GIFT OF Dr. C. A. Kofoid LIST BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS IN THE BEADING BOOM OP THE ^ITISH MUSEt M. A SECOND EDITION, REVISED. PKINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1889. ?1 LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. THE first edition of this List of Bibliographical Works was drawn up in the year 1880 by the late Mr. G. W. Porter, Senior Assistant Keeper in the Department of Printed Books. The work has now been revised, and some additions have been made, by Mr. G. K. Fortescue, Superintendent of the Beading Boom. In this edition " shelf-marks " have been added to the original press-marks of all the works placed in the Bibliographical Cases. GEO. BULLEN. Feb. 1889. M30699 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 1880. THE following list has been drawn up to facilitate the use of the collection of Special Bibliographies, Classed Catalogues, and Indexes recently placed in the Beading Koom. It has been thought that such a collection might be useful to readers by indicating the works published and available for consultation in the various fields of study and research, and that it might in some degree supply the want of a classified catalogue of the Museum Library, with the further advan- tage of pointing out works existing elsewhere, as well as those to be found in the Museum. In selecting the books for this purpose, it has been the aim to represent every subject, as far as space in the Reading Eoom admits of it. But on many topics no satisfactory bibliographical guide exists : in other cases the works existing are much behind the literature of the present time, or have never been completed. Some books will therefore be found included which only remain until they can be replaced by more efficient works. It will be seen that the various bibliographical works standing in other parts of the Beading Boom have been included with those in the extra cases in this list, for the sake of systematic arrangement and as a convenience to the readers. The present list is chiefly confined to Bibliographies, but it may perhaps be as well to point out that much useful bibliographical assistance may be obtained from the exten- sive collection of biographies and literary histories in the Beading Boom. How numerous these are will be seen by referring to the Index of Subjects in the published " List of VI PREFACE. the Books of Reference " drawn up for the use of readers by Mr. Eye * In arranging the bibliographies in their cases, the subjects have as far as possible been made to correspond in position with those in ihe Library of Eeference : thus the theological bibliographies will be found opposite to Theology, and the historical opposite to History. For press-mark the extra cases are distinguished by the letters BB. an abbreviation of the word bibliographies in combination with the distinctive letters of the tables against which they are placed : thus the press-mark BB. A. shows that the work to which it refers will be found in the bibliographical case standing at the end of the A table. G. W PORTER. * List of the Books of Eeference in the Beading Room of the British Museum. Third edition, revised. 1889. CONTENTS. PACK I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES i II. UNIVERSAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES ..... 2 Catalogues of Libraries and Collections ... 4 III. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. Europe : Austria, History and Topography. . . 6 Basques ....... 7 Belgium, General Literature ... 7 History and Topography . . 7 Law ...... 8 Bohemia ..... 8 Bulgaria. ..... 8 Croatia ...... 8 Denmark, General Literature ... 8 History 9 Law. ..... 9 Finland ..... 9 France, General Literature ... 9 History and Topography . . .12 Language . . . . .14 Law ..... 14 Germany, General Literature . . .15 History and Topography . . 17 Language . . . .18 Great Britain and Ireland, General Literature . 19 History and Topography 23 Language . . .25 Law . . 25 viii CONTENTS. FACE Greece, Antiquities, Language, Literature . 27 Modern Greek Literature . . 28 Hungary . . . . . 28 Iceland 29 Italy, General Literature .... 29 History and Topography ... 30 Language ..... 31 Montenegro .... .31 Netherlands, General Literature . . 32 History and Topography. . 32 Law . . . . . 33 Norway, General Literature ... 33 History ..... 34 Law. ..... 34 Poland 34 Portugal, General Literature ... 34 History . . . . . 35 Kome . 35 Eoumania ... 36 Russia, General Literature ... 37 History and Topography . . 37 Servia ..... Spain, General Literature .... 38 History 39 Sweden, General Literature . 39 History 39 Law 39 Switzerland, General Literature . . 40 History .... 40 Romansch Language . . 40 Asia : General Bibliographies . . . . 40 Countries of Asia ..... 41 Oriental Languages and Literature . . 42 Africa : General Bibliographies .... 43 Countries of Africa ..... 43 African Languages ..... 44 CONTENTS. IX PAGE America ....... 44 Canada . . . . . . . 45 Central and South. America, Mexico and the West Indies ..... 45 Indians, American ..... 46 United States of America, General Literature . 46 History and Topography 47 Law. ... 48 Australasia and Oceania .... 48 IV. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Archaeology ...... 49 Architecture . . . . . . 49 Art, General . . . . . 50 Catalogues of Art Libraries ... 50 Industrial Arts and Manufactures . . 51 Astronomy . . . . . . . 53 Biography ....... 54 Botany, Agriculture, Forestry . . . 54 Chemistry ....... 56 Drama, English . . . . . . 56 French . . . . .'..'. 57 German . . . . . . 57 Italian ...... 57 Spanish ...... 57 Swedish ...... 57 Education . . . . . . . 58 Electricity and Magnetism .... 58 Geography, Voyages and Travels, General . 58 Catalogues of Libraries 59 Voyages . . . 59 Geology, Mining, Mineralogy, General . . 60 Catalogues of Libraries 61 Local Geology, etc. 61 Heraldry and Genealogy . . . . 62 History, General . . . . . . 63 Ecclesiastical . . . . . 64 Mediseval ..... 64 6 CONTENTS. PAGE Law, General . . . . . . 65 Roman ...... 65 Ecclesiastical . . . . . 65 International ..... 66 Criminal ...... 66 Mathematics ...... 66 Medicine, General . . . . . . 67 Library Catalogues . . . . 67 Indexes to Medical Societies' Publications . 68 Microscopy . . . . . . . 69 Military Science, etc., General. ... 69 Catalogues of Libraries . 70 Naval Science. . . 70 Music, General ...... 70 Catalogues of Libraries. . . . 71 Dramatic Music . . . . . 71 Natural History, General . . . . 71 Catalogues of Libraries . . 72 Indexes to Scientific Publications 72 Natural Science . . . . . . 72 Numismatics ...... 73 Occult Science .73 Orders, Religious and Secular, Benedictines . 73 Capuchins . . 74 Carmelites . . 74 Dominicans . . 74 Franciscans. . 74 Jesuits . . 74 Oratorians . . 75 Freemasons . . 75 Painting, Drawing, Engraving ... 75 Philology 76 Philosophy, Mental and Moral . . . 77 Political Economy, General . . . . 77 Political Science . . 78 Money, Trade ... 78 Statistics .... 78 Proverbs 79 CONTENTS XI PAGE Keligions and Sects, Buddhism ... 79 Christian Sects. . . 79 Sculpture ....... 80 Shorthand 80 Sports and Games, General .... 80 Chess and Draughts . . . 81 Theology, General 81 Catalogues of Libraries ... 83 Bibles 83 Liturgies ..... 84 Fathers and Theological Writers . 85 Sermons . . . . . 85 Zoology ....... 85 V. INDEXES TO PERIODICALS . . . . . 87 INDEX . 91 I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Guild (R. A.) The Librarian's Manual ; a Treatise on Biblio- graphy, comprising a list of Bibliographical Works. New York, 1858. 4. 2050. d. Namur (P.) Bibliographic Paleographico-Diplomatico-Biblio- logique generale, ou Repertoire systematique, indiquant : i Tons les ouvrages relatifs a la Paleographie ; a la Diplomatique; a 1'Histoire de 1'Imprimerie; a la Biblio- graphic, &c. 2 La Notice des Recueils periodiques des differents pays. 2 torn. Liege, 1838. 8. 2048. c. Peignot (G.) Repertoire de Bibliographies speciales, cnrieuses et instruct! ves. Paris, 1810. 8. 2048. a. Petzholdt (J.) Bibliotheca Bibliographica. Kritisches Ver- zeichniss der das Gesammtgebiet der Bibliographie betref- fenden Litteratur des In- und Auslandes. Leipzig, 1866. 8. 2050. c. Power (J.) A Handy-Book about Books. London, 1870. 8. BB. G. b. Sabin (Joseph) A Bibliography of Bibliography, or a Handy Book about Books. New York, 1877. 8. BB. G. b. Vallee (L.) Bibliografie des Bibliografies. Paris, 1883-87. 8. 2050. e. II. UNIVERSAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES, CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES, ETC. GENERAL. Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Librai re. Cinquieme edition. 6vol. Paris, 1860-65. 8. 2049. b. Supplement. Par P. Desehamps et G. Brunet. 2 vol. Pan*, 1878-80. 8. 2049. b. Denis (F.) Nouveau Manuel de Bibliographic Universelle. Pam, 1857. 8. BB. R. a. Ebert (F. A.) Allgemeines bibliographisches Lexikon. 2 Bd. Leipzig, 1821-30. 4. 2049. a. A General Bibliographical Dictionary, from the German [by A. Browne]. 4 vol. Oxford, 1837. 8 - 2049. a. Graesse (J. G. T.) Tresor de Livres rares et precieux. 7 vol. Dresde, 1859-69. 4. 2049. c. Fifteenth Eighteenth Centuries. Hain (L.) Repertorium Bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes usque ad annum MD. typis expressi recensentur. 2 vol. Stuttgartise, 1826-38. 8. 2048. c. Panzer (G. W.) Annales Typographici ad annum 1536. ii vol. Norimbergse, 1793-1803. 4. 2049. c. Renouard (A. A.) Annales derimprimeriedes Aide. Seconde edition. Paris, 1825. 8. 2050. b Blades (W.) Life and typography of W. Caxton. 2 vol. London, 1861-63. 4. 2050. f. Willems (A.) Les Elzevier. Histoire et Annales Typogra- phiques. Bruxettes, 1880. 8. 2050. c. Renouard (A. A.) Annales de I'lmprimerie des Estienne. 2 pt. Paris, 1837-38. 8. 2050. b. Sinker (K.) A catalogue of the fifteenth-century printed Books in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge, 1876. 8. 2049. bb. UNIVERSAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. 6 Maittaire (M.) Annales Typographic! ad annum 1674. 5 torn. Hagse Comitum, 1719-41. 4. 2049. a. Denis (M.) Annalium Typographicorum M. Maittaire Sup- plementum. Viennse, 1789. 4. 2049. c. Georgi (T.) Allgemeines Europaisches Biicher-Lexicon, in welchem die allermeisten Antores zu finden, welche nooh vor dem Anfange des xvi. seculi bis 1739, sind geschrieben. 5 Th. and 6 Sup. Leipzig, 1742-58. fol. Cat. Desk. K. Nineteenth Century. Allgemeine Bibliographic. Monatliches Verzeichniss der wichtigern neuen Erscheinungen der dentschen und aus- landischen Literatur. Jahrg. 