-Wv-^ T 1 V^r>^_ ^ Madame Du Barry BE GON COURT WITH PHOT* FIFTEEN OTHER E AND LONDOJ JO NORRIS STREET, H, MADAME DU BARRY BY EDMOND AND JULES DE GONGOURT WITH PHOTOGRAVURE AND FIFTEEN OTHER PORTRAITS LONDON JOHN LONG, LIMITED NORRIS STREET, HAYMARKET MGMX1V JC/35" DC CONTENTS I. Hardy's Journal dated February ist, 1769 Esther du Barry and " Haman " Choiseul. The struggle between the Encyclopedic Party and the Devotee Party. The " Republican Multitude." Choiseul on his defence with regard to his religion. Certificate of birth of Jeanne Bequs, called "La Du Barry." Her Childhood. She takes up her Abode with "La Frederique." The Community of Sainte- Aure. The Chateau of Cour-Neuve. Madame Labille's Millinery Establishment. The Comte du Barry. His Past. His second-hand Traffic in Mistresses. The Supper at Lebel's 3 II. Guillaume du Barry ordered to Paris. The Forged Vaubernier Certificate of Birth. The articles of the Contract of Marriage with the Comte Guillaume. The Bride's Share. The Celebration of the Marriage and the Husband's Return to Toulouse. Madame du Barry taking possession of Lebel's Quarters. The furniture of the Apart- ments at Versailles 26 III. The Choiseul Monarchy. The Minister's Brutality towards Ma- dame d'Esparbes. Influence of the Duchesse de Gramont on her Brother. The " Bourbonnaise " and the Satirical Prints. The Roue's Diplomacy aided and sustained by "La Chon."The Marechal de Richelieu in the role of protector. The Presentation of the Comtesse du Barry at Versailles. The Perfection and the Childlike Daintiness of the Woman's Beauty , , 42 Contents IV. Repugnances of titled women towards the Favourite. Purchase of the Marechale de Mirepoix's " Chaperonnage." The Duchesse de Valentinois, the Marquise de 1'Hopital, the Princesse de Montmo- rency. Skilful effacement of the Favourite. The Bellevue Supper. The Gift of Luciennes. The Courtiers' Meannesses and the Che- valier de la Marliere's Dedication. Portrait of Chancellor Mau- peou 59 V. The Review in the Royal-Lieu at Compiegne. The Honqurs of Chantilly paid by the Prince of Conde to the Comtesse du Barry. The Two Portraits by Drouais in the Salon of 1769. Choiseul's Act of Submission. Louis XV.'s Letter "with reference to his Mistress. Chignons a la Du Barry. Flung from a Stag to the King's Pavilion. Bouret's Design 74 VI. Nomination of the Abbe Terrai to the post of Controller-General. Choiseul alarms the Favourite with the announcement of the Dauph- iness's Arrival. The Continuation of the Case of D'Aiguillon Ac- cused of Acts-which stained his Honour. The Chancellor's "Job- bery." Madame du Barry becoming D'Aiguillon's Mistress ancl the Instrument of Choiseul's Dismissal. Removal from the Records of the Palais de Justice of the Minutes of the D'Aiguillon case. Cool- ness of the King towards Choiseul. Denunciation of the Abbe de la Ville. -The Rising of the Council of September 21, 1770 89 VII. The Signature of Contracts on Sunday, September 23, 1770. The Intrigues of Cromot with the Prince of Conde. Lettre de Cachet exiling the Due de Choiseul to Chanteloup. Monteynard's Appointment to the War Office. Madame du Barry's " I take back my Promise." The Gracious Intervention of the Favourite in the Dismissal of M, de Choiseul from his Post of Colonel-General of Contents S w i ss .-_ The Purchase of Vandyke's Picture representing Charles I. The Due d'Aiguillon's Appointment as Minister of Foreign Af- fairs made the occasion of a Dinner at Luciennes Mortal Appre- hensions amongst Choiseul's Party. The "respectful" Homage of the Princes of the Blood 104 VIII. The Luxury of a Woman of Pleasure. The Accounts of Madame du Barry. Invoices of Mile. Bertin, of the " Traits Galants," of Roettiers, &c. The Gold Toilet The Palace-Boudoir of Luciennes. The Dining-room. The Square Salon. The Two Parlours. Zamore. The Complaisances of the Controller-General 128 IX. Efforts of the Favourite to have Social Intercourse with Marie Antoinette. Mercy-Argenteau's Interview with the Comtesse du Barry. Madame Adelaide preventing Marie-Antoinette from Speak- ing to f-he Favourite. The Roue's Unreasonable Claims. The " Drolesse " Ballad. The Low Amusements of Luciennes. The Lowering of Royalty through Contact with a Courtesan 143 X. Madame du Barry's Qualities as a " Good-natured Girl of the Town/' Her Family. Her Daughter, Madame de Boissaisson. Marriage of the Vicomte Adolphe. Fresh Attempts of the Favourite to Get into Marie Antoinette's Good Graces. The Ear-rings worth 700,000 livres. Project of a Dissolution of the Du Barry's Marriage by the Pope 159 XL Intrigues of Women Seeking to dispossess Madame du Barry of the King's Heart. Madame Louise, the Carmelite. The Chancellor passing over to the Devotee Party. The Physique of Old Louis XV. The Remark of the Surgeon, La Martiniere. The Lent of 1773. vii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Madame du Barry Frontispiec Madame de Pompadour facing page 22 Louis the Dauphin 52 Louis XV 66 Madame du Barry 88 Madame Necker n8 Marie Antoinette 144 Madame Louise ...... 180 Madame de Chateauroux 192 Louis XVI 202 Princesse de Lamb'alle ,, 246 Marat . . 258 Due d' Angouleme . . . . . . 270 Duchesse d' Angouleme 290 Fouquier-Tinville .... . . 304 Madame Elisabeth 322 2 Madame Du Barry i. Hardy's Journal dated February ist,.i769. Esther du Barry and "Haman" Choiseul. The struggle between the Encyclopedic Party and the Devotee Party. The " Republican Multitude." Choiseul on his defence with regard to his religion. Certificate of birth of Jeanne Bequs, called "La Du Barry." Her Childhood. She takes up her Abode with "La Frederique." The Community of Sainte- Aure. The Chateau of Cour-Neuve. Madame Labille's Millinery Establishment. The Comte du Barry. His Past. His second-hand Traffic in Mistresses. The Supper at Lebel's. HARDY, a citizen of Paris, who in the eighteenth century had the patience to keep a record of the various events of his time, the rumours and news of the city of Paris, all the things that he saw, heard, and learned, relates in his " Manuscript Journal/' 1 hitherto unpublished, that on the ist of February, 1769, CancfTdmas^Eye, a priest, who was a friend of his, went to dine at a house trte-name of which is not mentioned. It was the moment when the gossip of Paris was all about the Comtesse du Barry. At dessert, another priest, who was dining at this house with two of his brethren, invited Hardy's friend, as well as the rest of the company, to drink " to the presentation ;" and as Hardy's friend was not quite sure as to what this meant, and asked whether it referred to the presentation of Our Lord in the 1 Fragments of this Journal have been published by the Nouvelle Revue Encyclopedique, but the manuscript has not yet been pub- lished in book form. I Madame D\i Barry- Temple which was to take place next day, the priest who had proposed the toast, said to him in reply : " It refers to the presentation which took place yesterday, or is going to take place to-day the presentation of the new Esther, who is to replace Haman and to rescue the Jewish people from oppression." * Ponder over this scene and those words : they furnish the explanation of Madame du Barry's good-fortune. In that war of ideas, the great war of the eighteenth century, in that conflict of minds, and of souls, ardent and ruthless, in that civil war of consciences, in which blood no longer flowed, but in which persecution continued, in the time of the excommunication and proscription of public opinion, when a sort of retaliation for the Edict of Nantes was exercised against the militant order of the Jesuits on that army of old men driven by the hand of Choiseul out of that France where their houses were falling into ruin, in the midst of that rending and clash between the usages of the old French spirit and the new audacities which had for their minister M. de Choiseul between those two ir- reconcilable extremes, the Church and Royalty on one side, the Revolution on the other, thinking mea-ito longer saw in Madame du Barry the woman, the courtesan, the lady of the pavement, "theT5u Barry": they only saw in her an instrument, a weapon, by means of which a party kills a party. And so it was strange fact that in this eighteenth 1 " Journal of Events as they came to my knowledge." By Hardy. National Library MSS. 6680-6682. Madame Dvi Barry- century, accustomed to make woman the agent whereby changes of Government could be brought about, Madame du Barry unwittingly rallied around her all the religious sentiments and all the political sentiments which had been thwarted, wounded, humiliated by the minister, Choiseul. All that was left of old France rooted in her beliefs, and terrified by the chain of incredulity in which the links con- necting Fontenelle with Voltaire were joined together by the physician La Mettrie, the geologist Demaillet, the physicist Boulanger, the naturalist Buffon, the geometri- cian d'Alembert, all the men whose minds were disturbed by the attack which the knowledge of natural things, the exact, positive, material sciences, provoked against the mysteries of the supernatural world, the men who were opposed to the novelty of governmental theories, to the dream of systems, to the experiment of progress, those who, after the meeting of the Bishops, believed that the Church and the State were united in life and in death, and saw a political revolution at the end of a religious revolu- tion, those who so far back as 1765 announced that " the philosophic spirit was destined to give birth to the stran- gest revolutions and to precipitate France into the horrors of anarchy," those again who thought that the human mind was held fast and safeguarded in the future by the education imparted to youth by the Jesuit body 1 all this 1 In 1762, President d'Aiguilles declared that, with the destruction of the Jesuits, " Anglicism," otherwise called Republicanism, " would on:: day form the spirit of the nation." Madame D\i Barry great party was condemned to silence its repugnances in order to push forward Madame du Barry into the position in which she might be of service to it. A thousand pas- sions, a thousand devotions, the relations, friendships, memories, interest which a great order leaves behind it, the fright of Louis XV.'s heart in the presence of the " Re- publican multitude," 1 over which his successor should reign, the secret resentments of the Dauphin and the Dauphiness against Choiseul, bequeathed in the testament of Louis XVL, the hopes of the Queen embroidering with her hands, which were soon to be chilled by death, an or- nament for the first house of the Jesuits after their restora- tion all rallied or attached themselves through the party to this State presentation. Hence this understanding, this instinctive complicity around the mistress, those hands and those invisible succours which sustained the Du Barry; hence that breath and that aid of a strong public opinion which carried her to power on the cloud of Psyche. M. de Choiseul did not deceive himself as to the mean- ing of Madame du Barry's accession to favour. His reply to every reproach made in detail to his administration was that which he had made in 1765 when the party grouped by Soubise behind Madame d'Esparbes, the same which he again found behind Madame du Barry, had sought to effect his dismissal. " What though people may say," re- 1 An expression used in a letter of Louis XV. to Choiseul dated Fontainebleau, October 15, 1765, and communicated by the Due de Choiseul to the Revue de Paris, 1829, Vol. IV. 6 Madame Du Barry- marked M. de Choiseul in a sort of justification addressed to the King, " that I have striven to drive out the Jesuits and that I have upheld the claims and pretensions of the Parliaments, on every side, I have taken no step to pro- mote these objects, and have had no other ideas save those which your Majesty has observed when my advice was asked for in the Council Chamber. . . . Finally the great reproach falls on my religion. It is difficult to at- tack me positively on this serious matter. I never speak about the subject; but, as far as form is concerned, I pay strict attention to decency, and in the conduct of affairs my principle is to sustain religion." 1 And the Duke did not deceive himself. Three years after that time, in a family assembly at the residence of Mesdames, in the presence of the Dauphiness, whom the King's aunts knew to be se- cretly attached to the person and the policy of Choiseul, the conversation happening to turn on the fall of his min- istry, Madame Adelaide exclaimed that the exile of the Duke had saved religion in France, inasmuch as it was manifest that this minister's object had been to destroy it utterly. 2 What, nevertheless, was this woman to whom the ironies of History assigned and thought fit to entrust such a part as the restoration of the monarchic authority and of the 1 Memoirs of the Due de Choiseul, delivered up to the King in 1765, and referred to in the Revue Franqaise of July, 1828. " Secret Correspondence of Mercy- Argenteau." Didot, 1875. Despatch from Mercy to Maria Theresa, May 18, 1773. Madame D\i Barry religious authority? We are going to tell, as best we can, the story of this woman's life. "Jeanne, natural daughter of Anne Bequs called Quan- tiny, was born on the I9th of August, in the year one thousand seven hundred and forty-three and was baptized the same day. Her godfather was Joseph Demange and her godmother Jeanne Birabin who have attached their sig- natures along with mine. "L. GALON, "Vicar of Vaucouleurs " Jeanne Birabin. " Joseph Demange/' 1 Such is the certificate of Madame du Barry's birth, the truth as to her origin, a truth hitherto ignored or mis- understood by history. In the midst of contradictory narratives, in view of the evident hostility of the anecdotes and memoirs published the day after Louis XV. 's death, in view of the predisposi- tion towards the paradox of rehabilitations since attempted, and in the face of biographies which seem to take into ac- count only the novel-reading public, it is rather difficult to trace up, to distinguish, and to determine the exact truth with regard to the childhood and early youth of Madame 1 This certificate of the birth of Madame du Barry, extracted from the records of the civil government of the town of Vaucouleurs, and delivered to Saint-Mihiel, on the 25th of September, 1827, has been confirmed for us by a letter of the Mayor of Vaucouleurs, date the 30th of November, 1859. 8 Madame Du Barry du Barry. It is necessary, it seems to us, to be satisfied with probable truth. Besides, that is sufficient for biog- raphies of this kind, and posterity may console itself for not possessing absolute certainty and perfect knowledge as to the precise degree of weakness to which a woman de- scended who has become a historic personage by chance, and, as it were, by sheer inadvertence. Out of all the traditions of the eighteenth century which agree in giving Madame du Barry a certain Gomard de Vaubernier as a father, an error to which we shall find the key later on, and a financier named Dumonceau as a god- father, it seems that there is scarcely any authentic fact to be gathered save that the mother and daughter endured great privations in Paris, and perhaps that, before going to Paris, Anne Becu had been the recipient of charity and kindness at the hands of this M. Dumonceau, who was one of the principal persons interested in supplying provisions to the army. It is in this sense that we are going to follow the narratives of the time. Little Jeanne's mother, left without resources, conceived the idea of setting out for Paris to try her luck there, and her first visit was to the rich financier, whose memory and whose acts of kindness had left an impression on her heart. M. Dumonceau, who had almost forgotten his lit- tle protegee, was astonished at her pretty face and her arch manner. He gave the mother twelve livres, promising to allow her an equal sum every month to enable little Jeanne to learn to read and write. At the end of some months Madame Du Barry and some dozens of livres, the worthy Dumonceau became deeply interested in the mother's distress; and, in the in- genuousness of his character, he could think of nothing better than to send the mother and daughter to live with his mistress, Mademoiselle Frederique, a courtesan, who enjoyed almost a reputation at this period. 1 The pretty child was developing into a charming young girl when Mademoiselle Frederique, who was a lively young woman, thought she was growing very quickly, and began to have some apprehensions as to the future. She persuaded M. Dumonceau, who on another side was preached at by a very pious parent, to make little Jeanne enter the convent of Sainte-Aure. 2 1 La Frederique, also known by the name of Souville, had origi- nally been kept in rather a mean style by M. de Vouvray, Master of Requests. To M. de Vouvray had succeeded one M. de Boisgelin, a follower of the Due de Berry, who had the beauty removed from the Rue de la Truanderie and installed in a pretty apartment in the Rue de Richelieu and liberally supplied her with everything she needed. This did not prevent La Frederique from being a gay woman and frequenting the suppers at the little house of La Brissault and others. La Frederique was a tall, beautiful girl, very red-haired, and cele- brated for her "accomplished debauchery." Journal of M. de Sar- tines's Inspectors. Dentu, 1863. a "Anecdotes about the Comtesse Du Barry." London, 1775. This is the book containing the greatest amount of documentary in- formation as the life of Mme. du Barry, and a great portion of it has been made out of the " Secret Memoirs," a book which other books that followed it have only copied and paraphrased. But let us give here a list of the favourite's biographies : "Authentic Memoirs of the Comtesse de Barre (sic), Mistress of Louis XV., King of France, extracted from a manuscript in the pos- session of the Duchesse de Villeroy." By the Chevalier Fr. V. . . ., 10 Madame Dm Barry The daughters of Sainte-Aure were a community whose specialty and aim were quite peculiar. Sainte-Aure did not serve the purpose of a refuge for the frail, a retreat for sinners: this convent was intended to save persons from London. Printed at the expense of the Publishers, 1772 (one volume, I2mo). This is a little romance which has not the slightest resem- blance to the history of Madame du Barry. " Historic Summary of the Life of the Comtesse du Barry, with her Portrait." Paris, 1774 (one small volume, I2mo or 8vo). " Cythera's Gazette, or the Secret History of Madame du Barry." London, 1775 (one small volume, I2mo). " History and Life of the Comtesse du Barry." Pont-aux-Dames, 1775 (one small volume, I2mo). "Remarks on the Anecdotes of the Comtesse du Barry." By Madame S. G. (oudar). London, 1777 (one small volume, I2tno). " The Pleasures of the City and of the Court, or Refutation of the Anecdotes and Summary of the Life of the Comtesse du Barry, written by Herself." London, 1778 (one volume, I2mo). A rare little romance which paraphrases the "Anecdotes." " Letters of the Comtesse du Barry, with those of the Princes, Noblemen, Ministers and others who have written to her, gathered from all Possible Sources." London, 1779. (Apocryphal corre- spondence.) " Life of the Comtesse du Barry, followed by her epistolary Cor- respondence and her Gallant and Political Intrigues." (8vo.) This biography, in which her death is announced, contains a portrait with the words underneath: "The Messalina whom you see. . . ." " The Illustrious Victims Avenged." By Montigny. (8vo.) Con- taining a long notice about Madame du Barry. "Historic Memoirs of Jeanne Gomart de Vaubernier, Comtesse du Barry. Prepared from Two Authentic Fragments." By M. de Favrolles (Madame Guenard). Paris, Lerouge, 1803 (four volumes, I2mo). This book, written without being subjected to stricture, con- tains, in three or four volumes, the greater number of fragments seized at Luciennes, and to-day in the National Archives. " Memoirs of the Comtesse du Barri." By Lamothe-Langon. Abel Ledoux, 1843 (five volumes, 8vo). A romance without the least his- torical value. ii Madame Dxi Barry falling. According to the view of the reformers of this in- stitution, it was an asylum open, at a modest cost of two hundred francs, to every young woman who, born of a virtuous family, " found herself in circumstances in which she ran the risk of being ruined." 1 The ten livres were paid for the bed ; the little girl was provided with two pairs of sheets and six napkins 2 and the gates of the convent in the Rue Neuve-Sainte-Genevieve were closed upon her. To a young girl brought up in this fashion, knowing nothing of life except what she had seen at Madamoselle Frederique's, cradled in this luxury of a young girl's exist- ence, with her head and her eyes dazzled by ribbons and fine dresses, to a child spoiled by petting and caresses like this pretty young creature, already coquettish, and already dis- playing that roguish humour which even Versailles could not restrain, the descent was great and the change severe. Farewell to the charming little gown, fashionably cut, 1 " Picture of Humanity and Beneficence, or Historic Summary of the Charities which are practised in Paris." 2 " State or Picture of the City of Paris." 1760. " The Comtesse du Barry." By Capefigue. Amyot, 1858. "Madame du Barry, 1768-1793." By J. R. Le Roy. Versailles, 1858. A pamphlet full of original documents of the greatest interest. Two fragments are also connected with the history of the Favourite. The first, " Equality Acquired Shadily, or the Little History of Pro- tection," is the most complete narrative of the persecution to which she was subjected in 1793 at Luciennes. The other has no interest save that of its title : " The Descent of La Barry into Hell, and her reception at Pluto's Court by the Widow Capet, who has become the Favourite Fury of Proserpine." 12 Madame Du Harry which she wore at La Frederique's ! On this head so full of gaiety behold a double veil of plain black stuff accom- panied by a common " guimpe " without starch. Behold on those fair tresses a band of coarse linen which con- ceals them and falls down so as to cover three-fourths of the forehead. Her gown is of white Aumale serge of an ordinary pattern without any arrangement or superfluous ornament, and her little feet are cased in calfskin shoes yellow and unfashionable, fastened with two similar laces. And no way of avoiding this pitiless discipline as to cos- tume: do not the archives of the community preserve as a model and as a pattern a hieratic statue thus attired? And everything around little Jeanne is plain, severe, and sad, like her new costume, in this community so curtailed that she has no silver save the plate of the infirmary and no gold save the gilding of the altar. It is the vow of pov- erty in all its rigour, forbidding to each one personal pos- session, suppressing the thine and the mine ; it is the work of the hands, the work of instruction, while maintaining deep silence. There are prohibited and punished the jests, the dainty airs, the exaggerated or sudden outbursts of laughter, every pleasant phrase, every bantering tone. 1 Vain prohibitions! over which little Jeanne soon jumped, bringing into the austere house the gaiety of her age and her disposition, and causing there the revolution of Vert- " Constitution of the Nuns of Saint-Aure according to the rule of Saint Augustine." Paris, at Simon's Printing-house, Printer to the Archbishop of Paris, 1786. 13 Madame Du Barry Vert. The noise, the bad example of such youthful mirth, vainly chidden and curbed, the contagion of which was to be feared, got the charming little madcap sent home to her mother, that is to say to La Frederique's. La Frede- rique, considering that the attractions of her protegee, now grown up and formed, were more dangerous than ever, and, tired of the mother, whom she suspected of spying on her domestic concerns, conceived the idea of making a great outcry as to the singularly familiar relations of Jeanne's mother with a Capuchin friar named Gomard. Owing to this scandal and the well-simulated indignation of La Frederique, M. Dumonceau had the mother and daughter turned out of doors. It was about this time that the little girl of fifteen, penniless, and left to face the world, showed herself in the streets like the " Mignonne " of Retif de la Bretonne, carry- ing in a little open box little " hardware " articles, going from door to door, and offering to everyone who passed her watch-guards, her snuff-boxes, her imitation pearls, her pins with brilliants, her pin-cases, and all the paltry goods which are bought on account of the tradeswoman's bright eyes, and which are paid for as the purchase of her smile; an open-air shop, a rough occupation, such an in- significant business that it seemed a pretext, dubious wan- derings up and down the slippery pavement, exposed to the chance of being addressed and having proposals made to her, to the want which leads into temptation, to the ser- vants picking up whatever amuses their masters. Years 14 Madame D\i Barry afterwards, the Comte de Genlis, one of the most fascinat- ing libertines of the age, expressed his astonishment to the Comte d'Allonville when he recognized at Versailles in the woman to whom he was presented a little girl of the streets whom his valet had once brought to him. 1 During this period a change took place in the family which led to the young girl being rescued from this shady existence. Her uncle, or her pretended uncle, the Capuchin friar, who had got into the priesthood, became, by a plural- ism worthy of the period and suited to the man, the al- moner of the chapel and at the same time the prompter for the plays performed at the chateau of Cour-Neuve, where the aged wife of Lagarde, the Fermier-general, found amusement for her closing years in society theatricals. The Capuchin aroused in Madame Lagarde's breast such curi- osity with regard to Jeanne that the old lady, becoming in- terested in the pretty young girl, invited her to Cour- Neuve, 2 was soon charmed by her face and by her babble, and retained her services as a lady's companion, a chamber- maid, if necessary. Unfortunately it so happened that Madame Lagarde had sons who were young men ; ere long 1 " Secret Memoirs from 1770 to 1830." By the Comte d'Allon- ville. 1838. Volume I. * An old residence in the neighbourhood of Paris entirely restored in modern fashion, and retaining of its past only a double enclosure of moats always filled with running water. The recreations of Cour- Neuve have been the subject of description in a rare volume : " New Year's Gifts of Cour-Neuve for the year 1774, dedicated to M. de la Garde, Master of Requests." Cour-Neuve, 1774. 15 Madame dia Barry the chateau became the scene of the romance which might naturally be anticipated, the commencement of an intrigue with the seductive young creature; and once more the mother and the daughter fell back from Cour-Neuve to the streets of Paris. There one must needs eat and live. The little peddleress of haberdashery adopted a calling in which virtue was still a somewhat difficult form of heroism, but in which the temptations had not the same brutality. She entered, un- der the name of Mademoiselle Lanqon, or perhaps Ranqon, the name of the husband whom her mother had just taken> the millinery establishment of M. Labille in the Rue Saint-Honore, a brother of the female painter. The history of milliners' apprentices in the eighteenth century is neither very long in its course nor very varied for the purposes of narration. Imagine stores, with glass windows all round, where fascinating idlers, handsome noblemen, kept ogling the girls from morning till night; shutters which were used for correspondence, and which allowed the notes folded up fan-fashion to be passed through the peg-holes; little trips out of doors, where the smart milliner's girl, such as Leclerc has sketched her in the series of costumes of d'Esnault and Rapilly, trotted about with a conquering air, her head covered with a big black hat shaped like a calash allowing her fair curls to slip down her rounded, shapely waist squeezed into a polonaise of printed calico garnished with muslin; little shoes with heels and buckles, and a light fan in her hand which she 16 Madame du Barry- kept moving about as she went along; imagine, at the end of all this, conversations and proposals, and, after the pro- posals and the responses to the proposals, it was for nearly every one of them, as it was for the little Langon girl, some Monsieur Lavauvenardiere, 1 or some Monsieur Duval, or somebody else. Some have held the view that Madame du Barry carried her irregularity so far that she became the slave of de- bauchery. They import into this stage of her career the intervention of one of the most notorious procuresses of the age. This is a point of controversy which we must leave to scandal. However, in those first amorous experi- ments of Madame du Barry may be seen sufficient liberty of choice, sufficient fickleness, a taste and a disgust suffi- ciently lively and personal to warrant us in assuming that her heart was not quite shattered into fragments. Soon comes her liason with Lamet the hair-dresser, so quickly formed, so quickly broken off, when the milliner's assistant, biting at luxury and acquiring extravagant tastes, had eaten up the last coin of the hair-dresser in the furni- ture which he bought for her. The hair-dresser fled to England, and the young woman did not know what to do, when her mother, who had become Madame Rangon, brought her into contact with a neighbour, Madame Du- quesnoy, who kept a gambling-house in the Rue de Bour- bon. A gambling-house! this was always for women of 1 Lavauvenardiere was, according to Soulavie, the first acknowl- edged or known lover of the Du Barry. Madame D\i Barry- easy virtue the fitting rendezvous, the best place to snatch at fortune; and at the house of the Duquesnoy, in the midst of the circle attracted by her new and strange beauty, the charming Jeanne was not slow in making a conquest of the Comte du Barry, who promised to give her, in the kind of seraglio which he had in Paris, the post of favourite sultana. 1 The Comte du Barry was a gentleman from the neigh- bourhood of Toulouse, who made a great boast about his descent from the Barymores of England; 2 but whatever nobility he had came from the municipal office of Toulouse. He had remained in Toulouse up to his twenty-eighth year, occupied in wasting his youth and in diminishing a rather handsome fortune. Then, having exhausted provincial life, 8 he came to Paris with ripened passions, a vague ap- petite for change and fortune, an ambition which had no object, and ready for anything. Through Madame de Malause, he entered and established himself in good so- ciety, and forced his way into acquaintanceships which en- abled him subsequently to obtain for his son the position 1 " Anecdotes of the Comtesse du Barry." 2 The name Barrymore (not Barymore, as given in the text) is well known in Ireland. The Barry family has for centuries resided in the south of Ireland. One of the most distinguished Irish judges bore this name. The title of Lord Barrymore is at present borne by an Irishman, better known by his former name of the Hon. Smith- Barry. TRANSLATOR. 8 Jean du Barry left behind in Toulouse his wife, a woman of honorable family, who, it is stated in the " Anecdotes," never wished to owe anything to the favor of the Du Barrys. 18 Madame Dxa Barry of page to the King. Foreign affairs had tempted him at first; but the minister, Rouille, considering that his mind was somewhat green, advised him to take a trip to Germany, and tried his patience for some time by promising to em- ploy him in the assembly of Franconia. After Rouille came Bernis, who still kept him waiting with words; then followed Choiseul, who brutally killed all the Comte's ex- pectations. Then, Du Barry, whose affairs were beginning to get into an embarrassed condition, abandoned his dreams of diplomacy and directed his attention towards more sub- stantial objects. He obtained from De Berry er an interest in the supplies for the Navy, from Belle-Isle an interest in the military supplies, and then again an interest in the pro- visions of Corsica. 1 His fortune, set once more afloat by these three sources of income, made him more prodigal than ever in his tastes, in his debaucheries, in gambling and women, in that giddy life, cynical and unrestrained, which gained for him the name of Roue. Between this man and La Rangon or rather La Lange this was the assumed name which the courtesan had adopted hardly anything else could have happened but what did happen, a sailing- match in which the parties only looked to what suited the convenience of each of them. La Lange, who appears to have given herself without much relish, remained attached to this liaison on account of the money so liberally scat- 1 Correspondence of the Comte du Barry. Revue de Paris, No- vember, 1836. 19 Madame Dvi Barry tered about by Du Barry, on account of that free, irregular, glittering life which becomes a necessity to the woman of pleasure, and perhaps also on account of the education which she derived from that apprenticeship and from that friction which moulded her into the ways of fashionable gallantry, and washed out of her the grisette and the little milliner's apprentice. She associated herself, in this sphere, with some fashionable courtesans, and entered the salon of that species of Ninon, Mademoiselle Legrand, who collected around her the Colles and the Crebillons. 1 To Du Barry, accus- tomed to overwork his caprices and to use up his passions, when the intrigue was at an end and he had speedily sunk into a state of indifference, the affair became a mere specu- lation, and the Roue, excited by the ideas and the examples 1 " Memoirs of General Dumouriez," Paris, Baudouin, 1822. Vol- ume I. The idea was not new with the Comte, for until then, apart from gambling, Jean du Barry seems to have lived chiefly by discover- ing pretty women, whom at first he found in their lodgings, then made more presentable, and finally brought prominently into rela- tionship with his distinguished acquaintances. A document of the police leaves no doubt as to this kind of traffic at which the Roue felt no shame. The " Journal of M. de Sartines's Police Inspectors " says, at the date of October 2, 1762, with reference to a young lady named Tricot, whom the Comte brought up secretly at the house of a dressing-room keeper in the Rue Montmartre: "This is one pretty mistress more, whom he will without doubt introduce to some lords after a time, as he has done in the case of previous ones." The same Journal had already said, at the date of September 5, 1761, with regard to one Mademoiselle Beauvoisin, likewise trained by the Comte, who had just caught a rich man interested in the yearly forage-supplies : " The Sieur Collet has only to stick on well, for, as she always sees Du Barry secretly, his advice will not fail to make things go swimmingly as far as money is concerned." 20 Madame Dvi Barry of the age, calculated the probabilities of the impossible, and measured the scandal without being discouraged by it, seeing that the entire reign and the entire kingdom turned on women ; seeing that so many courtiers, so many ministers, ruled, advanced, and rose and became great only through the mistress. Nevertheless, this was not the first experiment of the sort made by the Comte du Barry. From the time of Madame de Pompadour, he had sought to make Mademoi- selle Dorothee Louis XV. 's mistress. The daughter of the Strasburg water-carrier had even been invited to one of the King's suppers, and her lover " claimed as an introductory favour to be appointed minister at Cologne." It is Madame de Pompadour who gives these details to Madame de Hausset, and she adds : " I believe the King will not dare to create such a scandal, and luckily Lebel, in order to clear his conscience, has told the King that the fair Dorothea's lover was eaten up with a nasty disease, and he has added : ' Your Majesty does not get cured of that like scrofula.' It was no longer necessary to drive off the lady." Erecting his batteries, Du Barry was seeking for a Plutus and an opportunity, 1 when Richelieu, in the bad company 1 This idea of engaging in second-hand traffic in La Vaubernier had been entertained by the Comte since 1764. We read in the frag- ments of the " Police Journal," published by Rochefort (" Recollec- tions and Miscellanies," Bossange, 1825, Tome II.), December I4th, 1764: "The Marquis du Barry, to whom we are indebted for hav- ing brought the beautiful Dorothee to Paris from Strasburg, and 21 Madame D\i Barry in which he sometimes found himself with the Roue, let it escape from him in the other's presence that, since Madame de Pompadour's death, Louis XV. no longer gave himself up to private debaucheries and that he would be anxious to get an acknowledged mistress. This phrase excited the imagination of Jean du Barry, and he several times brought La Lange to supper in the Marechal's town-house. One day, while crying up the beauties of his mistress, half seri- ously, half jocosely, he announced to the Duke that he in- tended her for Louis XV. Richelieu, who had at first found fault with Louis XV. 's fancy for Madame de Pom- padour because she was not a person of title, and did not want anyone to be the King's mistress unless she had been presented, smiled with pity, giving him to understand that if he had not other plans for making his fortune, he would not make it very soon. The Roue was not disconcerted; his cynical confidence in his success broke out into a thou- sand follies, a thousand drolleries, brightening up this sup- per so that the very recollection of it would amuse Riche- lieu and that he would refer to it more than twenty times. Du Barry was heard loudly declaring that he would him- for having introduced the Demoiselle Beauvoisin into society, made his mistress the Demoiselle Veauvarnier (sic) appear in his opera- box last Monday at the Comedie Italienne. She is a lady of nine- teen, tall, well-formed, with a noble air and the prettiest face. Cer- tainly he is trying to dispose of her on advantageous terms. When he has begun to get tired of a woman, he has always made use of her in the same way. But, also, it must be admitted that he is a connoisseur, and that his merchandise is always good value." 22 - MADAME DE POMPADOUR To face page 22 Madame Dvi Barry self carry La Lange into the King's bed if nobody else was willing to bring her there. Finally, Richelieu said to him in a jesting tone: "Well, go and see Lebel; perhaps through his agency your favourite will obtain for one day the honours of the Louvre." 1 Many pieces of evidence exist as to the first meeting of the King with the Du Barry. In a sort of justification and account of his life addressed in Louis XV. 's reign to M. de Malesherbes, the Comte du Barry, who introduces Ma- dame du Barry as having charge along with her mother of the management of his house, relates that, as he had given up his interests in the Corsican supplies, interests reduced to nothing by the arrangements of M. de Choiseul, Madame du Barry went to Versailles to make an appeal to the min- ister : it was, according to him, in the course of these solici- tations that the King saw her. 2 Another story is more " Private Life of the Marechal de Richelieu, containing his Amours and his Intrigues." Buisson, 1791, Tome II. 3 Here is a narrative of the Roue in this letter, which is a sort of autobiography : " Having no other care at the time save that of watching over the education of my son, a page of the King, and my health being shaky, I confined myself to a narrow circle of acquaintances. And it was then that I begged of Madame Rangon and her daughter, Mademoi- selle Vaubernier, to look after the management of my house, and to do the honours of it, which they did for several years with affection and intelligence. " Excited by gratitude and in order to fortify them against the future, I gave up to them then the interest which I had in the Corsican supplies, which they enjoyed for some months. "The new arrangements of M. de Choiseul having the result of depriving them of this source of income, they appealed to him to 23 Madame D\i Barry- worthy of credence; it is that of a man who lived in inti- mate companionship with M. de Choiseul, and who seems to have obtained his knowledge and his information through the confidence of the minister. Dutens wrote to the effect that, after the praises of Madame du Barry poured into the King's ears by Lebel and Richelieu, won by assurance of the Roue, a supper was given at Lebel's, at which Mademoiselle Lange, Sainte Foix who, it was said, had made her forget Du Barry and some women were present. It was at this supper that, put at her ease and emboldened by champagne, Du Barry's mistress, with the freedom, the gaiety, and the bewitching follies of a woman who does not think she is observed, charmed the eyes of the King, who, having got notice, gazed at her through an opening made in the wall of Lebel's dining-room. And this first impression was so lively that the King sent for her that very night. Du Barry's mistress had, perhaps naturally and without any mental reservation, the ingenuity not to affect embar- rassment and the good faith not to deceive the King as to her experience. She put aside those skilful grimaces with let them keep it, and it was during the various journeys he compelled them to make to Versailles that Mademoiselle Vaubernier attracted the attention of the King. M. Lebel was entrusted with his com- mands, and this last, with whom neither she nor I have had any connection, carried out the execution of them with her alone. Be- fore, however, leading her to Compiegne, he wished that she should only appear there as my brother's wife, a suggestion to which I lent myself then as well as he did, with no other motive certainly save a blind and respectful obedience." 24 Madame D\J Barry which Louis XV. was surfeited, and the copious display of confusion which even the cleverest women thought they owed as a tribute of homage towards the King. She did not counterfeit ignorance or repugnance or awkwardness. She was herself; she treated the King as a man, and the man that was still left in the King came forth amorous after this first interview. Lebel had not expected such success; he looked upon it as one of those caprices which morning dissipates. Terrified at the undignified character of an attachment in which the King's heart was entangled as well as his senses, he confessed to the King that he had deceived him, that the woman whom he had introduced to him was neither a married woman nor a lady of title, and he thought it his duty to enlighten him as to the com- promising consequences of having this further liaison with her, when the King, stopping him, ordered him to have her married, and, as soon as the marriage was over, to bring her to Compiegne. 1 1 " Annals of Louis XV." A. Villefranche, at the house of the Widow Liberty, 1782. Volume II. "Anecdotes about Madame du Barri." " Historic Memoirs of Jeanne Gomart de Vaubernier, Com- tesse Dubarry." By M. de Favrolle (Madame Guenard). Paris, Year XL Vol.1. n. Guillaume du Barry ordered to Paris. The Forged Vaubernier Certificate of Birth. The articles of the Contract of Marriage with the Comte Guillaume. The Bride's Share. The Celebration of the Marriage and the Husband's Return to Toulouse. Madame du Barry taking possession of Lebel's Quarters. The furniture of the Apart- ments at Versailles. BY order of the King, transmitted through Lebel, 1 the Comte du Barry wrote to his brother Guillaume, a poor officer in the marines, who lived in Toulouse with his mother, and announced to him the good marriage which he had thought of for him. Guillaume du Barry hastened to prepare in Toulouse the power of attorney 2 by which his mother the Lady Catherine 1 Some days after, Lebel died in such a sudden manner that it was rumored he had been poisoned. Nothing of the kind had hap- pened, but it would seem that, during the representations which he made to the King as to the undignified character of his liaison, which he expected to be only a passing fancy, the King, losing his temper, had threatened to strike him with the tongs with which he was going to stir the fire. This threat had brought about such a revolution in "poor Dominique," who was subject to hepatic colics, that a colic seized him and carried him off in two days. (" Private Life of the Marechal de Richelieu." Buisson, 1791.) * In the presence of the Royal Notary of the City of Toulouse and witnesses named below were present Dame Catherine Delacaze, widow of the nobleman, Antoine Du Barry, Chevalier of the Mili- tary Order of St. Louis, an inhabitant of this city: 26 Madame D\i Barry Delacaze, widow of the noble Antoine du Barry, authorized him to contract marriage with such person as he might think fitting; and he rushed up to Paris, and dropped in at his brother's mansion in the Rue Neuve des Petits Champs with an eager and docile zeal in carrying out Jean du Barry's plans. The contract of marriage was immediately prepared. But there were, in dealing with the future husband and with the King himself, sentiments of pride and shame which were offensive to the lowness of origin of the woman who sought for a husband in order to belong to the King. The real name of the future Madame du Barry, we have said, was, according to the original produced in the suit of the "Who has made and arranged through her general and special attorney, M. Jean Gruel, merchant, Rue de Roule, Paris, to whom she has given authority on her behalf and in her name, to consent that the noble Guillaume du Barry, her son, ex-officer of infantry, should contract marriage with such lady as he deems fitting, pro- vided in the meantime that she is approved of and accepted by the said attorney so appointed, and that the nuptial benediction should be distributed according to the canonical constitutions by the first priest called upon, without it being, however, understood that the aforesaid lady giving authority is to give anything to her son in his contract of marriage, holding, moreover, that the presents are to have effect notwithstanding superannotation and until express revocation, en- gaging, obliging, renouncing. " Made and passed at Toulouse, in our office, the isth day of the month of July, in the forenoon, in the year 1768, in the presence of the Sieurs Bernard Joseph Fourmont and Bonaventure Calvet, prac- titioners, residing in this city, undersigned, with the said lady giving authority and our notary. (Signed) " Delacaze, Du Barry, Fourmont and Sons, Notary." 27 Madame D\ Barry Du Barry heirs, Jeanne Bequs according to a communi- cation of the Mayor of Vaucouleurs, Jeanne Becu. On the authority of these two authentic testimonies, which only dif- fer as to the orthography of the name, Jean du Barry's mistress was a natural child. It was thought desirable to disguise a civil condition of which indiscretion and public malignity might make a weapon. These were subterranean, shameful complaisances to which, without doubt, an almoner of the King, Gomard de Vaubernier, connected at the same time with the Ran^ons, Lebel, and Comte Jean, lent himself. This Gomard would have given a father to the natural child in the person of one of his brothers, Gomard de Vaubernier, whose protests were not to be feared ; he had for some time been dead. And in place of the genuine certificate of birth of Madame du Barry, printed in the commencement of this history, the notaries had, in order to set up their contract, the forged certificate of birth by which hitherto the anec- dotists, the romancers, and the historians have been duped. Here is this forged certificate: " Extract from the baptismal register of the parish of Vaucouleurs, diocese of Toul, for the year one thousand seven hundred and forty-six. " Jeanne, daughter of Jean Jacques Gomard de Vau- bernier and Anne Becu called Quantigny, was born on the i Qth of August, one thousand seven hundred and forty- six, was baptized the same day, had for her godfather Joseph de Mange and for her godmother Jeanne de Bira- bin, who have attached their signatures along with me. L. 28 Madame Dvi Barry GALON, Vicar of Vaucouleurs; Joseph DE MANGE and Jeanne de BIRABIN." We see that this forged document 1 certified by L. P. Dubois, the cure of the parish and town of Vaucouleurs, certified also by the Commissary Enquestor, examiner of the town and provostship of Vaucouleurs, gave to the natural daughter a father of noble name. The witnesses became people of importance, and the peas- ant, La Birabine, was transformed into the Dame de Birabin. The flattery of the forgers went farther still; it went so far as to make Guillaume du Barry's future wife three years younger by making the date of her birth August 19, 1746, instead of August 19, 1743. On the 23rd of July, 1768, the contract of this strange stage-marriage was drawn up in the following terms : 1 Taking advantage of this forged certificate of birth, in 1814, on the return of Louis XVIII. the Gomard heirs took steps to obtain possession of certain articles which had belonged to Madame du Barry, and which were in public establishments. They presented to the Minister of Finances an Act of Notoriety, averring that the Sieur Philbert Gomard, brother of Gomard de Vaubernier, father of Madame du Barry, being the nearest relative of the Comtesse at the time of her death, was her heir, an act likewise establishing their filiation as heirs of the Sieur Philbert Gomard. They received author- ity, in order to aid their researches, to take from the Prefecture of the Seine-et-Oise a certain number of papers which were never given back, but of which fortunately a file of documents, THE ACCOUNTS OF MADAME DU BARRY, forms to-day part of the National Library, Manuscript Department, Nos. 8157-8160. The Gomard heirs had as yet obtained nothing from their claims except these papers, when on the I7th of April, 1825, the law as to the indemnity of the emigres was re-enacted. At the date of her death Madame du Barry did not Madame D\i Barry " Before the Councillors of the King, notaries of the ChStelet of Paris, were present : " The high and mighty Seigneur Messire Guillaume, Comte du Barry, Chevalier Captain of troops taken from the naval forces, residing in Paris in the Rue Neuve-des Petits-Champs, and parish of Saint-Roch, of full age, son of the late Messire Antoine, Comte du Barry, Chevalier of the Royal and Military Order of Saint-Louis and of Dame Catherine Delacaze, his wife, and now his widow, residing in Toulouse, contracting for him and in his name; " Sieur Andre-Marie Gruel, Merchant, Paris, where he resides in the Rue de Roule, parish of St. Germain 1'Auxerrois, in the name and as special proxy for the pur- pose of the marriage hereinafter referred to of the afore- possess any real estate, the gift of Luciennes being only for life ; but then there came back to the recollection of those heirs the will of the Due de Brissac and they claimed from the Montemart family, who inherited from the Duke, and who had a considerable share in the liquidation of the thousand million francs, the execution of the legacy made for the benefit of Madame du Barry. Suddenly there came on the scene the Been heirs, who had found out on the registers of Vaucouleurs the genuine certificate of birth, and contested with the Gomards their title of heirs to Madame du Barry. Hence a lawsuit between the two branches, and judgment of the Tribunal of First Instance of the Seine of the ipth of January, 1829, confirmed by the decree of the Royal Court of Paris of the 22d of February, 1830, which gave the Becus the victory in the suit and recognized them as Madame du Barry's sole heirs. The Becu heirs, in a suit which lasted up to 1833, continued to claim the Brissac legacy. Finally the Becus came to a settlement with the Brissacs, but the sum which they received was almost entirely ab- sorbed by the creditors of Madame du Barry and the costs of the lawsuit. Madame Du Barry said Dame du Barry Mere, entered into before Sans, Royal Notary in Toulouse, in the presence of witnesses, on the 1 5th of July of the present year, the original of which duly stamped and legalized is, by requisition, left annexed to the minute of the presents previously certified by him to be true, signed and initialed in the presence of the notaries whose names are written hereunder : " The said Sieur Gruel, by that name, being present and authorizing so far as may be necessary the said Seigneur Comte du Barry on the one part; " And Sieur Nicolas Rangon, interested in the affairs of the King, and the Dame Anne Becu, his wife, whom he authorizes for carrying these presents into effect, residing in Paris in the Rue du Ponceau, parish of St. Laurent, the said Dame before mentioned widow of the Sieur Jean Jacques Gomard de Vaubernier, interested in the affairs of Mademoiselle Jeanne Gomard de Vaubernier, minor daugh- ter of the said Dame Rangon and of the said late Sieur Gomard de Vaubernier, her first husband, residing with them, for this present and as to her consent on her own behalf and in her name ; " Who, in view of the marriage proposed and agreed upon between the said Sieur Comte du Barry and the said Demoiselle Gomard de Vaubernier, which will be celebrated immediately in the face of the Church, have adopted by these presents voluntarily made and reduced to writing the civil clauses and conditions of the said marriage as it will follow in the presence of and with the consent of the high Madame Dxi Barry and mighty Seigneur, Messire Jean du Barry-Ceres, Gov- ernor of Levignac, elder brother of the future husband, the aforesaid nobleman, and of Claire du Barry, a lady of full age, sister of the aforesaid future husband. "FIRST ARTICLE. " There is to be no community of goods between the said Seigneur and the lady who is to be his future wife, derogat- ing in this respect from the custom of Paris and from every other which admits them to be united ; and on the contrary, they are to be and are to remain separated as to goods, and the said lady who is to be the future wife shall have, alone, the enjoyment and administration of the goods, rights, and actions, the movable and immovable property which be- long to her and may belong to her as a consequence of such claim as she may have. "ARTICLE II. " The lady who is to be the future wife marries with the goods and the rights which belong to her, and which will belong to her, in the course of events, of which she will have the administration, as is above stated. And her per- sonal effects consist of the amount of 30,000 livres, com- posed of trinkets, diamonds, clothes, linen, lace, and house- hold articles for her use, the entire proceeding from her gains and economies, and of which, in order to avoid con- fusion with the personal effects of the said nobleman, her future husband, there has been made and drawn up an in- 32 Madame D\i Barry ventory transcribed on the two first pages of a sheet of notepaper, which is, at their request, left annexed to the minute of the presents, after having been, by the said con- tracting parties, declared to be true, signed and initialed in the presence of the notaries whose names are here under- signed. "ARTICLE III. " All the furniture and effects which are in the houses to be occupied by the future married pair as well in Paris as in the country, other than those enumerated in the in- ventory annexed as above will be deemed to belong, and will in fact belong, to the said Seigneur, the future husband, and, if in the course of time, the said lady who is to be the future wife makes any purchase of furniture and effects, she will be obliged to get a receipt from the notary to the amount of the goods. "ARTICLE IV. "All the property belonging to the lady and the noble- man, the future married pair, and those which they fall in for during their married lives through whatever title, as well movable as immovable, will be deemed to belong to each of them and their successors in their respective lines of descent. "ARTICLE V. " The said Seigneur, the future husband, has bestowed upon and bestows upon the lady, his future wife, by way 33 ? Madame D\i Barry of dowry 1000 livres in yearly income, the capital of which laid out at five per cent interest will belong to the children born of the said marriage. "ARTICLE VI. " In the event of the death of one of the future married pair the survivor will have and take out of the effects of the pre-deceased, in the form of right of survivorship, in furniture and goods estimated at their proper value, the amount of 10,000 livres or the like sum in cash, at the option of the said survivor. "ARTICLE VII. " It is agreed that the said lady, the future wife, will remain charged alone "with the management and with all the expenses of the household, as well for food as for the rent of apartments which they will occupy, servants' wages, table-linen, household utensils, keeping up of equipages, feeding of horses, and all other expenses without exception, as well with regard to the said Seigneur her future husband as with regard to the children that are to be born of the said marriage, whom she will be bound to rear and educate at her own expense, on the condition that the said Seigneur, her future husband, will be obliged to pay to the said lady his future wife, the sum of six thousand livres as an annuity, so as to provide for his moiety of the said expenses, and maintenance of the household each year from six months to six months, and always in advance, so that 34 Madame Dvi Barry the first six months will be payable the day after the cele- bration of the marriage. " It is thus that the entire contract has been agreed upon and settled between the parties promising, binding, and renouncing. " Made and carried out in Paris at the house of the said Seigneur, Comte du Barry, the future husband as below designated in the year 1768 on the 23rd of July, in the afternoon; and have signed hereto: J. GOMARD DE VAU- BERNIER, le CHEVALIER DU BARRY, GRUEL, le COMTE DU BARRY-CERES, A. BECU, C. F. DU BARRY, RANgoN." 