissenters rea- sons for separating from the Church of Eng- land. Occasioned by the said writer. 2d ed. London, 1753. 8 A reply to Mr Clark's defence of the divine right of infant-baptism. In a letter to a friend at Boston, in New-England. Boston, 1754. 8 Another edition. To which are added, some strictures on a late treatise, called, A fair and rational vindication of the rights of infants to the ordinance of baptism. Written by David Bostwick, A.M., late minister of the presby- terian church in the city of New- York. London, 17C5. 8 GILLAN GILLESPIE . 317 A declaration of faith and practice, read and assented to by members, at their admission into the Church of Christ, under the pastoral care of Dr John Gill. To which are annexed Scripture proofs. London, 1764. 8 Another copy. - Infant-baptism, a part and pillar of Popery : being a vindication of a paragraph in a preface to a reply to Mr Clarke's defence of infant- baptism. To which is added, a postscript, containing a full and sufficient answer to six letters of Candidus, on the subjects and mode of baptism, &c. London, 1766. 8 A dissertation concerning the baptism of Jewish proselytes : in which are shewn, who they are of the proselytes of the Jews, said to be bap- tized... what proof there is of any such custom among the Jews... before the third and fourth centuries of the Christian sera ; that the only proof of such a practice is from the Jewish Talmuds and Talmudic authors ; and that therefore Christian baptism cannot be taken from, and founded upon proselyte-baptism among the Jews. London, 1771. 8 A dissertation concerning the antiquity of the Hebrew language, letters, vowel-points and ac- cents. London, 1767. 8 The prophecies of the Old Testament respect- ing the Messiah consider'd ; and prov'd to be literally fulfilled in Jesus. Containing an an- swer to the objections of [Anthony Collins] the author of The scheme of literal prophecy. London, 1728. 8 * A brief memoir of the life and writings of the late Rev. J. G. By John Rippon, I).D. London, 1838. 12 GILLAN (ROBERT). An abridgment of the Acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, from the year 1638 to 1820 inclusive. 2d ed. Edin., 1821. 8 GILLESPIE (GEORGE), Minister at Edinburgh. A dispute against the English-Popish ceremo- nies obtruded upon the Church of Scotland ; wherein not only our own arguments against the same are strongly confirmed, but likewise the answers and defences of our opposites, such as Hooker, Mortoune, Surges, Sprint, Pay- body, Andrews, Saravia, Tilen, Spotswood, Lindsey, Forbesse, &c., particularly confuted. s. I., 1637. 4 - Another edition. s. L, 1660. 4 Another edition. [Presb. Armoury. Reprint- ed from the edition of 1660.] Edin., 1844. 8 - Another copy. Another copy. - A sermon [on Ezek. xliii. 11] preached before the Hon. House of Commons, at their late solemn fast, March 27. 1644. London, 1644. 4 - Another copy. [Presb. Armoury. Reprint- ed from the edition of 1644.] Edin., 1844. 8 Another copy. An assertion of the GOVERNMENT of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, in the points of Ruling-Elders, and of the authority of Presbyteries and Sy- nods. 1641 Another copy. [Presb. Armoury.] Edin., ,1846. 8 Aaron's rod blossoming, or, the divine ordi- nance of Church-Government vindicated, so as the present Erastian controversie concern- ing the distinction of civill and ecclesiasticall government, excommunication, and suspen- sion, is fully debated and discussed from the holy Scripture, from the Jewish and Christian antiquities, from the consent of latter writers, from the true nature and rights of magistracy, and from the groundlessnesse of the chiefe ob- jections made against the Presbyteriall govern- ment in point of a domineering arbitrary power. London, 1646. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Another edition. [Presb. Armoury. Reprint- ed from the edition of 1646.] Edin., 1844. 8 CXI. propositions concerning the ministerie and GOVERNMENT of the CHURCH. 1647 Another edition. [Presb. Armoury. Reprint- ed from the edition of 1647.] Edin., 1844. 8 Another copy. A treatise of miscellany questions ; wherein many useful questions and cases of conscience are discussed and resolved for the satisfaction of those who desire nothing more than to search for and find out precious truths in the contro- versies of these times. Edin. , 1649. 4 Another edition. [Presb. Armoury. Reprint- ed from the edition of 1649.] Edin., 1844. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Ane useful! case of conscience discussed and resolved, concerning associations and confede- racies with idolaters, infidels, heretics, or any other known enemies of truth and godlinesse. Edin., 1649. 4 Another copy. Another edition ; [with TESTIMONY-BEARING exemplified]. 1791 A brotherly examination of some passages of Mr Coleman's late sermon upon Job, xi. 20, as it is now printed and published ; by which he hath, to the great offence of very many, en- deavoured to strike at the very root of all spi- ritual and ecclesiastical government, contraiy to the word of God, the solemn league and covenant, other reformed Churches, and the votes of the honourable Houses of Parliament, after advice had with the reverend and learned Assembly of divines. [Presb. Armoury. Re- printed from the edition of 1645.] Edin., 1844. 8 Another copy. Nihil respondes : or a discovery of the extreme unsatisfactoriness of Mr Coleman's piece, pub- lished last week under the title of " A bro- therly examination re-examined. " [Presb. Ar- 318 CILLESPIE-GILLIS. moury. Reprinted from the edition ( ,f 1045. 1 /:./<., 1844. 8* - Another copy. - Male audis ; or, an answer to Mr Coleman's Male dicis : wherein the repugnancy of his Erastian doctrine to the word of God, to the solemn league and covenant, and to the ordi- nances of Parliament ; also his contradictions, tergiversations, heterodoxies, calumnies, and perverting of testimonies are made more ap- parent than formerly. Together with some animadversions upon Mr Hussey's plea for Christian magistracy ; shewing, that in divers of the aforementioned particulars, he hath mis- carried as much as, and in some particulars more than, Mr Coleman. [Presb. Armoury. Reprinted from the edition of 1646.] K.iin., 1844. 8 Another copy. - A sermon [on Ezek. xliii. 12] preached before the Hon. House of Commons at their late solemn fast, Wednesday, March 27, 1644. [Presb. Armoury. Reprinted from the edition of 1644.] Edin., 1844. 8 Another copy. - A sermon [on Mai. iii. 2] preached before the Right Hon. the House of Lords, in the Abbey church at Westminster, August 27, 1645, being the day appointed for solemn and public hu- miliation. [Presb. Armoury. Reprinted from the edition of 1645.] " Edin., 1844. 8 Another copy. Notes of debates and proceedings of the As- sembly of divines and other commissioners at Westminster from February 1644 to January 1645... Edited by David Meek. [Presb. Ar- moury.] Edin., 1846. 8 Another copy. - * An account of the method of electing a mi- nister to the parish of Strathmiglo. . .First, with respect to the call of Mr Donald Cargill to be minister there, anno 1654 ; and afterwards anno 1655, with reference to the call of the said parish of Strathmiglo, to Mr John Rig, minister of Ferry-parton-Craig, to be their minister. Directed in a Letter to the Rev. G. G., Strathmiglo. Edin., 1733. 8 CJILLESPIE (PATRICK). The ARK of the testa- ment opened. 1661 Rulers sins the causes of national judgments. Or, A sermon preached at the fast, upon the 26 day of December 1650. To which is an- nexed, a sermon upon the difficulty of conver- sion, by Mr John WALWOOD. s. L, 1711. 4 Another copy. GILLESPIE (THOMAS), Minister of Cults. The seasons contemplated in the spirit of the Gos- pel. Six sermons. Edin., 1822. 12 GILLESPIE (WILLIAM). The rebellion of Ab- salom ; a discourse preached at Kirkcudbright on the 30th July (1820). Dumfries, 1820. 8 GILLESPIE (WILLIAM). An argument, a priori, for the being and attributes of God. Edin., 1833. 8 The refuter refuted ; or, a complete demolition j of the " refutation," by Antitheos, of the " ar- ! gmnent, ii priori, fur the ln-iiii,' and attri1>m< s of God." | In 2 parts.] /, -:;. 8 U An exposure i.f tin- um-hri.stian ami unpin'' phical principles set forth in Mr' \orge Combe's work entitled " The constitution of man, CMI sidered in relation to external objects. " '_'< 1 re 1 . , 1836. 8 GILLET (NATHANIEL). An exposition of Chris- tian doctrine, respecting the will and purpose of God towards man as a moral agent, in the threefold state of his creation, apostacy, ami subsequent recovery by grace : wherein the decrees of election and reprobation are parti- cularly consideit < 1 . Aberdeen, 1827. 12 GILLIES (JOHN), D.D., Minister of the College flunrli, Clasgoiv. Exhortations to the inhabi- tants of the South parish in Glasgow, and the hearers in the College Kirk. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1751. 8 Extracts from an exhortation to the inhabi- tants of the South parish of Glasgow. With a short memoir of his life by Dr John Erskine. Glasgow, 1819. 12 Historical collections relating to remarkable periods of the success of the Gospel, and emi- nent instruments employed in promoting it. 2 vol. Compiled by J. G. Glasgow, 1754. 8 Another copy. Another edition. Reprinted with a preface and continuation to the present time ; by Ho- ratius Bonar, D.D. Kelso, 1845. 8 A supplement to two volumes (published in 1754) of historical collections, chiefly contain- ing late remarkable instances of faith working by love... With an account of the pious com- piler, and other additions, by Dr John Erskine. Edin., 1796. 12 The New Testament... with devotional reflec- tions. To which is prefixed, a brief memoir of the aiithor, by William Nicol, D.D. A new edition. 2 vol. London, 1810. 8 GILLIES (JOHN). Sean Dain agus Grain Ghaidh- ealach, air an tabhairt o Dhaoin uaisle, araid an Gaeltachd Alba d'on fhear fhoillsicheadh' Eoin Gillies. Peairt, [Perth] 1786. 8 GILLIES (JOHN), LL.D., Historiographer to his Majesty for Scotland. The history of ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests ; from the earliest accounts till the division of the Mace- donian empire in the East. Including the his- tory of literature, philosophy, and the fine arts. 5th ed. 4 vol. London, 1809. 8 GILLIES (JOHN). Short reply to the Rev. Da- vid Thorn's pamphlet, entitled " Remarks on a series of charges," fcc. , comprehending some observations on the evidence taken at Liver- pool. Liverpool, 1825. 8 GILLIES (ROBERT PEIRCE). Childe Alarique, a poet's reverie. Edin. , 1813. 4 GILLIS (JAMES), Roman Catholic Bishop of Edin- burgh. A letter to the editor of the Caledo- nian Mercury, in refutation of statements made in the late General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland. 2d ed. Edin., 1845. !:> The new penal law considered in its bearing GILLY GISBORNE. 319 upon Scotland ; or two letters addressed to the Right Hon. the Earl of Arundel and Sur- rey. Edin., 1851. 8 GILLY (WILLIAM STEPHEN), D.D. , Canon of Dur- ham, and vicar of Norham. Narrative of an excursion to the mountains of Piemont, in the year 1823. 3d ed. London, 1826. 8 - Our protestant forefathers. 3d ed. Edin., 1835. 12 - Another copy. - VIGILANTIUS and his times. 1844 GILPIN (BERNARD), Rector ofHoughton-le-Spring. A godly sermon preached in the court at Greenwich, the firste Sonday after the Epipha- nie, A.D. 1552. By B. G. London, 1581. 16 - * The life of B. G. , collected from his life, written by George Carleton, from other print- ed accounts of the times he lived in, from ori- ginal letters, and other authentic records : By William Gilpin, M.A. London, s. a. 8 - Another edition. With an introductory essay by the Rev. Edward Irving, A.M. Glasgow, 1824. 12 GILPIN (JOSHUA), Minister of Wrockwardine, Salop. Practical discourses. Wellington, Salop, 1817. 8 GILPIN (RICHARD), Minister of G-reyslock. The temple rebuilt. A discourse on Zachary, vi. 13. preached at a general meeting of the asso- ciated ministers at Keswick, May 19. London, 1658. 4 GILPIN (WILLIAM), M.A. The lives of John Wicliff, and of the most eminent of his dis- ciples, Lord Cobham, John Huss, Jerome of Prague, and Zisca. London, 1765. 8 Second edition. London, 1766. 8 GILPIN (WILLIAM), Prebendary of Salisbury. Sermons preached to a country congregation : to which are added, a few hints for sermons ; intended chiefly for the use of the younger clergy. 3 vol. London, 1801-3. 8 - Lectures on the Catechism of the Church of England. 6th ed. London, 1805. 12 - Dialogues on various subjects. London, 1807. 8 - Three essays : on picturesque beauty ; on pic- turesque travel ; on sketching landscape. With a poem on landscape painting. To which are now added, two essays, giving an account of the principles and mode in which the author executed his own drawings. 3d ed. London, 1808. 8 GILPIN (WILLIAM), M.A., Rector of Pulverbatch, Salop. Sermons illustrative and practical. London, 1820. 8 GINDELY (ANTON). Geschichte der Bohmi- schen Briider. Z welter Band. (1564-1609.) Prog, 1858. 8 GINSBURG (CHRISTIAN D.), LL.D. The Kab- bala : its doctrines, development, and litera- ture, an essay. London, 1865. 8 GIOBERTI (VINCENZO). Prolegomeni del pri- mato morale e civile degli Italiani scritti dall' autore. Tomo unico. Capolayo, 1846. 8 - II gesuita moderno. Sulla prima edizione origi- nale di Losanna. 7 torn. Losanna, 1847. 8 - Introduzione allo studio della filosofia. Sulla seconda edizione riveduta et corretta dall' au- tore. 4 torn. Capolago, 1849, 50. 8 Traduite sur la seconde edition Italienne par 1'Abbe V. Tourneur, et par 1'Abbe" P. Defour- ny. Pre'ce'de'e d'un aper9u BUT le systeme de 1'auteur. 3 torn. Paris, 1847. 8 Considerations sur les doctrines religieuses de M. Victor Cousin pour servir d'appendice k 1'introduction a F etude de la philosophic. Tra- dxiites de 1'Italien par 1'Abbe* V. Tourneur... Precede'es d'un expose* me'thodique du systeme de M. V. Cousin. Deuxieme Edition. Paris, 1847. 8 GIRAFFI (ALEXANDER). An exact history of the late revolutions in Naples ; and of their monstrous successes, not to be parallel'd by any antient or modern history. Published by the Lord A. G. in Italian ; and (for the rare- nesse of the subject) rendred to English by J[ames] H[owell]. In two parts. London, 1663, 4. 8 GIRARD (L'abbe' GABRIEL), Chaplain to the Duchess de Berri. Synonymes Francois, leurs differentes significations, et le choix qu'il en faut fairo pour parler avec justesse. ll m e eMi- tion. Geneve, 1757. 12 GIRARD (H.). Die norddeutsche Ebene, geolo- gisch dargestellt. Berlin, 1855. 8 GIROT (M.). Le moraliste de la jeunesse, ou pensees et maximes des plus propres a former le coiur et 1'esprit, tire'es des meilleurs ecrivains Frangais, avec des notices. Londrcs, 1801. 12 GIRTHON. Case of James Kirkpatrick and others, elders and heads of families in the pa- rish of Girthon, appellants. Against the Rev. Mr John M'Naught, minister of the Gospel in the parish of Girthon and Presbytery of Kirk- cudbright, respondent. To be heard at the bar of the General Assembly, May 1 793. s. 1. et a. 4 Proof in the libel before the Presbytery of Kirkcudbright, at the instance of James Kirk- patrick and others, elders and heads of fami- lies in the parish of Girthon, against the Rev. Mr John M'Naught, minister of the Gospel in the parish of Girthon, and Presbytery of Kirk- cudbright, s. 1. et a. 4 Case for the Rev. Mr M'Naught, minister of the Gospel at Girthon, respondent ; against John Thomson, factor for Mr Murray of Broughton, and others, appellants. To be heard at the bar of the Venerable Assembly, May 1793. s. 1. et a. 4 GISBERT (BLAISE). Christian ELOQUENCE in theory and practice. 1718 GISBORNE (THOMAS), M.A., Prebendary of Dur- ham. An enquiry into the duties of men in the higher and middle classes of society in Great Britain, resulting from their respective stations, professions, and employments. 4th ed. 2 vol. London, 1797. 8 The principles of moral philosophy investi- gated, and applied to the constitxition of civil society. 4th ed. ; to which is added, a new edition, being the fifth, with an appendix, of 890 GIVING GLASGOW. remarks on the lato decision of the House of Commons lespccting tlio abolition of the slave trade. Loniln,,, 17!>8. 8 A familiar survey of the Christian religion, and of history as connected with the introduction of Christianity, and with its progress to the present time. 2d ed. London, 1799. 8 - Another copy. - Sermons. 2d ed. "Ion, 1802. 8 Poems, sacred and moral. 3d ed. London, 1803. 8 a An enquiry into the duties of the female sex. 9th ed. London, 1810. 8 A familiar exposition and application of the Epistle of St Paul to the Colossians, in a course of eight sermons ; including an exami- nation of the general nature and use of the Epistles of the New Testament. To which are subjoined two sermons on parts of the example of St Paul. London, 1816. 12 - Another copy. - The testimony of natural theology to Chris- tianity. 3d ed. London, 1818. 12 GIVING. The art of giving. s. L et a. 16 GLADSTONE (Right Hon. WILLIAM EWART). The State in its relations with the Church. 2d ed. London, 1839. 8 Another copy. Church principles considered in their results. London, 1840. 8 GLAD WIN (FRANCIS). Dissertations on the rhe- toric, prosody and rhyme of the Persians. Calcutta, 1801. 4 GLANVILL (JOSEPH), M.A., Prebendary of Wor- cester. The vanity of dogmatizing : or confi- dence in opinions manifested in a discourse of the shortness and uncertainty of our know- ledge and its causes ; with some reflexions on Peripateticism ; and an apology for philosophy. London, 1661. 8 Scepsis scientifica : or, confest ignorance, the way to science, in an essay of the vanity of dogmatizing, and confident opinion. With a reply to the exceptions of the learned Thomas Albius. London, 1665. 4 Lux Orientalis, or an enquiry into the opinion of the Eastern sages concerning the prseexist- ence of SOULS. 1662 Philosophia pia : or, A discourse of the reli- gious temper, and tendencies of the experimen- tal philosophy, which is profest by the Royal Society. To which is annext a recommenda- tion, and defence of reason in the affairs of re- ligion. London, 1671. 8 A prsefatory answer to Mr Henry Stubbe, the doctor of Warwick. Wherein the malignity, hypocrisie, falsehood of his temper, pretences, reports, and the impertinency of his arguings and quotations in his animadversions on Plus ultra, are discovered. London, 1671. 8 Essays on several important subjects in philo- sophy and religion. London, 1676. 4 Sadducismus triumphatus ; or, A full and plain evidence, concerning witches and apparitions. In two parts. . .4th ed. . .With some account of Mr Glanvil's life and writings. London, 1726. 8 ' :|. \> i.i us . M inter at Tealing. Theworkaof MrJ. G. iMed. 5vol. With index. / '. i-//i . 1 7i', M: J. Index, reprinted, 1866. 8 A narrative of the rise and progress of the con- troversy about the national covenant*, and of the ways that have been taken about it on both sides. /./<., 1728. 8 The NAKED TRUTH, or two letters, the first from Mr J s G y containing a vindication of his conduct in the affair of Mr < ; . 1729 A plea for pure and undefiled religion : with an answer to some objections moved against it by a friend. Min., 1741. 12 J A treatise on the Lord's supper. ;., 1743. 12 Some notes on Scripture texts, shewing the import of these names of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the Word of God. vi. nos. /;./; it., 1747-56. 8 Notes on scripture texts. Number vii. Judg- ment with mercy. The divine jealousy. God invisible to mortals. Abraham's sight of Christ's day. Christ three nights in the heart of the earth. The error of the Sadducees. The scribe near God's kingdom. The true grace of God. Edin., 1760. 8 A dissertation on infant-baptism. 3d ed. Newcastle, 1771. 8 Remarks on the subject of modern religious divisions ; in a letter, by a late minister of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1801. 12 The testimony of the King of martyrs concern- ing his kingdom ; John, xviii. 36, 37, explain- ed and illustrated in Scripture light. To which is prefixed, An account of the life and charac- ter of the author. Edin., 1813. 12 Another copy. GLASCOCKE (FRANCIS). A sermon upon Rev. ch. v. 8-14. preached at the merchant's lecture in Pinners-Hall. London, 1702. 8 GLASGOW. CHURCH OF SCOTLAND SOCIETY. Great Church meetings in Glasgow. Addresses delivered at the formation of a young men's evangelical Church of Scotland society, and address of the Rev. Dr Chalmers on the Free Presbyterian Church in Scotland. Glasgow, 1843. 8 Another copy. COLLEGE. Process of declarator 1775, con- cerning the management of the revenue of Glasgow College. s. L, 1778. 4 Inaugural addresses by Lords Rectors of the University of Glasgow. Edited by John Barras Hay. Glasgow, 1839. 8 CONSTITUTIONAL ASSOCIATION. A collection of publications, selected by the committee of the Glasgow constitutional association, and re- commended by them to the public. Glasgow, 1793. 8 GAELIC CHURCH. Case of the petitioners... formerly connected with Hope St. Gaelic Church... praying to be allowed to continue in connection with the Church of Scotland. In answer to the reasons of dissent and complaint against the resolution of the Presbytery of Glasgow. Glasgovi, 1842. 8 GLASS-GOAD. 321 - INFANT SCHOOL SOCIETY. The first annual re- port of the Glasgow infant school society. 1829. Glasgoiv, 1829. 8 - LUNATIC ASYLUM. Report of the general com- mittee appointed to carry into effect the pro- posal for a lunatic asylum at Glasgow. Glasgow, 1814. 8 - Another copy. - Regulations of the Glasgow asylum for luna- tics. Glasgow, 1814. 8 - Annual reports [1815-1828] of the directors of the Glasgow asylum for lunatics. Glasgow, 1815-1828. 8 - Another copy. [Wanting the report for 1828. 2d ed. of 1st and 2d reports.] Glasgow, 1817-1827. 8 - NORMAL SEMINAKY. Third report of the Glasgow educational society's normal semi- nary. 1836. Glasgow, 1837. 8 - PARISHES. Description of the ten parishes into which the city of Glasgow was divided, in the year 1820, exhibiting the population in each parish : and a description of the twenty- four police wards. Glasgow, 1820. 8 - POOR. Seventh annual report of the society for promoting the religious interests of the poor of Glasgow and its vicinity ; or, the Glas- gow city mission : Read 7th January, 1833. Glasgow, 1833. 8 - VOLUNTARY CHURCH SOCIETY. Report of the speeches delivered in Gordon Street church, Glasgow, at the formation of the Glasgow Vo- luntary Church society, 12th November 1832. Glasgow, 1832. 12 - First [second and third] report of the Glasgow Voluntary Church society. Glasgow, 1834-36. 12 GLASS (LAURENCE). All things gathered to- gether in one in Christ. A sermon [on Eph. i. 10] preached June 11, 1805. Aberdeen, 1805. 8 GLASSE (SAMUEL), D.D., Rector of Wanstead, Essex. A sermon [on Gal. vi. 10]. To which is annexed an account of the Society for pro- moting Christian knowledge. London, 1791. 4 GLASSFORD (JAMES). Covetousness brought to the bar of Scripture ; or, a brief inquiry into the nature and evil of that sin. Edin., 1837. 8 GLASSIUS (SALOMON), D.D., Professor of divi- nity in Jena. Philologia sacra... Adjecta sub finem hujus operis est ejusdem B. Glassii logi- ca sacra, prout eandem ex MSto. edidit J. G. Olearius...Editio novissima...Accedit pnefatio J. F. Buddei. Lipsice, 1743. 4 GLEBES. Remarks suggested by a paper... en- titled, Outlines of a Bill... to obtain an Act of the legislature, entitling ministers and profes- sors to receive compensation from their suc- cessors for . . . improvements made on their glebes... By a clergyman of the Synod of Aber- deen. s . I. et a. 4 GLEIG (GEORGE), D.D., Bishop of Stirling. Supplement to the correspondence between the Right Rev. Bishop Gleig, and the Rev. Ed- ward Craig, lately published. Stirling, [1819]. 8 Directions for the study of theology. In a se- ries of letters from a Bishop to his son on his admission to holy orders. London, 1827. 8 GLEN (JOHN), Minister at Portobello. On cruelty to animals : A sermon, preached 13th Oct. 1833. Edin., 1833. 12 GLEN (WILLIAM). The Psalms of David in Per- sian ; translated by the Rev. W. G. 1835. See BIBLES PERSIAN. C. - The Bible in Persian. 1846. See BIBLES- PERSIAN. A. GLENDO VAN. Reasons of dissent from three decisions of the General Assembly, 1770. [In the Glendovan, St Ninians' and Crieff cases. ] s. I. et a. 8* GLENDY (WILLIAM). Letters on the measures recently adopted and threatened for the pur- pose of depriving Unitarian congregations in Ireland of their meeting houses and other pro- perty ; by W. G. and J. C. LEDLIE, D.D. Belfast, 1844. 12 GLENORCHY, VISCOUNTESS. See W. MAXWELL. GLOAG (PATON J.). The primeval world : a trea- tise on the relations of geology to theology. Edin., 1859. 8 GLOCKER (ERNST FRIEDRICH). Grundriss der Mineralogie. Niirnberg, 1839. 8 GLOUCESTER, BISHOP OF. See Edward FOW- LER. GLOUCESTER, BISHOP OF. See Godfrey GOOD- MAN. GLOUCESTER, BISHOP OF. See George Isaac HUNTINGFORD. GLOUCESTER AND BRISTOL, BISHOP OF. See Charles BARING. GLOUCESTER AND WORCESTER, BISHOP OF. See John HOOPER. GLOVER ( ). The substance of the evi- dence delivered to a committee of the Hon. House of Commons by the merchants and traders of London, concerned in the trade to Germany and Holland, and of the dealers in foreign linens, as summed up by Mr Glover. To which is annexed, his speech, introductory to the proposals laid before the annuitants of Mess. Douglas and Co. London, 1774. 8 GLOVER (RICHARD)." By the waters of Baby- lon :" a series of sermons to young men on the history of the four children of the captivity. London, 1857. 8 GMELIN (LEOPOLD). Handbuch der theoreti- schen Chemie. Dritte Auflage. 2 Band. Frankfurt a Main, 1827-29. 8 Handbuch der Chemie. 4 te Auflage. 5 Band. Heidelberg, 1843-52. 8 U Fortsetzung des Handbuchs der Chemie von List. l te und 2 te Lieferung. Heidelberg, 1854-55. 8 FNHSIOS. A letter to the Rev. Thomas Chal- mers, D.D. Edin., 1843. 8 GNIMELF (REDNAXELA), pseud. , i. e. Alexander FLEMING. GOAD (THOMAS), D.D., Rector of Hadle ;/, Suffolk. A disputation, partly theological, partly me- 41 322 GODDARD GOLDS M IT! 1 l, concerning the necessity :inil con- tingency of events in the world. In respect of God's eternal decrees. [Tracts on Predestina- tion.] Cambridge, 1719. 8 GODDARD (CHARLES), D.D., Archdeacon of / 'in. The mental condition necessary to a due inquiry into religious evidence, stated and ex- euiilitied, in eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, 1823, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M. A. Oxford, 1824. 8 CODEAU (ANTOINE), Bishop of Grasse. Para- phrase sur 1'Epistre de S. Paul aux Remains. Rouen, 1667. 12 Paraphrase sur les deux Epistres de S. Paul aux Corinthiens. Rouen, 1667. 12 - Paraphrase sur les Epistres de S. Paul aux Galates, Ephesiens, Philipiens, Colossiens. Rouen, 1667. 12 - Paraphrase sur 1'Epistre de S. Paul aux Thes- saloniciens, a Timothee, a Tite, et a Philemon. Rouen, 1667. 12 Paraphrase sur 1'Epistre de S. Paul aux He- breux. Rouen, 1667. 12 Paraphrase sur les Epistres canoniques. Rouen, 1667. 12 GODKIN (JAMES). A guide from the Church of Rome to the Church of Christ. 2d ed. Dublin, 1836. 12 Apostolic Christianity ; or, The people's anti- dote against Romanism and Puseyism. London, 1842. 8 Another copy. Another copy. GODWIN (JOHN H.). Christian baptism. An inquiry into the Scripture evidence of its na- ture, the mode, subjects, and design of the rite, and the meaning of the term. London, 1845. 8 GODWIN (THOMAS), D.D., Rector of Brightwell. Moses and Aaron. Civil and ecclesiastical rites, used by the ancient Hebrewes ; observed and at large opened for the clearing of many obscure texts thorowout the whole Scriptures. 2d ed. London, 1626. 4 - Fourth edition. London, 1631. 4 Moses et Aaron. . .Cum versione Latina. . .a Joh. Henrico Reizio. Editio tertia. Cui accesse- runt Hermanni WITSII dissertation es duae, de Theocratia Israelitarum, et de Rechabitis. Ultrajecti, 1690. 8 Romanse histories anthologia recognita et auc- ta. An English exposition of the Roman an- tiquities, wherein many Roman and English offices are parallel'd and divers obscure phrases explained. Newly revised and inlarged by the author. Oxford, 1631. 4 GODWIN (WILLIAM). An enquiry concerning political justice ; and its influence on general virtue and happiness. 2 vol. London, 1793. 4 The enquirer. A new edition. Edin.,1823. 12 GOERRES (Jos.), Professor in the university of Munich. Athanase...Traduit de 1'Allemand, d'apres les 2e et 3" e'ditions. Pom, 1838. 8 GOETHE (Jon. WOLFGANG VON). Schriften. I I'.au.U-. Leipzig, 1787-91. 8 Faust. 2 Theile. Neue Auflage. Mittt.jm-t n: Tiibitvjen, 1833. 12 Another edition. thtttgart u: Tubingen, 1838. 8 The auto-biography of Goethe. Truth and poetry : fr of Glouces- ter. The fall of man, or the corruption of na- ture, proved by the light of our naturall rea- son... London, 1616. 4 GOODMAN (JOHN), D.D., Rector of Hadham. The penitent pardoned : or, A discourse of the nature of sin, and the efficacy of repentance, under the parable of the prodigal son. To which is added a visitation sermon. London, 1679. 4 Eighth edition. London, 1724. 8 - Another copy. GOODMAN (TOBIAS), Rabbi. An address to the committee of the London society, for promot- ing Christianity among the JL-WH ; in \\huli tlu- conduct of tin- committee is investigated, their views examined, and their attempt to overturn the Jewish system of worship proved to be unwarrantable, and contrary to divine revelation. London, 1809. 8 GOODRICH (S. G.). Fireside education. London, 1839. 8 GOODSIR (JoREPH TAYLOR). Statement drawn up to be laid before a committee of the Pres- bytery of St Andrews, appointed May 15, 1850. Edin., 1860. 8 What force is given to the Greek article by the Professor of Greek in the University of Edin- burgh I A letter to the Professor, with an ap- pendix containing previous correspondence. Edin., 1853. 8 GOODWIN (JOHN), Pastor of St Stephen'*, Cole- man Street, London. Imputatio fidei : or, A treatise of Justification ; wherein the imputa- tion of faith for righteousness (mentioned Rom. iv. 3-5) is explained, and also the great ques- tion largely handled, whether the active obe- dience of Christ, performed to the moral law, be imputed in justification, or no, or how it is imputed... London, 1642. 4 Another copy. The divine authority of the Scriptures assert- ed, or the great charter of the world's blessed- nes asserted... London, 1648. 4 Another copy. An exposition of the ninth chapter of the Epis- tle to the Romans. [Wants title.] [London, 1653.] 4 Another edition. With the Banner of jus- tification displayed. To which is added, Eignvofiotxtot : the agreement and distance of brethren. \Vith a preface by Thomas Jackson. London, 1835. 8 Another copy. Mercy in her exaltation. Or, A sovereigne antidote against fear of the second death : in a sermon [on James, ii. 13] preached April 20, 1655. London, 1655. 4 Cata-baptism : or new baptism waxing old and ready to vanish away. In two parts. The former containes Iviii. considerations... preg- nant for the healing of the common scruples touching the subject of baptism, and manner ' of baptizing. The latter contains an answer to a discourse against infant-baptism, publish- ed not long since by W. A. under the title of, Some baptismall abuses briefly discovered, &c. By J. G. London, 1655. 4 H^r,puf^in TO Kinvft.ctTix.oi>, or, A being filled with the Spirit... As also, the divinity, or Godhead of the Holy Ghost discussed, and the argu- ments brought against it throughly examined and answered... The necessity of the ministry of the Gospel (called the ministry of the Spirit) discussed, and the usefulness thereof maintain- ed. . .All heretofore delivered in several sermons from Ephes. v. 18. London, 1670. 4" Christian theology : selected and systemati- cally arranged : with a life of the author. By Samuel Dunn. London, 1836. 12 GOODWIN GORDON. 325 Redemption redeemed : wherein... the redemp- tion of the world by Jesus Christ, is vindicated against the encroachments of later times : with a thorough discussion of the great questions concerning election, reprobation, and the per- severance of the saints. Reprinted from the edition of 1651. London, 1840. 8 Another copy. - *The life of J. G., comprising an account of his opinions and writings, and of the contro- versies in which he was engaged in defence of religious liberty and of general redemption ; with a review of several public transactions in Great Britain, during the civil wars and the interregnum. By Thomas Jackson. London, 1822. 8 GOODWIN (THOMAS), D.D., President of Magda- len College, Oxford. The works of T. G. To which is prefixed an accotmt of the author's life from his own memoirs. 5 vol. London, 1681-1704. fol. Another edition. With a general preface by J. C. Miller, D.D. , and memoir by Robert Halley, D.D. 12 vol. Edin., 1861-66. 8 Another copy. Vol. i.-iii. An apologeticall narration, humbly submitted to the Hon. Houses of Parliament. By T. G., P. Nye, S. Simpson, J. Burroughs, W. Bridge. London, 1643. 4 Certaine select cases resolved... Heretofore all published in three treatises, 1. A child of light walking in darknesse. 2. Return of prayers. 3. Tryall of growth. But now reprinted, and to be put together. With other divine trac- tates. London, 1647. 4 - Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, as- cension, sitting at God's right hand, interces- sion, as the cause of justification, [and] object of justifying faith. Upon Rom. viii. 34. To- gether with a treatise discovering the affec- tionate tendernesse of Christ's heart now in heaven, unto sinners on earth. London, 1642. 4 - The vanitie of thoughts discovered : with their danger and cure. London, 1643. 4 - Aggravation of sinne : and sinning against knowledge and mercie. Delivered in severall sermons upon divers occasions. London, 1643. 4 - Encouragements to faith. Drawn from seve- rall engagements both of Gods [and] Christs heart to receive [and] pardon sinners. London, 1645. 4 - Christ the universal peace-maker : or, the re- conciliation of all the people of God, notwith- standing all their differences [and] enmities. London, 1651. 4 - A state of glory for spirits of just men upon dissolution demonstrated. A sermon [on 2 Cor. v. 5] preached Aug. 30, 1657, before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London. London, 1657. 4 Another copy. - The expositions of T. G., D.D., on part of the Epistle to the Ephesians, and on the book of Revelation. Condensed from the original by a clerical member of the convocation at Ox- ford. London, 1842. 8 The French revolution foreseen, in 1639. Ex- tracts from an exposition of the Revelation, by an eminent divine of both Universities, in the beginning of the last century. Who explains a prophecy in that book of a revolution in France, its separation from Rome, and the abolition of titles. London, s. a. 8 GOODWIN (THOMAS), son of the preceding, and minister of a dissenting congregation at Pinner, Middlesex. A discourse of the true nature of the Gospel ; demonstrating that it is no new law, but a pure doctrine of grace. In answer to the Rev. Mr Lorimer's Apology. London, 1695. 4 GOOLD (THOMAS). A vindication of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke's reflections on the revo- lution in France, in answer to all his oppo- nents. Dublin, 1791. 8 GOOLD (WILLIAM H.), D.D. , Professor of biblical literature and Church history in the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Patronage opposed to the independence of the Church, and to the scriptural rights of the Christian people . [Lect . on Sec. Reform.] Glasgow, 1841. 12 Another copy. The claims of the Church of Christ... A dis- course delivered at the opening of the Reform- ed Presbyterian Synod, Glasgow, May 7th, 1849. x Edin., 1849. 8 GOOR (TILMANNUS A). Disputationum ethica- rum septima, de virtutibus in specie, nomina- tim justitia universali...quam...sub prsesidio ...D. Berckringeri...publice defendere conabi- tur T. G. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1646. 4 GORBALS. The case of the heritors of annexa- tion and of the Kirk-session of Gorbals ; sub- mitted, by reference, from the Presbytery of Glasgow, to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1823. 8 GORDON (ABERCROMBY L.). A letter to the Right Hon. Lord Belhaven, on the new scheme of education, and on the statement of the So- licitor-general, and the debate and petitions of the General Assembly, on that subject. With an appendix, containing official and other do- cuments. Aberdeen, 1832. 8 GORDON (ALEXANDER), A.M. Itinerarium Sep- tentrionale : or, A journey thro' most of the counties of Scotland, and those in the North of England. In two parts... London, 1726. fol. The lives of Pope ALEXANDER VI. and his son Caesar BORGIA. Comprehending the wars in the reigns of Charles VIII. and Lewis XII., Kings of France ; and the chief transactions and revolutions in Italy from the year 1492 to the year 1506. With an appendix of original pieces referred to in the work. London, 1729. fol. GORDON (ALEXANDER), Kintore. Reflections on mortality and the precariousness of human life. A sermon [on James, iv. 14] preached May 13, 1759. Aberdeen, 1759. 8 3 GORDON (DAVID), Pastor of the Associate congic- 32G GORDON GORDON. gation of Salem, N. Y. Catechetical exercises upon the testimony of the Associate ('linivli. FMaUfki*. l.s:5'.). 12 GORDON (GEORGE), 1st Earl of Aberdeen. * Letters, illustrative of public affairs in Scot- land, addressed by contemporary statesmen to George, Earl of Aberdeen, Lord High Chan- cellor of Scotland. MDCLXXXI.-MH. i.\\\i\ . [Edited for the Spalding Club, by John Dunn. ] Aberdeen, 1861. 4" GORDON (GEORGE HAMILTON), 4th Earl of Aber- deen. Speech in the House of Lords, 30th March, 1838, on the subject of church exten- sion in Scotland. Edin., 1838. 8 The Earl of Aberdeen's correspondence with the Rev. Dr Chalmers and the secretaries of the Non-Intrusion Committee : from 14th Ja- nuary to 27th May 1840. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. - * Debate in the House of Lords on the Earl of Aberdeen's Bill for regulating the appointment of ministers of the Church of Scotland ; on 16th June 1840. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. * Remarks upon the Earl of Aberdeen's Bill, entitled, "An Act to remove doiibts respect- ing the admission of ministers to benefices in that part of the United Kingdom called Scot- land. " By a member of the Church of Scot- land. Glasgow, 1840. 8 Speech in the House of Lords, on 13th June 1843, on moving the second reading of a Bill, intituled " An Act to remove doubts respect- ing the admission of the ministers to benefices in Scotland." Edin., 1843. 8 Church of Scotland. Lord Aberdeen's Bill. Edin., 1843. 8 GORDON (JAMES). The reformed BISHOP. 1679 GORDON (JAMES), Parson of Rothiemay. His- tory of Scots affairs, from MDCXXXVII. to MDCXLI. Edited for the Spalding Club, by Joseph Robertson, and George Grub. 3 vol. Aberdeen, 1841. 4 Abredonise utriusque descriptio. A descrip- tion of both touns of Aberdeen. With a se- lection of the charters of the burgh. Edited for the Spalding Club, by C[osmo] I[nnes]. Edin., 1842. 4 GORDON (JAMES), Minister ofAlford. The state and duty of the Church of Scotland, with re- spect to the settlement of MINISTERS. 1732 GORDON (JOHN), of Glencat. Memoirs of the life of J. G. of Glencat, in the county of Aber- deen in Scotland : who was thirteen years in the Scotch college at Paris, among the secular clergy. Wherein the absurdities and delu- sions of Popery are laid open, the history of Baianism, Jansenism, and the Constitution Unigenitus, impartially related, and the infal- libility of the Romish Church is confuted. To which is prefixed, a testimonial from the Pres- bytery of Edinburgh, of the author's renoun- cing Popery, and embracing the Protestant re- ligion...^ which is now added, a second part, not printed before, containing, I. A refutation of the supremacy of the Roman Church. II. An j exact chronological history of all tin- I'"i>. ^, iVtun Si iVtrr tt> ilit- j-risi-nt time, with a l>rn-f account of what is mont remarkable- in tin ir li\rs. 111. The Popish doctrine >f Indul- gences. London, 1734. 8 J AllntlllT ft'l'V. <;<>UI>oN (J. E.), M.P. Speech of J. E. G. | With the worship of the virgin Mary counte- nanced by the Commissioners for the educa- tion of the poor of Ireland ; by R. J. M'GiiEE. J Six letters on the subject of Irish education, addressed to the Right Hon. E. G. Stanley, M.P. With an appendix, containing an out- line of the new system of education proposed by his Majesty's Government, in a letter ad- dressed by Mr Stanley to his Grace the Duke of Leinster. London, 1832. H J Our present position in regard to the Papacy examined in the light of Scripture. London, 1851. 12 GORDON (LEON). Fables Hebraiques. Vilno, 1860. 8 GORDON (PATRICK), of Euthven. A short abridgement of Britane's distemper, from the yeare of God M.DC.XXXIX. to M.DC.XLIX. [Edit- ed for the Spalding Club, by John Dunn.] Aberdeen, 1844. 4 GORDON (PATRICK), Auchkuchries. Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries, A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699. [Edited for the Spalding Club, by Joseph Robertson.] Aberdeen, 1859. 4 GORDON (ROBERT), Merchant, Aberdeen. Mor- tification and disposition, Robert Gordon, mer- chant in Aberdeen, 1731. s. I. et a. 4 GORDON (ROBERT), D.D., Minister of Free High church, Edinburgh. The duty of searching the Scriptures : a sermon [on John, v. 39, 40] preached before the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian knowledge, June 5th, 1823. Edin., 1823. 8 Sermons. Edin., 1825. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - Fourth edition. Edin., 1837. 8 Another copy. Speech at the meeting in the West church, 25th August 1841. Edin., 1841. 4 Memorial addressed to the members of Her Majesty's government, by R. G., Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and others, commissioners appointed by the Church, September, 1841. [Prepared by John Hamilton.] Edin., 1841. 8 Christ as made known to the ancient Church : an exposition of the revelation of divine grace, as unfolded in the Old Testament Scriptures. 4vol. Edin., 1854. 8 GORDON (Sir THOMAS), of Earlston. An en- quiry into the method of settling PARISHES. 1732 Remarks on the modest and humble enquiry concerning the right and power of electing and calling MINISTERS. 1732 The defection of the CHURCH or SCOTLAND GORDON GOULBURN. 327 from her Reformation-principles considered. 1733 GORDON (THOMAS), of Kirkudbright. A cordial for low spirits : being a collection of curious tracts. London, s. a. 12 - The independent WHIG. 1735 CORDON (THOMAS), Minister of the Gospel at Spcymouth. Sermons on practical subjects, adapted to different characters. To which is prefixed some account of the author. 2 vol. Edin., 1786. 8 An inquiry into the powers of ECCLESIASTICS. 1807 GORDON (THOMAS), of Youghal, Ireland.* Me- moirs of the late Rev. T. G., with extracts from his diary, and some of his most interest- ing letters. By C. Townley. London, 1820. 12 GORHAM (GEORGE CORNELIUS), B.D. Reply to two letters of Leander van Ess. 1826 GORINI (L'abbe' J. M.-SAUVEUR). De'fense de 1'Eglise contre les erreurs historiques de MM. Guizot, Aug. et Am. Thierry, Michelet, Am- pere, Quinet, Favriel, Aime-Martin, &c. 2 torn . Lydn, 1853. 8 GORTON (JOHN). A general biographical dic- tionary, containing a summary account of the lives of eminent persons of all nations previous to the present generation. 2 vol. London, 1828. 8 - Another edition. London, 1830. 8 GOSPEL. Brief thoughts : I. Concerning the Gospel and the hindrances to believe it. II. Concerning the way in which a Christian obtains true satisfaction respecting his state towards God. Edin., 1796. 12 - Ninth edition. Edin. , s. a. 12 - To the poor the Gospel is preached. Matt. xi. 5. s. I. et a. 12 - A help to the Gospels : containing a harmony, exercises, illustrations, and practical lessons. 6th ed. Edin., 1826. 12 - Report to the General Assembly, by the com- mittee for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts. [1836-1840.] Edin., 1836-40. 8 GOSPEL CHURCH. The beauty and purity of the Gospel Church, held forth in a sermon on Ps. 93. 5. before the Synod of Angus and Mearns, at Brechin, April 19, 1720, somewhat enlarged since, with an appendix ; and with some remarks and reflections upon the doctrine contained in the Marrow of modern divinity. Edin., 1721. 8 GOSSELIN (L'Abb<9. Pouvoir du PAPE au moyen age. 1845 COSSELLIN (PASCAL-FRANC-JOSEPH). Re- cherches sur la geographie systematique et po- sitive des anciens. Tom. i., ii. Paris, 1798. 4 GOSTICK (JOSEPH). German literature. Edin., 1849. 8 G OTHER (JOHN). A Papist misrepresented and represented. Or, a twofold character of Po- pery. London, 1685. 12 - Twenty-eighth edition. London, 1832. 12 Selected from the original of the Rev. J. G. by R. Challoner, D.D. A new edition, with an appendix. Edin., 1836. 12 Another copy. Another copy. L. P. GOTHOFREDUS (JACOBUS). De statu Pagano- rum sub Christianis imperatoribus : seu com- mentarius ad titulum x. de Paganis, lib. xvi. codicis Theodosiani. s. I. , 1616. 4 Manuale juris, seu parva juris mysteria, ubi quatuor sequentia continentur. Juris civilis Romani, I. Historia ; II. Bibliotheca; III. Flo- rilegium sententiarum juris, politicarum, et communium nationum, ex corpore Justiniano desumptarum ; IV. Series librorum et titulo- rum digestis et in codice. Undecima editio. Geneva:, 1726. 12" GOUGE (THOMAS), Minister of the Gospel, St Se- pulchre's, London. The works of the late Mr T. G. In six parts... To which is prefixed, an account of the author's life. Glasgoiv, 1790. 8 - Christian directions ; showing how to walk with God, all the day long. Glasgoiv, 1736. 12 GOUGE (WILLIAM), D.D., Rector of St Ann's, Blackfriars, London. A guide to goe to God : or, an explanation of the perfect patterne of prayer, the Lords prayer. 2d ed. London, 1636. 4 The saint's support, set out in a sermon [on Nehem. v. 19] preached before the Hon. House of Commons June 29, 1642. London, 1642. 4 A learned and very useful commentary on the whole Epistle to the Hebrewes... Being the substance of thirty years Wednesdayes lec- tures at Black-fryers, London. Before which is prefixed a narrative of his life and death. London, 1655. fol. GOUGH (HENRY). The New Testament quota- tions, collated with the Scriptures of the Old Testament. With notes. London, 1855. 8 GOUGH (STRICKLAND). An enquiry into the causes of the decay of the DISSENTING interest. 1730 GOULARTIUS (SIMON). Apophthegmatum sa- crorum loci communes. Ex sacris ecclesiasti- cis et secularibus scriptoribus collecti, juxta alphabeti ordinem digesti, et in codicem re- lati, S. G. opera. s. I, 1592. 8 GOULBURN (EDWARD MEYRICK), D.D., Preben- dary of St Paul's. The doctrine of the resur- rection of the body, as taught in Scripture. Eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1850, at the lecture founded by the late Canon Bampton. Oxford, 1850. 8 Bacon : the first principles of his philosophy stated in a popular form... A lecture, delivered March 23, 1859. London, 1860. 8 An introduction to the devotional study of the holy Scriptures. 7th ed. London, 1864. 8 - Thoughts on personal religion, being a treatise on the Christian life in its two chief elements, devotion and practice. 7th ed. London, 1864. 8 338 GOULD (, l:\II\M GOT l.l> \ ..rsrrs ADDISON), M.D. Principles ' of Zoology. By Louis AOASSIZ, and A. A. G. 1848 j <;>l'LDMAN (FRANCIS), M.A. A copious die- j tionary in three parts [English-Latin, Latin- j English, and proper names]. The whole being a comprisal of Thomasius and Rider's founda- tions, Holland's and Holyoak's superstructure and improvements ... In this fourth edition there are many thousand words more added, by the skill and pains of Dr Scattergood. Cambridge, 1678. 4 GOURGAUD (Le Baron GASPARD). Napoteon et le grande-arme'e en Russie, ou examen cri- tique de 1'ouvrage de M. le Comte Ph. de Se"- -ur. Bruxelle*, 1825. 8 I GOUSSET (THOMAS-MARIE-JOSEPH), Archbishop ! of Rheims. Justification de la the'ologie morale du B. Alphonse-Marie de Ligorio. Paris, 1838. 8 The'ologie morale a 1'usage des cure's et des confesseurs. Septieme Edition. 2 torn. Paris, 1850. 8 - The'ologie dogmatique, ou exposition des preuves et des dogmes de la religion Catho- lique. Cinquieme Edition. 2 torn. Paris, 1850. 8 j La croyance ge'ne'rale et constante de 1'Eglise : touchaut 1'immaculee conception de la bien- j hereuse vierge Marie : prouve'e principalement j par les constitutions et les actes des Papes, par les lettres et les actes des Eveques, par 1'en- seignement des Peres et des Docteurs de tous les temps. Paris, 1855. 8 GOVERNMENT. An inquiry after further sa- tisfaction concerning obeying a change of go- vernment beleeved to be unlawfull. Tendered to the Presbyterian proposer, by way of reply to his book intituled, The lawfulnesse of obey- ing the present government. By a dissenting brother. London, 1649. 4 - Two treatises of government, against Sir Ro- bert Filmer. [By John LOCKE.] 2d ed. London, 1694. 8 GOWAN (THOMAS), M.A. The power of Pres- byters in ordination and Church-government without a superior asserted and prov'd from Holy Scripture : or, Mr Campbell's letter to a i parishioner examined ; bein^ a vindication of j a letter occasion'd by his q\iery. s. I, 1711. 4 | GOWRIE, EARL OF. See John RUTHVEN. CUAAF (ABRAHAMUS DE). Inleyding tot de Wiskunst, of de Beginselen van de Geometria en Algebra. Amsterdam, 1706. 4 GRABIUS (JOANNES ERNESTUS). Spicilegium SS. patrum, ut et hsereticorum, seculi post Christum natum i., ii. & iii. Quorum vel In- tegra monumenta, vel fragmenta, partim ex aliorum Patrum libris jam impressis collegit, et cum codicibus manuscriptis contulit, partim ' ex MSS. nunc primum edidit, ac singula tarn i prsefatione, quam notis subjunctis illustravit, i J. E. G. 2 torn. [The 1st and 2d cent, only ! were published.] Oxonice, 1698, 99. 8 Another edition. Oxonit?, 1714. 8 Vetus Testamentuui juxta Si-ptuaginta inter- pretes. 1707-20. See BIBI.I K.. C. i.KADUS. Gradus ad Parnassum : sive novua synonymorum, epithetorum, veruuum ac phra- sium poeticanun, thesaurus. Londini, 1807. 12 GR/EVIUS (JOHANNES GEOBOIUS), Professor of politics, history, and rhetoric, at Utrecht. Thesaurus antiquitatum et historiarum Italise, Neapolis, Siciliae, Sardiniae, Corsicae, Melitae, atque adjacentium terrarum insularumque ; constans rarissimis, prsestantissimis, doctissi- n i is. | ue scriptoribus qui an tea sparsim su;n cuique patriot situm, res gestas, antiquitates et memorabilia variis in locis illustrarunt, nunc autem vix et nusquam fere comparari possunt : digeri atque edi olim coeptus cura et studio J. G. G. , nunc autem continuatus et ad finem perductus. Cum praefationibus Petri Bur- manni. Interseruntur passim variae et accura- tae tabulae, tarn geographicae, quam aliae. 9 torn. 30 partt. Luyd. Batav. , 1723-25. fol. Thesaurus antiquitatum et historiarum Sici- liae, quo continentur rarissimi et optimi quique scriptores, qui nobilissimarum insularum, Si- ciliae, Sardiniae, Corsica; et adjacentium situm, res gestas, antiquitates et imperiorum vicissi- tudines memoriae prodiderunt ; digeri coeptus cura et studio J. G. G Cum prsefationibus Petri Burmanni...l5 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1723-25. fol. Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum, in quo continentur lectissimi quique scriptores, qui superior! aut nostro seculo Romanae reipubli- cae rationem, disciplinam, leges, instituta, sa- cra, artesque togatas ac sagatas explicarunt et illustrarunt, congestus a J. G. G. Acccesse- runt variae et accurate tabulae aeneae. Editio altera. 12 torn. Venetiis, 1732-37. fol. GRAGLIA (C.). The new pocket-dictionary of the Italian and English languages. In two parts. Italian and English English and Ita- lian. Many new words and locutions, with a compendious elementary Italian grammar are now added. 10th ed. " London, 1807. 12 GRAHAM (GEORGE). Renunciation and abjura- tion of Episcopacy ; [with The reasons agreed upon by the Reformers of the Church of Scot- land, for which the Book of COMMON PRAYER, urged upon Scotland, 1637, was refused.] 1744 GRAHAM (HENRY DAVENPORT). Antiquities of lona. London, 1850. 4 GRAHAM (ISABELLA), of New York, formerly Isa- bella MARSHALL. * The power of faith exem- plified in the life and writings of the late Mrs I. G. New edition. London, reprinted, 1833. 8 A new edition, enriched by her narrative of her husband's death, and other select corre- spondence. New York, [1843]. 12 Another edition. To which is now prefixed, an essay on her life and character, by J. M. Mason, D.D. Glasgow, 1833. 12 Letters of I. G. of New York in connection with the leading events of her life. Bv her GRAHAM GRALL.E. 329 nephew, Rev. James Marshall. Edin., 1839. 8 GRAHAM (JAMES), Marquis of Mont rose. I. G. De rebus... sub imperio illustrissimi Jacobi Montis-rosarum Marchionis...supremi Scotise gubernatoris anno 1644 et duobus sequentibus prsaclare gestis, commentarius. Interprete A. S. Editio secunda. Amstelodami, 1648. 12 - * Memoirs of the most renowned J. G. , Mar- quis of Montrose. Translated from the Latin of the Rev. Dr George Wishart. With an ap- pendix, containing many curious papers relat- ing to the history of these times ; several of which never hitherto published. Edin., 1756. 8 GRAHAM (JAMES). Jerusalem, its missions, schools, converts, &c. under Bishop Gobat. London, 1858. 8 GRAHAM (Sir JAMES ROBERT GEORGE), Bart. Letter from Sir J. G., principal secretary for the Home department, to the moderator of the General Assembly : with the Reply [by Alex. DUNLOP] ; being the minute of the General As- sembly's special commission, adopted at a meeting held at Edinburgh, Jan. 12, 1843. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. - Letter embodying the decision of Government in the Scottish Church question : addressed to the Rev. Dr Welsh, moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1843. 8 - Another copy. GRAHAM (JOHN), M.A., Curate of Li/ord. Derriana, consisting of a history of the siege of Londonderry and defence of Enniskillen, in 1688 and 1689, with historical poetry and bio- graphical notes, &c. Londonderry, 1823. 8 GRAHAM (JOHN). A sermon [on Malachi, iii. 6] on the unchangeableness of Jehovah. 12th ed. Edin., 1825. 8 GRAHAM (JOHN), Minister at Wishaiotown. The Revolution settlement of the Church of Scotland. [Lect. on Second Reform.] Glasgow, 1841. 12 Another copy. - * The Revolution settlement of the Church of Scotland vindicated ; being the review of a lecture by the Rev. John Graham of Wishaw- town ... by a licentiate of the Established Church. Glasgow, 1842. 12 GRAHAM (JOHN), Kilmarnock. NON-INTRU- SION weighed and found wanting. 1843 GRAHAM (MARIA). Letters on India. London, 1814. 8 - Three months passed in the mountains East of Rome, during the year 1819. 2d ed. London, 1821. 8 GRAHAM (MARY JANE), of Stoke Fleming, Devon. * A memoir of Miss M. J. G. By the Rev. Charles Bridges, M.A. 2d ed. London, 1833. 8 GRAHAM (PATRICK), D.D., Minuter of Aber- foyle. An essay on the authenticity of the poems of Ossian ; in which the objections of Malcolm Laing, Esq. are particiilarly consider- ed and refuted. To which is added, an essay on the mythology of Ossian's poems, by Pro- fessor RICHARDSON, of Glasgow college. Edin., 1807. 8 Another copy. | Another copy. Another copy. GRAHAM (THOMAS), Professor of chemistry in University college, London. Elements of che- mistry, including the applications of the science in the arts. London, 1842. 8 - Chemical reports and memoirs. London, 1848. 8 GRAHAM (THOMAS JOHN), M.D. A treatise on indigestion : with observations on some pain- ful complaints originating in indigestion, espe- cially mental aberration. 3d ed. London, 1833. 8 GRAHAM (W.). The spirit of love ; or, a prac- tical and exegetical commentary on the first Epistle of John. London, 1857. 12 GRAHAM (WILLIAM), Newcastle. A review of ecclesiastical establishments in Europe. 2d ed. London, 1796. 8 - Abridged edition. Exeter, 1816. 12 - The whole earth filled with the Redeemer's glory. A sermon [on Psalm Ixxii. 19] preached before the corresponding missionary society at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, April 24, 1796. Newcastle, 1796. 8 GRAHAM (WILLIAM), Minister at Newhaven. The papal aggression. Truth : as distinguished from modern infidelity and popery. A sermon. Edin., 1851. 8 GRAHAME (JAMES), Curate of Sedgefield, Dur- ham. The Sabbath, a poem ; to which are added Sabbath walks. 4th ed. Edin., 1806. 8 - The siege of Copenhagen. A poem ; with notes. 2d ed. Edin., 1808. 8 GRAHAME (JAMES), Advocate. Answer to a pamphlet, entitled, " Observations on the re- port of Mr Hugh Baird, civil engineer, relative to the proposed union canal." Edin., 1814. 8 GRAHAME (JAMES), LL.D. The history of the United States of North America, from the plantation of the British colonies till their as- sumption of national independence. 2 vol. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1848. 8 GRAHAME (JOHN), of Claverliouse, Viscount Dun- dee. * Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dundee and the Highland clans, &c. Together with an account of the massacre of Glenco. Edin., 1818. 8 GRAHAM'S DIKE. An account of a Roman temple and other antiquities near Graham's Dike in Scotland. s. I. et a. 4 GRAIN. Remarks on the present high price of grain, and on the expediency of farther legis- lative restrictions in order to effect its reduc- tion. London, 1801. 8 GRALL-iE. Grallte seu vere puerilis cothurnus sapientise, quo se jactat apud imperitos Gui- lielmus APOLLONII minister Ecclesiae Mittel- burgensis vere anus in centionibus, quos edidit 42 CKALLATUR C It ATI I - de jure majestatia circa sacra, contra libulluin clarissimiDoctorisNicolai Vedelii, de Episcopa- tu Constantini Magni. />(, M.A., Vicar of U !(., liudby, Yorkshire. Two dissertations on popish perse- cution and breach of faith. London, 1771. 8 J I Sermons doctrinal and practical, on several subjects. 2d ed. Newcastle, 1785. 12" : GRANT (DANIEL). Laoidhean Spioradail. J'-i-fk, 1842. 16 GRANT (DUNCAN). Dleasdanas na Cloinne, blxi 'giarruidh agus a' gradhachadli Chriosd. Eadar-theangaichte chum Gaelic. Dun-Eidin, 1829. 12 GRANT (J.). Sermons. Ln:h m Wells. Sketches of the ecclesiastical history of the state of Maine, from the earliest settle- ment to the present time. Portsmouth, U. S., 1821. 12 GREENOCK. Second annual report of the Greenock town mission ; with list of subscrip- tions and regulations. Greenock, 1830. 8 GREENOUGH (G. B.). A critical examination of the first principles of geology ; in a series of essays. London, 1819. 8 GREENSHIELDS (JAMES). * A true state of the case of the Rev. Mr G. , now prisoner in GREENWOOD GREGORIUS. 333 the Tolbooth in Edinburgh, for reading Com- mon-Prayer, in an episcopal congregation there... With copies of several original papers relating to his accusation, defence, imprison- ment, and appeal. London, 1710. 4 Another copy. - *The case of Mr Greenshields, fully stated and discussed, in a letter from a commoner of North Britain, to an English peer. s. I, 1711. 4 - * An answer to the letter from a commoner of North Britain, by his friend in Edinburgh, with respect to Mr Greenshields' case. Edin., 1711. 4 - * A letter, concerning the affair of Mr Green- shields, a. I., 1711. 4 - * The present state of Mr Greenshields case, now before the Right Honourable the House of Lords. In a letter from a commoner of North-Britain, to his friend in Edinburgh. London, 1711. 8 - * A seasonable caution to the General Assem- bly. In a letter from a member of parliament of North-Britain, to a minister in Scotland : occasioned by the House of Lords reversing the sentence of Mr Greenshiels. s. I., 1711. 8 GREENWOOD (THOMAS), M.A., Barrister-at- law. Cathedra Petri. A political history of the great Latin Patriarchate. Books i. -v. Vol. i., ii. London, 1856, 58. 8 GREG (WILLIAM RATHBONE). The creed of Christendom ; its foundations and superstruc- ture. London, 1851. 8 GREGG (TRESHAM DAMES), M. A. Authenticated report of the discussion which took place be- tween the Rev. T. D. G. , and the Rev. Thomas MAGUIRE...1838. Dublin, 1839. 8 GREGOIRE (HENRI). On the slave trade and on the slavery of the blacks and of the whites. By a friend of men of all colours. Translated from the original French of M. Gregoire. To which are annexed prefatory observations and notes by the translator. London, 1815. 8 - Essai historique sur les libertes de 1'Eglise Gal- licane et des autres Eglises de la catholicite", pendant les deux derniers siecles-. Nouvelle Edition. Paris, 1826. 8 GREGORIUS, Saint, of Nazianzum, Bishop of Constantinople. Opera omnia, qua? extant vel ejus nomine circumferuntur, ad MSS. codices Gallicanos, Vaticanos, Germanicos, Anglicos, nee non ad antiquiores editiones castigata ; multis aucta, &c. &c. Opera et stiidio mona- chorum ordinis S. Benedict! e congreg. S. Mauri. [Gr. et Lat.] 2 torn. Parisiis, 1778, 1842. fol. - Sexdecim orationes Beati Gregorii. [Gr.] Venetiis in cedibus Aldi, 1516. 8 Arcana ; sen de principiis, versus ccccxxcu. cum paraphrasi Greeca. Ejusdem carmen con- tra Apolinarium. Item de poematis a se edi- tis : et queedam alia. Greece mine primum publicata studio et opera Davidis Hoeschelij, A.M. Litfjdnni Batavomm, 1591. 8 - Oratio apologetica de eodem argumento [i. c. de sacerdotio] conscripta ; [ad calc. op. CHRY- SOSTOMI De sacerdotio]. 1712 GREGORIUS, Saint, Bishop ofNeocwsarea, called Thaumatnrgus. Gregorii, MACARII ^Egyptii, et BASILII Seleucise Isaurise Episcopi opera om- nia, quee reperiri potuerunt. Nunc primum Greece et Latine conjunctim edita. Accessit Joannis TONAR^E Expositio canonicarum Epis- tolarum. Parisiis, 1622. fol. GREGORIUS, Scant, Bishop of Nyssa. Opera omnia quse reperiri potuerunt, Graeck et La- tine nunc primum ex Mnss. codd. in lucem edita... [cum appendice, editore etpartim quo- que interprete Jacobo Gretsero]. 3 torn. Parisiis, 1615, 18. fol. - D. Gregorii Nysseni Episcopi liber, qui ca- techeticus major* inscribitur, hoc est fidei Christianas institutio, ex Graecis nondum in vulgus emissis Latinitate donatus, Petro Mo- rello Tuonensi interprete. Parisiis, 1568. 8 D. Patris G. N. Antistitis de virginitate liber. Gr. et Lat. nunc primum editus, interprete Johanne Livineio Gandensi. Antverpice, 1574. 4 - Opuscula quinque. I. De professione Chris- tiana. II. De perfectione, et qualem Chris- tianum esse deceat. III. Anagogica vitas Moy- sisenarratio...IV. Contra Apolinarium. V. De fide. Edita D. Hoeschelio. Lugd. Batav., 1593. 8 GREGORIUS, Saint , Bishop of Tours. [GEORGIUS FLORENTIUS.] Opera omnia, necnoii Fredega- rii scholastic! epitome et chronicum cum suis continuatoribus et aliis antiquis monumentis. Ad codices manuscriptos et veteres editionea collata, emendata, et aucta, atque notis et ob- servationibus illustrata, opera et studio D. Theoderici Ruinart presb. et monachi Bene- dict, e congreg. S. Mauri. Lutecice-Parisiontm, 1699. fol. GREGORIUS I. , Saint, siirnanwd the Great, Pope. Opera omnia. Ad manuscriptos codices Ro- manos, Gallicanos, Anglicanos emendata, auc- ta, et illustrata notis. Studio et labore mo- nachorum ordinis S. Benedicti, e congreg. S. Mauri. 4 torn. Parisiis, 1705. fol. De cura pastorali liber ver& aureus : accurate emendatus, et restitutus e vet. MSS. cum Romana editione collatis, ab eximiis aliquot Academise Oxoniensis theologis. Editus a Jeremia Stephano, Oxon. Londini, 1629. 8 | Editio nova. Parisiis, 1826. 16 | XL. Homiliarum in Evangelia libri ii. Se- cundum editionem operum illius a Monach. Benedict, congreg. S. Mauri in Gallia adorna- tam. Augusts Vindelicorum, 1761. 8 GREGORIUS VII., Pope, formerly called HIL- DEBRAND. * The life and pontificate of Gre- gory the Seventh. By John William Bowden, M.A. 2 vol. London, 1840. 8 * Histoire du Pape Gregoire VII. et de son siecle, d'apres les monuments originaux, par J. Voigt...tradxiite de 1'Allemand, angmentee d'une introduction, de notes historiqucs, et du 334 GREGORIUS-GRESWELL pieces justificatives par M. l'Abb Jager. Qua- trieme edition. 2 t..m. Paris, 1864. 12 GREGORIUS XVI. [MAURO CAPPELLARI], Pope. Trait^ sur I'immutabilite' du gouverm nn nt de 1'Eglise. Traduit de 1'Italien par M. Men- ghi-D'Arville. Lyon, 1839. 12 ( i I ; EGORIUS (DAVID), Savilianprofessor of astro- nomy at Oxford. Catoptricse et dioptricas sphaoricoB elementa. l-^lin., 1713. 12 GREGORIUS (GREGORIUS). Lexicon sanctum, ex ipsius S. Scrip tune explication ibus nomi- num propriorum, quw in Hebroeo codice, et omnibus ejus translationibus extant, concin- natum : cui adjuncta est onomatoscepsia seu omnium tarn Veteris quam Novi Testamenti nominum proprium Hebraicorum evolutio. Hanoviv, 1634. 8 GREGORIUS (JOHANNES). See John GREGORY. GREGOROVIUS (FERDINAND). Wanderings in Corsica : its history and its heroes. Trans- lated from the German of F. G. by Alex. Muir. 2vol. Edin., 1855. 8 GREGORY (ALEXANDER), Minister of the Free Church at Anstruther. Good reasons for leav- ing the present ecclesiastical establishment in Scotland, and no reason for remaining in it. Edin., 1843. 12 - A brief account of the religious awakening in Cellardyke. Edin., 1860. 8 GREGORY (GEORGE), RIX, Cur.ate of Si, Giles, Cripplegate, London.. Essays historical and moral. 2d ed. London, 1788. 8 Sermons. To which are prefixed, thoughts on the composition and delivery of a sermon. 2d ed. London, 1789. 8 - The economy of nature explained and illus- trated on the principles of modern philosophy. 3 vol. 3d ed. London, 1804. 8 GREGORY (JAMES), M.D. Philosophical and literary essays. 2vol. Edin., 1792-. 8 - Essay on the difference between the relation of motive and action, and that of cause and effect, in physics ; on physical and mathema- tical principles. [Edin., 1792.] 8 - Conspectus medicinfe theoreticae in usum aca- demicum. Editio quinta. Edinbwgi, 1815. 8 GREGORY (JOHN). Novum, Testamentum, una cum scholiis Grsecis. 1703. See BIBLES GREEK. F. GREGORY (JOHN), M.D. A comparative view of the state and faculties of MAN. 1766 - A father's legacy to his daughters. 2d ed. London, 1774. 16 GREGORY (JOHN MACK). An account of the sepulchres of the antients and a description of their monuments... London, 1712. 8 GREGORY (OLINTHUS), LL.D., Professor of ma- thematics in the Royal military academy at Woohvich. A treatise on astronomy, in which the elements of the science are deduced in a natural order, from the appearances of the heavens to an observer on the earth ; demon- strated on mathematical principles ; and ex- plained by an application to the various phe- nomena. London, 1802. 8 Letters to a friend, on the evidences, doctrines, and duties of the Christian religion. 2 vol. 4th ed. London, 1822. 12 Fifth edition. London, 1829. 12 Sixth edition. London, 1836. 8 - Seventh edition. London, 1839. 8 GREGORY (WILLIAM), M.D., Professorofchemit- inj iu the University of E'llni.niyh. Outlines of chemistry, for the use of students. Part i. Inorganic chemistry. London, 1845. 8 Part ii. Organio chemistry. London, 1845. 8 GREIG (CHRISTOPHER), Minister of St Niniant. * Libel and proof for both parties, in causa, the Presbytery of Stirling against the Rev. C. G. , minister of St Ninians : with an outline of the speeches of counsel and deliverance of the Presbytery thereon. Stirling, 1831. 8 * Speeches of the members of the Presbytery of Stirling on giving judgment on the libel preferred by them against the Rev. C. G. Stirling, 1831. 8 GREIG (GEORGE), London. The British jubilee. A sermon [on 1 Kings, viii. 66] preached Oc- tober 25, 1809, being the fiftieth anniversary of His Majesty's accession to the throne. London, 1809. 8 Another copy. The death of believers precious in the sight of Jehovah : A discourse, occasioned by the death of Maxwell Garthshqre, M. D. , delivered March 15, 1812. London, 1812. 8 j GREIG (JOHN), Accountant. Report on the statements of the Lord Provost and Mr A. Bruce, respecting the affairs of the city of Edinburgh. Edin., 1819. 8 GREIVE (HENRY), D.D. Public spirit, or the nature of the attachment which is due to our civil and religious constitution, a sermon, preached at the opening of the General Assem- bly of the Church of Scotland, May 20, 1784. Edin., 1784. 8 GRENADE (Louis DE). Sermons. Traduction nouvelle de 1'Espagnol en Fra^ois. Paris, 1698. 8 GRENVILLE (WILLIAM WYNDHAM), Lord Gren- ville. Oxford and Locke. 2d ed. London, 1809. 8 GRENZ (PAULUS CHRISTIANUS). Disputatio... qua Hosium concilio Nicaeno non prsesedisse ostenditur...Defendent A. G. ERNESTI et P. C. G. 1758 GRESSET (J BAN -BAPTISTE- Louis). Poesies choisies. Paris, 1802. 12 GRESW'ELL (EDWARD), B.D., Vice-President of Corpus Chnsti college, Oxford. An exposition of the parables and of other parts of the Gos- pels. 5 vol. Oxford, 1834, 35. 8 Harmonia evangelica, sive quatuor Evangelia Greece pro temporis et rerum serie in partes quinque distributa. Edidit E. G. Editio secunda. Oxonii, 1834. 8 Dissertations upon the principles and arrange- ment of an harmony of the Gospels. 2d ed. 4 vol. Oxford, 1837. 8 GRESWELL (WILLIAM PARR). A view of the GRETSERUS GREY. 335 early Parisian Greek press, including the lives of the Stephani or Estiennes : notices of other contemporary Greek printers of Paris ; various particulars of the literary and ecclesiastical history of their times ; and an appendix of Casauboniana. 2 vol. Oxford, 1840. 8 GRETSERUS (JACOBUS), Professor at Ingolstadt. Orationes et quaestiones I. Utrum Lutherus fuerit scholasticus theologus. II. Cur Luthe- rus Ingolstadiensem academiam adeo oderit. III. Utrum Lutheranus, salvis p^rimis sect* suae principiis, possit petere et capessere gra- dus et honores academicos in theologia, juris- prudentia, medicina, et philosophia. IV. Nurii Lutherus in Doctorali sua inaliguratione ob- servaverit Clementinam de magistris... Inc/olstadii, [1606]. 4 - Petrus Cnapheus seu Fullo in Thoma Wege- lino, Lutherano Theopaschita redivivus stre- nse et honoris ergo missus ad...Antonium Vel- serum. Ingolstadii, 1609. 4 GREVE (E. J.). Ultima capita Libri Jobi... ad Graecam versionem recensita. 1788. /S'ee BIBLES GREEK. E. GREVILLE (FULKE), Lord Brooke. Certain learned and elegant workes, written in his youth, and familiar exercise with Sir Philip Sydney. London, 1633. fol. [All known copies of the above work begin with page 23. It is supposed that pp. 1-22 consisted of a " Treatise on religion," cancel- led by order of Archbishop Laud.] GREVILLE (ROBERT KAYE), LL.D. Statement of the proceedings of the Sabbath alliance, from its formation, Nov. 1, 1847, to March 31, 1848. Edin., [1848]. 8 GREVIUS (PETEUS). Exercitationes sacrae. Flensburgi, 1784. 8 GREW (H.), Hartford, U. S.An. exhibition of the first Church ; [with The practices of the early Christians considered, by Henry BAN- NERMAN]. 1838 GREW (OBADIAH), D.D., Minister of the Gospel in Coventry. A sinners justification or the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord our righteousnesse. London, 1670. 8 - Meditations upon our Saviour's parable of the prodigal son. Being several sermons ort the fifteenth chapter of St Luke's Gospel. Part i. London, 1678. 4 GREY (CHARLES), Earl Grey. Report of the speeches at the dinner to Earl Grey, at Edin- burgh, 15th Sept. 1834. 2d ed. Edin., 1834. 8 - The Grey festival ; being a narrative of the proceedings connected with the dinner given to Earl Grey... and a corrected report of the speeches. Edin., 1834. 8 GREY (ENOCH). Vox coali, containing maxims of pious policy : wherein severall cases of con- science are briefly discussed ; I. In what sub- ject the supream power of a nation doth re- side. II. What is the extent of that power. . . III. What obedience is due unto that power. . . London, 1649. 4 GREY (HENRY), D.D., Minister of Free St Manfs, Edinburgh. The diffusion of Christianity de- pendent on the exertions of Christians : A ser- mon [on Acts, xvi. 9] preached April 2, 1818. Edin., 1818. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The vail of Moses done away in Christ : a ser- mon [on 2 Cor. iii. 13-16] preached... Decem- ber 2, 1819, at the baptism of Joseph Davis, a converted Jew. To which are added, the ad- dresses delivered on that occasion by T. S. JOKES, D.D. Edin., 1820. 8 A letter explanatory of his share in the publi- cation of the letters of Anglicanus : [with A letter from John GREY in reply to the calum- niefc of the Rev. Andrew Thomson]. 1828 Remarks relative to his connection with the letters of Anglicanus : with a reply to Mr Hal- dane's professed " exposure of personal misre- presentations"... respecting the Bible Society. Edin., 1828. 8 * A comment on the Rev. Mr Grey's commu- nications to the newspapers, respecting his share in the letters of Anglicanus, and the re- view of them in the Christian Instructor. Edin., 1828. 8 3 Thoughts suggested by the present crisis of the Church : A sermon preached before the Edin- burgh Presbytery of the Free Church of Scot- land, at its first meeting, on Wednesday, Juno 7, 1843. To which is appended an address to the congregation of St Mary's, in the prospect of his quitting that church, on Sunday, the 15th of May. Edin., 1843. 8 J Another copy. Address to the congregation and parishioners of St Mary's, on the present position and duty of the Church. Delivered... 3d January 1843. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. GREY (Lady JANE). * Lady J. G., and her times. By George Howard [i. e. F.C. LAIRD]. London, 1822. 8 GREY (JOHN). A letter from J. G., in reply to the calumnies of the Rev. Andrew Thom- son, D.D., in his Christian Instructor, for Ja- nuary, 1828. With a letter from the Rev. Henry GREY, explanatory of his share in the publication of the letters of Anglicanus. Newcastle, 1828. 8 GREY (MARIA G.). Thbughts on self-culture, addressed to women. ByM. G. G. , and her sis- ter, Emily SHIREFF. 2 vol. London, 1850. 8 a GREY (RICHARD), D.D., Rector of Kincote, Lei- cestershire. A system of English ecclesiastical law, extracted from the Codex juris ecclesias- tici Anglicani. 2d ed. London, 1732. 8 A new and easy method of learning Hebrew without points. To which is annex'd, by way of praxis, the book of Proverbs, divided ac- cording to the metre ; with the Masoretical reading in Roman letters, the interlinear ver- sion of Santes Pagninus, &c. A grammatical analysis and short notes. London, 1738. 8 Liber Jobi in versiculos metrice divis\is. 1742; See BIBLES HEBREW. E. ,i;i:V (JIMNDAL. .Mi -innriii technica, or, Method of artificial me- mor\ London, 1812. 12 <. UK Y (ARTHUR), Lord Grey uf H' t ltivai -In-d lu-foiv the Sviiod of Duin- i. 17th ft AW,,,., ixr;. * . GRIESBACH (Jo. .1 u .. Pmftnor / foot Jena. Symbolte critictu ad supplendas et cor- rigendas variarum N. T. lectionum collec- tiones. Acivilit nmltorum N. T. codicum Grse- corum descriptio et examen. 2 torn. Hate. 1785, 93. 8 - Anleitung zur Dogmatik. Jena, 1789. 8 Novum Testamentum Greece. 1796, 1806. See BIBLES GREEK. F. Commentarius criticus in textum Grcecum No- vi Testamenti. Part. i. Jena, 1798. 8 Part. ii. Accedunt meletemata de vetustia textus recensionibus. Jena, 1811. 8 Opuscula academica. Edidit Jo. Philippus Gabler. 2 torn. Jena, 1824, 25. 8 Synopsis Evangeliorum Matth.ui Marci et Lu- cas una cum iis Joaimis pericopis quse omnino cum cteterorum Evangelistarum narrationibus conferendae sunt. Textum recensuit et selec- tam lectionis varietatem adjecit J. J. G. Edi- tio quarta. Halce Saxonum, 1822. 8 GRIFFIN (EDWARD D.), D.D., President of Wil- liams colkge. The doctrine of divine efficiency, defended against certain modern speculations. New-York, 1833. 12 GRIFFIN (GREGORY). The Microcosm, a perio- dical work, by G. G., of the college of Eton. Windsor, 1787. 8 [Written by four young gentlemen of Eton col- lege ; viz. Mr John Smith, Mr George Canning, Mr Robert Smith, and Mr John Frere, with the occasional assistance of other Etonians. ] GRIFFIN (JOHN JOSEPH). A system of crystal- lography, with its application to mineralogy. Glasgow, 1841. 8 GRIFFITH (G.), M. A. A sermon [on Gal. vi. 2] preached at the anniversary meeting of the sons of the clergy, May 16, 1793. London, [1793]. 4 GRIFFITH (THOMAS), A.M., Minister of Sam's chapel, Homerton. Christian loyalty : A ser- mon, preached in Ram's chapel, Homerton, on Sunday, June 26, 1836, being the anniversary of the King's accession. London, 1836. 8 A charge delivered at the ordination of the Rev. Richard Roberts, minister of Oulton, near Aylsham, in the county of Norfolk, the four- teenth day of July, 1841. Bath, 1841. 8 GRILLPARZER (FRANZ). Sappho, a tragedy. Translated by L. C. C[umming]. Edin., 1855. 8 GRIMM (CARL LUDWIG WILIBALD). Die Glaub- wiirdigkeit der evangelischen Geschichte mit Bezug auf D. F. Strauss und Bruno Bauer und die durch Dieselben angeregten Streitigkeiten. Jena, 1845. 8 Another copy. GRIMMK JACOB). Deutsche Grammatik. 4 Theil. [Erster Theil ; zweite Ausgabe.] Gottingen, 1822-57. 8 GRIND AL (EDMUND), Archbishop of Canterbury. *The history of the life and acts of...E. G., GRINDLA Y GROTIUS . 337 the first Bishop of London, and the second Archbishop of York and Canterbury succes- sively, in the reign of Q. Elizabeth... In two books. By J[olm] S[trype], M.A. London, 1710. fol. The remains of E. G., D.D. Edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. W. Nicolson, A.M. Cambi'idge, 1843. 8 - Another copy. < JRINDLAY (MELVILLE). A view of the present state of the question as to steam communica- tion with India. London, 1837. 8 GRINDROD (EDMUND). A compendium of the laws and regulations of Wesley an methodism. With notes and an appendix. London, 1842. 12 GRINFIELD (EDWARD WILLIAM), M.A. The connection of natural and revealed theology : being an attempt to illustrate the evidences and doctrines of Christianity by their relation to the inductive philosophy of the human mind. With notes and authorities. London, 1818. 8 - A scriptural inquiry into the nature and im- port of the image and likeness of God in man. London, 1837. 8 - The Christian cosmos. The Son of God the revealed creator. London, 1857. 8 GROEN (THEODORUS DE). Disputationum histo- ricarum, ad textum Herodiani octava. Bheno-Trajecti, 1643. 4 Disputationis philosophical de natura, pars prima. Ultrajecti, 1644. 4 GRONINGA. Vitae professorum academiae Gro- ningse et Omlandise. Grroningce, 1654. fol. GRONOVIUS (JACOBUS), Professor of Greek at Leyden. Exercitationes academicae de pernicie et casu Judae TOO K pdborov . . . Lugd.Batav.,lG83. 4 - Defensio curae et operse quam ante annos im- pendit exitio et ignominiae proditoris Judas. Lugd. Batav., 1702. 4 - Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum, in quo continentur effigies virorum ac foeminarum il- lustrium, quibus in Graecis aut Latinis monu- mentis aliqua memoriae pars datur, et in quo- cunque orbis terrarum spatio ob historiam, vel res gestas, vel inventa, vel locis nomina data, ac doctrinam meruerunt cognosci ; item varia- rum regionum miranda, quae celebrata apud antiques saxisque et aere expressa occurrunt, omnia ex veris sincerisque documentis petita, et pro serie temporum disposita. . .13 torn. Edi- tio altera. Venetiis, 1732-37. fol. GRONOVIUS (JOHANNES FREDERICKS). Obser- vatorum in scriptoribus ecclesiasticis, quibus tamen passim et aequales illia et vetustiores utriusque linguae auctores interpositi et illus- trantur et emendantur, monobiblos. Daventrice, 1651. 12 Observationum liber novus, in quo cum alia ad optimoriun utriusque linguae auctorum in- tellectum, turn promissi in notis ad T. Livium quorundam locorum uberiores tractatus reprae- sentantur. Daventrice, 1652. 12 GROOT (HUGO DE). ee H. GROTIUS. I GROOT (PETRUS HOFSTEDE DE), Professor in the university of Qroningen. Institutiones histo- riae Ecclesiaa Christianae. In scholarum sua- rum usum breviter delineatae. Groningce, 1835. 8 Lineamenta theologise Christianae universae. Per L. G. PAREAU et P. H. de G. 1845 GROSE (FRANCIS), F.A.S. The antiquities of Scotland. 2 vol. London, 1797. 4 Military antiquities respecting a history of the English army, from the conquest to the pre- sent time. A new ed. 2 vol. London, 1801. 4 GROSER (WILLIAM). Six lectures on Popery ; delivered in King Street chapel, Maidstone. London, 1825. 12 GROSLEY (PETER- JOHN). A tour to London ; or, New observations on England, and its in- habitants. Translated from the French by Thomas Nugent, LL.D. 2 vol. London, 1772. 8 GROSVENOR (BENJAMIN), D.D., Pastor of an Independent congregation in London. Persecu- tion and cruelty in the principles, practices and spirit of the Romish Church. A sermon preached at Salters-Hall, April 10, 1735. 2d ed. London, 1735. 8 Sermons. Now first collected into a volume by John Davies. With a recommendatory pre- face, by the Rev. David Bogue. Isle of Wight, 1808. 8 The mourner ; or, the afflicted relieved. 20th ed. London, 1820. 12 Grace to the chief of sinners. Philadelphia, 1841. 12 GROTE (GEORGE). History of Greece. 12 vol. [Vol. i., ii., 3d, iii., iv., 4th, v.-xii., 2d ed.] London, 1851-57. 8 GROTIUS, or DE GROOT (Huco). Opera om- nia theologica. Ante quidem per partes, nunc autem conjunctim et accuratim edita. 3 torn. Amstekedami, 1679. fol. Another copy. T'zamen-Spraec tusschen Vader ende Soon, over de Deucht van weynich spreken. Delf, 1619. 4 T' samensprake over den doop, tusschen Mr. H. de G., ende zijn Dochter Cornelia de Groot. Door Vraghen ende Antwoorden. Delf, 1619. 4 Christelicke Gesangen ghetrocken uyt het Oude ende Nieuwe Testament. Delf, 1621. 4 Bewysvan den warenGodsdienstinses Boecken ghestelt. [Delf], 1622. 4 De jure belli ac pacis libri tres. In quibus jus naturae et gentium : item juris publici prse- cipue explicantur. Editio tertia. Amsterdami, 1632. 8 Another copy. Editio novissima ... Accesserunt annotata in Epistolam Pauli ad Philemonem, dissertatio de mari libero, et libellus...de sequitate, indul- gentia et facilitate. Hagm Comitis, 1680. 8 Another edition. Cum J. F. Gronovii notis. . . Notulas denique addidit Johannes Barbeyrac. Amstekedami, 1720. 8 43 338 GROTIUS GUALTPEB Translated into English by William Evats, B.D. / . nwj. fi.i. Tragoedia Sophompaneas. Accessenmt ti. dia ejusdem Christus patiens, ot sacri argu- menti alia. Editio nova. Amsterdam^ 1635. 12^ Dcfensio fidei catholicte de satisf actione Christi adversus Faustum Socinum. Cum G. J. Vos- sii ad judicium H. Ravonspergeri de hoc libro responsione. Oxonup, 163G. 12 Another edition. Londini, 1GG1. 12 Another copy. - Another edition. [Without the " Besponsio" ofVossius.] Salmnru, lf-75. 12 - Annotationes in Novum Testaiucntum. Cum tribus tractatibus. 2 torn. Amstel. et Parisiis, 1641, 46. fol. H. G. et aliorum dissertationes de stxidiis in- stituendis. Amster., 1645. 12 De imperio summarum potestatum circa sacra. Commentarius posthumus. Lutetia Parisiorum, 1647. 8 - Editio quarta. . .Prajtereaque scolia accesserunt Cl. Davidis BLONDELLI ; cum ejusdem tractatu de jure plebis in regimine ecclesiastico. Al- teroque viri docti de officio magistratus Chris- tiani. HagcK-Comitis, 1661. 8 A i males et historiae de rebus Belgicis. Amstel. , 1657. fol. Poemata omnia. Editio quinta. Amstel., 1670. 12 - De veritate religionis Christianas. Editio no- vissima. Amstel., 1674. 12 - Another edition. Amstel., 1675. 12 Editio novissima...cum notulis Joannis CLE- RICI. Accesserunt ejusdem de eligenda inter Christianos dissentientes sententia, et contra indifferentiam religionum, libri duo. GlasgtuB, 1745. 12 Familiarly translated into English, by Spen- cer Madan. London, 1782. 8 Fifteenth edition, corrected and illustrated with notes, by Mr Leclerc. To which is added, a seventh book, concerning the ques- tion, What Christian Church we ought to join ourselves to. By the said Mr LECLERC. With additions, particularly one whole book of Mr LECLERC'S, against indifference of what reli- gion a man is of. Done into English by John Clarke, D.D. Oxford, 1818. 8 De Coenae administratione ubi pastores non sunt, item an semper communicandum per symbola ? dissertatio. Cum diversorum re- sponsionibus. Londini, 1685. 8 Epistolse quotquot reperiri potuerunt ; in qui- bus prseter hactenus editas, plurimae theolo- gici, juridici, philologici, liistorici, et politici argumenti occurrunt. Amstel., 1687. fol. Another copy. * Vie de G. , avec 1'histoire des ses ouvrages, et des ne'gociations auxquelles il fut employ^ ; par Mr. de BURIGNY. Amsterdam, 1754. 4 * The" life of H. G. : With brief minutes of the civil, ecclesiastical, and literary history of the Netherlands. By Charles BUTLER. London, 1826. 8 <;K<>r\VKI,S (.J,.|i \NNT- Li I-. .v i. i) I >!-;. utatio ]>liysk-;i de iniiieralilms. ' ..l.:;i>. 4 Cl;< >\ K \VPER- PLOT c; I THKIi: swer to the late printed objections of the Pres- byterians against the fast of Lent. London, 1662. 4 - A new edition. [Lab. of Anglo-C;ith. thcol.j >'<>rd, 1845. 8 rf GUNPOWT>ER-PLOT. The gunpowder-trea- son : with a discourse of the manner of its dis- covery ; and a perfect relation of the proceed- ings against those horrid conspirators ; wlifix-ii) is contained their examinations, tryals, and condemnations : likewise King J ames's speech to both Houses of Parliament, on that occa- sion ; now re-printed. A preface touching that horrid conspiracy, by Thomas (Barlow), Bishop of Lincoln. And by way of appendix, several papers or letters of Sir Everard DIGBY, chiefly relating to the gunpowder plot. London, 1679. 8 GURDON (BRAMPTON), M.A., Rector of St Ed- mond the King. The pretended difficulties in natural or revealed religion no excuse for infi- delity. Sixteen sermons preached... in the years 1721 and 1722, at the lecture founded by the Hon. Robert BOYLE. 1739 GURDON (PHILIP), M.A. A sketch of the dis- tinguishing graces of the Christian character, as originating from the Holy Spirit's secret yet efficacious influence upon the minds of men : with a rational inquiry into the reality and na- ture of divine influences. London, 1778. 8 GURLEY (R. R.). Mission to England, in be- half of the American colonization society. Washington, 1841. 12 GURNAL, orGURNALL (\VILLIAM), M.A., Pas- tor of the Church of Christ in Lavenham, Suffolk. The Christian in compleat armour. Or, a treatise of the saints war against the devil... 3 parts. [Part i., 4th ed. ; Part ii., 3d ed.] London, 1662-64. 4 Fifth edition. London, 1669. fol. - Another edition. 2 vol. London, 1826. 8 (iURNEY (JOHN JOSEPH). Observations on the distinguishing views and practices of the So- ciety of Friends. A new edition. Norwich, 1842. 12 (JURNEY (JOSEPH JOHN). Essays on the evi- dences, doctrines, and practical operation, of Christianity. London, 1825. 8 - Biblical notes and dissertations, chiefly intend- ed to confirm and illustrate the doctrine of the deity of Christ ; with some remarks on the practical importance of that doctrine. London, 1830. 8 - Essay on the habitual exercise of love to God, considered as a preparation for heaven. 3d ed. London, 1835. 12 - Another edition. New York, s. a. 12 GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS, King of Sweden. * The history of the life of G. A. King of Swe- den, surnamed the Great. By the Rev. Wal- ter Harte. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1767. 8 GUTBERLETH (HENRICUS). Discursus logicus, ad methodicam Ramese dialectics prsecepto- nim tractationem. Herborncf Nassovionnn , 1614. 8 CUTB1RIUS (.EGYDU-.S). Novum Testamen- t mil Syriace. Accurante ^E. < !'''; r.n-.i i - Eh UAC. B. GUTI 1 1 : 1 I ,. Minuter at Stirling. Causes of tho Lord's wrath against SCOTLAND. \ *>:>''> A cry from the dead ; or, the ghost of the fa- mous Mr J. G. appearing. Being the last sermon he preached in the pulpit of Stirling, before his martyrdom at Edinburgh, June 1 1 ii . 1 . To which is added, his last speech upon the scaffold. His ten considerations anent the decay of religion : with an authentic paper sign'd and writ with his own hand, with rela- tion to the call of Mr Robert Rule to Stir- ling. Glasgow, 1738. 8 Another edition. 8Ming. 1824. 12 The great danger of backsliding and defection from covenanted reformation-principles. In a sermon on Isaiah, Ivii. 13, 14, preached... April 21st 1661. To which is added, his speech in vindication of Reformation-principles, deliver- ed before the Parliament of Scotland, after receiving his indictment, April llth l(ji;i. Edin., 1739. 12 Another copy. Ten considerations on the danger of apostacy ; [with Faithful contendings displayed, by M. SHIELDS]. 1780 GUTHRIE (JOHN), Tarboltoun. A sermon preach'd upon breach of covenant. [Ezek. xvii. 19.] s. L, 1663. 4' Another copy. GUTHRIE (Mrs MARIA). A tour, performed in the years 1795-6, through the Taurida, or Cri- mea, the ancient kingdom of Bosphorus, the once-powerful republic of Tauric Cherson, and all the other countries on the North shore of the Euxine, ceded to Russia by the peace of Kainardgi and Jassy. Described in a series of letters to her husband, the editor, Matthew Guthrie, M.D. The whole illustrated by... engravings of a great number of ancient coins, medals, monuments, inscriptions and other cu- rious objects. London, 1802. 4 GUTHRIE (THOMAS), D.D., Minister of Free St John's, Edinburgh. Tracts on the intrusion of ministers. No.'vi. Edin., 1839. 8 The present duty and prospects of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1842. 12 The principles of the Free Church of Scotland, and a plea for the ante-disruption ministers. Edin., 1859. 8 Seed-tune and harvest of ragged schools, or a third plea, with new editions of the first and second pleas. Edin., 1860. 8 GUTHRIE (WILLIAM), Minister of the Gospel at New-Kilmarnock. The works of W. G To which is prefixed, a large account of his life, &c...by the late Rev. William Dunlop ; and a preface, by the late Rev. Mr Trail, with some account of the author from Mr Wodrow's his- tory. Glasgoiv, 1771. 8 The Christian's great interest : or, a short trea- tise, divided into two parts. The first whereof containeth the tryal of a saving interest in Christ. The second, pointeth forth plainly the way how to attain it. <;ln* ; <,>r. 1702. 1U GUTHRIE GWYTHER. - Another edition... To which are prefixed me- moirs of the author ; a preface by the Rev. Mr Robert Traill, and other recommendatory introductions. Edin., 1776. 8 - Another edition. With an introductory essay by Thomas Chalmers, D.D. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1828. 12 - Coir Mhor a Chriosduidh ; an da earrain. 1. D'fheuchainn mu choir shlainteil an Criosd. 2. An doigh chum ruigheachd air. Eadar theangaicht' o Bheurla W. G. , le P. MacPhar- lain. San Eaglais-Bhric, 1783. 12 - Christs care of his people under afflicting dis- pensations. Two sermons preached on 17th August 1662 from Matthew xiv. 24, 25, 26. Glasgow, 17-87. 12 - Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. - Two sermons... on Matt. xvi. 25, and on Matt. xvi. 20. Edin., 1739. 8 GUTHRIE (WILLIAM). A general history of Scotland from the earliest accounts to the pre- sent time. 10 vol. London, 1767, 68. 8 A new system of modern geography... The as- tronomical part by J. Ferguson, F.S.A. London, 1792. 4 - A new geographical, historical, and commer- cial grammar. 2 vol. 17th ed. London, 1798. 8 GUTHRY (HENRY), Bishop of Dunkeld. Me- moirs of H. G., late Bishop of Dunkel in Scot- land : wherein the conspiracies and rebellion against King Charles I. of blessed memory, to the time of the murther of that monarch, are briefly and faithfully related. London, 1702. 8 - Another copy. - Second edition. Glasgow, 1747. 8 Another copy. GUYLFORDE (Sir RICHARD).* The pilgrimage of Sir R. G. to the Holy Land, A.D. 1506, from a copy believed to be unique, from the press of Richard Pynson. Edited [for the Camden Society] by Sir Henry Ellis. London, 1851. 4 GUYON (Madame JEANNE-MARIE BOUVIERES DE LA MOTHE). Les Livres de 1'Ancien [et du Nouveau] Testament, avec des explications. 1713-1715. See BIBLES FRENCH. A. - LETTRES Chretiennes et spirituelles sur divers sujets. 1717, 18 - La vie de Madame J. M. B. de la M. G. Ecrite par elle-meme. 3 torn. Cologne, 1720. 12 - The exemplary life of the pious Lady Guion, translated from her own account in the origi- nal French. To which is added a new trans- lation of her short and easy method of prayer, by Thomas Digby Brooke. Bristol, 1806. 8 *Life, religious opinions and experience of Madame de la M. G. Together with some account of the personal history and religious opinions of Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray. By Thomas C. Upham. Edited and revised by a clergyman of the Church of England. London, 1854. 8 GUYS (AMBROSE). The genuine history of A. G. London, 1759. 8 GUYSE (JOHN), D.D., Independent minister of a congregation in New Broad Street, London. A collection of seventeen practical sermons on various and important subjects : To which is added a ministerial exhortation. London, 1756. 8 The practical expositor : or, an exposition of the New Testament, in the form of a para- phrase ; with occasional notes in their proper places, and serious recollections at the close of every chapter. 3 vol. 2d ed. London, 1761. 4 Sixth edition. To which is prefixed, a life of the author. 6 vol. Edin., 1818. 8 The standing use of the Scripture, to all the purposes of revelation ... in eleven sermons. With an account of the life of the author. London, 1790. 8 Jesus Christ God-Man : or, the constitution of Christ's person, with the evidence and im- portance of the doctrine of his true and proper Godhead. Also, the Holy Spirit a divine per- son : or, the doctrine of his Godhead repre- sented as evident and important. Considered in several plain and practical sermons, on Rom. ix. 5, and 1 Cor. xii. 11. Glasgow, 1790. 8 GWATKIN (THOMAS). A letter to the clergy of New York and New Jersey, occasioned by an address to the Episcopalians in Virginia. Williamsburg, 1772. 8 GWYNNE (JOHN). Military memoirs of the great civil war. Being the military memoirs of J. G. ; and an account of the Earl of Glen- cairn's expedition, as general of His Majesty's forces, in the Highlands of Scotland, in the years 1653 and 1654. By a person who was eye and ear witness to every transaction. [Edit- ed by Sir Walter Scott.] Edin., 1822. 4 GWYTHER (HENRY), M.A., Vicar of Yardley, Worcestershire. The Psalmist. A selection of psalms and hymns for divine worship. By H. G. and the Rev. John Gwyther. London, 1830. 12 GWYTHER (JOHN), B.A., Curate of Sheldon, Wanvickshire. The Psalmist. By the Rev. H. Gwyther, and J. G. 1830 H. HAFFNER. II. (A.), i. e. Adam HARSXKT. H. (E.), i. e. Ebenezer HENDERSON. H. (-I.), i. e. James HOG. II. (J.), t. e. John HUTCHINSON. H. (J.). Sermons. [Wants title.] 4 If. (J. C.), i. e. Julius Charles HAKE. H. (N.), i. e. Richard MAYO. H. (P.). A true and demonstrative way to union, by the education of youth in he establisht principles of the Church of England. Londo-n, 1701. 4 - Another copy. H. (S.), t. e. Samuel HOLDEN. H. (T.). A treatise of marriage, with a defence of the 32d article of religion of the Church of England. London, 1673. 16 H. (T.). Political aphorisms: or, The true maxims of government displayed. 3d ed. London, 1691. 4 H. (T.), i. e. Thomas HOOKER. HAAG (Eua.). La France Protestante on vies des Protestants Fran9ais qui se sont fait un nom dans 1'histoire depuis les premiers temps de la Reformation jusqu' a la reconnaissance du principe de la liberte' des cultes par 1'assem- ble'e nationale. Ouvrage prece'de' d'une notice historique sur le Protestantisme en France, suivi de pieces justificatives et redige sur des documents en grande partie inedits par MM. Eug. et Em. Haag. 9 torn. Pom, 1846-59. 8 - Another copy. HAAG (EM.). La France Protestante, par Eug. HAAG et E. H. . 1846-59 HAAK (THEODORE). The Dutch annotations upon the whole Bible. Together with their own translation, as both were ordered by the Synod of Dort. 1657. See BIBLES ENGLISH. A. HABERSHON (MATTHEW). An historical expo- sition of the prophecies of the Revelation of St John ; shewing their connection with and confirmation of those of Daniel, and of the Old Testament in general ; particularly in their most important aspect on the present times. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1844. 12 HABESSINUS (GREGORIUS). Theologia ^Ethio- pica ; [cum Salutari luce Evangelii per J. A. FABRICIUM]. 1732 HACINE (JULES). A monograph of British Fos- sil Corals. By H. Milne EDWARDS, and J. H. 1850-1854 HACKSPAJST (THEODORICUS). Notse philologies in varia et difficilia Scripturse loca. 3 vol. Altdorfii, 1664. 8 IIADDOW (JAMES). See James HADOW. HADLEY (JOHN).* Instructions for the use of Hadley's quadrant. [Wants title.] 8 HADOW (JAMES). Principal of tlm university of ]:/; itlmrijk. Remarks upon the case of the EPISCOPAL CLERGY [of SCOTLAND], \7> '.' The doctrine and practice of the Church of Scotland anent the sacrament of BAPTISM, vin- dicated. 17un logical district. [Natural history of New partiv.J A llm nil, 1843. 4 U Palteontology of New York. Vol. i. ' taining descriptions of the organic remains of the lower division of the New- York ts\ (equivalent of the lowir Silurian rocks rope). [Natural history of New- York, part \ i. ] All,a)iii, 1847. 4 HALL (JOHN), B.D., Rector <>f Xt '\\\,lmrgKs, /Yi'.-W. Family prayers for every morning and evening in the week : together with a se- lection of psalms from the new version, and of other psalnis and hymns suited to family worship. 3ded. London, 1836. lii HALL (JOHN). The chief end of man. An ex- position of the first answer of the shorter cate- chism. Philadelphia, 1M1. l_ The Virgin Mary. A candid comparison with the holy Scriptures of the doctrine of the Church of Rome, respecting the mother of our Lord. Philadelphia, 1842. 16 HALL (JOSEPH), D.D., successively Bishop of Exe- ti / and Norwich. The works of J. H. London, 1625. fol. - Another edition. London, 1034. fol. Another edition. London, 1647. fol. - The shaking of the olive-tree. The remaining works of J. H. "With some specialties of di- vine providence in his life. Noted by his own hand. Together with his Hard measure : writ- ten also by himself. London, 1660. 4 Another copy. Practical works of J. H. [Forming vol. viii. of his collected works.] London, 1808. 8 A sermon of public thanksgiving for the won- derful mitigation of the late moi-talitie. [On Ps. Lxviii. 19, 20.] London, 1626. 4' A plaine and familiar explication (by way of paraphrase) of all the hard texts of the whole divine Scripture of the Old and New Testa- ment. London, 1633. fol. Another copy. Episcopacie by divine right : asserted by J. H. London, 1640. 4 C An humble REMONSTRANCE to the High Court of Parliament, by a dutifull sonne of the Church. 1640 A defence of the Humble remonstrance, against the frivolous and false exceptions of Smectym- nmis. Wherein the right of Leiturgie and Episcopacie is clearly vindicated from the vaine cavils, and challenges of the answerer. Se- conded (in way of appendance) with the judge- ment of...D. Abraham SCULTETUS concerning the divine right of Episcopacie, and the no- right of lay-eldership. Translated out of his Latine. London, 1641. 4 C A short answer to the tedious vindication of SMECTYMNUI s. 1641 A sermon [on Ps. cvii. 34] preach't to His Majesty, at the Court of Whitehall, Aug. 8. London, 1641. 4 The great mysterie of godliness, laid forth by way of affectuous and feeling meditation. Also, the invisible world, discovered to spirituall . and reduced to use-full meditation. In three hooks. .'ther flition. , t. a. U \ iigidemiarum. i7ca 12 Divine and interesting extracts: or, the se- lected beauties of J. H., D.D. Selected and arranged by Jonathan Blackwell. Lot ;. 8 Contemplations on historical passages of the Old and New Testaments. New ed. Edited by Thomas Russell, A.M. Urn, 1836. 12 Another edition. With an essay on his life and writings, by Dr Wardlaw. [Christian's Fam. Lib.] 2 vol. Glasgow, 1837. 8 The peace of Roi ( Imprinted) Orford, 1838. 8 A meditation on the love of Christ, and the Christian laid forth ; [with the life of Christ, by John FLEETWOOU]. . a. * Bishop Hall, his life and times... By the Rev. John Jones. London, 1826. 8 HALL (NEWMAN), B.A. The land of the Forum and the Vatican. New edition. London, 1859. 8 HALL (PETER), M.A., Rector of Milston, Wilts. The harmony of Protestant CONFESSIONS ; exhibiting the faith of the Churches of Christ, reformed after the pure and holy doctrine of the Gospel, throughout Europe. Translated from the Latin. A new edition, revised, and considerably enlarged, by the Rev. P. H. London, 1842. 8 Another copy. Another copy. HALL (ROBERT), A.M., Baptist minister at Leices- /< / . The entire works of the Rev. R. H., A.M. With a brief memoir of his life, and a critical estimate of his character and writings. Pub- lished under the superintendence of Olinthus Gregory, LL.D. 6vol. London, 1831, 32. 8 Another edition. London, 1843. 8 Modern infidelity considered, with respect to its influence on society : in a sermon [on Ephes. ii. 12] preached at the Baptist meeting, Cam- bridge. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1800. 8 Another copy. Twelfth edition. London, 1827. 8 Fourteenth edition. London, 1835. 12 Considerations on a most important subject connected with the question of the renewal of the charter of the East India Company. !, 1813. 8 On the discouragements and supports of the Christian minister. A discourse [on 2 Cor. iv. 1] delivered to the Rev. James Robertson, at his ordination over the Independent Church, at Stretton, Warwickshire. 3d ed. London, 1813. 8 Eighth edition. London, 1827. 8 The character of the late Rev. Thomas Robin- son, M.A., vicar of St Mary's, Leicester, as exhibited in the speech of R. H. at the annual meeting of the Leicester auxiliary Bible so- ciety, April, 1813. s. I. et a. 8 J HALL-HALLIDAY. 347 - A reply to the Rev. Joseph Kinghorn : being a further vindication of the practice of free communion. 2d ed. Leicester, 1818. 8 A sermon [on Jerem. xv. 9] occasioned by the death of Her late Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales, preached at Leicester Nov. 16, 1817. 10th ed. Leicester, 1819. 8 Sixteenth edition. London, 1827. 8 On terms of communion ; with a particular view to the case of the Baptists and Psedobap- tists. 4th ed. London, 1820. 8 - The essential difference between Christian bap- tism, and the baptism of John, more fully stated and confirmed ; in reply to a pamphlet, entitled, "A plea for primitive communion." 3ded. London, 3823. 8 Reflections on war. A sermon [on Ps. xlvi. 8, 9] preached at... Cambridge, June 1, 1802, being the day of thanksgiving for a general peace. 6th ed. London, 1825. 8 The sentiments proper to the present crisis. A sermon [on Jer. viii. 6] preached at... Bris- tol, Oct. 19, 1803, being the day appointed for a general fast. 8th ed. London, 1826. 8 A sermon [on John, xxi. 7], occasioned by the death of the Rev. John Ryland, D.D., preach- ed at... Bristol, June 5, 1825. 3d ed. London, 1826. 8 - A short statement of the reasons for Christian, in opposition to party communion. London, 1826. 8 Reviews on the following works. 1. Foster's essays. II. Zeal without innovation. III. Gis- borne's sermons on Christian morality. IV. Gre- gory's letters on the evidences, doctrines, and duties of the Christian religion. V. Belsham's memoirs of Lindsey. VI. Birt's lectures on Popery. 3d ed. London, 1827. 8 The work of the Holy Spirit. New edition. London, 1827. 8 The advantages of knowledge to the working classes. A sermon [on Prov. xix. 2] preached at... Leicester, for the benefit of a Sunday school. 8th ed. London, 1827. 8 The foundation stone. Philadelphia, 1841. 12 Fifty sermons delivered by the Rev. R. H. chiefly during the last five years of his minis- try. From notes taken at the time of their delivery : by the Rev. Thomas Grinfield, M.A. 2d ed. London, 1843. 8 * Biographical recollections of the Rev. R. H. By J. W. Morris. London, 1823. 8 HALL (Mrs SAMUEL CARTER). Sketches of Irish character. London, 1842. 8 HALL (THOMAS), B.D., Curate of King's Norton. A practical commentary upon the 3d and 4th chapters of the 2d Epistle to Timothy. [Wants title.] [London, 1658]. fol. - The pulpit guarded ; with arguments proving the unlawfulness, sinfulness and danger of suf- fering private persons to take upon them pub- lick preaching. Edin. , 1748. 8 U HALL (THOMAS), Minister at Enver, Ireland. A plain and easy explication of the Assem- blie's shorter CATECHISM ; confirmed with plenty of Scripture-proofs... Edin., 1697. 12 HALL (THOMAS), Minister of the Gospel. A ser- mon [on Zech. i. 5] occasioned by the death of the Rev. Thomas Bradbury. London, 1759. 8 HALL (THOMAS GRAINGER), M.A., Professo)- of mathematics, King's college, London. A trea- tise on plane and spherical trigonometry. 2d ed. London, 1836. 8 HALLAM (HENRY). Introduction to the litera- ture of Europe, in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. 4 vol. London, 1837-39. 8 Second edition. 3 vol. London, 1843. 8 View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. 8th ed. 2 vol. London, 1841. 8 The constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. 4th ed. 2 vol. London, 1842. 8 HALLER (ALBERTUS v.). Elementa physiologies corporis humani. 8 torn. Lausannce et Lugd. Batav. , 1757-66. 4 HALLER (CHARLES-LOUIS DE). Histoire de la revolution religieuse, ou de la reforme Pro- testante dans la Suisse occidentale...Quatri- eme edition, conforme a la troisieme. Paris, 1839. 12 HALLET (JOSEPH), Dissenting minister at Exeter. A reply to Dr WATERLAND'S remarks on a pamphlet entitled, The unity of God not in- consistent with the divinity of Christ. 1720 A free and impartial study of the holy Scrip- tures recommended ; being notes on some pe- culiar texts ; with discourses and observations. London, 1729. 8 A paraphrase and notes on the three last chap- ters of the Epistle to the Hebrews : being a supplement to the learned Mr Peirce's para- phrase and notes on this Epistle. With an essay to discover the author of the Epistle, and the language in which it was originally written. London, 1733. 4 HALLE Y (JAMES), A. B. * Memoir of the late J. H., A.B., student of theology. [By the Rev. William Arnot.] Edin., 1842. 8 HALLEY (ROBERT), D.D. The sacraments. An inquiry into the nature of the symbolic insti- tutions of the Christian religion, usually called the sacraments. Part i. Baptism. [Congreg. Lect.] London, 1844. 8 Another copy. Part ii. The Lord's Supper. London, 1851. 8 Second edition ; [of both parts]. 2 vol. London, 1854, 55. 8 Baptism, the designation of the catechximens, not the symbol of the members, of the Chris- tian Church. A reply to the lectures of the Rev. Charles Stovel, on Christian discipleship and baptism, and to the strictures of the Rev. Dr Wardlaw, in an appendix to his disserta- tion on infant baptism. London, 1847. 8 Another copy. HALLIDAY (THOMAS), Minister of tlie Refoi-mcd Presbyterian Church at Airdrie. Sermons by the late Rev. T. H. With a memoir, by An- drew Symington, A.M. Glasgow, 1828. 12 348 HAI.I.1KR HAMILTON II ALLIER (Fr.AN. i>. rs), Doctor of the Sorbotme. Do s&cria electionibus et ordinationibus ex antique, et novo Ecclesne UBU. Quo tomo in tres partes distribute, perspicue et copiose, priori quidem parte explicantur quaestiones omnes de inquisitione in vitum et mores ordi- nandonim, eorum examine, electione a clero et populo : instmctione et admonitione ante | ordinationem, prteparatione, ac disposition : consensu : et profesaione ordinandorum : il derio, et fuga sacra} ordinat ionis : regum in ( >r- dinatione, dominorum, patronorum, paren- j turn assensu, et pot estate : simonia, aliiaque turpibus lucris cavendis. Posteriori vero, nu- merus, ac subordinatio sacronim ordinum, na- tura, effectus, subjectuin, minister legitimus, sacri ritus ordinationis, locus, tempus, uber- rime pertractantur. 3 partt. Editio secunda. jRomoe , 1739, 40. fol. H ALLIFAX (SAMUEL), D. D. , Bishop of St Asaph. Twelve sermons on the prophecies concern- ing the Christian Church ; and, in particular, concerning the Church of papal Rome : preach- ed in Lincoln's Inn chapel at the lecture of the Rt. Rev. W. Warburton, Lord Bishop of Glou- cester. London, 1776. 8 H ALLY WELL (HENRY), M.A., Vicar of Cow- fold, Sussex. A true and lively representation of POPERY. 1679 HALMA (FRANCOIS). Woordenboek der Neder- duitsche en Fransche Taalen, vit het Gebruik en de beste Schryveren, met hulpe van voor- naame Taalkundigen, in de Voorrede gedacht, opgestelt, door F. H. Utrecht, 1710. 4 - Kanaan en D'Omleggende Landen, vertoont in een Woordenboek uit de H. Schrift en Jo- sephus. Leemcarden, 1717. 4 IIALYBURTON (THOMAS), Professor of divinity in the university of St Andrews. The works of , T. H. With an essay on his life and writings, by the Rev. Robert Burns, D.D. London, 1835. 8 - Another edition. Glasgow, 1837. 8 | Another copy. - Another copy. - Natural religion insufficient ; and reveal'd ne- cessary to man's happiness in his present state. Or, a rational enquiry into the principles of the modern Deists... particularly the writings of the learned Lord Herbert... To which trea- tise are annex'd several essays upon other sub- jects. Edin., 1714. 4 - Five sermons preached before and after the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Edin., 1721. 8 The great concern of salvation : in three parts. ! Edin., 1721. 8 - Another edition. Aberdeen, 1840. 12 Another edition, abridged. 2 parts. Philadelphia, 1838, 39. 12 The Christian's consolation, in times of trouble and at death. Illustrated in sundry tracts by the Rev. Dr BRADBURY, Messrs Hervey, H. , and Drelincourt. " 1790 , - The designs which a people should have in calling a minister to labour among them : A sermon, [on Acts, x? 29] with a prefatory note by the Rev. John Duncan, LL.D. Cupar, 1844. 12 * Memoirs of the life of T. H. In four parts. 9th ed. Glasgow, 1782. 12 Another edition. With an introductory essay by the Rev. David Young. Glasgow, 1838. 12 Another edition. With an appendix, embracing an account of the Church of Scotland during the times of Haly burton. . , t. a. 8 Another copy. HALYBURTON (W'ILLIAM). Love to our coun- try : A sermon on Romans, ix. 3. Preached in the church of Inveresk, Jan. 5, 1746. Edin., s. a. 8 HAMJ'.ri-HJ, Ai;< iimsnor QV. AM A.N.M'H.utirs. HAMELSVELD (!SBRANDUS VAN). Exercitatio tertia ad Car. Fr. Houbigant Prolegomena in Scripturam sacrum cap. ii. artic. ii. Trajecti ad fihenum, 1763. 4 HAMILTON, MARQUIS OF. See James HAMIL- TON. HAMILTON (Captain ALEXANDER). * Informa- tion for the Dutch East India Company, against Captain A. H. a. L, 1730. 4 HAMILTON (Lord ARCHIBALD). Speech of the Right Hon. Lord A. H. in the House of Com- mons, on his motion for production of the pa- pers respecting the burgh of Aberdeen. Glasgow, 1819. 8 HAMILTON (CHARLES). Transactions during the reign of Queen Anne ; from the Union, to the death of that Princess. Edin., 1790. 8 HAMILTON (Sir DAVID). The private Chris- tians witness for CHRISTIANITY. 1697 HAMILTON (ELIZABETH). Letters on the ele- mentary principles of education. 5th ed. 2 vol. London, 1810. 8 HAMILTON (GEORGE), M.A., Recior of Killer- mogh. A letter to the Rev. Solomon Hirschel, D.D., chief Rabbi of the German and Polish Jews in London, showing that the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is as credible a fact as the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt ; and that the account of the resurrection in the tract entitled, Toldoth Jesn, is no more worthy of credit than that which Tacitus has given of the exodus. London, 1822. 8 Tracts upon some leading errors of the Church of Rome. London, 1824. 12 HAMILTON (HENRY PARR), M.A., Hector of Wath. An analytical system of conic sec- tions ; designed for the use of students. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1838. 8 HAMILTON (JAMES), Marquis of Hamilton. A declaration and vindication of himself, anent some wordes alledged by the three ministers Answers to have been spoken by him. Edin., 1638. 4 Another copy. [Wants title.] * An answer to the profession and declaration made by James Marques of Hamilton, His Majesties High Commissioner, imprinted at Edinburgh anno 1638, in December. Edin., 1639. 4 HAMILTON (JAMES). The Gospel of St John, HAMILTON HAMILTON. 349 adapted to the Hamiltonian system. 1825. See BIBLES ITALIAN. C. - The Gospel of St John adapted to the Hamilto- nian system. 1826. See BIBLES FRENCH. D. HAMILTON (JAMES), D.D., Minister of the Pres- byterian Church, Regent Square, London. The harp on the willows ; or, the captivity of the Church of Scotland. Addressed to the people of England. London, 1843. 12 - Farewell to Egypt ; or, the departure of the FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND out of the Eras- tian Establishment. 1843 - Life in earnest. Six lectures on Christian ac- tivity and ardor. London, 1845. 12 - The royal preacher : lectures on Ecclesiastes. London, 1851. 8 HAMILTON (JAMES), A.M. The historical de- velopment of Christianity in the political and social life of nations. A lecture delivered at the mechanics' institute of Hawick... Edin., s. a. 8 - The seeming antagonism in the real harmony of truth. [Ibid.] Edin., 1853. 8 HAMILTON (JOHN), 2dLordBelhaven.A speech in Parliament, upon the Act for security of the kingdom, in case of the Queen's death. Edin., 1703. 4 - Speech in Parliament, Nov. 2, 1706, on the sub- ject matter of an union betwixt the two king- doms of Scotland and England, s. I. et a. 4 HAMILTON (JOHN), Advocate. The present po- sition of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND explained and vindicated. 1839 - Second edition. Edin. , 1840. 8 - Fifth edition. Edin., 1840. 8 - Statement respecting the NON-INTRUSION prin- ciple of the Church of Scotland. 1841 - A remonstrance, respectfully addressed to the members of the legislature, and others, in re- lation to the Scottish Church question, embo- dying an answer to an article, on the same subject, in the Quarterly Review, No. 133. Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. - Memorial submitted to Her Majesty's govern- ment by the Rev. George COOK, D.D. With improvements by J. H. 1842 - Letter to Sir George Sinclair, Bart. , occasion- ed by his recent publication of a " Selection from correspondence, &c." in reference to the Scottish Church question. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. HAMILTON (JOHN), Minister of the Relief Church at Lander. The duty and responsibility of Christians in regard to the election of civil rulers : a lecture delivered Aug. 3, 1841. Edin., 1841. 12 HAMILTON (JOHN), M.A. On truth and error : thoughts, in prose and verse, on the principles of truth, and the causes and effects of error. Cambridge, 1856. 8 HAMILTON (RICHARD WINTER), D.D. , Independ- ent minister of Belgrave chapel, Leeds. A ser- mon [on James, i. 15] preached at Leeds, April 16, 1815, on occasion of the execution of Mr Joseph Blackburn... for forgery ; with details of conversations with him during his imprison- ment. 5th ed. London, 1815. 8 Nugae literarise : prose and verse. London, 1841. 8 The institutions of popular education. An essay ; to which the Manchester prize was ad- judged. London, 1845. 8 The revealed doctrine of rewards and punish- ments. [Congreg. Lect.] Second thousand. London, 1847. 8 Another edition. London, 1853. 8 Horse et vindiciae Sabbaticse : or, familiar dis- quisitions on the revealed Sabbath. London, 1848. 12 * Memoir of the life of R. W. H. By William Hendry Stowell, D.D. London, 1850. 8 HAMILTON (ROBERT), LL.D., Professor of ma- thematics in Marischal college, Aberdeen. An inquiry concerning the rise and progress, the redemption and present state, and the manage- ment of the national debt of Great Britain and Ireland. 3d ed. Edin., 1818. 8 An address to the inhabitants of Aberdeen on the management of the poor. Aberdeen, 1822. 8 Essays. [On peace and war. On the manage- ment of the poor. On government.] Aberdeen, 1831. 8 HAMILTON (Sir WILLIAM), Plenipotentiary at the court of Naples. Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and other volcanos : in a series of letters addressed to the Royal Society. To which are added, explanatory notes by the author, hitherto unpublished. 2d ed. ' London, 1773. 8 HAMILTON (WILLIAM). Remarks on several parts of Turkey. Part i. ^Egyptiaca, or some account of the antient and modern state of Egypt ; accompanied with etchings, from draw- ings by C. Hayes. London, 1809. 4 HAMILTON (WILLIAM), D.D. , Minister of Strath- blane. The establishment of the law by the Gospel. Glasgow, 1820. 12 A dissertation, intended to explain, establish, and vindicate the doctrine of election. London, 1824. 12 Another copy. A defence of the scriptural doctrine concerning the second advent of Christ ; from the erro- neous representations of modern millenarians. Glasgow, 1828. 12 Another copy. The mourner in Zion comforted, or, the con- solations of the Gospel adapted to the cases of the spiritually distressed. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1830. 12 Another copy. Speech delivered at the annual meeting of the Church patronage society, in Glasgow, on the 28th December, 1830. [Glasgow, 1830]. 8 Remarks on certain opinions recently propa- gated, respecting universal redemption, and other topics connected with that subject. Glasgow, 1830. 12 Another copy. Another copy. 350 HAMILTON HAMl'PLN * Letter to the Rev. Robert BURNS, D.D., and the Rev. W. H. I*-" An essay on the assurance of salvation. Glasgow, 1830. 12 Another copy. Second edition. Glasgov?, 1830. 12 The nature and advantages of private social meetings for prayer. A sermon, preached... April 9th, 1835. Glasgow, 1835. 12 Another copy. * Life and remains of the late Rev. W. H. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1836. 12 HAMILTON (WILLIAM), of Wishaw. Descrip- tions of the Sheriffdoms of Lanark and Ren- frew, compiled about M.DCC.X. by W. H. With illustrative notes and appendices. [Printed for the Maitland Club.] Glasgow, 1831. 4 HAMILTON (Sir WILLIAM), Bart., Professor of logic and metaphysics in the university of Edin- burgh. Fragments de philosophic, traduits de 1* Anglais par M. Louis Peisse, avec une prd- face, des notes, et un appendice du traducteur. Paris, 1840. 8 Be not schismatics, be not martyrs, by mis- take. A demonstration, that " the principle of non-intrusion," so far from being " funda- mental in the Church of Scotland," is subver- sive of the fundamental principles of that and every other presbyterian Church Establish- ment. (No. i.) EJin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Discussions on philosophy and literature, edu- cation and university reform. Chiefly from the Edinburgh Review ; corrected, vindicated, enlarged, in notes and appendices. London, 1852. 8 Second edition. London, 1853. 8 Lectures on metaphysics and logic. Edited by the Rev. H. L. Mansel, LL.D., and John Veitch, M. A. 4 vol. Edin. and London, 1859, 60. 8 HAMILTON (WILLIAM T.), D.D., Pastor of the Government Street church, Mobile. The Penta- teuch and its assailants : a refutation of the objections of modern scepticism to the Penta- teuch. Edin., 1852. 8 HAMILTON AND BRANDON, DUKE OF. See Alexander HAMILTON-DOUGLAS. HAMILTON - DOUGLAS (ALEXANDER), Wth Duke of Hamilton. * A letter to His Grace the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, detailing the events of the late rebellion in the West of Scot- land. By a British subject. Glasgow, 1820. 8 H AMMILTONI US ( ARCH IBALDUS). Calvinianse confvsionis demonstratio, contra maledicam ministrorum Scotise responsionem. In dvos divisa libros. Quorum prior : proprietatum j verse Ecclesire euictionem : posterior earundem I in hypothesi ad res subjectas applicatarum, j contentionem continet. Parisiis, 1581. 8 HAMMOND (HENRY), D.D., Archdeacon of Chi- chester. The works of H. H. Together with the life of the author. 4 vol. 2d ed. [Vol. ' iii., 5th ed.] London, 1681, 84. fol. ' Of resisting the lawful MAGISTRATE \inder co- lour of religion. 1644 Of CON-' II:M K, scandall, will-worship, and superstition. Of SINNES of weaknesse [and] wilfnllnesse, and appendant to it, a paraph rasticall explica- tii.n of two difficult texts, Heb. vi. 4-6, and II 1646 Of a late, or a death-bed REPENTANCE. 1646 A view of the new DIRECTORY, and a vindica- tion of the ancient liturgy of the Church of England. 1646 Of IDOLATRY. 1046 A practicall CATECHISME. Oxford, 1646. 4 Seventh edition. Whereunto is added the reasonableness of Christian religion. By the same author. 4th ed. London, 1662. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The reasonableness of Christian religion ; [with A practical catechism, by Henry HAMMOND]. 1662 Dissertationes quatuor quibus Episcopatus j ura ex S. Scripturis et primasva antiquitate adstru- untur, contra sententiam D. Blondelli et alio- rum ; quibus pnemittitur dissertatio prooami- alis de Antichristo, de mysterio iniquitatis, de Diotrephe et de Gnosticis. Londini, 1651. 4 A letter of resolution to six quseres, of present use in the Church of England. London, 1653. 12 Of fundamentals, in a notion referring to prac- tice. London, 1654. 12 A review of the paraphrase and annotations on all the Books of the New Testament. With some additions and alterations. London, 1656. 8 Some profitable directions both for priest and people, in two sermons preached before these evil times : the one to the clergy, the other to the citizens of London. London, 1657. 8 Novum Testamentum...cum paraphrasi H. H. In Latinam transtulit Jo. CLERICCS. 1714. See BIBLES LATIN. D. Epistolse Apostolorum et Apocalypsis Joannis ...cum paraphrasi H. H. In Latinam trans- tulit Jo. CLERICUS. 1714. See BIBLES LA- TIN. D. HAMMOND (JAMES). Love-elegies. Edin., 1759. 12' HAMMOND (WILLIAM ANDREW), M. A The de- finitions of faith, and CANONS of discipline of the six oecumenical councils... Translated, with notes, by W. A. H. 1843 HAMPDEN (RENN DICKSON), D.D., Bishop of Hereford. An essay on the philosophical evi- dence of Christianity ; or, the credibility ob- tained to a scriptural revelation, from its coin- cidence with the facts of nature. London, 1827. 8 The scholastic philosophy considered in its re- lation to Christian theology, in a course of lec- tures delivered before the University of Ox- ford, 1832, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1833. 8 A course of lectures introductory to the study" of moral philosophy. London, 1835. 8 HANBURY HARD WICK. 351 History of the Christian Church. By Alfred LYALL...and R. D. H. 1858 * Report of the case of the Right Rev. R. D. H. in Hereford cathedral, the ecclesiastical courts, and the Queen's bench. By Richard JEBB. 1849 HANBURY (BENJAMIN). Historical memorials relating to the Independents, or Congregation- alists, from their rise to the restoration of the monarchy, A.D. 1660. 3 vol. London, 1839-1844. 8 HANCOCK (ALBANY). A monograph of the Bri- tish Nudibranchiate mollusca, by Joshua AL- DER and A. H. 1846, 48 HANCOCK (JOHN), D.D., Rector of St Marga- ret's, Lothbury, London. An answer to some things contained inDrHiCKEs' Christian priest- hood asserted. 1709 Arguments to prove the being of God. With objections against it answered. Being several sermons preached at the cathedral church of St Paul, in the year 1706, on account of the lecture founded by the Hon. Robert BOYLE. 1739 HANDBOOK . Kurzgef asstes exegetisch esHan d- buch zum Alten Testament. [By BERTHEAU, HIRZEL, HITZIG, KNOBEL, OLSHAUSEN, and THENIUS.] Leipzig, 1839-1861. 8 A handbook for travellers in Switzerland, and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. 6th ed. London, 1854. 12 HANDEL (GEORGE FREDERICK). * The senti- ments of a rector of the Church of England, concerning Mr H.'s celebrated oratorio of the Messiah. Edin., 1815. 8 HANK1US (MARTINUS), Librarian of the, Eliza- beth library at Breslau. De Romanarum re- rum scriptoribus, liber. Lipsice, 1688. 4 HANNA (WILLIAM), D.D., Minister of Free St John's church, Edinburgh. The Westport, a chapter from the life of Dr Chalmers. Edin., 1852. 8 Speech on the sustentation fund, delivered be- fore the General Assembly of the Free Church, 31st May 1855. Edin., 1855. 8 - The Church and its living Head. A sermon on the principles of the Free Church, preached 13th Nov. 1859. Edin., 1859. 8 - The headship of Christ over the visible Church : a correspondence between the Rev. W. H. and the Rev. James BEGG, D. D. Edin. , 1860. 8 Wycliffe and the Huguenots. Or, sketches of the rise of the Reformation in England, and of the early history of Protestantism in France. Edin., 1860. 8 HANNAH (J.), D.C.L., Warden of Trinity col- lege, Glenalmond. The relation between the divine and human elements in Holy Scripture. Eight lectures preached before the University in the year 1863 on the foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. London, 1863. 8 HANNAY (ROBERT). The two stewards : a ser- mon preached in the Magdalene church, Bel- fast, on behalf of the Church education society, Feb. 3, 1861. Belfast, 1861. 8 HANNIBALE (FRID. WILH.). Modesta inquisi- tio in novam dogmatis de SS. Trinitate expli- cationem quam...Paulus Maty nuper propo- suit. Conscripta et prsesidio...Jo. Laur. Mos- hemii, reliqua disputationis loco (anno 1735) edita a F. W. H. Helmstadii, 1735. 4 HANSERD KNOLLYS SOCIETY. Tracts on liberty of conscience and persecution. 1614- 1661. Edited for the Hanserd Knollys Society, with an historical introduction, by Edward Bean Underbill. London, 1846. 8 HANWAY ( JONAS). An historical account of the British trade over the Caspian sea. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1754. 4 HAPPINESS. Happiness and misery : being the history of a few days in the lives of two cot- tagers. New ed. London, 1837. 12 HARCOURT (L. VERNON), M.A., CJuancellor of York. The doctrine of the deluge ; vindicating the Scripture account from the doubts which have been recently cast upon it by geological speculations. 2 vol. London, 1838. 8 HARDECAPP (BARTHOLOMEWS). Disputatio physica... Ultrajecti, 1651. 4 HARDERWYCK (HENRICUS). Disputatio phi- losophica de physica in genere. Ultrajecti, 1645. 4 HARDIE (THOMAS S.), D.D., Minister ofAshkirl;. Sermons. Hawick, 1811. 8 HARDIMAN (JAMES), F.R.I. A. Irish minstrel- sy : or bardic remains of Ireland : with Eng- lish poetical translations. 2 vol. London, 1831. 8 HARDING (E.). Portraits of the whole of the royal family, engraved from the original pic- tures. London, 1808. fol. HARDING (JOHN), M.A., Rector of St Andrew and St Anne, Blackfriars, London. A sermon, preached at the interment of the Rev. Isaac Saunders, M.A., Jan. 9, 1836. London, 1836. 8 HARDING (THOMAS), D.D., Prebendary of Win- chester. An answere to Maister Juelles cha- lenge. Augmented with certaine quotations and additions. Anticerpe, 1565. 8 A confutation of a booke intituled, " An apo- logie of the Church of England. " Antwerp, 1565. 4 HARDT (HERMANNUS VON DEK). Magnum cecu- menicum CONSTANTIENSE concilium de univtr- sali Ecclesiae reformatione, unione, et fide. 1700 HARDUINUS (JOANNES). Opera varia. Amstelodami et Hagce Comitum, 1733. fol. La defense des ordinations Anglicanes [par Courayer], re'fute'e. 2 torn. Parts, 1727. 16 Commentarius in Novum Testamentum. Ac- cedit ejusdem auctoris lucubratio ; in cujus prima parte ostenditur, Cepham a Paulo repre- hensum, Petrum non esse ; in altera parte, Joannia Apostoli de sanctissima Trinitate lo- cus explauatur, et eidem auctori suo vindica- tur. Amstelodami, 1741. fol. HARDWICK (CHARLES), M.A., Divinity lecturer tit J\iitm A.I>. ITiSC to A.D. 1015. Together with illustrations from contemporary sources. ' '"i,i>>ri s A history of the Christian Church during the Ki-t'ormation. Cambridge, 1850. 8 - Another copy. - Christ and other masters: An historical inquiry into some of the chief parallelisms and con- trasts between Christianity and the religious systems of the ancient world. With special reference to prevailing difficulties and objec- tions. Part iv. Religions of Egypt and Medo- Persia. Cambridge, 1859. 8 HARDY (NATHANIEL), D.D., Archdeacon of Lewes >i<{ Dean of Rochester. the arraignement of licentious libertie, and oppressing tyrannic. In a sermon [on Hosea, v. 12] before the Hon. House of Commons, Feb. 24, ]('4<>. London, 1047. 4 The first general Epistle of St John the Apostle, unfolded and applied. The first part in two and twenty lectures on the first chapter, and two verses of the second. London, 1056. 4 HARDY (PHILIP DIXON), M.R.I. A. The May- nooth grant considered religiously, morally, and politically ; with documentary proof that it was originally obtained by fraud and perjury ; and that its continuance is a subsidy to idola- try and sedition... Dublin, [1853]. 8 HARDY (THOMAS), D.D., Professor of divinity in the university of Edinburgh. The principles of moderation. Addressed to the clergy of the popular interest in the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1782. 8 Another copy. The progress of the Christian religion. A ser- mon [on Heb. ii. 8] preached before the So- ciety in Scotland for propagating Christian knowledge, May 30, 1793. Edin., 1794. 8 Another copy. HARDY (THOMAS).* The trial of T. H. for high treason, at the sessions house in the old Bailey ...1794. Vol. i.-iii. London, 1794, 95. 8 - * State trials for high treason. Containing the trial of T. H. To which is prefixed Lord Chief Justice Eyre's charge to the grand jury. Ro- bertson's edition. Edin., 1794. 8 HARE (EDWARD). A treatise on the scriptural doctrine of justification. 2d ed. With a pre- face by Thomas Jackson. London, 1839. 12 HARE (FRANCIS), D.D., Dean of Worcester, af- terwards Bishop of Chichester. A sermon [on Ps. Ixxi. 17-19] preached before the Hon. House of Commons, Feb. 17, 170f . London, 1709. 4 Church- authority vindicated, in a sermon [on Heb. xiii. 17] preached at Putney, May 5, i 1719. 3d ed. London, 1719. 8 | Fourth edition. To which is added a post- j script, occasioned by the Lord Bishop of Ban- gor's answer. London, 1720. 8 A new defence of the Lord Bishop of Bangor's [B. HOADLY] sermon on John, xviii. 30. Con- sidrivd as it is the performance of a 111:111 of li-ttrrs. P,\ an impartial hand. *The D[eajn i,f \\ | . .reefitejr [F. Hart- 1 still tho same : or, his new defence of the Lord llisln.|i "t I'angor's sermon, itc. consider'd as tin j er- furmaiicc <>f a great critick, :i man of .sen a man of probity. By an impartial hand ; [ B. HOADLY]. London, 17:.'" [The above has also been attributed Richard Steele.] Scripture vindicated from the misinterpreta- tions of the Lord Bishop of Bangor : in his answer to the Dean of Worcester's visitation sermon concerning Church-authority. London, 1721. 8 Another copy. Psalmorum liber, in versiculoa metrice divi- sus. 1736. See BIBLES HEBREW. E. HARE (Junes CHARLES), M.A., Archdeacon of Lewes. The better prospects of the Church : a charge to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Lewes, delivered at the visitation in 1840. 2d ed. I.nntton, [1840]. 8 Privileges imply duties : a charge to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Lewes, delivered at the ordinary visitation in 1841. London, 1842. 8 The unity of the Church : a sermon preacht at St Peter's church, Brighton, December 10, 1840, at the annual meeting of the Chichester diocesan association : with some introductory remarks on uniformity. London, 1845. 8 The mission of the Comforter and other ser- mons, with notes. 2 vol. London, 1846. 8" The victory of faith. 2d ed. London, 1847. 8 The means of unity : a charge to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Lewes, delivered at the ordinary visitation in 1842 ; with notes espe- cially on the institution of the Anglican Bishop- ric at Jerusalem, and on the need of an eccle- siastical synod. London, 1847. 8 A letter to the very Reverend the Dean of Chichester, on the agitation excited by the ap- pointment of Dr Hampden to the see of Here- ford. 2d ed., with a postscript, on Lord John Russell's letter to the clergy of Bedford, and in reply to Mr Trower's plain remarks. London, 1848. 8 The duty of the Church in times of trial : a charge to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Lewes, delivered at the ordinary visitation in 1848 ; with notes, especially on the contro- versy touching the management of schools, and on the Jewish question. London, 1848. 8 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour : a letter to the editor of the Eng- lish Review. With a letter from Professor Maurice to the author. London, 1849. 8 The true remedy for the evils of the age : a charge to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Lewes, delivered at the ordinary visitation in 1849. With notes, especially on the educa- tional, matrimonial, and baptismal questions. London, 1850. 8 A letter to the Hon. Richard Cavendish, on the HARFORD HARRIS. 353 recent judgment of the court of appeal, as af- fecting the doctrine of the Church. 2d ed., with a postscript. London, 1850. 8 - The contest with Rome : a charge to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Lewes, delivered at the ordinary visitation in 1851 : with notes, espe- cially in answer to Dr Newman's recent lec- tures. London, 1852. 8 - Vindication of Luther against his recent Eng- lish assailants. 2d ed., reprinted and enlarged from the notes to the mission of the Comforter. Cambridge, 1855. 8 - Another copy. - Charges to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Lewes, delivered at the ordinary visitations in the years 1843, 1845, 1846. Never before pub- lished. With an introduction, explanatory of his position in the Church with reference to the parties which divide it. Cambridge, 1856. 8 Guesses at truth, by two brothers, J. C. H. [and Augustus William Hare]. First series. 3d ed. London, 1851. 8 Second series. 2d ed. London, 1848. 8 * Tendencies of Archdeacon Hare's theology ; more especially with reference to the idolatry of intellect and the rejection of the written word. London, 1850. 12 HARFORD (EMAN.), of Taunton, Somerset. Practical discourses on several subjects. Exon, 1725. 8 HARINGHOUCK (ANTONIUS AB). Disputatio philosophica de loco. Pars sexta. Ultrajecti, 1647. 4 HARINGTON (EDWARD CHARLES), Prebendary of St David's, Exeter. Brief notes on the Church of Scotland, from 1555 to 1842. With a sum- mary of her ecclesiastical government and dis- cipline, bearing upon the present controversy. Exeter, 1843. 8 Another copy. - The object, importance, and antiquity of the rite of consecration of churches : as shewn by the holy Scriptures, the testimony of the Fa- thers, the canons of the Church, foreign and domestic, the decrees of Popes, legates, &c. ; the practice of the English reformers, ritual- ists, historians and other writers. With co- pious illustrative notes ; and an appendix, con- taining the consecration services of Bishop An- drews and of Archbishop Laud, and the forms of consecration adopted by the convocations of 1712 and 1715 ; &c. London, 1844. 8 HARLESS (G. C. ADOLPH). Die kritische Bear- beitung des Lebens Jesu von Dr Dav. Friedr. Strauss nach ihrem wissenschaf tlichen Werthe beleuchiet von Dr G. C. A. H. Erlangen, 1836. 8 - Christliche Ethik. Stuttgart, 1842. 8 Commentar liber den Brief Pauli an die Ephe- sier. Zweite Auflage. Stuttgart, 1858. 8 HARLEY (ANDREW), Minister, Johnstone. Ser- mons by the late Rev. A. H. Glasgow, 1808. 12 HARLEY (Lady BRILLIANA). Letters of the Lady B. H., wife of Sir Robert Harley, of Brampton Bryan, Knight of the Bath. With introduction and notes by Thomas Taylor Lewes, A.M., vicar of Bridstow, Hereford- shire. [Published by the Camden Society.] London, 1854. 4* HARLEY (EDWARD), Earl of Oxford. A. selec- tion from the Harleian miscellany of tracts, which principally regard the English history ; of which many are referred to by Hume. London, 1793. 4 HARLEY (Right Hon. ROBERT). * The reasons which induc'd Her Majesty to create the Right Hon. R. H., Esq. a peer of Great Britain. Edin., 1711. 4 HARMER (THOMAS), Independent minister at Wa~ terfield, Suffolk. The outlines of a new com- mentary on SOLOMON'S Song. 1768 Observations on various passages of Scripture, placing them in a new light ; and ascertaining the meaning of several, not determinable by the methods commonly used by the learned ; originally compiled by the Rev. T. H. from relations incidentally mentioned in books of voyages and travels into the East. 5th ed., with many important additions and correc- tions. By Adam Clarke, LL.D. 4 vol. London, 1816. 8 HARMONIA. Harmonia sacra. A selection of sacred music ancient and modern in four parts. New edition. Glasgow, s. a. 12 HARMONY. Harmony of the Gospels. London, 1836. 12 HARPER (JAMES), D.D., Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Leith. Roman Catholic endowment : a correspondence between the Right Hon. the Lord Advocate and J. H. Edin., 1857. 8 HARRINGTON (JAMES). The Oceana of J. H., and his other works... The whole collected, me- thodiz'd, and review'd, with an exact account of his life prefix'd, by John Toland. London, 1700. fol. HARRIS (ELIZA ANN). The broad road and the narrow way : a brief memoir of E. A. H. By the author of " The female Jesuit." London, 1859. 8 HARRIS (GEORGE). * A letter to the Rev. G. H. , containing an examination of the argu- ments adduced in his lectures to prove the non-existence of the Devil. [By James BARR.] Liverpool, 1820. 8 HARRIS (JAMES). Miscellanies. [Containing Treatises on art ; music, painting and poetry ; and happiness. Hermes. Philosophical ar- rangements. Philological inquiries.] 5 vol. s. I. et a. 8 Hermes, or a philosophical inquiry concerning universal grammar. 4th ed. London, 1786. 8 Seventh edition. London, 1825. 8 HARRIS (JAMES), 1st Earl of Malmesbury. Lord Malmesbury's embassy. Official documents, in the negociation at Lisle, presented to the two houses of parliament, by order of his Ma- jesty. Containing the whole state papers which passed between the British and French pleni- potentiaries, &c. Edin., 1797. 8 45 354 II UlRIS HARRISON. Diaries and correspondence of J. II. first Earl of Malmesbury ; containing :m account of his missions to the courts of Madrid, Frederick the Great, Catherine the Second, and the Hague ; and his special missions to Hi i-lin, Brunswick, and the French republic. Edited by his grandson, the third Earl. 4 vol. London, 1844. 8 1 1 ARRIS (JOHN), D.D., Prebendary of Rochester. Eight sermons preached at the Hon. Robert BOYLE'S Lecture. 1739 HARRIS (JOHN), D.D., President of Cheshunt col- lege. Britannia ; or, the moral claims of sea- men stated and enforced. An essay, in three parts. Third thousand. London, 1837. 8 The great teacher : characteristics of our Lord's ministry. Fifth thousand. London, 1837. 8 Mammon ; or, covetotisness the sin of the Christian Church. Sixteenth thousand. London, 1837. 8 Another edition. New York, s. a. 12~ The great commission : or, the Christian Church constituted and charged to convey the Gospel to the world. London, 1842. 8 Man primeval : or, the constitution and pri- mitive condition of the human being. A con- tribution to theological science. London, 1849. 8 Another copy. Patriarchy ; or, The family : its constitution and probation. London, 1855. 8 The pre- Adamite earth : contributions to theo- logical science. London, s. a. 8 Union : or, the divided Church made one. Third thousand. London, s. a. 8 Posthumous works of J. H. Edited by the Rev. Philip Smith, B.A. 2 vol. London, 1857. 8 HARRIS (ROBERT), President of Trinity college, Oxford. Peter's enlargement upon the prayers of the Church. The sixt edition. London, 1G29. 4 Abner's funerall, or, a sermon [on 2 Sam. 3. 38, 39] preached at the funerall of. . .Sir Thomas Lucie. London, 1641. 4 Another copy. Concio ad clerum 1. Oxonise jamdudum ha- bita, 2. Dein posthabita, et repudiata, 3. Nunc demum in lucem edita. Londini, 1641. 4 A sermon [on Luke, 18. 6, 7, 8] preached to the Hon. House of Commons, May 25, 1642. . . at a publike fast. London, 1642. 4 True religion in the old way of piety and cha- rity. Delivered in a sermon [on Acts, x. 31] to the Lord Mayor and court of aldermen of this city of London, at their anniversary meet- ing on Munday (commonly called Easter-Mun- day) at the Spittle, 1645. London, 1645. 4 HARRIS (SAMUEL), D.D., Professor of modern history in the university of Cambridge. A com- mentary on the fifty- third chapter of Isaiah. With three dissertations : I. On a gnozer, or advocate. II. On a dour or generation, &c. III. Of the ancient method of propounding important points, by way of question. To which is added, an appendix of eighty-nine queries, concerning divers ancient religious traditions an-1 . and the sense of many texts of Scripture, which seem to allude to, or express them. London, 1735. 4 Second edition. A"/.-/../,. 17:;'.). 4 HARRIS (THADDEUS MASON), D.D., of Dorchet- ter, Massachusetts. A dictionary of the natural history of the Bible ; or, a description of all the quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles, and in- sects, trees, plants, flowers, gums, and pre- cious stones, mentioned in the sacred Scrip- tures. Collected from the best authorities, and alphabetically arranged. A new edition. London, 1833. 12 Another copy. HARRIS (THOMAS), M.A. Legal prefigurations asserted and vindicated. A discourse concern- ing *yP es in the law, and the application of them in the Gospel. London, 1727. 8 HARRIS (WILLIAM), D.D. Practical discourses on the principal representations of the Messiah throughout the Old Testament. London, 1724. 8 C ; A discourse [on Luke, xxii. 19, 20] concerning transubstantiation : in which the words of the institution of the Lord's Supper are particu- larly considered. Preached at Salters-Hall Feb. 13, 1734-5. 2d ed. London, 1735. 8 Funeral discourses, in two parts ; containing, I. Consolations on the death of our friends. II. Preparations for our own death. London, 1736. 8 HARRIS (WILLIAM), D.D. An historical and critical account of the lives and writings of James I. and Charles I. , and of the lives of Oliver Cromwell and Charles II., after the manner of Bayle. From original writers and state papers. A new edition, with a life of the author. 5 vol. London, 1814. 8 HARRIS (WILLIAM CORNWALLIS), Major, H.E. I.C.S. The highlands of ^Ethiopia. 3 vol. London, 1844. 8 | HARRISON (BENJAMIN), M.A., Archdeacon of Maidstone. An historical inquiry into the true interpretation of the rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer, respecting the sermon and the communion service. London, 1845. 8 j HARRISON (DAVID). The melancholy narrative of the distressful voyage and miraculous deli- verance of Capt. D. H.... Written by himself. London, 1766. 8 HARRISON (JAMES BOWER). Some observa- tions on the contamination of water by the poison of lead ; and its effect on the human body ; together with remarks on some other modes in which lead may be injurious in do- mestic life. London, 1852. 12 HARRISON (JOHN), D.D. A thanksgiving ser- mon [on 2 Sam. xviii. 28] for discovery of the late phanatick plot, Sept. 9, 1683. London, 1683. 4 HARRISON (THOMAS), D.D. , Minister ofSt Dun- Stan's in the East. Topica sacra : or, spiritual logick : being brief hints and helps to faith, meditation, prayer, comfort, and holiness. HARROWBY HARWOOD. 365 Commnnicated at Christ-church, Dublin. En- larged with spiritual pleadings in above thirty cases. By Mr John HUNTER, minister of the Gospel at Ayre. Aberdeen, 1770. 12 Another edition. Aberdeen, 1771. 12 HARROWBY, EARL OF. See Dudley RYDER. HARSNET (ADAM), B.D., Minister at Cranham, Essex. A touchstone of grace. Discovering the differences betweene true and counterfeit grace : laying dowiie infallible evidences and markes of true grace : serving for the triall of a man's spiritual estate. By A. H. London, 1630. 12 - God's summons unto a generall repentance. Wherein is discovered the folly and danger of putting off and delaying of repentance untill sicknesse, or old age. And also, the necessitie of daily repentance. London, 1640. 12 HART (BARTLEY). The darkness of superstition receding before the light of revelation. An authentic narrative of the recent conversion of twelve Roman Catholics, named Hart, in Con- naught, through reading the Irish Testament. By a clergyman of the Established Church in Ireland. London, s. a. 12 HART (HUGH), V.D.M., Aberdeen. A diversity of theological subjects scripturally stated, il- lustrated, and defended... To which is sub join- ed an outline and a defence of consultative Presbyterian Church-government. Aberdeen, 1830. 8 HART (JOHN). The summe of the conference betweene John RAINOLDES and J. H. : touch- ing the head and the faith of the Church. Penned by John Rainoldes, peiused by J. H., and allowed for the faithfull report of that which past in conference between them. 1609 HART (RICHARD), A.M. Dr Gill's reasons for separating from the Church of England, calmly considered, in a letter to a friend. Bristol, 1801. 8 HART (RICHARD), B.A., Rector of Cation. Ec- clesiastical records of England, Ireland, and Scotland, from the fifth century to the Refor- mation : being an epitome of British councils, the legatine and provincial constitutions, and other memorials of the olden time, with prole- gomena and notes. Cambridge, 1836. 8 s - Second edition. Cambridge, 1846. 8 HARTLEY (DAVID), M.A. Observations on man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations. In two parts. . .Reprinted from the author's edi- tion in 1749. To which are now added, notes and illustrations to the second part ; trans- lated from the German of the Rev. Herman Andrew Pistorius, rector of Poseritz in the island of Rugen. Also a sketch of the life and character... of the author. London, 1791. 4 - Another edition. 3 vol. London, 1791. 8 HARTLEY (JOHN), M.A., Missionary in the Me- diterranean. Researches in Greece and the Levant. 2d ed. London, 1833. 8 HARTLEY (THOMAS), M.A., Rector of Winvnck, Northamptonshire. Sermons on various sub- jects : with a prefatory discourse on mistakes concerning religion, enthusiasm, experiences, &c. 2d ed. London, 1755. 8 The doctrine of a trinity in the divine nature, defended. 2d ed. London, 1791. 8 HARTMANN (ANTON THEODOR). Die enge Ver- bindung des Alten Testaments mit dem Neuen aus rein biblischem Standpunkte entwickelt von A. T. H. Hamburg, 1831. 8 HARTNOLL (J. HOOPER). The annual balance sheets of all insurance companies completely registered, from the passing of the Act 7 and 8 Viet. c. 110, to Feb. 5, 1852. To which is pre- fixed a letter to the Right Hon. E. Cardwell, M.P. , on the inoperative character of the joint stock companies' registration Act. London, s. a. 8 HARTUNG (JoHANN ADAM), Professor at Erlan- gen. Lehre von den Partikeln der griechischen Sprache. 2 Theil. Erlangen, 1832, 33. 8 HARVARD. Catalogus Senatus academici col- legii Harvardiani, et eorum qui muneribus et officiis praefuerunt, quique honoribus academi- cis donati sunt, in universitate quse est Canta- brigise in civitate Massachusettensium. Cantabrigice, 1860. 8 HARVEIUS (GUILIELMUS). Exercitationes ana- tomicse de motu cordis et sanguinis circulo. Accessit dissertatio de corde Doct. Jacobi de BACK. Roterdami, 1661. 12 HARVEST (GEORGE), M.A., Rector of Drayton, Middlesex. Protestant and Jewish blessings compared. A sermon [on Ps. xcviii. 1-3] preached at Ditton-upon- Thames, in Surrey, Oct. 9, 1746. London, 1746. 4 HARVEY (ALEXANDER), Minister of the Relief Church, Glasgow. Compulsory payments in support of religion proved to be contrary to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Glasgow, 1834. 12 Report of a discussion on voluntaryism, which took place at Barrhead, on 1st Sept. 1835, between the Rev. Mr Harvey, of Calton, Glas- gow, and Mr Charles LECKIE, Barrhead. 4th ed. . s. I, 1835. 12 HARWOOD (EDWARD), D.D. An account of the conversion of a deist. With an appendix, con- taining reflections on Deism and Christianity. London, 1762. 8 Five dissertations. I. On the Athanasian doc- trine. II. On the Socinian scheme. III. On the person of Christ. IV. On the rise, progress, perfection, and end of Christ's kingdom. V. On the causes which probably conspired to produce our Saviour's agony. London, 1772. 8 Sermons on the parable of the sower. London, 1776. 12 The New Testament, collated with the most approved manuscripts. 1776. /S'ee BIBLES GREEK. F. A view of the various editions of the Greek and Roman classics, with remarks. 3d ed. London, 1782. 8 Discourses on St Paul's description of death, and its consequences. London, 1790. 8 HARWOOD (JAMES), B.D.-The Lord's prayer xuiclasped : with a vindication of it, against 356 IIAS.KT.S HAVYKIS. all schisnmticks [and] hcreticks, call'd enthu- siasts [and | Fniti-jicilli. London, 1054. 8 HASyEUS (THEODORUS). Bibliotheca historic. .- philologico-theologica. VIII. Classes. [Ivlit ed by T. H. and Adolphus Fridericus LAMPE.] [ Bibliotheca Bremensis. ] Bremtx et Amstel, 1718-1725. 8 - Museum Historico-philologico-theologicum. 2 vol. [Edited by T. H. and Nicolaus NON- NEN.] [Museum Bremense.] Amstelodami, 1728-29. 8 IIASE (CAROLUS AUGUSTUS), Professor of theology in the university of Jena. LIBRI SYMBOLICI Ecclesife Evangelicte seu Concordia. Recen- suit C. A. H. Lipsuf, 1827. 12 - Das Leben Jesu. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, 1835. 8 Hutterus redivivus, oder Dogmatik der evan- gelisch-Lutherischen Kirche. Fiinfte Auflage. .Leipzig, 1842. 8 A history of the Christian Church. Translated from the seventh and much improved German edition, by Charles E. Blumenthal, and Con- way P. Wing. London, 1855. 8 HASKEL (DANIEL), M.A. A complete descrip- tive and statistical gazetteer of the United States of America... By D. H. and J. C. SMITH. New-York, 1843. 8 HASSE (HERMANN GUSTAV.). Das Leben des Verkliirten Erlosers in Himmel. Leipzig, 1854. 8 HASSELL (J.). Tour of the grand junction, il- lustrated in a series of engravings ; with an historical and topographical description of those parts of the counties of Middlesex, Hertford- shire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire, through which the canal passes. London, 1819. 8 HASSELLS (CHARLES STEPHEN), M.A., Colonial chaplain at Cape Coast Castle. The danger and defence of the Church of England : a sermon [on Is. lix. 19] preached in the parish church of Uttoxeter, at the visitation of the Venerable the Archdeacon of Stafford, 26th May, 1835. London, 1835. 8 UASSELQUIST (FREDERICK), M.D. Voyages and travels in the Levant ; in the years 1749, 50, 51, 52. Containing observations in natural history, physick, agriculture, and commerce : particularly on the Holy Land, and the na- tural history of the Scriptxires. Published... by Charles Linnseus. [Translated from the Swedish.] London, 1766. 8 HASTINGS (Lady FLORA). The dangers of evil counsel. A voice from the grave of Lady Flora Hastings : to Her most gracious Majesty, the Queen. 3d ed. London, 1839. 8 HATFIELD (EDWIN F.). Universalism as it is ; or, text book of modern Universalism in Ame- rica. Neio York, 1841. 12 - Another copv. II ATHERELL "(JAMES WILLIAMS), D.D., Incum- bent of St James 1 , Westend, Southampton. The signs of the second advent of our blessed Lord, collected from the words of Jesus and applied to our own times. In twelve sermons, preach- ed during the season of advent. .. 1856 and 1867. Ion, 1868. 12 1 1 AT UK WAY (C. L.). The history of New Brunswick from its first settlement... lericton, 1846. 16 HAUGK (CASPAR). Do precum...genere... dispu- tant Ch. G. KUHNOBHL et C. H. 1704 HAUY (L'abbe' RENE' Jcsr). Traitd de mine'ra- logie. Public* par le conseil des mines. 5 torn. Paris, 1801. 8 An elementary treatise on natural philosophy. Translated from the French of R. J. H. By Olinthus Gregory, A.M. With notes by the translator. 2 vol. London, 1807. 8 Another copy. HAVEN (ELIAS CHRIBTIANUS VON). Dissertatio critico-exegetica in loca quit-dam Novi Testa- menti difficiliora. Hafnice, 1783. 8 HAVERNICK (HEINRICH ANDR. CHRIST.), Pro- fessor of theology in the University of Kiinigs- berg. Commentar iiber den Propheten Eze- cliiel. Erlangen, 1843. 8 An historico-critical introduction to the Pen- tateuch. Translated by Alexander Thomson, A.M. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] /;<>nil>a\, 1824-1825, (with not, s up<.n < V\ Ion). An ac- count of a journey to .Madras and the South- ern provinces, 1826, and letters written in In- dia. 2 vol. London, 1844. 8 * The life of R. H. By his widow. With se- lections from his correspondence, unpublished poems, and private papers; together with a journal of his tour in Norway, Sweden, Rus- sia, Hungary and Germany, and a history of the CoBsaks. 2 vol. ' L-mdo-n, 1830. 4 HEBERT (CHARLES), M.A., Marylebone, London. The atonement l>y propitiation. A fragment of the argument. \Vith an exact English ren- dering of the Greek texts, and full citations from two sermons published by Rev. John L. Da vies, M.A. London, 1860. 12 Neology not true, and truth not new : three- short treatises concerning the Rev. F. D. Mau- rice's Vere Street sermons, the Rev. Prof. Jowett's doctrine on "the righteousness of God," the Rev. J. L. Davies' reply to " atone- ment by propitiation," with that treatise also, and a summary of the atonement controversy. London, 1861. 8 HEDERICUS (BENJAMIN). Gnecurn lexicon manuale, primum a B. H. institutum, post re- petitas S. Patricii curas, auctum...cura Jo. A. Ernesti, mine denuo recensitum, et...auctum a T. Morell. Londini, 1766. 4 Another copy. Editio nova, cui accedit magnus verborum et exemplorum numerus ex Petri Henr. Larcheri schedis. Londini, 1821. 4 HEERBRANDUS (JACOBUS), Professor of theolo- yy in the university of Tubingen. Defensio... duarum disputationum, quas de erroribus pontificise Ecclesiae, et justificatione hominis peccatoris, sedidit. Adversus Georgii Go- thardi, calumnias, impietates et convicia, quic contra Lutherum...sparsit. Tubingce, 1587. 4 HEEREBOORD (ADRIANUS), Professor of phi- losophy at Leyden. Disputatio logica, de con- stitutione logicse. Lugd. Batav., 1631. 4 Ermeneia logica, seu synopseos logica} Bur- gersdicianse explicatio. Editio nova. Amstel., 1694. 12 HEERER (JOHANNES). Prodromus criticus ; [with the Critica sacra of Edward LEIGH]. 1696 HEFELE (CAROLUS JOSEPHUS), Professor of theo- logy in the university of Tubingen. Patrum apostolicorum -opera, textum ex editionibus pnestantissimis repetitum recognovit, annota- tionibus illustravit, versionem Latinam emen- datiorem, prolegomena et indices addidit C. J. H. Editio altera. Tubingce, 1842. 8 Editio quarta. Tubinga, 1855. 8 Another copy. Le Cardinal Ximenes et les affaires religieuses en Espagne a la fin du quinzieme siecle et au commencement du seizieme. Avec un cha- pitre particulier stir 1'inquisition, pour aider a I'histoire et a 1'appreciation vraie de cette in- HEGEL HEINSIUS. 359 stitution. Tracluit de FAllemand par M. 1'Abbd ***. Tournai, 1856. 8 IIEGEL (GEORGE AViLH. FRIEDB.), Professor of philosophy at Berlin. Cours d'esthetique, ana- lyst et traduit en partie, par M. Ch. Benard. 2 torn. Pan's, 1840. 8 IIEGENDORPHINUS (CHRISTOPHORUS). An- notationes in Evangelium Marci. In Episto- lam Pauli ad Hebraeos. In Epistolam Petri j priorem. In passionem Matthaei et Joannis. Norembergce, 1525. 8 HEHL (GEORGIUS). Brevis consideratio trium quaestionum...!. An verbi Dei scrip ti et prse- dicati in conversione hominis aliqua sit effica- cia. II. Quo modo et ordine in respectu ad spiritum Sanctum efficacia heec in ipso conver- sionia actu verbo Dei scripto et praedicato sit adscribenda ? III. An homo constet e tribiis partibus essentialiter constituentibus...errori- bus Stenckofeldo-Wigeliomanitarum opposita, et ad disputandum proposita, prseside Th. Thummio...respondentibii8 G. H. et Marco HAILAND. Tubingce, 1624. 4 IIEIDANUS, or HEYDANUS (ABRAHAMTJS), Professor of theology at Leyden. De Sabbato et die Dominico disputatio. Accedit Joh. PRI- DEAUX tractatus de Sabbato. Item syllabus testimoniorum nonnullomm turn veterum turn recentiorum Eccles. orthod. doctorum de ori- gine et natura Sabbati et die Dominicae. Edi- tio altera. Lugd. Batav., 1658. 12 - De Sabbato et die Dominica disputatio ii. Quae est apologetica primte. Lugd. Batav., 1658. 12 - Fasciculus disputationum theologicarum de Socinianismo. Lugd. Batav. , 1659. 12 Corpus theologice Christianae. In quindecim locos digestum. 2 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1686. 4 HEIDEGGERUS (Jon. HENRICTJS), Professor of morality and divinity at Zurich. De historia sacra patriarcharum exercitationes selectse. Amstel., 1667. 4 Another copy. Concilii Tridentini anatome historico-theolo- gica. 2 partt. Accedit Jacobi Aug. THUANI historia concilii Tridentini. Tiguri, 1672. 8 - Tumulus Tridentini concilii juxta ejusdem anatomen, seu sceleton, antehac exhibitum, noviter erectus. Ubi Anatome historico-theo- logica concilii Tridentini, secunda editione emendatior, reprsesentatur, et veritas fidei a Tridentinis damnatae, adversus D. Augustini Reding, jactatam inextinctam concilii Triden- tini veritatem, summa fide studioque asseritur. 2 torn. ' Tiguri, 1690. 4 - Dissertationes selectee, sacram theologiam dog- maticam, historicam et moralem illustrantes. 4 torn. ' Tiguri, 1674-97. 4 - Another copy. Tom. i., ii. - Libertas Christianorum a lege cibaria veteri de sanguine et suffocate, demonstrata, et ab in- stantiis Stephani Curcellaei defensa. Inseritur commentarius in concilium Hierosolymitammi. Editio secunda. Tiguri, 1678. 4 - Historia Papatus . . . Qua Ecclesiae Romanic, septem periodis distinctfe, origo et progressus, ad nostra usqxie tempora, pertexitur. Acce- dit Francisci GUICCIARDINI historia Papatus ex autographo Florentino restituta. Amstel., 1684. 4 Another copy. In Divi Johannis Theologi Apocalypseos pro- phetiam de Babylone magna, diatribae. 2 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1687. 4 In viam concordiae Protestantium ecclesiastical) manuductio. Amstel., 1687. 8 Enchiridion biblicum... Editio secunda. Amstel., 1688. 8 Exercitationes biblicae, Capelli, Simonis, Spi- nozee et aliorum sive aberrationibus, sive frau- dibus oppositae ; accedunt historia vitse, et dissertationes tres de religione communi, et de peste. Tiguri, 1700. 4 Labores exegetici in Josuam, Matthseum ; Epistolas S. Pauli ad Romanes, Corinthios, et Hebrseos. Tiguri, 1700. 4 Corpus theologise Christianse. 2 torn. Tiguri, 1732. fol. HEIDELBERG. The Heidelbergh CATECHISM of the reformed Christian religion. [A trans- lation of the original, composed by Ursinus, and to be found in his "Corpus doctrinae Chris- tianae."] Amsterdam, 1744. 12 Another edition. Published by the university of Oxford, with Scripture proofs at length. By. a graduate of the university of Oxford. Oxford, 1828. 12 Catechizing upon the Heidelbergh catechisme of the reformed Christian religion. Published by Petrus de WITTE. s. a. HEILBRUKNER (JACOB). Synopsis doctrine Calvinianse. Summarischer begriff und ge- griindte Widerlegung der Zwinglischen und Calvinischen Lehre, von etlicken Artickeln unser Christlichen Religion... Laugingen, 1591. 4 HEINECCIUS (Jo. GOTTL.). Elementa juris ci- vilis secundum ordinem pandectarum, commo- da auditoribus methodo adornata... Editio al- tera. Amstelodami, 1731. 8 Elementa philosophies rationalis et moral is. Editio quarta. Amstel. , 1740. 8 I1EINRICHS (JOANNES HENRICUS). Novum Testamentum Greece. 1809-18. See BIBLES GREEK. F. HEINSIUS (DANIEL), Professor of politic* and history in the university of Leyden. Sacrarum exercitationum ad Novum Testamentum libri xx. In quibus contextus sacer illustratur, SS. Patrum aliorumque sententia? examinantur, interpretationes denique antiquae alieeqxie ad eum expenduntur. Editio secunda. Cantabrigia;, 1640. 4 Orationes. Editio nova... Accedunt disserta- tiones aliquot, cum nonnullis praefationibus, editore N. Heinsio. Amstel., 1657. 12 HEINSIUS (NicoLAUs). Poemata. Accedunt Joannis RUTOERSII quae quidem colligi potue- runt. Lugd. Batav., 1653. 12 Another copy. HEINSIUS (TiiEDOR). Kleine theoretiscl - SCO HEIRESS HENDERSON. praktischo Deutsche Sprachlehre filr SclniK-n xmd GymnaHien. Berlin, 181!'. !'_' HEIRESS. Passages in the life of an English heiress ; or, recollections of Disruption times in Scotland. [By Lydia MILLER.] London, 1847. 12 HEISE (JoH. CHRIST. AUG.). Theoretisch-prak- tische deutsche Schulgrammatik. Zehnte... Ausgabe. Hannover, 1832. 8 HEISS (JEAN DE), Seigneur de Kogenheim. His- toire de 1'empire, contenant son origine ; son progres ; ses revolutions ; la forme do son gou- vernement ; sa politique ; ses alliances ; ses negotiations ; et les nouveaux reglemens qui ont e'te' faits par les traite's de Westphalie. Troisieme Edition. 2 partt. La Haye, 1694. 12 HEISSIUS (SEBASTIANUS). Volumen acatholi- cum xx. Articulorum CONFESSIONIS Augusta- nse : editum a Jacobo Heilbronner...compendio recognitum, et castigatum. Dilingce, 1608. 4 HELIODORUS, Bishop of Tricca. Heliodori ^'Ethiopicorum libri x...emendati...Hieronymi Commelini opera. [Gr et Lat.} s. I., 1596. 8 HELM (PAULUS VANDER). Disputatio politica de inauguratione principum . Qu am . . . sub pre- sidio...!). Berckringeri ... publice defendere conabitur P. v. H. Ultrajecti, 1646. 4 HELPER (HINTON ROWAN). The impending crisis of the South : how to meet it. Thir- teenth thousand. New York, 1857. 12 HELVETIUS (CLAUDE-ADRIEN). CEuvres com- plettes de M. H. 4 torn. Londres, 1777, 78. 12 De l'esprit...Nouvelle Edition augmented d'un essai preliminaire par P. Christian. Paris, 1843. 8 HELVICUS (CHRISTOPHORUS), Professor of divi- nity at Giessin. De libris Thargumicis, Thal- mudicis, et Chaldaicis bibliorum paraphrasibus adversus Judaeos ; [cum Commentt. in Epist. ad Hebr. L. TENA auctorej. 1661 Theatrum historicum et chronologicum, aequa- libus denarioram, quinquagenariorum et cen- tenariorum intervallis...nunc continuatum et revisum a Johan. Balthasar. Editio sexta. Oxonice, 1662. fol. HELY (RICHARD), Lord Viscount Donoughmore. The substance of a speech delivered in the Irish House of Lords, 26th of February, 1799, on the siibject of a Bill, introduced by the Earl of Clare, " To restrain the negociation of small notes, and inland bills of exchange, un- der a limited sum. " Dublin, 1799. 8 HELYOT (PIERRE), knoicn also as Pere Hippolyte, a Picpusian monk of the third order of St Fran- cis. Histoire des ordres religieux et militaires, ainsi que des congregations sdculiers de 1'un et de 1'autre sexe, qui ont 4i4 dtablies jusqu' a present, contenant leur origine, leur fonda- tion, leur progres, les ev^nemens les plus con- siderables qui y sont arrives ; la decadence des uns et leur suppression ; 1'aggrandissement des autres, par le moyen des diffe'rentes r^formes qui y ont e'te introduces ; les vies de leurs {> 'iidateurs et de leurs reforniateurs. Nouvdle t : 'ljtion revue et corrige'u ; ornde do 812 figure*, qui representent d'uno maniero parfaite les ilillerens costumes de ces ordres et de ces con- gregations. 8 torn. s 1702. 4 HEMANS (FELICIA DOROTHEA). Poetical re- mains of the late Mrs Hemans. Edin., 1836. 8 | Scenes and hymns of life, with other religious poems. JWtn.,1834. 8 | HEMERT (PAULUS VAN), Professor of philosophy in Amsterdam. Ueber Accommodationen im Neuen Testament. . .Aus dem Hollandischen iibersetzt und mit einer Vorrede versehen von T. W. D. Dortmund und Leipzig, 1797. 8 HEMING (JOSEPH). Judas excommunicated, or a vindication of the communion of saints : being a brief examination and clear refutation of Mr Peter Lightf oots arguments for proof of Judas his receiving the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, (which, could he prove, makes nothing at all for a mixt communion. ) London, 1649. 4 , HEMMING (NICOLAUS), Professor of divinity at Copenhagen. CATECHISMI quaestiones concin- natae per N. H. Hafnia, 1560. 8 Admonitio de superstitionibus magicis vitan- dis. Hafniv, 1575. 16 The professions of the true Church, and of Poperie compared together. Translated out of the Latin, by the Rev. Thomas Rogers, M.A. London, 1579. 8 Enchiridion theologicum, prsecipua vene reli- gionis capita breviter et simpliciter explicata continens. Lipsice, 1581. 8 Commentariorum in sacrosanctum Domini nos- tri Jesu Christi Evangelium secundum Joan- nem, pars prior : Accessit autem jam pars al- tera in reliqua xi. capita. Basikce, 1591. fol. HEMSTERHUIS (FR.). (Euvres philoso- phiques. 2 torn. Paris, 1792. 8 HEMSTERHUSIUS (TIBERIUS). Orationes, quarum prima est de Paulo Apostolo. L. C. VALCKENARI tres orationes, quibus subjectum est schediasma, specimen exhibens adnota- tionum criticarum in loca quasdam librorum sacrorum Novi Foaderis. Praafiguntur du3 orationes Joannis CHRYSOSTOMI in laudem Pauli Apostoli, cum veteri versione Aniani, ex cod. MS. hie illic emendata. Lugd. Batav., 1784. 8 HENDERSON (ALEXANDER), one of the ministers of Edinburgh. The answeres of some brethren of the ministerie, to the replyes of the minis- ters and professours of divinitie in Aberdeene : concerning the late COVENANT. 1638 The government and order of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 1641 A sermon [on Ezra, vii. 23] preached to the Hon. House of Commons, at their late solemn fast, Wednesday, Dec. 27, 1643. London, 1644. 4 (Reprinted.) Glasgow, 1844. 8 ! A sermon [on John, xviii. 36, 37] preached be- fore the Right Hon. House of Lords, May 28, 1645. London, 1645. 4 HENDERSON HENGSTENBERG. 3G1 Defence of the Church of England, as it was established and confirmed by King Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth. In several letters betwixt Hia sacred Majesty [CHARLES I.] and Mr A. H. s. a. - * The life and times of A. H. By John AITON, D.D. 1836 - * The life of A. H. By the Rev. Thomas M'Crie, D.D. Edin., 1842. 12 HENDERSON (ALEXANDER), Lord Provost of Edinburgh. * Letter to the Right Hon. A. H., from one of his fellow citizens, on the pro- posed suppression of the New North church. Edin., 1823. 8 HENDERSON (EBENEZER), D.D. The Geysers, or jetting fountains, near Haukadal, in Ice- land, as seen in the years 1814 and 1815. By E. H. Edin., 1818. 8 - Iceland ; or the journal of a residence in that island, during the years 1814 and 1815. 2d ed. Edin., 1819. 8 - An appeal to the members of the British and Foreign Bible society, on the subject of the Turkish New Testament, printed at Paris in 1819. London, 1824. 8 - The Turkish New Testament incapable of de- fence, and the true principles of biblical trans- lation vindicated : in answer to Professor Lee's "remarks on Dr Henderson's ' appeal to the Bible society, on the subject of the Turkish version of the New Testament, printed in Paris in 1819.'" London, 1825. 8 - Biblical researches and travels in Russia ; in- cluding a tour in the Crimea, and the passage of the Caucasus : with observations on the state of the Rabbinical and Karaite Jews, and the Mohammedan and Pagan tribes, inhabit- ing the Southern provinces of the Russian em- pire. London, 1826. 8 - The great mystery of godliness incontrovert- ible ; or, Sir Isaac Newton and the Socinians foiled in the attempt to prove a corruption in the text, 1 Tim. iii. 16. Containing a review of the charges brought against the passage ; an examination of the various readings ; and a confirmation of that in the received text on principles of general and biblical criticism. London, 1830. 8 - Divine inspiration ; or, the supernatural in- fluence exerted in the communication of divine truth ; and its special bearing on the composi- tion of the sacred Scriptures. [Congreg. Lect.] London, 1836. 8 - Another copy. Another edition. London, 1852. 8 - * Dr Henderson's examination examined ; and his allegations respecting the Episcopal Church . in Scotland proved to be unfounded. By an Episcopalian. Aberdeen, 1831. 8 - The Book of the Prophet Isaiah, translated from the original Hebrew. 1840. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. - The Book of the twelve minor Prophets, trans- lated from the original Hebrew. 1845. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. - The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, and that of the Lamentations, translated from the ori- ginal Hebrew. 1851. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. HENDERSON (JAMES). A history of the Bra- zil ; comprising its geography, commerce, co- lonization, aboriginal inhabitants, &c. &c. London, 1821. 4 HENDERSON (JAMES). Strictures on a pamph- let, entitled, " Voluntary Church associations, and their manifesto against establishments, considered." Edin., 1833. 12 HENDERSON (JAMES), D.D., Minister of Free St Enoch's church, Glasgow. Popery the anti- christ of Scripture. Its character as developed, and its doom as denounced, in prophetic Scrip- ture. Glasgow, 1836. 8 The Redeemer's claims upon his redeemed peo- ple : A sermon ; preached 5th February, in St Enoch's church, Glasgow. Glasgow, 1843. 8 Another copy. - The written word of God, the only and suffi- cient rule of faith, supreme and independent in its authority, and paramount and personal in its obligations. [Lect. on Protest.] s. I. et a. 12 HENDERSON (JAMES), D.D., Minister of East United Presbyterian congregation, Galashiels. Sermons by the late J. H. With memoir by John Cairns, D.D. Edin., 1859. 8 HENDERSON (THOMAS). * Statement in an- swer to the protest published by a small mino- rity of the town council ; against the appoint- ment of Mr T. H. to be city chamberlain, ad vitam aut culpam. By a member of the coun- cil. Edin., 1810. 8 HENDERSON (WILLIAM), M.D. Address to the inhabitants of Aberdeen, respecting the medical attendance of the poor, at their own houses. Aberdeen, 1822. 8 HENGEL (WESSELIUS ALBERTUS VAN), Professor of divinity at Leyden. Interpretatio Epistolse Pauli ad Romanes, primum in lectionibus aca- demicis proposita, nunc novis curis ad edi- tionem parata. 2 vol. Lipsice, 1855, 59. 8 HENGSTENBERG (ERNEST WILHELM), D.D., Professor of theology at Berlin. On the inter- pretation of Isaiah, chap. Iii. 12-liii. Trans- lated by James F. Warner. [Bib. Cab., vol. 9.1 Edin., 1835. 8 d Christology of the Old Testament, and a com- mentary on the predictions of the Messiah by the Prophets. Translated from the German by Reuel Keith, D.D. 3 vol. Alexandria and Washington, D. C., 1836, 39. 8 Another edition. Abridged (from the trans- lation of Dr Reuel Keith) by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. London, 1847. 8 Second edition. Translated from the second German edition by the Rev. Th. Meyer, and James Martin, B.A. 4 vol. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1858. 8 Egypt and the Books of Moses, or the Books of Moses illustrated by the monuments of Egypt : with an appendix. From the German by R. D. C. Robbins. Andover, 1843. 12 46 IIKNKK I1KN11Y. Another edition. With additional notes by W. Cooke Taylor, LL.D. Edin., 1846. 8 - Another copy. Another copy. Commentary on the Psalms. Translated by the Rev. P. Fairbairn, and the Rev. J. Thom- son. 3 vol. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1846, 48. 8 Dissertations on the genuineness of the Penta- triich. Translated from the German by J. E. Ryland. 2 vol. [Continental Translation Soc.] A''/m,, 1847. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Dissertations on the genuineness of Daniel and the integrity of Zechariah. Translated by the Rev. B. P. Pratten. And a dissertation on the history and prophecies of Balaam, by the same author, translated by J. E. Ryland. [Conti- ' nental Translation Soc.] E< I in., 1848. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - The Revelation of Saint John. Translated by the Rev. Patrick Fairbairn. 2 vol. [Clark's ' For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1851, 52. 8 j The Lord's day. Translated by James Martin, B.A. London, 1853. 8 1 Commentary on Ecclesiastes, with other trea- tises. Translated from the German by D. W. ; Simon. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1860. 8 HENKE (HEINRICH PHILIPP KONRAD). Kir- ] chengeschichte des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. i 2Theil. Braunschweig, 1802-4. 8 Opuscula academica theologici potissimum ar- gumenti. Lipsice, 1802. 8 HENLEY (JOHN), M. A. The history of Sweden ; from the most early and authentic accounts of that kingdom, to the erecting of it into an ab- solute monarchy, and the establishment of the Reformation. London, 1723. 8 HENNE (A.). L'dtranger dans Bruxelles, ou guide historique, statistique et descriptif de la capitale... Bruxelles, 1846. 12 HENNELL (CHARLES C.). An inquiry concern- ing the origin of Christianity. 2d ed. London, 1841. 8 HENNIG (BALTHASAR GOTTLOB). Brevis repe- titio et adsertio sententise Lutheranse de prse- sentia corporis et sanguinis J. C. in cojna sa- cra. Lipsvz, 1765. 4 HENNIGES (HENRICUS). De summa Impera- toris Roman! potestate circa sacra. Liber uni- cus. Noribergce, 1676. 8 De summa Imperatoris Romani potestate circa profana. Liber unicus. Noribergce, 1677. 8 HENNIKER (Sir FREDERICK), Bart. Notes, during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. London, 1823. 8 HENRICUS (SciPio). De tribus historicis con- cilii Tridentini. Amstelodami, 1662. 8 HENRY VIII., King of England. Assertio sep- tem sacramentorum aduersus Martinum Lu- therum, sedita ab inuictissimo Angliae et Fran- cite Rege, et Do. Hyberniaj Henrico ejua no- iniuLs octauo. Ant ,- ../ />'. /// rt<>,i. The remains of that sweet singer of the inn pie G. H. [With life by Izaak Walton ; and by Barnabas Oley.] London, 1836. 8 - Poemata varii argnmenti, partim e G. H. La- tinfe (utcunque) reddita a \V. DILLINGHAM. 1G78 A priest to the temple, or, the country parson his character, and rule of holy life. London, 1807. 16 Poems ; with his country parson. A new edi- tion, to which is prefixed, the life of the au- thor ; [abridged] from Izaak Walton. London, 1809. 12 HERCULANEUM. Memoirs concerning Her- culaneum. [Wants title.] 8 HEREDITARY-RIGHT. The history of here- ditary-right. Wherein its indefeasibleness, and all other such late doctrines, concerning the absolute power of Princes, and the un- limited obedience of subjects, are fully and finally detennin'd, by the Scripture standard of divine right. [By Robert FLEMING.] London, [1711]. 8 HEREFORD, BISHOP OF. See Philip BISSE. HEREFORD, BISHOP OF. See Herbert CROFT. HEREFORD, BISHOP OF. See R. D. HAMPDEN. HEREFORD, BISHOP OF. See George Isaac HCNTINGFORD. HERESIES. Histoire des heresies et des here- tiques, qui ont troubld 1'Eglise depuis la nais- sance de Jesus-Christ jusques a present. Paris, 1697. 4 HERICOURT (Louis DE). Les loix eccle"sias- tiques de France dans leur ordre naturel, et une analyse des livres du droit canonique con- fe're's avec les usages de 1'Eglise Gallicane. Nouvelle e'dition. Paris, 1771. fol. HERING (CAROLUS GULIELMUS). Conspectus theologize dogmaticce et historue dogmatum. Lipsia, 1822. 8 HERIOT (ALEXANDER), Minister at Dalkeith. Information for Mr A. H. in relation to the libel against him before the Presbytery of Dal- keith, and the sentences thereon. And peti- tions to the Lords of their Majesties Privy Council. s. 1. et a. 4 HERIOT'S HOSPITAL. Poems on various sub- jects by boys in Heriot's hospital. [By Peter Lorimer, Daniel Scrymgeour, and others.] Edin., 1827. 8 Observations in regard to the description of boys who appear, agreeably to the statutes, entitled to be admitted into George Heriot's hospital. [By Thomas MILLER.] Edin., 1827. 8 HERLE (CHARLES), Rector of Winwicke, Lanca- j shire. Wisdomes tripos, or rather its inscrip- tion, detursapienti, in three treatises. I. World- j ly policy. II. Of moral prudence. III. Of j Christian wisdome. The vanity of the first. ! The usefulness of the second. The excellency i of the third. London, 1655. 8 HERMAN (NICOLAS).* The life of N. H., a na- tivi; ot IIKKZOG HEl.MANM S. of imputed righteousness defended, against the objections and animadversion of .Mr. I \\ ' -> ley... To which is prefixed, Mr WESLEY'S letter to Mr Hervey, containing his observations on Theron and Aspasio. Kf the Church of Scotland. , 1840. 8 Another copy. History of the Church of Scotland. From the introduction of Christianity to A.D. 1841. '., 1841. 8 Second edition. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. Sixth edition. [Bringing down the history to the Disruption in 1843.] Edin., 1848. 8 Narrative of proceedings in the General Assem- bly of the Church of Scotland, 1842. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. The minister's family. 4th ed. I'.'Un., 1842. 12 History of the Westminster assembly of di- vines. Urn., 1843. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Third edition. Edin., 1856. 8 National education in Scotland, viewed in ita present condition, its principles, and its possi- bilities. Edin., 1850. 8 Coleridge and his followers. A lecture deli- vered...^ Exeter Hall, Feb. 8, 1853. London, 1853. 8 Toleration ; or, the principles of religious li- berty : being the substance of a lecture on Po- pery. Edin., 1854. 8 HETTNER (HERMANN.). Athens and the Pelo- ponnese, with sketches of Northern Greece. From the German of H. H. Edin., 1854. 8 HEUGH (HUGH), D.D., Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Glasgow. Considerations on civil establishments of religion ; with an ap- pendix, containing remarks on Dr Inglis's "Vindication." 2d ed. Glasgow, 1833. 12 * A careful and strict inquiry into the preten- sions and designs of Dr H. ; or his " Considera- tions on civil establishments of Christianity," plainly discovered to be full of specimens of ignorance... By a watchman. Glasgow, 1833. 8 * An examination of the slanderous product of a watchman's malignant watching of Dr H. By a layman. Glasgow, 1833. 8 Dr H. and the Scottish Guardian. Glasgow, 1839. 8 Christian liberty, as opposed to its restrictions by the veto act, patronage, and the depend- ence of the Church on state support. A ser- mon. Glasgoiv, 1840. 12 Friendly reply to the " Friendly address to the DISSENTERS of Scotland." 1841 Notices of the state of religion in Geneva and Belgium. Glasgow, 1844. 8 *The life of H. H., D.D., with a selection from his discourses, by his son-in-law, Hamil- ton M. Macgill. 2vol. Edin., 1850. 8 HEUMANNUS (CHRISTOPHORUS AUGUSTUS), Pro- fessor of theology in the university of Gottingen. Dissertationum sylloge diligenter recogni- tarum, novisque illustratarum accessionibus. Tom. i. 4 partt, Gottingce, 1743-50. 8' HEURTLE Y- HEYLIN. 367 Nova sylloge dissertationum diligenter recog- nitarum novisque illustratarum accessionibus. 2 partt. liostochii et WismarioR, 1752, 54. 8 HEURTLEY (CHARLES ABEL), D.D., Margaret professor of divinity, Oxford. Justification. Eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, 1845, at the lecture founded by the late Canon Bampton. 2d ed. Oxford, 1849. 8 - The union between Christ and his people. Four sermons preached before the University of Ox- ford. 2d ed. Oxford, 1851. 8 - The doctrine of the atonement, a sermon preached before the University of Oxford, Ja- nuary 27, 1856. Oxford, 1856. 8 - Harmonia symbolica : A collection of creeds belonging to the ancient Western Church, and to the mediaeval English Church, arranged in chronological order, and after the manner of a harmony. Oxford, 1858. 8 - The inspiration of holy Scripture. Constancy in prayer : its importance considered with espe- cial reference to the temptations of a student's life. Two sermons, preached before the Uni- versity of Oxford. Oxford,, 1861. 8 HEUSDE(PHiL. GULL. VAN). Initia philosophise Platonicse. 2 torn. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1827, 31. 8 HEUVEL (WILHELMUS DIEDERICUS). Disserta- tio philologica de Vindemia et Torcularibus veterum Hebrseorum... Trajecti ad Ehenum, 1755. 4 HEWITSON (WILLIAM HEPBURN), Minister of the Free Church, Dirleton. * Memoir of the Rev. W. H. H. By the Rev. John Baillie. London, 1851. 8 - Select letters and remains of W. H. H. Edited by the Rev. John Baillie. 2 vol. London, 1853. 8 HEWLETT (JOHN), B.D., Morning preacher at the foundling hospital, London. Sermons on different subjects. 2 vol. 6th ed. London, 1816. 8 HE WSON (WILLIAM), M. A. , Incumbent of Goath- land, Yorkshire. The oblation and temple of Ezekiel's prophetic visions, in their relation to the restoration of the kingdom to Israel... To which is appended, a practical exposition of the Apocalypse, or Revelation of St John. London, 1858. 8 - ' ' Thy kingdom come ;" or, the Christian's prayer of penitence and faith. London, 1859. 8 HEXHAM (HENRY). A copious English and Netherduytch dictionarie, composed out of the best English authors, with a compendious grammar for the instruction of the learner. Rotterdam, 1648. 4 HEY (JOHN), D.D. , Nornsian professor of divini- ty, Cambridfie. Thoughts on the Athanasian creed. A sermon [on Mark, xvi. 16] preached ...April 12, 1790, at the visitation of the Rev. Luke Heslop, B.D., Archdeacon of Bucks. Cambridge, 1790. 8 - Lectures in divinity, delivered in the Univer- sity of Cambridge, by J. H. as Norrisian pro- fessor. 3 vol. Cambridge, 1796, 97. 8 HEY (WILLIAM), Senior surgeon of the general in- firmary of Leeds. Tracts and essays, moral and theological ; including a defence of the doctrine of the divinity of Christ, and of the doctrine of the atonement ; with obituaries, &c. &c. London, 1822. 8 HEYDANUS (ABR.). See Abr. HEIDANUS. HEYDENREICH (Auo. LUDOV. CHRIST.). Commentarius in priorem Divi Pauli ad Corin- thios Epistolam. 2 vol. Marburgi, 1825, 28. 8 HEYLIN (PETER), D.D., Prebendary of Westmin- ster. The history of the Sabbath. In two bookes. London, 1636. 4 Historia quinquarticularis : or, A declaration of the judgement of the Western Churches, and more particularly of the Church of Eng- land, in the five controverted points, reproched in these last times by the name of Arminian- ism. [In three parts.] London, 1660. 4 Cyprianus Anglicus ; or, the history of the life and death of William [LAUD]. London, 1668. fol. Aerius redivivus ; or, the history of the Pres- byterians. Containing the beginnings, pro- gresse, and successes of that active sect. Their oppositions to monarchical and Episcopal go- vernment. Their innovations in the Church ; and their embroilments of the kingdoms and estates of Christendom in the pursuit of their designs. From the year 1536 to the year 1647. Oxford, 1670. fol. [ Second edition. London, 1672. fol. \ The historical and miscellaneous tracts of P. H. With an account of the life of the author. London, 1681. fol. [Containing Ecclesia vindicata ; or, the Church of England justified. The history of the Sab- bath. Historia quinquarticularis. The stum- bling-block of disobedience, proving the king- ly power to be neither co-ordinate nor sub- ordinate to any other. Right of the peerage of the English Bishops.] - Cosmography, in four books ; containing the chorography and history of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof. . .Improved. . .by Edmund Bo- hun. 7th ed. [Wants title.] [London, 1703]. fol. A discourse publish'd to instruct and unde- ceive the people in the point of tithes. By Ph. TRELEINIE. [Pseud.] [With Three short treatises published by Dr George HICKES.] 1709 *.The life of the learned and reverend Dr P. H., chaplain to Charles I. and Charles II., mo- narchs of Britain. Written by George Vernon. London, 1682. 8 Another copy. * Theologo-historicus, or the true life of the most reverend divine and excellent historian P. H. Written by his son in law John BAR- NARD, D.D. To correct the errors, supply the defects, and confute the calumnies of a late writer. Also an answer to Mr Baxter's false accusations ef Dr Heylin. Londcn, 1683. 8 HEYLVN HlKli.'N. HKYLYN (JOHN), D.D., Sector of tit Mary-le- Sti-nnd. Theological lectures at Westminster- abbey, with an interpretation of the four Gos- pels. To which are added, some select dis- courses upon the principal points of reveal'd religion. London, 1749. 4 - An interpretation of the New Testament. Part the second. Containing the Acts of the Apos- tles and the several Epistles. To which are added, select discourses upon the principal points of reveal'd religion. London, 1761. 4 - Select discourses upon some interesting and important subjects. London, 1770. 12 HIBBS (RICHARD), M. A. Scottish Episcopal Romanism, or Popery without a Pope, in re- ply to Bishop Wordsworth's recent lectures on " The theory and practice of Christian unity." Edin., 1856. 8 HICKERINGILL (EDMUND), Rector of All- tfninte, Colchester. The works of the Rev. E. H. 2 vol. London, 1709. 8 The ceremony-monger, his character. In five chapters... With some remarks (in the intro- duction) upon the New-star-chamber, or late course of the court of Kings bench. Of the nature of a lible, and scandalum magnum. And in the conclusion, hinting at some mathema- tical untruths and escapes in the Common- prayer-book, both as to doctrine and discipline ; and what Bishops were, are, and should be ; and concerning ordination. Humbly proposed to the consideration of the Parliament. London, 1693. 12 HICKES, or HICKS (GEORGE), D.D., Dean of Worcester. JOVLAN, or, An answer to [S. Johnson's] Julian the apostate. 1683 Several letters which passed between Dr G. H. and a Popish priest, [A. B.] upon occasion of a young gentlewoman's [Lady Theophila Nel- son] departing from the Church of England to that of Rome. To which is added, I. The an- swer of Dr BULL to a query of the Bishop of Meaux. II. Mr LESLEY'S answer to the same query. III. A letter written to an English priest at Rome. [By R. NELSON.] With an appendix containing several remarkable pa- pers. London, 1705. 8 An apologetical vindication of the Church of England : in answer to her adversaries who reproach her with the English heresies and schisms. With an appendix of papers relating to the schisms of the Church of Rome. 2d ed. London, 1706. 8 C The spirit of enthusiasm exorcised : in a sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford, &c. The fourth edition. With two discourses occasioned by the new prophets pretensions to inspiration and miracles : the first, The history of MONTANISM, by a 'Lay- gentleman ; the other, The new pretenders to prophecy examin'd. By N. SPIXCKES. London, 1709. 8 Two treatises, one of the Christian priesthood, the other of the dignity of the Episcopal or- der. Formerly written, and now published to obviate the erroneous opinions, fallacious rea- :igB, and bold and fake assertions, in a late book [by M. Tindal], entituk-d, The right* of the Christian Church. With a large prefatory discourse, wherein is contained an answer to the said book. 2 vol. [Vol. ii., M ed.] London, 1707, 11. 8 Another copy. *An answer to some things contained in Dr H irkes' Christian priesthood asserted, and, in his preface concerning the Christian sacrifice. \\ herein some notice is taken of what Bishop Bull, Dr Grabe, and Mr Mead have said on that subject. As also some remarks on Dr Cud- worth's True notion of the sacrament : with an answer to what Dr Hicks has said against it. By a Presbyter of the Church of England ; [John HANCOCK]. London, 1709. 8 Another copy. Three short treatises, viz. I. A modest plea for the clergy, &c. [By G. HICKES.] II. A sermon of the sacerdotal benediction, &c. [By Rev. Samuel GIBSON.] III. A discourse pub- lished to undeceive the people in point of tithes, &c. [By Ph. TRELEINIE.] Formerly printed and now again published by Dr G. H. in de- fence of the priesthood, and true rights of the Church against., .a late book [by M. Tindal] of pernicious and blasphemous doctrines, falsely entituled, The rights of the Christian Church. London, 1709. 8 A modest plea for the CLERGY ; [with Three short treatises published by G. HICKES.] 1709 The constitution of the Catholick Church, and the nature and consequences of schism, set forth in a collection of papers. [London], 1716. 8 Another copy. HICKMAN (HENRY), B.D., Preacher to the Eng- lish congregation at Leyden. Historia quin- quarticularis exarticulata ; or, animadversions on Dr Heylin's quinquarticular history. In which, 1. The aspersions cast on foreign reform- ers are wiped off. 2. The doctor's manifold contradictions are manifested. 3. The doc- trine of the Arminians, in the five points, is proved to be contrary to the doctrine of the reformed Church of England, s. Z.,1673. 8 Another copy. Another copy. HICKOK (LAURENS P.), D.D. A system of mo- ral science. London, 1853. 8 HICKS (G.). See G. HICKES. HIERARCHY. Raccolta della gerarchia ecclesi- astica considerata nelle vesti sacri e civili. Roma, 1834. 4 HIEROCLES, of Alexandria. Commentarius in aurea carmina, de providentia et fato quse supersunt, et reliqua fragmenta. Greece et Latine. Gneca cum MSS. collata castigavit, versionem recensuit, notas et indicem adjecit Pet. Needham. Cantab., 1709. 8 HIERON (SAMUEL), of Modbury, Devonshire. David's penitentiall Psalme opened : in thirtie seuerall lectures thereon. Cambridge, 1617. 4 HIERONYMUS HILL. 369 HIERONYMUS, of Prague. Joannis Hus, et Hieronymi Pragensis historia et monvmenta. 1558 HIERONYMUS (EUSEBIUS), Saint. Opera. Stu- dio et labore monachorum ordinis S. Benedict! fe congregatione S. Mauri. 5 torn. Parisiis, 1696-1706. fol. - Epistolse selectae, et in libros tres distributee. Opera D. Petri Canisii theologi. Nunc denuo ad exemplar Mariani Victorii Reatini, Episcopi Amerini, emendata;, argumentisque illustratae. Pamm, 1649. 12 HIGDEN (WILLIAM), D.D., Rector of St Paul Shadwell. A view of the English constitution, with respect to the sovereign authority of the Prince, and the allegiance of the Subject. In vindication of the lawfulness of taking the oaths to Her Majesty, by law required. To which is added, a defence, by way of reply to the several answers that have been made to it. 4th ed. London, 1716. 8 H1GGINS (W. MULLINGER), Lecturer on natural philosophy at Ghiy's Iwspital. The earth : its physical condition, and most remarkable phe- nomena. London, 1836. 8 Alphabet of geology, for the use of beginners. London, 1837. 8 HIGGONS (BEVILL). Historical and critical re- marks on Bp. Burnet's history of his own time. London, 1725. 8 HIGHMORE (ANTHONY). Pietas Londinensis : the history, design, and present state of the various public charities in and near London. London, 1810. 8 HILARIUS, Saint, Bislwp of Poictiers. Opera, studio et labore monachorum ordinis S. Bene- dicti e congregatione S. Mauri castigata, aucta, atque illustrata ; nunc vero libris de Trinitate, et commentariis in Psalmos ad binos Capituli Veronensis codices, antiquitate ac prsestantia quosvis ad hanc diem cognitos facile exsuper- antes, diligenter exactis, atque octo maxime variantium tractatuum adjectione locupletatis. 2 torn. Veronce, 1730. fol. HILDEBRAND. See GREGORIUS VII., Pope. HILDEBRANDUS (JOACHIMUS), Professor of theology in the university of Helmstadt. Ora- tio de fundatione academise Julise ; [ad calc. Hist, originis scholarum inter Christianos, a G. G. KEUFFEL]. Helmstadii, 1743. 8 HILDERSHAM (ARTHUR), of Ashby-de-la-Zouch. CVIII. lectures upon the fourth of John. 2d ed. London, 1632. fol. - CLII. lectures upon Psalme li. London, 1635. fol. HILL (ABRAHAM). Familiar letters which passed between A. H. and several eminent and inge- nious persons of the last century. Transcribed from the original letters. London, 1767. 8 HILL (ALEXANDER), D.D. The practice in the several judicatories of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1830. 12 - Fourth edition. Edin., 1840. 12 HILL (DANIEL H.). A consideration of the sermon on the mount. Philadelphia, 1859. 12 HILL (GEORGE), D.D., Principal of St Mary's college, St Andrews. The advantages of search- ing the Scriptures. A sermon, preached. . .June 7, 1787. Edin., 1787. 8 Heads of lectures in divinity. St Andrews, 1796. 12 Theological institutes, in tliree parts : 1. Heads of lectures in divinity. 2. View of the con- stitution of the Church of Scotland. 3. Coun- sels respecting the duties of the pastoral office. Edin., 1803. 8 *A letter to the R-v-r-nd Pr-nc-p-1 H-ll, on some of the proceedings of last G-n-r-11 As- s-mbly of the Ch-rch of Sc-tl-nd. Edin., 1803. 8 * A second letter to the Rev. Principal Hill, on some of the proceedings of the General As- sembly of the Church of Scotland, held in 1803. Edin., 1805. 8 Substance of speech delivered in the General Assembly, May 23d, 1807, upon the motion for thanking His Majesty for his support of the Protestant establishment. Edin., 1807. 8 * Abstract of a speech, never intended to have been spoken, in answer to the substance of a speech, said to have been spoken by the Rev. Principal Hill of St Andrews, in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May 23d, 1807, when that venerable court had under consideration the draught of a loyal and dutiful address to His Majesty. Edin., 1807. 8 Lectures upon portions of the Old Testa- ment, intended to illustrate Jewish history and Scripture characters. Edin., 1812. 8 Edited by his son, the 3vol. Edin. Edin. 1833. 12 Edin. 1837. 12 Philadelphia 1842. 8 Edin. 1850. 8 Another copy. Lectures in divinity. Rev. Alexander Hill. Third edition. 2 vol. Fourth edition. Another edition. Fifth edition. A view of the constitution of the Church of Scotland. 3d ed. , with the original appendix ; and notes, by Alexander Hill, D.D. , minister ofDaiUy. Edin., 1835. 32 Another copy. Another copy. A sermon on Deut. xxxiii. 29. [Wants title.] 8 * The life of the late G. H. By George Cook, D.D. Edin., 1820. 8 3 EILL (GEORGE), Minister of the Gospel in Cum- bernauld. The character and office of Gospel ministers : two sermons preached at Airdrie. The first at the moderation of a call for Mi- James Henderson, July 14th. And the se- cond at the moderation of a call for Mr An- drew Duncanson, Dec. 15th, 1791. Falkirk, 1792. 8 Christian magistrates, nursing fathers to the Church, a sermon [on Isaiah, xlix. 23] deliver- ed... at the opening of the Associate Synod, at 47 HILL HILMERS Glasgow, September 1st, 1807. Glasgow, 1808. 8 Another copy. - Another copy. - Another copy. - Another copy. - Another copy. - The death of a faithful minister, in obedience to the will of God : a sermon [on Deut. xxxiv. 61. Glasgow, 1811. 8 II ILL (GEORGE), Mini-it' - n tuere ex lucubrationibus HIPPOLYTI junioris - Thebani. Curanto Jo. Alberto Fabricio. 2 torn. U.i mlin^l, 1710,18. fol. Refutationis omnium hajresium libromni dr cem qute supersunt. Recensuerunt, Latink verterunt, iiotas adjecerunt Lucl. Duncker et F. G. Schneidewein. Gottinga:, 1859. 8 HIPPOLYTUS, the Theban. Fragmentum, ex editione Canisiana ; [cum opp. HIPPOLYTI]. 171G, 18 HIRSCHFELD (PHILIP CHARLES). Sketch of the past and present history of the Jews and their future prospects. London, 1840. 12 HIRTIUS (AULUS). De bello Gallico, lib. viii. -. [cum Commentt. C. J. C^ESARIS]. 1560 De bello Alexandrine, liber unus. [Ibid.] Do bello Africano commentarius. [Ibid.] De bello Hispaniensi, liber unus. [Ibid.J HIRZEL (Luowio), Th. D. Hiob. Erklart von Dr L. H. [Exeget. Handb. zum Alt. Test. Zweite Lieferung!] Leipzig, 1839. 8 HISINGER (W.). Versuch einer imneralogis- chen Geographic von Schweden. Aus der Handschrift iibersetzt von F. Wohler. Leipzig, 1826. 8 HISLOP (ALEXANDER), Minister of the East Free church, Arbroath. The light of prophecy let in on the dark places of the Papacy : being an exposition .of 2d Thessal. ii. 3-12. Showing its exact fulfilment in the Church of Rome, with special reference to the aspects of that Church in the present day. Edin. , 1846. 12 - Infant baptism, according to the word of God and confession of faith. Being a review, in five letters, of the new theory of Professor Lumsden, as advocated in his treatise entitled, " Infant baptism : its nature and objects." Edin., 1856. 8 HISTOIRE, HISTORY. Me'moires chronolo- giques et dogmatiques, pour servir a 1'Histoire Ecclesiastique depuis 1600, jusqu'en 1716. [Par le P. d'AvRiGNY, Je'suite.] Tom i. & ii. s. I, 1720. 12 A history of the Churches in England and Scotland, from the Reformation to the present time. 3 vol. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1771, 72. 8 HITCHCOCK (EDWARD), D.D., Professor of che- mistry and natural history in Amherst college. Report on the geology, mineralogy, botany, and zoology of Massachusetts, made and pub- lished by order of the government of that state: in four parts... With a descriptive list of the specimens of rocks and minerals col- lected for the government. Amlwrst, 1833. 8 - Final report on the geology of Massachusetts : in four parts... Amherst, 1841. 4 - The connexion between geology and natural religion. [Stud. Cab. Lib., vol. i.] Edin., 1835. 8 - The connexion between geology and the Mo- saic history of the creation. [Ibid., vol. iv.] Edin., 1836. 8 - The historical and geological deluges compared. [Ibid.]. Edin. 1837. 8 The religion of geology, and its connected sciences. Glasgow, s. a. 8 Religious truth illustrated from science, in ad- dresses and sermons on special occasions. Boston, 1857. 12 HITZIG (F.), Th. D. Der I'n.plu-t Jeremia. Erklart von F. H. [Exeget. Handb. zum Alt. Test. Dritte Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1841. 8 Der Prediger Salome's. Erkliirt von Dr F. H. [Ibid. Siebente Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1847. 8 Der Prophet Ezechiel. Erklart von Dr F. H. [Ibid. Achte Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1847. 8 Das Buch Daniel. Erklart von Dr F. H. [Ibid. Zehnte Lieferung. 1 Leipzig, 1850. 8 Die Zwolf Kleinen Propheten. Erkliirt von Dr F. H. [Ibid. Erste Lieferung.] Zweite Auflatr. Leipzig, 1852. 8 Das Hohe Lied. Erklart von Dr F. H. [Ibid. Sechzehnte Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1855. 8 HLUBEK (FRANOis-XA viER-G CILLAUME). Die Ernahrung des Pflanzen und die Statik des Landbaus. Prog, 1841. 8 HOADLY (BENJAMIN), D.D., successively Bishop of Bangor, Hereford, Salisbury, and Winches- ter. The works of B. H. Published by his son John Hoadly, LL.D., Chancellor of the diocese of Winchester. 3 vol. London, 1773. fol. Several tracts formerly published : now col- lected into one volume... To which are added, six sermons, never before publish'd : viz. Two sermons concerning the evils, of which Chris- tianity hath been made the occasion. Four sermons concerning the extremes of implicit subjection, and infidelity. London, 1715. 8 A letter to the Rev. Mr Fleetwood. Occa- sion'd by his Essay on miracles. Written in the year, 1702. [Collection of tracts.] London, 1715. 8 A letter to a clergy-man in the country, con- cerning the votes of the Bishops upon the bill against occasional conformity. Written in the year, 1703. [Ibid.] 1715 Two sermons upon St Matthew, 10. 34. Con- cerning the divisions, and cruelties, of which the Christian religion hath been the occasion. Preached in the year, 1703. [Ibid.] 1715 A letter to the Rev. Dr Francis Atterbury : occasion'd by the doctrine deliver'd by him in a funeral-sermon on 1 Cor. 15. 19, August 30, 1706. Written in the year, 1706. [Ibid.] 1715 A second letter to the Rev. Dr Francis Atter- bury, in answer to his large vindication pre- fix'd to his volume of sermons. With a post- script relating to his doctrine concerning the power of charity to cover sins. Written in the year, 1708. [Ibid.] 1715 A brief vindication of the antient Prophets from the imputations and misrepresentations of such as adhere to our present pretenders to inspiration. In a letter to Sir Richard Bulke- ley, Bart. Written in the year, 1709. [Ibid.] 1715 Some considerations humbly offered to the HOADLY HOADLY. 373 Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Exeter [Off- spring Blackhall]. Occasioned by his Lord- ship's sermon preach'd before Her Majesty, March 8, 1708. Written in the year, 1709. [Ibid.]. 1715 An humble reply to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Exeter's answer. In which the con- siderations offered to his Lordship are vindi- cated : and an apology is added for defending the foundation of the present government. Written in the year, 1709. [Ibid.]. 1715 Queries recommended to the authors of the late discourse of Free-thinking. Written in the year, 1713. [Ibid.]. 1715 Four sermons concerning impartial enquiry into religion : and the two extremes of impli- cit subjection ; and infidelity. Preach'd in January, 1712,-13. [Ibid.]. 1715 The reasonableness of conformity to the Church of England, represented to the dissenting mi- nisters. In answer to the tenth chapter of Mr Calamy's abridgment of Mr Baxter's his- tory of his life and times. 2 parts. 2d ed. London, 1703. 8 Another copy. A brief defence of Episcopal ordination. In which I. The arguments for it are propos'd. II. The pleas for the right of Presbyters to or- dain are examin'd. III. The pleas alleged for the same right in the laity are consider'd. To which is added, A reply to the introduction to the second part, and a postscript relating to the third part of Mr Calamy's Defence of mo- derate non-conformity. London, 1707. 8 Another copy. The measures of submission to the civil ma- gistrate consider'd. In a defence of the doc- trine deliver'd in a sermon [on Rom. xiii. 1]. Preach'd... Sept. 29, 1705. London, 1706. 8 Third edition. In which are added, 1. An accession sermon [on Ps. 95. 2] preached March 8, 1704-5. 2. A sermon [on 1 Sam. viii. 9] concerning the unhappiness of absolute mo- narchy, &c. 3. A sermon [on Acts, xxii. 25] concerning St Paul's behaviour towards the civil magistrate. London, 1710. 8 St Paul's behaviour toward the civil magis- trate : a sermon [on Acts, xxii. 25] preached at the assize at Hertford, July 26, 1708. London, 1708. 8 The original and institution of civil govern- ment, discuss'd, viz. I. An examination of the patriarchal scheme of government. II. A de- fense of Mr Hooker's judgment, &c. against the objections of several late writers. To which is added, A large answer to Dr F. Atterbury's charge of rebellion : in which the substance of his late Latin sermon is produced, and fully examined. London, 1710. 8 The nature of the kingdom of Christ. A ser- mon [on John, xviii. 36] preach'd before the King, at the royal chapel at St James's, on Sunday March 31, 1717. 4th ed. London, 1717. 8 Fifth edition. London, 1717. 8 Another copy. Fifteenth edition. London, 1717. 8 A preservative against the principles and prac- tices of the Non-jurors both in Church and State. Or, An appeal to the consciences and common sense of the Christian laity. 4th ed. London, 1717. 8 An answer to the Rev. Dr Snape's letter to the Bishop of Bangor. London, 1717. 8 Another copy. * The Layman's second letter to the Bishop of Bangor. Or, an examination of his Lordship's Sermon before the King ; and of Dr Snape's letter to his Lordship. London, 1717. 8 * A collection of papers scatter'd lately about the town in the Daily-courant, St James's- post, &c. With some remarks upon them. In a letter from the Bishop of Carlisle [William NICOLSON] to the Bishop of Bangor. 1717 Preface to An answer to the Rev. Dr Snape's accusation, by Francis de LA PILLONNIERE. s. a. A letter to Dr Snape ; [prefixed to A reply to Dr Snape's vindication of a passage in his se- cond letter to the Bishop of Bangor, relating to Mr Pillonniere. By F. de LA PILLONNIERE]. 1718 Some few remarks upon Dr Snape's Letter be- fore Mr Mills's book ; [prefixed to A third de- fense... By F. de LA PILLONNIERE]. 1718 * A report of the committee of the lower House of convocation, appointed to draw up a repre- sentation to be laid before the Arch-bishop and Bishops of the province of Canterbury ; con- cerning several dangerous positions and doc- trines contained in the Bishop of Bangor's Pre- servative, and his Sermon preach'd March 31, 1717. 4th ed. London, 1717. 8 Another copy. * The report reported : or, the weakness and injustice of the proceedings of the convocation in their censure of the Lord Bp. of Bangor, examin'd and expos'd. 2d ed. London, 1717. 8 A postscript to the Rev. Dr Sherlock, Dean of Chichester ; [with A second letter to the Rev. Dr Sherlock. By A. A. SYKES]. [1717] An answer to the Representation drawn up by the committee of the lower House of convoca- tion concerning several dangerous positions and doctrines contained in the Bishop of Ban- gor's Preservative and Sermon. London, 1718. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. * A short reply to the Bishop of Bangor's long answer. In a brief, but distinct examination of all his propositions, paragraph by paragraph. London, 1718. 8 * A defence of the first head of the charge of the committee of the lower House of convoca- tion against the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Bangor. Being remarks upon some posi- tions of his Lordship, contained in his Sermon, in his Answer to Dr Snape, and to the Repre- sentation. Wherein is shewn, that his Lord- 374 1!<>\DLY II"; ship hath denied, and doth still deny, all autho- rity to the Church. [By Henry STEBBINO.] London, 1718. 8 * An apology for the clergy of the Church of England, in a letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor. Wherein some unjust insinuations against them, in his Lordship's Answer to the representation of the committee of the lower House of convocation are detected and con- futed ; and the necessity of learning, in order to a right understanding and exposition of the Scriptures, demonstrated ; contrary to what his Lordship asserts, particularly in the 20th section of his first chapter ; and to many other dangerous positions in the course of that book. By a clergyman of the Church of England. London, 1718. 8 * Remarks upon the Lord Bishop of Bangor's treatment of the clergy and convocation. By a gentleman ; [Thomas SHERLOCK]. 2d ed. London, 1717. 8 An answer to the Rev. Dr Hare's sermon, in- titul'd, Church-authority vindicated : in which the texts of Scripture relating to this subject are examined ; the doctrine of sincerity is ex- plain'd and defended ; and several other im- portant points are considered. With a post- script occasion'd by the Lord Bishop of Ox- ford's [John Potter] late charge to his clergy. London, 1720. 8 Another copy. Another copy. * A new defence of the Lord Bishop of Ban- gor's sermon on John, xviii. 36. Considered as it is the performance of a man of letters. Containing an examination of his Lordship's ar- guments against Church-authority in matters j of religion : A defence of the power of the ma- i gistrate to enforce by civil sanction, the laws of God and Christ. A vindication of the Council of Nice, and several other important points. By an impartial hand ; [Francis HARE]. 2d ed. London, 1720. 8 Another copy. The D[ea]n of W[orceste]r [Francis HARE] still the same. 1720 An answer to a calumny cast upon the Bishop of Bangor, by the Rev. Dr Sherlock, Dean of Chichester, at the conclusion of his new work, entitled, A vindication of the Corporation and Test Acts, &c. London, 1718. 8 An answer to a late book, written by the Rev. Dr Sherlock, Dean of Chichester, intitled, The condition and example of our blessed Saviour vindicated, &c. London, 1718. 8 The common rights of subjects defended, and the nature of the sacramental test considered. In answer to the Dean of Chichester's Vindi- cation of the corporation and test acts. London, 1719. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Several discourses concerning the terms of ac- ceptance with God. In which I. The terms themselves are distinctly laid down, as they are proposed to Christians in the New Testa- ment. Ami II. Several false notions of tm> conditions of salvation are considered. 2d ed. London, 1718. 8 Fourth edition. /,i>/c//i, 17 :'!. 8 A plain account of the nature and end of thu sacrament of the LORD'S SUPPER. 17:;.~> A defence of the plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the LORD'S SUP- PER. 1735 The nature and functions of the office of the civil magistrate. With a commendatory pro- face by Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. Aberdeen, 1836. 8 HOARD (SAMUEL). God's LOVE to mankind. Manifested, by dis-prooving his absolute de- cree for their damnation. 1633 HOARE (CHARLES JAMES), A.M., Canon of Win- chester, and vicar of Godstone, Surrey. The kingdom of God not in word, but in power : A sermon preached in the parish church of Kingston-upon-Thames, August 20, 1829, at the primary visitation of the Lord Bishop of Winchester. London, 1829. 8 HOARE (Sir RICHARD COLT), Bart. A classical tour through Italy and Sicily ; tending to il- lustrate some districts, which have not been described by Mr Eustace in his classical tour. London, 1819. 4 HOARE (WILLIAM HENRY), M.A. The veracity of the Book of Genesis ; with the life and cha- racter of the inspired historian. London, 1860. 8 HOBART (JOHN HENRY), D.D., Bishop of New York. A collection of the eSsays on... Episco- pacy which originally appeared in the Albany Sentinel. New York, 1806. 8 *The early life and professional years of Bishop Hobart. By John M'Vicar, D.D. With a preface containing a history of the Church in America, by Walter Farquhar HOOK, D.D. Oxford, 1838. 8 HOBART (NOAH), M.A., Minister of Fair field, Connecticut. Ministers of the Gospel consi- dered as fellow-labourers. A sermon delivered at the ordination of the Rev. Mr Noah Welles, at Sanford, Dec. 31, 1746. Boston, 1747. 8 A serious address to the members of the Epis- copal separation in New England. Occasioned by Mr Wetmore's vindication of the professors of the Church of England in Connecticut. Boston, 1748. 8 A second address to the members of the Epis- copal separation in New England. Occasioned by the exceptions made to the former, by Dr Johnson, Mr Wetmore, Mr Beach, and Mr Caner. To which is added... A letter from Mr Dickinson in answer to some things Mr Wet- more has charged him with. Boston, 1751. 8 HOBBES, or HOBBS (THOMAS), of Malmesbury. Opera philosophica, quse Latinfe scripsit, om- nia. Ante quidem per partes, nunc autem, post cognitas omnium objectiones, conjunctim et accuratius edita. Amstel., 1668. 4 - Another edition. Studio et labore Gtilielmi Molcsworth. 5 vol. London, 1839-45. 8 HOBBS HODY. 375 - The English works of T. H. ; now first col- lected and edited by Sir Wm. Molesworth, Bart. 11 vol. London, 1839-45. 8 9 - Leviathan ; or the matter, forme, and power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill. London, 1651. fol. - Another copy. - Elementa philosophica de cive. Amster., 1669. 12 - The history of the civil wars of England. From the year 1640, to 1660. By T. H. s. I, 1679. 8 - Hobbs's tripos, in three discourses : the first, Humane nature, or the fundamental elements of policy... The second, De corpore politico, or the elements of law, moral and politick... The third, Of liberty and necessity ; wherein all controversie, concerning predestination, elec- tion, free-will, grace, merits, reprobation, is fully decided and cleared. 3d ed. London, 1684. 8 - Another copy. - * Mr Hobbs's state of nature considered : in a dialogue between Philautus and Timothy. To which are added, Five letters. [By John EACHARD.] 4th ed. London, 1696. 8 HOBBS (T.). See T. HOBBES. HOBBY (WILLIAM), A.M., Pastor of the first church in Reading. An enquiry into the itine- rancy, and the conduct of the Rev. Mr George Whitefield, an itinerant preacher : vindicating the former against the charge of unlawfulness and inexpediency, and the latter against some aspersions which have been frequently cast upon him. In a letter to a minister. Boston, 1745. 4 HOBY (J.), D.D. Religion in America. By F. A. Cox, D.D. and the Rev. J. H. 1837 HODGE (CHARLES), D.D., Professor in the theolo- gical seminary, Princeton, New Jersey. A com- mentary on the Epistle to the Romans. 2d ed. [Reprinted from the author's own abridged edition, omitting a very few sentences of a local nature.] London, 1838. 12 Another copy. - Abridged by the author. 6th ed. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 - The constitutional history of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 2 vol. Philadelphia, 1839, 40. 8 - Another copy. Vol ii. - The claims of the Free Church of Scotland. An article from the Princeton Review, for April, 1844. Princeton, N. J., 1844. 8 - The orthodox doctrine regarding the extent of the atonement vindicated. With a recommen- datory preface by the Rev. Dr Cunningham, Professor M'Crie, Dr Candlish, and Dr W. Symington. Edin., 1846. 8 - Another copy. - Another copy. - A commentary on the Epistle to the Ephe- sians. London, 1856. 8 - Another copy. - Another copy. Essays and reviews. Selected from the Prince- ton Review. Neiv York, 1857. 8 Another copy. Another copy. An exposition of the first Epistle to the Co- rinthians. London, 1857. 8 Another copy. An exposition of the second Epistle to the Co- rinthians. London, 1860. 8 Another copy. The true idea of the Church. Three articles reprinted from the Princeton Review. With prefatory note by the Rev. William Hanna, LL.D. Edin., 1860. 8 The way of life. New edition. Philadelphia, s. a. 8 Another copy. HODGE (JOHN). Sermons on the principal evi- dences in favor of the Christian religion, and the chief objections made to it. London, 1758. 8 HODGES (WALTER), D.D., Provost of Oriel col- lege, Oxford. Elihu, or an inquiry into the principal scope and design of the Book of Job. London, 1750. 4 Second edition. London, 1751. 8 Another copy. HODGSON (ADAM). A letter to M. Jean-Bap- tiste Say, on the comparative expence of free and slave labour. 2d ed. Liverpool, 1823. 8 HODGSON (BERNARD), LL.D. , Principal of Hert- ford college, Oxford. Solomon's Song trans- lated from the Hebrew. 1786. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. The Proverbs of Solomon translated from the Hebrew. 1788. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. Ecclesiastes, a new translation from the origi- nal Hebrew. 1790. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. HODGSON (JOHN), M.D., Minister of Blantyre. The Hamiltonian sermon on the advantages of the reformation from Popery, preached in ...Glasgow, June 10th, 1819. Glasgow, 1819. 8 HODGSON (W. B.). Lecture on education ; de- livered in the Freemasons' Hall, Oct. 16th, 1837. Edin., 1837. 12 HODIUS (HUMFREDUS). See H. HODY. HODSON (FRODSHAM), D.D., Principal of Bra- zen-nose, and Regius professor of divinity. The eternal filiation of the Son of God asserted on . the evidence of the sacred Scriptures, the con- sent of the Fathers of the three first centuries, and the authority of the Nicene council. Oxford, 1796. 8 HODSON (GEORGE), M.A., Archdeacon of Staf- ford. Elisha at the waters of Jordan. A ser- mon preached at Cambridge, Nov. 20, 1836, on occasion of the death of the Rev. Charles Si- meon. Cambridge, 1836. 8 Morning discourses, addressed to the congre- gation of Christ church, Birmingham. Second issue. London, 1840. 8 HODY (HUMPHRY), Regius professor of Greek in the university of Oxford. A history of English coxmcils and convocations. And of the clergy's II'KI'FNERUS HOG. sitting in parliament. In which is also com- prehended the history of parliaments. With an account of our ancient laws. London, 1701. 8 De Bibliorum textibus originalibus, versioni- bus Graecis, et Latina Vulgata : libri iv Pne- mittitur Aristeaj Historia Grsuce et Latine. Oxonii, 1705. fol. Another copy. - De Gnecis illustribus lingua; Gnecre literarum- que huinaniorum instaurafbribus, eorum vitis, scriptis, et elogiis, libri duo. E codd. potissi- nnim MSS. aliisque authenticis sevi monimen- tU deprompsit H. H. Pni-mittitur de vita et scriptis ipsius Humphredi dissertatio, auctore S. Jebb, M.D. Londini, 1742. 8 HCEPFNERUS (Jo. GEORG. CHRIST.). Introduc- tio in theologiae dogmaticae praesertim formulae Lutheriae historiam literariam. Additamentum editionis quintae epitomes theologies Christianas a S. F. N. Moro. Lijaia, 1821. 8 HOFACKER (Luowio), Minister at Eielingshau- sen, in Wnrtemberg. Predigten fur alle Sonn- Fest- und Feiertage. 2 Band. Stuttgart, 1831. 8 Sermons. With a memoir of the author. Translated from the German. London, 1835. 12 HOFFMANN (CHRISTOPHORUS). De Christiana religione et de regno Antichristi. Francofurti, 1545. 8 HOFFMANN (CnR.), Inspector of the evangelical school in Salon, near Ludwigsburg. Chris- tianity in the first century ; or, the new birth of the social life of man through the rising of Christianity. Translated from the German. Edin., 1860. 8 HOFFMANN (IMMANUEL). Demonstratio evan- gelica per ipsum scripturarum consensum in oraculis ex Vet. Testamento in Novo allegatis declarata. Edidit, observationibus illustravit, vitam auctoris, et commentationem historico- theologicam de recta ratione allegata ista in- terpretandi praeniisit Tob. Godofiedus Hegel- maier. 3 torn. Tubingce, [1773-81]. 4 HOFFMANN (W.) La societe" des missions evan- geliques de Bale, en 1842. Addresse" au nom du comite des missions de Bale, a tous les Chretiens evangeliques. Geneve, 1842. 8 HOFFMANNUS (ANDREAS THEOPHILUS). D.D., Professor of theology at Jena. Grammaticae Syriacae libri iii. Halce, 1827. 4 HOFFMEYSTERUS ( JOANNES). See J. HOF- MEISTERUS. HOFMANN (J. CHR. K.), D.D., Professor of theology at Rostock. Weissagung und Erful- lung im alten und im neuen Testamente. 2 Halfte. Nordlingen, 1841, 44. 8 HOFMANN (RUDOLPH), Ph. D. Das Leben Jesu nach den Apokryphen im Zusammenhange aus den Quellen erzahlt und wissenschaftlich un- tersucht von R. H. Leipzig, 1851. 8 Symbolik oder systematische Darstellung des symbolischen Lehrbegriffs der verschiedenen christlichen Kirchen und namhaften Sekten. Leipzig, 1857. 8* HOFMANNUS (Joa. JACOBUS), Professor of < at Basle. Lexicon univereale, historiam a- riain ct prnfanam omnis ji-vi, i.nmiuiiique gen- tium ; i hronologiam ad haec us.|iu- umpora; geographiam et veteria et novi orbis ; princi- pumperomnes terras f am iliarum ab omni mu- nioria repetitam genealogiam ; tum m\ tholo- giam, ritus, cn-riiiionias omnemque vet. rum antiquitatem, e\ philologies fontibus haustam ; viroruin, iugeiiio atque eruditione celebrium enarrationem copiosissimam ; praeterea anima- liuin. plantarum, metallorum, lapidum, gem- manim, nomina, naturas, vires, explanans. Editio absolutissima...4 torn. Lugd. Batar., 1698. fol. HOFMEISTERUS (JOANNES). Loci communes remm theologicarum, quae hodie in contro- versia agitantur, ad regulam et consensum ve- rae Catholicesque Ecclesite e S. Patrum senten- tiis cofecti. Quibus accesserunt canones ejus- dem autoris, sacris Scripturis intelligendis apprime necessarii. Parisiis, 1573. 16 Verbum Dei carnem factum, hoc est, Jesum Christum seruatore nostrum, Ecclesiae suae uni- cum propiciatorium ac perpetuum esse sacrifi- cium, assertio F. J. H. Item expositio precum ac ceremoniarum, quarum vsus in quotidiano sacro. Parisiis, 1573. 16 HOG (JAMES), Minister at Carnock. A casuisti- cal essay upon the LORD'S PRAYER. 1705 A letter to a friend, containing diverse remarks concerning the sacrament of the LORD'S SUP- PER. 1706 Otia Christiana : or, Christian recreations. Be- ing a conference betwixt Nicon and Philotheus. In which diverse important concerns of the doctrine and practice of religion, are fairly and familiarly discoursed. Written by J. H. Edin., 1708. 12 Another edition. Aberdeen, 1776. 8 Notes about the Spirit's operations, for disco- vering from the word, their nature and evi- dence. Together with divers remarks, for de- tecting the enthusiastical delusions of the Ce- vennois, Antonia Bourignon, and others. As also some account of the differences betwixt a legal and an evangelical administration. Being the substance of several private discourses on Gal. iii. 2. Edin., 1709. 8 Another copy. A letter to a gentleman, in which the unlaw- fulness of imposing forms of prayer and other acts of worship is plainly demonstrated. Edin., 1710. 8 Some remarks about submission to the sove- raign disposure of God. By J. H. [Wants title.] 8 An abstract of sundry discourses on Job, xxxvi. 8, 9, 10. Edin., 1714. 8 A letter to a person exercised to godliness, about our natural enmity : wherein also a sin- gular opinion about the state of the devils and damned in hell, is considered and refuted. Edin., 1714. 8 Another copy. Remarks concerning the rooting, growth and HOG HOLCROFT. 377 ripeness of a work of grace in the soul, con- tained in some queries moved and answered from Mark, iv. 26-28. Edin., 1715. 8 A letter to a gentleman concerning the interest of reason in religion, Edin. , 1716. 8 An essay to vindicate some SCRIPTURE TRUTHS in five separate articles, from the danger of being corrupted at this time. 1716 A letter to a gentleman detecting the gangrene of some errors vented at this time. Edin., 1716. 8 The right of Church-members to chuse their own overseers stated from the Scriptures : being the abstract of a discourse on Acts, i. 21, 22, 23. Edin., 1717. 8 C Three missives written to a minister of the Gospel, in answer to one from him ; wherein the author's grounds for remaining in com- munion with the Church of Scotland as to its judicatories, and the ordinances therein dis- pensed, are ingenuously and fairly stated : and the chief reasons of our separatists for setting up ordinances, and judicatories, distinct from this national Church, and in opposition to it, are impartially considered, and repelled, as these reasons were printed in a late book, in- tituled, Protesters vindicated, &c. Edin., 1717. 8 Some missives written to a gentleman which contain the author's aim, at detecting and re- futing the deism (as it is called), or atheism and libertinism of our time. Edin. ,1718. 8 Some select notes towards detecting a covered mixture of the covenant of works, and of grace : with the danger of that evil ; and a few ad- vices for remedying thereof. Contained in a letter to a friend upon the head. By J. H. 2d ed, Edin., 1718. 8 A vindication of the doctrine of grace, from the charge of antinomianism : contained in a letter to a minister of the Gospel. By J. H. Edin., 1718. 8 An explication of passages excepted against in the Marrow of modern divinity, taken from the book itself : contained in a letter to a minister of the Gospel. By J. H. Edin., 1719. 8 The scope and substance of the Marrow of mo- dern divinity. Being an introductory essay unto a more particular confutation of Princi- pal HADOW'S pretended detection of the an- tinomianism of the Marrow. 1722 * Queries, agreed unto by the Commission of the General Assembly ; and put to these mi- nisters, who gave in a representation and peti- tion against the 5th and 8th Acts of Assembly 1720. Together with the answers given by these ministers to the said queries. [Edin.,] 1722. 8 Another copy. [Wants title.] Memoirs of the public life of Mr J. H. ; and of the ecclesiastical proceedings of his time ; previous to his settlement at Carnock : parti- cularly of some General Assemblies that met posterior to the Revolution. Written by him- self, in a testamentary memorial. Edin., 1798. 8 HOG (JAMES). Address to the Associate congre- gation of Kelso ; in which the difference be- tween the former and present testimony of the Associate Synod is briefly stated. 2d ed. Edin., 1808. 8 HOG (JAMES MAITLAND), of Newliaton. Brief viejv of British colonial SLAVERY. 1827 Address to the elders, deacons, members, and adherents of the Free Church of Scotland, within the bounds of the Presbytery of Lin- lithgow. s. I, 1846. 12 Another copy. Another copy. * Memorial of the late J. M. H. By the Rev. James C. Burns, Kirkliston. Edin., 1858. 8 Another copy. Another copy. HOG (ROGER). POEMS on several occasions. 1800 HOG (THOMAS), Kiltearn.* Memoirs of the life of Mr T. H. Containing some very signal dis- plays of the divine condescension to him, and to others by him. To which is annexed, an abstract of Mr H.'s manner of dealing with persons under conviction. Edin., 1756. 12 - Another copy. HOGJEUS (GULIELMUS). Poetarum Scotorum rnusae sacree per Arturum JONSTONUM et G. H. 1739 HOGG (JAMES), tlie Ettrick Shepherd. Tales and sketches. Including the Brownie of Bodsbeck, winter evening tales, shepherd's calendar, &c. , and several pieces not before printed. With illustrative engravings, chiefly from real scenes. By D. O. Hill. 5 vol. Glasgow, 1837. 12 - The mountain bard. Edin. , 1807. 8 HOGG (ROBERT). An answer to several letters written by Scots gentlemen in His Majesty's dominions beyond the seas, to the master and governors of the Scots corporation and hospi- tal in London, giving a true account of the erection of the said company, and its progress from the year 1664, to this present 1710, for the satisfaction of such as desire that informa- tion. London, reprinted, 1710. 4 HOGG (ROBERT), Minister of the United Presby- terian Church, Alyth. The enactment of Chris- tianity to be the law of the land. The fourth of a series of lectures delivered in Edinburgh, at the request of the Young men's voluntary Church association, 16th March, 1837. Edin., 1837. 12 HOLBEIN (HANS). The dance of death ; paint- ed by H. H., and engraved by W. Hollar. London, 1804. 4 Another edition. London, 1816. 8 HOLBERG (Le Baron Louis DE). An introduc- tion to universal history. Translated from the Latin of Baron Holberg. With notes histori- cal, chronological, and critical. By Gregory Sharpe. London, 1755. 8 HOLCROFT (THOMAS). Travels from Ham- burgh, through Westphalia, Holland, and the Netherlands, to Paris. Abridged by John Ful- ton. Glasgmo, 1804. 8 * BOLDEN HOLROYD. 11OLDEN (GEORUE), M.A., /Vc/ /n/ i- unite of Mayluill, Lie- i'1'onl. The Scripture tcstinn.- nies to the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, collected and illustrated. London, 1820. 8 j A dissertation on the fall of man ; in which the literal sense of the Mosaic account of that event is asserted and vindicated. Ion, 1823. 8 - The Christian Sabbath ; or, an inquiry into the religious obligation of keeping holy one day in seven. London, 1825. 8 1IOLDEN (LAt i:ivi ), of MaldoninEssex.A paraphrase on the Books of Job, Psalms, Pro- verbs, and Ecclesiastes, with notes critical, historical, and practical. 4 vol. London, 1763. 8 - A paraphrase on the Book of Isaiah : with notes critical, historical, and practical. For the use of families. 2 vol. Chelmsford, 1776. 8 HOLDEN (SAMUEL).* A letter to S. H., occa- sioned by his speech delivered from the chair, at a general assembly of dissenters, on the 29th of November, 1732. London, 1732. 8 C - An answer to a letter to S. H. occasioned by his speech delivered from the chair, at a gene- ral assembly of the dissenters, on the 29th of November, 1732. By S. H. London, 1732. 8 - * An inquiry into the propriety of applying to parliament for the repeal of the corporation and test acts. In a letter to S. H. London, 1732. 8 HOLDER (WILLIAM), D.D. A discourse con- cerning time. London, 1694. 8 HOLDSWORTH (RICHARDUS), Professor of divi- nity at Gresham college. Praelectiones theolo- gicie, habitse in collegioGreshamensi apud Lon- dinenses.-.Editie, (una cum oratione solenni, quam habuit idem in vesperiis comitiorum aca- demiae Procancellarius, An. 1641), cura et studio Rich. Pearson. Prsemissa authoris vita. Londini, 3661. fol. HOLE (MATTHEW), D.D., Rector of Exeter col- lege in Oxford. A practical exposition of the Church-catechism : in several discourses on all the parts of it. 2 vol. Together with two dis- courses. One, on confessing Christ before men. The other, the great sin of denying him. 3d ed. [Vol. ii.,lst ed.] London, 1715, 32. 8 HOLINSHED (RAPHAEL). Chronicles of Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland. Vol. i., ii. London, 1586, 7. fol. [The above is the second edition of Holinshed's chronicles, corrected and enlarged by Abra- ham Fleming. Vol. i. wants the title, the dedication to S. William Brooke, Knight, the names of the authors from whom the history is collected, the table of contents, the Latin verses by Thomas Newton of Cheshire, pages 1 and 2 and 15-28 inclusive of the description of Britaine. Seven leaves of the Tables at the end of vol. ii. are wanting.] The description of Scotland, written at first by Hector Boethius inLatine, and afterward trans- lated into the Scotch speech by John Bellen- tU-n Aivlulcju-oii of Murrey, :md now finallie into English by R. H. L"mlon, t. a. fol. [Part of the second volume of Holinshed's Chronicles.] Scottish chronicle, or a complete history and description of Scotland. [Wants title.] 4 HOLLAND (Sir JOHN). A short discourse on the present temper of the nation with respect to the Indian and African company ; and of the bank of Scotland... Edin. , Hi'.Mi. 4 HOLLAND (JOHN). A treatise on the progres- sive improvement and present state of the ma- nufactures in METAL. 1831 HOLLAZ1US (DAVID). Examinis theologici acroamatici univers. theolo'giam thet. polem. complectentis, commod. cand. theol. destin. et ad normam script, s. concinn. lucidoque or- dine digesti editio novissima...Cuin pruufatione Alberti Joachimi de Krakevitz. Holmice et Lipsice, 1741. 4 Evangelische Gnaden-ordnung. l e Amerikan- ische Auflage. Philadelphia, 1810. 12 HOLLIS (DENZIL), Lord Hollis, Baron of Ifield. * Memoirs of Denzil Lord Hollis, from the year 1641, to 1648. London, 1699. 8 HOLLO WAY (BENJAMIN), LL. B. Originals phy- sical and theological, sacred and profane. 2 vol. Oxford, 1751. 8 C HOLLO WAY (JAMES THOMAS), D.D., Minister of Fitzroy chapel, London. The analogy of faith ; or, an attempt to shew God's methods of grace with the Church of Christ, as set forth in the experience of David. London, 1836. 8 HOLMES (J. H. H.). A treatise on the coal mines of Durham and Northumberland ; with information relative to the stratifications of the two counties : and containing accounts of the explosions from fire-damp which have oc- curred therein for the last twenty years ; their causes and the means proposed for their reme- dy, and for the general improvements of the mining system, by new methods of ventilation, &c. London, 1816. 8 HOLMES (ROBERT), B.D., Professor of poetry in the university of Oxford. On the prophecies and testimonies of John the Baptist, and the parallel prophecies of Jesus Christ. Eight sermons preached before the University of Ox- ford in the year 1782, at the lecture founded by the Rev. J. Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1782. 8 Four tracts. I. On the principle of religion, as a test of divine authority. II. On the prin- ciple of redemption, whether if premial it is agreeable, or if judicial contrary, to divine rec- titude. III. On the angelical message to the virgin Mary. I V. On the resurrection of the body, as inferred from that of Christ, and ex- emplified by scriptural cases. With a discourse on humility. Oxford, 1788. 8 HOLROYD (JOHN BAKER), Earl of Sheffield. Observations on the impolicy, abuses, false interpretation, and ruinous consequences of the poor laws ; and on the reports of the two houses of Parliament. 2d ed. Lnntlon, 1818. 8 HOLTZAPFFEL HOMMA. 370 HOLTZAPFFEL (CHARLES). A new system of | scales of equal parts, applicable to various pur- poses of engineering, architectural and general I science. Illustrated by a fac-simile of the scales on copper plate. London, 1838. 8 HOLTZFUS (BARTHOLDUS), Professor of theology ' in the university of Frankfort on the Oder. I Tractatus theologicus de prsedestinatione, elec- tione et reprobatione hominum, ad promoven- dam concordiam ecclesiasticam. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1703. 4 - Editio tertia. Lu-gd. Batav., 1756. 8 HOLYOAKE (GEORGE JACOB). Christianity and secularism. Report of a public discussion be- tween the Rev. Brewin GRANT and G. J. H. 1853 HOLY GHOST. Der Heilige Geist warhafftiger Gott oberster Herr und Gubernator der...hei- ligen Christlichen Kirchen. s. I. , 1534. 4 - Der Heilige Geist, &c. gegen den Bapst ge- schrieben von Gabriel, des himmlischen Reichs Erzkantzler, &c. s. I., 1534. 4 HOME (HENRY), Lord Kames. Elements of cri- ticism. 2 vol. 5th ed. Edin. , 1774. 8 - Seventh edition. With the author's last cor- rections and additions. 2 vol. Edin., 1788. 8 Ninth edition. Edin., 1817. 8 - Remarkable decisions of the court of Session, from the year 1730 to the year 1752. Collect- ed by The Hon. H. H. 2d ed. Edin., 1799. fol. Elucidations respecting the common and sta- tute law of Scotland. A new edition. Edin., 1800. 8 - Sketches of the history of man. Considerably enlarged by the last additions and corrections of the author. New edition. 3 vol. Edin., 1807. 8 Historical law tracts. The fourth edition. Edin., 1817. 8 Principles of equity. A new edition. Edin., 1825. 8 HOME (JOHN). The works of J. H. To which is prefixed an account of his life and writings by Henry Mackenzie. 3 vol. Edin., 1822. 8 DOUGLAS : a tragedy. 1757 AGIS : a tragedy. 1758 The history of the Rebellion in the year 1745. London, 1802. 4 HOMER (WILLIAM BRADFORD), Pastor of the Congregational church in South Benvick. Writ- ings of W. B. H. With a memoir by Edwards A. Park. Andcver, 1842. 32 HOMERUS. Ilias. [Gr.] Parisiis, 1554. 8 ftov. Ev Oow [1695]. 4 1'A/a.c. 2 torn. Glasguoe, excudebant B. etA. Foulis, 1756. fol. ! - Ilias [Gr.] ad veteris codicis Veneti fidem re- j censita. Scholia in earn antiquissima ex eodem codice aliisque nunc primum edidit cum aster- ! iscis, obeliscis, aliisqxie signis criticis, Joh. Bap- ! tista Caspar D'Ansse de Villoison. Vcnetiis, 1788. fol. Ilias. [Gr.l 2 torn. Edinburgi, 1794. 12 Ilias. [Gr.] Interpretatio Latina adjecta est, ex editione S. Clarke. 3 torn. Glasgiuz, 1747. 8 - Editio quarta decima. Londini, 1806. 8 Another edition. Abredonice, 1813. 8 Nova editio. Edinburgi, 1845. 8 Ilias [Gr. ] cum brevi annotatione, curante Chr. Gottl. Heyne. Editio nova. Londini, 1834. 8 L'lliade. Traduite en Franois avec des re- marques. Par Madame Dacier. 3 torn. Nou- velle edition. Amsterdam, 1712. 12 The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope. 5 vols. London, 1743. 8 Another edition. 2vol. Edin., 1778. 12 J Translated into English blank verse, by Wil- liam Cowper. 2 vol. [Vol. xi. and xii. of Cowper's works, edited by Southey.] London, 1837. 8 Odyssea, id est, de rebus ab Ulyssi gestis. Ejusdem Batrachomyomachia et hymni. [Gr. ] Geneva', 1567. 8* O^vffanx. 2 torn. Glasguce, excudebant R. et A. Foulis, 1758. fol. Odyssea Greece et Latine. Edidit, annotatio- nesque ex notis nonnullis manuscriptis a S. Clarke, S.T.P. relictis, partim collectas, adje- cit S. Clarke, S.R.S. Editio quinta. 2 torn. Londini, 1815. 8 The Odyssey of Homer. Translated from the Greek by Alexander Pope. 6 vol. London, 1725. 8 Translated into English blank verse, by Wil- liam Cowper. 2 vol. [Vol. xiii. and xiv. of Cowper's works, edited by Southey.] London, 1837. 8 * An enquiry into the life and writings of Homer. [By Thomas BLACKWELL.] London, 1736. 8 HOMILIES. Certain sermons or homilies ap- pointed to be read in churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth. Together with the thirty nine articles of religion. London, 1757. fol. Book of homilies. [Wants title.] fol. Another edition. To which are added, the constitutions and canons ecclesiastical, and the thirty nine articles of the Church of England. London, 1816. 8 Another copy. A new edition. Oxford, 1822. 8 Another edition. London, 1825. 12 Another edition. London, 1840. 12 Another edition. With an appendix, contain- ing the articles of religion, constitution, and canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Third Ameri- can, from the last English, edition. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 A fruitful exhortation to the reading and know- ledge of the holy Scripture. A homily. s. 1. et a. 12 HOMMA (LAURENTIUS). Disputationum ethica- rum prima, de virtutibus in specie, nominatim fortitudine, quam...sub prsesidio...D. Berck- ringeri...publice defendet L. H. Trajccti ad Hhcnum, 1645. 4 380 HONE-HUOKEK. HONE (WILLIAM).* The three trials of W. H. for publishing three parodies ; viz. The late John Wilkes's catechism, The political litany, and The sinecurist's creed; or, three ex-officio informations, at Guildhall, London 18, 19, and 20 December 1817. London, 1818. 8 * The first trial of W. H....for publishing a parody on the late John Wilkes's catechism of a ministerial member. 10th ed. London, 1817. 8 Sixteenth edition. London, 1818. 8 - * The second trial of W. H....for publishing a parody, with an alleged intent to ridicule the litany, and libel the Prince Regent, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. 7th ed. London, 1818. 8 Twelfth edition. London, 1818. 8 * The third trial of W. H....for publishing a parody on the Athanasian creed, entitled " The sinecurist's creed." 5th ed. London, 1818. 8 Fourteenth edition. London, 1818. 8 * Trial by jury and liberty of the press. The proceedings at the public meeting held Decem- ber 29, 1817, at the City of London tavern, for the purpose of enabling W. H. to surmount the difficulties in which he has been placed by being selected by the ministers of the crown as the object of their persecution. 4th ed. London, 1818. 8 - The political house that Jack built. 10th ed. London, 1819. 8 - The miraculous host tortured by the Jew under the reign of Philip the Fair 1290 ; being one of the legends which converted the daughters and niece of Douglas Loveday, Esq. ...in 1821. From the French. 8th ed. London, 1822. 8 - Ancient mysteries described, especially the English miracle plays, founded on apocryphal New Testament story, extant among the un- published manuscripts in the British Museum ; including notices of ecclesiastical shows, the festivals of fools and asses the English boy Bishop the descent into hell the Lord Mayor's show the Guildhall giants Christ- mas carols, &c. London, 1823. 8 HONERT (JOHANNES VAN DEN), Professor of divi- nity at Ley den. Dissertationes apocalypticse, exercitiis academicis ventilates, et conscribendo in ipsam Johannis theologi Apocalypsin com- mentario prsemissse, a J. v. H. Lugd. Batav., 1736. 4 Institutiones theologise didactico-elencticse... necnon orationes duse, alterade regeneratione, altera de historia ecclesiastica...Editio altera, cui accedunt alise ejusdem orationes duse, al- tera de mutua Christianorum tolerantia, altera de sapientia et arte oratoris ecclesiastic!. Lugd. Batav., 1749. 4 HONERT (TACO HAJO VAN DEN). Theologiana- turalis et revelata per aphorismos delineata, ex commentario de veris Dei viis. Amstel, 1715. 8 Dissertationes historicse, I. De creatione mun- di ; II. De situ Edenis ; III. De lingua prim- reva, ejusque propagatione. Lugd. Batav., 1738. 8 HONOUR. An enquiry into the origin of ho- nour, and the usef illness of Christianity in war. I'.y tin author of The fable of the bees ; [Ber- nard de MANDEVILLE]. London, 1732. 8 HONTHKl.M (.|..ANM:S-NI'I.L. IT:). - Justinus Febronius abbreviatus et emendatus. I de statu Ecclesiae tractatus ex sacra Scriptura, traditione, et melioris notie catholicis scripto- ribus adornatus, ab auctore ipso in hoc com- pendium redactus. [Per J. FEBROMC.M. | [Pseud.] Colonice et Francofurti, 1777. 4* Commentarius in suam retractationem Pio VI. Pont. Max. Kalendia Novemb. An. MDCCLXXVIII. submissam. [Per J. FEBRONIUM.] [Pseud.] Francofurti ad Mwnum, 1781. 4 HONYMAN (ANDREW), Bishop of Orkney. A survey of the insolent and infamous libel, en- tituled, NAPHTAXI. 1GG8 HOOD (ISOBEL). * Memoirs and manuscript of I. H. By the Rev. John Macdonald. With introductory notice, by Hugh Miller. 2d ed. Edin., 1844. 12 HOOG (JOANNES). Specimen academicum inau- gurale, de cretus Christianorum Philippensis conditione primseva, ex Epistola iis ab Apos- tolo Paulo scripta proecipue dijudicanda, quod ...pro gradu Doctoratus.-.publico ac solenni examini submittit J. H. Lugd. Batav., 1825. 4 HOOGEVEEN (HENRICUS). J. C. Zeunii ani- madversiones in F. Vigeri de preecipuis Grsecsa dictionis idiotismis librum, ad justam exami- nis lancem revocatse. Lugd. Batav. , 1781. 8 Doctrina particularum linguae Graecae. In epi- tomen redegit Christianus Godofr. Schutz. Editio secunda. Lipgice, 1806. 8 Another edition. Glasguw, 1813. S HOOGHT (EVERARDTJS VAN DER). Biblia He- braica, secundum ultimam editionem Jos. Athiae. 1705. See BIBLES HEBREW. A. HOOK (WALTER FARQUHAR), D.D., Vicar of Leeds. Hear the Church. A sermon, preach- ed at the chapel royal, in St James's palace, on the first Sunday after Trinity, June 17, 1838. 6th ed. London, 1838. 12 Twenty-sixth edition. London, 1838. 12" A history of the Church in America ; [in a pre- face to the early life of Bishop HOBART]. 1838 On the means of rendering more efficient the education of the people. A letter to the Lord Bishop of St David's. 9th ed. London, 1846. 8 HOOKER (EDWARD W. ), of Bennington, Vermont. Love to the doctrines of the Bible an-essen- tial element of Christian character. Philadelphia, 1837. 12 Another edition. [Presb. Tracts, vol. i.] Philadelphia, 1840. 12 HOOKER (HERMAN), D.D. Popular infidelity. [Lib. of Christ. Knowledge, vol. v.] Philadelphia, 1836. 12 Second edition. [Ibid.] Philadelphia, 1836. 12 The family book of devotion ; containing daily morning and evening prayers for four weeks ; a sermon on contemplation, and an evening HOOKER HOORNBEECK. 381 prayer, for every Sunday iri the year : and an appendix of prayers for particular occasions. With an introduction on the importance of family religion. Philadelphia, 1842. 8 HOOKER (HORACE). The child's book on the Sabbath. New York, s. a. 12 HOOKER (RICHARD), D.D., Rector of Bishops- bourne, Kent. The works of Mr R. H., in eight books of the laws of ecclesiastical polity : with several other treatises. Also a life of the author, by Isaak Walton. A new edition. 3 vol. London, 1821. 8 - Another edition. Edited by the Rev. W. S. Dobson, M.A. 2 vol. London, 1825. 8 Another edition. Oxford, 1839. 8 Another edition. Oxford, 1841. 8 - Certayne divine tractates, and other godly ser- mons. London, 1622. fol. Another edition. London, 1639. fol. Of the lawes of ecclesiastical polity, eight books. London, 1622. fol. Another copy. - Another edition. London, s. a. fol. HOOKER (THOMAS), Pastor of the Church at Hartford, N. E. The paterne of perfection : exhibited in God's image on Adam : and God's covenant made with him. Whereunto is added an exhortation, to redeem the time ...and also some miscellanies, I. The prayer of faith. II. A preparative to the Lord's Supper. III. The character of a sound Chris- tian, in 17. markes. By T. H. London, 1640. 12 A survey of the summe of Church-Discipline. Wherein the way of the Churches of New-Eng- land is warranted out of the word, and all ex- ceptions of weight, which are made against it, answered : whereby also it will appear to the judicious reader, that something more must be said, than hath yet been, before their princi- ples can be shaken, or they should be unsetled in their practice. London, 1648. 4 HOOKER (Sir WILLIAM JACKSON), Regius pro- fessor of botany in the university of Glasgmv. The British flora ; comprising the phsenoga- mous, or flowering plants, and the Ferns. 2d ed. London, 1831. 8 - Fourth edition. Vol. i. London, 1838. 8 HOOLE (ELIJAH). Madras, Mysore, and the South of India : or, a personal narrative of a mission to those countries : from 1820 to 1828. 2d ed. : with some account of the Jesuit mis- sion in Madura : brief historical notices of Ma- dras. . .remarks on Tamul literature, and on the religion and religious state of the Hindoos ; and a history of the Romish persecutions of the Nestorians, or Syrian Christians of Tra- vancore. London, 1844. 12 HOOPER (JOHN), D.D., Bishop of Gloucester and Worcester. An exposition upon the 23. psalme of David full of frutefull and comfortable doc- trin, written to the Citye of London by J. H. bishop of Gloceter and Worceter, and holye martyr of God for the testimonye of hys truth. Whereunto is annexed an apology of his, agaynst such as reported that he cursed Quene Mary, wyth certaine Godlye and comfortable letters in the ende. s. I. , 1562. 8 Early writings of J. H. Comprising the de- claration of Christ and his office. Answer to Bishop Gardiner. Ten commandments. Ser- mons on Jonas. Funeral sermon. Edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. Samuel Carr, M.A. Cambridge, 1843. 8 Later writings of Bishop Hooper, together with his letters and other pieces. Edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. Charles Nevinson, M.A. Cambridge, 1852. 8 HOOPER (JOHN), Rector of Albury, Surrey. The present crisis, considered in relation to the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. London, 1830. 12 Third edition.. London, 1832. 12 " The Word was made flesh." A sermon [on John, i. 14] preached in the parish church of Westbury...l831. London, 1831. 12 The doctrine of the second advent, briefly stated. 3d ed. London, 1832. 12 HOORNBEECK, or HOORNBECK (JOHANNES), Professor of divinity in the universities of Utrecht andLeyden. Socinianismusconfutatus. 3tom. Ultrajecti, 1650; et Amstel, 1662-64. 4 Another copy. Socinianismi confutati compendium ipsissimia cl. autoris verbis concinnatum. Lugd. Batav., 1690. 12 Examen Bullse papalis, qua P. Innocentius X. abrogare nititur pacem Germanise. Ultrajecti, 1652. 4 Editio secunda, cui accesserunt Bullse P. Ur- bani VIII. de supressione Jesuitissarum ; de cultu imaginum ; de festis ; una cum scholiis. Ultrajecti, 1653. 4 Another copy. Pro convincendis et convertendis Judeeis, libri octo. Lugd. Batav., 1655. 4 Disputationes theologicse anti-Socinianae, de Christo : ejus natura, officiis, beneficiis. Ha- bitae in illustri academia Lugduno-Batava ; auctore et prseside J. H. 2 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1656-59. 4 Summa controversiarum religionis ; cum infi- delibus, hsereticis, schismaticis : id est, Genti- libus, Judseis, Muhammedanis, Papistis, Ana- baptistis, Enthusiastis et Libertinis, Socinia- nis ; Remonstrantibus, Lutheranis, Brownis- tis, Grcecis. Editio secunda. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1658. 8 Another copy. Editio nova. Colbergce, 1676. 8 De observando a Christianis prsecepto decalogi quarto, die Dominica. Litgd. Batav., 1659. 12 De Independentismo epistola. Cum Indepen- dentium, seu Congregationalium in Anglia, nuper edita confessione. Addita est Jacobi USSERII, de reducendo Episcopatu, adformam regiminis synodici, dissertatio. Cum notis. v Ultrajecti, 1661. 8" Theologia practica. Accessit ejusdem Ireni- cum de studio pacis atque concordiao. Et ora- 382 HOPE HORATIUS. tio, do prudentia. - partt. tTttrtM . i.iitf, 66. 4 Another copy. [Wants title.] De conversione Indorum et Gentilinm. Libri duo. Accessit ejuadem vita ab auiico edita. Amstel., 1669. 4 Orationes habit tu in Academia Ultrajectina. Colbergce, 1676. 8 Methodua concionandi ; [ad calc. Coinpend. theol. per A. ESSENIUM]. 1682 HOPE (JOHN), Dean of tlw Faculty of advocates, afterwards Lord Justice Clerk A letter to the Hon. James Abercromby. 2d ed. E,lin., 1822. 8 A letter to the Lord Chancellor, on the claims of the Church of Scotland in regard to its ju- risdiction, and on the proposed changes in its polity. . , 1839. 8 Second edition. /:/,'/(., 1839. 8 Speech of the Dean of Faculty, in the Court of Session, on the hearing, in presence of the whole court, in conjoined actions of reduction and suspension, of the sentence of deposition, the Presbytery of Strathbogie against the Rev. Dr Gordon and others, January 26, 1843. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. HOPFNERUS (HENRICUS). De justification hominis peccatoris coram Deo, disputationes duodecim. Lipsice, 1653. 4 HOPKINS (EZEKIEL), D.D., Bishop of London- Derry. The works of E.H. London, 1701. fol. Another edition. With a memoir of the au- thor. Edin., 1841. 8 Another edition. 2vol. Edin., 1844. 8 The doctrine of the two covenants, wherein the nature of original sin is at large explain'd : St Paul and St James reconcil'd in the great article of justification. With a discourse of glorifying God in his attributes. Now first publish'd from his original manuscripts. London, 1712. 8 - Another copy. Another copy. HOPKINS (JOHN). The Booke of Psalmes col- lected into English meeter, by Thomas STERN- HOLD, J. H., and others. 1601. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. HOPKINS (JOHN HENRY), D.D., Bishop of Ver- mont, U. S. The primitive creed, examined and explained : In two parts. Burlington, 1834. 12 The Church of Rome, in her primitive purity, compared with the Church of Rome at the pre- sent day : being a candid examination of her claims to universal dominion... First London edition, revised and corrected by the author, with an introduction by the Rev. H. Melvill. London, 1839. 12 The novelties which disturb our peace. [In four letters] addressed to the Bishops, clergy, and laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Philadelphia, 1844. 12 " The end of controversy" controverted. A refutation of Milner's " End of controversy," in ;i scries of letters addressed to F. P. Ken- rick, Roman Catholic Archbishop of JJaltim.nv. J v.il. New York, l.-.M !_' HOPKINS (SAMUEL), D.D., Pastor of the first Congregational church in Newport, Rhode island. A treatise on the millennium. Shewing from Scripture prophecy that it is yet to come ; when it will come ; in what it will consist ; and the evi-iita which are first to take place introduc- tory to it. A./,/.., 1794. 12 Another copy. HOPKINS (W.), M.A. Elements of trigonome- try. [L. U. K.] London, 1832. 8 HOPKINSONUS ( JOH.). Descriptio paradisi ; [cum Commentt. in Epist. ad Hebr. L. TEN A auctore]. li'.iil HOPPER (Mrs R. L.). Joy and peace in believ- ing ; or, hints for obtaining this blessing. 2d ed. London, 1839. 16 HOPTON (Mrs SUSANNA). A collection of medi- tations and devotions, in three parts. I. Me- ditations on the creation. II. Meditations and devotions on the life of Christ. III. Daily devotions and thanksgivings. By the first re- former of the devotions in the ancient way of offices ; afterwards reviewed and set forth by the late learned Dr Hickes. Published by N. Spinckes, M.A. London, 1717. 8* HORANTIUS (FRANCISCUS). Loconim catholi- corum, turn sacra? Scripturae, turn etiam anti- quorum Patrum pro orthodoxa fide retinenda, libri septem. Parisiis, 1565. 8 HORATIUS FLACCUS (QUINTTJS). Opera. Edinburgi, 1570. 12 Another edition. Illustrata a Joanne Bond. Amster., 1670. 8 Another edition. Cantabrigice, 1699. 4 Another edition. 2 torn. Londini, jfineis tabulis incidit Johannes Pine, 1733, 37. 8 Another edition. Interpretatione et notis il- lustravit Ludovicus Desprez...in usum Del- phini. Huic editioni accessere vita Horatii cum Dacerii notis, ejusdem chronologia Hora- tiana, et prsefatio de satira Romana. Editio duodecima. Londini, 1762. 8 Another edition. Cura Joannis Hunter, LL.D 2 torn. Cupri Fifanorum, 1813. 12 Another edition. Recensuit et illustravit Fri- dericus Guil. Doering. Editio quarta. 2 torn. LlpsuR, 1828, 29. 8 Eclogse, cum scholiis veteribus. Castigavit et notis illustravit Guil. Baxterus : varias lec- tiones et observationes addidit J. M. Gesne- rus ; quibus et suis adspersit J. C. Zeunius. Editio auctior. Londini, 1822. 8 3 A poetical translation of the works of Horace, with the original text, and critical notes. By Philip Francis, D.D. 4 vol. 8th ed. London, 1778. 12 Another copy. The odes and satyrs of Horace, that have been done into English by the most eminent hands. London, 1717. 12 Satires, epistles, and art of poetry done into English... by S. Dunster, D.D. 3d ed. London, 1719. 8" HORBERY HORNE. The odes, satyrs, and epistles of Horace. Done into English by Mr [Thomas] Creech. 5th ed. London, 1730. 12 - Sixth edition. London, 1737. 12 The odes, epodes, and carmen seculare of Ho- race, translated into English prose... With the Latin text and order of construction. . .[Usually called Davidson's Horace.] London, 1746. 8 - The satires, epistles, and art of poetry of Ho- race, translated into English prose... With the Latin text and order of construction. ..[Ibid.]. London, 1748. 8 - The odes, epodes, and carmen seculare of Ho- race. Translated into English verse. By Wil- liam Boscawen. London, 1793. 8 - The satires, epistles, and art of poetry of Ho- race. Translated into English verse. By Wil- liam Boscawen. London, 1797. 8 - (Euvres d'Horace en Latin et en Franois, avec des remarques critiques et historiques par Mon- sieur Dacier. Troisieme Edition. 10 torn. Paris, 1709. 8 Another copy. HORBERY (MATTHEW), D.D., Rector of Stan- lake. An enquiry into the Scripture-doctrine concerning the duration of future punishment : in which the texts of the New Testament, re- lating to this subject, are considered ; and the doctrine, drawn from them alone, is shewn to be consistent with reason. Occasion'd by some late writings, and particularly Mr Whiston's discourse of hell-torments. London, 1744. 8 HORBIUS (JOANNES HENRICUS). Historia Ori- geniana, sive de ultima origine et progressu hseresews Origenis Adamantii tractatus singu- laris, e philosophia barbarica ac Grseca, et ve- tustissimis Patrum operibus erutus ad illus- trissimos reipublicse Argentoratensis proceres. Francofurti, 1670. 4 HORN (JOANNES). Narratio pragmatica conver- sionum, quas theologia moralis seculo decimo octavo experta est apud Lutheranos, Reforma- tos, Catholicos atque sectas Christianas mi- nores. Gcettingce, s. a. 4 HORN A NUS ( J OH ANN ES). Theses philosophicse . Lugd. Batav., 1609. 4 HORNE (GEORGE), D.D., Bishop of Norwich. The miscellaneous works of G. H. To which are prefixed, memoirs of his life, studies, and writings, by William Jones, M.A. London, 1830. 8 - Another copy. - A letter to Adam SMITH on the life, death, and philosophy of his friend David Hume. 1782 - A sermon [on 2 Thess. iii. 13] preached June 12, 1783. To which is annexed an account of the Society for promo ting Christian knowledge. London, 1783. 4 - Discourses on several subjects and occasions. 4th ed. ; to which is now prefixed, some ac- count of the author. 2 vol. Perth, 1794. 12 - Discourses. 4 vol. [Vol. i., ii., same as the preceding, 5th ed., vol. iii., iv., 2d ed.] (h-ford, 1795. 8 Sixteen sermons, on various subjects and oc- casions. 2d ed. Oxford, 1795. 8 Another copy. A fair, candid, and impartial state of the case between Sir Isaac Newton and Mr Hutchinson. In which is shewn how far a system of physics is capable of mathematical demonstration How far Sir Isaac's, as such a system, has that demonstration and, consequently, what re- gard Mr Hutchinson's claim may deserve to have paid to it. 2d ed. London, 1799. 8 - An apology for certain gentlemen in the uni- versity of Oxford, aspersed in a late anony- mous pamphlet ; with a short postscript con- cerning another pamphlet, lately published by the Rev. Mr Heathcote. 2d ed. London, 1799. 8 Letters on infidelity. To which is prefixed a letter to Dr Adam Smith. New edition. Oxford, 1806. 8 A commentary on the Book of Psalms. 2 vol. 8th ed. London, 1806. 8 - New edition. London, 1842. 8 HORNE (MELVILLE), Curate of West Thurrock, Essex. Letters on missions, addressed to the Protestant ministers of the British Churches. Andover, 1815. 12 Scripture and common sense on the doctrines of regeneration and baptism. Manchester, s. a. 8 An address to the nation and people of the God of Abraham. Manchester, s. a. 8 HORNE (THOMAS), B.D., Eector of St Catharine Colman. The religious necessity of the Refor- mation asserted, and the extent to which it was carried in the Church of England vindi- cated, in eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, 1828, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1828. 8 HORNE (THOMAS HARTWELL), B.D. An intro- duction to the critical study and knowledge of the holy Scriptures. 3d ed. 4 vol. London, 1822. 8 Sixth edition. London, 1828. 8 Another copy. Eighth edition. 5 vol. London, 1839. 8 - Another copy. Another copy. An introduction to .the textual criticism of the New Testament ; with analyses, etc. of the re- spective books, and a bibliographical list of editions of the Scriptures in the original text's and the ancient versions. The critical part re- written, and the remainder revised and edit- ed by Samuel Prideaux TREGELLES, LL.D. [Vol. iv. of 10th ed.] London, 1856. 8 A compendious introduction to the study of the Bible. Being an analysis of his Introduc- tion to the critical study of Scripture. 7th ed. London, 1842. 12 Romanism contradictory to the Bible ; or, the peculiar tenets of the Church of Rome, as ex- hibited in her accredited formularies, contrast- ed with the holy Scriptures. A new edition. . London, 1827. 12 384 IKUtNECK-IIOTTINGER. - A Protestant memorial for the commemora- j tion, on the 4th day of October, 1835, of the third centenary of the Reformation, and of the publication of the first entire Protestant Eng- lish version of the Bible. 2d ed. London, 1835. 12 Fourth edition. London, 1835. 12 Fifth edition. London, 1835. 12 The afflictions and triumphs of the Church of Christ. London, 1836. 8 A manual of parochial psalmody. London, 1839. 12 HORNECK (ANTHONY), D.D., Prebendary of Westminster. The crucified Jesus, or, a full account of the nature, end, design, and bene- fits of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. With necessary directions, prayers, praises, and meditations, to be used by persons who come to the holy communion. And also a pa- raphrase on the 22d and 23d chapters of St Luke's Gospel. 9th ed. Edin., s. a. 8 HORNIHOLD (J.). The real principles of Ca- tholicks : or, a catechism for the adult. Ex- plaining the principal points of the doctrine and ceremonies of the Catholic Church. By J. H. London, 1749. 8 HORNIUS (GEORGIUS). Historia ecclesiastica, illustrata notis et observationibus, quibus fon- tes historicse antiquitatis aperiuntur. Acce- dit L. Capelli historise Judaicae compendium, et continuatio ad A. usque 1687. M. Ley- decker edidit. Lugd. Batav., 1687. 12 Editio nova. Cum duplici historise Hornianne supplemento M. Leydeckeri ad annum 1687, et Joh. Dan. Crameri usque ad prsesens secu- lum perducto. Francofurti, 1704. 8 De statu Ecclesiae Britannicse hodierno, liber commentarius. Una cum appendice eorum, quae in Synodo Glasguensi contra Episcopos de- creta sunt. [BvHonorius REGGICS.] [Pseud.] Dantisci, 1647. 4 HOROSCO (JUAN DE). Emblemas morales. [Wants title.] Segovia, 1589. 4 HORSELEECH. The Romish horseleech ; or, An impartial account of the intolerable charge of Popery to this nation, in an historical re- membrance of some of those prodigious summs of money heretofore extorted from all degrees during the exercise of the papal power here. To which is annexed an essay on the supre- macy of the King of England. [By Thomas STATELY.] London, 1674. 16 HORSLEY (SAMUEL), LL.D., successively Bishop of St David's and St Asaph. The theological works of S. H. 8 vol. London, 1830. 8 Providence and free agency. A sermon [on Matt. xvi. 21] preached April 17th, 1778. London, 1778. 4 Letters from the Archdeacon of St Albans [S. Horsley] in reply to Dr Priestley. With an appendix, containing short strictures on Dr Priestley's letters, by an unknown hand. London, 1784. 8 Tracts in controversy with Dr Priestley upon j the historical question of the belief of the first ages in our Lord's divinity. Originally pub- lished in the years 1783, 1784, and 178G. Af- terwards revised and augmented with a large addition of notes and supplemental disquisi- tions by the author. 3d ed. To which is added an appendix by the Rev. Heneage Hors- ley, A.M. Dundee, 1812. 8 Another copy. Critical disquisitions on the eighteenth chap- ter of Isaiah. In a letter to Edward King. London, 1799. 4 Sermons. 3 vol. 3d ed. Dundee, 1812, 13. 8 A new edition. 2 vol. London, 1824. 8 Another edition. London, 1826. 8 The Book of Psalms, translated from the He- brew, with notes. 1815. See BIBLES ENG- LISH. C. Biblical criticism on the first fourteen histori- cal Books of the Old Testament ; also on the first nine prophetical Books. 4 vol. London, 1820. 8 HORSMAN (EDWARD). Speech in the House of Commons, (May 5th, 1837) on the motion of Sir William Rae for Church extension. Edin., 1837. 12 HORTON (Right Hon. ROBERT WILMOT). The causes and remedies of pauperism in the united kingdom considered. London, 1830. 8 * Review of the Right Hon. R. W. H.'s first letter to the freeholders of Yorkshire, on the claims of the West Indians for equitable com- pensation. From the Edin. Christ. Instructor, Dec. 1830. [Edin., 1830]. 8 HOSIUS (STANISLAUS), Cardinal. De sacro ver- nacule legendo, inter Harpagum, et Aratorem, dialogus. [Collect, author, qui SCRIPTURE in vulg. ling, translat. damnarunt.] Lutetice-Parisiornm, 1661. 4 HOSPINIANUS (RODOLPHUS), Minister at Zu- lich. Historise sacramentarise de origine et progressu controversial sacramentarise de Ccena Domini inter Lutheranos, Ubiquistas, et Or- thodoxos, quos Zuinglianos seu Caluinistas vocant, exortse, ab anno nati in carne Christ! Saluatoris 1517 usque ad annum 1602 deduc- ta : in qua etiam do origine et progressu ubi- quitatis et libri concordise agitur. Tiguri, 1602. fol. Concordia discors : de origine et progressu for- mulse concordise Bergensis liber unus : in quo ejus errores et falsa dogmata, sacrse Scrip turse, orthodoxis symbolis, toti antiquitati puriori, et ipsi etiam Augustanse confessione repugnantia ...Christiano lectori demonstrantur. . . Tiguri, 1607. fol. HOSSBACH (W.), Pastor at Berlin. Spener et son epoque. Traduit librement de l'Allemand par R. Cle'ment. Neuchatel, 1847. 8. HOTOMANUS (FRANCISCUS), Professor of civil laic at Bourges. Brutum fulmen Papse SIXTI V. adversus Henricum Regem Navarrse. 1586 Francisci et Joannis Hotomani, et clarorum virorum ad eos epistolse. Amstel., 1700. 4 HOTTINGER (Jon. HEXRICUS), Professor of di- vinity and Oriental languages at Zurich, The- HOTTINGER HOWARD. 385 saurus philologicus, seu clavis Scripturse : qua quicquid fere Orientalium, Hebrseorum maxi- ine, et Arabum, habent monumenta de reli- gione, ejusque variis speciebus, Judaismo, Sa- maritanismo, Christianismo, Muhammedismo, Gentilismo ; de theologia et theologis ; verbo Dei y^a.(fw et *sr, o.nji-r tiires concerning the inhabitants, plants and productions of the worlds in the planets. W i i t - ten in Latin by C. H. 2d ed. London, 1722. 8 HUGHES (GEORGE), B.D., Minister of Tavistock. The art of embalming dead saints, discover- ed in a sermon [on Ps. xvi. 10] preached at the funeral of Master William Crompton, Ja- nuary 5, 1041. London, 1642. 4 Aphorisms, or, select propositions of the Scrip- ture shortly determining the doctrine of the Sabbath. 8. Z.,1G70. 8 HUGHES (Huon), D.D., Rector of St John's, Clerkcnwell. The dangers of formality, and difficulties of salvation. A sermon [on Luke, xiii. 23, 24] preached March G, 1842. s. I. et a. 8 HUGHES (J.), B.A., Dublin. A review of Mr Spurgeon's discourses ; or, A new and com- plete refutation of Calvinism, from reason, analogy, and Scripture. London, 1857. 8 HUGHES (JAMES), Roman Catholic priest. Re- port of a discussion between the Rev. William Baker STONEY, and J. H. 1854. i HUGHES (JOHN), D.D., Archbishop of tlw Ro- I man Catholic Church in New York. A lecture , on the mixture of civil and ecclesiastical power [ in the government of the middle ages. New-York, 1843. 8 j HUGHES (OBADIAH), D.D., Dissenting minister j at Westminster. The veneration of saints and | images as taught and practis'd in the Church of Rome, examined. A sennon preached at Salters-Hall, Feb. 20, 1734-5. 2d ed. London, 1735. 8 HUGHSON (DAVID), LL.D. [Pseiul.]. London ; being an accurate liistory and description of the British metropolis and its neighbourhood, to thirty miles extent, from an actual perambu- lation. 6vol. 1805-1809. 8 HUGO, or UGO, de 8. Cliaro, Cardinal Opera omnia in universum Vetus et Novum Testa- mentum. 8 torn. Colonies, Agnppince, 1621. fol. - De prsedestinatione. G. L. s. I. , [1472]. fol. HUGO, Archbisliop of Rouen. Libri tres dogma- turn Christianas fidei ; [cum opp. GUIBERTI]. , 1651 HUGO (HERMANNUS). Pia desideria, tribus li- bris comprehensa. 1. Genitus animje poeni- tentis ; 2. Vota animse sanctaj ; 3. Suspiria aninue amantis. Editio nona. Antverpicc, 1676. 8 1IUIE (JAMES). Modern Romanism, British and continental. Edin., 1856. 8 Another edition. Edin., ,1858. 8 HUIE (JAMES A.). History of Christian mis- sions, from the Reformation to the present j time. Edin., 1842. 8 HUIE (RICHARD), M.D. Sacred lyrics. Edin., 1843. 12 , 1IUISH (ROBERT). The public and private life i of George the Third... with a variety of secret ' anecdotes "f His Majesty, tlu- n-val family, anil other (listiiimii.-ln-l fhaiartrrs i ..niK-ctfd with tin- i-n n it... ('(.in prising, also, a most valu- aliK: ami inU-n.'.sting historical mrmoir of tin- House of Brunswick from its early foundation to the present period, translated... from tin n lebrated Latin work, entitled! >i i^im-s ( Jm Iphi r:i-. /. ion, 1821. 4 HULL (JOHN), M.D. Elements of botany. Vol. i. Manchester, 1800. 8 HULL (JOHN), M.A. Observations on a petition for the revision of the liturgy of the United Church of England and Ireland. With a im- port of the discussion it caused in the House of Lords, May 26, 1840. By J. H., and W. W. HULL. Bded. London, 1840. 8 HULL (WILLIAM WINSTANLEY), M.A. An in- quiry concerning the means and expedience of proposing and making any changes in the ca- nons, articles, or liturgy, or in any of the laws affecting the interests of the Church of Eng- land. Osford, 1828. 8 The disuse of the Athanasian creed advisable in the present state of the United Church of England and Ireland. Oxford, 1831. 8 Another copy. Observations on a petition for a revision of the liturgy. By John HULL, and W. W. H. 1840 HULSEAN LECTURES. See names of the au- thors. HULSEMANNUS (JOHANNES). De auxiliis gra- tiae, quse vocant, contra Pontificios, Calvinia- iios, et cumprimis Arminianos. Accessit ob argumenti cognationemdisputatio cum H. Gro- tio, de harmonia SS. Pauli et Jacobi. Editio secunda. Lipsue, et Francofurti, 1706. 4 1 HULSIUS (ANTONIUS), Professor of Hebrew at Leyden. Nomenclator biblicus Hebrseo-Lati- nus. Accessit oratio de linguae S. engine... Breda, 1650. 8 a Liber Psalmorum Hebraice. Cum annotatio- nibus. 1650. See BIBLES HEBREW. D. HULSIUS (HENRICUS), Professor of divinity at Duisburg. Somnium. Quum interdiu ad prsesentes Europse tumultus animum vehemen- tius intenderat. Teutopoli, 1694. 12 HULTON (Mrs ANNE). Memoirs of the life of Mrs A. H., by Matthew Henry; [with me- moirs of the life of Mrs Sarah SAVAGE]. 1821 HUMBOLDT (Le baron FREDERIC-HENRI-ALEX. DE). Researches concerning the institutions and monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America, with descriptions and views of the most striking scenes in the Cordilleras. Writ- ten in French by A. de H., and translated into English by Helen Maria Williams. 2 vol. London, 1814. 