28, etc. 1883, etc. Leipzig, 1883, etc. 8. BB. R. a. Brivois (J.) Bibliographic des ouvrages illustres du xix. siecle. Paris, 1883. 8. BB. G. e. Polybiblion. Revue Bibliographique universelle. Partie technique. Deuxieme Serie. Tom. n, etc. 1885, etc. [A monthly list of the new publications of all countries, by G. Pawlowski.] Paris, 1885, etc. 8. BB. K a. Books on Vellum. Praet (J. van) Catalogue des livres imprimes sur velin qui se trouvent dans des Bibliotheques, etc. 4 vol. Paris, 1824-28. 8. 2048. a. Catalogue des Livres imprimes sur velin do la Bibliotheque du Eoi. 6vol. Paris, 1822-28. 8. 2048. a. Inventaire des Livres imprimes sur velin de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Complement du Catalogue public par Van Praet. Pan's, 1877. 8. 2048. a. Anonymous and Pseudonymous Books. Weller (E.) Lexicon pseudonymorum. \\ 61 terbuch der pseu- donymen aller Zeiten und Yolker. Zweite Auflage. Regensburg, 1886. 8. BB. G. a. Hamst (O.) Handbook of fictitious names. London, 1868. 8. 2048. c. Lancetti (V.) Pseudonimia, ovvero tavole alfabetiche de norni finti o supposti degli scrittori, etc. Milano, 1836. 8. 2049. a. B 2 UNIVERSAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES AND COLLECTIONS. Bodleian Library. Catalogus Libromm impressorum Biblio- thecae Bodleianse. 4 vol. Oxonise, 1843-51. fol. Cat. Desk. L. Catalogus Dissertationum Academical um quibus nuper aucta est Bibliotheca Bodleiana. 1832. 0x071256,1834. fol. Cat. Desk. L. Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts be- queathed by Francis Douce to the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1840. fol. Cat. Desk. B. Catalogue of Periodicals contained in the Bodleian Library. 3 pt. Oxford, 1878-80. 8. BB. O. a. Catalogue of a collection of Early Newspapers and Essayists, formed by the late J. T. Hope, and presented to the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1865. 8. BB. O. a. Boston Athenaeum. Catalogue of the Library of the Boston Athenaeum. 5 pt. Boston, 1874, etc. 8. BB. R. e. Boston Public Library. Index to the Catalogue of Books. 1861. (First Supplement, 1866.) Boston, 1 861-66. 8. BB. R. e. British. Museum. List of books in the Reading Eoom [Ground Floor]. 2 pt. London, 1889. 8. Cat. Desk. B. Catalogue of books placed in the galleries in the Eeading Room. London, 1886. 8. Cat. Desk. B. Subject Index of the modern works added to the Library, 1880-85. London, 1886. 8. Cat. Desk. B. Dublin. Trinity College. Catalogus librorum impressorum qui in Bibliotheca Collegii adservantur. 9 torn. Dublinii, 1864-87. fol. Cat. Desk. L. Edinburgh. Advocates' Library. Catalogue of printed books. 7 vol. Edinburgh, 1867-79. 4. Cat. Desk. C. France. Bibliotheque Nationale. Catalogue des Livres im- primes de la Bibliotheque du Roy. 6 torn. Paris, 1750. fol. Cat. Desk. L. Catalogue des ouvrages mis a la libre disposition des Lecteurs dans la Salle de Travail. Paris, 1879. 8. BB. R. a. Lambeth Library. List of some of the Early Printed Books in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. By S. R. Maitland. London, 1843. 8. 2048. c. UNIVERSAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. 5 London Institution. Catalogue of the Library systematically classed. 4 vol. London, 1835-52. 8. BB. R. d. London Library. Catalogue, with a classified index of sub- jects, by K. Harrison. Fifth edition. 2 pt. London, 1888. 8. BB. E. d. New York State Library. Catalogue. Subject Index. 4 pt. Albany, 1856-82. 8. 2049. a. Royal Institution. A new classified Catalogue of the Library. By B. Vincent. London, 1857. 8. BB. R. d. Bohn (H. G.) [Guinea] Catalogue of Books. London, 1841. 8. Cat, Desk. B. Dyce Library. A Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts bequeathed by the Kev. A. Dyce (to the South Kensington Museum). 2 vol. London, 1875. 8. 2050. e. Huth Library. A Catalogue of the Books, Autograph Letters and Engravings, collected by Henry Huth. 5 vol. London, 1880. 8. 2048. d. Prince Library. A Catalogue of the Collection of Books and Manuscripts which belonged to the Eev. Thomas Prince now in the Public Library of the city of Boston. Boston, 1870. 4. 2049. a. Quariteh (B.) A general Catalogue of Books. London, 1880. 8. Cat. Desk. B. See also a later edition, 1887, in 6 vols. Press mark 011903. h. 1. Spencer (G. J.) Earl Spencer. Bibliotheca Spenceriana; a Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, and of many valuable First Editions, in the Library of Earl Spencer. By T. F. Dibdin. 4 vol. London, 1814-15. 8. 2048, f. III. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. EUROPE. AUSTRIA. GENERAL LITERATURE. See GERMANY. HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. Schmit von Tavera (G.) Bibliographic zur Geschichte des 6'sterreichischen Kaiserstaates. I. Abtheil. Bd. 1-2. Wien, 1858. 8. BB. M. e. Vogel (J. N. de) Specimen Bibliothecae Germanise Austriacae sive Notitia Scriptorum remm Austriacaruin. Pars i. Geographica. (Pars ii. Historica.) 2 vol. Vienna, 1779-85. 8. BB. M. b. Weber (C. J.) Litteratur der Deutschen Staatengeschichte. Erster Theil. Allgemeine Litteratur und insbesondre von Oestreich, Bohmen und den Landern des Bayrischen Kreises. Leipzig, 1800. 8. BB. M. b. Muehlbrecht (O.) Die Literatur des deutschen und italien- iscben Krieges im Jahr 1866. Prag, 1867. 8. BB. M. b. Valentinelli (G.) Bibliografia della Dalmazia e del Monte- negro. Zagdbria, 1855. 8 - BB - K - t - Istria. Saggio di Bibliografia Istriana. Pubblicato a spese di una Societa Patria. Capodistria, 1864. 8. BB. K. b. Schlossar (A.) Die Literatur der Steiermark. Graz, 1886. 8. BB. I. c. Herbert (H.) Repertorium iiber einen Theil der Sieben- burgen betrefifenden Literatur. Hermannstadt, 1878. 8. BB. K. b. BIBLIOGKAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. 7 LANGUAGE. See GERMANY. LAW. See GERMANY. BASQUES. Burgaud des Marets (H.) Bibliotheque Patoise de M. Burgaud des Marets. Langue basque, etc. Paris, 1873. 8. BB. T. d. BELGIUM. GENERAL LITERATURE. Foppens (J. F.) Bibliotheca Belgica, sive Virorum in Belgio Vita Scriptisque illustrium Catalogus, etc. 2 torn. Bruxellis, 1739. 4. 2039. h. Namur (P.) Bibliographie Academique Beige, ou Eepertoire des Memoires, etc., publics jusqu'a ce jour par 1'Ancienne et la Nouvelle Academie de Bruxelles. Liege, 1838. 8. 2048. d. Belgium. Trente annees de la Litterature Beige. Catalogue general des principales publications beiges depuis 1830 jusqu'a 1860. Bruxelles, 1861. 8. BB. R. c. Bibliographie de Belgique. Journal officiel de la Librairie. Annee n, etc. Bruxelles, 1885, etc. 8. BB. R. c. Introduction a la Bibliographie de Belgique. Keleve de tous les Ecrits periodiques qui se publient dans le Koyaume. Bruxelles, 1875. 8 - BB. O. a. HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. Delecourt (J.) Bibliographie de 1'Histoire du Hainaut. Mons, 1864. 8. BB. K. c. Theux (X. de) Bibliographie Liegeoise contenant : i Les livres iinprimes a Liege. 2 Les ouvrages concernant 1'histoire de Liege. 2 pt. Bruxelles, 1867. 8. BB. K. c, Rousselle (H.) Bibliographie Montoise. Annales de 1'im- primerie a Mons depuis 1580 jusqu'a nos jours. Mons, 1858. 8. BB. K. c. 8 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. LAW. Picard (E.) Bibliographic generale et raisonnee du Droit Beige. 1814-1881. Bruxelles, 1880, etc. .8. BB. C. e. BOHEMIA. Doucha (F.) Knihopisny Slovnik cesko-slovensky aneb seznam kneh vyslych v jazyku naroda cesko-slovenskeho od roku 1774 az do nejnovejsi doby. V Praze, 1865. 4. 2048. d. Han us (I. J.) Quellenkunde und Bibliographic der bohmisch- slovenischen Literaturgeschichte vom Jahre 1848-1868. Prag, 1868. 8. 2050. b. Michalek (A.) and Kloueek (I.) Slovansky Katalog. Cata- logue Slave bibliographique pour 1880, etc. VPraze, 1 818-80, etc. 8. BB. R. b. BULGARIA. Jirecek ( J. K.) Bibliographie de la litterature bulgare moderne, 1806-1870. Siena, 1872. 8. 2050. f. Michalek (A.) and Kloucek (I.) Slovansky Katalog. Cata- logue Slave bibliographique pour 1880, etc. VPraze, 1880, etc. 8. BB. R. b. CROATIA. Michalek (A.) and Kloucek (I.) Slovansky Katalog. Cata- logue Slave bibliographique pour 1880, etc. V Praze, 1880, etc. 8. BB. R. b. Sakcinski (J. K.) Bibliografia Hivatska. Dio prvi Tiskane knjige. U Zagrebu, 1860. 8. 2048. a. DENMARK. GENERAL LITERATURE. Bruun (C. V.) Bibliotheca Danica. Systematisk Fortegnelse over den Danske Literatur fra 1482 til 1830. Kjt'ben'havn, 1877, etc. 4. 2050. f. Nyerup (R.) and Kraft (J. E.) Almindeligt Litteraturlexicon for Danmark, Norge og Island. Kjfibenhavn, 1820. 4. 2038. g. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. Erslew (T. H.) Almindeligt Forfatter-Lexicon for Kongeriget Danmark med tilh0rande Bilande, fra 1814 til 1840. 3 vol. Supplement indtil Udgangen of Aaret 1853. 3 vol. Kjpbenhavn, 1843-68. 8. 2038. g. Fabricius (F.) Dansk Bogfortegnelse for aarene 1841-1858. Kjtfbenhavn, 1861. 4. 2049. a. Vahl (J.) Dansk Bogfortegnelse for aarene 1859-1868. Kjfibenhavn, 1871. 4. 2049. a. Dansk Bogfortegnelse for 1869, etc. Aarg. 19, etc. Kjpbenhavn, 1869, etc. 8. 2050. a. HISTORY. Baden (G. L.) Dansk-Norsk Historisk Bibliothek, indehol- dende efterretning om de Skrifter som bidrage til dansk- norsk Historiekundskab. Odense, 1815. 12. BB. M. b. See also the Bibliography, pp. xiii-cxiv of Allen's " Histoire de Danemark." (2084. f.) LAW. Aagesen (A.) Fortegnelse over Eetssamlinger, Eetsliteratur m.m. i Danmark, Norge, Sverig og til Dels Finland. Kffibenhavn, 1876. 8- BB. C. a. FINLAND. Vasenius (V.) Suomalainen Kirjallisuus. La Litterature finnoise. 1544-1877. Helsingissa, 1878. 8. 2048. aa. Aagesen (A.) Fortegnelse over Eetssamlinger, Eetsliteratur m.m. i Danmark, Sverig og til Dels Finland. Kj0benhavn, 1876. 8. BB. C. a. FRANCE. GENERAL LITERATURE. Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire. Cinquieme edition. 6vol. Paris, 1860-65. 8. 2049. b. Supplement. Par P. Deschamps et G. Brunet. 2 vol. Paris, 1878-80. 8. 2049. b. Denis (F.) Nouveau Manuel de Bibliographic universelle, par F. Denis, P. Pincon et De Martonne. Paris, 1857. 8. BB. R. a. 10 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. Graesse (J. G. T.) Tresor de Livres rares et precieux; 01^ Nouveau Dictionnaire bibliographique. 7 vol. Dresde, 1859-69. 4. 2049. c. Le Petit (J.) Bibliographie des principales editions originales d'Ecrivains Francais du xv e an xvnr 3 siecle. Paris, 1888. 8. BB. G. e. Kerviler (R.) Essai d'une bibliographic raisonnee de 1'Aca- demie Fransaise. Paris, 1877. 8. 