: - -05 . XO.O OO S O O C wMwmmmmm 00.0 0.0 < ... AO.OOOOOO* vvs ^opooooo.ooo 0000.000000 000 <Sfc-v THE FLY-ING DUTCHMAN. THE FLY-ING DUTCHMAN; OR, OF Herr Vonstoppelnoze BY JOHN G. SAXE. :.- /,..-; WITH SIXTFKN ;C O^tC- J i tfj ST- * $5<O K S . Tantaene animis Teutonibus irae ? NEW YORK: Car/eton, Publisher, 413 Broadway, (LATE RUDD <Tc CARLETON.) MDCCCLXII. Entered aecojdlqgfc Act <Conv*ss, in the year 18C2, by G^Q. W. fc CAKLETOX, ,<, In the Clerk s Office f t^^ti iet Qomtt of the United States for the Southern * District of J&eVfbrk. C. A. ALVORD, ELECTBOTYPEU AND PRINTER. T was an honest Dutchman, Meinherr Vonstoppelnoze, And ever, after dining, He sat him down to doze, And slept away the sultry day In beautiful repose ! 908579 ND which it was an insect Come buzzing at his ear; But happy is the sleeper, And nothing doth he fear, Nor dream unconscious mortal An enemy is near! ND now the vile intruder Hath sought the sleepers head, " And there he marcheth gaily, With bold and daring tread MM But still the sleeper sleepeth As he were of the dead ! HAT would the wicked insect *? What maketh he so sly ? Hath he a sting beneath his wing, That cursed little fly k ? Potstausend ! cries the sleeper, And openeth his eye ! . w. fearful is his anger To view the flying foe, That, for his wicked mischief, Hath spoiled his slumber so; Sturmvetter! cries the Dutchman, Isk dat der -cay you go ? i^ND now the wanton insect, All in a merry glee, (Was ever wight, by day or night, ^ So wondrous bold as he?) Alights, for his refreshment, Upon a cup of tea ! have him new ! unto himself Says Herr Vonstoppelnoze ; And, aiming at the enemy The sturdiest of blows, His fist goes flying through the air, And down the china goes ! E sees his broken crockery, And heaves a heavy sigh; There s slivers in his fingers, There s fury in his eye ; But where for he has vanished Has fled the wicked fly? H ! there he goes as large as life, A-buzzing overhead ; That sturdy fist the mark has missed, And so the rogue has fled; Mem Gott ! cries Herr Vonstoppelnoze, I thought the imp I\TS dead! . X E makes a little flapper To flap the wicked fly; Ho ! ho ! says he, "^ e soon shall see But now the imp is shy; Tis plain Meinherr Vonstoppelnoze Can never flap so high ! ND so he mounts into his chair, And flaps with might and main ; With such a swingeing blow as that The rascal must be slain; Alas! the best of mortal plans Full often prove in vain ! O fierce a blow cannot be lost, As you may well suppose ; Up flies the arm ! down falls the chair! Away the insect goes And flat upon his chubby face Comes Herr Vonstoppelnoze! ) UT soon again with might and main He pounces on the foe; is stick has caught a flower-pot, And deals a deadly blow; His time has come! that hated fly Will soon be lying low! OW there stands Herr Von- stoppelnoze, All in a merry glee, Exulting o er the fallen foe, And crying, Ncruu you sec, You leedlc tuyfel, cat you gets Mit mettle-ing mit me! ND now upon the vanquished fly Behold the victor tread ; He tramples on his ugly limbs ; He tramples on his head, # Until the cursed insect A thousand times is dead ! | HE work is done ! the victor s joy Is tingling in his toes, So potently he can t refrain From dancing as he goes; Now I can go to shleef again! Says Herr Vonstoppelnoze. NEW BOOKS And New Editions Recently Issued by CARLETON, PUBLISHER, (LATE liUDD <k CARLF.TON.) 413 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. N.B. 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