8 Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the new continent during the years 1799-1804 by A. de H. and Aims' Bonpland. Written in French by A. de H., and translated into English by Helen Maria Williams. 7 vol. London, 1822-29. 8 Cosmos essai d'une description du monde ; tra- duit par H. Taye. Premiere partie. Paris, 1846. 8 HUME HUNNIUS. 389 Translated under the superintendence of Lieut. -Col. Edward Sabine. 2 vol. 7th ed. London, 1849. [The above is a translation of both parts of Humboldt's Cosmos.] HUME (ALEXANDER), Minister of Logic. Hymns and sacred songs. Reprinted from the edition of Waldegrave, 1599. [Printed for the Ban- natyneClub.] Edin., 1832. 4 [The above contains also " Ane afold admoni- tioun to the ministerie of Scotland." Printed from a manuscript in the Advocates Library.] HUME (DAVID). The philosophical works of D. H. Including all the essays, and exhibit- ing the more important alterations and correc- tions in the successive editions published by the author. 4vol. Edin., 3826. 8 - Political discourses. 2ded. Edin., 1752. 12 - Essays and treatises on several subjects. 2 vol. A new edition. London, 1777. 8 - A new edition. To which are added, dialogues concerning natural religion. Edin. , 1793. 8 - A new edition. 2 vol. Edin., 1817. 8 - Dialogues on natural religion. 3d ed. London, 1804. 8 - A treatise of human nature. 2 vol. A new edition. London, 1817. 8 - The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Ceesar to the Revolution of 1688. 8 vol. London, 1796. 8 - New edition, with the author's last corrections and improvements. To which is prefixed, a short account of his life written by himself. 8 vol. London, 1823. 8 - * Letters on Mr Hume's History of Great Bri- tain. [By Daniel M'QUEEN, D.D.] Edin. , 1756. 8 - Letters of D. H., and extracts from letters re- ferring to him. Edited by Thomas Murray, LL.D. Edin., 1841. 8 HUME ( ). A letter from a blacksmith to the ministers and elders of the Church of Scot- land ; in which the manner of public WORSHIP there is pointed out. 1759 HUME (DAVID), Professor of Scots law in the uni- versity of Edinburgh. Commentaries on the" law of Scotland respecting crimes. 2d ed. 2vol. Edin., 1819. 4 HUME (JOHN), Minister at Greenlaw. Sermons upon religious and practical subjects. Edin., 1775. 8 HUMPHREY (HEMAN), D.D., President of Am- herst college. Miscellaneous discourses and re- views. Amherst, 1834. 12 - Great Britain, France and Belgium : a short tour in 1835. 2 vol. New York, 1838. 8 - Domestic education. Amherst, 1840. 12 - Thirty-four letters to a son in the ministry. Amherst, 1842. 12 - Essays upon the origin, perpetuity, change, and proper observance of the Sabbath. New York, s. a. 12 .HUMPHREY (JOHN), M. A. The middle-way, in one paper of justification. With indift'erency between Protestant and Papist. London, 1672. 4 HUMPHREYS (E. R.), LL.D. Lyra Latina ; or, translations into various kinds of Latin verse. Edin., 1850. 8 Lyra Hellenica ; or, translations of passages from British poets into Greek verse. Edin., 1852. 8 HUMPHRY (WILLIAM GILSON), B.D., Vicar of Northolt, Middlesex. A commentary on the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. London, 1847. 8 An historical and explanatory treatise on tho Book of Common prayer. Cambridge, 1853. 8 HUMPHRYES (JOHN), Minister of 'the Gospel Paulus redivivus : or speculum speculativum EvayyeX/of . Or, the two covenants of works and grace, and the three adminstrations of the covenant of grace, the Old Testament, and the New Testament, or the Kingdome of the stone : and the third administration of grace, being the kingdom and raign of Christ with saints a 1000 years on earth, being the adminstration of grace under the mountain : or, the new world or state before the final glory. ..With a short discourse about infant baptism, as the sign of the covenant of grace to the elect, till Christ's personal raign, as related to the mys- tical militant body ; to all professed believers and their seed, as related to the visible Catho- lick Church. With a narrative of the new world, with its King and Kingdom. London, 1680. 8 Another copy. HUNDRED DAYS. La ve'rite' sur les cents jours, principalement par rapport a la renais- sance projetee de 1'empire Romain ; par un citoyen de la corse. Bruxelles, 1825. 8 HUNGARY. History of the Protestant Church in Hungary, from the beginning of the Refor- mation to 1850 ; with reference also to Tran- sylvania. [By BATJHOFFER.] Translated by J. Craig, D.D., Hamburg. With an intro- duction by J. H. Merle d'Aubigne, D.D. London, 1854. 8 Another copy. HUNNIUS (^EGIDIUS), Professor of theology at Wittemberg. Opera Latina. 5 torn. Witebergce, 1607-1609. fol. Assertio sanae et orthodoxse doctrines de per- sona et majestate Domini nostri lesu Christi, ad dextram virtutis potentiseq ; Dei... In qua refutantur sophismata futilissima D. Christo- phori Pezelii... Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1591. 8 Libelli iiii. de persona Christi, ejusque ad dex- tram Dei sedentis divina majestate... Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1595. 8 Volumen theologicarum disputationum, Wite- bergse, partim publice, partim in private col- legio, de prsecipuis Christianse religionis capi- tibus habitarum. Witebergce, 1599. 8 Thesaurus apostolicus complectens commenta- ries in omnes Novi Testamenti Epistolas, et Apocalypsin Johannis. Nunc primum in hac forma editu8...a J. H. Feustkingio. ', 1705. fol. 390 HI NNIUS-HUNTINGil" >N - Thesaurus evangelicus complectens commen- tarios in quatuor Evangelistas et Acta Apos- tolorum. Nunc primuin hac forma cditus a J. H. Feustkingio. Wittenbergce, 1706. f->l. HUNNIUS (NicoLAUs). Apostasia Romance Ec- clesite, ab antiqua, apostolica vereq ; Cliristiana puritate salutaris doctrinae, fidei, cultus et re- ligionis : ex propria ipsius confessione, unice, luculeuter tamen, demonstrate. Lubecce, 1632. 12 HUNT (GEORGE). The Book of Job, translated. 1825. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. HUNT (ISAAC), Preacher at Bentinck chapel, St Marylebone, London. Discourses on public occasions. London, 1786. 8 HUNT (JEREMIAH), D.D. A sermon [on De\it. xxxii . 29J preached before the Societies for the reformation of manners, at Salter's Hall, July 2, 1716. 2d ed. London, 1716. 8 The sources of corrupting both natural and re- vealed religion, exemplified in the Romish doc- trine of penance and pilgrimages. A sermon preached at Salters-Hall, Feb. 27, 1734-5. 2d ed. London, 1735. 8 HUNT (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel. The doc- trine of God's eternal decrees stated ; and his righteousness therein cleared and vindicated. Glasgow, 1791. 8 HUNT (JOHN). * The life of J. H., missionary to the cannibals. By George Stringer Rowe. London, 1859. 8 HUNT (NICHOLAS), M. A. The new-borne Chris- tian : or, a lively patterne, and perfect repre- sentation of the saint-militant child of God ; layd open and described to the life, by his holy antipathic, and contrariety to sinne and impiety : his establishment in grace, and iinull perseverance. London, 1631. 4 HUNTER (ANDREW), D.D. Christ drawing all men unto him : a sermon [on John, xii. 32] preached, July 20, 1797. Edin., 1797. 8* I HUNTER (DAVID), D.D., one of the ministers of \ St Andrews. Observations on the history of ; Jesus Christ, serving to illustrate the proprie- ty of his conduct, and the beauty of his cha- racter. 2vol. Edin., 1770. 8 HUNTER (HENRY), D.D., Minister of the Scots church, London Wall. Attention to little ones recommended, in a sermon [on Matt, xviii. 10-14] preached at Salters-Hall, April 3d, 1789. London, 1789. 8 ; Sacred biography : or the history of the pa- i triarchs : being a course of lectures delivered [ at the Scots church, London Wall. 4th ed. 6 vol. London, 1792-95. 8 j Eighth edition. 5 vol. London, 1820. 8 j Lectures on the evidences of Christianity. By j John FELL, and H. H. 1798 j Sermons, and other miscellaneous pieces. To : which are prefixed, a biographical sketch of his life, and a critical account of his writings. 2 vol. London, 1804. 8 HUNTER (JAMES), of Thurston.* Letter to the author of the observations on the review of Mr Hunter's letter to the commissioners of supply for the county of Haddingtnn. // 1805. 8 HUNTER (Jonx), Minister of the Associate con- gregation at Gateschaw. Jesus Christ the un- speakable gift of God : being the substance of four sermons [on 2 Cor. ix. 15]... Together with a sermon upon Rev. v. 12, and another upon Psalm xxiii. f. /<., 1742. 8 Another copy [of the sermons upon Rev. v. 12, and Ps. xxiii. 5J. HUNTER (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel at Ayr. Topica sacra. By Thomas HARRISON. En- larged witli spiritual pleadings, by J. H. 1770 HUNTER (JOHN), Capt. R.N.An historical journal of the transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk island, with the discoveries which have been made in New South Wales and in the Southern ocean, since the publication of Phil- lip's voyage, compiled from the official papers ; including the journals of governors Phillip and King, and of Lieut. Ball ; and the voyages from the first sailing of the Sirius in 1787, to the return of that ship's company to England in 1792. London, 1793. 4 HUNTER (JOHN), M.A. " Apostolical succes- sion" not the doctrine of the Church of Eng- land. 2d ed. London, 1843. 8 HUNTER (JOSEPH), F.S. A. Ecclesiastical docu- ments : viz. I. A brief history of the Bishop- rick of Somerset from its foundation to the year 1174. II. Charters from the library of Dr Cox Macro. Now first published by the Rev. Joseph Hunter. [Camden Society.] London, 1840. 4 HUNTER (JosiAH). An inquiry concerning the scriptural order and method of dispensing the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Falkirk, 1776. 16 A discourse concerning the sonship of our Lord Jesus Christ. To which is subjoined, a short view of administrating the sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to our standards. Edin., 1779. 12 * A short account of the conduct of some of the Secession Judicators... referring to some late publications by Mr Adam GIB, and Mr J H 1782 HUNTER (ROBERT), Advocate. A dissertation on the history of the lease : being the intro- duction to a treatise on the law of landlord and tenant. Edin., 1860. 8 HUNTER (WILLIAM). An Anglo-Saxon gram- mar, and derivatives : with proofs of the Cel- tic dialects' being of Eastern origin ; and an analysis of the style of Chaucer, Douglas, and Spencer. London, 1832. 8 HUNTER (W. PATTISON).- Narrative of the late expedition to Syria, under the command of Admiral the Hon. Sir Robert Stopford. Com- prising an account of the capture of Gebail, Tripoli, and Tyre ; storming of Sidon ; battle of Calat-Meidan ; bombardment and capture of St Jean d'Acre, &c. &c. 2 vol. London, 1842. 8 HUNTINGDON, COUNTESS OF. See Selina SHIR- LEY. HUNTINGFORD HUTCHESON. 391 IIUNTINGFORD (GEORGE ISAAC), D.D., succes- sively Bishop of Gloucester, and Hereford. Dis- courses on different subjects. 2 vol. London, 1795, 97. 8 - A call for union with the Established Church ; addressed to English Protestants : being a com- pilation of passages from various authors, se- lected and published by G. I. H. 2d 6d. London, 1808. 8 - The petition of the English Roman Catholics considered : in a charge delivered to the clergy in the diocese of Gloucester ... June 1810. 2d ed. London, 1812. 8 - A Protestant letter, addressed to the Right Hon. Lord Somers, Baron of Evesham. London, 1813. 8 - Thoughts on the Trinity, 2d ed., charges, and other theological works. Edited, according to the directions of the author, by Henry Hunt- ingford, LL.B. London, 1832. 8 Another copy. HUNTINGTON (F. D.), D.D. Christian believ- ing and living. Edin., 1860. 8 HUNTINGTON (SUSAN). * Memoirs of the late Mrs S. H. of Boston, Mass By Benjamin B. Wisner. 2d ed. Boston, 1826. 12 - Fifth edition. With an introductory essay and original poem by J. Montgomery. Glasgow, 1829. 12 HUNTLEY (W.), pseud., i. e. William PRYNNE. HUPFELD (HERMANN), Professor of theology, Halle. Die Psalmen, ubersetzt von H. H. 1855-62. See BIBLES GERMAN. B. HURD (RICHARD), D.D., Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, ami afterwards of Worcester. The works of R. H. 8 vol. London, 1811. 8 Another copy. - On the delicacy of FRIENDSHIP. 1755 - An introduction to the study of the prophe- cies concerning the Christian Church ; and, in particular, concerning the Church of papal Rome : in twelve sermons, preached in Lin- coln's Inn chapel, at the lecture of the Right Rev. William Warburton. London, 1772. 8 Another copy. - Fourth edition. 2 vol. London, 1776. 8 HURRION (JOHN), Minister in Hare court, Lon- don. The knowledge of Christ glorified, open- ed and applied ; in twelve sermons on Christ's resurrection, ascension, sitting at God's right hand, intercession, and judging the world. Preached at Merchants-lecture, in Pinner's- hall. 4th ed. Glasgow, 1776. 12 - The Scripture doctrine of the proper divinity, real personality, and the external and extra- ordinary works of the Holy Spirit, stated and defended : in sixteen sermons, preached at Merchant's lecture. Edin., 1798. 12 - New edition. To which is now prefixed an account of the author's life. London, 1823. 12 - Sermons preached at Merchant's-lecture in Pinner's-Hall. To which is now prefixed, an account of the author's life. 2 vol. New edi- tion. London, 1814. 12 HURTER (FRIEDRICH). Histoire du Pape Inno- cent III. et de son siecle, d'apres les monu- mens originaux. Traduction nouvelle, aug- mente'e d'une introduction, des notes histo- riques et des pieces justificatives, par MM. 1'abbe' Jager et Th. Vial. 2 torn. Paris, 1840. 8 HURWITZ (HYMAN), Professor of Hebrew in Uni- versity college, London. Elements of the He- brew language. 4th ed. London, 1848. 8 An introductory lecture delivered in the uni- versity of London... 1858. 3d ed. London, 1858. 8 HUSBANDRY. Christian husbandry : or, a companion for the Christian in his field and garden. To which is added, a small collection of poems. [By Ambrose SERLE.] 3d ed. London, 1792. 12 HUSENBETH (F. C.). Faberism exposed and refuted : and the apostolicity of Catholic doc- trine vindicated : against the second edition " revised and remoulded" of Faber's " Diffi- culties of Romanism. " Norwich, 1836. 8 HUSS (JOANNES). J. H., et Hieronymi Pragen- sis confessorvm Christi historia et monvmenta, partim annis svperioribus pvblicata, partim nvnc demum in lucem prolata et edita, cum scrip tis et testimonijs multorum nobilitate, eruditione, atque pietate prsestantium, qui sanctorum martyrum doctrina prseclare insti- tuti, tandem tractationum omnium in Synodo Constantiensi conscij, et crudelium ac indig- nissimorum suppliciorum spectatores fuerunt. 2 partt. Noribergce, 1558. fol. Liber egregius de unitate Ecclesiae, cujus auc- tor periit in concilio Constantiensi. s. I, 1520. 4 HUSSEIN VAIZ KASHIFY. Persian fables from the Anwari Sooheyly of H. V. K. With a vocabulary. Prepared and arranged by James Michael. London, 1827. 4 HUSSEY (JOSEPH), Pastor of the Congregational church at Cambridge. God's operations of grace, but no offers of grace. To which are added, two treatises on inviting and exhorting sinners to come to Christ, wherein the doc- trines of invitations and offers are stated and compared with the glory of free grace. To- gether with a small tract, on the propriety, or impropriety of ministers preaching with or without notes. London, 1792. 8 Abridged edition. Kingston-upon-Thames, 1851. 8 HUTCHESON (A.). A guide to the study of the Book of Revelation. London, 1828. 8 HUTCHESON (C.). Tidings from the moun- tains : a reply to certain statements in the Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel's essay, entitled, The case of the Free Church of Scotland. London, 1845. 8 HUTCHESON (FRANCIS), Professor of moral phi- losophy in the university of Glasgow. Letters between the late Mr Gilbert BURNET and Mr Hutchinson [Hutcheson]. 1735 Essay on the natiire and conduct of the PAS- SIONS and affections. 1742 1 1 1 TCHESON HUTTERUS. Philosophiro moralis institutio compendiaria, lil). iii. Ktliircs el jUXMprttd0&tUB naturulis elementa coutinens. Editiu altera. Glasgua:, 1746. 16 Translated from the Latin. 2d ed. /,/*;/,, 1753. 12 An inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue... 5th ed. London, 1753. 8 - A system of moral philosophy, in three books. Published from the original manuscript, by his son Francis Hutcheson, M.D. To which is prefixed some account of the life, writings, ami character of the author, by the Rev. William i Leechman, D.D. 2 vol. London, 1755. 4 - De naturali hominum social itate. i:!-<*f his discoveries in phil presentations in figures. By J. H. London, 1733. 8 - The religion of Satan, or antichrist, delineated. London, 1736. 8 The use of reason recovered, by the data in Christianity. London, 1736. 8 HUTCHINSON (JOHN). * Memoirs of the life of Colonel H., with original anecdotes of many of the most distinguished of his contempora- ries, and a summary review of public affairs : written by his widow... Now first published from the original manuscript, by the Rev. Ju- lius Hutchinson. To which is prefixed, the life of Mrs Hutchinson, written by herself, a fragment. 2 vol. 3d ed. London, 1810. 8 HUTCHINSON (Mrs LUCY). On the principles of the Christian religion, addressed to her daughter ; and on theology. London, 1817. 8 HUTCHINSON (ROGER), Fellow of St John's col- lege, Cambridge, and one of the early reformers. -The works of R. H. Edited for the Parker Society, by John Bruce, F.S.A. Cambridge, 1842. 8 HUTCHISON (GRAHAM). Essays on unexplain- ed phenomena : containing new views regard- ing the cause of centrifugal force in planetary motion ; the radiation of caloric ; and the cen- tral heat of the earth ; with refutations of many existing opinions on those subjects. Glasgow, 1838. 12 HUTCHISON (PATRICK), A.M., Minister of the Gospel in St Ninians. Dissertation on the na- ture and genius of the kingdom of Christ, in two parts. Containing a delineation of the nature of Messiah's kingdom, and its distinc- tions from the kingdoms of this world. Edin., 1779. 12 Another copy. - A compendious view of the religious system, maintained by the Synod of Relief ; together with a distinct account of the points in differ- ence between the Synod of Relief and the na- tional Establishment on the one hand ; and the Secession on the other. To which is sub- joined, an appendix, containing a few remarks on a late anonymous publication against the Relief. FalMrJc, 1779. 8 Sermons on various and important subjects. Edin., 1808. 8 HUTTEN (ULRICH VON). *U. v. H., imperial poet and orator ; the great knightly reformer of the 16th century. Translated from Chauf- four-Kestner's Etudes sur les re"formateurs du 16 me siecle, by Archibald Young, advocate. Edin., 1863. 8 HUTTERUS (ELIAS). Biblia sacra, Ebraice, Chaldaice, Grace, Latine, Germanice, Italice. lf!Mi. See BIBLES POL YGLOTT. A. IIUTTERUS HYMNS. 393 IIFTTERUS (LEONHARTUS), D.D., Professor of theology at Wittemberg. Ilias malorum regni Pontificio-Romani, hoc est historica disser- tatio de injustissimo Pontificis Romani, in Ecclesia Dei dominatu : deque lamentabili et tragico plane statu Ecclesiaa sub regno Ponti- ficio. Ex scriptoribus probatis, turn sacris, turn prophanis, collecta : inque orationes duas panegyricas distincta... Wittebergce, 1609. 4 - Irenicum vere-Christianum : sive, De synodo et unione evangelicorum non-fucata concilian- da, tractatus theologicus. Wittebergce, 1616. 4 HUTTON (CHARLES), LL.D., Professor of mathe- matics in the royal military academy, Wool- wich. Mathematical tables ; containing the common, hyperbolic, and logistic logarithms... To which is prefixed, a large and original his- tory of the discoveries and writings relating to these subjects ; with the complete description and use of the tables. 3d ed. London, 1801. 8 - A course of mathematics. Composed for the use of the royal military academy. A new edition, entirely remodelled, by William Ram- say, B.A. London, 1833. 8 HUTTON (GEORGE), D.D., Rector of Algarkirk cum Fosdyke, Lincolnshire. Remarks upon a late decision in the Court of Arches, on the question, whether a person, not baptized by a lawful minister of the Church of England, be entitled to the use of the burial service of that Church. London, 1811. 8 - High tide. A sermon [on Ps. xciii. 5] preach- ed... on January 20th, 1811, for the benefit of the poor sufferers by the late inundation of the sea. Boston, 1811. 8 HUTTON (GEORGE C.). Law and Gospel : dis- courses on primary themes ; to which is add- ed, True revival. Edin., 1860. 16 HUTTON (JAMES), M.D. An investigation of the principles of knowledge, and of the pro- gress of reason, from sense to science and phi- losophy. In 3 parts. 3 vol. Edin., 1794. 4 HUTTON (JAMES). * Memoirs of J. H. Com- prising annals of his life, and connection with the United Brethren. By Daniel Benham. London, 1856. 8 HUTTON (THOMAS), B.D., Fellow of St John's college, Oxford. Reasons for refusal of sub- scription to the booke of Common praier, un- der the hands of certaine ministers of Devon and Cornwall, word for word as they were ex- hibited by them to the Right Reverend Father in God William Coton Doctor of divinitie L. Bishop of Exceter. With an answere at severall times returned them in publike con- ference and in diverse sermons upon occasion preached in the cathedral church at Exceter by T. H. And now published at the very earnest intreatie of some especiall friends for a farther contentment of other the Kings Ma- jesties good and loyall subjects. Oxford, 1605. 4 HYDE (EDWARD), Earl of Clarendon. A brief review and survey of the dangerous and per- nicious errors to Church and State in Mr Hobbes's book, entitled, Leviathan. [Oxford], 1676. 4 The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, begun in the year 1641 : with the precedent passages, and actions that contri- buted thereunto, and the happy end, and con- clusion thereof by the King's blessed restora- tion, and return upon the 29th of May, in the year 1660. 3 vol. Oxford, 1702-4. fol. Another edition. 6 parts. 3 vol. Oxford, 1705-6. 8 The history of the rebellion and civil wars in Ireland, with the true state and condition of that kingdom before the year 1640... Being a vindication of the conduct of James Duke of Ormond...To which is added, an appendix, giving an account of the several massacres and murders committed in Ireland, both by Pa- pists and Protestants, since the 23d of Octo- ber, 1641. 3d ed. London, 1740. 8 Miscellaneous works of E. H. Being a collec- tion of several valuable tracts. . .Published from His Lordship's original MSS. 2d ed. London, 1751. fol. Religion and policy, and the countenance and assistance each should give to the other. With a survey of the power and jurisdiction of the Pope in the dominions of other princes. 2 vol. Oxford, 1811. 8 The life of Edward Earl of Clarendon. Con- taining I. An account of the Chancellor's life from his birth to the Restoration in 1660. II. A continuation of the same, and of his his- tory of the grand rebellion, from the Restora- tion to his banishment in 1667. Written by himself. Printed from his original manu- scripts, given to the university of Oxford by the heirs of the late Earl of Clarendon. 3 vol. Oxford, 1759. 8 HYMERS (JOHN), B.D., Felloiv of St John col- lege, Cambridge. A treatise on differential equations, and on the calculus of finite differ- ences. Cambridge, 1839. 8 A treatise on conic sections and the applica- tion of algebra to geometry. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1840. 8 HYMNS. Expositio hymnorum per totum anni circulum. B. L. s. 1. et a. 12 A select collection of hymns, sung in the late Countess of Huntingdon's chapel. [London], s. a. 12 Favourite hymns. By Cowper, Montgomery, Toplady, Newton, Wesley, Watts, Heber, Doddridge, Raffles, Hart, Kenn, M'Cheyne, &c. Edin., s. a. 12 Sacred songs and hymns, approved by the Sy- nod of Relief. Glasgoiv, 1794. 12 Another edition. Cupar Fife, 1810. 12 Christliche Gesange zur Beforderung eines frommen Sinnes und Handels und zum Ge- brauch bei der offentlichen und hauslichen Gottesverehrung. 2 Theil. Elberfeld, 1830. 8^ 50 391 1 1 \TERIUS HYPOC1USV. Morning and evening hymns for a week. Ori- S'nal. Brighton, 1836. 12 yrnns of the Church militant. [Compiled by Anna WAKNEB.] London, 1868. 8 Instructive hymns, adorning the doctrine of God our Savioxir. New edition, with appen- dix. Glasgow, 1858. 16 Hymns for the sanctuary : including Scripture paraphrases and meditations in verse. Glasgow, 1859. 16 HYPERIUS (ANDREAS), Professor of divinity at Marpurg. De theologo, seu de ratione studii theologici libri iiii. Argentina, 1502. 8 Elementa Christiana) religionis. BasilecR, 1563. 8 De formandis concionibus sacris, seu de inter- pretutiono Scripturarum populari, libri duo. BasHece, 1563. 8 Another edition. Basileoe, 1579. 8 Varia opuscula theologica, in totius Christia- noe reipublicw utilitatem conscripta. . . Basttece, 1570. 8 Topica theologica. Basilece, 1573. 8 In lesaiiu Prophet oracula annotationes bre- ves et erudite. Batiletz, 1574. 8 De sacrae Scripturoe lectione ac meditat. quotidiana... libri ii. l!'i*ili , 1.">sl. ' Commentarii in Epistolam Pauli ad Roma- iu)8, et utramque ad Coriuthios. Tiyuri, 1583. fol. Another copy. Commentarii in Epistolam D. Pauli Apostoli ad Hebrseos. Tiguri, 1684. fol. HYPOCRISY. Hypocrisy detestable and dan- gerous. Four sermons [cm Job, xxvii. 8J. [By James OSWALD.] Glasgow, 1701. h' I. IGNATIUS. I. (E.). A letter sent to an honorable gentleman [Sir W. W.], in way of satisfaction concerning some slanderous reports lately raised against the Bishops, and the rest of the clergie of this kingdom. s. I., 1641. 4 I. (G.). A sovereign antidote to expell Arian- ism : being a collection out of the works of the Rev. George Newton, Taunton ; and of the works of Martine Luther. Exon, s. a. 8 I. (G. I. C. D.J, i. e. Innocent GENTILLET. I. (H.). The mad dog ; a tale. London, 1730. fol. I. (P.). Certaine queries concerning the lawfull- ness of imposing, and taking of the negative oath. Answered by Edward BUCKLER and P. I. 1607 IBBOT (BENJAMIN), D.D., Rector of St Paul's Shadwel. A course of sermons preached for the lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle ...in the years 1713, and 1714. Wherein the true notion of the exercise of private judg- ment, or free-thinking, in matters of religion, is stated ; the objections against it answered ; and the modern way of free-thinking, as treat- ed of in a late discourse on that subject [by A. Collins] is taken into consideration. London, 1727. 8 [And in a collection of sermons preached at the Hon. Robert BOYLE'S Lecture.] 1739 IDES (E. YSBRANTS). Three years travels from Moscow over-land to China ; thro' Great Us- tiga, Siriania, Permia, Siberia, Daour, Great Tartary, &c. to Peking... Illustrated with a large map... and many curious cuts. To which is annex'd, an accurate description of China, done originally by a Chinese author : with se- veral remarks by way of commentary, alluding to what our European authors have writ of that country. Printed in Dutch... and now faithfully done into English. London, 1706. 4 IDIOTA, i. e. Raymundus JORDANUS. IDOLATRY. Of idolatry. [By Henry HAM- MOND.] Oxford, 1646. 4 IEROPAIDEIA. leropaideia ; or the true me- thod of teaching the clergy of the Established Church. By a clergyman of the Church of England ; [subjoined to a ready reply to an Irish enquiry ; or, a convincing confutation of CALVINISM]. 1818 IGNATIUS, Saint, Archbishop of Antioch. S. Ig- natii quse extant omnia, in duos libros distinc- ta, quorum prior continet epistolas genuinas, alter supposititias, cum xii. exercitationibus in eundem Ignatium pro antiquitate Catholica adversus Baronium et Bellarminum, auctore Nicolao VEDELIO. Accessit versio Latina ab eo- dem emendata cum ejusdem Apologia pro Ig- natio. Geneves, 1623. 4 POLYCARPI et Ignatii epistolse : una cum vetere vulgata interpretatione Latina, ex trium ma- nuscriptorum codicum collatione, integritati suse restituta. Accessit et Ignatianarum epis- tolarum versio antiqua alia, ex duobus manu- scriptis in Anglia repertis, nunc primum in lu- cem edita. Quibus prsefixa est, non de Igna- tii solum et Polycarpi scriptis, sed etiam de apostolicis constitutionibus et canonibus de- menti Romano tributis, Jacobi USSERII disser- tatio. OxonicB, 1644. 4 Corpus Ignatianum ; a complete collection of the Ignatian epistles, genuine, interpolated, and spurious ; together with numerous ex- tracts from them, as quoted by ecclesiastical writers down to the tenth century ; in Syriac, Greek, and Latin ; an English translation of the Syriac text, copious notes, and introduc- tion. By William CURETON. 1849 Epistolse. [Gr.] Antverpice, ex offidna, Christophori Plantini, 1566. 8 Epistolse, prorsus apostolicse, Hieronymo Vair- lenio Syluio interprete, cum breuiss. in easdem scholiis. Antverpice, ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1566. 8 Epistolse septem genuinse, quas nimirum col- legit S. Polycarpus, suseque ad Philippenses epistolse subjecit. [Gr. et Lat.] Oxonii, 1708. 8 Epistolse una cum ejusdem martyrio. Colla- tis edd. Grsecis versionibusque Syriaca, Arme- niaca, Latinis denuo recensuit notasque criti- cas adjecit Jul. Henr. Petermann. Lipsice, 1849. 8 Epistolse. [Gr. et Lat. Cum Biblioth. Patr. apostol. ed. T. ITTIGIO.] 1699 [Et apud Patr. apostol. opp. cura R. Rus- SEL.] 1746 [Et cum versione J. B. Cotelerii, in Bib- lioth. vet. Patr. per A. GALLANDIXJM. I. 243.] 1788 [Et cum Patr. apostol. ed. G. JACOBSON.] 1828 [Et cum Patr. apostol. epist. ed. Fr. X. REITHMAYR.] 1844 [Et cum Patr. apostol. opp. ed. C. J. HE- FELE.] 1855 Translated. [With A translation of the epistles of Clement of Rome, Polycarp, and Ignatius, by Temple CHEVALLIER.] 1833 [And with The genuine epistles of the apos- tolical Fathers translated by William [WAKE] Archbishop of Canterbury.] 1840 [QNATI1 9 INDIA Epistolarum Jginitii vctus Latina versio ; in duobus manuscriptis, in Anglia repertia, a J. Usserio, Oxonite, 1642, primxim cdita. [In Biblioth. Patr. apostol. ed. T. ITTIOIO.] 1699 - Fragmenta epistolarum genuinarum, ex paral- lelis Damascenicis Rupefucaldinis potissimum descripta : Quibxis quainplurimae lectiones MB. Medicei vel confirmantur, vel in prim is emen- dantur. [In torn, i., p. 289, Biblioth. vet. Patr. per A. GALLANDIUM.] 1788 - Epistolw, turn interpolate, turn supposition^ : versionibus antiquis ac recensiorib\is, varian- tibiis lectionibus, selectisque variorum notis illustratee. [Gr. et Lat. Apud Patr. apostol. opp. cura R. RUSSBL.] 1746 [Et in Biblioth. Patr. apostol. ed. T. ITTIOIO.] 1699 Martyritim sancti et sacri martyris Ignatii Theophori. [Gr. et Lat. cum versione Theo- derici Rumart. In Biblioth. Patr. apostol. ed. T. ITTIGIO.] 1699 [Et in Spicil. SS. Patr. per J. E. GEABIUM.] 1698, 99 [Et in Biblioth. vet. Patr. per A. GALLAN- DIUM, torn, i., p. 295.] 1788 [Et cum Patr. apostol. opp. cura R. RUSSEL.] 1746 [Et cum Patr. apostol. ed. G. JACOBSON.] 1838 [Et cum Patr. apostol. epistt. ed. Fr. X. REITHMAYR.] 1844 [Et cum Patr. apost. opp. ed. C. J. HE- FELB.] 1855 Translated. [With A translation of the epistles of Clement, Polycarp, and Ignatius, by T. CHEVALLIER.] 1833 [And with The genuine epistles of the apos- tolical Fathers translated by William [WAKE] Archbp. of Canterbury.] 1840 IGNATIUS, of Loyola, Founder of the, order of the Jesuits. Vita Ignatii Loiolse, postremo recog- nita. Antwerpice, 1605. 8 IGNOTUS. Popery the religion of heathenism : being the letters of Ignotus published in the " Times" newspaper in the conclusion of the year, 1817. London, 1818. 8 Thirty plain, but sound reasons, why Protest- ants differ from Popery : to which are added, thirty-four points held by many Papists which were never yet rationally proved by any one of them. Revised and amended, with notes by Robert Potts, M.A. (Beprinted) Cambridge, 1851. 8 - A short discourse concerning the authority of the Church in matters of faith. Edited by Robert Potts, M.A. (Reprinted) Cambridge, 1851. 8 I ( : NOTUS. Encore quelques mots d'un Chretien orthodoxe sur les confessions Occidentales a 1'occasion de plusieurs publications religieuses, Latines et Protestantes. Leipzig, 1858. 8 IKENIUS (CoxRADUs). Symbolee literarise ad incrementum scientiarum omne genus, a va- riis amice collatis. [Edited by C. I.I 3 vol. Bremcf, 1744-1747. 8 Collectio altcra. Halce, 1754. 8 Dissertationes philologico-thcologiciu in divcr- sa sacri Codicis utriusque Instrument! loca. Sparsim anto hac cditas volumine hoc socundo collegit ac recensuit Joh. Hennannus Schacht. ,'CtiBat., 1770. 4 ILLYRICUS (MATTH. FLACIUS). flee Matth. FLACIUS Illyricus. I M I ' I ; KSSIONS. Impressions of the heart, ri.-l.-i- tive to the nature and excellence of tru gion. Edin., 1825. 12 - Another copy. IMRE (REVESZ). A Magyar Protestdns egyhaz szabadsaganak ve'de'lnie ndmely tekintelyes ne"- met tuddsok megtamadasai ellen. Sarospatak, 1862. 8 Kalvin elete e*s a Kalvinizmus. EmleTtiil a nagy Reformdtor halala e've'nek hdromszazados fordulatara. Pest, 1864. 8 Egyetemes egyhaztort^nelem. Foiskolai tanu- l<5k s mtivelt Protestanzok szama>a. Debreczen, 1866. 8 IMRIE (DAVID), A.M., Dalton. The necessity of the almighty power and grace of God to cure the infection of sin : illustrated in a ser- mon preached at Dumfries, Oct. 11, 1748. Edin., 1748. 8 INCREDULITY. Reflexions on the sources of incredulity with regard to religion. [By Dun- can FORBES.] Edin., 1760. 16 INDEPENDENCE. The independence of the Church of Scotland : how is it to be vindi- cated ? Edin., 1838. 8 The Popery of spiritual independence ; being a sequel to the Veto Church. Second thou- sand. Edin., 1844. 8 INDEPENDENT MINISTERS. A circular let- ter from the Independent ministers, assembled at Nuneaton, Aug. 6, 1793, to the associated Churches in Warwickshire. . .With a postscript. Birmingham, 1793. 12 INDEX EXPURGATORIUS. -Index librorum prohibitoram juxta exemplar Romanum jus- su sanctissimi domini nostri editum anno MDCCCXXXV. Accesserunt suis locis nomina eorum qui usque ad hanc diem damnati sunt. Mechlinece, . a. 12 An exact reprint of the Roman Index Expur- gatorius. The only Vatican index of this kind ever published. Edited, with a preface, by Richard Gibbings, A. B. Dublin, 1837. 12 Another copy. De I'autorite' de 1'Index en France. Memoire pour un pretre [Jean- Joseph Laborde] persecute apropos de cette question. Paris, 1853. 8 INDIA. A short history of English transactions in the East-Indies. Cambridge, 1776. 8 Correspondence and proceedings in the nego- tiation for a renewal of the East-India com- pany's charter. London, 1812. 8 East India question. Debates at the general court of proprietors of East-India stock, on the 17th and 23d February 1813, on a petition to Parliament for a renewal of the company's charter as far as it regards their exclusive pri- vileges. By the editor of the former debates. London, 1813. 8 INDIANS INFIDELITY. 397 A debate at a general court of proprietors of East-India stock, on the 24th March, 1813, for taking into consideration the propositions sub- mitted by Lord Castlereagh to the Honourable House of Commons. With an appendix. London, 1813. 8 A short conversation on the present crisis of the important trade with the East Indies. London, 1813. 8 - The interest and claims of the Church and na- tion of Scotland in the settlement of religion in India ; and the necessity of appearing for them at this time. With brief remarks on the proposed measures presently under the consi- deration of the legislature. By a North British Protestant ; [Archibald BRUCE]. Edin., 1813. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - Minutes of evidence, taken before the select committee, on the affairs of the East India company ; and also an appendix and index. 6 vol. ' [London, 1832]. fol. - Official documents relative to the encourage- ment of idolatry in the East Indies by the Bri- tish government. [Glasgow, 1838]. 8 - Return to an order of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 21 June 1849 ; for, A copy of any communications in relation to the connexion of the government of British India with idolatry, or with Mahometanism. [London, 1849]. fol. Correspondence with the India committee of the Establishment. Edin., 1843. 4 - Report of the speeches delivered at the annual meeting of the ladies association for female education in India... on Tuesday the 28th of May, 1844. [Edin.], 1844. 12 - Report of the special committee on the depu- tation to India. 2d ed. Neiv York, 1856. 8 - A letter from a layman in India, on the policy of the East India company in matters of reli- gion. London, 1858. 8 INDIANS. A farther appeal to the unprejudiced judgment of mankind, in behalf of the In- dians. In two parts. Containing, I. Animad- versions upon some late arguments of a Rt. Rev. Prelate of the Church of England, in re- ference to our sending missionaries from hence to convert the Indians. Written in the year 1760. II. Thoughts upon the proper means and measures of converting the Indians to true Christianity. Written in the year 1764. To which are added, Considerations relative to the subject of the foregoing proposals, particularly that of appointing Bishops or Superintendents in our colonies abroad. By another hand. Both joint- writers in the Free and candid dis- quisitions relating to the Church of England. With a postscript and an appendix. London, 1766. 8 INDICES. Indices Attici, or, a guide to the quantity of the Greek penultima, chiefly with reference to Attic writers. Oxford, 1824. 8 INDULGENCE. A review and examination of a book, bearing the title of the History of the Indulgence. Wherein the lawfulness of the acceptance of the peaceable exercise of the mi- nistry, granted by the acts of the magistrates Indulgence, is demonstrated, contrary objec- tions answered, and the vindication of such as withdraw from hearing indulged ministers, is confuted. To which is added, a survey of the mischievous absurdities of the late Bond, and Sanquhair declaration. [By William VILANT.] London, 1681. 8^ Another copy. A letter from a clergyman in the city, to his friend in the country, containing his reasons for not reading the Declaration [of indulgence]. s. I, 1688. 4 An answer to the city ministers letter from his country friend ; [in reference to the Kings De- claration of indulgence]. [Wants title.] [s. I., 1688]. 4 INDUSTRY. An account of the origin and pro- gress of the Society for the promotion of in- dustry, in the hundreds of Ongar and Harlow, and the half -hundred of Waltham, in the coun- ty of Essex. London, 3797. 8' INFALLIBILITY. A treatise of infallibility, shewing that the Church of Rome's claim to that high privilege is without foundation in Scripture, antiquity, or reason. In answer to a paper on that subject sent by a Popish mis- sionary. With some animadversions on a book, entituled. The shortest way to end disputes about religion, and upon that author's way of reasoning. By a Presbyter of the suffering Church of Scotland [W. HARPER]. Edin., 1752. 8 INFANT-BAPTISM. See BAPTISM. INFANT SALVATION. Infant salvation : an essay to prove the salvation of all who die in infancy. With answers to objections. London, 1793. 8 INFANT-TRAINING. Infant-training : a dia- logue explanatory of the system adopted in the model infant school, Glasgow. By a director. Glasgow, 1833. 12 INFIDEL. The infidel convicted : or, a brief defence of the Christian revelation. London, 1731. 8 INFIDELITY. Infidelity : comprising Jenyns' Internal evidence, Leslie's Method, Lyttelton's Conversion of Paul, Watson's Reply to Gib- bon and Paine, a notice of Hume on miracles, and an extract from West on the resurrection. New York, s. a. 12 The Christian's defence against infidelity. Con- sisting of 1. Leslie's short and easy method with the deists. 2. Lyttelton's observations on St Paul. 3. Doddridge's evidences of Chris- tianity. 4. Bates on the divinity of the Chris- tian religion. 5. Owen on the self-evidencing light of Scripture. 6. Baxter on the danger of making light of Christ. With an introduc- tory essay by Thomas Chalmers, D.D. Glasgow, 1829. 12 Second edition. Glas'gmv, 1829. 12 The Christian's armour against infidelity... With a preliminary essay on the character and 398 I N I < >UMATIONS-INSTRUCTOR. pretensions of modern infidelity, together u ith notes and illustrations, by the Rev. J. G. Lo- RIMBR. Glasgow, 1843. 10 I N FORMATIONS. Informations, or a protesta- tion, and a treatise from Scotland. Seconded with D. Reignoldes his letter to Sir Francis Knollis. And Sir Francis Knollis his speach in parliament. All suggesting the usurpations of Papal Bishops. s. 1., 1608. 10 INGHAM (BENJAMIN). A discourse on the faith and hope of the Gospel. Leedes, 1763. 12 INGLIS (HENRY DAVID). A sermon Ton 1 Tim. iii. 16] proving from the word of Goa, the all im- portant doctrine of the Godhead of Jesus Christ. Preached in the Baptist meeting house in Edin- burgh, March 18, 1792. Edin., 1792. 8 INGLIS (JOHN), D.D., one of the ministers of old Greyfriars church, Edinlmnjh. The grounds of Christian hope in the universal prevalence of the Gospel : a sermon, preached... in Edin- burgh, June 5, 1818. Edin., 1818. 8 A vindication of Christian faith ; addressed to those who, believing in God, yet refuse or he- sitate to believe in Jesus Christ whom he hath sent. Edin., 1830. 8 A vindication of ecclesiastical establishments. Edin., 1833. 8 INGLIS (Right Hon. JOHN), Lord Justice Clerk. On the present position of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. [From Blackwood's Magazine, Nov. 1839.] 1839 INGLIS (Sir ROBERT HARRY), Bart.* An Eng- lishwoman's letter to Sir R. H. I. on the pro- posed alteration of the marriage law. London, s. a. 12 INGMETHORPE (THOMAS). A sermon upon the words of Saint Paul : Let everie soule be subject unto the higher powers. London, 1619. 4 INJUNCTIONS. A collection of ARTICLES, CA- NONS, Injunctions, &c. 1699 INNES (CosMo). Origines parochiales Scotiae. The antiquities ecclesiastical and territorial of the parishes of Scotland. [Edited for the Ban- natyne Club, by Cosmo Innes.] 2 vol. 3 parts. Edin., 1850-55. 4 INNES (GEORGE), Minister of the Free Church, Cannobie. A vindication of the Free Church in Cannobie, in answer to a letter addressed by George Maxwell, Esq. W.S., Prior's Linn, to the people of Cannobie. Edin. , 1845. 8 - Reply to Mr Maxwell's second letter to the people of Cannobie. Edin. , s. a. 8 INNES (HUGH), V.D.M., Glasgow. An alarm to prayer ; or, a short essay for the revival of that necessary and important duty. Glasgow, 1753. 8 Meditations and reasonings on various, im- portant, and divine subjects. Together with an essay for the revival of prayer. And a ser- mon on Psalm cxxii. 3. Glasgow, 1756. 8 INNES (THOMAS), Priest of the Scottish mission at Inveravon. The civil and ecclesiastical his- tory of Scotland. A.D. LXXX.-DCCCXVIII. [Edit- ed for the Spalding Club, by George Grub.] Aberdeen, 1853. 4 INNES (WILLIAM), Baptist minister in Edinbwryh. A summary virw of the leading doctrines of the word of God. Designed chiefly f>r the benefit of those who propose for the first time to join a Christian Church. Dundee, 1805. 12 Sketches of human nature ; or Junto, chiefly relating t<> the duties and difficulties that occur in the intercourse of Christians with one another, and with the world. /;,/;/,., 1807. 12 EUGENIC and Epenetus, or conversations re- specting the evidence in support of infant bap- tism. 1811 Two dissertations : the first, an enquiry into the kind of evidence on which men believe in the Christian revelation, and how far divine wisdom appears in connecting salvation with the belief of a testimony. The second, on the principal design of the law of Moses, and the relation it bore to the covenant made with Abraham. Edin., 1819. 12 Domestic religion, or, an exposition of the pre- cepts of Christianity regarding the duties of domestic life. 2d ed. Edin., 1822. 12 The Christian ministry : or, excitement and direction in ministerial duties, extracted from various authors. Edin. , 1824. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The origin and permanence of Christian joy as connected with the doctrine of personal as- surance. Edin., 1828. 12 The Church in the navy and army. Being the second series of the Church in the army. Edin., 1838. 12 INNICHENHOFERUS (HENRICUS). Thema theologicum, Ecclesia potest errare. Wittebergce, 1624. 4 INNOVATIONS. Queries to the Scots innova- tors in divine service, and, particularly, to the liturgical party in the shire of Angus, and places adjacent thereto. Being a compendious collection of the choicest arguments against the present innovations. By a lover of the Church of Scotland. s. L, 1712. 8 Another copy. INQUISITION. Authentic memoirs concerning the Portuguese inquisition, never before pub- lished : with remarks on the infamous charac- ter given of the British nation, by a late apo- logist for that horrid tribunal. Also, reflec- tions on ancient and modern Popery, and the causes of its present alarming progress in this kingdom... In a series of letters to a friend. London, 1769. 8 INSPIRATION. Five letters concerning the in- spiration of the holy Scriptures. [By Jean Le CLERC.] s. L, 1690. 16 An essay on inspiration. In two parts. London, 1767. 8 Inspiration. The views of Dr Pye Smith, Dr Henderson, and Dr Vaughan not identical with those of Dr Davidson. Manchester, 1857. 12 INSTRUCTOR. The Edinburgh Christian In- structor. [From its commencement in August, INTRUSION, NON-INTRUSION- IRBY. 399 1810, to its termination in December, 1840. Four series.] 39 vol. Edin., [1810-1840]. 8 From 1829 to 1836. 8 vol. Edin., [1829-1836]. 8 From 1838 to 1840. 3 vol. Edin., [1838-1840]. 8 For June and September, 1832 ; October, 1833 ; and April, 1834. Edin., [1832-1834]. 8 Strictures on the Christian Instructor : in a letter to the editors of that work. Edin., 1812. 8 INTRUSION, NON-INTRUSION. Series of tracts on the intrusion of ministers on reclaim- ing congregations. [By Alexander DUNLOP, Thomas CHALMERS, D.D., William CUNNING- HAM, D.D., R. S. CANDLISH, D.D., Thomas GUTHRIE, D.D., and C. J. BROWN, D.D.] Edin., 1839. 8 - Another copy. Another copy. - Tracts upon tracts on the intrusion of minis- ters. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. - The state of the case for the Church of Scot- land, in her negotiation with the government and the legislature, on the subject of the law against the intrusion of ministers. [By R. S. I CANDLISH.] Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. - Report of the speeches delivered at the meet- ing in the Assembly rooms, June 19, 1839, for an effectual remedy against the intrusion of ministers on resisting congregations. Edin., 1839. 8 - Another copy. Address from the Assembly's non-intrusion committee, on the present state of the Church of Scotland. [Edin., 1839.] 4 - Another copy. Speeches delivered at the great non-intrusion meeting, held in the Presbyterian Church, Bel- 1 fast, 26th Feb. 1840, by the Rev. Dr Hanna, Rev. Dr Reid, Rev. J. Morgan, Rev. Dr Cooke, Re'v. J. Wilson, on the invaded rights ' of the Church and people of Scotland. Belfast, 1840. 8 - Information on the non-intrusion question : : being addresses delivered on this great prin- ciple of the Church of Scotland, by the Rev. Messrs Elder, Guthrie, and Begg, at the Dum- fries and Maxwelltown non-intrusion meeting, j on 13th Jan. 1840. With prefatory and con- cluding remarks, by the Dumfries and Max- j well town non-intrusion committee. Dumfries, 1840. 12 - Letters to Sir William Seton regarding the veto and non-intrusion. By a member of the Kirk-Session of West parish, Aberdeen. 2d ed. ' Aberdeen, 1840. 8 ; - Review of pamphlets on non-intrusion. [From ! thePresb. Rev. Jan. 1840.] Edin., 1840. 8 : - Statement respecting the non-intrusion prin- ; ciple of the Church of Scotland, and the modes of its legislative recognition ; respectfully sub- ! mitted to the members of her Majesty's go- vernment ; by the non-intrusion committee appointed by the General Assembly of the , Church of Scotland. [By John HAMILTON.] Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. Report of the General Assembly's non-intru- sion committee. Presented, May, 1841. Edin., 1841. 8 Proceedings of the General Assembly's non- intrusion committees ; in relation to a settle- ment of the Church question on the footing of the liberum arbitrium. [Edin., 1842.] 8 Another copy. His doings detected : in a letter to the Church- men of Greenock ; with some remarks on the recent negociations of the non-intrusion com- mittee. [By Nathaniel MOREEN.] Glasgow, 1842. 8 Another copy. An enquiry, adapted to the present crisis, in what sense the non-intrusion principle may be reconciled with the authority of the ministry, the Christian rights of the people, and the uni- ty of the Church. By a friend to the peace of the Church of Scotland ; [George M'LELLAND]. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. Hints to the non-intrusion ministers. By a member of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1842. 8 Why should you secede ? Containing observa- tions on spiritual independence and non-intru- sion in reference to secession. Edin., 1843. 8 Letters against non-intrusion, addressed to a friend. With an appendix on the causes and probable consequences of that movement. Edin., 1843. 8 Non-intrusion weighed in the balance and found wanting ; an address to the convocation of ministers held at Edinburgh, Nov. 1842. By a member of the Synod of United Original Seceders ; [John GRAHAM]. Ayr, 1843. 12 An address to the Christian community of Scotland, and more especially to the congre- gations of the non-intrusion agitators ; intend- ed as an antidote to the minute of the commit- tee of the convocation. Edin. , 1843. 8 Another copy. INTRUSIONIST, NON - INTRUSIONIST. Questions addressed to the dissenting intru- sionists of Perth, who are showing their libe- rality by making common cause with the per- secutors of the Church of Scotland. [By An- drew GRAY.] s. I. et a. The non-intrusionists ; their principles, con- duct, and their consequences. By a non-in- trusionist, in the Scriptural, legal, and com- mon-sense meaning of the tenn ; [George DUN- BAR]. Edin., 1842. 8 C - Another copy. IONA. Transactions of the lona Club. Vol. i. Parts 1-3. Edin., 1834, 35. 8 IRBY (Hon. CHARLES LEONARD). Travels in 'Egypt and Nubia, Syria, and the Holy Land ; 400 IRELAND-IRONSIDE. including a journey round the Dead Sea, and through the country East of the Jordan. By C. L. I. and James MANGLES. London, 1844. 8 IRELAND. Ireland ; a satire. London, 1823. 8 - Sketches in Ireland : descriptive of interest- ing, and hitherto unnoticed districts in the North and South. [By the Rev. C. OTWAY.] Dublin, 1827. 8* Fifth report of the commissioners of inquiry into the collection and management of the re- venue arising in Ireland. Distilleries. London, 1823. fol. Reports upon the boundaries of the several cities, burghs, and towns in Ireland, in respect to the election of members to serve in Parlia- ment. [London, 1832]. fol. Narratives illustrative of the contests in Ire- land in 1641 and 1690. Edited [for the Cam- den Society] by Thomas Crofton Croker. London, 1841. 4 CHURCH. The true tendency of the Irish Church Bill developed by Lord Melbourne. 2d ed. London, s. a. 12 The Irish Church. Important facts. London, 1835. 8 Address of the Reform association to the re- formers of England, Scotland, and Wales, on the present state of the Irish Church. Edin., 1835. 12 - The position of the Church of Ireland, and the duty of Presbyterians in reference to it, at the present crisis. By a member of the Synod of Ulster. Belfast, 1835. 8 ECCLESIASTICAL REVENUE AND PATRONAGE. Fourth report of His Majesty's commission- ers on ecclesiastical revenue and patronage in Ireland. [London, 1837]. fol. EDUCATION. Reports [i.-iv., vi., vii., ix.] of the commissioners on education in Ireland. [London], 1825-27. fol. Reports [for 1835, 1836, and 1838] from the select committees on foundation schools and education in Ireland ; together with the mi- nutes of evidence. [London], 1835-38. fol. Report from the select committee on plan of education, Ireland. With minutes of evidence. 2 parts. London, 1837. fol. The fourteenth report of the commissioners of national education in Ireland. For the year 1847. Dublin, 1848. fol. Appendix to the fifteenth report of the com- missioners of national education in Ireland. For the year 1848. Dublin, 1848. fol. POOR. First annual report of the commis- sioners for administering the laws for the re- lief of the poor in Ireland, with appendices. Dublin, 1848. fol. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The constitution and discipline of the Presbyterian Church ; with a directory for the celebration of ordinan- ces, and the performance of ministerial duties. For the use of the General Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church in Ireland. Belfast , 1841. 12 Another copy. PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD. Report of the com- mittee appointed I iy thu Presbyterian E of Ireland, distinguished by the name ceders ; to carry into effect the Act of Synod respecting the extension of the Gospel in the destitute parts of Ireland ; (U-livcivd to the Synod... July 6th, 1820. Dublin, 1820. 8 REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The signs of the times ; in which the evils and dan- gers of the present system of Tithes and Re- gium Donum are exposed, and some late im- provements in Church and State pointed out by the Eastern Presbytery of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Ireland. 2d ed. Belfast, 1835. 12 - Another copy. IRELAND (WALTER Fooo), D.D., Minister of North Leith. Sermons. To which is prefixed a sermon, preached on the occasion of his death, by the Rev. David Dickson, D.D. Edin., 1829. 8 IREN^EUS, Saint, Bishop of Lyons. Opus erudi- tissimum in quinque libros digestum in quibus ...retegit et confutat veterum heresean impias ac portentosas opiniones. Parisiis, 1567. 12 Detectionis et eversionis falso cognominatse agnitionis, seu contra hsereses libri quinque. [Gr. et Lat.] Post Francisci Feuardentii et Joannis Ernesti Grabe recensionem castigati denuo ad MSS. codices Romanos, Gallicanos et Anglicanos, necnon ad antiquiores editiones, et a multis, quibus adhuc scatebant, mendis expurgati : aucti novis fragmentis Graecis ; ob- servationibus ac notis, copiosissimisque glos- sariis et indicibus illustrati et locupletati ; quibus omnibus pnemittuntur tres disserta- tiones, in quibus haereses ab Irenaeo memora- tae, et loci difficiles explicantur, ej usque vitaj ac gestorum historia discutitur. Studio et la- bore D. Renati Massuet, Presb. et Monachi Benedictini e congreg. S. Mauri. Parisiis, 1710. fol. Scripta anecdota, Gr. et Lat. , notis ac disser- tationibus illustrata, denique Liturgia Graeca Jo. Ernesti Grabe, aucta labore et studio Chris- toph. Matthaei Pfaffii. 2 torn. Lugd. Batav.,Hag. Com., etFrancof. adMcen., 1743. 8 IREN^EUS (CHRISTOPHORUS). Eine Hochzeit Predigt. B. L. Manxfelt, 1573. 4 IREN^EUS (PAULUS), pseud.. , i. e. Pierre NICOLE. IRENICUM. Irenicum ecclesiasticum : or, pu- rity and peace in the Churches ; and union between the Church of Scotland and evangeli- cal dissenters, anticipated and proposed : in a discourse on John, xvii. 21. By a dissenting clergyman. Glasgow, 1836. S 3 - Another copy. IRONS ( WILLIAM JOSIAH), D.D., Vicar of Broinj,- ton, Middlesex. On the whole doctrine of final causes. A dissertation in three parts, with an introductory chapter on the character of mo- dern deism. London, 1836. 8 IRONSIDE (Mrs). * Religious portraits : or, the characters of Mrs Ironside and her friends. In six dialogues. Edin., IBM. 8 IRVINE IRVING. 401 IRVINE (A.), D.D. Substance of a speech, de- livered before the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland... on the state of religion, and the necessity of erecting new parishes in the Highlands and islands of Scotland. Edin., 1819. 8 IRVINE (ALEXANDER), Minister of Little Dun- keld. A letter to Principal Taylor, respecting an overture concerning the missions on the royal bounty, laid before the last General As- sembly. With some observations on the rights of ordained ministers. Edin. , 1806. 8 C IRVINE (CHARLES), Minister of the Gospel at Mary town. A collection of evangelical dis- courses on fifteen passages of Scripture, adapt- ed to the family and closet. Edin. , 1772. 8 IRVINE (WILLIAM), M.D. Letters on Sicily. London, 1813. 8 IRVING (DAVID), LL.D. The elements of Eng- lish composition. New edition. London, 1809. 8 - Eleventh edition. Edin., 1841. 12 - The lives of the Scotish poets, with prelimi- nary dissertations on the literary history of Scotland, and the early Scotish drama. 2 vol. Edin., 1810. 8 [A re-issue of the first edition of 1804, without the dedication, and with the author's name given as " Irvine," instead of " Irving."] - An introduction to the study of the civil law. 4th ed. London, 1837. 8 IRVING (EDWARD), M.A., Minister of the Scots National Church, London. Farewell discourse to the congregation and parish of St John's, Glasgow. Glasgow, 1822. 8 For the oracles of God, four orations [on John, v. 39]. Preparations for consulting the oracles of God. The manner of consulting the oracles of God. The obeying of the oracles of God. For judgment to come, an argument, in nine parts ; [on Acts, xvii. 30, 31]. 2d ed. London, 1823. 8 - Another edition. Philadelphia, 1824. 12 Third edition. London, 1824. 8 - Homilies on the sacraments. Vol. i. On bap- tism. London, 1828. 8 * Criticisms on the leading sentiments in the lectures of the Rev. E. I. , delivered in Edin- burgh from 22d May to 4th June, 1828. A bird's eye view of the whole subject on the Book of the Revelations : also an address to Mr I. and the public. By a student of pro- phecy. Edin., 1828. 8 - An apology for the ancient fulness and purity of the doctrine of the Kirk of Scotland : A ser- mon preached on the occasion of a Fast ap- pointed by the Presbytery of London, to be held in all their churches on the first day of the present year. London, 1828. 8 - Babylon and infidelity foredoomed of God : a discourse on the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse which relate to these later times, and until the second advent. 2d ed. Glasyoio, 1828. 8 - The signs of the times. London, 1829. 12 Daniel's vision of the four beasts and of the Son of Man opened, and applied to our pre- sent crisis in Church and State. London, 1829. 12 The third and fourth discourses on Daniel's vision of the four beasts, and of the Son of Man. III. Cyrus and the Persians. IV. Alex- ander and the Greeks. London, 1829. 8 The orthodox and catholic doctrine of our Lord's human nature set forth in four parts : I. Statement of the doctrine from Scripture. II. Confirmation of it from the creeds of the primitive Church, and of the Church of Scot- land. III. Objections to the true doctrine con- sidered. IV. The doctrines of the faith which stand or fall with it. London, 1830. 12 A judgment as to what course the ministers and the people of the Church of Scotland should take in consequence of the decisions of the last General Assembly. G-reenock, 1832. 12 * A word for inquiry previous to decision in the matter of, or pretensions to, the gifts of speaking with unknown tongues and prophesy- ing. By one of the congregation of the na- tional Scotch Church. With an appendix, containing extracts from the writings of the Rev. Edward Irving, and his rejected letter to the editor of the Times, &c. 2d ed. London, 1832. 8 * The trial of the Rev. E. I., before the Lon- don Presbytery ; containing the whole of the evidence ; exact copies of the documents ; ver- batim report of the speeches and opinions of the Presbyters, &c. London, 1832. 8 * A word of testimony ; or, a corrected account of the evidence adduced by the trustees of the national Scotch Church, in support of their charges against the Rev. E. I. , and his defence. London, 1832. 8 Another copy. The last days : A discourse on the evil charac- ter of these our times, proving them to be the " perilous times" of the " last days." 2d ed., with a preface by the Rev. Horatius Bonar. London, 1850. 12 Another copy. * Biographical sketch of the Rev. E. I. , with extracts from, and remarks on, his principal publications. By William Jones, M.A. London, 1835. 8 *The life of E. I., illustrated by his journals and correspondence. By Mrs Oliphant. 3d ed. London, 1864. 8 IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Alhambra. By Geoffrey CRAYON. [Pseud.] 2 vol. London, 1832. 8 A history of New York, from the beginning of the world to the end of the Dutch dynasty ; being the only authentic history of the times that ever hath been published. By Diedrich KNICKERBOCKER. [Pseud.] A new edition. London, 1839. 12 - The sketch book of Geoffrey CRAYON, Esq. [Pseud.] A new edition. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8 Chronicles of Wolfert's roost, and other pa- pers. Author's edition. Edin., 1855. 8 J 51 402 IRVINTS-IVIMEY. IRVINUS (CHRISTO PHORUS). Historic Scoticaj nomenclatura Latino- vernacula : inultis H<>H- culis, ex antiquis Albinorum monumentis, ot lingua Galeciorum prisca decerptis, adspersa... Edinbruchii, 1582. 8 Another edition. Edinburgi, 1697. 8 A new edition, corrected, retaining the origi- nal dedication and address to the reader. f,V.i. : ,.,.r, ISl'.t. It! ISAAC ABARBANEL. D. I. A. et R. Mosis Als- chechi comment, in Esaia; Prophetiam 30. cum u< M it .-mii-iit i > eorum quae R. Simeon e veterum dictis collegit. Subjuncta hujusmodi refuta- tione, et textus nova versione ac paraphrasi ; ut plena de Christi satisfactione doctrina ex- hibeatur : Authore Constantino L'Empereur ab Oppyck. Lugd. Batav., 1631. 8 Diatribe de excidii pcena ; [cum Dissert, de sponsalibus, per Jo. BUXTORFIUM, fil.J 1652 ISAAC ABENDANA. Discourses of the ecclesias- tical and civil polity of the Jews. London, 1706. 8 ISAAC (DANIEL). The doctrine of universal re- storation examined and refuted ; being an an- swer to the most important particulars con- tained in the writings of Messrs Winchester, Vidler, Wright, and Weaver. With a reply to Mr R. Wright's essay on future punishment. 2d ed. London, 1836. 12 ISHAM (Z.), D.D., Rector of Solyhall, Warwick- shire. A sermon preached at the funeral of John Scott, D.D. ; [at the end of the works of John SCOTT]. 1718 ISIDORUS, of Pelusium, Saint. De interpreta- tione divinse Script urae epistolarum libri v. [Gr. et Lat.] Quorum tres priores ex inter- pretatione Cl. v. Jac. Billii Prvnaei, quartua autem a Cvnrado Rittershvsio. Qui et notas vberiores, et summas, et indices prioribus li- bris adjecit : et quintus ab Andrea Schotto, nunc primum in Gallia prodeunt. Parisiu, 1638. fol. I SOCRATES. Orationes duae ad Demonicum et Nicoclem. Gr. et Lat. Edin., 1747. 8 ISRAEL. A hymn of the past, present, and fu- ture state of Israel. London, s. a. 12 The future destiny of Israel. By a clergyman of the Church of England. 2d <1. London, 1834. 12 ITALY. Three letters concerning the present state of Italy ; being a supplement to Dr Bur- net's letters. [By Gilbert BURNET.] 8. I., 1688. 8 - Another copy. 1THIEL. Opinion of the German reviews regard- ing Job's three friends. By 1 1 hid. Hamburg, 1867. 8 ITTIGIUS (THOMAS), Professor of divinity in the university of Leipsic. De hasresiarchis sevi apostolici et apostolico proximi, seu primi et secundi a Christo nato seculi, dissertatio. LipsicE, 1690. 4 Appendix dissertationis de heeresiarchis...cui accedit heptas dissertationum selecta quaedam histories ecclesiastics veteris et novee capita illustrantium. Lipsice, 1696. 4 Bibliotheca Patrum apostolicorum Grseco-La- tina, qua continentur I. S. dementis Romani prior et posterior ad Corinthios epistolas, II. S. IGNATII epistolse septem genuinte, quibus ejus- dem interpolate et spuriee epistolas, nee non acta Ignatiani martyrii accedunt, III. S. Poly- carpi epistola ad Philippenses, cui praater frag- menta Polycarpi Ecclesiee Smyrnensis de Po- lycarpi martyrio epistola integra adjungitur. Prsemissa est dissertatio de Patribus apostoli- cis, seu scriptoribus ecclesiasticis, qui Aposto- lorum comites et discipuli fuisse perhibentur. Lips'uK, 1699. 8 Historia ecclesiastica primi [et secundi] a Christo nato seculorum selecta capita... Pra:- missa est ejusdem de scriptoribus historise ec- clesiasticas recentioribus dissertatio. 2 torn. Lipsiv, 1709, 11. 4 IVIMEY (JOSEPH). A history of the English Baptists : comprising the principal events of the history of the Protestant dissenters from... 1688 to... 1760, and of the London Baptist Churches during that period. 2 vol. London, 1830. 8 John MILTON : his life and times, religious and political opinions. 1833 J. JACKSON. J. (P.), i. e. Pierre JURIETT. JABLONSKY (PAULUS ERNESTUS), Professor of theology at Frankfort-on-the-Oder. Institu- tiones historiee Christianae. Editio secunda. 3 torn. Francofurti, 1766, 67. 8 - Editio tertia. Emendavit, notas adjecit et pro- legomena prsemisit Ernestus Augustus Schulze. 3 torn. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1783-86. 8 JACKSON (ARTHUR), M.A., Minister of St Faith's, London. A help for the understand- ing of the holy Scripture. First part. Cambridge, 1643. 4 - Annotations upon the whole Book of Isaiah... London, 1682. 4 JACKSON (CHARLES T.), M.D. Report on the geological and agricultural survey of the State of Rhode- Island, made under a resolve of Legisla- ture in the year 1839. Providence, 1840. 8 - Final report on the geology and mineralogy of the State of New Hampshire. Concord, N. H., 1844. 4 JACKSON (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel. Index biblicus : or an exact concordance to the holy Bible, according to the last translation... Cambridge, 1668. 4 JACKSON (JOHN), Rector of Rossington. Three letters to Dr CLARKE concerning his Scripture doctrine of the Trinity. 1714 Remarks on a book [by M. Tindal] intitled, Christianity as old as the creation. Wherein the principal objections of this book against religion are considered. London, 1731. 8 An address to deists, being a proof of revealed religion from miracles and prophecies. In an- swer to a book, entitled, the resurrection of Jesus considered by a moral philosopher. London, 1744. 8 - The belief of a future state proved to be a fun- damental article of the religion of the Hebrews. London, 1745. 8 - Remarks on Dr Middleton's Free inquiry into the miraculous powers supposed to have sub- sisted in the Christian Church from the ear- liest ages. In which is shewn, that there is sufficient reason to believe, that miraculous powers continued in the Church after the days of the Apostles. 2d ed. , with additions, and an appendix, in answer to an anonymous let- ter. London, 1749. 8 * A letter to the Rev. Mr John Jackson, oc- casioned by his Remarks on Dr Middleton's Free inquiry into the miraculous powers, sup- posed to have subsisted in the Christian Church, from the earliest ages. In which is shewn, that we have no sufficient reason to believe, upon the authority of the primitive Fathers, that any such powers were continued to the Church after the days of the Apostles. And likewise, that the primitive Fathers have not, according to Mr Jackson's own account, preserved, in their writings, the pure and un- corrupted faith and doctrine of Christ and his Apostles. London, 1749. 8 * A defence of the letter to the Rev. Mr John Jackson. Occasioned by his Remarks on Dr Middleton's Free inquiry, &c. Being an an- swer to the appendix to the second edition of his Remarks. To which is added, a letter to Mr Whiston, &c. By the author of the Let- ter. London, 1749. 8 * Memoirs of the life and writings of the late Rev. Mr J. J. With a particular account of his works, and some original letters which passed between him, and Dr Clarke, Mr Whis- ton, and other considerable writers of that time. To which is added, an appendix, con- taining a large addition to his Scripture chro- nology, from the author's own manuscript ; also an account of his MSS. relating to a Greek New Testament, &c. London, 1764. 8 JACKSON (MILES), Minister of St Paul's, Leeds. The constraining power of the love of Christ. A sermon [on 2 Cor. v. 14, 15J preached Oct. 28, 1806. Edin., 1806. 8 Another copy. JACKSON (ROBERT), M.D. Memorial address- ed to the managers of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Edin., 1800. 8 JACKSON (THOMAS), D. D. , Dean of Peterborough. The works of T. J. A new edition. 12 vol. Oxford, 1844. 8 The converts happiness. A comfortable ser- mon [on Rev. iii. 20] preached April 19, 1609. London, 1609. 4 A treatise of the holy Catholike faith and Church, in 3 books. London, 1627. 4 Two treatises on the Church. The first by T. J., D.D....The second by Robert SANDER- SON, D.D. ...To which is added a letter of Bishop COSIN, on the validity of the orders of the foreign reformed Churches. Edited, with introductory remarks, by William Goode, M. A. London, 1843. 12 A treatise of the divine essence and attributes. 2 vol. London, 1628, 29. 4 JACKSON (THOMAS), LL.D. Elements of theo- retical mechanics. Edin. , 1827. 8 Another copy. JACKSON (THOMAS), Theological tutor of the Wes- leyan theological institution, Richmond, Surrey. The lives of early Methodist preachers, chief- ly written by themselves. Edited by T. J. Vol. ii., iii. London, 1837, 38. 12 404 JACKSON- JAI IN. The centenary of Wesleyan Methodism. A brief sketch of the rise, progress, and present state of the Wesleyan Methodist sofu-tirs throughout the world. Tenth thousand. London, 1839. 12 JACKSON (WILLIAM), D.D., Bishop of (h-ford. The constitutions of the several indcjx -ndcnt States of America ; the declaration of inde- pendence ; and the articles of confederation between the said States. 2d ed. London, 1783. 8 JACKSON (WILLIAM M.). Baptismal obliga- tions ; or the duties and responsibilities of god-parents and baptized persons. rhtln.l.-lfihia, 1841. 12 JACOB (HENRY). A defence of the Churches and ministery of Englande. Written in two treatises, against the reasons and objections of Maister Francis Johnson, and others of the Separation commonly called Brownists. Pxib- lished, especially, for the benefitt of those in these partes of the lowe countries. Middelburg, 1599. 4 An attestation of many learned, godly, and famous divines, lightes of religion, and pillars of the Gospell, iustifying this doctrine, viz. That the CHURCH-GOVERNMENT ought to bee alwayes with the peoples free consent. Also this ; that a true Church vnder the Gospell contayneth no more ordinary congregations but one. In the discourse whereof, specially Doctor Downames, and also D. Bilsons chief e matters in their writings against the same, are answered. s. I, 1613. 8 Another copy. Another copy. JACOBI (BERNARD), of Petershagen, in Prussia. Expository lectures on the general Epistle of James. Translated from the German. London, 1838. 16 JACOBI (FRIEDRICH HEINRICH). Ueber die Lehre des Spinoza. Breslau, 1785. 8 JACOBSON (GULIELMUS), Regius Professor of di- vinity, Oxford. S. CLEMENTIS Romani, S. IG- NATII, S. POLYCARPI, Patrum apostolicorum, qufe supersunt. Accedunt S. IGNATII et S. POLYCARPI Martyria ad fidem codicum recen- suit, adnotationibus variorum et suis illustra- vit indicibus instruxit G. J. [Gr. et Lat.] 2 torn. Oxonii, 1838. 8 JACOBUS (MELANCTHON WILLIAMS), D.D., Pro- fessor of Oriental and biblical literature and exe- gesis in the Western theological seminary, Pres- byterian Church. Notes dn the Gospels criti- cal and explanatory ; so prepared as to accom- pany the questions of the American school union, and incorporating with the notes, on a new plan, the most approved harmony of the four Gospels. Vol. i. Matthew. 3d ed. Neiv York, 1849. 12 The catechetical question book. Matthew. New York, 1849. 12 JACOMBE (SAMUEL), B.D., Fellow of Queen's college, Cambridge. Moses his death : opened and applied in a sermon [on Josh. i. 2] Dec. j 23, 1656, at the funeral of Mr Edward Bright, i M.A. Witli some elegies. London, 1G57. 4 Another copy. Another copy. .lAco.Mi'.K (THOKAI), i>.i>, /'/'<" / 7Y;,,,v : / college, Cambridge. Enoch s walk and change, opened in a sermon [on Gen. v. 24] Feb. 7, 1655, at the funeral of the Rev. Kic-lianl Vines. 3d ed. London, 1G57. 4 Another copy. JACQUES (JOHN). Ordination by meer Presby- ters prov'd void and null in a conference be- ii Philalethes a Presbyter of the Church of England, and Pseudocheus a dissenting teacher. London, 1707. 8 s JAEGER ( JOHANN WOLFGANG), Chancellor of the rsity of Tubingen. Historia ecclesiastica cum parallelismo profarue. In qua conclavia Pontiticum Romanorum fideliter aperiimtm- et sectae omnes recensentur...Ab anno M.I>C. usq. ad annum M.DCCX. 2 torn. Hamburgi, 1709, 17. fol. Another copy. Another copy. Vol. i. Tractatio de foedere gratise, ejusque ceconomia sub periodis septem Vet. et N. Testament!. Ubi varia Scriptune S. loca difficilia dilucide et dare explicantur. Accessit pro supple- mento ardua materia de antiquatione Veteris Testamenti, cur, quando, et quomodo sit facta. Francofurti, 1712. 4 JAGER (L'Abbe" J. N.), Professor of history to tlie Sorbonne. Histoire de PHOTIUS, Patriarche de Constantinople, auteur du schisme des Grecs, d'apres les monuments originaux, la plupart encore inconnus, accompagne'e d'une introduction, de notes historiques et de pieces justificatives. Deuxieme edition. Paris, 1845. 12 Histoire de FEglise de France pendant la Re- volution. 3 torn. Pan*, 1852. 8 JAHN (JOHANN), Professor of Oriental languages, biblical antiquities, and theology in the uni- versity of Vienna. Biblische Archaologie. 3 Theile. 5 Band. [Th. i., ii. 2te Auflage.l Wien, 1805-25. 8* Archseologia biblica. A manual of biblical an- tiquities, with an index of texts referred to, and many other additions. Translated by T. C. Upham. 3d ed. Oxford, 1836. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Biblia Hebraica. 1806. See BIBLES HE- BREW. A. Enchiridion hermeneuticae generalis tabula- rum Veteris et Novi Foederis. Vienna:, 1812. 8 Appendix hermeneuticse seu exercitationes exegeticae. 2 partt. Vienna, 1813, 15. 8 The history of the Hebrew commonwealth from the earliest times to the destruction of Jerusalem A.D. 72. Translated [by C. E. Stowe], with a continuation to the time of Adrian. 2 vol. London, 1829. 8 JALAGUIER JAMES. 405 JALAGUIER (P.), Professor oftlwology at Mont- aiiban. Inspiration du Nouveau Testament. Paris, 1851. 8 - Du principe Chretien et du Catholicisme, du Rationalisme, et du Protestantisme. Toulouse, 1853. 8 JAMES I., King of Scotland. The laws and acts of parliament made by King James the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Queen Mary, King James the Sixth, King Charles the First, King Charles the Second who now presently reigns, Kings and Queen of Scotland. Col- lected, and extracted, from the publick records of the said kingdom, by Sir Thomas Murray of Glendook...[\Vith abridgment.] Edin., 1681. fol. Another edition. [Vol. i. , ii., of Scots Acts.] Edin., 1682-85. 12 - The life and death of King James the First of Scotland. [Edited for the Maitland Club, by Joseph Stevenson.] Edin., 1837. 4 JAMES IV., King of Scotland. Epistolse Jacobi Quarti, JACOBI QUINTI, et MARI.E, Regum Sco- torum...ad Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, Civitates, et alios, ab anno 1505 ad annum 1545. 2 vol. Edinburgi, 1722. 8 JAMES V., King of Scotland. Epistolse JACOBI QUARTI, Jacobi Quinti, et Mariae. 1722 JAMES VI., King of Scotland. See JAMES I., King of Great Britain. JAMES VII., King of Scotland. See JAMES II., King of Great Britain. JAMES I., King of Great Britain. A declara- tioun of the Kings Majesties intentioun and meaning toward the lait actis of Parliament. Imprinted at Edinburgh, by Thomas Vautroul- lier, 1585. 4 - Another copy. Jacobi VI. Scotorum Regis ; in versiculos 7. 8. 9. and 10. capitis 20 Apocalypsis D. Johan- nis commentatio. Basilece, 1596. 8 - * De execrabili et nefanda fratrum Ruveno- rum in serenissimi Scotorum Regis caput con- juratione apud Perthim Augusto mense an. 1600 vera...narratio... Edinburgi, 1601. 4 - BovA/xov A. ]_ JENKINSON (ROBERT BANKS), Karl of L\ pool. * Memoirs of the public life and admi- nistration of the Right Hon. the Earl of Li- verpool, K.G. London, 1827. 8 JENKS (BENJAMIN), M.A., Rector of Harley, N/i/v'/Wnn'. Submission to the righteousness of God. Or the necessity of trusting to a better righteousness than our own, opened and defended, in a plain practical discourse upon Rom. x. 3. 3d ed. London, 1732. 12 Sixth edition. Edin., 17* -7. I'-' Meditations upon various and important sub- jects ; and short prayers annexed. With a preface by the Rev. Mr Hervey. To which is now added, Submission to the righteousness of God.. .2 vol. London, 17'.3. 8 Prayers and offices of devotion for families, and for particular persons upon most occasions. Reprinted from the 30th London edition. Al- tered and improved by the Rev. Charles Si- meon. Calcutta, s. a. S Another copy. JENKYN (THOMAS W.), D.D., President of Coward college, London. The extent of the atonement, in its relation to God and the uni- verse. 3d ed. Boston, 1859. 12 Another copy. JENKYN (WILLIAM), M.A., Pastor of the church at Black-Fryers, London. A shock of corn coming in its season. A sermon [on Job, v. 20] preached at the funerall of William Gouge, D.D., Dec. 16, 1653. London, 1654. 4 An exposition of the Epistle of Jude, together with many large and useful deductions. 2d ed. London, 1656. fol. Fourth edition. Glasgow, 1783. 4 JENNER (STEPHEN), M.A. Truth's conflicts and truth's triumphs. London, 1854. 8 JENNINGS (DAVID), D.D., Patter in Old Gravel Lane, Wapping. Sermons upon various sub- jects, preached to young people on new years days. London, 1730. 12 A sermon [on Heb. xi. 4] occasioned by the death of the late Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. To which is added the funeral oration at his in- terment. By Samuel CHANDLER. London, 1749. 8 Jewish antiquities : or, a course of lectures on the three first books of Godwin's Moses and Aaron. To which is annexed, a dissertation on the Hebrew language. Two volumes in one. Edin., 1808. 8 - Ninth edition. London, 1837. 8 JENNINGS (JOHN), Brother of the preceding. Two discourses : the first, of preaching Christ ; the second, of particular and experimental preaching. With a preface by the Rev. Dr Isaac Watts. To which is added, a letter con- cerning the most useful way of preaching ; written in the German language by the late Rev. . . .Dr H. A. Franck. . . .Translated into La- tin by order of his son... and out of the Latin into English by David Jennings, D.D. Edin., 1793. 12~ JENOUR JESUITS. 411 JENOUR (ALFRED), A.M., Incumbent of Black- pool, Lancashire. The Book of the Prophet Isaiah, translated from the Hebrew. 1830. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. JENSIUS (JOANNES). Lucubrationes Hesychia- nae. Observata in stylo Homeri. Vetera epi- grammata Grseca pro anecdotis prodeuntia. Rotterodami, 1742. 8 JENYNS (SOAME). A free inquiry into the na- ture and origin of EVIL. 1753 A view of the internal evidence of the Chris- tian religion. 4th ed. London, 1776. 8 - Eighth edition. London, 1790. 8 Another edition. Manchester, 1798. 8 Another edition. [Christ. Lit.] Edin., 1840. 8 - * Letters addressed to S. J. Containing stric- tures on the writings of Edward Gibbon, Dr Priestley, Theophilus Lindsey, &c. &c. 2d ed. London, 1791. 12 JEPHSON (ALEXANDER), A.B., Rector of Oraike, in the diocese of Durham. A discourse con- cerning the religious observation of the Lord's day, both doctrinal and practical. Two parts. London, 1737. 8 Second edition. London, 1738. 8 JEPHTHAH. Jephthah : or, the maid of Gilead. Edin., 1840. 8 JEREMIE (JAMES AMIRAUX), D.D., Regius pro- fessor of divinity, Cambridge. History of the Christian Church in the second and third cen- turies. From the Encyclopaedia Metropoli- tana. London, 1852. 8 JERMENT (GEORGE), Dissenting minister, Bow Lane, London. Religion ; a monitor to the middle-aged, and the glory of old men, in several discourses. To which is added an ad- dress delivered before the Missionary society, July 4th, 1796. London, 1796. 8 - Memoirs of eminently pious women, by Dr GIBBONS, and the Rev. G. J. 1815 JERMIN (MICHAEL), D.D., Rector of St Martins Ludgate, London. An exposition upon the two doctrinall Bookes of King Solomon : the Proverbs and Ecclesiastes : wherein the ori- ginall Hebrew text is carefully examined, our owne English translation and others are duely viewed and compared, in which also the lite- rail sense is chiefly considered, other senses as usefull are not omitted. The exposition of the ancient Fathers, and other ancient and classicall authours being diligently observed : the whole is also illustrated with frequent pas- sages and sentences taken out of them. London, 1639. fol. JEROME, Saint. See HIERONYMUS. JEROME, of Prague. See HIERONYMUS. JERNINGHAM (EDWARD). Poems by Mr J. 2 vol. London, 1786. 8 JERRAM (CHARLES), Vicar of Chobham, Surrey. Letters to an universaliat : containing a re- view of the controversy between Mr Vidler and Mr Fuller ; on the doctrine of universal salvation. By SCRUTATOR. [Pseud.] Glipstom, 1802. 8 - Letters on the atonement. London, 1804. 8 A treatise on the doctrine of the atonement. London, 1832. 8 Another copy. JERRAM (HANNAH). * A tribute of parental affection to the memory of a beloved and only daughter... H. J. ByChas. Jerram. 4th ed. London, 1824. 8 JERSEY. An authentic narrative of the oppres- sions of the islanders of Jersey. To which is prefixed a succinct history of the military ac- tions, constitution, laws, customs, and com- merce of that island. 2 vol. London, 1771. 8 JERUSALEM (Jon. FR. WILH.). Betrachtun- gen iiber die vornehmsten Wahrheiten der Religion an Se. Durchlaucht den Erbprinzen von Braunschweig und Liineburg. 2 Theile. 3 Band. [1'er Theil, 5<* Auflage.] Braunschiveig, 1776, 91. 8 JERVIS (THOMAS), Dissenting minister in Leeds. The social worship of the one God agreeable to reason and Scripture. A sermon [on John, iv. 23] preached March 27, 1796. London, s. a. 8 JESSE (EDWARD). Gleanings in natural history. New edition. 2 vol. London, 1838. 8 JESUITS. The Jesuits morals. Collected by a Doctor of the colledge of Sorbon in Paris. Who hath faithfully extracted them out of the Jesuits own books, which are printed by the permission and approbation of the superiours of their society. Written in French, and ex- actly translated into English. London, 1670. fol. Le CATECHISME des Jesuites, ou, examen de leur doctrine. [Par Etienne PASQUIER.] A Ville Franche, 1677. 12 The Jesuits unmasked : or, politick observa- tions up6n the ambitious pretentious and subtle intreagues of that cunning society. London, 1679. 4 Another copy. The mystery of Jesuitism, discovered in cer- tain letters written upon occasion of the pre- sent differences at Sorbonne between the Jan- senists and Molinists, displaying the pernicious maximes of the late casuists. With additionals. London, 1679. 8 La religion des Jesuites, ou Reflexions sur lea inscriptions du Pere Menestrier, et sur les escrits du Pere le Tellier pour les nouveaux Chretiens de la Chine et des Indes, centre la dixneuvieme observation de 1'esprit de Mr. Arnaud. [Par P. JURIEU.] La Haye, 1689. 12 La theologie morale des Jesuites, et nouveaux casuistes : represented par leur pratique et par leurs livres. Derniere Edition. . Cologne, 1699. 12 Institutum societatis Jesu ex decreto congre- gationis generalis decimse quartae meliorem in ordinem digestum, auctum, ac denuo recusum. 2 torn. Pragce, 1705. fol. The sentiments of the Jesuits upon the con- troversies of China. In a letter to a gentle- man. Translated from the Italian 6ri< r imd 41-2 JE\VEL-.1K\\S. printi.-d at HI-UK- this present year 1710. To which is prufixt some modest reflections upon a book lately publish'd, intitled, Memoirs for Rome, &c. Also the act of appeal of the Bp. of Ascalona. London, 1710. 8 - Reflexions upon the idolatry of the Jesuits, and other affairs relating to religion in China. Written originally in Italian, translated into French, now made English from the Paris copy, by a gentleman at the Hague and sent in a letter to the Rev. Dr Francis Atterbury. London, 1710. 8 The travels of several learned missionaries of the Society of Jesus, into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America... Translated from the French. London, 1714. 8 A parallel of the doctrine of the Pagans, with the doctrine of the Jesuits ; and that of the Constitution Unigenitus issued by Pope Cle- ment XI. Translated from the original print- ed in France, by Stephen Whatley. London, 1726. 8 Histoire ge'ne'rale de la naissance et des progres de la Compagnie de Je'sus, et analyse de ses constitutions et principes. Nouvelle Edition. 4 torn. [Par 1'abbe" COUDRETTE.] Amsterdam, 1761. 12 [The " Analyse" is the work of Louis- Adrien Le Paige.] Histoire abrege'e des Jesuites, et des mission- naires peres de la foi, 6u il est trouve" que ces religieux et toutes corporations eccle'siastiques regies par 1'institut de la Societe" de Jesus, ne sont tole'rables chez aucunes nations policies ; suivie d'observations faites au roi et aux deux chambres sur cet important sujet. [Par J.-F. GOUBEAXJ DE LA BlLLESNERIE.] 2 tom. Paris, 1820. 8 Procedure centre 1'institut et les constitutions des Je'suites, suivie au parlement de Paris, sur 1'appel comme d'abus inter jete* par le Procu- reur-ge'ne'ral du roi ; recueillie par un membre du parlement, et publie'e par M. Gilbert de Voisins. Paris, 1823. 8 The principles of the Jesuits, developed in a collection of extracts from their own authors : to which are prefixed a brief account of the origin of the order, and a sketch of its insti- tute. London, 1839. 8 Les constitutions des Je'suites avec les d- clarations ; texte Latin d'apres 1'ddition de Prague : traduction nouvelle. [Lat. and Fr. ] Paris, 1843. 12 d JEWEL (JOHN), Bishop of Salisbury. Adversus Tliomam Hardingum volumen. In quo xxvii. qusestiones et Scripturis, et omnium concilio- rum ac Patrum monumentis, qusecunque sex- centis a nato Christo annis antiquiora sunt, disceptantur, atque explicantur. Ex Anglico conversum in Latin um, aGuilielmo Whitakero. Huic operi prsefixa est auctoris vita et mors, ejusque verse doctrinae defensio, cum refuta- tione quorundam objectonim, Thomas Har- dingi, Nicolai Sanderi, Alani Copi, Hieronymi Osorii, Pontaci Burdegalensis, Laurentio Huni- auctore. Ejusdi'in .1 \u-lli Api-li^ia Ec- di-shu Anglicaiuu. [Opp. throl., tom. i.] Geneva, 1585. fol. Operum theologicorum J. J. tomus alt. r. seu Antapologia, opposita confutation! ab Har- dingo contra Ecclesise Anglicamu Apologiam editte. Cui adjecta est responsio ad alium Hardingi librum, inscriptum Indicium tur- pium multorum errorum, tVc. vulgatum Lo- vanii anno M.D.LXVIII. certia notis ad margi- nem appositis designata. Interpret Thoma Bradoco. [Geneva], 1600. fol. The works of J. J. Edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. John Ayre, M.A. 4 vol. Cambridge, 1845-60. 8 A replie vnto M. Hardinges answeare : by perusinge whereof the discrete, and diligent reader may easily see, the weake, and vnstable groundes of the Romaine religion, whiche of late hath beene accorapted catholique. London, 1566. fol. Apologia Ecclesise Anglicanse. Londini, 1599. 12 Another edition. Priorum editionum colla- tione castigatior. Londini, 1692. 12 The apology of the Church of England ; and an epistle to one Seignior Scipio a Venetian gentleman, concerning the council of Trent. To which is added, the life of the said Bishop. London, 1685. 8 Another edition. London, 1839. 12 Traducida al Espauol a costa de la Sociedad para promover el conocimiento Cristiano. Gibraltar, 1840. 12 A defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande, conteininge an answeare to a cer- taine booke lately set foorthe by M. Hardinge and entituled, a Confutation of, &c. London, 1567. fol. An exposition vpon the two Epistles of the Apostle Sainct Paul to the Thessalonians. London, 1683. 8 JEWS. Trium scriptorum illustrium de tribus Judaeorum sectis syntagma. In quo Nicolai SERARII, Johannis DRUSII, Josephi SCALIGERI opuscula...exhibentur. Jacobus TRIGLAJJDITJS J. F. J. N. diatriben de secta Karseorum adje- cit. 2 tom. Delphis, 1703. 4 The ceremonies of the present Jews. London, 1728. 8 An essay on the commercial habits of the Jews. London, 1809. 8 The obligations of Christians to attempt the conversion of the Jews. By a Presbyter of the Church of England. London, s. a. 8 Third edition. London, [1812]. 8 Modern history of the Jews : being a continua- tion of the History of Josephus. By a literary gentleman. Glasgow, 1814. 8 Jewish and Eastern customs... Collected from the most celebrated travellers, and the most eminent critics. Dundee, 1825. 8 The nineteenth report of the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews... To which is prefixed a sermon... by the Rev. W. Marsh, A.M. London, 1827. 8 JEZLERUS JOHNSON. 413 The thirty-fourth report. . .To which is prefixed the annual sermon... by the Rev. Henry Raikes, A.M. London, 1842. 8 U Jewish intelligence and monthly account of the proceedings of the London Society for pro- moting Christianity among the Jews. [For 1849 and 1850.] Vol. 15, 16. London, 1849, 50. 8 - The history of the Jews. [By H. H. MILMAN.] 3 vol. [Vol. i., 2d ed.] London, 1829, 30. 8 - Debates in the House of Commons on a reso- lution preparatory to the introduction, and in the House of Lords on the motion for the se- cond reading, of the bill for removing the civil disabilities of the Jews : The protests of the Right Hon. Lords Holland and Clifford, against the rejection of the bill. London, 1834. 8 - A course of lectures on the Jews : by ministers of the Established Church in Glasgow. Glasgow, 1839. 12 - Report to the General Assembly, by the com- mittee for the conversion of the Jews, 1839. [Edin., 18391. 8 - Report... 1840. [Edin., 1840J. 8 - The conversion of the Jews : a series of lec- tures delivered in Edinburgh by ministers of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1842. 8 JEZLERUS (JOHANNES). De diuturnitate belli eucharistici liber unus. Tiguri, 1584. 8 JOANNES, CHRYSOSTOMUS. See Joannes CHRY- SOSTOMUS. JOANNES, DAMASCENUS, Saint. Opera omnia quee extant, et ejus nomine circumferuntur. Ex variis editionibus, et codicibus manu exa- ratis, Gallicanis, Italicis et Anglicis, collecta, recensita, Latine versa, atque annotationibus illustrata, cum prseviis dissertationibus, et co- piosis indicibus. Opera et studio P. Michselis Lequien, Morino-Boloniensis, ordinia FF. Prsedicatorum. 2 torn. Parisiis, 1712. fol. J OANNES, SARESBERIENSIS, Bishop of Chartres. Policraticus, sive de nugis curialium, et ves- tigiis philosophorum, libri octo. Accedit huic editioni ejusdem Metalogicus. Lugd. Batav., 1638. 8 JOHANNIS (HoBius). Problematum philoso- phicorum pars altera ex metaphysica generali. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1647. 4 - Disputationum philosophicarum quarta, ex physica generali. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1648. 4 JOHN, the Baptist. A dissertation on the mes- sage from St John the Baptist to our Saviour ; St Luke, vii. 19. With remarks on the his- tory of his life and ministry. [By Charles William BATT.] London, 1788. 8 JOHN AND JAMES. A free trade in corn ruin to the citizens as well as the landed interest ; also the currency question, and Scotch bank- ing system, and the non-intrusion question : in three debates, as debated between John and James, citizens of Edinburgh. 2d ed. Edin., 1843. 8 JOHNES (ARTHUR JAMES). Philological proofs of the original unity and recent origin of the human race. Derived from a comparison of the languages of Asia, Europe, Africa, and America. London, 1846. 8 JOHNSON (EDWARD), Surgeon. Life, health, and disease. 7th thousand. London, 1843. 12 JOHNSON (FRANCIS). * The unreasonableness of the Separation. Made apparent by an exa- mination of Mr Johnson's pretended reasons, published an. 1608. Dort, 1614. 4 JOHNSON (JOHN), Vicar of Cranbrook, in the diocese of Canterbury. The propitiatory obla- tion in the holy EUCHARIST truly stated, and defended. 1710 The unbloody sacrifice, and altar, unvail'd and supported. In which the nature of the Eu- charist is explain'd according to the sentiments of the Christian Church in the four first cen- turies... To which is added, a proof, that what our Saviour speaks concerning eating his flesh, and drinking his blood, in the vi.th chapter of St John's Gospel, is principally meant of the Eucharist. With a prefatory epistle to the Lord Bishop of Norwich. Animadversions on the Rev. Dr Wise's book, which he calls The Christian Eucharist rightly stated : and some reflections on a stitch'd book, entituled, An answer to the exceptions made against the Lord Bishop of Oxford's charge. 2 parts. London, 1714, 18. 8 A collection of all the ecclesiastical laws, ca- nons, answers, or rescripts, with other memo- rials concerning the government, discipline and worship of the Church of England, from its first foundation to the Conquest, that have hitherto been publish'd in the Latin and Saxonic tongues. And of all the canons and constitutions ecclesiastical, made since the Con- quest and before the Reformation, in any na- tional council, or in the provincial Synods of Canterbury and York, that have hitherto been publish'd in the Latin tongue. Now first translated into English with explanatory notes, and such glosses from Lyndwood and Athone, as were thought most useful. By J. J. 2 vol. London, 1720. 8 JOHNSON (JOHN), Printer. Typographia, or the printer's instructor : including an account of the origin of printing, with biographical notices of the printers of England, from Cax- ton to the close of the sixteenth century : a series of ancient and modern alphabets, and domesday characters : together with an eluci- dation of every subject connected with the art. 2 vol. London, 1824. 12 JOHNSON (SAMUEL), Chaplain to William, Lord Russell Works of the late Rev. S. J. 2d ed. London, 1713. fol. Remarks on Dr SHERLOCK'S book, intituled, The case of allegiance due to sovereign princes, stated and resolved. 1691 An argument proving, that the abrogation of King James. . .and the promotion of the Prince of Orange... was according to the constitution of the English government, and prescribed by 414 .) < > 1 1 NSON JOHNSTON. it. In opposition to all the false and treacher- ous hypotheses, of usuqiation, conquest, do- sertion, and of taking the powers that are upon content. 4th ed. .London, 1692. 4 A letter from a FREEHOLDER, to the rest of the freeholders of England. s. I. et a. JOHNSON (SAMUEL), LL.D. The works of S. J. A new edition. To which is pivlixed, an essay on his life and genius by Arthur Murphy. 12vol. .Low/on, 1820. 8 The lives of the most eminent English poets, with critical observations on their works. A new edition. 4 vol. London, 1783. 8 Another edition. 6 vol. London, 1805, 6. 16 An account of the life and writings of the Earl of Rochester ; [with some passages of the life and death of John [WILMOT] Earl of Roches- ter, by Gilbert Burnet]. 1787 The Rambler. 4 volumes in two. London, 1791. 8 - Another edition. 4 vol. London, 1798. 12 Sixteenth edition. 3 vol. London, 1806. 12 Prayers and meditations, composed by S. J. , and published from his manuscripts, by George Strahan, D.D. 4th ed. London, 1807. 8 A dictionary of the English language : in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. To which are prefixed a history of the language, and an Eng- lish grammar. 2 vol. llth ed. London, 1816. 4 With numerous corrections, and with the addition of several thousand words, as also with additions to the history of the language, and to the grammar, by the Rev. H. J. Todd. 3 vol. 2d ed. London, 1827. 4 Abridged from the Rev. H. J. Todd's cor- rected and enlarged quarto edition, by Alex- ander Chalmers. London, 1826. 8 - * The life of S. J., comprehending an account of his studies, and numerous works, in chro- nological order ; a series of his epistolary cor- respondence and conversations with many emi- nent persons ; and various original pieces of his composition, never before published : the whole exhibiting a view of literature and lite- rary men in Great Britain, for near half a cen- tury during which he flourished. By James Boswell. A new edition. Copious notes and biographical illustrations, by Malone. 5 vol. London, 1824. 12 Another edition. Including a journal of his tour to the Hebrides [and Johnsoniana]. To which are added, anecdotes by Hawkins, Piozzi, Murphy, Tyers, Reynolds, Steevens, &c. , and notes by various hands. 10 vol. London, 1835. 8 Johnsoniana ; or, supplement to Boswell : be- ing anecdotes and sayings of Dr Johnson, col- lected by Piozzi, Hawkins... &c. &c. &c. London, 1836. 8 JOHNSON (THOMAS), A.M., Fellow of Magdalen college, Cambridge, An essay on MORAL OBLI- GATION. 1731 JOHNSON (\VAI.TKK H.), t'lrll OIJ///I.VT, M'>7i- inyton. A report to the navy department of the United States, on American coals appli- cable to .strain navigation, and to other pur- poses. H itJdii'jioii, 1844. 8 The coal trade of British America, with re- searches on the characters and practical values of American and foreign coals. Washington, 1850. 8 JOHNSTON (ALEXANDER KEITH), LL.D. The national ATLAS of historical, commercial, and political geography. 1843 JOHNSTON (ARTHUR). Poetarum Scotorum musje sacra) : sive quatuor sacri codicis Scrip- torum, Davidis et Solomonis, Jobi et Jen-mi.-'-, poctici libri, per totidem Scotos, A. J. et Jo. KERRUM, P. ADAMSONUM et J. HOG^EUM, La- tino carmine redditi : quibus, ob argument! similitudinem, adnectuntur alia, Scotorum iti- dem, opuscula sacra. 2 partt. Edin., 1739. 8 Another cop} r . Psalmi Davidici interpretatione, argumentis, notisque illustrati : in usum Serenissimi Prin- cipis. Londini, 1741. 8 JOHNSTON (BRYCE), D.D., Minister of the Gos- pel at Holy wood. A commentary on the Re- velation of St John. 2 vol. Edin., 1794. 8 The divine authority and encouragement of missions from Christians to the heathen ; a sermon [on Matt, xxviii. 19, 20] preached be- fore the Dumfries Missionary society. Dumfries, 1797. 8 Sermons. By the Rev. B. J. To which is prefixed, a memoir of his life, character, and writings, by the Rev. John Johnstone, Cross- michael. Edin., 1807. 8 JOHNSTON (CHARLES), M.R.C.S. Travels in Southern Abyssinia ; through the country of Adal to the kingdom of Shoa. 2 vol. London, 1844. 8 3 JOHNSTON (DAVID), D.D., Minister of North Leith. The signal deliverances which have been wrought for these kingdoms, and the most probable means of obtaining a like divine interposition in the present conjuncture of pub- lic afi'airs, illustrated in a sermon, [on Ps. xx. 5] preached Feb. 9, 1779. Edin., 1779. 8 Sermons, published for the benefit of the in- dustrious blind, in the Edinburgh asylum. Edin., 1805. 8 Sermons ; [published for the benefit of the Magdalene asylum]. Edin.,I8Q8. 8 JOHNSTON (EBENEZER), Minister at Picon. Ecclesiastical DISCLOSURES. s. 1. et a. Notes of proceedings in the meetings of the town council of Stirling, on 16th June and 28th July, 1834 ; concerning the question of the communion elements money. 2d ed. Stirling, 1834. 8 JOHNSTON (GEORGE), M.D. A flora of Ber- wick-upon-Tweed. Vol. ii. Cryptogamous plants. Edin., 1831. 12 JOHNSTON (JAMES FINLAY WEIR), M. A. , Rea'] preached in St Thomas's, Southwark, on .l.m. 1st, 1783. London, 1783. 8 JONES (STEPHEN). A new biographical diction- ary : containing a brief account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persona and remarkable characters in every age and nation. 5th ed. London, 1805. 12 JONES (THOMAS), M.A. , Chaplain of St Saviour's, Southwark. The works of T. J. To which is prefixed a short account of his life, in a recom- mendatory preface by the Rev. W. Romaine, M.A. 2d ed. London, 1763. 8 A letter to the Rev. Dr Free. London, 1759. 8 JONES (THOMAS). A word of comfort to weak believers, in fifteen letters from the late Rev. T. J. ...addressed to Mr B , in a season of darkness and temptation. Bath, 1796. 12 JONES (THOMAS), Rector of Creaton. The Scrip- ture directory : or, an attempt to assist the un- learned reader to understand the general his- tory and leading subjects of the Old and New Testament. A new edition. London, 1815. 12 Jonah's portrait ; or, various views of human nature, and of the gracious dealings of God with fallen man. 5th ed. London, 1827. 12 The true Christian ; or, the way to have as- surance of eternal salvation. 2d ed. London, 1834. 12 JONES (T. RUPERT). Monograph of the Ento- mostraca of the cretaceous formation of Eng- land. [Palaeontographical Society.] London, 1849. 4 JONES (THOMAS SNELL), D.D., Minister of Lady Glenorchy's chapel, Edinburgh. Sermons. Edin., 1816. 8 Another copy. Address delivered [at the baptism of J. Davis] ; [with The vail of Moses done away in Christ, by Henry GREY]. 1820 JONES (WILLIAM), Perpetual curate of Nayland, Suffolk. The catholic doctrine of a trinity proved, by above an hundred short and clear arguments, expressed in the terms of the holy Scripture, compared after a manner entirely new, and digested under the four following titles : 1. The divinity of Christ. 2. The di- vinity of the Holy Ghost. 3. The plurality of persons. 4. The trinity in unity. With a few reflections, occasionally interspersed, upon some of the Arian writers, particularly Dr S. Clarke. To which is now added, a letter to the common people ; in answer to some popu- lar arguments against the trinity. 3d ed. London, 1767. 8 Eighth edition. London, 1810. 8 Eleventh edition. London, 1824. 12 I A small whole-length of Dr PRIESTLEY. 1792 ! The man of sin. A sermon [on Luke, xii. 5G] JONES JOSEPHUS. 417 preached January 26, 1794. 3d ed. London, 1794. 8 - The age of unbelief, a second part of The man of sin. A sermon [on Luke, xviii. 8] preached Feb. 8, 1795. London, 1795. 8 - The SCHOLAR armed against the errors of the time. Edited by W. J. 1795 - Lectures on the figurative language of the holy Scripture, and the interpretation of it from the Scripture itself. To which are added, Four lectures on the relation between the Old and the New Testaments as it is set forth in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Also a single lecture on the natural evidences of Christianity. To which is prefixed, a short account of his life and writings. A new edition. London, 1808. 8 - Another copy. JONES (Sir WILLIAM), Judge of the supreme court of Bengal. Poeseos Asiaticoe commentariorum libri sex, cum appendice ; subjicitur Limon, seu miscellaneorum liber. Londini, 1774. 8 A grammar of the Persian language. 5th ed., revised, with an index. London, 1801. 4 - Sixth edition, with additions and improve- ments. London, 1804. 4 * Memoirs of the life, writings, and correspond- ence of Sir W. J. , by the Right Hon. Lord Teignmouth, with the life of Lord TEIGN- MOUTH, selections from Sir W. J. 's works, and occasional notes. By Rev. Samuel Charles Wilks, M.A. 2 vol. London, 1835. 12 JONES (WILLIAM), M.A.. The biblical cyclopae- dia ; or, dictionary of the holy Scriptures : in- tended to facilitate an acquaintance with the inspired writings. 2 vol. London, 1816. 8 A dictionary of religious opinions ; or concise account of the various denominations into which the profession of Christianity is divided, including a view of the ecclesiastical govern- ment, and order of worship peculiar to each sect. London, 1818. 12 - The history of the Christian Church, from the birth of Christ to the xviii. century ; including the very interesting account of the Waldenses and Albigenses. 2 vol. The fifth edition, with an additional preface, containing strictures on a recent publication, by William Stephen Gilly, M.A. London, 1826. 8 - Biographical sketches of the Reform ministers ; with a history of the passing of the Reform bills, and a view of the state of Europe from the close of 1831. Forming a continuation of " The life and times of William the Fourth." London, 1835. 8 JONSTONUS(ARTURUs). See Arthur JOHNSTON. JORDAN (JOHN), B.A., Vicar of Enstone, Oxon. Scriptural views of the Sabbath of God. London, 1848. 8 An appeal to the evangelical clergy against their concurrence in the double sense use of the baptismal and confirmation services, and the catechism of the Church of England. London, 1850. 8 JORDANUS (RAYMUNDUS), called IDIOTA. Me- ditationes J. de amore divino ; opera H. Som- nialii ; [cum Meditatt. Aur. AUGUSTINI]. 1637 | JORRY (L'Abbe ). Histoire universelle de I'EgliseetdesPapes. Plancyet Paris, 1853. 12 JORTIN (JOHN), D.D., Archdeacon of London Six dissertations upon different subjects. London, 1755. 8 Discourses concerning the truth of the Chris- tian religion, and remarks on ecclesiastical his- tory. 3 vol. London, 1805. 8 Remarks on ecclesiastical history. To which is prefixed, the life of the author. 3 vol. London, 1805. 8 Sermons on different subjects. To which are added, the doctrine of a future state, as it may be collected from the Old Testament ; and four charges to the clergy of the archdeaconry of London. 4vol. London, 1809. 8 JOSEPH BEN GORION. A compendious and most marueilous historic of the latter times of the Jewes common weale begynnyng where the Bible or Scriptures leaue, and continuing to the vtter subuertion and last destruction of that countrey and people. Written in Hebrue by J. B. G. a nobleman of the same countrey, who saw the most thinges himselfe, and was aucthor and doer of a great part of the same. Translated into Englishe by Peter Morwyng, of Magdalen colledge in Oxford, and nowe newely corrected and amended by the sayde translatour. s. I., 1575. 8 JOSEPHUS (FLAVIUS). Opera. [Gr.] ED. PR. Basilece, apud H. Frobenium, MDXLIIII. fol. Another copy. Another edition. Textum edidit Carol. Er- nest. Richter. [Biblioth. Sacr. Patr. Eccl. Grsec.] 6 vol. Lipsice, 1826, 27. 12 Antiqvitatvum Ivdaicarvm libri xx. Adiecta in fine appendicis loco vita losephi per ipsum conscripta, a Sigismundo Gelenio conuersi. De bello Ivdaico libri vii. ex collatione Gra;- corvm codicum per Sig. Gelenium castigati. Contra Apionem libri ii. pro corruptissimis an- tea iam ex Grseco itidem non solum emendati, sed etiam suppleti, opera eiusdem Gelenii. De imperio rationis, sine de Machabseis liber unus, a Des. Erasmo Roterodamo recognitus. Basiled}, MDLIIII. fol. Histoire de Fl. Josephe...Reveue sur le Grec, illustre'e de chronologic, annotations, et tables ...ParD. Gilb. Genebrard...Derniere Edition. 2 torn. Paris, 1646. fol. The works of Josephus. Translated by Thomas Lodge. [Wants title, and two leaves of the Table.] fol. The genuine works of Flavius Josephus... Translated from the original Greek, according to Havercamp's accurate edition ... Together with proper notes, observations... and the true chronology of the several histories adjusted in the margin. To this book are prefixed eight dissertations... With an account of the Jewish coins, weights, and measures. By William Whiston, M.A. 2 vol. London, 1737. fol. Another edition. 3vol. Edin., 1801, 2. 8 Another edition. 5 vol. Dublin, 1841. 8 Another edition. 4 vol. Glasgow, s. a. 8 Works of Flavius Josephus, translated into D3 418 JOSSE Jl'il I.I M English by Sir K.-gor L'Hstnui^.-, Kt. ...To which are prefixed, two discourses, and seve- ral remarks and observations upon Josc-jihus. 7th ed. -!' //', I7is. f,-l. JOSSE (AUGUST. Luis). Grammaire Espagnole raisonne'e. Quatrieme Edition. Londres, 1817. 8 JOST (J. M.). Allgemeine Geschichte des Is- raelitischen Volkes, sowohl seines zweimaligen Staatslebens als auch der zerstreuten Gemein- den und Secten, bis in die neueste Zeit, in gedrangter Uebersicht, zuniichst fiir Staatsmu- ner, Rechtsgelehrte, Geistliche, und wissen- schaftlich gebildete Leser, aus den Quellen bearbeitet von J. M. J. 2 Band. /;. //;/t, 1832. 8 JOUFFROY (THOMAS SIMON, dit THEODORE). Melanges philosophiques. Seconde Edition. Paris, 1838. 8 Translated from the French, with introduc- tory and critical notes, by George Ripley. [Stud. Cab. Lib., vol. vi.] Edin., 1809. 8 JOURNAL. Journal depharmacieet des sciences accessoires, re'dige' par Messieurs C.-L. Cadet, L.-A. Planche, P.-F.-G. Boullay, J.-P. Bon- det, J.-J. Viret, J. Pelletier, A. Vogel, [&c.] 9 torn. Paris, 1815-1823. 8 The journal of science and the arts. Edited at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 2ded. [1816-1819.] 8vol. London, 1817-20. 8 The Edinburgh journal of science, conducted by David Brewster, LL.D. New series. Vol. i.-vi. Edin., 1829-32. 8 The Edinburgh journal of natural and geogra- phical science. Under the direction of Wil- liam Ainsworth and Henry H. Cheek. Vol. i.-iii. Edin., 1830-31. 8 The quarterly journal of education. No. vii. London, 1832. 8 Macphail's Edinburgh ecclesiastical journal. [1846-1848.] Vol. i.-vi. Edin., 1846-48. 8 The journal of sacred literature. Edited by John Kitto, D.D. [1848-1850.] 6 vol. London, 1848-60. 8 New series. [1853-1866.] 25 vol. London, 1853-66. 8 The quarterly journal of prophecy. Vol. i.-vi., viii. London, 1849-56. 8 JOURNEY. A journey to the world in the moon . By the author of The true-born Englishman ; [Daniel DEFOE]. Edin., 1705. 4 JOUY (Louis-FRAN9Ois DE). Principes et usages concernant les dixines. Paris, 1756. 12 JOVIAN. Jovian, or, an answer to Julian the apostate. By a minister of London ; [George HICKES]. London, 1683. 8 JOVIUS (PAULUS), Bishop of Nocera. Tvrcica- rvm rervm commentarius...Ex Italico Latinus factus, Francisco Nigro Bassianate interprete. Origo Turcici imperil. Vitae, omnium Turci- corum imperatorum. Ordo ac disciplina Tur- cie militiae exactissime conscripta. Eodem Paul. louio autore. Antrerpicv, 1538. 8 JOWETT (BENJAMIN), M.A., Regius professor nf . i >.,/,,( The Kpistlc.i of St Paul to UK- Thessalonians. C;il:iti:iiis, KMHI;IMS ; witli criti- cal notes. 18ff. 8* lliiu.i:- KM.I.IMJ. K. .InUKTT (\\ M.I.IAM), M.A., JUtow / >V .//.< college, Cambridge. Christian researches in the Mediterranean, from 1815 to 1820, in further- ance of the objects of the Church missionary society. With an appendix, containing the journal of the Rev. James Connor, chu-tly in Syria and Palestine. London, 1822. 8 Christian researches in Syria and the Holy Land, in 1823, and 1824. ..With an appendix, containing the journal of Mr Joseph Greaves, on a visit to the regency of Tunis. London, 1825. 8 Second edition. London, 1826. 8 The Christian visitor : or, select portions of the four Gospels with expositions and prayers. Designed to assist the friends of the sick and afflicted. 3d ed. London, 1845. 8 JUDA (LEO). Biblia sacrosancta Testamenti Ve- teris et Novi. 1543. See BIBLES LATIN. A. JUVJEI.-See JEWS. JUDAH. A short dissertation concerning the four last kings of Judah. Occasioned by a small tract, intituled, Josephi Scaligeri judi- cium de thesi quadam chronologica. And more especially, by some passages in Lud. Cappellus's notes upon the twelfth table of his Chronologia sacra. [By John MILNEK.] London, 1689. 4 JUDAS ISCARIOT. Observations on the con- duct and character of Judas Iscariot, in a let- ter to the Rev. Mr J[ames] Pfrimrose]. [By John BONAR.] Edin., 1750. 8 ] Another copy. - Second edition. Edin., 1851. 8 U ; JUDD (HANNAH).* Memoir of the life of H. J. By the Rev. Bernard Gilpin. 2d ed. London, 1850. 12 ' JUDSON (ADONIRAM), D.D. Christian baptism. A sermon [on Matt, xxviii. 19] preached in the Lai Bazar chapel, Calcutta ; on Lord's day, Sep. 27, 1812 : previous to the administration of the ordinance of baptism. With many quo- tations from paedobaptist authors. [Calcutta], 1812. 8 * A memoir of the life and labours of the Rev. A. J. By Francis Way land, D.D. 2 vol. London, 1853. 8 JUDSON (Mrs ANN H.), Missionary to BurmaJi. * Memoir of Mrs A. H. J. Including a his- tory of the American Baptist mission in the Burman empire. By James D. Knowles. 3ded. Edin., 1835. 12 JUELLUS (JOANNES). See John JEWEL. , JUGULUM. Juguhim causse, seu nova, unica, compendiaria, et una propemodum periodo comprehensa, ratio : per quam totus doctrina- rum Romanensium complexus, de quibus lis est inter Protestantes et Pontificios ; et una Papa, ej usque imperium, funditus evertuntur. Juxta exemplar Londinense anno 1671. [By Louis Du MOULIN.] s. 1. et a. 8 Another copy. Jugulum causre, sen nova et expeditissima ru- JUKES JURIEU. 419 tio, per quam Papa, ejus imperium, totusque Missse, religionis et Ecclesise Romanse appara- tus, una ruina concidere debent. Juxta ex- emplar Londinense anno 1671. s. I. et a. 8 - Another copy. JUKES (ANDKEW). The types of Genesis briefly considered as revealing the development of human nature in the world within, and with- out, and in the dispensations. London, 1858. 8 JULIA. Scotland's Zion : or, The Free Church of Scotland. A poem. By Julia. Glasgow, 1843. 8 JULIAN. Julian : or, scenes in Judaea. By the author of letters from Palmyra and Rome ; [William WADE]. Edin., 1843. 8 JULIANUS, the Apostate, Emperor of Rome. Opera quse supersunt omnia, et S. CYRILLI Alexandrine Archiepiscopi contra impium Ju- lianum libri decem. Accedunt Dionysii Peta- vii in Julianum notse, et aliorum in aliquot ejusdem Imperatoris libros prsefationes ac notae. Ezechiel Spanhemius Grsecum Juliani contextum recensuit, cum manuscriptis codi- cibus contulit, plures inde lacunas supplevit, et observationes tam ad Julianum, quam ad Cyrillum, addidit. 2 torn. [Gr. et Lat.] Lipsice, 1696. fol. - Another copy. - Epistolse quaedam ineditse ; [cum Salutari luce Evangelii per J. A. FABRICIUM]. 1732 JUNIUS. The letters of the celebrated Junius. A more complete edition than any yet publish- ed. 2 vol. London, 1783. 12 - Another edition. Edin., 1793. 4 - Another edition. Including letters by the same writer under other signatures ; to which are added his confidential correspondence with Mr Wilkes, and his private letters to Mr H. S. Woodfall ; a new and enlarged edition. With new evidence as to the authorship, and an analysis by the late Sir Harris Nicolas. By John Wade. 2 vol. London, 1850. 8 JUNIUS (FRANCISCUS), Professor of divinity at Ley den. Opera theologica. . .Prsefixa est primo tomo, vita auctoris ab eodem olim conscripta ; et narratio de placido ejusdem obitu. 2 torn. Genevce, 1607. fol. - Another copy. - Defensio catholicse doctrinse de S. Trinitate personarum in unitate essentise Dei. Heidelbergce, 1590. 4 - Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra. 1596. See BIBLES LATIN. A. - A Christian letter, containing a grave and god- ly admonition to such as make separation from the Church assemblies in England and else- where. Written in Latine by F. J. , and trans- lated into English, by R. G. London, 1602. 4 - Digquisitio ad Summam trium de prsedestina- tione sententiarum per Petrum BARONEM. 1513 [1613] - Disputatio clariss. theologi F. J. de Synodis, et synodalibus judiciis, magistratusque summi in talibus jure atque officio : pro sciitentia Ecclesiarum nostrarum contra Rob. Bellarmi- num ; [cum BOGERMANNI Annotatt.]. 1614 JUNIUS (FRANCISCUS), son of the preceding. Etymologicum Anglicanum. Ex autographo descripsit et accessionibus permultis auctum edidit Edwardus Lye, A.M. Prsemittuntur vita auctoris et grammatica Anglo- Saxonica. Oxonii, 1743. fol. JUNIUS (ISAACUS). Antapologia sive animad- versiones in xvi. priora capita apologise Re- monstrantium. Delphis, 1640. 4 Another copy. JUNIUS (STEPHANUS), Brutus, pseud., i. e. Hu- bertus LANGUETUS. JUNKIN (GEORGE), D.D., President of Lafayette college, Easton, Penna. The vindication, con- taining a history of the trial of the Rev. Al- bert Barnes, by the second Presbytery, and by the Synod of Philadelphia. To which are appended, new schoolism in the seventeenth compared with new schoolism in the nineteenth century. Philadelphia, 1836. 12 A treatise on justification. [Imperfect.] Philadelphia, 1839. 12 The little stone and the great image, or lec- tures on the prophecies symbolized in Nebu- chadnezzar's vision of the golden headed mon- ster. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 Another copy. JUNOT (LAURA PERMON), Duchess of Abrantes. Memoirs of Napoleon, his court and family. 2 vol. London, 1836. 8 JURIEU (PIERRE), Lecturer on divinity successive- ly at Sedan and Rotterdam. Apologie pour la morale des Re'formez, ou defense de leur doc- trine touchant la justification, la perseverance de vrais saints, et la certitude que chaque fi- dele peut et doit avoir de son salut. Pour r^ponse au livre de Mr. Arnaud, intitule le Renversement de la morale de Jesus Christ par la doctrine des Calvinistes touchant la jus- tification. , Quevilly, 1675. 8 La politique du CLERGE DE FRANCE pour d- truire la religion protestante. 1681 The history of the council of Trent. In eight books. Whereunto is prefixt a discourse con- taining historical reflexions on councils, and particularly on the conduct of the council of Trent, proving that the Protestants are not oblig'd to submit thereto. Written in French by P. J. And now done into English. London, 1684. 8 * Essais de theologie sur la providence et la grace. Ou Ton tache de delivrer Mr. Jurieu de toutes les difficultes accablantes qu'il ren- contre dans son systeme. [Par Isaac PAPIN.] 2 torn. Francfort, 1687. 12 d L'esprit de Mr. ARNAUD, tire de la conduite, et des ecrits de luy et de ses disciples. 1684 Prejugez legitimes centre le Papisme, ouvrage ou Ton considere 1'EgliseRomaine dans tous ses dehors, et ou Ton fait voir par 1'histoire de sa conduite qu'elle ne peut etre la veritable Eg- lise, a 1'exclusion de toutes lea autres commu- nions du Christianisme, (comme elle pretend. Divise en deux parties. Amsterdam, 1685. 4 3 420 Jl KV BILL-JUSTICE. Justification de l;i mm-ale dcs Rcformez, centre les accusations do Mr. Arnaud. 2 torn. La Haye, 1686. 8 Le vray systeme de 1'Eglise et la veritable ana- lyse de la foy. Oil sent dissipo'cs toutes les illusions quo les controvertistes modernes, pre- tendus Catlioliques, ont voulu faire au public BUT la nature de 1'Eglise, son infallibilite* et le juge des controverses. Pour ser\ r ir principale- ment de responce au livre de M. Nicole, in- titule*, les pretendus Reformes convaincus de schisme, &c. Avec une response abbregde au livre de M. Ferrand contro 1'autheur. Dordreclit, 1686. 8 Another copy. Traite* de I'mute" de 1'Eglise, et des points fun- dainentaux, contre Monsieur Nicole. Rotterdam, 1688. 8 De pace inter Protestantes ineunda consulta- tio. Ultrajecti, 1688. 8 - La religion des JESUITES. 1689 The pastoral letters of the incomparable Ju- rieu, directed to the Protestants in France groaning under the Babylonish tyranny, trans- lated : Wherein the sophistical arguments and ^inexpressible cruelties made use of by the Pa- pists for the making converts are laid open and expos'd to just abhorrence. Unto which is added, a brief account of the Hungarian per- secution. London, 1689. 8 Le tableau du Socinianisme, ou Ton voit I'im- purete' et la faussete' des dogmes des Sociniens, et ou Ton de"couvre les mysteres de la cabale de ceux qui veulent tolerer 1'heresie Socini- enne. Divise' en deux parties, et en diverses lettres aux vrays fideles. Premiere partie. La Haye, 1690. 8 Histoire critique des dogmes et des cultes, bons et mauvais, qui ont 4ie dans 1'Eglise de- puis Adam jusqu' a Jesus Christ, ou Ton trouve 1'origine de toutes les idolatries de 1'ancien Pa- ganisme, explique'es par rapport a celles des Juifs. [Avec supplement, par G. CUPER.] Amsterdam, 1704. 4 Faithfully done into English. 2 vol. London, 1705. 8 - Preservatif contre le changement de RELIGION. 1717 Histoire du Calvinisme et celle du Papisme mises en parallele : ou apologie pour les Re- f ormateurs. . .contre un libelle intitule 1'histoire du Calvinisme par Mr. Maimbourg. Par P. J. 4 torn. Seconde Edition. s. I, 1723. 12 JURY BILL. Letter to the people of Scotland, on the Jury Bill. By a juryman. Edin., 1815. 8 .1 US CANONICUM. [Corpus juris canonici. Continens Sexti Libri Decretalium in cocilio Lugdunen. per Bonifaciu octavum editi com- pilatio Summariis Divisionibus : Casibus lon- gis : ac quibusdam aliis additionibus illustrata. Clemetis pape quinti constitutiones una cu prof undo apparatu domini Johannis Andree. Casus literales. Notabilia : et Glosarium di- visiones complexe. Costitutioes xx. Johanis pape. XXII. cu familiari apparatu dui Zenze- lini do cassanis adioctia patetibu.s Hummariis : (lat:u|iu- singulis apta situationu : nee \>r.< ii i missaglosar. utili expliuitinne. Kxtnivugantes Comunes. DecretCi Aureu divi <;rati;m titulus talis C. Decretalium ( !iv^. f.l. Corpus juris canonici emendatum et notis illus- tratum, Gregorii XIII. Pont. Max. jussu edi- tum. Indicibus variis, et novis, et appendici Pauli Lancelotti Pemsini adauctum . . . Acces- serunt novissimi loci communes uberrimi, sum- ma diligentia ex ipsis canonibus collecti, et .ordine ac methodo singulari ad usum Fori utriusque fideliter digesti : theologis, politicis, et practicis pernecessarii. Coionwe, 1631. 4 Corpus juris canonici Gregorii XIII. auctori- tate post emendationem absolutam edituin. Justus Henningius Boehmer recensuit, cum codicibus veteribus manuscriptis aliisque edi- tionibus contulit, variantes lectiones adjecit, notis illustravit, atque necessariis indicibus instruxit, prsemissa pnefatione duplici. 2 torn. HalceMagdehir).- I! torise evangelic^- libri iv. Kjusdcin cuniiiiin tliiliia, aut suppositicia ; ad MSS. codices Va- ticanos aliosque, et ad veterea editiones recen- suit Faustinas Arevalus. lionue, 1792. 4 JUVENILES. Report from the select coiumitteo [of the House of Commons] on criminal and destitute juveniles ; together with the proceed- ings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. [London], 1852. fol. JUVENIS. Strictures on Mr Duncan Macfar- lan's short vindication of the minority in the last General Assembly of the Church of land : In a letter addressed to its author. By Juvenis. Edin., 1806. 8' K. REACH. K. (B.), i. e. Benjamin REACH. K. (C. G.). Messianische Weissagungen des Al- ien Testamentes iibersetzt und erlaiitert zum Gebrauch fiir angehende Theologen. Leipzig, 1792. 8 C R. (T.). An inquiry into the scriptural doctrine of imputed righteousness. Dublin, 1841. 12 RAAS (PETRUS). Exercitatio philologica in Car. Fr. Houbigant. prolegomena in Scripturam sacram caput secundum. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1762. 4 RAEMTZ (LUDWIQ FRIEDRICH), Professor of phy- sics at the university of Halle. A complete course of meteorology, with notes by Ch. Mar- tins, and an appendix, containing the graphic representation of the numerical tables, by L. Lalanne. Translated, with notes and addi- tions, by C. V. Walker. London, 1845. 12 KAHNIS (On. FRID. AUG.), Professor of theology in the university of Leipzic. Internal history of German Protestantism since the middle of last century. Translated from the German by the Pvev. Theodore Meyer. Edin., 1856. 8 Another copy. RAISER (THEOPH. PHILIPP. CHRISTIAN), Pro- fessor of tJieology at Erlangen. Monogrammata theologise Christianas dogmaticae. Erlangce, 3819. 8 K ALLEY (ROBERT REID), M.D. An account of the recent persecutions in Madeira : in a let- ter to a friend. London, 1844. 8 - Recent facts, showing how Popery treats the civil rights of Protestants at the present day. London, 1847. 8 RAMES, LORD. See Henry HOME. RANE (ROBERT), M.D., Professor of natural phi- losophy to the Royal Dublin Society. The in- dustrial resources of Ireland. 2d ed. Dublin, 1845. 8 RANT (EMMANUEL), Professor of philosophy in the university of Kcenigsberg. The principles of critical philosophy, selected from the works of E. R. and expounded by James Sigismund Beck : translated from the German by an au- ditor of the latter. London, 1797. 8 - Critik der reinen Vernunft. 6 te Auflage. Leipzig, 1818. 8 Translated from the original of I. R. [By Francis Hay wood.] London, 1838. 8 - Second edition, with notes and explanation of terms by Francis Haywood. London, 1848. 8 The metaphysic of ethics. Translated out of the original German, with an introduction and appendix, by J. W. Semple, advocate. Edin., 1836. 8 * The life of E. R. by Professor Stapfer of Paris. Translated from the French by Pro- fessor Hodge. [Stud. Cab. Lib., vol. iii.] Edin., 1836. 8 RAPFF (S. C.), M.A. The coming of the Lord, as inferred from the 24th and 25th chapters of St Matthew, compared with the signs of tho times. Translated from the German by a clergyman of the Church of England. London, 1837. 12 RARSTEN (C. J. B.). Philosophic der chemie. Berlin, 1843. 8 RARSTEN (G.). Die Fortschritte der Physik im Jahre 1845. Dargestellt von der physika- lischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. I. Jahrgang. Redigirt von Dr G. R. Berlin, 1847. 8 Im Jahre 1846. II. Jahrgang. Berlin, 1848. 8 RATECHISMUS. See CATECHISM. RAY (JOHN). A series of original portraits and caricature etchings. With biographical sketches and illustrative anecdotes. 2 vol. Edin., 1837, 8. 4 RAY AT (ASSAAD YAKOOB). The Eastern travel- ler's interpreter ; or, Arabic without a teacher. London, 1844. 8 A voice from Lebanon, with the life and tra- vels of A. Y. R. London, 1847. 8 RAYE (JOHN), D.D., Bishop of Lincoln. Tho ecclesiastical history of the second and third centuries, illustrated from the writings of Ter- tullian. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1826. 8 Some account of the writings and opinions of Justin Martyr. Cambridge, 1829. 8 Another copy. Some account of the writings and opinions of Clement of Alexandria. London, 1835. 8 Some account of the council of Nicrea, in con- nexion with the life of Athanasius. London, 1853. 8 Some account of the external government and discipline of the Church of Christ, during tho first three centuries. London, 1855. 8 RAYE (RICHARD), LL.D. A sermon [on John, xxi. 15, 16] preached May 23, 1776. To which is annexed an account of the Society for pro- moting Christian knowledge. London, 1776. 4 A sermon [on 1 Cor. iii. 7-9] preached at Lon- don, May 20, 1787... for the support and en- couragement of Sunday schools. London, [1787]. 4 REACH (BENJAMIN), Baptist minister of a con- gregation in Southivark. Tfo-oXoy/...the first book... by Thomas DELAUNE. The second and third books... by B. R. 1681 Teo7ro<7xy**oy* : tropes and figures ; or, a treatise of the metaphors, allegories, and ex- 424 KKARSLEY KKITII. press .similitude, &e. contained in tlie Bible of the Old and New Testament. To which is prefixed, divers arguments to prove the divine authority of the holy Scriptures, \\ herein also it is largely evinced, that by the great whore [mystery Babylon] is meant the Papal hierar- chy, or present State and Church of Rome. Philologia sacra, the second part. Wherein the schemes, or figures in Scripture, are reduced under their proper heads, with a brief explica- tion of each. Together with a treatise of types, parables, &c., with an improvement of them parallel-wise. By B. K. London, 1682. fol. - A golden mine opened : or, the glory of God's rich grace displayed in the Mediator to be- lievers : and his direful wrath against impeni- tent sinners. Containing the substance of near forty sermons upon several subjects. London, 1694. 4 - The display of glorious grace : or, the covenant of peace opened. In fourteen sermons lately preached, in which the errors of the present day, about reconciliation and justification are detected. London, 1698. 8 The Jewish Sabbath abrogated : or, the Satur- day Sabbatarians confuted. In two parts. First, proving the abrogation of the old se- venth-day Sabbath. Secondly, that the Lord's- day is of divine appointment... London, 1700. 8 The travels of true godliness : from the begin- ning of the world to this present day, in an apt and pleasant allegory. Shewing what true godliness is ; also the troubles, oppositions, X:c. he met with in every age. Together with the danger and sad declining state he is in at this present time, by errors, heresies, and un- godliness, or open profaneness. London, 1817. 12 KEARSLEY (GEORGE). Complete peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; together with an extinct peerage of the three kingdoms, list of all their family names, titles of elder sons, frc., and translation of their mottos. London, 1799. 16 KEARY (WILLIAM), Rector of Nunnington. A common-place book to the Fathers, containing a selection of passages from the primitive writers, opposed to the tenets of Romanism. London, 1828. 8 KEBLE (JOHN), M.A., Fellow of Oriel college, Oxford. The CHRISTIAN YEAR. 1828 The Psalter in English verse. 1839. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. De poeticae vi medica. Pnelectiones academi- CJB Oxonii habitae, annis MDCCCII MDCCCXLI. 2 torn. Oxonii, 1844. 8 KECKERMANNUS (BARTHOLOMEWS). Syste- ma SS. theologise tribus libris adornatum. Editio secunda. Hanovice, 1605. 8 KEENAN (STEPHEN). Controversial CATE- CHISM ; or, Protestantism refuted, and Catho- licism established, by an appeal to the Holy Scriptures, the testimony of the holy Fathers, and the dictates of reason ; in which such por- tions of Schcffmacher's catechism, as suit mo- dern controversy, are embodied. AVm., 1846. 12 KEIL (KARL FRIEDRICH), D.I . / yetical tlu-"l-i'j /'>,:, 17.V.>. 4 Joannis Gersonis Cancellarii Parisiensis, seu potius, Thomas a Campis canonic! regularis, De imitatione Christi, libri iiii. Quibns ad Christiani hominis vitam perfecte, absoluteque ' formandam, adiecimus Dionysii Carthusiani aliquot opuscula, itemque cuiusdam prisci re- ligiosi opusculum De via salvtis seterme, nun- quam antehac editum. Ltigdvni, ex officina Ivntarum, 1687. 8 Another edition. [Wants title.] Antwerp, 1626. 12 Traduction nouvelle, par le Sieur De Beiiil, [i. e. Le Maistre de Sacy] Prieur de S. Val. Hvitieme Edition. Paris, 1665. 12^ De imitatione Christi, libri quatuor, recensiti ad fidem autographi anni M.CCCC.XLI. cum vita ejusdem Thomae per Heribertum Rosweydum. Glasgiue, excudebant Robertits et Andreas Foulis, 1751. 12 Another edition. Edinburgi, 1757. 12 Another edition. Mechlinia;, 1831. 12 The Christian's pattern : or, a treatise of the imitation of Jesus Christ. In four books. Written originally in Latin by T. K. Now render'd into English. To which are added, meditations and prayers, for sick persons. By George Stanhope, D.D., Dean of Canterbury, llth ed. London, 1726. 8 Vol. ii. Being the genuine works of Thomas a Kempis. Containing four books, viz. I. The sighs of a penitent sou). II. A short Chris- tian directory. III. Of spiritual exercises. IV. Of spiritual entertainments. Translated from the original Latin... To which is prefix'd, a large account of the author's life and writ- ings, containing most of the history of those times, never before set forth in English. 2d ed. London, 1710. 8 The Christian's exercise : or, rules to live above the world while we are in it ; with medita- tions, hymns and soliloquies, suited to the several stages of the Christian life. In four parts. To which is annex'd, an appendix of letters, dialogues, &c. addressed to all the true lovers of devotion, by Robert Nelson, Esq. 2d ed. To which is added, a prayer which Mr Nelson made for his own private use. And a letter wrote by Abp. Tillotson to his sick friend. London, 1717. 8 Meditations, with prayers, on the life and j loving-kindnesses of our Lord and Saviour ; Jesus Christ. In four parts. Written origi- nally in Latin by T. a K. And now translated into English... by Henry Lee, LL.B. London, 1760. 8 The imitation of Christ. Translated from the Latin, by John Payne. With introductory essay, by Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. Glasgow, [1822]. 8 Leanmhuin Chriosd, ann Ceithear Leabraich- ean; sgriobhta ' annLadoin leTomais aCempis; air ur eidertheangacha' gu Gaoilig Albannach le R....M....M.A.I.S. Dnn-Aodain, 1785. 8 KKN f the Church CATECHISM]. 1791 KENDALL (E. A.). Letters to a friend on the state of Ireland, the Roman Catholic question, and the merits of constitutional religious dis- tinctions. 3 parts. London, 1826. 8 KENDALL (GEORGE), B.D., Rector of Blissland, Cornwall. &iox.^ttTiet : or, A vindication of the doctrine commonly received in the Reform- ed Churches concerning God's intentions of special grace and favour to his elect in the death of Christ 1 as also his prerogative, power, prescience, providence, the immutability of his nature and counsels, &c. from the attempts lately made against it, by Master John Good- win in his book intituled Redemption redeem- ed. With some digressions concerning the impossibility of new immanent acts in God, the possibility of faith's being an instrument of justification, and the nature of the cove- nants of works and grace. London, 1053. fol. Sancti sanciti. Or, the common doctrine of the perseverance of the saints : as who are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation. Vindicated from the attempts lately made against it, by Mr John Goodwin, in the digression of his book, which he was pleased to entitle Redemption redeemed. Together with two digressions : the one maintaining a specifical difference between the graces of the saints ; and whatsoever is found in men unre- generate. The other, asserting God to be the sole authour, of whatever difference of the saints, from themselves, and others. . .As also an appendix in answer to Master Home, goring all university-learning. London, 1654. fol. KENMUIR, VISCOUNT. /See John GORDON. KENNEDY (EDWARD SHIRLEY), A.B. The li- turgy and the laity. London, 1860. 8 KENNEDY (HUGH), M.A., Minister of Cavers. A sermon [on 1 Cor. i. 22, 23] preached at the opening of the Synod of Merse and Teviotdale, April 18, 1732. Edin., 1732. 8 KENNEDY (JAMES), B.D., Fellow of Trinity college, Dublin. Lectures on the philosophy of the Mosaic record of creation, delivered in the chapel of Trinity college, Dublin. [Don- nellan lecture for 1824.] London, 1826. 8 KENNEDY (JOHN), Rector of Bradley, Derbyshire. A new method of stating and explaining the Scripture chronology upon Mosaic astronomical principles, mediums, and data, all laid down in the Pentateuch. London, 1751. 8 KENNEDY (JOHN), M.A., Independent minister, Blackfriars Street, Aberdeen. The recent se- cession from the Established Church of Scot- land, considered in its bearings on the advance- ment of religion. A discourse delivered. . .June 11, 1843. Edin., 1843. 12 KENNEDY (JOHN), Minister of the Free Church, Dingicall. The days of the fathers in Ross- shire. Edin., 1861. 8 KENNETT KHANIKOFF. 427 KENNETT (BASIL), M.A. Romae antiquae noti- tia : or, the antiquities of Rome. In two parts ...To which are prefix'd two essays : concern- ing the Roman learning, and the Roman edu- cation. London, 1696. 8 KENNETT (WHITE), D.D., Bishop of Peterbo- rough. Ecclesiastical Synods and parliament- ary convocations in the Church of England ; historically stated and justly vindicated from the misreprese'ntations of Mr Atterbury . Part i. London, 1701. 8 - An account of the proceedings in the CONVOCA- TION which began Oct. 25, 1705. 1706 - Dr SNAPE instructed. 1718 KENNICOTT (BENJAMIN), D.D., Canon of Christ Church. The state of the printed Hebrew text of the Old Testament considered. A disserta- tion in two parts. Part the first compares 1 Chron. xi. with 2 Sam. v. and xxiii. ; and part the second contains observations on seventy Hebrew MSS., with an extract of mistakes and various readings. Oxford, 1753. 8 The ten annual accounts of the collation of Hebrew MSS. of the Old Testament ; begun in 1760, and compleated in 1769. Oxford, 1770. 8 Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum. 1776, 80. See BIBLES HEBREW. A. Dissertatio generalis in Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum ; cum variis lectionibus, ex codici- bus manuscriptis et impressis. Oxonii, 1780. fol. Another edition. Recudi curavit et notas ad- jecit Paulus Jacobus Bruns. Bmnovici, 1783. 8 KENRICK (FRANCISCUS PATRICIUS). Theologia dogmatica. 4 vol. Philadelphia, 1839, 40. 8 Theologia moralis. 3 vol. Philadelphia, 1841-43. 8 KENT. Proceedings principally in the county of Kent, in connection with the parliaments called in 1640, and especially with the Com- mittee of Religion appointed in that year. Edited [for the Camden Society] by the Rev. Lambert B. Larking, M.A. , from the collec- tions of Sir Edward Bering, Bart., 1626-1644. With a preface by John Bruce, F.S.A. London, 1861. 4 KENTUCKY, BISHOP OF. See M. J. SPALDING. KENYON (GEORGE), Lord Kenyon. Observa- tions on the Roman Catholic question. London, 1810. 8 KEPLERUS, or KEPPLERUS (JOANNES). Harmonices mvndi Libri v. . . . Lincii Austria, 1619. fol. Dioptrice ; [cum Institutione astronomica per Petrum GASSENDUM]. 1653 KER (JOHN), Carmunnock. Obedient believers the friends of Christ. A sermon. Glasgow, 1775. 8 KER (JOHN), Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Glasgow. Education in Scotland. Speech at the meeting held in Glasgow, 15th May, 1856, to oppose the Lord Advocate's (Burgh) education bill. Glasyov:, [1856]. 8 KER (WILLIAM T.), M.A., Minister of tit* Free Church, Deskford. The distinctive principles of the Free Church. A prixe essay. i , Edin., 1852. 8 I KERALIO (LOUISE-FELICITE GUINEMENT DE). Histoire d'Elisabeth, Reine d'Angleterre, tire'e des Merits originaux anglois, d'actes, titres, lettres et autres pieces manuscrites qui n'ont pas encore paru. 5 torn. Paris, 1786-1788. 8 KERR (A.). A word in season : being the sub- stance of a discourse on Isaiah, Iviii. 1. Edin., 1813. 8 Another copy. KERR (JOHN), Professor of humanity in the univer- sity of Edinburgh. Poetarum Scotorum mustu sacrse. Per Art. JONSTONUM et J. K. 1739 KERR (ROBERT), F.R.S. History of Scotland during the reign of Robert I. surnamed The Bruce. 2vol. Edin., 1811. 8 KERRUISH (Mrs). Christianity considered of, as founded in the nature, reality, and necessi- ty, or eternal fitness of things ; the original constitution of existing beings ; the actual and necessary correspondence of existing objects. London, 1832. 12 KERRUS (JOANNES). See John KERR. KETT (HENRY), B.D., Fellow of Trinity college, Oxford. Sermons preached before the Uni- versity of Oxford at St Mary's, in the year 1790, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1791. 8 Second edition. London, 1792. 8 History the interpreter of prophecy, or, a view of scriptural prophecies and their accomplish- ment in the past and present occurrences of the world. With conjectures concerning their future completion. 2 vol. 3d ed. London, 1800. 8 Fourth edition. With additional notes. London, 1801. 8 KETTLE (ROBERT). Compulsoryism and en- dowments exposed : in a letter to William Collins. Glasgow, 1836. 12 KETTLE WELL (JOHN), B.D., Vicar of Coles- Hill, Warwickshire. The measures of Chris- tian obedience. 3d ed. London, 1696. 8 An help and exhortation to worthy communi- cating. London, 1717. 8 * Memoirs of the life of Mr J. K. Wherein is contained some account of the transactions of his time. Compiled from the collections of Dr George Hickes, and Robert Nelson. With several original papers. London, 1718. 8 KEUFFEL (GEORG. GOTHOFR.). Historia ori- ginis ac progressus scholarum inter Christianos. Accedit Joach. HILDEBRANDI oratio de funda- tione Academies Julise. Helmstadii, 1743. 8 KEYSER (FRIEDRICH). Reformations Alma- nach auf das Jahr 1819...Zweiter Jahrgang. Erfurt, [1819]. 12 KHANIKOFF (M.). Bokhara: its Amir and its people. Translated from the Russian. By the Baron Clement A. de Bode. London, 1845. 8 Klhb KIN<; KIDD (<;KOU..I: I;.\I.I.I:I:>T,,N). An appeal in fa- vour of ecclesiastical unity. London, 1844. 8 KIDD (JAMES), D.D., Professor of Oriental lan- gutvjes in the MariscJtal college, Aberdeen. An essay on the doctrine of the Trinity : attempt- ing to prove it by reason and demonstration, founded upon duration ami space : and upon some of the divine perfections ; some of the powers of the human soul ; the language of Scripture ; and tradition among all nations. London, 1815. 8 - A dissertation on the eternal Son ship of Christ. Aberdeen, 1822. 8 - Another copy. - A treatise on infant baptism ; [with Candid reasons for renouncing the principles of anti- pfedobaptism by P. EDWARDS]. 1822 Sermons, and skeletons of sermons, selected from the MSS. of J. K. Aberdeen, 1835. 12 * Recollections of the ministerial labours of the late Rev. J. K. By a member of his con- gregation. To which is subjoined a copy of a farewell address of the venerable Doctor. 3d ed. Aberdeen, 1835. 12 KIDD (JOHN), M.D. , Regius professor of chemistry in the university of Oxford. Outlines of mi- neralogy. 2 vol. Oxford, 1809. 8 - On the adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of man principally with re- ference to the supply of his wants and the ex- ercise of his intellectual faculties. 4th ed. [Bridgewater Treatises, ii.l London, 1836. 8 Fifth edition. London, 1837. 8 KIDD (WILLIAM JAMES PASLEY). The chorister's text-book : containing selections from the psal- mody of the lowlands, and highlands and islands of Scotland ; arranged for from two to five voices, with organ and piano-forte accom- paniments, and a comprehensive grammar of music. Glasgow, 185G. 8 KIDDER (RICHARD), D.D., Bishop of Bath and ll'i-lls. A demonstration of the Messias. In which the truth of the Christian religion is proved, against all the enemies thereof ; but especially the Jews. In three parts. 2d ed. London, 1726. fol. Part ii. Chap, i.-iii. ; [in a collection of sermons preached at the Honourable Robert BOYLE'S Lecture]. 1739 The thirteenth note of the Church examined, viz. Confession of adversaries ; [Notes of the Church, as laid down by Cardinal BELLAR- MINE, examined and confuted, p. 303]. 1839 KILALLA, BISHOP OF. \ KILMARNOCK. Narrative of the dreadful ac- cident, which happened in the pamh church of Kilmarnock, on 18th October, 1801. Glasgow, 1802. 12 KILMARONOCK. The case of the parish of Kilmaronock : Archibald Campbell of Stone- field, Esq. ; patron of the parish of Kilmaro- nock, who has presented Mr James Eadie preacher, to be minister of the said parish... (and others)... respondents in an appeal enter- ed by Mr John Freebairn, and others, against a sentence of the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr pronounced 9th of October 1770, and appel- lants against a sentence of the said Synod on the 9th of April 1771. The appellant's case. a. I. et a. 4 KILPIN (SAMUEL).* Memoir of the Rev. s'. K. , late of Exeter, with extracts from his corre- spondence and papers. London, s. a. 12 Another edition. To which is added his nar- rative of Samuel Wyke Kilpin. New York, . a. 12 KILSYTH. A call from God and his believing people of Kilsyth...unto the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1843. 8 KILTARLITY. Notes on the question in de- pendance before the Presbytery of Inverness, respecting the presentation to the parish of Kiltarlity. Inverness, 1822. 8 KIMEDONCIUS (JACOB), D.D., Professor of di- vinity at Heidelberg. Of the redemption of mankind three bookes : wherein the controuer- sie of the vniuersalitie of redemption and grace by Christ, and of his death for all men, is largely handled. Herevnto is annexed a trea- tise of Gods predestination in one booke. Written in Latin by J. K., and translated into English by Hvgh Ince preacher of the word of God. London, 1598. 4 KIMMEL (ERNESTUS JULIUS). Monumenta fi- dei Ecclesia? Orientalis. Primum in unum cor- pus collegit variantes lectiones ad fidem opti- morum exemplorum adnotavit prolegomina ad- didit indice renim pracipuarum instruxit E. J. K. [2 partt.] Jence, 1850. 8 KING. The King's power in ecclesiastical mat- ters truly stated. s. I. et a. 4 The judgment of whole kingdoms and nations, concerning the right, power, and prerogative of Kings, and the rights, priviledges, and pro- perties of the people. 3d ed. London, 1710. 8 Another copy. ! " The Kings of the East :" an exposition of the prophecies determining, from Scripture and from history, the Power for whom the mystical Euphrates is being " dried up ; " with an explanation of certain other prophecies con- cerning the restoration of Israel. L-.mdon, 1842. li' KING KING. 429 Fragments on the origin of Kings, and human debasement. s. I. et a. 12 KING (ANDREW), D.D. The character of Po- pery, illustrated in the history of Scotland. [Lect. on Protest.] s. I. et a. 12 Speeches of the Rev. James GIBSON, and the Rev. A. K. 1846 KING (CHARLES WILLIAM), M.A., Fellow of Tri- nity college, Cambridge. The Gnostics and their remains, ancient and mediaeval. London, 1864. 8 KING (DAVID), LL.D. Examination of the equity and expediency of ecclesiastical ESTAB- LISHMENTS. 1832 - Addresses delivered, Sept. 30, 1835, at the or- dination of the Rev. Alex. Kennedy, as mis- sionary to Trinidad. Glasgow, 1835. 8 Speech on additional endowments for the Church of Scotland, delivered, 24th March, 1835, at the formation of the Greenock Vo- luntary Church association. Greenock, 1835. 12 - Review of the proceedings of the General As- sembly of the Church of Scotland, May, 1838, in relation chiefly to the Auchterarder case and the independence of the Church. Third thousand. Glasgoiv, 1838. 8 - Union among Christians viewed in relation to the present state of religious parties in Scot- land. [Essays on Christian UNION.] 1845 - The ruling eldership of the Christian Church. 2ded. Edin., 1846. 8 - Another copy. - Third edition. With remarks on the liability of ecclesiastical oflice-bearers to actions for damages, by James PEDDIE, W.S. Edin., 1851. 8 - Principles of geology explained, and viewed in their relations to revealed and natural religion. London, 1850. 12 - The Lord's Supper. 3d ed. Edin., 1851. 8 - An exposition and defence of the Presbyterian form of Church government. In reply to Episcopal and Independent writers. Edin., 1853. 8 - Another copy. - Another copy. - A brief plea for Presbytery, and for the union of Presbyterians in England. London, 1861. 8 KING (EDWARD). Morsels of criticism : tending to illustrate some few passages in the holy Scriptures, upon philosophical principles and an enlarged view of things. 2d ed. To which is now added, by the author, a second and sup- plemental part, designed to shew, still more fully, the perfect consistency of philosophical discoveries, and of historical facts, with the revealed word of God. 3 vol. London, 1800. 8 KING (JAMES), M.A. A sermon [on Romans, xiii. 5] preached before the Honourable the House of Commons, January 30, 1771. London, 1771. 4 KING (.JAMUS), Captain, li.N.A. voyage to the Pacific ocean. Vol. i. and ii. written by Capt. James COOK; vol. iii., by Capt. J. K. 1785 KING, or KINGE (JOHN), Bislwp of London. The fovrth sermon preached at Hampton Court on Tuesday the last of Sept. 1606 [on Cant, viii. 11]. ' Oxford, 1607. 4 Lectures upon Jonah. Delivered at York, in 1594. [Nichol's series of Commentaries.] Edin., 1864. 4 KING (JOHN), Incumbent of CJirist Church, Scul- coates. Conscience considered chiefly in re- ference to moral and religious obligation. London, 1838. 12 KING (JOHN), M.A., Hull The willingness of Christ to receive sinners. A sermon on behalf of the Hull general female penitentiary, preach- ed Dec. 25, 1842. Hull, 1842. 8 Cardinal Wiseman unmasked ! and the sophis- try of his plea for the Roman hierarchy ex- posed : being an examination of his ' ' Appeal to the reason and good feeling of the English people." London, 1850. 8 KING (PETER), Lord Chancellor of England. An inquiry into the constitution, discipline, unity, and worship of the primitive CHURCH. 1691 The history of the Apostles CREED. 1703 * An enquiry into the constitution, discipline, unity, and worship of the Primitive Church, that flourished within the first three hundred years after Christ. By Lord Peter King. In two parts. Part i. With remarks and an ap- pendix, the whole comprising an abridgment of an " original draught of the Primitive Church," in answer to the above mentioned discourse. By a clergyman of the Church of England. London, 1843. 8 KING (ROBERT). The Covenanters in the North ; or, sketches of the rise and progress, north of the Grampians, of the great religious and so- cial movement of which the covenant of 1638 was the symbol. Aberdeen, 1846. 8 KING (WILLIAM), D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. A discourse concerning the inventions of men in the worship of God. 6th ed. London, 1714. 12 Seventh edition. London, 1726. 12 Another edition. Edin., 1749. 16 An admonition to the dissenting inhabitants of the diocess of Deny : concerning a book lately published by Mr J. Boyse, entituled, Remarks on a late discourse of William, Lord Bishop of Deny ; concerning the inventions of men in the worship of God. London, 1694. 12 Divine predestination and foreknowledge, con- sistent with the freedom of man's will. A ser- mon [on Rom. viii. 29, 30] preach'd at Christ church, Dublin, May 15, 1709... 4th ed. London, 1729. 8 [Edited, with notes and an appendix, by Archbishop Whately, under the title, The right method of interpreting Scripture, in what re- lates to the nature of the Deity, and his deal- ings with mankind, illustrated in a discourse on predestination, by Dr King.] [With Dr WIIATELY'S Bamp ton Lecture. ] 1833 430 KING KIRCH HA' II - *A vindication of the divine attributes. In some remarks on his Grace the Archbishop of Dublin's [William KING'S] sermon, entitukd, Divine predestination and foreknowledge con- sistent with the freedom of man's will. [By Anthony COLLINS.] London, 1710. 8 The state of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's government. In which their carriage towards him is justified, and the absolute necessity of their endeavouring to be freed from his government, and of submit- ting to their present Majesties is demonstrat- ed. With an appendix of acs of Parliament, letters, and original papers, &c. Dublin, 1730. 8 An essay on the origin of evil. Translated from the Latin, with large notes ; tending to explain and vindicate some of the author's principles against the objections of Bayle, Leib- nitz, the author of a philosophical inquiry con- cerning human liberty, and others. To which is prefix'd, a dissertation concerning the funda- mental principle and immediate criterion of virtue. As also, the obligation to, and appro- bation of it. With some account of the ori- gin of the passions and affections. London, 1731. 4 The second edition, corrected and enlarged from the author's manuscripts. To which are added two sermons by the same author, the former concerning divine prsescience ; the lat- ter on the fall of man, never before published. By Edmund Law. 2 vol. London, 1732. 8 - Third edition. Cambridge, 1739. 8 KING (WILLIAM), LL.D. The original works of W. K. W T ith historical notes, and memoirs of the author. 3 vol. London, 1776. 8 KING (WILLIAM). Monograph of the Permian fossils of England. [Palseontographical So- ciety.] London, 1860. 4 KINGDOM. The kingdom of God ; containing a brief account of its properties, trials, privi- leges and duration. By the author of Impres- sions of the heart ; [Lady COLQUHOUN]. Edin., 1835. 8 KINGE (JOHN). See John KING, Bishop of Lon- don. KINGHORN (JOSEPH). Baptism, a term of com- munion at the Lord's Supper. Norwich, 1816. 8 A defence of ' ' Baptism a term of communion. " In answer to the Rev. Robert Hall's reply. Norwich, 1820. 8 KINGLASSIE. The case of the parish of Kin- glassie. . .The patron. . .and heritors. . .concurrent with a presentation to, and callers of, Mr Thomas Mitchell, preacher of the Gospel, to be minister of the said parish of Kinglassie, appellants to the venerable Assembly of the Church of Scotland, from a sentence of the Synod of Fife, dated the 9th of April 1771, affirming a sentence of the Presbytery of Kirk- aldy, of date the 6th February 1771. The ap- pellant's case. [Imperfect.] s.l.eta. 4 KINGSBARNS. Case of the settlement of the parish of Kingsbarns, in the Presbytery of St Andrews. To be heard at the bar of tin \. - nerable Assembly in May 1800. RespomU-nt s r:isr. 8. 1. et a KINGSLEY (CHARLES), Rector of Eversley, Hants. Sermons on national subjects, preached in a village church. London, 1862. 8 Alexandria and her schools. Four lectures de- livered at the Philosophical Institution, Edin- burgh. With a preface. Cambridge, 1854. 8 Twenty-five village sermons. 3d ed. London, 1854. 8 Hypatia : or, new foes with an old face. 4th ed. London, 1863. 8 The Gospel of the Pentateuch. A set of pa- rish sermons. With a preface. 2d ed. London, 1864. 8 KINGSMILL (JOSEPH), M.A. On the present aspect of serious crime in England, and the means used for its punishment and repression by government : with remarks on the reforma- tory school movement. London, s. a. 8 KINGSTON, BISHOP or.-^See Reginald COURTE- HAY. KINLOCH. Mr John Carmichael, presentee to the parish of Kinloch, appellant. James Scott of Balcairn, and others, heritors, elders and heads of families, in the parish of Kinloch, libellers of the said Mr John Carmichael, re- spondents. To be heard at the bar of the ve- nerable Assembly, May 27, 1806. Respond- ent's case. s. I. et a. 4 KINLOCH, LORD. See William PENNEY. KINROSS. The history of the sheriffdoms of Fife and Kinross, by Sir Robert SIBBALD. 1710 KIORNTNG (OLATJS G.). Commentatio histori- co theologica qua nobilissima controversia de consecrationibus Episcoporum Anglorum re- censetur et dijudicatur. Pro summis in theo- logia honoribus in academia Julia praesidente Jo. Laur. Moshemio, conscripta et exhibita ab O. K. Helmstadii, 1739. 4 KIPLING (THOMAS), S.T.P., Dean of Peterbo- rough. Codex Theodori BEZ^E Cantabrigien- sis. Edidit T. K. 1793. See BIBLES- GREEK. I. The articles of the Church of England proved not to be Calvinistic. Cambiidge, 1802. 8 KIPPINGIUS (HENRICTJS). Antiquitates Roma- nae...Editio novissima . . . cui accesserunt vita Kippingii...et Justi LIPSII opuscula rariora. Lugd. Batav., 1713. 8 KIPPIS (ANDREW), D.D., Socinian minister, Princes Street, Westminster. BIOGRAPHIA Bri- tannica. 1778-1789 KIRBY (WILLIAM), M.A., Rector of Barham. An introduction to entomology : or elements of the natural history of insects : with plates. By W. K., and William SPENCE. 2 vol. London, 1815, 17. 8 On the power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the creation of animals, and in their history, habits and instincts. 2 vol. 2d ed. [Bridgewater Treatises, vii.] London, 1835. 8 KIRCHBACH (J. H. vox). Chemie u: Minera- KIRCHER KITTLE. 431 logie der Gewerbkunde. 3 ter Band : Organische I Chemie. Leipzig, 1839. 8 KIRCHER (CONRADUS). Concordantiae Veteris Testament! Greece, Ebrais vocibus responden- tes, vohvxpwroi. 2 torn. Hanovice, 1707. 4 KIRCHMAJERUS (GEOROIUS CASPAR.). L. C. Lactantius, de vero (Dei) cultu critica censura illustratus, Prseside G. C. K disqvisitioni publicse submittetur . . . a M. Jo. Balthasare Benschlag. Wittenbergce, [1690]. 4 De eleemosynis et hospitalib. ad Lactant. de ver. cult. Pmeside G. C. K. ...publice disseret Siegismund. August. Pfeifier... Wittenbergce, [1693]. 4 - Ad L. C. Lactantii cap. iii. de falsa sapientia, difficiliora aliqvot paralipomena, annotamen- tis illustrata, Praeside G. C. K eruditorum examini exponet M. Johannes Christophorus Senfftius. Wittenbergce, [1697]. 4 KIRK. See CHURCH. KIRK-SESSION. Overtures concerning Kirk- Sessions and Presbyteries : transmitted by the Commission of the General Assembly to Pres- byteries to be considered by them, and return- ed, with their opinion and remarks, to the next General Assembly. s. I, 1720. 8 Another copy. Advertisement to the General Assembly, 1720. Or, ane account of the rise and tendencie of some new things in the printed overtures con- cerning Kirk Sessions. In a letter from a minister of the Presbytery of Glasgow, to a minister in the Presbytery of Edinburgh. s. I, [1720]. 8 Another copy. - A countrey man's observes, upon a printed let- ter concerning the overtures about Kirk-Ses- sions, and Presbyteries : dated, Edinburgh, March 26, 1720. 5. L, [1720]. 8 - Another copy. - Queries upon the overtures, concerning Kirk- Sessions and Presbyteries. By a gentleman in the country. s. I, [1720]. 8 Address to the people of my charge, respecting the scriptural constitution of the radical court, or Session. s. I. eta. 12 KIRK (JOHN). The faith of Catholics on certain points of controversy confirmed by Scripture, and attested by the Fathers of the first five centuries of the Church. Compiled by the Rev. Joseph BERINGTON, and the Rev. J . K. 1846 KIRK (ROBERT), Minister of the Gospel at Bal- quidder. Psalma Dhaibhidh a n Meadrachd. 1684. See BIBLES GAELIC. C. KIRKCUDBRIGHT. Answer to a paper of grievances given in to the Presbytery of Kirk- cudbright, by Mr John Mackmillan, and two more of their brethren, to which the paper of grievances is premitted. s. I. , 1705. 4 - Another copy. - Case of Mr Thomas Blacklock, presentee by the King's Majesty to the parish-kirk of Kirk- cudbright, and of the Right Hon. the Earl of Selkirk, and others of the said parish, adherers to His Majesty's presentee, appellants. May 21, 1761. s. I. et a. 4 May 22d, 1761. Case of the Provost, Magis- trates and Town-council of the burgh of Kirk- cudbright ;...opposers of the settlement of Mi- Thomas Blacklock, probationer, as minister of the said parish ; against Thomas Carlyle and John Aitken, writers in Dumfries, agents for the Crown, in the prosecution of the said Mr B.'s settlement. s. 1. et a. 4 KIRKPATRICK (JAMES), Belfast. An histori- cal essay upon the loyalty of PRESBYTERIANS. 1713 KIRKTON (JAMES), one of the ministers of Edin- burgh. The history of John WELSH, minister of the Gospel at Aire : together with two pro- phesies of Mr Alexander Peadine a little before he dyed. Glasgow, 1726. 4 The secret and true history of the Church of Scotland, from the Restoration to the year 1678. To which is added, an account of the murder of Archbishop Sharp, by James RUS- SELL, an actor therein. Edited from the MSS. by Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe. Edin. y 1817. 4 - Another copy. KIRK WOOD (ANDERSON). The Scottish Church question : its origin, history, and results. Glasgow, 1843. 8 - Another copy. KIRWAN, pseud., i. e. Nicholas MURRAY. KIRWAN (RICHARD), LL.D. Logick ; or, an essay on the elements, principles, and different modes of reasoning. 2 vol. London, 1807. 8 Elements of mineralogy. 3d ed. 2 vol. London, 1810. 8 KIRWAN (WALTER BLAKE), D.D., Dean of Kil- lala. Sermons : With a sketch of his life. London, 1814. 8 KISHNAGHUR. Religious awakening at Kish- naghur, a station of the Church missionary so- ciety, near Calcutta. London, 1840. 12 KITCHINER (WILLIAM), M.D. The economy of the eyes. Part i. Of spectacles, opera- glasses, and theatres : plain rules, which will enable all to judge exactly when and what spectacles are best calculated for their eyes, and precepts for the improvement and preser- vation of the sight. 2d ed. London, 1826. 12 Part ii. Of telescopes : being the result of thirty years experiments with fifty-one tele- scopes, of from one to nine inches in diameter, in the possession of W. K.... London, 1825. 12 The traveller's oracle ; or, maxims for locomo- tion : containing precepts for promoting the pleasures and hints for preserving the health of travellers. 2 parts. 2d ed. London, 1827. 8 KITTLE (SAMUEL), Minister of the Gospel. The Church of Ephesus. In two parts. Part first. A lecture on Revel. 2. 1-7. In which the Epistle is critically explained and practically improved. Part second. An improvement and application of the characteristic feature of this Church. Rev. 2: 4, 5. London, 1811. 12* 432 KITTO KNIGHT. - The Church of Thyatira, in two parts. Part first. A nitiral and practical lecture "ii K- \< 1 ii. 18-29. Part second. A lectmv mi Churcli discipline, (this Church being lax tlni. ,i. shewing the general principles of Church di.-s- cij.line, and who are the proper subjects of the Gospel sacTuimnt.s. London, 1813. 12 Critical and practical lectures on the apoca- lyptical Epistles to the seven Churches of Asia Minor, Revelations ii., and iii. To which is added, a lecture on Rev. i. London, 1814. 8 K ITTO (JOHN), D.D. Palestine : the physical geography and natural history of the Holy Land. MM., 1841. 8 U - Palestine : the Bible history of the Holy Land. London, 1841. 8 Second edition. London, 1860. 8 - A cyclopaedia of biblical literature. Edited by J. K. 2vol. Edin., 1845. 8 Cyclopaedia of biblical literature abridged from the larger work. Ef Hull--. > varii argument! max imam parteni exegetici atque historici. 2 torn. Editio secunda. 7/.f//\- X..r,ynm, 1823. h NovumTestamentuniGnece. 1824. See BIBLEH GREEK. F. Lectures on Christian theology. Translated by Leonard Woods, Jun., D.D. Reprinted from the American edition of 1831. London, $. a. 8 Fourth edition. London, . a. 8 KNATCHBULL (Sir NORTON), Bart. Annota- tions upon some difficult texts in all the Books of the New Testament. Cambridge, 1693. 8 U I KNEPPELHOUT (JOANNES). Dissertatio phi- lologica exhibens observations de re cibaria veterum Hebneorum, speciatim de pane ejus- que prajparatione. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1768. 4 Dissertatio philologica altera exhibens obser- vationes de re cibaria veterum Hebneorum, speciatim de animalibus apud Hebrteos esu licitis eorumque in cibum pneparatione nee non de cibis lacteis. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1769. 4 KNEWSTUB (JOHN). A confutation of mon- strous and horrible heresies, taught by H. N. [i. e. Henry Nichols of Leyden] and embraced of a number, who call themselves the Familie of Loue. B. L. London, 1579. 8 A sermon [on Tit. ii. 1 1-15] preached at Paules Crosse the Fryday before Easter, commonly called good Fryday, in the yeere of our Lorde, 1576. B. L. [London, 1579]. 8 KNICKERBOCKER (DIEDRICH), pseud., i. e. Washington IRVING. KNIGHT (HENRY), A.M., Dissenting minister at Chertsey, Surrey. The being and attributes of God demonstrated, in a method entirely new, yet easy to be understood by even the un- learned : or, an Essay concerning God, in four parts... London, 1747. 8" KNIGHT (JAMES), D.D., Vicar of St Sepulchres, London. The Scripture doctrine of the Tri- nity vindicated from the misrepresentations of Dr CLARKE. 1714 The true Scripture doctrine of the Trinity con- tinued and vindicated from the misrepresen- tations of Dr CLARKE, in answer to his Reply. 1715 Eight sermons preached at the cathedral church of St Paul, in defence of the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit ; at the lecture founded by the Honoured Lady Moyer. London, 1721. 8 Another copy. Another copy. KNIGHT (JAMES), A.M., Perpetual curate of St Paul's church, Sheffield. National religion : or the necessity of a Church establishment. A KNIGHT- KNOX. 433 sermon preached at Sheffield, Feb. 9, 1834. ! Sheffield, 1834. 8 KNIGHT (S.), A.M., Vicar of Halifax, York- \ shire. Forms of prayer, for the use of Chris- tian families. 13th ed. York, 1818. 12 KNILL (RICHARD). * The life of the Rev. R. K., of St Petersburgh : being selections from his reminiscences, journals, and correspond- ence, with a review of his character, by the late Rev. J. A. James. By Charles M. Bir- rell. 2d ed. London, 1859. 8 KNITTEL (FRANCISCUS ANTONIUS). Ulphilae versionem Gothicam nonnullorum capitum Epistolae Pauli ad Romanos...commentatus est datque foras F. A. K. s. a. See BIBLES GOTHIC. A. KNOBEL (AUGUST), Th. D.Der Prophet lesaia. Erklart von A. K. [Exeget. Handb. zum Alt. Test. Funfte Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1843. 8 - Die Genesis. Erklart von A. K. [Ibid. Eilfte Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1852. 8 - Die Biicher Exodus und Leviticus. Erklart von A. K. [Ibid. Zwolfte Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1857. 8 - Die Biicher Numeri, Deuteronomium und Jo- sua. Erklart von A. K. [Ibid. Dreizehnte Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1861. 8 KNOLLES (RICHARD), Master of the Free-school at Sandvnch, Kent. The generall historic of the Turkes, from the first beginning of that nation to the rising of the Othoman familie ; with all the notable expeditions of the Christian princes against them. Together with the lives and con- quests of the Othoman Kings and Emperours. With a new continuation, from the yeare of our Lord 1621, vnto the yeare 1629, faithfully col- lected. 4th ed. [London], 1631. fol. KNOTT (JOHN). Correspondence between J. K. , teacher of singing, Edinburgh, and Robert MILNE, music teacher, Edinburgh. To which is added, a critical analysis of the tune " Hope- Park chapel." ByR. M. Edin., 1824. 8 KNOWLES (JAMES "SHERIDAN). The wife: a tale of Mantua. A play, in five acts. 2d ed. London, 1833. 8 - The idol demolished by its own priest ; an an- swer to Cardinal Wiseman's lectures on tran- substantiation. Edin., 1851. 8 KNOWLES (THOMAS), D.D., Vicar of Winston, Suffolk. A sermon [on Isaiah, Iviii. 13, 14] preached at St Edmunds Bury for the support of the Sunday schools in that town ; Decem- ber 23, 1787. Bury, s. a. 8 KNOX (ALEXANDER). The doctrine of the sacra- ments, as exhibited in several treatises, first published in the remains of A. K. London, 1838. 8 KNOX (JAMES). The topography of the basin of theTay. Edin., 1831. 12 KNOX (JOHN). The works of J. K. Collected and edited by David Laing. 6 vol. Edin., 1846-1864. 8 [Vol. i., ii. were published by the Wodrow Society.] An answer to a great nomber of blasphemous cauillations written by an Anabaptist, and ad- uersarie to God's eternal predestination. And conf vted by I. K. Wherein the author so dis- couereth the craft and falshode of that sect, that the godly knowing that error, may be confirmed in the trueth by the euident worde of God. [Geneva], Printed by John Crespin, M.D.LX. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. [This copy has pp. 429-432, and pp. 447-454, supplied in MS. from a printed copy in the possession of the Rev. Dr M'Crie. It con- tains also a MS. copy of Knox's Sermon against the Mass, delivered April 4, 1550 ; taken also from a printed copy in the posses- sion of Dr M'Crie.] Heir followeth the coppie of the ressoning which was betwix the abbate of Crosraguell and John Knox, in Mayboill concerning the masse, in the yeare of God a thousand fiue hundreth thre scoir and two yeares. Imprinted at Edinburgh by Robert Lekpreuik, 1563. Reprinted, Edin., 1812. 4 The Psalmes of David in prose and meeter. 1635. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. [Commonly called ' ' Knox's Liturgy. " See also under LITURGY. The historic of the Reformatioun of religioun within the realm of Scotland... Together with the life of John Knoxe the author, and several curious pieces wrote by him ; particularly that most rare and scarce one, entitled, The first blast of the trumpet against the monstrous regiment of women. Taken from the original manuscript in the University Library of Glas- gow, and compared with other ancient copies. Edin., 1732. fol. Another copy. Another edition. Together with some treatises conducing to the history. Edin. , 1731. 4 Another edition. Glasgow, 1761. 4 Another edition. With a memoir, historical introduction, and notes, by William M'Gavin, Esq. Glasgoio, 1831. 8 Second edition. Glasgow, 1832. 8 Another copy. Select practical writings of J. K. Edin., 1845. 8 Another copy. * The life of John Knox : containing illustra- tions of the history of the Reformation in Scot- land ; with biographical notices of the principal reformers, and sketches of the progress of lite- rature in Scotland, during a great part of the sixteenth century. To which is subjoined an appendix, consisting of letters and other pa- pers, hitherto unpublished. ByThomasM'Crie, D.D. 2ded. 2vol. Edin., 1813. 8 Fourth edition. 2 vol. Edin., 1818. 8 Fifth edition. 2vol. Edin., 1831. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Sixth edition. Edin., 1839. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1840. 8 Another edition. Printed from the original edition. Edin., 1842. 8 s 4 :;4 KNOX KRABBE. * Reviews of Life of John Knox by Dr M'Crio from the Edinburgh Review, British Critic, A-c. s. I., 1812, 1813. 8 * Account of ceremonial, &c. at laying the foundation stone of Knox's monument, in the Merchant's park. Glasgow, 1825. 8 KNOX (JoHN^. A view of the British empire, more especially Scotland ; with some proposals for the improvement of that country, the ex- tension of its fisheries, and the relief of the people. 2 vol. 3d ed. London, 1785. 8 KNOX(VicKSiMUs), D.D., Rector of Rum\cell and Ramsden Grays, Essex. Essays moral and lite- rary. 2 vol. 8th ed. London, 1786. 12 A narrative of transactions relative to a ser- mon, preached in the parish church of Brighton, August 18, 1793 : with short extracts from the sermon, and occasional remarks. 3d ed. London, 1794. 8 Considerations on the nature and efficacy of the Lord's Supper. 2d ed. , , London, 1808. 8 KOCH (JEAN-BAPTISTE-FKEDERIC). Tableau des Revolutions de 1'Europe, depuis le bouleverse- ment de 1'Empire Remain en Occident, jusqu'a. nos jours. 3 torn. -Paris, 1807. 8 KOCK (HENRICUS). Theses physicae de elemen- tis. Lugd. Batav., 1622. 4 KOECHERUS (Jo. CHRISTOPHORUS), Professor of theology in the university of Jena. Bibliotheca theologies symbolicae et catecheticse, itemque liturgica, concinno ordine disposita, variisque observationibus theologicis et litterariis in- structa atque illustrata. Guelpherbyti, 1751. 8 Another copy. Pars altera. Jena, 1769. 8 [To the second part is subjoined, Conspectus bibliothecse symbolicse, catecheticse, liturgi- cae, et irenicae sive syncretisticae, quam multis curis sumtibusque collegit J. C. K.] Another copy. Analecta philologica et exegetica in quatuor SS. Evangelia quibus Jo. Christoph. Wolfii Curse philologicse et criticae sxipplentur atque augentur. Altenburgi, 1766. 4 KOERNER(THEODOR). SammtlicheWerke. Im Auftrage der Mutter des Dichters herausgege- ben und mit einem Vorworte begleitet von Karl Streckfusz. DritteAusgabe. Berlin, 1838. 8 KOHLBRUGGE (H. F.), D.D. Sermons on the first Epistle of Peter : Chapter iv. With a biographical sketch of the author. Translated from the German. London, 1856. 8 Spiritual elucidation of the article of the Christian faith : I believe in the Holy Ghost. London, 1856. 8 A meditation on Psalm li. Addressed to the broken and contrite heart. London, 1856. 8 KOHLMANN (ANTHONY), Superior of the Catho- lic seminary at Washington city. Unitarianism philosophically and theologically examined : in a series of periodical numbers : comprising a complete refutation of the leading principles of the Unitarian system. 3d ed. ' Waslnngton city, 1821. 8 KOHLRAUSCH (F.). Die Deutsche Geschichte. Fur Schulen bearbeitet von F. K. 2 Abtheil- ung. Zehnte Auflage. Elberfeld, 1833. 8 KOLLOCK (SHEPARD K.). The doctrine of the perseverance of the saints, illustrated, proved and applied. [Presb. Tracts, vol. i.] Phil.i.l.1,,1,;,!, 1840. 12 KOPP (HERMANN), Professor of chemistry in the university of Giessen. Geschichte der Chemie. 4 Theile. Braunschweig, 1843-47. 8 Jahresbericht iiber die Fortechritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und technischen Chemie, herausgegeben von Justus LIEBIO und H. K. 1849-1852 KORAN. See MAHOMET. KORTHOLT (CHRISTIAN cs), Professor of divinity at Kiel. Papa schismaticus... Rostock, 1663. 4 Valerianus Confessor, hoc est, Solida demon- stratio, quod Ecclesia Romana hodierna non sit vera Christi Ecclesia ; ex Valeriani magni Apologia anti-jesuitica deducta... Kilonii, 1666. 4 Valerianus Confessor, quo Ecclesiam Roma- nam hodiernam veram Christi Ecclesiam non esse, ex Valeriani magni hypothesibus demon- stratur ; ab impugnatione Christiani Fabri... vindicatus... Kilonii, 1673. 4 Romischer Beelzebub, dem Papisten, Timo- theo Laubenbergern, zu betrachten noch- mahls vorgestellt von C. K. Kiel, 1668. 4 Vertheidigung seines, unterm Titul: Romis- cher Beelzebub, edirten Tractiitleins, wider Timotheum Laubenberger. s. 1. et a. 4 Funus Ecclesiae Romanee in Clemente IX. Pa- pa nuper extinctae... Kilonii, 1670. 4 Papa Utopicus... Kilonii, 1670. 4 Minucii Octavius, non octavus Arnobii. Seu elegantissimus Marci Minucii Felicicis, pro ve- ritate religionis Christianae, dialogus, in theses aliquot, diatribe hac digestus, et ad placidam disquisitionem, Praeside Dn. C. K. ...proposi- tus a Petro Antonio Binchardo. Kihmii, [1685]. 4 Paganus obtrectator. Sive de calumniis Gen- tilium in veteres Christianos libri tres. Kilonii, 1698. 4 Disquisitiones anti-Baronianae, auctoris mauu ante fatalem diem passim locupletatae. Ac- cedunt ejusdem De pane ' tiriwaiu, quam in oratione dominica petimus, exercitatio anti- Salmasiana, aliaque haud disparis argumenti scripta. Una cum D. Adami TRIBBECHOVII, exercitationibus ad Baronii Annalis denuo edi- ta a Sebastiano Kortholto. LipsicR et Hamburgi, 1708. 4 KOTZE' (JOHANNES JACOBUS). Specimen histo- rico-theologicum de Lactantio. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1861. 8 KRABBE (OTTO). Ueber den Ursprung und den Inhalt der Apostolischen Constitutionen des Clemens Romanus. Hamburg, 1829. 8 Ecclesiae evangelicae Hamburgi instaurataa historiam exposuit O. K. Hamburgi, 1840. 4 DieLandeskirchePreussens. Berlin, 1849. 8 KRAHMER KURTZ. 435 KRAHMER (Auq, WILH.). Paulus und Jo- hannes. Neue Ausgabe. Quedlinburg u. Leipzig, 1846. 8 KRASINSKI (VALERIAN), Count. Historical sketch of the rise, progress, and decline of the reformation in Poland, and of the influence which the scriptural doctrines have exercised on that country in literary, moral, and poli- tical respects. 2 vol. London, 1838, 40. 8 - Lectures on the religious history of the Sla- vonic nations. Edin. , 1849. 8 - Russia and Europe ; or, the probable conse- quences of the present war. London, 1854. 8 Is the power of Russia to be reduced or in- creased by the present war ? The Polish ques- tion and Panslavism. London, 1855. 8 KRAUSE (JOANNES FRIDERICUS). Observatio- nes critico-exegeticse in Pauli Epistolse ad Philipp. c. i. et ii. ... Regiomonti, [1810]. 4 An Epistola Pauli ad Philippenses in duas j Epistolas easque diversis hominibus scriptas dispescenda sit. Dissertatio critico-exegetica quam...publice defendet J. F. K. Regiomonti, [3811]. 4 Lectionum versionis Alexandrinae Jobi non- dum satis examinatarum specimen, quo prse- lectiones cursorias a Joanne Friderico Krause, publice habendas indicit J. S. Vater. Regiomonti, [1811]. 4 Doctrina de officiis erga Deum judicata ex Christianas religionis et recentissimorum phi- j losophorum prseceptis. Commentatio quam j scripsit...J. F. K. Regiomonti, [1811]. 4 ... Animadversiones in ii. Epist. Pauli ad Co- j rinthios. P. ii.-v. Regiomonti, 1816-18. 4 Quseritur utrum et quantum quove consilio et successu theologi recentiores, qui omnem scrip- ture sacrte interpretationem ad rationem revo- cent, a Lutheri mente atque legibus, quas ille sequendas putavit, defecerint. 2 partt. Regiomonti, [1817]. 4 KRAZER (AUGUSTINUS). De apostolicis, nee non antiquis Ecclesise Occidentalis liturgiis, illarum origine, progressu, ordine, die, hora, et lingua, cseterisque rebus ad liturgiam anti- quam pertinentibus, liber singularis. Augustas Vindelicorum, 1786. 8 KREBSIUS (Jo. TOBIAS). Observationes in No- vum Testamentum e Flavio Josepho. Lipsice, 1755. 8 KROMAYER (HIERONYMUS), Professor of divinity in the university ofLeipsic. Ecclesia in politia, id est, historise ecclesiasticse centuriae xvi Lipsice, 1674. 4 KRUMMACHER (FREDERICK ADOLPHUS). Cor- nelius the centurion. Translated from the German. With notes and a biographical no- tice of the author, by the Rev. John W. Fer- guson, A.M. [Bib. Cab., vol. 22.] Edin., 1838. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1839. 8 Parables. Translated from the German, by Professor J. H. Agnew. - Philadelphia, 1841. 12 KRUMMACHER (FREDERICK WILLIAM), D.D. The Church's voice of instruction. London, 1839. 12 Elisha. With a preface by the Rev. Edward Bickersteth. [Wants title.] 8 Elijah the Tishbite. Translated from the Ger- man. New York, s. a. 12 Fourteen sermons on the Canticles, in two parts. Translated by Philip C. Hirschfield. 2d ed. London, 1840. 12 Another copy. KRUMMACHER (GOTTFRIED DN.). Jacob wrestling with the angel. Translated from the German. London, 1838. 12 KUHN (JOHANNES). Das Leben Jesu, wissen- schaftlich bearbeitet. Erster Band. Mainz, 1838. 8 KUHKER (RAPHAEL). Ausfuhrliche Gramma- tik der griechischen Sprache. 2 Theil. Hannover, 1834, 35. 8 KUHNOEHL (CHRISTIANUS GOTTLIEB). De pre- cum ante et post cibum apud Judseos et Chris- tianos faciendarum genere antiquitate necessi- tate... disputant Ch. G. K. et Caspar Haugk. Lipsice, [1764]. 4 KUINOEL (CHRISTIANUS THEOPHILUS), Professor of divinity at Leipsic. Commentationes theo- logicae editse a Joh. Gasp. VELTHUSEN, C. T. K. et Geo. Alex. RUPERTI. 1792-99 Commentarius in Libros Novi Testament! his- toricos. 4 volr Editio tertia. LipsicB, 1823-27. 8 3 Another copy. Novi Testament! Libri historici Greece. 1827- 35. See BIBLES GREEK. A. KUNTZE (E. W. H.). Predigten iiber das in- nere Leben. Berlin, 1841. 8 KURIOIKOUPHILOS. Vox populi : or, pa- trons paid off by their successors in office, the Church patronage society. To which is added, a prospectus of its principles and projects, by Kurioikouphilos. Edin., 1825. 8 KURTZ (BENJAMIN), D.D. Arguments derived from sacred Scripture and sound reason, exhi- biting the necessity and advantages of infant baptism ; and proving sprinkling or affusion to be the most scriptural and appropriate mode of administering it. Together with a number of essays on important subjects connected with baptism. Baltimore, 1840. 12 Why are you a Lutheran ? or, a series of dis- sertations, explanatory of the doctrines, go- ve'rnment, discipline, liturgical economy, dis- tinctive traits, &c. , of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States. With an intro- duction by John G. Morris, D.D. Baltimore, 1843. 12 The year-book of the Reformation. Edited by B. K., and J. G. MORRIS, D.D. Baltimore, 1844. 8 KURTZ (Jon. HEINR.), Professor of theology at Dorpat. Handbuch der allgemeinen Kirchen- geschichte. Dritte Auflage. Band i., und erste Abtheilung des Bandes ii. Mitau, 1853-1856. 8 History of the old covenant, from the German 430 KI>TI:KIS KYTKLKK. of J. H. K. Translated, annotated, and pre- faced by a condensed abstract of Kurtz's " Bible and Astronomy," by the Rev. Alfred Edersheim. [Vol. ii., iii. translated by James Martin, B.A.J [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] A'./m., 1869. 8 History of the Christian Church to the Re- formation. From the Genii an of Professor K. With emendations and additions, by the Rev. Alfred Edersheim. Edin., 1860. 8 Sacrificial worship of the Old Testament. Translated by James Martin, B.A. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1863. 8 KUSTERUS (LUDOLPHUS). - Novum Testamen- tum Grrecum. 1710. See BIBLES GREEK. F. De vero usu verborum mediorum, eorumqiio differentia a verbis activis et pasaivia. et cura Edwardi Leedes. Editio nova. . 1773. 8 KYN ASTON (THOMAS). A letter to Theophilus LINPSEY. 17 '*:> KYPKE (GEOROIUS DAVID). Observationes sa- cra in Novi Foederis Libros. 2 vol. Wratitlavicc, 1756. 8 KYTELER (ALICE). * A contemporary narra- tive of the proceedings against Dame A. K., prosecuted for sorcery in 1324, by Richard de Ledrede, Bishop of Ossory. Edited [for the Camden Society] by Thomas Wright, M.A. London, 1843. 4 L. LABORDE. L. (A.), i. e. Alexander LEIGHTON. L. (A.), i. e. Alexander LUNAN. L. (J. K.), i. e. J. DOYLE, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin. L. (J. W.). An address to the university of Ox- ford, occasioned by a sermon, entitled, The divine institution of the ministry, and the ab- solute necessity of Church-government, preach- ed before that university by the Rev. Joseph Betty, on the 21st of September, 1729. 2d ed. London, s. a. 8 L**** (M.). Nouveaux elemens de botanique, a 1'usage des Sieves qui suivent les cours du Jardin des plantes et de 1'Ecole de medicine de Paris. Troisieme Edition, revue et corrige"e avec soin par M. C , D. M. P. Paris, 1815. 12 L. (R. B.). The testimony of facts concerning the continuation of miracles in the Church. Greenock, 1832. 12 L. (W.). The sacramental stumbling-block re- moved. Or a brief discourse concerning exa- mination by the congregational eldership, be- fore admittance to the sacrament. Wherein all contrary scruples are silenced ; the equity and necessity of that duty vindicated both by Scripture, and undenyable arguments. London, 1648. 4 L. (W.), i. e. Robert LANG. LABADIE (JEAN DE). * Advis charitable a Mes- sieurs de Geneve touchant la vie de Sieur J. L. Par H. H. BOLSEC. Lyon, 1664. 8 Versameling dan eenige gewichtige Gront- Re- gels der Christelyke Leere :...In't Frans besch- reven door J. de L. En in't nederduytsch vert- aalt door Petrus Heringa. 2 Deel. Amsterdam, 1666. 8 C - Verheffingen des Geestes tot Godt, op de drie voornaemste Tijden van den Christelykendach, na de woorden van den 55 Psalm vers 18. Des Morgens, des Middaghs, en des Avonts sal ick bidden... In de Franche Tale beschreven door J. de L. In de Nederduytsch Tael overgeset door A. v. W. Amsterdam, 1667. 8 * Modeste refiitation de la declaration en forme de manifesto, publie'e par J. de L. pour justi- fier ses desseins, ses resolutions schismatiques qui luy ont attire* une juste deposition. s. I. et a. 12 - * Histoire curieuse de la vie, de la conduite, et des vrais sentimens du St. J. de L. . . . La Haye, 1670. 12 LABAUME (EUGENE). Histoire abre'ge'e de la rdpublique de Venise. 2 torn. Paris, 1811. 8 LABBE (PHILIPPUS). De scriptoribus ecclesias- ticis, quos attigit Emincntiss. S. R. E. Card. Robertvs Bellarminvs, philologica et historica dissertatio. In q\ia plurima, cum ad histo- riam, chronologiam, criticenque ecclesiasticam spectantia explicantur ; turn aliorum, prseser- tim hsereticorum, Riueti, Coci, Perkinsii, Tos- sani, Gerhardi, Aubertini, Hottingeri, Mare- sii, &c. errata castigantur. Parisiis, 1660. 8 Tom. ii. Cui preeter diatribam de Aimoino Historise Francicse auctore, adjuncti sunt plus- quam xx. indices omnibus pernecessarii, cum regia epitome patriarcharum, regum, impp., pontificum ; versibus technicis ante et post Christum ; abaco chronologico per ssecula mundana, Romana, Christiana ; aliisque ob- servationibus et additionibus. Parisiis, 1660. 8 Sacrosancta concilia ad regiam editionem ex- acta qiue olim quarta parte prodiit auctior stu- dio Philip. Labbei, et Gabr. Cossartii, Soc. Jesu Presbyterorum ; nunc vero integre inser- tis Stephani Baluzii, et Joannis Harduini ad- ditamentis, plurimis, prseterea undecunque conquisitis monumentis, notis insuper ac ob- servationibus, firmiori fundamento concilio- rum epochas prsecipue fulcientibus, longfe lo- cupletior, et emendatior exhibetur, curante Nicolao Coleti Ecclesite S. Moysis Venetiarum sacerdote alumno. 21 torn. Venetiis, 1728-33. fol. Apparatus primus [et alter]. [2 torn.] Venetiis, 1728, 33. fol. Sanctorum conciliorum et decretorum collectio nova, seu collectionia conciliorum a PP. Phi- lippo Labbeo, et Gabriele Cossartio Soc. Jesu Presbyteris primum vulgatte, dein emendatio- ris, et amplioris opera Nicolai Coleti sacer- dotis Venetiis recuste supplementum, in quo additamenta, variantes lectiones, emendati- ones ad concilia Veneto-Labbeana ; nova iti- dem concilia, ac decreta permulta exhibentur. Omnia ex editis et M.SS. codicibus undique qusesitis Grtecis Latinisque, collegit, digessit, additisque praefationibus, notis, dissertationi- bus historicis, criticis, chronologicis, dogmati- cis illustravit Joannes Dominicus Mansi Lu- censis clericus regularis congregationis matris Dei. 6 torn. Lucce, 1748-52. fol. Eruditse pronuntiationis catholici indices... Ab Edwardo Leedes olim recogniti et aucti ; et nunc iterum summa cum cura recensiti. Londini, 1787. 8 LABORDE (JEAN -BENJAMIN DE). Tableaux to- pographiques, pittoresques, physiques, histo- riques, moraux, politiques, litt^raires, de la Suisse. 4 torn. [Texte, 2 torn. Estampes, 2 torn.] Paris, 1780. fol. 438 LABORDE-LA Cli LABORDE (JEAN- JOSEPH). Do la voio d'auto- ritJ en matiere de religion. Bordeaux, 1839. 8 - Liber de officio conjugum ad sacerdotes in sa- cramento pumitentite ministrantes. Parwiw, 1862. 12 C Censure de Vingt-deux propositions de morale oorrompue, tire'es des livres d'un auteur de nos jours. l'!. With a preliminary dis- sertation on the participation of Mary, i^n.-.-n of Scots, in the murder of Darnley. 4 vol. London, 1804. 8 LAING (SAMUEL). Notes of a traveller, on t lie- social and political state of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, and other parts of Europe, during the present century. 2d ed. London, 1842. 8 LAING-^EUS (JACOBUS), Doctor of the Sorbonne. De vita et moribus atque rebus gestis hsere- ticorum nostri temporis, &c. Traductis ex sermone Gallico in Latinum, quibus multa addita sunt qua? in priori editione quorum- dam, negligentia omissa fuere. Parisiis, 1581. 8 De vita et moribus Theodori BEZ^E, omnium hsereticorum nostri temporis facile principis, et aliorum htereticorum breuis recitatio. Cui adiectus est libellus, de morte patris Edmundi Campionis, et aliorum quorumdam Catholico- rum, qui in Anglia pro fide Catholica interfecti fuerunt primo die Decembris, anno domini, 1681. Parisii, 1585. 8 LAIRD (ALEXANDER O.), Minister of Free St John's church, Dundee. "What hath God wrought ?" A discourse, in reference to the revival of religion in the North of Ireland, preached at Dundee, Sept. 4th, 1859. Dundee, 1859. 8 LAIRD (F. C.), Lieut. R. N.L&dy Jane GREY and her times. By George HOWARD. [Pseud. ] 1822 LAIRD (MARION). * Memoirs of the life and experience of M. L. of Greenock. To which is subjoined, an appendix of forty-seven let- ters, written during her thirteen j r ears' afflic- tion. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. Gavin Parker. 2d ed. Aberdeen, 1836. 12 LAISNE (C.). A grammar of the Spanish lan- guage, in which the rules are illustrated by examples, selected from the best authors. London, 1810. 12 LAKE (ARTHUR), D.D., Bishop of Bath and Wells. Sermons with some religious and diuine me- ditations. Whereunto is prefixed by way of preface, a short view of the life and vertues of the avthor. , London, 1629. fol. LALANDE (Jos. -JEROME LE FRANCOIS DE). As- tronomic. 3 torn. Troisieme edition. Pari*, 1792. 4 LA LUZERNE (CESAR-GUILLAUME DE), Cardinal, Bishop of Langres. Dissertations sur les droits et devoirs respectifs des Eveques et des pretres dans 1'Eglise. Paris, 1844. 8 LAM^EUS (ANTONIUS). Conclusiones theologi- cse de gratia, justification, et meritis. Lovanii, 1681. 4 Conclusiones theologicfe de paenitentia vir- tute, ac sacramento. Lovanii, 1681. 4 LAMARCK (J. B. PK). Histoire nature'le des uniniiuix Bans vertebres, pre'sentant lea carac- teres ge'ne'raux et particulars de ces animaux, leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs families, leur genres, et la citation des principales especes qui s'y rappm-trm ; pre'ce'de'e d'une introduction offrant la dou-nuination des ca- racteres cssentiels de 1'animal, sa distinc- tion du vegetal et des autrua corps natmvls, enfin, 1'exposition des principea fondamentaux de la zoologie. Tom i.-iv. Paris, 1815-17. 8 ! An epitome of Lamarck's arrangement of Tes- tacea : being a free translation of that part of his works, De 1'histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres. With illustrative observations, and comparative and synoptic tables of the systems of Linnaeus and Lamarck. By Charles Dubois. London, 1825. 8 LAMARTINE (ALPHONSE DE). Souvenirs, im- pressions, pensees et paysages, pendant un voyage en Orient (1832-1833), ou notes d'un voyageur. 2 torn. Seconde Edition. Londres, 1838. 8 Translated from the French, by Thomas Phipson. 2 vol. London, s. a. 8 Another edition. Abridged from the French. Glasgow, 1836. 12 LA MARTINIERE (ANTOINE AUGUSTIN BRU- ZEN DE). Le grand dictionnaire ge'ographique et critique. 10 vol. La Haye, 1726-39. fol. LAMB (ROBERT), D.D., Bishop of Peterborough. A sermon [on James, iii. 16]. London, 1768. 4 LAMB (Hon. W.). Essay on the progressive improvement of MANKIND. 1799 LAMB (WILLIAM), A.B. Remarks upon a book, entitled, A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. In a letter to the author. To which is added, a plainer and anti-Socinian account of the same. London, 1740. 8 LAMBERTINI (PROSPER). See BENEDICT-US XIV., Pope. LAMBERTUS (FRAJTCISCUS), of Avenna.ln Cantica Canticorum commentarii. Norinbergce, 1524. 8 ; In Johelem Prophetam commentarius. s. 1. et a. 8 I In Amos, Abdiam, et lonam prophetas, com- mentarii. Allegorise eiusdem in lonam. Argentorati apud Jo/tan. Heruagium. Anno M.D.XXV. 8 Commentarii in Micheam, Naum, et Abacuc. Argentorati apud lohannem Heruagium, anno M.D.XXV. 8 3 Rationes propter quas Minoritarum conuersa- tionem habitumque reiecit. s. 1. et a. 4 LAMBERTUS (JOANNES). Disputatio philoso- phica continens qusestiones aliquot miscellas. Ultrajecti, 1638. 4 LAMBTON (JOHN GEORGE), Earl of Durham. * Report of the public reception, and the speeches delivered at the dinner to Lord Dur- ham, on 29th October, 1834. Glasgow, 1834. 8 LA MENNAIS (L'Abbe FR. ROBERT, dit DE). LAMONT- LANDT. 441 Tradition de 1'Eglise sur I'institution des EVEQUES. 1818 [The above work was the joint production of M. de La Mennais, and of his brother J.-M. Robert, vicar-general of Saint-Brieue. ] - Essai sur 1'indiff^rence en matiere de religion. 5 torn. Paris, 1837. 8 LAMONT (DAVID), D.D. , Minister of Kirkpatrick- Durham. Subscription of the confession of faith of the Church of Scotland, consistent with liberty of conscience. Edin. , 1790. 8 Another copy. LAMONT (JAMES), Minister of the West church, Dalkeith. A vindication ; or, reasons for re- turning to the Church of Scotland : including a correspondence with a Free Church minister in a letter to his friends of the Free Church. Edin., 1853. 8 LAMOTHE (CHARLES G.). Two discourses con- cerning the divinity of our Saviour. Where- unto are added some articles subscribed by all the French divines in or about London, in opposition to the Socinians. London, 1693. 4 - The inspiration of the New Testament asserted and explained. In answer to some modern writers. London, 1694. 8 LAMOTTE(ANi. HOUDARDE). (Euvres. 9 torn. Paris, 1754. 12 Lettres, suivies d'un recueU de vers du mesme auteur, pour servir de supplement a ses oeuvres. s. I, 1754. 12 LAMOTTE (J. DE). L'utilite' et la ne'cessite' des confessions de foi, ou, reponse a un ecrit anonime, [par Fr. de La Pillonniere] intitule 1 , L'abus des confessions de foi. Londres, 1718. 16 Suite de 1'ecrit, intitule", L'utilite" et la ne'ces- site' des confessions de foi, ou, replique a 1'appel de Mr. Durette a Mrs. les Fra^ois re- fugiez, &c. Londres, 1718. 16 LAMPE (FRIDERICUS ADOLPHUS), Professor of theology in the university of Utrecht. Biblio- theca historico-philologico-theologica. Edit- ed by Theodorus HAS^EUS and F. A. L. 1718-25 Commentarius analytico-exegeticus tarn litera- lis quam realis Evangelii secundum Joannem, quo non tantum singulis vocibus ac phrasibus lux aft'unditur, veritatesque in iis latentes eru- untur atque vindicantur, sed etiam ordo ac scopus omnium et singularum partium ejus accurate ostenditur. 3 torn. Amstel, 1724, 26. 4 Another copy. - Historia Ecclesise reformatse, in Hungaria et Transylvania, inter perpetua certamina et af- flictiones a primordiis prsecipue repurgatorum sacrorum ad recentiora tempora per Dei gra- tiam conservatse. Ex monumentis fide dig- nissimis a viro quodam doctissimo magnam partem congesta ; nunc autem accessionibus multis locupletata, et hoc ordine concinnata, a F. A. L. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1728. 4 Synopsis historise sacrse et ecclesiasticae, ab origine mundi ad pnesentia tempora, secun- dum seriem periodorum deductse. Editio ter- tia. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1735. 8 Editio quarta. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 17 47. 8 Another copy. Theological dissertations concerning the end- less duration of punishment. Translated from the Latin of F. A. L., by the Rev. Joseph Robertson. Edin., 1796. 12 LAMPADIUS (WILHELM AUGUST.). Nachtrage zur Hiittenkunde. Freiberg, 1839. 8 LAMY (BERNARDUS), a priest of the Oratory. Apparatus chronologicus et geographicus, ad commentarium in harmoniam sive concordiam quatuor Evangelistarum. Prsemittitur totius operis prsefatio cujus prima pars demonstrat veritatem Evangelii ; altera quid sit Evange- lium, a quibus, qua lingua, scriptum. Parisiis, 1699. 4 Commentarius in harmoniam sive concordiam quatuor Evangelistarum. Parisiis, 1699. 4 LANCASTER. An illustrated itinerary of the county of Lancaster. London, 1842. 4 LANCASTER (JOSEPH). The British system of education. London, 1810. 8 LANCASTER (THOMAS WILLIAM), M.A., Vicar of Banbury. The popular evidence of Chris- tianity : stated and explained. Eight dis- courses preached before the University of Ox- ford, in the year 1831, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1831. 8 LANDELS (WILLIAM), Minister of Regent's Park chapel, London. The unseen. A series of dis- courses. 2d ed. London, 1859. 8 The faithful servant : his life and its lessons. A tribute to the memory of John Angell James. London, 1859. 12 LANDER (RICH.). Journal from Kano to the sea coast ; [with Hugh CLAPPERTON'S journal of a second expedition into the interior of Africa]. 1829 LANDMANN (GEORGE), C.E. A universal ga- zetteer ; or, geographical dictionary. Founded on the works of Brookes and Walker. A new edition. London, 1840. 8 LANDON (EDWARD H.), M.A. A manual of councils of the holy Catholic Church, compris- ing the substance of the most remarkable and important canons, alphabetically arranged. London, 1846. 12 LANDSBOROUGH (DAVID), Minister of the Gos- pel, Saltcoats. Arran : a poem : in six cantos, and excursions to Arran, with reference to the natural history of the island. Edin., 1847. 8" LANDSEER (JOHN), F.S. A. Sabaean researches, in a series of essays, addressed to distinguish- ed antiquaries, and including the substance of a course of lectures, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, on the engraved hieroglyphics of Chaldea, Egypt, and Canaan. Illustrated with engravings of Babylonian Cy- linders, and other inedited monuments of an- tiquity. London, 1823. 4 LANDT (G.). A description of the Feroe islands, containing an accoiint of their situation, cli- 56 44 1> LANE -LA PEYROUSE. mate, and productions ; together with the man- ' n ITS, and customs, of the inhabitants, their trade, &c. Translated from the Danish. London, 1810. 8 LANE (EDWARD WILLIAM). An account of the , manners and customs of the modern Egyp- ' tians, written in Egypt during the years 1833, 34, and 35, partly from notes made during a former visit to that country in the years 1825, 26, 27, and 28. 2 vol. [Lib. of entertaining knowledge.] London, 1836, 37. 12 s LANERCOST. Chronicon deLanercost. M.CO.I.- ' M.CCC.XLVI. E codice Cottoniano mine pri- , mum typis mandatum. [Edited for the Ban- \ natyne Club by Joseph Stevenson.] Edin., 1839. 4 LANFRANCUS, Archbishop of Canterbury. Opera omnia, quoe reperiri potuerunt, euulga- ) vit Domnus Lucas Dacherius : vitam, et epis- | tolas notis, et observationibus (antiquis monu- mentis abumle locupletatis) illustrauit, et ap- pendicem adiecit, in qua haec habentur ex diuersis MS. Chronicon Beccense : vitie B. Herluini fundatoris, ac primi abbatis Becci, et quatuor priorum abbatum eiusdem monasterii : vita S. Augustini Angloram Apostoli : tracta- tus duo da Eucharistiae sacramento contra Berengarium, Hugonis Lingonensis Episcopi, et Durandi abbatis Troaniensis. Lutetice. Parisiorum, 1648. fol. LANG (JOHN DUNMORE), D.D., Principal of the Australian college, Sydney. An historical and statistical account of New South Wales, both as a penal settlement and as a British colony. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1837. 8 Religion and education in America : with no- tices of the state and prospects of American Unitarianism, Popery, and African coloniza- tion. London, 1840. 12 LANG (ROBERT). The father's catechism in a legacy to his eight children, or, a help for the young and ignorant. By W. L. Edin. , s. a. 8 LANGE (J. P.), D.D., Professor of divinity in the university of Bonn. The resurrection of the body ; [with The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, by L. J. RUCKERT]. 1841 Theological and homiletical commentary on the Gospel of St Matthew. Specially designed and adapted for the use of ministers and stu- dents. From the German of J. P. L. By the Rev. Alfred Edersheim, Ph. D. and Rev. W. B. Pope. 3 vol. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1861, 62. 8 8 [Vol. iii. contains also Lange's commentary on St Mark.] Theological and homiletical commentary on the Gospel of St Luke. From the German of J. J. van OOSTERZEE, D.D. Edited by J. P. L. [Ibid.] 1862, 63 Theological and homiletical commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. From the German of G. V. LECHLER, D.D., and K. GEROK. Edited by J. P. L. [Ibid.] 1864 The life of the Lord Jesus Christ : a complete critical examination of the origin, contents, and connection of the Gospels. Translated from the German of J. P. L. Edited, with additional notes, by the Rev. Marcus Dods, A.M. 6vol. 1864. 8 LANGE (LOBEOOTT). Exercitationes examinato- rise ad theologian! dogmaticam et historian! dogmatum spectantes. Sucundum sinceram et claram Scripture; sacrse sententiam elaborates et editae a L. L. J/sice, 1846. 8 LANGEMAK (GREGORIUS). De Pontificibus Romanis uxoratis et filiis patrum in pontiti- catu 8ucces8oribu8...8ub pnesidio Jo. Frid. Mayeri...respondebit G. L. Kilonii, [1699]. 4 LANGHORNE (JOHN), D.D., Rector of Blagdon, Somersetshire. The letters that passed be- tween Theodosius and Constantia ; after she had taken the veil. 4th ed. London, 1766. 8 The correspondence of Theodosius and Con- stantia ; and the history of Solyman and Al- mena. London, 1817. 12 Sermons preached before the Honourable So- ciety of Lincoln's-Inn. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1767. 8 LANGLEY (DANIEL BAXTER), LL.B., Rector of Yard-ley Hastings, and Denton, NortJiampton- shire. The Christian's duty at the present crisis... a sermon preached in the parish church of Olney, February 22d, 1835. London, 1835. 12 LANGTOFT (PETER). Chronicle, transcribed and published by Thomas HEARNE. 1810 LANGUAGE. Of the origin and progress of lan- guage. [By James BURNET, Lord Monboddo.] 6vol. 2ded. Edin., 1774-92. 8 d LANGUETUS (HUBERTUS). Vindiciae contra tyrannos : sive, de principis in populum, po- pulique in principem, legitima potestate. Per Stephanum JUNIUM Brutum. [Pseud.] Edinburgi, 1579. 8 Epistolse ad Philippum Sydneium, Equitem Anglum. Accurante D. Dalrymple, de Hailes, Eq. Edinburgi, 1776. 8 LANSDOWNE, LORD. See George GRANVILLE. LANSPERGIUS (JOANNES JUSTUS). Enchiri- dion militias Christianas. Antuerpice, 1550. 12 LANZI (Luioi). Storia pittorica della Italia dal risorgimento delle belle arti fin presso al fine del xviii. secolo. Edizione quarta. 6 torn. Pisa, 1815. 12 LAOCOON. The Trojan horse, or observations on the circular letters of Dr Baines, soliciting aid towards the restoration of Prior Bank man- sion. A letter by Laocoon. Bath, 1836. 8 LA PEYRERE (I.). See Isaac PEYRERIUS. LA PEYROUSE (J.-FR. GALAUPDE). A voyage round the world : which was performed in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, by M. de La Peyrouse : abridged from the original French journal of M. de La P. which was lately pub- lished by M. Milet-Mureau, in obedience to an order from the French government. To which are added : A voyage from Manilla to Califor- nia, by Don Antonio MAVRELLE : and an ab- LAPIDE LA PLACETTE. 443 stract of the voyage and discoveries of Captain G. VANCOUVER. Edin., 1790. 12 LAPIDE (CORNELIUS CORNELII A), Professor of Hebrew at Louvain. Commentaria in Penta- teuchvm Moysis. Antverpice, 1616. fol. Commentarius in losve, Ivdicvm, Rvth, iv. Libros Regvm, et ii. Paralipomenon. 2 torn, j Antverpice, 1642. fol. Commentaria in Salomonis Proverbia. Editio altera. Antverpice, 1645. fol. - Commentarii in Ecclesiasten. Antverpice, 1649. fol. Commentarii in Librum Sapientiee. Antverpice, 1649. fol. ! Commentarius in Esdram, Nehemiam, To- i biam, Ivdith, Esther, et Machabseos. Antverpice, 1645. fol. I - Commentaria in Ecclesiasticum. Editio se- cunda. Antverpice, 1643. fol. Editio ultima. Antverpice, 1687. fol. j - Commentaria in quatvor Prophetas majores [et in Barvch]. Postrema editio. Antverpice, 1634. fol. ; - Commentaria in dvodecim Prophetas minores. i Antverpice, 1646. fol. Commentarius in quatvor Evangelia. 2 torn. Antverpice, 1649. fol. j Commentaria in omnes Divi Pavli Epistolas. ; Antverpice, 1635. fol. j Commentaria in Acta Apostolorvm, Epistolas canonicas, et Apocalypsin. Editio ultima, j [3 torn.] Antverpice, 1647. fol. i LA PILLONNIERE (FRANCIS DE). An answer | to the Rev. Dr Snape's accusation. Contain- ; ing an account of his behaviour, and sufferings, ' among the Jesuits. Of his leaving their so- | ciety, and afterwards turning Protestant. Of j his being forced to leave France, and his con- duct since that time. Shewing likewise, that the principles professed by Dr Snape, are such as justify the main pretensions, and cruelties, of the Church of Rome. To which is added, an appendix of letters from Jesuits, and others, relating to the foregoing account. With a pre- face by the Lord Bishop of Bangor [B. HOAD- LY]. 2d ed. London, [1717]. 8 A reply to Dr Snape's vindication of a passage in his second letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor, relating to Mr. Pillonniere. Wherein a full answer is also given to Mr Mills, and all his other evidences. To which is prefix'd, a letter to Dr Snape by [B. HOADLYJ the Lord Bishop of Bangor. London, 1718. 8 A third defense ; containing I. A reply to Dr Snape's and Mr Mills' new calumnies, in their late book. II. A faithful account of Mr Rouire's whole conduct ; and a demonstration of the falsity of his oath, and other present ! declarations ; supported by large extracts out of his own letters, and by his ample testimony j to the truth, written in French by himself, j with a design of publishing it. III. A post- ; script, in answer to Mr Armand Dubourdieu's calumnies, cast upon Mr Pillonniere in his late book, call'd An appeal to the English nation, I &c. With a short answer to Mr Rouire's last reply. To which are prefix'd, Some few re- marks upon Dr Snape's letter before Mr Mills' book, dales. Nouvello edition. 3 torn. [Par M. de Secondat, Baron de MONTESQUIEU.] Geneve, 1750, 51. 8" Which party breaks the law and resists God's ordinance ? [By A. M. DUNLOP.] Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Which party still breaks the law ? [By A. M. DUNLOP.] Edin., 1841. 8 LAW (EDMUND), D.D., Bishop of Carlisle Con- siderations on the theory of religion. . .To which are added two discourses. With an appendix. 7th ed. Carlisle, 1784. 8 Considerations on the theory of religion. To which is prefixed, a life of the author, by the late William Paley, D.D. A new edition, by George Henry Law, D.D., Bishop of Chester. London, 1820. 8 LAW (HENRY), M.A., Archdeacon of Wells. " Christ is all." The Gospel of the Old Tes- tament. Genesis. Thirty-sixth thousand. Weston-super-Mare, 1857. 12 Exodus. Twentieth thousand. Weston-super-Mare, 1856. 12 Leviticus. Weston-super-Mare, 1857. 12 LAW (JOHN). MONEY and trade considered. 1705 LAW (JOHN), Minister of the United Associate Sy- nod of the Secession Church, Dunfermline. Re- ply to the strictures of the Rev. P. Chalmers, on the recent sayings and doings of the Dun- fermline Voluntaries. To which is added, a word to the Rev. P. Clason, of Edinburgh. Dunfermline, 1835. 8 LAW (WILLIAM), M.A. The Bishop of Bangor's late sermon, and his letter to Dr Snape in de- fence of it, answered. And the dangerous na- ture of some doctrines in his Preservative, set forth in a letter to his Lordship. 4th ed. London, 1717. 8 Three letters to the Bishop of Bangor. 8th ed. London, 1721. 8 Remarks upon a late book, entitled, "The fable of the bees ; or private vices public bene- fits"... London, 1724. 8 Another edition. With an introduction, by the Rev. F. D. Maurice, M.A. With an appen- dix, containing the poem of the fable of the bees, Mandeville's introduction and treatise on the origin of morality. Cambridge, 1844. 8 The absolute unlawfulness of the stage-enter- tainment fully demonstrated. 2d ed. London, 1726. 8 ! A practical treatise upon Christian perfection. 2d ed. London, 1728. 8 ' The case of reason, or natural religion fairly and fully stated ; in answer to a book [by M. Tindal] entitul'd, Christianity as old as the creation. 2 parts. London, 1731. 8 Another copy. Part i. Second edition [of both parts]. London, 1755. 8 A demonstration of the gross and fundamental errors of a late book [by Hoadly], called A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, &c. Wherein also the 44.S LAW LA\\- ri.-iture and extent of the redemption of all mankind by Jesus Christ, is stated and ex- I'lain'd ; and the pretences of the deists, for a religion of natural reason instead of it, are examined to the bottom... London, 1737. 8 Second edition. London, 1738. 8 - Third edition. London, 1752. 8 - The second part of the spirit of prayer : or, the soul rising out of the vanity of time, into the riches of eternity. Being several dialogues between Academicus, Rusticus, and Theophi- lus. At which Humanus was present. London, 1750. 8 - An appeal to all that doubt, or disbelieve the truths of the Gospel, whether they be Deists, Arians, Socinians, or nominal Christians ; in which the true grounds and reasons of the whole Christian faith and life are plainly and fully demonstrated. To which are added, some animadversions upon Dr Trapp's late reply. 2d ed. London, 1756. 8 - Another edition. London, 1845. 8 Another copy. - A collection of letters on the most interesting and important subjects, and on several occa- sions. London, 1760. 8 A serious call to a devout and holy life. Adapt- ed to the state and condition of all orders of Christians. To which is added, some account of the author, and three letters to a friend, not before published in any of his works. Also two letters from clergymen in the Established Church strongly recommending the Serious call, and other works of the author. His cha- racter by Edward Gibbon, Esq. , and a list of all his works. Derby, 1816. 12 - Twentieth edition. Romsey, 1816. 8 An humble, earnest, and affectionate address to the clergy. A new edition. Edin., 1817. 12 - Another edition. London, 1843. 8 - The grounds and reasons of Christian regene- ration, or, the new birth, offered to the consi- deration of Christians and Deists. London, 1845. 8 - * Notes and memorials for an adequate biogra- phy of the celebrated divine and theosopher W. L. Comprising an elucidation of the scope and contents of the writings of Jacob Bohme, and of his great commentator, Dionysius An- dreas Freher ; with a notice of the mystical divinity and most curious and solid science of all ages of the world. Also an indication of the true means for the induction of the intellectual " heathen," Jewish, and Mahome- dan nations into the Christian faith. Print- ed for private circulation. London, 1854. 8 LAW (WILLIAM). The " wars of Jugurtha ;" or, the second ward election letters for 1842. Col- lected and arranged, with notes, &c. by W. L. Edin., 1842. 8 LAWRENCE (R. ). LAY BAPTISM invalid. 1710 Sacerdotal powers ; or the necessity of confes- sion, penance, and absolution. Together with the nullity of unauthoriz'd LAY-BAPTISM as- serted. 1711 Dissenters, and other unauthoriz'd BAPTISMS null and void. 1712 The Bishop of Oxford's [W. Talbot] charge, consider'd, in reference to the independency of the Church upon the State. A proper sacri- fice in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. The nature and necessity of sacerdotal absolu- tion. And, The invalidity of baptism, admi- nistered by persons not episcopally ordain'd. In an humble address to his Lordship. By the author of Lay-baptism invalid. London, 1712. 8 LAWRENCE (WILLIAM), F.R.S., Professor of anatomy to the college of surgeons, London. Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the na- tural history of man, delivered at the Royal college of surgeons. With twelve engravings. London, 1822. 8 LAWRIE (ROBEKT). A remembrancer, showing the state of the testimony of the suffering rem- nant in the time of the persecution, and since the Revolution, to be the same as maintained by the suffering remnant, or true non-hearers who have owned the martyr's testimony. Dairy, 1807. 12 LAWSON (GEORGE), D.D., Professor of divinity to the Associate Synod, Selkirk. Considera- tions on the overture, lying before the Asso- ciate Synod, respecting some alterations in the formula concerning the power of the civil ma- gistrate in matters of religion ; and the obli- gation of our covenants, national and solemn league, on posterity. Edin. , 1797. 12 Discourses on the whole book of Esther. To which are added, sermons, on parental duties, on military courage, and on the improvement to be made of the alarm of war. Edin., 1804. 12 Second edition. Edin. , 1809. 12 Lectures on the whole book of Ruth : to which are added, discourses on the condition and duty of unconverted sinners, on the sovereign- ty of grace in the conversion of sinners, and, on the means to be used in the conversion of our neighbours. Edin. , 1805. 12 Lectures on the history of Joseph. 2 vol. Edin., 1807. 12 A sermon [on Rom. xi. 3] preached before the Edinburgh missionary society, at their anni- versary meeting, April 19, 1808. With the report of the directors. Edin. , 1808. 8" Exposition of the Book of Proverbs. 2 vol. Edin., 1821. 12 LAWSON (JAMES), A.M. Present case of J. L., in a letter to his friends. Edin., 1781. 12 LAWSON (JOHN), Curate of Wintringham. Ser- mons on the Creed ; [with Lectures on the Church catechism, by Samuel WALKER]. 1836 LAWSON (JOHN), Pitlessie. Excursions through my paradise, or, reflections on some important elements in the nature, condition, and pro- spects of man, the government of God, and on the destiny of the globe, &c. &c. Cupar-Fife, 1846. 8 LAWSON (JOHN PARKER), M.A. The life and LAYA11D LECKIE. 449 times of William LAUD, Archbishop of Can- terbury. 1829 LA YARD ( AUSTEN HENRY), D.C.L. Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon ; with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the desert : being the result of a second expedition under- taken for the trustees of the British Museum. With maps, plans, and illustrations. London, 1853. 8 LAY BAPTISM. See BAPTISM. LAYMAN. The Protestant layman, or Mr O'Connell's challenge accepted, in a series of letters originally published in the Belfast News-Letter. Belfast, 1825. 12 LAYMANN (PAULUS), S. J. Theologia moralis in quinque libros distributa, quibus materiae omnes practices sive ad externum ecclesiasti- cum, sive ad internum conscientise forum spec- tantes una cum quaestionibus canonicis de Praelatorum ecclesiasticorum electione, insti- tutione, et potestate speciali methodo expli- cantur. Editio nova Wirceburgensis . . .post an- tiquas editiones, ac recensiores Patavinam et Venetam, a mendis innumeris accuratius pur- gata...2tom. Wirceburgi, 1748. fol. LEADLEY (JOHN), M. A. An essay on the man- ner in which Christianity was intended to im- prove morality. York, 1791. 8 LEAKE (W. M.), Lieut.-Col. R. A. The topo- graphy of Athens, with some remarks on its antiquities. London, 1821. 8 LEARNING. Reflections upon learning ; where- in is shewn the insufficiency thereof, in its several particulars ; in order to evince the use- fulness and necessity of Revelation. By a gentleman ; [Thomas BAKER]. 6th ed. London, 1727. 8 LE BAS (CHARLES WEBB), M.A., Rector of St Paul, Shadwell. Considerations on miracles ; containing the substance of an article in the British Critic, on Mr Penrose's treatise on the evidence of the Scripture miracles : with addi- tions. London, 1828. 8 Another copy. LEBERECHT DE WETTE (W. M.). See W. M. L. de WETTE. LE BLANC (AUGUSTINUS), pseud., i. e. Jacques- Hyacinthe SERRY. / LE BLANC (LUDOVICUS), Professor of theology at Sedan. Theses theologicae, variis temporibus in academia Sedanensi editee, et ad disputan- dum propositse. Editio tertia, variis locuple- tata thesibus ex authoris MSS. depromptis, et in lucem nunc primum editis. Londini, 1683. fol. - Another copy. - Another copy. / LE BOSSU (RENE). Traitd du poeme e*pique. Paris, 1675. 12 LEBROCQUY (P.). Analogies linguistiques. Du Flamand dans ses rapports avec les autres idiomes d'origine Teutonique. Bruxelles, 1845. 8 LE BRUN (CORNEILLE). Voyage au Levant, c'est-a-dire, dans les principaux endroites de 1'Asie Mineure, dans les isles de Chio, Rhodes, et Chypre, &c. De meme que dans les plus considerables villes d'Egypte, de Syrie, et de la terre saint ; enrichi de plus de deux cens tailles-douces... Paris, 1714. fol. Voyages par la Moscovie, en Perse, et aux Indes Orientales. Ouvrage enrichi de plus de 32Q tailles-douces... On y a ajoute" la route qu'a suivie Mr. Isbrants, ambassadeur de Mosco- vie, en traversant la Russie et la Tartarie, pour se rendre a la Chine. Et quelques re- marques contre Mrs. Chardin et Kempfer. Avec une lettre e"crite a 1'auteur, sur ce sujet. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1718. fol. LE CERF (FILIPE). Bibliotheque historique et critique des auteurs de la congregation de St Maur. La Haye, 1726. 12 LECERF ( ), Professor to the faculty of law at Caen. Le Protestantisme et la socie'te'. Com- paraison entre le Protestantisme et le Catholi- cisme, leur dogme, leur discipline, leur morale et leurs rapports avec la civilisation et 1'ordre social. Reponse au livre public* par M. Ni- colas contre le Protestantisme. Paris, 1853. 8 LE CHAPELAIN (CHARLES- JEAN-BAPTISTE). Sermons ou discours sur diffe'rens sujets de pie'te' et de religion. 6 torn. Paris, 1768. 12 LECHLER (GOTTHARD VICTOR), Ph. D. Das apostolische und das nachapostolische Zeital- ter. Mit Ruecksicht auf Unterschied und Ein- heit zwischen Paulus und den uebrigen Apos- teln, zwischen Heidenchristen und Judenchris- ten, dargestellt von G. V. L. Gekroente Preiss-Schrift von der Teylerschen Theologi- schen Gesellschaft fuer das Jahr 1848. Haarlem, 1851. 4 Theological and homiletical commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. Specially designed and adapted for the use of ministers and stu- dents. From the German of G. V. L. and K. GEROK. Edited by J. P. LANGE, D.D. Trans- lated by Rev. Paton J. Gloag. 2 vol. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1864. 8 LECKIE (CHARLES). Report of a discussion on Voluntaryism... between the Rev. Mr HARVIE, and C. L. 1835 Report of a discussion on Voluntaryism be- tween the Rev. Dr RITCHIE and Mr C. L. 1836 An exposure of Dr John Ritchie's notice of the author in his pamphlet to Dr Cooke, pub- lished only on account of the disorderly con- duct of Voluntaries in Lady Glenorchy's cha- pel, March 21st, 1837. Glasgow, 1837. 12 Letter to the Voluntaries of Edinburgh, con- taining an answer to Mr Nicol's last speech in the recent discussion on the Church question. Edin., [1838]. 8 Nos. i. , ii. , iii. , and iv. of a series of letters to the Rev. Messrs M 'Do wall, of Alloa, Stirling, of Kirriemuir, Towers, of Wigtown, &c., ex- posing their calumnious misrepresentations of the author. Edin., 1838. 8 Another copy of No. iii. Scripture references, for the use of Sabbath 57 LECKY LEE. schools, fellowship societies, and private fami- lies. innxt rants' colklc;i for the n, 17~:5. -1 | With manuscript notes by the Duke of SUH- sex.] - Sermons. 3 vol. London, 1788. 8 LELANDUS (JOANNES), Prebendary tJjSalMmy. Commentarii de scriptoribus Britannicis. Ex autographo Lelamliim mine primus cdi-lit A nt KM ins Hall, A.M. 2 ti-m. O.r,,,m, 1709. 8 * The lives of those eminent antiquaries J. L. , Thomas HEARNE, and Anthony a. WOOD ; with an authentick account of their respective writ- ings and publications, from original papers. In which are occasionally inserted, memoirs relating to many eminent persons, and various parts of literature. Also, several engravings of antiquity, never before published. 2 vol. Oxford, 1772. 8 LE LONG (JACOBUS). Bibliotheca sacra post J. Le Long et C. F. Boerneri iteratas curas or- dine disposita, emendata, suppleta continuata ab Andrea Gottlieb Masch. 4 vol. Hate, 1778-1790. 4 LE MACHOIS (J.). Lettre ecrite a Monsieur 1'Archeveque de Rouen sur la Constitution Unigenitus. . L, [17171 12 LEMAJRE (H.). Histoire de la revolution Fran- caise, depuis 1'annee 1787, jusqu'en 1816. 3 torn. Paris, 1816. 12 LE MAISTRE DE SACI (Loms ISAAC). La Sainte Bible traduite en Francois sur la Vul- gate. 1702. See BIBLES FRENCH. A. LE MESURIER (HAVILAND). Thoughts on a French invasion, with reference to the proba- bility of its success, and the proper means of resisting it. JJdin., 1798. 8 LE MESURIER (THOMAS), M.A., Eector of Neumton Longville, Bucks. The nature and guilt of schism considered, with a particular reference to the principles of the Reformation, in eight sermons preached before the Univer- sity of Oxford, in the year 1807, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton, M.A. London, 1808. 8 The doctrines of predestination and assurance examined, with a short view of the Pelagian controversy, in a sermon [on Matt. xix. 17]... preached May 23, 1809. London, 1809. 8 LEMOINE (ABRAHAM), Rector of Everley, Wilts. A treatise on miracles, wherein their nature, conditions, characteristics, and true immediate cause are clearly stated ; and all the objections and difficulties which have been hitherto raised against their credibility, or the evidence aris- ing from them, especially in Mr Chubb's Dis- course upon that subject, are fully consider'd, and answered. With a postscript, containing some remarks on Dr Middleton's introductory discourse to a larger work. London, 1747. 8 LE MOYNE (PIERRE). Of the art both of writ- ing and judging of history, with reflections upon ancient as well as modern historians. Shewing through what defects there are so few good, and that it is impossible there should be LE MOYNE LEO. 455 many so much as tolerable. [Translated from' the French.] London, 1695. 12 j LE MOYNE (STEPHANUS). Varia sacra ceu j sylloge variorum opusculorum Grsecorum ad | rem ecclesiasticam spectantium, cura et studio S. Le M. qui collegit, versiones partim addidit, ! et notis, et observationibus uberioribus illus- travit. 2 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1685. 4 LEMPRIERE (JOHN), D.D., Rector of Meath, Devonshire. Universal biography ; containing a copious account, critical and historical, of the life and character, labors and actions of eminent persons, in all ages and countries, conditions and professions, arranged in alpha- betical order. [Abridged from the larger work.] London, 1808. 8 - A classical dictionary ; containing a copious account of all the proper names mentioned in ancient authors : with the value of coins, weights, and measures used among the Greeks and Romans ; and a chronological table. 8th ed. London, 1812. 8 - A new edition, revised and considerably enlar- ged, by the Rev. T. Smith. London, 1831. 8 - New edition, greatly enlarged, improved, and corrected, containing above five thousand ad- ditional names from Pliny, Ptolemy, Strabo, and other classical authorities. By F. D. Lem- priere, A.M. In this edition, also, the finest ancient statues and busts extant are noticed, and a reference is made to the collections in which they may be found. London, 1839. 4 LE NAIN DE TILLEMONT (S.). See S. Le Nain de TILLEMONT. LENFANT (JACQUES), Pastor at Berlin, and chap- lain to the Queen of Prussia. Histoire du con- cile de Constance, tiree principalement d'au- teurs qui ont assist^ au concile. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1714. 4 - Nouvelle Edition. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1727. 4 Translated from the new edition printed at Amsterdam, which the author not only revis'd and corrected, but considerably augmented. 2 vol. London, 1730. 4 - Preservatif contre la reunion avec le siege de Rome, ou apologie de notre separation d'avec ce siege, contre le livre de M u de B. dame proselyte d'Eglise Romaine, et contre les autres controversistes anciens et modernes. 4 torn. Amsterdam, 1723. 8 - Histoire du concile de Pise, et de ce qui s'est passe" de plus memorable depuis ce concile jusq' au concile de Constance. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1724. 4 Sermons sur divers textes de 1'Ecriture sainte. Amsterdam, 1728. 8 - Histoire de la giierre des Hussites et du con- cile de Basle. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1731. 4 - Le Nouveau Testament... avec des notes par Mrs. BEAUSOBRE et Lenfant. 1736. GREEK. G. - Pauli Epistola alt era ad Timotheum Greece. 1860. See BIBLES GREEK. G. LEO (HEINR.), Professor of history at Halle. Vorlesungen ilber die Geschichte des Jtidi- schen Staates. Berlin, 1828. 8 r LEONHABD (CHARLES-CESAR DE), Professor of mineralogy and geology at Heidelberg. Agenda geognostica Hiilfsbuch filr reisende Gebirgs- forscher und Leitfaden zu Vortragen libtr angewandte Geognosie. Heidelberg, 1829. 8 Ge"ologie des gens du monde. Traduite de I'AUemande sous lea yeux de 1'auteur par P. Grimblot et P. A. Toulousan. 2 torn. Pom et Stuttgart, 1839, 40. 8 C LEONI (Gio. BATTISTA). Le consideration! di G. B. L. sopra 1'historia di Guicciardini ; [alia fine dell' istoria di GUICCIARDINI.] 1645 LEOPOLD (ERNESTUS FRIDERICUS). Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum in Libros Veteris Testamenti ordine etymologico compositum in usuin scholarum. Edidit E. F. L. LipsioR, 1832. 8 LEPFLERUS (CORNELIUS). Theses physicae de aninue potentiis. Hardrovici, 1612. 4 LE PLAT (JUDOCUS), Director of the school of law at Coblentz. Monumentorum ad historiam concilii Tridentini potissimum illustrandam spectantium amplissinia collectio. 7 torn. Lovanii, 1781-87. 4 LEPPINGTON (JOHN CROSBY). The confes- sional in the Church of England ; and other essays on the Anglican controversy. London, 1860. 12 LE QUIEN (MICHAEL). Defense du texte He- breu et de la version Vulgate ; servant de re- ponse au livre [par D. Pezron] intitule, L'an- tiquitd des temps, Arc. Paris, 1690. 12 Oriens Christianus, in quatuor Patriarchatus digestus ; quo exhibentur Ecclesiae Patriarchse, cteterique prsesules totius Orientis. Opus post- humum. 3 torn. Parisiis, 1740. fol. LERMONT (THOMAS), of Ercildowue, known as Thomas the Rymer. The whole PROPHECIES of Scotland, England, Ireland, France and Den- mark. , 1806 LE SAGE (ALAIN-RENE). Le diable boiteux. Nouvelle Edition. Avec les entretiens seri- eux, et comiques des cheminees de Madrid, et les bequilles du dit diable. Par M*** [i. e. 1'abbe" Bordelon]. 2 torn. Londres, 1759. 12 Gil Bias corrig^ ; ou histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. Par M. Le Sage. Dont on a re- tranche les expressions et passages contraires a la defence, a la religion, et aux mceurs, et a laquelle on a ajoute' un recueil de traits brillans, des plus celebres poe'tes Franfois. Par J. N. Osmond. 4 torn. Leeds, 1798. 12 LE SCENE DES MENILLES D'ETTEMARE (J.-BAPT.). Les gemissemens d'une ame vive- ment touche"e de la destruction de PORT- ROYAL. 1713-17 LESL-^US. (JOANNES), Bishop of Ross. DC ori- gine, moribvs, et rebva gestis Seotorvin lil.ri decem. E quibus septein, uetenini Sentonmi res in priinis memorabilea contractius, reliqui uer6 tres, posteriorum Regum ad nostra tem- pora historiam, qute hucusque desidera1i.it ur, fusius cxplicant. Accessit noua et accurata regionum et insularum Scotiee, cum vera eius- dem tabula topographica, descriptio. Roma, in adibus populi Romani, MDLXXVIII. 4 LESLIE (CHARLES), Chancellor of the diocete of Connor. The theological works of the Rev. Mr C. L. 2 vol. London, 1721. fol. GALLIENUS redivivus. 1695 The case stated between the CHURCH OF ROME and the Church of England. 1700 The case of the REGALE and of the Pontificat stated. 1700 The new association of those called, MODERATE- CHURCH-MEN, with the modern-whigs and fana- ticks, to under-mine and blow-up the present Church and government. [In two parts, with supplements.] 1702, 3 The true notion of the Catholic Church, in a letter to the late Bishop of Meaux, written by the Rev. C. L. ; [with Several letters which passed between Dr George HICKES and a Pop- ish priest]. 1705 A view of the times, their principles and prac- tices : in the first, [second, third and fourth] volumes of the Rehearsals. By PHILALETHES. [Pseud.] London, 1708, 09. fol. The Socinian controversy discuss'd : wherein the chief of the Socinian tracts (publish'd of late years here) are consider'd. London, 1708. 4 Another copy. Mr Leslie's answer to the remarks [by Thomas Emlyn] on his first dialogue against the Soci- nians. s. 1. et a. 4 Another copy. A reply to the vindication [by Thomas Emlyn] of the remarks upon Mr Leslie's first dialogue on the Socinian controversy. London, 1708. 4 Another copy. Mr L. his answer to the examination of his last dialogue, relating to the satisfaction of Jesus Christ. In a letter to the author. With a supplement in answer to Mr Clen- don's treatise of the word person. London, 1710. 4 Another copy. - The FINISHING-STROKE. 1711 A letter from the Rev. C. L. concerning the new Separation. 2d ed. London, 1719. 8 Third edition. London, 1719. 8 * An answer to a letter from the Rev. C. L., concerning what he calls the "New separa- tion." London, 1719. 8 Fifth letter to Dr Burnet. London, 1724. 8 A short and easy method with the Jews ; wherein the certainty of the Christian religion is demonstrated. New edition, published un- der the direction of the London society for LESLIE L'ESTRANGE. 457 promoting Christianity among the Jews : with notes and illustrations. London, 1812. - Another copy. - Another edition. London, 1816. 12 - A short and easy method with the deists wherein the certainty of the Christian religion is demonstrated by infallible proof. In a let- ter to a friend. To which are added, a letter from the author to a deist, upon his conversion by reading his book. And, The truth of Chris- tianity demonstrated, in a dialogue betwixt a Christian and a deist ; wherein the case of the Jews is likewise considered. London, 1828. 12 - Another edition, with an introductory essay, by David Russell, D.D., Dundee. Edin., 1838. 12 - Another edition. [Christ. Lit.] Edin., 1839. 8 - The truth of Christianity demonstrated, in a dialogue betwixt a Christian and a deist ; wherein the case of the Jews is likewise con- sidered. [Christ. Lit.] Edin., 1839. 8 - An essay concerning the divine right of tithes. Edin., 1845. 8 LESLIE (GEORGE), A.M., Linebrook. The busi- ness and end of the ministerial office consider- ed and improved. A sermon [on Col. i. 27, 28] preached Jan. 31, 1765, at the ordination of the Rev. Samuel Perley. Portsmouth, Newhampshire, 1765. 8 LESLIE (Sir JOHN), Professor of natural philoso- phy in tJie university of Edinburgh. An expe- rimental inquiry into the nature and propaga- tion of heat. London, 1804. 8 Elements of geometry, geometrical analysis, and plane trigonometry. With an appendix, notes and illustrations. Edin., 1809. 8 - The philosophy of arithmetic ; exhibiting a progressive view of the theory and practice of calculation, with an enlarged table of the pro- ducts of numbers under one hundred. Edin., 1817. 8 - Second edition. Edin., 1820. 8 - Description of instruments, designed for ex- tending and improving meteorological obser- vations. Edin., 1820. 8 - Geometrical analysis, and geometry of curve lines, being volume second of a course of mathe- matics, and designed as an introduction to the study of natural philosophy. Edin. , 1821. 8 -- Dissertation fourth [prefixed to the Encyclo- paedia Britannica] ; exhibiting a general view of the progress of mathematical and physical science, chiefly during the eighteenth century. s. I. et a. 4 [See also under ENCYCLOPAEDIA.] - * Tracts historical and philosophical, relative to the important discussions which lately took place between the members of the university and the Presbytery of Edinburgh, respecting the election of Mr Leslie to the professorship of mathematics in that university. 2 vol. Edin., 1806. 8 * Report of the proceedings and debate in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, respecting the election of Mr Leslie to the ma- thematical chair in the university of Edin- burgh. Edin., 1805. 8 * A letter to the Rev. Principal Hill, on the case of Mr John Leslie, professor of mathematics in the university of Edinburgh ; by the author of Two letters to Principal Hill ; [Andrew THOM- SON.] Edin., 1805. 8 * An examination of the letter addressed to Principal Hill on the case of Mr Leslie, in a letter to its anonymous author. With remarks on Mr Stewart's postscript, and Mr Playfair's pamphlet. By a calm observer. Edin., 1806. 8 LESLIE (WILLIAM), Minister of the parish of St Andrews-Lhanbride. General view of the agri- culture of the counties of Nairn and Moray ; with observations on the means of their im- provement. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of agriculture and internal im- provement. London, 1813. 8 LESLIE-MELVILLE (W.), Earl of Leven and Melville. *A few letters concerning Church government in Scotland in 1690, from the collection of the Earl of Leven and Melville. Printed for private circulation. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. LESS (GOTTFRIED), Professor of divinity in the university of Gottingen. Opuscula theologici exegetici atque homiletici argumenti. 2 torn. Gottingce., 1780, 81. 8 The authenticity, uncorrupted preservation, and credibility of the New Testament. Trans- lated from the last edition of the German, by Roger Kingdon, A.M. London, 1804. 8 Another copy. Another copy. LESSING (GOTTHOLD EPHRAIM). Lustspiele von G. E. L. 3 Theile. Zweyte Auflage. Berlin, 1770, 72. 8 Nathan der Weise. 7 te Ausgabe. Berlin, 1826. 8 L'ESTRANGE (HAMON). The alliance of divine offices, exhibiting all the liturgies of the Church of England since the Reformation ; as also the late Scotch Service-Book, with all their respec- tive variations. And upon them all annota- tions, vindicating the Book of Common-Prayer from the main objections of its adversaries, explicating many parcels thereof hitherto not clearly understood, shewing the conformity it beareth with the primitive practice, and giving a fair prospect into the usages of the ancient Church. To these is added at the end, The order of the communion set forth 2 Ed- ward 6. 2d ed. London, 1690. fol. L'ESTRANGE (Sir ROGER). Interest mistaken ; or, the holy cheat, proving from the undeni- able practices and positions of the Presbyte- rians that the design of that party is to en- slave both King and people under the masque of religion, by way of observation on a trea- tise, entitled, The interest of England in the matter of religion, &c. Second impression. London, 1661. 8 ' Fourth impression. [London, 1662]. 8 58 LE 8UEUR LETTERS - The relaps'd apostate ; or, notes upon a Pres- hvterian pamphlet, entituled, A petition for peace, \\herein the faction and design are laid as open as heart can wish. Second impres- sion. Lo/./ in the university of Giessen. Handworterbuch der reinen und angewandten Chemie. In Ver- bindung mit mehren Gelehrten herausgegeben von Dr J. L. und Dr J. C. POGGENDORFF [und Dr Fr. Wohler]. Band, i.-vi., Lieferung. 1-3. Braunschweig, 1837-55. 8 Supplemente zum Handworterbuch der rei- nen und angewandten Chemie. Lieferung. !-<'.. !>'/('/<;*./( i.reiV/, 1850-53. b Traite" dc Chimiu m-gaiiium-. :5 turn. Parit, 1840-44. S J Animal chemistry, or organic chemistry i i applications to physiology and pathology. Edited from the author's maiiu.<-i -ij-t l>y Wil- liam Gregory, M.D. London, 1842. 8 Chemistry in its applications to agriculture and physiology. Edited from the manuscript of the author by Lyon Playfair. 3d ed. London, 1843. 8 Familiar letters on chemistry, and its relation to commerce, physiology, and agriculture : Edited by John Gardner, M.D. London, 1843. J, Second series. The philosophical principles and general laws of the science. London, 1844. 8 Jahresbericht ttber die Fortschritte der reinrn, pharmaceutischen und technischen Chemie, herausgegeben von J. L. und Hermann KOPP. 1849-52. 8 LIFE. Real life. Pages from the portfolio of a chronicler. Edin., 1832. 12 LIGHT (HENRY), Capt. R.A. Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Holy Land, Mount Lebanon, and Cy- prus, in the year 1814. London, 1818. 4 LIGHTFOOT (JOHN), D.D., Master of Katherine Hall, Cambridge. The works of J. L. ; such as were, and such as never before were print- ed. With the author's life... 2 vol. London, 1684. fol. Translated into Latin. 2 torn. Roterodami, 1686. 4 Another edition. Edited by the Rev. John Rogers Pitman. 13 vol. London, 1825. 8 J The temple service as it stood in the dayes of our Saviour. London, 1649. 4 The harmony, chronicle and order of the New- Testament. The text of the four Evangelists methodized. The story of the Acts of the Apostles analyzed. The order of the Epistles manifested. The times of the Revelation ob- served. All illustrated, with variety of obser- vations upon the chiefest difficulties textuall and talmudicall : for clearing of their sense and language. With an additional discourse concerning the fall of Jerusalem and the con- dition of the Jews in that land afterward. London, 1654. fol. LIGHTFOOT (JOHN), A.M. Flora Scotica : or, a systematic arrangement, in the Linnsean me- thod, of the native plants of Scotland and the Hebrides. 2 vol. 2d ed. To which is now prefixed, the life of the author, by T. Pen- nant, Esq. London, 1789. 8 LIGHTFOOT (JOSEPH B.), D.D., Hulsean pro- fessor of divinity, Cambridge. St Paul's Epis- tle to the Galatians. A revised text. By J. B. L. 1865. See BIBLES GREEK. G. LIGORIO (ALPHONsrs DE). Theologia moralis ...Editio novissima, omnium accuratior, col- lata cum editionibus Venetis, Romania et Bas- sanensibus, ac continens quidquid auctor in cteteris addidit, reformavit vel explicavit. . .Cu- ravit P. Mich. Heilig. 6 torn. Farisiis. 1845, 46. ll. 1 LIGUE LINDLEY. 463 LIGUE. Le premier recueil, contenantles choses plus memorables advenues sous la Ligue, tant en France, Angleterre, qu'autres lieux. s. I, 1590. 8 C LILBURNE (JOHN). An unhappy game at Scotch and English, or, a full answer from ENGLAND to the papers of Scotland. 1646 LILLIAN. A pleasant history of ROSWALL and Lillian. s. a. LILLINGSTON (I. W.), Lochalsh. An exposi- tion of part of the 24th and 25th chapters of St Matthew : together with the signs of Christ's coming with the clouds of heaven, that is, the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. x London, 1838. 8 LIMBORCH (PHILIPPUS A), Professor of divinity at Amsterdam. Theologia Christiana ad praxin pietatis ac promotionem pacis Christianse unice directa. Amstel., 1686. 4 - Editio tertia. Amstel., 1700. fol. - Editio novissima. Adjuncta est relatio histo- rica de origine et progressu controversiamm in Fcederato Belgio de prsedestinatione. Trac- tatus posthumus. Amstel. , 1735. fol. - A compleat system, or body of divinity, both speculative and practical, founded on Scrip- ture and reason : written originally in Latin, by P. L. With improvements, from Bishop Wilkins, Arch-bishop Tillotson, Doctor Scott, and several other divines of the Church of Eng- land. 2 vol. By William Jones, a Presbyter of the same Church. London, 1702. 8 De veritafe religionis Christianee arnica colla- tio, cum erudito Jxidseo. Goudce, 1687. 4 Another edition. Londini, 1691. 4 - Urielis exemplar h* manse vitse. Addita est brevi refutatio argumentorum quibus Acosta omnem religionem revelatam impugnat ; [ad calc. op. De veritate religionis Christianse, per Phil. LIMBORCH]. 1691 - Historia inquisitionis. Cui subjungitur liber sententiarum inquisitionis Tholosanee ab anno Christ! clocccvu. ad annum clocccxxni. Amstel, 1692. fol. Translated into English by Samuel Chand- ler. t To which is prefixed, a large introduc- tion concerning the rise and progress of perse- cution, and the real and pretended causes of it. 2 vol. London, 1731. 4 A brief representation of the cruel and barba- rous proceedings against Protestants in the in- quisition. Extracted from the history of the in- quisition written by P. a L. London, 1734. 8 - Commentarius in Acta Apostolorum, et in Epistolas ad Romanes et ad Hebreeos. Roterod., 1711. fol. - Another copy. - Another copy. LIMERICK, BISHOP OF. See John JEBB. LIME-STREET LECTURE. A defence of some important doctrines of the Gospel, in twenty- six sermons. Most of which were preached at Lime-Street Lecture. By several eminent mi- nisters. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1773. 12 Third edition. London, 1791. fc New edition. Cr'/n.sv/ojc, 1826. 8 LIMITATIONS. A speech in parliament touch- ing limitations. [Wants title.] 4 LIN (THOMAS). The friendly conference ; or, a discourse between the country man and his nephew, who having fallen off from hearing, hath for somj years been a follower of Mr M'MlLLAN. 1711 The survey of the friendly conference : or, the discourse between the countrie-man and his nephew breiflie examined, wherein the coun- trie-man's assertions and arguings are confirm- ed and vindicat, the surveyors lyes, slanders, willful misrepresentations, and inconsequen- tiall reasonings are detected ; his pretended reconciliation of the countrie-man's ninefold difference betwixt Mr Renwick with the wor- thies who went before, and Mr M'MILLAN, is refuted, and rejected ; and the lameness of his answers to the countrie-man's quiries clearly discovered, &c. In a letter from the countrie- man to his surveyer. s. 1. et a. LINCKE (WINCELAUS). Von Testamenten der sterbenden menschen. B. L. s. I. , 1524. 4 LINCKENS (HENRICUS). -Tractatus duo, alter de jure Episcopali... alter de juribus templo- rum, cum discursu prseliminari, de juris ca- nonici origine et autoritate. Francofurti, 1699. 4 LINCOLN. Report from the clergy of a district in the diocese of Lincoln, convened for the purpose of considering the state of religio.i in the several parishes in the said district. London, 1800. 8' Another copy. LINCOLN, BISHOP OP. See Thomas BARLOW. LINCOLN, BISHOP OF. See William BARLOW. LINCOLN, BISHOP OF. See Thomas COOPER. LINCOLN, BISHOP OF. See John GREEN. LINCOLN, BISHOP OF. See John KAYE. LINCOLN, BISHOP OF. See John RUSSELL. LINCOLN, BISHOP OF. See Robert SANDERSON. LINDENTHAL (J. L.). The sacred Scriptures in Hebrew and English. 1844. See BIBLES HEBREW. C. LINDESAY (JOHN), Earl of Craufurd and Linde- say. * Memoirs of the life of the late Right Hon. J. L....By Richard Rolt. London, 1753. 4 LINDESAY (ROBERT), of Pitscottie.The history of Scotland ; from 21 February 1436, to March 1 565. In which are contained accounts of many remarkable passages altogether differing from our other historians ; and many facts are re- lated, either concealed by some, or omitted by others... To which is added a continuation, by another hand, till August 1604. Edin., 1728. fol. - Third edition. Edin., 1778. 12 LINDLEY (JOHN), Professor of botany in the uni- versity of London. An introductory lecture delivered in the university of London... 1829. London, 1829. 8 An introduction to the natural system of bo- tany : or, a systematic view of the organisa- tion, natural affinities, and geographical dis- tribution, of the whole vegetable kingdom ; LINDSAY LI I 'SI is. together with the uses of the most important species in medicine, the arts, and rural or do- mestic economy. London, 1830. 8 - The vegetable kingdom ; or, the structure, classification and uses of plants, illustrated upon the natural system. London, 1846. 8 LINDSAY (ALEXANDER- WILLIAM -CRAWFORD), Lord Liinlx'Ui. A brief analysis of the doc- trine and argument in the case of Gorhani v. the Bishop of Exeter ; and observations on the present position of the Church of England with reference to the recent decision. London, 1850. 8 LINDSAY (COLVIL), Earl of Bakarras.An ac- count of the affairs of Scotland, relating to the Revolution in 1688. As sent to the late King James II. when in France. 2d ed., corrected by the assistance of two manuscripts. To which is added, a short history of the Revolution in Scotland ; in a letter from a Scots gentleman in Amsterdam to his friend at London. Edin., 1754. 8 LINDSAY (DAVID), Minister of Cockpen. A ser- mon [on 2 Cor. iv. 5] preached at the opening of the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, 5 Nov. 1717. Edin., 1720. 4 LINDSAY (HENRY), M.A., Perpetual curate of Wimbledon, Surrey. Practical lectures on the historical books of the Old Testament. 2 vol. London, 1828. 12 LINDSAY (JOHN). A critical and practical com- mentary on the New Testament. . .carefully and diligently compared with the original Greek, and the most authentic translations : includ- ing the most judicious and approved eplica- tions of the learned Grotius, Hammond, Stan- hope, Whitby, Burkitt, and several other of the most celebrated modern annotators... London, 1737. fol. LINDSAY (WILLIAM), D.D., Professor of divinity to the United Preslyterian Synod. The mi- racles of Scripture defended from the assaults of modern scepticism. The lecture delivered at the opening of the United Presbyterian theological hall, 1850. Edin., 1850. 8 LINDSEY (THEOPHILUS), A.M., Minister of a So- cinian chapel, Essex Street, London. * A letter to Theophilua Lindsey, occasioned by his late publication of an historical view of the state of the Unitarian doctrine and worship. By a lay- man ; [Thomas KYN ASTON]. London, 1785. 8 C Vindicise Priestleianae : an address to the stu- dents of Oxford and Cambridge. London, 1788. 8 - A list of the false readings of the Scriptures, and the mistranslations of the English Bible, which contribute to support the great errors concerning Jesus Christ. London, 1790. 8 * Memoirs of the late Rev. T. L. , including a brief analysis of his works ; with anecdotes and letters of eminent persons, his friends and cor- respondents. Also a general view of the pro- gress of the Unitarian doctrine in England and America. By Thomas Belsham. London, 1812. 8 Another copy. LINDSLY (PHILIP). Alearned and honest ci essential to the political and moral welfare of the community : no less than to the spiritual and eternal welfare of individuals. A plea for the theological seminary at Princeton, N. J. 2d ed. Trenton, 1821. 8 I. IN FORD (THOMAS), D.D., Prebendary of West- minuter. The ninth note of the Church exa- mined ; viz. The efficacy of the doctrine ; [Notes of the Church, as laid down by Card. BELLARMINK. examined and confuted, p. 221]. 1839 LINGARD (JOHN), D.D. A review of certain anti-Catholic publications ; viz. A charge de- livered to the clergy of the diocese of Glouces- ter, in 1810, by G. J. Huntingford, D.D. A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Lincoln, in 1812, by George Tomline, D.D. ; and observations on the Catholic question, by the Right Hon. Lord Kenyon. London, 1833. 12 Another copy. Catechetical instructions on the doctrines and worship of the Catholic Church. A new edi- tion. London, 1844. 12 Observations on the laws and ordinances which exist in foreign states, relative to the religious concerns of their Roman Catholic subjects. , London, 1851. 8 LINNE (CARL VON). Genera plantarum eorum- que characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, et proportionem omnium fruc- tificationis partium. Editio sexta. HolmicE, 1764. 8 A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals, systematically divided into their se- veral classes, orders, genera, species, and va- rieties, with their habitations, manners, eco- nomy, structure, and peculiarities. Translated from Gmelin, Fabricius, Willdenow, &c. To- gether with various modern arrangements and corrections. . .With a life of Linne". . .by William Turton, M.D. 7 vol. London, 1806. 8 * The life of Sir C. L....To which is added, a copious list of his works, and a biographical sketch of the life of his son : by D. H. Stoever, Ph. D. Translated from the original German by Joseph Trapp, A.M. London, 1794. 4 LINTON (HENRY), M.A., Sector of St Peter-le- Sailey, Oxford. A paraphrase and notes on the Epistles of St Paul. London, 1857. 8 The change of Saul into St Paul. A sermon preached in the church of St Ebbe, Oxford, March 19, 1858. Oxford, 1858. 8 LIPSIUS (JUSTUS). De constantia libri duo. Raphelengii, 1613. 16 Another copy. Leges hortenses ; [cum Hortorum lib. iv. per Renatum RAPINUM]. 1672 Miracles of the B. Virgin. Or, an historical account of the original and stupendious per- formances of the image, entituled, our blessed lady of Halle. Written originally in Latin, by J. L. , and now rendred into English. London, 1688. 4 LIPTROTT LITURGY. 465 Roma illustrata, sive antiquitatum Romana- rum breviarium. Et Georgii Fabricii Chem- nicensis veteris Romae cum nova collatio." Londini, 1692. 16 - Opuscula rariora ; [cum Antiquitatt. Rom. per H. KIPPINGIUM], 1713 LIPTROTT (B.). Pharisaism revived in Popery. A sermon [on Matt. v. 20] preached Sept. 29th, 1745. London, 1745. 8 LISCO (FREDERICK GUSTAV), Minister of St Ger- traud church, Berlin. The parables of Jesus explained and illustrated. Translated from the German by the Rev. P. Fairbairn. [Bib. Cab., vol. 29.] Edin., 1840. 8 LISLE (JAMES GEORGE SEMPLE), Major. The life of Major J. G. S. L. ; containing a faith- ful narrative of his alternate vicissitudes of splendor and misfortune. Written by him- self. The whole interspersed with interesting anecdotes, and authentic accounts of import- ant public transactions. 2d ed. London, 1800. 8 LISTON (ROBERT), Surgeon. Letter to the la- dies and gentlemen contributors to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Edin., [1821]. 8 LISTON (WILLIAM), Minister at Redgorton. Speech of the Rev. W. L., [with Dr BRYCE'S Speech in the Commission of the General As- sembly on the Strathbogie case]. 1839 The service of the house of God, according to the practice of the Church of Scotland... Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. LITERATURE. The monthly record of litera- ture. Vol. i. London, 1767. 12 The pursuits of literature, a satirical poem in four dialogues with notes. 14th ed., with the citations translated and with a complete index. [By T. G. MATHIAS. ? ] London, 1808. 8 Christian literature. First series, containing Jeremy Taylor's Rule and exercises of holy living and holy dying. Witherspoon's Practi- cal treatise on regeneration. Boston's Crook in the lot. Leslie's Short method with the deists. Watson's Apologies for Christianity and the Bible. Chandler's Plain reasons "for being a Christian. West's Observations on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sherlock's Trial of the witnesses, with the sequel of the trial. Guild's Moses unveiled, and harmony of all the Prophets. Edin., 1839. 8 LITH (Jon. GUILIELMUS DE). Disquisitio theo- logica et historica de adoratione panis conse- crati, et interdictione sacri calicis in eucharis- tia, piaque cum ad Romano-Catholicos turn ad evangelicos monita. Edita a Joh. Carolo de Lith. Suobaci, 1753. 8 LITHGOW (WILLIAM). The totall discourse, of the rare adventures, and painefull peregrina- tions of long nineteene yeares travailes from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affrica... Wherein is con- tayned an exact relation of the lawes, reli- gions, policies and governments of all their princes, potentates and people. Together with the grievous tortures he suffered by the inqui- sition of Malaga in Spaine : his miraculous dis- covery and delivery. And of his last and late returne from the Northern isles, and other places adjacent. London, 1640. 4 LITTA (LAURENT), Cardinal Vingt-neuf lettres sur les quatre articles dits du clerge* de France, d'apres la seconde Edition revue et augmente'e par 1'auteur en 1814 ; pre'ce'dees d'un discours preliminaire par Mr. Louis Fr. de Robiano de Borsbeck. Louvain, 1822. 8 LITTLE (ROBERT). * A brief narrative of the proceedings of the Church which meets in the tabernacle of Perth under the pastoral charge of Mr R. L. Edin., 1804. 12 An address to the Church assembling in the tabernacle, Perth ; occasioned by the misre- presentation of a late act of discipline. Edin., 1804. 12 * A review of Mr Little's Address to the Church assembling in the tabernacle, Perth. By the authors of " the Narrative," &c. To which is subjoined, a letter, by Robert Grim- man. Dundee, 1803. 12 LITTON (EDWARD ARTHUR), M.A., Rector of Naunton, Gloucestershire. The Church of Christ, in its idea, attributes, and ministry : with a particular reference to the controversy on the subject between Romanists and Pro- testants. London, 1851. 8 a Another copy. The Mosaic dispensation considered as intro- ductory to Christianity. Eight sermons preach- ed before the University of Oxford, at the Bampton lecture for 1856. London, 1856. 8 U LITURGY. A discourse concerning prayer ex- tempore, or, by pretence of the Spirit, in jus- tification of authorized and set forms of lytur- gie. [By Jeremy TAYLOR.] s. L, 1646. 4 A letter in defence of our present liturgy ; con- cerning the authors of the intended alteration. And particularly addressed to the author of the Expediency, &c. Accounting for the objected "difficulty and unintelligibleness" thereof, proving it in themselves ; and point- ing out a proper way... of doing it in a catholic and Christian spirit. London, 1750. 8 A collection of the principal Liturgies, used by the Christian Church in the celebration of the holy Eucharist. Translated into English by several hands. With a dissertation upon them... by Thomas BRETT, LL.D. 1720 The ancient liturgy of the Church of Jerusa- lem, being the liturgy of St James, freed from all latter additions and interpolations of what- ever kind, and so restored to its original pu- rity : by comparing it with the account given of that liturgy by St Cyril in his fifth mysta- gogical catechism, and with the Clementine liturgy, &c. Containing in so many different columns, I. The liturgy of St James as we have it at present, the interpolations being only printed in a smaller character. II. The same liturgy without these interpolations, or the ancient liturgy of the Church of Jerusalem. III. St Cyril's account of that liturgy in his v.th mystagogical catechism. IV. The Cle- 59 186 LITURGY LI VINGST< -N montine liturgy. V. So much of the corre- sponding parts of the liturgies of St Mark, St Chrysostom and St Basil as may serve for il- lustrating and confirming it. With an Eng- lish translation and notes, as also an appendix, containing some other ancient prayers, of all which an account is given in the preface. London, 1744. 4 [The compiler of the above liturgy was the late Eight Rev. Dr Thomas Rattray, of Craighal, Bishop of Dunkeld in 1727, and Primus of the Scots Episcopal Church, in 1739.] Greek liturgy and psalter. Cambridge, 1564. 12 To irxeov /x*yrer la service divin, comme elle est e'tablie dans les Eglises evangeliques des Valldes du Pie'mont. Par ordre du Synode. Edimbourg, 1837. fol. Another edition. Lausanne, 1842. 8 Bona mors, or the art of dying happily. To which are annexed the rosary, and the thirty days prayer. New edition. Malta, 1839. 16 A liturgy for the use of the Church at King's chapel in Boston ; collected principally from the Book of Common Prayer. 5th ed. ; with family prayers and services, and other addi- tions, byF. W. P. Greenwood, D.D. Boston, 1841. 12 The liturgy of the Church of England. With fifty-six new historical cuts. London, 1727. 8 Liturgise Ecclesise Anglicanse partes prseci- puse : sc. preces matutinee et vespertinse, ordo administrandi coenam Domini, et ordo baptis- mi publici ; in linguam Persicam traductse, opera S. Lee, et Mirza Ibrahim Persae. Londini, 1828. 8 The two liturgies, A.D. 1549, and A.D. 1552 : with other documents set forth by authority in the reign of King Edward VI., viz. The order of communion, 1548. The primer, 1553. The catechism and articles, 1553. Catechis- mus brevis, 1553. Edited for the Parker So- ciety by the Rev. Joseph Ketley, A.M. Cambridge, 1844. 8 Another copy. Liturgies and occasional forms of prayer set forth in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. William Keatinge Clay, B.D. " Cambridge, 1847. 8 Another copy. Hierurgia An^licana ; or document* an.i tracts illustrative of the ritual of the Church in England after the Reformation. Edited by members of the Ecclesiological late Cambridge Camden Society. London, 1848. 8 The Buke of Common Order and Psalmes in metre. [London, 1687]. 8 | This edition of what is commonly known as Knox's Psalms and Liturgy wants the title, six leaves at the beginning, and four at the end. The portion of it containing the Psalms has the following title : " The Psalmea of David in metre, with divers notes, and Tones augmented to them... Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautrollier dwelling in the Black- friers. Cum priuilegio. An. M.D.LXXXVII."] See also under John KNOX. Another edition. London, 1840. 12 [Published by Dr Gumming of London, with the title " The liturgy of the Church of Scot- land, or John Knox's Book of Common Or- der."] Eutaxia, or the Presbyterian liturgies : his- torical sketches. By a minister of the Pres- byterian Church. New York, 1855. 12 A book of public prayer, compiled from the authorized formularies of worship of the Pres- byterian Church, as prepared by the reformers Calvin, Knox, Bucer, and others. New York, 1857. 8 Presbyterian liturgies with specimens of forms of prayer for public worship as used in the continental reformed, and American Churches ; with the directory for the public worship of God agreed upon by the Assembly of divines at Westminster ; and forms of prayer for ordinary and communion Sabbaths, and for other services of the Church. By a minister of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1858. 8 [See also COMMON PRAYER.] LIVERMORE (ABIEL ABBOT). The war with Mexico reviewed. Boston, 1850. 12 LIVERPOOL. Report of the agent appointed to visit, at their own dwellings, the Scottish working and poorer classes resident in Liver- pool. With a view to a more efficient reli- gious, moral, and benevolent superintendence. 2d ed. Liverpool, 1836. 8 LIVERPOOL, EARL OF. See Robert Banks JEN- KINSON. LIVINGSTON (EDWARD). Introductory report to the code of prison discipline : explanatory of the principles on which the code is founded. Being part of the system of penal law, pre- pared for the State of Louisiana. London, 1827. 8 LIVINGSTON (JOHN), Minister of Ancrum. A brief historical relation of Mr John Livingston minister of the Gospel : first in Killinchie in Ireland, in the year 1630 ; then at Stranraur, 1638 : and was transported in the year 1648 to Ancrum, where he abode till banished in the year 1662, by the fury of the then tyrant and Pre- lates. Containing several observations of the divine goodness manifested to him in the so- LIVINGSTON LLOYD. 407 veral occurencies thereof : Written by himself in Holland, during his banishment for the cause of Christ. s. I., 1727. 4 Another copy. Another edition. To which is added, Memo- rable characteristics and remarkable passages of divine providence, exemplified in the lives of a considerable number of the most eminent divines and private Christians who lived in Scotland during the first century after the Re- formation. Collected by the Rev. J. L. Glasgow, 1754. 16 Another copy. - Another edition. Glasgow, 1773. 12 Another copy. Views of a believer's duty, when the Church is invaded by the civil powers. Eeptinted, Edin., 1841. 8 LIVINGSTON (NEIL), Minister of the Free Church at Stair. The Scottish metrical Psalter of A.D. 1635. Edited by the Rev. N. L. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. LIVINGSTON (PETER), Dundee. Poems and songs, principally relating to Scottish manners and customs. Dundee, 1844. 16 LIVINGSTON (VANBRUGH). An inquiry into the merits of the reformed doctrine of "im- putation," as contrasted with those of " Catho- lic imputation"... With an introduction by the Rt. Rev. J. Hughes, D.D., Bishop of New York. Neio York, 1843. 12 LIVINGSTON (WILLIAM). A letter to the Right Rev. father in God, John [Ewer], Lord Bishop of Llandaff ; occasioned by some passages in his Lordship's sermon, on 20th February, 1767, in which the American colonies are loaded with great and undeserved reproach. New York, 1768. 8 LIVINGSTONE (DAVID), D.C.L. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa ; includ- ing a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the West coast ; thence across the continent, down the river Zambesi, to the Eastern ocean. London, 3857. 8 - Another copy. LIVIUS (TiTUs), Patavinus. Historiarum libri qui supersunt. Amstel., 1661. 12 Another edition. Interpretatione et notis il- lustravit Joannes Dujatius. Jussu Christian- issimi Regis in usum serenissimi Delphini. Accessere librorum omnium deperditorum sup- piemen ta, per Jo. Freinshemium ; qxise magna ex parte nunc primum prodeunt in lucem. 6 torn. Parisiis, 1679, 80. 4 Another edition. Cum notis integris Laur. Vallfe, M. Ant. Sabellici, Beati Rhenani, Si- gism. Gelenii, Henr. Loriti Glareani, Car. Si- gonii, Fulvii Ursini, Franc. Sanctii, J. Fr. Gronovii, Tan. Fabri, Henr. Valesii, Jac. Pe- rizonii, Jac. Gronovii ; excerptis Petr. Nannii, Justi Lipsii, Fr. Modii, Jani Gruteri ; nee non ineditis Jani Gebhardi, Car. And. Dukeri, et aliorum : Curante Am. Drakenborch, qui et suas adnotationes adjecit. Accedunt supple- menta deperditorum T. Livii librorum a Joh. Freinshemio concinnata. 7 torn. Amstel., 1738-46. 4 Another edition. Cum omnium epitomis, ac deperditorum fragmentis : ad optimas editiones castigati, accurante Thoma Ruddimanno, A.M. 4 torn. Edinburgi, 1752. 12 Another copy. Another edition. Recensuit et notis ad usum scholarum accomodatis illustravit J. B. L. Crevier. 3 torn. 6 partt. [Wanting part 2. ] Londini, 1813. 8 d Another edition. Ex recensione Am. Dra- kenborchii. Accedunt notce integrse ex edi- tioiiibus J. B. L. Crevierii...4 torn. Oxonii, 1821. 8 Another edition. Ex recensione Am. Dra- kenborchii ad codicum Bambergensis et Vin- dobonensis fidem passim refecta. Edidit Jo- annes Theophilus Kreyssig. Editio stereotypa. Lipsice, 1828. 4 Latinse histories principis decas quarta, [et de- cadis quintse libri v.]. Lugduni, apud Seb. Gryphium, 1554. 8 Historiarum belli Punici secundi libri quinque priores, ad optimas editiones castigati. Cura Joannis Hunter, LL.D. Cupri Fifanorum, 1828. 12 The first five books of the Roman history : translated from the Latin of Titus Livius by John Bellenden, Archdean of Moray, and Ca- non of Ross. Edin., ,1822. 4 LIZETIUS (PETRUS). De sacris vtrivsque In- strvmenti libris in vulgare eloquium minime vertendis, rudique plebi haudquaquam inuul- gandis. Dialog\ r s inter Pantarchevm et Neo- tervm. [Collect, author, qui SCRIPTUR/E in vulg. ling, translat. damnarunt.] 1661 LLANDAFF, BISHOP. OF. See Edward COPLE- STON. LLANDAFF, BISHOP OF. See Richard WATSON. LLORENTE (JEAN-ANTOINE), Chancellor of the university of Toledo. Histoire critique de 1'in- quisition d'Espagne, depuis 1'epoque de son dtablissement par Ferdinand V., jusqu'au regne de Ferdinand VII. , tire'e des pieces ori- ginales des archives du conseil de la supreme et de celles des tribunaux subalternes du saint- office. Traduite de 1'Espagnol sur le manu- scrit et sous les yeux de 1'auteur ; par Alexis Pellier. 4 torn. [Tom. iv., 2de eU] Paris, 1817, 18. 8 Abridged and translated from the original works of J. A. L. London, 1826. 8 LLOYD (DAVID). State-worthies. Or, The states-men and favourites of England since the Reformation their prudence and policies, suc- cesses and miscarriages, advancements and falls ; during the reigns of King Henry VIII. , King Edward VI., Queen Mary, Queen Eliza- beth, King James, King Charles I. 2d ed. London, 1670. 8 LLOYD (RICHARD), A.M., Minister of Midhurst in Sussex. Christian theology ; or, an inquiry into the nature and general character of Reve- lation. London, 1804. 8 468 LLOYD LOCK HART. LLOYD (ROBERT LUMLEY), Hector of St Paul's. Covent Garden. A sermon [on Jer. xxiii. 10] preached at the assizes, held at Guildford, July 19, 1705. London, 1705. 4 LLOYD (THOMAS), M.A., Vicar of Lois-Weedon, Northamptonshire. An essay on the literary beauties of the Scriptures, which gained the Norrisian prize in 1784. Cambridge, 1784. 4 LLOYD (THOMAS), A.B. The nature and advan- tages of well doing. A sermon [on Gal. vi. 9] preached on Easter day, April 8th, 1787. London, [17871. 8 LLOYD (WILLIAM), D.D., Bishopof StAsaph,and afterwards of Worcester. A sermon preached at the funeral of John Wilkins, D.D. ; [with the principles of natural religion, by John WILKINS]. 167-S An historical account of Church government as it was in Great Britain and Ireland, when they first received the Christian religion. . London, 1684. 8 LLOYDIUS (NicoLAUs). Dictionarium histori- cum, geographicum, poeticum...a Carolo Ste- phano inchoatum...auctum et emendatum per N. L. Londini, 1686. fol. LOBB (STEPHEN), Minister of the Independent con- gregation, Fetter-lane, London. A REPORT of the present state of the differences in doctri- nals, between some dissenting ministers in London. 1697 A defence of the REPORT, concerning the pre- sent state of the differences in doctrinals, be- tween some dissenting ministers in London. 1698 An appeal to the Right Rev. Edward [Stilling- fleet], Lord Bishop of Worcester, and the Rev. Dr Edwards, Principal of Jesus Coll. Oxon. ; for an impartial decision of the controversie between Mr W[illiams] and S[tephen] L[obb] about the great doctrine of Christ's satisfac- tion. In order to the settlement of the breth- ren on both sides in the sound faith thereof, against Socinianism. London, 1698. 8 A further defence of the REPORT. Vindicat- ing it from Mr Alsop's cavils, and shewing the difference between Mr W.'s and myself to be real, and the charge in my Appeal to be true. 1698 The growth of ERROR : being an exercitation concerning the rise and progress of Arminian- ism, and more especially Socinianism, both abroad, and now of late in England. By a lover of truth and peace. 1697 LOBO (JEROME). A voyage to Abyssinia. Con- taining the history, natural, civil, and ecclesi- astical, of that remote and unfrequented coun- try, continued down to the beginning of the eighteenth century : with fifteen dissertations on various subjects, relating to the antiqiii- ties, government, religion, manners, and na- tural Tiistory, of Abyssinia. By M. LE GRAND. Translated from the French by Samuel John- son, LL.D. To which are added, various other tracts by the same author, not published by Sir John Hawkins or Mr Stockdale. London, 1789. 8 U LOCHALSH. Case of the parish of Lochalsh. Mr John M'Leod, his Majesty's presentee, appellant ; Francis Humberstone M'Kfii/ir, Esq. of Seaforth, respondent. Appellant's case. To be heard at the bar of the General Assembly, 27th May 1791. s. I. et a. 4 LOCHBROOM. Extracts from the records of the Synod of Glenelg, and Presbytery of Loch- carron, respecting the parish of Lochbroom, and suspension of Mr Alexander Stronach : relative to Mr Stronach 's appeal from the sen- tence of the said Presbytery, dated 18th Sep- tember 1801. To be heard at the bar of the General Assembly, 29th May 1802. s. I. et a. 4 LOCKE (JOHN). The works of J. L. 3 vol. 5th ed. To which is now first added, the life of the author ; and a collection of several of his pieces published by Mr Desmaizeaux. London, 1751. fol. Eleventh edition. 10 vol. London, 1812. 8 Two treatises of GOVERNMENT. 1694 Another edition. London, 1764. 8 The reasonableness of CHRISTIANITY, as de- livered in the Scriptures. 1696 Epistola de tolerantia. Accedit Samuelis STRIMESII de pace ecclesiastica dissertatio. Amstel., 1705. 12 Letters concerning toleration. London, 1765. 4 An essay concerning human understanding. In four books. 13th ed. 2 vol. London, 1748. 8 A new edition. 2 vol. Glasgoiv, 1819. 8 Another copy. Another copy. * A syllabus of Locke's Essay on the human understanding, in the way of question and an- swer ; for the use of students in the universi- ties. Cambridge, 1824. 12 The conduct of the understanding. To which is added, an abstract of Mr Locke's Essay on human understanding. Cambridge, 1781. 8 A common-place-book to the holy Bible : or, the Scripture's sufficiency practically demon- strated. Wherein the substance of Scripture respecting doctrine, worship, and manners, is reduced to its proper heads, weighty cases are resolved, truths confirmed, and difficult texts illustrated and explained. Carefully revised and improved. ..by William Dodd, LL.D. London, 1805. 4 A paraphrase and notes on the Epistles of St Paul to the Galatians, Corinthians, Romans, and Ephesians. To which is prefixed, an es- say for the understanding of St Paul's Epis- tles, by consulting St Paul himself. A new edition. London, 1842. 8 Original letters of Locke ; Algernon SIDNEY ; and Anthony Lord SHAFTESBURY, author of the " Characteristics." With an analytical sketch of the writings and opinions of Locke and other metaphysicians, by T. Forster. London, 1830. 8 LOCKHART (GEORGE), of Carnwath. Memoirs concerning the affairs of SCOTLAND. 1714 LOCKHART LOGIC. 4G9 The Lockhart papers : containing memoirs and commentaries upon the affairs of Scotland from 1702 to 1715, by G. L., his secret correspond- ence with the son of King James the Second from 1718 to 1728, and his other political -writ- ings ; also, journals and memoirs, of the young Pretender's expedition in 1745, by highland officers in his army. Published from original manuscripts in the possession of Anthony Au- frere, Esq. of Hoveton, Norfolk. 2 vol. London, 1817. 4 LOCKHART (JOHN), A.M., Newcastle-on-Tyne. A letter on note, p. 40, of " Anglicanus," addressed to the editor of the Scotsman, Dec. 26, 1827 ; and observations on the conduct of the London committee respecting the Lausanne Bible and the Turkish New Testament ; and on the effect of their alliance with foreign so- cieties which circulate adulterated Bibles. Newcastle, 1827. 8 Tract by the Rev. J. L. , containing his reply to the second letter of "A member of the Newcastle Bible society ; " and an exposure of the false views maintained at the late anni- versary of the Newcastle Bible society, respect- ing the London committee's connexion with Dr Leander van Ess, the Strasburg preface, and the Edinburgh second statement. Newcastle, 1828. 