2048. b. Brunet (G.) La France litteraire an xv e siecle ; ou, Catalogue raisonne des ouvrages iinprimes en langue frangaise jusqu'a 1'an 1500. Paris, 1865. 8. 2048. c. Querard (J. M.) La France Litteraire, on Dictionnaire Biblio- graphique des Savants qui ont ecrit en franais, pendant les xviii 6 et xix e siecles. 12 vol. Paris, 1827-64. 8. 2048. b. Litterature Frangaise contemporaine (i 827-49). Continu- ation de la France Litteraire. 6vol. Paris, 1842-57. 8. 2048. b. Lorenz (O.) Catalogue de la Librairie Franchise. 1840-1865. (1866-1875.) (Tom. 7, 8. Tables des Matieres. 1840- 1875.) 8 torn. Pans, 1867-80. 8. 2049. b. Catalogue, 1876, etc. Tom. 9, etc. Paris, 1876, etc. 8. 2049. b. Bibliographie de la France. Journal general de ITmprimerie et de Librairie. 1885, etc. Paris, 1885, etc. 8. BB. R. c. Poetry, Fiction, Drama. Viollet-le-Duc (E. L. N.) Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliotheque poetique de M. Viollet-le-Duc. Paris, 1843. 8. BB. G. d. Bibliographie des Chansons, Fabliaux, Contes en vers et en prose, Aventures galantes, ayant fait partie de la collection de M. Viollet-le-Duc. Nouvelle edition. Pans, 1859. 8. BB. G. d. New York. Mercantile Library. Finding List of French prose fiction. New York, 1888. 8. BB. G. e. BIBLIOGEAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. 11 Delandine (A. P.) Bibliographic dramatiquc, on, Tablettes alphabetiques du Theatre des diverges nations. Paris, [1818.] 8. BB. G. K Picot (E.) Bibliographie Cornelienne, ou description raisonnee de toutes les editions des ceuvres de Pierre Corneille, et des ouvrages relatifs a Corneille. Pan's, 1876. 8. BB. G. d. Lacroix (P.) Bibliographie Molieresque. Seconde edition. Paris, 1875. 8. BB. G. d. Iconographie Molieresque. Seconde edition. Paris, 1876. 8. BB. G. d. Payen (J. P.) Notice bibliographique sur Montaigne. Paris, 1837. 8 - BB - G - cl - Richou (G.) Inventaire de la Collection des Ouvrages ct Documents sur Montaigne. Pan*, 1878. 8. BB. G. d. Asselineau (C.) Bibliographie Bomantique. Catalogue des editions originales des oeuvres de Victor Hugo, Alfred de Vigny, Prosper Merirnee, Alexandre Dumas, Jules Janin, Theophile Gautier, Petrus Borel, etc. Seconde edition. Pans, 1872. 8. BB. G. d. Periodicals. Gebe (V.) Catalogue des Journaux publics a Paris accompagne d'une Table systematique. Paris, 1879. 12. BB. R. c. Hatin (E.) Bibliographie de la Presse periodique francaise. Paris, 1866. 8. 2048. b. Le Soudier (H.) Catalogue-tarif des journaux, revues et publications periodiques par us a Paris jusqu'en Octobre 1886. Paris, 1887. 8. BB. R. c. Anonymous and Pseudonymous Books. Barbier (A. A.) Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes. Troi- sierne edition. 4 vol. Paris, 1872-78. 2048. d. Marine (E. D. de) Nouveau dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes et pseudonymes. Troisieme edition. Lyon, 1868. 8. 2048. c. Querard (J. M.) Les Supercheries litteraires devoilees. Seconde edition, etc. 3 torn. Pan's, 1869-70. 8. 2048. e. ll! BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. France. Bibliotheque Nationale. Catalogue de 1'Histoire de France. Paris, 1855, etc. 4. Cat. Desk. C. France. Repertoire des travaux historiques sur 1'histoire, les monuments et la langue de la France. Paris, 1882, etc. 8. BB. M. e. Franklin (A.) Les Sources de 1'Histoire de France. Notices des Inveutaires et des Eecueils de documents relatifs a 1'Histoire de France. Paris, 1877. 8. BB. M. d. Girault de Saint-Fargeau (A.) Bibliographic historique et topographique de la France, ou Catalogue de tous les ouvrages imprimes en franc, ais depuis le xv e siecle jus- qu'a 1845, classes 1. Par ordre alphabetique des anciennes Provinces. 2. Par Departements formes des dites Provinces. 3. Par ordre alphabetique des Villes, etc. Paris, 1845. 8. BB. K. c. Le Long ( J.) Bibliotheque Historique de la France, contenant le catalogue des ouvrages, imprimes et manuscrits, qui traitent de 1'Histoire de ce royaume. Nouvelle edition. 5 torn. Paris, 1768-78. fol. Cat. Desk. K. Monod (G.) Bibliographic de 1'histoire de France. Paris, 1888. 8. BB. M. c. Ruelle (C. E.) Bibliographic generale des Gaules. Repertoire des ouvrages, memoires et notices concernant la Gaule jusqu'a la fin du v 6 siecle. Paris, 1880. 8. BB. M. d. Deschiens ( ) Collection de materiaux pour 1'histoire de la Revolution de France, depuis 1787 jusqu'a ce jour. Bibliographie des Journaux. Paris, 1829. 8. BB. M. d. La Bedoyere (C.) Description de la collection de M. le Comte de la Bedoyere sur la Revolution Fra^aise, 1'Empire et la Restoration. Paris, 1862. 8. BB. M. d. Germond de Lavigne (A.) Les Pamphlets de la Fin de 1'Empire, des Cent Jours et de la Restauration. Paris, 1879. 12. BB. M. d. Maillard (F.) Les Publications de la Rue pendant le Siege et la Commune. Paris, 1874, 8. BB. M. a. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. 13 Departments, Provinces, Towns. Perin (C.) Recherches bibliographiques sur le Departement de FAisne. 2 vol. Soissons. 1866-67. 8. BB. K. c. Gonod (B.) Catalogue des ouvrages imprimes et manuscrits concernant 1'Auvergne, etc. Clermont, 1849. 8. BB. K. c. Dramard (E.) Bibliographic geographique et historique du Boulonnais. Paris, 1868. 8. BB. K. c. Bougard (E.) Bibliotheca Borvoniensis, ou Essai de Biblio- graphie et d'Histoire contenant le Catalogue raisonne des ouvrages relatifs a 1'histoire de Bourbonne et de ses thermes. Chaumont, 1865. 8. BB. K. c. Milsand (P.) Bibliographie Bourguignonne. Dijon, 1885, 8. BB. K. c. Marsy (A. de) Bibliographie Compiegnoise. Compiegne, 1874. 8. BB. K. c. DuthilloeTil (H. R.) Bibliographie Douaisienne. Paris, 1835. 8. BB. K. c. Pinson (P.) Essai de Bibliographie Etampoise. Paris, 1873. 8. BB. K. c. Gonon (P. M.) Bibliographie historique de la ville de Lyon, pendant la Revolution frangaise. Lyon, 1844. 8. BB. K. c. Desportes (N.) Bibliographie du Maine, etc. Le Mans, 1844. 8. BB. K. c. Pluquet (A.) Bibliographie du departement de la Manche. Caen, 1873. 8. BB. K. c. Frere (E.) Manuel du Bibliographe Norinand. 2 torn. Rouen, 1858-60. 8. BB. K. c. Marsy (A. de) Bibliographie Noyonnaise. Paris, 1877. 8 - BB. K. c. Herluison (H.) Plan d'une Bibliotheque Orleanaise, ou Essai de Bibliographie locale. Orleans, 1868. 8. BB. K. c. Dufour (V.) Bibliographie de Paris avant 1789. Paris, 1882. 8. BB. K. c. Lacombe (P.) Bibliographie Parisienne. Tableaux de Moeurs (1600-1880). Paris, 1887. 8. BB. K. c. Dramard (E.) Bibliographie geographique et historique de laPicardie. Paris, 1869. 8. BB. K. b. L'Huilier (T.) Seine et Marne. Essai de Bibliographie de- partementale, etc. Meaux, 1857. 8. BB. K. c. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. Desmazieres (E.) Bibliographic Tournaisienne. Reclierchcs sur la vie et les travaux des imprimeurs et des libraires de Tournai. Tournai, 1882. 8. BB. I. c. LANGUAGE. France. Repertoire des travaux historiques sur 1'histoire et la langue de la France. Paris, 1882, etc. 8. BB. M. e. Burgaud des Marets (H.) Bibliotheque Patoise de M. Burgaud. Langue basque, patois franais et romans, collection de Noels, etc. Pan's, 1873. 8. BB. T. d. LAW. Camus (A. G.) Bibliotheque choisie des Livres de Droit. Cinquieme edition, augmentee par M. Dupin. [Vol. 2 of the " Profession d'Avocat."] Pan's, 1832. 8. BB. C. b. Dramard (E.) Bibliographic raisonnee du Droit Civil, com- prenant les matieres du Code Civil et des lois posterieures qui en forrnent le complement. Paris, 1879. 8. BB. C. a. Prance. Ministers de la Justice. Bibliotheque du Comite de Legislation etrangere. Catalogue. Juillet 1879. Pan's, 1879. 8. BB. C. e. Lincoln's Inn. Catalogue of Books on Foreign Law, founded on the Collection presented to Lincoln's Inn. Laws and Jurisprudence of France. London, 1849. 8. BB. C. e. Teichmann (A. F. R.) Bibliographische Uebersicht des romischen, franzosischen und englischen Rechts. Bale, 1876. 4. BB. C. e. Thorin (E.) Repertoire Bibliographique des ouvrages de Legislation, de Droit et de Jurisprudence. Kouvelle edition. Paris, 1866. 8. BB. C. b. Waree (B.) Repertoire Bibliographique des ouvrages de Legislation, de Droit et de Jurisprudence, publics speciale- ment en France. Nouvelle edition. Pan's, 1870. 8. BB. C. a. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. 15 GERMANY. GENERAL LITERATURE. Schwab (G.) and Kluepfel (K.) Wegweiser durch die Literatur der Deutschen. Vierte Auflage. [A classified selection of German standard works.] Leipzig, 1874-79. 8. BB. G. b. Panzer (G. W.) Annalen der altern deutschen Litteratur, oder Anzeige derjenigen Biicher, welche von Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst bis 1526 in deutscher Sprache gedruckt worden sind. 2 Bde. Nurnberg, 1788-1805. 4. 2050. e. Weller (E.) Kepertorium typographicum. Die deutsche Literatur im ersten Yiertel des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. (Supplement, 1874.) Nordlingen, 1864-74. 8. 2049. b. Heyse (C. W.) Biicherschatz der deutschen National-Littera- tur des xvi. und xvn. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1854. 8. 2048. a. Georgi (T.) Allgemeines Europaisches Biicher-Lexicon, in welchem die allermeisten Autores zu nnden, welche noch vor dem Anfange des xvi. seculi bis 1739, sonderlich in Teutschland sind geschrieben und gedrucket worden. 5 Th. Leipzig, 1742-58. fol. Cat. Desk. K. Maltzahn (W. von) Deutscher Biicherschatz des sechs- zehnten, siebenzehnten und achtzehnten bis urn die Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Jena, 1875, etc. 8. 2048. a. Heinsius (W.) Allgemeines Biicher-Lexikon ; 1700-1815. 5 vol. Leipzig, 1812-17. 4. 2049. d. Kayser (C. G.) Vollstandiges Biicher-Lexicon, enthaltend alle von 1750 in Deutschland gedruckten Biicher. Vols. 1-23. Leipzig, 1834, etc - 4- 2049. d. Hoppe (H.) Katalog der wichtigeren, hervorragenden und besseren Schriften Deutscher Literatur, welche in den Jahren 1801 bis Ende 1868 erschienen sind. St. Petersburg, 1871. 8. BB. R. c. 1U BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. Hinrichs (J. C.) Verzeichniss der Biicher welche in Deutsch- land vom Januar 1885 neu erschienen worden sind. Leipzig, 1885, etc. 12. BB. R. b. Repertorium iiber die nach den Verzeichnissen 1876- 1880 erschienenen Biicher. Von E. Baldamus. Leipzig, 1881. 12. BB. R. b. Berlin. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Verzeichniss der Abhand- lungen der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften von 1710-1870. Berlin, 1871. 8. 2048. b. Poetry, Fiction, Drama. Enslin (T. C. P.) Bibliothek der schonen Wissenschaften, oder Verzeichniss der vorziiglichsten, in alterer und neuerer Zeit, bis 1845 in Deutschland erschienenen Romane, Gedichte, Schauspiele und anderer Werke. Zweite Auflage von W. Engelmann. 