1 And let us not forget in this amusing and disgraceful simulacrum of a union before notaries, the personal share of the bride, that trousseau for the purpose of beginning housekeeping estimated at thirty thousand pounds, the result of " the gains and economies " of the lady, of which a> reservation is made in the double sheet of notepaper at- tached to the contract. Jeanne Becu wears a diamond necklace of the finest quality worth eight thousand livres; a tuft for the hair and a pair of earrings shaped like chan- deliers valued at eight thousand livres. She wears thirty gowns and petticoats of different materials, silk and gold and silver for every season, estimated at three thousand livres. She wears English, Brussels, Valenciennes, Arras and other laces, as well in the trimming of her dresses as in ruffles, caps, and otherwise, valued at six thousand " Memoirs of the Society of Moral Sciences, Letters and Arts of Seine-Oise/' Volume V., 1859. 35 Madame D\i Barry livres. There are six dozen fine chemises of Holland linen, garnished with embroidered muslin ruffles, one dozen morning gowns all of different stuffs, silk or other ma- terial, two dozen corsets, and many other linen and personal articles of attire for the use of this lady, valued at two thousand livres. Nothing is lacking in the wardrobe of this bride, who brings with her, too, the complete bed, with the curtains, head-board, canopy of green damask, hangings of the same kind of damask, eight chairs, four arm-chairs, and two green damask bed-screens, of the estimated value of three thousand livres, and completing the bride's per- sonal outfit to the amount of thirty thousand pounds. A month after the contract, the marriage was celebrated. 1 The husband set out again for Toulouse. Madame du Barry took possession of Lebel's quarters, 2 then of Madame 1 " On the ist of September, 1768, after publication of three banns without any opposition in this parish of St. Laurent and in this of St. Eustache on the 24th, 25th and 3ist of last July, in view of the power of attorney given by the mother of the bridegroom to M. Jean Gruel, merchant, of Paris, in the Rue de Roule, to whom she gives power on her behalf and in her name to consent to the present marriage, and in view likewise of the authority given by the step- father and the mother of the bride to Messire Jean-Baptiste Gomard, priest, almoner of the King, to whom they give the right to represent them at the celebration of this marriage, the betrothal having been to-day celebrated, Messire Guillaume, Comte du Barry, ex-captain, and Mademoiselle Jeanne Gomard de Vaubernier, aged twenty-two, daughter of Jean- Jacques de Vaubernier interested in the affairs of the King, and of Anne Becu called Cantigny, have been married by us." 1 All that autumn of the year 1768, Madame du Barry was the mistress in a strictly incognito fashion of the King, for his Majesty 36 Madame Du Barry- Adelaide's apartment. This apartment was situated in the second story of Versailles, quite close to the King's apart- ment. And Louis XV. could repair thither every hour without being seen, either by a staircase opening on the bal- cony of the " Stag's Park " 1 or through the library sit- uated above the great cabinet, one door of which opened on a little landing giving entrance to one of the two cabi- nets placed at either side of Madame du Barry's bed-room. 8 1 The " Pare aux Cerfs," as the student of French history knows, was the seraglio of that most amorous monarch, Louis le Bien-Aitne. TRANSLATOR. * Almost immediately (December 22, 1768) the steward of Ma- dame du Barry's house took a lease in his mistress's name of a mansion in the Rue d'Orangerie, intended to afford housing for the equipages and the servants of the favourite. At the end of a few years Madame du Barry's house became so imposing an estab- lishment that her equipages and her servants could no longer remain in the Rue d'Orangerie. The favourite was obliged to rent the Hotel des Luynes, and soon purchased in the Avenue de Paris for the purpose of erecting a large mansion there a pretty summer residence built for Binet, Madame de Pompadour's valet and rela- tive. Ledoux made there considerable enlargements. He even built a chapel there, for which there was a regular chaplain. In 1770, other quarters were prepared for Madame du Barry at Versailles; but the suite of apartments was given definitely to the Due de Cosse-Brissac, and Madame du Barry remained in her old suite of apartments, which a plan of Gabriel " Plan of the Changes and Additions to be made to the suite of apartments of the Comtesse du Barry (July 22d, 1770)" shows to be completely modified as com- pared with the former plan. This suite of apartments consisted of a library, which had already existed at the time of Madame Adelaide, a back-library, etc., a drawing-room cabinet, a large drawing-room being in deep mourning for the Queen, it was not the correct thing, as the " Anecdotes " say, for him to make a public display of his pleasures. 37 Madame Du Barry- Installed in Versailles, Madame du Barry from the start gave full vent to her tastes for luxury and magnificence. The courtesan who had thought green damask sufficient for her yesterday commenced to surround herself with all the beautiful and agreeable things which she came later on to collect at Luciennes, as if in a boudoir of the furnishing arts. In this dwelling provided for her by her new-found good-fortune, in this succession of small low rooms, which preserve still to-day in the half-light of their shutters with closed wooden bolts the memory of a mysterious voluptu- ousness, the King's mistress heaped together artistic ob- jects, rarities, bronzes, marbles, chinaware. On the chim- ney-piece of the salon there was a magnificent pillared clock on which a crowd of china figures disported themselves. In the centre of the salon stood a table garnished with bronzes gilt in dead gold, and the upper portion of which was a marvellous miniature painting after Le Prince. Two chests of drawers faced each other, one of old lacquer-work, of lacquer-work such as cannot now be found, from which came out in full gold relief monkeys gaily dressed; the other was adorned with five plates of Sevres porcelain, five cabinet, and the room where one could see in the alcove the door of the staircase leading towards the King's apartment. In June, 1772, Gabriel made a large ball-room, which the old suite of apartments lacked, and the cost of which amounted to 14,950 francs, while at the same time he built new kitchens for the favourite. In 1774, Madame du Barry's suite of apartments came into the possession of old Maurepas, as Louis XVI. was anxious to have his minister under his hand in the same way as Louis XV. had his mistress. (National Archives, MSS. Plans of Royal Houses, October, 1773.) 38 Madame Dxi Barry- plates which could not be matched in the whole world. The former displayed on its marble surface a bronze group of four figures, the "Abduction of Helen," the latter a Bacchanalian group of boys which had come from the hands of Sarrazin. From the ceiling hung a glittering lustre of rock-crystal, which cost sixteen thousand livres. As the mistress of the place was fond of play, there was in a corner of the salon a chest containing four quadrille-boxes, made of ivory with counters, consolation-fishes, and the other figures encrusted with gold. In another angle slept the harmonies of an English piano- forte, constructed in Paris by the celebrated Clicot, with its flutes, pipes, lute, cymbals, tubes, and blowers imprisoned in a box of rosewood gar- nished with bronzes gilt in dead gold. Madame du Barry's chamber was not second to this salon. On the German clock which represented the " Three Graces supporting the Vase of Time," the hour was in- dicated by a Cupid's arrow. Everywhere porcelain reigned and triumphed. Chests of drawers displayed pictures in porcelain in the style of Watteau and Vanloo. Writing- desks and cupboards framed in their wood plates of porce- lain with a green background in which Sevres had loosened its bouquets, while basins for putting in flowers with pat- terns of blue and gold rockwork traced on them afforded a glimpse of seamen in miniature or grotesque figures by Teniers. The cabinet had its little writing-table, all plated with porcelain, its ink-horn formed of various portions gilt and 39 Madame Du Barry chased with consummate art, a timepiece with children's sports painted in Sevres, and a gilt dragon with a dart of marcasite. Passement had put his signature to the ther- mometer and the barometer so richly mounted in gilt bronze. A thousand objects, a thousand marvels encum- bered the shelves: scent-boxes in old lacquer-work, tea-ser- vices of Saxe with pictures and miniatures, were still wait- ing there for the liqueur-case of rock-crystal which Ma- dame du Barry was to buy afterwards at Madame de Lauraguais's sale. And this luxuriousness and this selectness in the furni- ture extended into every portion of her apartments. III. The Choiseul Monarchy. The Minister's Brutality towards Ma- dame d'Esparbes. Influence of the Duchesse de Gramont on her Brother. The " Bourbonnaise " and the Satirical Prints. The Roue's Diplomacy aided and sustained by "La Chon" The Marechal de Richelieu in the role of protector. The Presentation of the Comtesse du Barry at Versailles. The Perfection and the Childlike Daintiness of the Woman's Beauty. M. DE CHOISEUL was master of France. He governed through a ministry filled with followers who submitted to the superiority of his talents, to the energy of his will. He dominated through this people of creatures grouped under him even to the lowest class in the State and devoted to what was called " the Choiseul Monarchy." He reigned through the supports which he had created abroad, through the personal obligations of European cabinets towards him, through the eclat of a ministry which had restored a sem- blance of greatness to French politics, and which, taking everything into account, had given peace to Europe, alarm to England, arms to Turkey, and a province to France. He had taken possession of the King, and had got into his good graces by the force of custom, the easiness of his task, the agreeability of his optimistic views, and the charms of his domination; and even Choiseul's enemies, taking into con- sideration the King's age, and no longer expecting from 41 Madame Du Barry his sixty years the passions and inconstancies of youth, despaired of a sudden change of masters and of a revolution in the palace deposing King ChoiseuL In the mean time, the minister, wishing to make sure of the future and to leave nothing to chance, strove to prevail upon the King to marry an Austrian archduchess ; in this way he would have his ministry associated with thankfulness in high quarters, the gratitude of a throne, and obtain from the King directly a guarantee of his favour. Thus, having got everything out of his way, what would he have to fear? And did he not already believe himself to be unshakable? In 1765, a year after Madame de Pompadour's death, an attempt had been made to place Madame d'Esparbes with the King and to get her talked about in connection with him. Madame d'Esparbes had the most beautiful pair of hands at the Court, and the King had let himself be cap- tivated by those pretty fingers which picked cherries so gracefully. Madame d'Esparbes had gone to be proclaimed at Marly, where she had apartments. When M. de Choi- seul, in the insolence of his omnipotence, coming over to her, with the consciousness of the insult he was about to fling at her, it was on the great staircase before every- body caught hold of her by the chin, and asked her: " How is your business going on, my girl ? " 1 The mis- tress was killed by these words; the suite of apartments was taken away from her ; and the King, to whom Choiseul 1 Memoir of the Due de Choiseul, placed in the King's hands in 1765, cited in the Revue Fran^aise, 1828. 42 Madame Du Barry spoke about the way in which he had quizzed her, did not dare to proceed further with Madame d'Esparbes, who, some days after, received a letter under royal seal exempt- ing her from paying her court to the King, and command- ing her to retire to Montauban to rejoin there her father, the Marquis de Lussan. 1 Therefore, M. de Choiseul, at first, regarded the new intrigue with a certain contempt. He saw there the hand of Richelieu, without deigning to be annoyed with him. A chilling dignity was his response to the advances of the mistress, who would very probably in this opening period of her career, have willingly quitted her leader in order to find an ally in the Due de Choiseul and some friends in his camp. Then the minister came to realize that he had no longer to deal with a caprice of the King, with another d'Esparbes. He saw all the pas- sion kindled in the master's heart, all the attractions and all the solid fascinations of the favourite growing stronger every day. The vulgarity of the intrigue, and the impossi- bility, too, of suppressing it, the constraining force of his thinly-veiled disdain, and the haughty nobility of his char- acter, obliged him to be obstinately resolute and to persevere in his attitude to the end. Besides, in the position in which M. de Choiseul now happened to find himself, he lacked the quality most essential to his role, coolness; he was led into this war with a woman by the passion of a woman, of his sister, the Duchesse de Gramont. 1 " Historic Summary of the Life of Madame du Barry." Paris, 1774- 43 Madame D\i Barry In the little apartments where she lived bereft of all female society since Madame de Pompadour's death, Ma- dame de Gramont had conceived a plan for obtaining the mastery over the King's habits almost by force, and of es- tablishing over his weakness of resolution and his indolence of mind an influence and an interest which would have made him forget the reign of Madame de Pompadour. And she flung herself on this idea with all the fire of her nature, basing her hopes of success on the masculine force of her spirit, associated as she was with half of her brother's political speculations, on the seductive powers of her mind, and above, all on a certain fascination of the dominant order which she was supposed to possess. 1 But the King was tired of the government of political women. Madame de Pompadour's death had set him free, and he did not wish at any cost to go back to this kind of servitude. In spite of his coolness, Madame Gramont persevered; she was putting her trust in obstinacy, in the continuance and the audacity of her efforts, in the effects of obsession and moral violence, when her whole dream was shattered by this little girl of the streets who had been thrown into the Royal bed. It was this disappointment, these resentments of Ma- dame de Gramont, that proved a burden to the minister in his management of public affairs. M. de Choiseul was driven by his sister beyond hostility. Madame de Gramont led him on to outrages; she organized that war of street- ballads, vaudevilles, ribald verses, and satirical publications 1 " Private Life of Louif XV." London : Peter Lyton, 1785. 44 Madame Dvi Barry which had only the result of plunging the King deeper into his love-affair. She launched forth the " Bourbonnaise," l so as to awaken all the echoes of the street-crossings; she got the past of this mistress of the King set to music by all the lamplighters of Paris and of the provinces; and in the zeal of her anger she suggested to Voltaire, whom the min- ister Choiseul made the vehicle of his wit, the pamphlet of the " King of Bedlam/' in which the vengeances of Chante- loup passing over the head of the Du Barry, directed them- selves even to her lover. 2 1 Air: "La Bourbonnaise" " What a strange thing it is ! A girl who is dirt ! A girl who is dirt ! What a strange thing it is ! With a King's heart may sport And be welcomed at Court." The past of the mistress was not only described in songs paid for by Choiseul; it also enjoyed the publicity of numerous sheets of paper slipped under cloaks, with words like the following written on them : " September 3, 1768. There has appeared at Compiegne a Comtesse Dubarri, who had caused a great commotion by her face. It is said that she has made herself agreeable at Court, and that the King has given her a very good reception. Her beauty and this rapid celebrity have led many persons to make inquiries about her. It has been sought to trace up this woman's origin, and, if we are to believe what has been made public about her, she is of very ignoble birth. She has reached her present position by ways that are by no means virtuous, and her entire life is a tissue of infamies. A certain Du- barri, who claims that he is one of the Barymores, and who got her to marry his brother, is the instigator of this new mistress. It is contended that the taste and intelligence of this adventurer in the details of pleasure made him aspire to the King's confidence, with a view to furnishing His Majesty with amusements, and that he will succeed the Sieur Lebel in this function." 8 See Voltaire's " Roi Petaut" TRANSLATOR. 45 Madame D\i Barry The man who ran Madame du Barry, the Roue, the Comte Jean, was not one of those vulgar debauchees who drown themselves in the wine and the pleasures of life in which they wallow. He had will, imagination, and that fire of swaggering energy which drives the men of his country towards adventures and launches them into the un- known. At the core of him lived and concealed itself, under the waste of low appetites, an activity ready for ac- tion, the force to rush at anything big, the torment of de- sires long wandering and aimless, perhaps the bitterness caused by finding his career broken and by the refusal he had endured at the hands of the Prime Minister. Nature had flung him into life like a good gambler with the audacity to stake his all. The crapulous world in which he had lived, the filthy and ironical society of which he had made the evil acquaintance, had given him that supreme contempt for humanity which makes a man believe that everything happens, and by which he often causes them to happen. Nothing made him astonished at his luck save the astonishment of others; and it was he who was, ere long, to the great amazement of all those who yesterday called him a madman, to pray to God for his brother's death so as to give himself the pleasure of seeing this very stimulat- ing event the marriage of the King of France to his ex- mistress ! Du Barry was a man of observation; one glance was sufficient for him, in spite of the laughter of Lebel and Richelieu, to divine the future of Madame du Barry. From 46 Madame Dxi Barry that day Du Barry revealed himself, and his genius as a Mentor made itself seen. On this great theatre of the Court, where Madame de Pompadour had been found to be a gossip, it was no easy task to maintain the frolicsome girl of the streets in the style, the proportion, andthe propriety of her new role. It was necessary every moment to protect her from yielding to the first impulse, to hold her back on the brink of an awkwardness, of an extravagance, of a grimace, of a glaring breach of propriety, to drive back into the recesses of her breast her vivacity and mirthful outbursts, the hot tears and the petty angers of the grisette. How many wicked smiles from under fans, and how many laughs at her expense outside, had that supper procured for fine ladies at which, in a dispute with the King, the Du Barry, blub- bering, so far forgot herself as to say loud enough for everyone to hear her: " You are a liar, yes, a liar, and the greatest liar in the world ! " * And how she amused the servants with her innocent question about Mercury : " I don't know what it is ; I wish someone told me." 2 And what a delight it gave to those who took a hostile attitude to repeat her comical way of asking and always with a childish lisp for news as to the Marechale de Mirepoix's sprain : 4 By the way, how is the little Maressale's old foot?" 3 " Complete Correspondence of Madame du Deffand." By M. de Sainte-Aulaire. Michael Levy, 1866, Volume I. 2 " The Marquise du Deffand's Letters to Horace Walpole." Treut- tel and Wurtz, 1812, Volume II. " Complete Correspondence of Madame du Deffasid." By M. de Sainte-Aulaire, Volume I. 47 Madame Dxi Barry Those blunders, those stupidities, those faults of education, those treasons of nature Jean du Barry was skilful enough to prevent the recurrence of too often. He had buttressed his ex-mistress with the society, the surveillance of his ugly but intelligent sister " Chon," who was slightly hunchbacked and slightly lame. 1 He himself separated from the favour- ite, hidden in the gloomy recesses of Paris, far from the Court and from the eyes of the curious, protected her, fol- lowed her, guided her, incessantly corresponding with her through a service of boy-messengers, who carried the post on foot between Paris and Versailles, and by means of whom he roughly jotted down to the Du Barry her role,, her words, and her responses. In short, it was such clever guidance, and there was such an attentive prompter and one of 1 Jean du Barry had three sisters. One, named Claire, who was familiarly called " Chon," as an abbreviation of Fanchon, did not lack wit and a certain political sense. She had a taste for literature, and had the distinction, the "Anecdotes" inform us, of seeing herself in print in the " Mercure." She was the sister whom the Du Barry preferred, and was the guiding spirit of the house. At one time, the Marquise de Montmorency, to please the favourite, had attempted to marry " La Chon " to the Due de Boutteville, a gentleman head over ears in debt, but bearing one of the greatest names in France. A second sister, baptized at one time Pischy and at another time Bitschi and at a later period called Mademoiselle de la Serre, played beside the " Chon " the part of a helpless creature. The third sister, called Catin, was married to a peasant from Le- vignac, one Filieuse, who was subsequently astonished at being him- self ennobled. Jean du Barry had two brothers, Guillaume, husband of the Du Barry, and Elie, who, as a recognition of the amorous services rendered by the Comte to MM. de Richelieu and De Duras, became a Colonel in the Queen's Regiment and married Made- moiselle de Fumel. 48 Madame D\i Barry- such experience behind the wanton bombarded at Ver- sailles, that, during the year which elapsed between the first interview and the presentation, the King's mistress did not give rise, so to speak, to the worst of scandals, to ridicule. The Roue, who had never had any doubt as to success, no longer had any fears. At a whistle from the " Bourbon- naise," he responded secretly with the " Loves of the Due de Choiseul with his sister the Duchess de Gramont," and openly with a genealogy of the Du Barrys prepared with a great splash in England and connecting the Du Barry with the Barymores. Now that he had got the favourite out of the " Parc-aux-Cerfs," from that common lodging-house erected for the sake of caprice, where she would have dis- appeared with those who did not even leave the recollec- tion of them in the King's mind, the Comte Jean thought the time had arrived for the presentation, and he urged Madame du Barry to obtain this consecration which gave the mistress so many rights the right not to be sent away, the right to take part in the journeys of the Court, the right to get into the royal coaches, the right to live pub- licly with the King, the right to show herself in the Dauphin's apartments, as well as in those of the King's brothers, and those of Mesdames, the right to give orders to the ministers, the right to receive ceremonial visits from the great and from ambassadors, all the rights, in short, without which the mistress was nothing but the mistress,* with which the mistress was the favourite. This was what Du Barry wanted, what he kept pushing Madame du Barry 49 4 Madame D\i Barry towards without letting her rest. He did not allow himself to be satisfied by conspicuous marks of royal favour, or by the order sent to M. de Marigny to re-establish in the royal dwellings the communications between the apart- ments of the late Marquise de Pompadour and the apart- ments of the King or by the pitiful figure made by the King at the entertainments of the Comte de Noailles. He began to find, in spite of all these steps, that the presentation was put off, and he sought to guess at M. de Choiseul's game and to defeat it. In anticipation, he had, for the purpose of the ceremony, which required a woman of title, discovered in Paris a Comtesse de Beam, a lady by no means in comfortable circumstances, the widow of a gentleman from Perigord, who had died leaving her five children and a big lawsuit to carry on against the house of Saluces a lawsuit which traced its commencement back as far as Montaigne. Du Barry obtained for the Comtesse a provision which enabled her to present herself and play her part of solicitress in a condition suitable to her birth; finally, he helped her to win her case, and thus secured for himself a sponsor whose entrance upon the scene seemed to be heralded by M. de la Vauguyons, attempts to compromise with the repugnances of Mesdames. In this big business of the presentation, the Comte Jean had the support of Richelieu. Undecided at first, having no great confidence in the duration of the King's caprice, hesi- tating about publicly compromising himself, in connection with such a low intrigue, held, moreover, in respect by 50 Madame D\i Barry Choiseul, whom he feared, flattered, and wished to man- age, Richelieu had only joined the party of the mistress in a very subterranean fashion; but when, owing to her daily and familiar relations with the King, he had assured himself that the royal fancy was a serious one, and that it was safe to lay odds on the Du Barry, he took the risk. Jealous of the great place which M. de Choiseul, " that mar- plot," as he called him, had taken in the daily life of the King, of his dictatorship in the ministry, Richelieu fore- saw a means of having his revenge in the elevation of the Comtesse. Devoured by spite, eaten up by a secret envy of a great political position, to which his reputation for levity and for dangling after women and engaging in amorous negotiations had prevented him from having access, he had not abandoned that dream to which the intrigues of Madame de Lauraguais had driven him, on the death of the Marechal de Belle-Isle the post of Prime Minister; and the least that he hoped for was to enter the Council behind the mistress when she became the Favourite. So it was that the Comte Jean had a devoted ally with the King. And Richelieu said besides that he would not be King if he did not impose his choice on his Yninisters and his court. It was thus, and as best he could, that Richelieu catechised the King, stimulated his courage, and worked to bring about the presentation. But it was on one side of Richelieu, in the younger branch of his family that Madame du Barry found her great fulcrum, her boldest and most serious supporter. She found Si Madame Du Barry him in that representative of religious authority and of monarchic authority, the protector of the Jesuits, the man whose entire life had been a duel with M. de Choiseul, a duel which at that moment threatened to have the scaffold for its closing scene M. d'Aiguillon. M. de Choiseul belonged to the Jansenists, to the Par- liamentarians, to the philosophers, to the party of reform of Church and State, to the first harvest of liberty, to the con- spiracy of the future. M. d'Aiguillon belonged to the tra- ditions of his family, to the school of his grand-uncle, Cardi- nal de Richelieu, to the wisdom of the past, to the theory of the absolute rights of power, to the party of social disci- pline, to the doctrine which makes of monarchic government a pleasant state of things tempered by a theocracy. In those two men everything was antagonistic, the interior admin- istration of the country as well as the plan of her alliances on the map of Europe. They were the two champions and the two extremities of their age. The conflict between their personalities was a conflict of principles, and the ideas of the time circulate around their quarrels. The Due d'Aiguil- lon, the lover of Madame de Chateauroux 1 banished in 1745 from his little suite of*apartments through the jealousy of Louis XV., and in disgrace for many years, did not obtain admission to his old quarters till 1762, his re-entrance, so to speak on the stage of Versailles, where he became the 1 Madame de Chateauroux was as yet only Madame de la Tournelle, and the Due d'Aiguillon only the Due d'Agenois. The Du Barry's future minister did not become Due d'Aiguiilon till January 31, 1750. 52 To face page 52 I Madame Du Barry- intimate friend of the Dauphin. Alarmed at the influence of D'Aiguillon over the mind of the religious prince, and knowing that from that moment he had been assigned the post of Minister of Marine by the devotees of the Court, Saint Sulpice, and perhaps the remorse of Louis XV., Choiseul had raised up La Chatolais as the conqueror of Saint-Cast. There, in that province of Brittany, where the Jesuits, authorized by the Governor, D'Aiguillon, were tak- ing steps to effect a restoration, Choiseul had launched that cruel portrayer of the Jesuits, in his celebrated report. So then, above D'Aiguillon, whom the Choiseul party accused of extortions ; above Choiseul, whom the D'Aiguillon party accused of having poisoned the Dauphin and the Dauphi- ness, it was Jesuitism and Philosophism, which were wres- tling for the mastery; and this great trial with eighteen centuries as witnesses became the arena where the two spirits which still divided France and contended for the world struggled, advanced, recoiled, triumphed, and succumbed in turn, according to the vicissitudes and the rebounds of hu- man affairs. One day, the disappearance of Madame de Pompadour gave Choiseul entire domination over the King. Another day, a murmur from Broglie on Choiseul's Austrian policy withdrew D'Aiguillon from his position of obscurity and set him afloat once more. But at last the successive deaths of the Dauphin, of the Dauphiness, and of the Queen had left the adversary of the Minister-King very feeble and quite ready to collapse in his duel, in his long and inter- minable trial. And in the helpless condition in which 53 Madame D\i Barry D'Aiguillon found himself and the ideas whose fate he held in his hands, Choiseul's enemy turned towards Madame du Barry as a suppliant. In order to deal out strong blows, an acknowledged mistress was needed to promote the in- terests of the devotee party. In spite of these supports, the presentation was slow in coming. Already the month of January was far off when Paris every day awaited the event with feverish curiosity. It had been almost positively announced that it would take place on Sunday, the 2Qth of January. But M. de la Vauguyon, despatched by the Mare- chal de Richelieu to Mesdames to inform them that, accord- ing to the protocol, Madame du Barry had gone to visit their ladies-in-waiting, had seen Madame Adelaide abruptly turn her back to him and to the little discourse in which he preached submission to the wishes of the King. It was only a drawn game; the presentation would have certainly taken place the following Wednesday, a day for which the King in leading out the Duchesse de Choiseul, de Gramont, and de Mirepoix, had only invited the last. No. And some days after this, the King, while hunting, had a fall from his horse, which once more put off the presentation. 1 In the midst of all these delays the Comtesse got afraid of the con- sequences which this presentation might have for her in the future, and, pretending that she had sustained a sprain, 1 " The Marquise du Deffand's Letters to Walpole." Treuttel and Wurtz, 1812. A missive emanating from the King's palace (Archives Nationales 0*41 1) announces that the accident which had happened to the King would not have any troublesome consequences, that there was no fracture, but only a bad contusion. 54 Madame D\i Barry remained obstinately fixed in her lounging-chair. In Feb- ruary, Madame du Deffand, who boasted of having won all her bets, laid a wager that the mistress would not be pre- sented, that the King would not do such an indecent act needlessly. The months of February and March passed without any- thing being done. Evidently the King was hesitating. He was eager to overcome his last hesitations, to play a game of bluff with regard to any feelings of shame he had left on behalf of his daughters. The triumvirate of Du Barry, Richelieu, and D'Aiguillon called upon their creature for a supreme effort, a scene of tears in which, casting herself at the King's feet, she implored of him to put a stop to the insulting remarks as to her presentation which, though it had been announced in the foreign newspapers, each day seemed to defer. . . . The King gave way. On the 2 ist of April, 1769, on his return from the chase, Louis XV. declared that the presentation would take place on the fol- lowing day, that it would be unique, that it would be the event that had been in question for a long time the pre- sentation of the Comtesse du Barry. 1 The great day arrived. Paris rushed to Versailles. The curiosity of an entire people beat at the gate of the park. The presentation was to take place the night after the func- tion. The hour was approaching. Richelieu, in his capacity of First Gentleman, was at the King's side. Choiseul was on the other side. Both were waiting, counting the minutes, " Anecdotes about the Comtesse du Barry," London, 1775. 55 Madame Du Barry glancing at each other, watching the uproar around them, and keeping a keen eye all the time on the King. The King, ill at ease, restless, agitated, was looking every moment at his watch, and was astonished at the delay. He walked up and down, mumbled words which he did not finish, grew impatient at the noise which reached him from the gates and the avenues, and the cause of which he wanted to know from Choiseul. " Sire," replied Choiseul, with his sarcastic finesse, " the people, having been informed that it is to-day Madame du Barry is to have the honour of being presented to Your Majesty, have rushed from every quarter to witness her entry, not being able to be at the reception which Your Majesty will give her." The hour had long passed. Madame du Barry did not make her appearance. Choiseul and his friends were radiant with joy. Richelieu, at a window-corner, felt his assurance giving way. The King went across to the window, and glanced out into the night: nothing. At last, he made up his mind, and opened his mouth to countermand the pre- sentation. " Sire, here is Madame du Barry," exclaimed Richelieu who came to recognize the Favourite's carriage and livery ; " she will come in if you give the order." And at these words, Madame du Barry appeared behind the Comtesse de Beam. 1 She entered adorned with diamonds worth a hundred thousand francs, which the King had sent her, adorned with that superb headdress, the arrange- 1 "Memoirs of the Marechal Due de Richelieu" (by Soulavie), 1793. Volume IX. "Private Life of the Marechal de Richelieu." 56 Madame D\i Barry ment of which had made her miss the hour for the presenta- tion, attired in one of those triumphal costumes which the women of the eighteenth century called " a fighting cos- tume/' armed with that toilette in which the eyes of a blind woman, the intuition of Madame dii Deffand, saw the des- tiny of Europe and the fate of ministers. 1 And it was an ap- parition so radiant, so dazzling, that at the first moment of surprise the greatest enemies of the Favourite could not escape the fascination of the woman and gave up slander- ing her beauty. 2 All the representations, all the portraits, all the pictures which Madame du Barry has left of herself, all those mir- rors which seek to immortalize immortal beauty marble, canvas, engraving display and reflect in our eyes the most charming seductions of form, the most delicate attractions, the most dainty perfection of a body and a face which seem to realize the ideal of the pretty Frenchwoman of the eighteenth century. 8 1 " Letters of the Marquise du Deffand." 1812. Volume II. "The Gazette of France" announces the presentation in these terms : " At Versailles, April 26, 1769. On the 226. of this month, the Comtesse du Barri had the honour of being presented to the King and to the Royal Family by the Comtesse de Beam." 8 We trace this picture of Madame du Barry especially in the two portraits of her by Drouais in the Devere sale (March 17, 1755), portraits which seem to us the originals exhibited in the Salon of 1769. To the amorous correspondence of Madame du Barry with Lord Seymour, possessed by M, Barriere, was attached a lock of the Fa- vourite's hair. I have been able to touch this hair, and I have never met with any human being's hair so completely resembling silk 57 Madame Du Barry Her hair was the most beautiful, the longest, the most silky, the most blonde in the world, blonde of an auburn tint, and curling like the hair of a child, hair which preserves on the forehead of a woman, as it were, an adorable survival of the little girl. She had (charming contrast!) dark eye- brows, and curved dark lashes, almost curling around her blue eyes, which one scarcely ever saw quite open, 1 and from which stole coquettish sidelong glances out of those half- shot orbs the genuine look of passion. Then came a little nose finely cut and the delicate curve of a dainty mouth. Hers was a skin, a complexion, which the age compared to " a rose-leaf steeped in milk." Her neck resembled the neck of an antique statue, lengthened by Parmian sculpture so as to sway delicately on the round low shoulders. And then an arm, a foot, a hand. . . . and a thousand beauties of detail. There were in her the victorious youth, the life, and, as it were, the divinity of a Hebe. Around her floated that atmosphere of intoxication, that flame of an amorous goddess which made Voltaire write this line on beholding one of her portraits : " Such beauty for the gods alone was made." 2 1 " Recollections of Madame Vigee Lebrun." Fournier, 1835, Vol- ume I. Here we have the simpering look, the theatrical look of the two portraits exhibited by Drouais in 1/69, criticized by the Salon haunter of the " Secret Memoirs " without having seen. Madame du Barry. 2 Literally : " The original was made for the gods." TRANSLATOR. IV. Repugnances of titled women towards the Favourite. Purchase of the Marechale de Mirepoix's " Chaperonnage." The Duchesse de Valentinois, the Marquise de 1'Hopital, the Princesse de Montmo- rency. Skilful effacement of the Favourite. The Bellevue Supper. The Gift of Luciennes. The Courtiers' Meannesses and the Che- valier de la Marliere's Dedication. Portrait of Chancellor Maupeou. So the Comtesse du Barry had been presented by Madame de Beam to the King, to Mesdames, to the Dauphin, and to the children of France. The day after the presentation, which was a Sunday, she was present at the King's mass, in the chapel of the Chateau, the place which had been oc- cupied by the late Marquise de Pompadour. That day, there were very few lords and ladies of the Court in the train of the King; but it was noticed that he was accom- panied by a numerous train of bishops, at the head of whom was the Archbishop-Duke of Reims to whom His Majesty spoke several times during the service. After mass, Madame du Barry appeared at Mesdames' concert, and also at the Dauphin's. 1 All the wishes of Madame du Barry were crowned by this presentation. She slept in the enjoyment of a great victory ; but her triumph was not absolute. It remained for "Journal of Events that Came to my Knowledge." By Hardy. National Library MSS. 59 Madame D\i Barry her to wipe away and to conquer the last sentiments of de- cency of the Court, the repugnances of women of title, the protestations and hesitations of the great names of Ver- sailles, in the presence of an accession to power so abrupt, a good-fortune so new. In the month of May, in the jour- ney to Marly following the presentation, where the King stayed until the Whitsuntide holidays, the women invited displayed so much coldness that nearly everybody felt ill at ease. The rumour even circulated that the Princesse de Guemenee had failed to meet Madame du Barry, and that she had received orders from the King to retire to the so- ciety of the young ladies to whom she had been the govern- ness in succession to Madame de Marsan. In the midst of the sulkiness of the ladies who were present, play was car- ried on in an icy fashion. Some noblemen refused to deal the cards under the pretext of being short of money. The Favourite, however, played, and (unhappy creature!) when she punted at faro, had she not the ill-luck to exclaim : " Ah! my goose is cooked " ? 1 " We must needs take your word for it, Madame," one sharp-tongued player said in reply, while picking up the money she had lost, " you ought to be a good judge," 2 an insolent allusion to her mother's position as cook to Mile. Frederique. Madame du Barry, made the subject of puns, shunned, and isolated, was forced to beat a retreat towards her own set, and to confine herself to a very limited circle, in other words, to Madame d'Alogny and that old lady-litigant, the Comtesse de Beam. 1 Literally: "Ah! I am fried" (i.e., done for). TRANSLATOR. * " Anecdotes about Madame du Barry." London, 1775. 60 Madame D\* Barry The mistress's faction was secretly working to secure for the Favourite some social props, to purchase for her the " chaperonnage " of a great name under the monarchy. For this role, the most strong-minded, of her counsellors had cast eyes on the Marechale de Mirepoix, that needy personage always plunged in debt, and always hunting for a little ready money " which she spent in buying trifles." Since the month of January, the King had been holding con- ferences with " the little Marechale/' which seemed to have had no result. At last, the weak woman, who was so much crushed by debts, though her brother was the Marechal de Beau van, and she was the friend and ally of Choiseul, con- sented to become the Du Barry's travelling and supper com- panion for the yearly sum of a hundred thousand francs, for which she got neither a contract nor a warrant, but merely a bond by means of which she was kept at will, and might be subjected to every kind of humiliation. 1 The Marechale had been promised the " Nantes Lodges " by the Du Barry, but eventually the King made a gift of the place to the Favourite herself. 2 In spite of this heart-breaking expe- 1 " Letters of the Marquise du Deffand to Horace Walpole." Vol- ume II. 1 The " Nantes Lodges " were the present made by the King to the Du Barry as a New Year's gift in 1770. The memoirs of the time estimate the income at 40,000 livres a year. In the inventory of the papers of the Comtesse du Barry, removed from Luciennes to the Archives of the Seine-et-Oise on the occasion of the sequestration of I793 delivered up to the Gomard heirs in 1825 and since lost, we find : " New File of Papers. Documents relating to the letting of booths, shops, sheds, erected on the counterscarp at Nantes, granted 61 Madame D\i Barry rience of an influence utterly of no account at Court, the offensive indifference of the Du Barry to her person and to her health, the unfortunate old woman was destined to descend to such abasement as to write to the Favourite on the overthrow of Choiseul : " Madame, I present my compli- ments to you on your triumph, which is as brilliant as your conquest" a letter which drew from the indignant pen of the Duchesse de Choiseul this terrible paragraph intended for the benefit of the lady paying the compliment : " Never imagine, I implore of you, my dear child, no matter under what pretext, whatever turn you may take, for whatever purpose in the world it may be, that you could render us the least service through the Marechale. There are no evils that I should not prefer to the opprobrium of being indebted to anyone whom I despise." 1 But the " Fairy Urgele," as the old Marechale was called, was not sufficient ; an entire train was needed to accompany the mistress. It was easy to get the Duchesse de Valen- tinois, who was already a little mad, already more or less in a dying condition, but who had still some good days here and there; and a conquest was made of Soubise's mistress, the Marquise de 1'Hopital, whose reputation, torn by all the " Complete Correspondence of Madame du Def fand." By M. de Sainte-Aulaire. Levy, 1866. Volume I. to Madame du Barry as only a usufruct during her life, by the King's warrant dated December 23, 1769. Account of the Sieur Dardel, manager, and of the Sieur Couilland de la Pironniere, re- ceiver of the produce of the said shops, etc. Documents and plans relating to them. Leases of the said property drawn up in 1771." 62 Madame Dvi Barry- silly babblers of the time, had nothing that could be lost. Finally, the Princesse de Montmorency was won by working on her husband's desire to become the manager of the Dauphin. 1 Madame du Barry, at bottom, filled her role very de- cently, and it was impossible even for her enemies not to render justice to the propriety of her demeanour. Raised from such a low to such a high position, flung suddenly towards such a height of greatness and into the dazzling splendour of a world to which she had been an entire stranger, she escaped dizziness, vertigo. She preserved, in this perfectly superb adventure, coolness and an unruffled ease of manner. She had, in everything and in the spectacle which she furnished, an equilibrium which might not have been expected from a life like hers, and which astonished her enemies. Foreigners passing through Versailles praised her manners, in which there was no boldness, arrogance, or affectation. 2 Modesty was her style and her habitual prac- tice. She avoided opportunities of exhibiting herself, out- lets for the display of vanity. She dealt skilfully with the jealousies of women, and she cleverly made it a matter of prudence to be beautiful. At Court she did not lay great store on her position, disposing of her favour in such a way as to annoy nobody; and the madcap who was so ex- travagant in the years that were to follow was satisfied at 1 " Letters of the Marquise du Def fand to Horace Walpole," Vol- ume I. 8 "Letters of Horace Walpole." Didier, 1872. 63 Madame Du Barry this period with an interest which the King had given her in the office of the Fermier-General Virly, and in the money with which a very generous lender assisted her, her able brother-in-law, the Comte Jean. The Roue knew how to be the King's banker by lending to his mistress. 1 Gradually, around this favourite so easy-going, so par- donable, better fixed, better established each day, more sta- ble, the quarantine became less severe. Individualities ex- tricated themselves from the bonds of an order, a faction, a coterie. The conspiracy of coldnesses was dissipated ; the fine airs became less dry; human respect, the fear of the public and of neighbours became less great. People began in corners of Versailles to gather in groups of two or three in order to have the courage of a little levity ; and the end of it was that scarcely anyone was scandalized at hearing at Bellevue Madame Flavacour declaring herself ready to join in a game with Madame du Barry, or the Due de Richelieu saying in a loud tone, while taking his place beside her, that " he was entirely Madame du Barry's." And the Marechal, having presently got up a little game of lansquenet in order to teach it to the mistress, gallantly lost 250 louis, and, when the King laughed at him and asked him why it was that he had lost so much money at such a quiet game, the Marechal answered him with this snatch from an opera: 1 " Unpublished Correspondence of the Comte du Barry." Revue de Paris, November, 1836. The Roue says in his letter addressed to M. de Malesherbes : " In order to sustain her new position during the first fifteen months, in which she received no pecuniary favour, I drained my pocketbook and pledged the rest of my resources." 64 Madame D\i Barry " THe best of us all Into debt may fall Without knowing the reason why." 1 The King burst out laughing, and with the King every other person in the salon of Belleville. 2 This supper at Bellevue in the month of June was much commented on by the politicians of the Court. It became, according to the expression of a manuscript sheet of the day, the thermometer which was to advise the courtiers as to " the degree of heat or cold " they were to import into their respective assiduities with one or the other hostile party. The amiably amorous words of the King were repeated, as well as his open acknowledgment of the happiness he felt at possessing her for the first time in this beautiful site. Madame du Barry was exhibited, placed by the King at a 1 "Le plus sage S'enflamme et s'engage Sans savoir comment." 9 "Letters of the Marquise du Deffand to Horace Walpole." Treuttel, 1812, Vol. I. The King set out from Marly on June 21, 1769, in order to go and sleep at Bellevue, and to repair to the Chateau of Saint Hubert. The King came to Saint Hubert to observe, in company with Madame du Barry, the passage of the planet Venus across the sun, and the explanations of the royal lover to his igno- rant mistress and his caressing efforts to make her see the star through a telescope, gave occasion to some verses of a courtier : "What shall we be told by this telescope, This Venus and this sun ? " ("Que nous diront ce telescope, Cette Venus et ce soleil?") 65 Madame D\i Barry table between him and the Comte de la Marche, on account of the friendship of this Prince for the lady, as Louis XV. put it, and he allowed the other guests to seat themselves at table just as they liked. The remark was made that the Comtesse's nephew, young Du Barry, who had quite re- cently come from the King's apartment, had been admitted to the conspicuous honour of this supper. To these shining marks of favour shown towards the Du Barry faction were pointed out by way of contrast some symptoms of Choiseul's failing influence. He was represented as arriving at the head of a group which, in the course of the guests' walk around the park while waiting for supper, almost dissolved in order to join the hostile group of the Marechale de Mire- poix and of Madame de Flavacourt, so that in the end the minister walked all alone. Allusions were made to the con- centration of mind displayed by the minister at the supper, which was very gay, and to the lines of care on his fore- head while the King was playing whist. 1 As against the influence acquired by the mistress, the Due de Choiseul had recourse to the manoeuvre which Fleury had made use of with such success when he wanted to bring force to bear on the will of Louis XV. : he left the Court and went to Chanteloup. But, on his return, if he found his credit again complete and the good graces of the King at the same point, he also found Madame du Barry's favour remarkably advanced with the King, who made her 1 "Anecdotes about the Comtesse du Barri." London, 1775. 