8 Two letters to Dr John Ritchie, Edinburgh. Occasioned by the profanity, personality, and mendaciousness of his speech at the first anni- versary of the Newcastle Voluntary Church as- sociation. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1834. 12 Another copy. The Rev. James Pringle accused of slander, and placed at the bar of the Church of God. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1834. 12 Exposure of the Rev. James Pringle's attempt at defence from the charge of slander. With an appendix. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1835. 12 Another copy. LOCKHART (JOHN GIBSON). The Ballantyne- humbug handled, in a letter to Sir Adam Fer- guson. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. LOCKHART (LAURENCE), D.D., Minister of Inchinnan. Address to the people of Inchin- nan on the present troubles of the Church, de- livered... 4th May, [1843]. 4th ed. Paisley, 1843. 8 Fifth edition. Paisley, 1843. 8 Facts for the times ; or, the recent schism, and the present position and prospects of the Church, being the concluding part of a dis- course delivered in Lochwinnoch church, 18th Aug. , 1843, on occasion of moderating in the call of the Rev. William Graham, presentee to that parish. Paisley, 1843. 8 - Facts, not falsehoods, or a plain defence of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 1845 An answer to the PROTEST of the Free Church. 1846 LOCKIUS (JOANNES). See John LOCKE. LOCKMAN (JOHN). A history of the cruel suf- ferings of the Protestants, and others, by Po- pish persecutions, in various countries : toge- ther with a view of the Reformations from the Church of Rome. Interspersed with the bar- barities of the inquisition. By way of ques- tion and answer. Faithfully compiled from a great number of authors, in different lan- guages... London, 1760. 12 LOCKYER (NICHOLAS), M.A., Provost of Eton college. Baulme for bleeding England and Ire- land ; or, seasonable instructions for perse- cuted Christians, delivered in several sermons [on Col. i. 11, 12]. London, 1644. 8 A little stone, out of the mountain. Church- order briefly opened, by N. L. Leith, 1652. 12 LOETJS (ROBERTUS). Effigiatio veri Sabbathis- mi. Londini, 1605. 4 LOFFLER (JosiAS FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN). Pre- digten. 3 Bande. Ziillichau, 1789-93. 8 Neue Predigten. Jena, 1801. 8 LOGAN. Logan, the Mingo chief, a family his- tory. By the author of " Seventy-six." London, 1840. 8 LOGAN (GEORGE), Minister at Dunbar. Ser- mon [on 1 Tim. v. 21] preached at the open- ing of the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, April 23d, 1728. Edin., 1728. 8 A modest and humble inquiry concerning the right and power of electing and calling MINIS- TERS to vacant churches. 1731 A continuation of the modest and humble in- quiry concerning the right and power of elect- ing and calling MINISTERS to vacant churches. 1733 The publick testimony of above 1600 Christian people against the overture of the Assembly 1731, made more publick, and set in its true light. Being a full confutation of their ar- guments adduced for the divine right of popu- lar elections [of MINISTERS]. 1733 LOGAN (JAMES). The Scottish Gael ; or, Celtic manners, as preserved among the Highland- ers : being an historical and descriptive ac- count of the inhabitants, antiquities, and na- tional peculiarities of Scotland ; more particu- larly of the Northern, or Gaelic parts of the country, where the singular habits of the ab- original Celts are most tenaciously retained. 2 vol. London, 1831. 8 LOGAN (JOHN), F.R.S.E., one of the ministers of Leith. Poems [and hymns]. London, 1781. 8 Another copy. Sermons ; including the communion service, according to the usage of the Church of Scot- land. To which is prefixed, an account of the life and writings of the author. Two volumes in one. 7th ed. London, 1810. 8 New edition. Edin., 1840. 12 LOGIC. La logique ou 1'art de penser, conte- nant, outre les regies communes, plusieurs ob- servations nouvelles, propres a former le juge- ment. [Par Ant. ARNAULD et P. NICOLE.] Sixieme Edition. Amsterdam, 1685. 12 Nouvelle Edition. Paris, 1816. 12 Another edition. Paris, 1844. 8 470 I.'M.IE LONDnN. Logica sive ars cogitamli...[A Latin translation of the Port-Royal logic.] Editio m>\ -issinui. Amst-i., i::u. 12 Logic, or, the art of thinking : being the Port- Royal logic. Translated from the French, with introduction, by Thomas Spencer Baynes. A'./,'/*., 1850. 12 Logic, poetry, and ontology. London, 1786. 12 Synopsis of lectures on logic and belles lettres ; read in the university of Glasgow. 6th ed. Glasgow, 1820. 12 LOGIE (AKDREW), Arch-Deane of Aberdene. Raine from the clouds, upon a choicke angel : or, a returned answere to that common quaeri- tur of our adversaries, Where was your Church before Luther /...Extorted off the author for stilling the uncessant, and no lesso clamorous coassation of some Patmicke frogges, against the lawfulnesse of our calling. Aberdene, 1624. 4 LOLME (JOHN Louis DE). An essay, containing a few strictures on the union of Scotland with England ; and on the present state of Ireland. Being an introduction to De Foe's History of the Union. London, 1787. 4 The constitution of England ; or, an account of the English government ; in which it is compared both with the republican form of government, and the other monarchies of Eu- rope. A new edition ; with supplemental notes, and a preface biographical and critical. London, 1810. 8 A new edition. London, 1822. 8 LOMBARDUS, or LONGOBARDUS (PETHUS), Bishop of Paris. In omnes D. Pauli Apost. Epistolas collectanea, ex DD. Augustino, Am- brosio, Hieronymo, aliisque nonnullis S. Scrip- tune primariis interpretibus, summa arte dili- gentiaq ; contexta. Opus eximium, et anno MCXL. conscriptu, nunc primu in lucem edi- tum. Parisiis, 1537. 8 Sententiarvm libri iiii. Quibus autor ille in diuinis Scripturis exercitatissimus, vniuersae theologiae summam, ex orthodoxorum Patrum decretis atque sententiis, mirabili compendio et arte complexus est : vt jure optimo Magister Sententiarvm meruerit cognominari. Per lo- annem Aleaume Parisien. theologise profes- sorem, pristino suo nitori nunc primum vere restituti : et indicibus ac numeris autorum libros et capita monstrantibus, absoluti...Ad calcem operis subjiciuntur articuli erronei, Pa- risijs iani olim damnati, atq ; ab eorum asser- toribus recantati : adiectis nonnullis ipsius Magistri, in quibus communiter non appro- batur. Louanij, 1546. fol. LONDON. The humble petition of the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and commons of the city of London, in common councill assembled. With an humble representation of the pressing griev- ances and important desires of the well-affect- ed freemen, and covenant- engaged citizens of the city of London, to the Lords and Commons assembled in high court of Parliament. To- gether with the several! answers of both houses of Parliament to the said j>etitions and r. \ T. - An historical narrative of the great and ter- rible fire of London, Si-pt. L'ml, lt><.<; : with some parallel cases, and occasional notes. London, 1769. 8 The French chronicle of London. Croniques de London, depuis 1'an 44. Hen. III. jusqu' a 1'an 17. Edw. HI. Edited [for the Camden Society], from a MS. in the Cottonian Lib- rary, by George James Aungier. London, 1844. 4 De antiquis legibus liber. Cronica Maiorum et Vicecomitum Londoniarum, et quedam que contingebant temporibus illis ab anno MCLXXvm ad annum MOCLXiiv" 8 ; cum ap- pendice. Nunc primum typis mandata cu- rante Thoma Stapleton, 1846. [Caimi ciety.] [London, 1846]. 4 LONDON ASSOCIATE SESSION. Reasons for fasting and humiliation, agreed upon by the Associate Session in London ; and set forth in two acts for fasting passed by them. London, 1777. 8 LONDON, BISHOP OF. See Richard BANCROFT. LONDON, BISHOP OF. See Charles James BLOM- FIELD. LONDON, BISHOP OF. See Henry COMPTON. LONDON, BISHOP OF. See Edmund GIBSON. LONDON, BISHOP OF. See John KING. LONDON, BISHOP OF. See Robert LOWTH. LONDON, BISHOP OF. See John RANDOLPH. LONDON, BISHOP OF. See Nicholas RIDLEY. LONDON, BISHOP OF. See Thomas SHERLOCK. LONDON LAY UNION. Union is strength : an address from the London Lay union to tho friends of Presbytery throughout England and Wales. London, [1843]. 12 MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Sermons, preached in London, at the formation of the Missionary society, Sept. 22, 23, 24, 1795. To which are prefixed, memorials respecting the establish- ment and first attempts of that society. London, 1795. 8 Another copy. Four sermons, preached in London, at the eleventh general meeting of the Missionary society, May 8, 9, 10, 1805. By E. Williams, D.D. , Rotherham ; Rev. W. Nichol, London; Rev. Jos. Slatterie, Chatham ; Rev. T. Tho- niason, A.M. Also the report of the directors. London, 1805. 8 PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY. A vindication of the Presbyteriall-government and ministry. London, 1650. 4 RECORD. Extracts from the London "Re- cord," on the collision between the Church courts and the civil courts of Scotland. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. A reprint of four articles taken from " The London Record." With an introduction by the Rev. D. T. K. Drummond, containing some remarks upon a letter recently addressed by the Rev. Mr Garden to the Bishop of Ca- shel. Edin., 1845. 8 LONDONDERRY LORD'S DAY. 471 ROYAL SOCIETY. The philosophical transac- tions of the Royal Society of London, from their commencement, in 1665, to the year 1800 ; abridged, with notes and biographic il- lustrations, by Charles Hutton, LL.D., George Shaw, M.D., Richard Pearson, M.D. 18vol. London, 1809. 4 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. [From part ii. 1837, to part ii. 1850.] London, 1837-1850. ^ 4 - UNIVERSITY. University of London, session 1830-31. [Statement by the council.] [London, 1831.] 8 LONDONDERRY. Authenticated report of the discussion which took place at Londonderry, between six Roman Catholic priests, and six clergymen of the Established Church, March, 1828. Dublin, 1828. 8 LONDONDERRY, BISHOP OF. See Ezekiel HOP- KINS. LONG (GEORGE). An introductory lecture de- livered in the university of London... 1828. London, 1828. 8 LONG (THOMAS), B.D., Prebendary of Exeter. Mr Hales's treatise of schism examined and censured. To which are added, Mr BAXTER'S arguments for conformity, wherein the most material passages of the treatise of schism are answered. London, 1678. 8 A continuation and vindication of the Defence of Dr STILLINGFLEET'S Unreasonableness of separation : in answer to Mr Baxter, Mr Lob, &c. 1682 - *The plain dealer. An essay, wherein are some remarks upon Mr Thomas Long ; but more particularly upon Dr Hollingworth's book. Where the character of King Charles the First is inserted from the declaration of Mr Alexander Henderson : which book he calls, A further defence of the King's holy book, &c. London, 1692. 4' J LONGEVITY. An account of persons remark- able for their health and longevity ; exhibit- ing their habits, practices, and opinions, in reference to the best means of preserving health, improving a bad or impaired constitu- tion, and prolonging life... By a physician. 2d ed. London, 1829. 12 LONGINUS (DIONYSIUS). D. L. quoe supersunt Grsece et Latine. Recensuit, notasque suas atque animadversiones adjecit Joannes Tou- pius. Accedunt emendationes Davidia Ruhn- kenii. Editio altera. Oxonii, 1778. 8 De sublimitate commentarius, quern nova ver- sione donavit, notis illustravit, et partim ma- nuscriptorum ope, partim conjectura emenda- vit (additis etiam omnibus ejusdem auctoris fragmentis) Zacharias Pearce. [Gr. et Lat.] Editio quarta. Londini, 1752. 8 r Another edition. [Gr.] Ad fidem editionum optimarum. Glasguce, 1824. 12 Translated into English by William Smith, A.M. 2d ed. London, 1743. 8 LONGMUIR (JOHN), LL.D., Minister of Free Mariners' church, Aberdeen. Bible lays : con- sisting of paraphrases and illustrations of pas- sages of Scriptiire, together with a few miscel- laneous pieces. Aberdeen, 1838. 8 Dunnottar castle : its ruins and historical as- sociations. 2d ed. Aberdeen, 1842. 8 Walker and Webster combined in a dictionary of the English language ; in which the defini- tions of Webster, and the pronunciation of Walker are united and brought into conformi- ty to the usage of the present time ; many new words are introduced ; and numerous synony- mous terms are carefully discriminated. With an appendix, containing Walker's Key to the pronunciation of Scripture, Greek, and Latin proper names, and a vocabulary of modern geographical names ; together with the expla- nation of numerous contractions and current phrases from various languages ; a concise ac- count of heathen gods and heroes ; &c. &c. London, 1864. 8 LONGOBARDUS (PETRUS). See P. LOMBAR- DUS. LONICERUS (JOANNES). Catechesis de bona Dei uoluntate, erga quemuis Christianiuu. Deq ; sanctorvm cultu et inuocatione. [Esselingce], 1523. 4 Divinse Scripturse Veteris Novaeque, omnia. 1524-26. See BIBLES GREEK. A. LOOKING-GLASS. A looking-glass for rich people, and people in prosperity : shewing how they may improve their riches to the greatest advantage : or, a plea for the poor. [By An- drew GAIRDNER.] Edin., 1727. 8 Another copy. LOOTS (CORNELIUS). De ortu et processu Cal- vinianse reformationis in Belgio. In quo ex- hibentur pacta et foedera ibidem inita, et de- monstratur nullam eorum a reformatoribus habitam esse rationem. Authore C. L. S. V. V. Colonice, 1673. 8 LORD (JAMES), of the Inner Temple. Nunneries : Habeas corpus. Is further legislative inter- ference necessary ? London, 1860. 8 LORDS, HOUSE OF. Journals of the House of Lords. [1509-1773, 1817-1823, 1826-1829, 1831-1834.] Vol. 1-33, 51-55, 59-61, 64-66. [London], s. a. fol. General index to the Journals of the House of Lords. 12 Car. II.- 13 Ann. 1660-1714. Volumes xi.-xix. [London], 1834. fol. Calendar of the Journals of the House of Lords. From 21st January 1808 to 14th No- vember 1826. [London], s. a. fol. LORD'S DAY. On the Lord's day. London, s. a. 12 Report of the general meeting of the Scottish Society for promoting the due observance of the Lord's day, held in the George Street Assembly rooms, Edinburgh, January 21, 1839. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. The first annual report of the Scottish Society for promoting the due observance of the Lord's day, delivered to a general meeting in the George Street Assembly rooms, March 10, 1840. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. LORD'S PRAYER L01UMER. LORD'S PRAYER. A casuistical essay upon the Lord's prayer, wherein divers important cases, relative to the several petitions, are suc- cinctly stated and answered. To which is sub- ioin'd, a letter to a friend, in answer to Sir Hugh Campbel of Calder, and Monsieur D'Espagne, concerning the use thereof. [By James Hoa.] Edin., 1706. 8 - Another copy. LORD'S SUPPER. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. To- gether with rules and directions concerning suspension from the sacrament of the Lord's Supper in cases of ignorance and scandall. London, 1645. 4 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons as- sembled in Parliament, for keeping of scan- dalous persons from the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, the enabling of congregations for the choice of elders, and supplying of de- fects in former ordinances and directions of Parliament concerning Church government. London, 1646. 4 A letter to a friend, containing diverse re- marks concerning the sacrament of the Lord's Supper ; with some hints at the scriptural- rules for administration of, and admission to the same. [By James HOG.] Edin., 1706. 8 A brief enquiry concerning the dignity of the ordinance of the Lord's Supper, and the care that all especially magistrates and ministers ought to take to prevent and remove the occa- sions of its being lessened. [By John FORD.] London, 1732. 8 d A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. In which all the texts in the New Testament, relating to it, are produced and explained : and the whole doctrine about it drawn from them alone. To which are added, forms of prayer. [By Ben- jamin HOADLY.] 3d ed. London, 1735. 8 Another edition. Dublin, 1735. 8 Seventh edition. London, 1767. 8 A defence of the Plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per, against the objections contained in the Remarks on that book, [by Richard Biscoe]. With some observations on the preface to the second edition of these Remarks. [By Benjamin HOADLY.] To which is added, a tract con- cerning the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, by Mr John HALES of Eaton. London, 1735. 8 A farther defence of the Plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper in answer to the Remarker's second letter to the author of that book. London, 1735. 8 An apologetical defence, or a demonstration of the usefulness and expediency of a late book, entitled, A plain account of the nature, and end, of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. London, 1735. 8 Christian exceptions to the Plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. With a method propo&ed fur coming at the true apostolical sense of that holy sacrament. [By Charles WIIKATLKY.] L, 1612. 12 LUCKE (FRIEDRICH), Professor of theology at Gb't- tingen. Commentar uber die Schrif ten des Evangelisten Johannes. Theil. i.-iv., !** Band. Zweyte Auflage. [Theil. iii., iv., !* Aufl.] Bonn, 1825-34. 8^ Commentary on the Epistles of St John. Translated from the German, with additional notes, by Thorleif Gudmunson Repp. [Bib. Cab., vol. 15.] Edin., 1837. 8 LUCRETIUS CARUS (TITUS). De rerum natura libri sex. Una cum paraphrastica explana- tione, et animadversionibus Joannis Nardii. Florentine, 1647. 4 Another edition. Quibus additae sunt conjec- turze et emendationes Tan. Fabri cum notulis perpetuis. Et praeterea Oberti Gifani vita Lu- cretii, et de gente Memmia ejusdem prolego- mena. Item D. Lambini index perquam ne- cessarius. Cantabrigice, 1675. 12 Another edition. Ex editione Thomae Creech. Glasguce, 1749. 8 Another edition. [Ibid.] Glasgiue, 1759. 8 Translated from the Latin. Accompanied with the original text, and illustrated with notes philological and explanatory, by John Mason Good. 2 vol. London, 1805. 4 LUDLAM (WILLIAM), B.D., Rector of Cockfield, Suffolk. Essays on Scripture metaphors, di- vine justice, divine mercy, and the doctrine of satisfaction. London, 1785. 8 LUDLOW (EDMUND), Lieut. -Gen., Commander in chief of the forces in Ireland. Memoirs of E. L. With a collection of original papers, serv- ing to confirm and illustrate many important passages contained in the memoirs. [Written by himself.] To which is now added, The case of King Charles the First. [By John Cook.] London, 1751. fol. LUDOLPHUS (Jos). A new history of Ethio- pia. Being a full and accurate description of the kingdom of Abessinia, vulgarly, though erroneously, called the empire of Prester John. In four books... The 2d ed. To which is add- ed, A new and exact map of the country ; as also, a preface, shewing the usefulness of this history ; with the life of Gregorius Abba ; and the author's opinion of some other writers con- cerning Ethiopia. Translated out of his learn- ed manuscript commentary on this history. Made English by J. P., Gent. London, 1684. fol. LUDOVICUS, GRAN ATEXSIS. See LEWIS, of Gra- nada. LUFFMAN (JOHN). Elements of history and chronology : shewing the origin of states and the revolutions of empires, from the creation of the world to the close of the year 1804. \V i t h complete regal tables and illustrated with maps. Intended principally for the use of ..youth. 2vol. London, s. a. 8 LUFT (Jon. BAPT.). Liturgik, oder Wissen- Bchaftliche Darstellung des Catholischen Cul- tus. Erster Band : AJlgemeine Liturgik. Mainz, 1844. 8 LUIDIUS (EDWARDUS). See Edvardus LHUYD. LI' K K. S:iint. A critical examination of the holy Gospels according to St MATTHEW and St Luke. 1738 LULLIUS (RAYMCNDUS). Codicillvs sev vade mecvm, in qvo fontes alchemicee artis ac phi- losophise reconditioris vberrime traduntur. Se- cunda editio in qua innumerabiles loci multo- rum exemplarium collatione restituuntur, et multa prius omissa supplentur. Colonice, 1572. 8 LUMPER (GOTTFRIDUS). Historia theologico- critica de vita, scriptis, atque doctrina sancto- rum Patrum, aliorumque scriptorum ecclesias- ticorum trium primorum saeculorum ex viro- rum doctissimorum literariis monumentis col- lecta. 13 vol. Augusta Vindelicorum, 1783-99. 8 LUMSDEN (JAMES), Principal of the Free Church college, Aberdeen. Sweden : its religious state and prospects : with some notices of the revi- vals and persecutions which are at present taking place in that country. London, 1855. 16 Infant baptism, its nature and objects. Edin., 1856. 12 Second edition. Edin., 1856. 12 The difference in principle between the Free Church and the Establishment. [Lect. on the distinct, princip. of the Free Church, No. iv.] Aberdeen, 1858. 8* LUNACY. Report by Her Majesty's commis- sioners [appointed to inquire into the state of lunatic asylums in Scotland... With an appen- dix. 2vol. Edin., 1857. 8 LUNAN (ALEXANDER). The office of the holy communion. By A. L. 2 parts. Edin., 1711. 8 LUNDIE (ARCHIBALD), Minister of Saltoun. A sermon [on Matt. v. 13] preached at the open- ing of the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, Nov. 1st, 1726. Edin., 1727. 8 LUNDORPIUS (MICHAEL CASPARUS). Joannis Sleidani de statu religionis ac reipublicae con- tinuatio. [Ab anno 1556 ad nostra usque tem- pora.] Non ex superior! editione Alemanni- co, sed prsesenti stylo historico-politico ex op- timis et selectissimis sevi scriptoribus et fide dignissimis manuscriptis historicis summa fide ac labore collecta atque concinnata. 3 torn. Francofurti, 1614-19. 8 LUNN (JAMES). Essays and sermons on various subjects relative to the DEISTICAL CONTRO- VERSY. 1790 A dissertation on the conversion and restora- tion of the Jews. Edin., ISM. 8 LUPUS (CHRISTIAXUS), Professor of divinity at LUPUS LUTHER. 479 Louvain. Epistolse et vita Divi Thomse [CRANMER], Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis. 1682 LUPUS (SERVATUS), Abbot 'of Ferriers. Opera. In unum collegit, epistolas ad fidem vetustis- simi codicis emendavit, notisque illustravit Stephanus Baluzius. Editio secunda. Antwerpice, 1710. 8 LUQUET (J.-F.-O.), Bishop of Hesebon, Lettfes au clerge* Protestant d'Allemagne sur les causes de desordres politiques, moraux et intellectuels renfermes dans les principes de la Re'forme et sur les eftets que ces causes produisent de nos jours. 2 torn. Paris, 1847. 12 LUSHINGTON (S.), D.C.L. * Report of the de- bate in the House of Commons, June 16, 1825, on Dr Lushington's motion respecting the de- portation of Messrs L. C. Lecesne and J. Es- coffery, two persons of colour, from Jamaica . London, 1825. 8 LUTHER (MARTIN). Opera. 4 torn. Jence, 1556-58. fol. Samtliche Schriften ; welche er so wol in deutscher, als lateinischer Sprache verfertiget, herausgegeben von Johann Georg Walch. 24 Theile. Halle im Magdeb., 1740-53. 4 Select works of M. L Translated by the Rev. Henry Cole. 4 vol. London, 1824, 26. 8 Resolutiones Lutheriane super propositioibus suis Lipsie disputatis. Vuittemberge, M.D.XIX. 4 In Epistolam Pavli ad Galatas, commentarius. Vuittenbergce, 1519. 4 - Another edition. [Wants title, two leaves of the preface, and two leaves after the preface. ] 8 A commentary on Saint Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. To which are now added, the life of the author ; and an impartial history of the times in which he lived, by the late Rev. Eras- mus Middleton, B.D. London, 1810. 8 - Another copy. - A new edition. London, 1833. 8 C - Another edition. Connecticut, 1837. 8 Another edition. London, 1838. 8 - The testimony of the Gospel concerning Christ. Extracted from Luther's commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians. Greenock, 1830. 12 Lucubrationum pars una, quas adidit usq ; in annum pnesentem xx. Sasilece, M.D.XX. fol. De captivitate Babylonica Ecclesise, praelu- dium M. L. Vuittembergce, [1520]. 4 Contra Henricvm regem Anglise M. L. Wittembergce, 1522. 4 - Epistel Sanct Petri gepredigt und aussgelegt durch M. L. Vuittemberg, M.D.XXIII. 4 Die ander Epistel S. Petri unnd eyne S. Judas gepredigt unnd aussgelegt. Strassburg, M.D.XXIIII. 4 Martini Lutheri I. In septimum primse ad Co- rinthios caput, exegesis, II. De matrimonio sermo, HI. Duorum de matrimonio thematum analytica, nuper Latina facta per loan. Loni- cenim. Argentorati, M.D.XX.V. 8 Epistola ad Henricvm VIII. Anglise ac Fran- cise regem, &c. In qua ueniam petit eorum quse prius stultus ac prseceps in eudem regem effuderit : offerens palinodiam se cantaturum. Responsio dicti invictissimi Anglise ac Fran- ciae regis : defensoris fidei ac domini Hyber- nise, &c. ad singula prsefatae epistolse, capita. 1527. Epithalamia festiua in Lutherum, Hes- sum et id genus nuptiatorum. s. I, [1527]. 8 Enarratio Psalmorum li. Miserere mei Deus, et cxxx. De profundis clamaui. Nunc recens in lucem eedita. Adiecta est etiam SAVONA- ROL^E Meditatio in Psalmum li. Argentorati. M.D.XXXVIII. 8 Catechismvs pro pveris et ivventute, in Eccle- siis et ditione illustriss. Principum, Marchio- num Brandebvrgensium, et inclyti Senatus Norumbergensis, breuiter conscriptus, e Ger- manico Latine redditus per lustum Jonam. Addita epistola de laude Decalogi. Vitebergce, 1543. 8 CATECHISMUS major M. L. recognitus et auc- tus. Una cum praefatione nova ad ministros verbi. JFrancofurti, 1544. 8 Dr M. Luther's liden CATECHJSMUS. Kiobenhavn, 1822. 16 Aliquot epistolae quibusdam theologis ad Au- gustana comitia. Anno 1530, scriptse, de con- ciliation ibus Christi et Belial disserenter, ex quibus multa remedia prsesentibus Ecclesiee morbis salutaria, peti possunt. Et qusedam alia lectu digna. s. I., 1549. 8 A commentarie upon the xv. Psalmes, called Psalmi graduum, that is, Psalmes of degrees : faithfully copied out of the lectures of D. M. L. , very fruitfull and comfortable for all Chris- tian afflicted consciences to read. Translated out of the Latine into English, by Henry Bull. London, 1637. 4 Another edition. To which is prefixed, an historical account of the monastic life, parti- cularly of the monasteries of England. London, 1819. 8 Loci communes M. L. , ex scriptis ipsius La- tinis forma gnomologica et aphoristica collecti, et in quinque classes distributi, a Thebdosio Fabricio. Londini, 1651. 4 Colloquia mensalia : or, Dr M. L. 's divine dis- courses at his table, &c. Which in his life time hee held with divers learned men...conteining questions and answers touching religion, and other main points of doctrine, as also many notable histories, and all sorts of learning, comforts, advises, prophecies, admonitions, di- rections and instructions. Collected first to- gether by Dr Antonius Lauterbach, and after- ward disposed into certain common-places by John Aurifaber, D.D. Translated out of the high Germane into the English tongue by Capt. Henrie Bell. London, 1652. fol. - Biblia. 1664. See BIBLES GERMAN. A. De servo arbitrio, contra Desid. Erasmum Ro- terodamum : cum brevibus annotationibus, quibus B. vir ab accusatione, quasi absolutum Calvinianorum, vel durius aliquod Dei decre- tum in libro ipso statuerit, praecipue vindica- tur : editus a Sebastiano Schmidt. . I, 1664. 8 480 LUYTS LYELL. Editio sccunda, cum preefatione apologetica Joh. Joachimi Zentgravii, pro iisdem annota- tionibua, contra Petrum Yvonem. Argentorati, 1707. 4 Translated by the Rev. Henry Cole. London, 1823. 8 Another copy. Thirty-four sermons on the most interesting doctrines of the Gospel. Discovering clearly and evidently to every capacity, the difference betwixt faith and works, law and Gospel, the Christian and creature operations, troubles and consolations, and the best way to make Chris- tians, keep them so, and in case of relapses to recover them again by Christ, the only cure of all soul maladies. To which is prefix'd, a brief account of the author's life, and a view of his gracious spirit. Glasgow, 1767. 8 Another edition. [Without the author's life. ] London, 1830. 8* Another copy. The signs of Christ's coming, and of the last day ; being extracts from a very choice and excellent sermon on Luke, xxi. 25-34. Edin., 1832. 12 The Pope confounded and his kingdom ex- posed, in a divine opening of Daniel, viii. 23- 25. Now first translated into English, by the Rev. Henry Cole. London, 1836. 8 The Epistle of Paul to the Romans : with a preface and brief reflections by Luther. Trans- lated from the German. With a recommenda- tory notice by the Rev. Thomas Brown, D.D. Edin., 1844. 12 C Luther still speaking. The creation : a com- mentary on the first five chapters of the Book of Genesis. Translated by Henry Cole, D.D. Edin., 1858. 8 * Philippi Melanchthonis de vita M. L. narra- tio et vita Philippi MELANCHTHONIS ab Joa- chimo Camerario coiiscripta. Denuo editae et studiosse juventutis usibus accomodatse a D. Jo. Christ. Guil. Augusti. Vratislavice, 1819. 8 - * Martin Luther's Leben, von Gustav Pfizer. Stuttgart, 1836. 8 * The life of M. L. To which is prefixed, an expository essay on the Lutheran reformation, by the Rev. George Cubitt. With an appen- dix, containing a chronological table of the principal events occurring during the period of Luther's life. London, 1841. 12 * Histoire de la vie, des ouvrages et des doc- trines de Luther. Par M. AUDIX. Quatrieme Edition, abrege'e. Paris, 1845. 12 LUYTS ( JOANNES). Astronomica institutio. In qua doctrina sphaerica atque theorica, inter- mix to usu sphaerae coelestis, et variia chrono- logicis, pertractantur. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 1689. 4 LYALL (ALFRED), B.A., Rector of Harbkdoiun, Kent. History of the Christian Church. By J. S. B. CARWITHEN, and A. L. 1856 History of the Christian Church from the thir- teenth century to the present day, including the history of the Reformation. Bv the Rev. A. L. ; Right Rev. R. D. HAMPDEN, D.D. ; K. v. .1. E. KIDDLE, M.A. ; Rev. J. C. CROS- THWAITE, M.A. ; Rev. J. G. DOWLINC, M.A. ; Rev. Henry J. ROSE, B.D. London, 1858. 8 LYALL (ROBERT), M.D. An essay on the che- mical and medicinal qualities of the water of Caudren well, in Renfrewshire : with introduc- tory observations on waters in general. Paisley, 1814. 8 An answer to the observations on " the cha- racter of the Russians, and a detailed history of Moscow," contained in the sixty-first num- ber of the Quarterly review. London, 1825. 8 LYALL (WILLIAM), LL D., Professor of logic and metaphysics in Dalhousie college, Halifax. Strictures on the idea of POWER. 1842 Intellect, the emotions, and the moral nature. Edin., 1855. 8' Another copy. LYCETT (JOHN). A monograph of the Mollusca from the great Oolite. By J. MORRIS and J. L. 1850, 1854 LYCOSTHENES (CONKADCS). Parabolarum sive similitudinum...loci communes. 5. L, 1591. 8 Apophthemata ex probatis Greece Latinaeque linguae scrip toribus a C. L. autore collecta, et per locos communes... digesta, sed olim prohi- bita : nunc vero superiorum jussu postrema hac editione accuratfe recognita, ab omni ob- scoenitate, et impietate purgata, plurimisque centuriis... locupletata. Accesserunt Parabo- lae sive similitudines, per Erasmum ex Plutar- cho, Seneca, et aliis authoribus excerpta : de- inde per C. L. dispositee : ac nunc tandem se- du!6 purgatse et auctse : Patrum Societatis lesu studio et opera. Colonia, 1611. 8 LYCURGUS. The travels of Lycurgus, the son of Eunomus, of Sparta, to Crete, Tyre, and Egypt, in search of knowledge. London, 1809. 12 LYDIUS (BALTHASAR). Waldensia : id est, con- servatio verae Ecclesiae, demonstrata ex con- fessionibus, cum Taboritarum, ante cc. fere annos, turn Bohemorum, circa tempora Refor- mationis, scriptis. 2 torn. Roterodami, 1616. 8 LYDIUS (JACOBUS), Protestant minister at Dort. Florum sparsio ad historiam passionis Jesu Christi ; cum figuris aeneis ; ejusdem diatriba de triumpho Jesu Christi in cruce. Dordrechti, 1672. 12^ LYDIUS (Jo. MARTINI). Scrip tores duo Anglici de vitis pontificum Romanorum ; vid. Rob. BARNS et Joh. BALEUS quos a tenebris vindi- cavit...et usque ab Paulum V. continuavit J. M. L. 1615 LYE (THOMAS), M.A., Minister of All- Hallows, Lombard Street, London. The king of terrors metamorphosis. Or, death transformed into sleep. A sermon [on 1 Thess. iv. 13, 14] preached at the funeral of Mrs Elizabeth Nicol. London, 1660. 4 LYELL (Sir CHARLES). Principles of geology : LYFORD LYTTELTON. 481 being an inquiry how far the former changes of the earth's surface are referable to causes now in operation. 4 vol. 4th ed. London, 1835. 12 Elements of geology. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1841. 12 - The geological evidences of the antiquity of man, with remarks on theories of the origin of species by variation. 2d ed. London, 1863. 8 LYFORD (WILLIAM), B.D., Minister of Sherborn in Dorsetshire. The matching of the magis- trates authority and the Christians true liberty in matters of religion. Wherein is clearly stated, How farre the magistrate may impose or restrain in matters of faith and worship, and how far forth the Christian may challenge freedome and exemption. In a sermon preach- ed at the assizes at Dorchester, Jul. 17, 1651. London, 1654. 4 The plain man's senses exercised to discern both good and evill : or, a discovery of the errors, heresies, and blasphemies of these times, and the toleration of them, as they are collect- ed and testified against by the ministers of London, in their testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ. With an apologie for our pub- lick ministrie and infant-baptism. London, 1657. 4 LYNCH (W. F.), Lieut. U.S.N.O&cial report of the United States' expedition to explore the Dead Sea, and the river Jordan. Baltimore, 1852. 4 LYNDE (Sir HUMFREY), Knight. Via devia : the by-way ; misleading the weake and un- stable into dangerous paths of error, by colour- able shewes of apocryphall Scriptures, unwrit- ten traditions, doubtful Fathers, ambiguous councells, and pretended Catholike Church. 2d ed. London, 1632. 12 LYNDESAY (DAVID), Bishop of Brechin.A true narration of all the passages of the proceedings in the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, holden at Perth the 25. of August, Anno Dom. 1618. Wherein is set downe the copy of His Maiesties letters to the said As- sembly : Together with a iust defence of the articles therein concluded, against a seditious pamphlet. London, 1621. 4 A treatise of the ceremonies of the Church. Wherein the points in question concerning baptisme, kneeling at the sacrament, confirma- tion, festiuities, &c. are plainly handled and manifested to be lawfull, as they are now vsed in the Church of England. Whereunto is add- ed a sermon preached by a reverend Bishop. London, 1625. 4 [The same book as Bishop Lyndesay's True nar- ration of all the passages of the proceedings in the Perth Assembly, with a change of title.] LYNDSAY (Sir DAVID), of the Mount. Fac si- mile of an ancient heraldic manuscript embla- zoned by Sir D. L. , Lyon King of Armes, 1542. Edin., 1822. fol. LYON (JAMES). A short account of the divine original of Episcopacy, from Scripture, the Fathers, and councils, and the constant prac- tice of the universal Church. Being an an- swer to a letter from Mr James Sands, in Bir- say. s. I, 1710. 8 Another copy. - Another copy. LYON (MARY). * Memoirs of Miss M. L. of New Haven, Conn. New Haven, 1837. 12 LYONS (ISRAEL), TeacJier of Hebrew in the uni- versity of Cambridge. The scholar's instruc- tor ; a Hebrew grammar, with points. Revised and corrected by Henry Jacob. 4th ed. Glasgow, 1828. 8 LYRA (NicoLAUS DE). Incipiut expositioes mo- rales secudu sensum misticu sup tota Biblia compilate ab utriusq ; testameti interprete do- mino Nicolao de Lyra ordinis minorum. Mdtue, M.CCCC.LXXXI. fol. LYSANDER (JOANNES SEBASTIANUS). Saulus conversus, oder griindliche Ursachen warumb J. S. L. von der Romisch-Catholischen... Reli- gion... getreten 1st... Leipzig, 1678. 4 LYSERUS (JOANNES). Polygamia triumpha- trix ; id est, discursus politicus de polygamia, auctore Theophilo ALETHEO [Pseud.]. Cum notis Athanasii Vincentii [i. e. Joannis Lyseri]. Londini Scanorum, 1682. 4 LYSERUS (PoLYCARPus). See P. LEYSERUS. LYSIUS (HENRICUS). Synopsis controversia- rum, a veritatis, pacisque ac pietatis, hostibus domesticis, sub orthodoxies prsetextu hoc tern- pore motarum ; in qua orthodoxia evangelica a novis corruptelis, et B. Philippus Jac. Spen- erus, aliique theologi orthodoxi, a calumniis D. Samuelis Schelgvigii, aliorumque Novato- rum, vindicantur...Accedit discussio vindicia- rum Schelgvigianarum, in articulo de justifi- catione. Halce Saxonum, 1712. 8 LYTTELTON (GEORGE), Lord Lyttelton. The works of George, Lord L. ; formerly printed separately, and now first collected together : with some other pieces never before printed. Published by George Edward Ayscough. 2d ed. London, 1775. 4 LETTERS from a Persian in England to his friend at Ispahan. 1735 Observations on the conversion and apostle- ship of St Paul. In a letter to Gilbert WEST. 1747 Another edition. [Christ. Lit.] Edin., 1840. 8' DIALOGUES of the dead. 1760 Letters of Lord L. A new edition. London, 1792. 12 61 M. M'ALPINE. M***, t. e. L'abbe* GOSSELIN. M. (A.), D.D., t. e. Alexander MONRO, D.D. M. (A.). The state of religion in New-England, since the Rev. Mr George Whitefield's arrival there. In a letter from a gentleman in New- England to his friend in Glasgow. To which is subjoined, an appendix, containing attesta- tions of the principal facts in the letter. Glasgow, 1742. 12 M. (A.). A clear display of the Trinity, from di- vine revelation : with an impartial examina- tion of some traditions concerning God, in sys- tems contrived by councils, assemblies, and sy- nods, and imposed upon mankind as articles of faith. In three parts... By A. M., a layman. London, 1773. 8 M. (A. DE), t. e. A. de MENIN. M. (B.), i. e. Bernard de MANDEVILLE. M. (E.). A long imprisoned malignant his hum- ble submission to the covenant and directory : with some reasons and grounds of use to settle and satisfie tender consciences. Presented in a petition to the Right Hon. the Lords assem- bled in Parliament, in Whitsun-week, in the year 1(547. . I., 1647. 4 M. "(E.), i. e. Edward MARBURY. M. (F.). The perilous nature of the penny pe- riodical press. London, s. a. 8 M. (GA i. e. George MELDRUM. M. (G.). The new state of England under their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary. 2d ed. London, 1693. 12 M. (J.), D.D., i. e. John MILNER, D.D. M. (J.), i. e. John MILTON. M. (J.), M.A. The soules pilgrimage to celestial g'orie : or the perfect way to heaven and to od. London, 1634. 4 M. (P.), t. e. Patrick MIDDLETON. M. (P.). The vanity, mischief and danger of con- tinuing ceremonies in the worship of God. Humbly proposed to the present convocation. By P. M. , a minister of the Church of Eng- land. London, 1690. 4 M. (R.), i. e. Richard MAYHEW. M. (T. P. D.). The outed pastor and his wife. Edin., 1843. 8 M. (V. D.). "The nonconformist" reviewer on the inspiration controversy, reviewed. London, 1857. 12 M. (Z.), A.M. The snare broken, or, the natural and eternal deity of the Son of God ; as also of the Holy Ghost, asserted : by a person, who having been formerly a Socinian, and then an Arrian, came at length, by a free considera- tion of the Scriptures, to be fully convinc'd of the truth of the Catholick faith concerning the blessed Trinity. s. I, 1694. 4 M*SH. * Copy of a letter to M*sh, a celebrated empiric. With notes by the editor. . I, 1818. 8 MAASDYK (H. VAN).* The power of the word exemplified in the conversion of the Rev. H. van M. Translated from the Dutch. Edin., 1854. 12 MABILLON (JOHANNES). Annales ordinia S. Benedict! Occidentalium monachomm Patriar- chs. In quibus non modo res monastic*, Bed etiam ecclesiastics historic non minima pars continetur. 6 torn. Lutec. Paris., 1703-39. fol. [In consequence of the death of Mabillon, vol. vi. was finished, and additions were made to the other volumes, by Edmundus Martene.l Preefationes in acta Sanctorum ordinis Sancti Benedicti conjunctim editae. Ejusdem disser- tationes vi. Accedit in hac editione Philippi BASTIDE Benedictini dissertatio de antiqua ordinis Sancti Benedicti intra Gallias propa- gatione. Venetiis, 1740. fol. Tractatus de studiis monasticis in tres partes distributus, cum quadam prsecipuamm diffi- cultatum serie, quse in autographorum operuni lectione singulis quibusque sseculis occurrunt, selectiorumque voluminum addito catalogo ad bibliothecam in ecclesiasticis materiis compa- randam. Tomus primus La tine vertit P. D. Josephus Porta Astensis. Editio altera. Venetiis, J745. 4 Volumen alterum, sive appendix complec- tens animadversiones D. J. M. in Responsio- nem R. P. Armandi Buthilierii abbatis Trap- pse ad eundem Tractatum nunc primum La- tine redditas... Accedit historia dissidii litte- rarii circa hsec studia, a D. Vincentio Thuillier monacho Benedictine Gallice concinnata, et variorum epistolis hue spectantibus ad calcem aucta et illustrata. Venetiis, 1745. 4 Volumen tertium complectens Responsio- nem D. Armandi Buthilierii de Ranee" ad eun- dem Tractatum ; quae nunc primum prodit e Gallico in Latinum sermonem conversa. Venetiis, 1745. 4 Ouvrages posthumes de J. M. et D. Thierri RUINART ; par Vincent Thuillier. 3 torn. Paris, 1724. 4 MABLY (L'abbe GABRIEL BONNOT DE). Obser- vations on the Romans. [Translated from the French.] London, 1751. 8 M'ALL (ROBERT STEPHENS), LL.D. Discourses on special occasions. With a sketch of his life and character, by the Rev. Ralph Ward- law, D.D. 2 vol. London, 1840. 8 M'ALPINE (NiEL). The Argyleshire pronoun- cing Gaelic dictionary. To which is prefixed M'ALPINE M'CANN. 483 a concise but most comprehensive Gaelic gram- mar. Edin., 1832. 8 M' ALPINE (WALTER), Minister of Culross.A sermon [on 1 Cor. iii. 16] preached before the Society for propagating Christian knowledge... in Edinburgh, June 6, 1782. Edin., 1782. 8 MAC-AN-T-SAOIR (DONNCHADH). See Duncan M'INTYRE. MAC-AN-TUAIRNEIR (PARUIG). See Peter TURNER. MAC ABA (JAMES). A treatise on the Scriptural doctrines of redemption and salvation ; and shewing that the doctrine of justification by faith alone is the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place. Edin., 1841. 12 MACARIUS, of Egypt, Saint. Opera omnia ; [cum opp. GREGORII Neocsesariensis etBASiLii Seleucise]. 1622 Homiliae [Gr. et Lat.] Jo. Georgivs Pritivs textum Grsecum accurate reuidit, et in sec- tionesdispescuit, Latinamque versionem quam- plurimis in locis emendatiorem magisque per- spicuam reddidit, adnotatis vbique, ad quae prouocatur, Scripturse sacrse dictis. Lipsice, 1698. 8 Opvscvla nonnvlla et apophthegmata [Gr. et Lat.] Jo. Georgivs Pritivs collegit, reuidit, Latinam versionem studiose emendauit, indi- cibusque adiectis edidit. Lipsice, 1699. 8 MAC ARTHUR (JOHN). Letter to the ministers and elders who have recently seceded from the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1843. 8 Another copy. MACARTNEY (HussAY BURGH), D.D. The an- tichrist, a lecture, delivered May 31st, 1854. Melbourne, 1854. 8 M'AULA (ISSACHAR). loram na truaighe. Oran le te ga Leannan. [Inverary ballad.] Inverary, s. a. 16 MACAULAY (GEORGE), Minister of Stockwell Free Church, Glasgow. Times of revival, or, " The nature, desirableness and means of re- vival in religion." A discourse preached in Invertiel Free church, 14th Nov. 1858. .Edin., [1858]. 8 MACAULAY (JAMES), M.A. Essay on cruelty to animals. .Edin., 1839. 8 MACAULAY (THOMAS BABINGTON), Baron Mac- aulay. Lays of ancient Rome. London, 1842. 4 Critical and historical essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review. 2d ed. 3 vol. London, 1843. 8 Speech of the Right Hon. T. B. M. in the House of Commons, Wednesday, Feb. 26, 1845, on the proposed discriminating duties on sugar. Edin. , 1845. 8 Speech delivered in the House of Commons, Wednesday, July 9, 1845, on the bill for the abolition of Scottish university tests. Edin., 1845. 8 Government plan of education. A speech de- livered by the Right Hon. T. B. M....in the Hoxise of Commons, on Monday evening, April 19, 1847 ; on the motion of Lord John Rus- sell, that the sum of 100,000 should be voted to defray the charges of carrying out the mi- nutes of the council on education. London, [1847]. 8 The history of England from the accession of James the Second. 5 vol. [Vol. ii., 6th ed.l London, 1850-1861. 8 d Another copy. Vol. i.-iv. [Vol. ii., 7th ed.] London, 1850-55. 8 U * Macaulay on Scotland : a critique. [By Thomas M'CRIE.] Republished from " The Witness." s. 1. et a. 8 MACBETH (JAMES), Minister of Lauriston Free church, Glasgow. The Bible argument for a free Church ; or the divine rights of Christ's people, and the true form of Church govern- ment, determined by the word of God ; with remarks on Puseyism. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. No fellowship with slaveholders : a calm re- view of the debate on slavery, in the Free As- sembly of 1846... Edin., 1846. 12 MACBETH (JOHN), A.M. A dissertation on tho Sabbath ; in which the nature of the institu- tion, and the obligations to its observance, are stated and illustrated. Glasgow, 1822. 12 MACBRAIR (R. M.), M.A. An apology for Wesley and Methodism, in reply to the misre- presentations of Isaac Taylor and the North British review. Edin., 1852. 8 MACBRIDE (JOHN). A vindication of MAR- RIAGE, as solemnized by Presbyterians in the North of Ireland. 1702 MACBRIDE (JOHN DAVID), D.C.L., Principal of Magdalene hall, Oxford. Lectures on the ar- ticles of the united Church of England and Ireland. Oxford, 1853. 8 MACBRIDE (PETER), Minister of the Free West church, RotJiesay. Remains of the Rev. P. M. Part I. The new creature. Part II. The priest- hood of Christ. Glasgow, [1848]. 8 M'CALLUM (DONALD). The proceedings of a General Court Martial, held at the Castle of Edinburgh... January 1795 ; upon the trials of D. M'Callum, J. Scrymgeour, J. MaEoch, L. M'Naughton, D. Stewart, J. M'Martin, and A. Sutherland... for mutiny. Edin., 1795. 8 M'CANN (GEORGE), Minister of the Gospel. An essay on liberty of conscience, religious tole- rance, and mutual forbearance : mostly ex- tracted from the works of the Rev. R. Robin- son of Cambridge, with some remarks from other authors... Glasgow, 1818. 8 Lectures on the right of private judgment, Christian liberty, 7. 8 Thoughts on popular election, patronage, and calls ; or, an examination of some of the modes of electing to the pastoral office. Edin., 1833. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The testimony of Jesus to the truth ; or the first principles of religious establishments : a sermon preached at the opening of the Gene- ral Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on the 21st May, 1835. Edin., 1835. 8 Letter to the people of Scotland, in answer to the " Statement by the central board for vin- dicating the rights of dissenters. " Edin,, 1835. 8 Letters to the friends of the Established Church, on the first principles of the Church controversy and the nature and effects of the recent judgment of the House of Lords in the Auchterarder case. 2d ed. Edin., 1842. 8 Another edition. Greenock, 1842. 8 Supplementary letter to the friends of the Established Church, being a review of " My Church politics, by the Rev. N. Morren," Nos. i., ii., and iii. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. Lecture on candour in the investigation of re- ligious truth ; delivered 8th March, 1842. Edin., 1842. 8 - Letter to the Right Hon. Sir James Graham, Bart., on the present state of the Church of Scotland. s. I, [1843]. 8 Another copy. Correspondence between the DUKE OF SUTHER- LAND and Dr M. 1843 Address at the opening of the General Assem- bly of the Free Church of Scotland, on the 22d day of May, 1845. Edin. , 1845. 8 The Gospel-ministry fund essential to the maintenance and extension of the Free Church of Scotland. Greenock, 1848. 8 A vindication of the Church of Scotland : oc- casioned by the Duke of Argyll's ' ' Essay on the ecclesiastical history of Scotland." London, 1850. 12 Another copy. MACFARLANE (JAMES), D.D., Minister of Dud- dingstone. Remarks on the tracts lately pub- lished, on the intrusion of ministers on re- claiming congregations. In three parts. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The late secession from the Church of Scot- land. Edin., 1846. 8 Second edition. Edin., 1846. 8 M'FARLANE (JAMES JOHNSTON). * Proceed- ings... at the instance of David Jolly and others... against Mr J. J. M. Edin., 1835. 8 MACFARLANE (JOHN), Minister of the Associate Synod, Kincardine. Dissenting neutrality : or, the Perthshire election viewed in its bear- ings upon the Non-intrusion question, and the present and approaching duties of dissenters. A letter to the Rev. Dr Young of Perth. With a note by the Rev. Andrew Marshall of Kirk- intilloch. Edin., 1840. 8 MACFARLANE (JOHN), D.D., Minister of the Free Church, Dalkeith. The jubilee of the world : an essay on Christian missions to the heathen. Glasgow, 1842. 12 The great stone under the oak : a sermon preached at the opening of the Free churches of Dalkeith, and Colessie, Fifeshire. Edin., 1844. 8 MACFARLANE (JOHN), LL.D., Minister of Er- skine United Presbyterian church, Glasgow. The night lamp. A narrative of the means by which spiritual darkness was dispelled from the death-bed of Agnes Maxwell Macfarlane. London, 1851. 8 M'FARLANE (PETER). Co Chruinneachadh de Dh' Grain agus de Luinneagaibh thaghta Ghaelach, maille ris an Treas Duan de Sgeu- lachd na Troidhe air a chuir an Gaelig' o'n Ghreugais, &c. &c. D\in-Eudainn, 1813. 12 A new and copious English and Gaelic vocabu- lary, with the different parts of speech ; in al- phabetical order, with a few directions for read- ing the Gaelic. [Parti.] Edin., 1815. 8 Another copy. Focalair ur Gaelig agus Beurla, a reir ordugh na h-aibidil, maille ri caileigin de sheoladh chum a Ghaelig a Leughadh. [Partii.] Dun-Eudainn, 1815. 8 [The above, and previous entry complete the work by M'Farlane, published in the same year, with the title, " A new and copious vo- cabulary, in two parts."] Eachdraidh Joseph, Mhic lacoib, Air'eadar- theangachadh gu Gaelic. Glasgow, 1831. 12 Another copy. M'FABLANE (ROBERT). Nuadh Fhoclair Gaidhlig agus Beurla do reir Ordu' nan Li- triche maille re Cuid Sheolanna Cionnas a Leughar agus a Sgriobhar a Gaidhlig. Dun-Eaduin, 1795. 8 MAC FIR DHAIL-NEAS. An Gille dubh Ciar- dhubh. [Inverary ballad.] Inverary, s. a. 16 M'G. (W.). Letters on the state of religion in some parts of the Highlands of Scotland. [Wants title.] [Glasgow, 1818.] 12 M'GAVIN (WILLIAM). The Protestant ; a week- ly paper on the principal points of controversy between the Church of Rome and the Re- formed. 4vol. Glasgow, 1819-22. 8 Twelfth edition. [Vol. ii., llth ed.] Glasgow, 1839^1. 8 * Report of a trial in Edinburgh, 25th June, 1821, for an alleged libel : in the case, Rev. A. Scott, Roman Catholic priest, versus W. M'Gavin. Glasgoic, 1821. 8 The fundamental principles of the New Lanark system exposed. Glasgow, 1824. 12 The Protest-ant Reformation vindicated from MAC-GEOGHEGAN MACGILL. 489 the misrepresentations and aspersions of Wil- liam Cobbett, in his " History of the Protest- ant Reformation in Britain and Ireland." Glasgow, 1826. 8 New edition. Glasgoiv, 1839. 8 - A letter to the Rev. Patrick M'Farlan, in re- ply to certain passages in his Strictures on Mr E wing's speech ; with a few remarks on the Christian Instructor for December 1826. Glasgow, 1827. 8 - A second letter to the Rev. Patrick M'Farlan, containing farther replies to his Strictures on Mr Ewing's speech : with some remarks on the Christian Instructor for January 1827. Glasgow, 1827. 8 & - A third letter to the Rev. Patrick M'Farlan, containing further remarks on the Christian Instructor for January : and a reply to Mr M'Farlan's Answer, &c. With a short notice of the Christian Instructor for February. Glasgow, 1827. 8 - A fourth letter to the Rev. Patrick M'Farlan, occasioned by farther misrepresentations in the Christian Instructor for March 1827. Glasgow, 1827. 8 Church establishments considered, in a series of letters to a covenanter. Glasgow, 1830. 12 Another copy. Review of the discussions in Nile-street meet- ing house, relative to the rule of faith adopt- ed by the Church of Rome, and Protestant Churches respectively. Glasgow, 1830. 12 A reply to Mr Smith's Dialogues on the Ca- tholic and Protestant rules of faith. To which is added, a review of Alton Park, a Popish novel. Glasgow, 1832. 12 - Another copy. Cain and Abel, containing a sketch of the state of religion in the first family of mankind. Glasgow, s. a. 12 MAC-GEOGHEGAN (The abbs' J.). The history of Ireland, ancient and modern, taken from the most authentic records, and dedicated to the Irish brigade. Translated from the French, by Patrick O'Kelly, Esq. Dublin, 1844. 8 M'GEORGE (WILLIAM), Minister of tlie Gospel at Pennicook. A sermon [on Rev. i. 16] at the opening of the Synod of Lothian and Tweed- dale. At Edinburgh, April 27th, 1714. Edin., 1714. 4 Another copy. M'GHEE (ROBERT JAMES), M.A., Rector of Holy- well, St Ives, Hants. Truth and error con- trasted ; being an inquiry into the necessity of promoting the reformation of the Roman Ca- tholics of Ireland. In seven letters to the edi- tor of Blackwood's magazine, in reply to an article in that publication, July, 1829. To which is prefixed, an address to the Roman Catholics of Ireland ; and subjoined, reflec- tions on the solemn duties and responsibilities of the Bishops and clergy of the Established Church, in reference to the Church of Rome. London, 1830. 12 The worship of the Virgin Mary countenanced by the commissioners for the education of the poor of Ireland. Also the speech of J. E. GORDON, M.P., exposing the anti-Protestant tendency of the schools established by the said commissioners. Fifth thousand. London, 1832. 8 A letter to the Protestants of the united king- dom, exhibiting the real principles of the Ro- man Catholic Bishops and priests in Ireland, as contained in their standard of theology adopted in 1808, and since used as a guide in their pri- vate clerical conferences. London, 1835. 8 Duplicity of the Romish Church, in the con- duct of several of her highest dignitaries, ex- posed. Being the substance of a speech de- livered... 26th January, 1836. Glasgow, 1836. 8 Substance of the speech of the Rev. R. J. M., at the Protestant meeting held in... Edin- burgh, 1st Feb. 1836. With an appendix, containing letter from Dr Murray to the Ro- man Catholic Bishop of Glasgow, Mr M'Ghee's reply, his challenge to Dr M'Hale, &c. Edin., 1836. 8 The complete notes of the Doway Bible and Rhemish Testament, extracted from the quarto editions of 1816 and 1818, published under the patronage of the Roman Catholic Bishops and priests of Ireland, as the authorised inter- pretation of the Church, and the infallible guide to everlasting life. With a preface, em- bodying the facts and documents connected with the publication of both editions ; Dr Troy's and Dr Murray's denial of them ; the list of subscribers throughout Ireland ; the list of certain notes suppressed in some copies of the second edition. With a copious index, referring to all the principles of the Church of Rome worthy of remark in the notes, which appear utterly subversive of the Gospel of Christ, and of all Christian charity among men. Dublin, 1837. 8 Another copy. Romanism as it rules in Ireland. By the Rev. Mortimer O'SULLIVAN, D.D., and R. J. M. 1840 MACGHRIGAIR (JAIN). See John MACGRK- GOR. MACGHRIOGAIR (SEUMAS). See James M'GREGOR. M'GILL (JAMES), Minister of the Reformed Pres- byterian Church, Hightae. The prayer of Ha- bakkuk for revival : a sermon, preached at the opening of the Reformed Presbyterian Synod, Glasgow, May 11, 1840. Glasgow, 1840. 12 J The four centurions : or, Christianity and thu military profession. Glasgow, 1857. 8 MACGILL (STEVENSON), D.D., Professor of Mixo- logy in the university of Glasgow. Considera- tions addressed to a young clergyman, on some trials of principle and character, which may arise in the course of his ministry. Glasgow, 1809. 12 Another copy. Remarks on prisons. Glasgow, 1810. 8 On lunatic asylums : a discourse delivered on 2d August, 1810, previous to laying the foun- 02 490 M (MLL-MACGREGOR. dation stone of the Glasgow lunatic asylum. Glfugow, 1810. 8 Discourses and essays on subjects of public in- terest. /;./; (i,, 1819. 12 Lectures on rhetoric and criticism, and on sub- jects introductory to the critical study of the Scriptures. Edin., 1838. 8 Another copy. Sermons. Glasgow, 1839. 8 Another copy. * Memoir of the Rev. S. M. By Robert Burns, D.D. Mfe., 1842. 12 - Another copy. M'GILL (WILLIAM), D.D., one of the ministers of Ayr. A practical essay on the death of Jesus Christ, in two parts. Containing, I. The his- tory, II. The doctrine, of his death. Edin., 1786. 8 Another copy. *A warning against Socinianism : drawn up, and published, by a committee of the Asso- ciate Synod. In which, particular notice is taken of a late publication, intituled, A prac- tical essay upon the death of Jesus Christ : by Dr M'Gill, one of the ministers of Air. The dangerous errors in that essay are pointed out ; and the opposite truths established. Falkirk, 1788. 8 Another copy. * Socinianism unmasked : in f o\\v letters to the lay-members of the Church of Scotland... occasioned by Dr M' Gill's Practical essay on the death of Jesus Christ. Proving, that he denies the great doctrines of the atonement, of the deity of our Lord, &c. &c. To which are added, a letter to the Doctor, and an humble address to the members of the General Assem- bly of the Church of Scotland. By a friend to truth. 2d ed. With reflections on the in- fluence of the Socinian doctrine on holiness of life. Edin., 1790. 8 * A narrative of the whole process respecting some late publications of the Rev. Dr William M'Gill ; with remarks on the late conduct and decision of the very reverend the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr in that cause... s. L, 1790. 8 - * The procedure of our Church courts in the case of Dr W. M'Gill : with a complaint lately exhibited against him ; and a narrative of the rise, progress, and termination of a prosecu- tion carried on against him before our Church judicatories, by the laity of Scotland : To which is added a conclusion, containing reflec- tions on the defection of our Church courts, &c. &c. By the friends of truth. s. I., 1792. 8 Another copy. *Dr M'Gill vindicated from the charge of heresy, and the erroneous assertions of his ad- versaries briefly refuted... To which are added, a few suitable remarks by a friend of truth. Edin., s. a. 8 MACGILLIVRAY (WILLIAM), LL.D., Professor of natural history in Marischal college, Aber- deen. A history of British quadrupeds. Il- lustrated by thirty-four plates, with memoir... of Ulysses Aldrovandi. [Nat. Lib., vol. xxii. | Edin., 1838. 8* A manual of botany : comprising vegetable anatomy and physiology, or the structure and functions of plants. London, 1840. 8 Manual of geology. 2d ed. London, 1844. 8 The natural history of Dee Side and Braemar. Edited by Edward Lankester, M.D., F.R.S. Printed for private circulation. London, 1855. 8 M'GILVRAY (ARCHIBALD), Minister of the Free Church, Keith. Letter to Sir George Sinclair, Bart. , of Ulbster, on the extensive prevalence of religious error... Glasgmv, 1859. 8 M'GILVRAY (WALTER), D.D., Minister of Gil- comston Free church, Aberdeen. Religious wor- ship the idolatry of the Church of Rome. [Lect. on Protest.] s. I. et a. 12 The dead quickened ; or, the divine life lost and restored : being a short series of evening discourses. Glasgow, 1845. 12 Going with God : or the tnie ground of deci- sion. [Lect. on the distinct, princ. of the Free Church. No. i.] Aberdeen, 1858. 8 MACGOWAN (JOHN), Pastor of a Baptist con- gregation at Devonshire square, London. The sure foundation. A sermon [on 2 Tim. ii. 19] occasioned by the death of the Rev. Benjamin Messer, preached in Graf ton street, June 21, 1772. London, 1772. 8 Discourses on the Book of Ruth, and other important subjects ; wherein the wonders of providence, the riches of grace, the privileges of believers, and the contrition of sinners, are jiidiciously and faithfully exemplified and im- proved. London, 1781. 8 M'GREGOR (ALLAN). Allan M'Gregor : or the sailor returned. A tract for the times. Edin., 1843. 12 M'GREGOR (JAMES), D.D., Minister of the Gos- pel, Pictou. Letter to the General Associate Synod, April 30th, 1792. Paisley, 1793. 12 Dain a Chomhnadh Crabhuidh. An treas clo- bhualadh... Glasgow, 1831. 12 Another edition. Duneideann, 1847. 12 MACGREGOR (JAMES), Minister of Free High church, Paisley. Three smooth stones from the brook : or, a brief exhibition of the case of Mr James Lament, the case of the Free Church of Scotland, and the case of the Church estab- lished in Scotland. Edin., 1853. 8 A vindication of natural theology, on grounds of reason, Scripture, and orthodoxy ; with spe- cial reference to the Glasgow college case, and the recent publications of Professor Gibson. 2d ed. Edin., 1859. 8 Another copy. Three hundred years ago ; a historical sketch of John Knox, and the first Scottish reforma- tion. Edin., 1860. 8 Text-book for youth. Christian doctrine. Edin., 1861. 8 MACGREGOR (JOHN). Grain Ghaelach. Edin-Bmaich, 1801. 12 Another copy. MACGREGORE MACINTYRE. 491 Grain nuadh Ghaelach, nach robh riamh roimhe an cloth-bhualadh. Ihineidainn, 1818. 12 MACGREGORE (DAVID), Londonderry. The Christian soldier. A sermon [on 2 Tim. ii. 3] preached at Newbury, at the ordination of the Rev. Alex. Boyd, Sept. 24th, 1754. Boston, 1755. 8 M'GUFFIE (GEORGE), Preacher of the Gospel The history of Liberton. Edin., 1861. 16 - The philosophy of man. Edin., 1862. 16 MACHALE (JOHN), D.D., Ro-man Catholic Arch- bishop of Tuam. The evidences and doctrines of the Catholic Church. Showing that the former are no less convincing, than the latter are propitious to the happiness of society. 2d ed., revised, with additional notes. London, 1842. 8 MACHIAVELLI (Nicc-Lo). Opere di N. M. 4 torn. Nell' Haya, 1726. 12 Disputationum de republica, quas discursus nuncupavit, libri iii. Qvo modo in rebvsp. ad antiquorum Romanorum imitationem actiones omnes bene maleve instituantiir. Ex Italico Latini facti. Lugd. Batav., 1649. 12 Discourses upon the first Decade of T. Livius, translated out of the Italian. To which is add- ed, his Prince. With some marginal animad- versions noting and taxing his errors. By E[dward] D[acres]. 2d ed. London, 1663. 12 Another edition. London, 1674. 12 II principe. Milano, 1817. 8 The Florentine history in viii. books. Exactly translated from the Italian. [By M. K.] London, 1674. 8 MACHUMET. See MAHOMET. MACHYN (HENRY). The diary of H. M., citi- zen and merchant- tayl or of London, from A.D. 1550 to A.D. 1563. Edited [for the Camden Society] by John Gough Nichols. London, 1848. 4 MACILLEAIN ( ). See M'LEAN. MACILLEAIN (L.). See L. M'LEAN. M'lLVAINE (CHARLES PETTIT), D.D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Ohio. The evidences of Christianity : in their external division, exhibited in a course of lec- tures delivered in the city of New York, in the winter of 1831-2. 2d ed. New York, 1833. 12 Justification by faith : a charge delivered be- fore the clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the diocese of Ohio... September 13, 1839. With an appendix. Columbus, 1840. 12 A charge to the clergy of the Protestant Epis- copal Church in the State of Ohio, on the preaching of Christ crucified : delivered before the seventeenth annual convention of the dio- cese, September 5, 1834. London, 1840. 8 Another copy. Oxford divinity compared with that of the Ro- mish and Anglican Churches : with a special view to the illustration of the doctrine of jus- tification by faith, as it was made of primary importance by the Reformers ; and as it lies at the foundation of all scriptural views of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Philadelphia, 1841. 8 Another edition. London, 1841. 8 Another copy. MACINDOE (PETER), A.M., Minister of the Re- formed Presbyterian Church, Chirnside. A vin- dication of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Scotland, from various charges preferred against her on the subject of civil government. [Extracted from the Edin. Christian Instruc- tor, for April, May, and June, 1830.] Edin., 1830. 8 The advantages and obligations of early piety : two discourses [on Lament, iii. 27] addressed to the young of the Reformed Presbyterian congregation, Chirnside... Edin., 1830. 12 The application of scriptural principles to poli- tical government : essential to the piety, vir- tue, order, freedom and prosperity of Chris- tian states. Edin., 1831. 8 Considerations on the moral causes, objects, and preventives of pestilence : to which are appended, from approved documents, "direc- tions for the prevention and treatment of spas- modic cholera." Berwick, 1832. 12 Defence of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, from attacks in " Statement of the Berwick- shire Bible society." Edin., 1835. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The young man's great enquiry : a sermon, preached in the South parish church of Greeii- ock, 20th September, 1835, before the Young men's society of that town. Greenock, 1835. 12 Second thousand. Kilmamock, 1843. 12 Christ's headship over all thing's to the Church : a discourse [on Eph. i. 22] delivered at the opening of the Reformed Presbyterian Synod, Glasgow, April 18, 1836. Edin., 1836. 8 Another copy. Prayer for ministers : a sermon [on 2 Thess. iii. 1], preached in Dundee, on Sabbath, Oc- tober 16, 1836, on occasion of the introduc- tion of the Rev. Thomas Macindoe to the pastoral -charge of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of that town. Berwick-upon-Tweed, 1837. 8 The blessedness of departed believers. A dis- course [on Rev. xiv. 13] delivered on the 14th Feb. 1841 ; being the first Sabbath after the death of the Rev. James Mackinlay, D.D., minister of the first charge in the Low church of Kilmamock. Kilmamock, 1841. 8 MACINTOISICH (DONNCHA). See Duncan M'lNTOSH. M'INTOSH (DUNCAN). Co-chruinneach Dh' Grain Thaghte Ghaeleach, nach robh riamh roimh ann an Clo-buala. [Edited by Duncan M'Intosh.] ' Edin., 1831. 12 M'INTYRE (DUNCAN). Grain Ghaidhealach. iHmeidiunn, 1790. 12 Another edition. Dun-eidin, 1804. 12 MACINTYRE (JAMES J.). The influence of aristocracies on the revolutions of nations ; 402 - MACKE:,. considered in ivlatioii to the present circum- stances of the British empire. London, 1843. 8 M'INTYRE (WILLIAM), A.M. Is the service of the mass idolatrous ? A candid inquiry into the doctrine maintained on that subject by Bishop Folding in his pastoral address. frtdney, 1838. 8 The weakness and power of the Christian mi- nistry : a sermon preached at the opening of the Synod of Australia, on the 5th October, 1842. Sydney, 1842. 8 Exposition of the sermon on the mount, Matt, v.-viii. In which it is attempted to unfold and present our Lord's delineation and en- forcement of personal righteousness in that discourse. Edin., 1854. 8 The Presbyterian college question : being the substance of two speeches delivered in the Sy- nod of Eastern Australia in November, 1857. Sydney, 1858. 8 The narrative of the disruption of the Presby- terian Church in New South Wales. West Maitland, 1859. 8 M'lVER (COLIN), V.D.M. Family psalmody ; or, a choice selection of evangelical hymns... Philadelphia, 1834. 12 Another copy. An essay concerning the unlawfulness of a man's marriage with his sister by affinity. A review of the various acts of the highest jucli- catory of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, touching this and similar connexions. Philadelphia, 1842. 12 - Another copy. MACKAIL (HUGH). * An account of the life and death of the Rev. H. M. . . .By the author of John Brown, of Priesthill. Glasgow, 1824. 12 MACKAY (HUGH), of Scoicry, Major-General. Memoirs of the war carried on in Scotland and Ireland. M.D.C.LXXXIX.-M.DC.XCI. With an appendix of original papers. [Bannatyne Club. ] Edin., 1833. 4 * Life of Lieut. -General H. M. of Scoury, Commander-in-chief of the forces in Scotland, 1689 and 1690... By the late John Mackav, Esq. of Rockfield. A new edition revised, with a memoir of the author. London, 1842. 4 MACKAY (MACINTOSH), LL.D., Minister of the Free Church at Tarbert. Sermons on the Christian warfare and titles of Christ. Preach- ed in the church of Dunoon. Edin. , 1836. 8 Address to the parishioners of Dunoon and Kil- mun. Third thousand. Greenock, 1840. 8 Fourth thousand. Greenock, 1840. 8 Sermon preached in the parish church of Dun- oon, on occasion of the general fast appointed by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, July 22, 1841. Glasgmv, 1841. 8 A practical exposition of the first ten verses of the fifth chapter of the Gospel by Matthew. In forty-one sermons ; preached in the parish church of Dunoon, 1840-42. 2 vol. Edin., 1845. 8 Another copy. M'KAY(NEiLL). Centenary sermon, ly tin ; N. M. ; and centennial historical address, by James BANKS before the Presbytery of Fayette- ville, 18th Oct. 1868. Fayetteville, 1858. 8 MACKAY (ROBERT). Orain le Rob DONN, Bard Ainmeil Dhuthaich Mhio-Aoidh, a nis air an cur a mach air iarrtus Luchd-Graidh agus molaidh na bardachd sonruichte so, o chruin- neachadh sgriobhta a rinneadh dhith, o bheul a' bhaird fein ; maille ri eachdraidh a bheatha, a chliu, 's a bhardachd, am Beurla. Inbhimis, 1829. 8 Another copy. MACKAY (ROBERT), Writer, Thurso. History of the house and clan of Mackay, containing, for connection and elucidation, besides ac- counts of many other Scottish families, a va- riety of historical notices, more particularly of those relating to the Northern division of Scot- land during the most critical and interesting periods ; with a genealogical table of the clan. , 1829. 4 MACKAY (R. W.), M.A. The Tubingen school and its antecedents : a review of the history and present condition of modern theology. London, 1863. 8 MACKAY (WILLIAM SINCLAIR), Missionary to In- dia from the Free Church of Scotland. Extract of a letter from the Rev. W. S. M. to the con- vener of the General Assembly's committee. [.Edin., 1834.] 8 M'KECHNIE (WILLIAM), Musselburgh. Nel- son's victory by the right hand of the Lord : a discourse on Exodus, xv. 6. Edin. , 1799. 8* MACKELLAR (THOMAS). Droppings from the heart. Philadelphia, 1844. 12 M'KENZIE (DONALD), Minister of Fodderty. A lash to the old Seceder, merited by his remarks on a speech, addressed to the SYNOD OF Ross. 1812 MACKENZIE (Sir GEORGE), of Rosehaugh, Ad- vocate to King Charles II. and King James VII. The lawes and customes of Scotland, in matters criminal. Wherein is to be seen how the civil law, and the laws and customs of other nations do agree with, and supply ours. Edin., 1678. 4 A vindication of His Majesties [King JAMES] government and judicatures in Scotland. 1683 Jus regium : or, the just and solid foundations of monarchy in general ; and more especially of the monarchy of Scotland : maintain'd against Buchannan, Naphtali, Dolman, Mil- ton, &c. London, 1684. 8 A moral essay, preferring solitude to publick employment, and all its appanages ; such as fame, command, riches, pleasures, conversa- tion, &c. London, 1685. 8 The antiquity of the royal line of Scotland far- ther cleared and defended, against the excep- tions lately offer'd by Dr Stillingfleet, in his Vindication of the Bishop of St Asaph. London, 1686. 8 A vindication of the government in Scotland, during the reign of King Charles II., against MACKENZIE- MACKINTOSH. 493 mis-representations made in several scandal- ous pamphlets. To which is added the method of proceeding against criminals, as also some of the phanatical covenants, as they were print- ed and published by themselves in that reign. London, 1691. 4 The institutions of the law of Scotland. Edin., 1758. 12 Moral gallantry : a discourse, addressed to the nobility and gentry of Great Britain. With other essays, intimately connected with the subject. London, 1821. 8 MACKENZIE (GEORGE), M.D. The lives and characters of the most eminent writers of the Scots nation ; with an abstract and catalogue of their works ; their various editions ; and the judgment of the leam'd concerning them. 3vol. Edin., 1708-22. fol. MACKENZIE (GEORGE), Earl of Cromerty.An historical account of the conspiracies by the Earls of Gowry, and Robert Logan of Restal- rig against King James VI. Containing the facts, proofs and judgment, in these causes. To which is added, a vindication of Robert III. King of Scotland, and all his descendents, from the impiitation of bastardy. Taken from authentick documents, yet extant among the national records. Edin., 1713. 8 MACKENZIE (Sir GEORGE STEUART), Bart. Travels in the island of Iceland, during the summer of the year 1810. Edin., 1811. 4 An essay on some subjects connected with taste ; including objections to the theory of association as proposed by Mr Alison ; and an explanation of some differences in taste, on the principles of phrenology. 2d ed. Edin., 1820. 8 MACKENZIE (HANNAH). Extracts from medi- tations by the late H. M. Edited by a minis- ter. With a preface and sketch of her life by the editor. Edin., 1843. 8 MACKENZIE (HENRY). Miscellaneous works. 3vol. Edin., 1819. 12 MACKENZIE (JOHN), D.D., Minister of Portpa- trick. Sermons. Edin., 1800. 8 MACKENZIE (JOHN). Memoirs of the life and writings of John CALVIN. [1809] MACKENZIE (JOHN). The Gaelic melodist, be- ing a selection of the most popular Highland love songs. Stereotype edition. Edin., 1838. 8 Sar-obair nam bard Gaelach : or, the beauties of Gaelic poetry, and lives of the Highland bards ; with historical and critical notes, and a comprehensive glossary of provincial words. With an historical introduction containing an account of the manners, habits, &c. of the an- cient Caledonians. By James Logan. Glasgmv, 1841. 8 An T-Aosdana ; or a selection of the most po- pular Gaelic Jacobite songs. Edin., 1844. 8 M'KENZIE (THOMAS), M. A. Antichrist and the Church of Rome identified and exposed by the word of God : in a treatise on the seven Pop- ish sacraments. Edin., 1835. 8 Another copy. A guide to philological investigation. Paisley, 1841. 8 M'KENZIE (WILLIAM). Oran, Do ninghein Choinnich ruaidh mhic fir no Comraich...[In- verary ballad.] Inverary, s. a. 10 MACKENZIE (WILLIAM). Outlines of educa- tion, or, remarks on the development of mind, and improvement of manners. Edin., 1824. 12 Literary varieties ; a selection of papers from several finished and unfinished manuscripts. Glasgow, 1837. 12 MACKENZIE (WILLIAM), Minister of the Free Church, North Leith. Present duty of the Church of Scotland to her sole King and Head. A discourse. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. " The servant as his Lord." [Stirling tracts, No. vii.] Stirling, 1842. 8 U Sitometrion. An arrangement of the sayings and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pail i. Edin. , s. a. 8 A lecture on reformation in the Isle of Man now and before Luther. Douglas, 1859. 8 Index to all the statute or Tynwald laws of the Isle of Man. Douglas, 1861. 8 M'KENZIE (WILLIAM). The history of Gallo- way, from the earliest period to the present time. 2 vol. Kirkcudbright, 1841. 12 M'KERRELL (ARCHIBALD). An apology for the gifts of tongues and interpretation, at present manifested in the Church of Christ. And the words of a vision of prophecy, given to the Church in A.D. 1830. Greenock, 1831. 12 M'KERROW (JOHN), D.D., Minister of the Unit- ed Presbyterian Church, Bridge of Teith. His- tory of the Secession Church. Revised and enlarged edition. Glasgow, 1841. 8 The office of Ruling elder in the Christian Church : its divine authority, duties, and re- sponsibilities. Edin., 1846. 8 M'KERROW (WILLIAM), D.D., Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Manchester. Let- ters on Church Establishments, in reply to the Rev. Hugh Stowell. [In two parts.] Manchester, 1834. 12 M'KIDD (ALEXANDER). An exposition of chap- ter vii. of Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Edin., 1854. 8 M'KIE (NATHANIEL), Minister of Crossmichael. Some thoughts on the sacred ministry... in a sermon [on Acts, xx. 24] preached at the open- ing of the Synod of Galloway, Oct. 20, 1741. Edin., 1741. 8 MACKIE (ROBERT). A review of the conduct of John Gibson, Esq. W.S....as law agent in a late trial before the Jury court, and since the conclusion of the action. Edin., 1823. 8 MACKINTOSH (DONALD). Collection of Gaelic proverbs and familiar phrases. Englished a- new. To which is added " The way to wealth," by Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. Edin., 1819. 12 Another copy. Another copy. MACKINTOSH (Sir JAMES), LL.D. Vindicire 494 MACKINTOSH MACLAGAN. G allies?. Defence of the French revolution and its English admirers, against the accusa- tions of the Bight Hon. Edmund Burke ; in- cluding some strictures on the late production of Mons. de Calonne. 2d ed. London, 1791. 8 Another copy. Another copy. A discourse on the study of the law of nature and nations. London, 1799. 6 Another copy. The history of England. 2 vol. [Lardner's Cab. Cyclop.] London, 1830, 31. 8 History of the Revolution in England in 1688. Comprising a view of the reign of James II. from his accession, to the enterprise of the Prince of Orange ; and completed, to the set- tlement of the crown, by the editor. To which is prefixed, a notice of the life, writings, and speeches of Sir J. M. London, 1834. 4 Dissertation second [prefixed to the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica] ; ex- hibiting a general view of the progress of ethi- cal philosophy, chiefly during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. s. I. et a. 4 C [See also under ENCYCLOPEDIA.] Second edition. With a preface by the Rev . William Whewell, M.A. Edin., 1837. 8' Another copy. * Memoirs of the life of the Right Hon. Sir J. M. Edited by his son, Robert James Mack- intosh. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1836. 8 MACKINTOSH (JOHN).* The earnest student : being memorials of J. M. By the Rev. Nor- man M'Leod. Edin., 1854. 8 MACKMILLAN (JOHN). See John M'MILLAN. MACKNIGHT (JAMES), D.D., one of the minis- ters of Edinburgh. A harmony of the four Gospels : in which the natural order of each is preserved. With a paraphrase and notes. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1763. 4 Another copy. A new edition. 2 vol. London, 1822. 8 The truth of the Gospel history shewed, in three books. London, 1763. 4 A new literal translation of the Apostle Paul's first and second Epistles to the Thessalonians. With a commentary. 1787. See BIBLES ENGLISH. E. A new literal translation of all the Apostolical Epistles. With a commentary and notes. 1820. See BIBLES ENGLISH. E. MACKQUEEN (JOHN). The good patriot set forth in the example of the publick-spirited centurion, in a sermon [on Luke, vii. 4, 5] preached in the Gray-Friar church of Edin- burgh... [for the] anniversary commemoration of George Herriot... Edin., 1694. 4 MACKRAY (WILLIAM), A.M., Minister of the Free Church at Huntly. A defence of civil establishments of religion, being the substance of several discourses in which the question is considered, particularly in its bearing on the history and prospects of the Church of Scotland and on the Secession. Aberdeen, 1833. 8 Another copy. On the causes, influence, and prospects of the Secession, in coiiiu-ctinn with tlu- prospects of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1833. 8" An essay on the effect of the Reformation n civil society in Europe. /<, 1833. 8" 1 Third edition. To which is appended a chap- ter on the effect of the Reformation in Ame- rica, by the Rev. G. Boi Aberdeen, 1846. 12 Two discourses ; by the Rev. Findlay STEWART, and W. M. 1834 On the causes that have retarded the progress of the Reformation. [Blackwell prize essay for I860.] London, 1860. h" J MACKY (JoH> T ). A journey through SCOT LAM >. 1723 M'LACHLAN (M'DouoALL). Oran nmirt Ghlinne Comhann, Cis a Bhard Mhucanach. [Inverary ballad.] Inverary, . a. 16 MACLACHLAN (PAUL), of St Francis Xame.r't church, Falkirk. A letter to the Rev. James Giltillan of Stirling, in answer to a letter from that rev. gentleman. Edin., 1844. 8 The three false witnesses ; or, remarks on va- rious slanderous charges urged against the Ca- tholic Church, by the Rev. Messrs M'Corkle, Doig, and Beith, in the Free Kirk Synod, held at Stirling on the 7th of October, 1845. Edin., 1845. 8 * A contrast : being an account of the alleged persecution inflicted on Dr Kalley in Madeira ; in three letters (to the "Tablet.") By Charles Waterton. Also, an authentic report, drawn up by command of the Pope, of the horrible cruelties perpetrated on the Basilian nuns at Minsk, by the orders of the Emperor of Rus- sia ; translated for the " Tablet" from the ori- ginal narrative of the abbess of Minsk, one of the sufferers. With an introduction and ap- pendix, by the Rev. P. M. Edin., 1846. S 3 Clerical celibacy and the confessional : a letter to J. Burn Murdoch, Esq. Edin., [1847]. 8 The alleged conformity between Popery and Paganism examined, in a letter to the editor of the Free Kirk magazine. Edin. , 1847. 8 The rock. The infallibility of the Church vin- dicated : a reply to the Rev. Dr Robert Lee's Discourse on Papal infallibility, and the causes of the late conversions to Romanism. Edin., 1851. 8 The Bible : its use and abuse ; or, an inquiry into the results of the respective doctrines of the Catholic and Protestant Churches, relative to the interpretation of the word of God. London, s. a. 8 MACLAGAN (ALEXANDER). Sketches from na- ture, and other poems. Edin., 1851. 8 MACLAGAN (DAVID), M.D. A probationary surgical essay on Tetanus, chiefly as occurring after wounds... Edin., 1816. 8* MACLAGAN (JAMES), D.D., Professor of divinity in the Free Church college, Aberdeen. Address to the friends of Bible societies in Perthshire, by the dissentients from the committee of the Perthshire BIBLE SOCIETY. 1829 Lectures and sermons. With a preface by the MACLAINE MACLEAN. 495 Rev. A. D. Davidson, Aberdeen. Aberdeen, 1853. 8 - Another copy. MACLAINE (ARCHIBALD), D.D., Minister of the English church at The Hague. A series of let- ters, addressed to Soame Jenyns, Esq. ; on occasion of his View of the internal evidence of Christianity. London, 1777. 8 The difficulties of resignation alleviated by hope. A sermon [on Lament, iii. 28, 29] preach'd Dec. 5, 1751, on occasion of the death of His Serene Highness the Prince of Orange and Nassau... Hague, s. a. 8 - Another copy. MACLAREN (CHARLES), F.R.S.E. A sketch of the geology of Fife and the Lothians, including detailed descriptions of Arthur's Seat and Pentland hills. Edin., 1839. 12 - Another copy. M'LAREN (DUNCAN), M. P. History of the re- sistance to the annuity tax under each of the four Church establishments for which it has been levied ; with a statement of its annual produce since 1690. From authentic docu- ments. Edin., 1836. 12 - History of the resistance to the annuity tax, and of the origin and application of seat-rents for payment of ministers' stipends... With the memorial of the ministers to His Majesty's government. 3d ed. Edin., 1836. 32 Facts regarding the seat-rents of the city churches of Edinburgh : in seven letters to the creditors of the city, with an appendix of documents. 2d ed. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. Mr M'Laren's town council proceedings. [From the " Witness" of 7th Nov. 1840.1 Edin., [1840.] fol. The rise and progress of whisky-drinking in Scotland, and the working of the... Forbes Mackenzie act. Glasgow, 1858. 8 M'LAREN (PETER), Minister of tlw English Pres- byterian church, Brighton. The glory of the Holy Ghost. Edin., 1855. 8 M'LAUCHLAN (THOMAS), LL.D., Minister of Free Gaelic church, Edinburgh. The way to God ; or, the doctrine of Christ's mediator-ship briefly expounded. Edin., 1853. 8 - The early Scottish Church : the ecclesiastical history of Scotland, from the first to the twelfth century. Edin., 1865. 8 MACLAURIN (COLIN), A.M., Professor of mathe- matics in the university of Edinburgh. An ac- count of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophical dis- coveries, in four books. Published from the author's manuscript papers, by Patrick Mur- doch, M.A. London, 1748. 4 - A treatise of algebra, in three parts. Contain- ing. I. The fundamental rules and operations. II. The composition and resolution of equations of all degrees ; and the different affections of their roots. III. The application of algebra and geometry to each other. To which is add- ed, an appendix, concerning the general pro- perties of geometrical lines. 5th ed. London, 1788. 8 MACLAURIN (JOHN), one of the ministers of Glasgow. Brother of the preceding. Works of the Rev. J. M. With an introductory essay, by the Rev. John Brown. Glasgow, 1824. 12 Second edition. Glasgow, 1830. 12 Another edition. Edited by W.H.Goold, D.D. 2vol. Edin,, I860. 8 An essay on the prophecies relating to the Messiah. To which are subjoined, an inquiry into happiness, and three sermons. Published by John Gillies, D.D. Edin., 1773. 8 Another copy. Glorying in the cross of Christ. A sermon on Galatians, vi. 14. Edin., 1797. 12 Sermons and essays. Published from the au- thor's manuscripts by the Rev. John Gillies, D. D. 5th ed. With the life and character of the author. London, 1815. 8 On prejudices against the Gospel. [Theolo- gical tracts, edited by John BROWN, D.D., vol. ii.] Edin., 1853. 8 MACLAURIN (JOHN), of Dreghorn, one of tJie senators of the College of justice. The works of the late J. M. 2 vol. " Edin., 1798. 8 MACLAURIN (W. C. A.), M. A. A plea for pri- mitive Episcopacy, as the divinely instituted principle of unity among the disciples of Christ. 2d ed. London, 1841. 12 M'LEAN (ARCHIBALD), one of the pastors of the Baptist Church, Edinburgh. The works of Mr A. M., containing tracts, essays, sermons, &c. on the most important subjects. Together with a paraphrase, and commentary, on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 6 vol. Edin., 1805-17. 12 The commission given by Jesua Christ to his Apostles illustrated. In three parts. Edin., 1786. 12 Second edition. Glasgow, 1797. 12 A letter on the Sonship of Christ, originally addressed to some of the members of the Bap- tist Church at Edinburgh. To which is added, a review of Dr Walker's defence of the doc- trine of the Trinity and eternal Sonship of Christ. Edin., 1788. 12 The belief of the Gospel saving faith. Being the substance of two discourses, preached at Kingston-upon-Hull ; with an appendix con- taining strictures upon a sermon entitled, " The faith of the operation of God." Edin., 1791. 12 Fourth edition. London, 1823. 8 Sermons on the doctrines and duties of the Christian life. With a memoir of his life, mi- nistry, and writings. By William Jones. London, 1817. 8 A dissertation on the influences of the Holy Spirit. [Theological tracts, edited by John BROWN, D.D., vol. ii.] Edin., 1853. 8 C MACLEAN (DONALD), Minister of the parish of Small Isks.Caae for the Rev. D. M., Appel- lant, in the prosecution against him, at the instance of the Presbytery of Skye, Respond- ents. Edin., 1835. 8 Another copy. MACLEAN (H. B.). * An account of the whole M 'LEAN M ACM AHoN. proceedings in the case of the Rev. H. B. M., before the Presbytery of Irvine, and the Sy- nod of Glasgow and Ayr. Irriite, 1830. K - Another copy. M'LEAN (LACHLAN). Adamh agus Eubh, no Craobh Sheanachais nan Gael. Edin., 1837. 8 M'LEAN ( ). Oran Gaoil, Cuir achinn dilis. [Inverarv ballad.] Inverary, . a. 10 J M'LEAN (L.). Maighister na' Modhannan : No Leabhar-Pbc a Ghaeil Oig. Edin., 1845. 16 M'LEOD (ALEXANDER), D.D., Pastor of the Re- formed Presbyterian Church, New- York. Ne- gro slavery unjustifiable. A discourse [on Exod. xxi. 16]. Glasgow, 1804. 8 The life and power of true godliness ; described in a series of discourses. New York, 1816. 8 Another edition. Paisley, 1818. 8 The ecclesiastical CATECHISM ; being a series of questions, relative to the Christian Church, stated and answered with the Scripture proofs. Paisley, 1819. 12 Second British edition. Paisley, 1821. 12 Third British edition. Glasgow, 1829. 12 Another edition. Edin., 1843. 12 The character, history, death, and resurrec- tion, of the two witnesses, prophesied of in the Apocalypse. Edin., 1843. 8 Lectures upon the principal prophecies of the Revelation. With an introductory essay and biographical sketch of the author, by Stewart Bates, D.D. Glasgoiv, 1844. 8 * Remarks on a review of Dr M'Leod's lec- tures upon the principal prophecies of the Re- velation, in the Christian repository for 1816. By a Cameronian. Paisley, 1822. 8 M'LEOD (ALEXANDER). Essays and inquiries respecting the gifts and the teachers of the primitive Churches. Edin., 1813. 12 A view of inspiration, comprehending the na- ture and distinctions of the spiritual gifts and offices of the apostolic age. Glasgow, 1827. 12 M'LEOD (ALEXANDER). An address to the ho- nourable the committee for managing His Ma- jesty's bounty for the reformation of the high- lands and islands of Scotland. Edin., 1820. 8 MACLEOD (ALEXANDER), Strathaven. On moun- tain worship. A lecture. Glasgow, 1844. 8 M'LEOD (ALEXANDER), the Bed. An Cronan. [Inverary ballad.] Inverary, s. a. 1C" M'LEOD (DONALD). Grain Nuadh Ghaeleach ; maille ri beagain do Cho-chruinneachadh urra- mach na'n aireainh. Inbhirneis, 1811. 8 MACLEOD (JOHN), Pastor of the Reformed Pres- byterian congregation, Stranraer. Letter to the elders and members of the Reformed Pres- byterian congregation, Stranraer, relative to the views embraced in their terms of commu- nion, on the subject of the national covenants, magistracy, the British government, &c. &c. /''/;/<., 1849. 8 Another copy. M'LEOD (J. N.), D.D. Sermons by the Rev. Theodore J. W. WVLIE, J. N. M., and Al,-\ DUFF, D.D. 1854 MACLEOD(NiEL). A collection of piobaireachd , ipo tunes aa verbally taught by tin- M'Crummen pipers in the isle of Skye to their apprentices... j lan- iiiKt'j'.*.- Mykur Ha\i-ui... .Mistranslations and (litlicult passages of the Old Testament... cor- rected and explained in an eaay and familiar manner. With observations from the Chal- daic reading ; and alao aome views of the fol- lowing Hebrew commentators : Baal Hatoo- rim, Raahi, Aben Ezra, Rudakh, Ralbak, Av. &c. It.'l.rut, 1853. 12 MARCUS (JOHN P.). The purity of divine wor- ship advocated, and will-worahip condemned. Part i. Liverpool, 1858. 12 MARCUS (MosEs), Curate of Brigstockcum-Sta- nion, Northamptonshire. A grammar of the Hebrew language, with points. London, 1825. 8 MARDON (BENJAMIN), Minister of the Unit" church, Glasgow. A letter to the Rev. Dr Chalmera, occasioned by hia notice of Unita- rians, in the appendix to hia aermon on the death of the Princess Charlotte. To which is subjoined, a statement of the evidence for Sir Isaac Newton's Unitarianism. Glasgow, 1818. 8 MARESIUS (SAMUEL), Minister at Groningen. Dissertatio de Antichristo, qua expenditur et refutatur nupera commentatio ad illustriora ea de re Novi Testamenti loca, Hugonis Grotii credita ; simulque Ecclesiarum reformatarum sententia de Antichristo Romano defenditur et confirmatur. Amstel., 1640. 8 Concordia discors et Antichristus revelatus ; id est 111. viri Hugonis Grotii Apologia pro Papa et Papismo, quam pra?textu concordiae in- ter Christianos sarciendje exhibet illius appen- dix ad interpretationem locorum Novi Testa- menti de Antichriato, modeste refutata duobus libris. Liber primus. Amstel., 1642. 8 Defensio pietatis et aynceritatia optimatum Sylvae-Ducenaium in negotio aodalitatis quae a B. Virgine nomen habet, teatibua veritate et charitate. Sylvce-Ihicense, 1643. 12 Biga Fanaticorum eversa ; sive diasertationes duae theologicas, quarum prior continet vindi- cias pro S. S. Trinitatis mysterio, adversus epistolam Andreae Dudithii Quinquecclesien- sis Episcopi ; posterior exhibet refutationem xxviii. objectionum D. N. N. contra varia re- ligionis Christianse capita. Groningce, 1647. 12 Theologize elenchticae nova synopsis ; aive in- dex controversiarum fidei ex aacris Scripturia, a Jacobo Tirino Jesuita concinnatus, et cen- sura perpetua, auctus, emendatus et refutatus. 2 torn. Groning&, 1648. 4 Hydra Socinianismi expugnata : sive Johannis Volkelii Misnici, De vera religione (ut falsb inscribuntur) libri quinque : quibus praefixus est Johannis Crellii Franci (ejusdem comma- tis) liber de Deo et ejus attributis, ita ut unum cum illis opus (integrumq ; Socinianae impietatis systema) constituat : cum eorundem refutatione exacta per additas annotationes et censuras necessarias. 3 torn. Grmiingce, 1651-62. 4 ETTI^KTI; theologica et arnica ad qusestiones MARET MARLORATUS. 509 de gratia et redemptions universal!. Pars prior ; opposita primse parti Apologise nuper in Belgio editae adversus Ecclesiarum et Scho- larum Belgicae Fcederatse constantem senten- tiam. Groningce, 1656. 4 Examen theologicum quatuor insignium quses- tionum, De Episcoporum origine, clericorum jurisdictione temporali, divortiis, annihilatione mundi : oppositum earum decision! prseposte- rse per R. V. D. Joannem Prideaux, nuperum Episcopum Wigorniensem. Groningae Frisiorum, 1657. 8 Joanna Papissa restituta : sive animadversiones et annotationes historicse ad Davidis Blondelli ...librum posthumum, anno superior! editum Amstelsedami sub hoc titulo, De Joanna Pa- pissa, sive famosse quaestionis, An foemina ulla inter Leonem IV. et Benedictum III. Romanos Pontifices media sederit, ' Ava,x.^iai^. His additur, brevis refutatio prsefationis apo- logeticae quam Anacrisi praefixit Stephanus Curcellaeus, illius editor ; et appendicis loco, dissertatio theologica pro S. S. Trinitate eidem Curcellseo antitrinitario opposita. Groningce JrwiortMi, 1658. 4 Another copy. Collegium theologicum ; sive systema breve universe theologise ; comprehensum octode- cim disputationibus collegialiter olim habitis in academia provinciali illustrium ac PP. or- dinum Groningse et Omlandise. Groningce Frisiorum, 1659. 4 Another copy. [Wants title.] Defensio fidei Catholicae et orthodoxae, de sa- cro-sancta Trinitate, peccato originali, salute per solum Christum, justificatione ex illius tide, opposita quaternioni Stephani Curcellaei, Socmiani, de his quatuor capitibus adversus Maresium conscripto... Groningce, 1662. 4 Another copy. MARET (L'abbe" H.-L.-C.). Essai sur le Pan- theisme dans les societes modernes. Troisieme Edition. Paris, 1845. 8 MARGAROT (MAURICE).* The trial of M. M., delegate from London, to the British conven- tion, before the high court of justiciary, at Edinburgh, on the 13th and 14th of January, 1794, for sedition. Robertson's edition. .EtKn.,[1794]. 8 MARGOLIOUTH (Mosss), Incumbent of Glasne- vin. The fundamental principles of modern Judaism investigated ; together with a me- moir of the author, and an introduction : to which are appended, a list of the six hundred and thirteen precepts : and addresses to Jews and Christians. With a preface by the Rev. Henry Raikes, A.M. London, 1843. 8 MARHEINECKE (PHILIPPUS), Professor of theo- logy in the university of Berlin. Institutiones symbolicae doctrinarum Catholiconim, Protest- antium, Socinianorum , Ecclesiee Graecse, mi- norumqiie societatum Christianarum summam et discrimina exhibentes. Editio altera. Berolini, 1825. 8 Editio tertia. Berolini, 1830. 8 Another copy. Die Reform der Kirche durch den Staat. Leipzig, 1844. 12 MARIA ***. * Memoir of Maria ***, a convert- ed Jewess. 2d ed. London, 1841. 12 MARIA, Virgo. Fasti Mariani cvm divorvm elogiis in singvlos anni dies distribvtis. Ser. mo Electori Maximiliano vtrivsque Boiariae dvci nvper consecrati. Editio vltima. [Per Andre- am BRUNNERUM.] Lvgdvni, 1652. 12 MARIA (ANTERUS), a S. Bonaventura, ordinis discalceatorum S. Augustini. Ponderationea in Psalmos juxta multiplicem divinarum Scrip- turarum sensum. In quibus prsecipufe ad morea informandos plurimi conceptus affirmantur, eximiorum authorum sententiis k propriis fon- tibus hausti roborati, divinis insuper, huma- nisque historiis, atque copiosissima sanctorum Patrum eruditione dicatse ; nee non nobilium poetarum carminibus exornatae. 3 torn. Liigduni, 1673. fol. MARIE-ANTOINETTE D'AUTRICHE [ JEANNB LOUISE HENRIETTA GENET], Queen of France and Navarre. * Memoirs of the private life of M. A. To which are added, recollections, sketches, and anecdotes, illustrative of the reigns of Louis XIV., Louis XV., and Louis XVI. By Madame Campan. 2 vol. London, 1823. 8 MARKHAM (GERVASE). Markham's master- piece : containing all knowledge belonging to smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing of all diseases in horses. Divided into two books. The first, containing all cures physical. The second, all belonging to Chi- rurgery. The 21st impression. To which is now added, The countryman's care for curing diseases in smaller cattle. Also the compleat jockey, &c. London, 1734. 4 MARKS (RICHARD), Vicar of Great Missenden, Bucks. Familiar questions intended for the junior classes of Sunday schools. 2d ed. London, 1823. 12 Morning MEDITATIONS. 1825 The Retrospect ; or, review of providential mercies : with anecdotes of various characters, and an address to naval officers. [By ALIQUIS]. Pseud. 13th ed. London, 1828. 12 MARLBOROUGH, DUKE OF. S'ee John CHURCH- HILL. MARLORATUS (AUGUSTINUS). Genesis, cum Catholica expositione ecclesiastica, id est, ex universis probatis theologis...excerpta. [Pan's], 1562. fol. Liber psalmorum Davidis, cum catholica expo- sitione ecclesiastica. Cantica ex diversis Bibli- orum locis, cum eadem expositione. [Paris], 1562. fol. Esaise prophetia, cum catholica expositione ecclesiastica. [Paris], 1564. fol. Thesaurus S. Scripturse propheticse et aposto- licse, nominum, verborum, &c. qiue in S. Bib- liis continentur summam complectens ; ab A. M. ex S. Script, primum collectus, deinde per Guil. Feujniereium digestus... Geneva, 1613. 8 Novi Testamenti catholica expositio ecclesias- 610 MARMONTEL MARSH tica. Ex probatis theologis, quoa Dominus Ecclcsitu sine diuursis in locia dedit, exc./i j.t.i et diiigentcr cuncinnata...Editio sujtim;i. *. I., 1620. fol. MARMONTEL (JEAN FRA^OIS). Contes mo- raux. 3 torn. Paris, 176.">. 1 ~ Moral tales. 3vol. 3ded. London, 1781. 12 Belisariua. To which are added, fragments of moral philosophy, by the same author, in three essays, never before translated. I. Of glory. II. Of the great. III. Of grandeur. JSdin., 1767. 12 Les Incas, ou la destruction de 1'empire du Pe*rou. Revu et corrige' d'apres les meilleures Editions de Paris, par Vincent Wanostrorlii in- cumbent of Christ church, ('(if ton. A sermon [on Luke, xii. 40] preached in Glasgow, on the 4th of March, 1827, after the interment of the Rev. Alexander Ranken, D.D. Glasgow, 1827. 8 Sermon on cruelty to animals, preached in the High church of Edinburgh, 14th June, 1829. Edin., 1829. 12 Another copy. - Early piety, illustrated in the life and death of a young parishioner. Fifth thousand. frl'm., 1838. 12 3 Inward revival : or, motives and hindrances to advancement in holiness. 2d ed. Edin., 1840. 8 * A memoir of the Rev. J. M. Compiled by his son, the Rev. James Marshall, Exeter Col. , Oxford. London, 1857. 8 - Another copy. MARSHALL (JAMES). Two sermons preached to the congregation of Firth and Stennes, Ork- ney, by the Rev. J. M., presentee to those parishes. Edin., 1844. 4 MARSHALL (JOHN), Minister of St Peter's Epis- copal chapel, Kirkaldy. Letter to Sir George Sinclair, Bart. M.P., in reference to certain speeches delivered in the Assembly rooms, Edinburgh, on Thursday evening, Dec. 20, 1838, in commemoration of the Glasgow As- sembly of 1638. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Who are the ministers of Christ under the Gospel dispensation / answered, in two ser- mons, preached in... Dundee, 1841. Address- ed to the consideration of those persons who take an interest in the points of discussion which are at present agitating the ecclesiasti- cal establishments of England and Scotland. Edin., 1841. 8 MARSHALL (NATHANAEL), D.D., Canon of Windsor. The penitential DISCIPLINE of the primitive Church impartially represented. 1714 MARSHALL (STEPHEN), B.D., Lecturer at St Margaret's church, Westminster. Meroz cursed, or, a sermon [on Judges, v. 23] preach- ed to the Hon. House of Commons, at their late solemn fast, Feb. 23, 1641. London, 1641. 4 Q%nvubict. The Church's lamentation for the good man's losse : delivered in a sermon [on Micah, vii. 1, 2] to the Right Hon. the two Houses of Parliament, and the Rev. Assembly of divines, at the funeral of that excellent man John Pyrn. London, 1643. 4 Another edition. London, 1644. 4 God's master-piece, a sermon [on Psalm cii. 16, 17] tending to manifest God's glorious ap- pearing in the building up of Zion : preached to the Right Hon. the House of Peers, March 26, 1645, being the day of the monthly pub- like fast. London, 1C45. 4 The strong helper, or, the interest and JO\V.T of the prayers of the destitute, for the build- ing up of Sion. Opened in a suruimi [on Psalm cii. 17] before the Hon. House of Commons... upon the solemn day of their monethly fast, April 30, 1645. London, 1645. 4 A sacred record to be made of God's mercies to Zion : a thanksgiving sermon [on Ps. cii. 18] preached to the two Houses of Parliament ...at Christ-church, June 19, 1646. Being the day of their publike thanksgiving to Almighty God for the... victory obtained by the Parlia- ment's army under the conduct of Sir Thomas Fairfax in Naseby-field. London, [1645]. 4 A defence of infant baptism. In answer to two treatises, and an appendix to them con- cerning it ; lately published by Mr Jo. Tombes. Wherein that controversie is fully discussed, the ancient and generally received use of it from the Apostles dayes, untill the Anabap- tists sprung up in Germany, manifested. The arguments for it from the holy Scriptures maintained, and the objections against it an- swered. London, 1646. 4 An humble answer returned to His Majestic [CHARLES I.] by Mr Marshall [and Mr Vines, Mr Caryl, and Mr Seaman]. 1648 A sermon [on Rom. xii. 4, 5] preached to the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, and court of Al- dermen of the city of London, at their anni- versary meeting on Easter Monday, April 1652. Wherein the unity of the saints with Christ, the head, and especially with the Church, the body ; with the duties thence arising, are en- deavoured to bee cleared. London, 1652. 4 MARSHALL (THOMAS WILLIAM). Notes on the Episcopal polity of the holy Catholic Church. Edited by Jonathan M. Wainwright, D.D. New York, 1844. 12 MARSHALL (WALTER), Fellow of Winchester col- lege, Oxford. The Gospel mystery of sanctifi- cation open'd in sundry practical directions. Suited especially to the case of those who la- bour under the guilt and power of in-dwelling sin. To which is added, a sermon on justifi- cation. 2d ed. London, 1714. 8 Twelfth edition. London, 1803. 12 New edition. Edin., 1815. 12 Fourteenth edition. London, 1819. 12 - Fifteenth edition. London, 1822. 12 MARSHALL (WILLIAM), Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Coupar- Angus. The Old Testament argument for Establishments consi- dered, in a speech delivered at a public meet- ing in Coupar- Angus, on the 27th March 1834. Edin., 1834. 8 MARSHALL (WILLIAM), Minister of the Free Church, Kirkintilloch. The work of the Lord declared in Zion. A sermon occasioned by the accession of the Seceders to the Free Church of Scotland. Edin., 1852. 8 Popery in the full corn, the ear, and the blade ; or, the doctrine of baptism in the Popish, Episcopalian, and Congregational Churches ; with a defence of the Calvinistic or Presbyte- rian view. To which is subjoined a transla- MARSHALL MARTIN. 613 tion of an essay on the efficacy of baptism by Herman WITSIUS, D.D. Edin., 1852. 8 - Another copy. MARSHALL (WILLIAM BARRETT), Assistant-sur- geon, E.N. A personal narrative of two visits to New Zealand, in His Majesty's ship Alliga- tor, A.D. 1834. London, 1836. 12 MARSHAMUS (JOHANNES). Canon chronicus ./Egyptiacus, Ebraicus, Graecus, et disquisi- tiones. Liber non chronologicse tantum, sed et historicse antiqvitatis reconditissima corn- plexus ; Londini primum A. 1672 editus : nunc longe emendatior in Germania recusus... Lipsice, 1676. 4 MARSHMAN (J.), D.D. A defence of the deity and atonement of Jesus Christ, in reply to Ram-Mohun Roy of Calcutta. London, 1822. 8 Reply to the attack of Mr Buckingham on the Serampore missionaries. 2d ed. To which is prefixed, reply of the Serampore missionaries to the attack made on them in No. iii. of the Oriental magazine. London, 1826. 8 MARTENE (EDMUNDUS), Monk of the Benedic- tine order. Thesaurus novus anecdotorum. Prodit nunc primum studio et opera Domni E. M. et Ursini DURAND, Presbyterorum et monachorum Benedictinorum e congregatione S.Mauri. 5 torn. Lutet. Paris., 1717. fol. Veterum scriptorum et monumentorum histo- ricorum, dogmaticorum, moralium amplissima collectio. Prodiit nunc primum studio et opera Domni E. M. et Ursini DURAND. 9 torn. Parisiis, 1724-33. fol. De antiquis Ecclesise ritibus libri tres. Ex variis insigniorum Ecclesiarum pontificalibus, sacramentariis, missalibus, breviariis, rituali- bus sive manualibus, ordinariis seu consuetu- dinariis cum manuscriptis turn editis ; ex di- versis conciliorum decretis, Episcoporum sta- tutis, aliisque probatis auctoribus permultis collecti atque exornati. Editio novissima ab eodem auctore tertiam ultra partem aucta... Accedunt I. Tractatus de antiqua Ecclesise dis- ciplina in diversis celebrandis officiis. II. De monachorum ritibus libri v. denuo illustrata. III. Manuscriptorum opusculorum ad mona- chorum ritus appendix. 4 torn. Sassani, 1788. fol. MARTENSEN (H.), D.D., Bishop of Seeland, Denmark. Christian dogmatics. A compen- dium of the doctrines of Christianity. Trans- lated from the German by the Rev. William Urwick, M.A. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1866. 8 MARTIALIS (MARCUS VALERIUS). The epi- grams of M. V. M. , in twelve books : with a comment : by James Elphinston. London, 1782. 4 MARTIAN AY (JEAN), Benedictine of the congre- gation of St Maur. Traits' historique du ca- non des Livres de la Sainte-ecriture. Depuis leur premiere publication, jusqu' au concile de Trente. Paris, 1703. 12 MARTIN (BENJAMIN). Philosophia Britannica : or a new and comprehensive system of the Newtonian philosophy, astronomy and geogra- phy. In a course of twelve lectures with notes, containing the physical, mechanical, geometrical, and experimental proofs and il- lustrations of all the principal propositions in every branch of natural science ... 2 vol. [ With 4 vol. of plates.] Reading, 1747. 8 MARTIN (DAVID), Minister of the Gospel at Utrecht. La Sainte Bible avec de petites notes marginales. 1712. See BIBLES FRENCH. A. Traite" de la religion naturelle. Amsterdam, 1713. 8 Le vrai sens du Pseaume ex. , oppose* a 1'appli- cation qu'en a faite a David 1'auteur de la dis- sertation inseree dans les trois premiers tomes de 1'Histoire critique de la re'publique des lettres. Avec diverses matieres de litterature et de critique. Amsterdam, 1715. 8 Deux dissertations critiques. La premiere sur le verset 7. du ch. 5. de la 1 Epist. de S. Jean. Dans laquelle on prouve 1'authenticite de ce texte...La seconde sur le passage de Joseph touchant Je'sus-Christ, ou 1'on fait voir que ce passage n'est point suppose*. Utrecht, 1717. 8 Examen de la reponse de Mr Emlyn a la dis- sertation critique sur le verset 7. du ch. 5. de la 1 Epistre de S. Jean... Londres, 1719. 8 Traite" de la religion reVelee. Ou 1'on fait voir que les Livres de V. et du N. Testament sont d'inspiration divine : on donne des regies ge"- nerales pour les expliquer ; et 1'on preuve in- vinciblement, centre les he're'tiques modernes, la ve'rite' des plus prof ondes doctrines de la reli- gion Chrutienne. 2 part. Lewarde, 1719. 8 La ve'rite' du texte de la 1 Epistre de Saint Jean, ch. 5. vs. 7...de'monstre'epardespreuves qui sont au dessus de toute exception, prises des te'moignages de 1'Eglise Latine, et de 1'Eglise Grecque, et en particulier d'un manuscrit Grec du N. Testament, trouvd en Irelande. Utrecht, 1721. 8 Translated from the French. London, 1722. 8 MARTIN (GREGORY), Reader of divinity in the English college of Rhemes. A discoverie of the manifold corrvptions of the holy Scriptvres by the heretikes of our daies, specially the Eng- lish sectaries, and of their foule dealing herein, by partial and false translations to the aduan- tage of their heresies, in their English Bibles vsed and authorised since the time of schiame. Rhemes, 1582. 8 MARTIN (HUGH), A.M., Minister of Free Grey- friar's church, Edinburgh. Christ's " own house : " a sermon on the principles of the Free Church of Scotland. London, 1859. 8 The connection between the headship of Christ and revival in the Church : with present rela- tive duties. Edin., 1859. 8 MARTIN (JAMES), A.M., Minister of St George's church, Edinburgh. Discourses ; and part of an intended series of letters on prayer, written by him while at Nice. To which is prefixed, a memoir of the author. Edin. , 1835. 8 Second edition. Edin., 1836. 8 65 514 MARTIN MARTY N MARTIN (JOHN), Pastor of a Baptist congrega- tion, in London. The rock of offence, the sin- ner's hist and only refuge. A discourse on Rom. x. 3. Lotnlon, 1771. 8 The conquest of Canaan : in which the na- tural and moral state of its inhabitants ; the character of their conquerors ; with the man- ner and design of their conquest, are consider- ed. In a series of letters from a father to his son... London, 1777. 12 MARTIN (JOHN), D.D., Mlnitt, v <>f Klrkaldy. Remains of the late Rev. J. M. , consisting of sermons, essays and letters. With a memoir. Eilln., 1838. 8 Another copy. MARTIN (M.). A voyage to St Kilda. . .To which is added, an account of Roderick, the late im- postor there, pretending to be sent by St John the Baptist with new revelations and disco- veries ; his diabolical inventions, attempts upon the women, &c. 4th ed. London, 1753. 8 .MARTIN (ROBERT MONTGOMERY). History of Austral- Asia : comprising New South Wales, Van Diemen's island, Swan river, South Aus- tralia, &c. [Martin's Brit. Col. Lib., vol. ii.] London, 1836. 8 d MARTIN (SAMUEL), D.D., Minister ofMonimail. The choice of company. A lecture and ser- mon [on Prov. ii. 10-21] delivered before His Grace the Earl of Leven and Melvill, His Majesty's Lord High Commissioner. . .on the 29th day of May 1785, within the High church of Edinburgh. Ed in., 1785. 8 Sermons, chiefly occasional, on important sub- jects. Cupar-Fife, 1804. 8 MARTIN (SAMUEL), Minister of the Free Church at Bathgate. * Memoir of the late Rev. S. M. By the Rev. John Duns. Edin., 1854. 8 MARTIN (WILLIAM), A.M., Professor of moral philosophy in the university of Aberdeen. On the nature and objects of the argument of But- ler in his " Analogy of religion." Aberdeen, 1855. 8 MARTINE (GEORGE), of Clermont. Reliquire Divi Andrese, or the state of the venerable and primitial See of St Andrews. Containing an accompt of the rise, advancement, dignities, honours, jurisdiction, priviledges, and revolu- tions of this ancient See ; and of the Church benefices of old belonging thereto, and of late annext thereto, in the Kirks belonging to the same, &c. With some historical me- moirs of some of the most famous Prelates and Primates thereof. By a true (though unworthy) sone of the Church. St Andrew, 1797. 4 MAHTINEAU (HARRIET). The essential faith of the universal Church ; deduced from the sacred records. London, 1831. 8 MARTINEAU (JAMES). The Bible : what it is, and what it is not ; a lecture delivered in... Liverpool, Feb. 19, 1839. Liverpool, 1839. 8 The proposition " That Christ is God," proved to be false from the Jewish and other Scrip- tures. A lecture delivered in... Liverpool, March 12, 1839. rpool, 18: P The scheme of vicarious redemption inconsist- ent with itself, and with the Christian idea of salvation. A lecture delivered in...Liver- ]...,,! March 19, 1839. Liverpool, 1839. 8 - Christijinity without priest, and without ri- tual. A lecture delivered in. . .Liverpool, May 14, 1839. Liverpool, 1839. 8 The rationale of religious enquiry, or the ques- tion stated of reason, the Bible, and the Church : in six lectures. 3d ed. London, 1845. 12 Endeavours after the Christian life. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1847. 12 MARTINET (L'abbd). La philosophie du cat<>- chisme Catholique. Paris, 1853. 8 Etude sur la me'thode d'enseiguement the'olo- gique, suivie du plan d'un nouveau manuel do theologie a I'usage des s^minairea. Pom, 1856. 12 MARTINI (ANTONIO), Archbishop of Florence. II Nuovo Testamento tradotto in lingua Ita- liana. 1818. (See BIBLES ITALIAN. B. MARTINIUS (MATTHIAS), Professor of theology at Bremen. De veritate divinse nature Jesu Christi disputationes tres... Brcma, 1612. 8 MARTINIUS (PETRUS). Grammatica Hebrsea, recens ab auctore emendata et aucta. Accessit hac editione rfxvoho'ytoc, qua rerum atque or- dinis ratio redditur. Item, grammatica Chal- dea quatemis ab Hebrsea differ! Rupelke, 1597. 8 MARTINUS (JACOBUS), Professor of philosophy in the university of Turin. Exercitationum metaphysicarum libri duo...Tertio editi. s. I. et a. 8 MARTINUS (RAYMUNDUS). Pugio fidei ad ver- sus Mauros et Judteos, cum observationibxis Josephi de Voisin et introductione Jo. Bene- dicti Carpzovii qui simul appendicis loco Her- manni Judaei opusc. de sua conversione ex MSCto bibliothecse Paulina? academise Lip- siensis recensuit. Lipsitx, 1687. fol. MARTYN (HENRY), B.D., Cliaplain to the East India company, Bengal. Twenty sermons. 2d ed. London, 1822. 8 Controversial tracts on Christianity and Mo- hammedanism by the late Rev. H. M. and some of the most eminent writers of Persia translated and explained. To which is ap- pended an additional tract on the same ques- tion : and, in a preface, some account given of a former controversy on this subject, with ex- tracts from it. By the Rev. S. Lee, A.M. Cambridge, 1824. 8 The New Testament translated into Persian. 1827. See BIBLES PERSIAN. D. The Gospels and Acts in English and Hin- dusthani. 1837. See BIBLES HINDUSTANI. F. Journals and letters of the Rev. H. M. Edit- ed by the Rev. S. Wilberforce, M.A. 2 vol. London, 1837. 8 Another copy. MARTYN MARY. 515 * Memoir of the Rev. H. M. By John Sar- gent, Jun. 8th ed. London, 1825. 12 Thirteenth edition. London, 1837. 12 Another edition. From the tenth London edi- tion. New York, s. a. 12 MARTYN (WILLIAM FREDERICK). The geogra- phical magazine : or, new system of geography ...2vol. London, 1794. 4 MARTYR (PETRUS), VERMILIUS, Professor of divinity at Zurich. In Epistolam S. Pauli ad Romanes... commentarii doctissuni, cum tractatione perutili rerum et locorum, qui ad earn Epistolam pertinent. Sasilece, 1558. fol. In selectissimam D. Pauli priorem ad Corin- thios Epistolam... commentarii. Editio secun- da. Tiguri, 1572. fol. In primum Librum Mosis... commentarii... Ad- dita est initio operis vita ejusdem a losia Si- milero Tigurino descripta. Accesserunt prse- terea in hac editione, octo postrema capita hu- jus libri, Ludovico LAVATERO interprete. Tiguri, 1579. fol. Melachim id est Regum Libri duo posteriores cum commentariis P. M. in primum totum et secundi priora xi. capita, et Joannis WOLPHII in secundi quatuor decim ultima capita. Tiguri, 1581. fol. Loci communes D. P. M., ex variis ipsius authoris scriptis, in unum librum collecti, et in quatuor classes distributi. Londini, 1583. fol. Another edition. Huic postremse editioni, ex accurata magni cujusdam viri preelectione, om- nium emendatissimee, ingens ejusdem M. P. M. lucubrationum accessio facta est...Adjectis prseterea thesibus nonnullis, qusestionibus, re- sponsis, orationibus, seu concionibus variis : tandem collectis et collatis undique ejusdem auctoris maximi moment! epistolis. Geneva, 1623. fol. Another edition. Genevce, 1627. fol. Another copy. In Librum ludicum commentarii doctissimi. Heidelbergce, 1609. fol. Another edition. Genevce, 1623. fol. An unpublished letter of P. M. to Henry Bui- linger : written from Oxford just after the completion of the second Prayer Book of Ed- ward VI. Edited, with remarks, by William Goode, M.A. London, 1850. 8 MART YROLOGY. The Western martyrology : or, Bloody assizes. Containing the lives, trials, and dying-speeches of all those eminent Protestants that suffer'd in the West of Eng- land, and elsewhere, from the year 1678, to this time. Together with the life and death of George L. Jeffreys. 5th ed. To which is now added... an account of the barbarous whip- pings of several persons in the West. Also the trial and case of Mr John Tutchin (the au- thor of the Observator) with the cruel sentence pass'd upon him ; and his petition to K. James to be hang'd : never before printed. London, 1705. 8 Another copy. MARTYRS. The book of martyrs : or, the his- tory of Paganism and Popery. 3d ed. London, 1765. 8 The martyrs and wrestlers : their testimonies and declarations at Rutherglen, Sanquar and Lanark, together with the bond of mutual de- fence which was found upon Mr Cameron at Airdsmoss after he was killed, also the Queens- ferry paper, for the truth and royal preroga- tives of Jesus Christ King of saints and na- tions. Glasgow, 1770. 12 The letters of the martyrs : collected and pub- lished in 1564. With a preface by Miles Co- verdale ; and with introductory remarks by the Rev. Edward Bickersteth. [Reprinted] London, 1837. 8" Another copy. MARVEL (ANDREW). The rehearsal trans- pros'd : or, animadversions upon a late book, [by Samuel Parker] intituled, A preface shew- ing what grounds there are of fears and jealous- ies of Popery. [The first part.] London, 1672. 8 Second edition. London, 1672. 12 The second part. Occasioned by two let- ters : the first printed, by a nameless author [Samuel Parker], intituled, A reproof, &c. The second letter left for me at a friends house, dated Nov. 3, 1673. Subscribed J. G. and concluding with these words ; If thou darest to print or publish any lie or libel against Dr Parker, by the eternal God I will cut thy throat. London, 1673. 8 [The first part was published anonymously.] A short historical essay touching general coun- cils, creeds, and impositions in matters of reli- gion. Very seasonable at this time. London, 1687. 4 MARX (J.). Histoire de la robe de Jesus-Christ conservee dans la Cathedrale de Treves...Tra- duit de I'Allemand par Charles Wayaut. Metz, 1844. 12 MARY, Queen of Scotland. Epistolae JACOBI QUARTI, JACOBI QUINTI, et Mariee. 1722 * The life of Mary Stewart. Written originally in French, and now done into English, with notes... by James Freebairn. Hdin.,1725. 8 * Selections from unpublished manuscripts in the college of arms and the British Museum, illustrating the reign of Mary Queen of Scot- land, 1543-1568. [Edited, f or the Maitland Club, by Joseph Stevenson.] Glasgow, 1837. 4 Lettres ine'dites de Marie Stuart, accom- pagnttes de diverses de"peches et instructions. 1558-1587. Publiees par le Prince Alexandre Labanoff. Paris, 1839. 8 MARY, Queen of England. The chronicle of Queen JANE, and of two years of Queen Mary, and especially of the rebellion of Sir Thomas Wyat. 1850 MARY, Princess of Orange. * Memorial of Mary Princess of Orange, Queen-consort to King William III. By Gilbert BURNET Lord Bishop ofSarum. .Edin., 1842. 4" Another copy. 516 MARYLAND-MASON. MARYLAND. Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual session of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Maryland, held at Frederick, Md., October, 1842. Baltimore, 1842. 8 Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual session of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Man-- land. Held at Westminster, CarollCo., Md., October, 1843. Baltimore, 1843. 8 MASK. The Protestant mask taken off from the jesuited Englishman ; being an answer to a book, entituled, Great Britain's just complaint. [By Thomas COMBER. ] [Wants title, and other- wise imperfect.] London, 169|. 4 MASKELL (WILLIAM), M.A., formerly vicar of St Mary Church, Devon, now in the, communion of the. Romish Church. Holy baptism, a dis- sertation. London, 1848. 8 MASON (ARCHIBALD), D.D., Minister of the Re- formed Presbyterian Church, Wishawtown. An inquiry into the times that shall be ful- filled at Antichrist's fall ; the Church's bless- edness in her millennial rest ; the signs that this happy season is at hand ; the prophetic numbers contained in the 1335 days ; and the Christian's duty at this interesting crisis : in five discourses. Glasgow, 1818. 8 Appendix to an inquiry into the prophetic numbers contained in the 1335 days : occa- sioned by a paper in the Edinburgh Christian Instructor, for March 1818, on prophetic chro- nology. Glasgow, 1818. 8 Two essays on Daniel's prophetic number of Two thousand three hundred days ; and on the Christian's duty to inquiries into the Church's deliverance. Glasgow, 1820. 8 The fall of Babylon the great, by the agency of Christ, and through the instrumentality of his witnesses : in four discourses. Glasgow, 1821. 8 A scriptural view and practical improvement of the divine mystery concerning the Jews' blindness and rejection, the coining in of the Gentiles' fulness, the salvation of all Israel, the advent of the glorious deliverer, to turn away ungodliness from Jacob, and God's cove- nant with his ancient people, for taking away their sins. In sixteen discourses from Romans, xi. 25-27. Glasgow, 1825. 8 Another copy. Remarks on the Sixth Vial, symbolizing the fall of the Turkish empire. A sermon from Rev. xvi. 12. Glasgoio, 1827. 8 Remarks on the Seventh Vial, symbolizing the fall of Popery and despotism. A sermon from Rev. xvi. 17, xxi. 5, 6. Glasgoiv, 1827. 8 Discourses. With a short memoir of the au- thor by Andrew Symington, D.D. Paisley, 1835. 8 MASON (FRANCIS), B.D., Archdeacon of Norfolk, and chaplain to King James I. The validity of the ordination of the ministers of the Re- formed Churches beyond the seas, maintained against the Romanists. With a brief declara- tion of the severall formes of government re- ceived in these Churches. By John DVREL. Ozfvrf, 1641. 4 A vindication of the Chxirch of England, and of the lawful ministry there of : that is to say, of the succession, election, confirmation and consecration of Bishops : as also of the ordina- tion of priests and deacons, in five books. \\ IKTI in the Church of England is defended against the calumnies and reproaches of Bel- larmine, Saunders, Bristow, Harding, Allen, Stapleton, Parsons, Kellison, Eudaemon, Be- e-anus, and other Romanists : and, amongst other things, full answers to the exceptions of Fitz-Herbert, Fitz-Simons, Kellison, Champ- ney, Fludd, and another nameless author, (against the first edition of this work) are in- serted in their proper places. Written by F. M. And now faithfully translated from the author's Latin edition (much enlarged and cor- rected). Whereunto is added a new edition of a sermon of the same author's, concerning the authority of the Church : a copy of the first reformed Ordinal : and a translation of some fragments of letters written to Father Le Courayer; in an appendix... To all which is prefixed, a full and particular series of the succession of our Bishops, through the several reigns since the Reformation ; an historical account of the rise and progress of this present controversy, and of the several writers on both sides ; and particularly of our learned author Mason, and of all his works, in a large preface. By John Lindsay, a priest of the Church of England. London, 1728. fol. MASON (JOHN), A.M, Rector of Water-Stratford, Bucks. Select remains of the Rev. J. M. Containing a variety of devout useful sayings on divers subjects, digested under proper heads ; religious observations ; serious advice to youth ; occasional reflections ; and Chris- tian letters... New edition. London, 1790. 12 Another edition. Edin., 1791. 12 - Twenty-fourth edition. Aberdeen, 1829. 12 MASON (JOHN), M.A., Dissenting minister at Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. Spiritual SONGS. 1725 Fifteen discourses devotional and practical... To which is added, by way of appendix, an historical dissertation on the analogy between the behaviour of God's people toward him in the several periods of the Jewish and Chris- tian Church ; and his correspondent dispensa- tions towards them in those respective periods. London, 1758. 8 Self-knowledge. A treatise, shewing the na- ture and benefit of that important science, and the way to attain to it. Intermixed with va- rious reflections and observations on human nature. 12th ed. London, 1791. 12 Fifteenth edition. London, 1809. 12 Another edition. New York, s. a. 12 The student and pastor ; or directions how to attain to eminence and usefulness in those re- spective characters. To which are added, a letter to a friend, upon his entrance on the ministerial office ; and an essay on elocution and pronunciation. New editions, with addi- MASON MASSON. 517 tions, and an essay on catecliising, by Joshua TOULMIN, D.D. London, 1807. 12 Another copy. A dialogue on death. With memoirs of the author, by John Evans, LL.D. London, 1826. 12 MASON (JOHN MITCHEL), D.D., Pastor of the Associate Reformed Church, New York. The writings of the late J. M. M. Consisting of sermons, essays, and miscellanies, including essays already published in the " Christian magazine. " 4 vol. Selected and arranged by Rev. Ebenezer Mason. New York, 1832. 8 A sermon [on Habak. ii. 3] preached Sept. 20, 1793, a day set apart in the city of New York, for public fasting, humiliation and prayer, on account of a malignant and mortal fever pre- vailing in Philadelphia. New York, 1793. 8 Letters upon frequent communion. Edin., 1798. 8 First ripe fruits : being a collection of tracts, to which are added two sermons. "With a short memoir of the author. London, 1803. 12 A plea for sacramental communion on catholic principles. New York, 1816. 8 The evangelical ministry exemplified in the Apostle Paul : a sermon [on Acts, xx. 17-27] preached in Murray-street church, Dec. 2, 1821, on the occasion of resigning the charge of his congregation. New York, 1822. 8 Reprinted. Glasgow, 1822. 8 The claims of Episcopacy refuted, in a review of the Essays of the Right Rev. Bishop Ho- bart, and other advocates of diocesan Episco- pacy. With an introduction and appendix, by the Rev. John Blackburn. London, 1838. 12~ Another copy. Essays on the Church of God ; in which the doctrines of Church membership and infant baptism are fully discussed. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 Another copy. - Essays on Episcopacy, and the apology for the apostolic order and its advocates, reviewed. Edited by the Rev. Ebenezer Mason. New York, 1844. 8 MASON (WILLIAM). METHODISM displayed, and enthusiasm detected. 1769 The Christian communicant : or a suitable companion to the Lord's Supper. Containing meditations upon every part of the liturgy which is used by the Church of England, at the celebration of that divine ordinance. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. W. Ro- maine, M.A. 2d ed. London, 1770. 8 Third edition. London, 1782. 12 C Scriptural prayers for every morning and even- ing throughout the week. A new edition. Gainsborough, 1814. 8 A spiritual treasury for the children of God : consisting of a meditation for each morning in the year upon select texts of Scripture... A new edition. Revised and corrected by the Rev. Henry Cox Mason, M.A. 2 vol. London, 1819. 8 Another edition. New York, s. a. 12 MASS. Speculum curatorum una cum cofessio- nali ac tractatu de mysterio misse et his que cocernut earn. Videlicet de sacramenti altaris dignitate, utilitate et processione : necno de sacerdotibus vestimetis ad Dei laude, status- que ecclesiastici decore. Rothontagi, impesa Ricardi Mace, s. a. 8 Decisio questionis de audientia missaj in paro- chiali Ecclesia dominicis et festivis diebus. Cum ceteris annexis. B. L. s. 1. et a. 4 MASSACHUSETTS. Reports on the fishes, rep- tiles and birds of Massachusetts. Published agreeably to an order of the legislature, by the commissioners on the zoological and bota- nical survey of the State. Boston, 1839. 8 Reports on the herbaceous plants and on the quadrupeds of Massachusetts... Cambridge, 1840. 8 A report on the insects of Massachusetts, inju- rious to vegetation... Cambridge, 1841. 8 Another copy. Report on the invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising the mollusca, Crustacea, annelida, and radiata... Cambridge, 1841. 8 Another copy. MASSIE (J. W.), D.D. The Christian in civil society : the use of religious epithets for secu- lar purposes : fake pretences in religion. The first of a series of lectures delivered in Edin- burgh, at the request of the Young men's Vo- luntary Church association, 8th Dec. 1836. Edin., 1836. 12 MASSILLON (JEAN-BAPTISTE), Bishop of Ckr- mont. Conferences et discours synaudaux sur les principaux devoirs des ecclesiastiques, avec un recueil de mandemens sur diflerens sujets. 3 torn. Paris, 1765, 76. 8 Pensees sur differens sxijets de morale et de pie'te', tire'es des ouvrages de feu M. M. Paris, 1766. 8 Sermons. Petit-careme. Paris, 1768. 8 Another edition. Paris, 1802. 12 Edition stereotype, d'apres le precede' de Fir- min Didot. Paris, 1813. 12 Sermons. Carenie. 3 torn. Paris, 1769. 8 Sermons. Panegyriques. Paris, 1769. 8 Sermons. Mysteres. Paris, 1769. 8 Sermons. Avent. Pans, 1769. 8 Sentimens d'une ame touched de Dieu, tire's des Pseaumes de David ; ou paraphrase mo- rale de plusieurs Pseaumes en forme de prieres. Pan's, 1769. 8 Sermons. Oraisons funebres et professions religieuses. Paris, 1769. 8 Sermons. To which is prefixed, the life of the author. Complete in one volume. London, 1826. 8 Another edition. London, 1837. 8 MASSON (EDWARD). An apology for the Greek Church ; or, hints on the means of promoting the religious improvement of the Greek na- tion. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by J. S. Howson, M.A. London, 1844. 8 Another copy. MASSON (JOANXES), M.A. Jani ten) plum 618 MASTEBS MATHIAS. Christo nascente rcseratuin, sen tractatus chro- nologico-historicus, vulg;uvm ivtViK-ns oj.inio- nem existiinaiitiuin, ]-;i-cni toto ten-arum > -\-\n- sub tempus Srrv;ii<>ris N. natalc, stabilitam fuissc. Quo opere iiiulta Iloinanam historian] apectantia illustrantur. Adduntur et ininiis- inatum, quee passim in hoc opero elucidantur, effigies : ac synopsis chronologica : indicesque necessarii. Rotcrodami, 1700. 8 MASTERS (THOMAS), B.D. A sermon [on Ps. 1. 23] preached Jan. 20, 1714, being day of public thanksgiving for His Majesty's peace- able accession. London, 1715. 8 MASTRICHT (GERH. VON), Proffer f hixtnnj at Duisburg. Historia juris ecclesiastici et pontificii, seu de ortu, progressu, incrementis, collectionibus, auctoribusque juris ecclesiastici et pontificii tractatio. Cum prsefatione Chris- tiaui Thoraasii, de neglectu studii juris cano- iiici, ej usque usu frequente et methodo. Halce, 1719. 8 MASTRICHT (PETRUS VAN), Professor of theo- logy in the university of Utrecht. Theoretico- practica theologia, qua per singula theologica capita, pars exegetica, dogmatica, elenchtica et practica perpetua successione conjugantur. Editio nova. Accedunt : historia ecclesiastica plena fere quanquam compendiosa, idea theo- logite moralis ; hypotyposis theologize asceticae &c. proin opus quasi novum descripta. Huic novfe edition! adjecta est auctoris vita, a Cl. Pontano. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1715. 4 Editio nova. 2 torn. Trajecti ad Khenum, 1724. 4 MATERNUS (JULIUS FIRMICUS). See Julius FIRMICUS MATERNUS. MATHER (COTTON), D. D. , son of Increase Mather, and. minister at Boston. Magnalia Christi Americana : or, the ecclesiastical history of New-England, from its first planting in the year 1620 unto the year of our Lord, 1698. In seven books. London, 1702. fol. Another copy. India Christiana. A discourse delivered unto the commissioners, for the propagation of the Gospel among the American Indians. Which is accompanied with several instruments re- lating to the glorious design of propagating our holy religion, in the Eastern as well as the Western, Indies. An entertainment which they that are waiting for the kingdom of God will receive as good news from a far country. Boston in Neiv-England, 1721. 8 The Christian philosopher : a collection of the best discoveries in nature, with religious im- provements. London, 1721. 8 Essays to do good ; addressed to all Chris- tians, whether in public or private capacities. Revised and improved by the Rev. George Burder. New edition. Glasgow; 1821. 12 Another edition. With an introductory essay by Andrew Thomson, D.D. Glasgow, 1825. 12 Another copy. Another edition. New York, s. a. 12 MATHER (INCREASE), D.D., President of Har- vard college. The order of the |n-l, pro- fessed and practised by thrChun In* of Cliu.a in New-Englaml, justitinl l.y tin- Sn-iptuiv, and by the writings of many Irani. .1 nun, both ancient and modem divines. In ans\si-r to several questions relating to Church dis- cipline. London, 1700. 8 Remarkable providences illustrative of the rar- liur days of American colonisation. With in- troductory preface by George Ofl'or. London, 1856. 8 MATHER (JAMES). The constitutions of Great Britain, France, and the United States of America. London, 1834. 8 MATHER (SAMUEL), M.A., brother of Increase Mitthcr, and tinnivr Fellow of Trinity college, Dublin. The figures or types of the Old Tes- tament, by which Christ and the heavenly things of the Gospel were preached and sha- dowed to the people of God of old. Explain'd and improv'd in sundry sermons. 2d ed. To which is annex'd...a scheme and table of the whole. London, 1705. 4 An apology for the liberties of the Churches in New England : To which is prefix'd, a dis- course concerning Congregational Churches. Boston, 1738. 8 Another copy. MATHER (SAMUEL), A.M., so?i of Increase Ma- ther, minister of a dissenting congregation at Witney. A vindication of the holy Bible, wherein the arguments for, and objections against, the divine original, purity and inte- grity of the Scripture, are proposed and con- sidered. London, 1723. 8 MATHER (WILLIAM W.), Professor of natural history in the Ohio university. Geology of New York. Part i. Comprising the geology of the first geological district. [Natural history of New York. Part iv.] Albany, 1843. 4 MATHESON (JAMES), Minister of the Gospel, Durham. Advice to religious inquirers, re- specting some of the difficulties arising from the present state of society. Edin., 1828. 12 MATHESON (JAMES), D.D. A narrative of the visit to the American Churches. By Andrew REID, D.D., and J. M. 1836 The duty and ability of the Church speedily to evangelize the heathen world. A sermon, preached at Bradford, June 6th, 1836. Bradford, 1836. 8 MATHETES. Religious reform of the Episcopal communion impracticable, while it remains united with the state : an earnest appeal to pious members of the Established Church. By Mathetes. 2d ed. London, 1834. 8 MATHIAS (B. W.), A.M., Chaplain of Betliesda, Dublin. An inquiry into the doctrines of the Reformation, and of the united Church of Eng- land and Ireland, respecting the ruin and re- covery of mankind. In two parts. Dublin, 1814. 8 Popery and Catholicism. In two parts. Part I. Six lectures on infallibility. Part II. Vin- clicise laicae ; or, the right of the laity to the unrestricted reading of the sacred Scriptures MATHIAS-MAUPERTUIS. 619 vindicated. Edited by the Rev. W. B. Stewart Mathias, B.A. London, 1851. 12 MATHIAS (T. G.). The pursuitsof LITERATURE. 1808 MATHO. Matho : or, the cosmotheoria puerilis, a dialogue. In which the first principles of philosophy and astronomy are accommodated to the capacity of young persons, or such as have yet no tincture of these sciences. Hence the principles of natural religion are deduced. Translated, and enlarged by the author ; [An- drew BAXTER]. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1745. 8 MATTER. An introduction to a system of the laws and principles of matter, proceeding upon an inquiry into the relations of heat and at- traction : illustrating the existence of a prin- ciple calculated to account for the various phe- nomena of nature. Edin. , 1821. 8 C MATTER (JACQUES), Professor of ecclesiastical history in the academy of St rasbourg. Histoire universelle de 1'Eglise Chretienne, conside"ree principalement dans ses institutions et dans sea doctrines. 4 torn. Strasbourg, 1829-35. 8 Histoire des doctrines morales et politiques des trois derniers siecles. 3 torn. Paris, 1836, 37. 8 - Histoire de I'dcole d'Alexandrie compared aux principales e"coles contemporaines. 2e Edition, entierement refondue. 2 torn. Paris, 1840, 44. 8 - Histoire critique du Gnosticisme, et de son in- fluence sur les sectes religieuses et philoso- phiques des six premiers siecles de 1'ere Chre'- tienne. 2 e edition. 3 torn. Strasbourg, 1843, 44. 8 - Histoire de la philosophic dans ses rapports avec la religion depuis 1'ere Chretienne. Parts, 1854. 12 MATTH^EI (CHRISTIANUS FRIDERICUS DE), Pro- fessor of classical literature at Moscoiv. Novum Testamentum Greece. 1803, 7. See BIBLES GREEK. F. MATTH^EUS (JOANNES). Speculum miseria- rum ; cum synopsi mendaciorum, duorum prse- dicantium, Davidis Parei, Calviniani, et Jo- annis Mulmanni adhuc Lutherani. Pro licen- tise gradu ad publicam disputationem, inter csetera, propositum, ab J. M. : Prseside verb R. P. Joanne Mulhusino. Moguntice, 1605. 4 MATTHEW, Saint. A critical examination of the holy Gospels according to St Matthew and St LUKE, with regard to the history of the birth and infancy of otir Lord Jesus Christ. By the author of the Vindication of the history of the Septuagint ; [C. HAYES]. London, 1738. 8 MATTHEWS (JOHN), D.D. The divine purpose displayed in the works of providence and grace ; in a series of letters to an inquiring friend. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 Another copy. MATTHLE (AUGUSTUS), Director of tlie gymna- sium at Altenburg. A copious Greek gram- mar. Translated from the German by Ed- ward Valentine Blomfield, A.M. 2 vol. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1820. 8 Fifth edition, thoroughly revised, and greatly enlarged from the last edition of the original, by John Kenrick, M.A. 2 vol. London, 1832. 8 Another copy. A manual of the history of Greek and Roman literature. Translated from the third and last edition. Oxford, 1841. 8 MATTHIJ3 (CHRISTIANUS). Theatrum histori- cum theoretico-practicum. In quo quatuor monarchies, nempe prima, quaa est Babylonio- rum et Assyriorum ; secunda, Medorum et Persarum ; tertia, Grsecorum ; quarta, Roma- norum. Omnesque reges et imperatores, qui in illis regnarunt, nova et artificiosa methodo describuntur, omniaque ad usum oeconomi- cum, politicum et ecclesiasticum accomodan- tur. . .Editio secunda. Amstel., 1656. 4 MAUGU1N (GILBERTUS), pseud, i. e. Jo. Rob. QUATREMAIRE. MAULE (Fox), Earl of Dallwusie.* A full and impartial report of the important debate in the House of Commons, on Mr Fox Maule's mo- tion regarding the Church of Scotland... 7th and 8th March, 1843. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Speeches delivered by the Hon. F. M. and Andrew RUTHERFURD, in the House of Com- mons, 7th March, 1843, in reference to the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1843. 8 MAULTROT (GABRIEL-NICOLAS). Apologie des jugemens rendus en France centre le SCHISME. 1752 MAUNDER (SAMUEL). The scientific and litera- ry treasury ; a new and popiilar encyclopaedia of the belles lettres. 3d ed. London, 1843. 12 The treasury of history ; comprising a general introductory outline of universal history, an- cient and modern ; and a series of separate histories of every principal nation that exists ; their rise, progress, present condition, &c. 2d ed, London, 1844. 12 The treasury of knowledge, and library of re- ference. 16th ed. London, 1845. 12 The biographical treasury ; a dictionary of universal biography. 5th ed., with a " sup- plement" from the accession of Queen Victoria to the present time. London, 1845. 12 MAUNDRELL (HENRY), M.A., Chaplain to the factory at Aleppo. A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at Easter, A. D. 1697. 6th ed., to which is now added an account of the author's journey to the banks of Euphrates at Beer ; and to the country of Mesopotamia. With an index to the whole work, not in any former edition. Oxford, 1740. 8 Another edition. Also a journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, and back again. Trans- lated from a manuscript written by the Prefetto of Egypt, by the Right Rev. Robert Clayton. . . Bishop of Clogher. London, 1810. 8 MAUPERTUIS (PIERRE Louis MOREAU DE). Les O3iivres de Mr de M. 2 torn. Berlin, 1753. 8 r>20 MAUIIELLE-MAXIMUS. MAlkKLLE (Don ANTONIO). A voyage from Manilla to California ; [with A voyage round the world, by J.-Fr. Galaup de LA PEYROUHE.] 1790 MAURER (FRANC. Jos. VAIENT. DOMINIC.) Commentarius gramiuaticus criticua in Vetus Testamentum in usum maxime gymnasiorum et academiarum adornatus. 4 vol. LipsvK, 1836-47. 8 MAURICE (FREDERICK DENISON), A.M., Cliap- lain of Lincoln's Inn, and professor of divinity, King's college, London. Three letters to the Rev. W. Palmer, Fellow and tutor of Magda- len college, Oxford, on the name " Protestant"; on the seemingly double character of the Eng- lish Church ; and on the Bishopric at Jerusa- lem. With an appendix, containing some re- marks on a pamphlet of J. R. Hope, Esq. en- titled, " The Bishopric of the united Church of England and Ireland, at Jerusalem, con- sidered in a letter to a friend." 2d ed. To which are added some farther remarks on Ger- man Protestantism, and a notice of the post- script to the second edition of Mr Hope's letter. London, 1842. 8 Christmas day and other sermons. Cambridge, 1843. 8 The Epistle to the Hebrews ; being the sub- stance of three lectures delivered in the chapel of the honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, on the foundation of Bishop Warburton. With a preface containing a review of Mr Newman's Theory of development. London, 1846. 8 The religions of the world, and their relations to Christianity, considered in eight lectures founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle. 2d ed. London, 1848. 8 The Church a family : twelve sermons on the occasional services of the Prayer-Book. Preached in the chapel of Lincoln's Inn. Cambridge, 1850. 8 The Lord's Prayer. Nine sermons preached in the chapel of Lincoln's Inn. 3d ed. Cambridge, 1851. 8 The Prayer-Book, considered especially in re- ference to the Romish system. Nineteen ser- mons preached in the chapel of Lincoln's Inn. 2d ed. London, 1852. 8 Sermons on the Sabbath-day, on the character of the warrior, and on the interpretation of history. Cambridge, 1853. 8 Theological essays. 2d ed. With a new pre- face, and other additions. Cambridge, 1853. 8 The doctrine of sacrifice deduced from the Scriptures. A series of sermons. Cambridge, 1854. 8 The word " eternal," and the punishment of the wicked : a letter to the Rev. Dr Jelf , Ca- non of Christ Church, and principal of King's College. Fifth thousand, with a new preface. Cambridge, 1854. 8 The unity of the New Testament : a synopsis of the first three Gospels and of the Epistles of St. James, St. Jude, St. Peter, and St Paul. Cambridge, 1854. 8 Lectures on the ecclesiastical history of tin- first and second centuries. Cambridge, 1854. 8 - The patriarchs and lawgivers of the Old Testa- ment. A series of sermons preached in the chapel of Lincoln's Inn. 2d ed., revised, with a new preface. Cambridge, 1855. 8 The Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament. A series of sermons preached in the chapel of Lincoln's Inn. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1855. 8 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven : a course of lectures on the Gospel of St Luke. London and Cambridge, 1864. 8 MAURICE (HENRY), D.D., Margaret professor of divinity. A vindication of the primitive Church and diocesan EPISCOPACY. 1682 A defence of diocesan Episcopacy, in answer to a book of Mr David Clarkson's lately pub- lished, entituled, Primitive Episcopacy. London, 1691. 8 MAURICE (MATTHIAS). Faith encouraged, in a plain, consistent, scriptural exposition of Heb. vi. 4, 5, 6, Heb. x. 26, 1 John, v. 16. Mani- festing that the sinners therein mentioned are not to be look'd upon as in a desperate condi- tion, but as partakers of everlasting salvation in the Lord. And in an impartial scriptural consideration of the unpardonable blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, demonstrating the im- possibility of committing such a transgression under the Gospel dispensation. London, 1726. 8 Monuments of mercy, or some of the distin- guishing favours of Christ to his Congregational Church at Rowel. London, 1729. 8 - Another copy. MAURICE (THOMAS), M.A., Vicar of Cudham, and assistant librarian in tJie British Museum. The history of Hindostan ; its arts and its sciences, as connected with the history of the other great empires of Asia, during the most ancient periods of the world. With numerous illustrative engravings. 2 vol. 3 parts. London, 1795, 98. 4 Westminster abbey ; with other occasional poems ; and a free translation of the CEdipus Tyrannus of Sophocles. Illustrated with en- gravings. , London, 1813. 8 MAUVILLON (ELEAZAR). Cours complet de la langue Fran9oise...2 torn. Dresde, 1754. 12 MA WE (JOHN). Travels in the interior of Bra- zil, particularly in the gold and diamond dis- tricts of that country, by authority of the Prince Regent of Portugal ; including a voyage to the Rio de la Plata, and an historical sketch of the revolution of Buenos Ayres. Illustrated with engravings. London, 1812. 4 MAXCY (JONATHAN), D. D. Collegiate ad- dresses ; being counsels to students on their literary pursuits and future life. With a bio- graphical introduction, by Romeo Elton, D.D. London, s. a. 16 MAXIMUS, Bishop of Turin. Opera. Jussu Pii Sixti P. M. aucta, atque adnotationibus illustrata, et Yictorio Amedeo Sardinise Regi D.D. Ernncp, 1784. fol. MAXWELL ME AD . 621 MAXWELL, LADY. See Darcy BRISBANE. MAXWELL (GEORGE). [Two] Letters to the people of Canobie. By a parishioner. Edin., [1845]. 8 MAXWELL (JAMES), S.D.P. A new version of the whole Book of Psalms in metre. 1773. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. MAXWELL (Sir JOHN), Bart. True reform : or, character a qualification for the franchise. Edin., 1860. 8 MAXWELL (WILLIELMA), Viscountess Glenorchy. * The life of the Right Hon. Willielma, Vis- countess Glenorchy ; containing extracts from her diary and correspondence. By T. S. Jones, D.D. 2ded. Edin., 1824. 8 MAY (THOMAS), Secretary for the parliament. The history of the parliament of England, which began November the Third, M.DC.XL. ; with a short and necessary view of some pre- cedent years. [Reprinted] London, 1812. 4 MAYER (BRANTZ), Secretary of the U. S. legation to Mexico. Mexico as it was and as it is. New- York, 1844. 8 MAYER (JOHN), D.D., Pastor of the church of JReydon, Suffolk. Ecclesiastica interpretatio : or the expositions vpon the difncvlt and dovt- f vl passages of the seuen Epistles called Catho- like, and the Revelation. Collected out of the best esteemed, both old and new writers, to- gether with the author's examinations, deter- minations, and short annotations... Hereunto is also annexed an antidot against Popery. London, 1627. 4 - Praxis theologica, or, the Epistle of the Apos- tle James resolved, expounded, and preached upon, by way of doctrine and use. [Wants title, and otherwise imperfect.] London, 1629. 4 A commentarie vpon the New Testament. Re- presenting the divers expositions thereof, out of the workes of the most learned, both an- cient Fathers, and moderne writers... 2 vol. London, 1631. fol. MAYHEW (RICHARD). "Ea^ecro; 'txfyos. Or the death of death in the death of Christ. Being a narrative of the first death, as the mistress of mortals, and empress of the universe... London, 1679. 8 Poema mortuale : or, an elegy upon death, the law of nature, and tribute of mortals. By R. M. s. I, 1679. 8 MAYNARD (L'abbe'), Honorary canon of Poitiers. Les provinciales ou les lettres dcrites par Louis de Montalte a un provincial de ses amis et aux re've'rends Peres Je'suites : publie'es sur la derniere Edition revue par Pascal, avec les variantes des Editions pr^dentes ; et Jeur re"- futation consistant en introductions et nom- breuses notes historiques, litte'raires, philoso- phiques et the'ologiques. 2 torn. Paris, 1851. 8 MAYNARD (JOHN). A sermon [on Prov. xxii. 23] preached to the Hon. House of Commons, at their late solemn fast, Feb. 26, 1644... London, 1645. 4 : MA YNOOTH. Roman Catholic morality, as in- ; culcated in the theological class books used in Maynooth college. Dublin, 1836. 8 Proceedings of the Anti-Maynooth Conference of 1845. With an historical introduction, by the Rev. A. S. THELWALL. 1845 Maynooth tried and convicted. The Irish parliament v. the Maynooth grant. London, 1852. 8 The Maynooth endowment : facts and reasons. London, s. a. 8 MAYN WARING (ARTHUR). The life and post- humous works of A. M., containing several original pieces and translations, in prose and verse, never before printed. To which are added, several political tracts written by him, before and after the change of the ministry. London, 1715. 8 MAYNWARING (ROGER), D.D., Bishop of St Davids. Religion and allegiance : in two ser- mons [on Eccles. viii. 2] preached before the Kings Majesty... in 1627. 2d ed. London, 1710. 8 The proceedings of the Lords and Commons in the year 1628, against R. M. (the Sache- verell of those days) for two seditious high- flying sermons, intitled, Religion and alle- giance. London, 1709. 8 MAYO (RICHARD). Two letters from a merchant in London to his friend in Amsterdam. Let- ter I. containing an account of a conference between a Papist and a Jew. Letter II. con- taining an account of a conference between a Protestant and a Jew. By N. H. London, 1819. 12 MAZZINI (JOSEPH). Le Pape au dix-neuvieme siecle. Deuxieme Edition. Paris, 1850. 8 MEAD (MATTHEW), Pastor of a Church of Christ at Stepney. The good of early obedience : or the advantage of bearing the yoke of Christ betimes. Discovered in part, in two anniver- sary sermons... and afterwards enlarged, and now published for common benefit. London, 1683. 8 The vision of the wheels seen by the Prophet Ezekiel ; opened and applied : partly at tho Merchant's lecture in Broad Street ; and part- ly at Stepney, on January 31, 168f, being the day of solemn thanksgiving to God for the great deliverance of this kingdom from Popery and slavery, by His then Highness the most illustrious Prince of Orange... London, 1689. 4 Another edition. London, 1789. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1799. 12 The almost Christian discovered : or, the false professor tried and cast. Being the substance of seven sermons, first preached at Sepulchre's, London, 1661, and now at the importunity of friends made public. Glasgow, 1736. 12 Another edition. With an introductory essay, by the Rev. David Young. Glasgow, 1825. 12 Original sermons on the Jews ; and on falling into the hands of the living God. Edited from MSS. preserved in the family of Sir Thomas W. Bloomefield, Bart. With a memoir by the editor, and a brief preface by the Rev. E. Gli 523 MEAD-MEIKLE. Bickersteth. Also hia farewell sermon as an ejected minister. London, 1836. 12 MEAD (RICHARD), M.D., son of the preceding. A discourse on the plague. 9th ed. London, 1744. 8 M I ] ADO WCOURT (RICHARD), M.A., Prebendary of Worcester. The sinful causes, and fatal effects of the practice of calumny and defama- tion in religious controversy, exemplified, and describ'd. In a sermon [on Acts, vi. 10, 11]. London, 1722. 8 The rise and progress... of Papal power, traced through a series of historical facts. In a ser- mon preached at Worcester, Nov. 6, 1746. London, 1746. 8 MEARNS (DUNCAN), D.D., Professor of theology in King's college, Aberdeen. Principles of Christian evidence illustrated, by an examina- tion of arguments subversive of natural theo- logy and the internal evidence of Christianity, advanced by Dr T. Chalmers, in his " Evi- dences and authority of the Christian revela- tion." Edin., 1818. 12 Another copy. Another copy. Report of Dr M.'s speech, in the Synod of Aberdeen, on the 9th April, 1834 ; on the overtures to the General Assembly, regarding the settlement of ministers. Aberdeen, 1834. 8 Third edition. Aberdeen, 1840. 8 - Another copy. MEAUX (Monsieur DE). See Jacques Benigne BOSSUET. MECKLENBURG (J. M.). Grundziige der Chemie in Tabellen-Form. Zunachst als Re- pertorium fur angehende Aerzte und Pharma- ceuten bearbeitet von Dr J. M. M. und J. Franz SIMON. Berlin, 1835. 4 MEDALS. The knowledge of medals : or, in- structions for those who apply themselves to the study of medals... Writ ten by a nobleman of France ; [L. JOBERT]. Made English by an eminent hand ; [Roger Gale]. 2d ed. To which is added, An essay concerning the error in distributing modern medals. By Joseph ADDISON. London, 1715. 12 MEDE (JOSEPH), B.D. , Reader of Greek in Christ's college, Cambridge. The works of J. M. Cor- rected and enlarged according to the author's own manuscripts. 2 vol. London, 1664. fol. Third edition. . London, 1672. fol. Fourth edition. London, 1677. fol. MEDIATOR. Jesus Christ the Mediator be- tween God and men ; an advocate for us with the Father ; and a propitiation for the sins of the world. [ByM. TOMKINS.] London, 1732. 8 Another copy. MEDICAL EDUCATION. Report from the se- lect committee on medical education : with the minutes of evidence, and appendix. [3 parts.] [London, 1834.] fol. MEDICES (JOANNES). See LEO X. Pope. MEDICUS. Internal evidences of Christianity deduced from phrenology. By Medicus. ''/;., 1827. 12 MEDITATION. Devout meditations : or, a col- lection of thoughts upon religious and philo- sophical subjects. By a person of honour ; [Charles HOWE]. ;., 1751. 12 Meditations on the twenty-fifth Psalm. Ex- emplifying how beneficial it is to have the soul continually placed upon divine objects. Wrote in the year 1651-2. By a lady ; [Anne MUR- RAY]. MH., 1771. 8 Divine meditations upon several occasions, with a daily directory. By a person of honour. 4th ed. Edin., 1794. 12 Morning meditations, or a series of reflections on various passages of holy Scripture and scrip- tural poetry for every day in the year. By the author of The retrospect ; [R. MARKS]. 2d ed. London, 1825. 12 Hints for meditation, on acquaintance with God. Qreenock, 1831. 12 MEDLEY (SAMUEL), Minister of the Baptist Church, Liverpool. * Memoirs of the late Rev. S. M. , compiled by his son : To which are added two sermons, and a variety of miscellaneous pieces in prose and verse. London, 1800. 8 MEEK (JAMES), Minister of the Free Church, Car- noustie. Scripture emblems ; or, gleanings in the field of sacred imagery. Edin., 1850. 12 MEERLANDT (CORNELIUS A). Disputatio phi- losophica, continens positiones miscellaneas ethicas, ceconomicas, et politicas. Ultrajecti, 1640. 4 MEERMAN (GERARDUS), J. C., Rotterdam. Origines typographic. 2 torn. Hagce Comitum, 1765. 4 MEGGET (JOHN). An address, containing lead- ing principles of elocution, some strictures on the eloquence of the pulpit, and a suggestion for its improvement. Aberdeen, 1819. 8 J MEIKLE (JAMES), Surgeon in Carnwath. The select remains of Mr J. M., or, extracts from manuscripts found among his papers ; entitled I. The montlily memorial ; or, a periodical interview with the king of terrors. II. A se- cret survey into the state of the soul. III. The house of mourning ; or, poems on melancholy subjects. IV. The tomb. 5th ed. Edin., 1815. 8 Metaphysical maxims : or, thoughts on the nature of the soul, free will, and the divine prescience. Edin., 1797. 12 Solitude sweetened : or, miscellaneous medi- tations on various religious subjects. With a memoir of the author. 9th ed. Edin., 1841. 8 MEIKLE (JAMES), D.D., Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Beith. The Edenic dis- pensation ; with strictures on certain opinions of the late Rev. George Payne, LL.D., as stated in his Lectures on original sin. Edin., 1850. 8 Another copy. I The nature of the mediatorial dispensation. London, 1853. 8 Another copy. The administration of the mediatorial dispen- sation. E>Un., 1859. 8 MEINERS MELDRUM. 523 MEINERS (CHRISTOPHORTTS). Historia doctri- nes de vero Deo omnium rerum auctore atque rectore. [2 partt.] Lemgovice, 1780. 8 Another copy. MEIRLEACH. A' Meirleach agus an Sla- nuighear a 'Fulang le Cheile. Glasgow, s. a. 12 MEISNER (BALTHASAR), Professor of divinity at Wittemberg. Brevis consideratio theologise Photinianae, prout earn Faustus Socinus de- scripsit in libello suasorio, cui titulus, Qubd Evangelici deberent seillorumcoetuiadjungere, qui falso Ariani atque Ebionitse vocentur. Wittebergce, 1623. 8 MEISNER (JOANNES HENRICUS). Biblia He- braica, olim a Cliristiano Reineccio edita. 1793. See BIBLES HEBREW. A. MEISSNER (HiERONYMUS JACOB). Dissertatio epistolaris qua questionem : num concionator, Biblia in fontibus non diligenter legens, agat contra conscientiam ] brevibus persequitur. . . Eostochii, [1744]. 4 MEISSNER (P. T.), Professor of chemistry at Wien. Justus Liebig analysirt. Frankfurt a: M., 1844. 8 MEJANEL (PIERRE), Minister of the Gospel. Essai sur les dernieres convulsions du monde perissant ; 1'avenement tres prochain de notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ, et son regne sur la terre renouvelee. Livre premier. Edimbourg, 1831. 8 MELA (POMPONIUS). De situ orbis libri iii. Cum notis integris Hermolai Barbari, Petri Joannis Olivarii, Fredenandi Nonnii Pintiani, Petri Ciacconii, Andrese Schotti, Isaaci Vossii, et Jacobi Gronovii. Accedunt Petri Joannis Nunnesii epistola de patria Pomponii Melse, et adnotata in proremium, atque duo priora capita libri i. Et Jacobi Perizonii adnotata ad libri i. capita septemdecim, curante Abrahamo Gronovio. Editio altera. Lugd. Batav., 1748. 8 MELANCHTHON (PHILIPPUS). Opera omnia. 4 torn. Witebergce, 1580-1601. fol. Opera quae supersunt omnia. Edidit Carolus Gottlieb Bretschneider [et Henricus Ernestus Bindseil]. [Corpus Reformatorum, torn, i.- xxviii.] 28 torn. Halis Saxonum et Brunsvigce, 1834-60. 4 Loci commvnes sev hypotyposes theologicse. Recognitae ab auctore. Argentorati, apvd lohanmm Hervagivm, M.D.XXIII. 8 Another edition. Ad fidem editionis primse 1521. In memoriam jubilsei hujus libri ter- tii, denuo editi et dissertationibus aliquot his- toricis et litterariis illustrati a Jo. Christ. Guil. Augusti. Lipsice, 1821. 8 Another edition. Item appendix disputationis de conjugio ad editiouem per Joan. Oporinum Basilese an. MDLXI. factam denuo editi ab Joan. Andrea Detzer. 2 partt. Erlangce, 1828. 8 Elementorum rhetorices libri duo. Vitebergw, apvd Georgivm Bhav., M.D.XXXVI. 8 De dialectica libri quatuor, ab authore postre- mo recogniti, et in plerisq ; locis de integro coscripti, id quod intelliget lector, si ea quaa de Relatioe in hoc libro scripta sunt, conferet cum omnibus iis, quae in aliis seditionibus con- tinentur. Argentorati, apvd Cratonem Mylivm, M.D.XXXVIII. 8 De Ecclesise avtoritate, et de ueterum scriptis libellus. Cum indice. Argentorati, per VuendelinumRihelium, [1539]. 8 De officio principvm, qvod mandatum Dei prsecipiat eis tollere abusus ecclesiasticos. Vitebergw, apud losephum dug, M.D.XL. 8 Defensio conivgii sacerdotvm pia et erudita, missa ad regem Anglise, collecta a P. M. A^iavorec. Refvtatio abvswm Ccenae Domini. Ervdita et vtilis dispvtatio de potestate ponti- ficia. Argentorati ex officina, Cratonis My Hi, M.D.XL. 8 Doctrina de poenitentia, ideo repetita ut pr^- stigise de satisfactionibus recens excogitatae a quibusdam sophistis refutarentur. Epistola ad lectorem in qua respondetur Flacio IlLyrico. Vitebergce,apudIosephiimKlug. M.D.XLIX. 8 Consilia siue Ivdicia theologica, itemque re- sponsiones ad qvaestiones de rebus variis ac multiplicibus secundum seriem annorum di- gestae. Una cum fragmentis narrationvm his- toricarum pertinentium ad acta plurimorum conuentuum theologicorum, aliarumq ; tracta- tionum publicarum in caussa religionis. Ad refvtandas calvmnias plaerasque (fn^iTs-^ofceca- nyuv : et ad formanda iudicia discentium : et ad memoriam conseruandam eorum, quse su- perioribus annis in Ecclesiis Germaniae accide- runt. Collecta, et nvnc primum edita studio et opera Christophori Pezelii theologiae Doc- toris. Nevstadii, M.DC. 8 * De Philippi Melanchthonis ortv, totivs vitae cvrricvlo et morte, implicata rervm memorabi- livm temporis illivs hominumque mentione at- que indicio, cum expositionis serie cohaeren- tium : narratio diligens et accvrata loachimi CAMERARII Papeberg. Lipsice, excudebat Ernestiis Voegelin, 1566. 8 Another edition. Hagee-Comitum, 1655. 12 Another edition. Recensuit,notas,documenta, bibliothecam librorum Melanchthonis aliaque addidit Ge. Theodor. Strobelius. Prsefatus est Joannes Aug. Noesselt. Hake, 1777. 8 Another edition. [Cum P. Melanchthonis de vita Martini Lutheri narratione. Edita et studiosae juventutis usibus accomodata a D. Jo. Christ. Guil. Augusti.] VratislavieE, 1819. 8 De vita Martini LUTHERI narratio. Edita a D. Jo. Christ. Guil. Augusti. Vratislavice, 1819. 8 MELANGES. Nouveaux melanges philoso- phiques, historiques, critiques, &c. Part, i.- iv., ix. *. I, 1765-70. 8 MELDRUM (GEORGE), one of the ministers of Edinburgh. A sermon preached in the New church of Edinburgh, on May 16, 1703, before 524 MELDRUM MELVILLE. His Grace James Duke of Queensberry :i-if MKMORY, founded upon the principles taught by M. Gregor von Feinaigle. 1812 MILLEDOLER (PHILIP), D.D. Dissertation on incestuous marriage. New York, 1843. 8 MILLENARIANISM. Millenarianism indefen- sible : being a reply to Mr James A. Begg's defence of that system. In six letters to a friend. Paisley, 1832. 12 An apology for millenarianism. [By J. G. MANSFORD.] London, 1836. 8 Millenarian and Anti-millenarian creeds. 2d ed. London, 1844. 12 MILLER (ARNOLD W.). The status of the bap- tized child. The substance of a discourse preached... 8th October, 1859. Petersburg, 1860. 8 MILLER (EBENEZER), M. A. The voice of Christ to the Churches considered, in a course of twenty one lectures, expository and practical, on the 2d and 3d chapters of the Book of Re- velation. London, 1842. 8 MILLER (HUGH). Letter from one of the Scotch people to the Right Hon. Lord Brougham and Vaux, on the opinions expressed by his Lord- ship in the Auchterarder case. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Third thousand. Edin., 1839. 8 The whiggism of the old school, as exemplified by the past history and present position of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. The two parties in the Church of Scotland, exhibited as missionary and anti-missionary ; their contendings in these opposite characters in the past, and their statistics now. Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. The old red sandstone : or new walks in an old field. /.Wm., 1841. 8 Second edition. Edin., 1842. 8 SUTHERLAND as it was and is." 1843 SUTHERLAND and the Sutherlanders. 1844 LOCHIEL'S warning. 1843 The riots in Ross. 1843 The two Mr CLARKS. 1843 Words of warning to the people of Scotland, on Sir R. Peel's Scotch currency scheme. Edin., 1844. 8 Foot-prints of the Creator : or, the Asterole- pis of Stromness. London, 1849. 8 Thoughts on the educational question : or, " The battle of Scotland." London, 1850. 8 Scenes and legends of the North of Scotland. 2d ed. London, 1850. 8 The two records : Mosaic and geological. A lecture delivered in Exeter Hall, Feb. 7, 1854. London, 1854. 8 What is criticism ? and whose property are let- MILLER MILLER. 531 ters written for the press after they have reach- ed their destination ? Being report of Jury trial, Rev. Nathan Davis v. the proprietors of " the Witness." With introductory remarks byH. M. Edin.,1855. 8 First impressions of England and its people. Edin., 1857. 8 The testimony of the rocks : or, geology in its bearings on the two theologies, natural and revealed. Edin., 1857. 8 Another copy. The cruise of the Betsey ; or, a summer ram- ble among the fossiliferous deposits of the He- brides. With Rambles of a geologist ; or, ten thousand miles over the fossiliferous deposits of Scotland. Edin., 1858. 8 Sketchbook of popular geology ; being a series of lectures delivered before the Philosophical institution of Edinburgh. With an introduc- tory preface, giving a resume of the progress of geological science within the last two years. By Mrs Miller. Edin.,1859. 8 The headship of Christ, and the rights of the Christian people. With a preface by Peter Bayne, A.M. Edin., 1861. 8 Another copy. My schools and schoolmasters ; or, the story of my education. Fourth thousand. Edin., 1865. 8 MILLER (JAMES). The progress of the human mind, its objects, conditions, and issue : with the relation which the progress of religion bears to the general growth of mind. Edin., 1823. 8 The Sybil's leaves : or, the fancies, sentiments, and opinions, miscellaneoiis, moral, and reli- gious, of Sylvanus. 2vol. Edin., 1829. 8 MILLER (JAMES), Professor of surgery in the uni- versity of Edinburgh. Abstinence : its place and power. A lecture delivered in Exeter Hall, Dec. 30, 1856. London, 1856. 8 -*- Prostitution considered in relation to its cause and cure. Edin., 1859. 8 Another copy. MILLER (JAMES N.). Prelacy tried by the word of God. With an appendix on the prelatic argument from Church history. Edin., 1864. 12 MILLER (JOHN), M.A., Fellow of Worcester col- lege, Oxford. The divine authority of holy Scripture asserted, from its adaptation to the real state of human nature, in eight sermons, preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1817, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1817. 8 MILLER (LYDIA), formerly L. FRASER. Pas- sages in the life of an English HEIRESS. 1847 MILLER (SAMUEL), D.D., Professor of ecclesias- tical history and Church government in Prince- ton college, New Jersey. A brief retrospect of the eighteenth century. Part the first. Con- taining a sketch of the revolutions and im- provements in sciences, arts, and literature, during that period. 3 vol. Reprinted, London, 1805. 8 A letter to the editor of the Unitarian miscel- lany, in reply to an attack, by an anonymous writer in that work, on a late ordination sermon delivered in Baltimore. Baltimore, 1821. 8 Letters on Unitarianism ; addressed to the members of the first Presbyterian church in the city of Baltimore. Trenton, 1821. 8 The literary fountain healed : a sermon, preach- ed in the chapel of the college of New Jersey, March 9, 1823. Trenton, 1823. 8 Letters to Presbyterians, on the present crisis of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. Philadelphia, 1833. 12 Another copy. Letters on clerical manners and habits : ad- dressed to a student in the theological semi- nary at Princeton, N. J. 3d ed. Princeton, 1835. 12 Another copy. Another edition. Edited by the Rev. W. D. Killen, Belfast. Belfast, 3842. 8 The warrant, nature, and duties of the office of the ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church. With an introductory essay, by the Rev. Wil- liam Lindsay, D.D., Glasgow. Glasgow, 1835. 12 Another copy. A new edition. Edin. , 1842. 12 Third edition. Philadelphia, 1840. 12 Another copy. Another edition. Philadelphia, 1844. 12 Another copy. Presbyterianism the truly primitive and apos- tolical constitution of the Church of Christ. " Philadelphia, 1840. 12 Another copy. Another copy. [Presb. tracts, vol. i.] Philadelphia, 1842. 12 Another edition. New York, 1840. 12 Second edition. Revised from the last Ame- rican edition. Belfast, 1842. 12 Another edition ; [part i. of Manual of PRES- BYTERY]. 1842 Infant baptism scriptural and reasonable : and baptism by sprinkling or affusion the most suitable and edifying mode. Philadelphia, 1840. 12 Another copy. Another copy. [Presb. tracts, vol. i.] Philadelphia, 1842. 12 Another edition. Belfast, 1842. 12 The primitive and apostolical order of the Church of Christ vindicated. Philadelphia, 1840. 12 Another copy. The Christian education of the children and youth in the Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia, 1840. 12 Another copy. The necessity and importance of creeds and con- fessions : addressed particularly to candidates for the ministry. Philadelphia, 1841. 12 Another copy. The dangers of education in Roman Catholic seminaries. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 MILLER (SAMUEL), Junior. Report of the Pres- 532 MILLER-MILNER. byterinn Church case : the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the suggestion of James Todd, and others, vs. Ashbel Green and others. Philadelphia, 1839. 8 Another copy. MILLER (SAMUEL), D.D., Minister of St Mnt- theio's Free church, Glasgow. The blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. A discoxirse preach- ed in the ordinary course of weekly lecture. Glasgow, 1845. 8 Discourse [on Ps. cxxvi.] preached, by ap- pointment, before the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, on Tuesday, May 29, 1851, being the day set apart by the Church for solemn humiliation before God on the part of her sxipreme court. Edin., 1851. 8 MILLER (THOMAS), Glover, Edinburgh. Obser- vations in regard to the description of boys who appear entitled to be admitted into George HERIOT'S HOSPITAL. 1827 MILLER (WILLIAM). Letter on the position and necessities of the Free Presbyterian Church of Victoria, to the members of the General As- sembly of the Free Church of Scotland. Glasgoic, 1860. 8 MILLIUS (DAVID), Professor of divinity and of sacred antiquities at Utrecht. Dissertationes selectae ; varia S. litterarum et antiquitatis Orientalis capita exponentes et illustrantes. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1724. 8 Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum. 1725. See BIBLES GREEK. C. Miscellanea sacra lesaire caput liv., Psalmos cxxi. et cxxii. aliaque argumenta tarn theolo- gica quam exegetica enucleantia et exponen- tia. Inter ilia eminent dvue dissertationes, quarum altera demonstratur obligatio hominis Christiani ad sacram Ccenam. Altera com- plectitur errores virorum doctomm in deline- ando tabernaculo Mosis ; figuris seneis illus- trata et ornata. Binis orationibus adjectis. Amstel., 1754. 4 MILLOT (L'abbe* CLAUDE-FRANCOIS-XAVIER). Elements of general history ancient and mo- dern. With the continuation from 1760 to the year 1815, by M. Professor Millon of Pa- ris. A new edition. 5vol. Edin., 1823. 8 MILLS (CHARLES). An history of Muhammed- anism : comprising the life and character of the Arabian prophet, and succinct accounts of the empires founded by the Muhammedan arms ; an inquiry into the theological, moral, and juridical codes of the Muselmans, and the literature and sciences of the Saracens and Turks ; with a view of the present extent and influence of the Muhammedan religion. London, 1817. 8 The history of the Crusades, for the recovery and possession of the Holy Land. 2 vol. London, 1820. 8 MILLS (HENRY), A.M., Mast er of Croydon gram- mar-school. A full answer to Mr Pillonniere's Reply to Dr Snape and to the Bishop of Ban- gor's Preface, so far as it relates to Mr Mills. In which the evidences given to Dr Snape are justify M ; the Bishop of Bangor's obj< answered : Mr Pilloimiure's pretended facts disjiKivfd ; and base forgery is detected. As likewise the true reasons of such malicious dis- senters proceedings against Mr Mills. The whole supported by ample testimonies of gen- tlemen, clergy, and many others. In a letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor. To \\hirh is grefix'd, A letter to his Lordship. By Dr NAPE. London, 1718. 8 MILMAN (HENRY HART), D.D., Dean of ,S7 PauVs. The fall of Jerusalem : a dramatic poem. New edition. London, 1820. 8 Belshazzar : a dramatic poem. London, 1822. 8 The character and conduct of the Apostles con- sidered as an evidence of Christianity, in eight sermons preached before the University of Ox- ford, in the year 1827, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1827. 8 The history of the JEWS. 1829, 30 The poetical works of the Rev. H. H. M. 3 vol. London, 1839. 8 The history of Christianity, from the birth of Christ to the abolition of Paganism in the Ro- man empire. 3 vol. London, 1840. 8 History of Latin Christianity ; including that of the Popes to the pontificate of Nicholas V. 6 vol. London, 1854, 55. 8 MILNE HOME (DAVID), A.M. Essay on co- mets, which gained the first of Dr Fellowes's prizes, proposed to those who had attended the university of Edinburgh within the last twelve years. Edin., 1828. 4 MILNE (JOHN), Minister of Free St Leonard's church, Perth. Letter to the people of God in St Leonard's church. Perth, 1842. 8 Second letter to the people of God in St Leo- nard's church, Perth. Perth, 1843. 8 MILNE (ROBERT). A critical analysis of the tune ' ' Hope-Park chapel ; " [with Correspondj- ence between John KNOTT and R. M.] 1824 MILNE (WILLIAM). A retrospect of the first ten years of the Protestant mission to China... Ac- companied with miscellaneous remarks on the literature, history, and mythology of China, &c. Malacca, 1820. 8 | MILNER (ISAAC), D.D., Lucasian professor of mathematics in the university of Cambridge. Sermons. 2 vol. London, 1820. 8 * The life of I. M. Comprising a portion of his correspondence, and other writings hitherto unpublished. By his niece, Mary Milner. London, 1842. 8 MILNER (JOHN), B.D. A short dissertation concerning the four last kings of JUDAH. 1689 MILNER (JOHN), D.D., R. C. Bishop of Casta- bala. Letters respecting the question intro- duced in the House of Commons, by the Right Hon. George Ponsonby, relative to granting to His Majesty by the Irish Catholic Church, of a veto, or negative, on the choice of the Irish Catholic Prelates : together with an ap- pendix, containing a translation from the La- tin, of an address of the Irish Catholic Synod MILNER MILTON. 533 to the Catholic Prelates and dignitaries of the whole world, protesting against the violence offered by the French Emperor to the person and rights of Pope Pius VII. London, 1810. 8 - The end of religious controversy, in a friendly correspondence between a religious society of Protestants, and a Roman Catholic divine. Addressed to the Right Rev. Dr Burgess, Lord Bishop of St Davids, in answer to his Lordship's Protestant catechism. In three parts. By J. M., D.D. 2d ed. London, 1819. 8 Eighth edition. In which is introduced a vin- dication of the objections raised by the Rev. Richard Grier, A.M. London, [1826]. 12 - Ninth edition. Dublin, 1830. 12 A vindication of The end of religious contro- versy from the exceptions of the Right Rev. Dr Thomas Burgess... and the Rev. Richard Grier ; in letters to a Catholic convert. London, 1822. 8 Letters to a prebendary : being an answer to Reflections on Popery, by the Rev. J. Sturges, LL.D. With remarks on the opposition of Hoadlyism to the doctrines of the Church of England. 8th ed. London, s. a. 8 MILNER (JOSEPH), A.M., Vicar of Holy Trinity church, Hull. Practical sermons. To which is prefixed, an account of the life and cha- racter of the author, by Isaac Milner, D. D. 4th ed. 2 vol. [Vol. ii., 2d ed.] London, 1810. 8 Another copy. The history of the Church of Christ. With additions and corrections, by the Rev. Isaac Milner, D.D. 5 vol. A new edition. London, 1824. 8 A new edition. 5 vol. London, 1827. 8 Another copy. Another edition. With a further continua- tion to the present times, extracted from the Rev. T. Haweis' Church history. Edin., 1841. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. [For continuations of Milner's Church history, see John SCOTT, and Henry STEBBING.] Reflections on ecclesiastical establishments. Abridged from his History of the Church of Christ, century iv., chapter xvii. London, 1835. 12 MILROY (ANDREW), Minister of the Free Tron church, Edinburgh. Lecture on the present position of the Church. [From the Ayr Ob- server.] Ayr, 1843. 4 MILTON (JOHN). A complete collection of the historical, political, and miscellaneous works of J. M. , both English and Latin. With some papers never before publish'd. To which is prefix'd the life of the author, containing, be- sides the history of his works, several extra- ordinary characters of men and books, sects, parties, and opinions. 3 vol. Amsterdam, 1698. fol. The prose works of J. M. ; with an introduc- tory review, by Robert Fletcher. London, 1843. 8 The poetical works of J. M. 2 vol. London, 1805. 8 Another edition. Edited by Sir Egerton Bridges, Bart. Vol. i. [Containing the life. ] London, 1835. 8 Another edition. London, 1843. 8 Another edition. With explanatory notes, and a life of the author, by the Rev. H. Steb- bing, A.M. To which is prefixed, Dr Chan- ning's Essay on the poetical genius of Milton. London, s. a. 12 Paradise lost. A poem in twelve books. 9th ed., adorn'd with sculptures. London, 1711. 12 Another edition. To which is prefix'd, an ac- count of his life. London, 1739. 12 Another edition. 2 vol. [British poets.] Edin., 1773. 8 Paradise regain'd. A poem in four books. To which is added, Samson Agonistes. And poems upon several occasions. With a tractate of education. 5th ed. Adorn'd with cuts. London, 1713. 12 Another edition. [Without the Tractate on education.] 2 vol. [British poets.] Edin., 1773. 8 The doctrine and discipline of divorce : re- stor'd to the good of both sexes, from the bond- age of Canon law, and other mistakes, to the true meaning of Scripture in the Law and Gos- pel compar'd. Wherin also are set down the bad consequences of abolishing or condemning of sin, that which the law of God allowes, and Christ abolisht not. Now the second time re- vis'd and much augmented, in two books : to the Parliament of England with the Assembly. The author I. M. London, 1645. 4 Tetrarchordon : expositions upon the foure chief places in Scripture, which treat of mar- riage, or nullities in marriage. On Gen. 1. 27. 28. compar'd and explain'd by Gen. 2. 18. 23. 24. On Deut. 24. 1. 2. On Matth. 5. 31. 32. with Matth. 19. from the 3d v. to the llth. On 1 Cor. 7. from the 10th to the 16th. Wherein the doctrine and discipline of divorce, as was lately publish'd is confirm'd by expla- nation of Scripture, by testimony of ancient Fathers, of civill lawes in the primitive Church, of famousest reformed divines, and lastly, by an intended Act of the Parliament and Church of England in the last yeare of Edward the Sixth. By the former author J. M. London, 1645. 4 Pro populo Anglicano defensio contra Claudii anonymi, alias Salmasii defensionem regiam. Londini, 1652. 12 U Considerations touching the likeliest means to remove hirelings out of the Church. Wherein is also discoursed of tithes, Church-fees, Church-revenues ; and whether any mainte- nance of ministers can be settled by law. (Reprinted) Edin., 1797. 12 Another edition. Aberdeen, 1839. 8 The history of Britain, that part especially, 634 M I L WAIN-MINISTERS. now called England ; from the first traditional beginning, continued to the Nonuui coinjiK-.st. London, 1818. N De doctrina Christiana libri duo posthumi, quos ex schedis inanuscriptis deprompsit, et typis niandari primus curavit Carolus Ri- cardus Sunnier, A. M. CaHfnl-ri'ritr, 1825. 4 Extracts from the prose works of J. M., con- taining the whole of his writings on the Church question. Now first published separately. Edin,, 1836. 12 * J. M. : his life and times, religious and po- litical opinions : with an appendix, containing animadversions upon Dr Johnson's life of Mil- ton, &c. c. By Joseph Ivimey. London, 1833. 8 * Original papers illustrative of the life and writings of J. M., including sixteen letters of state written by him, now first published from MSS. in the State Paper office. With an ap- pendix of documents relating to his connection with the Powell family. Collected and edited [for the Camden Society], with the permission of the Master of the Rolls, by W. Douglas Hamilton of H. M. State Paper office, and University college, London. London, 1859. 4 MILWAIN (JOHN), Minister of Hie Reformed Pres- byterian Church, Douglas. The evil of relaxed discipline in the Church. [Lect. on second Reform.] Glasgow, 1841. 12 MILWARDE (JOHN), D.D. Jacob's great day of trouble and deliverance. A sermon [on Jerem. xxx. 11] preached at Pauls Crosse, the fifth of August, 1607, upon His Majesties de- liverance from the Earle Cowries treason and conspiracie. London, 1610. 4 MINEHEAD. A letter to Sir J B [Jacob Bancks] by birth a Swede, but naturaliz'd, and now a M r of the present P 1, concern- ing the late Minehead doctrine, which was establish'd by a certain free parliament of Sweden, to the utter enslaving of that king- dom. [By William BENSON.] London, 1711. 8 MINES (FLAVEL S.). A Presbyterian clergyman looking for the Church. By one of three hun- dred. Sixth and seventh thousand. New- York, 1853. 12 Another copy. MINISTERS. A brief e-answere to the late-re- solves of the Commons assembled in Parlia- ment, concerning ministers, their preaching and praying. London, 1649. 4 An apology for, or vindication of the oppress- ed persecuted ministers and professors of the Presbyterian reformed religion, in the Church of Scotland ; emitted in the defence of them, and the cause for which they suffer : and that for the information of ignorant, the satisfac- tion and establishment of the doubtful, the conviction (if possible) of the malicious, the warning of our rulers, the strengthening and comforting of the said sufferers under their present pressurs (sic) and trials. Being their testimony to the covenanted work of R^fornri- tion in this Church, and against the ]>i prevailing corruptions and course of defection tlu-ivfrom. . I., 1677. 8 Another copy. A modest and humble inquiry concerning tho right and power of electing and calling minis- ters to vacant churches. By a minister of tho Church of Scotland ; [George LOGAN]. Edin., 1731. 8" Another copy. Another copy. A continuation of the Modest and humble in- quiry concerning the right and power of elect- ing and calling ministers to vacant churches. By a minister of the Church of Scotland ; [George LOGAN]. Edin., 1733. 8 U Another copy. Another copy. Remarks on the Modest and humble enquiry [by George Logan] concerning the right and power of electing and calling ministers to va- cant churches. Wherein the Protestant doc- trine of the peoples right to call their own pas- tors, is vindicated. [By Sir Thomas GORDON.] Edin., 1732. 8 The state and duty of the Church of Scotland, especially with respect to the settlement of mi- nisters, set in a just light. By a minister of that Church ; [James GORDON, minister of Al- ford]. Edin., 1732. 8 Another copy. The public testimony of above 1600 Christian people against the Overture of the Assembly 1731, made more public, and set in its due light. Being a full confutation of their argu- ments adduced for the divine right of popular elections. By the author of the Modest and humble inquiry ; [George LOGAN]. Edin., 1733. 8 Another copy. Antichrist's armour-bearer disarm'd ; or, the Christian people's answers and remarks on a pamphlet, intituled, The Christian people's testimony made more public, &c. Containing a short vindication of the sacred grounds of their right to chuse and call their own pas- tors ; and a just defence of their conduct... in the affair of the said testimony. Edin., 1733. 8 A mutual negative to parish and Presbytery in the election of a minister, in opposition to Episcopacy on the one hand, and Independency on the other. Instructed from both Books of discipline. Containing also a reply to what the modest and humble enquirer [George Lo- gan] has in his two last papers thought fit to advance against the pamphlet [by Sir Thomas Gordon] intituled, The defection of the Church of Scotland from her Reformation-principle, considered. By some members of the last As- sembly who protested against the Act anent the method of planting vacant churches. [By Sir Thomas Gordon, and others.] Edin., 1733. 8 Another copy. MINISTRY MISCELLANY. 635 Advice to pious Christians in times of schism and apostacy ; containing, I. Considerations upon a question, viz. What is a Christian to do, -who goea into a country where the clergy is unwarrantable, or the worship corrupt, or both ? II. A more particular consideration of their case, who are deprived of the benefit of canonical ministers, to administer the sacra- ments, and discharge other ministerial offices among them. With a letter to a friend upon the same subject. 2d ed. London, 1748. 12 The expediency of a secure provision for the ministers of the Gospel, a few suggestions for the improvement of the Established Church, and illustrations of Voluntaryism. By a sin- cere friend of the people ; [Maurice LOTHIAN]. Edin., 1834. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - Reprint of a statement by a committee of the General Assembly, anent the calling of minis- ters ; and of supplementary note relative there- to. With extracts from the Dean of Faculty's Letter to the Lord Chancellor. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. The principles of the training and appointment of ministers considered. By an heritor and elder. Edin., 1843. 8 The minister and his man : a dialogue on Kirk matters. (Extracted from the Edinburgh Evening Post and Scottish Standard of 19th April, 1843.) Edin., 1843. 12 Plea for the country ministers who resigned their livings in 1843. To which is added, a list of the demitting ministers, with a state- ment of the stipend resigned by each, his pre- sent situation, and his ecclesiastical income for 1846. [By James BRODIE.] Cupar-Fife, 1847. 8 Le ministre et les pretres, ou reponse aux at- taques du parti clerical Sarde contre le Pro- testantisme. Turin, 1859. 8 MINISTRY. Jus divinum ministerii evangelici. Or the divine right of the Gospel-ministry : divided into two parts. The first part con- taining a justification of the Gospel-ministry in general. The necessity of ordination there- unto by imposition of hands. The unlawful- nesse of private mens assxmring to themselves either the office or work of the ministry with- out a lawfull call and ordination. The second part containing a justification of the present ministers of England, both such as were or- dained during the prevalency of Episcopacy from the foul aspersion of antichristianism : and those who have been ordained since its abolition, from the unjust imputation of no- velty : proving that a Bishop and a Presbyter are all one in Scripture ; and that ordination by Presbyters is most agreeable to the Scrip- ture-patern. Together with an appendix, wherein the judgement and practice of anti- quity about the whole matter of Episcopacy, and especially about the ordination of minis- ters, is briefly discussed. Published by the Provincial Assembly of London. London, 1654. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Hints on the ordinance of a Gospel ministry. By a friend to order in the Church. Edin., 1800. 12 Another copy. Claims of the Gospel ministry to an adequate support. Philadelphia, 1839. 12 Another edition. [Presb. tracts, vol. ii.] Philadelphia, 1840. 12 Essays on the Christian ministry. Selected from the American "Biblical Repository," and other American periodicals. With a preface by W. H. Murch, D.D. 4th ed. London, 1853. 8 MINTO, EARL OF. See Gilbert ELLIOT. MINUCIUS, or MINUTIUS FELIX (MARCUS). Octavius. Cum integris Woweri, Elmen- horstii, Heraldi et Rigaltii notis aliorumque hinc hide collectis, ex recensione Jacobi Gro- novii qui emendationes et explicationes suas adjecit. Accedimt Caecilius CYPRIANUS De idolorum vanitate, et Julius FIRMICUS Mater- nus, V. C. De errore profanarum religionum. Luyd. Batav., 1709. 8 Another copy. Translated [with the Apologies of JUSTIN Martyr, and TERTULLIAN] by William REEVES. 1709 Translated [by Sir David Dalrymple]. Edin., 1781. 8 Another copy. , MIRABEAU (HONORE-GABRIEL RIQUETTI, Comte de). Memoirs of Mirabeau : biographical, literary, and political. By himself, his father, his uncle, and his adopted child. 4 vol. London, 1835, 36. 8 An address on the civil constitution of the clergy. Presented by the ecclesiastical com- mittee to the National assembly, and delivered by Mr. M., 14th January, 1791. Translated by A. W. H. London, s. a. 12 MIRACLES. The miracles of Jesus vindicated. In four parts. [By Zachary PEARCE.] 2d ed. London, 1729. 8 Fourth edition. London, 1732. 8 Another copy. Evidence of miracles. [By George MURRAY.] Edin., 1802. 12* An essay on miracles. Greenock, 1831. 8 The testimony of facts concerning the continu- ation of miracles in the Church. Greenock, 1832. 12 MISCELLANEA. Miscellanea sacra : or, a new method of considering so much of the history of the Apostles as is contained in Scripture : in an abstract of their history, an abstract of that abstract, and four critical essays. With a preface, as an introduction to the whole. [By John Shute BARRINGTON.] 2 vol. London, 1725. 8 MISCELLANY. The North-British intelligen- cer : or constitutional miscellany. 5 vol. Edin., 1776, 77. 8 596 MISCHNA MITCHELL. Phrenological journal and miscellany. Vol. iii. /;./. La.lv M...\ NV...v M : written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to persons of distinction, im-n <>f letters, &c. in ditU-ruiit parts of Europe. Which contain, among other curious relations, ac- counts of the policy ;in two late pamphlets. [By Thomas .JollNSdX. ] /.'/(/' ;i, 17:;l. 8 MORAL PHDJOBOFEOOL The moral philoso- pher. In a dialogue between 1'liilaletlies a Christian deist, and Theophanes a Christian Jew. In which the grounds and reasons of religion in general, and particularly of Chris- tianity, are distinguish'd from the religion of nature; the different methods of conve\in^ and proposing moral truths to the mind, and the necessary marks or criteria on which they must all equally depend ; the nature of posi- tive laws, rites and ceremonies, and how far they are capable of proof as of standing perpe- tual obligation ; with many other matters of the utmost consequence in religion, are fairly considered, and debated, and the arguments on both sides impartially represented. [By Tho- mas MORGAN.] 2d ed. London, 1738. 8 Vol. ii. Being a farther vindication of mo- ral truth and reason ; occasioned by two books lately published : one intitled, The divine au- thority of the Old and New Testaments assert- ed. With a particular vindication of Moses and the Prophets, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and his Apostles, against the unjust assertions, and false reasonings of a book intitled, the Moral philosopher. By the Rev. Mr Leland. The other intitled, Eusebius : or, The true Christians defence, &c. By the Rev. Mr Chap- man. By Philalethes, [i. e. Thomas MORGAN J. London, 1739. 8 Vol. iii. Superstition and tyranny incon- sistent with theocracy. Occasioned by the Rev. Dr Leland's second volume of The divine authority of the Old and New Testament as- serted : and the Rev. Mr Lowman's Disserta- tion on the civil government of the Hebrews. By Philalethes. London, 1740. 8 MORALITY. Essays on the principles of mo- rality and natural religion. In two parts. [By Henry HOME, Lord Kames.] Edin., 1751. 8 A delineation of the nature and obligation of morality. With reflections upon Mr Hume's book, intitled, An inquiry concerning the prin- ciples of morals. 2d ed. Edin. , 1763. 12 The morality of the New Testament digested under various heads... With an introduction addressed to deists. ; in which the character of Jesus Christ is vindicated against the asper- sions of modern unbelievers ; and also an at- tempt is made to prove, that the religion taught by Jesus Christ was the pure religion of nature and of reason. The whole conclud- ing with observations on a late treatise, in- titled, The doctrine of grace, written by Dr Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester ; together with an inquiry how far the belief of any doc- trine may be necessary to salvation ; and some observations on the arguments of Mr Locke and Dr Leland. By a rational Christian. London, 1765. 4 MORATA (OLYMPIA-FULVIA). O. F. Morate foeminae doctissimse ac plane divkue orationes, dialogi, epistolae, carmina, tarn Latina quam MORAVIANS- MORELL. 543 : cum ernditoru do ea testimonija et laudibua. Hippolitse Taurellse elogia elegan- tissima. Ad sereniss. Anglise Reginam D. Eliaabetam. Basilece, apud Petrum Pernam, M.D.LXII. 8 * O. M. her timea, life and writings, arranged from contemporary and other authoritiea. By the author of " Selwyn"...&c. 2d ed. London, 1834. 8 * Vie d'O. M. e"pisode de la renaissance et de la Rdforme en Italic par Julea Bonnet. Troi- sieme e'dition. Paris, 1856. 8 A new translation. To which is prefixed a historical sketch of the Reformation in Italy. Edin., 1854. 8 MORAVIANS. A brief view of the mission of the Moravians, or United Brethren, respect- fully submitted to the Christian public by some friends of the Brethren. Edin., 1816. 8 The Moravians in Labrador. 2d ed. Edin., 1835. 12 - The Moravians in Greenland. 3d ed. Edin., 1839. 12 MORAY, BISHOP OF. See Alexander JOLLY. MORDAUNT (Sir JOHN).* The proceedings of a general court-martial held... at Whitehall, December 1757, upon the trial of Lieutenant Sir J. M. London, 1758. 8 MORDECAI (BENJAMIN BEN). See BENJAMIN Ben Mordecai. MORE (GEORGE), Baptist minister in Edinburgh. Sermons on the leading doctrinea of the Gospel. Edin., 1821. 12 MORE (HANNAH). An estimate of the RELIGION of the fashionable world. 1791 - Fifth edition. London, 1793. 8 Strictures on the modern syatem of female education. With a view of the principlea and conduct prevalent among women of rank and fortune. 2 vol. 5th ed. London, 1799. 8 Remarka on the present mode of educating females ; being a copious abridgment of Miss H. M.'s Strictures on female education. London, 1799. 12 - Practical piety ; or, the influence of the reli- gion of the heart on the conduct of the life. 5th ed. 2 vol. London, 1811. 12 Another edition. New York, s. a. 12 An essay on the character and practical writ- ings of St Paul. 4th ed. 2 vol. London, 1815. 12 Another edition. [Phoenix lib.] 2 vol. London, 1850. 12 - Moral sketches of prevailing opiniona and man- nera, foreign and domestic : with reflections on prayer. 3d ed. London, 1819. 12 - Cliristian morals. 8th ed. London, 1828. 8 The spirit of prayer. Selected and compiled by herself, from various portions exclusively on that subject, in her published volumes. 7th ed. London, 1828. 8 Letters of H. M. to Zachary Macaulay, Esq. containing notices of Lord Macaulay's youth. Now first published. Edited and arranged by Arthur Roberts, M.A. London, I860. 8 * Memoirs of the life and correspondence of Mrs H. M. By William Roberts. 4 vol. London, 1834. 12 MORE (HENRY), D.D., Fellow of Christ's college, Cambridge. An exposition of the seven Epis- tlea to the seven Churches ; together with a brief discourse of idolatry ; with application to the Church of Rome. London, 1669. 8 A brief discourse of the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the celebration of the holy Eucharist. Wherein the witty arti- fices of the Bishop of Meaux and of M. Maim- bourg are obviated. 1686 [See also under BOSSUET.] Enchiridion ethicum, prsecipua moralis philo- sophise rudimenta complectens, illustrata ut plurimum veterum monumentis, et ad probi- tatem vitae perpetuo accomodata. Editio quar- ta : cui accesserunt scholia, una cum autoris epistola ad V. C. Londini, 1711. 8 Divine dialogues, containing disquisitions con- cerning the attributes and providence of God. In three volumes. Glasgow, 1743. 12 Another copy. MORE (JOHN SCHANK), Professor of Scots law in the university of Edinburgh. Substance of a speech, at a public meeting held in the Assem- bly rooms, Edinburgh, 22d May 1840, to con- sider the bill lately brought into Parliament by the Earl of Aberdeen, in regard to the set- tlement of parish ministers in Scotland. Edin., 1840. 12" - Second edition. Ediu., 1840. 12 MORE (Sir THOMAS), Lord Chancellor of Eng- land. Lvcubrationes, ab innumeris mendis repurgatse. Vtopias libri ii. Progymnasma- ta. Epigrammata. Ex Lvciano conuersa qusedam. Declamatio Lucianicre respondens. Epistolse. Quibus additse suiit dufe aliorum epistolae [Desid. Erasmi et G. Courini Nuce- rini] de uita, moribus et morte Mori. , adiunc- to rerum notabilium indice. Basil., 1563. 8 Utopia : or, the happy republic. A philoao- phical romance. To which is added, The new Atlantis, by Lord BACON. With a preliminary discourse, containing an analysis of Plato's Republic, &c. ; and copious notes, by J. A. St John. London, 1838. 8 Another edition [of Utopia only]. [Phoanix lib.] London, 1850. 12 * The life of Sir T. M. By his great-grandson Cresacre More. With a biographical preface, notes, and other illustrations, by the Rev. Jo- seph Hunter. London, 1828. 8 MOREAU (JEAN VICTOR), General.* Some de- tails concerning General Moreau, and his last moments. Followed by a short biographical memoir. By Paul Svinine. 2d ed. London, 1814. 12 MOREAU DE MAUPERTUIS (P. L.). See P. L. Moreau de MAUPERTUIS. MORELL (J. D.), A.M. An historical and cri- tical view of the speculative philosophy of Eu- rope in tho nineteenth century. 2 vol. London, 1846. 8 5-14 MORELL MORGAN. Second edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1847. 8 Another copy. On tho philosophical tendencies of the age ; being four lectures delivered at Edinburgh and Glasgow, in January 1848. London, 1848. 8 - The philosophy of religion. London, 1849. 8 Another copy. MORELL (THOMAS). Thesaurus Gnccte poesews ; sive, Lexicon Grajco-Prosodiacum ; versus, et synonynia, (tarn ad explicationem vocabulo- rum, quani ad compositionein poeticara perti- neutia) epitheta, phrases, descriptiones, &c. (ad moduiu Latiui Gradus ad Parnassum) coin- plectens...Cui prsefigitur, de poesi, sui proso- dia Gnecoruin tractatus. 2 partt. Etoiia, 1762. 4 Editio altera. Typis denuo mandavit, per- multis in locis correxit, exemplis a se allatis et animadversionibus illustravit, verbis, a Mo- rello omissis, quaniphiriiuis auxit, et Grtecis vocibus Latinam versiouem subjecit Edv. Maltby, S. T. P. Londini, 1824. 4 Another copy. MORELL (THOMAS). Studies in history ; con- taining the history of Rome, from its earliest records to the death of Constantino ; in a se- ries of essays, accompanied with reflections, references to original authorities, and histori- cal questions. Vol. ii. St Neots, 1815. 8 [Vol. ii. contains the whole of the history of Rome. Vol. i. contains the history of Greece.] MORELL (THOMAS). For whom is Christian baptism designed ? A new dissertation on an old controversy, with an especial reference to the reasoning contained in Dr Halley's seventh lecture on the sacraments ; to which is added a brief inquiry into the mode of administering the ordinance. Edin., 1848. 8 MORELLIUS (ANDREAS). Thesaurus Morellia- nus, sive familiarum Romanarum numismata omnia, diligentissime undique conquisita, ad ipsorum nummorum fidein accuratissime deli- neata, et juxta ordinem Fulvii Orsini et Ca- roli Patini disposita, a celeberrimo antiquario A. M. Accedunt innnmi miscellanei, urbis Romae, Hispanici, et Goltziani dubice fidei omnes. Nunc primum edidit et commentario perpetuo illustravit Sigebertus Havercampus. Amstel., 1734. fol. MORER (THOMAS). An account of the present persecution of the [EPISCOPAL] CHTRCH in SCOTLAND. In several letters. [By T. M., J. SAGE, and A. MONRO.] 1690 MORER (THOMAS), Rector of the united parishes of St Ann and St Agnes, London. KvpuxJi 'Hfti^et. A discourse in six dialogues on the name, notion, and observation of the Lord's Day. With an account of several canons, de- crees, and laws, foreign and English, for the keeping it holy. The way of worship in the Church of England, vindicated. And, an of- fice, or collection of devotions, proper for the day. London, 1701. 8 MORERI (Louis). Le grand dictionnaire histo- ri<(ue, on le melange nnii ux de I'hiatoire sa- et profane, qui contient en abre'ge' 1'his- toire fjil.ulfu.se des dieux et des hc'ros de 1'an- tiquite' Paienne : les vies et les actions re- uinniualiles des Patriarches ; des empereurs ; des mis ; des princes illustres ; des grands ca- j lit nines ; des Papes ; des saints martyrs et con- fesseurs ; des Peres de 1'Eglise ; des Eveques ; des Cardinaux et autres Prelats celebres ; des heresiarques et des schismatiques : 1'histoire des religions et sectes des Chretiens, des Juifs et des Paiens : des conciles ge'ne'raux et parti- culiers : des auteurs anciens et modernes ; des philosophes ; des inventeurs des arts, et de ceux qui se sont rendus recommendables en toute sorte de professions, par leur science, par leurs ouvrages, et par quelque action ecl.a- tante : I'e'tablissement et le progres des ordrea religieux et militaires ; et la vie de leurs fon- dateurs : les genealogies des families illustres de France, et des autres pays de 1'Europe : la description des empires, royaumes, repub- liques, provinces, villes, isles, montagnes, fleuves et autres lie\ix considerables de 1'an- cienne et de la nonvelle geographic, ou 1'on remarque la situation, I'dtendue et la qualite' du pays ; la religion, le gouvernement, les moeurs et les coutumes des peuples. Noxivello edition, dans laquelle on a refondu les supple- mens de M. 1'abbe Goujet. Le tout revu, cor- rigd et augment^ par M. Drouet. 10 torn. Paris, 1769. fol. MORESINTJS (THOMAS), Aberdonanus, M.D. Papatus, seu depravataj religionis origo et in- crementum. Summa fide diligentiaque e gen- tilitatis sure fontibus, eruta : ut fere nihil sit in hoc genus cultu, quod non sit promptum, ex hisce, meis reddere suis authoribus : ut restitutae evangelicse religionis, quam profite- mur, simplicitas, fucis amotis, suam aliquando integritatem apud omnes testatam faciat. Edinburgi, excudebat Robertus Walde-graue, M.D.XCIIII. 8 MORGAN (ANDREW), Principal of the parental academy and Doveton college, Calcutta. * Bio- graphical sketch of the late Rev. A. M. Calcutta, 1855. 8 Another copy. MORGAN (HECTOR DA VIES), M.A., Minister of Castle Hedingham, Essex. A compressed view of the religious principles and practices of the age ; or, a trial of the chief spirits that are in the world, by the standard of the Scriptures ; attempted in eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1819, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, A.M. Oxford, 1819. 8 MORGAN (JAMES), Minister in the Irish Presby- terian Church. The Church of Christ a spi- ritual kingdom. A discourse, delivered in... Belfast, March 22d, 1841, on the present posi- tion and troubles of the Church of Scotland. Belfast, 1841. 8 Another copy. MORGAN (JoiiN MJNTEK). Letters to a clergy- MORGAN MORINUS. 545 man : during a tour through Switzerland and Italy, in the years 1846-1847. [Phoenix lib. London, 1849. 12 The Christian commonwealth. London, 1849. fol. Traduit de 1'Anglais. Londres, 1849. fol. - Tracts : originally published at various pe- riods, from 1819 to 1838. With an appendix. [Phoenix lib.] London, 1850. 12 - The triumph ; or, The coming age of Chris- tianity. Selections from authors, chiefly reli- gious and philosophical ; on the necessity of early and consistent training, no less than teaching, and on the advantages of maintain- ing the principle of undivided interests among all the members of society, as essential to its continual progress in knowledge, virtue, and happiness ; and to the permanent ascendancy and universal prevalence of Christian love. Edited by J. M. M. London, 1851. 12 Letters to a clergyman, on institutions for ame- liorating the condition of the people ; chiefly from Paris, in the Autumn of 1845 : With an account of Mettray and Petit Bourg. 3d ed. London, 1851. 12 MORGAN (THOMAS), M.D. A collection of tracts, relating to the right of private judg- ment, the sufficiency of Scripture, and the terms of Church-communion ; upon Christian principles : occasion'd by the late Trinitarian controversy. And now revised and published altogether ; with a preface ; by the author, T. M. London, 1726. 8 A refutation of the false principles assumed and apply'd by the Rev. Joseph Pyke, in his book, intituled, An impartial view of the prin- cipal difficulties that affect the Trinitarian, or clog the Arian Scheme, &c. To which is add- ed, some short remarks on Sir R. Blackmore's just prejudices against the Arian hypothesis. With a postscript concerning the real agree- ment between the Athanasians and Socinians in the Trinitarian controversy. In a letter to a friend. London, 1722. 8 Another copy. [Collection of tracts.] 1726 The nature and consequences of enthusiasm consider'd ; in some short remarks on The doc- trine of the blessed Trinity stated and defend- ed. In a letter to Mr Tong, Mr Robinson, Mr Smith, and Mr Reynolds. [Collection of tracts.] 1726 A postscript, occasion'd by Mr Bradbury's dis- course, intitled The necessity of contending for reveal'd religion. [Ibid.] 1720 - The nature and consequences of enthusiasm defended ; against the reflections of the Rev. Mr Samuel Fancourt, in his essay concerning certainty and infallibility. In a second letter to Mr Tong, Mr Robinson, Mr Smith, and Mi- Reynolds. [Ibid.] 1726 A defence of the two foregoing letters to Mr Tong, Mr Robinson, Mr Smith, and Mr Rey- nolds. Against Mr Fancourt's Enthusiasm re- torted. [Ibid.] 1726 The absurdity of opposing faith to reason : or, a defence of Cliristianity against the power of enthusiasm. In answer to Mr Bradbury's ser- mon on the fifth of November, entituled, The nature of faith. Address'd to the five minis- ters concern'd with him in carrying on the lec- ture at Pinners-Hall. [Ibid.] 1726 The grounds and principles of Christian com- munion, consider'd. In a letter to the Rev. Mr John Cumming, M.A. Occasion'd by his Dissertation concerning the authority of Scrip- ture-consequences. [Ibid.] 1726 A letter to Sir Richard Blackmore. Occa- sion'd by his book, intitled, Modern Arians unmask'd. [Ibid.] 1726 A letter to the Rev. Dr Waterland, occasion'd by his late writings in defence of the Athana- sian hypothesis. [Ibid.] 1726 Enthusiasm in distress : or, an examination of the Reflections upon reason. In a letter to Phileleutherus Britannicus, [i. e. Dr John Hil- drop]. [Ibid.] 1726 A postscript to Enthusiasm in distress. Occa- sioned by a pamphlet, intitled, Comprehension more properly than enthusiasm in distress : said to be written by one Mr Peter Nisbet, in defence of Phileleutherus Britannicus. [Ibid.] 1726 A second postscript to Enthusiasm in distress. Occasioned by Mr Nisbett's second letter, in- titled, Comprehension confusion. Address'd to Mr Nisbett. [Ibid.] 1726 The MORAL PHILOSOPHER. [Vol. ii., iii. by PHILALETHES. [Pseud.] 1738-40 A vindication of The moral philosopher ; against the false accusations, insults, and personal abuses, of Samuel Chandler, late bookseller, and minister of the Gospel. London, 1741. 8 MORHOFIUS (DANIEL GEORGIUS), Professor of rhetoric, and afterwards of history, at Kiel, and librarian to the university. Stentor j/flsXoxAaaTj-, sive de scypho vitreo per certum humanse vocis sonum fracto ; dissertatio. Kilonii, 1683. 4 Polyhistor, literarius, philosophicus, et prac- ticus, cum accessionibus virorum clarissimo- rum Joannis Frickii et Joannis Molleri. Edi- tio quarta, cui prsefationem, notitiamque dia- riorum litterariorum Europae praemisit Jo. Al- bertus Fabricius, mine auctam et ad annum MDCCXLVII. continuatam. 3 torn. Lubecas, 1747. 4 VIORICE (WILLIAM), of Werrington. Coena qua- si Koivq : The new-inclosures broken down, and the Lord's Supper laid forth in common for all Church-members, having a dogmatical faith, and not being scandalous : in a diatribe, and defence thereof : against the apology of some ministers, and godly people, (as their owne mouth praiseth them) asserting the law- fulness of their administring the Lord's Sup- per in a select company : lately set forth by their Prolocutor, Mr Humphrey Saundera. London, 1657. 4 Another copy. MORINUS (JOANNES). Opuscula Hebrao-Sa- maritica... Parisiis, 1657. 12 6'J 540 MORISON-MORLEY. Exercitationea eccleaiastica; ct biblicie, primro quie eat, De Patri:irchunun, et Primatuin ori- gine, primis orbis terrarum eccleaiasticia diui- sionibus, atque antiqua, et primigenia cenau- rarum in clericoa natura et praxi, libri duo : alterius De Hebrsei Graecique text us sinceri- tate, similiter libri duo ; quorum prior rursus editus eat auctior : posterior qui viginti quin- que annonim opua eat, iam editua, iterum in lucem prodit. Parisiis, 1G69. fol. Commentariua hiatoricua de diaciplina in ad- ministratione aacramenti poenitentiae tredecim primia aeculia in Eccleaia Occidentali et hue uaque in Orientali obaervata, in decem libroa distinct us... His inserta aunt quae Judsei anti- qui et recentiorea tradunt de poinitentia, con- feaaione peccatorum, excommunicatione, abso- lutione, criminum poenia, aliiaque ad pomiten- tiam apud eos apectantibua. Ad operia coro- nidem complurea libelli pcenitentiales, et con- feaaionia peccatorum edendse, poenitentiseque de iia agend;e ordinea, Grseci, Latini, Hebraei, ex antiquisaimis variorum aeculorum codicibua eruti, nunc primum in lucem prodeunt : Grseci et Hebraei Latinitate donati et illustrati. Antverpue, 1682. fol. Antiquitatea EcclesiaeOrientalis, clariasimorum virorum Card. Barberini, L. Allatii, Luc. Hol- atenii, Job. Morini, Abr. Ecchellensia, Nic. Peyreacii, Pet. a Valle, Tho. Comberi, Joh. Buxtorfii, H. Hottingeri, &c. diaaertationibua epiatolicia eneucleatae ; nunc ex ipsia autogra- phia editae. Quibus praefixa eat Jo. Morini vita, [by Richard SIMON, or P. ANCLOSE]. Londini, 1682. 8 Commentariua de aacria Eccleaiae ordinationi- bua, aecundum antiques et recentiores Latinos, Gnecoa, Syroa et Babylonioa, in trea partea diatinctus...Hia accedunt SYMEONIS Theasalo- nienais Archiepiacopi liber de aacramento or- dinis, et ejua mysteriis ; auxilii de ordinatio- nibua FORMOSI Papae non iterandia libri duo ; Cophticarum ordinationum exemplar : omnia ex antiquia membrania exacripta, et hactenus desiderata. Denique adnotationes, in verba, ritus, ornamenta ecclesiastica, aliaque ejua- modi obacura, Latinia inusitata, in ritualibus Graecis et Syria occurrentia. Editio nova, a mendis quse in editionem Pariainam irrepse- rant repurgata. Antverpice, 1695. fol. MORISON (DAVID). The religious hiatory of man. London, 1838. 12 MORISON (GEORGE), D.D., Minister of Banchory- Devenick. A brief outline of the external frame-work, and internal constitution and ap- pointments, of the Church of Scotland, as by law eatablished. Aberdeen, 1840. 8 Another copy. State of the" Church of Scotland, in 1830 and 1840, contrasted. Aberdeen, 1840. 8 MORISON (JAIN). See, John MORRISON. MORISON (JAMES), Minister of the Antiburgher congregation at Norham. Present duty : in treatises relative to tfte duty of covenant-reno- vation. Viz. I. An attempt to vindicate, ex- plain, and enforce the important duty of re- newing our solemn covenant*. II. An attempt to vindicate, explain, and enforce the import- ant duty of a solemn acknowledgment of sin. III. The Seceaaion-Testimony abundantly con- sistent with liberty of conscience, in a letter to a friend. IV. The present state of cove- nanting-work, in the form of a catechism. Edin., 1789. 12 Another copy. An attempt to vindicate, explain, and enforce the important duty of renewing our solemn covenants : in several sermons. Edin., 1767. 16 The present state of covenanting-work, in the form of a catechiam. Edin. , 1789. 12 MORISON (JAMES). An introductory key to the first four Books of Mosea : being an attempt to analyze theae Booka, by exhibiting their figurative nature ; and particularly to ahew that the great design of the things recorded therein was the sufferings of Christ and the following glory. Perth, 1810. 8 MORISON (JAMES), D.D., Professor in the theolo- gical institution of the Evangelical union. Not quite a Christian ; or the text, " Not far from the kingdom of God," considered. Second thousand. Kilmarnock, 1841. 12 Charges brought against the Rev. J. M., with an abstract of his defence ; together with his reasons of protest and appeal, and also the rea- sons of protest and appeal by the congregation of Clerk's Lane, Kilinarnock. Kilmarnock, 1841. 12 The nature of the propitiation ; or, the ques- tion, What is the atonement ? answered. London, 1843. 12 The extent of the propitiation ; or, the ques- tion, For whom did Christ die ? answered. London, 1847. 12 An exposition of the ninth chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Kilmarnock, 1849. 8 Vindication of the universality of the atone- ment. In reply to the recently published work of the Rev. Dr Candlish of Edinburgh, en- titled, " The atonement, its reality, complete- ness and extent." Glasgow, 1861. 8 MORLAND (Sir SAMUEL). The history of the evangelical Churches of the valleys of Pie- mont. Containing a most exact geographical description of the place... Together with a most naked and punctual relation of the late bloudy massacre, 1655. And a narrative of all the following transactions, to the year of our Lord 1658. London, 1658. fol. The Urim of conscience. To which the author has had recourse, for plain answers, in his own particular case (as every man living ought to do in his) to four questions of great weight and importance, viz. , Who, and what art thou ? Where hast thou been ? What art thou now doing ? Whither art thou going ? Together with three select prayers for private families. London, 1693. 16 MORLEY (GEORGE), D.D., Bishop of Winchester. A modest advertisement concerning the pre- MORMONITES MORREN. 547 sent controversie about Church-Government ; wherein the maine grounds of that booke, [by Robert Baillie] entituled, The unlawfulnesse and danger of limited PRELACIE, are calmly examined. 1641 MORMONITES. Doctrine of the Mormonites. London, s. a. 12 MORNAY (PHILIPPE DE), Lord of Plessis- Marly. Tractatua de Ecclesia, quo prsecipuae quse hoc nostro tempore agitatse fuerunt qusestiones excutiuntur. . /. apud JEgidium Radceum, M.D.LXXXI. 8 Translated by Jo. Fielde. [Title supplied in manuscript, and wants table at the end.] Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, 1579. 8' Response povr le traite" de 1'Eglise escrit par P. de M. avx objections propose'es en vn liure [par M. Benoist Vaillant, i. e. P. Charron] nouuellement mis en lumiere, intitule", Les trois veritez : 1'auteur du quel maintiet que de toutes les parts, qui sont en la Chrestiente, la Romaine pretendue Catholique est la seule vraye Eglise. Seconde Edition. s. I., par Gabriel Cartier, M.D.XCV. 8 De la verit^ de la religion Chrestienne : contre les Athees, Epicuriens Payens, luifs, Mahu- medistes, et autres infideles. Seconde Edition reueiie par 1'autheur. Anvers, de I'imprimerie de C. Plantin, M.D.LXXXII. 8 Begunne to be translated into English, by that honourable and worthy gentleman, Sir Philip Sydney, Knight, and at his request fi- nished by Arthur Golding. Imprinted at London by George Robinson for Thomas Cadman, duelling at tlie great North doore of St Paule's church at the signe of the Byble. 1587. 4 Fourth edition. Purged from sundry faults escaped heretofore, thorow ignorance, careles- nesse, or other conniption. London, printed by George Purstoive, 1617. 4 Latinfe versiis, nunc autem ab eodem accu- ratissime correctus. Accessit ejusdem autho- ris, vitae mortisq ; atque adeo humanarum ac- tionum Christiana ac pia consideratio. [Inter- prete Arnoldo Freitagio.] Herbornce Nassoviorum, 1602. 8 C Response au livre publie par le Sieur Evesque d'Evreux, sur la Conference tenue a Fontaine- Bleau le quatriesme de May, 1600. Saumur, 1603. 8 De sacra eucharistia, in quatuor libros distinc- tum opus. In quo, et eius institutio, celebra- tio, doctrina in primitiua Ecclesia quaj fuerit ; et Missa quando, quomodo, quibus gradibus in ipsius loc\im primum irrepserit, demum et inuaserit, sigillatim explicatur. Hanovice, 1605. fol. Translated by R. S. 2d ed. London, 1600. fol. Le mystere d'iniquite*, c'est a dire, 1'histoire de la Papaute* par quels progrez elle est mon- te'e a ce comble, et quelles oppositions les gens de bien luit ont faict de temps en temps. Ou sont aussi defendus les droicts des empereurs, rois et princes Chrestiens, contre les assertions des Cardinaux Bellarmin et Baronius. Saumur, 1611. fol. Latine. Secunda editio, locupletior, ab ip- so authore recognita. Salmurii, 1612. 8 Editio tertia. Gorichemi, 1662. 4 Me'moires de Messire P. de M. Contenans divers discours, instructions, lettres, et de- pesches par lui dressdes, ou escrites aux rois, roines, princes, princesses, seigneurs, et plu- sieurs grands personages de la Chrestiente' de- puis 1'an clo lor.xxi i . j usques a 1'an clo IOLXXXIX ; ensemble quelques lettres des dessus dits au dit Sieur du Plessis. [Mis en ordre et public's par Jean Daille".] Tom. i., ii. La Forest, 1624, 25. 4 [Both volumes were printed at La Forest, al- though the first is without place or printer's name.] MORNING-EXERCISE. The morning-exercise against Popery. Or, the principal errors of the Church of Rome detected and confuted, in a morning-lecture preached lately in South- wark : by several ministers of the Gospel in or near London. London, 1675. 4 Another copy. Another edition. 2 vol. Edin., 1789. 8 The morning-exercise at Cripple-gate : or, se- veral cases of conscience practically resolved by sundry ministers. 4th ed. London, 1677. 4 A supplement to the morning-exercise at Crip- ple-gate : or, several more cases of conscience practically resolved by sundry ministers. 2d ed. London, 1676. 4 The morning exercise methodized ; or certain chief heads and points of the Christian reli- gion opened and improved in divers sermons, by several ministers of the city of London in the monthly course of the morning exercise at Giles in the Fields, May 1659. London, 1676. 4 A continuation of morning-exercise questions and cases of conscience, practically resolved by sundry ministers, in October, 1682. London, 1683. 4 Casuistical morning-exercises. The fourth vo- lume. By several ministers in and about Lon- don, preached in October, 1689. London, 1690. 4 MORREN (NATHANIEL), A.M., Minister of the North parish, Greenock. Biblical theology: expressed in the language of the original re- cord, with a literal translation in parallel co- lumns, and notes, exegetical and illustrative... To which is added, a bibliographical guide to the principal works in systematic theology which have appeared in Germany and Holland during the last century ; also, various disqui- sitions by De Wette, Reinhard, Neander, Hahn, Storr, Tittman, Jahn, Winer, Stuart and others. Vol. i. The rule of faith. Edin., 1835. 8 Another copy. Another copy. 548 MORRES MORTON. Annals of the General Assembly of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 1838, 40 My Church politics : in [seven] letters to my people ; with special reference to the present position of the Church of Scotland in its rela- tion to the State. Greenock, 1842. 8 Another copy [of Letters i.-iv]. Greenock, 1842. 8 * Remarks on No. i. [and ii.] of a series of letters by the Rev. N. Morren, entitled, " My Church politics," &c. By a Non-Erastian Churchman. Greenock, 1842. 8 Another copy. His doings detected : in a letter to the Church- men of Greenock ; with some remarks on the recent negociations of the NON- INTRUSION com- mittee. 1842 Dialogues on the Church question, with the Rev. Dr Patrick Macfarlan and others. Greenock, 1843. 8 Another copy. A word for myself ; and a word to my people. Glasgow, 1843. 8 Second edition. Glasgow, 1843. 8 The national Church, a national blessing. [In three parts.] Edin., 1844. 8 Another copy. MORRES (ROBERT), M. A. , Fellow of Brazen Nose college. Eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1791. At the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1791. 8 MORRICE (MATTHIAS). Social RELIGION exem- plify'd. 1759 MORRIS (A. J.). Words for the heart and life. Discourses. London, [1855]. 8 Another copy. MORRIS (J.). A monograph of the Mollusca from the great Oolite. Parts i. and iv. By J. M. , and John LYCETT. [Palseontographical Society.] London, 1850, 54. 4 MORRIS (JOHN). Bermondsey. Puseyism un- masked ! or, the great Protestant principle of the right of private judgment defended against the arrogant assumptions of the advocates of Puseyism. 4th ed. London, 1842. 8 MORRIS (JOHN G.), D.D. The year-book of the Reformation. Edited by Benjamin KURTZ, D.D.,andJ. M. 1844 MORRISON ( ), Colonel Propositions re- garding the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 1843 MORRISON (ANNA MARIA). * Memoir of Mrs A. M. M. of the North India mission. By the Rev. E. J. Richards. New York, 1843. 12 MORRISON (CHARLES). The question, Will Christ's reign during the millennium be per- sonal ? answered from Scripture. Edin., 1839. 8 MORRISON (JAMES), Minister of the Free Church, Urquhart. The chief hindrances and encou- ragements of the Free Church in her present position. Elgin, 1844. 8 MORRISON (JOHN). Dana Spioradail no Tea- gasg Fallain o'n Scriobtuir. Edin., 1832. 16 MORRISON (ROBERT), D.D., Baptist missionary to Canton. Horse Sinicse : translations from the popular literature of the Chinese. London, 1812. 8 A view of China, for philological purposes. Macao, 1817. 4 * Memoirs of the life and labours of R. M. Compiled by his widow ; with critical :. of his Chinese works, by Samuel Kidd, and an appendix containing original documents. 2 vol. London, 1839. 8 MORRISSY (LAWRENCE), Parish priest of Oniny and Templeorum, in the diocese of Derry. A development of the cruel and dangerous inqui- sitorial system of the Court of Rome in ire- land, and of its particular operations in the case of the author. [In two parts.] Dublin, 1821, 22. 8 Another copy. MORT. Le bonheur de la mort Chre'tienne. Re- traite du huit jours. [Par P. QUESNEL.] Nou- velle Edition. Parir, 1750. 8 MORTIMER (JENNY).* The history of Mary WATSON and J. M. *. a. MORTIMER (THOMAS). A general dictionary of commerce, trade, and manufactures ; exhibit- ing their present state in every part of the world ; and carefully compiled from the best authorities. London, 1810. 8 MORTLOCK (LouiSA WOODD). * Memoir of L. W. M. London, 1834. 8 MORTON, EARL or. See George-Sholto DOUG- LAS. MORTON ( ), Teacher in Glasgmv. Syllabus of lectures on geography, the principles of as- tronomy, and the philosophy of natural his- torv, as taught by Mr M., at his academy... Glasgow. Edin., 1809. 8 MORTON (EDWARD), M.D. Romanism in Hor- bury. Wakefield, s. a. 8 MORTON (THOMAS), D.D., Bishop of Coventry and Lichfald, and afterwards of Durham. A Catholike appeale for Protestants, out of the confessions of the Romane doctors ; particu- larly answering the mis-named Catholike apo- logie for the Romane faith, out of the Protest- ants [by John Brerely, i. e. James Anderton] : manifesting the antiquitie of our religion, and satisfying all scrupulous obiections which haue bene vrged against it. Londini, 1610. fol. Another copy. A defence of the innocence of the three cere- monies of the Church of England, viz., the surplice, crosse after baptisme, and kneeling at the receiuing of the blessed sacrament. In two parts. London, 1618. 4 The grand imposture of the (now) Church of Rome : manifested in this one article of the new Romane creede, viz. " The holy, Catho- like, and apostolike Romane Church, mother and mistresse of all other Churches, without which there is no saluation." Proued to be a new, false, sacrilegious, scandalous, schismati- call, hereticall, and blasphemous article (re- spectiuely) and euery way damnable. The last chapter containeth a determination of the whole question, concerning the separation of Protestants from the present Church of Rome : MORTON MOSHEIM. 549 whereby may be discerned, whether side is to be accounted schismaticall, or may more iustly pleade soules salvation. 2d ed. London, 1628. 4 Of the institution of the sacrament of the bless- ed bodie and blood of Christ, (by some called) the Masse of Christ, eight bookes ; discover- ing the superstitious, sacrilegious, and idola- trous abominations of the Romish masse. To- gether with the consequent obstinacies, over- tures of perjuries, and the heresies discern- able in the defenders thereof. London, 1631. fol. The second edition. Much enlarged, for cor- roboration of sundry points throughout the whole. Together with particular answers to such objections and cavils, as have been hither- to made and raised by the adversary against this work. London, 1656. fol. MORTON (W.). The Proverbs of Solomon in Bengali. See BIBLES BENGALI. B. MORUS (ALEXANDER), Professor of divinity at Geneva, and afterwards Protestant minister at Paris. Calvinus. Oratio Genevse habita pro more academue ac rectoris munere, in qua vir amplissimus H. Grotius refellitur. Accessit Calvini ad Lutherum epistola nondum edita ; cum aliis nonnullia. s. I. , 1548. 4 Ad quasdam loca Novi Foederis note ; [cum Commentt. in Epist. ad Hebr. L. TENA auc- tore]. 1661 Dix-huit sermons, sur le huitieme chapitre de S. Paul aux Remains. Amsterdam, 1691. 12 Select sermons. Translated from the French by A. Bruce, minister, Whitburn. Edin., 1812. 8 Another copy. * A critical account of the life, character, and discourses of Mr. A. M. In which the attack made upon him in the writings of Milton, is particularly considered. Containing also no- tices of several divines and literary characters, and of some memorable transactions of that age. To which are subjoined, specimens of his discourses, original and translated. By Archibald Bruce. Edin., 1813. 8 C MORUS (HENRICUS). See Henry MORE. MORUS (SAM. FRID. NATHAN.), Professor of di- vinity in the university of Leipsic. Disputatio philologico-critica. . .quam defendent Joh. Aug. DATHE, et S. F. N. M. 1757 Prselectiones in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanes. Cum ejusdem versione Latina locorumque quo- rundam N. T. difficiliorum interpretatione, edidit Jo. Tobias Theophil. Holzapfel. Prse- missa est Christiani Dan. Beckii P. P. prae- fatio. Lipsice, 1784. 8 U Pnelectiones in Jacobi et Petri Epistolas. Edi- dit Carolus Augustus Donat. Upsics, 1794. 8 Another copy. Versio et explicatio Actuum Apostolorum. Edidit, animadversiones recentiorum maxime interpretum suasqxie adjecit, Gottl. Imman. Dindorf. 2 partt. Lipsia, 1794. 8 Another copy. Acroases in Epistolas Paulinas ad Galataa et Ephesios. Lipsice, 1795. 8 Another copy. Prselectiones in Lucae Evangelium. Edidit Carolus Augustus Donat. Lipsice, 1795. 8 Super hermeneutica Novi Testament! acroases academicae. Editioni aptavit praefatione et additamentis instruxit Henr. Carol. Abr. Eich- stadt. 2 vol. Lipsice, 1797, 1802. 8 Another copy. Commentarius exegetico-historicus in suam theologise Christianas epitomen. Edidit et in- dicibus instruxit Carolus Augustus Hempel. 2 torn. Halce Saxonum, 1797, 98. 8 Dissertationes theologicse et philologicae. 2vol. Editio altera. Lipsice, 1798. 8 Another copy. Epitome theologise Christianas. Editio quarta. Lipsice, 1799. 8 Recitationes in Evangelium Joannis. Edidit Theoph. Imman. Dindorf. Editio secunda. Lipsice, 1808. 8 Another edition. [A reprint of the second edition, without the editor's dedication.] Lipsice, 1821. 8 Praelectiones exegeticse in tres Joannis Epis- tolas, cum nova earundem periphrasi Latina. Lipsia', 1810. 8 MOSCHUS, Syracusanus. Idyllia, Grsece et La- tine... opera et studio Thomas Martin; [una cum Idyll. THEOCRITI]. 1760 Translated from the Greek, by the Rev. R. Polwhele ; [with the Idylls of THEOCRITUS]. 1811 Another edition. Accedunt... animadversiones, scholia, indices, et M. ^Emilii Porti Lexicon Doricum ; [una cum Idyll. THEOCRITI]. 1829 BIONIS et Moschi fragmenta. [Gr.] 1795 MOSES (Rabbi) Alscheich. D. J. ABRABANIELIS et R. M. A. comment, in Esaias Prophetiam 30. 1631 MOSES (Rabbi) MAIMONIDES. Book of the pre- cepts, or the affirmative and prohibitory pre- cepts compiled by M. M. out of the Books of Moses, with a life of the author. Edin., s. a. 16 Porta Mosis sive dissertationes aliquot a R. M. M., suis in varias Mishnaioth, sive textug Talmudici partea, commentariis prsemissae, quae ad universam fere Judseonim disciplinam aditum aperiunt. Nunc primum Arabice prout ab ipso autore conscriptae sunt, et Latinfe edi- tae. Una cum appendice notarum miscellanea, opera et studio Edvardi Pocockii. Oxonice, 1655. 4 Tractatus de vacca rufa Latinitate donatus et subjuncta ampliore hujus ritus explicatione quoad singulas circumstantias, illustratus ab Andrea Christophoro Zellero, A.M. Adnexa in fine brevis hujus vaccae ad Christum adpli- cationis dissertatiuncula. Accedunt virorum celeberrimorum ad auctorem epistolse. Amstel., 1711. 8 MOSHEIM (JOHANN LAURENZ VON), Professor of divinity at Gottingen. Vindicise antiquaj Christianorunx disciplinoe advcrsus celeberrimi KO MOSHEIM MOURNINC I. Johannia Tolandi, Hiberni, Nazarenum. Kilonii, 1720. 4 Do autoritato concilii Dorclraceni paci sacne nuxia consultatio ; [cum Historia concilii I)>r- draceni per J. 1 1 A i.i.sn M J. 1724 Editio tertia. Helmstadii, 1727. 4 Dissertationum ad historian! ecclesiasticam pertiiH'Mtiuni volumen. Accedit Mich. GED- DESII Hartyrologium Protestantium Hispano- rum Latine versuin ex Anglico. Altonavice, 1733. 8 Institutiones historise Christianie Majorca. Soiculum primuiu. Helmstadii, 1739. 4 Another copy. Historia Tartarorum Ecclesiastica. Adjecta est Tartariae Asiatictc secundum recentiores geographos in iiiappa delineatio. Helmstadii, 1741. 4 [The above work is also ascribed to Herman- nus Christianas PAULSEN.] Another copy. Sitten-Lehre der heiligen Schrift. 9 Theile. [1 terTh., 5* Avifl. ; 2^ u : 3* r Th., 3<* Aufl. ; 4terTh., 2* Aufl.] Leipzig, Helmsttidt, Halle, u: Gottingcn, 1752-1773. 4 De rebus Christianorum ante Constantinum Magnum commentarii. Helmstadii, 1753. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Translated by Robert Studley Vidal. Vol. i., ii. London, 1813. 8 Another copy. Elements theologise dogmaticae, in academicis quondam praelectionibus proposita et demon- strata. Editio altera revisa, emendata, et in- signiter aucta a Chr. Ern. de Windheim. 2 torn. Norimberga, 1764. 8 Another copy. Institutionum historiao ecclesiasticse antiquae et recentioris libri quatuor, ex ipsis fontibus insigniter emendati, plurimis accessionibus lu- cupletati, variis observationibusillustrati. Edi- tio altera. Helmstadii, 1764. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Translated from the original Latin, and ac- companied with notes and chronological tables, by Archibald Maclaine, D.D. New edition. 6 vol. London, 1810. 8 Another edition. London, 1825. 8 A new edition. 2 vol. London, 1842. 8 Another copy. Traduite en Francois, sur la seconde Edition Anglaise. 5 torn. Yverdon, 1776. 8 A new and literal translation from the original Latin, with copious additional notes, original and selected, by James Murdock, D.D. Edit- ed, with additions by Henry Soames, M. A. A new edition. 4 vol. London, 1845. 8 Another edition. Revised, and supplementary notes added, by James Seaton Reid, D.D. London, 1848. 8 Another copy. Sarnmtliche heilige Reden iiber wichtige Wahr- dcr Lchro Jesu Christi. Band, i.-iii. MOSS (CHARLES), D.D., Bishop of Bath and Wells. The evidence of the RESU ERECTION rlrjircd. 1744 MOSS (ROBERT), D.D., Dean of Ely. A sermon [on Lament, v. 7] preach 'd before the House of Commons at St Margaret's, Westminster, Jan 30, 170f. London, 1707. 8 J A sermon [on 2 Cor. iv. 5] preach'd at the parish-church of St Laurence-Jewry, London, October 5, 1708. London, 1708. 8 MOTLEY (JOHN LOTH ROP). The rise of tho Dutch republic. A history. 3 vol. London, 1858. 8. History of the United Netherlands from tho death of William the Silent to the Synod of Dort. With a full view of the English- Dutch struggle against Spain, and of the origin and destruction of the Spanish Armada. Vol. i. , ii. London, 1860. 8 MOULE (THOMAS). Bibliotheca heraldica Mag- nse Britannije. An analytical catalogue of books on genealogy, heraldry, nobility, knight- hood, and ceremonies : with a list of provin- cial visitations, pedigrees, collections of arms, and other manuscripts ; and a supplement, enumerating the principal foreign genealogical works. London, 1822. 8 MOUNTAGU, or MONTACUTIUS (RICHARD), Bishop of Norwich: A gagg for the new Gos- pell ? No : a new gagg for an old goose. Who would needes vndertake to stop all Pro- testants mouths for euer, with 276 places out of their owne English Bibles. Or an answere to a late abridger of controuersies, and belyar of the Protestants doctrine. London, 1624. 4 Immediate addresse unto God alone. First deliuered in a sermon before his Maiestie at Windsore. Since reuised and inlarged to a just treatise of invocation of saints. Occa- sioned by a false imputation of M. Antonius de Dominis vpon the authour. London, 1624. 4 Appello Cjesarem. A jvst appeale from two vniust informers. London, 1625. 4 The acts and monuments of the Church before Christ incarnate. [Wants title.] London, 1642. fol. MOUNTAGUE (WALTER), second son of the first Earl of Manchester. Miscellanea spiritualia : or, devout essays. London, 1648. 4 A letter concerning the changing his religion ; [with a discourse of infallibility, by Viscount FALKLAND]. 1651 MOURNERS. The mock mourners. A satyr. [In a collection of the writings of the author of the True-born English-man, i. e. Daniel DE- FOE.] London, 1703. 8 The mourner's companion. With an introduc- tory essay, by Robert Gordon, D.D. [Imper- fect.] Glasgow, 1824. 12 MOURNING. Qenvoixo?. The house of mourn- ing; furnished with directions for, prepara- tions to, meditations of, consolations at, the MOWES MUELLER. 551 houre of death. Delivered in xlvii. sermons, preached at the fnneralls of divers f aithf ull ser- vants of Christ. By Daniel Featly, Martin Day, Richard Sibbs, Thomas Taylor, doctors in divinitie, and other Rev. divines. London, 1640. fol. Another copy. MOWES (HENRY). The minister of Andouse. From the German. By Samuel Jackson. Edin., 1839. 8 MOY AND DALAROSSIE. Case of Donald M'Queen, Esq. of Corryburgh, and others, heritors, James M'Intosh inGarbil, and others, elders, and of sixty-one heads of families in the united parishes of Moy and Dalarossie, pursuers ; against Mr James M'Intosh, late minister of the said united parishes, defender. To be heard at the bar of the Venerable As- sembly, May 1784. The pursuer's case. s. I. et a. 4 Case of Donald M'Queen, Esq. of Corryburgh, and others, heritors... James M'Intosh inGar- bil, and others, elders, and of sixty-one heads of families in the united parishes of Moy and Dalarossie, pursuers ; against Mr James M'In- tosh, late minister of the said united parishes, defender. To be heard at the bar of the Ve- nerable Assembly, May 1786. The pursuer's case. s. I. et a. 4 MOVES (L.), Minister of Forgkn.A letter to the Earl of Liverpool, on the necessity of amending the excise system, for the purpose of promoting the comforts and morals of the inhabitants of the Northern districts of Scot- land. Aberdeen, 1821. 8 MOYLE (WALTER). Works of W. M. ; none of which were ever before published. 2 vol. London, 1726. 8 The whole works of W. M. that were publish- ed by himself. [Forming a third volume. ] To which is prefixed, some account of his life and writings ; [by Anthony Hammond]. London, 1727. 8 A select collection of tracts, containing, I. An essay upon the Roman government. II. Re- marks upon Dr Prideaux's Connection of the Old and New Testament. III. An essay upon the Lacedaemonian government. IV. An ar- gument against a standing army. Glasgoio, 1750. 12 MOYSANT (FRANCOIS). Bibliotheque portative des ecrivains Frangois, ou choix des meilleurs morceaux extraits de leurs ouvrages, en prose, par MM. M., et de LEVIZAC. Seconde Edi- tion. 3 torn. Londres, 1803. 8 MOYSES (DAVID). Memoirs of the affairs of Scotland ; containing an impartial account of the most remarkable transactions in that kingdom, from K. James VI. his taking up the government in 1577, till his accession to the crown of England in 1603. Together with a discourse of the conspiracy of the Earl of Gowry. Now first published from an original manuscript. Edin., 1755. 12 MOYSEY (CHARLES ABEL), D.D., Archdeacon of Bath. The doctrines of Unitarians examined, as opposed to the Church of England. In eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1818, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M. A. Oxford, 1818. 8 MOZLEY (JAMES B.), B.D., Vicar of Old Shore- ham, Sussex. A treatise on the Augustinian doctrine of predestination. London, 1855. 8 Another copy. The primitive doctrine of baptismal regenera- tion. London, 1856. 8 Another copy. MUCKARSIE (JOHN), KinML Truth and peace recommended : or, Some examination of, and observations upon a pamphlet entitled, Peace and unity recommended : or, a method pro- posed for compromising the difference, and coalescing the two respective bodies of Se- ceders. Glasgow, s. a. 8 Truth and peace vindicated ; or, a sober reply to a railing pamphlet, intitled, Peace and unity defended, by William Smith. Edin., 1767. 8 The children's CATECHISM : or, an help to the more easy understanding of the doctrine ta\ight in our confession of faith, and catechisms, larger and shorter. 10th ed. Glasgow, 1783. 8 New edition. Edin., 1819. 12 MUDENUS (ANTONIUS). Disputatio physica, continens theses aliquot illustriores. Ultrajecti, 1638. 4 MUEHLENFELS (LuowiG VON), LL.D. An in- troductory lecture delivered in the university of London... 1828. London, 1828. 8 MUELDER (G. J.), Professor of chemistry in the university of Utrecht. The chemistry of vege- table and animal physiology. Translated from the Dutch by Dr Fromberg. With an intro- duction and notes, by James F. W. Johnston. Parts i.-iv. Edin., [1845-49]. 8 Scheikundige Onderzoekingen, gedaan in het Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. 5 Deel. Rotterdam, 1842-51. 8 Versuch einer allgemeinen physiologischen Chemie... 11-14 Lieferung. Braunschweig, 1857. 8 MUELLER (CAROLTJS ODOFREDUS), Professor in the university of Gottingen. Dissertations on the Eumenides of ./Eschylus : with the Greek text and critical remarks. From the German of C. O. M. Cambridge, 1835. 8 The history and antiquities of the Doric race. Translated from the German by Henry Tuf- nell, and George Cornewall Lewis. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1839. 8 MUELLER (FRIEDRICH VON). Characteristics of Goethe. From the German of FAXK, von M., &c. 1833 MUELLER (GEORGE). A narrative of some of the Lord's dealings with G. M. Written by himself. 2d ed. London, 1840. 12 Second part. London, 1841. 12 MUELLER (JuLius), Professor of theology in the a n ii-ersity of Halle- Wittemberg. Disputationis de miraculorum Jesu Christi natura et necessi- tate particula ii. Ilalis Saxonum, 1841. 4 r.r,2 MUELLER MUIRHEAD. The Christian doctrine of sin. Translated from the original German, of the third im- proved and enlarged edition, by William Puls- ford. 2vol. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] /i./m., 1852. 8 Lutheri et Calvini sententioe de sacra Coena inter so comparatae. .--, 1853. 4 MUELLER (PETER ERASMXJS). Critisk under- sugelse af Saxos Histories syv sidste Bdgcr. Kio-benhavn, 1830. 4 MUELLERUS (JOANNES C. A.). Quamnam maxinie utilitatem etiam hac ;i-t ate offerre pos- sint libri nostraj Ecclesite symbolici ? deinde : qua ratione mos introductus et paulatim pro- pagatus fuerit, horum librorum subscriptio- nera a doctoribus religionis exigendi J'inquirit J. C. A. M. Gasttingai, 1797. 8 MUENSCHER (WILHELM), Professor of theology at Marburg. Handbuch der christlichen Dog- mengeschichte. 3 Bande. Marburg, 1797-1802. 8 Lehrbuch der christlichen Dogmengeschichte. Zweyte, mit literarischen Zusiitzen vennehrte Auflage. Marburg und Cassel, 1819. 8 Elements of dogmatic theology. Translated from the second edition of the original Ger- man. By James Murdock, D.D. New-Haven, 1830. 12 MUENTER (BALTHASAR), D.D. A narrative of the conversion and death of Count STRCENSEE. 1773 MUENTER (FRIEDRICH), son- of the preceding, Bishop of Seeland. Religion der Karthager. Zweite Auflage. Kopenhagen, 1821. 4 MUIR (ADAM STUART), Minister of Junction Street Free church, Leith. Glimpses of prophet life. Lessons from the history of Jonah. 2d ed. Edin., 1857. 8 MTJIR (GEORGE), Minister in Paisley. The ex- cision ; or, troublers of the Church character- ized and cut off. A sermon preached April 8th, 1762, at the ordination of the Rev. Alex. Hoodie, to the parish of Riccarton. Glasgow, 1762. 8 The Synod of Jerusalem : or, courts of review in the Christian Church considered. A ser- mon [on Acts, xv. 31] preached at the opening of the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, Oct. 13th, 1767. Being an attempt to vindicate Presby- terian Church government, in opposition to the Independent scheme. Glasgow, 1768. 16 Another copy. Another copy. * The Synod of Jerusalem considered : or, re- marks upon a sermon, preached by the Rev. Mr George Muir, at the opening of the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, October, 1767. Glasgow, 1768. 12 An essay on Christ's cross and crown. To which are subjoined, six sermons. Paisky, 1769. 12 The parable of the tares : in twenty-one ser- mons. To which are added, two sermons from Luke, xii. 16-21, and Matt. xxv. 31. Paisley, 1771. 8 Another copy. The substance of four table services ; deliver- ed in the Tolbooth church of Edinburgh, liitli March, 1760. ,, , 17'.':;. 1- Another copy. MUIR (JAMES). Some observations on a book called Marshall on sanctification, the Marrow of modern divinity, with Boston's notes, and the Marrow queries : and an act concern in-,' the doctrine of grace. '//..<./-/, -, l,->ol. 1:T MUIR (JAMES), D.D. Ten sermons. Alexandria., 1812. 12 MUIR (JOHN), D. D., Minister of St Jamet's churcJi, Glasgow. Popery makes void the law of God. Glasgmo, 1836. 8 * Vital Christianity co-extensive with the prac- tical maintenance of the integrity of divine tnith, in the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government of the Church, in a letter to the Rev. J. M., with a refutation of three anti- Free Church pamphlets circulated by him, by a member of St James's Free Church, Glasgow. Glasgow, 1838. 8 MUIR (JOHN), D.C.L. Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and progress of the religion and institutions of India ; collected, translated into English, and illustrated by notes... Part first. The mythical and legendary accounts of caste. London, 1858. 8 MUIR (ROBERT), A.M. The preacher's assist- ant : being an index to the texts of the most approved sermons and lectures, ancient and modern. Glasgow, 1813. 8 MUIR (WILLIAM), D.D., Minister of St Stephen's church, Edinburgh. The value of a good name among men, with necessary limitations to the desire of it : a sermon delivered on Nov. 29, 1818. Gl-asgmo, 1818. 8 An arrangement of the parables, attempted in a lecture delivered in... Edinburgh on the llth Dec. 1836. Edin., 1836. 12 * [Letter] to the Rev. W. M. By a layman. Edin., 1838. 8 Report of the speech of Dr M. in the General Assembly, in the Auchterarder case, on Wed- nesday, May 22, 1839. Revised by himself. With the resolutions moved by him, and his reasons of dissent. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Another copy. A letter to the congregation of St Stephen's, Edinburgh, on the present Church question. Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Third edition. With a postscript. Edin., 1840. 8 The whole service as conducted in the High Church of Glasgow, on 20th Dec., 1838, at the commemoration of the General Assembly of 1638. 3d ed. Glasgow, 1839. 8 MUIRHEAD (GEORGE), D.D., Minister of the Free Church, Cramond. The divine authority of the Scriptures confirmed by the miracles of the Apostles : a sermon [on Acts, v. 12-16] preached before the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian knowledge... June 1, 1820. Edin., 1821. 8 MUIRHEAD MU ERA Y. 553 Death gain to Christians : a sermon preached in the Tolbooth church of Edinburgh, Nov. 11, 1827, occasioned by the death of the Rev. Thomas Davidson, D.D. With some account of his life and character. Edin. , 1827. The nature, excellence, and issue of a life of communion with God : a sermon preached on the occasion of the death of the Rev. George Wright, D.D., Stirling. Stirling, 1827. 8 MUIRHEAD (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel, Kelso. Dissertations on the foederal transac- tions between God and his Church, both be- fore and since the canon of Scripture was com- pleted. Kelso, 1782. 8 MUIRHEAD (W.), Teacher in Edinburgh. A key to Mair's introduction... Edin., 1.810. 16 MULFAIL (ANTONIUS). Theses theologicse de justitia et jure...defendent A. M. et Andreas DALTON. Lovanii, 1679. 4 Theses theologicse de contractibus et judiciis publicis. Lovanii, 1680. 4 MULLENS (JOSEPH), D.D., Missionary of the London missionary society in Calcutta. Mis- sions in South India visited and described. London, 1854. 8 A brief review of ten years' missionary labour in India between 1852 and 1861. Prepared from local reports and original letters. London, 1864. 8 Another copy. MULLERUS (ANDREAS). Disquisitio historica et geographica de Chataja ; [ad calc. Marci PAULI de regionibus Orientalibus]. 1671 MULLION (MORDECAI). Some illustrations of Mr M'Culloch's principles of political economy. Edin., 1826. 8 MULSO (HESTER), afterwards Hester CHAPONE. MUNRO (ALEXANDER), D. D., Minister of the English Presbyterian Church, Mancliester. Speech of the Rev. Thomas DUNCAN on the use of instrumental music in public worship ; and statement of the Rev. A. M. on the same occasion. 1857 MUNRO (CATHERINE). An essay on death. Edin., [1838]. 12 MUNRO (INNES), Capt. in the 73d Highlanders. A narrative of the military operations on the Coromandel coast, against the combined forces of the French, Dutch, and Hyder Ally Cawn, from the year 1780 to the peace in 1784 ; in a series of letters... London, 1789. 4 MUNRO (JAMES). A Gaelic primer, containing rules for pronouncing the language. With numerous examples... Glasgow, 1828. 12 Another copy. An T-Aillegan ; comh-chruinneachadh Dhan- Oran, agus Dhuanag. Glasghu, 1832. 12 Am Filidh : Co-thional ur de Dh-Orain 's de Dhuanagan. Dun-Eidin, 1840. 12 MUNRO (ROBERT). Poems, and translations in verse, from admired compositions of the an- cient Celtic bards ; with the Gaelic originals, and copious illustrative notes. Edin., 1843. 12 MUNSTER (SEBASTIANUS), Professor of Hebrew at Basil. Hebraica Biblia, latina planeq ; nova Sebast. Munsteri tralatione. 1546. See BIBLES HEBREW. C. MUNTINGHE (HERMANNS), Professor of theo- logy at Groningen. Pars theologian Christiana? theoretica. In compendium redegit H. M. Editio secunda. 2 torn. Groninga, 1818, 22. 8 Brevis expositio critices Veteris Foederia. Edi- derunt B. Nieuwold et C. H. van Herwerden. Groningce, 1827. 8 MUNTON (ANTHONY), M.A., Curate of St An- drew's church, Newcastle. Several sermons preached in Newcastle upon Tyne. Newcastle, 1756. 8 MURALTO (EDUARDUS DE). Novum Testamen- tum Greece. 1860. See BIBLES GREEK. F. MURCH (W. H.), D.D. Essays on the Christian ministry. Selected from American publica- tions. With a preface by W. H. M. [Ward's Lib. of stand, div.] London, s. a. 8 MURCHISON (Sir RODERICK IMPEY). The Si- lurian system, founded on geological researches in the counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pem- broke, Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester, and Stafford ; with descriptions of the coal-fields, and overlying formations. In two parts. London, 1839. 4 MURDOCH (J.), D.D., E. C. Bishop of Castabala. A sermon preached at the opening of the chapel of St Margaret's convent. Edin., 1835. 8 MURDOCK (JAMES), D.D. Sketches of modem philosophy, especially among the Germans. Hartford, 1842. 16 MURE (WILLIAM), of Caldwell. Journal of a tour in Greece and the Ionian Islands, with remarks on the recent history, present state, and classical antiquities of those countries. 2vol. Edin., 1842. 8 J MURPHY (ARTHUR). The citizen. A farce. Edin., 1763. 12 MURPHY (JAMES G.), LL.D., Professor of He- brew, Belfast. A critical and exegetical com- mentary on the Book of Genesis. 1863. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. MURRAY (ALEXANDER), D.D., Professor of Ori- ental languages in the university of Edinburgh. Copy of documents in favour of the Rev. A. M. , minister of Urr, as candidate for the pro- fessorship of Oriental languages. Edin., 1812. 8 History of the European languages ; or, re- searches into the affinities of the Teutonic, Greek, Celtic, Sclavonic, and Indian nations. With a life of the author. 2 vol. Edin., 1823. 8 * Life of A. M., D.D. s. 1. et a. 8 MURRAY (ANNE), afterwards Lady Halket of Pitfirrane. MEDITATIONS on the twenty-fifth Psalm. 1771 MURRAY (DANIEL), D.D., R. C. Archbishop of Dublin. A letter, in refutation of a statement attributed to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, charging Roman Catholics with suppressing the second commandment. Dublin, 1827. 12 70 664 MURRAY MUSCULUS. MURRAY (GEOROE), Minuter of North Berwick. Evidence of MIRACLES. 1H"2 Sermons and treatises. Edin., 1823. 8 - Another copy. MURRAY (JAMES), Dissenting minister, Newcas- tle. Sermons to doctors in divinity, being the second volume of sermons to asses. London, 1771. 12 Another edition. To which are subjoined, lectures to Lords spiritual, or, an advice to the Bishops. And sermon on self-defence, &c. Glasgow, 1798. 12 [The first edition was published anonymously.] MURRAY (JOHN), M.D., Lecturer on chemistry, Edinburgh. A system of chemistry. 2d ed. 4 vol. Edin., 1809. 8 MURRAY (JOHN), F.S.A. A descriptive account of the Palo de Vaca ; or, Cow tree of the Ca- racas : with a chemical analysis of the milk and bark. 2d ed. London, 1838. 8 MURRAY (LINDLEY). English grammar, adapt- ed to different classes of learners. ICth ed. York, 1807. 12 English exercises, adapted to Murray's Eng- . lish grammar. 12th ed. York, 1808. 12 The fourth American, from the last English edition [of both the Grammar and the Exer- cises]. Corrected and much enlarged. 2 vol. New York, 1819. 8 The power of religion on the mind, in retire- ment, affliction, and at the approach of death ; exemplified in the testimonies and experience of persons distinguished by their greatness, learning, or virtue. 15th ed. York, 1810. 8 MURRAY (NICHOLAS), D.D. Letters to a Ro- mish Bishop [John Hughes, Bishop of New York] on the character, tendency and influence of the Papacy. By KIBWAN. [Pseud.] With an introduction and an affectionate address to Roman Catholics. By Octavius Winslow, A. M. Edin., 3847. 8 MURRAY (RICHARD), D.D., Dean of Armagh. Outlines of the history of the Catholic Church in Ireland. London, 1840. 8 Ireland and her Church : in three parts. 2d ed. London, 1845. 8 MURRAY (Hon. ROBERT DUNDAS). A summer at Port Philip. Edin., 1843. 8 MURRAY (T. A.). Remarks on the situation of the poor in the metropolis as contributing to the progress of contagious diseases ; with a plan for the institution of houses of recovery, for persons infected by fever. London, 1801. 8 MURRAY (THOMAS), A.M. The literary history of Galloway, from the earliest period to the present time : with an appendix, containing, with other illustrations, notices of the civil history of Galloway till the end of the thir- teenth century. Edin., 1822. 8 The incidence of the annuity tax, consider- ed in a letter addressed to the Right Hon. James Spittal, Lord Provost of Edinburgh. Edin., 1834. 8 MURRAY STREET. Discourses delivered in Murray Street church on Sabbath evenings during the months of March, April, and May, 1830. By Dr Spring [and others]. New York, 1830. 8 Another copy. MUS^EUS (JOHANNES). De conversione hominia peccatoris ad Deum tractatus thoologicus, quo de conversionis appellationibus, natura, acti- bus, et speciatim de actibus fidei, deque fidei objecto formali contra Pontificios fuse agitur, et detect is fraudibus, quas hac in re Sophistuu moderni committunt, in fidei et religionis Pon- tificiie principia et causas solicitius mquiritur ; pro re nata etiam Methodo Walenbruchiana f undamenta potissima impugnantur. Accessit praefatio, qua Biblia lingva vernacula glossata, et Norimbergae excusa, a Viti Erbermanni vi- rulenta maledicentia vindicantur. Jena, 1CC1. 4 Another copy. Disputationes theologicse duse de communiono sub xitraque specie, utrum a Christo praecepta sit ? Anno M.DC.LIV. habitae, nunc verb recog- nit;e et recusae. Jence, 1GG4. 4 Another copy. Dissertatio de seterno electionis decreto, an ejus aliqua extra Deum causa impulsiva de- tur, nee ne ? In qua prsemissa cum quaestio- nis controversae, turn verce de ea sententiae, explicatione, argumentum ab executione peti- tum pressius urgetur, et solide evincitur, vel decretum electionis non posse esse absolutum, vel meritum Christi et fidera non posse in cau- sis justifications et salvationis haberi. Acces- sit De luminis naturae insufficientia ad salutem dissertatio contra Edoardum Herbert de Cher- bury, Baronem Anglum. Jence, 1668. 4 Another copy. Scholae propheticae continuatae ex academicis praelectionibus J. M. in Prophetas Danielem, Micham et Joelem, collectse...a J. E. de Schu- lenburg. Quedlinburgi, 1719. 4 MUSCULUS (WOLFGANG), Professor of divinity at Berne. Loci communes theologize sacrae, ut sunt postremb recogniti et emendati. Editio vltima. Basilece, 1599. fol. Another copy. In Genesim Mosis commentarii plenissimi : in quibus veterum et recentioruui seiitentiag dili- genter expenduntur. Nunc a multis mendis repurgati. Basilece, 1600. fol. In Davidis Psalterium sacrosanctum commen- tarii... Editio postrema. Basilice, 1618. fol. In Esaiam .Prophetam commentarii ... Editio ultima. Inserta est, in epistola dedicatoria, historia vitae atque mortis ejusdem W. M. Basilece, 1623. fol. Commentarii in Matthaeum Evangelistam, in tribus tomis digesti. Quibus non solum sin- gula quaeq ; exponuntur, sed et quid singulis Marci et Lucae differentibus locis notandum sit diligenter expenditur. Novissima editio. Basilece, 1611. fol. In Joannis Apostoli Evangelium commentarii, in tres heptadas digesti, castigati, locupletati. Editio ultima. Basikce, 1618. fol. Another copy. MUSGRAVE MYSTERY. 655 In Epistolam D. Apostoli Pauli ad Romanes commentarii : nunc demum magno studio re- cogniti et castigati... Basilece, 1600. fol. Another copy. In Apostoli Pauli ambas Epistolas ad Corin- thios commentarii. Editio ultima. Basikce, 1611. fol. MUSGRAVE (G. W.), Baltimore. A brief expo- sition and vindication of the doctrine of the divine decrees, as taught in the Assembly's larger catechism. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 MUSGRAVE (SAMUEL), M.D. Two disserta- tions, I. On the Grsecian mythology. II. An examination of Sir Isaac Newton's objections V> the chronology of the Olympiads. London, 1782. 8 MUSIC. Regulations of the Edinburgh Church- music society. Instituted Feb. 16, 1810. Edin., 1817. 8 MUSSARDUS (P.). Historia deorum fatidico- rum, vatum, sibyllarum, phoebadum, apud priscos illustrium : cum eorum iconibus. Prae- posita est dissertatio de divinatione et oraculis. Geneva, 1675. 4 MUSSCHENBROEK (PETER VAN), M.D., Pro- fessor of mathematics and philosophy in the uni- versity of Leyden. The elements of natural philosophy. Chiefly intended for the use of students in universities. Translated from the Latin, by John Colson, M.A. 2 vol. London, 1744. 8 MUSSEY (R. D.), M.D. An address on ardent spirit, read before the New Hampshire medi- cal society, June 5, 1827. Boston, 1829. 12 MUSSUS (ANTONITJS). De sacramentis Ecclesise generatim dogmatica theologia. Ticini Regii, s. a. 8 MUSTON (ALEXIS), D.D., Pastor of the Protest- ant church at Bourdeaux, Drome, France. L'Israel des Alpes. Premiere hiatoire com- plete des Vaudois du Pie*mont et de leurs co- lonies, compose'e en grande partie sur des do- cuments inedits...Suivie d'une bibliographic des ouvrages anciens et modernes qui traitent des Vaudois, et des manuscrits, en langue Ro- mane, oil ils ont expose* leurs doctrines. 4 torn. Paris, 1854. 12 Translated by the Rev. John Montgomery, A.M. With numerous illustrations. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1858. 8 MUTTER (THOMAS), D.D., Minister of tfie Old church, Dumfries. Seventeen sermons. 2d ed. London, 1807. 8 MUYDEN (JOHANNES VAN). Compendiosa in- stitutionum Justiniani tractatio, in usum col- legiorum. Editio sexta. Cum additionibus Everardi Ottonis. Trajecti ad Ehenum, 1737. 8 MUZELIUS (CAROLUS LCTDOVICUS). Dissertatio critica, qua Lactantio locus vexatissimus Lib. ii. Inst. Cap. viii. vindicatur; et simul viro... doctissimo M. L. Widekind...gratulanturami- ci societate literaria conjunct! C. L. M., J. T. Viel, J. G. G. Dunkel, S. Mursinna, G. J. Pauli. Berolini, 1744. 4 MYERS (THOMAS), A.M. An essay on improving the condition of the poor. London, 1814. 8 MYLNE (A.), A.M., Minister of Dollar. An ele- mentary treatise on astronomy ; or, an easy introduction to a knowledge of the heavens... Edin., 1816. 8 MYSTERY. The mystery hid from ages and generations, made manifest by the Gospel-Re- velation : or, the salvation of all men the grand thing aimed at in the scheme of God. By one who wishes well to the whole human race. London, 1784. 8 The mystery of God finished ; or, the times of the restitution of all things. 3 vol. Glasgow, 1850. 8 N. NAPIER. N. (J.). Religious correspondence ; or, letters addressed to a lady of distinction, on conver- sion to God, &c....With some notice of the history of the Bible ; communications on other useful topics ; two letters on the subjects and mode of Christian baptism ; and brief memoirs of the author's life. By the curate of Raunds. London, 1816. 12 N. (NA i. e. Edmund CALAMY. N. (N.). A letter of several French ministers fled into Germany upon the account of the per- secution in France, to such of their brethren in England as approved the King's declaration touching liberty of conscience. Translated from the original in French. [London, 1690.] 4 N. (N.). Epistola ad Christophorum Wittichium, pro eruditissimia ipsius, in problema de Spi- ritu Sancto, animadversionibus. Colonial, s. a. 12 N. (S.). A concordance to the holy Scriptures ; with the various readings both in text and mar- gine. In a more exact method than hath hi- therto been extant. Cambridge, 1662. fol. NAEF (F.). Histoire de la Reformation. Paris, 1856. 12 NAHUYS (GER. JOH.). De Bijbel, verklaerd door J. van Nuys KLINKENBERG en G. J. N. 1780-1795 NAIRN (THOMAS), Minister at Linktoun. A short account of Mr T. N. his secession from the Associate Presbytery, with the grounds and reasons for his so doing. s. I., 1743. 8 NAJAF KOOLEE MEERZA. Joiirnal of a re- sidence in England, and of a journey from and to Syria, of their Royal Highnesses Reeza Koolee Meerza, N. K. M., and Taymoor Meerza, of Persia. To which are prefixed some particulars respecting modern Persia, and the death of the late Shah. Originally written in Persian by N. K. M., and translated, with explanatory notes, by Assaad Y. Kayat. 2 vol. Printed for private circulation only. [London, 1839.] 8 Another copy. NAKED TRUTH. The naked truth ; or two let- ters, the first from Mr J s G y containing a vindication of his conduct in the affair of Mr GLASS... The second from the author of a late essay to prove the perpetual obligation of the national covenant. a. I. , 1729. 8 NANCE (JOHN), D.D.' r Fellow of Worcester col- lege, Oxford. A letter from a country clergy- man to his parishioners, in which are considered a few of the arguments and practices of some of the modern dissenters. London, 1809. 8 N ANGLE (EDWARD), A.B. The ancient catholic faith defended against Romish novelties ; being a reply to a pamphlet entitled, Imposture ex- posed, and a letter addressed to the inhabit- ants of Achill, by the Rev. John Keaveny, R. C. priest. Dublin, 1834. 8 Rev. Dr M'Hale's Letter to the Bishop of Exe- ter, dissected, and the Established Church vin- dicated, in seven letters. 3d ed. Ditilin, 1834. 12 The origin, progress, and difficulties of the Achill mission, as detailed in the minutes of evidence taken before the select committee of the House of Lords, appointed to inquire into the progress and operation of the new plan of education in Ireland ; and to report thereupon to the House. Reprinted, without abridgment or alteration, from the authorized report, with an introduction and appendix. Dublin, 1839. 8 NANTES. Eclaircissemens historiques BUT lea causes de la revocation de 1'Edit de Nantes et s\ir I'e'tat des Protestants en France depuis le commencement du re'gne de Louis XIV. , jusqu* a nos jours. Tire's des difte'rentes archives du gouvernement. [Par Claude- Carloman de RULHIERE.] 2 torn. [Pan*], 1788. 8 NAPEIR (JOHN). See John NAPIER. NAPHTALI. Naphtali ; or, A true and short deduction of the wrestlings of the Church of Scotland for the kingdom of Christ : from the beginning of the Reformation of religion unto the year 1667. Together with the last speeches and testimonies of some who have died for the truth since the year 1660. Whereunto also are subjoined, a relation of the sufferings and death of Mr Hugh M'Kail, and some instances of the sufferings of Galloway and Nithisdale. [By James STIRLING.] s. I., 1693. 12 [The above work was partly the composition of Sir James Stewart of Goodtrees, who re- plied to Bishop Honyman's " Survey" of it, in his " Jus populi vindicatum. "] Another edition. Edin., 1761. 8 A survey of the insolent and infamous libel, entituled, Naphtali, &c. Wherein several things, falling in debate in these times are con- sidered ; and some doctrines in [Sam. Ruther- ford's] Lex Rex and the Apolog. Narration [by John Brown] (called by this author Mar- tyrs) are broxight to the touch-stone. [By Andrew HONYMAN.] 2 parts. s. I, 1668, 69. 4 [Part ii. has the imprint, Edinburgh, printed by Evan Tyler.] Another copy. Another copy [of part ii.] NAPIER (ARCHIBALD), 1st Lord Napier. Me- NAPIER-NATT. 557 moirs of Archibald, first Lord Napier : Writ- ten by himself. Published from the original manuscript, in the possession of the present Lord Napier. Edin., 1793. 4 NAPIER (JOHN), Baron of Merchiston. A plaine discoverie of the whole Revelation of Saint John : set down in two treatises : the one searching and proving the true interpretation thereof : the other applying the same para- phrastically and historicallie to the text. Set forth by J. N. L. of Marchistoun younger. Whereunto are annexed certaine oracles of Si- bylla, agreeing with the Revelation and other places of Scripture. Newlie imprinted and corrected. Printed for John Norton dwelling in Paules church-yarde, neere vnto Paules Schoole. 1594. 4 Fifth edition. Edin., 1645. 4 Another copy. De arte logistica J. N. Merchistonii Baronis libri qui supersunt. Ediriburgi, 1839. 4 NAPIER (JOSEPH), Vice-Chancellor of Ireland. England or Rome, which shall govern Eng- land ? A reply to the letter of Lord Mont- eagle. Dublin, 1851. 8 NAPIER (MACVEY), Professor of conveyancing, university of Edinburgh. Hypocrisy unveiled : in a review of BLACKWOOD'S magazine. 1818 NAPIER (MAKK), Advocate. * A word for Scot- land's covenanted Reformation ; being a review of Montrose and the covenanters, &c. , by M. N. By an old covenanter. Glasgow, 1842. 8 NAPOLEON I., Emperor of France. Correspond- ance inedite officielle et confidentielle de N. B. avec les cours dtrangeres, les princes, les mi- nistres, et les ge'ne'raux Frangais et Strangers, en Italic, en Allemagne, et en Egypte. 7 torn. Paris, 1809-1820. 8 *The life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French. With a preliminary view of the French revolution. By the author of Waverley [i. e. Sir Walter SCOTT]. 9 vol. 2d ed. Edin., 1827. 8 - * The life of Napoleon Buonaparte. By Wil- liam Hazlitt. 4 vol. London, 1830. 8 Memoirs of Napoleon. By the Duchess d'Abraiites [Madame JUNOT]. 1836 * Historic doubts relative to Napoleon Buona- parte. [By Richard WHATELY.J 7th ed. London, 1841. 8 NAPOLEON III., Emperor of the French. Ex- tinction du pauperisme. Reimprime'e comme offrant des suggestions pre"cieuses pour un e"tat de transition dans le progres de la socie'te' vers la realisation d'une colonie Chre'tienne. s. L, [1844]. fol. Translated from the French. s. I, [1844]. fol. NARES (EDWARD), D.D., Professor of modern his- tory in the university of Oxford. A view of the evidences of Christianity at the close of the pretended age of reason : in eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1805, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton, M. A. Oxford, 1805. 8 Remarks on the version of the New Testa- ment, edited by the Unitarians, with the title of " An improved version upon the basis of Archbishop Newcome's new translation, with a corrected text, and notes critical and explana- tory. London, 1808 ;" being a dispassionate appeal to Christians of various denominations on some of the first and most generally received doctrines of the Bible. With a letter (original- ly written and published in the year 1807) to the Rev. Francis Stone, in reply to his sermon preached at the visitation at Danbury, on the 8th July 1806. 2d ed. London, 1814. 8 Another copy. Discourses on the three creeds, and on the ho- mage offered to our Saviour, on certain and par- ticular occasions during his ministry, as ex- pressed in the evangelical writings, by the Greek term KPWX.VVIU, preached before the Univer- sity of Oxford, at St Mary's, in the years 1816, 1817. With a copious and distinct appendix to each set of sermons. London, 1819. 8 Another copy. NARES (ROBERT), A.M., Archdeacon of Stafford. The veracity of the Evangelists demonstrat- ed, by a comparative view of their histories. London, 1816. 12 NASH (THOMAS), of St John's college, Cambridge. An almond for a parrot ; being a reply to Martin MAR-PRELATE. 1846 NASMITH (DAVID). * Memoirs of D. N. : his labours and travels in Great Britain, France, the United States, and Canada. By John Campbell, D.D. London, 1844. 