2 Bd. Leipzig, 1837-46. 8. BB. G. b. Goedeke (C.) Grundriss zur Geschichte der Deutschen Dich- tung. Zweite Auflage. 3 Bd. Dresden, 1862-77. 8. 2048. c. Weller (E.) Annalen der Poetischeu National-Literatur der Deutschen im xvi. und xvn. Jahrhundert. 2 Bd. Freiburg i. Br., 1862-64. 8. BB. G. b. Der Volksdichter Hans Sachs und seine Dichtungen. Eine Bibliographic. Nurnberg, 1868. 8. BB. G. b. Peter (P.) Die Literatur der Faustsage systematise!! zusam- mengestellt. Dritte Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1857. 8. BB. G. b. Unflad (L.) Die Goethe-Literatur in Deutschland. Biblio- graphische Zusammenstellung der auf ibn Bezug haben- den literarischen Erscheinungen von 1781 bis 1877. Miinchen, 1878. 8. BB. G. b. Hirzel (S.) Neues Verzeichniss einer Goethe-Bibliothek. 1769-1861. Leipzig, 1862. 8. BB. G. b. Unflad (L.) Die Schiller Literatur in Deutschland. Biblio- graphische Zusammenstellung der auf ihn Bezug habenden literarischen Erscheinungen von 1781 bis 1877. Miinchen, 1878. 8. BB. G. b. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OP COUNTRIES. 17 Fernbach. (L.) Der Theater-Freund, enthaltend die drama- tischen Erscheinungen 1848-1859. Berlin, 1860. 8. BB. G. b. Periodicals. Deutscher Zeitschriften-Katalog. Zweite Auflage. Ostern 1874. Leipzig, 1874. 8. BB. R. b. HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. Dahlmann (F. C.) F. C. Dahlmann's Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte. 4. Auflage neu zusammengestellt von G. Waitz. Gottingen, 1875. 8. BB. M. c. O'Esterley (H.) Wegweiser durch die Literatur der Urkun- densammlungen. 2 Thle. Berlin, 1885-86. BB. M. e. Hummel (B. P.) Bibliothek der deutschen Alterthiimer. Nurnberg, 1787. 8. BB. M. b. Walther (P. A. P.) Systematisches Repertorium iiber die Schriften sammtlicher historischer Gesellschaften Deutsch- lands. Darmstadt, 1845. 8. BB. M. b. Muehlbrecht (O.) Die Literatur des deutschen und italien- ischen Krieges im Jahre 1866. Prag, 1867. 8. BB. M. b. Georg (C.) Die Eeiseliteratur Deutsohlands aus den Jahren 1871 bis 30 April, 1877. Leipzig, 1877. 8. BB. L b. Bingner (A.) Literatur iiber das Grossherzogthum Baden in alien seinen staatlichen Beziehungen von ca. 1770-1854. Karlsruhe, 1854. 8. BB. K. b. Weber (C. J.) Litteratur der Deutschen Staatengeschichte. Erster Theil. Allgemeine Litteratur und insbesondre von den Landern des Bayrischen Kreises, etc. Leipzig, 1800. 8. BB. M. b. Aretin (J. C.) Literarisches Handbuch fur die baierische Geschichte und alle ihre Zweige. Miinchen, 1810. 8. BB. M. b. Baring (D. E.) Succincta Notitia Scriptorum Rerum Bruns- vicen.sium et Lunebnrgensium. Hanoverae, 1729. 8. BB. M. b. C 18 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. Walther (P. A. P.) Literarisches Handbuch fur Geschichte und Landeskucde von Hessen. Darmstadt, 1841-55. 8. BB. M. b. Nassau. Versuch einer Nassauischen Geschichts-Bibliothek. Hadamar, 1799. 8. BB. M. b. Kletke (C.) Quellenkunde der Geschichte des Preussischen Staats. 2 Bd. Berlin, 1858-61. 8. BB. M. b. Literatur iiber das Finanzwesen des Preussischen Staats. Dritte Auflage. Berlin, 1876. 8. BB. M. c. Prussia. Allgemeine Biicherkunde des Brandenburgisch- Preussischen Staates. Berlin, 1871. fol. BB. M. e. Weinart (B. G.) Versuch einer Litteratur der Sachsischen Geschichte und Staatskunde. Neue Auflage. 2 Thle. Leipzig, 1805, 8. BB. M. b. Baldamus (E.) Schleswig-Holstein-Literatur. Verzeichniss der in den Jabren 1863 und 1864 mit Bezug auf die Her- zogthiimer und den deutsch-danischen Krieg erschienenen Biicher, etc. Prog, 1865. 8. BB. M. b. Moser (J. J.) Wirtembergische Bibliothek oder Nachricht von alien bekannten Schriften, welche das Herzogliche Haus oder Herzogthum \\"irtemberg, betreffen. Vierte Auflage. Stuttgart, 1796. 8. BB. M. b. LANGUAGE. Bart sell (C.) Bibliographische Uebersicht der Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der Deutschen Philologie im Jahre 1 864- -1870. Bonder- Abdruck aus der " Germania," Jahrg. 10-16. Wien, 1865-71. 8. BB. T. d. For the continuation see " Germania," (P.P. 4652.) Jahresbericht iiber die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der germanischen Philologie. Berlin, 1880, etc. 8. BB. T. c. Hermann (C. H.) Bibliotheca Germanica. Verzeichniss der vom Jahre 1830 bis Ende 1875 in Deutsch land erschienenen Schriften iiber altdeutsche Sprache und Literatur. Halle a/S., 1878. 8. BB. T. d. Troemel (P.) Die Literatur der Deutschen Mundarten. Ein bibliographischer Versuch. Halle, 1854. 8. BB. T. o. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. 19 LAW. Costa (E. H.) Bibliographic der Deutschen Rechtsgeschichte. Braunschweig, 1858. 8. BB. C. a. Enslin (T. C. F.) Bibliotheca Juridica, oder Yerzeichniss aller brauchbaren, besonders vom Jahre 1750 bis 1839 * n Deutschland erschienenen Werke. 2 te Auflage von W. Engelmann. (Supplement-Heft, 1839-1848.) Leipzig, 1840-49. 8. BB. C. a. Teichmann (A. P. R.) Bibliographische Uebersicht des rom- ischen, deutschen und englischen Rechts. Bale, 1876. 4. BB. C. e. Walther (A. O.) Hand-Lexicon der juristischen Literatur des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Weimar, 1854. 8. BB. C. e. Wuttig (G. W.) Bibliotheca Juridica. Handbuch der ge- sammten neueren juristischen und staatswissenschaffclichen Literatur. 2 Bd. Leipzig, 1867-77. 8. BB. C. b. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. GENERAL LITERATURE. Allibone (S. A.) Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. 3 vol. Philadelphia, 1859-71. 8. 2050. f. Collier (J. P.) A bibliographical account of the rarest books in the English language. 2 vol. London, 1865. 8. 2048. c. Lowndes (W. T.) The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New edition, by H. G. Bohn. 6 vol. London, 1857-64. 8. 2050. a. Watt (R.) Bibliotheca Britannica : a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. In two parts : Authors and Sub- jects. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1824. 4- Cat. Desk. B. Perkins (P. B.) The Best Beading. Hints on the selection of Books, etc. With a Classified Bibliography. New York, 1875. 8. BB. R. a. Second Series. Edited by L. E. Jones 2 pt. New York, 1885. 8. BB. R. a. c 2 20 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. Sonnenschein (W. S.) The Best Books : a reader's guide to the choice of (English) books. London, 1887. 4. Cat. Desk. B. Martin (J.) Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books. Second edition. London, 1854. 8. 2049. bb. Fifteenth Eighteenth Cmtu ries. Ames (J.) Typographical Antiquities ; or, an Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland : containing Memoirs of Printers, and a Register of Books from 1471 to 1600. Considerably augmented by W. Herbert. 3 vol. London, 1785-90. 4. 2050. f. Typographical Antiquities. Enlarged with copious notes by T. F. Dibdiu. 4 vol. London, 1810-19. 4. 2050. f. Blades (W.) Life and Typography of W. Caxton. 2 vol. London, 1861-63. 4. 2050. f. Maunsell (A.) The First Part of the Catalogue of English printed Bookes : which concerneth Divinitie. (The Seconde parte : which concerneth the Sciences Mathematicall, Astronomie, Astrologie, Musick, the Arte of Warre and Navigation : and also of Phisick and Surgerie, etc.) London, 1595. 4. 2050. f. Pyne (H.) List of English Books printed not later than the year 1600. London, 1878. 8. BB. G. b. Maitland (S. R.) An Index of English Books, printed before the jear MDC., in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. London, 1845. 8- 2048. c. Sinker (R.) Catalogue of the English books printed before MDCI. now in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge, 1885. 8 - 2049 - bb - British Museum. Catalogue of books in the Library, printed in England, Scotland and Ireland, and of books in English piinted abroad, to the year 1640. 3 vol. London, 1884. 8. Cat. Desk. B. Clavell (R.) A Catalogue of Books printed in England since the Fire of London in 1 666 to the end of Michaelmas Term, 1695. Fourth edition. London, 1696. fol. 2050. f. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. 21 A General Catalogue of Books published in London, 1700- 1786, classed under the several branches of Literature, etc. W. Bent, London, 1786. 8. Cat. Desk. B. London Catalogue of Books. 1786-1811. W. Bent, London, 1811. 8. Cat. Desk, B. Nineteenth Century. London Catalogue of Books. 1810 to February 1831. W. Bent, London, 1831. 8. Cat. Desk. B. i8i6toi85i. Hodgson, London, 1851. 8. Cat. Desk. B. Classified Index to the London Catalogue, 1816 to 1851. Hodgson, London, 1853. 8. Cat. Desk. B. Low (S.) English Catalogue of books. 1835-1872. 2 vol. London, 1864-73. 8. Cat. Desk. B. 1872, etc. London, 1873, etc. 8. Cat. Desk. B. Index to the English Catalogue of books, 1837, etc - London, 1858, etc. 8. Cat. Desk. B. Poetry, Fiction, Drama. Hazlitt (W. C.) Handbook to the Popular, Poetical and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of Printing to the Eestoration. London, 1867. 8. 2048. c. Collections and Notes. 1867-1876. London, 1876. 8. 2048. b. Ritson (J.) Bibliographia Poetica : a Catalogue of English Poets, of the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. London, 1802. 8. BB. G. b. Griffiths (A. P.) Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica : or, a descriptive catalogue of a collection of Early English Poetry. London, 1815. 8. BB. G. e. Corser (T.) Collectanea Anglo-Poetica : or a bibliographical Catalogue of a collection of Early English Poetry. Pt. 1-9. Chetham Society, Manchester, 1860-79. 8. 2048. c. Malone (E.) Catalogue of the Early English Poetry and other miscellaneous works illustrating the British Drama, collected by E. Malone, preserved in the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1836. fol. Cat. Desk. L. 22 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. Boston Public Library. Class List for English Prose Fiction, including translations and juvenile books. Sixth edition. Boston, 1877. 8. BB. G. e. Baker (S.) Biographia Dramatica. With additions by S. Jones. 3 vol. London, 1812. 8. 2039. d. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) A Dictionary of Old English Plays, from the earliest times to the close of the I7th century ; including also notices of Latin Plays written by English authors. London, 1860. 8. BB. G. b. Langbaine (G.) The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets. Also an exact account of all the Plays that were ever printed in the English Tongue, etc. London, [1699.] 