66 LOUIS XV Tojacepage66 Madame Du Barry a gift of Luciennes, 1 and the circle of her acquaintances strangely extended. The Favourite had made so many re- cruits and in every grade at Court, she was already so well propped up by those around her that she had been able to show her gratitude to Madame de Beam. 2 The emulation 1 This chateau had been given up to the King by the Due de Pen- thievre, who, having had the misfortune to see his son, the Prince de Lamballe, die, had taken a disgust to it. Here is the deed of dona- tion: " Warrant of Gift of the Mansion of Louvetiennes in Favour of the Comtesse du Barry. " To-day, July 24th, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine, the King, being at Compiegne, and wishing to give to the Comtesse du Barry a mark of the benevolence with which His Majesty honors her, has granted to her and made her the gift of the mansion of Louvetiennes, its gardens and appurtenances, of which the enjoy- ment had been already granted by His Majesty to the Comtesse de Toulouse, and after her to the Due de Penthievre, who has resigned them so as to enable them to be enjoyed by the said Comtesse du Barry during her life in so far as the said mansion and appurte- nances extend and allow, comformably to the plan laid down in the His Majesty's General Direction of Buildings, which commands and orders M. de Marigny, Lieutenant-General of the Province of Or- leans to put his hand to the execution of the present warrant and have it countersigned by me, Under- Secretary of State, and by his commands. Signed LOUIS, and lower down, signed PHELY- PEAUX (National Archives, Register of Warrants). " It will be noticed that the donation is for life only, thus differing from the donation made to Madame de Pompadour in the Champs Elysees, which is made to her in such a way that she can dispose of it as her own property without restriction." 3 The " Anecdotes " speak of a sum of 100,000 livres paid to the Comtesse de Beam for the presentation of Madame du Barry. Is the statement made in the "Anecdotes" exact? However that may be, the Comtesse de Beam seems to have continued to find herself in a rather wretched condition so far as her resources were con- 67 1 Madame Dva Barry in meannesses began to find an outlet, and a story was told about the note of the humorous hunchback, the Due de Tresmes, to the Favourite : " The Comtesse du Barry's marmoset has come to return her visit." So then there was no longer lacking to Madame du Barry anything that a Fa- vourite can command at Court: she had friends, courtiers, valets, and buffoons. She had not long to wait for men of letters. Since the beginning of 1769, one of them had the courage to send her his book with this dedication : " Madame : Nature has lavished on you her rarest gifts ; the happiest destiny seems to preside over your career, and the affability, the beneficence, luckiness of character still much more essential, will, without doubt, gain applause with profitable competition. You will surrender yourself, Madame, to everything most favourable which those esti- mable qualities inspire in you. You will honour the sciences, the arts, and all that appears to you worthy of marked dis- tinction, and you will thereby show that discernment and that real merit always independent of circumstances, and cerned. In a letter sent on the 4th of July, 1771, it is said of the King's house : " You ought to be persuaded, Madame, with all the desire I have to be able to render you a service, and although the circumstances may not be quite favourable for obtaining pecuniary favours, that I shall not fail to speak to the King as well as to the Comtesse du Barry about the situation in which you find yourself and the need you have that H. M. should come to your succour." In another letter sent on July 25th, 1772, advice is given to her to have a request made by an advocate to the Council containing the reasons which put her in the condition to ask for the favour which she so- licits. (National Archives, "Letters Missive O 1 413, 414.) Madame Du Barry much superior to those frivolous surfaces under which false grandeur too often thinks it can hide its pcttinws from our gaze. I am with respect, " Madame, " Your very humble and very obedient servant, " The Chevalier de la Morliere." 1 1 The book had for its title : " Fatalism, or Collection of Anec- dotes to prove the influence of Fate on the History of the Human Heart." By the Chevalier de la Morliere, 1769. The dedication procured for the Chevalier the sale of his volume, and an invitation to supper from the Favourite, who gave him "a distinguished re- ception." Other men of letters imitated the Chevalier de la Morliere, and amongst the volumes which the library of Versailles possesses, while some books bear the arms and the device of the Du Barry, four works have in their first page a dedication to the Favourite. The first bears the title of " Royalism, or Memoirs of Du Barry of Saint- Aunet and of Constance de Cezelli, his Wife, Heroic Anec- dotes under Henry IV." By M. de Limairac. The author, in his dedicatory epistle, announces to the Favourite that the traits of heroism which he develops are taken from her family. The second work, of which the words are by Douin, Captain of Infarrtry, while the flowers are designed and engraved by Chevalier, Lieutenant of Infantry, and the text is printed by Drouet, an ex- soldier of Infantry, is a small almanac published by Blaisot in Ver- sailles, containing 50 plates and 48 mottoes, and as many horoscopes for every state and age. This " Almanach of Flora" for 1774 has at its head printed in red, with a portrait of Madame du Barry, a sunflower looking towards the sun. " The star is constant, And faithful the flower." The third work is entitled " Moral Tales and New Idyls of D," and Solomon Gesner, Meister, Translator of the Idyls, addresses the mistress of Louis XV. in these poetic terms: 69 Madame Du. Barry While the social circle of the Favourite began to be formed, her faction made an important recruit ; it definitely got hold of the man who had in 1768 been created by Choi- seul Chancellor of France under the promise of ruining D'Aiguillon in his suit brought up that year before the par- liament of Paris. A strange figure of the time was this Maupeou. A greenish countenance, like a mottled face, as the Due de Brissac expressed it, a countenance whose ex- travasated gall he sought to hide under a layer of white and " May Beauty, Art and Genius win the praise Of all who owe allegiance to their sway : May my poor Eclogue, simple, harmless, gay, Arrest for one brief moment your sweet gaze ! Like you, its beauty needs no gaudy dress To Nature's hand it owes its loveliness; Like you, a subtle charm around it clings, So that, when robed as a poor shepherdess, It wins the hearts of heroes and of kings." (This is nearly a literal rendering into English verse of the French original. TRANSLATOR. ) Finally, the last work is a poetic collection containing two comic operas, " Love's New Year's Gifts " and " The Newly-Married Man," of which the author, Cailhava, has written on the first page these verses: "Borne in a vision high into the air, Methought I saw the Cytherea fair, The tender Hebe to whom lovers pray, Since she loves all things beautiful and gay; Her bright eyes scanned my book, and by her smile I guessed its pages did her soul beguile." (This version, too, is as nearly literal as possible for an English version of French verses. TRANSLATOR, 70 Madame D\* Barry- red, 1 eyes which seemed at the same time mistrustful of snares and seeking for prey, 2 while they were veiled by a look of kindness, a physiognomy slily villainous, disguised under the sprightly mask of the comic actor. With this, the tongue which loves gilded phrases, which is insinuating, caressing, and fond of addressing others familiarly on the slightest occasion, and which bores all who possess the least influence with its politeness and exaggerated defer- ence. While he never read a book on legislation, philoso- phy, or politics, Maupeou read men through and through, penetrating into their hidden recesses, and into the secret basenesses of their mercenary souls. He had put aside the magisterial get-up, that robe under which France was ac- customed to see its Chancellor, and he could be seen play- ing the agreeable at clubs, theatres, pleasure-resorts, sup- pers, and balls. Surrounded with the delicate luxury of a courtesan, the magistrate lived in a mansion, which was a boudoir, sober by temperament, chaste through the feebleness that accompanies a valetudinarian complexion. Under those appearances and those lies of frivolity, Mau- peou concealed the windings of an enormous ambition com- bined with the perpetration of slow and premeditated ven- geances. With such a man gratitude necessarily has little weight; he was one of those who belong always to the 1 " The English Spy, or Correspondence between my lord All-Eye and my lord All-Ear." John Adamson, 1774, Tome I. a Extract from the " Memoirs of Horace Walpole." Year 1771. " Letters of Horace Walpole." By the Comte Baillon. Didier, 1872. Madame Du, Barry strongest, or rather the strongest belonged only to him. And at that moment, when the struggle between the two parties had been seriously entered upon it was D'Aiguillon's papers which made the assertion 1 he was dreaming of hitting two at once, he dreamed of destroying at the same time Choiseul and D'Aiguillon, according only a brief respite to the last. Besides, his political views let us say it by way of justification on his behalf made ingratitude a duty with him. A creature of Choiseul, he kept buried in his breast sentiments and a political plan entirely opposed to Choiseul. He secretly cherished a profound hatred against the Par- liament, from which he had received marks of insulting dis- trust, which wished to mercurialize him. A partisan of authority like D'Aiguillon, but with other forms of develop- ment, other methods of action, new methods, he had the ambition to bring about a revolution against the Parliament which, by putting into the hands of Royalty a complete authority and an initiative without control, would have per- mitted the King to give satisfaction to the rights and to the interests which the Revolution of 1789 was destined to arm against Royalty. 2 Since the presentation of Madame du Barry, the Chancel- lor had laid claim to a relationship of which till now he had kept the secret. He no longer called her anything but " my 1 " Memoirs of the Ministry of the Due d'Aiguillon." Buisson, 1792. J " Maupeou's Memoirs," yet unpublished, indicate the tendency till then unknown of his plans and ideas. 72 Madame D\i Barry cousin." * By his assiduities, by his indefatigable complais- ances, by an abasement of character which nothing of- fended, by all those courtier's buffooneries which drag the Chancellor's robe into the farcicality of a masquerade, Pantalon-Maupeou imparted to the Favourite, bored with the seriousness of the Court, the habit and the need of his person as an amusing butt. And it so happened that the man who had promised Choiseul the ruin of D'Aiguillon promised Madame du Barry the overthrow of Choiseul, binding himself to obtain from the King the destruction of that great force of M. de Choiseul the Parliaments. 1 " Private Life of Louis XV." London : Peter Lyton, 1785 Vol. IV. 73 V. The Review in the Royal-Lieu at Compiegne. The Honours of Chantilly paid by the Prince of Conde to the Comtesse du Barry. The Two Portraits by Drouais in the Salon of 1769. Choiseul's Act of Submission. Louis XV.'s Letter with reference to his Mistress. Chignons a la Du Barry. Flung from a Stag to the King's Pavilion. Bouret's Design. ON the loth of July, the King quitted Versailles to go to the camp at Compiegne. Madame du Barry accompanied him on the journey. Putting aside this time the modesty of her external equipage, of her incognito, the Favourite travelled in three carriages with horses, with relays ordered at the different stages as if for the King. In the arrange- ments made for the journey, Louis XV., in order to avoid bickerings and manifestations of contempt towards his mistress, had erased from the list of women drawn up in the preceding year the Duchesse de Gramont, the Comtesse de Brionne, the Comtesse d'Egmont, the three ladies of the Court who had pretensions to beauty and the most incensed at the Du Barry's triumph. 1 On the 22nd of July, the King 1 The exclusion gave occasion to a blackguard caricature referred to in the " Secret Memoirs " and with the title of " The Battle of the Anagrams." It represented the three beauties of the court in the character of the Three Graces, flying in tears before a beauty of the street, with a shameless countenance and lascivious attitudes which were indicated by the anagram of the word " grace." Let us 74 Madame D\i Barry brought Madame du Barry to witness the spectacle of the review of the Swiss regiments of Boccard, Lochman, Sonne- berg and of the German infantry of Royal Bavaria, Deux- Ponts, Nassau, the Esterhazy hussars, a detachment of the corps of Royal Artillery escorted by forty cannons, &C. 1 The Du Barry in her brilliant phaeton 2 was the queen of the camp. She treated magnificently the officers of the regi- ment of Beauce, in which her brother-in-law, Elie du Barry was serving, and the Colonel, M. de la Tour du Pin, after the King had passed, had the same honors paid to the car- riage of Madame du Barry as are rendered to the carriage of the Royal Family. Choiseul, raging at those high marks of distinction accorded to the mistress, reprimanded M. de la Tour du Pin, and forbade him to waste military honours in this way in the future. What happened? Louis XV. wrote rather sharply to his Minister of War : " It is said that you have scolded the Chevalier de la Tour du Pin about Madame du Barry, because she dined in the 1 The National Library possesses a little volume printed without place or date, entitled : " Condition of the Troops which are to pass in review before the King at Compiegne in the year 1769, and which will form the camp in the plain of Verberie, which camp will begin to be formed on the ist July and will be complete on the i$th of the said month." * " The Life and the Memoirs of General Dumouriez." By BerviUe and Barriere, Baudouin Brothers, 1822. Vol. I. here mention the rarity, at the present time, of caricatures of the reign of Louis XV., and let us complain of not finding a single one of the caricatures relating to Madame du Barry in the Cabinet of En- gravings or in any other collection. 75 Madame Du Barry camp, and because the greatest number of officers dined at her house on the day of the review. " You have promised me that I should no more hoar her talked about by you." 1 The journey to Compiegne had been preceded by a so- journ of Louis XV. at Chantilly; but the presence of Mesdames had not allowed apartments to be given to Madame du Barry, who had done nothing, it was said, but come there secretly to sleep one night. On the return from Compiegne towards the end of August, the Comtesse was officially invited to accompany the King to Chantilly. And of this princely dwelling, of which a Conde had paid the honours to Louis XIV. and his court, another Conde now paid the honours to little Lange, driving her out in a calash at hunts, showing her to the place of honour at public sup- pers, and seeming finally to dedicate to her the flowers, the fireworks, the flourishes of his entertainments. The presentation at the Court was, for a mistress, like emerging out of utter obscurity and being crowned with an existence of glory at Versailles ; the exhibition of paintings at the Salon of the Louvre was the presentation of the mis- tress to Paris. All of a sudden came celebrity for her beauty, her grace, for that face until now unknown, to-day 1 Letters of Louis XV. to the Due de Choiseul, communicated by his nephew, the Due de Choiseul. Revue de Paris, 1829, Tome IV. It is an autograph letter. In answer to this letter the Duke wrote to the King giving a long explanation, in which he said he had only given notice to M. de la Tour du Pin that honors ought not to be paid to her when the King was in the camp. 76 Madame Dxi Barry- brought into the light, and of which the charming and bril- liant engraving of the period was about to make a popular portrait, a portrait which all Europe bought. The friends of Madame du Barry selected, then, to paint her this year, when the exhibition took place, the artist who painted the portraits of beautiful and pretty women of great reputation, the painter of Madame de Pompadour's last portrait Drouais. And this artist, captivated by the double charac- ter of frankness and archness which constituted the origi- nality of Madame du Barry's beauty, had conceived the idea of representing the favourite in two portraits in which she would be seen in one case under the veil of woman, in another under the disguise of a man. 1 1 Diderot rather severely criticizes these two portraits, which, it must be confessed, like all the portraits by Drouais, ?re rather me- diocre pictures. Here is the appreciation of the critic : " If I am to make any remark to you on these two portraits, it is that the original was, for the time being, the talk of Paris. It was said, and by people in good society, that they did not resemble each other, and that Madame du Barry was better. The artist added that there were the materials for producing a portrait more agreeable, that in her por- trait as a man there was a constraint which it was painful to see, no harmony, a head which did not belong to the body, and under this disguise of costume a body thin, limp, shrunk. The artist did not doubt that these two portraits would be the most stared at of all the portraits in the Salon. He, therefore, put into them all his skill, and, if they are bad, this proves that it is not always in an artist's power to succeed. The efforts which he makes, then, the task which he imposes beforehand on himself, are very capable of puzzling his brain and of making his brush unreliable; this is certainly what happened to Drouai, and what would have happened to a greater master than he was." 77 Madame D\i Barry In the first portrait 1 attired in a robe with a white tunic all puffed out, over which ran a garland of roses round the shoulders, the Du Barry appeared, with a string of pearls on her neck, fresh and laughing with the innocence of a young Flora, in a mythological costume, which she wore habitually in her little suite of apartments and ar- rayed in which the courtesan knew how to please the King. In the second portrait, she is in a riding habit. 2 The co- 1 Here is the list of portraits of Madame du Barry engraved as Flora : The COMTESSE DU BARRY. Painted by Drouais, engraved by Gaudier. The place of this small portrait is at the artist's, with the privilege of the King, and dated 1770; the second place is at Bigny's, the King's Lancer, Riding Court of the Tuileries. An engraved portrait, larger than that of Gaucher, shows her to us in the costume of Flora in a frame of flowers, to which is attached a quiver, a bow, and a lighted torch. On the tablet can be read : " MADAME LA COMTESSE DU BARRY." Finally, a copy from these different portraits has been made in aquatint in England on a larger scale, and has been published with the inscription underneath: " THE COMTESS OF BARRE." 1 Here is the list of portraits engraved of Madame du Barry in her riding-habit : THE COMTESSE DU BARRY. Painted by Drouais, engraved by Bau- varlet. The proofs before the letters are worth from 200 to 300 francs. Another: THE COMTESSE DU BARRY. Marilly del. Lebeau sculp. Frame ornamented at the base with doves pecking at each other, and the verses : " The Graces and Love her with worship surround ; By the Arts in their turn she is graciously crowned ! " (Les Graces et 1' Amour sans cesse 1'environnent Et les Arts avec eux tour a tour eux couronnent.) 78 Madame D\i Barry quettish print by Beauvarlet, which may be described as the official portrait of the Favourite, shows us the waist caught in a vest with military facings, while around her bare neck and between her breasts plays, like a man's frill gaping Another : THE COMTESSE DU BARRY. Paris : Duchaine, Rue Saint- Jacques and Bligny, Riding school at the Tuileries. There is a list before No. 213. Another : Legrand, sculp., and at the end of the verse : " To please is not her only care in life." (Plaire n'est pas Funique soin pour elle.) Four other detestable portraits, the first fabricated for a book bearing above the words : Tome IV., page 159 ; the second, Printed and sold by Henri van Dussen, London, 1775; the third, J. G. Jaen- niske, sculp. ; the fourth, E. Bonneville, sculp., and below, M. Jne. Gomart de Vaubernier. There is still a sheet in which the portrait of the Du Barry figures in the midst of portraits of Charlotte Corday, of Bailly, of Barnave, of Luckner. Finally a couple of aquatints of the portrait of Beauvarlet have been made in England. The words inscribed on it are : " Drouais pinxit; J. Watson fecit Madame de Barre. Engraved from a draw- ing after the original picture painted by Drouais in possession of Louis XV., published 25th Th., 1771." Lastly, Bonnet has made of this portrait two reproductions in colour : The first, a pendant of the little portrait of Marie Antoinette, but without any of her qualities, has in the frame beribboned and surrounded with flowers the following inscription : " MADAME LA COMTESSE DU BARRY." England, by Bonnet, 1769. The second reproduction, drawn in red or in blue, and sometimes made to imitate a pastel, is the head of Madame du Barry, represented at her natural size in her riding-habit. The inscription is : " Drouais pinx. Bon- net, sculp. MADAME LA COMTESSE DU BARRY, Paris, Bonnet, Rue Ga- lande, between a candle-stick-maker and a packing-case-maker." Let us complete the list of portraits engraved at the time by the portraits which represent other paintings besides the two portraits of Drouais. 79 Madame D\J Barry slightly open, a large piece of English lace. She has a smooth head-dress, and two or three patches stuck here and there set off the rebellious expression of that charming, saucy little face. 1 Therefore, what a crowd, what a crush there 1 Independently of the two portraits of the Salon of 1769 (sold at the Devere Sale, March 17, 1855) Madame du Barry has been the theme for portraiture many times by the painters of her time. Drouais, the favourite painter of the Comtesse, has again on exhibi- tion in the Salon for 1771 a picture of her as one of the Muses veiled in transparent drapery, which accentuates the nudity of her entire form and allows the legs to be seen as far as the knees. A critic has said of this portrait: "Drouais has once more failed to give a true portrait of the Comtesse du Barry, when he to-day presents her to us with the attributes of a tarnished and almost faded Flora." Whether it was owing to this criticism, or that there were quite enough of nasty jokes as to the nudity of her charms, or whether it was due to the clamour of the devotees, the portrait was withdrawn almost as soon as it was exhibited. The same year the " Secret Memoirs " announced that Greuze was There is, first of all, a coarse portrait engraved by some anony- mous person of Madame du Barry as a Bacchante. Another portrait in which Madame du Barry is represented in Court dress and with a large headdress of feathers, bears at the foot of it these words: "Jeanne Gomard de Vaubernier, Comtesse du Barry. Decapitated in Paris on the i8th Brumaire, the year II (pth of December, 1793), at the age of 42. Bonivet, sculp, a la pointe. This is the portrait which Favrolle put at the head of his " Historic Memoirs." Finally, a last portrait of Madame du Barry, the rarest of all her portraits, without doubt done in London in one of her journeys in search of her diamonds, the watch with a handkerchief tied with a loose knot, a short tippet with big folds, a white robe, the waist of which is under the breast, in fact, a toilet which already heralds the fashion of the Directoire. Underneath, " R. Cosway, pinxit. J. Conde, sculp. M. la Comtesse du Barry, London. Published by J. Conde, February, 1794, and sold by I. Tompkins, No. 49 New Bond Street." 80 Madame D\i Barry- was around these, two canvases ! It was even so big a crowd that, one day, Walpole, who had come to the exhi- bition to see the two portraits, had to abandon the attempt. 1 On the day when Madame du Barry, accompanied by a train of painters and sculptors, repaired to the Salon, every one was ordered to go out, 2 according to the orders of M. 1 Letter of the 30th of August, 1769. " Horace Walpole's Letters." Didier, 1872. 1 " Letters of Madame du Deffand to Walpole." Treuttel, 1872, Tome I. striving for a portrait of the favourite. It is the portrait figuring under No. 46 amongst the objects chosen by the Committee of Arts at Luciennes after the execution of the Comtesse; a portrait also catalogued : " An Unfinished Picture representing the Dubarry as a Bacchante." Madame Lebrun relates in her " Memoirs " that she made three por- traits of Madame du Barry. The first, painted in 1786, represented the mistress of Luciennes in a three-quarters' bust, in a white dress- ing gown, with a straw hat surmounted by a feather. A second por- trait, painted, like the first for the Due de Brissac, showed the Com- tesse du Barry dressed in white satin, and holding a crown in one hand. Subsequently, Madame Lebrun found at a sale the face all daubed with rouge. A third portrait, commenced by Madame Lebrun in 1789, and which she had left with only the arms and waist outlined, and found again by the emigre at the house of the Comte Louis of Narbonne, on his return to France, was resumed and finished. In a love letter of Rohan-Rochefort, there is a reference to a por- trait begun under the Revolution by Letellier. Finally, the Museum of Versailles preserves under the number 4537> a portrait of Madame du Barry by an unknown painter (is it a copy of Drouais?) in which she is represented in a dressing-gown, with her hair uncombed, leaning on a dressing-table, and stirring a cup of coffee with a little spoon, with Zamor in front of her carrying a tray. And let us not forget also that she has been painted, in one of her latest trips to England, by Cosway. 81 6 Madame D\i Barry de Saint-Florentin, who prescribed for the new Favourite's reception the same ceremonial as in the case of Madame de Pompadour. In view of all the conspicuous testimonies of favour shown this year to Madame du Barry by the King, who was becoming more infatuated about her from day to day, in view of the increasing influence she employed from asso- ciation with Richelieu, D'Aiguillon, Maupeou, Maillebois, and Broglie, feeling the secret disloyalty to himself of men of high rank whom he thought to be on his side and of il- lustrious ladies who were only longing for the moment to imitate the example of the Duchesse de Mirepoix, perceiv- ing in short in the atmosphere of the Court the symptoms of the serious and lasting domination of a woman establish- ing her position by the love which she had won, Choiseul thought it expedient to give way. The minister came to declare to the King his respect for the wishes of his master and for the desires of the woman who enjoyed his favour. The graceful face of Madame du Barry was almost as frequently made the subject of treatment by sculptors as by painters. Pajou did a bust of her, that bust which had such a great success at the Salon of 1771, that official bust reproduced in plaster. And this bust he redeemed and modified in the attitude, the adjustment, and the arrangement of the hair, even five times, as we may see in his memorandum given in the Appendix. Caffieri in 1770 made that delightful bust entirely in plaster which is in the Library at Ver- sailles, a piece of sculpture much superior to that of Pajou, who makes the mistress a Bourbonian and unintelligent, while Caffieri has reproduced the archness, the complaisances, the effrontery of that face so nymph-like, even to the saucy outlines of the quivering nostrils. 82 Madame Dxa Barry He begged of the King not to hold him responsible for the tone of hauteur adopted by his sister and his wife towards Madame du Barry, as he had done everything in his power to bring them to exhibit a very different attitude. But Richelieu, the friend to suspend and to depend on, said to Du Barry that she should be distrustful, as the Due de Choi- seul was only keeping up a brave heart against ill-fortune. And Madame Du Barry, who, in the beginning of her favour, had told the Due that, if he wanted to make advances to her, she would meet him half-way, found that he was too slow in making these advances. This act of submission on the part of M. de Choiseul had not restored him to Louis XV.'s good graces. He found himself very rarely summoned or invited to the cabinet sup- pers. The favourite, when he was her partner at whist, did not spare him the grimaces, the mockeries, the shrugs, all the little revenges of the pensionnaire, which if they did not lower his credit in his own department, " caused a fall in his estimation amongst fools." At this time, the minister, who, a year before, had been all-powerful, asked, for the Vicomte de Choiseul, the post of captain-lieutenant of Light- Horse: Madame du Barry prevented him from getting the appointment. Thus menaced, M. de Choiseul remained still confident in the extent of his plans. He was reassured by the difficulties of the political crisis with which Europe was threatened, by the support of the magistrates, the men of letters, and all the persons who were scandalized by the King's new love-af- 83 Madame Dm Barry fair either on moral or social grounds. Besides, the King stuck to his minister. He lived in the belief that M. de Choiseul was the only man capable of carrying on public affairs, the only one who possessed the art of keeping the enemies of France divided and deprived of the opportunity of disturbing her. He regarded him as the man who was necessary, indispensable, the keystone of European peace. He dreaded a new figure on the scene, the bustle of a change, the interference for even a moment with the cus- tomary programme of the monarchy. Did he not see, at the first rumour of Choiseul's disgrace, the Lieutenant of Police coming to announce to him the lowering of the Royal credits, the Prince of Starhemberg asking for explanations on the part of the Prince de Kaunitz in the name of Austria, and all the ministers of the Bourbons in Europe, attached to M. de Choiseul by the " Pacte de Famille " * following Prince Starhemberg? In order to get rid of his embarrass- ment, Louis XV. broke through his ordinary habits, and, without seeking to effect a reconciliation between his min- ister and his mistress, as he had already tried to do in the case of the Bellevue supper, he entered into an explanation with M. de Choiseul, revealed to him how matters really stood, and defended Madame du Barry against his hostility and his suspicions. The King wrote to his minister this letter, the authen- ticity of which is incontestable : 1 Students of French history may remember the importance of the " Pacte de Famille " in pre-Revolution days. TRANSLATOR. 84 Madame Du. Barry " I begin with M. d'Aiguillon. How can you believe that he is able to replace you ? I like him well enough, it is true, on account of the trick I played on him a long time ago. 1 Hated as he is, what good could he do? " You carry on my affairs well ; I am perfectly satisfied with you; but take care of followers and persons offering you advice. You know Madame du Barry ; it certainly was not M. de Richelieu who made me acquainted with her, 2 though he may know her, and does not venture to see her, and the only time he has seen her for a moment was by my express orders. I thought of making her acquaintance before her marriage. She is pretty; I am satisfied with her, and I am every day enjoining her to be careful about those who gather about her and offer her advice; for you may well imagine she has no lack of them. She has no hatred of you. She knows your talent, and has no ill-will against you. The exasperation against her has been frightful, and wrongly so, for the most part. They would be at her feet if so goes the world. "She is very pretty; she pleases me; this ought to be enough. Do people want me to take a girl of rank ? If the Archduchess were a lady such as I might desire, I would 1 The King is here alluding to the Duchesse de Chateauroux, car- ried off by him from the Due d'Aiguillon. * Sara Goudar, in her " Remarks on the Anecdotes of Madame la Comtesse Dubarri," says she had it on good authority "that the King had by accident cast a glance at her in a crowd, and had then lost sight of her; but this first glance having made an impression on him, he imposed on Lebel the task of finding her again. 85 Madame D\i Barry take her as a wife with great pleasure ; but I would like to see her and know her beforehand. Her brother has been looking out for one, and he has not succeeded. I believe that I would be better able to judge than he is, for it is necessary to bring things to an end ; and the fair sex other- wise would always be giving me trouble ; for most certainly you will not see a Madame de Maintenon in my case. Here is, I think, enough about it for this time." 1 An interview, a three hours' conversation between M. de Choiseul and Madame du Barry during the sojourn of the Court at Fontainebleau, was the result of this letter, but each of them brought to the conference their respective dis- trusts, prejudices, and requirements. They remained on a hostile footing with a little more display of hypocritical forms. And M. de Choiseul was angry at the step he had taken, which his friends looked upon as a fault, " since it had not produced any good result." 2 Madame du Barry was beginning to occupy the attention of Europe. What was told about her past, what was known of her sway over the King's senses, what transpired of her secret triumphs over the Prime Minister, what her engraved portraits said of her beauty and her grace, made the Fa- vourite an enigmatic personage, a historic figure full of unexpectedness and novelty, towards whom the curiosity of 1 Letter of Louis XV. to the Due de Choiseul, communicated by his nephew, M. le Due de Choiseul. Revue de Paris, 1829. Tome IV. It is an autograph letter. 1 " Letters of the Marquise du Deffand to Walpole." Trcuttel, 1812. Tome I. 86- Madame Dxi Barry foreigners was attracted. And Walpole, having come across from England, almost immediately after his arrival, hur- ried to Versailles to have a look at the woman who was loved by the King of France. He saw Madame du Barry in the chapel. Accompanied by her inseparable sister-in- law, the Favourite came and sat down at the foot of the altar in the lower part of the church, without powder, with- out rouge, without having made her toilet. 1 The English lord, who compares himself somewhere in his carriage painted and gilt to the grandfather of the Loves, strongly expresses his astonishment at this small show of state, at this absence of ceremony, on the part of the mistress in the palace of Louis XIV. It was because Madame du Barry brought to the Court the indolent and soft habits of body of her former life, a gay woman's taste for free and easy ways, a repugnance towards the exigencies and the sacrifices of official full dress. She thought her hair too beautiful to spoil it with powder, and always refused, Madame Lebrun declares, to put on rouge. She loved to have around her person the sense of being unrestrained by external things, the floating of soft garments, the fluidity of tissues, a toilet which retained a little of that deshabille of the bedroom, of the boudoir. Even at the cabinet suppers, which had hitherto seen women only in full dress, Madame du Barry accus- tomed Louis XV. to see her come to table in her ordinary costume. And, in this voluptuous fashion, she wore those 1 Letter of September 17, 1769. " Horace Walpole's letters to George Montagu." Janet* 1818. 87 Madame Du, Barry loose chignons, invented, designed by her for her formei lover, the hairdresser Lamet, those chignons a la Du Barry, 1 which, stuck to the head, though not appearing to stick there, resemble a woman's hair ready to fall off with her head thrown back. The remainder of the autumn, in that nomadic life of the Court, in those continual changes of place, by means of which Louis XV. sought to beguile the solemn ennui of Versailles; in those sojourns at Choisy, at Saint-Hubert, at Fontainebleau, the King had the satisfaction of seeing Madame du Barry with a train of fine ladies who had been conquered and won. Madame du Barry most frequently accompanied her Royal lover in that pretty masculine cos- tume which Drouais' picture has popularised. It was in this dress of a huntress that, during the journey of the Court to Fontainebleau, she posed for the flinging of a stag to the King's Pavilion with Bouret, the great inventor of adu- lations towards courtesans. He led Madame du Barry towards the Venus sculptured by Coustou for the King of Prussia, a statue for which the gallant Fermier-General, di- vining the love of the King, had got the Favourite's figure substituted. 1 Madame du Barry could not merely be credited with inventing the chignons which bear her name. The " Anecdotes " also attribute to the taste and the coquetry of Madame du Barry the invention of the " greluchon/' a long pin, the top of which was drawn into her chignon, putting it in at the left. The name had made virtuous women dis- approve of it, and the greluchon ("fancy man") had only been adopted by fashionable ladies. fli. MADAME DU BARRY To face page 88 VI. Nomination of the Abbe Terrai to the post of Controller-General. Choiseul alarms the Favourite with the announcement of the Dauph- iness's Arrival. The Continuation of the Case of D'Aiguillon Ac- cused of Acts which stained his Honor. The Chancellor's "Job- bery." Madame du Barry becoming D'Aiguillon's Mistress and the Instrument of Choiseul's Dismissal. Removal from the Records of the Palais de Justice of the Minutes of the D'Aiguillon case. Cool- ness of the King towards Choiseul. Denunciation of the Abbe de la Ville. The Rising of the Council of September 21, 1770. THE year 1769 ended badly for M. de Choiseul. On De- cember 2 ist, at a council held in Versailles and composed of members of the Councils of State, of Finances, of Mails, the Controller-General, Maynon d'Invau, a creature of Choi- seul, whose financial plans had been criticized by the Chan- cellor, laid them down on the desk changed, corrected, modified, declaring that he had nothing better to present. Maupeou addressed the Council, and gave a highly-coloured picture of the distress of France, and demonstrated the in- sufficiency of the plans presented by the Controller-General. Thereupon, Choiseul defended his protege and his opera- tions. The Chancellor replied with much vehemence, and triumphantly refuted the remarks of the Due de Choiseul. The King, not hiding his ill-temper, broke up the council, and withdrew into his cabinet, the door of which he shut 89 Madame Dv* Barry violently. 1 Then the Chancellor was sent for, and remained for half an hour in conference with the King. There was determined upon the nomination of the Abbe Terrai, whom the Chancellor had beforehand buoyed up with the hope of passing one day from the Controller-General's office to some less dangerous department in the gap which would be made by the approaching retirement of Choiseul. It was one enemy the more and in possession to impede and thwart all the projects of the minister, an enemy whose hostility Choi- seul was sure to exasperate, owing to his levity of disposi- tion, by uttering satires and mockeries with regard to his economical ideas. On the evening of the Council, when the Duke foresaw what would be the result next day of the con- ference between the King and the Chancellor, he displayed a gaiety which made him write to one of the women who supped at his house : " It will be like Charles VII., to whom people said, ' You cannot lose a kingdom more gaily.' " 2 M. de Choiseul, in spite of his gaiety and his affected carelessness, was beginning to find, as he bluntly expressed it, " that the jade caused him much embarrassment." 3 He could not keep from feeling restless ; he moved about on the high roads, rushing from Versailles to Chanteloup, and 1 " Memoirs concerning the Administration of Finances under the Ministry of the Abbe Terrai, Controller-General." London : Adam- son, 1776. 2 "Letters of the Marquise de Deffand to Horace Walpole." Treuttel, i8ia. Tome I. 1 "The Life and Memoirs of General Dumouriez." By Berville and Barriere. Baudouin, 1822, Tome I. 90 Madame Dxi Barry from Chanteloup to Metz, giving charge to those around him and perhaps diverting his own thoughts with a kingly train, a table with forty covers. He went even so far as to make some concessions to circumstances. He confined himself within the limits of his three ministerial offices which he held through the Due de Praslin. He no longer affected supremacy over the ministers of state. 1 The last hope he had left rested on the Dauphiness's arrival, on the influence which she would exercise, according to all antici- pations, over the King, on the tone of decency which she would bring back to the Court. Beforehand, he finessed round Madame du Barry, who used to say that at times the Court stank in her nostrils. He exercised a secret ter- ror over her, had advice given to her by M. de Noailles to go away, to yield up her place for a moment, to take the waters at Barege. 2 Without Richelieu, Madame du Barry would have gone; but Richelieu opened her eyes, and she stayed, sustained in this resolution by D'Aiguillon. The Archduchess once installed in Versailles, the umbrage with which the Favourite inspired the King, the reports by means of which she prejudiced his mind against the young Dauph- iness, soon changed the original sentiments of Louis XV. into coldness, and ruined, with Marie Antoinette's credit, the last chances of the minister. In the month of March of this year, 1770, Madame du " History of France during the Eighteenth Century." By Lacre telle Delaunay, 1812, Tome IV. " Anecdotes about the Comtesse du Barri." London, 1775, Madame D\i Barry Deffand, thanks to her apartment, which she compares to a theatre with changes of scenery, in which the Mirepoix, the D'Aiguillons, the Chabrillants, the Bedas, succeed to the Beauvaus, the Stainvilles, the Praslins, who met without fighting and without flying on this neutral ground thanks to everything that was said, avowed, confessed around her in the unconstraint of conversation, Madame du Deffand predicted that the year would not pass without a great revo- lution, 1 announced, nine months beforehand, the overthrow of Choiseul and the accesion of D'Aiguillon to power. The everlasting case of D'Aiguillon went on with ani- mosities on each side carried to an absolute pitch of frenzy. The Due de Choiseul understood that, in his contest with Madame du Barry, the Due d'Aiguillon was the soul of the " clique," as the society of Chanteloup called the opposite faction : he wanted to bar against his rival the road to the ministry by an infamous condemnation. D'Aiguillon, as we have pointed out, finding himself at the same time the butt of the hatred of the Chancellor and of Choiseul, was glad to find a prop in the Du Barry. In the memoirs writ- ten by Soulavie, on the authority of his papers, the Due d'Aiguillon declares that he had not taken any step to secure the protection of the Favourite, whom he did not know, and whom he had never seen. Madame du Barry must have taken the initiative in the matter. In her hatred of Choiseul, and with the knowledge she possessed of the opposition " Letters of the Marquise de Deffand to Horace Walpole." Treut- tel, 1812, Tome II. 92 Madame Du. Barry which he exercised over D'Aiguillon, she proposed to him this alliance. However, the support given in the beginning by Madame du Barry to the Due d'Aiguillon had little ef- fect. On the retirement of Marechal d'Estrees, she could get nothing for him. 1 And for a long time the action of D'Aiguillon, who had no official access to Versailles, was, contrary to the assertions of the memoirs of the period, only a subterranean action exercised through messages, intro- ductions by private staircases, mysterious interviews, and even this action was countermined by the tortuous machina- tions of the Chancellor, who only backed up his new ally in a half-hearted and very treacherous fashion. It was he who, in spite of the rage of D'Aiguillon, had got the idea of the judgment of the former governor of Brittany adopted by that erratic Court of Peers which sat in the Queen's ante- chamber. It was he, too, who, at the close of three sittings, and on the matter taking a favourable turn, had the Peers' judgment replaced by a Bed of Justice on the 27th of June, where a declaration was registered annulling all the pro- cedure a Bed of Justice which did not end the conflict, and the clearest advantage of which to D'Aiguillon was to be nominated for the journey to Marly and to be invited to sup with the King. 2 From all this political perfidy of the Chan- cellor resulted the famous decree of the 2nd of July, which dishonoured the Due d'Aiguillon, declared him " accused of acts which stained his honour," and suspended him from 1 " Anecdotes about the Comtesse du Barri." London, 1775. 1 " Private Life of Louis XV." London: Peter Lyton. Tome IV. 93 Madame D\i Barry his functions as a peer until judgment had been given in his case. The brutality of the affair, of the act of the Parliament, opened the eyes of the Favourite, who, very ignorant of po- litical affairs, had perhaps to reproach herself with not hav- ing rendered to D'Aiguillon all the services demanded by his position and that not through lack of good will but solely through a failure to see through all the Chancellor's jobbery. 1 To-day, she felt herself personally touched and, as it were, conjointly responsible for this infamous note striking at the man whom she protected. Next, in order to keep herself in the Favourite's mind, he had access to her at all hours; his role of canvasser, concealed and almost secret, had now ceased. Through his post of commander of Light Horse in the King's Guard, which she had got re- fused to the Comte de Choiseul and had obtained for D'Aiguillon, Choiseul's antagonist had the right to work with the King, to belong to the Council, and finally to be on visiting terms at Versailles. And so well did the poli- tician understand the importance of establishing himself and becoming a personality at Court that for this command of Light Horse, for which there had never before been paid more than from five to six hundred thousand livres, he had decided to give twelve hundred and fifty thousand livres. 2 1 " Memoirs of the Ministry of the Due d'Aiguillon." Buisson, 1792. 3 " Letters of the Marquise du Deffand to Horace Walpole." Treut- tel, 1812. Tome II. 94 Madame D\i Barry It was then that D'Aiguillon, in conjunction with the Chancellor, took hold of Madame du Barry, gave her a daily lesson, and took care that her hatred of his rival should be permanent. He forced her to use her influence with the King to bring about the exile of the Comtesse de Gramont. 1 He excited, he inflamed this nature without af- fection, without resentment, without passion, without in- terest for the people of Versailles, to whom at bottom the new Favourite showed no more of her real nature than a woman shows to actors with whom chance leads her to act in a society theatre. He disturbed her self-satisfaction in the midst of her triumphs. He filled her indolent mind with alarm. He lost sight of nothing that could drag her lazy and indifferent character into the struggle. He represented to her untiringly that there would be no security for her so long as the Due de Choiseul would remain at his post. He 1 In the month of July, 1770, at the performances which took place at the theatre of Choisy, whose dimensions were too contracted to contain the Royal Family with all their retinue, it happened that the ladies of the Palace, having taken possession of the front seats, refused to make room for the Comtesse du Barry, the Duchesse de Mirepoix, and the Comtesse de Valentinois. Some sharp words were exchanged, and the most malicious escaped from the lips of the Comtesse de Gramont, lady in waiting to the Queen. The ladies who had been subjected to this affront made a complaint, and the King sent the Comtesse de Gramont into exile fifteen leagues away from the Court. Let us point out once more that it was the Com- tesse de Gramont, mother of the Due de Gramont, and not the Duchesse, sister of the Due de Choiseul, as we have it printed by mistake. Madame du Deffand said when speaking of the exiled lady : " I only met her two or three times, She appears to me silly, bold and gossiping," 95 Madame D\i Barry repeated to her that her position made it necessary for her to get the Prime Minister dismissed from office. He drove into her light brain the idea that the best means of ruining him was to confound his cause with the cause of the Parlia- ments and to describe him to the King as the soul and mas- ter of that ambitious body which was always ready for op- position and for encroachment, and which was striving to usurp the privileges of the throne. To show the King that those two steps, simultaneous and working in harmony, the dismissal of Choiseul and the subjection of the Parliaments, would make obstacles disappear, would facilitate the pro- gress of the Government and the recovery of taxes, would remove, in short, all risk of war, such was the subject in which D'Aiguillon, fostering his ambitions along with his revenges, strove to make Madame du Barry take an interest. He took advantage of her frolicsome disposition to train her for the comedy, and to make her influence the King's mind by taking part in a number of farcical scenes. He put into her hands those oranges, with which she blew up the ministry : " Away with Choiseul ! away with Praslin ! " The gaiety of the Favourite, the element of the street arab in her disposition, her young and riotous folly, her warbling laugh- ter, her childlike arguments, her bird-like talk, that lisp so pretty in her mouth, all were turned and bent by Choi- seul's adversary towards that great object the overthrow of the Ministry and the destruction of Parliament. 1 In this 1 " Secret Memoirs to Serve for the History of the Republic of Letters." Vols, V. and VI. " Annals of Louis XV." A. Villefranche 96 Madame Du Barry role which he made the Favourite play, D'Aiguillon was one day touched by a tender sentiment, which gave the actress persistence, heat, devotion, almost intelligence. As a man of his time, he understood that, in order to make a woman entirely his, he should become her lover. Perhaps, indeed, he mingled with this diplomatic love a little desire for re- venge for the nasty trick to which Louis XV. referred in his letter. Nevertheless, whatever alloy of interest, of ven- geance, of real passion there was in the court which he paid to Madame du Barry, he knew how to touch this facile heart. And when Madame du Def fand wrote, " The D'Aiguillon is on good terms with the Du Barry," good in the full mean- ing of the word the best possible, as it was then said she only gave utterance to a fact of which all Paris was aware. He was now the official " cavaliere servente " of the mis- tress. During the illumination of the Park at Versailles, when fetes were given at night in celebration of Marie-An- toinette's marriage, Choiseul might be seen giving his arm to the Princess de Beauvau while D'Aiguillon gave his arm a lover's arm to Madame du Barry. 1 On the journey to Compiegne, it was the same eagerness, the same attention, the same arm given everywhere. Then, in the midst of amorous words, the lover recalled his case, demonstrated the 1 " Historic and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI." By Soulavie. Treuttel and Wurtz. X. Tome I. at the house of the Widow Liberty. 1782. " Private Life of Louis XV." London, 1785. " History of France during the Eighteenth Century." By Lacretelle Delaunay, 1812. Tome IV. 97 7 Madame D\i Barry- inanity of the reversal of the decree of the 2nd of July, ap- pealed for an act of good pleasure and royal favour, which he at length succeeded in snatching through his mistress from the vanquished King. On the 3rd of September, the King arrived at full speed early in the morning at the Palace in his hunting equipage, preceded by Du Vol and the four bodies of huntsmen. There, he fixed himself on the stool of the Duke of Noailles, his captain of the guards, and gave orders to carry off from the record-office the minutes of the D'Aiguillon case, of which the Chancellor accordingly took possession. The Due de Choiseul had refused to appear at the Palace, and had set out on tHe previous night for Ferte Vidame. 1 The Min- ister-King tottered under the blow. The thanks of the Due d'Aiguillon to Madame du Barry took the form of a princely present. The Duke gave her a vis-a-vis, in which the entirely new arms of the Favourite and her device, " Boutez en avant," were surrounded with a bed of roses, in which doves were pecking in the midst of pierced hearts, torches, and all the accessories of love, sur- mounted by a splendid wreath an equipage much superior in taste and in costliness to the carriages which the Dauphin had gone to seek at Strasburg. 2 Everybody would see in this present, which cost 52,000 livres, the public announce- ment of a liaison, the suspicion of which did not seem to displease M. d'Aiguillon. 1 " Memoirs of the Ministry of the Due d'Aigullon." Buisson, 1792. ' " Secret Memoirs of the Republic of Letters." Vol. V. 98 Madame Du Barry Whilst this hostile influence was being exercised over the King's mind by D'Aiguillon and the Chancellor against Choiseul, against the Parliament, against the other Guise, 1 against that other League, to which a revolutionary spirit was ever being imparted, the Duchesse de Gramont was an exile from the Court and was carrying with her through France her anger and her resentment. Under the pretext of travelling, of taking the waters, she saw on her way the mem- bers of the Parliaments had conferences with the leaders, told them that the Parliaments depended for their existence on her brother, bound them to the fortunes of a ministry which would carry in its fall the liberties of Parliamentary power, and thus organized over the Court and over the King himself a sort of pressure on and intimidation of pub- lic opinion. 2 The King, kept informed of the proceedings and the violent remarks of his minister's sister, became colder towards Choiseul. He continued working with him and inviting him to his suppers, but without honouring him with a word of civility or confidence. The cabal redoubled its efforts, and instigated Madame du Barry to use all her caresses to wrest from the King the lettre de cachet which would bring the struggle to an end. The letter was 1 According to Soulavie, a note sent to Madame du Barry and placed under the King's eyes, must have had something to do with Louis XV.'s last determination. This note declared that M. de Choiseul had Maria Theresa's promise in writing of a little province in full sovereignty with a guarantee to his descendants, if he suc- ceeded in indemnifying the House of Austria to the prejudice of the Prussian monarchy for the losses it had caused. ' " Private Life of Louis XV." Peter Lyton, 1785. Tome IV. 99 Madame Du Barry perhaps written one evening in a moment of intoxication, of weakness, and of amorousness; but next morning noth- ing could persuade the King to send it off. An incident, at last, precipitated Louis XV. 