8 NASMITH (JAMES), D.D. The duties of over- seers of the poor, and the sufficiency of the present system of poor laws considered, in a charge delivered to the grand jury, at the ge- neral quarter sessions of the peace for the isle of Ely, holden on 2 April, 1799. To which is an- nexed, remarks on a late publication, entitled, " Observations on the present state and influ- ence of the poor laws, founded on experience, by Robert Saunders." Wisbech, s. a. 8 NASMITH (ROBERT), Preacher of the Gospel. A treatise upon the entail of the covenant of grace... To which there are added, as further explanatory, and confirming of the doctrine, several sermons, on texts relative to the entail. Glasgow, 1725. 8 NASSAU. The trivmphs of Nassav : or, a de- scription and representation of all the victo- ries both by land and sea, granted by God to the noble, high, and mightie Lords, the Estates generall of the vnited Netherland prouinces. Vnder the condvct and command of his Ex- cellencie, Prince Mavrice of Nassav. Trans- lated out of French by W. Shvte, Gent. London, 1613. fol. NASSAU HALL. Catalogue of the officers and students of Nassau Hall, December 1821. *. I, 1821. 8 NATT (JOHN), B.D., Vicar of St Sepulchre's, Lon- don. Posthumous sermons. With a brief prefatory memoir. 2d ed., with additional sermons. London, 1857. 12 558 NATURE-NEANDER. NATURE. Pense*e8 BUT 1'interpretation de la na- ture. [Par Denis DIDEKOT. J [Paris], 1754. 12 NAUDE, or NAUD^EUS (GABRIEL), Librarian to Cardinal Mazarin. The natural history of magick by way of apology for all the wise men who have unjustly been reputed magicians, from the creation, to the present age. Writ- ten in French. Englished by J. Davies. , London, 1657. 8 NAUDE (PHILIP), Professor of mathematics in the university of Berlin. Examen de deux traittez nouvelleuient mis au jour par Mr. La Placette. Dont le premier a pour titre, Reponse a une objection qu'on applique a divers sujets, &c., avec une addition ou Ton examine le dogme de la promotion physique. Et le second, Eclair- cissemens sur quelques difficultez, qui naissent de la consideration de la liberty necessaire pour agir moralement. Avec une addition ou Ton prouve contre Spinoza, que nous sommes li- bres. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1713. 8 NAUNTON (Sir ROBERT), Master of the Court of Wards. The court of Queen Elizabeth ; ori- ginally written by Sir R. N. under the title of " Fragmenta Regalia." With... additions, by James Caulfield. . London, -1814. 8 NAUSEA (FRIDERICUS), Bishop of Vienna. In Catholicum catechismum libri quinque. AntverpioB, 1557. 8 NAVY. Statement respecting the prevalence of certain immoral practices in His Majesty's navy. London, 1821. 8 Second edition. London, 1822. 8 NAYLOR (FRANCIS HARE). The history of the Helvetic republic. 4 vol. [Vol. i., ii., 2d ed.] London, 1809. 8 NEAL (DANIEL), Minister of a dissenting congre- gation in Jcwin street, London. A letter to the Rev. Dr Francis Hare, Dean of Worcester, occasion'd by his Reflections on the dissenters. In his late visitation sermon and postscript. London, 1720. 8 The supremacy of St Peter and the Bishops of Rome his successors : considered in a sermon preached at Salters-Hall, Jan. 23, 1734-5. 3d ed. London, 1735. 8 The history of the Puritans or Protestant Non- conformists, from the Reformation \inder King Henry VIII. to the Act of Toleration under King William and Queen Mary : with an ac- count of their principles, their attempts for a further reformation in the Church : and the lives and characters of their most considerable divines. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1754. 4 Another edition. 4 vol. Dublin, 1755. 8 A new edition, reprinted from the text of Dr Toulmin's edition ; with his life of the author and account of his writings. Revised, cor- rected, and enlarged. 3 vol. London, 1837. 8 * A vindication of the government, doctrine, and worship of the Church of England, estab- lished in the reign of Queen Elizabeth : against the injurious reflections of Mr (Daniel) Neal, in his late History of the Puritans. Together with a detection of many false quotations and mistakes in that performance. [By Isaac -M\nox.] L'nulon, 1740. 8 NEALE (EDWARD VANSITTART), of Lincoln's Inn, barrister-at-law. Feasts and fasts : an essay on the rise, progress, and present state of tho laws relating to Sundays and other holidays, and days of fasting ; with notices of the origin of those days, and of the sittings and vacations of the courts. London, 1845. 8 NEALE (JOHN MASON), M.A., Warden of Sack- ville college, East Grinsted. A history of tho holy Eastern Church. The Patriarchate of Alexandria. 2 vol. London, 1847. 8 A history of the holy Eastern Church. Part i. General introduction. [2 vol.] London, 1850. 8 NEALE (THOMAS). Sec Thomas NELUS. NEANDER (JOHANN AUGUST WILH.), Professor of theology at Berlin. Der heilige Johannes Chrysostomus und die Kirche besonders des Orients, in dessen Zeitalter. 2 Band. Berlin, 1821, 22. 8 Allgemeine Geschichte der Christlichen Reli- gion und Kirche. Band. i.-v. Hamburg, 1825-1841. 8 Another copy. Band 1., Abtheil. i. Band ii., Abtheil. 3. Hamburg, 1825-31. 8 Translated from the second and improved German edition, by Joseph Torrey. 9 vol. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1847-55. 8 The history of the Christian religion and Church, during the three first centuries'. Trans- lated from the German by H. J. Rose, B.D. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1841, 42. 8 [The above is a translation of Band i. Abtheil. 1, 2, 3, of Neander's " Allgemeine Ge- schichte."] Another copy. Another copy. Antignostikus ; Geist des Tertullianus und Einleitung in dessen Schriften mit archao- logischen und dogmenhistorischen Untersuch- ungen. Berlin, 1825. 8 Geschichte der Pflanzung und Leitung der christlichen Kirche durch die Apostel, als selbststandiger Nachtrag zu der allgemeine Geschichte der christlichen Religion und Kirche. 2 Bande. Hamburg, 1832, 33. 8 Translated from the third edition of the ori- ginal German, by J. E. Ryland. 2 vol. [Bib. Cab., vol. xxxv. and xxxvi.] .Edin., 1842. 8 Das Leben Jesu Christi in seinem geschicht- lichen Zusammenhange und seiner geschicht- lichen Entwickelung. Dritte und verbesserte Auflage. Hamburg, 1839. 8 Translated from the fourth German edition, by John M'Clintock and Charles E. Blumen- thal. With a preface, by a clergyman of the Church of England. London, 1848. 8 Another edition. London, 1857. 8 Das Eine und Mannigfaltige des christlichen Lebens : dargestellt in einer Reihe kleiner Gelegenheitschriften, grosstentheils biogra- phiachen Inhalte. Berlin, 1840. 8 NEAT NELSON. 659 The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians, and the general Epistle of James, practically and historically explained. To which is added, a discourse on the coming of the Lord, and its signs. By the same author. Translated from the German, by the Rev. Alexander Napier, M.A. Edin., 1851. 8 C Memorials of Christian life in the early and middle ages. Including his "Light in dark places." Translated from the German by J. E. Ryland. [Bohn's Standard Lib.] London, 1852. 8 Lectures on the history of Christian dogmas. Edited by Dr J. L. Jacobi. Translated from the German by J. E. Ryland, M.A. 2 vol. [Ibid.] London, 1858. 8 Another copy. The life and times of St BERNARD. Trans- lated from the German, by Matilda Wrench. London, 1843. 8 NEAT (CHARLES), Curate of Hatfield, Herts. Discourses from St Paul's Epistle to the Phi- lippians and other passages of Scripture. London, 1841. 8 NEAU (ELIAS). An account of the sufferings of the French Protestants, slaves on board the French King's galleys. Together with a list of those who are still on board the said galleys. London, 1699. 4 NECKER (JACQUES). State of the finances of France, laid before the King, by Mr. N. Di- rector-general of the finances, in the month of January, 1781. Translated from the Paris edition. London, 1781. 8 NECTARIUS, Patriarch of Jerusalem. Opuscu- la, Greece et Latine, de sacramento Eucharis- tise ; [cum Homm. GENNADII, interprete Eu- sebio RENAUDOTIO]. 1709 NEEDHAM (WILLIAM), D.D. * A letter to Dr W. N . , in answer to the third letter by him licensed written to Father Lewis Sabran. London, 1688. 4 NEFF (FELIX), Pastor of the High Alps. *A memoir of F. N. , and of his labours among the French Protestants of Dauphine", a rem- nant of the primitive Christians of Gaul. By William Stephen Gilly, D.D. 3d ed. London, 1833. 8 NEGRIS (ALEXANDER). An outline of the lite- rary history of modern Greece. [Stud. Cab. Lib., vol. i.] Edin., 1835. 8 NEILL (JOSEPH), Minister at Anderston: Twenty three sermons on the most important and in- teresting doctrines of Christianity. Glasgow, 1776. 8 NEILSON (THOMAS), Minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Rothesay. Evils, consti- tutional and practical, of the Prelatic Estab- lishment of the British empire. [Lect. on Sec. Reform.] Glasgow, 1841. 12 Second thousand. Glasgow, 1841. 12 NEILSON (WILLIAM). Mesmerism explained, as a curative power. Illustrated with cases. Edin., 1857. 12 NEILSTON. The answer of the Kirk session of Neilston, to the heritors' publication against them. In which are given a short view of the poor laws with regard to Scotland, the duty of ministers and elders in the management of the poor and poor's funds... With a short view of theteinds... Paisley, 1820. 8 Another copy. Statement of facts, and case for the heritors of Neilston, relative to church accommodation in that parish, and the circumstances under which the Rev. Alexander Fleming has abandoned the church as a place of public worship. Glasgow, 1826. 8 NELSON (DAVID), ofQuincy, Illinois. The cause and cure of infidelity : with an account of the author's conversion. New York, 1837. 12 Another edition. New York, 1841. 12 Another copy. NELSON (HORATIO), Lord Viscount Nelson. * The life of Lord Viscount Nelson, Duke of Bronte", &c. By T. O. Churchhill. Illustrated by engravings of its most striking and memo- rable incidents. London, 1808. 4 NELSON (ISAAC), Belfast. Slavery supported by the American Churches, and countenanced by recent proceedings in the Free Church of Scotland. A lecture, delivered at the request of the Free Church Anti-slavery society. Edin., 1847. 8 NELSON (ROBERT). A letter to an English Priest of the Roman communion at Rome ; with Several letters which passed between Dr George HICKES and a Popish priest]. 1705 An address to persons of quality and estate. To which is added, an appendix of some ori- ginal and valuable papers. London, 1715. 8 A companion for the fasts and festivals of the Church of England : with collects and prayers for each solemnity. 25th ed. London, 1773. 12 The great duty of frequenting the Christian sacrifice, and the nature of the preparation re- quired, with suitable devotions, partly collect- ed from the ancient liturgies. 16th ed. Edin., 1795. 12 NELSON (S.), D.D. The history of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. With the lives of his Apostles and Evangelists, and other eminent persons and martyrs... Containing the whole doctrine of Christianity, the evidences on which it is founded, and the manner of its establishment in different parts of the world. Together with satisfactory answers to the ob- jections made against our holy religion by tho Jew, the gentile, and the deist or free-thinker, of the present age. London, 1759. 4 NELSON (THOMAS), Minister of Auchtergaven. * A report of the proceedings of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 24th May, 1825, relative to the presentation of the Rev. Thomas Nelson, to the parish of Little Dun- keld. 2d ed. Edin., 1825. 8 NELSON (THOMAS). A classical ATLAS. *. a. NELSON (W.), of the Middle Temple. The rights of the clergy of that part of Great Britain, call'd England ; as established by the canons, the common law, and the statutes of the realm. f,00 NELUS NEWCOME. Being a methodical collection, under alphabeti- cal heads, of all things relating to the clergy, which lie dispersed in the volumes of these laws... 3d ed. In the Savoy, 1732. 8 NELUS, or NEALE (THOMAS). Dialogus inter Reginam Elizabethan! et Robertum Dudloimn ; [ad calc. dissert, de parma equestri Woodward. JUT H. DODWELLUM]. 1713 NEMESIUS, Bishop of Emesa.De natura homi- nis liber \inus, denuo recognitus, et manuscrip- torum codicum collatione in integrum restitu- tus, annotationibusque insuper illustratus. [Or. et Lat.l Oxonii, 1671. 8 NEO-C^ESAREA. Catalogus collegii Neo-Csesa- riensis. Tridenti, 1821. 8 NEPOS (CORNELIUS). Vitae excellentium impe- ratorum. Editio tertia. Glasgua, 1777. 16 Another edition. Parisiis, anno reip. mi. [1799]. 12 Another edition. Interpretatione et notis il- lustravit Nicolaua Courtin. In usum Delphi- ni. Undevicesimam hanc editionem curavit Joannes Carey, LL.D. Londini, 1820. 8 NERI (ST PHILIP).* The life of St Philip Neri, Apostle of Rome, and founder of the Congre- gation of the Oratory. 2 vol. London, 1847. 8 NESSE (CHRISTOPHER), Minister in Fleet Street, London. A Christian's walk and work on earth, until he attain to heaven. "Which may serve as a practical guide, and a plain direc- tion in his pilgrimage thither,' through his per- sonal and relative duties. Marvelously use- ful to all persons, and families of all ranks and qualities, both in city and country. [London], 1678. 8 An historical narrative of the devil's plots against the Church, all defeated by God. [Wants title.] 8 NETHERLANDS. Formulieren van eenigheid der Christelijk gereformeerde Kerk in Neder- land. Met eene voorrede uitgegeven door H. P. Scholte. Amsterdam, 1836. 8 Tij dschrif t der Christelij ke gereformeerde Kerk in Nederland. 8 Deel. Amsterdam, 1837-40. 8 Tijdschrift ter bevordering van Gods Koning- rijk in Nederland. Deel. i.-vi. [Nos. 1, 3, and 4 of Deel vi. are wanting.] Amsterdam, 1841, 44. 8 NETTLEBOTTOM (NEHEMIAH), Pseud. The Fudge family in Edinburgh, in a series of poe- tical epistles : collected and arranged by N. N. Edin., 1820. 12 NETTLETON (ASAHEL). * Nettleton and his labours : being the memoir of Dr N. by Ben- net Tyler, D.D. Remodelled... By Rev. An- drew A. Bonar. Edin., 1854. 8 NETTLETON (THOMAS), M.D. Some thoughts concerning VIRTUE and happiness. 1729 Seventh edition. Edin., 1774. 12 NEUHUSIUS (REINERUS). Tyrocinium elo- quentise. Sive orationes publicse habitse in illustri gymnasio Alcmariano decennio proxi- mo. Cum miscellaneis poeticis. Amstel, 1648. 12 NEUMANN (W ILHj aM). Jeremias von Ana- thoth. Die Weissagungen und Klagelieder des Propheten, nach dem Masorethischeu Texte ausgelegt von W. N. 2 Biinde. Leipzig, 1856, 58. 8 NEVE (TIMOTHY), D.D., Marget professor of dim- it it jwxj? yXarrwf, %rot tx. ru 2TNASAPIHN (tfTotQwiadtinis. 1621 NICETAb COLOSSENSIS. See Nicetas Acominatus CHONIATES. NICHOL (J. P.), LL.D., Professor of practical astronomy in the university of Glasgow. The phenomena and order of the solar system. Edin., 1838. 8 Views of the architecture of the heavens. 5th ed. .EcKw.,1845. 8 Thoughts on some important points relating to the system of the world. Edin. , 1846. 8 NICHOLAS (THOMAS), Professor of biblical litera- ture and mental and moral science, in the Pres- byterian college, Carmarthen. Dr Davidson's removal from the professorship of biblical literature in the Lancashire Independent col- lege, Manchester, on account of alleged error in doctrine. A statement of facts, with docu- ments, together with remarks and criticisms. London, 1860. 8 NICHOLL (Sir JOHN), LL.D. * A letter to Sir J. N. on his late decision in the ecclesiastical court, against a clergyman, for refusing to bury the child of a dissenter... By a clergyman. London, 1818. 8 NICHOLLS (BENJAMIN ELLIOTT), M.A., Curate of St John's, Walthamstow. Help to the read- ing of the Bible. London, 1847. 12 NICHOLLS (WILLIAM), D.D., Rector of Selsey, Sussex. A conference with a Theist. Contain- ing an answer to all the most usual objections of the infidels against the Christian religion. In four parts. London, 1697-99. 8 Defensio Ecclesise Anglicanae ...Prsemittitur apparatus, qui historiam turbarum e secessione ab Ecclesia Anglicana, exortarum continet. Londini, 1707. 12 Translated into English by himself in his lifetime. London, 1715. 12 NICHOLS (JAMES). Calvinism and Arminian- ism compared in their principles and tendency : or, the doctrines of general redemption, as held by the members of the Church of Eng- land, and by the early Dutch Arminians, ex- hibited in the scriptural evidence, and in their connection with the civil and religious liber- ties of mankind. London, 1824. 8 NICHOLS (JOHN). A collection of all the wills, now known to be extant, of the kings and queens of England, prince and princesses of Wales, and every branch of the blood royal, from the reign of William the Conqueror, to that of Henry VH. inclusive. With explana- tory notes, and a glossary. London, 1780. 4 The progresses and public processions of Queen Elizabeth. Among which are interspersed, other solemnities, public expenditures, and re- markable events, during the reign of that illustrious princess. Now first printed from original MSS. of the times ; or collected from scarce pamphlets, &c. Illustrated with histo- rical notes. 2 vol. London, 1788. 4 NICHOLS NiEP.nm. NICHOLS (JonN GOUGII). A descriptive cata- logue of the works of the Camdeh Society : stating the nature of their principal contents, the periods of time to which they relate, the dates of their composition, their manuscript sources, authors, and editors. Accompanied by a classified arrangement and an index, and by some illustrative particulars that have arisen since their publication. Westminster, 1802. 4 NICHOLSIUS (GULIELMUS). See William Ni- CHOLLS. NICHOLSON (THOMAS D.). The desolation of Jerusalem ; or, Israel's cry for help. Perth, 1844. 8 NICHOLSON (WILLIAM). A journal of natural philosophy, chemistry, and the arts. 36 vol. London, 1802-13. 8 NICOL (JAMES), Minister of Traquair. An essay on the nature and design of Scripture sacri- fices : in which the theory of Archbishop Ma- gee is controverted. London, 1823. 8 NICOL (JAMES). Guide to the geology of Scot- land ; containing an account of the character, distribution, and more interesting appearances of its rocks and minerals. With a geological map and plates. Edin., 1844. 8 NICOL (WALTER). The villa garden directory... with hints on the treatment of shrubs and flowers, usually kept in the greenroom, the lobby, and the drawing room. 3d ed. Edin., 1814. 8 NICOLAIDES(THEOPHiLUs),_psewmiii:iiiv Al fn-'.lTulk. [Ilsiy Society.] London, 18-T OLDECASTELL (Syr JOUAN). * A brefe chn- nycle concernynge the examinacyon ;mli.tni Dobson, A.M. 16 torn. London, 1828. 8 ORDINANCES. Report of the committee on interim supplies and ordinances, given in to the General Assembly, on 30th May, 1843. /;./;/.; 1843. 8 ORDINATION. A serious review of Presbyter's re-ordination by Bishops. London, s. a. 4 The case of ordination considered... By a Ca- tholick. London, 1712. 8 Episcopal the only apostolical ordination : or the case of ordination truly consider'd, in re- lation to these questions, viz. I. What is a minister of the Gospel ? II. Whence do the ministers of Christ receive their power and authority ? III. What are the qualifications freviously necessary to a Gospel minister I V. What is ordination? V. Who are tho regular ordainers ? VI. In what capacity doth a Bishop ordain ? VII. Whether an uninter- rupted succession of regular ordainers, who- ever they be, be necessary to the true being of the ministry ? To which is prefixed, a letter from the Rev. George Hickes, D.D. London, 1713. 8 A vindication of Presbyterian ordination, from Scripture and antiquity, the judgment of the Reformed Churches, and particularly of the Church of England. With a brief reflection upon the arguments offer'd by Mr Cantrell of Derby against it. By a lover of all hearty and charitable Protestants. To which is added, a postscript relating to Mr Harris's defence of his letter to Mr Cantrell. Nottingham, 1714. 8 A defence of the Vindication of Presbyterian ordination, &c. Containing a reply to I. A Lay-man's Reflections, relating to the Vindi- cation, in a letter to the Rev. Mr Shaw. And also to II. Mr Sturge's sermons, intitled, The divine right of Episcopacy asserted. By the author of the Vindication. London, 1716. 8 The doctrine of the Church of England on Non-Episcopal ordinations ; or, the question between the Primate and the Tractarians fully discussed. London, 1851. 8 O'REID (JOHN CHARLES), pseud., i. e. Josiah CONDER. O'REILLY (EDWARD). Sanas Gaoidhilge-sags- bhearla. An Irish-English dictionary, con- taining upwards of twenty thousand words that have never appeared in any former Irish lexicon. With copious quotations from the most esteemed ancient and modern writers, to elucidate the meaning of obscure words ; and numerous comparisons of the Irish words with those of similar orthography, sense or sound, ORGANS ORTON. 675 in the Welsh and Hebrew languages. In their proper places in the dictionary, are inserted, the Irish names of our indigenous plants, with the names by which they are commonly known in English and Latin... To which is annexed, a compendious Irish grammar. Dublin, 1817. 4 ORGANS. An essay upon the sacred use of or- gans, in Christian assemblies. Proving that it was peculiar to the Jewish Church ; is no- where enjoyned in the New Testament ; nor received into the primitive Church ; but first introduced by Pope Vitalian : and is therefore deservedly banished the most part of Protest- ant Churches, and condemned by the current of orthodox divines. And answering the ar- guments usually adduced by Papists and for- malists for its defence. s. I., 1713. 4 A statement of the proceedings of the Presby- tery of Glasgow, relative to the use of an or- gan in St Andrew's church, in the public wor- ship of God, on the 23d August, 1807. Glasgow, 1808. 12 Answers to a Statement of the proceedings of the Presbytery of Glasgow, relative to the use of an organ, in St Andrew's church, in the public worship of God. By the author of the two letters to the Lord Provost of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1808. 8 The organ question : statements by Dr Ritchie and Dr Porteous for and against the use of the organ in public worship, in the proceedings of the Presbytery of Glasgow, 1807-8. With an introductory notice, by R. S. Candlish, D.D. Edin., 1856. 12 Narrative of further proceedings in connection with the introduction of an organ into St George's Presbyterian church, Liverpool. By the Session. Liverpool, 1857. 8 ORGER (WILLIAM), M. A. , Incumbent of St James, Shirley. The ministerial witness to the Gos- pel : a sermon, preached at Holy- Rood Church, Southampton, at the visitation of the Vene- rable C. J. Hoare, M.A., April 25, 1837. London, 1837. 8 ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. Two letters on the subject of the present vacancy in the profes- sorship of Oriental languages. [By Thomas BROWN.] Edin., 1813. 8 ORIGENES, ADAMANTIUS. Opera omnia quae Grsece vel Latine tantum extant et ejus no- mine circumferuntur, ex variis editionibus, et codicibus manu exaratis, Gallicanis, Italicis, Gennanicis et Anglicis collecta, recensita, La- tin& versa, atque annotationibus illustrata, cum copiosis indicibus, vita auctoris, et multis dissertationibus. Opera et studio Domni Ca- roli Delarue, [et Caroli-Vincentii Delarue] Presbyteri et Monachi Benedictini e congrega- tione S. Mauri. 4 torn. Parisiis, 1733-59. fol. Another copy. L. P. Contra Celsum libri octo. Ejusdem Philoca- lia. Gulielmus Spencerus utriusque opens ver- sionem recognovit et annotationes adjecit. [Gr. et Lat.] Cantubrirjia; 1058. 4 Editio altera. AcceduntitemnotfeD. Hoesche- lii in octo libros Origenis, una cum notis Job.. Tarini in Philocaliam. Cantabrigue, 1677. 4 Origen against Celsus. Translated from the original into English. By James Bellamy, Gent. London, s. a. 8 Libellus de oratione. [Gr. et Lat.] Oxonice, 1685. 12 Another copy. Hexaplorum Origenis quse supersunt. 1713. See BIBLES POLYGLOTT. B. De principiis. [Rufino interprete.] Primum separatim edidit, et annotatione in usum aca- demicum instruxit Ern. Rud. Redepenning. [Gr. et Lat.] Lipsice, 1836. 8 ORKNEY. Institution, rules, and catalogue of the Orkney library. Edin., 1816. 8 The Church in Orkney. Address of a minister to the members of the Established Church on the late secession. Edin., 1844. 8 ORKNEY, BISHOP OF. See Andrew HONYMAN. ORME (WILLIAM), Minister of an Independent congregation at Camberwell. A vindication of the deity of Christ, from reason and Scripture. Perth, 1808. 8 Remarks on Christian liberality opposed to bigotry : a sermon, &c. [with A word to the wise ; or, a summary essay in vindication of the PRESBYTERIAN form of Church govern- ment]. 1818 Bibliotheca biblica ; a select list of books on sacred literature, with notices biographical, critical, and bibliographical. Edin., 1824. 8 Another copy. Memoir of the controversy respecting the three heavenly witnesses, 1 John, v. 7, including critical notices of the principal writers on both sides of the discussion. ByCRmctrs. [Pseud.] London, 1830. 12 The ordinance of the Lord's Supper illustrat- ed : with a view to explain its nature, to point out its practical influence, and to establish its obligation. London, 1832. 12 OROS1US (PAULUS), a priest of Tarragona. His- toriarum [adversus Paganos libri septem]. Venetiis, Christof. de Pesis de Mddetta, M.CCCC.LXXXXIX. fol. ORPEN (CHARLES EDWARD HERBERT), M.D. Errors of the Irish Bible. The first part of Dr Charles Orpen's proofs of a few of those errors ; in reply to a letter of H. M. M. on that subject. *. I., 1834. 8 ORRANN. An original collection of the poems of OSSIAN, Orrann, and ULIN. 181G ORRERY, EARL OF. See Charles BOYLE. ORTHODOXY. Orthodoxy : being objections to the pamphlet, entitled, " Proofs that the com- mon theories and modes of reasoning respect- ing the depravity of mankind, exhibit it as a physical attribute, with a view," &c. Philadelphia, 1824. 8 ORTON (Jos), D. D., Dissenting minister at Shrewsbury. The Christian's triumph over death. A sermon [on 1 Cor. xv. 24] occasion- ed by the death of the Rv. Philip Doddridge; D.D. London, 1752. b 576 OSBORN OSSIAN. Religious exercises recommended : or dis- courses on secret and family worship, and the religious observation of the Lord's day. With two discourses on the heavenly state, consider- ed under the idea of a sabbath. 2d ed. ,s/i/rir.s/, (//, 1772. 12 Discourses on practical subjects. 2 vol. Shreivsbury, 1776. 12 Sacramental meditations : or devout directions, on various passages of Scripture ; designed to assist Christians in their attendance on the Lord's Supper and their improvement of it. 2d ed. Printed from the author's corrected copy. Shrewsbury, 1787. 12 Another copy. Letters to a young clergyman. fitaMMftwy, 1791. 12 Another copy. Letters from the Rev. Mr J. O. ; and the Rev. Sir James STONHOUSE, Bart., M.D., to the Rev. Thomas Stedinan, M.A., Vicar of St Chad's, Shrewsbury. 2 vol. 2d ed. Shrewsbury, 1805. 12 An exposition of the Old Testament, with de- votional and practical reflections, for the use of families. Published from the author's ma- nuscripts by Robert Gentleman. A new edi- tion : with the life of the author, by Andrew Kippis, D.D. 6 vol. London, 1822. 8 OSBORN (FRANCIS). The works of F. O. ; di- vine, moral, historical, political. In four se- veral tracts, viz. 1. Advice to a son, in two parts. 2. Political reflections on the govern- ment of the Turks, &c. 3. Memoires on Q. Elizabeth and K. James. 4. A miscellany of essays, paradoxes, problematical discourses, letters, characters, &c. 9th ed. London, 1689. 8 OSBURN (WILLIAM), Jnn. Doctrinal errors of the apostolical and early Fathers. London, 1835. 8 Another copy. OSIANDER (ANDREAS). Papa non Papa, hoc cat, Papae et papicolarum de prsecipuis Chris- tianae doctrinse partibus, ijsque inter euange- licae religionis, et Romance fidei homines coii- trouersis, Lutherana confessio. Ex iure ca- nonico, sive papali, ac eruditoribus nonnullis authoribus Pontificiis collecta, et in enchiridii formam congesta. Francofurti, 1600. 8 OSIANDER (LUCAS). Epitomes historise eccle- siasticse. [Cent, i.-xvi.] 7 partt. Tubings, 1592-1602. 4 C OSIANDER (LUCAS), son of the preceding. En- chiridion controversial-urn religionis, quse ho- die inter Augustanae confessionis theologos, et pontificios habentur. In quo utriusque partis argumenta breuiter et candide proponuntur : adversariorum autem paralogismi, solide refu- tantur. Tubingce, 1602. 8 OSMA, BISHOP OF. See Joannes de PALAFOX. OSMONT DU SELLIER, known under the name of TRANQTJILLE de Bayeux. Instruction theo- logique en forme de CATECHISME. 1733 Eclaircissements de plusieurs difficulty's touch- ant les CONCHIES generaux. 1734 Justification dcs discours et do I'histoirc ccc-K - siastiquo de M. l'Abb<5 FI.KI KI. 1737 OSSIAN. The poems of Oasian, in the original Gaelic, with a liUTiil translation into Latin, by the late Robert Macfarlan, A.M. Together with a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems, by Sir John Sinclair, Bart., and a translation from the Italian of the Abbe Ce- sarotti's dissertation on the controversy re- specting the authenticity of Ossian, with notes and a supplemental essay, by John .M 'Arthur, LL.D. Published under the sanction of tho Highland Society of London. 3 vol. London, 1807. 8 The poems of Ossian. Translated by James Macpherson. 2 vol. A new edition. [With a dissertation on the cera of Ossian.] Edin., 1792. 12 A new edition. /;<>//<(.>., 1804. 8 J Ancient Erse poems, collected among the Scot- tish highlands, in order to illustrate the Ossian of Mr Macpherson. . I. et a. 8 Poesie di Ossian antico poeta Celtico. [Trans- lated by the Abbe" Melchior Cesarotti.] 4 torn. use, 1707-1710. 8 Fingal, an ancient Epic poem, in six books : together with several other poems, composed by Ossian the son of Fingal. Translated from the Galic language, by James Macpherson. London, 1762. 4 Translated into English heroic rhyme. By John Wodrow, M.A. 2 vol. Edin., 1771. 16 Translated from the original Galic lan- guage, by Mr James Macpherson ; and now rendered into heroic verse, by Ewen Cameron. Warrington, 1776. 4 Translated from the original Gaelic, by the Rev. Thomas Ross, A.M. With the old trans- lation, by James Macpherson. jftftn.,1807. 8 E Celtico sermone conversum, tribus pree- missis disputationibus, et subsequentibus no- tis...Ab Alexandro Macdonald. Edinburgi, 1820. 8 Carthon, the death of Cuchullin, and Dar- Thula. Attempted in English verse, from Mr Macpherson 's translation. [By John Wodrow. ] Edin., 1769. 16 Temora, an ancient Epic poem, in eight books : together with several other poems, composed by Ossian, the son of Fingal. Translated from the Galic language, by James Macpherson. London, 1763. 4 Temora ; an epic poem of Ossian, in eight cantos, translated into English verse. By Thomas Travers Burke. Perth, 1818. 8 Dana Oisein Mhic Fhinn, air an cur amach airson maith coitcheannta muinntir na Gael- tachd. Dun-Eidin, 1818. 8 Another copy. Some of Ossian's lesser poems, rendered into verse ; with a preliminary discourse, in answer to Mr Laing's Critical and historical disserta- tion on the antiquity of Ossian's poems. By Archibald M'Donald. Liverpool, 1805. 8 OSSORY OUSELEY. 577 An original collection of the poems of Ossian, ORRANN, ULIN, and other bards, who flourish- ed in the same age. Collected and edited by Hugh and John M'Callum. Montrose, 1816. 8 Another copy. - * Report of the committee of the Highland Society of Scotland ; appointed to inquire into the nature and authenticity of the poems of Ossian. Drawn up, according to the directions of the committee, by Henry Mackenzie, its convener or chairman. With a copious ap- pendix, containing some of the principal docu- ments on which the report is founded. Edin., 1805. 8 * A description of the paintings in the hall of Ossian, at Pennycuik, near Edinburgh. Edin., 1773. 8 OSSORY, BISHOP OF. See John BALE. OSTERMANNUS (PETRUS). Rationalia ad qua- tuor Institutionum imperialium libros. Pars prima xxvi. disputationibus distincta, qua la- boriosa leguin textura, axiomatum et aitiolo- giarum iuridicarum centone, singulorum titu- lorum paragraph!, et versiculi fere singuli, iux- ta textum, per rationes oppugnandi et propug- nandi explanantur, vafiisque discursibus... historicis et politicis, contextis...Accessit pro- dromus ita.^a.rn'h.uv juris canonici, et synopsis methodica totius juris feudalis. Colon. Agripp., 1625. 4 Pars altera, decem disputationibus distincta ...Accessit theoretico-practica disputatio eius- dem auctoris, de restitutionibus in integrum secundum theses Hieronymi Treutleri ador- nata. Colon. Agripp., 1628. 4 OSTERVALD (JEAN-FREDERIC), Pastor of the church of Neufchatd. Douze sermons sur di- vers textes de 1'Ecriture sainte. Geneve, 1722. 8 La Sainte Bible. . . Avec les nouveaux argumens et les nouvelles reflexions sur chaque chapitre. 1724. See BIBLES FRENCH. A. Ethicae Christianas compendium, quod olim in usTia domesticos destinatum, discipulis auctor exscribendum tradidit. Nunc vero ex optimo apographo recensendum curavere et edidere li- brarii. Londini, 1727. 8 Theologies Christianas compendium. Editio secunda. Glasguce, 1757. 12 Another copy. The arguments of the books and chapters of the Old and New Testament, with practical observations. Written originally in French... Translated by John Chamberlayne. 2 vol. 6th ed. London, 1799. 8 - An abridgment of the history of the Bible. New edition. London, 1819. 12 - Essay on the composition and delivery of a sermon. Translated from the French, and illustrated with notes, by Joseph Sutclifie, A.M. First American, from the last London edition. Baltimore, 1840. 12 The want of discipline shewn to be a great cause of the present corruption of Christians. Being a chapter of a celebrated treatise con- cerning the causes of the present corruption of Christians, and the remedies thereof. [An ex- tract from the third English edition of the trea- tise, printed at London in 1711.] s. 1. et a. 8 O'SULLIVAN (MORTIMER), D.D., Rector of Kil- lyman. A guide to an Irish gentleman in his search for a religion. Dublin, 1833. 8 Another copy. Report of the speech of the Rev. M. O'S. at the Protestant meeting. . .in Greenock, 10th October, 1835. Greenock, 1835. 8 Doctrines of the Church of Rome, and disor- ders of Ireland. An address to the Protestants of Great Britain. London, 1836. 8 Romanism as it rules in Ireland. By M. O'S. and the Rev. Robert J. M'GnEE. 2 vol. London, 1840. 8 OSWALD (JAMES), D.D., Minister of Methven. A sermon [on Ps. xvi. 6] preached at the open- ing of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May 22, 1766. To which are an- nexed, letters on some points of importance contained in the sermon. Edin. , 1766. 8 HYPOCRISY detestable and dangerous. 1791 OSWALD (JAMES), of Dunnikier. * Memorials of the public life and character of the Right Hon. J. O. Contained in a correspondence with some of the most distinguished men of the last century. Edin., 1825. 8 OTES (TITUS). See Titus GATES. OTTHEYNRICH, Count Palatine of tit* Rhine.. Gebot on Ermannung an seyne Geystlichen, zu annehmung Gottliches wortz und verlassung falcher und in heyliger Schrifft ungegrundter leer. s. 1, 1542. 4 OTWAY (C.). Sketches in IRELAND. 1827 OTWAY (THOMAS). The poetical works of T. O. With the life of the author. Cooke's edition. London, s. a. 12 The cheats of Scapin. A farce. Glasgow, 1760. 12 OUDIN (CASIMIR), Under-Librarian to the uni- versity of Leyden. Commentarius de scriptori- bus Ecclesise antiquis illorumque scriptis tarn impressis quam manuscriptis adhuc extanti- bus in celebrioribus Europae bibliothecis a Bel- larmino, Possevino, Philippe Labbeo, Guiliel- mo Caveo, Ludovico Ellia Du Pin, et aliis omissis, ad annum MCCCCLX., vel ad artern typographicam inventam, cum multis disserta- tionibus, in quibus insigniorum EcclesitB au- torum opuscula atque alia argumenta notabi- liora accurate et prolixe examinantur. 3 vol. Lipsice, 1722. fol. OUDNEY (WALTER). Narrative of travels in Northern Africa, by Major DENHAM, Capt. CLAPPERTON and Dr O. 1826 * A memoir of the late Dr W. O., and Capt. Hugh CLAPPERTON, and Major Alexander Gor- don LAINO. By the Rev. Thomas Nelson. Edin., 1830. 12 OUSELEY (GIDEON). The substance of a letter to the Rev. Mr Fitzsimmons, Roman Catholic priest of Ballymena in Ireland, on some... prime articles of his faith. 2d ed. Leeds, 1816. 12 73 f>78 ;:LEY OWF.N. Old Christianity against Papal novelties. 6th ed., enlarged and improved, including a re- view of Dr Milner's " End of controversy." Dublin, 1827. 12 OUSELEY (Sir WILLIAM), Knight, LL.D. Tra- vels in various countries of the East ; more particularly Persia. A work wherein the au- thor has described, as far as hia own observa- tions extended, the state of those countries in 1810, 1811, and 1812 ; and has endeavoured to illustrate many subjects of antiquarian re- search, history, geography, philology and mis- cellaneous literature, with extracts from rare and valuable Oriental manuscripts. 3 vol. London, 1819-23. 4 OUSELEY (WILLIAM G.), Attache to His Majes- ty's legation at Washington. Remarks on the statistics and political institutions of the Unit- ed States, with some observations on the eccle- siastical system of America, her sources of revenue, &c. To which are added statistical tables, &c. Philadelphia, 1832. 8 OUTRAM (WILLIAM), D.D., Prebendary of West- minster. De sacrificiis libri duo ; quorum al- tero explicantur omnia Judseorum, nonnulla gentium profanarum sacrificia : altero sacrifi- cium Christi. Utroque Ecclesise Catholicie his de rebus sententia contra Faustum Soci- num, ejusque sectatores defenditur. Londini, 1677. 4 Translated from the original Latin, with ad- ditional notes and indexes. By John Allen. London, 1817. 8 Second edition. London, 1828. 8 OVERALL (JOHN), D.D., Bishop of Norwich. Bishop Overall's Convocation-book, MDCVI., concerning the government of God's Catholic Church, and the Kingdoms of the whole world. London, 1690. 4 Another edition. [Lib. of Anglo-Cath. Theol.] Oxford, 1844. 8* OVERBECK (J. JOSEPHUS), S.T.D., Professor at Sandhurst. S. EPHR/EMI Syri, RABULE Epis- copi Edesseni, BAL^I aliorumque opera selecta, e codicibus Syriacis manuscriptis in Museo Britannico et bibliotheca Bodleiana asservatis primus edidit J. J. O. Oxonii, 1866. 8 OVERTON (JOHN), M.A., Rector of St Margaret and St Crux, York. The true Churchman as- certained : or, an apology for those of the regular clergy of the Establishment, who are sometimes called evangelical ministers : occa- sioned by the publications of Drs Paley, Hay, Croft ; Messrs Daubeny, Ludlam, Polwhele, Fellowes ; the reviewers, &c. &c. 2d ed. York, 1802. 8 Another copy. Another copy. OVERTON (RICHARD). Mans mortalitie : or, a treatise wherein 'tis proved, both theologically and philosophically, that whole man (as a ra- tional creature) is a compound wholly mortall, contrary to that common distinction of soule and body : and that the present going of the soule into heaven or hell is a meer fiction : and that at the resurrection is the beginning of our immortality, and then actuall condemn/it ii.n, and salvation, and n.t IK Ton-. With all doubts and objections answered, and resolved, both by Scripture and reason ; discovering the mul- titude of blasphemies and absurdities that arise from the fancie of the soule. Also divers other mysteries, as, of heaven, hell, Christ's humane residence, the extent of the resurrec- tion, the new creation, Af. opened, and pre- sented to the tryall of better judgments. By R. O. Amsterdam, 1644. 4 OVERTURES. Report of the committee for classing returns to overtures, 1836. [Edin., 1835.] 8 OVIDIUS NASO (PUBLICS). Opera omnia, cum integris Nicolai Heinsii, D. F. , lectissimisquo variorum notis : quibus non pauca, ad suos quaeque antiquitatis fontes diligenti compa- ratione reducta, accesserunt, studio Borchardi Cnippingii. 3 torn. Amstel, 1683. 8 Opera. Editio nova, accurante N. Heinsio. Amstel, 1686. 8 Another edition. Tom. i. London, 1715. 12 Metamorphoseon libri xv. [Wants title, and 16 pages at the beginning.] 8 Les Metamorphoses d'Ouide, de nouueau traduites en Fra^ois, et enrichies de figures chacune selon son subiect. Avec xv. discovrs, contenans 1'explication morale des fables. Paris, 1622. fol. In English blank verse. Translated by J. J. Howard. 2 vol. London, 1807. 8 Tristium, libri v., et de Ponto, libri iv., et Consolatio ad Liviam, &c. Cum notis selec- tiss. variorum. Accurante Corn. Schrevelio. Lugd. Batav., 1666. 8 Epistles, translated by several hands. [Pre- face signed J. Dryden. ] London, 1680. 8 Fastomm libri sex. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Daniel Crispinus, Helvetius ... in usum Delphini. Londini, 1720. 8 Electa ex Ovidio et TIBULLO, in usum regi?o scholae Etonensis. Editio nova, recensita, et discipulorum ergo notis aucta. Etonce, 1831. 12 OWEN (HENRY), D.D., Vicar of Edmonton, Mid- dlesex. The intent and propriety of the Scrip- ture miracles considered and explained, in a series of sermons, preached. . .in the years 1769, 1770, and 1771 ; for the lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle, Esq. 2 vol. London, 1773. 8 The modes of quotation used by the evangeli- cal writers explained and vindicated. London, 1789. 4 Another copy. OWEN (JAMES), Dissenting minister at Swiney, EfftrofMm. A further vindication of the dis- senters from [the Rev. Thomas Gipps] the Rector of Bury's unjust accusations, wherein his charge of their being corrupters of the word of God, is demonstrated to be false and malicious. His pretended justification and confirmation of it to be groundless, weak, and self-condemning. The titles of the Psalms to be divinely inspired. The purity of the He- OWEN OWEN. 679 brew copies is asserted. The Scotch Church and Bible defended. The Rector convicted of corrupting the word of God, by adding to it, and diminishing from it, in several instances. And his unworthy calumnies of St Jerom and other good men, detected and confuted. London, 1699. 4 The history of images, and of image-worship ; shewing the original and progress of idolatry among Pagans, Jews, and Christians. With a refutation of the second council of Nice, and of other advocates for idolatry. London, 1709. 8 The validity of the dissenting ministry : or, the ordinary powers of Presbyters evinced from the New Testament and Church history. In four parts. Publish'd by Charles Owen. London, 1716. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - * Some account of the life and writings of J. O. London, 1709. 12 OWEN (JOANNES), Fellow of New college, Oxford. Epigrammata. Editio postrema correctissi- ma, et posthumis quibusdam adaucta. Amsterdam, 1647. 16 OWEN (JOHN), D.D., Vice-Chancellor of Oxford. The works of J. O. , containing several scarce and valuable discourses... With a display of Arminianism. First published in the Doctors life time ; and now collected together in one volume... London, 1721. fol. The works of J. O., D.D. Edited by Thomas Russell, M.A. With memoirs of his life and writings, by William Orme. 21 vol. London, 1826. 8 Another edition. Edited by the Rev. William H. Goold, D.D. 24vol. Edin., 1850-55. 8 Another copy. Vol. i.-xvi. Qiofcct^iet etvn^ovaixaTix,^ : or, a display of Ar- minianisme... London, 1643. 4 A new edition, revised and corrected by the Rev. S. Burder, A.M. London, 1809. 12 Salus electorum, sanguis Jesu : or the death of death in the death of Christ. A treatise of the redemption and reconciliation that is in the blood of Christ with the merit thereof, and the satisfaction wrought thereby. Where- in the proper end of the death of Christ is asserted : the immediate effects and fruits thereof assigned, with their extent in respect of its object ; and the whole controversie about universal redemption fully discussed. In foure parts... London, 1648. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Another edition. To which is added, a vindi- cation from the exceptions and objections of Mr Richard Baxter. Edin., 1845. 8 The advantage of the kingdom of Christ in the shaking of the kingdoms of the world, opened in a sermon [on Ezek. xvii. 24] preached to the Parliament, Oct. 28, 1651. Leith, 1652. 4 The doctrine of the saints' perseverance ex- plained and confirmed... And vindicated in a full answer to the discourse of Mr John Good- win against it in his book intituled, Redemp- tion redeemed... Also a preface manifesting the judgement of the antients concerning the truth contended for : with a discourse touching the Epistles of Ignatius, the Episcopacy in them asserted : and some animadversions on Dr H[enry] H[ammondJ his Dissertations on that subject. Oxford, 1654. fol. - Vindiciae evangelicae, or the mystery of the Gospell vindicated, and Socinianisme examin- ed, in the consideration, and confutation of a catechisme, called A Scripture catechisme, written by J. Biddle, M.A. And the cate- chisme of Valentinus Smalcius, commonly called the Racovian catechisme... Also an ap- pendix, in vindication of some things formerly written about the death of Christ, and the fruits thereof, from the animadversions of Mr R[ichard] B[axter], Oxford, 1655. 4 - Another copy. - God's presence with a people, the spring of their prosperity ; with their speciall interest in abiding with him. A sermon [on 2 Chron. xv. 2] preached to the Parliament of the Com- monwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, at Westminster, Octob. 30, 1656 : a day of solemn humiliation. London, 1656. 4 God's work in founding Zion, and his peoples duty thereupon. A sermon [on Is. xiv. 32] preached in the Abby church at Westminster, at the opening of the Parliament, Septemb. 17th, 1656. Oxford, 1656. 4 A review of the Annotations of Hugo Grotius, in reference unto the doctrine of the deity and satisfaction of Christ. With a defence of the charge formerly laid against them. Oxford, 1656. 4 Of schism e, the true nature of it discovered and considered, with reference to the present differences in religion. Oxford, 1657. 8 A review of the true nature of schisme, with a vindication of the Congregational! Churches in England, from the imputation thereof unjustly charged on them by Mr D. Cawdrey, preacher of the Word at Billing in Northampton-shire. Oxford, 1657. 8 Another copy. An answer to a late treatise of Mr Cawdrey about the nature of schisme ; [prefixed to A defence of Mr John COTTON from the imputa- tion of self e contradiction charged on him by Mr Dan. Cawdrey]. 1658 Of the mortification of sinne in believers : the, 1. necessity, 2. nature, and 3. meanes of it. With a resolution of sundry cases of conscience, thereunto belonging. 2d ed. Oxford, 1658. 8 Another edition. Glasgow, 1758. 8 Of temptation, the nature and power of it. The danger of entering into it. And the meanes of preventing that danger. With a resolution of sundry cases thereunto belonging. Oxford, 1658. 8 Another copy. Another edition. Glasgow, 1758. 8 D80 OWEN. Of tho divino original!, authority, self-evi- dencing light, and power of the Scriptures. With an answer to that enquiry, How we know tho Scriptures to bo tho word of God. Also a \ iiitlic.-itimi of the purity and integrity of the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Old and New Testaments ; in some considerations on the prolegomena, and appi-ndix to tho late Bibha polyglotta. Whereunto are subjoyned some exercitations about the nature and per- fection of the Scripture, the right of interpre- tation, internall light, Revelation, Arc. Oxford, 1659. 8 [The Exercitations are in Latin, bear the date 1G58, and are very imperfect.] Animadversions on a treatise [by John Vin- cent CANE] intituled, Fiat Lux. 1662 A discourse concerning LITURGIES and their imposition. 1662 A brief instruction in the WORSHIP of God, and discipline of the Churches of the New Testament. 1667 INDULGENCE and toleration considered. 1667 A peace-offering in an apology and humble plea for INDULGENCE and liberty of conscience. 1667 The nature, power, deceit, and prevalency of the remainders of indwelling-sin in believers. To- gether with the ways of its working, and means of prevention. Opened, evinced and applyed, with a resolution of sundry cases of conscience thereunto appertaining. London, 166 S. 8 Another edition. London, 1675. 8 Another edition. Glasgotv, 1758. 8 Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Also concerning the Messiah... With an expo- sition and discourses on the two first chapters of the said Epistle to the Hebrews. London, 1668. fol. Another copy. Another copy. An exposition on the third, fourth, and fifth chapters of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews... London, 1674. fol. A continuation of the Exposition of the Epis- tle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews, viz. on the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth chapters... London, 1680. fol. A continuation of the Exposition of the Epis- tle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews : viz. on the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth chap- ters, compleating that elaborate work... London, 1684. fol. An exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, with preliminary exercitations. 7 vol. 2d ed. Win., 1812, 14. 8 C A new edition. 4 vol. London, 1840. 8 A practical exposition on the 130th Psalm. Wherein the nature of the forgiveness of sin is declared, the truth and reality of it asserted. And, the case of a soul distressed with the guilt of sin, and relieved by a discovery of the forgiveness of God, is at large discoursed. London, 1669. 4 Another edition. Edin., 1798. 12 - A new edition. Edin., 1819. 12 A brief declaration and vindication of tho doc- trine of the Trinity : aa also of the person and satisfaction of Christ. London, 1669. 8 Third edition. London, 1670. 8 Eighth edition. Glasgow, 1798. 12 A discourse concerning evangelical love, Church-peace and UNITY. 1672 Another edition. London, 1673. 8 IIi>ftY*ToXoy/*: or, a discourse concerning the Holy Spirit. Wherein an account is given of his name, nature, personality, dispensation, operations, and effects. His whole work in the old and new creation is explained ; tho doctrine concerning it vindicated from opposi- tions and reproaches. The nature also and necessity of Gospel-holiness ; the difference between grace and morality, or a spiritual life unto God in evangelical obedience and a course of moral vertues, are stated and declared. London, 1674. fol. Another copy. Another copy. Another edition. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1791. 8 The nature of apostasie from the profession of the Gospel, and the punishment of apostates declared, in an exposition of Heb. 6. 4, 5, 6. With an enquiry into the causes and reasons of the decay of the power of religion in tho world ; or the present general defection from the truth, holiness, and worship of the Gospel. Also, of the proneness of Clmrches and per- sons of all sorts unto apostasie. With reme- dies and means of prevention. London, 1676. 8 The reason of faith. Or an answer unto that enquiry, Wherefore we believe the Scripture to be the word of God. With the causes and nature of that faith wherewith we do so. Wherein the grounds whereon the holy Scrip- ture is believed to be the word of God with faith divine and supernatural, are declared and vindicated. London, 1677. 8 Another edition. Glasgow, 1801. 8 The doctrine of justification by faith through the imputation of the righteousness of Christ, explained, confirmed, and vindicated. London, 1677. 4 Another copy. [Title supplied in manuscript. ] Another edition. Glasgow, 1760. 8 'Svvwis wiv[ATix.Yi : or the causes, waies, and means of understanding the mind of God as revealed in his word, with assurance therein. And a declaration of the perspicuity of the Scriptures, with the external means of the interpretation of them. London, 1678. 8 The Church of Rome no safe guide : or, rea- sons to prove that no rational man, who takes due care of his own eternal salvation, can give himself up unto the conduct of that Church in matters of religion. London, 1679. 4 Xj/oy;, or, a declaration of the glorious mystery of the person of Christ, God and man. With the infinite wisdom, love and power of God in the contrivance and constitution there- of. As also of the grounds and reasons of his incarnation, the nature of his ministry in hea- OWEN OWEN. 581 ven, the present state of the Church above thereon, and the use of his person in religion. With an account and vindication of the ho- nour, worship, faith, love and obedience due unto him, in and from the Church. London, 1679. 4 Another copy. An enquiry into the original, nature, institu- tion, power, order and communion of evange- lical Churches. The first part. With an an- swer to the discourse of the Unreasonableness of separation written by Dr Edward Stilling- fleet, Dean of Pauls ; and in defence of the vindication of Non-conformists from the guilt of schisme. London, 1681. 4 Ogo'i/fl^ot TOV TIvtvp-ctTOf, or, the grace and duty of being spiritually minded, declared and practically improved. London, 1681. 4 Another copy. Another edition. London, 1717. 4 An humble testimony unto the goodness and severity of God in his dealing with sinful Churches and nations. Or, The only way to deliver a sinfiil nation from utter ruine. By independent judgements, in a discourse on the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, Luke, 13. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. London, 1681. 8 Another copy. Second edition. Edin., 1737. 8 A brief and impartial account of the nature of the PROTESTANT RELIGION. 1682 Another edition. [Reprinted] Carmarthen, 1822. 12 A discourse of the work of the Holy Spirit in prayer. With a brief enquiry into the nature and use of mental prayer and forms. London, 1682. 8 Another edition. With introductory observa- tions by the Rev. George Wright, D.D. Edin., 1824. 12 A treatise of the . dominion of sin and grace. Wherein sin's reign is discovered, in whom it is, and in whom it is not : how the law supports it : how grace delivers from it, by setting up its dominion in the heart. London, 1688. 8 Another copy. The true nature of a Gospel Church and its government... London, 1689. 4 Another edition. Glasgow, 1801. 12 A guide to Church-fellowship and order, ac- cording to the Gospel institution : wherein these following particulars are distinctly handled : I. The necessity of believers to joyn themselves in Church-order. II. The subject matter of the Church. III. The continuance of a Church-state, and of the administration of evangelical ordinances of worship, briefly vindicated. IV. What sort of Churches the disciples of Christ may, and ought to joyn themselves unto, as unto entire communion. London, 1692. 12 A dissertation on divine justice ; or, the claims of vindicatory justice asserted ... Now first translated from the original Latin. With a recommendatory preface, by John Stafford, D.D., and others. London, s. a. 12 ., sive de natura, ortu, progressu, et studio verse theologiae libri sex. Quibus etiam origines et processus veri et falsi cultus religiosi, casus et instaurationes Eccle- sise illustriores ab ipsis rerum primordiis enar- rantur. Accedunt quoque digressiones, de gratia universal!. Scientiarum ortu. Eccle- sise Romanes notis. Literarum origine. An- tiquis literis Hebraicis. Punctatione Hebrai- ca. Versionibus SS. Ritibus Judaicis. Aliis- que. Editio novissima. Franequera, 1700. 4 Another copy. Evangelical theology : being a translation of the sixth book of Dr Owen's Latin wqrk, en- titled, Theologoumena, or discourses on theo- logy. By the Rev. John Craig. With notes by the translator, and a life of the author. Edin., 1837. 8 Gospel grounds and evidences of the faith of God's elect... London, 1709. 8 Twenty five discourses suitable to the Lord's Supper, delivered just before the administra- tion of that sacred ordinance. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1775. 16 Another edition. With a recommendatory preface by W. Lindsay Alexander, D.D. Edin., 1841. 12 Posthumous sermons. Published from the original edition by John Thomas Dobney. London, 1819. 8 Two questions concerning the power of the supreme magistrate about religion and the worship of God, with one about tithes, pro- posed and resolved. [Reprinted] Glasgow, 1833. 8 The glory of Christ in his person, office, and grace. Edin., s. a. 8 OWEN (JOHN), A.M., Rector of Paglesham, Es- sex. The history of the origin and first ten years of the British and Foreign Bible society. 3 vol. [Vol. iii. brings the history down to 1818-1819.] London, 1816, 20. 8 OWEN (R. J.). -The Scripture directory : or, a key to the treasures of the holy Bible... Edin., 1852. 8 OWEN (RICHAKD), Hunterian professor to the Col- lege of Surgeons. Monograph on the fossil Reptilia of the London clay. Part ii. Cro- codilia, Ophidia. [Palseontographical Society.] London, 1850. 4 Monograph on the fossil Reptilia of the creta- ceous formations. [Ibid.] London, 1851. 4 Monograph on the fossil Reptilia of the Weal- den formations. Part ii. Dinosauria. [Ibid.] London, 1854. 4 OWEN (ROBERT), of New Lanark. Two memo- rials on behalf of the working classes ; the first presented to the governments of Europe and America, the second to the allied powers as- sembled in congress at Aix-la-Chapelle. Lanark, 1818. 8 * Observations on the critique contained in the Edinburgh review for October, 1819, of Mi- Owen's plans for relieving the national dis- tress. By a lover of truth. Edin., 1819. 8 682 OXFORD OZA NAM. * A letter to the moderator of the General As- sembly, requesting his attention to the com- plexion of the times, and to the late attacks of the Christian Instructor upon Mr Owui, and to the manner in which religious contro- versies are generally conducts I. ./;., 1823. 8 Report to the county of Lanark, of a plan for relieving public distress, and removing discon- tent, by giving permanent, productive employ- ment to the poor and working classes ; under arrangements which will essentially improve their character, and ameliorate their condi- tion ; diminish the expences of production and consumption, and create markets co-extensive with production. Glasgow, 1821. 4 An outline of the system of education at New Lanark. Glasgow, 1824. 8 < > X FORD. Pietas Oxoniensis ; or, a full and impartial account of the expulsion of six stu- dents from St Edmund Hall, Oxford. With a dedication to the Right Hon. the Earl of Litchfield, Chancellor of that university. By a Master of Arts of the university of Oxford. [Generally understood to be Sir Richard Hill.] London, 1768. 8 d Goliath slain : being a reply to the Rev. Dr Nowell's Answer to Pietas Oxoniensis. Where- in the false glosses of that gentleman's pamph- let are removed, his great misrepresentations detected, the ancient doctrines of the Refor- mation and of the Church of England defend- ed, and the sentence against the expelled young men proved from his own words to be far more severe, arbitrary and illegal, than it hath hitherto been represented. With a de- dication to every particular member of the university. By tho author of Pietas Oxoni- ensis. Loml,,. Judicium universitatis Oxoniensis do solrmii liga et fi-dt -iv. 1082 [See under COVENANT.] A reply to the reasons of the Oxford clergy against addressing. London, 1087. 4 J Oxoniana. [By John WALKER.] 4 vol. London, t. a. 12 Oxford prize poems. 8th ed. Oxford, 1834. 12 The Oxford university calendar. 1850. Oxford, 1859. 8 Oxford university commission. Report of Her Majesty's commissioners appointed to inquire into the state, discipline, studies, and reve- nues of the university and colleges of Oxford : together with the evidence, and an appendix. London, 1852. fol. OXFORD, BISHOP OF. See Richard BAGOT. OXFORD, BISHOP OF. See John BRIDGES. OXFORD, BISHOP or. See John FELL. OXFORD, BISHOP or. See John HOUGH. OXFORD, BISHOP OF. (See John HOWSON. OXFORD, BISHOP or. See William JACKSON. OXFORD, BISHOP OF. See John POTTER. OXFORD, BISHOP OF. See Samuel WILBER- FORCE. OXFORD, EARL OF. See Edward HARLEY. OXONIA. See OXFORD. OZANAM (JACQUES). Recreations in mathema- tics and natural philosophy... First composed by M. O. Lately recomposed, and greatly enlarged, in a new edition, by the celebrated M. Montucla. And now translated into Eng- lish, and improved with many additions and observations, by Charles Button, LL.D. 4 vol. London, 1803. 8 P. PAINE. P. (L'Abb D. L.), i. e. L'AbW Joa. de LAPORTE. P. (H.), i. e. Hugh PETERS. P. (I. I. S.). Sceleton histories ttniversalis civilis et ecclesiasticse. Res pnecipuas, ab urbe con- dito ad annum M.DC.XXXIII. gestas, brevissime exhibens, concinnatum. In usum gymnasii comitatus Lesznensia. Lugd. Batav., 1633. 12 P. (B.), i. e. Robert PARSONS. P. (R.). A just rebuke to our perfidious and false brethren. Containing just and useful remarks on a late pamphlet, falsely called, A supplement to the sermons lately preached at Salter's Hall against Popery, &c. 2d ed. London, 1736. 8 P. (T.), i. e. Thomas PAYBODY. P. (T.), the final letters of Vincent ALSOP. PACENIUS (BARTHOLUS). E^iratats, Epistola? nomine regis Magnae Britanniae, ad omnes Christianos rnonarchos, principes, et ordines, scriptae. Montibus, 1610. 8 PACIFICATOR. The pacificator. Address to the Protestants and Roman Catholics in Great Britain. By a Christian, not a member of the Church of Rome. No. 1. Edin., 1819. 8 PACIFICATOR. The Scottish Church ques- tion ; the law and the facts : with an appeal to the Non-intrusionists and Sir Robert Peel. By Pacificator. * London, 1843. 8 Another copy. PAETZ (CAROLUS WILHELMUS). De vera libro- rum juris feudalis Longobardici origine pro- lusio. GottingcK, s. a. 4 PAEZ DE CASTRO (JUAN). Para secretaries de senores, y todo genero. Toledo, 1664. 16 PAGE (DAVID). Rudiments of geology. For use in schools and for private inst^ction. [Chambers's educational course.] Edin., 1844. 12 PAGE (FREDERICK). The principle of the Eng- lish poor laws illustrated and defended, by an historical view of indigence in civil society ; with observations and suggestions relative to their improved administration. Bath, 1822. 8 Another copy. PAGE (HARLAN). * Memoir of H. P., or, the power of prayer and personal effort for the souls of individuals. By William A. Hallock. New York, s. a. 12 PAGE (JAMES ROBERT), Minister of Carlisle cha- pel, Lambeth. Ireland : its evils traced to their source. London, 1836. 12 PAGET (JOHN), Pastor of the Reformed English Church in Amsterdam. A defence of Church- government, exercised in Presbyteriall, Clas- sicall, and Synodal! assemblies ; according to the practice of the Reformed Churches : touch- ing I. The power of a particular Eldership, against those that plead for a meere popular government, specially Mr Ainsworth in his Animadversion to Mr Clyft, &c. II. The au- thority of Classes and Synods, against the pa- trons of Independencie : answering on this poynt to Mr Davenport his Apologeticall re- ply, &c. , and Mr Canne his Church's plea, &c. sent forth first by W. Best, and afterwards for this part of it, under the title of Syon's prero- gative royall. Hereunto is prefixed, an ad- vertisement to the Parliament, wherein are inserted some animadversions on the Cheshire Remonstrance against Presbytery : by T. P. London, 1641. 4 PAGI (ANTONITJS), a Franciscan monk of the order of Cordeliers. Dissertatio hypatica seu de con- sulibus Caesareis. Ex occasione inscriptionis Forojuliensis Aureliani Augusti ... Accedunt quaestiones selectse de consulatibus designatis, suffectis, honorariis, dimidiatis ; postconsulati- bus, imperio Aurelianeo, aliisque chronolo- giam Caesaream, ab Augusto ad Constantinum usque Porphyrogenitam, non parum illustran- tibus. Lugduni, 1682. 4 PAGIT (EusEBius), Rector of St Anne, Aldersgate Street, London. The historic of the Bible, briefely collected by way of question and an- swer. London, 1623. 12 PAGITT (EPHRAIM), Son of the preceding, and parson of the church of St Edmonds the King in Lombard street, London. Christianographie, or the description of the multitude and sun- dry sorts of Christians in the world, not sub- iect to the Pope. With their vnitie, and how they agree with the Protestants in the princi- pal! points of difference betweene them and the Church of Rome. 2d ed. London, 1636. 4 PAGNINUS (SANCTES). Hebraicarum institu- tionum libri iiii. Lutet. Paris., 1549. 4 Epitome thesauri linguae sanctse. Lugd. Batav., 1699. 8 Thesaurus linguae sanctse, sive Lexicon He- braicum, ordine et copia caeteris antehac editis anteferendum, auctore S. P. Nunc demum, cum doctissimis quibusque Hebraeorum scrip- tis quam accuratissime collatum, et ex iisdeni auctum ac recognitum, opera JoannisMerceri. . . Colon. Allobrog., 1614. fol. Biblia universa et Hebraica cum Latina inter- pretatione. 1657. (See BIBLES HEBREW. C. PAINE (THOMAS). Rights of man : being an an- swer to Mr Burke's attack on the French re- volution. 2 parts. 7th ed. London, 1793. 8 Another edition. London, 1819. 8 584 PAISLEY-PALEY. Letter to tho Right Hon. Mr Secretary Dun- das. To which is now added, :i K tti r to Mr * * *. Also, one to James Mackintosh, Esq. from Mr George Rous, on the subject of tho anniversary of the French Revolution. New edition. s. I., 1792. 8 Prospects on tho war, and paper currency. London, 1793. 8 Dissertation on first-principles of government. London, 1795. 8 A letter to George Washington, on the subject of the late treaty concluded between Great Britain and the United States of America. 7th ed. Eilin,., 1797. 12 Another edition. London, 1819. 8 Agrarian justice, opposed to agrarian law, and agrarian monopoly. Being a plan for meliorat- ing the condition of man, by creating in every nation a national fund. London, s. a. 8 * The trial of T. P. , for a libel, contained in the second part of Rights of man, before Lord Kenyon, and a special jury, at Guildhall, Dec. 18, with the speeches of the Attorney General and Mr Erskine, at large. London, 1792. 8 *Mr P.'s principles and schemes of govern- ment examined, and his errors detected. Edin., 1792. 8 * The life of T. P. By Richard Carlisle. London, 1821. 8 PAISLEY. Regulations and catalogue of the Paisley Juvenile library. Instituted Septem- ber 1813. Paisley, 1814. 8 Another copy. Compend of the history, constitution, and po- lice establishment of the burgh of Paisley. [By Robert BURNS.] Glasgow, 1820. 8 Report of the speeches delivered in Paisley, at the formation of the Paisley Voluntary Church association, Jan. 14th, 1833. Paisley, 1833. 12 A substantive report of the speeches delivered in the Presbytery of Paisley, on the 19th De- cember, 1833, on the Rev. Mr Fleming's mo- tion respecting the proposal of the magistrates and town council of Paisley for letting or sell- ing, by roup, the Laigh kirk of that burgh. Glasgow, 1833. 12 PAISLEY (ROBERT), Minister of Partick.The headship of Christ and the duty of remaining in the Established Church asserted, on anti- patronage grounds, with reference to the schis- matical and Erastian position of the adherents to the Convocation : being the substance of a speech delivered in the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, at its meeting in April, 1843. Glasgow, 1843. 8 Another copy. PAJON (CLAUDE), Professor of divinity at Sau- mur. Examen du livre qui porte pour titre, Prejugez legitimes centre les Calvinistes. [Par P. Nicole.] Divis^ en trois parties. 2 torn. Bionne, 1673. 12 PALAFOX (JOAX3TES DE), Bishop of Osma. The history of the conquest of China by the Tar- tars. Together with an account of several re- markable things concerning the religion, man- ners, and customea of both nations, but espe- cially of the latter. First writ in Spanish. And now rendred English. London, 1071. 8 J *Janseniani erroris calumnia a venerabili Episcopo J. de P. sublata. Mantua Carpetanorum, 1773. 8 PALEARIO ( AON 10). Opera. Ad illam editio- nem quam ipse auctor recensuerat et auxerat excusa, nunc novis accessionibus locupletata. Amstel., 1G9G. 8 J Epistolarum lib. iiii. Orationes xii. De ani- morum immortalitate lib. iii. Quod scripta est oratio in L. Muneiiam, pramissa sunt qiuudam ex M. Tullii oratione pro L. Mu- rrena. Basilea, 3. a. 8 The benefit of Christ's death : probably writ- ten by A. P. ; reprinted in fac-simile from tho Italian edition of 1543 ; together with a French translation printed in 1551 ; from copies in the library of St John's college, Cambridge : to which is added an English version made in 1548, by Edward Courtenay, Earl of Devon- shire, now first edited from a MS. preserved in the library of the university of Cambridge, with an introduction by Churchhill Babbing- ton, B.D. London, 1855. 8 * The life and times of A. P. , or a history of the Italian reformers in the sixteenth century. Illustrated by original letters, and unedited documents. By M. YOUNG. 2 vol. London, 1860. 8 PALEOTTO (GABRIELE), Councillor to the legates of Pius IV. at tlie Council of Trent. Acta con- cilii Tridentini, anno MDLXII. et MDLXIII. us- que in finem concilii, Pio IV. Pont. Max. et alia multa circa dictum concilium fragmenta a G. P. descripta. Nunc primum in lucem vin- dicata, e codicfe MS. olim penes Fridericum Comitem de Guilford. Edente Josepho Mend- ham, B.A. Londini, 1842. 8 PALE Y (WILLIAM), D.D., Archdeacon of Carlisle. The complete works of W. P. With ex- tracts from his correspondence : and a life of the author, by the Rev. Robert Lynam, A.M. 4 vol. London, 1825. 8 NaBr edition. With additional sermons, &c. etc. , and a corrected account of the life and writings of the author, by the Rev. Edmund Paley, A.M. 6 vol. " London, 1830. 8 Another edition. To which is prefixed, tho life of the author. Complete in one volume. Edin., 1842. 8 The principles of moral and political philoso- phy. 3d ed. London, 1786. 4 Nineteenth edition. 2 vol. London, 1811. 8 Twenty-first edition. Edin., 1814. 8 Twenty-sixth edition. Edin., 1817. 8 Sermons, on several subjects. 5th ed. London, 1810. 8 Another copy. Sixth edition. London, 1812. 8 Seventh edition. London, 1815. 8 A view of the evidences of Christianity, in three parts. A new edition. 2 vol. Cupar, 1816. 8 D PALINGENIO PALMER . 685 Another edition. 2 vol. Edin., 1817. 8 Another edition. London, 1817. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1822. 12 Another edition. [Christ. Lib.] Edin., 1841. 8 * An analysis of Paley's View of the evidences of Christianity. In three parts. Cambridge, 1795. 8 Horse Paulinse ; or, the truth of the Scripture history of St Paul evinced by a comparison of the Epistles which bear his name with the Acts of the Apostles, and with one another. 9th ed. London, 1816. 8 Another copy. Another edition. "With Clergyman's compa- nion in visiting sick, and tracts. Edin., 1820. 12 Another edition. Edin., 1822. 12 Another edition. [Christ. Lit.] Edin., 1841. 8 Another edition. With notes, and a supple- mentary treatise, entitled, Horse apostolicse, by Rev. T. R. BIRKS, A.M. London, 1850. 12 [See also under TATE.] Natural theology ; or, evidences of the exist- ence and attributes of the Deity. Collected from the appearances of nature. 16th ed. Edin., 1816. 8 Another copy. Another edition, illustrated by a series of plates, and explanatory notes, by James Pax- ton. To which is added, Botanical theology. By John Shute Duncan. 2 vol. Oxford, 1826. 8 Another edition. With illustrative notes, by Henry, Lord Brougham, and Sir Charles Bell. To which are added, supplementary illustra- tions by Sir C. Bell. 2 vol. London, 1836. 12 [See also under BKOUGHAM.] PALINGENIO (MARCELLO), or PIETRO AN- GELO MANZOLI. Zodiacus vitse, id est, de hominis vita, studio, ac moribus optime insti- tuendis libri xii. L\igduni, 1552. 8 PALLAS (PETER SIMON), Councillor of state to the Emperor of Russia. Travels through the southern provinces of the Russian empire in the years 1793 and 1794. Translated from the German. 2d ed. Illustrated. 2 vol. London, 1812. 4 PALLA VICING (FERRANTE). II DIVORTIO ce- leste, cagionato dalle dissolutezze della sposa Romana. 1643 Done into English by Ric. Kingston, M.A. London, 1707. 8 PALLA y^CINO(SFORTiA), CcmtoiaZ. Veracecu- menici concilii Tridentini, contra exurgentes Lutheri, aliorumque hsereses nee non varias universse reipublicse Christiana; revolutiones, pro morum reformatione, et fidei defensione summo Romano -Catholicae Ecclesite emolu- mento publicati historia contra falsam Petri Suavis Polani narrationem scripta, et ex ip- sismet originalibus literis, actis, gestis, et pro- tocollis plene, et fideliter asserta a P. S. P. primum in Italico idiomato In lucem edita ; deinde ab ipso aucta et revisa, ac Latine red- dita a P. Joanne Baptista Giattino. Accessit npvse huic et emendatiori editioni Petri FON- TIDONII Apologia pro sacro et oecumenico con- cilio Tridentino adversus Joannem Fabritium Montanum ad Gennanos. 3 vol. Augtistce Vindelicorum, 1769. fol. PALLEGOIX (J. BAFT.). Grammatica lingusa Thai. Bangkok, 1850. 4 PALM (Jo. HENR. VAN DER), Professor of divinity in the university of Ley den. Oratio inaugura- lis de oratore sacro, literarum divinarum in- terprete. Lugd. Batav., 1806. 4 PALMA (JOANNES BAPTISTA). Prselectiones his- torise ecclesiasticse quas in universitate Roma- na habuit J. B. P. 3 torn. Romas, 1848. 8 PALMER (B. M.), D.D., Pastor of the Presbyte- rian church, Columbia, S. C. Warrant and nature of public worship. A discourse [on John, 4 : 23, 24] delivered at the dedication of the new Presbyterian Church edifice, Colum- bia, South-Carolina, on Sabbath morning, Oct. 9th, 1853. Columbia, S. C., 1853. 8 PALMER (HENRICUS JULIUS ERNESTUS). Do epistolarum, qnas Spartani atque Judsei invi- cem sibi misisse dicuntur, veritate disputatio. . . Darmstadii, [1828]. 4 PALMER (HERBERT), B.D., Minister at Ashwell, Hertfordshire. The necessity and encourage- ment of utmost venturing for the Churches help : together with the sin, folly, and mis- chief of self-idolizing. Applyed by a repre- sentation of 1. Some of the most notorious na- tionall sins endangering us. 2. The heavy weight of wrath manifested in our present ca- lamities. Yet withall, grounds of, 3. Confi- dence, that our Church shall attain deliver- ance in the issue. 4. Hopes that the present parliament shall be still imployed in the work- ing of it. All set forth in a sermon [on Esther, 4. 13, 14], preached to the Hon. House of Commons, on the day of the monethly solemn fast, 28. June, 1643. London, 1643. 4 Sabbatum redivivum : or the Christian Sab- bath vindicated. By Daniel CAWDREY, and H. P. 1645-[1652] * The copy of a letter sent... to Mr H. P. con- cerning the great abuse of oathes... concerning those oathes which are used in corporations, and many other societies. London, 1648. 4 PALMER (ROUNDELL). The book of praise from the best English hymn writers. Selected and arranged by R. P. London and Cambridge, 1866. 8 PALMER (SAMUEL). A sermon preach'd to the Protestants of Ireland now in London, at the anniversary meeting, October 24, 1709. In commemoration of the deliverance from the bloody massacre begun by the Irish Papists on the twenty third of that month in the year 1641. London, 1710. 8 PALMER (SAMUEL), Minister at Hackney. An apology for the Christian Sabbath : in which the arguments for it are stated, the objections 74 58C PALMER-PA RATH RASES. against it answered, and tho proper manner of spending it enforced. Intended as a defence of " A practical view, &c." by W. Wilberforce. London, 1799. 8 The Nonconformists' memorial ... originally written by Edmund CALAMY, D. D. Abridged, corrected and methodized, with many addi- tional anecdotes, and several new lives, by S. P. l"jd. Batai:, 1614. 4' PANOPLY. Tho Christian officer's panoply : containing arguments in favour of a divinu revelation. By a Marine officer ; [Andrew BURN]. London, 1789. 8 PANTHEISM. Pantheism. [The article con- tributed to the eighth edition of the Encyclo- paedia Britannica, by the late John DOWNES.] [Edin.,~\ s. a. 4 PANVINIUS (ONUPHRIUS). De primatu Petri, et apostolicee sedis potestate, libri tres : contra Centuriarum auctores. reronce, 1589. 4 Another copy. Another edition. Venetiis, 1590. 4 PAOLO. See SARPI. PAPA. See POPE. PAPAL AGGRESSION. Papal aggression con- sidered. By a barrister. London, 1850. 8 Letter to Her most gracious Majesty the Queen, upon the Papal question ; with an address to the electors of the united kingdom. By one of the people. Edin. , 1851. 8 PAPATUS. Abominationes Papatus : sive in- victa demonstratio, Papam Romanam esse An- tichristum. Excerpta ex libro cui titulus, Romse ruina finalis Anno Domini 1666, excuso Londini 1655. s. I., 1656. 4 PAPIAS, Bishop of Hierapolis. Fragments of Papias. [ An te-Nicene Christian library, vol. i.] Edin., 1867. 8 S PAPIN (ISAAC), formerly a minister of the Church of England, afterwards a priest of the Church of Rome. Essais de theologie sur la providence et la grace. Oil 1'on tache de delivrer M. Ju- RIEU de toutes les difficulty's accablantes qu'il rencontre dans son systeme. 1687 La tolerance des Protestans, et 1'autorite' do 1'Eglise. Ou re'ponse au libelle de M. Jurieu, qui porte pour titre Lettre pastorale aux fi- deles de Paris, d'Orleans et de Blois, &c. Avec une lettre a M. Jurieu sur ce qu'il y a de per- sonnel dana ce libelle. Paris, 1692. 8 Translated into English, from the original French. London, 1733. 8 PAPISTS. The practical divinity of the Papists discovered to be destructive of Christianity and mens souls. [By David CLARKSON.] London, 1676. 4 Another copy. Papists no Catholicks : and Popery no Chris- tianity. [By W.LLOYD.] London, 1679. 4 An enquiry how far Papists ought to be treat- ed here as good subjects ; and, how far they are chargeable with the tenets commonly im- puted to them. [By A. A. SYKES.] London, 1746. 8 A specimen of the unrelenting cruelty of Pa- pists in France, and the unshaken faith and patience of the Protestants of that kingdom. London, 1753. 8 An earnest address to men of all orders and degrees in the united Church of England and Ireland, respecting the Papists. [By Harry Bristow WILSON.] London, 1807. 8 PARABLES. Parables of our Blessed Saviour. s. 1. et a. 12 PARAPHRASES. Translations and para- PARDON PARK. 587 phrases, in verse, of several passages of sacred Scripture. Collected and prepared by a com- mittee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, in order to be sung in churches. Edin., 1793. 12 PARDON. A letter to a friend, on universal pardon, as advanced by Thomas Erskine, Esq. , and others. Dundee, 1830. 12 PAREAU (JOANNES HENRICUS), Professor of Ori- ental languages in the university of Utrecht. Institutio interprets Veteris Testament!. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1822. 8 Translated by Patrick Forbes, D.D. [Bib. Cab. , vol. viii. and xxv. ] Edin. , 1835, 40. 8 Antiquitas Hebraica breviter descripta. Edi- tio altera. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1823. 8"" PAREAU (L. G. ), Professor of divinity in the uni- versity of Groningen. Encyclopaedia theologi Christian!. Delineata a P. Hofstede de GROOT et G. L. P. 1844 Lint-amenta theologise Christianas universse, ut disquisitionis de religione una verissima et prsestantissima, sive brevis conspectus dog- matices et apologetices Christiana?. In scho- larum suarum usum scripserunt L. G. P. et P. Hofstede de GROOT. Editio altera. Groningce, 1845. 8 Hermeneutica Codicis sacri. 'Groningce, 1846. 8 PARENT (MATTH^US). Disputat. physica spe- cialis de insularum generatione secunda. Ultrajecti, 1650. 4 PAREUS (DAVID), Professor of divinity in the university of Heidelberg. Opera theologica exegetica. Preefixa est narratio historica de vita et obitu D. P. , conscripta a Philippo Pa- reo, Dav. fil. 3 torn. 4 partt. Venetiis et Geneva, 1628, 50. fol. In divinam S. Pauli Apostoli ad Romanes Epistolam commentarius. Quo prseter accu- ratam textus sacri analysin, atque interpreta- tionem, de quaestionibus controuersis dubia clxxix. explicantur ; et antiqua Romanorum fides aduersus nunc-Ronianistarum opiniones, prsecipue Robert! Bellarmini lesuitse argutias, et Thomaa Stapletoni Antidota : nee non So- cini, Eniedini, et Ostorodii hsereticorum Sa- mosatenianorum blasphemias vindicator. s. I, 1609. 8 C In divinam ad Hebrseos S. Pauli Apostoli Epis- tolam commentarius... Heidelbergce, 1613. 4 Another edition. Genevce, 1614. 8 Robert! Bellarmini de amissione gratise et sta- tu peccati libri sex...explicati et castigati. Heidelbergce, 1613. 8 In divinam ad Corinthios priorem S. Pauli Epistolam commentarius. Genevce, 1614. 8 A new edition. Accedunt novse huic editioni Paratitla Parthenica de virginitate, continen- tia, viduitate, coniugio, et digamia, ex scriptis Patrum collecta. Francofurti, 1619. 4 Irenicum ; sive de unione et synodo evangeli- corum concilianda, liber votivus, paci Ecclesise et desideriis pacificorum dicatiis. Heidelbergce, 1615. 4 Another copy. Corpus doctrinaa orthodoxaa, sive catechetica- rum explicationum D. Zachariaa URSINI, opus absolutum D. Davidis Parei opera extrema re- cognitum. 1616 Miscellanea catechetica. In quibus pnecipui articuli religionis Christianas inter euangelicos reformatos, et heterodoxos centroversi, per- spicue explicantur; [ad calc. Corp. doct. Christ, per Z. URSINUM]. 1621 In S. Jacobi Apost. Epistolam Catholicam ex- plicatio. Heidelbergce, 1621. 8 De potestate ecclesiastica et civili propositi- ones theologico-politicaa. Earundemque vindi- catio...a Philippo Pareo, Dav. fil. Editio se- cunda. Francofurti, 1633. 12 PAREUS (DANIEL), grandson of the preceding. Universalis histories ecclesiasticse medulla. Ex vasto et varie disiecto tot sanctorum Patrum, theologorum, et historise ecclesiasticse scripto- rum corpore, iusto ordine concinnata. Francofurti, 1633. 12 PARIS. Assemble'e ge'ne'rale de la societe* des missions evangeliques, chez les peuples non Chretiens, e'tablie a Paris 14. Avril 1823, [et 29. Avril 1824]. Premier [et deuxieme] anni- versaire. Paris, 1823, 24. 8 PARISHES. An enquiry into the method of set- tling parishes, conform to the Acts and practice of the Church of Scotland, through the different periods of her administration and government, from the Reformation to this present time. [By Sir Thomas GORDON.] Edin., 1732. 16 Another copy. Another copy. The overture anent planting vacant parishes, transmitted by the General Assembly to Pres- byteries, considered ; reasons assigned why it should not pass into a standing act, and the pretences for it examined and rejected. By a minister of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1732. 16 PARISHIONER. The pious parishioner in- structed how to spend every day through the whole course of his life, in a religious and acceptable manner. . .New edition. London, 1833. 12 PARISIS (Louis), Bishop of Langres. De'mon- stration de 1'immacul^e conception de la bien- heureuse Vierge Marie, mere de Dieu. Paris, 1849. 8 PARK (EDWARDS A.), Professor in the theological seminary at Andover. Selections from Ger- man literature. By B. B. EDWARDS, and E. A. P. 1839 The ATONEMENT. Discourses and treatises by Edwards, Smalley, Maxcy, Emmons, Griffin, Burge, and Weeks. With an introductory essay by E. A. P. Boston, 1859. 8 PARK (ROBERT). The rights and liberties of the Church asserted and vindicated, against the pretended rights and usurpation of patronage. 2d ed. Edin., 1689. 8 Another copy. Another copy. New edition. Edited by James Kidd, D.D. Aberdeen, 1834. 8 ] 'A RKER-PARKHURST. PARKER (ANDREW BORELAND), D.D., Minister of Free Well Park church, Glasgow. The ful- ness of the Mediator ; or, Christ all in all. Glasgow, 1861. 8 PARKER (BENJAMIN). Philosophical disserta- tions, with proper reflections. 3d ed. London, 1743. 8 PARKER (EDWARD STONE). The aborigines of Australia, a lecture delivered before the John Knox young men's association, May 10th, 1854. ' Melbourne, 1854. 8 PARKER(GAVIN), Minister of Bon Accord church, Aberdeen. Sermons. Aberdeen, 1830. 12 A discourse on the internal evidence of Chris- tianity. Aberdeen, 1839. 12 A discourse on the work and the character of the ministers of the Gospel. Preached on 14th May, 1840, in Bon- Accord church, at the ordi- nation of the Rev. Alexander Mann. Aberdeen, 1840. 12 Selected portions from the diary and manu- scripts of the Rev. G. P. [By S. P.] Aberdeen, 1848. 8 PARKER (HIRAM), M.D. The harmony of ages : a thesis on the relations between the conditions of man and the character of God. Boston, 1856. 12 PARKER (JOEL), D.D., President of the Union theological seminary, New York. Lectures on Universalism. New York, 1841. 12 PARKER (JOHN). Opinions on the present alarming state of public affairs, in a letter ad- dressed to Lord Viscount Melbourne. [KOmar*odt],*lS*L 4 PARKER (MATTHEW), A rchbishop ofCanterbury . De antiquitate BRITANNIC^: EOOUHJL 1605 *Life and acts of M. P. Wherein... many particulars of the ecclesiastical history of those times, hitherto unknown, or very obscure, are discovered and brought to light ... In four books. To which is added, an appendix, con- taining various transcripts of records, letters... and other secret papers... Among which will be found the Latin life of this Archbp. , entituled Matthseus, so much and so long wanted in the editions of the British Antiquities. By John Strype. London, 1711. fol. Correspondence of M. P., D.D. Comprising letters written by and to him, from A.D. 1535, to his death, A.D. 1575. Edited for the Par- ker Society, by J. Bruce, and the Rev. Tho- mason Browne, M.A. Cambridge, 1853. 8 PARKER (ROBERT). De descensu Domini nos- tri lesu Christi ad inferos. Libri quatuor. Ab auctore doctissimo, Hugone SANFORDO in- choati. Opera verb et studio Roberti Parkeri, ad umbilicum perducti, ac jam tandem in lu- cem editi... 161] De politeia ecclesiastica Christi, et hierarchica opposita, libri tres. In quibus tarn veraj dis- v ciplinae f undamenta : quam omnes fere de ea- dem controversies, summo cum judicio et doc- trina methodice pertractantur. Francofurti, 1G16. 4 Another copy. Another edition. s. ?., 1638. 4 PARKER (SAMUEL), D.D., Bishop of Osford. A free and impartial censure of the Platonick philosophic ; with an account of the Origenian hypothesis, concerning the prduxistence of souls. In two letters, written to Mr Nath. Bisbie. 2d ed. Oxford, 1667. 8 A discourse of ecclesiastical POLITIE. 1670 A defence and continuation of the ecclesiasti- cal POLITIE. lii?I A reproof to The rehearsal transprosed, in a discourse to its authour [Andrew MARVEL]. 1673 A discourse of the divine authority of the law of nature and of the Christian religion. London, 1681. 4 Religion and loyalty : or, a demonstration of the power of the Christian Church within it- self. The supremacy of sovereigns over it. The duty of passive obedience, or non-resist- ance to all their commands. Exemplified out of the records of the Church and the empire, from the beginning of Christianity to the end of the reign of Julian. London, 1684. 8 The second part. Or the history of the con- currence of the imperial and ecclesiastical ju- risdiction in the government of the Church, from the beginning of the reign of Jovian to the end of the reign of Justinian. London, 1685. 8 Another copy. An enquiry into the reasons for abrogating the test imposed on all members of parliament. 2 parts. s. 1. et a. 4 * An enquiry into the reasons for abrogating the test imposed on all members of parliament. Offered by Sa. Oxon. [By Gilbert BURNET.] s. 1. et a. 4 * A continuation of the second part of the En- quiry into the reasons offered by Sa. Oxon for the abrogating of the test : relating to the idolatry of the Church of Rome. [By Gilbert BURNET.] *. I. et o. 4 PARKER (SAMUEL). Sylva. Familiar letters upon occasional subjects... London, 1701. 8 PARKER (THEODORE), Minister of the second church in Boxbury, Mass. A discourse of mat- ters pertaining to religion. London, 1852. 12 PARKER (WILLIAM). The late Assembly of Di- vines Confession of faith examined. As it was presented by them unto the Parliament. Wherein many of their excesses and defects, of their confusions and disorders, of their er- rors and contradictions are presented, both to themselves and others. London, 1651. 8 Another copy. PARKER SOCIETY. Publications of the Par- ker Society. 55 vol. Cambridge, 1841-1855. 8 [See authors' names.] PARKES (SAMUEL). The chemical catechism, with notes, illustrations, and experiments. 9th ed. , carefully corrected and adapted to the present state of chemical science. London, 1819. 8 PARKHURST (JOHN), M.A., Fellow of Clan PARKINSON PARR. 589 Hall, Cambridge. The divinity and pre-exist- euce of ... Jesus Christ, demonstrated from Scripture ; in answer to the first section of Dr Priestley's introduction to his history of early opinions concerning Jesus Christ : together with strictures on some other parts of that work ; and a postscript, relative to a late pub- lication of Mr Gilbert Wakefield. London, 1787. 8 A Greek and English lexicon to the New Tes- tament : in which the words and phrases oc- curring in those sacred Books are distinctly explained ; and the meanings assigned to each authorized by references to passages of Scrip- ture, and frequently illustrated and confirmed by citations from the Old Testament and from the Greek writers. To this work is prefixed, a plain and easy Greek grammar, adapted to the use of learners, and of those who under- stand no other language than English. 4th ed. London, 1804. 8 C Fifth edition. London, 1809. 8 Eighth edition. London, 1823. 8 Another edition. London, 1826. 8 A Hebrew and English lexicon, without points : in which the Hebrew and Chaldee words of the Old Testament are explained in their lead- ing and derived senses, the derivative words are ranged under their respective primitives, and the meanings assigned to each authorized by references to passages of Scripture, and frequently illustrated and confirmed by cita- tions from various authors, ancient and mo- dern. To this work are prefixed, a Hebrew and a Chaldee grammar, without points. A new edition. London, 1823. 8 Another edition. London, 1829. 8 PARKINSON (JAMES), Member of the Geological Society of London. Outlines of oryctology ; an introduction to the study of fossil organic remains, &c., with illustrative plates. 3d ed. London, s. a. 8 PARKINSON (R.), M. A. The Romish doctrines of transubstantiation, and the invocation of saints, refuted in two sermons, preached in St Paul's Church, Nottingham, Nov. 8, 1840. London, 1840. 8 PARKS (WILLIAM), B.A., Eecior of Openshaw, Mancliester. Can Jeremiah be refuted? A rebuke to religious and irreligious infidels. A sermon. 2d ed. Manchester, 1861. 8 PARKYNS (G. J.). Monastic and baronial re- mains, with other interesting fragments of an- tiquity, in England, Wales, and Scotland. Illustrated by xipwards of one hundred plates. 2 vol. London, 1816. 8 PARLIAMENT. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in parliament, for the or- dination of ministers by the classicall Presby- ters, within their respective bounds. London, 1646. 4 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons as- sembled in parliament, for the speedy dividing the severall counties of this kingdome into dis- tinct classicall Presbyteries, and congregational Elderships. London, 1647. 4 Memorandums for those that go into the coun- try to dispose the corporations to a good elec- tion of members of parliament. . To be read by them often. s. I., [1687]. 4 Reflections on a late pamphlet [by John North- leigh], entitled, Parliamentum Pacificum. [By Gilbert BURNET.] Amsterdam, 1688. 4 Licensed by the Earl of Sunderland, and printed at London, in March, 1688. London, 1688. 4 A letter from a freeholder, to the rest of the freeholders of England, and all others, who have votes in the choice of parliament-men. s. I. et a. 4 Of the use and abuse of parliaments : in two historical discourses. [By James RALPH.] 2 vol. London, 1744. 8* Recueil des rem entrances du Parliament, faites au Roi, le 4 Mai 1751, le 15 Avril 1752, le 9 Avril 1753. Traditions des faits. Monu- mens de la sagesse de nos Rois. Capitulaires. Collection d'arrets et arretes. Lettres-patentes, declarations et discours, prononce's a la ren- tree du Parlement, le 4 Septembre 1754. s. I, 1754. 12 A short history of the opposition during the last session of parliament. [By James MAC- PHERSON.] London, 1779. 8 Report upon the boundaries of the several ci- ties, burghs, and towns in England, in respect to the election of members to serve in parlia- ment. [London, 1832.] fol. The Mirror of Parliament, 1833-1837. Edited by John Henry BARROW. 17 vol. London, 1833-37. fol. Parliamentary debates in 1610. Edited [for the Camden Society] from the notes of a mem- ber of the House of Commons, by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. London, 1862. 4 PARLIAMENTARY BURGHS. Report of the committee appointed by the General Assembly to consider and report upon the petitions of the parliamentary burghs, &c. [Edin., 1834.] 8 Another copy. PARMENTIER (ANTOINE-AUGUSTIN). Obser- vations on such nutritive vegetables as may bo substituted in the place of ordinary food, in times of scarcity. Extracted from the French of M. P. London, 1783. 8 PARNELL (EDWARD ANDREW), Assistant chemi- cal lecturer in the medical school of St Thomas's hospital. Elements of chemical analysis, qua- litative and quantitative. A new edition. London, 1845. 8 PARNELL (Sir HENRY), Bart. A history of the penal laws against the Irish Catholics ; from the treaty of Limerick to the Union. London, 1808. 8 On financial reform. 3d ed. London, 1831. 8 PARNELL (THOMAS), D. D., Archdeacon of ClogJier. The works, in verse and prose, of Dr T. P. Enlarged with variations and poems, not before publish'd. Glasgow, 1767. 16 PARR (ELNATHAN), B.D., Sector of Palgrave, PARR PASCAL Su/ulk. The workes of that faithfull and paiuefull preacher Mr E. P. 3d ed. London, 1632. fol. Another copy. Abba Father : or a plaine and short direction concerning the framing of priuate prayer. Also, sundrie godly admonitions concerning time, and the well vsing of it. 3d ed. London, 1630. 12 PARR (SAMUEL), LL.D., Prebendary of St PauVs. A free translation [by William Beloe] of the preface to BELLENDENUS. 1788 PARR^EUS (HENRICUS). De regno Dei, et vic- toria Christiana, conciones dute. Londini, 1606. 4 PARRY (J. D.), M.A. An historical and de- scriptive account of the coast of Sussex... London, 1833. 8 PARRY (WILLIAM), Tutor of Wymondly acade- my. A vindication of public and social wor- ship ; containing an examination of the evi- dence concerning it in the New Testament, and of Mr Wakefield's enquiry into its pro- priety and expediency. London, 1792. 8 An inquiry into the nature and extent of the inspiration of the Apostles, and other writers of the New Testament. Conducted with a view to some late opinions on the subject. 2d ed. With a brief memoir of the author, by the Rev. S. Newton. London, 1822. 12 PARSONS. Hints to strolling parsons, and a word or two respectfully addressed to the peo- ple of New Kilpatrick. By one of themselves. Glasgow, 1843. 8 Second edition. Glasgow, 1843. 8 PARSONS (BARTHOLOMEW), B.D., Rector of Lud- gershall, ll'iltshire. A Romane centurion be- comming a good souldier of lesus Christ. In foure sermons [on Eph. vi. 13, 14] preached in the cathedrall church, and in St Thomas Church at Sarum. London, 1635. 4 PARSONS (JAMES), M.D. The Crounian lec- tures on muscular motion. For the years MDCCXLIV. and MDCCXLV. Read before the Royal Society. Being a supplement to the Philosophical Transactions for those years. London, 1745. 4 Remains of Japhet : being historical enquiries into the affinity and origin of the European languages. London, 1767. 4 PARSONS (JOHN CLERE), Earl of Rosse. An ar- gument to prove the truth of the Christian revelation. London, 1834. 8 PARSONS (LEVi), First missionary to Palestine from the United States. * Memoir of the Rev. L. P 2d ed. : containing two discourses in defence of missions and revivals of religion... now first published. Also extracts from a farewell address delivered before ' ' The society of enquiry upon the subject of missions," at Andover, September, 1817. Compiled and prepared by the Rev. Daniel O. Morton, A.M. Burlington, 1830. 12 Another edition. Edited and abridged by William Innes. Edin., 1832. 12 PARSONS, or PERSONS (ROBERT), S. J. A booke of Christian exercise appertaining to re- solvtion, that is, shewing how that we should resolue ourselues to become Christians indeede. By R. P. Perused, and accompanied now with a treatise tending to pacification, by Ed- mund BCN.NV. Osfvrd, 1585. 12 Elizebethae reginse Anglite edictum promulga- tum Londini 21) Nouenib. anno M.D.XCI. An- dreas PHILOPATRI [Pseud.] ad idem edictum responsio. *. I., 1593. 8 The Jesuits memorial for the intended refor- mation of England under their first Popish prince. Published from that copy that was presented to the late King James II. With an introduction, and some animadversions, by Edward Gee. London, 1690. 8" PARSONS (ROBERT). Abilities for the ministry of the Gospel from God alone. A discourse on 2 Corinthians, iii. 6. Delivered to the Baptist congregation meeting in Bath in June, 1774. Bath, 1774. 8 PARSONS (ROBERT), A.M., Rector of Addinglon, Gloucestershire. A farther account of the con- version of the Earl of Rochester ; [with Some passages of the life of John [WILMOT] Earl of Rochester, by Gilbert Burnet]. . a. A sermon preached at the funeral of the Earl of Rochester ; [with, Some passages of the life and death of John [ WILMOT] Earl of Roches- ter, by Gilbert Burnet]. 1787 PARSONS (T.). The Holy Bible. 1803. See BIBLES ENGLISH. A. PARTHENOP^EUS HERETICUS, pseud., i. e. William GORDON. PARTIES. The state of parties, and of the pub- lick as influenced by those parties, in this con- juncture, offered to Englishmen. London, 1692. 4 PARTRIDGE (SAMUEL), M.A., Rector of Boston, and of Wigtoft with Quadring. Sermons, alter- ed, and adapted to an English pulpit, from French writers. 2 vol. [Vol. i., 2d ed.] London and Boston, 1805, 9. 8 PASCAL (BLAISE). OSuvres. 5 torn. La Haye, 1779. 8 Les Provinciales ou lettres ecrites par Louis de MONTALTE [Pseud.] a un Provincial de ses amis, et au RR. PP. Jesuites : sur le sujet de la morale, et de la politique de ces Peres. Cologne, 1657. 12 Nouvelle Edition. Clermont en Auvergne, 1752. 12 Another edition. 2 torn. Paris, 1815. 12 Another edition. 3 torn. Paris, 1834. 12 Translated from the French. To which is added, a view of the history of the Jesuits, and of the late Bull for the revival of the order in Europe. New York, 1828. 12 A new translation, with historical introduc- tion and notes by the Rev. Thomas M'Crie.^ 1 ! Edin., 1847. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Pense"es sur la religion, et sur quelques autres sujets, qui ont este trotive'es apres sa mort parmy ses papiers. Edition nouvelle, aug- PASCAL PASTOR. 691 mente'e de beaucoup de pense'es, de la vie du meme autlieur, [par Madame Perier] et de quelques dissertations. Amsterdam, 1688. 12 Nouvelle Edition. Amsterdam, 1701. 12 Another edition. Amsterdam, 1712. 12 Another edition. Paris, 1761. 12 Another edition. 2 torn. Paris, 1812. 12 A new translation , and a memoir of his life, by the Rev. Edward Craig. 2d ed. Edin., 1828. 12 Pense'es, fragments, et lettres de B. P. Pub- lie's pour la premiere fois conformement aux manuscrits originaux en grande partie ine'dits, par M. Prosper Faugere. 2 torn. Paris, 1844. 8 * The lives of Picus and Pascal. By Edward Jesup. [The life of Pascal is collected from the writings of Madame Perier, his sister.] 1723 PASCAL, the younger. Cases of conscience ; or, lessons in morals : for the use of the laity. By Pascal the younger. 3d ed. With a prefatory letter to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. London, 1852. 8 Wiseman versus Pascal the younger. The Church of Rome's defence against " cases of conscience," with a reply. By Pascal the younger. London, 1851. 8 PASCHASIUS (RADBERTTTS). See Paschasius RADBERTUS. PASCOE (TEMPERANCE). * Narratives of two recent instances of conversion. The former, of T. P., a native of Penzance in Cornwall. The latter, of Mons. Hyacinthe de LA SERRE, a prisoner of war, now on his parole at Ashby de la Zouch in Leicester-shire, and related by himself in a letter to his parents in Lorraine. Edin., 1809. 12 PASLEY (T. H.). A theory of natural philoso- phy, on mechanical principles, divested of all immaterial chymical properties, shewing for the first time the physical cause of continuous motion. London, 1836. 8 PASOR (GEORGIUS), Professor of Greek at Frdne- ker. Lexicon Grseco-Latinum in Novum Do- mini nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum, ubi omnium vocabulorum themata indicantur, et utraque tarn themata quam derivata gramma- ticfc resolvuntur. Cum indice Grsecarum vo- cum copiosissimo...Editio secunda. Herbornce Nassoviorum, 1621. 8 Manuale Grsecarum vocum N. Testament!, cui accessit index anomalorum et difficiliorum vo- cabulorum, item tractatus de Grsecia N. Testa- menti accentibus. [Imperfect.] Lugd. Batav., 1640. 12 PASQUIER (ETIENNE), Counselor to the parlia- ment of Paris. Le catechisme des JESUITES. 1677 PASSAGLIA (CAROLUS), Professor of tlieology in tJie college at Home. Commentarius de prrero- gativis beati Petri Apostolorum principis auc- toritate divinarum litterarum comprobatis. Ratisbonce, 1850. 8 De immaculate Deiparse semper Virginis con- ceptu commentarius. 3 partt. Rvma, 1854, 55. 4 De zeternitate pcenarum, deque igne inferno commentarii. Editio prima Romana. Ronue, 1855. 8 PASSIONS. Natural history of the passions. I?j, the Savoy, 1674. 8 An essay on the nature and conduct of the passions and affections. With illustrations on the moral sense. [By Francis HUTCHESON.] Third edition, with additions. London, 1742. 8 The philosophy of the passions ; demonstrating their nature, properties, effects, use and abuse. 2 vol. London, 1772. 8 PASSIVE OBEDIENCE. The history of pas- sive obedience since the Reformation. [By Abednego SELLER.] Amsterdam, 1689. 4 A continuation of the history of passive obe- dience since the Reformation. [By Abednego SELLER.] Amsterdam, 1690. 4 Christianity, a doctrine of the cross : or, pas- sive obedience, under any pretended invasion of legal rights and liberties. [By John KET- TLEWELL.] London, 1691. 4 PASSOW (FRANZ). Handworterbuch der Grie- chischen Sprache. Vierte durchgaengig ver- besserte und vielfach vermehrte Ausgabe. 2 Bande. Leipzig, 1830, 31. 8 Another copy. PASTOR. The Pastor and the Prelate, or refor- mation and conformitie shortly compared by the word of God, by antiquity and the pro- ceedings of the ancient Kirk, by the nature and use of things indifferent, by the proceedings of our owne Kirk, by the weill of the Kirk and of the peoples soules, and by the good of the commonwealth and of our outward estate : with the answer of the common and chiefest objec- tions against everie part : shewing whether of the two is to be followed by the true Christian and countrieman. [By David CALDERWOOD.] s. I. 1628. 4* Another copy. Another edition. Edin. , 1692. 4 Another edition. [Presbyterian armoury.] Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Des devoirs des pasteurs et des peuples, par rapport a la persecution et au martyre. [Par Du VIDAL.] 2 torn. Rotterdam, 1695. 8 Imparity among pastors, the government of the Church by divine institution ; as main- tain'd in an extemporary debate, by an Epis- copalian divine, against one of the Presbyte- rian perswasion. [By HAY.] s. I, 1703. 4 Jus populi divinum, or, the people's right to elect their pastors, made evident from Scrip- ture. By a minister of the Church of Scotland ; [John CURRIE]. Edin., 1727. 8 Another copy. Another copy. [Wants title, and imperfect.] An exposition of the principles of the Church of Scotland, in regard to the admission of pas- tors : being a coxirse of lectures delivered in Edinburgh, by ministers of that Church ; [Drs 592 PATAROL-PATRES. Begg, Bcnnio, C. J. Brown, Candlish, Cun- ningham, Guthrie, and tho Rev. R. Elder, and A. Moody Stuart]. 2d od. Edin., 1842. 12 Another copy. Another copy. PATAROL (LAURENTIUS). Opera omnia quorum pleraque nunc primum in lucem prodeunt. 2 torn. Venetiia, 1743. 4 PATERCULUS (C. or P. VELLEIUS). Historia Romana cum selectia variorum notis. Anto- niua Thyaiua edidit, et accurate recensuit. Lugd. Batav., 1G59. 8 PATERSON (ALEXANDER SMITH), A.M. Tho history of the Church, from the creation of the world, to the commencement of the nineteenth century of the Christian era, in the form of question and answer, compiled and abridged from various authors. Revised, edited, and prefaced by Rev. James Brewster. 2 vol. Edin., 1830. 8 Another copy. A concise system of theology : being the shorter CATECHISM of the Westminster Assembly of divines, analyzed and explained. With a paper on the history and arrangement of the shorter catechism. By the Rev. Duncan Macfarlan. Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. Second edition. Edin., 1844. 12 Another copy. PATERSON (ARCHIBALD). Passages of Scrip- ture and remarks on the universal pardon from the first condemnation. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1830. 8 PATERSON (JAMES). The obit book of the church of St John the Baptist, Ayr ; with a translation, and an historical sketch, illustra- tive notes, index, &c. Edin., 1848. 4 Origin of the Scots and the Scottish language. . . Edin., 1855. 8 PATERSON (JEAN).* Memoir of the late Mrs P., wife of the Rev. Dr Paterson, St Peters- burg : containing extracts from her diary and correspondence. By the Rev. William Swan. 3ded. Edin., 1824. 12 PATERSON (JOHN), M.A. The liberty of the Gospel ; or, a gracious deliverance from the bondage and punishment of sin. A sermon [on John, viii/36]. Cupar, 1824. 8 PATERSON (JOHN T.), D.D. Faithfulness unto death the way to glory. A sermon, preached at Liverpool... April 18th, 1843. London, 1843. 12 PATERSON (NATHANIEL), D.D. , Minister of Free St Andrew's church, Glasgoiv. The MANSE garden. 1836 Popery accommodated to human corruption, and accommodating the word of God to itself. [Lect. on Protest.] s. I. et a. 12 Popery the enemy of the souls of men makes merchandise of souls... Glasgoiv, 1836. 8 PATERSON (THOMAS H.). Illustration of faith in Jesus Christ, as our only support at the hour of death : in three discourses ; with other discourses and lectures on important subjects. 2ded, EdiH., 1841. 8 PATERSON (WALTER). Tho legend of lonn, with other poems. /v/i'/t., 1814. 8 J PATKKSuNrsiNiM V s fvrof Liberton. Epigrammatum libri octo. Cum aliquot 1 'sal mom m paraphrasi poetica. K'luJnir'ii, 1678. 8 PATIENCE. The patience of hope. By tho author of " A present heaven." 2d ed. Edin., 1860. 8 PATIN (Guv), M.D. Lettres choisies. Dans les- quelles sont contenuds plusieurs particularite's historiques, sur la vio et la mort des scavans do ce siecle, sur les ecrits et plusieurs autrcs cl loses curieuses depuis 1'an 1645, j usqu'en 1672. Augmented de plus de 300 lettres dans cette derniere Edition. 2 torn. Paris, 1692. 12 PATON (ALEXANDER). Narrative of the loss of the schooner Clio, of Montrose, Captain George Reid ; containing an account of the massacre of her crew by the Indians, on the North coast of Brazils, in October, 1835. 2d ed. Mantrose, 1838. 12 PATON (JAMES), D.D., Minister of Craig. An attempt to shew that the knowledge of God has in all ages been derived from REVELATION. 1773 Letters from a father to his son, a student of divinity. Edin., 1796. 12 Second edition. Edin., 1812. 12 Another copy. [The first edition was published anonymously.] PATRES. Varia sacra ceu sylloge variorum opusculorum Gnecorum ad rem ecclesiasticam spectantium, cura et studio Stephani LE MOYNE. 1685 Opera varia, nunc primum collecta, et opus- culis aliquibus auctiora. Per Jacobum SIR- MONDUM. 1696 Spicilegium SS Patrum, ut et haereticorum, seculi post Christum natum i., ii. et iii. Col- legit Joannes Ernestus GRABIUS. 1698, 99 Bibliotheca Patrum apostolicorum Grseco-La- tina. Per T. ITTIQIUM. 1699 Thesaurus novus anecdotorum. Studio et opera Edmundi MARTENE et Ursini DURAND. 1717 Spicilegium ; sive collectio veterum aliquot scriptorum qui in Gallise bibliothecis delitue- rant. Per Lucam D'ACHERIUM. 1723 Veterum scriptorum et momimentorum histo- ricorum, dogmaticorum moralium amplissima collectio. Studio et opera Edmundi MARTENE, et Ursini DURAND. 1724-1733 SS. Patrum, qui temporibus apostolicis floru- erunt, opera. Per Joannem Baptistam COTE- LERIUM. 1724 OZuvres posthumes de J. MABILLON et D. Thierri RUINART. 1724 Lectiones antiques, ad sseculorum ordinem di- gestas, variisque opusculis auctae. Per Hen- ricum CANISIUM. 1725 Miscellanea. Per Etienne BALU/E. 1761-1764 Bibliotheca veterum Patrum antiquorumque scriptorum ecclesiasticorum, Graeco - Latina. Cura et studio Andrese GALLANDII. 1788 PATRIARCHS PATRICK. 693 SS. Patrum apostolicorum BARNAUL, CLEMENTIS, IGNATII, POLYCARPI, opera genui- na, una cum IGNATII et POLYCARPI martyriis. Accesserunt S. IGNATII epistolse. Cura Ri- chardi RUSSEL. 1746 - S. CLEMENTIS Romani, S. IGNATII, S. POLY- CARPI, Patrum apostolicorum quse supersunt. Accedunt S. IGNATII et S. POLYCARPI marty- ria. Recensuit Gulielmus JACOBSON. 1838 Patrum apostolicorum S. CLEMENTIS Rom. , S. BARNAUL, S. IGNATII et S. POLYCARPI episto- lse. Accedunt S. IGNATII et S. POLYCARPI martyria. Textum recensuit Fr. X. REITH- MAYR. 1844 Patrum apostolicorum opera. Textum recog- novit Carolus Josephus HEFELE. 1855 Reliquiae sacrse. Recensuit Martinus Josephus ROUTH. 1814-48 Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum opuscula prseci- pua qusedam. Recensuit Martinus Josephus ROUTE. 1840 Opuscula Patrum selecta. 2 partt. [Contain- ing Augustini librum de catechizandis rudi- bus ; Clementis Alex, librum TI; 6 f the life <>f Peter tho First. Containing ;i description <>f Russia or Muscovy, Siberia, Grim Tartary, A<-. With an account of the government, religion, ct- re- monies and superstitions, customs, manners and dress of the inhabitants. Also, the birth and rise of the Empress Catharine, with tho crimes and trial of the Czarewitz, son to Peter I. London, 1739. fol. PETER (H.). Church-government and Church- covenant discussed, in an answer of the Elders of the several Churches in New-England to two and thirty questions, sent over to them by divers ministers in England, to declare their judgments therein. Together with an apolo- gie of the said Elders in New-England for Church-covenant, sent over in answer to Mas- ter Bernard in the year 1639. As also in an answer to nine positions about Church-govern- ment. London, 1643. 4 PETERBOROUGH. Chronicon Petroburgense. Nunc primum typis mandatum, curante Tho- ma Stapleton. [Camden Society.] Londini, 1849. 4 PETERBOROUGH, BISHOP OF. See Richard CUMBERLAND. PETERBOROUGH, BISHOP OF. See John HlNCHCLIFFE. PETERBOROUGH, BISHOPOF. See White KEN- NETT. PETERBOROUGH, BISHOP OF. See Robert LAMB. PETERBOROUGH, BISHOP OF. See Herbert MARSH. PETERKIN (ALEXANDEK). Supplement to the compendium of the laws of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1836. 12 Records of the Kirk of Scotland, containing the Acts and proceedings of the General As- semblies from the year 1638 downwards, as authenticated by the clerks of Assembly ; with notes and historical illustrations. Vol. i. Edin., 1838. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1843. 8 The booke of the universall KIRK OF SCOTLAND. Edited by A. P. 1839 A layman's letters to the Rev. W. CUNNING- HAM. 1839 The constitution of the Church of Scotland, as established at the Revolution, 1689-90 ; ex- emplified in the acts of the Estates of Parlia- ment and the proceedings of the Church. Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. PETERKIN (W.). The excuses urged by the absentees from public WORSHIP examined. 1779 PETERS (ANZONETTA REBECCA). * The young disciple ; or, a memoir of A. R. P. By Rev. John A. Clark. 4th ed. New-York, 1843. 12 PETERS (CHARLES), A.M., Rector of St Mabyn, Cornwall. A critical dissertation on the Book of Job. Wherein the account given of that Book by the author of The divine legation of PETERS PEYRAN. 605 Moses demonstrated, &c. is particularly con- sidered ; the antiquity of the Book vindicated ; the great text (chap. xix. 25-) explained ; and a future state shewn to have been the popular belief of the ancient Jews or Hebrews. London, 1751. 4 PETERS (HUGH). Milke for babes, and meat for men, or, principles necessary to be knowne, and learned, of such as would know Christ here, or be knowne of him hereafter. London, 1641. 8 Good work for a good magistrate. Or, a short cut to great quiet. By honest, homely plain English hints given from Scripture, reason, and experience, for the regulating of most cases in this common-wealth. Concerning re- ligion ; mercie ; justice. By H. P. London, 1651. 12 PETERSEN (C.). Ansichten und Baurisse der neuen Gebiiude fur Hamburgs offentliche Bil- dungsanstalten, kurz beschrieben und in Ver- binding mit dem Plan f iir die kiinf tige Anstel- lung der Stadtbibliothek herausgegeben von den Bibliothekaren J. G. C. LEHMANN und C. P. 1840 PETHINE (ALEXANDER). See A. PEDEN. PETIT-DIDIER (MATHIEU), Abbot of Senones. Traite" theologique sur I'autorite* et 1'infaillibi- lite' des Papes. Avignon, 1726. 8 PETITOT (CLAUDE-BERNARD). Collection com- plete des mdmoires relatifs a 1'histoire de FRANCE, depuis la regne de Philippe- Auguste, jusqu' au commencement du dix-septieme siecle ; avec des notices sur chaque auteur, et des observations sur chaque ouvrage par M. P. (Taine*, et M. A. Petitot, et quelques-uns par M. MONMERQUE']. 52 torn. Paris, 1819-1827. 8 - Collection des memoires relatifs a 1'histoire de FRANCE, depuis I'ave'nement de Henri IV. jusqu' a la paix de Paris, conclue en 1763 ; avec des notices sur chaque auteur, et des ob- servations sur chaque ouvrage, par MM. P. et MONMERQUE'. [Seconde sdrie.j 79 torn. Paris, 1820-1829. 8 PETITPIED (L'Abb<$ NIC.). Nouveau memoire sur les appels des jugemens ecclesiastiques, ou 1'on examine : 1. La justice... des appels aux conciles en general, et en particulier de celui qui a e'te' interjette de la Constitution UNI- GKNITUS. 1717 PETRARCA (FRANCESCO). View of human life. Translated from the Latin, by Mrs Dobson. New edition. London, 1797. 8 * The life of Petrarch. Collected from Me- moires pour la vie de Petrarch. By Mrs Dob- son. 3d ed. 2 vol. London, 1797. 8 PETRE (ROBERT-EDWARD), 9th Lord Petre. Letter [on the rights of English Catholics] from the Right Hon. Lord P. to the Right Rev. Dr Horsley, Bishop of St Davids. London, 1790. 8 PETRI (JOHANNES). Disputationum metaphysi- carum tertia, de principiis primoc philosophise, ot entia all'ectionibua in genere. Ultrajccti, 1641. 4 Dissertatio philosopliica de philosophia in ge- nere. Ultrajecti, 1643. 4 PETRIE (ADAM). Rules of good deportment for Church-officers ; or, friendly advices to them. Edin., 1730. 8 PETRIE (ALEXANDER), Minister of the Scots con- gregation at Rotterdam. A compendious his- tory of the Catholick Church, from the year 600 untill the year 1600. Shewing the defor- mation and reformation. Together with the rise, reign, rage, and begin-fall of the Roman Anti-Christ. With many other profitable in- structions. Gathered out of divers writers of the several times, and other histories. Hague, 1662. fol. Another copy. Another copy. PETRIE (ROBERT). The reasonableness and ne- cessity of publick worship. A sermon [on Heb. xiii. 15-17] preached before the Synod of Dumfries, October 11, 1743. Edin., 1744. 8 PETRONJ (STEFANO EGIDIO). Geste navali del- la monarchia Inglese dal Grande Alfredo sino a questi ultimi tempi, poema. Con prefazioni e note istorico-politiche in Francese di Joseph LavaUe'e. 2 torn. Londra, 1814. 4 PETRUS, LAODICENSIS. Expositio in Orationem Dominicam ; [cum NICETY Colossensis vita.] 1568 PETTIGREW (THOMAS JOSEPH), F.R.S., Libra- rian to the Duke of Sussex. Bibliotheca Sus- sexiana. A descriptive catalogue, accompanied by historical and biographical notices, of tho manuscripts and printed books contained in the library of His R. H. the Duke of" Sussex, in Kensington palace. 2 vol. 3 parts. London, 3827, 39. 8 PETTY (Sir WILLIAM). Political arithmetic ; or, a discourse concerning the extent and value of lands, people, buildings ; husbandry, manu- facture, commerce, fishery, artisans, seamen, soldiers ; publick revenues, interest, taxes, superlucration, registries, banks ; valuation of men, increasing of seamen, of militias, har- bours, situation, shipping, power at sea, &c. As the same relates to every country in gene- ral, but more particularly to the territories of his Majesty of Great Britain, and his neigh- bours of Holland, Zealand, and France. Glasgow, 1751. 16 PEW (RICHARD). Twenty minutes observations on a better mode of providing for the poor ; in which it is rendered probable that they may be effectually relieved, in a manner more agree- able to the general feelings of mankind, at tho same time that two millions sterling, or more, may be annually saved to the nation. London, 1783. 8 PEY (L'abbe"). De I'AUTORITE' des deux puis- sances. 1780 PEYRAN (JEAN RODOLPHE), Pastor ofPomaret. An historical defence of the Waldenses or Vau- dois, inhabitants of the valleys of Piedmont. With an introduction and appendixes, by the Rev. Thomas Sims, M. A. London, 1826. 8 COG PEYRAT PHEMX I'EYRAT (NAPOLEON). Histoire des pasteurs du (Icst-rt depuis la revocation de 1'Edit de N.-mtr.s jusqu' a la Revolution Franchise 1686-1789. 2 torn. Paris, 1842. 8 PEYRERIUS (ISAAC). A theological system upon that supposition that men were before ADAM. 1655 Men before ADAM. , 1G56 PEZRON(PAUL). L'ANTiQCiTBdes terns rrftablie et defendue contre les Juifs et les nouveaux chronologistes. 1G87 Antiquite de la nation et de la langue des Celtes, autrement appellez Gaulois. Paris, 1703. 8 The antiquities of nations ; more particularly of the Celtte or Gauls. . .Englished by Mr Jones. London, 1706. 8 PFAFFIUS (CHRISTOPH. MATTHJSUS), Professor of divinity at Tubingen. Primitise Tubingen- ses, quarum pars prior orationem auspicalem de ofticio professoris theologi dissertationesque inaugurales de Evangeliis sub Anastasio impe- ratore non corruptis et de litibus in articulo de gratia et prsedestinatione ab initio Eccle- siffi usque ad nostra tempera obortis cum co- rollariis de integritate Scriptune sacrae sub in- cudem orthodox ise revocatis funereque Maso- rse ej usque cenotaphio, pars vero posterior nobilissimum de prjejudiciis theologicis argu- mentum prolixius nunc evolutum novaque dis- sertatione illustratum duasque apologias viris clarissimis Scipioni Matfejo et Jo. Alphonso Turrettino oppositas exhibet. Tubingce, 1718. 4 Syntagma dissertationum theologicarum I. De genuinis Novi Testamenti lectionibus, II. De oblatione et III. De consecratione veterum eucharistica. Adsperguntur liturgia Grabiana et fragmenta Irenaei anecdota cum adjunctis in editione Belgica annotationibus, itemque oratio in nativitatem Domini A.MDCCXVIII. ab auctore Tubingee recitata. Stutgardice, 1720. 8 Acta publica Constitutionis Unigenitus a Cle- mente XI. Pontifice Romano contra Pascha- sium Quesnellum conditte, usque ad declara- tionem regiam Parisiensem, quse silentium disceptantibus imposuit. In unum fasciculum omnia magno studio heic congregata fudit, dissertatione preliminari . . . auxit, atque ... ad confirmandos in fide sanctiore Protestantes edidit lucique exposuit C. M. P. Tubingce, 1721. 4 Introductio in historian! theologize literariam notis amplissimis, quae novum opus conficiunt, illustrata. 3 partt. Tubingce, 1724-26. 4 Another copy. Institutiones historite ecclesiasticse, juxta or- dinem seculorum brevissimo penicillo delinea- te... Editio secunda. Tubingce, If 21. 8 Biblia. 1729. See BIBLES GERMAN. A. Juris ecclesiastic! libri quinque. Accedunt dissertationes de successionis episcopalis, maxi- me in Ecclesiis Anglicana et Fratrum Bohemo- rum adhuc vigentis pretio, ubi et controversia Courayeriana et sententia cuiu Cartesianorum turn Anglorum de S. Co;na simul pnnditur, et de crimine hicretiticii, nova item dissertatio de jure sacrorum absolute et collegia! i, ubi dis- sentientibus eel. maxime Buehmero responde- tur, denique dissertatio de editione Aug. Conf. Germanica ex archive Moguntino pronuper eruta, quse itidem heic contra dissentientes de- fenditur. Editio secunda. Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1732. 8 Origines juris ecclesiastici, una cum disserta- tionibus rarioribus jus ecclesiasticum illustran- tibus, quse emendation huic edition! accesse- runt , ruvisu-, auctiu, suppletae. Tubingae, 1756. 4 PFANNKUCHE (HENRICUS FRIDERICUS), D.D. On the language of Palestine in the age of Christ and the Apostles. By J. B. DK Rossi and H. F. P. 1833 PFOCHENIUS (SEBASTIANUS). Diatribe de lin- guae Grsecse Novi Testamenti puritate. Amstel., 1629. 8 PJELEDRUS, Augusti libertus. Fabularum ^Eso- picarum libri v. Londini, 1750. 12 Another edition. Ex recensione Petri Bur- manni fideliter expressa. Glasgtuz, 1800. 12 Fabularum ^Esopiarum quas occulis puerorum subjici fas est libros quinque, cum indice ver- bomm phrasiumque difficiliorum Anglico red- ditorum, edidit A. R. Carson. Editio altera. Edinburgi, 1813. 12 PHARMACY. Annalen der Pharmacie. Band, i.-xcii., [wanting Heft 2], xciii.-xcv., [wantuig Heft 3] [with index to Band i.-lxxvi. in ii. Band.] Heidelberg, 1832-1855. 8 PHELAN (\VILLIAM), D.D., Rector of A rdtrea. The remains of W. P. With a biographical memoir, by John [Jebb], Bishop of Limerick. 2 vol. London, 1832. 8 PHELIPEAUX (L'Abbd JEA*), Canon of Troyes. Relation de 1'origine du QUIETISME. 1732 PHELPES (CHARLES). Needful counsel forluke- warm Christians ; being a consideration of some part of the message sent to the angel of the Church of Laodicea. London, 1672. 4 PHELPS (ROBERT), B.A., Trinity college, Cam- bridge. An elementary treatise on optics : in- tended chiefly to elucidate the principles of the construction of telescopes, and some other optical instruments. Cambridge, 1835. 8 PHENIX. The Phenix ; or, a collection of choice, scarce, and valuable tracts being taken from manuscripts and printed books, very un- common, and not to be found but in the libra- ries of the curious, by a gentleman who has searched after them for twenty years. 2 vol. London, 1707, 8. 8 Another edition. London, 1708, 21. 8 A phenix ; or, the solemn league and covenant. Whereunto is annexed, I. The form and man- ner of His Majesty's coronation in Scotland. With a sermon then preached on that occasion, by Robert DOUGLAS of Edinburgh. II. A de- claration of the Kings Majesty [CHARLES II.] to all his loving subjects of the kingdom of Scotland, &c. in the year 1650. III. The great danger of covenant-breaking, &c. Being the PHILADELPHE PHILLIPS. 607 substance of a sermon [on 2 Tim. 3. 3] preach- ed by Edm. CALAMY the 14. of Jan. 1645, be- fore the then Lord Mayor of the city of Lon- don, Sir Tho. Adams, together with the shie- rift's, aldermen, and common-councell of the said city : being the day of their taking the solemn league and covenant at Michael Basen- shaw, London. Edin., s. a. 12 PHILADELPHE (EUSEBE). Le re'veiUe-matin des Fran9ois et de leurs voisins, compost par Ensebe Philadelphe, cosmopolite. [Attributed to Beza ; and also to Nicolas Barnaud.] Edim., 1574. 8 PHILADELPHIA. The work of God in Phila- delphia, A.I>. 1858. Prepared by the commit- tee of the Young men's Christian association of that city. With an introduction by Henry Groves. London, 1859. 12 PHILALETHES, pseud., i. e. Charles LESLIE. PHILALETHES. Protestant POPERY. 1718 A congratulatory epistle from His Holiness the Pope, to the Rev. Dr Snape. Faithfully translated from the Latin original into Eng- lish verse. By the author of Protestant Po- pery. London, 1718. 8 PHILALETHES, pseud., i. e. Thomas MORGAN. PHILALETHES. Remarks on Philanthropes' answer to the question, " What must I do to be saved ?" By Philalethes. Glasgoiv, 1840. 12 PHILALETHES, pseud., i. e. Thomas RANDALL. PHILALETHES (EUGENIUS), pseud., i. e. A. A. SYKES. PHILALETHES ELEUTHERIUS, pseud., i. e. Lud. MOLIN^US. PHILANTHROPOS. Remarks uponDr Butler's sixth chapter of the Analogy of religion, &c. concerning necessity ; and also upon the dis- sertation of the nature of virtue. London, 1737. 8 PHILANTHROPOS. The question, " What must I do to be saved ?" answered. By Phil- anthropes. Edin., 1840. 12 Another copy. PHILE (MANUEL). De animalium proprietate, ex prima editione Arsenii et libro Oxoniensi restitutus a Joanne Cornelio de Pauw, cum ejusdem animadversionibus et versione Latina Gregorii Bersmanni. Accedunt ex eodem libro Oxoniensi non pauca hactenus inedita. [Gr. et Lat.] Trajecti ad Hhenum, 1730. 4 PHILELEUTHERUS. An appeal to equity, showing the unreasonableness and injustice of obliging dissenters to contribute towards the support of the Church of England : with some remarks on tythes. By Phileleutherus. London, 1817. 8' PHILELEUTHERUS LIPSIENSIS, pseud., i. e. Richard BENTLEY. PHILIATROS (EUONYMUS), pseud., i. e. Conra- dus GESNERUS. , PHILIDOR (ANDRE DANICAN). An introduction to the history and study of Chess ; with copious descriptions, etymological and practical ; to- gether with a system of elementary rules for playing : to which is added, the Analysis of chess of A. D. P. The whole simplifyed, and arranged in a manner entirely new, by an ama- teur. Cheltenham, 1804. 8 PHILIP ( ), D.D. * Case of the Rev. Dr P., superintendent of the missions of the London missionary society in South Africa. London, 1830. 8 Another copy. PHILIP (ROBERT), of Maberly chapel, London. Eternity realized ; or, a guide to the thought- ful. London, 1832. 12 The Marys ; or, the beauty of female holiness. 2d ed. London, 1836. 12 PHILIP DE THAME, Prior.- The Knights Hos- pitallers in England : being the report of Prior Philip de Thame to the Grand Master Elyan de Villanova for A.D. 1338. Edited [for the Camden Society] by the Rev. Lambert B. Larking, M.A., with an historical introduction by John Mitchell Kemble, M.A. London, 1857. 4 PHILLIP (ARTHUR), Governor of New South Wales. *The voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany bay ; with an account of the establish- ment of the colonies of Port Jackson and Nor- folk Island ; compiled from authentic papers, which have been obtained from the several departments. To which are added, the jour- nals of Lieuts. Shortland, Watts, Bate, and Capt. Marshall, with an account of their new discoveries. Embellished with fifty fine cop- per plates... " London, 1789. 4 PHILLIPART (JOHN). Memoirs and campaigns of Charles John [Bernadotte] Prince royal of Sweden. London, 1814. 8 PHILLIPPS (AMBROSE LISLE). A letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Shrewsbury, Water- ford and Wexford, on the re-establishment of the hierarchy of the English Catholic Church, and the present posture of Catholic affairs in Great Britain. London, 1850. 8* PHILLIPS (GEORGE), B.D., Fellow and tutor of Queen's college, Cambridge. The elements of Syriac grammar. 2d ed. London, 1845. 8 PHILLIPS (GEORGES), Professor of Roman law in the university of Vienna. Du droit eccl^si- astique dans ses principes ge'ne'raux, traduit par M. TAbbe* Crouzet. 3 torn. Paris, 1850, 51. 8 Another copy. Du droit ecclesiastique dans ses soivrces, tra- duit par 1' Abbt$ Crouzet, suivi d'un essai de bibliographic du droit canonique. Paris, 1852. 8 Les Synodes dioce'sains. Traduit sur la 2 edi- tion par M. 1'Abbe" A. Crampon. Paris, 1853. 8 PHILLIPS (HENRY), F.H.S. History of culti- vated vegetables ; comprising their botanical, medicinal, edible, and chemical qualities ; na- tural history ; and relation to art, science, and commerce. 2 vol. London, 1822. 8 Sylva florifera : the shrubbery historically and botanically treated ; with observations on the formation of ornamental plantations, and pic- turesqxie scenery. 2 vol. London, 1823. 8 COS PIT I LLIPS PIIILOSTRATUS. PHILLIPS (JOHN), Professor of geoloyy in Kiwfa college, London. Illustrations of the geology of Yorkshire ; or, a description of the strata and organic remains : accompanied by a geolo- gical map, sections, and plates of the fossil plants and animals. [2 part*. Part i. , 2d ed. ] London, 1835, 36. 4 A guide to geology. 3d ed. London, 1836. 8 A treatise on geology, forming the article under that head in the seventh edition of the Ency- clopaedia Britannica. 1^1 in., 1837. 8 Figures and descriptions of the Palaeozoic fos- sils of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset ; observed in the course of the Ordnance geolo- gical survey of that district. Published by order of the Lords commissioners of Her Ma- jesty's treasury. London, 1841. 8 PHILLIPS (MONTAGU LYON). Lectures on na- tural philosophy, intended for the instruction of young persons. First series. London, 1839. 12 PHILLIPS (WILLIAM), F.L.S. An elementary introduction to mineralogy : comprising a no- tice of the characters and elements of mine- rals ; with accounts of the places and circum- stances in which they are found. 4th ed., considerably augmented, by Robert Allan. London, 1837. 8 Fifth edition, from the fourth London edition, by Robert Allan : containing the latest disco- veries in American and foreign mineralogy ; with numerous additions to the introduction. By Francis Alger. Boston, 1844. 8 PHILLPOTTS (HENRY), D.D., Bisliop of Exeter. Letters to Charles Butler, Esq. on the theo- logical parts of his Book of the Roman Catho- lic Church, with remarks on certain works of Dr Milner, and Dr Lingard, and on some parts of the evidence of Dr Doyle before the two ' committees of the Houses of Parliament. 2d ed. London, 1826. 8 A supplemental letter to Charles Bntler, Esq. on some parts of the evidence given by the Irish Roman-Catholic Bishops, particularly by Dr Doyle, before the committees of the two Houses of Parliament, in the session of 1825 : and also on certain passages in Dr Doyle's " Essay on the Catholic claims." London, 1826. 8 A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Exeter, at the triennial visitation in June, July, August, and September, 1842. 2d ed. London, 1843. 12 A letter [on baptism] to the Archbishop of Canterbury. [5th ed.] London, 1850. 8 Another copy. * Brief examination of the Bishop of Exeter's recent charge to his clergy, concerning tithes, Church reform, Unitarianism, &c. By a Unita- rian minister in the diocese. Exeter, 1834. 8 PHILO, JUD.SUS. Opera omnia. Textus editus ad fidem optimarum editionum. [Gr. et Lat.] 8 torn. [Bibl. sac. Patr. Eccl. Grsec.] Lipsice, 1828-30. 12 THILO-BASILEUS. Remarks on Dr West's , In-fori; the lion. House of Commons, Jan. 30, 1709-10. In a letter to the I > "Ion, 1710. 8 PHILOBIBLICUS CANTABRIGIENSIS, pteud. t. e. John CHATMA.N. PHILO-C ALEDON. A defence of the Scots set- tlement at DARIEN. With an answer to tho Spanish memorial against it. And arguments to prove that it is the interest of England tx> join with the Scots, and protect it. To which is added, a description of the country, and a particular account of tho Scots colony. By Philo-Caledon. Edin., 1G'J9. 8 Scotland's present duty : or, a call to the no- bility, gentry, ministry, and commonality of this land, to be duly affected with, and vigo- rously to act for, our common concern in Cale- donia, as a mean to enlarge Christ's kingdom, to benefit ourselves, and do good to all Pro- testant Churches. *. l. t 1700. 4 Another copy. PHILO-DELPHUS. A key to the Church cate- chism, or the Church catechism methodized and explained in a new and easy method, and familiar manner... To which are added somo prayers and hymns, for a help to devotion. London, 1719. 8 PHILO-KURIACES (THEOPHILUS), pseud., i. e. Thomas YOUNG. PHILONOMOS ANGUCUS. A letter to tho author of the Vindication of the ecclesiastical commissioners, concerning the legality of that court. [Wants title.] 4 PHILOPATER (ANDREAS), juetui., i. e. Robert PARSONS. PHILOPRESBYTERUS. A review of ecclesias- tic patronages, as they are established by law ; and of the conduct of the opposing clergy. Edin., 1732. 8 PHILOSOPHY. Philosophia S. Scripture in- terpres. [By LudovicusMEYERUS.] 1674. 8 Tertium edita, et appendice Joachimi Came- rarii aucta ; cum notis variis et prsefatione Jo. Sal. Semleri. Hake Magdeburgicce., 1776. 8 Pense'es philosophiques. [Par D. DIDEROT.] La Haye, 1746. 12* An enquiry after philosophy and theology. Tending to show when and whence mankind came at the knowledge of these two important points. [By R. SPEARMAN.] Edin., 1755. 8 The elements of mental and moral philosophy, founded upon experience, reason, and the Bible. Hartford, 1831. 8 PHILOSTORGIUS. THEODORITI et Evagrii his- toria ecclesiastica. Item excerpta ex Mstoriis Philostorgii et Theodori. 1673 PHILOSTRATUS. Opera quse extant. Philo- strati junioris Imagines, et Callistrati Ecphra- ses. Item Eusebii Cresariensis Episcopi liber contra Hieroclem, qui ex Philostrati historia sequipararat Apollonium Tyaneum Saluatori nostro lesu Christo. Grseca Latinis e regione posita ; Fed. Morellus professor et interpres regius cum MNSS. contulit, recensuit : et hac- tenus nondum Latinitate donata, vertit. Parisiis, 1608. fol. PHILOTECHNUS PICTET. 009 - The two first books of Philostratus, concerning the life of APOLLONIUS Tyaneus : written origi- nally in Greek, and now published in English : together with philological notes upon each chapter. By Charles Blount, Gent. 1680 PHILOTECHNUS. Remarks, for a series of years, on barometrical scales, shewing they are inadequate to predict the weather : the re- sults of these observations exhibited and cor- rected upon a new and enlarged plan, as also an improvement proposed on the rain gage ; with a few hints of the effects on the weather, by the different directions of the wind... Edin., 1814. 8 PHILOTHEUS. Private letters adapted to pub- lic use, written on occasion of the Ass ly's taking cognizance of P f r C 1's writings, wherein natural religion, enthusiasm and self- love... are explicated. Edin., 1736. 8 PHILP (JOHN), Minister of the Congregational chapel, George street, Aberdeen. Early religious instruction recommended. A sermon [on Ps. cxlii. 4] preached before the Sabbath evening school society, in Aberdeen, Jan. 1st 1805. Aberdeen, 1805. 8 - Another copy. PHILPOT (JOHN), B.C.L., Archdeacon of Win- chester. The examinations and writings of J. P. Edited for the Parker society, by the Rev. Robert Eden, M.A. Cambridge, 1842. 8 - Another copy. PHIN (ROBERT). Case for Mr Robert Phin, stu- dent of divinity. To be heard at the bar of the Venerable Assembly, May 1805. s. I. et a. 4 PHIPPS (CONSTANTINE-HENRY), Marquis of Nor- manby. A year of revolution. From a jour- nal kept in Paris in 1848. 2 vol. London, 1857. 8 PHCEBE. To the ministers and elders of the Free Presbyterian Church. Remarks on the election of ministers in the Free Church. Glasgow, 1843. 8 Another copy. Another copy. PHCENIX LIBRARY. See names of the au- thors. PHOTINUS. Lettre a Monsieur A. F. T. duF***, membre du consistoire, et tresorier de 1'Eglise Protestante de Rouen. Paris, 1806. 8 PHOTIUS, Patriarch of Constantinople. Episto- lae. Per Richardum Montacutium Norvicen- sem nuper Episcopum Latine redditse, et notis subinde illustratse. [Gr. et Lat.] Londini, 1651. fol. - Myriobiblon, sive bibliotheca librorum quos legit et censtu't Photius. Greece edidit David Hoeschelius, et notis illustravit. Latine vero reddidit et scholiis auxit Andreas Schottus. Hac ultima editione recognitum, locisque ali- quot sure integritate restitutum. [Gr. et Lat.] Rothomagi, 1653. fol. Ai%tuy Syj/aymyn. E codice Galeano descripsit Ricardus Porsonus. 2 partt. Cantabrigice, 1822. 8 *Histoirede Photius. Par 1' Abbe" J ACER. 1845 PHRENOLOGY. Outlines of phrenology, or the philosophy of man, founded by Drs Gall and Spurzheim. Edin. , 1822. 8 Transactions of the Phrenological Society. Edin., 1824. 8 Thoughts on phrenology : or, phrenology test- ed by reason and revelation. By a barrister of the Middle Temple. London, 1841. 8 PICARD (H.). A new pocket dictionary of the English and Dutch [and Dutch and English] languages, remodelled and corrected from the best authorities. [2 parts.] Zalt-Bommel, 1843. 4 PICCOLOMINI (^ENEAS SYLVIUS). See ^Eneas SYLVIUS. PICHON (L'abbe' THOMAS- JEAN). Les DROITS respectifs de 1'etat et de 1'empire, rappeles a leur principes. 1766 PICK (AARON), Professor of Hebrew and Chaldee, from the university of Prague. The Bible stu- dent's concordance ; by which the English reader may be enabled readily to ascertain the literal meaning of any word in the sacred ori- ginal. London, 1845. 4 PICKARD (W.). The creation and redemption exemplifying the power and mercy of God. A poem in two cantos. With other miscellaneous pieces. Cliesterjield, 1831. 8 PICKERING (THOMAS), D.D. , Vicar of St Sepul- chre's London. A sermon [on 2 Sam. i. 27] preached before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, the aldermen and citizens of London, in the cathedral church of St Paul, Jan. 30th, 1749-50. London, 1750. 4 PICTET (BENEDICT), Professor of theology at Ge- neva. De consensu, ac dissensu inter refor- matos, et Augustanre confessionis fratres, dis- sertatio. Amstel., 1697. 8 La morale Chretienne, ou 1'art de bien vivre. Nouvelle Edition. 2 torn. Geneve, 1710. 4 Another copy. Dissertationum theologicarum de religionis Christianas praestantia ac divinitate decas. Cum oratione de crucis trophseis, ac Christi triumphis. Et populorum ad Chris tianismum conversions. Genevan, 1719. 8 La theologie Chretienne, et la science du salut, ou 1'exposition des veritez que Dieu a revele'es a\ix hommes dans la sainte Ecriture. Avec la refutation des erreurs contraires a ces ve'ritez, 1'histoire de la plupart de ces erreurs, les sen- timens des anciens Peres, et un abrege de ce qu'il y a de plus considerable dans 1'histoire sainte et profane. Nouvelle Edition corrigee et augmentee d'un troisieme tome. 3 torn. Geneve, 1721. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Theologia Christiana, ex puris SS. literarum fontibus hausta. 2 partt. Editio novissima, ab auctore recognita, et priori multum emen- datior. Lugd. Batav. , 1723. 8 Another copy. Another edition. Lugd. Batav. } 1733, 34. 8 Another copy. Another copy. 77 010 PICUS PIETY. Editio quarta, ah cditore, Gulielmo Vint, re- cognita et emendata. Bradford, 1820. 8 Translated from the Latin by Frederick Rey- roux, B.A. / Tifia(>oiifitv6; , or, the self -revenger ex- emplified in Mr William Barlee. By way of rejoynder to the first part of his Reply, viz. the unparalleled variety of discourse in the two first chapters of his pretended vindication. (The second part of the rejoynder to the se- cond part of his Reply being purposely de- signed to follow after by itself, for reasons shortly to be alledged.) Wherein are briefly exhibited, amongst many other things, the rigidly-Presbyterian both principles and prac- tice. A vindication of Grotius from Mr Bax- ter, of Mr Baxter from Mr Barlee, [and] of Episcopal divines from both together. To which is added an appendage touching the judgement of... James [Usher] Lord Primate of Armagh... irrefragably attested by the certi- ficates of Dr Walton, Mr Thorndike, and Mr Gunning, sent in a letter to Dr Bernard. London, 1658. 4 The sinner impleaded in his own court. Where- in are represented the great discouragements from sinning, which the sinner receiveth from sin it self. 3d ed., whereunto is now added, the love of Christ planted upon the very same turf, on which it once had been supplanted by the extreme love of sin. London, 1670. 4 Pacificatorium orthodox^ theologite corpuscu- lum. Sive brevis juniorum sacris ordinibus initiandorum ad sanam doctrinam vere'q ; Christianam manuductio : cui omnes qui, se- posito partium studio, Christum sapiunt et profitentur, unanimiter queant sufiragari... Londini, 1683. fol. PIEROTTI (ERMETE), Architect-engineer to Snr- raya Pashaof Jerusalem. Jerusalem explored, being a description of the ancient and modern city, with numerous illustrations, consisting of views, ground plans, and sections. Translated by Thomas George Bonney, M.A. 2 vol. London, 1864. fol. PIETY. The causes of the decay of Christian piety. Or an impartial survey of the mines of Christian religion, undermin'd by unchris- tian practice. Written by the author of The \vhle duty of man. London, 1675. 8 PIGHIUS PINKERTON. 611 The King's pious proclamation, for encourage- ment of piety and vertue, and for suppressing and punishing of vice, profaneness and immo- rality ; with an abbreviate of the laws to that purpose. As also, a collection of some acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land, Town-Council of Edinburgh, and Kirk- sessions of that city, to the same effect. Edin., 1727. 8 PIGHIUS (ALBERTUS), Provost of the church of St John the Baptist, at Utrecht. Controversia- rum prsecipuarum in comitiis Ratisponensibus tractatarum, et quibus nunc potissimum exa- gitatur Christi fides et religio, diligens et lucu- lenta explicatio per A. P. , ab ipso autore sum- ma diligentia sub mortem recognita. Accessit nunc primum eodem autore succincta compo- nendorum dissidiorum, et sarciendse in reli- gione concordise ratio. Colonice ex officiiM Melchioris Nouesiani, M.D.XLV. fol. Another edition. [Wants title.] 8 PIGNEAUX(P. J.), Episcopiis Adranensis.Dic- tionarium Anamitico-Latinum primitus incep- tum ab P. J. P. Dein absolutum et editum a J. L. TABERD. Serampore, 1838. 4 PIGNEROL, BISHOP OF. See A. CHARVAZ. PIKE (J. G.). Persuasives to early piety, in- terspersed with suitable prayers. New York, s. a. 12 A guide for young disciples of the holy Sa- viour, in their way to immortality, forming a sequel te Persuasives to early piety. Neiv York, s. a. 12 PIKE (SAMUEL), Dissenting minister at Henley- on-Thames. Thoughts on such phrases of Scripture, as ascribe affections and passions to the Deity... With an appendix, concerning the sincerity of God in the calls of the Gospel. London, 1750. 12 Religious cases of conscience answered in an evangelical manner. By S. P., and S. HAY- WARD... London, 1755. 8 Another edition. London, 1807. 8 A compendious Hebrew lexicon, adapted to the English language, and composed upon a new, commodious plan. To which is annexed a brief account of the construction and rationale of the Hebrew tongue. London, 1766. 8 PILATTE (LEON), Waldensian pastor at Nice. Plymouthism in Italy. A letter to the Fo- reigners' evangelisation committee at Nice. London, 1859. 8 PILKINGTON (JAMES), D.D., Bishop of Dur- ham. The works of J. P. Edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. James Schole- field, A.M. Cambridge, 1842. 8 PILLANS (JAMES), Professor of Humanity in the university of Edinburgh. Three lectures on the proper objects and methods of education in re- ference to the different orders of society ; and on the relative utility of classical instruction. Delivered in the Humanity class-room, No- vember 1835. 2ded. Edin., 1854. 8 PILLONNIERE (FRANCIS DE LA). See F. deLA PlLLONNIEKE. PILPAY. See BIDPAI. PILUL^E. Pilulse spleneticte ; or, a laugh from a true blue Presbyterian. Read on, and you'll see the jest. Edin., 1736. 8 Another copy. PINAULT (L'Abbe*). Histoire abrege'e de la der- niere persecution de PORT- ROYAL. 1750 PINCKARD (GEORGE), M.D. Notes on the West Indies : written during the expedition under the command of the late General Sir Ralph Abercromby : including observations on the island of Barbadoes, and the settlements captured by the British troops, upon the coast of Guiana ; likewise remarks relating to the Creoles and slaves of the Western colonies, and the Indians of South America : with occa- sional hints, regarding the seasoning, or yellow fever of hot climates. 3 vol. London, 1806. 8 PINDARUS, THEBANUS. Ta rov Um^ov Ohvp- iriat. Ex editione Oxoniensi. Glasguce, 1754. 16 T rov IIfj/8afot> Hv0t. Ex editione Oxoniensi. Glasgua, 1754. 16 Carmina ; cum versione Latina. Accedunt lectionis varietas et adnotationes. Iterum cu- ravit Chr. Gottl. Heyne. Londini, 1823. 8 Another edition. Accedunt interpretatio La- tina emendatior, scholia, et fragmenta ; nee non G. Hermanni Pindaricse, et indices tres. A C. G. Heyne. Nova editio correcta, et ex schedis Heyiiianis aucta. 3 torn. Londini, 1824. 8 Odes of Pindar, with several other pieces in prose and verse, translated from the Greek. To which is prefixed a dissertation on the Olympic games. By Gilbert West, LL.D. London, 1749. 4 [The other pieces referred to in the above are Ode iv., Book iv. of Horace ; Iphigenia in Tauris, of Euripides ; the triumphs of the gout, of Lucian ; translations from the Argo- nautics of Apollonius Rhodius ; the Hymn of Cleanthes ; and Menexenus, a dialogue of Plato.] Another edition. 3 vol. London, 1766. 12 PINEDA (JOANNES DE). Commentariorum in Job libri tredecim. Adjungitur sua singulis capitibus paraphrasis. 2 torn. Antverpue et Colonice, 1612, 23. fol. PINKERTON (JOHN). An enquiry into the his- tory of Scotland preceding the reign of Mal- colm III., or the year 1056. Including the authentic history of that period. 2 vol. London, 1789. 8 Another edition. London, 1794. 8 A new edition, with corrections and additions. Edin., 1814. 8 An essay on medals : or, an introduction to the knowledge of ancient and modern coins and medals ; especially those of Greece, Rome, and Britain. A new edition, corrected, greatly enlarged, and illustrated with plates. 2 vol. London, 1789. 8 Another edition. London, 1805. 8 The history of Scotland from the accession of 612 I I. \KERTOX-PITCA1 the House of Stuart to that of Mary. With appendixes <>f original papers. 2 vol. XOM./..II, 17!>7. 4 PINKERTON (ROBERT), D.D. The pr, state of the Greek Church in Russia, or a sum- mary of Christian divinity : by PLATON, late metropolitan of Moscow. Translated from the Slavonian. With a preliminary memoir on the ecclesiastical establishment in Russia, and an appendix, containing an account of the ori- gin and di tierent sects of Russian dissenters. By R. P. 1814 Extracts of letters from the Rev. R. P., on his late tour in Russia, Poland, and Germany ; to promote the object of the British and Fo- reign Bible society. Together with a letter from Prince Alexander Galitzin, to the Right Hon. Lord Teignmouth. London, 1817. 8 Russia : or, miscellaneous observations on the past and present state of that country and its inhabitants. Compiled from notes made on the spot, during travels, at different times, in the service of the Bible society, and a residence of many years in that country. London, 1833. 8 PINNERS - HALL. Peace at Pinners -Hall wish'd, and attempted in a pacifick paper touching the universality of redemption, the conditionally of the covenant of grace, and our freedom from the law of works : upon oc- casion of a sermon, wherein something was spoken upon those points, with reference to the preachers of that Lecture there, for the healing of peoples minds, and preventing of- fence about them. By a lover of truth and accomodation. London, 1692. 4 PINNOCK (W.). Catechisms of the arts and sciences : forming a complete juvenile Ency- clopredia of general knowledge. 10 vol. London, 1822. 12 PIPER (FERDINANDUS). De externa vitas Jesu clironologia recte constituenda. Dissertatio inauguralis quam...in academia Georgia Au- gusta... publice defendet F. P. Gottingce, [1835]. 4 PIPPINGIUS (HENRICUS). De triplici corona Roman! Pontificis... Lipsice, 1692. 4 PIPES (ToM). A letter to the PUJV. Robert S. Candlish, D.D., touching what passeth in his household on the Sabbath, and how far he obeys the injunction, Ye shall kindle no fire throughout all your habitations upon the Sab- bath-day. Exodiis, xxxv. 3. Slave money. Is the sustentation fund the cause of God ? Riglxt of women to vote in the election of Free ministers, &c. A'./m., 1847. 8 PIRIE (ALEXANDER). Three letters to the au- thor of a pamphlet, entitled, Reasons by a lay member of the Presbytery of Relief, which in- duced him to join the majority, in refusing to concur with a call from the congregation at Blair-Logie, to Mr A. P. Edin., 1776. 8 PIRIE (ALEXANDER), Inde-pendenl minister at Neicbnrgh, Fife. The miscellaneous and post- humous works of the Rev. A. P. Vol. i., iv.-vi. Ji'/Jii.,1805, 6. 12- Critical and practical observations on Scrip- ture texts. /'-'/.. 1786. i- A dissertation on baptism, intni'lnl t<> illus- trate the origin, history, design, mode and sub- jects of that sacred institution : wherein the mistakes of the Quakers and Baptists on that subject are pointed out, and their obj. refuted : to which is added an inquiry into the lawfulness <>f eating bluml. Perth, 17H;. \- Appendix to A dissertation on baptism, in- tended to expose the fallacy and absurdity of the ideas of the Baptists concerning circumci- sion and baptism ; the two Churches of the Old and New Testaments ; the two covenants and two seeds of Abraham ; containing a full answer to all that Messrs M'Lean and Booth have advanced on these subjects : in a series of letters addressed to Mr M'Lean, of Edin- burgh, /'.if /i, 1787. 12 The duties and qualifications of a Gospel mis- sionary : a sermon [on Matt, xxviii. 19, 20] preached before the Glasgow missionary so- ciety, 1797. Glasgow, 1797. 8 PIRIE (WILLIAM R.), D.D., Professor o/dtVi >'/./ and Church history in the university of Aberdeen. Letter in explanation of the present posi- tion of parties in the Church. By the Rev. James PAULL and W. R. P. 1840 Some notice taken of the Rev. Andrew Gray by Messrs PAULL and Pirie. 1840 PIRRET (DAVID). The ethics of the Sabbath. Edin., 1855. 8 PISCATOR (JOHANNES), Professor of divinity at Herborn. Aphorism! doctrime Cliristianaj, ex Institutione Calvini excerpti : hactenus in scho- la Herbornensi publice ad disputandum propo- siti, et deinceps (si Deus voluerit) proponendi. Herborna, 1589. 8 Responsio ad dictata Danielis Hofmanni : qui- bus quaistiones illius rhetoricas de tropo in verbis sacrae Ccense oppugnavit. Ad calcem quiestiones illse rhetoricte Piscatoris adjecUe sunt. Herbonue Nassoviorum, 1592. 8 Commentarii in omnes Libros Novi Testamen- ti...Quibus continentur 1. Analysis logica sin- gulorum librorum et capitum. 2. Scholia in singula capita. 3. Observationes locorum doc- triiife e singulis capitibus. Omnia ha-c ab au- thore recognita. Editio secunda. HerborncK Nassoviorum, 1621. 4 Editio tertia. Herbornce Nassoviorum, 1638. fol. Another copy. Commentarii in omnes Libros Veteris Testa- menti...4 torn. Herbonue Nassoviorum, 1643-6. fol. Another copy. | PISIS (BARTHOLOM.EUS DE). ALCORANUS FI:AN- CICANORUM. 1651 j PISTOIA, BISHOP or. See Scipio de RICCI. P1STOIA, or PISTORIA. Acta et decreta Sy- nodi dioocesanse Pistoriensis an. MDCCLXXXVI. [2partt.] Ticini, 1789. 8 1 PITCARNE (ALEXANDER), Minister of the Gosjtel at Drn. The spiritual sacrifice: or, a treatise, wherein several weighty questions and cases, PITCARNIUS PLAC.EUS. 613 concerning the saints communion with God in prayer, are propounded ; and practically im- proved. [In four parts.] Edin., 1604. 4 Compendiaria et perfacilis physiologic idea, Aristotelicse forte conformior, physical practi- ce ac chymicis experimentis accommodatior et aptior, quam quse vulgo in scholis obtinuit, et in amplis Jesuitarum monumentis conspicitur. Una cum anatome Cartesianismi, in qua Car- tesii speculationes metaphysics examini sub- jiciuntur. Londini, 1676. 8 - Harmonia evangelica Apostolorum Pauli et Ja- cobi in doctrina de justilicatione ; cum eno- datione priecipuarum difficultatum super hoc fundamental! articulo, vindicatione doctrina) orthodox*, et confutatione errorum ab anti- quis et modernis propriae justitia? praBconibus assertorum. Adversus Socinianos, Pontificios, Arminianos, Curcella3um, Morum, Bullum, Sherlockum, et alios novaturientes instituta. Una cum inquisitione in constitutionem con- troversies inter nos et Romanenses a D. le Blanc exhibitam ; in secundam justificatio- nem, cum Pontificiam, turn Baxterianam a mo- dernis Conditionalistis propugnatam ; et in alia istius commatis Neotericorum placita. Eoterodami, 1685. 8 - Another copy. PITCARNIUS (ARCHIBALDUS), M.D. Selecta poemata Archibald! Pitcarnii Med. Doctoris, Gulielmi SCOT a Thirlestane, Equitis, Thomse KINCADII, civis Edinburgensis, et aliorum. Edinburgi, 1727. 12 PITISCUS (SAMUEL). Lexicon antiquitatum Romanarum : in quo ritus et antiquitates cum Graacis ac Romanis communes, turn Romanis peculiares, sacrse et profanaj, publicae et pri- vatae, civiles ac militares exponuntur. Acce- dit his auctorum notatorum, emendatorum, et explicatorum index copiosissimus. Cum figu- ris in a;s incisis. 2 torn. Leovardice, 1713. fol. PITMAN (JOHN ROGERS), M.A., Perpetual curate of St Barnabas' church, Kensington. A course of sermons on some of the chief subjects in the Book of Psalms... Abridged from eminent di- vines of the Established Church... London, 1846. 8 PITRA (DoM ). Etudes sur la collection des actes des saints par les RR. PP. Jesuites Bol- landistes ; precedees d'une dissertation sur les anciennes collections hagiographiques, et sui- vies d'un recueil de pieces inedites. Paris, 1850. 8 PITSLIGO, LORD. See FORBES. PITT (WILLIAM), Earl of Chatham.* The his- tory of the life of W. P. London, 1783. 8 PITT (Right Hon. WILLIAM). The necessity of reform inculcated, and its propriety and con- stitutional legality asserted. To which is add- ed an exposition of anti-Jacobinism ; two let- ters on reform, addressed to the Right Hon. Charles Yorke, and an article illustrating that gentleman's political conduct, by his recent acceptance of a lucrative sinecure. London, s. a. 8" * A letter to the Right Hon. W. P., on the present alarming crisis of public affairs. London, 1796. 8 Speech in the House of Commons, 10th Nov. 1797, relative to the negotiation for peace. Lomlon, 1797. 8 PITT (WILLIAM MORTON), M.P. An address to the landed interest, on the deficiency of habi- tations and fuel for the use of the poor. London, 1797. 8 PITTILLOH (ROBERT), Advocate. Oppression under the colour of law, or, my Lord Hercarse his new Praticks. London, 1689. 4 PIUS II. [^ENEAS SYLVIUS PICCOLOMINI], Pope. Epistole et varii tractatus Pii secudi potiti- cis maximi : ad diuersos in quadruplici vite eius statu trasmisse noviter impresse feliciter incipiunt. Lugduni, M.CCCCC.XVIII. 8 Commentariorum historicorum libri iii. de con- cilio Basiliensi. Cattopoli, 1667. 4 PIUS IV. [GIOVANNI ANGELO MEDICI], Pope. * Pope Pius his profession of faith vindicated from novelty in additional articles. London, 1C87. 4 The additional articles in Pope Pius's creed, no articles of the Christian faith. Being an answer to a late pamphlet, intituled, Pope Pius his profession of faith vindicated from novelty in additional articles. And the pro- spect of Popery, taken from that authentic record, with short notes thereupon [by A. Al- tham] defended. London, 1688. 4 PIUS V. [MICHAEL GHISLERI], Pope. *The life and pontificate of Saint Pius the fifth. Sub- joined is a reimpression of a historic deduction of the Episcopal oath of allegiance to the Pope, in the Church of Rome. By the Rev. Joseph Mendham, M.A. London, 1832. 8 PIUS VI. [GIOVANNI ANGELO BRASCHI], Pope. * Memoires historiques et philosophiques sur Pie VI. et son pontificat, jusqu'a sa retraite en Toscane ; ou Ton trouve des details curieux sur sa vie privee, sur les querelles avec les di- verses puissances de 1'Europe, sur les causes qui ont amend le renversement du trone pon- tifical, et sur la Revolution de Rome : tirees des sources les pins authentiques. [Par Jean- Franois BOURGOING.] 2 torn. Paris, an 7 de la repiMique [1799]. 8 Translated from the French. 2 vol. London, 1799. 8 A letter from the late Pope Pius VI. With other recommendations to Catholics to read the holy Scriptures. London, s. a. 12 PIUS VII. [GREGORIO LUIGI BARNABA CHIARA- MONTI], Pope. * Histoire du Pape Pie VII. Par M. le Chevalier ARTAUD. 1837 PIUS IX. [GIOVANNI MARIA MASTAI-FERRETTI], Pope. Lettre encyclique de Pie IX. a tous les Patriarches, Priniats, Archeveques et Eveques. [Fr. et Lat.] Paris, 1846. 8 PLAC^EUS ( JOSUA), Professor of tJwology at Sau- mur. Opera omnia ; in uiium corpus mine primum collecta, in quo Gallice ab auctore scripta Latinitate donata comparent. Editio novissima. 2 torn. Franc qucra:, 1702, 3. 4 PLACCIUS PL A I Disputationes de argumentis, quibus eflicitur, Christum prius fuissc, quain in ntero Beatst lady, by Sir William Barclay ; the Ordinary, by William Cartwright ; the Queen of Arragoii, by William Habington ; and the Marriage- night [imperfect], by Henry, Lord Viscount Falkland.] [General title wanting.] 12 PLEA. The Christian's plea for his God and Saviour Jesus Christ. London, 1719. 8 PLINIUS SECUNDUS (CAius), Senior. Historia mundi libri xxxvii., a Sigismundo Gelenio diligenter castigati...Acces8erunt ad marginem variae lectiones ac notse ex Fer. Pintiani, Adr. Turnebi, Jos Scaligeri, Justi Lipsii, et aliorum doctissimorum virorum scriptis diligenter ex- ccrpta?... Lwjduni, 1582. fol. Ill PLINIUS-POCOCK. - llistoria naturalo, tradntta par M. Lodovico Dmnriiichi... I inn/in, 15(51. 4 I'l.l.MI S Si:.TM>rs C.rcii.irs (L'Airs), Junior. Epiatolu) et panegyricus, notis illustrate. Oxunii, 1677. 8 Another edition. Ex recensione et cum adno- tationibus perpetuis Jo. Matthitu Gesneri, qui- bus Jo. Michaelis Hensingeri, Jo. Christ. Theo- I'liil. Erncsti, suasque notas addidit Godfr. Hour. Scluufer. Lipsict, 1805. 8 Another edition. Ad optimor. exemplar, fi- iloni recognovit et passim emendavit J. A. Amar. 2 torn. Parisiw, 1822. 8 - Epistolarum libri x. Lugduni, 1547. 8 - Another edition. Londini, 1790. 8 An address of thanks to a good prince, pre- sented in the panegyrick of Pliny upon Trajan the best of Roman emperors. [Translated by White Kennet.] London, 1686. 8 - Another edition. Faithfully rendred into English from the original, by George Smith. London, 1702. 8 Correspondence between Pliny the consul and the Emperor Trajan, respecting the early Christians. From the translation by William Melmoth. [From the Encyclopaedia Metropo- litana.] London, 1850. 8 PLOTINUS. An essay on the beautiful. From the Greek of Plotinus. [By J. Taylor.] London, 1792. 8 PLUCHE (NOEL ANTOINE), Professor of rhetoric in tJte college of Rheims. The history of the heavens, considered according to the notions of the poets and philosophers, compar'd with the doctrines of Moses. Being an enquiry into the origine of idolatry. And the mistakes of philosophers, upon the formation and in- fluences of the celestial bodies. Translated from the French, by J. B. De Freval. 2 vol. 3d ed. London, 1752. 12 PLUNKETT (W. C.). * A review of a celebrated speech on the Catholic claims ; delivered in the House of Commons, in the session of 1813 ; in a letter addressed to the Right Hon. W. C. P. London, 1820. 8 PLUQUET (FRANCIS- ANDRE'- ADRIEN), Professor of history in the college of France. Dictionnaire des heresies des erreurs et des schismes, on memoires pour servir a 1'histoire des dgare- ments de 1'esprit humain par rapport a la reli- gion Chre'tienne ; pre'ce'de' d'un discours dans lequel on recherche quelle a e'te' la religion pri- mitive des homines, les changements qu'elle a soufferts jusqu'a la naissance du Christianisme, les causes generates, les filiations et les effets das heresies qui ont divise' les Chretiens ; par Pluquet. Ouvrage augment^ de plus de 400 articles... par M. 1'abbe J. Jh. Claris... suivi 1 d'un dictionnaire nouveau des Jansenistes ...par M. Tabbe" **** ; 2 de 1'Index des livres de'fendus par la sacree congregation de ce nom, depuis sa creation jusqu' a nos jours ; 3 des propositions condamnees par 1'Eglise depuis 1'an 411 jusqu' a present ; 4 de la liste com- plete des ouvrages condamnes par les tribu- naux Fran9ais, avec le texte des jugements et tinfcs du Mnniteur. Publie\j par M. 1 al.l : Migne. 2 torn. /', -. is 17. ;,;;. s' PLURALITIES. A defence of pluralitirH, or, holding two benefices with cure of HI mis, as now practised in the Church of England. | My Henry WHARTON.] London, I '.!'_'. H' The necessity of the abolition of pluralities and non-residence with the employment of substi- tutes by the benenced clergy: dcinon.strati-d in an enquiry into the principles and conse- ipu-ncca of the establishment of curates. l.'.ndtm, 1802. 8 Report of the debate in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on the overtures anent the union of offices, May, 1825. Edin., 1825. 8 Another copy. Report of the debate in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on the overtures anent the union of offices, May, 1820. Edin., 1826. 8 Review of the debate in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May 1826, on the overtures anent the union of offices. [By Ro- bert BURNS.] Edin., 1826. 8 PLUTARCHUS, CH^RONENSIS. PlutarchiCh;u- ronensis quse extant omnia, cum Latina inter- pretatione Hermanni Cruserii, Gulielmi Xy- landri. Accedit nvnc primvm libellus eivsdem de fluuiorum montiumque nominibus, cum versione Maussaci, et doctorum virorum notb, et libellis variantium lectionum ex MSS. codd. diligenter collectamm. [Gr. et Lat.] 2 torn. Francofurti, 1620. fol. Opvscvla sedulo vndequaq ; collecta, et dili- geter recognita, ac in vna facie bellatule coim- pressa. Addita aut sunt nuper opuscula hsec duo, De cohibenda iracundia et curiositate. [Parisiis.] Sub prelo Ascensiano, MDXXVI. fol. Moralia opvscvla, mvltis mendarvm milibus expvrgata. [Gr. ] BasilecK, per H. Frobenivm, et Nic. Episcopum, M.I I.M.I I. fol. Another edition. 6 torn. Lipsice, s. a. 8 Another edition. Ad optimorum librorum fi- dem accurate edita. 6 torn. Lipsice, 1829. 8 1 Prestantissinia atq ; imprimis latialibus musis idonea opuscxila tria, De fortuna Roman oruin, Li. i. De fortuna et virtute Alexandri Li. ii. De tranquillitate et securitate animi Li i. [Interprete Guillielmo Budeo.] Parisiis, M.D.V. 4 Plutarch's lives. Translated from the original Greek. With notes, critical and historical : and a new life of Plutarch by J. Langhorne, D.D., and W. Langhorne, M.A. A new edi- tion. 2 vol. London, 1825. 8 On the delay of the Deity in the punishment of the wicked. With notes, by H. B. Hackett. [Gr.] Andover, 1844. 8 PNEUMATICS. Analysis of pneumatics and moral philosophy. For the use of students in the college of Edinburgh. [By Adam FER- GUSON.] Edin., 1766. 12 C POCOCK, or POCOCKE (EDWARD), D.D., Be- POCOCKE POLENUS. 617 gilts professor of Hebrew in the university of Ox- ford. A commentary on the prophecy of Ho- sea. Oxford, 1685. fol. A commentary on the prophecy of Joel. Oxford, 1691. fol. A commentary on the prophecy of Micah. Se- cond impression. Oxford, 1692. fol. A commentary on the prophecy of Malachi. Second impression. Oxford, 1692. fol. Lives of Dr Edward Pocock, by Dr Tvvells ; of Dr Zachary PEARCE, Bishop of Rochester, and of Dr Thomas NEWTON, Bishop of Bristol, by themselves ; and of the Rev. Philip SKEL- TON, by Mr Burdy. [Edited by Alexander Chalmers.] 2 vol. London, 1816. 8 POCOCKE (E.). India in Greece ; or, truth in mythology : containing the sources of the Hel- lenic race, the colonisation of Egypt and Pa- lestine, the wars of the Grand Lama, and the Bud'histic propaganda in Greece. Illustrated by maps of the Punjab, Cashmir, and North- ern Greece. London, 1852. 8 POCOCKE (RICHARD), LL.D., Bishop of Meath. A description of the East, and some other coun- tries. 2 vol. 3 parts. London, 1743-45. fol. POEM ATA, POEMS. Pia quaadam vetustissi- maque poenlata, partim Antichristum, ej usque spirituales filiolos infectantia, partim etiam Christum, ej usque beneficium mira spiritus alacritate celebrantia. Cum prsefatione Matth. Flacii Illyrici. Ex breviario Proemonstrateii- sium contra invocationem sanctorum. Magdebunjce, 1552. 8 Poems in English and Latin, on the Archers, and Royal-Company of Archers. By several hands. Edin., 1726. 12 Poems on several occasions. [By Roger HOG.] Edin., 1800. 16 POETRY. Sacred poetry. 8th ed. Edin., 1828. 16 Sacred poetry. By a layman. New edition. London, 1835. 8 The gift-book of poetry. Edin., 1843. 12 The book of poetry. Prepared for the Pres- byterian Board of publication. Philadelphia, 1844. 12 3 POETS. The British poets. 42 vol. Edin., 1773. 12 POGGEN9ORF (J. C.). Handworterbuch der reinen und angewandten Chemie. In Verbin- dung mit mehren Gelehrten herausgegeben von Dr Justus LIEBIG und Dr J. C. P. 1837-55 POINSOT (G.), Pastor of the evangelical church of Charleroi. La verite sur la Salette, ou les proce'de's de 1'Eglise de Rome pour faire des miracles, d^voile's par di verses tentatives mal- heureuses, et, en particulier, par 1'histoire de 1'apparition de la saint Vierge sur la montagne de la Salette, le 19 Septembre 1846. Bmxelles, 1856. 12 POINSOT (Louis). Outlines of a new theory of rotatory motion. Translated from the French. With explanatory notes by Charles Whitley, M.A. Cambridge, 1834. 8 POIRET (PETRUS), Pastor of a church at Amveil. Cogitationum rationalium dc Deo, anima, ct malo libri quatuor. In quibus quid de hisce Cartesius, ejusque sequaces, boni aut secus senserint, omnisque philosophise certiora fun- damenta, atque imprimis tota metaphysica ve- rior, continentur ; nee lion Benedicti de Spi- noza Atheismus et exitiales errores funditus extirpantur. Editio altera, priore plus duplo auctior. Amstel, 1685. 4 O3conomite divinae libri sex, in quibus Dei erga homines proposita, agendi rationes, atque opera demonstrantur. Ad efficacem solidi Christianismi promotionem e Gallico Latino redditi et ab auctore recogniti. 2 torn. Francofurti, 1705. 4 POISSON (SiMON-DENis). Trait^ de mecanique. 2 torn. Paris, 1811. 8 POLAND. Letters, literary and political, on Poland ; comprising observations on Russia and other Sclavonian nations and tribes. Edin., 1823. 8 A sketch of the downfall of Poland. By a Polish exile. London, 1841. 8 Another copy. POLANUS (AMANDUS) a Polansdorf. Partitiones theologicse juxta naturalis methodi leges con- formatse duobus libris, quorum primus est de fide ; alter de bonis operibus. Editio secunda. Londini, 1593. 8 In Danielem Prophetam visionum amplitudine diflicillimum, vaticiniorum majestate augus- tissimum, commentarius. In quo...genuinus sensus et multiplex usus ostenditur. Cum triplici indice, vocum difficilium expositarum, rerum seu locorum commuiiium explicatorum, et locorum sacroa Scriptune a depravationibus, cum aliorum, turn inprimis Bellarmini vindi- catorum. Basilece, 1600. 4 Epitome radicum Hebraicarum, hoc est, om- nium thematuin, cum suis derivatis, quae in sacris Bibliis Hebraicis extant : solida et suc- cincta explicatio. Basilece, 1601. 12 De ratione legendi cum fructu autores, inpri- mis sacros : et dignoscendi in illis proposita, themata et argumenta, tractatus. Cui adjuncta est analysis logica et exegesis theologica Psal- morum tredecim. Basilece, 1603. 8 Syntagma theologiae Christianae juxta leges ordinis methodici conformatum, atque in li- bros decem digestum, jamq ; demum in unum volumen compactum, accurata auctoris indus- tria novissime emendatum atq; interpolatum, innumerisque locis auctum. Editio numeris omnibus absolutissima. .. Hanovice, 1615. fol. POLE (REGINALD), Cardinal, and Archbishop of Canterbury. * The history of the life of R. P. [By Thomas Phillips.] 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1767. 8 POLE (THOMAS), M.D. Observations relative to infant schools, designed to point out their use- fulness to the children of the poor, to their parents, and to society at large. Bristol, 1823. 8 POLENUS (JOANNES). Utriusque Thesauri [i. e. Grsevii et Gronovii] antiquitatum Romanarum Greecarumque nova supplementa. 5 torn. Venetiis, 1737. fol. 78 CIS POLHILL-POLYANTI 1 1 : A . POLHILL (EDWARD). The divine will consider- ed in its eternal decrees, and holy cMruti'.n of them. London* Ki7:J. 8 An answer to the discourse of Mr Willi.un Sherlock, touching the knowledge of Clirist, and our union and communion with him. London, 1075. 8 Speculum theologue in Christo : or, a view of some divine truths, which are either practi- cally exemplified in Jesus Christ, set forth in the Gospel : or may be reasonably deduced from thence. London, 1G78. 4 Reprinted from the edition of 1678. London, s. a. 8 Another copy. Armatura Dei : or, a preparation for suffering in an evil day : shewing how Christians are to bear sufferings, and what graces are requisite thereunto... London, 1682. 8 Christus in corde : or, the mystical union be- tween Christ and believers considered, in its resemblances, bonds, seals, privileges, and marks. 3d ed. London, 1823. 8 POLICE. Report of the committees appointed by the merchant company, incorporations, and several other public bodies in and about the city of Edinburgh ; to consider the effects of the act lately passed for regulating the police of the said city. Edin., 1807. 8 Thoughts on the proposed new police bill, and other proceedings connected with the county and city of Edinburgh. By an old citizen. Edin., 1816. 8 Statement by the commissioners of police, in answer to the observations contained in the opinion delivered by the Lord Provost, Lord President, and Mr Sheriff Duff, on certain points respecting the conduct of the superin- tendent ; submitted... by the general Board of commissioners. Edin., 1821. 8 Observations on the reports, &c. sent out from the council chamber along with a draft of a police bill Edin., 1822. 8 A letter to the inhabitants of Edinburgh, on the new police bill. Edin., 1822. 8 POLJDORI (GAETANO). Nuovo dizionario por- tabile della lingue Italiana, Inglese, e Fran- cese : estratto e compilato da' migliori e piu copiosi lessici della tre lingue. 3 partt. Londra, 1806. 12 POLITIANUS (ANGELUS). Angeli Politiani et aliorum viroruni illustrium epistolarum libri xii. Eiusdem prsefatio in Seutonii Tranquilli expositionem. Accessit pneterea eorum, quse Grseca sunt, accuratissima interpretatio. Hanovue, 1604. 12 Rusticus ; [cum Hortorum lib. iv. per Rena- tum RAPINUM.] 1672 POLITICAL ECONOMY. Conversations on po- litical economy ; in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained. By the au- thor of " Conversations on chemistry;" [Mrs MARCET]. 6th ed. Lotidon, 1827. 8 POLITIE. A discourse of ecclesiastical politic : wherein the authority of the civil magistrate over the consciences of subjects in matters of religion is asserted ; the mischiefs and incon- veniences of toleration are represented, and all 1'ivtc-nccs pleaded in belmlf of lilie.rty of con- science are fully answered. JP.\ Sjimuel I'AK- KER.I Lomaan, n;7<). 8 J Another copy. A defence and continuation of the Ecclesiasti- cal politic ; by way of a letter to a friend in London. [By Samuel PARKER.] Together with a letter from the author of the Friendly debate [i. e. Dr Syiuon Patrick]. London, 1671. 8 * Truth and innocence vindicated : in a survey of a Discourse concerning ecclesiastical polity ; and the authority of the civil magistrate over the consciences of subjects in matters of reli- gion. [By John OWEN.] London, 1669. 8 POLL (BERNHARDUS VAN DE). Disputatio philo- sophica, continens positiones ethicas, politicas, et oeconomicas. Ultrajecti, 1639. 4 POLLOK (ROBERT), A.M. The course of time : a poem, in ten books. 6th ed. Edin., 1828. 12 * The life of R. P. By his brother, David Pollok. Edin., 1843. 8 POLLOK (THOMAS), Minister of Ednam. A ser- mon [on 1 Cor. x. 15] preached at the opening of the Synod of Merse and Teviotdale, Oct. 16, 1733. To which is added a sermon [on Rom. i. 25] on the happiness of God. Edin., 1734. 8 POLLUX (JULIUS). Onomasticon, decem libris constans : e Mss. codd. bibliothecarum Pala- tinse atque Augustanae ; variis item doctorum virorum lucubrationibus quanta fieri potuit diligentia emendatum ; suppletum quoq ; non- nullibi, et illustratum. Adiecta interpretatio Latina Rodolphi Gualtheri, locis quamplurimis melior facta : indices item novi prioribus locu- pletiores ; et notae, studio atque opera Wolf- gangi Seberi Sulani. Francofurti, 1608. 4 POLUS (MATTH^EUS). See M. POOL. POLWHEILE (THEOPHILUS), M.A. Of quench- ing the Spirit. The evill of it, in respect both of its causes and effects discovered. London, 1667. 8 POLYANDER (JOANNES) a Kerckhove. Synop- sis purioris theologise, disputationibus quin- quaginta duabus comprehensa, ac conscripta per J. P. , Andream RIVETUM, Antonium WA- L^EUM, Antonium THYSIUM, SS theologian doc- tores in academia Leidensi. Editio secunda. Lugd. Batav., 1632. 8 De essentiali lesu Christi, Domini omnipoten- tis, existentia ac gloria divina, quam cum Deo Patre suo habuit ab seterno, concertatio, de- cem disputationibus contra Joh. Crellium, et totidem contra Joh. Volkelium comprehensa. Lugd. Batav., 1643. 12 POLYANTHEA. Novissima polyanthea, in li- bros xx. dispertita. Opus prteclarum, suauis- simis floribus celebriorum sententiarum, vel Graecarum, vel Latinarum refertum. Primiim quidem a Dominico Nano Mirabellio, Bartho- lomaeo Amantio, Francisco Tortio, ex auctori- bus ciim sacris, turn profanis, vetustioribus et POLYBIUS PONS. 619 recentioribus collectum. Studio dehinc et opera losephi Langii meliore ordine disposi- tum, innumeris fere apophthematis, similitu- dinibus, adagiis, exemplis, emblematis, hiero- glyphicis, et mythologiis locupletatum atque perillustratum. Hsec tandem editio a mendis prostat repurgata, titulis plurimis aucta, ety- mologiarum necnon definitionum, dictomm memorabilium, rerumque aliarum multis chi- liadibus aucta a capite ad calcem vsque, Fr. Sylvii Insulani industria et labore. Lugduni, 1614. fol. The polyanthea : or, a collection of interesting fragments, in prose and verse : consisting of original anecdotes, biographical sketches, dia- logues, letters, characters, &c. &c. 2 vol. London, 1804. 8 POLYBIUS. Historiarum libri qui supersunt. Interprete Isaaco Casaubono. Jacobus Gro- novius recensuit, ac utriusque Casauboni, Ful- vii Ursini, Henr. Valesii, lac. Palmerii et suas notas adjecit. Accedit JEness, vetustissimi Tactici, commentarius de toleranda obsidione, cum iiiterpretatione ac notis I. Caaauboni. [Gr. et Lat.] 3 torn. Amstel, 1670. 8 Another edition. Recensuit, digessit, emen- datiore interpretatione, varietate lectionis, in- dicibus illustravit Joannes Schweigheeuser. 4 torn. Oxonii, 1823. 8 Traduite du Grec par Dom Vincent Thuil- lier. Avec une commentaire ou un corps de science militaire, enrichi de notes critiques et historiques ou toutes les grandes parties de la guerre, soit pour 1'offensive, soit pour la de- fensive, sont explique'es, et demontre'es, et represente'es en figures... Par M. De Folard, Chevalier de 1'ordre militaire de Saint Louis. 6 torn. Paris, 1727-30. 4 The history of Polybius. Translated by Sir H. Sheers. To which is added, a character of Polybius and his writings : by Mr Dryden. 2 vol. London, 1793. 8 Traduction d'un fragment du xviii. livre de Polybe, trouvd dans le monastere de Saint- Laure au Mont Athos, par le Comte d'Ar- traigues. Nouvelle Edition. Londres, 1806. 8 - Lexicon Polybianum ab Is. et Meric. Casau- bonis olim adumbratum, inde ab Jo. Aug. Ernesti elaboratum, nunc ab Joanne Schweig- hseusero passim emendatum, plurimisque par- tibus auctum. Oxonii, 1822. 8 POLYCARP, Saint, Bishop of Smyrna. Poly- carpi et IGNATII epistola} : una cum vetere vulgata interpretatione Latina, ex trium ma- nuscriptorum codicum collatione, integritati suae restituta. Accessit et Ignatianarum epis- tolarum versio antiqua alia, ex duobus manu- scriptis in Anglia repertis, nunc primum in lucem edita. Quibus prsefixa est, non de Ig- natii solum et Polycarpi scriptis, sed etiam de apostolicis constitutionibus et canonibus de- menti Romani tributis Jacobi USSERII disser- tatio. Oxonite, 1644. 4 Epistola ad Philippenses ; [Gr. et Lat. Apud Patr. apostol. opp. cura R. RUSSEL]. 1746 [Et cum versione J. B. Cotelerii in Biblioth. vet. Patr. per A. GALLANDIUM, i. 309.] 1788 [Et cum Patr. apostol. ed G. JACOBSON.] 1838 [Et cum Patr. apostol. epist. ed. Fr. X. REITHMAYR.] 1844 [Et cum Patr. apostol. opp. ed. C. J. HE- FELE.] 1855 Translated. [With A translation of the epis- tles of Clement of Rome, Polycarp, and Igna- tius, by Temple CHEVALIER.] 1833 [And with The genuine epistles of the apos- tolical Fathers translated by William [WAKE] Archbishop of Canterbury.] 1840 And in the Ante-Nicene Christian LIBRARY, vol. i.] 1867 Ecclesise Smyrnensis de martyrio Sancti Poly- carpi epistola circularis ; [Gr. et Lat. Apud Patr. apostol. opp. cura R. RUSSEL]. 1746 [Et cum Patr. apostol. ed. G. JACOBSON.] 1838 [Et cum Patr. apostol. epist. ed. Fr. X. REITHMAYR.] 1844 [Et cum Patr. apostol. opp. ed. C. J. HE- FELE.] 1855 Translated. [With A translation of the epis- tles of Clement of Rome, Polycarp, and Igna- tius, by Temple CHEVALLIER.] 1833 [And with The genuine epistles of the apos- tolical Fathers, translated by William [WAKE] Archbishop of Canterbury.] 1840 [And in the Ante-Nicene Christian LIBRARY, vol. i.l 1867 POLYHISTOR, pseud., i. e. Gilbert BURNET. POLYNESIA. Progress of the Gospel in Poly- nesia. (Southern group.) Georgian, Society, and Harvey islands. Edin., 1831. 12 POMBAL, MARQUIS OF. See S.-J. de CARVALHO E MELLO. POMFRET (JOHN). Poems upon several occa- sions... With some account of his life and writ- ings. 10th ed. To which are added, his re- mains. London, 1740. 12 PONCET (MAURICE), Professor in the Faculty of theology in Paris. Discours de 1'aduis donnd a Pierre de Gondy, Euesque de Paris, sur la proposition, qu'il fit aux theologiens, touchant la traduction de la saincte Bible en langage vulgaire. [Collect, author, qui SCRIPTURE in vulg. ling, translat. damnarunt.] 1661 PONIATAVIA (CHRISTIANA). A prophecie of the destruction of Popery and all its support- ers, contained in two visions of C. P. prophet- ess in Germany, daughter to Julianus Ponia- tavia, one of the ministers of Prague, an emi- nent preacher. Seen by her on the 13th and 20th days of January, 1628. Exactly translated from the original. Edin., 1706. 12 PONS (J. S.), Minister of the French Episcopal church, called Eglise des G-recs. The doctrine of the Church of Geneva illustrated, in a series of sermons preached by the modem divines of that city [Cellerier, Moulinie, Gaussen, Mou- chon, De Joux, Diodati, Thouron, Picot, Fer- riere, and Cellerier, Junr.]. Edited by J. S. P. London, 1825. 8 020 PONTAS-POOR, POOR LAWS. PONTAS (JEAN). Dictionnaire do cas do con- science, ou decisions dcs plus considerables dillicultez touchant la morale et la discipline ecclesiastique. Tirdes do 1'Ecriture, des con- ciles, des decretales des Papes, des Peres, et des phis celebres theologiens et canonistes. Nouvello ddition. 3 torn. Paris, 172G. fol. PONTIFICALE. Pontificale Romanum de- mentis VIII. Pont. Max. jussu restitution atqueedituiu. Parisii-s, 1015. fol. POOL, or POOLE (MATTHEW). Quo warranto ; or, a moderate enquiry into the warantable- nesso of the preaching of gifted and unordain- ed persons. Where also some oiher questions are discussed : viz. concerning ministerial re- lation, election, ordination. Being a vindica- tion of the late Jus divinum ministerii evan- gelici, so far as concerns those points ; from the exceptions of Mr John Martin, Mr Sam. Petto, Mr Frederick Woodal : ministers in Suffolk, in their late book, intituled, The preacher sent. London, 1658. 4 Another edition. London, 1659. 4 Evangelical worship is spiritual worship, as it was discussed in a sermon [on John, iv. 23, 24] preached before the Right Hon. the Lord Maior, at Pauls church, Aug. 26, 1060. Lowlon, 1660. 4 The nullity of the Romish faith... Being an examination of that fundamental doctrine of the Church of Rome concerning the Churches infallibility, and of all their several methods which their most famous and approved writers have used for the defence thereof. Together with an appendix tending to the demonstra- tion of the solidity of the Protestant faith, wherein the reader will find all the material! objections and cavils of their most consider- able writers, viz. Richworth (alias Rushworth) in his Dialogues, White in his treatise De fide and his Apology for tradition, Cressy in his Exomologesis, S. Clara in his Systema fidei, and Captain Everard in his late account of his pretended conversion to the Church of Rome discussed and answered. 3d ed. Oxford, 1667. 8 Another edition. London, 1679. 8 Abridged. Reprinted, Edin., 1837. 12 Synopsis criticorum aliorumque S. Scripturse interpretum. 5 vol. Londini, 1669-76. fol. Another copy. Another edition. Ex recensione Johannis Leusden. 5 vol. Ultrajecti, 1684-86. fol. Another edition. 5 vol. Franco/, ad Mcenum, 1694. 4 Another copy. A dialogue between a Popish Priest and an English Protestant. Wherein the principal points and arguments of both religions are truly proposed and fully examined. The last edition. Glasgow, 1672. 12 A seasonable apology for religion, being the subject of two sermons [on Matt. xi. 19] lately delivered in an auditory in London. London, 1673. 4 Annotations upon the holy Bible. Wherein the sacred text is inserted, and various read- ings annux'd, together with the parallel Scrip- tures. 3ded. With theaildition of anew con- cordance and tables, by Mr Sam. Clark. '2 \ < !. [Vol. ii. is a continuation, by certain judicious and learned divines.] i,o?irinci]ial evidences for tho truth and divine origin of tho Christian reve- lation...To which is now first added, an ad- dress on confirmation. 19th ed. London, 1840. 12 * The life of Dr B. P. With anecdotes of those with whom ho lived, and memoirs of many living and deceased characters. I I lay-member of Morton college, Oxford. London, 1810. 8 * The life of the Right Rev. B. P. By tho Rev. Robert Hodgson, A.M. 2d ed. London, 1810. 8 PORT-ROYAL. Histoiro abregee de 1'abbaye do Port - Royal, depuis sa fondation en 1204, jusqu' a 1'enlevement des religieuses en 1709. [Par Michel TRONCHAY.] [Paris], 1710. 12 Premier [second et troisieme] gemissement d'une ame vivement touched de la destruc- tion du sainte monastere de Port-Royal des Champs. [Par 1' Abbe d'EiTEMARE.] Seconde Edition. [Gemissement S 016 , 3 me ed.] s. L, 1713-17. 12 Quatrieme gemissement d'une ame vivement touche'e de la constitution de N. S. P. le Pape Clement XI. du 8 Septembre 1713. [Par le P. BOYER.] s. I, 1714. 12 Les constitutions du monastere de Port- Royal du saint Sacrement. [Par Catherine Agnea ARNAULD.] Nouvelle Edition. Pom, 1721. 12 Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de Port- Royal et a la vie de reVer. mere Marie Ange- lique de Sainte-Magdeleine Arnauld, reforma- trice de ce monastere. [Par Angelique AR- NAULD de St Jean.] [Publics par Barbeau de la Bruyere.] 3 torn. Utrecht, 1742. 12 Histoire abre'ge'e de la derniere perse'cution de Port- Royal. Suivie de la vie edifiante dea domestiques de cette sainte maison. [Par 1'Abbe PINAULT.] 3 torn. Edition royale. [Amsterdam], 1750. 12 Vies interessantes et e"difiantes des religieuses de Port- Royal, et de plusieurs personnes qui leur e"toient attache'es. Pre'ce'de'es de plusieurs lettres et petits traites, qui ont e'te' e'crits pour consoler, soutenir et encourager ces religieuses dans le terns de leur oppression, afin de servir a tous les fideles qui se trouvent dans les terns de trouble. [Par I'Abbe' LECLERC.] 4 torn. [Cologne], 1750-52. 12 A new method of learning with facility the Latin tongue... Translated from the French of the Messieurs de Port Royal. [By T. Nugent.] 2 vol. London, 1758. 8 A new method of learning with facility the Greek tongue... Translated from the French of the Messieurs de Port Royal, by Mr Nugent. 3d ed. London, 1777. 8 [For the Port-Royal logic, see under LOGIC. ] PORTUGAL. Hedendaagsche Historic of Te- genwoordige Staat van SPA>-JE en Portugal... 1759 POSTLETHWAYT POWELL. 625 POSTLETHWAYT (MALACHY). The universal dictionary of trade and commerce ; with large additions and improvements, adapting the same to the present state of British aftairs in America, since the last treaty of peace made in the year 1763. With great variety of new remarks and illustrations incorporated through- out the whole : together with every thing es- sential that is contained in Savary's Diction- ary : also all the material laws of trade and navigation relating to these kingdoms, and the customs and usages to which all traders are subject. 3d ed. 2 vol. London, 1766. fol. POTESSARO (G.). The orthodox doctrine of the apostolic Eastern Church ; or, a compen- dium of Christian theology. Translated from the Greek. To which is prefixed, an historical and explanatory essay on general catechism ; and appended, a treatise on Melchisedec. London, 1857. 8 POTT (DAVID JULIUS), S.T.D. Novum Testa- mentum Greece. 1816-32. See BIBLES GREEK. F. POTT (JOSEPH HOLDEN), A.M., Vicar of St Mar- tin in the Fields, and Archdeacon of London. A sermon [on 1 Sam. xx. 14, 15] preached at the anniversary meeting of the sons of the clergy... May 12, 1791. London, [1791]. 4 Considerations on the general conditions of the Christian covenant ; with a view to some important controversies. 2d ed. London, 1805. 8 Another copy. The rights of sovereignty in Christian states, defended, in some chief particulars : a charge delivered to the clergy of the Archdeaconry of London, May 24, 1821. With dissertations and collections illustrating the same subject ; with reference to the works of Mr Hooker and Bishop Warburton ; together with those of Grotius, De Marca, and others. London, 1821. 8 Another copy. POTTER (CHRISTOPHER), D. D. , Provost of Queen's college, Oxford. A sermon [on John, 21. 17] preached at the consecration of Barnaby Pot- ter, D.D. and L. Bishop of Carlisle, at Ely House in Holbourne March 15, 1628. Here- unto is added an advertisement touching the history of the quarrels of Pope Paul 5. with the Venetians : penned in Italian by F. Paul, and done into English by the former author. London, 1629. 8 Want of charitie iustly charged on all such Romanists, as dare (without truth or modesty) affirme, that Protestancie destroyeth salvation. In answer to a late Popish pamphlet intituled Charity mistaken, &c. London, 1633. 8 Vindication of his sentiments touching the Predestinarian controversies. [With John PLAIFERE'S Appello Evangelium.J 1652 Another edition. [With Tracts on PREDESTI- NATION.] 1719 POTTER (JOHN), D.D., Bislwp of Oxford, after- wards Archbishop of Canterbury. A discourse of Church government : wherein the rights of the Church, and the supremacy of Christian princes, are vindicated and adjusted. 2d ed. London, 1711. 8 Third edition. London, 1724. 8 Charge to the clergy of his diocese at his pri- mary visitation, in July, 1716. London, 1716. 8 The Bishop of Oxford's charge to the clergy of his diocese, at his triennial visitation in July, 1719. London, 1720. 8 A defence of the late charge deliver'd to the clergy of the diocese of Oxford, July 1719. In a letter to the said clergy. London, 1720. 8 Archseologia Grseca : or, the antiquities of Greece. 9th ed. 2 vol. London, 1775. 8 Another copy. A new edition ; with a life of the author, by Robert Anderson, M.D. And an appendix, containing a concise history of the Grecian states, and a short account of the lives and writings of the most celebrated Greek authors ; by George Dunbar, Professor of Greek in the university of Edinburgh. 2 vol. Edin., 1827. 8 Another edition. With numerous notes and improved indices. By James Boyd, LL.D. 6th ed. Glasgow, 1845. 12 * A letter to the Most Rev. the Lord Arch- bishop of Canterbury, concerning the validity of lay-baptism ; and of the baptisms of those who never had Episcopal baptism or ordina- tion. London, 1738. 8 POTTER (JOHN). A system of practical mathe- matics... 2d ed. London, 1757. 8 POTTER (Louis- JOSEPH ANTOINE DE). Conside"- rations sur 1'histoire des principaux Conciles, depuis les Apotres jusqu' au grande schisme d'Occident, sous 1'empire de Charlemagne. 2 torn. Eruxelles, 1816. 8 POUGET (FRANCOIS- AIME'). CATECHISMES du diocese de Montpellier, imprimees par ordre de C. J. Colbert. 1728 Instructions generates, en forme de CATE- CHISME, imprime'es par ordre de feu C. J. Col- bert. 1739 POUILLY (L. DE). See L.-J. LEVESQUE DE POUILLY. POWEL (VAVASOR). A new and useful concord- ance to the holy Bible. Whereunto is added, the chief acceptations and various significa- tions contained in the Old and New Testament. Unto which also is added more than in any extant, marks to distinguish the commands, promises, and threatnings. Also a collection of those Scripture-Prophecies which relate to the call of the Jews, and the glory that shall be in the latter days. Begun by the industri- ous labours of V. P. , late deceased ; and finish- ed by N. P. and J. F., &c. London, 1671. 12 POWELL (BADEN), M.A., Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford. The present state and future prospects of mathematical and physical studies in the university of Oxford, considered in a public lecture, introductory to his usual course, in Easter term, 1832. Oxford, 1832. 8 79 r.-jr, POWELL PRAYER. The connexion of natural and divine truth ; or, the study of the inductive philosophy con- sidered as subservient to theology. London, 1838. 8 A general and elementary view of the undula- tory theory, as applied to the dispersion of light, and some other subjects. Including the substance of several papers, printed in the Philosophical transactions, and other journals. London, 1841. 8 Christianity without Judaism. London, 1857. 8 POWELL (GABRIEL). A refutation of an epistle apologeticall written by a Puritan-Papist to perswade the permission of the promiscuous use and profession of all sects and hreresies. London, 1605. 4 POWELL (THOMAS), Wesleyan minister. An essay on apostolical succession : Being a de- fence of a genuine Protestant ministry, against the exclusive and intolerant schemes of Pa- pists and high Churchmen ; and supplying a general antidote to Popery. Also, a critique on the Apology for apostolical succession by the Hon. and Rev. A. P. Perceval ; and a re- view of Dr W. F. Hook's sermon on "Hear the Church." 2d ed. London, 1840. 8 Another copy. POWELL (WILLIAM SAMUEL), D.D., Vice chan- cellor of the university of Canibridge. A defence of the subscriptions required in the Church of England. A sermon [on 1 Cor. i. 10] preach- ed before the university of Cambridge, on the Commencement Sunday, 1757. 2d ed. London, 1758. 4 Discourses on various subjects. Published by Thomas Balguy, D.D. London, 1776. 8 POWER. Strictures on the idea of power ; with special reference to the views of Dr Brown, in his " Inquiry into the relation of cause and effect." [By William LYALL.] Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. POWERSCOURT, VISCOUNTESS. -See Theodosia A. HOWARD. POYNDER (JOHN). Popery in alliance with heathenism : letters proving that where the Bible is wholly unknown, as in the heathen world, or only partially known, as in the Ro- mish Church, idolatry and superstition are in- evitable. 2d ed. London, 1835. 8 POZZO (Count FERDINAND DAL), First president of the imperial court of Genoa. Catholicism in Austria ; or, an epitome of the Austrian eccle- siastical law ; with a dissertation on the rights and duties of the English government, with respect to the Catholics of Ireland. London, 1827. 8 POZZY ( ), Pastor of the evangelical church of Bergerac. Discours prononce's par MM. P. , Aug. BOST, et Jn. MONOD, pasteurs, dans les assemblies de 1'Alliance evangelique de Lyon, les 4 et 5 Novembre 1857 : De 1'impuissance des Chretiens de nos jours et de ses causes. Le declin de la foi. De 1'etude pratique des saintes Ecritures. Lyon, 1858. 8 PRADO (HiERONYMUs), S.J., Professor of i' it'/ (it Cordova. H. P. et loannis Baptist.-e VILLALPANDI e Societate lesv in Ezechirlrm explanationes et apparatvs vrbis, ac tcmpli Hierosolymitani commentariis et iinaginil*vH illustratvs. 3 torn. AMMO, 1M6, 1606. foL PRADT (DOMINIQUE DUFOUR DE), Arckbi*)u>}> /'//., 1842. 8 PRESBYTERIAN, PRESBYTERY. All the severall ordinances, directions, and votes of the Lords and Commons assembled in parlia- ment, for the speedy establishing of the Pres- byteriall government. London, 1646. 4 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons as- sembled in parliament, for the present settling ...of the Presbyteriall government in the Chxirch of England. London, 1646. 4 Vindication of the Presbyterians of the king- dom of Scotland from the false aspersions laid upon them...anent the taking away of the life of King CHARLES the FIRST. 1649 A vindication of the Presbyteriall-government, and ministry : together with an exhortation to all the ministers, elders, and people, within the boiinds of the province of London, whether joyning with us, or separating from us. Pub- lished by the ministers and elders, met toge- ther in a provincial assembly, November 2d, 1649. London, 1650. 4 The grand debate concerning Presbytery and Independency by the Assembly of Divines con- vened at Westminter by authority of Parlia- ment : containing, first, the Assembly's Pro- positions, (with the proof of them from Scrip- ture) concerning the Presbyteriall government. Secondly, the dissenting brethrens Reasons against the said Propositions. Thirdly, the answer of the Assemblies to those Reasons of dissent. London, 1652. 4 The Presbyterian's loyalty, and zeal for reli- gion, briefly demonstrated : in a letter, by way of reply to a late fanatical pamphlet, intituled, The Knave uncloak'd ; or, The Jesuit in its colours. s. L, 1680. 4 A short memorial of the sufferings and griev- ances, past and present, of the Presbyterians in Scotland. [By Alexander SHIELDS.] s. L, 1690. 4 Some questions resolved concerning Episcopal and Presbyterian government in Scotland. [By CUNNINGHAM.] London, 1690. 4 Another copy. Presbyterian inquisition ; as it was lately prac- tised against the professors of the colledge of PRESBYTERIAN, PRESBYTERY. 629 Edinburgh, Aug. and Sept. MDCXC. ; in which the spirit of Presbytery... is plainly discovered. [By Alex. MONRO.] London, 1691. 4 A counter-essay, or, a vindication and asser- tion of Calvin and Beza's Presbyterian judg- ment and principles. By a minister of the true Presbyterian Church of Scotland, estab- lished by law ; [Thomas FORRESTER.] Edin., 1692. 4 Scotch Presbyterian eloquence ; or, the fool- ishness of their teaching discovered from their books, sermons and prayers ; and some re- marks on Mr Rule's late Vindication of the Kirk. London, 1692. 4 [Entered also under Robert CALDER, who is supposed to have published the work under the name of Jacob CURATE.] Another edition. London, 1847. 12 A just and modest reproof of a pamphlet, call- ed, The Scotch Presbyterian eloquence. [By Gilbert RULE.] .Edin,., 1693. 4 An account of the late establishment of Pres- byterian-Government by the Parliament of Scotland Anno 1690. Together with the me- thods by which it was settled, and the conse- quences of it : as also several publick acts, speeches, pleadings, and other matters of im- portance relating to the Church in that king- dom. To which is added a summary of the visitation of the universities there ; in a fifth letter from a gentleman at Edinburgh, to his friend in London. [By John SAGE,] London, 1693. 4 Remarks on a paper sent by some eminent Presbyterians to the congregational, as an ex- pedient for peace. London, 1697. 8 Queries to the Presbyterians of Scotland. By a gentleman of that country. [Robert CALDER. ] London, 1702. 12 A sample of true-blue Presbyterian loyalty. [Wants title.] 4 An historical essay upon the loyalty of Pres- byterians in Great Britain and Ireland, from the Reformation to this present year 1713. In three parts. Wherein... an answer is given to the calumnies of their accusers, and particu- larly to two late pamphlets, viz. 1. A sample of true blue Presbyterian loyalty, &c. 2. The conduct of the dissenters in Ireland, &c. [By James KIRKPA TRICK.] s. I., 1713. 4 Another copy. Presbyterial government as now established and practised in the Church of Scotland, me- thodically described. Gathered out of the au- thentic records and approveii institutions of that Church. 3d ed., revised by the author, a Presbyter of the Church of Scotland. s. I, 1717. 8 A preservative against Presbytery. [The first page is supplied in MS.] s. I., 1748. 8 A peaceable declaration of the sentiments of a number of Presbyterians in Scotland, relative to the war between France and Great Britain. s. I., 1797. 8 Hints for an argument against the reception of a petition by either House of Parliament from the Presbyteries of Scotland, unless sanc- tioned by the approbation of the General As- sembly. By a barrister ; [John Joseph DILLON]. [Edin., ISIS.] 8 A word to the wise ; or, a summary essay in vindication of the Presbyterian form of Church government stated in contrast with the promi- nent peculiarities of Tabernacle Independents. By a Presbyterian. To which is added, Re- marks on Christian liberality opposed to bigot- ry : a sermon, &c. [By William ORME.] Edin., 1818. 8' The orthodox Presbyterian. Nos. 7-12, 52- 75. Belfast, 1830-35. 12 The orthodox Presbyterian, theological review, and missionary recorder. Conducted by Sa- muel Davidson, LL.D. New series. Vol. i. Belfast, 1838. 8 The Presbyterian reformer : or, hints on Scot- tish Church reform, addressed both to Church- men and dissenters. By an advocate of the principle of Establishments. Edin., 1833. 8 Presbyteriaiiism defended, and the arguments of modern advocates of Prelacy examined and refuted, in four discourses, by ministers of the Synod of Ulster. Glasgow, 1839. 12 Another copy. Another copy. Report of ihe committee of the General As- sembly of the Church of Scotland, for promot- ing the religious interests of Scottish Presby- terians in the British colonies, 23d May 1840, and deliverance of the Assembly. With an appendix, and a state of accounts, &c. Edin., 1840. 8 The plea of Presbytery in behalf of the ordi- nation, government, discipline, and worship of the Christian Church, as opposed to the unscriptural character and claims of Prelacy, in a reply to the Rev. Archibald Boyd, A.M., on Episcopacy. By ministers of the general Synod of Ulster. Glasgow, 1840. 12 Another copy. Third edition, sixth thousand. This edition contains a reply to the last work of Mr Boyd, entitled, " Episcopacy and Presbytery. " Also, a reprint of Mene, Tekel ; or the answer to "Misrepresentation refuted." Belfast, 1843. 8 Another copy. Manual of Presbytery : comprising, I. Pres- byterianism the truly primitive and apostolic constitution of the Church of Christ ; or, a view of the history, doctrine, government, and worship of the Presbyterian Church. By Samuel MILLER, D.D. II. The character and advantages of Presbyteriaiiism ascertained by facts. With an appendix on the pretensions of the new Anglican school commonly called Puseyites, the testimony of the Fathers and reformers to Presbytery, the moral tendency of Calvinism, &c. By the Rev. John G. Lo- RIMER. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. Second edition. Edin., 1847. 8 I am a Presbyterian : or, reasons for belong- 030 IMlKSi-oTT ing to the Presbyterian Church in England. Intended chiefly for tho younger members of that Church. London, 1846. 12 PRESCOTT (BENJAMIN), A.M., Pastor of a Church of Chrwt in Salem, N. E. A letter to the Rev. Mr George Whitefield, an itinerant preacher, within the dominions of His most excellent Majesty George II. Boston, 1745. 4 PRESENTATIONS. The case of accepting pre- sentations considered ; the sin and scandal of that practice demonstrated ; and the perni- cious consequences thereof, to the peace and purity of the Church, exposed. By a minis- ter of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1732. 8 PRESENTEES. A collection of the various objections made to presentees to parishes in Scotland, since the passing of Lord Aber- deen's Act on 17th August 1843. Edin., 1844. 8 1 PRESSENSE' (EDMOND DE), D.D., Pastor of the French Evangelical Church. Le Re'dempteur. Paris, 1854. 8 Histoire des trois premiers siecles de 1'Eglise Chretienne. Le premier siecle. 2 torn. Paris, 1858. 8 Deuxieme serie. Le grande lutte du Chris- tianisme centre le Paganisme. Les martyrs et les apologistes. 2 torn. Paris, 1861. 8 L'Individualisme Chretien. Discours pour 1'ou- verture du Synode du Vigan le 26 Aout 1858. Paris, 1858. 8 Another copy. Le Christianisme au quatrieme siecle. Se'ances historiques donne'es par MM. de GASPARIN, BUNOENER, et de P. 1858 The religions before Christ : being an intro- duction to the history of the first three cen- turies of the Church. Translated by L. Cork- ran. With preface by the author. Edin., 1862. 8 The critical school and Jesus Christ : a reply to M. Renan's Life of Jesus. Translated by L. Corkran. London, s. a. 8 Jesus Christ : his times, life, and work. [Trans- lated from the French by Annie Harwood.] London, 1866. 8 PRESTON (JOHN), D.D. , Master of Emamiel col- lege, Cambridge. The breast-plate of faith and love. A treatise, wherein the ground and exercise of faith and love, as they are set upon Christ their object, and as they are expressed in good workes, is explained. Delivered in 18 sermons upon three severall texts. 2d ed. London, 1630. 4 Another copy. [Wanting the general title, and the first six sermons.] Fifth edition. London, 1634. 4 Life eternall ; or a treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes. Delivered in xviii. sermons. London, 1631. 4 Fourth edition. [Imperfect.] London, 1634. 4 The saints daily exercise. A treatise \infold- ing the whole duty of prayer. Delivered in five sermons, upon 1 Thess. v. 17. 8th nl. London, 1634. 4 Another copy. [Wants title.] Ninth edition. London, 1635. 4 Another copy. Sermons preached before his Maiestie, and upon other speciall occasions. Fourth impres- sion. London, 1634. 4 Another edition. London, 1637. 4 The new covenant, or the saints portion. A treatise vnfolding the all-sufficiencie of God, mans uprightnes, and the covenant of grace. Delivered in fourteen sermons upon Gen. 17. 1, 2. Whereunto are adioyned foure sermons upon Eccles. 9. 1, 2, 11, 12. 8th ed. London, 1634. 4 Another edition. London, 1639. 4 Remaines of J. P. Containing three excellent treatises, namely, ludas's repentance, the saints spiritual strength, Paul's conversion. 2d ed. London, 1637. 4 The doctrine of the saints' infirmities, in seve- ral sermons [on 2 Chron. 30. 18, 19, 20, and Matt. 12. 18, 19, 20]. [Wants title.] [London, 1638.] 4 A heavenly treatise of the divine love of Christ. Shewing 1. The motives, 2. The meanes, 3. The markes, 4. The kindes there- of. Delivered in five sermons [on 1 Cor. xvi. 22.] London, 1640. 4 The fulnesse of Christ for us. A sermon [on John, i. 16] preached at the court before King James of blessed memory. London, 1640. 4 Two treatises, viz. The Christian freedome, and the deformed forme of a formall profes- sion. London, 1641. 4 PRESTON (MATTHEW MORRIS), A.M., Vicar of Cheshunt. Sermons, addressed chiefly to young persons. With a sermon, and appen- dix, on the benefit of scriptural instruction. London, 1837. 8 PRESTONGRANGE, LORD. See William GRANT. PRETYMAN (G.). See G. P. TOMLINE. PRETYMAN (J. R.), M.A., Vicar of Ayksbury, Bucks. The Church of England and Erastian- ism since the Reformation. London, 1854. 12 PREUSS(J. D. E.). AlemanniaoderSammlung der schonsten und erhabensten Stellen aus den Werken der vorzuglichsten Schriftsteller Deutschlands zur Bildung und Erhaltung ed- ler Gefuhle...Herausgegeben von J. D. E. P. 3 Theil. [l*r Theil., 4<* Aufl ; 2*r Theil., 2te Aufl.] Berlin, 1826, 27. 12 PRIC^EUS, or PRICE (JOANNES), Professor of Greek at Pisa. Commentarii in varios Novi Testamenti Libros ; in quibus Vulgatae ver- sionis, quamplurimis locis, prse quavis alia re- centiore sermo purus Latinusque ostenditur ; contextus Graeci litera explicatur ; ejusdem phraseologia cum auctorum ethnicorum locu- tionibus amosne comparatur ; multorum diffi- cilium locorum expositiones novte afleruntur, sensusque non solum ex Christianis Ecclesue PRICE PRIDEAUX. 631 antiquissimae doctoribus, sed et ex Graecis La- tinisque gentium scriptoribus ubique illustra- tor. His accesserunt annotationes in Psalmo- rum Librum, item in aliquot sparsa capita Novi Testament!. Londini, 1660. fol. PRICE (BONAMY), M.A. The Anglo-Catholic theory. Reprinted from " The Edinburgh review," No. cxcii. Oct. 1851. London, 1852. 8 Venetia. Reprinted from the "Army and navy gazette," of December 1st and 29th, 1860, and Feb. 2d and 23d, and March 9th, 1861. With additions. London, 1861. 8 PRICE (Sir JOHN). A description of Wales ; [with The history of Wales by CARADOC]. 1774 PRICE (RICHARD), D.D., Dissenting minister at Poor Jewry, London. Four dissertations. 1. On providence. 2. On prayer. 3. On the reasons for expecting that virtuous men shall meet after death in a state of happiness. 4. On the importance of Christianity, the nature of historical evidence, and miracles. 2d ed. London, 1768. 8 Third edition. London, 1772. 8 A review of the principal questions and diffi- culties in morals. Particularly those relating to the original of our ideas of virtue, its na- ture, foundation, reference to the Deity, obli- gation, subject-matter, and sanctions. 2d ed. London, 1769. 8 - Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America... 6th ed. London, 1776. 8 A discourse addressed to a congregation at Hackney, Feb. 21, 1781. London, [1781]. 8 A discourse on the love of our country, de- livered on Nov. 4, 1789, to the Society for commemorating the Revolution in Great Bri- tain. With an appendix, containing the re- port of the committee of the Society ; an ac- count of the population of France ; and the Declaration of rights by the National assembly of France. 2d ed. London, 1789. 8 Sermon* on the Christian doctrine as received by the different denominations of Christians. To which are added, sermons on the security and happiness of a virtuous course, on the goodness of God, and the resurrection of La- zarus. London, 1787. 8 PRICE (THOMAS), D.D. The history of Protest- ant nonconformity in England, from the Re- formation under Henry VIII. 2 vol. London, 1836, 38. 8 PRICHARD (JAMES COWLES), M.D. The natu- ral history of man ; comprising inquiries into the modifying influence of physical and moral agencies on the different tribes of the human family. 3d ed. London, 1848. 8 PRICQUIUS (JACOBUS). Disputatio philosophi- ca de materia corporum naturalium. Ultrajecti, 1643. 4 Disputatio problematica octava, de mistione. Rlieno-Trajecti, 1643. 4 PRIDE. Pride : a poem. Inscribed to John Wilkes, Esq. By an Englishman. London, 1766. 4 PRIDE AUX (HUMPHREY), D.D., Dean of Nor- wich. The Old and New Testament connect- ed in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declension of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel to the time of Christ. 5th ed. 2 vol. London, 1718. fol. Tenth edition. 4 vol. London, 1729. 8 The original and right of tithes, for the main- tenance of the ministry in a Christian Church, truly stated. To which is annex'd the draught of a bill prepared to have been offered to the parliament, in the reign of King William and Queen Mary, anno 1691, for the restraining of pluralities of benefices with cure of souls. With reasons for the said bill. 2d ed. London, 1736. 8 The true nature of imposture fully display'd in the life of MAHOMET. With a discourse annex'd for the vindication of Christianity from this charge. Offered to the consideration of the Deists of the present age. 8th ed. London, 1723. 8 * The life of the Rev. H. P. With several tracts. and letters of his, upon various subjects, never before published. London, 1748. 8 PRIDEAUX (JOHN), D.D., Bishop of Worcester. Lectiones decem, de totidem religionis capi- tibus prsecipufe hoc tempore controversis pro\it publicfe habebantur Oxoniae in Vesperijs. Edi- tio secunda. Oxonim, 1626. 4 Concio habita Oxoniae ad artium Baccalaureos in die Cinerum Feb. 22 1626. Oxonice, 1626. 4 Orationes novem inaugurates, de totidem theo- logiae apicibus, scitu non indignis, prout in promotione Doctorum, Oxoniae publice pro- ponebantur in comitiis. Accedit de Mosis in- stitrtione concio. Oxonice, 1626. 4 Viginti-duae lectiones de totidem religionis ca- pitibus prsecipue hoc tempore controversis, prout publice habebantur Oxoniae in Vesperiis. Quibus accesserunt tredecim orationes inau- gurales de totidem theologiae apicibus scitu non indignis, prout in promotione Doctorum in comitiis habebantur. Subnectuntur sex conciones pro more habitae, ad artium Bacca- laureos in die Cinerum. Editio tertia. Ozorwa?, 1643. fol. Fasciculus controversiarum theologicarum, ad juniorum, aut occupatomm captum sic colli- gatus, ut in praecipuis fidei apicibus compen- diose informentur, aut sparsim alias lecta vel audita, facilius recolant et expendant. Oxonice, 1649. 4 Editio secunda emendatior et auctior binis li- bellis posthumis ejusdem reverendissimi prae- sulis, 1. Theologiae scholasticae syntagmati. 2. Conciliorum synopsi. Oxonice, 1652. 4 A synopsis of councils ; [with An introduction for reading all sorts of histories. By M. PRI- DEAUX]. 1682 Tractatus de Sabbato ; [cum HEIDANI dispu- tat. de Sabbato]. 1658 032 PRIDEAUX-PRIESTLEY. The doctrine of the Sabbath. Delivered in the Act at Oxon. anno, 1622. And now trans- lated into English for the benefit of the com- mon people. 2d ed. Lomlon, 1(534. 4 PRIDKAl X (MATHIAS), M.A., Fellow / Infer college, Oxford. An easy and compendious in- troduction for reading all sorts of histories. Contrived in a more facile way than heretofore hath been published ; out of the papers of M. P. Gth ed. , corrected and augmented with an exact continuation of all the Popes, Empe- rors, and our Kings of England to this present time. To which is added, a synopsis of coun- cils, by John PKIDEAUX. Oxford, 1082. 4 PRIESTCRAFT. Priestcraft defended ; a ser- mon occasioned by the expulsion of six young gentlemen from Oxford university, for pray- ing, reading, and expounding the Scriptures ; humbly dedicated to Mr V c r and the Heads of Houses, by their humble servant the Shaver; [J. MACGOWAN]. llth ed. London, 1679. 8 Priestcraft in perfection : or, A detection of the fraud of inserting and continuing this clause (The Church hath power to decree rites and ceremonys, and authority in controversy's of faith) in the twentieth article of the Articles of the Church of England. [By Anthony COL- LINS.] 3d ed. London, 1710. 8 [The above has also been ascribed to Matthew TINDAL.] Reflections on a late pamphlet, intitled, Priest- craft in perfection. [By Anthony COLLINS.] London, 1710. 8* A vindication of the Church of England from the aspersions of a late libel [by A. Collins] intituled Priestcraft in perfection, &c. Where- in the controverted clause of the Church's power in the xxth article is shewn to be of equal authority with all the rest of the arti- cles ; and the fraud and forgery, charged upon the clergy on the account of that clause, are retorted upon their accusers. With a preface containing some remarks upon the Reflections on that pamphlet. By a priest of the Church of England ; [Hilkiah BEDFORD]. London, 1710. 8 Another copy. Another copy. PRIESTLEY (JOSEPH), LL.D. An address to Protestant dissenters, on the subject of giving the Lord's Supper to children. London, 1773. 8 Additions to the Address to Protestant dis- senters, on the subject of the Lord's Supper, with some corrections of it ; and a letter to the author of the Protestant dissenter's answer to it. London, 1770. 8 An examination of Dr Reid's Inquiry into the human mind on the principles of common sense, Dr Beattie's Essay on the nature and immutability of truth, and Dr Oswald's Ap- peal to common sense in behalf of religion. London, 1774. 8 HARTLEY'S theory of the human mind ; with essays relating to the subject of it. 1775 The doctrine of philosophical necessity illus- trated ; being an appendix t.i the Disquisitions relating to matter and spirit. To which is added, an answer to the letters on mau rial- iam, and on Hartley's theory of the mind. London, 1777. 8 Another copy. Experiments and observations on dilfereiit kinds of air. 3vol. [Vol. i., 3d ed. ; vol. ii., 2d ed.] London, 1777-84. 8 A free discussion of the doctrines of material- ism, and philosophical necessity, in a corre- spondence between Dr Price, and Dr Priestley. To which are added, by Dr Priestley, An in- troduction, explaining the nature of the con- troversy, and letters to several writers who have animadverted on his Disquisitions relat- ing to matter and spirit, or his treatise on ne- cessity. London, 1778. 8 Experiments and observations relating to va- rious branches of natural philosophy ; with a continuation of the Observations on air. 3 vol. London, 1779-86. 8 Institutes of natural and revealed religion. To which is prefixed, an essay on the best method of communicating religious knowledge to the members of Christian societies. 2d ed. 2 vol. Birmingham, 1782. 8 Another copy. A reply to the animadversions on the history of the corruptions of Christianity, in the monthly review for June, 1783 ; with addi- tional observations relating to the doctrine of the primitive Church, concerning the person of Christ. Birmingham, 1783. 8 Discourses on various subjects, including seve- ral on particular occasions. Birmingham, 1787. 8 Familiar letters, addressed to the inhabitants of Birmingham, in refutation of several charges advanced against the dissenters and Unitarians. By the Rev. Mr Madan. Also letters to the Rev. Edward Burn, in answer to his on the in- fallibility of the apostolic testimony concerning the person of Christ. And considerations on the difterences of opinion among Christians, which originally accompanied the reply to the Rev. Mr Venn. 2d ed. BirmiiigJiam, 1790. 8 A general history of the Christian Church, to the fall of the Western empire. 2 vol. Birmingham, 1790. 8 A general history of the Christian Church, from the fall of the Western empire to the present time. 4 vol. Northumberland, 1802, 3. 8 An history of the corruptions of Christianity. 2 vol. 2d ed. Birmingham, 1793. 8 The history and present state of electricity, with original experiments. 5th ed. London, 1794. 4 Discourses relating to the evidences of reveal- ed religion. 3 vol. London, 1794-99. 8 Notes on all the Books of Scripture, for the use of the pulpit and private families. 4 vol. Northumberland, 1803, 4. 8 Memoirs of the Rev. Dr J. P. to the year 1795. Written by himself. With a continua- PRIMATT PROCTER. 633 tion to the time of his decease, by his son, Joseph Priestley. London, 1809. 12 Tracts in controversy with Bishop Horsley. With notes by the editor. To which is an- nexed, an appendix, containing a review of the controversy, in four letters to the Bishops, by the same author ; never before published. London, 1815. 8 Views of Christian truth, piety, and morality, selected from the writings of Dr Priestley. With a memoir of his life by Henry Ware, Jun. Cambridge, 1834. 8 - * A small whole-length of Dr Priestley, from his printed works ; or, a free account in con- sequence of a free inquiry, of his style, poli- tics, feelings, logic, religion, philosophy. [By i William JONES.] London, 1792. 8 ' - * To the great and learned among Christians, the humble petition of a number of poor, loyal, unlearned Christians. Together with plain questions, stated for direct and unequivocal j answers, to J. P., LL.D. London, 3793. 8 PRIMATT (HUMPHREY), D.D. The duty of mercy and the sin of cruelty to brute animals. Edin., 1834. 8 PRINCE (THOMAS), M.A., one of the pastors of the Smith church, Boston, N. E. Extraordi- nary events the doings of God, and marvellous in pious eyes. Illustrated in a sermon [on Ps. cxviii. 23]... at Boston, N. E., on the general thanksgiving July 18, 1745. Occasioned by taking the city of Louisbourg, on the Isle of Cape- Breton, by New England soldiers, assist- ed by a British squadron. Edin., 1746. 8 PRINCES. Interets et maximes des Princes et des etata souverains. [Par Henri Due de RO- HAN.] Cologne, 1666. 12 PRINCETON. A brief history of the theologi- cal seminary of the Presbyterian Church at Princeton, New Jersey ; together with its con- stitution, bye-laws, &c. Princeton, 1838. 8 Theological essays : reprinted from the Prince- ton review. [First series.] New York, 1846. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another edition. With a preface by the Rev. P. Fairbairn, D.D. Edin., 1856. 8 Second series. Including the contributions of the late Rev. A. B. Dod, D.D. New-York and London, 1847. 8 PRINGLE (ALEXANDER). A practical view of Christ's divine and mediatory characters : with a candid examination of some new and dan- gerous opinions vented by Mr Robert Imrie. Perth, 1812. 8 PRINGLE (JAMES), United Presbyterian minis- ter, Newcastle. A vindication of Voluntary Churches, compared with civil Establishments. Reply to Anglo- Scotus, supposed to be the Rev. J. Lockhart ; with an appendix, contain- ing remarks on Mr Lockhart's letters. Newcastle, 1835. 12 PRINGLE (WALTER), of Greenknow. Memoirs of W. P. Written by himself. 2d ed. Edin., 1751. 12 PRINSEP (H. T.). Note on the historical re- sults, deducible from recent discoveries in Af- fhanistan. London, 1844. 8 NTERS. Report from the select committee on King's printers' patent (Scotland) ; with minutes of evidence, and appendix. [London], 1837. fol. PRIOR (MATTHEW). Poems on several occa- sions. London, 1718. fol. Another edition. London, 1766. 12 Another edition. 2 vol. [British poets, vol. 17, 18.] Edin., 1773. 12 PRIORATO (GALEAZZO GIRALDO). Histoire du ministere du Cardinal Mazarin. Traduite de I'ltalien du Comte G. G. P. 2 torn. Paris, 1672. 12 PRISONERS. l ter Bericht des Vereins fur die Besserung des Strafgefangenen. Berlin, 1830. 8 PRITCHARD (CHARLES), M. A. A treatise on the theory of statical couples, to which is added, a simple method of investigating the ellipticity of the earth, considered as a heterogeneous spheroid. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1837. 8 PRITIUS (Jo. GEORGIUS), Minister at Frankfort on the Maine. Introductio in lectionem Novi Testamenti, in qua, quse ad rem criticam, his- toriam, chronologiam, geographiam, varias an- tiquitates, tarn sacras quam profanas, perti- nent, breviter et perspicue exponuntur. Cu- jus primus lineas olim duxit J. G. P., nunc autem uberius earn digessit, singulis fere pa- ginis auxit, novis dissertationibus passim ad- ditis, Carl Gottlob Hofmann. Lipsice, 1764. 8 PRIVY COUNCIL. A collection of the judg- ments of the judicial committee of the Privy Council in ecclesiastical cases relating to doc- trine and discipline : with a preface by the Lord Bishop of London, and an historical in- troduction. Edited... by the Hon. George C. BRODRICK, and the Rev. W. H. FREMANTLE. London, 1865. 8 PROBATIONERS. The second annual report of the Society of probationers of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1835. 8 An address to the ministers of the Church of Scotland, on the occasional employment of probationers. Edin., ,1840. 8 Declaration of probationers adhering to the principles of the Convocation. Glasgoiv, 1843. 8 PROCLAMATION. A proclamation anent a so- lemn national fast and humiliation. Edin., 1690. 4 PROCTER (FRANCIS), M.A., Vicar of Witton, Norfolk. A history of the Book of Common Prayer, with a rationale of its offices. Cambridge, 1855. 8 PROCTER (J.), D.D. A plain statement of facts, addressed to the members of the Senate ; in reply to..." An examination of calumnies," &c. Cambridge, 1810. 8 PROCTER (WILLIAM), Jun. M.A., Felloioof Ca- tharine Hall, Cambridge, and lecturer of Ber- wick. Five discourses on the personal office 80 PROFANENE SS- PROTESTANT, PROTESTANTISM. of Christ, and of the Holy Ghost : on the doc- trine of the Trinity : on faith : and on regene- ration, preached in the parish church of Ber- wick upon Tweed, at the commencement of his Thursday lectures. /-'./< u., 1824. 12 PROFANENESS. A discourse concerning the execution of the laws made against prophane- ness, &c. /;./;/(., 1700. 8 PROFESSION. Profession is not principle ; or, the name of Christian is not Christianity. By the author of " The decision;" [Grace KEN- NEDY]. 2d ed. AVm., 1823. 12 PROGRESSION. The theory of human progres- sion, and natural probability of a reign of jus- tice. [By Patrick Edward DOVE.] London, 1850. 8 PROPERTIUS (SEXTUS AURELIUS). CATULLUS, TIBULLUS, Propertius. 1686 PROPERTY TAX. An act (5 and 6 Viet. Cap. 35) for granting duties on profits arising from property, professions, trades, and offices, until the sixth day of April, 1845. Passed 22d June 1842. [With index.] London, 1842. 8 A guide to the property and income act, 5 and 6 Viet. Cap. 35. London, 1842. 8 PROPHECY. A French prophecy : or, an ad- monition to the English, concerning their near approaching danger, and the means to escape it. Translated from the French. London, 1690. 8 A collection of prophetical warnings of the Eternal Spirit, pronounc'd by the following persons, viz. Mary Aspinal, Mary Beer, aged 13, Thorn. Dutton, Thorn. Ernes, John Glover, Ann Good, aged 11, Elizab. Grey, Mary Kee- mer, Anna Maria King, aged 13, John Lacy, John Moor, John Moult, aged 15, John Pot- ter, Mary Turner, Ann Watts. London, 1708. 8 The scheme of literal prophecy considered ; in a view of the controversy, occasion'd by a late book, entitled, A discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion. [By An- thony COLLINS.] 2 vol. London, 1726. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The whole prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France and Denmark. Prophecied by Thomas RYMER, marvellous MERLING, Beid, Berlington, Waldhave, Eltrain, Ban- nester, and Sybilla...To which are now added, Bishop USHER'S wonderful prophecies of the times, with several others. Glasgow, 1806. 8 Extracts on prophecy, chiefly the approaching advent and kingdom of Christ, from the writ- ings of Burgh, Anderson, Noel, Irving, Cu- ninghame, Begg, Mede, &c. Glasgow, 1835. 12 The coming struggle among the nations of the earth : or, the political events of the next fifteen years described in accordance with the prophecies in Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Apo- calypse. Seventh thousand. [By David PAE. ] London, 1853. 8* Tracts on prophecy. Edlti., s. a. 12 PROSPER, AQUITANUS, Saint. Opera omnia ad inamiBcriptos codices, nee non ad editions aiitiquiorus et castigatiores emendata, nunc primmu Sfcundum ordinem temporum dispo- sita, et Chronico integro ejusdem, ab *ortu rerum, usque ad obitum Valcntiniani tertii, et Romam a Vandalis captam pertinente locupletata. Quibus pnefigitur ejusdem S. P. vita ex operibus ipsius, et Bcriptorum eccle- siasticorum concinnata. Editio secunda Ve- neta juxta Parisiensem accuratissimam anno MDCCXI. Additis nunc primum S. ASTERII Episcopi Amasece Homiliis. 2 torn. Bassani, 1782. 4 Poeme centre les ingrats, traduit en vers et en prose. Nouvelle Edition en laquelle on a ajoute* 1'excellente lettre du meme Saint a Ruffin ; avec un abbrege* de toute sa doctrine touchant la grace, et le libre arbitre, tire" de ses autres ouvrages. Le tout en Latin et en Francois. Paris, 1698. 12 De gratia Dei, et libero arbitrio hominis et prae- destinatione sanctorum opera omnia. [Form- ing the appendix to the works of AUGUSTINE on the same subject.] Parisiis, 1760. 12 PROTEST. Difficulties about the " Protest," laid on the table of the last General Assembly ; and the claim of the Free Church to spiritual independence within the Establishment. By a member of the Established Church. Edin., 1844. 8 Another copy. An answer to the Protest of the Free Church, prepared in consequence of a challenge from an elder of that Church. By a minister of the Establishment ; [Laurence LOCKHART]. Edin., 1846. 8 The claim, declaration, and protest, of the Ge- neral Assembly of 1842, subversive of the au- thority of Christ, as respects the Church of Scotland, and of the spiritual rights of its mem- bers. Edin., 1846. 8 PROTESTANT, PROTESTANTISM. Lex ta- lionis : Or, an enquiry into the most proper ways to prevent the persecution of the Pro- testants in France. [In a collection of the writings of the author of The true-born Eng- lishman, i. e. Daniel DEFOE.] London, 1703. 8 A short view of the present state of the Pro- testant religion in Britain. Edin., 1707. 8 A view of the management of the late Scotch ministry, with respect to the Protestant suc- cession, union, &c. London, 1709. 4 The Protestant packet, or, British monitor : designed for the use and entertainment of every denomination of Protestants in Great Britain. 2 vol. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1780, 81. 8 Muse'e des Protestans celebres, ou portraits et notices biographiques et litte"raires des person- nages les plus eminens dans 1'histoire de la Reformation et du Protestantisme. Re'dige par une societe* de gens de lettres, et publie par Mr. G. T. Doin. 5 torn. 10 partt. Paris, 1821-24. 8 PROTESTANT PLOT PRYNNE. 635 Betrachtungen iiber den Protestantismus. Heidelberg, 1826. 8 - Another copy. Authentic report of the great Protestant meeting held at Liverpool, the 29th of Oc- tober, 1835, for the purpose of communi- 1 eating important documents, and of forming a Protestant association. Liverpool, 1835. 12 Report of the speeches delivered at a meeting held in Edinburgh on Wednesday, Dec. 23, 1835, for the purpose of forming a Protestant association for that city and its vicinity. Edin.,[l835]. 8 - An appeal to Scottish Christians on the sub- ject of Protestant associations. Glasgow, 1836. 8 - Some thoughts on the present crisis of Pro- testant Churches, particularly of the Episcopal Church in Ireland. Addressed to the very reverend the moderator, and other members of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. By a Presbyterian layman. Edin., 1836. 8 - The truths of Protestantism contrasted with the errors of Popery, and the character of Po- pery as illustrated in the history of past and present times. In a series of lectures by mem- bers of the city and Presbytery of Glasgow. 1836-1837. Glasgow, 1837. 12 Principles of Protestantism, considered with a view to unity. [By E. S. APPLEYARD.] London, 1848. 12 - The Scottish Protestant. Edited by James Gibson, A.M. Vol. i. Glasgow, 1852. 8 - List of foreign Protestants and aliens resident in England, 1618-1688. From returns in the State Paper office. Edited [for the Camden Society] by Wm. Durrant Cooper. London, 1862. 4 The Protestant's doom in Popish times. s. I. et a. 4 - The Protestant mask taken off from the jesu- ited English-man ; being an answer to a book [by Sir James Montgomery] entituled, Great Britain's just complaint. [By Thomas COM- BER, D.D., Dean of Durham.] [Wants title.] London, 169|. 4 - The Protestant's trial on controverted points of faith, by the written word. London, s. a. 12 PROTESTANT-PLOT. No Protestant-plot: or, the present pretended conspiracy of the Pro- testants against the King and government dis- covered to be a conspiracy of the Papists against the King and his Protestant subjects. [By Anthony Ashley COOPER, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury.j London, 1682. 4 - The third part of no Protestant plot : with observations on the proceedings upon the bill of indictment against the E. of Shaftsbury : and a brief account of the case of the Earl of Argyle. London, 1682. 4 PROTESTANT RELIGION. A brief and im- partial account of the nature of the Protest- ant religion : its present state in the world, its strength and weakness, with the wayes and indications of the ruine or continuance of its public national profession. By a Protestant ; [John OWEN.] London, 1682. 4 PROTESTERS. Protesters vindicated ; or, a just and necessary defence of protesting against, and withdrawing from this national Church of Scotland; on account of her many gross and continued defections. s. I., 1716. 4 PROUT (WILLIAM), M.D. Chemistry, meteoro- logy, and the function of digestion, considered with reference to natural theology. [Bridge- water Treatises, viii.] London, 1834. 8 PROUDFOOT (WILLIAM), Minister of Avondale. Exhortation to my people not to secede. A discourse, preached in the parish church of Avondale, on May 14th, 1843. JEdin., 1843. 8 Another copy. PROVIDENCES. A serious view of the remark- able providences of the times, and a warning as to the public sins, dangers, and duty of British Protestants. First read to an Asso- ciate congregation in Scotland at the begin- ning of the French war ; now published with an introduction relating to the present alarm- ing state of Great Britain. Glasgow, 1795. 8 Another copy. PRUDE (JoHN), Curate of St Clements Danes, Middlesex. A sermon [on Eccles. ii. 11] at the funeral of the learned and ingenious Mrs Ann Baynard ... Together with some remarkable passages in her life. Preached at the parish church of Barnes in the county of Surry, June the 16th, 1697. London, 1697. 4 PRUDENTIUS (AURELIUS CLEMENS). Opera, noviter ad MSC. fidem recensita, interpolata, innumeris a mendis purgata, notisq ; et indice accurate illustrata a M. Johanne Weitzio. Ac- cesserunt omnium doctorum virorum, quot- quot in Prudentium scripserunt, notse, scholia, atque observationes, cum glossis veteribus. Hanovice, 1613. 8 Another edition. Recensuit et adnotationibus illustravit Christophorus Cellarius. Halce Magdeburgicce, 1703. 8 Another edition. Nunc primum cum codd. Vaticanis collata, praefatione, variantibus-lec- tionibus, notis, ac rerum verborumque indice locupletissimo aucta et illustrata. 2 vol. Parmce, 1788. 4' J PRUSSIA. Report on the state of public in- struction in Prussia ... Translated by Sarah Austin. London, 1834. 8 PRYNNE (WILLIAM). Histrio-Mastix. The players scourge, or actors tragsedie, divided into two parts. Wherein it is largely evi- denced, by divers arguments, by the concur- ring authorities and resolutions of sundry texts of Scripture ; of the whole primitive Church, both under the law and Gospell ; of 55 Sy- nodes and Councils ; of 71 Fathers and Chris- tian writers, both before the yeare of our Lord 1200 ; of above 150 foraigne and domestique 6tt PRYNNE. Protestant and Popish authors, since ; of 40 heathen philosophers, historians, poets ; of many heathen, many Christian nations, repub- liques, emperors, princes, magistrates ; of sun- dry apostolicall, canonical!, imperiall constitu- tions ; and of our owne English statutes, ma- gistrates, vniversities, writers, preachers. That popular stage-playes (the very pompes of the divell which we renounce in baptisme v if we believe the Fathers) are sinfull, heathenish, lewde, ungodly spectacles, and most pernicious corruptions ; condemned in all ages, as into- lerable mischiefes to Churches, to republickes, to the manners, mimics, and soules of men. And that the profession of play-poets, of stage- players ; together with the penning, acting, and frequenting of stage-playes, are unlawful!, infamous, and misbecoming Christians... London, 1622. 4 The perpetvitie of a regenerate mans estate. Wherein it is manifestly proued by sundry ar- guments, reasons and authorities, that such as are once truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ by a liuely faith, can neither finally nor totally fall from grace. It is also proved, that this hath beene the receiued and resolued doctrine of all the ancient Fathers, of all the Protestant Churches and writers beyond the seas, and of the Church of England... London, 1626. 4 God, no impostor, nor delvdor. Or, an an- swer to a Popish and Arminian cavill, in the defence of free-will, and vniversall grace ; wherein God's tender of grace by the outward ministry of the Gospell, to reprobates, who neither doe, nor can receive it ; is vindicated from those aspersions of equivocation, falsitie, and collusion, which some by way of obiection, cast upon it. s. I., 1630. 4 Anti-Arminianisme. Or, the Church of Eng- land's old antithesis to new Arminianisme. Wherein seven Anti- Arminian orthodox tenets are evidently proved ; their seven opposite Ar- minian (once Popish and Pelagian) errours are manifestly disproved, to be the ancient, estab- lished, vndoubted doctrine of the primitive and moderne Church of England ; (as also of the primitive and present Churches of Scot- land and Ireland :) by the concurrent testimo- ny of sundry ancient Brittish, English, Scot- tish, Irish authours and records, from the yeare of our Lord 430, till about the yeare 1440 : and by the severall records and writers of these Cluirches, from the beginning of re- formation to this present. 2d ed. . I., 1630. 4 The unbishoping of Timothy and Titus, and of the Angel of the Church of Ephesus : or, a brief elaborate discourse, proving Timothy and the Angel to be no first, sole, diocesan Bishop of Ephesus, nor Titus of Crete ; and that the power of ordination, or imposition of hands, belongs jure divino to Presbyters, as well as to Bishops, and not to Bishops only, as Bishops ; who by divine institution are evidenced to be one and the same with Presbyters, and many over one city, church, not one over many cities or churches... [Title in MS.] London, 1636. 4' Reprinted, London, 1660. 4 A breviate of the Prelates intolerable usurj>;i- tions, both upon the Kings prerogative royall, and on the subjects liberties. 3d ed. By W. HUNTLBY. [Pseud.] s. I., 1637. 4 The antipathic of the English lordly Prelacie, both to regall monarchy, and civill unity : or, an historicall collection of the severall exe- crable treasons, conspiracies, rebellions, sedi- tions, state-schismes, contumacies, anti-mo- narchicall practices, and oppressions of our English, Brittish, French, Scottish, and Irish lordly Prelates, against our kingdomes, lawes, liberties ; and of the severall warres, and civil dissentions occasioned by them in, or against our realm, in former and latter ages. Together with the judgementof our owne ancient writers, and most judicious authors, touching the pre- tended divine jurisdiction, the calling, lordli- nesse, temporalities, wealth, secular imploy- ments, trayterous practices, unprofitablenesse, and mischievousnesse, of lordly Prelates, both to King, State, Church, with an answer to the chiefe objections made for the divinity, or con- tinuance of their lordly function. 2 parts. London, 1641. 4 A new discovery of the Prelates tyranny, in their late prosecutions of Mr William Pryn, an eminent lawyer ; Dr John Bastwick, a learned physitian ; and Mr Henry Burton, a reverent divine... London, 1641. 4 A soveraign antidote to prevent, appease, and determine our unnaturall and destructive ci- vill warres and- dissentions. Wherein divers serious considerations tending to this purpose are propounded both to the King and subjects, the parliaments and Sir John Hotham's pro- ceedings at Hull and in the militia justified, Sir John Hotham's actions proved to be nei- ther treason, felony, nor trespas, by the laws of the land, nor any just ground or cause at all for his Majestie to rayse an army, or a most unnaturall civill warre in his kingdome. With a most serious exhortation both to the King and subjects to embrace and preserve peace and abandon civill warres, with other matters worthy of consideration. Second impression. London, 1642. 4 An humble remonstrance against the tax of ship-money lately imposed : laying open the illegality, injustice, abuses, and inconveniences thereof. W T ritten by W. P. An. 1636, during his imprisonment in the tower of London, to free his country from that heavy tax ; and then communicated to some speciall friends in writ- ing... Together with some brief e observations touching the Great Scale of England. London, 1643. 4 Another copy. The soveraigne power of parliaments and king- doms : divided into foure parts. Together with an appendix : wherein the superiority of our owne, and most other foraine parliaments, PRYNNE. 637 states, kingdomes, magistrates, (collectively considered,) over and above their lawfull em- perours, kings, princes, is abundantly evi- denced, confirmed by pregnant reasons, reso- lutions, precedents, histories, authorities of all sorts ; the contrary objections re-felled ; the treachery and disloyalty of Papists to their soveraignes, with their present plots, to extir- pate the Protestant religion demonstrated ; and all the material objections, calumnies, of the King, his counsell, royallists, malignaiits, delinquents, Papists, against the present par- liaments proceedings... satisfactorily answered, refuted, dissipated in all particulars. London, 1643. 4 Another copy. The Popish royall favourite : or, a full disco- very of His Majesties extraordinary favours to, and protections of notorious Papists, priests, Jesuits, against all prosecutions and penalties of the laws enacted against them ; notwith- standing his many royall proclamations, de- clarations, and protestations to the contrary. As likewise of a most desperate long prosecuted designe to set up Popery, and extirpate the Protestant religion by degrees, in this our realme of England, and all His Majesties do- minions... Collected and published by authori- ty of Parliament : by W. P. London, 1643. 4 Another copy. * A catalogue of the printed books written by W. P. before, during, since his imprisonment. London, 1643. 4 The doome of cowardisze and treachery ; or, a looking-glasse for cowardly or corrupt gover- nours, and souldiers, who through pusillani- mity or bribery, betray their trusts, to the publick prejudice. Containing certaine do- mestick lawes, heretofore, lately made, and judgements given against such timorous and treacherous persons ; fit to be known in these unhappy times of warre. London, 1643. 4 Another copy. Homes master-peece : or, the grand conspiracy of the Pope and his lesuited instruments, to extirpate the Protestant religion, to re-estab- lish Popery, subvert lawes, liberties, peace, parliaments, by kindling a civill war in Scot- land, and all his Majesties realmes, and to poyson the King himselfe in case hee comply not with them in these their execrable de- signes... Published by authority of parliament. By W. P. 2d ed. ' London, 1644. 4 Another copy. A true and full relation of the prosecution, arraignment, tryal, and condemnation of Na- thaniel Fiennes, late colonel and governor of the city and castle of Bristoll, before a coun- cill of war held at St Albans during nine dayes space, in December, 1643, touching his coward- ly and traytorly surrendering of this city and castle... to the ineffable losse, danger, and pre- judice of the whole kingdom... By W. P. and Clement WALKER. London, 1644. 4 A vindication of Psalme 105. 15, (Touch not mine Anoynted, and doe my Prophets no harme) from some false glosses lately obtruded on it by Royallists : proving that this divine inhibition was given to kings, not subjects ; to restrain them from injuring and oppressing God's servants and their subiects, who are God's Anoynted, as well as kings : and that it is more unlawfull for kings to plunder and make war upon their subiects, by way of of- fence, than for subiects to take up arms against kings, in such cases, by way of defence. With a brief e exhortation to peace and unity. 3d ed. London, 1644. 4 A moderate apology against a pretended ca- lumny. In answer to some passages in The preheminence of parliament. Newly publish- ed by James Howell Esq. one of the clerks of his Majesties most honourable Privy Councell. Wherein a reason is rendered, why the Popish royal favourite stiled him no friend to parlia- ments, and a malignant. And the copy of a letter written by George Gage from Rome to King lames, inserted, to manifest an agency between him and Rome, to procure the Popes dispensation for the Spanish match. London, 1644. 4 The falsities and forgeries of the anonymous author of a late pamphlet, (supposed to be printed at Oxford but in truth at London) 1644, intituled The fallacies of Mr William Prynne, discovered and confuted, in a short view of his books intituled, The sovereignty of parliaments, the opening of the Great Seal, &c. Wherein the calumnies, and forgeries of this unknown author in charging Mr Prynne with false quotations, calumniating falshoods, wresting of the Scriptures, points of Popery, grosse absurdityes, meer contradictions, hai- nous treasons and plain betraying of the cause, (not one of which is in the least degree made good by the calumniator) are succinctly an- swered, refuted. London, 1644. 4 A vindication of foure serious questions of grand importance, concerning excommunica- tion, and suspention from the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, from some misprisions and unjust exceptions lately taken against them ; both in the pulpit, by a reverend brother of Scotland [George Gillespie] in a sermon at Margarets church in Westminster, before the Hon. House of Commons, at a publike fast there held for Scotland, on the 5th of Septem- ber last : and in the presse, by three new- printed pamphlets, by way of answer to and censure of them. Wherein some Scripture texts (commonly produced for excommunica- tion, and bare suspention from the Lord's Supper onely) are cleared from false glosses, inferences, conclusions wrested from them ; the grounds of sole suspention from the sacra- ment, of unmixt communions, Independency, separations from our Churches, sacraments, examined, refuted, subverted ; Judas his re- ception of the Lords Supper, cleared ; it ma- nifested to be a converting, as well as a con- firming ordinance ; a meens to beget, as well 638 PSALMODY PUFEND< ' 1 : 1 . as increase grace : with other particulars tend- ing to the advancement of verity, unity, and the better, speedier settlement of a Church- discipline, according to God's word, so much desired. London, 1645. 4 A gagge for long-hair'd Rattle-Heads who re- vile all civill Round-heads. [London, 1646.] 4 Canterburies doome. Or the first part of a compleat history of the commitment, charge, tryall, condemnation, execution of William Laud late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury... Where- in this Arch-Prelates manifold trayterous arti- fices to usher in Popery by degrees, are cleerly detected, and the ecclesiasticall history of our Church-affaires, during his pontiticall domina- tion, faithfully presented to the publike view of the world. London, 1646. fol. PSALMODY. Proposed additions to the psal- mody. Printed for the inspection of Presby- teries, 1814. [Edin., 1814.] 12 Our Scottish psalmody : with hints for its im- provement. Addressed to the congregation of Free St George's by its sacred music associa- tion. Edin., 1852. 8 PSALMS. Die Sieben Busspsalmen ausgelegt. B. L. Leyptzek, 1520. 4 A selection of psalms and hymns, for the use of the parish church of Peterborough. Peterborough, 1819. 12 A collection of psalms and hymns from various authors. Chiefly designed for the use of pub- lic worship. 13th ed. Cambridge, 1824. 12 A selection of psalms and hymns, for public worship. 8th ed. London, 1824. 12 A selection of psalms and hymns for public worship. 3d ed. London, 1834. 12 Three hundred and fifty portions of the Book of Psalms : selected from various versions : with six hundred hymns adapted for public worship. Thirtieth thousand. London, 1836. 12 Psalms and hymns adapted to social, private, and public worship in the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Authorized by the General Assembly. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 Gesangbuch fur die evangelische Kirche in Wurttemberg. Stuttgart, 1843. 8 [For the prose and poetical versions of the Book of Psalms, see BIBLES.] PTOLEMyEUS (CLAUDIUS). Theatrum geogra- phise veteris, Grace et Latine. Grseca ad co- dices Palatinos collata aucta et emendata sunt, Latina infinitis locis correcta opera P. Bertii. 2 torn. Amstel., 1618, 19. fol. PUAUX (F.) Histoire de la Reformation Fran- aise. Tome premier. Paris, 1859. 12 PUBLIC HOUSES. Observations and facts re- lative to public houses. By a magistrate ; [John WETLAND]. 2d ed. London, s. a. 8 Report from the select committee on public houses, &c. ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. [London, 1853.] fol. Public-houses' act conference. Testimonies and statistics in reference to the working of the Public-houses' act, from magistrates, su- perintendents of police, clergymen, city mis- sionaries, employers of labour, working men, &c. A Glasgow, 1855. 8 PUBLISHING. The present system of publish- ing ; being an examination of a proposed plan for superseding it ; contained in a pamphlet entitled, "Reasons for establishing an authors' publication society, by which literary labour would receive a more adequate reward, and the price of all new books be much reduced." .-/on, 1844. 8 PUETEMANUS (LEONARDUS). Disputationum physiologicarum quarta, de hominis procrea- tione. Lugd. Batav., 1610. 4 PUFENDORF, or PUFFENDORF (SAMUEL), Professor of the law of nature and nations at Heidelberg. De jure naturae et gentium libri octo. Editio ultima. Amstel., 1688. 4 Another copy. Translated into English. The 2d ed. care- fully corrected, and compared with Mr. Bar- beyrac's French translation. Oxford, 1710. fol. Abridg'd from the original. In which the au- thor's entire treatise (De officio hominis et civis) that was by himself design'd as the epi- tome of his larger work, is taken. The whole compar'd with the respective last editions of Mr. Barbeyrac's French translations, and il- lustrated with his notes. By J. Spavan, M.A. 2 vol. London, 1716. 8 Another copy. Another copy. De officio hominis et civis juxta legem natu- ralem libri duo. Editio sexta. Ultrajecti, 1705. 12 Supplementis et observationibus in acade- micse juventutis usum auxit et illustravit Gerschomus Carmichael. Editio secunda. Edinburgi, 1724. 8 Translated. [Wants title.] 12 Introductio ad historian! Europneam, Latino reddita a Jo. Frid. Cramero. Editio secunda. Ultrajecti, 1692. 8 J Made English from the original High Dutch. The 9th ed. With an appendix, containing an introduction to the history of the principal sovereign states of Italy, particularly Venice, Modena, Mantua, Florence, and Savoy. London, 1728. 8 Another copy. Introduction a 1'histoire generale et politique de 1'univers. Ou 1'on voit 1'origine, les re"vo- lutions, 1'etat present, et les interets des souve- rains. Nouvelle Edition, oil 1'on a continue' tous les anciens chapitres jusqu' a present, et aj outs' 1'histoire des principaux souverains de 1'Italie, de 1'Allemagiie, &c. Le tout dans un ordre plus naturel. Avec des notes histo- riques, geographiques, et critiques, et des cartes necessaires. Tom. i.-iii. , v., vi. Amsterdam, 1721. 12 [The above is a translation of Puffendorf's Introduction a 1'histoire des principaux etats PUGH PUSEY. 639 de 1'Europe, re-arranged and supplemented, by Estienne de la Chambre.] - De monarchia Pontificis Romani. Liber sin- gularis. [Ultrajecti, 3692.] 8 - Jus feciale divinum, sive de consensu et dis- sensu Protestantium exercitatio posthuma. Francofurti, 1716. 8 PUGH (H.) The true nature of religious zeal stated, as it concerns both Church and Dis- senters. A sermon preached at St Catherine- Creed-church, London, Sep. 17th, 1710. And dedicated to Dr Henry Sacheverell. London, 1710. 8 PUGIN (AUGUSTUS NORTHMORE WELBY). An address to the inhabitants of Ramsgate. London, 1850. 8 PULLER (TIMOTHY), D.D., Rector of St Mary- le-Bow, London. The moderation of the Church of England, considered as useful for allaying the present distempers which the in- disposition of the time hath contracted. London, 1679. 8 - A new edition, thoroughly revised ; the re- ferences being verified and corrected ; and the passages cited, printed at length ; with an in- troductory preface : by the Rev. Robert Eden, M.A. London, 1843. 8 PULLIN (GREG). Henry, the recluse of Devon : or, his first visit. A tale from life. 3 vol. London, 1835. 8 PULLING (JOHN). A tour in Southern Europe and the Crimea. London, 1858. 8 PULPIT. The pulpit guarded ; with arguments proving the unlawfulness, sinfulness and dan- ger of suffering private persons to take upon them public preaching, and expounding the Scriptures without a call... Composed and com- piled by a friend to truth and peace. Edin., 1748. 8 - The Scottish pulpit ; a collection of sermons by eminent clergymen of the Church of Scot- land. Edited by the Rev. Robert Gillan. Edin., 1823. 8 The pulpit. [A single volume containing odd numbers.] London, 1830-37. 8 - The Scottish pulpit, containing sermons by eminent Scottish divines. 4 vol. Edin., 1833-35. 8 . The Church of Scotland pulpit. 2 vol. Edin., 1845, 46. 8 The Free Church pulpit. 3 vol. Perth, 1845-47. 8 - The eloquence of the pulpit. A discourse on Acts, xiii. 24. [Wants title.] 8 PULTENEY (WILLIAM), Earl of Bath. FACTION detected by the evidence of facts. 1743 PUNCHARD (GEORGE). History of Congrega- tionalism from about A.D. 250 to 1616. Salem, 1841. 12 A view of Congregationalism, its principles and doctrines, the testimony of ecclesiastical history in its favour, its practice and its advantages. With an introductory essay by R. S. Storrs, D.D. 2d ed. Andover, 1844. 8 Another copy. PUNISHING. The Deity's delay in punishing the guilty, considered on the principles of rea- son. [By Robert BOLTON.] London, 1751. 8 PURGATORY. Two discourses : of purgatory, and prayers for the dead. [By William WAKE . ] London, 1687. 4* PURITAN DISCIPLINE. See Martin MAR- PURITANISM, PURITANS. Puritanismus Anglicanus, sive prsecipua dogmata eorum qui inter vulgo dictos Puritanos in Anglia, rigi- diores habentur. [Written in English by Wil- liam BRADSHAW, and translated into Latin, with a preface, by W. AMES.] Francofurti, 1610. 8 Patronus bonse fidei in causa Puritanorum, contra Hierarchicos Anglos : ut disceptatur in specimine confutationis vindiciarum clarissi- mi viri Johannis Durelli, cujus periculum fit, cum passim in ejus opere, turn maxime in ca- pite primo, in quo agitur de authoribus nuper- orum motuum in Anglia. [By Louis Du MOULIN.] s. I., 1672. 8 Puritanism revived : or, methodism as old as the great rebellion. In a series of letters from a curate to his rector. [By Richard MANT.] London, 1808. 8 - Another copy. PURVES (JAMES). A treatise on civil govern- ment. Shewing that the Scripture plan is the best for promoting human happiness. With a few observations on some ancient and mo- dern governments. Edin. , 1791. 12 Review of The age of reason, with remarks on some other deistical writings. Part i. Edin., 1795. 12 PURVES (JOHN), Minister of the Free Church, Jedburgh. Sermons touching some points much controverted at present. Edin., 1846. 8 Happiness, its elements and means simple and common : being an address, delivered at the Mechanics institute, Jedburgh, December 17, 1851. Edin., 1852. 8 The sustentation fund. A speech delivered in the Free Synod of Merse and Teviotdale, on Tuesday the 24th of April 1855. Edin., 1855. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Clerical despotism and Synod justice, or, true state of the case between the Rev. J. A. Wal- lace, Hawick, and David D. Scott. Jedburgh, 1856. 8 SIN put away by Christ. s. a. PUSEY (EDWARD BOUVERIE), D.D., Regius pro- fessor of Hebrew, Oxford. An historical en- quiry into the probable causes of the rational- ist character lately predominant in the theo- logy of Germany. To which is prefixed, a letter from Professor Sack, upon the Rev. H. J. Rose's Discourses on German Protest- antism: translated from the German. [2 parts.] London, 1828, 30. 8* A letter to Richard [Bagot] Lord Bishop of Oxford, on the tendency to Romanism imput- 640 PUTTER -PYPER. ed to doctrines held of old, as now, in the English Church. Oxford, 1839. 8 Preface to the fourth edition of the "Letter to Richard, Lord Bishop of Oxford, on the tendency to Romanism imputed to doctrines held of old, as now, in the English Church : " on the doctrine of justification. Oxford, 1840. 8 A letter to His Grace the Archbishop of Can- terbury [William Howley], on some circum- stances connected with the present crisis in the English Church. 3d ed. Oxford, 1842. 8 Marriage with a deceased wife's sister prohi- bited by holy Scripture, as understood by the Church for 1500 years. Evidence given be- fore the commission appointed to inquire into the state and operation of the law of marriage as relating to the prohibited degrees of affi- nity, with a preface by E. B. P. To which is appended, a speech... in the case of the Queen v. the parish of St Giles in the fields, by Edward BADELEY, Esq., M.A. Oxford, 1849. 8 The royal supremacy not an arbitrary autho- rity, but limited by the laws of the Church, of which kings are members. Part i. An- cient precedents. Oxford, 1850. 8 The doctrine of the Real Presence, as contain- ed in the Fathers from the death of St John the Evangelist to the fourth general council, vindicated, in notes on a sermon, ' ' The pre- sence of Christ in the holy eucharist," preach- ed A.D. 1853, before the university of Oxford. Oxford, 1855. 8 The Real Presence of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, the doctrine of the English Church, with a vindication of the re- ception by the wicked, and of the adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ truly present. Oxford, 1857. 8 The councils of the Church from the council of Jerusalem A.D. 51, to the council of Con- stantinople A.D. 381, chiefly as to their consti- tution, but also as to their objects and history. Oxford, 1857. 8 The minor Prophets, with a commentary. 1860. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. The Church of England a portion of Christ's one holy Catholic Church, and a means of re- storing visible unity. An Eirenicon, in a let- ter to the author of "The Christian year." Fourth thousand. London, 1865. 8 PUTTER (JOHN STEPHEN), Professor of laws in the university of Gb'ttingen. An historical de- velopement of the present political constitution of the Germanic empire. Translated from the German, with notes, and a comparative view of the revenue, population, forces, &c. of the respective territories, from the statistical tables lately published at Berlin, by Josiah Dorn- ford, LL.D. 3 vol. London, 1790. 8 PYE (HENBY JAMES), Poet Laureate. Sketches on various subjects. 2d ed. London, 1797. 8* PYKE (JOSEPH). An impartial view of the prin- cipal difficulties that affect the Trinitarian, or clog the Arian scheme. Win-rein, among other things, that important qua-re, whether our Lord is to be worship'd as Mediator, is fairly discussed... Containing an answer to Mr For- ster's Appendix, vol. London, 1845, 47. * Histoire de Franco, principalement pendant le xvi e et le xvii siecle. Traduction de J.- Jacques Porchat. 3 torn. Paris, 1864, 56. 8 RANKEN (ALEXANDER), D.D., Minister of the N. W. Church, GlasgoM-. The exhortation and character of Barnabas. A sermon [on Acts, xi. 23, 24] preached... at Glasgow, 25th Oct. 1818, on the death of the Rev. Robert Balfour, D.D. Glasgow, 1818. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Institutes of theology ; or, a concise system of divinity. With a reference under each article to some of the principal authors who have treated of the subjects particularly and fully. Glasgow, 1822. 8 - Another copy. RANKEN (ANDREW). A letter addressed to the Rev. Dr Chalmers, occasioned by his frequent allusions to the " impregnable minds of cer- tain conveners and councilmen," on the sub- ject of pauperism in the city of Glasgow ; ac- companied with official documents. Glasgow, 1830. 8 RANKING (JOHN). Historical researches on the wars and sports of the Mongols and Ro- mans ; in which elephants and wild beasts were employed or slain. London, 1826. 4 Historical researches on the conquest of Peni, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez, and Talomeco, in the thirteenth century, by the Mongols, ac- companied with elephants ; and the local agree- ment of history and tradition, with the remains of elephants and mastodontes, found in the New world... London, 1827. 8 RANN (JOHN). * The life and trial of J. R,, alias sixteen-string Jack, for robbery ; to which is added, a narrative of the life and trial of William Cox, for robbery. London, s. a. 12 RANSFORD (CHARLES), M.D. The battle of the doctors : or, homoeopathy and allceopathy in 1851. A letter addressed to former medical friends. London, 1851. 8 RANSOM (SAMUEL), Classical and Hebrew tutor in Hackney theological seminary. Biblical to- j pography : lectures on the position and cha- racter of the places mentioned in the holy Scriptures. With maps. With a preface by John Harris, D.D. London, [1840]. 12 ' A Hebrew grammar, containing a copious and systematic development of the etymology and punctuation of that language. London, 1843. 8 Another copy. RAPHALL (MORRIS J.), M. A. The sacred Scrip- tures in Hebrew and English. 1844. See BIBLES HEBREW. C. RAPHELIUS (GEORGIUS), Superintendent of the Churches of Lunenberg. Annotationes in sa- cram Scripturam, historicse in Vetus, philolo- gica; in Novum Testamentum, ex Xenophonte, Poly bio, Arriano et Herodoto collects;... Pra> fatus est Brandanus Ludolphhs Raphclius G. F. Editio nova. 2 t<>m. Lwj.i. /;,i/,i ,-., 1747. 8 RAPIN (RENE). Hortorum Lib. iv. cum dispu- tatione de cultura hortensi. Joan. MKUKMI Fil. Arboretum sacrum. An^i'li I'"i.ni.\M Rusticus. Adh.fc Lirsn leges hortenses, et Lazari BONAMICI carmen de vita rustica. Ultrajecti, 1672. 8 L'esprit du CHRISTIANISME. 1672 La perfection du CHRISTIANISME. Tiree de la morale de Jesus- Christ. !'>7.; The whole critical works of Monsieur R. 2 vol. Newly translated into English, by Basil Ken- net, D.D. [and several hands]. [Vol. i., 2ded.l London, 1706, 16. 8* RAPIN THOYRAS (PAUL DE). The history of England. Written in French. Translated into English with additional notes by N. Tin- dal, M.A. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1732. fol. [For Continuation, see TINDAL.] Acta regia ; being the account which Mr. Ra- pin de Thoyras publish'd of the history of England, by authority of the lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Ne- therlands, printed by their printer, and ground- ed upon those records which are collected in Mr Rymer's Fcedera. Containing not only a succinct relation of the treaties, negotiations, battles, revolutions, and other important events which are treated of in Mr. Rapin's History of England : but an account of the several grants from the Crown to the nobility, &c. through all the reigns. Of the summons's to parliament and convocation. Of royal man- dates to the clergy and laity. Dispensations for marriages. Patents for offices : and nume- rous other publick acts relating to particular families and our own domestick affairs. [Trans- lated by Stephen Whatley.] London, 1732. fol. RATHBAND (WILLIAM), Minister of the Gospel. A most grave and modest confutation of the errors of the sect, commonly called Brownists, or Seperatists. Agreed upon long since by the joynt consent of sundry godly and learned mi- nisters of this kingdome, then standing out and suffering in the cause of inconformity ; and now published in a time of need, for the good of God's Church, and the better setling of mens unstable mindes in the truth against the subtile insinuations, and plausible pre- tences of that pernicious evill. London, 1644. 4 RATHBONE (WILLIAM). A narrative of events, that have lately taken place in Ireland among the society called QUAKERS. 1804 A memoir of the proceedings of the society called Quakers, belonging to the monthly meet- ing of Hardshaw, in Lancashire, in the case of the author of a publication, entitled, A nar- rative of events which have lately taken place in Ireland, &c. Liverpool, 1805. 8 J RATRAMNUS. See BERTRAM i.s. KAUCH (FREUEKKK A.), President of Marshall RAULIN RAY. 647 college, Penn. Psychology : or, a view of the human soul : including anthropology, adapted for the use of colleges. 2d ed. New York, 1841. 8 RAULIN (JOHANNES), Ordinis Cluniacensis. Itinerarium paradisi : complectens sermones de penitentia et ejus partibus, contritione vi- delicet confessione : satisfactione : ac oration e ...Cui adjuncti sunt... sermones ejusdem gra- vissimi patris de matrimonio ac viduitate. B. L. Parisiis, M.D.XIX. 8 RAUMER (FREDERICK VON), Professor of history in the university of Berlin. The political his- tory of England during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. [From the accession of Henry VII. to the restoration of Charles II.] 2 vol. London, 1837. 8 RAVANELLUS (PETRUS) Bibliotheca sacra, seu thesaurus Scriptune canonicse amplissi- mus. [Cum additamentis novis.] 3 torn. Geneva, 1650, 63. fol. Another copy. RAVENHILL (WILLIAM). A short account of the company of grocers, from their original. Together with their case and condition (in their present circumstances) truly stated. As also, how their revenue is settled, for payment of their charters ; and provision made for the well-governing their members and mystery, to preserve a succession in their society... London, 1689. 4 RAVESTEYN (luoocus), Professor of divinity in the university of Louvain. Apologise, seu de- fensionis decretorum sacrosancti concilii Tri- dentini, quaj quidem ad religionem et doctri- nam Christianam pertinent, aduersus censuras et Examen Martini Kemnitii, ministri Eccle- siae Brunuicensis, pars prima. Lovanii, 1568. 8 RAVIUS (SEBALDUS). Oratio de eloquentia et sublimitate dictionis Hebraic* scriptorum An- tiqui Foederis. Trajecti ad Ehenum, 1752. 4 RAWDON (MARMADUKE). *The life of M. R. of York, or, M. R. the second of that name. Now first printed from the original MS. in the possession of Robert Cooke, Esq. F.R.G.S. Edited [for the Camden Society] by Robert Davies, Esq. F.S.A. London, 1863. 4 RAWLET (JOHN), B.D., Preacher of Newcastle upon Tyne. A dialogue betwixt two Protest- ants (in answer to a Popish catechism, called, a short CATECHISM against all sectaries). 1685 RAWLIN (RICHARD), Independent minister of a congregation in Fetter Lane, London. Christ the righteousness of his people ; or, the doc- trine of justification by faith in him. Repre- sented in several sermons, [on Is. xlv. 24] preached at the Merchants Lecture at Pinners- Hall. London, 1741. 8 Another copy. Another edition. London, 1797. 12 RAWLINSON (GEORGE), M.A., Camden profes- sor of ancient history, Oxford. The historical evidences of the truth of the Scripture records, stated anew, with special reference to the doubts and discoveries of modern times ; in eight lectures delivered in the Oxford Univer- sity pulpit, at the Bampton lecture for 1859. London, 1859. 8 The contrasts of Christianity with Heathen and Jewish systems : or nine sermons preached before the university of Oxford on various oc- casions. London, 1861. 8 RAY (JAMES), of Whitehaven. A compleat his- tory of the Rebellion, from its first rise, in 1745, to its total suppression, at the glorious battle of Culloden, in April 1746... London, 1758. 12 RAY (JOHN), M.A., F.R.S. Three physico-theo- logical discourses, concerning I. The primitive chaos, and creation of the world. II. The general deluge, its causes and effects. III. The dissolution of the world, and future conflagra- tion. Wherein are largely discussed, the pro- duction and use of mountains ; the original of fountains, of formed stones, and sea-fishes bones and shells found in the earth ; the effects of particular floods, and inundations of the sea ; the eruption of volcano's ; the nature and causes of earthquakes. Also an historical ac- count of those two late remarkable ones in Ja- maica and England. With practical inferences. 4th ed. London, 1732. 8 A compleat collection of English proverbs ; also the most celebrated proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and other languages. The whole methodically digested and illustrat- ed with annotations, and proper explications. To which is added, (written by the same au- thor) a collection of English words not gene- rally used, with their significations and ori- ginal in two alphabetical catalogues ; the one of such as are proper to the Northern, the other to the Southern counties. With an ac- count of the preparing and refining such metals and minerals as are gotten in England. 3d ed. .London, 1737. 8 The wisdom of God manifested in the works of the creation. In two parts. Viz. The hea- venly bodies, elements, meteors, fossils, vege- tables, animals, (beasts, birds, fishes, and in- sects) more particularly in the body of the earth, its figure, motion, and consistency ; and in the admirable structure of the bodies of man and other animals ; as also in their gene- ration, &c. With answers to some objections, llth ed. London, 1743. 8 Another edition. London, 1826. 12 * Memorials of J. R. , consisting of his life by Dr Derham ; biographical and critical notices by Sir J. E. Smith, and Cuvier and Dupetit Thouars. With his itineraries, &c. Edited [for the Ray Society] by Edwin Lankester, M.D. London, 1846. 8 The correspondence of J. R. : consisting of selections from the philosophical letters pub- lished by Dr Derham, and original letters of J. R., in the collection of the British Museum. Edited [for the Ray Society] by Edwin Lan- kester, M.D. London, 1848. 8 RAY SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. See authors' names. C43 RAY-REDFORD. RAY (T.). A vindication of the miracles of our Saviour. Or a cornpleat answer to all Mr Woolston's discourses. With an appendix for Scripture revelation. Humbly addressed to the Right Rev. the Bishops of London, Litch- field, St Davids, St Asaph, Bangor, Oxford. 2d ed. To which is annexed an expository letter to Mr Woolston ; with his tryal, and sentence passed upon him for publishing the said books. London, 1731, 8 RAYNAL (L'AbW GUILLAUMB THOMAS). His- toire phUosophique et politique des e*tablisse- mens et du commerce des Europeans dans les deux Indus. [Avec un atlas.] 6 torn. Geneve, 1780. 4 Translated from the French by J. O. Justa- mond. 8 vol. London, 1788. 8 RAYNALDUS (OooRicus), Priest of the Oratory at Rome. Annales ecclesiastic! ab anno MCXCVIII. ubi desunt Cardinalis Baronius. Accedimt in hac editione notae chronologicse, criticse, historicae, quibus Raynaldi annales illustrantur, supplentur, emendantur, auctore Joanne Dominico Maiisi. 15 torn. Lucce, 1747-56. fol. READE (T. S. B.). Christian experience as dis- played in the life and writings of Saint Paul. In two parts. 4th ed. : with the author's last corrections. London, s. a. 12 Christian retirement ; or, spiritual exercises of the heart. 13th ed. Kirby Lonsdale, 1843. 12 Christian meditations ; or the believer's com- panion in solitude. 2d ed. London, 1843. 12 READING (WILLIAM), M.A., Keeper of the li- brary at Sion-college. One hundred and six- teen sermons preached out of the first lessons at morning and evening prayer, for all the Sundays in the year. 4 vol. 2d ed. London, 1836. 