8. BB. G. b. Lowe (R. W.) Bibliographical account of English theatrical literature. London, 1888. 8. BB. G. a. Bohn (H. G.) Bibliographical Account of the Works of Shakespeare, including every known edition, translation and commentary. [London, 1864.] 8. BB. G. b. Cohn (A.) Shakespeare - Bibliographie 1873-82. Separat- Abdruck aus dem Shakespeare- Jahrbuch. Kothen, [1875, etc.']. 8. BB. G. b. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Shakesperiana. A catalogue of the early Editions of Shakespeare's Plays, and of com- mentaries and other publications illustrative of his works. London, 1841. 8. 2046. d. Thimm (F.) Shakspeariana from 1564 to 1864. An account of the Shakspearian Literature of England, Germany and France during three centuries. Second Edition, containing the Literature from 1864 to 1871. London, 1865-72. 8. BB. G. b. Birmingham. Public Library. Catalogue of the Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. By J. D. Mullins. Birmingham, 1876, etc. 8. BB. G. b. Boston. Public Library. Catalogue of Works relating to W. Shakespeare and his writings in the Barton Collection, Boston Public Library. By J. M. Hubbard. Boston, 1880. 4. 2050. g. Weimar. Shakespeare Gesellschaft. Katalog der Bibliothek der Deutschen Shakespeare Gesellschaft zu Weimar. Weimar, 1876. 8. BB. G. b. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTKIES. 23 Periodicals. May's British and Irish Press Guide, 1880. A classified Index to the Press of the United Kingdom. London, 1880. 8. Cat. Desk. B. The Newspaper Press Directory, 1880. London, 1880. 8. Cat. Desk. B. Anonymous and Pseudonymous Books. Gushing (W.) Initials and pseudonyms. London, 1886. 8. 2048. f. Halkett (S.) and Laing (J.) Dictionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1882-88. 8. 2048. f. Hamst (O.) Handbook of fictitious names (chiefly of English authors). London, 1868. 8. 2048. c. HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. Gardiner (S. R.) and Mullinger (J. B.) Introduction to the study of English History. London, 1882. 8. BB. M. a. Hardy (Sir T. D.) Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of the reign of Henry VII. 3 vol. London, 1862-71. 8. 2073. (26.) Maeray (W- D.) A manual of British Historians to A.D. 1600 Containing a chronological account of the early chroniclers. London, 1845. 8 - BB. M. a. Paris. Bibliotheque Nationale. Catalogue de 1'Histoire de la Grande-Bretagne. Paris, 1878. 4. Cat. Desk. C. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Catalogue of Proclamations, Broadsides, &c., presented to the Chetham Library, Man- chester. London, 1851. 4. 2048. f. Gough (R.) British Topography ; or, an account of what has been done for illustrating the topographical antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vol. London, 1780. 4. BB. K. d. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. Gough (R.) A Catalogue of the Books relating to British Topo- graphy, bequeathed to the Bodleian Library in the year 1799 by K. Gough. Oxford, 1814. 4. BB. K. d. Hotten (J. C.) A Hand-Book to the Topography and Family History of England and Wales : being a descriptive account of twenty thousand books, etc. London, [1864.] 8. BB. K. b. Nichols (J. B.) Catalogue of the Hoare Library at Stourhead, Co. Wilts. London, 1840. 8. BB. K. b. Upcott (W.) A bibliographical account of the principal works relating to English Topography. 3 vol. London, 1818. 8. BB. K. d. County Histories, etc. Boase (G. C.) and Courtney (W. P.) Bibliotheca Cornu- biensis : a catalogue of the writings both manuscript and printed of Cornishmen, and of works relating to the County of Cornwall. 2 vol. London, 1874-82. 8. BB. K. e. Davidson (J.) Bibliotheca Devoniensis : a catalogue of books relating to Devon. Exeter, 1852. 4. BB. K. b. Mayo (C. H.) Bibliotheca Dorsetiensis : an account of books and pamphlets relating to Dorset. London, 1885. 4. BB. K. b. Phelps (J. D.) Collectanea Glocestriensia ; a catalogue of books relating to the county of Gloucester. London, 1842. 8. BB. K. b. Cope (Sir W. H.) Bart. List of books relating to Hampshire, in the library at Bramshill. WoJcingham, 1879. 8. BB. K. b. Gilbert (H. M.) Bibliotheca Hantoniensis : an attempt at a bibliography of Hampshire. Southampton, [1872.] 8. BB. K. b. Shirley (E. P.) Catalogue of the Library at Lough Fea in illustration of the History of Ireland. London, 1872. 8. BB. K. b. Fishwick (H.) The Lancashire Library ; a bibliographical account of books relating to the County Palatine, etc. London, 1875. 4. BB. K. d. Grace (J. G.) Catalogue of Maps, Plans, and Views of London, Westminster, and Southwark. Collected by F. Grace. London, 1878. 8. Cat. Desk. E. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. 25 Rye (W.) An Index to Norfolk Topography. (Index Society Publications, x.) London, 1881. 4. BB. T. a. Woodward (S.) The Norfolk Topographer's Manual : being a Catalogue of books and engravings in relation to the county. Revised by W. C. Ewing. London, 1842. 8. BB. K. b. Creswell (S. F.) Collections towards the History of Printing in Nottinghamshire. London, 1863. 4. BB. K. b. Worth (R. N.) The Three Towns [Plymouth, Devonport, and Stonehouse] Bibliotheca : a Catalogue of Books, etc., written by Natives thereof; published therein ; or relating thereto, etc. [Plymouth, 1873.] 8. BB. K. b. Butler (G. S.) Topographica Sussexiana : an attempt towards forming a list of the publications relating to the County. [Lewes, 1866.] 8. BB. K. b. Hailstone (E.) Catalogue of a collection of Works and Civil War Tracts relating to the County of York, in the Library of E. Hailstone. Bradford, 1858. 8. BB. K. b. Boyne (W.) The Yorkshire Library. A bibliographical account of books relating to the County of York. London, 1869. 4. BB. K. b. LANGUAGE. Burgaud des Marets (H.) Bibliotheque Patoise de M. Burgaud. Patois'anglais, etc. Pan's, 1873. 8. BB. T. d. English Dialect Society. Bibliographical List of works illustrative of the various Dialects of English. Edited by W. W. Skeat and J. H. Nodal. London, 1877. 8. BB. T. d. Smith (J. R.) Bibliographical List of the works that have been published, towards illustrating the Provincial Dialects of England. London, 1839. 8. 2117. a. Axon (W. E. A.) Bibliographical List of Books illustrating the Lancashire Dialect. Reprinted from the publications of the English Dialect Society. Manchester Literary Club, 1875. 8. BB. T. c. LAW. Bridgman (R. W.) Short View of Legal Bibliography. London, 1807. 8. BB. C. a. 26 BIBLIOGKAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. Clarke (J.) Clarke's Bibliotheca Legum : or, a complete Cata- logue of the Common and Statute Law-Books. New edition. London, 1819. 12. BB. C. b. Clarke (R.) & Co. Digest of Law Publications : being a catalogue of American and British Law Books classified according to their titles. Cincinnati, 1877. 8. BB. C. a. Marvin (J. G.) Legal Bibliography, or a Thesaurus of American, English, Irish, and Scotch Law Books. Philadelphia, 1847. 8 - BB - C - a - Soule (C. C.) The Lawyer's Eeference Manual of law books, etc. Boston, 1883. 8. BB. C. a. Sweet (H. G.) Complete Catalogue of modern law books, British, American and Colonial ; with a selection of such old works as are still of value. Index of subjects by J . Nicholson. Second edition. London, 1883. 8. BB. C. b. Teichmann (A. F. R.) Bibliographische Uebersicht des romischen, franzosischen und englischen Eechts. Bale, 1876. 4. BB. C. e. Wallace (J. W.) The Keporters chronologically arranged : with occasional remarks upon their respective merits. Third edition. Philadelphia, 1855. 8. BB. C. a. Law Times Reports. General Index. New series. Vol. 1-20. 1859-1869. London, 1860-69. 8 - BB - C - e - Catalogues of Law Libraries. Gray's Inn. Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Gray's Inn: with an Index of Subjects. London, 1888. 8. BB. C. e. Lincoln's Inn. Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of Lincoln's Inn. [With Index of Subjects.] (Supplement. April 1859 to April 1862.) London, 1859-62. 8. BB. C. e. Society of Writers to the Signet. Catalogue of the Law Books in the Library of the Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1856. 8. BB. C. e. Pennsylvania State Library. Catalogue of the Pennsylvania Library, 1878. Law Books. Harrisburg, 1878. 8. BB. C. a. BIBLIOGKAPHtES OF COUNTRIES. 27 GAELIC, IRISH AND WELSH LITERATURE. Reid (John) Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica : or, an account of all books in the Gaelic Language. Glasgow, 1832. 8. 2050. d. O'Reilly (E.) Transactions of the Iberno-Celtic Society for 1820. Containing a chronological account of nearly four hundred Irish Writers carried down to the year 1750. Dublin, 1820. 4. 2050. f. Rowlands (W.) Cambrian Bibliography : containing an ac- count of the books printed in the Welsh Language, or, relating to Wales from the year 1546 to the end of the eighteenth century. Llanidloes, 1869. 8. 2050. d. GREECE, Ancient. ANTIQUITIES, LANGUAGE, LITERATURE. Bibliotheca Philologica, oder geordnete Uebersicht aller aul dem Gebiete der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft wie der alteren und neueren Sprachwissenschaft neu erschienenen Biicher. Jahrg. 32, etc. 1879, etc. Gottingen, 1879, etc. 8. BB. T. e. Bibliotheca Philologica Classica. Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft erschienenen Biicher, Zeitschriften, Dissertationen, etc. Jahrg. 8, etc. 1881, etc. S. Calvary: Berlin^ 1881, etc. 8. BB. G. c. Boeckh (A.) Encyklopadie und Methodologie der philolo- gischen Wissenschaften. Zweite Auflage besorgt von R- Klussmann. Leipzig, 1877. 8. BB. G. c. Engelmann (W.) Bibliotheca Philologica, oder alphabetisches Verzeichniss derjenigen Grammatiken, Worterbiicher und anderer Werke, welche zum Studium der griechischen und lateinischen Sprache gehoren und vom Jahre 1750 bis 1852 in Deutschland erschienen sind. Dritte Auflage. Leipzig, 1853. 8. BB. T. c, Bibliotheca Scriptorum classicorum. 8 te Auflage, umfassend die Literatur von 1700 bis 1878, neu bearbeitet von E. Preuss. 2 Abth. Leipzig, 1880-82. 8. BB. G. c. Fabricius (J. A.) Bibliotheca Grseca, sive notitia scriptorum veterum Graecorum. Editio quarta curante G. C. Harles. Hamburgi, 1790-1838, 4. 2048. f. 28 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. Hermann (C. H.) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et Graecorum et Latinorum : Verzeichniss der vom Jahre 1858 bis incl. 1869 in Deutschland erschienenen Ausgaben, etc. Halle a. S., 1871. 