's resolutions, and compelled him to make up his mind definitely. One of the forces on which Choiseul relied, as we have said, was the impression made by him on the King that he alone pre- served peace and was able to maintain it. This was the im- pression towards which D'Aiguillon and Maupeou directed their attack. They undermined it at first secretly and with words of hidden meaning. They spread the story that the Due de Choiseul, seeing his credit declining, was anxious to excite war so as to make himself necessary, and they mur- mured that he alone was able to rouse the Spaniards to at- tack Falkland Island and to take the garrison prisoners, that he alone had protracted the negotiations about this af- fair. Louis XV., reading all Choiseul's despatches, was not ignorant of the fact that his Minister considered the army, the navy, and the finances in no condition at this moment to support a war against England; but the persistence of the accusations plunged him into greater doubts each day, and prevented him from taking up Choiseul's defence. 1 1 The Duke's spirit, at the same time light and audacious, seemed, it must nevertheless be admitted, at this critical moment, tempted by the chances of a war, a descent on England. Do we not in the month of November, a month before his fall, see the Minister display on the Council-table the celebrated plan of a descent prepared by La Rosiere and Beville by the orders of M. de Broglie, during the years 1764, 1765 and 1766. Did he not send for the Du Barrys exiled by him to attend this Council to declare to the King the possibility of success? 100 Madame Dvi Barry When D'Aiguillon had led Louis XV. to the point of irresolution and uncertainty that he wanted, he made Madame du Barry come forward. Taking the King unawares, the Favourite told him that, since she could not persuade him, it was for the interest of the State and the interest of his own peace to enlighten himself, that nothing was easier, that he had only to send for and question the Abbe de la Ville, M. de Choiseul's clerk, who was entrusted with the task in question. Now the party knew that this Abbe, ex- Secretary to the Embassy, 1 who had been highly 1 " The Abbe de la Ville," says Besenval, " started in the world by becoming a Jesuit. He then left this order to become a secular priest. Engaged as preceptor to M. de Fenelon's children, he fol- lowed him in that capacity in his embassy to Holland where soon his talent and his intrigues easily had the advantage over the limited ability and shallow intellect of M. de Fenelon. The Abbe became a confidential person, and was made Secretary to the Embassy. He remained for a long time in Holland with success in that post, and was only recalled to take the position of Chief Clerk in the office of Foreign Affairs." And on Terrai's refusal to supply the funds, he obtained a guarantee for the purpose from Foulon. It was at this very Council that Choiseul got for himself an order for three millions to pay his debts. The King signed the order, but forgot to write " good for three mil- lions." Foulon, to whom the Duke showed it on coming back from the King's presence, drew his attention to the matter, which had been forgotten. M. de Choiseul said he would have it set right at the earliest opportunity. And this first opportunity was only indicated by the date of the 22nd of December, the day when the King had decided to dismiss him, so that this cash-order was not paid, and the tail-end of the adventure necessitated the demolition of Choiseul's mansion. (" Memoirs of the Ministry of the Due d'Aiguillon." Buisson, 1792.) 101 Madame D\i Barry regarded and treated with the utmost confidence in the office of Foreign Affairs, had ceased to be a clerk owing to M. de Choiseul's habit of writing with his own hand des- patches of even the smallest moment. He was sure to give his support to everything that would be done against a minister who despised his counsels, his experience, and his person. On the 2ist of December, 1770, the King, in the presence of Madame du Barry, asked the Abbe de la Ville, whom he had secretly ordered to come to his cabinet, where were the negotiations for the maintenance of peace, and what were M. de Choiseul's intentions. The Abbe re- plied that he could not give an account of the matter to His Majesty, because the despatches of the Due de Choiseul had not been communicated to him, but that if the King wished to know the main portion of their provisions, he had only to order that minister to have a letter sent to the King of Spain declaring to that Prince that His Majesty absolutely wanted peace, and that no consideration would make him take part in the war if it were declared. " If M. de Choi- seul obeys without any rejoinder," said the Abbe de la Ville, " this is a proof that his designs are directed towards peace; if he raises objections, it is because he wants war/' The King entered the Council-chamber, and with that slight quivering of the chin which was with him the sign of in- ternal disturbance, he ordered M. de Choiseul to write a letter to the King of Spain. M. de Choiseul, who had just sent a courier into Spain with conciliatory proposals, and the D'Aiguillon party was not ignorant of the fact, replied 102 Madame Dvi Barry to the King that, before writing, it was necessary to await the answer to the plan for an arrangement, and that it would be time enough to write when that was refused. The King broke up the Council without saying a word. 1 1 "Memoirs of Baron de Besenval." Paris: Buisson, Year XIII. Vol. II. 106 VII. The Signature of Contracts on Sunday, December 23, 1770. The Intrigues of Cromot with the Prince of Condd. Lettre de Cachet exiling the Due de Choiseul to Chanteloup. Monteynard's Appointment to the War Office. Madame du Barry's " I take back my Promise." The Gracious Intervention of the Favourite in the Dismissal of M. de Choiseul from his Post of Colonel-General of Swiss. The Purchase of Vandyke's Picture representing Charles I. The Due d'Aiguillon's Appointment as Minister of Foreign Af- fairs made the occasion of a Dinner at Luciennes. Mortal Appre- hensions amongst Choiseul's Party. The " respectful " Homage of the Princes of the Blood. On Sunday, December 23rd, 1770, Louis XV., after signing a contract, flung the pen angrily on the table in place of giving it back to the Secretary of State. This touch of irritation which the King displayed against the Due de Choiseul was noticed. In the evening, the King said to the Prince of Cond6: " Prince of Cond6, will you be here to-morrow ? " " Yes, sire." And the Prince, con- trary to his custom, slept at Versailles in order to be ready for any emergency. Now the Prince of Cond was not one of those who waited with the least impatience the fall of Choiseul. He had made arrangements with the Du Barry which would place in his hands the direction of political affairs. Here is what happened : Cromot, First Clerk of Finances, who 104 Madame D\i Barry had been informed by Lebel in 1768, during the journey to Compiegne, of the frantic love which the King had con- ceived for his new mistress, and who had urged Laverdy to tease Choiseul and entangle him in his plans, had been discharged in the month of September of that year. Brought back by the Abbe Terrai, 1 he resumed his post in December, 1769, animated by the desire to avenge himself and openly declaring that he would find a means of ruining the Duke. Almost immediately, in the month of January, he asked the Due de Choiseul, through the Abbe Terray 1 the way in which sixty- four millions given for war purposes had been applied. The Duke, accustomed to account to nobody save the King, refused to answer. After this there was a suspension of payment of rescriptions and great debates in the Council, from which the Due de Choiseul issued exult- ing over his somewhat ostentatious offer of Madame de Choiseul' s diamonds to secure subsidies for Holland. Thereupon, Cromot, enraged at finding himself beaten, fell back on Madame de Monaco, the Prince of Conde's mis- tress, whom he induced to win over the Prince by the bait of the successorship to the Due de Choiseul. Nocturnal meetings were held during Shrovetide at M. de Fontenelle's house, and the Prince pledged himself to cooperate with the Chancellor and the Abbe, and to be their advocate with the King, on condition that Madame du Barry should grant him: (i) the command of the armies, (2) the choice of suc- 1 This personage's name is spelled by MM. de Goncourt in both ways " Terrai " and " Terray." TRANSLATOR. 105 Madame D\i Barry cessor to the post of Minister of War, and (3) the post of Grand Master of the Artillery. The articles had been agreed to by the mistress. 1 The King, by way of keeping his word to the Prince of Conde, went up to his own apartments, and before going to bed directed the news of his minister's dismissal to be de- spatched to the King of Spain, in accordance with a formal pledge which he had given to inform him first of this event. Choiseul, who enjoyed a still greater prepon- derance at the Court of Madrid than at the Court of Ver- sailles, 2 had asked and obtained a promise that, on this pledge, the King of Spain should have the word of honour of the King of France. The all-powerful minister con- trolled the postal arrangements; he flattered himself that he knew the courier well enough to ward off his disgrace by some stratagem similar to that to which he had resorted in February, 1765. But the courier was despatched by side-roads that night; and, when the King was going out to hunt next morning, he sent the lettres de cachet to M. de la Vrilliere. The King's letter to M. de la Vrilliere con- tained these words : " The Due de la Vrilliere will convey the following orders to MM. de Choiseul, and will bring back to me their resignations." The lettre de cachet in the King's handwriting and not 1 " Memoirs of the Ministry of the Due d'Aiguillon." Buisson, 1792. 3 " Memoirs of Baron de Besenval." Paris, Bandouin, 1821, Vol. I. 106 Madame D\* Barry countersigned, which the Due de Choiseul received from De la Vrilliere was thus worded : " I order my cousin the Due de Choiseul to place his resignation of the post of Secretary of State and of Post- master General in the hands of the Due de la Vrilliere, and to withdraw to Chanteloup till there is a fresh order from me. " Louis. 0) " At Versailles, this 24th of December, 1770." Louis XV. when sending the lettres de cachet to M. de la Vrilliere, said to him : " You will inform M. de Muy that I give him the post of War Minister." M. de la Vril- liere, after his interview with Choiseul, returned to Paris, and communicated the orders of the King to the new Min- ister of War, who accepted the office. But, as soon as he had accepted the post, the honest man, he who was called the " Montausier of Louis XVI. 's reign," spoke to 1 We give here the historic text of this letter communicated by the Due de Choiseul to the Revue de Paris in 1829. To the letter for the Due de Choiseul was annexed this letter of Louis XV. to the Due de la Vrilliere : " The Due de la Vrilliere will convey the orders here- with to MM. de Choiseul, and will bring back to me their resignations. Were it not for Madame de Choiseul, I would have sent her husband to another place, because his estate is in his management; he will be as if he were not there, and will only see his family and those whom I may permit to go there." The letter addressed to the Due de Praslin, according to the ".Annals of Louis XV.," expressed in the several terms, contained only these two lines : " I have no longer any need of your services, and I exile you to Praslin, where you will go in twenty-four hours." 107 Madame D\i Barry- La Vrilliere about his embarrassment. "What!" said M. de la Vrilliere. " But Madame du Barry ! " replied De Muy " how is that to be managed ? I cannot, all the same, carry my portfolio there. I will never submit to it. What am I to do?" La Vrilliere, according to the terms of which he was aware, had believed he saw at the first moment a suitable man for the office of War Minister in the Prince of Conde. He thought on the rage of the Prince, who was sure to assume that he had been deceived. There came back, at the same time, to his mind a vague remark of the King which made him cherish the hope of the office for his nephew D'Aiguillon. And in a Machiavellian fashion he persuaded De Muy to write a line explaining his position to the King. Thereupon De Muy wrote the clumsy letter in which he spoke of " the inflexibility of his character." The King, immediately on his return after hunting, saw only one letter with reference to the post of War Minister. He was not satisfied. He communicated the terms of the letter to Madame du Barry, who uttered " peacock's screams," and said that De Muy had insulted her. The King got into an unmanageable temper, would listen to nothing more, and went to bed. That night, all parties went scouring the country. " Chon " sent a courier to De Broglie. Cromot started for Chantilly. On the 26th, Ver- sailles became the scene of pugnacious contests, " a Hell and a bear-garden." The Chancellor, who had his usual attack of catarrh, was confined to his bed since the 24th: 108 Madame Dxi Barry he had himself conveyed in the very crisis of his illness to the Du Barry's residence. He declared that all was lost if De Broglie appeared in the Ministry, and devoted himself to gratifying the desires and ambitions of Conde, who would bring to these combinations the authority of a Prince of the Blood. Next morning, the Prince of Conde, brought back by Cromot, arrived at Chantilly in time for the mistress's little levee. She listened politely to his complaints, and said: " I have not been able to get the better of the King. He has failed me don't be angry with me for it. But I warn you that since yesterday nobody can approach him. He is coming here, and you will have a chat with him. Wait there ! " The King came in, said a few words, but did not answer when addressed. Conde kept going round the sub- ject : " But it is said De Muy refuses. . . . But if your Majesty had not fixed on any choice. . . . But there are some subjects. ... If Your Majesty per- mitted, a person might be named. ... I will take good care not to designate, much less to indicate " . . . . Not a word from the King. The Prince of Conde snatched up the Royal Almanac, stopped at Monteynard's name, spoke well of him as one whom he had seen working under his own orders, ended with the assurance that he doubted whether a better man could be found. He offered to send an express messenger for him. It was impossible to get from the King a " Yes " or a " No." The Prince of Conde left, despatched three couriers by three different routes into 109 Madame Du Barry Dauphine. The sire was found supping in a melancholy fashion with M. de Marcheval. He was brought up to Paris. He was presented by the Prince of Conde, and here was a Minister of War without the King having opened his mouth. 1 But the news as to the influence and weight of the Prince of Conde with regard to the new ministry spread over Paris, and three carriages were at the gate of the Palais Bourbon on New Year's Day, 1771. The Chancellor, mak- ing a turn-about-face, gave the Du Barry to understand that it was useless to overthrow a despotic minister if one was to be re-created in a Prince of the Blood. And, some time afterwards, when ordered to go to Chantilly by Mon- teynard, who had to endure the affront of seeing his nomi- nation of Maillebois brutally reversed by Louis XV., the Prince of Conde found himself amongst the persons who had come to have an audience with Madame du Barry. At first, there was an embarrassing silence. The King, seated in front of the fire, with his feet close to the mantelpiece, kept gazing at Madame du Barry as she walked in the diago- nal, laughing to herself at the annoyance of the prince, who, having obtained nothing, and being no longer able to keep his temper, ended by saying : " After all, this is very cruel ! for you promised me the post of Grand Master of the Ar- tillery." " It is true, I did promise it to you : well, I take back my promise ! " the airy mistress hurled at his back while she put out her tongue at him in the glass. 1 " Memoirs of the Ministry of the Due d'Aiguillon." Buisson, 1792. no Madame Du Barry Never perhaps did a Favourite work with less personal animosity for the fall of a minister than Madame du Barry did for the exile of Choiseul. She ended by exhib- iting some conscience in the role which the enemies of Choiseul assigned to her ; she never exhibited any zeal in it. Were it not for those around her who drove her on, excited her, and were every moment dragging her away from the dainty task of arranging her toilet and from the light thoughts of a pretty woman ; were it not for " the givers of advice," who forced her to have opinions about matters which bored her, to excite herself about the affairs of the ministry and to have political views; were it not for the lessons and the obsessions which would fain absolutely mould her levity and her giddiness to a strong and con- stant will; were it not for D'Aiguillon, who kept teasing her, managing her, occupying her day and night with his ambition and his hates, and trying to drive into her heart a little of his vindictiveness ; were it not for this director to whom Madame du Barry gave and was destined to give with her changes and her caprices, " more trouble to rule than all the foreign negotiations," there is no doubt that the Favourite, yielding to her soft instincts, to her conciliatory disposition, would have very speedily adopted an accommo- dating course of action which would have spared her weak brain the anxiety of an extreme conflict. 1 Since the be- ginning she had sought for his good graces; and some of 1 It was she, the Du Barry, who said to the Marechale de Mirepoix : " Just imagine one hating M. de Choiseul without knowing him ! " in Madame Dxi Barry her letters show us the amiable and almost humble tone of her thanks to the minister. 1 Vainly did she, a little later, make overtures of peace to him, while declaring herself " ready to meet him half-way/' to let him be master of every favour if he would only let her be free for all her whims. Without bearing any spite for the contemptuous way in which her advances were received, she got the reversion of the governorship of Strasburg for Choiseul's brother, the Comte de Stainville, or allowed him to get it. Even when the war of insults was started and carried on by the Duchesse de Gramont with all the violence of her char- acter, Madame du Barry did not still lose patience or hope. She did not give up the idea of bringing back M. de Choi- seul by the aid of third parties. For a long time, she tried to make him understand that he was persisting in a struggle against an enemy more powerful than himself; and, when driven to extremes, she only yielded without any zest to the necessity of the situation. On his departure, though dis- missed by the Favourite, M. de Choiseul did justice to the woman. As he was quitting Versailles in obedience to the King's lettre de cachet, seeing from the end of the court a woman at the window of Madame du Barry's apartment, and thinking that he recognized her, he bowed, and kissed his hand to her. 2 It was a pretty gesture and a final act 1 " Letters of Madame du Barry addressed to the Due de Choiseul, communicated by his nephew." Revue de Paris, 1829, Tome IV. See appendix. 8 " Memoirs of a Traveller who is taking a Rest." By M. Dutens. Bossange, 1806. Tome II. 112 Madame D\i Barry of courtesy, with which we feel glad to see M. de Choiseul's ministry closing. The victory only softened Madame du Barry's sentiments with regard to the exile of Chanteloup. When D'Aiguillon, the jaundiced and implacable man, who, longing to carry out to its last extremity the ruin of Choiseul, wanted to de- prive him of his post of Colonel-General of the Swiss Guards and the Grisons without any indemnity, it was Madame du Barry who selected M. du Chatelet, the common friend of M. de Choiseul and M. d'Aiguillon, to move the King and obtain some compensation for M. du Choiseul. It was to her that M. du Chatelet thought it right to carry his complaints as to M. d'Aiguillon's harshness and injustice. Madame du Barry immediately replied that, in spite of the reproaches she had to make against M. de Choiseul and the excessive- ness of his demands, she would try to procure for him the best treatment possible j 1 and, when M. du Chatelet seemed to be doubtful about the matter, she gave her promise to hold a bond chargeable on M. d'Aiguillon. On foot of this charge amounting to two millions D'Aiguillon only con- sented to allow M. de Choiseul a pension of 50,000 livres to the account of the charge and 200,000 livres in ready money. Finally, when all the hopes of Choiseul and of his friends seemed about to be dashed by the obstinacy of D'Aiguillon and the ill-will of the King, 2 M. du Chatelet 1 " Memoirs of the Due de Choiseul, written by Himself and Printed under his eye at Chanteloup in 1778." Paris, 1790. Second Part. a According to Madame du Deffand, who is well informed, in a 113 8 Madame D\i Barry was astonished, touched, when he saw in the salon of Choisy Madame du Barry talking in an almost angry fashion to M. d'Aiguillon and exclaiming as she left him, " It is a nice thing that this should be so ! " then going over to the King who was leaning on the mantelpiece, speaking to him, beck- oning towards M. d'Aiguillon to come and back up what she said, and never letting the King slip away from her till he uttered these words, as he sat down to play : " Sixty thousand livres pension and one hundred thousand crowns in cash." 1 Now that Choiseul was exiled, the Chancellor and D'Ai- guillon, this time united by a common resentment, worked together to give the final blows to the Parliament 2 which, a 1 " Memoirs of the Due de Choiseul, written by himself." Paris, 1790. " Memoirs of Besenval." By Berville and Barriere. Bau- douin, 1821. 3 The fall of Choiseul and the future dismissal of the Parliament gave birth to a caricature, which, like all the caricatures of the eigh- teenth century anterior to the Revolution, cannot be found. It is de- scribed in the " Secret Memoirs," in which the Chancellor, the Con- troller-General and the Comtesse du Barry are seated round the King. The first President is depicted as carrying towards them a little hamper containing heads, purses, and other things. Some of the contents of the hamper suggest ideas contrary to decency, and the point of the caricatures appears to be that while the Chancellor makes a rush for the heads and the Controller-General for the purses, Madame Du Barry's instincts lead her to rush for the unmentionable articles in the hamper. (Note slightly modified from the original for obvious reasons. TRANSLATOR.) letter of which M. du Chatelet was the bearer, the Due de Choiseul asked (i) for his liberty, (2) the payment of his debts, three or four millions which he had spent of his wife's estate and two others from 114 Madame Dvi Barry few days before the fall of the Minister, had suspended the examination of the affairs of private individuals, giving as a pretext for this revolutionary measure that its mem- bers in their profound grief had not their minds sufficiently free to decide as to the goods, the life, and the honour of the King's subjects. On the night of the iQth or 2Oth of February, 1771, each member of Parliament was awakened by two musketeers, who presented him with an order of the King to resume his functions, to which he had to attach a " yes " or " no " without making any remarks. Some of them, influenced by the terror of their wives and children, had the weakness to recant. But, next day, when they were collected in a body, the timid went back upon their feeble acquiescence of the pre- vious night. On the following day, they were awakened a second time by a prisoners' usher, who gave them notice of a decree of the Council declaring their places confiscated, forbidding them thenceforth to fulfil their functions, or even assume the title of member of Parliament. And after this usher came two musketeers bringing them lettres de cachet which exiled them into distant provinces. 1 1 "Private Life of Louis XV." London: Peter Lyton, 1785. Tome IV. different creditors, and on this point he recalled the favour granted in November by the King rendering null the omission of the words, "Good for three millions." "Is this the resignation?" asked the King of M. du Chatelet. " No, Sire, but the proposals which the Due of Choiseul makes to Your Majesty." "I do not want the letter; I want the resignation." And the unconditional resignation having Madame D\J Barry These violent measures were wrested from the will of the King by the cackling of Madame du Barry, who, at the promptings of her advisers, kept repeating after each remonstrance of the provincial Parliaments : " Sire, one more representation for the purpose of taking away from you gradually the Royal authority, and coming a long dis- tance to dethrone you! In the month of March, while Maupeou was looking out for the elements and the men of his new Parliament, intriguing, jobbing, corrupting, the Favourite was induced to buy for 24,000 livres the portrait by Vandyke of Charles I., King of England, from the col- lection of Baron de Thiers. 1 This picture, hung so as to be seen on entering Madame du Barry's apartment, suggested to her a dramatic appeal to the imagination of the King, who every day heard his mistress saying : " France, do you see this picture? If you let your Parliament do it, it will have your head cut off, as the Parliament of England had Charles I.'s." z By these threats of dispossession of au- thority, by these threats of violent death in the presence of the portrait of the decapitated English King, issuing from a beloved mouth at every possible opportunity, Madame du 1 " Secret Memoirs of the Republic of Letters." Tome V. Lon- don John Adamson. * "Annals of Louis XV." A. Villefranche, at the Widow Liberty's, 1782. " Private Life of Louis XV." London, 1785. Tome IV. been sent from Chanteloup, the King put it into his pocket without reading it. 116 Madame D\i Barry- Barry brought about that celebrated Bed of Justice of the 1 5th day of April, 1771, at which were read the three edicts, the first dissolving the Parliament of Paris, the second dis- solving the Court of Aids, and the third transforming the Great Council in the new Parliament. The King termi- nated the sitting with these imperious words : " I forbid every deliberation contrary to my will and all representa- tions in favour of my former Parliament, for I will never change." And the phrase, " I will never change," was ut- tered by the King, Madame Necker declares, while turn- ing round towards Madame du Barry, concealed behind a gauze curtain. 1 The complete victory gained at the same time by the Due d'Aiguillon over Choiseul and over the Parliament did not, however, permit Madame du ~Barry to introduce the ex- Governor of Brittany into the ministry at the first moment. At one time, the Due d'Aiguillon had been mentioned for the Ministry of Marine, but the Favourite was persuaded that the hour had not arrived for giving the post to her protege, that this hasty appointment might put people's minds into a greater ferment, that it was much better to wait till " they were accustomed to look at the Duke in a state of innocence." The main result, it must be admitted, was that the pri- vate animosities which divided the members of the Coalition " Miscellanies extracted from the Manuscripts of Madame Neck- er." Pougens, Year CI. Vol. III. 117 Madame D\> Barry- only ended in the exclusion of both sections, and prevented any serious and definite appointment. 1 The Prince of Conde, who, in the opening months of the year 1771, had considerable influence, was hostile to the Due d'Aiguillon, and Monteynard, the Minister of War manufactured by his Highness, was the servile instrument of his antipathy. Maupeou, when the business of the Parliament had been disposed of, became again an ally from whom the Duke had everything to fear. D'Aiguillon could not, and would not, when he came at last to be minister, have the evidence pro- duced at the hearing of his case given up : " The evidence is there," said the Chancellor to everybody ; " they follow me everywhere like the seals, to Compiegne, to Versailles, to Paris, and to Fontainebleau. I can begin the proceedings over again when I wish." 2 Terrai, who had obtained the temporary occupation of the Ministry of Marine, and meant to keep it, belonged still entirely to the Chancellor. The Comte de Broglie, "the little intriguer" eternally blinded by ambition, interest, and anger " three passions," says Dumouriez, " which have always dominated him " the Comte de Broglie, the protege of the Duchess de Mirepoix, the cherished pet of the Du Barry's two sisters-in-law, the 1 "Private Life of Louis XV." Peter Lyton, 1785. Tome IV. " Letters of the Marquise du Deffand to Horace Walpole." Treuttel, 1812. Tome II. - " Memoirs of the Ministry of the Due d'Aiguillon ' Paris, Buis- son, 1792. 118 MADAME NECKER To face page 118 Madame D\i Barry " Chon " and the " Bischi," with the object of supplanting D'Aiguillon, strove to give the Favourite as a lover one of his intimate friends, the Chevalier de Jaucourt 1 the gentle- man who was called " Moonshine " owing to his talent for telling ghost-stories. Lastly, Maillebois, the third member of the triumvirate composed of D'Aiguillon, De Broglie, and Maillebois, who had the promise of the command of the army under the orders of Conde, if France entered on a campaign, and whose appointment to the post of one of the four directors of the war had been so brutally annulled by the King, no longer brought D'Aiguillon any warm co- operation. But D'Aiguillon had too great a hold over Madame du Barry to allow all these smothered resentments and all these secret intrigues to have any other result save to retard by a few months the accession of the Duke to the ministry. Since the month of April, he had got De Boynes, pushed on by him, to obtain possession of the Ministry of Marine, taken away from the Abbe Terrai. De Boynes was recog- nized as the foremost man amongst the contending faction, and Maupeou felt that he had been placed there by D'Aiguil- lon as a substitute for him if he relaxed his efforts for the destruction of the magistracy. 2 Behind the scenes, the Due d'Aiguillon was already the master; it was he who made the great administrative and diplomatic changes of the " Memoirs of the Ministry of the Due d'Aiguillon." Buisson,i792. "Historical and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI." By Soulavie. Treuttel, 1801. Tome I. 119 Madame D\i Barry month of March and that during his sojourn for a week at his chateau of Veret his object being that the big blows should be struck during his absence. 1 Strong in the amor- ous protection of the Favourite, he had also had, during his journey to Paris, the support of the Prince Royal of Swe- den, 2 to whom the first house that was open was the house of the Dowager Duchesse d'Aiguillon, who had closely cul- tivated the acquaintance of Count Schaeffer when he was in the Swedish Embassy. The Due d'Aiguillon was nomi- nated to the office of Minister of Foreign Affairs in the month of June, 1771. 3 1 "Letters of the Marquise du Deffand to Horace Walpole." Treuttel, 1812. Tome II. 2 The Prince of Sweden, while paying court to the Choiseul party, presented a gold collar to Madame du Barry's dog. On his accession to the throne, Gustavus III. wrote to her : " The part which you took in my successes renders them still more agreeable to me. The Baron de Lieven has made me a faithful report of the kindnesses which you have shown him, and I thank you for them sincerely. I count with confidence on the sentiments which you have always manifested towards me, and I do not doubt that I may often have occasion for speaking to you of the gratitude with which I pursue very sincerely the Comtesse du Barry." * The " Copy of a Letter written from Paris on June loth, 1771," describes in those terms the notification of the appointment of the Due d'Aiguillon : " Last Thursday all the foreign ministers, having been invited to sup at the house of Due de la Vrilliere, went there without being informed of the reasons for that supper, of which they were for a long time ignorant. The King, having been told that they were all assembled, appeared with a laughing face, accompanied by the Due d'Aiguillon, whom he introduced to them himself with the announcement that he had appointed him Minister of Foreign Af- fairs, and that they should in the future deal directly with him for 120 Madame D\i Barry The appointment of D'Aiguillon was celebrated by Madame du Barry by a grand dinner at Luciennes where sat at the Favourite's table with the minister's wife, his mother, that patroness of the Encyclopedists, that har- bourer of the Abbe de Prades during his persecution, that gross atheist with a crooked nose, a wild look, and a dis- ordered mind, 1 whom the society of Chanteloup never be- lieved likely to meet the Favourite on terms of social equal- ity. There were present at this dinner all the Ministers of State, the entire diplomatic corps 2 with the exception of the ambassadors to Spain and Naples, the only ambassadors who were not on visiting terms with the Favourite. The bilious nature of the man, the grudges he had ac- cumulated for so many years, the experience of eating out his own heart in disgrace and separation from the Court, which had already planted in his diseased mind the irritat- ing germs of a malady of which he would die, the liquified 1 " Unpublished Correspondence of Madame du Def fand." Colin, 1809. Tome II. 2 The ambassador for England was very favorable to the Due de Choiseul's adversary, and Paris commented strongly on a dinner given by him exclusively to the d'Aiguillon faction, in the month of Feb- ruary, 1772. The Ambassador of Spain, that Power all devoted to Choiseul, refused on the contrary to go to the dinners given by d'Aiguillon and by Madame de Valentinois, at which the Sultana was a guest. all that would belong to this department. The assembly was so speechless with the pleasure which this news gave it, that the Duke was not in any way complimented, and the entire supper passed in the most majestic silence." 121 Madame Dxi Barry bones, the bones like wax in the dog-days, 1 drove the Due d'Aiguillon, in his hour of triumph, to personal vengeances. Jarente, the Bishop of Orleans, was exiled; 2 M. d'Usson was replaced in Sweden by M. de Vergennes. Breteuil, who had already ordered his carnages, saw himself refused by Madame du Barry the audience which had been promised to him, and was recalled from the Ambassadorship of Vienna. Rulhiere lost the post and the pension which he had at the office of Foreign Affairs. 3 D'Aiguillon struck high and low, right and left. Lettres de cachet were suspended over the heads of the Archbishop of Toulouse, the Mare- chal de Duras, Governor of Brittany, the Due de Goutant, M. de Malesherbes, President of the Aides, M. de Tru- daine, and even the Lieutenant of Police, M. de Sartine. Madame du Barry, whose lover had for a moment aroused anger by piquant anecdotes, and satirical verses and songs, said openly that all Choiseul's friends were to be removed, and his creatures deprived of posts and employments. There were some months of terror; everybody was in a state of mortal apprehension, 4 women as well as men. All the Court 1 " Historical and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI." By Soulavie. Treuttel, 1801. Vol. I. 2 The Bishop of Orleans had induced Madame Adelaide to go and cast herself at the King's feet to ask for Choiseul's recall. 8 " Secret Memoirs of the Republic of Letters." Tome IV. 4 "Letters of the Marquise du Deffand to Horace Walpole," Treuttel, 1812. Tome II. In a letter of the nth of September, 1771, published by the Comte de Sainte-Aulaire, the fear of the Duchesse de Choiseul for her own friends and those of M. de Choiseul clothed itself in a pretty simile : " I have a dreadful fear of M. d'Aiguillon. 122 Madame D\i Barry ladies who had been the leaders in the wars of the Salons, and who had inflicted such cruel wounds on D'Aiguillon and the Favourite with their jests and their pretty sarcasms, such as Madame de Brionne whose contempt for the clique had been so intense, Madame d'Egmont, who did not want to have even her portrait in the same room with Madame du Barry, 1 Madame de Noailles, whom a literary sketch of Gus- tavus III. presents to us storming against the Chancellor, against D'Aiguillon, against Du Barry, in short, against all those patriotic and philosophic fine ladies who were at the same time excited to almost revolutionary pitch in a sen- timent of independence against the King's good pleasure and of evecration against his mistress, those women felt themselves menaced by D'Aiguillon through their husbands, their lovers, their allies. It was thus that she whose action had on the attitude of the Due de Choiseul towards Madame 1 Madame d'Egmont had promised her portrait to Gustavus III. She wrote to him : " Put it in my power to send you my portrait. I cannot do so without a positive assurance that you neither have nor will have that of Madame du Barry." She returns to the charge in another letter : " Sire, it is said that you have asked for Madame du Barry's portrait; people even go so far as to say that you have writ- ten to her. I have denied it at every risk, but it has been maintained to me in such a positive manner that I beg of you to authorize me to deny it on your behalf also. No ; it cannot be." Finally, in a last letter she says: "I still ask you for an answer as to Madame du Barry's portrait. Pray be kind enough to let me have your word of honour that you neither have it nor will have it." " Gustavus III. and the Court of France." By Geoffrey. Didier, 1867. Tome I. He takes every kind of form. He is like the wicked genii of the ( Thousand and One Nights/ " 123 Madame D\i Barry du Barry an influence perhaps as great as that of the Duchesse de Gramont, she who wished that the minister should be " at daggers drawn " with her own sister-in-law, the Marechale de Mirepoix, she whose insolence of speech had never known any restraint, she who wrested from the King almost with violence the permission to go to Chante- loup 1 saw her husband, the Marechal de Beauvau, deprived of his post of commander at Languedoc. Destitution, perse- cution, exile, the illustrious lady bore in the assurance that it was only a trifling thing to suffer compared with the honour of securing liberty and preserving themselves against des- potic power. Unhappily for the maintainance of such beauti- ful doctrines, the people at Court were then all head over ears in debt, and could only keep themselves up through the favours of the King. The Marechal de Beauvau had 700,- ooo livres of debts on which he paid interest and more than 450,000 francs demanding immediate payment. He was obliged to petition the King in order to obtain a little money, obliged to make an appeal to be allowed to remain employed as Lieutenant General a position which gave him a salary 1 With regard to Chanteloup, let us give this letter addressed by Vrilliere to Maynon d'Invau, asking permission 1 to call on the Due de Choiseul. It refers to the displeasure felt by the King at these visits without any attempt by him, however, to forbid them. " I have submitted to the King the letter in which you express a desire to go to Chanteloup, and His Majesty has done me the honour to say in reply that he had never granted anyone permission to go there, but that he had not refused, and that he had left those who asked him for liberty to do it to decide for themselves as to what course they would take in the matter." 124 Madame D\i Barry of 37,000 francs. And the superb household, which had commenced by braving the King, ended by asking him for alms. 1 So with the Beauvau household ; so with other households of the Court, reduced, subdued, enslaved by the question of money. The intimidation of society, of the Salons, of women, hav- ing thus been obtained, seduction was employed with Princes of the Blood, who had been vainly invited by let- tres de cachet to the Comte de Provence's marriage in order to bring about their desertion in the business of the Parlia- ment and to lead them back to the Court. In this negotia- tion, Maupeou showed a knowledge of human nature in its most secret depths, a discernment in the choice of agents entrusted by him to work upon human weaknesses, a really extraordinary skill in managing souls and corrupting men. Before the Prince of Conde, who had been abandoned by the Comte de Clermont's death to his floating, irreso- lute character, so that he no longer remained obstinate in his oppositions, he held out the dazzling perspective of the mar- riage of " Mademoiselle " with the Comte d'Artois. Some councillors, won over by Maupeou, insinuated to the Prince de Conde that he should draw closer to the Court, and in- flame, before it would become a question of a foreign princess, the budding attachment of the Prince for his daughter. The Prince of Bourbon was dragged by the 1 "Letters of the Marquise du Deffand to Horace Walpole." Treuttel 1812. Tome II. 125 Madame Du Barry Chancellor in his father's train by the paltry bait of the Knighthood of the Holy Ghost, which the young Prince had been disappointed in not getting at an age when the Princes of the Blood are habitually decorated, which led some jokers to say at the occasion of the first journey of the two princes to Versailles " that the Father and the Son were go- ing to look for the Holy Ghost." After the letters of submission of the House of Conde, the Chancellor was not slow in obtaining letters of submis- sion from the House of Orleans. With the Due d'Orleans Maupeou made use of Madame de Montesson's ambitious desire to become Duchesse d'Orleans, to raise herself to the dignity of first Princess of the Blood. Addressing himself directly to the woman, he persuaded her, with his irresisti- ble powers of speech that to induce the Prince of Orleans to come back to the Court was the best way to win over to the success of her project Madame du Barry, whose will constituted the will of the King. 1 As for the Due de Chartres the Chancellor pandered to his desire to be something by the possibility of succeed- ing the Due de Penthievre in the post of Grand Admiral. All the Princes of the Blood except old Conde, who re- mained inexorable, became from that day forth devoted friends of the Du Barry, courtiers of the antechamber, who 1 When the Prince subsequently urged Madame du Barry to obtain from the King publicly permission for his marriage with Madame de Montesson, the Favourite replied to his importunities: "Big father, go and marry her; we'lJ see how to satisfy you better after- wards." 126 Madame Dvi Barry implored of the Favourite to tell them the day and the hour when they might have the honour of offering her their " re- spectful " homage. 1 1 " The Annals of Louis XV." A. Villef ranche. At the Widow Liberty's, 1782. Second Part. " Private Life of Louis XV." Peter Lyton, 1785. Tome IV. 127 VIII. The Luxury of a Woman of Pleasure. The Accounts of Madame du Barry. Invoices of Mile. Berlin, of the " Traits Galants," of Roettiers, &c. The Gold Toilet. The Palace-Boudoir of Luciennes. The Dining-room. The Square Salon. The Two Parlours. Zamore. The Complaisances of the Controller-General. THE life, the entire life of Madame de Pompadour be- longs to history. It is a life of business, of intrigues, of negotiations, a sustained political role, a public exercise of power, hourly communications with ministers, ambassadors, secretaries of state, military men, bankers, lawyers, man- agement of the interests of the nation and of the will of the King, a life which had a weighty influence on the desti- nies of France and of Europe. The life of Madame du Barry can neither justify nor satisfy a similar curiosity on the part of posterity. It has neither the same share in the business of the state nor the same claims on history. Take away from it the one incident the conflict with Choi- seu l it is nothing but the existence of the best-kept wanton in the kingdom. It is the senseless dream of a woman of pleasure, a frenzy of expenditure, a luxurious extravagance ; it means millions flung away on caprices of fashion; mil- lions flung away on rare jewellery, point-lace, silk, velvet; millions on things the cost of which is immensely high 128 Madame D\i Barry a river of money, the royal treasure scattered over a mob of tailors, of milliners, of seamstresses, of embroiderers, of lace-makers, of ornament-makers. . . . Every morn- ing and this was, indeed, the little levee of this woman, who set such slight store on honours and dignities the Fa- vourite, half-nude, gave audience in bed to workmen and workwomen of well-known reputation who brought for her first awakening the prettiest objects invented by the imag- ination of the maker of gewgaws, the most perfect articles produced by the handiwork of the time, not letting a day pass without buying something, without ordering some- thing. Orders, supplies, invoices, this made up her whole life: it is contained in those four volumes of accounts purchased, some years ago, by the National Library, 1 precious ac- counts which are really the only memoir to which the Du Barry regime has any just claim. Open them, these accounts ; they will not fail to repay you. They will tell you about the watch adorned with diamonds bought from Lepaute for 5,400 francs by the Comtesse, and the necklace " for a slave," and the " respect- ful assortment of costumes " worn by her in such a year and such a month. They will give you the name of the book which she sent out to be bound at the Libraire Vente, with her armorial device, " Put forward ! " 2 They give 1 " Madame du Barry's Accounts." National Library. Manu- scripts. French Supplement, 8157, 8158. 2 The Library of Versailles possesses 349 volumes with the arms of Madame du Barry. Some of them, bound during her regime as 129 Madame D\i Barry you details of the theatre-dress of which she made a pre- sent to Raucourt 1 or to Lekain, 2 and her coffee-napkins, which she would have only of Indian dimity, and even the last dressing-gown which she presented to the King with the cushion and the slippers. Here it is her ordinary livery of chamois-cloth and her full-dress livery of crimson velvet. Even Zamore the " nigger," the trades-people quite shortly and disrespectfully called him, you will find with his green dress-coat of Saxony trimmed with gold- lace, behind the Comtesse's pretty running-footman, who, squeezed into his polonaise of sky-blue cloth and his legs covered with chamois-colored knitted silk breeches, brand- ished as he ran that superb cane-knob chased by Roettiers, of which the inexorable accounts will tell you the price almost down to a farthing. 3 If it pleases you to see Madame du Barry's wardrobe, you may go over the review of full- dress suits, robes with hoop-petticoats, robes of respecta- 1 The " Secret Memoirs " relate, under the date of January 10, *773> that Madame du Barry having given the choice to Raucourt of three robes for his use or a theatre-dress, Raucourt chose a theatre- dress. 3 Madame du Barry gave Lekain a costume in the Greek style and a costume in the Roman style. The two costumes cost 4,8o8/. 45^. 8 The entry dated the 4th April, 1774, gives the price of this cane- knob as "5461 gs" TRANSLATOR. Favourite, are in red morocco with the arms on the covers; the others, more modestly bound, are covered with calf and sheepskin. These last have on their backs, in the midst of myrtle-wreaths, the arms and the device of the Favourite. I have found, in this style of binding, the " Grecourt " of Madame du Barry. See the work of M. Paul Lacroix on the Favourite s library. 130 Madame D\i Barry bility and a robe de toilette, robes at 1,000, at 2,000, at 3,000, at 5,000, and 10,000 livres, supplied by the or- dinary dealers in silk-goods Buffand, Lenormand, As- sorty, Barbier, Bourjot. Here we have coming from the establishment of her dressmaker, Madame Sigly, robes with a silver ground adorned with bouquets of feathers ; robes with a white ground and wreaths of roses; robes striped with big gold plates running into the flowers and the eyelet-holes ; robes with a mosaic ground worked in gold and framed with myrtle; and Amazon's robes of white Indian silk, which cost 6,000 livres ! But the gold and the silver are nqt enough: embroidery comes to shed over the silk the flowering rain of its pat- terns. Davaux, the Comtesse's embroiderer, embroiders for her completely, after the patterns of Michel de Saint- Aubin, white silk robes in silk-cloud and spangles of colour. Then there are the ruinous trimmings, all the ornaments which a robe in those days could bear, the thousand fan- cies of that great artist in gewgaws, Pagelle, the man- milliner of " Traits Galants " in the Rue Saint-Honore the silver blond-laces, the chiccory head-bands set off and picked out with jasmine, the little bouquets fastened with little knots in the hollows of festoons, and the wreaths, and the bracelets, and the fur-tippets, and the top-knots, and the court-tassels, which brought up the price of a robe to 10,500 livres. Then, when the robes were finished, began the lace, the lace, that luxury of woman ; and reckon ic trimmings of a dressing-gown at 2,500 livres, the 131 Madame D\i Barry English morning- wrapper at 4,000 livres, the ruffles at 600, the needle-stitched head-dresses at 1,400, and the toilettes of Point-d'Argentan at 9,000 1 1 From the toilet, from this big business and this big waste- fulness of Madame du Barry, the inventory of her follies will lead you to her other caprices, to her temptations, to her taste for bawbles, to her love of pretty nothings. You will follow her in her purchase of porcelain at the King's manufactory. The vases with ears and goats' heads, the lozenged baskets, the chestnut trays, the tea-pots with green ribbons and gilt hatching, the biscuit-groups, the basins of royal blue for putting in flowers with trellises and birds, dozens of which were destroyed by fire before being suc- cessfully finished, the breakfast services with figures of grotesque Chinese pattern, which were set apart for the days when the King supped at Luciennes and necessitated two months and a half of work from the first painter of the manufactory, and the service with little roses and wreaths of three hundred and twenty pieces, the ordinary supper-service, all the Sevres of Madame du Barry is summed up and exhibited for your benefit. Soon, in this prodigious inventory of so many prodigali- ties, in the list of expenditure in which seem to be set out by the steward of a Cleopatra the cost and the particulars of pearls melted through a woman's whim, you shall find 1 See in the Appendix some fragments of these accounts. The estimated cost of cloth, lace, &c., after Madame du Barry's death, reached more than 200,000 livres. 132 Madame Dxi Barry the precious metals silver, gold with which her table shone proudly, with which her toilet decked itself. 1 Read the memorandum 2 of that great carver- in silver, Roettiers, whose association with Germain procured for the eighteenth century the marvels of his plate utensils, those models, those chasings, of which now only a wreck, a sample, is left here and there. The memorandum describes in full detail, it sketches so to speak with technical words, all this service of Madame du Barry, of the most finished shape and car- ried to the highest pitch of polish, on which the most skil- ful of Roettiers's journeymen silversmiths spent half his nights for whole months. An interweaving of myrtle and laurel is the mark and, so to speak, the device of all the pieces. The chandeliers with their rams' heads and their laurel wreaths represent the four Elements; infants' sports, with trophies of arrows and quivers, may be seen above the doorways. Ere long silver is not sufficiently rich and magnificent for Madame du Barry. She aims at possessing the envy and the insolence of a service entirely of gold, of which the helvings will be blood-red jasper, spoons of gold in which Cupids hold up garlands of roses, a gold coffee-pot adorned 1 M. Paul Lacroix has informed me that there is in the possession of the successor of Lepot of Auteuil, Madame du Barry's notary, a detailed inventory of all the household goods belonging to Madame du Barry. I direct the attention of students of archaeological details to this document, considering that the numerous descriptions of artistic objects given here and in the Appendix are sufficient for a general history of Madame du Barry. 2 See this Memorandum in the Appendix. 133 Madame Du Barry with feet and antique foliage, a gold milk-pot with a spout hollowed by channels in which myrtle-leaves are displayed, while the lid has projecting leaves crowned with a group of roses. There is, in fact, an entire toilet-service of gold with which her desire is gratified and for which Roettiers gets the order. All Paris talks about it. It is said that the Government made an advance to Roettiers of the fifteen hundred gold marks, which he asked for setting about the work. 1 The inquisitive gathered round the silversmith's establishment, and those who are lucky enough to get in front feel glad at having seen the mirror surmounted by two Cupids holding a wreath. But scandal, or rather the ex- cessive expense, brought the work to a stop ; and we find in Madame du Barry's accounts an indemnity to Roettiers for a gold toilet-service which he had commenced. All those beautiful things, so much wealth, this furniture worth millions, those rare objects, those trifles and those marvels, required a temple suitable for them, a nest, a fairy pavilion, which should be, in its grace, in the charm of its details, in the miniature perfection of its proportions, in the delicacy of its magnificence, the worthy little abode of the minor arts of the eighteenth century. This temple will be Luciennes, built in three months, as if at the command of an enchan- tress, by the architect Ledoux, whom Madame du Barry thanked by getting him into the Academy. 2 1 " Anecdotes about Madame du Barry." 1775. 2 " Secret Memoirs of the Republic of Letters." Vol. VII. 134 Madame Du Barry- It will be a palace-boudoir in which everything will have the finish and the preciousness of a jewel. The industry of the time will seem to have employed there, even in noth- ings, the invention, the patience, and the taste of a thousand little genii. The slightest ornaments will be unique, ex- quisite, and recherche; and, from room to room, the master- pieces of handicraft will display there the supreme effort and the delicious refinement of elegant designs and excellent implements. The carved woodwork, the flowerings, the acanthus-leaves, the laurel-branches, the birds pecking in the intertwined myrtles, will be carved and re-carved and, so to speak, perfected by chiselling. There will be in the gildings and the overgildings of the furniture so many leaves of gold and so many touches of the burnishing stick, such an exhibition of care and pains, that the gilder will ask 5,915 livres for the bed. 1 And it will be by Gouthiere that the bronzes will be wrought in amorous fashion. 2 He will 1 See in the Appendix the detailed description of this bed made, in the beginning, for the mansion at Versailles. 8 Gouthiere claimed, after Madame du Barry's death, 756,000 francs. The carving in bronze of a single pedestal was fixed at 50,000 francs ; the mounting and adjustment of the ornaments of this pedestal at 46,000 francs ; the gilding at 63,000 francs ; the placing of the pedestal, in which was included the journey of the three workmen, at 5,000 francs. The three other pedestals were reckoned up at 420,000 francs. Although he consented to reduce his bill to 640,000 francs, keeping certain articles not finished and not delivered, Gouthiere was not paid by the Government, was obliged to ask for admission to an almshouse, and died in want. His son having entered a protest as against the indemnity which was paid to Madame du Barry's legal representatives, under the law 135 Madame D\i Barry shape the flames, arms, locks, sash-fastenings, and door- handles which will lose nothing by their proximity to those little bronzes preserved by the Museum of Naples as the most charming things transmitted to us by the art of former days. Luciennes was a small square edifice with five windows on each side, which had in front a peristyle of four columns with a pediment showing a Bacchanalian group of children carved in bas-relief by Lecomte. The peristyle opened on a vestibule leading into the dining-room; and we have this dining-room at Luciennes, all animation, all filled with guests, all alive, so to speak, in the clever water-colour of the younger Moreau, now in possession of the Museum of the Louvre. 1 In the middle of the ceiling, at either side of which were gilt tumbrils, there are floating clouds of Olympus and sportive Cupids. The white marble walls are rut by Corinthian pilasters with capitals, bases, and stems of gilt bronze. Between the capitals, bas-reliefs, framed in gold, display Loves, the portrait of Louis XV. and the united arms of the King and 1 This water-colour, exhibited in No. 1196, has on the back, with the arms of Madame du Barry, this manuscript note: "Fete given at Luciennes, December 2?th, 1771." With this drawing of Moreau and Villiers's description it is easy to rebuild the palace-bijou of the Favourite. of April 25th, 1825, a judgment of the Tribunal of First Instance in Paris declared the protest effectual to the extent of 80,000 francs, and the legal representatives were held liable to pay 32,000 francs to Gouthiere Fils. (Gasette de Tribunal, February 28th, 1836.) 136 Madame Du Barry Madame du Barry. Four galleries, where Madame du Bar- ry's musicians repeated, on each occasion of returning from the chase, the sound and the dying echo of the horn, are full of women leaning on the balcony rails, and fanning them- selves. Throughout the apartment, all white and gold, a vapour of light seems to rise from the lustres hanging in front of the mirrors between the columns, shedding on them flashes to which other flashes respond in other mir- rors, handfuls of flame which fling into the air four figures of women carved in marble by Pajou, Lecomte, and Moi- neau, and standing on marble socles with golden wreaths. Around the table, surrounded by curious lookers-on, behind the round backs of the armchairs and the clubs of the chat- tering guests' perukes, the attendants, the servants, the per- sons carrying dishes, keep coming and going rapidly, some in yellow straw livery, others in crimson velvet coats with facings, with blue collars and wrist-bands, with white boot- tops and white gaiters, three-cornered hats on their heads and swords by their side. You see even little Zamore in a turban with feathers, a rose-coloured vest and breeches, gliding towards a lady who has, doubtless, left some bon- bons on her plate. The crystal, the silver, the structure re- sembling an opera-scene which rises above the table-cloth, the cordons bleus, the diamonds, the smiles on the faces of the guests, all keep the table in a glow ; and in the brilliant light shed around there is seen by the side of Madame du Barry's pretty countenance the handsome, noble face of Louis XV. 137 Madame Do Barry The dining-room opened on the square salon where the view from the windows embraced Saint Germain, the Vesi- net, Saint Denis, the Seine in all its windings, and, there below, Paris. This salon, the arabesques of which had been sculptured by Metivier and Feuillet, was decorated with a cornice with a console in which Gouthiere surpassed himself ; and the spaces above the doors exhibited the gayest touches of brilliant colourings from Fragonard's brush, given by Drouais to Madame du Barry. 1 Two parlours communicated with the large salon. The one at the right presented, in a series of four big pictures by Vien, a symbolic history of love in young girls' hearts. It had tables of precious marble, and two marble figures by Vasse represented, the one of them Love, the other Knavery holding his mask. At the left, the oval parlour, where Briard had painted on the ceiling the charming allegory of love of the country, was all full of mirrors, which reproduced the superb mantelpiece of lapis-lazuli in the form of a tripod with a prodigious wealth of bronze. 2 Nothing was lacking in this enchanted palace. There was even, as in one of Veronese's illustrations of a fairy tale, a familiar negro-boy, something like a human chimera, to carry the trays with refreshments, to hold the parasol and to roll himself on the carpets. He was one of those pretty little monsters whom that age of grotesques loved so much, 1 "Miscellanies of Literature and History." Published by the Society of Bibliophiles. 2 " Manual of a Traveler in the Neighbourhood of Paris." By Vil- liers. Paris X. Vol. I. 138 Madame Dvi Barry a. two-legged pug, whom the Prince of Conde christened Zamore. It seems to me that I can see him in this sketch which I have under my eyes, in this drawing of the very amusing coxcomb, Portail, with his tuft of white and red feathers, his silk head-dress from which escape at the temple and at the neck locks of hair, with his big white eye, his flat nose, his mouth like a pomegranate, his ear wear- ing a pearl, his big waistcoat, his fine coat, his proud frill and his ruffles, a bush of lace from which issues an ebony hand. Zamore and Luciennes ! They were so well adapted to each other, the chateau was so suitable a cage for the negro-boy, that, on one evening of folly, the King gave Zamore, who was playing at his feet, the management of the chateau and the grounds of Luciennes, with a salary of 600 livres. 1 Luciennes ! should we not speak of it as the palace of one of those funny sovereignties such as the books of the eighteenth century show us in those Turkisms, in which, subjected to the whims of a favourite odalisque, the erratic good-pleasure of a capricious sultan holds sway ? For such extravagant expenditure, for this rain of gold poured out on all the arts and all the industries, for so much money flowing daily from the two open hands of the Fa- vourite, there was needed a bottomless chest, a banker al- ways ready to pay. Madame du Barry had found the banker in the Controller-General, the chest in the coffers of the 1 Does the Royel warrant really exist? I have made a minute examination of the registers of warrants in the National Archives from 1769 to 1774 without being able to find it. 139 Madame Du Barry State. This Terray, this species of priest, this lugubrious joker, 1 this pale Satyr, for all the statesmen grouped around the Du Barry are of a bilious mould : Maupeou is green, D'Aiguillon is yellow, Terray is livid, this Terray, in his complaisances towards the Favourite's caprices so pecu- liar to fast women, showed a baseness, a laxity, a shameless- ness, which have no parallel in the history of any minister of finance in any other country. In the commencement of Madame du Barry's vogue, at the moment when the mistress had as yet only an allowance of 30,000 livres a month, he got this allowance doubled by persuading the King that there would be an economy in suppressing the lady's little notes and private money-orders, which were unlimited. When the allowance was doubled, it may well be doubted whether the little notes and the private money-orders did not go on as in the past. On New Year's Day, 1770, he obtained for her as a New Year's gift the " Nantes Lodges," with a revenue of 40,000 livres. In 1771, on the death of the Comte de Clermont, he suggested to the King that it was necessary to think about Madame du Barry, who had until now been solely occupied with the task of pleasing His Majesty, and therefore had no thought on her means, so that she found herself in a 1 The Abbe Terray's joke about the fetes on the occasion of Marie Antoinette's marriage is well known. When Louis XV. asked him what he thought of the fetes, the Controller-General, with his clouded face, replied : " Sire they are beyond payment." 140 Madame DXJ Barry- precarious State. And he proposed, without in any way disarranging the plan of economy which Louis XV. had imposed on himself, to give 100,000 livres a year for life to the Favourite out of the 300,000 of which the Comte de Clermont's death had caused the extinction. 1 Some time afterwards, he got for the Favourite, on the renewal of the lease for gunpowder, a good- will of 100,000 livres, a good- will which bad tongues accused the Abbe of having, in the beginning, stipulated for getting on his own account. But these gifts, these good-wills, however enormous they were, had their limits, and they did not amount to very much in comparison with the immense and unknown sum of money which came into Madame du Barry's hands through the shameful acceptance by the Abbe Terray of bonds of Ma- dame du Barry as bonds of the King, so that Madame du Barry drew, without counting, from Choisy, from Trianon, on Baujon the banker of the Court, to whom she gave orders for payment of any sum she wished, leaving him to settle accounts with the Controller-General. And do we not know that Madame du Barry's bonds on Baujon since 1769, the first year when she occupied the place of Favourite, to 1774, the year of King Louis XV. 's death, amounted to the sum of 6,427,803 livres? 2 All the policy, all the science, " Memoirs concerning the administration of Finances under the Abbe Terray, Controller-General. London, Jolin, Adamson, 1776. 2 M. le Roi, in his elaborate study of curious information, has made an estimate of the sums spent by Madame du Barry. Here it is as he has given it: 141 Madame D\i Barry- all the labour of the Abbe Terray to sustain himself con- sisted in never letting Madame du Barry be in want of money. 1. Furniture given by the King to Madame du Barry on her marriage 30,ooo/. s. d. 2. Sums paid for Madame du Barry by Ban j on. banker of the Court, from the year 1769 to the year 1774 6,427,8o3/. s. lid. 3. For the purchase of her mansion at Versailles by Monsieur, brother of the King, October 24th, 1775 224,ooo/. -s. d. 4. For the exchange of 50,000 livres of a life an- nuity for 1,250,000 livres delivered by the Royal Exchequer by the King's decree of April, 1784 i,25o,ooo/. s. d. 5. Madame du Barry enjoys 150,000 livres of a life annuity out of the city of Paris, the States of Burgundy and the Lodges of Nantes, from the year 1769 to 1784, which gives a total of 2,4OO,ooo/. s. d 6. From the year 1784 to 1793 she has no more than a life-annuity of 100,000 livres, which gives a total of 900,ooo/. s. d. 7. The enjoyment of the Chateau of Luciennes and of its numerous dependencies, the Cha- teau and the construction of the Pavilion may be estimated at a revenue of 50,000 livres a year, making from 1767 to 1793. , . i,25o,ooo/. s. d. The general total of all these sums is. .. I2,48i,8o3/. s. d. 143 IX. Efforts of the Favourite to have Social Intercourse with Marie Antoinette. Mercy-Argenteau's Interview with the Comtesse du Barry. Madame Adelaide preventing Marie- Antoinette from Speak- ing to the Favourite. The Roue's Unreasonable Claims. The " Drolesse " Ballad. The Low Amusements of Luciennes. The Lowering of Royalty through Contact with a Courtesan. IN the midst of the complete satisfaction of her hatreds, her passions, her tastes, her caprices, and her fancies, the favourite sultana had her existence and her nerves wor- ried by the insulting disdain of the Dauphiness. In those salons of Marly, of Choisy, of Versailles, of Fontainebleau, in those salons, now humbled and reverential, Madame du Barry had to endure the silence of the haughty little red- haired beauty 1 and all that the latter conveyed by such silence. In spite of the maternal orders of Maria Theresa, who took the preliminary steps to obtain Louis XWs for- giveness for the partition of Poland, 2 in spite of the letters of Prince Kaunitz, in spite of the objurgations of Mercy- 1 Madame du Barry called Marie Antoinette "the little rousse" and the future Louis XVI. " the little ill-bred boy." 3 Maria Theresa writes to Marie Antoinette : " It is sufficient for the King to distinguish such a woman or a man for you to owe the person respect without sifting their merits." M3 Madame D\i Barry Argenteau, the Empress-Queen's ambassador, Marie An- toinette could not conquer the insurmountable repugnance which she felt for " the most silly and impertinent creature imaginable." 1 Nobody had the power to compel the young Princess to hold conversation with the Favourite, to make her address to Madame du Barry in society one of those commonplaces which would be the pledge and the mark of the acceptance of her person amongst the ladies of the Court. Madame du Barry, thus wounded publicly every day, kept wearying the King with her complaints, with her despairs, with her tears, asking his intervention as a father- in-law in order to put a stop to this cruel state of affairs, so that in the month of July, 1771, at Compiegne, Louis XV. conveyed to Mercy-Argenteau his desire to have an inter- view with Maria Theresa's confidential adviser. The Due d'Aiguillon, the bearer of the message, gave him a rendez- vous the next day but one, after his return from hunting, at the house of the Comtesse du Barry informing him that Louis XV. wished to say he was not housed at Compiegne in a way to receive him suitably, and therefore wished him to call at the Favourite's abode. The step was a delicate one, the greater number of foreign ambassadors having up to this time refused to visit Madame du Barry. However, Mercy-Argenteau obeyed the King's orders. Mercy-Argenteau called at the Favourite's house at seven 1 Letter of Marie Antoinette to Maria Theresa, published in " Maria Theresia und Marie- Antoinette." By Arneth, Vienna, 1865. 144 MARIE ANTOINETTE To face page 144 Madame D\i Barry- o'clock. The Due d'Aiguillon informed him that the King had finished dressing, and, under the pretext of examin- ing a picture, he brought away the ladies who happened to be in the salon, and left the Empress-Queen's ambassador alone with Madame du Barry, who made him sit down be- side her. The Favourite seized the opportunity to say to Mercy- Argenteau that she was very glad the idea of the King speaking to him at her house had put it in her power to make his acquaintance, and that she wished to take advantage of it to talk to him confidentially about a painful subject which greatly affected her. She was not unaware that for some time past people had been busy in poisoning the Dau- phiness's mind against her, and that, in order to succeed in so doing, the had recourse to the most atrocious calumnies, daring to attribute to her remarks by no means respectful with reference to the Princess. Madame du Barry protested that this was utterly without foundation, that even far from having to reproach herself with such an enormous of- fence, she had always been on the side of those who be- stowed well-merited praise on the charms of the Arch- duchess. She declared that, though this Princess had con- stantly treated her with rigour and a species of contempt, she had never indulged in complaints against her Royal Highness, but only against those who inspired her with these feelings of aversion. Madame du Barry added that, when there was a question of some object which the Dau- 145 10 Madame Dxi Barry phiness appeared to desire, as, on a former occasion, a de- mand for payment for that princess's house, she had made it her business to represent to the King that he could not shrink from complying with the wishes of the Dauphiness." At this stage of the conversation the King arrived by a little staircase, and the Comtesse withdrew. " Till now you have been the Empress's ambassador ; now I beg of you to be my ambassador, at least for some time," said the King, as he entered, to Mercy-Argenteau. Then, with a certain embarrassment, he talked to him about Marie Antoinette, saying to him that he loved the Princess with all his heart, that he thought her charming, but that she was young and lively, " and that having a husband who was not capable of guiding her," it was impossible that she could avoid the snares which were directed against her by intrigue. He remarked with displeasure that she gave her- self up to prejudices, to hatreds, which did not enanate from her, but which had been suggested to her; that she treated badly and even with affectation the ladies whom the King admitted into his intimate circle. Louis XV. ended by re- peating several times to Mercy-Argenteau : " See the Dau- phiness often : I authorize you to say to her anything you wish on my behalf. She is badly advised, and she should not follow such bad advice." In consequence of this interview, Mercy-Argenteau placed Marie- Antoinette in this dilemma : either she wanted to indi- cate by her conduct that she was aware of Madame du Barry's role with the King, in which case it was due to her 146 Madame Dut Barry- dignity to insist on the Comtesse being excluded from the Court circle, or else she wanted to appear ignorant of the Favourite's position, in which case she should treat her like every other woman who had been presented at Court. Next day the Dauphiness informed Mercy-Argenteau that she would speak once to the Comtesse du Barry on the first opportunity. A few days later Mercy-Argenteau intimated to the Dauphiness that Madame du Barry would be joining the Court circle on the following day accompanied by the Duch- esse de Valentinois. Marie Antoinette promised to speak. It was agreed that, when play was over, Mercy-Argenteau should approach the Favourite and enter into a conversa- tion with her, while the Archduchess, in the act of taking her usual turn, should address some remark to Madame du Barry. Mercy-Argenteau, delighted with his victory, left the Dauphiness, making her give her word of honour not to tell the royal aunts about this little arrangement. So next day the Comtesse du Barry, accompanied by the Duch- esse de Valentinois, was in the Court circle. Play was nearly finished. Mercy-Argenteau had been sent by the Dauphiness to sit down beside Madame du Barry, who felt quite happy, as she saw Marie Antoinette advancing to- wards her ready to speak, when Madame Adelaide, who was in the secret, suddenly raising her voice, said : " It is time to go ! Come ! Let us wait for the King at my sister Victoire's." And the Dauphiness followed Ma- 147 Madame D\i Barry dame Adelaide without having had time to address a word to the unhappy and humiliated Favourite. 1 Madame du Barry had another annoyance in her life her brother-in-law. There had been since the beginning of her regime as Favourite demands every day for money and for notes to appease creditors, " to lift him out of the depths of the tomb," as the Roue tragically wrote. 2 In order to get out of the depths of the tomb, a moment before Terray's ac- cession to office, the Comte Jean had conceived the bril- liant idea of overthrowing the Controller-General, Maynon d'Invau, and replacing him by a friend of his, by one of his " pals," Guenee de Brochau, Procureur-General of Requests at the Hotel. Guenee de Brochau once Controller-General, it would mean the Comte Jean's hand in the public exchequer. Unfortunately the plot was found out ; Brochau was put into the Bastille, and the Comte Jean got orders to travel for the good of his health always at the expense of the Com- tesse du Barry. Still, if the Favourite had been tormented merely by Jean du Barry's need of money, it would have 1 " Secret Correspondence between Maria-Theresa and Mercy- Ar- genteau." Published by the Chevalier Arneth, 1875. Tome I. a Letter from Jean du Barry without any date, published by the Revue de Paris in the year 1836. Tome XXXV. Hardy, in his " Man- uscript Journal," relates that in the month of December, 1769, Jean du Barry had been driven from Court, and forbidden to reappear there. On this point a story was told that the Comtesse, having asked for 600,000 livres to pay her debts, and the King, having applied for this sum to the Controller-General, the Due de Choiseul procured incontestable proofs that this money was destined for the brother-in- law, and submitted them to the King. 148 Madame D\i Barry been well enough; but he was continually harassing her, persecuting her with his advice, with his plans of conduct, with his monitions, wishing to make her profit, according to his own phrase, " by the flashes of his genius." 1 How- 1 Letter -of the Comte du Barry, published in the Revue Retrospect- ive, 3rd Series, Vol. I. The letter deserves to be cited as the letter of a rascally pimp, of an intriguing politician : " M. Jame has not left me ignorant, my dear sister, that it was at the bottom of your heart he found the best advocate of my cause. Would to Heaven that this heart had never yielded to the sugges- tions of those who were interested in disuniting it from mine ! How many misfortunes we might have spared each other ! There remains for you at your age a long career to enjoy: the decline of mine may still shed on it some advantage by making use of my experience and of the position in which at this moment I find myself. " M. Jame can inform you of some of my views for the purpose of being useful to you in my turn, and I would be ungrateful for the first time in my life if when I owe to you the facility of appearing in my own city with honour, I did not on my return sacrifice my time and my attentions to serve you. This may be and will be so, my dear sister ; you will still profit by some flashes of my genius. They have often lighted up your path. I repeat to you, they will light it up still. . . . You and he (M. Jame), my dear sister, are the only friends I know. I have been repulsed with arms of brass by persons whom blood and gratitude ought to render inviolably at- tached to me: you alone will have the merit of having set me up again on the top of the wheel. I am not laying a tax on the extent of the service you have promised to render me. I shall receive with thankfulness what will come from you. It is the last service of this sort I have asked from you, and if there were within my reach any negotiable bill or any article of furniture that could be sold, be sure I could not have asked you for anything. It is with tears in my eyes, I repeat to you, that I see you forced to deprive yourself of your capital in order to assist me to get out of the abyss in which I am, for I am firmly convinced that you are just as destitute of money as I am myself ; but I have nothing except a life-mortgage, and if I 149 Madame Dxi Barry ever, in spite of his debts and of his creditors, the Comte Jean lived in great style. He gambled in the most desperate fashion, kept five mistresses, married the sultana of his harem to a Chevalier of Saint-Louis, for whom he got a pension of 2,000 crowns so that he might have the usufruct of it to himself. He held under the baptismal font a child of Beauvoisin whose baptism cost, in sugar plums and in presents, 25,000 livres. Installed for a little while in the chateau of Triel, where he had around him all the gamblers of France, he lost 7,000 louis at one sitting, and he boasted when rising from the table that he had got to his fifth mil- lion. The Comte Jean appeared as a product of rotten civili- zation, one of the decadents of his time, as a type in which seems to exhibit itself in its shamelessness, in its cynicism, in its scandalous contempt for every human religion, the moral- ity of a " Rameau's Nephew." 1 It was the Comte Jean who said, when people spoke of his losses at play, " Don't worry, 1 An allusion to Diderot's remarkable work, "Le Neveu de Ra- meau," in which the vices of a parasite in the days of pre-Revolution- ary France are ruthlessly gibbeted. TRANSLATOR. die without having repaid by some service that which you render me, you and I know that it is to no purpose. " I do not insist on appearing at Luciennes on account of the pecu- liar reasons you mention. I do not see, however, why you should not make an appointment in Paris at the house of M. Darnet, or elsewhere; perhaps an hour's conversation would be instructive and profitable. " May Heaven preserve you, my dear sister : I have been told that it has taken care of your freshness and your figure, I thank it for doing so." ISO Madame Du Barry my friends ; 'tis you'll have to pay for all this." It was the Comte Jean who, with reference to a money-order refused by the Abbe Terray, went shouting all over Paris that he would blow up the Controller-General, that he would blow up D'Aiguillon, that he would blow up the ministry. It was the Comte Jean who came to demand from the Farming Committee for his friend Desaint the directorship of Paris, and, when he was told that the post had been already given to the Sieur Chomel, cried out against it : " As if everyone did not know it was he who had the honour to give a mistress to the King . . . and let them take care not to put him into a temper ! ' ?1 The scandal this time was too marked and too public. He was advised to go and spend a few months in his mar- quisate at Lisle in order to learn, as Madame du Barry put it to him, to " turn his tongue seven times in his mouth before speaking." He left in a state of dissatisfaction at not having been sustained by his sister-in-law against the ministers ; he returned home in a very bad temper at not having seen his exile abridged by having credit given to him, and, as a sequel to two or three scenes which he had with her, the Roue launched against his former mistress the cruel ballad which he composed or inspired: " Woman of shame ! Why are you so proud with me? My Royal Dame ! Whence comes all your dignity? 1 Horace Walpole says of Du Barry (Memoirs of the Reign of George III., Vol. II., p. 200) : " He seems to have been a consum- mate blackguard." TRANSLATOR. ISI Madame Du Barry If you ever get faded, and have to climb down In the street, You will meet Some kind " pals " of yours on the town. Woman of shame, etc. " When the monk, your sire, said, Mass to buy you a crust, And your mother got bread By the wages of lust, You were humble and meek, And just as you should be : Then no more of your cheek When you're dealing with me ! Now listen ! be just your old self, Or some day you may find yourself sold ; And, though I love you better than pelf, Let me show I can kick, as of old. Woman of shame ! Do you think I am broken at last ? My Royal Dame ! Don't forget what you were in the past ! " l The ftes 2 were not discontinued at Luciennes, where around this spring table of the King, who at first had at either side of him only the Marchale de Mirepoix and the Marquise de Montmorency, came to sit down in succession all the ladies of the Court. In the beginning there were the Duchesse and the Vicomtesse de Laval, then that Com- tesse of Choiseul, whose husband was the personal enemy J The original of the ballad, " Drolesse," is couched in much stronger language than the translation here given of it. TRANS- LATOR. 2 The " Secret Memoirs " refer to a fete given in March, 1773, by Madame du Barry, at which there were four spectacles and a hun- dred comedians, singers, and dancers from three theatres. At this fte an armed Cupid came forth from an egg. 152 Madame D\i Barry of the Duke, then also Mesdames de Valbelle, de Nesle, d'Avaray de 1'Aigle, d'Harville, and that Madame de Crenay who had been lampooned in some verses : " Crenay is a coquette, And on light toe she trips, And so plump is her waist that she often slips : Then Fenelon lifts her in excellent style, And each guest applauds with a ringing cheer ; She is fair and fat and as round as a sphere, But she dances all the whole." 1 The Duchesse de Mazarin with the Princesse Kinski con- sented to be half admitted, 2 and, so to speak, remained on the threshold of the little palace, ready to be replaced by more illustrious ladies. And so with other and older names in France. For with time they were all bound to " hop " to the fetes. Would the news not go round one day that Madame de Forcalquier, she who was known as the " Bel- lissima," was at Choisy, which was the antechamber to Luciennes ? " To see in a grated box the new actress in the comedy?'* "No, madame, she must be supping there." " Supping ! Ah ! I'm quite sure she's not. I know what she thinks, and I'll bet on it against anyone who likes," " Do 1 " Crenay fait la coquette, Et veut encore danser, Sa taille rondelette souvent la fait glisser, Notre Fenelon la releve en cadence, Chacun s'ecrie a 1'unisson Elle est bien grasse, elle est bien ronde Mais tou jours va qui danse." 2 Letters of the Marquise du Deffand to Horace Walpole." Paris, 1812. Tome II. 153 Madame Du Barry not bet, Madame ! There can be nothing more certain." 1 In fact the Duchesse de Forcalquier, who grew indignant, not more than three months before, at being suspected of such infamy, had allowed herself to be enrolled amongst the list of ladies who supped with the Du Barry. For these fine ladies, will Luciennes be what Bellevue was? Will Versailles find in the enchanted palace noble pleasures, charming amusements. No, the Court will meet there only the broad and unrefined diversions of a common- place household. The mistress of Luciennes will not invoke Racine and Tragedy to distract the ennui of a King's old age. She will not have recourse to the piquant comedies, to the refined operas, to the delightful inventions of Madame de Pompadour. She will not awaken the echoes of Belle- vue's past, and the memory of those charming ballets, of those felicitous allegories, of those pretty verses, of that light, lively, warbling music. But she will give dressing- room suppers bachelors' suppers, where ceremonial, wit, epigrams, improvised couplets, and fashionable recreations will be replaced by noisy mirth and the risky jests of Cour- tille, from which nothing will be lacking save Ramponneau's face. The Du Barry will have plays acted before the King not by ordinary comedians, but by the comedians of the Boulevard du Temple. The Du Barry will inaugurate at the Court the repertoire 1 " Complete Correspondence of Madame du Deffand." By M. de Sainte-Aulaire, Paris, 1866. Tome II. 154 Madame Dm Barry of the theatre of one Guimard. And the merriest of Colle's comedies, the one that shows least regard for public decency, " Truth in Wine/' will afford her the satisfaction of seeing the fine ladies of Versailles blush. Then, during supper, there will be sung by Larivet and his wife such gay couplets that they will embarrass even the Favourite's own female friends. After " Truth in Wine," after the shameful sug- gestiveness and broad jokes, the Du Barry will introduce the delights of Audinot's " Penny Show," which will one morning astonish all Paris by the unexpected announce- ment: " His Majesty's booth comedians will to-day give no per- formance at the theatre as they are going to Court." And the most vulgar play in Audinot's choice repertoire will end with the " Fricassee," that loose country-dance which the common people dance in public-houses. 1 Vile, ignoble laughs, which will teach the language of the streets, the fashions and the accent of " forest fetes " to this corrupt Court, which as yet had, however, preserved all the graces, and, if we may say so, all the decencies of corruption. Enboldened by their license, the Du Barry, abandoning through familiarity her fine airs and the position in which good-fortune had placed her, shook off the mask she wore as Favourite, became " La Lange " of former days, and "Secret Memoirs of the Republic of Letters." Tome VI. At this representation, which took place on the 8th of April, 1771, Ma- dame du Barry amused herself infinitely and laughed with her breast exposed." 155 Madame D\i Barry from her mouth burst forth the language of her protegee, Madame la Loque, the fish woman. And the roofs of Ver- sailles, astonished and filled with shame, had to listen to a woman addressing a King of France in the language of the gutter. Here was the great evil produced by the King's intrigue with Madame du Barry: she ruined (deplorable ruin!) the respect for royalty. In this scandal lay the sin that is too light a word the crime for which Louis XV. had no remorse, of which the Du Barry's conscience could not realize the shamefulness, and of which the monarchy had to endure the penalty. Dreadful and lamentable sample of the law made for Kings and which condemns them not to have it in their power to descend to the appetites of their pleasures, or to compromise the familiarity of their hearts, without compromising in their persons the human religion which they represent, the principle of which they are the image, the dignity which they betoken, royalty itself. Indeed, by contact with the Du Barry, everything around the King was debased and invisibly crumbling. The disci- pline of Versailles was lost, while the curiosity of Paris grew bolder. The sanctuary of the royal majesty flew open, and showed the alcove of which the fair Bourbonnaise sportively drew the curtains. The people lost faith and illusion when this gay wanton, excited by champagne, was heard smashing the glass of the " Oeil de Bceuf." Everywhere in the midst of this royalty, still standing and almost entire, Madame du Barry works evil by following her vocation and obeying her instincts as 156 Madame D\J Barry a courtesan. She is that charming instrument of destruc- tion, a pretty mistress in a great heritage ; and in her phi- losophy of nature, in her laughter which treats everything familiarly, in her insolent spirit of camaraderie, in her mis- chievousness and romping sluttishness, so brazen-faced, in- genuous, and charming, in that intolerance of all hierarchies, in that deprecation of all grandeur, in those aggressive out- bursts of contempt for the men and women of the Court, there is the groundwork and the fatal vengeance of every woman of pleasure that curious tendency, like the wanton- ness of a dreadful child breaking the things with which it plays. One day when, after sipping punch out of a ladle, she put it back into the bowl, the King reproached her for compelling everybody to drink her spittle, and did she not give this reply : " Well, I want everybody to drink my spit- tle?" 1 Involuntarily and by her nature she discredits everything that approaches her, everything that touches her. Whether she pushes Zamore's fingers into the Chancellor's peruke, or with her throat in the air gets the Papal Nuncio to pre- sent her slippers to her while jumping out of bed in her chemise, she always plays this part of scoffing at, lessening, and lowering to her own tone and her own level, the insti- tutions, the traditions, the qualities, and even the State measures of the French Monarchy. Barriers, venerations, 1 Extract from the " Memoirs of Horace Walpole on the Reign of George III." (year 1771), given in the "Letters of Horace Walpole," published by the Comte de Baillon. Didier, 1812. '57 : Madame D\i Barry the prestige and the solemnity of the representation of the will, of the love even of the King, everything that places the King above humanity even while he is brought into close relations with it, sinks under the follies and caprices of the last of the Royal Favourites. " Let some years pass away, and the crown will be no more," said an Englishman, " than the nightcaps of two lovers." This throne around which y Louis XIV. had maintained the etiquette of adultery, this \ throne in which Madame de Pompadour sat with some re- / mains of decency, will resemble, under the insults and inso- lences of the Du Barry that cord of Saint Louis on which thejpyrtesan Lacour made the old Due de la Valliere spit ! ^ And the idea occurs to you to ask yourself whether this .^-Maughter of the people who introduces Billingsgate into V Versailles was not predestined to be the portress of the \ revolution in the palace of our Kings, and to open a way V Vor the bloody work of October, 158 X. Madame du Barry's Qualities as a " Good-natured Girl of the Town." Her Family. Her Daughter, Madame de Boissaisson. Marriage of the Vicomte Adolphe. Fresh Attempts of the Favourite to Get into Marie Antoinette's Good Graces. The Ear-rings worth 700,000 livres. Project of a Dissolution of the Du Barry's Marriage by the Pope. BUT, if, by the fatality of her nature, the Favourite did all this injury, if she was guilty of being a courtesan and of involuntarily using her instincts for the ruin of the mon- archy, the woman redeems herself by the easy virtues " of a good-natured girl of the town " we must have recourse to this popular phrase; it is the only one which paints \yith one touch Madame du Barry. Madame du Barry loved neither vengeance nor spite; and even the books of the Revolution rendered her this much justice : " she did not hu- miliate even those whom she might have ruined/' 1 She com- promised with the pamphlets; she punished her enemies merely with roguish tricks. She did not silence people with lettres de cachet; she did not send epigrams to the Bastille. 1 " The Gallery of French Dames to serve as a Sequel to the Gal- lery of the States-General." London, 1790. Madame du Barry is there represented under the name of Elmire. 159 Madame D\J Barry The mystifier who parodied her just as she was, dressing his mistress as Comtesse du Tonneau, 1 knew beforehand that he did not risk martyrdom. It is she herself who asked pardon for Sophie Arnould, at whose hands she had been subjected to a calumnious attack. 2 Her reign had only one Latude, a Latude in the enjoyment of freedom Theveneau de Morande, whom she did not insist on having drowned or suffocated, but whom she bought with a large sum of money. 3 Her resentments and her angers were only out- 1 " The Countess of the Cask." 1 " Secret Memoirs of the Republic of Letters." Tome V. * Theveneau de Morande, the author of the Breast-plated Gazet- teer, had in 1774 forwarded to Madame du Barry from London, where he had taken refuge, the prospectus of a book of which 6,000 copies were printed and which was entitled : " Secret Memoirs of a Public Woman, or Essay on the Adventures of the Comtesse Dub from her Cradle to the Bed of Honour." 8vo. London. 4 vol- umes. Two negotiations, conducted by Bellanger and Preaudeau de Chenilly, failed. The Duke determined to send Beaumarchais to treat with the pamphleteer. Beaumarchais had an interview with Theve- neau de Morande, who agreed to suppress every edition on the con- dition that he would receive 32,000 livres in cash, and that a pension of 4,000 livres would be secured to him, of which half would revert to his wife on his death. Every copy was consumed in a brick-kiln in the neighborhood of London, save one, of which the leaves were cut in two, and each half was to remain hidden in the hands of Beau- marchais and of Theveneau de Morande so as to provide against a new publication of this work, in which case the conditions of the agreement were to be null and void. This was the story told to Dutens by Beaumarchais, who declared that the " Summary," the "Anecdotes," in short, all the other books which appeared about Madame du Barry, had no connection with the book of Theveneau de Morande. Had the book been really quite destroyed? (" Memoirs of a Traveller taking a Rest." By Dutens. Bossange, 1806. Tome 160 Madame D\i Barry burst of childishness which subsided, like her resolutions, like her obstinacies, like her refusals of permission to go to Chanteloup, under the mockery, the laughter, and the pretty sayings of the Marechale de Mirepoix. 1 She was generous as grandly, as foolishly, as a courtesan who is not avaricious. She gave and allowed to be taken everything around her, working with her purse for the advantage of those who had known, served, or pleased her. She had in her heart the de- votedness of the people, their natural attachments, the senti- ment of the family. She went, every fortnight, to spend a day with her mother, whom she addressed as the Marquise of Montrable, 2 to whom she had given quarters in the convent of Saint Elizabeth as well as a carriage, a country-house, and a little farm-house called the Maison Rouge 3 near Lon- 1 The story of the whip given by Madame du Barry's chamber- maids to the Marquise de Rosen, her former darling, who had aban- doned her, if the anecdote is true, is but a joke in very bad taste. * The Marquise de Montrable had learned very little of orthog- raphy in her new position. Here is a receipt truly curious for a quarter of the pension which her daughter allowed her : " J'ay recu de madame la comtesse du barry par les mens et de denier de mon- sieur buffants la somme de trois cent livres pour un quartier de la pension quelle a bien voula ma cor det Le dit quartier echu du i er Juillet, 1777." Catalogue of Autograph Letters of the 21 st of Jan- uary, 1856. * We find in the accounts of Madame du Barry, who had re-entered into possession of this little estate after her mother's death, a lease of the property entered into with M. and Madame Morgan, commen- cing the ist of April, 1792. This is the Morgan denounced by Greive for his counter-revolutionary intrigues. II.) The "Secret Memoirs" speak in May, 1773, of another book printed at Strasburg, with obscene prints and forming a sequel to the 161 Madame D\i Barry jumeau. On her mother's death, on the 2Oth of October, 1788, she assigned for the benefit of the Sieur Ran<;on de Montrable, her mother's husband, a life annuity of 2,000 livres, to recompense Ran<;on for his kind conduct towards his spouse. She gave a pension to Madame Quantiny, her mother's sister; she obtained posts for and pushed on four of the latter's children. She took with her the last comer, a little girl, whom she brought up as her daughter, and whom the public believed to be her child. This was the child chris- tened " little Pierrot " or again " Betsi," whose roguish face Drouais painted above the door of Luciennes. As long as her life lasted, we find Madame du Barry in familiar and helpful relations with her family. A very affectionate letter of the 24th of August, 1788, dated from Metz and written by a niece married to the Marquis de Boissaison 1 invites Madame du Barry, while her husband will be under the cov- ering of the camp, to come and spend some days with her. She promises her fresh butter, eggs from her hens, sends her delicious preserves, and ends her letter by saying that her little Hercule a name which recalls Brissac does not let a day pass without asking her : " When are we going to return to Luciennes ? " But would not this niece be a 1 Revolutionary Tribunals : The Du Barry's " Dossier." National Archives W 16. " Porter of the Carthusians." This book, which entered into details as to the amours of the King and the Du Barry, would have been seized, with its printed sheets, engravings and the manuscript, and nobody would have possessed a copy of it. 162 Madame D\i Barry- daughter of Madame du Barry? No book of the period, I am aware, affirms positively that Madame du Barry was never a mother; and yet M. d'Allonville declares that Madame du Barry had a daughter without knowing who was the father, that she married her. with a dowry of 100,000 francs to a nobleman possessed of no means. He declares that in 1838 this daughter and a granddaughter of Madame du Barry resided in Munich, while the grandson (Herculc, without doubt) was a major-general in Russia. M. D'Allon- ville even mentions the name of the nobleman who was the husband of Madame du Barry's daughter, who appears to have been the Marquis de Boissaisson, an emigre during the Revolution. 1 The injuries done by the Roue to his sister-in-law, Madame du Barry's just resentment, the distance from her person at which she kept him, did not prevent the Comte Jean from recommending himself in some suppliant letters to the Favourite in the name of the past, from soliciting her " good heart " and her credit for the purpose of getting a wife for his son, the Vicomte Adolphe, who had first been a page of the King, then an officer in His Majesty's regi- ment of infantry, then cornet of Light Horse of the Guard, with the rank of campmaster of cavalry, and who boasted of having in his pocket a commission as first equerry of the King which he had carried off by assault from MM. de Coigny and de Polignac. 2 1 " Secret Memoirs." By the Comte D'Allonville. Werdet, 1838. Tome I. J The Vicomte Adolphe had only the promise of the post. The ap- 163 Madame Dxi Barry- Many attempts to get the Vicomte Adolphe settled into a great family had already been made by Madame du Barry. At one time, she had taken it into her head to marry him to Mile, de Bethune; she had been stopped by Louis XV. 's cold reception of this proposal, perhaps because he consid- ered it insolent pretension on the part of the Du Barrys to seek to form an alliance with the Sully family. Then the Favourite fell back on a natural daughter of the King known under the name of Mile, de Saint Andre ; but the ne- gotiations for this marriage were broken off owing to the firmness and plain-speaking of the tutor before they were already far advanced. It was in consequence of this rupture that the Comte Jean, in a letter which he asked the Favourite to read in her residence at Luciennes, as " in a sentimental conversation," denuding himself for a moment of all prepossessions in her regard, dealt with the important question of his son's mar- riage. " I have sought," he wrote, " in good faith and with the utmost desire to succeed amongst the girls of rank at the Court. You have partly seen the mortifications which I have experienced." He next avowed that, in spite of his aversion to the girls of the commercial class, he had just as fruitlessly cast his eyes on some opulent families. Then he pointment was prevented by this remark publicly made by the Dauphin : " If he gets this position I will give him something with my boot in the face the first moment he takes off his boots on his arrival." ("Historic Memoirs of Stephanie Louise of Bourbon- Conti." Paris, Floreal, Year VI. Tome I.) 164 Madame Du Barry came back to the two matches which had been broken off; he reproached his sister-in-law, after the marks of satisfac- tion shown by the King to the Abbe Terray and to Bertin, when they spoke of the alliance with Mile, de Bethune, with not having to give immediate results to these overtures, and with having thereby herself provoked the coldness which had subsequently come over Louis XV. He next spoke to her about Mile, de Saint-Andre, the daughter of the King, and about Morfil, Boucher's model, " who, on losing the hope of becoming Madame du Barry's niece, had even aban- doned the desire to please by denying herself every sort of finery in the interior of the convent." He expressed keen regret for the loss of this match, which would have brought 24,000 livres a year and an estate of the same value, and all the more because " although it might have been, as a for- tune, over that which she saw in the Rue de la Jussienne and below that which he might have got in the Rue Neuve- des-Petits-Champs, his position did not permit a dismember- ment on his part in order to make a brilliant career for his son by marrying him." Finally, the marriage with Mile, de Saint Andre had this further advantage, that she was the only person, wrote the man anxious about the future, who could preserve for them a corner of modesty in the Dauphin and prevent that Prince from one day yielding to the impulses of hatred. 1 Madame du Barry, who at heart was interested in getting 1 Letter of the Comte Jean du Barry, published by the Revue de Paris, year 1836, Tome XXXV. 165 Madame D\i Barry her nephew married, in propping herself up by an alliance with a great family, in feeling that she had beside her in that world of the Court a young woman on whom she could count, set out on a quest, passed in review the matches of Paris and Versailles, announcing her intention to do some- thing for the bride. She had not succeeded in finding any- thing when her sisters-in-law " Chon " and " Bitschi " dis- covered a young lady in Tournon. She belonged to the fam- ily of Du Vivarais, which happened to be in very poor cir- cumstances, as there were a great number of children, but it was well-connected and related to the Soubises, and the daughter was exceedingly beautiful. The marriage was approved by the father and the son, and the marriage-arti- cles were drawn up. By the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth articles, the Comte Jean made a gift to his son of the county of Lille Jourdain and the forest of Bou- conne. By the seventh article, the Comte and Comtesse de Tournon settled a sum of 60,000 livres, as a dowry on their daughter. 1 By the fourteenth article the Comtesse du Barry made, as well to Mile, de Tournon as to the Vicomte Adolphe, to the exclusion of the children to be born, a gift of the sum of 200,000 livres to be invested for their benefit in the acquisition of landed estate or in mortgages or prefer- ence shares. 1 The suit of the Comte du Barry with the Comtesse de Tournon, containing the notes of the evidence on both sides. Amsterdam, 1781. The dowry was never paid, the Comte states in his note, which goes so far as to say that on her marriage the bride was without every- thing, and that he had to supply linen, clothes, and effects. 166 Madame Dxi Barry The marriage was celebrated at Saint Roch. 1 After leav- ing the church the married pair had lunch at the Controller- Generars,and immediately started for Compiegne, where the presentation was to take place. This marriage took place, at the moment when Madame du Barry, always full of the idea of disarming Marie-Antoinette and given up to the 1 This union ended in a tragic fashion. In 1778 the Vicomte went with his wife and his sister-in-law, Mile, de Tournon, to Bath. He had determined to accompany Lord Rice, an Irish nobleman, with whom he had for eight years been on terms of intimate friendship. The Vicomte du Barry and Lord Rice had been on the most friendly footing when, one night, after midnight, they were both seen rushing out of the house, followed by the Vicomtesse, who, having vainly attempted to reach them, called out to them with loud shrieks. A carriage conveyed themselves and their seconds outside the city, and it was agreed, while waiting for daybreak, that the two adversaries, placed at a distance of twenty-five paces, out of which they were not to move, armed with their two pistols and their swords, should advance towards one another, should use their weapons so that it was to be understood the victorious combatant might finish his ad- versary, even when he had fallen on the ground. At daybreak the Vicomte jumped down from the carriage, fired first, and pierced Lord Rice's thigh. The latter responded with a pistol-shot, which passed through the Vicomte du Barry's breast, and advanced upon him, sword in hand. The Vicomte exclaimed : " I ask for life from you." " I give it to you," replied Lord Rice, who saw him at the same moment sink on the ground and vomit forth a torrent of blood and expire. The seconds were not informed of the motives for the duel. Lord Rice, when questioned by Dutens, gave two or three different versions of the cause of the quarrel; the general opinion was that the Vicomte du Barry had been jealous of Rice. On her return to France, the Vicomtesse du Barry got permission from the King to erect into the barony of Tournon some fiefs which she acquired in Corsica, and changed her name. At this insult, Du Barry, the Roue, wanted her to take his name her husband's name. She replied by a rather sad note, in which she said she did not know at first the 167 Madame Du Barry dream of a reconciliation with the future Queen of France, in spite of continual disappointments, pursued her object with obstinate determination, with the tenacity of a self- willed child whom nothing can repulse. She was impelled at the same time by a certain sentiment of respect, rather fantastic in its contemptuous nature and by a natural fear of the future and by the necessities of her present situation. In view of the King's ennui, the incurable, splenetic ennui, which had poisoned his whole life, and which was becoming, in the summer of this year 1773, blacker than ever, Madame du Barry felt that she no longer brought sufficient dissipa- tion to her royal lover ; she wished, fearing the worst, to dis- tract Louis XV. with the youthfulness of her two daughters- in-law, with the animation and gay laughter of the Dauphi- ness, which she knew amused the old King. So Madame du Barry had appealed to Mercy-Argenteau to induce the Dauphiness to testify to Louis XV. the desire she would have to accompany the King in the little trips he was accus- tomed to make to his country houses. Before attempting this step the Favourite had assured herself of the friendly role that Madame du Barry filled with Louis XV., accused her hus- band of having inherited his father's vices and his love of play, which had ruined him, and attributed his death to a scuffle the result of an uncertain combination which had not turned out lucky, and for which one of the parties to it demanded satisfaction from the other through anger at having been baulked in his desires. Then in order the better to get rid of her name she married again. " Memoirs of a Traveller taking a Rest." By Dutens. Vol. II. " Summary of the Memories of the Mile, de Tournon, Widow of Viscomte du Barry, in response to that of her father-in-law, the Cornte du Barry." 168 Madame Dvi Barry disposition of the Comtesse de Provence, 1 and in concert with D'Aiguillon she had gained over to her projects a lady who ruled Madame Adelaide and would have a powerful in- fluence in counteracting the devout antipathies and irre- concilable hatreds of the Royal aunts for " the clique." Through the influence of Madame de Narbonne, to whom the Mayoralty of Bordeaux had been promised for her son, and an interest in the approaching renewal of the lease o! the farming rights for herself, Madame Adelaide was led to treat Madame du Barry better, and was likely by her ex- ample to drag the Dauphiness in her train. Thus, beguiled and turned round all of a sudden, Madame Adelaide had al- ready written a letter to the King, in which she assured him of the efforts which she was going to bring to bear on the minds of her children in order to please him in everything, a letter to which the King replied that he was grateful to the Princess for the marks of her affection and submissiveness, but that he counted little on this attempt with the Dauphin, who " showed an estrangement of the most marked charac- ter towards the fair sex." Chon, the sister-in-law, the po- 1 As the attitude of Marie Antoinette towards Madame du Barry was dignified, so that of Madame was basely temporizing. The Com- tesse de Provence spoke to Madame du Barry at her table, at her presentations, had received her in the interior of her apartment at the fete given to her by the Comtesse de Valentinois, paid attentions to her, in short, encouraged in those meannesses by Monsieur, with whom Marie Antoinette, in the liveliness of her indignation, could not avoid making scenes over her duplicity and her lack of dignity, vainly striving to get rid of the " infernal household of D'Aiguillon and the Du Barry." 169 Madame D\J Barry litical Maitre Jacques of the cabal, having become hostile to the Due d'Aiguillon, laughed at all these shufflings, and never ceased repeating in every tone, with the bantering irony peculiar to her, that, by her incessant and clumsy per- sistence, Madame du Barry would only irritate the Dauphin and the Dauphiness, and would end by being 1 more badly treated by them. On the first step being taken by Madame Adelaide towards a reconciliation with Madame du Barry, the Dauphin made a display of temper, the gentle Madame Victoire openly revolted against Madame de Narbonne's ne- gotiation, and the diplomatic Comtesse de Narbonne aban- doned the Favourite by ill-treating her. In view of the atti- tude of the royal family, Madame Adelaide, confused and a little ashamed, acknowledged that she had been deceived, led into error, and declared that she would prevent the Comtesse de Narbonne from ever speaking to her on that subject. Thereupon d'Aiguillon got enraged, declared that he had been betrayed by everybody, and the Favourite fell into deep dejection at seeing, as a consequence of the ill-success of her little intrigue, the presentation of the Vicomtesse, her niece, adjourned and showing very little prospect of being accomplished. In fact, the presentation of the Vicomtesse Adolphe, which ought to have taken place on the 25th of July, was put off till the following Sunday, the ist of August, in the hope of finding some means of obtaining a favourable reception 1 " Secret Correspondence between Maria Theresa and the Comte Mercy-Argenteau." By Arneth. Didot, 1875. Tome II. 170 Madame Dvi Barry for the person making the presentation, and for the person presented. At last, on the ist of August, in the afternoon, after the salutation, the Comtesse du Barry, accompanied by the Duchesse de Laval and the Comtesse de Montmorency, presented her niece to the King. Then, in the midst of an immense concourse of people, who had come to Compiegne in order to see and compare and contrast the beauty of the niece with the beauty of the aunt, a crowd making it almost impossible to pass through the ante-chambers, the C^oitesse and the Vicomtesse du Barry went up to the Dauphin's apartments. The Prince was in the embrasure of a win- dow, chatting with somebody, playing the devil's tattoo on the panes. At an announcement from an usher of the cham- ber, the Prince turned his head round, seemed not to have noticed the two women, and continued his conversation and his drumming without giving the embrace. 1 Marie An- toinette made a slight bow to the Favourite, to the young bride, and to the ladies who accompanied her, but did not speak to anyone. It was the same way in the evening at play, where it was the etiquette that the women who had been presented should attend. It was the same way next morning at the toilet, where it was still the etiquette that the women presented should pay their court. In the evening no more than in the morning 2 did the Dauphiness "The English Spy." London: John Adamson, 1784. Tome I. J Marie Antoinette, in the apprehension of some scolding from her mother, tried to obtain pardon for her silence in a letter which she 171 Madame D\i Barry- address a word to any of the women. Marie Antoinette pushed things further; although all the ladies who were introduced and who danced were admitted as a matter of right to the Dauphiness's ball, the Princess never wished her lady-in-waiting to have permission to call the Vicomte Adolphe. The Roue, who had been refused admission at the Com- tesse's door, had only obtained permission to spend two days at Versailles. He was only to see his sister-in-law one mo- ment during the second day of Louis XV.'s small-pox. After such a complete humiliation, so many affronts, it might have been supposed that the Favourite would give up the task of attempting to overcome the Dauphiness's aver- sion. No ; it was nothing of the kind ; on the contrary, the unhappy Favourite clung more and more to the illusion of making herself one day agreeable to Marie Antoinette, of obtaining at last, through her own lips, that precious exchange of words so humbly and so obstinately solicited. She did not see that by this incessant and continual persecu- tion she rendered the Dauphiness more hostile, less tractable, as her sister-in-law Chon was constantly saying. In Septem- wrote on the 3rd of August : " My dear Mother, The presentation of young Madame du Barry passed off very well. A moment before she came to see me I was told that the King had not said a word either to the aunt or the niece ;I have done likewise. But, moreover, I can well assure my dear mother that I have received them very politely; everybody who was at my house has agreed that I had neither embarrassment nor eagerness in seeing them go away. The King has surely not been dissatisfied, for he has been in very good temper with us all the evening." 172 Madame D\i Barry her, I773 n the occasion of the harsh letter addressed by the King to the Dauphiness soliciting the recall of the Comtesse de Gramont, 1 when the news was brought to the Comtesse du Barry that Marie Antoinette believed the letter inspired or dictated by her, she immediately sent for Mercy-Argenteau. In this interview, she de- clared with the greatest warmth that she had no knowl- edge of the request for the recall, she even offered to use all her authority with the King to procure the Comtesse's return, asking as a recompense only the assurance of the good-will the Dauphiness would feel towards her. The mind of the Favourite was yoked to a single idea, was per- petually in search of a means, an invention, a stratagem, to make the Dauphiness abandon her estrangement from her person. In the month of November, she imagined that a letter of the King might make an impression on the Dauphi- ness and conquer her prejudices. The letter was waived on the suggestion of Mercy-Argenteau that the Dauphiness would be annoyed when she had no doubt of the pressure exercised over her feelings, and the Favourite sought a new combination. The Favourite was not to be discouraged by 1 Here is the letter of the King to the Dauphiness, as Mercy-Argen- teau reports it : " You are very ill advised, my dear daughter, in asking for the return of Madame de Gramont. This can only be suggested to you by the Choiseul party, by the members of which you are surrounded. The access which you give them does not agree with the wise counsels which you receive from the Empress ; therefore, what I believe it is best to do for you with regard to your request is not to speak of it to anyone." 173 Madame Dvi Barry- coldnesses, or disdains, or repulses, or the exclusion of the Vicomtesse du Barry from the King's carriages while hunt- ing, or the sad reception quite recently given to Mile, de Fumel. 1 A softening in the glance, a trifling lack of hospi- tality in the attitude, a less severe treatment than usual, made the poor woman return to her fad. She said to herself that now the Dauphiness abstained from talking about her in a mortifying fashion, she strove to rob her contempt of the character of aversion, and finally discovered in the neg- ative treatment of Marie Antoinette, according to the ex- pression of the Empress-Queen's ambassador, a vague pledge of future reconciliation. And, in order to arrive at the realization of her secret dreams, did not the Du Barry's imagination and tact as a courtesan suggest to her in January, 1774, this corrupting device? A jeweller possessed ear-rings formed of four bril- liants of extraordinary size and beauty estimated to be worth 700,000 livres. Knowing the Dauphiness 's passion for precious stones, Madame du Barry persuaded the Comte de Noailles to look at the marvellous diamonds, and to tell Her Royal Highness that if they pleased her, she need not be embarrassed either about the price or the payment, because the means would be found to get the King to make a present 1 There was a proposal for a marriage between Elie du Barry, the youngest of Du Barry's three brothers, with Mile, de Fumel, a wealthy lady of high position. " On her presentation," says Mercy- Argenteau, " the reception given by the Dauphiness, as at the pre- sentation of the Vicomtesse Adolphe, was very cold and silent.'' 174 Madame Du Barry of them to her. The Dauphiness simply answered that she had no idea of increasing her store of diamonds. 1 The Abbe Terray remained the cashier, with coffers al- ways open, and money always ready for the whims, the fancies, the extravagant expenditure of the Favourite. He gave the Comte Jean money for play, for keeping his mis- tress Madame Murat in luxury, for a dowry to her son the Vicomte Adolphe; and in the scarcity of the Exchequer he found money continually for all the Du Barrys in the world. Destitute of every great political idea, without a higher view of humanity, the Abbe had only the ambition to accumulate honours, prerogatives, and ministries. It was necessary for him to add to the office of Controller-General the post of Director and Orderer-General of Buildings, Gar- dens, Arts, Academies, and Royal Manufactories, and when he had snatched this immense governing authority from the Marquis de Merigny, he wanted again to carry off the small things from the Due de Richelieu. Insatiable, he kept min- ing under the Due d'Aiguillon, whom he laboured to place on terms of coldness with the mistress, and openly coveted the seals. In order to obtain all he wanted, he saw himself obliged to grant everything. And even his poor imagination devised plans for securing the attachment of Madame du Barry, for making her the docile instrument of his inces- sant claims through a gratitude still greater than that which money creates. It was thus that he took up the idea, that " Secret Correspondence between Maria Theresa and the Comte Mercy-Argenteau. By Arneth. Didot, 1875. Tome II. 175 Madame D\i Barry he gave a body to the chimera presented for a moment by the Chancellor and the Due d'Aiguillon to the Favourite's fancy 1 the dissolution of her marriage with the Comte and a marriage of conscience with the King.- He drew up in writing a consultation of which this is a resume: " Madame du Barry represents to His Holiness that, little acquainted with canonical rules, she only ascertained, since the celebration of her marriage with the Comte Guillaume du Barry, that it was forbidden for a woman to marry the brother of a man with whom she has lived. She confesses with all the sorrow of a repentant soul that she had weak- nesses for the Comte Jean du Barry, her husband's brother ; that she had happily been warned in time of the incest which she was about to commit, and that her conscience, now en- lightened, did not permit her to live with her new spouse ; that, therefore, the crime has not yet been committed; and she supplicates His Holiness to be kind enough to relieve her of such a scandalous alliance." By amusing and luring with this fantastic dream the credulous creature, and by talking to her about interviews with the Nuncio, the ironical Abbe entered into the Fa- vourite's intimate confidence, and saw himself already the directing minister the Minister of all the Ministries a species of Choiseul. 1 The Memoir of Linguet for " Simon Sommer, Carpenter, Lan- dau," by discussing whether the divorce could be legitimately al- lowed, was a means of feeling the pulse of public opinion, perhaps an attempt to get a general law passed, of which Madame du Barry ought to have taken advantage. " " Memorial concerning the Administration of Finances under the Abbe Terray." London, 1776. 176 XL Intrigues of Women Seeking to dispossess Madame du Barry of the King's Heart. Madame Louise, the Carmelite. The Chancellor passing over to the Devotee Party. The Physique of Old Louis XV. The Remark of the Surgeon, La Martiniere. The Lent of 1773. Men Struck Dead by the King's side. Louis XV. falls ill at Trianon. The Intrigues of the Aiguillonists and the Anti-Aiguillonists around the Death-Bed. Dismissal of Madame du Barry. THE possession of Louis XV.'s heart was not a tranquil possession. Madame du Barry had to be protecting herself every moment against the jobberies of the antechamber to supplant her, the subterranean plots of very illustrious pimps, shameless plans making a courtier's fortune depend on the accession of a new mistress. In 1771 Hardy speaks of the negotiations to give the Princess of Monaco to the King ; in default of her, a young lady named Smith; and lastly a third person the secret of whose name is guarded. A very pretty and very graceful creature, the wife of a musician of the King's bed-chamber, Madame Beche, created for some time very serious obstacles in the Favour- ite's path. 1 " Secret Correspondence, Political and Literary." London, John Adamson. Tome I. 177 12 Madame Du Barry Another lady, a Dutchwoman, Madame Pater, who had become Countess of Newkerke, and whose beauty had, ten years before, caused a revolution in Paris, was pushed for- ward by the Due de Duras, 1 a gentleman of the bed-cham- ber, who, it was said, received from Chanteloup instructions from his friend the Due de Choiseul. The intrigue was skil- fully and secretly carried on. The marriage, according to the Protestant rite, of the Pater was dissolved, and she was to be united to the King by secret nuptials. And when the Du Barry was warned, what hand did she find? The hand of D'Aiguillon drawing up and sketching instructions for the Dutchwoman in her intimate relations with the King, instructions in which is found a little of the Machiavellism of the " Dangerous Liaisons." A scene followed, in which Madame du Barry, with the vivacity of speech which was natural to her, reproached her ally, her lover, for his treason. She recalled to him that she had pushed him into the min- istry in spite of the general reprobation, that she had main- tained him in the office of Foreign Affairs, in spite of the King, saying after the partition of Poland : "If Choiseul had been there, it would not have happened," that she had in fact saved him from the executioner. 21 However, Madame du Barry had now, in all the feminine ambushes prepared 1 Madame du Barry put the Due de Duras outside the door of her apartment, saying that he had not only presented the Pater to His Majesty, but had held the candle, and for that reason she begged him no longer to put his foot in her abode. 1 " The Annals of Louis XV." A. Villefranche at the Widow Lib- erty's, 1782. Second Part. 178 Madame D\i Barry against her, the surprise of finding behind women her best friends. The Abbe Terray himself, the man who appeared the most attached to her fortune, had placed near the Fa- vourite one of his bastards, Madame d'Amerval, whose youth, giddiness, and childishness amused Madame du Barry. It was at the moment when the Abbe exhorted the Favourite, while awaiting the dissolution of her marriage, to follow the example of Madame de Pompadour, to yield to the physical caprices of the King, softly urging her to put La d'Amerval into the bed of Louis XV. But Madame du Barry had the instinct that, under the cloak of a passing fancy, the minister Bonneau was slyly raising up a rival against her. 1 Finally, in her own family, in the person of her niece, the beautiful Madame Adolphe du Barry, she had to fear an instrument of ruin worked by the Comte Jean, 2 who, always ambitious of governing the kingdom, believed that he was more easily master of his daughter-in-law than of his sister-in-law. And there again did not Madame du Barry find herself associated in the Roue's plans with the Comte d'Aiguillon, whom people accused to the aunt of in- fidelities with the niece? 3 1 " Memoirs concerning the Administration of Finances under the Ministry of the Abbe Terray." London, 1786. * When people spoke to Madame du Barry of the plans of the Comte Jean and of the impression made on the King by the beauty of Mile, de Tournon, the Favourite said gaily that " the office of the King's mistress would not pass at least out of the family." But at heart she felt very uneasy. * Of infidelities the Due d'Aiguillon was very capable, but of mach- inations to overthrow the Favourite it is far less credible that he 179 Madame Dxi Barry But more than all the light women of the Court and the city there was to be dreaded on behalf of Madame du Barry a more dangerous woman : this was Louis XV.'s daughter, Madame Louise the Carmelite, who, under the mantle of Saint Theresa, sent to her for the occasion of making her vows, 1 wanted to rule France from the depths of her cell Madame Louise, with whom the Chancellor, deserting Lu- ciennes, went every eight days to communicate. The great friendships between the cousins had grown cold. The Favourite had not been able to obtain from the Chancellor the pardon of the bankrupt Billard, the nephew of Billard du Monceau. Then Maupeou had not been with- out knowing of D'Aiguillon's secret attempts to re-establish the Parliament on the assurance of the Princes that he would be whitewashed; he was not ignorant of the support given to these attempts by Madame du Barry up to the day when she saw that the King, glad to be rid of the " black robes/' determined to keep near him the man who had delivered him from them. 2 The result was coldness and almost hostility between the Minister and the Favour- ite. But, apart from any little grievances which he 1 " Life of Madame Louise of France." By the Abbe Proyart Perisse Freres. 1860. Tome I. 1 " Anecdotes about the Comtesse du Barri." London, 1775. was guilty, and very slight credit is to be given to those stories, which are belied by the courageous attachment of the Duke to the Du Barry when she had fallen into disgrace. 180 LOUISE.MARIE OF FRANCE To face page 180 Madame D\i Barry- could have against the mistress, Maupeou was above all driven to withdraw from her and from her party by his knowledge of humanity, by the presentiment that in the Bourbon growing old religion was quite ready to reappear. And he thought that, at the present moment, it was more useful to him to be on the side of the confessor than on the side of the mistress. So the Chan- cellor played the devotee, denouncing now the ministers who were dragged at the feet of this woman of loose morals, who lived only with comedians, singers, jugglers, all peo- ple with talents which brought them ill-repute and reproba- tion. Sustained by the Chancellor, Madame Louise assumed more authority every day. The King often came to see her, and at each of his visits Madame du Barry trembled. At the beginning of 1772, the two of them, Madame Louise and the Chancellor, had even arranged a marriage between the King and the Archduchess Maria Elizabeth, sister of the Emperor, she who had said that she would never marry the King of France. And on the 25th of January, Madame du Barry, seeing the King starting for Saint-Denis, flung her- self at his feet, said to him that she knew her ruin was de- termined upon, that she preferred to receive her conge from the mouth of the King than to have the humiliation of re- ceiving it from the Black Cabal, that the Chancellor and the Archbishop were knaves, 1 and prevented by this scene the " Journal of Events as they came to my Knowledge." By Hardy. National Library. Manuscripts. French Supplement, 6680. 181 Madame D\i Barry Hsit of the King. Later on, it was again Madame Louise and the Chancellor, who, playing upon a caprice of the King, filled Louis XV. for a moment with the desire to marry the Princess de Lamballe, and drew on Madame du Barry, when she jested with the King about the report of this marriage, the severe rejoinder: " Why, I might do much worse." The proposed marriages did not take place, but the action of the Carmelite on the King remained powerful, and be- came greater as the years accumulated on Louis XV. There was, above all, each year, an epoch which was always a critical time, Easter week, when every effort was made in order that, according to the expression of Madame Louise, " the good God should take possession of her father's heart 1 in order that the King should be induced to go to Communion." In vain did the Favourite make the gay remark, " Well, if His Majesty makes his Easter duty, I'll make mine." 2 She spent no less than an entire fortnight in a state of mortal apprehension. The King was growing old ; and age, years, the fatigue of life, the weariness of the soul, in place of appeasing his pas- sions, only irritated the capriciousness of his desires. That physical obsession, which takes possession of certain old men, made its prey of Louis XV. with advancing years. The love which had filled his head and his body was no longer 1 An expression of Madame Louise's letter when she learned about the Du Barry's dismissal from her father's bedside. 2 " Anecdotes about the Comtesse du Barri." London, 1775. 182 Madame D\i Barry more than an appetite and a brutality of his heart ; and he seemed no longer to have living within him anything but furious and half -dead desires. . . . For a moment, how- ever, after Madame de Pompadour's death, the King en- tered into a sort of Platonic liaison with a charming woman, the Comtesse de Seran, whose tastes he gallantly consulted by having a suite of apartments furnished for her use in blue. 1 For some months there was a discreet, respectful relationship, an interchange of polite language, pleasant chats which had all the charm of familiarity, court paid to the lady with those graces and those courtesies so natural to Louis XV. when he wished to please. It might be said that a rejuvenescence took place in the King's thoughts, a return to his first amours 2 with the Comtesse de Toulouse; and the Court believed that this was the commencement of one of those liaisons which border on love without quitting friendship, one of those tender, delightful kinds of inter- course which make even an old man's soul amorous. But this Platonism of Louis XV. was quickly killed by the Du Barry's caresses, those caresses of the brothel, attacking only the physical side of love and leading into the rut of animal- ism. Unsatiated, the King went from Madame du Barry to others, and from caprice to caprice, exhausting love with- out exhausting temptation, tormented, restless, burning, trembling, and interrupting his pleasures only to throw him- 1 " Memoirs of a Father." By Marmontel. Paris, 1804. Tome III. 1 Nous revenons tou jours a nos premiers amours. TRANSLATOR. Madame Dxi Barry self into religious acts which he made his female flatterers share in. In this fever, wine, punch transported by Madame du Barry from London drawing-rooms to the sup- per of her own rooms in the palace, 1 every stimulant, was used by the King, sustained him, lent him the energy to keep him from growing old. Between the mistress and the lover there was no longer any bond save that of habit and sensuality, stripped of every bond of mind, stripped of even all the decent coquetry and all the modest elegance that had attached the King to Madame de Pompadour. And just picture to yourself, Madame de Pompadour with her shepherdess's costume, her straw hat, her ribbons, her beauty in fitting attire, her charming veils; then see the Du Barry in the costume which restores youth fulness to the King, in her disguise as a Bacchante, 2 half-naked under gauze, and her neck brazenly exposed, you will have a representation of the two amours of the King. In the meantime, the King was more than sixty years old. These amorous excesses had produced in the case of the old man ailments the nature of which he communicated to his principal surgeon, La Martiniere. Louis XV. went to his consultations, conformed with his prescriptions, even made him sleep for several months in his own bed-room. And one night in the month of May, 1773 of that month the whole 1 "The Breast-plated Gazetteer or Scandalous Anecdotes of the Court of France." Printed a hundred leagues from the Bastille, at the Sign of Liberty, 1781. "The Breast-plated Gazetteer" goes fur- ther. " Anecdotes about the Comtesse du Barri." London, 1775. 184 Madame Dxi Barry of which Louis XV. would not see next year Madame du Barry's elderly lover, talking about the sad decay of his faculties, ended by saying with a sigh : "I see that I am no longer young, that I must put on a break." " Sire," re- plied La Martiniere with his plain-speaking, " you will do better to unyoke." The Lenten sermons preached by the Abbe de Beauvais at the Court during the Holy Week of the year 1773 made a deep impression on the King's mind. Suddenly there fell, in this chapel of Versailles, on those lost fine ladies, on those pandering courtiers, the bold language of an obscure man, who flagellated everybody's turpitudes, who dared to mount up to the King's person, assigning to Louis XV. and his concubine this courageous Biblical allusion : " In short this monarch (Solomon), sated with sensual indulgence, tired from having exhausted with his withered senses every sort of pleasure that surrounds a throne, ended by seeking for a new sort in the vile remains of public license." To the in- dignation of the courtiers, to the complaints of Madame du Barry so pitilessly pointed at, Louis XV. contented himself with answering that the Abbe de Beauvais was doing his business. Another sermon had a more decided effect on Louis XV., returning day and night to his terrified imagination. It was a sermon on Death, at which the young preacher protected by Madame Louise, reducing to nothingness that list of centenarians which had just been given by the editor of the " Gazette de France " in order to fill the King with illu- 185 Madame Dxi Barry sions, and to make him believe in a far greater longevity in his own century than in past centuries, brutally destroyed the security brought by this lying adulator, showed the King the Death of the Eighteenth Century leaning over the bed- side of the men of his age. Then he brought back and recalled to the King's memory the death of the Duke of Burgundy, the death of the Dauphin, the death of the Dauphiness, the death of the Queen, the deaths of beings who had been dearest to him, of his mistresses whom he did not name, but whom he recalled as having been carried oil in the flower of their age, letting him understand that his turn had long since arrived, and stamping and driving into the brain of this Bourbon, haunted since youth by the dis- turbing dream of nothingness, the fixed thought of an ap- proaching end. 1 Thus penetrated and beset by those words, by those recol- lections, by those menaces, by those predictions of death, the King also reflected with a sense of dread that he was in his sixty-third year, a time regarded as a climacteric date fatal to old men. 2 Then there happened to take place around Louis XV. a succession of startlingly tragic deaths. The ambassador of Genoa, Sorba, whom he was accustomed to see every day, died suddenly. D'Armentieres followed 1 For a moment it was said that the Abbe Beauvais had fallen into disgrace. The contrary happened. The Abbe de Beauvais was nominated Bishop of Seney, and, in the Lent of 1774, when he again preached at Court, His Majesty laughingly challenged him to fulfil the engagement he had made to preach at Court in the Lent of 1776, although he was a Bishop. * " Secret Anecdotes about the Comtesse du Barri." 1775. 186 Madame D\i Barry Sorba very closely. The Abbe de la Ville, the instrument of Choiseul's ruin, coming to thank him for the place of Di- rector of Foreign Affairs, was struck with apoplexy under the King's eyes. Lastly, one evening, when Louis XV. was playing picket with Madame du Barry, and the Marquis de Chouvelin, that old friend and former associate in his pleas- ures, sat propped up against the back of his arm-chair, Madame du Barry, raising her eyes, said : " What a grimace you are making, Monsieur de Chouvelin," whereupon the King turned round: Chouvelin fell dead at his feet. 1 The Lent of 1774 came round, and a remark which fell from the terrible mouth of the Abbe de Beauvais agitated the King's mind like a summons from God. The young preacher had just hurled against the walls of the chapel of Versailles, the menace of the prophet : " Forty days more, and Nineveh will be destroyed ! " 2 On her side, Madame du Barry, superstitious like all women of pleasure of her kind, was devoured by vague anxieties and secret presentiments, so that she several times allowed this remark to escape from her before her intimate friends : " I would be glad if this nasty month of April had passed." This was the month when the Almanac of Liege for the year 1774 announced that " a great lady who played a role at a foreign Court would cease to do so." 1 " Secret Memoirs of the Republic of Letters." Tome VII. 2 In the " Conversations of the Other World," Louis XV., speak- ing to the Prince of Conde, says : " You know well, cousin, that it was that cursed sermon of Maundy Thursday that killed me." 187 Madame Du Barry The King now spoke about his sickly state of health and the possibility of his death, and sometimes, at the end of his remarks, about " the frightful account we would have to render to the Supreme Being for the employment of the life which he has bestowed upon us in this world." 1 The poli- ticians, foreseeing the approaching entrance of the confessor on the scene, under the pretext that the Abbe Maudoux's sight was very weak, strove to replace that ecclesiastic, who was opposed to intrigue and devoted to Marie Antoinette, by a more pliable confessor. The Favourite, of whose dismissal before six months D'Aiguillon himself had given an intimation to Mesdames, 2 the Favourite, who realized the instability of her position, and who knew that she could only hold her own by drag- ging the King's mind out of the blackness of his thoughts, set her wits to work to find voluptuous distractions for him. She had triumphed in the Lent of 1773 by giving orders for the performance of an erotic opera. She tried to kill the action of the Lent of 1774 on the remorseful feelings of the King by organizing a little pleasure-trip to Trianon in the closing days of the month of April. On the 27th of April, the King, who had arrived the pre- vious night at Trianon, felt unwell, he could not follow the 1 " Secret Correspondence between Maria Theresa and the Comte Mercy-Argenteau." Didot, 1875. Tome I. 9 " Complete Correspondence of Madame du Def fand." By Sainte Aulaire. Levy, 1866. Tome . 188 Madame Dxi Barry chase on horseback, and when he alighted from his carriage on his return complained of a violent headache. 1 He retired to Madame du Barry's apartments, imagining it was indigestion; but his illness grew worse, and in the night he sent for Lemonnier, his principal physician. Le- monnier found the King feverish, but no symptom of a na- ture to cause uneasiness. Madame Du Barry, dreading the weakness of the King's mind, that terror of the devil which was now awakened in him by every attack on his health, sought to prevail on him to get nursed at Trianon without giving notice to the Royal family, and she was aided and sustained in her desire by the Due d'Aumont, the first gen- tleman of the Bed-chamber. The King's indisposition was known during the day at Versailles. The Royal family did The story of the passing fancy to which the King's death was at- tributed is told in these terms by the Abbe. Beaudeau : "During the last days of April, the King was at Trianon with the Du Barry. While out walking he saw a little girl gathering grass for the cows she was minding. He saw that she had very fine eyes. He came over to her, and lifted up her head-dress and her hair. When she had been cleaned up, the King thought she would be 'charming' if she were dressed as a fine lady. 'Well! let us dress her.' Here is their little peasant dressed like a lady with rouge and patches. She is truly 'charming.' 'Let us make her sup with us- Her embarrass- ment will amuse us.' Meanwhile, her brother died of smallpox; next day she caught it, and died of it on Saturday. And there is the tale or the history." Let us say that nothing is less proved than this story of the King and the little cowherdess, as Beaudeau pretends. Voltaire informs us that there was at this time an epidemic of small- pox in the neighbourhood, and the King might very simply and very naturally have fallen a victim to it. 189 Madame Du Barry not run the risk of coming to see the King, but the Dauphin despatched to his grandfather the surgeon La Martiniere, an enemy of the Du Barry, who had exercised a certain in- fluence over the King's mind since those occasions when he slept in Louis XV. 's bed-room the year before. La Martiniere, having reached Trianon on Thursday, April 28th, had no trouble, with his imperative and abrupt style of speaking, in triumphing over the invalid's vacillat- ing disposition. He prevailed on the King to set out as soon as the carriages had arrived. He himself watched the prep- arations for the journey; and the King, swathed in his morning-gown, was put into a carriage and conveyed at a walking pace to Versailles into the midst of the Court, within reach of the Church. The King, on his arrival, was carried up to bed, received the Royal family, but only for an instant, and sent them away, telling the Dauphin not to come back till he sent for him. Then he spent the rest of the evening with Madame du Barry. The night of the 28th was bad. The King had fever and some hallucinations ; he began to be frightened by his condi- tion. The doctors, Lemonnier and La Martiniere, decided on the morning of the 29th that the King should be bled, and asked the patient to let other doctors be brought in, with a view to opening a permanent consultation. The King, at Madame du Barry's suggestion, named Bordeu, the Fa- vourite's doctor, and Lorry, the Due d'Aiguillon's doctor. The news of the bleeding produced a great impression 190 Madame Du Barry at Court. The antechamber was filled with courtiers, who entered the patient's bed-chamber along with the doctors summoned for the consultation. The doctors, still ignorant of the King's malady, an- nounced that there would be a second bleeding in the after- noon and a third bleeding during the night or on the fol- lowing day, if the second did not free the King from his headache. " A third bleeding," said the King ; " but in that case it must be some disease. ... I would be glad if they could avoid doing it to me." A third bleeding was not only for the King a sign of a grave malady ; it was a promise of victory for the Choiseul party, a promise of defeat for the Du Barry party. The anti-Aiguillonists, the anti-Bat ryites, began to have hopes for their political views of a return to God through the ter- ror inspired by this bleeding; the Aiguillonists and the Barryites began to fear that it would lead to the mistress's expulsion, so much so that D'Aiguillon, Richelieu, and the Due d'Aumont circumvented Lorry and Bordeu and got them to put aside all question of the third bleeding. The second bleeding, in which four great basins of blood were taken from the King, left him quite prostrated. 1 About 1 To this bleeding has since been attributed the bad course of the King's malady and finally his death, as it had been effected in the beginning of the eruption. The doctors were put on their guard against the idea of small-pox by an eruption on the skin, which the King had in his youth at Fontainebleau, and which had been de- scribed as small-pox. 191 Madame Du Barry five o'clock, nevertheless, the King sent for his children, and kept them for half an hour without uttering a word. It was not a good evening with him ; the fever increased. The Due d'Aumont wanted to send for Madame du Barry; but an altercation broke out between the Duke and the doctors, who were opposed to the admission of Madame du Barry, The Due d'Aumont did not venture to go any further, and Madame du Barry had to be satisfied with a conference with the Due d'Aignillon. On Saturday, the 3Oth of April, the King, having been carried for the sake of the convenience of those around him from a large bed to a small one, a doctor happened to draw close to Louis XV. 's face a wax-candle, which brought into full view on his forehead and cheeks red spots in which pimples were already seen to have gathered. There could be no doubt about it any longer. It was small-pox. The doctors, as if relieved at having their uncertainty ended, announced the disease almost gaily, saying that the King was wonderfully prepared for it, and that all would go well. And the Court was reassured, believing it meant eight days' confinement to bed, in spite of the menacing response of Bordeu : " By Jove . . . small-pox at sixty-four, with a constitution like the King's, is a terrible disease ! " In the pestiferous apartment Madame Adelaide, Madame Victoire, and Madame Sophie had been shut up with their father. . . . Louis XV. had sunk into a state of ex- treme exhaustion, mingled with an anxiety which could not be calmed. He no longer spoke. His eyes were at the same 192 MADAME LA DUCHESSE DE CHATEAUROUX To face page 192 Madame D\i Barry- time haggard and fixed. The party of the Du Barry began to get frightened, and pushed into the King's chamber the woman whom he loved in order to awaken in the dying man a little of the sensual life, and in order to have it re- peated out of doors that the favour of the mistress still con- tinued. As a consequence of some strong words exchanged between the Prince of Beauvau, Choiseul's friend, and the Due d'Aumont, it was La Borde, valet of the quarter, who was in the pay of the Du Barry party, who gave the order in the King's room. So, every evening, La Borde sent out everybody, went to look for the Favourite, and led her to the bedside of the King, who showed in his weakened con- dition little gladness at seeing her. 1 Meanwhile, the anti-Aiguillonists and the anti-Bar ryites cried out against the scandal, demanding that the sacrament should be administered to the King, urged the pious M. de Beaumont to imitate the example of the Bishop of Soissons, who in 1771 drove away from the side of the King the Duchesse de Chateauroux. And it so happened (strange fact!) that " in this jobbing and this trafficking in the con- science of the King" this is the expression of Cardinal de Luynes the party of the devotees and the Jesuits banded themselves in a league to prevent the King from receiving communion, while the Choiseul party, the party of the phi- losophers and of the sceptics, entered into a league to impose " Memoirs of the Baron de Besenval." Baudouin Freres, 1821. Tome I. 193 13 Madame D\i Barry this communion on the temporisings of the Archbishop of Paris. On Sunday the 1st of May, there was a fresh consultation of the doctors, and an official announcement of the Arch- bishop's visit. On the 2nd of May, the Archbishop of Paris, though suf- fering from the stone and passing blood, 1 came with the sac- rament and with the intention of demanding a notorious and anterior expulsion of the concubine. But there was secretly in M. de Beaumont's breast, between his zeal and his con- science, a sense of gratitude for the signal services which Madame du Barry had rendered to the party of which he was the chief ecclesiastic by the overthrow of Choiseul, the elevation of D'Aiguillon, and the annihilation of the Par- liaments. Before the Archbishop's arrival, a conference took place between Madame du Barry, D'Aiguillon, Richelieu, and Fronsac, in which it was agreed that in order to get the visit to come off in the presence of the Duke of Orleans, it should be one of simple politeness, and that nothing should be said about the sacrament. Even Madame Adelaide, on whom the doctors of the Du Barry party had imposed the idea that the question of eternity was perhaps premature, and might give the patient his death-stroke, was won over to this combination. When, therefore, at eleven o'clock in the morning, the Archbishop presented himself at the door of 1 " Secret Correspondence, Political and Literary." London, 1787. 194 Madame Dvi Barry the King's antechamber, Richelieu rushed forward to meet him, and implored of him not to cause the King's death by a theological proposition; then, with the cynicism of his graceful manners, he proposed that the prelate should listen to some pretty little sins of his own, swearing that he would hear some the like of which he had never heard since he became Archbishop of Paris. And passing from these remarks to seriousness, he represented to the Archbishop, that to send away Madame du Barry was to prepare the way for Choiseul's triumph, to injure the woman who was a friend in order to serve the enemy. Finally he flung at the prelate by way of peroration what the Favourite had said to him the night before : " Let the Archbishop leave us alone, and he shall have a Cardinal's hat ; I will take care of that and will answer for it." 1 The Archbishop entered the King's room, remained there a quarter of an hour, and went away without speaking about confession. The King, as if revived by the Archbishop's silence, had Madame du Barry quickly sent for, and kissed her beautiful hands with delight. The Choiseul party turned to another man, Cardinal de la Roche- Aymon, a nature ambitious and deceptive, who, currying favour with the two parties, said that he could not openly propose the sacraments, but that he would watch and seize hold of the first opportunity. However, the fer- vent and the enthusiastic amongst the clergy grew impa- " Historical and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI." By Soulavie. Treuttel and Wurtz. Year X. Tome I. 195 Madame D\i Barry tient. The Bishop of Carcassonne, showing his pectoral cross to Cardinal de la Roche-Aymon, appealed to him in the name of that cross not to let his King, the most Christian King, die without being anointed, called on him to act in such a way that the King should show an example of repentance to France, to Christian Europe, which he had scandalised. To the intimidations of Richelieu, and the threats of Fronsac to throw him out of the window if he spoke of confession to the King, the cure of Versailles replied : "If you do not kill me, I will re-enter through the door, for it is my right." x During this tumult, these divisions, these comings and goings, whilst the Eucharist was wandering through the corridors, the King's disease was growing towards nausea, and his body was covered with that leprosy which would torment his agony with the fear that the pus of his pimples might mingle with the Host.* On the 3rd of May, the doctor's bulletin announced that the King had been delirious during the night, and the Due d'Aiguillon thereupon made a scene with the doctors at the King's door, the noise of which reached Louis XV., who asked what was the matter. And the minister came in to the King, who spoke to him in the most tender terms about his mistress, even asking to have her brought to him that evening by La Borde. 1 " Memoirs of the Marechal de Richelieu." Buisson. 1793. Tome IX. 2 The decomposition of Louis XV.'s body was such that the night- men of Versailles had to be asked to put it into the coffin. 196 Madame Du Barry During the day, a conversation had taken place between the King and the Archbishop, who had taken up his quarters in the Lazarists' house at Versailles. ... In the eve- ning, when Madame du Barry entered, still radiant after the words of the morning, the King made her come over near his bed, and said to her in a low voice : " Madame, I am sick ; I know what I have to do ; I do not want to begin over again the scene at Metz ; we must part. Go to Ruel, to M. d'Aiguillon's ; be sure that I shall always feel for you the tenderest friendship." And he pushed her away in a last dismissal. Scarcely had Madame du Barry left when Louis XV. asked for her again, stammering in a voice which was begin- ning to become delirious : " Ah ! she is gone . . . then we must go, too at least we must pray to Saint Gene- vieve." x 1 This account of Louis XV.'s death is taken, to a great extent, from the two narratives given by Soulavie on the subject in the " Memoirs of the Marechal Due de Richelieu " and in the " Histor- ical and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI." The infor- mation with which the historian supplies us as to the end of the King he got from M. de la Borde, first valet of the King's Bed- chamber, who had communicated to him his " Memoirs of the Court of Louis XV.," hitherto unpublished ; from the Abbe Dupinet, Canon of Notre Dame, who repeated to him the conversation he had on this subject with the Archbishop of Paris; lastly from Cardinal de Luynes, from Madame d'Aiguillon, from the Due de Brissac, and from the Marechal de Richelieu. It is time to lift Soulavie out of the contempt in which he has been held, and to assure him his proper mer- its as an authority for the facts of history. He had the good fortune to see passing through his hands the most curious and most authentic 197 XII. The Nothingness of the Du Barry's Historic Role. The Patron- age of Art conferred on Chasers of Bronze, on Carvers in Wood, on Embroiderers, and Dressmakers, etc. Lettre de Cachet which exiles the Favourite to Pont-aux-Dames. The Disbandment of the Du Barrys. Purchase of the Estate of Saint- Vrain. Madame du Barry playing a Twelve- Sous Piece and Losing 90,000 Livres. Return to Luciennes. Love-letters of the Du Barry. Picture of Luciennes before the Revolution. The Beauty of Madame du Barry at Forty Years. The reign of Madame Du Barry was finished. There was in the Greek anthology this epitaph on a young woman : " May the earth be light on her ! She weighed so little on it ! " So we might say of the Favourite : " May Posterity be light on her! She weighed so little on His- tory." In fact, this reign of Madame du Barry is the reign documents of the eighteenth century. I shall only cite as an example the " Autograph Correspondence of Mademe de Chateauroux," pub- lished by us from the originals in Rouen in the " Duchesse de Cha- teauroux," a correspondence which he certainly consulted, and of which even the smallest detail agrees so perfectly with Richelieu's biography. I shall recall also as a proof of the esteem to which Sou- lavie's information is entitled the two conversations of Madame de Pompadour with the President of Meinieres, the first of which has been lately republished by th Faculty of Bibliophiles from the man- uscript of the President. 198 Madame Dxi Barry of a King's mistress which was peculiar and without a parallel ; it is neither a tyranny nor a government. It is an omnipotence without being a domination, a caprice without being an initiative. It is power without the will, without the personality, of power. The unconsciousness and irre- sponsibility of a dream are its attributes, as they are the excuses for it. Examine, study the character of Madame du Barry as a favourite: nothing of what emanates from her belongs to her position. She does not possess in herself a single idea, nor has she a single enemy. She plays a part in the great historic events of the time without either desiring or comprehending them. Brought into the King's bed by passions and interests which are unknown to her, she is kept there by favourable circumstances which she allows to ope- rate without observing them. She is devoted to friendships and to individuals without having the least idea of devotion to a cause, a system, or a party ; and she is protected by the providential course of affairs, without having to encumber herself with an effort, an intrigue, or a recompense for fa- vours received. The exile of Choiseul, the exile of the Parliaments, the sudden political changes, the revolutions of the Palace, pass through her hands; they pass neither through her heart nor through her head. Without having to pursue good-fortune herself, the time raises her to a re- markable position, surrounds her with servitors, leads successively to her feet the Duke of Orltans, the Prince of Conde, the Duke of Chartreg. That secret rivalry between 199 Madame DXJ Barry the Chancellor and the Abbe Terray, which puts these two men at the mistress's feet, which renders them the slaves of her whims and her squanderings, all those divisions of the ministry and of the Court which deliver up ambitions and consciences to her, are kindled underneath her and without her. The seductions of women who compete against her for favour, the beauties lying in ambuscade, the fascination of a Baroness of Newkerque, of that beautiful Madame Pater, demand, so to speak, from Ma- dame du Barry neither a care nor an effort for the pur- pose of sel f -protection : the attempts, the temptations, miscarry of their own accord through the conflict of opinions and the warring interests of the plotters. Thus flows along softly and without a struggle the favour of this spoiled child, who, without affections, without ha- treds, repeating what she is taught to say, wishing for what she is taught to wish for, without aim, without interest, without passion, 1 forms the singular contrast with Madame de Pompadour of a Favourite who reigns and does not gov- ern. Madame du Barry does not even keep, of the domination of the woman who came before her, the part which is the easiest to exercise control in, and the lightest to carry, that patronage of literature and art of which a King's mis- tress can make herself so great and so charming a distrib- utor. Even the sway of good taste is not exercised by 1 "Letters of the Marquise du Deffand to Horace Walpole." Tome II. 200 Madame D\i Barry Madame du Barry; and, as she did in political matters, she abandons herself to her time in artistic matters. She fol- lows the fashion, and in nothing does she figure as a leader. Her patronage descends, with her pleasures and her tastes, which were those of a grisette, from the opera to the coup- let, from painters and sculptors to workers in bronze and carvers in wood, from the Encyclopedic to La Morliere and from Montesquieu to Audinot. The clientele, the persons whose society is cultivated by her whom Voltaire calls " figerie," are not by any means artists,, philosophers, or poets. They are the gods of the lower empires the mim- ics, the buffoons, the dancers, the comedians. She forgets herself with them to the extent of downright familiarity; she enters into their affairs ; she negotiates their promissory notes; she meddles in and soils her fingers with their pas- sions. And how great would have been the amazement of those poor ambassadors of dying Poland who came to im- plore the Favourite's aid in saving their country if they had been able to read the real object of her brain's solicitude at the moment ! All her thoughts were about Dauberval, who threatened to go to Russia, or about Chasse, who had re- fused to sing before her, or about Raucourt, of whom she wished to make an influence, or about the old woman Du- mesnil, the old woman whom she thought of dressing, or about Mademoiselle Dubois, whom she wished to marry to Dauberval, who did not want her I 1 Amongst the celebrities 1 " Secret Memoirs of the Republic of Letters." Tomes VI and VII. 2OI Madame D\i Barry of her time Madame du Barry had only one artist at her little levee : the painter Doyen, who owes this favour less to his talent than to the pungency of his blackguard, filthy, obscene conversation. Madame du Barry, having started from Versailles on Tuesday the 5th of May at three o'clock, surrounded still with some remnant of Court-grandeur, and sustained and consoled by Madame d'Aiguillon, persisted in taking a hope- ful view of things, still placing confidence in that succes- sion of carriages which encumbered the road between Ver- sailles and Ruel. On the loth, a thunderbolt told the Fa- vourite everything : the King had died at two o'clock. And on the 1 2th a messenger from Versailles brought Madame du Barry the following letter : " VERSAILLES, May I2th, 1774. " I hope, Madame, that you- will not have any doubts as to all the pain I feel at being obliged to announce to you that you are forbidden to appear at Court ; but I am obliged to carry out the orders of the King, who wishes me to im- press on you that his intention is not to allow you to come there till there is a fresh order made by him. His Majesty, at the same time, is kind enough to permit you to go and see your aunt in the Abbey of Pont-aux-Dames, and I am going for that reason to write to the Abbess in order that you may not experience any difficulty in the matter. You will be good enough to acknowledge the receipt of this letter through the person who brings it to you, so that I may be 202 To face page 202 Madame Dxx Barry- able to assure His Majesty of the fact that I have carried out his orders. " I have the honour to be, with respect, Madame, " Your very humble and very obedient servant, " THE Due DE LA Madame du Barry was, at first, overwhelmed, in spite of the mildness of the terms of the " lettre de cachet " ; then, regaining her powers of displaying anger in the presence of the messenger who had brought her the unlucky news, she indulged in the language of the street- walker : "A nice . . . reign, that starts with a lettre de cachet!" 2 With the dawn of the new reign, all the followers, all the relatives of the Favourite dispersed like a flock of adven- turers. Removal from the Court, exile, flight, fear, shame, executed justice on the entire family. 3 No more Du Barry! 1 Letters sent from the King's residence. National Archives, O' 416. All the other lettres de cachet given of this period in the old biographies as well as in the recent biographies are false. Madame du Barry's aunt, spoken of in this letter, who had retired into Pont-aux-Dames is, without doubt, Madame Quantiny, her mother's sister. Here is the account which Hardy gives of her de- parture: "Friday, May 13. It is understood that the Comtesse du Barry started last night from the village of Ruel in obedience to a lettre de cachet, to go to the Abbey of Pont-aux-Dames with the severest prohibitions against seeing anybody there or writing to anybody. She was seen in her carriage with six horses, accom- panied by only one chambermaid, and followed by a second vehicle in which were two individuals, one of whom is an ' exempt/ " a The words omitted arc certainly " the language of the gutter." TRANSLATOR. 8 On the lath of May, the day when Madame du Barry received the letter which relegated her to Pont-aux-Dames, the Vicomte 203 Madame Du Barry They fled, hid themselves, or exhibited all the signs of con- scious degradation. A marquis's lady, Mademoiselle de Fumelle, was seen to make the servants under her wear grey surtouts, to conceal through a sense of humiliation her liv- ery and her name. Du Barry, the Roue, " Mohammed " Du Barry, threatened with the fortress of Perpignan, quitted in hot haste his four mistresses La Thevenet, La Morance, La Dubois, and La Breba and this pavement of Paris into which he boasted that he had, since his sister-in-law's ac- cession to the post of Favourite, flung eighteen millions of francs. He hurried into Switzerland and did not take breath till he arrived in Lausanne. 1 And what hootings 1 Eighteen months after his flight, the Roue wrote from Brussels ^ November 4, 1774) to M. de Malesherbes, a heart-rending letter of which we have already quoted some fragments. In this letter he complains of his life of wandering from country to country, of the harshness of his creditors, who, not satisfied with the sale of his chattels, of his pictures, which had realized a sum of over 400,000 livres, demanded from him a still greater sum. He asked leave to spend some days in Paris in order to see his creditors, oculists, and doctors, and implored as a last favour that he should be allowed to go and recruit his shattered health in some province in the South. He obtained permission to return to Toulouse. In Tou- louse he got married again; he built houses; he bought pictures; Adolphe du Barry received this letter from De la Vrilliere : " It is with much pain, Monsieur, that I fulfil the orders which the King has just compelled me to transmit. His Majesty has wished me to impress on you that you are not to appear at Court until there is a fresh order made by him. You will be good enough to acknowl- edge the receipt of my letter through the person who brings it to you, so that I may be able to assure His Majesty of the fact that I have carried out his orders. I have the honour, etc." (Letters sent from the King's residence.) National Archives. O' 416. 204 Madame D\i Barry there were at this skedaddle this escape? What furious delight the public displayed at his deliverance ! His losses at play, his efforts in disposing of damaged goods at the high- est price in the market of Venus, were recalled to the minds of those who knew his history. People spoke repeatedly about his insolences and about his indecent familiarity in addressing the King as " Comrade." 1 The public contempt took its revenge. Ironies and witticisms were launched against this flight and general smash-up the vengeances 1 "Frerot." The word is equivalent to the Socialistic word " Comrade." It was applied in the thirteenth century to certain sec- taries who rejected the idea of private property. TRANSLATOR. he gave invitations to dinner ; he went to bed ; he got up : " It is a very monotonous life for a man accustomed to high intrigue." And in 1784 we find the Comte Jean in Paris, this time trying to make some capital out of his wife a young, pretty, and virtuous woman whom he had voluntarily familiarised with vice, whom he had deliberately depraved, and who, introduced by him into the house of the Controller-General, does now, after driving out the Vicomtesse de Laval, the honours of M. de Colonne's table. Then, when his big plans had utterly failed, the Comte Jean decided on returning to Toulouse, where he resumes his career as a gambler, and continued, during the first years of the Revolution, to fatigue Madame du Barry with his applications for money, as the following letter annexed to Madame du Barry's " Dossier " testifies : " Levignac, October 20, 1790. Far be from me, my dear sister, every reproach and every repetition of the past. You know whether it is in a great measure through my attention that my last journey has been worth 500,000 Hvres to you. You may remember your promises; you may recol- lect having claimed 20,000 livres which I received as a slight instal- ment. Is it fair that you should enjoy everything and that there is left only to me the remembrance of a journey as ruinous to me as it was profitable to you? . . ." 205 Madame Du Barry which the witty world of Paris can extract from a humilia- tion of France. The joke of the hour was : " The coopers will be very busy now : all the barrels are leaking i" 1 or else the story of the Roue asking the advice of his friend Guys, the well-known buffoon, as to the best expedient to have re- course to: "Faith! my dear boy, the jewel-case and the post-horses ; " and when the Roue did the indignant : " Oh ! well, then, the post-horses and the jewel-case!" 2 And while the effigy of the defaulting Du Barrys was thus dragged in the gutter, 8 the mud covered at Toulouse the forehead of the husband, the face of the Comte Guil- laume. Pont-aux-Dames was a sad dwelling after Luciennes. 4 The old buildings almost in ruin, that convent thrown by the Carlovingians like a savage Saint-Denis into the midst of the woods what a change! and what a sad penitential retreat for this Favourite so soft and so much attached to her ease that during the King's agony she sent for her bed to Luciennes at Ruel ! 5 In the first months, the Fa- vourite's immurement was nearly complete, as is shown 1 " Secret Correspondence, Political and Literary." Tome I. 2 " Secret Memoirs of the Republic of Letters." Tome VII. 8 On the 30th of September, 1770, Paris was filled with the report of a secret execution by torchlight of Du Barry the Roue. Hardy's Manuscript Journal. 4 In a satirical print entitled " France Saved," the draughtsman represented Louis XV. in the tomb, the Chancellor flying pursued by justice, Louis XVI. radiant, and in a corner the Du Barry knock- ing at the gate of a convent. B "Journal of Abbe Baudeau." Revue Retrospective. Tome III, 206 Madame D\i Barry by this letter emanating from the King's abode permitting her as a favour to see her jeweller every time she would consider it necessary for her affairs: " August 6th, 1774. " I have, Madame, as you desire, addressed to the Sieur Aubert, jeweller to the Crown, a letter for the Abbess of Pont-aux-Dames, by which I give her notice to let him enter the convent every time that you deem it necessary for your affairs, and that he presents himself there. " I learn with pain that your health is not perfectly good. I implore of you to be well persuaded of the real interest I take in it, and that will be always as at all times. I hope this indisposition will not have any consequences, and I sin- cerely desire it. I have the honour to be 1 . . ." Madame du Barry submitted to the order " forbidding her to speak or write to anybody." She accustomed herself to her imprisonment, to those hard natures, to those severe walls, to those gothic roofs, to her dingy abode, to the ser- vice of her only chambermaid. The agreeability, however, of the Abbess softened for her the first harshness of this abrupt change, and the shock of a life so different. She let herself be distracted by the curiosity which all the sisters, young or old, displayed at seeing her and approaching that mythical personage, a King's mistress ! Her eyes were 1 Missives, National Archives, O'4i6. We may notice the tone of this letter of La Vrilliere. The Abbe Terray had been more brutal, he refused money to the Favourite in the last days of the King's malady. 207 Madame Dxi Barry- amused and tickled by the pretty dress of the Bernardines. Soon Mile, du Barry and Mile, de Tournon, the wife of the Vicomte Adolphe du Barry, got leave to come and reside at Pont-aux-Dames and brought to the exile the resource of their society, the animation of their gaiety, courage, and patience. Then, with time, seclusion lost some of its rigor- ousness. Madame du Barry almost resumed the train of her past life. Her servants were let go back to her; her women, some cooks, and an officer returned to her; and, at her request, the King authorized her to summon to Pont- aux-Dames the architect of Luciennes, Ledoux, who added to the Abbey a wing in which Madame du Barry found once more a souvenir of her dear palace. 1 Friendships came to her; she charmed the whole convent by her politeness, her amiability, her kind words to the credulous sisters, the promise of an abbess-ship and a prioress-ship to another, as soon as she returned to Court; finally, by a thousand little presents scattered around her with the graciousness she showed in giving ; and she ended by making herself popu- 1 Hardy gives these details : " Friday, June 3. This day, it is rumoured that the Comtesse du Barri lives happy and content in the Abbey of Pont-aux-Dames, that she received visitors there, that three ladies connected with her, viz.: the Marquise du Barry, the Vicomtesse du Barry, perhaps the Dame de Montrabe her mother, formerly known by the name of Manon Giroux, are keeping her company, that she has had an addition made to the building in order to have more accommodation, that, finally, she has given a general and special power of attorney to the Sieur Lepot d'Au- teuil, notary in Paris, to manage her affairs and pay all her debts, after the examination and liquidation has taken place." 208 Madame Dxa Barry lar in Pont-aux-Dames, where the good nuns were at her feet as in a family where she was a welcome guest. 1 There was not enough of depth in Madame du Barry's soul to make her remain overwhelmed very long at her fall. She scarcely knew how to measure it. It was an awakening which did not arouse her indignation. Her disgrace re- vealed in her a simple and entirely natural philosophy which some of the greatest hearts and greatest minds cannot at- tain. She lost power as she had possessed it giddily. Her first outburst of despair took the form of low language; her regrets merely took the form of pouting. Through her solicitations, through the support of friends whom she had still at Versailles, Madame du Barry at length got permis- sion to quit Pont-aux-Dames, but on condition that she should reside ten leagues away from Paris and the Court. It was then that with the purchase-money of her house in Versailles, which she had sold to Monsieur, she bought the estate of Saint- Vrain near Arpagon, which, as it happened, was found to belong to M. Duval, that ex-clerk in the Min- istry of Marine for whom she had conceived the first of her youthful attachments. The park, one of the first parks in France laid out in the English fashion, with its thickets of green trees in the Italian style, pleased the prisoner of Pont- aux-Dames the first moment she saw it. The Due d'Ai- guillon, whose quite recent disgrace was due very largely to his persistent attachment to the Favourite, and who in a 1 " Secret Correspondence, Political and Literary." London, 1787. Tome I. aog 14 Madame D\* Barry- lively conversation with Louis XVI. had declared to him that independently of the personal debt of gratitude he owed the woman, he was obeying the orders of the late King, who on his death-bed had recommended his mistress to him, in- stalled the new proprietress in her estate of Saint-Vrain, be- fore setting out for his exile in D'Aiguillon. 1 On the 24th of June, 1775, she was completely settled there, and Madame du Barry sent round a circular letter in which she informed the nobility of the neighbourhood that she would have a table of twenty-five covers every day, and that she would be perfectly delighted if they came and dined there. 2 Madame d'Aiguillon spent the entire summer with Madame du Barry, who was beginning to find the house dreadful and the park tiresome. Ere long she saw only a solitude in this picturesque piece of ground. More free, but more alone, more out of her element again in the country than in a convent, she regretted her friends, her habits, so- ciety, the fashionable throng, and above all, her dear Lu- ciennes. Thereupon, she was pursued to Saint-Vrain by the troubles of her entangled affairs, the embarrassment and 1 " Secret Memoirs of the Republic of Letters." Tome VIII. Madame du Barry, in the summer and autumn of the year, made two journeys to the estate of D'Aiguillon which the Duke could not prevent. However, Madame du Barry rendered a money-ser- vice to the Duke: she lent him 200,000 livres which the Duke did not pay back till the 13th of August, 1784. * " The Conversations of the Other World on that which takes place in This, or Dialogues, Grotesque and Picturesque." London, 1784. 2IO Madame Du Barry tiresomeness of her twelve hundred thousand livres of debts 1 and so inconstant was her mind, of so little consequence did the next day seem to her, that she no sooner left than she was importuned by the noise her stewards made around her as to her most pressing debts. The most beautiful resolu- tions passed through her mind; she thought of reforming, reducing her expenditure. She wished to diminish her staff of servants, to cast aside her train of attendants, to establish order, to practise economy, fine promises with which she satisfied herself every night, and which took flight at dawn ! Money, expenses, went rolling on in the most large- handed fashion. She gave orders, she made purchases, fool- ishly, as in the past, without caring about payment; and every moment she got the greatest surprises at being as- sailed by claims of tradespeople or by demands for pay- ment on account before beginning some work. At last, ow- ing to the growing insolence of merchants, she determined to open her eyes and to look into the figures ; alarmed, she attempted to negotiate the sale of the Lodges of Nantes, and found she could not carry it out. Almost about the same 1 Madame du Barry was also beginning to have the weariness and the annoyance of pamphlets which spoke by no means sympathet- ically about her. The " Historic Summary " made its entrance into France in December, 1774, the "Anecdotes" appeared in Oc- tober, 1775, and their success led to this letter being sent from the King's residence to Albeit, Lieutenant of Police : " I have known for some time, Monsieur, the very poor book of anecdotes about the Comtesse du Barry. It is really a matter of some moment to prevent the publicity of it, and you cannot take too many precautions to attain that object." (Missives, National Archives, 6*417.) 211 Madame D\J Barry time, in this brief spell of panic and of reason, she decided to make greater sacrifices. Here is a list drawn up for her notary, Lepot d'Auteuil, of all the beautiful things of which she wanted to denude herself, so as to turn them into money ; it contains the best and most precious things in her museum at Luciennes. In addition to the Polembergs, the Ostades, the Teniers, the Jacob Xaverys, and the pictures bought in Rome by M. de la Borde, there are the " Four Hours of the Day," by Vernet, the two large pictures of Casanova, the four large pictures of Vien decorating the oval salon of Lu- ciennes, and Greuze's well-known pictures the " Child Ca- ressing a Spaniel," the " Child in his Shirt playing with a Dog," a " Woman in a Polonaise," a " Woman in Her Che- mise," the " Broken Pitcher," and the sketch of the " Prayer to Love ; " then the " Children " of Drouais ; then four beau- tiful Gobelin tapestries fabricated by Cozette, and again the marble figures on gilt pedestals in the salon, and the por- phyry vase with ormolu bas-reliefs in the central drawing- room, and the four white marble candelabra in the dining- room. 1 When she was free from these annoyances Madame 1 List of pictures, statues, groups, and other articles forming the mass of the objects for sale. " Manuscript accounts of Madame du Barry." National Library. French Supplement, 8157 to 8158. The objects were given up to be sold to the highest bidder, but only in 1777. The sale, which was a collective sale, and in which Madame du Barry's name does not appear, took place at the Hotel d'Aligre on the 17th of February, 1777. A " Village Interior," by Ostade. coming from the Choiseul collection, was sold for 7,250 livres ; a " Public- House," by Teniers, coming from the collection of M. Lempereur, for 6,500 livres ; a vase by Jacob Xavery, for 803 livres ; a " Venus 212 Madame D\i Barry du Barry fell back again into the melancholy existence of Saint-Vrain. With autumn, the few visitors from the sur- rounding chateaux who came to see her deserted her. Fevers arose out of the marshy meadows of the park. 1 In the chateau, Madame du Barry killed time as best she could. A document preserved in the National Archives shows her to us a slave to her attendants, rushed about between the perpetual indigestions of ona of her chambermaids and the continual confinements of the other, carrying indulgence and kindness so far as almost to live without the two in- valids and get an additional servant. Age and disgrace had no more matured her than they embittered her. She re- mained at Saint-Vrain what she was at Versailles. She had, in this sullen exile, the follies, the vanities, the modes of amusement, and the obstinacies of childhood. She spend days, she tries to pass a small portion of the night, at cards, at nine-holes, playing without any calculation, los- ing foolishly with friends discreet enough not to claim the 1 "Historic Memoirs of Jeanne Gomart de Vaubernier, Comtesse Du Barry." By Favrolle, Year XI. Tome III. Asleep " by Polemberg, for 240 livres ; the Greuzes realizing the high- est price. The " Child in his Shirt playing with a Dog," taken from the Choiseul collection, was sold for 7,200 livres ; the " Child Caress- ing a Spaniel," for 2,612 livres; the "Prayer to Love," a smaller copy of a picture of which the original belonged to the Due de Choiseul, for 1,950 livres ; the " Woman in Her Chemise," for 2,599 livres; the "Woman in a Polonaise'' was withdrawn at 500 livres. Finally, two pieces of tapestry, after Boucher, by Cozette, under glass (H. 48 inches, L. 70 inches) reached the figure of 2,660 livres. The pictures by Vien and by Drouais, the .porphyry vases, and the white marble candelabra, were not put up for sale. 213 Madame Dvi Barry money they had won. One day, she plays a piece of a dozen sous, and undertakes not to lose more than the sum of six livres. Before dinner, she has lost more than twenty thou- sand livres, and from revenge to revenge, stubbornly con- tinuing to play with the impatience of a young girl, deter- mining with every fresh game to play better than her op- ponent, finishes by losing one night 90,000 livres. 1 The day after this foolish loss (November 6th, 1775) Madame du Barry started for Luciennes, to which, thanks to Maurepas, she had obtained leave to go back. This first permission had only been granted provisionally, and during the absence of the Court from Versailles, only a little while afterwards, she was allowed to resume definite possession of her dear Luciennes. 2 In this sweet exile, in" this enchanted retreat of her dis- grace, Madame du Barry is no longer the child of yes- terday, the female gambler of Saint- Vrain, she is the woman, the amorous woman whom we are going to find, and luckily it will not be necessary to have recourse to wit- nesses, or to stories which are often false, in order to paint her : a bundle of little love-letters will open for us the secret recesses of her heart, and it will be sufficient for us to read over her shoulder in order to penetrate to her inner depths. This romance of Madame du Barry has the most tedious 1 "Memoirs of the Chevalier de Langles to justify himself for having won at play 90,000 livres from Madame du Barry and for having sought to reconcile her with the Due de Choiseul." National Archives. * " Secret Memoirs of the Republic of Letters." Tome VIII. 214 Madame Du Barry and most commonplace commencement in the world. A friend of Madame du Barry, Lord Seymour, 1 the English Ambassador in France, has a daughter who is ill. Madame du Barry is interested in the sick child, and writes to the father : " I am much touched, monsieur, at the cause which has deprived me of the pleasure of seeing you at my house, and I sympathize most sincerely with your daughter in her ill- ness. I am sure your heart is sick, too, and I share in your sensibility. I can only exhort you to take courage, since the doctor reassures you as to the danger. If the interest I feel in your trouble can in any way mitigate it, you should be less agitated. " Mile, du Barry is as sensitive as I am as to every- thing which concerns you, and asks me to assure you of the fact on her part. " Our journey has been very happy. Cornichon does not forget you, and speaks of you incessantly. It gives me great pleasure to know that the little dog can amuse your daugh- ter, even for a moment. " Accept, monsieur, the assurance of the sentiments I feel towards you. " Luciennes, Saturday, 6 o'clock." 1 The only historical .evidence of this liaison of Madame du Barry with Lord Seymour is this phrase of the Abbe Georgel : " On the dismissal of the Comtesse du Barry, in the moment of her disgrace, she appeared to console herself for her past grandeur with an Eng- lishman, Lord Seymour." (Memoirs to serve for the History of the Events of the End of the Eighteenth Century.) 215 Madame D\i Barry Then the letters became more caressing. These are the first stages of the tender passion attentions and little kind- nesses. " It has long ago been said that little kindnesses preserve friendship," is the first line of one of those letters. Soon come the pretty acts of thoughtfulness, the sending of " a piece of money wasted very foolishly on a little game of loo; it is of the time of Louis XIV. M. Seymour is a great admirer of this age so fruitful in marvels ; and here is a little one sent him by the ladies of Luciennes. It is with delight that they show their desire to honour him. They deprive themselves of things belonging to them because they are well aware that M. Seymour will realise the cost of the sacrifice, and will be satisfied that the ladies would be glad to find occasions more essential to mark their affec- tion for him." The day comes when love grows strong and breaks out, abandoning itself, surrendering itself altogether, oozing forth in avowals and passionate words, intense, luring, and sweet. " The assurance of your affection, my dear friend, make the happiness of my life. Be sure that my heart finds these two days very long, and that, if it were in its power to shorten them it would have no more pain. I expect you on Saturday with all the impatience of a soul entirely yours, and I hope you will have nothing to desire. Adieu! I am yours. 216 Madame D\i Barry " This Thursday at two o'clock/" 1 When the last letter was written, Lord Seymour's love was dead. Madame du Barry writes to him : " This Wednesday at midnight. "It is useless to speak to you of my tender and sincere affection: You know all about it. But what you do not know is the pain I feel ; you have not deigned to reassure me about what affects my soul. So I believe that my tran- quillity and my happiness touch you very little; it is with regret that I speak of it to you, but it is for the last time. My head is all right ; my heart is sick. But with much care and courage I shall succeed in conquering it. The work is painful and grievous, but it is necessary ; it is the last sacri- fice which remains for me to make: my heart has made all the others. It is for my reason to make this. Adieu. Be- lieve that you alone occupy my heart." * 1 We find in a catalogue of autographs (February 5, 1855) a dis- 1 Autograph letters of Madame du Barry communicated by M. Francois Barriere. We give the little feminine touches with their orthography in those love-letters; but this specimen seems to us sufficient, and we shall give the other letters with an intelligible orthography. tracted letter forming part of this amorous correspondence of Ma- dame du Barry, and written, without doubt, a very short time be- fore or a very short time after the one which we have read : " My heart is ycurs without division, and, if I failed to keep my promise, my debts are responsible for it. I have been very much upset since you left me, and I assure you that I have only the strength to think of you. Adieu, my kind friend, I love you, I repeat to you, and I feel happy in doing so. I embrace you a thousand times, and am yours. Come early." 217 Madame D\i Barry What an unexpected tone there is in this correspondence ! Does it not seem to impart into this courtesan's life the un- dreamt-of charm and the restrained emotion of the history of Madame Michonin in Richelieu's memoirs ? And how another Du Barry is revealed to you in the shadow, behind the popular Du Barry of the pamphlets and romances! It is no longer the courtesan ; it is no longer the Favourite ; it is a loving woman. What astonishment! What an expia- tion! Those humilities of a grisette, those timidities and almost modesties, those effusions, those tears, those resigna- tions, those stifled sighs like groans, those regrets which possess the nobility of self-sacrifice! And what a light it throws on the woman and what forgiveness it wins for her, so full of love as she was and so charming in her sincere avowals of affection ! Time and Madame du Barry's levity of character cured her of this love, of this wound, and left in her heart only a tender memory. She recovered from it, and found a calm happiness in that Luciennes which exile had made still dearer to her; and there, without plans, without intrigues, without that agitation which usually accompanies disgrace, she lived in choice company, 1 in the midst of many friends. She received with respectful kindness the illustrious stran- gers and the Princes of Europe who were anxious to carry away from France the recollection of a visit to Luciennes. 1 Amongst the women whom she received at her house, the " Gal- lery of the States General " says she showed her appreciation of gallantry as much as of prudery. 218 Madame Du Barry The affairs of Madame du Barry were now disentangled ; her debts were paid off ; x she kept a fastidious equipage, and had indulged in splendid luxury. The future seemed to her to be no longer menacing; she now enjoyed peace, the de- voted attachment of those who were left around her as well as the affection of the new friends who were brought into close contact with her and learned to understand her, and the sympathy and consideration which her philosophy and the propriety of her new existence won for her. 2 Meanwhile, the years went by, and gradually and almost insensibly the woman was forgotten by her contemporaries. Foreign sovereigns, on a visit to our country, no longer took the road to Luciennes, and only the ambassadors of Tippoo Sahib thought themselves still obliged to present their homage on bended knees and in embroidered muslin robes to the ex-mistress of Louis XV. The solitude of the 1 In reality, Madame du Barry was scarcely free from the worry of her debts before April, 1784. At this date Louis XVI. settled on her 60,000 francs a year in exchange for the sum of 1,250,000 livres, which had been handed over to the Exchequer. 3 Metra relates that in the month of January, 1779, Madame du Barry had a desire for marriage, a fancy for a sacramental union with an American whom she had met in the country at the house of the celebrated player Sormanni. This American, whose name was Bellanger, was a sort of young fool, very rich, son of a merchant in San Domingo, who subsequently acquired a certain notoriety by driving over a woman in Nantes and beating the substitute of the Procureur-General of the Parliament of Brittany. But an order of the King commanded her intended to leave France, and His Majesty advised Louis XV.'s former mistress not to be so sensitive in the future to the attractions of conjugal love. 219 Madame D\i Barry- little chateau was scarcely ever troubled now with visits, and in 1785 Madame du Barry was almost reduced to the society of Madame Souza, the wife of the Portuguese Am- bassador, the Marquise du Brunoy, and her neighbour, M. de Monville. And there were many days when, in summer as well as in winter, the chilly little mistress of the chateau, clad in a dressing-robe of cotton cambric or white muslin, spent the entire day carrying her memories of the past through the park or beyond it. 1 There were now some even- ings when, very often reduced to a single listener, to a Madame Lebrun who was painting her portraits, the Fa- vourite, with her feet on the fender, spoke about Louis XV. and the old Court, but with reserve, indulgence, freedom from resentment, discretion, in language in which the vivid- ness of her recollections and the boldness of her former habits of speech were toned down and as if she were speak- ing of a past far, far, far away. The Comte d'Allonville, who saw her, during these years, while staying at the house of the Due de Brissac, gives ex- pression to his astonishment at the decency of her behaviour, at the distinction of her manners, at the modest tone of the new woman who had been formed in the house of Madame 1 She often went to visit the unfortunate, the sick, and the women in confinement in the neighbourhood. Madame Lebrun tells how she saw Madame du Barry in a passion at finding that the linen, wine, and soup she had ordered for a poor woman who was about to have a child in the district had not been brought to her, and how on her return home she made a scene with her servants, push- ing them out with a bundle of linen, and claret, and soup. 220 Madame D\i Barry du Barry, and with whom no fault could be found save that she still pronounced her words in a ridiculously childish fashion out of place in a woman of her age. " It was in this dining-room/' said Madame du Barry one day to Madame Lebrun, as they were having a cup of tea together, " it was in this room that Louis XV. did me the honour to dine." And, after a moment's silence, she added, as if talking to herself : " There was a stand over- head for the musicians when they played and sang. . . . There, in that Luciennes, persons and things had begun to resemble a dream. And, in the midst of this country dis- trict, in which the old straggling engine of Marly could be heard emitting mournful groans in the distance, the little chateau, silent and ruinous, with its deserted galleries, in which were heaped together pell-mell, vases, columns, the rarest marbles, the most precious furniture, while in some corner lay stretched on a sofa that Royalty had once oc- cupied a man enjoying a siesta, the little chateau assumed the vague aspect of those palaces, buried in a deep sleep by a fairy's wand. The man, sleeping in broad daylight, was the Due de Brissac, who since Louis XV.'s death had lived in Luciennes as a sort of husband-lover of Madame du Barry, and his passion for his fair mistress seemed to grow stronger each day. Madame du Barry, in fact, was always beautiful, and, in a fashion, more charming than ever. A portrait which Cos- way 1 painted of her on the occasion of her journey to Eng- 1 Painted by Cosway, engraved by Conde. 221 Madame Du Barry land, and which was engraved in London after her death, has preserved for us the most adorable image of her that is left to us. With her head softly thrown back, her shoul- ders lowered, her arms hanging freely, her hair loose and flowing in wanton curls over her shoulders, she lets fall from her coquettish laughing eyes, veiled in languor, spark- ling with desire, one of those sweetly beaming glances which seem like light seen through vapour. Her little nose quivers; a half-smile plays round and tickles her curving lips. And, looking at this enchanting visage, this oval amorously rounded by the years, it seems to us that we be- hold in his portrait the voluptuousness of the eighteenth century a Bacchante of Greuze. Madame Lebrun confirms the truth of this portrait by her souvenirs of 1785 and 1789, saying that the face of Madame du Barry was still charming while admitting that her com- plexion was beginning to spoil. 1 1 " Souvenirs of Madame Vigee-Lebrun." Fournier, 1835. Vol. I. 222 XIII. The Year 1789. The Attacks and the Attempts at Blackmailing.- Inconsistent and crack-brained Nature of the Favourite. Noble Let- ter of the Mistress of Luciennes to Marie Antoinette. Tenderly marital liaison of Brissac with Madame du Barry. The Duke's Will. He is massacred on the 8th of September, 1792. Two Letters of Madame du Barry on his Death. THE year 1789 arrived, and then came the taking of the Bastille, with reference to which during the cannonade which the wind brought to Luciennes, Madame du Barry, sitting opposite Madame Lebrun, repeated many times : " If Louis XV. were living, surely this would not have been so!" Then, immediately followed the anxieties caused by the articles in the Revolutionary newspapers, the printing of the " Livre Rouge," the publication of the " Vies Privees," the attempts at blackmailing, like that contained in this let- ter from Avignon dated the I2th of November, 1789: " Madame, Some days ago I learned that there has been printed here a pamphlet which interests you personally. I have taken all the necessary steps for verifying the fact, and by means of some money which I gave the printer who worked off the first copy, I was able to procure the opening 223 Madame Du Barry pages of this document which I have the honour of sending you. It is a tissue of lies which are devoid of all foundation, but which human wickedness might interpret differently. It may be seen, from the plan of this libel, that the author would like to induce the National Assembly to destroy your income for the benefit of the State, alleging as a reason that Louis could not give you an estate which did not belong to him. To secure the success of his bad design, he must send or bring a copy of it gratuitously to each deputy of the National Assembly, and afterwards sell five or six thou- sand copies of it in Paris and throughout the rest of the Kingdom, for all these wickednesses have for their object to gain money. . . . It is essential that it should not appear in public, especially at this moment of fury and of rage, when the least pretext is sufficient to make the popu- lace rush into horrible excesses/' 1 . . . From that day forth, there were continual alarms about her fortune up to the moment when apprehensions were beginning to be felt for the lives of the beings who were dearest to her heart. Nevertheless, it must be recognized that Madame du Barry 1 Revolutionary Tribunals : The Du Barry's " Dossier," National archives, W 1 16. The correspondent signs his letter " M. Dupin, Hotel de Lamoureux, Rue Verte, Faubourg Saint-Honore, Paris." We read on this letter: "Letter threatening the Du Barry with a pamphlet which is found in the hands of the Citizen Vouland." Could this pamphlet be the "Life of the Comtesse du Barry," pub- lished in 1790 and followed by her letters and her amorous and political intrigues, from the Court Printing-office, containing a portrait with verses commencing thus: " The Messalina whom you see." . . . ? 224 Madame D\i Barry did not seek to purchase pardon by a base desertion of the persons connected with the Court, even by a certain crafti- ness of conduct. Madame du Barry had in her nothing of the virtues of prudence or of audacity which are the means of safety in times of revolution. She was incapable of hid- ing her riches, of deceiving people as to her expenditure, of feigning privation and suffering, of making herself misera- ble to escape jealousies and denunciations. She lacked, moreover, that force of will, that energy of fear, which tears you away from your country and from familiar habits, and makes you take refuge abroad. In order to fly, she would have had to quit that French life which was the life of Madame du Barry; she would have had to separate herself from Luciennes, which she could not leave. She was, in short, in the highest degree, improvident, thoughtless, babbling, crack-brained, incapable of restrain- ing herself from talking, as is shown by those curious rec- ommendations, which seem to come from some of the upper servants in the chateau, to whom the mistress allowed a familiar tone of plain-speaking: " Does Madame la Comtesse not forget any necessary papers ? I recommend to her much forethought. In every- thing she must not speak if she can help it. In every mo- ment of life, silence is good, and it is a matter of absolute necessity in the present circumstances. Every one around us has ears interested in listening to everything. " Madame la Comtesse is not careful enough about what belongs to her. She must keep her money and her jewels 225 15 Madame D\i Barry herself. I recommend Madame la Comtesse, in short, to be not merely beautiful and amiable but a woman of character, and one who is mistress in her own house. " ] And, at this time, a great danger of this nature was to break out, to scatter aloft its indignations, to deliver up to hostile ears both its horrors and its upheavals, with its heads cut off and exposed to public gaze, with its crimes of a revo- lution born in blood. Her lax-mindedness even made her impervious to fear. She did not conceal the portraits of Louis XV. and of Marie Antoinette. 2 She subscribed to the aristocratic pamphlets and newspapers. 3 Finally (mortal im- 1 Revolutionary Tribunals : The Du Barry's " Dossier." National Archives, W 16. I believe they are the recommendations of Morin. Madame du Barry's confidential man, who speaks at the close like a philosopher of the cultivation of his garden, that garden in which he must have buried a portion of his mistress's jewels and silver- plate. 2 Morin, in his deposition of the 24th Frimaire (December I4th, 1793) declares, that it was only after she had been several times advised not to leave in evidence any pictures which might fatigue the sight of the Federates that he had, with the aid of Dehaut, the floor-cleaner, concealed between the window and the blind of the dining-room a portrait of Louis XV. and a portrait of Marie An- toinette, which Madame du Barry does not seem to have relegated to her dressing-room until later. 3 In the " Dossier " of Madame du Barry we find a statement of her subscriptions to the newspapers ; Subscription to the "Gazette de Paris " from January ist, 1790, to May ist, 43 livres. Subscription to the " Actes des Apotres," 36 livres. Subscription to the " Logographe," 21 livres, 12 sols. Subscription to the "Gazette Universelle," from June ist to Sep- tember ist, 12 livres. Subscription to the "Correspondence Politique," 12 livres. 226 Madame D\i Barry- prudence!) Madame du Barry could not refuse pity. She would tender the humble homage of her services to that Marie Antoinette whom, in the days when she was the Favourite, she treated harshly as a rival: her devotedness would only grow the bolder in proportion as that unhappy Queen's misfortunes increase. She would confide to her intimate friends all her zeal to serve Marie Antoinette; and when, after October, in those fatal days which brought the wife of Louis XVI. for the last time into close relations with the mistress of Louis XV., the Queen would thank Madame du Barry for her attentions to the Life Guards, who were brought to Luciennes all covered with blood, Madame du Barry would reply in this letter which should make all feel indulgent to her memory : " These young wounded soldiers have no other regrets than that they have not died for a princess so worthy of all homage as Your Majesty. What I have done for these brave fellows is much less than they deserve. I console them, and I respect their wounds, when I reflect, Madame, that without their devotion, Your Majesty would, perhaps, no longer exist. " Lucienne is yours, Madame ; is it not your benevolence which has restored it to me? All I possess comes to me On this statement we find this note : " Proof that she subscribed to all the aristocratic newspapers. As ''soon as the 'Gazette de Paris' and the ' Actes des Apotres ' had " ceased publication, she throws herself on the ' Gazette Universelle ' " and the ' Correspondence de 1'Ami Dupan.' " National Archives, 227 Madame D\i Barry from the Royal family ; I have too much gratitude ever to forget it. The late King, by a sort of presentiment, forced me to accept a thousand precious objects before separat- ing me from his person. I have had the honour of address- ing to you this treasure of the time of the notables ; I offer it to you again, Madame, with all my heart. You have so many expenses to meet and favours without number to distribute! Allow me, I implore you, to give to Caesar what is Caesar's." 1 But love still more than devotedness was destined to com- promise Madame du Barry, and her liaison with the Due de Brissac ought not to be forgotten in the fatalities which pointed her out for death and led her to the scaffold. Not the least of the adventures in Madame du Barry's ad- venturous life was this conquest, the triumph of her beauty, which relieves and ennobles in its closing pages the chron- icle of her life. The spoiled child of love, she ended by winning the ador- ation of a true knight, the last of the chivalry of France. The Governor of Paris, the man with the greatest escutch- eon in France, the Captain-Colonel of a hundred guards of the King's Guard, this splendid nobleman, who bore so great a name in the train of the pages and the carriages accom- panying him, this hero of another time, whose soul, like his dress, belongs to the days of Louis XIV., this type, this su- perb and venerated relic of honour and chivalry, this soldier 1 " Secret Memoirs from 1770 to 1830." By the Comte d'Allonville. Paris, 1838. Vol. I. Madame D\i Barry since his birth, the inheritor of the masculine virtues of old France, as well as of its most polished and most noble gal- lantries, this fine old man, the last courtier of women, this son of Brissac, brought up in the religion and the traditions of his family, in the world, and almost in the language, of the high sentiments and refinements of tenderness of Clelie and of Astree, . . . Louis-Hercule-Timoleon de Cosse-Brissac, became the lover, the adoring and respectful lover of the Comtesse du Barry. And truly there will be seen in the attachment of M. de Brissac such a gift of him- self, such delicate attentions, such eager forethought, such deep worship, something so piously tender, that it disturbs and staggers our judgment about the woman whom he deemed worthy of so beautiful a love. It seems that in M. de Brissac's eyes Madame du Barry appears in that bright light in which M. d'Allonville saw her, with that decency of tone, that distinction of manners, that demeanour equally removed from pride and humility, from license and prudery, that face which was sufficient to refute all the pamphlets. 1 So open was Madame du Barry's heart that it was impossible it should not be profoundly touched by M. de Brissac, and that it should not let itself in fact be penetrated by this love, this self-immolation, these hourly tendernesses. In the Duke's letters to Madame du Barry there are no expressions save those of the most caressing adoration: 1 " Secret Memoirs from 1770 to 1830." By the Comte d'Allonville. Paris, 1838. Vol. I. 229 Madame D\i Barry "Adieu, my heart." "Come, my dearest heart." "A thousand loves and a thousand thanks, my dear heart." " Yes, it is my happiness to be loved by you." "It is you alone that can touch my heart." " My only happiness is to think of you and on the eternal sentiments I have vowed to you." " Your heart and mine are but one for ever." The only things spoken about in these impassioned letters are the beauty, the goodness, the magnanimity of Madame du Barry, above all " that perfect evenness of temper which constitutes the charm of her habitual society." And what a pretty expression of the feelings of a loving old man we find in this end of a letter :..."! have not got my spectacles, so I write to you one single line, which com- prehends everything : I love you and for life." 1 The sentiment of the old Duke was so true, so entire, so old-world that it disarmed the malignity of the public. 2 So- ciety was not ignorant of the Due de Brissac's passion, and was indulgent to this passion. There is even a curious testi- mony to the knowledge of it by the Court. At the time of the project of the flight to Varennes, the Due de Choiseul, the Minister's nephew, wished to communicate the fact con- fidentially to M. de Brissac, but Louis XVI. refused, say- ing that he could not avoid speaking about it to Madame du Barry. The Due de Choiseul gives another proof of 1 Revolutionary Tribunals : Madame Du Barry's " Dossier." Na- tional Archives, W 1 16. * This amorous sentiment of the Duke went back far. In 1772, Madame de Cosse, tiring-woman to Marie Antoinette, being invited 230 Madame D\* Barry the profound and inexplicable attachment of the Due de Brissac to Madame du Barry. The decree disbanding the King's Guard, as well as that under which its commander was impeached, had been delivered at one o'clock in the morning. Choiseul hurried to the. Tuileries to give notice of it to the King and Queen, who had gone to bed. They sent him immediately into Brissac's apartment to persuade him to fly. On the announcement being made to him that the de- cree would be without 'doubt proclaimed before two o'clock, the Duke, refusing to effect his escape, got up out of bed merely to write a letter a long letter to his mistress which he had forthwith despatched to Luciennes by his aide-de-camp, Maussabre. 1 The Due de Brissac was arrested and brought to Or- leans. And Madame du Barry, whose anxiety had reached 1 Revue de Paris, 1829. Tome IV. to sup by M. de la Vrilliere with Madame du Barry, refused. M. de Cosse, according to the expression of Mercy-Argenteau, entirely given up to the Comtesse du Barry, received bitter reproaches for it. He was asked to use his authority with his wife. Not knowing how to get out of the affair, the Duke thought of telling the Favourite that his wife had acted according to Marie Antoinette's orders. And thereupon the Duke wrote a letter to his wife a very strong letter in which he exacted from her that she should show every sort of attention to the Comtesse du Barry and should not refuse to do any- thing that would please her. The Duchesse de Cosse, who had been appointed, it is true, at the request of the Favourite, replied, that in taking possession of her charge, she had gone to pay a visit to the Comtesse du Barry, but that, after this step, she had decided not to do anything which should make her be regarded as a person asso- ciating with the Favourite, and that she preferred to send in her dismissal. 231 Madame D\i Barry its highest pitch, received on the 2nd of June, from Maus- sabre, the Due de Brissac's letter reassuring her and adding for her information that " he had reached the place of his destination without the slightest incident having happened to him." Already an object of suspicion owing to her liaison with a servant of Royalty, already denounced, Madame du Barry imports an element of bravery into her devotion to her lover. Every day her postilion Augustin was on the Orleans road bringing letters from the ex-Favourite and bringing back replies from the prisoner. Of this correspon- dence of love carried on thus in the antechamber of death, two letters, one from the mistress, and the other from the lover, have been preserved for us and are found in the " Dossier " of the guillotine. Here is Madame du Barry's letter : "I was seized with a deadly fear, Monsieur le Due, when M. de Maussabre was announced to me. He assures me that you are well, that you have the calmness of a pure conscience. But this does not suffice for my interest in you. I am far from you; I am ignorant of what you are going to do ; you tell me that you do not know yourself. I am sending the Abbe to know what is happening, what you are doing. Why am I not near you ? You would receive from me the consolation of a ten- der and faithful friendship. I know you have nothing to fear if reason and good faith reigned in that Assembly. Adieu, I have no time to write to you more. The Abbe has come into my room. I want to send him off quickly. I shall not feel easy till I know what has become of you. I am 232 Madame D\i Barry quite sure you have acted regularly on the question of the formation of the King's Guard. So I have nothing to fear for you on that head. Your conduct has been so pure since you were at the Tuileries that nobody can impute anything to you. You have done so many acts of patriotism that I do not know what fault they can find with you. Adieu. Tell me all the news about yourself and never doubt all that I feel. " This Wednesday at eleven o'clock." And this is the letter written by the Due de Brissac in the month of August : "Orleans, 6 o'clock in the evening. "I received this morning the kindest of letters and the one which has given most delight to my heart. Yes, you shall be my last thought." 1 And this was not a commonplace phrase. The Duke spoke truly, for, almost at the same time that he wrote this letter, he made on the day following the death of Royalty his will, in which we find this injunction to the Duchesse de Mortemart, his daughter : " I recommend to her ardently a lady who is very dear to me, and whom the misfortunes of the times may place in the greatest distress. My daughter will have a codicil from me, which will indicate to her what I direct on this subject." 1 At the foot of the letter we read: "Ne varietur, this gth day of Brumaire, the year II. of the Rep." with the signatures of Voul- land, G. Jagot, Du Barry. Revolutionary Tribunals : " Dossier " of Madame du Barry. National Archives, W 1 16. 233 Madame Du Barry This codicil is thus expressed : " I give and bequeath to Madame du Barry of Luciennes, over and above what I owe her, a life-annuity of 24,000 livres a year, free and exempt from all deductions, or else the usufruct and enjoyment during her life of my estate of La Rambaudiere and of La Graffiniere in Poitou, and the household goods attached to it, or else again a sum of 300,- 000 livres paid all in one sum of money, the whole at her own choice, so that, after she has made her election of the aforesaid three legacies, the two others will be null and void. 1 beg of her to accept this feeble proof of my sentiments and my gratitude, of which I owe her all the more inas- much as / have been the involuntary cause of the loss of her diamonds, and if ever she succeeds in getting them back from England, those which will remain missing or the ex- pense of the different journeys which the search for them rendered necessary, as well as that of the premium to be paid, will rise to the level of the actual value of this legacy. I entreat my daughter to make her accept it. The knowl- edge that I have of her heart assures me of the exactness she will show in paying it, whatever may be the charges with which my estate will find itself burdened by my will and codicil, my will being that none of my other legacies may be paid till this has been entirely satisfied. "This nth of August, 1792. [Signed:] " LOUIS-HERCULE-TIMOL^ON DE COSSE-BRISSAC." * 1 " Madame du Barry." By I. A. Le Roi, Versailles, 1858. 234 Madame D\i Barry This presentiment of his approaching and tragic death, all those who were attached to the Duke had at the same time as himself. They gathered in deep alarm around Madame du Barry; and the mistress and the house of Lu- ciennes were plunged into the most -cruel apprehensions. Bernard d'Escourt, that ex-captain of cavalry, who made himself, as it were, the knight of honour of the former Fa- vourite, having been sent to Paris to see some deputies on the reception of the news that the prisoners had been trans- ferred from Orleans to Versailles, wrote to Madame du Barry on the 6th of September, 1792: "The prisoners from Orleans arrive to-morrow in Versailles. . . . We must hope that they may arrive safe and sound, and that they may gain time to save their lives. . . . There have come to my hands ten letters from Orleans for actual deputies in- timating beforehand that misfortune threatens those un- happy persons believed to be in Orleans, that they will be murdered on their arrival here : Madame de Maurepas, en- lightened by the transfer of the Duke, wanted to go at once to the Assembly ; she was prevented from doing so. She has written to Danton and to the Abbe Fauchet. Madame Flammarens and I have carried the letters; they [have] deeply interested the Abbe Fauchet. " My soul and body are overwhelmed, and I shall not feel at peace till I know that the Duke is in Versailles. If we can pass, I will send there; if I cannot go, send there on your own account, but above all be careful to avoid any steps 235 Madame D\i Barry which might become public and do you harm, and injure both one and the other." * The day after that on which this letter was written, the 8th of September, in accordance with the sad anticipations of the Chevalier d'Escourt, the Orleans prisoners met with the assassins of the prisons on reaching Versailles, and were massacred. The Due de Brissac, armed with a knife d la d'Estaing, sold his life dearly. The grief and horror of this death break out in this letter of Madame du Barry: " Since that cruel day, monsieur, I am in a state of grief which it is easy for you to conceive. There you see con- summated that dreadful crime which renders me so un- happy and delivers me up to eternal regrets. In the midst of the horrors which surround me, my health keeps up. We do not die of sorrow. I am sensibly touched, monsieur, by your interest; it will soften my pains if I cannot feel them at every moment. I have to-day heard from your wife. I think she will soon come to see me. I expect her with im- patience. It is such a consolation to be with persons who share in our sentiments that I regret every instant I spend without seeing her." 2 Madame du Barry returned to the 1 Letter presumed to be from the Chevalier d'Escourt. Revolu- tionary Tribunals: Madame du Barry's "Dossier," National Ar- chives, W 1 16. * Autograph letter of Madame du Barry. National Archives, W*i6. This letter and the greater part of the documents forming portion of Madame du Barry's " Dossier," which are in the National Ar- chives, were published as having previously been unpublished by M. Dauban in "La Demagogic in 1793"; they had been already pub- 236 Madame D\i Barry subject of this death in a letter addressed to the Due de Brissac's daughter, the Duchesse de Mortemart: " Nobody has felt more than I, Madame, the extent of the loss you have had. I flatter myself that you have not mis- understood the motive which has prevented me from paying you sooner the sad compliment of mingling my tears with yours. The fear of increasing your first grief will prevent me from speaking to you about it. Mine has reached its highest point. A destiny that ought to have been (so) beautiful, so glorious, what an end, great God! The last wish of your too unhappy father, Madame, was that I should love you as a sister. This vow is too agreeable to my heart for me not to fulfil it. Accept the assurance of it, and never doubt the sentiments which attach me to you for the rest of my life." 1 1 Madame du Barry's "Dossier" contains a letter, dated Septem- ber 30th, from the Duchesse de Mortemart, who expresses herself in these terms : " The last wish of him whom I loved and will always regret is that of my heart; I will love you as a sister, and my at- tachment for you will only end with my life." In a previous letter, dated the 5th of June, and sent, I believe, from the waters of Aix-la- Chapelle, she said to Madame du Barry that " she was greatly af- flicted and that she believed she had compromised her father by re- entering France with her husband who was an emigre," and she added : " Can we make it a crime for a woman who is an invalid to have gone to take the waters and to make it rebound on her father?" Finally, in another letter sent as usual from abroad, and dated June 20, the Duchesse de Mortemart, speaking always of her father, wrote, almost reassured, to Madame du Barry: " I lished in 1803 by M. de Favrolle (Madame Guenard) in the "His- torical Memoirs of Jeanne Gomart de Vaubernier, Comtesse Du- barry." 237 XIV. The Theft of the Night of January 10, 1791. "Two Thousand Louis to Gain: Diamonds Lost." Madame du Barry's Three Jour- neys to England. Madame du Barry's Letter on the Jams of Lu- ciennes. Announcement of the Arrest of the Proprietress of Lu- ciennes by the Courrier Frangais. Madame du Barry interrogated by the Abbe Fauchet, President of the Committee of General Safety. THIS blood of Brissac, which the Revolutionary Press cast in the Du Barry's face, marked her out for death. And yet death was going to have so much work to do that per- haps Louis XV. 's mistress would have been forgotten amongst the crowd of victims were it not for a theft which had occurred on the night of the loth or nth of January, 1791, during one of her sojourns at the Hotel Brissac. 1 1 It was not the first time that Madame du Barry had been robbed. On the 20th of April, 1776, three thieves, one of whom wore the Cross of Saint Louis, made their way into her presence, and, threat- ening her with a pistol, stole from her a rich jewel-case. In a letter render you a million thanks, madame, for the news you have had the goodness to send me. As your letter has been delayed, I have only received it with news of my father from his own hand, which has given me great pleasure; I have learned since that he had been interrogated and was not any longer au secret. Here is as tolerable treatment as can be expected for a prisoner. In spite of his well- known innocence, I am afraid the proceedings will not be long." . . . 238 Madame Dvi Barry This robbery brought about the denunciation against her on account of her wealth ; it inflamed the resentments of the " Revolutions of Paris " against the pomp of the ex-courte- san and her contempt for the rights of man. 1 It directed 1 " Since the Revolution, the Dame du Barry had not ceased to employ all the ascendency given her by great riches, acquired we know how, in making misunderstanding prevail between the inhabit- ants of the neighbourhood of Luciennes and the Swiss of Courbe- vois. Her secret intrigues, concocted with the principal officers, have not had all the success desired ; on the contrary, we have had such unfavorable accounts of the mistress of ihe chateau of Lu- ciennes, that we do not hesitate to raise doubts as to the reality of the theft of the diamonds. The considerable reduction with which the said lady's income has been threatened has given rise in her mind, it is said, to the idea of rendering herself interesting by repre- senting herself as the victim of a grievous event and procuring for herself a claim to the indulgence of an inexorable National Assembly. from her niece, Madame de Boissaisson, dated August 24, 1788, there is a reference to a big theft of linen carried out by some thieves who must have been thoroughly acquainted with the people of the house. As to the theft of the night of the loth or nth of January, 1791, here are the details given by Morin in his examination in Frimaire, Year II. (December 18, 1793) : A Swiss dressed in red had to keep guard without during the entire night and a gardener had to sleep in the antechamber, according to "the orders" given by Ma- dame du Barry. Nevertheless, by reason of the difficulty of putting up a bed in this antechamber, Morin had exempted the gardener from the necessity of sleeping there, saying to him : " We must hope that nothing will happen this night." And with the aid of the porter Girardin he took a ladder used by masons, left against the window of Madame du Barry's dressing-room, and brought it across to the ornamental pond. Some inner shutters fastening with brass hasps, freshly settled by the upholsterer and left to be closed by the floor- scrubber, were intact. It was only the outer blinds which were smashed with a paving-stone. 239 Madame D\i Barry public attention towards so much riches, the existence of which had been unknown. It fixed on all the dead walls of Paris this placard : " Two Thousand Louis to Gain : Dia- monds Lost " this placard giving particulars of all the stolen articles, which imprudently displayed before want, before envy, before Revolution, the list and the fascination of all these diamonds, all these sapphires, all these emeralds, all these sardonyxes, all these engraved stones, these strings of two hundred pearls, these brilliants with ten heads, " However this may be, her conduct, in the position in which she presents herself, is scarcely such as will gain her sympathy. The said lady gave a very good salary to a Swiss soldier to serve as door-keeper at Luciennes. The actual caretaker was a young man of eighteen with a kindly and very honest face. On learning about the removal of her jewels, the first step of the mistress of the cha- teau was to drive in a carriage with four horses to the barracks of the Swiss commander at Courbevois. She had no difficulty in making him despatch to her house fifty grenadiers, who came at once, but with regret, to take into custody the young Swiss, who was generally esteemed and liked by all his comrades. He was con- veyed to one of the prisons in Ruel, where orders were at the same time given to put him in fetters in the darkest of the cells. " We have all these facts from the lips of a Swiss from Courbe- vois, a candid young man, who informs us at the same time that all the prisoner's company, when freed from the restrictions of mili- tary discipline, proposed to take the Dame du Barry aside and to call upon her for a just reason for the violence exercised at her entreaty on the person of a soldier at most only suspected. The theft of the diamonds of Golconda would not justify this blow at the rights of man and of the citizen; and, besides, is it an offence sufficiently grave to be put in fetters on the mere suspicion of a woman who is still proud of having been for a time the first courtesan of the empire?" This Swiss confessed, a few days after, said the " Feuille du Jour," that individuals whom he did not know had made him drunk in a public house. 240 Madame Du Barry twenty heads, a Golconda inventory which the cupidity of the passers-by spelled out at the street-corners. 1 And here we soon find the exaggerations of popular stu- pidity unchained. . . . Rapacious ambitions, furious and ill-concealed covetousness rise up everywhere around the house, around this estate which sounds hollow under the wooden shoe of the patriot and lets him guess what a fortune lies hidden in its bowels this mine of gold coffee- pots, sacks of double gold louis, porcelain jars mounted with gold, bracelets of antique gold, washhand-basins and water-pots of rock-crystal, gold cups with coral handles, gold knives ornamented with diamonds, and statues and miniatures. The prey was too beautiful not to tempt a Re- public which had been accustomed to coin money in the Place de la Revolution. Finally this unfortunate theft led to Madame du Barry's four journeys to England journeys which were destined to get her accused of being an emigree, of being there on a secret mission, of understandings with the enemies of the Republic. Thirty-five days after the theft of her jewels, February 1 5th, 1791, Madame du Barry received intelligence through a courier from London to the effect that the thieves had been arrested. 2 Madame du Barry, whose weak brain was 1 See in the Appendix the placard of Madame du Barry's lost diamonds and trinkets. 1 Favrolle (Madame Guenard) thus describes their arrest from the report of an English newspaper of February 20, 1791 : " When they had reached London, five in number, and had put up at a tav- ern in the city, these gentlemen asked for a single room, which 241 1 6 Madame D\i Barry- unhinged, and who, since her loss, had spent a good deal of her time with fortune-tellers, started, in a state of wild de- light, the day after 1 the lucky news reached her. She left with Maussabre and D'Escourt, who were to accompany her in her first three journeys. She took with her Prelry, her valet, a man-servant named Marechal, and her cham- bermaid, Roussel. She had the following letter despatched to Morin, her confidential man : " The diamonds, my dear Morin, have been found, and Madame la Comtesse is start- ing to-morrow for Boulogne to go and identify them. Forth has arrested the thieves, and has apprised Madame du Barry of the fact. She entreats of you, my dear Morin, to be doubly careful and to keep a watch around the chateau at 1 Note of Madame du Barry, preserved in her " Dossier." Na- tional Archives, W 1 16. "I started the next day, the i6th (Feb- ruary) ; I embarked at Boulogne on Sunday, the 2Oth, and remained in London till the ist of March, when I left again for Luciennes, where I arrived on Friday, the 4th." seemed a surprising thing. They ordered a good dinner, and as their equipage did not create a favourable impression, they said to their host that their money had not yet been changed, but that next day they would have an abundance of it. Having made this confi- dential statement they went to the establishment of M. Simon, a rich lapidary, and asked him for nearly one-sixth of the value of the jew- els. The lapidary at first bought the portion of them which he had for fifteen hundred pounds sterling. He inquired of these individ- uals whether they had any more of them, and on getting an affirma- tive answer, he went to give information about the matter to the Lord Mayor. This magistrate got the entire gang arrested. A search was made, and though they had hurriedly thrown the large diamonds into the fire, the most important part of the stolen articles is in safe custody. The person who acted as interpreter is an Eng- lishman already well-known in connection with a great number of robberies." 242 Madame D\i Barry night." The diamonds had, in fact, been found. They were shown to her. She identified them, declaring on oath that they were her property. But the legal proceedings were far from being terminated, and, in place of bringing them away with her, she had to leave her diamonds deposited with Messrs. Hamerleys and Morland, bankers, sealed with her own and with the bank- ers' seal. And the lady who had been robbed returned to France, after this first journey undertaken too precipitately and in too adventurous a spirit. She set out again on the 4th of April, 1 bringing along with her the jeweller Rouen, 2 and returned home on the 2ist of May. In spite of her activity, in spite of the persons of 1 Note of Madame du Barry: "I left Paris on the 4th of April, and arrived in London on the Qth. I remained there thirty-eight days, that is to say, till the i8th of May, when I left for home. I reached home on Saturday, the 21 st." " Madame du Barry says in her secret examination that for her three first journeys she had passports from the minister Montmorin. Here is the passport for the second journey: " IN THE KING'S NAME. " To all officers, civil and military, charged with watching over and maintaining public order in the different departments of the King- dom, and to all others whom it may concern: Greeting. We com- mand you and order that you have to let pass freely the Dame du Barry going to London with the S. d'Escours, Knight of S., Rouen, jeweller, two women and a valet and two couriers. Without placing or allowing to be placed in her way any obstacle, the present pass- port to be valid only for three months. LOUIS. " Given at Paris, April 3rd, 1791." Note of Madame du Barry. National Archives, W 9 16. " I have been obliged to start for London again on Monday, the 23rd, having received a communication on the night of my arrival informing me 243 Madame Dvi Barry- great influence who interested themselves in the celebrated woman, in spite of all the money she spent, her case, with the tediousness of English legal procedure, did not finish. The matter had, in reality, been clumsily initiated and more clumsily conducted, as this tail-end of a letter dated June 3Oth, 1791, testifies: "I begin again to be convinced that this business will be so costly that it will ruin the divinity. It has been so badly conducted that one must not be aston- ished if everything goes badly." 1 And the Du Barry came back without her diamonds on the 25th of August, 1791. During her stay in London, a letter of Madame du Barry, relating to Luciennes and to the details of her home life, paints for us the woman in her inconsistent nature, in her light spirit, in her childish interest equally divided between the most menacing and the most paltry things. We see her occupying herself quite as much with her jams, which were always too much cooked at her house, as with the precau- tions that should be taken against the pillage of the rest of her property. Here is an example in this letter addressed to her confidential man, Morin: 2 1 The Du Barry " Dossier." National Archives, W'i6. 2 Morin had been for twenty-five years in the service of Ma- dame. The son of a vinedresser from Auteuil, after having been a servant to many ladies in Paris, he entered the Comte du Barry's service by a mere chance on the 5th of June, 1768. Since that time he had always been attached to the house of Madame du Barry, in the capacity of a lackey for four years, and the rest of the time in the capacity of a valet in the special service of Madame du Barry. (Examination of Morin, on the 24th Frimaire. Year II. December 14, 1793.) that my presence was absolutely necessary in London, where I re- mained till the 25th of August, when I returned/' 244 Madame D\i Barry " Morin will go to the Mayor, the Commander-in-Chief, and the Justice of the Peace, to thank them on my behalf and to tell them that I count on their zeal and their interest, that I believe they will, in conjunction with my people, defend what is left of my property if it should be attacked by brigands. I flatter myself that we shall not be obliged to come to this extremity and that peace and tranquility will be restored. I am already rather unhappy at being sepa- rated from my house, from my friends, and in a country, whatever people may say, not as good as France before the troubles which agitate it. " I approve of Morin's plan for putting my effects beyond the reach of thieves, and he is to consult the Duke about it. But good care must be taken that nobody suspects it. " I do not know why Maisieu 1 always wants to be a ridic- ulous man, it is only by perfect agreement that we can mutually serve each other, and render the efforts of the wicked useless. " I have given instructions to Piston to go to Luciennes to assist Salenave in making the jams for the supplies of my house. I do not know why he has not been there, for I find that they are not well made in my house; they are al- ways too much cooked. Morin will say to Mademoiselle Roussel to put all my laces which are in the cupboard of the chapel, into a trunk out of reach of any sort of attack, as 1 I have retained Madame du Barry's bad spelling of a well- known w6rd in her own language. Unless she misspelled this word through caprice, she here shows gross illiteracy. TRANS- LATOR. 245 Madame DM Barry they are susceptible of being stolen or burnt. I hope that we shall not be reduced to this sad extremity, but it is really necessary to anticipate everything. I see with mortal pain that I must still remain here up to the I4th of August, be- cause the rascals who robbed me will not have their trial finished before the end of this month. " THE CTESSE DU BARRY. "London, July 4th." 1 After Madame du Barry's return to France, the Legisla- tive Assembly replaced the Constituent Assembly; the Na- tional High Court entered upon its functions at Orleans; the new mode of beheading prisoners sentenced to death, called " Guillotine," 2 was adopted ; Brissac, the commander of the King's military establishment, was ordered to be im- peached ; the loth of August succeeded to the 2Oth of June ; a National Convention was formed; the King and Royal family were imprisoned in the Temple; the prisoners in the Abbey were murdered; the Orleans prisoners were mas- sacred ; and, what we have not yet said, Brissac's head was flung on the table of the salon at Luciennes. 3 And when a portion of her lover's body was so ferociously exhibited under her eyes, Madame du Barry had not enough 1 Signed autograph letter. The Du Barry "Dossier." National Archives, W 1 16. 2 The guillotine was so called from Dr. Guillotin, a member of the National Assembly, who introduced it as the swiftest and most merciful mode of carrying the death punishment into effect. TRANSLATOR. 3 Courrier Frangais, No. 259, September 15, 179*. 246 PRINCESSE DE LAMBALLE To face page 246 Madame D\i Barry of leisure to give herself up entirely to her grief. She was forced to think of herself ; it was necessary for her to think of defending her liberty, her life. She had to struggle against the mistrusts and the suspicion and the espionage which had for months been watc'hing the incessant goings and comings, when Brissac was, day and night, either galloping on his own horse, or making his aide-de-camp, Maussabre, gallop on his horse towards Luciennes. The growing unpopularity of Brissac had slowly and noiselessly enveloped the mistress of the chateau. The Revolutionists saw in Madame du Barry the accomplice of the aristocrat who had recruited that Constitutional Guard of the King with which he fondly hoped to fight the last battle of the monarchy, so that, on the day when Brissac quitted Or- leans to come to die at Versailles, this article appeared in the Courrier Frangais, which made all Paris believe that his mistress had been arrested and imprisoned : " The justice of the people strikes equally the traitors who conceal themselves behind gilded wainscotings. Madame du Barry has been arrested at Luciennes, and has just been brought to Paris. It has been noticed that this heroine of the old regime was continually sending emissaries to Or- leans. It was thought with reason that these frequent em- bassies had some other object besides gallantry, to which Madame du Barry must at length be quite a stranger. Mis- tress and confidante of Brissac, she formerly shared his treasures and his pleasures; she shares perhaps to-day his counter-revolutionary ambition. 247 Madame D\i Barry " It will be fun for our young people to learn that Madame du Barry was arrested almost at the very time that the statue of La Pucelle was demolished at Orleans ; this ar- rest was made on the night of the 3Oth or 3ist, at two o'clock in the morning." 1 Madame du Barry sent her friends to carry on the cam- paign, and D'Escourt wrote to her : " I have found the editor of the Courrier Frangais, who will retract to-morrow the falseness of the article which refers to you ; I have promised him a recompense if the new article is well done." 2 The Courrier Frangais did not contradict the statement it had published, and Madame du Barry remained under the impending stroke of the announcement which she was every moment expecting to see realized. During all these months of 1792 spent in France, Madame du Barry's life is only one continual alarm, one succession of violent deaths around her. To-day it is Brissac ; yester- day it was Maussabre, who was torn away from the room where she concealed him at Luciennes, and who said as he was going that if they sent him to Paris he would be mas- sacred* After the death of Maussabre and the death of 1 Courrier Frangais, No. 246, September 2, 1792. 3 Letter presumed to be from the Chevalier d'Escourt. Du Barry " Dossier," National Archives, W 1 16. 8 Here is the account of Maussabre s death as it is to be found in " My Thirty-eight Hours' Agony," by Jourgniac Saint Meard : " The Abbey, September 3rd. Eight o'clock in the evening. I had formed a peculiarly close friendship with the Sieur Maussabre. who has only been arrested because he had been M. de Brissac's aide-de-camp. He 248 Madame D\i Barry D'Angremont,the first person guillotined during the Revolu- tion and with whom she had had business relations, led to her being summoned before the Committee of General Safety of the Convention. She underwent an examination, in which she answered in a way that satisfied the members had frequently given proofs of courage; but the dread of being as- sassinated had strained his heart. I succeeded, however, in some- what dissipating his anxieties when he threw himself into my arms saying: 'My friend, I am lost; I have just heard my name pro- nounced in the street.' In vain did I say to him that perhaps the persons he heard were interested in him ; that, moreover, fear would cure nothing, and that, on the contrary, it might only destroy him. It was all no use. He lost his head so that, not being able to conceal himself in the chapel, he went up the chimney of the sacristy, where he was stopped by gratings which he had even the folly to try to break with his head. We asked him to come down ; after many difficulties he came back to us; but his reason did not come back. This is what caused his death, of which I will speak in a moment. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. ONE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. Jourgniac Saint Meard was led to the wicket, lighted up by two torches, facing Maillard, who stood leaning against a table on which we saw papers, a writing-desk, pipes and bottles. They began to question him : " When the atten- tion they showed in listening to me, and which, I confess I did not expect, encouraged me, and I was going to make a resume of the thousand reasons which caused me to prefer the Republican regime to that of the Constitution, I was on the point of repeating what I said every day in M. Desennes' shop, but at that moment the door-keeper entered quite scared to give notice that a prisoner had escaped through the window. The President said they should have him fired at with pistols, but that, if he escaped, the jailer would be answerable for his head. It was the unhappy Maussabre. Some musket-shots were fired at him, and the jailer, seeing that this device would not succeed, lighted some straw. The smoke made him feel half stifled. He was despatched in front of the wicket-gate. 249 Madame Dxi Barry of the first committee, in which there was still a little hu- manity left. And the Abbe Fauchet who presided at the Committee, struck with pity for the woman, said to her that it was dangerous to have her name found compromised in the examination of this villain, and, with the assent of his colleagues he took up a pen, and erased in her presence a few lines of D'Angremont's deposition. 1 1 Manuscript Deposition of Blache, the eighth made which does not mention the oral deposition before the Revolutionary Tribunal. Du Barry's "Dossier," Archives, W 1 16. 250 XV. Letter of Madame du Barry to Lebrun with Reference to her Four Journeys to London. Dinner in London with the Due de Choiseul. Seals put on Luciennes, during her Absence. Greive, Factionist and Anarchist of the First Order, and Disorganizer of Despotism in the Two Hemispheres. His Denunciation of Madame du Barry, whose Arrest is suspended by Boileau. Greive's Address to the Convention. Arrest of Madame du Barry, who is released a few days later. Letter full of Hysterical grief from Madame du Barry to the Ad- ministrators of the Department of Seine-et-Oise. Tenderness of the Republican Lavallery. Last Amours of Madame du Barry with Rohan-Rochefort. THREE journeys to England had not yet restored the pos- session of her diamonds to Madame du Barry. She was obliged to return for the fourth time to London in the month of October, 1792. 1 In the gravity of the circum- stances and under the weight of the suspicions of which she was the object, Madame du Barry took every precaution against letting herself be disturbed, all the guarantees 1 Note of Madame du Barry on her fourth journey: " Since that time (August 25, 1792) I remained at Luciennes till October 14, 1792, when I set out again for London armed with passports and letters from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. I arrived there on the 22nd, and my case having been finished on February 27th last, the closing da}' of the sitting of the Court, I hastened back from London on March 3, and arrived on the $th at Calais, where I was kept till the i8th, awaiting new passports from the executive power, as is proved by my passport from the municipality of Calais and the certificate of my residence there." 251 Madame Dm Barry against the accusation of being an emigree. She had ob- tained a regular passport from Lebrun, but she did not con- sider it sufficiently explanatory, and addressed to him this letter : " I have received, Monsieur, the letter which you have done me the honour to write to me, and my passports. I am sensibly touched by the care you have taken to have them authenticated. But as there is no mention in your letter, or in my passport, of my journey to London, where my presence is necessitated by my wretched case, I fear I may experience difficulties in my passage, and, besides, my municipality, not seeing me authorized to travel in foreign countries, may look upon me as being an emigree, and may put the seals on my house. I venture, therefore, to hope, monsieur, from your obliging disposition and the desire you have testified to be useful to me, that you will be kind enough to enlighten me on this subject. I believe that one word from you might remove all difficulties and save me from the unpleasantnesses to which I am liable to be sub- jected. " I beg of you, monsieur, to be convinced of the lively gratitude with which I have the honour to be, " Your very humble and very obedient servant. " Du BARRY. " Luciennes, this 6th of October." 1 The minister, Lebrun, seems to have written for her the 1 Du Barry's " Dossier/' National Archives, W 1 16. 252 Madame Dxi Barry line which she asked him for. 1 Then Madame du Barry in- formed the municipality of Luciennes that she was not abandoning her country, and in this letter in which the poor woman seeks to humour the terrible Sans-culottes of the lo- cality, she gives her word of honour to return to France : " Since I have had the honour of living under your eyes, you have been kind enough, messieurs, to recognize that on every occasion I have given pledges of my civism and of my respect for the laws. I flatter myself that, in the same spirit of justice, you will be so good as to accept also the present declaration by which I do not go across to England to abandon my country and my ordinary residence, but that I am compelled to go to London to finish there a case on which depends the recovery of precious articles, which you know have been stolen from me, and which compose the principal part of my fortune, as the only security that my creditors have. I declare at the same time that I give a solemn undertaking to re-enter France as soon as my case 1 A note from Greive, in Madame du Barry's " Dossier," says that in her last journeys Madame du Barry asked for passports from Lebrun, who refused them; that she then made an application to the municipality of Luciennes and the Department of Versailles. Greive either deceived himself or lied. Madame du Barry's letter to Lebrun attests that she had a regular passport from Lebrun, and as for the line mentioning her journey to England, the deliberation of the municipality which took place on the 8th of October appears to acknowledge the receipt of this second letter. It is true, however, that she says in her secret examination: "As for the fourth, I have a passport from the municipality of Luciennes which has been officially authenticated by the administration of Seine-et-Oise." 253 Madame D\i Barry- is finished." * This was not enough still. Not at all tran- quillised by this declaration, owing to the decree made by the municipality of Luciennes on October 8th, after her ap- pearance before the official authorities the previous day, 2 she addressed the undertaking she had made to the munici- pality to the President of the Convention : " Monsieur le President, A theft which, twenty months ago, carried off my precious effects, and the only security that my creditors have, has occasioned legal proceedings in England, for which I have been obliged to make two very expensive journeys. I see myself forced to make a third on the intimation conveyed to me that the case is bound to be concluded this month, and that under the pen- alty of being fined for default of appearance and of being at the loss of the heavy sum I have expended in costs, it is absolutely necessary for me to go to London. I have the 1 Du Barry " Dossier," National Archives, W 1 16. a " This day, October 7, 1792, the Year I. of the French Republic, there appeared before us, municipal officers of the commune of Lu- ciennes, district of Versailles, department of Seine-et-Oise, Dame Vaubernier du Barry, a resident in the locality, who has declared to us that, being obliged to go to London to be present at the convic- tion of thieves, who on the night of the loth or nth of January, 1791, had stolen her jewels in her chateau of Luciennes, she has made a declaration to us in order that she may not be regarded as an emigree, or during her absence be treated as such by any con- stituted authority, for which declaration she has requested us for a certificate, which we have granted, in view of the letter of M. Le- brun, Minister of Foreign Affairs, dated the 2d inst, which remains annexed at the present minute, and the aforesaid Dame du Barry has signed with us the same day and year as above. Good as a copy compared with the original, October 8, 1792." Madame du Barry, through Le Roi, Versailles, 1858. 254 Madame Du Barry honour to assure you, Monsieur le President, that my in- tention is not at all to abandon my country, where I leave all the property that is left to me, but, on the contrary, I give a solemn undertaking to return to my residence at Lu- ciennes as soon as my case is ended. I have in the same way made this undertaking before my municipality, on the part of whom I am well assured that I have only to wait for attestations which will be favourable to me. " I am with respect/' 1 Madame du Barry started " by the Calais diligence like a genuine Sans-culotte," accompanied in this last voyage by Labondie, D'Escourt's nephew. She thought her case would be terminated in a few weeks, but the proceedings dragged on for months. 2 During her sojourn abroad, events hurried on in France to a tragic phase; Louis XVI. was executed, and the guillotine threatened all the sus- pects. Had the journeys of Madame du Barry, this last sojourn in London, a political object, as Greive and Fou- quier-Tinville wished to have it believed? Did Madame du Barry give her services to a plan, a party, to political aspirations ? The woman's levity scarcely permitted of such an assumption. All her crimes against the Revolution were probably loans to emigres, pecuniary services, generous charities, acts of pity similar to those which had so quickly changed the heart of the former Du Barry towards the Queen. In this journey, the Favourite who had overthrown Choi- Du Barry "Dossier," National Archives, W 1 16. 8 Her case was not completely disposed of till Feb. 28, 1793. 255 Madame D\i Barry seul found herself once at dinner at the house of the banker Thelusson, beside the minister's nephew, who had been anxious, through curiosity, to make her acquaintance. During this dinner, at which she showed great amiability towards her neighbour, she talked to him for a long time about his uncle, deploring the advice which she had fol- lowed, making him the avowal with a grace which the Duke recognized as part of that real coquetry which she had, for a moment, exercised over the minister, but which was quickly killed by the cold dignity of Madame de Pompa- dour's former lover. In the high society with which she mixed, she several times saw Pitt, who gave her the medal struck in his honour, which was to be so fatal to her. The English minister urged her to remain in England, not to attempt at the moment to go back to France, and, when she spoke to him about her engagements of honour, he pre- dicted for the beautiful and imprudent creature the doom of Regulus. In reality Madame du Barry would have easily forgotten her engagements towards the municipality of Luciennes and the President of the Convention if she could have taken her means with her; but she was driven to return to France by the feeling of a proprietress, by the attachment she naturally felt for all those riches with which the little palace was stored. And her return, in those perilous times, was per- haps only brought about by the news of the setting of the seals on the i6th of February, 1793.* 1 Note of Greive in Madame du Barry's " Dossier " : " She did not return to France till after the news of the fixing of the seals 256 Madame Dxi Barry On resuming possession of her property, when the seals had been removed from Luciennes, 1 Madame du Barry found around her a terribly menacing state of affairs and an alarming condition of things in the country. There had come into the village an adventurer named Greive, a man half English, half French, describing himself as a man of 1 " Citizens, Administrators. The citizeness Jeanne de Vaubernier du Barry is astonished that after all the promises that she has fur- nished you of showing the reasons which have compelled her to go to England, you have treated her as an emigree. Before her de- parture she communicated to you the declaration that she had made to her municipality; you have it registered in your offices. You know that it is the fourth journey she has been obliged to make for the same motive. She hopes that you will be good enough to re- move the seals which have been affixed to her house, contrary to on her house. An unquestionable fact. Her passport from Lebrun was but for six weeks, and she remained there five months." The verification of the fact alleged by Greive is not possible; Lebrun's passport does not exist in Madame du Barry's "Dos- sier." Here is the document which led to the attachment of the seals; it was a letter from the Procureur-General Syndic of the district of Versailles, addressed to the administrators of the district and expressed in these terms: "The woman Dubarry, proprietress at Luciennes, left France by means of a passport in the beginning of 1792, to prosecute in Eng- land the perpetrators of a very considerable theft which took place in her house. " The doubt inspired as to this prosecution by the lapse of time and by the ignorance as to her effects has necessarily given rise to un- certainty. "In this state of affairs the administration has thought it right to take conservative measures, as to this woman's property, in order to secure at the same time her rights and those of the nation. "It authorizes me, in consequence, to invite you to affix the seals on the house of the woman Du Barry at Luciennes, to appoint a 257 17 Madame Dxi Barry letters, and styling himself " official defender of the brave Sans-culottes of Luciennes, friend of Franklin and of Marat, a factionist and anarchist of the first order, and disorgan- izer of despotism in two hemispheres." * He had organized a club in this quiet spot, and had already secured by one of his motions, the affixing of the seals on Luciennes. The re- 1 It is thus that Greive signs his very rare pamphlet bearing the title of " Equality falsely Contrived, or Little History of the Protec- tion containing the documents relating to the arrest of the Du Barry, formerly mistress of Louis XV., to serve as an example to Patriots who are too ardent, and wish to save the Republic and to the Mod- erates who understood marvellously how to destroy it. As it is dif- ficult to do good, . . ." (" Pere Duchesne.") all justice, since the law has never forbidden those who are com- pelled to go to a foreign country by private and pressing affairs to leave the kingdom. All France has learned about the theft which took place on the night of the loth or nth of January; that the thieves have been arrested in London, that legal proceed- ings followed, which were not ended till February 28 last, the annexed certificate attests." guardian over it, and to address to him the record which will be prepared for the occasion. " You will be good enough, citizens, to hurry with this operation, and to let me know about it as soon as it is done." Two days later the members of the directory of the district re- sponded with this resolution: " Having regard to the letter of the Procureur-General Syndic, the directory of the district has appointed the citizen Brunette, one of its members, to proceed, in the presence of two officers of the com- mune of Luciennes, to affix the seals on all the furniture, title-deeds and effects of the woman Du Barry, and to procure for the preserva- tion of the said seals one or two solvent keepers. . . . Made at Ver- sailles, October 16, 1793." (Archives of the Seine-et-Oise, document cited by Le Roi in "Madame du Barry.") 258 MARAT To face page 258 Madame Du Barry- turn from London of Madame du Barry, upsetting perhaps his plans and his speculations with regard to the gold mine of Luciennes, made him more enraged against the proprie- tress of the chateau, as to the interior and the occupants of which he had the most minute information through the malignity and the perfidy of the butler, Salenave, and the negro Zamore ; for those two servants of the chateau already formed part of the popular club of Luciennes composed of forty of the inhabitants. Madame du Barry, as soon as she was reinstalled in her own house, turned out of doors Salenave, whom she caught stealing her chinaware. Greive, reinforced by the alliance of the dismissed man-servant, who boldly declared himself the open enemy of his former mistress, and presently sus- tained by a certain Blache, who, under the mask of a pro- fessor of French in England, had played the spy on Madame du Barry in London, and who had been entrusted with a mission of surveillance in the department of Seine-et-Oise, Greive and these two men, taking advantage of the law passed on the 2nd of June, ordering the authorities through the entire length and breadth of the Republic to have all persons notoriously suspected of aristocracy and want of civic virtue seized and arrested, had an address to the ad- ministrators drawn up by the club of Luciennes. This ad- dress, for the preparation of which Greive had chosen the day of the news of La Fleche having been taken by the Roy- alist army, marked out the departments of Seine-et-Oise, Mantes, Ruel, Bellevue, Meudon, Saint-Cloud, Suresne, 259 Madame D\i Barry Bougival, and Marly, as filled with male and female mis- creants who held forth their hands towards the insurrection which overflowed into the department of Eure-et-Loire after the defeat of the Republicans at Saumur. It showed a chain of aristocrats of both sexes along the Seine ready to draw together the Seine and the Loire in a Royalist con- spiracy. In this address, dated June 26th, 1793, the good citizens of Luciennes, with the object of awakening the paternal interest of the administrators in the perils of the country and on the best measures to take, asked them to get the terrible decree passed by the Convention on the 2nd of June proclaimed. The deputation, headed by Greive, Blache, and Salenave, after having obtained from the administrators a correct copy of the law of the 2nd of June, immediately convoked the Commune for the purpose of proceeding to the formation of a list of persons to be arrested; and the name of Madame du Barry was put forward on the list. Madame du Barry, having been informed of what had happened, despatched Morin, her valet, with Labondie, who had been arrested in her house a fortnight before, to plead her cause with the members of the head-government. Greive, and with him the mayor and the municipal officers whom he had led in his train, were already at the chateau on the 27th of June, and were on the point of arresting Madame du Barry when Citizen Boileau, a member of the district, arrived. Boileau thereupon called for a meeting of the municipality, reprimanded it for having precipitated the 260 Madame D\* Barry execution of a law which was to be sent with restrictions and modifications, and reinstalled Madame du Barry in her house. Greive was not discouraged. He drew up another ad- dress and got it filled with signatures; and on the 3rd of July he led the mayor and the municipal councillors to the bar of the Convention to read there this new address, dated the ist of July, 1793, the year II. of the Republic. "The brave Sans-culottes of Luciennes," Greive said, " felicitated the Convention on the wise, benevolent, and popular decrees passed since the immortal insurrection of the 3ist of May. .... These decrees had renewed the sacred fire ready to be extinguished under the ice of moderation. The Sans- culottes of Luciennes had just commenced their operations with the arrest of a woman who had been able, in spite of relations notoriously opposed to citizenship, by her riches and her caresses, which she had learned at the court of a weak and dissolute tyrant, to escape from the Declaration of the Rights of Man ; of a woman who had made her chateau the centre of liberticidal schemes against Paris, commenced by Brissac, and continued by the aristocrats of every colour with whom she was in perpetual correspondence ; of a woman who by her luxury insulted the sufferings of the unhappy women whose husbands, fathers, brothers, and children shed their blood for equality in our armies " of the Du Barry, in short, whose arrest was indispensable " in order to destroy the vestiges of a false grandeur which fascinated the eyes of the good and simple inhabitants of the country and to 261 Madame D\i Barry put in practice the disregarded principles of equality. 1 The brave Sans-culottes finished by asking for the printing of their adress " in order to give an impetus to the other com- munes of the department." Having /ead his address, Greive, with skilful perfidy, thanked the representative citizens for the decree passed the evening before, a decree which, by prescribing that decrees should be sent directly to the communes, took away from the head-government the means of paralyzing their measures, and put the people into immediate communication with their representatives. The President of the Convention, Thuriot, replied: " The National Convention applauds the fresh proofs which the commune of Luciennes has just given of its patriotism, so well recognized since the commencement of the Revolution, and which it manifests at this moment by putting into execution the law of the 2d of June with re- gard to a woman too long notorious for the misfortune of France. The charges which you have just made against her are too grave ; be sure that, if they are proved, her head will fall on the scaffold." 2 Strengthened by the approbation of the Convention, Greive and his friends arrested Madame du Barry, and conducted her to Versailles so that she might be incarcerated in the prison of the department. Goujon, the Procureur-Syndic, inveighed against them, 1 " Equality falsely contrived, or Little History of Protection, con- taining the Documents relating to the Arrest of the Du Barry." 8 Ibid. 262 Madame Dxi Barry declared that the arrest was opposed to the wishes of the inhabitants of Luciennes and that the allegations against Madame du Barry were exaggerated and destitute of proof, complained bitterly of the despotism exercised by the club of Luciennes on the neighbouring communes, and ended with threats and with the declaration that he would make them tremble; but all in vain. 1 The Club and Grieve had the best of it; and Madame du Barry, her niece, Madame de Boissaisson, wife of an emigre, and her servants, notoriously suspected of aristocracy and lack of civic virtue, remained under lock and key. Meanwhile, Madame du Barry, having got information as to the charges made against her, got a counter-address drawn up, and soon had it covered with the signatures of all the inhabitants of Luciennes hostile to the club. The peti- tion, presented on the 6th of July, was addressed to the Committee of Public Safety, which, after having deliberated upon it, acceded to the request of Madame du Barry and sent her before the department, which decreed that she should be set at liberty. Madame du Barry was once more saved. In her delight at regaining her liberty, she wrote to a member of the Committee of General Safety: " I was well persuaded, monsieur, that my cause being in your hands, I should obtain the justice which was due to me. I waited with much impatience for the termination of the 1 It was Goujon who, having been condemned by a military com- mission on the 20th of May, 1795, stabbed himself while descending the staircase of his prison. Madame D\i Barry incident to thank you fully. M. de la Bondie has not left me in ignorance of the zeal with which you have embraced my defence. I should consider myself very happy if ever I should find opportunities to testify my gratitude to you. To-day that you are no longer my judge and that I have no longer to fear being suspected of having captured your suffrage, I hope that you will be kind enough to furnish me with occasions of making your acquaintance and thanking you by word of mouth. If the place where I live can excite your curiosity, I shall have real pleasure in re- ceiving you there. I should always find it a genuine boon to converse with you about my gratitude and the sentiments with which . . . ." 1 Greive was not a man to let go his victim. He wrote this pamphlet, which he published on the 1 Madame du Barry's " Dossier " contains a copy of this letter, at the head of which we read : " Letter written, as far as it appears, to some member of the Com- mittee of General Safety of the Convention, after that Committee had the guilty complaisance to send her back to her friends and protectors, the administrators of Versailles, after her first arrest by the Sans-culottes, in the beginning of the month of July. La Bondie is nephew of the person who was formerly Chevalier D'Escourt, Equerry of Brissac, and is now imprisoned in La Force. La Bondie, who was formerly Chevalier, and who is suspected of being an emigre, is from Cahors, where his goods were seized. He was one of the frequenters of the chateau and an impudent aristocrat. It was he who intrigued with the Committee on her behalf. He must be in prison; if not, he is staying in the Hotel de Suede or the Hotel du Bouloi." At the back of the letter we read: "This letter was addressed to Delainville, whose residence she pretends not to know. This Delainville was her official defender with the ex-Committee of Safety. It is supposed that this letter was written to Bazire or to Alquier, or to Julien of Toulouse." In a note in "L'J&galite Con- 264 Madame D\i Barry 3 ist of July, 1793. The " disorganizer of despotism in two hemispheres " said in this pamphlet : "If the patriots of Luciennes have appeared to give importance to this woman in the address which they made to the National Convention, this too great celebrity is only due to the intervention, as singular as it is unbecoming, of certain administrators, to the more than ordinary activity with which one of them has flown to the Comtesse, to ward off the blows that menaced her half -sacred head. It was in order to make other admin- istrators who would be tempted to intervene between her and the execution of the law feel ashamed that they have thought fit to submit to the entire nation a small number of petty details to prove that the suspicions of aristocracy and lack of civism falling on her, if not known through the misfortune of the administrators of Versailles, are at least of a sufficiently great notoriety in the place where she lives. It is in order to tranquillize the difficult consciences of the adorers of great names that the Sans-culottes of Luciennes are good enough to declare that in the step they have taken they have had no object but the welfare of their country, and that in asking for the decree of the 2d of June from trouvee " Greive says : " This shameless woman has had the au- dacity to get up an address to the Convention signed by herself and by her official defender, Delainville, where she treats as defamatory libels the facts put forward against her, where she represents her- self as a phoenix of patriotism, where she pretends to have broken off her liaisons with her old friends since the Revolution. . . . What impudence. . . ." Madame IXi Barry the department of Seine-et-Oise, far from any personal feel- ing and from having ill-will against the former distributress of the graces and favours of the Court, they have regarded her with the same eye as her chambermaid, with the differ- ence only that she has an income of fifty thousand crowns, and that they have exhibited the same firmness against Gouy, her concierge, Pretry, her private councillor, Morin, her political go-between with the constituted authorities, and the surgeon Devray." Then followed the reproduction of the Addresses at the Convention, the President's reply a sort of history of the prosecution which he carried on against Madame du Barry, poisoned with deadly notes, de- nunciations by persons in her service, conversations re- ported, words like those which Greive put into the mouth of the Princesse de Rohan-Rochefort, reproaching Madame du Barry quite recently with living too well and not sending her superfluities to the Vendeans. 1 Madame du Barry soon learned about this pamphlet. She was astonished at the minute information about her contained in it, which could only have been given to Greive by some servants of her household. Instinctively, and with the first impulse, her suspicions fastened on Zamore, that 1 On a manuscript note of Greive in the " Dossier " of the Du Barry we read: "Lastly, the representation made by the woman Rohan-Rochefort that her table was splendid, that it would have been better to diminish it in order to furnish succour to the volun- teers of La Vendee, to which the Du Barry replied, ' Drink, drink ! ' with a disdainful air, as if she did not think them worth bothering about." 266 Madame D\i Barry negro, of whom the Revolution had made a man and of whom treason was going to make a citizen. She knew the ideas that he had adopted. She remembered that he alone amongst her servants had not been arrested when she was brought to Versailles. It was he-, this Zamore, on whom she had heaped favours, who had been held over the bap- tismal font by Madame du Barry and the Prince de Conti, who sold to Greive the secrets of Luciennes. Madame du Barry dismissed him immediately, she freed her house of a spy ; she believed that she had banished an ingrate for ever from her sight. But Zamore was destined to appear once again and for the last time in Madame du Barry's life at the Revolutionary Tribunal! The club was becoming more menacing to the chateau, more furious and more declamatory against Madame du Barry. What months were those seven months passed by the proprietress of Luciennes with Greive's club at her door! Every hour it was necessary to defend herself against im- prisonment, against death. Madame du Barry escaped one denunciation only to be exposed some days later to another denunciation. She only left the prisons of Versailles to be menaced by the prisons of Paris. Then, the unhappy woman, as if she were distracted, wrote this letter: " To the Citizens, Administrators of the Department of Versailles. " Hitherto, citizens, some agitators have made vain ef- forts to disturb my tranquillity. I had to oppose to them my 267 Madame Du. Barry conscience and your equity, well convinced that I had in it an assured rampart against their malevolence. They have devised other means of tormenting me. But they will be powerless since my cause is submitted to you. " When I had only to repel a denunciation, the knowledge of which the law attributes to you, and which it appears can- not go beyond your jurisdiction or have any other issue after your decision, I did not think I ought to have added en- treaties to my petition or turn aside your attention from important objects in order to fix itself on a matter which was personal to me. But to-day the denunciation has as- sumed a character of gravity and of publicity which im- poses on me the duty of promptly repelling the calumny. The malignity of my denouncers has reached such a point that I have everything to fear from them. I am, therefore, placed in a position that compels me to solicit from your zeal the promptest execution. I venture to add, citizens, that humanity makes this your duty. ... I do not want to waste your time by explaining to you all my motives for fear. I shall impart it to the commissary whom you deem fit to appoint, and who will make you understand in his re- port that I have deserved to have you come to my aid." * The citizen Lavallery was sent to Luciennes, and he per- suaded Madame du Barry to withdraw to Versailles under the eyes and under the immediate protection of the depart- ment. Madame du Barry confessed to him that all her for- tune, consisting of cash, jewels, and plate, was concealed in 1 Madame du Barry's "Dossier," National Archives, W 1 16. 268 Madame Dxi Barry- different parts of her house, that the members of the club knew it through Salenave, through Zamore, through her chambermaid, the Widow Cottet, who gave information as to everything about the house, and that her departure would expose Luciennes to the avi