8 REASON. An essay concerning the use of rea- son in propositions, the evidence whereof de- pends upon human testimony. [By Anthony COLLINS.] 2d ed. London, 1709. 8 The harmony of reason and Christianity. In two essays : viz. I. On natural reason ; II. On reveal'd religion. Being a seasonable antidote against infidelity. London, 1736. 8 Les veritables caracteres de la raison. Glasgow, 1763. 12 REASONING. Easy lessons on reasoning. Re- printed from " The Saturday magazine." [By Richard WHATELY.] 2d ed. London, 1844. 12 REBELLION. A short history of the late re- bellion, and of the conduct of divine provi- dence ; together with the consequences if it had succeeded : in a letter from Edinburgh to a gentleman in Dumfries. Edin., [1716]. 4 REBUFFUS (PETRUS). Tractatus de decimis ; [ad calc. op. F. DUARENI De sacris Ecclesije ministeriis]. 1585 REBUKE. A faithful rebuke to a false report : lately dispersed in a letter to a friend in the country. Concerning certain differences in doctrinals, between some dissenting ministers in London. [By Vincent ALSOP.] CoMbn, 1697. 8 A vindication of the Faithful n-l.uke to a false report, against the rude cavils of the pi- ed defence. [By Vincent ALUOP.] K/W, 1698. 8 Another copy. RECOLLECTIONS. Recollections of an event- ful life chiefly passed in the army. By a sol- dier. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1825. 12 The war in the Peninsula. A continuation of the Recollections of the eventful life of a sol- dier. Glasgow, 1825. 12 College recollections. London, 1825. 8 RECONCILER. The Protestant reconciler, humbly pleading for condescention to dissent- ing brethren, in things indifferent and unne- cessary, for the sake of peace : and shewing how unreasonable it is to make such things the necessary conditions of communion. By a Wellwisher to the Church's peace, and a la- menter of her sad divisions ; [Daniel WHITBY]. 2d ed. London, 1683. 8 Part ii. Earnestly perswading the dissent- ing laity to joyn in full communion with the Church of England : and answering all the objections of the Non-Conformists against the lawfulness of their submission unto the rites and constitutions of that Church. London, 1683. 8 RECORD. Home and foreign missionary record for the Church of Scotland. Vol. i.-iii. Edin., ,1838-43. 8 et 4 The home and foreign missionary record for the Free Church of Scotland. Vol. i.-xx. Edin., 1843-66. 4 et 8 RECTITUDE. Divine rectitude ; or, a brief in- quiry concerning the moral perfections of the Deity ; particularly in respect of creation and providence. [By John BALOUY.] London, 1730. 8 Second edition. London, 1733. 8 RECUEIL. Recueil de pieces choisies, tant en prose qu' en vers. 2 torn. La Haye, 1714. 12 The see of Rome : its claims to supremacy examined. An extract and translation from the " Recueil Catholique." London, 1852. 8 REDEMPTION. The covenants of redemption and grace displayed. In some questions sent by a gentleman to a... minister of this Church, with his answers returned to them. [By James HOG.] Edin., 1707. 4 The Scripture doctrine of redemption, or of reconciliation, through our Lord Jesus Christ. London, 1836. 8 REDFORD (GEORGE), A.M. A defence of ex- tempore prayer, and of the mode of preaching generally adopted by the Calvinistic dissent- ers ; in reply to a sermon preached by the Dean of Chester, before the Vice-chancellor and the Heads of the Houses in the university of Cambridge. London, [1816]. 8 Another copy. BEDFORD REFORMATION. 649 The pastor's sketch-book : or, authentic nar- ratives of real characters. Edited by G. R. London, 1826. 12 REDFORD (GEORGE), D.D., LL.D. Holy Scrip- ture verified ; or, the divine authority of the Bible confirmed by an appeal to facts of science, history, and common consciousness. [Con- gregational lecture.] London, 1837. 8 Another edition. London, 1853. 8 REDHEAD (T. W.). The French revolutions from 1789 to 1848. 3 vol. Edin., 1848, 49. 8 REDING (AUGUSTINUS), Abbot of the Monastery of Einsidlen. Vindex veritatis annalium ec- clesiasticamm C. Baronii adversus arrogatum J. H. Ottii examen. Typis monast. Einsidlen., 1680. fol. CEcumenici Tridentini concilii veritas inex- tincta, ne apice quidem laesa ex prsesumptuosa Joannis Henrici Heideggeri Tigurini Anatome historico-theologica, authore reverendissimo et illustrissimo S. R. I. principe, ac domino, do- mino AUGUSTINO...5 torn. Typis monast. Einsidlen., 1684. fol. REED (ANDREW), D.D., Minister of Wydiffe In- dependent chapel, Commercial Road, London. The case of the Dissenters, in a letter address- ed to the Lord Chancellor. 5th ed. With a postscript, addressed to the editor of "The Times." London, 1834. 8 A narrative of the visit to the American Churches, by the deputation from the Congre- gational Union of England and Wales. By A. R., D.D., and James MATHESON, D.D. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1836. 8 The day of Pentecost. A sermon [on Acts, ii. 1, 2] preached at Leeds, June 6, 1839, be- fore the West Riding auxiliary missionary so- ciety. London, 1839. 8 Address to the associated pastors and minis- ters of the Congregational order in the county of Lancaster. Glasgow, 1839. 12 REED (MARTHA). * Martha ; a memorial of an only and beloved sister. By Andrew Reed. 2 vol. London, 1823. 8 REED (REBECCA THERESA). Six months in a convent. Boston, 1835. 12 REES (ABRAHAM), D.D., Unitarian minister at the Old Jewry, London. Practical sermons. 2 vol. London, 1809. 8 REES (DANIEL), Incumbent of Aberystruth, Mon- mouthshire. Sermons. London, 1860. 8 REES (DAVID). Infant-baptism no institution of Christ ; and the rejection of it justified from Scripture and antiquity. In answer to Mr Fowler Walker's book, entituled, A de- fence of infant-baptism, &c. To which are annex'd, Animadversions on the Rev. Dr Thomas Ridgley's Dissertation on infant-bap- tism. London, 1734. 8 REES (THOMAS), LL.D. The Racovian CATE- CHISM, translated from the Latin. 1818 A sketch of the history of the Regium Donum, and parliamentary grant to poor dissenting ministers of England and Wales. London, 1834. 8 REEVE (EDMUND), B.D. The communion book catechisme expounded, according to God's holy word, and the established doctrine of the Church... Wherein, besides the continued ex- planation of the points expressed in the cate- chisme, there are delivered sundry matters very profitable to be considered. London, 1636. 4 REEVE (J. W.), M.A., Minister of Portman cha- pel, London. The titles of Jehovah : a series of lectures preached in Portman chapel, Baker Street, during Lent, 1858. To which are add- ed, six lectures on the Christian race, preached during Lent, 1857. London, 1858. 8 Lectures on the thirty-second Psalm preached ...during Lent 1859. London, 1859. 8 REEVE (JOSEPH). The history of the Christian Church, from its first establishment to the pre- sent century. New and revised edition. Dublin, 1844. 12 REEVES (JOHN). A collection of the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Psalms : in order to account for the variances between them, and thereby establish the authenticity of the one, and the fidelity of the other. London, 1800. 8 The Holy Bible. 1802. See BIBLES ENG- LISH. A. REEVES (WILLIAM), M.A., Rector of Cranford, Middlesex. The apologies of JUSTIN Martyr, TERTULLIAN, and MINUTIUS Felix, in defence of the Christian religion, with the commonitory of VINCENTIUS Lirinensis, concerning the pri- mitive rule of faith, translated from their ori- ginals : with notes, for the advantage chiefly of English readers, and a preliminary discourse upon each author. Together with a prefatory dissertation about the right use of the Fathers. 2 vol. London, 1709. 8 REEVES (WILLIAM), D.D., LL.D., Secretary of the Royal Irish Academy. The Culdees of the British islands, as they appear in history : with an appendix of evidences. Dublin, 1864. 4 REFLECTIONS. Reflections upon the occur- rences of the last year, from Nov. 5, 1688 to Nov. 1689. Londoii, 1689. 4 Reflections on our common failings. Done out of French, by a person of honour. London, 1701. 12 Sunday reflections. By the author of Thoughts on affectation. London, 1809. 8 REFORMATION. The beginning and progress of a needful and hopeful reformation in Eng- land. With the first encounter of the enemy against it, his wiles detected, and his design ('t may be hop'd) defeated. [By Sir Richard BULKLEY.] London, 1691. 4 [The above has also been attributed to Edward Stephens.] A collection of the laws in favours of the Re- formation in Scotland, in three parts. Part I. Containing the principal acts and statutes made by the parliaments of Scotland, in fa- vours of the true religion, betwixt our Refor- mation from Popery (1560) and the year 1640. With an abridgment of the other laws respect- 82 650 REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-REID. ing religion made during that period. Part II. Containing an exact collection of the laws made in favours of the Church and religion in Scotland, betwixt the years 1640 and 1650, to which are subjoined three acts of the par- liament 1661, rescinding the same. Part III. Containing the principal acts and statutes made by the parliaments of Scotland, in fa- vours of the true Protestant religion and Pres- byteriall Church-government, from the Revo- lution (1690) to fiie incorporating union with England (1707). With an abridgment of the other laws respecting religion, from the Re- storation (1660) to the present time... /:n-- vailing sins and immoralities, addressed to Christians in general, by the Reformed Pres- bytery. 2d ed. Dumfries, 1833. 12 REFORMERS. A review of the principles of radical reformers, and the measures which they have proposed for a reform in parliament. A. 1 .///.., 1820. 8 Corpus Reformatomm. Edidit Car. Gottl. Bretschneider [torn, i.-xv.]. Post C. G. B. edidit Henricus Ernestus Bindseil [torn, xvi.- xxviii.]. Philippi MELANCTHON is opera. 28 torn. Halce Saxonum et Brunsvigce, 1834-60. 4 REGALE. The case of the Regale and of the Pontificat stated. In a conference concerning the independency of the Church upon any power on earth, in the exercise of her purely spiritual power and authority. As likewise a defence of it... [By Charles LESLIE.] [London], 1700. 8" Second edition. London, 1702. 8 REGGIUS (HONORIUS), pseud., i. e. Georgius HORNIUS. REGINALDUS (GULIELMUS), psend., i. e. Guli- elmus GIFFORD. REGISTER. The annual register. 52 vol. London, 1768-1810. 8 The Edinburgh annual register. 17 vol. Edin., 1810-25. 8 The Scottish missionary register containing the proceedings of the Scottish Missionary society, and of other societies for the propagation of the Gospel at home and abroad. 27 vol. Edin., 1820-46. 8 REGNAULT (H. V.), Professor in the college of France. Cours ele"mentaire de chimie a 1'usage des faculteX des e'tablissements d'enseigne- ment secondaire, des e*coles normales et des dcoles industrielles. 4 torn. Deuxieme Edi- tion. Paris, [1850]. 12 REICHARD ( ). Passagier auf derReise... Handbuch fur Jedermann. Achte Auflage. Berlin, 1834. 8 REID (ALEXANDER). Life of A. R. a Scotish covenanter. Written by himself, and edited by Archibald Prentice, his great grandson. Manchester, 1822. 12 REID (Huoo), Lecturer on chemistry to the Glas- gow mechanics' institution. Chemistry of na- ture, designed as a popular exposition of the chemical constitution and relations of natural objects, and as a general introduction to the study of chemical science. Edin., 1837. 8 Outlines of medical botany, comprising vege- table anatomy and physiology, the characters and properties of the natural orders of plants, an explanation of the Linnsean system of clas- sification, tables of medicinal plants, arranged in their Linnsean and natural orders ; and a glossary of terms. 2d ed. Edin., 1839. 8 REID REIMARUS. 651 - Chemistry of science and art ; or, elements of chemistry, adapted for reading along with a course of lectures, for self instruction, for use in schools, and as a guide to teachers. Edin., 1840. 8 REID (JAMES). The sheaf : a book in which mental science is treated on the basis common to all science, and then applied to the Scrip- tures of truth. Edin., 1859. 12 REID (JAMES S EATON), D.D., Professor of eccle- siastical and civil history in the university of Glasgow. The history of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, comprising the civil history of the province of Ulster, from the accession of James the First : with a preliminary sketch of the progress of the reformed religion in Ire- land, during the sixteenth century, and an appendix of original papers. Continued to the present time by W. D. Killen, D.D. 3 vol. Edin., and London, 1834-53. 8 Another copy. Vol. i. - Another copy. Vol. i., ii. REID (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel in Lawrie- ston. Truth no enemy to peace. Animadver- sions on the Rev. Mr Fletcher's defence of his Scripture-Loyalist. Some general principles stated and shortly illustrated. The state of the question, between Seceders and Dissent- ers, on the head of magistracy, ascertained from their respective writings. The argument divested of such things as are evidently foreign to the subject. Dissenting-principles shewn to be consistent with the safety and happiness of human society. And the Bible found to be the standard of our conduct, in every station of life, whether civil or religious. Falkirlc, 1799. 8 REID (JOHN), M.D. The Book of Psalms, without points. 1821. See BIBLES HEBREW. D. REID (THOMAS), D.D., Professor of moral philo- sophy in the university of Glasgow. The works of T. R. now fully collected, with selections from his unpublished letters. Preface, notes and supplementary dissertations, by Sir W. Hamilton, Bart. Text collated and revised ; useful distinctions inserted ; leading words and propositions marked out ; allusions indicated ; quotations filled up. Prefixed, Stewart's ac- count of the life and writings of Reid ; with notes by the editor. Edin., 1846. 8 Another copy. - (Euvres completes de T. R., publiees par M. Th. Jouffroy, avec des fragments de M. Royer- Collard, et une introduction de 1'editeur. G torn. Paris, 1836. 8 Essays on the active powers of man. Edin., 1788. 4 - Essays on the powers of the human mind. To which is prefixed an account of the life and writings of the author. 3 vol. Edin., 1803. 8 Another edition. To which are prefixed, an essay on quantity, and an analysis of Aris- totle's Logic. 3 vol. Edin., 1812. 8 - Another edition. London, 1827. 8 An inquiry into the human mind on the prin- ciples of common sense. 5th ed. Edin., 1801. 8 Another edition. Glasgow, 1817. 8 Another edition. London, 1823. 12 Analysis of Aristotle's Logic. 2d ed. Edin., 1806. 12 Essays on the intellectual powers of man ; to which is annexed an analysis of Aristotle's Logic. With notes ... by the Rev. G. N. Wright, M.A. London, 1843. 8 REID (WILLIAM), M.A. The Lord our right- eousness. Fourth thousand. London, 1857. 8 The antichrist of England : or, the liquor traf- fic viewed in its antagonism to humanity, civi- lization, and religion. London, 1857. 8 Why will ye die ? A solemn question for 1858. London, 1858. 8 REID (WILLIAM). Patience needed ; or, the duty of temperance reformers at the present crisis. s. I. et a. 12 REIF (^EMILIANUS), Professor of divinity in the Catholic university of Ingolstadt. Systema theologies moralis Christianse justis theorema- tibus constructum. 2 torn. Ingolstadii, 1787, 88. 8 REIFFENSTUEL (ANACLETUS). Jus canoni- cum universum, clara methodo juxta titulos quinque librorum decretalium in qusestiones distributum, solidisque responsionibus, et ob- jectionum solutionibus dilucidatum. 4 torn. Editio tertia. Ingolstadii, 1738-45. fol. Theologia moralis brevi, claraque methodo comprehensa, atque juxta sacros canones et novissima decreta summorum Pontificum di- versas propositiones damnantium, ac probatis- simos auctores, succincte revolvens omnes ma- terias morales, editio recentissima...juri cano- nico ejusdem auctoris potissimum conformata, et pluribus novissimis additionibus...adaucta; nee non compendiosa propositionum damnata- rum declaratione una et altera illustrata ab A. R. P. F. Massseo Kresslinger. 2 torn. Reimpressa August. Vindelic., 1752. fol. REIHINGUS (JACOBUS). Apologeticus, pro dis- sertatione sua de vera Christi in terris Eccle- sia, contra Simonem infelicem vulpeculam. Tubingce, 1624. 4 REILLY ( ), D.D. A catechism; or, an abridgment of faith, divided into four parts. To which are added, a catechism of the sacra- ment of confirmation : and morning and even- ing prayers. Dublin, 1834. 12 REILLY (JOSEPH). A plain statement of the doctrines objected to in the Church of Rome, and the reasons fairly assigned for separating from her communion. 3d ed. Dublin, 1827. 12 REIMARUS (HERMANNUS SAMUEL). De vita et scriptis J. A. FABRICII commentarius. Acce- dunt argumenta historico-critica ex epistolis clarorum virorum ad Fabricium, et Chr. KOR- THOLTI Parentatio Lipsiensis et variorum in J. A. Fabricium epicedia. Hamburgi, 1737. 8 J REINHARD-RELIGION. REINHARD (FRANZ VOLKMAR), Preacher to tlie con rt of Dresden. Opuscula academica. 2 vol. Lipsia, 1808, 9. 8 Epitome theologize Chriatiarue F. V. R., acro- asibus academicis descripta pluribusque ob- servationibus aucta a Jo. Georg. Christ. Hoepf- nero. Editio secunda. Lipsut, 1819. 8 Vorlesungen liber die Dogmatik mit literiirisch- en Zusatzen herausgeben von Johann Gottfried ImmanuelBerger. . .Mit neuen literarischenZu- satzen vermehrt von H. A. Schott. Funfte Auflage. Xukbaeh, 1824. 8 Plan of the founder of Christianity. Trans- lated from the fifth German edition by Oliver A. Taylor. New-York, 1831. 12 REIMES (PHILIPPE DE). The romance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin. Edited [for the Camden Society] from the unique MS. in the imperial library at Paris, by M. Le Roux de Lincy. London, 1858. 4 RUJNECCIUS (CHRISTIANAS). Vetus Testamen- tum Gr. ex versione Septuaginta interpretum. 1730. See BIBLES GREEK. C. REINKINGK (THEODORVS). Tractatus de regi- mine seculari et ecclesiastico. Editio sexta. Franctifurti ad Mcenum, 1659. 4 Another copy. REISEBUCHLEIN. Geistliches Felleiss und Seelen-Compass ; das ist Vollstandiges Reise- biichlein. Franckfurt, 1675. 12 REISERUS (AXTONIUS), S.S.T.D., Pastor of the church of tit James at Hamburg. Johannes Launoyus theologus et Sorbonista Parisiensis testis et confessor veritatis Evangelico-Catho- licse in potioribus fidei capitibus controversis. Advereus Robertum Bellarminum, et alios quosdam sedis Romans) defensores egregius et luculentus, nunc post obitum contra Christia- num Lupum Lovaniensem, Immanuelem a Schelatrate Antverpiensem, Natalem Alexan- drum Parisiensem, Dominicum Galesium et Franciscum Marcheseum Romanes. Vindica- tus opera et studio A. R. Amstel., 1685. 4 Another copy. REITHMAYR (FR. X.). Patrum apostolicorum S. CLEMENTIS Rom. S. BARNAB^:, S. IONATII et S. POLYCARPI epistoke. Accedunt S. IGNA- TII et S. POLYCARPI martyria. Textum ad optimarum editiomun fidem recensuit F. X. R. Monachii, 1844. 8 Novum Testamentum Gr. et Lat. 1847. See BIBLES GREEK. H. RELANDUS (HADRIANUS), Professor of Oriental languages and of ecclesiastical history at Utrecht. Dissertationes miscellaneae. 3 torn. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1706, 8. 8 - Decas exercitationum philologicarum de vera pronuntiatione nominis Jehova, quarum quin- que priores lectionem Jehova impiignant, pos- teriores tuentur. Cum praefatione H. R. [The above Exercitations were written by J. Dru- sius, S. Amama, L. Cappellus, J. Buxtorfius, J. Altingius, N. Fullerus, T. Gatakerus, and J. Leusden.] Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1707. 8 Pabestina ex mouumentis veteribus illustrata. 2 torn. Tntj'xti Batav., 1714. 4 Antiquitates sacne veterum Hebncorum brc- viter delineato;. Editio terti;i. tofav.. 1717. 8 RELIEF, PRESBYTERY OF. Terms ,,f ..., numion, agreed upon by the Scots Methodists : but generally known by the specious denomi- nation of the Presbytery of Relief. Their own explanation of said terms, with remarks upon both. In a letter from a Presbyterian to his friend in Aberdeen. 2d ed. Edin., 1778. 8 An antidote against a new heresy ; or, an in- genious confutation of the Relief scheme. By a friend of the Secession. Dundee, 1779. 12 5 RELIEF SYNOD. Regulations for conducting the business of the Relief Church. Adopted by the Relief Synod, May 1832. 2d ed. With additions adopted since 1832. Glasgow, 1836. 8 RELIGION. A gentleman's religion : in three parts. The 1st contains the principles of na- tural religion. The 2d and 3d, The doctrines of Christianity both as to faith and practice. With an appendix, wherein it is proved, that nothing contrary to our reason can possibly be the object of our belief : but that it is no just exception against some of the doctrines of Christianity, that they are above our reason. [By E. SYNGE.] London, 1698. 12 [Parts ii. and iii. bear the date, 1697.] Preservatif centre le changement de religion. [Par Pierre JURIEU.] Amsterdam, 1717 . 8 Translated out of the French original, by Claudius Gilbert, B.D. London, 1683. 12 The religion of Jesus delineated. London, 1726. 4 The true foundations of natural and revealed religion asserted. Being a reply to the sup- plement to the treatise entitul'd, The nature, obligation, &c. of the Christian sacraments. [By A. A. SYKES.] London, 1730. 8 Social religion exemplify'd, in an account of the first settlement of Christianity in the city of Caerludd. In several dialogues. 3d ed. [By Matthias MORRICE.] London, 1759. 8 An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world. By one of the laity ; [Hannah MORE]. 4th ed. London, 1791. 8 Catechetical instruction : being an account of the chief truths of the Christian religion, ex- plained to the meanest capacity ; by way of question and answer. New edition. London, 1820. 12 Observations on the present state of religion and general knowledge, in a series of letters... by a Paisley weaver. Edin., 1827. 8 Thoughts on the importance of increased exer- tions in the cause of religion at home and abroad. By the author of "Surely I come quickly," " God is love," &c. &c. London, 1835. 12 The Catholic spirit of true religion. [By M'VicAR.] London, 1840. 8 Lectures on the revival of religion. By minis- ters of the Church of Scotland. Glatgoic, 1840. li' REMIG 10- RENDER 653 Colloquies on religion and religious educa- tion. Originally published as a supplement to " Hampden in the nineteenth century." [By J. M. MORGAN.] [Phoenix Lib.] London, 1850. 12 REMIGIO, Florentine. Orationi militari...da tutti gli historic! Latini antichi. La seconda parte. Venetia, 1585. 4 REMONSTRANCE. A remonstrance : orplaine detection of some of the favlts and hideovs sores of svch sillie syllogismes and impertinent allegations, as ovt of sundrie factious pamph- lets and rhapsodies, are cobled up together in a booke, [by John Udall] entituled, A demon- stration of discipline: wherein also the true state of the controuersie of most of the points in variance, is (by the way) declared. London, 1590. 4 An humble remonstrance to the high court of parliament, by a dutifull sonne of the Church ; [Joseph HALL]. London, 1640. 4 Another copy. [Pp. 5-12 supplied in MS.] Remonstrance and warning against holding communion with ministers deposed by this Church, addressed to certain brethren alleged to have committed that offence, and published to the Church at large. By order of the Com- mission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, met at Edinburgh on llth August, - 1841. [Edin., 1841.] 8 Another copy. Answer to the " Remonstrance and warning" of a committee of the Commission of the Ge- neral Assembly against holding communion with the Strathbogie ministers. [By James ROBERTSON.] Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. REMONSTRANTS. Censura in confessionem, aive declarationem seiitentiee eorum qui in Foederato Belgio Remonstrantes vocantur, su- per preecipuis articulis Christiana? religionis. A S. S. theol. professoribus academies Leiden- sis institutse. Liigd. Batav., 1626. 4 Another copy. Apologia pro confessione sive declaratione sen- teutiee eorum qui in Foederato Belgio vocantur Remonstrantes, super prescipuis articulis reli- gionis Christianas, contra Censuram quatuor professorum Leidensium. s. I., 1630. 4 - Specimen calumniarum atque heterodoxarum opinionum ex Remonstrantium Apologia ex- cerptarum. Per S. theologies professores in academia Leydensi. [Cum appendice] Lugd. Batav., 1630, 31. 4 - Arcana dogmatum Anti- Remonstrantium. Or, the Calvinist's cabinet unlock'd. In an apo- logy for Tilenus, against a pretended vindica- tion of the Synod of Dort. At the provoca- tion of Master R. Baxter, held forth in the preface to his Grotian religion. Together with a few soft drops let fall upon the papers of Master Hickman. [By Laurence WOMOCK.] London, 1659. 8 - Another copy. [See also under AMES, DORT, and VEDELIUS.] REMUSAT (CUAIUES-FRANCOIS-MARIE, Comte DE). De la rdforme et du Protestantisme. (Extrait de la Revue des deux mondes.) 2me Edition. Pan's, 1854. 8 ABELARD sa vie, sa philosophic, et sa theolo- gie. 1855 Saint Anselme de Cantorbery, tableau de la vie monastique et de la lutte du pouvoir spi- rituel avec le pouvoir temporel au onzieme siecle. Nouvelle Edition. Paris, 1856. 8 RENAN (ERNEST). Histoire generale et systeme compare des langues Semitiques . . . Premiere partie. Histoire generale des langues Semi- tiques. Paris, 1855. 8 Vie de Jesus. Onzieme Edition. Paris, 1864. 8 [Translated into English.] London, 1864. 8 Les Apotres. v Paris, 1866. 8 RENAUDOT (EUSEBE). GENNADII Homilies de sacramento Eucharistiee ; MELETII Alexandrini, NECTARII Hierosolymitani, MELETII Syrigi, et aliorum de eodem argurnento opuscula, Greece et Lat. Seu appendix ad acta, quse circa Grse- corum de transubstantiatione fidem relata sunt in opere de perpetuitate fidei. E. R. ex codi- cibus MSS. edidit, Latine vertit, dissertationes et observationes adjecit. Parisiis, 1709. 4 Liturgiarum Orientalium collectio, in qua con- tinentur, Liturgies Coptitarum tres, Basilii, Gregorii theologi, et Cyrilli Alexandrini, La- tine converses secundum exemplar Copticum. Adjectse sunt Rubricse rituales ex variis codi- cibus MSS. collectee, et suis locis appositee. Earundem liturgiarum contextus Greecus, ex codice Gresco-Arabico bibliotheces regiae : pri- orum duarum nunquam editus : tertise pridem editus sub titulo Liturgies sancti Marci, cum versione Latina et notis necessariis. Commen- tarius in liturgiam Copticam sancti Basilii, in quo ritus, et omnia ad disciplinam eucharisti- cam pertinentia explicantur, prescipuk ex au- toribus Orientalibus. Notes breviores in re- liquas liturgias. Liturgies generalis ^Ethio- pum nova versio, cum notis necessariis. Ac- cedunt dissertationes quatuor. I. De Litur- giarum Orientalium origine et autoritate. II. De liturgiis Alexandrinis. III. De lingua Coptica. IV. De Patriarcha Alexandrino, cum officio ordinationis ejusdem. Opera et studio E. R. 2 torn. Parisiis, 1716. 4 [In tomo secundo continentur Jacobitarum Syrorum liturgies, ex multis codicibus Syria- cis Latine converses ; turn Liturgies Nestori- anorum tres, in manuscriptis codicibus pari- ter Latine converses. Cum commentario fusiori ad praecipuas, et notis necessariis ad reliquas. ] La perpetuit^ de la foi de 1'Eglise Catholique touchant 1'Eucharistie ddfendue contre le livre du Sieur Claude, par Antoine ARNAULD, avec la continuation. [Par E. R.] 1781, 82 RENDER (WILLIAM), D.D. A complete pocket dictionary of the English and German [and German and English] languages. .[2 vol. Vol. i. imperfect ; vol. ii., 2d ed.] London, 1807, 14. ^ RENNELL REPERTORY. RENNELL (THOMAS), M.A., Fellow of Exeter college, Oxford. A sermon [on 1 Tim. ii. 1-3] preach'd at St Mary's in Oxford, before the university, March 8, 1708. Being the anni- versary of Her Majesty's inauguration. London, s. a. 8 C RENNELL (THOMAS), D.D., Master of the Tem- ple. A sermon [on Gal. vi. 7] preached in the cathedral church of St Paul, London : on Thursday, June 6, 1799. Being the time of the yearly meeting of the children educated in the charity-schools, in and about the cities of London and Westminster... To which is annexed, an account of the Society for pro- moting Christian knowledge. London, 1799. 4 RENNELL (THOMAS), B.D., Vicar of Kensing- ton, and son of the preceding. Animadversions on the Unitarian translation, or improved ver- sion of the New Testament. London, 1819. 8 Remarks on scepticism, especially as it is con- nected with the siibjects of organization and life. Being an answer to the views of M. Bichat, Sir T. C. Morgan, and Mr Lawrence, upon those points. 5th ed. London, 1821. 8 Proofs of inspiration, or the grounds of dis- tinction between the New Testament and the Apocryphal volume. 2d ed. London, 1823. 8 RENNIE (R.), Minister of Kilsyth.E&s&ya on the natural history and origin of peat moss. . . . Edin., 1807. 8 RENNEY (ROBERT). The prophetic blessings of Jacob and of Moses, respecting the twelve tribes of Israel, explained and illustrated. An argument for the truth of divine revelation. London, 1832. 12 RENOULT (J.-B.). Histoire des variations de 1'Eglise Gallicane en forme de lettres e'crites a M. de Meaux, pour servir de reponse, parvoie de recrimination, k son livre des variations des Protestants ; ouvrage ou 1'on fait voir les principaux changements qui sont arrives en France, en matiere de la religion, depuis S. Ir^ne'e, Eveque de Lyon dans le 2 e siecle, jusq'au regne de Louis XIV. Nouvelle e'di- tion publie'e par le soins de C.-L. Trivier. Paris, 1847. 12 Another copy. RENWICK (JAMES). The testimony of some persecuted Presbyterian ministers of the Gos- pel, unto the covenanted Reformation of the Church of Scotland, and to the present expe- diencie of continuing to preach the Gospel in the fields, and against the present antichris- tian toleration in its nature and design, &c. Given in to the ministei's at Edinburgh by Mr J. R. upon the 17. Janwarii 1688. s. I, 1688. 4 Another copy. Another edition. s. I, 1723. 8 Some notes or heads of a sermon [on Ps. xlv. 10] preached in Fyfe [Jan. 24, 1688] by that faithful watchman and minister of the Gospel Mr J. R. who crowned his service to his Mas- ter by martyrdome. t. I. et a. 4 The Church's choice or a sermon on Canticles, ch. 1. v. 7. s. I., 1705. 4 The saint's duty in evil times : in two sermons preached from Isaiah, xxvi. 20. Edin., 1745. 8 A prophecy concerning the Lord's return to Scotland, by a plentiful outpouring of tho Spirit upon his Church and land ; in three pro- phetical sermons. Edin., 1746. 8 A choice collection of very valuable prefaces, lectures, and sermons, preached upon the mountains and muirs of Scotland, in the hot- test time of the late persecution. Carefully collected, and faithfully transcribed from se- veral manuscripts ; and now published at the earnest desire of the owners of that cause, which the famous author sealed with his blood. The 4th ed. To which are added, the form and order of the admission of ruling elders : a reply to Mr Langlan's Letter to Gavin Wother- spoon ; and a testimony to the truths of God and to his cause, as it is stated by the true Presbyterians of the Church of Scotland, against all its adversaries. By the same au- thor. Glasgow, 1777. 8 Sermons. [Wants title, and otherwise imper- fect.] 8 * The life and death of that eminently pious, free and faithful minister and martyr of Jesus Christ, Mr J. R. ; with a vindication of the heads of his dying testimony. Written by... Mr Alexander Shields, then preacher of the Gospel in the fields. Whereunto is subjoined, the manner of admission, or ordaining of rul- ing-Elders, by Mr J. R. ; and some few of his many religious letters. Diligently compared with the original, never before published. Edin., 1724. 16 * Life of the Rev. J. R., the last of the Scot- tish martyrs. By the Rev. Robert Simpson, Sanquhar. Edin., 1843. 12 REPENTANCE. Of a late, or a death-bed re- pentance. [By Henry HAMMOND.] Oxford, 1646. 4 REPERTORY. The repertory of arts and manu- factures: consisting of original communications, specifications of patent inventions and selec- tions of useful practical papers from the transac- tions of the philosophical societies of all nations, &c. &c. Vol. i.-viii. London, 1794-98. 8 Vol. xxiii.-xxxiii. Second series. London, 1813-18. 8 AUgemeines Repertorium der neueaten in- und auslandischen Literatur fur 1828. Herausge- geben von einer Gesellschaft Gelehrter und besorgt von Christian Daniel Beck. 3 Band. Leipzig, 1828. 8 Biblical repertory. A collection of tracts on biblical literature by Charles Hodge. Vol. ii.-iv. New York, [1826-28]. 8 The biblical repertory and theological review. Edited by an association of gentlemen in Princeton and its vicinity. Vol. iii.-vii. Philadelphia, 1831-35. 8 REPORT-REVELATION. 655 The biblical repertory and Princeton review. Vol. ix.-xv. Philadelphia, [1837-43]. 8 REPORT. A report of the present state of the differences in doctrinals, between some dis- senting ministers in London, in a letter to a friend in the country. [By Stephen LOBB.] London, 1697. 8 - A defence of the Report, concerning the pre- sent state of the differences in doctrinals, be- tween some dissenting ministers in London, in reply to a book [by Vincent Alsop], en- tituled, A faithful rebuke of that Report. [By Stephen LOBB.] London, 1698. 8 A further defence of the Report. Vindicating it from Mr Alsop's cavils, and shewing the difference between Mr W.'s and myself to be real, and the charge in my Appeal to be true. [By Stephen LOBB.] London, 1698. 8 REPOSITORY. The theological repository ; consisting of original essays, hints, queries, &c. calculated to promote religious knowledge. [Edited by Dr Priestley.] Vol. i.-iii. [Vol. i., 2d ed.] ' London, 1770-73. 8 - The theological repository. New series ; de- signed to illustrate the evidences, excellencj r , and doctrines of Christianity. 5 vol. Liverpool, [1806-1808]. 8 The Chinese repository. Vol. iii.-vii. Canton, 1835-39. 8 REPP (THORL. GUDM). A historical treatise on trial by jury, wager of law, and other co-ordi- nate forensic institutions formerly in use in Scandinavia and Iceland. Edin., 1832. 8 REPTON (HUMPHRY). The landscape garden- ing and landscape architecture of the late H. R., being his entire works on these sub- jects. A new edition : with an historical and scientific introduction, a systematic analysis, a biographical notice, notes, and a copious al- phabetical index. By J. C. Loudon, F.L.S., &c. Originally published in one folio and three quarto volumes, and now comprised in one volume octavo. Illustrated by upwards of two hundred and fifty engravings. London, 1840. 8 RESBURIE (RICHARD), Minister of the Gospel in Oundle, Northamptonshire. Some stop to the gangrene of Arminianism, lately promoted by Mr John Goodwin, in his book entituled, Re- demption redeemed. Or, the doctrine of elec- tion and reprobation in six sermons opened and cleared from the old Pelagian and late Arminian errors. London, 1651. 8 RESBURY (NATHAN AEL), D.D., Rector of St Pauls, Shadwell. The eleventh note of the Church examined ; viz. The glory of miracles ; [Notes of the Church, as laid down by Card. BELLARMINE, examined and confuted, p. 259]. 1839 REST. The day of rest, and other poems. Dublin, 1830. 12 RESURRECTION. The evidence for our Sa- viour's resurrection considered ; with the im- provement of this important doctrine. [By Henry GROVE.] London, 1730. 8 Another copy. [Wants title.] The resurrection of Jesus considered ; in an- swer to The tryal of the witnesses, [by Thomas Sherlock]. By a moral philosopher ; [Peter ANNET]. 3d ed. London, 1744. 8 Another copy. The evidence of the resurrection cleared from the exceptions of a late pamphlet, entitled, The resurrection of Jesus considered by a moral philosopher ; in answer to The tryal of the witnesses, &c. [By Charles Moss.] London, 1744. 8 RETORFORTIS (SAMUEL). See Samuel RUTH- ERFURD. REUCHLIN (JOHN). * The life and times of J. R., or Capnion, the father of the German Reformation. By Francis Barham. London, 1843. 12 REUCHLINUS (FRIDERICUS JACOBUS). Justini Martyris extantiorum doctrinae momentorum portionem primam divina adspirante gratia, prseside Dn. F. J. R. solenni theologorum censurae subjicit M. P. F. Kohl. Argentorati, [1742]. 4 REUSS (EDOUARD), Professor to the faculty of theology at Strasbourg. Histoire de la the"olo- gie Chretienne au siecle apostolique. 2 torn. Strasbourg, 1852. 8 REUTER (ADAMUS). Libertatis Anglicanse de- fensio, sive, demonstratio : regnum Angliaa non esse feudum Pontificis, in Oxon. academia opposita M. Becano. Londini, 1613. 4 REUTTHER (SYMON). Bin Sermon auff das Evangeliu Matt. xvi. [5-12]. B. L. s. I, 1523. 4 RE VEAU (GEORGIUS). Gregorii VELLEI [Pseud. ] ad Pamphilum Centinium de specimine ani- madversionum Mosis Amyraldi adversus exer- citationes Friderici Spanhemii de gratia uni- versal! judicium. Lugd. Batav., 1669. 8 Another copy. REVELATION. The philosophy of divine reve- lation no argument of imposture. Edin., 1734. 8 Revelation examined with candorr. Or, a fair enquiry into the sense and use of the several revelations, expressly declared, or suf- ficiently implied, to be given to mankind from the creation, as they are found in the Bible. By a professed friend to an honest freedom of thought in religious inquiries ; [Patrick DE- LANY]. 4th ed. 3 vol. London, 1745, 63. 8 Another copy. An attempt to shew that the knowledge of God has, in all ages, been derived from revelation or tradition, not from nature. [By James PATON.] Glasgow, 1773. 8 Revelation, the best foundation for morals. Being an investigation of the true and fabu- lous in the age of reason. By a lover of truth ; [ CURTIS]. Edin., 1798. 8 The truths of revelation demonstrated by an appeal to existing monuments, sculptures, gems, coins and medals. By a Fellow of se- veral learned societies. London, 1831. 12 Another copy. C56 KKVENGE-HEYNER. REVENGE. God's revenge against the break- ers of the ten commandments. Illustrated by a great variety of melancholy examples, as well modern as antient. London, 1760. 12 REVIEW. The annual review, and history of literature. Arthur Aikin, editor. 7 vol. London, 1803-9. 8 The biblical review, and congregational maga- zine. Vol. i.-iv. London, [1846-48]. 8 Bibliotheca sacra, or tracts and essays on topics connected with biblical literature and theology. Editor, Edward Robinson, D.D. New York, 1843. 8 Bibliotheca sacra and theological review. Con- ducted by B. B. Edwards, and E. A. Park. With the special co-operation of Dr Robinson and Professor Stuart. Vol. iii.-vi. London, 1846-49. 8 The British review, and London critical jour- nal. Vol. i. -xx. London, 1811-22. 8 The British and Foreign evangelical review. Vol. i.-xv. Edin., 1852-66. 8 The British quarterly review. Vol. i.-xliv. London, [1845-66]. 8 The Calcutta review. Nos. 1-5, 7-12, 14-23, 25-37, 42-44. Calcutta, 1844-54. 8 Revue Chretienne. Recueil mensuel. Tom. i., ii. Paris, 1854, 55. 8 The Church of England quarterly review. Vol. i., ii. London, 1837. 8 C The Church review, and Scottish ecclesiastical magazine. May [June and July] 1838. Edin., 1838. 8 The contemporary review. Vol. i.-iv. London, 1866, 67. 8 The Dublin review. Vol. i.-lxi. London, 1836-66. 8 The Eclectic review. 10 vol. [Wanting part 2 of vol. iii. ; and part 1 of vol. iv.] London, 1805-13. 8 New series. Vol. ii.-xiv. London, 1814-20. 8 Third series. Vol. x. London, 1834. 8 New series. Vol. x.-xxiv. London, 1844-48. 8 The Edinburgh review, and critical journal. Vol. i.-cxxiv. Edin., 1814-66. 8 General index from vol. i.-xx. Edin., 1813. 8 General index from vol. XX.-L. Edin., 1832. 8 General index from vol. L.-LXXX. Edin., 1850. 8 The Edinburgh monthly review. June 1820. .Edin., 1820. 8 The English review, or quarterly journal of ecclesiastical and general literature. Vol. i.-x. London, 1844-48. 8 The monthly review. A periodical work... by several hands. 81 vol. London, 1749-89. 8 A general index to the monthly review, from its commencement to the end of the seven- teenth volume. By the Rev. S. Ayscough. 2 vol. London, 1786. 8 Enlarged. Vol. i.-xxx. London, 1790-99. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 The North British review. Vol. i.-xlvi. Klin., 1844-4iC,. s The Presbyterian review ami nli;_'i< .us journal. 21 vol. Vol. xi. &*., IK;'.. ,s January, 1840, July, 1841, October, 1842, January, April, and July, 1843, and January, 1844. ' /;.//., 1840-44. The quarterly review. Vol. i.-civ. London, 1817-456. December, 1840. London, 1840. The Westminster review. Vol. i.-lxxxvi. London, 1824-66. January, 1829. London, 1829. General index to vol. i.-xiii. London, 1832. Theologische Studien und Kritiken [with re- gister]. 39 Bande. Hamburg und Gotha, 1828-66. 8 REVIUS (JACOBUS), Principal, and professor of theology at Leyden. Examen dissertation is D. Nicolai Vedelii de Episcopatu Constantini Magni, seu de potestate magistratuum refor- matorum circa res ecclesiasticas. Amstel, 1642. 8 Another copy. * Thekel, hoc est levitas defensionis Cartesia- nse quam lohannes Claubergiiis considerationi et staterse Jacobi Revii opposuit. Brielce, 1653. 12 Disputationes theologicse miscellaneie . . . pub- licfe habitse in collegio theologico per-illustrium et prsepotentum D.D. ordinum Hollandise et West-Frisise. Auctore ac preside J. R. [2 vol. ] Lugd. Batav., 1657. 4 REVIVALS. A brief account of the late revivals of religion among the Congregationalists and Baptists, in a number of towns in the New- England States, and also in Nova-Scotia. Ex- tracted chiefly from letters written by several gentlemen of unquestionable veracity. 4th ed. Boston, 1800. 12 History of revivals of religion in the British Isles, especially in Scotland. By the author of the " Memoir of the Rev. M. Bruen." J '. '. . 4 RICHELIEU, Due DE. /See Arrnand Jean Du PLESSIS. RICHEOMUS (LUDOVTCUS), S. J. Idololatria Hvgvenotica, seu Luthero Calvinistica ad ex- emplar ethnicoe veteris expressa, et octo libris comprehesa. Mogvntice, 1613. 8 RICHER (A.). Great events from little causes. Or, a selection of interesting and entertaining stories, drawn from the histories of different nations... Translated from the French of Mon- sieur A. R. London, 1777. 12 RICHERAND (Le Baron ANTHELME), Professor of the Faculty of medicine of Paris. Elements of physiology : translated from the French by G. J. M. de Lys, M.D. 5th ed. Carefully revised after the ninth and latest French edi- tion, and supplied with notes and a copious appendix, by James Copland, M.D. 2d ed. London, 1829. S RICHERIUS (EDMUNDUS), Doctor of the Sor- bonne. Vindicise doctrinse Majorum Scholje Parisiensis, seu constans et perpetua Schol.-e Parisiensis doctrina de authoritate et infallibi- litate Ecclesiae in rebus fidei et morum. Con- tra defensores monarchic universalis et abso- lute Curite Romanse. Accesserunt note in censuram Hungaricam quatuor propositionum cleri Gallicani. Accessit etiam sum ma eorum quse acta sunt Parisiis in disputationibus capi- tuli generalis Dominicanorum, die 26. Maii, 1611. [Libri quatuor.] Colonice, 1683. 4 Another copy. L. P. Another copy [of Book iii.] Testamentum. Typis editum Parisiis impen- sis Auctoris. Anno D. M.PCXXX. De novo in lucem editum hoc anno currente 1683. Colonue, 1683. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Libellus de ecclesiastica et politica potestate. Necnon ejusdem libelli per eundem Richerium demonstratio. Colonice, 1683. 4 Editio nova, aucta ejusdem libelli defensione nunc-primum typis edita ex manu-scripto ejus- dem authoris. Cum aliis quibusdam opuscu- lis. 2 torn. Colottice, 1701. 4 Historia conciliorum generalium. In quatuor libros distributa. [3 torn.] Colonue, 1683. 8 De potestate Ecclesiae in rebus temporalibus Libri iv. Nunquam antehac editi. Colonice, 1691. 4 Another copy. *La vie d' E. R. Par M. Adrien Bailk-t. Nouvelle edition. Amsterdam, 1715. & J RICHIE RIDLEY. 6C1 RICHIE (JAMES), M.D. The peculiar doctrines of revelation, relating to piacular sacrifices, redemption by Christ, faith in him, the treat- ment of different moral characters by the Deity under the several dispensations of revealed religion, &c. exhibited as they are taught in holy Scripture ; and the rationale of them il- lustrated, in two essays... To which are sub- joined two dissertations, viz., Dissert. I. On the office of Jesus Christ, as mediator and surety of the new covenant. Dissert. II. On the person of Jesus Christ. 2 vol. Warrington, 1776. 4 RICHINGS(B.),M.A., Vicar of Mancetter, War- wickshire. A Protestant CATECHISM for the use of schools and families. 5th ed. London, s. a. 12 - Our Protestant martyrs ; and their Romish persecutors. London, 1860. 8 RICHMOND (HENRY). Two sermons preached at the assizes held at Lancaster, August 27, 1710, and at several other places. London, 1710. 8 RICHMOND (LEGH), A.M., Rector of Turvey, Bedfordshire. The Fathers of the English Church ; or, a selection from the writings of the reformers and early Protestant divines of the Church of England. [Edited by L. R.] 8 vol. London, 1807-12. 8 Another edition. Vol. i., ii., iii.-viii. London, 1817. 8 The young cottager ; a true story. 34th ed. London, 1818. 12 The negro SERVANT. s. a. * A memoir of the Rev. L. R. By the Rev. T. S. Grimshawe, A.M. London, 1828. 8 RICHMOND (RICHARD), LL.D., Vicar of Wal- ton, Lancashire. Sermons and discourses on several subjects and occasions. London, 1764. 4 Another copy. RICHTER (CAR. FRID.). De estate Libri Jobi definienda commentatio ; [cum Prselectt. R. LOWTH de sacra poesi Hebrajorumj. 1815 RICKIUS (JACOBUS), J. C. Compendiosa cer- tisque modis astricta defensio probse (lit lo- quuntur) aquae frigidse, qu$e in examinatione maleficarum plerique judices hodie utuntur. [Cum Tractatt. de examine SAGARUM.] 1686 RICRAFT (JosiAH). A survey of Englands champions and truths faithfull patriots or a chronologicall recitement of the principall pro- ceedings of the most worthy commanders of the prosperous armies raised for the preserva- tion of religion, the Kings Majesties person, the priviledges of parliament, and the liberty of the subject, &c. With a most exact narra- tion of the severall victories, as also the mim- ber of commanders and souldiers that have been slain on both sides since these uncivill civill wars began. With the lively pourtrait- ures of the severall commanders. Published by authority. London, 1647. 4 [The above is the reprint.] RIDDELL (HENRY SCOTT). Songs of the ark : with other poems. Edin., 1831. 12 The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scotch. 1857. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. RIDDELL (R.). A Scripture-letter to a friend, on his deathbed; to which are subjoined a collection of corresponding anecdotes, with a continuation of notes, and a copious index. Glasgow, 1839. 8 RIDDLE (JOSEPH ESMOND), M.A., Minister of St Philip and St James, Leckhampton, Gloucester- shire. Ecclesiastical chronology ; or, annals of the Christian Church, from its foundation to the present time : containing a view of ge- neral Church history, and the course of secu- lar events ; the limits of the Church, and its relation to the state ; controversies ; sects and parties ; rites, institutions, discipline ; eccle- siastical writers. The whole arranged accord- ing to the order of dates, and divided into seven periods. To which are added, lists of councils, and of Popes, Patriarchs, and Arch- bishops of Canterbury. London, 1840. 8 A manual of Christian antiquities : or, an ac- count of the constitution, ministers, worship, discipline, and customs of the ancient Church, particularly during the third, fourth, and fifth centuries ; to which is prefixed an analy- sis of the writings of the Ante-Nicene Fathers. Compiled from the works of Augusti, and other sources. 2d ed. London, 1843. 8 A complete English- Latin and Latin-English dictionary, for the use of colleges and schools : chiefly from the German. 3d ed. London, 1843. 8 The natural history of infidelity and supersti- tion in contrast with Christian faith : eight divinity lecture sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1852, on the foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1852. 8 The history of the Papacy to the period of the Reformation. 2 vol. London, 1854. 8 History of the Christian Church. By Alfred LYALL...and J. E. R. 1858 RIDGLEY (THOMAS), D.D. The unreasonable- ness of the charge of imposition exhibited against several dissenting ministers in and about London, consider'd. And the difference between creed-making as practis'd in former ages, and their late conduct in declaring their faith in the doctrine of the blessed Trinity, stated and argued. London, 1719. 8 A body of divinity : wherein the doctrines of the Christian religion are explained and de- fended. Being the substance of several lec- tures on the Assembly's larger catechism. 2 vol. London, 1731, 33. fol. A new edition, revised, corrected, and illus- trated with notes, by the Rev. John M. Wil- son. 2 vol. Edin., 1845. 8 RIDGEWAY (JOSEPH), M.A., Rector of High Riding, Essex. " The faith once delivered to the saints ; " considered in its distinctive prin- ciples and sure results ; in six discourses. London, 1843. 8 RIDLEY (NICHOLAS"), D.D., Bishop of London. The works of N. R. Edited for the Parker CC2 RIDLEY- RITCHIE. Society, by the Rev. H. Christmas, M.A. Cambridge, 1841. 8 Another copy. * The life of Dr N. R. , shewing the plan and progress of the Reformation. In which he was a principal instrument, and suffered mar- tyrdom for it in the reign of Queen Mary. By the Rev. Glocester Ridley, LL.B. London, 1763. 4 RIDLEY (Sir THOMAS), D.C.L. A view of the civile and ecclesiasticall law : and wherein the practice of them is streitned and may he re- lieued within this land. 4th ed., with the notes of J. Gregory, M.A. [Imperfect.] <>.,i\>rd, 1670. 8 RIDPATH (GEORGE). The reducing of SCOT- LAND by arms, and annexing it to England as a province, considered. 1705 A letter to a friend concerning the Oath of ABJURATION. 1712 Some thoughts concerning the PEACE, and the thanksgiving appointed by authority to be ob- served for it. 1713 An answer to the Scotch Presbyterian elo- quence : in three parts. I. Being a catalogue of the cruel and bloody laws made by the Scots Prelatists against the Presbyterians : with in- stances of their numerous murders and other barbarities beyond the extent of these laws ; with reflections throughout, demonstrating the lenity of their Majesties government against the Scots Prelatists and clergy. II. Laying open the self-contradictions, impudent lies, horrible blasphemies, and disloyalty of the ob- scene, scurrilous pamphlet called the Scotch Presbyterian eloquence. III. Being a collec- tion of their ridiculous expressions in sermons, and instances of the vitious lives of their Bishops and clergy. [The epistle dedicatory is signed Will. LAICK.J [Pseud.] London, 1789. 12 Another copy. Another edition. London, 1847. 12 RIEU (JULES CHARLES), Pastor of the Reformed Church at Fredericia. * " Come up hither." A brief memorial of J. C. R. Translated from the French of the Rev. Frederic Monod. Edin., 1854. 8 Another copy. RIGG (JAMES H.). Modern Anglican theology : chapters on Coleridge, Hare, Maurice, Kings- ley, and Jowett, and on the doctrine of sacri- fice and atonement. London, 1857. 8 Second edition. London, 1859. 8 Another copy. RIGGS (ELIAS), A.M. A manual of the Chaldee language ; containing a Chaldee grammar, chiefly from the German of Professor G. B. Winer ; a chrestomathy, consisting of selec- tions from the Targums, and including the whole of the biblical Chaldee, with notes ; and a vocabulary, adapted to the chrestomathy. With an appendix on the rabbinical character and style. Boston, 1832. 8 RIJSSENIUS (LEONARDUS). See L. a RYSSEN. RILAND (JOHN), M.A., Curate of Yojcall, Staf- fordshire. Memoirs of a West India ]>l;inU-r. Published from an original iii;inusi-ri]it...l5y the Rev. J. R. 1887. 8 Ecclesiie decus et tutamen. The extension, security, and moral influence of the United Church of England arid Ireland, augmented by a revision of ita economy, discipline, and ritual, and by its alliance with other branches of the British Reformation on the basis of mutual aid and concession. London, 1830. 12 On the Codrington estates. A letter to the most Rev. William, Lord Archbishop of Can- terbury, President of the Society for the pro- pagation of the Gospel in foreign parts, on the connection of that institution with Codrington college, in the island of Barbadoes. London, 1830. 8 The British liturgy. An attempt towards an analysis, arrangement, and compression of the Book of Common prayer of the United Church of England and Ireland. Offered to the exa- mination of the clergy, and of such other Christian ministers as use or allow liturgical worship : with a view to promote the unifor- mity and coherence of the British reformation. London, 1832. 8 The legacy of an octogenarian pastor in the Anglican Church ; being valedictory reflec- tions, offered to the consideration of the reli- gious world. London, 1857. 8 RILLIET (ALBERT). Histoire de la restauration de la re*publique de Geneve. Geneve, 1849. 8 RIM AZOMBATHI (MICHAEL). Disputationum theologicarum anti - Socinianarum compen- dium, habitarum in...academia Lugduno-Ba- tava. Preside J. Hoornbeck, respondente M. R. Editio altera. Ultrajecti, 1666. 8 RIMIUS (HENRY). A candid narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhuters, com- monly called Moravians or Unitas Fratrum, with a short account of their doctrines drawn from their own writings. To which are added, observations on their politics in general, and particularly on their conduct whilst in the county of Biidingen in the circle of the Upper Rhine in Germany. London, 1753. 8 RIPPINGHAM ( JOHN). A letter to the King on the state of the Established Church of Eng- land. 4th ed. London, 1808. 8 RIPPON (JOHN), D.D., Baptist minister at Car- ter Lane, London. A selection of hymns from the best authors, including a great number of originals ; intended to be an appendix to Dr Watts's psalms and hymns. New edition. London, 1840. 12 RISHANGER (WILLIAM DE). The chronicle of W. de R. , of the Barons' wars. The miracles of Simon de MONTFORT. Edited [for the Cam- den Society] from manuscripts in the Cottonian library, by James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. F.R.S. London, 1840. 4 RITCHIE (ARCHIBALD TUCKER). Letters to His Grace the Duke of Argyll, and to the Marquis of Lorn, on the rights of female communicants RITCHIE RTVETUS. GG3 of the Free Church of Scotland to vote at the election of ministers and office-bearers. London, 1844. 12 RITCHIE (DAVID), D.D., Professor of logic in the university of Edinburgh. War, as proceeding from the appointment of God, considered in its beneficial effects upon the condition of na- tions. A sermon [on Is. xlv. 7] preached... 20th Oct. 1803. Being the day of a national fast, on occasion of the war with France. Edin., 1803. 8 Address delivered in St Andrew's church, on 12th April, 1818, on occasion of intimating a collection for the Royal Infirmary of Edin- burgh. Edin., 1818. 8 RITCHIE (EBENEZER), Kirkwall. Defence of civil establishments of religion. In three lec- tures. Edin., 1835. 8 - Appendix to the " Defence of civil establish- ments of religion," in answer to the Remarks of the Rev. P. Buchan, of Holme. Edin., 1836. 12 RITCHIE (J.). * A letter to a young friend in Ayrshire, on the subject of the libel for error of doctrine, raised against the Rev. J. R. , and discussed in the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, held at Glasgow, ]0th April, 1810. Glasgow, 1810. 8 Another copy. - * Remarks on a letter, said to be written to a young friend in Ayrshire, on the subject of the libel for error of doctrine, raised against the Rev. J. Ritchie, chiefly in reference to predestination, liberty and necessity, and a state of trial and probation. [By W. THOM- SON.] Edin., 1810. 8 RITCHIE (JOHN), D.D. Correspondence in re- ference to the discussion at Kirkintilloch, on ecclesiastical establishments, between the Rev. J. R. ; the Rev. James Stark, &c. Glasgow, 1836. 12 Report of a discussion on Voluntaryism, which took place at Barrhead, on 2d March, 1836, between the Rev. Dr R. and Mr Charles LECKIE. 4th ed. Glasgow, 1836. 12 RITCHIE (T. E.). Political and military me- moirs of Europe, from the renewal of the war on the continent in 1798, to the peace of Amiens in 1802 ; with an introductory view of the treaty of Campof ormio and the proceedings of the congress at Rastadt. 3 vol. Edin., 1802. 8 RITCHIE (W.), Be rwick-upon- Tweed. 'Azuba ; or, the forsaken land : a description of a re- cent visit to Palestine. Edin., 1856. 8 RITCHIE (WILLIAM), D.D., Prof essor of divinity in the university of Edinburgh. * The life of the late W. R. By the Rev. Thomas Nelson. Edin., 1830. 12 RITCHIE (WILLIAM), LL.D., Professor of na- tural philosophy and astronomy in the univer- sity of London. Principles of the differential and integral calculus, familiarly illustrated, and applied to a variety of useful purposes. Designed for the instruction of youth. London, 1836. 12 RITSON (JOSEPH). Ancient SONGS, from the time of King Henry the Third, to the Revolu- tion. 1790 Ancient songs and ballads, from the reign of King Henry the Second to the Revolution. Collected by J. R. 2 vol. [An enlarged edi- tion of the previous work.] London, 1829. 8 The English ANTHOLOGY. 1793, 94 BIBLIOGRAPHIA poetica. 1802 The Northumberland garland ; or Newcastle nightingale : a matchless collection of famous songs. Edited by the late J. R. Reprinted. London, 1809. 8 A select collection of English songs, with their original airs : and a historical essay on the origin and progress of national song, by the late J. R. The 2d ed. , with additional songs and occasional notes. By Thomas Park. 3 vol. London, 1813. 8 The Caledonian muse : a chronological selec- tion of Scotish poetry from the earliest times. Edited by the late J. R. London, 1821. 8 The life of King Arthur : from ancient histo- rians and authentic documents. London, 1825. 8 Poems, written anno MCCCLII. by Laurence MINOT. With introductory dissertations on the Scotish wars of Edward III., on his claim to the throne of France, and notes and glos- sary. By J. R. 1825 Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls. London, 1827. 8 Annals of the Caledonians, Picts, and Scots ; and of Strathclyde, Cumberland, Galloway, and Murray. 2vol. Edin., 1828. 8 Pieces of ancient popular poetry : from au- thentic manuscripts and old printed copies. 2d ed. London, 1833. 8 The letters of J. R. Edited chiefly from ori- ginals in the possession of his nephew. To which is prefixed a memoir of the author by Sir Harris Nicolas. 2 vol. London, 1833. 8 RITTER (CARL). The comparative geography of Palestine and the Sinaitic peninsula. Trans- lated and adapted to the use of biblical stu- dents by William L. Gage. 4 vol. Edin., 1866. 8 RITTER (HEINRICH). The history of ancient philosophy. Translated from the German, by Alexander J. W. Morrison, B.A. 4 vol. Oxford and London, 1838-46. 8 Another copy. Historia philosophise Graecfe et Romanse ex fontium locis contexta. Per H. R. et L. PRELLER. Editio secunda, recognovit et auxit L. Preller. Gothce, 1857. 8 RITUALE. Rituale Romanum Benedict! Papae XIV. jussu editum, et auctum. Perpetuis commentariis exornatum, a Josepho CATA- LANO. 2 torn. Romce, 1757. fol. RIVETUS (ANDREAS), Professor of divinity in the university of Leyden. Opera theologica quse Latino edidit. 3 torn. Roterodami, 1651-60. fol. 664 RIVETUS-ROBERTS. Le Catholique orthodoxe oppose au Catho- lique Papiate, en iv. traittez ; esquels aont dis- put^ea en sommaire toutea les controvenea de ce temps, touchant la religion ; et le Cate- chiame d'icelles, dressu et public par Guillauinu Buile leauite, du mandement de 1'Archeveaque de Bourdeaus, refute de poinct en poinct. Troisieme Edition. OMMNMT, 1016. 4 Catholicus orthodoxua oppositus Catholico Pa- pistse. In quatuor partea seu tractatus dia- tinctu8...Accesserunt huic editioni, lesuita va- pulans, contra Sylveatrum Petra Sancta, et opuscula adveraaria Hugonis Grotii, et An- drete Riveti, de ayncretismo inter Orthodoxoa et Pontificios. Editio nova. 2 torn. Geneva-, 1644. fol. Synopsis purioris theologies, disputationibus '{iiinquaginta duabus compreheusa, ac con- scripta per J. POLYANDRUM, A. R., A. WA- KSUM, A. THYSIUM. 1G32 Apologia pro sanctissima virgine Maria matre Domini. Adversus veteres et novos Antidico- marianitas, Collyridianos, et Christianocatego- ros. Libris duobus absoluta. Lugd. Batav., 1639. 4 RIVETUS (GuLiELMUs). Vindiciaa evangelicse de lustificatione et annexis ei capitibus, qui- bus prseter Pontificiorum errores et Philippi Codurci aophismata, loh. Cameronis et Mosis Amyraldi placita varia examinantur. Amstd., 1648. 4 Another copy. RIZZIO (DAVID). * Some particulars of the life of D. R. . . .To which is added the relation of hia death, by the Lord Ruthven. London, 1815. 4 ROBE (JAMES), A.M., Minister of Kiteyth.A faithful narrative of the extraordinary work of the Spirit of God, at Kilsyth, and other con- gregations in the neighbourhood. [Imperfect. 1 s. L, 1742. & Another edition. Glasgow, 1790. 8 Another edition. With an introductory essay by the Rev. Robert Buchanan, D.D. Glasgow, 1840. 12 An appendix to Mr R.'s historical and remark- ing paper ; vindicating the late act of Assem- bly, concerning Mr Leechman's affair. JEdin., 1744. 8 Counsels and comforts to troubled Christians, in eight sermons. With an essay shewing, that true religion is neither the cause nor effect of vapours and melancholy. Also in Mr Samuel Clifford's collection upon religious me- lancholy. And Mr Timothy Roger's advices to the friends of the melancholy. Glasgow, 1749. 8 A second volume of sermons, in three parts ; preached at the celebration of the Lord's Sup- per. Eilin., 1760. 8 A third volume of sermons, for the most part preached at the celebration of the Lord's Sup- per, containing 38. Glasgou; 1756. 8 ROBERT of Gloucester. Robert of Gloucester's chronicle. Transcrib'd, and now first pub- lish'd, from a MS. in the Harleyan library by Thomas HEARNE, M.A. To which ia added, besides a glossary and otlu-r improvon continuation (by the author himself) of the chronicle from a MS. in the Cottonian library. 2 vol. Oxford, 1724. /, 1810. 8" ROBERTS (ALEXANDER), D.D., Minister of Carl- tun Jlil! Presbyterian church, London. The threefold life ; or, faith, hope, and love, in their nature and development. London, 1858. 12 Inquiry into the original language of St Mat- thew's Gospel ; with relative discussions on the language of Palestine in the time of Christ, and on the origin of the Gospels. London, [1859], 8 ROBERTS (ARTHUR), M.A., Rector of Woodri*. ing, Norfolk. Sermons on our Lord'a parables. Preached to a village congregation. London, 1860. 8 ROBERTS (CHARLES), M.A., Minister of the li- censed chapels of Musselburyh and Dalkvitlt. A funeral sermon on Isaiah, Ivii. 1, preached in the chapel of Dalkeith, the 6th of May, 1750, on the Right Hon. Francis, late Earl of Dalkeith... Edin., 1750. 8 ROBERTS (FRANCIS), A.M., Pastor of the church at Augustines, London. Believers evidences for eternall life ; collected out of the First Epistle of John, which is Catholique : explain- ed and confirmed by very many subservient signes, or under-notes, grounded upon Scrip- tures, and ilhistrated by testimonies both of ancient Fathers, and modern writers. Where- by persons truly regenerate, may divers waves discover their present state of grace, and title unto glory. London, 1649. 8 Mysterium et medulla Bibliorum. The mys- terie and marrow of the Bible : viz. God's covenants with man, in the first Adam, before the fall : and in the last Adam Jesus Christ after the fall ; from the beginning to the end of the world ; unfolded and illustrated in po- sitive aphorisms and their explanations... London, 1657. fol. Clavis Bibliorum. The key of the Bible, un- locking the richest treasury of the holy Scrip- tures. Whereby the order, names, times, pen- men, occasion, scope, and principal parts, con- taining the subject-matter of the Books of the Old and New Testament, are familiarly and briefly opened... Wherein the Scripture-songs dispersed here and there in the Old and New Testament, are metrically translated out of the Hebrew, and analytically explained : where- unto are added in this third edition, the me- trical version of the whole book of hymnes or praises, viz. the Book of Psalmes, immediately out of the Hebrew : and the analytical expo- sition of every Psalme : together with a gene- ral preface, prefixed thereunto. 3d ed. London, 1665. fol. A communicant instructed : or practical direc- tions for worthy receiving of the Lord's Sup- per. 5th ed. London, 1676. 8 ROBERTS (JOSEPH). Oriental illustrations of the sacred Scriptures, collected from the cus- ROBERTS ROBERTSON. 605 toms, manners, rites, superstitions, traditions, parabolical, idiomatical, and proverbial forms of speech, climate, works of art, and litera- ture, of the Hindoos, during a residence in the East of nearly fourteen years. 2d ed. London, 1844. 8 ROBERTS (PETER), A.M., Rector of Halldn, Flintshire. A manual of prophecy ; or, a short comparative view of prophecies contained in the holy Scriptures, and the events by which they were fulfilled. In which are introduced some new observations on several of them, and particularly on difficult passages in Isaiah and Daniel. London, 1818. 8 ROBERTS (WILLIAM). The looker-on ; a perio- dical paper. By the Rev. Simon OLIVE- BRANCH. [Pseud.] 3d ed. 4 vol. London, 1795. 12 ROBERTSON (A.), A.M. A vindication of " The religion of the land" from misrepresen- tation ; and an exposure of the absurd preten- sions of the Gareloch enthusiasts. In a letter to Thomas Erskine, Esq. Advocate. Edin., 1830. 12 Another copy. ROBERTSON (ALEXANDER), Schoolmaster at Kirkmichael. A Gaelic dictionary. Part i. Edin., 1803. 8 ROBERTSON (ANDREW), Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Stow. A brief sketch of the history of the atonement controversy, as agitated in the United Secession Church with- in the last few years. With some remarks upon the present aspect of things. Edin., 1845. 8 The continuation of A brief sketch of the his- tory of the atonement controversy, as agitated in the United Secession Church within the last few years. Edin. , 1845. 8 Letter to the Rev. Andrew Marshall, D.D., LL.D., explaining and enforcing certain pro- positions embodied in a petition to be pre- sented to the Synod, in condemnation of his views on the subject of the atonement. Edin., 1845. 8 Second letter to the Rev. Andrew Marshall, D.D;, occasioned by his overture to the Synod on the present state of doctrine in the United Secession Church. Edin., 1845. 8 - Third letter to the Rev. Andrew Marshall, D.D., in farther condemnation of his views on the subject of the atonement ; with proofs drawn from our standards and other official documents. Edin., 1845. 8 ROBERTSON (E. WILLIAM). Scotland under her early kings, a history of the kingdom to the close of the thirteenth century. 2 vol. Edin., 1862. 8 ROBERTSON (FREDERICK W.), Incumbent of Trinity chapel, Brighton. Sermons preached at Trinity chapel, Brighton. First series. 3d ed. London, 1856. 12 Second series. 3d ed. Third series. 8th ed. Fourth series. * Life and letters of F. London, 1856. 12 London, 1863. 8 London, 1863. 8 W. R. Edited bv Stopford A. Brooke, M.A. 2 vol. London', 1865. 8 ROBERTSON (GEORGE). Topographical de- scription of Ayrshire ; more particularly of Cunninghame : together with a genealogical account of the principal families in that Baili- wick. Irvine, .1820. 4 ROBERTSON (HENRY), M.D. A general view of the natural history of the atmosphere, and of its connection with the sciences of medicine and agriculture ; including an essay on the causes of epidemical diseases. 2 vol. Edin. , 1808. 8 ROBERTSON (J.), D.D. Child's early instruc- tor... Glasgow, 1827. 12 ROBERTSON (JAMES), S.T.D., Prof essor of Ori- ental languages in the university of Edinburgh. The resemblance of Jesus to Moses consi- dered, and the extraordinary and continued punishment of the Jews shown to be a stand- ing evidence of the truth of Christianity. A sermon [on Deut. xviii. 15, 18] preached be- fore the Society in Scotland for promoting Christian knowledge, Feb. 25, 1765. Edin., 1765. 8 Clavis Pentateuchi ; sive analysis omnium vo- cum Hebraicarum suo ordine in Pentateucho Moseos occiirrentium : una cum versione La- tina et Anglica ; notis criticis et philologicis adjectis ... Cui prsemittuntur dissertationes duas ; I. De antiquitate linguae Arabicse, ejus- que convenientia cum lingua Hebrtea, &c. II. De genuina punctorum vocalium antiqui- tate, contra clariss. Capellum, Waltonum, Masclefum, Hutchinsonium, aliosque, ex ip- sius linguae Hebrseie ej usque dialectorum in- dole deprompta. Edinburgi, 1770. 8 Another copy. Grammatica Hebrsea. Editio secunda...Ac- cedit appendix, quse brevem historiam contro- versise de antiquitate punctorum vocalium, et quasdam animadversiones in grammaticam He- brseam nuper editam a Doct. C. Wilson ling. Heb. in acad. Andreapolitana professore, com- plectitur. Edinburgi, 1783. 8 ROBERTSON (JAMES), Minister of the Gospel-at Leuchars. Ka.ii/ct. x.xi 7rst*et<, things new and old : or, an exposition of the Book of the Re- velation of John the Apostle. Wherein the sense of the words is brought from the Pro- phets of the Old Testament (a method hitherto not essayed)... The whole of the Millenary con- troversy is discussed ; together with some questions about the present and future state of the Jews. Edin., 1730. fol. Another copy. ROBERTSON (JAMES), D.D., Prof essor of Church history in the university of Edinburgh. Obser- vations on the Veto act. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. Answer to the REMONSTRANCE against holding communion with the Strathbogie ministers. 1841 ROBERTSON (JAMES), Minister of the United Secession Church, Edinburgh. A commentary on doctrinal errors condemned by the United Associate Synod, May 1842. Edin., 1842. 8 84 666 IK >BERTSON ROBINSON. The past conduct and present duty of dissent- ers towards the Non-intrusion brethren. /;et i \ , rhetoric, history, moral j >hili >sc >phy , phys \\ith reflections on taste, and instructions with regard to the eloquence of the pulpit, the bar, and the stage... Translated from the French. 4vol. 10th ed. /:/./., 1773. 12 J ROLLIN (MARTIN). Me'moire historique sur 1'etat ecclesiastique des Protestans Fran caw, depuis Franjois I. er jusqu' a Louis XV 111. Paris, 1818. 8 ROLLOCK (ROBERT), Principal of the university of Edinburgh. The select works of R. R. Re- printed from the original editions. Eilited [for the Wodrow Society] by William M. Gunn. 2vol. Edin., 1844, 49. 8 J Another copy. In Epistolam Sancti Pauli Apostoli ad Colos- senses, commentarius. '/ ncvce, 1602. 8 Lectures upon the first and second Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians. [Imperfect.] Edin., 1606. 4 In Evangelium secundum S. Joannem, com- mentarius. s. L, 1608. 8 ROMAINE (WILLIAM), A.M. , Lecturer of St l>n- stan's in the West, London. The works of the late Rev. W. R. 8 vol. London, 1796. 8 Another edition. 8 vol. London, 1821. 12 New edition. Edin., 1840. 8 A practical comment on the 107th Psalm. 3d ed. London, 1756. 8 The knowledge of salvation precious in tho hour of death, proved in a sermon, [on Luke, ii. 29, 30] preached January 4, 1759, upon the death of the Rev. Mr James Hervey. London, 1759. 8 Twelve discourses upon the law and the Gos- pel. Preached at St Dunstan's church in the West, London. 2d ed. London, 1769. 8 A new edition. London, 1836. 12 A treatise upon the life of faith. 9th ed. London, 1817. 12 Treatises upon the life, walk, and triumph of faith. With an introductory essay by Thomas Chalmers, D.D. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1822. 12 Second edition. Glasgow, 1824. 12 ROMANCES. Three early English metrical ro- mances. With an introduction and glossary. Edited [for the Camden Society] from a MS. in the possession of J. I. Blackburne, Esq. M.P., by John Robson. London, 1842. 4 ROMANISTS. Lectures on the points in con- troversy between Romanists and Protestants. By the Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel [and others]. London, 1836. 8 ROMAN CATHOLICISM. Roman Catholicism in Spain. By an old resident. Edin., 1855. 8 ROMAN CATHOLIC QUESTION. The Roman Catholic question : a copious series of import- ant documents, of permanent historical inte- rest, on the re- establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in England, 1850, 51. London, 1851. 8 ROMAN CATHOLIC RELIGION. An inquiry into the moral and political tendency of the ROMAN CATHOLICS ROME, CHURCH OF. 671 religion called Roman Catholic. London, 1790. 8 ROMAN CATHOLICS. A request to Roman Catholics to answer the queries upon these their following tenets. I. Their divine ser- vice in an unknown tongue. II. Their taking away the cup from the people. III. Their withholding the Scriptures from the laicks. IV. The adoration of images. V. The invo- cation of saints and angels. VI. The doctrine of merit. VII. Purgatory. VIII. Their seven sacraments. IX. Their priests inten- tion in baptism. X. The limbo of unbaptized infants. XI. Transubstantiation. XII. The propitiatory sacrifice of the mass. XIII. Pri- vate masses. XIV. The sacrament of penance. XV. The sacrament of marriage, with the clergies restraint therefrom. XVI. Their sa- crament of extream unction. XVII. Tradi- tion. XVIII. That thread-bare question, Where was your Church before Luther } XJX. The infallibility of the Pope with his councils. XX. The Pope's supremacy. XXI. The Pope's deposing power. XXII. Their uncharitableness to all other Christians. By a moderate son of the Church of England ; [ GOURDON]. 4th ed. London, 1687. 4 Another copy. A speech, intended to have been delivered in the imperial parliament, in bringing in a bill for the benefit of the Roman Catholics of Ire- land. Together with a copy of the said bill. Dublin, 1804. 8 The character of the Irish Roman Catholics, illustrated by historical facts and public re- cords. London, 1813. 8 Memorial recommending the establishment of a mission to the Roman Catholics of Ireland. Dublin, 1825. 8 Report from the select committee appointed to report the nature and substance of the laws and ordinances existing in foreign states, re- specting the regulation of their Roman Catho- lic subjects, in ecclesiastical matters, and their intercourse with the See of Rome, or any other foreign ecclesiastical jurisdiction ; with an ap- > pendix. Also, supplementary papers relating to the above. Reprinted [London'], 1851, 52. fol. ROMANS, EPISTLE TO THE. The thirteenth chapter to the Romans vindicated from the abusive senses put upon it. [By William FLEETWOOD.] London, 1710. 8 ROME. Histories Augustas scriptores vi. yElius Spartianus, Vulc. Gallicanus, Julius Capito- linus, Trebell. Pollio, .^Elius Lampridius, Fla- vius Vopiscus. Cum integris notis Isaaci Casauboni, Cl. Salmasii et Jani Gruteri. 2 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1671. 8 Rome a la mode, or the true sentiments of the Court and Cardinals there concerning religion and the Gospell, as they are delivered by Car- dinal Palavicini in his History of the council of Trent. Written originally in French by one of that communion ; and now translated into English. London, 1678. 8' Correspondance de Rome. Recueil des allocu- tions, bulles, encycliques brefs et autres actes du saint-siege apostolique, decre'ts des sacre'es congregations Romaines, &c. , suivi d'une table alphabetique. Annies 1848, 1849, et 1850. Paris, 1852. 8 ROME, CHURCH OF. The difference between the Church and court of Rome, considered : in some reflections on a dialogue entituled, A conference between two Protestants and a Pa- pist. By the author of the late Seasonable discourse ; [William LLOYD]. 2d ed. London, 1674. 4 The root of Romish rites and ceremonies ; showing that the Church of Rome hath bor- rowed the most part of her ceremonies from the Jews and ancient Pagans ; and that from this spring proceeded the Jubilee. Amsterdam, 1682. 16 A discourse concerning the necessity of refor- mation, with respect to the errors and corrup- tions of the Church of Rome. The first part. [By Nicholas STRATFORD.] London, 1685. 4 Reflections upon the devotions of the Roman Church. With the prayers, hymns, and les- sons themselves, taken out of their authentic books. Also two digressions concerning the reliques and miracles in Mr Cressy's late Church-history. [By John PATRICK.] The 2d ed. With an appendix. London, 1686. 8 A collection of discourses lately written by some divines of the Church of England against the errours and corruptions of the Church of Rome. Edin., 1687. 8 [The above discourses were written by Teni- son, Sherlock, Hascard, Patrick, Cave, Wil- liams, Stanley, Freeman, Tillotson, Payne, and Goodman ; and are reprinted in Gibson's ' ' Preservative. "] The case stated between the Church of Rome and the Church of England. Wherein is shew- ed that the doubt and the danger is in the former, and the certainty and safety in the latter communion. [By Charles LESLIE.] London, 1713. 8 Another copy. Second edition. London, 1713. 8 Correction and comfort to the Church of Rome : or, a dissertation, wherein it is proven, that they were right and wrong as to the feast of Pentecost : but that they charge the Virgin Mary with a capital crime when they place her purification on the second of February. Edin., 1731. 8 Roma antiqua et ruens, or the conformity of ancient and modern ceremonies, shewing from indisputable testimonies, that the cere- monies of the Church of Rome are borrowed from the Pagans. Translated from the French. [By Abraham Du Pre.] London, 1732. 8 Authentic reports of the two great Protestant meetings held at Exeter Hall, London, on June 20 and July 11, 1835, to prove to Protestants of all denominations, by authentic documents, the real tenets of the Church of Rome, as now G72 RONALD-ROSE NMULLER. held by the Roman Catholic Bishops and priests of Ireland. London, 1836. 8 The testimony of history against the Chun h of Rome. FKQaddpht*, 1S4'J. It; Claims of the Churoh of Rome, considered with a view to unity. [By E. S. Arru.v AI;I> London, 1848. RONALD (DAVID), Minister of the United Aasoci- uti'tiynod, Saltcoats. The elements of Christian harmony. A sermon, preached at the opening of the United Associate Synod, in Edinburgh, October 5, 1835. Edin., 1835. 8 RONGE (JOHN). An die Katholischen Lehrer. Altenburg, 1845. 8 Rechtfertigung seiner selbst. S 1 * Auflage. Jena, 1845. 8 ROOKE (JOHN). Geology as a science, applied to the reclamation of land from the sea, the construction of harbours, the formation of rail- roads, and the discovery of coal, with an as- sumed outline map of the granite formation of the earth. 2d ed. With a dissertation on geology. London, 1840. 12 ROOS (MAGNUS FREDERIC), A.M., Superintendent and Prelate in Lustnau and Anhausen. An exposition of such of the prophecies of Daniel, as receive their accomplishment under the New Testament. Together with a comparison between them and the Apocalypse, as explain- ed by the late Dr Bengelius. Translated from the German, by Ebenezer Henderson. Edin., 1811. 8* Another copy. ROPER (HENRY ISAAC). Romanism in Rome. A lecture. London, 1852. 8 ROSCOE (WILLIAM). The life and pontificate of LEO the Tenth. 1815 ROSE (DANIEL), Minister of Dingwall. Sermon [from Ps. cxii. 6] upon the death of George Mackenzie, of Pitlundy, Esq... Inverness, 1821. 8 ROSE (Right Hon. GEORGE). A brief examina- tion into the increase of the revenue, com- merce, and manufactures of Great Britain, from 1792 to 1799. With an introduction by the Irish editor. Dublin, 1799. 8 - Second edition. London, 1799. 8 ROSE (GusTAv), Professor of mineralogfy in the university of Berlin. Elemente der Krystal- lographie. Berlin, 1833. 8 ROSE (HEINRICH), Brother of the preceding, and Professor of chemistry in the university of Ber- lin. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. 4te Auflage. 2 Bande. Berlin, 1838. 8 Translated from the German, by John Grif- lin. London, 1831. 8 Ansfiihrlich.es Handbiach der Analytischen Chemie. 2 Biinde. Braunschweig, 1851. 8 Gediichtnissrede auf Berzelius gehalten in der offentlichen Sitzung der Akademie de Wis- senschaften in Berlin am 3. Juli 1851. Berlin, 1852. 4 ROSE (HENRY JOHN), B.D., Rector of Houghton Conquest, Bedfordshire. History of the Chris- tian Church. By Alfred LY ALL., .and H. J. R. 1858 ROSE (FlKw), Minuter of Nairn. A. gcnc-a cal deduction of (lit- family nf [Rose of] Kilra- v.a-k, written in 1683-4, by Mr H. R., con- tinued by the It-v. l,a hlan Shaw, minister of Elgin in 1753. With illustrative f King's college, London. The state of Protestantism in Germany, described; being the substano- of four discourses preached before the univer- sity of Cambridge in 1825. 2d ed. London, 1829. 8 Another copy. Christians the light of the world : A sermon, preached at Chelmsford, July 25, 1834, at the visitation of the Right Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London. London, 1834. 8 U An apology for the study of divinity : being the terminal divinity lecture delivered in Bishop Cosin's library, before the Bishop, the Dean and Chapter, and the university of Dur- ham. London, 1834. 8 The commission and consequent duties of the clergy : in a series of discourses preached be- fore the university of Cambridge, in April, 1826. 4th ed. London, 1847. 8 A new general biographical dictionary, pro- jected and partly arranged by the late Rev. H. J. R. 12 vol. London, 1853. 8 ROSE (LEWIS), A.M. An humble attempt to put an end to the present divisions in the Church of Scotland, and to promote her usefulness. With an appendix, containing at full length all the Acts of Assembly, and Parliament, and other official documents, necessary as proof sand illustrations of the constitution of the Church as established by law. Glasgow, 1840. 8 Another copy. ROSE (WILLIAM STEWART). Letters from the North of Italy. Addressed to Henry Hal lam, Esq. [Introduction signed, W. S. R.] 2vol. London, 1819. 8 ROSENKRANZ (KARL). Encyclopadie der theologischen Wissenschaften. Halle, 1831. 8 ROSENMULLER (ERNESTUS FRIDERICUS CARO- Ltis), Professor of Oriental languages in the uni- versity of Leipsw. Institutiones ad fundamen- ta linguae Arabicae. Accedunt sententiae et narration es Arabicae una cum glossario Ara- bico-Latino. Lipsice, 1818. 4 Scholia in Vetus Testamentum. Part i.-viii. [Parts i.-iii. , vol. 1, 3d ed. ; parts iii. vol. 2-viii. , 2d ed.] Lipsia, 1821-29. 8 The biblical geography of central Asia ; with a general introduction to the study of sacred geography, including the antediluvian period. Translated from the German by the Rev. N. Morren, A.M. With notes by the translator. 2 vol. [Bib. Cab. Vol. xi. and xvii.] ,, 1836, 37. 8 ROSENMULLER-ROSS. C73 The mineralogy and botany of the Bible. Translated from the German, with additional notes by T. G. Repp, and the Rev. N. Morren. [Ibid., vol. xxvii.] Edin., 1840. 8 Annotations on some of the Messianic Psalms ; from the commentary of Rosenmiiller ; with the Latin version and notes of Dathe. Trans- lated by Robert Johnston ; to which is prefix- ed an introduction and preface. [Ibid., vol. xxxii.] Edin., 1841. 8 The biblical geography of Asia Minor, Phoeni- cia, and Arabia. With an appendix, contain- ing an abstract of the more important geo- graphical illustrations of Messrs Robinson and Smith, in their ' ' Biblical researches" in Mount Sinai, Arabia Petraea, and Phoenicia. Trans- lated from the German, by the Rev. N. Mor- ren. [Ibid., vol. xxxiv.] Edin., 1841. 8 ROSENMULLER (JOANNES GEORGIUS), Father of the preceding, and professor of divinity at Leipsic. Stufenfolgen der Offenbarungen. 2t Ausgabe. Hildburghausen, 1784. 8 Historia interpretationis librorum sacrorum in Ecclesia Christiana. 5 partt. 3 torn. Hildburghusce et Lipsice, 1795-1814. 8 Betrachtungen liber die vornehmsten Wahr- heiten der Religion auf alle Tage des Jahres. 4 Theil. Leipzig, 1802, 3. 8 Scholia in Novum Testamentum. 5 torn. Edi- tio quinta. [Tom i., ed. 6 ta .] Norimbergce, 1803-15. 8 ROSMINI-SERBATI (ANTONIO). Opere edite e inedite dell' abate A. R.-S. Vol. ii.-iv. Milano, 1838, 39. 8 - Opere dell' abate A. R.-S. Vol. ix.-xii. Napoli, 1844. 8 ROSS. The riots in Ross. (From the " Wit- ness'' of 4th October, 1843.) Edin. ,1843. 12 ROSS AND ARGYLE, BISHOP OF. See David Low. ROSS, SYNOD OF. The substance of a speech ad- dressed to the very reverend Svnod of Ross, met at Tain, on the 17th April", 1810. By a member of the court ; [John DOWNIE]. Inverness, 1810. 8 Remarks on The substance of a speech, ad- dressed to the very reverend Synod of Ross... In a letter to the author. By an old Seceder. Inverness, 1812. 8 A lash to the old Seceder, merited by his Re- marks on a speech, addressed to the Synod of Ross. [By Donald M'KENZIE.] Inverness, 1812. 8 Strictures on a pamphlet, intitled, "A lash to the old Seceder ; merited by his remarks on the substance of a speech addressed to the Sy- nod of Ross." By an old Seceder. Inverness, 1813. 8 ROSS (UILLEAM) Grain Ghaelach. (Collected and edited by John M'Kenzie.) 2d ed. Glasgow, 1836. 12 ROSS (ALEXANDER). HaviriGua : or, a view of all religions in the world : with the several Church -Governments, from the creation to these times. Also, a discovery of all known heresies in all ages and places : and choice observations and reflections throughout the whole. 4th ed. To which are annexed, the lives, actions, and ends of certain notorious hereticks. With their effigies in copper-plates. London, 1672. 8 1 Sixth edition. London, 1683. 8 Mystagogus poeticus, or the muses interpre- ter : explaining the historical mysteries and mythical histories of the ancient Greek and Latin poets... The 5th ed. To which is pre- fixed the genealogy of the heathen gods. London, 1672. 8 ROSS (ALEXANDER J.), Minister of the Presbyte- rian church, Brighton. The Rev. Thomas Chalmers, his character, life, and labours. A sermon [on Acts, viii. 2] preached in Hanover Presbyterian church, Brighton, June 13, 1847. Brighton, [1847], 8 ROSS (ALEXANDER LEITH), A.M. Remains of the late A. L. R. With a memoir of his life. Aberdeen, 1822. 8 ROSS (HUGH). An essay for a new translation of the Bible. Wherein is shown from reason, and the authority of the best commentators, interpreters, and criticks, that there is a ne- cessity for a new translation. In two parts. By H. R. 2d ed. London, 1727. 8 [The above is a translation, without acknow- ledgment, of a work by Charles Le Gene.] Another copy. ROSS (HUGH), of Cromarty. Reasons of pro- test by H. R. , Provost of Tain, against the election of a non-intrusion commissioner from that burgh to the ensuing General Assembly. March, 1840. 2d ed. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. ROSS (JOHN), A.M., Emeritus student of divinity in the university of Edinburgh. The present state of the Edinburgh Divinity hall ; with an appendix, containing documents respecting the recent expulsion of a student of divinity from the university of Edinburgh. Edin., 1813. 8 ROSS (Sir JOHN), C.B. A voyage of discovery, 'made under the orders of the Admiralty, in His Majesty's ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of exploring Baffin's bay, and inquiring into the probability of a North- West passage. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1819. 8 A treatise on navigation by steam ; comprising a history of the steam engine, and an essay towards a system of the naval tactics peculiar to steam navigation, as applicable both to com- merce and maritime warfare ; including a com- parison of its advantages as related to other systems in the circumstances of speed, safety and economy, but more particularly in that of the national defence. London, 1828. 4 Narrative of a second voyage in search of a North- West passage, and of a residence in the Arctic regions during the years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833. Including the reports of Commander, now Captain, James Clark Ross, R.N., and the discovery of the Northern mag- netic pole. London, 1835. 4 Another copy. [With appendix.] 85 674 ROSS ROW. ROSS (THOMAS). Letters to the Rev. John Campbell... on the subject of a false report said to have been circulated by Mr C. to the pre- judice of the Rev. T. R. : with Mr CAMP- BELL'S answers. Edin., 1807. 8 ROSS (THOMAS), D.D. Letters and other docu- ments on the subject of a new translation of the sacred Scriptures into Gaelic : with notes. Edin., 1821. 8 ROSSE, EARL OP. See John Clere PARSONS. ROSSETTI (GABRIELE), Professor of Italian litera- ture in King's college, London. Disquisitions on the antipapal spirit which produced the Re- formation ; its secret influence on the litera- ture of Europe in general, and of Italy in par- ticular. Translated from the Italian by Miss Caroline Ward. 2 vol. London, 1834. 12 ROSWALL. A pleasant history of Roswall and Lillian. Declaring the occasion of Roswall his removing from his native kingdom, to the king- dom of Bealm, and what befell him in his journey from his steward : the entertainment he met with from an aged wife : his education at school ; with his fortunate admission to be servant to Lillian the kings only daughter, with whom he fell deeply in love. The reward of the three lords by whom he attained the honour of the three dayes justing before the marriage of the steward, who was knowen to be a traitor and therefore justly executed ; with the renewed wished-for marriage betwixt Roswall and Lillian : his thankful remem- brance of his friends ; the number of his chil- dren, and their good fortune, all worthy read- ing. Edin. , printed by I. H. Anno 1663. 4 [The above is the reprint.] ROTARIUS (EVERARDUS). Disputatio philoso- phica continens quaestiones aliquot miscellas. Ultrajecti, 1638. 4 ROTERUS (SPIRITUS). De non vertenda Scrip- tura sacra in vulgarem linguam, deque occi- dente litera, et vivificante Spiritu, dissertatio. [Collect, author, qui SCRIPTURE; in vulg. ling, translat. damnarunt.] 1661 ROTHE (RICHARD). Die Anfiinge der christli- chen Kirche und ihrer Verfassung, nebst einer Beilage uber die Echtheit der Ignatian : Brief e. Erster Band. Wittenberg, 1837. 8 ROTHERAM (JOHN), M.A., Rector of Houghton- le-Spring. Government a divine institution : a sermon [on Rom. xiii. 1] preached before the university of Oxford... London, 1766. 8 An essay on faith, and its connection with good works. 4th ed. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1772. 8 ROTH WELL (E.). A vindication of Presbyte- rian ordination and baptism ; from the asper- sions and contempt which have been of late most invidiously thrown upon them. Occa- sion'd by certain rebaptizations, and other in- novations, lately practis'd in the parish of Bury, in Lancashire. London, 1721. 8 ROTULI. Calendarium rotulorum paten tium in turri Londinensi. Printed by command of His Majesty King George III. [London], 1802. fol. ROUGEMONT (FR. DE). Les in.lividualistes, et 1'essai de M. lo Professuur Vim-t, sur la libre manifestation des convictions religiouses, et sur la separation de 1'Eglise et de IE tat. Neuchatel, 1844. 8 KOl'ILLK (.III.IAN).- Hist. -ire K..maine. I'.ir les RR. PP. CATROU et Rouille". 17:;i ROUS (FRANCIS), Provost of Eton. The bounds and bonds of publique OBEDII 1<14'. ROUS (FRANCIS), of Merton college, son of the "preceding. Archwologite Attic libri septem. Si-svn books of the Attick antiquities, contain- ing the description of the city's glory, govern- ment, &c. With an addition of their customs in marriages, burials, feastings, divination*, &c. in the four last books, by Zachary Began. 8th ed. Osford, 1676. 4 ROUS (GEORGE). A letter to James Mackintosh, Esq. on the subject of the anniversary of thu French Revolution ; [with Letter to Mr Secre- tary Dundas, from Thomas PAINE]. 1792 ROUS (JOHN), Incumbent of Santon Downham, Suffolk. Diary of J. R., from 1625 to 1642. Edited [for the Camden Society] by Mary Anne Everett Green, author of " Lives of the prin- cesses of England," editor of "Letters of royal and illustrious ladies." London, 1856. 4 ROUSSEAU (JEAN JACQUES). Collection com- plete des umvres de J. J. R. 30 torn. Geneve, 1782. 8 Emilius ; or, a treatise of education. Trans- lated from the French. 3 vol. Edin., 1763. 16 * Remarks on the writings and conduct of J. J. R. London, 1767. 8 ROUSSELL (NAPOLEON). Traites - Roussell. 2 part. Controverse. Apologe"tique et Edifi- cation. Paris, 1848. 12 The Roman Catholic automaton, translated from the French of the Rev. N. R. bv Chris- topher Lumley. Edin., 1849. 8 ROUTH (MARTIN JOSEPH), D.D., President of Magdalen college, Oxford. Reliquiae sacrae : sive, auctorum fere jam perditorum secundi tertiique saeculi, quae supersunt. Accedunt epistolae synodicae et canonicae Nicaeno concilio antiquiores. Ad codices MSS. recensuit, no- tisque illustravit M. J. R. [Gr. et Lat.] 5 vol. [Vol. i., ed. altera.] Oranii, 1814-48. 8 Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum opuscula prsecipua quaedam. Recensuit notasque suas et aliorum addidit M. J. R. Editio altera et aucta. [Gr. et Lat.] 2 torn. Oxonii, 1840. 8 Another copy. ROUX (J. F. M.), Pastor of the Reformed Church of Uzes. Sermons. Nismes, 1817. 8 ROW (JAMES), Minister at Strowan. - A sermon [on Jer. xxx. 17] preached in St Geilles kirk at Edinburgh, which has been commonly known by the name of Pockmanty preaching. Edin., s. a. 12 ROW (JOHN), Minister of Carnock. The history of the Kirk of Scotland, from the year 1558 to August 1637. W T ith a continuation to July 1639, by his son, John Row, Principal of ROW RUD. 675 King's college, Aberdeen. [Edited for the Wodrow Society, by David Laing.] Edin., 1842. 8 ROW (JOHN), Principal of King's college, Aber- deen. Hebraeae linguae iiistitutiones compen- diosissimae et facillimae, in discipulorum gra- tiam primum concinnatae, nunc vero in juven- tutis ubique studiosae, et eorum praecipue gra- tiam, qui theologiae sacrosanctse navant ope- ram, in lucem editae. G-lasguce, 1644. 12 X/x/af Hebraica : seu, vocabularium continens prsecipuas radices linguae Hebraeae, numero 1000. Cui accessit index alphabeticus pro- priorum, &c. supra 1200. Item rudimenta pietatis Hebraice descripta cum interpreta- tione. Glasgiux, 1644. 12 ROWDEN (FRANCES ARABELLA). The pleasures of friendship : a poem, in two parts. 3d ed. London, 1818. 8 ROWE (ELIZABETH). The miscellaneous works in prose and verse of Mrs E. R. The greater part now first published, by her order, from her original manuscripts, by Mr Theophilus Rowe. To which are added, poems on several occasions, by Mr Thomas ROWE. And to the whole is prefix'd, an account of the lives and writings of the authors. 2 vol. London, 1739. 8 FRIENDSHIP in death. 1737 Devout exercises of the heart, in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise. Reviewed and published at her request, by I. Watts, D.D. Glasgow, 1758. 12 Poems on several occasions. To which is pre- fixed, an account of the life and writings of the author. London, 1767. 12 ROWE (GEORGE ROBERT), M.D. Practical ob- servations on nervous diseases originating from morbid derangement of the liver, stomach, itc. , occasioning low spirits and indigestion ; also on disorders produced by tropical climates upon European constitutions : with cases il- lustrating the most successful mode of treat- ment. 4th ed. London, 1842. 8 ROWE (NICHOLAS). The poetical works of N. R. With the life of the author. London, s. a. 12 ROWE (THOMAS). Poems on several occasions ; [with The miscellaneous works of Mrs Eliza- beth ROWE]. 1739 ROWNING (J.), M.A., Sector of Anderby, Lin- colnshire. A compendious system of natural philosophy : with notes containing the mathe- matical demonstrations and some occasional remarks. In four parts. 2 vol. London, 1759. 8 ROXBURGH (JOHN), D.D., Minister of Free. St John's, Glasgow. A brief review of the his- tory of the present controversy of the Church, and of the principles involved in it ; with an exposure of the misrepresentations and calum- nies of adversaries ; contained in an Address to "several ministers of the Presbytery of Dundee," occasioned by their "Address to their parishioners. " Dundee, 1841. 8 Another copy. The glory of the latter house : or the encou- ragements, prospects, and duties of the Free Church of Scotland... Dundee, 1843. 12 ROYAARDS (HERMANNUS JOHANNES), Professor at Utrecht. Compendium historiae Ecclesiaa Christianae. In usum scholarum. Fascic. prior. Historia Ecclesiae antiqua et media. Trajecti ad Ehenum, 1840. 8 ROYAUMONT (Le Sieur de). The history of the Old and New Testament, extracted from the sacred Scriptures, the holy Fathers, and other ecclesiastical writers... To which are add- ed, the lives, travels, and sufferings of the Apostles. Translated, with large additions, by able hands : and after supervised... by Dr Anthony Horneck and other orthodox divines. 4th ed. London, 1712. fol. [The above work has been ascribed by some to Nic. Fontaine ; by some to Le Maistre de Sacy, and by others to both.] ROYER (JEAN). Sermon sur Pseaume xxxix. 10, prononce" a Foccasion de la mort de son Altesse Serenissime Monseigneur Guillaume Charles Henri Friso, Prince d'Orange. La Haye, 1751. 8 ROZELLI (Signer). Memoirs of the life and ad- ventures of Signer R. Giving a particular account of his birth, education, slavery, mo- nastick state, imprisonment in the inquisition at Rome, and the different figures he has since made, as well in Italy, as in England, France, and Holland. The whole being a series of the most diverting history, and surprizing events, ever yet made publick. The 2d ed....adorn'd with curious cuts. London, 1713. 8 A continuation of the life and adventures of Signer R. late of the Hague. Giving an ac- count of all that befell him from the time of his arrival in Holland to the day of his death ...Written by himself just before his decease, and committed to the care of an intimate friend. London, 1724. 8 RUBEIS (Jo. FRANC. BERNARDO MARIA DE). Monumenta Ecclesiae Aquilejensis commenta- rio historico - chronologico - critico illustrata. Cum appendice in qua vetusta Aquilejensium Patriarcharum, rerumque Forojuliensium chronica, emendatiora quaedam, alia nunc pri- mum, in lucem prodeunt. Argentina, 1740. fol. RUCHAT (ABRAHAM), Minister, and professor of belles-lettres at Lausanne. Histoire de la R- formation de la Suisse. Edition avec appen- dices et une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Ruchat par L. Vulliemin. 7 torn. Nyon, en Suisse, 1835-38. 8 RUCKERT (L. J.). The doctrine of the resurrec- tion of the dead by Dr L. J. R. , and the re- surrection of the body by J. P. LANGE. Trans- lated from the German by B. B. Edwards. [Bib. Cab., vol. xxxvii.] Edin., 1841. 8 RUD (THOMAS). Codicum manuscriptorum ec- clesiae cathedralis Dunelmensis catalogus clas- sicus, descriptus a T. R. ; cum appendice eos codices continente qui post catalogum confec- tuin diversis temporibus comparati sunt. Ihtnelmiue, 1825. fol. 676 RUDDIMAN- RUM BOLD. Rl'DDIMAN (THOMAS'), A.M., LH;u-i>ti, t.< ths Faculty c/ advocates. A vindication of Mr George Buchanan's Paraphrase of the Book of Psalms, from the objections rais'd against it by William Benson... in the supplement and conclusion he has annex'd to his pr:rfat<>rv discourse to his new edition of Dr Arthur Johnston's version of that sacred Book... ., 1745. 8 An answer to the Rev. Mr George Logan's late Treatise on government : in which (contrary to the manifold errors and misrepresentations of that author) the ancient constitution of the crown and kingdom of Scotland, and the here- ditary succession of its monarchs are asserted and vindicated ; the legitimacy of King Robert III. is most clearly demonstrated ; and several considerable mistakes and falsehoods, in our common historians and others, are discovered and rectified. Edin., 1747. 8 Anticrisis : or, a discussion of a scurrilous and malicious libel, published by one Mr James Man of Aberdeen, intitled, A censure and exa- mination of Mr Thomas Ruddiman's philolo- gical notes on the works of the great Buchanan, more particularly on the history of Scotland, &c. Edin., 1754. 8 Grammaticse linguae Latinae institutiones. Edi- tio nona. Edinburgi, 1768. 8 An introduction to Mr James Anderson's Di- plomata Scotiae. To which is added notes, taken from various authors, and original ma- nuscripts. Edin., 1773. 8 Another copy. * The life of T. R. To which are subjoined new anecdotes of Buchanan. By George Chal- mers, F.R.S.S.A. London, 1794. 8 RUELIUS (JOHANNES LUDOVICUS). Antiquita- tis ecclesiastic* specimen primum, quod de epistolis veterum fonnatis et canonicis, in ge- nere eanmdem originem, constitutionem et authoritatem, sedulo disquisitas dextre de- clarans...ediditJ. L. R. Altdorffii, 1671. 4 RUHNKENIUS (DAVID). Elogium Tiberii Hemsterhusii. Editio secunda. Cui duae Richardi Bentleii epistolae ad Hemsterhusium accedunt. Lugd. Batav., 1789. 8 Opuscula Rtihnkeniana, quae aut seorsum e prelo emissa jam fere evanuerant, aut volumi- nibus impenso pretio venalibus adjecta juvenes antiquse venustatis amantes plerumque latue- rant, in lucem et utilitatem communem iterum vindicata. Accedunt epistolas novem ad J. P. D'Orvillium nunc primum in conspectum eru- ditorum prolatse. Praefationem et indices addi- dit Thomas Kidd, A.M. Londini, 1807. 8 RUINART (THIERRI), a Benedictine monk of the. congregation of St Maur. Ouvrages post- humes ; [avec les ouvrages de Jean MABILLON, par V. Thuillier]. 1724 RULE. The Ancren riwle ; a treatise on the rules and duties of monastic life. Edited [for the Camden Society] and translated from a semi- Saxon MS. of the thirteenth century. By James Morton, B.D. London, 1853. 4 RULE (GILBERT), Principal of the university of Edinburgh. A rational defence of imn-O'ii- formity : wherein the practice of nonconform- ists is vindicated from promoting Popery, and ruining the Church, imputed to them l>y J>r Stillingfleet in his Unreasonableness of separa- tion. Also his arguments from the principles and way of the reformers, and first dissenters are answered. And the case of the present separation truly stated ; and the blame of it laid where it ought to be. And the way to union among Protestants is pointed at. London, 1689. 4 Another copy. Another copy. : A sermon [on Isai. ii. 2] preached before His Grace the King's commissioner, and the three Estates of parliament, May the 25th, 1690. /:./;,, 1690. 4 i A vindication of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 1691 A second vindication of the CHURCH OF SCOT- LAND. 1691 A defence of the vindication of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 1694 ! A just and modest reproof of a pamphlet, call- ed, The Scotch PRESBYTERIAN eloquence. 1693 j The good old way defended, against the at- tempts of Alexander] M[onro] D.D. in his book called, An enqxiiry into the new opinions, (chiefly) propagated by the Presbyterians of Scotland : wherein the divine right of the go- vernment of the Church by Presbyters acting in parity, is asserted ; and the pretended di- vine right of the hierarchic is disproved : the antiquity of parity and novelty of Episcopacy as now pleaded for are made manifest from scriptural arguments, and the testimony of the ancient writers of the Christian Church : and the groundless and unreasonable confidence of some Prelatick writers exposed... Likewise some animadversions on a book [by John Sage] called The fundamental charter of Presbytery ; in so far as it misrepresenteth the principles and way of our first reformers from Popery : where the controversie about superintendents is fully handled : and the necessity which led our ancestors into that course for that time is discoursed. Edin., 1697. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. RULE (WILLIAM H.). Wesleyan Methodism, regarded as the system of a Christian Church. London, 1846. 12 RULE OF FAITH. Comparison between the Protestant and Catholic rules of faith. Edin., 1831. 12 Observations on the Protestant rule of faith, and on the promises to the Church. Reprint- ed, (with some additions,) from the Edinburgh Catholic magazine. Edin., 1833. 12 J RULHIERE (CLAUDE-CARLOMAN DE). Eclair- cissemens historiques sur les causes de la revo- cation de 1'Edit de NANTES. 1788 RUMBOLD (RICHARD). * The last words of RUNGE RUSSELL. 677 Coll. Richard Rumbold, Mad. Alicia Lisle, Alderman Henry Cornish, and Mr Richard Nelthrop : who were executed in England and Scotland for high treason in the year 1685. s. I, [1685]. 4 RUNGE (F. F. ), Professor of technology in tlie uni- versity of Breslau. Einleitung in die tech- nischen Chemie fur Jedermann. Berlin, 1836. 8 Technische Chemie der niitzlichsten Metalle fur Jedermann. 2 Abtheilung. Berlin, 1838, 39. 8 RUPERTI (GEO. ALEX.). Commentationestheo- logicse editee a Joh. Gasp. VELTHUSEN, Christ. Theoph. KUINOEL, et G. A. R. 1792-99 Theologumena. l ter Band. Hamburg, 1823. 8 Commentarius perpetuus in T. Livii Patavini historiarum libros qui supersunt omnes, eorum- qxie epitomas. Londini, 1825. 8 RUPP (J. DANIEL). An original history of the religious denominations at present existing in the United States... Projected, compiled, and arranged by J. D. R. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 RUSH (BENJAMIN), M.D., Professor of the insti- tutes of medicine in the university of Pennsylva- nia. Essaj's literary, moral, and philosophi- cal. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1806. 8 RUSHTON (WILLIAM), Jun.A defence of par- ticular redemption, wherein the doctrine cf the late Mr Fuller, relative to the atonement of Christ, is tried by the word of God. In four letters to a Baptist minister. London, 1831. 12 RUSHWORTH (JOHN). Historical collections of private matters of state, weighty matters in law, remarkable proceedings in five parliaments. [From 1618 to 1648. With the trial of the Earl of Strafford.J 8 vol. [Vol. viii., 2d ed.] London, 1721. fol. RUSSEL (EBENEZEK), Preacher of the Gospel. Discourses on various subjects*. Glasgoio, 1791. 12 RUSSEL (JAMES). Miscellaneous essays and dis- courses... Glasgoiv, 1790. 8 RUSSEL (JOHN), Minister of Muthil. Sermons. With a prefatory address and biographical sketch, by Thomas Chalmers, D.D., and a few sermons by the late Rev. John Russel of Stir- ling. Glasgow, 1826. 8 A word to elders, &c. Being the substance of an address delivered at an ordination of elders. By the late Rev. Mr R. Edin., s. a. 12 RUSSEL (RICHABDUS), A.M. SS. Patrum apos- tolicorum BARNAB^E, HERM^E, CLEMENTIS, IG- NATII, POLYCARPI, opera genuina ; una cum IGNATTI et POLYCARPI martyriis : versionibus antiquis ac recentioribus, variantibus lectioni- bus, selectisque variorum notis illustrata. Ac- cesserunt S. IGNATII epistolae, turn interpolate, turn supposititise. Cura R. R. 2 vol. Londini, 1746. 8 RUSSELL (DAVID), Independent dissenting minis- ter in Dundee. The duties of the Christian pastor. A sermon preached Dec. 11, 1811. Edin., 1812. 8 An essay on the salvation of all dying in in- fancy : including hints on the Adamic and Christian dispensations. Edin., 1823. 12 Third edition. Glasgow, 1844. 8 A familiar survey of the old and new cove- nants, including a summary view of the Pa- triarchal and Levitical dispensations. Edin., 1824. 12 Another copy. Second edition. Glasgmv, 1843. 8 Letters, chiefly practical and consolatory : de- signed to illustrate the nature and tendency of the Gospel. 2 vol. 3d ed. Edin., 1825. 12 A compendious view of the original dispensa- tion established with Adam, and the mediato- rial dispensation established through Christ : designed to illustrate their connexion and ana- logy. 2d ed. Edin., 1826. 12 Another copy. The way of salvation. A discourse, the sub- stance of which was preached at a meeting of Sabbath school scholars in Dundee, on the 22d April, 1829. 2d ed. Dundee, 1830. 12 RUSSELL (GEORGE ELIZA). * Report of jury trial, the Rev. David Dobbie, pursuer; against Sir William JOHNSTON, and G. E. R., de- fenders. 1861 RUSSELL (JAMES). An account of the murder of Archbishop Sharpe ; [with The secret and true history of the Church of Scotland, by James KIRKTON]. 1817 RUSSELL (JAMES), M.D., Professor of surgery in the university of Edinburgh. A letter ad- dressed to the treasurer of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Edin., 1818. 8 Remarks on the utility and importance of cli- nical lectures on surgery. Addressed to the Presidents and Fellows of the Royal college of surgeons of Edinburgh. Edin., 1824. 8 RUSSELL (JAMES), M.D., son of the preceding. A letter to the President of the Royal college of surgeons, on the late proceedings of that body, regarding homoeopathic practitioners. 2d ed. Edin., 1851. 8 RUSSELL (JOHN), Bishop of Lincoln, Lord Chan- cellor. Two speeches for opening Parliament ; [with Grants, &c. from the Crown in the reign of EDWARD V.]. 1854 RUSSELL (JOHN FULLER), B.C.L., Incumbent of St James's, Enfield. The judgment of the Anglican Church (posterior to the Reforma- tion) on the sufficiency of holy Scripture and the authority of the Catholic Church in mat- ters of faith, as contained in her authorized formularies, and illustrated by the writings of her elder masters and doctors. With an in- troduction, notes, and appendix, by J. F. R. London, 1838. 8 RUSSELL (MICHAEL), LL.D., D.C.L., Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway. View of the system of education at present pursued in the schools and universities of Scotland. With an appen- dix, containing communication relative to the university of Cambridge, school of Westmin- ster, the Perth academy ; together with a more C78 RUSSELL-RUTHERFURD. detailed account of the university of St An- drews. Edin., 1813. 8 Nubia and Abyssinia : comprehending their civil history, antiquities, arts, religion, litera- ture and natural history. [Edin. Cab. Lib., vol. xii.] 2d ed. AWm., 1833. 8 View of ancient and modern Egypt ; with an outline of its natural history. [Ibid., vol. iii.l 3d ed. Edin., 1838. 8 d The historical evidence for the apostolical in- stitution of Episcopacy : A sermon, preached 7th March, 1830, at the consecration of the Right Rev. James Walker, D.D. 3d ed. /;/;/<,, 1839. 8 RUSSELL (Lady RACHEL). Letters of Lady R. R. ; from the manuscript in the library at Wooburn Abbey. To which are prefixed, an introduction, vindicating the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dalrymple, &c., and the trial of Lord William Russell for high treason, extracted from the state trials. 6th ed. London, 1801. 8 * The biography of Lady Russell. By Mrs Child. [Stud. Cab. Lib., vol. iii.] Edin., 1836. 8 RUSSELL (THOMAS). The annuity tax, or, Edin- burgh Church rate, opposed to the law of God, and therefore not binding on man. 2d ed. Edin., 1836. 12 Government scheme of education. Speech of Mr R. in the Edinburgh town council, April 6, 1847. [Edin., 1847.] 8 RUSSELL (WILLIAM), LL.D. The history of modern Europe, with an account of the decline and fall of the Roman empire, and a view of the progress of society from the rise of the mo- dern kingdoms to the peace of Paris, in 1763 ; in a series of letters from a nobleman to his son. New edition, continued to the death of William IV. of England. 4 vol. London, 1837. 8 RUSSELL (WILLIAM S.). Guide to Plymouth, and recollections of the pilgrims. Boston, 1846. 12 RUSSIA. Description de toutes les nations de 1'empire de Russie, ou Ton expose leurs moeurs et manieres de vivre, leurs religions, usages, habitations, habillemens, et autres particula- rites remarquables. Seconde collection, qui contient les nations Tartares e'tablies dans cet empire. Traduite de 1'Allemand. St Petersburg, 1776. 4 The mission and destiny of Russia, as deli- neated in Scripture prophecy. By the author of " The coming struggle;" [David PAE]. London, 1853. 8 Recollections of Russia during thirty-three years' residence. By a German nobleman. Revised and translated, with the author's sanction, by Lascelles Wraxall. Edin., 1855. 8 RUSTICS REI SCRIPTORES. Rei rustic* scriptores veteres Latini, CATO, VARRO COLTJ- MELLA, PALLADIUS. Quibus nunc accedit VEGETIUS de mulo-medicina et Gargilii MAR- TIALIS fragmentum...Adjectaj notas virorum clariss. integrre...et lexicon rei rusticao curante Jo. Matthia Gesnero. 2 torn. Liptiv, 1735. 4 Another edition. 4 vol. Biponti, 1787, 88. 8 RUTGERSIUS (JOANNES). {Poemata] quse qui- dem colligi potuerunt ; [cum Poematt. N. HKIXSII]. 1653 RUTHERFORD (ALEXANDER C.), Minister of the Gospel, Falkirk. Remarks on a lecture deli- vered by Mr Collins of Glasgow in the parish church of Falkirk, on 23d October 1837 ; in favour of the scheme for erecting four addi- tional churches in that parish : including an address to the inhabitants of Grangemouth, Bainsford, Lauriston, and Camelon. 2d ed. Falkirk, 1837. 8 A universal atonement proved from the nature of the Gospel offer. In four letters to the Rev. William Fraser, Alloa. Edin., 1841. 8 Strictures on the entire correspondence, be- tween the four Congregational Churches in Glasgow ; and the five Congregational Churches at Hamilton, Bellshill, Bridgeton, Cambus- lang, and Ardrossan, on the doctrines of elec- tion, and the influence of the Holy Spirit in conversion. Edin., 1845. 8 Morisonianism examined and set aside ; and the United Presbyterian view of the doctrine of atonement stated and defended. Third thousand. Glasgow, 1860. 12 RUTHERFORD (ROBERT), Minister of the Gospel at Castletoun. A Scripture CATECHISM; or, questions on the Assembly's shorter catechism. Bequeathed by the author for the use of the parish of Castletoun, in Liddesdale, and the Protestant dissenting congregation of Long- framlington, in Northumberland. Kelso, 1794. 12 Another copy. RUTHERFORD (SAMUEL). See S. RUTHER- FURD. RUTHERFORD (WALTER). A letter to the Rev. John Lee, D.D. Edin., 1832. 8 RUTHERFORD (WILLIAM), D.D., Minister of Muirkirk. A view of ancient history; includ- ing the progress of literature and the fine arts. 2 vol. London, 1788. 8 RUTHERFORTH (THOMAS), D.D., Archdeacon of Essex. A vindication of the right of Pro- testant Churches to require the clergy to sub- scribe to an established confession of faith and doctrines. Cambridge, [1766]. 8 *An examination of Dr Rutherforth's argu- ment respecting the right of Protestant Churches to require the clergy to subscribe to an estab- lished confession of faith and doctrines. Where- in is considered the tendency and force of the argument. By a clergyman of the Church of England ; [Benjamin DAWSON]. 2d ed. London, 1766. 8 RUTHERFURD (ANDREW), afterwards Lord Rutherfurd, one of the Senators of the college of justice. Speeches delivered by the Hon. Fox MAULE, and A. R. 1843 RUTHERFURD. 679 RUTHERFURD, or RUTHERFORD (SAMUEL), Professor of divinity in the university of St An- drews. Exercitationes apologeticte pro divina gratia, in quibus vindicatur doctrina ortho- doxa de divinis decretis, et Dei turn eeterni decreti, turn gratiae efficacis operationis, cum hominis libertate consociatione et subordina- tione arnica. Adversua lacobum Arminium ejusque asseclas, et leauitas, imprimis vero Fran. Suarezium, Gabri. Vasquezium, Lodov. Molinam, Leonard. Lessium, Pet. Fonsecam et Robertum Bellarminum. Amstel., 1636. 8 Another edition. Franekerce, 1651. 8 A peaceable and temperate plea for Pauls Pres- byterie in Scotland, or a modest and brotherly dispute of the government of the Church of Scotland, wherein our discipline is demon- strated to be the true apostolick way of divine truth, and the arguments on the contrary are friendly dissolved, the grounds of separation and the independence of particular congrega- tions, in defence of ecclesiasticall Presbyteries, Synods and Assemblies, are examined and tried. London, 1642. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Lex Rex : the Law and the Prince. A dispute for the just prerogative of King and people. Containing the reasons and causes of the most necessary defensive wars of the kingdom of Scotland, and of their expedition for the ayd and help of their dear brethren of England. In which their innocency is asserted, and a full answer is given to a seditious pamphlet, intituled, Sacro-sancta Regum Majestas, or the sacred and royall prerogative of Christian kings ; under the name of J. A. , but penned by Jo. Maxwell the excommunicate P. Prelat. With a scriptural confutation of the ruinous grounds of W. Barclay, H. Grotius, H. Arni- sseus, Ant. de Domi. P. Bishop of Spalato, and of other late anti-magistratical royalists ; as, the author of Ossorianum, D. Fern, E. Sym- mons, the doctors of Aberdeen, &c. In xliv. questions. [Published anonymously.] London, 1644. 4 Another copy. Another edition. [Presb. Armoury.] Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - The due right of Presbyteries, or, a peaceable plea for the government of the Church of Scot- land, wherein is examined, 1. The way of the Church of Christ in New England, in brotherly equality, and independency, or co-ordination, without subjection of one Church to another. 2. Their apology for the said government, their answers to thirty and two questions are considered. 3. A treatise for a Church cove- nant is discussed. 4. The arguments of Mr Robinson in his justification of separation are discovered. 5. His treatise, called, The peo- ples plea for the exercise of prophecy, is tryed. G. Diverse late arguments against Presbyte- riall government, and the power of Synods are discussed, the power of the Prince in matters ecclesiastical modestly considered, and divers incident controversies resolved. London, 1644. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. A sermon [on Dan. vi. 26] preached to the Hon. House of Commons : at their late solemne fast, Wednesday Janu. 31, 1643. London, 1644. 4 Another copy. A sermon [on Luke, viii. 22 ; Mark, iv. 38 ; Matth. A r iii. 26] preached before the Right Hon. House of Lords in the Abbey church at Westminster, Wednesday the 25. day of June, 1645. Being the day appointed for a solemne and publique humiliation. London, 1645. 4 Another copy. Another copy. The tryal and triumph of faith : or, an expo- sition of the history of Christs dispossessing of the daughter of the woman of Canaan. De- livered in sermons ; in which are opened, the victory of faith ; the condition of those that are tempted ; the excellency of Jesus Christ and free grace ; and some speciall grounds and principles of Libertinisme and Antinomian er- rors, discovered. London, 1645. 4 Another edition. Glasgow, 1743. 8 Another edition. With an introductory essay. Edin., 1827. 12 Another edition. [Wants title.] 8 Another edition. Edin. , 1845. 8 3 Another copy. The divine right of Church-government and excommunication : or a peaceable dispute for the perfection of the holy Scripture in point of ceremonies and Church government ; in which the removal of the Service-book is jus- tifi'd, the six books of Tho. Erastus against excommunication are briefly examin'd : with a vindication of that eminent divine Theod. Beza against the aspersions of Erastus, the ar- guments of Mr William Pryn, Rich. Hooker, Dr Morton, Dr Jackson, Dr John Forbes, and the doctors of Aberdeen, touching will-wor- ship, ceremonies, imagery, idolatry, things in- different, an ambulatory government ; the due and just power of the magistrate in matters of religion, and the arguments of Mr Pryn, in so far as they side with Erastus, are modestly discussed. To which is added, a brief trac- tate of scandal ; with an answer to the new doctrine of the doctors of Aberdeen, touching scandal. London, 1646. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Christ dying and drawing sinners to himselfe. Or, a survey of our Savio\ir in his soule-suffer- ing, his lovelynesse in his death, and the effi- cacie thereof. In which some cases of soule- trouble in weake believers, grounds of submis- sion under the absence of Christ, with the Sowings and heightnings of free grace, are C80 RUTHERFURD RYDER. opened. Delivered in sermons on the Evan- gel according to St John, chap. xii. vers. 27. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33... London, 1G47. 4 6 Another copy. Another edition. A'./m., 1727. 8 A survey of the spirituall Anti-christ. Open- ing the secrets of Familisme and Antinomuin- isme in the antichristian doctrine of John Saltmarsh, and Will. Del, the present preach- ers of the army now in England, and of Ro- bert Town, Tob. Crisp, H. Denne, Eaton, and others. In which is revealed the rise and spring of Antinomians, Familists, Libertines, Swenck-Feldians, Enthysiaste, and from thence continu'd by several ad- journments until the 23d day of March follow- ing. London, 1710. fol. * High- Church display 'd : being a compleat history of the affair of Dr S. in its origin, pro- gress, and consequences. In sevesal letters to an English gentleman at the court of Hanover. London, 1711. 12 SACHS (MARCUS), Professor of Hebrew in the Free Church College, Aberdeen. The prophetic agency : an address delivered at the close of the session to the Free Church students of di- vinity, Aberdeen. Aberdeen, 1855. 8 SACK (CAROLUS HENRICTJS), Professor of theology at Bonn. Commentationes, quse ad theolo- giam historicam pertinent, tres. Bonnce, 1821. 8 Another copy. Bemerkungen iiber den Standpunkt der Schrif t : Das Leben Jesu kritisch bearbeitet von Dr D. F. Strauss, von Dr K. H. S. Bonn, 1836. 8 SAC KAMENT SAGITTARIUS. Christliche Polemik. Hamburg, 1838. 8 Another copy. Christliche Apologetik. Zweite Ausgabe. Hamburg, 1841. 8 Another copy. Die Kirche von Schottland. Beitrage zu deren Geschichte und Beschreibung von K. H. S. Erater Theil. Heidelberg, 1844. 8 SACRAMENT. A supplement to the treatise, intituled, The nature, obligation, and efficacy of the Christian sacraments considered. [By Daniel WATERLAND.] London, 1730. 8 SACRIFICE. An essay on the nature, design, and origin of sacrifices. [By Arthur Ashley SYKES.] Londvn, 1748. 8 Another copy. A Scripture account of sacrifices. Shewing that the true nature of them, those especially of the expiatory kind, is generally greatly mis- apprehended, to the prejudice of the Christian doctrine of men's redemption through the sa- crifice of Christ, whereas it is here shewn, that the atonement rises from the very notion of sacrifice, rightly stated, both on Scripture evidence, and on principles of nature and rea- son. In three parts. To which is annexed, an examination of the learned Mr Taylor's notion of Christ's atonement. By a clergy- man of the diocese of London. London, 1755. 8 The morning and evening sacrifice ; or, prayers for private persons and families. [By Thomas WRIGHT.] 5th ed. Edin., 1828. 8 SACY (ANTOINE ISAAC SILVESTRE DE). See A. I. SlLVESTRE DE SACY. SADEEL (ANTONIUS). See A. S. CHANDEUS. S ADI. The Gulistan. With an English transla- tion. By Francis Gladwin. 2 vol. Calcutta, 1806. 4 A new edition, carefully collated with original MSS. by E. B. Bastwick, M.R.A.S. Hertford, 1859. 8 SAETTLER (JOANNES CASPARTJS). Theologia moralis universa ad usum dicecesis Argentinen- sis...Notis illustrabat, et ad normam hodierni juris exigebat P. J. Rousselot. 4 torn. Gratianopoli, 1840, 41. 8 In sextum Decalogi praeceptuin, in conjugum obligationes, et qusedam matrimonium spec- tantia, f>rfelectiones...Notis et novis qusesitis amplificavit...P. J. Rousselot. Editio altera. Gratianopoli, 1844. 8 SAG.52. Tractatus duo singulares de examine Sagarum super aquam frigidam projectarum (Yon der Wasser-Prob der Hexeii) in quibus hujus purgationis origo, natura et veritas cu- riosfe inquiritur, variseque quasstiones e theo- logorum, ICtorum, medicorum et philosopho- runi scriptis petitse doctissime et jucunde re- solvuntur. [By J. RICKITJS, Guilielmus Adol- phus SCRIBONIUS and Hermannus NEWALDS.] Francofurti et Lipsics, 1686. 4 SAGE (JOHN), Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Scotland. The works of the Right Rev. J. S. With memoir and notes. 3 vol. [Spottis- woode Soc.] Edin., 1844, 46. 8 The case of the present afflicted CLEROY in SCOTLAND truly represented. 1690 An account of the late establishment of PRES- KiAN-GovERNMENT by the Parliament <>f Scotland. Anno 1690. The fundamental charter of Presbytery, as it hath been lately established in the kingdom of Scotland, examin'd and disprov'd by the history, records, and publick transactions of our nation. Together with a preface, wherein the vindicator of the Kirk [Gilbert RuleJ is freely put in mind of his habitual infirmities. London, 1695. 8 The principles of the Cyprianic age, with re- gard to Episcopal power and jurisdiction : as- serted and recommended from the MMUM writings of St Cyprian himself, and his con- temporaries. By which it is made evident, that the vindicator of the Kirk of Scotland [Gilbert Rule] is obliged by his own confes- sions to acknowledge, that he and his associates are schisrnaticks. In a letter to a friend. By J. S. [London}, 1695. 4 A vindication of a discourse entituled The principles of the Cyprianic age, with regard to Episcopal power and jurisdiction : being a re- ply to Gilbert Rule's Cyprianic Bishop exa- min'd an d found not to be a diocesan. Wherein besides a great many things more briefly con- sidered, the usefulness of fixing the principles of the Cyprianic age is succinctly represented ; the main controversie between those of the Church and the Presbyterians is fully and dis- tinctly stated ; Mr Rule's main subterfuges are utterly overthrown ; large supplements are added to the principles of the Cyprianic age ; the Cyprianic Episcopacy is shewn to be in- consistent with a Papacy ; and it is demon- strated that Episcopal government was univer- sally delivered to be of divine right in the days of St Cyprian. [Published anonymously.] London, 1701. 4 Another copy. The reasonableness of a TOLERATION enquired into, purely on Church principles. 1705 * Causa Episcopatus hierarchici lucifuga : or, a confutation of J. S.'s Vindication of the (pretended) principles of the Cyprianic age. [By Thomas FORRESTER.] Edin., 1706. 4 Another copy. * The life of the Rev. Mr J. S. Wherein also seme account is given of his writings, both printed and in manuscript ; and some things are added, towards the clearing of the ancient government of the Church of Scotland from the mistakes of a late author [Sir James Dal- rymple], by John Gillan, Bishop of Dunblane. London, 1714. 8 SAGE (A. R. LE). See Alain-Rend LE SAGE. SAGITTARIUS (CASPAR), Professor of history at Halle. Introductio in historiam ecclesiasti- cam et singulas ejus partes, sive notitia scrip- torum veterum atque recentium qui vel histo- riam ecclesiasticam universam vel regnorum, aliarumque provinciarum, urbium, Archiepis- coporum, Episcoporum, Abbatum, superiuteii- SAILOR SALISBURY. 685 dentium, monasteriorum, Imperatorum, Pon- tificxun et Cardinalium Romanorum, Heere- sium, conciliorum, colloquiorum, &c. histo- rian) illustrant. 2 torn. Jence, 1718. 4 SAILOR. Anecdote of a blind sailor. Edin., s. a. 12 SAINT AMOUR (Louis GORIN DE), Doctor of Sorbonne. The journal of Mons r - de S. A., containing a full account of all the transactions both in France and at Rome, concerning the five famous propositions controverted between the Jansenists and the Molinists, from the be- ginning of that affair till the Popes decision. Faithfully rendred oiit of French [by G. Ha- vers]. A like display of the Romish state, court, interests, policies, &c. and the mighty influences of the Jesuites in that Church, and many other Christian states, being not hitherto extant. London, 1664. fol. Another copy. ST ANDREWS. Address by the elders and dea- cons of the congregation of the Free St An- drew's church, Edinburgh, under the ministry of the Rev. John Bruce. s. I. et a. 8 ST ANDREWS, ARCHBISHOP OF. See John SPOTTISWOODE. ST ASAPH, BISHOP OF. See William BEVE- RIDGE. ST ASAPH, BISHOP OF. See William FLEET- WOOD. ST ASAPH, BISHOP OF. See Samuel HALLIFAX. ST ASAPH, BISHOP OF. See Samuel HORSLEY. ST ASAPH, BISHOP OF. See William LLOYD. ST ASAPH, BISHOP OF. See Reynold PECOCK. ST ASAPH, BISHOP OF. See Jonathan SHIPLEY. ST BERNARD'S. Statement addressed to the members of the congregation of St Bernard's Free Church, by the session and deacons, in deacons' court assembled. Edin., [1843]. 8 SA1NT-CYRAN, ABBE' DE. See Jean Du VER- GER DE HAURANNE. ST DAVID'S. First report of the society for promoting the interests of the Church of Scot- land, and of religion generally, in the parish and congregation of St David's. Glasyoiv, 1836. 8 ST DAVIDS, BISHOP OF. See Thomas BURGESS. ST DAVIDS, BISHOP OF. See Anthony ELLYS. ST DAVIDS, BISHOP OF. See Samuel HORSLEY. ST DAVIDS, BISHOP OF. See Roger MAYNWA- RING. ST DAVIDS, BISHOP OF. See Richard SMAL- BROKE. ST DAVIDS, BISHOP OF. See Connop THIRL- WALL. ST DAVIDS, BISHOP OF. See Thomas WATSON. SAINT-EVREMOND (Charles MARGOTELLE DE SAINT-DENIS, Seigneur de). The works of M. St E. Translated from the French. 2 vol. London, 1709. 8 Letters supposed to have passed between M. de St E. and Mr WALLER. Collected and published by John Langhorrie. , London, 1770. 8 SAINT-FOND (BARTHELEMY FAUJAS DE).-&>e B. FAUJAS DE SAINT-FOND. ST GEORGE (ARTHUR), D.D., Dean of Eosse. The blessings of Christian philosophy : being a treatise on the beatitudes. In a familiar dialogue between doctor and parishioner. Dublin, 1737. 8 ST MARY'S. -Case of the Kirk-session of St Mary's parish, Edinburgh, relative to more frequent communion. Appealed (1st August, 1832) to the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. Edin., 1832. 8 ST NINIANS. Case of the parish of St Ninians. Sir John Stewart of Allanbank, Bart., patron, with concurring heritors, &c. The appellant's case. s.l. eta. 4 ST PAUL'S. The Domesday of St Paul's of the year M.CC.XXII. ; or, Registrum de visitatione Maneriorum per Robertum Decanum, and other original documents relating to the Ma- nors and Churches belonging to the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's, London, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. With an introduc- tion, notes, and illustrations, by William Hale Hale, M.A. [Camden Society.] London, 1858. 4 SAINT-PIERRE (Jacques - Henri BERNARDIN de). See J. H. BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE. SAINTES (AMAND). Histoire critique du Ra- tionalisme en Allemagne depuis son origine jusqu' a nos jours. Paris, 1841. 8 Etudes critiques sur les trois lettres pastorales addressees a Timothe'e et a Tite. Paris, 1852. 8 SAINTS. Passionael este dat leuent der hyllighe to dude vth dem latino mit velen nyen hysto- rien vnde lere... Lubeck, 1507. 4 SAISONS. Les saisons, poeme. Sixieme edi- tion. Amsterdam, 1777. 12 SAISSET (EMILE), Professor of the history of philo- sophy in the faculty of letters of Paris. Essay on religious philosophy. Translated, with mar- ginal analysis, notes, critical essay, and philo- sophical appendix. 2 vol. Edin., 1863. 8 SAL...(M. DE). Lettre de M. de S.... a Monsieur 1'Abbe de M. D. L. ou dissertation critique sur I'apparition des esprits. Paris, 1731. 8 SALADIN. * Vita et res gestse Sultani, Almali- chi Alnasiri, Saladini, Abi Modafnri Josephi F. Jobi. F. Sjadsi. Auctore Bohadino F. Sjeddadi. Nee non excerpta ex historia uni- versali Abulfedse, easdem res gestas, reliquam- que historian! temporis, compendiose exhiben- tia. Itemque specimen ex historia majore Saladini, grandiore cothurno conscripta ab Amadoddino Ispahanensi. Ex MSS. Arabicis academies Lugduno-Batavae edidit ac Latine vertit Albertus Schultens. Accedit index com- mentariusque geographicus ex MSS. ejusdem bibliothecse contextus. [Arab, et Lat.J Lugd. Batav., 1732. fol. SALANUS ( ). Historia critica theologise dogmaticse et moralis. Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1724. 8 SALISBURY, BISHOP OF. See Thomas BURGESS. SALISBURY, BISHOP OF. See John DOUGLAS. SALISBURY, BISHOP OF. See John EARLE. SALISBURY, BISHOP OF. See John JEWEL. 680 SALISBURY-SALTMARSH. SALISBURY (WILLIAM), of tlie botanic garden, Sloane Street. The botanist's companion, or an introduction to the knowledge of practical botany, and the uses of plants, either gm\\ MIL,' wild in Great Britain, or cultivated for the purposes of agriculture, medicine, rural oeco- nomy, or the arts. 2 vol. London, 1816. 12 SALL (ANDREW), D.D. True Catholic and apos- tolic faith maintained in the Church of Eng- land. To which is prefixed a sermon preached by him at Christ church, Dublin, before the Lord Lieutenant and council, the 6th day of July, 1674 ; with a declaration made in St John's church, in Cashel, before the Arch- bishop of the province ; and a preface shewing the reasons for deserting the communion of the Roman Church, and embracing that of the Church of England. A new edition, revised and edited, with a memoir and notes illustra- tive and biographical, by the Rev. J. Allport. London, 1840. 8 SALLENGRE(ALBERTUS HENRICUS DE). Novus thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum. [In Ro- manas et Grsecas Grsevii et Gronovii antiqui- tates supplementa. ] 3 torn. Venetiis, 1735. fol. SALLUSTIUS (CAius CRISPUS). C. C. S. quae extant, item epistolse de republica ordinanda declamatio in Ciceronem et pseudo-Ciceronis in Sallustium, nee non Jul. Exsuperantius de bellis civilibus, ac Porcius Latro in Catilinam. Recensuit diligentissime et annotationibus il- lustravit Gottlieb Cortius. Accedunt frag- menta veterum historicorum, Constantius Fe- licius Durantinus de conjuratione Catilinse, et index necessarius. Lipsice, 1724! 4 C. C. Sallustii quee supersunt opera : cura Johannis Hunter, LL.D. Cupri in Fifa, 1807. 8 Another copy. Belli Catilinarii et Jugurthini historiae. Edinburgi, Gulielmus Ged, aurifaber Edinensis, non typis mobilibus, ut vulgo fieri solet, sed ta- bellis seu laminis fusis, excudebat. 1744. 12 SALM-SALM, PRINCE OF. Review of the ac- count of the conversion of the prince of Salm- Salm, and Stokes's letter to a clergyman... Edin., 1827. 8 SALMASIUS (CLAUDIUS). Walonis MESSALINI [Ptseud.] de Episcopis et Presbyteris contra D. Petavium Loiolitam dissertatio prima. Ltujd. Batav., 1641. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Funus linguae Hellenisticse, sive confutatio exercitationis [Mart. Schoockii] de Hellenistis et lingua Hellenistica. Lugd. Batav., 1643. 8 Another copy. De transubstantiatione liber, Simplicio VERINO [Pseud.] auctore. Ad Justum Pacium contra H. Grotium. Hagiopoli, 1646. 8 Defensio regia pro CAROLO I. 1649 SALMON. Remarks on Mr Beith's address. By Salmon. s. I. et a. 4 SALMON (ALEX AN I>KK). Truth vindicated, in a letter to the Rev. A. Marshall, Kirkintilloch ; in whidi the recklessness of tl man is exposed, and the true value of his affidavits ascertained. <;/ <*;/<', 1835. 8 Another copy. SALMUR1UM. Syntagma thesium theologica- rum in academia Salmuriensi variis tempuri- bus disputatarum sub priesidio DD. virorum ss. theologize professorum, Ludovici Cappelli, Mosis Amyraldi, losuee Plactui. Editio se- cunda, quarta parte disputationum priore auc- tior. (S'aJnmrii, 1644, 45. 4 Another copy. SALOMON, IBN GABIROL, Rabbi. A choice of pearls embracing a collection of the most genuine ethical sentences, maxims, and salu- tary reflections, originally compiled from the Arabic by Rabbi Salomon ibn Gabirol, and translated into Hebrew by R. Jehuda ibn Tibbon... accompanied by a faithful English translation... by the Rev. B. H. Ascher. London, 1859. 8 SALTERS-HALL. A true relation of some pro- ceedings at Salters-Hall by those ministers who signed the first article of the Church of Eng- land, and the answers to the fifth and sixth questions in the Assemblies shorter catechism. March 3, 1719. Viz. I. The declaration of their faith in the doctrine of the blessed Tri- nity, as reveal'd in the holy Scriptures. II. Ad- vices for peace, with the letter accompanying it. III. The letter from Exon in answer to those advices. London, [1719]. 8 An authentick account of several things done and agreed iipon by the dissenting ministers lately assembled at Salters-Hall, viz. I. Ad- vices for peace, &c. With a list of the names of those who have subscribed them. II. The letter, sent with the Advices to Exeter. III. Reasons for not subscribing, as some of their brethren did, the paper ofl'ered to them on March 3d, 1718-9. London, 1719. 8 SALTMARSH (JOHN), Minister at Ilford, Essex. A new quere, at this time seasonably to be considered, as we tender the advancement of truth and peace, whether it be fit, according to the principles of true religion and state, to settle any Church government over the king- dom hastily or not ; and with the power com- monly desired, in the hands of the ministers. London, 1645. 4 * A plea for Congregationall government : or, a defence of the Assemblies Petition against Mr John Saltmarsh. Wherein is plainly dis- covered, that in his Reasons against the divine right of Presbytery, under pretence of opposing the Assemblies Petition, he doth as much op- pose the Congregationall way, and goes about utterly to overthrow all Church-government, minister}', baptisme, and all Church-ordinances whatsoever ; and wholly to subvert the autho- rity of the civill magistrate in all matters of religion. And the Assemblies Petition vindi- cated from his exceptions, by principles com- mon both to the Presbyterian and the Congre- SALVATION SANDERUS. 687 gationall way ; there being nothing in that Petition but what is agreeable to the principles of both wayes. London, 1646. 4 SALVATION. Philosophy of the plan of salva- tion. By an American citizen. 2d ed. New York, 1843. 12 SALVIANUS, Saint, Presbyter of Marseilles. Sanctorum Presbyterorum Salviani Massilien- sis et VINCENTII Lirinensis opera. Stephanus Baluzius Tutelensis emendavit, notisque illus- travit. Editio quarta. Pedeponti, 1743. 4 SALWEY (ARTHUR). Halting stigmatiz'd in a sermon [on 1 Kings, xviii. 21] preached to the House of Commons, October 25, 1643. London, 1644. 4 SAMBUCY (Louis DE). De Fharmonie entre 1'Eglise et 1'Etat. Paris, 1845. 12 SAMPSON (FRANCIS S.), D.D., Professor of Ori- ental literature in the Union theological semi- nary, Prince Edward, Va. A critical com- mentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Edited from the manuscript notes of the author, by Robert L. Dabney, D.D. New-York, 1856. 8 SAMUEL (WALTER), Blacksmith. Account of a new apparatus for yoking horses in thrashing- machines : by which they are made to draw or work equally. Edin., 1811. 8 SAMUEL, Rabbi, Maroccanus. Das Jhesus Na- zarenus der ware Messias sey. B. L. Zwickaw, 1524. 4 SANCHEZ (THOMAS), S. J. De sancto matrimo- nii sacramento disputationum tomi tres. Pos- terior et accuratior editio. Lugdiini, 1637. fol. SANCHONIATHON. Phoenician history, trans- lated from the first book of Eusebius, De prse- paratione evangelica ; by Richard CUMBER- LAND, D.D. 1720 SANCROFT (THOMAS), Archbishop of Canterbury. The articles recommended by the Arch- Bishop of Canterbury to all the Bishops within his metropolitan jurisdiction, the 16th of July, 1688. [London, 1688.] 4 SANCTIFICATION. A tract... on the blessing of sanctification, not imputed, but imparted, and proved to be absolutely necessary for sal- vation ; with answers to all the principal ob- jections against internal and progressive holi- ness... Also, a few thoughts on the witness of the Spirit, the lowest degree of saving faith, and the doctrine of perfection. Bath, s. a. 12 SANCTIUS (FRANCISCUS). Minerva, sive de proprietate sermonis Latini. [Wants title.] Amsterodami, 1664. 8 SAND^US (MAXIMILIANUS), S. J., Professor of divinity at Wilrtzburg. Considerations de Synodi Dordrechtanse emolumentis, seu, uti- lem fuisse Synodum Contra- Remonstrantibus, Remonstrantibus, Catholicis. Herbipoli, 1620. 8 SANDEMAN (DAVID).* Memoir of the life and brief ministry of the Rev. D. S. missionary to China. By the Rev. Andrew A. Bonar. London, 1861. 8 SANDEMAN (ROBERT). Letters on Theron and Aspasio. Addressed to the author ; [James HERVEY]. 1803 SANDEN (BERNHARDUS VON). Exercitatio theo- logica de Aoyu, seterno et non a silentio prod- eunte, ad dictum B. Ignatii martyris Epistol. ad Magnesianos... Regiomonti, [1709]. 4 SANDER (HEINRICH VON), Professor at Carls- ruhe. Ueber die Vorsehung. 3 Theil. [l ter Theil, 2te Aufl., 2ter Theil, 3ter AufL] Leipzig, 1784-86. 8 SANDERSON (E. B.). Babylon ; or the con- servative system : with the comparative ana- tomy of each, as developed in the world at large, and in the word of God ; together with a dedication, by way of address, to the Queen. London, 1837. 8 SANDERSON (ROBERT), D.D., Bishop of Lin- coln. The works of R. S. Now first collected by William Jacobson, D.D. 6 vol. Oxford, 1854. 8 Episcopacy, as established by law in England, not prejudicial to royal power. A treatise written in the time of the Long Parliament, by the special command of the late King. London, 1661. 8 De juramenti promissorii obligatione praelec- tiones septem. Habitse in schola theologica Oxonii termino Michaelis A.D. MDCXLVI. Prae- missa oratione ab eodem habita cum publicam professionem auspicaretur, 26. Octobr. 1646. Londini, 1686. 8 Another copy. Another edition. Londini, 1696. 8 De obligatione conscientiaa prselectiones de- cem : Oxonii in schola theologica habitaa. A.D. MDCXLVII. Londini, 1686. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Casus conscientise (sive qusestiones practicae) novem soluti pro re nata atque decisi. Ex Anglico sermone (post repetitas editiones) re- cens in Latinum conversi. Cantabrigice, 1688. 8 Judicium universitatis Oxoniensis de 1. So- lenni liga et foedere. 2. Juramento negativo. 3. Ordinationibus Parlamenti circa disciplinam et cultum. Editio tertia. Londini, 1682. 8 [The above is entered more fully under COVE- NANT.] Editio quarta. London, 1689. 8 Sermons. With a life of the author by Isaac Walton, and an introductory essay by the Rev. R. Montgomery, A.M. 2 vol. London, 1841. 8 Two treatises on the Church. The first by Thomas JACKSON, D.D. The second by R. S. , D.D. 1843 SANDERSON (THOMAS). A companion to the lakes in Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cum- berland. Carlisle, 1807. 12 SANDERUS, or SAUNDER (NICOLAUS), S. J. De origine ac progressu schismatis Anglicani, libri tres : quibus historia continetur maxhne ecclesiastica, annorum circiter sexaginta, lectu dignissima; nimirum, ab anno 21. regni Hen- C88 SANDFORD-SANTAGNELLO. rici octaui... usque ad hunc vigesimum octa- uum Elixal>cth...Aucti per Eilv;inlum Rish- tomuii, KoiiKi-que imprusai ; nunc vero in Ger- mania iterum locupletiiis et caatigatiiis editi. Itigolstadii, 1588. 8 De viaibili monarchia Ecclesia?, libri viii. ... Accesserunt eiusdem aiictoris de clauo Dauid, seu de regno Christi, libri sex, quibus conti- netur huius de viaibili monarchia Ecclesia; operis contra quosdam oppugnatores necessa- ria defensio, Rmnie prinnnn, nunc etiam in Germania excusi. II "-'/< linriji, 1592. fol. SANDFORD (DANIEL), D.D., Bishop of Edin- burgh. Sermons preached in St John's chapel, Edinburgh. Edin., 1819. 8 Remains of the late Right Rev. D. S., D.D. Including extracts from his diary and corre- spondence, and a selection from his unpub- lished sermons. With a memoir, by the Rev. John Sandford, Vicar of Chillingham. 2 vol. Edin., 1830. 8 SANDILANDS (MATTHEW). Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Lord Provost, magistrates, town- council, and inhabitants of Edinburgh, calling their attention to consider of the best means of reducing as low as possible the expence of the carriage of coals, from the Midlothian col- lieries to Edinburgh and Leith. Edin., 1819. 8 SANDINUS (ANTONIUS). Disputationes histo- ric* ad vitas Pontificum Romanorum. ab A.S. conscript*, ejusque postumis curis retractatse atque auctse. Ferrarice, 1755. 8 SANDIUS (CHRISTOPHORUS CHRISTOPHORUS). Nucleus historise ecclesiastic* : cui pnefixus est tractatus de veteribus scriptoribus ecclesi- asticis. Cosmopoli, 1669. 8 C. C. S. Problema paradoxum de Spiritu Sancto. An non per ilium sanctorum angelo- rum genus intelligi possit ? Una cum refuta- tione opinionis Socinianorum, Spiritum Sanc- tum personam esse negantium. Colonice, 1678. 8 Bibliotheca Anti-Trinitariorum, sive catalogus scriptorum, et succincta narratio de vita eorum auctorum, qui praeterito et hoc seciilo, vulgo receptum dogma de tribus in unico Deo per omnia sequalibus personis vel impugnarunt, vel docuerunt, solum Patrem D. N. J. Christi esse ilium verum seu altissimum Deum. Opus posthumum C. C. S. Accedunt alia qusedam scripta. . .Quae omnia simul juncta compendium historiae ecclesiastic* Unitariorum, qui Soci- niani vulgo audiunt, exhibent. Frcistadii, 1684. 8 SANDS (JAMES). A letter directed thus, For Mr | James Lyon in Kirkwall. s. I., 1710. 8 | SANDWICH ISLANDS. Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde to the Sandwich islands, in the years 1824-1825. Captain the Right Hon. Lord Byron, Commander. London, 1826. 4 SANDYS (EDWIN), D.D., Archbishop of York. Sermons. Some whereof were preached in the parts beyond the seas, in the time of his exile, | in the raigne of Queen Marie. The residtie, ] in such places of preferment as he enioyed uiili r Her late Maieatie, Queene Elizabeth, of famous memorie... / /n. To which are added some miscellaneous pieces, by the same author. Edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. John Ayre, M.A. Cambridge, 1841. SAN1)VS (Sir KI.\MN), A'/nV /ycK,, l,s;57. * SCHARPIUS (JOHANNES), Scoto-Britannus, S.T.P. Cursus theologicus ; in quo controver- si;i- (.mines de fidei dogmatibus, hoc seculo exa- gitatae, nominatim inter nos et Pontificios, pertractantur ; et ad Bellarmini argumenta respondetur. Editio secunda. 2 tom. Genevas, 1620. 8 Another edition. Aurelia-Allobrogum, 1622. 4 Symphonia Prophetarum et Apostolorum, in qua ordine chronologico loci sacrae Scriptures specie tenus contradicentes conciliantur ; ut et ad quaestiones difficiliores chronologicas, et alias V. T. respondetur. Geneva, 1625. 4 SCHAW (JOHN). The removal of a faithful mi- nister from a people a providence seriously to be noticed by them. Being a valedictory ser- mon preached... from Acts, xx. 25. The duty of sinners to give God their hearts considered in an introductory sermon from Prov. xxiii. 26. Glasgow, 1742. 8 SCHEFFER (JOHN), Professor of law and rhetoric at Upsal. The history of Lapland : contain- ing a geographical description, and a natural history of that country ; with an account of the inhabitants, their original, religion, cus- toms, habits, marriages, conjurations, employ- ments, &c. Translated from the last edition in Latin, and illustrated with many curious copper-cutts. To which are added, The travels of the King of Sweden's mathematicians into Lapland : the history of Livonia, and the wars there : also a journey into Lapland, Finland, itc. Written by Dr Olof Rudbeck in the year 1701. London, 1704. 8 SCHEIBE (FR. LUDW.). Luther und die Auf- riihrer vom Jahr 1525. Erfurt, 1848. 8 SCHEIDIUS (EvERARDUs). Oratio de eo, quod Schultensii, post immortalia erga literas Ori- entales merita, posteris agendum reliquerint : dicta, quum ordinariam Linguarum Orienta- lium, antiquitatumque Hebnearum, professio- nem, et manuscriptos codices Warneriani legati i interpretandi provinciam, in Academia Lug- duno Batava, publice capesseret. Lugd. Batav., 1794. 4 SCHELER (AUGUSTUS). The question, "Was St Peter ever at Rome ? " historically consider- ed. Translated from the French by a clergy- man. With a short preface by the translator. London, 1845. 8 SCHELHORNIUS (JOANNES GEORGIUS). Amoe- nitates literariae, quibus variae observationes, scripta item qusedam anecdota et rariora opus- cula exhibentur. Tom. i.-xi. [Tom. i., ii. , | ed. 2 da.] Francofurti et Lipsice, 1725-30. 8 ' Amcenitates historiae ecclesiasticae et literariae, i quibus variae observationea, scripta item qu:r- dam anecdota et rariora opuacula. . .oxhibentur. 2 tom. Francofurti et LipticR, 1737, 38. 8 De vita, fat is ac meritis Philippi CAMKRARII. . . commentarius. Accedit prseter selecta ex epistolis virorum eel. ad ipsum scriptis, ejua relatio de captivitate sua Romana et liberatione fere miraculosa, nunc primum e MS. edita. Nonbergce, 1740. 4 SCHELLER (!MMAN. lo. GERH.). Pnecepta styli bene Latini in primis Ciceroniani, seu eloquentise Romanae quatenus haec nostris tem- poribua in dicendo et scribendo usurpari pot- est, summa diligentiamaximoqueperspicuitatis studio tradita et illustrata. Pars posterior. Editio tertia. LipsuK, 1797. 8 A copious Latin grammar. Translated from the German, with alterations, notes, and ad- ditions, by George Walker, M.A. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1838. 8 SCHELLING (FRIEDR. WILH. Jos.). Philoso- phie und Religion. Tubingen, 1804. 8 Vorlesungen iiber die Methode des academi- schen Studiums. Dritte Ausgabe. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1830. 8 SCHELSTRATE (EMANUEL A V ), Prefect of the Vatican library. A dissertation concerning patriarchal and metropolitical authority ; in answer to what Edward Stillingfleet, Dean of St Pauls, hath written in his book of the Bri- tish antiquities. Translated from the Latin. London, 1688. 4 SCHENCK (JACOBUS). Der SpruchJoh. iii. [16] ausgelegt. B. L. Wittemberg, 1541. 4 SCHENKEL (DANIEL). De Ecclesia Corinthia primaeva factionibus turbata...Inest excursus de Clementinorum origine' argumentoque. Basiled?, 1838. 8 Gesprache iiber Protestantismus und Katholi- cismus. 2 Theil. Heidelberg, 1852, 53. 8 Die Reformatoren und die Reformation im Zusammenhange mit den der evangelischen Kirche durch die Reformation gestellten Auf- gaben geschichtlich beleuchtet von Dr D. S. Wiesbaden, 1856. 8 SCHERER (EDMOND). Dogmatique de 1'Eglise re'forme'e. Prole'gomenes. Paris, 1843. 8 Another copy. De 1'e'tat actuel de 1'Eglise re'forme'e en France. Paris, 1844. 8 Esquisse d'une theorie de 1'Eglise Chre'tienne. Paris, 1845. 8 La critique et la foi. Deux lettres. Paris, 1850. 8 SCHERZERUS (JOHANNES ADAMUS). Colle- gium Anti-Socinianum CLIV. disputationibus publicis absolutum. Lipsice, 1672. 4 Editio tertia. Lipsice et Francofurti, 1702. 4 SCHEUCHZERUS (JOHANNES JACOBUS), M.D., Professor of mathematics and natural philosophy at Zurich. Physica sacra... Iconibus aeneis illustrata procurante et sumtus suppeditante Johanne Andrea Pfellel. 5 tom. Augustce Vindelicoriim et Ulmc?, 1731, 32. fol. SCHICKARDUS (WJLHELMUS), Profesor of He- brew at Tiibingen. Institutiones lingua- SCHILLER SCHLEUSNER. 693 Ebrsese, primum harmonia aliarum linguarum Orientalium perpetua auctius editse a M. Job. Ernesto Gerhardo, nunc vero...sejunctim in usumgymnasioruni scholarumque denuo recog- nitae...Accessit lexicon dictsb linguae brevissi- mum, cum tabulis synopticis rerum grammati- carum et verborum imperfectorum. Recentis- sime adjecit dilucidationes quasdam regularum M. Daniel Winzer, cujus et praefatio de usu ac scopo libri disserit. Lipsice, 1697. 8 SCHILLER (FRIEDRICH VON). Sammtliche Werke in einem Bande. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1834. 8 SCHILLING (CHRISTIAN. HENR.). Dissertatio prima de imposturis sanctitatis titulo factis, quam Prseside Gottlieb Samuele Trever in Juleo majori horis consuetis publice proponet respondens C. H. S. Helmstadii, [1717]. 4 Dissertatio secunda de imposturis sanctitatis titulo factis quam Prseside G. S. Trever... pub- lice proponet respondens C. H. S. Helmstadii, [1717]. 4 (Economiam systematis moralis Atheorum... examinabit...C. H. S. Helmstadii, [1718]. 4 Historia Bullarum Clementis VI. et XI. Uni- genitus dictarum curiae Romanes fatalium, con- i silio ductuque viri summe venerabilis loannis \ Andrese Schmidii exposita, et documentis pree- { cipuis ad pleniorem historise hujus cognitionem | facientibus illustrata a C. H. S. Helmstadii, 1719. 4 Historia Bullse Clementis XI. Unigenitus dictse curise Romanse fatalis continuata. | Helmstadii, 1721. 4 Historia Bullse Clementis XI. Unigenitus... ad MDCCXXI. finem continuata. Helmstadii, 1724. 4 SCHIMMELPENN1NCK (MARY ANNE). Select memoirs of Port Royal, to which are appended, Tour to Alet ; visit to Port Royal ; gift of an abbess ; biographical notices, &c. 4th ed. 2 vol. London, 1835. 8 SCHISM. Apologie des jugemens rendus en France centre le schisme par les tribunaux se'culiers, dans laquelle on etablit : 1- L'in- justice et 1'iire'gularite' des refus des sacremens, de sepulture, et des autres peines qu'on pro- nonce centre ceux qui ne sont pas soumis a la Constitution Unigenitus. 2- La competence des juges laics pour s'opposer a tous ces actes de schisme. [La premiere partie est de 1'Abbe" MEY ; la seconde est de MAULTROT.] 3 torn. s. I., 1752. 12 An answer to the non jurors charge of schism upon the Church of England. Written by a clergyman of the Church of England ; [Arthur Ashley SYKES]. London, 1716. 8 Another copy. SCHIVELBERCH (THEODORUS). Disputatio physica de mixtione. Ultrajecti, 1650. 4 SCHLEGEL (FRIEDRICH VON). Lectures on the history of literature, ancient and modern. From the German. New edition. Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. The philosophy of history, in a course of lec- tures delivered at Vienna. Translated fiom the German, with a memoir of the author, by James Burton Robertson. 5th ed. [Bonn's Stand. Lib.] London, 1847. 8 SCHLEGEL (H.), Conservator of the museum of the Netherlands. Essay on the physiognomy of serpents. Translated by Thos. Stewart Traill, M.D. Edin., 1843. 8 SCHLEGELIUS (CHRIST.). Questiones de per- sona Melchisedeci ; [cum Commentt. in Epist. ad Hebr. S. TENA auctore]. 1661 SCHLEIDANUS (JOHANNES). Ein bescheidener historischer unschmalicher Bericht an alle Churftirsten Fursten und Stende desz Reichs ...B. L. s. L, 1567. 4 SCHLEIERMACHER (FRIEDRICH ERNEST DA- NIEL), Professor of theology at Berlin. A criti- cal essay on the Gospel of St Luke. With an introduction by the translator, containing an account of the controversy respecting the origin of the three first Gospels since Bishop Marsh's Dissertation. London, 1825. 8 Der christliche Glaube nach den Grundsatzen der evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhange dargestellt von Dr F. S. 2 Bande. Reutlingen, 1828. 8 Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiuma zum Behuf einleitender Vorlesungen. Zweite Ausgabe. Berlin, 1830. 8 Grundlinien einer Kritik der bisherigen Sitten- lehre. Zweite Ausgabe. Berlin, 1834. 8 Literarischer Nachlass. Zur Philosophic. Erster Band. Berlin, 1835. 8 Introductions to the dialogues of Plato. Trans- lated from the German by William Dobson, M.A. Cambridge, 1836. 8 Grundriss der philosophischen Ethik, mit ein- leitender Vorrede von D. H. Twesten. Berlin, 1841. 8 Brief outline of the study of theology, drawn up to serve as the basis of introductory lec- tures. To which are prefixed reminiscences of Schleiermacher by Dr Friedrich Llicke. Trans- lated from the German by William Fairer, LL.B. Edin., 1850. 12 Another copy. SCHLEUSNER (JOHANN FRIEDRICH), Professor of theology at Wittemberg. Novum lexicon Grseco - Latinum in Novum Testamentum. Congessit et variis observationibus philologicis illustravit J. F. S. Recensuerunt Jacobus Smith, Joannes Strauchon, et Adam us Dickin- son. 2 torn. Editio quarta. Edinburgi, 1814. 8 Another edition. Juxta editionem Lipsiensem quartam. 2 torn. Londini, 1829. 8 Another copy. Novus thesaurus philologico - criticus : sive lexicon in LXX. et reliquos interpretes Graecos ac scrip tores apocryphos Veteris Testament! . Post Bielium et alios viros doctos, congessit et edidit J. F. S. Editio altera. 3 torn. Glasguce, 1822. 8 Another edition. London, 1829. 8 Another ct II ureburyi, 1772-79. 4 SCHMIDT (C.), Professor i th. faculty of theolo- gy at ,s//-,(,v/ /(//- inatitut und den Provinzeal - Gewerbschulen des Preuss. Staats. Dritte Ausgabe. 3 Bande. Berlin, 1839, 40. 8 SCHUBERT (FREDR. WILH. VON). Sweriges Kyrko-Forfattning och Liirowerk, for aldro och nyare tid beskrefne, af F. \V. von S. Oefwersattning med anmarkningar och tillagg af Abr. Z. Pettersson. 2 Deel. Lund, 1822, 25. 8 SCHUBLER (G.), Professor in the university of Tubingen. Grundsatze der Agricultur-Chemie in miherer Beziehung auf land- \ind forst- wirthschaftliche Gewerbe von G. S. Zweiter Auftage, durchgesehen und verbessert von K. S. Krutzach. 2 Theil. Leipzig, 1838. 8 SCHULER (PHILIPP HEINRICH). Geschichte der Veranderungen des Geachmacka im Pre- digen, insonderheit unter den Protestanten in Deutschland, mit Actenatucken im Auszug belegt. 4 Theil. Halle, 1792, 99. 8 SCHULTENS (ALBERTUS), Professor of Oriental languages at Leyden. Liber Jobi cum nova versione. 1737. See BIBLES HEBREW. E. Proverbia Salomonis. 1748. See BIBLES HEBREW. E. Oratio de regina Sabaeorum habita quum rec- toris academies munus poneret. Die viii. Febr. MDCCXL. Lugd. Batav., 1740. 4 Originea Hebraeae aive Hebreese linguae anti- quiasima natura et indoles, ex Arabise pene- tralibua revocata ab A. S. Editio altera, cui adjectum opuaculum de defectibus hodiernia Ling. Hebr. Lugd. Batav., 1761. 4 Another copy. Opera minora, animadversionea ejus in Jobum, et ad varia loca V. T. nee non variaa disserta- tiones et orationea, complectentia, antehac seonim in lucem eniissa, nunc in unum corpus collecta... Lugd. Batav., et Leovardice, 1769. 4 Florilegium sententiarum Arabicarum ; [cum Rudimentis linguae Arabicae per T. ERPENIUM]. 1770 Sylloge dissertationum philologico-exegetica- rum, a diversia auctoribua editarum, sub prse- sidio A. Schultens, J. J. SCHULTENS et N. G. SCHRCEDER defensarum. Quibus multa S. codi- cia loca obacura illustrantur, et nova ratione explicantur. 2 torn. Leidce et Leovardue, 1772, 75. 4 SCHULTENS (JOANNES JACOBUS), S.T.D., son of the preceding. Sylloge diasertationum phi- lologico-exegeticarum, aub praesidio A. SCHUL- TENS, J. J. S. et N. G. SCHRCEDER defenaarum. 1772, 75 SCHULZE (GoTTLOB ERNST). Grundriss der philosophiachen Wiasenschaft. 2 Bande. Wittenberg und Zerbst, 1788, 90. 8 SCHULTZIUS (BENJAMIN). Pauli Epiatolae in linguam Indoatanicam translatae. 1749, 50. See BIBLES HINDUSTANI. E. SCHURMAN (A. M. A'). EwtAue/* sen melioris partis electio. Tractatus brevem vita.- t-jm dclineationem exhibena. Altonce ad Albim, 1673. 8 SCHUSMANN (WILHELMUB FRANCISCUH). Syn cretismus ad examen revocatus, quem una cum poaitionibus theologicis in celebri et catholico Lyceo Soc. Jeau ad Divi Pauli Katislxui..-, Prseside P. Thaddax) Werenko publice pro- pugnandum suscepit W. F. S. /;.i/;.s',...,fi::,i]. K SCHUTZ (WILHELM VON). Die aufgehellto Bartholomausnacht von W. von S. Seitenstiick zur Schrift : Ktimpfe und Triumphe der Ro- miachen Kirche in siebenzehn Horen darges- tellt. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, 1845. 8 Proteatantiacher Jeauitenhass und Katholis- cher Fastengrusa. Der Gesellschaft Jesu und ihren Freunden gewidmet von W. von 8. Augsburg, 1846. 8 Die frommen Katholiachen Alt - Sarmaten und die neuen heidnischen Anti - Sarmaten in Po- len. Zur richtigen Wurdigung ihrer let/ten Insurrection. Leipzig, 1846. 8 SCHUYLIUS (FLORENTIUS). Disputationum philosophicarum prima, continens positiones de natura logicse, prsedicabilibus, et prsedica- mentis, fec. Ultrajecti, 1638. 4 Secunda, continens positiones de interpreta- tione. Ultrajecti, 1638. 4 Tertia, continens positiones de ayllogiflmo. Ultrajecti, 1639. 4 Quarta, continens positiones ethicas. Ultrajecti, 1639. 4 Septima, continens positiones de elementis, meteoris, mixtis et anima. Ultrajecti, 1639. 4 SCHWARZ (CAROLUS). De sancta Trinitate quid aenaerint doctorea ecclesiastici prima scho- lasticse, quae dicitur, theologiae periodo. Balis, 1842. 8 Zur Geschichte der neuesten Theologie. Dritte Auflage. Leipzig, 1864. 8 SCHWEIGELEUSER (JOHANNES), Professor of Greek at Strasbourg. Lexicon Herod oteum, quo et styli Herodotei universa ratio enucleate explicatur, et quam plurimi musarum loci ex professo illuatrantur ; passim etiam partim Grseca lectio, partim versio Latina quas offert Argentoratenaia editio vel vindicatur vel emen- datur. Adjecta eat appendix tractatua quoa- dam complectens de dialecti lonica. Londini, 1824. 8 SCH YN (HERMANNUS). Historia Christianorum , qui in Belgio Foederato inter Protestantes Mennonitae appellantur ; in qua, praeter eo- rum originem, progressum, statum hodiernum, et fidei confessionem, simul ostenditur ingena inter hos, et Anabaptistas Germanos et Mo- nasterienses, discrimen ; adjecta accurata dis- quisitione, de antiquitate baptismi proaelyto- rum inter Judaeos. Amstel., 1723. 8 SCIALAC (VICTOR). Liber Psalmorum ex Ara- bico idiomate translatus. 1614. See BIBLES ARABIC. B. SCIO DE SAN MIGUEL (FELIPE), Bishop of Segovia. El Nuevo Testamento...traducido de SCIOPPIUS SCOTLAND. 697 la Biblia Vulgata Latina en Espaiiol. 1823. See BIBLES SPANISH. B. La Biblia Sagrada. . .traducidos de la Vulgata Latina en Espafiol. 1826. See BIBLES SPA- NISH. A. SCIOPPIUS (GASPAR). Alphonsi de VARGAS [Pseud.] relatio ad reges et principes Christia- nos de stratagematis et sophismatis politicis Societatis lesu ad monarchiam orbis terrarum sibi conficiendam. In qua lesuitaruni erga reges ac populos optime de ipsis meritos infide- litas, ergaque ipsum Pontificem perfidia, con- tumacia et in fidei rebus nouaiidi libido illus- tribus docuinentis comprobatur. *. I, 1636. 4 Grammatica philosophica . . . Accessit prsefatio de veteris ac novoe grammaticse Latinae ori- gine, dignitate et usu. Editio nova beneficio V. A. Petri Scavenii . . . aucta . . . recognita et emendata. Amstel, 1664. 8 SCLATER (WILLIAM), D. D. , Minister of Pitmin- ster, Somersetshire. A briefe exposition with notes, upon the Second Epistle to the Thessa- lonians. 3d ed. London, 1632. 4 An exposition with notes upon the First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians. London, 1638. 4 SCLATER (WILLIAM), D. D. The original draught of the primitive Church. A new edi- tion, carefully corrected, with the quotations from the Fathers, &c. given at length. Oxford, 1840. 8 SCOFFERN (JOHN). Chemistry no mystery ; or, a lecturer's bequest. Being the subject- matter of a course of lectures. Edited by Dr S. 2d ed. London, [1848]. 8 SCORESBY (WILLIAM), B.D., Incumbent of Bed- ford chapel, Exeter. Discourses to seamen. London, 1831. 12 The philosophy of the Gospel, in relation to the three states of man : a sermon [on Gen. ii. 7] preached... on Sunday, August the 28th, 1836, at the conclusion of the meeting in Bris- tol of the British Association for the promotion of science. London, 1836. 8 SCOT (A.), V.D.M. The Episcopal Church of England and its Book of Common Prayer, briefly and catechetically examined. Edin., 1849. 8 SCOT (DAVID), M.D., Minister of Corstorphine. Essays on various subjects of belles lettres : to which are added two dissertations written during the late war against France. Edin., 1824. 12 A key to the Hebrew Pentateuch, or a work in which all the Hebrew words in the five Books of Moses are explained, analyzed, and traced to their roots, chiefly in the Hebrew itself, but occasionally also in Chaldee, Syriac, Samaritan, Arabic, and Ethiopia ; with preli- minary dissertations. London, 1826. 8 Another copy. SCOT (GULIELMUS), of Thirlestane.Selecia, poe- mata Archibaldi PITCARNII, G. S. et aliorum. 1727 SCOT (Sir JOHN), of Scotstarvet, Director of the CJictncery. The staggering state of the Scots statesmen, for one hundred years, viz. from 1550 to 1650. Now first published, from an original manuscript. Edin., 1754. 12 SCOT (WILLIAM), Minister of Cupar. An apolo- getical narration of the state and government of the Kirk of Scotland since the Reformation. Certaine records touching the estate of the Kirk in the years M.DC.V. and M.DC.VI. by John FORBES, minister of Alford. [Edited for the Wodrow Society, by David Laing.] Edin., 1846. 8 SCOTIA. See SCOTLAND. SCOTICISMS. Scoticisms, arranged in alphabe- tical order, designed to correct improprieties of speech and writing. [By James BEATTIE.] Edin., 1787. 8 SCOTLAND. Ane declaratiovn of the iust and necessar causis, moving vs of the Nobillitie of Scotland & vthers ye Kings Maiesteis faithfvl svbiectis to repair to his Hienes presence, and to remane with him for resisting of the present daingeris appearing to Goddis trew religion and professours thairof & to his Hienes awin per- son estait & croun & his faithful subiectis that hes constantly continuit in his obedience, & to seik redres & reformatioun of the abuse and confusioun of the commoun wealth Remouing fro his Maiestie the cheif authoris thairof quhil the treuth of the samin may be maid manifest to his Hienes estaits That with com- mon consent redres & remeid may be prouided. Directit from Striuiling with speciall command and licence to be prentit. Anno M.D.LXXXII. 8 [The above is the reprint, edited, with notes, by J[ames] M[aidment]. Respublica, sive status regni Scotise et Hiber- nise, diversorum autorum. Lugd. Batav., 1627. 8 The remonstrance of the nobility, barrones, burgesses, ministers and commons within the kingdome of Scotland, vindicating them and their proceedings from the crymes, wherewith they are charged by the late proclamation in England, Feb. 27, 1639. Edin., 1639. 4 An information to all good Christians within the kingdome of England, from the noblemen, barrens, borrows, ministers, and commons of the kingdome of Scotland, for vindicating their intentions and actions from the unjust callum- nies of their enemies. [Ascribed to Sir Alex- ander Gibson, of Durie.] Edin., 1639. 4 Declaratio consilii exercitus Scoticani. Ad fratres Anglos ; per ordinum regni delegates ; imperatorem, proceres, reliquosque exercitus ductores. Edinburgi, 1640. 4 The lawfulnesse of our expedition into Eng- land manifested. Edin., 1640. 4 Articles of the large treaty, concerning the establishing of the peace betwixt the Kings Majesty, and his people of Scotland, and be- twixt the two kingdomes. Agreed upon by the Scottish, and English commissioners in the city of Westminster the 7th day of August, 1641. s. I, 1641. 4 88 SCOTLAND. A short declaration to the whole Kir!. Kin"dom, concerning present dangers nnd du- ['.. Scpu-mbi-r, 1048. j 48. 4 A declaration of the committee of Estates of the parliament of Scotland, to the Hon. Houses of the parliament, and to all their brethren of England, concerning the necessity, grounds, and ends of their engagement, and of the re- turn of the Scots armie into England. ,1048. 4 The late proceedings and votes of the parlia- ment of Scotland, contained in an address de- livered to the King, signed by the plurality of the members thereof, stated and vindicated. Glasgow, 1689. 4 An address sign'd by the greatest part of the members of the parliament of Scotland, and delivered to His Majesty at Hampton-Court, the 15th day of October, 1689. s. I, [1089]. 4 Reasons why the parliament of Scotland can- not comply with the late King James. [By James WELWOOD.] [Wants title.] [Edin., 1689?] 4 Some weighty considerations, humbly proposed to the honourable members of the ensuing As- sembly of the States of Scotland. By a lover of his countreys liberty. Reprinted, Edin., 1689. 4 The Act of the parliament of Scotland, for the security of the kingdom. As it is voted, and passed in this present parliament, and lies ready for the royal assent. With a short ac- count of it, and some few remarks. London, 1703. 4 An Act for security of the kingdom. As it was voted and approved by the Right Hon. the Estates of Parliament, at Edinburgh the 13th day of August 1703. Edin. , 1704. 4 PUBLIC RECORDS. Registruni magni Sigilli regum Scotorum in archivis publicis asserva- tum A.D. MCCCVI.-A.D. Mctvcxxiv. Printed by command of His Majesty King George the Third in pursuance of an address of the House of Commons of Great Britain. [London], 1814. fol. Inquisitionum ad capellam domini regis retor- natarum, quae in pnblicis archivis Scotise ad- huc servantur, abbreviatio. [Cum supplemen- tis.] Printed by command of His Majesty King George III... 3 vol. [London], 1811-1816. fol. The Acts of the Lords AUDITORS of causes and complaints. A.D. 1466-A.D. 1494. Printed by command of His Majesty King George the Third. . .[Edited by Thomas Thomson.] 1839 The Acts of the LORDS OF COUNCIL in civil causes. A.D. 1478-1495. Printed by command of His Majesty King George the Third... [Edited by Thomas Thomson.] 1839 RELIGIOUS I\-TI:T TK-V <'<.MMI--|"\. Evi- dence taken by the commissioners, | Presbu.rv of Edinburgh. AWi/i., 18M. f-.l. Another copy. - First [and li. -ix.] report of the commissioners of religious instruction, Scotland. Edin., 1837, 38. fol. Another copy. Another copy [of the first report]. Abstract of the first report of the Religious instruction commission ; with the evidence of the committee of dissenters. Edin.,lS'37. 8 Remarks on the first report of the commission- ers of religious instruction, Scotland. By the Scottish central board for vindicating the rights of dissenters. Edin., 1837. 8 Digest of reports of the commissioners of re- ligious instruction in Scotland ; exhibiting the Church Establishment, teinds, stipends, and surplus teinds, and the accommodation and population of all the landward parishes ; with a summary of the law of teinds. By a member of the college of justice. 2d. ed. Edin., 1838. 8 UNIVERSITIES. Report made to His Majesty by a Royal commission of inquiry into the state of the universities of Scotland. [London, 1831.] fol. Evidence, oral and documentary, taken and received by the commissioners appointed by His Majesty George IV. July 23d, 1826; and re-appointed by His Majesty, William IV., October 12th, 1830 ; for visiting the universi- ties of Scotland. 4 vol. London, 1837. fol. Another copy. SCOTLAND, CHURCH OF. The speach of the Kirk of Scotland to her beloved children. [By David CALDERWOOD.] [Imperfect.] s. L, 1620. 8 Quaeres concerning the state of the Church of Scotland. [By David CALDERWOOD.] s. L, 1621. 8 A short relation of the state of the Kirk of Scotland since the reformation of religion, to the present time for information, and adver- tisement to cur brethren in the Kirk of Eng- land, by an heartv well-wisher to both king- domes, s. I, 1638. 4 An assertion of the government of the Church of Scotland, in the points of ruling elders, and of the authority of Presbyteries and Synods. With a postscript in answer to a treatise lately published against Presbyteriall government. [By George GILLESPIE.] Edin., 1641. 4 J Another copy. The government and order of the Church of Scotland. [By Alexander HENDERSON.] s. L, 1641. 4 J The doctrine and discipline of the Kirke of Scotland, as it was formerly set forth by pub- licke authority, and at this present command- ed there to be practised in the said Kirke, Anno 1641. Together with some Acts of Ge- nerall Assemblies clearing and confirming the same : as also an Act of parliament by the King and Three Estates of Scotland, for recti- SCOTLAND, CHURCH OF. 701 fying of the said discipline. The first and second booke. Edin., 1641. 4 [See also under DISCIPLINE.] The causes of a public fast, and humiliation, to be kept with all convenient diligence : by all the members of this Kirk and kingdom of Scotland. Aberdene, 1650. 4 Some observations about the late differences in the Kirk of Scotland, for vindicating the judicatories thereof, discovering the principles and way of the dissenting brethren, and clear- ing of some mistakes which may mislead the simple in these reeling times, s. L, 1653. 4 Another copy. A testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ, or to the doctrine, worship, discipline and go- vernment of the Church of Scotland... by sun- dry ministers of the Gospel in the provinces of Perth and Fife. Edin., 1660. 8 An apologeticall relation of the particular suf- ferings of the faithfull ministers and profes- sours of the Church of Scotland, since August 1660. Wherein severall questions, usefull for the time, are discussed : the Kings preroraga- tive (sic) over parliaments and people soberly enquired into : the lawfulnes of defensive war cleared. The supreme magistrats power in Church matters examined, Mr Stillingfleet's notion concerning the divine right of formes of Church Government, considered. The au- thor of the seasonable case answered, other particulars, such as the hearing of the curats, appearing before the high commission court, &c. canvassed. Together with the rise reigne and mine of the former Prelats in Scotland. Being a brieff accoiint from history, of the go- vernment of the Church of Scotland, from the beginning, and of the many troubles which Prelats have created to her, first and last. By a well wisher to the good old cause ; [John BROWN]. s. L, 1665. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The poor mans cup of cold water, ministred to the saints and sufferers for Christ in Scot- land, who are amidst the scorching flames of the fiery tryall. [By Robert M'WARD.] s. I, 1681. 4 Another edition. Printed, 1678. Beprinted, Edin., 1709. 4 Another copy. Another copy. A brief and true account of the sufferings of the Church of Scotland, occasioned by the Episcopalians, since the year 1660. Being a vindication of their Majesties government in that kingdom, relating to the proceedings against the Bishops and clergy there. With some animadversions upon a libel intituled, The present state and condition of the clergy and Church of Scotland. London, 1690. 4 A vindication of the Church of Scotland. Be- ing an answer to a paper, intituled, Some ques- tions concerning Episcopal and Presbyterial government in Scotland. Wherein the latter is vindicated from the arguments and calum- nies of that author ; and the former is made appear to be a stranger in that nation. By a minister of the Church of Scotland, as it is now established by law: [Gilbert RULE]. 2ded. Edin., 1691. 4 A second vindication of the Church of Scot- land : being an answer to five pamphlets ; [viz. An account of the present persecutions of the Church of Scotland, The case of the afflicted clergy in Scotland truly represented, A late letter concerning the sufferings of the Episco- pal clergy in Scotland, A memorial for His Highness the Prince of Orange, in relation to the affairs of Scotland, &c. , and An historical relation of the late General Assembly, held at Edin. from Oct. 16 to Nov. 13, 1690]. [By Gilbert RULE.] Edin., 1691. 4 Another copy. A defence of the Vindication of the Church of Scotland, in answer to an Apology of the clergy of Scotland. [By Gilbert RULE.] Edin., 1694. 4 Another copy. The case of the Church of Scotland stated, with respect to some laws antecedent and con- sequent to the Union ; with an humble inquiry into its influences upon our reformation, in a letter to a ruling elder of the General Assem- bly, from his friend in the country. Edin., 1715. 8 Memoirs of the Church of Scotland, in four periods. I. The Church in her infant-state, from the Reformation to the Queen Mary's abdication. II. The Church in its growing state, from the abdication to the Restoration. III. The Church in its persecuted state, from ' the Restoration to the Revolution. IV. The Church in its present state, from the Revolu- tion to the Union. With an appendix, of some transactions since the Union. [By Daniel DE- FOE.] London, 1717. 8 Another copy. An apology for the Church of Scotland, against the accusations of Prelatists and Jacobites ; and particularly the Reflections of J. S., late incumbent at Forfar. [By John WILLISON.] [Wants title, and otherwise imperfect.] 1717. 8 A defence of national Churches : and particii- larly of the national constitution of the Church of Scotland, and the conduct of our reforming ancestors, against the cavils of Independents. With a confutation of Independency, and se- veral new opinions vented in some late pamph- lets, intituled, A narrative of the rise and pro- gress, &c. An explication of a proposition, Src. A letter from a lover of Zion, &c. By a minister of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1729. 8 Another copy. Another copy. [Wants title.] Plain reasons for Presbyterians dissenting from the Revolution-Church in Scotland. As also, their principles concerning civil government, and the difference between the Reformation and Revolution principles. s. L, 1731. 16 Another copy. 70fl ILAND. riiri:rn OF. The defection of the Church of Scotland from her Reformation-principles considered : being a protest by some members of the General As- sembly of that Church against her Act pass'd the 15th of May 1732, anent the method of planting vacant churches. "With an introdiu-- tion and appendix. [By Sir Thomas GORDON.] Edin., 1733. & Another copy. Another copy. The form of process in the judicatories of the Church of Scotland ; with relation to scandals and censures : to which is subjoined, several acts and overtures of the General Assemblies there anent : and other things of a public and interesting nature. Glasgow, 1763. 8 Another copy. Another copy. An alarm to the Church of Scotland, on the apparent prevalence of a worldly above a spi- ritual and religious interest in her supreme judicatory. Exemplified in the proceedings of the last General Assembly. In a letter from a member thereof to a reverend brother. Edin., 1771. 8 The Kirkiad : or, golden age of the Church of Scotland. Canto i. Edin., 1774. 8 Another copy. An abridgment of the Acts of parliament relat- ing to the Church of Scotland, from the Refor- mation to the present time. Edin., 1795. 8 Another copy. A vindication of adherence to the principles and constitution of the Church of Scotland in her purest times. Perth, 1809. 12 Another copy. The Protestant doctrine concerning Church and State, religious reformation, and our na- tional covenants, contained in the public stand- ards of the Church of Scotland, and in the confessions of the Reformed Churches. In four letters. To which is added, an address to the friends of religious reformation, in fa- vour of union. Edin., 1825. 8 Compendium of the laws of the Church of Scotland. [2 parts ; the first, containing STEU- ART of Pardovan's Collections, &c. ; the second, an abridgment of the Acts of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY from 1560 to 1830, inclusive.] Edin., 1830, 31. 12 Part first. Edin., 1830. 12 Another copy. Speeches delivered at the public meeting held in St George's church, Glasgow, for the pur- pose of forming a society for promoting the interests of the Church of Scotland, Jan. 31, and Feb. 1, 1833. Glasgow, 1833. 8 C The evils of the Established Church of Scot- land considered, and a remedy suggested ; with a few introductory observations on the prin- ciples of a national Church. Edin., 1833. 12 The Church of Scotland vindicated from the cavils of dissenters. With a postscript, con- taining strictures on Dr Wardlaw's late sermon on civil establishments of Christianity. Edin., 1833. 8 View of the constitution of the Church of land ;us it iv^ards her membership and elder- ship : taken from the standards and Acts of Assembly. [From the Christian Instructor for Jan. 1834.] /. Another copy. First [second and third] annual report of the Glasgow association for promoting the interests of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1834-36. 8 Another copy [of the third report]. Glasgow, 1836. 8 Edinburgh young men's association for pro- moting the interests of the Church of Scotland. General state of principles and objects. Edin., 1834. 12 J Report of the speeches delivered at the meet- ing of the Young men's Church association, in St Andrew's church, Edinburgh, on Friday, 7th Nov. 1834. Edin., 1834. lL' First report of the Edinburgh Young men's Church association, with the speeches, deliver- ed at the annual meeting, held in St Andrew's church, on Thursday, the 12th Nov. 1835. Edin., 1835. 12 3 Another copy. Report of speeches delivered at a public meet- ing of the friends of the Established Church, held... Feb. 17, 1834. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1834. 12 Proceedings of the meeting of the friends of the Church of Scotland, held in the Mid pa- rish church, on the 18th of October, 1834. Greenock, 1834. J-J Speeches delivered at the public meeting of the Dundee association for promoting the in- terests of the Church of Scotland. . .on the even- ing of 26th Nov. 1834. Dundee, 1834. 12 Another copy. Report of speeches delivered at a public meet- ing of the friends of the Established Church of Scotland, desirous of obtaining, through the aid of the state, an extension of the means of religious instruction and parochial superin- tendence, held... April 15, 1835. Edin., 1835. 12 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. The present position of the Church and State described ; the cause assigned ; and the remedy proposed ; by a clergyman of the Church of England. London, 1835. 12 A defence of the ministers of the Church of Scotland against the charge of political parti- zanship, and their duty in the present crisis. In a few remarks addressed to them by a mi- nister of the Established Church. Edin., 1837. 8 Report of the great meeting of the tradesmen and working classes in support of the Church of Scotland... on Wednesday, the 14th Novem- ber, 1838. Edin., 1838. 8 J Styles of writs, and forms of procedure, in the Church courts of Scotland. By the Church law society of Edinburgh. Edin. , 1838. 8' SCOTLAND, CHURCH OF. 703 The Presbyteries of the Church of Scotland - threatened with imprisonment in the discharge of their official duty, in an address from the Lord President of the Court of Session, with an answer to the same, in two letters to his Lord- - ship, by a minister of the Church of Scotland ; [Robert BUCHANAN]. Glasgow, 1839. 8 ; Fourth thousand. Glasgow, 1839. 8 The present position of the Church of Scot- - land, explained and vindicated. [By John HAMILTON.] Edin., 1839. 8 1 [An article on the present position of the Church of Scotland. By John INGLIS.] [From Blackwood's magazine, Nov. 1839.] Edin., 1839. 8 Observations 011 the Church of Scotland, occa- j sioned by her present position and the state- ments of her friends. By an office-bearer of that Church. Edin., 1840. 8 j Another copy. Another copy. A few words for the Church of Scotland, by a ! looker-on. JSd*.,[J840j. 8 Address from the " Edinburgh tradesmen's association for advancing the interests of the Church of Scotland," to their fellow- tradesmen _, in Scotland. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The relation of the Church of Scotland to the State, and legislative measures suggested to meet the present exigency. Glasgow, 1840. 8 C Another copy. Engagement in defence of the liberties of the Church and people of Scotland. [Drawn up by Dr Candlish. J [Edin. , 1840. ] f ol. Circular on the subject of an Engagement in defence of the liberties of the Church of Scot- land. Edin., 1840. 4 A short statement of the origin and nature of the present divisions in the Church of Scot- land. By a minister of the Church of Scot- I land; [John GUMMING]. London, 1840. 8 j Another copy. What ought the Church and people of Scot- land to do now .' By a Seceder ; [William WHITE]. Edin., 1840. 8 Second edition. Edin. , 1840. 8 An address on the position of the Church of Scotland, and the duty of Seceders at the pre- sent time. [By William WHITE.] Edin., 1841. 8 The " pith and marrow" of the present contro- versy in the Church of Scotland. By a Pro- testant of the school of the Reformation. London, 1841. 8" - Another copy. - An argument on the duty of the Church of Scotland in her present emergency. By a minister of the old popular party. Edin., 1841. 8 - Another copy. - Practical remarks on the Scotch Church ques- tion. London, 1841. 8 - Another copy. The Clnirch of Scotland non-Erastian in her constitution, yet not independent on the state in all things spiritual. By a non-intrusionist. Glasgow, 1841. 8 Some reflections on the present state of the Church of Scotland, with a comparative retro- spect of her state thirty years since, and now. [Edin., 1841.] 8 A method by which the question of the Estab- lished Church of Scotland may be adjiisted. Edin., 1841. 8 Church defence tracts. Nos. 1-4. Violent settlements during the reign of moderatism. Edin., 1842. 8 Letter to the Peers, from a Peer's son, on the duty and necessity of immediate legislative in- terposition in behalf of the Church of Scotland , as determined by considerations of constitu- tional law. [By the MARQUIS OF LORNE, after- wards DUKE OF ARGYLL.] Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. The present ruined and degraded aspect and position of the Kirk of Scotland, stated in a letter addressed to the non-intrusion priest- hood. [By Thomas BROWN.] [Edin., 1842.] 8 Abstract of the receipts and expenditure of the Central Church defence committee, from August 1841 to 10th Nov. 1842. Edin., [1842]. 8 Address of the Glasgow Church defence and anti - patronage electoral association to the friends of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, [1842]. 8 The Church of Scotland's Claim of right. To which are prefixed the speeches of Dr Chal- mers, Dr Gordon, and Mr Dunlop in the Ge- neral Assembly, in support of the same, May 24, 1842. Edin., 1842. 8 The Church of Scotland's Claim of right ; to which are appended the memorial of the Com- mission to government, in November 1842, and the petition to parliament by the extra- ordinary Commission of 31st Jan. 1843. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Memorial submitted to Her Majesty's govern- ment, by a committee, appointed at a meeting of ministers, elders, and others, members of the Church of Scotland, held at Edinburgh , 12th August, 1840. Edin., 1842. 8 J Another copy. Memorial submitted to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart and the other membeis of Her Majesty's government ; adopted by a meeting of ministers of the Church of Scot- land, assembled at Edinburgh, on the 17th- 24th Nov. 1842. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. Another copy. A few plain remarks for plain men, upon the present unhappy controversy in the Church. '/;.///!., 1843. 8 Is there just reason for seceding from tho Church of Scotland ( By a member of the Established Church. Edin., 1843. & 704 SCOTLAND, CHURCH OF GENERAL A>-i;.\I l;I.Y. A letter to the Kirk of Scotland, and the mem- bers of the body of Christ, throughout the world. Shewing the Scripture testimony, \\<>w God would unite, build up, and protect thrm from falling before the mighty power of Anti- christ. London, 1843. 8 The Established Church of Scotland, the truly " Free Church" and friend of the people. /:./;., 1843. 8 A retrospect view of the history of the Kirk of Scotland, in reference to her present trials. *. /., 1843. 8 Propositions regarding the Church of Scot- land. By a layman ; [Colonel MORRISON]. E.I in., 1843. 8 Heads of a proposed Bill regarding the affairs of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Circular to the friends of the Church of Scot- land who reside in Trinity College parish. [Edin., 1843.] 4 " Divide and conquer ;" or, diplomacy and the Church of Scotland. A letter to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. &c. By a Pres- byterian Scot ; [Alexander P. STEWART]. London, 1843. 12 Declaration by the committee of the constitu- tional party in the Church of Scotland, in re- ference to the present state of ecclesiastical controversy in the Church, and its relations to the government and constitution of the country. [Signed by Duncan Macfarlane, D.D.] Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Letter on behalf of the Church of Scotland, from Scottish landed proprietors, assembled in ...Edinburgh, 24th Jan. 1843. Addressed to Sir Robert Peel, Bart. With the reply. Edin., 1843. 8 Memorial of a meeting of elders of the Church of Scotland, held at Edinburgh, 1st Feb. 1843, to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., &c., and the other members of Her Majesty's go- vernment. Edin., 1843. 8 Scheme for the support of the Church when disestablished ; and for making preparation against the apprehended disruption of the Establishment ; agreed to generally at a meet- ing of elders... held at Edinburgh, 1st Feb. 1843. [Edin., 1843.] 8 The Church of Scotland. From the Dublin " Warder" of llth February 1843. Edin., [1843]. 12 Report by the deputation named by the gene- ral meeting, held. . .on the 23d February, 1843, of subscribers to the memorial addressed to government by the friends of the Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1843. 8 The claims and grievances of the Church of Scotland briefly stated ; being a report of the speeches delivered by the Rev. Dr Cunning- ham, Rev. W. K. Tweedie, Rev. John Sym, and Rev. Thomas Guthrie, at a meeting. . .held at Edinburgh on the 4th and 13th days of April, 1843. Second thousand. Edin., 1843. 8 Report of the proceedings at a meeting of tl,.- members of Lady Yesters congregation, Edin- burgh, favourable to the spiritual indi-j't-inl- ence of the Church of Scotland, held on the 4th. ..and 13th April, 1843. E.li,,., 1*4:5. ' Reasons why the Church of Scotland is bound to give up her connection with the state. Ad- dressed to the members of the Greenside con- gregation. Edin., 184I5. 8 Another copy. Reasons of adherence to the Church of Scot- land, addressed by a minister to his parish- ioners, s. I., 1843. 4 J A glance at the Establishment and the Free Church of Scotland ; or, an appeal to Church- men. By one of themselves. Aberdeen, 1843. 12 Observations on the peculiar and surpassing excellence of the constitution of the Church of Scotland ; as illustrated in the late disruption, and present continued struggle. Edin., 1844. 8 Missions of the Church of Scotland. Account of proceedings at the annual meeting of the members and friends of the Established Church of Scotland, held in Exeter Hall, London, 10th May, 1844 ... Containing full and revised re- ports of the speeches which were then deliver- ed by the Rev. Dr M'Leod, Dr Hill, Dr Barr, the Rev. J. Gumming, and the Rev. Hugh M'Neile... London., 1844. 12 Facts not falsehoods, or a plain defence of the Church of Scotland, suited to the times. By a parish minister ; [Laurence LOCKHAKT]. Edin., 1845. 8 A plea for the divine right of the Church of Scotland, as an orthodox national communion. Edin., 1846. 8 Rules of the Society of the sons of the clergy of the Established Church of Scotland, of London, with the names of original members at its institution in January 1819, and of mem- bers admitted subsequent to that period to March 1821. London, s. a. 8 Tracts in defence of the Church of Scotland. Nos. 1-5. s. I. eta. 12 Another copy [of Nos. 1 and 2]. Memorial and representation to Lord Viscount Melbourne of ministers, elders, and other mem- bers of the Church of Scotland, s. I. et a. 4 Extracts relating to the Act for the security of the Church of Scotland, from the history of the union, by Daniel Defoe... And from the journals of parliament, with Blackstone's com- mentary on the rights of the sovereign ; and the late decisions of the House of Lords ; and oaths of accession of each sovereign to support inviolate the Presbyterian Church government. London, s. a. 8 Remarks on the Established Church : to which are added six short reasons for supporting her at the present time. London, s. a. 12 SCOTLAND, GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE CHURCH OF. The principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland [1638-1649]. Edin. , 1639-1649. fol. SCOTLAND, GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE CHURCH OF. ros A true copy of the whole printed Acts of the Generall Assemblies of the Church of Scot- land, beginning at the Assembly holden at Glasgow the 27. day of November 1638 ; and ending at the Assembly, holden at Edinburgh the 6. day of August 1649. Diligently com- pared, and exactly reprinted conforme to the foresaid printed Acts. By a wellwisher of the Church of Scotland... s. I., 1682. 8 Another copy. Another edition. To which are now added, the index of the imprinted Acts of these As- semblies ; and the Acts of the General Assem- bly 1690. Edin., 1691. 8 - Another copy. - The principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. [1638-1646.] Edin., 1639-46. fol. [1638-1642.] Edin., 1639-42. fol. Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, M.DO.XXXVIII.-M.DCCCXLII. Re- printed from the original edition, under the superintendence of the Church law society. Edin., 1843. 8 1648, 1649. Edin., 1648, 49. fol. Act of the General Assembly, at Edinburgh, July 24, 1652. s. L, [1652]. 4 - Three Acts of the Generall Assembly, for pro- moving the knowledg of the grounds of salva- tion, and observing the rules of discipline. s. L, 1652. 4 Act of the General Assembly, anent a solemn national fast and humiliation, with the causes thereof. Edin., 1690. 4 - The principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. [1690-1862.] Edin., 1691-1862. fol. [1690-1844.] [1690-1728.1 (1690-1720.] 1690. - Another copy. [1694-1806.] 1695. 1697. [1699-1701.] [1731-1757.] Edin., 1691- 1844. fol. Edin., 1691-1728. fol. Edin., 1691-1720. fol. Edin., 1691. fol. Edin., 1694-1806. fol. Edin., 1695. fol. Edin., 1697. fol. Edin., 1699- 1701. fol. Edin., 1731-57. fol. Acts of the General Assembly concerning some of the ministers of the Presbytery of Dun- fermline, &c., and concerning Mr Ebenezer Erskine and some other ministers adhering to Edin., 1733. Edin. , 1764-78. fol. Edin., 1778. fol. Edin., 1780-1833. fol. Edin., 1789. fol. Edin., 1798-1803. fol. Edin., 1808-18. fol. Edin., 1809-35. fol. his protest. - [1764-1778.] - 1778. - [1780-1833.] 1789. - [1798-1803.] - [1808-1818.1 - [1809- 1835. J An abridgement and alphabetical index of the Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, from 1638 to 1706. By a minister j of the Gospel. Edin., 1706. 8 Another copy. An abridgment of the Acts of the General As- sembly of the Church of Scotland, from 1560 to 1830 inclusive. With a summary view of the various Acts of parliament relative to the Church of Scotland ; a practical account of the Court of teinds, a digest of decisions in the law of Scotland, relative to the civil rights of the Church and clergy ; notes on the poor- laws ; parochial schools, &c. [Compend. of the laws of the CHURCH OP SCOTLAND. Part ii. ] 1831. Acts and proceedings of the General Assem- blies of the Kirk of Scotland, from the year MDLX. [to the year MDCXVIII.] Collected from the most authentic manuscripts. [The Booke of the universal Kirk of Scotland. In three parts. Edited for the Bannatyne Club.] Edin., 1839-45. 4 The Booke of the universal Kirk of Scotland : wherein the headis and conclusionis devysit be the ministers and commissionaris of the particular kirks thereof, are specially expressed and contained. Edited by Alexander Peterkin. Edin., 1839. 8 Liber redivivus : or, the Booke of the univer- sall Kirk re-opened. By a Presbyter. Glasgow, 1839. 12 A declaration of the Lords of the secret Coun- cill, and of the General Assembly of the king- dome and Kirke of Scotland, containing the principal heads of the doctrine of that Kirke. London, 1642. 4 A necessary warning to the ministrie of the Kirk of Scotland, from the meeting of the commissioners of the General Assembly at Edinburgh, 4. Jan. 1643. Edin., 1643. 4 Another copy. The remonstrance of the Commission of the General Assembly, to the Convention of Estates, at Edinburgh, June, 1643. Edin., 1643. 4 J A declaration against the Crosse petition : wherein some secret letts of the intended re- formation are discovered, the danger of divi- sion prevented, and the unitie of this island in religion urged. By the commissioners of the Generall Assembly. Edin. , 1643. 4 A solemne and seasonable warning to the no- ble-men, barons, gentlemen, burrows, minis- ters, and commons of Scotland ; as also to our armies without and within this kingdome : from the Generall Assembly met at Edinburgh the 12 day of February, 1645. Edin., 1645. 4 A declaration against a late dangerous and seditious band, under the name of An humble remonstrance, &c. Wherein the plots and projects of the contrivers... are discovered, by the Commission of the General Assembly. Edin., 1646. 4 The humble remonstrance of the Commission- ers of the General Assembly, to the Honorable and High court of parliament now assembled. Together with the answer of the Estates of parliament to the said remonstrance. Edin., 1647. 4 Another copy. Directions of the General Assembly concerning 89 TO,; SCOTLAND, GENERAL ASSEMBLY <>K T1IK <'IHl;ril <>F secret and private worship, and mutual! editi- catiou, for cherishing piety, for maintaining unity, and avoiding schisme and division. With an Act for observing these directions, and for censuring such as use to neglect family worship. And an Act against such as with- draw themselves from the publike worship in their own congregations. A'- fessors, who protested against the pretended Assemblies at St Andrews, Dundee and Ivlin burgh, cannot agree to the overtures made unto them at the conference upon the 28. and 29. of July, 1652. Together with the instruc- tions given by them to such of their nuuil'iT as were sent to the said conference. And the letter directed to Mr David Dickson, for com- municating their papers. Leith, 1652. 4 SCOTLAND, EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND CLERGY OF. The case of the present afflict- ed clergy in Scotland truly represented. To which is added for probation, the attestation of many unexceptionable witnesses to every particular ; and all the public acts and procla- mations of the convention and parliament re- lating to the clergy. By a lover of the Church and his country ; [John SAGE]. London, 1690. 4 Another copy. An account of the present persecution of the Church in Scotland, in several letters. [The 1st letter was written by the Rev. Thom.-is MORER ; the 2d and 3d by the Rev. John SAGE ; and the 4th by Alexander MONRO, D.D.] London, 1690. 4 Another copy. Another copy. A late letter concerning the sufferings of the Episcopal clergy in Scotland. London, 1691. 4 A letter to a friend, giving an account of all the treatises that have been published, with relation to the present persecution against the [Episcopal] Church of Scotland. [By Alex- ander MONRO.] London, 1692. 4 Another copy. The queries and protestation of the Scots Episcopal clergy against the authority of the Presbyterian General Assemblies and commit- tees, given in to the committee of the General Assembly at Aberdeen, June 29th, 1694. To- gether with the committee's answer and pro- ceedings ; with reflections upon the queries, &c. By a layman of the Church of Scotland ; [George RIDPATH]. London, 1694. 4 The case of the Episcopal clergy, and of those of the Episcopal perswasion, considered ; as to the granting them a toleration and indulgence. [By George GARDEN.] [In three parts.] s. L, 1703, 5. 4 Remarks upon The case of the Episcopal clergy and those of the Episcopal perswasion, considered as to the granting them a tolera- tion and indulgence : in a letter from a friend to a member of parliament. [By James HA- DOW.] Edin., 1703. 4 A survey of The case [of the Episcopal clergy]. [Wants title, and otherwise imperfect.] [Edin., 1703.] 4 A few brief and modest reflections, perswad- SCOTLAND, FREE CHURCH OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 709 ing a just indulgence to be granted to the Episcopal clergy and people in Scotland. In a letter from a gentleman to a member of par- liament. [Wants title.] s. I., 1703. 4 - A short answer to a short paper, intituled, A few brief and modest reflections, perswading a just indulgence to be granted to the Episco- pal clergy and people in Scotland. s. I, 1703. 4 Vindication of the address made by the Epis- copal clergy to the General Assembly of the Presbyterians anno M,DC.XC.II. from the sinis- truous and false constructions put upon it by the enemies of that order : but more especially of that particular address, given in by Mr Ro- bert Irving minister of Towie, and Mr John Forbes minister of Kincardine ; in name of, and by commission from, their brethren, the ministers of the Synod of Aberdeen. They being expresly reflected upon, and named by the author of the Remarks upon the case of the Episcopal clergy. s. I. , 1704. 4 - A narrative of the late treatment of the Epis- : copal ministers within the city of Edinburgh since March last 1708, until their imprison- ment in July thereafter, with their circum- stances and defences, together with some re- flections upon the same. With a postscript. London, 1708. 4 - The Scots narrative examin'd : or, The case of the Episcopal ministers in Scotland stated, and the late treatment of them in the city of j Edinburgh enquir'd into : with a brief exami- j nation into the reasonableness of the grievous ! complaint of persecution in Scotland, and a j defence of the magistrates of Edinburgh, in i their proceedings there : being some remarks | on a late pamphlet, entitled, A narrative of the late treatment of the Episcopal ministers within the city of Edinburgh. [By Daniel DKFOE.] s. I., 1708. 4 - A letter from a gentleman in Edinburgh to his friend in London, giving an account of the present proceedings against the Episcopal clergy in Scotland, for using the English Ly- turgy there. Edin., 1711. 8 - Representation in behalf of the clergy and laity of the Episcopal communion in Scotland. By their committee appointed to solicit the repeal of certain penal statutes. s. I. et a. 8 SCOTLAND, FREE CHURCH OF. -Farewell to Egypt : or, the departure of the Free Church of Scotland out of the Erastian Establishment. [By James HAMILTON.] Fifteenth thousand. London, 1843. 12 - Minute of the special commission ; respecting the vesting of Church property in interim trus- tees. 27th Nov. 1843. Edin., 1843. 8 Address of the special commission of the Free Church to the inhabitants of Ross shire. Edin., [IMS]. 12 - The Church in adversity ; or, a word to the collectors of the Free Church. By an English lady. Edin., [1843]. 12 C - What are you doing for the Free Church ? Ediit., 1843. 8 The Free Church, its history and prospects. Edin., [1843]. 8 Minutes of proceedings at a meeting of Scot- tish landed proprietors, friends of the Free Church of Scotland, held at Glasgow, 21st Oc- tober, 1843. Aberdeen, 1843. 8 A letter to the F. P. C. of Scotland, in which is brought to their notice, a new and easy mode by which the necessary funds can be raised for the erection of the churches and maintenance of the clergymen of the F. P. C. Respectfully dedicated to the Rev. Dr Chalmers. s. I, 1843. 4 The facts as they are, or a comparison of cer- tain statements recently made in Cambridge, by the Rev. Dr Candlish and others, in behalf of the Free Church of Scotland, with acts of parliament and ecclesiastical docxmients of the Scottish Presbyterian Church. By a member of the university of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1844. 8 'Authoritative exposition of the principles of the Free Church of Scotland. With introduc- tory preface by the Rev. Dr Hetherington. Edin., 1845. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - Free Churchism. Edin., 1846. 8 [Draft of a proposed Act of Assembly relative to the principles of the Free Church.] [Edin., 1847.] 8 Memorial. Quoad sacra churches. Feb. 1847. Published by authority of the committee of the Free Church. (The Rev. James Begg, convener.) Edin., 1847. 8 Another copy. The subordinate standards, and other autho- ritative documents of the Free Church of Scot- land. London, 1859. 8 The Free Presbyterian Church : a poem. s. I. et a. 8 SCOTLAND, GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE FREE CHURCH OF. Acts of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland [1843-1867]. Edin., 1843-1867. fol. To the people of Scotland in general... The affectionate representation of ministers and elders lately connected with the Established Church of Scotland, in solemn Assembly met. Edin., 1843. 4 Pastoral address by the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland. [On the sub- ject of a day of thanksgiving.] Edin., 1843. 4 Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland [1843-1867]. Edin., 1843-67. 8 Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland ; with a sketch of the proceedings of the residuary Assembly. 1843. Edited by the Rev. John Baillie. Edin., 1843. 8 Roll of members of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, held at Glasgow, October, 1843. Glasyoiv, 1843. 8 Proceedings of the General Assembly of the no SCOTO-DIt I TA X X IS SCOTT. Free Church of Scotland, held at Glasgow, Oct. 17, 1843. Glasgow, 1843. 8 U Pastoral address by the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, Glasgow, 24th Oct. 1843. Glasgow, 1843. 4 A report of the whole proceedings of the late General Assembly of the Free Church of Scot- land, relative to the state of religion in the land, containing the deliberations of Friday the 17th, of Tuesday the 21st, with the ser- nion of that day, and of Tuesday the 28th of May. With an introductory narrative, by the Rev. A. Moody Stuart. Edin., 1844. 8 Overture and interim act respecting the induc- tion of ministers. Edin., 1845. 8 Free Church of Scotland. Report of the pro- ceedings of the General Assembly on Saturday, May 30, and Monday, June 1, 1840, regarding the relations of the Free Church of Scotland, and the Presbyterian Churches of America. Edin., 1846. 8 Assembly papers [1845-1867]. Edin., 1845-67. 4 et 8 - Another copy [1845-1861]. What ought the next General Assembly of the Free Church to do ? or, suggestions as to a plan for remodelling the financial arrange- ments of the Free Church : with a few thoughts on questions of ecclesiastical finance. Glasgow, s. a. 8 SCOTO-BRITANNUS. A letter, addressed to the heritors or landed proprietors of Scotland, holding their lands of subjects superiors, or mediately of the crown. Edin., 1790. 8 SCOTO-BRITANNUS. Free thoughts on the late religious celebration of the funeral of Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales ; and on the discussion to which it has given rise in Edinburgh. By Scoto-Britannus. Edin., 1817. 8 - Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. SCOTSMAN (PHILUMON). Grange : or, the schemists on calling of ministers and presen- tations in Scotland. This being the first book on calls. By Philumon Scotsman. Edin., 1735. 8 SCOTT (A.). The Synod : a prophetic poem, in twelve cantos. Canto i. Edin., 1813. 8 - Another copy. SCOTT (A. J.), M.A., Principal of Owen's college, Manchester. On the divine will. [Extracted from the Morning Watch, No. vii.] Greenock, 1830. 12 Another copy. The social systems of the present day, com- pared with Christianity. [In five lectures.] s. I., 1841. 8 On schism. In two lectures. s. I, [1842]. 8 SCOTT (BENJAMIN), M.A., Vicar of Bidford and Prior's Salford, Warwickshire. Sermons. Edited by the Rev. Thomas Scott, A.M. Buckingham, 1831. 8 SCOTT (DAVID). The history of Scotland. Con- taining all the historical transactions of iLu nation, from thu year of the world 3Jl'.>. ti- the year of Christ i . 11 -.ftminster, 1727. f<>l. SCOTT (DAVID DUNDAS). The suppression of the Reformation in France : as exhibited in De llulhiere's historical elucidations, and va- rious other documents. Compiled, translated, and edited by D. D. S. London, 1840. 12 ' Another copy. IT (DAVID WARDLAW). "Come over and help xis." A short statement relative to the Lord's work among some of the poor of Twig Folly, Bethnal Green, with proposal for the erection of a home for aged Christians in des- titute circumstances... Loniloii, isiio. 12 Water and the Spirit ; a few thoughts on Jolui, iii. 5. London, 1860. 12 SCOTT (HEW), A.M., Minister of Anstrnth,,- Wester. Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae : the suc- cession of ministers in the parish churches of Scotland, from the Reformation, A.D. 1560, to the present time. Part i. Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. Edin., 1866. 4 SCOTT (JAMES), Minister of Perth. A history of the lives of the Protestant reformers in Scot- land. Edin., 1810. 8 Another copy. Another edition. Edin. , 1817. 8 Essays on evangelical subjects, by the late Rev. J. S. With a brief memoir of his life. Edin., 1824. 12 * Memoirs of the late Rev. J. S. ; containing extracts from his diary. By the Rev. W. A. Thomson. Edin., 1820. 12 SCOTT (JAMES), Preacher of the Gospel A com- pendious view of the scriptural system of pro- phecy ; shewing the principal errors of the anti-millenarian and modern millenarian sys- tems ; with an examination into the principal prophetical dates, and the signs of the present times. Edin., [1844]. 12 Another copy. The millennium of the Bible vindicated from the attack of the Right Rev. the Episcopal Bishop of Glasgow, and the misrepresentations of the Rev. editor of the Presbyterian review, and other opponents. With a chronological chart of the world. Edin., 1845. 12 The system of prophecy generally held in Pop- ish and Protestant Churches, historically and spiritually proved to have originated in or after the fourth century, in the apostasy of 2 Thess. ii. 3 ; and an overture to all Chris- tian Churches on the subject. Edin., 1846. 12 Another copy. A voice of warning to the clergy of the Free Church of Scotland, and to all other Christian ministers and people, on the present position, prospects, and duty of the Churches of the Reformation, with regard to the great apostasy. Edin., 1846. 12 A catechism upon the prophetical system of the Scriptures, evincing, by scriptural and his- torical proofs, the truth of " Pre-millennial- SCOTT SCOTT. 711 ism;"... and the heresy of " Post- millennial- ism"... Edin., 1847. 12 A letter to the Scottish Reformation society, on the fundamental heresy and basis of Popery. Edin., 1852. 12 - The burden of Babylon, and the door of escape for the captives thereof, before "the coming struggle among the nations : " with strictures upon " The downfall of despotism" of the Rev. E. B. Elliott, &c.... Edin., 1853. 12 The Reformation problem solved: or, "The Gospel of the kingdom" vindicated from the traditions, misbelief, and sectarianism of the apostate Churches of Christendom. Edin., 1853. 12 A letter on ' The Protestant Reformation,' to all the clergy of the Protestant Churches ; especially to those of ' The evangelical al- j liance,' and ' The Scottish Reformation so- j ciety.' Edin., 1858. 8 | SCOTT (JAMES), A.M. Christianity and secu- larism. Edin., 1857. 12 SCOTT (JOHN), D.D., Rector of St Giles's in the Fields. The works of J. S. Containing the several parts of the Christian life ; with his sermons and discourses upon many important subjects. To which is added a sermon preach- ed at his funeral, by Z. ISHAM, D.D. 2 vol. London, 1718. fol. A sermon [on John, v. 14] preached before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London, at St Mary Le Bow, Sept. 2, 1686. London, 1686. 4 - A sermon [on Jer. iii. 15] preached at Ful- ham, on Sunday, October 13, 1689, at the consecration of the Right Rev. Fathers in God, Edward Lord Bishop of Worcester, Si- mon Lord Bishop of Chichester, and Gilbert Lord Bishop of Bristol. London, 1689. 4 - Practical discourses... 2 vol. [Vol. ii., 2ded.] London, 1700, 1. 8 - Sermons upon several occasions. All publish- ed singly by himself, and never before col- lected into a volume. London, 1704. 8 - Bodily exercise in religion profiteth little. A sermon on 1 Tim. iv. 8. s. L, 1741. 8 - A discourse on Psal. xi. 7. Edin., 1742. 8 - The Christian life, from its beginning, to its consummation in glory ; together with the se- veral means and instruments of Christianity conducing thereto. With directions for pri- vate devotion, and forms of prayer, fitted to the several states of Christians. 5 vol. 12th ed. Edin., 1754. 12 - The eighth note of the Church examined ; viz. Sanctity of doctrine ; [Notes of the Church, as : laid down by Cardinal BELLARMINE, examined j and confuted, p. 197]. 1839 SCOTT (JOHN), D.D. Notes and observations upon the three first chapters of Genesis... London, 1753. 8 SCOTT (JOHN), M.A., Vicar of North Ferriby. ~ An essay on the internal evidences of Chris- tianity. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1804. 8 An inquiry into the effect of baptism, accord- ing to the sense of holy Scriptiire, and of the Church of England : in answer to the Rev. Dr Mant's two tracts on regeneration and con- version. London, 1815. 8 Second edition. London, 1817. 8 The principles of " An inquiry into the effect of baptism" defended against the animadver- sions of the Rev. Richard Laurence, LL.D. London, 1817. 8 On "speaking as the oracles of God :" two discourses [on 1 Pet. iv. 11]. London, 1826. 12 The fatal consequences of licentiousness : a sermon [on Proverbs, xiii. 15] occasioned by the trial of a young woman for the alleged murder of her illegitimate child. 6th ed. London, 1828. 12 The history of the Church of Christ ; intended as a continuation of the work of the Rev. Jo- seph Milner, and Isaac Milner, D.D. 3 vol. [Vol. i., 3d ed.] London, 1828, 31. 8 Another copy. [Vol. i., 4th ed.] London, 1828, 31. 8 U Fourth edition. [Vol. iii., 2d ed.] London, 1828-36. 8 Reformation, not subversion ! An appeal to the people of England on behalf of their na- tional Church. 3d ed. London, 1832. 12 Calvin and the Swiss Reformation. London, 1833. 8 SCOTT (JOHN), D.D., Minister of the New church, Greenock. Sermons ; with an appendix, con- taining consolatory letters, &c. To which is prefixed, a memoir of the author, by James Barr, D.D. Edin., 1839. 8 SCOTT (JOHN), Earl of Eldon, Lord Chancellor of England. * The public and private life of Lord Chancellor Eldon, with selections from his correspondence. By Horace Twiss. 3 vol. London, 1844. 8 SCOTT (R. E.), A.M., Professor of moral philoso- phy in King's college, Aberdeen. Elements of intellectual philosophy ; or, an analysis of the powers of the human understanding ; tending to ascertain the principles of a rational logic. Edin., 1805. 8 Inquiry into the limits and peculiar objects of physical and metaphysical science, tending principally to illustrate the nature of causa- tion ; and the opinions of philosophers, an- cient and modern, concerning that relation. Edin., 1810. 8 Another copy. SCOTT (ROBERT), M.A. A Greek-English lexi- con based on the German work of Francis Pas- sow. By H. G. LIDDELL, and R. S. 1843 SCOTT (ROBERT), D.D., Master of Balliol college, and Prebendary of Exeter. Sermons preached before the university of Oxford. London, 1860. 8 Another copy. SCOTT (THOMAS), Rector of Aston Sandford, Buck- inghamshire. The works of the late Rev. T. S. Edited by [his son] John Scott, A.M., Vicar of North Ferriby. 10 vol. London, 1823-25. 8 Another copy. na SCOTT- SCOT I 8. An impartial statement of the Scripture doc- trine, in respect of civil government and the duties of subjects. London, 1794. 12 Second edition. London, 1799. 12 A treatise on growth in grace, with refer, i KT to St Paul's prayer for the 1'lnlippians. (Ch. i. v. 9-11.) /....../../i, 1795. 12 ! A vindication of the divine inspiration of the ! holy Scriptures, and of the doctrines contained ' in them ; being an answer to the two parts of Mr T. Paine's Age of reason. Loiubm, 179C. 12 Sermons on select subjects. 2d ed. London, [1796]. 8 ; Observations on the signs and duties of the | present times. London, 1799. 8 A sermon (on Eph. ii. 12). London, 1801. 8 Four sermons on, I. Repentance unto life, II. The evil of sin, as committed against God, III. Christ's love to penitent sinners, IV. The promise of the Holy Spirit ; lately preached at the Lock hospital. London, 1802. 8 A sermon (on Phil. i. 21). London, 1803. 8 A call to prayer for the sending forth of la- bourers. A sermon [on Luke, x. 2] preached before the London missionary society. London, 1804. 8 Remarks on the refutation of Calvinism, by George Tomline, D.D. 2 vol. London, 1811. 8 C Another copy. Another copy. Second edition. London, 1817. 8 A sermon, occasioned by the death of Mr John West, founder of the chapelry of Gawcott, Buckingham. To which is prefixed a short memoir. Btickingham, 1815. 8 Remarks on the doctrines of original sin, grace, free-will, justification by faith, election and reprobation, and the final perseverance of the saints. To which is added, a translation of the genuine articles of the Synod of DORT, and a brief historical account of what are now called Calvinistic doctrines. 2d ed. London, 1817. 8 The Holy Bible. 1823. See BIBLES ENG- LISH. A. Letters and papers of the late Rev. T. S. , never before published : with occasional observations by John Scott, A.M. London, 1824. 8 Essays on the most important subjects in reli- gion. 12th ed. London, 1824. 8 U Another edition. To which is prefixed, a me- moir of the author. London, 1827. 12 Tracts, by the Rev. T. S. With an introduc- tory essay, by Thomas Chalmers, D.D. Glasgow, 1826. 12 Village discourses, preached at Aston Sand- ford. London, 1828. 12 * The life of the Rev. T. S. ; including a narra- tive drawn up by himself, and copious extracts of his letters : by John Scott, A.M. 6th ed. London, 1824. 8 I * Memoirs of the Rev. T. S. With general remarks <>n his life, character, and writings. By Andrew Crichton. < .'/., 1*'_';Y 1_ SCOTT (THOMAS). The evil of separation from the Church of England : considered in two litters to the Rev. Peter Roe. 4th ed. /.../idem, 1831. I'J SCOTT (THOMAS), D.D. The Bible, a revelation from God. Being the preface to his familv I'.ible. /'/ii7r./.-//,/iMi, 1841. 1'j SCOTT (W. A.), D.D., New-Orleans. Daniel, a model for young men. A series of lectures. New York, 1854. 8 SCOTT (Sir WALTER), Bart. The lady of the lake. A poem. [In six cantos.] 2d ed. A'./.'*.. , 1810. 8 Rokeby ; a poem. 6th ed. Edin., 1815. 8 The lord of the isles ; a poem. 2d ud. Edin., 181f>. S The poetry contained in the novels, tales, and romances of the author of Waverley. Edin., 1822. 8 The life of NAPOLEON Buonaparte. 1827 Religious DISCOURSES. 181:8 Waverley. 2vol. Edin., 1829. 12 Guy Mannering. 2vol. Edin., 1829. 12 The antiquary. 2vol. Edin., 1829. 12" Rob Roy. 2 vol. Edin., 1829. 12 The history of Scotland. 2 vol. [Lardner's Cab. Cyclop.] New edition. London, 1830. 8 Another copy. Minstrelsy of the Scottish border : consisting of historical and romantic ballads, collected in the Southern counties of Scotland ; with a few of modern date, founded upon local tradition. London, 1839. 8 * Memoirs of the life of Sir W. S., Bart. By J. G. Lockhart. 7 vol. Edin., 1837, 8. 8 J SCOTT (WALTER), President and theological tniur of Airedale college, Bradford, Yorkshire. The existence of evil spirits proved ; and their agency, particularly in relation to the human race, explained and illustrated. [Congrega- tional lecture.] 2d ed. London, 1845. 8 Another edition. London, 1853. 8 SCOTT (WILLIAM). Lessons in elocution... 9th ed. Edin., 1796. 12 SCOTT (WILLIAM). Vindication of the introduc- tion in Edinburgh of vapour and medicated baths, for diseases of the skin, rheumatism, &c.... EdiH., 1824. 8 SCOTT (WILLIAM). The harmony of phrenology with Scripture : shewn in a refutation of the philosophical errors contained in Mr Combe's " Constitution of man." 2d ed. Edin., 1837. 8 SCOTTISH SETTLERS. The eighth [and ninth] report of the Glasgow colonial society, for pro- moting the religious interests of the Scottish settlers in British North America. Glasgou-, 1835, 36. 8 J SCOTUS. Strictures upon the letter of Lucius to the Rev. Andrew Thomson, on the respect due to national feeling. By Scotus. /:lu'ii.iiu n;i, the laws which determine their inarch, the dis- position of their products, and their connexion with the present state and past history of the globe : leading to the establishment of a new theory of the earth. London, 1825. 8 SCRUTATOR, pseud., i. e. Charles JERRAM. SCUDDER (HEXKY), Minister of Cullitujborn- Ihikes, Wiltshire. The Christian's daily walk, in holy security and peace. With an intro- ductory essay, by Thomas Chalmers, D.D. Glasgow, 1826. 12 Another copy. SCULTETUS (ABRAHAMUS), Professor of divinity at Heidelberg. Medulla theologiae Patrum qui a temporibus Apostolorum ad concilium usque Nicenum floruerunt. Methodo analy- tica et synthetica expressa...Cum pnefatione Davidis Parei. Ambergce, 1603. 4 Pars secunda : in qua theologia clarissimo- rum veteris Ecclesiae doctorum, Athanasii Mag- ni, et Epiphanii polyhistoris, analytica et syn- thetica methodo expressa, et a Roberti Bellar- niini corruptelis est vindicata. Neapoli Nemetum, 1 605. 4 Annales Evangelii passim per Europam decimo quarto salutis partse seculo renovati. [Ab anno 1516 ad annum 1536.] [2 decad.] Heidelberga, 1618, 20. 8 The determination of the question, concerning the divine right of Episcopacy. By A. S. Faithfully translated out of his observations upon the Epistles to Timothy and Titus. [With A defence of the humble remonstrance, by Jos. HALL.] 1641 SCULTETUS (DANIEL SEVERTXUS). Judicium supremum a Deo luculentissime atque uber- rime factum in scriptis Prophetarum et Apos- tolorum, de causa evangelicam inter reforma- tamque Ecclesiam hactenus disceptata. Ad demonstrandam doctrinse evangelic* verita- tem, et ad promo vendam piam Protestantium hannoniam, exhibet illud ex Hebraeo Graecove fonte D. S. S. Lipsiv, 1689. 8 SCULTETUS (GOTTLOB CHRISTIANUS). Omni- prsesentia carnis Christi ex communicatione hypostaseos rov A.oyov asserta, quam...pr8eside J. Henningio, G. C. S. publicse disquisitioni proponet. G-ryphiswaldii, [1687]. 4 SEAGRAVE (ROBERT), M.A. Remarks upon the Bishop of London's pastoral letter in vin- dication of Mr Whitefield, and his particular doctrines. London, 1739. 8 SEAMAN (LAZARTJS), D.D., Rector of Allhallows, Bread Street, London. The 3/*T^j proved to be 7rfS;Tf/e)7. Or, a vindication of the judgement of the Reformed Churches, and Protestant divines from misrepresentations concerning ordination, and laying on of hands. Together with a brief answer to the pretences of Edmond Chillenden, for the lawfulnesse of preaching without ordination. London, 1647. 4 si: ARCH. The Search : or, an inquiry into the conduct of the author <>f the Modest and hum- ble enquiry [George Logan], in his late writ- ings against the people's nght to elect their pastors... In which also, there is a confutation of his Continuation, except the sixth and four last sections ... And further, his Enquiry fi- nish'd, and Letter to the Rev. Mr George Gil- lespie are considered... By the author of the Full vindication of the people's right to elect their pastors ; [John CCRRIE]. , 1734. 8 Another copy. SEARS (BARN AS), President of Newton theolofji<- of that judicious antiquary Sr. L<>. Kniveton, late of Grayes Inn ; together with a tme cata- logue of Lord Chancellors and KI-I-JMTS of the Great Seal of England, from the Norman cn- c Hirst, until this present year 1677. I Uilliam Dugdale, Kt. London, 1677. 8 De diis Syris syntagmata ii. Adversaria nempe de numinibus commentitiis in Veteri Instru- mento memoratis. Accedunt ferfe qute sunt reliqua Syrorum. Prisca porro Arabum, J-'^y \ .- tiorum, Persarum, Afrorum, Europa : 1 1 1 . theologia, subinde illustrutur. Editio juxta alteram ipsius autoris opera emendatiorem auc- tioremque omnium novjssima, additamentis et indicibus copiosissimis locupletata, opera M. Andrese Beyeri. Amstel., 1680. 8 De anno civili veterum ludseorurn, et Jacob! USSERII de Macedonum et Asianorum anno solari. Lugd. Batav., 1683. 8 Another copy. De jure natural! et gentium, juxta disci plinam Ebraeorum, libri septem. [Editio nova.] Lipsioz et Francofurti, 1695. 4 Table talk. With notes by David Irving, LL.D. ']:iis, sperrhrs ami e\h"i-t;ui]i ing and subscribing the national cst n:mt <>f Scotland : and at ruin-ing into and subscribing the solemn league and covenant of the three kingdoms of Scotland, England and Iivland... By several Reverend, learned and |>icms divines of that period. d'l'isl>ert P>tts. .MA Reprinted, London, 1851. 8 J A vindication of the doctrine of the holy and ; nnity, and the incarnation nf tin- Son of God. Occasioned by the brief notes on the creed of St Athanasius, and tho brief history of the Unitarians, or Socinians, and containing an answer to both. London, 1690. 4 Another copy. Third edition. >lon, 1694. 4 A defence of Dr Sherlock's notion of a Trinity in Unity, in answer to Animadversions [by Dr Robert South] upon his \ indication of the doctrine of the holy and ever blessed Trinity. London, 1694. 4 The case of the allegiance due to soveraign powers stated and resolved, according to Scrip- ture and reason, and the principles of the Church of England, with a more particular respect to the oath, lately enjoyned, of alle- giance to their present Majesties, K. William and Q. Mary. London, 1691. 4 Another copy. Second edition. Reprinted. Edin., 1691. 4 * Remarks upon Dr Sherlock's book, intituled, The case of the allegiance due to soveraign princes, stated and resolved, &c. [By Samuel JOHNSON.] 2d ed. London, 1690. 4 Another copy. Second edition. Reprinted. Edin. ,1691. 4 A vindication of The case of allegiance due to soveraign princes, in reply to an answer to a late pamphlet, [by Thomas Wagstaff] intituled, Obedience and submission to the present go- vernment demonstrated from Bishop Overal's Convocation-Book ; with a postscript in an- swer to Dr Sherlock's Case of allegiance, &c. London, 1691. 4 *Dr Sherlock's two Kings of Brainford brought upon the stage. In a congratulatory letter to Mr Johnson. Occasioned by the Doctor's vin- dication of himself, in taking the oath of allegi- ance to their Majesties after the time, indulg'd by the law, was expired. London, 1691. 4 The present state of the Socinian controversy, and the doctrine of the Catholick Fathers con- cerning a Trinity in Unity. London, 1698. 4 A practical discourse concerning a future judg- ment. 6th ed. London, 1704. 8 A discourse concerning the divine providence. 4th ed. Edin., 1754. 12 A new edition. Edin., 1776. 8 A discourse concerning the happiness of good men, and the punishment of the wicked in the next world, &c. ...New edition. Edin., 1776. 8 A practical discourse concerning death. Edin., 1779. 12 A brief discourse concerning the notes of the Church ; with some reflections on Cardinal Bellarmine's notes ; [Notes of the Church, as laid down by Card. BELLARMINE, examined and confuted, p. 1], 1839 SHERMAN SHIELDS. 725 A vindication of the brief discourse concern- ing the notes of the Church, in answer to a late pamphlet, entitled, "The use and great moment of the notes of the Church, as deliver- ed by Card. Bellarmine, ; De notis Ecclesue,' justified." [Ibid., p. 17.] 1839 SHERMAN (JAMES), Reading. The remem- brance of Christ's love a stimulus to mission- ary exertion. A sermon, preached... May 13, 1830. London, [1830]. 8 A guide to acquaintance with God. 10th ed. Lotidon, 1832. 12 SHERRIFF (FRANCIS).* A short account of the life, experiences, and death, of the Rev. Mr F. S., late pastor of L[ady] G[lenorch]y's c[hape]l. Edin., 1787. 12 Another copy. SHERWIN (WILLIAM), Incumbent of Walling- ton, Hertfordshire. n^&S^o^oj; the forerunner of Christ's peaceable kingdom upon earth. [Wants title.] London, 1665. 4 Efgwtxoy : or a peaceable consideration of Christ's peaceful kingdom- on earth to come, Rev. 20. 4. Rev. 5. 10. To be added to the rifoOfo / j...Whereunto is added an appendix concerning the first resurrection spoken of, Rev. 20. 4, 5, 6. compared with Rev. 11. 18. manifesting it to be of the bodily resurrection of the just to begin not long after the glorious appearance of Christ, and his said kingdom. s. I., 1665. 4 ...The holy, the great, the beloved New Jeru- salem, shortly to come down from God out of heaven... London, s. a. 4 Oixov/xivy piKKovoet : The world to come, Heb. 2. 5. Or, the doctrine of the kingdom of God and his Christ, to come on earth, Rev. 11. 15. which shall shortly be over all nations... London, 1671. 4 ExxXyjovosor/jf 7Tj6>rof x,n.t (TjfltTOf. The first and last preacher. Or, the everlasting Gospel. First begun by God the Father, Gen. 3. 15. Finished by God the Son, and Holy Ghost, Rev. 22. 20. Summarily set down, and season- ably applyed for the use of God's people in these latter (or in Heb.) postremity of days... s. I, 1671. 4 A scheme of the whole book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, of very great use, with the following summarie of Daniel's visions, &c. for the right understanding of the parallel of that book and the Revelation after set down. s. I., 1671. 4 Ao'yo? 7TP< Ao'yov ; or the word written concern- ing the Word everliving, viz. as touching his glorious kingly office on earth to come. Wit- nessing, that Christ Jesus shall have a visible glorious kingdome in the world, consisting of the converted Jews and Gentiles in one sheep- fold under him ; of the quick in this life, and raised saints in the time of his said glorious kingdome, and of the highest angels worship- ping him, and of inferiour creatures bowing the knee unto him... [Imperfect.] London, s. a. 4 SHERWOOD (Mrs M. M.). Stories explanatory of the Church catechism. 9th ed. Wellington, Salop, 1822. 12 SHIELDS, or SHIELS (ALEXANDER), Minister at 8t Andrews. A hind let loose, or an histo- rical representation of the testimonies of the Church of Scotland, for the interest of Christ, with the true state thereof in all its periods ; together with a vindication of the present tes- timonie, against the Popish, Prelatical, and Malignant enemies of that Church... Wherein several controversies of greatest consequence are enquired into, and in some measure clear- ed ; concerning hearing of the Curats, owning of the present tyrannic, taking of ensnaring oaths and bonds, frequenting of field meetings, defensive resistance of tyrannical violence, with several other subordinate questions use- ful for these times. By a lover of true liberty. s. L, 1687. 8 [The first edition ; and published anonymous- ly-] Another edition. Glasgow, 1770. 8 Another copy. A short memorial of the sufferings and griev- ances past and present, of the PRESBYTERIANS in Scotland : particularly of those of them called by nick-name CAMERONIANS. 1690 The history of Scotch-Presbytery : being an epitome of the Hind let loose. With a preface by a Presbyter of the Church of Scotland. London, 1692. 4 Somes notes or heads of a preface preached at Distinckornhill in the parish of Gaastoun, April 15. 1698. s. I. et a. 4 Another copy. Some notes or heads of a preface, lecture and sermon, preached at the Lothers in Crafoord Moor. s. I. et a. 4 An elegy upon the death of that famous and faithful minister and martyr Mr James Ren- wick, composed immediately after his execu- tion at Edinburgh, 17th Feb. 1688. Reprinted. Edin. , 1723. 8 An inquiry into Church-communion, or, a treatise against separation from the Revolu- tion-settlement of this national Church, as it was settled anno 1689 and 1690... 2d ed. To which is subjoined, some of the most valuable Acts of the first parliament of King William and Mary, for re-establishing the true reform- ed religion, and rescinding the persecuting Acts made by Charles the II. and James the VII., as also King William's letter to the na- tional Assembly, met at Edinburgh, October 16. 1690, with the Acts of that Assembly anent receiving Messrs Thomas Linen, Alexander Shields, William Boyd, into communion with this national Church. Edin., 1747. 16 Another copy. Another copy. - BIOGRAPHIA Presbyteriana. 1827 SHIELDS (MICHAEL). Faithful contendings dis- played : being an historical relation of the state and actings of the suffering remnant in the Church of Scotland, who subsisted in se- lect societies, and were united in general cor- 8HIMEALL 8HORTT. rcspondencies during the hottest time of the late persecution, viz. from the year 1681 to 1691... Collected and kept in record by M. S. To which is added Ten considerations on the dangers of apostacy...By Mr James GUTIIKIK. As also, a collection of very valuable sermons 5 reached by. ..Mess. John Kid, John Kin^, ohn Welch, John Blackadder, John Dickson, and Gabriel Semple. Collected and transcribed by John HOWIE. Glasgow, 1780. 8 Another coj>v. SHIMEALL (R. C.). Age of the world, as founded on the sacred records, historic and prophetic ; and the "signs of the times," vk-\\ i >1 in the aspect of premonitions of the speedy establishment on the earth, of the millennial state... With an introductory essay, vindicat- ing the claims of sacred chronology against the cavils of the atheist, antiquarian, and infidel. New York, 1842. 12 SHIPLEY (JONATHAN), D.D. , Bishop ofSt Asaph. A sermon [on Isaiah, xxxiii. 6] preached before the House of Lords, Jan. 30th, 1770. London, 1770. 4 SHIPLEY (WILLIAM). A true treatise on the art of fly-fishing, trolling, &c. as practiced on the Dove. Edited by Edward Fitzgibbon. London, 1838. 12 SHIREFF (EMILY). Thoughts on self-culture. By Maria G. GREY, and E. S. 1850 j SHIRLEY (JAMES). The dramatic works and poems of J. S. , now first collected ; with notes by the late William Gifford, Esq., and addi- tional notes, and some account of Shirley and his writings, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 6 vol. London, 1833. 8 SHIRLEY (SELINA), Countess of Huntingdon. The life and times of Selina Countess of Hunt- ingdon. By a member of the houses of Shir- ley and Hastings. 2 vol. [ Vol ii. , 3d thou- sand.] London, 1839, 40. 8 SHIRLEY (WALTER AUGUSTUS), D.D., Bishop of Sodor and Man. A letter addressed to those members of the Derbyshire auxiliary Bible society, who have declared their intention of withdrawing from the parent institution. Derby, 1832. 8 The supremacy of holy Scripture. Four lec- tures composed for delivery before the Univer- sity of Oxford, in Lent and Easter terms 1847, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Bamp- ton, M.A. To which are added, two sermons on the influences of the Holy Spirit, preached before the University on Whitsunday, 1845. Orford, 1847. 8 An essay on the study of moral evidence, read in the Sheldonian theatre, June 19, 1822. s. I. et a. 8 Two sermons preached in the church of All- Saints, Derby, at the visitations of 1830 and 1832. London, s. a. 8 Another copy. SHIRRA (ROBERT), Minister of the Associate con- j grcgation, Kirkaldy. A death-bed dialogue : ! being a series of conversations between Mr S. , j and Mr Lister, Dundee ; together with the i duty of the survivors. In three part*. /:,/< , i ?<,!. i-_- Godliness and its exercise mc.imiHiiilrcl. In twodiscou: /.'-/;/,., I7ii. l'2 J Church and civil government considered : or, submission to regular government eni"c,m <1 l>y the autlmi-ity of Scripture, in an address to those who call themselves tin- friends of the people. !:.-tt:'.rd,,m, 1689. 4 Histoire critique des versions du Nouveau Tes- tament, oil Ton fait connoitre quel a e"te 1'usage de la lecture des Livres sacre's dans les prin- cipales Eglises du monde. Rotterdam, 1690. 4 Histoire critique des principaux commenta- teurs du Nouveau Testament, depuis le com- mencement du Christianisme a notre temps : avec une dissertation critique sur les princi- paux actes manuscrits qui ont etc" citez dans les trois parties de cet ouvrage. Rotterdam, 1693. 4 Dissertation concerning the heathen notions of the state of the dead. Done from the French by Mr Morgan. 2d ed. London, 1729. 8 SIMONDE DE SISMONDI (JEAN - CHARLES- LEONARD). Histoire des republiques Ita- liennes du moyen age. 16 torn. Paris, 1809-18. 8 SIMONIS (JOHANNES), Professor of history and antiquities at Smalcald. Biblia Hebraica ma- nualia. 1753. See BIBLES HEBREW. A. Lexicon manuale Hebraicum et Chaldaicum, in quo omnium textus S. V. T. vocabulorum Hebr. et Chald. significatus secundum primi- tivorum et derivativorum ordinem explicantur ...Recensuit, emendavit, auxit lo. Godofr. Eichhorn. 2 vol. Editio tertia. Hate, 1793. 8 Another copy. SIMONS (JOHN), LL.B. A letter on the subject of certain errors, of tho Antinnmian kind, which liave lately sprung up in the N\ England, and arc nw making an alarming progress throughout the kingdom. London, 1818. 8 SIMPLE TRUTH. The simple trutli, according to the Scriptures only, considered in queries and answers, on the following important heads : I. The knowledge of the true God. II. Ex- hortations to faith and obedience. III. The nature and effects of justifying faith. IV. The nature, manner, and evidences of the work of the Spirit of God on the hearts of men. [By KKKNAKI,.] 2d ed. /,., 1798. 12 SIMPSON (Mrs). Extracts from the diary and correspondence of the late Mrs S. , who died 19th April, 1829. Glasgmc, 1832. 12 SIMPSON (ALEX AN HER). The Sandwich islands : progress of events since their discovery by Ca] <- tain Cook. Their occupation by Lord George Paulet. Their value and importance. Ion. 1843. 8 SIMPSON (ALEXANDER L.), D.D., Minister of Kifkiii '('-ton. Statement in reference to a late division in the General Assembly's Non-intru- sion committee, on the admissibility of the measure recently proposed for the settlement of the Church question. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. SIMPSON (DAVID), M.A., Minister of Christ's chu.rch, Macclesfield. Sacred literature : shew- ing the holy Scriptures to be superior to the most celebrated writings of antiquity, by the testimony of above five hundred witnesses, and also by a comparison of their several kinds of composition. In twelve books. To which are added, epistles and extracts from some of the most early of the Christian Fathers. 4 vol. Btrmtftpfcm, 1788. 8 A plea for religion and the sacred writings, addressed to the disciples of Thomas Paine, and wavering Christians of every persuasion. With an appendix ; containing the author's determination to have relinquished his charge in the Established Church, and the reasons on which that determination was founded. 3d ed. London, 1804. 8 Twelfth edition. London, 1832. 8 SIMPSON (DAVID), A.M., Minister of Free Tri- nity church, Aberdeen. The scriptural warrant for the election of office-bearers (ministers and elders), by the members of the Church ; an address, delivered in Trinity church, Novem- ber, 1840, to the Aberdeen Tradesmen's asso- ciation. Aberdeen, 1840. 8 Another copy. SIMPSON (JAMES), Advocate. On the American scheme of establishing colonies... on the coast of AFRICA. s. a. SIMPSON (ROBERT). The history of Scotland, from the earliest times to the general peace of Europe, concluded at Paris in 1815. With exercises on each chapter, llth ed. Edin., 1823. 12 SIMPSON (ROBERT), D.D., Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, tianquhar. The times of SIMPSON SINCLAIR. 731 Claverhouse ; or, sketches of the persecution. Edin., 1844. 12 Traditions of the covenanters ; or, gleanings among the mountains. First series. 3d ed. Edin., 1844. 12 Second series. 2d ed. Edin., 1844. 12 Third series. Edin., 1843. 12 C The banner of the covenant ; or, historical notices of some of the Scottish martyrs whose lives and sufferings have not hitherto been sketched in a separate form. Edin., 1847. 12 Gleanings among the mountains ; or traditions of Scottish persecutions. Edin., s. a. 8 SIMPSON (SYDRACH), Master of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. Reformation's preservation : opened in a sermon [on Is. iv. 5] preached before the Hon. House of Commons, at the late solemn fast, July 26. 1643. London, 1643. 4 An apologeticall relation, humbly submitted to the Hon. Houses of Parliament. By Thomas GOODWIN, S. S., J. BURROUGHS, W. BRIDGE. 1643 - Two books of Mr S. S., viz. I. Of faith, or, that believing is receiving Christ ; and receiv- ing Christ is believing. II. Of covetousness. London, 1658. 4 Another copy. - Two books of Mr S. S. viz. I. Of unbelief ; or the want of readiness to lay hold on the comfort given by Christ. II. Not going to Christ for life and salvation is an exceeding great sin, yet it is pardonable. London, 1658. 4 Another copy. SIMPSON (WILLIAM), A.M., Minister of Leith wynd chapel, Edinburgh. Remembrance re- membered : being the substance of a commu- nion service. Edin. , 1839. 12 SIMPSON (WILLIAM). A private journal kept during the Niger expedition, from the com- mencement in May, 1841, until the recal of the expedition in June, 1842. Edin., 1843. 8 SIMSON (JOHN), Professor of divinity in the uni- versity of Glasgoiv. * The case of Mr J. S., containing a full collection of all the authentic papers relating to it ; with an historical pre- face. Edin., 1727. 8 Another copy. * Remarks on Professor Simson's answers to what he calls the Presbytery of Glasgow's paper, entituled, References anent Professor Simson's affair. Edin., 1727. 8 Another copy. - * Answers to the Remarks on Professor Sim- son's answers to the Presbytery of Glasgow's References. Edin., 1727. 8 Another copy. * Answers to the Observes of the committee of the Presbytery of Glasgow, upon Professor Simson's representation, March 29, 1727. [Edin., 1727]. 8 Another copy. * Depositions in Professor Simson's affair, classed according to the different articles of the libel. Edin., 1727. 8 Another copy. * Remarks on the printed case of Professor Simson. [By John WILLIAMSON.] Edin., 1727. 8 * Some remarks upon Professor Simson's print- ed case, last edition. By a minister of this Church. Edin., 1728. 8 * The method of proceeding by queries vindi- cated, particularly in the case of Professor Simson, from Scripture, reason, and antiquity. Edin., 1728. 8 * Animadversions on a pamphlet intituled, The case of Mr John Simson, &c. 2d ed. Edin., 1728. 8 * Libel Mr James Webster, against Mr John Simson, given in to the very reverend the Presbytery of Glasgow. [With Mr Simson's speech and answers.] s. I. et a. 8 Another copy. SIMSON (ROBERT), M.D., Professor of mathema- tics in the university of Glasgow. Section um conicarum libri quinque. Editio secunda. Edinburgi, 1750. 4 Elements of the conic sections. The first three books, translated from the Latin original. Edin., 1775. 8 Another edition. Glasgoiv, 1817. 8 Opera queedam reliqua...Nunc primum post auctoris mortem in lucem edita impensis qui- dem Philippi Comitis Stanhope, cura vero Ja- cobi Clow in eadem academia philosophise pro- fessoris, cui auctor omnia sua manuscripta testamento legaverat. Glasguce, 1776. 4 SIN. Of sinnes. Of weaknesse [and] wilful- nesse, and appendant to it, a paraphrastical explication of two difficult texts, Heb. vi. 4-6, and Heb. x. 26. [By Henry HAMMOND.] Oxford, 1646. 4 Sin put away by Christ. [By John PURVES.] Kelso, s. a. 12 Sin, no trifle. Chelsea, s. a. 12 SINCLAIR (A. ). A system of modern geography for the use of schools. Parsonstoivn, 1843. 8 SINCLAIR (Colonel). Letter to his enemies. [Wants title.] 8 SINCLAIR (Sir GEORGE), Bart. Selection from the correspondence carried on during certain recent negociations for the adjustment of the Scottish Church question. Edited by Sir G. S. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. A letter on the Church question, addressed to the Earl of Aberdeen. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Letter addressed to a venerable member of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Remarks upon the debate on Lord Campbell's motion as to the Scottish Church. London, 1843. 12 Another copy. Statement of reasons for declining to encourage the erection of a schismatical church in a Scot- tish parish : in a letter to Hugh Davidson, SINCLAIR-SKINNER. Esq. , chief magistrate of Thurso. London, 1843. 12 Another copy. A letter addressed to the non-established Pres- byterian communions of Scotland. Edin., 1854. 8 Another copy. Letters on the ecclesiastical condition of Scot- land, addressed to the editor of the Scottish Press. Edin., 1857. 8 Another copy. Address delivered to the divinity students of the Free Church of Scotland, March 1857. .,1857. 8 SINCLAIR (HANNAH). A letter on the prin- ciples of the Christian faith. 3d ed. London, 1818. 8 SINCLAIR(JANET), Lady Colquhoun.The works of LadyColquhounof Luss. London, 1852. 8 The KINGDOM of God. 1835 Another edition. Edin., 1836. 8 The world's religion, as contrasted with ge- nuine Christianity. Edin., 1839. 8 * A memoir of Lady Colquhoun, by James Hamilton, D.D. London, 1849. 8 SINCLAIR (Sir JOHN), Bart. The statistical account of SCOTLAND. 1791-99 The code of health and longevity ; or, a gene- ral view of the rules and principles calculated for the preservation of health, and the attain- ment of long life. 4th ed. London, 1818. 8 History of the origin and progress of the sta- tistical account of Scotland. [Wants title.] 8 Sketch of a code of natural and revealed reli- gion. Introduction, and part i. Edin., s. a. 8 * Memoirs of the life and works of the late Right Hon. Sir J. S. , Bart. By his son, the Rev. John Sinclair, M.A. 2 vol. Edin., 1837. 8 SINCLAIR (JOHN), M.A., Archdeacon of Middle- sex. Vindication of the Episcopal or Aposto- lical succession. London, 1839. 12 SINGERS (WILLIAM), Minister of Kirlyatric];- Juxta. A statement of the numbers, the du- ties, the families, and the livings, of the clergy of Scotland. Drawn up in 1807. Edin., 1808. 8 SINTENIS (C. F.), Pastor at Zerbst. Zweite Postille. 4 Theile. Leipzig und Zerbst, 1799, 1800. 8 SIONITA (GABRIEL), Professor of Oriental lan- guages, Paris. Liber Psalmorum ex Arabico idiomate translatus. 1614. See BIBLES ARA- BIC. B. S1PONTO, Archbishop of. See Nicolaus PEROT- TUS. SIRMONDUS (JACOBUS), S. J. Opera varia, nunc primum collecta, ex ipsius schedis emen- datiora, notis posthumis, epistolis, et opuscu- lis aliquibus auctiora. Accedunt S. THEO- DORI Studitse epistola?, aliaque scripta dogma- tica nunquam antea Grsece vulgata,, pleraque Sirmondo interprete. 5 torn. L. P. Paris, 1696. fol. SISMONDI. SeeSiMoM'K i-i. sisTKKoN. MiMiop OF. See Pierre-Francois I. M 1TEAU. Refusal of sites. Petition to parlian and appendix of clocuiiH'iits. Edin., 1845. 8 Free Church of Scotland. Correspondence relative to the refusal of sites for churches, manses, &c. Edin., 1846. 8 Another copy. First [second, third, and fourth] report from the select committee on sites for churches (Scotland) ; together with the minutes < dence and an appendix. [London, 1847.] fol. SIXTUS V. [FRANC. PERETTUS], Pope.* Bru- tum fulmen Papse Sixti V. aduersus Hrmi- cum Sereniss. Regem Navame, et illustrissi- mum Henricum Borbonium, Prindpi-m C"ii- du_'um. Una cum protestatione nmltiplicis nullitatis. [Per Franciscum HOTOMANUM.] Lugd. Batar., 1586. 8 SIXTUS, Senensis. Bibliotheca sancta, ex prae- cipuis Catholicae Ecclesue authoribus collecta, et in octo libros digesta.-.Editio tertia. Colonia;, 1586. fol. SKELTON (PHILIP), B.A., Rector of Fintnn. The complete works of the late Rev. P. S. To which is prefixed, Burdy's life of the au- thor. Edited by the Rev. Robert Lynam, A.M. 6 vol. London, 1824. 8 * Life of P. S. By Mr [Samuel] Burdy ; [with Lives of Dr Edward POCOCK, Dr Za- chary PEARCE, and Dr Thomas NEWTON]. 1816 SKENE (Sir JOHN), of Curriehill.Ttie Lawes and Actes of parliament, maid be King lames the First, and his successours Kinges of SCOT- LAND. 1-V.'7 Regiam Majestatem. The avid lawes and constitvtions of SCOTLAND. 1609 SKEPP (JOHN), Baptist minister at Currier's Hall, Cripplegate, London. Divine energy : or the efficacious operations of the Spirit of God upon the soul of man, in his effectual calling and conversion, stated, proved and vindicated... Being an antidote against the Pelagian errror. 2d ed. With a recommendatory preface by John Gill, D.D. London, 1751. 12 SKETCH. Sketch of the Christian character. Edin., s. a. 12 SKINNER (JOHN), Minister of the Scottish Epis- copal Church, Longside, Aberdeenshire. An ecclesiastical history of Scotland, from the first appearance of Christianity in that kingdom, to the present time. With remarks on the most important occurrences. In a series of letters to a friend. 2 vol. London, 1788. 8 Another copy. Vol. i. Theological works of the late Rev. J. S. To which is prefixed, a biographical memoir of the author. 2 vol. Aberdeen, 1809. 8 A miscellaneous collection of fugitive pieces of poetry. Vol. iii. of his posthumous works. Edin., 1809. 8 SKINNER (JOHN), D.D., son of the preceding, and Bishop of Aberdeen. Primitive truth and order vindicated from modern misrepresent;!- SKINNER SLAVE. tion : with a defence of Episcopacy, particu- larly that of Scotland, against an attack made on it, by the late Dr Campbell of Aberdeen, in his Lectures on Ecclesiastical history : and a concluding address to the Episcopalians of Scotland. Aberdeen, 1803. 8 Another edition. To which is annexed a re- view of Dr Haweis' Church history. New York, 1808. 8 SKLNNER (JOHN), son of the preceding, and Epis- copal minister at Forfar. Annals of Scottish Episcopacy, from the year 1788, to the year 1816 inclusive ; being the period during which the late Right Rev. John Skinner, of Aber- deen, held the office of senior Bishop and Pri- mus : of whom a biographical memoir is pre- fixed. Edin., 1818. 8 SKINNER (R.). Christ's birth misse-timed. Or, A resolution to a question about the time of Christ's nativity ; evidencing by Scripture, that Jesus Christ was not born in December. London, s. a. 4 SKINNER (STEPHANTJS), M.D. Etymologicon linguae Anglicanas, seu explicatio vocum An- glicarum etymologica ex propriis fontibus, scil. ex linguis duodecim ; Anglo-Saxonica, seu An- glica prisca ; Runica, Gothica, Cimbrica, seu Danica antiqua ; Franco-Theotisca, seu Teu- tonica vetere ; Danica recentiori ; Belgica ; Teutonica recentiori ; Cambro - Britannica ; Franco Gallica ; Italica, Hispanica ; Latina ; Grseca... Londini, 1671. fol. SKINNER (THOMAS H.), D. D. A sermon preached on the occasion of the death of James P. WILSON, D.D ; [prefixed to Dr W.'s Pri- mitive government of Christian Churches]. 1830 Aids to preaching and hearing. New York, 1839. 8 Another edition. London, 1839. 12 SKIRVING (WILLIAM). Complaint of wrongous imprisonment. Edin., [1793]. 8 * Copy of the indictment of W. S. [Edin., 1793.] 8 SKURRAY (FRANCIS), B.D., Hector of Winter- bourne Steepleton, Dorset. Sermons which have been preached on public subjects and solemn occasions, with special reference to the signs of the times. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1842. 12 r A metrical version of the Book of Psalms. 1843. See BIBLBS ENGLISH. C. SLACK (ROBERT), M.D. Old truths and modern progress. London, 1856. 8 SLADEN (JOHN). Animadversions on a paper entituled, An answer [by J. S. Barrington, 1st Viscount Barrington] to some queries. By the author of the Reasons against pushing for a repeal of the TEST ACTS. 1733 SLATER (SAMUEL), A.M., Pastor of a congrega- tion in Crossby Square, London. An earnest call to family religion : or, a discourse con- cerning family- worship. Being the substance of eighteen sermons. London, 1694. 8 SLAVE, SLAVERY, SLAVE TRADE. Notes on the two reports from the committee of the Hon. House of Assembly of Jamaica, appoint- ed to examine into, and to report to the House, the allegations and charges contained in the several petitions which have been presented to the British House of Commons, on the subject of the slave trade, and the treatment of the negroes, &c. &c. By a Jamaica planter. London, 1789. 8 Arguments from Scripture, for and against the African slave trade, as stated in a series of let- ters, lately published in the Glasgow Courier. Glasgow, 1792. 12 An English country gentleman's address to the Irish members of the imperial parliament, on the subject of the slave trade. London, 1802. 8 Substance of the debate in the House of Com- mons, on the 15th May, 1823, on a motion for the mitigation and gradual abolition of slavery throughout the British dominions. London, 1823. 8 Negro slavery ; or, a view of some of the more prominent features of that state of society, as it exists in the United States of America, and in the colonies of the West Indies, especially in Jamaica. London, 1823. 8 Another copy. Fourth edition. London, 1824. 8 The question of the gradual abolition of slavery in the W r est Indies, examined on general prin- ciples of justice and expediency. Edin., 1824. 8 Report of the committee of the Society for the mitigation and gradual abolition of slavery throughout the British dominions. 25th June 1824. Together with an account of the pro- ceedings which took place at that meeting. London, 1824. 8 Proceedings of the first meeting of the Anti- slavery Society, held 25th June 1824. London, 1824. 8 Second report of the committee of the Society for the mitigation and gradual abolition of slavery throughout the British dominions. 30th April, 1825. London, 1825. 8 Third report of the committee of the Society for the mitigating and gradual abolition of slavery throughout the British dominions. Read... 21st December 1825. London, 1826. 8 The slave colonies of Great Britain ; or a pic- ture of negro slavery drawn by the colonists themselves ; being an abstract of the various papers recently laid before parliament on that subject. London, 1825. 8 Address to the public, by the committee of the Edinburgh anti- slavery society. Edin., 1826. 8 The impolicy of slavery. London, 1826. 4 The progress of colonial reform ; being a brief view of the real advance made since May 15th, 1823, in carrying into effect the recommenda- tions of His Majesty, the unanimous resolu- tions of parliament, and the universal prayer of the nation, with respect to negro slavery. London, 1826. 8 734 SLAVK SLKIDAM - The farther progress of colonial ivf<>rm ; being an analysis of the communication made to par- liament by His Majesty, at the close of the last session, respecting tin- measures taken for improving tin- condition of the slave popula- tion in the British colonies. Comprising the period from Jan. 1826, to May 1827. London, 1827. 8 The Anti-slavery reporter. [From June 1825 to December 1830.] 3 vol. London, 1827-31. 8 Brief view of British colonial slavery. By a barrister; [James Maitland Hoc]. .,1827. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Ladies' Anti-slavery associations. London, [1828]. 8 A picture of colonial slavery in the year 1828, addressed especially to the ladies of Great Bri- tain. London, 1828. 8 Another copy. The new slave laws of Jamaica and St Chris- tophers examined ; with an especial reference to the eulogies recently pronounced upon them in parliament. London, 1828. 8' The death warrant of negro slavery through- out the British dominions. London, 1829. 8 Circular of the Anti-slavery society. June 24, ls:;<>. London, 1830. 8 Petition [to the House of Commons] of the Anti-slavery society. London, [1830]. 8 Another copy. A brief view of the nature and effects of negro slavery, as it exists in the colonies of Great Britain. London, 1830. 8" Report from select committee on the extinction of slavery throughout the British dominions : with the minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. [London \, 1832. fol. Abstract of the report of the Lords commit- tees on the condition and treatment of the co- lonial slaves, and of the evidence taken by them on that subject ; with notes by the edi- tor. London, 1833. 8 Picture of slavery in the United States of Ame- rica ; being a practical illustration of Volun- taryism and Republicanism. Glasgow, 1835. 12 The extinction of the slave-trade, and the civi- lization of Africa : a review of " The African slave-trade, and its remedy," by Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Bart. Reprinted from the Wesleyan-Methodist magazine for July 1840. London, 1840. 8 Slavery and the internal slave trade in the I'nited States of North America. London, 1841. 8 Proceedings of the general Anti-slavery con- vention... held in London from... June 12th to ...June 23d 1840. London, 1841. 8 A letter from the executive committee of the American and Foreign anti-slavery society to the commissioners of the Free Church of Scot- land. Edin., 1844. S c American anti-slavery conventions : a s< of extracts illnst rat i\e <>f tin- proceedings and principles <>f the. " liberal party" in the United States ; with the bearings of the anti .- cause on missions. ,1846 1 - American slavery. Organic sins : or the ini- quity of licensed injustice. Edin., 1840. TJ " Acknowledged slander" again ! r'rce Church Assembly and slavery, contrasted \\itli the Irish Assembly and slavery; and "acknow- ledged slander" against Mr Frederick Douglass, by the Rev. Ir Smyth, of Charleston. Re- printed from the Glasgow Argus. Glasyow, 1846. 12 Should the Free Church hold fellowship with slave-holders ? and, should the money lately received from slave-holding Churches i back ? Respectfully addressed to the membei s of the Free Church of Scotland, by a member of the Free Church. Linlithyow, 1840. 8 J Slavery in the Gentile Churches during the apostolic age, and the present duty of the Free Church of Scotland. Especially addressed to the students of the Free Church of Scotland, by a fellow-student. Edin., 1840. l'J J An address to the office-bearers and members of the Free Church of Scotland, on her pre- sentconnexion with the slave-holding Churches of America. From the committee of the Free Church Anti-slavery society, i'rfin., 1847. 8 A summary view of the progress of reform in the slave colonies of Great Britain, since the 15th of May, 1823. London, s. a. 8 Is negro slavery sanctioned by Scripture / Louden, S. a. 8 A dialogue between a well-wisher and a friend to the slaves in the British colonies. By a lady. London, s. a. 8 Another copy. A planter's view of the condition of the ne- groes in Jamaica in 1824. London, s. a. 8 State of religious instruction among the slaves in the West Indies. " London, s. a. 8" Attempt to enlist religion on the side of colo- nial slavery, exposed. London, s. a. 8 View of the law and practice in the Spanish colonies respecting the manumission of slaves. London, s. a. 8 SLEIDANUS (JOANXES). De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo quinto Cassare, commen- tarij. [xxv. libb.] s. I., M.D.LV. 8 De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo quin- to Cresare, comrnentarioruni libri xxvi. Qui- bus praeter accuratiorem totius operis recogni- tionem, etiam nunc primum vigesimus sextus liber accessit, quern author ipse post primam jeditionem conscribere coepit, et usque ad pro- fectionem Csesaris in Hispaniam perduxit. Una cum apologia ab ipso authore conscripta. Argentorati, M.D.LVIII. 8 Another edition. [Paris.] M.D.LLX. 8 [For continuation, see M. C. LUNDORPICS.] The history of the Reformation of the Church, begun in Germany by Martin Luther, &c. Translated by Edmund Bohun. [With con- tinuation to the end of the council of Trent, SLEIGH SMALLEY. 735 in the year 1563. Collected and written by E. B.] London, 1689. fol. Historia Reformationis. Ex ejus Commenta- riis excerpta et annotationibus aliorum suis- que instructa a Dr Ed. Hoche. Lipsice, 1846. 8 - De quatuor summis imperiis, Babylonico, Per- sico, Grasco, et Romano, libri tres. [Paris.] M.D.LIX. 8 - Another edition. Amstel., 1705. 8 SLEIGH (W. W.). The Christian's defensive dictionary. Being an alphabetical refutation of the general objections to the Bible. Philadelphia, 1837. 12 SLEVOGTUS (PAXJLUS), Professor of philosophy and philology at Jena. Disputationes acade- micte, cum philosophicse, tumphilologicse... JencK, 1656. 4 SLEZER (JOHN). Theatrum Scotiaa : contain- ing the prospects of His Majesty's castles and palaces : together with those of the most con- siderable towns and colleges]; the ruins of many ancient abbeys, churches, monasteries, and con- vents within the said kingdom. All curiously engraven on copper- plates. With a description of each place. [3d ed.l London, 1718. fol. SLICHTINGIUS ( JONAS). See Jonas SCHLICH- TINGIUS. SLOSS (JAMES), M.A., Dissenting minister at Not- tingham. The doctrine of the Trinity, as it ia contained in the Scriptures, explained and con- firmed : its consistency with the principles of natural reason cleared ; and objections to the contrary answered : and the supreme deity of the Son and Holy Ghost, and their equality with the Father in all divine perfections and glory, proved. With a full answer to the chief objections against the proper Godhead of those two persons. In several sermons, preached at an evening lecture, at Nottingham. To which are annexed, several letters wrote to the au- thor, relating to the same subject, with his answers. London, 1736. 8 SLY (TIMOTHY). The Protestant Vindicator : or, an agreeable answer to many of the charges brought forward by the Catholic Vindicator and Layman against the Protestant : in which the question is actually considered how far the censorious spirit and boasted attainments in the knowledge of Christianity, displayed by the Layman, exceed those of the Protestant : and how far the Vindicator and Layman ought to be accounted men of reason or of sense. Dedicated to the much injured gentlemen of the coffee-room, and lower orders of society in Glasgow. Glasyoiv, 1819. 8 SMALBROKE (RICHARD), Bishop of St Davids, and afterwards of Lichjield and Coventry. A vindication of the miracles of our blessed Sa- viour ; in which Mr Woolston's discourses on them are particularly examin'd, his pretended authorities of the Fathers against the truth of their literal sense are set in a just light, and his objections in point of reason are answer'd. 2vol. [Vol. i., 2ded.] London, 1729, 31. 8 SMALCIUS (VALENTINUS). De divinitate Jesu Christi. Racovice, 1608. 4 Defensio brevis Anonymi cujusdam, de Eccle- sia et missione ministrorum tractatus, adver- sus responsionem Andreas Miedziboz. A Theo- philo NICOLAIDE. [Pseud.] Racovice, 1612. 8 [The above has also been ascribed to Volke- lius.] Refutatio thesium D. Wolfgangi Frantzii quas de prsecipuis Christianas religionis capitibus anno 1609 et 1610 proposuit. Racovioe, 1614. 4 C Refutatio thesium de sacrosancta unitate divi- nse essentise, et in eadem sacrosancta persona- rum trinitate, a Jacobo Schoppers Altorfii anno 1613 propositarum. Cui addita est responsio ad ea quse Hermannus Ravenspergems prseter hsec attulit in scripto, cui titulum fecit, SS. mysterium unitatis essentiae divinse in perso- narum trinitate, duabus sectionibus per theses et exegeses explicatum, &c. Racovice, 1614. 4 Refutatio thesium Alberti Graweri. Quibus incarnationem teterni Dei Filii ab impugna- tionibus nostrarum Ecclesiarum vindicare vo- luit. Racovice, 1615. 4 Refutatio disputationis de persona Christi, quam Albertus Grawerus habuit anno 1612. Racovi.ee, 1615. 4 SMALL (ANDREW), LL.D., Abernethy. Hidden things brought to light. In reference both to the upper, middle, and lower worlds ; or, the true millennium, only to be enjoyed in the new or renovated earth. In answer to eight ob- jections of the Rev. Dr Wardlaw, against the first resurrection and millennium. Also new discoveries in antiquities, with illustrations of those formerly discovered. Together with a truly interesting narrative of a man under de- moniacal possession. With the discovery of a remedy for the night-mare. Edin., 1843. 8 SMALL (JAMES G.), Minister of the Free Church at Bervie. The highlands, the Scottish mar- tyrs, and other poems. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Restoration and revival, or times of refreshing. London, 1859. 8 SMALL (JOHN), M.A., Librarian to the university of Edinburgh. Some account of the original protest of the Bohemian nobles against the burning of John Huss, by the sentence of the council of Constance, in 1415, preserved in the library of the University of Edinburgh ; and on the connection between the kingdom of Scotland and the council of Constance in the fifteenth century. [From the proceedings of the Antiquarian Society of Scotland, vol. iii.] Edin., 1861. 4 SMALL (ROBERT), D.D. Defence delivered by Dr S., at the bar of the General Assembly, 1800. Dundee, 1800. 12 . SMALLEY (JOHN), D.D. The inability of the sinner to comply with the Gospel, his inex- cusable guilt in not complying with it, and 730 SMAL1UDGE- SMITH. the consistency of these with each other, illus- trated. [Theological tracts, edited by .John BROWN, D.D., vol. i.] Edin., IS.. s.M ALRIDGE (GEORGK), D.D., Bishop of Bristol. A sermon [on Judges, xix. 30] preached... at the cathedral church of St Paul, London, Jan. 31, 170 J. Being the anniversary of the mar- tyrdom of King Charles I. London, 1709. 8 SMEALL (A.). A few remarks on the letter of the Rev. Joseph Brown, Dalkeith, in reply to Dr Marshall's letter, contained in the Free Church magazine for October last. 2d ed. /:./;., 1844. 8 SM EATON (GEORGE), Professor of exegetical theo- logy in the New college, Edinburgh. The ne- cessary harmony between doctrine and spiritual life : being an introductory lecture, delivered on the 9th Nov., 1853, to the Free Church students attending the divinity hall at Aber- deen. Aberdeen, 1853. 8 SMECTYMNTJUS. [A word formed from the initials of the writers' "names, Stephen Mar- shall, Edmund Calamy, TJwmas Young, Mat- thew Newcomen, and William Spurstoive.] Smectymnuus redivivus. Being an answer to a book, [by Bishop Hall] entituled, An humble remonstrance in which the original of Liturgy [and] Episcopacy is discussed, and queries pro- pounded concerning both. The parity of Bishops and Presbyters in Scripture demon- strated. The occasion of the imparity in an- tiquity discovered. The disparity of the an- cient and our modern Bishops discovered. The antiquity of ruling Elders in the Church vindicated. The prelatical Church bounded. Composed by five learned and orthodox di- vines. 6th ed. Eilin., reprinted, 1708. 4 A vindication of the Answer to the Humble remonstrance, from the unjust imputations of frivolousnesse and falsehood : wherein the cause of liturgy and Episcopacy is farther de- bated, by the same Smectymnuus. s. I., 1641. 4 * A short answer to the tedious Vindication of Smectymnuus. By the author of the Humble remonstrance ; [Joseph HALL]. London, 1641. 4 SMELLIE (WILLIAM), Printer in Edinburgh. The philosophy of natural history. 2 vol. Edin., 1790. 4 Literary and characteristical lives of John Gregory, M.D., Henry Home, Lord Kames, David Hume, and Adam Smith, LL.D. To which are added a dissertation on public spirit ; and three essays. Edin., 1800. 8 * Memoirs of the life, writings, and corre- spondence of W. S. By Robert Kerr, F.R.S. 2vol. Edin., 1811. 8 SMETONIUS (THOMAS), Principal of the univer- sity of Glasgow. Ad virulentum Archibaldi Hamiltonii apostatse dialogum, de confusione Calvinianse sectse apud Scotos, impie conscrip- tum orthodoxa responsio. In qua Celebris ilia quaestio de Ecclesia, de universalitate, succes- sione, et Romani Episcopi primatu breviter, dilucide, et accurate tractatur. Adjecta est vera historia extremes vitte et obitus t-ximij viri.Io.m. Kimxij Ecclesia.