8. BB. G. c. Hoffmann (S. F. W.) Bibliographisches Lexicon der ge- sammten Litteratur der Griechen. Zweite Ausgabe. 3 Th. Leipzig, 1838-45. 8. 2048. c. Huebner (E.) Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die Geschichte und Encyclopadie der classischen Philologie. Yierte Auflage. Berlin, 1876. 8. BB. G. c. Mayor (J. B.) Guide to the choice of Classical Books. Second edition. London, 1879. 8. BB. G. c. Schweiger (F. L. A.) Handbuch der classischen Bibliographic. 2 Th. Leipzig, 1830-34. 8. BB. G. c. Worcester College, Oxford. A Catalogue of the books relating to Classical Archaeology and Ancient History in the Library of Worcester College, Oxford. Oxford, 1878. 8. BB. M. c. MODERN GREEK LITERATURE. Sathas (K. N.) NeoeXX^i/u-^ . Alphabetische Naamlijst van Boeken. 1833-1875. 3 vol. Amsterdam, 1858-78. 4. 2050. b. Wetenschappelijk Register behoorende bij Brinkman's Alphabetische Naamlijsten van Boeken uitgegeveu in 1850- 1875 bewerkt door R. van der Meulen. Amsterdam, 1878. 4. 2050. b. Naamlijst van Boeken in Nederland uitgegeben. Jhrg. 1876, etc. Amsterdam, 1877, etc. 8. BB. R. b. HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. Pruin (R.) Repertorium der Yerhandelingen en Bijdragen, betreffende de Geschiedenis des Vaterlands, in Mengel- werken en Tijdschriften tot op 1860 verschenen. Door R. Fruin, J. T. Bodel Nijenhuis, L. J. F. Janssen. Leiden, 1863. 8. BB. M. c. Nijhoff (M.) Bibliotheca Historico-Neerlandica. Catalogue de livres et nianuscrits concernant 1'Histoire et Topographic desPays-Bas. La Haye, 1871. 8. BB. M. c. Paquot (J. N.) Memoires pour servir a 1'Histoire litteraire des dix-sept Provinces des Pays-Bas, etc. 3 torn. Louvain, 1765-70. fol. 2036. g. Wind (S. de) Bibliotheek der Nederlandscbe Geschiedschrij- vers. Vol. i. Middelburg, 1835. 8. BB. M. c. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OP COUNTRIES. 33 Nij ennuis (J. T. Bodel) Topographische Lijst der Plaats- beschrijvingen van bet koningrijk der Nederlanden. Amsterdam, 1862. 8. BB. M. c. Linde (A. van der) Bibliographic van Haarlem. Haarlem, 1867. 8. BB. K. d. Hooykaas ( J. C.) Eepertorium op de Koloniale Litteratuur, of systematische Inboudsopgaaf van hetgeen voorkomt over de Kolonien, van 1595 tot 1865 nitgegeven in Nederland. Amsterdam, 1874. 8. BB. O. e. LAW. Linden (J. van der) Institutes of the Laws of Holland. (Chapter II. On the formation of a Select Law Library.) London, 1828. 8. 2019. b. Nijhoff (M.) Bibliotheca Juridica. Catalogus van alle Boeken sedert 1837 ^ n ne ^ Koningrijk der Nederlanden verschenen, over Wetgeving en Rechtsgeleerdheid. 'S Gravenhage, 1874. 8. BB. C. a. NORWAY. GENERAL LITERATURE. Botten-Hansen (P.) La Norvege Litteraire. Catalogue de tous les ouvrages de quelque valeur imprimes en Norvege au I9 e siecle, etc. Christiania, 1868. 8. 2050. d. Kraft (J. E.) Norsk Forfatter-Lexicon 1814-1856. Af J. E. Kraft. For0gefc og udgivet af C. C. A. Lange. Christiania, 1863. 8. 2050. d. Nissen (M.) Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse 1814-1847. Kristiania, 1848. 8. 2050. d. Botten-Hansen (P.) and Petersen (S.) Norsk Bog-Forteg- nelse 1848-1865. Kristiania, 1870. 8. 2050. d. Boeck (T. O.) Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse. 1866-1872. Samlet og redigeret af T. Boeck. Christiania, 1877. 8. 2050. d. Feilberg (M. W.) Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse. 1873, etc. Kristiania, 1885, etc - 8 - 2050. d. 34 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. HISTORY. Baden (G. L.) Dansk-Norsk Historisk Bibliothek. Odense, 1815. 12. BB. M. b. See also the Bibliography on pp. xiii. to cxiv. of Allen's "Histoire de Danemark " (2084. f.). LAW. Aagesen (A.) Fortegnelse over Retssamlinger, Retsliteratur m.m. i Danmark, Norge, Sverig, og til Dels Finland. Kjfibenhavn, 1876. 8. BB. C. a. POLAND. Estreicher (C.) Polnische Bibliographic des xv.-xvi. Jahr- hunderts. Krakau, 1875. 8. 2050. c. Bibliographie Polonaise de 1 20,000 imprimes. Cracow, 1870, etc. 8. 2050. c. Miehalek (A.) and Kloucek (I.) Slovansky Katalog. Cata- logue Slave bibliographique pour 1880, etc. VPraze, 1880, etc. 8. BB. R. b. PORTUGAL. GENERAL LITERATURE. Adamson (J.) Bibliotheca Lusitana ; or, Catalogue of books and tracts relating to Portugal : forming part of the library of J. Adamson. Newcastle -on-Tyne, 1836. 8. BB. I. b. Barbosa Machado (D.) Bibliotheca Lusitana, historica, critica e cronologica. 4 vol. Lisboa, 1741-59. fol. 2050. g. Pinto de Mattos (R.) Manual bibliographico Portuguez de livros raros, classicos e curiosos. Porto, 1878. 8. 2050. d. Silva (J. P. da) Diccionario bibliographico Portuguez. Lisboa, 1858, etc. 8. 2050. d. Whitney (J. L.) Catalogue of the Portuguese books be- queathed by G. Ticknor to the Boston Public Library, etc. Boston, 1879. 8. BB. G. e. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. 35 Academia Real das Scieneias, Lisbon. Catalogo das publicagoes da Academia Eeal das Sciencias de Lisboa (1789 a 1876). Lisboa, 1876. 8. 2048. b- HISTORY. Figaniere (J. C. de) Bibliographia Historica Portugueza, on Catalogo methodico dos auctores Portuguezes que tractaram da historia d'estes reinos e sens dominios. Lisboa, 1850. 8. BB. M. b. Pinto de Sousa (J. C.) Bibliotheca Historica de Portugal e sens dominios nltramarinos. Lisboa, 1801. 8. BB. M. b. Bernardes Branco (M.) Portugal e os Estrangeiros. 2 torn. Lisboa, 1879. 8. BB. I. c. ROME. ANTIQUITIES; LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Bibliotheca Philologiea, oder geordnete Uebersicht aller auf dem Gebiete der classischen Alterthurnswissenschaft wie der alteren und neueren Sprachwissenschaft in Deutschland und dem Ausland neu erschienenen Biicher. Herausgegeben von W. Miildener. Jahrg. 32, etc. 1879, etc. Gottingen, 1879, etc. 8. BB. T. c. Bibliotheca Philologica Classica. Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft er- schienenen Biicher, Zeitschriften, Dissertationen, etc. Jahrg. 8. 1881, etc. S. Calvary, Berlin, 1881, etc. 8. BB. G. c. Boeckh (A.) Encyklopadie und Methodologie der philolo- gischen Wissenschaften. Zweite Auflage besorgt von E. Klussmann. Leipzig, 1886. 8. BB. G. c. Engelmann (W. ) Bibliotheca Scriptorum classicorum. 8 te Auflage, umfassend die Literatur von 1700 bis 1878, neu bearbeitet von E. Preuss. 2 Abth. Leipzig, 1880-82. 8. BB. G. c. Bibliotheca Philologica, oder alphabetisches Verzeichniss derjenigen Grammatiken, Worterbiicher und anderer Werke, welche zum Studium der griechischen und lateinischeii Sprache gehoren und vom Jahre 1750 bis 1852 in Deutsch- land erschienen sind. Dritte Auflage. Leipzig, 1853. 8. BB. T. c. r> 2 36 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. Fabricius (J. A.) Bibliotheca Latina, sive notitia auctorum veterum Latinorum. 3 vol. Hamburgi, 1721-22. 8. 2050. a. Hermann (C. H.) Bibliotheca Philologica. Verzeichniss der vom Jahre 1851 bis Mitte 1872 in Deutschland erschienenen Zeitschriften, Schriften der Akaderaien, etc., der Literatur iiber Encyclopadie und Geschichte der Philologie. Halle a/S., 1873. 8. BB. G. c. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et Graecorum et Latinomm : Verzeichniss der vom Jahre 1858 bis incl. 1869 in Deutschland erschienenen Ausgaben, etc. Halle a. S., 1871. 8. BB. G. c. Huebner (E.) Gnmdriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die Geschichte und Encyclopadie der classischen Philologie. Yierte Auflage. Berlin, 1876. 8. BB. G. c. Grandriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die Eomische Litteratur- geschichte. Vierte Auflage. Berlin, 1878. 8. BB. G. c. Bibliographical clue to Latin literature. Edited after Dr. E. Hiibner with additions by J. E. B. Mayor. London, 1875. 12. BB. G. c. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die Lateinische Gram- matik. Berlin, 1876. 8. BB. G. c. Mayor (Joseph B.) Guide to the choice of Classical Books. Second edition. London, 1879. 8. BB. G. c. Schweiger (F. L. A.) Handbuch der classischen Bibliographic. 2 Th. Leipzig, 1830-34. 8. BB. G. c. Teuffel (W. S.) A History of Eoman Literature. Translated by W. Wagner. [With bibliographical notes and refer- ences.] 2 vol. London, 1873. 8. 2051. c. Worcester College, Oxford. A Catalogue of the books relating to Classical Archaeology and Ancient History in the Library of Worcester College, Oxford. Oxford, 1878. 8. BB. M. c. ROUMANIA. Jarcu (D.) Bibliografia Chronologica Komana sau Catalogu generalu de Cartile Romane, etc. 1550-1873. Bucuresci, 1873. 4. 2050. f. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF COUNTRIES. 37 RUSSIA. GENERAL LITERATURE. Mezhov (V. J.) CiicTeMaTiiiecKiii Eaxajort PyccKHMi, KHHraM-L npo^aiomiiMCfl BT. KHIDKHOMI. MarasiiH^ A. <. BasynoBa ci 1825 ,0,0 1869 roji;a. C. IlemepGypi*, 1869. 8. IlepBoe 108 npiidaBjrenie sa 1869 r. 1 %11 H 1878 roan. C. Hemepdypi*, 1870-80. 8. 2050. c. Sopikov (V.) OntiTt POCCIHCKOH 6n6jiiorpa(()iii, OTI> na^ajia 3aBe,a;eHifl Timorpagraphi?chen Notizen. Dritte Auflage. 3 vol. Leipzig, 1818-42. 8. BB. A. a. Zuchold (E. A.) Bibliotheca Theologica. Verzeichniss der auf dem Gelnete der evangelischen Theologie nebst den fiir dieselbe wichtigen wahrend der Jahre 1830-62 in Deutsch- iand erschieneneii Schriften. Gottingen, 1864. 8. BB. A. b. Baldamus (E.) and Haupt (R.) Die literarischen Erschein- ungen der Jahre 1865, etc., auf dem Gebiete der Katho- lisclien Theologi^. Beudnitz, 1870, etc. 8. BB. A. c. Catalogus Dissertationum Theologicarum defensarurn et habitarum ab A. 1650 ad 1850 in Academiis Neerlandias, Germaniaa, Sueciae, collectarum a F. Muller. Amstelodami, 1868. 8. BB. A. b. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 83 Abbot (E.) The Literature of the doctrine of a Future Life. New York, 1871. 8. BB. A. d. Cox (R.) The Literature of the Sabbath Question. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1865. 8. BB. A. c. CATALOGUES OF L1BRARIKS. Paris. Bibliotheque Nationals. Catalogue des Livres imprimez de la Bibliotheque du Roy. Theologie. 3 vol. Paris. 1739-42. fol. Cat. Desk. L. Queen's College, Cambridge. A Catalogue of the Library of Queen's College, Cambridge. By T. H. Home. [Vol. i Theology.] London, 1827. 8. BB. A. e. Sion College. Bibliothecae Cleri Londinensis in Collegio Sionensi Catalogus. Londini, 1724. fol. 2050, g. Williams (D.) Catalogue of the Library of the Eev. Daniel Williams. (Supplement I., 1877.) 3 vol. London, 1841-78. 8. BB. A. a. BIBLES. Bullen (G.) Catalogue of the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London, 1857. 8. BB. A. e. Home (T. H.) Manual of Biblical Bibliography. [Vol. 5 of Home's " Introduction," 9th edition.] London, 1846. 8. BB. A. b. Le Long (J.) Bibliotheca Sacra. 2 vol. Paris, 1723. fol. 2000. g. Bibliotheca Sacra post J. Le Long et C. F. Boerneri iteratas curas ordine disposita, continuata ab A. G. Masch. 5 vol. Halce, 1778-90. 4. BB. A. e. Orme (W.) Bibliotheca Biblica. A select list of books on t acred literature. Edinburgh, 1824. 8. BB. A. b. Stevens (H.) The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877. A bibliographical description of nearly one thousand repre- sentative Bibles in various languages. London, 1878. 8. BB. A. b. Reuss (E.) Bibliotheca Novi Testament! Graeci, etc. Brunsvigce, 1872. 8. BB. A. b. Cotton (H.) Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English from the }ear 1505 to 1850. Second edition, enlarged. Oxford, 1852. 8. BB. A. b G 2 84 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Cotton (H.) Rhemesand Doway. An attempt to shew what has been done by Roman Catholics for the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures in English. Oxford, 1855. 8. BB. A. b. O'Callaghan (E. B.) List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures printed in America previous to 1860. Albany, 1861. 4. BB. A. e. Shea (J. G.) Bibliographical Account of Catholic Bibles and Testaments, translated from the Latin Vulgate and printed in the United States. New York, 1859. 8. BB. A. b. Llewelyn (T.) Historical Account of the British or Welsh Ver- sions of the Bible. London, 1768. 8. BB. A. b. Spurireon (C. H.) Commenting and Commentaries : Two lectures, with a catalogue of Biblical Commentaries. London, 1876. 8. BB. A. b. LITUBGIES. Ales (A.) Bibliotheque Liturgique. Description des Li vresde liturgie imprimes au xv 6 et xvi e siecles faisant partie de la bibliotheque de S. A. R. Mgr. Charles Louis de Bourbon. Paris, 1878. 8. BB. A. d. Stewart (C. J.) Catalogue of Liturgies, Liturgical and Sacra- mental works. London, [1875.] 8 - BB. A. d. Weale (W. H. J.) Bibliotheca Liturgica. Catalogus Mi.-salium Ritus Latini ab anno 1475 impressornm. Londini, 1886. 8. BB. A. a. Zaccaria (F. A.) Bibliotheca Ritualis. 2 torn. Romce, 1776-81. 4. 2036. g. Dickinson (F. H.) A list of printed Service Books accord- ing to the ancient uses of the Anglican Church. London, 1850. 8. BB. A. d. Frere (E.) Des Livres de Liturgie des Sglises d'Angleterre imprimes a Rouen dans les xv e et xvi e siecles. Rouen, 1867. 8. BB. A. d. Miller (J.) Singers and Songs of the Church : being bio- graphical sketches of the Hymn- Writers in all the principal collections. Second edition. London, i86q. 8. BB. A. a. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 85 FATHERS AND THEOLOGICAL WRITERS. Cave (W.) Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia literaria, a Christo nato usque ad saeculum xiv. 2 vol. Oxonii, 1740-43. fql. 2006. e. Dowling (J. G.) Notitia Scriptorum SS. Patrum quae in collectionibus anecdotorum post annum Christi MDCC in lucem editis continentur. Oxonii, 1839. 8- BB. A. b. Ellies Dupin (L.) HistDry of Ecclesiastical Writers. Third edition. 3 vol. Dublin, 1722-24. fol. 2008, g. Oudin (C.) Commentarius de Scriptoribus Ecclesiaa antiquis, etc. 3 vol. Lipsiae, 1722. fol. 2008. f. Stewart (C. J.) Catalogue of Works in Patristic and Mediaeval Literature. London, [1875.] 8. BB. A. b. See also ORDERS, Religious, etc. SERMONS. Cooke (J.) The Preacher's Assistant, containing a series of the Texts of Sermons published by Divines since the Restoration. 2 vol. Oxford, 1783. 8. 2001. b. Pettingell (J. H.) ITomiletical Index : a Handbook <>f Texts, Themes and Authors. New York, 1878. 8. BB. A. e. ZOOLOGY. Agassiz (L. J. R.) Bibliogi aphia Zoologies et Geologiaa. A catalogue of all books, tracts and memoirs on Zoology and Geology. Edited by H. E. Strickland. 4 vol. Ray Society, London, 1848-54. 8. 2027. d. Engelmann (W.) Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis. Vtrzeich- niss der Biicher iiber Naturgeschichte. 1700-1846. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1846-86. 8. BB. E. c. Supplement-Band, < nthaltend die in den periodLschen Werken aufgenommenen und die vom Jahre 1846-1860 erschienenen Schriften. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1861. 8. BB. E. c. Zoological Record for 1864, etc. Edited by A. C. L. G. Giintber, A. Newton and E. C. Rye. London, 1965. 8 - 2028. b. Huth (F. H.) Works on Horses and Equitation. London, 1887. 4. BB. E. c. 5b BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL 'SUBJECTS. Enslin (T. C. F.) Bibliotheca Veterinaria oder Verzeichniss der bis 1 842 in Deutschland erscliienenen Biicher iiber alle Theile der Thierarzneikunde. Leipzig, 1843. S BB. E. c. Ibis. Index of Genera and Species referred to, and an Index to the Plates in "The Ibis." Series i, 2, 3. 1859-76. Edited by 0. Salvin. London, 1879. 8. BB. E. c. Giebel (C. G.) Thesaurus Ornithologise. Eepertoriuni der gesammten Ornithologischen Literatur. Leipzig, 1872. 8. BB. E. d. Hagen (H. A.) Bibliotheca Entomologica. 2 Bd. Leipzig, 1862-63. 8 - BB - E - d - Keller (A. de) Bibliografia universale di Apicoltura. Milano, 1881. 8. BB. E. b. Bosgoed (D. M.) Bibliotheca Ichthyologica et Piscatoria. Catalogue de Jivres sur 1'histoire naturelle des Poissons et des Cetaces, la Pisciculture, les Peches, etc. Haarlem, 1874. 8. BB. E. d. Cavanna (G.) Element! per una Bibliografia Italiana intorno all' idrofaun* Hgli allevamenti degh aniiuali acquatici e alia pesca. Firenze, 1880. 8. BB. E. c. Westwood (T.) and Satchell (T.) Bibliotheca Piscatoria. A catalogue of books on Angling, the Fisheries, and Fish Culture. London, 1883. 4. BB. E. e. Thompson (D'A. W.) Bibliography of Protozoa, Sponges, Ccelenterata and Worms. 1861-1883. Cambridge, 1885. 8. BB. E. c. See also NATURAL HISTORY. V. INDEXES TO PERIODICALS. Poole (W. F.) An Index to Periodical Literature. Third edition. Boston, 1882. 8. Cat. Desk. B. First Supplement, Jan. i882-Jan. 1887. By W. F. Poolo and W. J. Fletcher. London. 1888. 8. Cat. Desk. B. Archaeologia. Index to Archaeologia. Vol. 1-30. 2 pt. London, 1809. 4. 2096. g. Archaeological Journal. Index to Vol. 1-25. London, 1878. 8. BB. O. a. Atlantic Monthly. Index. Vol. 1-38. 1857-1876. Boston, 1877. 8. BB. O. e. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. General Index to Vol. i to 50. Edinburgh, 1855. 8. 2095. h. British Archaeological Association. Journal of the British Archaaological Association. Index to Vol. 1-30. London, 1875. 8. 2096. c. British Association. Index to the Reports and Transactions of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, from 1831 to 1860 inclusive. London, 1864. 8. BB. O. a. British Critic. General Index to Vol. 1-20 of the British Critic. London, 1804. 8. BB. O. a. Calcutta Review. Index to Vol. 1-50 of the Calcutta Review. Calcutta, 1873. 8. 2098. b. Chemical Society. Index to Vol. 1-25 of the Journal of the Chemical Society, 1848-1872 ; and to the Memoirs and Proceedings, 1841-1847. By H. Watts. London, 1874. 8 - BB - E - ^ Christian Examiner. Index. Vol. 1-87. 1824-69. Boston, 1879. 8. BB. O. c. 88 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS. Clinical Society. General Index to the Transactions. Vol. 1-12. 1868-79. London, 1880. 8. BB. C. e. Edinburgh Review. General Index. Vol. 1-20. Oct. 1802- Nov. 1812. Edinburgh, 1813. 8. Vol. 21-50. April 1 813- Jan. 1830. Edinburgh, 1832. 8. Vol. 51-80. April i830-0ct. 1844. London, 1850. 8. Vol. 81-110. Jan. i845-0ct. 1859. London, 1862. 8. Vol. 111-140. Jan. 1860 to Oct. 1874. London, 1876. 8. BB. O. c. Gentleman's Magazine. General Index to Vol. 1-56. 1731-1786. By S. Ayscough. Vol. i, 2. London, 1789. 8. General Index 1787-1818 inclusive. With introduction by J. Nichols. Vol. 3-5. London, 1821. 8. 2091. b. Geological Society. Classified Index to the Transactions, Proceedings and Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. Second edition, to the end of 1868. (Supplement from 1869 to 1875 inclusive.) London, 1876. 8. BB. E. c. Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Index to Vol. 1-50. June i850-May 1875. New York, 1875. 8. BB. O. e. Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of Proceedings. General Index. Vol. 1-30. 1837-1870. 2 vol. London, 1865-71. 8. Subject Index. Vol. 1-90. 1837-87. London, 1881-88. 8. BB. E. a. Law Times Reports. General Index. New Series. Vol. 1-20. 1859-69. London, 1860-69. 8. BB. C. e. London Gazette. Index to all matter publ shed in the London Gazette, Jan. i83O-Dec. 1883. Compiled by A. Pulling. London, 1885. 8. Cat. Desk. B. London Magazine. General Index. Vol. 1-27. 1732-1758. London, 1760. 8. BB. O. a. Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. General Index to the Transactions. [By B. E. \\heatley.] Vol. 1-53. London, 1871. 8. BB. C. c. Monthly Review. General Index. Vol. 1-70. 1749-1784. By S. Ayscongh. 2 vol. London, 1786. 8. BB. O. d. INDEXES TO PERIODICALS. 9 Monthly Review. Continuation of the General Index. Vol. 71-81. By S. AyBCOiigh. London, 1796. 8. General Index. New Series. Yol. 1-81. 1790-1816. 2 vol. London, 1818. 8. BB. O. d. Nation. General Index to the Nation. Vol. 1-30. Boston, 1880. 8. BB. O. e. North American Review. Index. Vol. 1-125. 1815- 1877. By W. Gushing. Cambridge, 1878. 8. BB. O. a. Notes and Queries. General Index to Series I. Vols. 1-12. [By J. Yeowell.] London, 1856. 4. Series II. Vole. 1-12. [By J. Yeowell.] London, 1862. 4. Series III. 1862-1867. Vol. 1-12. [By J. Yeowell.] London, 1868. 4. Series IV. 1868-1873. Vol. 1-12. London, 1874. 4. Series V. 1874-1879. Vol. 1-12. London, 1880. 8. BB. O. a. Pathological Society. General Index to the Transactions. Vol. 1-15. Compiled by T. Holmes. London, 1864. 8. General Index. Vol. 16-25. 1865-74. Compiled by B. R. Wheatley. London, 1875. 8. BB. C. c. Pharmaceutical Journal. Index to the Pharmaceutical Journal. Vol. 1-15. 1842-55. London, 1857. 8 - Index. Old Series, Vol. 16. Second Series, Vol. 9. 1856-68. London, 1869. 8. Index to the Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. Second Series. Vol. 10 and 11. Third Series. Vol. 1-8. 1868-1878. London, 1880. 8. BB. C. d. Quarterly Review. General Index. Vol. 1-19. 1809-18. London, 1820. 8. Vol. 21-39. 1819-29. London, 1831. 8. Vol. 41-59. 1830-37. London, 1839. 8. Vol. 61-79. 1838-47. London, 1850. 8. Vol. 81-99 1847-56. London, 1858. 8. - Vol. 101-120. 1857-66. London, 1867. 8. Vol. 122-139. 1867-75. London, 1876. 8. Vol. 141-159. 1876-85. London, 1886. 8. 2088. h. Royal Agricultural Society of England. General Index to Series I. Vol. 1-25. BB. O. a. 90 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS. Royal Agricultural Society of England. Series II. Vol. 1-20. London, 1875-85. 