- Scoticana- instaura- torifl fidelissimi. '-/, ./;, ir.7'.). 4 J SMIGLECIUS (MARTINCS), S. J. Logica, H tis disputationibus et qusestionibus illustrata, et in duos tomos distribute : in qua qnieqaid in Aristotelico organo vel cognitu necessariuui vel obscuritate ju-rploxum, tarn chin- spicue, quam solido ac nervose pertractantur. Oxonia-, 1638. 4 SMITH ( ).- Reply by Mr S., to the an of the town council to his address. . 1799. 8 SMITH (Mrs). An abridgment of the prophe- cies, as connected with profunu history, l>th ancient and modern. In question and answer. Selected from the best authors. London, 1822. 12 SMITH (ADAM), Professor of moral philosoj.il' the university of Glasgow. The works of A. S. With an account of his life and writings by Dugald Stewart. 5 vol. London, 1811, 12. 8 Theory of moral sentiments. London, 1759. 8 Seventh edition. [Containing also A disserta- tion on the origin of language. ] 2vol. London, 1792. 8 Eleventh edition. [Without the dissertation.] London, 1812. 8* * A letter to A. S., LL.D. on the life, death, and philosophy of his friend David Hume. By one of the people called Christians. [George HORNE.] New edition. London, 1782. 12 An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. With a life of the author. Also, a view of the doctrine of Smith, compared with that of the French economists ; with a method of facilitating the study of his works ; from the French of M. Gamier. Complete in one volume. Edin., 1833. 8 An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. With a life of the author, an introductory discourse, notes, and supple- mental dissertations. By J. R. M'Culloch. A new edition. Edin., 1846. 8 SMITH (CHAKLES HAMILTON), Lieut. Col The natural history of dogs. Canidae or genus canis of authors. Including also the genera hyaena and proteles. Illustrated by thirty- one coloured plates, with memoir... of Pallas. Vol. i. [Nat. Lib., vol. xxv.] Edin., 1839. 8 Vol. ii. Illustrated by thirty-eight coloured plates, with... memoir of Don Felix d'Azara. [Ibid., vol. xxviii.] Edin., 1840. 8 The natural history of horses. The Equidiu or genus equus of authors. Illustrated by thirty-five coloured plates, with... memoir of Gesner. [Ibid., vol. xxxi.] Edin., 1841. 8 An introduction to the Mammalia, chiefly with reference to the principal families not described at length in the former volumes. Illustrated by thirty-one coloured plates, with... memoir of Dru Drury. [Ibid., vol. xxxv.] Edin., 1842. 8 SMITH SMITH. 737 SMITH (CHARLES LESINGHAM), M.A., Rector of Little Caulfield, Essex. The poetical works of the Rev. C. L. S. Cambridge, 1844. 8 SMITH (Sir CULLING EARDLEY), Bart. An Eng- lishman's thoughts on the Scotch Church. London, 1841. 8 Third thousand. London, 1841. 8 The Romanism of Italy. Preceded by a cor- respondence with the Catholic institute of Eng- land. London, 1845. 8 SMITH (ELi). Missionary researches in Arme- nia: including a journey through Asia Minor, and into Georgia in Persia, with a visit to the Nestorian and Chaldsean Christians of Oormiah and Salmas. By E. S., and H. G. O. DWIGHT. To which is prefixed, a memoir on the geogra- phy and ancient history of Armenia, by the author of the " Modern traveller" ; [Josiah CONDER]. London, 1834. 8 SMITH (ELISHA), M.A., Rector of Castle Rising, Norfolk. The cure of DEISM. 1736 SMITH (ELIZABETH). Fragments, in prose and verse. With some account of her life and character. By H. M. Bowdler. New edition. 2 vol. Bath, 1810. 8 SMITH (GAMALIEL), pseud., i. e. Jeremy BEN- THAM. SMITH (GEORGE). A defence of the communion- office of the Church of England, proving there is neither reason nor authority for laying it aside ; in a letter to a friend. By G. S. Edin., 1744. 8 SMITH (GEORGE). A treatise of comets. London, 1744. 8 SMITH (GEORGE), D.D., Minister of the Tolbooth church, Edinburgh. Two discourses preached before the Presbytery of Edinburgh, 19th De- cember, 1843. Edin., ISM. 8 SMITH (GEORGE), Minister of Birse.The truth explained : being an examination of the prin- ciples which the Free Church has espoxised ; and a vindication of those on which the Church of Scotland was, as it continues to be, estab- lished. Edin., 1845. 8 - Truth as revealed ; or, Voluntaryism and Free Churchism opposed to the word of God : with an answer to the Protest left on the table of the General Assembly in May 1843. Edin., 1847. 12 SMITH (GEORGE), F.A.S. The doctrine of the Cherubim : being an enquiry, critical, exege- tical, and practical, into the symbolical cha- racter and design of the cherubic figures of holy Scripture. London, 1850. 8 SMITH (GEORGE CHARLES). The wreckers ; or, a tour of benevolence from St Michael's Mount to the Lizard Point : interspersed with descrip- tive scenery of Mount's Bay, Cornwall. London, s. a. 12 SMITH (HENRY), Lecturer at St Clement Danes, London. The works of H. S. ; including ser- mons, treatises, prayers, and poems. With life of the author, by Thomas Fuller, B.D., and other biographical notes. 2 vol. Edin., 1866, 67. 8 The sermons of Master H. S., gathered into one volume. Printed according to his correct- ed copies in his life time. Whereunto is add- ed, God'a arrow against atheists. London, 1611. 4 Foure sermons preached by Mr H. S. And published by a more perfect copie then hereto- fore. London, 1612. 4 Six sermons preached by Maister H. S. 1, 2, of lonah's punishment. 3. The trumpet of the soule. 4. The sinfull mans search. 5. Ma- ries choyce. 6. Noahs drunkennesse. Two zealous prayers. And published by a more perfect copie then heretofore. London, 1612. 4 Two sermons preached by Mr H. S. : with a prayer for the morning thereunto adioyned. And published by a more perfect copie then heeretofore. London, 1613. 4 SMITH (HENRY), Parkhurst, Isle of Wight. The destitution and miseries of the poor disclosed, and their remedies suggested : being an expo- sition of the principles and objects of the Church of England self-supporting village so- ciety. London, 1850. 8 SMITH (HENRY B.). The relations of faith and philosophy ; an address before the Porter rhe- torical society of Andover theological seminary, at its anniversary, Sept. 4, 1849. Edin., 1850. 8 SMITH (J.), D.D. Sailm Dhaibhidh. 1805. See BIBLES GAELIC. C. SMITH (J. C.). A complete gazetteer of the United States of America. By Daniel HASKEL and J. C. S. 1843 SMITH (JAMES), D.D. The misery of ignorant and unconverted sinners. A sermon [on Eph. ii. 12.] preached January 1, 1733. Edin., 1733. 8 SMITH (JAMES), Newburn. A compendious ac- count, taken from holy Scripture only, of the form and order of the Church of God, in the several great periods thereof ; also of the na- ture, design, and right manner of observing or eating the Lord's Supper. With answers to the arguments of those who have objected unto some of the particulars. Edin. , 1765. 8 SMITH (JAMES), Dunfermline. Historical sketches of the Relief Church ; and a few sub- jects of controversy discussed. With an ad- dress to the Burgher clergy. Edin. , 1773. 8 SMITH (JAMES). An examination of the pas- sages contained in the Gospels and other Books of the New Testament, respecting the charac- ter of Jesus : with observations arising from them. London, 1807. 8 SMITH (JAMES). Dialogues on the Catholic and Protestant rules of faith, between a member of the British reformation society and a Ca- tholic layman. Edin., 1831. 12 SMITH (JAMES), Minister of the Relief Church, Campbeltoum. An exposition of the principles of the Relief Church, and of the proceedings of the Relief Synod in the Campbeltown case, being a reply to a pamphlet by the Rev. Messrs Struthers and French. Edin., 1837. 8 Another copy. 93 738 SMITH SMITH. SMITH (JAMES), A.M., Glasgow. A popular sketch of the history of the Kirk of Scotland, from the dawn of the Reformation to the settle- ment at the Revolution. Glasgwv, 1840. 8 Another copy. Another copy. vMITH (JAMES), of Jordanhill. Letter to an English peer on the present state of the Church of Scotland. London, 1841. 8 Letters to an English peer on the present state of the Church of Scotland. London, 1843. 8 Another copy. The voyage and shipwreck of St Paul : with dissertations on the sources of the writings of St Luke, and the ships and navigation of the antients. London, 1848. 8 Dissertation on the origin and connection of the Gospels : with a synopsis of the parallel passages in the original and authorised ver- sion, and critical notes. Edin., 1853. 8 SMITH (Sir JAMES EDWARD), M.D. Tracts re- lating to natural history. London, 1798. 8 Compendium florae Britannicse. Londini, 1816. 12 Editio quarta. Londini, 1825. 12 SMITH (JOHN), of the Inner Temple. Iconogra- phia Scotica : or portraits of illustrious per- sons of Scotland, engraved from the most au- thentic paintings, &c. With their lives, com- piled from the works of the best informed and modern writers extant, manuscript as well as printed, containing many curious biographical anecdotes and particulars, never before pub- lished ; the whole authenticated with notes, references, and observations. London, s. a. 4 - Iconographia Scotica... London, s. a. 8 SMITH (JOHN), Fellow of Queen's college, Cam- bridge. Select discourses... by J. S. Also a sennon at his funeral by Simon Patrick, D.D. , with a brief account of the author's life. 2d ed. [Title in manuscript.] Cambridge, 1673. 4 Another edition. [Not containing the dis- course on prophecy.] Edin., 1756. 12 SMITH (JOHN), D.D., Minister of Campbeltown. Galic antiquities : consisting of a history of the Druids, particularly of those of Caledonia ; a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems of Ossian ; and a collection of ancient poems, translated from the Galic of Ullin, Ossian, Orran, &c. Edin., 1780. 4 A view of the last judgment. Edin., 1783. 8 A summary view and explanation of the writ- ings of the Prophets ; consisting of I. Prelimi- nary observations and general rules, for un- derstanding the prophetic stile. II. A parti- cular account of each book and chapter as they lie in order... Edin., 1787. 12 A new edition. London, 1839. 12 Urnaighean arson Theaghlaichean &c. agus Laoid hean. Glasgow, 1839. 12 SMITH (JOHN), A.M. The moral telescope, or an essay on the nature of moral action. London, 1789. 8 SMITH (JOHN), Missionary in Demerara. *An authentic copy of the minutes of evidence in the trial of J. S. on a charge of exciting the negroes to rebellion... Lmulon, lsi>4. H' SMITH (JOHN GORDON), M.D., Professor of me- dical jurisprudence in the university of London. The claims of forensic medicine : being the introductory lecture delivered in the univer- sity of London, on Monday, May llth, 1829. London, 1829. 8 SMITH (JOHN PYE), D.D., Principal of the In- dependent college at Homerton. Vindicise aca- demica). Part the second of a defence of the Protestant dissenting academy at Horoerton. London, 1813. 8 The connection of the Redeemer's heavenly state with the advancement of his kingdom on earth. A sermon [on Acts, iii. 21] preached before the Missionary society, May 10, 1820. London, 1820. 8 The Scripture testimony to the Messiah : an inquiry with a view to a satisfactory determi- nation of the doctrine taught in the holy Scrip- tures concerning the person of Christ, includ- ing a careful examination of the Rev. Thomas Belsham's Calm inquiry, and of other Unita- rian works on the same subject. 2 vol. London, 1821. 8 Third edition. 3 vol. London, 1837. 8 Another copy. Fourth edition. 2 vol. London, 1847. 8 * A review of Dr J. P. Smith's Scripture tes- timony to the Messiah. London, 1832. 8 Four discourses on the sacrifice and priesthood of Jesus Christ, and the atonement and re- demption thence accruing : with supplement- ary notes and illustrations. London, 1828. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Second edition. London, 1842. 8 On the temper to be cultivated by Christians of different denominations, towards each other. 2d ed. London, 1835. 8 On the relation between the holy Scriptures and some parts of geological science. [Con- gregational Lecture.] 2d ed. London, 1840. 8 Third edition. London, 1843. 8 Fifth edition. London, 1855. 8 3 First lines of Christian theology, in the form of a syllabus, prepared for the use of the stu- dents in the old college, Homerton : with sub- sequent additions and elucidations. Edited from the author's manuscripts, with additional notes and references, and copious indices, by William Fairer, LL.B. London, 1854. 8 Another copy. * Memoirs of the life and writings of J. P. S. By John Medway. London, 1853. 8 SMITH (JOSEPH). A modest review of the Lord Bishop of Bangor's answer to the Rev. Dr Snape ; or, the charge of misrepresentation impartially consider'd. London, 1717. 8 SMITH (JOSEPH), V.D.M. A sermon on the SMITH SMITH. 739 character of the Rev. Mr Whitefield ; [with seventy-five sermons by the Rev. G. WHITE- FIELD]. 1812 SMITH (JOSHUA), M.A. The divine favour the only security of a people. An assize-sermon [on Ps. cxxvii. 1] preached in Winchester, February 28, 1706. Oxford, 1706. 4 SMITH (JosiAH D.), Columbus, Ohio. The con- ditions of eminent usefulness. An address delivered, August 3d, 1858, before the Society of religious inquiry of Hanover college, In- diana. Philadelphia, 1859. 8 SMITH (NORMAND). * Memoir of N. S., or the Christian serving God in his business. By Joel Hawes, D.D. New York, s. a. 12 SMITH (PETER), A.M., Assistant minister at Ladykirk, Berwickshire. Discourses on some of the most important doctrines and duties of Christianity. Berwick, 1818. 8 SMITH (ROBERT), Schoolmaster at Glenshee. Poems of controversy betwixt Episcopacy and Presbytery : being the substance of what past 'twixt him and several other poets ; as also, some poems and merry songs on other subjects : with some funeral elegies on several noblemen and gentlemen. In two parts. s. L, 1714. 16 SMITH (ROBERT), M.A. Foreshadowings of coming events. Edin., 1860. 8 SMITH (SAMUEL), Preacher of the word of God at Prittlewell in Essex. David's blessed man. Or, a short exposition upon the first Psalme, directing a man to true happiness. Wherein the estate and condition of all man-kind is laid downe, both for this life, and that which is to come. 5th ed. London, 1623. 8 SMITH (SAMUEL), Minister of tlie Free church of ; Bcrgue. The second coming of Christ ; being the substance of two discourses [on Acts, i. 11] preached... on the 17th of March, 1844, after the funeral of the Rev. Robert Jeffrey, late minister of Girthon. Kirkcudbright, [1844]. 8 SMITH (SAMUEL STANHOPE), D.D., President of the college of New Jersey. An essay on the causes of the variety of complexion and figure in the human species. To which are added Strictures on Lord Kames's discourse, on the original diversity of mankind. Philadelphia, 1787. 8 Sermons on various siibjects. London, 1801. 8 SMITH (SOUTHWOOD), M.D. The divine go- vernment. 4th ed. London, 1826. 12 SMITH (SYDNEY), A.M., Canon residentiary of St Parti's. Six sermons, preached in Charlotte chapel, Edinburgh. Edin., 1800. 8 Elementary sketches of moral philosophy. New edition. London, 1854. 8 SMITH (THOMAS), Prebendary of Salisbury. Epistola de moribus ac institutis Turcarum, cui annectitur brevis Constantinopoleos no- titia. Oxonii, 1674. 8 Remarks upon the manners, religion and go- vernment of the Turks. Together with a sur- vey of the seven Churches of Asia, as they now lye in their ruines : and a brief description of Constantinople. London, 1678. 8 De Graecae Ecclesiae hodierno statu epistola. Editio secunda. Londini, 1678. 8 An account of the Greek Church, as to its doc- trine and rites of worship : with severall his- torical remarks interspersed, relating there- unto. To which is added, an account of the state of the Greek Church, under Cyrillus Lu- caris Patriarch of Constantinople, with a rela- tion of his sufferings and death. London, 1680. 8 Miscellanea, in quibus continentur praemoni- tio ad lectorem de infanturn communione apud Graecos. Defensio libri de Graecae Ecclesiae statu contra objectiones authoris. Historiaecri- ticae, super fide et ritibus Orientalium. Brevis et succincta narratio de vita, studiis, gestis, et martyrio D. Cyrilli Lucarii, Patriarchse Con- stantinopolitani. Commentatio de hymnis ma- tutino et vespertine Graecorum. Exercitatio theologica de causis remediisque dissidiorum, quae orbem Christianum hodie affligunt. Londini, 1686. 8 Vitae quorundam eruditissimorum et illustrium virorum. Londini, 1707. 4 Another copy. SMITH (Sir THOMAS), Kt., Principal Secretary of State to King Edward VI. , and Queen Eliza- beth. * The life of the learned Sir T. S. Wherein are discovered many singular matters relating to the state of learning, the reforma- tion of religion, and the transactions of the kingdom, during his time... By John STRYPE, M.A. A new edition, with corrections and additions by the author. Oxford, 1820. 8 SMITH (T. SOUTHWOOD), Minister of St Andrews Unitarian chapel, Edinburgh. The incompati- bility of the doctrine of the Trinity with that of the divine unity. A sermon [on 1 Cor. viii. 6] preached on Sunday, May 1st, 1814, in Union chapel, Glasgow, before the second an- nual meeting of the general association of the Unitarians of Scotland. Glasgoiv, 1814. 12 An appeal to the serious and candid professors of Christianity, in behalf of Unitarian Chris- tians ; in answer to a manager of the Falkirk charity-school, and to the editor of the Edin- burgh Christian instructor. Edin., 1815. 12 SMITH (W. H.). Canada: past, present and future. Being a historical, geographical, geo- logical and statistical account of Canada West. 2 vol. Toronto, s. a. 8 SMITH (WALTER C.), Minister of Free Tron church, Glasgoiv. Recent sermons on the head- ship : reviewed. Edin., 1860. 8 SMITH (WILLIAM), A.M., Camberwell.A sys- tem of prayer ; composed chiefly of scriptural expressions, for the assistance of those who take the lead in social worship... With an ap- pendix of prayers. 2d ed. London, 1809. 8 The domestic altar : a six weeks' course of morning and evening prayers, for the use of families. To which are added, a few on par- ticular occasions. 4th ed. London, 1820. 8 r-io SMITH-SMYTH. SMITH (WILLIAM). An essay on the doctrine of the Trinity, and the two natures of Christ ; containing strictures on different popular sen- timents, showing the absurdity of receiving as divine truths, the opinions of men. Glasgow, 1813. 12 SMITH (WILLIAM), LL.D. A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. Edited by W. S. London, 1842. 8 Another copy. - Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. Edited by W. S. 3 vol. London, 1844-49. 8 A dictionary of the Bible, comprising its anti- quities, biography, geography, and natural history. Edited by W. S. 3 vol. 1860, 63. 8 SMITH (WILLIAM), LL.D.* Memoirs of W. S. By his nephew and pupil, John Phillips, F.R. S. London, 1844. 8 SMITHSON (S.). Christ on the cross suffering for sinners : or, the sinner's redemption, sanc- tification, and exaltation, by the death and bitter passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Edin., 1749. 8 SMITS (JOANNES). Specimen observationum ad Car. Fr. Houbigant prolegomena in Scriptu- ram sacram quod sub prsesidio Sebaldi Ravii defendet J. S. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1761. 4 SMOLLETT (TOBIAS), M.D. The miscellaneous works of T. S. With memoirs of his life and writings, by Robert Anderson, M.D. 3d ed. 6vol. Edin., 1806. 8 The history of England from the Revolution to the death of George the Second. (Design- ed as a continuation of Mr Hume's History.) A new edition. With the author's last cor- rections and improvements. 5 vol. London, 1800. 8 - Another edition. London, 1823. 8 SMYTH (GEORGE), M. A. The Church of Rome's claim of authority and infallibility examined. In a sermon [on 2 Cor. i. 24] preached at Sal- ters-Hall, Jan. 30th, 1734. 2d ed. London, 1735. 8 The cause of British Protestants a good one : and they neither to be wheedled nor frighted out of their zeal for God, and loyalty to their King. A sermon preached in Hackney, Oct. 18, 1745. London, 1745. 8 SMYTH (JOHN), D.D. , Minister of Free St George's church, Glasgow. Popery the enemy of the domestic and social affections. Confessional the Inquisition devotion to the Church (not to Christ) more enjoined than love to parents, children, or brethren. Glasgow, 1836. 8 - The substitution, righteousness, and merito- rious sacrifice of Christ, justification, mass, creature merits, justification confounded with sanctification. [Lect. on Protest.] s. I. et a. 12 SMYTH (MYLES). The Psalms of David para- phrased. 1668. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. SMYTH (RICHARD). - The obituary of R. S., Secondary of the Poultry Compter, London : being a catalogue of all such persons as he knew in their life : extending from A.T> to A.D. 1674. Edited [for the Camden So- ciety] by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H. London, 1849. 4 SMYTH (THOMAS), D.D., Pastor of the second Presbyterian church, Charlestown, S. C. The prelatical doctrine of apostolical succession examined, and the Protestant ministry defend- ed against the assumptions of Popery and High- Churchism, in a series of lectures. Boston, 1841. 8 Another copy. Another copy. An ecclesiastical CATECHISM of the Presbyte- rian Church ; for the use of families, Bible- classes, and private members. Boston, 1841. 12 Third edition. New York, 1843. 12 Fourth edition. New York, 1844. 12 Ecclesiastical republicanism ; or the republi- canism, liberality, and catholicity of Presby- tery, in contrast with Prelacy and Popery. Boston, 1843. 12 Another copy. Another copy. The exodus of the Church of Scotland : and the claims of the Free Church of Scotland to the sympathy and assistance of American Chris- tians. Charleston, S. 0., 1843. 8 Second edition ; with valuable documents now first reprinted. New-York, 1844. 12 Another copy. Another edition. With a prefatory note, by the Rev. J. G. Lorimer. Edin., 1844. 8 Presbytery and not Prelacy the scriptural and primitive polity, proved from the testimonies of Scripture ; the Fathers ; the Schoolmen ; the Reformers ; and the English and Oriental Churches. Also, the antiquity of Presbytery ; including an account of the ancient Culdees, and of St Patrick. Boston, 1843. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The history, character, and results, of the Westminster Assembly of divines. A dis- course, in commemoration of the bi-centenary anniversary of that body. New York, 1844. 12 Another copy. The life and character of Calvin the reformer, reviewed and defended. Philadelphia, 1844. 12 Another copy. The name, nature and functions of ruling elders ; wherein it is shewn from the testimony of Scripture, the Fathers, and the Reformers, that ruling elders are not Presbyters or Bishops, and that, as representatives of the people, their office ought to be temporary. With an appen- dix, on the use of the title Bishop. New-York, 1845. 12 Another copy. The Romish and prelatical rite of confirmation examined, and proved to be contrary to the Scriptures, and the practice of all the earliest and purest Churches, both Oriental and West- SMYTH SO AMES. 41 ern. With an appendix, on the duty of re- quiring a public profession of religion. Edin., 1845. 12 The character of the late Thomas Chalmers, D.D., and the lessons of his life, from personal recollections. Charleston, S. C., 1848. 8 - The unity of the human races proved to be the doctrine of Scripture, reason, and science. With a review of the present position and theory of Professor Agassiz. New-York, 1850. 12 Another copy. - The nature and claims of young men's Chris- tian associations. Philadelphia, 1857. 12 SMYTH (WILLIAM), Professor of modern history in the university of Cambridge. Lectures on modern history, from the irruption of the Northern nations to the close of the American revolution. 4th ed. 2 vol. London, 1843. 8 SMYTH (WILLIAM CAKMICHAEL). The Hindoo- stance interpreter, containing the rudiments of Hindoostanee grammar, an extensive voca- bulary, English and Hindoostanee, and a use- ful collection of dialogues. [Wants the gram- mar.] London, 1824. 8 SMYTHIES (WILLIAM), Morning lecturer at St Michael Cornhill, London. The unworthy non-communicant. A treatise shewing the danger of neglecting the blessed sacrament of the Lords Supper, and rectifying the mistakes of many in this age concerning it. The first part. Second impression. London, 1683. 8 SNAPE (ANDREW), D.D., Rector of West-Ildesley, Berkshire. A letter to the Bishop of Bangor, occasion'd by his Lordship's sermon preach'd before the King at St James's, March 31st, 1717. 3d ed. London, 1717. 8 Sixth edition. London, 1717. 8 - * A letter to Dr S., occasion'd by his Letter to the Bishop of Bangor. Wherein the Doctor is answer'd and expos'd, paragraph by para- graph. By a layman of conscience and com- mon sense. 2d ed. London, 1717. 8 Third edition. London, 1717. 8 - * A vindication of the honour and prerogative of Christ's Church : as it is laid down by the Right Rev. the Ld. Bishop of Bangor, in his Sermon preach'd before the King, on the 31st of March last. Being an answer to the cavils of Dr Snape. London, 1717. 8 C * An answer to a letter to the Bishop of Ban- gor, written by one Andrew Snap, D.D. London, 1717. 8 Another copy. - * A letter to Dr A. S., occasioned by his Let- ter to the Bishop of Bangor. London, 1717. 8 A second letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor, in vindication of the former. London, 1717. 8 A vindication of a passage in Dr S.'s Second letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor, relating to Mr Pillonniere. London, 1717. 8 * Farther remarks on the Rev. Dr S. 's Second letter to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Bangor. Shewing that his Lordship's Sermon has advanc'd no new doctrine, particularly in relation to the proper sanctions of Christ's laws ; but that the same has been before taught by Mr Mede, Mr Hales, Dr Barrow, Arch- bishop Tillotson, Bishop Blackall, Dr Sydall, Dr Sherlock, and other eminent and learned divines of the Church of England. To which is added, an appendix. Being a full answer to Mr Law's Letter to the Right I*ev. the Lord Bishop of Bangor, so far as it relates to his Lordship's Preservative against the principles and practices of the Non jurors. By the author of the former Remarks. London, 1717. 8 A letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor ; [pre- fixed to A full answer to Mr Pillonniere's Re- ply to Dr Snape, by H. MILLS]. 1718 * Dr S. instructed in some matters especially relating to convocations and converts from Popery. By a member of the convocation ; [White KENNET]. London, 1718. 8 SNELLING (THOMAS). On the gold coins of Great Britain, France and Ireland, &c. ... London, 1763. fol. SNODGRASS (JOHN), D.D., Minister of the Mid- dle church, Paisley. The means of preserving the life and power of religion in a time of ge- neral corruption. A valedictory sermon [on Jude, 20, 21]. Dundee, 1781. 8 A commentary, with notes, on a part of the Book of the Revelation of John. Paisley, 1799. 8 Another copy. SNODGRASS (W. D.), D.D., Pastor of the Se- cond-Street Presbyterian church, Troy. The Scripture doctrine of sanctification stated, and defended against the error of Perfectionism. Philadelphia, 1841. 12 Another .copy. Discourses on the apostolical succession. Troy, N. Y., 1844. 12 Another copy. SNORRO, fil. Sturlce, or Sturlesson, Sturlonides. The Heimskringla ; or, chronicle of the Kings of Norway. Translated from the Ice- landic of S. S., with a preliminary disserta- tion, by Samuel Laing, Esq. 3 vol. London,, 1844. 8 SNOWBALL (JOHN CHARLES), M.A., Fellow of St John's college, Cambridge. The elements of plane trigonometry ; with the construction and use of tables of logarithms, both of numbers, and for angles. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1839. 8 SO AMES (HENRY), M.A., Chancellor of St Paul's cathedral, London. An inquiry into the doc- trines of the Anglo-Saxon Church, in eight sermons preached before the University of Ox- ford, in the year 1830, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1830. 8 Another copy. Elizabethan religious history. London, 1839. 8 The Latin Church during Anglo-Saxon times. London, 1848. 8 71-' SOAVE-SOMERVILLE. SOAVE (PiETRo) Polano. See Paolo SAKI-I. SOCIA. A letter to a Protestant dissenter, in answer to the question, " Shall the dissenters join with the Roman Catholics, in their peti- tions to Parliament, for what is called, Catho- lic Emancipation ?" Containing remarks on religious liberty, and political power, both as they affect the Established Church and Pro- testant dissenters ; applicable to the present momentous crisis. 4th ed. London, 1812. 8 SOCIETY. A view of society and manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany : with anec- dotes relating to some eminent characters. By a gentleman, who resided several years in those countries ; [John MOORE]. 2 vol. London, 1779. 8 SOCINIANISM. Avis sur le tableau du Soci- nianism. [Par Isaac JAQUELOT.] a. I, 1690. 12 Socinianism unmasked : in four letters to the lay-members of the Church of Scotland, and especially to those of the collegiate church of Ayr ; occasioned by Dr M 'Gill's Practical essay on the death of Jesus Christ. Proving, that he denies the great doctrines of the atonement, of the deity of our Lord, &c. fcc. To which are added, a letter to the Doctor, and an hum- ble address to the members of the General As- sembly of the Church of Scotland. By a friend to truth ; [John JAMIESON]. The 2d ed. : with reflections on the influence of the Socinian doctrine on holiness of life. Edin. , 1790. 8 Socinianism triumphant ; or, a copy of a letter, from the Socinians in Scotland to their breth- ren in Poland. Edin., 1790. 12 Christ's holy Gospel vindicated, and Socinian- ism exposed : being a copious report of the proceedings before the Vice- Chancellor, in the matter of Lady Hewley's Charity. 4th ed. London, 1834. 8 SOCINUS (FAUSTUS). Opera omnia, in duos tomos distincta, quorum prior continet ejus opera exegetica et didactica, posterior opera ejusdem polemica comprehendit. Accesserunt qusedam hactenus inedita. [Forming part of the BIBLIOTHECA patrum Polonorum.] Irenopoli, 1656. fol. * Memoirs of the life, character, sentiments, and writings of F. S. By Joshua Toulmin, A.M. London, 1777. 8 SOCINUS (L^LITJS), Uncle of the preceding. De hsereticis, an sint persequendi, et omnino quomodo sit cum eis agendum. 1610 [See. note added to the entry of the same work under H^ERETICI.] SOCRATES, Scholasticus. Socratis Scholastic! et Hermise SOZOMENI historia ecclesiastica. Hen- ricus Valesius Grsecum textum collatis MSS. codicibus emendauit, Latine vertit, et annota- tionibus illustrauit. Adjecta est ad calcem dis- putatio Archelai Episcopi aduersus Mani- cheum. [Gr. et Lat.] Parisiis, 1668. fol. Another edition. Moguntia, 1677. fol. Historia ecclesiastica. [Cum Hist, ecclesiast. ErsEBii.] 1544, 1570, 1585, 1683 A history of the Church in seven books, from tho accession of Constantino in A.I-. :;<>r,. <., the 36th year of Theodosius, Junior, A.D. 445 ...Translated from the Greek : with some ac- count of the life and writings of the author. [Vol. iii. of Greek Eccl. Hist, of the first six cent.] London, 1844. 8 SODOR AND MAN, BISHOP OF. See Walter Augustus SHU; SODOR AND MAN, BISHOP or. See Thomas WILSON. SOHNIUS (GEORGIUS^. Opera. Tomus primus ...Praefixa est oratio de vita et morte D. S., totum ejus curriculum comprehendens. Edi- tio secunda. Sigence Nassoviorum, 1598. 8 SOLA (D. A. DE). The sacred Scriptures in He- brew and English. 1844. See BIBLES HE- BREW. C. SOLD AN (G.-G.). La France et la Saint- Bar- thelemy. Traduit de 1'Allemand par Charles Schmidt. Paris, 1855. 8 U SOLDIERS. An address to the soldiers of the British army. By an old soldier. Edin., 1831. 12 SOLIS (ANTONIO DE). The history of the con- quest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Translated from the original Spanish of Don A. de S., by Thomas Townsend. The whole translation revised and corrected by Nathanael Hooke. 3d ed. 2 vol. London, 1753. 8 SOLOMON, King of Israel The Song of Solo- mon, new translated from the Hebrew ; with a commentary and annotations. [By Thomas PERCY.] See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. London, 1764. 8 3 The outlines of a new commentary on Solo- mon's Song, drawn by the help of instructions from the East. By the author of Observations on divers passages of Scripture ; [Thomas HAR- MER]. London, 1768. 8 The Song of Solomon compared with other parts of Scripture. 4th ed. London, 1856. 8 SOME (DAVID). The methods to be taken by ministers for the revival of religion consider'd, in a discourse on Rev. iii. 3. London, 1730. 8 The Assembly's shorter catechism explained, and the principles of religion therein con- tained confirmed by the holy Scriptures. A new edition, with a recommendatory preface by W. Cunningham, D. D. Glasgow, 1836. 12 SOMERS (ROBERT). Letters from the high- lands ; or, the famine of 1847. London, 1848. 12 SOMERVILLE (ANDREW), Minister of the United Associate Synod, Dumbarton. An address on the causes of the Secession Church, and on the accordance of its original principles with those now generally held regarding the Church and State, delivered to the United Associate con- gregation of Dumbarton, on the 6th of Decem- ber 1833. Glasgow, 1834. 12 3 SOMERVTLLE (JAMES), Minister of the F/- Church, Dnimelzier. Remarks on an article SOMERVILLE -SOPHOCLES. 743 in the Edinburgh review, in which the doc- trine of Hume on miracles is maintained. Edin., 1815. 8 Another copy. SOMERVILLE (JAMES), D.D., Minister of Stir- ling. Practical sermons by the late J. S. Pre- ceded by a biographical sketch of the author. Edin., 1827. 8 SOMERVILLE (JOHN), M.A., Minister of Cur- rie. A speech delivered in the General As- sembly of the Church of Scotland, May 28, 1818, on the question relative to the necessity and expediency of erecting the Cowgate chapel into a chapel of ease. Edin., 1818. 8 On the methods of preventing the accidental discharge of fire-arms. With certificates and directions for use. Edin. , 1825. 8 Sermon on cruelty to animals. Preached in the High church of Edinburgh, on the 18th Feb. 1827. Edin., 1827. 8 SOMERVILLE (MARY). Mechanism ' of the heavens. London, 1831. 8 - On the connexion of the physical sciences. 3d ed. London, 1836. 8 - Fourth edition. London, 1837. 8 SOMERVILLE (THOMAS), D.D., Minister of Jed- burgh. Observations on the constitution and present state of Britain. Edin. , 1793. 8 SOMMERS (JOHN), D.D., Minister of Mid Col- der. Account of the parish of Mid Calder, with miscellaneous remarks. Edin., 1838. 8 SOMNER (WILLIAM). The antiquities of Can- terbury. Or, a survey of that ancient city, with the suburbs and cathedral. Containing principally matters of antiquity in them all. Collected chiefly from old manuscripts, lieger- books, and other like records, for the most part not before printed... The 2d ed., revised and enlarged by Nicolas BATTELY, M.A. [In two parts.] London, 1703. fol. SONCINAS (PAULUS). Qusestiones metaphysi- cales acutissimae. 12 libb. Ursellis, 1622. 4 SONGS. Spiritual songs : or, Songs of praise with penitential cries to Almighty God upon several occasions. Together with the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's : first turn'd, then paraphras'd in English verse : with an addi- tion of a sacred poem on Dives and Lazarus. [By John MASON.] 12th ed. London, 1725. 8 - A specimen of a book, intituled, Ane compen- dious booke, of godly and spiritual songs, col- lectit out of sundrie partes of the Scripture, with sundrie of other ballates changed out of prophane sanges, for avoyding of sinne and harlotrie. With augmentation of sundrie gude and godly ballates, not contained in the first edition. Edin., 1765. 8 Ancient songs, from the time of King Henry the Third, to the Revolution. [Edited by Jo- seph RITSON.] London, 1790. 8 Co Chruinneachadh nuadh do Dh 1 Orannibh Gaidhealach. Inbhirneis, 1806. 12 Ceilleirean Binn nan Creagan Aosda ; cruin- neachadh taghte do dh' Orain Ghaelic arm an da Earrann. Earrann i. Glasgow, 1819. 12 Dana Spioradail ann an da Earrann Glascho, 1819. 12 Laoidhean Spioradail, le Ughdairon Eugs- amhuil. Inbhirnis, 1821. 12 A choice collection of Scotch songs with Gae- lic translations, arranged on opposite pages. 2d ed. Inverness, 1829. 16 Co'-Chruinneachadh de dh' Oranan Taoghta : lomadh dhiu nach deach riabh roimh an ann clo. Glasgoiv, 1836. 12 The political songs of England, from the reign of John to that of Edward II. Edited [for the Camden Society] and translated by Thomas Wright, M.A. London, 1839. 4 Sacred songs for family and social worship. With chaste and popular tunes, s. I. et a. 12 SONNENBURG (A.). Tellus oder die vorziig- lichsten Thatsachen und Theorien aus der Schopfungsgeschichte der Erde. Bremen, 1845. 8 SONNTAG (GUSTAVUS FRIDERICUS NICOLAUS). Doctrina inspirationis ejusque ratio, historia et usus popularis. Heidelbergce, 1810. 8 SONSHIP. A vindication of the doctrine of the divine person, and eternal Sonship of Christ. London, 1733. 8 An examination of a book entitled, The true Sonship of Christ investigated ; and his person, dignity, and offices, explained and confirmed from the sacred Scriptures. Edin., 1778. 8 Another copy. SOPER (E.). The practical stenographer : or, short-hand for schools, and self -instruction. On an entirely new system, designed for pro- moting the universal practice of the art. London, 1856. 8 SOPHOCLES. Tragoediae septem. [Gr.] Cum animadversionibus Samuelis Musgravii, M. D. Accedunt, prseter variantes lectt. editionum optimarum, Sophoclis fragmenta, ex editione Brunckiana. Nee non index verborum. 2 torn . Oxonii, 1800. 8 Another edition. Adjectse sunt Godofredi Henr. Schaeferi notae. Editio stereotypa. Lipsicf, s. a. 8 Tragoediae septem : ad optimorum librorum recensuit et brevibus notis instruxit I. G. A. Erfurdt. Editio nova ; cum annotationibus et indicibus Godofredi Hermanni. Accedunt SCHNEIDER de dialectis Sophoclis et WUNDERI Conspectus metrorum Sophoclis. 2 torn. Londini, 1827. 8 Another edition. Londini, 1839. 8 - Tragoediae. [Gr.] Cum prsefatione Guilielmi Dindorfii. London, s. a. 8 (Edipus Tyrannus. [Gr. et Lat.] Glasguee, 1777. 8 Another edition. [Gr.] Ex recensione Petri Elmsley, A.M. Qui et annotationes suas ad- jecit. " Oxonii, 1825. 8 Scholia antiqua in Sophoclis (Edipum Tyran- num. Ex codice Laurentiano Plut. xxxii. 9. denuo descripsit et edidit Petrus Elmsley. Oxonii, 1825. 8 *44 SOPH. FHILANDER-SPALDING CLUB. OZdipus Coloneus [Gr.], e recensione Petri Klmsley A.M. Accedit Brunckii et aliorum annotatio selecta, cui et suam addidit editor. Oxonii, 1823. 8 Elektra. Fiir den Schulgebrauch erklart von Gustav Wolff. Leipzig, 1803. 8 SOPH. PHILANDER. An historical account of the Seceders, in a letter to ****, chosen mem- ber for the ensuing General Assembly. From a real friend to the Church of Scotland. /:./;/-,, 1766. 8 SORBONNE. Actes de la dispute et conference tenue a Paris, e"s mois de luillet, et Aoust 1500, entre deux Docteurs de Sorbonne, et deux ministres de 1'Eglise reformed. Strasbourg, 1566. 8 SORLEY (WILLIAM), Minister of the Free Church, Selkirk. The danger of an uncertain sound : or doctrinal defection apprehended. With special reference to the Rev. Mr Purves of Jed- burgh's Sermons touching some points much controverted at present. Edin. , 1847. 8 SORROW. Hours of sorrow : or, thoughts in verse. London, 1836. 12 SORTAIN (JOSEPH), A.B., Minister of North Street chapel, Brighton. A sermon, occasioned by the death of the Rev. Henry Mortlock. Brighton, 1837. 8 Romanism and Anglo-catholicism : lectures by J. S. London, 1841. 8 Another copy. Sermons. London, 1850. 8 SOUL. Lux orientalis, or an enquiry into the opinion of the Eastern sages, concerning the prseexistence of souls. Being a key to unlock the grand mysteries of Providence, in relation to man's sin and misery. [By Joseph GLAN- VILL.] London, 1662. 8 A critical inquiry into the opinions and prac- tice of the ancient philosophers concerning the nature of the soul and a future state, and their method of the double doctrine. The second edition, in which two late answers by Mr Jack- son and Dr Sykes have afforded an opportunity of supplying what was wanting to complete the subject. With a preface by the author of the Divine legation. [By John TOWNE.] London, 1748. 8 A short^ historical view of the controversy con- cerning an intermediate state and the separate existence of the soul between death and the general resurrection, deduced from the begin- ning of the Protestant Reformation, to the pre- sent times. With some thoughts, in a prefa- tory discourse, on the use and importance of theological controversy. [By Francis BLACK- BURNE.] London, 1765. 8 Second edition. London, 1772. 8 Words to the winners of souls. 5th ed. London, 1860. 12 SOULIER (PIERRE). Histoire du Calvinisme, contenant sa naissance, son progre's, sa de'cad- ence, et sa fin en France. Paris, 1686. 4 SOULIGNE ( de). The political mischiefs of Popery... Translated by G. Ridpath. Edin., 1699. 8 SOUTH (ROBERT), D.D., Prebendary of ster, and canon of Chrigt-C'hn,;-!,, <>.,f rd. Thirty six sermons and discourses, on several subjects and occasions. 2 vol. 5th ed. It'il.lin, 1720. fol. A new edition, including the posthumous dis- courses. 4vol. /.-/I, 184;{. H J Another edition. With the chief heads of the sermons, a biographical memoir, and general index. 2 vol. , 1843. 8 SOUTHE Y (CAROLINE) ^formerly Caroline Bow LES . The birth day : a poem, in three parts. To which are added, occasional verses. , 1836. 8 SOUTHEY (ROBERT), LL.D. The book of the Church. 2 vol. London, 1824. 8" The life of WESLEY ; and rise and progress of Methodism. Third edition ; with notes by the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and remarks on the life and character of John Wesley, by the late Alexander Knox. Edited by the Rev. Charles Cuthbert Southey, M.A. 2 vol. London, 1846. 8 SOUTHWELL (ROBERT). Marie Magdalen's fu- nerall teares for the death of our Saviour. [Dedication signed R. S.] He-printed, London, 1823. 8 SOUVESTRE (EMILE). Brittany and La Ven- de"e. Tales and sketches. With a notice of the life and literary character of E. S. Edin., 1855. 8 SOUZA (ADELE FILLEUL, Baronne de). Adele de Se"nange, ou lettres de Lord Sydenham. Nouvelle Edition. 2 torn. Paris, 1821. 12 Euge"nie et Mathilde, ou me'moires de la famille du Comte de Revel. Nouvelle Edition. 3 torn. Paris, 1821. 12" SOVEREIGNTY. A practical discourse of God's sovereignty : with other material points deriv- ing thence. [By Elisha COLES.] London, 1673. 4 SOZOMENUS (HERMIAS.) SOCRATIS Scholastic! et Hermiie Sozomeni historia ecclesiastica. 1668 Historia ecclesiastica. [Cum Hist, ecclesiast. EUSEBII.] 1544, 1570 SPAIN. The two great questions corisider'd. I. What the French king will do with respect to the Spanish monarchy. II. What measures the English ought to take. [By Daniel DEFOE.] London, 1700. 4 Hedendaagsche Historic of tegenwoordige Staat van Spanje en PORTUGAL... Amsterdam, 1759. 8 The history of Spain, from the establishment of the colony of Gades by the Phoenicians, to the death of Ferdinand surnamed the Sage ; by the author of the history of France ; [C. HEREFORD]. 3 vol. London, 1793. 8 The history of Spain and Portugal. From B. c. 1000, to A. D. 1814. [By M. M. BUSK.] Published under the superintendence of the Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. London, 1833. 8 SPALDING CLUB. The miscellany of the Spal- ding club. 6 vol. Aberdeen, 1841-52. 4 SPALDING SPANHEMIUS. 745 - History of Scots affairs. By James GORDON, Parson of Rothiemay. 1841 Abredonise utriusque descriptio. By James GORDON, Parson of Rothiemay. 1842 - Collection for a history of the shires of ABER- DEEN and BANFF. 1843 - Extracts from the Presbytery Book of STRATH- BOGIE. 1843 - A fragment of a memoir of Field-Marshall James KEITH. 1843 - List of pollable persons within the shire of ABERDEEN. 1844 - A brieffe narrative of the services done to three noble ladyes by Gilbert BLACKHAL. 1844 A short abridgement of Britaines distemper. By Patrick GORDON of Ruthven. 1844 - Extracts from the council register of the burgh of ABERDEEN. 1844, 48 - Registrum Episcopatus ABERDONENSIS. 1845 - Selections from the records of the Kirk- Session of ABERDEEN. 1846 - Illustrations of the topography of ABERDEEN and BANFF. 1847 A genealogical deduction of the family of Rose of Kilravock. By Hew ROSE. 1848 Memorialls of the troubles in Scotland and in England. By John SPALDING. 1851 The civil and ecclesiastical history of Scotland. By Thomas INNES. 1853 Fasti ABERDONENSES. 1854 - The Brus. Writ by Johne BARBOUR. 1856 The Book of the Thanes of CAWDOR. 1859 - Passages from the diary of General Patrick GORDON of Auchleuchries. 1859 The diary of Alexander BRODIE of Brodie, and of his son James BRODIE of Brodie. 1863 SPALDING (JOHN), Commissary clerk of Aber- deen. The history of the troubles and memor- able transactions in Scotland and England, from M.DC.XXIV. to M.DC.XLV. [Edited for the Bannatyne Club, by James Skene of Rubislaw. ] 2vol. * Edin.,1828, 29. 4 Another copy. - The history of the troubles and memorable transactions in Scotland in the reign of Charles I. A new edition. Aberdeen, 1829. 8 - Memorialls of the troubles in Scotland and in England A. D. 1624- A. D. 1645. [Edited for the Spalding Club, by John Stuart.] Vol. ii. Aberdeen, 1851. 4 SPALDING (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel in Dundee. Synaxis sacra ; or, a collection of sermons preached at several communions. To- gether with speeches at the tables both before, at, and after that work... Whereunto is added, a discourse of the Gospel, and of a Gospel- walk and conversation, in several sermons on Phil. i. 27. Glasgow, 1750. 8 SPALDING (M. J.), Bishop of Kentucky. D'Au- bignd's History of the great Reformation in Germany and Switzerland, reviewed and re- futed ; or the Reformation in Germany exa- mined in its instruments, causes, manner, and in its influence on religion, government, litera- ture, and general civilization. 2d ed. Dublin, 1846. 12 - Another copy. SPALDING (SAMUEL), M.A., of the London uni- versity. The philosophy of Christian morals. London, 1843. 8 SPALLANZANI (LAZARUS), Royal professor of natural history in the university of Pavia. Dissertations relative to the natural history of animals and vegetables. Translated from the Italian of the Abbe" S. 2 vol. New edition. London, 1789. 8 SPANGENBERG (AUGUST GOTTLIEB). An ac- count of the manner in which the Protestant Church of the Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren preach the Gospel and carry on their missions among the heathen. Translated from the German of A. G. S. London, 1788. 8 An exposition of Christian doctrine, as taught in the Protestant Church of the United Breth- ren, or, Unitas Fratrum. Written in German, by A. G. S. With a preface by Benjamin La Trobe. 2d ed. Bath, 1796. 8 SPANHEMIUS (FRIDERICUS), Professor of divi- nity at Leyden. Dubia evangelica discussa et vindicata, turn a cauillis Atheorum, turn a corruptelis sectariorum. Genevce, 1634. 4 Another edition. 3 partt. Genevas, 1639. 4 Exercitationes de gratia universal!. Accessere L. erotemata auctori proposita, et ab eodem decisa, cum mantissa C. anterotematum. Lugd. Batav., 1646. 8 Vindiciarum pro exercitationibus suis de gratia universal!, partes dute posthumse, adversus specimen animadversionum Mosis Amyraldi. Cum prsefatione Andreae Riveti. Accessit ap- pendix Ezechielis Spanhemii Frid. fil. ad cri- ticen Salmuriensem, et grammatical tricas. Amstel, 1649. 4 Disputationes theologicee miscellanese. 2 partt. Genevce, 1652. 4 SPANHEMIUS (FRIDERICUS), Son of the preced- ing, and Rector of the university of Leyden. Opera omnia. 3 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1701-3. fol. Another copy. Another copy. Exercitationes de autore et Epistola ad He- brseos ; [cum Comment, in Epist. ad Hebr. L. TENA auctore. 1661 Historia Jobi. Prsefixa est tabula chorogra- phica, et index capitum. Genevce, 1670. 4 Introductio ad selectiores controversial cum hodiernis Pontificiis, Anabaptistis, Enthusias- tis, Remonstrantibus, Quinquarticulanis, Lu- theranis Grsecis et Orientalibus, ludaeis, nu- perisque Anti-Scripturariis. Lugd. Batav., 1677. 12 Summa histories ecclesiastic*. A Christo nato ad seculum xvi. inchoatum. Prsemittitur doc- trina temporum, cum oratione de Christianis- mo degenere. 2 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1689. 12 Another copy. Another copy. Tom. i. Another edition. Edinburgi, 1726. 8 Controversiamm de religione cum dissidenti- 94 SPARKE-SPENt 1ms hntlir rhristianis, prolixl- et cum Jud;i-is, elenchus historico-theologicus. A,,uM. t 1094. 8 Another edition. Amstel.,1701. 8 Editio quinta. Lugd. Batav., 1757. 4 Brevis introductio ad historiam sacrum utrius- qne Testamenti, ac pnecipxie Christianam, ad A. MDXVIII. inchoata jam Reformat. Accedunt orationes dme novissimte. Editio nova. Lugd. Batav., 1695. 4 Histoire de la Papesse Jeanne fidelement tire"e de la dissertation Latine de Mr. de Spanheim. [Par Jaques Lenfant.] 2 torn. Seconde Edi- tion. La Haye, 1720. 12 SPARKE (EDWARD), B.D., Preacher at St James < '!> i'k> nx-iil, London. &vaia,afr,oto, vel Scintil- la altaris. Being a pious reflection on prima- tive devotion : in the feasts and fasts of the Church of England. 2d ed., with prayers and sculptures to the several occasions. Lmidon, 1660. 8 SPARRMAN (ANDREW), M. D. , Professor of physic at Stockholm. A voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the antarctic polar circle, and round the world : but chiefly into the country of the Hottentots and Caffres, from the year 1772, to 1776. Translated from the Swedish original. 2 vol. Perth, 1789. 12 SPARROW (ANTHONY), Master of Queen's college, Cambridge. A collection of articles, injunc- tions, canons, orders, ordinances, and consti- tutions ecclesiastical, with the public records of the Church of England, chiefly in the times of K. Edward VI., Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and K. Charles I. Published to vindicate the Church of England, and to promote uniformity and peace in the same. Fourth impression. London, 1684. 4 SPEARMAN (ROBERT). An enquiry after PHI- LOSOPHY and theology. 1755 SPECTATOR. The Spectator. Carefully cor- rected. 8 vol. Edin., 1753. 12 Harrison's edition. London, 1793. 8 The Christian spectator, conducted by an asso- ciation of gentlemen. New series. [1827,28.] 2 vol. New-Haven, [1827, 28.] 8 The quarterly Christian spectator. Conducted by an association of gentlemen. [1829, 30.] 2 vol. New-Haven, [1829, 30. J 8 SPECULATIVE SOCIETY. History of the speculative society of Edinburgh, from its in- stitution in MDCCLXIV. Edin., 1845. 8 SPEECHES. Report of speeches, delivered by Dr Gordon, Dr Chalmers, Dr Macfarlan, Dr Brewster, Dr Buchanan, Mr Cunningham, Mr Candlish, at meetings held in Edinburgh, Au- gust 25, 1841. Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. SPELMAN (Sir HENRY). De non temerandis Ecclesiis, Churches not to be violated. 4th ed. Oxford, 1668. 8 Reliquiae Spelmannianse. The posthumous works of Sir H. S. Kt. , relating to the laws and antiquities of England. Published from the original manuscript. With a life of the author. Osfvrd, 1698. fol. NCE (JAMES), A.M. The Church-connexi. n l)c-t\M-cii l.i-l it- v.Ts ;u id tla-ir infant i.Hsprin^ : and the consequent riL'ht "f the latter to )>aj> t ism. A sermon [on Is. Ixv. 23] preached at Aberdeen, August 18, 1822. Aberdeen, 1822. 8 A letter of reproof to the Rev. Andrew Thom- son, D.D. in reply to his strictures (in the Edinburgh Christian Instructor for Oct<.l>tr last) on the annual meeting of the Aberdeen auxiliary Bible society. Aberdeen, 1829. 8 SPENCE (JOSEPH), A.M., Professor Oxford. Polymetis: or, an enquiry conci-min^ the agreement between the works of the Ro- man poets, and the remains of the ancient artists. Being an attempt to illustrate them mutually from one another. In ten books. London, 1747. fol. SPENCE (SAMUEL). The privilege and duty of British dissenters. A sermon, preached in Russell Street church, Liverpool, December 6, 1833. Liverpool, 1834. 8 SPENCE (WILLIAM), F.L.S. An introduction to entomology. By W. KIRBY, and W. S. 1815, 1817 SPENCER (ALEXANDER), A.M, Minister of the Free Church, Cornhill, Banff shire. Plea for abstinence, with suggestions on the duty of the Church in reference to it. Glasgow, s. a. 8 SPENCER (B.) The plan of Dr Spencer's insti- tution in Bristol, for acquiring and communi- cating an accurate and critical knowledge of the holy Scriptures, without expence. London, 1817. 12 SPENCER (EDMUND). Travels in Circassia, Krim-Tartary, &c., including a steam voyage down the Danube, from Vienna to Constantin- ople, and round the Black sea. 3d ed. 2 vol. London, 1839. 8 SPENCER (JOHN). A short treatise concerning the lawfullnesse of every mans exercising his gift as God shall call him thereunto. London, 1641. 4 SPENCER (JOHN), D.D., Dean of Ely. A. dis- course concerning prodigies: wherein the vanity of presages by them is reprehended, and their true and proper ends asserted and vindicated. 2d ed. , to which is added a short treatise con- cerning viilgar prophecies. London, 1665. 8 Another copy. De legibus Hebraeorum ritual ibus et earuni rationibus, libri quatuor...Editos, MSS. cum testimoniis auctorum laudatis recensuit, et in- dices adjecit, Leonardus Chappelow, S.T.B. [2 torn.] Cantabrigice, 1727. fol. SPENCER (J. S.), D.D. A pastor's sketches: or, conversations with anxious enquirers re- specting the way of salvation. With an intro- duction and editorial notes, by J. A. James. Reprinted from the ninth American edition. London, 1855. 8 SPENCER (THOMAS), Minister of Newington cha- pel, Liverpool. * Memoirs of the life and mi- nistry of the late Rev. T. S. By Thomas Raffles. r } )ool, 1813. s Fifth edition. pool, 1820. li 1 ' SPENCER SPRAGUE. 747 SPENCER (THOMAS), M.D., Professor of the in- \ stitutes and practice of medicine in the medical institution of Geneva College. Vital chemistry. Lectures on animal heat. Geneva, N. Y., 1845. 12! SPENER (PHILIPP JACOB). Theologische Be- dencken, und andere brieffliche Antworten auf geistliche, sonderlich z'ur Erbauung gerichtete Materien, zu unterschiedenen Zeiten ausgeset- | zet, endlich auf langwieriges Anhalten Christ- j licher Freunde in einige Ordnung gebracht, | und nun zum dritten Mai heraus gegeben. STheile. Halle, 1712-15. 4 j Pia desideria oder herzliches Verlangen nach ' gottgefalliger Besserung der Wahren evangel- { ischen Kirche, nebst einigen dahin abzwecken- den christlichen Vorschliigen. Zweite Ausgabe. Leipzig, s. a. 8 SP1NCKES (NATHANIEL), A.M., Prebendary of Salisbury. The new pretenders to prophecy examin'd ; [with The spirit of enthusiasm exor- cis'd, by George HICKES]. 1709 Of trust in God : or, a discourse concerning the duty of casting our care upon God in all our difficulties. Together with an exhortation to patient suffering for righteousness : in a sermon on 1 S. Pet. iii. 14, 15. 2d ed. London, 1714. 8 - The sick man visited : and furnished with instructions, meditations, and prayers suit- able to his condition. 2d ed. London, 1717. 8 SPINOZA (BENEDICTUS DE). Opera quae super- sunt omnia. Ex editionibus principibus denuo edidit et prtefatus est Carolus Hermannus Bru- der. 2 vol. Editio stereotypa. Lipsice, 1843, 44. 8 Lucii Antistii CONSTANTIS [Pseud.] de jure ecclesiasticorum liber singularis... Alethopoli, 1665. 8 [The above work has also been ascribed to Louis Meyer, and to De La Cour.] - TRACTATUS theologico-politicus. 1674 * Spinoza revived ; or, a treatise proving the book entitled, The rights of the Christian Church, &c. (in the most notorious parts of it) to be the same with Spinoza's Rights of the Christian clergy... [By CARROLL.] To which is added, a preliminary discourse relat- ing to the said books, by the Rev. Dr George Hicks. London, 1709. 8 SPIRIT. An essay on spirit, wherein the doc- trine of the Trinity is considered in the light of nature and reason ; as well as in the light in which it was held by the ancient Hebrews ; compared also with the doctrine of the Old and New Testament. [By Robert CLAYTON.] London, 1751. 8 SPITTLER (L. T.). Grundriss der Geschichte der Christlichen Kirche. In der funften Auf- lage bis auf unsere Zeit herab fortgefiihrt von D. G. T. Planck. Reutlingen, 1814. 8 SPITZNER (FRANZ). Elements of Greek pro- sody. Translated from the German of Dr F. S. , by a member of the university of Oxford. London, 1831. 8 SPOHN (GOTTLIEB LEBERECHT). Jeremias vates e versione Judseorum Alexandrinorum. 1794, 1824. See BIBLES Greek. E. SPON (JACOB). Recherches curieuses d'antiqui- te 1 , contenues en plusieurs dissertations, sur des medailles, bas-reliefs, statues, mosaiques, et inscriptions antiques ; enrichies d'un grand nombre de figures en taille douce. Lyon, 1683. 4 The history of the city and state of Geneva, from its first foundation to this present time. Faithfully collected from several manuscripts of Jacobus Gothofredus, Monsieur Chorier, and others. London, 1687. fol. Histoire de Geneve. Rectifiee et augmentee par d'amples notes. Avec les actes et autres pieces servant de preuves a cette histoire, [par Abauzit et Gautier]. 2 torn. Geneve, 1730. 4 Histoire de Geneve. 4 torn. Geneve, 1730. 12 SPOTIS WOODE, or SPOTSWOOD,orSPOTTIS- WOODE (JOHN), Archbishop of St Andrews. The history of the Church of Scotland, begin- ning the year of our Lord 203, and continued to the end of the reign of King James the VI. of ever blessed memory... London, 1655. fol. Another copy. Third edition. London, 1668. fol. The fourth edition. London, 1677. fol. Another edition. With biographical sketch and notes, by the Right Rev. M. Russell, LL.D. [Spottiswoode society.] 3 vol. Edin., 1847, 51. 8 SPOTTISWOOD (JAMES), D.D., Bishop of Clog- her. A breefe memoriall of the lyfe and death of Dr J. S. ; and of the labyrinth of troubles he fell into in that kingdom, and the manner of the uiihappie accident brought such troubles upon him. From a manuscript in the Auchin- leck library. Edin., 1811. 4 SPOTTISWOODE (JOHN), of Spottiswoode. An account of all the religious houses that were in Scotland at the time of the Reformation ; [with An historical catalogue of the Scottish Bishops, by Robert KEITH]. 1824 SPOTTISWOODE SOCIETY. The Spottis- woode miscellany : a collection of original pa- pers and tracts, illustrative chiefly of the civil and ecclesiastical history of Scotland. 2 vol. Edin., 1844, 45. 8 The works of the Right Rev. John SAGE. 1844, 46 The history of the affairs of Church and State in Scotland. By Robert KEITH. 1845, 50 The history of the Church of Scotland. By John SPOTTISWOODE. 1847, 51 SPRAGUE (WILLIAM B.), D.D., Pastor of the Second Presbyterian church in Albany. Hints designed to regulate the intercourse of Chris- tians. With a recommendatory preface by W. Urwick, D.D. Dublin, 1834. 12 Lectures on revivals of religion. With a pre- liminary essay on the psychology of religious revivals. By a Scottish minister. Glasgow, 1839. 12 A discourse [on Matt. xxv. 15] commemorative 748 SPRAT STACK Hn I'M-:. of the Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D.D., delivered in the Second Presbyterian church, Albany, June 27, 1847. With a letter from Dr Chal- mers to an American clergyman. Albany, 1847. 8 Annals of the American pulpit : or commemo- rative notices of distinguished American clergy- men of various denominations, from the early settlement of the country to the close of the year eighteen hundred and fifty five. With historical introductions. 4 vol. New York, 1857, 58. 8 SPRAT (THOMAS, D.D., Bishop of Rochester. Letter to the Right Hon. the Lords Commis- sioners of His Majesties ecclesiastical court ; [relating to the present juncture of affairs in England]. s. I., [16881. 4 SPRENGEL (CARL). Chemie fur Landwerthe, Forstmanner und Cameralisten. 2 Theile. Guttingcn, 1831, 32. 8 Die Bodenkunde oder die Lehre vom Boden, nebst einer vollstandigen Anleitung zur che- mischen Analyse der Ackererden... Leipzig, 1837. 8 Die Lehre vom Diinger oder Beschreibung aller bei der Landwirthschaft gebrauchlicher vegetabilischer, animalischer und minerali- scherDiingennaterialien, nebst Erklarung ihrer Werkungsart. Leipzig, 1839. 8 Die Lehre von den Urbarmachungen und Grundverbesserungen...Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, 1846. 8 SPRENGEL (KURT).- Elements of the philoso- phy of plants ; by A. P. de CANDOLLE and K. S. 1821 SPRETER von ROTWEYL (JOHAX). Vonn Welt- licher vnd Geistlicher Oberkeyt. B. L. Basel, 1543. 4 SPRING (GARDINER,), D.D., Pastor of the Brick Presbyterian church in the city of New York. The doctrine of election illustrated and esta- blished, in a sermon. Richmond, 1828. 8 The obligations of the world to the Bible : a series of lectures to young men. New York, 1839. 8 The attraction of the cross ; designed to illus- trate the leading truths, obligations, and hopes of Christianity. London, s. a. 12 SPRINT (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel at Tlwre- bery in Gloucestershire. Propositions, tending to proove the necessary use of the Christian Sabbath, or Lords Day ; and that it is com- manded by the word. Whereunto is added the practise of that sacred day, framed after the same word. London, 1635. 12 SPRUCE STREET. The Spruce Street lectures, delivered by several clergymen, during the autumn and winter of 1831-32. To which is added, a lecture on the importance of creeds and confessions : with an appendix, by Samuel Miller, D.D. Philadelphia, 1833. 8 Another edition. To which is added a sermon on the atonement, by John de WITT, D.D. Philadelphia, 1841. 8 Another copy. SPRY (JOHN HUME), D.D., Prebendary of Can- terbury, and rector of Marylebonf, I An enquiry into the claims of the British and Foreign Bible society, to the countenance and support of members of the Established Church. London, 1810. 8 Christian unity doctrinally and historically considered, in eight sermons preached l>tf<.i<: the University of Oxford, in the year 1816, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1817. 8 SPURSTOWE (WILLIAM), D. D., Minister of Hackney. Englands patterne and duty in its monthly fasts, presented in a sermon [on 1 Sam. 7. 6], preached to both Houses of Par- liament assembled, on Friday the 21. of July, An. Dom. 1643. Being an extraordinary day of publicke humiliation appointed by them, throughout London and Westminster... London, 1643. 4 The wells of salvation opened ; or, a treatise discovering the nature, preciousnesse, useful- ness of Gospel-promises, and rules for the right application of them. London, 1655. 8 Another copy. Death and the grave no bar to believers happi- nesse, or, a sermon [on Ps. xvii. 15] preached at the funeral of Lady Honor Vyner, July 10, 1656. London, 1656. 4 SPURZHEIM (JOHN CASPAR), M.D. Examina- tion of the objections made in Britain against the doctrines of Gall and Spurzheim. Edin., 1817. 8 * Outlines of the phrenological system of Drs GALL and Spurzheim. [By George COMBE.] 1819 A sketch of the natural laws of man. London, 1825. 12 A view of the philosophical principles of phre- nology. 3d ed. London, 1825. 8 Phrenology, or, the doctrine of the mind ; and of the relations between its manifestations and the body. 3d ed. London, 1825. 8 Phrenology in connexion with the study of physiognomy. Part i. London, 1826. 8 The anatomy of the brain, with a general view of the nervous system. Translated from the unpublished French MS. By R. Willis. London, 1826. 8 A view of the elementary principles of educa- tion, founded on the study of the nature of man. 2d ed. London, 1828. 8 SPY. The spy ; a tale of the neutral ground. By the author of " Precaution" ; [J. Fenimore COOPER]. 3d ed. New York, 1822. 12 SQUIER (JOHN OMER). Tract on the duty of prayer. London, 1833/ 8 STACKHOUSE (THOMAS), A.M., Vicar of Been- ham, Berkshire. A fair state of the controversy between Mr Woolston and his adversaries : containing the substance of what he asserts in his six discourses against the literal sense of our blessed Saviour's miracles, and what Bi- shops Gibson, Chandler, Smallbrooke, &c., have advanced against him. London, 1730. 8 A defence of the Christian religion from the STAEL-HOLSTEIN STANHOPE. F49 several objections of modern antiscripturists. Wherein the literal sense of the prophecies contained in the Old Testament, and of the miracles recorded in the New, is explained and vindicated. And the necessity of divine reve- lation, from the manifest insufficiency of the light of reason, or natural religion, is asserted. London, 1731. 8 A new history of the holy Bible, from the be- ginning of the world, to the establishment of Christianity. With answers to most of the controverted questions, dissertations upon the most remarkable passages, and a connection of profane history all along. To which are added notes, explaining difficult texts, rectify- ing mis-translations, and reconciling seeming contradictions. The whole illustrated with proper maps and sculptures. 2d ed. London, 1742. fol. Another edition. With an introduction, ad- ditional notes, dissertations, and complete in- dexes. By Daniel Dewar, D. D. Glasgow, 1838. 8 Another copy. A new and practical exposition of the Apostles creed, wherein each article is fully explained, the most material objections stated and an- swer'd, and a proper dissertation, to illustrate the whole, annex'd to each section, and fitted for the use of private families. Together with an introduction containing a short historical account of the design and origin of creeds. London, 1747. fol. A complete body of speculative and practical divinity, consisting of five parts... The whole extracted from the best antient and modern writers... 3 vol. Dumfries, 1776. 8 Another copy. STAEL - HOLSTE1N (ANNE - LOTIISE - GERMAINE NECKER, Baronne de). De 1'Allemagne. 3 torn. 2de e*d. Para, 1813. 8 Considerations on the principal events of the French Revolution. Posthumous work of the Baroness de Stael. Edited by the Duke de Broglie, and the Baron de Stael. Translated from the original manuscript. 3 vol. London, 1818. 8 * Sketch of the life, character, and writings of Baroness de Stael- Holstein. By Madame Necker de Saussure. Translated from the French. London, 1820. 8 * The biography of Madame de Stael. By Mrs Child. [Stud. Cab. Lib., vol. iii.] Edin., 1836. 8 STAEUDLIN (CARL FRIDRICH), Professor of theo- logy in the university of Gottingen. Magazin fur Religions- Moral- und Kirchengeschichte. 4 Band. Hannover, 1801-1806. 8 Geschichte der Christlichen Moral seit dem Wiederaufleben der Wissenschaften. Gottingen, 1808. 8 Another copy. Lehrbuch der Dogmatik und Dogmenge- schichte. Dritte Ausgabe. Gottingen, 1809. 8 Lehrbuch der Encyclopadie, Methodologie und Geschichte der theologischeii Wissenschaften. Hannover, 1821. 8 Kirchenhistoriches Archiv von K. F. S. , H. G. TZSCHIRNER, und J. S. VATER. [1823-26.1 4 Band. Halle, 1823-26. 8 6 The history of theological knowledge and lite- rature, 1700-1810. [Stud. Cab. Lib. vol. ii.J Edin., 1835. 8 STAFFORD-HOUSE. Remarks occasioned by strictures in the Courier and New York En- quirer of December 1852, upon the Stafford- House address. In a letter to a friend in the United States, by an Englishwoman. London, 1853. 8 STAGE-PLAYS. The morality of stage-plays seriously considered. [By Adam FERGUSON.] Edin., 1757. 8 Some serious remarks on a late pamphlet, en- tituled, The morality of stage-plays seriously considered... Edin., 1757. 8 STAIR, VISCOUNT OF. See James DALRYMPLE. STAIR, EARL OF. See John DALRYMPLE. STALHAM (JOHN), Pastor of the church at Ter- ling in Essex. Vindiciee redemptionis. In the fanning and sifting of Samuel Gates his expo- sition upon Mat 13. 44. With a faithfull search after our Lord's meaning in his two parables of the treasure and the pearl. Endea- voured in severall sermons upon Mat. 13. 44, 45. Where in the former part, universall redemp- tion is discovered to be a particular errour. (Something here is inserted in answer to Pau- lus Testardus, touching that tenet.) And in the latter part, Christ the peculiar treasure and pearl of God's elect is laid as the sole founda- tion ; and the Christian's faith and joy in him, and self-denial for him, is raised as a sweet and sure superstructure. London, 1647. 4 STANDARD. Prospectus of a new weekly news- paper, proposed to be published in Dumfries. . . to be called The Presbyterian Standard. Dumfries, 1842. 8 STANDARD-BEARER. The standard-bearer : an exhibition of Christian obligation. Part i. Paisley, 1852. 8 STANDFAST (RICHARD), M.A., Rector of Christ- church, Bristol. A dialogue between a blind man and death. Also the great assize : or, Christ's certain and sudden appearance to judg- ment ; being serious considerations on the four last things, death, judgment, heaven, hell. By John BUNYAN. Edin. , 1745. 8 STANFORD (CHARLES). Central truths. London, 1859. 8 STANFORD (CHARLES STUART), A.M. A hand- book to the Romish controversy ; being a refu- tation in detail of the creed of Pope Pius the fourth, on the grounds of Scripture and reason. Second thousand. Dublin, 1851. 12 STANFORD (JOHN), A.M. The domestic chap- lain, being fifty two short lectures... with ap- propriate hymns, for every Lord's day in the year. Designed for the improvement of fami- lies of every Christian denomination. Plymouth-Dock, s. a. 8 STANHOPE (GEORGE), D.D., Dean of Canter- STA::K. bu ry. Sermons preached upon several occa- sions. London, 1700. 8 The common obstructions to faitli and a good life co7isidered. A sermon [on Luke xxiv. 25J preached in the Chapel-royal at St James's, Nov. the 6th, 1709. London, 1710. 8 Sixteen sermons preached at the Hon. Robert BOYLE'S Lecture. 1739 A paraphrase and comment upon all the Epistles and Gospels, appointed to be used in the Church of England on all Sundays and holy-days throughout the year... 4 vol. 10th ed. London, 1817. 8 STANHOPE (MICHAEL) M.A., Rector of Leake, Nott'mtjham. The sinfulness of separation from the Established Church of England. A sermon [on John vi. CG-68] preached in the parish church of St Clement-Danes, July 2, 1710. At the monthly lecture set up by a society of well-disposed persons. London, 1710. 8 STANHOPE (PHILIP DORMER), Earl of Chester- field. Advice to his son on men and manners. With the life of the author. London, 1820. 16 STANLEY. Legislation by three of the thirteen Stanleys, kings of Man. Acts of Sir John Stanley, A. D., 1417-1430. Legislation of the seventh Earl of Derby, A. D., 1627-1647, and his letter as published in Peck's Desiderata curiosa. Acts referring to the clergy and land- owners ; by the tenth Earl of Derby, 1703. Edited, with introduction and notes, by the Rev. William Mackenzie. [Manx Soc. vol. iii.J Douglas, 1860. 8 d STANLEY (ARTHUR PENRHYN), D.D., Dean of Westminster. Sermons and essays on the apos- tolic age. 2d ed. Oxford, 1852. 8 The Epistles of St Paul to the Corinthians : with critical notes. 1855. See BIBLES ENG- LISH. E. Sinai and Palestine in connection with their history. London, 1856. 8 Lectures on the history of the Eastern Church. With an introduction on the study of ecclesi- astical history. 2d ed. London, 1862. 8 Lectures on the history of the Jewish Church. Part i. Abraham to Samuel. London, 1863. 8 Part ii. From Samuel to the captivity. London, 1865. 8 STANLEY (EDWARD), D.D., Bishop of Norwich. Addresses and charges of E. S. With a memoir by his son, Arthur Peiirhyn Stanley. 2d ed. London, 1852. 8 STANLEY (THOMAS). The history of philoso- phy : containing the lives, opinions, actions and discourses of the philosophers of every sect. 3d ed. To which is added the life of the author. London, 1701. fol. The history of the Chaldaick philosophy ; [at the end of the third edition of The history of philosophy, ut supra]. London, 1701. fol. The fourth edition. London, 1743. 4 STANNUS (BEAUCHAMP W.), M.A., Rector of Arrow, Warwickshire* The enquiring parish- ioner ; or, the plan of snhution briefly ex- plained. Thirtieth thousand. London, . a. 12 STAPFERUS(J'.ii.\NM:s KIMIT.KI.-I B V Pattot of Diesbach, Canton of Berne. Institution* s tin n loghe polemicie univL-rsju, ordine scientifico dispositw. 6 torn. [Tom. i., ed. 2da.J Tl.j,>fi, 1744-52. 8 Editio secunda. [Tom. iv., v., ed. Ima.] 7.->0-52. 8" Theologia analytica. Tomus primus. Berna, 1763. 4 STAPHYLUS (FRIDERICUS). Apologia, cujus prsecipua argumenta sunt, de vero germanoque Scripturae sacra; intellectu, de sacrorum Bibli- orum in idioma vulgare tralatione, de Luteran- orum concionatorum consensione. lam recens Latinitate donata, opera F. Laurentii Surii. Colonies, 1561. 8 STAPLETONUS (THOMAS), Professor of divinity at Louvain. Promptuarium Catholicum, ad instructionem concionatorum contra hgereticos nostri temporis, super omnia Evangelia totius anni tarn dominicalia, quam de festis... Editio quinta. Colonies Agrippince, 1594. 8 Promptuarium Catholicum, ad instructionem concionatorum contra nostri temporis hsereses, super Evangelia ferialia per totam quadragesi- mam. Colonial Agrippince, 1594. 8 STARK (JAMES), Loanhead, Denny. Sermons on various important subjects. Glasgow, 1818. 8 STARK (JAMES), Minister of Wellpark Free chn rcl> , Greenock. Speech delivered at the first public meeting of " The Paisley young men's society for promoting the interests of the Church of Scotland," 1st April, 1835. Paisley, 1835. 12 The Church question briefly considered : with special reference to the " Church politics" of the Rev. Mr Morren, and the " Address" of the Rev. Dr Barr. Greenock, 1843. 8 Another copy. STARK (JAMES), M.D. The doctrine of the Tri- nity as taught in the thirty-nine articles, and Book of Common Prayer, the confession of faith, and larger and shorter catechism, com- pared with that taught in the Apostles' creed and the holy Scriptures. Edin., 1861. 8 STARK (JOHN), F.R.S.E. Elements of natural history, adapted to the present state of the science, containing the generic characters of nearly the whole animal kingdom, and descrip- tions of the principal species. 2 vol. Edin., 1828. 8 STARK (WILLIAM), Architect. Remarks on the construction of public hospitals for the cure of mental derangement. Glasgow, 1810. 8 Second report to the managers of the lunatic asylum. Glasgow, 1810. 8 Report to the Right Hon. the Lord Provost, magistrates, and council of the city of Edin- burgh, and the governors of George Heriot's hospital, &c. on the plan for laying out the grounds for buildings between Edinburgh and Leith. I- din., 1814. 8 STARK STEBBING . 751 STARK (WILLIAM), Minister of Dirleton. Con- siderations addressed to the heritors and kirk- sessions of Scotland, particularly of the border counties, on certain questions connected with the administration of the affairs of the poor. Edin., 1826. 12 - Another copy. The dissension of Paul and Barnabas, a word in season to the Church and to the world : a sermon, the substance of which was preached in the parish church of Dirleton, Feb. 3, 1828. Edin., 1828. 8 Sermons intended to illustrate and enforce Christian faith and duty. With a memoir of the author, by John Cormack, D.D. Edin. , 1836. 8 STARKEY(DiGBYR), A.M., Barrister at law. Judas ; a tragic mystery. Dublin, 1843. 8 STARKIUS (HENR. BENED.), Extraordinary pro- fessor of Oriental languages in tJie university of Leipsic. Notse selectee, criticse, philologicae, exegeticse in Epistolam S. Paiili ad Hebrseos... Accedit appendix notarum in loca selecta Epis- tolse ad Romanes. Nempe cap. i. , 4. iii. , 25. 26. ' v., 16. 18. vi., 4. viii., 3. xi., 15. 16. et totius cap. dimcilioris ix. ; item in Luc. vi. , 1. de Sabbatho At/07rn sequence of the lamented death of Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales. . [ 1817]. 8 STEWART (JOHN). Lecture on 'total absti- nence. Glasgow, 1839. 12 STEWART (JOHN), Minuter of ti ./,. Ardrossan. Address to pastor and people, on the occasion of the induction of the Rev. Pa- trick Robertson, to the Free High church, Kilmarnock, January 28, 1858. Saltcoats, 1858. 8 STEWART (MATTHEW), S.T.D., Professor of mathematics in the university of Edinburgh. Propositiones geometrical, more veterum de- monstrate, ad geometriam antiquam illustran- dam et promovendam idonese. y,v;/<>/im/i, 1763. 8 STEWART (ROBERT). Grain Ghaelach, agus Bheurla-Ghaelach. Duneidin, 1802. 12 STEWART (ROBERT), Viscount Castlereagh. Substance of the speech delivered by Lord Viscount Castlereagh May 25th, 1810, upon Mr Grattan's motion for a committee to take into consideration the Roman Catholic peti- tions : To which are annexed, copies of the original documents therein referred to. London, 1810. 8 Another copy. STEWART (ROBERT). The Gospel salvation en- forced on the consideration of sinners. Perth, 1838. 12 STEWART (ROBERT WALTER), D.D., Minuter of the Free Church at Leghorn. The tent and the khan : a journey to Sinai and Palestine. Edin., 1857. 8 STEWART (W. C.). The practical angler, or the art of trout- fishing, more particxilarly applied to clear water. Edin., 1857. 8 STEWART (W. GRANT). The popular supersti- tions and festive amusements of the highland- ers of Scotland. Edin., 1823. 12 STEWARTON CASE. Report of the pleadings of Patrick Robertson, Esq. Dean of Faculty, and Andrew Rutherfurd, Esq. in the process of suspension and interdict, William Cuning- hame, Esq. and others, heritors of the parish of Stewarton, against the Presbytery of Irvine. June and July 1842. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. The law of the land regarding the independent jurisdiction of the Church of Scotland, as ex- pounded in the opinions of the minority of the Scottish Judges... in the Stewarton case. Edin., 1843. 8 STICKNEY (SARAH), afterwards Sarah Stickney ELLIS. STIER (RUDOLF), D.D., Chief pastor andsnpcr'<,>- tendent of Schkenditz. The words of the Lord Jesus. Translated from the second revised and enlarged German edition, by the Rev. STIFFRY STILLINGFLEET. William B. Pope, London. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] 8 vol. 1855-58. 8 - The words of the risen Saviour, and comment- ary on the Epistle of St James. Translated from the German, by the Rev. William B. Pope. [Ibid.] Edin., 1859. 8 STIFFRY (CHRISTIANXJS DE GROOT). Exercitatio quinta ad Car. Fr. Houbigant prolegomena in Scripturam sacram cap. iii. . . . Trajecti ad Rlienum, 1767. 4 STILLING (HEINRICH). Theobald, oder der Schwarmer. 2 Band. Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1785. 8 STILLINGFLEET (BENJAMIN). Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural history, husbandry, and physick. To which is added the calendar of flora. 3d ed. London, 1775. 8 ST1LLINGFLEET (EDWARD), D.D., Bishop of Worcester. Works. Vol. xx. [Wants title.] 8 Irenicum. A weapon- salve for the Churches wounds, or the divine right of particular forms of Church-government : discussed and exa- mined according to the principles of the law of nature, the positive laws of God, the prac- tice of the Apostles, and the primitive Church, and the judgment of reformed divines... London, 1661. 4 Another copy. Second edition. With an appendix concerning the power of excommunication in a Christian Church. London, 1662. 8 Another edition. London, 1681. 8 - Origines sacrae, or, a rational account of the grounds of Christian faith, as to the truth and divine authority of the Scriptures, and the matters therein contained. London, 1663. 4 Third edition. London, 1664. 4 - Fourth edition. - London, 1675. 4 Eighth edition. To which is now added part of another book upon the same subject, writ- ten A. D. MD. cxvu. Publish'd from the author's own manuscript. London, 1709. fol. A rational account of the grounds of Protest- ant religion : being a vindication of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's [Laud] Relation of a conference, &-c. from the pretended an- swer by T. C. Wherein the true grounds of faith are cleared, and the false discovered ; the Church of England vindicated from the impu- tation of schism ; and the most important par- ticular controversies between us and those of the Church of Rome thoroughly examined. London, 1665. fol. Another copy. Another copy. A reply to Mr J[ohn] S[ergeant] his third ap- pendix, containing some animadversions on the book, entituled, A rational account of the grounds of Protestant religion. London, 1666. 8 A discourse concerning the idolatry practised in the Church of Rome, and the hazard of sal- vation in the communion of it : in answer to some papers of a revolted Protestant. Wherein a particular account is given of the fanaticisms and divisions of that Church. London, 1671. 8 Second edition. London, 1671. 8 - An answer to several late treatises, occasioned by a book entituled, A discourse concerning the idolatry practised in the Church of Rome, and the hazard of salvation in the communion of it. The first part. London, 1673. 8 Another copy. Sermons preached on several occasions, to which a discourse is annexed concerning the true reason of the sufferings of Christ. Where- in Crellius his answer to Grotius is considered. London, 1673. fol. Another copy. A defence of the Discourse concerning the ido- latry practised in the Church of Rome, in an- swer to a book [by Thomas Godwin] entituled, Catholics no idolaters. The two first parts. London, 1676. 8 A relation of a conference held about religion, at London, the third of April, 1676. By E. S., D.D. and Gilbert BURNET, with some gentle- men of the Church of Rome. London, 1676. 8 Another copy. The unreasonableness of separation : or, an impartial account of the history, nature, and pleas of the present separation from the com- munion of the Church of England. To which several late letters are annexed, of eminent Protestant divines abroad, concerning the na- ture of our differences, and the way to com- pose them. 2d ed. London, 1681. 4 Third edition. London, 1682. 4 * A continuation and vindication of the De- fence of Dr Stillingfleet's Unreasonableness of separation : in answer to Mr Baxter, Mr Lob, &c. Containing a further explication and de- fence of the doctrine of Catholic communion. A confutation of the groundless charge of Cassandrianism. The terms of Catholic com- munion, and the doctrine of fundamentals explained. Together with a brief examination of Mr Humphrey's Materials for union. By the author of the Defence ; [Thomas LONG]. London, 1682. 8 Origines Britannicse, or, the antiquities of the British Churches. With a preface concerning some pretended Antiquities relating to Bri- tain, in vindication of [William Lloyd], the Bishop of St Asaph. London, 1685. fol. Another copy. A new edition. London, 1840. 8 An answer to some papers [said to have been written by CHARLES II.] lately printed con- cerning the authority of the Catholic Church in matters of faith. 1686 A vindication [against Mr Dry den] of the An- swer to some late papers [supposed to have been written by CHARLES II]. 1686 The mischief of separation. A sermon [on Philip, iii. 16] preached at Guild-Hail chapel, before the Lord Mayor, &c. London, 1687. 4 758 STINSTRA-STOCKMS The doctrine of the TRINITY and TRANSUB- STANTIATION compared, as to Scripture, rea- son, and tradition. 1687 An answer to the paper delivered by Mr [John] ASHTON at his execution. 1090 A discourse concerning the doctrine of Christ's satisfaction ; or, the true reasons of his suffer- ings ; with an answer to the Socinian objec- tions. To which is added a sermon concern- ing the mysteries of the Christian faith : preached April 7. 1691. With a preface con- cerning the true state of the controversie about Christ's satisfaction. [2 parts.] 2d ed. London, 1697. 8 Another copy. The mysteries of the Christian faith asserted and vindicated : in a sermon [on 1 Tim. i. 15] preached at St Laurence- Jewry in London, April 7th, 1691. London, 1697. 8 - A discourse in vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity : with an answer to the late Soci- nian objections against it, from Scripture, an- tiquity, and reason ; and a preface concerning the different explications of the Trinity... [2ded.] London, 1697. 8 Two discourses concerning the doctrine of Christ's satisfaction : or, the true reason of his sufferings : wherein the Socinian and Antino- mian controversies are truly stated and ex- plained. With an answer to Mr Lobb's Ap- peal, and to several letters from the dissenting parties in London. London, 1700. 8 * A vindication of the Right Rev. Dr S., Mr Baxter, Mr Humfrey, and Mr Clark, against Dr Chauncey's late book, concerning the true notion of Christ's imputed righteousness, and our justification thereby. For the preventing the rising again of Antinomianism by contrary preaching. By a lover of the persons of all parties, but addicted to no party. London, 1700. 4 Ecclesiastical cases relating to the duties and rights of the parochial clergy, stated and re- solved according to the principles of conscience and law. 2d ed. London, 1702. 8 The second part of Ecclesiastical cases, relat- ing to the exercise of ecclesiastical jurisdiction as far as it is allowed by law. To which are added, two speeches in the House of Lords. I. The case of Exeter college in Oxford. II. The case of Commendams. With a dis- course on the true antiquity of London, and its state in the Roman times. London, 1704. 8 The doctrines and practices of the Church of Rome, truly represented : in answer to a book entitled " A Papist misrepresented and repre- sented." A new edition, with introduction and notes by William Cunningham, D.D. Edin., 1837. 12 A new edition, revised. Edin., 1845. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. STINSTRA (JEAN), Pastor of tlie Mennonite Church of Harlingen. Lettre pastorale centre le Fanatisme, adrensiV ,m\ MuniH.ni:- Frise: Traduitedu H<>ll;uii.s. Avi-i; iiui'lipi! * remarques et une preface du traducteur, oil Ton fait connoitre le Hernhutisrne etunenou- velle sorte de Convulsionisme, a I'occasion desquels cette lettre a e*te* ^crite. Leide, 1752. 8 Translated from the original Dutch . . . By Henry llimius. To which is added, a preface shewing the occasion of that letter. London, 1753. 8 STIPENDS. A collection of all the papers pub- lished in relation to the scheme for augment- ing the stipends of the Established clergy in Scotland. In three parts. Edin. , 1751. 4 STIRLING, BISHOP or. See George GLEIO. STIRLING (JAMES). NAPHTALI ; or, A true and short deduction of the wrestlings of the Church of Scotland for the kingdom of Christ. 1693 STIRLING (PATRICK JAMES). The philosophy of trade ; or, outlines of a theory of profits and prices, including an examination of the principles which determine the relative value of corn, labour, and currency. Edin., 1846. 8 STIUBHARD (RAIBARD). See Robert STEWART. STOBBS (WILLIAM), Stromness. CATECHISM on Messianic prophecy ; or, Old Testament pre- dictions respecting the Messiah, with their ful- filment in Jesus of Nazareth : in the form of question and answer. Edin., [I860]. 8 STOCK (JOSEPH), Bishop of Killalla.The Book of the prophet Isaiah : in Hebrew and Eng- lish. 1803. See BIBLES HEBREW. E. The Book of Job : metrically arranged and newly translated. 1805. See BIBLES ENG- LISH. C. STOCK (RICHAKD), Rector of Allhallows, Bread street, London. A learned and very useful commentary upon the whole prophesie of Ma- lachy. Whereunto is added, an exercitation upon the same prophecie of Malachy. By Samuel TORSHELL. London, 1641. fol. Another copy. Another edition. [Nichol's series of com- mentaries.] Edin., 1865. 4 STOCKHARDT ( JULIUS ADOLPH), Professor in tlie Royal academy of agriculture at Tharaud. Die Schule der Chemie, oder Erster Unter- richt in der Chemie versinnlicht durch einfache Experimente...Dritte Auflage. Braunschweig, 1847. 8 Chemical field lectures for agriculturists. Translated from the German. Edited, with notes, by James E. Teschemacher. Cambridge, 1853. 12 STOCKIUS (CHRISTIANUS), Professor at Jena. Clavis linguae sanctae Veteris Testamenti adi- tum aperiens, vocum radices juxta ordinem alphabeticum monstrans, qua; deperditse visas sunt, ex lingua Chaldaica, Syriaca, Samari- tana, Arabica et ^Ethiopica restituens, vocum significationes turn generales, turn speciales, ordine concinno exhibens...Cui accedit breve dictionarium Chaldfeo-Rabbinicum. Editio quinta. Jena;, 1744. 8 STODDARD -STORE. 759 Clavia linguse sanctse Novi Testament! aditum aperiens...Editio q\iarta. Jence, 1743. 8 STODDARD (D. T.), Missionary of the American Board in Persia. Grammar of the modern Syriac language, as spoken in Oroomiah, Per- sia, and in Koordistan. s. I. et a. 8 STODDARD (SOLOMON), M.A., Pastor of the Church in Northampton. A guide to Christ, or, the way of directing souls that are under the work of conversion... With an epistle pre- fixed, by Dr Increase Mather. New edition. Yarmouth, 1819. 16 STOLLE (GOTTLIEB), Professor at Jena. Intro- ductio in historiam litterariam in gratiam cul- torum elegantiorum litterarum et philosophise conscripta. Magno studio Latine vertit et in- dices adiecit Carolus Henricus Langius. Jence, 1728. 4 STOLZ (JOHANN JAKOB). Uebersetzung der siimmtlichen Schriften des Neuen Testaments. 4*e Ausgabe. 2 Theil. Hannover, 1804. 8 STONEY (WILLIAM BAKER), Rector of Castlebar, County Mayo. Popish domination in Ireland. Two letters, the one from the Rev. M. H. SEYMOUR, the other from W. B. S. 1835 - Report of the discussion on the sacrifice of the Mass, between the Rev. W. B. S., and the Rev. James HUGHES, late Roman Catholic priest of Kilcoleman. Dublin, 1854. 12 STONEHOUSE (WILLIAM BROCKLEHURST), D.C.L. , Archdeacon of Stow, and vicar of Ows- ton. A few observations on the "rudiments of ecclesiastical knowledge," as stated in a second letter to His Grace the Archbishop of York, by R. M. Beverley, Esq. London, 1832. 8 STONEHOUSE (Sir JAMES), Bart., M.D., Rector of Great and Little Cheverell, Wiltshire. Let- ters from the Rev. Mr Job ORTON ; and the Rev. Sir J. S. 1805 - Every man's assistant, and the sick man's friend. A new edition, revised and care- fully corrected from the last manuscript notes of the author, by his only surviving son, the Rev. T. Stonehouse- Vigor. London, 1819. 12 STOOKS (THOMAS FRASER), M.A., Incumbent of St Anne's. "Thou sayest, behold, we knew it not." A sermon [on Prov. xxiv. 11, 12] on the urgent necessity for additional churches and clergymen in certain parts of the diocese of London, preached in St Anne's church, Highgate Rise, on Sunday, June 7, 1857, on behalf of the London diocesan church building society. London, 1857. 8 STOPFORD (EDWARD), LL.D., Archdeacon of Armagh, and Vicar-general of Raphoe. The Scripture account of the Sabbath compared with His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin's "Thoughts on the Sabbath." In which the antiquity of the Sabbath is maintained ; its permanent obligation proved ; its meaning ex- plained ; its identity with the Lord's-Day established ; the objections of [R. Whately] the Archbishop of Dublin and of several other authors answered ; and various topics, con- nected with the principal subject, occasionally introduced and examined... London, 1837. 8 STOR (THOMAS). Von dem Cristlichen Wein- garten, wie den die geystlichen hymel Bock, durch ire erdichte triegerey und menschen fund, verwiistet und zu nicht gemacht haben, auch wie der selbig durch verkundung hail- samer Evangelischer leer, widerumb fruchtbar zumachen sey durch Thoman Stor verendet. B. L. s. 1. et a. 4 STORIE (JOHN), Minister of St John's Presbyte- rian church, South Shields. Marriage with the sister of a deceased wife. A plea and state- ment. Loridon, 1850. 8 STORM. An historical narrative of the great and tremendous storm which happened on Nov. 26th, 1703. London, 1769. 8 Another copy. STORNING (HENRICUS). Divi Athanasii De seterno Dei Verbo, Dei hominisque Filio, doc- trina, ex quinque ejus orationibus in Arianos excerpta et aphorismis digesta ab H. S. Kilonii, 1673. 4 STORR (GOTTLOB CHRISTIANUS), Professor of theology in the university of Tubingen. Disser- tatio inauguralis de Evangeliis Arabici, quam publice defendet G. C. S. , respondente J. F. Roos. Tubingce, [1775]. 4 Dissertatio theologica de sensu vocis H^y^uf** in N. T. Quam...prseside G. C. S.... publice defendent V. F. Baur [et alii]. Tubingce, (1780]. 4 On the word nxqga^ee. [Bib. Cab., vol. ix.] Edin., 1835. 8 Dissertatio theologica de sensu vocis A/xa/of et cognatarum in N. T. Quam... publice de- fendent H. G. G. Dapp [et alii]. Tubingce, [1781]. 4 Dissertatio exegetica de notione Regni coe- lestis in N. T. Quam... publice defendent F. W. Koestlin [et alii]. Tubingce, [1782]. 4 Translated from the Latin by Manton East- burn, M.A. [Bib. Cab., vol. ix.] Edin., 1835. 8 Dissertatio exegetica in Epistolam ad Philip- penses. Quam ... publice defendent D. I. Scholderer [et alii]. Tubingce, [1783]. 4 Neue apologie der Offenbarung Johannis. Tubingen, 1783. 8 Dissertatio exegetica in Epistolam Jacobi. Quam... publice defendent G. H. Scholl [et alii]. Tubingce, [1784]. 4 Dissertatio exegetica in Epistolae ad Colossen- ses partem priorem. Quam... publice defen- dent J. W. Camerer [et alii]. Tubingce, [1786]. 4 Dissertatio exegetica in Epistolae ad Colossen- ses partem alteram, et Epistolium ad Phile- monem. Quam ... publice defendent G. C. Rapp [et alii]. Tubingce, [1787]. 4 Opuscula theologica ob defectum exemplarium denuo recusa. Tubingce, 1788. 4 ...Commentatio loci apostolici 1 Tim. iii. 16. Tubingce, [1788]. 4 STORY- STR ABO. - ...Comnient;iUo de protevangelio. Tnhin-in , [1789]. 4 De Catholicarum Epistolarum occasione et con- silio...Publice disputabunt J. G. Huber [et alii]. r,'lni>gas, [1789]. 4 - Pauli Brief an die Hobraer erlautert. Tubingen, 1789. 8 - Dissertatio exegetica in Libroruni N. T. his- toricorum aliquot loca. 3 partt. Tnl.ingce, 1790-94. 4 Another copy. Partt. i., ii. - Another copy. Para i. - Dissertatio exegetica in Epistolarum Paulli minorum aliquot loca. Tubingce, 1792. 4 - Annotatioues qutedam theologicae ad philoso- phicam Kantii de religione doctrinain. Tubingce, 1793. 4 Doctrinte Christianas pars theoretica, e sacris literis repetita. Muttijardiu-, 1793. 8 - Dissertatio exegetica in Apocalypseos quaedam loca. Quara... defendant C. F. A. Steinkopf [ctalii]. Tubing*, [1795]. 4 Another copy. - Dissertatio altera in Apocalypseos quaedam loca. Quam...prseside G. C. S. ...defendent C. F. Hauber [et alii]. Tubingce, [1796]. 4" Another copy. Opuscula academica ad interpretationem Li- brorum sacrorum pertinentia. 3 vol. Tubingen, 179G-1803. 8 - Another copy. - Commentatio exegetica, qua insigne de Christo Oraculum Es. Hi. 13-liii. 12, illustratur. Tubingce, s. a. 4 Another copy. - An elementary course of biblical theology, translated from the work of Professors Storr and FLATT, with additions, by S. S. Schmucker, A.M. 2 vol. Andocer, 1826. 8 - Another edition. Reprinted from the second American edition. 1836. London, 1836. 8 - Dissertation on the parables of Christ. Trans- lated from the Latin by William R. Whitting- ham, M.A. [Bib. Cab., vol. ix.] Edin., 1835. 8 - Expositions of the Epistles to the Philippians and Colossians ; by John CALVIN and G. C. S. 1842 STORY (JOSEPH), LL.D., Professor of law in Harvard university. Discourses on the pro- gress of science and literature. [Stud. Cab. Lib., vol. ii.] Edin., 1836. 8 STOSCH (EBERHARDUS HENRICUS DANIEL). Commentatio historico-critica de Librorum Novi Testainenti canone. Pnemissa est dis- sertatio de cura veteris Ecclesise circa Libros Novi Testamenti. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1755. 8 - Another copy. STOTHERT (JAMES A.). Is physical science the handmaid, or the enemy of the Christian reve- lation l Edin., 1854. 8 Sonnets, chiefly astronomical ; and other poems. Edin., 1856. 8 STOUGHTON (JOHN), D.D., Preacher of Alder- rnanbury,- London. The Christians prayer for the Churches peace. For a sermon upon Psal. I-_. ver. 6. preached at Mm .is cli;i]>pell. /. Ion, if.-io. 4 A sermon upon 1 Sam. 2. 30. London, 1640. 4 Baruch'a sore gently opened : God's salve skil- fully applied. In two sermons [on Amos, v. 14]. London, 1640. 4 The arraignement of covetousnesse. In three sermons [on Luke, xii. 15]. London, 1640. 4 STOUGHTON (JOHN). Ages of Christendom : before the Reformation. London, 1857. 8 The song of Christ's flock in the twenty-third Psalm. London, 1860. 8 STOVEL (CHARLES). Christian discipleship and baptism : being eight lectures in reply to the theory advanced by Dr Halley in the Congre- gational lecture of 1843. London, 1846. 8 STOW (DAVID). Granny and Leezy ; a dialogue, or grandmother's first visit to the infant train- ing school. 5th ed. Glasgow, 1838. 12 Bible training for Sabbath schools, and week- day schools. With illustrations. 7th ed. Glasgow, 1842. 12 The training sj^stem of education, religious, intellectual, and moral, as established in the Glasgow Normal training seminary. 6th ed. Re-arranged, with additions. Glasgow, 1845. 8 STOW (JOHN). Annales, or a generall chronicle of England, begun by John Stow, continued and augmented by Edmond Howes. [Wants title.] London, 1615. fol. The abridgement of the English chronicle, first collected by M. I. S., and after him augment- ed with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesti- cal, vnto the beginning of the yeare 1618. By E. H. [i. e. Edmond Howes] Gentleman. London, 1618. 8 STOWELL (HUGH), A.M., Canon of Chester. Jewish claims on Christian sympathy. A ser- mon [on Rom. xv. 27] preached May 5, 1836. London, 1838. 12 The sufficiency of holy Scripture. A sermon [on 2 Tim. iii. 15] preached... May 8, 1842. s. 1. et a. 8 STOWELL (WILLIAM HENDRY), D.D., Professor of theology, Rotheram college. History of the Puritans in England, and the Pilgrim Fathers. The Puritans in England by the Rev. W. H. S. The Pilgrim Fathers, by D. WILSON. In one volume. London, 1849. 8 On the work of the Spirit. [Congregational lecture.] London, 1849. 8 Second edition. London, 1854. 8 STRABO. Strabonis rerum geographicarum libri xvii. Isaacus Casaubonus recensuit, sum- moque studio et diligentia, ope etiam veterum codicum, emendauit, ac commentariis illus- trauit. Accessit et tabula orbis totius descrip- tionem complectens. Adiecta est etiam Gui- lielmi Xylandri Augustani Latina versio, cum necessariis indicibus. [Gr. et Lat.] a. l. y 1587. fol. STRACHAN-STRICKLAND. 761 Another edition. Lutetice Parisiorum, 1620. fol. Another copy. STRACHAN (JOHN), of Craigcrook.* Statutes concerning the management of the mortifi- cation of the deceased J. S. Edin., 1821. 8 STRADA (FAMIANUS), S. J. De bello Belgico. [Ab excessu Caroli V. Imp. usque ad annum 1590.] Decades duo. [Dec. i., ed. postr.] Lugd. Batav. [et Romce], 1645, 48. 12 In English by Sr. Rob. Stapylton, Kt. London, 1650. fol. STRAHAN (WILLIAM), LL.D. A TOLERATION in Scotland no breach of the Union. 1712 STRANG (JOHN). Necropolis Glasguensis ; with observations on ancient and modern tombs and sepulture. Glasgow, 1831. 8 STRANGIUS (JOANNES), D.D., Professor in the university of Glasgow. De voluntate et actio- nibus Dei circa peccatum, libri quatuor... Amstel., 1657. 4 Another copy. STRASBOURG, BISHOP OF. See J. F. M. TRE- VERN. STRASBURGUS (JACOBUS). Orationes duse carmine heroico scriptse, et publice recitatee in celeberrima academia Lipsiensi. Lipsio3, 1565. 8 STRATFORD (NICHOLAS), D.D., Bishop of Ches- ter. A discourse concerning the necessity of reformation, with respect to the errors and corruptions of the CHURCH OF ROME. 1685 The fourteenth note of the Church examined ; viz. The unhappy end of the Church's ene- mies ; [Notes of the Church, as laid down by Card. BELLARMINE, examined and confuted, p. 325]. 1839 STRATHBOGIE. Suspension of the majority of the Presbytery of Strathbogie. Edin., [1839]. 8 Another copy. Plain statement by the majority of the Pres- bytery of Strathbogie, regarding their proceed- ings in the settlement of Marnoch. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. - Report of proceedings in the Court of Session, on the note of suspension and interdict, the Presbytery of Strathbogie, versus the Rev. David Dewar and others. Edin. , 1840. 8 Another copy. - Report of the proceedings at the public meet- ing held at Edinburgh, on 2d June, 1841, to express sympathy with the Strathbogie minis- ters. Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. - Report of the proceedings at the Aberdeen great public meeting, held on 8th June, 1841, to express the sympathy of the inhabitants for the clergymen composing the majority of the Presbytery of Strathbogie, and their disapprobation of the Assembly's proceed- ings as to these clergymen. Aberdeen, 1841. 8 Report of the Strathbogie case in the General Assembly, 1841. With an appendix. Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. Review of the Report of the Strathbogie case. [By William CUNNINGHAM. ] [From the Presb. Rev., October 1841.] [Edin., 1841.] 8 Another copy. Statement for the Presbytery of Strathbogie, the minority of the late General Assembly, &c. Edin., 1841. 8 Second edition. Edin. , 1841. x 8 Extracts from the Presbytery book of Strath- bogie. A.D. M.DC.XXXI.-M.DC.LIV. [Edited, for the Spalding Club, by John Stuart.] Aberdeen, 1843. 4 STRATTEN (THOMAS). The book of the priest- hood. An argument, in three parts. London, 1830. 8 STRAUCHIUS (GYLES), D.D., Public professor in the university of Wittemberg. Breviarium chronologicum . Being a treatise describing the terms and most celebrated characters, periods and epochas us'd in chronology... Writ in Latin by G. S. And now done into Eng- lish from the third edition, with additions. [By R. S., i. e. Richard Sault.] London, 1699. 8 Third edition. London, 1722. 8 STRAUCHON (JOANNES). Appendix ad Schleus- neri lexicon, animadversiones criticas in locos quosdam apud scriptores, turn sacros, turn pro- fanos complectens. Edinburgi, 1814. 8 STRAUSS (DAVID FRIEDRICH). The life of Jesus, critically examined. Translated from the fourth German edition. 3 vol. London, 1846. 8 STRAUSS (FRIEDRICH), D.D. On restitution ; Lot and his wife ; the rich man ; Christian composure. Translated from the German by Miss Slee. London, 1837. 12 Das evangelische Kirchenjahr in seinem Zu- sammenhange dargestellt von Dr F. S. Berlin, 1850. 8 STRAUSS (JACOBUS). Ein neiiw wunderbarlich Beycht buechlin, in dem die warhafftig gerecht beycht und biissfertigkeit Christenlichen ge- lert und angezeygt wert, und kiirtzlichen alle Tyrraney erdichter menschlicher beycht auff- gehaben, zu seliger reiiwe, fryd und frewd der armen gefangen gewyssen. s. 1. et a. 4 STREET (STEPHEN), M.A., Eector of Trey ford. A new literal version of the Book of Psalms. 1790. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. STREITWOLF (FRID. GUIL.). LIBRI SYMBOLICI Ecclesue Catholicse. Conjuncti, atque notis, prolegomenis indicibusque instruct!, opera et studio F. G. S. et R. E. KLENER. 2 torn. Gottingce, 1838. 8 STRESO (CASPARUS), Minister at Anhalt. Com- mentarius practicus in Actorum apostolicorum per Lucam Evangelistam descriptorum capita posteriora duodecim... Amstel., 1655. 4 STRICKLAND (H. E.), M.A., President of the Ashmolean society. The Dodo and its kindred ; or the history, affinities, and osteology of the 96 STRICKLAND STRUVIUS. Dodo, Solitaire, and other extinct birds of the islands Mauritius, Rodriguez, and Bourbon. By H. E. S., and A. G. MELVILLE, M.D. London, 1848. 4 STRICKLAND (JOHN), B.D., Pastor of the chn,\ the sub-committee, on the 17th March, 1 :>;" , 1856. 8' \ SUTCLIFFE (JOSEPH), A.M. A commentary on the Old and New Testament, in which the sacred text is illustrated with copious notes, theological, historical, and critical ; with im- provements and reflections at the end of each chapter. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1838. 4 I SUTCLIFFE, or SUTLIVIUS (MATTHEW), Dean of Exeter. A treatise of ecclesiastical! discip- line : wherein that confused forme of gouern- ment, which certeine vnder fake pretence, and title of reformation, and true discipline, do striue to bring into the Church of England, is examined and confuted. London, 1590. 4 De vera Christi Ecclesia adversus Rob. Bel- larminum, aliosque sectae Jehusiticse sodales, eorumque errores et haereses, liber unus. Londini, 1600. 4 ' De concilijs, et eorum authoritate, aduersus Robertum Bellarminum et bellos eiusdem so- dales, libri duo. Londini, 1600. 4 De monachis, eorumque institutis et moribus, aduersus Robertum Bellarminum, vniuer- samque monachorum et mendicantium fratrum colluuiem disputatio. Londini, 1600. 4 SUTHERLAND. Discussion in the General As- sembly of the Free Church of Scotland on the state of Sutherland and Ross-shires. Glasgow, [1843]. 8 Sutherland as it was and is ; or, how a country may be ruined. [By Hugh MILLER.] Edin., 1843. 8 I Second thousand. Edin., 1843. 8 . Sutherland and the Sutherlanders ; their reli- gious and social condition ; or, the duties of the Church and the chieftain. [By Hugh MILLER.] Edin., 1844. 8 i SUTHERLAND, DUKE OF. See G. G. Suther- land LEVESON-GOWER. SUTHERLAND (ALEXANDER). The practice and doctrine of the Presbyterian preachers about the sacrament of BAPTISM, examined. 1703 SUTHERLAND (WILLIAM). The genuine de- claration of W. S., hangman at Irvine ; where- in his knowledge of the Scriptures, his courage, and behaviour towards the persecutors, and their barbarous treatment of them at Air, are plainly set forth. Edin., 1821. 12 SUTLIVIUS (MATTH^US). See Matthew SUT- CLIFFE. SUTTON (CHRISTOPHER), D.D., Prebend of West- minster. Godly meditations upon the most holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. With many things appertaining to the due receiving of so great a mystery, and to the right dispos- ing ourselves unto the same. Together with an appendix touching the controversie about the holy Eucharist. Also godly meditations concerning the divine presence. London, 1641. 12 Disce mori. Learn to die. A new edition. Oxford, 1839. 8 SUTZO SWEDENBORG. 767 SUTZO (A.). Geschichte der Griechischen Revo- lution. Berlin, 1830. 8 SVANBERG (L. F.). Arsberattelse om fram- stegen i Kemi under ar 1847, afgifven till Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademien. Stockholm, 1849. 8 Under ar 1848. Stockholm, 1850. 8 SWAIN (JOSEPH), Walworth. Redemption : a poem, in eight books. 6th ed. Edin., s. a. 12 SWAINSON (WILLIAM), F.R.S. Zoological il- lustrations, or original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting animals, selected chiefly from the classes of ornithology, ento- mology, and conchology, and arranged accord- ing to their apparent affinities. 3 vol. Second series. London, 1830-33. 8 The natural history of the birds of Western Africa. Vol. i. Illustrated by thirty-four coloured plates... The memoir [of Bruce] by Andrew Crichton. [Nat. Lib., vol. xvii.] Edin., 1837. 8 Vol. ii. Illustrated by thirty-four coloured plates... The memoir [of Le Vaillant] by An- drew Crichton. [Ibid., vol. xix.] Edin., 1837. 8 The natural arrangement and relations of the family of flycatchers, or muscicapidae. Illus- trated by thirty-three coloured plates, with... , memoir of Baron Haller. [Ibid., vol. xxi.] Edin., 1838. 8 SWAN (W.). The Christian vineyard. A ser- mon [on John, xv. 1, 2]. London, 1868. 8 SWAN (WILLIAM), Missionary at Selinginsk. Idolatry ; a poem, in four parts. Glasgmv, 1827. 12 SWANSON (JOHN), Minister at Small Isles. A leisure hour in the floating manse ; or, the story of NielM n. Edin., 1844. 12 SWARTZ (CHRISTIAN FREDERICK). * Memoirs of the life and correspondence of the Rev. C. F. W. To which is prefixed, a sketch of the history of Christianity in India. By Hugh Pearson, D.D. 2 vol. London, 1834. 8 - * The life of the Rev. C. F. S., missionary in Trichinopoli and Tanjore, in India. New York, 1840. 12 SWEARING. A letter to the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor [Thurlow] concerning, the mode of swearing, by laying the hand upon and kissing the Gospels. By a Protestant. To which is added, another letter, by the same hand, relative to some abuses committed on the Lord's Day. London, 1778. 8 - Strictures on the form of swearing by kissing the Gospels. In a letter from a foreign Pro- testant to his friend abroad. London, [1782]. 8 SWEDENBORG (EMANUEL). De nova Hieroso- lyma et ejus doctrina ccelesti : ex aiiditis e ccelo. Quibus praemittitur aliquid de novo ccelo et nova terra. Londini, 1758. 4 r From the Latin of E. S. London, 1841. 8' * A catalogue of the theological works of the Hon. E. S. , lately translated into English from the original Latin. With various other reli- gious tracts, by esteemed authors. Manchester, [1810]. 8 Another copy. Arcana coelestia. The heavenly arcana which are contained in the holy Scriptures or word of the Lord unfolded, beginning with the Book of Genesis. Together with wonderful things seen in the world of spirits, and in the heaven of angels. 12 vol. [Vol. vi., vii., viii., x., 2d ed. ; vol. ii. , iii., ix., 3d ed.] London and Manchester, 1812-40. 8 Index to the Arcana coelestia ; or heavenly mysteries contained in the sacred Scriptures. I. Of words, names, and subjects. II. Of passages of Scripture. Translated from the original Latin of E. S. A posthumoiis work of the author. 2d ed. London, 1833. 8 The Apocalypse revealed, wherein are dis- closed the arcana there foretold, which have hitherto remained concealed. Translated from the Latin. 2 vol. A new edition. London, 1832. 8 The Apocalypse explained, according to the spiritual sense ; in which are revealed the ar- cana which are there predicted, and have been hitherto deeply concealed. Translated from a Latin posthumous work of E. S. 6 vol. [Vol. i.,iii., 2d ed.] London, 1834-40. 8 The four leading doctrines of the New Church, signified, in the Revelation, chap. xxi. by the New Jerusalem ; being those respecting the Lord, his divine and human natures, and the divine Trinity ; the sacred Scripture ; faith ; and life. Translated from the Latin. With an introductory preface, and an account of the author. London, 1834. 8 The four leading doctrines of the New Jeru- salem ; as also, a treatise on the New Jeru- salem, and its heavenly doctrine, as revealed from heaven. Translated from the Latin. A new edition, with an introduction, by James Macara. Edin., 1836. 12 The true Christian religion ; containing the universal theology of the New Church, fore- told by the Lord in Daniel, vii. 13, 14, and in the Apocalypse, xxi. 1, 2. Translated from the Latin. 6th ed. London, 1837. 8 The Coronis, or appendix, to the true Chris- tian religion : treating of the four Churches on this earth since the creation of the world, and of their periods and consummation ; of the New Church about to succeed them, which will be truly Christian, and the crown of the preceding Churches ; of the advent of the Lord to that Church, and of his divine auspices therein to eternity. And of the mystery of redemption, with a brief continuation, &c. Translated from a posthumous Latin MS. of E. S. London, 1843. 8 A brief exposition of the doctrine of the New Church, which is meant by the New Jerusa- lem in the Apocalypse. Translated from the Latin. Loiidon, 1840. 8 A summary exposition of the internal sense of the prophetic books of the word of the Old 7C8 SWEETSER -SYKKS. Testament, and also of the Psalms of David. From a Latin posthumous work of E. 8. London, 1840. 8 On the earths in our solar system, which are called planets ; and on the earths in the starry heavens ; with an account of their inhabitants, and also of the spirits and angels there ; from what has been heard and seen. From the Latin. London, 1840. 8 An account of the last judgment, and the Ba- bylon destroyed : shewing that all the predic- tions in the Apocalypse are at this day ful- filled : being a relation of things heard and seen. From the Latin. London, 1841. 8 On the white horse, mentioned in the Apoca- lypse, chap. xix. ; with references from the Arcana coalestia, on the subject of the word, and its spiritual or internal sense. From the Latin. London, 1841. 8 The delights of wisdom concerning conjugial love : after which follow the pleasures of in- sanity concerning scortatory love. A new edi- tion. [From the Latin.] London, 1841. 8 Angelic wisdom concerning the divine love and the divine wisdom. Translated from the Latin. London, 1843. 8 Concerning heaven and its wonders, and con- cerning hell : being a relation of things heard and seen. Translated from the Latin. London, 1843. 8 On the intercourse of the soul and the body ; which is supposed to be effected either by phy- sical influx, or by spiritual influx, or by pre- established harmony. From the Latin. London, 1844. 8 Angelic wisdom concerning the divine provi- dence. Translated from the Latin. London, 1844. 8 Popery adjudged ; or, the Roman Catholic Church weighed in the balance of God's word, and found wanting. Extracted from the works of E. S. With an introduction and appendix. Boston, 1854. 8 * Swedenborg's writings and Catholic teach- ing ; or, a voice from the New Church porch, in answer to a series of articles on the Sweden- borgians by the Vicar of Froome-Selwood, in the Old Church porch. London, 1858. 12 * An affectionate address to the clergy of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, on the theological writings of the Hon. E. S. By a clergyman of the Established Church ; ] [John CLOWES]. Manchester, s. a. 8 Another copy. SWEETSER (WILLIAM), M.D. Mental hygiene ; or, an examination of the intellect and pas- sions, designed to illustrate their influence on health and the duration of life. New York, 1843. 12 SWIETEN (GERARDUS VAN), M.D. Commen- taries upon Boerhaave's Aphorisms concerning the knowledge and cure of diseases. Trans- lated from the Latin. 18 vol. Edin., 1776. 12 SWIFT (JONATHAN), D.D., Dean of St Patrick's, Dublin. The works of the Rev. J. S. Ar- ranged by Thomas Sheridan, A.M. With notes historical and critical. A new edition ; corrected and revised by John Nichols, F.S. A. 19 vol. London, 1808. 8 SWINBURNE (HENRY). The courts of Europe at the close of the last century. Edited by Charles White. 2 vol. London, 1841. 8 SWINDELL (HENRY), of Borrowsash, Derbyshire. The institutions of Christianity, briefly con- sidered, as the great, gracious, and happy ap- pointments of the common salvation ; ami di- verse prayers, compiled for a family or single person, on general and special occasions. To which is prefixed, a preface; asserting the ex- cellence of the Christian religion, and the ex- pedience of its rights and ordinances. Pub- lished by H. S. Burton-upon-Trent, s. a. 8 [Forming vol. i. of Mr S.'s compilations.] Vol. ii. Certain doctrines teaching duties and devotions according to godliness... Loughborough, 1794. 8 3 SWINFIELD (RICHARD DE), Bishop of Hereford. A roll of the household expences of R. de S., during part of the years 1289 and 1290. Edit- ed [for the Camden Society] by the Rev. John Webb, M.A. London, 1854. 4 Vol. ii. Abstracts, illustrations, glossary, and index. [Ibid.] London, 1855. 4 SWITZERLAND. Hedendaagsche Historic of tegenwoordige Staat van Switzerland en Italic. 2 Deels. Amsterdam, 1760, 61. 8 Sketches of Switzerland. By an American. 2 vol. Philadelphia, 1836. 12 SYDENHAM, LORD. See C. E. Poulett THOM- SON. SYDENHAM (THOMAS), M.D. Opera universa. ...Editio novissima. Lugd. Batav., 1754. 8 Newly made English from the original. By John Swan, M.D. 5th ed. London, 1769. 8 SYDOW (ADOLPHE), Minister of the United Evan- gelical Church of Prussia. Die Schottische Kirchenfrage mit den darauf bezxiglichen Do- cumenten. Potsdam, 1845. 8 Translated into English. London, 1845. 8 - Another copy. SYKES (ARTHUR ASHLEY), D.D., Prebendary of Winchester. The innocency of error, asserted and vindicated. In a letter to... By Eugenius PHILALETHES. [Pseud.] The 2d ed., corrected. With a preface in answer to the Remarks, &c. lately made upon it. London, 1715. 8 The 3d ed., very much corrected and improved by the author. London, 1729. 8 A vindication of The innocency of error, &c. from the misrepresentations of the Lord Bp. of Oxford [Dr Potter] in his late charge, and the defence of it. London, 1720. 8 Another copy. The external PEACE of the CHURCH, only at- tainable by a zeal for Scripture in its just lati- tude, and by mutual charity. 1716 An answer to the Non- juror's charge of SCHISM. 1716 A letter to the Rev. Dr Sherlock, one of the committee of Convocation, appointed to draw SYKES SYLVEIRA. 769 up a representation concerning the Bishop of Bangor's Preservative and Sermon. Compar- ing the dangerous positions and doctrines con- tained in the Doctor's sermon, preach'd Nov. 5, 1712, with those charged upon the Bishop in the late report of the committee. [Signed A. V.] London, 1717. 8 Another copy. A second letter to the Rev. Dr Sherlock, being a reply to his Answer, &c. Proving the doc- trines maintained by the Doctor in his Ser- mon Nov. 5. 1712, to be the same with those charged upon the Bishop of Bangor, as perni- cious, in the late Report of the committee. With an appendix relating to a passage or two in Dr Snape's Second letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor. To which is added, a postscript to the Rev. Dr Sherlock, Dean of Chichester. By... Benjamin [HOADLY] Lord Bishop of Ban- gor. London, s. a. 8 Second edition. London, s. a. 8 A third letter to the Rev. Dr Sherlock, being an answer to his Considerations offered to the Bishop of Bangor. With an appendix, in vin- dication of a passage in the former letter against Dr Snape. London, 1717. 8 Another copy. A fourth letter to the Rev. Dr Sherlock, being an answer to his late book, entitled, the Lord Bishop of B.'s defence of his assertion consi- der'd. London, 1718. 8 Another copy. The difference between the kingdom of Christ, and the kingdoms of this world. Set forth in a sermon preached at the Archdeacon's visita- tion, in Cambridge, December 13, 1716. London, 173 7. 8 Some remarks on Mr Marshall's defense of our constitution in Church and state. With an appendix. Containing a brief inquiry into the meaning of those words of the 20th Article, The Church hath authority in controversies of faith. London, 1717. 8 The Dean of Chichester's conduct considered, in his Remarks upon the Lord Bishop of Ban- gor's treatment of the clergy and convocation : his Vindication of the corporation and test acts : and, The condition and example of our blessed Lord vindicated. London, 1718. 8 The authority of the clergy and the liberties of the laity stated and vindicated. In answer to Mr Rogers's Discourse of the visible and in- visible Church of Christ. London, 1720. 8 A letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of NOT- TINGHAM. Occasioned by a late motion made by the Archdeacon of London, at his visitation for the city clergy to return their thanks to his Lordship for his answer to Mr Whiston. 1721 The case of subscription to the xxxix. articles considered. Occasioned by Dr WATERLAND'S Case of Arian subscription. 1721 A reply to Dr WATERLAND'S Supplement to the case of Arian subscription. Being a de- fence of the case of subscription to the xxxix. articles. 1722 The consequences of the present conspiracy to the Church and State, considered, in a ser- mon [on Psalm xxxv. 20] preach'd at the cha- pel in King-Street, near Golden Square ; upon November 5, 1722. London, 1722. 8 An essay upon the truth of the Christian reli- gion ; wherein its real foundation upon the Old Testament is shewn. Occasioned by the Discourse [by Anthony Collins] of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion. London, 1725. 8 U Another copy. A sermon [on 1 Sam. ii. 25] preach'd at the assizes held at Brentwood in Essex, August 7, 1728. Before the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice Eyre, and Mr Baron Hale. London, 1728. 8 An answer to the remarks upon Dr CLARKE'S exposition upon the Church-catechism. 1730 A defence of the Answer to the remarks upon Dr CLARKE'S exposition of the Church-cate- chism. 1730 The true foundations of natural and revealed RELIGION asserted. 1730 A dissertation on the eclipse mentioned by Phlegon. Or, an enquiry whether that eclipse had any relation to the darkness which hap- pened at our Saviour's passion. London, 1732. 8 A defence of the dissertation on the eclipse mentioned by Phlegon : wherein is further shewn that that eclipse had no relation to the darkness which happened at our Saviour's pas- sion : and Mr Whiston 's Observations are par- ticularly considered. London, 1733. 8 An enquirv into the meaning of DEMONIACKS in the New Testament. By T. P. A. P. O. A. B. I. T. C. O. S. [Pseud.] Ltmdon, 1737. 8 A farther enquiry into the meaning of DEMO- NIACKS in the New Testament. 1737 The principles and connexion of natural and revealed religion, distinctly considered. London, 1740. 8 Another copy. An enquiry how far PAPISTS ought to be treat- ed here as good subjects. 1746 An essay on SACRIFICES. 1748 The Scripture doctrine of the redemption of man by Jesus Christ. In two parts. In the former of which, the principal, if not all the texts relating to this subject, are produced, and the meaning of each text, where neces- sary, is examined and explained. In the lat- ter, the doctrine of our redemption is set forth in xlviii. propositions. London, 1756. 8 Another copy. * Memoirs of the life and writings of A. A. S. , D.D. By John Disney, D.D. London, 1785. 8 SYLLACIUS (NICOLAUS). De insulis Meridiani atque Indici maris nuper inventis. With a translation into English by the Rev. John Mulligan, A.M. New Yo-rk, 1859. 4 SYLVEIRA (JOANNES DA). Commentarii in tex- tum evangelicum. 6 torn. [Tom. i., ed. 6ta- 97 770 SYLVESTER-SYMSON. torn, ii., iii., iv., ed. 5**; torn, v., ed. 4<*; torn, vi., ed. 2<>a.] Lugduni, 1679-97. fol. Commentaria in Acta Apostolorum, cum qua- darn apologia Carmolitana. Editio secunda. Lugduni, 1687. fol. Commentarii in Apocalypsim B. Joannis Apos- toli. In quo multa tractantur de sacrosancta Euchariatia : de beatissima Yirgine Maria ; ac duodecim Apostolis. 2 torn. Editio tertia. Lugduni, 1687, 94. fol. Opuscula varia. Lugduni, 1687. fol. SYLVESTER (MATTHEW), V.D.M. The Chris- tian's race and patience describ'd, urg'd, and encourag'd in several sermons from Heb. xii. First part. London, 1702. 8 SYLVIUS ^ENEAS), Piccolomini. Sec Pius II. SYM (ANDREW), D.D. Uzziah and Hezekiah : a discourse, on the power of civil magistrates in matters of religion. Glasgow, 1843. 8 Another copy. SYMBOLICAL BOOKS. See CONFESSIONS. SYMBOLS. The book of symbols : or a series of essays, illustrative and explanatory of ancient moral precepts. London, 1844. 8 SYMEON. -See SIMEON. SYMES (MICHAEL), Major in the 76th regiment. An account of an embassy to the king- dom of Ava, sent by the Governor-General of India, in the year 1795. London, 1800. 4 SYMINGTON (ANDREW), D.D., Professor of di- vinity to the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Introductory lecture on the principles of the second Reformation. [Lect. on second Re- form.] Glasgow, 1841. 12 Another copy. The headship of Christ over the nations. [Ibid.] Glasgow, 1841. 12 Another copy. Unity of the heavenly Church Influence which the prospect of it should exercise. [Es- says on Christian UNION.] 1845 Elements of divine truth : a series of lectures on Christian theology to Sabbath-school teach- ers. Edin., 1854. 8 SYMINGTON (WILLIAM), D.D., Prof essor of theo- logy to the Reformed Presbyterian Church. The salvation of Israel. A discourse [on Rom. x. 1] delivered on Sabbath, Sept. 25, 1825, in be- half of the Annandale Jewish society. Dumfries, 1825. 8 Second edition. Paisley, 1830. 12 Popery the mystery of iniquity. Glasgow, 1839. 12 Another copy. Another copy. Another edition. Edin., 1830. 12 The character and claims of the Scottish mar- tyrs. 2d ed. Paisley, 1833. 12 On the atonement and intercession of Jesus Christ. 2d ed. Edin., 1834. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The necessity of atonement. Philadelphia, 1838. 12 Another edition. [Presb. Tracts, vol. ii.] n.v.i./. '/./.;, i84o. rj On the intercession of Jesus Christ. Philadelphia, 1838. 12 Another edition. [Presb. Tracts, vol. ii.] Philadelphia, 1840. 12 The nature, extent, and results of the atone- ment. [Presb. Tracts, vol. ii.] 7'/. ;/./. //./.;.i, 1840. 12 [These three tracts contain the whole of what Dr S. has written on Intercession, in the work entered immediately before, and all which is included in the same work on Atone- ment, except the Proof of atonement, extend- ing from p. 84 to p. 199.] The rebuilding of Jerusalem : a discourse [on Nehem. ii. 17-20] delivered at the opening of the Reformed Presbyterian Synod, Glasgow, April 20th, 1835. Glasgow, 1835. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Messiah the Prince : or, the mediatorial do- minion of Jesus Christ. 2d ed. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The nature and obligation of public vows ; with an explanation and defence of the British covenants. [Lect. on second Reform.] Glasgow, 1841. 12 Another copy. Another copy. The first pious youth. A sermon [on Matt, xxiii. 35] to students and young men. Preach- ed... Feb. 12, 1843, by desire of the University missionary association. Edin. , 1843. 8 Another copy. The souls under the altar, or the opening of the fifth seal : a discourse [on Rev. vi. 9-11] delivered at Wigtown, Sept. 24, 1848 ; in aid of a fund for erecting a monument in honour of the martyrs whose ashes repose in the churchyard of that parish. Glasgow, 1848. 8 Marriage with a deceased wife's sister contrary to the word of God. Glasgow, s. a. 8 SYMONDS (JOSEPH), Pastor of an English con- gregation at Rotterdam. The case and cure of a deserted soul. Or, a treatise concerning the nature, kindes, degrees, symptomes, causes, cure of, and mistakes about spiritual desertion. Edin. , 1642. 12 SYMONDS (RICHARD). Diary of the marches of the Royal army during the great civil war ; kept by R. S. Now first published from the original MS. in the British Museum. Edited [for the Camden Society] by Charles Edward Long, M.A., Trin. Coll., Cambridge. London, 1859. 4 SYMPATHIZERS. A word to the sympathiz- ers ! ! or, truth versus blasphemy. Edin., 1841. 12 SYMPATHY. Christian sympathy : a collection of letters addressed to mourners. 3d ed. London, 1824. 12 SYMSON (ANDREW), Minister of God's word. SYMSON SZEGEDINUS. 771 Lexicon Anglo- Greece -Latinum Novi Testa- menti. Or, a complete alphabetical concord- ance of all the words contained in the New Testament, with English, Greek, and Latine ; in three distinct tables... London, 1658. fol. ' H TV; Kom/^f Ai*d^x.Yi; 'SufAtpuytct : or, an al- phabeticall concordance of all the Greek words contained in the New Testament... London, 1658. fol. SYMSON (ANDREW), M.A., Minister of Kirkin- ner. De gestis illustrissimi herois Gulielmi Valise Scotia! olim custodis, collectanea varia. Quorum pleraque nunc primum e manuscriptis in lucem prodeunt. Edinburgi, 1705. 16 [The above was edited and printed by A. S., and contains the following. 1. Prolegomena. 2. Patricii Pantiri Valliados lib. iii. cum pra?fationedeeo,ejusdemquescriptis. 3. Ano- nymi Valliados libri vi. 4. Relationes Ar- naldi Blair, Capellani Guil. Wallse militis. 5. Commentarius in Relationes Arnaldi Blair.] Tripatriarchicon ; or, the lives of the three Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Ex- tracted forth of the sacred story, and digested into English verse. Edin., 1705. 8 SYMSON (ARCHIBALD), Pastor of the church at Dalkeith. A sacred septenarie, or, a godly and fruitfull exposition of the seven Psalmes of repentance... Serving especially for the di- rection and comfort of all such, who are either troubled in minde, diseased in body, or perse- cuted by the wicked. London, 1688. 4 SYMSON (PATRICK), Minister at Stirling. The historic of the Church, since the dayes of our Saviour Jesus Christ, untill this present age. Divided into foure bookes...3d ed. Loiidon, 1634. fol. SYNAXARIA. Bqv utyihiia.v. [By NlCEPHORUS Callistus.] Venice, 1621. 4 SYNESIUS, Bishop of PtoUmais.De regno. Ad Arcadium Imperatorem. Interprete Dionysio Petavio Soc. Jes. Presb. [Gr. et Lat.] [Pa- trolog. cursus, accurante J.-P. Migne, torn. Ixvi.] Parisiis, 1859. 8 Dio, vel de ipsius vita) institute. [Ibid.] Calvitii encomium. [Ibid.] De providentia liber, sive ^gyptius. [Ibid.] De insomnias liber. [Ibid.] Epistolse. [Ibid.] Homiliae. [Ibid.] Catastasis, dicta in maximam barbarorum ex- cursionem, pnefecto Gennadio, ac duce Inno- centio. [Ibid.] Constitutio. [Ibid.] Ad Paeonium sermo de dono Astrolabii. [Ibid.] Hymni. [Ibid.] SYNGE (EDWARD), D.D., Archbishop of Tuam.-^ The works of the most Reverend Dr E. S. 4 vol. London, 1740, 43. 12 A gentleman's RELIGION. 1698 The divine authority of Church-government, and Episcopacy, stated and asserted, upon principles common to all Christians. In a sermon [on 1 Tim. v. 17] at the consecration of the Right Rev. Father in God, Doctor Peter Brown... Preached at the College chapel, April 2, 1710. London, 1710. 8 SYNODS. Report of a committee of the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr on the right of provincial Synods of the Church of Scotland to be re- garded as incorporated bodies. Glasgow, 1830. 8 SYRIA. Report on the commercial statistics of Syria. By John Bowring. London, 1840. fol. SZABAD (EMERIC), Secretary under tlw national Hungarian government of 1849. Hungary past and present : embracing its history from the Magyar conquest to the present time. With a sketch of Hungarian literature. Edin., 1854. 8 SZADURSKI (G. M. B. LEON), Lieut, of the horse artillery of the Polish guards. An epi- tome of the history of Poland. In three parts, with illustrations. Glasgow, 1842. 8 SZEGEDINUS (STEPHANUS). Theologise sin- cerse loci communes de Deo et homine cum confessione de Trinitate, perpetuis tabulis ex- plicati et scholasticorum dogmatibus illustrati. Prremissa est historica commonefactio, de Ec- clesiaj Palingenesia spius repetita. Editio quarta. Cum... vita auctoris. Basilea, 1599. fol. T.-TAIT. T. Sugar monopoly. London, 1827. 4 T. Tee-totalism defended, its foundation on Scripture manifested, and the charge brought against it by X. Y. refuted. By T. ftiyby, 1839. 8 T. (A.), Blacksmith, Inverary. A letter from a blacksmith, to the ministers and elders of the Church of Scotland ; in which the manner of public worship in that Church is considered, its inconveniences and defects pointed out, and methods for removing them humbly pro- posed. Well worthy the most serious consi- deration of Christians of all denominations. [Reprinted] Edin., 1826. 8 - * The modes of Presbyterian Church- worship vindicated ; in a letter to the blacksmith. By a Presbyter of Ireland. A new edition. Edin., 1826. 8 * A reply to the arguments adduced by the Irish Presbyter, in his letter to the Inverary blacksmith. By the author of the Letter to J. A. Haldane, on his sermon upon the late fires, the musical festival, &c. &c. &c. Edin., 1826. 8 T. (A. B. D. M.). Bibliotheque Angloise, ou his- toire litteraire de la Grande Bretagne, par M. D. L. R., [i. e. Michael de LA ROCHE], A. B. D. M. T. et Armand de LA CHAPELLE. 1717-25 T. (F.), i. e. Robert FLEMING. T. (G.). Notee philologicoe et grammatics; in Eu- ripidis tragoedias ; e variis virorum doctorum commentariis maxima ex parte selectee, et tex- tui Matthiaeano accommodate. In usum pne- lectionum acadernicarum et scholarum. 2 torn. Londini, 1828. 8 T. (I.), i. e. Isaac TAYLOR. T. (J.). * Faith triumphant, exemplified in the death of Mrs T. . . . London, 1771. 12 T. (S.), i. e. William FLEETWOOD. TABARAUD (MATHIEU-MATHURIN). Essai his- torique et critique sur 1'institution canonique des Eveques. Paris, 1811. 8 Histoire critique de 1'Assemble'e ge'nerale du Clerge de France en 1682, et de la declaration des quatre articles qui y furent adopte's, suivie du discours de M. L'abbe FLEURY sur les li- bertes de 1'Eglise Gallicane ; avec des notes. Paris, 1826. 8 TABERD (J. L.). Dictionarium Anamitico-Lati- num. Per P. J. PIGNEAUX et J. L. T. 1838 TABERNACLISM. Tabernaclism ; or, a dia- logue between a country gentleman and one of his work-people, who had been led away from the Church, under the pretext of hearing the Gospel and attending evangelical preachers. Ghtsgow, 1802. 12 TACITUS (C. CORNELIUS). Opera omnia quw extant. I. Lipsius denuo castigavit, et : suit. Liujditni, 1581 Another edition. Justus Lipsius postrennun recensuit. Additi commentarii meliores ple- nioresque cum curis secundis. Accc-ssit seor- sim C. Velleius Paterculus cum eiusdem Lip- sii auctioribus notis. Antuerpia, 1600. 4 3 Another edition. Integris I. Lipsii, Rhenani, Ursini, Mureti, Pichenae, Merceri, Gruteri, Acidalii, Grotii, Freinshemii, et selectis ali- orum commentariis illu strata. loh. Frid. Gronovius recensuit, et suas iiotas passim ad- jecit. Accedunt Jacobi Gronovii excerpta ex variis lectionibus MS. Oxoniensis. 2 torn. Amstel, 1685. 8 Another edition. Supplementis, notis et dis- sertationibus illustravit Gabriel Brotier. 7 torn. Parisiis, 1776. 12 Another edition. Ad fidem optimarum edi- tionum expressa. 2 torn. Edinburgh, 1792. 12 Another edition. Recensuit et commentaries siios adjecit Georg. Henricus Walther. 4 torn. Halis Saxonum, 1831, 33. 8 Another edition. Ad fidem optimorum exem- plarum recensuit A. R. Carson, LL.D. Edinlurgi, 1818. 8 Historise, ex editione Gabrielis Brotier. Locis Annalium ab eo citatis, selectis et additis, quibusdam etiam notis subjunctis, ab editore Richardo Relhan, A.M. Cantabrigice, 1819. 8 Works of C. T. ; with an essay on his life and genius, notes, supplements, &c. by Arthur Murphy. New edition, with the author's last corrections. 8 vol. London, 1807. 8 The Annales of C. T. The description of Ger- manic. [Translated by Richard Greenwey.] s. L, 1622. fol. Germany, and the life of Agricola. Trans- lated into English by John Aikin. Warrington, 1777. 8 Second edition. London, 1805. 8 Germany, and the life of Agricola. Trans- lated into English by Thomas Gordon. London, 1818. 12 TAEISPIL ( JEoioius). Disputatio physica spe- cialis, de nitri pulvere, secunda. Ultrajecti, 1652. 4 TAIN, PRESBYTERY OF. Summary of the proce- dure by the Presbytery of Tain and Synod of Ross, in the case of John Mackenzie, student of divinity. To be heard at the bar of the venerable Assembly, 24th May 1803. s. 1. et a. 4 TAIT (ADAM DUNCAN), Minister of Kirkliston. TAIT TATIANUS. 773 A letter to the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, on the functions and responsibilities of the pastoral office, in regard to the settle- ment of ministers : occasioned by the present Church question. Edin. , 1840. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Remarks on a pamphlet by the Rev. James Buchanan, on the scriptural argument for non- intrusion ; with a view of the scriptural war- | rant for the authority of the pastors of the Church over the Christian people, in regard to the settlement of ministers. Edin., 1840. 8 Another copy. TAIT (GEORGE), Advocate. A summary of the powers and duties of a Justice of the peace in Scotland, in alphabetical order ; with forms of proceedings, &c. comprising a short view of the criminal duty, and of the greater part of the civil duty, of sheriffs and magistrates of burghs. 3d ed. Edin., 1821. 8 TAIT (JOHN). Poetical LEGENDS. 1776 TAIT (WILLIAM). The Gospel. 3d ed. Edin., s. a. 12 TALBOT (PETER), Archbishop of Dublin. Eras- tus senior : in reply to Mr Mason, Dr Heylin. and Dr Bramhall. London, 1844. 8 6 TALBOTT (JAMES), D.D., Sector of Stafforth, Yorkshire. The Christian schoolmaster; or, the duty of those who are employed in the publick instruction of children : especially in charity-schools. To which is added a collec- tion of prayers upon several occasions, for the use of master and scholars. Together with directions and instructions concerning confir- mation ; and suitable directions before, at, and after it. A new edition. London, 1797. 12 TALES. Early metrical tales : including the history of Sir Egeir, Sir Gryme, and Sir Gray- Steill. Edin., 1826. 8 TALFOURD (THOMAS NOON), D.C.L., Sergeant at law. Vacation rambles and thoughts ; com- prising the recollections of three continental tours. In the vacations of 1841, 1842, and 1843. 2 vol. London, 1845. 12 TALLENTS (FRANCIS), M.A., Fellow of Magda- len college, Cambridge. A short history of schism ; for the promoting of Christian mode- ration, and the communion of saints. London, 1705. 8 TALMUD. The Babylonian Talmud. 12 vol. Amsterdam, 1752-1765. fol. Order iv. Sanhedrim, Baba Bathra. With commentaries and additions 'of Rashi, Rab- binu Asher and Maimonides. Amsterdam, 1645. 4 - Talmud Babli. Babylonischer Talmud. Trac- tat Berachoth Segenspriiche. Mit deutscher Uebersetzung und den Commentaren Raschi und Tosephoth. . .Von Dr E. M. Pinner. Erster Band. Zweite Ausgabe. [All published.] Berlin, 1858. fol. Mishna Torah, i. e. Yad Hakkizakah. By Rabbi Ben Maimon. 4 vol. Amsterdam, 1702. fol. TAPPAN (HENRY PHILIP), D.D., Chancellor of the university of Michigan. A review of Ed- wards's ' ' Inquiry into the freedom of the will. " Containing I. Statement of Edwards's system. II. The legitimate consequences of this sys- tem. III. An examination of the arguments against a self -determining will. New-York, 1839. 12 Another copy. A treatise on the will : containing I. A review of Edwards' Inquiry into the freedom of the will. II. The doctrine of the will determined by an appeal to consciousness. III. The doc- trine of the will applied to moral agency and responsibility. Appendix on Edwards and the Necessitarian school. A new edition, revised and corrected by the author. Glasgow, 1857. 8 TAPREL (RICHARD). Lectures on the Lord's Prayer ; with an introductory discourse. Taunton, 1792. 8 TASKER (WILLIAM), Minister of Chalmers terri- torial church, West Port, Edinburgh. Elijah's translation : a sermon [on 2 Kings, ii. 12] preached... on June 6, 1847, being the Sabbath immediately following the death of Thomas Chalmers, D.D. Edin., 1847. 8 TASSO (TORQUATO). Aminta favola boscareccia, con le annotazioni d' Egidio Menagio accade- mico della Crusca. In questa prima Veneta edizione accresciuta et migliorata. Venezia, 1736. 8 II Rinaldo. Parte ii. s. I. et a. 12 Jerusalem delivered ; an heroic poem ; trans- lated from the Italian, by John Hoole. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1764. 12 TATE (JAMES), M.A., Canon residentiary of St Paul's. The Horse Paulinse of William Paley, D.D. carried out and illustrated in a continu- ous history of the apostolic labours and writ- ings of St Paul, on the basis of the Acts, with intercalary matter of sacred narrative supplied from the Epistles, and elucidated in occasional dissertations. London, 1840. 8 TATE (NAHUM). A new version of the Psalms of David. By N. T. and N. BRADY. 1772. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. TATHAM (EDWARD), D.D., Rector of Lincoln college, Oxford. The chart and scale of truth, by which to find the cause of error. Lectures read before the University of Oxford, at the lecture founded by the Rev. J. Bampton, M.A. 2 vol. Oxford, 1790. 8 A new edition. Revised, corrected, and en- larged from the author's manuscripts, with a memoir, preface, and notes, by E. W. Grin- field, M.A. .2 vol. London, 1840. 8 TATIANUS. Oratio ad Graecos. HERMLE Irri- sio Gentiliuiu philosophorum. Ex vetustis exemplaribus recensuit, adnotationibusque in- tegris Conradi Gesneri, Frontonis Ducsei, Christian! Kortholti, Thomse Galei, selec- tisque Henrici Stephani, Meursii, Bocharti, Cotelerii, utriusque Vossii, aliorum, suas qua- lescunque adjecit Wilhelmus Worth, A.M. [Gr. et Lat.] Oxonicc, 1700. 8 774 TATTAM- TAYLOR. Address to the Greeks. Translated by Rev. B. P. Pratten. [Ante Nice no Christ. Lib.] J-.lin., I8li7. K' Fragments of the lost works of Tatian. Trans- lated by Rev. B. P. Pratten. [Ibid.] K.lin., 18G7. 8 TATTAM (HENRY), D.D., Archdeacon of Bed- ford. Lexicon JEgyptiaco-Latinnm ex veteri- bus lingwe ./Egyptiacie luonumentis, et ex operibus La Crozii, Woidii, et aliorum sumino stxidio congestum. Cum indice vocum Latina- ruin. Oxonii, 1836. 8 Another copy. TATTERSALL (WILL. DECHAIR), A.M., Vicar af ll'atton under Edge. A version or para- phrase of the Psalms, originally written by the Rev. James MERRICK. Divided into stanzas, by the Rev. W. D. T. 1789. See BIBLES MSH. C. TAUBMANNUS (FRIDERICUS). Rector, sive Hercules academicus, magis tamen adfectus quam perfectus. Wittebergw, 1609. 4 TAULER, or THAULERUS (JOHANN). Ser- mones de tempore et de sanctis totius anni, I'hme pijssimi : reliquaque eius pietati ac de- uotioni maximfe inseruientia. Opera omnia a R. F. Laurentio Surio Carthusiano in Lati- num sermonem translata, postremo recognita, et nunc iterum diligentisshne recusa. Colonue, 1615. 4 Predigten auf alle Sonn- und Festtage im Jahr. Zur Befb'rderung eines christlichen Shines und gottseligen Waudels nach den Ausgaben von Joh. Amdt und Phil. Jac. Spener auf's neue herausgegeben von Pred. Ed. Kuntze und Dr. J. H. R. Biesenthal. 3 Theile. Berlin, 1841, 42. 8 TAVERNER (RICHARD). The Byble. 1549. See BIBLES ENGLISH. A. TAVERNIER (JEAN BAPTISTE), Ecuyer Baron d'Aubonne. Le six voyages de J. B. T. en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes, pendant 1'espace de quarante ans, et par toutes les routes, que Ton peut tenir : accompagnez d'ob- servations particuliers sur la qualit^, la reli- gion, le gouvernement, les coutumes, et le commerce de chaque pais, avec les figures, le poids, et la valeur des monnoyes qui y ont cours. Deux parties. Suivant la copie, imprimee a Paris, 1679. 12 Recueil de plusieurs relations et traitez singu- liers et curieux. Qui n'ont point estd mis dans ses six premiers voyages. Divise' en cinq parties... Suivant la copie, imprimee a Paris, 1681. 12 TAXATION. Three essays, on taxation of in- come, with remarks on the late Act of parlia- ment on that subject. On the national debt ; the public funds ; on the probable consequences of the law for the sale of the land tax ; and on the present state of agriculture in Great Bri- tain ; with a scheme for the improvement of every branch of it, and remarks on the differ- ence between national produce and consump- tion. London, 1799. 8 Taxatio ecclcsiastica Anglke et Wallia-, aucto- ritate P. Nicolai IV. Circa A . i .. 1 _ ' 1 . \L,,,l,m], IKO'J. f..l. TAYLER (CHARLES B.), M.A., Hector of <> Suffolk. The records of a good man's life. 2ded. 2 voL / -u/on, 1832. 8 TAYLER, or TAYLOR (FRANCIS), Preadt Christ Church, Canterbury. An exposition with practical! observations upon the three first chapters of Proverbs. [Want* title.] [London, 1G55.J 4 TAYLER (WILLIAM), Commmio/w:;- of J' The Patna crisis : or three months at Patna, during the insurrection of 1857. London, 1858. 8 TAYLOR (CHARLES). Facts and evidences on the subject of baptism, in three letters to a deacon of a Baptist church : with an introduc- tion, containing three letters to the editor of the Baptist magazine, proposing exceptions to certain errors hi Dr Ryland's Sentiments. By the editor of Calmet's Dictionary of the holy Bible. London, 1815. 8 Another copy. Scripture illustrated by means of natural science... In two parts. Parti. An expository index, referring to subjects of science, in the order of the sacred Books. Part II. Enqui- ries and discussions, hi tended to illustrate va- rious incidents, &c. mentioned in Scripture : with an attempt to ascertain the systematic arrangement of the biblical writers. With many plates. Conducted principally by the editor of Calmet's Dictionary of the holy Bible. London, 1803. 4 TAYLOR (ABRAHAM). The true Scripture doc- trine of the holy and ever-blessed Trinity, stated and defended, hi opposition to the Arian scheme. London, 1727. 8 Another copy. The Scripture doctrine of the Trinity vindi- cated. In opposition to Mr Watts's scheme of one divine person and two divine powers. 2d ed. London, 1728. 8 A practical treatise of saving faith ; in three parts. London, 1730. 8 TAYLOR (ANDREW). The geological difficulties of the Age theory. An examination of Mr Peter Bayne's defence of " The testimony of the rocks." Edin., s. a. 8 TAYLOR (DAN.), Bookseller and Baptist minister, London. A dissertation on singing in the wor- ship of God : interspersed with occasional stric- tures on Mr Boyce's late tract, entitled, " Seri- ous thoughts on the presentmode...of singing hi the public worship of God." London, 1787. 12 TAYLOR (FRANCIS). -See F. TAYLER. TAYLOR (HENRY), M.A., Rector of Crawley, and vicar of Portsmouth. The apology of BENJA- MIN, BEN MORDECAI [Pseud.] to his friends, for embracing Christianity ; hi seven letters to Elisha Levi, merchant, of Amsterdam. With notes and illustrations, by the author and editor. London, 1771, 74. 4 Another copy ; [with the addition of the eighth letter, on the generation of Jesus Christ, pub- lished at London hi 1777]. TAYLOR TAYLOR. 77o Second edition, with alterations and additions. 2 vol. London, 1784. 8 Considerations on ancient and modern creeds compared. The supremacy of the Father. The personal -existence of the Holy Ghost. The pne-existence of Christ, and his divinity. Observations on four discourses lately publish- ed, (in 1784). And on two essays for promot- ing the knowledge of the Scriptures. Pub- lished by his son, Henry Taylor, LL.B. With a treatise on the existence, immateriality, and immortality of the soul. Proving the same from self-evident principles. By Esq. London, 1788. 8 TAYLOR (ISAAC), of Ongar. Advice to the teens ; or practical helps towards the formation of one's own character. 4th ed. London, 1825. 12 TAYLOR (ISAAC), Son of the preceding. History of the transmission of ancient books to modern times ; or, a concise accoiint of the means by which the genuineness and authenticity of an- cient historical works are ascertained : with an estimate of the comparative value of the evidence usually adduced in support of the claims of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures. London, 1827. 8 Another copy. - The process of historical proof ; exemplified and explained : with observations on the pecu- liar points of the Christian evidence. London, 1828. 8 Another copy. Another copy. - Natural history of ENTHUSIASM. 1829 SATURDAY evening. 1832 FANATICISM. 1833 - Spiritual DESPOTISM. 1835 - Physical theory of another LIFE. 1836 - Ancient CHRISTIANITY. 1839, 42 Man responsible for his dispositions, opinions, and conduct. Being the seventh of a series of lectures, delivered in the Mechanic's insti- tute, Southampton buildings, under the direc- tion of the committee of the London city mis- sion. Second thousand. London, 1840. 8 - Four lectures on spiritual Christianity, deli- vered hi the Hanover Square rooms, London, March 1841. London, 1841. 8 - Home education. By the author of Natural history of enthusiasm. [Preface signed I. T.] London, 1842. 8 - Two letters on the Scottish Church. I. On patronage and non-intrusion. II. On spiritual independence. Edin., 1843. 12 Elements of thought ; or, concise explanations (alphabetically arranged) of the principal terms employed in the several branches of intellec- tual philosophy. 8th ed. London, 1846. 8 Loyola : and Jesuitism in its rudiments. London, 1849. 8 Wesley, and Methodism. London, 1851. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The world of mind. An elementary book. London, 1857. 8 Logic in theology and other essays. London, 1859. 8 The spirit of the Hebrew poetry. London, 1861. 8 Considerations on the Pentateuch. 3d ed. London, 1863. 8 The restoration of belief. A new edition, re- vised, with an additional section. London, 1864. 8 TAYLOR (J. W.), Minister of the Free Church at Flisk. A few words to the parishioners of Flisk, in reply to the induction address which the Rev. Dr Anderson of Newburgh delivered in the church of Flisk, April 14, 1843. Cupar-Fife, 1843. 8 Another copy. - CONSIDERATIONS for the conscientious. 1843 TAYLOR (JAMES), A.M., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The nature and obligations of the Christian Sabbath, and England's duty at the present crisis. In three letters. London, 1834. 8 TAYLOR (JAMES BRAINERD). * Memoir of J. B. T. By John Holt Rice, D.D., and Benjamin Holt Rice, D.D. 2d ed. New York, s. a. 12 TAYLOR (JANE), Daughter of Isaac Taylor, of Ongar. Essays in rhyme, on morals and man- ners. 4th ed. London, 1820. 12 TAYLOR (JEREMY), D.D., Bisliop of Down, Con- nor, and Dromore. The whole works of the Right Rev. J. T. With an essay, biographi- cal and critical. 3 vol. London, 1835. 8 Another edition. London, 1836. 8 A discourse concerning prayer ex tempore, or, by pretence of the Spirit, in justification of authorized and set-forms of LYTURGIE. 1646 The history of the life and death of the holy lesus. With considerations and discourses upon the several parts of the story, and pray- ers fitted to the several mysteries. [In three parts.] London, 1649. 4 Antiquitates Christianse : or, the history of the life and death of the holy Jesus : as also the lives, acts and martyrdoms of his Apostles. In two parts. The first part, containing the life of Christ, written by J. T. The second, containing the lives of the Apostles... by Wil- liam CAVE, D.D. By whom is also added, an apparatus, or discourse introductory to the whole work, concerning the three great dis- pensations of the Church, patriarchal, Mosai- cal, and evangelical. 9th ed. London, 1703. fol. Tenth edition, adorned with curious sculp- tures. London, 1742. fol. The rule and exercises of holy living. In which are described the means and instruments of obtaining every virtue, and the remedies against every vice, and considerations serving to the resisting all temptations. Together with pray- - ers containing the whole duty of a Christian and the parts of devotion fitted to all occa- sions, and furnished for all necessities. 5th ed. corrected : with additional . London, 1656. 12 - Twenty fifth edition. London, 1739. 8 TAYLOR TAYLOR. The rule and exercises of holy dying : in which are described the means and instruments of preparing ourselves and others respect ivcly f>r a blessed death ; and the remedies against the evils and temptations proper to the state of sickness : together with prayers and acts of virtue to be used by sick and dying persons, and by others standing in their attendance. To which are added, rules for the visitation of ; the sick, and offices proper for that minietery. ; 5th ed. London, 1656. 12 ! Twenty fifth edition. London, 1739. 8 j 2t^*/3t/Ao Ji^xo-roXtjtt/xov : or a collection of . polemical and moral discourses... London, 1057. fol. i Another copy. Ductor dubitantium, or the rule of conscience ; in all her generall measures ; serving as a great instrument for the determination of cases of conscience. In four books. London, 1660. fol. Another copy. Third edition. London, 1676. fol. 'EvfatTOf. A course of sermons for all the Sundays of the year... With a supplement of j eleven sermons preached since His Majesties Restauration. "Whereunto is adjoyned, a dis- j course of the divine institution, necessity, sa- credness, and separation of the office ministe- rial. With rules and advices to the clergy, i 4thed. London, 1673. fol. j The worthy communicant ; or, a discourse of the nature, effects, and blessings consequent to the worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper ; and of all the duties required in order to a worthy preparation. Together with the cases of conscience occurring in the duty of him that ministers, and of him that communicates, as also devotions fitted to every part of the mi- nistration. To which is added a sermon [on 1 Cor. xv. 19J never printed with the folio volume of Sermons. London, 1683. 8 Contemplations of the state of man in this life, and in that which is to come. 7th ed. London, 1707. 8 The golden grove. A choice manual : contain- ing what is to be believed, practised, and de- j sir'd or pray'd for ; the prayers being fitted to j the several days of the week. Also festival j hymns, according to the manner of the an- ! cient Church. 27th ed. London, 1735. 12 : The golden grove, and the worthy communi- cant ; [with the life of Christ, by John FLEET- ; WOOD]. s. a. Qtol.oyioc ix.tex.-Tix.Yi. A discourse of the liberty of prophesying, with its just limits and tem- per. Shewing the unreasonableness of pre- j scribing to other men's faith, and the iniquity of persecuting different opinions. A new edi- j tion. London, 1817. 8 j Another edition. With an introductory essay, by the Rev. R. Cattermole, B.D. London, 1836. 8 | An instance of moral demonstration ; or, a , conjugation of probabilities, proving that the religion of Jesus Christ is from God. [Theo- i logical tracts, edited by John BROWN, D.D., vol. ii.] , 1853. 8 TAYLOR (JOHN), D.D., Unil-irinn mMit* Norwich. The Scripture-doctrine of original sin proposed to free and candid examination. In three parts. London, 1740. 8 Another copy. A supplement to the Scripture-doctrine of ori- ginal sin, &c. Containing some remarks upon two books, viz. The vindication of the Scrip- ture doctrine of original sin, and The ruin and recovery of mankind. In which remarks are examined some sentiments relating to imputed guilt, the calamities and sinfulness of man- kind, Adam's being a federal head, the forma- tion of our nature, and the doctrine of original righteousness : whence result several useful particulars belonging to each. London, 1741. 8 Another copy. Another copy. A narrative of Mr John Rawson's case : or, an account of several occurrences relating to the affair of his being excluded from communion with the Congregational Church in Notting- ham. With a prefatory discourse in defence of the common rights of Christians. 2d ed. London, 1742. 8 A further defence of the common rights of Christians, and of the sufficiency and perfec- tion of Scripture, without the aid of human schemes, creeds, confessions, &c. Occasioned by Mr Sloss's pretended true narrative of the case of Joseph Rawson. 2d ed. London, 1742. 8 A paraphrase with notes, on the Epistle to the Romans. To which is prefix'd, a key to the apostolic writings, or an essay to explain the Gospel scheme, and the principal words and phrases the Apostles have used in describing it. 2d ed. London, 1747. 4 Third edition. London, 1754. 4 The Scripture- doctrine of atonement examin- ed ; first, in relation to Jewish sacrifices : and then, to the sacrifice of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. London, 1751. 8 Another copy. The Hebrew concordance, adapted to the Eng- lish Bible ; disposed after the manner of Bux- torf. 2 vol. London, 1754, 57. fol. The covenant of grace, and baptism the token of it, explained upon Scripture principles. London, 1757. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1808. 12 The Lord's Supper explained upon Scripture principles, and adapted to the use of common Christians. 2d ed. London, 1757. 8 Another edition. To which are added, an- swers to objections against partaking of the Lord's Supper, by the Rev. Mr Willison. Hawick, 1801. 12 TAYLOR (JOHN), LL.D., Chancellor of the dio- cese of Lincoln. A sermon [on Judges, xx. 23] preached before the Hon. House of Commons at St Margaret's, Westminster, upon Friday the llth day of Feb. 1757, being the day ap- TAYLOR TAYLOR. 777 pointed by proclamation for a general fast... London, 1757. 4 TAYLOR (JOHN), M.D. The Gospel ministry, as instituted by Christ, a good work ; an ordi- nation sermon. 2d ed. Edm., 1831. 8 TAYLOR (LAUCHLAN), D.D., Minister of Lar- bert. An essay on some important passages of the Revelation of the Apostle John ; compared with correspondent passages of the book of Daniel. 2d ed. Edin., 1770. 8 A supplement to the second edition of the Es- say on the Revelation. In which the partition of Poland is, in some respects, vindicated ; and this event, and the late abasement of the Turks, are considered as accomplishments of the pro- phecy, Rev. xi. 13, 14. Likewise several new and striking arguments are advanced, to shew the probability, that a severe and sudden at- tack may soon be made upon some unsuspect- ing, and unprepared Protestant state ; and, that the fall of the Papacy, and return of the Jews to their native country, may happen a few years hence. To these is subjoined, a dissertation concerning the external mean of the conversion of the Jews. Falkirk, 1766 [1776]. 8 TAYLOR (NATHANAEL), Dissenting minister of a congregation at Suiter's Hall. A preservative against Deism. Shewing the great advantage of Revelation above reason, in the two great points, pardon of sin, and a future state of happiness. With an appendix in answer to a letter of A. W. against revealed religion, in the Oracles of reason. London, 1698. 8 A discourse of the nature and necessity of faith in Jesus Christ : with an answer to the pleas of our modern Unitarians for the sufficiency of their morality, or meer charity to salvation. London, 1700. 8 Practical discourses on several important sub- jects : viz. A discourse of the children of holy parents. Eight discourses of the covenant of grace. To which are added, a brief discourse of infant-baptism. A sermon before the Lord Mayor. London, 1703. 8 TAYLOR (NATHANIEL W.), D.D. * Memorial of N. W. T. Three sermons by Leonard Ba- con, D.D., Samuel W. S. Dutton, D. D., George P. Fisher, A.M. Newhaven, 1858. 8 TAYLOR (RICHAKD). A discourse of Christ as he is a rock of salvation. Containing some sermons, preached at the Merchant's lecture in Bread- Street. London, 1701. 8 The establishment of the law by the Gospel asserted and vindicated. London, 1704. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1793. 12 A seasonable caution against presumption in a time of prosperity. London, 1704. 8 Discourses on several subjects. 2 vol. London, 1719. 8 The true Scripture doctrine of justification, explained and vindicated. London, 1727. 8 Another copy. TAYLOR (RICHARD), F. S. A. Scientific me- moirs, selected from the transactions of foreign academies of science and learned societies, and from foreign journals. Edited by R. T. Vol. i.-iii., and part 1st of vol. iv. Lond,on, 1837-44. 8 TAYLOR (THOMAS), D.D., Pastor of St Mary, Aldermanbury, London. A commentarie upon the Epistle of S. Paul written to Titus. Preach- ed in Cambridge, and now published for the further use of the Church of God. Cambridge, 1612. 4 Another edition. Together with an exact and full relation of the life and death of that incomparable divine... London, 1658. fol. David's learning, or, the way to true happi- nesse : in a commentarie vpon the xxxii. Psalme. The second time corrected. London, 1618. 4 An everlasting record of the utter ruine of Romish Amaleck. Delivered in a sermon [on Exod. xvii. 14] at Blackfriars in London. London, 1624. 4 A sermon on Rev. xviii. 4. A voice calling God's people out of Romish Babylon. [Wants title.] London, 1624. 4 The progresse of saints to full holinesse : de- scribed in sundry apostolicall aphorismes, or short precepts tending to sanctification. With a sweete and divine prayer to attain the prac- tise of those holy precepts. London, 1630. 4 The theatre of God's judgments. Collected by Thomas BEARD, and T. T. 1648 Moses and Aaron, or the types and shadows of our Saviour in the Old Testament opened and explained. London, 1653. 4 TAYLOR (THOMAS), Pastor of a Congregational church in Cambridge. The true light shining in darkness, and dispelling the mists of errour arising from the darkness of man's heart, &c. promoted by the prince of darkness against the truth of God ; in the matter of our justi- fication : shewing, that by the deeds of the law, or man's own righteousness, no flesh can, or shall be justified in the sight of God. [In two parts.] London, 1693. 8 Xfovo- x.ot.1 x#/go>ioy/ Qiov ^iKctiovro; TOV; fxhsx.- TOVJ dvrov. Or, a discourse of, or concerning the time and season, wherein God doth justifie his elect, through faith in his Son Jesus Christ, according to the Scriptures. Wherein, I. The doctrine of justification from all eternity. II. The doctrine of justification from the time of Christs death and resurrection, are fairly and truly tried and confuted. III. The true time searched out and stated according to Scripture. London, 1G93. 8 Jacob wrestling with God and prevailing : or a treatise concerning the necessity and efficacy of faith in prayer. Wherein divers weighty questions and cases of conscience, about pray- ing in faith, are stated and resolved... Edin., 1694. 8 TAYLOR (WILLIAM), Minister of the Associate Synod, Perth. An effectual remedy to the disputes presently existing in the Associate 98 TAYLoII TEN Synod, respecting tin; Formula. In a series Of letters to the Rev. Mr Lawson. (r'/.l-S,,,,..-, 17<9. 8 - Remarks on an address of the Associate Sy- nod, to the people under their charge. fffcupote, 1800. 8 Discourses on the sanctification of the holy Sabbath. 2d ed. KHn., 1808. 8 Resistance of modern innovation, no schism ; a letter addressed to the Rev. Air Aikman, Mr David Johnston, and others, in conse- quence of their criminating the author, and his brethren, as "deposed schismatics," in their law-case, in the House of Lords. Perth, 1813. 8 Sermon. " All speaking the same thing," the ordinance of Christ for the fellowship and prosperity of his Church. 1 Cor. i. 10. Preached at the opening of the Associate Sy- nod at Glasgow, May 8th, 1827. s. I, [1827]. 12 " Hidden things brought to light," or the in- consistency of Seceders becoming Voluntary Church association men, proved, from the known principles of the Secession, and their own published concessions : in a letter to the Rev. Dr Peddie, Edinburgh. Perth, 1833. 8 Another copy. - A plea for our scriptural and Scottish Sab- baths. 3d ed. Perth, 1847. 12 TAYLOR (WILLIAM COOKE), LL.D., of Tri\1\i college, Dublin. The natural history of society in the barbarous and civilized state : an essay towards discovering the origin and course of human improvement. 2 vol. London, 1840. 12 The history of Christianity ; from its promul- gation, to its legal establishment in the Ro- man empire. London, 1844. 8 TEGG (THOMAS). Chronology, or the historian's companion ; being an authentic register of events, from the earliest period to the present time ; comprehending an epitome of universal history, ancient and modern, with a copious list of the most eminent men in all ages of the world. London, 1811. 12 TEGNER (ESAIAS). Frithiofs Saga. s. I et a. 8 TEIGNMOUTH, LORD. -See John SHORE. TELESCOPE. The moral telescope. [Wants title.] 8 TELLERS (WILHELM ABRAHAM). Lehrbuch des Christlichen Glaubens. Helmstedt nnd Halle, 1764. 8 Opuscula varii argumenti. Lipsice, 1816. 8 TEMPERANCE. Permanent temperance docu- ments of the American temperance society. Vol. i. Boston, 1835. 8 Address to the parishioners of Largo, in be- half of a Temperance society. By a friend ; [Robert Lundin BROWN]. Edin., s. a. 12 TEMPLARS. Histoire de 1'abolition de 1'ordre des Templiers. Paris, 1779. 8 TEMPLE (HENRY JOHN), Viscount Palmerston. *The "warnings of the war:" a letter to Hon. Lord I'almerston, pri:. nister. I5y "a British commoner." London, l <>.". 8 TK.MI'LK (SirJ.iHN), Kt.. M.^t. , -../// Soft. The Irish ivl.rMion ; or, an history of t tempts of the Irish Papists to extirpate tin- Protestants in the kingdom of Ireland ; toge- ther with the barbarous cruelties and bloody massacres which ensued thereupon... | /;. ,;/ ,i.'i\, i.,. ,!.,, 1812. 4 TEMPLE (Sir WILLIAM), Hurt. The works of Sir W. T. To which is prefixed the life and character of Sir W. T. Written by a parti- cular friend. 2vol. /,"//", 1740. fol. Miscellanea. 3 parts. 4th ed. [Partiii., 1st ed.] London, 1G93-1701. 8 Another edition, [of part ii. | Glasgow, 1761. 12 Letters written by Sir W. T. , and other mi- nisters of state, both at home and abroad. Containing an account of the most important transactions that pass'd in Christendom from 1665 to 1672. 2 vol. London, 1700. 8 Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands. 8th ed. K.ll,,.. 1747. 12 TEMPLER (JOHN), D.D. The saints' duty in contending for the faith delivered to them. A sermon [on Jude, iii. 5] preached before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and Alder- men of the city of London. London, 1659. 4 TENA (Luoovicus), Professor of theology at Com- plutum, and afterwards Bishop of Dertusa. Commentaria et disputationes in Epistolam D. Pauli ad Hebrseos. Quibus adduntur ob ar- gumenti similitudinem hi tractatus ; Fr. SPAN- H KM 1 1 Exercitationes de aritore et Epistola ad Hebrseos. Ambr. CATHARINI Dissertatio de Epistola ad Hebrseos. Christ. SCHLEUELII Questiones de persona Melchisedeci. Herric. GUISARDI Vindicife testamentariae in ix. ad Hebrseos. Joh. HOPKINSONI Descriptio Para- disi. Christ. HELVICI De libris Thargumicis, Thalmudicis, et Chaldaicis Bibliorum para- phrasibus adversus Judseos. Alex. MORI ad qufedam loca Novi Foaderis Notse nunc pri- mum editfe. Londini, 1661 . fol. TENISON (THOMAS), D.D., Archbishop of Can- terbury. Of idolatry, a discourse, in which is endeavoured a declaration of its distinction from superstition ; its notion, cause, com- mencement, and progress ; its practice charged on Gentiles, Jews, Mahometans, Gnosticks, Manichees, Arians, Socinians, Romanists : as also, of the means which God hath vouchsafed towards the cure of it by the Shechinah of his Son. London, 1678. 4 His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canter- bury's letter to the Rev. Dr Batteley, Arch- deacon of that diocese, to be communicated to the clergy of his archdeaconry. London, 1699. 4 Concerning doing good to posterity. A ser- , mon [on Ps. Ixxviii. 5. 6] preach'd before their Majesties at White-Hall, February 16th, 1689- 90. London, s. a. 8 TENNEMANN TERTULLIANUS. 779 The tenth note of the Church examined, viz. Holiness of life ; [Notes of the Church, as laid down by Cardinal BELLARMINE, examined and confuted, p. 245]. 1839 TENNEMANN (WILHELM GOTTLIEB), Professor of philosophy at Marburg. A manual of the history of philosophy, translated from the Ger- man. By the Rev. Arthur Johnson, M.A. Oxford, 1832. 8 Manuel de 1'histoire de la philosophic, traduit de 1'Allemande, par V. Cousin. Seconde Edi- tion, corrigee et augmentee sur la cinquieme et derniere edition Allemande. 2 torn. Paris, 1839. 8 TENNENT (WILLIAM), Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Freehold, New Jersey. * Life of the Rev. W. T. In which is contained, among other interesting particulars, an account of his being three days in a trance, and apparently lifeless. Hartford, 1843. 8 TENNOCH (WILLIAM), Merchant in Glasgoiv. An examination of the Overtures, concerning Kirk-sessions and Presbytries, transmitted by the Commission of the General Assembly, to Presbytries. Glasgow, 1720. 16 TENTZELIUS (WILHELMUS ERNESTUS). Exer- citationes selectae in duas partes distributee : quarum priori prseter Symbolum apostolicum, Clementis Romani, Ignatii, Polycarpi, lustini Martyris, Athenagorse, Theophili Antiocheni, Tatiani, Hermise, lacobi Nisibensis, et Ephre- mi Syri, scripta expenduntur, plerorumque vita praemissa : turn Constantini Magni bap- tismus, natalitia Episcoporum, hymnusque, Te Deum laudamus, illustrantur ; posteriori disciplina arcani in apricum producitur, alia- que antiquitatis ecclesiastics capita explican- tur. LipsioE et Francofurti, 1692. 4 TERENTITJS (PUBLIUS), Afer. Comoedige sex. Ex editione Westerhovii. Edinburgi, 1790. 12 Another edition. Interpretatione et notis il- lustravit Nicolaus Camus... in usum Delphini. Editio prioribus longe emendatior. Londini, 1800. 8 Another edition. Ad fidem editionis Zeunia- nse accuratse recensitae. Londini, 1825. 8 Another edition. Ad fidem optimarum editio- num recognovit, accentibus rhythmicis, Bent- leii invento, et notis vel ad intelligendum vel ad emendandum instruxit D. Theod. Frid. God. Reinhardt. Lipsice, 1827. 12 Terence in English. Fabulse comici facetissi- mi et elegantissimi poetae Terentii omnes An- glicse factte et hac noua forma editae : opera ac industria R. B. Quinta editio. London, 1629. 8 Terence's comedies made English, with his life, and some remarks at the end, by Mr Lau- rence Echard, and others. Revised and cor- rected by Dr Echard and Sir Roger L'Estrange. 5th ed. London, 1718. 12 Les comedies de Terence, avec la traduction et les remarques de Madame Dacier. 3 torn. Rotterdam, 1717. 8 TERRICK (RICHAKD), M.A., Canon of Windsor. A sermon [on 1 Sam. xii. 3, 4] preach'd be- fore the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor... of the city of London, in the cathedral church of St Paul, on Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1745. Being the day appointed for a general fast, upon occasion of the present rebellion. London, 1745. 4 A sermon [on Jer. xviii. 7, 8] preached before the Hon. House of Commons, at St Margaret's, Westminster, on Friday, Feb. 6, 1756 ; being the day appointed by His Majesty's royal pro- clamation for a general fast. 3d ed. London, 1756. 4 TERROT (CHARLES HUGHES), D.D., Bishop of the Scottish Episcopal Church, Edinburgh. The Epistle of Paul to the Romans. With an introduction. 1828. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. Reasons for avoiding CONTROVERSY. 1839 Correspondence between the Right Rev. C. H. T. and the Rev. D. T. K. DRUMMOND. In consequence of which the latter has resign- ed his charge. Edin., 1842. 8 TERRY (EDWARD), Rector of the church at Green- ford, Middlesex. A voyage to East- India ; wherein some things are taken notice of, in our passage thither, but many more in our abode there, within that rich and most spa- cious empire of the Great Mogul : mixt with some parallel observations and inferences upon the story, to profit as well as delight the reader. Reprinted from the edition of 1655. With copperplates. London, 1777. 8 TERSTEEGEN (GERHARD). * Life and charac- ter of G. T., with selections from his letters and writings. Translated from the German, by Samuel Jackson. 3d ed. London, 1837. 8 TERTULLIANUS (QuiNius SEPTIMIUS FLO- RENS), Presbyter Carthaginiensis. Opera... per Beatum Rhenanum Seletstadiensem e tenebria eruta atque a situ pro uirili uindicata, adiectis singulorum librorum argumetis et alicubi con- iecturis, quibus uetustissiinus autor nonnihil illustratur...Ed. Pr. Basilece apud lo. Frobenium, M.D.XXI. fol. Opera ad vetustissimorum exemplarium fidem sedulo emendata, diligentia Nic. Rigaltii I. C. Cum ejusdem annotationibus integris, et va- riorum commeiitariis, seorsum antea editis ; Ph. Priorius argumenta et notas in libros om- nes de novo adjecit, et dissertationem apprime utilem concinnavit. Accedunt NOVATIANI tractatus, de Trinitate et cibis Judaeus, cum notis, ut in editione Pamelii. Item et huic postremse editioni, a pluribus mendis quse in prsecedentem irrepserant expurgatse, accessit carmen de lona et Nineve. Lutetice Parisiorum, 1675. fol. Another edition. Ad optimorum librorum fi- dem expressa, curante E. F. Leopold. 4 partt. [Bibl. Patr. ecclesiastic. Lat. selecta, curante E. G. Gersdorf. Tom. iv. v. vi. vii.] Lipsite, 1839, 41. 8 Liber de Pallio. Claudius Salmasius ante mor- tem recensuit, explicavit, notis illustravit. Lugd. Batac., 1056. 8 rao VOTS. - Apologeticus, ad codices MStos et editiones vitiivs minima curil recognitus, casti^atus, cnieiidatusutet perpetuo commentario, in <|im non modo variorum uuctorum, Bed et phna S. Si-ripturif loca strictius \i-l nlnnus explican- tur, elucidantur, et illustrantur, studiu et in- dustria Sigeberti Havfivampi, V.D.M. Luyd. l:mdon, 1733. 8 Reasons for applying to parliament, the en- suing sessions, for the repeal of so much of the corporation and test-acts, as affects the Pro- testant dissenters ; addressed to the gentlemen of the committee. London, 1732. fol. Queries concerning the reasonableness of re- pealing the corporation and test-acts, as far as they relate to the Protestant dissenters ; the objections that may be made against that re- peal ; and the most expedient time for the making it. London, 1732. 8 The danger of a rash and unseasonable appli- cation for the repeal of the corporation and test acts. London, 1732. 8" Some considerations humbly offer'd touching the administration and receiving the sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper, as directed by the test- act. Shewing, that the sacramental test is no security to the Church of England, against the dangers of Popery. To which is added, a dialogue between an Englishman and a Scotsman, about repealing the sacramental test. 2d ed. London, 1733. 8 Remarks on the history of the test [by Thomas Sherlock], in which some mistakes are correct- ed, and some prejudices are obviated. [By William HARRIS.] London, 1733. 8 A full and fair discussion of the pretensions of the dissenters, to the repeal of the sacramental test. London, 1733. 8 Some remarks upon the Plea for the sacra- mental test, [by Anthony Ellys]. In a letter to a friend. [By William HARRIS. ] London, 1736. 8 Brief remarks upon The dispute adjusted, [by Edmund Gibson], about the proper time for applying for a repeal of the corporation and test acts, by shewing, that no time is proper. In a letter to a friend. 2d ed. [By William HARRIS.] London, 1736. 8 The case of the corporation and test acts con- sidered : as they relate to the Church, and the civil government. In a letter to a member of parliament. [In two parts.] [By William HARRIS.] London, 1736. 8 The debate in the House of Commons, on Mr Beaufoy's motion for the repeal of such parts of the test and corporation acts as affect the Protestant dissenters... 8th May 1789. London, 1789. 8 The dangerous consequences of repealing the sacramental test at this time, plainly demon- strated. London, s. o. TESTARDUS THEOCRITUS. 781 TESTARDUS (PAULUS). Et^ytnov, sen synop- sis doctrinre de natura et gratia. Thesibus e S. Scrip tura, eiusque analogia concinnata : quibus prsecipuse quse super his capitibus in Ecclesia qutestiones agitantur hodie, breuiter et dilucide discutiuntur. Blozsis, 1633. 8 TESTIMONY. The inward testimony of the Spirit of Christ. In three parts. [Wants title.] 8 TESTIMONY - BEARING. Testimony -bearing exemplified: a collection. Containing I. GIL- LESPIE against association with malignants, together with the causes of God's wrath, agreed upon by the General Assembly... 1651. II. The iiiformatory vindication... To which is added, a declaration of the Assembly... 1648 concern- ing the present danger of religion. Also a sea- sonable warning. Paisley, 1791. 12 TEULET (JEAN - BAPTISTE - THEODORE - ALEX- ANDRE). Inventaire chronologique des docu- ments relatifs a 1'histoire d'Ecosse conserves aux archives du royaume a Paris. Suivi d'une indication sommaire des manuscrits de la Bib- liotheque Royale. [Prepared for the Abbots- ford Club.] " Edimbourg, 1839. 4 TEXEDA (FERDINANDO), Hispanus. Texedare- textus : or the Spanish monke his bill of di- vorce against the Church of Rome : together with other remarkable occurrences. London, 1623. 4 [The above is a translation, by Daniel Featly, of Hispanus conversus, a narrative of Texe- da's conversion from the Romish Church.] TEXIER (EDMOND). Les hommes de la guerre d'Orient. Le Marechal Paskewich. Paris, 1854. 8 THACKERAY (T.). A choice drop of honey from the rock of Christ. Edin., s. a. 8 THALEMANNUS (CHRISTIANUS GUIL.). De eruditione Paulli Apostoli Judaica non Graeca dissertatio... Lipsice, 1769. 4 THAULERUS (TOANNES). See Johann TAULER. THEATRE. Remarks on the theatre, and on the late fire at Richmond in Virginia. [By Ann ALEXANDER.] York, 1812. 8 THEILE (CAR. GODOFR. GUILIELMUS), Professor in the university of Leipsic. Novum Testamen- tum Greece. 1850. See BIBLES GREEK. F. Thesaurus literaturse theologicse academicse, sive recensus dissertationum , programmatum aliarumque commentationum theologicarum, cum delectu uberrimo scriptionum academica- rum philologicarum, philosophicarum, histori- carum, paedagogicarum, quae ab antiquissimis usque ad recentissima tempora editae in collec- tione Weigeliana Lipsiensi sunt venales. Ex disciplinarum ordine disponenduin curavit C. G. G. T. Pars prior. Lipsice, s. a. 8 THEINER (AUGUSTIN). Disquisitiones criticse in praecipuas canonum et decretalium collec- tiones, seu sylloges Gallandianse dissertatio- num de vetustis canon um collectionibus con- tinuatio. Komce, 1836. 4 Histoire des institutions d'e'ducation ecclesias- tique. Traduit de 1'Allemand par Jean Cohen. 2 torn. J\ins, 1841. 8 Histoire du Pontificat de Clement XIV., d'apres des documents inedits des archives secretes du Vatican. Traduite sous les yeux de 1'auteur par Paul de Geslin. 2 torn. Paris, 1852. 8 Another copy. THELWALL (ALGERNON SYDNEY), M.A., Lec- turer on public reading at King's college, Lon- don. An appeal to truth ; or, strictures on some attacks recently made upon the Trinita- rian Bible society, by " T. H.," and "The Christian observer : " in a letter addressed to Arthur Stanley. London, 1839. 8 Proceedings of the anti-MAYNOOTH conference of 1845. With an historical introduction and an appendix. Compiled and edited ... by A. S. T. London, 1845. 8 A statement of facts respecting the instruction given to the students tor the Romish priest- hood, in the royal college of St Patrick, May- nooth... London, 1845. 12 Soul saving truth ; or, the things which the Scriptures state as absolutely necessary to the soul's salvation. London, s. a. 12 Hope for eternity. London, s. a. 12 Are you safe for eternity 1 London, s. a. 12 THELWALL (JOHN). A letter to Francis Jef- frey, on certain calumnies and misrepresenta- tions in the Edinburgh Review ; the conduct of certain individuals, on the night of Mr T.'s probationary lecture . . . and the ignorance of the new critical Junto of the simplest elements of English composition and English grammar : with an appendix, containing outlines of a course of lectures on the science and practice of elocution. Edin., 1804. 8 Selections and original articles, for Mr T.'s lectures on the science and practice of elocu- tion : together with the introductory discourse and outlines. Birmingham, 1806. 8 THEMYLTHORP (NICHOLAS). The posie of godly prayers, fit for every Christian to use. Containing only prayers of repentance, remis- sion of sins, and thanksgiving. With an ex- cellent exhortation to forsake the world, and a perswasion not to fear death. 50th ed. London, 1720. 12 THENIUS (OTTO), Th. D. Die Blicher Samuels. Eiklart von Dr O. T. [Exeget. Handb. zum Alt. Test., Vierte Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1842. 8 Die Biicher der Konige. Eiklart von Dr O. T. [Ibid., Neunte Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1849. 8 Die Klaglieder. Erklart von Dr O. T. [Ibid., Sechzehnte Lieferung.] Leipzig, 1855. 8 THEOCRITUS. Theocriti, MOSCHI et BIONIS Idyllia, Greece et Latine. Poetis ex Latin is illustrata, notulis quibusdam interjectis opera et studio Thomae Martin, A.B. Londini, 1760. 8 Theocritus, BION, MOSCHUS and TYRT^EUS ; translated from the Greek. By the Rev. R. Polwhele. To which are added, dissertations and notes. 2 vol. New edition. London, 1811. 8 782 TIIEODORETUS THEOrillU s TIMi UlCUS. Tln-ocritu>. >-t Latin*.-. Accedunt vironun doctorum aniinailvi r srhi.lia, indices et M. yKmilii l'i>rti Li-.\i<-..n Doricmn. 2 ti'in. -Uni, iSL'lt. 8 Decem eidyllia, Latinis pleraque nuineris a C. A. Wetstenio reddita, in usum aiulitoruni cum notis edidit, i-jusdcmque Adoniazuaaa uln rioribus adnotationibua inatruxit L. C. ValckeiiuLT. [(Jr. et Lat.] Lugd. Eatav., 1773. 8 THEODORETUS, or THEODORITUS, Bishop < ; r' Pynu. Opera onmia. Quorum plurima (Ir.-i-ce, qusedam etiam Latine mine primum prodeunt : Groeca cum manuscriptis exempla- ribua diligenter collecta, Latins versiones ad ( ; r;i corum normam exactee et recognitse. Cura et studio lacobi Sirmondi. 5 torn. [Tom. v. nuuc primum in luceni editua cura et studio Joannis Garnerii.] Lutetice Parisiorum, 1642, 84. fol. De providentia sermones x. [Gr.] Roma, 1545. 8 Duo inaignes sermones sive libelli. [Ad calc. op. J. DALL^I ' La foy fonde'e sur les saintes Escritures,' Latinfe ex Gallico reddita.] 1600 Theodoriti et EVAGRII Scholastic! historia ec- clesiastica. Item excerpta ex historiis PHILO- STORGII et THEODORI Lectoria. Henricus Va- lesius Gneca ex MSS. codicibus emendavit, Latink vertit, et annotationibus illustravit. [Gr. et Lat.] Parisiis, 1673. fol. Historia ecclesiastica. [Cum Hist, eccles. Eu- SEBII.] 1544, 1570 A new translation from the original : with a memoir of the author, an account of his writ- ings, and the chronology of the events record- ed. [Vol. v. of Greek Eccl. Hist, of the first six cent.] London, 1843. 8 Another copy. THEODORITUS. See THEODORETUS. THEODORUS, Lector. THEODORITI et Evagrii historia ecclesiastica. Item excerpta ex his- toriis Philostorgii et Theodori lectoris. 1673 Historia ecclesiastica. [Cum Hiat. eccles. Eu- SEBII.] 1544, 1570 THEODORUS, Bishop of Mopsuestia. Commen- tarius in duodecim Prophetas minores. [Gr. et Lat.] [Patrolog. Cursus, accurante J.-P. Migne, torn. Ixvi.] Paris, 1859. 8 Fragmenta in Vetus Testamentum. [Ibid.] Commentariorum in Novum Testamentum quie reperiri potuerunt. Collegit, disposuit, emendavit Otto Fridolinus Fritzsche. [Ibid.] Fragmenta dogmatica. [Ibid.] THEODORUS, Studita. Epistolse, aliaque scrip- ta dogmatica, Sirmondo interprete. [Cum opp. SIRMONDI.] 1696 THEODOSIUS, Imperator. Codex Theodosi- anua cum perpetuis commentariis Jacobi Go- thofredi. Prsemittuntur chronologia accura- tior chronicon historicum et prolegomena, sub- jiciuntur notitia dignitatum, prosopographia, topographia index rerum et glossarium nomi- cum. Opus posthumum diu in foro et schola desideratum, recognitum et ordinatum ad usum Codicia Justinianei opera et studio Autoiiii Marvillii. Editio nova cullata cum antiquis- Binio codice M.S. \\ um-l. lit ruui ivcognita .-iiicinlat;i \ :irnu iiini|Ut vat i< >nilnis aucta (jxiil)U8 adjecit HU;I. i-. i' i'. t; i,,m. ^MMB, IT:;;. fi. TIIKuDMSH S, ZVipoWa. 8l*ri.J It. 75. 4 THEOLOGY. La th^ologie r^elle vulgaiivmcnt ditu La th^ologie Germanique. Avec qiiclijucs autres traitea de memo nature ; une lettre et un catalogue sur lea ^crivaina myatiquea. Une preface apolog^tique sur la the'ologic m\ st i<|i-, avec la nullitd du jugement d'un Prot sur la meme theologie myatujuu. Amsterdam, 1700. 12 Theologia Germanica : which setteth forth many fair lineaments of divine truth, and saith very lofty and lovely things touching a perfect life. Edited by l)r Pfeitfer from the only complete manuscript yet known. Trans- lated from the German by Susanna A\ ink- worth. With a preface by the Rev. Charles Kingsley, and a letter to the translator by the Chevalier Bunsen, D.D. 3d ed. London, 1857. 8 Brief e das Studium der Theologie betreffend. 4 Theil. Weimar, 1780, 81. 8 A summary of a new, conciliating, aelf-inter- preting, consistent, undeviating, and intelli- gible system of theology, deduced exclusively from the tenor and scope of the sacred writ- ings, and as such, constituting what Bacon calls emanations from Scripture. With a short statement of objections and answers. Edin., 1824. 8 Views in theology. Nos. ii., iii., iv., v. Nev: YorL; 1824-1829. 8 THEOPHILANTROPES. Annde religieuse des Theophilantropes, ou adorateurs de Dieu tt amis des hommea ; recueil de discours et ex- traits sur la religion et la morale universellea, pour etre lua pendant le coura de 1'annee, soit dans les temples publics, soit dans les families. Publie par 1'auteur du Manuel des Theophi- lantropes. 4 torn. Amsterdam, 1798. 12 THEOPHILUS, Bishop of Antioch in Syria. Libri iii. ad Autolycum Greece, ad ndern codi- cis MS. Bodleiani, et ex parte Regii Parisiens. Denuo recogniti, et pluribus in locis castigati, versione Latina, frequenter emendata, notis- que turn aliorum turn suis instructi a Jo. Christoph. Wolno. [Gr. et Lat.] Iht.nljurrji, 1724. 8 The three books of Theophilus to Autolycus. Translated by Rev. Marcus Dods, A.M. [Antu- Nicene Christ. Lib.] Edin., 1867. 8 a THEOPHILUS TIMOROUS. The covenanters plea against absolvers. Or, a modest dis- course, shewing why those who in England and Scotland took the solemn league and cove- nant, cannot judge their consciences discharged from the obligation of it, by any thing hereto- fore said by the Oxford men ; or lately by Dr Featly, Dr Gauden, or any others. In which THEOPHRASTUS THOLUCK . 783 also several cases relating to promissory oathes, and to the said covenant in special, are spoken to, and determined by Scripture, reason, and the joynt suffrages of casuists. Contrary to the indigested notions of some late writers ; yet much to the sense of the Rev. Dr Sander- son. London, 1661. 4 THEOPHRASTUS. Characteres ethici, ex re- censione Petri Needham, et versione Latina Isaaci Casauboni. [Gr. et Lat.] Glasguce, 1758. 8 - The characters of T. ; [with the works of J. de LA BRUYERE]. 1766 Characterum ethicorum capita duo hactenus anecdota qu?e ex cod. MS. Vaticano sseculi xi. Graece edidit Latine vertit pnefatione et adnotationibus illustravit Johannes Christo- phorus Amadutius. Parmce, 1786. 4 Ilf< iav \iduv /3y the sudden death of the Rev. iVu-r Thomson, late minister of the Scotch church, Leeds. To w li it-li is prefixed a memoir of his life. L 1807. 12 The might and mastery of the Established Church laid low : a review and refutation of the principal arguments of the Rev. Drs Inglis and Chalmers in vindication of ecclesiastical ESTABLISH MI 1834 APPEAL from Scotland. 1834 The Church and the Voluntaries : two letters addressed to George Buchan of Kelloe, occa- sioned by the attacks made from the hustings at Greenlaw, against Voluntary churches... by him and Sir H. P. H. Campbell, Bart., Jan. 1835. 2ded. Edin., 1835. 8 The claims of dissenters on the government of the country : a letter addressed to the Right Hon. Lord Melbourne. Edin., 1836. 8 Patronage ; or, the weapons of Churchmen turned against themselves, &c. The third of a series of lectures delivered in Edinburgh... 8th Feb. 1837. Edin., 1837. 12 Another copy. THOMSON (ALEXANDER), of Banchory. Indus- trial schools ; their origin, rise, and progress, in Aberdeen. Aberdeen, 1847. 8 Facts from Rome ; or, Popery at head-quar- ters. Aberdeen, 1851. 8 Another copy. Remarks on Professor Baden Powell's views respecting the recent origin of man upon the earth, and the skeleton found in excavating Mickleton tunnel. (From the Edinburgh New philosophical journal, April 1856.) [Edin., 1856.] 8 Punishment and prevention. London, 1857. 8 Another copy. Scottish Episcopacy past and present. London, 1860. 8 THOMSON (ALEXANDER), A.M., Professor in the theological institution of the Congregational Union of Scotland. On the temptations to error in connection with the study of theology at the present time. An address delivered at the opening of the session of the Congrega- tional theological institution at Glasgow, 1852. Glasgow, 1852. 12 THOMSON (ANDREW), D. D., Minister of St George's church, Edinburgh. A letter to the Rev. Principal Hill, on the case of Mr John LESLIE. 1805 An address to Christian parents on the reli- gious education of their children. Edin., 1812. 8 Second edition. Edin., 1815. 12 The genuine character of the Gospel stated and illustrated. A sermon [on Mark, xvi. 15J preached before the Edinburgh missionary so- ciety, on Tuesday the 18th of April, 1815. Edin., 1815. 8 Another copy. res, expository and practical, on select ] i minus of Scripture. li vol. /:>/;,.., 1K10. K J "The word of God not bound." A M-rumu [on 2 Tim. ii. 9] preached in St George's church, K.linl.iii-h, on' .July G, 1817, for the U-u. the naval and military Bible society. /:./;,..', 1817. 8 The ultimate and universal prevalence of the Christian religion : A sermon [on Is. xi. 9J preached In-fore the Society in Scotland for pi "legating Christian knowledge ... June 5, 1817. Edin., 1817. 8 Sermons on infidelity. /ORF. * Scoti TW Tu;toj<70f Paraclesis contra Dan it -1 is Tileni Silesii Pammcsin. Ad ScotosGc-n. \ . n- sis discipline zelotaa conscriptam. Cuius para prima eat, de Episcopali Ecclesise regimine. s. I., 162.'. t Another copy. Arnica collatio de gratite et voluntatia huma- nse concureu invocatione et quibnsdam an- nex is, instituta inter D. T. et Johannem CAMEROM M. / . /.' . l<; - _'2. 4 TILLARD (J.). A reply to Mr Warburton's ap- pendix, in his second volume of The divine legation of Moses. Together with a few ob- servations on his writings, and occasional re- flections on some useful subjects. London, 1742. 8 TILLEMONT (SEBASTIAN LE NAIN DE). Me- moires pour servir a 1'histoire ecclesiastique des six premiere siecles. Justifiez par les cita- tions des auteurs originaux. Avec une chro- nologie oil Ton fait uu abrege* de 1'histoire ec- cldsiastique et profane ; et des notes pour eclaircir les difficultez des faits et de la chro- nologic. 16 torn. [Tom. vii., viii., ix., xiii., 2d<> e d.] Paris, 1693-1712. 4 Histoire des Empereurs, et des autres princes qui ont regnd durant les six premiers siecles de 1'Eglise, de leurs guerres centre les Juifs, des ecrivains profanes, et des personnes les plus illustres de leur temps. Justified par les citations des auteurs originaux. Avec des notes pour eclaircir les principales difficultez de 1'histoire. 6 torn. [Tom. 6 me l e ed.] Parts, 1720-38. 4 The history of the Arians and of the council of Nice, made good by citations from original authors : with a chronological table containing an abridgment of the principal things in the history, placed according to the order of time ; and with notes clearing the difficulties of facts and chronology. Translated into English by Thomas Deacon. London, 1721. 8 TILLOCH (ALEXANDER), LL.D. The philoso- phical magazine : comprehending the various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce. Vol. xiv.-xxviii., xxx.-xxxii. London, [1802-1808]. 8 TILLOTSON (JOHN), D.D., Archbishop of Can- terbury. The works of Dr J. T. To this edi- tion is now first prefix'd the life of the author, compiled chiefly from his original papers and letters. By Thomas Birch, 1C. A. 3 vol. London, 1752. fol. Another edition. [Without the life.] Vol. i.-xi. London, 1757. 8 The rule of faith : or an answer to the treatise of Mr I. S. [i. e. John Sergeant] entituled, Sure-footing, &c. To which is adjoined a re- ply to Mr I. S. his 3d appendix, &c. By Ed- ward Stillingfleet, B.D. London, 166(3. 8 3 Discourses. Published from the originals by Ralph Barker, D.D. 14 vol. [Vol. i., 4th ed., ii.-vii., 3d ed, viii.-x., xii., 2d ed.] London, 1702-1704. 8 Of evil speaking. A sermon [on Tit. iii. 2] preached before the Queen at Whitehall... I'i'.'I. 4th -d. "Ion, 1707. 8 A sermon [on Mutt. vii. 12] preach'd at the- morning exercise, at Cripple-Gate, about the ir 1660. London, 1709. 8 ( >f the nature of regeneration, and its necessity, in order to justification and salvation. [Five sermons on Gal. vi. 15] London, 1736. 8 * The life of Dr J. T. Compiled chiefly from his original papers and letters. By Thomas Birch, M.A. London, 1753. 8 TILLY (WILLIAM), D.D., Rector of Albury and tlnilinijtnn, < >.'-fordihire. The sins and vices of im-ii's lives, the chief cause of their ignorance, and corrupt opinions in religion. A sermon [on John, iii. li)J preached before the univer- sity of Oxford, at St Mary's, Dec. llth, 1709. London, 1710. 8 TIM^EUS, Sophista. Lexicon vocum Platoni- carum. [Gr.] Ex cod. MS. Sangermanensi, nunc priinum edidit, atque annotationibus il- lustravit David Ruhnkenius. Editio secunda. Lugd. Batav., 1789. 8 TIMPLERUS (CLEMENS), Professor of phihsoj.1- ;/ in the sclwol of Steinfurt. Physicpe seu philo- sophise naturalis systema methodicum, in tres paries digestum...Partt. i., ii. Hanovia, 1607, 9. 8 TINDAL (MATTHEW), LL.D., Fellow of All Sonls college. Four DISCOURSES. 1709 The rights of the Christian CHURCH asserted. A defence of the rights of the Christian CHURCH. 1709 PRIESTCRAFT in perfection. 1710 [The above work has been ascribed also to An- thony COLLINS.] CHRISTIANITY as old as the creation. 1730 * Remarks on a late book entitled, "Chris- tianity as old as the creation," with regard to ecclesiastical antiquity. By a priest of the university of Cambridge. There is added also an appendix, defending the Lord Bishop of London's account of the stoical fate against a late writer. By the same author. Cambridge, 1732. 8 TINDAL (NICHOLAS), Nephew of the preceding, and rector of Alverstoke, Hampshire. The his- tory of England, from the Revolution to the accession of George II. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1751. fol. [The above is a continuation of the History of England, written in French by Paul de RA- PIN THOYRAS, and translated with additional notes by N. T.] TINDALE (WILLIAM). See William TYNDALE. TISCHENDORF (JENOTH. FRIDERIC. CONSTAX- TINUS). Codex Ephrsemi Syri rescriptus. 1843. See BIBLES GREEK. G. Novum Testamentum Greece. 1849. See BIBLES GREEK. F. Vetus Testamentum Gr. juxta LXX. inter- pretes. 1850. See BIBLES GREEK. C. Synopsis evangelica ex quatuor Evangeliis or- dine chronologico conciimavit prsetexto brevi commentario illustravit ad antiques testes ap- TITHES TODD. 791 posito apparatu critico recensuit Constantinus ! Tischendorf. Lipsice, 1851. 8 Anecdota sacra et prof ana ex Oriente et Occi- deiite allata sive Notitia codicum Grsecorum, \ Arabicorura, Syriacorum, Copticorum, Hebrai- ; corum, .JSthiopicorum, Latinorum, cum ex- j cerptis multis maximam partem Grsecis et tri- , ginta quinque Scripturarum antiquissimarum speciminibus. Edidit M. F. C. T. Lipsice, 1855. 4 j - Monuments sacra inedita. 1855, 57, 00. See BIBLES GREEK. B. Notitia editionis codicis Bibliorum Sinaitici ...Accedit catalogus codicum nuper ex Oriente Petropolin perlatorum. Item Origenis Scho- lia in Proverbia Salomonis partini nunc pri- mum partim secundum atque emendatius edi- ta. Edidit M. F. C. T. Lipsice, 1860. 4 Bibliorum codex Sinaiticus Petropolitanus. 18G2. See BIBLES GREEK. A. Novum Testamentum Siiiaiticum. 1863. See BIBLES GREEK. F. - Wann wurden unsere Evangelien verfasst ? j Vierte Auflage. Leipzig, 1866. 8 TITHES. On the commutation of tithes. (From : the Quarterly journal of agriculture, No. 11.); *. 1., 1831. 8 = Thoughts on the advantages of tithes. London, 1835. 8 j The scriptural doctrine of tithes and offerings, j In two parts. Printed for private circulation only. London, 1837. 8 The divine origin, and perpetual and universal obligation of tithes. By a clergyman of the Church of Scotland ; [David THORBURN]. Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. - The great case of tithes. s. 1. et a. 12 TITTMANNUS (CAROLUS CHRISTIANUS), Super- intendant of the diocese of Dresden. Opuscula theologica. Lipsice, 1803. 8 C Another copy. Meletemata sacra, sive commentarius exegeti- 1 co-critico-dogmaticus in Evangelium Joannis. Lipsice, 1816. 8 : Sacred meditations ... With additional notes j from the commentaries of Tholuck, Liicke, Kuinoel, and Storr. Translated from the La- tin, by James Young. 2 vol. [Bib. Cab., vol. xliv., xlv.] Edin., 1844. 8 TITTMANN (JOHANN AUGUST HEINRICH), Pro- fessor of theology in the university of Leipsic. Pragmatische Geschichte der Theologie und Religion in der protestantischen Kirche wahr- end der zweyten Halfte des achtzehnten Jahr- hunderts. Erster Theil. Breslau, 1805. 8 Institutio symbolica ad sententiam Ecclesife evangelicte. Lipsice, 1811. 8 LIBRI SYMBOLICI EcclesitB evangelicse. 1827 Opuscula varii argumenti maximam partem dogmatici, apologetici et historici. Proefatus est Augustus Hahn. Lipsice, 1833. 8 Remarks on the synonyms of the New Testa- ment. Translated by the Rev. Edward Craig, M.A. 2 vol. [Bib. Cab., vol. iii., xviii.] ., 1833, 37. 8 J. A. H. T. summos in theologia honores ab ordine theologorum in viros doctissimos inter ipsa sacra secularia Augustanse Confessionis in sede Paulina D. xxv. lunii A. MUCCCXXX. H. xii. conferendos indicet. De summis prin- cipiis Augustanse Confessionis. s. 1. et a. 4 TITUS, Bishop of Bostra. Contra Manichseos libri quatuor Syriace. Paulus Antonius de Lagarde edidit. Berolini, 1859. 8 Titi Bostreni quse ex opere contra Manichseos edito in codice Hamburgensi servata sunt Greece e recognitione Paiili Antonii de La- garde. Accedunt lulii Romani epistolee, et Gregorii Thaumaturgi x.a.ia. pigo; vta-rig. Berolini, 1859. 8 TITUS (SiLAs), Groom of the bed chamber to CJiarks II. Killing no murder : briefly dis- coursed in three questions, by William ALLEN. [Pseud.} London, 1734. 8 - Another edition. London, 1743. 8 TOCQUEVILLE (ALEXIS DE). Democracy in America. Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq. With an original preface and notes by John C. Spencer. 4th ed., revised and corrected from the eighth Paris edition. 2 vol. New-York, 1843. 8 TOCSIN. A letter to the Protestant poor of Edinburgh. By Tocsin. 2d ed. Edin., 1835. 12 TOD (JAMES), Lieut. Col. Annals and antiqui- ties of Rajast'han, or the central and Western Rajpoot states of India. 2 vol. London, 1829, 32. 4 TOD (T.), Merchant. Observations on Dr M'Far- lan's Inquiries concerning the state of the poor. Edin., 1783. 8 TOD (WALTER). The obligation of civil rulers to establish the means of religious knowledge and instruction ; deduced from the universal moral government of God. Edin., 1836. 12 TO DAY. To day. London, s. a. 12 TODD (HENRY JOHN), M.A, Archdeacon of Ckve- land. Original sin, free-will, grace, regenera- tion, justification, faith, good works, and uni- versal redemption, as maintained in certain declarations of our reformers, which are the groundwork of the ARTICLES of our Established Church upon these subjects. 1818 A vindication of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, and therewith of the Reforma- tion of England, against some of the allega- tions which have been recently made by the Rev. Dr Lingard, the Rev. Dr Milner, and Charles Butler. 2d ed., with notices of Dr Lingard's and Mr Butler's remarks on the first edition. London, 1826. 12 An authentic account of our authorized trans- lation of the holy Bible, and of the translators : with testimonies to the excellence of the trans- lation. Collected by the Rev. H. J. T. 3d ed. Oxford, 1838. 12 - Another copy. TODD (JOHN), Pastor of the first Congregational Church of Philadelphia. The works of the Rev. J. T. A new edition. Complete in one volume. Glasgov:, 1842. 8 d 792 TOELLNERS-TOMBES. The student's manual : designed, by specific directions, to aid in forming and strengthen- ing the intellectual and moral character and habits of the student. Northamptw, 1835. 8 TOELLNERS (JOHANN GOTTLIEB). System der dogmatischen Theologie im vier Buchern. 2 Bande. Xitrnberg, 1776. 4 TOLAND (JOHN). Christianity not mysterious : or, a treatise shewing, that there is nothing in the Gospel contrary to reason, nor above it : and that no Christian doctrine can be properly call'd a mystery. London, 1696. 8 Second edition. London, 1696. 8 [The first edition was published anonymously.] Tetradymus. Containing I. Hodegus ; or the pillar of cloud and fire, that guided the Is- raelites in the wilderness, not miraculous ; but, as faithfully related in Exodus, a thing equally practis'd by other nations, and in those places not only useful but necessary. II. Clidopho- rus ; or of the exoteric and esoteric philosophy, that is, of the external and internal docrine of the ancients... III. Hypatia ; or the history of a most beautiful, most virtuous, most learn- ed, andevery wayaccomplish'dlady...IV. Man- goneutes ; being a defence of Nazarenus, ad- dress'd to the Right Rev. John Lord Bishop of London ; against his Lordships chaplain Dr Mangey, his dedicator Mr Patterson, and (who ought to have been nam'd first) Dr Brett, once belonging to his Lordship's Church. L. P. London, 1720. 8 A collection of several pieces of Mr J. T., now first publish'd from his original manuscripts : with some memoirs of his life and writings. Vol. i. London, 1726. 8 A new edition of Toland's history of the Druids : with an abstract of his life and writ- ings ; and a copious appendix, containing notes critical, philological, and explanatory. By R. Huddleston, schoolmaster, Lunan. Montrose, 1814. 8 TOLERATION. A letter of the ministers of the city of London, presented the first of Jan. 1645. to the Reverend Assembly of divines sitting at Westminster by authority of Parlia- ment, against toleration. London, 1645. 4 Anti-toleration, or a modest defence of the Letter of the London ministers to the Rev. Assembly of divines. By a wel-wisher of peace and truth. London, 1646. 4 A solemn testimony against toleration and the present proceedings of sectaries and their abet- tors in England, in reference to religion and government. With an admonition... to their brethren there, from the commissioners of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland. With the return of the Hon. Estates of par- liament upon the said testimony communicated to them, and their concurrence with the same. Together with the paper of the 5. of July, given in by the commissioners of the kingdom of Scotland to the Speaker of the House of Commons mentioned in the aforesaid return. Edin., 1649. 4" Toleration discussed ; in two dialogues. I. IV- twixt ;i conformist and a non-conformist. II. Betwixt a Presbyterian and an Independ- ent. [By Sir Roger L'ESTKANGE.] London, 1670. 8 The vanity of all pretences for tolk-ration, \v herein the late pleas for tolleration are fully answered ; and the popular arguments drawn from the practice of the United Netherlands are stated at large, and shewn to be weak, fal- lacious and insufficient. London, 1685. 4 Toleration's fence removed, the thoughts con- cerning the present state of affairs in so far as they respect a toleration considered, and ex- posed ; plain-dealing with the Presbytt-rians as it is not found, so not to be expected from prelatical pamphleteers. Or, a vindication of a letter from a gentleman to a member of par- liament concerning toleration from all the ca- vils that have been advanced against it, and the wilful mistakes about it. [By James RAMSAY.] Edin., 1703. 4 Another copy. The reasonableness of a toleration, enquir'd into, purely on Church principles. In several letters. [By John SAGE. ] London, 1705. 8 A toleration in Scotland no breach of the Union. [By William STRAHAN.] London, 1712. 4 [Letter to a member of Parliament against granting toleration to those of the Episcopal persuasion.] [Wants title.] 4 A solemn testimony against toleration ; [with Faithful witness-bearing exemplified, by John HOWIE]. 1783 The right of Protestant dissenters to a com- pleat toleration asserted : containing an histo- rical account of the test laws, and shewing the injustice, inexpediency, and folly of the sacra- mental test, as now imposed, with respect to Protestant dissenters ; with an answer to the objections from the Act of union with Scot- land. By a layman. 2d ed. London, 1789. 8 TOMBES (JOHN), B.D., Minister of Bewdley. Fermentum Pharisseorum, or, the leaven of pharisaicall wil-worship : delivered in a ser- mon on Matth. 15. 9. Novemb. 24. 1641. at Lemster in Herefordshire. London, 1643. 4 An apology or plea for the two treatises, and appendix to them concerning infant-baptisme ; published Decemb. 15. 1645. Against the un- just charges, complaints, and censures of Dr Nathanael Homes, Mr lohn Geree, Mr Stephen Marshall, Mr John Ley, and Mr William Hus- sey ; together with a postscript by way of re- ply to Mr Blakes answer to Mr Tombes his letter, and Mr Edmund Calamy, and Mr Richard Vines preface to it. . . .London, 1646. 4 Antipasdobaptism, or no plain nor obscure Scripture-proof of infants baptism, or Church- membership, being the first part of the full review of the dispute about infant-baptism : containing an ample disquisition of the in- graffing, Rom. 11. 17. the promise, Acts 2. TOMKINS TOMLINSON. 39. the holinesse of children, 1 Cor. 7. 14. Whereby the expositions of those texts, and arguings therein for infant-baptism by Mr S. Marshall, Mr J. Geree, Mr Richard Baxter, Mr Thomas Gobbet, Mr T. Blake, Mr Josiah Church ; and the arguments of Mr Nathaniel Stephens for the convertibility of a word of promise and command, are fully refuted. London, 1652. 4 Sephersheba : or the oath-book. Being a treatise concerning swearing : the nature, forms, rights, lawfulnesse, rules of swearing, adjuration, and keeping of oaths ; wherein the errors of Papists, Quakers and others about swearing are detected ; many cases about swear- ing and keeping oaths are resolved in xx. ca- techetical lectures delivered at Lemster in Herefordshire on the third commandment, in the year 1636, but now much enlarged. London, 1662. 4 Theodulia ; or a defence of hearing the ser- mons and other teaching of the present minis- ters of England. Against a book unjustly entituled, (in Greek) A Christian testimony against them that serve the image of the beast. (In English) A Christian and sober testimony against sinful complyance. Wherein the un- lawfulness of hearing the present ministers of England is pretended to be clearly demon- strated by an author termed by himself Chris- tophilus Antichristomachus. London, 1667. 8 TOMKINS (MARTIN), Dissenting minister at Stoke Neivington. The case of Mr M. T. Being an account of the proceedings of the dissenting congregation at Stoke Newington, upon occa- sion of a sermon preach'd by him, July 13, 1718. London, 1719. 8 Jesus Christ the MEDIATOR between God and man. 1732 Jesus Christ the mediator between God and man...2d ed. To which is now added, by an- other gentleman, an essay to prove the credi- bility of the Gospel, from the doctrine of the efficacy of Christ's death for the redemption of the world. London, 1761. 8 TOMLIN (JACOB), B.A. Missionary journals and letters, written during eleven years' resi- dence and travels amongst the Chinese, Siam- ese, Javanese, Khassias, and other Eastern nations. London, 1844. 12 TOMLINE (GEORGE PRETYMAN), D.D., Bishop of Lincoln, afterwards of Winchester. A sermon [on 2 Sam. xxii. 1, 2, 3] preached at the cathe- dral church of St Paul, London, before His Majesty, and both Houses of parliament, on Tuesday, Dec. 19th, 1797 ; being the day ap- pointed for a general thanksgiving. London, 1798. 4 - A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Lincoln, at the triennial visitation of that diocese in May and June 1803. London, 1803. 4 * Remarks on a charge delivered by the Bishop of Lincoln, to the clergy of that diocese, at the triennial visitation, in May and June, 1803 : with particular reference to His Lordship's animadversions on evangelical preaching. By an old member of parliament. London, s. a. 8 A sermon [on Matt. ii. 5] preached in the ca- thedral church of St Paul, London : on Thurs- day, May 31, 1804. Being the time of the yearly meeting of the children educated in the charity-schools, in and about the cities of Lon- don and Westminster... London, 1804. 4 Elements of Christian theology : containing proofs of the authenticity and inspiration of the holy Scriptures ; a summary of the history of the Jews ; a brief statement of the contents of the several Books of the Old and New Tes- taments ; a short account of the English trans- lations of the Bible and of the liturgy of the Church of England ; and a scriptural exposi- tion of the Thirty-nine articles of religion. 2 vol. 4th ed. London, 1804. 8 * Serious and candid observations on that part of the Bishop of Lincoln's work, entitled Ele- ments of Christian theology, which contains His Lordship's exposition of the seventeenth article of the Church of England. To which is annexed Bishop Beveridge's exposition of the same article. In a letter from an old Christian in the country, to his friend in Lon- don. London, 1800. 8 A refutation of Calvinism ; in which the doc- trines of original sin, grace, regeneration, jus- tification, and universal redemption, are ex- plained, and the peculiar tenets maintained by Calvin upon those points are proved to be contrary to Scripture, to the writings of the ancient Fathers of the Christian Church, and to the public formularies of the Church of England. London, 1811. 8 Second edition. London, 1811. 8 Third edition. London, 1811. 8 A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Lincoln, at the triennial visitation. . .in May, June, and July, 1812. 2d ed. London, 1813. 8 An introduction to the stiidy of the Bible ; containing proofs of the authenticity and in- spiration of the holy Scriptures ; and a sum- mary of the history of the Jews. New edition. London, 1828. 12 TOMLINSON (GEORGE), Bishop of Gibraltar. A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese and jurisdiction of Gibraltar, at the visitation held in the English collegiate church of St Paul, Malta, December 28th, 1844. Malta, 1845. 8 TOMLINSON (ROBERT). An attempt to rescue the holy Scriptures, from the ridicule they in- cur with the inconsiderate, occasioned by in- correct translations ; their misapplication to certain doctrines, &c. by a new translation of the various controverted passages, arranged as they occur in the Old and New Testaments : Illustrated with notes, critical, philosophical, and entertaining : and prefaced by a copious introduction, historical and elucidatory ; in- cluding the opinion of the ancients on several 100 TONGE- TOTTENHAM important disputed points, which manifest the necessity of a divine revelation. London, 1805. 8 TONGE (EZREEL), D.D. Popish mercy and jus- tice. Being an account, not of those (more than an hundred thousand) massacred in France by the Papists, formerly, but of some later persecutions of the French Protestants. Set forth in their petition to the French king. Translated. London, 1679. 4 TONNA (CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH), formerly Char- lotte ELIZABETH Brown. "Principalities and powers in heavenly places." London, 1842. 8 TOOKE (ANDREW), A.M., Professor of geometry in Gresham college. The pantheon : represent- ing the fabulous histories of the heathen gods, and the most illustrious heroes of antiquity, in a short, plain, and familiar method, by way of a dialogue. A new edition. Edin., 1793. 12 TOOKE (JOHN HORNE), M.A., of St John's col- lege, Cambridge. Exit* -Kre^tma,, or the di- versions of Purley. With numerous addi- tions from the copy prepared by the author for republication : to which is annexed his let- ter to John Dunning, Esq. A new edition, revised and corrected, with additional notes, by Richard Taylor, F.S.A. London, 1840. 8 TOOTLE (HUGH). See Charles DODD. TOPLADY (AUGUSTUS MONTAGUE), A.B., Vicar of Broad Hembury, Devonshire. The works of A. M. T. New edition, with an enlarged me- moir of the author. 6 vol. London, 1825. 8 Another edition. London, 1828. 12 A new edition. Complete in one volume. Printed verbatim from the first edition of his works, 1794. London, 1837. 8 A new edition. London, 1853. 8 Free thoughts on the projected application to parliament, for the abolition of ecclesiastical subscriptions. London, 1771. 8 A letter to the Rev. Mr John Wesley : relative to his pretended abridgment of Zunchius on predestination. 2d ed. London, 1771. 8 More work for Mr John Wesley : or, a vindi- cation of the decrees and providence of God from the defamations of a late printed paper, intitled, " The consequence proved." London, 1772. 8 The scheme of Christian and philosophical ne- cessity asserted. In opposition to Mr John Wesley's tract on that subject. W T ith a dis- sertation concerning the sensible qualitys of matter : and the doctrine of color in particular. London, 1775. 8 Another copy. Historic proof of the doctrinal Calvinism of the Church of England. Including a brief account of eminent persons, before and since the Reformation ; more especially of our Eng- lish reformers, martyrs, prelates, universities, &c. with specimens of their testimonies. Also a review of the rise and progress of Arminian- ism in Kn^himl, under the patronage of Arch- bishop Laud. New edition. 2 vol. London, 1793. 8 A course of prayer for each d;iy in the week, morning and evening ; with meditations and remarks suitable to a Christian family. London, 1830. 12 A new edition. To this new edition, at the end of each prayer, is affixed a short and suit- able discourse, with various other pieces from the author's MSS. Also an essay on his life and writings, by John Watkins, LL.D. London, 1832. 12 TOPP (ALEXANDER), Minister of the Free Oiur<-h, i. The kingdom of Christ in the world, or the nature, object, and end of the Church of Christ, as laid down in Scripture. A lec- ture... AV./m, 1844. 8 - Second thousand. Elgin, 1844. 8 TOPP (TERENTIUS). Expositio doctrinse Catho- licae de traditionibus. Quam una cum parer- gis selectis e theologia dogmatica, prteside An- selmo Becker ... public* disquisition! submit- tet T. T. Btmna, [1789]. 4 TORNIELLUS (AUGUSTINUS), General of the So- ciety of Banvabites. Annales sacri, et ex pro- fanis prsecipui, ab orbe condito ad eundem Christi passione redemptum, quos nuper Au- gustinus Maria Negri, additis commentariis, in re historica simul, et chronologica, emen- dare, illustrare, ac perficere studuit. 4 torn. LUCCB, 1756, 57. fol. TORQUEMADA (JOANNES DE). See J. de TUR- RECREMATA. TORRIS. A brief reply to " Scotus," the domi- nie, by Torris, the dissenter, [i. e. John Tod BROWN]. Dunfermline, 1843. 8 TORSHELL (SAMUEL). An exercitation upon the prophecie of Malachy ; [with A learned and very useful commentary upon the whole prophecie of Malachy, by Richard STOCK]. 1641 TORTUS (MATTILEUS), pseud., i.e. Rob. BEL-. LARMTNUS. TOSSANUS (DANIEL), Professor of divinity in ib& university of Heidelberg. A synopsis or com- pendium of the Fathers, or of the most famous and ancient doctors of the Church, as also of the Schoolmen. Wherein is clearely shewed how much is to be attributed to them, in what severall times they lived, with what caution they are to be read, and which were their per- fections, which their errors. A treatise most necessary, and profitable to young divines, and delightfull to all such whose studies in huma- nity take from them the leisure, though not the desire of reading the Fathers ; whose cu- riosity this brief e surveigh of antiquity will in part satisfie. Written in Latin by D. T., and faithfully Englished by A. S., Gent. London, 1635. 8 TOSTI (Louis). Histoire de BONIFACE VIII. et de son siecle, avec des notes et des pieces jus- tificatives. Traduite de 1'Italien par I'Abbe" Marie-Duclos. 2 torn. Pari-s, 1854. 8 TOTTENHAM (EDWARD), B.D., Prebendary of TOUGH TO WGOOD. 795 Wells. A sermon preached at St John's cha- pel, Bedford Row, on May 1, 1834, on behalf of the British Society for promoting the reli- gious principles of the Reformation. s. I, 1834. 8 TOUGH (Miss). A plain and practical ADDRESS to the ladies of Scotland. 1840 The CONVOCATION ; or, what have the minis- ters done ? 1842 TOULMIN (JOSHUA), D.D., Unitarian minister in Birmingham. A short essay on baptism ; ..intended to elucidate the question concerning the extent and perpetuity of its obligation. London, 1786. 8 An essay on catechising ; [with The student and pastor, by John MASON]. 1807 An historical view of the state of the Protest- ant dissenters in England, and of the progress of free enquiry and religious liberty, from the Revolution to the accession of Queen Anne. Bath, 1814. 8 Another copy. TOULOUSE. Re'ponse de quelques membres de 1'Eglise Chretienne reforme'e au mandement de Mgr. FArcheveque de Toulouse, pour le careme de 1'an de grace 1838 ; pre'ce'de'e de nouveaux argumens contre 1'Eglise Romaine, fournis par un de ses defenseurs. Cinquieme Edition, avec des notes responsives. Toulouse, 1838. 8 TOURNEFORT (JOSEPH PITTON DE), Professor of medicine in the royal college, Paris. Rela- tion d'un voyage du Levant, fait par ordre du Roy. Contenant 1'histoire ancienne et mo- derne de plusieurs isles de 1'Archipel, de Con- stantinople, des cotes de la Mer Noire, de I'Annenie, de la Georgie, des frontieres de Perse, et de 1'Asie Mineure...3 torn. Lyon, 1727. 8 TOURNELY (HONORATTTS), Professor of theology at Douay. Continuatio prtelectionum theolo- gicarum, sive tractatus de xmiversa theologia morali, torn. x. Continens tractatum de ma- trimonio, cum variis dissertationibus, &c. Col- legit et digessit Petrus Collet. Colonice Agrippince, 1765. fol. TOVEY (D'BLOsiERs), LL.D., Principal of New- Inn-Hall, Oxford. Anglia Judaica : or the history and antiquities of the Jews in Eng- land. Collected from all our historians, both printed and manuscript, as also from the re- cords in- the Tower, and other public reposito- ries. Oxford, 1738. 4 C TOWERS (JOSEPH), LL.D. Tracts on political and other subjects, published at various times, and now first collected together, in three vo- lumes. London, 1796. 8 A vindication of the political principles of Mr Locke : in answer to the objections of the Rev. Dr Tucker, Dean of Glocester. [Collection of tracts, ut supra.] 1796 A letter to Dr Samuel Johnson : occasioned by his late political publications. With an appendix, containing some observations on a | pamphlet lately published by Dr Shebbeare. [Ibid.] 1796 Observations on Mr Hume's History of Eng- land. [Ibid.] 1796 Observations on the right and duties of juries, in trials for libels : together with remarks on the origin and nature of the law of libels. [Ibid.] . 1796 A letter to the Rev. Dr Nowell : occasioned by his very extraordinary sermon, preached before the House of Commons, on the thirtieth of January, 1772. [Ibid.] 1796 An examination into the nature and evidence of the charges brought against Lord William Russel, and Algernon Sydney, by Sir John Dalrymple, Bart, in his Memoirs of Great Bri- tain. [Ibid.] 1796 A dialogue between two gentlemen, concern- ing the late application to parliament, for re- lief in the matter of subscription to the Thirty nine articles and liturgy of the Church of Eng- land. [Ibid.] 1796 A review of the genuine doctrines of Chris- tianity : comprehending remarks on several principal Calvinistical doctrines : and some observations on the use of reason in religion, on human nature, and on free agency. [Ibid.] 1796 An oration delivered at the interment of the Rev. Caleb Fleming, D.D....July 29. 1779. [Ibid.] 1796 Thoughts on the commencement of a new par- liament : with an appendix, containing re- marks on the letter of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, on the Revolution in France. [Ibid.] 1796 A dialogue between an associator and a well- informed Englishman, on the grounds of the late associations, and the commencement of a war with France. [Ibid.] 1796 Remarks on the conduct, principles, and pub- lications, of the association at the Crown and Anchor, in the Strand, for preserving liberty and property against republicans and levellers. [Ibid.] 1796 An essay on the life, character, and writings, of Dr Samuel Johnson. [Ibid.] 1796 TOWGOOD (MICAIAH), Dissenting minister at Exeter. A dissent from the Church of Eng- land, fully justified, and proved to be the genuine and just consequence of the allegiance which is due to Jesus Christ, the only law- giver in the Church : being the dissenting gen- tleman's Letters, &c. in answer to the Letters of the Rev. Mr White, on that subject. The 9th ed. : to which is prefixed a preface, vindi- cating the sentiments and character of the au- thor from some recent misrepresentations. Cambridge, 1804. 8 The fifteenth edition. To which is added a large appendix, illustrative of the history, principles, and present state of the Presbyte- rian Church, particularly that of Ireland. Newry, 1816. 12 Another copy. Tracts on important subjects ; historical, con- troversial, and devotional. Harlow. 1812. 8 7 in; TOWGOOD T-\\: An essay towarfls attaining a tme idea of tlie character and feign of King Charles the First, and the causes of the civil war... 3d ed. [Col- lection of tracts, ut supra.] 1812 The baptism of infants a reasonable service ; founded upon Scripture, and undoubted apos- tolic tradition : in which its moral purposes and use in religion are shewn, lit hud. [Ibid.] 1812 Dipping not the only scriptural and primitive manner of baptizing. And supposing it were, yet a strict adherence to it not obligatory on us. [Ibid.] 1812 High flown Episcopal and priestly claims fm ly examined : in a dialogue between a country gentleman and a country vicar : wherein Church authority, confirmation, absolution ; the burial of the dead, the power of Bishops to give the Holy Ghost, and of priests to forgive sins ; the consecration of churches and church-yards, and bowing toward the altar and the East ; are particularly considered. To which is prefixed a serious admonition to those who are pressed to come to confirmation : and some remarks on a book lately published, entitled, Short in- structions for them that are preparing for con- firmation, &c. [Ibid.] 1812 A calm and plain answer to the enquiry, Why are you a dissenter from the Church of Eng- land 1 Containing some remarks on its doc- trine, spirit, constitution, and some of its of- fices and forms of devotion. By the author of the dissenting gentleman's Letters to White. Being a summary view of the arguments con- tained in those letters. [Ibid.] 1812 The dissenters' apology : or their principles and conduct justified, from the groundless and severe censures lately set forth against them by the editor of Dr Warren's Sermons : in which the nature of schism, Church authority, and civil establishments of religion is consi- dered : and the memory of their fathers purged from the odium there cast upon them. [Ibid.] 1812 Spanish cruelty and injustice : a justifiable plea for a vigorous war with Spain ; and a ra- tional ground for hopes of success : being a collection from authentic authors, of their inhuman barbarities exercised upon Pagans, Jews, Mahometans, and Christians. [Ibid.] 1812 Afflictions improved : a sermon [on Eccles. vii. 14] preached at Credit on in Devon, Aug. 21, 1743. Being the Lord's Day after the dread- ful fire which consumed the greatest part of that large and populous town : to which is prefixed a short account of that terrible con- flagration. 2d ed. [Ibid.] 1812 Recovery from sickness : a present to one raised from a dangerous disorder : containing serious reflections, resolutions and devotions, suitable to that occasion. 3d ed. [Ibid.] 1812 The grounds of faith in Jesus Christ briefly stated ; and shewn to be a solid foundation for peace and joy unspeakable- : with an ear- nest recommendation of Catholic Christianity, and the communion of saints. (Ihid.J 18J2 T<>\\NK (JoH.s). A critical inquiry into the opinions and practice >f the ancient philoso- phers concerning the nature of the Soi i.. 1748 TOWNLEY (CHARLES QOOTUVO), LL.D. * sceptic saved and saving others ; or memorials of C. G. T. By Samuel Martin. Ion, 1857. 8 T< > \VNLEY (JAMES), D.D. Illustrations of bib- lical literature, exhibiting the history and fato of the sacred writings, from the earliest period to the present century ; including biographical notices of translators, and other eminent bibli- cal scholars. 3 vol. London, 1821. 8 TOWNSEND (GEORGE), D.D., Canon of Dur- ham. The accusations of history against the Church of Rome, examined in remarks on the principal observations in Mr Charles Butler's work, " Book of the Roman Catholic Church." With a supplementary letter to Mr Butler, containing a reply to his " Vindication" of that work, point by point, throughout. A new edition. London, 1826. 8 Review of a pamphlet, entitled, " Declaration of the Catholic Bishops, the vicars apostolic, and their coadjutors, in Great Britain," para- graph by paragraph. To which is added, an appeal to the Roman Catholic laity, who signed " an address to their Protestant fellow coun- trymen," founded upon that Declaration. London, 1827. 8 The Holy Bible arranged in chronological or- der. 1834. See BIBLES ENGLISH. A. The doctrine of the atonement to be taught without reserve ; or, the clergy warned against the errors of a publication, entitled, "Tracts for the times, No. 80. Ad clerum :" A charge to the clergy of the peculiar of Allerton and Allertonshire, at the visitation, August 15, 1838. London, 1838. 8 Ecclesiastical and civil history philosophically considered, with reference to the future re- union of Christians. The first three.books, comprising the period from the ascension of our Lord to the death of Wycliffe. 2 vol. London, 1847. 8 TOWNSEND (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel, Ja- maica How, Bermondxey. Nine discourses on prayer. London, 1799. 8 Hints on Sunday schools and itinerant preach- ing ; in a letter to the Bishop of Rochester. London, 1801. 8 TOWNSEND (JOSEPH), A.M., Rector of Pewsey, Wiltshire. Every true Christian a new crea- ture. A treatise on 2 Cor. v. 17. To which is added, three dialogues between a minister and one of his hearers ; on the true principles of religion, and salvation for sinners by Jesus Christ. By the same author, s. 1, 1769. 12 TOWNSON (THOMAS), D.D., Archdeacon of Eich- mond. Discourses on the four Gospels. ..To which is added, an inquiry concerning the hours of St John, of the Romans, and of some other nations of antiquity. 2d ed. To which TRACTATUS TREASURY . 797 is subjoined, a sermon on the manner of our Saviour's teaching. Oxford, 1788. 8 A discourse on the evangelical history, from the interment to the ascension of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To which is prefixed, an account of the author. London, 1793. 8 TRACTATUS. Tractatus theologico-politicus. [By B. SPINOZA.] Cui adjunctus est Philoso- phia S. Scripturse interpres. [By L. MEYER.] Ab authore longe emendatior. s. I. , 1674. 8 Tractatus de arte bene vivendi beneque mo- riendi. B. L. Rothomagi, s. a. 12 TRACTS. A second collection of tracts, proving the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the only true God ; and Jesus Christ the Son of God, him whom the Father sanctified and sent, raised from the dead and exalted. And disproving the doctrine of three almighty and equal persons, spirits, modes, subsistences, or somewhats in God ; and of the incarnation. London, 1692, 93. 4 Tracts for the times. No. i. [Containing articles on the present position of the Church, May 3, 1839 ; interlocutor pronounced by the Court of Session against the Presbytery of Auchterarder ; judgment of the House of Lords, 2d and 3d May ; the independence of the Kirk.] Edin., 1839. 8 Another copy. Tracts for the times. By members of the uni- versity of Oxford. 5 vol. London, 1840. 8 A series of tracts on the doctrines, order, and polity of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Embracing several on prac- tical subjects. 2 vol. Philadelphia, 1842. 12 Another copy. Tracts for priests and people. By various writers. First series. Cambridge, 1861. 8 Collection of Gaelic tracts. [Religious tract society, Glasgow.] s.l.eta. 12 Volume of Gaelic tracts. [Ibid.] s. I. et a. 12 TRACY (A. L. C: DESTXJTT DE).-See A. L. C. DESTUTT-DE-TRACY. TRACY (JOSEPH). History of the American Board of commissioners for foreign missions. Compiled chiefly from the published and un- published documents of the Board. 2d ed. New- York, 1842. 8 TRAGGIA (JOACHIM). Orationes Latinse. Caesar- Augusta, 1783. 8 TRAIL (WILLIAM), A.M., Minister of Free Tron church, Glasgoio. Unseen realities ; or, glimpses into the world to come. Glasgow, 1860. 8 TRAILL (ROBERT), A.M., Minister of the Gospel, London. The works of the late Rev. R. T. 4 vol. Glasgow, 1795, 96. 8 - A new edition. 4 vol. Edin., 1810. 8 Select practical writings of R. T. Edin., 1845. 8 Another copy. A vindication of the Protestant doctrine con- cerning justification, and of its preachers and professors, from the unjust charge of Antino- mianism. In a letter to a minister in the country. 3d ed. Edin., 1734. 8 Another edition. Perth, 1828. 8 TRAILL (WALTER), Minister of Lady parish, Ork- ney. * Proceedings of the Presbytery of North Isles, and Synod of Orkney, relative to Mr W. T., and appealed against by Mr T. to the General Assembly. Edin., 1838. 8 TRANQUILLE DE BAYEUX (Le P.). See OS- MONT DU SELLIER. TRANSUBSTANTIATION. The doctrine of the TRINITY and tran substantiation compared. [By Edward STILLINGFLEET.] 1687 TRANSYLVANIA. Brevissimum compendium principatus Transylvanici historise ab anno 1526 usque ad annum 1703. Cum variis docu- mentis et diplomatibus. s. L, 1710. fol. TRAPP (JOHN), Vicar of Weston-upon-Avon. A commentarie or exposition upon the Pro- verbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. [Wants title.] [London, 1650.] 4 TRAPP (JOSEPH), D. D. , Grandson ofthepi-eceding, and rector of Harlington, Middlesex. A pre- servative against unsettled notions and want of principles in religion. In several discourses upon select subjects. London, 1715. 8 The real nature of the Church or kingdom of Christ. A sermon [on John, xviii. 36] preach'd at the church of S. Martin in the Fields May 19. and at that of St Olave Old Jewry, and St Martin Ironmonger Lane, June 2. 1717. In answer to the Bishop of Bangor's Sermon upon the same text. With a postscript, in answer to his Lordship's Letter to Dr Snape ; so far as it affects the said sermon. London, 1717. 8 Third edition. London, 1717. 8 TRAUTMANN(J. B.). Die ApostolischeKirche. Neue Ausgabe. Stuttgart, s. a. 8 TRAUTWEIN (GREGORIUS). Vindiciarum ad- versus Justini Febronii de abusu et usurpa- tione summse potestatis pontificias librum sin- gularem liber singularis. Auctore Jo. Georgio Antonio de VIGILIBUS. [Pseud.] Pars prima. Cui accedit Nomenclator Febronianus, &c. Augusta Vindel. et (Eniponti, 1765. 4 Pars secunda. Auctore Gregorio Trautwein. Cui accedit Syllogismus Antif ebronianus prag- maticus, sive dissertatio de Isidoriana collec- tione decretalium RR. PP. ante Siricium Pa- pam. Augustce Vind. et (Eniponti, 1765. 4 TRAVELS. Travels in France during the years 1814-15, comprising a residence at Paris dur- ing the stay of the Allied armies, and at Aix, at the period of the landing of Bonaparte. 2ded. 2vol. [By A. ALISON.] Edin., 1816. 8 TRAVERS (GUALTERUS). Ecclesiastics DISCIP- LINE dilucida explicatio. 1574 TRAVIS (GEORGE), A.M., Archdeacon of Chester. Letters to Edward Gibbon. 3d ed. London, 1794. 8 TREASON. Treason discovered ; or, The black- book opened... London, s. a. 4* TREASURY. The Christian treasury. Vol. i.- vii. Edin., 1846-52. 8 708 TREATY-TRENT. TREATY. A general collection of treatys, de- clarations of war, manifestos, and other puli- lick papers, relating to peace and war, anumi,' the potentates of Europe, from 1048 to the present time. ..To which is pretix'd, an histori- cal account of the French King's breach of the most solemn treatys. London, 1710. 8 Extracts from the treaties between Great Bri- tain and other kingdoms and states of such articles as relate to the duty and conduct of the commanders of His Majesty's ships of war. London, 1792. 4 Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, conditionally ratified by the Senate of the United States, at Philadelphia, June 24, 1795. To which is annexed, a co- pious appendix. Philadelphia, 1795. 12 TREBECK (ANDREW), D.D., Rector of St George, It'', / Square. A sermon [on 2 Sam. i. 14] preach'd before the Hon. House of Commons, at St Margaret's Westminster, on Friday, Jan. 30, 1746-7. London, [1747]. 4 TREFFRY (RICHARD). A treatise on the Chris- tian Sabbath. London, 1838. 12 A treatise on secret and social prayer. London, 1841. 12 TREFFRY (RICHARD), Jun. An inquiry into the doctrine of the eternal Sonship of our Lord Jesus Clirist. London, 1837. 12 Another copy. Second edition. London, 1839. 12 Another copy. Third edition. London, 1849. 12 Another copy. Another copy. Letters on the atonement. London, 1839. 12 The infidel's own book : a statement of some of the absurdities resulting from the rejection of Christianity. 3d ed. London, 1845. 12 * Memoir of the Rev. R. T. , Jun. : including extracts from his correspondence. To which are appended select remains, consisting of sketches of sermons, essays, and poetry. By his father. London, 1839. 12 TREGELLES (SAMUEL PRIDEAUX), LL.D. The Jansenists : their rise, persecutions by the Je- suits, and existing remnant. A chapter in Church history. London, 1851. 8 An account of the printed text of the Greek New Testament ; with remarks on its revision upon critical principles. Together with a col- lation of the critical texts of Griesbach, Scholz, Lachmann, and Tischendorf , with that in com- mon use. London, 1854. 8 Another copy. An introduction to the textual criticism of the New Testament, by the Rev. T. H. HORNE, B.D. The critical part re-written and the re- mainder revised and edited by S. P. T. 1856 TRELCATIUiS (LUCAS), Jun., Professor of theo- logy in the university of Leyden. Opuscula theologica omnia. Lugd. Batav. , 1614. 8 Scholastica et methodica locorum communium S. theologiae institutio, didactice et elenctice in epitome explicata...Accesait huic Index erro- rum Ecclesue Romance una cum nntid< iv. tomis Diaput.-itii'imm K"l>rrti I'.rll.-iniiini, Conrarioauctore. A mstel.< 1 ti.M. !'_' TRELEINIE (PHIL. ), pseud., i.e. ! unr. TREMBICKA (Madame FRANCOISE). Me*n.. d'une Polonaise pour servir a 1'histoire de la Pologne, depuis 1764 jusqu' a 1830. 2 torn. Paris, 1841. * TREMELLIUS (!MMANUEL), S.T.D., Prcft** theology at Heidelberg. Testamenti \ Biblia sacra. 1596. See BIBLES LATIN. A. TRENCH (FRANCIS), Perpetual curateofM ./<-/./<'.<, Reading. Christ, the true physician. A ser- mon. Reading, s. a. 8 Christ, the blessed peace maker. A sermon. Reading, a. a. 8 Christ preached in the history of Naaman the Syrian. A sermon. Reading, s. a. 12 Scotland, its faith and its features ; or, a visit to Blair Athol. 2 vol. London, 1846. 8 TRENCH (JAMES), Superintendent of the 1, burgh city mission. * Memoirs and remains of the Rev. J. T. By Andrew Thomson, D.D. Edin., 1855. 12 Another copy. TRENCH (RICHARD CHENEVIX), D.D., ArcWi- shop of Dublin. Notes on the parables of our Lord. 3d ed. London, 1847. 8 Eighth edition. London, 1860. 8 Notes on the miracles of our Lord. 2d ed. London, 1847. 8 Sixth edition. London, 1858. 8 Exposition of the sermon on the Mount, drawn from the writings of St Augustine, with ob- servations, and an introductory essay on his merits as an interpreter of holy Scripture. 2d ed. London, 1851. 8 English : past and present. Five lectures. London, 1855. 8 On the authorized version of the New Testa- ment : in connexion with some recent pro- posals for its revision. London, 1858. 8 Second edition. London, 1859. 8 The Hulsean lectures for M.DCCC.XLV. and M.DCCC.XLVI. 4th ed. Cambridge, 18^9. 8 Sermons preached in Westminster Abbey. London, 1860. 8 Commentary on the Epistles to the seven Churches in Asia. Revelation, ii. iii. London, 1861. 8 TRENCK (FREDERICK, Baron). The life of Fre- derick, Baron Trenck. Written by himself, and translated from the German. 2 vol. London, 1788. 12 TRENT. Canones, et decreta sacrosanct! cecu- menici- et generalis concilii Tridentini sub Paulo III., Julio III., Pio IIIL, Pontificibus Max. celebrati, juxta exemplar authenticum Romae M.D.LXIIII. editum. Praeter nomina et subscriptiones patrum, variantes etiam lec- tiones et notas Chiffletii, accesserunt varia ad disciplinam EcclesiaeBelgicae pertinentia, opera et studio Judoci Le Plat. Antverjnce, 1779. 4 Another edition. Paris, 1823. 12 Another edition. Li}>sUe, 1837. 8 TRESCHOW TRIMMER. 799 Editio tertia. Lipsice, 1846. 8 Translated by the Rev. J. Waterworth. To which are prefixed, essays on the external and internal history of the council. London, 1848. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The canons and decrees of the council of Trent. With a supplement, containing the condemnations of the early reformers, and other matters relating to the council. Lite- rally translated into English. By Theodore Alois Buckley, B.A. London, 1851. 8 Acta concilii Tridentini a Gabriele PALEOTTO descripta. 1842 - Catechismo, cioe istruttione, secondo il de- creto del concilio di Trento, a' parochi, publi- cato per comandamento del Santiss. S. N. Papa Pio V. et tradotto poi per ordinQ di S. Santita in lingua volgare dal reuerendo padre frate Alesso Figliucci, de 1'ordine de' predica- tori. In Venetia, appresso Aldo Minutio, M.D.LXVII. 4 Catechismus ex decreto concilii Tridentini, ad parochos, ante quidem Pii V. Pont. Max: iussu conscriptus, nunc autem in iiii. libros, certaque capita distributus, et summarijs capi- tum, pluribusque ad marginem Scripturarum ac Patrum testimonijs illustratus, nihil interim prorsus in textu addito, imminuto aut mutato mandato et authoritate Reuerendiss. in Christo Patris S. R. I. Principis et Domini, Dn. loan- nis ex Comitibus de Hoya, Episcopi Monaste- riensis, necnon Osnaburgensis et Paderbornen- sis Ecclesiarum administratoris perpetui, &c. editus. Colonue, M.D.LXXII. 4 Another edition. Sincerus et integer, men- disque iterum repurgatus, opera P. D. C. H. P. Lugduni, 1682. 12 Another copy. Editio nova ad usum seminariorum. Parisiis, 1831. 12 Another edition. Ad editionem Romse A.D. MDLXVI. publici juris factam accuratissime ex- pressus. Lipsice, 1843. 8 Translated into English by John Donovan, D.D. Borne, 1839. 8 Translated into English, with notes, by Theodore Alois Buckley, B.A. London, 1852. 8 TRESCHOW (N.). Lovgivnings-Principier eller om Staten i Forhold til Religion, Seeder og Cultur. Christiania, 1820. 8 - Lovgivnings-Principier eller om Staten i For- hold til offentlig Velstand, Nseringsveie, Han- del, Fattigvsesenet, samt Penge- og Skatte- Vsesenet m. m. Christiania, 1821. 8 TREVELYAN. Trevelyan papers prior to A.D. 1558. Edited [for the Camden Society] by J. Payne Collier. London, 1857. 4 Part ii. A.D. 1446-1643. Edited [for the Camden Society] by J. Payne Collier. London, 1863. 4 TREVELYAN (C. E.). A treatise on the means of communicating the learning and civilization of Europe to India. [From the Bengal Hur- karu.] Calcutta, 1834. 12 TREVERN(J. F. ~M..) Bishop of Strasburg. Dis- cussion amicale sur 1'Eglise Anglicane, et en general sur la Reformation, dediee au clerge de toutes les communions Protestantes, et re- digee en forme de lettres. 3 torn. Troisieme Edition. Pans, 1829. 8 TRIBBECHOVIUS (ADAMUS), Professor of sacred and civil history in the university of Kiel. Ex- ercitationes ad Baronii Annales, continuatae ubi desiit Jo. Casaubonus ; [cum Disquisitioni- bus anti-Baronianis, per C. KORTHOLTUM]. 1708 TRIDENTUM. See TRENT. TRIGLANDIUS (JACOBUS), S.T.D., Professor of theology in the university of Ley den. Trina Dei gratia, nimirum, electionis, sanctificationis, conservationis, explicata, conlirmata, vindica- ta, et argumentis, exceptionibus, atque cavil- lationibus Remonstrantium synodicis opposita. Amstel, 1636. 8 Dissertatio theologica de civili et ecclesiastica potestate. Et utriusque ad se invicem, turn subordinatione, turn co-ordinatione. Occasi- one libelli Vedeliani, De Episcopatu Constan- tini Magni. Amstel., 1642. 12 Antapologia, sive examen atque ref utatio to- tius Apologise Remonstrantium. Ubique ipso Apologise textu inserto, ita ut cum et sine ipsa legi possit. Opus posthumum. Amstel., 1664. 4 Another copy. TRIGLANDIUS (JACOBUS), J.F.J.N., Grandson of the preceding, and professor of Hebrew anti- quities at Leyden. Diatribe de secta Karseo- rum ; [part. ii. Syntagm. trium. script, illustr. de tribus JUD^EORUM sectis]. 1703 Dissertationum theologicarum et philologica- rum sylloge : ut et orationum academicarum. Quibus accedit oratio f unebris in ejusdem obi- tum. [Per Joannem Marckium.] Editio de- nuo recognita, et hinc inde ab auctore ipso annotationibus aucta. Delphis, 1728. 4 TRIGONOMETRY. Elements of plane trigono- metry, with their application to mensuration and surveying. Edin. , 1820. 8 A syllabus of a course of lectures upon trigo- nometry, and the application of algebra to geometry. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1836. 8 TRIMMER (JOSHUA). Practical geology and mineralogy ; with instructions for the qualita- tive analysis of minerals. London, 1841. 8 TRIMMER (SARAH). The guardian of educa- tion, a periodical work ; consisting of a prac- tical essay on Christian education, founded . immediately on the Scriptures, and the sacred offices of the Church of England : memoirs of modern philosophers, and extracts from their writings ; extracts from sermons and other books relating to religious education ; and a copious examination of modern systems of edu- cation, children's books, and books for young persons ; conducted by Mrs T. Vol. i.-iv. London, 1802-1805. 8 Sacred history, selected from the Scriptures ; son TRIMNELL-TROTTER. with annotations and reflections. 5th ed. <; rot, Lowlon, 1800. TJ TRIMNELL (CHARLES), D.D., Bislwp of Nor- mV/i, -f ll'inchester. An account of the proceedings between the two Houses of CONVOCATION which met October the 20th, 1702. 1704 A sermon [on Ps. xx. 6] preach'd before the House of Lords, at the Abbey- church in West- minster, Feb. 17. 1708. Being the day ap- pointed for a publick thanksgiving, A.<-. London, 1709. 8 TRINDER (WILLIAM MARTIN), LL.B. of Oxford, I'm! M.D. at Leyden. Twenty practical ser- mons, entitled the Philanthropic monitor. London, 1793. 8 A sermon on the defence of our country, [from 2 Sam. x. 12]. London, 1798. 8 Sermons on the parables of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Barnet, 1816. 8 Another copy. TRINITARIANS. An address to the members of the Church of England, and to Protestant Trinitarians in general, exhorting them to turn from the false worship of three persons, to the worship of the one true God. 2d ed. London, 1788. 8 TRINITY. The doctrine of the Trinity and TRANSUBSTANTIATION compared, as to Scrip- ture, reason, and tradition, in a new dialogue bo tween a Protestant and a Papist. The second part. Wherein the doctrine of the Trinity is shewed to be agreeable to Scripture and rea- son, and transubstantiation repugnant to both. [By E. STILLINGFLEET.] London, 1687. 4 The doctrine of the blessed Trinity stated and defended. By some London ministers. [The Rev. Mr Tong, Rev. Mr Robinson, Rev. Mr Smith, and Rev. Mr Reynolds.] London, 1719. 8 An account of all the considerable books and pamphlets that have been wrote on either side in the controversy concerning the Trinity, since the year 1712. In which is also contained, an account of the pamphlets writ this last year on each side by the dissenters, to the end of the year 1719. [ByT.HERNE.] London, 1720. 8 The Scripture- Trinity intelligibly explained : or, an essay towards the demonstration of a Trinity in unity, in answer to Dr Waterland and Dr Clarke. By a divine of the Church of England. London, 1720. 8 A sober appeal to a Turk or an Indian, con- cerning the plain sense of Scripture, relating to the Trinity. Being an, answer to Dr I. Watts' late book, intitled, The Christian doc- trine of the Trinity, or Father, Son, and Spi- rit, three persons and one God, asserted and proved by plain evidence of Scripture, without the aid or incumbrance of human schemes. The 2d ed. To which are added, I. Remarks on Dr Watts' three Dissertations relating to the doctrine of the Trinity, published in 1724. II. A sober appeal to all that have read the New Testament, whether the reputed orthodox are not more justly chargeable with preaching a new Gospel, than reputed Ariana. III. A ivj.lv t<> Dr Waterland's Animadversions upon some passages in the Sober appeal. [By Mar- tin TOM K i .vs.] London, 1748. 8 J A new essay with relation to the doctrine of the Trinity. Lmidon, 1749. 8 A letter to the mayor and corporation of Deale, in Kont, in relation to their opinion upon the Trinity. London, 1752. 8 A vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity from the exceptions of a late pamphlet [by Bishop Clayton] entitled, An essay on Spirit, Arc. By a divine of the Church of England ; [Thomas RANDOLPH]. In three parts. "..;/ rd, 1753, 54. 8 Another copy. Outline of the Scripture evidence for the Tri- nity... Glasyoiv, 1831. 12 The Christian layman : or, the doctrine of the Trinity fully considered, and adjudged accord- ing to the Bible. By a Christian layman. Mobile, 1840. 12 TROLLOPE (FRANCES). Belgium and Western Germany in 1833 ; including visits to Baden- Baden, Wiesbaden, Cassel, Hanover, the Harz mountains, &c. &c. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1835. 12 TROLLOPE (WILLIAM), M.A., of Pembroke col- lege, Cambridge. Analecta theologica : a cri- tical, philological, and exegetical commentary on the New Testament : adapted to the Greek text ; compiled and digested from the most approved sources, British and foreign : and so arranged as to exhibit the comparative weight of the different opinions on disputed texts. 2 vol. New edition. London, 1842. 8 TROMMIUS (ABRAHAM), Pastor at Grroningen. Concordantise Greecse versionis vulgo dicfce LXX. interpretum, cujus voces secundum or- dinem elementorum sermonis Gneci digestre recensentur, contra atque in opere Kircheriano factum fuerat. Leguntur hie praeterea voces Graecse pro Hebraicis redditse ab antiquis om- nibus Veteris Testament! interpretibus, quo- rum nonnisi fragmenta extant, Aquila, Sym- macho, Theodotione et aliis, quorum maximam partem nuper in lucem edidit Domnus Ber- nardus de Montfaucon. 2 torn. Amstel. et Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1718. fol. Another copy. TRONCHAY ('MICHEL). Histoire abrege'e de 1'abbaye de PORT- ROYAL. 1710 TROPES. Divine eloquence, or, an essay upon the tropes and figures contained in the holy Scriptures. [By Cornelius NORWOOD.] Berwick, 1792. 12 TROQUEER. The case of the elders and heri- tors of the parish of Troqueer, callers of Mr J. R. probationer. Given in to the General Assembly, 1734. .EtHn.,1734. 8 TROTTER (JOHN). Travels in Phrenologasto. By Giovanni Battista BALSCOPO. [Pseud.] Translated from the Italian. London, 1829. 8 TROTTER (WILLIAM).* The justice and for- bearance of the Methodist new connexion con- TROUGHTON TULLOCH. 801 ference, as they were illustrated in the case of W. T. London, 1841. 8 TROUGHTON (JOHN), Fellow of St John's col- lege, Oxford. Lutherus redivivus : or the Pro- testant doctrine of justification by faith onely, vindicated. And a plausible opinion of justi- fication by faith and obedience proved to be Arminian, Popish, and to lead unavoidably into Socinianism. 2 parts. London, 1677, 78. 8 Another copy. TRUMAN (JOSEPH), B.D. A discourse of na- tural and moral iinpotency. 2d ed. London, 1675. 8 A new edition, with a biographical introduc- tion, by Henry Rogers. London, 1834. 8 The great propitiation : or, Christ's satisfac- tion, and man's justification by it upon his faith ; that is, belief of, and obedience to, the Gospel. Reprinted from the edition of 1672. London, s. a. 8 TRUSLER (JOHN). Chronology ; or, the histo- rian's vade-mecum. Wherein every remark- able occurrence in the English history, from the descent of Julius Caesar, to the present time : as well as most of the principal events of ancient and other histories, are alphabeti- cally recorded ; with the dates affixed... Toge- ther with a chronological list of the most emi- nent men in all ages of the world. . .8th ed. London, 1776. 12 Fourteenth edition. [Brought down to the present year.] Vol. ii. London, 1792. 12 TRUTH. The law of truth : or, the obligations of reason essential to all religion. To which are prefixed, some remarks supplemental to a late tract, entitled, Divine rectitude. [By John BALGU Y. ] London, 1733. 8 - Truth without novelty ; or, a course of scrip- tural instruction for ^very Sunday in the year, principally designed for Sunday schools. By the author of " The guiding star, and other tales." In two parts. Reading, 1836, 37. 8 Truth, what is it ? and opinion, what is it not ? Edin., 1840. 8 Important truths. London, s. a. 12 TRYPHIODORUS. Ilii excidium ; [cum Bib- liotheca historica DIODOBI Siculi]. 1578 TUAIRNEIR (PARUIG MAC- AN). See Peter TUR- NER. TUAM, R. C. ARCHBISHOP OF. See John MAC- HALE. TUAM, ARCHBISHOP OF. See Edward SYNGE. TUCH (FRIEDRICH). Kommentar iiber die Ge- nesis. Halle, 1838. 8 TUCKER (Miss). Abbeokuta; or, sunrise within the tropics : an outline of the origin and pro- gress of the Yoruba mission. 4th ed. London, 1854. 8 TUCKER (ABRAHAM). The light of nature pur- sued. 2d ed. Together with some account of the life of the author, by Sir H. P. St John Mildmay, Bart. 7 vol. London, 1805. 8 Third edition. 2 vol. London, 1834. 8 TUCKER (JosiAH), D.D., Dean of Gloucester. An apology for the present Church of England as by law established, occasioned by a petition laid before parliament, for abolishing subscrip- tions, in a letter to one of the petitioners. 2d ed. Gloucester, 1772. 8 Letters to the Rev. Dr Kippis, occasioned by his treatise, entituled, A vindication of the Protestant dissenting ministers, with regard to their late application to parliament. Gloucester, 1773. 8 TUCKNEY (ANTHONY), D.D., Regius professor of divinity in the university of Cambridge. The balme of Gilead, for the wounds of England : applyed in a sermon [on Jerem. 8. 22] preach- ed at Westminster, before the Hon. House of Commons, at the late solemne fast, August 30. 1643. London, 1643. 4 Forty sermons upon several occasions. Pub- lished according to his own copies. By his son Jonathan Tuckney, M.A. London, 1676. 4 Prselectiones theologicse : nee non determina- tiones qusestionum variarum insignium in scho- lis academicis Cantabrigiensibus habitse ; qui- bus accedunt exercitia pro gradibus capessen- dis. Amstel., 1679. 4 Eight letters which passed between Dr Which- cote, and Dr T., on several very interesting subjects. [With Moral and religious aphor- isms, by Dr WHICHCOTE.] 1753 TUKE (HENRY). The duties of religion and mo- rality as inculcated in the holy Scriptures ; with preliminary and occasional observations. 4th ed. York, 1812. 8 TULLICH, GLENMUICK, AND GLENGAIR- DEN. Case, James Farquharson of Inver- cauld, and others, heritors or inhabitants of the united parishes of Tullich, Glenmuick, and Glengairden, appellants. The Right Hon. Charles Hallyburton, Earl of Aboyne, patron, and Mr George Brown, preacher of the Gos- pel, presentee to the said parishes, respond- ents. Respondents case. To be heard at the bar of the Venerable Assembly 1791. s. I. et a. 4 TULLIUS, or TULLY (THOMAS), D.D., Princi- pal of Edmund Hull, Oxford. Prsecipuorum theologiae capitum enchiridion didacticum : cum appendicula practica de Coena Domini. Quibus accessit Symboli apostolici, et Preca- tionis dominicse expositio. Editio tertia. Londini, 1673. 8 Justificatio Paulina sine operibus ex mente Ecclesise Anglicanse, omniumque reliquarum quse Reformatee audiunt, asserta et illustrata. Contra nuperos novatores. Accessit disserta- tiuncula de sensu Pauli, Rom. 7. a comrn. 14. Oxonice, 1674. 4 Another copy. TULLOCH (JOHN), D.D., Principal, and prima- rius professor of theology, St Mary's college, St Andrews. Theism : the witness of reason and nature to an all-wise and beneficent Creator. Edin., 1855. 8 Theological tendencies of the age : an inaugu- ral lecture, delivered at the opening of ISt 101 TII.I.V TURRECREM Mary's college, on Tuesday, the 28th Novem- ber, 1864. 2ded. , ls.V>. ,s The theological faculties of the Scottish uni- versities in connection with university refor A letter to H. M. university commissioners for Scotland. ffcftft., 186& 8 Leaders of the Reformation, Luther, Calvin, Latimer, Knox. ./m., 1859. 8 Another copy. Another edition. ,1860. 8 TULLY (THOMAS). See Thomas TULLIUS. TUPPER (MARTIN FARQUHAR), D.C.L. Pro- verbial philosophy : a book of thoughts and arguments originally treated. Nineteenth thousand. London, 1850. 8 Probabilities : an aid to faith. A new edi- tion ; with notes. London, 1851. 8 TURBERVIL (HENRY). A manual of contro- versies : clearly demonstrating the truth of Catholick religion by texts of holy Scripture, councils of all ages, Fathers of the first 500 years, common sense and reason. And fully answering the principal objections of Protest- ants and all other sectaries. The 4th ed. To which is added the author's last controversial piece in verse, with several sentences out of the Fathers. Collected by J. D. London, 1686. 12 TURENNE, VISCOUNT OF. See Henri de LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE. TURGOT (ANNE -ROBERT -JACQUES), Baron de VAulne.* The life of M. T. ; written by the Marquis of Condorcet ; and translated from the French. London, 1787. 8 TURKS. Libellus de ritu et moribus Turcorum ante Ixx. annos seditus. Cum prsefatione Mar- tini Luttheri. Norinbergce, M.D.XXX. 8 TURNBULL (ALEXANDER), Minister of the Asso- ciate Synod, Glasgow. Old light better than the pretended new : An enquiry into the con- sistency of a Narrative and Testimony adopt- ed May 1, 1804, by the General ASSOCIATE SYNOD. 1806 Addresses, delivered to the Associate congre- gation, Campbell Street, Glasgow, on the pro- posed union between the two large bodies of the Secession Church. Glasgow, 1820. 8 TURNBULL (JOSEPH), A. B. The laws of Christ : being a complete digest of all the pre- cepts contained in the New Testament, with comments and devout meditations on each topic of duty. London, 1832. 12 TURNBULL (ROBERT). The pulpit orators of France and Switzerland : sketches of their character, and specimens of their eloquence. Glasgow, s. a. 8 TURNER (ALEXANDER), D.D., Minister of Port of Menteith. Popery corrupts Christian ordi- nances, defacing those that are, and inventing such as are not, in the word. Glasgow, 1836. 8 Character of modern Popery illustrated in the authorized publications of Maynooth, and the Roman Catholic book society of Dublin ; Po- pery, its spirit unchanged, its aspects always changing. [Lect. on Protest.] s. I. eta. 12' J TURNER (B. N.), M.A. Candid suggestions; in eight letters to S. .aim- .Knyns : rl-.,-nf,,r of fit,- Westminster assembly of divines. A dim of D. lacksons vanitie. Or a ptTs|.r<.-tivi: glasse, whereby the admirers of D. lacksons profound discourses, may see the vanitie and \vt aknesse of them, in sundry passages, and especially so farre as they tend to the under- mining of the doctrine hitherto received. s. I, 1631. 4 Dissertatio de scientia media tribus libris ab- soluta, quorum prior Gabrielem Penottum ad partes vocat in suo Libertatis human:'- pri- pugnaculo : et ad quindecem capita posteriora libri tertii responsionem exhibet : posteriores duo Francisco Suaresio oppositi sunt, duosque libros ejus De scientia Dei inscriptos refellen- dos suscipiunt. I. Alterum de scientia futu- rorum contingentium absoluta. II. Alterum de scientia f uturorum contingentium conditio- nata.. ArnJiemii, 1639. fol. Of the morality of the fourth commandement, as still in force to binde Christians. Delivered by way of answer to the translator of Doctor Prideaux his lecture, concerning the doctrine of the Sabbath. Divided into two parts. 1. An answer to the prefacer, 2. A considera- tion of D. Prideaux, his lecture. London, 1641. 4 Another copy. The Christian Sabbath defended : against a crying evil in these times of the Antisabita- riiins of our age : wherein is shewed that the morality of the fourth commandement is still in force to bind Christians unto the sanctifica- tion of the Sabbath day. London, 1652. 4 [The above work is in all respects the same as the preceding, except in its having a different title page. At the end of all the copies are the Theses de Sabbato, and the Defensio the- sium de Sabbato, by Dr LAKE, Bishop of Bath and Wells.] V indicia} gratiae, potestatis ac providentin; Dei, hoc est, ad examen libelli Perkinsiani de pnedestinationis modo et ordine, institutum a Jacobo Arminio, Responsio scholastica, tribus libris absoluta. Una cum digressionibus ad singulas partes accomodatis, in quibus illus- triores in hoc negotio quaestiones fusius per- tractantur et accurate discutiuntur, veritasque ad versus Bellarminum, Didac. Alvarez, Gabr. Vasques, aliosque turn Papistas turn Pelagi- anos asseritur : nee non opiniones nonnullre modernorum quorundam theologorum modeste examinantur. Editio ultima... Amstel., 1648. fol. The riches of God's love unto the vessells of mercy, consistent with his absolute hatred or reprobation of the vessells of wrath. Or an answer unto a book intituled Gods love unto mankind, manifested by disproving his abso- lute decree for their damnation. In two bookes, the first being a refutation of the said booke, as it was presented in manuscript by Mr Hord unto >?ir Nath. Rich. The second TWYSDEN TYTLER. 805 being an examination of certain passages in- serted into Mr Hords discourse, (formerly an- swered) by an author that conceales his name, but was supposed to be Mr Mason, Rector of Andrews-Undershaft in London. Whereunto are annexed two tractates of the same author in answer unto D. H. The one concerning Gods decrees definite or indefinite. The other about the object of predestination. Together with a vindication of D. Twisse from the exceptions of Mr John Goodwin in his Redemption re- deemed. By Henry JEANES, minister of God's word in Chedzoy. Oxford, 1653. fol. Another copy. The Scriptures sufficiency to determine all matters of faith made good against the Papists. Dunfries, 1795. 8 TWYSDEN (Sir ROGER), Kt. and Bart.Cer- taine considerations upon the government of England. Edited [for the Camden Society] from the unpublished manuscript, by John Mitchell Kemble, M. A. London, .1849. 4 TYERMAN (DANIEL). Essays on the wisdom of God. London, 1818. 8 - Journal of voyages and travels by the Rev. D. T., and George BENNET, Esq. deputed from the London missionary society, to visit their various stations in the South Sea Islands, China, India, &c., between the years 1821, and 1829. Compiled from original documents by James Montgomery. 2 vol. London, 1831. 8 TYLER (BENNET), D.D., President, and professor of theology in the theological institute of Connec- ticut. * Review of Dr T. 's Strictures upon an article in the Christian Spectator, on the means of regeneration. New-Haven, 1830. 8 Letters on the origin and progress of the NEW HAVEN theology. 1837 - Lectures on theology. With a memoir by Rev. Nahum Gale, D.D. Boston, 1859. 8 TYLER (EDWARD R.). The Congregational CA- TECHISM, containing a general survey of the organization, government, and discipline of Christian Churches. New Haven, 1844. 12 - Another copy. TYLER (JAMES ENDELL), B.D., Canon residen- tiary of St Paul's. The image- worship of the Church of Rome proved to be contrary to holy Scripture, and the faith and discipline of the primitive Church, and to involve contradictory and irreconcilable doctrines within the Church of Rome itself. London, 1847. 8 - The worship of the blessed Virgin Mary in the Church of Rome proved to be contrary to holy Scripture, and to the faith and practice of the Church of Christ through the first five centu- ries. A new edition. London, 1851. 8 TYLER (SAMUEL), of the Maryland Bar. A dis- course of the Baconian philosophy. Frederick City, MD., 1844. 12 Second edition. Frederick City, MD., 1846. 12 TYLER (W. S.), Professor of Greek in Amherst college. Prayer for colleges. A premium es- say, written for the Society for the promotion of collegiate and theological education at the West. New- York, 1855. 12 TYNDAL (JOHN), Preacher of the Gospel. Anti- dote to Morisonianism. Edin., 1851. 12 Special remarks on "A Gospel catechism for children," by James Morison. Edin., 1853. 8 - Modern Pelagianism. Edin. , 1858. 8 TYNDALE (WILLIAM). The obedyence of a Christen man : and how Chrysten rulers ought to gouerne, wherein also (yf thou marke dily- gently) thou shalt fynde eyes to perceyue the craftye conveyaunce of all jugglers. B. L. s. L, [1528]. 4 Another edition. B. L. London, s. a. [1549] ? 8 The parable of the wicked mammon. Com- piled in the yere of our Lord M. D.XXXVI. W. T. B. L. London, s. a. 8 The New Testament, published in 1526. Re- printed verbatim. 1836. See BIBLES ENG- LISH. D. Doctrinal treatises and introductions to differ- ent portions of the holy Scriptures. Edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. Henry Walter, B.D. Cambridge, 1848. 8 Expositions and notes on sundry portions of the holy Scriptures, together with the Practice of Prelates. Edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. Henry Walter. Cambridge, 1849. 8 J An answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue, the Supper of the Lord after the true meaning of John vi. and 1 Cor. xi. , and William Tracy's Testament expounded. Edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. Henry Walter. Cambridge, 1850. 8 TYNG (STEPHEN H.), D.D., Rector of St George's, New York. Sermons preached in the church of the Epiphany, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1839. 8 TYPES. Sketches of sermons on types and me- taphors. By a dissenting minister. 2d ed. London, 1844. 12 Dawn and day ; or, the Messiah as revealed in the types, and by Prophets and Evangelists. Belfast, 1856. 8 TYRANNY. Tyranny and Popery lording it over the consciences, lives, liberties, and estates both of King and people. [By Roger L'EsTBANGE.] London, 1678. 4 TYRRELL (Sir JAMES), Bart. The general his- tory of England both ecclesiastical and civil, from the beginning of the reign of King Wil- liam L, (commonly called the Conqueror) to the end of the reign of King Henry the Third. Taken from the most antient records, manu- scripts, and printed histories. Vol. ii. London, 1700. fol. TYRT^EUS. THEOCRITUS, BION, MOSCHUS and Tyrtseus ; translated from the Greek. By the Rev. R. Polwhele. 1811 TYTLER (ALEXANDER FRASER), Lord Wood- houselee. Essay on the principles of transla- tion. 3ded. * min., 1813. 8 Elements of general history, ancient and mo- 800 TYTLER TZSC1 II KNKR. dern. To which are added a table of chrono- logy, and a coii)p:ir;iti\r \ii\v of ancient and modern geography. The 7th ed. 2vol. London, 1818. 8 TYTLER (JAMES). A dissertation on the origin and antiquity of the Scottish nation. London, 1795. 8 An answer to the second part of Paine's Age of reason. 2d ed. Edin., [17971. 8 TYTLER (PATRICK FRASER), Son of Lord Wood- houselee. History of Scotland. Vol. v., vi. tidin., 1834, 37. 8 [Second edition.] 9 vol. Edin., 1841-43. 8 C TYTLER (WILLIAM), F.R.S.E. An inquiry, historical and critical, into the evidence against, Mary Queen of Scots ; and an examination of the histories of Dr Robertson and Mr Hume, with respect to that evidence. The 4th ed., containing several additional chapters, and :m introduction. 2vol. / ."'/<, 17'.'. 8 TZSCHIRNKK (HKIMM. H (loin in the university of L< '//. N. antidote Christians against formality in reli- gion and apostasie. /..>,/./,,,,, KiiiO. 4 UNDERSTANDING. The procedure, ext.-nt, and limits of huniiin understanding. [By Peter BROWNE.] 2d ed. London, 1729. 8 UNIGENITUS, CONSTITUTIO. Memoires [sept] pour servir :i 1'exanien de la Constitution [Uni- genitus] du Pape contre le Nouveau Testament en Francis avec des reflexions morales. [Par Pasquier QUESNKL. [5 torn.] s. I., 1713-16. 12 L'unite", la visibility 1'autorite' de 1'Eglise et la veriU renverse'es par la Constitution de Cle- ment XI. Unigenitus, et par la maniere dont elle est re9ue. [Par Jacques BASNAGB.] Amsterdam, 1815. 8 Acte d'Appel interjette' le 1. Mars 1717. Par Nosseigneurs les Eveques de Mirepoix, de Senez, de Montpellier, et de Boulogne, au futur concile general, de la Constitution qui commence ainsi, Unigenitus Dei Filius... s. I, 1717. 12 Another copy. Memoire dans lequel on examine si 1'Appel interjette' au fiitur concile general de la Con- stitution Unigenitus par quatre Eveques de France, auquel d'autres Eveques, plusieurs fa- cultez chapitres d'^glises cathedrales et colle- giales, communautez regulieres, et un grand nombre de chanoines, et de curez du royaume out adhere", est legithne et canonique, et quels sont les effets de cet Appel. Secdhde Edition. [Probably by the Abbe" Nicolas le Gros, the author of several works on the Constitution Unigenitus.] s. L, 1717. 12 Nouveau memoire sur les Appels des jugemens ecclesiastiques, ou Ton examine : I. La justice et la force des appels aux conciles en general, et en particulier de celui qui a dtd interjette' de la Constitution Unigenitus par les quatre Eveques, auquels se sont joints plusieurs autres prelats, facultez, chapitres, curez, commun- autez, ecclesiastiques, &c. II. La necessity d'adherer a cet Appel, pour retablir la paix et la tranquillity dans 1'Eglise et dans le Royaume. [Par 1' Abbe" PETITPIED.] s. I, 1717. 12 Les hexaples ou les six colomnes sur la Con- stitution Unigenitus. Contenant, I. Les pro- positions condamne'es. II. Le texte de ces inemes propositions, tirees du P. Q[uesnel]. III. Le jugement de 1'Ecriture sainte et des Peres, sur chacune des propositions censuses. IV. Des remarques sur les differentes matieres traitees dans la Constitution. V. La justifi- cation du P. Q. par lui-meme. VI. La doc- trine des casuistes, opose"e a celle des Peres de 1'Eglise et du P. Q. [Par MM. Boursier, Le Fevre, Fouillon, Quesnel, d'Ettemare, et Ni- velle.] Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee et mise en meilleur ordre qu' auparavant : avec la preface historique. Amsterdam, 1717. 8 Sanctissimi domini nostri domini Clementis Papse XI. Constitutio Unigenitus theologice propugnata. [Par Jacques de LA FONTAINE.] 4 torn. Jiixta exemplar Bonus, reimpressa Dilingte, 1720-25. fol. A parallel of the doctrine of the Pagans, w ith the doctrine of the Jesuits ; and tli.-u Constitution Unigenitus, issued by IV ment XI. Translated fi.nu the original [of Pierre BOYER], printed in France. To which are added, copies of the said Constitution, and of the 101 Propositions of Father Oiusnel thereby condemned. London, 172- UNION. A memorial briefly pointing at some advantages of the union of the two kingdoms, humbly offered to the consideration of the commissioners appointed for that end. London, 1702. 4 An essay upon the union, shewing, that the subjects of both nations have been, by the union of the two crowns, justly entitled to all manner of privileges, which the ensuing treaty can give them... London, 1706. 4 An essay at removing national prejudices against a union with Scotland. [By Daniel DEFOE.] [London], 1706. 4 Part iii. [By Daniel DEFOE.] [London], 1706. 4 A fourth essay at removing national preju- dices ; with some reply to Mr H[odjges and some other authors, who have printed their objections against an union with England. [By Daniel DEFOE.] [London], 1706. 4" A protestation and testimony, against the in- corporating union with England. s. I. et d. 4 A dialogue betwixt a burgess of Edinburgh, and a gentleman lately arrived in Scotland, concerning the union, and behaviour of the Presbyterian ministers in that great affair. [Wants title.] 8 Friendly hints relative to the proposed union between the Burghers and Anti- Burghers ; suggested to the parties, by an observer. Glasgow, 1819. 12 Lines recommendatory of Christian union. Edin., 1830. 8 Proposal of union between the Relief and the United Secession Churches briefly considered ; with some remarks on the debate upon this subject in the United Secession Synod. Edin., 1835. 12 Irenicum ecclesiasticum : or, purity and peace in the Churches ; and union between the Church of Scotland and evangelical dissenters, anticipated and proposed : in a discourse on John, xvii. 21. By a dissenting clergyman. Glasgow, 1836. 8 Re-union of Seceders with the Church of Scot- land defended, in speeches, delivered at the meeting of the Associate Synod, in Glasgow, September, 1837, by the Rev. George Moscrip, Greenock, the Rev. John Anderson, Helens- burgh, and the Rev. James Stark, Greenock. Greenock, 1837. 12 Apology for the office-bearers and friends of the Church of Scotland, and a persuasive to union among Protestants. By a clergyman of the Church. London, 1838. 8 Progress and state of the question as to the imion of the Scotch Presbyterian Churches in UNION CANAL-URE. 809 England, with the Churches of Scotland : to- gether with a compendious statement of argu- ments, and answers to objections, bearing on the proposal that this union be by representa- tion in the General Assembly. MancJuister, 1838. 8 A letter addressed to the Presbyterian dissent- ers of Scotland, on the important subject of Church union. By a Catholic member of the national Church. ' Edin., 1841. 8 Another copy. Report of the proceedings of the Evangelical Union, (formed in May, 1843,) at its first an- nual meeting, held in Bathgate, June 3rd to 6th, 1844. Kilmarnock, 1844. 12 A word to Free Churchmen on union with Voluntaries. Edin., 1845. 12 Conference on Christian union. Narrative of the proceedings of the meetings held in Liver- pool, October 1845. London, 3845. 8 Essays on Christian union. [By Drs CHAL- MERS, BALMER, CANDLISH, KING, WARDLAW, STRUTHERS, A. SYMINGTON, and J. A. JAMES.] London, 1845. 8 Another copy. A letter to a friend on the nature and essence of Church union and communion. By a late clergyman of the Church of England. London, 1846. 8 The Free Church narrative. An account of ne- gotiations for union [in Australia], from October 1853, till April 1857. Melbourne, 1857. 8 An apology for Presbyterian union in Australia, and a plea 'for non-intervention on the part of the Scottish Churches. Addressed to the mem- bers of the ensuing General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1861. 12 UNION CANAL. Correspondence between the committee of subscribers to the proposed Union canal between Edinburgh and Glasgow, and the Right Hon. the Lord Provost and magistrates of Edinburgh, relative to that un- dertaking. Edin., 1814. 8 Another copy. Extracts from various letters and other docu- ments relative to the Union canal... Edin.,[l8U]. 8 Remarks on the opposition of Sir John Mar- joribanks, M.P. Lord Provost of Edinburgh, to the Union canal bill ; with an appendix, containing the two cases presented to parlia- ment, relative to the Union canal, and the re- port of Mr Telford. Edin., 1815. 8 Report from the sub-committee of the Mer- chant company's canal committee, faithfully drawn up by the members, viz. Messrs Calder, White, Sheriff, Campbell, and Dr Borthwick Gilchrist, who were deputed to learn from the Lord Provost and magistrates of Edinburgh, their reasons for wishing to postpone the Union canal bill till next year. s. I. et a. 8 UNITARIANISM. Unitarianism confuted : a series of lectures delivered in Christ Church, Liverpool, in 1839. By thirteen clergymen of the Church of England. Lectures 1-10, 12, and 13. Liverpool, 1839. 8 UNITARIANS. The judgment of the ancient Jewish Church against the Unitarians, in the controversy upon the holy Trinity, and the divinity of our blessed Saviour. By a divine of the Church of England ; [Peter ALLIX]. London, 1699. 8 Unitarians charged with idolatry ; or the con- troversy between Trinitarians and Unitarians brought to a short issue. Glasgow, 1815. 8 The Unitarians' appeal. A new edition, with the texts quoted at length. London, 1834. 12 Extracts from four discourses, preached during the Port-Glasgow Unitarian controversy. Glasgow, s. a. 12 One hundred scriptural arguments for the Uni- tarian faith. London, s. a. 12 UNITAS FRATRUM. Ratio discipline ordi- nisque ecclesiastici in Unitate Fratrum Bohe- morum. Recens e Bohemico Latina facta. s. I, 1643. 8 Periodical accounts relating to the missions of the Church of the United Brethren, establish- ed among the heathen. 13 vol. London, 1790-1834. 8 UNITED STATES. -See AMERICA. UNITY. A discourse concerning evangelical love, Church-peace and unity. With the occa- sions and reasons of present differences and divisions about things sacred and religious. Written in the vindication of the principles and practise of some ministers and others. [By John OWEN.] London, 1672. 8 A friendly call, or a seasonable persuasive to unity. By a lover of the truth, and a friend to peace and unity ; [W. ALLEN]. London, 1679. 4 Peace and truth : or, a peaceable plea for unity and truth, in opposition to division and sepa- ration. Edin., 1738. 8 UPHAM (EDWARD), M.R.A.S. The Mah&vansi, the Rdjd-Ratnacari, and the Rdjd-Vali, form- ing the sacred and historical books of Ceylon ; also, a collection of tracts illustrative of the doctrines and literature of Buddhism. Trans- lated from the Singhalese. Edited by E. U. 3 vol. London, 1833. 8 UPHAM (THOMAS C.), Professor of mental and moral philosophy in Bowdoin college. The ma- nual of peace ; exhibiting the evils and reme- dies of war. Stereotype edition. Boston, 1842. 12 Principles of the interior or hidden life ; de- signed particularly for the consideration of those who are seeking assurance of faith and perfect love. 8th ed. New York, 1848. 12 UPTON (JACOBUS), A.M. IIo/xrHAUT(DAVii.). Progivssi.f Russia in the West, North, and South, by opening the sources of opinion and appropriating the channels of wealth and power. 3d ed. London, 1853. 12 URQUHART (THOMAS). Substance of a letter to Lord Viscount Melville, written in May 1815, with the outlines of a plan to raise Bri- tish seamen, and to form their minds to volun- teer the naval service when required ; to do away with the evils of impressment, and man our ships effectually with mercantile seamen. London, 1815. 8 URSINUS (JOACHIM). See Joachim BERINGER. URSINUS (JOHANNES HENRTCUS), Superintendent of the Churches of Ratisbon. Novus Prome- theus Preeadamitarum plastes ad Caucasum relegatus et religatus. Francofurti, 1656. 12 Arboretum biblicum, in quo arbores et frutices passim in S. literis occurrentes, ut et plantse, herbse ac aromata, notis philologicis, philoso- phicis, theologicis, exponuntur, et illustran- tur ; nunc prsecipuis emblematibus et arbori- bus, sere incisis, exornatum, a vitiis pift-ga- tum, atque indicibus utilissimis, rerum, dicto- rum prrecipuorum biblicorum, nominumque Ebneorum et Greecorum, in hoc libro occur- rentium, adauctum : adjuncta theologize sym- bolicse silva. Norimbergce, 1699. 8 Arboreti biblici continuatio : sive historise plantarum biblicse libri tres. I. De sacra phy to- logia, II. Herbarius sacer, III. Hortus aroma- ticus, una cum sylva theologian symbolic^. Editio nova. Norimbergce, 1699. 8 URSINUS (ZACHARIAS), Professor of divinity at Neustadt. Opera theologica quibus ortho- doxse religionis capita perspicue et breviter explicantur, hsereses horum temporum solide confutantur, ac alise plurimse utilissimse ma- terije, eruditissime pertractantur : partim an- tehac non edita, partim ex Germanica in La- tinam linguam modo conversa, partim emen- datius recusa, et ilhistrata. Edita studio et opera Quirini Reuteri. Prsemissa vita autoris. 3 torn. Heidelbergce, 1612. fol. Volumen tractationum theologicarum : in qui- bus pleraque Christianee religionis capita eru- dite, solide, singularique iudicio et dexteritate, ex Dei verbo explicantur, et aduersus Arian- orum, Nestorianorum et E\\tychianorum, tarn recentium quam veterum : item Pontificiorum, Anabaptistarum et aliorum errores et hfereses, defenduntur. Omnia nunc primum, ex ipso autographo autoris, fidelitcr in luci-ni edita. Neustadii /'nMi/>nn, 1584. fol. Corpus doctrinoe orthodoxse, sive catechetica- nim explicationum D. Z. U. opus absolutum D. Davidis PAREI opera extrema recognitum. Nunc autem emendatius et auctius cum indici triplici, uno capite sive locorum theologiru, altero rerum et verborum, tertio locorum Scriptm-jo explicatorum. Adjuncta sunt mis- cvlhuiea catechetica, seorsum excusa. Editio nova. Heiikll /;/", IU16, 21. 8 Another edition. Novam hanc editionem cum miscellaneis catecheticis ex postrema recogni- tioneDav. PAREI procuravit I'hilippus 1'areiis, Dav. filius. Frana.fxrtl, 1621. 8 Another copy. Another edition. Hanovits, 1634. 8 The summe of Christian religion delivered by Z. U. in his lectures upon the catechisme, au- thorised by the noble Prince Frederick through- out his dominions... Translated into English first by D. Henrie Parrie, and lately compared with the last and best Latine edition of D. David Parevs. London, 1611. 4 URWICK (WILLIAM), D.D. The true nature of Christ's person and atonement stated ; in reply to the unscriptural views of the Rev. Edward Irving " on the human nature of Christ." Dublin, 1831. 12 The second advent of Christ, the blessed hope of the Church. Dublin, 1839. 12 The Saviour's right to divine worship vindi- cated, in letters to the Rev. J. Armstrong, D.D. Dublin, 1839. 12 Thoughts suggested by the late ecclesiastical movement in Scotland ; being a discourse, the substance of which was delivered in York Street chapel, Dublin, May 28, 1843. Dublin, 1843. 8 Another copy. USHER (JAMES). See Jacobus USSERITTS. USHER (JAMES), of Shaftsbury. A learned poli- tician, or a man in a natural state is an un- qualified preacher. London, 1735. 8 An introduction to the theory of the human mind. By J. U. London, 1771. 12 USSERIUS, or USSHER, or USHER (JACOBUS), D.D. , Archbishop of Armagh. An answer to a challenge made by a lesuite in Ireland. Wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the noveltie of the now Romish doctrine plainely discovered. 3d ed. London, 1631. 4 A briefe declaration of the vniversalitie of the Chvrch of Christ, and the vnitie of the Catho- like faith professed therein : delivered in a sermon [on Ephes. 4. 13] before the Kings Majestic the 20th of lune, 1624. at Wansted. Third impression. London, 1631. 4 A discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and Brittish. London, 1631. 4 A speech delivered in the Castle- chamber at Dublin the xxii. of November, anno 1622. At the censvring of certaine officers, who refused to take the oath of supremacie. London, 1631. 4 USSERIUS. 811 A sermon [on 1 Cor. 10. IV] preached before the Commons House of Parliament in St Mar- garet's church at Westminster, the 18. of Feb- ruary, 1620. 2d ed., corrected and amended by the author. London, 1631. 4 The origin all of Bishops and Metropolitans briefely laid downe by Martin BCCEB, John RAINOLDES, and J. U. 1641 Another edition. Oxford, 1644. 4 Another edition. s. I., 1703. 4 Another copy. The judgment of Dr Rainoldes touching the originall of Episcopacy, more largely confirmed out of antiquity. London, 1641. 4 Dissertatio de Ignatii et Polycarpi scriptis, et de apostolicis constitutionibus et canonibus dementi Romano tributis ; [cum Polycarpi et IGNATII Epistolis]. 1644 A body of divinity, or the summe and sub- stance of Christian religion ; catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of ques- tion and answer : methodically and familiarly handled. Collected long since out of sundry authors, and reduced into one common me- thod, by J. V. And at the earnest desires of divers godly Christians lately printed, and now, this second edition, corrected and much amended. Whereunto is adjoyned a tract, intituled Immanuel, or the mystery of the in- carnation of the Son of God. Heretofore written and published by the same authour. [The title page and first six leaves in manu- script.] London, 1645. fol. Fifth edition. Whereunto is adjoyned a tract, intituled, Immanuel, or the mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God. London, 1758. fol. A new edition [without the tract on the incar- nation], reduced from the original form of question and answer, by Hastings Robinson, D.D., Rector of Great Wasley. London, 1841. 8 Another copy. Annales Veteris Testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti : una cum rerum Asiaticarum et ^gyptiacarum chronico, a temporis histo- rici principio usque ad Maccabaicorum initia producto. Londini, 1650. fol. Pars posterior. In qua, prjeter Maccabai- cam et Novi Testamenti historian!, Imperii Romanorum Csesarum sub C. Julio, et Octa- viano ortus, rerumque in Asia et ^Egypto ges- tarum continetur chronicon : ab Antiochi Epi- phanis regni exordio, usque ad imperii Vespa- siani initia atque extremum templi et reipubli- cte Judaicee excidium, deductum. Londini, 1654. fol. The annals of the world. Deduced from the origin of time, and continued to the beginning of the Emperor Vespasian's reign, and the totall destruction and abolition of the Temple and common-wealth of the Jews. Containing the historic of the Old and New Testament, with that of the Macchabees. Also all the most memorable affairs of Asia and Egypt, and the rise of the empire of the Roman Cassars, under C. Julius, and Octavianus. Collected from all history, as well sacred, as prophane, and methodically digested. London, 1658. fol. A method for meditation, or a manuall of di- vine duties, fit for every Christians practice. London, 1651. 8 [The above work is said to be spurious.] De Graeca Septuaginta interpretum versione syntagma : cum Libri Estherse editione Ori- genica, et vetere Grseca altera, ex Arundelli- ana bibliotheca nunc primum in lucem pro- ducta. Accesserunt, ob argumenti cognatio- nem, de Cainanee, in Vulgata LXX. editione superaddito, ex ejusdem chronologia sacra nondum edita, dissertatio : una cum ejusdem edita ad Ludovicum Cappellum, de varianti- bus textus Hebraici lectionibus, anno 1652, et altera a Gulielmo Eyrio ad eundem Jacobum anno 1607. data, epistola. Londini, 1655. 4 - The reduction of Episcopacie unto the form of synod ical government, received in the ancient Church. Proposed in the year 1641. as an ex- pedient for the prevention of those troubles, which afterwards did arise about the matter of Church government. Published by N. Ber- nard, D.D. London, 1656. 8 Dissertatio de reducendo Episcopatu ad for- mam regiminis synodici ; [cum Epistola de In- dependentismo per J. HOORNBEECK]. 1661 The judgement of the late Arch-bishop of Ar- magh, I. Of the extent of Christ's death and satisfaction, &c. II. Of the Sabbath, and ob- servation of the Lord's Day. III. Of the or- dination in other reformed Churches. With a vindication of him from a pretended change of opinion in the first ; some advertisements upon the latter ; and, in prevention of further injuries, a declaration of his judgement in se- veral other subjects. By Nicholas BERNARD, D.D. London, 1657. 8 U Gravissimse queestionis, de Christianarum Ec- clesiarum, in Occidentis prsesertim partibus, ab Apostolorum temporibus, ad nostram usque setatem, continua successione et statu, histo- rica explicatio. Editio secunda. Hanovice, 1658. 8 The power communicated by God to the Prince, and the obedience required of the subject. Briefly laid down, and confirmed out of the holy Scriptures, the testimony of the primi- tive Church, the dictates of right reason, and the opinion of the wisest among the heathen writers. Faithfully published out of the ori- ginal copy, written with his own hand, by Robert [Sanderson] Lord Bishop of Lincoln, with his Lordship's preface thereunto. London, 1661. 4 Second edition. London, 1683. 8 Gotteschalci, et prsedestinatianse controversiee ab eo motse, historia : una cum duplice ejus- dem confessione, nunc primum in lucem edita. Hanovice, 1662. 8 De Macedonum et Asianorum anno solari ; [cum "De anno civili veterum Judteorum" per J. SELDENUM]. 1683 812 ::mus- u VTKN i',< n ; AERT. Britannicamm Ecclesianim antiquitatos : qui- bus inserta est pestiferaj adwrsus Dei grathun a Polagio Britauno in Eccleaiam inductie lur- reseos historia. Accedit gravisshn.< (Ji onis de Christianarum Ecclesiarum successiune et statu historica explicatio. Londini, 1087. fol. Opuscula duo, nunc primum Latinb cdita : quorum alterum est de Episcoporuni et Met r< >- politanorum origine : alterum de Asia Procon- sular!. Accessit veteris Ecclesue gubernatio patriarckalis ab Efdwardo] Bfrerewood] de- scripta. Interprete R. R. E. B. P. Prseterea accedit appendix, de antiqua Ecclesuu Britan- nicse libertate, et privilegiis. [Auctore I[saaco] B[asirio]. iv/wfini, 1G87. 8 Strange and remarkable prophecies and pre- dictions. *. I., 1745. 8 Prophecies of the times ; [with the whole PRO- PHECIES of Scotland]. 1806 On the true intent and extent of Christ's death and satisfaction on the cross ; [with General redemption and limited salvation, by William DODSWORTH]. 1831 A letter concerning the death and satisfaction of Christ. Written March 3, 1617. To which is added, His Grace's answer to some excep- tions taken against the above letter. [Re- printed exactly as it was published in the life of the Archbishop, by the Rev. Richard Parr, D.D.] Edin., 1831. 12 Another copy. Iiumanuel : or the mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God, unfolded. [Theological tracts, edited by John I!KO\VN, 1).D., vol. ii.l /i., 1853. 8* * The life and death of Dr J. U. Published in a sermon at his funeral at the Abbey of \V t >tm luster, April 17. ItiOt). And now re- viewed with some other enlargements. By Ni- cholas Bernard, D.D. London, 1656. 8" * The life of J. U., Primate and Metropolitan of all Ireland. With a collection of three hun- dred letters, between the said Lord Primate and most of the eminentest persons for piety and learning in his time, buth in England and beyond the seas. Collected and pub- lished from original copies under their own hands, by Richard Parr, D.D. London, 1686. fol. * Vita^J. U. [Cum vita L. CHADERTONI, a Wilhelmo Dillingham.] 1700 * Life ; [with The lives of J. SELDEN and Arch- bishop U. by John Aikin]. 1812 USSHER (JAMES). See Jacobus USSERIUS. USUARDUS, Monk of St Germain-des-Preg. Martyrologium. Hac nova editione ad excusa exemplaria quatuordecim, ad codices MSS. integros decem et septem, atque ad alios ferme quinquaginta collatum, ab additamentis ex- purgatum, castigatum et quotidianis observa- tionibus illustratum. Opera et studio Joannis Baptistie Sollerii Societatis Jesu theologi. rpwe, 1714. fol. UYTENBOGAERT (JOHANNNES.) See Joh. WTENBOOAERT. V. VANCOUVER. V. (A.), pseud., i. e. Arthur Asliley SYKES. , V. (Le Sieur A. D.), i. e. Aubert de VERSE. V. (A. J.).See A. J. VALPY. V. (0. L. S. V.), i. e. Cornelius LOOTS. V. (L.). Specimen refutationis libri Crellii de satisfaction Christi. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1648. 12 VACHASPATI MISRA. Vivada Chintamani : a succinct commentary on the Hindoo law pre- valent in Mithila. From the original Sanscrit of V. M. By Pross'onno Coomar Tagore. Calcutta, 1863. 8 VAILLANT (JOANNES Foi), M.D. Nummi an- tiqui familiarum Romanarum perpetuis inter- pretationibus illustrati. 2 vol. Amstel, 1703. fol. VALCKENAER (LuD. CASP.), Professor of the Greek language and antiquities at Ley den. Tres orationes ; [cum Orationibus T. HEM- STERHUSII]. 1784 VALENTINE (THOMAS), Rector of Chalfont, Buckinghamshire. A sermon [on Zeph. 3. 8] preached to the Honourable House of Com- mons, at their late solemne fast, December 28. [1642]. Wherein is described 1. The Church her patience : 2. Her hope. In the exercise of both which graces, she is enabled to waite upon God in the way of his judge- ments : in which divers cases are propounded and resolved. That the soul sick of love, doth with more difficulty endure the absence of Christ, then the present evils of this world. London, 1643. 4 VALENTINIANL De Valentinianorum hteresi conjecturse, quibus illius origo ex ^Egyptiaca theologia deducitur. Londini, 1711. 4 VALENTINUS. Pistis Sophia. Opus Gnosti- cum Valentino adiudicatum, e codice manu- scripto Coptico Londinensi descripsit et La- tine vertit M. G. Schwartze. Edidit J. H. Petermann. Berolini, 1851. 8 VALENTINUS, Episcopus Hildesemensis.Sta,- tuta synodalia ; [cum CANONN. concil. pro- vincial. Colon.] 1543 VALERA (CIPRIANODE). El Nuevo Testamento, traducido al Castellano por C. de V. 1832. See BIBLES SPANISH. B. VALESCO, Signior. Strange newes from Rome, 1606. B. L. s . I. et a. 4 VALESIUS (HADRIANTTS). Oratio de laudibus Ludovici XIV., et carmina nonnulla inedita ; [ad calc. Emendationum Henrici VALESII]. 1740 VALESIUS (HENRICTJS), Brother of the jyreceding. Emendationum libri quinque. Et de critica libri duo. Nunquam antehac typis vulgati. Ejusdum ut ct Nic. Rigaltii et Ism. Bidlialdi dissertationes de populis fundis. Accedunt H. Valesii orationes varise junctim excusse, et Hadr. VALESII Oratio de laudibus Ludovici XIV., et carmina nonnulla inedita. Prsefixa est Hen. Valesii vita, ab auctore Hadr. Vale- sio recognita et emendata. Edente Petro Bur- manno Fr. Fil. Fr. Nep. quiprsefationem, no- tas, et indices adjecit. Amstel., 1740. 4 VALLANCEY (CHARLES), LL.D., Lieut. Col An essay on the antiquity of the Irish lan- guage ; being a collation of the Irish with the Punic language. With a preface, proving Ire- land to be the Thule of the ancients. . .To which is added, a correction of the mistakes of Mr Lhwyd in reading the ancient Irish manuscript lives of the Patriarchs ; and of those commit- ted by Mr Baretti in his collation of the Irish with the Biscayan language. 3d ed. And remarks on the essay on the antiquity of the Irish language, addressed to the printer of the London Chronicle, in the year 1772. London, 1818. 8 VALPY (A. J.), A.M. Delphin and variorum classics. [Consisting of the works of Apuleius, Aulus Gellius, Aurelius Victor, Ausonius, Boethius, Ceesar, Catullus, Cicero, Claudianus, Cornelius Nepos, Curtius Rufus, Dictys Cre- tensis et Dares Phrygius, Eutropius, Florus, Horatius, Justinus ; Juvenalis, Livius, Lucre- tius, Manilius, Martialis, Ovidius, Panegyrici veteres, Perseus, Phsedrus, Plautus, Plinius the Elder, Propertius, Prudentius, Sallustius, Statius, Suetonius, Tacitus, Terentius, Tibul- lus, Valerius Maximus, Velleius Paterculus, Verrius Flaccus et Pompeius Festus, Virgi- lius.] 147 vol. London, 1819-1830. 8 [Wanting the works of Caesar and Tacitus.] Another copy. L. P. 195 vol. London, 1819-1830. 8 [Wanting parts 12-15 inclusive being a por- tion of the works of Livius.] A reply to the Quarterly reviewer of Stephens' Greek Thesaurus. s . 1. et a. 8 VALPY (E.). The New Testament; with Eng- lish notes. 1836. See BIBLES GREEK. F. VALPY (RICHARD), D.D., Rector of Stradishall, Suffolk. An address from a clergyman to his parishioners. 5th ed. London. 1820. 8 VANCOUVER (GEORGE). Abstract of the voy- ages and discoveries of Captain G. V. ; [with A voyage round the world, by J.-Fr. Galaup de LA PEYROUSE]. 1790 VANCOUVER (JOHN). -An enquiry into the causes and production of poverty, and the state of the poor : together with the proposed means for their efiectual relief. London, 17%. S 814 \ ANDEKKISTK VATF.I! VANDERKISTE (R. W.), /,../<./../. ,-ihj mission- iii-i/. Notes and narratives of a six years' mis- sion, principally among the dens of London. "l ed. London, 1853. 8 VANE (Sir HENRY), Kt. * The life and death >f Sir H. V., or, a short narrative of the main passages of his earthly pilgrimage; together with a true account of his purely Christian, peaceable, spiritual, Gospel -principles, doc- trine, litV, and way of worshipping God, for which he suffered contradiction and reproach from all sorts of sinners, and at last, a violent death, June 14. Anno, 1602. To which is added, his last exhortation to his children, the day before his death. s. I. , 10(52. 4 * the tryal of Sir H. V. at the King's Bench, Westminster, June the 2d. and Oth. 1662. Together with what he intended to have spoken the day of his sentence, (June 11.) for arrest of judgment, (had he not been interrupted and over-ruled by the court) and his bill of exceptions. With other occasional speeches, Ac. Also his speech and prayer, &c. on the scaffold. s. I., 1662. 4 Two treatises : viz. I. An epistle general, to the mystical body of Christ on earth, the Church universal in Babylon. II. The face of the times : wherein is discovered the rise, progresse, and issue of the enmity and contest, between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent, &c. The design of it being, to awaken up the present generation of Gods people, to a more diligent and curious obser- vation of the present signs of the near ap- proach of the Day of the Lord. Both written by Sir H. V. in the time of his imprisonment. s. I., 1662. 4 C - A letter of Sir H. V. to his lady, from the isle of Scylly. s. I., [1662]. 4 VAN MILDERT (WILLIAM), D.D., Bislwp of Durham. The theological works of W. V. M. 6 vol. Oxford, 1838. 8 - An inquiry into the general principles of Scrip- ture-interpretation, in eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1814, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1815. 8 VANSITTART (NICHOLAS), LordBexley. Speech at the anniversary of the Kent auxiliary Bible society, held at Maidstone, October 10, 1826. London, [1826]. 8 VANUXEM (LARDNER). Geology of New York. Part iii. Comprising the survey of the third geological district. [Nat. Hist, of New York.] Albany, 1842. 4 VAPEREAU (G.). Dictionnaire universel des contemporains, contenant toutes les personnes notables de la France et des pays etrangers, avec leurs noms, prenoms, surnoms et pseudo- nymes, le lieu et la date de leur naissance, leur famille, leurs debuts, leur profession, leurs fonctions successives, leurs grades et titres, i leurs actes publics, leurs oeuvres, leurs ecrits i et les indications bibliographiques qui s'y rap- | portent, les traits caracteristiques de leur ta- lent, A:e. ...Ouvrage re'dige' et coiitiimellemeut a jour avec le com savants dr t.us Ks pa\s. <, 1858. 8 VARENIUS (I'.nuMi \i:i>us), M.D. Di-Hcriptio regniJaponi;- it Sum. Itemde Japonicomm ivliijioue et Siamensiuin. De diversis omnium gentium religionibus. Quibus, prtemissa dis- sertatione de variis rerum publicarum rn.-i i- bus, adduntnr qua -dam de priscorum Afrorum lide excerpta ex Lcda- Ani.-ano. CantubrigicK, 1673. 8 Geographia generalis, in qua afl'ectiones gent - rales telluris explicantur...Emendata, et sche- matibus novis, una cum tabulis aliquot quio desiderabantur aucta et illustrata, ab Isaaco Newton. Editio secunda. Cantabrigia, 1681. 8 VARGAS (AXPHONSUS DE), i. e. Gaspar SCIOP- PIUS. VARGAS (FRANCISCTTS DE). Lettres et memoires de F. de V., de Pierre de Malvenda, et de quelques Eveques d'Espagne, touchant le con- cile de Trente. Traduits de 1'Espagnol, avec des remarques, par Mr. Michel Le Vassor. Amsterdam, 1700. 8 Ob usum in historia illius pnecipufe getatis, ac testimonium, qvod praestant indubitatum, Latina lingua omnes fideliter ac studiose ador- natae. [Per Michaelem Vassorium.] Brunsvigcv, 1704. 4 VARRO (M. TERENTIUS). De re rustica ; [cum Opp. RUSTICS REI SCRIPTT.]. 1735 VASARI (GIORGIO). Le vite de' piu eccellenti pittori, scultori, et architette. 4 partt. In questa nuoua edizione diligentemente riuiste, recorrette accresciute d'alcuni ritratte, et ar- ricchete di postille nel margine. 3 vol. Bologna, 1647. 4 VASEY (GEORGE). Delineations of the ox tribe ; or, the natural history of bulls, bisons, and buffaloes. Exhibiting all the known species and the more remarkable varieties of the genus Bos. London, 1851. 8 VASI (MARIANO). Itine'raire instructif de Rome a Naples, ou description generate des monu- mens anciens et modernes, et des ouvrages les plus remarquables en peinture, sculpture, et architecture de cette ville celebre et de ses en- virons. Premiere e'dition Napolitaine. Naples, 1821. 8 Itine'raire instructif de Rome et de ses envi- rons, revu, corrige, et augmente d'apres I'e'tat actuel des monuinens par le professeur A. Nibby. 2 torn. Rome, 1824. 12 VATER (JOHANN SEVERIN), Professor of theology in the university of Konigsberg. Commentar iiber den Pentateuch. Mit Einleitungen zu deii einzelnen Abschnitten, der eingeschalteten Uebersetzung von Dr Alexander Geddes's merkwiirdigeren critischen und exegetischen Anmerkungen, und einer Abhandlung u'ber Moses und die Verfasser des Pentateuchs. 3 TheU. Halle, 1802, 5. 8 Kirchenhistoriches Archiv von K. F. STAEUD- LIX, H. G. TZSCHIRNER, und J. S. V. 1823-G Synchronistiche Tafehi der Kirchengeschichte. Sechste Auflage. Halle, 1833. fol. VATTEL-VELTHUSEN. 815 VATTEL (EMMERICH DE). The law of nations ; or principles of the law of nature : applied to the conduct and affairs of nations and sove- reigns... Translated from the French. 2 vol. London, 1759, 60. 4 "VAUDOIS. Sketch of the past and present state of the Vaudois, or Waldenses, inhabiting the vallies of Piedmont ; recently received, and translated from the original MS. by the Rev. Thomas Morgan. London, [1816]. 8 Recherches historiques sur la veritable origine des Vaudois et sur le caractere de leurs doc- trines primitives. [Par Andrea CHARVAZ.] Paris, 1836. 8 Report of the Vaudois committee, at a meet- ing held 12th of June, 1843. With a sum- mary of proceedings since the establishment of the committee in 1825. London, 1845. 8 VAUDONCOURT (Gen. GUILLAUME DE). Let- ters on the internal political state of Spain, during the years 1821, 22, and 23 ; extracted from the private correspondence of the author, and founded upon authentic documents ; now published for the first time. 3d ed. London, 1825. 8 VAUGHAN (ROBERT), D.D., President of the Lancashire Independent college. Memorials of the Stuart dynasty, including the constitu- tional and ecclesiastical history of England, from the decease of Elizabeth to the abdica- tion of James II. 2 vol. London, 1831. 8 - The causes of the corruption of Christianity. [Congregational lecture.] London, 1834. 8 - Another edition. London, 1852. 8 Congregationalism : or, the polity of Inde- pendent Churches, viewed in relation to the state and tendencies of modern society. London, 1842. 12 Esays on history, philosophy, and theology. 2 vol. London, 1849. 8 The age and Christianity. London, 1849. 12 - Second edition. London, 1853. 12 VAUGHAN (ROBERT ALFRED), B.A. Hours with the Mystics. A contribution to the his- tory of religious opinion. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1860. 8 VAUX (WILLIAM), B.D., Domestic chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury. The benefits an- nexed to a participation of the two Christian sacraments, of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, considered, in eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1826, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1826. 8 VAVASSOR (FRANCISCTJS), S. J. Opera omnia antehac edita, theologica et philologica. Ad qu.ne accesserunt inedita et sub ficto nomine emissa, cum Latina, turn Gallica. Amstel., 1709. fol. VAYRAC (L'Abb^ JEAN DE). Etat present de 1'Espagne, ou Ton voit une geographic histo- rique du pays. L'Etablissement de la mo- narchic, ses revolutions, sa decadence, son retablissement et ses accroissemens... La forme du gouvernement ecclesiastique, militaire, civil et politique. Les moeurs, les coutumes et les usages des Espagnols. Le tout extrait des lois fondamentales du royaume, des regle- mens, des pragmatiques les plus authentiques, et des meilleurs auteurs. 3 torn. Paris, 1718. 12 VEATCH (WILLIAM). See W. VEITCH. VECHOVIUS(MARTiNUs). Disputationumethi- carum quinta, de virtutibus in specie, nomi- natim lenitate seu mansuetudine...quam...sub prsesidio...D. Berckringeri...publice defendere conabitur M. V. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1646. 4 Disputationis philosophies de loco, pars pri- ma. Ultrajecti, 1646. 4 VEDELIUS (NICOLAUS), Professor of theology at Daventer. XII. exercitationes in Ignatium pro antiquitate Catholica adversus Baronium et Bellarminum. Accessit apologia pro Igna- tio ; [cum Opp. IGNATII]. 1623 De arcanis Arminianismi libri duo. Seu quaes- tio, quaenam sit religio et fides theologorum Remonstrantium, decisa ex Confessione et Apologia ipsorum. Lugd. Batav., 1631. 8 Editio secunda. Lugd. Batav., 1632. 4 * Vedelius rhapsodus ; sive vindicatio doctri- nse REMONSTRANTIUM a calumniis N. Vedelii. 1633 De Episcopatu Constantini Magni, seu de pot- estate magistratuum reformatorum, circa res ecclesiasticas, dissertatio repetita cum respon- sione ad Interrogata qusedam, [per Triglan- dium]. Leovardice, 1642. 12 - Another edition. Delphis, 1661. 12 VEGETABLE. Vegetable sxibstances : materials of manufactures. [Lib. of entertaining know- ledge.] London, 1833. 12 VEGETIUS (PuBLius). De mulo-medicina libri quatuor ; [cum Opp. RUSTIGVE REI SCRIPTT.]. 1735 VEITCH, or VEATCH (WILLIAM), Minister of Peebles. * Information for the heritors, elders, &c. of the parish of Peebles : against Mr W. V. [Edin., 1690.] 4 Memoirs of Mr W. V. and George BRYSSON, written by themselves. With other narratives illustrative of the history of Scotland, from the Restoration to the Revolution. To which are added, biographical sketches and notes, by Thomas M'Crie, D.D. Edin., 1825. 8 Another copy. VELINGIUS (WiLHELMUs). Oratio inauguralis de Johanne Apostolo public^ dicta in templo ca- thedraliD. xxix. Novembris, A. M.D.C.C.XXXV. cum professionem theologise et eloquentite s;i- crte in illustri Rotterodamensium athenaeo so- lenniter auspicaretur. Eotterodami, 1735. 4 VELLEIUS (GREGORIUS), pseud., i. e. Geo. RE- VEAU. VELLY (L'AbW PAUL-FRA^OIS). Histoire de France depuis 1'^tablissement de la monarchic jusqu' au regne de Louis XIV. [Contimu'e par Claude VILLARET, et acheve"e par J.-Jacq. GARNIER.] Tom. i.,ii.,iv. -xxix. [Tom. i.-viii., nouvelle Edition.] Paris, 1769-1786. 12 VELTHUSEN (JOHANNES CASPAR). Common- 81C 5- VKNN. tationes thcologite editaj a J. C. V., Christ. Theojih. Ki i.Noia, et Geo. Alex. RUPERTI. -Li;u*, 17!'L' W. s YELTHUYSIUS (LAMBERTUS). Opera omnia. Ante quidem separatim, tarn Belgicfe quam Latine, nunc verb conjunctim L;itinf> edita. Quibua accessere dito tractatus novi, hactenus inediti : prior est de articulis fidei fundamen- talibus : alter de cultu natural!, oppoaitua trac- tatui theologico-politico et operi posthumo Benedict! de Sp!noza. 2 partt. Roterodami, 1680. 4 Dissertatio de usu rationis in theologia. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1668. 12 VENDRAMINTJS (HIERONYMCS). Adsertionea quredam [contra Venetse reipublicse detractorea ac maledicos] Venetiia publice propositse ; [ad calc. Fulnrinis pontificii a Papa Paulo V. in serenissimam rempublicam emissi a PAULO Ve- neto conscript!]. 1607 VENEMA (HERMANNUS), Professor of divinity at Franeker. Dissertationum sacrarum, libri tres, in quibus de rebus varii et select! argu- ment! libere disputatur, ac nova vel uberior lux turn illis, turn multis Scripturse locis, in- funditur. Harlingce, 1731. 4 Commentarius ad Danielis cap. xi. 4-45. et xii. 1-3. quo sensus sennonis cum studio in- vestigatur, et ex historia confirmatur ac illus- tratur. Leovardice, 1752. 4 Exercitationes de vera Chriati divinitate ex locis Act. xx. 28, 1 Tim. iii. 16, 1 Joh. v. 20 et Col. i. 16, 17. Leovardice, 1755. 4 Commentarius ad Psalmos, quo singulorum argumentum, tempus et hypothesis explicandi imprimis studiose inquiritur, eorumque partes continua paraphrasi et selectis observationibus illustrantur. [6 torn.] Leovardice, 1762-67. 8 Another copy. Commentarius ad Librum prophetiarum Jere- miaj, quo conciones rite distinguuntur, sco- pua, nexus et aeriea sennonis accurate inves- tigatur, perpetua paraphrasi exponitur, et se- lectis observatis voces et phrases illustrantur, ac implement! demonstratione, ubi opus fuerit, confirmantur. 2 partt. Leovardice, 1765. 4 Dissertatioiies ad vaticinia Danielis -emblema- tica Cap. ii. , vii. , et viii. , et Commentarius ad Dan. xi. 4-^45, et xii. 1-3. Editio secunda. Leidce et Leovardice, 1768. 4 Pnelectiones de methodo prophetica seu de argumento prophetiarum Veteris et Novi Tes- tament! ac utriusque periodis, quibus accedunt sennones academic! quatuor. 1. De charac- tere Antichrist!. 2. De methodo qusestionis de Antichristo tractandae, et periodo antichris- tiana. 3.,De fraudulenta et violenta religionis tuendse vel propagandas methodo, vero charac- tere Satanae. 4. De periculo, Ecclesiis Pro- testantium a Papismo, sed qua antichristiano, imminente. Leovardice, 1775. 4 Institutiones histories Ecclesia; Veteris [et Novi] Testameiiti. 7 torn. Liigd. Batar., 1777-83. 4 Another copy. Opuscula inedita, nti Commentarius ad M xxiii. 1-12. et sermon,-* ;i.l M.itth. i\. Iti, 17. Edita, uti exercitationes de divinitate Christi, seu vera lectione et interpretatione locorum Act. xx. 28. 1 Tim. iii. 16. 1 Joh. v. 20. . i. 16, 17. Disputationes criticai tres contra A r- temonium ad Rom. ix. 5. de comparatione ini- tii Euangelii.IohunniacumCerinthisystc'iiKiU-, de Ignatii nonnullis locis, ad pneexistentiam Christ! pertinentibus, et tempore conscrijita; primae Epistolte Johannis. Epistolae ad viros clar. P. Wesseling, P. Hemsterhuis, et H. Cannegieter de genuinitate Epiatolaruia Clo- mentis a C. Wetstenio publicatanun. T,-j<-cti ad Rhenum, 1781. 4 Translation of H. V.'s inedited institutes of theology, by the Rev. Alex. W. Brown. AV/ii., 1850. 8 Second edition. Edin., 1854. 8 VENERATION. Of the high veneration man's intellect owes to God. . 1. et a. 8 VENERIUS ( ACHILLES). See Marianus VICTO- RIUS. VENERONI (JEAN VIGJTERON DE). Dictionaire Italien et Franfois [et Francois et Italien], contenant tout ce qui se trouve dans les autres dictionaires. Enrich! de quantity de mots nouveaux ; de plusieurs phrases ; de difierentea significations des paroles ; des genres des noms ; des participes; des manieres de parler Itali- ennes ; des noms historiques, poetiques et geo- graphiques ; des termes du droit et du palais ; des irr^gularit^s des verbes, des propres termes de tons les arts et sciences ; des licences poe- tiques, et generalement rempli des recherches de toutes les expressions Francises, expliqu^es en Italien, tiroes des meilleurs auteurs. Nou- velle Edition. 2 torn. Parw, 1723. 4 The complete Italian master : containing the best and easiest rules for attaining that lan- guage. Translated into English, and com- pared with the last Lyons' edition. A new edition, carefully revised and improved, and the Italian words properly accented, to facili- tate the pronunciation to learners. London, 1812. 12 VENN (HENRY), A.M., Rector of Yelling, Hunt- ingdonshire. Mistakes in religion exposed : an essay on the prophecy of Zacharias. Londvn, 1807. 12 Another copy. The complete duty of man : or, a system of doctrinal and practical Christianity. To which are added, forms of prayer-and offices of devo- tion for the various circumstances of life. Edin., 1812. 8 A new edition, carefully revised and corrected by Rev. H. Venn, B.D., of St John's, Hollo- way. New York, [1838]. 12 * The life and a selection from the letters of the late Rev. H. V. M.A. The memoir of his life drawn up by the late Rev. John Venn, M.A., Rector of Clapham, Surrey. Edited by the Rev. Henry Venn, B.D. Perpetual curate of St John's, Holloway. 2d ed. London, 1835. S'' VENN VERNEY. 817 VENN (JOHN), M.A., Rector of Clapham. Ser- mons. 2 vol. London, 1814. 8 Authenticated report of the discussion which took place between the Rev. J. V. and the Rev. James WATERWOKTH, in St Peter's school- room, Hereford, on the 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th of February 1844. Hereford, 1844. 8 VENNING (RALPH), A.M., Minister of a congre- gation in Lime Street, London. Sin, the plague of plagues ; or, sinful sin the worst of evils. A treatise of sins tryal and arraignment, where- in sin is, accused for being, proved to be, and condemned for being exceeding sinful : and that, 1 As against God ; his nature, attributes, works, will, law, image, people, glory and ex- istence. 2 As against man ; his good and wel- fare of body and soul, in this life, and that to come : with the use and improvement to be made of this doctrine, that men may not be damned, but saved, &c. Being the substance of many sermons preached many years ago in Southwark. London, 1669. 8 VERA FlGXJROA Y ZUNIGA (JUAN ANTONIO). Epitome de la vida y hechos del invicto Em- perador Carlos V. Madrid, 1624. 8 VERAX (THEODORUS ET THEOPHILUS), pseud., i. e. Clement WALKER. VERAX. Fashionable orthodoxy : or the high road to preferment. By Verax. 2d ed. Loiidon, 1821. 8 C VERDEIL (F.). Trait^ de chimie anatomique. Par Charles ROBIN et F. V. 1853 VERGILIUS (PoLYDORUs). De inventoribus re- rum libri viii. et de prodigiis libri iii. Amstel, 1671. 12 Anglicse historiae libri vigintisex. Ab ipso autore postremum iam recogniti, adque amus- sim, salua tamen historise veritate, expoliti. Accessit Anglorum regum chronices epitome, per Georgium Lilium Britannum. Gandavi, s. a. 8 [The above copy contains only 16 Books, and wants the epitome of the chronicle of the Eng- lish kings.] Three books of Polydore Vergil's English his- tory, comprising the reigns of Henry VI., Ed- ward IV., and Richard III. from an early translation preserved among the MSS. of the old Royal Library in the British Museum. Edited [for the Camden Society] by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H. London, 1844. 4 Polydore Vergil's English history, from an early translation preserved among the MSS. of the old Royal Library in the British Museum. Vol. i. containing the first eight books, comprising the period prior to the Norman conquest. Edited [for the Camden Society] by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H. London, 1846. 4 VERHEIDEN (JAG.). Prsestantium aliquot theologorum qui Rom. Antichristum prsecipu6 oppugnarunt, effigies : quibus addita elogia, librorumq. catalogi. Hagce-Comitis, 1602. fol. VERHOEVEN (SAMUEL). Disputatio politica de mesofasilia sive interregno, deque tutela ac curatela regia. Quam . . . sub prsesidio . . . D. Berckringeri . . . publice def endere conabitur S. V. Ultrajecti, 1646. 4 VERINUS (SiMPLicius), pseud., i. e. Claudius SALMASITJS. VERITAS. Animadversions on the speeches de- livered by the Rev. Dr Taylor, and Messrs Johnston, Scott, and Mackelvie, at the meet- ing of the Fife and Kinross Voluntary Church association, in the village of Leslie... Dedi- cated to these gentlemen, by Veritas. Edin., 1833. 12 More Voluntary mis-statements. Negro slavery. Edin., 1835. 8 VERITAS. Facts for the times ; addressed to the ministers and members of the Free Church. By Veritas. Edin.,lM6. 8 VERITAS. Romanism and Scottish Episcopacy. A word with the Scottish Bishops on their re- cent "Declaration and statement." Also a collation of the Scottish and English commu- nion offices : and a synopsis of the principal ancient liturgies. By Veritas. Edin., 1858. 8 VERKLARING. See COMMENT, COMMENTARY. VERMEER (THEODORUS). Disputationum ethi- carum sexta, de virtutibus in specie, nomina- tim homileticis, nominatim comitate, veraci- tate, urbanitate ... quam...sub prsesidio ... D. Berckringeri ... publice def endere conabitur T. V. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1646. 4 Disputatio politica de imperio puerorum et foeminarum. Quam. . .sub praesidio. . .D. Berck- ringeri... publice defendere conabitur T. V. Ultrajecti, 1646. 4 Disputationes philosophicse de loco, pars ter- tia. UltrajecM, 1647. 4 VERMILIUS (PETRUS). See Petrus MARTYR VERMILIUS. VERMONT, BISHOP OF. See John Henry HOP- KINS. VERNEDE (JEAN SCIPION), Pastor of the French Church at Amsterdam. Sermons sur le dis- cours de notre Seigneur Jesus Christ sur la montagne. 4 torn. Amsterdam, 1779. 8 VERNET (JACQUES), Pastor, and professor of theology at Geneva. Anecdotes ecclesiastiques, tire'es de 1'Histoire de Naples, de GIANNONE. 1738 Instruction Chretienne. 5 torn. Troisieme Edition. Geneve, 1771. 12 Selecta opuscula. Geneva, 1784. 8 VERNE Y. Letters and papers of the Verney family down to the end of the year 1639. Printed from the original MSS. in the posses- sion of Sir Harry Verney, Bart. Edited [for the Camden Society] by John Bruce. London, 1853. 4 VERNEY (Sir RALPH). Verney papers. Notes of proceedings in the Long Parliament, temp. Charles I. printed from the original pencil memoranda taken in the House by Sir R. V., Knight, member for the borough of Aylesbury, and now in the possession of Sir Harry Ver- ney, Bart. Edited [for the Camden Society] by John Bruce. London, 1845. 4 103 818 VEUl'LANl'K YKTnlMA. VERPLANCK (HoN. GALLIAN M:), LL.I). A discourse on the right moral influence- and u.se' of liberal studies. [Stud. Cab. Lib., vol. ii.] . , 1835. 8^ VERSE (NOEL AUBKRT DE). L'Avocat des Pro- testans, ou trait du schisme, dans lequel on Justine la separation des Protestans d'avec 1'Eglise Romaine, contro lea objections de Sieurs Nicole, Bruevs et Ferrand. Par le Sieur A. D. V. Amsterdam, 1686. 12 VERTOT (RENE' AUBERT DE). Histoire des re- volutions arrive"es dans le gouvernement de la Re'publique Romaine. Troisieme edition aug- mented d'une dissertation de 1'auteur, sur le Senat Romain, &c. 3 torn. La Haye, 1724. 12 The fourth edition. English'd by Mr Ozell from the original newly reprinted at Paris, with amendments and additions by the author himself, in almost every page : besides not a few essential alterations and corrections in this fourth edition more than in any of the preced- ing ones, either French or Dutch. To which is prefixed, a translation of a memorial sent from London by the late Earl Stanhope to the Abbot De Vertot at Paris ; containing divers questions relating to the constitution of the Roman Senate. With the Abbot's answer. 2 vol. London, 1732. 8 Histoire de Chevaliers Hospitaliers de Saint Jean de Jerusalem, apelez depuis Chevaliers de Rhodes, et aujourd'hui Chevaliers de Malthe. 6 torn. [torn, i., ii., iii., v., 5 me 6d.l Amsterdam, 1726, 42. 12 d The history of the Knights of Malta. With Ixxi. heads of the Grand Masters, &c. En- graved by the best hands in France, from the original paintings, under the inspection of Mons. Bologne, director of the Royal academy of painting. With maps by Mons. de Lille, and the plans and fortifications of Malta by the Chevalier de Tign6. 2 vol. London, 1728. fol. Histoire des revolutions de Portugal. Qua- trieme Edition. La Haye, 1729. 12 VERUS. Bishop Gillis's defence of Popery re- futed. A tract for the times. By Verus. Se- cond thousand. Edin. , 1801. 8 VERVELST (CORNELIUS). Disputationum ethi- carum tertia, de virtutibus in specie nomina- tim liberalitate et magnificentia, quam...sub prsesidio...D. Berckringeri...publice defendere conabitur C. V. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1645. 4 VESTIGES. Vestiges of the natural history of creation. 10th ed. London, 1853. 8 VETHAKE (HENRY), LL.D., Professor in the uni- versity of Pennsylvania. The principles of po- litical economy. Philadelphia, 1838. 8 VETO. Present position of the Church of Scot- land... in reference to the Veto law and the civil courts. Glasgow, 1839. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The Veto Church ; or, what is non-intrusion ? Edln., 1844. S' The' letters of Vetus, from Man . t.. .May ID, 1 *!_'. The letters of Vetus. Part ii. From No. vii. to No. xv. inclusive : being those which \\. ! published bet\\e-n tin- l>t .July, and ti. . 1MU. To which have liee-n :i'i Eaoe and notes. Lui, , YKl 1L LOT (EUGENE). L'Eglise, la France, et le Schisme en Orient etudes hictoriqUM sur lea Chre'tientes Orientales et sur la guerre t-.ntn- la liussie. . i. :,:,. ]_ V E VSI K (DANIEL), B.D., Frl : ' I i-nlh-'l,; o.'ford. The doctrine of the atonement illus- trated and defended, in eight sermons, j : ed before the lni\ertsity of Oxford, in the year 1795, at the lecture founded by the la.te Rev. John Bauipton, M.A. Oxford, 1795. 8 An examination of Mr Marsh's hypothesis re- specting the origin of our three first canonical Gospels : including an attempt to explain the phenomena observable in these Gospels by a new hypothesis. (h-ford, 1808. 8 VIAL. The seven vials. By the author of " The Church of England identified." London, 1837. 8 The seventh vial ; being an exposition of the Apocalypse ; and in particular of the pouring out of the seventh vial, with special reference to the present revolutions in Europe. 2d ed. , revised, corrected, and enlarged ; with supple- mentary chapter, bringing down the historical exposition to December of the present year. [By James Aitken WYLIE.] London, 1847. 8 The pouring out of the seven vials : or, an ex- position, with an application, of the 16th chap- ter of the Revelation. [Wants title, and im- perfect.] 4 VICARS (HEDLEY SHAFTO JOHNSTONE), < fftth Regiment. * Memorials of Captain H. V. By the author of " The victory won;" [Miss Marsh]. Tenth thousand. London, 1856. 8 VICO (JEAN BAPTISTE). La science nouvelle ; traduite par 1'auteur de 1'Essai sur la formation du dogme Catholique. Paris, 1844. 12 VICTOR (SEXTUS AURELIUS). Historia Romana ex editione Th. Chr. Harlesii. Cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lecti- oiiibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum et indice locupletissimo accurate re- censita. 2 torn. Londini, 1829. 8 VICTORIA, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. An act to remove doubts respecting the ad- mission of ministers to benefices in that part of the United Kingdom called Scotland. 17th August 1843. Edin., 1843. 8 Queen Victoria in Scotland : a tract for the times. Edin., 1844. 12 Genealogy of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, through the Anglo-Saxon, Scottish, Norman, Welsh, and Este-Guelphic lines. With illus- trative historical notes. By an amateur. 3d ed. Edin., 1845. 8 VICTORIA, SYNOD OF. Extracts from the re- YICTORIUS -VINCENT. 819 cords of the Synod of Victoria and the Free Synod of Victoria on the subject of union be- tween the two Churches, with relative docu- ments. Melbmmie, 1857. 8 Another edition. ISdin., s. a. 4 The apostacy of the majority of the Free Sy- nod of Victoria from the Protest of the Free Church of Scotland ; or the true character of the negotiations for union with the Synod of Victoria in communion with the Established Church of Scotland, reviewed by an Austra- lian. Edin., 1858. 8 VICTORIUS (MARIANUS). Chaldes?, seu Mi\\\- opicse linguae institutions . [Recusae studio Achillis VENERII.] Romce, 1630. 8 VICTORELLUS (ANDREAS). Vitae et gesta sum- morum Pontificum, per Alphonsum CIACO- NIUM, continuatae per Franciscum CAMBRERAM et A. V. 1630 VIDA (MARCUS HIERONYMUS), Bishop of Alba. Opera. Venetii-s, MDLXXI. 8 VIEYRA (ANTONIUS), LL.B., Professor of Spa- nish and Latin in Trinity college, Dublin. A dictionary of the Portuguese and English lan- guages, in two parts, Portuguese and English ; and English and Portuguese. Wherein I. The words are explained in their different mean- ings, by examples from the best Portuguese and English writers. II. The etymology of the Portuguese generally indicated from the Latin, Arabic, and other languages. Through- out the whole are interspersed a great number of phrases and proverbs. 2 vol. London, 1773. 4 A new edition, carefully corrected, greatly en- larged, and very considerably improved, by I. P. Aillaud. With the Portuguese words properly accented to facilitate the pronuncia- tion to learners. London, 1813. 8 A new Portuguese grammar in four parts... The 8th ed., carefully revised and greatly im- proved, with the Portuguese words properly accented, according to the latest and best au- thorities, by Mr I. P. Aillaud. London, 1811. 8 VIGERUS (FRANCISCUS), S. J. De praecipuis Gnecae dictionis idiotismis libellus. Illustra- vit, perpetuis animadversionibus et quamplu- rimis idiotismis auxit Henricus Hoogeveen. Editio tertia. Lugd. Batav., 1766. 8 Cum animadversionibus Henrici Hoogeveeni et Joannis Caroli Zeunii. Edidit et adnota- tiones addidit Godofredus Hermannus. Glasgiuf, 1813. 8 VIGILANTIUS. * Vigilantius and his times. By W. S. GILLY, D.D. London, 1844. 8 VIGOR (SIMON). Histoire du differend d'entre le Pape BONIFACE VIII. et Philippe le Bel. 1655 VIGILIBUS(Jo. GEORGIUS ANTONIUS DE), pseud., i. e. Gregorius TRAUTWEIN. VIGNET (M.). Christianity in the first three centuries : historical lectures by Dr MERLE D'AUBIGNE', Dr BUNGENER, Count de GAS^ PARIN and M. V.- 1858 VILANT (WILLIAM). A review and examination of a book, bearing the title of the History of the INDULGENCE. 1681 VILLALPANDUS (JOANNES BAPTISTA), S. J. Hieronymi PRADI et J. B. V. in Ezechielem explanationes. 1596-1604 VILLARET (CLAUDE). Histoire de France ; [commence'e par 1' Abbs' Paul Franois VELLY, continuee par C. V., et acheve'e par J.-Jacq. GARNIER]. , 1769-1786 VILLECOURT (Le Cardinal CLEMENT), Bishop of Eochelle. La France et le Pape, on deVoue- ment de la France au sie'ge apostolique, dis- cussion sur 1'Assemble'e de 1682 et sur la De- claration du clerge de France, le tout suivi de pieces importantes relatives a cette matiere. Deuxieme edition. Paris, 1856. 8 VILLERS (CHARLES FRANCIS DOMINIQUE DE), Professor of philosophy at Gottingen. An essay on the spirit and influence of the Reformation of Luther : the work which obtained the prize on the question proposed in 1802, by the Na- tional Institute of France; " What has been the influence of the Refonnation of Luther on the political situation of the different states of Europe, and on the progress of knowledge ?" With a sketch of the history of the Church, from its founder to the Reformation ; intended as an appendix to the work. Translated, and illustrated with copious notes, by James Mill. London, 1805. 8 Abridged by the Rev. W. Marsh, M.A. London, 1836. 8 VILLIERS (GEORGE), Duke of Buckingham. The rehearsal : as it is now acted at the Theatre- Royal. The 17th ed. With a key and re- marks, necessary to illustrate the most mate- rial passages of this piece, and to point out the authors and writings here exposed. Glasgow, 1757. 12 VILLIERS (PIERRE). Reflections on mens pre- judices against religion, and their mistakes in the practice of it. Translated from the French, by P. C. In two parts. London, 1709. 8 VINCE (SAMUEL), A.M., Plumian professor of astronomy and experimental philosophy in the university of Cambridge. The elements of as- tronomy : designed for the use of students in the university. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1816. 8 A treatise on fluxions. The 5th ed. Cambridge, 1818. 8 A treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry ; with an introduction, explaining the nature and use of logarithms. Adapted to the use of students in philosophy. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1821. 8 VINCENT (MATSON), M.A., Minister of St Tho- mas's church, Bramptoti, Derbyshire. The an- swer of the heart. Sermons, chiefly experi- mental. Chesterfield, 1838. 12 3 VINCENT (NATHANIEL), M. A. ~B*'//-../, London. The true Christian's love to the unseen Christ ; or, a discourse chiitly tending to excite and promote the duc;i\m_; love of Christ in the hearts of Christians. NV it h an appendix, concerning Christ's manifestation of himself to them that love him. UennVA, 17D4. 12 An explicatory CATECHISM ; or, an explana- tion of the Assembly's shorter catechism. /;., 1799. 12 Another copy. Christ's certain and sudden appearance to judgment. A new edition. Aberdeen, 1838. 12 V I NCENT1 l"S, Saint, of Lenns. SALVIJLNI Mas- siliensis et Vincentii Lerinensis opera. 1743 The Commonitory of Vincentius ; [translated, with the Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertul- lian, and Minutius Felix, by William REEVKS ]. 1709 VINCENZI (ALOISIUS). Sessio quarta Concilii Tridentini vindicata, seu introductio in Scrip- turas deutero-canonicas Veteris Testamenti. 3 partt. Romce, 1842-44. 8 V1XCI (LEONARDO DA). A treatise on painting. Faithfully translated from the original Ita- lian, and now first digested under proper heads, by John Francis Rigaud. To which is prefixed a new life of the author, drawn up from authentic materials till now inaccessible, by John Sidney Hawkins. London,, 1802. 8 VINDEX. A letter to the Right Hon. the Lord Advocate, on the execution of Robert John- ston, Dec. 30, 1818. Edin., 1818. 8 VINDINGIUS (PAULUS). Ad Johannem Deck- herrum epistola de scriptis nonnullis adespo- tis ; [ad calc. op. PLACCII de anonymis et pseudonymis]. [Hamburgi, 1708.] fol. VINES (RICHARD), Minister at Weddington, War- ('iV/.Wc'/v. The impostures of seducing spirits discovered ; in a sermon [on Ephes. iv. 14, 15] before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and court of Aldermen of the city of London, at their anniversary meeting on Tuesday in Easter weeke, April 23. 1644. at Christ-Church. Loiidon, 1644. 4 The happinesse of Israel. As it was set forth in a sermon [on Deut. 33. 29] preached to both the Hon. Houses of Parliament... at Christ- Church, London, upon a solemne day of thanksgiving, March 12th 1644. London, 1645. 4 - The authours, nature, and danger of heresie. Laid open in a sermon [on Jerem. 4. 21, 22] preached before the Hon. House of Commons at St Margarets Westminster, upon Wednes- day the tenth of March 1646. being set apart as a solemne day of publike humiliation to seeke Gods assistance for the suppressing and preventing of the growth and spreading of er- rours, heresies, and blasphemies. London, 1647. 4 A treatise of the institution, right administra- tion, and receiving of the sacrament of the Lords-Supper. Delivered in xx. sermons at St Laurence- Jury, London. 2d t-.l. / ../... ir, ( ,o. 4 - Another edition. London, 1677. 8 VINET (ALEXANDER), D.D., Professor of (I,. at Lausanne. Discours sur quelques uujets religieux. Secoude Edition. Paris, 1832. 8 Nouveaux discours sur quelques sujets n-li- gieux. Troisieme e'dition. Paris, 1848. 8 Essais de philosophic morale, et de morale re- ligieuse, suivis de quelques essais de critique lit tenure. -,1837. 8 Essai sur la manifestation des convictions re- IL'iuuses et sur la separation de TEglise et de 1'Etat envisagee conimu consequence ne'cessaire et comme garantie du principe. Paris, 1842. 8 Translated from the French, by Charles Theodore Jones. /;./,/., 1843. 8 Vital Christianity ; essays and discourses on the religions of man and the religion of God. Translated, with an introduction, by the Rev. Robert Turnbull. Edin., 1846. 8 Etudes eVangeliques. Paris, 1847. 8 Nouvelles dtudes ^vangeliques. Parts, 1851. 8 Etudes sur Blaise Pascal. Para, 1848. 8 Theologie pastorale ou throne du minis tere e'vange'lique. Deuxieme e'dition. Paris, 1854. 8 Translated from the French. Edin., 1852. 8 Another copy. L'dducation, la famille et la soci^te". P.'/-/*, 1855. 8 Homiletics ; or, the theory of preaching. Translated from the French. 2d ed. Edited, with copious notes, by Rev. A. R. Fausset, M.A. /;./'., 1858. 8 VIO (THOMAS DE) CAJETAIOJS, Cardinal. Reso- luta ac compendiosa de peccatis summula. Parism, 1530. 8 VIOLETTE (J. H. M.). Dictionnaire des ana- lyses chimiques, ou repertoire alphab^tique des analyses de tous les corps naturels et artifi- ciels depuis 1'origine de la chimie jusq' a nos jours, avec 1'introduction du nom des auteurs et des recueils ou elles ont &t6 inse're'es. Par J. H. M. V., et P. J. ARCHAMBAULT. 2 torn. Pan's, 1851. 8 VIREL (MATHEW). A learned and excellent treatise, containing all the principall groundes of Christian religion : set downe, by way of conference, in a most plaine and familiar man- ner : Written first in French, by Master M. V. : after, translated into Latine : and then into English, for the \ise of our countreymen. The sixt and last impression . London, 1603. 8 V1RETUS (PETRXJS), Minister of the Reformed Clmrch at Lyons. De commvnicatione fide- livm, qvibvs cognita est veritas Euangelii, cum Papistaru ceremoniis, ac preesertim cum Baptismo, nuptiis, missa, funeribus et exe- quiis, Libellus apprime vtilis. Geneva?, ex officina loannis Crispini. M.D.LI. 8 The principal points which are at this day in VIRGILIUS VITRIARIUS. 821 controuersie, concerning the holy Supper of lesus Christe, and of the Masse of the Remain Church, and of the resolution of them, set forth by that worthy and godly learned Pastor in Christes Church, M. Peter Viret. Trans- lated out of the French into English by I[ohn] Sfhoute]. Imprinted at Lmidon by Christopher Barker, 1579. 8 - SATYRES Chretienes de la cuisine papale. 1857 VIRGILIUS MARO (Publius). Bvc. Geor. ^Eneis P. Virgilii Maronis Mantvani doctiss. virorvm notationibvs illvstrata opera, et. indvstria lo. A. Meyen Bergizomii Belgse. Ven. apvd Aldvm, cloloLXXX. 8 Opera, cum Servii commentariis, exactiori cura suse integritati restitutis. Habes item lo. Pierii Valeriani castigationes, et varietates lectionis in totum Virgilium ex antiquioribus, et probatioribus codicibus decerptas. Acce- dunt prseterea in omnia Virgilii opera Stepha- ni Doleti annotatiunculse, loca obscura eluci- dantes, ac doctissimi commentarii vicem fun- gentes. Additis variis quibusdam lo. Muso- nii viri qua eruditissimi lucubrationibus, quas inspexisse haud quaquam pigebit : una cum indice eorum quse a Servio notatu digna expo- nuntur, locupletissimo. Brixice, apud Ludovicum Britannicum, M.D.XLVI. fol. Opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus, S. J ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam Pari- siensem. Londini, 1696. 8 Another edition. Londini, 1804. 8 Bucolica, Georgica, et ^Eneis. Ex recensione Alexandri Cuningamii. Edinburgi, 1743. 12 Opera, cum integris et emendatioribus com- mentariis Servii, Philangyrii, Pierii. Acce- dunt Fulvii Ursini, Georgii Fabricii, Francisci Nansii, Joh. Musonii, Tanaquilli Fabri, et aliorum, ac pra?cipue Nicolai Heinsii notes nunc primum editse : quibus et suas in omne opus animadversiones, et variantes in Servium lectiones addidit Petrus Burmannus. Post cujus obitum interruptam editionis curam sus- cepit et adornavit Petrus Burmannus Junior. 4 torn. Amstel., 1746. 4 - Bucolica, Georgica, et ^Eneis, illustrata, or- nata, et accuratissime impressa. 2 torn. Londini, 1750. 8 - Bucolica, Georgica, et ^Eneis. Ex editione Petri Burmanni. 2 torn. Glasgitce, excudebat Andreas Foulis, 1778. fol. - Publius Virgilius Maro. Londini, Gulielmus Pickering, 1835. 8 - The works of Virgil : translated into English verse by Mr Dry den. 3 vol. 7th ed. London, 1748. 12 Translated into English verse, by the Right Hon. Richard, Earl of Lauderdale. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, s. a. 12 - Georgieonim libri quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English translation and notes. By John Martyn, F.R.S. 2d ed. London, 1746. 8 Traduites en vers Francais par J. Delille ; avec les notes et les variants. [Lat. and Fr.] Paris, 1811. 8 Virgils pastorals translated into English prose ; as also his Georgicks, with such notes and re- flexions as make him appear to have wrote like an excellent farmer. To which is added, an appendix, shewing Scotland's chief and principal worldly interest. By James Hamil- ton, schoolmaster in East-Calder. Edin., 1742. 16 Virgil's ^Eneis, translated into Scottish verse, by the famous Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dun- keld. A new edition. Wherein the many errors of the former are corrected, and the de- fects supply'd, from an excellent manuscript. To which is added a large glossary, explaining the difficult words : which may serve for a dic- tionary to the old Scottish language. And to the whole is prefix 'd an exact account of the author's life and writings, from the best histo- ries and records. Edin., 1710. fol. Another copy. The first six books of Virgil's JEneid. Trans- lated into blank verse, by Alexander Strahan. London, 1753. 8 VIRGINIA. Minutes of the Evang. Lutheran Synod and Ministerium of Western Virginia and adjacent parts. Convened atZion'schurch, Floyd Co. Virginia, on the 21st of May, 1842. Baltimore, 1842. 8 VIRTUE. Some thoughts concerning virtue and happiness. In a letter to a clergyman. [By Thomas NETTLETON.] London, 1729. 8 Another copy. Discourses on the deceitfulness of humane vir- tues. [Probably from the French of Jacques Esprit.] [Wants title.] 8 The cardinal virtues ; an allegorical essay. To which is added, the death of Morven, in the style of Ossian. By a student of divinity. Berwick, s. a. 8 VISCONTI (Le nonce), Secret minister of Pins VI. at the Council of Trent. Lettres, anec- dotes et memoires historiques BUT le concile de Trent raises au jour en Italien et en Franjais, par J. AYMO^. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1719, 39. 12 Another copy. VISCONTI (ENNIUS QUIRINUS). Description des antiques du Musee Royal, commence'e par feu M. le Chr. V. ; continue'e et augmentee de plusieurs tables, par M. le C te de Clarac. Paris 1820 8 VISHNUSARMA. The Hitopadesha: a collec- tion of fables and tales in Sanscrit. With the Bengali and the English translations revised. Edited by Lakshami Narayan Nyalankai. Calcutta, 1830. 8 VISITANT. The ministerial visitant. Edin., 1824. 12 VISITS. Visits to " The religious world." London, 1829. 8 VITRIARIUS (PHILIPPUS REINHARDUS). Imti- tutiones juris natiirae et gentium in usum sere- nissimi Principis Christiani Ludovici Marchi- 822 VITRINGA \ onis Brandon burgici, &c. &c. ad metli'>ilinu HI'S < irotii ci>usrript;o, et auctse aJohnnnu Jacolm Vitriario. Accedit Johannis Francisci Mri'Mi Historic juris naturalis, synopsis juris naturalis et gentium jvxte dttttplnuun Kl>nr- orum, utet specimen jnrisprndentue hi.stnrir.-i '/../././. /;,/,!,., 17:54. 8 V IT RING A (CAMPKOIUS), Atj/5 .<>"/ <>f ri>j>lii-tiaiu gente, caj). \v. i-t \\i. i-.inj,n-lifn>.;iiii. i nitrlligeiidam. Editio nova. Priviuittitur la i ula ti. i funebris, in memoriam cl. aiut..i,s habita a Albert n Srhultena. Leovarditf, 1724. fol. Pars posterior. Accedit huic torno index lo- cuplus et accuratus, tuin l-icdrum >Scri|ptur.-i- sacne vocumque et phritsium, Hebriearum et Grsecarum, qute per occasionem in commenta- rio exponuntur aut luce aliqua perfunduntur : turn rerum pnecipuarum, utroque toino c. .11- tentarum. Leovardicf, 1724. fol. - Another copy [of both parts]. VITRINGA (CAMPEQIUS), Fil., Professor of <{',,-;. nity at Franeker. Opuscula : epitome theolo- giaa naturalis : theses tlieologicas : et dute dis- ])iitationes academic3 de notione Spiritus 8. restricta ad Filium, et de progressu causarum secundarum in intin it um. Accedunt Hermanni Venema tres disputationes criticae contra Arte- monium [i. e. Crellium] Initii Euangelii Johan- nis restituti auctorem. Leovardict, 1735. 8 Another copy. VITRINGA (HORATIUS), Brother of the preceding. Animadversiones ad Commentar. de He- braismis N. N. [Cum Commentario de He- braismis Novi Testament!, per Johannem VOBSTIUM.] 1778 VITRUVIUS (M.) Pollio. De architectura libri x. ad Augustum Ciesarem accuratissime con- script!, et locis quamplurimis hac editione emendati. Adiunctis nunc primum Gulielmi Philandri Castilionii Galli, civis Rom. caetiga- tionibus atque annotationibus in eosdem longe doctiss. ad Franciscum Valesium Galliarum Regem. Una cum lib. ii. Sex. lulii FRONTINI De aquaaductibus urbis Romse, et Nicolai Cu- SANI Dialogo de staticis experimentis, cum Grseco pariter et Latino indice, dispositione copiaque elaboratissimo. Argentorati, ev officina Knoblochiana, per Greorginm Machceropieum, mense Aiujiwto, anno M.D.L. 4 VITUS (STEPHANUS). Apologia, in qua Synodus Dordracena et reformata fides ab iniquis cri- minationibus, quibus cum alii, turn vero maxi- me doctiss. celeberr. Joh. Laur. Moshemius, in eruditissima consul tatione, quam Johannis Halesii Epistolis praemisit, pio sacrse inter Protestantes pacis negotio temere intercesse- mnt, vindicatur. Appendicis loco illustriora quaedam genuinae Eccles. Luther, testimonia ex J. Pandochei consensu orthodoxo proferun- tur, ex quibus perspicuum est, Lutheranos schismaticos paci ecclesiasticae obniti non posse, nisi tueantur, et vere Lutheranam Ec- clesiam, et ipsos, quibus Symbolicis utuntur, libros in fidei et salutis fundamento errare. Cassellis, 1726. 8 Vindiciae, in quibus ea, quae in Apologia Sy- nodi Dordracenae ad pacis inter Protestantes commendationem dicta sunt, ab iis vindicantur defendunturque, qtise alii aliis aequius iniqui- usve opposuere. Cassellis, 1728. 8 VIVALDUS VOLTAIRE. 823 VI V ALDUS (MARTINUS ALFONSITS), S. J. Can- delabrvm avrevm Eccl. S. Dei. In iv. paries diuisum...Editio decima tertia. Colonice, 1606. 4 VIVES (JOANNES LODOVICUS). Opera : qvibus omnes ipsivs Ivcvbrationes, quotquot unquam in lucem editas uoluit, complectuntur : prseter commentarios in Angustinum De ciuitate Dei, quorum desiderio si quis afiiciatur, apud Fro- benium inueniet. 2 torn. Basilece, MDLV. ful. De disciplinis libri xx. in tres tomos distincti. Colonice, M.D.XXXVI. 8 De disciplinis libri xii. Septem de corruptis artibus ; quinque de tradendis disciplinis. Lugd. Batav., 1636. 12 VIVIAN (THOMAS), A. B. Three dialogues be- tween a minister and one of his parishioners, on the true principles of religion, and salva- tion by Jesus Christ. London, s. a. 12 VOETIUS (GiSBERTUs), Professor of theology and Oriental languages at Utrecht. Desperata causa Papatus, novissime prodita a Cornelio Janse- iiio...Ubi imprimis niagiia ilia prejudicia de reformatorum vocatione, successione, et seces- sione funditus subruuntur. Prsemissa etiam velitatione de magia, aliisque abominationibus Papatus. Amxtel., 1635. 4 Disputatio de idololatria indirecta et participa- ta. Proposita in academia Ultrajectina 21. 28. Maji et 14. lunij 1642. Ultrajecti, 1643. 12 Theologus paradoxus retectus et refutatus. Sive Samuelis Maresii Exercitationes aliquot academicse, opposite duodecim paradoxis et plus sequo virulentis disputationibus, ex pro- f esso contra ipsum habitis in lyceo Ultrajeeti.no, authore et prseside G. V. ; cujus centum asser- tiones lubricse, periculosse et plane paradoxoe, bona fide referuntur et confutantur. Groninyce, 1649. 12 Selectse disputationes theologicae. 5 torn. [To torn. v. are added Dissertatio de termino vitse, et Exercitatio de prognosticis cometarum.] Ultrajecti, 1648-1669. 4 Another copy. Exercitia et bibliotheca studiosi theologise. N Editio secunda. Ultrajecti, 1651. 12 Another copy. - Disceptatio de lusu alese, a censuris vindicata. Ultrajecti, 1660. 12 - Politica ecclesiastica. 2 partt. 4 torn. AnuteL, 1663-1676. 4 C - Another copy. - Another copy. VOETIUS (JOHANNES). Compendium juris juxta seriem Pandectarum, adjectis differentiis juris civilis et canonici. Luyd. Batav., 1707. 8 VOETIUS (PAULUS). Disputationum philosophi- caruni prima, contineiis positiones logicas. Ultrajecti, 1640. 4 Disputationum philosophicarum quarta, de sublunaribus vita carentibus. Ultrajecti, 1640. 4 Disputationum philosophicarum septima, de entis disjunctis affectionibus et ejus divisioni- bus. Ultrajecti, 1640. 4 VOGAN (THOMAS STUART LYLE), M.A., Rector of Potter Heigham, Norfolk. The principal objections against the doctrine of the Trinity, and a portion of the evidence on which that doctrine is received by the Catholic Church, reviewed, in eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1837, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bamp- ton, M.A. Oxford, 1837. 8 VOGHT (FREIHERR VON). Ueber manche noch nicht genug gekannte Vortheile der griinen Bediingung... Hamburg, 1834. 8 VOGT (KARL). Neoplatonismus und Christen- thum. Untersuchungen iiber die angeblichen Schriften Dionysius des Areopagiten, mit Riicksicht auf verwandte Erscheinungen. Er- ster Theil. Neoplatonische Lehre. Berlin, 1836. 8 VOIGTEL (TRAUGOTTGOTTHILF). Versuch einer Statistik des preussischen Staates fur Freunde der Wissenschaft, Geschaftsmanner und ho- here Unterrichts Anstalten. Dritte Ausgabe. Halle, 1835. 8 VOISINS (P. P. -A. GILBERT DE). Sec P. P. -A. GILBERT DE VOISINS. VOLKMAR (GTJSTAV). Die Religion Jesu, und ihre erste Entwickelung nach dem gegenwar- tigen Stande der Wissenschaft. Leipzig, 1857. 8 VOLNEY (CONSTANTIN FRANOIS CHASSEBCEUF, Comte de). Travels in Syria and Egypt, dur- ing the years 1783, 1784, and 1785. Revised and corrected by the author, and enlarged with an abstract of two Arabic MSS. contain- ing much new and interesting information re- specting the history, population, revenues, taxes, and arts of Egypt. Translated from the French. 2 vol. Perth, 1701. 12 The ruins : or a survey of the revolutions of empires. Translated from the French. 4th ed. London, 1798. 12 VOLTAIRE (FRANfOis MARIE AROUET DE). CEuvres completes. 71 torn. Gotha, 1785-90. 8 CEuvres. Nouvelle Edition. Tome 4. Amsterdam, 1739. 8 The age of Louis XIV. Translated from the French. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1753. 12 The general history and state of Europe, from the time of Charlemain [to the age of Lewis XIV.] With a preliminary view of the Ori- ental empires. 6 parts. 3 vol. London, 1754-57. 8 Annals of the empire, from the reign of Charle- magne. 2 vol. London, 1755. 12 The history of the war of seventeen hundred and forty one. In two parts. London, 1756. 8 - The Newtonian philosophy compared with that of Leibnitz. Translated from the French. Glasgow, 1764. 8 Another copy. History of the Russian empire under Peter the Great. Translated from the French. Edin., 1769. 12 A treatise on religious toleration. Occasioned 824 Yul.CNTAKIi:- 7OS8H S. by the execution of the unfortunate John Galas; unjustly condemned :mi>.stiii,' three oiimti -\ im n. VOLUSENUS (FLORENTIUS). De animi tran- quillitate dialogus. "//, 17.M VOPADEVA. Vopadeva's MugdhaU.ll.a h, - rausgegeben und erklart von < >tt" P.olitlingk. N/ /V/, ,-.,//,,,, 1847. ' VORAGINE (JACOBUS DE). Jacobi a Voragine Legend a aurea vulgo historia Lombardica dic- ta. Ad optimorum librorum iidem recensiiit Dr Th. Gncsse. Editio secunda. Liptia, 1860. 8 VORSTIUS (CONRADUS), Professor of theology at Ley den. Tractatus theologicus de Deo, sive de natura et attributis Dei, omnia fere ad hanc materiam pertinentia (saltern de quibus utili- ter et religiose disputari potest) decein dispu- tationibus, antehac in illustri schola Stein- furtensi, diverso tempore, publice habitis, bre- viter et methodic^ comprehendens. Accesse- runt etiam seorsum annotationes, hactenus quidem imperfectae, nunc autem demiim per- fectae, ad uberiorem eorum exegesin, quae in thesibus hand satis explicata esse videbantur. fmrti, 1610. 4 Commentarius in omnes Epistolas apostolicas, exceptis Secunda ad Timotheum, ad Tituin, ' ad Philemonem, et ad Hebraeos. Amster., 1631. 4 Index errorum Ecclesiae Romanse una cum an- tidoto ; [cum Scholastica et methodica locorum communium S. theologiae institutione, per L. TRELCATIUM]. 1651 VORSTIUS (JOHANNES), Librarian to the Duke of Brandenburg. De Hebraismis Novi Testa- menti commentarius. Accessere praeter ejus- dem cogitata de stylo N. T. et diatriben de adagiis N. T., Horatii VITRING.E animadver- siones ad commentar. de Hebraismis N. T. curavit Joh. Frider. Fischerus. Lipsice, 1778. 8 VOSSIUS (GERARDUS JOANNES), Professor of his- tory at Amsterdam. Opera. 6 torn. Amstel, 1685-1701. fol. Historia? de controversiis, qu83 Pelagius ejus- que reliquiae moverunt, libri septem. Lugd. Batav., 1618. 4 Theses theologicse et historicae de varijs doc- trinae Christianas capitibus, quas olim dispu- tandas proposuit in academia Leidensi. Edi- tio iterata et emendata. Oxonice, 1631. 4 Editio tertia. Haga-Comitis, 1658. 4 Responsio ad judicium Herm. Ravenspergeri de libro ab H. Grotio pro catholica fide de satisfactione Christi scripto adversus Faust. Socinum ; [una cum ipso H. GROTII libro]. 1636 Rhetorices contractus, sive partitionum orato- riaruin libri v. Oxonice, 1640. 12 De theologia Gentili, et physiologia Christi- ana ; sive de origine ac progressu idololatrias ; deque naturae mirandis, quibus homo adduci- tur ad Deum, libri ix. Amstel, 1700. fol. VOSSIUS (ISAACUS), Son of the preceding, and <'- VOX CLERI VRLNDTS. 825 non of Windsor. De Septuaginta interpreti- bus eorumque tralatione et chronologia, dis- sertationes. Hagoe-Comitum, 1661. 4 Epistolse duse adversus Dav. Blondellum ; [ad calc. Vindiciar. epistolarum S. Ignatii, auctore Jo. PEARSON]. 1672 - De Sibyllinis aliisque quse Christi natalem priecessere Oraculis. Accedit ejusdem respon- sio ad objectionea nuperse Criticse sacrae. Lugd. Batav., 1680. 12 VOX CLERI. A just censure of the Answer to Vox Cleri. In a letter to a friend. London, 1690. 4 VOYAGES. Histoire ge'iie'rale des voyages, ou nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, qui ont dte pub- lie"es jusqu' a present dans les differentes langues de toutes les nations connues : con- tenant ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable, de plus utile et de niieux avere* dans les pays ou les voyageurs ont penetre, touchant leur situa- tion, leur e'tendue, leurs limites, leurs divi- sions, leur climat, leur terroir, leurs produc- tions, leurs lacs, leurs rivieres, leurs mon- tagnes, leurs mines, leurs cites et leurs prin- cipales villes, leurs ports, leur rades, leurs edi- fices, &c. avec les mreurs et les usages des habitans, leur religion, leur gouvernement, leurs arts et leurs sciences, leur commerce et leurs manufactures...enrichi de cartes g^ogra- phiques...de plans et de perspectives; de fi- gures d'animaux, de ve'ge'taux, habits, anti- quite's, &c. 16 torn. Paris, 1746. 4 Tome dix-septieme, contenant les restitu- tions et les additions de 1'edition de Hollande, pour servir de supplement a 1'e'dition de Paris. Amsterdam, 1761. 4 VRIEMOET (EMO Lucius), Professor of Oriental languages and Hebrew antiquities at Franeker. Ad dicta classica theologiae dogmatic* Ve- teris Testamenti selecta, adnotationes philolo- gico-theologicse. 3 torn. Franequerce, 1743-58. 8 VRIES (GERARDUS DE), Professor of philosophy at Utrecht. Exercitationes rationales de Deo, divinisque perfectionibus. Accedunt ejusdem dissertationes de infinito ; nullibitate spiri- tuum ; homine automatico ; contradictoriis Deo possibilibus ; sensuum in philosophando usu ; cogitatione ipsa mente ; operationibus brutorum. In quibus passim quae de hisce philosophatur Cartesius cum rectae rationis dictamine conferuntur. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1685. 4 Another copy. De natura Dei et humanse mentis determina- tiones pneumatologicaa. Accedunt de Catho- licis rerum attributis ejusdem determinationes ontologicaa. Editio quarta. JSdinburgi, 1703. 12 De Catholicis rerum attributis determinationes ontologicse. In usum collegiorum. Sextum editaa. Edinburgi, 1718. 12 VRINDTS (L'abb^). Nouvel essai'sur la certi- tude, ou 1'on sirnplifie enfin la question fonda- mentale du principe de la conviction humaine, agitee en particulier dans 1'Essai sur 1'indiffe'r- ence en matiere de religion. Paris, 1828. 8 104 W. - WAINEWRIGHT. W. (A.). A letter addressed to a Christian friend. J', rth, 1806. 12 \V. (A.). Letter to Mr Michael Linning, and paraphrase on Rom. viii. 19-23. [Glasgow], s. a. 8 W. (E.), i. e. Alexander COOKE. W. (E.), t. e. Edward WORSELBY. W. (F.), i. e. Francis WOODCO< K. W. (G.), i. e. George WHETSTONES. W. (J.), i. e. James WILCOCK. W. (J.). Petitions against Bishops and their votes in parliament, subscrib'd unto after a clandestine, deliver'd after a tumultuous man- ner, and falsly going under the name of a whole county or towne, proved to be both con- trary to our late taken protestation, as also utterly unlawfull. London, 1642. 4 W. (T.), i. e. George SAVILE, Marquis of Halifax. W. (W.), B.D., i. e. William WALKER. WACHMANNUS (HUBERTUS). Theses physic* de mundo. Hardrocici, 1613. 4 WACKERNAGEL (K. G. P.). Auswahl Deut- scher Gedichte, fiir hbhere Sclmlen. Berlin, 1832. 8 WADDEL (GEORGE), of Rashiehill* The power and blessedness of a godly life : a brief memoir of G. W. By the Rev. J. W. Taylor. Edin., 1846. 12 WADDELUS (GEORGIUS). Animadversiones cri- tic* in loca quaedam Virgilii, Horatii, Ovidii, et Lucaui, et super illis emendandis conjectu- ne. friuiburyi, 1734. 8 WADDELL (P. HATELY). Scheme of a CONFES- SION of faith. 1844 WADDINGTON (CHARLES). RAMUS, sa vie, et ses opinions. 1855 WADDINGTON (GEORGE), D.D., Dean of Dur- ham. The present condition and prospects of the Greek, or Oriental Church : with some let- ters written from the convent of the Stro- phades. London, 1829. 8 A history of the Church from the earliest ages to the Reformation. Published [in 25 parts] under the superintendence of the Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. London, 1833. 8 Second edition. 3 vol. London, 1835. 8 A history of the Reformation on the Conti- nent. 3 vol. London, 1841. 8 Another copy. WADE (GEORGE), A.M., Viwr of Gainsborough, and Prebend of Lincoln. A short inquiry into the doctrine of the Trinity, as it is laid down in H. Scripture. Wherein the errors of Dr Clarke, relating to that subject, are examin'd and confuted. London, 1722. 8 WADE (JOHN), Minister of Hammersmith. Re- demption of time, the duty and wisdom <-f Christians in evil days. Or, a practical dis- course, shewing what special opportanitMl ought to be redeem'd. What mispences of time are to be avoided. With convincing rea- sons, quickening motives, and proper direc- tions, for the right improvement of precious time. London, 1692. 12 WADE (W. M.), Minister of Trinity Episcopal chapel, Paisley. Ten sermons, preached in Trinity Episcopal chapel, Paisley. Paisley, 1839. 8 The truth spoken in love, relative to Episco- pacy, and the Anglican liturgy. A lecture, delivered on Sunday, the 13th of December, 1840. Paisley, 1840. 8 Another copy. WADE (WILLIAM). JULIAN : or, scenes in Ju- dtea. 1843 WADESWORTH, or WADSWORTH (JAMES), Pensioner of the holy inquisition in Seville, and afterwards a convert to the Church of England. The copies of certaine letters which have passed betweene Spaine and England in mat- ter of religion. Concerning the generall mo- tiues to the Rom an e obedience. Betweene Master I. W., a late pensioner of the holy in- quisition in Seuill, and W. BEDELL a minister of the Gospell of lesus Christ in Suffolke. London, 1624. 4 * The memoires of Mr J. W., a Jesuit that re- canted. London, 1679. 4 WAEHLIN (J. P.), A.M. Bibelen, utgifen af J. P. W. 1828. See BIBLES SWEDISH. A. WAEYEN (JOHANNES VANDER). Varia sacra. Franekerce, 1693. 4 WAGES. The Scotsman's advice to the labour- ing classes, on the best means of raising their wages, and securing themselves and their fa- milies against want. (Reprinted from the Scotsman of Nov. 10, and 13, 1830.) Edin., 1830. 8 WAGNER (GEORGE), Incumbent of St Stephen's church, Brighton. Sermons on the Book of Job. ' London, 1860. 8 WAHL (CHRISTIANUS ABRAHAMUS). Clavis Novi Testamenti philologica, usibus scholarum et ju venum theologize studiosorum accommodata. 2 torn. Lipsice, 1822. 8 Editio secunda. Lipsice, 1829. 8 WAHLBERG (P. F.). Anvisning till Svenska Fodervaxternas kannedom. Stockholm, 1835. 8 WAINEWRIGHT (LATHAM), A.M., Sector of Great Brickhill, Bucks. The literary and scien- tific pursuits which are encouraged and en- forced in the university of Cambridge, briefly WAIT WALCHIUS. 827 described and vindicated. With various notes. London, 1815. 8 WAIT (ROBERT), Minister of Galston.The Gos- pel history, from the text of the four Evan- gelists. With explanatory notes. In five books... Edin., 1765. 8 WAIZENEGGER (JACOBUS). Orationes et qusestiones. I. Vtrum Lutherus fuerit scho- lasticus theologus. II. Cur Lutherus Ingol- stadiensem academiam adeo oderit. III. Vtrum Lutheranus, saluis primis sectse suse princi- piis, possit petere et capassere gradus et ho- nores academicas in theologia, iurisprudentia, medicina et philosophia. IV. Num Lutherus in doctorali sua inauguratione obsemauerit Clementinam de magistratis. Recitatse et dis- cussse in academia Ingolstadiensi, cum anno Redemptoris M.DCVI. xiv. die Novembris, J. W., loannes lacobus Imhoff suprema thec- logici doctoratus laurea insignirentur : promo- tore lacobo Gretsero, S. J. Ingolstadii, [1606]. 4 WAKE (WILLIAM), D.D., Bishop of Lincoln, af- terwards Archbishop of Canterbury. An expo- sition of the doctrine of the Church of Eng- land, in the several articles proposed by M. de MEAUX, in his Exposition of the doctrine of the Catholic Church. 1686 A defence of the exposition of the doctrine of the Church of England, against the exceptions of Monsieur de MEAUX, and his vindicator, [Jos. Johnston]. 1686 A second defence of the exposition of the doc- trine of the Church of England, against the new exceptions of Monsieur de MEAUX and his vindicator. 1688 Two discourses : of PURGATORY, and prayers for the dead. 1687 A sermon [on Gal. vi. 10] preached before the Lord Mayor, and court of aldermen, at S. Se- pulchres - church, on Wednesday in Easter week, A.D. 1690. London, 1690. 4 The authority of Christian princes over their ecclesiastical synods asserted : with particular respect to the convocations of the clergy of the realm and Church of England. Occasion'd by a late pamphlet, [by Sir B. Shower] intituled, A letter to a convocation man, &c. London, 1697. 8 The danger and mischief of a mis-guided zeal : a sermon [on Rom. x. 2] preached at the parish church of St James, Westminster, April 2d, 1710. London, 1710. 8 A sermon [on Matt. xii. 25] preached before the King in St James's chapel, upon the thir- tieth of January, 1715, being the day of the martyrdom of King Charles I. London, 1715. 8 The genuine epistles of the apostolical FA- THERS, St BARNABAS, St IGNATIUS, St CLE- MENT, St POLYCARP, the Shepherd of HERMAS, and the martyrdoms of St IGNATIUS and St POLYCARP, written by those who were present at their sufferings. Being, together with the holy Scriptures of the New Testament, a com- pleat collection of the most primitive antiquity for about CL. years after Christ. Translated and publish'd, with a large preliminary dis- course relating to the several treatises here put together. By William [Wake] Lord Arch- bishop of Canterbury. 3d ed. London, 1719. 8 Another edition. Manchester, 1799. 8 Seventh edition. London, 1840. 8 The principles of the Christian religion ex- plained : in a brief commentary upon the Church-catechism. 7th ed. London, 1757. 12 WAKEFIELD (EDWARD). An account of Ire- land, statistical and political. Vol. ii. London, 1812. 4 WAKEFIELD (GILBERT), B.A., Fellow of Jesus college, Cambridge. An essay on inspiration : considered chiefly with respect to the Evan- gelists. Warrington, 1781. 8 A translation of the New Testament. 1795. See BIBLES ENGLISH. D. WAKELY (ANDREW). The mariner's compass rectified ... With the description and use of those instruments most in use in the art of navigation. Also a table of the latitude and longitude of places. Enlarged with many use- ful additions, by J. Atkinson. The whole re- vised, and carefully corrected, with accurate tables of the sun's declination, adjusted to the New-stile. By William Mountaine, F.R S. London, 1755. 8 WALRUS (ANTONIUS), Professor of divinity at Leyden. Opera omnia. 2 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1643. fol. Another edition. 2 torn. Lugd. Batav., 1647, 48. fol. Responsio ad Censuram Joannis Arnoldi Cor- vini in cl. viri D. Petri Molinsei Anatomen Arminianismi ; et ad scripta Remonstrantium qui ad Synodum Dordracenam citati sunt ; pro defensione doctrinae in eadem Synodo ex- plicatae et stabilitae. Lugd. Batav., 1625. 4 Synopsis purioris theologise, disputationibus quinqiiaginta duabus comprehensa, ac con- scripta per J. POLYANDRUM, A. RIVETUM, A. W., A. THYSIUM. 1632 WALCHIUS (CHRISTIANUS GUIL. FRANC.), Pro- fessor of divinity at Go'ttingen. Historia cano- nisationis Caroli Magni, variis observationibus illustrata. Accedunt chartae Friderici I., et Caroli IV. Imperatorum ; nee non officium de S. Carolo : anecdota item Tigurina. Jence, 1750. 8 A compendious history of the Popes, from the foundation of the see of Rome to the present time. Translated and improved from the Ger- man original. London, 1759. 8 Gedanken von der Geschichte der Glaubens- lehre. 2 te Ausgabe. Go'ttingen, 1764. 8 Bibliotheca symbolica vetus ex monimentis quinque priorum seculorum maxime collecta et observationibus historicis ac criticis illus- trata cura et studio C. G. F. Walchii. Lemgovice, 1770. 8 Breviarium theologize dogmaticse. Goettingce, 1775. 8 8L'8 WALKER Breviarium theologite symbolicse Ecclesiie Lu- therans. Editio aecunda. Goettinga>, 1781. 8 WALCHIUS (JOANNES GEORGIUS), Brother of the preceding, and professor of divinity at Jena. Introductio in libros Ecclesite Lutherans sym- bolicos, observationibus historicis et theologi- cis illustrate. Jentt, 1732. 4 Miscellanea sacra, sivc commentationum ad histuriain eccleaiasticam sanctioresque disci p- liuas pertinentium collectio. Amstel, 1744. 4 C Another copy. Historia ecclesiastica Novi Testamenti variis observationibus illustrata. Jeiue, 1744. 4 Historia controversije Grcecorum Latinorum- que de processione Spiritus Sancti. Jena;, 1751. 8 Bibliotheca theologica selecta litterariis adno- tationibus instructa. 4 torn. Jena, 1757-1765. 8 Another copy. Bibliotheca patristica litterariis adnotationibus instructa. Je>t:ij>tism iiu'.-iinst the reflections of Mr Gale and others. \\ n!i an appendix taining the additions and alterations in the third edition of the his- tory of infant- baptism, that are most material. London, 1720. 8 The history of infant-baptism. Together with Mr Gale's Reflections, and Dr Wall's D : A new edition, by the Rev. Henry Cotton, D.C.L. 4vol. \VKI-:U WARBURTON. WALSWEER (MATTHIAS). Analysis logica va- riorum textuum tain \'. (|U;uu S". 'IVstann-nti. lM.r,,,w;.i. 1U53. 12 WALTER (FERDINAND). Manuel du droit eccle'- siastique de toutca les confessions Clnvticiiiu *. Traduit de rAlluinand par A. de Roquemont. y./rw, 1840. 8 WALTER (RICHARD), M.A. A voyage round the world, in the years MDCCXL., i., n., in., iv., by George Anson, afterwards Lord ANSON... Compiled from his papers and materials by R. W. 16th ed. London, 1781. l- [The account of Anson's voyage was in reality the work of Benjamin Robins, author of Ma- thematical tracts, Are.J WALTHER (DAVID). Some notice of Professor Baden Powell's essay on the study of the evi- dences of Christianity. r\ iiluice and grace, with J. \V. li parts. 3d ud. [Part ii., 2d ed. ] M 1840. 12 WARBURTON (WILLIAM), 1 cester. The works of the Right K< v. W. \V. A new edition. To which is prefixed a dis- course, by way of general preface, containing some account of the life, writings, and charac- ter of the author, by Richard Hurd, D.D. 12 vol. London, 1811. 8 The divine legation of Moses demonstrated. To which is prefixed an account of the life, writings, and character of the author, by Richard Hurd, D.D. A new edition. 2 vol. London, 1837. 8 *A brief examination of the Rev. W. War- burton's Divine legation of Moses. By a so- ciety of gentlemen. [By T. MORGAN.] London, 1742. 8 * An examination of Mr Warburton's second proposition, in his projected demonstration of The divine legation of Moses, in which the faith of the ancient Jewish Church, touching the doctrine of a future state, is asserted and cleared from the author's objections... To which is added, an appendix. Containing considerations on the command to Abraham, to offer up his son Isaac. [By Henry STEBBINO. See Collection of tracts.] London, 1744. 8 Remarks on several occasional reflections : in answer to the Rev. Dr Middleton, Dr Pococke, The master of the Charter House, Dr Richard Grey, and others ; serving to explain and jus- tify divfirs passages in The divine legation, objected to by those learned writers. To which is added, a general review of the argu- ment of The divine legation, as far as is yet advanced : wherein is considered the relation the several parts bear to each other, and to the whole. With an appendix, in answer to a late pamphlet [by Henry Stebbing, D.D.] entitled, An examination of Mr W.'s second proposi- tion. London, 1744. 8 Faith working by charity to Christian edifica- tion. A sermon [on 2 Pet. i. 5-7]. London, 1738. 8 A vindication of Mr Pope's Essay on man from the misrepresentations of M. de Crousaz. In six letters. London, 1740. 16 A sermon preached at St James's church, West- minster. London, 1745. 8 Julian. Or a discourse concerning the earth- quake and fiery eruption, which defeated that emperor's attempt to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. In which the reality of a divine interposition is shewn ; the objections to it are answered ; and the nature of that evidence which demands the assent of every reasonable man to a miraculous fact, is considered and explained. London, 1750. 8 Another copy. WARD WARDLAW. 833 The principles of natural and revealed religion occasionally opened and explained ; in a course of sermons. Dublin, 1753. 8 The alliance between Church and State : or, the necessity and equity of an established re- ligion and a test law demonstrated. In three books. 4th ed. London, 1766. 8 Letters from a late eminent Prelate [Warbur- ton] to one of his friends, [Hurd]. 2d ed. London, 1809. 8 WARD (EDWARD), M.A., Minister of Tver, Bucks. The substance of a sermon, preached in Iver, Bucks, April 28, 1833, on occasion of the death of the Bight Hon. Lord Gambier. Uxbridge, [1833]. 8 WARD (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel in Ipswich. God judging among the gods. Opened in a sermon [on Ps. Ixxxii. 1] before the Hon. House of Commons assembled in parliament, upon the solemn day of monethly fast, March 26. 1645. London, 1645. 4 WARD (JOHN). The young mathematician's guide : being a plain and easy introduction to the mathematicks. In five parts... To which is now first added, a supplement containing the history of logarithms, and an index to the whole work. London, 1740. 8 WARD (JOHN), LL.D. Dissertations upon seve- ral passages of the sacred Scriptures. London, 1761. 8 WARD (NATHANIEL). The simple cobbler of Aggawamm in America. Willing to help 'mend his native country, lamentably tattered, both in the upper-leather and sole, with all the honest stitches he can take. And as willing never to bee paid for his work, by old Eng- lish wonted pay. It is his trade to patch all the year long, gratis. Therefore I pray gentlemen keep your purses. 4th ed. [By Theodore de LA GUARD.] [Pseud.] London, 1647. 4 WARD (SAMUEL), S.T.D., Master of Sidney col- lege, Cambridge. Opera nonnulla, viz. deter- minationes theologicae, tractatus de justifica- tione, prselectiones de peccato originali. Edita a Setho Wardo, S.T.D. Londini, 1658. fol. Sermons and treatises. With memoir by the Rev. J. C. Ryle, B.A. (Reprinted from the edition of 1636.) Edin., 1862. 8 WARD (THOMAS). England's reformation. A poem. In four cantos. To which is prefixed a life of the author. Manchester, 1815. 8 WARD (WILLIAM). Short grounds of CATE- CHISME : delivered by way of question and an- swer, with plaine proofes for the answers set downe at large. Cambridge, 1627. 8 WARD (WILLIAM), Baptist missionary at Seram- pore. The design of the death of Christ ex- plained ; and its influence, in constraining Christians to " live to him who died for them," enforced : [in a sermon from 2 Cor. v. 14, 15]. London, 1820. 8 Farewell letters to a few friends in Britain and America, on returning to Bengal in 1821. London, 1821. 12 A view of the history, literature, and mytho- logy of the Hindoos : including a minute de- scription of their manners and customs, and translations from their principal works. A new edition arranged according to the order of the original work printed at Serampore. 3 vol. London, 1822. 8 A plain account of conversion, and of the doctrines contained in St Paul's Epistle to the Romans. London, s. a. 8 WARD (WILLIAM GEORGE), M.A., Fdlow of Bal- liol college, Oxford. The ideal of a Christian Church considered in comparison with exist- ing practice, containing a defence of certain articles in the British critic in reply to remarks on them in Mr Palmer's ' Narrative.' 2d ed. London, 1844. 8 WARDEN (D. B.), Consul for the United States at Paris. A statistical, political, and histori- cal account of the United States of North America ; from the period of their first colo- nization to the present day. 3 vol. Edin., 1819. 8 WARDEN (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel at Gar- gunnock. A practical essay on the sacrament of baptism ; wherein the doctrine of that di- vine ordinance is opened and explained ; the controversies concerning it are stated and de- termined ; several questions of great moment are proposed, and answered ; practical obser- vations from each particular head are noticed ; the constitution and practice of the Establish- ed Church of Scotland vindicated ; and the Christian improvement of this valuable privi- lege is pointed at. Edin., 1724. 8 Another copy. A system of revealed religion, digested under proper heads, and composed in the express words of Scripture ; containing all that the sacred records reveal, with respect to doctrine and duty. Revised and published by his son the Rev. John Warden, minister of the Gos- pel in Canongate. London, 1769. 4 WARDLAW (GILBERT), A.M. Experimental evidence a ground for assurance that Christi- anity is divine. Glasgoiv, 1849. 8 WARDLAW (RALPH), D.D., Independent minis- ter in Glasgoiv. Discourses on the principal points of the Socinian controversy. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1815. 8 Fourth edition. London, 1828. 8 Fifth edition. London, 1837. 8 Unitarianism incapable of vindication : a reply to the Rev. James Yates's Vindication of Uni- tarianism. London, 1816. 8 An essay on benevolent associations for the relief of the poor : of which the substance was read to the Literary and commercial society of Glasgow, April, 1817. Glasgow, 1818. 8 Another copy. The duty of imitating departed worth : a ser- mon occasioned by the lamented death of the late Robert Balfour, D.D., preached in... Glas- gow, Oct. 25th, 1818. Glasgow, 1818. 8 Another copy. Lectures on the Book of Ecclesiastes. Vol. i. Glasgow, 1821. 8 105 634 \\AUDL.\\V \\AUK\\oUTII The divino dissuasion to the young, against the enticements of sinners : a sermon [on Prov. i. 10-19]. Glasgow, 1825. 8 Man responsible for his belief. Two sermons [on John, iii. 18, 19J occasioned by a passage in the inaugural discourse of Hertry Brougham, Esq. M.P. on his installation as Lord Rector of the university of Glasgow, April 6, 1825. Glasgow, 1825. 8 " Christ the first fruits :" a sermon [on 1 Cor. xv. 23] preached in Nile Street chapel, Glas- gow, on the afternoon of Lord's Day, Sept. 21, 1828, on occasion of the lamented death of Mrs Greville Ewing. Glasgow, 1828. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Two essays : I. On the asstirance of faith. II. On the extent of the atonement, and uni- versal pardon. Glasgow, 1830. 12 Another copy. Discourses on the Sabbath. Glasgow, 1832. 12 Another copy. Sermon. Civil establishments of Christianity tried by their only authoritative test, the word of God. Glasgow, 1833. 8 Exposure exposed : a statement of facts rela- tive to West George Street chapel, Glasgow, in refutation of the falsehoods of Anglo-Sco- tus ; with remarks. Glasgow, 1834. 8 Speech at the public meeting in Glasgow, for the separation of Church and State, March 6th, 1834. With the memorial to Earl Grey, and the petition to parliament, adopted at the meeting. Glasgow, 1834. 12 Christian ethics : or, moral philosophy on the principles of divine revelation. 3d ed. [Con- gregational lecture.] London, 1837. 8 Fourth edition. London, 1844. 8 Another edition. London, 1852. 8 The importance of the Church controversy, and the spirit and manner in which it ought to be conducted : a lecture, delivered in... London, March 13th, 1838. Glasgow, 1838. 8 National Church establishments examined : a course of lectures delivered in London, during April and May 1839. Ninth thousand. London, 1839. 8 The principle of Christian communion : a ser- mon, preached in West George Street chapel, Glasgow, Sept. 4th, 1842. Glasgow, 1842. 8 Lectures on female prostitution : its nature, extent, effects, guilt, causes, and remedy. Glasgow, 1842. 8 "The end," the time of divine interpretation ; and the duty and peace of " waiting for it ; " a sermon [on Dan. xii. 13] preached in West George Street chapel, Glasgow, on Lord's Day, August 4th, 1843, on occasion of the lamented death of the Rev. John Morell Mackenzie, A. M. , who perished in the wreck of the steamer " Pegasus," on the morning of 20th July, 1843. With a documentary appendix. Glasgow, 1843. 12 Second edition. Glasgow, 1843. 8 The sentiments and conduct of dissenters to- \vunl their non-intni.sioii oivtlnvn in tin.- Estab- lished Church, in a speech delivered at the anim.-il meeting of the Congregational union of Scotland, held at Aberdeen, 6th April I si: 1 .. , 1843. 8 J Another copy. Discourses on the nature and extent of the atonement of Christ. Third thousand. * Glasgow, 1844. 8 * Review of Dr Wardlaw's work on the nature and extent of the atonement. Extracted from the Scottish Presbyterian, for November, 1843. Glasgow, 1844. 1 _ Reviewers reviewed : or, remarks on the re- views in the United Secession and Scottish Presbyterian magazines, of "Discourses on the nature and extent of the atonement of Christ." Being the prefatory matter to the new edition of that work. Glasgow, 1844. 8 A catholic spirit : its consistency with con- scientiousness. [Essays on Christian UMON. j 1845 A dissertation on the scriptural authority, na- ture, and uses of infant baptism. 3d ed. With an appendix, containing strictures on the views advocated by Dr Halley, in his volume en- titled "The sacraments," on John's baptism, and on the scriptural requisites to Christian baptism. Glasgow, 1846. 8 Another copy. Congregational Independency in contradistinc- tion to Episcopacy and Presbyterianism : the Church polity of the New Testament. Glasgow, 1848. 8' Another copy. On miracles. Edin., 1852. 8 Systematic theology. Edited by James R. Campbell, M.A. 3 vol. ^m.,1856, 57. 8 * Memoirs of the life and writings of R. W. By William Lindsay Alexander, D.D. Edin., 1856. 8 Second edition. Edin., 1856. 8 WARE (HENRY), D.D. Letters addressed to Unitarians and Calvinists, occasioned by Dr Wood's Letters to Unitarians. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1820. 8 Hints on extemporaneous preaching. [Stud. Cab. Lib., vol. iv.] Edin., 1836. 8 WARE (Sir JAMES). The works of Sir J. W. concerning Ireland revised and improved. 2 vol. Dublin, 1739, 45. fol. De Prsesulibus Hibernite, commentarius. A prim a gentis Hibernicse ad fid em Christianam conversione, ad nostra usque tempora. Dublini, 1665. fol. WARE (JOHN), M.D. An introductory lecture on the character and duties of a physician. [Stud. Cab. Lib., vol. ii.] Edin., 1836. 8 WARKWORTH. The hermit of Warkworth, a Northumberland ballad, in three fits or cantos. 3d ed. [By Thomas PERCY.] London, 1772. 4 WARKWORTH (JOHN), D. D., Master of St Peter's college, Cambridge. A chronicle of the WARMSTRY WATCHWORD. 835 first thirteen years of the reign of King Ed- ward the Fourth. Edited [for the Camden Society] from the MS. now in the library of St Peter's college, by James Orchard Halli- well. London, 1839. 4 WARMSTRY (THOMAS), D.D., Dean of Worces- ter. The vindication of the solemnity of the nativity of Christ ; shewing the grounds upon which the observation of that and other festi- valls is justified in the Church. With a short answer to certaine quseries propounded by one Joseph Heming, in opposition to the aforesayd practise of the Church. s. I. , 1648. 42 WARNER (ANNA). HYMNS of the Church mili- tant. 1858 WARNER (FERDINANDO), LL. D., Rector of Queenhithe, London. The ecclesiastical his- tory of England to the eighteenth century. 2 vol. London, 1756, 57. fol. WARNER (RICHARD). A letter to David Gar- rick, Esq. concerning a glossary to the plays of Shakespeare, on a more extensive plan than has hitherto appeared. To which is annexed a specimen. London, 1768. 8 WARNER (RICHARD), Sector of Great Chalfield, Wilts. The English Diatessaron ; or, the his- tory of our Lord Jesus Christ ; from the com- pounded text of the four holy Evangelists, with notes illustrative and explanatory ; histo- rical and topographical. Bath, 1803. 8 A letter to the Hon. and Right Rev. Henry Ryder, D.D., Lord Bishop of Glocester, on the admission to holy orders of young men holding (what are commonly called) evangelical prin- ciples. Bath, 1818. 8 WARNING. A word of warning to all, with a word of consolation to the people of God, in these perilous days. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1835. 12 WARR (DANIEL), Independent minister at St Leo- nard's, near Hastings. A course of lectures illustrative of the Pilgrim's Progress : deliver- ed at the tabernacle, Haverfordwest. 2d ed. London, 1832. 8 WARREN (JOHN), D.D., Bisliop of Bangor. A sermon [on Prov. xiv. 34] preached in the cathedral church of St Paul, London : on Thursday, June 14, 1792. Being the time of the yearly meeting of the children educated in the charity-schools, in and about the cities of London and Westminster. London, 1792. 4 WARREN (RICHARD), D.D., ArcJideacon of Suf- folk.- * The plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, vindicated from the misrepresentations and false reasonings of R. W. And particularly from his abusive charge of Socinianism : in re- marks on the three parts of his answer to that book, and also on his appendix. London, 1737. 8 WARREN (SAMUEL), of the Inner Temple. The Queen, or the Pope 1 The question considered in its political, legal and religious aspects : in a letter to Spencer H. Walpole, Q. C. Win., 1850. 8 Fifth edition. Edin., 1851. 8 WARRENDER (Sir GEORGE), Bart. Speech at the Haddington Church and State meeting, 28th February, 1840. Edin., 1840. 8 WARTON (THOMAS), B.D., Professor of poetry in ike, university of Oxford. The history of Eng- lish poetry, from the close of the eleventh cen- tury to the commencement of the eighteenth century. To which are prefixed, three disser- tations : 1. Of the origin of romantic fiction in Europe. 2. On the introduction of learning into England. 3. On the Gesta Romanorum. From the edition of 1824, superintended by the late Richard Price, including the notes of Mr Ritson, Dr Ashby, Mr Douce, and Mr Park. Now further improved by the correc- tions and additions of several eminent anti- quaries. 3 vol. London, 1840. 8 WARWICKSHIRE MINISTERS. The War- wickshire ministers testimony to the trueth of Jesus Christ, and to the solemn league and covenant ; as also against the errours, here- sies, and blasphemies of these times, and the toleration of them. Sent in a letter to the ministers within the province of London, sub- scribers of the former testimony. London, 1648. 8 WASHINGTON (GEORGE), First President of the United States of America. Political legacies. To which is annexed, an appendix, containing an account of his illness, death, and the na- tional tributes of respect paid to his memory, with a biographical sketch of his life and cha- racter. His will, and Dr Tappan's discourse, before the university of Cambridge. New-York, 1800. 12 * The life of G. W. Compiled under the in- spection of the Hon. Bushrod Washington, from papers bequeathed to him by his deceased relative. To which is prefixed, an introduc- tion, containing a compendknis view of the colonies planted by the English on the conti- nent of North America. By John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, &c. 5 vol. London, 1804-7. 8 * Washington. By Monsieur Guizot. Trans- lated by Henry Reeve. London, 1840. 8 Monuments of Washington's patriotism : con- taining a fac-simile of his public accounts, kept during the revolutionary war ; and some of the most interesting documents connected with his military command and civil administration. 3d ed. Washington, 1841. fol. Farewell address to the people of the United States of America. New York, 1850. 4 Another copy. WASS (WILLIAM), Vicar of Hedon and Preston, in Holderness. Prayers for young persons. London, [18261. 12 - Family prayers. London, [1833J. 12 WATCH. Watch ! because "the coming of the Lord draweth nigh." 3d ed. Edin., 1831. 12 WATCHWORD. New periodical, under the countenance of the Central Church-defence committee, intitled, the Watchword. Prelimi- nary address by the editor. Edin. , [1842]. 8 WATER-BAPTISM -WATERLAXD. WATER-BAPTISM. See BAPTISM. WATERFORD AXD L1SM' >LiE, BISHOP or. See John ATHERT WATERHOUSE (GEORGE ROBERT), of the Bri- tiih Museum. The natural history of Marsu pialia or poached animals. Illustrated by thirty-six coloured plates with... memoir of [John] Barclay. [Nat. Lib., vol. xxx.] din.,1841. 8= WATERLAXD (DANIEL), D.D., Archdeacon of Middlesex. The works of the Rev. D. W. To which is prefixed a review of the author's life and writings, by William Van Mildert, D.D. 2d ed. 6 vol. Oxford, 1843. 8 A vindication of Christ's divinity ; being a de- fence of some queries, relating to Dr Clarke's scheme of the H. Trinity, in answer to a cler- gyman in the country. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1719. 8 Third edition. Cambridge, 1720. 8 Another copy. Fourth edition. Cambridge, 1721. 8 * The modest plea, fcc. continued. Or, a brief and distinct answer to Dr Waterland's que- ries, relating to the doctrine of the Trinity. [By Samuel CLARKE, D.D.J London, 1720. 8 3 * A reply to Dr Waterland's Remarks on a pamphlet intitled, The unity of God not in- consistent with the divinity of Christ. By the author of The unity, &c. ; [Joseph HALLET]. London, 1720. 8 Eight sermons preach'd at the cathedral church of St Paul, in defense of the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ ; upon the encouragement given by the Lady Mover, and at the appoint- ment of the Ld. Bishop of London. With a preface containing remarks upon two late pamphlets : one [by Samuel Clarke] intitled, Modest plea, 8 Religious education of children : recommended in a sermon [on Prov. xxii. 6], preach'd in the parish church of St Sepulchre, June the 6th, 17-o. Being Thursday in Whitsun-week ; at the anniversary meeting of the children edu- cated in the charity-schools in and about the cities of London and Westminster. London, 1723. 4 A supplement to the treatise, intituled, The nature, obligation, and efficacy of the Chris- tian SACRAMENTS considered. 1730 A charge delivered to the clergy of Middlesex, at the primary visitation held May 19, 1731. London, 1731. 8 SCRIPTURE vindicated. 1730-32 * A letter to Dr Waterland ; containing some remarks on his Vindication of Scripture : in answer to a book, intituled, Christianity as old as the creation. Together with the sketch or plan of another answer to the said book. [By Conyers MIDDLETOX.] .London, 1731. 8 Another copy. Another copy. * A reply to the Letter to Dr Waterland, set- ting forth the many falsehoods both in the quotations and the historical facts, by which the letter-writer endeavours to weaken the authority of Moses. [By Zachary PEARCE.] London, 1731. 8 3 Another copy. Second edition. London, 1732. 8 * A defence of the Letter to Dr Waterland : against the false and frivolous cavils of the author of the Reply. [By Conyers MIDDLE- TOX.] London, 1732. 8 J Another copy. Another copy. * A reply to the Defence of the Letter to Dr Waterland. By the author of the Reply to the Letter ; [Zachary PEARCE]. London, 1732. 8 Another copy. * Some remarks on a Reply [by Z. Pearce] to the Defence of the Letter to Dr Waterland. Wherein the author's sentiments, as to all the principal points in dispute, are fully and clearly explained in the manner that has been pro- mised. [Bv Conyers MIDDLETOX. ] London, 1732. 8 Another copy. Another copy. * Some observations addressed to [C. Middle- ton] the author of the Letter to Dr Water- land, &c. In which, from his own words and reasoning against the author of Christianity as old as the creation, it is plainly proved, that his Letter, Defence and Remarks ought all to be burned, and the author of them banished. [Bv Philip W'ILLIAMS. ] London, 1733. 8 * Remarks on Some observations addressed to the author of the Letter to Dr Waterland. By the author of the Letter ; [Conyers MIDDLE- TOX]. ZcW.>, 1733. 8 WATERS WATSON. 837 The importance of the doctrine of the holy Trinity asserted, in reply to some late pamph- lets. 2d ed. London, 1734. 8 Third edition. Cambridge, 1800. 8 A review of the doctrine of the Eucharist, as laid down in Scripture and antiquity. Cambridge, 1737. 8 Another copy. Second edition. London, 1737. 8 Sermons on several important subjects of re- ligion and morality. To which are added two tracts : I. A summary view of the doctrine of justification : II. An enquiry concerning the antiquity of the practice of infant- communion, as founded on the notion of its strict necessity. Published by Joseph Clarke, M.A. 2 vol. 2d ed. London, 1776. 8 Regeneration stated and explained according to Scripture and antiquity, in a discourse on Tit. iii. 4, 5, 6. A new edition. London, s. a. 8 WATERS. Waters of comfort ... Devotional poetry. Cambridge, 1856. 16 WATERTON (CHARLES). A contrast ; being an account of the alleged persecution of Dr Kal- ley in Madeira. Also an authentic report of the. . .cruelties perpetrated on the Basilian nuns at Minsk. Edin., 1846. 8 WATERWORTH (JAMES), Roman Catholic priest. Authenticated report of the discussion which took place between the Rev. John VENN, and J. W. 1844 WATKINS (JOHN), LL.D. A biographical, historical and chronological dictionary... 3d ed. London, 1807. 8 WATSON (ALEXANDER), M.A., Vicar of St Mary church, Devon. An apology for the plain sense of the doctrine of the Prayer Book on holy baptism, in answer to the Rev. W. Goode's Letter to the Bishop of Exeter. London, 1850. 8 WATSON (CHARLES), D. D. Hints on Christian experience, and the Christian's duty with re- spect to it. Edin., 1825. 12 A help to family prayer. Edin., 1839. 12 Prayers for the use of families. 10th ed. Edin., 1842. 12 WATSON (HEWETT COTTRELL). Remarks on the geographical distribution of British plants ; chiefly in connection with latitude, elevation, and climate. London, 1835. 12 WATSON (JOANNES GUILIELMUS). Disputatio medica inauguralis, de dyspepsia ; quam...pro fadu Doctoris...eruditorum examini sxibjicit G. W. Edin., 1812. 8 WATSON (JOHN). Duties of Church members to such as are over them in the Lord. A sermon, preached Dec. 11, 1811. Edin., 1812. 8 WATSON (JONATHAN), Minister of the Baptist congregation, Dublin Street, Edinburgh. The Sabbath school the demand of the age. A dis- course delivered to the Sabbath school teach- ers of the city of Edinburgh, 1852. Edin., 1852. 12 WATSON (MARY).* The history of M. W. and Jenny MORTIMER. London, s. a. 12 WATSON (RICHARD), D.D., Bishop of Landaff, and Regius prof essor of divinity, Cambridge. A letter to His Grace the Archbishop of Can- terbury. 2d ed. London, 1783. 4 * A letter to the Lord Bishop of Landaff, in answer to His Lordship's Letter to the late Archbishop of Canterbury. By a country curate. London, 1783. 4 A collection of theological tracts. 2d ed. 6 vol. London, 1791. 8 Chemical essays. 5 vol. 6th ed. [Vol. iv., 5th ed. ; vol. v., 2d ed.] London, 1793, 96. 8 Two sermons, preached in the cathedral church of Landaff: and a charge, delivered to the clergy of that diocese, in June 1795. London, 1795. 8 An apology for the Bible, in a series of letters, addressed to Thomas Paine. 5th ed. London, 1796. 12 [And with Christian literature EVIDENCES. ] 1841 An apology for Christianity, in a series of let- ters, addressed to Edward Gibbon, Esq. 6th ed. London, 1797. 12 [And with Christian literature EVIDENCES. ] 1841 Two apologies, one for Christianity. . .The other for the Bible... To which are added, two ser- mons, and a charge, in defence of revealed religion. London, 1806. 8 The substance of a speech, intended to have been spoken in the House of Lords, November 22d, 1803. 3d ed. London, 1803. 8 Anecdotes of the life of R. W. ; written by himself at different intervals, and revised in 1814. Published by his son, Richard Watson, LL.B. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1818. 8 WATSON (RICHARD), Wesleyan minister. The works of the Rev. R. W. [With life by Thomas Jackson 2d ed.] 12 vol. London, 1834-37. - 8 A defence of the Wesleyan Methodist missions in the West Indies : including a refutation of the charges in Mr Marryat's " Thoughts on the abolition of the slave trade, &c." and in other publications ; with facts and anecdotes illustrative of the moral state of the slaves, and of the operation of missions. London, 1817. 8 Another copy. Theological institutes : or, a view of the evi- dences, doctrines, morals, and institutions of Christianity. 3 vol. London, 1823, 29. 8 A biblical and theological dictionary : expla- natory of the history, manners, and customs of the Jews. 6th ed. London, 1842. 8 An exposition of the Gospels of St Matthew and St Mark, and of some other detached parts of holy Scripture. 4th ed. London, 1844. 8 * Memoirs of the life and writings of the Rev. R. W. By Thomas Jackson. 3d ed. London, 1840. 12 WATSON (ROBERT), LL.D., Principal of the united colleges of St Salvador and St Leonards, 888 \\.\TSnN WATTS. in the university of St Atidrews. The history of the reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. 2 vol. London, 1777. 4 Seventh edition. 3 vol. London, 1812. 8 The history of the reign of Philip the Third, King of Spain. The first four books by R. W. The two last by William Thomson, LL.D. 3d ed. 2 vol. London, 1808. 8 WATSON (ROBERT). The reply of faith to the enemies of Zion, considered. A sermon [on Nehem. ii. 20] preached at... Perth, March 17, 1789. *. I., 1789. 12 WATSON (ROBERT). A probationary surgical essay on inguinal hernia... Edin., 1812. 8 WATSON (THOMAS), Bishop of St Davids.* Ten modest queries, humbly oifer'd to the most serious consideration of Thomas, Lord Bishop of St Davids ; and that they may be commu- nicated to the rest of the clergy, at his pri- mary visitation now held for that diocess. By a true and sincere member of the Church of England. s. I., [1688]. 4 WATSON (THOMAS), Minuter of St Stephen's, ll'albrook, London. A body of practical divi- nity, consisting of above one hundred and seventy-six sermons on the shorter catechism, with a supplement of some sermons on several texts of Scripture ; together with the Art of divine contentment. To which is added, Christ's various fulness. The fifth Glasgow edition. Glasgow, 1797. 4 A new edition. 2 vol. London, 1807. 8 Another edition. With numerous notes, to be found in this edition only. Glasgow, 1838. 8 Sermons and select discourses on important subjects. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1798, 99. 8 WATSON (THOMAS), M.A., Minister of St Phi- lips, Granville Square. Shiloh's sceptre ; or, the signs of the times, in connexion with the pre-millennial reign of Christ. 2d ed. London, 1843. 8 WATSON (WILLIAM), Secular priest. "Import- ant considerations," or a vindication of Queen Elizabeth from the charge of unjust severity towards her Roman Catholic subjects, by Ro- man Catholics themselves : being important considerations in the name of certain secular priests, printed in 1601. Edited with a pre- face and notes, by the Rev. Joseph Mendham, M.A. London, 1831. 8 WATSON (WILLIAM), Stranraer. Prize essay : Sabbath sanctification. Stranraer, 1849. 8 WATT (JAMES), M.D. Plain proof that the pub- lic creeds and forms of the Church of Scot- land, at and since the Reformation, and the Secession testimonies, in behalf of these creeds and forms, do involve doctrine erroneous and intolerant. With a candid inquiry concerning said doctrine among Anti-Burghers. To which are added, a vindication of Seceders in en- deavouring to abandon said evil : and some thoughts on infant-baptism, Presbytery, and subscription. Glasgow, 1796. 12 WATT (ROBERT), M.D. Bibliothe'ca Britannica ; or a general index to British and foreign lite- rature. In two parts ; authors and subjects. 4vol. y-:./;,,.. IXIM. r Another copy. WATTS (ALARIC A.). The poetical album ; and register of modern fugitive poetry. Jv 1 1 1 < - 1 I v A. A. W. Second series. ZoncUm* 1889i WATTS (I.). A guide to prayer : or, a free and rational account of the gift, grace and spirit of prayer ; with plain directions how every Chris- tian may attain them. 10th ed. -/OH, 1653. 16 WATTS (ISAAC), D.D. The works of the Rev. and learned I. W. Containing, besides lii.s sermons, and essays on miscellaneous subjects, several additional pieces, selected from his manuscripts by the Rev. Dr Jennings, and the Rev. Dr Doddridge, in 1753 : to which are prefixed, memoirs of the life of the author, compiled by the Rev. George Burder. g e lgy > geography, antiquities. Together with a list of recent scientific publications ; a classified list of patents ; obituaries of eminent scientific men ; an index of important papers in scientific journals, reports, &c. Edited by D. A. W. and George BLISS, Jr. Boston, 1850. 12 WELLS (EDWARD), D.D., Rector of Cottesbach, Leicestershire. Examination of the Remarks [by James Peirce] on his letter to Mr Peter Dowley. Part i. In a letter to a dissenting parishioner. Oxford, 1706. 8 Part ii. Sect. i. In a letter to the Re- marker. Oxford, 1706. 8 Letter to the Remarker, in reference to his Remarks on the Dr's Letter to a dissenting parishioner. Orford, 1706. 8 Letter to a dissenting parishioner, in reference to tin Kemnikd on his first letter to the same. n.f.,,-,1. I7nl. 8 Some animadversions on Mr I'.arkti to Dr Wells's Letter to a dissenting parish- ioner. , '. I7"7. K J Theses against the validity of I'rtsl>\ t-ii;m ordination proved to horn good. And Mr I Vi rce's theses for the validity of Presbyterian ordination proved not to bold good. Numb. i. <../-<- byters, and the fallaciousness of the arguments drawn by the Dissenters frmii the ambiguity of the said word. '"rd, 1707. 8* Numb. iii. Wherein is considered Mr Peirce's Letter the viith. (being designed as an answer to Numb. ii. ) and also is more espe- cially and largely shewn the fallaciousness of the Dissenters arguments drawn from the pro- miscuous use of the words Bishops and Pres- byters in the New Testament. Oxford, 1707. 8 The duty of being grieved for the s : ns of others. Briefly set forth in a sermon preached in St Martin's church in Leicester, April 26, 1710. At the visitation of the Rev. the Arch- deacon of Leicestershire... London, 1710. 8 An help for the more easy and clear understand- ing of the holy Scriptures ; being the twelve lesser Prophets, explained. Oxford, 1723. 4 An historical geography of the Old and New Testament. 2 vol. Oxford, 1809. 8 WELLS (JOHN). The practical Sabbatarian : or, Sabbath - holiness crowned with superlative happiness. London, 1668. 4 WELSH (DAVID), D.D., Professor of divinity ./ Church history in the New college, Edinburgh. Letter to the author of a tract, intitled, "State of the Edinburgh churches Tory church building scheme." Edin., 1835. 12 Another copy. The limits and extent of the right of private judgment : being the substance of a sermon [on Rom. xiv. 5], preached in the church of St Giles, on Thursday, May 18, 1843. Edin., 1843. 8 Another copy. Second thousand. Edin., 1843. 8 Elements of Church history. Vol. i. Com- prising the external history of the Church during the first three centuries. [All pub- lished.] Edin., 1844. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. - Another copy. [Wants pp. 257-272, and 337- 352, inclusive, and index.] Another copy. [Wants pp. 33-48, 65-81, 145- 161, 225-248, 257-272, 289, 290, 303-352, 400-416, 433-479, inclusive.] [The three preceding entries contain the proofs, and first and second revises, with Dr Welsh's corrections.] WELSH WENDELINUS. 843 Sermons on practical subjects. 2d ed. Edin., 1844. 12 Another copy. Sermons. With a memoir by A. Dunlop, Esq. Advocate. Edin., 1846. 8 Another copy. WELSH, or WELCH (JOHN), Minister of thel Gospel at Ayr. Popery anatomized, or a learned, pious, and elaborat treatise ; wherein many of the greatest and weightiest points of controversie, between us and Papists, are ! handled ; and the truth of our doctrine clearly ! proved : and the f alshood of their religion and doctrine anatomized, and laid open, and most evidently convicted and confuted by Scrip- ture, Fathers, and also by some of their own Popes, Doctors, Cardinals, and of their own writers. In answer to Mr Gilbert Brown, priest. The 2d ed. To which is annexed, A discovery of the bloody, rebellious, and trea- sonable principles and practices of Papists, in dissolving oaths, committing treasons, raising warrs and commotions, and using unparalleled cruelties toward Protestants. By Matthew CRAFORD. Glasgow, 1672. 8 Another copy. [Wants title.] An alarm to the backsliding children in the West of Scotland. Being the subject of a sermon upon John, xx. 27, 28. Glasgow, 1741. 8 Another copy. [Wants title.] Thirty five sermons... all preached in the year 1605, a little before his imprisonment and banishment to France ; with the history of his life, and two prophetical letters written by himself. [Forming part i. of Miscellany ser- mons.] Edin., 1744. 4 Another copy. Letter of Mr J. W., while he was under sen- tence of death, for declining the jurisdiction of a civil court, in an ecclesiastical matter. With a short introduction. Edin., 1839. 8 The great Gospel sumonds, to close with Christ, under the pain of the highest rebellion against the God of heaven ; being the substance of a preface and sermon at Hemphlar-bank in the parish of Lanrick Feb. 20. 1676. s. I. et a. 4 Another copy. The Churches paradox : or, the substance of a sermon [on Zech. xiv. 6, 7] preached at the place of Cambusnethen in a barn, in the parish of Cambusnethen in Clydsdale. s. I. et a. 4 * The history of Mr J. W. [By James KIRK- TON.] 1726 * Life of J. W. : including illustrations of the contemporary ecclesiastical history of Scotland and France. By the late Rev. James Young. With a biographical sketch of the author. [By James Anderson.] Edin., 1866. 8 WELSH (ROBERT), LL.D. An historical account of Constantinople ; [with Constantinople, and the scenery of the seven Churches of Asia Minor, illustrated. By Thomas ALLOM]. s. a. WELSTED (LEONARD). The scheme and con- duct of providence, from the creation to the coming of Messiah. London, 1736. 8 WELWOOD (ANDREW). Meditations, repre- senting a glimpse of glory ; or, a Gospel dis- covery of Emmanuel's land. Whereunto is subjoined, a spiritual hymn, intituled, the dying saint's song ; and some of his last let- ters. Edin., 1797. 12 WELWOOD (JAMES), M.D. A vindication of the present great Revolution in England ; in five letters pass'd betwixt J. W. and Mr John March, vicar of Newcastle upon Tyne. Occa- sion'd by a sermon preach'd by him on Janu- ary 30. 168|. before the Mayor and aldermen, for passive obedience and non-resistance. London, 1689. 4 3 Reasons why the PARLIAMENT of SCOTLAND cannot comply with the late King James. 1689? Memoirs of the most memorable transactions in England, for the last hundred years pre- ceading the Revolution in 1688. A new edi- tion. Glasgow, 1749. 16 WEMIUS (JOANNES). See Joannes WEEMS. WEMYSS (THOMAS). Job and his times, and a new version of that most ancient poem. 1839. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. A key to the symbolical language of Scripture, by which numerous passages are explained and illustrated. Founded on the symbolical dic- tionary of Daubuz, with additions from Vi- tringa, Ewaldus, and others. [Bib. Cab. , vol. xxvi.] Edin., 1840. 8 Biblical gleanings ; or, a collection of passages of Scripture that have been generally con- sidered to be mistranslated in the received English version. With proposed corrections, also the important various readings in both Testaments, and occasional notes interspersed, with a view to the illustration of obscure and ambiguous texts. With several other matters, tending to the general elucidation of the sacred writings. York, s. a. 8 WENCKSTERN (Giro VON). Des Siebenten Rheinischen Provincial-Landtages Verhand- lungen iiber die wichtigsten Fragen unserer Zeit, gesammelt, herausgegeben und verlegt von O. von W. (In Commission bei W. Langewiesche in Barmen.) Barmen, 1844. 8 WENDEBORN (FREDERICK AUGUSTUS), LL.D. German grammar, with practical exercises. 6th ed. London, 1814. 12 Practical German grammar, in which each rule is systematically, clearly, and concisely ex- plained. And immediately followed by pro- per exercises, for the use of English students ...by D. Boileau. 10th ed. London, 1840. 12 WENDELINUS (MARCUS FRIDERICUS), Professor of theology and philosophy at Anhalt. Chris- tianas theologian libri ii. methodice dispositi, perpetua prajceptorum succinctorum et per- spicuorum serie explicati, et prsecipuarum om- nium controversiarum, qua? in Ecclesiis et 844 WEKKN1 ELSI1 - \\ ! scholia theologicis liodio agitantur, compen- diosa et logica tractatione ita illustrati ct tein- perati ut et adultioribus S. S. theologies stu- diosis et novellia tironibus commode inser- viant. AmM., KWJ. 12 Editio novissima. Amstel., 1646. 12 Another copy. Exercitationes theologicte vindices, pro theo- ; logia Christiana M. F. Wendelini, opposite Johannis (Jc-rhardi Collegio Antiwendeliniano ; aliisque rocentium Lutheranorum scriptis or- thodoxiam infestantibus ; quibus omnes et singuhe controversiie theologicaj inter ortho- doxos et Lutheranos hactenus agitatae plene, solidfe et logicfc discutiuntur, doctrinseque or- ihodoxte veritas et sinceritas adversus omnes insultus, instantias, cavillationes et criminatio- nes perspicuk et nervosfe asseritur, omnesque heterodoxies nervi gladio verbi divini inui- duntur, Patribus, Luthero et Lutheranis doc- toribus passim suflragantibus. Cassellis, 1652. 4 Editio secunda. [Pars prior.] Cassellis, 1669. 4 Christianse theologies systema majus duobus libris comprehensum, in quibus universa theo- logia methodica pneceptoruin serie explicatur, et prrecipuarum omnium controversiarum, quee in Ecclesiis et scholis theologicis hodie agitantur, uberiori et logica tractatione ita illustratur, ut omnibus S. theologite cultori- bus, tarn in theoria, quam in praxi inservire possit. Opus posthumum. Cassellis, 1656. 4 Collatio doctrines Christianee Reformatorum et Lutheranorum per locos theologicos dis- tributee, et qusestionibus atque responsionibus Lutheranis explicates et assertse ; quibus cen- sura Reformatorum subjicitur. Camellia, 1660. 8 WERENFELSIUS (SAMUEL), D.D., Professorof rhetoric and divinity at Basle. Sermons sur des verite's importantes de la religion. Aux- quels on ajoute des considerations sur la re- union des Protestans. Amsterdam, 1716. 8 Opuscula theologica, philosophica, et philolo- gica. Hasilece, 1718. 4 Editio altera. 2 torn. Latisannce et Geneva, 1739. 4 A dissertation upon superstition in natural things. To which are added, occasional thoughts on the power of curing the kings- evil ascribed to the kings of England. London, 1748. 8 WERNSDORFIUS (ERKESTCS FRIDERICUS), S.T.D. Commentatio de nativitate dominica patefactionis et occultationis mysterio in locnm Ignatii Antiocheni Epist. ad. Ephes. C. xviiii. Vitembergce, [1763]. 4 "NVESEL (BARTHOLDUS H. A). Disputationum ethicarum prima, de constitution ethicse. Ultrajecti, 1G40. 4 WESLEY (CHARLES), M.A. *The life of the Rev. C. W. : comprising a review of his poetry; sketches of the rise and progress of Method- ism ; with notices of contemporary events and characters. By Thomas Jackson. 2 vol. Loiuion, 1841. 8* WESLEY (JOHN), M.A., FcWnr of ti***K -Works of the Rev. J. W. 3d i .1. With the last corrections of the author. 14 v"l. i i . London, 1745. 12 A letter to the Rev. Dr Conyere Mii>i>u.i"N. occasioned by his late Free inquiry. 1749 Explanatory notes upon the New Testament. London, 1745. 4 Fourth edition. Bristol, 1768. 4 An address to the clergy. Loinl<>n, 17.~'(i. 8 An answer to all that is material in letters just published under the name of the Rev. Mr Hervey. BrMol, 1765. 12 Letter to Mr Hervey ; [prefixed to Aspasio vindicated, by James HERVEY]. 1765 A collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists. With a supplement. Lo)ulvn, 1843. 8 *The life of the Rev. J.'W. By Dr Coke and Mr Moore. New edition. London, 1838. 16 * The life of Wesley ; and rise and progress of Methodism. By Robert SOUTHEY, LL.D. 3d ed., with notes by the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and remarks on the life and charac- ter of John W T esley, by the late Alexander Knox. Edited by the Rev. Charles Cuthbert Southey, M.A. 2 vol. 1846 WESLEYAN CHURCH. Some account of the Wesleyan section of the Church. By a Scot- tish Wesleyan. Edin., 1856. 8 WESLEYAN PREACHERS. A view of the conduct of the Wesleyan Methodist preachers in the Zetland islands. By a calm observer. 2d ed. Leith, 1825. 8 WESLEYAN TRACTS. Wesleyan tracts for the times. London, s. a. 8 WESSEL (JOHANN). * J. W., ein Vonganger Luthers. Zur Characteristik der christlichen Kirche und Theologie in ihrem Uebergang aus deni Mittelalter in die Reformationszeit. Von Dr C. Ullmann. Hamburg, 1834. 8 WESSENBERG (Baron VON). * Reformation in the Catholic Church of German}', and the downfall of papal authority, detailed in a cor- respondence with the court of Rome, on the subject of the nomination of the Vicar-Gene- ral, Baron von Wessenberg, as successor in the diocese of Constance, and diocesan Administra- tor... Translated from the original German. London, 1819. 8 WEST (BENJAMIN), President of the Royal Aca- demy of London. * The life, studies, and works of B. W. , composed from materials fur- nished by himself, by John Gait. London, 1820. 8 WEST (EDWARD). Mr E. W.'s legacy, being a discourse of the perfect man. London, 1679. 8 WEST (GILIERT), LL.D. * Observations on the WEST WESTMINSTER. 845 conversion and apostleship of St Paul. In a letter to G. W. [By George, Lord LYTTELTON.] London, 1747. 8 Another copy. - A new edition. London, 1703. 8" Observations on the history and evidences of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 4th ed. London, 1749. 8 - Sixth edition. London, 1767. 8 The odes of PINDAR, with several other pieces in prose and verse, translated from the Greek. 1749 WEST (JOHN), Assistant teacher of mathematics in the university of St Andrews. Elements of mathematics. Comprehending geometry, co- nic sections, mensuration, spherics. Edin., 1784. 8 A system of short hand, with plain and easy directions for writing it. Edin., 1784. 12 WEST (RICHARD), D.D., Rector of Shellingston, Dorsetshire, and prebendary of Wells. A ser- mon [on Jer. xxxi. 29] preached before the Hon. House of Commons, at St Margaret's Westminster, Jan. 30. 170A. Being the anni- versary of the martyrdom of King Charles I. London, 1710. 8 WEST (W.). Observations and reflections on what is styled Catholic emancipation ; con- taining arguments against the admission of Roman Catholics to a participation of political power in the British State. To which is add- ed, a series of letters on the same subject, ori- ginally addressed to the editor of the Liver- pool Courier. Liverpool, 1812. 8 WESTCOTT (BROOKE Foss), M.A. The ele- ments of the Gospel harmony : with a catena on inspiration, from the writings of the Ante- Nicene Fathers. Cambridge, 1851. 8 A general survey of the history of the canon of the New Testament during the first four centuries. Cambridge, 1855. 8 Characteristics of the Gospel miracles ; ser- mons preached before the university of Cam- bridge, with notes. Cambridge, 1859. 8 An introduction to the study of the Gospels. Cambridge, 1860. 8 \VESTE (M.). Parallele des langue Fran9oise et Suedoise ; ou dictionnaire Frau9ois et SueMois. Tom. iii. iv. Stockholm, 1807. 8 WESTFEILD, or WESTFIELD (THOMAS), D.D., Bishop of Bristol. A sermon [on 2 Cor. vi. 8] preached in the cathedral church of St Paul, on the fourteenth day of Nov. 1641. London, 1641. 4 WESTHAVIUS (HENRICUS). Ecclesiastica eii- arratio Dominicae passionis e sacra Euangelis- tarum harmonia accurate contexta, et elabo- rata analysi, emphatica metaphrasi, exquisita difficultatum potiorumque quaestionum solu- tione ac necessario illustrium documentorum apparatu absoluta ; ad sensa probatissimaj fi- dei ac sublimioria scientiae Patrum ac princi- pum theologorum reformatorum, adversaria- rum quoque sectarum patronis collatorum. Amstel., 1640. 4 WESTHUYSIUS (MATHIAS). Disputationum metaphysicarum secunda, de ente. Ultrajecti, 1640. 4 WESTMARK (M.). Forsok till kritik ofver Svenska Kyrkoforfattningen jemte forslag till grunder for dess ombildning. Stockholm, 1852. 8 WESTMINSTER. Reges, reginse, nobiles, et alij in ecclesia collegiata B. Petri Westmonas- terij sepulti, vsq\ie ad annum reparatae salutis ' 1606. Londini, 1606. 4 The answer of the assembly of divines by au- thority of parliament now sitting at Westmin- ster, unto the reasons given in to this assem- bly by the dissenting brethren, of their not bringing in a model of their way. London, 1645. 4 An answer to those questions propounded by the parliament to the assembly of divines, touching jus divinum in matter of Church go- vernment. London, 1646. 4 Advice of the assembly of divines, now by au- thority of parliament sitting at Westminster ; concerning a confession of faith : with the quotations and texts of Scripture annexed. Presented by them lately to both Houses of parliament. London, 1647. 4 Another copy. The humble advice of the assembly of divines now by authority of parliament sitting at West- minster ; concerning a larger catechism : pre- sented by them lately to both houses of par- liament. London, 1647. 4 Second edition. London, s. a. 4 The humble advice of the Assembly of divines sitting at Westminster, concerning a larger and a shorter catechism. Reprinted, Edin., 1647. 4 The answer of the Assembly of divines, to the reasons of the dissenting brethren, against the proposition concerning the subordination of congregationall, classicall, provinciall, and na- tioiiall assemblies, for the government of the Church. London, 1648. 4 Annotations upon all the books of the Old and New Testament... By the labours of cer- tain learned divines thereunto appended. [As- sembly annotations.] 2d ed. London, 1651. fol. Third edition. London, 1657. fol. The grand debate concerning PRESBYTERY and Independenc3 r . 1652 Comitia Westmonasteriensium in collegio S t{ . Petri habita die anniversario f undatricis sure Regirise Elizabethan inaugurate Jan. xv. Londini, 1728. fol. A vindication of the doctrine of the divine person and eternal Sonship of Christ ... Being an extract of the sentiments of the assembly of divines at Westminster : and some modern axithors. London, 1733. 8 Reasons agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster for laying aside the English Book of Common-Prayer ; [with the Reasons agreed upon... for which the Book of COMMON-PRAYF.R...WHS refused]. 1744 846 ; MO.N wn:i;ii .M \VHAI;TDN. The form of Presbyterial Church government, and ordination of ministries ; agreed upon by the assembly of divines at Westminster... With an Act of the (Iciienil Assembly of tlit- Church of Scotland, anno 1045, approving <>f the same. s. I., 1764. 8 Conciones et orationes...in usum scholn? West- monasteriensis. Li>n (.nt.uind in a sermon preached at Sumf. ml l.v M : 1 I -hart, Dec. 31. 1746. In a letter to a i i Borton, 1747. 8 WKTSTKXN'S (JOAWWm JA.'MHUS). Novuia Testamentum Groicum. 1751,52. KEK. F. WETSTEN1US (Jo. RODOLPHUS). 'V of ?/<u <>l>t;iinod, whilst we are on i-iirtli, against the carnall worldlings. 6. How tli is hope may bo discerned where it is, and attained where it is not, for the comfort of i \ii-y poor Christian. All which truths aro briefly pointed out and cleared, in a sermon [on 1 Cor. 15. 19] preached before the Right Hon. House of Lords in the Abbey-church at Westminster on Wednesday, May 28. being the day appointed for solemn and publike humi- liation. London, 1645. 4 WHITAKER (JOHN), B.D., Rector of Rn- LanyJwrne,' Cornwall. The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr Macpherson. 2d ed. lon, 1773. 8 Mary Queen of Scots vindicated. 3 vol. London, 1787, 88. 8 Additions and corrections made in the second edition of Mary Queen of Scots vindicated. London, 1789. 8 Gibbon's History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire in vol. iv. , v. , and vi. quarto, reviewed. London, 1791. 8 The origin of Arianism disclosed. London, 1791. 8 WHITAKER (NATHANIEL), D.D. Two ser- mons : in which the doctrine of reconciliation is plainly and briefly stated, and the grounds of it are clearly pointed out. London, 1768. 8 WHITBY (DANIEL), D.D., Precentor of Salisbury. A discourse concerning the idolatry of the Church of Rome : wherein that charge is jus- tified ; and the pretended refutation of Dr Stillingfleet's Discourse is answered. London, 1674. 8 Another copy. The absurdity and idolatry of Host-worship proved, by shewing how it answers what is said in Scripture and the writings of the Fa- thers, to shew the folly and idolatry commit- ted in the worship of the heathen deities. Also a full answer to all those pleas by which Pa- pists would wipe off the charge of idolatry. And an appendix against transubstantiation, with some reflexions on a late Popish book [by Abraham Woodhead] called The guide in controversies. London, 1679. 8 The Protestant RECONCILER. 1683 A paraphrase and commentary on the New Testament. 2 vol. [Vol. ii., 5th ed.] London, 1703, 27. fol. Another edition. 2vol. Edin., 1761. 4 [And with Commentary upon the Old and New Testament, with the Apocrypha, by PA- TRICK, LOWTH and ARNALD. 1809, 10 A paraphrase and commentary upon all the Epistles of the New Testament. London, 1700. fol. A discourse of the necessity and usefulness of the Christian revelation ; by reason of the corruptions of the principles of natural reli- gion among Jews and heathens. London, 1705. 8 A discourse concerning, I. The true import of the words election and reprobation ; and the WH1TBY WHITE. 851 things signified by them in the holy Scripture. II. The extent of Christ's redemption. III. The grace of God ; where it is enquired, whether it be vouchsafed sufficiently to those who improve it not, and irresistibly to those who do im- prove it ; and whether men be wholly passive in the work of their regeneration ? IV. The liberty of the will in a state of tryal and pro- bation. V. The perseverance or defectibUity of the saints ; with some reflections on the state of heathens, the providence and pres- cience of God. London, 1710. 8 Second edition. London, 1735. 8 Third edition. London, 1816. 8 Tractatus de imputatione divina peccati Ada- mi posteris ejus universia in reatum. Londini, 1711. 8 Another copy. Another copy. Translated into English by Henry Heywood. With a large introduction, by the translator. London, 1739. 8 A full answer to the arguments of the Rev. Dr Jonathan Edwards, for the opinion of St Austin concerning the imputation of the first sin of Adam, for guilt to all his posterity ; proving that doctrine to be contrary, I. To the common principles of mankind. II. To the clear evidence of reason. III. To the Scrip- tures expounded by the holy Fathers. IV. To the sentiments of most of the ancients before St Austin's time, and of the Greek and East- ern Churches at, and after that time. London, 1712. 8 Another copy. Ethices compendium, in usum academicse ju- ventutis. Tertio editum. Londini, 1713. 8 A discourse shewing that the expositions which the Ante-Nicene Fathers have given of the texts alleged against the Rev. Dr CLARKE by a learned layman are more agreeable to the interpretation of Dr C. than to the interpreta- tion of that learned layman. 1714 Dissertatio de S. Scripturarum interpretatione secundum Patrum commentaries. In qua pro- batur, Prim 6, S. Scrip turam esse regulam fidei unicam, ex qua de omnibus articulis fidei cre- ditu necessariis ad salutem, judicium ferendiim est. Secundb, Patres sive Primsevos, sive subsequentes non esse idoneos S. Scripturse interpretes. Tertio, Non posse controversias de S. Trinitate motas ex Patribus, conciliis, aut traditione vere Catholica certb definiri. Londini, 1714. 8 An answer to the Rev. Dr Snape's Second let- ter to Benjamin [Hoadly] Lord Bishop of Ban- gor. London, 1717. 8 Disquisitiones modestse in clarissimi Bulli De- fensionem fidei Nicenee. Editio secunda. Londini, 1720. 8 A reply to Dr Waterland's objections against Dr Whitby's Disquisitiones modestse. Shew- ing, I. That he hath not answered one mate- rial argument in the whole book. II. That he hath grossly misrepresented and disguised the sentiments of the Ante-Nicene Fathers. London, 1720. 8 Another copy. The last thoughts of Dr W. ; containing his correction of several passages in his Com- mentary on the New Testament ; to which are added, five discourses. New edition. London, 1822. 8 U WHITE (CHARLES). Revolution Beige de 1830 ; traduit de 1'Anglais, sous les yeux de 1'auteur, par Miss Mary Carr. 3 torn. Bruxelles, 1836. 12 WHITE (FRANCIS), D.D., Bishop of Ely. A re- plie to Jesuit Fisher's answere to certain ques- tions propounded by His most gratious Ma tie King James. Hereunto is annexed, a confer- ence of the Right R. B. of St Davids [William LAUD] with the same Jesuit. London, 1624. fol. The conference ; or causes of separation be- tween Protestants and Romanists ; discussed in the royal presence of King James the First. Edited, with an appendix, by the Rev. An- drew Staunton, A.B. Dublin, 1818. 8 [Another edition of the preceding work, with a different title, and without the additions.] Defence of the way to the true Church, in an- swer to a Popish treatise written by T. W. P[riest], entitled White died Blacke ; [at the end of the workes of John WHITE]. 1624 WHITE (GILBERT), Curate of Selborne.The na- tural history and antiquities of Selborne, with the naturalist's calendar ; and miscellaneous observations, extracted from his papers. A new edition ; with notes, by Edward Turner Bennett, and others. London, s. a. 8 WHITE (H.), B.A., Trinity college, Cambridge. Elements of universal history, on a new and systematic plan ; from the earliest times to the treaty of Vienna. To which is added, a sum- mary of the leading events since that period. For the use of schools and of private students. Edin., 1843. 12 WHITE (HENRY KIRKE). * The life and remains of H. K. W. London, 1825. 12 Another edition. London, s. a. 12 WHITE (HUGH), Minister in the Relief Church. Eight letters between the people called Buchanites, and a teacher near Edinburgh. Three of which are written by Mr W., and one by Mrs Buchan herself ; together with two letters from Mrs Buchan, and one from Mr W. to a clergyman in England. Edin., 1785. 8 WHITE (HUGH), A.M., Curate of St Mary's, Dublin. Twenty sermons preached in St Mary's chapel. 4th ed. Dublin, 1835. 8 Practical reflections on the second advent. 3d ed. Dublin, 1838. 8 Sixth thousand. Dublin, 1840. 8 Profession and practice. Fourth thousand. Dublin, 1840. 8 WHITE (JAMES). The eighteen Christian cen- turies. 4th ed. Edin., 1863. 8 WHITE (JOHN), D.D., Minister of Eccks, in Lan- cashire. The workes of J. W. Together with 852 \\HITE-WIIITEFIELD. a Defence of the way to the true Church, in answere to a Popish treatise, written by T. \V. Pfriest] entituled, White died blacke, by Francis WHITE. London, 1024. foL WHITE (JOHN), B.D., Fellow of N/ ./../ it'* col- lege, Cambridge. Free and impartial considera- tions upon the Free and candid disquisitions relating to the CHURCH OF ENGLAND. 1751 WHITE (JOHN), A.M. The people and the Church of Scotland : a reply to Sir James (iraham and the government, in their answer to the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on the law of patron- age in connection with the true interests of religion and the Church. London, 1843. 8 a WHITE (JOSEPH), D.D., Professor of Hebrew and Arabic at Oxford. De utilitate linguae Arabi- coe, in studiis.theologicis, oratio ; habita Oxonii ...vii. Id. Aprilis, 1775. Oxonii, 1776. 4 Sermons preached before the University of Ox- ford, in the year 1784, at the lecture founded by the Rev. John Bampton, M.A. 2d ed. To which is now added, a sermon preached before the University of Oxford, July 4, 1784, on the duty of attempting the propagation of the Gospel among our Mahometan and Gentoo subjects in India. London, 1785. 8 Another copy. ^Egyptiaca : or, observations on certain anti- quities of Egypt. In two parts. Part I. The history of Pompey's pillar elucidated. Oxford, 1801. 4 WHITE (JOSEPH BLANCO), M.A., of Oriel colkge, formerly chaplain to the King of Spain. Prac- tical and internal evidence against Catholic- ism, with occasional strictures on Mr Butler's Book of the Roman Catholic Church : in six letters addressed to the impartial among the Roman Catholics of Great Britain and Ireland. 2d ed. London, 1826. 8 Another copy. The poor man's preservative against Popery. 5th ed. London, 1827. 12 New edition. London, 1834. 8 Observations on heresy and orthodoxy. London, 1835. 8 The life of the Rev. J. B. W., written by him- self ; with portions of his correspondence. Edited by John Hamilton Thorn. 3 vol. London, 1845. 8 WHITE (JosiAs), B.D., Fellow of New college, and minister of Horn^church, Essex. A plaine and familiar exposition upon the creed, ten commandements, Lord's Prayer and sacra- ments, by question and answer. WTiereunto is added a sweet comfort for a Christian being tempted. London, 1632. 8 WHITE (THOMAS), Sub-Princ^al of the college at Douay. An answer to A discourse of infalli- bility, by Viscount FALKLAND; [with the Dis- course]. 1G50 W T H1TE (WILLIAM), Minister of Knwts Free chv.rch, Haddington. Lectures on the lawful- ness and advantages of national establishments of religion. Haddington, 1839. 8 Another copy. What ought the CHUKCH and IH LAND to do now / 1840 An addn.ss .n the position of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 1841 Christ's covenant the best defence of Christ's n ; or, our national covenants scriptural, catholic, and of permanent obligation. , 1844. 12 Providence, Prophecy, and Popery ; as exhi- bited in the first seven chapters of the Book of Daniel. , 1845. 12 Dialogues on the nature and extent of the atonement. , 1849. 12 Remarks on Dr Hanna's sermon on the prin- ciples of the Free Church. Edin., 1860. 8 WHITE ( ). The funeral of PRELACY ; or the modern Prelates claim to the office of an Apostle or Evangelist discust. 1704 Fable of the sacred Phenix. Or, of PRELACY revived from the ashes of its funerals. 1704 A stone upon the grave of PRELACY, or Pre- lats not Apostles. 1705 WHITEFIELD (GEORGE), B.A., of Pembroke col- lege. A journal of a voyage from Gibraltar to Georgia. Containing many curious observa- tions, and edifying reflections, on the several occurrences that happen'd in the voyage. London, 1738. 8 Sermons on various subjects. Vol. i. . . . London, 1739. 12 Answer to the Bishop of London's [Gibson] last pastoral letter. London, 1739. 8 Another copy. * A supplement to the Rev. Mr W.'s Answer to the Bishop of London's last pastoral letter. Containing, I. Notes on the pastoral letter. II. A remark on the Weekly miscellany of August 18th ; 1739 ; with an extract of a letter from Mr Seward, relating to the writer of the same. By a Presbyter of the Church of Eng- land, s. I. et a. 8 The indwelling of the Spirit, the common pri- vilege of all believers. A sermon [on John, vii. 37-39.] preached at the parish church of Bexly in Kent, on Whitsunday 1739. London, 1739. 8 A journal of a voyage from London to Savan- nah in Georgia. In two parts. Part I. From London to Gibraltar. Part II. From Gibral- tar to Savannah. With a short preface, shew- ing the reason of its publication. 5th ed. London, 1739. 8 A contii, nation of the Rev. Mr W.'s journal, during the time he was detained in England by the embargo. London, 1739. 8 A continuation of the Rev. Mr W.'s journal, from his arrival at London, to his departure from thence on his way to Georgia. 3d ed. London, 1739. 8 A continuation of the Rev. Mr W.'s journal, from his arrival at Savannah, to his return to London. 2d ed. London, 1739. 8 A short account of God's dealings with the Rev. G. W., from his infancy to the time of his entering into holy orders. Written by himself. Edin., 1741. 8 J WHITEFIELD WHITFIELD. 853 An extract of the preface to the Rev. Mr W.'s account of the orphan-house in Georgia. Edin., 1741. 8 Continuation of the account of the orphan- house in Georgia, from Jan. 174? to June 1742. To which are also subjoin'd, some ex- tracts from an account of a work of a like nature, carried on by the late Professor Franck in Glaucha near Halle in Saxony. Edin., 1742. 8 .Nine sermons upon the following subjects ; viz. I. The Lord our righteousness. II. The seed of the woman, and the seed of the ser- pent. III. Persecution every Christian's lot. IV. Abraham's offering up his son Isaac. V. Saul's conversion. VI. The pharisee and publican. VII. Christ, the believer's wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. VIII. The Holy Spirit convincing the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. IX. The conversion of Zaccheus. Edin., 1742. 12 * The declaration of the true Presbyterians within the kingdom of Scotland ; concerning Mr G. W. and the work at Cambuslang. Glasgow, 1742. 8 * A letter to a gentleman in Edinburgh, con- taining remarks upon a late apology for the Presbyterians in Scotland, who keep commu- nion, in the ordinances of the Gospel, with TWr G. W., a Priest of the Church of England. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1743. 8 A letter to the Rev. the president and profes- sors, tutors, and Hebrew instructor of Har- vard college in Cambridge ; in answer to a testimony published by them against the Rev. Mr G. W. , and his conduct. Boston, N. E., 1746. 4 A brief account of the rise, progress, and pre- sent situation of the orphan-house in Georgia. In a letter to a friend. Edin. , 1748. 8 Another copy. Fifteen sermons, preached on various import- ant subjects. To which is prefixed, a sermon on the character, preaching, &c. of the Rev. Mr W. By Joseph SMITH, V.D.M. Glasgow, 1772. 8 Seventy -five sermons on various important subjects. In this complete collection is in- cluded, the eighteen sermons taken in short hand by Mr Gurney. And to which is now added, a sermon, on the character, preaching, &c. of the Rev. Mr Whitefield, by Joseph SMITH, V.D.M. 3 vol. London, 1812. 8 - Three sermons : [with The revivals of the eighteenth century, by Duncan MACFARLAN]. 1845 * Memoirs of the life of the Rev. G. W. : in which every circumstance worthy of notice, both in his private and public character, is recorded. Faithfully selected from his ori- ginal papers, journals, and letters. Illustrated by a variety of interesting and entertaining anecdotes, from the best authorities. To which are added, a particular account of his death and funeral ; and extracts from the sermons, which were preached on that occasion. Com- piled by the Rev. John Gillies, D.D. London, 1772. 8 Another edition. Falkirk, 1798. 12 * The life and times of the Rev. G. W. By Robert Philip. London, 1837. 8 * Sketches of the life and labours of the Rev. G. W. To which are added, two discourses preached in the year 1739. Edin., s. a. 12 WHITEHORNE (JAMES CHARLES), B.A., of the Middle Temple. The social evil practically considered. A paper read at the meeting of the Lay and clerical union. London, [18581. 12 WHITEHURST (JOHN), F.R.S. An inquiry into the original state and formation of the earth, to which is added an appendix on the strata in Derbyshire. London, 1778. 4 WHITELEY (HENRY). Verbatim reprint of a pamphlet, entitled. Three months in Jamaica, in 1832 : comprising a residence of seven weeks on a sugar plantation. London, s. a. 12 Another copy. WHITELEY (JOSEPH), A.B. An essay on the necessity of a Redeemer. Leeds, 1783. 8 An essay on Jesus Christ, considered as an example to mankind. Cambridge, 1783. 4 WHITELOCKE, or WHITLOCKE (Sir BUL- STRODE). Essays, ecclesiastical and civil. [Wants title.] London, 1706. 8 Memorials of the English affairs : or, an his- torical account of what passed from the begin- ning of the reign of King Charles the First to King Charles the Second his happy restaura- tion. A new edition. Containing the pub- lick transactions, civil and military : together with the private consultations and secrets of the Cabinet. London, 1732. fol WHITELOCKE (Sir JAMES), Father of tlie pre- ceding. Liber famelicus of Sir J. W., a judge of the court of King's Bench in the reign of James I. and Charles I. , now first published from the original manuscript. Edited [for the Camden Society] by John Bruce. London, 1858. 4 WHITER (WALTER), M. A. , Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge. Etymologicon universale : or, universal etymological dictionary : on a new plan. In which it is shewn, that consonants are alone to be regarded in discovering the affinities of words, and that the vowels are to be wholly rejected ; that languages contain the same fundamental idea ; and that they are de- rived from the earth, and the operations, acci- dents, and properties, belonging to it. With illustrations drawn from various languages : the Teutonic dialects, English, Gothic, Saxon, German, Danish, &c. &c. Greek, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish. The Celtic dialects, Gaelic, Irish, Welsh, Bretagne, &c. &e. The dialects of the Sclavonic, Russian, &c. &c. The Eastern languages, Hebrew, Arabic, Per- sian, Sanscrit, Gipsey, Coptic, &c. &c. 3 vol. Cambridge, 1822, 25. 4 WHITFIELD (THOMAS), Minister at Great Ya,- 8M \\IIITGIFT-\\ICLII . mouth, Norfolk. A discourse of liberty of conscience, wherein the arguments on both sides are so equally laid together in the bal- lance, that the indifferent reader may without difficulty judge whither side weighs the heavier. London, 1649. 4 WHITGIFT (JOHN), D.D., A rchbishop of Ca ,//- bury. The works of J. \V. The first portion, containing the Defence of the Answer to the admonition, against the Reply of Thomas Cart- wright : Tractates i.-vi. Edited for the Par- ker Society, by the Rev. John Ayre, M.A. Cambridge, 1851. 8 The second portion, containing the Defence of the Answer to the Admonition... Tractates vii.-x. [Ibid.] Cambridge, 1852. 8 The third portion, containing the Defence of the Answer to the Admonition... Tractates xii. -xxiii., sermons, selected letters, &c. [Ibid.] Cambridge, 1853. 8 C * The life of J. W. Written by Sir George Paule. To which is added a treatise intituled Conspiracy for pretended reformation, written in the year 1591. By Richard COSIN, LL.D. London, 1699. 8 WHITING (NATHAN). Bible history, illustrated by engravings, or the manners and customs of the ancients. New-Haven, s. a. 12 WHITLEY (JOHN), D. D. The doctrine of atonement and sacrifice, evinced from the Scriptures, and confirmed from the sacra- ments : errors considered ; and difficulties of theists and infidels answered. London, 1836. 8 WHITLOCK (JOHN), M.A., Minister of the Gos- pel at St Maries, Nottingham. The upright man and his happy end : opened and applyed in a sermon [on Ps. 37. 37] preached at the funerals of the Hon. Francis Pierrepont... on the 18th of March 1657, in the parish church of Holm Pierepont in Nottinghamshire... London, 1658. 4 Another copy. WHITLOCKE (Sir B.). -See Sir B. W T HITELOCKE. WHITMORE (WILLIAM W.).* Extract of a letter addressed to W. W., in reply to the erroneous statements of the late J. Marryat, on the subject of slavery in the East Indies, by the author of a pamphlet entitled ' ' East and West India sugar." London, s. a. fol. WHITTAKER (GEORGE), A.M., Master of the grammar-school in Southampton. Latin exer- cises ; or, exempla propria : being English sentences, translated from, the best Roman writers, and adapted to the rules in s}-ntax ; to be again translated into the Latin language. 10th ed. London, 1832. 8 WHOLE DUTY OF MAN. The works of the learned and pious author of The whole duty of man. L. P. Oxford, 1704. fol. WHYTE (ADAM). Political preaching : or the meditations of a well-meaning man, in a ser- mon lately published ; in a letter addressed to the Rev. Mr William Dun, minister of Kirk- intilloch. Glasgow, 1792. 8 WHYTEHEAD (ROBERT), M.A. The warrant of faith : or, a handbook to the canon and inspiration of the Scriptures. London, 1864. 8 WHYTOCK (GEORGE), Minister of the Attociate congregate ith. A defence of cove- nanting against the attacks made thereon in u late publication, entituled, A dissertation on the nature and genius of the kingdom of Christ... By Patrick Hutchison, A.M. Glasgow, 1780. 16 A short vindication of Presbyterial Church- government : containing a summary view of the evidence in support of it from MriptvN ; together with an examination of the principal arguments of the Independents against it. Edin., 1799. 12 Another copy. A short vindication of Presbytery : with twelve essays on the Church. Edited by the Rev. Thomas M'Crie. .,1843. 8 Another copy. Another copy. WICHMANS (FRANCOIS AUOUSTIN). Histpire de la statue miraculeuse de la Tres-Sainte Vierge Marie, honored dans I'e'glise de N. D. de Finisterre a Bruxelles sous le titre de Notre- Dame de bon-succes. Bruxelks, 1854. 8 WICKES (JOHN WIGHT), M.A., domestic chap- lain to the Duke of Cumberland. *The judge- ment delivered, Dec. llth, 1809 by the Right Hon. Sir John Nicholl...upon the admission of articles, exhibited in a cause of office pro- moted by Kemp against Wickes, Clerk, for refusing to bury an infant child of two of his parishioners, who had been baptized by a dis- senting minister. London, 1810. 8 Another copy. A sermon [on Prov. xix. 21] preached at the parish church of St Michael, Queen-Hithe, London, on Wednesday, March 7, 1798; being the day appointed for a general fast. . . London, 1798. 4 A letter addressed to the Rt. Rev. Spencer, Lord Bishop of Peterborough, in answer to an appeal made to the ' ' Society for defending the civil rights of the dissenters," relative to the important question of church burial by the established clergy. Stamford, s. a. 8 WICKHAM (J. A.), of Frome, Somerset. A sy- nopsis of the doctrine of baptism, regenera- tion, conversion, &c. and kindred subjects, by the Fathers and other writers from the time of our Saviour to the end of the fourth cen- tury. Witli a preface by the Rev. H. D. Wickham, M.A. London, 1850. 8 WICLEFUS (JOANNES). See John WICLIP. WICLIF, or WICLIFF, or WICLEFUS, or WYC- LYFFE (JOHN), D.D. The New Testament, translated out of the Latin Vulgat. 1731. See BIBLES ENGLISH. D. The New Testament translated from the La- tin, in the year 1380. To which are prefixed Memoirs of the life of Dr W. By the Rev. H. H. BABER. 1810. See BIBLES ENGLISH. D. WIDDRINGTON WIGHT. 855 Dialogorum libri quatuor, quorum primus di- vinitatem et ideas tractat. Secundus univer- sarum rerum creationem complectitur. Ter- tius de virtutibus vitiisque ipsis contrariis co- piosissime loquitur. Quartus Romaiue Eccle- sise sacramenta, ejus pestiferam dotationem, Antichristi regnum, f ratrum fraudulentam ori- ginem atque eorum hypocrisim, variaque nos- tro oevo scitu dignissima, graphics perstringit, quse ut essent inventu facilia, singulorum librorum, turn caput, turn capitis summam indice prsenotavimus. Auctus est denique liber, catalogo prsecipuorum de Wiclefo nostro scriptorum, quern vita ex optimis fontibus, germanico idiomate depicta, sequitur. Francofurti et Lipsice, 1753. 4 The last age of the Church. Now first printed from a manuscript in the university library, Dublin. Edited with notes, by James Hen- thorn Todd, D.D. Dublin, 1840. 4 An apology for Lollard doctrines, attributed to Wicliffe. Now first printed from a manu- script in the library of Trinity college, Dub- lin. With an introduction and notes, by James Henthorii Todd, D.D. [Camden So- ciety.] London, 1842. 4 Tracts and treatises of J. de W. With selec- tions and translations from his manuscripts, and Latin works. Edited for the Wyclifte Society, with an introductory memoir, by the Rev. Robert Vaughan, D.D. London, 1845. 8 Another copy. Wicklieffes Wicket faythfully overseene and corrected after the originall and first copie, with an epistle to the reader by [MJyles [C]o- verdale. To which is added the Artycles wherefore Johan Fryth died ; and a short life of J. Wickliffe, by Thomas James, formerly keeper of the Bodleian library, at Oxford. Edited by Robert Potts, M.A. Cambridge: reprinted, 1851. 8 C . * The history of the life and sufferings of the Rev. and learned J. W. Together with a col- lection of papers relating to the said history, never before printed. By John Lewis, A.M. London, 1720. 8 C A new edition. Oxford, 1820. 8 - * The life of J. W. With an appendix, and list of his works. Edin., 1820. 8 - * The life and opinions of John de Wycliffe, illustrated principally from his unpublished manuscripts ; with a preliminary view of the Papal system, and of the state of the Protest- ant doctrine in Europe, to the commencement of the fourteenth century. By Robert Vaughan. 2 vol. London, 1828. 8 WIDDRINGTON [or PRESTON] (ROQEK), Catho- licus Anglus. Responsio apologetica. Ad li bellum cuiusdam doctoris theologi, qui eius pro iure Principum apologiam tanquam fidei Catholicse aperte repugnantem, atque ethni- cismum sapientem, falsb, indocte, et seditiose criminatur. Cosmopoli, 1612. 8 Last reioynder to Mr Thomas Fitz-herberts Reply concerning the oath of allegiance, am the Popes power to depose princes : wherein all his arguments, taken from the lawes of God, in the Old and New Testament, of na- ture, of nations, from the canon and ciuill law, and from the Popes Breues, condemning the oath, and the Cardinalls decree, forbidding two of Widdringtons bookes are answered : also many replies and instances of Cardinall Bellarmine in his Schulckenius, and of Leonard Lessius in his Singleton are confuted, and di- uers cunning shifts of Cardinall Peron are dis- couered. s. I, 1619. 4 WIDOWS FUND. Memorial by the general collector, to the trustees for managing the fund established for a provision to ministers widows, &c. in Scotland. Edin., 1800. 8 Prospectus of a plan for establishing in Scot- land a general fund, for securing provision to widows, sisters, &c. and insuring capital sums on lives. To be called the Scottish widows fund, and Equitable assurance society. Edin., 1812. 12 Deed of constitution of the Scottish widows' fund and Life assurance society. Edin., 1834. 8 - Minutes of the annual meeting of contributors to the Widows fund, held at Belfast, July 2, 1835. Belfast, 1835. 8 WIESINGER (Lie. AUGUST). Biblical com- mentary on St Paul's Epistles to the Philip- pians, to Titus, and the First to Timothy. (In continuation of the work of Olshausen.) Translated from the German by the Rev. J. Fulton, A.M. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1851. 8 WIGANDUS (JOHANNES), Professor of divinity at Jena. De sacramentarijsmo, dogmata et argumenta ex quatuor Patriarchis sacramen- tariorum, Carlstadio, Zwinglio, CEcolampadio, Calvino potissimum et quibusdam aliis. Item De schismate sacramentario, quasi in unum corpus redacta. Lipsice, 1585. 4 De Stancarismo dogmata et argumenta cum solutionibus, qiiibus prsemissa est inethodus de mediatione Christi. Lipsice, 1585. 4 WIGGERS(G. F.), D.D., Professor of tlieology in the university of Rostock. An historical pre- sentation of Augustinism and Pelagianism from the original sources. Translated from the German, with notes and additions, by Rev. Ralph Emerson. Andover, 1840. 8 Another copy. [Wanting pp. 17-24.] WIGGLESWORTH (EDWARD), D.D., Professor of divinity in Harvard college. A letter to the Rev. Mr George Whitefield, by way of reply to his answer to the college testimony against him and his conduct. To which is added the Rev. President's (Edward Holyoke) Answer to the things charg'd upon him by the said Mr Whitefield, as inconsistences. Boston, N. E., 1745. 4 WIGHT (SARAH). * The exceeding riches of grace advanced by the Spirit of grace, in an empty nothing creature, viz. Mrs S. W. , lately hopeles and restles, her soule dwelling far from peace or hopes thereof. Now hopefull, 850 V. l.illTMAN \VILK INS. ami joyfull in the Lord, (that hath caused light to shine out of darknes ; that in and by this earthen vessoll, holds forth his own etcr- nall love, and the glorious grace of Jesus Christ, to the chiefest of sinners). Who de- sired that others might hear and know, what the Lord had done for her soul, (that was so terrified day and night :) and might neither presume, nor despair and murmure against God, as she hath done. Published for the refreshing of poor souls, by an eye and ear- witnes of a good part thereof, Henry Jesse, [or Jacie] a servant of Jesus Christ. The 3d ed. London, 1648. 8 WIGHTMAN (Mrs CHARLES). Haste to the rescue ; or, work while it is day. With pre- face by the author of "English hearts and English hands." Twelfth thousand. London, 1860. 8 WIGHTMAN (JOHN), Minister of Kirkmahoe. Practical lectures on the two Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians. Edin., 1834. 12 WIGHTMAN (ROBERT). * Information for R. W. and others, against the Earl of Hope- ton, s. I., 1730. 4 WIGORNIA. See WORCESTER. WILBERFORCE (HENRY WILLIAM), M.A., for- merly vicar of East Farleigh, now a priest in the Church of Rome. Reasons for submitting to the Catholic Church. A farewell letter to his parishioners from a clergyman of the Estab- lished Church. Fifth thousand. London, 1851. 16 WILBERFORCE (ROBERT ISAAC), M.A., Bro- ther of the preceding, Archdeacon of the East Riding, and Canon of York. Church courts and Church discipline. London, 1843. 8 The doctrine of holy baptism : with remarks on the Rev. W. Goode's ' Effects of infant baptism.' London, 1849. 8 The doctrine of the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ in relation to mankind and to the Church. 2d ed. London, 1849. 8 A sketch of the history of Erastianism : to- gether with two sermons on the reality of Church ordinances, and on the principles of Church authority. London, 1851. 12 An inquiry into the principles of Church au- thority ; or, reasons for recalling my subscrip- tion to the Royal supremacy. London, 1854. 8 WILBERFORCE (SAMUEL), D.D., Brother of tlie preceding, and Bishop of Oxford. A history of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. London, 1854. 12 WILBERFORCE (WILLIAM), Father of the pre- ceding. A practical view of the prevailing re- ligious system of professed Christians, in the higher and middle classes in this country, con- trasted with real Christianity. 2d ed. London, 1797. 8 Another edition. With an introductory essay, by the Rev. Daniel Wilson, D.D. Glasgow, 1826. 12 Another copy. Another edition. Glasgmv, 1838. 8 Another edition. From a late London cli- tinii. New York, t. a. 12* An appeal to the religion, justice, and huma- nity of the inhabitants of the British t-mpirv, in behalf of the negro slaves in the West In- dies. A new edition. -Am, 1823. 8 *The life of W. W. By IUH sons, Robert Isaac Wilberforce, M.A., and Samuel NVilbcr- force, M.A. 5 vol. 2d ed. don, 1839. 8 WILCOCK (JAMES). A challenge sent to Master E. B. a semi-separatist from the Church of England. Now published by the author J. \V. London, 1641. 4 WILCOCKS (THOMAS), A. M. The works of T. W. ; containing an exposition vpon the whole Booke of David's Psalmes, Solomon's Prouerbs, the Canticles, and part of the 8. chapter of S. Pavl's Epistle to the Romans. London, 1624. fol. W T ILCOX (DANIEL), Preacher of the Gospel at Monkwell Street, London. Sixty- four practi- cal sermons... To which are added, the confes- sion of faith delivered at his ordination to the ministry ; and a discourse on the duty of hold- ing fast the form of sound words. 3 vol. [Vol. i. and ii., 2d ed.] London, 1744. 8 WILDE (JOHN), Professor of civil law in the uni- versity of Edinburgh. An address to the lately formed Society of the friends of the people. Edin., 1793. 8 WILDE (W. R.), M.R. I. A. Narrative of a voy- age to Madeira, Teneriffe, and along the shores of the Mediterranean, including a visit to Al- giers, Egypt, Palestine, Tyre, Rhodes, Tel- niessus, Cyprus, and Greece. With observa- tions on the present state and prospects of Egypt and Palestine, and on the climate, na- tural history, and antiquities of the countries visited. 2d ed. Dublin, 1844. 8 WILKINS (DAVID), S.T.P., Archdeacon of Suf- folk. Novum Testamentum ^Egyptum. 1716. See BIBLES ^EGYPTIAN. B. Quinque Libri Moysis. 1731. See BIBLES ^EGYPTIAN. A. WILKINS (JOHN), D.D., Bishop of Chester. Ecclesiastes, or, a discourse concerning the gift of preaching as it falls under the rules of art. 2d ed. London, 1646. 4 Eighth edition. London, 1704. 8 An essay towards a real character, and a phi- losophical language. London, 1668. fol. Of the principles and duties of natural reli- gion : two books. To which is added, a ser- mon preached at his funerals, by William LLOYD, D.D., Dean of Bangor. London, 1678. 8 Another copy. Seventh edition. London, 1715. 8 Eighth edition. London, 1722. 8 Sermons preached upon several occasions. Never before published. London, 1682. 8 A discourse concerning the gift of prayer, shewing what it is, wherein it consists, and how far it is attainable by industry. With divers useful and proper directions to that WILKINSON WILLET. 857 purpose, both in respect of matter, method, expression. Whereunto is added, Ecclesiaates : or, a discourse concerning the gift of preach- ing. 8th ed. London, 1704. 8 WILKINSON (HENRY), B.D., Divinity reader in Magdalen Hall, Oxford. Babylons ruine, Jerusalems rising. Set forth in a sermon [on Zech. i. 18-21] preached before the Hon. House of Commons, on the 25 Octob. being the day appointed for the monthly fast, solemnly to be observed. London, 1643. 4 The gainefull cost. As it was delivered in a sermon [on 1 Chron. xvi. 24] preached before the House of Lords, Nov. 27. London, 1644. 4 WILKINSON (JAMES JOHN GARTH). The hu- man body and its connexion with man, illus- trated by the principal organs. London, 1851. 8 WILKINSON (Sir JOHN GARDNER). The man- ners and customs of the ancient Egyptians, including their private life, government, laws, arts, manufactures, religion, agriculture, and early history ; derived from a comparison of the paintings, sculptures, and monuments still existing, with the accounts of ancient authors. 5 vol. 3d ed. London, 1847. 8 WILKINSON (M.), Missionary. Sketches of Christianity in North India. London, 1844. 8 WILKINSON (WATTS), B.A., Tuesday morning lecturer at St Bartholomew Exchange. Twenty four sermons. London, 1841. 12 Another copy. WILKINSON (WILLIAM FRANCIS). The Greek Testament with notes. 1855. See BIBLES GREEK. F. WILKS (MARK). History of the persecutions endured by the Protestants of the South of France, and more especially of the department of the Gard, during the years 1814, 1815, 1816, &c. Including a defence of their con- duct, from the Revolution to the present period. 2 vol. London, 1821. 8 Tahiti : containing a review of the origin, character, and progress of French Roman Ca- tholic efforts for the destruction of English Protestant missions in the South Seas. Trans- lated from the French of M. W. London, 1844. 8 WILKS (SAMUEL CHARLES), M.A., Rector of Nursling, near Southampton. Christian es- says. 2 vol. London, 1817. 8 Correlative claims and duties ; or, an essay on the necessity of a Church Establishment in a Christian country, for the preservation of Christianity among the people of all ranks and denominations and the means of exciting and maintaining among its members a spirit of devotion, together with zeal for the honour, stability, and influence of the Established Church... London, 1821. 8 An essay on " the signs of conversion and un- conversion in ministers of the Church." 3d ed. London, 1830. 16 The duty of prompt and complete abolition of colonial slavery, a sermon [on Gen. xlii. 21] preached... September 26, 1830, with a letter to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, and an appendix of Episcopal testimonies. London, 1830. 8 A Church Establishment lawful, scriptural, and necessary. Six dialogues between the rector of Oakenvale, and Mr Granger, one of his parishioners. London, 1832. 12 WILL. An essay on the freedom of will in God and in creatures, and on various subjects con- nected therewith. London, 1732. 8 WILLARD (EMMA). A system of universal his- tory, in perspective. Illustrated by a chrono- logical picture of nations, or perspective sketch of the course of empire, in a series of maps, giving the progressive geography of the world. Philadelphia, 1843. 8 3 History of the United States, or, republic of America. Philadelphia, 1843. 8 WILLCOLKES (Dr). The united new and much admired system of arithmetic and mental cal- culations, of Dr W. and Messrs T. and T. W. Fryer ; being the result of many years' study. 7th ed. Derby, 1840. 12 WILLES (THOMAS), M.A., Minister of the Gospel in the city of London. Kccigol xcthtTrot. A word in season, for a warning to England : or a prophecy of perillous times open'd and ap- ply'd. Wherein the signes of bad times, and the means of making the times good, are re- presented as the great concernment of all good Christians in this present age. First exhibited in a sermon [on 2 Tim. 3. 1] preached in the abby at Westminster, July 5. 1659. and since enlarged and published. London, 1659. 8 WILLET (ANDREW), Rector of Childesley, Cam- bridgeshire. Synopsis Papismi, that is, a ge- nerall viewe of Papistrie : wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of Antichris- tian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ, together with an anti- thesis of the true Christian faith, and an an- tidotum of counterpoyson out of the Scrip- tures, against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations : deuided into foure bookes or centuries, that is, so many hundreds of Popish heresies and errors. Now this se- cond time perused... London, 1594. 4 Third edition. Divided into five bookes, or centuries. London, 1600. fol. Tetrastylon Papisticum, that is, the foure prin- cipall pillars of Papistrie, the first conteyning their raylings, slanders, forgeries, untruthes : the second their blasphemies, flat contradic- tions to Scripture, heresies, absurdities : the third their loose arguments, weake solutions, subtill distinctions : the fourth and last the repugnant opinions of new Papistes with the old : of the new one with another ; of the same writers with themselves : yea of Popish religion with and in itselfe. Compiled as a necessarie supplement or fit appertinance to the authors former worke, intituled Synopsis Papismi... London, 1596. 4 d 108 868 WELLETT WILLIAMS Hexapla in C.ncsin, that is, a sixfold com- mentarie upon Genesis : wherein six severall translations, that is, the Septuagint, ami the Chalde, two Latine, of Hierome, and Treine- lius : two English, the Great Bible, and the Geneva edition are compared, where they differ, with the originall, Hebrew, and Pag- nine, and Montanus interlinearie interpreta- tion : together with a sixfold use of every chapter, shewing 1. The method or argument : 2. the divers readings : 3. the explanation of difficult questions and doubtfull places : 4. the places of doctrine : 5. places of confutation : 6. morall observations ... Divided into two tomes... The third time revised. London, 1632. fol. Hexapla in Exodum, that is, a sixfold com- mentary upon the second Booke of Moses called Exodus... Wherein in the divers read- ings those translations are compared together : 1. The Chalde : 2. The Septuagint : 3. The Vulgar Latine : 4. Pagnine : 6. Montanus : 6. lunius : 7. Vatablus : 8. The great English Bible : 9. The Geneva edition : 10. And the Hebrew originall maketh the 10th. Divided into two parts... London, 1633. fol. Hexapla in Danielem : that is, a sixfold corn- men tarie upon the most diuine prophecie of Daniel : wherein according to the method pro- pounded in Hexapla upon Genesis and Exo- dus, six things are observed in every chapter ...Divided into two bookes... [Title in manu- script.] [London] and Cambridge, 1608, 10. fol. Hexapla : that is, a sixfold commentarie vpon the most diuine Epistle of the holy Apostle S. Paul to the Romans : wherein according to the authors former method sixe things are obserued in euery chapter...Diuided into two bookes... Cambridge, 1611. fol. Another copy. WILLETT (JOHN), M.A., Fellow of Wadham col- lege. The nature and mischiefs of hypocrisy. A sermon [on Ps. Ixxviii. 57] preach'd at the assizes... at St Mary's church in Oxford, July 15, 1708. London, 1708. 8 WILLIAM HENRY, Prince of Orange, after- wards William III., King of England. * A memorial for His Highness the Prince of Orange, in relation to the affairs of Scotland : together with the Address of the Presbyterian party in that kingdom to His Highness ; and some observations on that address. By two persons of quality. London, 1689. 4 The laws and Acts made in the first parliament of. ..William and Mary. ..[Scots Acts.] Edin., 1690. 12 The laws and Acts made in the first session of the first parliament of... William... [Ibid.-] Edin., 1695. 12 U The laws and Acts made in the sixth session of the first parliament of... William... [Ibid.] Edin., 1696. 12 The laws and Acts made in the seventh session of the first parliament of. ..William. ..[Ibid.] Edin., 1698. 12 The laws and acts made in the eighth and ninth sessions of the first parliament <>f...\\ il- liam...[lbid.] . K.M8. 12 The act of the parliament of Scotland, for tho security <>f tin- kingdom, as it is voted and past in this present parliament and lii-s iv.-niy for the royal assent. With a short account of it, and some few remarks. London, 1703. 4 Act for security of the kingdom. As it is voted and approved by the Right Hon. the Estates of parliament, at Edinburgh, the 13th August, 1703. /;./;/,., 1704. 4 J A collection of State tracts, published on occa- sion of the late REVOLUTION in 1688. And during the reign of King William III. 3 vol. London, 1705-1707. fol. Act of parliament ratifying the confession of faith and settling Presbyterian Church govern- ment at the Revolution, anno 1690. Likewise the act rescinding the act of supremacy. The act restoring Presbyterian ministers. Two acts recissory rescinding all the persecuting acts and laws made against the suffering Pres- byterians from the Restoration to the Revolu- tion. With some remarks upon the same. By George Paton. Glasgow, 1747. 8 Anno primo Willielmi et Marise. An act for establishing the coronation oath. s. I. et a. 4 Copy of a signature for a new bank. s. 1. et a. 4 Act of parliament for erecting a bank in Scot- land. . 1. et a. 4 WILLIAM IV., King of Great Britain and Ire- land. An act to amend the representation of the people in Scotland. With notes and illus- trations... by a member of the Scottish bar. Edin., 1832. 8 Another copy. WILLIAMS (DANIEL), D.D., Preacher at Salters' Hall. Man made righteous by Christ's obe- dience : being two sermons at Pinners Hall. With enlargements, &c. Also some remarks on Mr Mather's postscript, &c. London, 1694. 12 * An apology for the ministers who subscribed only unto the stating of the truths and errours in Mr Williams' book. Shewing, that the Gospel which they preach, is the old everlast- ing Gospel of Christ. [By William LORIMER.] London, 1694. 4 Gospel truth stated and vindicated. Wherein some of Dr Crisp's opinions are considered. And the opposite truths are plainly stated and confirmed. 3d ed. A large postscript is now added for clearing sundry truths objected against, &c. London, 1698. 12 Another copy. A new edition, carefully revised, and collated with the intermediate additions, the several texts of Scripture, and the other authorities referred to, by William Stevens. London, 1830. 12 The answer to the Report, &c. [by Stephen Lobb] which the united ministers appointed WILLIAMS WILLIAMS. 859 their committee to draw up, as in the preface. Also letters of the Right Rev. the Bishop of Worcester, and the Rev. Dr Edwards, to Mr Williams ; against whom their testimony was produced by Mr Lob. And animadversions on Mr Lob's Defence of the Report. London, 1698. 8 Practical discourses on several important sub- jects...^ which is prefixed, some account of his life and character. 2 vol. London, 1738. 8 Another copy. Discourses on several important subjects. 3 vol. [Forming vol. iii., iv., v. of his Dis- courses.] London, 1750. 8 Tractatus selecti, ex Anglicis Latine versi et testamenti sui jussu editi. Quibus pnefixa est narratiuncula de auctoris vita et scriptis. Londini, 1760. 8 WILLIAMS (EDWARD), D.D., Principal of the Independent academy at Rotheram. Antipse- dobaptism examined : or, a short and impar- tial inquiry into the nature and design, sub- jects and mode of baptism, including, also, an investigation of the nature of positive institu- tions in general, and occasional strictures on human ceremonies in matters of religion. Con- taining, in particular, a full reply to Mr Booth's Psedobaptism examined. 2 vol. Shrewsbury, 1789. 8 Another copy. An essay on the equity of divine government, and the sovereignty of divine grace. Wherein, particularly, the latitudinarian hypothesis of indeterminate redemption, and the Antino- rniaii notion of the divine decrees being the rule of ministerial conduct, are carefully exa- mined. London, 1809. 8 Another edition. London, 1813. 8 Another copy. - Third edition. London, 1825. 8 A defence of modern Calvinism : containing an examination of [Tomline] the Bishop of Lincoln's work, entitled a Refutation of Cal- vinism. London, 1812. 8 Another copy. - The Christian preacher ; or, discourses on preaching, by several eminent divines, Eng- lish and foreign ; revised and abridged, with an appendix on the choice of books. 2d ed. London, 1809. 12 Fourth edition, to which is added, a second appendix, containing a further list of books, with characteristic notices. London, 1824. 12 - Fifth edition. London, 1843. 12 s * Memoirs of the life and writings of the late Rev. E. W., with an appendix, including re- marks on important parts of theological science. By Joseph Gilbert. London, 1825. 8 WILLIAMS (JOHN), D.D., Bishop of Chichester. The case of Lay COMMUNION with the Church of England considered. 1684 A vindication of the case of indifferent things used in the WORSHIP of God. 1684 Twelve sermons preach'd at the lecture found- ed by Robert Boyle, Esq. ; concerning the possibility, necessity and certainty of divine revelation. 2d ed. To which are added, three sermons, I. Of Scripture being a rule : preach'd at a meeting of the clergy in Lewes in Sussex. Not before printed. II. Of justi- fication, reprinted : preach'd at a meeting of the clergy at Chichester. III. Of a propitia- tion : preach'd before the late King in the Passion- week. Not before printed. London, 1708. 8 [And [without the additions] in a collection of sermons preached at the Hon. Robert BOYXE'S Lecture.] 1839 The third note of the Church examined, viz. Uninterrupted duration ; [Notes of the Church, as laid down by Cardinal BELLARMINB, exa- mined and confuted, p. 97]. 1839 WILLIAMS (JOHN), Mineral engineer. An ac- count of some remarkable ancient ruins, lately discovered in the highlands, and Northern parts of Scotland. In a series of letters to G. C. M. Edin., 1777. 8 The natural history of the mineral kingdom. In three parts. 2 vol. Edin., 1789. 8 Second edition. With an appendix, contain- ing a more extended view of mineralogy and geology. By James Millar, M.D. 2 vol. Edin., 1810. 8 WILLIAMS (JOHN), LL.D. A free enquiry into the authenticity of the first and second chap- ters of St Matthew's Gospel : with a new pre- face, containing an account of some MSS. in the British Museum ; and a dissertation on the original language of that Gospel. 2d ed. London, 1789. 8 WILLIAMS (JOHN), A.B., Rector of Begelly, Pem- brokeshire. Twenty sermons on miscellaneous subjects. 2d ed. London, 1811. 12 Another copy. WILLIAMS (JOHN), D.D. The compassion of Christ for the multitude. A sermon [on Matt. ix. 36] preached before the London missionary society, May 11, 1821. London, 1821. 8 WILLIAMS (JOHN), of the London missionary society. A narrative of missionary enterprises in the South Sea islands ; with remarks upon the natural history of the islands, origin, lan- guages, traditions, and usages of the inhabit- ants. Tenth thousand. London, 1838. 8 * Memoirs of the life of the Rev. J. W. , mis- sionary to Polynesia. By Ebenezer Prout. Second thousand. London, 1843. 8 WILLIAMS (J. FRED. LAKE). An historical account of inventions and discoveries in those arts aChd sciences, which are of utility or orna- ment to man, lend assistance to human com- fort, a polish to life, and render the civilized state, beyond comparison, preferable to a state of nature ; traced from their origin ; with every subsequent improvement. 2 vol. London, 1820. 8 WILLIAMS (PHILIP), D.D., President of at John's college, Cambridge. Some observations addressed to [Conyers Middleton] the author of the Letter to Dr WATERLAND. 1733 8GO WILLIAMS WILLIS. WILLIAMS (ROGER), of Providence, in New-Eng- land. The bloudy tenent of persecution for cause of conscience discussed : and Mr Cot- ton's Letter examined and answered. Edited for the Hanserd Knollys Society by Edward Bean Underbill. London, 1848. 8 Another copy. * Life of R. W. , founder of the State of Rhode Island. By William Gammell, A.M. Boston, 1846. 8 WILLIAMS (S. WELLS). The middle kingdom ; a survey of the geography, government, edu- cation, social life, arts, religion, &c. of the Chinese empire and its inhabitants. 3d ed. 2 vol. York, 1853. 12 WILLIAMS (THOMAS). A vindication of the Calvinistic doctrines of human depravity, the atonement, divine influences, &c. In a series of letters to the Rev. T. Belsham : occasioned by his ' ' Review of Mr Wilberf orce's treatise. " With an appendix addressed to the author of " Letters on hereditary depravity." London, 1799. 8 Another copy. The Song of songs, which is by Solomon. A new translation. 1801. See BIBLES ENG- LISH. C. The moral tendencies of knowledge : a lecture, delivered before the city Philosophical society, ...Spitalfields. London, 1815. 8 An historic defence of experimental religion, and the doctrine of divine influences, from the authority of Scripture, and the testimony of the wisest and best men, in all ages and coun- tries. A new edition. London, 1825. 12 Popery unmasked : being a fair representation of the chief errors of the Church of Rome. Extracted from their own writers ; and con- trasted with suitable quotations from the holy Scriptures. To which is added, a slight sketch of Popish cruelties and absurdities. A new edition. London, 1828. 8 W I LLIAMSON (DAVID), Minister of the Gospel at the West-kirk, Edinburgh. A sermon [onPsahn 2. 10] preached before His Grace the King's commissioner, and the Estates of Parliament : June the loth 1690. Edin., 1690. 4 A sermon [on Ps. 102. 13, 14] preached in Edin- burgh at the opening of the General Assembly of this National Church of Scotland, upon the 10th day of March 1703. Edin., 1703. 4 WILLIAMSON (DAVID), Whitehaven. Lectures on civil and religious liberty : with reflections on the constitutions of France and England ; and on the violent writers, who have distin- guished themselves in the controversy about their comparative goodness ; and particularly on Mr Burke and Mr Paine. To which are added, two sermons [on Gen. xlix. 18] on the "Influence of religion on the death of good men." London, [1792]. 8 WILLIAMSON (JACOBUS). Disputatio niedica inauguralis de ictero ; quam...pro gradu doc- toris...eruditorum examini subjicit J. W. LJinbtirgi, 1818. 8 J WILLIAMSON (JAMES), B.D., Prebendary of /.<'(. <,..';(, itil'l !<(<. r ,.f II'l'/H'-M/l, Xortilillltl'' shire. The truth, inspiration, authority, and end of the Scriptures, considt ivd and u ed, in eight sermons, preached In f<.rc the Uni- versity of Oxford, in the year 1793. At tht* Keture founded by the late Rev. John Bani]>- ton, A.M. Oxfonl, 17'CJ. 8 WILLIAMSON (JOHN). Remarks on the print- id case of Professor [John] SIMSON. 1727 WILLIAMSON (JoHN), Shoemaker. *A correct account of J. W. for starving and beating hia wife to death ; [with God's revenge against murder ; or the tragical histories and horrid cruelties of Elizabeth BROWNRIOG]. *. a. WILLIAMSON (JOHN). Select remains of J. W., who died at Dumfries, December, 1826, aged sixteen years ; with an account of his life. By William Symington. Edin., 1827. 12 WILLICH (A. F. M.), M.D. Lectures on diet and regimen : being a systematic inquiry into the most rational means of preserving health and prolonging life : together with physiolo- gical and chemical explanations, calculated chiefly for the use of families, in order to banish the prevailing abuses and prejudices in medicine. 3d ed. London, 1800. 8 WILLIS (ARTHUR), M.A., one of the assistant masters of the Royal grammar school, Shrews- bury. An elementary Hebrew grammar. To which is added, a selection of Hebrew sen- tences, with a lexicon and references to the grammar. For the use of Shrewsbury school. London, 1834. 8 WILLIS (JAMES), Vicar of Sopley. The poor laws of England. The various plans and opi- nions of Judge Blackstone [and others] stated and considered, with proposed amendments of easy execution, to give effect to the present laws and to the views of government. London, 1808. 8 Another copy. WILLIS (JOHN), B.D., Vicar of Ridge, Herts. Actions of the Apostles : translated from the original Greek. 1789. See BIBLES ENGLISH. E. WILLIS (MICHAEL), D.D., Principal of John Knox's college, Toronto. Walking with God, and its happy issue : a sermon [on Gen. v. 24] preached in Glasgow, 14th October 1827, on occasion of the death of his father, the Rev. William Willis. With extracts from his diary. Glasgov-, 1827. 8 The religious question, involved in the pro- posed concessions to Roman Catholics, con- sidered in a discourse, the substance of which was delivered in Glasgow, 22d Feb. 1829. Glasgow, 1829. 8 Another copy. A discourse on national establishments of Christianity : illustrating their consistency with the spiritual nature of Christ's kingdom, their warrant from the word of God ; and their necessity to the safety of states. Glasgow, 1833. 12 Another copy. Second edition. Glasgow, 1833. 12 WILLIS WILLISON. 801 Popery the enemy of public morals. Penance atones for all sins ; therefore sin is gain, if its wages can purchase absolution. Indulgences. Oaths not binding, the end justifies the means, murder justified by service to the Church. Glasgow, 1836. 8 Remarks on the late union between the Church of Scotland and Associate Synod : in opposi- tion to certain statements of the Dean of Fa- culty. With the documents pertaining to the union. Glasgow, 1840. 8 Another copy. Another copy. WILLIS (RICHARD), D.D., Bishop of Winchester. A sermon [on Prov. xxiv. 21] preached be- fore the House of Lords, in the Abbey-church of Westminster, January 30, 17H- Being the anniversary of the martyrdom of King Charles the First. 2d ed. London, 1716. 8 WILLIS (WILLIAM), Greenock. Ministerial faith- fulness recommended, particularly in the ad- mission of young men to the holy ministry, in a sermon preached in... Edinburgh, April 24th 1798. Together with a letter, respecting the rise, progress, and present state of the mourn- ful confusion in the Secession, occasioned by the proposed alterations in the Formula. Glasgow, 1798. 8 Another edition. Glasgoiu, 1817. 8 A smooth stone from the brook. Or, an hum- ble attempt to prevent backsliding from the principles of the covenanted Church of Scot- land, in some letters to the Rev. George Law- son. Glasgow, 1799. 8 An address to the Rev. Messrs Pirie, Kidston, Hall and Peddie ; containing some remarks upon a petition to the Lords of Council and Session, by J. Bulloch, &c. with the concur- rence of these ministers for themselves and others. Glasgow, 1799. 8 - Little Naphtali : or, historical sketches con- cerning the present melancholy apostacy in the Secession. With very important expostula- tions with apostates. Glasgoiv, 1800. 8 Another copy. A view of Mount Calvary from the Mount of Transfiguration. Being three sermons [on Luke, ix. 30, 31]. Stirling, 1822. 8 WILLISON (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel at Dundee. The whole works of the Rev. J. AV. 4vol. Edin., 1797-99. 8 A letter from a parochial Bishop to a prelati- cal gentleman in Scotland, concerning the GOVERNMENT of the CHURCH. 1714 An apology for the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 1717 Five sermons preached before and after the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Edin., 1722. 8 The duty and advantage of religious societies proven from Scripture and reason... in two letters ; from the Rev. J. W. and the Rev. John BONAR, Torphichen. To which are sub- joined two letters anent the life of faith ; one by the Rev. Joseph Belcher... the other from Doctor Joseph Hall. Edin., 1743. 8 J A fair and impartial Testimony, essayed in name of a number of ministers, elders, and Christian people of the Church of Scotland, unto the laudable principles, wrestlings and attainments of that Church ; and against the backslidings, corruptions, divisions and pre- vailing evils, both of former and present times. And namely, the defections of the Established Church, of the nobility, gentry, commons, Seceders, Episcopalians, &c. Containing a brief historical deduction of the chief occur- rences in this Church from her beginning to the year 1744, with remarks ; and humble pleadings with our mother, to exert herself to stop defection, and promote reformation. At- tested and adhered to by sundry ministers. Edin., 1744. 8 Another copy. Another edition. Glasgow, 1765. 8 A sacramental CATECHISM : or, a familiar in- structor for young communicants. Plainly unfolding the nature of the covenant of grace, with the two seals thereof, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Wherein especially the sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper is fully and dis- tinctly handled, both in a doctrinal and prac- tical manner. With many cases of conscience relative thereto, intermixed and resolved... To which are added, an action sermon on Rev. xxii. 17, and sacramental speeches before, at, and after serving the tables ; taken from the author's manuscripts since his death. Edin., 1762. 12 An example of plain catechising upon the As- sembly's shorter CATECHISM. 5th ed. Glasgow, 1764. 12 Eidear-theanguichte gu Gaidhlic Albannach. Dun-Eadain, 1773. 12 Eadar-theanguichte gu' Gaidhlic Albannach le P. MacPharlain. Duneadain, 1799. 12 Another copy. The mother's CATECHISM for the young child : . . . Together with forms of prayer and graces, both before and after meat, for children. To which are added, hymns, composed for the use of young persons. Edin. , 1811. 8 a The afflicted man's companion ; or, a directory for families and persons afflicted with sickness or any other distress... With a collection of the dying words of many choice and eminent saints... To which are added, the dying words of the author, written .by himself, and found among his papers after his death. Edin., 1825. 12 Another edition. With a biographical sketch of the author. Edin., s. a. 8 Another copy. A sacramental directory, or a treatise concern- ing the sanctification of a Communion-Sab- bath...^ which are added meditations and ejaculations proper for communicants before, in time of, and after partaking of the holy sacrament, found among the author's papers. Dumfries, 1838. 8 Sacramentivl meditations and advices, for the use of communicants, in preparing their hearts 8T,U \\ILLISTUN-WILSON. and exciting their affections on sacramental occasions ; and a Christian directory, consist- ing of forty Scripture directions proper for all those intending heaven : also Scripture songs for /it Hi's travellers : with an appendix, con- taining a lecture on the institution of the Lord's Supper, a preparation sermon, and an action sermon. Aberdeen, 1841. 12" A treatise on the sanctification of the Sabbath. Edin., 1841. 12 WILLISTON (SETH), Missionary from Connecti- cut. An address to parents, upon the import- ance of religiously educating their children. Reprinted, Greenock, 1802. 12 WILLM (JOSEPH), Inspector of the academy of Strasbourg. Histoire de la philosophic Alle- mande depuis Kant jusqu'a Hegel. 4 torn. Paris, 1846-49. 8 WILLS. Wills and inventories, from the regis- ters of the commissary of Bury St Edmund's and the Archdeacon of Sudbury. Edited [for the Camden Society] by Samuel Tymms, trea- surer and secretary of the Bury and West Suffolk Archaeological institute. London, 1850. 4 Wills from Doctors' Commons. A selection from the wills of eminent persons proved in the Prerogative court of Canterbury, 1495- 1695. Edited [for the Camden Society] by John Gough Nichols and J. Bruce. London, 1863. 4 WILLSON (JAMES M.), A.M. Bible magistracy : or, Christ's dominion over the nations ; with an examination of the civil institutions of the United States. Philadelphia, 1842. 12 WILLSON (JAMES R.), A.M., Minister of the Reformed Presbyterian congregation, Newburgh, New- York. The subjection of kings and na- tions to Messiah. A sermon [on Ps. Ixxii. 11] preached on Monday, Dec. 6, 1819, immedi- ately after the dispensation of the Lord's Sup- per, in the Reformed Presbyterian church, in the city of New- York. Paisley, 1820. 8 A sermon on civil government [on Exod. xx. 12], preached at Coldenham, Feb. 11, 1821. Paisley, 1821. 8 An historical sketch of opinions on the atone- ment, interspersed with biographical notices of the leading doctors, and outlines of the sec- tions of the Church in North America, from the introduction of Christianity into that country, to the year 1817. With translation of Francis Turrettine on the atonement. Reprinted, Paisley, 1827. 12 WILLYMOTT (WILLIAM), LL.D. English par- ticles exemplified in sentences designed for Latin exercises. 10th ed. London, 1779. 8 WILMOT (JOHN), Earl of Rochester. * Some passages of the life and death of John [WIL- MOT] Earl of Rochester. Written at his desire by Gilbert Burnet. To which is subjoined, a further account of his conversion, and peni- tential sentiments, by Robert PARSONS. London, s. a. 4 Another edition. With a sermon preached at the funeral of the said Earl, by the Rev. Robert PARSONS, A.M. To this edition JH prefixed, an account of the life and writings of the Earl of Rochester, by Dr Samuel .I..IIN SON. London, , A new edition. Lortdon, 1805. 12 * An account of the life and writings of tho Earl of Rochester. By Dr Samuel JOHNSON ; [prefixed to Some passages in the life of John [ \\ i I.MOT] Earl of Rochester. By G. Burnet ]. 1787 * Conversion of the Earl of Rochester. Philadelphia, 1841. 12 WILSON (ANDREW), M.D., Kelto. _ Practical observations on the action of morbid sympa- thies, as included in the pathology of certain diseases... Edin., 1818. 8 WILSON (ARTHUR), Secretary to the Earl of Essex. The history of Great Britain, being the life and reign of King James the First, relating to what passed from his first accesse to the crown, till his death. London, 1653. fol. WILSON (CHARLES), D.D., Professor of Church history in St Mary's college, St Andrews. Ele- ments of Hebrew grammar : to which is pre- fixed a dissertation on the two modes of read- ing, with or without the points. 2d ed. Edin., 1794. 8 The Books of the Apocrypha. 1801. See BIBLES APOCRYPHAL BOOKS. D. ENGLISH. WILSON (DANIEL), D.D., Bisfiop of Calcutta. Sermons. 2d ed. London, 1818. 8 The evidences of Christianity : stated in a popular and practical manner, in a course of lectures, delivered in the parish church of St Mary, Islington. In two volumes. Vol. I. Con- taining the lectures on the authenticity, cre- dibility, divine authority, and inspiration of the New Testament. "London, 1828. 8 WILSON (DANIEL). Thoughts on British colo- nial slavery. London, 1827. 8 The guilt of forbearing to deliver our British colonial slaves. A sermon preached . . . October, 1830. London, 1830. 8 WILSON (DANIEL). The pilgrim Fathers ; [with The history of the Puritans in England, by J. H. STOWELL]. 1849 WILSON (DAVID), First minister of the dissenting congregation in Great St Thomas Apostle's, Bow Lane, London. Palsemon's creed reviewed and examined : wherein several gross and dan- gerous errors, advanced by the author of the Letters on Theron and Aspasio [Sandeman], are detected and refuted ; and the Protestant doctrine concerning the covenant of works and the covenant of grace, conviction of sin, rege- neration, faith, justification, inherent grace, &c. vindicated from the cavils and exceptions of that author, and shewn to be entirely con- formable to the apostolic doctrine concerning the several points aforementioned. 2 vol. London, 1762. 12 The doctrine of justification through imputed righteousness, a divine doctrine ; or, the right- eousness of believers declared by God himself to be, not of themselves, but of him. A dis- WILSON WILSON. 863 course from Isaiah, liv. 17. London, 1775. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1845. 12 National calamities procured by national sins : or, the tokens of wrath from the Lord upon a sinful people, considered ; in three discourses from Ezekiel, vii. 12. London, 3777. 8 Another copy. Evangelical sermons on various important sub- jects. To which is prefixed, an account of the life of the author, by the Rev. George Jer- ment. Glasgow, 1818. 8 Gospel mourning a fruit of saving faith ; and both produced by the Supernatural operation of the Holy Spirit upon the heart of sinners : a discourse from Zech. xii. 10. Edin., 1844. 12 Another copy. WILSON (GABRIEL), Minister of Maxton.The trust. A sermon [on 1 Tim. vi. 20] at the opening of the Provincial Synod of Merse and Teviotdale, Oct. 17, 1721. Glasgow, 1765. 8 Another edition. Kilmarnock, 1781. 12 Another edition. Hawick, 1785. 12 WILSON (GEORGE), M.D., Professor of technology in the university of Edinburgh. The grievance of university tests, as applied to professors of physical science in the colleges of Scotland : a letter to the Right Hon. Spencer H. Walpole, Secretary of state for the Home department. Edin., 1852. 8 The progress of the telegraph. Being the in- troductory lecture on technology for 1858-9. Cambridge, 1859. 8 WILSON (HARRY BRISTOW), B.D., Curate and lecturer of St Michael's, Bassishaw. An ear- nest address to men of all orders and degrees in the united Church of England and Ireland, respecting the PAPISTS. 1807 WILSON (HENRY). A compleat universal his- tory of the several dominions throughout the known world... Including all that is remark- able in their geography, natural, ecclesiastical, and civil history, and policy. London, 1738. fol. WILSON (HENRY .BRISTOW), B.D., Vicar of Great Staughton, Hunts. The communion of saints. An attempt to illustrate the true principles of Christian union : in eight lectures delivered before the University of Oxford, in the year 1851, on the foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1851. 8 WILSON (HORACE HAYMAN), M.A., Boden pro- fessor of Sanskrit in the university of Oxford. The history of British India from 1805 to 1835. Vol. i. [Forming vol. vii. of Wilson's edition of Mill's History of British India.] London, 1845. 8 An introduction to the grammar of the San- skrit language, for the use of early students. 2d ed. London, 1847. 8 WILSON (J.). Lectures on ancient Israel, and the Israelitish origin of the modern nations of Europe. Cheltenham, 1840. 12 The book of inheritance ; and witness of the Prophets, respecting Ephraim, and the raising up of Israel : an opening of the seven seals, seven thunders, and five-fold name of Imma- nuel. London, 1846. 8 WILSON (JAMES), D.D., Minister of Falkirk. Prayers, for the use of families and indivi- duals. Edin., 1818. 8 WILSON (JAMES). Biography of the blind : or lives of such as have distinguished themselves as poets, philosophers, artists, &c. , by J. W. , who has been blind from his infancy. 3d ed. Birmingham, 1835. 8 WILSON (JAMES), of Woodville. A voyage round the coasts of Scotland and the isles. 2 vol. Edin., 1842. 8 * Memoirs of the life of J. W. By James Hamilton, D.D. London, 1859. 8 WILSON (JAMES HOOD), M.A., Minister of Bar- clay Free church, Edinburgh. How long halt ye ? A farewell address ; delivered at Irvine on the evening of Sabbath, 16th January 1853. s. I. et a. 12 WILSON (JAMES P.), D.D., Pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Philadelphia. The hope of immortality, imparted by revelation, trans- mitted by tradition, countenanced by reason, betrayed by philosophy, and established by the Gospel. In a dialogue. Philadelphia, 1829. 12 The primitive government of Christian Churches. Also, liturgical considerations. To which is prefixed, the sermon preached on the occasion of the death of the author, by the Rev. Thomas H. SKINNER, D.D. Philadelphia, 1833. 12 Another copy. WILSON (JOHN), Preacher of God's word in Guil- ford. Some helps to faith : shewing the ne- cessitie, grounds, kinds, degrees, and signes of it : clearing diuers doubts, and answering obiections made by the soule in temptation. Seruing also for a tryall of a mans spirituall estate. London, 1630. 12 WILSON (JOHN), A.M., Eexham. A popular inquiry into the Scripture doctrine concerning the person of Christ, with notes and illustra- tions. Edin., 1817. 8 Another copy. WILSON (JOHN), D.D., Minister of Stirling. A popular inquiry into the doctrine of scrip- tural types ; being the substance of the Wed- nesday evening lectures delivered in the parish church [of Irvine]. Edin. , 1823. 8 A calm inquiry into the representations of Scripture concerning the sinless humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Glasgow, 1830. 12 A dissertation on the reasonableness of Chris- tianity. Edin., 1834. 8 Third speech on the Veto act : delivered be- fore the Presbytery of Irvine, March 29th, 1842, on the overture to rescind the act in favor of patronage. Irvine, 1842. 8 D Another copy. An examination of the claims of the Free Church, as advanced by the Rev. R. Buchanan, <>N Wll D.D., in his " Ten years' conflict." , 1850. 8 An other co] iv. WILSON (JOHN), D.D., Missionary of the Free Church of Scotland, Bombay. Idiomatical exercises, illustrative of the phraseology and structure of the nglish and Mara'thf lan- guages. 2d ed. Bombay, 1839. 12 The Parsf religion : as contained in the Zand- Avasta, and propounded and defended by the Zoroastrians of India and Persia, unfolded, refuted, and contrasted with Christianity. Bombay, 1843. 8 Memorial respecting a mission from the Free Church of Scotland to Nagpur in Central In- dia. JSdin., 1843. 8 The Church glorious before its Lord : a ser- mon [on Ephes. v. 25-27] preached in behalf of the Free Church of Scotland, in the New- Road chapel, Oxford, on the 17th of March, 1844. Oxford, 1844. 8 The doctrine of Jehovah addressed to the Parsfs : a sermon [on Is. xlv. 5, 7, 8] preached on the occasion of the baptism of two youths of that tribe, May 1839. With supplemental and illustrative documents. 3d ed. /;./;,i., 1847. 8 Another copy. The lands of the Bible visited and described, in an extensive journey undertaken with spe- cial reference to the promotion of biblical re- search, and the advancement of the cause of philanthropy. 2vol. Edin., 1847. 8 The star of Betldehem and the magi from the East : a sermon [on Matt. ii. 2] preached on the occasion of the baptism of a Parsi youth, 31st August, 1856. With supplemental docu- ments, including the baptismal service, by the Rev. A. White, and the personal statement of Behramji Kersasji. Bombay, 1856. 12 India three thousand years ago, or the social state of the A'ryas on the banks of the Indus in the times of the Vedas : being the expan- sion of a lecture delivered in the townhall of Bombay before the Mechanics' institution, 1858. Bombay, 1858. 8 Memoir on the cave-temples and on monaste- ries and other ancient Buddhist, Brahmanical, and Jaina remains of Western India. [From the " Journal of the Bombay branch of the Royal Asiatic society," No. xiii. 1850.] s. I. et a. 8 Second memoir on the cave-temples and mo- nasteries, and other ancient Buddhist, Brah- manical and Jaina remains of Western India. [From the "Journal of the Bombay branch of the Royal Asiatic society," January 1853.] s. I. et a. 8 On the villages and towns named Hazar and Hazor in the Scriptures, with the identifica- tion of the Hazor of Kedar. [From the " Jour- nal of the Bombay branch of the Royal Asia- tic society," Jan. 1852.] s. I. eta. 8 WILSON (JOHN), Professor of moral philosophy in tlie university of Edinburgh. * Certificates in favour of Mr J. W., advocate, [as candidate for the chair of moral philosophy]. . I. et a. 8 \\ ILSON (JOSEPH M.). The Presbyterian his- toru-.-tl ALMANAC. >. t,| \\ ILSON (ROBERT). A sketch of the history of Hawick : including some account of the man- ner and character of the inhabitants ; with occasional observations. To which is sub- joined a short essay, in reply to Dr Chalmers on pauperism and the poor laws. II > trick, 1825. 12 WILSON (ROBERT), A.M. A treatise on the di- vine sovereignty. London, 1826. 12 WILSON (ROBERT), -A.M. A blow at the root : being a letter addressed to the Rev. Robert Balmer, D.D., regarding his recommendatory preface to Polhill's Essay on the extent of the death of Christ. With an appendix, contain- ing " Section vii. Concerning the extent of salvation," of a " Draught of a testimony, printed by order of the United Associate Sy- nod, for the use of ministers and sessions." Glasgow, 1843. 12 The shield broken : being a letter addressed to the Rev. Andrew Elliot, respecting his re- view of two pamphlets lately published, the one entitled, " A blow at the root," and the other, " The blow averted." Glasgow, 1843. 12 * A letter to the Rev. W 7 illiam Scott, Leslie ; in which his own position to his Presbytery, and to the United Secession Synod, is exa- mined, as well as that of the Rev. Robert W T ilson, Greenock. By a moderate Calvinist. Edin., 1844. 12 The visor opened : a few remarks on Dr Heugh's newly published pamphlet entitled "Irenicurn." Edin., 1845. 12 WILSON (ROBERT), Professor of sacred literature for the General Assembly, Royal college, Belfast. Infant baptism a scriptural service, and dip- ping unnecessary to its right administration ; containing a critical survey and digest of the leading evidence, classical, biblical, and pa- tristic : with special reference to the work of Dr Carson, and occasional strictures on the views of Dr Halley. London, 1848. 8 WILSON (ROBERT THOMAS), Lieut. Col. and Knight of the imperial military order of Maria Theresa. History of the British expedition to Egypt ; to which is subjoined, a sketch of the present state of that country and its means of defence. 2d ed. London, 1803. 4 WILSON (SAMUEL). A Scripture manual : or, a plain representation of the ordinance of bap- tism. New edition. Edin., 1807. 8 WILSON (THOMAS), one of the six preachers in the cathedral church of Canterbury. A comment- arie vpon the most diuine Epistle of S. Paul to the Romanes. Containing for matter, the degeneration of our nature by Adams fall ; and the restauration thereof, by the grace of Christ. Together with the perfection of faith, and the imbecillity of workes, in the cause of iustification of elect sinners before God. For forme and manner of handling, it hath the WILSON-WINCHESTER. 865 coherence and method, the svmme and scope, the interpretations and doctrines, the reasons and vses, of most texts. All which are set downe very familiarly and compendiously, in forme of a dialogue, betweene Timotheus and Silas. London, 1614. 4 - Another edition. London, 1658. fol. A Christian directory : opening the significa- tions of the chiefe words dispersed generally through the holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed, a parti- cular dictionary for the Revelation of St John. The Canticles or Song of Solomon. The Epis- tle to the Hebrews. The 5th ed. Augmented by addition of divers thousands of words, phrases, and significations, and by explication of Leviticall rites... Whereunto is likewise add- ed a large edition, both of words and phrases, by Mr John Bagwell. London, 1647. fol. Seventh edition. Augmented and enlarged with a six-fold addition... Extracted out of the most approved authours, both ancient and mo- dern, especially Petri Ravanelli Bibliotheca sacra. And now very much enlarged, and digested into one complete alphabetical dic- tionary. By the care and industrious pains of Andrew Simson, minister of the Gospel. London, 1661. fol. WILSON (THOMAS), D.D., Bishop of Sodor and Man. The knowledge and practice of Chris- tianity made easy to the meanest capacities : or, an essay towards an instruction for the Indians. . .In twenty dialogues. Together with directions and prayers... 9th ed. London, 1759. 12 - Thirty- three sermons, selected from the works of T. W. , and published separately, at the re- quest of the Society for promoting Christian knowledge. 2 vol. Bath, 1791. 12 A short and plain instruction for the better understanding of the Lord's Supper ; with the necessary preparation required, for the benefit of young communicants, or such as have not well considered the holy ordinance. To which is annexed, the office of the holy communion. With proper helps and directions, for joining in every part thereof with understanding and benefit. 24th ed. London, 1796. 12 WILSON (WILLIAM), Minister of the Gospel, Perth, and Professor of theology to the Associate Presbytery. A letter from a minister of the Associate Presbytery to a minister of the Pres- bytery of D ne, wherein the question, con- cerning secession from the present judicatories, is stated and examined. With a postscript, containing some remarks on the Rev. Mr Cur- rie's Essay on separation. Edin., 1738. 8 Another copy. Another copy. A defence of the Reformation-principles of the Church of Scotland. Wherein the exceptions that are laid against the conduct of the Asso- ciate Presbytery, as also against their Judicial Act and Testimony, by the Rev. Mr Currie, in his Essay on separation, are examined ; and the injurious reflections cast upon our reform- ing period from 1633 to 1659, in the foresaid Essay, are discovered. Edin., 1739. 8 Another edition. With a continuation of the same. And a letter from a member of the Associate Presbytery to a minister in the Pres- bytery of D e. Glasgow, 1769. 8 Another copy. Continuation of the Defence of the Reforma- tion-principles of the Church of Scotland. Wherein it is shown, the Rev. Mr Currie, in his late Vindication, has not entered into the argument for secession, as it is stated in the said Defence. Edin., 1741. 8 * Memoirs of the Rev. W. W. : with brief sketches of the state of religion in Scotland, for fifty years immediately posterior to the Revolution ; including a circumstantial ac- count of the origin of the Secession. By the Rev. Andrew Ferrier. Glasgow, 1830. 12 WILSON (WILLIAM), Schoolmaster at Bromerside. The miscellany questions stated and resolved, shewing what is it that is called the testimony of Jesus. Dairy, 1807. 12 Queries, for interrogating intrants into the Reformed Presbyterian societies, at the time of their admission thereunto : together with a short answer to each of them. Dairy, 1814. 12 WILSON (WILLIAM), D.D., Canon of Winchester. The thirty-nine articles of the Church of England illustrated by copious extracts from the liturgy, homilies, Nowell's Catechism, and Jewell's Apology. Oxford, 1821. 8 WILSON (WILLIAM), B.D., Fellow of St John's college, Cambridge. An illustration of the me- thod of explaining the New Testament by the early opinions of Jews and Christians concern- ing Christ. A new edition. Cambridge, 1838. 8 WILSON (WILLIAM), Minister of St Paul's Free church, Dundee. Statement of the scriptural argument against patronage. Edin. , 1842. 8 Another copy. The presence of Christ in the meetings of the office-bearers of his Church : a sermon [on Matt, xviii. 20] preached before the Free Sy- nod of Angus and Mearns, at its meeting, 27th April, 1847. Dundee, 1847. 8 " Christ's gift to the Church, and his authority over it." [Lect. on the distinct, princip. of the Free Church.] Aberdeen, 1858. 8 The kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ : a practical exposition of Matt. xvi. 13-28, xvii. , xviii. ; Mark, viii. 27-38, ix. ; Luke, ix. 18-50. Edin., 1859. 8 WILSON (WILLIAM CARUS), M.A., Rector of Whittington. 'R&tf year's address to the in- habitants of Whittington. Kirby Lonsdale, 1835. 12 WINCHESTER, BISHOP OF. -Sec Thomas BIL- SON. WINCHESTER, BISHOP OF. See George CARLE- TON. WINCHESTER, BISHOP OF. See Thomas COOPER. 109 WINCH lisTKll W1XTKU. <.F.-,sVe George MOR- \\L\CHESTER, BISHOP OF. See Charles Rich- ard SUMNER. WINCHESTER, BISHOP or. See George Prety- lililll To.M LINK. WINCHESTER, BISHOP OF. See Charles TRIM- NELL. WINCHESTER, BISHOP ov.See Richard WIL- LIS. WINCHESTER, BISHOP OF. See William WVKKHAM. WINCHESTER (ELHANAN). A defence of Re- vel;itii>n, in ton letters to Thomas Paine; being iin answer to his first part of The ago of reason. London, 1796. 8 - The universal restoration exhibited in a series of dialogues between a minister and his friend. Comprehending the subject of several conver- sations that the author had with various per- sons, both in America and Europe, on that interesting subject ; wherein the most for- midable objections are stated and fully an- swered. The 5th ed. revised and corrected, \\ith notes critical and explanatory, by W. Vidler. Glasgow, 1809. 12 WINCHESTER (S. G.). The sinner's inability is no excuse for his impenitency. Philadelphia, 1837. 12 - Another edition. [Presb. Tracts, vol. i.] Philadelphia, 1840. 12 The importance of doctrinal and instructive preaching. Philadelphia, 1839. 12 Another edition. [Presb. Tracts, vol. ii.] Philadelphia, 1840. 12 WINCHESTER (THOMAS), D.D., Rector of Ap- pleton. A dissertation on the xviith. article of the Church of England : wherein the senti- ments of the compilers, and other contem- porary reformers, on the subject of the divine decrees, are fully deduced from their own writings. To which is subjoined, a short tract, ascertaining the reign and time in which the royal declaration before the xxxix. articles was first published. A new edition, with emendations from the author's corrected copy, and the addition of a biographical preface ; [by the Rev. R. Churton]. London, 1803. 8 WINDDORFFER (ADAM). Kirchweihungs Pre- digt...B. L. Briinn, 16181 4 C WINDER (HENRY), D.D., Dissenting minister in Liverpool. A critical and chronological his- tory of the rise, progress, declension, and re- vival of knowledge, chiefly religious. In two periods. I. The period of tradition from Adam to Moses. II. The period of letters from Moses to Christ. 2 vol. London, 1745, 46. 4 WINDHAM (Sir WILLIAM). * A letter to Sir W. W. Some reflections on the present state of the nation. A letter to Mr Pope. [By Henry ST JOHN, Viscount Bolingbroke.] London, 1753. 8 WINER (GEORG BENEDICT), Professor of theology at Leipsic. Pauli ad Galatas Epistola. Edi- dit G. B. W. 1829. See BIBLES -LATIN. C. Grumiiiatik . s Another edition. Translated from the sixtli enlarged and improved edition of the original, by Edward -Massou, M.A. Edin., I8i> Another c>| Biblisches Kualworterbuch zum Handgebrauch flir StudiromK-, Kandidaten, Gymnasiallehrer und Prediger. Zweite Auflage. 2 Biindu. /. ipzig, 1833, 38. 8 WINER (E. C.), D. D., Professor of Greek in ll'Kxhin'jtou colli'ijc, I '.".la. Comment- aries on the laws of the ancient Hebrews. With an introductory essay on civil society and government. [4th ed.] Philadelphia, 1859. 8 WINSLOW (GEORGE ERVING), M.D., Rector of Alexton, Leicestershire. Israel in the Apoca- lypse ; or an examination of the Revelation, with a view to discover in Israel and her ene- mies the key to its interpretation. London, 1857. 8 WINSLOW (HARRIET L.). * Memoir of Mrs H. L. W., thirteen years a member of the American mission in Ceylon. By Rev. Miron Winsluw. New York, s. a. 12 J WINSLOW (OcTAVirs), D.D. Experimental and practical views of the atonement. New York, 1838. 12 Fifth edition. London, 1847. 8 Another copy. Christ the theme of the missionary ; an argu- ment for the specific design, and spiritual cha- racter of Christian missions. London, 1840. 8 Personal declension and revival of religion in the soul. 2d ed. London, 1843. 8 Third edition. London, 1845. 8 The glory of the Redeemer in his person and work. 3d ed. London, 1846. 12 The inquirer directed to an experimental and practical view of the work of the Holy Spirit. 4th ed. London, 1846. 8 Glimpses of the truth as it is in Jesus. 2d ed. Edin., 1847. 8 The precious things of God. Second thou- sand. London, 1859. 8 WINSTANLY (JERRARD). A letter to the Lord Fairfax, and his councell of war, with divers questions to the lawyers, and ministers : prov- ing it an undeniable equity, that the common people ought to dig, plow, plant and dwell upon the commons, without hiring them, or paying rent to any. London, 1649. 4 WINTER (CORNELIUS). * Memoirs of the life and character of the late Rev. C. W. ; com- piled and composed by William Jay. 2d ed. London, 1809. 8 WINTER (RICHARD), Ditsenting minister in New- Court, Carey-street, London. A sermon [on 2 Pet. i. 14] occasioned by the death of Mr Thomas Bradbury... preached in New-Court, WINTER WITHERING. 807 Carey-Street, on Lord's Day morning, Sept. 16, 1759. London, 1759. 8 WINTER (ROBERT), D.D., Nephew of the preced- ing, and minister in New-Court, Carey-Street. The happy tendency and extensive influence of the Christian dispensation. A sermon, preached at Salters-Hall, April 7th, 1788. London, 1788. 8 WINTERBOTHAM (W.). An historical, geo- graphical, commercial and philosophical view of the American United States, and of the European settlements in America and West Indies. 4 vol. London, 1795. 8 WINTERTON. A narrative of the loss of the Winterton East Indiaman, wrecked on the coast of Madagascar in 1792 ; and of the suf- ferings connected with that event. To which is subjoined, a short account of the natives of Madagascar, with suggestions as to their civi- lization. By a passenger in the ship. Edin., 1820. 8 WINTLE (THOMAS), B.D., Rector of Brightwell, Berlcs. The expediency, prediction, and ac- complishment of the Christian redemption illustrated, in eight sermons, preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1794, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1794. 8 Daniel, an improved version attempted. 1807. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. WINZET (NINIANE). Certane tractatis for re- formatioun of doctryne and maneris in Scot- land. M.D.LXII.-M.D.LXIII. [With preface by David Laing.] [Reprinted for the Maitland Club.] Edin., 1835. 4 WIRICH (PETRUS). Disputatio philosophica de visu. Lucjd. Batav., 1623. 4 AVISE (THOMAS), B.D., Fellow of Exeter college, Oxford. A confutation of the reason and phi- losophy of Atheism ; being in a great measure either an abridgment or an improvement of what Dr Cudworth ofl'er'd to that purpose in his True intellectual system of the universe. Together with an introduction, in which, among accounts of other matters relating to this treatise, there is an impartial examination of what that learned person advanc'd touching the Christian doctrine of a Trinity in unity, and the resurrection of the body. London, 1706. 4 WISEMAN (NICHOLAS), D.D., Cardinal. Lec- tures on the principal doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church, delivered at St Mary's, Moorfields, during the Lent of 1836. 2 vol. London, 1836. 12 Second edition. London, 1844. 12 Three lectures on the Catholic Hierarchy. Lecture i., delivered in St George's, South- wark, on Sunday, Dec. 8th, 1850. London, 1850. 8 An appeal to the reason and good feeling of the English people on the subject of the Ca- tholic Hierarchy. Tenth thousand. London, 1850. 8 The Papal and Royal sxtpremacies contrasted. A lecture delivered in St George's Catholic church, Southwark, on Sunday, the 12th of May 1850. London, [1850]. 8 Convents. A review of two lectures on this subject by the Rev. M. Hobart Seymour. London, [1852]. 8 Essays on various subjects. 3 vol. London, 1853. 8 Twelve lectures on the connexion between science and revealed religion. Delivered in Rome. 2 vol. 5th ed. London, 1853. 8 * Cardinal Wiseman and the canon law of Rome... Lecture by a minister of the Church of Scotland. For the Edinburgh young men's Protestant society. Edin., 1852. 8 WISHART (GEORGE), M.A., one, of the ministers of Edinburgh. The case of offences against Christianity considered. A sermon [on Matt, xviii. 7] preached in the High church, Edin- burgh, Jan. 4, 1742. Edin., 1742. 8 Another copy. Times of publick distress times of trial. Being the substance of some sermons [on Dan. xii. 10] preach'd in the Tron church of Edinburgh, in the month of November 1745, on occasion of the present rebellion. Edin., 1745. 8 Another copy. WISHART, or WISHEART (WILLIAM), D.D., Principal of the university of Edinburgh. A sermon [on 1 Tim. vi. 20] preached before the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale at Edin- burgh, May 5, 1702. Edin., 1702. 4 Two sermons on Jeremiah, 30. 7. preached at Leith, December 8th, 1706. Edin., 1707. 4 Theologia, or discourses of God : delivered in cxx. sermons. 2 vol. Edin., 1716. 8 Another edition. Paisley, 1787. 8 Charity the end of the commandment ; or, universal love the design of Christianity. A sermon [on 1 Tim. i. 5J preached for the bene- fit of the charity school in Crutched Fryars, 1731. Edin., 1731. 8 Discourses on several subjects. London, 1753. 12 Another copy. Five sermons preached before and after the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Edin., s. a. 8 WITCHCRAFT. A collection of rare and curious tracts on witchcraft and the second sight : with an original essay on witchcraft. Edin., 1820. 12 WITHAM (HENRY T. M.), of Lartington. Ob- servations on fossil vegetables, accompanied by representations of their internal structure, as seen through the microscope. Edin., 1831. 4 The internal structure of fossil vegetables found in the carboniferous and oolitic deposits of Great Britain, described and illustrated. Edin., 1833. 4 WITHERBY (WILLIAM). Hints, humbly sub- mitted to commentators, and more especially to such as have written elaborate dissertations on the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation of St John. London, 1821. 8 U WITHERING (WILLIAM), M.D., F.R.S. An 8G8 wmiKK>l'"N WITS ITS. arrangement of British plants, according to tin- latest improvements of the Linnean sys- ti-iu ; with an easy introduction to the study of botany. The 7th ed. : including the most recent discoveries, and numerous enlarged an- notations illustrative of the vegetable economy. By William Withering, LL.D. 4 vol. London, 1830. 8 WITHERSPOON (JOHN), D.D., Minister t Paisley, and afterwards President of Princeton college, New Jersey. The works of J. W. Containing essays, sermons, &c. on important subjects... together with his lectures on moral philosophy, eloquence and divinity ; his speeches in the American Congress ; and many other valuable pieces, never before published in this country. 9 vol. Edin., 1804, 5. 12 Another copy. The absolute necessity of salvation through Christ. A sermon [on Acts, iv. 12] preached before the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian knowledge, in Edinburgh, Jan. 2, 1758. To which is subjoined, a short account of the present state of the Society. Edin., 1758. 8 The charge of sedition and faction against good men, especially faithful ministers, con- sidered and accounted for. A sermon [on Acts, xvii. 6] preached in the Abbey-church of Paisley, Sept. 7th, 1758. At the ordina- tion of Mr Archibald Davidson. Belfast, 1759. 8 Seasonable advice to young persons : a sermon on Psalm i. 1, preached in... Paisley, Feb. 21st, 1762. To which is prefixed, an authentic nar- rative of the disorderly and riotous meeting, on the night before the celebration of the Lord's Supper in that place, which gave occa- sion to the discourse. Glasgow, 1762. 8 Ecclesiastical CHARACTERISTICS. 1763 New edition ; with an introductory preface ; [by Alexander Dunlop]. Edin., 1842. 8 Another copy. A serious apology for the ecclesiastical CHA- RACTERISTICS. 1763 The dominion of Providence over the passions of men. A sermon [on Ps. Ixxvi. 10] preached at Princeton, on the 17th of May, 1776. Be- ing the general fast appointed by the Congress through the United Colonies. To which is added, an address to the natives of Scotland, residing in America. 2d ed., with elucidating remarks. Reprinted, Glasgow, 1777. 8 Another copy. An essay on justification, and a treatise on regeneration. To which is prefixed, some ac- count of the life of the author. Edin., 1815. 12 WITNESSES. A cloud of witnesses for the royal prerogatives of Jesus Christ, or the last speeches and testimonies of those who have suffered for the truth in Scotland, since the year 1680. With a copious appendix. A new edition. Edin., 1810. 12 Another edition. With an introductory essay by the Rev. Stewart Bates, D.D. ; and an ap- pendix, containing the Qia-ensferry paper, Torwood excommunication. , <;/,.:/", 1H4-J. !- - Another coj.v. WITSIUS (HERMANNUS), Professor of r,ni t !f>i successively at Franeker, Utrecht, awl Leyden. De oeconomia fuederum Dt-i cum lnnumibus, libri quatuor. 1<>77 1 Editio tertia. Trajecti ad. Rliennm, 1694. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Faithfully translated from the Latin and carefully revised, by W. Crookshank, D.D. To which is prefixed, the life of the author. 2vol. Edin., 1803. 8 Another edition. Edin., 1804. 8 Another edition. London, 1822. 8 A new edition. London, 1837. 8 Ad Ulricum Huberum dissertatio epistolica... Addita est oratio de prsestantia veritatis evan- gelicffi. Trajrrtiadlihvnnm, 1687. 8 Dissertationes duse de Theocratia Israelitarum, et de Rechabitis ; [with GODWIN'S Moses and Aaron]. Miscellaneorum sacrorum libri iv. Quibus de Prophetis et prophetia, de Tabernaculi Levi- tici mysteriis, de collatione sacerdotii Aaronis et Christi, de Synedriis Hebrreorum, de iv. bestiis Danielis, de cultu Molochi, de seculo hoc et futuro, de sensu Epistolarum Apocal yp- ticarum, de schismate Donatistarum, diligenter et prolix e disseritur. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1692. 4 Editio secunda. Liu/d. Batav., 1695. 4 Another copy. Editio tertia. Herbonux Nassomorum, 1712. 4 Tom us alter. Continens xxiii. Exercita- tiones, maxima ex parte historico- et critico- theologicas ; nonnullas in Ultrajectina, alias in Leidensi academia, studiosse juventuti ex- hibitas. Quibus accesserunt animadversiones irenicaj ad controversias quasdam Anglicanas ; ut et orationes quinque. Amstel. et Ultrajecti, 1700. 4 Another copy. Editio secunda. Herbomce Nassomorum, 1712. 4 ^Egyptiaca, et AexvAo. Sive de ^Egyptia- corum sacrorum cum Hebraicis collatione libri tres. Et de decem tribubus Israelis liber sin- gularis. Accessit diatribe de legione fulmina- trice Christianorum, sub imperatore Marco Aurelio Antonino. Editio secunda. Amstel., 1696. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Exercitationes sacrse in symbolum quod Apos- tolorum dicitur. Et in Orationem Domini- cam. Editio tertia. Amstel., 1697. 4 Another copy. Another copy. Sacred dissertations on what is commonly called the Apostles' Creed. Translated from the Latin, and followed with notes, critical WITT WODROW. 869 and explanatory, by Donald Fraser. 2 vol. Edin., 1823. 8 Another copy. Sacred dissertations on the Lord's Prayer. Translated from the Latin, with notes by the Rev. William Pringle. [Bib. Cab., vol. xxiv.] Edin., 1839. 8 Meletemata Leidensia. Quibus continentur prselectiones de vita et rebus gestis Pauli Apostoli. Nee non dissertationura exegetica- rum duodecas. Denique commentarius in Epistolam Judas Apostoli. Lugd. Batav., 1703. 4 Another copy. Conciliatory, or irenical animadversions, on the controversies agitated in Britain under the names of Antinomians and Neonomians ; faith- fully translated from the Latin, and followed with notes by the Rev. Thomas Bell. Glasgoiv, 1807. 8 An essay on the efficacy of baptism. Trans- lated by William Marshall ; [with Popery in the full corn, the ear, and the blade, by Wil- liam MARSHALL]. 1852 On the character of the true divine : an inau- gural oration, delivered at Franeker, April 16, 1675. Translated by the Rev. John Donald- son. With a prefatory note by the Rev. Wil- liam Cunningham, D.D. Edin., 1856. 8 WITT (CORNEILLE ET JEAN DE). * Histoire de la vie et de la mort des deux illustres freres C. et J. de W. Enrichie de plusieurs memoires, qui n'avoient point paru jusques ici, et qui seront tres propres pour e'claircir et confirmer la ve'rite des faits historiques. 2 torn. Utrecht, 1709. 12 WITT (JEAN DE). The true interest and politi- cal maxims of the republic of Holland... Trans- lated from the original Dutch. To which is prefixed, (never before printed) historical me- moirs of the illustrious brothers Cornelius and John de Witt. By John Campbell. London, 1746. 8 WITTE (GILLES DE). Augustinus Iprensis, vin- dicatus ; atque e damnatione Romanorum Pon- tificum ; Urbani VIII., Innocentii X., Alex- andri VII., et dementis XI., ereptus et eru- tus : sive Apologeticus Cornelii Jansenii : in quo controversies Jansenianse prima elementa et principia statuuntur ; ejusdem historia dogmatica et critica ad hoec usque tempora texitur ; remedia malis praesentibus idonea proponuntur ; ac denique futiles argutiae ad- versarii cujusdam novissimi, discordiam Jan- senii ab Aurelio Augustino commonstrare co- nantis, succincte et dilucide refutantur : per ^Egidium ALBANUM. [Pseud.] s. L, 1711. 4 WITTE (PETRUS DE), Minister at Leyden. Cate- chizing upon the HEIDELBERGH catechisme of the reformed Christian religion. Published after precedent inspection and approbation of the Rev. Classis of Hoorn, by P. de W. And now after the sixtieth impression, translated for the English Reformed Congregation in Amsterdam. Amsterdam, s. a. 8 WITTEN (HENSTINGXTS). Memorise theologorum nostri seculi clarissimorum renovatse, [decades sex], curante M. H. W. Francofurti, 1674, 5. 8 Another copy. WITTICH1US (CHRISTOPHORUS). Causa Spiri- tus Sancti, personae divinae, ejusdem cum Patre et Filio essentise, contra C. C. S[andii] Problema paradoxum, An non per Sp. Sanc- tum sanctorum Angelorum genus intelligi possit '? asserta et defensa. Lugd. Batav., 1678. 8 Causa Spiritus Sancti victrix, demonstrata a C. W. Lugd. Batav., 1682. 8 Theologia pacifica, in qua varia problemata theologica inter reformatos theologos agitari solita ventilantur, simul usus philosophies Car- tesianas in diversis theologiae partibus demon- stratur, et ad dissertationem celeberrimi viri Samuelis Maresii, de abusu philosophies Car- tesianas in rebus theologicis et tidei, modeste respondetur. Editio tertia. Accedit ejusdem appendix ad Theologiam pacificam. Lugd. Batav., 1683. 4 WITTMAN (WILLIAM), M.D., of the Royal ar- tillery. Travels in Turkey, Asia-Minor, Sy- ria, and across the desert into Egypt during the years 1799, 1800, and 1801, in company with the Turkish army, and the British mili- tary mission. To which are annexed, obser- vations on the plague, and on the diseases prevalent in Turkey, and a meteorological journal. London, 1803. 4 WIX (SAMUEL), M.A., Vicar of St Bartholomew the Less, London. Reflections concerning the expediency of a council of the Church of Eng- land and the Church of Rome, being holden to accommodate religious differences, and to promote the unity of religion. London, 1818. 8 WODROW (JAMES), A.M., Professor of divinity in tJie university of Glasgow. * Lif e of J. W. Written by his son Robert Wodrow, A.M., minister of the Gospel at Eastwood. Edin., 1828. 12 Another copy. Another copy. WODROW (ROBERT), Minister of the Gospel at Eastwood. The history of the sufferings of the Church of Scotland, from the Restauration to the Revolution : collected from the publick records, original papers, and manuscripts of that time, and other well attested narratives. 2 vol. Edin., 1721, 22. fol. Another edition. With an original memoir of the author, extracts from his correspond- ence, a preliminary dissertation, and notes, by the Rev. Robert Burns, D.D. 4 vol. Glasgow, 1828-30. 8 Another copy. Another copy. The correspondence of the Rev. R. W. Edited [for the Wodrow Society] from manuscripts in the library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edin- burgh, by the Rev. Thomas M'Crie. 3 vol. Edin., 1842, 43. 8 870 WODBOW WOLFI1 WODROW (ROBERT). Tlie past history and fu- ture destiny of Israel, as unfolded in the eighth ;ni(l succeeding chapters of the Book of Daniel. With a preliminary essay by the Rev. John G. Lorimer. Glasgmv, 1844. WODROW SOCIETY. Publications of the Wodrow Society. 24 vol. K nr 1> _M 1 1 UK- usage dans la connoissance de la verite. 'I'raduite de rAllcmand, sur la v. cditi.in, ft it viiu sur toutes les suivantes. [Par Jean dc-s Champs.] Berlin, \~'M. 8' WOLFF (ERNST). En Dansk og Engelsk Ord- 1><'L,'. London, 1779. 4 WOLFF (JOSEPH), LL.D., Incumbent of Linih- c-tK/c, Yorkshire, and formerly missionary to the Jews. Missionary journal and nu-moir of the Rev. J. W. : comprising his first [and second] visit to Palestine in the years 1821 and 1822 [and in the years 1823 and 1H24J. Written by himself. Edited and revised by John Bayford. 3 vol. [Vol. i., 2d ed.J London, 1827-29. 8 Researches and missionary labours among the Jews, Mohammedans, and other sects, during his travels between the years 1831 and 1834, from Malta to Egypt, Constantinople, Arme- nia, Persia, Khorossaun, Toorkestaun, Bok- hara, Balkh, Cabool in Affghanistaun, the Himmalayah mountains, Cashmeer, Hindoo- staun, the coast of Abyssinia, and Yemen. London, 1835. 12 Journal of the Rev. J. W. ; in a series of let- ters to Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Containing an account of his missionary labours from the years 1827 to 1831 ; and from the years 1835 to 1838. London, 1839. 8 WOLFF (ODIN). Fuldstamdigt Fransk og Dansk [Dansk og Fransk) Lexicon... 2 Deel. Kiobenhavn, 1824. 8 WOLFIUS (JAC. GABR.). Institutions juris- prudentias ecclesiasticfe, in usum tractatus Brunnemanniani de jure ecclesiastico, ador- natae... Lipsice et Berolini, 1713. 8 WOLFIUS (JOHANNES). Opera omnia theologi- co- historico- politica. [Editio secunda. 2 torn. J Hemipoli, 1672. fol. W T OLFIUS (Jo. CHRISTOPHORCS), Professor of Oriental languages at Hamburg. Curse philo- logicse et criticae in iv. SS. Evangelia et Actus Apostolicos, quibus integritati contextus Gntci consulitur, sensus verborum ex prsesidiis phi- lolog. illustratur, diversae interpretum senten- tiae summatim enarrantur, et modesto examini subject* vel approbantur vel repelluntur. Edi- tio tertia. Hamburgi, 1739. 4 Curse philologicee et criticae in iv. priores S. Pauli Epistolas...Accedit, appendicis loco, ex- aineii locorum aliquot Paulinorum, a L. M. Artemonio [S. Crellio] nuper temere et infeli- citer solicitatorum. Editio secunda. Hamburgi, 1737. 4 Curae philologicse et criticae in x. posteriores S. Pauli Epistolas... Editio secunda. Hamburgi, 1738. 4 Curse philologicae et criticae in SS. Apostolo- rum Jacobi, Petri, Judas, et Joannis Episto- las, hujusque Apocal. Accedunt in calce quse- dam ex Photii Amphilochiis adhuc non editis cum interpretatione et notis. Editio secunda. Hamburgi, 1741. 4 Another edition [of the four previous worksj. 5 torn. Bunilea:, 1741. WOLLASTON WOOD. 871 WOLLASTON (WILLIAM), M.A-, of Sidney col- lege, Cambridge. The religion of nature deli- neated. London, 1725. 4 - Seventh edition. Glasgoiv, 1746. 8 Another copy. Seventh edition. To which is added, a pre- face containing a general account of the life, character, and writings of the author. Also a translation of the notes into English. London, 1750. 8 \VOLLEBIUS (JOHANNES), Professor of theology in the university of Basle. Compendium theo- logise Christiame, accurata methodo sic ador- natum, ut sit ad SS. Scripturas legendas, ad locos communes digerendos, ad controversias iutelligendas, manuductio. Editio nova. Amstel., 1642. 12 - Faithfully translated into English, and in some obscure places cleared and enlarged, by Alexander Boss. 3d ed. To which is ad- joyned, after the alphabetical table, the ana- tomy of the whole body of divinity, delineated in xiv. short tables, for the help of weak me- mories. London, 1660. 12 WOLLIUS (CHRISTOPHORUS). Hermeneutica Novi Foaderis acroamatico-dogmatica certissi- mis defecatse philosophise principiis corrobo- rata eximiisque omnium theologies Christianas partium usibus inserviens. Lipsice, 1736. 4 WOLPHIUS (JOANNES), Professor of theology at Strasburg. In secundi quatuordecim ultima capita Libri Regum commentarii ; [cum Corn- men tt. Petri MARTYRIS in Libros Regum]. 1581 WOLSEY (THOMAS), Cardinal. *Life of Car- dinal Wolsey. By John Gait. 3d ed. , with additional illustrations from Cavendish's Life of Wolsey, and other sources. [Bogue's Euro- pean Library.] London, 1846. 8 W T OLZOGENIUS (JOHANNES LUDOVICUS). Opera omnia ; exegetica, didactica et polemica. 2 torn. [Forming part of the BIBLIOTHECA FratrumPolonorum.] Irenopoli, 1656. fol. WOMEN. The laws respecting women, as they regard their natural rights, or their connec- tions and conduct ; in which their interests and duties as daughters, wards, heiresses, spinsters, sisters, wives, widows, mothers, le- gatees, executrixes, &c. are ascertained and enumerated : also, the obligations of parent and child, and the condition of minors. The whole laid down according to the principles of the common and statute law, explained by the practice of the courts of law and equity, and describing the nature and extent of the eccle- siastical jurisdiction... In four books. London, 1777. 8 Woman's mission. 7th ed. London, 1840. 8 WOMOCK, or WOMOCKE (LAURENCE), D.D., Bishop of St Davids. Beaten oyle for the lamps of the sanctuarie ; or the great contro- versie concerning set prayers and our liturgie, examined in an epistle to a private friend : with an appendix that answers the paralell, and the most materiall objections of others against it. Unto which are added some use- full observations touching Christian libertie, and things indift'erent. London, 1641. 4 The examination of Tilenus before the triers ; in order to his intended settlement in the of- fice of a public preacher in the common- wealth of Utopia. Whereunto are annexed the te- nents of the Remonstrants touching those five articles voted, stated, and imposed, but not disputed, at the Synod of Dort. Together with a short essay (by way of annotations) upon the fundamental theses of Mr Thomas Parker. [Published under the signature of N. N.] London, 1658. 12 - Another edition. [In A collection of tracts concerning PREDESTINATION.] 1719 Arcana dogmatum Anti-REMONSTRANTiUM. 1659 Suffragium Protestantium. Wherein our go- vernours are justifyed in their impositions and proceedings against dissenters. Meisner also and the verdict rescued from the cavils and seditious sophistry of the Protestant Recon- ciler, [Daniel Whitby]. London, 1683. 8 WOOD (ANTHONY A V )M.A. Athenae Oxonienses. An exact history of all the writers and Bishops who have had their education in the most an- tient and famous university of Oxford, from the fifteenth year of King Henry the Seventh, A.D. 1500, to the author's death in November 1695. Representing the birth, fortune, pre- ferment, and death of all those authors and Prelates, the great accidents of their lives, and the fate and character of their writings. To which are added, the Fasti, or annals, of the said university. 2 vol. The 2d ed., very much corrected and enlarged, with the addi- tion of above 500 new lives from the author's original manuscript. London, 1721. fol. * The lives of those eminent antiquaries John LELAND, Thomas HEARNE, and A. a W. 3772 WOOD (EPHRAIM). Quakerism unveiled : truth prevalent : in two letters ; addressed to the members of the Society of Friends, Liverpool : to which are added, fifteen propositions ; with hints on the present negociation ; or, the way to a true and lasting peace. Liverpool, 1815. 8 WOOD (JAMES), Professor of tlieology in St An- drews. A little stone, pretended to be out of the mountain, tried, and found to be a coun- terfeit. Or an examination and refutation of Mr Lockyers lecture, preached at Edinburgh, anno 1651, concerning the mater of the visible Church: and afterwards printed with an ap- pendix for popular government of single con- gregations. Together with an examination, in two appendices, of what is said on these same purposes in a letter of some in Aberdene, who lately have departed from the communion and government of this Church. Edin., 1654. 4 Another copy. WOOD (JAMES), D.D., Master of St John's col- lege, Cambridge, and dean of Ely. The prin- ciples of mechanics : designed for the use of Wool) WooDD. students in the university. 7th ed. Cambridge, 1824. 8 WOOD (JAMES). Old and new theology : or an exhibition of those ilitt'.-ivnces with regard to Scripture doctrines, which have recently agi- tated and now divided the Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia, 1838. 12 WOOD (JAMES JULIUS), D.D., Minister of ttie Free Church, Dumfries. Address to the con- gregation of New Greyfriar's church, Edin- burgh, 7th August 1843, on the occasion of his jn itting the Establishment, Edin., 1843. 8 Letter to the congregation of Greyfriar's Free church, Edinburgh. ., 1843. 8 "Help, Lord, for the godly man ceaseth :" a sermon [on Psalm xii. 1] preached in the ter- ritorial church, West Port, Edinburgh, July 1st, 1847, on occasion of the ordination of the Rev. William Tasker as the pastor of that church : together with charges to minister and congregation. Edin., 1847. 8 The spirit of life : or, the way and end of the Christian ministry. A closing address deliver- ed to the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, 2d June, 1857. Edin., 1857. 8 WOOD (JoHN). Observations on national provi- sions for the maintenance of religion. Ad- dressed to the young men attending the Edin- burgh Sessional evening school. Edin., 1834. 12 Another copy. Account of the Edinburgh Sessional school, and the other parochial institutions for educa- tion established in that city in the year 1812. With strictures on education in general. To which is now added an appendix, containing observations on normal schools, Bible educa- tion, &c. 5th ed. Edin., 1840. 12 WOOD (JOHN), Lieut, in tJie East India com- pany's navy. A personal narrative of a jour- ney to the source of the river Oxus by the route of the Indus, Kabul, and Badakhshan, performed under the sanction of the supreme government of India, in the years 1836, 1837, and 1838. London, 1841. 8 WOOD (JOHN PHILIP). The antient and modern state of the parish of Cramond. To which are added, biographical and genealogical collec- tions, respecting some of the most consider- able families and individuals connected with that district ; comprehending a sketch of the life and projects of John Law of Lauriston, comptroller general of the finances of France. Edin., 1794. 4 Another copy. WOOD (SEARLES V.), F.G.S. A monograph of the crag mollusca, or, descriptions of shells from the middle and upper tertiaries of the East of England. Part I. Univalves. [Pa- Iseontographical Society. London, 1848. 4 Part II. Bivalves. ' London, 1850. 4 WOOD (THOMAS). The Mosaic creation : illus- trated by discoveries and experiments derived from the present enlightened state of science : to which is prefixed the cosmogony of the an- cients ; with rell.-rti.'ii-;. inti-nik-d t.>j,i vital and practical religion. London, 1811. 8 WOOD (THOMAS), M.D. An inquiry concerning the primitive inhabitants of Ireland. Illus- trated by Ptolemy's map of Erin, corrected by the aid of bardic history. London, 1821. 8 WOOD (WALTKK), JtiMmr of Ute Free G7n* //,, El'u. Present duty. Pastoral address to the parishioners of Westruther. Edin. , 1843. 8 Another copy. An aHinnative answer to the question, AVill the second advent of our Lord be pre-milleii- nial ? Consisting of four articles originally written for the Free Church magazine, in re- ply to a series by the Rev. David Brown. K< 'in., 1840. 8 The last things : an examination of the doc- trine of Scripture concerning the resurrection, the second coming of Christ, and the millen- nium : with special reference to the second edition of the Rev. David Brown's work on the second advent. London, 1851. 8 Another copy. WOOD (Sir WILLIAM PAGE), Vice- Chancellor. Speech of Vice- Chancellor Sir W. P. W., at a meeting held at Willis's rooms, on Feb. 1, 1860. [Tracts of the Marriage law defence association, No. 10.] London, s. a. 12 Another copy. WOODBRIDGE (BENJAMIN), Minister of New- bery. The method of grace in the justification of sinners. Being a reply to a book written by Mr William Eyre of Salisbury : entituled, Vindicife justification is gratuitae, or the free justification of a sinner justified. Wherein the doctrine contained in the said book is proved to be subversive both of Law and Gos- pel, contrary to the consent of Protestants, and inconsistent with itself. And the ancient Apostolick Protestant doctrine of justification by faith asserted. London, 1656. 4 WOODBRIDGE (JOHN), D.D. Practical reli- gion recommended and enforced, in a series of letters, from Epsilon to his friend. New York, 1837. 12 WOODCOCK (FRANCIS), Lecturer of Lawrence- Jetcry, London. The two witnesses : dis- covered in several sermons upon the eleventh chapter of the Revelation, wherein, after the prophecie opened, the great question of these times, viz. Whether the two witnesses are slain, yea or no, is modestly discussed. Preach- ed at Lawrence-Jewry in London, by F. W. London, 1643. 4 Christ's warning-piece : giving notice to every one to watch, and keep their garments. De- livered in a sermon [on Rev. 16. 15] preached at Margarets Westminster, before the Hon. House of Commons, at their late solemn fast, Octob. 30. 1644. London, 1644. 4 WOODD (BASIL), M.A., Rector of Drayton Beau- champ, Bucks. The faith and duty of a Chris- tian... Chiefly selected from the Christian In- stitutes of Bishop Gastrell. New edition. London, s. a. 12 WOODGATE WOOLFREY. 873 - * Memoir of the Rev. B. W., by the Rev. S. C. Wilks, M. A. Abridged from the " Christian Observer" for April and May, 1831. London, 1835. 12 WOODGATE (HENRY ARTHUR), B.D., Rector of Bellbroughton, Worcestershire. The authorita- tive teaching of the Church shewn to be in conformity with Scripture, analogy, and the moral constitution of man. In eight sermons, preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1838, at the lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Oxford, 1839. 8 WOODHEAD (ABRAHAM), M.A., Fellow of Uni- versity college, Oxford. A brief account of an- cient CHURCH GOVERNMENT. 1685 A paraphrase and annotations upon all the Epistles of St Paul. By A. W., Richard ALLESTRY, and Obadiah WALKER. 3d ed., corrected and improved by...Dr John Fell, Bishop of Oxford. To which is prefix'd some account of the authors lives. London, 1708. 8 WOODHOUSE (JOHN CHAPPEL), D.D., Dean of Lichfield. Annotations on the Apocalypse. Intended as a sequel to those of Mr Elsley on the Gospels, and of Mr Prebendary Slade on the Epistles ; and thus to complete a series of comments on the whole of the New Testament. For the use of students in prophetical Scrip- ture. London, 1828. 8 WOODHOUSE (ROBERT), A.M., Plumian profes- sor of astronomy in the university of Cambridge. A treatise on plane and spherical trigono- metry. 4th ed. Cambridge, 1822. 8 WOODHOUSE (WALTER WEBB), M.A., Curate of St Clement's, Ipswich. Christ the Lord of the Sabbath ; or, the nature, obligation, and privileges of the Christian Sabbath : a sermon [on Matt. xii. 8] preached in St Clement's church, Ipswich, on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 11, 1846. Ipswich, s. a. 8 WOODHOUSELEE, LORD. See Alexander Fraser TYTLER. WOODS (GEORGE). An account of the past and present state of the Isle of Man ; includ- ing a topographical description ; a sketch of its mineralogy ; an outline of its laws, with the privileges enjoyed by strangers ; and a history of the island. London, 1811. 8 WOODS (LEONARD), D.D., Professor of theology in the ttieological seminary, Andover. The works of L. W. 5 vol. Boston, 1851. 8 Letters to Unitarians. Occasioned by the ser- mon of the Rev. William E. Channing at the ordination of the Rev. J. Sparks. Andover, 1820. 8 A reply to Dr Ware's Letters to Trinitarians and Calvinists. Andover, 1821. 8 Letters to Unitarians and reply to Dr Ware. 2d ed., with an appendix. Andover, 1822. 8 Lectures on infant baptism. Andover, 1828. 12 Lectures on the inspiration of the Scriptures. Andover, 1829. 12 Another edition. [Reprinted from the Ame- rican edition.] Glasgoiv, 1833. 12 An essay on native depravity. Boston, 1835. 8 Another copy. Lectures on Church government, containing objections to the Episcopal scheme. Delivered in the theological seminary, Andover, August 1843. New York, 1844. 8 Another copy. WOODWARD (HENRY), A.M., Rector of Fethard in the diocese of Cashel. A letter on tithes ; addressed to the editor of the Christian Exa- miner, in December, 1834 ; to which is pre- fixed, one on the same subject, addressed in 1832, to Lord Stanley. London, 1835. 8 Essays, thoughts and reflections, and sermons : on various subjects. 2d ed. London, 1836. 8 Sermons on various subjects ; with three lec- tures on the first chapter of the Book of Ruth. London, 1838. 8 WOODWARD (JOHN), M.D., Professor of physic in Gresham college. An essay towards a na- tural history of the earth, and terrestrial bo- dyes, especially minerals : as also of the sea, rivers, and springs. With an account of the universal deluge : and of the effects that it had upon the earth. 3d ed. London, 1723. 8 A supplement and continuation of the Essay towards a natural history of the earth. Writ- ten originally in Latin by J. W. : and now first translated by Ben j. Holloway, LL.B. To which is prefixed an introduction, by the trans- lator, wherein are set forth physical proofs of the existence of God, his actual incessant con- currence to the support of the universe, and of all organical bodyes, vegetables and ani- mals, particularly man ; with several other papers, transcribed out of Dr W.'s larger work, and never before printed. London, 1726. 8 WOODWARD (JosiAH), D.D., Minister of Maid- stone, Kent. An account of the Societies for the reformation of MANNERS, in England and Ireland. 1699 The divine original and incomparable excel- lence of the Christian religion, as founded on the holy Scriptures, asserted and vindicated, in eight sermons preached... at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Robert BOYLE. 1739 WOODWARD (RICHARD), LL.D., Bishop of Cloyne. An address to the public on the ex- pediency of a regular plan for the maintenance and government of the poor... To which is added, an argument in sxipport of the right of the poor in the kingdom of Ireland to a na- tional provision. Dublin, 1775. 8 WOOLFREY (MARY ANNE).* The scarlet fa- thers. The Church and the widow. An ex- posure of the case of Mary Anne Woolfrey. Exhibiting the mischievous and intolerant na- ture of ecclesiastical courts, with observations on other scandals in the Established Church ; to which is appended, a full report of the 110 874 \\ooUI"! SK Wi'KU \M,. pleadings and judgment in this extraordinary case. By an officer of the Crown. London, 1839. 8 \V( )()LHOUSE (W. S. B.). Supplement to every Almanack : for the year 1838... From the Ger- man. By W. S. B. W. L-.mloH, s. a. 4 \VOOLLCOMBE (WILLIAM), M.A., Rector of East Warliityton uiul Liurrence-Clyst. Ser- mons on various subjects. Exeter, 1798. 8 U WOOLSTON (THOMAS), B.D., Felloio of Sidney college, Cambridge. The exact fitness of the time, in which Christ was manifested in the flesh, demonstrated by reason, against the ob- jections of the old Gentiles and of modern unbelievers. London, 1722. 8 A discourse on the miracles of our Saviour, in view of the present controversy between infi- dels and apostates. 3d ed. London, 1727. 8 A second discourse on the miracles of our Sa- viour... 2d ed. London, 1727. 8 - A third discourse on the miracles of our Sa- viour... London, 1728. 8 A fourth discourse on the miracles of our Sa- viour... London, 1728. 8 * A defence of the Scripture history so far as it concerns the resurrection of Jairus's daugh- ter ; the widow of Nain's son ; and Lazarus : in answer to Mr W.'s fifth discourse on our Saviour's miracles. [By Henry STEBBINO.] 1730 - * A discourse on our Saviour's miraculous power of healing. In which the six cases ex- cepted against by Mr Woolston, are considered. Being a continuation of the Defence of the Scripture history, &c. By the same author ; [H. STEBBING]. 1730 - * An impartial examination and full confuta- tion of the argument brought by Mr Wool- ston's pretended Rabbi... against the truth of our Saviour's resurrection, viz. that He ap- peared only to his disciples, after he had risen, and not publickly to the chief Priests and the people of Jerusalem. 2d ed. London, 1730-. 8 WOOLSTON (JOHN), D.D., Bishop of Exeter. The Christian manual ; or, of the life and manners of true Christians. Edited for the Parker Society. Cambridge, 1851. 8 WORCESTER. Registrum sive liber irrotula- rius et consuetudinarius Prioratus Beatae Ma- rise Wigorniensis : with an introduction, notes, and illustrations, by William Hale Hale, M. A. [Camden Society.] Londini, 1865. 4 WORCESTER, BISHOP OF. See Gervase BAB- INGTON. WORCESTER, BISHOP or. See John GAUDEN. WORCESTER, BISHOP OF. See Richard HURD. WORCESTER, BISHOP OF. See Hugh LATIMER. WORCESTER, BISHOP OF. See William LLOYD. WORCESTER, BISHOP OF. See Isaac MADOX. WORCESTER, BISHOP OF. See John PRIDEAUX. WORCESTER, BISHOP OF. See Edward STIL- LING FLEET. WORDSWORTH (CHARLES), D.C.L., Bishop of St Andrews. A plea for justice to Presbyte- rian students of theology and to the > Episcopal Church, in answer to some remark M of the Very Rev. John Tulloch, D.D. ;., 1866. 8* WORDSWORTH (CHRISTOPHER), D.D., Matter of Trinity college, Cambrulge. Six. letters to GranvilleSHAi.p l.SO'J Reasons for declining to become a subscriber to the British and Foreign Bible society, stated in a letter to a clergyman of the diocese of Lon- don. 3d ed. London, 1810. 8 A letter to the Right Hon. Lord Teignmouth, President of the British and Foreign Bible society, in vindication of Reasons for declining to become a subscriber to that institution. London, 1810. 8 Ecclesiastical biography ; or lives of eminent men, connected with the history of religion in England ; from the commencement of the Re- formation to the Revolution ; collectied and illustrated with notes, by the Rev. C. \\ . 6 vol. 2d ed. London, 1818. 8 The ecclesiastical commission and the univer- sities. A letter to a friend. London, 1837. 8 WORDSWORTH (CHRISTOPHER), D.D., son of the preceding, and canon of Westminster. A defence of the Queen's supremacy, against Ro- mish aggressions ; in two letters to a friend in France. London, 1846. 8 Another copy. On the canon of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, and on the Apocrypha. Eleven discourses, preached before the Uni- versity of Cambridge, being the Hulsean lec- tures for the year 1847. London, 1848. 8 Letters to M. Gondon, on the destructive character of the Church of Rome, both in reli- gion and polity. 3d ed. London, 1848. 8 Sequel to Letters to M. Gondon, on the de- structive character of the Church of Rome... 2d ed. London, 1848. 8 Lectures on the Apocalypse ; critical, exposi- tory and practical : delivered before the Uni- versity of Cambridge. 3d ed. London, 1852. 8 ; St Hippolytus and the Church of Rome in the earlier part of the third century, from the newly discovered Philosophumena. London, 1853. 8 Another copy. ! WORMULUS. A spiritual and most preciouse perle, teachynge all men to love and imbrace y 6 crosse as a most swete and necessarye thinge unto the soule : what comfort is to be taken thereof : where and howe bothe conso- lacion and aide in al manner of afByccions is to be sought : and agayne howe all men should behave themselves therin, according to the word of God. (Translated from the original German by Miles Coverdale.) Reprinted. London, 1812. 12 WORRALL (WILLIAM). Two discourses, deli- vered in Glasgow, August 26th, 1821, in con- sequence of the demise of her late Majesty Caroline of Brunswick. Glasgow, 1821. 8 WORSELEY WRENCH. 875 WORSELEY (EDWARD), S. J. The infallibility of the Roman Catholick Church and her mi- racles, defended against Dr Stilliugfleet's ca- vils, unworthily made publick in two late books, the one called, An answer to several treatises, &c. , the other, a Vindication of the Protestant grounds of faith, against the pre- tence of infallibility, in the Roman Church, &c. By E. W. Two parts. Antwerp, 1674. 8 WORSHIP. A brief instruction in the worship of God, and discipline of the Churches of the New Testament, by way of question and an- swer ; with an explication and confirmation of those answers. [By John OWEN.] s. I, 1667. 8 The case of indifferent things used in the wor- ship of God, proposed and stated. [By John WILLIAMS.] London, 1683. 4 A vindication of the Case of indifferent things, used in the worship of God : in answer to a book entituled, The case of indifferent things used in the worship of God, examined, stated on the behalf of the Dissenters, and calmly argued. [By John WILLIAMS.] London, 1684. 4 A discourse concerning the worship of the blessed virgin and the saints ; with an account of the beginning and rise of it among Chris- tians ; in answer to M. de Meaux's [i. e. J. B. Bossuet's] appeal to the fourth age in his ex- position and pastoral letter. [By William CLAGETT.] London, 1686. 4 The excuses urged by the absentees from pub- lic worship examined. A dialogue between Mr Alamode, a young gentleman of fortune ; and Mr Freeman, an aged country gentleman. [By W. PETERKIN.] Aberdeen, 1779. 8 A familiar enquiry concerning the fixed rule of God's worship, and mens departing from it. New edition. London, 1784. 12 Directions for devout and decent behaviour in the public worship of God. London, 1814. 8 Regulations for the proper management of meetings for social worship and religious con- ference. Edin., 1830. 12 Remarks on the innovations in the public wor- ship of God, proposed by the Free Presbytery of Hamilton : with an appendix containing the translations and paraphrases sanctioned for the use of private families by the General As- sembly, 1751. Edin., 1854. 8 Should musical instruments be used in the worship of God ] London, 1858. 8 Thoughts on public worship. [Wants title, and imperfect.] 8 WORTABET (JOHN), Missionary of tlie United Presbyterian Church, Ahppo. Religion in the East : or, sketches, historical and doctrinal, of all the religious denominations of Syria. Drawn from original sources. London, 1860. 8 WORTHINGTON (HUGH), Minister at Salters- Hall. A sermon occasioned by the death of the Rev. Francis Spilsbury, preached at Salt- ers-Hall, March 17, 1782. To which is added, the oration delivered at his interment. London, [1782]. 8 WORTHINGTON (JOHN), D.D., Prebendary of, Lincoln. Select discourses ; treating, of self- resignation to the divine will ; of Christian love ; of the resurrection, and a reward to come. Revised by the author's son, J. Worth- ington, M.A. With the axithor's character, by Archbishop Tillotson. A new edition, to which is added, a Scripture catechism, with a commentary. London, 1826. 8 WORTHINGTON (WILLIAM), M.A., Vicar of Llanrharadr in Mochnant, Denbighshire. An essay on the scheme and conduct, procedure and extent of man's redemption. Wherein is shewn, from the holy Scriptures, that this great work is to be accomplished by a gradual restoration of man and nature to their primi- tive state. To which is annexed a dissertation on the design and argumentation of the Book of Job. 2d ed. London, 1748. 8 WOTTON (Sir HENRY), Kt., Provost of Eton col- lege. Reliquiae Wottonianae. Or, a collection of lives, letters, poems ; with characters of sundry personages : and other incomparable pieces of language and art. London, 1651. 12 WOTTON (WILLIAM), B.D. Reflections upon ancient and modern learning. The 2d ed. With a dissertation upon the Epistles of Pha- laris, Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides ; &c. and ^Esop's fables. By Dr BENTLEY. London, 1697. 8 WRAXALL (Sir NATHANIEL WILLIAM), Bart. The history of France, under the kings of the race of Valois, from the accession of Charles the Fifth, in 1364, to the death of Charles the Ninth, in 1574. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1785. 8 The history of France, from the accession of Henry the Third, in 1574, to the death of Henry the Fourth, in 1610. Preceded by a view of the civil, military, and political state of Europe, between the middle, and the close of the sixteenth century ; and followed by a view of the state of Europe at the accession of Louis the Thirteenth. 2d ed. 6 vol. London, 1814. 8 Historical memoirs of my own time. Part the first, from 1772 to 1780. Part the second, from 1781 to 1784. 2d ed. 2 vol. London, 1815. 8 U WREATH. The wreath, a selection of poems, chiefly designed for young persons. Dublin, 1828. 12 WREN (MATTHEW), D.D., Bishop of Ely. The abandoning of the Scotish covenant. London, 1662. 4 WREN (MATTHEW), M.A., Son of the preceding. Monarchy asserted, or the state of monarchi- call and popular government, in vindication of the Considerations upon Mr Harrington's Oceana. Oxford, 1659. 8 WRENCH (J. GEORGE), M.A. The mountain removed. A sonium for... the day appointed 876 \\ RIGHT WUNDT for a " thanksgiving to Almighty God for the successes of the forces serving in India." London, 1859. 8 WRIGHT (CHARLES HENRY HAMILTON), M ter of the Episcopal Church, at Dresden. The Book of Genesis in Hebivw, with a critically revised text. 1859. /See BIBLES HEBREW. D. WRIGHT (HENRY C.). The Free Church of ' Scotland and American slavery. Substance of speeches delivered by George THOMPSON and H. C. W. 1846 WRIGHT (H. G.). * The clergy vindicated from the charge of hostility to the diffusion of science ; being an answer to the pamphlet of Mr H. G. W. By a phrenologist. JSdin., 1836. 8 WRIGHT (JOHN), M.A., Canon residentiary of ( 'lit Chester. The rights of the Christian priest- hood asserted. In an ordination sermon [on Matt. x. 16] preached... before John, [Robin- son] Lord Bishop of London, and the Court of aldermen, in the cathedral church of St Paul ; June 16th, 1717. Wherein some doctrines lately advanced by [Hoadly] the Bishop of Bangor, are occasionally considered. [London, 1717.] 8 WRIGHT (RICHARD). The duty of children to their parents, stated and enforced : in seven lectures. 2d ed. V'isbech, 1802. 12 Instruction for youth, in a series of lectures on moral and religious subjects. Intended for the use of schools and families. 2 vol. Wisbech, 1803, 4. 12 Discourses on evangelical subjects ; both doc- trinal and practical. Liverpool, 1811. 12 The free grace of God defended and distin- guished from the reputed orthodox notion of purchased grace ; being a new and improved edition of a work called The Anti-satisfaction- ist. London, 1811. 12 An essay on miracles. In two parts. I. Ob- servations on miracles in general. II. On the credibility of the miracles of Jesus and his Apostles. Liverpool, 1816.' 8 WRIGHT (SAMUEL), D.D., Dissenting minister in Carter Lane, London. A treatise of that being born again without which no man can be saved. To which is added, a discourse 011 the duty and advantage of singular piety. And some extracts from a late writer suited to the design of this treatise. London, 1726. 8 Sixteenth edition. London, 1754. 12 Human virtues : or, a collection of the rules of Scripture, that teach men to live soberly, and to be happy in themselves. London, 1730. 8 A treatise on the deceitfulness of sin ; and its leading men to hardness of heart ; with the j means appointed to prevent both its hardening ' and deceiving. In three parts. 4th ed. London, 1731. 12 Justice and charity in all their branches : or, a collection of the rules of Scripture that teach ! men to do justly and to love mercy. London, 1732. 8 Scripture and tradition considered : in a ser- mon on K|ihi-s. ii. L'i, ].r<-;u-hfi-"s|.oets of immortality. 1828 WRIGHT (THOMAS), M.A. England under the House of Hanover ; its history and condition during the reigns of the three Georges, illus- trated from the caricatures and satires of the day. 2 vol. London, 1848. 8 Early Christianity in Arabia ; a historical essay. London, 1855. 8 D WRIGHT (W.). - The Book of Jonah in four Semitic versions. 1857. See BIBLES POLY- GLOTT. B. WRIGHT (WILLIAM), M.D. * Memoir of the late W. W. With extracts from his corre- spondence, and a selection of his papers on medical and botanical subjects. Edin., 1828. 8 3 WRIGHTSON (WILLIAM), Minister of Wark, Northumberland. Apostolic or united Church homiletics. No. I. On the simplicity of divine service. London, 1857. 8 3 WRITING. Reflections on freedom of writing ; and the impropriety of attempting to suppress it by penal laws. Occasioned by a late pro- clamation against seditious publications, and the measures consequent upon it ; viewed chiefly in the aspects they bear to religious liberty, and ecclesiastical reform. By a North British Protestant ; [Archibald BRUCE]. Edin., 1794. 8 Another copy. Another copy. WTENBOGAERT, or UYTENBOGAERT (JO- HANNES). De I^ERCKELICKE HlSTORIE, verva- tende verscheyden ghedenckwaerdige saken, in de Christenheyt voor-gevallen. Van het laer vier hondert af , tot in het laer sesthien- hondert ende negenthien. Voornamentlijck in dese Geunieerde Provintien. 5 Deel. Na de Copye 1647. s. I. et a. Kerckelycke bedieninge ende zedige verant- woordingh. Dat is : Naeckt ende eenvoudigh historisch verhael, van 't ghene lohanni Wtenbogaert, oversijne bedieninge t' Wtrecht, ende in's Graven-Hage, wedervaren is, tot op sijn vertreck uyt den lande, af-stellinge van dienst, bannissement, wederkomste, ende daer na incluys, alles by hem selven beschreveii ende na-gelaten. Na de Copye 1647. s. I. et a. WUNDERUS (EDVARDUS). Conspectus metro- rum Sophoclis ; [cum Tragoediis septem So- PHOCLIS]. 1839 WUNDT (DANIEL LUDEVIG). Magazin fur die Kirchen- und Gelehrten- Geschichte des Kur- furstenthums Pfalz. 2 Bande. Heidelberg, 1789, 90. 8 7 Magazin fitr die Pfalzische Geschichte heraus- WYAT WYVILL. 877 gegeben von D. L. W. und Johann Ludwig Christian RHEINWALD. Erster Band. Mit Beziehung auf den ersten und zweiten Band des Magazins fur die Kirchen- und Gelehrten- Geschichte des Kurfiirstenthums Pfalz. Drit- ter Band. Heidelberg, 1793. 8 WYAT (Sir THOMAS). The chronicle of Queen JANE, and of two years of Queen MARY, and especially of the rebellion of Sir T. W. 1850 WYCKENTOORN (ESAIAS). Disputatio philo- sophica de origine aninise rationalis. Ultrajecti, 1650. 4 WYCLYFFE (JOHN). See John WICLIF. WYCLIFFE SOCIETY. Publications of the Wycliffe Society. 2 vol. London, 1846. 8 [See D. CLARKSON, and J. WICLIF.] WYKEHAM (WILLIAM, or WILLIAM OF), Bishop of Winchester, and afterwards Chancellor of England. * The life of William of Wykeham. Collected from records, registers, manuscripts, and other authentic evidences : by Robert Lowth, D.D. London, 1758. 8 WYLD (ROBERT S.). Philosophy of the senses : or, man in connexion with a material world. Edin., 1852. 8 The Cardross case ; or, why I differ from many of my brethren. Edin. , 1860. 8 WYLIE (JAMES AITKEN), D.D. The modern Judea, Ammon, Moab, and Edom, compared with ancient prophecy. With notes illustra- tive of biblical subjects. Glasgow, 1841. 12 The seventh VIAL. 1848 - The Papacy, its history, dogmas, genius, and prospects : being the Evangelical Alliance first prize essay on Popery. Edin., 1851. 8 Another copy. - Second thousand. Edin., 1852. 8 The Gospel ministry : duty and privilege of supporting it. London, 1857. 8 Second edition. London, 1857. 8 Ter-centenary of the Scottish Reformation as commemorated at Edinburgh, August, 1860. With introduction by the Rev. James Begg, D.D. Edited by the Rev. J. A. W. Edin., 1860. 8 - Scenes from the Bible. Glasgow, s. a. 12 WYLIE (JOHN), D.D., Minister of Carluke. Let- ter to the Rev. Dr Muir, of St Stephen's, on the unscriptural principle of the Veto act. Carluke, 1840. 8 Another copy. WYLIE (M.). First judge of the Calcutta court of small causes. Bengal as a field of missions. London, 1854: 8 WYLIE (SAMUEL B.), A.M. The obligation of covenants. A discourse [on Nahum, i. 15] delivered June 27, 1803, in Glasgow. Paisley, 1816. 12 The two sons of oil : or, the faithful witness for magistracy and ministry upon a scriptural basis. Also, sentiments of the Rev. S. B. W. in 1803, respecting civil magistracy and the government of the United States ; contrasted with the sentiments of the Rev. S. B. W., in 1832 on the same subjects. Montgomery, N. Y., 1832. 12 3 WYLIE (THEODORE W. J.). Discourses deliver- ed at the opening of the first Reformed Pres- byterian church, Philadelphia, April 3.0, 1854. By Rev. T. W. J. W., J. N. M'LEOD, D.D., and Alexander DUFF, D.D. Philadelphia, 1854. 8 WYNNE (RICHARD), A.M. The New Testa- ment : carefully collated with the Greek. 1764. See BIBLES ENGLISH. D. WYNPERSSE (DIONYSIUS VAN DE), D.D., Pro- fessor of philosophy, mathematics and astronomy at Ley den. A proof of the true and eternal Godhead of our Lord Jesus Christ ; against modern attacks. Translated from the Dutch, by the Rev. Thomas Bell. Edin., 1795. 12 A new edition. With an introduction and an appendix, containing notes and illustrations, by William Lindsay Alexander, D.D. Edin., 1831. 12 WYNTOWN (ANDROW OF). De orygynale cro- nykil of Scotland, be Andrew of Wyntown, Priowr of Sanct Serfis Ynche in Loch Levyn. Now first published, with notes, a glossary, &c. by David Macpherson. 2 vol. London, 1795. 8 WYSE (GEORGE). Poems on several occasions. Glasgow, 1825. 12 WYTTENBACH (DANIEL), Professor of theology in the university of Marburg. rTentamen theo- logiae dogmaticse methodo scientifica pertrac- tatte. 3 torn. Francofurti ad Mc&mim, 1747-49. 8 WYTTENBACH (DANIEL), Son of the preceding, professor of humanity at Leyden. Opuscula varii argumenti, oratorica, historica, critica, nunc primum conjunctim edita. 2 vol. Lugd. Batav., 1821. 8 WYVILL (CHRISTOPHER). The secession from parliament vindicated. 3d ed. York, 1800. 8 A more extended discussion in favour of liberty of conscience, recommended. 2d ed. Lwidon, 1808. 8 Intolerance the disgrace of Christians, not the fault of their religion. 2d ed. London, 1809. 8 XENOPHON-XIMENES. XENOPHON. Qune extant opera : Greece multo quam ante castigatius edita, adjecta etiam ad niarginem scriptura? discrepantia : Latine ter- tia nunc cura ita elucubrata, ut nova pene toga prodeant. . .opera loannis Leunclavii Amel- burni. Accesseruiit JEmilii Porti, Fr. Porti Cr. Fil. notte ; et index Grsecus verborum phrasiumque observatu djgnarum. [Gr. et tat.] 2 torn. Lutet. Paris., 1625. fol. Opera, Greece et Latine, ex editionibus Schnei- deri et Zeunii. Accedit index Latinus. 10 torn. /;./;/i/.ji-./i, 1811. 8 De Cyri expeditione libri septem. Graeca re- cognovit, versionem Latinam reformavit, ob- servationibus suis, tabula geographica et dis- sertatione auxit et illustravit, notas H. Ste- phani, Leunclavii, JE. Porti et Mureti recen- sitas et castigatas...adjunxit Thomas Hutchin- son. Oxonii, 1735. 4 Ex recensione et cum notis Thomas Hut- chinson, A.M. [Gr. et Lat.] Glasgiuz, 1813. 8 Ex recensione et cum annotationibus Ludo- vici Dindorfii. Londini, 1829. 12 Cyrus's Expedition into Persia ; and the re- treat of the ten thousand Greeks : translated from Xenophon, with notes, critical and his- torical. By E. Spelman. Oxford, 1811. 8 Illustrations (chiefly geographical) of the His- tory of .the expedition of Cyrus, from Sardis to Babylonia ; and. the retreat of the ten thou- sand Greeks, from thence to Trebisond, and Lydia. With an appendix, containing an en- quiry into the best method of improving the geography of the Anabasis, &c. Explained by three maps. By James Rennell. London, 1816. 4 De Cyri institutions libri octo. Graeca recog- novit, cum codice MS8. Oxonicnsi et onnnilu- tions de GENEVE. 1789 Z. ZEPPERUS. Z. (X. Y.). The kernel of the controversy ; or, the Church question brought to a point. By X. Y. Z. Edin., 1843. 8 The kernel farther discussed ; or, the Convo- cation resolutions based on an erroneous doc- trine. ByX. Y. Z. Edin., 1844. 8 ZACHARIAS (FRANCISCUS ANTONIUS), Librarian to the Jesuit college at Rome. Apparatus om- nigense eruditionis ad theologiam et jus cano- nicum. In novum ordinem digestus et duplo auctior. Romse editus. Nunc yero cum op- portunis additamentis in Germania recusus. Augustce Vindelicorum, 1783. 8 ZACUTI (ABRAHAM), Rabbi. Liber Juchassin sive lexicon biographicum et historicum com- plectens vitas omnium virorum eruditorum quorum mentio fit in Talmude Babylonio et Hierosolymitano, Midrash Rabbah, similibus- que scriptis. Compilatum ab illustri Rabbi A. Z., et constructum ordine alphabetico et chronologico. Additae sunt ab eodem auctore narrationes de regibus Persicis, ^Egyptiis, Chaldseis, Romanis aliisque viris illustribus. Nunc primum editum secundum MS. quod asservatur in bibliotheca Bodleiana, Oxonii. Accedunt notaj copiosissimse Rabbi Jacobi Embden...atque editoris Herschell Filipowski. [Hebrew Antiquarian Society.] Londini et Edinburgi, 1857. 8 ZANCHIUS (HIERONYMUS), Professor of divinity at Heidelberg. Omnia opera theologica. 8 torn . Geneva, 1619. fol. Opera theologica. 3 vol. s. 1., 1613. fol. De religione Christiana fides : quam nunc de- mum annum agens LXX. suo suseque families nomine, in lucem edendam curavit. Neostadii Palatinorum, [1586], 8 De incarnatione Filii Dei libri duo, quibus universum hoc mysterium solide explicatur, veritas carnis Christi ex S. literis et orthodoxo vetustatia consensu liquido demonstratur : et dogma de omniprsesentia, seu reali communi- catione diuinarum proprietatum in humana natura accurate excutitur : obiectiones de- nique aduersariorum ex Scripturis et Patribus, perspicue refelluntur, jam primum in usum Ecclesiee publicati. Heidelbergce, M.D.XCJII. 8 Another copy. - Miscellaneorum libri tres...nunc primum hac forma excusi, cum omnibus illis additamentis quse olim prioribus editionibus accesserant. Neostadii Palatinorum, 1603. 4 Tractationum theologicarum volumen de statu peccati et legali. Editio secunda. Neostadii Palatinorum, 1603. 4 C ZEAL. Zeal without innovation : or the present state of religion and morals considered ; with a view to the dispositions and measures re- quired for its improvement. To which is sub- joined, an address to young clergymen, intend- ed to guard them against some prevalent er- rors. 2d ed. London, 1809. 8 Zeal without bigotry : or, an antidote to the aspersions of the author of ' ' Zeal without in- novation." London, 1809. 8 The nature of religious zeal. [A sermon on Jude, ver. 3.] [Wants title.] 8 ZELTNERUS (GusTAvus GEORGIUS), Professor of theology and Oriental languages at A ltdorf. Breviarium controversiarum cum Remon- strantibus agitatarum ad modum Schmidia- norum paulloque f usius adornatum cum prse- fatione historica. Noribergce et Altorphii, 1719. 8 Another copy. Adolescentia reipublicae Israelitarum. Seu de Judicum temporibus hisque proximis in I. Reg. vi. 1 et Act. xiii. 20. exercitatio. Norimbergce et Aldorfii, 1720. 8 Breviarium controversiarum cum Enthusiastis et Fanaticis adhuc agitatarum ad modum Bre- viarii controversiarum cum Remonstrantibus, adornatum, et prsef atione historica instructum. Lipsice, 1724. 8 Breviarium controversiarum cum Ecclesia Grae- ca, ac proinde etiam Ruthenica, adhuc agita- tarum, veritatis evangelicse declarandse pacis- que promovendae studio adornatum. Norimbergce, 1736. 8 ZEMISCH (GEORGIUS GODOFREDUS). Disputa- tio philologica de analogia linguarum interpre- tationis subsidio quam...defendent G. G. Z. et Christianus Samuel WEISIUS. Lipsice, [1758]. 4 ZENNECK ( ), Professor of natural history and chemistry in Stuttgart. Phisikalisch-che- misches Hulfsbuch, die verschiedenen Eigen- schaften und chemischen Prozesse aller oko- nomisch- pharmaceutisch- und technisch wich- tigen Korper auf anschauliche Art zu bequemer Uebersicht darstellend. Berlin, 1842. 8 ZENTGRAFIUS (JOHANNES JOACHIMUS), Pro- fessor of theology in the university of Strasburg. Colluvies Quackerorum, secundum ortum, progressum et dogmata monstrosa, delineata. . . Argentorati, 1665. 4 Repetitio doctrinse de electione secundum prse- visionem fidei facta, exercitatio historico-theo- logica ex 2 Thessal. 2. v. 13. instituta, hodier- nam simul hujus controversias faciem exhibens. Argentorati, 1699. 4 ZEPPERUS (WiLHELMUs), Minister of the Church at Herborn. De politia ecclesiastica, sive ZETETIC SOCIETY- ZOUCH. forma, ac ratio admin iatrandi, et gubernandi rcgni Christi, quod est Ecclesia in his terris. Demonstrate ex forma et facie primitive Ec- clesife, per Apostolos fundate, et illustrata ex decretis concilionim, historiis ecclesiasticis, monumentis Patruin ecclesiasticorum, et Impp. o mst it 11 tii -nil nis. //. rhorncK, 1595. 8 Another copy. Tractatus de sacramentis, in genere et in spe- cie. In quo. . .cum vera et orthodoxa sacramen- torum doctrina, ex limpidis verbi divini fonti- bus, eruitur et traditur : turn illorum abusus et corruptelse, veteres et recentes, varisi-, turn in doctrina, quam actionibus externis, ad verbi divini Lydium lapidem exiguntur, examinan- tnr et retunduntur. Herbonue Nassoviorum, 1606. 8 ZETETIC SOCIETY. The Zetetic society's shorter CATECHISM for explaining to the young and ignorant the principles of Atheism. Edin., s. a. 8 ZIEGENBALG (BARTHOLOMEWS), Danish mis- sionary to the East Indies. Propagation of the Gospel in the East : being an account of the success of two Danish missionaries, lately sent to the East Indies, for the conversion of the heathens in Malabar. In several letters to their correspondents in Europe. Rendered into English from the High Dutch. [2 parts.] London, 1709, 10. 8 Der Konigl. Danischen Missionarien aus Ost- Indien eingesandter ausfiihrlichen Berichten, 3 Theile... Halle, 1729, 35. 4 ZIEGLERUS (CASPAR). De diaconis et diacon- issis veteris Ecclesiae, liber commentarius. Wittebergce, 1678. 4 Another copy. De Episcopis eorumque juribus, privilegiis, et vivendi ratione, liber commentarius, ex variis veteris Ecclesise monumentis atque scriptis collectus, inque gratiam juris canonici studio- sorum publicaj luci expositus. Norimbergce, 1686. 4 Superintendens ad normam constitutionum ec- clesiasticarum in Electoratu Saxonise descrip- tus. Wittenbergce, 1687. 4 In Hugonis Grotii De jure belli ac pacis libros, quibus riatime et gentium jus explicavit, no- te et animadversiones subitarije. Editio quarta. Argentorati, 1706. 8 De dote Ecclesise ej usque juribus et privilegiis, tractatus canonicus. Vitembergce, 1717. 4 2<5>j o|t/Xov ecclesiasticum, sive Episcopus miles in veteri Ecclesia invisus oe.x.^a.p.0. potissimum ex jure canonico. Accedit ejusdem disserta- tio de tonsura clericomm. inUcbergcp, 1718. 4 ZIMMERMAN (JOHN GEORGE), M.D. Solitude considered, in regard to its influence upon the mind and the heart. Written originally in German. Translated from the French of J. B. Mercier. London, 1797. 8 XLMMERMANN (JOANNES JACOBUS), Professor of theology at Zurich. Opuscula theologici, historic! et philosophic! argument!. 2 torn. 4 partt. T/t/ri, 1751-59. 4 '/. I NZENDORF (Count NICHOLAS LEWIS), />';*/,/. of tiie Moravian Church. Sixteen disc-' on the redemption of man by the death <>f Christ. Preached at Herl in. Translated f nun the High Dutch. With a dedication ti> tin- Archbishops, Bishops, and clergy, giving some account of the Moravian brethren. I,.mdon, 1740. 12 *Leben des Grafen Zinzendorf...Von Gott- lieb Benjamin Reichel. Leipzig, 1790. 12 * The life of N. L. Z. by the Rev. August Gottlieb Spangenberg. Translated from the German by Samuel Jackson. With an intro- ductory preface by the Rev. P. La Trobe. I.'.ndvn, 1838. 8 Another copy. ZOANNETTUS (FRANCISCUS), Professoroflawat Ingolstadt. Repetitio defensionis tripartite ad L. Vt vim if. de iustitia et iure. Addite sunt ad marginem singulares quaedam note Philiberti Bugnonij, I. C. Lugduni, M.D.LXI. 8 ZOLLIKOFER (GEORGE JOACHIM), Minister of the Reformed congregation at Leipsic. Sermons on the great festivals and fasts of the Church, on other solemn occasions, and on various to- pics. From the German of G. J. Z. By the Rev. William Tooke. 2 vol. London, 1807. 8 ZOOLOGY. Reports on zoology, for 1843, 1844. Translated from the German by George Busk, Alfred Tulk, and A. H. Halliday. [Ray So- ciety.] London, 1847. 8 ZORNIUS (PETRUS), Rector of the academy at Thorn. Opuscula sacra. Hoc est program- matum, dissertationum, orationum, epis tola- rum et schediasmatum, in quibus prseter selec- tissima historic ecclesiasticse et literaria; ca- pita, etiam plus quam sexcenta S. Scripture loca, partim ex utriusque linguae sanctioris genio, partim ex antiquitatum Hebraicarum, Gnecarum, et Roinanarum apparatu illustraii- tur et vindicantur. 2 torn. Altonavice, 1731. 8 Historia eucharistise infantium, ex antiquita- tibus Ecclesiarum turn Occidentalium turn Ori- entalium secundum decem sseculorum seriem et multipliceui varietatem illustrata. Berolini, 1736. 8 ZOROASTER. Zend-Avesta, Zoroasters Leben- diges Wort, worin die Lehren und Meinungen dieses Gesetzgebers von Gott, Welt, Natur, Menschen ; ingleichen die Ceremonien des heiligen Dienstes der Parsen u, s. f. aufbehal- ten sind. Erster Theil, welcher mit dein, was voraiisgeht, die beiden Bticher Tzeschne und Bispered enthalt. Riga, 1776. 4 Deutsche verbesserte Uebersetzung der Biicher des Zoroaster. Erster Theil. Berlin, 1864. 8 ZOUCH (HENRY). Remarks upon the late re- solutions of the House of Commons, respect- ing the proposed change of the Poor laws. To which are subjoined some general obser- vations upon the printed bill. Leecfe, [1776]. 8 ZOSIMUS-ZWINGLIUS. 885 ZOSIMUS. Historic Greece et Latine. Recen- suit, notis criticis et commentario historico illustravit Jo. Frid. Reitemeier. Ad calcem subjectse sunt animadversiones nonnullse C. G. Heynii. Lipsice, 1784. 8 ZUINGERUS (THEODORUS). Summa S.S. theo- logise ex B. Augustini Enchiridio ad Lauren- tium, urbis Romse quondam Primicerum : the- sibus, cum annexis variis qusestionibus et dis- quisitionibus... ad publicam av^irrwiv proposita BasJlece, 1644. 4 ZUINGLIUS, or ZWINGLIUS (HULDRICHUS, or UDALRICUS). Opera, partim quidem ab ipso Latine conscripta, partim uero e uernaculo sermone in Latinum translata. Accesserunt huic addition! sub finem eiusdem authoris epis- tolse de varijs rebus scriptse. [4 vol.] Tiguri, excudebat Christophorus Froschoverus, M.D.LXXXI. fol. - De vera et falsa religion e commentarius. Tiguri in cedibus Christophori Froschover, M.D.XXV. 8 - Another edition. Tiguri ex officina Frosclwviana, s. a. 8 Arnica exegesis, id est, expositio Evcharistise negocii, ad Martinum Lutherum. [Tiguri, M.D.XXVII.] 4 Ad illustrissimum Cattorum principem Phi- lippum, sermonis de prouidentia Dei anam- nema. ChristopJiorum Froschouer, M.D.XXX. 8 * Huldreich Zwingli. Geschichte seiner Bil- dung zum Reformator des Vaterlandes. Von Johann Melchior Schuler. Zweyte Ausgabe. Zurich, 1819. 8 * Zwingli ; or, the rise of the Reformation in Switzerland. A life of the reformer, with some notices of his time and contemporaries, by R. CHRISTOFFEL. Translated from the German, by John Cochran. Edin.,1858. 8* - Another copy. ZULMAN (SOLOMON), Rabbi. Bechinath olam, Minchah chadashah. (i.e.) a commentary on Pirke Avoth, by various Rabbis, collected and edited by R. S. Z. Frankfort, 12 ZUMPT (C. G.), Ph. D., Professor in the univer- sity of Berlin. A grammar of the Latin lan- guage. Translated from the German, with additions, by the Rev. John Kenrick, M.A. 5th ed. London, 1839. 8 Translated from the ninth edition of the original, and adapted to the use of English students, by Dr Leonhard Schmitz. With numerous additions and corrections by the author and translator. 3d ed. London, 1852. 8 ZUMPTIUS (AUGUSTUS WILHELMUS). Com- mentationum epigraphicarum ad antiquitates Romanas pertinentium, volumen alterum. , Berolini, 1854. 4 ZUNZ (LEOPOLD). Literaturgeschichte der syna- gogalen Poesie. Berlin, 1865. 8 ZURICH. The Zurich letters, comprising the correspondence of several English Bishops and others, with some of the Helvetian reformers during the early part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1558-1579]. Translated from au- thenticated copies of the autographs preserved in the archives of Zurich, and edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. Hastings Robin- son, D.D. Cambridge, 1842. 8 Another copy. Second series, comprising the correspond- ence of several English Bishops and others, with some of the Helvetian reformers, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, [1558-1602]. Translated from authenticated copies of the autographs, and edited for the Parker Society, by the Rev. H. Robinson, D.D. Cambridge, 1845. 8 Another copy. Original letters relative to the English Re- formation, written during the reigns of King Henry VIII., King Edward VI., and Queen Mary : chiefly from the archives of Zurich. Translated from authenticated copies of the autographs, and edited [for the Parker Society] by the Rev. Hastings Robinson, D.D. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1846, 47. 8 Another copy. ZWINGLIUS (H.). See H. ZUINGLIUS. APPENDIX. A. ADELPHOS. A. (H.). The Book of Psalms. With annota- tions. 1612. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. ABBOTSFORD CLUB. Historical memoirs of the reign of Mary Queen of Scots, and a por- tion of the reign of King James the Sixth. By Lord HERRIES. 1836 The romances of ROWLAND and Vernagu, and Otuel. 1836 Miscellany of the Abbotsford Club. [Edited for the Abbotsford Club by James Maidment.] Vol. i. [All published.] Edin., 1837. 4 Ecclesiastical records. Selections from the minutes of the Presbyteries of ST ANDREWS and Cupar. 1837 Letters and State papers during the reign of King James the Sixth. Chiefly from the ma- nuscript collections of Sir James BALFOUR of Denmyln. 1838 Ecclesiastical records. Selections from the registers of the Presbytery of LANARK. 1839 - Liber conventus S. KATHERINE Senensis prope Edinburgum. 1841 ABBOTT (JOHN S. C.). The mother at home. [In Armenian.] Smyrna, 1840. 12 ABDOLLATIPH. Historise ^Egypti compen- dium, Arabice et Latine. Partim ipse vertit, partim a Pocockio versum edendum curavit, notisque illustravit J. White, S.T.P. Oxonii, 1800. 4 ABELARD (PIERRE). * Abe'lard sa vie, sa phi- losophic et sa the'ologie. Par M. Charles de REMUSAT. Nouvelle edition. 2 torn. Paris, 1855. 8 ABENDMAHL. See LORD'S SUPPER. ABERBROTHOC. Liber S. Thome de Aberbro- thoc. Registrorum Abbacie de Aberbrothoc pars prior Registrum vetus munimentaque eidemcoetaneacomplectens. 1178-1329. [Edit- ed for the Bannatyne Club by Cosmo Innes and Patrick Chalmers.] Edinburgi, 1848. 4 Pars altera Registrum nigrum necnon libros cartarum recentiores complectens. 1329-1536. [Ibid.] Edinburgi, 1856. 4 ABERCROMBIE (JOHN), M.D. The culture and discipline of the mind. [In Armenian. ] Smyrna, 1844. 12 ABERDEEN. The correspondence between the three Congregational Churches in Aberdeen, and the Congregational Churches at Blackhills and Printfield : relative to their views of the work of the Holy Spirit. Aberdeen, 1845. 8 Minutes of the College committee regarding the erection of a building for a divinity hall in Aberdeen. s. I., 1849. fol. Statement by the Free Presbytery of Aber- deen anent extension of theological education in Aberdeen. [With observations by the Col- lege committee. ] s. I. , 1848. 8 Breuiarium Aberdonense. [Printed for the MaitlandClub.] 2 parts. Londini, 1854. 4 The Aberdeen university calendar for the year 1864-65. Aberdeen, 1864. 8 J For the year 1866-67. Aberdeen, 1866. 8 ABERDEEN, BISHOP OP. See James GORDON. ABERDEEN, EARL OF. See George GORDON. ABULFEDA (!SMAEL), Sultan of Hamath. His- toria Anteislamica, Arabice. E duobus codi- cibus Bibliothecse Regise Parisiensis, 101 et 615, edidit, versione Latina, notis et indicibus auxit Henricus Orthobius Fleischer. , , , Lipsia:, 1831. 4 ACHARJYA (SHANKAR). Ananda Lahari. Calcutta, 1272, A.H. 8 ADAM (JOHN), Minister of Free Smith church, Aberdeen. An exposition of the Epistle of James, in a series of discourses. Edin., 1867. 8 ADDISON (Rt. Hon. JOSEPH). Letter from Italy to Lord HALIFAX. [1701] An essay concerning the error in distributing modern medals ; [with The knowledge of ME- DALS]. 1715 Poetical works. [British poets, vol. 33.] Edin., 1773. 8 ADELPHOS. The blow averted : being a letter addressed to the Rev. Robert Wilson, A.M. ; 888 ADELPHOS-ALST< >N. [APPEM'IX. containing strictures on his letter to the Rev. Robert Balmer, D.D., entitled, "A blow at the root." By Adelphos. Edin., 1843. 12 3 ADELPHOS. The common fund, versus the sustentation fund ; earnestly addressed to all who desire the stability of the Free Church of , Scotland. By Afcx?or. Edin., 1847. 12 ADIRASH. Adirash. s. I. eta. 8 ADVICE. Comhairle chairdeil do gach neach aig am bheil feum oirre. s. I. et a. 12 ADVOCATE. The Christian advocate. Being a continuation of the Presbyterian magazine. Conducted by Ashbel Green, D.D. 12 vol. Philadelphia, 1823-1834. 8 AESCHYLUS. Tragcedia quaj supersunt ac de- perditarum fragmenta. Recensuit Christian. Godofr. Schiitz. 3 torn. Hate, 1794-1801. 8 Quse supersunt tragoedise. Recensuit, adno- tationem critical a et exegeticam adjecit Hen- ricus Weil. Vol. i. Sect, i., ii. [Containing Agamemno, and Choephori.] Gissce, 1858, 60. 8 AGNEW (Sir ANDREW), Bart., of Lochnaw. A letter addressed to the friends of the Scottish cause. London, 1835. 8 A letter to the Rev. William Luke, of Brails- ford, one of the secretaries of the Derby and Derbyshire Lord's Day society. Glasgow, 1837. 8 The observance of the Lord's Day. A respect- ful appeal to the Archbishops and Bishops of the United Church of England and Ireland, as instructed by a public meeting in Edin- burgh, held on the 2d of March, 1841. Carlisle, 1841. 8 AITON (JOHN), D.D., Minister of Dolphington. Clerical ECONOMICS. 1842 AKENSIDE (MARK), M.D. The poems of M. A. [British poets, vol. 40.] Edin., 1773. 8 ALBA, BISHOP OP. See M. H. VIDA. ALCUINUS, sett ALBINUS (FLACCUS), Abbot, Monastery of St Martin, Tours. Confessio fidei suae ; [cum Scriptt. vet. de fide Catholica quinque opusculis quae P. F. CHIFFLETIUS ex MSS. cod. emit]. 1656 ALCUINUS (JOANNES), pseud., i. e. J. CALVINUS. ALDRICH (HENRY), D.D., Dean of Christ Church. Artis logicse rudimenta, from the text of Aldrich, with notes and marginal re- ferences. By the Rev. H. L. MANSEL, B.D. 3d ed. Oxford, 1856. 8 ALEXANDER (ANN). Remarks on the THEATRE. 1812 ALEXANDRE (C.). Dictionnaire Grec-Fran- 9ais, compose" sur un nouveau plan, ou sont r^unis et coordonnes les travaux de Henri. Etienne, de Schneider, de M. Passow, et des meilleurs lexicographes et grammariens an- ciens et modernes ; augmente" de 1'explication d'un grand nombre de formes difficiles ; et suivi de plusieurs tables ne'cessaires pour 1'in- telligence des auteurs. Cinquieme Edition. Paris, 1836. 8 ALEXANDRIA, ARCHBISHOP OF. See ATHANA- sius. A I.KX ANDRIA, BISHOP or. See CYRILLCS. ALEXANDRIA, BISHOP OF. Sec 1 i, ANTHOLOGY ASSOCIATE SYNOD. | Al -IT.M-IV [Se- ANTHOLOGY. The English anthology, lected by Joseph RirsoN.l 3 vol. London, 17!':'., '.'. .s ANTHONY -ULRICK, Duke of Bnrx.swi.K- WOLFENBUTTEL. Fifty reasons or m<>m<>. which induced the Duke of linmswii-k to ab- jure Lutheranism, and embrace the Roman Catholic religion. To which is added an ap- pendix, consisting of three valuable papers. London, 1822. 12 ANTIOCH, BISHOP OF. See THEOPHILCS. ANTIQUARIES. Transactions of the Royal Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Vol. i. Klin., 1792. 4 ANTIQUITY. L'antiquite' des terns re"tablie et d^f endue centre les Juifs et les nouveaux chro- nologistes. [Par Paul PEZRON.] Pom, 1687. 4 Remains of Christian antiquity. With expla- natory notes. [Edited by Sir David DALRYM- PLE, Lord Hailes.] 3 vol. Edin., 1776-80. 8 Disquisitions concerning the antiquities of the Christian Church. [By Sir David DALRYMPLE, Lord Hailes.] Glasgow, 1783. 8 C APOSTLES. Didascalia Apostolomm Syriace. Lipsice, 1854. 8 ARCHELAUS, Bishop of Mesopotamia. Dispu- tatio adversus Manicheum ; [ad calc. Hist, ecclesiast. SOCRATIS]. 1668 ARGYLE AND GREENWICH, DUKE OF. -See John CAMPBELL. ARIAS MONTANUS (BENEDICTUS). Biblia uni- versa et Hebraica, cum Latina interpretatione. 1657. See BIBLES HEBREW. C. ARISTOPHANES. Nubes. [Gr.] Ex editione Hermanni. [With MS. notes by John Mack- intosh.] Glasguce, 1821. 12 ARISTOTELES. De coelo libri iv. De genera- tione et corruptione libri ii. [Gr.] Ad opti- morum librorum fidem accurate editi. Editio stereotypa. Lipsice, 1831. 8 ARMAGH, ARCHBISHOP OF. See John BEAM- HALL. ARMAGH, ARCHBISHOP OF. See William NEW- COME. ARNAULD (ANTOINE), Doctor of the Sorbonne. Defense de Mr. A. centre la Reponse au livre des vrayes et des fausses idees. Cologne, 1684. 12 L'esprit de Mr. A., tire* de sa conduite, et des ecrits de luy et de ses disciples, particu- lierement de 1'Apologie pour les Catholiques. [Par Pierre JURIEU.] 2 torn. Deventer, 1684. 12 ARNISuEUS (HENNINGUS). De subjectione et exemptione clericorum. Item de potestate temporali Pontificis in principes ; et denique de translatione imperii Rom. Commentatio politica opposita scriptis eorum, qui in his controversiis contra Sereniss. Regem M. Bri- tannise, et florentiss. rempubl. Venetorum dis- putarunt, potissimiim verb libris Robert. Bel- larmini. Fnmcofurti, 1612. 4 De autoritate principum in populum semper inviolabili. Seu quod nulla ex causa subditis fas sit contra legitimum principcin anna ni"- vere, o.inmuntatio politica i]>jn..sita Buditiosis qinmmdam scriptis, qui onm.-m prinripum inaji'.staUiiii Hulijiciunt censura- K]ih(iri)ruiii i-t populi. >n<;,jnrti, Itil'J. 4 ARNOT (Hooo), Advocate. An essay on >'- THING. IT' 1 .") ARROTT (JAMKS), Surgeon. Remarks on the present mode of chimrgical attendance in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Edin., 1840. 4 ARTHUR (JOHN), Ilili-n.ilugh. An examina- tion and refutation of the unscriptural prin- ciples and sentiments advocated by Mr Erskine, in his essay to " Extracts of letters to a Chris- tian friend." 2d ed. J>ndee, 1830. 12 ARTHUR (MICHAEL), Minister of the Gospel at Peebles. The Scripture- doctrine of the eter- nal generation of Christ, as the Son of God, vindicated : in answer to a late treatise in- titled, The true Sonship of Christ investigated, &c. Edin., 1778. 8 ARTICLES OF RELIGION. The thirty-nine articles of the Church of England. [In Arme- nian.] Smyrna, 1845. 12 ASSISTANTS. Examination of the overture anent the powers of ordained assistants and successors, transmitted to the consideration of Presbyteries, by the late General Assembly. Glasgow, 1806. 8 ASSOCIATE SYNOD. Act of the General As- sociate Synod, concerning an acknowledgment of sins, profession of faith, and engagement to duties ; adapted to the present time ; together with an Act respecting the power of the civil magistrate in matters of religion. Edin., 1799. 8 Overture respecting the formula of covenant- ing. Drawn up by a committee of the Gene- ral Associate Synod ; and now printed for the consideration of the members of said Synod. Glasgow, 1818. 8 Basis of union, agreed upon by the United Associate Synod of the Secession Church, Sep- tember 13, 1820 ; together with the formula for ordination. J-^lin., 1820. 8 Address by a committee of the Associate Sy- nod, to the inhabitants of the highlands and islands of Scotland, respecting a resolution formed by said Synod, to provide for them a more abundant supply of preachers, in their native tongue. Edin., 1820. 8" Address of the United Associate Synod to the people under their charge, occasioned by the late union of the two larger bodies of Seceders. Glasgow, 1820. 8 Summary of p-inciples of the United Secession Church, agreed upon Sept. 14, 1820. Edin., [1820]. 12 Draught of a testimony, printed by order of the United Associate Synod, for the use of ministers and Sessions. Glasgow, 1823. 8 Testimony of the United Associate Synod of the Secession Church. In two parts, histori- cal and doctrinal. Printed by order of Synod. 2d ed. '/,'-/;/,., 1828. 8 ASTIUS BALLERINIUS. 891 - Third edition. Edin., 1831. 12 Fourth edition. Edin. , s. a. 12 Proceedings of the United Associate Synod in the case of the memorials on the state of doc- trine in the Secession Church. May 1845. Edin., 1845. 12 ASTIUS (FRIDERICUS). Lexicon Platonicum sive vocum Platonicarum index. 3 vol. Lipsice, 1855-58. 8 ASTRONOMY. Astronomy. [In Armenian.] Smyrna, 1841. 12 ASTRUC (JEAN), M.D. Conjectures sur les me- moires originaux dont il parait que Moyse s'est servi pour composer le livre de la GENESE. 1753 ATHANASIUS, Saint, Archbishop of Alexandria. Opera omnia quse extant vel quse ejus no- mine circumferuntur, ad MSS. codices Galli- canos, Vaticanos, &c. nee non ad Commilini- anas lectiones castigata, multis aucta : nova interpretatione, praefationibus, notis, variis lectionibus illustrata : nova sancti Doctoris vita, onomastico, et copiosissimis indicibus locupletata, opera et studio monachorum or- dinis S. Benedicti e congregatione S. Mauri, novissimis nunc curis emendatiora, et quarto volumine aucta ; accurante et recognoscente J.-P. Migne. [Gr. et Lat.] 4 torn. [Patro- log. Cursus, torn, xxv.-xxviii.] Paris, 1857. 8 ATHENAGORAS. The writings of JUSTIN Mar- tyr and Athenagoras. [Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., vol. ii.] 1867 ATWA-NATWA-BIBEK. Atwa-Natwa-Bibek. s. 1. et a. 8 AUBERLEN (CARL AUGUST). The divine reve- lation : an essay in defence of the faith. To which is prefixed a brief memoir of the author. Translated from the German by the Rev. A. B. Paton, B.A. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1867. 8 AUDIN (J.-M.-V.). Histoire de la vie, des ouvrages et des doctrines de LUTHER. 1845 Histoire de la vie de CALVIN. 1845 AUGUSTINUS, (AURELIUS), Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Opera quae reperiri potuerunt omnia. Per theologos Lovanienses ex vetustissimis manuscriptis codicibus ab innumeris mendis vindicata. Illustrata prseterea emditis cen- suris et locupletata multis homiliis, et aliquot epistolis eiusdem S. Augustini, antea non edi- tis. 10 torn. Colon. Agripp., 1616. fol. AUSTIN (WILLIAM). Hsec homo : wherein the " excellency of the creation of woman is de- scribed ; by way of an essay. London, 1639. 12 AVENTINUS (JOANNES). Annalium Boiorum libri vii. Ex autenticis manuscriptis codicib. recogniti, restituti, aucti, Nic. Cisneri diligen- tia atque fide. Basilece, 1580. fol. B. BALLERINIUS. B. (E.), i. e. Edmund BOHUN. B. (G.). An Fhior Bhunart ; no beagan earran- nan sonruichte d'an Sgriobtuir . . . Le G. B. Eadar theangaichte o'n bheurla. Duneidin, 1838. 12 BACK (JACOBUS DE). Dissertatio de corde ; [cum Exercitatt. de motu cordis, per G. HERVEIUM]. 1661 BACON (FRANCIS), Baron of Verulam, Lord Chan- cellor of England. * Account of the Novum Organon. 2 parts. s. 1. et a. 8 BADELEY (EDWARD), Barrister at law. Sub- stance of a speech delivered before the judi- cial committee of the Privy Council, on Mon- day the 17th and Tuesday the 18th of Decem- ber, A.D. 1849, upon an appeal in a cause of Duplex Querela, between the Rev. George Cornelius Gorham, clerk, appellant, and the Right Rev. Henry, Lord Bishop of Exeter, respondent. With an introduction. London, 1850. 8 BAELIUS (PETRUS), Professor of philosophy at Rotterdam. Ad Theodorum J. ab Almeloveen epistola de scriptis adespotis ; [ad calc. op. PLACCII de anonymis et pseudonymis]. [Hamburgi, 1708.] fol. BAILLIE (ROBERT), Principal of the university of Glasgow. The unlawfullnes and danger of limited PRELACIE. 1641 BAIRD (WILLIAM). Report of the trial... at the instance of James Beaumont Neilson...and others, against W. B. aud company... for in- fringement of the hot- blast patent... Edin., 1843. 4 BAL^EUS, Syrus. Opera selecta, edidit J. Jose- phus OVERBECK. 1865 BALFOUR (Sir JAMES), ofDenmyln. Letters and State papers during the reign of King James the Sixth. Chiefly from the manuscript collec- tions of Sir J. B. [Edited for the Abbotsford Club by James Maidment.] Edin., 1838. 4 BALGUY (JOHN). A letter to a DEIST concern- ing the beauty and excellency of moral virtue. 1730 A second letter to a DEIST. 1731 BALL (RICHARD). Horae sabbaticae ; or, the sabbatic cycle the divine chronometer : a dis- sertation to prove the original sabbatic ordi- nance to be perpetual but not legal. London, 1853. 8 BALLANTINE (WILLIAM), Minister of the Gos- pel at Elgin. Observations on confessions of faith of human composition, the independency and discipline of Christian Churches, weekly communion in the Lord's Supper, Church meetings, &c. &c. Edin., 1804. 12 BALLERINIUS (PETRUS). De vi ac ratione primatus Romanorum Pontificum et de ipso- rum infallibilitate in definiendis controversiis fidei liber singularis, in quo utrumque deduci- tur et constituitur ex principiis concessis ab iis ipsis adversariis, contra quos disputatio futura est. Textum recognovit et edidit E. W. West- hoff. Monastciii Wcstplwlorum, 1845. 8 BALLOU BARTH. BALLOU (ADIN). The true scriptural doctrine of the second Advent ; an effectual antidote to Millerism, and all other kindred errors. ( \ mmunity press, (Hopedale) Milford, Mast., 1843. 8 BALMER (ROBERT), D. D., Professor of theo- logy, United Secession Church. Stan-incuts on certain doctrinal points, made, October 5, 1843, before the United Associate Synod, at their request, by their two senior professors, I!. B. and John BROWN, D.D. Edin., 1844. 12 BANDAPADHYAYA (BAIDYA NA'TH). Achar Darpan., Calcutta, s. a. 8" BANDAPADHYAYA (BHOLA NA'TH). Bibi Bilush. Serampore, s. a. 8 BANDHU (BHAOIRATH). Chaitaiiya Sangita. Calcutta, 1251, A.H. 8 BANGOR, BISHOP OF. See John WARREN. BANK. An enquiry into the depreciation of Irish Bank paper, its effects and causes, and a remedy proposed. Dublin, 1804. 8 BANNATYNE (GEORGE). Ancient Scottish poems. Published from the MS. of G. B. JIDLXVIII. Edin., 1770. 8 BANNATYNE CLUB. The anatomic of hu- mors, and The passionate sparke of a relenting minde, by Simion GRAHAM E. 1830 Hymns and sacred songs, by Alexander HUME. 1832 Collection of ancient Scottish PROPHECIES, in alliterative verse. 1833 A diary of public transactions and other occur- rences, chiefly in Scotland, from January 1650 to June 1667. By John NICOLL. 1836 Catalogue of the library at Abbotsford. [By J. G. COCHRANE.] 1838 The ./Eneid of "V IRGIL translated in Scottish verse by Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld. 1839 Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis. See GLAS- GOW. 1843 Leven and Melville papers, 1689-1691. See George MELVILL. 1843 Liber S. Marie de DRYBURGH. 1847 Carte monialium de Northberwic. See NORTH- BERWICK. 1847 Liber S. Thome de ABERBROTHOC. 1848, 56 Original letters relating to the -ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland, chiefly written by, or ad- dressed to His Majesty King JAMES the Sixth. 1851 - Concilia SCOTI.E. 18C6 Royal letters, charters, and tracts, relating to the colonization of New Scotlai d, and the institution of the order of Knight Baronets of NOVA SCOTIA. 1867 Adversaria, notices illustrative of some of the earlier works edited for the Bannatyne Club. [Edited for the Bannatyne Club by David Laing.] EJin., 1867. 4 The Bannatyne Club. Lists of members and the rules, with a catalogue of the books print- ed for the Bannatyne Club since its institution in 1823. [Prepared by David Laing.] i., 1867. B c [Ari-K.N: iv ; BAPTISM, BAPTIST. Dissenters, and other unauthoriz'd baptisms null and void, by tho articles, canons and rubricks of tin- Church of England. In answer to a pamphlet, call'd The judgment of the Church of England, in the case of Lay-baptism, and Dissenters bap- tism. By the author of Lay baptism invalid ; [R. LAWRENCE]. BARBOUR (JOHN), Archdeacon of Aberdeen. The Bruce ; and Wallace; published from two ancient manuscripts preserved in the library of the Faculty of Advocates. With notes, biographical sketches, and a glossary. [By John Jamieson.] 2vol. Edin., 1820. 4 BARGRAVE (JOHN), D.D., Canon of Canter- bury. Pope Alexander the Seventh and the college of Cardinals. With a catalogue of Dr Bargrave's museum. Edited [for theCamden Society] by James Craigie Robertson, M.A. London, 1867. 4 BARKSTEAD (Col. JOHN). The speeches, dis- courses, and prayers of Col. J. B. , Col. John Okey, and Mr Miles Corbet ; upon the 19th of April, being the day of their suffering at Tyburn. Together with an account of the occasion and manner of their taking in Hol- land : as also of their several occasional speeches, discourses, and letters, both before, and in the time of their late imprisonment. s. L, 1662. 4 BARLOW (W T ILLIAM), D.D., Bishop of Rochester. The svmme and svbstance of the conference, which it pleased his excellent Maiestie to hauo with the Lords, Bishops, and other of his cler- gie, (at which the most of the Lordes of the Councell were present) in his Maiesties Priuy- Chamber, at Hampton Court. lanuary 14. 1603. Whereunto are added, some copies, (scattered abroad,) vnsauory, and vntrue. London, 1604. 4 BARO (PETRUS), S.T.D. Summa trium de prae- destinatione sententiarum. Cum D. Johannis Piscatoris ad earn notis : et D. Francisci Ju- NII ad eandem disquisitione : ac denique D. Guilihelmi WHITAKERI prselectione adversus universalem gratiam : et concione de prjedes- tinatione, divinie gratiae constantia ac certitu- dine salutis. Quibus accedunt Assertiones orthodoxae seu ARTICULI Lambethani : appro- bati ab Archiepiscopis aliisque Angliae Episco- pis Anno 1595. JJardrovici, 1513 [1613J. 8 BARRINGTON (JOHN SHUTE), 1st Viscount Bar- rington. An answer to some queries in a paper [by John Sladen] intituled, Reasons offered against pushing for the repeal of the corporation and TEST-ACTS. 1732 BARRY. The Barry persecution ; with a brief answer to the question, " Are Sabbath fune- rals unlawful ?" Dundee, 1842. 8 BARTH (C. G.), D.D. A brief history of tho [APPENDIX. BASILICUS BERNARD1N DE ST PIERRE. 893 Church of Christ. From the German of the Rev. C. G. B. London, s. a. 12 BASILICUS. Thoughts on the scriptural expec- tations of the Christian Church, by Basilicus. London, 1826. 8 BASILIUS MAGNUS, Saint, Archbishop of Ccesa- rea. Opera omnia quse extant, vel quse sub ejus nomine circumferuntur, ad MSS. codices Gallicanos, Vaticanos, Florentines et Angli- cos, necnon ad antiquiores editiones castigata, multis aucta : nova interpretatione, criticis praefationibus, notis, variis lectionibus illus- trata, nova sancti Doctoris vita et copiosissi- mis indicibus locupletata. Opera et studio monachorum ordinis Sancti Benedicti e con- gregatione S. Mauri. Accurante et recognos- cente J.-P. Migne. [Gr. et Lat.] 4 torn. [Patrolog. Cursus, torn, xxix.-xxxii.] Paris, 1857. 8 BASNAGE DK BEAUVAL (JACQUES). L'unite, la visibilite, 1'autorite de 1'Eglise et la verite^ renverse'es par la Constitution de Clement XI. UNIGENITUS. 1815 BASTIDE (PHILIPPUS). Dissertatio de antiqua ordinis Suncti Benedicti intra Gallias propa- gatione ; [cum Prsefationibus in acta Sancto- rum ordinis S. Benedicti, per J. MABILLON]. 1740 BATH, EARL OF. See William PULTENEY. BATH AND WELLS. BISHOP OF. -See Thomas KEN. BATH AND WELLS, BISHOP or. See Charles Moss. BATT (CHARLES WILLIAM). A dissertation on the message from JOHN THE BAPTIST to our Saviour. 1788 BAUR (FERDINAND CHRISTIAN), Professor of theo- logy in the university of Tubingen. Vorlesun- gen liber die christliche Dogmengeschichte. Herausgegeben von Ferd. Fr. Baur. Erster Band. Zweite Abtheil. Leipzig, 1865, 66. 8 Paulus, der Apostel Jesu Christ! Seia Leben ui.d Werken, seine Briefe und seine Lehre. Ein Beitrag zu einer kritischen Geschichte des Urchristenthums. Nach dem Tode des Ver- fassers besorgt von Dr Eduard Zeller. 2 Theile. Leipzig, 18C6, 67. 8 BEARD (CHARLES), B.A. Port Royal; a contri- bution to the history of religion and literature in France. 2 vol. London, 1861. 8 BEAUMONT (Louis ELIE DE). See L. ELIE DE BEAUMONT. BEER. Report from select committee [of the House of Commons] on the sale of beer : with the minutes of evidence. [London], 1833. fol. Minutes of evidence taken before the select committee of the House of Lords to whom was referred the Bill intituled An act for regulat- ing the sale of beer and other liquors on the Lord's day ; together with an appendix. [London], 1848. fol. Report from the select committee of the House of Lords appointed to consider the operation of the Acts for the sale of beer, and to report thereon to the House ; together with the mi- nutes of evidence, and an appendix and index thereto. [.London}, 1850. fol. BEGG (JAMES), D. D. , Minister of the Free Church, Edinburgh. History of the Act of Queen Anne 1711 restoring Church patronage in Scotland. [Select anti-patronage library.] Edin., 1842. 8 BEIDAVJEUS (NASIR-EDDIN ABDALLAH IBN OMAR). Commeiitarius in Coranum, ex codd. Parisiensibus Dresdensibus et Lipsiensibus edi- dit indicibusque instruxit H. O. Fleischer. Fascicc. i., iii. [Fascic. i. wants title.] Lipsiae, 1845. 4 | BELL (BENJAMIN). Observations on the mode of attendance of the surgeons of Edinburgh ou the Royal Infirmary. Edin. , 1800. 4 BELL (JOHN), Surgeon in Edinburgh. Unto the Right Hon. the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of J. B. and Charles Bell [against Lord Balmuto's interlocutor]. Edin., [1801]. 4 BELL (THOMAS BLIZARD), Minister of the Free Church, at Leswalt. Observations on biblical subjects. With a memoir. Edin. , 1867. 8 BELLENDENUS (GULIELMUS). A free transla- tion of the preface to Bellendenus [written in Latin by Samuel PARR] : containing animated strictures on the great political characters of the present time. [By William Beloe.] London, 1788. 8 BELLIUS (MARTINUS), pseud., i. e. fcebastianus CASTALIO. BELLSHILL. Letters from the Congregational Church, Bellshill, under the pastoral care of F. Ferguson : to the four Congregational Churches in the city of Glasgow, under the pastoral care of Rev. Dr Wardlaw, Messrs Russell, Thomson, and Ingram. Glasgow, 1844. 12 BENNET (THOMAS), D.D., Vicar of St Giles\ Cripplegate, London. A defence of the Dis- course of schism ; in answer to those objec- tions, which Mr Shepherd has made in his three Sermons of separation, &c. 4th ed. London, 1716. 8 An answer to Mr Shepherd's Considerations on the Defence of the discourse of schism. 4th ed. London, 1716. 8 BENTLEY (RICHARD), D.D., Regius professor of divinity, Cambridge. A dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides; &c. and ^Esop's fables ; [with Re- flections upon ancient and modern learning, by William WOTTON]. l(ji7 BERENGERIUS. * Anonymi de Berengerii heeresiarchee damnatione multiplici, commen- tariolus ; [cum Scriptt. vet. de tide Catholica quinque opusculis quse P. F. CHIFFLETIUS e MSS. cod. eruit]. 1656 BERINGTON (SIMON). The adventures of Signor Gaudentio di LUCCA. I860 BERNARDIN DE ST PIERRE (JACQUES HENRI). Studies of nature. Translated by Henry Hunter, D.D. 2d ed. 3 vol. London, 1799. 8 894 r.KUTlInLDT BERTHOLDT (LEO.VHAKD), /Y/., phy at KrUimj' n. - Daniel uus clem Hrl'i Aramui.srhrn iit-u ul>ersetzt uud erklart. >'. r.inLBs GERMAN. B. 1800,8 BERTI (JOANNES LAUKI.M n ^>, an August iw monk, Professor of ecclesiastical Itistnrii Dissertationes historical quas habuit ill ar- chigymnasio Pisano. 3 vl. //... ittia, 1753, 56. 4 BEVERIDGE (WILLIAM), D.D., Bishop of St\ Asaph. * Observationes in Ignatianas PEAR- SONII Yindicias, et in annotations Beveregii in canones sanctorum Apostoluruni. [By M. de LARROQUE.] Jiuthomagi, 1074. BHATTACHARGYA (JAOAT CHANDRA). Be- shya Rahashya. Calcutta, s. a. "8 j BHATTACHARJYA (TAKUR DAS SIROMANI). Suk Shanghai. Calcutta, s. a. 8 BIBLE. Report on the history and recent col- lation of the English version of the Bible : resented by the committee on versions to the oard of managers of the American Bible so- ciety, and adopted, May 1, 1861. s. I., 1851. 8 BIBLES POLYGLOTT. B. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Polyglot reading-book, containing the Chaldee portions of Daniel and Ezra with the corre- ! spending Hebrew, Syriac, and Greek. By | Robert YOUNG. Edin., s. a. 12 BIBLES HEBREW. A. OLD TESTAMENT WITH THE HEBREW TEXT ONLY. Biblia Hebraica accuratissima, notis Hebraicis et lemmatibus Latinis illustrata, a Johanne Leusden. Amstel., typis et swmptibus Josephi Athias, 1667. 8 I [The third, and most accurate of all the edi- tions printed by Athias. The above copy is inlaid in folio, and contains numerous inter- lineary translations, and marginal notes, chiefly in Latin.] Biblia Hebraica Manualia, ad Hooghtianam et optimas quasque editiones recensita, atque cum I brevi lectionum Masorethicarum, Kethiban et , Kryan, resolutione ac explicatione, ut et cum ' Dictioiiario omnium vocum Veteris Testamenti ! Hebraicarum et Chaldaicarum...edita a Jo- i hanne SIMONIS, Histor. S. et Antiqq. Prof. ! 2 torn. Amstel., 1753. 8" j D. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. The prophecy of Obadiah against Edom, in the ; original Hebrew, with the corresponding Chal- j dee, Syriac and Arabic versions, arranged inter- j linearly. By Robert YOUNG. Edin. , s. a. 12 E. " NEW TESTAMENT. Christ and his law, or the book of the genea- logy of Jesus of Nazareth. From St Mat- thew's Gospel : translated by Robert YOUNG. Edin., 1854. 12 BIBLES-GREEK. B. PARTS OF THE BIBLE. Monumenta sacra inedita. Nova collectio. Volumen quintum Epistolte Pauli et Catho- j licse fere integrse. Ex libro Porphyrii Epis- [ Arri.M'IX. o>l>i Palimpsest" sji-ruli t'l-tavi vd IK-IH nupi-r 'Mi-lite allato rant t -xius aiitiijmtatr 111- signi. Eruit atquu t-didit -Kn.tli. rnd..-nc. ConatautinuH Ti>< UI..N i>KK. Lipsue, 1805. 4 F. NEW TESTAMI Novum Ttstauu iitmu Vatiramim. Post An- geli Man ah<. 1-111114110 imperfectos labores ex ipso codice edidit ^Enuth. Frid. Constant. Tl- HKNDORF. 7,/y..>..i. 1SC.7. 4 Novum Testamentum Sinaiticum, sive Novuiu Testamentum cum Epistula UAKXAK.K et frag- niLiitis Pastoris. Ex codice Sinai tico... accu- rate descripsit ^E. F. C. '1 'i> IIKNKORF. Lilian, 1803. 4 J G. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Diatessaron : sive integra historia . . . Jesu Christi Gnece, ex iv. Evangeliis inter se colla- tis ipsisque Evangelistarum verbis apte et or- dinate dispositis confecta. Subjungitur Evan- geliorum harmonia brevis. Edidit J. WHITK, tS.T.P. Oxvnii, 1800. 8^ H. NEW TESTAMENT WITH VERSION. Jesu Christi Domini nostri Novum Testamen- tum, sive Novum Feed us. Cujus Graeco tex- tui respondent interpretationes duse : una ve- tus : altera nova, Theodori BEZ^E, diligenter ab eo recognita. s. I., 1598. fol. [The last edition superintended by Beza.j BIBLES ARABIC. A. WHOLE BIBLE. The holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, in the Arabic language. Newcastle-upoH-Tyiie, 1811. 4 BIBLES ENGLISH. A. WHOLE BIBLE. The holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testament ; or, a family Bible, with annota- tions and parallel Scriptures. By Samuel CLARKE. Glasgow, 1737. fol. The holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, literally and idiomatically trans- lated out of the original languages. By Ro- bert YOUNG. [The Old Testament only.] Edin. , and London, s. a. 8 C. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. A critical and exegetical commentary on the Book of Genesis, with a new translation. By James G. MURPHY, LL.D. Edin., 1863. 8 J A historical and critical commentary on the Old Testament, with a new translation, by M. M. KALISCH, Ph. D., M.A. Leviticus. Part i. Containing chapters i. to x., with treatises on sacrifices and the Hebrew priest- hood. London, 1807. 8 3 A new version of the Book of Job, with expo- sitory notes, and an introduction, on the spi- rit, composition, and author of the Book. By Dr F. W. C. UMBREIT. Translated from the German by the Rev. John Hamilton Gray. 2 vol. [Bib. Cab., vol. xvi. and xix.] Edin., 1830, 7. 8 The Book of Job ; in English verse. Trans- lated from the Hebrew. With notes, critical and explanatory. By Lieut. Col. W. C. STATHER. Bath, [1859J. 8 [APPENDIX. BIBLES -BLACK. 895 The Prophets of Israel and Judah during the Assyrian empire. By Rowland WILLIAMS, D.D. London, 1866. 8 E. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Actions of the Apostles : translated from the original Greek. By John WILLIS, B.D. London, 1789. 8 BIBLES- GERMAN. B. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Daniel aus dem Hebraisch-Aramaischen neu iibersetzt nnd erklart mit einer vollstandigen Einleitung und einigen historischen und exe- getischen Excursen von Leonhard BELTHOLDT. 2 Hiilft. Erlangen, 1806, 8. 8 BIBLES GOOZURATEE. The two Books of Chronicles translated into Gujarati. By Robert YOUNG. Surat, 1859. 8 BIBLES GOTHIC AND ANGLO-SAXON. A. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels in paral- lel columns with the versions of Wycliffe and Tyndale : arranged, with preface and notes, by the Rev. Joseph BOSWORTH, D.D. ; assist- ed by George Waring, M. A. London, 1865. 8 BIBLES LATIN. B. PARTS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Prophetae duodecim minores ; versione Latina et commentario illustrati, a Johanne COCCEIO. Lugd. Batav., 1652. fol. D. PARTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Epistola Pauli ad Romanos Greece ex recen- sione novissima Griesbachii cum commentario perpetuo. Edidit Christ. Frid. BOEHME. Lipsice, 1806. 8 BIBLES SWEDISH. A. WHOLE BIBLE. Biblen, Eller Then Heliga Skript, Gamla och Nya Testamentel. Stockholm, 1815. 8 BIBLES SYRIAC. A. NEW TESTAMENT. [Novum Testamentum Syriace. Edited by John Albert WIDMANSTADT.] Vienna Austriacce, M.D.LV. 4 [The Editio Princeps of the Syriac New Tes- tament. It does not contain the Second Epistle of Peter, the last two Epistles of John, the Epistle of Jude, or the Revelation. The version is the Peshito.] BIBLES APOCRYPHAL BOOKS OLD TES- TAMENT. See BIBLES SWEDISH. A. 1815 BIBLE SOCIETY. Statement of the committee of the Edinburgh Bible society, relative to the circulation of the Apocrypha by the British and Foreign Bible society. Edin., 1825. 8 Third statement of the committee of the Edin- burgh Bible society, being a statement respect- ing their conference, on April 4, 1826, with a deputation from the committee of the British and Foreign Bible society, relative to the cir- culation of the Apocrypha. Edin., 1826. 8 Statement and appeal of the Edinburgh Bible society : addressed to the friends of pure Bible circTilation, and the religious public of Scot- land. Edin., s. a. 8 BIBLIOGRAPHIA. Bibliographia poetica : a catalogue of English poets, of the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, andsixteenth, centuries, with a short account of their works. [By Joseph RITSON.] London, 1802. 8 BICHENO (JAMES), M.A. A word in season: or, a call to the inhabitants of Great Britain, to stand prepared for the consequences of the present war. 2d ed. London, 1795. 8 The restoration of the Jews the crisis of all nations ; to which is now prefixed, a brief his- tory of the Jews, from their first dispersion, to the calling of their grand Sanhedrim at Paris, October 6th, 1806. And an address on the present state of affairs, in Europe in gene- ral, and in this country in particular. 2d ed. London, 1807. 8 BICKERSTETH (EDWARD), Rector of Watton, Herts. The way of Christ prepared : an ad- dress both to Christians and Jews, on the duty and blessedness of removing their mutual stumbling blocks... London, 1837. 12 The national fast of 1847. A help for duly ob- serving it. Sixth 10,000. London, 1847. 12 BINET (ETIENNE). Essay des merveilles de na- ture, et de plus nobles artifices. Par Rene FRANCIS. [Pseud.] Rouen, 1657. 8 BIRCH (THOMAS), D.D. The history of the Royal Society of London, for improving of natural knowledge, from its first rise. In which the most considerable of those papers communicated to the Society, which have hitherto not been published, are inserted in their proper order, as a supplement to the Philosophical transactions. Vol. iv. London, 1757. 4 BIRCH (WILLIAM). A brief vindication of those who have lately conform'd, from the uncha- ritable censures of a pamphlet, entitled, Some observations upon the present state of the DISSENTING interest. 1731 BIRKS (T. R.), Rector of Kelshall, Herts. Home apostolicse ; [with Horse Paulinse, by W. PALEY]. 1850 BISHOP. A briefe treatise [by Archbishop USHER] touching the originall of Bishops and Metropolitans ; [with Confessions and proofes of Protestant divines, that Episcopacy is in respect of the office according to the word of God]. 1644 Tradition de 1'Eglise sur 1'institution des Eveques ; par 1'auteur de 1'Essai sur 1'indif- f e"rence en matiere de religion ; [Fr. Robert de LA MENNAIS]. 3 torn. Paris, 1818. 8 BLACK (ADAM). * A letter to A. B. Lord Pro- vost of the city of Edinburgh, from a citizen of Edinburgh. [No. i.] Edin., [1846]. 8 No. ii. Edin., a. a. 8 Speech of A. B. Lord Provost of Edinburgh, in the town council of that city, on Wednes- day, the 7th April, 1847, in favour of the government scheme of education. To which is added minutes of the committee of council on education, &c. Edin., [1847]. 8 BLACK (JOHN), D.D., Minister of Coylton, Ayr- shire. PALJEOROMAICA. 1822 BLACKLOCK BREW8TER. [APPENMHX. - A supplement to PAX.EOROMAICA. 1824 BLACKLOCK (Tn-M \M\ 1',-tacher of the Gospel. Faith, hope, and charity, compared. A ser- mon on 1 Corinth, xiii. i:'.. pic ached in Lady Yester's, Edinburgh, April 1!. 1701. /:-///!., 17C1. 8 BLAIR (ADAM), Minister, Ferry-port-on-Craig. Re- union among brethren : a sermon [on Ezek. xxvii. 19J in regard to the present proposals for a coalescence of different classes of Se- ceders. Dundee, 1819. 8 BLIZARD (Sir WILLIAM), Knt.- The Hunterian oration : delivered in tlie theatre of the Royal College of Surgeons, on the 14th day of Feb- ruary, 1815. London, 1815. 4 On the 14th day of February, 1823. London, 1823. 4 On the 14th day of Febmary, 1828. London, 1828. 4 An oration, delivered on Thursday, Februaiy 9, 1826, before the Hunterian society : with supplementary observations ; and engravings. London, [1826]. 4 BLOOD. The doctrine of abstinence from blood defended. In answer to two pamphlets ; the one called, The question about eating blood stated and defended, &c. The other intituled, The prohibition of blood a temporary precept. [By Patrick DELANY.] London, 1734. 8 BLOXAM (MATTHEW HOLBECHE). The princi- ples of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture, elu- cidated by question and answer. 4th ed. Oxford, s. a, 12 BODENSTEIN (A.). Sec A. B. CAROLSTADIUS. BOECLERUS (JOANNES HENRICUS). De lingua Novi Testament! originali dissertatio ; [cum Lib. de stilo Novi Testament!, per J. OI.EA- RIUM]. 1721 BOILEAU (JACQUES), Doctor of the Sorbonne. Recueil de diverses pieces concernant les CEN- SURES de la Faculte' de theologie de Paris. 1666 BOILEAU-DESPREAUX (NICOLAS). (Euvres. 2 torn. Edition stereotype, d'apres le pro- ce'de de Firmin Didot. Paris, An vii. (1800). 12 BOLTON (ROBERT), Dean of Carlisle. The Deity's delay in PUNISHING the guilty, con- sidered. 1751 BONAFIDE (FRANCESCO). Notizie elementari di economia silvestre. 2 torn. Napoli, 1811. 8 BONAR (JOHN), D.D., Minister of Larbert. Sin and danger of leaving a faithfiil ministry... Edin., 1845. 8 BORGHESE (CAMILLO). See PAUL V. Pope. BORN (Count IGNAZ EDLER VON). MOXACHO- LOGIA ; or hand-book of the natural history of monks. [Translated by Count Valerian Kra- sinski.] 1852 BOSSUET (JACQUES BENIGNE), Bishop of Con- dom, and afterwards of Meawx. * A brief dis- course of the Real Presence of the body and blood of Christ in the celebration of the holy eucharist : wherein the witty artifices of the Bishop of Meaux and of Monsieur Maimbourg are obviated, whereby they would draw in tlm Protestants to imbrace the doctrine of tran- substantiation. [By Henry MORE.] 2d ed. London, 1686. i ' BOSTRA, BISHOP or. See TITUS. BOSWORTH (JOSEPH), D.D., Profeuor of Anglo- Saxon, Oxford. The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels. 1865. See BIBLES GOTHIC AND ANGLO- SAXON. A. BOUSSINGAULT (JEAN - BAPTISTS - JOSEI-H- DIEUDONNE'). Essai de statique chimique des etres organises. Par MM. DUMAS et B. 1844 BOWIE (JOHN), W.S. Notes on Australia, for the information of intending emigrants. Edin., 1837. 8 BOWLES (EDWARD), M.A. The mysterie of iniquitie yet working in the kingdomes of Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland, for the destruc- tion of religion truly Protestant, discovered. See COVENANT. L64S BO YD (ZACHARIE). The last battle of the soul in death. Edited by Gabriel Neil, with a biographical sketch of the author, and some account of his manuscript works. Reprinted, Glasgow, 1831. 8 BRAKELONDA (JOCELINUS DE). Monastic and social life in the twelfth century, as exempli- fied in the Chronicles of J. de B. , monk of St Edmundsbury. From A. D. MCLXXIII. to MCCII. Translated, with notes, introduction, S:c. by T. E. Tomlins, from the original La- tin, as printed by the Camden Society, under the superintendence of John Gage Rokewode. London, 1844. 8 BRAMHALL (JOHN), D.D., Archbishop of Ar- magh. A fair warning to take heed of the Scottish DISCIPLINE. 1649 BRATHWAIT (RICHARD). The English gentle- man : containing sundry excellent rules, or exquisite observations, tending to direction of every gentleman, of selecter ranke and quali- tie ; how to demeane or accomodate himselfe in the manage of publike or private affaires. 2d ed. London, 1633. 4 BREADALBANE. In the House of Lords. From the first division of the Court of Session in Scotland. Charles William Campbell, Lieu- tenant, formerly in the 19th, now in the 2d regiment of Bengal cavalry, claiming to be sixth Earl of Breadalbane and Holland, Vis- count of Tay and Pentland, Lord Glenorchy in the peerage of Scotland ; and Major-Gene- ral Charles Campbell of Kinloch, in the county of Perth, his commissioner and mandatory, Appellant. John Alexander Gavin Campbell of Glenfalloch, also claiming to be the Earl of Breadalbane and Holland, Viscount of Tay and Pentland, Lord Glenorchy in the peerage of Scotland, Respondent. [The Appellant's and Respondent's cases, with evidence.] [2vol.] s. 1. eta. BREVICOXA (JOANNES). Tractatus ; [cum Opp. J. GERSONII]. 1706 BREWSTER (JAMES), D.D., Minister of Craig. A letter to the editor of the Quarterly review, APPENDIX.] BRIDGE BUCHAN. 897 in reply to certain strictures in that publica- tion, on the Rev. Dr Keith's " Evidence of prophecy." Edln., 1836. Speech on " the paramount duty ;" [with ad- dresses to the people on the Church question by the Rev. William NIXON]. 1842 BRIDGE (WILLIAM), M. A. An apologeticall nar- ration, humbly siibmitted to the Hon. Houses of Parliament. By Thomas GOODWIN, P. NYE, S. SIMPSON, J. BURROUGHS, W. B. 1643 BRISTOL, BISHOP OF. See Joseph BUTLER. BRISTOL, BISHOP OP. See George SMALRIDGE. BRISTOL, BISHOP OF. See Thomas WESTFEILD. BRITAIN. Hedendaagsche Historie, of tegen- woordige Staat van Groot Brittannie. 2 Deel. Amsterdam, 1754, 55. 8 BRODIE (JAMES), Minister of the Free Church, Monimail. A plea for the country MINISTERS who resigned their livings in 1843. 1847 BROOKS (THOMAS). The complete works of T.B. Edited, with memoir, by the Rev. Alexander Balloch Grosart. 6vol. Edin., 1866, 67. 8 BROWN (ALEXANDER), Burntshields. An ad- dress and a few letters to Niel Douglas : in which it is attempted to point out the fallacy, impropriety, unscriptural nature, and danger- ous tendency of his doctrine and reasoning, in favour of the punishment of the wicked in hell being only for a limited time. Paisley, 1812. 8 BROWN (CHARLES J.), D.D., Minister of Free New North church, Edinburgh. Address on public prayer. Printed by reqxiest of a con- ference of elders. London, 1862. 8 The Disruption question stated. Reprinted (with some additions) from the Free Church Record, at the request of the Free Presbytery of Edinburgh. Edin., 1863. 8 The Church of Rome brought to the test of the Epistle to the Romans. Reprinted, by request, from " The Bulwark'." Edin., 1863. 12 Infant dedication to God : or the Scripture grounds and practical bearings of infant bap- . tism. [2ded.] Edin., 1863. 12 Connection between godliness and the Chris- tian ministry : an address to students of divi- nity. Edin., 1867. 8 - The divine glory of Christ. London, 1868. 8 BROWN (J. MELLOR), B.A., Incumbent of Hyl- ton, in the county of Durham. Reflections on geology : suggested by the perusal of Dr Buck- land's Bridgewater treatise. With remarks on a letter by J. P. S. on the study of geo- logy. Edin., 1838. 8 BROWN (JAMES BRYCE). View of CANADA and the colonists. By a four years' resident. 1844 BROWN (JOHN), Minister at Haddington. An historical account of the rise and progress of the Secession. With an appendix, carrying down the history to the present time : and giving some sketches of the lives of several ministers mentioned in the history. 8th ed. Glasgow, 1802. 12 On Church and State. Edin., s. a. 12 BROWN (JOHN), D.D., Professor of exegetical theology to the United Presbyterian Church. Remarks on the plans and publications of Robert Owen, Esq. of New Lanark. Edin., 1817. 8 Opinions on faith, divine influence, human inability, the design and effect of the death of Christ, assurance, and the Sonship of Christ, expressed in the published writings of J. B. Edin., 1841. 12 Statements on certain doctrinal points made by Robert BALMER, D.D., and J. B. 1844 * Report of proceedings in the trial by libel of J. B., at the instance of Drs James Hay and Andrew Marshall, before the United Associate Synod, July 1845. Second thousand. Edin., 1845. 8 Statement made April 1, 1845, before the United Associate Presbytery of Edinburgh, on asking their advice. Printed at the request of the Presbytery for the information of the Church. Edin., 1845. 12 BROWNE (EDWARD HAROLD), B.D., Norrisian professor of divinity, Cambridge. Messiah -as foretold and expected. A course of sermons on the prophecies of the Messiah, as interpret- ed by the Jews before the coming of Christ: Preached before the university of Cambridge, in the months of February and March, 1802. Cambridge, 1862. 8 BRUGES, BISHOP OF. -See J.-B. MALOU. BRUNNMARK (GUSTAVUS), M.A. A short in- troduction to Swedish grammar, adapted to the use of Englishmen. 2d ed. Stockholm, 1826. 8 BRUNTON (ALEXANDER), D.D., Prof essor of He- brew in the university of Edinburgh. Outlines of a Persian GRAMMAR. 1822 BRYDGES (Sir SAMUEL EGERTON), Bart. Cen- sura literaria. Containing titles, abstracts, and opinions of old English books, with ori- ginal disquisitions, articles of biography, and other literary antiquities. 30 vol. London, 1805-1809. 8 Restituta ; or, titles, extracts, and characters of old books in English literature, revived. 4 vol. Lo>idon, 1814-1816. 8 Letters from the continent. [2 parts.] Kent : printed at the private press of Lee Priory; by John Warwick, 1821. 8 The autobiography, times, opinions, and con- temporaries of Sir E. B. Bart. (Per legem terrse) Baron Chandos of Sudeley, &c. 2 vol. London, 1834. 8 Imaginative biography. 2 vol. London, 1834. 8 BRYDSON (THOMAS), F. A. S.E. Observations respecting precedence, and some of the dis- tinctions of rank, ecclesiastical and secular, on which it is founded ; referring especially to the clergy of the Church of Scotland. Edin., 1812. 4 BUCHAN (PETER). The parallel ; or, principles of the British constitution exemplified, for the benefit of every legislator, and British subject, whether tory, whig, or radical ; also, a defence 113 898 BUCHANAN BY KM \ [APFKM'IV of Cluircli Establishments, Magna Charta, the Bill of rights, Habeas Corpus act, Articles of the Scottish union, and Act for securing the Protestant and Presbyterian religion, A:c. London, 1844. 8 BUCHANAN (GEORGE). Poemata quse extant. Editio postrema. Amstel. , 1676. 8 BUCHANAN (JAMES), D.D., Professor of theo- logy, New college, Edinburgh. The doctrine of justification : an outline of its history in the Church, and of its exposition from Scrip- ture. With special reference to recent attacks on the theology of the Reformation. The second series of the ' Cunningham lectures.' Edin., 1867. 8 Another copy. - Another copy. BUCHERUS (SAMUEL FRIDERICUS), Professor of antiquities at Wittemberg. Antiquitates bib- licse ex Novo Testamento selectse consuetu- dines ritus formulas veterum examinantes. Vitembergce et Lipsice, 1729. 4 BUCKLAND (WILLIAM), D.D. Vindici* geolo- gicse : or the connexion of geology with reli- gion explained, in an inaugural lecture deli- vered before the university of Oxford, May 15, 1819, on the endowment of a readership in geology by His Royal Highness the Prince Regent. Oxford, 1820. 4 Address, delivered at the anniversary meet- ing of the Geological society of London, on the 21st of February 1840... London, 1840. 8 BUNBURY (ROBERT SHIRLEY). The last sermon preached in the parish church of Leamington Priors, on the fourth Sunday in Advent. On the practical utility of prophecy. London, 1841. 12 BUNGENER (Louis FELIX). Christianity in the first three centuries : historical lectures, by Dr MERLE D'AUBIGNE', Dr B., Count de GASPARIN, and M. VIGNET. 1858 BUNYAN (JOHN). The pilgrim's progress. [In Armenian.] Smyrna, 1843. 8 BURN (ANDREW), Major-General. The Chris- tian officer's PANOPLY. 1789 BURNET (GILBERT), D.D., Bishop of Salisbury. A modest and free conference betwixt a con- formist and a NON-CONFORMIST. 1669 An enquiry into the measures of SUBMISSION to the supream authority. 1688 Reflections on a late pamphlet, entitled, PAR- LIAMENTUM Pacificum. 1688 History of his own times ; from the restora- tion of King Charles II. to the settlement of King William and Queen Mary at the Revo- lution : to which is prefix'd, a summary re- capitulation of affairs in Church and State from King James I. to the Restoration in the year 1660. L. P. Vol. i. London, 1724. fol. Vol. ii. From the Revolution to the con- clusion of the treaty of peace at Utrecht in the reign of Queen Anne. To which is now added, the author's life, by the editor [Thomas Bur- net]. L. P. London, 1734. fol. An enquiry into the reasons for abrogating tho test iiiqinsfd on ;ill members of parliament. Offered by Sa. ( PAKKKR] Oxon. .s. /. et a. A continuation of the second part of the Kn- <|iiiry into the reasons offered by Sa. [PAI;K i i: ] Oxon. for the abrogating of the test relating to the idolatry of the Church of Rome. s. 1. et a. BURNEY ( ), Lieut. Col. [An account of some of the principal medicines used by Euro- peans, with the plan of treatment used in some of the principal diseases. Translated into Bur- mese by Mr Edwards.] . I M 1837. 8 BURNS (ROBERT), D.D., Professor of Church his- tory, and the evidences of Christianity, inKnox's College, Toronto. * Plagiarisms of the Rev. Dr B. detected and exposed. Edin., 1842. 8 BURROUGHS (JEREMIAH), Preacher of the Gos- pel at Stepney and Cripplegate, London. The saints' happiness, together with the several steps leading thereunto. Delivered in divers lectures on the beatitudes ; being part of Christ's sermon on the mount, contained in the fifth of Matthew. [Nichol's series of Com- mentaries.] Edin., 1867. 4 BUSHNAN (J. S.), M.D. The natural history of fishes, particularly their structure and economical uses. Illustrated by thirty-three coloured plates, with... memoir of Salviani. [Nat. Lib., vol. xxvii.] Edin., 1840. 8 BUSHNELL (HORACE), D.D. The vicarious sacrifice grounded on principles of universal obligation. London, 1866. 8 BUSK (M. M.). The history of SPAIN and Por- tugal. 1833 BUTLER (JOSEPH), LL.D., Bishop of Bristol, afterwards of Durham. The analogy of reli- gion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature. To which are added two brief dissertations : I. Of personal iden- tity. II. Of the nature of virtue. With a life of the author, copious notes, and index, by William Fitzgerald, A.M. Dublin, 1849. 8 BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras, in three parts. Written in the time of the late wars. With annotations. [British poets, vol. 5, 6.] 2vol. Edin., 1773. 8 BUTTMANN (PHILIP CHARLES), LL.D. Aus- filrliche Griechische Sprachlehre. 2 Biinde. Zweite Ausgabe. Berlin, 1830, 39. 8 BUXTORFIUS (JOANNES), fit, Professor of Ori- ental languages at Basle. Tractatus de punc- torum vocalium, et accentuum, in Libris Ve- teris Testamenti Hebraicis, origine, antiqui- tate, et authoritate : oppositus Arcano punc- tationis revelato, Ludovici Cappelli. Basilece, 1648. 4 BYRON (GEORGE GORDON NOEL), sixth Lord Byron. The siege of Corinth. A poem. Pa- risina. A poem. London, 1816. 8 APPENDIX.] C. CARDROSS CASE. 899 C. (S.). Mock poem, or Whiggs supplication. 2 parts. [By S. C., i. e. S. Colvil.] London, 1681. 8 CABRERA (FRANCISCUS). Vitse efc gesta sum- morum Pontificuin, per Alphonsum CIACO- NIUM, continuatae per F. C. et Andream VICTO- RELLUM. 1630 C-iESAREA, ARCHBISHOP OF. See BASILIUS MAGNUS. C^ESAREA, BISHOP OF. See EUSEBIUS. C^ESAREA, BISHOP or. See GELASIUS. CALAMY (EDMUND). A discourse concerning the rise and antiquity of Cathedral worship. In a letter to a friend. By N. N. London, 1699. 4 CALCUTTA, BISHOP OF. See Thomas Fanshawe MlDDLETON. CALCUTTA, BISHOP OF. See Daniel WILSON. CALDER (ROBERT), Minister of the Episcopal Church of Scotland. Queries to the PRESBY- TERIANS of Scotland. 1702 A short answer to Mr William JAMESON, his impugning the authority of St Ignatius's Epis- tles. 1708 CALLERY ( ). L'insurrection en Chine de- puis son origine jusqu' a la prise de Nankin. Par MM. Callery et YVAN. Paris, 1853. 12 CALVIN (JOHN). Opera quse supersunt om- nia. Ediderunt Guilielmus Baum, Eduardus Cunitz, Eduardus Reuss. Vol. iii.-vi. [Corp. Reformat., vol. xxxi.-xxxiv.] Brunsvigce, 1865-1867. 4 Institvtio Christianse religionis nvnc uere de- mum suo titule respondens. Autore ALCUINO. [Pseud.] Cum indice locupletissimo. Argentorati, per Vuendelinum Rihelium. Mense Augusto anno M.D.XXXIX. fol. [The second edition of Calvin's Institutes, and, like the first, which is also in the New Col- lege Library, of extreme rarity. For an account of it, see the Translation, published by the Calvin translation society, vol. i., in- troductory notice, pp. xli.-xliii. ; and Corpus reformatorum, vol. xxix., prolegomena, pp. xxxii.-xxxiv.] * Posthumum Calvini stigma in tria lilia, sive tres libros dispertitum. A rhetoribus Collegii Societatis lesu Bruxellis, anno 1611. Bruxellce, 1611. 8 CALVINUS MINOR. Remarks on Dr Ward- law's recently published pamphlet on the atone- ment, entitled, " Reviewers reviewed." By Calvinus Minor. Edin., 1844. 12 The present differences in regard to the atone- ment of Christ not "a mere war of words." By Calvinus Minor. Edin., 1844. 12 CAMBRAY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See F. de S. de Lamotte FENELON. CAMBRIDGE. Museum criticum ; or, Cam- bridge classical researches. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1826. 8 The Cambridge university calendar for the year 1849. Cambridge, [1849]. 12 CAMDEN SOCIETY. Publications of the Cam- den Society. Vol. Ixxxv.-xcv. London, 1864-67. 4 CAMPBELL (JOHN), of Carbrook. Letter to his friends, containing a vindication of his con- duct from the mis-statements of the Rev. Dr Thomson. Edin., 1827. 8 CANDLISH (ROBERT SMITH), D.D., Principal of the New College, and minister of Free St George's, Edinburgh. Speech on thesustenta- tion of schoolmasters. Edin., [1846]. 12 The First Epistle of John expounded in a series of lectures. Edin. , 1866. 8 Another copy. The fatherhood of God, being the first course of the Cunningham lectures, delivered before the New College, Edinburgh, in March, 1864. With a reply to Professor Crawford's stric- tures, and a notice of other objections. Edin., 1867. 8 CANE (JOHN VINCENT). * Animadversions on a treatise [by J. V. C.] intituled Fiat Lux : or, a guide in differences of religion between Pa- pist and Protestant, Presbyterian and Inde- pendent. By a Protestant ; [John OWEN]. London, 1662. 8 CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP or. See George ABBOT. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See ANSEL- MUS. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See Thomas BRADWARDINUS. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See LAN- FRANCUS. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See Matthew PARKER. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See Reginald POLE. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See John POTTER. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF.' See John TlLLOTSON. CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF. See John WHITGIFT. CAPELLA (MARTIANUS MINEUS FELIX). De nuptiis philologies et Mercurij libri nouem ; [cum Originn. ISIDORI]. s. a. CAPELLUS (JACOBUS), Professor of Hebrew and theology at Sedan. Observationes in Novum Testamentum, exceptis Actibus Apostolorum, et Apocalypsi D. Joannis. Nunc demum...in lucem editse : procurante Ludovico Capello. Una cum ejusdem Ludovici Capelli spiciiegio. Amstel., 1657. 4 CAPPELLARI (MAURO). See GREGORIUS XVI. Pope. CARALI, BISHOP OF. See LUCIFERUS. CARDONNEL (ADAM DE). Picturesque antiqui- ties of Scotland, scotched by A. de C. London, 1788. 4 CARDROSS CASE. Record in reduction Mr John M'Millan v. The General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland. s. I, [1858]. 4 Case for Mr M'Millan, lodged 19th October 1859. s. I, [1859]. 4 Revised case for pursuer, in reduction and damages, Rev. John M'Millan against the As- sembly of the Free Church of Scotland, and others. s. I,, [1859]. 4 900 [ API'! Case for the defenders in conjoined act , M'Millon r. The General Assembly of the Free Church. s. /., [1859]. 4 Revised case for defenders in conjoined acti< >ns -M'.Millan r. The (iiiK-ral Assembly of the Free Church. . /., [IS.V.ij. 4 Addition by Mr Chirk to case for defenders, nth Nov. i8iV.'. *. I., [1850 1. 4 Defences for the General Assembly of the Free Church, and their moderator, and others, in conjoined actions at the instance of Air John M'Hillan against them, A.T. s. /., [I860]. 4 Interlocutors of Lord Jerviswoode, Ordinary, (13th Nov. 1800) and <>f the First division of the Court of Session, (19th July, 18C1) in the conjoined action of reduction and damages at the instance of Mr John M'Millan, pursuer ; against the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, and the Rev. Dr Alex- ander Beith, Stirling, the moderator... and the Rev. Patrick Clason, D.D., and the Rev. Sir H. W. Moncreiif, the principal clerks of the said General Assembly, defenders ; as also against the said Dr A. Beith, the Rev. Dr R. S. Candlish, and the Rev. Dr James Ban- nerman... defenders in the second action. s. I, [18G1]. 4 CARE (HENRY). A modest inquiry whether St PETER were ever at Rome, and Bishop of that Church. 1687 CARLILE (JAMES), Minister of the Scots chun-l, in St Mary's Abbey, Ihiblin. The apocryphal controversy summed up, and directed to use- ful purposes. Glasgow, 1827. 8 Letter to the editor of the Scottish Guardian, on the success of the system of national edu- cation in Ireland. Ellin., 1837. 12 CARPENTER (WILLIAM B.), M.D. The phy- siology of temperance and total abstinence. Being an examination of the effects of the ex- cessive, moderate, and occasional use of alco- holic liquors on the healthy human system. London, 1*853. 8 CARROLL (WILLIAM). SPINOZA revived. 1709 CARTHAGE, BISHOP OF. See CYPRIANUS. CART WRIGHT (THOMAS). A ful] and plaine declaration of ecclesiastical DISCIPLINE owt of the word of God, and of the declininge off the Churche off England from the same. 1580 [An English translation by Cartwright from the Latin work of Walter TRAVERS.] In Librum Salomonis, qui iiiscribitur Eccle- siastes, cum metaphrasi, homilia;, quae et justi commentarii loco esse possint. \. Lon'i"n. /" '/, 18G5. 8 CATECHISM. Catechism on the principKs and constitution of the Free I'lmrch of Scotland. [By Andrew GKAY.] A new edition. /;./ An evangelical catechism compiled from tho Scriptures for young persons. 13y William JoHBnon. Controversial catechism. By the Rev. Stephen KEENAN. l. v '4' LUTHER'S catechism. [In Armenian.] 1845 The ecclesiastical catechism ; being a series of questions, n-lative to the Christian Church, stated and answered with the Scripture proofs. By Alexander M'Li:i.. 1819 The Protestant controversial catechism. By William MITCHELL. 1857 A catechism ; or, an abridgment of faith, di- vided into four parts. To which are added, a catechism of the sacrament of confirmation, and morning and evening prayers. [By REILLY.] " 1.^4 A confirming catechism : shewing the reasons of the Christian religion. By John REYNOLDS. A Protestant catechism for the use of schools and families. By B. RICHINGS, M.A. . a. An ecclesiastical catechism of the Presbyterian Church. By Thomas SMYTH, D.D. 1841 Catechism on Messianic prophecy. By Wil- liam STOBBS. [1860] A catechism for the times. By David A. STUR- Rot/K. 1843 A catechism on Popery. By David A. STUR- ROCK. 1851 The Congregational catechism. By Edward R. TYLER. 1844 Shorter catechism, in Hebrew, Samaritan, Greek and Latin, &c. By Robert Yoi s. a. The Assembly's shorter catechism. [In Arme- nian.] : irna, 1846. 12 J The Churchman's catechism upon the head- ship and kingdom of Christ, or reasons found- ed on Scripture for adhering to the Scottish Establishment. [With supplement.] ., s. a. 8 The ZETETIC SOCIETY'S shorter catechism, s. a. CAVENDISH (WILLIAM), Earl of Newcastle. A declaration made by the Earl of Newcastle, governour of the town and county of New- castle. [Reprints of rare tracts, &c. by M. A. Richardson.] Newcastle, 18"43. 8 CHAKRABATTI (KABI KANKAN). Kabi i kan Chakti. Calcutta, 1251, A.H. 8 CHALMERS (THOMAS), D.D., LL.D., i and professor _ in the New Colle.ijn, huryh, and curi-<.*]ion<.lin4 COOKE (Ai.K.xiMiER), of Leeds. More for ;i massc-priest. [Address to reader signed \V.]_ London, H>21. 4 COOKE (HENRY), D.D., Belfast. Letter in re- ply to the Rev. Mr Massie. I '(fast, 1837. 12 COOKSEY (Ki.-iiAKi.), i/ //i.- rtuwr '/'. ,/i/ifa. .v on the life and cliaraotrr <>f .I<>)in Somers. Also sketches of an essay on the life and character of Philip Earl of Hardwii-ke. FToroMfar. 17'.1. 4 COOPER (ANTHONY ASHI.KY), l*t Kurl <>f Xhaftes- luti'li. A LETTER from a person of quality to his friend in the country. 1075 No PKOTRSTANT-PLOT. 1682 COOPER (JAMKS V KM MORE). The SPY. 1822 CORBET (JOHN), Mini-fii-nf />'"/in;LAS CAUSE ( Arrr.Niux. Isaiah. Translated from the German, by the ' Rev. James Martin, B.A. 2 vol. [Ibid.] A system of biblical psychology. Translated from the German (second edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged) by the Rev. Robert Er- nest Wallis, Ph. D. [Ibid.] Edin.,\mi. fr DE MORGAN (AUGUSTUS). Statement in an- swer to an assertion made by Sir William Hamilton, Bart. [London, 1847.] 8 DE-ROSSI (JOHANNES BERN.), Professor of l-m- gttages in tlie university of Parma. Scholia critica in V. T. Libros seu snpplementa ad va- rias sacri textus lectiones. Parma, 1799. 4 On the language of Palestine in the age of Christ and the Apostles, by De Rossi and Dr Heinr. Friedr. PFANNKUCHE. Translated by Thorl. G. Repp. [Bib. Cab., vol. 2.] Edin., 1833. 8 DEVAULT (FRA^OIS EUGENE), Lieut. -General. Memoires militaires relatifs a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV. extraits de la cor- respondance de la cour et des ge'ne'raux. Re- vus, public's et pre'ce'de's d'un introduction par le Lieut. Gen. Pelet. [Partie des Documents ine'dits sur 1'Histoire de France.] Tom. i., ii. Pam, 1835. 4 DE VEIL (JOHN). National blessings a ground for thanksgiving. A sermon [on 1 Chron. xxix. 11, 13] preached on the day of general thanksgiving, Nov. 29, 1798. London, 1798. 8 DHAR (GURU CHARAN). Bakya Binyas. Calcutta, 1271, A.H. 8* DICKSON (DAVID), D.D., Minister of St Cuth- bert's, Edinburgh. The remembrance of the righteous : a sermon [on Ps. cxii. 6] preached in St George's church, Edinburgh, on the 20th Feb. 1831, being the Sabbath after the funeral of the Rev. Andrew Thomson, D.D., includ- ing a sketch of his life and character. Edin., 1831. 8 DICTIONARY. Nouveau dictionnaire Fnu^ois, Italien, Allemand, Latin efc Russe. [A F.] Moscow, 1784. 4 Dictionary in Russian and Tartar. Petersburg, 1804. 4 A new pocket- dictionary of the English and Danish [and Danish and English] languages. Stereotype edition. [2 parts.] Leipsic, s. a. 8 DILLMANN (AUGUSTUS), D.D., Professor of theo- logy in Giessen. Chrestomathia JEthiopica edita et glossario explanata. Lipsice, 1866. 8 DINGLEY (THOMAS). History from marble. Compiled in the reign of Charles II. Printed in photolithography by Vincent Brooks, from the original in the possession of Sir Thomas E. Winnington, Bart. With an introduction and descriptive table of contents by John Gough Nichols, F.S.A. [Camden Society.] London, 1867. 4 DIOGNETUS. * The epistle to Diognetus. [Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., vol. i.] 1867 DIRECTORY. A view of the new directory and a vindication of the ancient liturgy of the Church of England ; in answer t<> tin reasons pretended in the m-dinanr.- .-unl preface, f>r the abolishing the one, and establishing tin; other. [By Henry HAMMOND.] 3d ed. Oitford, li-Mi. 4 DISCIPLINE. A full and plaint d.-daration .f -iasticul discipline owt nti' the word <>f < Jo e"d.] Utrecht, 1730-1745. 4 Dissertation preliminaire ou prolegomenes sur la Bible. Pour servir de supplement a la Bib- liotheque des auteurs ecclesiastiques. 2 torn. Utrecht, 1731. 4 DURHAM. Most fearefull and strange newes from the Bishoppricke of Durham. [Reprints of rare tracts, &c. by M. A. Richardson.] Neivcastle, 1843. 8 DURHAM, BISHOP OF. See Joseph BUTLER. MIX DURHAM ENGLAND. [. \ITKNH I*. DURHAM, BISHOP OF. Sec Edward CHANDLER. IH K1IAM, HISIIOI- OK. -SVc John HOWSON. DURHAM, BISHOP OF. See Edward MAI.THV. DURHAM, BISHOP OF. See Thomas MORTON. DURHAM, BISHOP OF. -See William VAN MIL- HERT. IH'RHAM, EAKI, OK. ->' John Guon^ LAMM- TON. DUTTA (BISHWESHWAR). Shahanama. [Calcutta], 1254, A.H. 8 DU VTDAL ( ). Des devoirs des PASTKDRS et des peuples. 16'J5 EACHDRAIDH ENGLAND. EACHDRAIDH. See TALES. EBRARD (J. H. A.), Professor of tlwology in the university of Erlangen. The Gospel history : a compendium of critical investigations in sup- port of the historical character of the four Gospels. Translated by James Martin, B.A. Revised and edited by Alexander B. Bruce. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1863. 8 EDINBURGH. Letter to the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, on the ecclesiastical affairs of the city, and especially on the proposed suppres- sion of a church and parish in the ancient royalty. Edin., 1832. 8 The Edinburgh university calendar. 1860-61. [1866-67.] Edin., 1860-66. 8 - The Edinburgh medical calendar for session 1864-65. Thirty-first year. Edin., 1864. 8 CITY CHURCHES. Replies to queries regarding the city churches, proposed by the committee of the town council to the Presbytery of Edin- burgh. Edin., 1834. 8 COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. The grants and acts of parliament, in favoxirs of the College and Corporation of surgeons of Edinburgh. a. I. eta. 4 INFIRMARY. The history and statutes of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Edin., 1778. 4 Memorial for the managers of the Royal In- firmary of Edinburgh, chargers, against the Incorporation and Royal College of surgeons of Edinburgh, suspenders. Edin. , [1801]. 4 Memorial for the Royal College of surgeons ; against the managers of the Royal Infirmary. Edin., [1801]. 4 Answers for the managers of the Royal Infir- mary of Edinburgh, to the petition of the Royal College of surgeons. Edin., [1801]. 4 PRESBYTERY. Summons of reduction the Rev. the Presbytery of Edinburgh and others, against the Rev. Robert Elder and others. [Edm.,1845.] 4 ROYAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol. x.-xv. ; xvi. parts 1, 3, 4, 5 ; xvii.-xxi. part 1. Edin., 1826-54. 4 EDMOND (FRANCIS), Advocate, Aberdeen. A letter to the office bearers and members of the Free Church of Scotland, in reference to Dr James Buchanan's Letter on the College ques- tion. Aberdeen, 1850. 8 A second letter... in answer to Dr James Bu- chanan's second letter and relative certificate on the College question. Aberdeen, 1850. 8 EDUCATION. Report of the speeches delivered at the public meeting of the inhabitants of Edinburgh opposed to the government scheme of education held. . .31st March 1847. By Ed- ward Baines, Jun., Bailie Duncan, Rev. An- drew Thomson, J. R. Campbell, Dr Lindsay Alexander, Duncan M'Laren, Ar. Edin., 1847. 8 On the extension of the means of theological education in the Free Church. [Bv A. B. PARKER.] Glasgow, 1850. 8 EDWARD (ALEXANDER), Writer, Aberdeen. The form of process used at the present time in the ecclesiastical courts of Scotland : con- taining observations for regulating the punish- ment of delinquents. 2d ed. Edin., 1824. 12 EDWARDS (EDWARD). The Napoleon medals : a complete series of the medals struck in France, Italy, Great Britain, and Germany from the commencement of the Empire in 1804, to the restoration in 1815, engraved by the process of Achilles Collas, with historical and biographical notices. Edited by E. E. London, 1837. fol. EGNATIUS (JOANNES BAPTISTA). De Romanis principibus, libri iii. ; [cum SUETONII xii. Cse- . sarr.]. 1566 ELIE DE BEAUMONT (JEAN-BAPT.-ARMAND- Louis - LE'ONCE). Explication de la carte gdologique de la France. Par P. A. DUFRE'NOY et E. de B. 1841-48 ELLIS (CLEMENT), M.A. A LETTER to a friend reflecting on some passages in a letter to the D. of P. [Stillingfleet] in answer to the argu- ing part of his first letter to Mr G[odwin]. 1687 ELWALL ( ). * The triumph of truth : be- ing an account of the trial of Mr E., before Judge Denton, for publishing a book in de- fence of the unity of God, at Stafford assizes, in the year 1726. Horncastle, 1813. 12 ELY, BISHOP OF. See Francis WHITE. ELY, BISHOP OF. See Matthew WREN. EMANCIPATUS,pietuZ., i. e. Joseph MENDHAM. EMESA, BISHOP OF. See NEMESIUS. ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Allgemeine deutsche Real- Encyclopadie fiir gebildeten Stande (Conver- sations-Lexicon.) 12 Bande. Achte Original- auflage. Leipzig, 1833-37. 8 ENDERS. See J. ANDREAS. ENFIELD (WILLIAM), LL.D. Prayers for the use of families. Warrington, 1785. 8 ENGLAND. Letters and other documents illus- trating the relations between England and Germany at the commencement of the thirty APPENDIX.] EPENETUS FEUDAL LAW. 909 years' war. From the outbreak of the revolu- tion in Bohemia to the election of the Em- peror Ferdinand II. Edited [for the Camden Society] by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. London, 1865. 4 BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. First [se- cond to seventeenth] annual report of the Registrar-General of births, deaths, and mar- riages in England. Presented to both Houses of parliament. [With appendices to 2d, 3d, and 9th reports.] London, 1839-1856. fol. EPENETUS. Epenetus and Aquila : a dialogue concerning baptism... Glasgow, s. a. 12 EPHRAEM, SYRUS. Opera selecta ; [edidit J. J. OVERBECK]. 1865 EPISTOL^E. Epistolarum obscurorum virorum ad Dom. M. Ortuinum Gratium volumina omnia, ex tarn multis libris, conglutinata, quod unus pinguis cocus per decem annos, oves, boves, sues, grues, passeres, anseres, &c. coquere, vel aliquis fumosus calefactor cen- tum magna hypocausta per viginti annos ab eis calefacere posset. Accesserunt huic edi- tione tractatus rarissimi. 2 torn. Francofurti, 1757. 8 [Ascribed, almost universally, to Ulrich von Hutten. The authorship of part of the work has been ascribed to Crotus, and to Herman- nus Buschius, the literary opponent and per- sonal enemy of Gratius.] ERRORS. Christian errors infidel arguments : or, seven dialogues, suggested by the Burnett treatises, the Evangelical Alliance prize essay, and other apologetics. [By Alexander LEITCH. ] ' Edin., 1857. 8 d ERSKINE (RALPH), Minister of the Gospel in Dunfermline. Paraphrase, or, large explica- tory poem upon the Song of Solomon. Where- in the mutual love of Christ and his Church, contained in that Old-Testament song, is imi- tated in the language of the New Testament, and adapted to the Gospel dispensation. A new edition. London, 1758. 12 EUGENIO. Eugenio and Epenetus, or conver- sations respecting the evidence in support of infant baptism. Containing an attempt to- wards an impartial statement of the arguments for this practice and against it. [By William INNES.] Edin., 1811. 12 Another copy. EUSTAPHIEVE (M.), Russian consul at Boston. The resources of Russia, in the event of a war with France ; and an examination of the prevailing opinion relative to the political and military conduct of the court of St Peters- burg : with a short description of the Cozaks. 3d ed. Reprinted, London, 1813. 8 EVEQUES. See BISHOPS. EWALD (GEORG HENR. AUG.) A grammar of the Hebrew language of the Old Testament. Translated from the last edition... By John Nicholson, A.B. London, 1836. 8 Die Dichter des Alten Bundes erklart. Ersten Theiles erste und zweite Halfte. [Erste Half te, zweite Aufl. ; zweite Halfte, dritte Aus- gabe.] Gottingen, 1866. 8 The history of Israel to the death of Moses. Translated from the German. Edited, with a preface, by Russell Martineau, A.M. London, 1867. 8 EXAMINATION. The examination of the true narrative, tryed, and found false : by compar- ing the one with the other, and both by rea- son and true matter of fact is palpable and evident. s. L, 1706. 4 EXETER, BISHOP OF. See George LAVINGTON. EXETER, BISHOP OF. See Henry PHILLPOTTS. EXETER, BISHOP OF. See John WOOLTON. F. FEUDAL LAW. F. (M. S.). Hints to promote a life of faith. s. I, [1844]. 8 FABRETTI (ETIENNE), S. J. Abre'ge' de la Crusca, on dictionnaire portatif, Francois et Italien. Lyon, 1757. 8 FAIRBAIRN (PATRICK), D.D., Principal of the Free Church college, Glasgow. Thoughts on College matters, in connection with the Free Church ; and with an especial reference to the hall at Aberdeen. Glasgow, 1854. 12 FAITH. Traite' de la foy humaine [par P. NI- COLE et A. ARNAULD]. Auquel on a joint le jugement equitable sur la grace [par ARNAULD], et... pieces... au sujet du Formulaire. Mons, 1693. 12 FALK (JOHANN). Characteristics of Goethe. From the German of Falk, Von MULLER, &c. With notes, original and translated, illustra- tive of German literature, by Sarah Austin. 3 vol. London, 1833. 8 FAREWELL. Farewell to time, or last views of life, and prospects of immortality. Including devotional exercises, a great variety of which are in the language of Scripture, to be used. by the sick, or by those who minister to them. By the author of " The morning and evening sacrifice ; " [Thomas WRIGHT]. 2d ed. Edin., 1828. 12 FAWCETT (R. M.). The spirit of the Scotch secession. Cambridge, 1844. 8 FEATLY, or FEATLEY (DANIEL), Rector of Ac- ton, and Provost of Chelsea college. PELAGIUS redivivus. 1626 FENELON (FRAN9ois DE SALIGNAC DE LAMOTTE), Archbishop of Cambray. Levensschetsen van de Wijsgeeren der Oudheid, vertaald door C. H. L. Utrecht, 1824. 12 FERGUSON (ADAM), LL.D., Professor of moral philosophy in the university of Edinburgh. The morality of STAGE-PLAYS seriously considered. 1757 FERGUSON (JAMES). The British ESSAYISTS. 1819 FEUDAL LAW. A summary view of the Feu- dal law ; with the differences of the Scots law from it ; together with a dictionary of the se- 910 F1ELD-FKA lect terms of the Scot* and English law, by way of appendix. .,1710. 8 J FIELD (GEORGE). Outlines of analogical philo- sophy : being a primary view of the principles, relations and purposes of nature, science, and art. 2 vol. L.mdon, 1839. 8 FISHING. Memorial shewing the advantages the kingdom of Scotland may have by the un- dertaking and improvement of fishings for ex- port, whether by societies, or singular persons, mostly taken from the pens and mouths of men of the greatest knowledge and experience in fishing and trade. . I., 1700. 4 U FLA.VEL (JOHN), Minister of the Gospel at Dart- mouth in Devon. The whole works of the Rev. Mr J. F. To which is added, an alpha- betical table of the principal matters contained in the whole works. The Latin, Greek, and Hebrew notes and quotations are now first translated in this edition. 6 vol. London, 1799. 8 FLEMING (ALEXANDER), A.M. , Minister of Neil- ston. A full statement of the interesting cause before the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, from the Presbytery of Paisley ; April last. Paisley, 1812. 12 Remarks on an assumed " Statement of facts," put forth by the heritors of Neilston, relative to church accommodation in that parish, and the abandonment of the church as a place of public worship. Glasgow, 1827. 8 FLEMING (JOHN), D.D., F.R.S.E., Professor of natural science, New College, Edinburgh. The institutes of natural science, exhibiting the arrangement followed in the lectures delivered by Dr F. in the New College, Edinburgh. Edin., s. a. 8 FLEMING (ROBERT), Minister of the ScvtchChurch in Lothbury, London. The history of HERE- DITARY-RIGHT. By F. T. [1"H] FLETCHER (WILLIAM), Bridge-of-Teith. The evil and danger of schism : in a letter to the congregations under the inspection of the As- sociate Burgher Synod ; and particularly, to the Associate congregation of Monteith. With a postscript, containing the Synod's defence of the confession of faith, in their Answers to Mr Russel's Reasons of dissent. Stirling, 1800. 8 FLEURY (CLAUDE), Prior of Argenteuil. Dis- cours sur les liberty's de 1'Eglise Gallicane ; [avec 1'Histoire antique de 1'Assemble'e ge'ne- rale du clerge" de France en 1682, par M.-M. TABARAUD]. 1826 FLORENTIUS GREGORIUS (GEORGIUS), i. e. G. F. GREGORIUS. FONTENELLE (Bernard LE BOFYER de). His- toire du renouvellement de 1' Academic des ; sciences en M.DC.XCLX. et les eloges historiques j de tons les academiciens morts depuis ce re- nouvellement ; avec un discours preliminaire sur Futilite" des mathematiques et de la phy- : sique. Amsterdam, 1709. 12 | FONTIDONIUS (PETRFS). Apologia pro sacro j et cecumenico concilio Tridentino adversus j Joannem Fabritium Montanum ad Germanos ; ' [cum Vera historia concilii Tiitk-ntini JUT S. -tti'ii I.), D.D., Presidentelect f 1 1 H college. Discourses on nr> !-TM Antiuo- ii) i.inism, commonly call i-niUm... raciiae, N. Y., 1834. 8 An historical discourse, (U-livoivl ;it V Brookfield, Mass., Nov. 27, 1828, on tin- d;iy of the annual thanksgiving. With Capt. Thomas Wheeler's narrative, now annexed, and additional notices of occurrences in tho town, since the first publication of the dis- course. West Brookfield, 1843. 8 FOOTE (JAMES), A.M., Minuter of the Free East church, Aberdeen. Plea for the extension of theological education in the Free Church of Scotland, and for the immediate appointment of another professor in the divinity hall at Aberdeen... Aberdeen, 1850. 8 FORBES (DCNCAN), of Culloden, Lord President of the Court of Session. Reflexions on the sources of INCREDULITY with regard to reli- gion. 1750 FORMOSUS, Pope. Auxilii de ordinationibus non iterandis tibri duo ; [cum Comment, de sa- cris Eccles. ordinationibus per J. MORJM M' 1695 FORSYTE (J.), Craigend. Remarks on Dr Heugh's Irenicum. 2d ed. Edin., 1845. 12 FOWLER (EDWARD), Bishop of Gloucester. The principles and practices of certain moderate divines of the Church of England, abusively called LATITUDINARIANS (greatly misunder- stood), truly represented and defended. 1(571 FRANCE. Hedendaagsche Historic of tegen- woordige Staat van Frankryk. 2 Deel. Amsterdam, 1756, 57- 8 ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. Histoire de 1'Aca- dumie Royale des sciences, Annee MDCC. [ MDCCXI. J Avec les memoires de mathema- tique et de physique [pour les memes anne'esj. Tirez des registres de cette academic. [12 torn.] Amsterdam, 1706-15. 12 Suite de 1'histoire de 1' Academic Royale des sciences Anne'e MDCCIII. Avec les memoires de mathematique et de physique, pour la memo anne'e. Amsterdam, 170". 12 1 ' Suite des memoires de mathematique et de physique, tirez des registres de 1' Academic Royale des sciences, de I'anne'e M.DCCVI. [ M.DCCX.] [5 torn.] Amsterdam, 1708-13. 12 ACADEMIE ROYALE. Choix des me'moires de 1'Academie Royale des inscriptions et belles- lettres. 3 torn. Londres, 1777. 4 PROTESTANTS. An account of the persecutions and oppressions of the Protestants in France. [Imperfect.] s. I., 1686. 4 FRANCK (AUGUSTUS HERMAXNUS), Professor of dicinity in the university of Halle. A letter concerning the most useful way of preaching ; [with Two discourses, by the Rev. John JEN- NINGS]. 1793 FRASER (GEORGE), Farmer in Rack- Mill in the parish of Dollar. The dove's flight to a thicket, for. her life ; an emblem of sinners APPENDIX.] FRASER-GIB. 911 sheltering themselves under the wings of Christ ; or, the flight of a soul (under a high sensibility of its necessity) flying to Christ's all- sufficiency. Being the subjects of a num- ber of composures collected from that holy volume the sacred Scriptures (and none else) in solitary hours and humbling circumstances. Broomedgehall, Carron, 1786. 12 FRASER (LYDIA), afterwards L. MILLER. FRASER (WILLIAM), Minister of the second Unit- ed Associate congregation, Alloa. Three ser- mons on the extent of the atonement. To which is added, a copious appendix of illustra- tive notes. Edin., 1841. 12 * Eternal life the free gift of Christ. In sin- cerity offered to, and placed within the reach of, every hearer of the Gospel. Strictures on Three sermons on the extent of the atonement, lately published by the Rev. W. F. Alloa, 1841. 12 FREEHOLDER. A letter from a freeholder, to the rest of the freeholders of England, and all others, who have votes in the choice of par- liament-men. [By Samuel JOHNSON.] s. I. et a. 4 FREER (GEORGE), Surgeon, London. Observa- tions on aneurism, and some diseases of the arterial system. Birmingham, 1807. 4 FRONTINUS (SEXTUS JULIUS). De aquteducti- bus urbis Romse ; [ad calc. op. VITRUVII De architectural M.D.L. FROUDE (JAMES ANTHONY), M.A., of Exeter college, Oxford. History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. 4 vol. London, 1863, 66. 8 FROUDE (RICHARD HURRELL), M.A., Fellow of Oriel college, Oxford. Remains of the late Rev. R. H. F. 2 vol. London, 1838. 8 FURST (JULIUS), Ph. D. A Hebrew and Chal- dee lexicon to the Old Testament, with an in- troduction giving a short history of Hebrew lexicography. 3d ed. improved and enlarged, containing a grammatical and analytical ap- pendix. Translated from the German by Samuel Davidson, D.D. Leipzig, 1867. 8 FULLARTON (A. C.). [Letter] to the Rev. Dr Henderson, convener of the Free Church col- lege committee. s. I. , 1859. 4 FULLER (ANDREW), Baptist minister at Ketter- ing. Three conversations on imputation, sub- stitution, and particular redemption. With an appendix, containing extracts from his life, by J. W. Morris, further illustrative of his views. Edin., 1841. 12 FYSH (FREDERICK), M. A. The coming of Christ, A.D. 1947 : or, the prophetic periods of 2520, 2400, 1335, 1290, 1260, 666, 490, 391, and 150 years. Bath, 1839. 8 G. GIB. G. (A. F.), i. e. A. F. GRIFFITHS. GALFRIDUS, G-rammaticus. Promptorium par- vulorum sive clericorum, lexicon Anglo-Lati- num princeps, auctore Fratre Galfrido Gram- matico dicto, e predicatoribus Lenne Episcopi, Northfolciensi, A.D. circa M.CCCC.XL. Olim e prelo Pynsoniano typis mandatum ; iiunc pri- mum, commentariolis subjectis, ad fidem codi- cum recensuit Albertus Way. [Camden So- ciety.] 3 vol. London, 1843-1865. 4 GALLAUDET (THOMAS H.), Principal of the Connecticut Asylum for the education of the deaf and dumb. The life of Joseph. [In Ar- menian.] Smyrna, 1842. 12 GAMALIEL. Gamaliel ; or the Perthshire Free Churchman's faithful address to the ministers of the present Scottish Establishment. Perth, 1847. 8 GARRICK (DAVID). Miss in her teens. 1772 GARTH (Sir SAMUEL), M.D. The poetical works of Sir S. G. [British poets, vol. 16.] ; Edin., 1773. 8 GASPARIN (Le Comte AGENOR-ETIENNE DE). Christianity in the first three centuries : his- torical lectures by Dr MERLE D'AUBIGNE', Dr BUNGENER, Count de G. , and M. VIGNET. 1858 GAY (JOHN). Poems on several occasions [and poems and fables]. 2 vol. [British poets, vol. 29, 30.] Edin., 1773. 8 GAZETTE. -Extracts from the Royal Gazette. Jamaica. From Sept. 30, to Oct. 7, 1826. Kingstoivn, 1826. 4 From July 31, to Aug. 7, 1830. Kingstown, 1830. 4 GEDDES (MICHAEL), D.D., Chancellor of the ca- thedral chiirch of Sarum. Martyrologium Pro- testantium Hispanorum Latine versum ex An- glico ; [cum Dissertt. ad hist, eccles. pertinent. , per J. L. MOSHEIM]. 1733 GEISLER (FRIDR.). Dissertatio...de nominum mutatione et anonymis scriptoribus, quam A. c. 1669. d. 29. April, in publica Lipsiensium ca- thedra defendit, nunc autem auctiorem exhi- buit F. G. Juxta exemplar Lipsiae an. 1671 impressum ; [ad calc. op. Placcii de anonymis et pseudonymis]. [Hamburgi, 1708.] fol. GERMANUS, Patriarch of Constantinople. De cruce Domini nostri Jesu Christi versus; [cum NICETY Colossensis vita]. 1568 GEROK (K.). Theological and homiletical com- mentary on the Acts of the Apostles. From the German of G. V. LECHLEK, D.D., and K. G. 1864 GHENT, BISHOP OF. See Cornelius JANSENICS. GHISLERI (MICHAEL). See Pius V., Pope. GIB (ADAM), Minister of tJie Gospel, Edinburgh. A refuge of lies swept away : in answer to a most false and abusive libel lately published by Thomas Kinnear, insurance-broker, An- drew Beatson, cloth- merchant, and Robert Morton, shoe-maker, late elders in the Asso- ciate congregation at Edinburgh ; intituled [Reasons of protest by (the said three persons), against an Act of the Associate Synod, at Edinburgh, April 9, 1767, exalting the Rev. Oil Mr Adam Gib to a supremacy over the said Synod, and judicatories subordinate thereto, and debarring the said three elders, and a multitude of other persons, members of the said congregation, from communion with the Church, unless they approve of that Act]. .Edin., 1768. 8 GIBRALTAR, BISHOP or. See George TOMLIN- SON. GIBSON (JAMES), D.D., Professor of divinity and Church history in the Free Church college, Glas- gow. The minute of the Free Church college committee in the case of the Glasgow Free Church college, with strictures and relative evidence. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1859. 8 * Letter to the College committee of the Free Church, in reference to the pamphlet of Pro- fessor Gibson : with statements read to the committee, June 28, 1858, and supplementary explanations. By the students reflected on in the pamphlet. Glasgow, 1859. 8 GIBSON (SAMUEL), Minister at Burleigh, in Rut- land. The sacerdotal benediction. A sermon [on 2 Chron. xxx. 27] preach'd at Oundle, at a visitation, April 14. 1619. [With Three short treatises published by Dr George HICKES.] 1709 GILES (JOHN EUSTACE). Popery a system of priestly power : a lecture delivered at a meet- ing of the Scottish association for opposing prevalent errors, in Queen Street Hall, Edin- burgh, March 28th, 1849. Edin., 1849. 8 GILFILLAN (GEORGE), Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Dundee. The debasing and demoralizing influence of slavery, on all and on every thing connected with it. A lec- ture delivered at the request of the Free Church Anti-slavery society. Edin., 1847. 8 GILLANDERS (JOHN), Minister at Fern. Case. J. G., minister of the Gospel at Fern, in the Presbytery of Brechin, defender ; against the Presbytery of Brechin, prosecutors. To be heard at the bar of the Venerable Assembly of the Church of Scotland in May 1791. *. I. eta. 4 GILLIS (JAMES), Roman Catholic Bishop of Edin- burgh. A letter to the moderator of the Gene- ral Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, containing a refutation of certain statements made in the last General Assembly of the same Church, by the Rev. Frederick Monod ; and a few strictures on the Rev. Dr Cunningham's second edition of Stillingfleet's "Doctrines and practices of the Church of Rome." With an appendix. Edin. , 1846. 8 GILPIN (RICHARD), M.D., Minister ofGreystock. Daemonologia sacra; or, a treatise of Satan's temptations. In three parts. Edited, with memoir, by the Rev. Alexander Balloch Gro- sart. Edin., 1867. 8 GISBORNE (THOMAS), M.A., Prebendary of ' Dur- Jiam. Considerations on modern theories of geology, and their consistency or inconsistency with the Scriptures. London, 1837. 8 GLASGOW. A seasonable address to the citi- j ArrENDIX. zens of Glasgow upon the present import-nit question, whether the churches of that city shall eontinuu free, or be enslaved to pat i"ii- age. [By Patrick NISBET.] s. /., ITiiL'. 4 Report for the directors of the Town's h> tal of Glasgow on the management of the city poor, the suppression of mendicity, and the principles of the plan for the new hospital. Glasgow, 1818. 8 Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis Munimen- ta Ecclesue metropolitans Glasguensis a sc-do restaurata seculo ineunte xii. ad reformatam religionem. [Edited for the Bannatyne Club by Cosmo Innes.] 2 vol. Edinburgi, 1843. 4 The expulsion of nine students from the Glas- gow theological seminary ; with the facts and circumstances connected therewith. Address- ed to the members of the Congregational Churches in Scotland, by the expelled stu- dents. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1844. 12 The Glasgow university calendar for the year 1865-S6. Glasgow, 1865. 12 GLASGOW, ARCHBISHOP OF. See Robert LEIGH- TON. GLASGOW AND GALLOWAY, BISHOP OF. See Michael RUSSELL. GLASS (ADAM), Minister at Aberlady. * A let- ter to a gentleman in London, concerning Mr A. G. late minister of the Establish'd Church in Scotland, at the parish of Aberlady, who hath now conformed to the Church of Eng- land ; and receiv'd orders from the Bishop of London. London, 1712. 8 GLASSFORD (JAMES). Letter to the Right Hon. Sir John Newport, Bart., on the subject of the fees payable in the Courts of justice, and the stamp duties on law proceedings. London, 1824. 8 GLOUCESTER, BISHOP or.-See William WAR- BURTON. GOADBY (ROBERT). An illustration of the NEW TESTAMENT, by notes and explications. 1759 GOODWIN (JOHN), Pastor of St Stephen's, Cole- man Street, London. Hangup.* TO xvtvp.otTtx.ov. Or, a being filled with the Spirit. .,1867. 8 GORDON (JOHN), Viscount Kenmuir.The last and heavenly speech and glorious departure of John Viscount Kenmuir. [By Samuel RUTHER- FURD.] " E'lnt., 1703. 12 GORDON (WILLIAM). Popery against Chris- tianity : or, an historical account of the pre- sent state of Rome ; the election of the Pope ; and the proceedings of the Jesuits in China, in England, and other Protestant countries. With an appendix, containing the lives and canonization of the last four saints ; and seve- ral decrees of Popes contradicting one another. By PARTHENOP-EUS HERETICUS. [Pseud.] London, 1719. 8 An account of the superstitious ceremonies and wicked practices of the Church of Rome, in the holy week. By PANTHENOP^EUS HE- RETICUS. [Pseud.] 2d ed. London, 1719. 8 APPENDIX.] GOSHA'MI-GREGORY. 913 GOSHA'MI (BILLA MANGAL). Chrishna Kar- namrita. Calcutta, s. a. 8 GOSPEL. Report to the General Assembly, by the committee for the propagation of the Gos- pel in foreign parts. 183G. [Edin., 1836.] 8 GOSWA'MI (JAI DEB KABIRAJ). Jai-Beda. Serampore, 1251, A.H. 8 GOSWA'MI (KRISHA DA'S KABIRA'J). Gobinda Lilamrita. Calcutta, s. a. 8 GOSWA'MI (Rup). Lalit Madhab. Calcutta, s. a. 8 GOUBEAU DE LA BILLENNERIE (JACQUES- FRANCOIS). Histoire abrege'e des JESUITES. 1820 GOUGE (WILLIAM), D.D., Rector of St Ann's, Blackfriars, London. A commentary on the whole Epistle to the Hebrews. Being the substance of thirty years' Wednesday's lectures at Blackfriars, London. Before which is pre- fixed a narrative of his life and death. 3 vol. [Nichol's series of Commentaries.] Edin., 1866,67. 4 GOURDON ( ). A request to ROMAN CATHO- LICKS. 1687 GILEVIUS (JOHANNES GEORGIUS), Professor of politics, history, and rhetoric, at Utrecht. Syntagma variarum dissertationum rariorum, quas viri doctissimi superiore seculo elucubra- runt. Ex musseo J. G. G. Ultrajecti, 1702. 4 GRAHAM (JOHN), Kilmarnock. Irenicum re- viewed ; a reply to Dr Heugh's ' ' Inquiry into the real amount of the differences alleged to exist in the Synod of the Secession Church, on the atonement, and doctrines connected with it." Edin., 1845. 12 GRAHAME (SIMION). The anatomy of humors, and The passionate sparke of a relenting minde. [Printed for the Bannatyne Club.] Edin., 1830. 4 GRAMMAR. Tartar and Russian grammar [with vocabulary]. Petersburg, 1801. 4 Tartar and Russian grammar. Petersburg, 1814. 4 Another copy. GRANT (Mrs ANN). LETTERS from the moun- tains. 1807 GRANT (Sir FRANCIS), Lord Cullen, one of tJie Senators of the College of Justice. A brief account of the nature, rise, and progress of the societies for reformation of MANNERS. 1700 Reasons in defence of the standing laws about the right of presentation in patronages. [Select anti-patronage library.] Edin., 1842. 8 GRANT (WILLIAM), Lord Prestongrange, one of the Senators of the College of Justice. Remarks on the state of the Church of Scotland with respect to patronages, and with reference to a bill now depending before parliament, [1736]. [Select anti-patronage library.] Edin., 1842. 8 GRAY (ANDREW), Minister of the Gospel in Glas- gow. Great and precious promises, or, some sermons concerning the promises, and the right application thereof : whereunto are add- ed some other concerning the usefulness of faith, in advancing sanctification : as also, three more concerning the faith of assurance. The last impression. Edin., 1678. 12 GRAY (ANDREW), D.D., Minister of Abernethy. A delineation of the parables of our blessed Saviour. To which is prefixed, a dissertation on parables, and allegorical writings in general. 2d ed. Edin., 1814. 8 GRAY (ANDREW), Minister of Free West church, Perth. The College question. Perth, 1850. 8 GRAY (JAMES), Minister of the Associate Synod of Original Seceders, Brechin. The last charge of an ascending Redeemer ; or, the duty of Chris- tians in promoting the spread of the Gospel, explained and enforced. A sermon on Mark, xvi. 15. With an appendix on missionary measures, containing observations and sugges- tions addressed chiefly to Seceders. Edin., 1819. 8 GRAY (JAMES). * Letter to Bailie G., chairman of the meeting of Secession elders of Edin- burgh and vicinity, held in Rose Street church, 6th March 1845. By a dissentient elder. Edin., 1845. 12 GRAY (THOMAS). Poems. [British poets, vol. 42.] Edin., 1773. 8 3 GREENOUGH (GEORGE BELLAS), F.R.S. Ad- dress delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological society of London, on the 21st of February, 1834. " London, 1834. 8 GREENWOOD (THOMAS), M.A., Barrister-at- law, and reader of history in the university of Durham. Introductory lectures on the study of history, delivered before the university of Durham. London, 1835. 8 GREGORIUS XVI. [MAURO CAPPELLARI], Pope. The encyclical letter of our lord Pope Gre- gory XVI. to all the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, and Bishops, issued May 8, 1844. Translated into English by Sir Culling Eard- ley Smith, Bart. With the Latin text, and the authorised Italian translation appended. London, 1844. 8 GREGORY (DAVID), Savilian professor of astro- nomy at Oxford. Astronomise physicae et geo- metricse elementa. Oxoniw, 1702. fol. GREGORY (JAMES), M.D., Professor of the prac- tice of physic in the university of Edinburgh. Memorial to the managers of the Royal Infir- mary. Edin., 1800. 4 Another copy. Additional memorial to the managers of the Royal Infirmary. Edin., 1803. 4 Review of the proceedings of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians in Edinburgh, from 1753 to 1804, both inclusive ; with respect to separat- ing the practice of medicine from the practice of pharmacy, and preventing any of their own Fellows or licentiates residing in Edinburgh, from keeping an apothecary's shop, or prac- tising pharmacy, by himself, his copartners, or his servants. Edin., 1804. 4 J 115 914 Censorian letter to the 1'ivsiiluit :iml of the Royal College of Physicians in Edin- burgh. JO!*, l *<;,. i Another copy. Protest by Dr Gregory [against the admonition with respect to keeping secret the proceedings of the Royal College of Physicians. With relative documents]. [Edin., 180C, 7.] 4 Protest by Dr G., against the resolution of the Royal College of Physicians, and their vote of censure on him, 26th Nov. 1806. [Containing also Letters to Dr Charles Stewart, note to Drs Spens and Hope, and protest by Dr Thomas Brown against the vote of censure.] [Edin., 18^.] 4 * Narrative of the conduct of Dr James Gre- gory, towards the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, drawn up and published by order of the College, in consequence of the various printed papers circulated by him rela- tive to their affairs. /;.///(., 1809. 4 Another copy. Dr Gregory's defence. [Wants title.] 4 GREY (HENRY), D.D. , Minister of Free St Mary's, Edinburgh. Remarks relative to his connec- tion with the letters of Anglicanus : with a reply to Mr Haldane's professed " Exposure of personal misrepresentations, doctrinal here- sies, and important mis-statements, respecting the Bible society." Edin., 1828. 8 Reviews in the case of the Rev. Dr A. THOM- SON, and the Rev. H. G. [1828] GRIFFITHS (A. F.). Bibliotheca Anglo-poeti- ca ; or, a descriptive catalogue of a rare and rich collection of early English poetry : in the possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. Illustrated by occasional extracts and remarks, critical and biographical. [Ad- V-HALDAM: | Arri vertisement signed A. F. G. ondon, 1815. 8 GR( i' rs HOFSTEDE DE), Profe f tl<- - /(/(/ N considered. GURTLERUS (NicoLAUs), Professor <./ at Franeker. Systema theologi:t- prophetic;!-. Editio secunda. Trajecti ad Ehenum, 1724. 4 GUICCIARDINI (FRANCESCO). Hiatoria Papa- tus ; [cum Historia Papatusper J. H. HEIDEO- GERUM]. 1084 GULICHIUS (ABRAHAMUS). ...Theologia pn- phetica de rebus Veteris Testament!. Accedit necessaria prst-fatio, in eaque hermeneutica sacra bipertita, artis prseceptiones de ratione interpretandi, turn S. Scripturam universe, turn speciatim prophetias, summatim expli- cans. Amstd., 1675. 4 GUPTA (DiNA DAYAL). Durgabhaktichinta- mani. Calcutta, s. a. 8 GURNEY (JOSEPH JOHN). Puseyism traced to its root, in a view of the Papal and hierarchi- cal system, as compared with the religion of the New Testament. 3d ed. London, 1845. 8 GUTHRIE (G. J.), F.R.S. On some points con- nected with the anatomy and surgery of ingui- nal and femoral herniae... London, 1833. 4 GUTHRIE (THOMAS), D.D., Minister of Free St John's church, Edinburgh. Manse fund of the Free Church of Scotland. Speech at the great public meeting held in the City Hall, Glas- gow, on the 9th July, 1845. Glasgow, 1845. 8 A plea on behalf of drunkards and against drunkenness. Edin., 1850. 8 H. HALDANE. H. (J.), i. e. J. HORSIHOLD. H. (J.). A defence of the people's right, from Acts, 14. 23. against the cavils of the continua- tor of the Enquiry. Edin., 1733. 8 A short synopsis of the arguments for the peo- ple's right to elect their priests and other spi- ritual judges under the Old Testament. Edin., 1734. 8 A second synopsis ; wherein some of the chief New Testament arguments for the people's right of election are adduced ; and proved to be fully demonstrated. Edin., 1734. 8 A third synopsis ; containing some of the chief arguments for popular election from the sacred Epistles. Edin., 1734. 8 H. (J.), i. e. John HUTCHINSON. H. (T.), i. e. Thomas HOBBES. HABERT (Luoovicus). Compendium theolo- gife. s. L, 1714. 8 HJERETICI, HERETICS. A discourse con- cerning the laws, ecclesiastical and civil, made against hereticks, by Popes, Emperors, and Kings, provincial and general councils, ap- ? roved by the Church of Rome ; shewing . What Protestant subjects may expect to suffer under a Popish prince acting accord- ing to these laws. II. That no oath or pro- mise of such a prince can give them any just security that he will not execute these laws upon them. With a preface against perse- cuting and destroying hereticks. By a cor- dial friend to the Protestant religion now by law established in these realms. Now repub- lished, with an introduction. London, 1723. 8 HALDANE (JAMES ALEXANDER). Journal of a tour through the Northern counties of Scot- land and the Orkney isles, in autumn 1797. Undertaken with a view to promote the know- ledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Edin., 1798. 12 * A letter to J. A. H. , on his sermon upon the late fires, the musical festival, &c. &c. &c. By a layman. Edin., 1825. 8 APPENDIX.] HALDANE HAYUS. 915 HALDANE (ROBERT). Letters to Mr Ewing, respecting the tabernacle at Glasgow, &c. Edin., 1809. 8 Exposure of the Rev. Henry Grey's personal misrepresentations, doctrinal heresies, and im- portant mis-statements, respecting the Bible society, as contained in the Letters of Angli- cauus. [Eight pages supplied in MS.] Edin., 1828. 8 Review of the sixteenth annual report of the Glasgow Auxiliary Bible society. Edin., 1829. 8 Review of the last report of the Glasgow Auxi- liary Bible society, and particularly of the appendix as containing an apology for the Earl Street committee's proceedings regarding Dr Leander van Ess ; with an exposure of the conduct of that committee, in the appointment of Mr Greenfield to be superintendent of trans- lations. Edin., 1830. 8 The duty of paying tribute enforced ; in letters to the Rev. John Brown, occasioned by his resisting the payment of the annuity tax. Edin., 1838. 8 On the purposed desecration of the Sabbath, by the directors of the Edinburgh and Glas- gow railway. Edin., 1842. 12 HALIFAX, LORD.* Letter from Italy to Lord H., in the year 1701. [By Joseph ADDISON.] [London, 1701.] 12 HAMILTON. Correspondence between the Con- gregational Church in Hamilton, under the pastoral care of Mr John Kirk, and the four Congregational Churches in the city of Glas- gow, under the pastoral care of Dr Wardlaw, Messrs Russell, Thomson, and Ingram. Glasgow, [1844]. 12 HAMILTON (ROBERT), M.D. * Letters, &c. to Dr R. H., in refutation of the erroneous and heretical doctrines concerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit being still attainable, the abroga- tion of the moral law and Christian Sabbath, publicly taught and maintained by him, and the whole of his extraordinary system proved to be absurd and unscriptural. By an advo- cate for truth. Edin., 1830. 8 HAMILTON (ROBERT), M.D. The natural his- tory of the amphibious Carnivora, including the walrus and seals, also of the herbivorous Cetacea, &c. Illustrated by thirty- three plates, with memoir ... of Peron. [Nat. Lib. , vol. xxiii.] Edin., 1839. 8 The natural history of British fishes. Vol. i. Illustrated by ,thirty-six coloured plates, with ...memoir of Rondelet. [Ibid., vol. xxxvii.] Edin., 1843. 8 d HAMILTON (WILLIAM), D. D. , Minister of Strath- blane. * A defence of the students of pro- phecy, in answer to the attack of the Rev. Dr H. London, 1828. 8 HANSENIUS (PETRTJS), Professor of theology at Copenhagen. De vera vi et ratione decreti Hierosolymitani Act. Apost. cap. xv. dispu- tatio. Hal(R, 1794. 8 HARDMAN (EDWARD), Curate of Westport. The Church, an address to the Roman Ca- tholic inhabitants of the parish of Westport. Dublin, 1827. 12 HARDOUIN DE BEAUMONT DE PE'RE'- FIXE, ArchbisJiop of Paris. Histoire du Roy Henry le Grand. Amsterdam, 1664. 12 HARDY (NATHANIEL), D.D. , Archdeacon of Lewes and Dean of Rochester. The First general Epistle of St John the Apostle, unfolded and applied. [Nichol's series of Commentaries.] Edin., 1865. 4 HARDY (THOMAS), D.D., Professor of divinity in the university of Edinburgh. The PATRIOT. Addressed to the people, on the present state of affairs in Britain and in France. 1793 HARKNESS (WALTER), M.D. Memorial for Dr W. H. [and others] against Colin Lauder. [Edin., 1802.] 4 Memorial for Dr W. H. [and others] against Mr Thomas Hay. [Edin., 1802.] 4 HARPER (W.) A treatise of INFALLIBILITY. 1752 HARRIS (GEOROE). A letter to the Rev. Gavin Struthers, on his refusal to meet Mr H. at a funeral ; with additional remarks, addressed to the inhabitants of Glasgow. To which is added, the proceedings of the town council of Edinburgh, on the election of a Unitarian Christian as a member of that body. Glasgow, 1830. 12 HARRIS (WILLIAM), D.D. Remarks on the his- tory of the TEST. 1733 Some remarks upon the Plea for the sacra- mental TEST. 1736 Brief remarks upon The dispute adjusted, about the proper time for applying for a re- peal of the Corporation and TEST acts. 1736 The case of the Corporation and TEST acts considered. 1736 HARTLEY (DAVID), M. A. Theory of the hu- man mind, on the principle of the association of ideas ; with essays relating to the subject of it. By Joseph PRIESTLEY, LL.D. London, 1775. 8 Another copy. HARVARD. Fortieth annual report of the Pre- sident of Harvard College to the overseers, ex- hibiting the state of the institution for the aca- demical year 1864-65. Cambridge, 1866. 8 HARVEY (ALEXANDER), Minister of the Belief Church, Glasgow. Report of the public dis- cussion on Church extension and endowment, between the Rev. A. H., and David MAIT- LAND MAKGILL, at Anstruther, Fifeshire, on the evenings of the 2d and 3d of October, 1838. Edin., 1838. 8 HASSIA (HENRICUS DE). Tractatus; [cum Opp. J. GERSONII]. 1706 HAY (THOMAS), M.D. Memorial for T. H. ; against James Bryce, and others. [Edin., 1802.] 4 HAYES (CHARLES). A critical examination of the holy Gospels according to St MATTHEW, and St LUKE. 1738 HAYUS (JOANNES), Dalgattiensis. De rebus Ja- ponicis, Indicis et Peruanis epistolae recen- tiores. Autvoyrite, 1605. 8 916 BEARNE- HITCHCOCK. [AlTKM'l\. HF.ARXE (THOMAS). * The lives of those emi- nent antiquaries John LELAND, T. H. and Anthony a WOOD. 177-' HEARTS. English hearts and English hands ; or, the railway and the trenches. By the au- thor of the Memoirs of Captain Hedley Vicars ; [Caroline MARSH]. Eighth thousand. London, 1858. 8 HENDERSON (ALEXANDER), one of the ministers of Edinburgh. Sermons, prayers, and jMilpit addresses. Edited from the original IMS. l>\ the Rev. R. Thomson Martin. Edin., [18671. 8 HENGSTENBERG (ERNEST WJLHELM), D.D., Professor of theology at Berlin. Commentary on the Gospel of St John. Translated from the German. 2 vol. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1865. 8 HENRICUS, Ariminensu. Tractatusde quatuor virtu tibus cardialibus editus et expositus ad Cities Venetos per frem Henricu Ariminensem. [Argentorati, M.CCCC.LXXII.] fol. [The above work is printed in Gothic charac- ters, without signatures and pagination. It contains 147 foil., and is preceded by an al- phabetical table of 10 foil. , by Thomas Dor- niberg, completed by him in the year 1472.] HENRIETTA MARIA, Queen to Charles I.* A great discovery of the Queen's preparation in Holland, to assist the King in England. [Re- prints of rare tracts, &c. by M. A. Richardson. ] Newcastle, 1843. 8 HENRYSON (ROBERT). The moral fables of R. H. Reprinted from the edition of Andrew Hart. [Edited for the Maitland Club by David Irving, LL. D.] iVi'it., 1832. 4 HERALD. The missionary herald. Vol. xviii.- xxix. Boston, 1822-43. 8 The Scottish Christian Herald. [First and second series.] 6vol. Edin., 1836-41. 8 HEREDITARY-RIGHT. Queries to the new Hereditary-right-men. [Wants title.] 4 HEREFORD, BISHOP of. See Richard de S WIN- FIELD. HEREFORD (C.). The history of SPAIN. 1793 HERMAS, Saint. The pastor of Hennas. [Ante- Nicene Christ. Lib., vol. i.] din.,1867. 8 HERMINJARD (A.-L.). Correspondance des Reformateurs dans les pays de langue Fran- ?aise recueillie et publiee avec d'autres lettres relatives a la Reforme et des notes historiques et biographiques. Prospectus et specimen. 'f, s. a. 8 HERNE (THOMAS). An account of all the con- siderable books and pamphlets that have been wrote on either side in the controversy con- cerning the TRINITY, since the year 1712. 1720 HERODOTUS. ' laro^iav VPOTV. [With MS. notes by John Mackintosh.] Glasgow, s. a. 12 HERRIES, LORD. Historical memoirs of the reign of Mary Queen of Scots, and a portion of the reign of King James the Sixth. [Edited for the Abbotsford Club by Robert Pitcairn.] Edin. , 1836. 4 HESEBON, BISHOP OF. See J.-F.-O. LT-QCET. HETJIi:i:iN<;TON (WIU.IAM MAXWELL), D.D., LL.D., Professor of divin it /'/ Cliun-h culli'tje, Glasgow. The history of Home. \\ nli an account of the statistics of Rome. From the Encyclopaedia Britannica. IM., 1839. 12 The apologetics of the Christian faith. With an introductory notice by Alexander Duff, D.D. Edin., 1867. 8 HEUGH (HUGH), D.D., Minister of tl* United Presbyterian Church, Glasgow. Irenicum : an inquiry into the real amount of the differences alleged to exist in the Synod of the Secession Church, on the atonement, and doctrines con- nected with it. Glasgow, 1845. 12 * Our harmony, our tendencies, and what ought the Synod of the Secession Church to do at its approaching meeting ? A letter to the Rev. H. H. By a member of the Synod. Edin., 1845. 12 HIERAPOLIS, BISHOP or. See PAPIAS. HIGHWAYS. Report from the select commit- tee on the highways of the kingdom : together with the minutes of evidence taken before them. A',/;,,., 1819. 8 HILDEBRANDUS (JOACHIM). Oratio de funda- tione academi* Julise ; [cum Historia originis ac progressus scholarum inter Christianos, per G. G. KEUFFEL]. 1743 HILL (GEORGE), D.D., Principal of St Mary's college, St Andrews. The confederacy against Britain : a sermon [on Isaiah, viii. 12, 13, 14] preached at St Andrews, Thursday, Feb. 18, 1808, being the day appointed for a general fast. Edin., 1808. 8 HILL (Sir JOHN), M.D. A review of the works of the Royal Society of London ; containing animadversions on such of the papers as de- serve particular observation. In eight parts ; under the several heads of arts, antiquities, medicine, miracles, zoophytes, animals, vege- tables, minerals. 2d ed. London, 1780. 4 HINDMARSH (ROBERT), Minister of the New Jemsalem temple, Salford. A reply to the third critique, in the Intellectual repository, No. ix. and the fourth, in No. x. new series, upon the answer to certain allegations, &c. respecting the " Trial of the spirits," and the vindication of the writings of .Emamiel Swe- denborg. ,tderland, 1826. 8 HIPPO, BISHOP OF. See Aurelius AUGUSTI- HIPPOLYTUS, Saint. The refutation of all heresies : translated by the Rev. J. H. Macma- hon, M. A. With fragments from his comment- aries on various Books of Scripture : translated by the Rev. S. D. F. Salmond. [Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., vol. vi.] Edin., 1868. 8 HISTORY. An universal history from the ear- liest account of time to the present. [With a volume of additions.] 8 vol. London, 1740-1750. fol. The modern part of the universal history. 16 vol. London, 1759-1765. fol. HITCHCOCK (EDWARD), D.D., Professor of che- mistry and natural history in Amherst collegi'. The inseparable trio. A sermon [on Ps. APPENDIX. ] HODGE IMRIE. 917 xxxii. 12, Is. v. 13, John, viii. 36] delivered before... the legislature of Massachusetts, at the annual election, Wednesday, Jan. 2d, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8 HODGE (CHARLES), D.D., Professor in the theo- logical seminary, Princeton, New Jersey. Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. New edition, revised, and in great measure rewritten. Edin., 1864. 8 HOG (JAMES), Minister at Carnock. The cove- nants of REDEMPTION and grace displayed. 1707 The controversie concerning the MARROW of modern divinity. Considered. 1721-22 HOME (HENRY), Lord _K"ames. Essays on the principles of MORALITY and natural religion. 1751 HOMERUS. The Iliad, translated from the Greek by Alexander Pope. 3 vol. [British poets, vol. 23-25.] Edin., 1773. 8 The Odyssey, translated from the Greek by Alexander Pope. 3 vol. [British poets, vol. 26-28.] Edin., 1773. 8 HONEST DUG. The ignoble interruption of the liberal and tranquil pursuits of Honest Dug : to which is added, a most true and mi- raculous conversion of Mr Andrew Calvin : By Honest Dug. Edin., 1806. 8 HOOK (WALTER FARQUHAR), D.D., Vicar of Leeds. The three Reformations: Lutheran, Roman, Anglican. 2d ed. London, 1847. 8 HOOPER (JOHN), Rector of Albury, Surrey. The advent ; or, the revelation, appearing, and coming of the Lord. London, 1848. 12 HOPKINS (WILLIAM), Vicar of Bolney, Sussex. The trinitarian controversy reviewed : or, a defence of the Appeal to the common sense of all Christian people, &c. Wherein every particular advanced by the Rev. Dr M'DoN- NELL in his Sincere Christian's answer to the Appeal, is distinctly considered. By the au- thor of the Appeal. 1760 HORNER (LEONARD). Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological society of London, on the 20th of February, 1846. London, 1846. 8 HOSPINIANUS (RODOLPHUS), Minister at Zu- rich. Opera omnia in septem tomos distri- buta, quorum lus De templis, II. De festis, III. et IV. Historise sacramentarise pars prior et posterior, V. Concordia discors, VI. De monachis, VII. Historia jesuitica. Editio nova : et prsefixa est ejusdem vita, per J. H. Heideggerum. [3 vol.] Genevce, 1678, 81. fol. HOWE (CHARLES). Devout MEDITATIONS. 1751 HOWE (JOHN), M.A. The whole works of the Rev. J. H. [Edited by John Hunt.] 8 vol. London, 1810-22. 8 HOWEL (LAWRENCE), A.M. Synopsis canonuni SS. Apostolorum, et conciliorum oecumenico- rum et provincialium, ab Ecclesia Graeca re- ceptorum ; nee non conciliorum, decretorum, et legum Ecclesise Britannicse et Anglo- Saxo- nicse. Una cum constitutionibus tarn provin- cialibus (sc. a Stephano Langton ad Henricum Chichleium) quam legatinis, &c. in compen- dium redactis... Londini, 1708. fol. HUGHES (WILLIAM), Eector of Hinton. The man of sin : or a discourse of POPERY. 1677 HUGONOTS. The Protestant Reformation in France ; or, history of the Hugonots. By the author of "Father Darcy," &c. [Anne MARSH]. 2 vol. London, 1847. 8 HUIE (JAMES A.). The mutual connection of Christ and his people : a sermon [on John, x. 27, 28] preached in the West chapel, Wooler, on Sabbath 8th April 1855. On occasion of the death of William Jobson, Esq., formerly of Chillingham, Newtown. Wooler, s. a. 12 HUME (ALEXANDER), Minister of Locjie. Hymns and sacred songs. Reprinted from the edition of Waldegrave, 1599. [Printed for the Ban- natyne Club.] Edin., 1832. 4 [The above contains also "Ane afold admoni- tioun to the ministerie of Scotland. " Printed from a manuscript in the Advocates' Librarv.] HUNTER (AGNES). Summons, Miss A. H. against the Presbytery of Edinburgh, and others. Edin., 1844. 4 * Defences for the Rev. the Presbytery of Edinburgh [and others] to the summons at the instance of Miss A. H. Edin. , [1844]. 4 Revised condescendence for Miss A. H. , pur- suer, and revised answers thereto for the Rev. the Presbytery of Edinburgh [and others], de- fenders. " [Edin., 1845. J 4 - Reclaiming note for Miss A. H. , in the action of declarator at her instance against the Rev. the Presbytery of Edinburgh [and others]. [Edin., 1846. J 4 IBN ABD-EL-HAKEM IMRIE. IBN ABD-EL-HAKEM. History of the con- quest of Spain. Translated from the Arabic ; with critical and exegetical notes, and a his- torical introduction. By John Harris Jones. Gcettingen, 1858. 8 ICONIUM, BISHOP OF. See AMPHILOCHIUS. IGNATIUS, Saint, Archbishop of Antioch.The Epistles of Ignatius, (shorter and longer). And the Epistles of Ignatius after the Syriac version. [Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., vol. i.] Edin., 1867. 8 The spurious epistles of Ignatius. [Ibid., vol. i.] Edin., 1867. 8 *The martyrdom of Ignatius. [Ibid., vol. i.l Edin., 1867. 8 Q ILLENGE, UNO FUNCK. Plane und Journale von denen Belagerungen...in Flandern. Strasburg, 1750. 4 IMRIE (ROBERT), Kinkell.* Statements in the cause of the Rev. R. I. Prepared by a com- mittee of the General Associate Synod. Edin., 1809. 8 918 INDEX EXPURCAToRirS JEKM] | An i INDEX EXPURGATORIUS. Instruction pas- torale de Monseigneur 1'Eveque de Lujon sur 1'Iiidux des livres prohibits. Paris, 1862. 8 INDIA. The urgent claims of India for more Christian missions. By a layman in India. 2d ed. London, 1853. 8 INDULGENCE. A peace-offering in an apology and humble plea for indulgence and liberty of conscience. By sundry Protestants differing in some things from the present Establishment about the worship of God. [By John OWEN.] London, 1667. 4' Indulgence and toleration considered : in a letter unto a person of honour. [By John OWEN.] London, 1667. 4 INGLIS (JOHN), D.D., one of the ministers of Old Greyfriars church, Edinburgh. An exr.mina- tion of Mr Dugald STEWART'S pamphlet rela- tive to the late election of a mathematical pro- fessor in the university of Edinburgh. 1806 INNES (ALEXANDER TAYLOR), M.A. The law of creeds in Scotland. A treatise on the legal relation of Churches in Scotland established and not established, to their doctrinal confes- j sions. Edin., 1867. 8 INNES (WILLIAM), Baptist minister in Edinbu njh . Reasons for separating from the Church of Scotland, in a series of letters, chiefly address- ed to his Christian friends in that establish- ment. Dundee, 1804. 12 INSTRUCTOR. The Edinburgh Christian In- structor for Feb. and March, 1817. y;. 1 >:;L'. With the Right Hon. E. G. Stan- It-v's letter to the Duke of Li-inst- i . London, 1832. 12 SYNODS. A narrative of the proceedings of seven general Synods of the Northern Presby- terians in Ireland, with relation to their ilif- friviifuB in judgment and practice, from the year 1720 to the year 1720, in which tiny issu'd in a synodical breach : containing the occasion, rise, true state, and progress of the differences ; expedients for peace, offer'd by the non-subscrioers, and many other ori- ginal papers ; synodical debates, overtures, and decisions ; the conduct of the parties, since the breach ; with general observations upon the whole ; and an appendix, in answer to a late pamphlet, entituled, A seasonable warning, offer'd by some subscribing ministers in the North, to their congregations, &c. By the ministers of the Presbytery of Antrim,- in the North of Ireland. Belfast, 1727. 8 IRENJEUS, Saint, Bishop of Lyons. The writ- ings of Irenseus. Translated by Rev. Alex- ander Roberts, D.D., and Rev. W. H. Ram- baut, A.B. Vol. i. [Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., vol. v.] Edin., 1868. 8 IRVING (EDWARD), M.A., Minister of the Scots National Church, London. The collected writ- ings of E. I. Edited by his nephew the Rev. G. Carlyle, M.A. 5 vol. London, 1864. 8 ISIDORUS HISPALENSIS, Saint, Bishop of Seville. Origanum libri viginti ex antiquitate eruti. Et Martiani CAPELL^E de nuptijs philologist et Mercurij libri nouem. Vterque, pneter Ful- gentium et veteres grammaticos, varijs lectio- nibus et scholijs illustratus opera atq ; indus- tria Bonaventurse Vulcanii Brvgensis. Basilece, per Petmm Pernam, s. a. fol. JACKSON JERMENT. JACKSON (JOHN), Rector of Rossington. A plea for hnmane reason, shewing the sufficiency of it in matters of religion in a letter to [Edmund GIBSON] the Bishop of London. 1730 A defence of the plea for human reason, being a reply to a book, entitled, A plea for divine revelation. In a letter to [E. GIBSON] the Bishop of London. 1731 JAMES VI. King of Scotland. See JAMES I. King of Great Britain. JAMES I. King of Great Britain. The Kings Maiesties speech, as it was deliuered by him in the vpper house of the Parliament, to the Lords Spirituall and Temporal!, and to the Knights, citizens and burgesses there assem- bled, on Munday the 19. day of March 1603. Being the first day of this present Parliament, and the first Parliament of his Maiesties raigne. London, 1604. 4 His Maiesties speech to both the Houses of Parliament, in his Highnesse great chamber at Whitehall, the day of the adiournement of the last session, which was the last day of March 1607. London, s. a. 4 r Original letters relating to the ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland, chiefly written by, or ad- dressed to His Majesty King James the .Sixth after his accession to the English throne. M.DC.III.-M.DC.XXV. [Collected and edited for the Bannatyne Club by David Laing. ] 2 vol. Edin., 1850. 4 JAMES (JOHN). * A narrative of the apprehend- ing, commitment, arraignment, condemnation, and execution of J. J. who suffered at Ti- burne, Novemb. the 26th 1661. With several occasional passages and speeches, faithfully collected from such as were eye and ear wit- nesses. Also, an account of the death of several persons since the execution of J. J. known to be active and diligent in that matter. London, 1662. 4 JEANES (HENRY), Minister of God's word in C'hedzoy. Vindication of D. Twisse from the exceptions of Mr John Goodwin, in his Re- demption redeemed ; [with the Riches of God's love, by William TWISSE]. 1653 JERMENT (GEORGE), Dissenting minister, Bov;- Lanc, London. Early piety, illustrated and APPENDIX.] JERUSALEM LAING. 919 recommended, in several discourses. London, 1793. 8 JERUSALEM, BISHOP OF. See CYRILLUS. JONES (JOHN), LL.D., Pastor of a Socinian con- gregation at Halifax. * Remarks on "BEN DAVID'S" [Pseud.] Letters to the editor of the Quarterly review. Durham, 1825. 8 JOBERT (Louis). The knowledge of MEDALS. 1715 JOCELIN OF BRAKELOND. See Jocelinus de T3RAKELONDA. JOHNSTON (GEORGE), M.D. A descriptive catalogue of the recent Zoophytes found on the coast of North Durham. Read at a meet- ing of the Natural history society of Newcastle upon Tyne, April 16, 1832, and published in their transactions. Newcastle, 1832. 4 JOHNSTON (JOHN), A.M. , Minister of Old Monk- land. A word on the Church question; being an address to his parishioners. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1843. 8 JOHNSTON (ROBERT), Free Church missionary at Madras. The conversion of the Jews ; and its bearing on the conversion of the Gentiles. With a preface, [by John Braidwood]. Edin., 1853. 12 JONGH (JOANNES DE). Disputatio ethica dicseo- logica-problematica . . . quam . . . sub prsesidio . . . D. Berckringeri...publice defendere conabitur J. de J. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1646. 4 JUAN (JORGE). See Jorge Juan de ULLOA. JUAN JOSAFAT BEN-EZRA, pseud., i. e. Ema- nuel LACUNZA. , JUDAS (AuG.-CEL.). Essai sur la langue Phe- nicienne avec deux inscriptions Puniques ine- dites. Paris, 1842. 8 JUKES (JOSEPH BEETE), M.A., F.R.S. Annual address delivered before the Geological society of Dublin, February 8, 1854. s. I, [1854], 8 JUSTINUS, surnamed the philosopher and martyr. The writings of Justin Martyr and ATHENA- GORAS. Translated by Rev. Marcus Dods, A.M., Rev. George Reith, A.M., and Rev. B. P. Pratten. [Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., vol. ii.] Edin., 1867. 8 KAHLER KURTZ. KAHLER (H.). Praktische Anleitung zum Englischschreiben, mit besonderer Rticksicht auf Befestigung in der Grammatik... Zurich, 1830. 8 KALTDASA. A tale from the Sakuntala of Ka- lidasa. By Eshwar Chandra Vidyasagar. Calcutta, 1854. 8 KALISCH (M. M.), Ph. D., M.A. A historical and critical commentary on the Old Testa- ment, with a new translation. Leviticus, chap. i.-x. See BIBLES ENGLISH. C. 1867 KALLO'S (LA.TOS). 186?dik iskolai e'vi Ertesit- veny a Reformatusok Debreczeni Foiskolaja- r<51. SzerkeszteTt Kallos Lajos akademiai es Kovacs Janos gymnasiasumi ez idei igazgato tanarok. Debreczen, 1867. 4 KEIL (KARL FRIEDRICH), D.D., Professorofexe- getical theology and the Oriental languages in the university of Dor pat. Biblical commentary on the Books of Samuel. By C. F. K., and F. DELITZSCH, D.D. Translated from the German by the Rev. James Martin. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin. , 1866. 8 KENNAWAY(C. E.), Vicar of Campden. "The way of God in the sanctuary. " A sermon [on Ps. Ixxvii. 13] preached at the consecration of the new church of St Michael's, Broadway. Cheltenham, 1840. 8 KENNEDY (GRACE). PROFESSION is not prin- ciple. 1823 KETTLE WELL (JOHN), B.D., Vicar of Coles- Hill, Warwickshire. Christianity a doctrine of the cross : or, PASSIVE OBEDIENCE, under any pretended invasion of legal rights and liberties. 1691 KILMORE, BISHOP OF. See William BEDELL. KINCADIUS (THOMAS). Selecta poemata Ar- chibaldi PITCARNII, Gulielmi Scot, T. K. et aliorum. 1727 KIRCHBERGER VON LIEBISTORF (Baron). Selections from the recently published cor- respondence between Louis Claude de SAINTK MARTIN, and Kirchberger, Baron de Liebis- torf. 1863 KIRKOLM. Proof for the objectors and pre- sentee in the Kirkolm case of disputed settle- ment, with extracts from the proceedings. Stranraer, 1844. 8 KORTHOLT (CHRISTIANUS), Professor of divinity at Kiel. Parentatio Lipsiensis et variorum in J. A. Fabricium epicedia ; [ad calc. Comment. H. S. REIMARI de vita et scriptis J. A. Fa- bricii]. 1737 KOUTUK TARANGINL Koutuk Tarangini. [Wants title.] 8 KRISHMA (DAS). Narad Shangbad. Calcutta, 1271 A.H. 8 KURTZ (J. H.), D. D., Professor of theology at Dorpat. Sacrificial worship of the Old Testament. Translated by James Martin, B. A. [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] Edin., 1863. 8 L. LAING. L. (H.), i. e. H. LAWRENCE. LA FONTAINE (JACQUES DE), S. J. dementis Papje XI. Constitutio UNIGENITUS theologice propugnata. 1720-25 LAING (ALEXANDER GORDON). * Memoir of Major A. G. L. , by the Rev. Thomas Nelson ; [with Memoir of the late Dr Walter OUDNEY]. 1830 930 I . \ K E LLANDAFF. [ Ai-ri LAKE (ARTHUR), D.D., Bishop of JMh and }\'le compiled from Vossius ... and other etymologists. //><, 17*:. LESLIE (CuAiu.Ks), Chancellor of the diocese of Connor. The case truly stated : win-rein the Case restated is fully considered. By a iiu-m- ber of the Church of England ; [PHILALETM K> . [Psend.] London, 1714 LESSEY (THEOPHILUS). Four sermons on the priesthood of Christ. 2d ed. London. 1834. 12 I.KVKSQUE DE POUILLY (Louis-JEAN). The theory of agreeable SENSATIONS. 1749 LEVINS (PETER). Manipulus vocabulorum. A dictionary of English and Latin words, ar- ranged in the alphabetical order of the last syllables. First printed A.D. 1570; now re- edited, [for the Camden Society] with a pre- face and alphabetical index, lay Henry B. Wheatley. London, 1867. 4 LEY (JULIUS). Die metrischen Formen der He- braischen Poesie systematisch dargelegt von Dr J. L. Leipzig, 1866. 8 LEYDEKKER (JACOBUS). Eere van de nation- ale Synode van Dordregt, in den Jare 1618 en 1619. Voorgestaan en bevestigd Tegen de be- schuldingen van G. Brand, in syn Historic der Reformatie. Met aanmerkingen op zyn sydig verhaal, ontrent de Remonstrantse voorvallen, voor, onder, als na het houden van die Synode. Eerste Deel. Amsterdam, 1705. 4 LEYSERUS, or LYSERUS (POLYCAKPUS). Har- monise evangelicse, seu vitae Jesu Christi se- cundum quatuor Evangelistas paraphrasi ex- positse, libri tres priores, continentes histo- riam pueritiae et acta primi et secundi anni ministerii ipsius. I'mncofurti, 1616. 4 LIBRARY. Ante-Nicene Christian library. See PATRES. LICHFIELD AND COVENTRY, BISHOP OF. See John HOUGH. LICHFIELD AND COVENTRY, BISHOP OF. See Richard HURD. LICHFIELD AND COVENTRY, BISHOP OF. See Henry RYDER. LIDDON (HENRY PARRY), M.A., Prebendary of Xnliiibury. The divinity of our Lord and Sa- viour Jesus Christ ; eight lectures preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1866, on the foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. London, Oxford, and Cambridge, 1867. 8 LIFE. Physical theory of another life. [By Isaac TAYLOR.] London, 1836. 8 Another edition. London, 1839. 8 Another copy. LINCOLN, BISHOP or. See G. P. TOMLIXE. LINCOLN, BISHOP OF. See William WAKE. LITERATURE. Transactions of the Royal So- ciety of literature of the united kingdom. Vol. i., ii. part 1, iii. part 1. London, 1827-37. 4 LITURGY. A discourse concerning liturgies and their imposition. [By John OWEN.] s. I., 1662. 4 LLANDAFF, BISHOP OF. See Alfred OLLIVAXT. APPENDIX.] LLOYD MAIT LAND CLUB. 921 LLOYD (WILLIAM), D.D., Bishop of St Asaph, and afterwards of Worcester. The difference between the CHURCH and Court OF ROME, con- sidered. 1674 PAPISTS no Catholicks : and Popery no Chris- tianity. 1679 LOCHIEL. " Lochiel's warning." (From the Witness of the 3d June 1843.) [By Hugh MILLER.] .Edin., 1843. 12 LONDON. KING'S COLLEGE. The calendar of King's college, London, for 1846. London, 1846. 12 LINNEAN SOCIETY. Transactions of the Lin- nean Society of London. Vol. x., xii., xiii. part 1, xv. part 2, xvi.-xviii. London, 1811^4. 4 UNIVERSITY. The deed of settlement of the university of London. London, 1826. 8 Statement by the council of the university of London, explanatory of the nature and objects of the institution. London, 1827. 8 Second statement by the council of the univer- sity of London, explanatory of the plan of instruction. London, 1828. 8 Statements respecting the university of Lon- don, prepared, at the desire of the council, by nine of the professors. London, 1830. 8' The London university calendar for the year MDCCCXXXI. London, [1831]. 12 1844 [-1852]. London, 1844-52. 12 1884. London, 1864. 12 The University college, London, calendar for the session MDCCCLIII.-IV. [-MDCCULVII.-VIII]. London, [1853-57]. 8 LONDON, BISHOP OF. See Beilby PORTEUS. LONG (ROGER), D.D., Master of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. Astronomy, in five books. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1742, 44. 4 LORD'S SUPPER. Warumb die Calviniste mit D. Luthers Auszlegung, im Articul vom H. Abendmahl, nicht ubereinstimmen Konten... Warmunde, 1614. 4 LOTHROP (MARY). * Mary Lothrop. [In Ar- menian.] Smyrna, 1841. 12 LUTHER (MARTIN). CATECHISM. [In Arme- nian.] Smyrna, 1845. 12 LYSERUS (POLYCARPUS). See P. LEYSERUS. M. MAITLAND CLUB. M. (T.), i. e. Clement WALKER. MACGOWAN (JOHN). PRIESTCRAFT defended. 1679 MACGREGOR (JAMES), Minister of the Free High church, Paisley. The Sabbath question, historical, scriptural, and practical. Edin., 1866. 8 MACMILLAN (SAMUEL), Senior minister of the Relief church, St Paul Street, Aberdeen. Twenty arguments against the doctrine of uni- versal atonement, as preached and published by Dr Wardlaw, and others. Fourth thou- sand. Edin., 1845. 12 MACPHERSON (JAMES). A short history of the opposition during the last session of PAR- LIAMENT. 1779 MADOX (ISAAC), D.D., Bishop of Worcester. A vindication of the government, doctrine, and worship of the Church of England, estab- lished in the reign of Queen Elizabeth : against the injurious reflections of Mr (Daniel) NEAL. 1740 MAGAZINE. The Protestant dissenters maga- zine... Published with the assistance of several dissenting ministers of the three denomina- tions. Vol. i.-vi. London, 1794-99. 8 MAHA'TMA' (KABI KARNAPUR). Chaitanya Chandroday Natak. Calcutta, s. a. 8 MAIR (THOMAS), Orwell The case laid open : or an essay, to satisfy those who desire infor- mation anent the strange breach between the Associate Synod and Mr M. With a preface, shewing the occasion of this publication, and directing the reader unto the use thereof, for his information. Edin., 1764. 16 MAITLAND (Sir RICHARD), of Lethington, Knight. The history of the House of Seytoun to the year M.D.LIX. With the continua- tion, by Alexander Viscount Kingston, to M.DC.LXXXVII. [Edited for the Maitland Club by John Fullarton.] Glasgow, 1829. 4 a The poems of Sir R. M. With an appendix of selections from the poems of Sir John Mait- land Lord Thirlestane, and of Thomas Mait- land. [Edited for the Maitland Club by Jo- seph Bain.] Glasgow, 1830. 4 The genealogy of the House and Surname of Setoun. With the Chronicle of the toune of Setoun, compiled in metre by John Kaming- ton, alias Peter Manye, &c. &c. Edin., 1830. 4 MAITLAND CLUB. The history of the House of Seytoun. By Sir Richard MAITLAND. 1829 The diary of Mr John LAMONT of Newton. 1830 The poems of Sir Richard MAITLAND. 1830 Register of MINISTERS, exhortera and readers. 1830 Descriptions of the Sheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew, compiled about M.DCC.X. by William HAMILTON of Wishaw. 1831 The poems of William DRUMMOND of Haw- thornden. 1832 The moral fables of Robert HENRYSON. 1832 Miscellany of the Maitland Club, consisting of original papers and other documents illustra- tive of the history and literature of Scotland. [Edited by Alexander Macdonald, James Den- nistoun, and Joseph Robertson.] 7 parts. Vol. i.-iv. part i. Edin. and Glasgow, 1833-1847. 4 Collections upon the lives of the Reformers and most eminent ministers of the Church of Scotland. By the Rev. Robert WODROW. 1834, 48 116 M.MTLAND MAKCSILL CRK IIT^N M \VKi: [APPI Reporta on the state of certain PAKISJM.- in Scotland. 1835 Certane tract atis for reformatioun of doctr\ IK and maneris in Scotland. By Niniane \\ i N - The life and death of King JAMES the First of Scotland. 1*:'.? Selections from unpublished manuscripts illus- trating the reign of MARY Queen of Scotland. 1837 Ancient Scottish melodies, with an introduc- tory enquiry illustrative of the history of the music of Scotland. By William DAUNEY. 1838 Analecta : or, materials for a history of re- markable providences ; mostly relating to Scotch ministers and Christians. By the Rev. Robert WODROW. 1842 Notices from the local records of DYSART. 1853 Breuiarium Aberdonense. [See ABERDEEN.] 1854 MAITLAND MAKGILL CRICHTON (DAVID), of Rankeillour. Report of the public discus- sion between the Rev. A. HAHVEY and D. M. M. 1838 MAJOR (JOANNES). Tractatus ; [cum Opp. J. GERSONII]. 1706 MALAYS. Traditions (chiefly fabulous) current among educated Malays, of their origin and earliest proceedings as a people. [In Malayan. ] . I. et a. 8^ MANLEY (Mrs DE LA RIVIERE). Secret ME- MOIRS and manners of several persons of qua- lity of both sexes. 1709 MANT (RICHARD), D.D., Bislwp of Dmon and Connor. PURITANISM revived : or, Method- ism as old as the great rebellion. 1808 MARCET (Mrs). Conversations on POLITICAL ECONOMY. 1827 MARIA, Virgo. Wholesome advices from the blessed Virgin, to her indiscreet worshippers. Written by one of the Roman communion. And done out of the French into English, by a gentleman of the Church of England. With a preface shewing the motives to the trans- lation. [By James Taylor.] London, 1687. 4 MARSH (CAROLINE). English HEARTS and Eng- lish hands. 1858 MARSHALL (ANDREW), D.D., Minister of the United Secession Church, Kirkintilloch. Re- marks on the pamphlet intituled " Statements on certain doctrinal points, made October 5th, 1843, before the United Associate Synod, &c." [by Drs Balmer and Brown]. Edin., 1845. 12 MARSHALL (JOHN), Minister of St Peter's Epis- copal chapel, Kirkaldy. A history of Scottish ecclesiastical and civil affairs, from the intro- duction of Christianity to the present time. Edin., 1859. 12 MARSHALL (WILLIAM), Minister of the Free Church, Kirkintilloch. Present state of doc- trine in the United Secession Church : a speech delivered in the United Associate Presbytery of Edinburgh, on 4th March 184.'), in support <-f a memorial to tin- Synod. /.'.< . 1845. 12 Strictures on the Rev. James Robertson's "Letter to Dr Candlish on the atonement." 3ded. Klin., 1845. 8 * Animadversions on the Rev. W. M.'s Stric- tures on Mr Robertson's Letter to Dr Candlish on the atonement. By a Scottish Presbyte- rian. Edin., 1845. 12 Duplicity and falsehood exposed : a review of the correspondence of the Rev. W. Ramsay with Dr Heugh and others. Extracted from the " Scottish literary gazette." With a pre- face containing strictures on the funeral ser- mons for Dr Heugh, by Drs Wardlaw and Brown. 2d ed. Edin., 1846. 8 Defence of the Rev. W. M. , before the United Associate Synod, on Tuesday, 12th May, 1846. Edin., 1846. 12 MARTIALIS (GAROILIUS). Fragmentum; [cum Script. REI RUSTIC^]. 17-"'- MARTYR (PETRUS), VERMILICS, Professor of divinity at Zurich. Defensio ad Riccardi Smythsei duos libellos de coelibatu sacerdotum, et votis monasticis, nunc primum in luce edita. BasilecK, apud Petrum Pernam, M.D.LIX. 8 MARVEL (ANDREW). * A reproof to the Re- hearsal transprosed, in a discourse to its au- thour [Andrew Marvel]. By the authour of Ecclesiastical Politic ; [Samuel PARKER]. London, 1673. 8 Another copy. MARY, the Virgin. See MARIA, Virgo. MARY, Queen of Scotland. Accounts and papers relating to Mary Queen of Scots. Edited [for the Camden Society] by Allan J. Crosby, and John Bruce. London, 1867. 4 MASTAI-FERRETTI (GIOVANNI MARIA). -See Pius IX., Pope. MASTER. " One is your master." By a mem- ber of the West church, Stirling. [Stirling tracts, iii.] Stirling, 1842. 8* MATTHEW, Saint. A vindication of the au- thenticity of the narratives contained in the first two chapters of the Gospels of St Mat- thew and St Luke ; being an investigation of objections urged by the Unitarian editors of the improved version of the New Testament. By a layman. London, 1822. 8 MAIJRICE (FREDERICK DENISON), A.M., C7/- lain of Lincoln's Inn, and professor of dl> King's college, London. The word " Eternal," and the punishment of the wicked : a letter to the Rev. Dr Jelf, Canon of Christ Church, and Principal of King's college. Fifth thou- sand, with a new preface. Cambridge, 1854. 8 3 The ground and object of hope for mankind. Four sermons preached before the university of Cambridge, in November, 1867. London and Cambi*idge, 1868. 8 3 MAYER (Jo. FRID.). Epistolica dissertatio ad Vincentium Placcium qua anonymorum et pseudonymorum farrago obiter indicatur...[ad cal. op. Placcii de anonymis et pseudonymis]. [Hamburg!, 1708.] fol. APPENDIX..] ME ATH -NEOCLESARE A. 923 MEATH, BISHOP OF. See Richard POCOCKE. MEDICI (GIOVANNI ANGELO). See Pius IV., Pope. MEDWYN, LORD. See J. H. FORBES. MELBOURNE, BISHOP OF. See Charles PERRY. MELVILL (GEORGE), 4th Earl of Melville. * Leven and Melville papers. Letters and State papers chiefly addressed to George Earl of Melville, Secretary of State for Scotland 1689-1691. From the originals in the posses- sion of the Earl of Leven and Melville. [Edit- ed for the Bannatyne Club by the Hon. Wil- liam Leslie Melville.] Edin., 1843. 4 MELVILLE, EARL OF. See George MELVILL. MERLE D'AUBIGNE' (JEAN HENRI), D.D., President of the theological school of Geneva. Abridgement of the history of the Reforma- tion [in Armenian]. 2 vol. Smyrna, 1846. 8 MESOPOTAMIA, BISHOP OF. ^See ARCHELAUS. MILAN, BISHOP OF. See AMBROSIUS. MILAN, BISHOP OF. See OPTATUS. MILWAIN (JOHN), Minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Douglas. The evil of relaxed discipline in the Church. [Lect. on second Reform.] Glasgow, 1841. 12 MINISTERS. Vindication of the ministers of the Church of Scotland, who have prayed for the Queen by name, notwithstanding the order in council on that subject. By a Presbyterian. 2ded. Edin., 1820. 8 Register of ministers, exhorters and readers, and of their stipends, after the period of the Reformation. [Edited for the Maitland Club by Alexander Macdonald.] Edin., 1830. 4 MINOT (LAURENCE). Poems, written anno MCCCLII. by L. M. With introductory disser- tations on the Scotish wars of Edward III. on his claim to the throne of France, and notes and glossary. By Joseph RITSON. London, 1825. 8 MITRA (RAM LAL). Sulalit Itihash. Calcutta, s. a. 12* MITRA (UMA' CHARAN). Chahar Darbesh. Calcutta, 1271, A.H. [1854]. 8 MONRO (ALEXANDER), D.D., Principal of the university of Edinburgh. Presbyterian inqui- sition ; as it was lately practised against the professors of the colledge of Edinburgh, Aug. and Sept. MDCXC. ; in which the spirit of PRES- BYTERY is plainly discovered. 1691 MONTALEMBERT (CHARLES FORBES, Comte de). The monks of the West from St Bene- dict to St Bernard. Authorised translation. Vol. iii. Edin., 1867. 8 C MONTEAGLE, LORD. -See Thomas Spring RICK. MONTFORT (SIMON DE). The miracles of S. de M. [With The chronicle of William de Ri- SHANGER.] 1840 MOONEN (ARNOLD). Brief aen zynen Vrient den Heer A. 0. Z. A. tot af wissching der vlak- ken, die het den Heere Joannes Brandt gelieft heeft hem in zyne Verantwoordinge tegens den Heer Jakobus Leidekker aen te wryven. Hier by zyn gevoegt twee brieven, de een van J. Brandt, en de ander van A. Moonen, door Brandt voorhene uitgegeeven. Deventer, 1705. 4 MOPSUESTIA, BISHOP OF. See THEODORUS. MORGAN (JOHN MINTER). Colloquies on RE- LIGION and religious education. 1850 MORGAN (THOMAS), M.D. A brief examina- tion of the Rev. W. WARBURTON'S Divine lega- tion of Moses. 1742 MORGANN (MAURICE). An essay on the dra- matic character of Sir John FALSTAFF. 1777 MORISON (JAMES), D.D., Professor in the theolo- gical institution of the Evangelical union. * The doctrine of the universal atonement examined, with a reference to certain views recently ad- vanced on the subject, by the Rev. J. M. Second thousand. Glasgow, 1841. 12 MORISON (ROBERT), Minister of the Gospel, Batligate. Difficulties connected with the doc- trine of a limited atonement. Kilmarnock, 1841. 12 MOSES (Rabbi) MAIMONIDES. Book of the precepts. Hebrew version. Edin., s. a. 12 Translated, with a life of the author, by Robert Young. Edin. , s. a. 12 MOSS (ROBERT), D.D., Dean of Ely.* A letter to the Rev. Dr M., in behalf of The rights of the Christian Church. Together with a poetick rhapsody. By a young Oxford-scholar. London, 1709. 8 Sermons and discourses on practical subjects. 8 vol. [Vol. i.-iv., 2d ed.] London, 1733-38. 8 MOZLEY (JAMES B.), B.D., Vicar of Old Shore- ham, Sussex. Eight lectures on miracles preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1865, on the foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. London, 1865. 8 MUKHOPADHYA'YA (RA'M CHANDRA). Na- iad Mayanti. Serampore, s. a. 8 MURCHISON (Sir RODERICK IMPEY). Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological society of London, on the 17th of February, 1843. London, 1843. 8 N. NEOC.ESAREA. N. (N.), i. e. Lawrence WOMOCK. NANTES, BISHOP OF. See J. B. DUVOISIN. NATAL, BISHOP OF. See J. W. COLENSO. NATHAN, the Babylonian. The ethics of the Fathers collected by Nathan the Babylonian Anno Domini cc. translated from the original Hebrew text, with an introduction to the Tal- mud ; [by Robert Young]. Editi., s. a. 12 NAUMSBURG, BISHOP OF. See N. von AM s- DORFF. NECKER (A.-L.-G.). See Baronne de STAEL- NEOC^ESAREA, BISHOP OF. See GREGORIUS, Tkawnaturyw. 924 KERSES O'CURRY. [Ai-i ; NERSES, or NIK ! ** } I'li-iu- velle Edition. Paris, 1768. 12 NIDER (JOHANNES). Tractatus de moral i li-j-ra patris Johanis Nider sacre theologie professoria ordinis predicatorum . . I. eta. f-.l. [The above work consists of 76 foil., printed in Gothic characters, and without signatures and pagination. It was printed at Nurem- berg, by Anton Koburger. ] NIERSES, Saint. See NK> NIGUR TATTWA. Nigur Tattwa. s. 1. et a. 8 - Another copy. NITZSCH (CARL IMMANUEL), D.D., Professor of theology at Berlin. Predigten aus der Amts- fiihrung der letztvergangnen Jahre. Bonn, 1833. 8 NOBLE (SAMUEL), Minister of Hanover Street chapel, London. An appeal in behalf of the views of the eternal world and state, and tho doctrines of faith and life, held by the body of Christians who believe that a new Church is signified (in the Revelation, chap. xxi. ) by the New Jerusalem : including answers to ob- jections, particularly those of the Rev. G. Beaumont, in his work entitled "TheAnti- Swedenborg." London, 1826. 12 1 NOLA, BISHOP OF. See PAULINUS. NORTH BERWICK. Plea for a church to bo erected in North Berwick, as a memorial of the martyrs of the Bass. Edin. , 1 844. 8 Carte monialium de Northberwic Prioratus Cisterciensis B. Marie de Northberwic muni- menta vetusta quse supersunt. [Edited for the Bannatyne Club by Cosmo Innes.] Edinburgi, 1847. 4 NORWICH, BISHOP OF. See Edward REY- NOLDES. NORWOOD (CORNELIUS). Divine eloquence, or, an essay upon the TROPES and figures con- tained in the holy Scriptures. 1792 NOVA SCOTIA. Royal letters, charters, and tracts, relating to the colonization of New Scotland, and the institution of the order of Knight Baronets of Nova Scotia 1621-1638. [Edited for the Bannatyne Club by David Laing.] Edin., 1867. 4 U NOYATIANUS, a Presbyter of the Church of Rome. Tractatus de Trinitate, et cibis Judai- cis. [Cum Opp. TERTULLIANI.] 1075 NOYON, BISHOP OF. See ELOI. NYSSA, BISHOP OF. See GREGORH >. O'CURRY. O'CTRRY (EUGENE), Professor of Irish history \ and archeology in the Catholic ttttivcrityof\ Ireland. Lectures on the manuscript mate- rials of ancient Irish history. Delivered lit APPENDIX.] OPHIOMACHES PATRES. 925 the Catholic university of Ireland, during the sessions of 1855 and 1856. Dublin, 1861. 8 OPHIOMACHES. Ophiomaches : or, Deism revealed. 2 vol. [By Philip SKELTON.] London, 1749. 8 ORFORD, EARL OF. See Horace WALPOLE. ORHNJELM. See ARRHENIUS. OSSORY, FERNS, AND LEIGHLIN, BISHOP OF. See James Thomas O'BRIEN. OSTIA, BISHOP OF. See DAMIANUS. OSTIA, BISHOP OF. See LEO, Cardinal. OWEN (JOHN), D.D., Vice- Chancellor of Oxford. Truth and innocence vindicated : in a sur- vey of a Discourse concerning Ecclesiastical POLITY. 1669 The right of the Church, in particular congre- gations, to appoint and elect their own pastors and elders, clearly manifested from Scripture. Extracted from the ' ' G ospel Church. " [Select anti-patronage library.] Edin., 1842. 8 OXFORD. The Oxford university calendar. 1849. Corrected to Dec. 31, 1848. Oxford, 1849. 12 1864. Oxford, 1864. 12 OXFORD, BISHOP OF. See Samuel WILBER- FORCE. P. PATRES. P. (P.). The copy of a letter sent from an un- knowne hand to that reverend man, now with God, Mr Herbert Palmer, a member of the As- sembly, concerning the great abuse of oathes. The substance whereof was published to the parliament by the said Mr P. the 30. of Sep- tember, 1646. viz. Concerning those oaths which are used in corporations. The custom- ary irreligious taking of them making it be- come a nationall sin, and calls aloud for re- dresse, specially at this time now that the par- liament is upon a generall reformation. London, 1648. 4 PAE (DAVID). The coming struggle among the nations of the earth ; or, the political events of the next fifteen years described in accord- ance with the PROPHECIES in Ezekiel. 1853 - The mission and destiny of RUSSIA. 1853 PAISLEY (ROBERT), Minister of Particle. Sub- stance of a speech delivered in the Presbytery of Glasgow, at their meeting in October, in support of the following motion : ' That a committee of Presbytery be appointed to in- quire into the practice, at present so prevalent,, of preaching sermons for pecuniary purposes, and into the practice, akin to this, of estab- lishing or admitting money qualifications for . membership in religious societies, and pub- lishing or circulating the names and contribu- tions of such members.' Glasgow, 1839. 8 Q PAL^EONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Works printed for the Palseontographical Society 1848-1854. London, 1848-54. 4 [See under Charles DARWIN, Thomas DAVID- SON, Frederic E. EDWARDS, H. Milne ED- WARDS, Edward FORBES, Jules HAIME, T. Rupert JONES, William KING, John LYCETT, J. MORRIS, Richard OWEN, Daniel SHARPS, and Searles V. WOOD.] PALJEOROMAICA. Palrcoromaica, or histori- cal and philological disquisitions : inquiring whether the Hellenistic style is not Latin- Greek 1 Whether the many new words in the Elzevir Greek Testament are not formed from the Latin? And whether the hypothesis, that the Greek text of many manuscripts of the New Testament is a translation or re- transla- tion from the Latin, seems not to elucidate numerous passages : to account for the differ- ent recensions : and to explain many pheno- mena hitherto inexplicable to biblical critics ? [By John BLACK.] London, 1822. 8 U A supplement to Palseoromaica, with remarks on the strictures made on that work by tho Bishop of St Davids ; the Rev. J. J. Cony- beare, A.M. ; the British Critic ; also by the Rev. W. G. Broughton, M.A. ; and by Dr Falconer. [By John BLACK.] London, 1824. 8 PALLADIUS (RUTILIUS TAURUS ^SMILIANUS). De re rustica ; [cum Scrip tt. RUSTICS REI]. 1735 PARIS, ARCHBISHOP OF. See Petrus De MARCA. PARIS, BISHOP OF. See Gulielinus ALVERNUS. PARISHES. Reports on the state of certain parishes in Scotland, made to His Majesty's commissioners for plantation of kirks, &c. in pursuance of their ordinance dated April xii. M. DC. xxvu. From the originals preserved in His Majesty's general Register House. [Edit- ed for the Maitland Club by Alexander Mac- donald.] Edin., 1835. 4 PARKER (ANDREW BORELAND), D.D., Minister of Free Well Park church, Glasgow. On the extension of the means of theological EDUCA- TION in the Free Church. 1850 PARNELL (THOMAS), D.D.,. Archdeacon of Clo- gher. The poems of Dr T. P. [British poets, vol. 37.] Edin., 1773. 8 PARRESIASTES. The temple of truth : or, the best system of reason, philosophy, virtue, and morals, analytically arranged. 2d ed. [Dedica- tion signed Parresiastes.] London, 1807. 8 J PATESHALL (RICHARD), A.M. Pride hum- bled, or Mr Hobby chastised : being some remarks on said Hobby's piece, entitled, A defence of the itinerancy and the conduct of the Rev. Mr Whitefield. In a letter to the Rev. Mr William Hobby. Boston, N. E., 1745. 4 PATRES. Ante-Nicene Christian library ; trans- lations of the writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. Edited by the Rev. Alexander Ro- berts, D.D., and James Donaldson, LL.D. Vol. iii. TATIAN, THEOPHILUS, and the CLE- MENTINE Recognitions. Edin., 1867. 8 Vol. iv. CLEMENT of Alexandria. Vol. i. Edin., 1867. 8" 990 l'ATl:ifK nl KKN S COLLEGES ["AlTKM'lX. \'..l. v. I Vil. i. /;./;/(., 1868. 8 Vol. vi. HIPPOLYTUS. Vol. i. K-lin., 18IJ8. 8" PATRICK (JOHN), D.D., Preacher at the Churl' r House. Reflections upon the devotions of the ROMAN CHURCH. 168G PATRONAGE. Account of the proceedings of the fourth :inmi;il meeting of the Society for improving the system of Chinvli patronage in Scotland... held in Dundee, on Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1829. Dundee, 1829. 8 PEDDIE (JAMES), W.S. Remarks on the liabi- lity of ecclesiastical office bearers to actions for damages ; [with The ruling eldership, lv David KINO]. 1851 PERCY (THOMAS), D.D., Blslwp of Dromore. The hermit of \\ A UK WORTH. 1772 PETITIONS. Two petitions presented to His Excellency the Lord Fairfax. [Reprints of rare tracts, &c. by M. A. Richardson.] Newcastle, 1843. 8 PFANDER (C. G.). Tarik-Ul-Hayat : a treatise on sin and redemption, with special reference to the false views entertained by the Muham- medans on these doctrines. 2d ed. Agra, 1847. 8 Mizan-Ul-Hugg. A treatise on the contro- versy between Christians and Muhammedans. 3d ed. Agra, 1849. 8 Another copy. Another copy. PHILALETHES. Two letters to the Rev. Dr Kennicott, vindicating the Jews from the charge of corrupting Deut. xxvii. 4. The first of which was published in the Library for July, 1761. The second is now first publish- ed, being an answer to Dr K.'s Remarks, in the Library for August, 1761 ; and a farther illustration of the argument. London, 1762. 8 PHILARCHAIOS. Proceedings of the eldership of the United Secession congregations of Edin- burgh, Leith, Portobello, and Slateford re- viewed. Edin., 1845. 12 PHILOSOPHERS. The lives of the ancient philosophers, containing an account of their several sects, doctrines, actions, and remark- able sayings. Extracted from Diogenes Laer- tius, Casaubon, Menagius, Stanley, Gassen- dus, Charleton, and others, the best authors upon that subject. With an appendix con- taining the lives of several later philosophers not confined to particular sects ; taken from Eunapius. And an account of the women philosophers, written originally in Latin by yEg. Menagius to Madam Dacier. And an introduction representing the state of learning and philosophy in the Eastern part of the world, before it flourished in Greece. A../../..,,, 1702. 8 PLAY I A 1 1; '.Ions . .,/ i,,ii, mil i,l, j'ln/ in Hi- nni<; i-* it, i <>f /-,'./; H/////-.//I. Disserta- tion third [prefixed to tin- Kii<-yclop ; rii tannica] ; i-xhiliitiin; a j,'i-in-r;il view of the progress of mathematical and physical science, since the ix-vhul <>f letters in Europe. s. I. ct a. 4 [See also under ENCYCLOPAEDIA.] POEMS. [A variety of religious subjects in verse. In the Tartar dialect.] Kazen, *. a. 8' POETS. The British poets. [Containing work* of ADDISON, BVTLER, COWLEY, Dmiii.N, GARTH, GAY, GRAY, MILTON, PARNELL, POPE, PRIOR, SHENSTONE, SWIFT, THOMSON, WAL- LER, and Yot NO.] 42vol. Edin.., 1773. 12 POICTIERS, BISHOP OF. See HILARIUS. POPE (ALEXANDER). The poetical works of A. P. 4 vol. [British poets, vol. 19-22.] , 1773. 8 POPERY. Lectures on Popery delivered in Glasgow, at the request of the Glasgow Pro- testant association. Glasgow, 1836. 8 POUILLY (M. de). See L.-J. 'LEVESQUE M: POUILLY. PRA'CHIN PADYA'BALI. Prachin Padyabali. a. I. et a. 8 PREMBILASH. Prembilash. [Calcutta], 1253, A.H. 8 PRESTON (ROGER). See Roger WIDDRINGTON. PRESTONGRANGE, LORD. See William GRA^T. PRISON DISCIPLINE. Report from the select committee [of the House of Commons] on prison discipline ; together with the proceed- ings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. [London], 1850. fol. PROPHECIES. Collection of ancient Scottish prophecies, in alliterative verse : reprinted from Waldegrave's edition, M.DC.III. [Edited for the Bannatyne Club by David Laing.] Edin., 1833. 4 PROSPECT. A further prospect of the case in view, in answer to some new objections not there considered. [By Henry DODWELL.] London, 1707. 8 3 PTOLEMAIS, BISHOP OF. See SYNESUS. PUSEY (EDWARD BOUVERIE), D.D., Regius pro- fessor of Hebrew, Oxford. Daniel the Prophet. Nine lectures delivered in the Divinity school of the university of Oxford, with copious notes. Third thousand. Oxford, 1864. 8 The Church of England a portion of Christ's one holy Catholic Church, and a means of re- storing visible unity. An Eirenicon, in a let- ter to the author of "The Christian year." Fourth thousand. Usford, 1865. 8 QUEEN'S COLLEGES. QUEEN'S COLLEGES. Report of Her Majes- ty's commissioners appointed to inquire into the progress and condition of the Queen's col- leges at Belfast, Cork, and Gal way ; with mi- luites of evidence, documents, and tables and returns. Jiiililin, 1S58. fol. APPENDIX.] QUOAD SACRA CHURCHES-ROULAND. 927 QUOAD SACRA CHURCHES. Schedule of Queries, [with answers in manuscript from the respective ministers]. [Edin., 1846.] fol. [List of Quoad sacra churches within the bounds of the different Presbyteries, with the names of such places of worship as are now in the hands of the Establishment and Free Church, respectively, and with particulars as to their value and the debt upon each.] s. 1., 1847. fol. R. ROULAND. R. (J.), i. e. John RIDDELL. RAI (BHARAT CHANDRA). Annada-mangal. Calcutta, 1271, A.H. 8 RAMSAY (JAMES). TOLERATION'S fence re- moved. 1703 RAU, or RAVIUS (Jon. EBERHARD), Professor in the university of Nassau. Diatribe de Syna- goga magna, in qua Judseorum de senatu quodam Hierosolymitano, post solutam capti- vitatem Babylonicam ab Ezra conscripto, fa- mosa traditio examinatur, et verane ilia, an falsa sit disquiritur. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1726. 8 REASON. An attempt to explain the words reason, substance, person, creeds, orthodoxy, Catholic-Church, subscription, and index-ex- purgatorius. To which are added, some re- flections, miscellaneous observations, quota- tions, and queries, on the same subjects. By a Presbyter of the Church of England ; [Wil- liam ROBERTSON]. London, 1766. 12 REBELLION. Verses occasioned by the pre- sent rebellion. London, 1745. 4 REBELS. An answere to the proclamation of the rebels of the North. 1569. [Reprints of rare tracts, &c. by M. A. Richardson.] Newcastle, 1843. 8 REDEMPTION. The great work of our re- demption by Christ, and the several branches of it ; as represented at one view, and in the words of Scripture, under the sixth head of [Edmund GIBSON] the Bishop of London's second pastoral letter. With a preface, shew- ing the need there is to enforce and inculcate the doctrine at this time. London, 1735. 8 REFORMERS. Corpus Reformatorum. Edi- derunt Guilielmus Baxim, Eduardus Cunitz, Eduardus Reuss. Tom. xxix.-xxxiv. Joan- nis CALVINI opera quse supersunt omnia. Tom. i.-vi. BrunsvigcK, 1863-1867. 4 REID (JOHN). Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica ; or, an account of all the books which have been printed in the Gaelic language. With biblio- graphical and biographical notices. Glasgow, 1832. 8 REINHOLD (ERASMUS). De sole et planetis. [Wants title.] [Vitembergce, 1542.] 16 REMONSTRANTS. VEDELIUS rhapsodus; sive ! vindicatio doctrines Remonstrantium a crimi- nationibus et calumniis Nic. VEDELII. Harde-rvici, 1633. 4 CONFESSIO, sive declaratio sententiee pastorum qui in Fcederato Belgio Remonstrantes vocan- tur ; super prsecipuis articulis religionis Chris- tianse. Londini, 1702. 12 REPENTANCE. Dialogues on repentance. [In Armenian.] Smyrna, 1839. 12 RHEIMS, ARCHBISHOP OF. See T.-M.-J. Gors- SET. RHEIMS, ARCHBISHOP OF. See HINCMARUS. RHEINWALD (JOHANN LTJDWIO CHRISTIAN). Magazin fur die Pfalzische Geschichte heraus- gegeben von Daniel Ludwig WUNDT, und J. L. C. R. 1793 RIDDELL (JOHN), Advocate. The Salt-foot con- troversy, as it appeared in Blackwood's maga- zine ; to which is added a reply to the article published in No. xviii. of that work ; with other extracts, and an appendix, containing some remarks on the present state of the Lyon office. [Preface signed J. R.] [Edin.], s. a. 8 RIDPATH (GEORGE). The queries and pro- testation of the SCOTS EPISCOPAL CLERGY against the authority of the Presbyterian Ge- neral Assemblies, with reflections on the que- ries. 1694 The reducing of SCOTLAND by arms. 1705 The Scots nation and union vindicated, from the reflections cast on them in an infamous libel [by Dean Swift] entitl'd, The public spi- rit of the WHIGS. 1714 ROBERTS (DAVID), R.A. The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia. From drawings made on the spot by D. R. With historical descriptions, by the Rev. George Croly, LL.D. Lithographed by Louis Haghe. Parts i.-xix. London, 1842-45. fol. ROCHELLE, BISHOP OF. See Le Cardinal Cle'- ment VILLECOURT. ROGERS (NEHEMIAH), Pasta)- of the congregation at Messing in Essex. A strange vineyard in Palestina : in an exposition of Isaiah's para- bolical song of the beloved discovered : to which God's vineyard in this our land is para- lelled. [Nichol's series of Commentaries.] Edin., 1867. .4 ROSINUS (JOANNES), Preacher at the cathedral church, Naumburg, Saxony. Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum. Cum notis Thomse Dempsteri. Huic postremse editioni accuratissimae accesserunt Pauli Ma- nutii lib. ii. de legibus, et de senatu, cum And. Schotti electis I. De priscis Rom. Gentil. ac familiis. II. De tribubus Rom. xxxv. rusticis atque urbanis. III. De ludia festisque Rom. ex Kalendario vetere. Ac- curante Cornelio Schrevelio. Amstel, 1685. 4 ROSS, BISHOP OF. See Joannes LESL*US. ROUEN, ARCHBISHOP OF. See HUGO. ROULAND. The romances of Rouland and Vernagu, and Otuel. From the Auchinkek 938 1;; I -TINTS SCH<><>L. [APPKM'IX. jnnnuscrijit. [ Edited for the Abbotsford Club by W. B. D. D. Tunibull. ] A'./m., 1836. 4 RUFF I. MS. or IM KIM - II :-: i , tica ; [rum Hist. e> mi]. Kl 'SPA. l:i>n S. -SCHOOL. S. (J.), i. . John STRYPK. S. (R.), t. e. Robert SOUTHWELL. SAGE (JOHN). Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Scotland. An accotmt of the present perse- cution of the [EPISCOPAL] CHURCH in SCOT- LAND. [By T. MORER, J. S. and A. MONRO.] 1690 An account of the late establishment of 1 BYTERiAN-Government in Scotland. 1(593 ST ANDREWS. Ecclesiastical records. Selec- tions from the minutes of the Presbyteries of St Andrews and Cupar, M.DC.XLI.-M.DC.XCVIII. [Edited for the Abbotsford Club by George Ritchie Kinloch.] /.Vm., 1837. 4 St Andrews' university calendar from 1800 to 1852. St Andrews, 1852. 8 For the year 1865-66. Edin., 1865. 8 ST ANDREWS, ARCHBISHOP or. See Patrick ADAMSON. ST ANDREWS, BISHOP OF. See Charles WORDS- WORTH. ST ANDRE WS-LHANBRYD.- Report of the proceedings of a meeting of the parishioners of St Andrews- Lhanbryd. Fourth thousand. Elgin, 1843. 12 ST CUTHBERT. History of the church and parish of St Cuthbert. [By William SIME.] Edin., 1829. 12 ST DAVIDS, BISHOP or. See George BULL. ST DAVIDS, BISHOP OF. See Lawrence Wo- MOCK. ST DOMINGO. An inquiry into the causes of the insurrection of the negroes in the island of St Domingo. To which are added, observa- tions of M. Garran-Coulon on the same sub- ject, read in his absence by M. Guadet, before the National Assembly, 29th Feb. 1792. London, 1792. 8 ST JOHN (CHARLES). Short sketches of the wild sports and natural history of the high- lands. [Colonial and Home Lib. , vol. xviii. ] London, 1846. 8 ST JOHN (HENRY), Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. The philosophical works of the Right Hon. H. St J. 5 vol. Londoji, 1754. 8 Letters on the spirit of patriotism : on the idea of a patriot king : and on the state of parties at the accession of King George the First. London, 1752. 8 Letters on the study and use of history. 2 vol. London, 1752. 8 A letter to Sir William WINDHAM. 1753 The character of the Pretender. *. Z.,1756. 8 ST JOHN (PAWLET), D.D., Hector of Yelden, Bedfordshire. Fourteen sermons on practical subjects. London, 1737. 8 S. KATHERINE, of Sienna. Liber conventus S. Katherine Senensis prope Edinburgum. [Edited for the Abbotsford Club by J.-um-.s Maidment.l A 1 -/;,.'/",-,//, 1841. 4 a ST KILDA. Voyage to St Kilda. [Wants title. J 8 d SAINT-MARTIN (Louis CLAUDE DE). Mystical philosophy and spirit- manifestations. Selec- tions from the recently published correspond- ence between L. C. de S.-M. (dit ' Le Phil>- sophe inconnu,') and Kirchberger, Baron de Liebistorf, (member of the Grand-council of Berne). During the years 1792-97. Trans- lated and edited by Edward Burton Penny, Topsham, Devon. AVeter, 1863. 8 Man : his true nature and ministry. Trans- lated from the French. By Edward Burton Penny. London, 1864. 8 i ST MAUR (RAYMOND DE). The state of inno- cence, and fall of man, described in Milton's Paradise lost, rendered into prose. With his- torical, philosophical, and explanatory notes. From the French of the learnedR. de StM. By a gentleman of Oxford. Aberdeen, 1770. 8 SALAMIS, BISHOP OF. See EPIPHANIIS. SALISBURY, BISHOP OF. -See Robert ABBOT. SALISBURY, BISHOP ov.See Gilbert BURNKT. SALISBURY, BISHOP OF. See Edward DENISON. SANKAR A'CHA'RJYA (BHAOABA'N). Atwa- Bodh. Serampore, 1854. 8 SARKA'R (ISHWAR CHANDRA). Hangsha Bilash Panchali. Calcutta, 1271, A.H. 8 SARMAN (PRAMATAH MA'TH). Nab Babu Bi- lash. Calcutta, 1270, A.H. 8 SBOGAR (JEAN). * Jean Sbogar. Seconde Edi- tion. 2 torn. Paris, 1820. 12 SCHMIDT (J. A. E.), Professor of the Russian and modern Greek languages in the university of Leipsic. Nouveau dictionnaire portatif Russe- Fran9ais et Frangais-Russe. Edition stereo- type. Leijtziy, . a. 8 SCHNURRER (CHRISTIANUS FRID.). Disputa- tio philologica ad Psalmum septuagesimum octavum. Quam... preside C. F. S....publice defendent J. F. Maerclin [et alii]. Txl.inga, [1790]. 4 SCHOLARIUS, or GENNADIUS (GEOROIUS), Patriarch of Constantinople. Gennadii Homi- liae de sacramento Eucharistise. E. RENAU- DOTIUS edidit. 1709 SCHOOL. General Assembly's schools. 1836. [Edin., 1836.] 8" Report on the returns from Presbyteries re- garding the examination of schools in the year 1838 [1839, 1840] by the General Assembly's education committee. [Edin., 1838-40.] 8 The school in its relations to the State, the Church, and the congregation. Being an ex- planation of the minutes of the Committee of council on education, in August and Decem- ber, 1846. London, 1847. 8 1 APPENDIX.] SCIENCE SMITH. 929 SCIENCE. Annales de 1' Association Interna- tionale pour le progres des sciences sociales. Deuxieme session. Congres de Gand. Pre- miere [troisieme et quatrieme] livraison. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1864. 8 SCOTLAND. Correspondence from' July, 1840, to January, [and February] 1847, relating to the measures adopted for the relief of the dis- tress in Ireland and Scotland. London, 1847. fol. Concilia Scotioe Ecclesife Scoticanse Statuta tarn provincialia quam synodalia qme super- sunt. MCCXXV.-MDLIX. [Edited for the Ban- natyne Club by Joseph Robertson.] 2 torn. Edinburgi, 1866. 4 BURGHS. Records of the convention of the Royal Burghs of Scotland, with extracts from other records relating to the affairs of the Burghs of Scotland. 1295-1597. [With pre- face by J. D. Marwick.] Edin., 1866. 4 PUBLIC HOUSES. Report from the select com- mittee [of the House of Commons] on public houses, Scotland ; together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index. [London], 1846. fol. REFORMED PRESBYTERY. The constitution of the Associate Reformed Synod in America con- sidered, disowned, and testifyed against, as inconsistent with the Reformation-constitution of Britain and Ireland, by authority of the Reformed Presbytery in Scotland. Glasgow, 1787. 8 Testimony against the evil and danger of Popery, in a warning addressed, by the Sy- nod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Scotland, to the people under their care, and to Protestants in general. Paisley, 1817. 8 SCOTLAND, CHURCH OF. A declaration and testimony to the true Presbyterian, reformed, covenanted doctrine, worship, discipline and government of the Church of Scotland, as it is founded on and agreeable to the word of God. By a remnant who through grace are still endeavouring to bear witness to and con- tend for Scotland's covenanted reformation. s. I., 1755. 8 A word for that section in the Church, who, in the recent struggle, took up what may be called a medium position. Edin. , s. a. 8 SCOTLAND, FREE CHURCH OF. Communi- cations on the principles of the Free Church of Scotland. Issued by the committee of the General Assembly. Edin., 1855. 8 SCOTT (HEW), A.M., Minister of Anstruther- Wester. Fasti Ecclesine Scoticanje : the suc- cession of ministers in the parish churches of Scotland, from the Reformation, A. D. 1560, to the present time. Part ii. Synods of Merse and Teviotdale, Dumfries, and Galloway. Edin., 1867. 4 SELEUCIA, BISHOP OP. See BASILIUS. SEN (RAM PRASHADA). Kabiranjan Bidya Shun- dar. Calcutta, 1270, A.H. 8 SENEX. The present position of the Estab- lished Church of Scotland vindicated, in a letter to Alexander Campbell, Esq. of Monzie. [Signed Senex.] Perth, 1844. 8 SERMONS. Twelve evangelical sermons. [In Armenian.] Smyrna, 1846. 8 Fourteen evangelical sermons. [In Armeno- Turkish.] Smyrna, 1847. 8 SHAPNA'DYA'YA. Shapnadyaya. s. I. et a. 8 SHARP (GRANVILLE). * Six letters to G. S., respecting his remarks on the uses of the defi- nitive article in the Greek text of the New Testament. [By Christopher WORDSWORTH.] London, 1802. 8 SHERBORNE, BISHOP OF. See ALDHELMUS. SHERLOCK (THOMAS), D.D., Bis)wp of London. The tryal of the witnesses of the resurrec- tion of Jesus [CHRIST]. 1729 SHIELDS, or SHIELS (ALEXANDER), Minister at St Andrews. The Scots inquisition, con- taining a brief description of the persecution of the Presbyterians in Scotland, acted by the instigation of the antichristian Prelates and curates, and executed by the Scots persecu- tors, under the government of King Charles II. and the Duke of York. To which are added, two letters, the first containing an ac- count of the tyrannical and arbitrary govern- ment of King Charles II. and the Duke of "York. The second, upon the nature of true loyalty, and to whom the same is due... As also, some remarks on a paper published in the Caledonian Mercury, October 30th and November 1, 1745, casting several malicious and groundless aspersions upon the sufferers. Reprinted, Edin., 1844. 12 SHORE (JOHN), Lord Teignmmith. A letter to the Rev. Christopher Wordsworth, D.D. , in reply to his Strictures on the British and Fo- reign Bible society. London, 1810. 8 SIME (WILLIAM). History of the church and parish of ST CUTHBERT. 1829 SIMONIS (JOHANNES), Professor of history and antiquities at Smalcald. Lexicon manuale Hebraicum et Chaldaicum in Veteris Testa- menti Libros, ordine etymologico descriptum. Edidit Georgius Benedictus Winer. Llpsice, 1828. 8 SINYANKI (J. E.), Missionary in Palestine, Sy- ria and Egypt. Notes on some passages of Scripture, original, and selected from Rabbi- nical sources. London, 1852. 8 SKELTON (PHILIP), B.A., Rector of Fintona. OPHIOMACHES ; or, Deism revealed. 1749 SLADEN (JOHN). Reasons offered against push- ing for the repeal of the corporation and TEST- ACTS. 1732 SLAVERY. The anti-slavery monthly reporter. [From April to Nov. 1829, and from Jan. 1830 to Dec. 1831.] London, 1829-1831. 8 SMITH (HENRY B.), D. D. History of the Church of Christ, in chronological tables : a synchronistic view of the events, characteris- tics and culture of each period, including the history of polity, worship, literature and doc- trines : together with two supplementary tables upon the Church in America ; and an 117 930 SI'ALATn Tu.MSnV M-IX. appendix containing the series of 1'opes, 1'atriarchs and other Uishops, and a full index. New York, 1859. fol. SPALATO, ARCHBISHOP OF. See M. A. de DO- MIS SPELLING-BOOK. Tartar and Russian Spell- ing-book. .t !n:i-.ioiHoi Theologia mythica, sive de origine Tartari et Elysii libri quinque. Hanfevmet, 1743. 8 SWIFT (JONATHAN), D.D., Dean of 8t Patrick's, Dublin. Poems. 2 vol. [British poets, vol. 31, 32.] Edin., 1773. 8" SZAFIEDDINUS, Hellensis. Ad Sulthanum Elmelik Eszszaleh Schemseddin Abulmekarem Ortokidam carmen Arabicum. E codice manu scripto Bibliothecae Regise Parisiensis edidit, interpretatione et Latina et Germanica anno- tationibusque illustravit D. Georgius Henricus Benistein. L/^wite, 1810. fol. TALES TOMSON. TALES. Eachdraidh Mhic-Cruislig, sgealachd ' Ghaelach. Glascho, 183b'. 16 | TARKA'LANKA'R (RA'M CHANDRA). Satata- piya Karmabipak. Serampore, s. a. 8 TARRAGONA, ARCHBISHOP OF. Sec Ant, Au- GUSTINUS. TAYLOR (WILLIAM BENJAMIN SARSFIELD). History of the university of Dublin, (founded by Queen Elizabeth,) its origin, progress, and present condition, with biographical notices of many eminent men educated therein. Illus- trated by views of its buildings, and the aca- demic costumes, &c., worn in this venerable seat of learning. London, 1845. 8 j TEMPLE (Sir WILLIAM), Bart. MEMOIRS of what passed in Christendom from the war be- gun in 1662 to the peace concluded 1679. 1692 ! THEODUL. Theoduls Gastmahl oder iiber die Vereinigung der Verschiedenen Christlichen Religions- Societa ten. Siebente Auflage. Frankfurt am Main, 1828. 8 THOLUCK (FREDERICK AUGUSTUS GOTTREU), Professor of theology at Halle. Commentar zum Evangelic Johannis. Dritte Ausgabe. Hamburg, 1831. 8 Kommentar zum Briefe an die Hebraer. Hamburg, 1836. 8 THOMSON (ANDREW), D.D., Minister of St George's church, Edinburgh. Leabhar-Cheis- tean air son Luchd-Comanachaidh Fhoghlum ann an nadur agus Feumalachd Sacramaint Suipeir an Tighearna. . . Air eadar-theangachadh gu Gaelig le A. Mac-Farlain. Edin., 1807. 8 - Another edition. Glasclw, 1835. 12 John Campbell, Esq. of Carbrook, called to account for certain calumnious accusations and gross mis-statements... regarding the Apocry- pha and Bible society controversy. Edin., 1827. 8 * Reviews in the case of the Rev. Dr A. T. and the Rev. Henry GREY, and of the pro- ceedings in the Presbytery of Edinburgh. "With an appendix, containing reports of the proceedings ; &c. Edin., [1828]. 8 Substance of the speech delivered at the meet- ing of the Edinburgh Society for the abolition of slavery, on October 19, 1830. Edin., 1830. 8 * Memoir of the Rev. A. T. [By Charles W T atson, D.D.] s. I. eta. 8 THOMSON (JAMES). The poetical works of J. T. 2 vol. [British poets, vol. 38, 39.] Edin., 1773. 8 THORNTON (ROBERT JOHN), M.D. Botanical extracts : or philosophy of botany. 2 vol. [With volume of plates.] London, 1810. fol. TISCHENDORF (^ENOTH. FRIDERIC. CONSTAX- TINUS). Monurnenta sacra inedita. 1865. See BIBLES GREEK. B. Novum Testamentum Vaticanum. 1867. See BIBLES GREEK. F. TISSOT (CLAUDE- JOSEPH), Professor of philosophy in the Royal college of Dijon. Ethique ou science des moaurs. Paris, 1840. 8 TOMKINS (MARTIN), Dissenting minister at Stoke Newington. A sober appeal to a Turk or an Indian, concerning the plain sense of Scrip- ture, relating to the TRINITY. 1748 TOMSON (AIXDREA). See Andrew THOMSON. APPENDIX.] TOTH WILSON. 931 TO'TH (MIHA'LY), Professor in Hie Ee/onned theo- logical college of Debreczen. Emlekbeszed mel- yet a Helve't Hitvallas Debreczenben 1567. Febr. 24 diki Zsinaton tortent elfogadasa heroin szazados eVfordulati napjan mint a Tiszantuli Ref , Egyhazkeriilet altal rendelt iskolai iinne- pelyen 1867. Febr. 24. Debreczen, 1867. 8 TOURS, BISHOP OF. See Georgius Florentiiis GREGORIUS. TRANI, ARCHBISHOP OF. See Didacus ALVAREZ. TRAVERS (GUALTERUS). Ecclesiastic* DISCIP- LINE, et Anglicanse Ecclesia? ab ilia aberra- tionia, plena a verbo Dei, et dilucida explica- tio. 1574 TRICCA, BISHOP OF. See HELIODORUS. TRINITY. Useful and important questions con- cerning Jesus the Son of God freely proposed : with a humble attempt to answer them accord- ing to Scripture... To which is added, a cha- ritable essay on the true importance of any human schemes to explain the sacred doctrine of the Trinity. London, 1746. 8 TURIN, BISHOP ov. See MAXIMUS. TYRE, BISHOP OF. See DOROTHEUS. UPSAL VOISIN. UPSAL, BISHOP OF. See Carl Adolf AGARDH. VARENIS (JOANNES DE). Tractatus ; [cum Opp. J. GERSONII]. 1700 VEDA. Translation of the Sanhita of the Sama Veda. By the Rev. J. Stevenson, D.D. London, 1842. 8 VERGERIUS (PETRUS PATJLUS). Munusculum v. exulis Jesu Christi. s. I., 1554. 8 VERULAM, BARON OF. See Francis BACON. VICTORIA, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. An act (14 and 15 Viet. cap. Ixxviii.) for the better raising and securing a fund for a provision for the widows and children of the ministers of the Free Church, and for the widows and children of the professors holding professors' offices in any college connected with the said Church. Passed 24th July, 1851. London, 1851. 8 VIENNA, BISHOP OF. See Fridericus NAU- SEA. VIRGILIUS MARO (PUBLIUS). The works of Virgil, translated by John Dryden. 3 vol. [British poets, vol. 13-15.] Edin., 1773. 8 The JEneid of Virgil translated into Scottish verse by Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkeld. [Edited for the Bannatyne Club by George Dundas.] 2 vol. Edin., 1839. 4 VOIGTIUS (GoTHOFREDUs), Rector of the Gym- nasium of St John, at Hamburgh. Thysiaste- riologia, sive de altaribus veterum Christiano- rum liber postumus, nunc primum in lucem editus a J. Alberto Fabricio, qui delineatio- nem Thesauri antiquitatum Hebraicarum et ecclesiasticarum atque auctoris vitam praj- misit. Hamburgi, 1709. 8 a VOISIN (JOSEPH DE). Theologia ludaeorum, sive opus, in quo rem ipsam, quse nunc Chris- tiana religio nuncupatur, etiam apud antiques fuisse, priusquam Christus veneret in carne, ex Hebrseorum libris ostenditur. Errores vero, quos post natum Cliristum ludsei per fraudem, et malitiam attulerunt, coarguuntur. isii's, 1647. 4 WADDELL WILSON. WADDELL (P. HATELY). The Girvan peti- tions ; or the Voluntary question in the Free Church : being an account of the recent schism in the Free Church congregation at Girvaii... Glasgoiv, 1844. 8 WALLER (EDMOND). Poems upon several occa- sions. [British poets, vol. 8.] Edin., 1773. 8 WARDROP (ANDREW), Surgeon. An address to the members of the Royal College of surgeons, on the regulation of the surgical department of the Royal Infirmary. Edin., 1800. 4 WARDROP (JAMES), F.R.S.E. History of James Mitchell, a boy born blind and deaf, with an account of the operation performed for the recovery of his sight. London, 1813. 4 WATERFORD AND LISMORE, BISHOP OF. See John ATHKRTON. WEBSTER (WILLIAM), M.A. The syntax and synonyms of the Greek Testament. London, 1864. 8 WERNERUS AB ENSCHEDE ( ). Disputatio- num physicarum secunda, de corpore naturali in genere. L'lfrnji li milieu i.i ami < f'-r tiie iMaitlaml Club by the Uf. -I 4 vol. NVnl IIOPOF. ,SeeGerva> \YnKMllP. A letter from a blacksmith to the ministers and elders of the Church ot land, in which the manner of public worship there is pointed out. [ l'-v H IMK. ] , 1759. 8 YALE-ZONARAS. YALE. Catalogue of the officers and students in Yale college, with a statement of the course of instruction in the various departments. 1865- 66. New Haven, 1865. 8 YORK, ARCSBISHOP OF. .See Lancelot BLACK- B0RNE. Y/ORK, AUCHBISHOP OF. See Sir William DAWFX YlHNG (ROBERT), F.E.S.L. Christ and his law. 1854. See BIBLES HEBREW. E. The two Books of Chronicles translated into Gujarati. 1859. See BIBLES GOOZURATEE. Polyglot reading-book. . a. See BIBLES POLYGLOTT. B. The prophecy of Obadiah against Edom. a. a. See BIBLES HKBREW. D. The holy Bible, translated out of the original languages. . a. See BIBLES ENGLISH. A. Shorter CATECHISM, agreed upon by the As- sembly of divines at Westminster, in Hebrew, Samaritan, Greek and Latin, &c. New edi- tion. Edin.,s. a. 12 YPRES, BISHOP OF. See Cornelius JAK> YVAN ( ). L'insurrection en Chine. Par MM. GALLERY et Y. 1853 Z. ZONARAS (JOANNES), Monaclnts. Expositio canonicarum Epistolarum ; [cum Opp. GRE- GORIlJ. IGL'2 END OF TIIE CATALOGUE OF PRINTED BOOKS. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS. B. (M. G.). A volume of sermons on the following texts : Job, xxii. 21 ; Ps. xl. 7 ; Ps. Ixxiii. 28 ; John, v. 39 ; John, v. 40 ; Is. Ixv. 2 ; Gal. v. 1 ; John, xiv. 6 ; Philip, ii. 9 ; 1 Tim. iv. 7 ; 1 Pet. | iv. 18. Without date, and generally with the initials M. G. B. at the end. 4 BOSTON (THOMAS), Minister of Ettrick. Pas- sages of my life. 4 [In the author's address to his children, pre- fixed to the Memoirs of his life, published at Edinburgh, in 1813, he alludes to the above MS. as one of the means of letting them know the manner of his life. He mentions it as "a bound book in quarto, intitled. Pas- sages of my life, at writing hereof, consisting of three hundred and sixty-two written pages, beginning from my birth, ending Oct. 19, 1730, and signed." Eight pages were after- wards added, containing a Continuation. Al- lusion is made to another MS., called the General account of his life, consisting origi- nally of two hundred and seventy-nine pages, and afterwards extended to three hundred and forty-two. The published memoirs con- sist of the two MSS. reduced into one con- tinued narrative.] - An essay on the Hebrew accents. A volume in the handwriting of Boston. It contains substantially the same views as the Latin work intitled, Tractatus stigmologicus ; but it differs from it in many particulars. It is supposed to have been the first draught of the work ; and that he afterwards wrote a more full and perfect copy, which was probably sent to Am- sterdam, where the Latin copy was printed in 1738, and never returned. CAMBUSLANG. Examinations of persons un- der spiritual concern at Cambuslang, during the revival, in 1741-42 ; by the Rev. William Macculloch, minister of Cambuslang, with mar- ginal notes by Dr Webster and other ministers. 2 vol. 4 CANE (JOHN VINCENT). A compleat exposition of the Creed. In fourty seven brief Catechise sermons. Made by F. J. V. Cane the Author of Fiat Lux. 8 CATECHISM. A Roman Catholick catechism, being a specimen of Popish principles. Dated 1640. 8 CHALMERS (ALEXANDER). Memoranda from Mr Dodsley's papers which I received this day 29th April 1797 from the Ex'tors. The date's range from 1740 to 1773 ; and the whole is in the handwriting of A. Chalmers, the author of the Biographical dictionary. 4 CHALMERS (JAMES), Minister of Dj/fo, and af- terwards professor of divinity in Marischal col- lege, Aberdeen. Forty-six sermons preached during the year 1713. Of these, there are one on Heb. vi. 1, 2 ; six on 1 Tim. i. 2-5 ; six from John, i. 14 ; one from 1 Cor. i. 30 ; six from Is. xlii. 6, 7 ; five from Ps. ex. 4 ; one from Philip, ii. 8 ; and twenty from Philip, iv. 6. 8 A volume of sermons preached chiefly at Dyke during the years 1720, 1721, and 1722. 8 COMMENTARY. The expiation of a sinner in a commentarye upon the Epistle to the He- brewes. [By Thomas Lushington.] fol. I CONNELL (DAVID), Minister at East Kilbride. An attempt to explain the prophetick part of the Book of the Revelation which begins at the fourth chapter. Together with some prac- tical improvement of the several parts of it. Being a course of lectures delivered from the pulpit several years ago, but now somewhat revised. 1777. 4 CONVOCATION OF MINISTERS. -Draft mi- nutes, eleven in number, of the Convocation of Ministers held in Edinburgh, November 17th to 24th, 1842. Signed by the Moderator and Clerk. fol. Drafts of motions and resolutions ; and mis- cellaneous papers connected with the Convo- cation. One hundred and sixty letters from ministers of the Church of Scotland, addressed to the Rev. Thomas Pitcaim, Clerk to the Convoca- tion, authorising him to add their names to, or withdraw them from, one or other, or both of the series of Resolutions. 034 .MAM SCRIPTS. COVENANT. Tla- r-.nf.. ssi.-n of faith f..r Jia- tional covenant] subt at first l>y (lit- Kindts .Matie and his houshold in the yeare <-f <;. inhlie. Sub* againe by all sortes of personnes in y e yeare 1590. by a new ordinance ot sail at y e desire of the Gnall Assemblie. With j gnall band for maintenance of y trew reli- gioun. [A copy of the national covenant writ- ten on parchment, and having adhibited to it the autograph signatures of Leslie, Dunferme- l\m-, Wemyss, Rothess, Lindesay, Eglintoun, Wintoun, Montgomery, Balmerino, Montrose, l);tlhousie, Forrester, Boyd, Elcho, Fleming, Loudoun, Carnegy, Sinclare, Kinross, Cran- stoun, and Gray. On the outside it bears the date 1657.] A solemne league and covenant for reforma- tion, and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the King, and the peace and safety of the three kingdomes of Scotland, England, and Ireland. 4 [The printed copy sent for signatures to the parish of Edzell. It contains one hundred and ninety one names. The solemne league is printed at Edinburgh, by Evan Tyler, in 1643.] CRAIG (Sir THOMAS), of Riccarton. A compend of Craig De Feudis, done into English. 4 CRESSEY, or CRESSY (HUGH PAULIN DE, or SERENUS). XVI. revelations of divine love, shewed to a devout servant of our Lord, called Mother Juliana, an anchorite of Norwich : who lived in the days of King Edward the Third. Published by R. F. S. Cressy. Printed in the year MDCLXX. Permissu superiorum. 4 CUMMING (Mrs), of Logie. The religious expe- riences of Mrs Gumming of Logie. 4 [From the dates on several of the pages, these appear to have been first written about the years 1709, 10, and 11. They were probably transcribed into this volume from the origi- nal papers.] CUNNINGHAM (WILLIAM), D.D., Principal and professor of divinity in the New College, Edin- burgh. Fifty- two lectures on Apologetics, delivered to students of the first year in theo- logy, in the New College, Edinburgh, during Session 184445 ; and again during Session 1847-48. 4 Ten lectures, the greater number of which were delivered at the opening or closing of the Session in the New College. 4 Five lectures on Church government delivered in the New College in March 1850. 4 Six lectures on Luther, Melanchthon, Zwin- gle, Calvin, and Beza, the substance of which was published in the British and Foreign Evangelical review [1856, 1860, 1861], and re- printed in the volume of Dr Cunningham's works entitled, " The Reformers ; and the theology of Ihe Reformation" edited l>y his literary executors, and published in 1862. 4 Sixty-two l.-chnvs nil ( 'Lurch history, drli- ;, in tin: New (.'(illi-^i;, to the .Iiilii: of stiitK-nt.H in thru; Sixty-live- I- t'hnn-h history, d 1 ed, in the New College, to tli iass of students in theology. 4 ' [Almost all of the above two courses of 1> c- luiVH have' Vt n primed, in two voluims, under the title, " Historical theology ; a re- view of the principal doctrinal discussions in the Christian Church since the Apostolic age." Edited by Dr Cunningham's literary executors, and published in 1863.] DICK, or DICKSON (DAVID), Minuter of I,, A volume of sermons. Begun 15. October 1635. They have been printed among the cheap publications issued by the Free Church of Scotland. 8 GALLOWAY, SYNOD OF. Overture from the Synod of Galloway. April 1801 ; [relative to the operation of the Income act upon the livings of the ministers of the Church of Scot- land.] 4 GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The proceedings of the two solemn General Assembly's, the former holden at Glasgow in the year of our Lord 1638, the latter holden at Edinburgh in the year of our Lord 1639. Together with a cata- logue of the commissioners and members of the former of these Assemblys, prefix'd to the whole. Transcribed by P. P. anno 1711. 4 GRANT (Sir WILLIAM), Lord Prestongrange. Advices in law respecting ecclesiastical ques- tions by Mr William Grant, Procurator for the Church, now Lord Prestongrange. Con- tained in letters extending from 1735 to 1746. fol. MACKINTOSH (JOHN). Three volumes of notes of public lectures on Classics, and the early Fathers ; and notes of private studies. Taken at Cambridge, in 1841, 42. 8 MELDRUM (GEORGE), one of the ministers of Edinburgh. A series of discourses on the Decalogue, and on miscellaneous subjects. Preached in the years 1706, 1707, and 1708. At the end, there is the following note : " Care- fully collated with the original ended at East- wood July 31 1729 and agrees." 4 MONTEITH (JAMES). A volume of notes of sermons delivered during the years 1720 and 1721. 8 NORRIESTON. Petition of Alexander Blair of St Thomas Wells, and others, inhabitants of the perambulated bounds of Norrieston in Perthshire. 1784. fol. Petition of Henry Doig, for himself, and as commissioner for a majority of the heritors, elders, and heads of families of the perambu- lated bounds of Norrieston. 1797. fol. POPERY. An anonymous MS. on the Popish controversy. Written apparently in the latter part of the 17th century. 8 RENWICK (JAMES), the martyr. Two letters of J. R, ; the one dated Feb. the 13th, and the other, Feb. the loth, 1U88. [The latter was written two days before Renwick's death.] MANUSCRIPTS. 935 SERMONS. A volume of sermons, preached in ' 1750, on the following texts : Luke, xvi. 8 ; ! Is. liii. 1 ; Heb. viii. 10-12 ; Acts, xii. 11 ; 1 Pet. ii. 5 ; Eph. vi. 10. 4 A volume of sermons on the following texts : Ps. xiv. 2 ; Ps. cxvi. 16 ; Matt. xxv. 23 ; Gal. iii. 13 ; Rev. i. 6 ; Heb. xi. 7 ; 1 Thess. iv. 1 ; [ Rom. viii. 8. Two of these are dated Leith, ' Aug. 1092, and West Kirk, 1692. fol. j Thirty seven sermons on various texts. No ; indication of place, date, or author. The hand- writing appears to be of the latter part of the 17th century. 4 i The law was given by Moses. But grace and i truth came by Jesus Christ. Sermons preached i att severall occasions by severall ministers of j the Gosple in Edinburgh Presbytery. Written at lirst in short hand and then transcribed. ; Edinburgh. Written by James Hamiltoun. MDCCXI. 4 A volume of sermons preached at Auchter- muchty, Logie, &c. in 1764 on the following texts : Rev. iii. 20 ; Ps. xlv. 13 ; 2 Sam. xii. ' 2 ; John, xv. 11 ; Lev. xxvi. 40-43 ; Luke, xxiv. 26 ; Is. xxv. 8 ; Rev. iii. 2. With occa- sional Table services. 8 A volume containing some notes of sermons upon Isaiah, chap, xl., and liii.-lix. 4 A volume containing some notes of sermons upon Matt. chap, xi.-xvi. In the same hand as the previous volume. A volume consisting chiefly of Action- sermons | preached in the Barony and High churches, Glasgow, from the year 1741 to 1750. 4 - A volume, containing notes of sermons and addresses delivered by the Rev. Messrs Brown, Thomas Boston, Byers, Chisholm, Craig, Craw- i ford, Davidson, Hunter, Innes, Livingston, Milne, Murray of Penpont, Riccaltoun, and Gabriel Wilson, during the years 1723-1733. Taken by John Blackball. 4 SINCLAIR ( ), Minister of Balfron.A vo- lume of sermons on the following texts : John, x. 27 ; John, x. 11 ; Heb. xiii. 20 ; Heb. xiii. 21 ; 1 Pet. v. 4 ; Col. i. 2 ; John, xii. 26 ; John, xii. 32 ; Tit. iii. 3 ; John, xiv. 15, 16 ; John, xiv. 16, 17. The dates vary from 1749 to 1755. 4 SMITH (JAMES), Minister of the Free Church, Dumbarton. The eve of the Disruption. A narrative of transactions and discussions, held in St Luke's church, Edinburgh, by the adhe- rents of the Convocation, during the three days preceding the Assembly of 1843. fol. [In a long and interesting historical note, dated, Dumbarton Free Manse, 27. Nov. 1851, Mr Smith states that the above MS. (which is in his own handwriting), is a copy of the paper given in to the Committee on the Memorials of the Disruption.] TRIUMVIRATE. The formidable triumvirate, or the malignant club. In the Hudibrastic manner. 8 VEITCH, or VETCH (JAMES), Minister at Ma o/i - line. Xf/ffTOf AKoiToho; ; or, the Apostolick office of Christ, explained and vindicated from Heb. iii. 1-6, and other parallel places of Scrip- ture. No part of the MS. is in the hand writ- ing of Veitch except the dedication to Hugh Campbell, Earl of Loudoun. It has a printed title-page, and bears the date of 1691. 4 WALLACE (JAMES), Prebendary of St John, Kirk- wall. The harmonic of the Gospel. Dated Kirkwall, July, 1676. fol. LATIN MANUSCRIPTS. ANSELMUS, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury. Anselmi et aliorum orationes xxv. ad Angelos, Arch - angelos, et Apostolos. A manuscript on vellum, of Cent. xiv. It contains forty eight leaves, and is written in a Gothic cha- racter, with red titles and illuminated capitals. After the last prayer, addressed to St Mil- dreth, is a paraphrase on the 51st Psalm, be- ginning, Miserere mei, Deus, accompanied by a commentary. The prayers are chiefly by Anselm, and addressed to St John the Bap- tist, St John the Evangelist, St Peter, St Paul, St Andrew, St Stephen, St Laurence, St Vincent, St Nicholas, St Benedict, St Gre- gory, St Augustin, St Martin, St Edmund, St Thomas, St Mary Magdalene, St Catherine, St Mildreth, and to all the saints. 4 ATHANAS1US, Saint, Archbishop of Alexandria. Opuscula. A manuscript on vellum, of Cent. xv. Written on 130 leaves, with red titles, and having the first page and the initial letters illuminated. It contains the following pieces. 1. Contra Gentiles per Ambrosium Mo- iiachumFlorentinum in Latinum traductus. 4 [Printed in vol. i., pt. 1, p. 1 of the Benedic- tine edition of the works of Athanasius, Pa- tavii, 1777, 3 vol. fol.] 2. De incarnatione Verbi, ej usque ad noa per corpus adventu. [Opp. vol. i., pt. 1, p. 38.] 3. De unita trinitate Deitatis. 4. De Propriis Personis et unito nomine Dei- tatis. 5. De assumptione hominis contra Mascellio- nem hereticum pessimum. 6. De singulis nominibus contra novellam he- resim cuiusdam Patentini Urbici. 7. De una et sempiterna substantia Trinitatis. 8. De beatitudine Filii et de prescriptione secte pessime. 9. De professione regule catholice cum incre- patione heretice. 10. De Unitate divine substantie. [The preceding eight pieces belong to one work. Nos. 3 to 9 are printed in vol. ii., pp. 632, et seqq.] 11. De Spiritu Sancto. [Printed in vol. i., pt. 2, p. 773.] 12. Professio arriana et confessio catholica. [Printed in vol. ii. , p. 554.] MANlsrmi'TS 13. Fides beati Athanasii. [ Print <.-d in vul. ii., p. 558.] At (JUSTLNUS (AtKKi.irs), S,i;,,t, /;;*/./> of Jli/>j>-m. 10. Ex Ii!. ret ( Miiciomm Isidnri in regula can<-- Bioonun. BAR( >N ( 1 1. .UKRT), D. D. , J'ntfeia,,, ' / in .W.'/-vrA"/ "///.-f/e, Aberdeen. A quarto volnmu containing the following: 1. Precatio D. II. Ii. 2. Oratio habita in Academia Regia Abredo- nensi pro Doctoratu o-nsequendo. Disputationes theologicw. l m *- De regula fidei ]>rincipali. Tractatus quiiii. 2d- De visibili et ordinario conn. .vn-sianim judice, deque ejus auctoritate, et obedientia ei debita. Sectiones tredecim. 3- De monarchico suprematu f A llano. Bonaventurfe Itinerarium. A manu- script on vellum, of Cent. xv. It is written in a large Gothic character, and the titles are in red. It contains forty three leaves, and has been printed. 4 ERSKINE (JOHN). Four Latin treatises. The first on philosophy, dated January 8. 1682, consisting of five parts. The second is en- titled, Physices generalis, consists of three parts, and was finished on May 22. 1682. The third is entitled, Synopsis philosophise Cart. M- anje, consists of three parts, and bears on two places the date 1682. The fourth is entitled, Tractatus geographicus, consists of four chap- ters, and is without date. 8 GATHEUS (JACOBUS). Exercitationes ministe- riales. Gratiniae. Anno Domini 1743. Ja- nuarij 31 mo die. 8 Praelectiones in fidei articulos confessione Westmonasteriensi comprehensos. Jacobo Ga- theo scriptore. Gratinise Januarij l mo die 1744. Pars 1*. 8 Prselectionum in fidei articulos confessione comprehensos, pars secunda. Scriptore Jacobo Gatheo. Gratiniae Julij 8 VO die 1744. 8 Teutamen theologicnm, chronologicum, et his- toricum. Scriptore Jacobo Gatheo. Singuli MANUSCRIPTS. 937 Dominici Dies, recitandis quibusq ; disserta- tionibus destinati, in apicibus, notantur. Gra- tinite in Annandia. Januarij 29 no die Anno Domini 175$. 4 HUGO, de Sancto Victare. De exercitatione te- pide mentis in amorem Dei. Idem de obli- vione prgeteritorum malorum et ira. Idem de quinque statibus mutabilitatis. A manuscript on vellum, of Cent. xiv. It is written in a Gothic character, and contains eleven leaves. The titles are in red, and the capitals are illu- minated. 4 ORATIONES. A manuscript on vellum, of the 14th Cent., written on 28 leaves, in a small Gothic character. It consists of a collection of prayers, nineteen in number, by Thomas Aquinas, St Ambrose, St Augustine, St Je- rome, and others. Towards the end of the MS. there is a piece in Latin verse, by St Bernard, entitled, Forma vivendi ; Verba Jo- sephi Hebrsei de Christo ; et Epistola Pilati. On the last page there is a prayer of St Au- gustine, written at a later date. The titles are in red ; and the first initial is in gold and colours. 12 [All the MSS. on vellum in the New College Library were formerly in the possession of the Duke of Sussex. They are fully described in Pettigrew's Bibliotheca Sussexiana, from which the account now given has been taken in a form abridged, and altered so as to suit the different editions of the printed works to which reference is made.] ROW (JOANNES), Professor of philosophy in the university of Edinburgh. Physica sive tracta- tus de corporibus. A doctissimo Domino Joanne Row in Academia Edinburgena philo- sophise professore dictata, conscripta autem a Joanne Wright ejus sub ductu philosophise operam navante, inchoataque mense Januario anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo nonage- simo sexto. [2 partt.] 4 VITRINGA (CAMPEGIUS), Professor of divinity at Franeker. Historia ecclesiastica. 4 [An unpublished work of Vitringa, beautifully written, and evidently prepared for the press.] ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS. ABULGHAZI BHATAR KHAN. Shejeret ' Turki. The Tartar family-tree. The chro- nicle or genealogical history of Abulghazi Bha- tar Khan. 4 ALCORANUS ARABICE. Alcoran. The first two pages are gilt and illuminated ; and each page is inclosed within a gold border. 8 AMEER KHUSROO. The poems of Ameer Khusroo, a native of Delhi. 8 ANUARI, or ANUERI. Divan-i-Anuari. A volume containing a collection of poems. 8 [Anuari, one of the most celebrated poets of Persia, was born in a village called Bedeneh, and for the excellence of his poetry \vas sur- named Solthan al Khorasan. He died A.H. 597.] BHEEKUN PITHAMU. Rj Dharm, or rules for the guidance of Princes. By Bheekun Pithamu. Translated into Persian from the Mahabhsirat. 8 CHRONICLES, BOOKS OF. The First and Se- cond Book of Chronicles. 4 [Used by the Karaites. Written in the Turk- ish language, and in the Hebrew character. Two MSS. are annexed, in the same language and character.] DICTIONARY. Dictionary of Persian and Ara- bic words, explained in Tartar, or Turkish. 4 FERAYIZ KETA'BL Ferayiz Ketdbi. Divine precepts or laws in the Tartar dialect. The I first part is wanting. Towards the end is a | religious treatise ; also a Persian poem, and | the story of Kuz and Fyka, in Tartar. 4 GOSPELS. A version of the first three Gospels, as far as the middle of St Luke, in the Bash- kir dialect, by a Bashkir Mula or Mulla, from the Turkish edition of the New Testament, printed in Paris in the year 1819. GRUNTH. The Grunth. [The term Grunth corresponds with that of Shastres, or holy writ- ings of the Hindoos. There are two Grunths, one containing the writings of Nanuck Shah, (who lived about 300 years ago) and those of the succeeding Gooroos or spiritual guides ; the other containing the writings of Gooroo Govind Singh (who lived about 200 years ago), and his contemporary saints. This volume is a copy of the first of these. It was compiled by one of the Gooroos named Ur- joon. It is styled the Grunth of Gooroo Na- nuck Shah, and contains the sacred books of the Sikhs who are his followers.] 4 HAFEDH, or HAFEZ, or HAFIZ. Divan- i- Hafedh. 8 [The word Divan, in one of its significations, is employed to express a collection of differ- ent pieces by the same author, whether in prose or verse. Of these Divans of Hafedh (whose proper name was Mohammed Scham- seddin) there are five in the New College library. They are all in 8.] HAJI HOSEIN-ZAHRI. A treatise on the science of music, by Haji Hosein-Zahri, of Ispahan. 4 J HASSAN BEN SOHAIL. Anu'ar Sohaili. The lights, or stars of Canopus. 8 [The title of a work very celebrated through- out the East, which Hassan Ben Sohail, Vi- zir of Khalife Almamon, translated from Per- sian into Arabic. Such is the reason of its name ; for Sohail in Arabic signifies the Star of Canopus. The work was originally writ- ten in Indian, and bore first the name of the Testament of Houschenk, ancient king of Persia of the first dynasty, and that of Gia- vidan Khird, i. e., the wisdom of all ages. It was first translated from the Indian language 118 MANUSCRIPTS. into that of the ancient Persians, by vich, physician to King Cosroes, surnamed Nouschirvan, whom the prince had sent to India to recover the book. This translation bore the Persian name of Humaioun Nameh, the august book. Aboul Maali rendered tliis translation into modern Persian : but his work was revised and enriched by Houssain Kaschefi, and has since borne the title of Calilah u Damnah, as well as that which has been made in the Turkish language, for the Sultan Soliman. For it is a dialogue between two animals, to which have been given these two proper names. These animals are called from the name of their species Schacal, and we have nothing in this country which is more like them than the fox, both in appear- ance and instinct. The book is full of very ingenious apologues, in which the morals and politics of Orientals are entirely comprised.] [Translated from the description of the book given by M. D'Herbelot in his Bibliotheque Orientale, torn, i., p. 231, ed. 1777.] HAZRAT IMAM SATIRI SADEK. The Fa'il Nameh of Hazrat Imam Safiri Sadek. 8 [A very celebrated book. The natives of In- dia place the greatest confidence in its re- sponses, always consulting it, before embark- ing in any affair of great importance. It is written in Persian.] IBN BUKAR AHMUD. Traditions of Ibn Bukar Ahmud. In Arabic. The first page ornamented with gold and colours, and the others with a border of gold. 4 ISHER. History of Isher in the island of Suma- tra. In the Malay language, with many Ara- bic words interspersed. 4 ISKENDI NAMI. Iskendi Nami. A history of Alexander the Great in Tartar verse, with a variety of other topics interspersed. The first few leaves, and several others throughout the book, are wanting. 4 JOSEPH. A Tartar historical poem concerning Joseph and Zuleikha, the wife of Potiphar. 4 KAMRUP. The story of Kamrup in Persian. The first two pages beautifully ornamented with gold and colours. 8 KOJA TUKSYR JUVAN YASIM. Sayings of Koja Tuksyr Juvan Yasim. Various poems in Tartar. The first is entitled, God defend us from the accursed. The second is a de- scriptive eulogium upon his majesty the Sul- tan of both worlds (i. e. Mohammed). The third describes the qualities of the faithful friend, &c. 4 MOHAMMED EFFENDI. A commentary in Tartar on religious duties. By Mohammed Effendi. 4 MOHAMMED JA'N KUDLI. Divan-i-Moham- med Jan Kudli. A.H. 1078. In Persian, s MOOGUFFURUH. The Khul.-isat nl Aish. The mysteries of love. By MoogulFuruli, of Delhi, the physician of Shah Alum. In IYr si: m. 8 MOSLEM RELIGION. A treatise on the duties and ceremonies of the Moslem religion, in Tar- tar. A few of the first leaves are awanting. 4 PENDI NA'MI. A volume of poems in thu Jaghatai dialect, called Pendi Nami, or Book of Advice. 4 PENTATEUCH. The Pentateuch, written on leather, in the Hebrew character, without points. POETRY. A volume of poetical pieces written in Tartar, but very much mixed with Persian and Arabic. 8 POORUSH CHURU CHUNDZIKA. The Poo- rush Churu Chundzika. 4 [In a note dated in 1834, this is said to be a very rare and curious work, and is believed to be the only copy which has found its way into Europe.] PURWA'NAHL Register of Purwanahi. [Tra- velling expences, fcc.] 4 RAJAHS. List of the Hindoo Rajahs of Delhi from Jadhistar downwards. Together with a list of the Mahomedan Princes. 4 RELIGION. A religious treatise in Tartar. 4' SHEICH ATTU AR. Sheich Attuar. A Persian poem on the duty of man towards God, and his neighbour. There is added, an index of difficult words chiefly Arabic, which are ex- plained in Turkish. The book was written A.H. 1101. 8 SWA'YAMBHURA PURA'NA. The Swayam- bhura Purana. In Sanskrit. 4 [A very scarce and valuable manuscript.] TEKE SHEJERET TURKI. Teke Shejeret Turki. This book is called The religious Turkish- (Tartar) Tree. It is divided into nine chapters or sections. The first com- mences with the creation of Adam, and is car- ried downwards to the Great Mogul, Emperor of Hindostan. The last finishes with the reigns of the sons of Shaban Khan of Kowa- rezm or Kharezm. The work seems to have commenced from A.H. 774. The writer's, or probably rather the transcriber's, name is Mula Abdabrahem ben Mula Abdulahab. 4" VALEHU. Divan -i-Valehu. The first two pages are illuminated, and ornamented with flowers of gold. The others are inclosed in double borders of gold. In Persian. 8 3 WOOD ( ). A translation into Persian of Wood's Sunday school catechism, by Donald M'Pherson. 8 J WODROW MANUSCRIPTS. A volume containing, 1. Oratio de S. Scrip turse dignitate et excellentia, habita Martii 9. 1692. 4 2. Prselectiones qusedam viva voce habitae, 1693, 1694. (1) De veritate. (2) De falsitate. (3) De veracitate. (4) De mendacio et falla- cia. (5) De rationis humanae natura, et variis de ea controversiis inter author es agitatis. MANUSCRIPTS. 939 3. Oratio de methodo studii scholastici in genere. 4. De methodo studii theologici. 5. Tractatus de methodo exegetica et homi- letica, quse in exercitiis theologicia hactenus apud nos in usu fuit. 6. A compend of the tractate called Methodus homiletica ; being a short direction to students of theology, for making of and criticizing upon homilies, as also for the forming of popular sermons, as they are called thereunto. [Print- ed in the Appendix to the life of Professor Wodrow, by his son.] 7. Oratio hortatoria ad magisterii candidates, jam jam laurea donandos, et majistros crean- dos. Glasg. Ap. 10. 1694. [The preceding manuscripts are all in the handwriting of Professor James Wodrow. An account of them will be found in his Life by his son, Robert Wodrow, minister at East- wood, pp. 131, 132, and 186-194.] A volume containing, 1. A sermon by Mr David Brown, Greenock, on Is. xlvi. 13, preached on the Fast-day, May 26. 1700. 4 2. A sermon by Mr J. Stirling, on John, xiv. 15, preached at Greenock on the same day. 3. An Action-sermon, on Cant. ii. 3, preached by Mr William Fleming, at Innerkip, June 20. 1703. 4. A sermon on Acts, x. 43. 5. A sermon on Rev. xii. 7, 8, preached by Mr William Fleming, at Innerkip, April 1. 1697, on a Fast-day observed by the Presby- tery of Paisley, when Christina Shaw, Bar- garan's daughter, was tormented with witches. 6. Notes of some sermons anent personal cove- nanting. All dated July 25. 1677. 7. A sermon by Mr John Baird of Paisley, on 2 Tim. ii. 1, preached 13. Feb. 1681. 8. A sermon preached by Mr John Baird, on Deut. xxxiv. 5. 9. A sermon, perhaps by the same, on Cant, iv. 1, preached July 2. 1680. 10. Seven sermons on Rev. iii. 19, preached Nov. and Dec. 1674, and Jan. 1675. 11. A sermon by Mr David Dickson, on Rom. x. 4. 12. Four sermons, on Is. Iv. 5, Song of Sol. v. 4, Is. Iv. 6, and Jerem. viii. 6, preached by Mr T. Blackwell, in Feb. and March, 1696. 13. The plotter's doom, a sermon on Ps. xxxvii. 12, in answer to Mr J. H. sermon on " Curse ye Meroz." [Probably taken from a printed copy, about the year 1680.] 14. A sermon by Mr J . Watt on Ephes. vi. 18, preached at Barr, June, 1678. 15. A sermon on Rom. xii. 1. 16. A sermon on Heb. vii. 25. 17. A discourse on the snares of the time, preached in Feb. 1681. 18. The Prince of Orange's Declaration, Oct. 1688. 19. Letter and addresses to the parishioners of Irongray, by their minister. [Signed J. W. ] A volume, [marked vol. 60] containing 1. Me- dulla theologise Arminianse. Inchoata Jun. 20. 1640. A Sam. Retorforti. In 7 numbers. 4 2. Vindicatio locorum sacrae Scripturse prse- sertim Novi Testamenti De natura et gratia, ab interpretationibus Pontificiorum et Armi- nianorum. In three different papers, very large, but incompleat. 3. Jehova justitia nostra, seu vindiciae de jus- tificatione hominis contra Pontificios, Socini- anos, Remonstrantes, et Antinomos. Proba- bly by Mr James Wood, since on the first leaf it runs, Jacobus Sylvius de justificatione. [Pre- ceded by some letters in English, on the sub- ject of calls to the ministry, ordination, &c.] 4. Disputationes qusedam de sacra Scriptura. Incomplete. 5. Oratio de sacrificiis. A volume, containing, 1. A catechism containing the grounds of the Christian religion. Begins with chap. 1. Of the word of God. 4 2. A system of divinity in English. 3. Sermons on Job, xxxi. 26, 27, 28 ; Acts, v. 27 ; Ephes. i. 13, 14 ; and Philip, iii. 3. By D. D. Another by him on the same. With some lectures or sermons on Job, chap. iii. 9. Wanting a portion at the beginning. 4. A sermon on 1 Cor. xvi. 13. Wanting a portion at the end. 5. Sixteen letters of Samuel Rutherford. [Of these, eleven are without place and date ; one is dated Aberdeen, Feb. 19, 1637 ; one is dated Anwoth, Aug. 5, 1639 ; two are dated St Andrews, Nov. 22, 1639 ; and one, St An- drews, Dec. 17, 1639. They are all printed.] 6. A sermon on Heb. xii. 1. 7. Preparation sermon to the communion at Kilwinning, March 1645, on Mai. iv. 12. By Mr H. M. With a sermon by Mr James Fer- guson, March 5, 1646, Sabbath forenoon, on 2 Sam. xxiii. 5. With a sermon in the after- noon for thanksgiving. By R. M., on Mai. iv. 2. 8. A sermon by Mr J. Airey, on Prov. xxii. 3. 9. A sermon by Mr Tho. Wylie on Is. Iv. 6. Ormiston Kirk, May 24. 1678. And on Iv. 7. ibid. May 26. 10. A sermon by Mr Robert Wylie, on Rom. xi. 6. 11. A sermon by Mr Alsop, on Prov. xiv. 10. A volume of sermons, preached, chiefly in Glas- gow, during the years 1702, and 1703. By Alexander Wodrow, eldest son of Professor Wodrow. They are in the handwriting of the author. 8 Correspondence between Principal Hadow and Mr Alexander Hamilton, minister of Airth, on the subject of the Gospel offer, and colla- teral topics. 1710-1712. 4 THE END. ROBERT FAIRLY, PRINTER, EDINBURGH. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE! IN CONNECTION WITH THE CHAIR OF NATURAL SCIENCE IN THE NEW COLLEGE, EDINBURGH. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY IN CONNECTION WITH THE CHAIR OF NATURAL SCIENCE. AGASSIZ BERTRAND. AGASSIZ (Louis). Etudes sur les glaciers. Ou- vrage accompagne" d'un atlas de 32 planches [fol.]. Neuchatel, 1840. 8 AGRICOLA (GEORGIUS). De ortu et causis sub- terraneorum lib. v. De natura eorum quae effluunt ex terra lib. iiii. De natura fossiliuin lib. x. De ueteribus et nouis metallis lib. ii. Bermannus, siue de re metallica dialogus lib. i. Interpretatio Germanica uocum rei metal- licse, addito duplici indice, altero rerum, altero locorum. Omnia ab ipso authore, cum haud pcenitenda accessione, recens recognita. Sasilece, MDLVIII. fol. - De re metallica libri xii. Quibus officia, in- strumenta, machinae, ac omnia denique ad me- tallicam spectantia, non modb luculentissimfe describuntur, sed et per effigies, suis locis in- sertas, adiunctis Latinis, Germanicisque ap- pellationibus ita ob oculos ponuntur, ut clarius tradi non possint. Ejusdem de animantibus subterraneis liber, ab autore recognitus... Basilece, M.D.LXI. fol. ALLAN (ROBERT), F.R.S.E. A manual of mine- ralogy comprehending the more recent discove- ries in the mineral kingdom . Edin. , 1834. 8 ARTIS (EDMUND TYRELL), F.S. A. Antediluvian phytology, illustrated by a collection of the fossil remains of plants, peculiar to the coal formations of Great Britain. Selected, for their novelty and interest, from upwards of a thousand specimens now in the possession of the author, and systematically described, with the view of facilitating the study of this im- portant branch of geology. Including remarks on the systems of Count Sternberg, Baron Schlotheim, Professor Martius, and Mons. Brongniart ; also communications from Pro- fessor Buckland and other eminent geologists. London. 1838. 4 AUBUISSON DE VOISINS (J.-Fn. D'), En- gineer in chief to the Board of mines in France. An account of the basalts of Saxony, with observations on the origin of basalt in general. Translated, with notes, by P. Neill, F.R.S.E. With a map of the Saxon Erzgebirge, from Petri. Edin., 1814. 8 Trait^ de ge*ognosie, ou expose des connais- sances actuelles sur la constitution physique et mine"rale du globe terrestre. NouveUe edi- tion. Tom. i. Paris, 1828. 8 Tom. ii. , iii. Contenant le deVeloppement de toutes les applications de ces connaissances, et mis en rapport avec le premier volume pub- lid en 1828 par M. D'Aubuisson de Voisins ; par Am6dee BURAT. Paris, 1834, 35. 8 B. BELL (THOMAS), F.R.S., Professor of zoology in King's college, London. A history of British reptiles. Illustrated by more than forty wood- cuts. London, 1839. 8 BERTRAND (ALEXANDER), M.D. The revolu- tions of the globe familiarly described. Trans- lated from the fifth French edition, with sup- plementary notes and an appendix, by S. C. Horry. London, 1835. 12 BE11THAND CABTWRIUHT. BERTRAND (P.)- Nouveaux principea de geo- logie, compares et opposes a ceux des philo- sophea ancicns et modernes, notamment de J. C. Lame'therie, qui les a tous analyses dans sa The'orie de la terre : ou maniere plus simple d'observer et d'expliquer, 1'un par 1'autre, les principaux fails naturels; avec un abre"ge" de la geologic nouvelle. Parts, An vi. 1797. 8 BINGLEY (WILLIAM), A. M. Animal biography ; or, authentic anecdotes of the lives, manners, and economy of the animal creation, arranged according to the system of Linnaeus. 3 vol. 2d ed. London, 1804. 8 BOASE (HENRY S.), M.D. A treatise on pri- mary geology ; being an examination, both practical and theoretical, of the older forma- tions. London, 1834. 8 BONELLI (F. A.), Professor of zoology in the uni- versity of Turin. Description xTune nouvelle espece de poisson de la Me'diterrane'e apparte- nant au genre Trachyptere, avec des observa- tions sur les caracteres de ce meme genre. Memorie della R. Accademia delle Scienzi di Torino torn. xxiv. s. 1. et a. 4 BORN (Le Baron IGN. DE). Catalogue metho- dique, et raisonne' de la collection des fossiles de Mile. Ele'onore de Raab. 2 torn. Vienne, 1790. 8 BOUE (A.), M.D. Essai g^ologique sur 1'Ecosse. Avec deux cartes et sept planches lithogra- phiees. l'ris, s. a. 8 3 BRANDE (WILLIAM THOMAS), F.R.S. Outlines of geology. London, 1829. 8 BRITISH ASSOCIATION. -Report of the first and second, [ third, fourth, thirteenth to twen- tieth, and twenty third] meetings of the Bri- tish Association for the advancement of science. [12 vol.] London, 1833-1854. 8 BRONGNIART (ALEXANDRE). Traite' ele'raen- taire de mine'ralogie, avec des applications aux arts ; ouvrage destine^ & 1'enseignement dans les lyce'es iiationaux. 2 torn. Paris, 1807. 8 BRONN (HEIXRICH GEORG), Ph. D. Lethaea geognostica, oder Abbildungen und Beschrei- bungen der fiir die Gebirgs-Formationen be- zeichnendsten Versteinerungen, mit lithogra- phirten 47 Quart-, 1 folio- Tafel und 2 Tabel- len. 2 Bande. Stuttgart, 1835-1837, 38. 8 BROWN (J. MELLOR), B.A., Incumbent of Hyl- ton, Durham. Reflections on geology : sug- gested by the perusal of Dr Buckland's Bridge- water treatise. With remarks on a letter by J. P. S. on the study of geology. E'.Iin,, 1838. 8 BUCH (LEOPOLD VON). A mineralogical descrip- tion of the environs of Landeck, in the county of Glatz. With a mineralogical map. Trans- lated from the French, with notes, by Charles Anderson, M.D. Edin.,18W. 8 BUCKLAND (WILLIAM), D.D., Reader in geo- logy and mineralogy in the university of Oxford. Reliquiae diluvianae ; or, observations on the organic remains contained in caves, fissures, and diluvial gravel, and on other geological phenomena, attesting the action of an um\ . r- sal deluge. London, 1823. 4 Geology and mineralogy considered will. ference to natural theology. [Bridgewater treatises, vi.] 2 vol. London, 1836. 8 BURAT (AME'DE'E). Traite* de ge\>gnoaie...iui.s en rapport avec le premier volume public* en 1828 par M. d'AuuuissoN DE VOISINS. j 1828-1835 j BURNET (THOMAS), LL.D., D.D., Master of ih<- Charter-house. The theory of the earth ; o.n- taining an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things. The two first books concerning the deluge, and concerning paradise. L. P. London, 1684. fol. The two last books, conceming the burning of the world, and concerning the new heavens and new earth. London, 1090. fol. C. CANADA. Geological survey of Canada. Re- port of progress for the years 1853-54-55-56 [and 57]. [With plans of various lakes and rivers between Lake Huron and the river Otawa, to accompany the geological reports.] Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. [2 parts.] Toronto, 1857, 58. 8 Appendix to the Report of the commissioner of crown lands. Part ii. Maps of Canada... Toronto, 1857. 4 Geological survey of Canada. Sir W. E. Logan, F.R.S., Director. Figures and de- scriptions of Canadian organic remains. De- cade iii. Montreal, 1858. 8 Report of the special commissioners appointed on the 8th of September, 1856, to investigate Indian affairs in Canada. Toronto, 1858. 8 General report of the commissioners of public works, for the year ending 31st December, 1857 : furnished in compliance with the pro- visions of the Act, 9 Viet. cap. 7. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. Toronto, 1858. 8 Report of the Postmaster General, for the year ended 30th September, 1858. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. Toronto, 1859. 8 Report of the commissioner of crown lands, of Canada, for the year 1858. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. Toronto, 1859. 8 CARMICHAEL (JAMES), Raplochfarm, Stirling- shire. Account of the principal limestone quarries of Scotland. s. 1. et a. 8 CART WRIGHT (GEORGE). A journal of trans- actions and events, during a residence of nearly sixteen years on the coast of Labrador ; con- taining many interesting particulars, both of the country and its inhabitants, not hitherto known. Illustrated with proper charts. 3vol. -, 1792. 4' COLUMNA FLETCHER. COLUMNA (FABIUS). De glossapetris disserta- tio. [Ad calcem op. De corporibus marinis lapidescentibus quse defossa reperiuntur, auc- tore A. SCILLA.] 1747 CONYBEARE (W. D.), F.R.S. Outlines of the geology of England and Wales, with an intro- ductory compendium of the general principles of that science, and comparative views of the structure of foreign countries. Illustrated by a coloured map and sections, &c. By the Rev. W. D. C., and William PHILLIPS. Part i. London, 1822. 8 COSTA (EMANUEL MENDES DA). Elements of conchology ; or, an introduction to the know- ledge of shells. With seven plates, containing figures of every genus of shells. London, 1776. 8 CRONSTEDT (AxEL FREDERIC), Superintendent of mines in Sweden. An essay towards a sys- tem of mineralogy. Translated from the ori- ginal Swedish, with annotations, and an addi- tional treatise on the blow-pipe. By Gustav von Engestrom. The 2d ed. , greatly enlarged and improved, by the addition of the modern discoveries ; and by a new arrangement of the articles, by John Hyacinth de Magellan. 2 vol. London, 1788. 8 CUVIER (Le Baron GEORGE LEOPOLD CHRETIEN FREDERIC DAGOBERT). Essay on the theory of the earth. With geological illustrations by Professor Jameson. 5th ed. , translated from the last French edition. With numerous ad- ditions by the author and translator. Edin., 1827. 8 D. DAUBENY (CHARLES), M.D., Professor of che- mistry, and Fellow of Magdalen college, Oxford. A description of active and extinct volca- noes ; with remarks on their origin, their che- mical phsenomena, and the character of their products, as determined by the condition of the earth during the period of their formation. Being the substance of some lectures delivered before the University of Oxford, with much additional matter. London, 1826. 8 DAVY (Sir HUMPHRY), Bart., LL.D. Elements of agricultural chemistry, in a course of lec- tures for the Board of agriculture ; delivered between 1802 and 1812. 6th ed. London, 1839. 8 DE LA BECHE (HENRY T.), F.R.S. A selec- tion of the geological memoirs contained in the Annales cles mines, together with a synoptical table of equivalent formations, andM. Brongni- art's table of the classification of mixed rocks. Translated, with notes. London, 1824. 8 How to observe. Geology. With an hundred and thirty-eight wood- cuts. London, 1835. 12 Report on the geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset. Published by order of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury. London, 1839. 8 - The geological observer. London, 1851. 8 DENHOLM (JAMES). A tour to the principal Scotch and English lakes. A new edition. Glasgow, 1817. 8 DESHAYES (G. P.). Description de coquilles caracteristiques des terrains. Paris, 1831. 8 DOUBLEDAY (HENRY). A nomenclature of British birds ; being a systematic catalogue of all the species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland, intended for labelling collections of British birds and their eggs. London, 1836. 8 E. EDINBURGH ROYAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. ix. [Parti.] Edin., 1821. 4 EDWARDS (H. MILNE), M.D. Elemens de zoologie, ou Ie9ons sur 1'anatomie, la physiolo- gic, la classification et les moeiirs des animaux. Paris, 1834. 8 ENCYCLOPAEDIA.- Encyclopedic methodique. Histoire naturelle des vers. 3 torn. [Tom. i. par M. Bruguiere ; torn. ii. , iii. par Bruguiere et De Lamarck, continue'e par Mr G. P. Deshayes.] Paris, 1792-1832. 4 Tableau encyclopedique et methodique de trois regnes de la nature. [En deux parties, con- tenant les planches de Vers et de Coquilles.] [Part i. wants title.] Parts, 1797. 4 ESTNER (L'Abbe"). Versuch einer Mineralogie fur Anfanger und Liebhaber nach des Herru Bergcommissionsraths Werner's Methode. 3 Bande. 5 Abtheil. Wien, 1794-1804. 8 F. FAIRHOLME (GEORGE). New and conclusive physical demonstrations, both of the fact and period of the Mosaic deluge, and of its having been the only event of the kind that has ever occurred upon the earth. London, 1837. 8 i FALCONER (WILLIAM), M.D. Miscellaneous tracts and collections relating to natural his- tory, selected from the principal writers of antiquity on that subject. Cambridge, 1793. 4 FENNELL (R. ). Geology. Remarks on Bishop Sumner's "Appendix" to his work, entitled " The records of creation." London, 1836. 12 FLEMING (JOHN), D.D., F.R.S.E., Professor of natural science, Neiv College, Edinburgh. A history of British animals, exhibiting the de- scriptive characters and systematical arrange- ment of the genera and species of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fishes, mollusca, and radiata of the United Kingdom ; including the indige- nous, extirpated, and extinct kinds, together with periodical and occasional visitants. Edin., 1828. 8 FLETCHER (JOHN), M.D., Lecturer on physio- logy, and on medical jurisprudence. Rudiments of physiology, in three parts. Part I. On or- UI;K>N Part II. On life, as manifested in irritation. Part HI. On life, as manitVst. .i,,;.scr\ utions towards forming anew tlu-Mi-v cf the earth. JKdin., 1818. 8 L. LAKE SUPERIOR. Report on the exploration of the country between Lake Superior and the Red River settlement. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. Toronto, 1858. 8 LAMARCK (J. B. DE). Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres, pre'sentant les carac- teres gendraux et particuliers de ces animaux, leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs families, leurs genres, et la citation des principales especes qui s'y rapportent ; pre'ce'de'e d'une introduction offrant la determination des ca- racteres essentiels de 1'animal, sa distinction du ve'ge'tal et des autres corps naturels, entin 1'exposition des principes fondamentaux de la zoologi&. Tom. v.-vii. Paris, 1818-22. 8 LAMOUROUX (J.), Professor of natural history to tlie Royal academy of Caen. Exposition me'thodique des genres de 1'ordre des poly- piers, avec leur description et celle des prin- cipales especes, figure'es dans 84 planches ; les 63 premieres appartenant a 1'histoire naturelle des zoophytes 1'Ellis et Solander. Paris, 1821. 4 LANDALE (DAVID), Coal-engineer. Report on the geology of the East of Fife coal-field, with map and sections. s. 1. et a. 8 LANDT (G.). A description of the Feroe islands, containing an account of their situation, cli- mate, and productions ; together with the man- ners, and customs, of the inhabitants, their trade, &c. Illustrated with a map and other engravings. Translated from the Danish. London, 1810. 8 LAPEYRONIE (GAUTHIER DE). See GAUTHIER DE LAPEYKONIE. LA PEYROUSE (J.-FR. GALAUP DE). A voyage round the world : which was performed in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, by M. de La Peyrouse ; abridged from the original French journal of M. de La P. which was lately published by M. Milet-Mureau, in obe- dience to an order from the French govern- ment. To which are added : a voyage from Manilla to California, by Don Antonio MATJ- RELLE : and an abstract of the voyage and dis- coveries of the late Captain G. VANCOUVER. Edin., 1798. 12 LAURANCE (JOHN). Geology in 1835 ; a popu- lar sketch of the progress, leading features, and latest discoveries of this rising science. Illustrated with diagrams and engravings on wood. London, 1835. 12 LECOQ (H.). Ele'mens de gdologie et d'hydro- phie, ou resume des notions acquises sur les grandes lois de la nature ; f aisant suite et serv- ant de complement aux Ele'mens de geogra- phic physique et de mete'orologie. Avec huit planches gravees. 2 torn. Paris, 1838. 8 (K.\ui. OAMUB Kini.i: * feswr of mineralogy Naturgeschichte des Mim -r.ilr. -k-hs. buch fur OHi-ntlklu' Ynrtra^c besonders auch in Gymnasien und Realschulen, so wie /HIM Si'llistudium. Erste Abtheilung : Oryktogno- sie. Mit neun Stcindruck-Tafeln. / Auflage. //.,./,//,,/, is:;:$. s' Zweite Abtheilung: Geologie und Geogno- sie. Mit vier schwarzen und zwei ilhiininir- ten Tafeln. Zweite Auflage. //. i.lelberg, 1831. 8 Ge'ologie des gens du monde. Traduite de 1'Allemand sous les yeux de 1'auteur par P. Griinblot et P. A. Toulousan. 2 torn. Paris, 1839, 40. 8 LINDLEY (JOHN), Ph. D., Professor of botan >i in the university of London. The fossil flora of Great Britain ; or, figures and descriptions of the vegetable remains found in a fossil state in this country. By J. L. ; and William HUT- TON. 3 vol. London, 1831-37. 8 LINDESAY (ROBERT), of Pitscottie. The history of Scotland; from 21 February, 1436... to March, 1565. In which are contained accounts of many remarkable passages altogether differ- ing from our other historians ; and many facts are related, either concealed by some, or omit- ted by others. To which is added a continua- tion, by another hand, till August 1604. Min., 1728. fol. LONDON ROYAL SOCIETY. Philosophical transactions. Vol. xlviii.-liv., Ivi., Iviii.- Ixxii., Ixxv.-lxxxviii., xci., xcii., xcvii.-cxi. [Wanting vol. xlix. part 1 ; all the plates in vol. 1. part 2, from 19 to 35 ; pp. 136-153 of vol. Iviii. ; all the plates of vol. Ixii. , pp. 218 to 227 of vol. Ixiii ; vol. cix. part 1 ; and vol. cxi. part 2.] London, 1754-1821. 4 3 LUC (J. A. DE}, Professor of philosophy and geo- logy at Gottingen. An elementary treatise on geology : determining fundamental points in that science, and containing an examination of some modern geological sysltms, and particu- larly of the Huttonian theory of the earth. Translated from the French manuscript, by the Rev. Henry de La Fite, M.A. London, 1809. 8 M. MACAULAY (KENNETH), Minister ofArdnamur- chan. The history of St Kilda. Containing a description of this remarkable island ; the manners and customs of its inhabitants ; the religious and pagan antiquities there found ; with many other curious and interesting par- ticulars. London, 1764. 8 MACAULAY (JAMES), M.A. Essay 011 cruelty to animals. Edin., 1839. 8 MACCULLOCH (JOHN), M.D. A description of the Western islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man : comprising an account of their geological structure ; with remarks on their agriculture, scenery, and antiquities. 3 vol. MACGILLIVRAY PARKINSON. [Vol. iii. contains plates and maps, with ex- planations.] London, 1819. 8 and 4 - A geological classification of rocks, with de- scriptive synopses of the species and varieties, comprising the elements of practical geology. London, 1821. 8 A system of geology, with a theory of the earth, and an explanation of its connexion with the sacred records. 2 vol. London, 1831. 8 MACGILLIVRAY (WILLIAM), LL.D., Professor of natural history in Marischal college, Aber- deen. A manual of geology. London, 1840. 8 MACKENZIE (WILLIAM). The history of Gal- loway, from the earliest period to the present time. 2 vol. Illustrated with maps. Kirkcudbright, 1841. 12 C MACKINTOSH (D.), Lecturer on geology. A. key to geology : being a cursory view of the pre- sent state of discovery regarding the structure and revolutions of the earth. Edin., 1839. 8 MAMMATT (EDWARD), F.G.S. A collection of geological facts and practical observations, in- tended to elucidate the formation of the Ash- by coal-field, in the parish of Ashby-de-la- Zouch and the neighbouring district ; being the result of forty years' experience and re- search. Illustrated by a map and profiles, coloured sections of the stratification, and one hundred and two plates of vegetable fossils, after drawings taken from nature, by Robert Ironmonger. London, 1836. 4 MANTELL (GIDEON), F.R.S. The geology of the South-East of England. London, 1833. 8 MANTELL (GIDEON ALGERNON), LL.D. The wonders of geology ; or, a familiar exposition of geological phenomena ; being the substance of a course of lectures delivered at Brighton. From notes taken by G. F. Richardson. 2 vol. London, 1838. 8 MAURELLE (Don ANTONIO). A voyage from Manilla to California ; [with A voyage round the world, by J.-Fr. Galaup de LA PEYROUSE]. 1798 MENAGERIE. The tower menagerie : com- prising the natural history of the animals con- tained in that establishment ; with anecdotes of their characters and history. Illustrated by portraits of each, taken from life, by William Harvey ; and engraved on Wood by Branston and Wright. [Wants 10 pages of the intro- duction.] London, 1829. 8 MEYER (HERMANN VON). Neue Gattungen Fossiler Krebse aus Gebilden vom Bunten Sandstein bis in die Kreide. Mit vier Tafeln Abbildungen. Stuttgart, 1840. 4 MILNE (DAVID), F.R.S.E. Memoir of the Mid- Lothian and East-Lothian coal-fields. Edin., 1839. 4 A geological survey of Berwickshire. s. I. et a. 8 MOHS (FREDERICK), Professor in the mining aca- demy of Freiberg. Treatise on mineralogy, or the natural history of the mineral kingdom. Translated from the German, with consider- able additions, by William Haidinger. 3 vol. Edin,, 1825. 8 MONTGOMERY (WILLIAM), younger of Cloak. Outlines of the geology of Renfrewshire and the North of Ayrshire. s. I. et a. 8 MUNSTER (GEORG, Graf zu). Beitrage zur Petrefacten-kunde mit xviii. nach der Natur gezeichneten Tafeln unter Mitwirkung der Herren Hermann von Meyer und Professor Rudolph Wagner. Bayreuth, 1839. 4 MURCHISON (Sir RODERICK IMPEY), F.R.S. The Silurian system, founded on geological re- searches in the counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester, and Stafford ; with descriptions of the coal- fields and overlying formations. In two parts. London, 1839. 4 C Siluria. The history of the oldest known rocks containing organic remains, with a brief sketch of the distribution of gold over the earth. London, 1854. 8 C MURRAY (JOHN), M.D. A comparative view of the Huttonian and Neptunian systems of geo- logy : in answer to the Illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth, by Professor PLAYFAIR. 1802 N. NECKER DE SAUSSURE (L. A.), Honorary professor of mineralogy and geology to the aca- demy of Geneva. Voyage en Ecosse et aux iles Hebrides. 3 torn. Geneve, 1821. 8" O. OMALIUS D'HALLOY (JEAN-BAPTISTE-JULIEN D'). Introduction a la geologic. Premiere partie des elements d'histoire naturelle ine;r- ganique, contenant des notions d'astronomie, de metdorologie et de mineralogie. 3 me edi- tion, avec un atlas de 3 tableaux et 17 planches. , Bruxelles, 1838. 8 Elements de geologic. Seconde partie des Elements d'histoire naturelle inorganique. 3 e Edition. Bruxelles, 1838. 8 P. PAGE (DAVID), F.G.S. Introductory text-book of geology. 3d ed. Edin., 1857. 8~ PARKINSON (JAMES). Outlines of oryctology. An introduction to the study of fossil organic remains ; especially of those found in the Bri- tish strata : intended to aid the student in his inquiries respecting the nature of fossils, and their connection with the formation of the earth. With illustrative plates. 2d ed. With the author's latest corrections. London, 1830. 8- b Ill I'AYKN SMITH. I'AYKN (Av>i:i.MK). Me'moires sur Us lop, taux. I !_'. 4 I'KTIVi. i'.s). Musei Petiveriani centu- ri:i prima, r.iMoia natur;i- coin inrii> : \\7.. ani- nialia, i'ossilia, plantas, ox variis imindi plagifl advt-cta, online digesta, et nominilnis pn.priis A.H/<'/II, l(i'.5. 8 I'illLLil'S (.JOHN), F.R.S., 7 W. ./ ../ ;/ //* A / , LmtiloH. A treatise on uro- logy, forming the article under that head in the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica. /,'// .',*., 1837. 8 Another copy. An index geological map of the British isles ; constructed from published documents, com- munications of eminent geologists, and per- sonal investigation by J. P., and engraved by J. W. Lo\\ i \. 8. I. et a. PHILLIPS (WILLIAM), F. L. S. Outlines of the geology of England and Wales. By the Rev. W. D.'CONYUEARE, and W. P. 1822 - Outlines of mineralogy and geology, compre- hending the elements of those sciences ; in- tended principally for the use of young per- sons. 4th ed. London, 1820. 8 An elementary introduction to mineralogy : comprising a notice of the characters and ele- ments of minerals ; with accounts of the places and circumstances in which they are found. 4th ed., considerably augmented, by Robert Allan. .London, 1837. 8 PH1PPS (CONSTANTINE JOHN). A voyage to- wards the North pole undertaken by His Ma- jesty's command, 1773. London, 1774. 4 I '1 N KERTON (JOHN). Petralogy. A treatise on rocks. 2 vol. London, 1800. 8 PLAYFAIR (JOHN), Professor of natural philoso- phy in tlie university of Edinburgh, Illustra- tions of the Huttonian theory of the earth. Edin., 1802. 8 - * A comparative view of the Huttonian and Neptunian systems of geology : in answer to the Illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth, by Professor Playfair. [By John MriuiAY.] ' 'Edin., 1802. 8 PONTOPPIDAN (ERICH), Bishop of Bergen. The natural history of Norway ; containing a particular and accurate account of the tem- perature of the air, the different soils, waters, vegetables, metals, minerals, stones, beasts, birds, and fishes ; together with the disposi- tions, customs, and manners of living of the inhabitants : interspersed with physiological notes from eminent writers, and transactions of academies. In two parts. Translated from the Danish original of E. P. Illustrated with copper plates, and a general map of Norway. London, 1755. fol. R. RAMSAY (ANDREW CROMBIE). The geology of the island of Arran, from original survey. Illustrated by engravings. Glasyow, 1841. 8 REILHAN (B. M.), Professor in the university of '. Gaea Norwegica. Von \\-rfa.s.scru li< rausgegeoen von 15. M. K KINI.S Ili-it. Mit vier TatVln. t'l is:>,.s. fol. 11 HIM) ( WILLIAM). Elements of geology and physical geography, illustrative of the past and present condition of the globe. . 18:57. 8' The age of the earth considrn-d u'.-olo^ieally and historically. Edin.. L838. I-' RICHARDSON (Sir JOHN), M.D. Fauna I;.,- reali- Americana ; or the zoology of tin- North- ern parts of British America : containing de- scriptions of the objects of natural history col- lected on the late Northern land expeditions, under command of Captain Sir John Frank- lin, R.N. By J. R., surgeon and naturalist to the expeditions. Assisted by William Swainson, Esq. F.R.S., and the Rev. William Kirby, M.A. Illustrated by numerous plates. London, 1829. 4 Part third. The fish. London, 1836. 4 ROBERTS (GEORGE). An etymological and ex- planatory dictionary of the terms and lan- guage of geology ; designed for the early stu- dent, and those who have not made great pro- gress in that science. London, 1839. 8" ROGET (PETER MARK), M.D. Animal and vege- table physiology considered with reference to natural theology. [Bridgewater treatises. v.J 2 vol. London, 1834. 8 d ROOKE (JOHN). Geology as a science, applied to the reclamation of land from the sea, the construction of harbours, the formation of railroads, and the discovery of coal. With an assumed outline map of the granite formation of the earth. London, 1838. 12 ROZET (CLAUDE- ANTOINE). Cours e'le'mentaire de ge'ognosie, fait au ddpot gene'ral de la guerre. Paris, 1830. 8 S. SCHEUCHZERUS (JOHANNES JACOBUS), M.D., Prof essor of mathematics and natural philosophy at Zurich. Specimen lithographiae Helvetica; curiosse, quo lapides ex figuratis Helvetica selectissimi 8eri incisi sistuntur et describun- tur. Tiguri, 1702. 8 C Herbarium diluvianum collectum a J. J. S. Editio novissima. Lugd. Batav., 1723. fol. SCILLA (AUGUSTINUS). De corporibus marinis lapidescentibus quse defossa reperiuntur, ad- dita dissertatione Fabii COLUMNS De glosso- petris. [Avec 28 planches.] RonuK, 1747. 4 1 " SERRES (MARCEL DE), Professor of mineralogy and geology to the Faculty of sciences of Mont- pellier. De la cosmogonie de Moise, compare'e aux faits geologiques. Paris, 1838. 8 Essai sur les cavernes a ossements et sur les causes qui les y ont accumule's. Troisieme e'dition. Paris, 1838. 8 SMITH (JOHN PVE), D.D., Divinity tutor in tl,, Protestant dissenting college of Homerton. On the relation between the holy Scriptures and THEOPHRASTUS YOUNG. 11 some parts of geological science. London, 1839. 8 T. THEOPHRASTUS. History of stones. With an English version, and notes, including the modern history of the gems described by that author ; and of many other of the native fos- sils. To which are added, two letters : I. On the colours of the sapphire and turquoise. II. Upon the effects of different menstruums on copper. Both tending to illustrate the doc- trine of the gems being coloured by metalline particles. The 2d ed. ; enlarged by the addi- tion of a Greek index of all the words in Theo- phrastus. Also observations on the new Swe- dish acid, and of the stone from which it is obtained ; and with an idea of a natiiral and artificial method of fossils. By Sir John Hill. London, 1774. 8 TOWNSON (ROBERT), LL.D. Tracts and obser- vations in natural history and physiology. With seven plates. London, 1799. 8 TROIL (UNO VON), D.D., Chaplain to the King of Sweden. Letters on Iceland : containing observations on the civil, literary, ecclesiasti- cal, and natural history ; antiquities ; volca- nos, basaltes, hot springs ; customs, dress, j manners of the inhabitants, &c. &c. made, during a voyage undertaken in the year 1772, ! by Joseph Banks, assisted by Dr Solander, Dr ; J. Lind, Dr Uno von Troil, and several other , literary and ingenious gentlemen. To which ; are added the letters of Dr Ihre and Dr Bach to the author, concerning the Edda and the Elephantiasis of Iceland : also Professor Berg- man's curious observations and chemical exa- mination of the lava and other substances pro- duced on the island. With a new map of the island, and a representation of the remarkable boiling fountain called by the inhabitants Gey- ser. London, 1780. 8 U. URE (DAVID), A.M., Preacher of the Gospel The history of Rutherglen and East Kilbride. Published with a view to promote the study of antiquity and natural history. Illustrated with plates. Glasgow, 1793. 8 V. VANCOUVER (GEORGE). Abstract of the voy- ages and discoveries of Captain G. V. ; [with A voyage round the world, by J.-Fr. Galaup de LA PEYROUSE]. 1798 W. WALCHNER (FRIEDRICH AUGUST), M.D., Pro- fessor of chemistry and mineralogy in the poly- technic school of Carlsruhe. Handbuch der gesammten Mineralogie in technischer Bezie- hung zum gebrauche bei seinen Vorlesungen und zum selbststudium mit besonderer Beruch- sichtigung der mineralogischen Verhaltnisse des Grossherzogthums Baden. 2 Bande. Carlsruhe, 1829, 32. 8 WALKER (JOHN), D.D., Professor of natural history in the university of Edinburgh. Essays on natural history and rural economy. London, 1812. 8 WALLERIUS (JOHAN. GOTTSCHALC.), Professor of chemistry in the university of Upsal. Sys- tema mineralogicum, quo corpora mineralia in classes, ordines, genera et species, suis cum varietatibus divisa, describtmtur, atque obser- vationibus, experimentis et figuris seneis illus- trantur. 2 torn. Holmice, 1772, 75. 8 WERNER (ABRAHAM GOTTLOB), Professor of mi- neralogy at Freyberg. New theory of the for- mation of veins ; with its application to the art of working mines. Translated from the German. To which is added, an appendix, containing notes illustrative of the subject ; by Charles Anderson, M.D. Edin., 1809. 8 WERNERIAN SOCIETY. Memoirs of the Wer- nerian natural history society. Vol. i.-viii., part i. [For the years 1808-1838.] Edin., 1811-1839. 8 C WHISTON (WILLIAM), M.A., Professor of mathe- matics in the university of Cambridge. A new theory of the earth, from its original to the consummation of all things. Wherein the creation of the world in six days, the univer- sal deluge, and the general conflagration, as laid down in the holy Scriptures, are shewn to be perfectly agreeable to reason and philo- sophy. With a large introduction concerning the genuine nature, style, and extent of the Mosaick history of the creation. 6th ed., to which is added, an appendix, concerning a new theory of the deluge. London, 1755. 8 WILLIAMS (JOHN), Mineral surveyor, F.S.S.A. The natural history of the mineral kingdom. In three parts. 2 vol. Edin., 1789. 8 Y. YARRELL (WILLIAM), F.L.S.- A history of Bri- tish fishes . Illustrated by nearly 400 woodcuts. 2 vol. London, 1836. 8 YOUNG (GEORGE), D.D. A geological survey of the Yorkshire coast : describing the strata and fossils occurring between the Humber and the Tees, from the German ocean to the plain of York ; illustrated with numerous engravings. By the Rev. G. Y., assisted by John Bird, artist. 2d ed. Whitby, 1828. 4 Scriptural geology ; or an essay on the high antiquity ascribed to the organic remains im- bedded in stratified rocks : communicated in abstract, to the geological section of the British Association at the annual meeting held in New- castle. In two parts... London, 1838. 8 ZORNLIN MAPS. Z. XORNLIN (RosiJfA M.). Recreations in geo- logy. Lojufon, 1839. 8 MAPS. Map of the counties of Fife and Kin- ross, made on the basis of the trigonometrical survey of Scotland, by James Fras< a reconstruction of the map by Greenwood and Fowler, London. With numerous addition*! to 1841. i A new geological map of England ami N\ reduced from the map in six sheets, published by the Geological society. THE END. ROBEET FAIRLY, PRINTKR, EDINBURGH. NIVERS/A vjclOSANCElfj> & ^ ^^ ^ T O 5 - - ? v -Cr^^ g fe J^ 13 \MEUNIVER5/A ,vlOSANCEtfj> - iV-SOl^ ^3AINn3\\V >> IIVER% ^IOSANCEI^> 'o ^ -^^. . "^ T> O r-> ^ 5 -n *- 1*T A\\E UNIVERto v - a )g I fs i ? 55 ^E-UNIVERS/^. li4\! I s^TTk)! 6 CJ "' ?o o ^_ -=