8. BB. O. a. Statistical Society. Journal of the Statistical Society. General Index. Vol. 1-15. 1834-52. London, 1854. 8. Vol. 16-25. 1853-1862. London, 1863. 8. Vol. 26-35. 1863-1872. London, 1874. 8. 2097. f. Sussex Archaeological Society. Sussex Archaeological Col- lections. General Index to Vol. 1-25. Sussex, 1874. 8. BB. O. a. Times. Index to the * Times.' 1849, ete. London, 1867-88. 8. BB. O. c. d. Journal des Savants. Table. 1816-1858. Precedee d'une Notice historique sur ce Journal. Par H. Cocheris. Paris, 1860. 8. 2096, g. Memoires de Trevoux. Tal>le methodique. 1701-1775. Par P. C. Sommervogel. 2 pt. Paris, 1864-65. 8. BB. O. a. Mercure de France. Indicateur du Mercure de France 1672- 1789, contenant les noius des personnages sur lesquels on trouve dans cette collection des Notices biographiques et genealogiques, par Joseph Guigard. Paris, 1869. 8. BB. O. a. Revue Britannique. Table generale 1825-1880. Par J. Drapier. Paris, 1881. 8. BB. O. d. Revue des Deux Mondes. Table generale, 1831-74. Paris, 1875. 8. Deuxieme periode, 1874-1885. Paris, 1886. 8. 2094. g. Repertorium der Technischen Literatur die Jahre 1823 bis Einschl. 1853 umfassend. Bearbeitet von Dr. Schubarth. Berlin, 1856. 8. BB. O. d. Neue Folge die Jahre 1854 bis 1873 umfassend. Heraus- gegeben vou B. Kerl. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1871-78. 8. BB. O. d. Reference Index of subjects named in Schubarth's Eeper- torium, with corresponding references to Woodcroft's Sub- ject-Matter Indexes of Patents of Invention. London, 1856. 8. BB. O. d. I N D E X. AA, Biographisch Woordenboek, 32. Nederlandsche Dichters, 32. Aagesen, Retsliteratur i Danmark, 9, 39. Abbot, Literature on a future life, 83. Abkoude, Naamlijst van boeken, 32. Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, 35. Academic Francaise, 10. Academic Imp. de Saint-Petersbourg, 37. Achiardi, Bib. Mineral. Toscana, 61. Ackermann, Offent. Gesundheitspflege, 69. Acland, Student's Library, 71. Adams, C. K., Manual of Hist. Literature, 63. Adams, 0. F., Handbook of American Au- thors, 46. Adamson, Biblioth. Lusitana, 34. Admiralty Library Catalogue, 70. Africa General Bibliography, 43. Languages of, 44. Agassiz, Bibliographia Zoologiae, 60. Agriculture, 55, 56. Aisne, Dept., 13. Akademie der bildenden Kiinste, Vienna, 50. Akademie der Wisseuschaften, Berlin, 16. Alchymy, 73. Aldershot, Military Library, Cat., 70. Aldus, Imprimerie des Aide, 2. Ales, Bibliotheque Liturgique, 84. Algebra, 66. Algeria, 43. Allgemeine Bibliographic, 3. Allibone. Diet, of English Literature, 19. Alliey, Bib. sur le Jeu de Dames, 81. Amat di San Filippo, Viaggiatori Ital., 60. Ambrogio di Altamura, Bib. Dominicana, 74. America Botany, 55. Central, 45, 46. History, 47, 48. Indians, 46. Languages, 46. Laws, 26. Literature, 44-47. South, 45, 46. Ames, Typographical Antiquities, -!". Ana, 79. Anam, 41. Andrade, Cat. de la Bibliotheque, 46. Angels, 73. Angling, 80. Angola, 45. Annee Ge'ographique, 59. Anonyms, General, 3. English. 23. French, 11. Italian, 30. Antonelli, Bib. Storica Ferrarese, 31. Antonio, Bibliotheca Hispana, 38. Arboriculture, 54-56. Archseologia, Index, 87. Archaeological Journal, Index, 87. Archaeology, 49. Architecture, 49, 50. Aretin, Lit. fur baierische Geschichte, 17. Ariosto, 29. Arithmetic, 66, 67. Armenia, 41. Armour, 51. Art, 50-53. Industrial, 51-53. Asher, A., Essay on Voyages of Hulsius, 60. G. M., Essay on New Netherlands, 45. Asia, 40-43. Asselineau, Bib. Romantique, 11. Astronomy, 53, 54. Atlantic Monthly, Index, 87. Australia, 48. Geology, 62. Austria, 6. Auvergne, 13. Axon, Works on Lancashire Dialect, 25. Ayala, Bib. Militare-Italiana, 69. BACCHI DELLA LEGA, Bib. dei dialetti Ital., 31. Backer, Ecrivains de la Comp. de Jesus, 74. Baden, G. L., Dansk-Norsk Historisk Bib., 9. Baden, Grand Duchy of, 17. Baker, Biographia Dramatics, 22. Baldamus, Katholische Theologie, 82. Kriegswissenschaft, 69. Lit. der Forst-, u. Landwirthschaft, 55 92 INDEX. Baldamus, Repertorium, 16. Schleswig-Holstein-Lit., 18. and Haupt, Literarische Erscheinungen, 82. Banks, Cat. of Library, 72. Barbie du Bocage, Bib. Annamite, 41. Barbier, Ouvrages anonymes, 11. Barbosa, Bib. Lusitania, 34. Baring, Script ores Rerum Brunsvic., 17. Barrera, Teatro antiguo Espanol, 39. Barthelmess, Bib. der Freimaurerei, 75. Bartlett, Lit. of the Rebellion, 47. , Bib. of Rhode Island, 48. Barton, Lit. in New South Wales, 48. Bartsch, Bib. der Deutschen Philologie, 18. Basque Language, 7. Bavaria, 17. Becker, Darstellung der Musikal. Lit., 70. Verzeich. von Musikal. Schriften, 70. Tonwerke, 71. Beckmann, Lit. der Reisebeschreib., 59. Beelitz, Architectur-Kataloz, 49. Bees, 86. Belgium, 7, 8. Bemmelen, Repert. Lit. Botan., 55. Benedictines, 73. Benjacob, Ozar Ha-Sepharirn, 42. Berg, Lit. der Mineralogie Russlands, 61. Bergman, Biblioth. Wallonne, 80. Berlin, Akademie der Wissenschaften, 16. K. Geolog. Bergakademie, Katalog, 51. K. Statist. Bureau, Katalog, 78. Bernardes Branco, Portugal, &c., 35. Bernd, Wappenwissenschaft, 62. Bertocci, Repertorio bibliogr., 29. Bewick, Works illustrated by, 76. Bibles, 83. 84. Bibliografia Italiana, 29. Komana, 31. Bibliographic de la France, 10. de la Suisse, 40. Bibliotheca Diabolica, 73. Historica (Mueldener's), 64. Historico-Naturaiis, 71. Medico-Chirurgica, 67. (Enologica, 56. Orientalis, 40. Parva Theologica, 81. Philologica (Mueldener's), 27. Philologica Classica (Calvary), 27. Theologica (Mueldener's), 81. Bibliotheque Nationale. Cat. de 1'Hist. de France, 12. de 1'Hist. de la Grande-Bretagne, 23. des Livres imprimes, 4. des livres sur velm, 3. des ouvrages dans la Salle de Travail, 4. des Sciences Medicales, 67. Bigmore ami Wyman, Bib. of Printing, 53. Billings, Index Medicus, 67. Bingner, Literatur iiber Baden, 17. Biography, 54. Birmingham Public Library, Cat. of Shake- speare Lib., 22! Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Index, 87. Blades, Life of Caxton, 20. Blanc, Bib Italico-franfaise, 31. Blanqui, Hist, de 1'Economie Politique, 77. Bleek, Cat. of Lib. of Sir G. Grey, 44. Blind, The, 69. Blumhardt, Bengali books in British Mu- seum, 43. Hindustani books in British Museum, 43. Boase and Courtney, Bib. Cornubiensis, 24. Bodleian Library, Catalogue, 4. Cat. of Academic Dissertations, 4. of Douce collection, 4. of Hebrew books, 42. of Malone Collection, 21. of Periodicals, 4. Boeck, Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse, 33. Boeckh, Encyclopadie der philol. Wissen- schaften, 27. Bohemia, 8. Bohn, Guinea Catalogue, 5. Shakespeare Bibliography, 22. Boletin de la libreria, 39. Bolton, Scientific and technical periodicals, 72. Borel, P., 11. Bosgoed, Bibliotheca Ichthyologica, 86. Boston Athenaeum, Catalogue, 4. Boston Public Library Catalogues, 4, 54. Cat. of books on history, 59. of Ticknor Library, 34. of works relatingto Shakespeare,22. Class List of English Fiction, 22. Botanischer Jahresbericht, 54. Botany, 54-56. Botten-Hansen, Norsk Bog-Fortegnelse, 33. La Norvege Litteraire, 33. Bouchard-Huzard, Constructions rurales, 5.5. Boucher de la Richarderie, Bib. des Voyages, 60. Bougard, Bib. Borvoniensis, 13. Boulonnais, 13. Bourbonne, 13. Boyne, Yorkshire Library, 25. Bragge, Bibliotheca Nicotiana, 56. Branca. Bibliografia Storica, 63. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Bib. Mexico-Guate- malienne, 46. Brazil, 45. Bridger, Index to Printed Pedigrees, 62. Bridgman, Legal Bibliography, 25. Brinkman, Naamlijst van boeken, 32. Briseno, R., Bibliografia Chilena, 46. Brivois, Ouvrages illustres . fcc., 1". , Catalogue des livres, 10. INDEX. 103 Vogel, E. G., Bib. biogr. Lutherana, 54. , J. N. de, Bib. Gorman. Aust., 6. Voyages and Travels, 58-60. WADDING, Script. Ord. Minorum, 74. Wagner, R., 71. Walch, Bibliotheca Theologica, 82. Walker, R. C., Works on New South Wales, 48. Wallace, The Reporters, 26. Walloons, 80. Walther, A. 0., Hand-Lex, der Jurist. Litera- tur, 19. Walther, P. A. F., Lit. Haudb. fur Gesch. von Hessen, 18. , Systemat. Repert., 17. Waree, Bib. des ouvrages de legislation, 14. Waring, Bib. Therapeutica, 69. Warmholtz, Bib. Hist. Sueo-Gothica, 39. Washington, Surgeon-General's Library, Catalogue, 68. Watson, Index to American Botany, 55. Watt, Bibliotheca Britannica, 19. Watts, Index to Chemical Society's Jour., 56. Weale, J., Catalogue of Books on Architec- ture, 50. , W. H. J., Bibliotheca Liturgica, 84. Weapons, 51. Weber, Lit. des deutschen Staatengesch., 17. Weimar, Shakespeare Gesellschaft, Kat., 22. Weinart, Lit. der Sachsisch. Gesch., 18. Weitbrecht, Cat. of Urdu Christian Litera- ture, 43. Weller. Annal. der Poet. Nat. Literatur, 16. , Hans Sachs, 16. , Lexicon Pseudonymorum, 3. , Repertorium Typ., 15. Welsh Bibles, 84. Welsh Literature, 27. Werlhof, Griech. Numismatik, 73. Wesleyans, 80. West Indian Books in Brit. Mus., 46. Westwood, Bib. Piscatoria, 80. White and Newton, Cat. of Lib. of Museum of Practical Geologv, 61. Whitmore, American Genealogist, 63. Whitney, Cat. of Ticknor Library, 34. Wigan Library Catalogue, 61. Willems, Les Elzevier, 2. Williams, Cat. of Library, 83. Wind, Bib. der Nederland. Geschiedschrij- vers, 32. Wine, 56. Winer, Theologische Literatur, 82. Winkelmann, Bib. Livoniae Hist., 38. Winsor, Reader's Handb. of Amer. Rev., 47. Witchcraft, 73. Witzleben, Militar-Lit., 69. Wolf, Bibliotheca Hebrsea, 42. Wolff, Lit. der theoret. -organ. Chemie, 56. Woodward, Norfolk Topographer, 25. Worcester College, Oxford, Cat. of Archaeol. Lib., 28. Worms, 86. Wornum, Art Library at Marlborough House, 50. Worth, Three Towns Bibliotheca, 25. Writers to the Signet, Cat. of Law Lib., 26. Wurtemberg, 18. Wuttig, Bibliotheca Juridica, 19. YORK Gate Library, Catalogue, 59. Yorkshire, 25. Young, Cat. of Works on Nat. Philosophy, 73.. ZACCARIA, Bibliotheca Ritualis, 84. Zambrini, Opere volgari a stampa, 29. Zapf, Lit. der Geschichte, 63. Zedner, Cat. of Hebrew Books, 42. Zeibig, Geschwindschreibkunst, 80. Zeis, Lit. der Plast. Chirurgie, 68. Zenker, Bibliotheca Orientalis, 41. Zezi, Geologia di Roma, 61. Ziegelbauer, Hist. Lit. Ord. S. Benedict!, 73. Ziemssen, Cyclopaedia of Medicine, 67. Zoology, 85, 86. Zuchold, Bibliotheca Chemica, 56. , Bibliotheca Theologica, 82. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. . ,''46 Dl FE32G1965 LD 21-100m-9,'48(B399sl6)476 UX J.I1UOU. U List of b JtUUO Lblio graphic al works in th room of* "til e reaaing British museum. M30699 Z /DOT. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY