LIBRARY UNiVL.,S!TY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO REPORT OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION BOARD OF " LADY MANAGERS OF THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION AUTHORIZED BY ACT OF CONGRESS MARCH III MDCCCCI * * * REPORT TO THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION COMMISSION COPYRIGHT 1905 BY BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL OF REPORT OF THE BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS TO THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION COMMISSION 1 HISTORICAL DATA 3 EXTRACT FROM ACT OF CONGRESS OF MARCH 3, 1901, CREATING THE BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS 14 ORDER OF APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD . . . . 15 PRESENT OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD 17 STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD .... 19 SPECIAL COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD 21 INTRODUCTION 23 FIRST MEETING OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS, SEPTEMBER 30, 1902 25 ADDRESS BY HON. THOMAS H. CARTER 25 ADDRESS BY HON. DAVID R. FRANCIS 30 RECEPTION BY LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION COM- PANY TO THE BOARD 33 ELECTION OF FIRST PRESIDENT AND OTHER OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OCTOBER 1, 1902 33 RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE BOARD CONCERNING "PIKE" FEATURES, OCTOBER 1, 1902 34 RESOLUTION OF NATIONAL COMMISSION CONCERNING NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD, OCTOBER 2, 1902 34 APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES BY THE BOARD .... 35 SECOND MEETING OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS, NOVEMBER 17, 1902 35 PROPOSITION IN REGARD TO A BUILDING FOR THE BOARD 35 vi CONTENTS ELECTION OF EIGHTH VICE-PRESIDENT, NOVEMBER 19, 1902 36 SECOND SPEECH BY PRESIDENT CARTER, NOVEMBER 19, 1902 36 RESOLUTIONS PRESENTED BY THE BOARD TO THE EXPO- SITION COMPANY THROUGH THE NATIONAL COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 20, 1902 38 LETTER OF PRESIDENT CARTER ACKNOWLEDGING RE- CEIPT OF RESOLUTION, NOVEMBER 29, 1902 .... 40 THIRD MEETING OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS, FEBRUARY 16, 1903 42 HALL OF PHYSICS BUILDING OFFERED FOR USE OF THE BOARD AND ACCEPTED FEBRUARY 16, 1903 .... 42 APPROPRIATION OF $3000 FOR INCIDENTAL EXPENSES OF THE BOARD, FEBRUARY 16, 1903 42 RECEPTION BY BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS IN WASHINGTON TO DAUGHTERS OF AMERICAN REVOLUTION, FEBRUARY 26, 1903 43 COMMITTEE MEETING OF BOARD OF LADY MAN- AGERS, MARCH 11, 1903 44 CONFERENCE OF THE NATIONAL COMMISSION AND COM- MITTEES OF THE BOARD, MARCH 11, 1903 44 ANSWER OF PRESIDENT CARTER AT CONFERENCE ... 44 FOURTH MEETING OF THE BOARD OF LADY MAN- AGERS, APRIL 28, 1903 47 ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE DEATH OF MRS. WASHINGTON A. ROEBLING 47 ADOPTION OF RULES AND REGULATIONS, APRIL 28, 1903 47 DEDICATION EXERCISES 51 RESOLUTION APPOINTING COMMITTEE TO ASK FOR AP- PROPRIATION FROM CONGRESS, MAY 2, 1903 .... 53 APPOINTMENT OF STANDING COMMITTEES, MAY 2, 1903 . 54 RECEPTION BY WEDNESDAY CLUB OF ST. Louis TO THE BOARD . . , 54 CONTENTS vii FIFTH MEETING OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS, DECEMBER 15, 1903 55 LETTER OF RESIGNATION OF MRS. JAMES L. BLAIR READ DECEMBER 15, 1903, AND RESOLUTION OF REGRET ADOPTED 55 SECOND ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT FRANCIS TO THE BOARD, DECEMBER 15, 1903 56 RESOLUTION ADOPTED ASKING THE NATIONAL COMMIS- SION TO SUSPEND RULE LIMITING APPOINTMENT ON BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS, DECEMBER 16, 1903 . . 59 REPLIES OF PRESIDENT CARTER 60 ELECTION OF MRS. DANIEL MANNING AS PRESIDENT OF BOARD, DECEMBER 16, 1903 61 MEETING OF THE NATIONAL COMMISSION AND THE BOARD, AND SPEECHES BY SENATORS CARTER, LINDSAY, AND THURSTON, DECEMBER 16, 1903 62 RESIGNATION OF MRS. HANGER AS SECRETARY OF BOARD AND ELECTION OF Miss EGAN AS SECRETARY, DECEM- BER 17, 1903 72 RECEPTION BY WOMAN'S CLUB OF ST. Louis TO THE BOARD, DECEMBER, 1903 ^. . 72 APPOINTMENT OF NEW LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE, DE- CEMBER 18, 1903 73 SIXTH MEETING OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS, MARCH 1, 1904 74 RESOLUTION OF THANKS TO LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE, MARCH 1, 1904 74 REMARKS OF HON. DAVID R. FRANCIS, MARCH 2, 1904 75 LETTERS OF NOTIFICATION OF TRANSFER OF FUNDS, MARCH 5, 1904 80 EXTRACT FROM URGENT DEFICIENCY BILL APPROPRIAT- ING FUNDS TO THE BOARD 81 FINAL REPORT OF LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE . . 82 viii CONTENTS EXECUTIVE ORDER OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AS TO INFORMATION REGARDING THE EMPLOY- MENT OF WOMEN IN THE GOVERNMENT DE- PARTMENTS 89 FINAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 98 FINAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELA- TIONS 118 FINAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON HOUSE FUR- NISHING 123 FINAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON WOMEN'S CON- GRESSES 131 SEVENTH MEETING OF BOARD OF LADY MANA- GERS, APRIL 28, 1904 134 OPENING EXERCISES OF THE EXPOSITION 134 EIGHTH MEETING OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS, JULY 14, 1904 135 RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUND TO DAY NURSERY, MODEL PLAY-GROUND, AND LOST CHILDREN CONCES- SION 135 NEW SECRETARY APPOINTED 135 NINTH MEETING OF THE BOARD OF LADY MAN- AGERS, SEPTEMBER 20, 1904 136 RECONFIRMATION OF DEPARTMENTAL JURORS .... 136 REPRESENTATION OF WOMEN ON JURIES OF AWARD 138 RESOLUTION IN REGARD TO AWARDS, APRIL 29, 1903 . . 140 REPORT FROM CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE OF AWARDS, MARCH 1, 1904 141 SPECIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING AWARDS 143 QUESTIONS TO JURORS APPOINTED BY THE BOARD ... 147 REPORTS OF GROUP JURORS 150 Miss ANNA TOLMAN SMITH 150 Miss ANNA G. MACDOUGAL 163 Miss MART BOTCE TEMPLE .... 166 MBS. E. H. THAYER 18Q CONTENTS ix Miss HOPE FAIRFAX LOUGHBOROUGH 181 Miss MARY SOLARI 185 MRS. ELIZABETH ST. JOHN MATTHEWS 193 Miss ROSE WELD 197 MRS. EUGENE FIELD 199 Miss FRANCES B. JOHNSTON 200 MRS. HORACE S. SMITH 200 MRS. W. M. WOOLWINE 201 MRS. R. A. EDGERTON 205 MRS. ISAAC BOYD 206 MRS. F. K. BOWES 207 MRS. A. G. HARROW 219 MRS. E. D. WOOD 220 MRS. WILLIAM S. MAJOR 222 Miss MARGARET SUMMERS 223 MRS. W. H. FELTON 226 MRS. E. L. LAMB 229 MRS. F. H. PUGH 230 Miss CAROLYN HEMPSTEAD (now MRS. C. M. F. RILEY) 238 MRS. M. B. R. DAY 236 Miss ALICE C. FLETCHER 237 MRS. ALICE PALMER HENDERSON 239 Miss CORA PETERS 242 MRS. ZELIA NUTTALL 243 Miss CAROLINE GREISHEJMEH 244 Miss MARGARET WADE 255 Miss JANE ADDAMS 256 Miss MARY E. PERRY 258 MRS. E. P. TURNER (succeeded by MRS. CONDE HAMLIN) .... 262 REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT JURORS 264 MRS. W. E. FISCHEL 264 MRS. H. A. LANGFORD 266 Miss THEKLA M. BERNAYS 267 Miss EDITH J. GRISWOLD 271 Miss HOPE FAIRFAX LOUGHBOROUGH 274 Miss ROSE WELD 275 MRS. RICHARD P. BLAND 276 MRS. IDA L. TURNER 278 MRS. J. M. GLENN . 278 MRS. M. G. SCRUTCHIN 278 MRS. MARY STUART ARMSTRONG 282 MRS. ZELIA NUTTALL 282 Miss JANE ADDAMS ^ . 284 Miss CLARA HELLWIG . 285 x CONTENTS REPORT OF SUPERIOR JUROR 286 MBS. PHILIP N. MOORE 286 FINAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF AWARDS . . 289 CLOSING OF THE EXPOSITION, AND FINAL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 307 FINAL REPORT OF HOUSE COMMITTEE 307 CRECHE PLANS, AND FINAL REPORT OP COMMITTEE ON DAT NURSERY APPROPRIATION 311 FINAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ENTERTAINMENT AND CEREMONIES 322 FINAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF LADY MAN- AGERS, AND TREASURER'S REPORT, JUNE 9, 1905 . 330 FINAL REPORTS TO BOARD, JUNE 9, 1905 330 RESOLUTION OF THANKS TO THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION COMMISSION 331 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO THE LOUISIANA PUR- CHASE EXPOSITION COMPANY 331 DISBURSEMENTS MADE BY EXPOSITION COMPANY, ON BE- HALF OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS, PRIOR TO SPECIAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE BOARD 332 AMOUNTS PLEDGED BY EXPOSITION COMPANY BUT NOT PAID UNTIL AFTER FEBRUARY 18, 1904 333 FINAL REPORT OF TREASURER 334 FINAL REPORT OF AUDITING COMMITTEE ... 335 ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT 337 L'ENVOI 339 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS BUILDING OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS FRONTISPIECE OUTLINE OF LOUISIANA PURCHASE 6 SIGNING OF THE TREATY BY LIVINGSTON, MONROE, AND MARBOIS 8 MRS. DANIEL MANNING 14 PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS MRS. APOLLINE M. BLAIR 32 PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS OCTOBER 1, 1902, TO OCTOBER 21, 1903 MRS. EDWARD L. BUCHWALTER 38 IST VICE-PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS MRS. FINIS P. ERNEST 48 2o VICE-PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS MRS. HELEN BOICE HUNSICKER 60 3o VICE-PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS MISS ANNA L. DAWES 68 4TH VICE-PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS MRS. BELLE L. 'EVEREST 80 STH VICE-PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS MRS. M. H. DE YOUNG 90 GTH VICE-PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS MRS. FANNIE LOWRY PORTER 100 ?TH VICE-PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS MRS. WILLIAM H. COLEMAN 110 TREASURER OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS MRS. JOHN M. HOLCOMBE 128 CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE ON DAY NURSERY APPROPRIA- TION . . . - xii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS MRS. FREDERICK HANGER 136 CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE OF AWARDS MRS. WILLIAM E. ANDREWS 144 CHAIRMAN OF AUDITING COMMITTEE MRS. RICHARD W. KNOTT 150 CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE ON PRESS BOARD-ROOM 160 MRS. MARGARET P. DALY 172 MEMBER OF COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK MRS. LEWIS D. FROST 178 MEMBER OF COMMITTEE ON CEREMONIES MRS. MARY PHELPS MONTGOMERY 184 CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK SALON (LOOKING EAST) 194 MRS. JOHN MILLER HORTON 204 MEMBER OF COMMITTEE ON ENTERTAINMENT MRS. CARL VON MAYHOFF 216 MEMBER OF COMMITTEE ON ENTERTAINMENT MRS. JAMES EDMUND SULLIVAN 228 MEMBER OF COMMITTEE ON ENTERTAINMENT MRS. ANNIE McLEAN MOORES 240 MEMBER OF COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MISS LAVINIA H. EGAN 250 MEMBER OF COMMITTEE ON PRESS TEA-ROOM 268 PRESIDENT'S ROOM 286 RECEIVING-LINE, RECEPTION TO PRINCE FUSHIMI OF JAPAN 308 DINING-ROOM 322 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS AND THEIR GUESTS ON " FRANCIS DAY " . . 328 REPORT OF BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL NEW YORK, N. Y., June 10, 1905. To THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION COMMISSION: I have the honor to transmit herewith the report of the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, which was appointed by you as provided for by the Act of Congress dated March 3, 1901. Very respectfully, MART MARQARETTA MANNING, President of the Board of Lady Managers, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. HISTORICAL DATA THE territory originally known as Louisiana was taken possession of by the explorer La Salle in 1682, in the name of Louis XIV, and the first colony was founded by the French at Biloxi in 1699. The vast domain was transferred to Spain, by secret treaty, in 1763, and re- mained in the possession of that country until 1800, when the King of Spain, desiring the assistance of Na- poleon in the erection of the kingdom of Etruria for his son-in-law, the Duke of Parma, ceded the Louisiana Territory to France in return for that aid. It was part of Bonaparte's policy and earliest ambition to restore to France all her lost possessions, and by the significant treaty of San Ildefonso, signed by Manuel Godoy, the Spanish Minister of State (known as the "Prince of Peace"), and Marshal Berthier, Minister of France at Madrid, all that vast and vaguely defined territory known as Louisiana which France had originally trans- ferred to Spain, was reconveyed to France. Up to the end of the Revolution the possession of the Louisiana Territory by one foreign power or another had not touched Americans closely, but now condi- tions changed. When rumors of the last treaty finally reached the United States the planters in the Missis- sippi Valley became alarmed. The laws and customs regulations of the Spaniards at New Orleans were arbitrary, their business methods antiquated, compli- cated and irksome to the colonists; friction had al- ready existed between them, the Spaniards being aided by Indians hostile to the frontiersmen. The right of 4 REPORT deposit was essential to the pioneers, who journeyed down the river in their flat-bottomed home-made boats, they required a place to store their goods at New Orleans while waiting the arrival of trading vessels. In the early nineties the Spanish authorities closed navi- gation and refused the right of way to the ocean, but in 1795 a treaty was signed which gave the right of deposit, with certain minor limitations, for three years, and the way to a market was kept open for that period, and thereafter until 1802; that year the Spaniards again withdrew the privilege, and therein lay a potent motive for the acquisition of at least the mouth of the Mississippi River, and although the immediate demand of these early American settlers was simply an open seaport and waterway to the sea, the Louisiana Pur- chase was the direct outcome of our strained relations with Spain. A resolution was offered in Congress, authorizing the President to call out 50,000 militia and take pos- session of New Orleans, but the United States sought security without force of arms, and a substitute resolution was adopted appropriating $2,000,000 for the purchase of the Floridas and New Orleans, the Floridas being at first the entire cession contemplated, even without the Island of New Orleans. Chancellor Robert R. Livingston, of New York, had been appointed as our Minister to France at a time when the affairs of that country were in a somewhat precarious condition. Napoleon, then only thirty-four years old, was Dictator, surrounded by enemies. Presi- dent Jefferson wrote Livingston to make the best terms he could with Napoleon, either for the mouth of the HISTORICAL DATA 5 river, site for a city, or place for deposit. He at no time spoke of acquiring the whole tract. Livingston, with great tact and judgment, kept the matter before Na- poleon, realizing not only the importance of the small tract originally involved, but the incalculable advan- tage that would be derived by the United States could the accession of the whole territory be accomplished. He was, therefore, greatly surprised by a question from Talleyrand, in which he was asked, "What we would give for the whole tract ?" This was followed by a pro- position from Napoleon's representative, Marbois, the State Treasurer, in which he offered to sell all the Louis- iana Territory to the United States for 100,000,000 francs ($20,000,000), with a provision that the United States should pay the claims of American citizens against France for depredations by French privateers, which amounted to 20,000,000 francs ($4,000,000). This offer Livingston declined, and Marbois asked him to name a price. Livingston, after a polite and politic disavowal of any anxiety to seek a larger expansion of territory, cautiously remarked, "We would be ready to purchase, provided the sum was reduced to reasonable limits," but refused to make an offer, postponing the matter until the arrival of Monroe, who, he was informed by the United States Government, had been appointed Minister with special powers to negotiate this pur- chase of New Orleans. Talleyrand told Livingston that if they gave New Orleans, the rest would be of little value, and Marbois dropped his price to 80,000,000 francs ($16,000,000) and the claims, and later said if we would name 60,- 000,000 francs and take upon us the American .claims 6 REPORT to the amount of 20,000,000 francs more, he would submit the offer to Bonaparte. Our Minister declared that sum was greatly beyond our means, and wished Bonaparte reminded that the whole region was liable to become the property of England. The Minister of the Public Treasury admitted the weight of this pos- sibility, but said, "Try if you cannot come up to my mark. Consider the extent of the country, the ex- clusive navigation of the river, and the importance of having no neighbors to disrupt you, no war to dread." The American Minister was not long in deciding to accept Napoleon's proposition for the United States to acquire the whole territory, but still waited to conclude negotiations until the arrival in Paris of Monroe. The Great Treaty was, in its essential elements, the work of three days. On April 11, Talleyrand asked Livingston, "Whether he wished to have the whole of Louisiana?" On April 12, Monroe arrived, but was too ill to attend a conference. Livingston again saw Talleyrand, and on April 13, two conferences took place between Marbois and Livingston, lasting several hours and ending at midnight, in which both negotiators agreed upon a treaty of transfer and acquisition, leav- ing open the amount to be paid. Upon this point they did not widely differ. Livingston's memorable mid- night dispatch dated Paris, April 13, 1803, and finished at three o'clock in the morning, gives the authentic official history of the Louisiana Purchase treaty. The Livingston letters tell that the decision to sell Louisiana was reached on Sunday, April 10, after Napoleon had had a prolonged conference with Talleyrand, Marbois, and others. The idea of selling originated in the active HISTORICAL DATA 7 brain of Napoleon. It was opposed by Talleyrand, Berthier, and others, but Napoleon contemplated war with England, and needed funds. The Louisiana Pur- chase tract was so far away, and would require so much money and so many men to protect it, that in his esti- mation it was probably better to dispose of it at a good price rather than hold; and he feared in the event of war, which was imminent, he would lose the colony of Louis- iana within sixty days after he took possession. The Treaty of Amiens was at an end; Austria was threaten- ing; a British fleet was in the West Indies, he was dis- gusted at the disastrous compaign in San Domingo, angry with Spain, and desired to be free for new cam- paigns in Europe. The First Consul, impressed by our Minister's social rank in his own country, no less than by his merciless logic and solid understanding, had given his promise that debts due for the spoliation of our commerce should be paid. This promise, of which he was again reminded, could only be kept by realizing on sale of public lands, as he had no other resource. Small wonder that he wished to be rid of the whole irri- tating subject of Louisiana. Monroe on his arrival in Paris found that the nego- tiations for the purchase were already far advanced by Minister Livingston. Owing to the illness of the special envoy he was not presented to the First Consul until May 1, and hence, as a negotiator, had nothing officially to do with the treaty, which was virtually negotiated April 13, and finally concluded April 30. On that day the treaty was signed in the presence of Na- poleon by Marbois and the two American represent- atives, and when the negotiations were completed, 8 REPORT Napoleon made the following prophecy: "This acces- sion of territory strengthens forever the power of the United States. I have given England a rival." The agreement, in the form of a treaty, reached Wash- ington July 14 for ratification. Congress was called in special session October 17; the treaty was confirmed by the Senate after two days of discussion; a resolution was passed that it should take effect immediately, but only after much opposition. Many persons were strongly opposed to the Purchase, condemned the acquisition of a wilderness, and expressed their belief that the terri- tory was not worth the price to be paid, and that its control would be difficult and unprofitable. The exact cost ultimately agreed upon was 64,000,000 francs in the form of United States 6 per cent, bonds, representing a capital of $11,250,000. In addition to this the American Government agreed to assume and pay the obligations of France to American citizens for French attacks upon American shipping. These were estimated at 20,000,000 francs, or $3,750,000, making the total payment $15,000,000. The tract comprised 554,000,000 acres. Napoleon sold the territory for two cents an acre, or ten acres for one franc. When the negotiations were pending, Marbois expressed to Napo- leon the difficulty of reaching a definite conclusion as to boundary. When Talleyrand was questioned as to boundaries he returned evasive answers, and said he did not know, and when pressed to be more explicit said, "You must take it as we received it." "But what did you mean to take?" asked Livingston. "I do not know," replied Talleyrand. "Then you mean that we shall construe it our own way?" said Livingston again; HISTORICAL DATA 9 to which Talleyrand made final reply, "I can give you no direction. You have made a noble bargain for your- selves, and I suppose you will make the most of it." When we consider that Jefferson at one time was willing to give $2,000,000 for New Orleans alone, we can marvel that so vast an empire as the whole province should come to us for the price paid. We can afford to overlook any defects in the treaty details and forever hold in gratitude the illustrious men who, by their diplomatic skill, their earnestness of purpose, and well directed efforts, achieved one of the greatest triumphs in the world's history. It well justified the assertion of Minister Livingston, who, after placing his name to the treaty of cession, and rising and shaking hands with Monroe and Marbois, said, "We have lived long; but this is the noblest work of our lives." The Louisiana Purchase Exposition was held to com- memorate this most important event in the history of America, the purchase from France of the vast Louis- iana Territory, an event second only in importance to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which constituted the first great advance of the United States toward national expansion, and at the same time insured to them the control forever of the greatest nat- ural waterway on earth, the Mississippi River. The Missouri Historical Society was the first organi- zation to take formal steps toward the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the acquisition of this territory. In acknowledgment of the public sentiment expressed, Governor Stevens, of Missouri, called a convention of delegates to be appointed by the respect- 10 REPORT ive governors of the twelve states and two territories that had been created in the Louisiana Purchase. Ninety-three delegates attended the meeting on Jan- uary 10, 1899, and unanimously voted that an Inter- national Exposition should be held in St. Louis as a means of giving expression, by practical demonstration, to the universal appreciation of what had been accom- plished within this vast region during the century. An Executive Committee was appointed, of which Hon. David R. Francis, of St. Louis, was made chair- man. The aid of the United States Government was sought, and, after preliminary work on the part of the members of the Committee in raising the $10,000,000 which Congress had made a condition should be secured before rendering material assistance, a bill was passed March 3, 1901, appropriating $5,000,000 toward "celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase Territory by the United States, by holding an international exhibition of arts, industries, manufactures, and the products of the soil, mine, forest and sea, in the city of St. Louis, in the State of Missouri." This enormous tract of land that for a century had been steadily contributing to the material advancement of the world, was now to show that it was ready and able to assume its full share not only in practical life and progress, but in the deeper phases of science and art, and to demonstrate the nature of its resources by par- ticipation in the greatest universal exposition ever held. By this Exposition it was not only above all else to illustrate the marvelous development of the territory whose acquisition it was meant to celebrate, but it was likewise "to provide for a comparative display of the HISTORICAL DATA 11 products, natural and artificial, of the nations of the world, to be arranged in classified groups, the exhibits of each nation in every class to be set down by the side of those of all other nations, thereby better to insure comparison and an intelligent verdict as to merit by the direct and practical contrast thus secured." It was to demonstrate the feasible combination of the artistic with the useful, the beautiful with the enduring, the graceful with the strong. The three most significant dates historically con- nected with the acquisition of the magnificent domain known as Louisiana, are April 30, 1803, when the Great Treaty was signed; October 19, when the treaty was ratified in the Senate of the United States by a vote of 24 to 7; and December 20, of the same year, when our Government received formal possession at New Orleans from the French prefect Laussat. The Council Chamber of the Cabildo (which building was so faith- fully reproduced at the Exposition) and the balcony adjacent, were the scene of the formal retrocession of Louisiana from Spain to France, and also of the event so much more momentous to us, the ceremony in which France delivered Louisiana into the keeping of the United States. On August 20, 1901, by a proclamation of the Pre- sident, "in the name of the Government and of the people of the United States, ... all the nations of the earth" were invited "to take part in the commemoration of the purchase of the Louisiana Territory, an event of great interest to the United States and of abiding effect on their development, by appointing representatives and sending such exhibits to the Louisiana Purchase 12 REPORT Exposition as would most fitly and fully illustrate their resources, their industries, and their progress in civil- ization." This invitation was sent through the Depart- ment of State of the United States to the chief magis- trates of all civilized governments, from nearly all of whom official acceptances were received in reply. It has become a matter of history that ground was broken for the site of the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition December 20, 1901, that day being the anniver- sary of the one on which the jurisdiction over the Louis- iana Territory passed from France to the United States in 1803. The dedication exercises were held on the afternoon of April 30, 1903, and were designed to com- memorate not only the one hundredth anniversary of the signing of the treaty by Livingston, Monroe, and Marbois, transferring the territory from France to the United States, but also to dedicate in a formal manner the grounds and palaces of the Exposition then rapidly advancing toward completion, though not to be opened before the following spring. The exercises were participated in by representatives from nearly all civilized nations, and the presence on April 30, 1903, of the President of the United States, ex-President Cleveland, the Joint Committee of Con- gress, the ambassadors and ministers of twenty-six foreign governments, the governors and representatives of more than forty states and territories, conferred upon it the official indorsement of the nations of the world, and added the weight and dignity which the sanction of governments alone could give. When the treaty of cession was concluded in 1803, President Jefferson represented less than 6,000,000 HISTORICAL DATA 13 people, and there were but 50,000 white settlers in the Louisiana Territory. President Roosevelt in 1903 represented 80,000,000 people, the Purchase contained 15,000,000 inhabitants, and the 865,000 square miles which it comprised had been geographically divided into twelve states and two territories; it was an area greater in extent and in natural resources than that of the original thirteen states, and constituted the largest real estate transfer ever known in the history of nations. The price of $15,000,000 paid for it was considered exorbitant by those who were opposed to the purchase in 1803, yet the possibilities of the country, then so vague and ill-defined, so amply justified the prophetic faith of its advocates, that a century later many millions of dollars in excess of the purchase money were spent in commemorating the transfer of a tract of land with- out which the present greatness of the United States would not have been possible; the present value of the agricultural products alone of the area for one year are a hundred times, and the taxable wealth more than four hundred times, the purchase money. ACT CREATING THE BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS THE Board of Lady Managers was appointed pursuant to a clause in Section 6 of the Act of Congress of March 3, 1901, empowering the National Commission of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1 as follows : "And said commission is hereby authorized to ap- point a board of lady managers, of such number and to perform such duties as may be prescribed by said commission, subject, however, to the approval of said company. Said board of lady managers may, in the discretion of said commission and corporation, appoint one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as may have been produced in whole or in part by female labor." 1 The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission was authorized by Act of Congress, March 3, 1901, and the members were appointed by President McKinley. According to Sec. 12 of an Act approved June 28, 1902, the Commission will cease officially to exist on the first day of July, 1905, at which time, also, will expire the term of appointment of the members of the Board of Lady Managers. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS THE following is the complete list and order of appoint- ment of the members of the Board of Lady Managers made by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commis- sion, acting under the authority conferred by the afore- said Section 6, of the Act of Congress of March 3, 1901: OCTOBER 16, 1901 Appointed by Miss HELEN M. GOULD Hon. Philip D. Scott OCTOBER 18, 1901 MRS. JOHN A. MCALL Hon. Martin H. Glynn MRS. JOHN M. HOLCOMBE Hon. Frederick A. Betts Miss ANNA L. DAWES Hon. Frederick A. Betts MRS. FREDERICK HANGER Hon. Philip D. Scott MRS. FANNIE L. PORTER Hon. Philip D. Scott MRS. JAMES L. BLAIR Hon. John M. Allen MRS. WILLIAM E. ANDREWS Hon. John M. Thurston MRS. HELEN BOICE-HUNSICKER Hon. John M. Thurston NOVEMBER 19, 1901 MRS. RICHARD W. KNOTT Hon. William Lindsay MRS. WASHINGTON A. ROEBLING Hon. William Lindsay MRS. M. H. DE YOUNG Hon. Thomas H. Carter MRS. BELLE L. EVEREST Hon. John F. Miller NOVEMBER 20, 1901 MRS. MARCUS P. DALY Hon. Thomas H. Carter 16 REPORT NOVEMBER 21, 1901 Appointed by MRS. WILLIAM H. COLEMAN Hon. John F. Miller MRS. EDWARD L. BUCHW ALTER Hon. John F. Miller MRS. LEWIS D. FROST Hon. John M. Thurston NOVEMBER 22, 1901 MRS. FINIS P. ERNEST Hon. George W. McBride JANUARY 22, 1902 MRS. JAMES B. MONTGOMERY Hon. George W. McBride SEPTEMBER 30, 1902 MRS. JOHN MILLER HORTON Hon. Martin H. Glynn OCTOBER 2, 1902 MRS. DANIEL MANNING Hon. Martin H. Glynn MRS. CARL VON MAYHOFF Hon. Martin H. Glynn MRS. JAMES EDMUND SULLIVAN Hon. Thomas H. Carter OCTOBER 3, 1902 MRS. ANNIE McLEAN MOORES Hon. John M. Allen NOVEMBER 29, 1902 Miss LAVINIA H. EGAN Hon. John M. Allen PRESENT OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD PRESIDENT MBS. DANIEL MANNING Albany, N. Y. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT MBS. EDWABD L. BUCHWALTEB Springfield, Ohio SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT MBS. FINIS P. EBNEST Denver, Colo. THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT MBS. HELEN BOICE-HUNSICKEB Philadelphia, Pa. FOURTH VICE-PRESIDENT Miss ANNA L. DAWES Pittsfield, Mass. FIFTH VICE-PRESIDENT MBS. BELLE L. EVEBEST Atchison, Kan. SIXTH VICE-PRESIDENT MBS. M. H. DE YOUNG San Francisco, Cal. SEVENTH VICE-PRESIDENT MBS. FANNIE L. POBTEB Atlanta, Ga. TREASURER MBS. WILLIAM H. COLEMAN Indianapolis, Ind. Miss HELEN M. GOULD New York, N. Y. MBS. RICHABD W. KNOTT Louisville, Ky. MBS. JOHN M. HOLCOMBE Hartford, Conn. MBS. FBEDEBICK HANGEB Little Rock, Ark. MBS. JAMES EDMUND SULLIVAN Providence, ,R. I. 18 REPORT MRS. MARGARET P. DALY Anaconda, Mont. MRS. MARY PHELPS MONTGOMERY Portland, Ore. MRS. CARL VON MAYHOFF New York, N. Y. MRS. JOHN MILLER HORTON Buffalo, N. Y. MRS. LEWIS D. FROST Winona, Minn. MRS. W. E. ANDREWS Washington, D. C. MRS. ANNIE MCLEAN MOORES Mt. Pleasant, Texas Miss LAVINIA H. EGAN Shreveport, La. Hostess of the Building of the Board of Lady Managers Miss JULIA T. E. McBLAiR Washington, D. C. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD EXECUTIVE MRS. MANNING, Chairman MRS. HOLCOMBE MRS. COLEMAN MRS. KNOTT Miss EGAN MRS. BUCHWALTER MRS. HANGER MRS. MONTGOMERY MRS. MOORES Miss GOULD Miss DAWES ENTERTAINMENT MRS. MANNING, Chairman MRS. PORTER MRS. ERNEST MRS. VON MAYHOFF MRS. EVEREST MRS. DE YOUNG MRS. HUNSICKER MRS. SULLIVAN MRS. HORTON MRS. KNOTT Miss GOULD FOREIGN RELATIONS Miss DAWES, Chairman MRS. HOLCOMBE MRS. MONTGOMERY MRS. VON MAYHOFF MRS. MOORES MRS. HANGER CONGRESSES MRS. BUCHWALTER, Chairman MRS. ANDREWS MRS. HANGER PRESS MRS. KNOTT, Chairman Miss EGAN MRS. MOORES WOMAN'S WORK MRS. MONTGOMERY, Chairman MRS. HOLCOMBE Miss GOULD Miss DAWES MRS. DALY MRS. BUCHWALTER MRS. DE YOUNQ 20 REPORT LEGISLATIVE MRS. BUCHWALTER, Chairman MRS. MONTGOMERY MRS. COLEMAN AWARDS MRS. HANGER, Chairman MRS. KNOTT Miss EGAN MRS. HUNSICKER MRS. PORTER AUDITING COMMITTEE MRS. ANDREWS, Chairman MRS. ERNEST MRS. MONTGOMERY SPECIAL COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD RULES AND REGULATIONS MBS. HORTON, Chairman MRS. BUCHWALTER MRS. KNOTT HALL OF PHILANTHROPY Miss GOULD, Chairman MRS. HOLCOMBE MRS. ANDREWS MRS. HUNSICKER CRECHE Miss GOULD, Chairman MRS. EVEREST MRS. ANDREWS MRS. SULLIVAN HOUSE MRS. ERNEST, Chairman Resident members of Board, and members of Rotating Committee on duty. MODEL PLAYGROUND MRS. HOLCOMBE, Chairman MRS. HANGER Miss GOULD EDITING MINUTES MRS. HANGER, Chairman MRS. ERNEST Miss DAWES HOUSE FURNISHING MRS. MANNING, Chairman MRS. HOLCOMBE MRS. MONTGOMERY INTRODUCTION THE St. Louis Exposition afforded an opportunity of demonstrating to other nations the progress that the United States had made in every branch of manufacture, agriculture, and art. The enormous field that existed from which to draw the great variety of material war- ranted the assumption that a wonderful display would be made. The sponsorship of our Government, and its invitation to other nations to participate, vested in the citizens of the United States, not only as a nation but as individuals, the responsibility of acceptably placing before the eyes of the world the achievements and advancement not only of their own, but of all civilized and semi-civilized nations. The importance of the event rendered it a fitting occasion for women again to exhibit to the world the record of their increasing development and progress. At the Centennial in Philadelphia the Women's Com- mission brought together the exhibits shown in the Woman's Department, raised funds necessary to build the Woman's Pavilion, suggested the Department of Pub- lic Comfort, and originated and carried to completion other useful and practical ideas. The Board of Lady Managers at the World's Columbian Exposition achieved a most wonderful success; at the Cotton Centennial in New Orleans the women from each state and terri- tory did excellent work, as did those at Atlanta, Nash- ville, Omaha, and Buffalo. All this had thoroughly prepared the public mind for the cooperation of women in further exposition work. 24 REPORT The Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition was, therefore, created as an official organization acting under the authority given it by the government. Its most important duty that of ap- pointing women jurors was prescribed by Congress, and all others were secondary to it. The members realized the responsibility which rested upon them. They wished to demonstrate that women's attainments and achievements are a factor of sufficient importance to warrant their participation in an exhibition of such magnitude; and to prove that the rapid advancement and increased usefulness of women, made possible by the educational and other advantages accorded them, rendered their work worthy of the examination and attention of the world. EARLY MEETINGS OF THE BOARD AND EXERCISES OF DEDICATION PREPARATORY to accepting any responsibilities, the members of the Board of Lady Managers requested the National Commission to define the full powers of their appointment. Careful inquiry was made as to the duties to be assigned to the Board and what special and important work it would be expected to perform. Pursuant to this request, an informal meeting of the eighteen members who had been appointed in the fall of 1901, was called by the National Commission, in the city of New York, for December 5, of that year. Hon. Thomas H. Carter, President of the National Commis- sion, in an address on that occasion, outlined their duties to a limited extent, and stated that a meeting would be called in March, 1902, for the purpose of per- fecting their organization and determining the nature of their work. This meeting was not called, as had been contemplated, however, and it was not until Sep- tember 30, 1902, that the members of the Board were again assembled pursuant to a call of the Commission, the meeting-place being in the city of St. Louis. After formal organization of the Board of Lady Managers, they were again addressed by Hon. Thomas H. Carter, who said, in part, as follows: The act of Congress left the number of Lady Mana- gers optional with the National Commissioners. Before the exercise of the discretion allowed by Con- gress numerous persons suggested a great variety of 26 REPORT ways, whereby the ladies of the country, and the world, if you please, might, with force and propriety, partici- pate in this coming Exposition. The agency of organized clubs was, for a time, suggested as a proper method by which the assistance of womankind might be interjected into this great work, but many difficulties appeared in an effort to crystallize that thought in the proper shape. Owing to the confusion existing during the sessions of Congress, the necessity as well as the desirability of allowing the National Commission to appoint a Board of Lady Managers, became from day to day more ap- parent, and, therefore, in pursuance of that authority, it was determined, with the consent and approval of the Local Company, under whose auspices the Exposition was given, to appoint a Board consisting of twenty-one persons, and, of the twenty-one, nineteen members have now been appointed. ... It will rest with you ladies, and the two additional members hereafter to be appointed, whether or not you wish to increase the size of your Board. . . . After, or about the time of the New York meeting, the National Commission, acting under the authority of the law, prescribed certain general limitations or rules within which this Board of Lady Managers would continue to exercise their functions. These rules were, I think, made very general, and were submitted to the Local Company for approval, as the statute requires. The Company has suggested certain amendments, which are not of great importance and do not at this time limit your deliberations to any considerable ex- tent. . . . The rule upon which your authority will rest reads: " The Board of Lady Managers, appointed ADDRESS BY SENATOR CARTER 27 as authorized by Section Six of the Act of Congress, shall have authority to exercise general supervisory control over such features of the Exposition as may be specially devoted to woman's work." That rule is prac- tically without any limitation whatever. It places under your control and supervision the work for the exhibits, whether appearing in the manner of artistic, industrial, or other tangible production, or whether appearing in the manner of woman's engagement in any part or por- tion of the Exposition work. I think it will rest with you that girls under a certain age should not be per- mitted to be employed in the exhibits, or in any manner made a part of the coming Exposition. . . . You will find in this rule the amplest authority with reference to any subject-matter over which you seek to exercise jurisdiction, composed in whole or in part by woman's work. That is all the limitation you will find. That rule the Company has approved without amendment, and in approving it ... I believe that it is clearly the earnest desire of the Company to secure and at all times approve of your cordial cooperation. In the matter of executing the duties before you, it will be found necessary, I believe, at this meeting, after the election of your officers, to secure such quarters as may, in your opinion, be necessary for the convenient transaction of the business committed to your charge. It will likewise be necessary for you to begin to consider the scope of woman's work, in connection with the Exposition, and likewise form proper rules and regula- tions for the government of your officers, and the direc- tion of the general task that you have before you. It is needless to suggest that future success will, as you.know, 28 REPORT to a considerable extent be dependent upon the thought and consideration given to your rules to start with. One feature of the rules heretofore commented upon to some extent, and perhaps both by the Commission and the Company, has been subject to criticism. That is the limitation upon the incurring expense. It has been suggested that the Board of Lady Managers at Chicago, which consisted of over one hundred persons, spent $150,000 or thereabouts. They were limited, I think, and spent the limit. Your expenses are not limited except by a rule adopted by prudence, and applicable to all bodies having money to expend from the United States Government. The purpose of this rule, let me say to you, ladies, was to preserve ordinary system in the transaction of the business that must be dispatched very rapidly, and must be dispatched under a sys- tem. The observations I have here made seem to about cover, for the present, at least, the matters that will come up before you for consideration : First : The scope of your work, unlimited by this Commission, save in the particulars prescribed in the law, to that which is in whole or in part made up of woman's work. Second: After determining the scope, the field within which you will act, and the rules that govern your officers, you will be called upon to determine other questions from time to time : the matter of investment, the matter of a special building, which shall be the ladies' home, and such other questions as may seem to you to be meet and proper. I am quite sure that throughout this space of time, ADDRESS BY SENATOR CARTER 29 two or three years, during which we are working together, you will find it quite easy to get along with this Com- mission. . . . Let me make this suggestion here, and one based upon an experience this Commission has had : You will find, as far as our observation has been extended, that you have here in the city of St. Louis, and the surrounding country, a body of earnest people, charged with a mighty work, the disbursement of the largest sum of money ever collected on the globe for an Exposition of any kind, larger than Chicago, Buffalo, and Charleston combined, and the one overwhelming, all-absorbing thought uppermost in the mind is to make of this Exposition a success, commensurate with the mighty means placed at the disposal of the Company, the Commission, and the Board. The weather will be hot and difficulties will come, tempers will become dis- turbed and patience sorely tried, but throughout it all, bear in mind that the man who is somewhat irritating has simply too much vim and enthusiasm for the moment. President Francis, the General Counsel, the Treas- urer, are all devoting practically their entire time and attention to this work, and the things already accom- plished indicate that their efforts have been well directed and their work well performed. It is for you to say, you to determine in a general way, and upon your good judgment and earnest efforts will largely depend the extent to which women in this country and of the world at large are to participate, directly or indirectly, in making this Exposition the most beneficent for women that has or can be made in any age or ages. 30 REPORT At the close of Senator Carter's remarks, President Francis of the Exposition Company said: I have only come to say, ladies, that if we can be of any assistance to you we shall be more than glad to ren- der that assistance. If you have any suggestions to make us, we shall be pleased to receive them and consider them by prejudging them in your favor. I do not know what your plans are, but I wish to say, that if you de- sire permanent quarters, we will be very glad to provide them in the Administration Building. That might be a little inconvenient, perhaps, but we have all of our own offices there, and have all the accommodations one can require. I do not know whether you propose to have a permanent Secretary and establish headquarters here or not. I take it for granted that you are familiar with the provisions of the law. Of course, you know that the Board is nominated by the National Commission, of which Senator Carter is President. All of the nomina- tions that have been made by the National Commission have been confirmed. % I believe the membership of your Board is limited to twenty-one. I have heard of the organization of that body. I wish to say, that we think we have made adequate if not liberal provision for the expense of the Board in this way : We have decided to tender you ladies, subject, of course, to your own amend- ment, after first acknowledging your generosity, we have decided to say to you that we will allow you five cents per mile mileage from your homes to St. Louis, and five cents per mile back to your homes, or to your New York meetings, and in addition to that $6 per day for sub- sistence during the time you are in attendance at such ADDRESS BY PRESIDENT FRANCIS 31 meetings. If you do not think that sufficient, we are open to suggestions from you. During your stay in cities where meetings will be held, you are allowed $6 per day subsistence, whether you choose to expend that or not; if you do not think $6 per day sufficient, make a suggestion accordingly. In regard to your duties, the law prescribed those. I suppose the report which was made by the Commis- sion to the Local Company and approved by the Local Company, has been forwarded to the Board. You know that you have the right to appoint one member to every Jury of Awards that passes upon work, wholly or partly made by women. I do not know what provision the law makes, if any, for your duties, but this Exposition, comprehensive as its scope may be, cannot be a success without the hearty cooperation of the ladies, and that is what we wish. I do not know what plans you have about a Wo- man's Building. I wish to say, that any suggestions you have to make us, we will take under serious considera- tion. A great deal has been said about permanent struc- tures. We have no objections to permanent structures, we rather court them, provided always some means are furnished for the maintenance of those buildings after the Exposition is over. There is another condition that must be observed, and that is in regard to the per- mission of the city for these buildings to remain. You, of course, understand that the Exposition proper does not own any of the ground within the site. We have 1200 acres, which is much larger than any Exposition ever held, about 688 acres being the property of the city. About 112 acres of the site is the property of the \yash- 32 REPORT ington University, for which we pay them a specific rental; that makes a total of 780 acres. In addition to that we have 410 acres which we have leased from pri- vate owners. That property must be returned to them free of all incumbrances. Therefore, if a permanent structure be contemplated, it must be erected on city property. Ladies, I will be very glad to answer any questions you may desire to ask in connection with the Exposi- tion, and, as I said, any suggestions of yours I shall submit to our Local Company, Executive Committee, and Board of Directors, and Senator Carter will sub- mit the same, I have no doubt, to the National Com- mission. At a meeting of the Commission held the same day, (September 30), the resignation of Mrs. John A. McCall from the Board of Lady Managers was read and ac- cepted by the Commission. The statements of Senator Carter, as well as those of President Francis, stimulated the interest of the mem- bers of the Board; they comprehended anew that it involved not only a heavy responsibility, but constituted a national trust, to represent the women who to-day stand upon the advanced but firm ground secured by them in their long struggle to obtain intellectual advan- tages and recognition. By reason of the sacrifices and endurance of the pioneers, every opportunity is now afforded to women not only to acquire any trade or profession, but also to practice it without hindrance; in many cases the same money value is placed upon their labor as upon that of men for similar work, and no RECEPTION ELECTION OF OFFICERS 33 longer is the line of demarcation rigidly drawn between the woman of leisure and the self-supporting woman. It, therefore, devolved upon the members of the Board of Lady Managers to advance, to the best of their ability, the conditions under which women might continue to maintain their social, intellectual, and financial inde- pendence. At this first formal meeting of the Board of Lady Managers held in St. Louis, the President and Board of Directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Com- pany tendered to the members a most delightful evening reception at the Southern Hotel. This was the first official entertainment given to the Board of Lady Man- agers. On Wednesday, October 1, 1902, the election of the following officers was effected : Mrs. James L. Blair, President Mrs. Edward L. Buchwalter, 1st Vice-President Mrs. Finis P. Ernest, 2d Vice-President Mrs. Helen Boice-Hunsicker, 3d Vice-President Miss Anna L. Dawes, 4th Vice-President Mrs. Belle L. Everest, 5th Vice-President Mrs. M. H. de Young, 6th Vice-President Mrs. Fannie L. Porter, 7th Vice-President Mrs. Frederick Hanger, Secretary Mrs. William H. Coleman, Treasurer Miss Helen M. Gould then offered the following resolution : 34 REPORT RESOLVED, That it is the earnest desire of the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, that there be no indecent dances or improper exhibits in the Midway during the Exposition; and that the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company be urged to use the utmost care in awarding the conces- sions for shows, in order that there may be no objec- tionable features. The motion was carried unanimously, and its obser- vance by the Local Company was largely instrumental in lowering to a minimum the number of objectionable features on the "Pike." In a joint conference of the National Commission and President Francis, the latter consented that the Commission should make the number of Lady Mana- gers twenty-four instead of twenty-one, and on October 2, 1902, the following resolution was offered by the First Vice-President, Mr. Glynn, and adopted by the Commission: RESOLVED, That the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition shall consist of twenty-four persons, including those heretofore ap- pointed, together with Mrs. Daniel Manning, of Wash- ington, D. C., Mrs. A. L. von Mayhoff, of Monticello, Va., and Mrs. Josephine Sullivan, of Providence, R. L, also the two additional members to be nominated by Mr. Allen. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appoint- ments thus made now fix the membership of the Board at twenty-four, and that no vacancy which may here- SECOND MEETING 35 after occur, on any account whatever, shall be filled until the Board is reduced below twenty-one members, and that at no time shall any vacancy be filled hereafter so as to increase the Board above twenty-one. After the election of officers, appointment of com- mittees on Woman's Work, Rules and Regulations, Hall of Philanthropy, and the transaction of other routine work, the Board of Lady Managers adjourned to meet in New York, November 17, 1902. SECOND MEETING OF THE BOARD, NOVEMBER 17-20, 1902 The Board of Lady Managers met on November 17, 1902, pursuant to adjournment of the meeting of Sep- tember 30, 1902. Meanwhile, in response to a request from the Board of Lady Managers for permanent head- quarters for their accommodation during the Exposi- tion period, to be afterward used as a Hall of Phil- anthropy, President Francis, on November 5, 1902, referred to the fact that the Missouri State Federa- tion had instructed its delegates to the Convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, to be held at Los Angeles, to recommend such a memorial of woman's work, but that the Federation had failed to take action in the matter. The Exposition Company afterwards offered to con- tribute $50,000 toward the erection of such a building, if the Board of Lady Managers would raise $150,000, $50,000 of which should be applied toward the build- ing, and $100,000 as a permanent endowment fund. 36 REPORT At this meeting the matter of the Hall of Philanthropy was fully considered, and the above mentioned propo- sition of the Exposition Company declined. At the session held on the 19th of November, a mo- tion was made and carried that there should be an eighth vice-president, and Mrs. Daniel Manning was elected to fill that office. President Carter, of the National Commission, was invited to be present at this meeting, and again empha- sized his views in regard to the prerogatives of the mem- bers of the Board in performance of the duties which might be assigned them. He also spoke as follows : With the power comes the responsibility. This Ex- position, if the general tone of business continues, ought to be, in the matter of attendance and universal inter- est, a pronounced success. The matter of interesting the world, securing attendance, securing exhibits, at- tracting the attention of different classes of people would insure success. The law of Congress is pretty thoroughly considered. It was pretty thoroughly debated in the House of Representatives particularly. No part of the law was more thoroughly considered than this part, which contemplated the interesting of the women of the world in the Exposition about to be given. Determine at the earliest day practicable what the view of this Board is as to what part women are to take in the Exposition. That subject cannot be too promptly considered or decided upon. You are to plan the scope of women's work in this Exposition. Give the repre- sentation of women's work in this Exposition a national SECOND MEETING 37 or international character. If of an international charac- ter will this Board undertake to select the people who are to go abroad to represent the women of this country in appealing to the women of other countries ? ... It is a matter of supreme consequence that the women of the country shall be represented in a manner that will be approved by themselves at least. ... I think it rests with you to formulate plan and scope and transmit that formulated plan and scope to this Commission to be approved by the Commission, and approved by the Local Company, as a part of the program of this Expo- sition. It was the intention when this Board was ap- pointed to get together a body of representative women from all over the United States and that this body when assembled would become a directing force along general lines. In the matter of women's work there is no limit. You exercise "general supervisory control." I would say that, in pursuance of authority granted the Board of Lady Managers, this Board should adopt resolutions stating that no woman shall be appointed to represent the Exposition by either the National Commission or the Local Company until the name of such represent- ative shall have been submitted to and ratified by this Board of Lady Managers. You will find in talking with this Company a keen anxiety to quickly adopt any sug- gestions that will bring about success in any line. Claim whatever you think in the form of a rule, assert your right to approve or confirm if you please every one appointed to push this woman's work anywhere. In regard to a building say what you want ; submit your plans to this Commission; place your wants in the form of a resolution to be approved by the Commission 38 REPORT and the Local Company; the approval will carry with it the expense. We will regard any expenditure which you may make as " legitimate Exposition work," commissioners to go abroad, or whatsoever it may be. There is a large amount of money available for this Exposition. It has been handled with the utmost care, skill, and excessive prudence by the Company, but that shows merely a good, sound economical management; however, there is ample means, means that will un- questionably apply to meet every want. At the session on November 20, the Committee named to prepare resolutions to be presented through the National Commission to the Exposition Company, offered the following, which were adopted, and copies forwarded to the Commission and Company : First : The Board of Lady Managers respectfully call the attention of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company to the Act approved March 3, 1901, under which Act this Board has the power to appoint one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as may have been produced in whole or in part by women. The Board of Lady Managers decline to accept the amendment of the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition Company to this Act of Congress expressed in a resolution of the Executive Committee of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company as follows: To nominate one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as shall have been produced in whole or in part by female labor. Second : The Board protests against the appointment, SECOND MEETING 39 without its authority, of any representative at home or abroad connected with work for which this Board is responsible. Third: That the Board of Lady Managers select, with the approval of the Local Company, two of its members to awaken interest in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition among women in other countries. Fourth: That the President of this Board be au- thorized, at her discretion, to appoint committees to visit each State to enlist the cooperation of the women in securing the proper representation of woman's work at the Exposition in St. Louis; and in furtherance, that the Governor of each State be formally requested to name two women on the State Commission. Fifth: That the Local Company be requested to appropriate $50,000 for the erection of a woman's building on the Fair Grounds, to be used after the close of the Exposition as a Hall of Philanthropy. Sixth: The Board of Lady Managers request the Directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Com- pany to provide money to meet the current expenses of this Board. They are further requested to notify this Board in writing of the amount appropriated for this purpose. It is the sense of this Board that an allowance of five cents per mile and $10 per diem be allowed; the per diem to cover the time from the day of departure until the day of return. Seventh : That the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, acting in harmony with the local committees appointed by the President of this Board, shall have supervisory control of the entertain- ments of all women's organizations desiring to hold 40 REPORT meetings in the building that will be appropriated to the use of this Board. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) MRS. RICHARD W. KNOTT, Chairman. MRS. JAMES L. BLAIR, President. To the copy of the above resolutions which was sent to the National Commission, President Carter replied as follows : ST. Louis, U. S. A., November 29, 1902. Mrs. Apolline M. Blair, President Board of Lady Managers, St. Louis, Mo. DEAR MADAM, I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of a set of resolutions adopted by the Board of Lady Managers at their meeting in New York City, on November 20, 1902. You are informed that the resolutions have been transmitted, with proper recommendations, to the Local Company for consideration. You are also informed that correction of objectionable rule in the "Rules and Regulations governing the system of awards," to which reference is made in the first subdivision of the reso- lutions, has been made. The rule referred to, as cor- rected, will embrace the word "appoint" instead of "nominate." You are also informed that the Commission deems it inexpedient to apply to Congress for an appropria- tion to aid in the construction of the proposed Hall of Philanthropy. The Commission does not wish to be understood as being opposed to this commendable enterprise, but instead favors the proposition. The SECOND MEETING 41 disinclination to appeal to Congress for aid arises from an understanding with the Company and leading mem- bers of Committees of Congress, that no further appro- priation would be sought from the General Government in connection with the Fair. After a conference with the President and the Secre- tary of the Exposition Company, the Commission is gratified to be able to inform you of the disposition of those officers to consult the Board of Lady Managers with reference to the appointment of all persons in- tended in any manner to represent the Board, or its work, in the exploitation of the Exposition at home or abroad. We are also able to convey to you the assurance which has been conveyed to the Commission by Pre- sident Francis, that it is the disposition of the Exposi- tion Company to furnish the Board of Lady Managers adequate and comfortable accommodations upon the grounds controlled by the Company. The President of the Company will communicate with your honorable Board with reference to this and other subjects referred to in the resolutions. You are informed that, agreeable to an arrangement made nearly twelve months ago, the accounts of the Board of Lady Managers will be paid direct by the Exposition Company. It is desirable that your Board should transmit all accounts direct to Mr. W. B. Stevens, Secretary of the Exposition Company, by whom all settlements will be made. Yours very truly, (Signed) THOS. H. CARTER, President. Meeting adjourned subject to the call of the President. 42 REPORT THIRD MEETING OF THE BOARD, FEBRUARY 16, 1903 The next meeting of the Board of Lady Managers was called by the President, Mrs. Blair, at the Murray Hill Hotel, New York City, New York, February 16, 1903. A letter was read that had been received by the President of the Board from the Exposition Company, in which an offer was made, for the exclusive use of the Board, of one of the permanent buildings to be erected for the Washington University (and subsequently to be used by it as a Hall of Physics), to be known during the Exposition period as the "Building of the Board of Lady Managers." This structure appealed specially to the members of the Board, from the fact that it had been endowed by a woman, Mrs. Eliza Eads How, of St. Louis, and the offer was accepted. The building was finished about the middle of April, 1904, and there- after remained the headquarters of the Board during the term of the Exposition. While it was not perfectly adapted for a woman's building, they made it as at- tractive as possible, and it served for their entertaining and occupancy far better than had been anticipated. Upon motion, it was decided that the furnishing of the building for the Board of Lady Managers be under the supervision of the President of the Board. On February 16, 1903, a communication was re- ceived from Mr. Corwin H. Spencer, Acting President of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, stat- ing that $3000 had been appropriated by the Executive Committee of the Exposition Company for the use of the Board of Lady Managers. THIRD MEETING 43 Although the members of the Board were not only willing but anxious to settle upon some definite line of action, the vagueness of their powers outlined by the members of the Commission, together with the obstacle presented by the lack of funds, had caused them to be most conservative in action; without the positive as- surance of financial aid they were not in a position to decide definitely upon a plan of future work. This con- dition eventually led to the appointment by the Presi- dent, Mrs. Blair, of two committees, one known as the "Committee to confer with the National Commission on matters pertaining to the Board of Lady Managers," and which consisted of Miss Lavinia H. Egan, Chair- man, Mrs. Finis P. Ernest, Mrs. Helen Boice-Hun- sicker, and Mrs. William E. Andrews; and the second, known as a "Committee on Woman's Work," consist- ing of Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery, Chairman, Mrs. John M. Holcombe, Mrs. Daniel Manning, Mrs. Ed- ward L. Buchwalter, Miss Helen M. Gould, Mrs. Rich- ard W. Knott, and Miss Anna L. Dawes. Both of these committees were to confer with the National Commis- sion, and the latter committee with the Local Company. Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, the meet- ing adjourned to meet in St. Louis, April 29, 1903. A reception was given by the Board of Lady Mana- gers to the President- General, officers and members of the 12th Continental Congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution, at the New Willard Hotel, in Washington, D. C., on February 26, 1903. The Com- mittee consisted of Mrs. Horton, Chairman, Mrs. Hol- combe, Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Moores, 44 REPORT Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. Hunsicker, Mrs. Porter, and Mrs. Hanger. Invitations were extended to the President of the United States and his Cabinet, Diplomatic Corps, officials of the Army and Navy, members of the Senate and House of Representatives, the Government Board, the National Commission of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and officials connected with the Exposition resident in Washington. The Exposition Company was most generous in allowing $600 for the cost of this reception. The two committees appointed to confer with the National Commission and Local Company on matters pertaining to the Board of Lady Managers, met at the Southern Hotel, St. Louis, March 11, 1903, and were admitted to a conference with the National Commis- sion on that day. The subject of the work and duties of the Board was reopened by the following questions : First : What special work does the Commission de- sire the Board to perform before the opening of the Exposition ? Second: What service will the Commission require from the Board between the opening and closing of the Exposition ? To these questions Senator Carter replied as follows : The plan and scope of your work must first be de- termined, and, in an advisory or suggestive sense only, I venture to submit for your consideration a plan and scope which would require your Board : First: To make due preparation for the intelligent THIRD MEETING 45 selection of one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as may have been produced in whole or in part by female labor. Second : To advise the Commission, from time to time, as to the desired extent and the appropriate manner of woman's participation in the ceremonies incident to the dedication, opening, and conduct of the Exposition. Third : To confer and advise with the officers and chiefs of the Exposition on the progress being made from time to time in exciting the interest and enlisting the cooperation of women in the several departments, and to appoint all committees necessary to carry out the purpose, and to procure information on the extent of woman's participation in the Exposition. Fourth : To encourage the presentation of exhibits by women by correspondence, advertising, or such other means as the Company may approve. Fifth : To collect statistics of women's work in con- nection with the Exposition, for publication. Sixth : To encourage by correspondence, or other- wise, attendance at the Exposition of societies and associations of women, and the holding of conventions, congresses, and other meetings of women. Seventh : To maintain within the grounds during the period of the Exposition an organization for the relief of women and children who may be found in need of aid, comfort, or special protection. Eighth : To receive and officially entertain women, when requested so to do by the Exposition Company and the Commission. Ninth: To commission members of the Board, or 46 REPORT others, with the approval of the Commission and the Company, to travel in the interest of the Exposition, either at home or abroad. Tenth: To provide for the constant attendance in rotation of at least three members of the Board at the Exposition Grounds from April 30 to December 1, 1904. Eleventh: To issue bulletins from time to time as the Company and the Commission may approve, for the special information of women, and the exploitation of their contributions to the success of the Exposition. These suggestions may be supplemented by others, and some of them may be disregarded by you entirely. They will, however, serve to convey to you the views of the Commission on the general range of work you can, if you wish, undertake to perform, subject only to the limitation that you submit your plan when agreed upon to the Commission and the Company for con- sideration and approval, to the end that harmony may prevail. Let us not at any time lose track of this one import- ant fact, that the Exposition will be enormously ex- pensive at best, and that it does not befit us to look up ways and means of expending money exclusively, but to have some regard for the income of the Exposition Com- pany. Widespread and indiscriminate entertainment of societies will be quite impossible. Within the scope of your work there should be some committee or sub- division of the Board to begin at once to ascertain what different societies, organizations, and women's con- gresses could be assembled here, and then bring them in within the scope of your work for submission to the Company. We will gladly submit to the Company a FOURTH MEETING 47 plan for the disposal of matters that will involve a rea- sonable limit of entertainment, and have means placed at your disposal for correspondence, exploitation, and entertainment. Your committees ought to be at work now and continue diligently at work until the Expo- sition gates open. After that you will have ample work to do in connection with carrying out the projects you will have previously originated. FOURTH MEETING OF THE BOARD, APRIL 28, 1903 The meeting set for April 29 was called by the Presi- dent of the Board one day earlier, and the members met in the Administration Building, Exposition Grounds, April 28, 1903. The announcement of the death on February 27, 1903, of Mrs. Washington A. Roebling, the member of the Board from New Jersey, was read and received with sorrow, and a committee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions to be spread upon the minutes of the Board. On that day the following Rules and Regulations were adopted by the Board, a copy being submitted to the National Commission and subsequently ap- proved by that body on April 29, 1903, and by the Exposition Company January 12, 1904. RULES AND REGULATIONS No. 1. MEETINGS. All the meetings of the Board shall be held in the city of St. Louis. The regular meetings shall be held at 48 REPORT such times as may be designated by a majority vote of the Board. Special meetings shall be subject to call of the Presi- dent of the Board, the President of the National Commission, or written request of five members of the Board. The President shall convene the Board in accordance with the terms of the request. No. 2. OFFICERS. The officers of the Board shall consist of a President, eight Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. No. 3. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board, and shall sign all requisitions for funds to be advanced to the Treasurer, and examine and approve all accounts to be paid by the Treasurer. No. 4. DUTIES OF VICE-PRESIDENTS. In the absence of the President, the Vice-Presidents shall preside alternately from session to session, in the order of their official designation. No. 5. DUTIES OF SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep a correct record of the pro- ceedings of the Board, and shall attend to the giving or serving of all notices of meetings. She shall conduct the official correspondence of the Board of Lady Managers, and shall perform such other duties as the Board may assign to her. She shall notify all Committees of their appointments, and also the work assigned to them. Previous to each meeting she shall make out an order of business for the Chair, and also a list of Standing and Special Committees. She shall make her headquarters in the city of St. Louis. RULES AND REGULATIONS 49 No. 6. DUTIES OF TREASURER. The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of all funds coming into the possession of the Board, and shall disburse the same only upon order of the Board, and the approval of its President. At each regular meeting of the Board she shall render an itemized statement of all receipts and disbursements from the date of the last report, and shall, whenever directed by the Board, deposit the unexpended balance with the Treasurer of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company. No. 7. QUORUM. Nine members of the Board shall constitute a Quorum for the transaction of business. No. 8. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Board shall elect an Executive Committee of seven members. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to devise plans relative to the work within the legal jurisdiction of the Board, and submit from time to time recommendations to the Board for con- sideration and action with the view of making arrange- ments for appropriate Committees. The Executive Committee shall elect its own Chairman and Secretary. No. 9. STANDING COMMITTEES. The following Standing Committees shall be con- stituted and shall be elected by ballot, unless other- wise specifically provided herein. First. A Committee on Rules. Second. A Committee on Work. Third. A Committee on Awards. Fourth. Exposition Rotating Committee. Fifth. An Auditing Committee. 50 REPORT No. 10. COMMITTEE ON RULES. The Committee on Rules shall consist of three (3) members, and shall prepare and present to the Board such amendments to the Rules and Regulations as may from time to time be found necessary. No. 11. COMMITTEE ON WORK. The Committee on Work shall consist of five mem- bers and shall prepare and present to the Executive Committee a plan covering the scope of Woman's Work. No. 12. COMMITTEE ON AWARDS. The Committee on Awards shall consist of three mem- bers, whose duty it shall be to collect and report to the Board such information as will enable the Board to execute intelligently the provision of Section 6 of the Act of Congress, approved March 3, 1901. No. 13. THE EXPOSITION ROTATING COMMITTEE. A Committee of six members of the Board to be designated by the Executive Committee shall be in at- ' tendance at the Exposition from April 30 to Decem- ber 1, 1904, in the discharge of such duties as may be prescribed by the National Commission, or may arise from time to time within that period, and appropri- ately require consideration and action of such Com- mittee. Four members of each Committee shall be appointed at the end of each calendar month, begin- ning May 31, 1904. The appointments shall be so made that no member shall serve more than two consecutive months. No. 14. AUDITING COMMITTEE. The Auditing Committee shall consist of three mem- bers elected by the Board, and shall examine and EXERCISES OF DEDICATION 51 audit the accounts of the Treasurer, and present to the Board a written report concerning each settlement, which shall be made promptly upon the receipt of the Treasurer's itemized statement required by Rule 6. No. 15. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Special Committees may be appointed by direction of the Board to consider matters not included within the jurisdiction of any Committee provided for herein. No. 16. AMENDMENTS. These Rules and Regulations may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board by a two-thirds vote of the members present, written notice of pro- posed amendment having been given at least one day in advance of action thereon. No. 17. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Reading of the Minutes. Reports of Standing Committees. Reports of Special Committees. Unfinished Business. New Business. Adjournment. This order of business may be suspended at any regu- lar meeting by two-thirds vote of the members present. No. 18. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the proceed- ings of this Board. EXERCISES OF DEDICATION Upon the centennial of the day the Louisiana Terri- tory was sold by Napoleon to the United States, the Exposition which embodied all that the vast territory 52 REPORT now represents was consecrated to its purpose. In the presence of 50,000 persons, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was formally dedicated. Twelve thousand troops, the pick of the United States regular army, and the best militia of the country, moved past a given point for one hour and a half, under Major-General Henry C. Corbin, U. S. A., Grand Marshal. Governors and their staffs were loudly cheered as they appeared at the head of their state troops. Gathered on the reviewing stand was a notable assembly, our Chief Executive President Roosevelt, ex-President Cleveland, Ambassa- dors and Diplomats, Cabinet Officers, the Lieut.-General of the Army Nelson A. Miles, Cardinal Gibbons, and Bishop Potter, Senators, Representatives, Governors, State and Territorial Representatives, Government Officials, President Francis, and the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, and the Board of Lady Managers. At the meeting in the Liberal Arts Building following the parade, President Carter of the National Commis- sion addressed the great assembly. The enthusiasm was unbounded, when, in turn, the President and ex- President spoke to the vast multitude. After the meet- ing an adjournment was made to the Administration Building, where President Roosevelt and ex-President Cleveland received many of their friends, and the Board of Lady Managers entertained a distinguished company at five o'clock in their rooms in the Adminis- tration Building. Among the guests present at the din- ner tendered in the evening by Hon. David R. Francis to President Roosevelt, in the building of the Hall of EXERCISES OF DEDICATION 53 Congresses, were several members of President Roose- velt's Cabinet, ex-President Cleveland, Lieut-General Nelson A. Miles, diplomatic representatives of thirty foreign governments, Governors, Senators, National Commissioners, and the Board of Lady Managers. The second, or "International Day," the procession was arranged as on the first day, the introductory oration being delivered in the Palace of Liberal Arts. President Francis extended greeting to representatives of foreign governments, and responses were made by Ambassador Jusserand, of the French Government, and Senor Don Emilio de Ojeda, Spanish Minister to the United States. In the evening a reception was given at the St. Louis Club in honor of the Diplomatic Corps, and a banquet was tendered to visiting journalists in the Hall of Congresses on the Exposition Grounds. The third, or "State Day," the visiting governors were specially entertained, and the closing exercises held, after which the governors and representatives of different states proceeded to the sites that had been allotted their respective state pavilions, and broke ground and laid corner-stones with appropriate ceremonies. In all of the exercises of the three opening days the members of the Board of Lady Managers, by their par- ticipation in the ceremonies, represented the women of the country. On Saturday, May 2, 1903, the following resolution was offered by Mrs. Edward L. Buchwalter, the first vice-president : WHEREAS, the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition find it necessary to have 54 REPORT funds at their disposal for the proper conduct of the business of the Board, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That a committee of three be appointed to take the necessary steps to secure such an appropriation from Congress at the earliest possible date; that said Gommittee be and is hereby directed to take immediate action in such matter, and that said sum shall not be less than $100,000. Upon the adoption of this resolution, Mrs. Daniel Manning was made Chairman, and in accepting the appointment she asked the members of the Board to use their influence with the Senators and Congressmen of their States for the passage of the bill. At this meeting (May 2, 1903), the President an- nounced the appointment of the following Standing Committees: Executive, Entertainment, Foreign Rela- tions, Women's Congresses, Press; and the Committee on Woman's Work was enlarged. An invitation was received from the Wednesday Club of St. Louis, in which a reception was tendered by that organization to the Board. The courtesy was greatly appreciated and promptly accepted, and the occasion brought together an interesting assembly. FIFTH MEETING OF THE BOARD DECEMBER 15-18, 1903 No further meeting was held until December 15, 1903 ; this was called by the National Commission, and held in St. Louis, at the Southern Hotel, Mrs. E. L. Buch- walter, first vice-president, presiding. The following communication was then read by the Secretary: ST. Louis, U. S. A., October 81, 1903. Board of Lady Managers Louisiana Purchase Exposition . LADIES, I herewith tender to you my resignation from the office of President, to which you did me the honor to elect me. Begging you to accept the same with my best wishes for the welfare and success of the Board in the future, I remain Always faithfully yours, APOLLINE M. BLAIR. The resignation was accepted by the Board, and a committee appointed to prepare suitable resolutions. At the afternoon session Miss Dawes, Chairman of this Committee, presented the following : RESOLVED, That the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition accepts with regret the resignation of Mrs. James L. Blair as President; that it places upon its records its appreciation of her service to the Board and to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Her large abilities and her experience in social and pub- lic affairs have been freely given to this work, and she has 56 REPORT served the Board and the Exposition with unwavering zeal and with conspicuous ability. Her enthusiasm for the Exposition, her far-reaching sense of its aims and scope, her large conception of the possibilities of our connection therewith as a Board, and her interests in its needs inspired her administration of its affairs and call for the recognition and thanks of this Board, whose head and representative she was, and of the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition which she served. RESOLVED, That this Board of Lady Managers express its recognition and gratitude by adopting these resolutions and that the Secretary be directed to send a copy to Mrs. Blair. ANNA L. DAWES. HELEN MILLER GOULD. FRANCES MARION HANGER. JENNIE GILLMORE KNOTT. EMILY S. G. HOLCOMBE. On motion of Mrs. Manning, seconded by Mrs. Cole- man, the resolution was unanimously adopted. President Francis then appeared before the Board of Lady Managers, and upon the invitation of the Chair- man made an address, in which he said, in answer to a request to give to the Board some idea concerning the cost of the Exposition : I can only give you the comparisons with other of the largest expositions ever held in this or any other country. I will state as compared with the Paris Exposition, we are now nearer a state of completion than that Expo- sition was on the date of its opening. That no Exposi- MEETING OF DECEMBER 15-18, 1903 57 tion was ever so near completed four and a half months prior to its opening. Of course we have a great deal of work to do, and we must bear in mind that although we use a vast amount of material, 90 per cent, of the cost is put in labor not only the labor out on the grounds, but the labor in the lumber districts, in the loading and unloading of the lumber and this comprises the greater part of our buildings as they are built almost exclusively of lumber the value of it is comparatively small as compared with the cost of preparing it for market and getting it here. Then the matter of wages we have to pay 33 per cent, higher wages than were paid at the Chicago Ex- position. At that time carpenters got 35 cents per hour, you may remember that was the year of the panic, 1893. When we first began, carpenters in this town were getting 45 cents an hour they are now getting 55 cents an hour, and when you bear in mind that we have 5000 carpenters at work there, an advance of 25 per cent, in wages means something. We broke ground on December 20, 1901, but we did that because it was the anniversary of the transfer of this territory from the French Government to the United States. But that was two years ago, and in those two years wages have gone up in St. Louis, from 45 to 55 cents ; plumbers' wages have advanced 25 per cent. ; plasterers were getting $4.50 per day we are now paying them $6, and on last Friday they struck for $7. The hod-carriers who carry plaster for the plasterers are getting $4 per day count 25 working days in the month, our hod-carriers are receiving $100 per month, which is more than educated clerks receive. A while 58 REPORT ago those hod-carriers struck for $4.50 per day. . . . This is a Universal Exposition we do not want to take a stand against union labor, but if it is to be a Uni- versal Exposition we must stand by the laws of the United States so as to admit contract labor from abroad men who work on erecting the foreign exhibits. We were paying our day laborers 22 cents an hour, and the railroads throughout the country were giving them 22 cents an hour; on the 25th of September they wrote that they had four demands; one was the recog- nition of the union (no one ever knew they had a union) ; second, that eight hours should constitute a day; third, they should get 30 cents an hour; and fourth, time and one half for overtime. Well, in order not to stop our work I told the men to pay them 25 cents an hour, but that we could not limit our work to an eight-hour day; it was in the fall and we had to take advantage of the fine weather we would pay them 25 cents an hour and work as long as we wished them to work ten hours. I said to the laborers, this is not a commercial enterprise; we are not running this for gain; we have put up $10,000,000 or $15,000,000; we are doing a patriotic duty, celebrating an historical event. . . . We have 50 per cent, more of buildings under roof than Chicago had at this time. We have 1240 acres of ground space covered by buildings, while Chicago had 679 acres, which is nearly twice as much. When we say that the Chicago Company spent $22,000,000 I think you will say that under the circumstances nine- teen and a half millions is a small amount for us to spend. Of course, we have profited by their experience, which should be valuable to us. MEETING OF DECEMBER 15-18, 1903 59 A committee was appointed on December 16, 1903, to confer with President Carter, and place before him the following resolution : RESOLVED, That the Board of Lady Managers respectfully request the National Commission to sus- pend its rules limiting the further appointments upon the Board, for the purpose of appointing a representative from the city of St. Louis upon the Board of Lady Managers. On the same day the following communication was received in reply : DEAR Miss DAWES, The Commission has under consideration the question propounded by you, under- stood to be substantially as follows: "Is it the intention of the Commission and the Exposition Company to suspend the rule heretofore adopted, whereby it is pro- vided that no appointment will be made on the Board of Lady Managers, until the number shall be reduced below twenty-one?'* In reply, I am authorized by the Commission to say that the Exposition Company, speaking through its President, has intimated that the Executive Committee of the Company will present a request to the Commis- sion for the suspension of the rule referred to, to the end that a lady residing in the city of St. Louis may be appointed a member of the Board of Lady Mana- gers, under such suspension of the rule. This request, we are advised, will be presented by the Company to-day, and the Commission is disposed 60 REPORT to suspend the rule by unanimous consent in conform- ity to the request when presented, and to appoint the lady recommended by the Executive Committee of the Company. You will be advised of the action of the Commission on the subject under consideration at the earliest practicable moment. Very respectfully, THOMAS H. CARTER, President. Miss ANNA L. DAWES, Chairman of Committee, Board of Lady Managers. Later the following letter was received from the Presi- dent of the National Commission on the same subject: MADAM, By direction of the Commission I am authorized to acknowledge receipt of your resolution recommending that the Commission suspend the rule restricting the membership of the Board of Lady Mana- gers, to the end that an appointment may be made of a representative from the city of St. Louis. In reply thereto you are informed that the rule referred to cannot be sus- pended, save by the joint action of this Commission and the Exposition Company. The Commission feels indisposed to initiate any movement looking to its sus- pension. If requested by the Exposition Company to suspend the rule for the purpose of naming some lady residing in St. Louis, recommended by the Exposition Company, the Commission would probably, by unani- mous consent, suspend the rule for that purpose. Very respectfully, THOMAS H. CARTER, President. To the President of the Board of Lady Managers. MEETING OF DECEMBER 15-18, 1903 61 As no decision could be reached by the Executive Committee of the Exposition Company in regard to a choice of representative from the city of St. Louis on the Board of Lady Managers, the Board felt the neces- sity of selecting a President from its existing member- ship, and at the next session, on December 16, again held in the Administration Building, Mrs. John M. Holcombe moved that "we proceed at once to elect a President of this Board." Mrs. Buchwalter, the Chairman, stated that it was in order to proceed with the election of a President of the Board, and asked for nominations. Miss Helen M. Gould spoke as follows : I would like to nominate Mrs. Daniel Manning for this office. Mrs. Manning has had large experience in matters of this kind as head of the Daughters of the American Revolution; having resided in Washington as the wife of one of the members of Mr. Cleveland's Cabinet, and in representing our country abroad, having been one of our representatives at the Paris Exposition. I understand that Mrs. Manning is one of two women from this country who received the decoration from the French Government, and I take pleasure in nomi- nating her for the office of President of this Board. This nomination was seconded by several members, and as no other nominations were made, the tellers an- nounced the result of the vote: For Mrs. Manning, 13 votes; one blank, Mrs. Manning not voting. The Chairman then thanked the members of the Board for the sympathy and help they had given her. 62 REPORT In reply the Secretary extended to Mrs. Buchwalter the sincere thanks of the members of the Board for the efficient work she had performed as their 1st Vice- President and Honorable Chairman; and Miss Dawes spoke for the entire Board in expressing her thanks to Mrs. Buchwalter for her impartiality, confidence, good management, and elegance in presiding. Mrs. Daniel Manning, the newly elected President, then took the chair, and thanked the Board for the honor conferred upon her. The order of business was then proceeded with, and, pursuant to a wish expressed by the National Commis- sion to meet the Board of Lady Managers, the members of the Commission were announced and Mrs. Manning said : Mr. President, and Gentlemen of the Commission: We understood that you would graciously come over and talk with us a little while. We are starting in on a new lease of life. We want to work for the Exposition to the best of our ability. We want your advice, and wish to consult you about a number of matters, but first, we would like to hear from you. President Carter responded as follows : Madam President, and Ladies, We have come to say a few words to you and to have you consult with us upon any subjects you desire to bring up. I do not know how graciously we have come, but we come very cheerfully. The subject of your remark has been under consideration for a long time and we all regret that a MEETING OF DECEMBER 15-18, 1903 63 more definite conclusion has not been reached relative to the sphere of your activity in connection with the World's Fair. I think your report, the report of your committee of which Mrs. Montgomery is Chairman, and which she recently submitted, crystallizes into close compass about the line of action the Board might ap- propriately pursue. The report referred to dealt not only with the conclusion reached, but the details whereby those conclusions were reached. It included discussions formal and informal and certain correspondence relating to the subject. The Commission has approved that re- port in so far as it prescribed in definite form the sphere of your work, and with the approval of the Commission, that report has been forwarded to the Local Company. These resolutions or statements made by your Board, which in your judgment would constitute a proper sphere of action, seem to embody a field sufficiently broad to be worthy of your intentions. It was hoped by the Commission that during the present session of the Board, the members of the Local Company, together with the Commission, would be present for a conference more informal than formal which might result in a correct and definite understanding as to just what you were to do, and how you were to do it. The only conclusion which has been reached is that which gives you a contingent fund, which seems to have been adequate for the meagre necessities of the past, but I believe that up to this hour the exact part your Board is playing in connection with making this Expo- sition a success is far too indefinite to be satisfactory to you, and it is certainly not satisfactory to the Com- mission. Our Commission will adjourn to meet on the 64 REPORT 10th of January, and we hope by that time to be in re- ceipt of some communication from the Exposition Company announcing their disposition of the report I have referred to, and the scope of the work of the Board of Lady Managers. Notwithstanding that will be at a very late date, it is well to have it in sight. The ladies of your Board have been engaged, with- out much credit being given to the Board or to the ladies themselves, in the work of exploitation, a number of the ladies have done most efficient work in their respect- ive States and some, in the adjoining States, call- ing the attention of the people at large, and in some instances the legislative sessions, to the vastness, scope, and policy of the Exposition. It is unfortunate that your Board does not receive the credit which this line of meritorious effort deserves. In the end, I doubt not that in the final reports, you will be accorded full meas- ure of credit for what you have done individually and collectively. The past has been devoid of results be- cause of a lack of understanding to start with. I think you are now beginning an era more promising than any outlook you have had in the past. I congratulate you upon having reached a condition of harmony within your own organization, which speaks well for the future. The earnestness of this Board, the disinterestedness of its members, leading them in the first instance to volun- teer their services to this great enterprise, has been an example to the whole country of national devotion which has been of great advantage to the Exposition manage- ment; your gratuitous and earnest effort has been a means of making the Exposition favorably known throughout this country, at least. Your expenses have MEETING OF DECEMBER 15-18, 1903 65 been very light I believe, up to this time, less than $20,000 in the neighborhood of $20,000, which, con- sidering the long distances traveled, the number of meetings, is a trifling sum in comparison with what has been spent by similar boards of former expositions. As you are aware, the Act of Congress, under which both the Commission and your Board find warrant for existence, granted to the Local Company an appro- priation of $5,000,000 for the purposes of giving this Exposition. We have probably, in moments of incon- siderate feeling, been too prone to find fault I speak of the Commission, not of the ladies prone to find fault with the people here who have been doing the best they could. There has been a disposition to assume the control, to the exclusion of outside agencies (and this is but natural because it is inseparable or is in evidence with reference to all official places in our Government in fact it has been noticed that a man who is ordi- narily indolent, when placed in power will become very energetic in this respect). The Exposition Company has assumed a full meas- ure of the responsibilities and, possibly, some of our responsibilities as well for which we have not been duly grateful. Nevertheless, we are not inclined to blame these people, because they have contributed very largely and generously of local means to aid this enterprise, which leads them to the desire to supervise each and every detail in connection with this work. This desire to assume full responsibility is possibly responsible for the failure to assign to the ladies any particular work, and is also responsible for the curtailing of the jurisdic- tion of the National Commission. As the work pro- 66 REPORT gresses, however, I think that the company realizes the necessity of drawing upon all the forces available to make the Exposition a success. This Commission had a long and pleasant inter- view with the President of the Exposition, at which time he brought out a desire for cooperation and assist- ance that had not yet been manifested. I believe now, as your body is organized, from the harmonious work accomplished at these meetings, and its cordial relations with the Exposition Company, and certainly with the Commission, the future promises more than has been accorded to similar organizations in the past. . . . We thank you, ladies, for the privilege of being before you, and cheerfully extend our salutations on the election of your President, and upon the good will and spirit of harmony which prevails among you. Mr. Lindsay then spoke as follows : The Board of Lady Managers exists by operation of law, the same that called the National Commission into existence. It was the duty of the National Commission to create it. It was the duty of the National Commis- sion and of the local Board to prescribe the powers and duties of the Board of Lady Managers. Of course these duties could not be accurately and technically laid out; we could only confer the power and that would suggest what duties what power within that general grant, they should exercise. It is not the duty of the Board of Lady Managers to be supervised by or to be subject to the local Board. I was struck when I read the report made by Mrs. Montgomery of her interview with the MEETING OF DECEMBER 15-18, 1903 67 local Board, not by the gracious manner in which she was received and the graceful questions that were asked, but by the absolute failure in any particular to give definite reply or take any action upon any of the recom- mendations made by that Committee. What I think this Board ought to do is to outline or prescribe the actual things it intends to do, report that to the National Commission and the local Board, and then go ahead, not waiting to know whether this or that is within its powers, or whether or not this is expedient and whether it can be carried out. Let some one take the responsibility of saying you cannot do this or can- not do that. As long as you deal in generalities with the National Commission, or agree to everything that is brought up by the Local Company, this Board of Lady Managers will never become an active part or parcel of this great Exposition. I do not agree with my friend, Senator Carter, on another thing, and that is that these people are en- titled to any consideration on account of the money they have expended. They came to Congress and asked Congress for authority to do this very thing; they did not come to Congress for any benefit that they expected to result to the country, but on account of their own local interests and to glorify the Louisiana Purchase and the people of the Louisiana Purchase, and, upon agreeing that they would do these things, privilege was granted by Congress, and the appropria- tion made. That appropriation is not part of their fund that is the fund of the United States which is being distributed in the city of St. Louis, preeminently for the city, and generally for the United States. And, 68 REPORT was not this Board of Lady Managers created by the very Act of Congress, and have you not some rights in this matter, to the end that you may accomplish the work that has been assigned you ? I say the time has come when we have got to talk plainly and make some one responsible for your action or non-action. If either Board considers that you are going beyond your powers, they will have the right to make restrictions, but as long as you keep within these powers, and what you think you ought to do, I doubt if your work will be restricted in any way. It is now only four months before the Exposition opens, and if there is ever going to be anything accom- plished by this Board it is none too early to begin. For instance, the Act of Congress provides that this Board name a judge on all the juries that are to pass upon the results of female labor; we agreed to it and the local Board agreed to it. Now, then, have you any no- tice on which juries you are to be allowed to name a juror ? Have any steps been taken to indicate on which of these committees you are to make appointments? The time has come for this work and if you are to have any authority, or if you are to do any of this work, it will not be of credit to this Board unless you are able to make the proper preparations for these appoint- ments. But, if you have three months to look around, you will be able to find the proper persons and make these appointments intelligently. I hope before the next meeting of the National Commission you will have agreed specifically upon what you can do, what you desire to do, and what you are ready to do, so that the scope of action and authority of this Board MEETING OF DECEMBER 15-18, 1903 69 can be conferred upon it, and insisting that the local Board here either approve or disapprove of your action. I appreciate all the troubles and difficulties these people have had, and it is my earnest hope that they will be able to give the members of this Board a decided answer within the next month. . . . In reply to a statement made by a member of the Board that in an interview with the Executive Com- mittee of the Exposition Company, Mr. Skiff, the Di- rector of Exhibits, had said he could not give a list of exhibitors (or exhibits) until near the time of the open- ing of the Exposition, because he did not know what would be entered, and the lists would not be completed until about that time, Mr. Lindsay further said : It was my opinion that when the lists of classifica- tion were completed, there was nothing else to be in- quired into; in that list, everything which includes the result of female labor constitutes the class on which you are to appoint a juror. The general classification forms a list that would be used for this purpose. But referring to another matter, I think that there should have been provided by Act of Congress a fund set apart for the ladies, to be used by them. Because, as long as you are compelled to go to the Commission, or to go to the local Board to ascertain what you can spend or what you cannot spend, just so long you will not be able to do anything effectually. I know that the local Board is going to object to all this, but when the local Board finds that by consenting to your reasonable 70 REPORT wishes it is enhancing the interests of the Exposition, it will agree to a proper appropriation and other proper demands made by your Board which relieve that Board of any further duties on the subject. I believe that I have said all I care to say. But, referring to the rules, that Board and the Commission can advise you not to enforce certain rules, when the enforcement of them would lead you into difficulties, but just as long as the rules you make for yourselves are within the scope of authority and duties granted us and prescribed to you, you can take directions from the Board or from the Commission if you choose to, but you do not need to do this unless you choose to. In response to the request of Mrs. Manning that Senator Thurston say a few words, he responded : Perhaps everybody has been a little delinquent in getting this Board organized and in position where it can take up some proper work that will be of benefit and be agreeable to the ladies. I think, perhaps, with- out going into past history, that the Board of Lady Managers perhaps has failed to do what it might have done in the way of formulating a plan for its own par- ticipation in the Exposition, and that was growing out of circumstances which no longer exist. I believe now this Board is organized with a President who is heart and soul for the success of the Exposition. Without being tied up to anything ,in the way of local interests, it will be better able to compete with the coming situa- tion. There is, and has been a great deal of hesitancy on the part of the National Commission about attempt- MEETING OF DECEMBER 15-18, 1903 71 ing to outline a plan of action for this Board of Lady Managers. We provided for your appointment accord- ing to law, and we fell into the belief, I hope it was not an error, that the ladies on this Board would know a great deal better what they wanted to do, what they ought to do, and what would be best for them to do, than this Board of men, who had never had anything to do with these ladies* departments except to partici- pate in the enjoyment of them when so fortunate as to be present. Now, you have prepared and outlined and accepted your rules and regulations which were approved by our Commission along in June, I think. They were prepared in April, those rules and regulations were more than regulations for the procedure of your Board, as I recollect them, they very largely outlined the field of work for the Board of Lady Managers. They were adopted and modified a little by the National Commis- sion and sent to the Local Company. They were pre- pared in April, promptly sent to the Local Company because we thought without their action they could not go into effect and there they have been ever since. To a limited extent it was never necessary to send them there so far as the organization and management of the Board of Lady Managers is concerned but, when you step over that or attempt to outline the scope of your work, and your participation in the affairs of the Exposition, that part must go to the National Commis- sion and be approved. Suppose, for instance, these ladies decided they would like to participate in one of the National Con- gresses, that they would take charge of a certain Con- 72 REPORT gress out at the Exposition, I do not think any of them could do that without the sanction of the Local Com- pany. I am very positive in my views that when it comes to providing for the legislation of this Board for its par- ticipation in the Fair, it cannot be done without the National Commission, and especially without the per- mission of the Company. I do not think that they can decide to take up certain lines of work and go out there to do it without having some agreement on the subject. At the meeting of the Board on the day following, December 17, 1903, Mrs. Hanger tendered her resig- nation from the office of the Secretary of the Board of Lady Managers, and Miss Lavinia H. Egan was unani- mously elected to fill the vacancy. Upon this occasion Mrs. Coleman presented the following motion : That the resignation of Mrs. Hanger from the office of Secretary of this Board be accepted with regret, and that Mrs. Hanger be extended a hearty vote of thanks for her faithful, painstaking, and efficient work for the Board as such official. One of the most brilliant entertainments tendered the Board of Lady Managers was the reception given in its honor by the Woman's Club, at the Club House, on December 17, 1903. Up to this time the plans outlined by the members of the Commission, such as sending representatives abroad to interest the women of foreign countries in the Expo- sition, and other "suggestions" made by the Board, MEETING OF DECEMBER 15-18, 1903 73 designated by the President of the Commission as legiti- mate Exposition work, had been rejected by the Com- pany. The members of the Board of Lady Managers, therefore, were now of the unanimous opinion that they would be most seriously embarrassed, and their serv- ices rendered ineffective and inoperative unless an appropriation could be secured from Congress to defray the cost of meetings and other necessary expenses. If they failed to secure funds of their own their power and influence in connection with the Exposition would continue to be limited and indefinite. Pursuant to the recommendations of the National Commission, therefore, as expressed at their meeting December 16, 1903, a new Legislative Committee was appointed on December 18, to take the place of the one created under the Resolution of May 2, 1903, with in- structions to the members to proceed immediately to Washington, where they arrived on January 5, 1904. The history and successful result of their work is given by the Chairman of that Committee in her final report. MEETING OF MARCH 1, 1904 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AT the meeting of the Board of Lady Managers, held at its rooms in the Administration Building, March 1, 1904, before the regular order of business was taken up, Mrs. Andrews asked for and obtained unanimous con- sent to speak to the members of the Board, and said : In view of what has transpired at Washington since our last meeting, the extent of which only the members of our Legislative Committee realize, for almost to a man the lower house was opposed to the appropriation, and it was only by arduous, strenuous, and noble work of our President and the members of that Committee that the results were attained, I offer the following resolution : 1. RESOLVED, That the thanks of the Board are due, and are hereby tendered, to the members of the Legislative Committee for securing an appropriation to defray our necessary expenses and thereby achieving the honorable emancipation of the Board. 2. RESOLVED, That the Board extend a vote of thanks to itself for the wisdom manifested in the selec- tion of Mrs. Daniel Manning as its President, who has so fully enlisted the best efforts of all the members of the Board, and who has begun her work by showing that deeds rather than words are of special value. The resolution was adopted by unanimous rising vote. On the following day President Francis addressed the Board as follows : MEETING OF MARCH 1, 1904 75 I am very glad to have this opportunity to talk to you. I desire to congratulate you upon your getting the appropriation from Congress for $100,000. I was very willing, indeed, as all the members of the Executive Committee were, to do what we could toward securing the money. After your worthy President waited upon the Executive Committee and was informed of our plan to ask a loan of $4,500,000 from the Treasury, she in turn informed us that the Board of Lady Managers had decided to ask for $100,000 for their own use; we very readily came to an agreement to the effect that we would join forces and see what we could accomplish with Congress. As you are aware, it is a very difficult matter to get money out of Congress at best, and when the Government had already spent about $1,250,000 for its own exhibit, and when we had promised that we would not apply to Congress or appeal for any addi- tional aid, the circumstances under which we made that deal or presented that bill were especially trying and I think we all deserve to be congratulated upon the outcome. When I went to Washington I found your Presi- dent at the Capital with Mrs. Montgomery. They had all worked assiduously, and had made considerable headway in the Senate in which body it was our plan to introduce the bill in the shape of an amend- ment to the urgent deficiency bill. While the matter was pending in the Senate, the question of this $100,000 was brought up. We very promptly assured the ladies that this amount would be added to our bill asking for a loan of $4,500,000. We preferred, of course, that we should not be expected to 76 REPORT repay it. However, the bill was presented and passed, and this $100,000 is to be paid over to the Board of Lady Managers upon their order, and for such purposes as they may elect. The bill does not provide definitely out of which of our payments this $100,000 should come. The bill provided that we should get the money in four installments of one million each, and a final in- stallment of $600,000, not being payable until May. The bill does not provide out of which payment your $100,000 shall be paid, but I wish to say, on behalf of the Exposition Company, we are willing and ready to pay that whenever you ladies request that it shall be paid. We do not know what plans, if any, you have made or in what manner you are planning for the dis- bursement of that money. . . . Now, with regard to your money, I am not going to give you any gratuitous advice, but only wish to assure you that it is the intention of the Company, that the Company is ready to give that money to you in any form you may desire it. It will be given to you in any installments you may designate, or it will be set aside in its entirety, to be used for no other purpose than to honor requisitions of the Board of Lady Managers. In other words, it is possible for us to do this, and we will do it to your satisfaction, and we will draw up a letter of instruction and set aside as a special credit in the Treasury the sum of $100,000 in accordance with our bill of Congress, approved blank date. The auditor will draw his warrants without the approval of the Treasurer of this Company, but merely upon the re- quisition of the Board of Lady Managers. The $100,000 would be set aside in the Treasury of the Company, and MEETING OF MARCH 1, 1904 77 you would have a written instrument and the Treasurer would have orders to honor checks made upon that $100,000 in satisfaction of requisitions approved by the Board of Lady Managers. Of course, as I said before, if you wish to take that money out and put it in some depository in St. Louis or elsewhere, it is at your disposal. You could get a check for a portion of the money or all of it if you wish. Our only obligation in connection with that $100,000 now, is to repay it, as we have no intention or desire to avoid that part of it. Now, if you should take the money out and put it in some depository in St. Louis, or elsewhere to your credit, you would be put to the expense of organizing an auditing system, the same as we have been. I am willing, speaking on behalf of the Company, to give you the benefit of the auditing system without your incurring any additional expense, and if you wish, in order to make you doubly secure, I will get a letter from the Treasurer stating that he has, in accordance with the instructions of the President, set aside $100,000 for the use of the Board of Lady Managers, and that the $100,000 can only be drawn by checks signed by your Treasurer and countersigned by your President. I only say this as a suggestion, because we all have become interested, but if you choose to ask us for $25,000 of the money, or for all of it, we will give it you. Now, with regard to other expenses you may incur or have incurred, I find, in my report made to me to-day, which was made at your request, we have paid you up to this time for mileage and per diem in attend- ing Board meetings $16,856. That includes the $3000 78 REPORT for which no vouchers have been turned in as yet you can keep that, with or without vouchers as you please if you want your business in the proper shape, how- ever, it is more business-like for you to turn in the vouchers; however, that lies with you. Now, previous to the appropriation of the $100,000 the Executive Committee had appropriated $15,000 for the furnishing of the Woman's Building, which building, as you know, cost us $100,000 of course, you could have gotten a building erected that would have answered your purpose as well and cost less than $100,000, but, under the terms of our contract with the Washington University, that amount was paid out of the rental fund of $750,000 which we paid for these buildings as they stand. Besides that $100,000 we promised to give you $15,000 for the furnishing of that building. When we made that promise we did not know you were going to get $100,000 from Congress, which we would have to pay back. . . . Now in view of what I have said, we feel that we will give you the $15,000 for your building if you insist upon it. That is, we have made the appropriation of $35,000 for the creche; the $15,000 toward the equip- ment of the Woman's Building, under the circum- stances, it seems to me, we should be relieved of that $15,000. I thought when I returned from Washington that the financial worry had been met, but I have real- ized within the past forty-eight hours that we cannot open the Exposition within the nineteen and one-half millions we will not go back to Washington, however. We are economizing in every possible way. . . . MEETING OF MARCH 1, 1904 79 An official communication was received by the Presi- dent of the Board of Lady Managers stating that in the draft of the contract between the Exposition Company and the Treasury Department, It is provided that from the first payment of $1,000,- 000 there shall be set aside by the Exposition Company $100,000 to be paid to the Board of Lady Managers according to the provisions of the Act and for no other purpose whatsoever. On March 3, 1904, therefore, the following resolutions were transmitted to the President of the Exposition Company : RESOLVED, 1, That the President of the Board of Lady Managers be authorized to send immediately a request to the Exposition Company for the full sum of $100,000 recently made available to said Board by special Act of Congress. RESOLVED, 2, That said sum of $100,000 be de- posited to the credit of the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, subject to draft of the Treasurer of said Board, countersigned by the President of the Board. On March 5, 1904, the two following letters were received : ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, March 5, 1904. MADAM PRESIDENT, I am directed by President Francis to inform you that the Executive Committee has approved the requisition of the Board of Lady 80 REPORT Managers for $100,000 made available to said Board from the Government loan by special Act of Congress, as set forth in the resolutions adopted by the Board March 3, 1904. Acting in accordance with the instructions of the Executive Committee, the President has this day depos- ited, out of the Government loan, the sum of $100,000 with the Treasurer, Mr. Wm. H. Thompson, said sum to be drawn out by the Board of Lady Managers in accord- ance with the resolutions adopted by the Board, that is to say, to be "subject to draft of the Treasurer of said Board, countersigned by the President of the Board." Very respectfully, WALTER B. STEVENS, Secretary. To the President of the Board of Lady Managers, Administration Building. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, March 5, 1904. MADAM PRESIDENT, I have this day received by deposit from the Government Loan, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars made available to the Board of Lady Managers by special Act of Congress. This sum will be held by me subject to draft of the Treasurer of the Board of Lady Managers, countersigned by the President of the Board of Lady Managers. Very respectfully, W. H. THOMPSON, Treasurer. To MRS. DANIEL MANNING, President, Board of Lady Managers. The following is the provision made in the Urgent Deficiency Bill, which was passed on February 18, 1904, MEETING OF MARCH 1, 1904 81 which secured to the Board of Lady Managers a sum sufficient to enable them to meet any obligations which they might assume in the conduct of their participation in the affairs of the Exposition : Provided, That of said sums one hundred thousand dollars shall be paid by said Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition Company to, or on the order of, the Board of Lady Managers of said Exposition for such purposes as said Board of Lady Managers shall approve, and at such times as said Board of Lady Managers shall re- quest the same. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FINAL REPORT OF THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE To the President and Board of Lady Managers, of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. LADIES, Immediately after the election of Mrs. Daniel Manning to the presidency of the Board of Lady Managers on December 16, 1903, a new Legisla- tive Committee was appointed to succeed the one that had been created by Mrs. James L. Blair, the former President. The Committee was composed of Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Coleman, and Mrs. Buchwalter, Chairman, and instructed to endeavor to procure from Congress an appropriation of $100,000 for the use of the Board, in order that it might be enabled to perform in a proper manner the purposes for which it had been brought into existence. It had become evident that the Exposition Company would require a much larger amount of money than was then at its command, in order to inaugurate and successfully continue the World's Fair. The men who had engineered the magnificent undertaking to this point in its development reasoned that, as they had already expended a sum far beyond that ever given any other similar project, they might not find a ready response to a request for further gifts. They were so confident of ultimate success, however, that they did not hesitate to ask Congress for a loan of four and a half millions of dollars in order to conduct the affairs of the Exposition. The President of the Board of Lady Managers con- ferred with the Executive Committee of the Exposition LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE 83 Company, and the offer was made to add to the amount of the loan for which it desired to negotiate the further sum of $100,000 to be set apart for the exclusive use of the Board of Lady Managers. Receiving the promise that this fund should be included, the members of the Legislative Committee went to Washington to aid in every way in their power the passage of the bill provid- ing for said loan. Upon the arrival of the Committee in Washington, on January 5, the members found they had undertaken what eventually proved to be a most arduous task against great odds. They found the most deep-seated, persistent opposition to granting another dollar to the Fair, and were told President Francis had been advised to defer his trip to Washington until the latter part of January, as it would be hazardous to attempt the passage of the bill until the strong feeling against it then existing had abated. Many members of Congress strongly advised the Legislative Committee to ask for a special appropriation, but it had been agreed that one appropriation should cover the requirements of both Boards. Mr. James S. Tawney, of Minnesota, member of the House of Representatives, and Chairman of the Com- mittee for this and similar appropriations, when in St. Louis, had listened with interest to the representation of the subject setting forth the needs of the Board of Lady Managers, and kindly had promised his good offices in helping to advance their cause. He promptly granted an interview when informed that the Committee had arrived in Washington, and, while most courteous, did not disguise the fact that there were grave dangers 84 REPORT ahead for the loan to the Exposition Company, which had been made a part of the Urgent Deficiency Bill. He examined the budget which had been prepared, giving careful scrutiny to each item, and, after some sugges- tions, and minor changes, a budget was submitted to him which was afterwards used. On January 29, President Francis went before the Senate Gommittee, and on February 1, appeared before the House Committee on behalf of a loan for the Ex- position Company. During the long interim preceding the arrival of President Francis and those aiding him, those of the Committee who had remained in the Capital were un- tiring in their efforts to make friends for the bill, and as their cause was heartily indorsed by their respective senators, and many members of their state delegations, they became most hopeful of ultimate success. The unceasing energy of the members of the Legis- lative Committee was admirably aided by the President of this Board, who had been untiring in her efforts to make friends for the bill, and had used these efforts in a masterly manner. Her large acquaintance among and knowledge of men of affairs in Washington, and her clear statements as to the way in which this Board had been created, and her convincing argument that the work of the Board must of necessity be most inadequate and inefficient by reason of lack of funds, gained many advocates for the bill, and to her is due the credit for the success of the work which the Committee was appointed to do. She was always at work, unresting, unhasting, and, although weary and worn with the interminable delay, neither she, nor any member of the LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE 85 Committee left any honorable means untried in order to secure what was so vitally necessary to the very existence of this Board during the Exposition. As a result of the combined efforts, some who had affected indifference became interested, and some who had previously stoutly declared unalterable opposition, finally yielded, not only working and voting themselves in favor of the bill, but persuading others to do so. It was naturally a source of great satisfaction to the mem- bers of the Legislative Committee that the strongest and most influential men of both Houses gave recogni- tion to the urgent claims which the Board of Lady Mana- gers had upon Congress. It was these men who insisted upon the incorporation of the specific clause providing for their $100,000 as an amendment in the loan bill; this was eventually done, and the amendment remained there until the passage of the bill, thus becoming a part of the law governing the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. A brief description of the manner in which the loan bill was brought before Congress may be of interest: There is, in every session, what is called an Urgent Deficiency Bill, the object of which is to take care of the different interests which are likely to fail through inadequate appropriation. The opposition to including the item of the loan for the Exposition Company was found to be so powerful that it could not be inserted in the bill when it was sent to the House. This Urgent Deficiency Bill passed the House and went to the Senate. There the loan amendment was inserted, and finally our amendment was added also. It passed the Senate, and was then returned to the House, in order that that body might pass upon the amendments which the Sen- 86 REPORT ate had added. In the meetings before the two Appro- priation Committees, as well as in the discussion in the two Houses, the arguments for and against were very forcibly expressed. One reason advanced as to why the loan should be made was because other governments had been invited to participate, and the Company should be enabled to open its gates in a manner befitting a national host. Among the main objections set forth at length were: 1st, the alleged unconstitutionality of the whole proceeding; 2d, the inadequacy of the security. All those speaking against the measure affected a total disbelief that the receipts would be sufficient to enable the Company to return the money advanced, and, of course, a spasm of economy nearly rent these states- men in twain. The Exposition management was not spared. More than one speaker waxed eloquent over what he declared was wanton waste of the greatest amount of money ever intrusted to an Exposition management, which wanton waste had made the Exposition Company bankrupt and again at the doors of the Treasury begging for funds. Those working against the bill triumphantly quoted the following clause, which is Section 24 of the original bill, and which authorized the creation of the Exposition. It reads : That nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to create any liability of the United States, direct or indirect, for any debt or obligation incurred, nor for any claim for aid or pecuniary assistance from Congress or the United States in support or liquidation of the debts or obligations created by said Commission. COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 87 After postponement and delays, the bill of the llth of February passed the House 172 to 115, 57 majority; on the 15th it went back to the Senate and was promptly passed. The whole amount appropriated for the use of the Board of Lady Managers was placed in their custody by the Secretary of the Treasury, and its expenditure has been most carefully guarded. With this money at its command, it has always stood ready to assist the Expo- sition Company in every way possible, and the report of the Treasurer will show that the disbursements have been made in a manner befitting the greatest of all World's Fairs. Respectfully submitted. C. B. BUCHWALTER. MARY PHELPS MONTGOMERY. SALLIE D. COLEMAN. THE COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK All of the members of the Board of Lady Managers were inspired at an early period of their official existence with a desire to accomplish something that would be of lasting benefit to the interests of women, and one of the first committees to be appointed by the President was on Woman's Work, which seemed to offer great scope for the development of earnest efforts and good judgment; they realized that upon their activity would greatly depend the extent to which women in this country and of the world at large would participate, directly or indirectly, in making this Exposition the most beneficent for women that had been, or could be, attained. 88 REPORT Specific action was restricted, however, by the Exposi- tion Company, and the Committee on Woman's Work was not enabled to give an international character to its work. The life of its organization was in no way affected, but the Board was dependent upon the Expo- sition Company for funds to expend upon any work it wished to undertake. Although the members had been led to believe that whatever action they might take in regard to sending a representative of the Board abroad was legitimate Exposition work, and would be ratified by the National Commission and Local Company, their request was denied by the Executive Committee of the Company, and they were not permitted to extend their work on the broad lines for which they had hoped. An effort was made by two members of the Committee on Woman's Work, in conference with the heads of the Departments in Washington, to secure information as to the details of the work performed by women in the various Government Departments, and their salaries. This matter was brought before the Board at its session held February 18, 1903, and it was believed by the members that if such a statement could be obtained, it would be helpful in the development and organization of woman's work in connection with the Board. As all arrangements had previously been planned in Washing- ton to have the work done if desired by the Board, the Secretary was instructed to write to Hon. John R. Proc- tor, President United States Civil Service Commission, and ask for statistics. In order to procure the data from all the Departments, it was necessary to have an execu- tive order from The President. Mr. Proctor made this request, and President Roosevelt graciously issued the following : COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 89 EXECUTIVE ORDER To the Heads of Departments, The Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition desires a statement prepared, showing the work per- formed by women in the Departments, together with their official designations, salaries, etc. It is requested that so far as it will not inconvenience public work, such information may be supplied. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. WHITE HOUSE, March 21, 1903. The occupations in which women are now engaged in the Departments, where their duties range from those involving mere manual labor to skilled professional service, represent many of the lines in which women are now so active everywhere. The salaries vary from $240 to $1800 per annum. It is believed that the citation of a few examples of the high positions of importance and responsibility now held by women, compiled for the information of the Board of Lady Managers, may be a source of encourage- ment, by showing what natural ability, combined with determination and industry, may accomplish. The following memoranda have been taken at random from but four of the Departments : DEPARTMENT OF STATE Miss went into the service in 1893, and was de- tailed to assist the Secretary of State, who was engaged in negotiating reciprocity treaties. She served in the 90 REPORT capacity of confidential clerk to four Secretaries and one Assistant Secretary of State. Served as stenographer and typewriter in the Consular Bureau of the Department of State, and was later confidential stenographer to the Third Assistant Secretary of State, and assisted in the preparation of the correspondence with the Alaska Boundary Question. Another was appointed as a temporary clerk for the purpose of introducing the book-typewriter for re- cording the correspondence of the Department which formerly had been done by hand; after installing the book-typewriter and bringing the Diplomatic Notes and Instructions up to date, she was detailed as steno- grapher and typewriter to the Chief Clerk of the De- partment; her duties in the office of the Chief Clerk required her to be familiar with the work of the Bureaus of the Department, and the many intricate questions constantly presented to the Chief Clerk's Office; she was required to have expert knowledge of the cipher used in the Department and a considerable part of her time was employed in enciphering and deciphering telegrams sent from and received by the Department. One young w r oman was detailed for three months to serve as stenographer and typewriter to the American Commission at The Hague in the Arbitration between the United States and Mexico, where she assisted in taking stenographic report of the sessions before the arbitral court. Miss , appointed under the Civil Service Rules, was in the Bureau of Foreign Commerce, where her duties required her to prepare the Consular Reports COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 91 for publication, translate extracts from foreign com- mercial newspapers, etc. A clerk was appointed in the Recorder of Deeds' Office, but resigned to accept an appointment in the Department of State. Her work at first was in the Dip- lomatic Bureau where she was engaged in preparing papers for signature, translating French, Italian, and Spanish; engrossing treaties, proclamations, drafting maps, pen and ink sketches, etc. Later she was detailed to the Bureau of Indexes and Archives, where she was employed in recording the Diplomatic Notes and In- structions of the Department on the book-typewriter. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mrs. held a law desk in the General Land Office and decided many of the difficult problems con- nected with the deeds and patents of land on the frontier. Was first appointed in the Government Printing Office at $48 per month, and later appointed in the Pension Office at an increased salary, where her duties were copying pension certificates and notifying pensioners of the allowance of their pensions. Upon her second promotion, the work and pay being unsatisfactory to her, she was, at her own request, transferred to the Railroad Division of the General Land Office. Her duties were to copy railroad decisions, and the work being merely routine clerical work she took up type- writing, hoping to advance herself thereby. This caused her to be transferred to the Contest Division, and later she was assigned to a desk requiring original work, and her duties were to promulgate decisions of the 92 REPORT Department. From this time on the grade of her work was raised until she was promoted to $1400, by which time she had become familiar with the entire work of the Division. She soon found that a knowledge of the law of Congress disposing of the public domain and familiarity with the rules of practice and decisions of the General Land Office and of the Department alone were not sufficient to enable her to perform her work in a manner satisfactory to herself, however satisfactory to the Department, and she, therefore, took up a regular four years' law course and graduated with credit to her- self and her college. How satisfactorily she does her work is shown by the fact that out of sixty appeals from her decisions rendered during a period of six months, decisions involving thousands of dollars, only one was reversed and one modified, and this because of new matter being filed after the decisions were rendered by her. Mrs. also enjoys the distinction of holding a law desk in the General Land Office, having been trans- ferred to it from the Census Office, where she had been dealing with mathematical problems. It was found that a $1600 clerk was back in his work with 300 cases which it was necessary to have adjudicated. The bring- ing of this work up to date was assigned to her. Prior to this she had written a few decisions. She was at first appalled at the decree, but went bravely to work with a determination to succeed. How well she succeeded can be ascertained by the records of the Office. Later she was transferred at her own request from the Public Land Division to the Contest, or Law Division. Her experience gained in the Land Office taught her how COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 93 to adjudicate contest cases, and she was often required to bring up work of the principal law examiners when in arrears. Miss was assigned to duty on Board of Pen- sion Appeals to typewrite decisions for signature of the Assistant Secretary, and act as his stenographer. Afterwards transferred to Patents and Miscellaneous Division of the Secretary's Office: Duties steno- graphy and typewriting; indexing; in charge of issuing authorities for open market purchases to the Geological Survey and to Howard University, and issuance of permits for admission to the Government Hospital for the Insane, and to Freedmen's Hospital and Asylum; assistant in abstracting various reports to be embodied in the Secretary's annual report to the President. A knowledge of law was of considerable assistance in the work of the Division, and after entering the Govern- ment service she took a three years' course in the Wash- ington College of Law and was admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The Library of Congress employs 135 women in a force of 302 persons. The salaries range from $1500 to $360 a year, and they are employed in almost all the Divisions. None of them, however, rate as laborers. At $1500 there is one woman at work in the Cata- logue Division as an expert reviser of printed catalogue cards and proof-reader. At $1400 three women serve as assistant readers of catalogue cards and proof-readers in the Catalogue Division, and another is the chief re- viser in the Record Division of the Copyright Office. 94 REPORT At $1200 there are eleven women employees. Of these, five are in the Copyright Office as translators, indexers, and cataloguers; five are in the Catalogue Division as cataloguers of the first class; and one is in charge of the Reading Room for the Blind. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT One clerk of class 3, salary $1600, prepares corre- spondence for the signature of the Postmaster General and the Chief Clerk; reads and refers the Congressional and Departmental mail addressed to the Postmaster General; assists in the compilation of the estimates of appropriations for the Department and postal service; also assists in the compilation of the Postal Guides; in charge of the distribution of the Postal Laws and Regu- lations and of the Postal Guide throughout the postal service; stenographer and typewriter. One clerk of class 2, salary $1400, to whom is as- signed the duty of preparing the three lists of post offices published each year in the Official Postal Guide, and lists of changes in post offices published each month in the supplemental postal guide. One clerk, assigned to the claims division. Duties: Preparation of correspondence connected with claims of postmasters for reimbursement for losses occasioned by burglary, fire, or other unavoidable casualty, and for losses of money order and postal funds in transit to depositories. OFFICE OF THE TOPOGRAPHER One woman skilled as draughtsman, at $1400, pre- pares the guides for the colors printed on the post route COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 95 maps, and has supervision of the map sheets transmitted from and to the photolithographer. Three other women draughtsmen note the reported changes in the postal service of a group of States, revise the post route map sheets of those States, and correct monthly the corresponding diagram maps for the use of officers and clerks of the Post Office Department. OFFICE SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL One clerk, salary $1600, on work relating to ocean mail contract service; occasional translating, indexing, and briefing. One clerk, salary $1400, on work relating to domestic statistics in connection with the international service; stating accounts of steamship companies for the sea conveyance of mails; occasional translating, and as- sisting in general correspondence. One clerk, salary $1400,' "corresponding clerk," whose duties consist in the examination of applications for establishment of star and steamboat service; changes therein; preparation of cases to be submitted for de- cision; preparation of orders and correspondence for official signature. In most of the examinations which women pass in order to be appointed in the Departments, technical skill is required, as shown by the following list of subjects: Artist Scientific assistant Assistant microscopist Book type-writer Clerk-stenographer and Typewriter Kindergarten teacher Computer in Coast and Geodetic Survey Scientific aid Counter, Government paper mill Zoological clerk ^ 96 REPORT Industrial teacher Internal Revenue service Trained nurse Philippine service Register and Receiver's Clerk Topographic draughtsman Compositor Assistant to book-binder Public Document Cataloguer Music teacher Assistant Ethnological librarian The following is a compilation and table of com- parison showing the number of men and women em- ployed in the various departments at Washington, D. C. The figures are based upon the official Register of the United States, July 1, 1901, Volume 1. Since that date there have been hundreds of new appointees of both sexes in all the respective departments and bureaus below enumerated, and the accurate figures down to the present time will show an increase accordingly : Men Women Executive office (the President's) 28 Department of State 92 17 Treasury Department 3,234 2,313 War Department 2,411 300 Navy Department 2,292 85 Post Office Department 812 237 Department of Interior 4,810 2,862 Department of Justice 191 21 Department of Agriculture 650 382 Government Printing Office 2,623 1,068 Department of Labor 74 10 U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries 55 12 Interstate Commerce Commission 133 Civil Service Commission 55 6 Industrial Commission 10 7 Smithsonian Institution 320 89 Bureau of American Republics 13 9 The first woman employed in the Government serv- COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 97 ice was appointed by General Spinner, of the Treasury Department, about 1864. On July 1, 1901, the clerical force in the executive departments in Washington was approximately a force of 27,605 employees of both sexes. Out of this number there were 7496 women. The time, at this ratio of increase of the respective sexes, when the gentler sex is to overcome and pass the men is merely a matter of arithmetic to those who wish to ascertain these interest- ing data. The above table shows that the women have between one fourth and one third of the appointments in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery, the Chairman of the Committee on Woman's Work, read her first report of the work of that Committee at the meeting of the Board held Tuesday, April 28, 1903, and a copy was transmitted to the National Commission. At the ses- sion held on December 17, 18, 19, 1903, the following letter was received and read by the Secretary : 9r. Louis, U. S. A., Dec. 16, 1903. Mrs. Frederick Hanger, Secretary of the Board of Lady Managers, Administration Building, City. DEAR MRS. HANGER, Replying to your esteemed favor of the 14th inst., transmitting a copy of report of Committee on Woman's Work, which was adopted by your Board at a meeting held in April, 1903, you are advised that on motion the same was approved to the extent that the report prescribes the scope of your pro- posed field of activity. The Commission at its session on the 15th inst. adopted the following resolution : 98 REPORT Moved and seconded that in so far as the report of Committee on Woman's Work prescribes the line of work for the Board of Lady Managers, the same stands approved by the Commission. Motion prevailed. Agreeable to your request the report has been for- warded to the Exposition Company for its action, with a copy of the resolution passed by the Commission. Very respectfully, (Signed) THOMAS H. CARTER, President. Extracts from this report are embodied in the final Report of the Committee on Woman's Work, which is as follows : September 30, 1902, the women appointed by the National Commission as Lady Managers for the Louis- iana Purchase Exposition were called by the National Commission to meet in St. Louis and effect an organi- zation of the Board of Lady Managers. At this meet- ing the Board of Lady Managers was organized and Mrs. James L. Blair elected President. The first permanent committee appointed by the new President was a Committee on Woman's Work. The ladies appointed on this committee were: Miss Anna L. Dawes, Miss Helen Gould, Mrs. Marcus Daly, Mrs. M. H. de Young, and Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery, Chairman. Two members of this com- mittee were not present at the meeting. The President of the Board impressed upon the Chairman of the Com- mittee that a large share of the Board's work must of COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 99 necessity be performed by the Committee on Woman's Work. The Chairman of the Committee asked the President of the National Commission for special in- structions in regard to the plan and scope of the work of the Board of Lady Managers. The President of the National Commission replied that the Board of Lady Managers must outline their own policy and perform their own work to their best judgment. There was no work performed by the Committee on Woman's Work at this meeting. The second meeting of the Board of Lady Managers was held in New York City, November 17/1902. The Chairman of the Committee on Woman's Work asked to have added to this Committee Mrs. John M. Hoi- combe, Mrs. Edward L. Buchwalter, Mrs. Daniel Manning, and Mrs. Richard Knott. The Chairman of the Committee called a meeting at that time, to which call only Miss Anna L. Dawes and Mrs. Daniel Man- ning responded. At this second meeting of the Board of Lady Managers in New York, the President of the Board instructed the Committee on Woman's Work to proceed to St. Louis not later than March, and there receive instructions from the National Commission in regard to the line of work they should take up at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. It became apparent at this meeting that it would be necessary to specialize the work of the Board of Lady Managers, thus relieving the Committee on Woman's Work of much respons- ibility and labor. The Chairman, with Mrs. Daniel Manning, as mem- bers of the Committee on Woman's Work, spent Janu- ary, 1903, in the City of Washington, and during their 100 REPORT stay endeavored to acquaint themselves with the work performed by women in each and every vocation in life. In accordance with the instructions of the President, Mrs. Blair, at the meeting held on November 17, the Committee on Woman's Work met at the Southern Hotel, in St. Louis, March 10, at 11 o'clock, Mrs. Montgomery, Chairman. There were present beside the Chairman, Mrs. Manning, Mrs. Holcombe, and Mrs. Buchwalter, three members being unavoidably pre- vented from coming, viz.: Miss Gould, Miss Dawes, and Mrs. Knott. The interest that this Committee felt in developing on broad lines their part in the Exposition is shown in the following extracts taken from my report, which was not read, however, until the meeting of the Board held April 28, 1903:- According to appointment, the Committee on Wo- man's Work met the Executive Committee of the Ex- position Company at the Laclede Building, March 11, 1903. Mr. Corwin H. Spencer, Acting, and first Vice- President, and Chairman of the Executive Committee, presided, and stated: "These ladies are here, gentle- men, upon my invitation, and have some matters they wish to discuss with you." Mrs. Montgomery, the Chairman of the Committee on Woman's Work, then said : Ever since we became members of the Board of Lady Managers we have been somewhat in the dark as to what we could and might do, to contribute to the success of this great Exposition, and we thought per- haps if we came and talked to you gentlemen, upon the ground, that you could "throw us a little light." We, of COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 101 course, want to work in harmony with everything that has already been outlined, and we feel that we are a very weak body; but we want to add our efforts to those of the officers of this Exposition, and we came to ask you to please tell us how we can help you, and to instruct us upon the line which we are to take up. We feel that the women of this country have become a very great factor, but we also feel that the time has passed when we are to have a separate exhibit of what women can do, and we thought perhaps in some way we might be able to work in unison with the Executive Committee, and the various other committees of the Exposition. Several subjects were brought up by members of the Committee on Woman's Work, such as the organiza- tions of the country, the congresses at this Exposition, the dates of meetings, and provision for the care of the women in attendance. It was suggested by a member of the Committee that in the largest audience that the Exposition would have the majority would be women. The Company had already taken steps to provide a place of meeting, so arranged that meetings could be held without admission fee. At this meeting a motion was made and carried by the Executive Committee : That the Director of Exhibits, Mr. Skiff, be in- structed to formulate a programme, suggesting the way in which the Board of Lady Managers can assist in inducing Congresses to come to the Exposition. The Chairman of the Committee on Woman's Work then called attention to the fact that almost the first thing done after the organization of that committee 102 REPORT was to ask that immoral dances be excluded from the Exposition, to which no reply had been received. Dur- ing the discussion which followed, Mr. Stevens read copy from his records, showing that a letter had been sent by him to the President of the Board of Lady Managers, reading as follows : MADAM PRESIDENT, I am directed by the Execu- tive Committee to reply to your letter conveying the resolution adopted by the Board of Lady Managers on the subject of concessions. The resolution was duly referred by the Executive Committee to the Director of Concessions and the Committee on Concessions, with request for careful consideration. The report of the Director and the Committee on Concessions has been received. The Director and the Committee express the belief that under the conditions imposed in all the contracts the concessions will be so regulated as to render it impossible to present any amusement that can be classed as indecent or improper. Very respectfully, (Signed) WALTER B. STEVENS, Secretary. The Committee on Woman's Work then stated to the Executive Committee that this letter had never been read before the Board at their meeting. The matter was then considered of sending several members of the Board of Lady Managers abroad to exploit Woman's Work and to excite an interest in Wo- men's Congresses throughout the world. The Chair- man stated that she had a letter from Mr. Francis say- ing he would send one with certain conditions, and the COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 103 Committee wanted to know if that decision was final, and what the action of the Executive Committee would be on that point. It was suggested that three women from the Board should be sent abroad, one from the East, one from the West, and one from the Middle States, and the Chairman of the Executive Committee said that, if agreeable to the ladies, that Committee would have the matter taken up as soon as President Francis returned. The Executive Committee was assured that if it would outline a program by which the Board of Lady Managers could render assistance to this great Exposition, they would be very glad; they wanted to help do what the heads of the Exposition had laid out to be done, and if there was anything that women could do, let them do it. The meeting then adjourned, and the Committee on W T oman's Work met with Mr. Skiff, the Director of Exhibits. In response to an inquiry in regard to the question whether his committee had taken the initiative in regard to Educational and International Congresses, Mr. Skiff replied: The Exposition simply patronizes and assists, with- out the expenditure of money, these stated Congresses and Conventions. Those bodies already organized are, in a hospitable way, invited here, and their Executive Management is aided, more or less, in a Hall in which they can meet a Committee to receive them, but they conduct their own conventions. Now the International Congresses are an entirely different thing. They are patronized by the Exposition. An appropriation of $150,000 has been made for that purpose. Dr. Simon Newcomb is president of the Con- 104 REPORT gress. There is no race or sex in a universal exposition. It is the productive use of man, as a unit. We have had great difficulty in convincing the scientific people that so great a thing should come from so western a point. We are going to do a very fine thing in a very large way. The Delegates will be selected and all expenses paid from their homes and return, and whatever product of their thought they present here at these congresses will be bound and fixed in type. I cannot say we are working on any plan it is developed. The Congress is my idea. I am the Director of Exhibits, and it did not seem proper for the Director of Exhibits officially to approve the proceedings and the signatures of an office of an International Congress. So I suggested that Director Rogers report to President Francis, so that I use President Francis's name. In the mean time, I have been appointed a member of the Advisory Board, on account of my position as a Director of the Institute in Chicago. There is no opportunity for organizations to participate in that International Congress. There you come in, as individuals; but man or woman, if they are great, will be invited. It is all one Congress; it will only last one week. We have not selected the exact date. It occupies a week; it is divided into sections. Some days, in the Congressional Hall, there may be 25 or 30 sections, all working at the same time on different subjects. It is a magnificent programme. Meetings of these stated organizations are entirely different. The only point about meetings of these clubs and organizations is, that whether they are officered by men or women, or both, that some one, in behalf of the Exposition, must make their way as easy as possible for them and see that days do not collide. COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 105 A member of the Committee made the request that some provision should be made for the care of trained nurses at the Exposition, and Mr. Skiff stated that the War Department was contemplating a Field Hospital. " They want two things. I do not know what the out- come will be. If you ladies could proceed sufficiently to get these ladies interested in the trained nurse idea, to offer the services of a certain number of ' change ' nurses (you understand, double the number so that they can change), I have no doubt that Dr. Laidley will be glad to avail of their services." In answer to the questions as to the time the jurors would be appointed, and whether he had a list of the things on which women are to be appointed, and how long before they would be known, Mr. Skiff replied : The jurors will be appointed the first week of the Exposition, and the list of things on which women are to be appointed will depend on whether the work is done in whole or in part by female labor. We will know as soon as we get a catalogue. We cannot tell what the exhibits will be until they are exhibits. The pamphlet of classification will be of invaluable assistance to you, ladies, in your work. The jurors are to be paid $7 a day and traveling expenses. In response to the inquiry whether the Board should not begin to look out for the women that would be capable for that sort of work, Mr. Skiff said : k They will develop. There are 108 classes; a Com- mittee on each class would be 1200 jurors. We are not 106 REPORT working women's exhibits up any more than men's. It takes care of itself. We do not specially promote, except in this way: An officer of a department, if he under- stands his work, is given a classification. That is his Bible. He makes up his mind what is possible to do in the way of an exhibit. They build up an exhibit. In that way they find it necessary to touch what we call individual promotion, on their broad lines. For in- stance, in Education, deaf, dumb, and blind : charity, philanthropy, and education of mind; conveyance of thought. Social Economy : the Model City. Machinery : that class of machinery that is most ingenious. Elec- tricity : electro-therapeutics, electro-magnetism. Trans- portation: aeronautics, Santos Dumont, etc. Forestry, fish culture, etc. They can add, and on broad lines develop, the highest type of the condition of the times. Replying to the question whether an exhibit of laces by a woman could be insured, Mr. Skiff stated, "We have no money for insurance; we have no people to go on bond; she is an individual exhibitor, and must get in her own exhibit in a general way." On the following day, March 12, I received from Mr. Stevens the following letter, accompanied by a Record of 1903 Conventions of Organizations com- posed of Women : ST. Louis, U. S. A., MARCH 13, 1903. MADAM, In pursuance of the conference held by your Committee with the Executive Committee of the Exposition, the llth inst., the Acting President, Mr. Spencer, directs me to send to you the accompanying COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 107 list of conventions and delegate meetings of women to be held in the near future. It is desired to obtain action by these bodies the coming year to meet in St. Louis during 1904. The Acting President instructs me to say that if your Committee or the Board of Lady Managers will assist in obtaining such action it will be highly ap- preciated. The Exposition management, with a view to en- courage the holding of conventions and congresses, has arranged to have several halls, the use of which can be given to conventions without cost to them. Two or three convention halls will be so located with approaches as to enable delegates to the conventions to reach them without passing through the gates of the Exposition. It is also the purpose to afford hall room free to such bodies as may desire to hold meetings downtown. The Acting President directs me to say further, that from a very thorough canvass made of the City and from information in the possession of the Exposition management, it is believed that good accommodations can be assured at reasonable rates during the Exposi- tion. It is the intention of the Exposition management to maintain an information service which will enable delegates to secure accommodations by mail previous to their arrival here. In other ways the Exposition management will en- deavor to make the holding of conventions a prominent and satisfactory feature of the World's Fair. If the Board of Lady Managers will join in the invitation to these bodies of women to hold their 1904 conventions at St. Louis the Board can help very materially. If the members of the Board of Lady Managers can attend 108 REPORT some of these gatherings of 1903, and by personal effort and representation assist in bringing the conventions here the following year, the Management will be pleased to have them do so. Very respectfully, (Signed) W. B. STEVENS, Secretary. MRS. MART PHELPS MONTGOMERY. RECORD OF 1903 CONVENTIONS OF ORGANIZATIONS COM- POSED OF WOMEN International Congress of Nurses, New York City. International Board of Women and Y. M. C. A. Conference, Cleveland, O. Daughters of Liberty National Council, Philadelphia, Pa. Daughters of St. George, Columbus, O. Daughters of Veterans National Convention, Cleveland, O. Ladies' Aid Society of the United States, Providence, R. I. P. R. O. Sisterhood Supreme, St. Louis, Mo. Ladies' United Veteran Legion National Convention, Brooklyn, N. Y. National Council of Women, New York City. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, Chicago, HI. National League of Women Workers, Syracuse, N. Y. Womens* and Young Womens' Christian Association, St. Louis, Mo. National Congress of Mothers, Detroit, Mich., Riverton, N. J. Daughters of the Revolution, General Society, New York City. King's Daughters and Sons, St. Louis, Mo. Knights and Ladies of Honor, St. Louis, Mo. Knights and Ladies of Security, St. Louis, Mo. International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, St. Louis, Mo. P. E. C. Sisterhood, St. Louis, Mo. Spanish American War Nurses, St. Louis, Mo. United Daughters of the Confederacy, St. Louis, Mo. Woman's Christian Temperance Union, St. Louis, Mo. Woman's Relief Corps, St. Louis, Mo. Council of Jewish Women, St. Louis, Mo. COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 109 National American Woman Suffrage Association, New Orleans, La. Ancient Sons and Daughters of Jerusalem, Kansas City, Mo. Ladies of the Maccabees, Port Huron, Mich. In a letter from Dr. Howard J. Rogers, in charge of Congresses, which will be appended to this report, he says : I beg to state that, in my opinion, the only feasible way is for the Secretary of the Board of Lady Managers, acting in behalf of the Board, to communicate with the Secretaries of the various womens* organizations, such as Federation of Clubs, etc. Our Committee suggests that a separate Committee be formed to take these Congresses and other womens' organizations in hand, and make it their duty to arrange for dates. We would also suggest that a local com- mittee of leading club women of the city of St. Louis be appointed to act in harmony and in unison with this Committee of Congresses from the Board of Lady Managers. I herewith submit copies of letters from Mr. Skiff and Mr. Rogers : ST. Louis, U. S. A., March 7, 1903. Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery, 3642 Delmar Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. DEAR MADAM, I have the honor to acknowledge your favor of March 21, which has been noted. I beg to inform you in accordance with the instructions of the Executive Committee that the Director of Exhibits for- 110 REPORT mulate a program suggesting how the Board of Lady Managers can assist the Exposition Company in obtain- ing Congresses of Women to meet in St. Louis, I referred the matter to the Chief of Congresses, who has made a report in which I concur, and I respectfully submit it for your information and assistance. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully yours, (Signed) F. J. V. SKIFF, Director of Exhibits. March 24, 1903. Hon. F. J. V. Skiff, Director of Exhibits. DEAR SIR, Replying to your communication of March 23, in reference to the Director of Exhibits "formulating a programme suggesting how the Board of Lady Managers can assist in obtaining Congresses of Women to meet in St. Louis," I beg to state that in my opinion the only feasible way is for the Secretary of the Board of Lady Managers, acting in behalf of the Board, to communicate with the secretaries of the various womens' organizations, such as the Federation of Womens* Clubs, Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, Colonial Dames of America, United Daughters of Confederacy, Young Women's Christian Association, Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association, United States Daughters of 1812, and to second the invitation given by the Exposition to meet in this city in 1904, assuring them their active cooperation in the matter of obtain- ing halls, accommodations, and other matters. The Daughters of the American Revolution, and the COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 111 Federation of Women's Clubs have already decided to meet in this city. I return the letter as requested. Very respectfully yours, (Signed) HOWARD J. ROGERS. In the resolution adopted by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission in session assembled at the city of New York, the 7th day of February, 1902, cer- tain rules were made governing the Board of Lady Managers. The -first one recites the power given by Congress to this Board of Lady Managers to appoint "one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as may have been produced in whole or in part by female labor." The Committee on Woman's Work would suggest : First, That our Board make due preparation for the intelligent selection of one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as may have been produced in whole or in part by female labor; and that we request from the Local Executive Committee a list of all work presented for competition before the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, produced in whole or in part by female labor. Under the resolutions of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition of February 7, 1902, Second, We are to "exercise general supervisory control over such fea- tures of the Exposition as may be specially devoted to Woman's Work." This resolution is so vague in its phraseology that we are unable to outline just what we may be permitted to do, and the Chairman wishes to call the attention x>f 112 REPORT this Board to the fact that one of the subjects which we were instructed to take up before the Local Executive Committee was in regard to a resolution passed by this Board at its first meeting on September 30, 1902, re- garding indecent and immoral dancing. We were in- structed by the Board of Lady Managers to inquire what action had been taken in regard to this resolution, and were informed that it was acted upon immediately and the Company's attorney was instructed to make the contracts in the Midway Plaisance so as to exclude immoral and indecent dancing. The third resolution, that we were "to take part in the ceremonies connected with the dedication of the buildings of the Exposition, and in official functions in which women may be invited to participate, and in any other functions, upon the request of the Company and Commission." From the very gracious manner in which this Board of Lady Managers has been provided for and permitted to participate in the opening ceremonies of the Exposi- tion, it would appear that the Government, Commission and Local Company will see that we are properly cared for on all future occasions. Fourth, That we confer and advise with the offi- cers and chiefs of the Exposition, on the progress being made from time to time in exciting the interest and enlisting the cooperation of women in the several de- partments, and to appoint all committees necessary to carry out the purpose, and to procure informa- tion on the extent of woman's participation in the Exposition. Fifth, That we encourage the presentation of ex- COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 113 hibits by women, by correspondence, advertising, or such other means as the Company may approve. Sixth, That we collect statistics of woman's work in connection with the Exposition for publication. Seventh, That we encourage by correspondence, or otherwise, attendance at the Exposition, of societies and associations of women, and the holding of conven- tions, congresses, and other meetings of women. Eighth, That we maintain within the grounds dur- ing the period of the Exposition an organization for the relief of women and children who may be found in need of aid, comfort, or special protection. Ninth, That we receive and officially entertain women when requested so to do by the Exposition Com- pany and the Commission. Tenth, That we commission members of the Board, or others, with the approval of the Commission and the Company, to travel in the interest of the Exposition, either at home or abroad. Eleventh, That we provide for the constant attend- ance by rotation of at least three members of the Board at the Exposition Grounds from April 30 to December 1, 1904. Twelfth, That we issue such bulletins from time to time as the Company and the Commission may approve, for the special information of women, and the exploitation of their contributions to the success of the Exposition. After our Board had adjourned and gone to their homes the Chairman called upon President Carter, of the National Commission, and had with him a most 1 114 REPORT interesting talk in regard to Woman's Work, and he promised to furnish the Chairman extracts from their minutes, containing such suggestions on the plan and scope of Woman's Work, in connection with the Expo- sition; and from these extracts our Committee has outlined for this Board the work which may be done by the Board of Lady Managers, following in many instances the Commission's suggestions verbatim. This Committee desires to return its thanks for the courteous manner in which they were received by the Local Executive Committee, and for the assurance of aid in any work which they might undertake. They also desire to thank the National Commission for its kind reception, advice and suggestions on the plan of Woman's Work. The Board of Lady Managers, pursuant to a call, met in the city of St. Louis, April 28, 1903, and, as has already been stated, the Chairman read before the Board the report from which the above extracts are taken, on the work of the Committee on Woman's Work performed in St. Louis. The President of the Board of Lady Managers at this April meeting created several new committees, viz., an Executive Committee, an Entertainment Committee, a Legislative Committee, and a Committee for a Day Nursery, or Creche. The creating of these committees practically took from the hands of the Committee on Woman's Work, all special work. A meeting of the Board of Lady Managers was called in St. Louis on December 15, 1903; at this meet- ing it became necessary to elect a new President of the COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 115 Board, and conditions had so changed that it became necessary to add several new committees to those al- ready formed, one being the Committee on Awards, further to develop the work of the Board of Lady Managers. The only money the Board of Lady Managers had ever received to conduct its work was an appropria- tion of $3000 from the Treasury of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, part of which had been expended, so that all work of the Board of Lady Managers was absolutely suspended for the want of funds. It became necessary for the Legislative Committee to proceed to Washington to secure money to carry out their plans. The result of the labors of the Legislative Committee has been ably told in the report of the Chairman of that Committee, Mrs. Edward L. Buchwalter. During the December meeting, and after the ad- journment of the Board, the work which seemed of the most vital interest, and the one which lay nearest to the hearts of every member of the Board of Lady Managers, was the construction, equipment, and management of a creche or day nursery. The Chairman of the Committee on Woman's Work remained with the President of the Board in St. Louis for ten days after the adjournment of the Board, meeting the Executive Committee of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, endeavoring to arrange for the construction and equipment of a day nursery. The Exposition Company assured this Committee that they would construct for the Lady Managers a building that would cost $30,000 and give $5000 toward equip- ment, and that the day nursery would be self -sustaining, with the possibility of an income above the expense payable to the Exposition Company. 116 REPORT It now became evident that if the Board of Lady Managers was to have a day nursery, it must give up the idea of a purely philanthropic institution and enter the field as money-makers. After two weeks of patient labor, it was made ap- parent that if a day nursery was built, all expenses for furnishing and maintaining it must be paid for out of the funds appropriated by Congress for the use of the Board of Lady Managers in their various works. The President of the Board of Lady Managers offered to contribute $15,000 for the furnishing and maintenance of this day nursery out of the $100,000 set aside for the use of the Lady Managers, if the Exposition Company would free them from any further financial liability. This the Exposition Company refused to do. The Exposition Company further informed us they had already let a concession for a Model Playground which would practically cover the work to be performed by the day nursery and that this concession had agreed to care for each child at the rate of twenty-five cents per day, and that the Board of Lady Managers could not conduct a day nursery without charging a fee for the care of each child. Thus a day nursery was taken out of the hands of the Committee on Woman's Work. As Chairman of this Committee, I cannot bring this report to a close without expressing the very deep and heart-felt disappointment of the Committee on Wo- man's Work, and I may add the President and every member of the Board of Lady Managers, that circum- stances over which we had no control forced us to abandon this cherished project of a model day nursery. As the duties of the Board of Lady Managers be- COMMITTEE ON WOMAN'S WORK 117 came more apparent and diversified, and the work evolved and developed, it became necessary to special- ize. The work of the Committee on Woman's Work ceased to be performed by a large committee under this name, but was carried on to the close of the Exposition by committees composed of the various members of the Board. In closing this report, it would appear at first that the Committee on Woman's Work stood for very little and had done very little toward the success of the Board of Lady Managers. However, this Committee, under other names, did successfully perform a large amount of philanthropic and social work. There were on the Exposition Grounds State Build- ings constructed by forty-four States. These buildings were designed as club-houses for the citizens of the various States and were provided with rest-rooms, social halls, and other rooms to contribute to the comfort of and promote sociability among the people of the various States visiting the Exposition. At the beginning of the Exposition it seemed one of the duties of the Board of Lady Managers would be to provide a hall for the meeting of women visiting the Exposition, and also a rest-room, but this want was provided for by each individual State. MARY PHELPS MONTGOMERY, Chairman. MARGARET DALY. ANNA L. DAWES. M. K. DE YOUNG. C. B. BUCHWALTER. JENNIE GILLMORE KNOTT. EMILY S. G. HOLCOMBE. 118 REPORT THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS Miss Anna L. Dawes, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, read the first report of that Com- mittee at the meeting of the Board held in the Admin- istration Building on March 2, 1904. The final Report of that Committee is as follows: The Committee on Foreign Affairs was appointed by Mrs. James L. Blair, the first President of the Board, during the meeting at the time of the formal opening of the Exposition on May 2, 1903. This com- mittee consisted of Mrs. Daniel Manning, Chairman, Miss Dawes, Mrs. Knott, Miss Gould, Mrs. Holcombe, Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Moores, and Mrs. von May- hoff. On December 17, 1903, Mrs. Manning having been elected President of the Board after the resignation of Mrs. Blair, Miss Dawes became Chairman of the Com- mittee and has so continued. In pursuance of a policy inaugurated by Mrs. Manning, it was determined to send a circular to the women of the different countries of Europe, calling their attention to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, inviting their cooperation and presence, and offering to do what we could toward that end. At the request of the present Chairman, Mrs. Manning conferred with the officers of the Exposition as to what had al- ready been done, and with the State Department in Washington as to what could be done, and prepared the circular appended ; the State Department sending it out to its officials in the following countries : COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS 119 Berne, Switzerland, Madrid, Spain, Bucharest, Roumania, Stockholm, Sweden, Belgrade, Servia, St. Petersburg, Russia, Brussels, Belgium, Sofia, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Turkey, Vienna, Austria, Copenhagen, Denmark, London, England, Athens, Greece, The Hague, Netherlands, Berlin, Germany, Egypt, Havana, Cuba, Mexico, Lisbon, Portugal, China, Rome, Italy, Japan, Paris, France, Dominion of Canada. The cordial cooperation of the Government, through the State Department, was a source of great satisfac- tion to the Committee, giving as it did, not only cur- rency to the circular, but putting the weight and dignity of the Government behind our action. For this, and for the extremely valuable circular so finely adapted to the need, and so eloquently setting forth the objects of the Exposition, and the aims and desires of this Board, we are, as in so many other things, indebted to the experience and ability of Mrs. Manning. To His Excellency, The Minister of Foreign Affairs, of . EXCELLENCY, By an Act of Congress of the United States, the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition is directed to join with the other constituted authorities in commemorating the great event in the history of the United States when, a century ago, there was added to its territory a new field which to-day is the home of many people, and where earnest and sincere women, as well as men, are labori- 120 REPORT ously working out the problem of the progress of hu- manity and the advancement of the race. No single individual, no one people, no separate country can supply that full knowledge from which may be fixed the condition of mankind, its development in the industries, the arts, the sciences, at the commence- ment of the 20th century. The entire world must con- tribute to this knowledge and therefore the entire world has been invited to take part in this universal exposi- tion and to bring hither the fruit of the lands, the pro- ducts of other soils, the articles manufactured by foreign hands and evidences of the achievements of the intellect and intelligence in the higher fields of thought. While in gathering these things there is no distinc- tion made between the product of man's hand and of woman's hand, nevertheless, it is the peculiar function of this Board to act as the channel through which wo- men, as individuals, and as organizations, may be brought into immediate communication with the Ex- position at St. Louis. It is, therefore, with cordiality and eagerness that we invite the women of your country to join with us in presenting to the world the information of the condi- tion, opportunities, development, and promises of their sex in their own country, and to exhibit at the Exposi- tion specimens of their productions and examples of their activities, manual and mental, scientific and artistic. And coupled with this invitation, we would express the hope that we may be permitted to be of personal service to such women as may visit the Exposition in person, or to give special attention to the exhibits of such as may not be able to come. COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS 121 Requesting your Excellency's good offices to the end that due publicity may be given to the invitation in order that it may come to the knowledge of the women of the country, we beg to assure you of the high con- sideration with which we are, Your obedient servant, (Signed) MARY MARGARETTA MANNING, President. The Honorable, the Secretary of State. SIR, I have the honor to transmit herewith invi- tations which the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition have addressed to the women of foreign countries, through the respective diplomatic envoys, with a view to promoting women's interests at the Exposition. In view of the indorsement which the Congress of the United States has given to the Exposition, and the recognition it has accorded to the Board of Lady Managers, I should be pleased, were it found consistent with practice, for the invitations to be delivered by the diplomatic envoy of the United States, and if they were instructed to give them their support. I have the honor to be, sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed) M. MARGARETTA MANNING. Mrs. M. M. Manning, President Board of Lady Managers, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, The Arlington, Washington, D. C. MADAM, I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 14th instant transmitting invitations which 122 REPORT the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition have addressed to the women of foreign countries, through the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, with a view to promoting women's interests at the Exposition. In reply I have to inform you that these invitations, with suitable instructions, have been sent to-day to the diplomatic representatives of the United States in the countries mentioned by you. I am, Madam, Your obedient servant, (Signed) FRANCIS B. LOOMIS, Acting Secretary. Letters were received from most of these countries expressing their gratification and cordial cooperation in the matter, a fact which was evidenced by many let- ters from associations and individuals with reference to exhibits, etc. For instance a committee of women at Berne, through its secretary, sent a very remarkable consignment of pamphlets relating to the condition and work philanthropic and otherwise of the women of that nation. These were intrusted to the Department of Social Economy. Also in Italy a na- tional committee of women of great consequence was formed. Circumstances prevented any further initiative on the part of this Committee, outside the limits of the Exposition itself. Within those limits it has, in common with the whole Board, done much for the Exposition, and for the country, by social courtesies extended to the representatives of foreign lands, and received from them a service which has been performed by the Board HOUSE-FURNISHING COMMITTEE 123 with success and dignity, and with great value to the interests of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. ANNA L. DAWES. EMILY S. G. HOLCOMBE. MARY PHELPS MONTGOMERY. ANNIE MCLEAN MOORES. December, 1904. THE HOUSE-FURNISHING COMMITTEE Reaffirming the motion already made on February 16, 1903, providing that the furnishing of the Building of the Board of Lady Managers be under the supervision of the President of the Board, on March 4, 1904, it was moved that Mrs. Daniel Manning be made active Chairman of the House-Furnishing Committee, and select her own Committee. This motion being carried, it was also decided that the Committee on House- Furnishing be limited to the expenditure of the sum of $20,000 for furnishing the building. The report of this Committee is as follows : To the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. LADIES, The President of the Board of Lady Man- agers having been elected active Chairman of the House-Furnishing Committee, with power to select her own Committee, named Mrs. Mary Phelps Mont- gomery and Mrs. John M. Holcombe as the other members. At the same meeting of the Board at which the 124 REPORT Chairman was named, the sum of $20,000 was fixed as the maximum amount that might be expended for house-furnishing purposes by the Committee. This sum was to cover all expenditures for electric wiring and fixtures, electric bells, push-buttons, and annunc- iators; tinting of walls and staining of floors; water connections, filters, water heaters, bath-tubs, sinks, etc.; all wooden partitions in dormitories; window shades, screens, and awnings; arrangements for but- ler's pantry, rugs, carpets, matting, and all floor cov- ering ; furniture, glass, china, and kitchen utensils ; table and bed linen, blankets, indeed, every expend- iture attending the fitting out and appointing of the building. The Committee was fortunate in securing for part of the work the men that were employed by the Gov- ernment on its building, and had been brought from Washington for that purpose; these men could con- tract for a longer stay at better rates than were ob- tainable in St. Louis. The tremendous advance in the price of labor about this time led the Committee to be most cautious in its expenditures, not knowing the ex- tent of the demands that might be made upon the fund before the building itself was completed. President Francis, in his address to the Board, on December 15, 1903, has already given some of the difficulties experi- enced by the Exposition Company on the question of the cost of labor up to that date. By the time of the opening of the Exposition the members of this Com- mittee had to meet even greater prices, as, instead of time and one-half for overtime, the demands of the workmen had risen to double time for overtime. This HOUSE-FURNISHING COMMITTEE 125 involved paying $1.50 per hour instead of seventy-five cents for certain kinds of work necessary to be com- pleted by Opening Day. Most of the furniture, rugs, carpets, curtains, glass, and china were purchased in New York City, but some interesting pieces of antique furniture were obtained by one of the Committee in Connecticut, while others were secured in Albany, N. Y. Material and substantial aid was rendered the mem- bers of the Committee by many generous gifts and loans which added greatly to the attractiveness and comfort of the building. Mrs. Roosevelt, wife of the President, by request, very graciously presented a large photograph of herself, which was the only picture hung in the salon of the building of the Board of Lady Managers. The Committee is but echoing the sentiments of the entire Board in expressing its thanks and appre- ciation to the following firms for their handsome and useful gifts, all of which were most acceptably used by the members of the Board and their guests : Cheney Brothers, of New York and Connecticut, most generously contributed one of their handsome pieces of silk damask for the covering of the walls of the salon; also the material for the curtains for that room, yellow silk curtains for the tea-room, and pink silk curtains and furniture covering for the President's room. The thanks of the Board cannot be too warmly expressed to this firm for their generosity in aiding the 126 REPORT Board in such a substantial manner, and thus beauti- fying its house by their gifts. Stein way & Company, New York City, manu- factured for our use and loaned to us one of the handsomest pianos they could make, with beautiful Louis XV decorations in ormolu, which was used on state occasions or when some well-known singer or pianist was available. It was the admiration of all visitors. Chickering & Company, New York City, loaned one of their beautiful pianos, which was placed in the large hall in which was held informal meetings and dances. Tiffany & Company, New York City, presented a silver-plated tea-service, consisting of tray, hot-water kettle, with lamp, teapot, coffee-pot, hot-milk pitcher, sugar-bowl, cream-pitcher, slop-bowl. This set was used every afternoon on the tea-table and was greatly admired by all who were the guests of the Board at its informal afternoon teas. Black, Starr & Frost, New York City, gift of four silver-plated candlesticks of attractive, antique colonial design; also a set of four plated trays. Gorham Manufacturing Company, New York City, gift of two silver-plated candelabra of beautiful design, which were in constant use at the afternoon teas and on the private table of the Board, and also at the more formal dinners and entertainments where lights were used on the tables. Lay cock & Company of Indianapolis, Ind., gener- ously loaned, at a nominal price, the brass beds and mattresses used in the building. HOUSE-FURNISHING COMMITTEE 127 Macy & Company, New York City, gift of ten dozen plates, cups and saucers, of Limoges china, specially decorated and of unique design, that were very handsome and in constant use by the Board. Higgins & Seiter, New York City, gift of set of creaming-dishes of most delicate pattern in handsome white case. International Nickel Company, New York City, gift of chafing-dishes, tea-kettles and trays, of espe- cially neat design, and most useful. Mrs. Eva B. Leete, Guilford, Conn., loaned a rare antique sideboard, of semi-circular shape, and a "pie-crust" table. Mr. Armand Hawkins, New Orleans, La., generously loaned many interesting, historic and use- ful pieces of furniture, which were used in the building of the Board of Lady Managers during the Exposition period. The Standard Scales & Fixtures Company, of St. Louis, Mo., loaned the useful and necessary ad- junct to housekeeping, an unusually fine and large McCray glass-lined refrigerator, which was in use from the first days of the Exposition period until a few days after the close, and an aid to the comfort of all who resided in the building and their guests. The gifts and loans to the Board were most gratify- ing to the Committee, as they were an evidence of a strong interest in the Board of Lady Managers and its building. It was, undoubtedly, not the intention of the Board, when limiting the expenditure of this Committee to $20,000, that this sum should cover an outlay beyono 1 128 REPORT the time the building was pronounced finished and furnished, and ready for the occupancy of the Board at the opening of the Exposition. The total expend- iture given below, however, includes all additions to furniture, repairs both to building and furniture, and the replacing of broken articles during the entire Exposition period. Such was the careful management of the Committee that it not only succeeded in accomplishing the payment of all bills contracted by it prior to the opening, but at the close of the Ex- position was still within the limit originally imposed, of $20,000. The Exposition Company agreed to pay $5000 for the furnishing of the building of the Board of Lady Managers, $5000 for its maintenance, and $5000 for entertainment. The demands upon the Exposition Company at this time, however, were so great, that the Board de- cided, at the meeting held on July 14, 1904, to take up any outstanding bills, and passed the following resolution: RESOLVED, That the Board of Lady Managers assume the payment of the now unpaid bills for enter- taining and furniture for the Board that have been turned over to the Exposition Company, for which the Exposition Company had pledged a certain sum. The following is an itemized account of amount ex- pended for the finishing and furnishing of the building of the Board of Lady Managers : COMMITTEE ON WOMEN'S CONGRESS 129 ITEMIZED ACCOUNT FOB FURNISHING BUILDING OF THE BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS. Bills paid by the Exposition Co. Bills paid from the $3 000 Appro- priation. Bills paid from the $100,000 Appro- priation. Furniture, china, linen, expressage Tinting walls, stain- ing floors, plumb- ing, beating ap- paratus, electric wiring, awnings, screens, partitions, etc., etc. . . . $752.82 1,460.99 $652.25 64.30 $11,692.65 2,263.32 $13,955.97 $2,213.31 $716.55 Total paid by Exposition Co., " " from $3000 appropria " " $100,000 $2,213.31 tion 716 55 . 13,955.97 Total amount expended for House-Furnishing $16,885.83 Respectfully submitted. MARY MARGABETTA MANNING, Chairman. MARY PHELPS MONTGOMERY. EMILY S. G. HOLCOMBE. THE COMMITTEE ON WOMEN'S CONGRESSES The Committee on Women's Congresses was created by the first President of the Board of Lady Managers, in April, 1903. Its aim was to be instrumental in bring- ing together representative women of this and foreign countries, either as organized bodies or as individuals, 130 REPORT in order that by discussion and comparison of all social, educational, charitable, and industrial aspirations, and an interchange of thought on important questions re- lating to the welfare of women, the higher, intellectual, moral, and physical plane that has already been es- tablished might not only continue to be maintained, but mutual interests be renewed and encouraged. They hoped thus to foster a better understanding of the aims of women of the different countries, and, by strengthening their common cause and making possible uniformity of action, promote the advancement of women everywhere. It was further desired, by thus bringing together distinguished women from all parts of the world in- terested in mental development and philanthropic and reformatory work, to review not only the old, but add the new record of the historical progress of women to date, to learn not only the various achievements now being accomplished by the women of the world in all phases of life at the present time, but ascertain the objective height now sought or thought to be attainable for them in each country. The Committee felt that this Exposition would af- ford an opportunity to consider carefully humanitarian interests, and record the close connection of women to the most important issues, their struggles, and their possibilities. The encouraging stimulus that would be given to them by the expression of their mutual hope of the ultimate success of earnest endeavor for their advancement, must inevitably result in aiding the elevation of women and the improvement of the conditions under which they live, and upon which COMMITTEE ON WOMEN'S CONGRESS 131 not only their own welfare, but that of the nation largely depends. It was, therefore, a source of great regret to the mem- bers of the Committee that their desire to carry out these commendable plans was doomed, in great meas- ure, not to be realized, because, while the "suggestion" was again approved by the Exposition Company, no means were provided for carrying out the work, and its own appropriation was not received by the Board in time to be made available. The following is the final Report of the Committee on Women's Congresses : To the President and Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. LADIES, The Committee on Women's Congresses was appointed by Mrs. Blair, April 19, 1903, and was composed of Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Hanger, and Mrs. Buch waiter, who was, by unanimous vote, made chair- man December 18, of that year. When the Committee was first created, it asked for a letter of instruction from the Exposition Board. This letter was received together with a list of women's organizations which had been compiled in the office of the Exposition Company. Communications were at once sent to each of these associations; also to others selected by the Committee, in all more than fifty. In addition to extending an invitation to hold its meeting at St. Louis during the World's Fair, each organization was told that a place of meeting would be provided, and that all possible aid would be given in making prelimi- 132 REPORT nary arrangements by a Board of Information which would be ready to supply any assistance necessary in preparing for the meeting. Up to this time it had been hoped that it would be possible to inaugurate a series of meetings of wo- men's associations which would be congresses in more than name. The Committee, however, was confronted with the serious limitation of no treasury from which to draw. At the last meeting of the Board during the incumbency of the first President, a committee had been appointed with Mrs. Manning as chairman, which was to ask Congress for one hundred thousand dollars for the use of the Board of Lady Managers. It was hoped that this matter might be brought to the atten- tion of Congress at the special session in the fall of 1903, but the delay caused by the necessity of electing a new President retarded all the work of the Board. Upon the election of Mrs. Manning to the Presidency, a new Legislative Committee was appointed, which unfortunately was not able to report the success of its mission of securing the appropriation until March 1, 1904, by which time all the organizations had perfected their plans for that year; in consequence of which, all idea of congresses was reluctantly abandoned. In the mean time responses were received from many of the larger organizations, some of which said that experience had shown that the interest of their stated meetings suffered when they were held where there were so many counter attractions as were offered by a great exposition; others did not respond at all. Of those who accepted and held meetings in St. Louis in the season of 1904, were the various fraternal organi- COMMITTEE ON WOMEN'S CONGRESS 133 zations of women, the General Federation of Women's Clubs, the National Mothers' Congress, the Interna- tional Council, Council of Jewish Women, the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, the United Daughters of the Confederacy, the P. E. O.'s, the Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union, the Women's Relief Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic, and the Association of Collegiate Alumnae. All the meetings which were held at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition were largely attended and noted for the enthusiasm of the members and the great in- terest taken in the objects represented by the respective organizations. Respectfully submitted. C. B. BUCHWALTER. M. M. ANDREWS. FRANCES MARION HANGER. OPENING OF THE EXPOSITION REPRESENTATION OF THE BOARD IN THE APPOINT- MENT OF WOMEN ON JURIES OF AWARD SEVENTH MEETING OF BOARD, APRIL 28, 1904 PURSUANT to adjournment, on March 5, 1904, a meet- ing of the Board of Lady Managers was called by the President for April 28, 1904, to enable the members to be present at the Opening Exercises of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, which were to take place on April 30, of that year. The Board was in session until May 9, during which time many matters of importance were considered. Letters were read from organizations, reports received from Chairmen of Committees, and jurors appointed; on May 6, a resolution, presented by Mrs. Holcombe and amended by Miss Egan, was adopted, by which the President of the Board was made active Chairman of the Executive, Entertainment, and Ceremonies Committees, and full plans were made for the conduct of the affairs of the Board during the coming months of the Exposition period. Twenty-one of the twenty-two members were present, and on the morning of April 30, they met and pro- ceeded in a body to the Administration Building, where they joined the President and Directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, the members of the National Commission, and representatives from foreign countries; entering carriages they were driven to the Peace Monument where seats were reserved for them. After the close of the interesting exercises offi- EIGHTH MEETING 135 cially opening the Exposition, 3000 invited guests ad- journed to the Varied Industries Building where lunch- eon was served. After a brilliant display of fireworks in the evening at the Stadium, the Board of Lady Managers entertained a distinguished company at dinner, which closed the festivities of Opening Day. EIGHTH MEETING OF THE BOARD, JULY 14, 1904 At the meeting of the Board held at the opening of the Exposition (April 28 to May 9), discussion was had as to whether a midsummer meeting of the Board should be called. Arrangements had been made that a Rotating Committee (composed of the members of the Board, who were to serve in rotation), should be in constant attendance to discharge such duties as might arise from time to time in the conduct of the affairs of the Board of Lady Managers. As it was the opinion of the members present, however, that undoubtedly new business would arise between the beginning and end of the Exposition term that should be submitted to the entire Board for consideration, it was moved and seconded that a meeting should be held July 14, 1904. The meeting was called as provided for, and, at the first session, resolutions were passed relating to the payment of outstanding bills that had been turned over to the Exposition Company, and the donation of $5000 to the Model Play-Ground, Nursery, and Lost Children Work, both of which are quoted in full in the reports of the respective committees. A new Secretary was appointed, and reports received from the Treasurer 136 REPORT and chairmen of all committees. The Chairman of the House Committee reported that the building was open to the public every day, and that it had been arranged that tea should be served each afternoon from four to six o'clock. Letters from organizations and suggestions from individuals were read and acted upon. The Board adjourned after a two days' session, not expecting to meet again until November, just prior to the close of the Exposition. NINTH MEETING OF THE BOARD, SEPTEMBER 20, 1904 The ninth meeting of the Board was called Septem- ber 20, 1904. This was a special meeting called for the purpose of reconfirming the Departmental Jurors, as is set forth in the final Report of the Chairman of the Committee of Awards. An exposition must of necessity prove educational. The Director of Exhibits of the Louisiana Purchase Ex- position said: "The opportunity afforded for study and comparison of the various productions of human genius and activity classified and shown in detail, the finished product beside the methods and processes by which articles are produced, the vast systems of machinery in operation, and the skilled artisans occupied in diffi- cult and intricate employments or native industries, representing accurately and in detail, the latest develop- ment of the various arts and manufactures, makes it possible for not only the student to acquire knowledge, but each exhibitor may learn something from every other exhibitor in his class which may be to his ad- vantage, and which may lead to the improvement of NINTH MEETING 137 that which he produces, whether it be in the domain of art or manufacture, at home or abroad. The measure of the value of an International Exposition is deter- mined by the number of important countries repre- sented by exhibits, the characteristics and compre- hensive nature of these exhibits, or the excellence in quality according to the standards of the countries from which they come. An exposition affords the greatest opportunity that manufacturers and producers of a nation have to increase their export trade by display- ing their samples and products before the eyes of foreign people whose markets they seek." Exhibitors are commercial and non-commercial; the commercial exhibitor has as his chief object the advertisement of his business, and consequent increase in the sale of his goods by means of his display, and the possible receipt of an award which may prove valuable in future exploitation of his products; the non-commercial ex- hibitor has but the moral satisfaction of receiving the tangible assurance of the excellence of his work as represented by the award. Though woman's work enters into almost all manu- factured articles, its proportion in some is very small, and at the Columbian Exposition, where it was esti- mated that women had a share in nearly three hundred and fifty industries, it was finally agreed between the Board of Control and the Board of Lady Managers that the best method upon which to base the proportion of women on the juries would be to give them represen- tation according to the amount of work done by women on articles to be judged in each department of the clas- sification. This was a very satisfactory arrangement' to 138 REPORT that Board, inasmuch as the manufacturers exhibiting were asked on the application-blanks furnished them when they applied for space, "Was the work upon this exhibit done wholly or in part by women ?" An affirm- ative answer entitled the Board of Lady Managers to membership on the Jury of Awards, giving it a ma- jority in any department where women were especially active, and a minority, or total exclusion, where they had contributed little, or nothing, to the department, which would seem a most equitable method. The impossibility of ascertaining these facts greatly affected the right of representation of the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition on the Juries of Awards. President Francis, in his address to the Board on March 2, 1904, spoke as follows: I wish to say again I think I have made this statement to you before that when we started the organization of the Exposition the question of separate fields of exhibit of competition was suggested and ad- vanced, but the stronger view was presented, as we be- lieved by the stronger women, that there should be no contest between individual members of the different sexes, but that the work of each should be shown that if women had not arrived at that stage and made advancement which permitted them to com- pete with men's work, they had advanced but little. Therefore, we did not think of making any separate classification for the exhibitions of women's work they came in under the same classification as men. On most of the lines of work upon which women have NINTH MEETING 139 entered, they are holding their own, if not in every instance. While there was formerly something to be said on each side of the question of separate exhibits, the ex- tent to which women now enter into all departments of industrial and professional activities, renders it not only difficult, but in some instances almost impossible, to make a separate exhibit of the part they perform. It is true, if women were to-day eliminated from the employ- ments in which they are now engaged and relegated to those of forty years ago, the exhibits of the nature of man's work would be in no wise affected, and women have not sufficiently taken the initiative (from lack of capital, and adverse competition), in establishing large manufacturing plants to be enabled by these means to make exhibits on similar lines; but where women now work by the side of, and the quality of their mental and manual labor competes satisfactorily with, that of men, it is now their right to receive unqualified recognition and consideration as an economic factor, and their work should not only be accorded the consideration and re- spect it deserves, but insure to them the receipt of equal compensation for equal services performed. It is to be regretted that the example of other expo- sitions was not followed in requiring manufacturers to indicate by means of some device placed upon their exhibit, what proportion or percentage was "in whole or in part the work of women," and it is urged that this be done in all future expositions, large and small, that all who are interested in this matter may ascertain the special industries in which women share, and which 140 REPORT portion of them they perform, and such record be avail- able at all times as statistical information. In selecting the jurors, it is desirable and necessary that the most careful discrimination be used in order to secure the best and most skillful women to represent each special department, and those well versed in the requisite technical knowledge. At the meeting of the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, held April 29, 1903, the following resolution was offered by Mrs. Daniel Manning, and accepted by the Board : RESOLVED, First , It shall be the duty of the Com- mittee on Awards of the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, through its Chair- man or otherwise, to ascertain definitely in regard to every exhibit in the Exposition, whether or not the labor of women was employed in its production. Second, It shall be the duty of this Committee to take any and all action to secure and appoint competent Jurors of Awards in every class and group of the classi- fication where woman's labor has been engaged in the production of any articles exhibited therein. A copy of this resolution, under date of May 2, was sent to the Secretary of the Local Company, and the following reply received : ST. Louis, May 26, 1903. MADAM PRESIDENT, I am directed by President Francis to inform you that the resolutions adopted by the Board at a called meeting on May 2, 1903, with reference to participation in the award system, has COMMITTEE ON AWARDS 141 been reported upon by the Director of Exhibits, Mr. Skiff, who states that his Division has taken notice of the Resolution, and will, in due time, prepare a list of those exhibits which are in whole or in part the labor of women. Respectfully, (Signed) W. B. STEVENS, Secretary. At a meeting of the Board held in the Administration Building March 1, 1904, in response to a call by the President for a report from the Committee on Awards, Mrs. Hanger, Chairman of the Committee, said : This Committee was named by Mrs. Manning after our last meeting as follows : Mrs. Hanger, Mrs. Knott, Miss Egan, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Hunsicker. I hap- pened to be here in January and asked Miss Egan to go with me to see Mr. Skiff. We waited two or three hours and saw Mr. Skiff about fifteen minutes. It had been said there were 200 jurors to be appointed, and we would only have the appointing of thirty-five or forty of them. He assured us that the lists could not be made out as the exhibits were not installed. He gave us some instructions in regard to the selection of jurors, saying that they must stand for intellectual ability; it did not matter how many people applied for appointment, we must be governed by that. I had a letter from Mrs. Manning suggesting that I try again; I wrote to Mr. Stevens, and he communi- cated with Mr. Skiff, and later repeated to me the same thing. We have had quite a number of names suggested and I have written to the other members of the Com- 142 REPORT mittee asking them to come here as soon as the exhibits are in place; I hope we can hold that meeting very early, but until after that meeting, I do not feel that we have anything to report. In response to questions from members of the Board as to whether Mr. Skiff was to be understood to mean that there were but thirty-five or forty things to be ex- hibited at the Exposition which were made in whole or in part by women, Mrs. Hanger said that Mr. Skiff said the Board "would only have the appointing of thirty-five or forty women." This decision was a source of great disappointment to the Board, as it has been shown most conclusively that scarcely anything is manufactured that women do not at least share in the production or process of its manu- facture. The Act of Congress stated that there should be appointed by this Board a member of every jury judging "any work that may have been produced in whole or in part by female labor," and the members were averse to an abridgement of the authority vested in them by the wording of the Act. Expositions are a natural and useful factor to women in that by their means new avenues of employment that are constantly being opened to them may be col- lectively demonstrated, and it can be shown in which of these they may share and excel or be most successful, and statistics may be compiled showing the proportion of wages that women receive for their share of labor performed equivalent to that of men, and other helpful information and facts procured which are not easily ascertained by other means. RULES FOR MAKING AWARDS 143 The Departments of Machinery, Electricity, Trans- portation Exhibits, Forestry, Mines and Metallurgy, Fish and Game, and Physical Culture, were not given representation by the Exposition Company on the Group Juries appointed by the Board of Lady Mana- gers, and while it is undoubtedly true that all of these fields have been invaded by women as assistant workers, yet evolution and progress in these lines are necessarily slow where their opportunities have not been com- mensurate with those of men, and more congenial em- ployment is undoubtedly afforded in Education, Art, Liberal Arts, Manufactures, Agriculture, Horticulture, Anthropology, and Social Economy. The "Special Rules and Regulations providing for an International Jury and Governing the System of Making Awards," as applicable to the Board of Lady Managers, read as follows : The total number of jurors in the International Jury of Awards shall be approximately two per centum of the total number of exhibitors, but not in excess of that number, and each nation having fifty (50) exhibitors, or more, shall be entitled to representation on the Jury. The number of jurors for each art or industry, and for each nationality represented, shall, as far as practicable, be proportional to the number of exhibitors and the importance of the exhibits. Of this selected body of International Jurors, three graded juries will be constituted: One, the general organization of group juries; two, department juries; three, a superior jury. 144 REPORT Each Group Jury shall be composed of jurors and alternates. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company shall certify to the Board of Lady Managers the numbers of groups in which the exhibits have been produced in whole, or in part, by female labor; to each of the groups so certified the Board of Lady Managers may appoint one juror and one alternate to that juror; such ap- pointees, when confirmed, shall have the privileges and be amenable to the regulations for other jurors and alternates. Nominations made by Chiefs of Departments, and by the Board of Lady Managers, shall be submitted to the Director of Exhibits, and when approved he shall submit them to the President of the Exposition Com- pany. The nomination of Group jurors and alternates, when approved by the President of the Exposition, shall be transmitted to the President of the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition Commission for the approval of that body. The work of the Group Juries shall begin Septem- ber 1, 1904, and shall be completed not later than twenty days thereafter. Examinations or other work not completed in the time specified herein, will be transferred to the Depart- ment Jury. Each Group Jury shall carefully examine all exhibits pertaining to the group to which it has been assigned. It shall also consider and pass upon the merits of the collaborators whose work may be conspicuous in the design, development, or construction of the exhibits. RULES FOR MAKING AWARDS 145 The jury shall prepare separate lists, presenting the names of such exhibitors as are out of competition; awards recommended to exhibitors in order of merit; awards recommended to collaborators in order of merit; a report giving an account of the most important objects exhibited and a general account of the group as a whole. Each Department Jury shall be composed of the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Group Juries of the respective Departments with one member of the Directory of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Com- pany, to be named by the President of the Company, and one person appointed by the Board of Lady Managers. Each Department Jury shall complete its organiza- tion and begin its work on September 20, 1904. The duties of these juries shall be to consider care- fully and review the reports of the Group Juries; to harmonize any differences that may exist between the recommendations of the several Group Juries as to awards, and to adjust all awards recommended so that they will be consistent with the Rules and Regulations. No more than ten days may be devoted to this work, and when the awards recommended by the Group Juries have been adjusted, the Department Juries shall, through the Chiefs of their respective Departments, sub- mit their findings to the Director of Exhibits, who shall, within five days after the receipt thereof, certify the same to the Superior Jury, including such work as may have been left incomplete by the Department Jury. The officers and members of the Superior Jury shall be as follows : President, the President of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company; First Vice-President, the Director of Exhibits; Second Vice-President, a 146 REPORT citizen of the United States to be named by the Louisi- ana Purchase Exposition Commission. The members of the Jury shall further consist of the Commissioners- General of the nine foreign countries occupying with exhibits the largest amount of space in the exhibit palaces ; the Chairmen and First Vice-Chairmen of the Department Juries; the Chiefs of the Exhibit Depart- ments; and one person appointed by the Board of Lady Managers. The Superior Jury shall determine finally and fully the awards to be made to exhibitors and collaborators in all cases that are formally presented for its considera- tion. For the purpose of installation and review of exhibits and the conduct of the system of awards, a classifica- tion was adopted which was divided into fifteen de- partments, which were divided into 144 groups, which in turn were sub-divided into 807 classes. They will show that, while many of the groups and classes are not wholly suited to the requirements of woman's work, yet all products of female labor can be properly classed in these departments, and that there are extremely few occupations in which man is engaged in which woman cannot and does not also work. At a meeting held on May 9, 1904, the Committee to present nominations for Superior Jury announced the names of Mrs. Eliza Eads How, Mrs. Philip N. Moore, Mrs. Thomas N. Niedringhaus, and Miss Mary E. Perry. On ballot, the result was the election of Mrs. Philip N. Moore, of St. Louis, with Mrs. Eliza Eads How, of the same city, as alternate. EXHIBITS OF WOMEN'S WORK 147 In order to arrive at some conclusion in regard to the representation of women at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and to gain some knowledge of the extent of her participation in exhibits, the following questions were addressed to the jurors appointed by the Board of Lady Managers. They were not designed to be more than suggestive, as, of course, in some instances hardly more than one or two would apply to a given Depart- ment. They were based on the rules and regulations, however, by which awards were issued. The Department of at the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, in which you were a Juror in Group , contained Groups and Classes within the Groups. Can you give an approximate es- timate of the proportional number of exhibits by women contained in these classes ? Please give the nature of the exhibits by women (or articles exhibited by them) in your Department, Group and Classes. Which in your opinion, were the most striking ex- hibits by women in your Department? What advancement did they show in the progress of women in any special industry, art, science, etc. ? What proportion, or approximately, what number, of exhibits were installed by foreign women ? Was any display made that would lead you to think that women were now capable of executing un- usual or more creditable work than they accomplished eleven years ago (at the time of the Chicago Exposition) or at any time in the past? In what way did their work (or exhibits) differ from their work (or exhibits) of the past ? 148 REPORT Would their work, as shown at the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, where it was placed on equal terms of comparison with that of men, prove helpful or sug- gestive to those interested in the advancement and success of women's work? If so, how? Was the work of women as well appreciated when placed by the side of that of men ? Would the results have been better if their work had been separately exhibited? If you have attended previous expositions, please com- pare the exhibits of the work of women shown in them, with those shown at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Were any manufacturers asked (to your knowledge) to state the percentage of woman's work which entered into the manufacture of their special exhibits ? Were they shown in such manner as to indicate in any way, or to enable you to distinguish, which part had been performed by women which by men ? In your opinion, what proportion of the work was performed by women, as compared with that performed by men, in the groups and classes that came under your supervision ? What proportion of women received awards in your group or classes ? Was any new or useful or distinctive invention or process shown as the work of women, or special work of their art or handicraft exhibited in your department ? If so, please specify. What can you say of the skill and ingenuity dis- played in the invention, construction, or application ? Were any of the exhibits of women developments of original inventions, or an improvement on the work of some prior inventor? EXHIBITS OF WOMEN'S WORK 149 What was the value of the product, process, machine or device, as measured by its usefulness or beneficent influence on mankind, in its physical, mental, moral or educational aspects ? What of the merits of the installation as to the in- genuity and taste displayed, and its value as an Expo- sition attraction? Did any new avenues of employment appear to be opened for women as shown by their exhibits at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in the arts, sciences, industries, etc. ? If so, to what extent ? What is their value ? In which of these will their work be of the most distinct value by reason of the natural adaptability, sensitive or artistic temperaments and individual tastes of women ? In your opinion, what education will best enable women to enjoy the wider opportunities awaiting them and make their work of the greatest worth, not only to themselves but to the world as evidenced by their work at the Exposition ? REMARKS: Give any information, or make any statement you may think of interest in regard to the part taken by women as shown by their work or ex- hibits at the Exposition, and the beneficial results to be derived by women in general by reason of their representation at the Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion. REPORTS OF GROUP JURORS Department A, Education, of which Dr. Howard J. Rogers was Chief, comprised 8 groups and 26 classes, the Board of Lady Managers being represented in six of the eight groups. Group 1, Miss Anna Tolman Smith, of the Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C., Juror. Under the Group heading of "Elementary Educa- tion," the four classes into which it was divided, repre- sented Kindergarten, Elementary grades, Training and certification of teachers, Continuation schools, including evening schools, vacation schools, and schools for special training. (Legislation, organization, general statistics. School supervision and school management. Buildings: plans, models; school hygiene. Methods of instructions; results obtained.) In a letter Miss Smith says : The Chairmanship which I held in the Group Jury was that of the committee on the report of the jury formed to prepare a survey of the material presented to the attention of the Group to serve as an introduction to the secretary's minutes. Owing to circumstances the committee were unable to work as a whole on the report and it became consequently the sole work of the chair- man. I mention this fact because it illustrates the equality of service as between men and women in the Jury of Group 1. GROUP JURORS 151 Miss Smith's report is as follows : WOMEN'S WORK IN THE EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION To the President and Board of Lady Managers, Louis- iana Purchase Exposition. LADIES, With respect to the exhibits at St. Louis upon which the Jury on Elementary Education (Group 1) were appointed to pass judgment, it would be im- possible to discriminate between the work of men and women as therein illustrated. These exhibits comprised first and chiefly the work of pupils; second, photographs and models illustrating school architecture, school appliances, and school life; third, statistical charts and reports pertaining to the administrative work of school systems. The great bulk of the material in these exhibits belonged to the first of the three divisions specified above. Since very nearly three fourths of the teachers in the public elementary schools of the United States are women, it is obvious that the greater proportion of the pupils' work exhibited was the direct outcome of the efforts of women teachers. In the South Atlantic and South Central Divisions of our country the proportion of women teachers is much smaller than in the whole country; in the divisions named they form only a little more than one half the whole teaching force, but so far as they were represented no difference was made between the work of men and women as exhibited in the section here considered, nor was there any difference in the mode of estimating the work. 152 REPORT The second class of material mentioned, i. e., photo- graphic views and models, was largely the work of ex- perts, artists and craftsmen, employed for the purpose. It would be impossible to determine the relative pro- portion of men and women contributing, although it is probable that the former were in excess. It should be observed, however, that many very interesting devices for teaching children, many suggestive modifications of kindergarten material and exercises, and many ex- cellent photographs showing classes at work, were executed by women. The great skill and admirable system attained by women teachers in the preparation of material for teaching the sciences to children were illustrated in a very graphic manner by the exhibits of normal schools, such as those of Massachusetts and the State Normal School of Rhode Island. The third class of 'material named, i. e., that per- taining to school administration chiefly in the form of statistical charts and reports was the work of school superintendents and their clerical force, in which branch of the school service comparatively few women are engaged. The mode of installation formed a striking feature in the case of many of the systems of public schools exhibited at St. Louis. The highest results were achieved where the plan of the exhibit had been carefully worked out with full regard to aesthetic effect and educational significance. In the formation of these plans women had very largely participated, and in one instance, namely, that of the Minnesota educational exhibit, the entire installation was planned and carried to success- ful completion by a woman. This exhibit was ranked GROUP JURORS 153 in the first class for the unity of its plan, the complete- ness with which it set forth the educational provision in every part of the state, and its aesthetic finish. In judg- ing of exhibits, the person who planned and organized the exhibit was regarded as a collaborator, and to Miss S. E. Sirwell, the collaborator in this instance, the high- est award allowable was adjudged by the Jury of Group 1, a distinction which was conferred upon very few individuals. The exhibit of the public school system of the city of St. Louis, which was universally admired, owed its chief decorative effect to the artistic skill of Miss M. R. Garesche, who composed and executed a series of six- teen transparent paintings representing a history of edu- cation. These pictures formed a succession of brilliant panels on the external side of the fa9ade, and for this unique work a gold medal was awarded to Miss Garesche. Mention should also be made of a very interesting series of paintings by Miss Florence Hedleston, of Oxford, Miss., representing all the wild flowers of that state, an exhibit which excited much attention both for its artistic excellence and its usefulness in teaching the native flora. The exhibit of New York City afforded many strik- ing examples of the ingenuity and progressive spirit of women teachers. The public school system of this city has had marked development on what may be called the sociologic or philanthropic side, and in this development which was graphically illustrated in the educational exhibit, women teachers have borne a very important part. It is, however, impossible here to par- ticularize as to their work in this respect. 154 REPORT The external side of the New York City booth in the Education Building was utilized for the exhibit of the Woman's School of Design. The exhibit con- sisted of a remarkable collection of original designs, which with one or two exceptions were purchased by manufacturing firms as they stood on the wall. Al- though this work did not come within the scope of the Jury of Group 1, I mention it here to emphasize the fact that the exhibits of art schools in the Education Building showed very remarkable progress on the part of women in the art of designing. This survey has been confined almost entirely to the exhibits of the United States. It need hardly be said that in no foreign country do women play so im- portant a part in education, and on account of the mode of installation it would have been impossible to distinguish between their work and that of men in the foreign exhibits. Mention may, however, be made of the fact that the exhibits of French industrial schools for girls and of the French lycees for girls, which were of a very high order, were substantially the work of women. In the Swedish section there was a very admirable exhibit of secondary schools for girls and coeducational schools which had been planned and installed by Miss Mathilda Widegren. In the English section were shown very remarkable specimens of art work in jewelry and silver repousse* designed and ex- ecuted by women students. As the foreign exhibits specified did not come under the Jury of Group 1, I am unable to report the awards which they received. The increasing recognition of the value of women's services is indicated by the increase in the proportion GROUP JURORS 155 of women called to serve upon exposition juries. The Jury of Group 1 included three women, of whom two were foreigners, namely, Miss Elizabeth Fischer, a teacher from Halle, Germany, and Miss Mathilda Widegren, associate principal of a private school in Sweden. These three members were all women of great experience in the matters with respect to which they were called to judge, and their abilities were most cordially and heartily recognized by their colleagues. Indeed, in view of the place in education which is now accorded to women in our own country and in the leading countries of Europe, I should unhesitatingly say that it is for the advantage of women and of society in general that their work should not be separately exhibited, but should rather form an integral part of a collective exhibit. This principle, indeed, might not apply to certain specialties which have heretofore been exclusively or almost exclusively practiced by men, or which (like artistic needlework) have a particularly feminine character. ANNA TOLMAN SMITH, Member of the International Jury, Group 1. BOARD OF EDUCATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. As Chairman of the Committee to report on the work of the Jury, Miss Smith writes : REPORT OF A COMMITTEE OF THE JURY OF GROUP 1 The material presented for the consideration of the jury of Group 1 (Elementary Education) comprised 156 REPORT on the part of the United States the exhibit of public education as organized in thirty-four states and terri- tories, in six cities (presented as separate units) and in fifteen foreign countries. In number, extent, and complexity, these exhibits surpassed all previous col- lections of the kind; the separate entries ran up into the thousands, representing for the most part such important collections as the exhibits of cities, counties, and groups of rural schools, all deserving careful at- tention. The examination of this material in the brief time allowed (twenty days) was a severe task, and would have been impossible but for the circumstance that, with two exceptions, the exhibits were all placed in one building. For the first time in the history of expo- sitions, the chief collective activity of civilized peoples was honored by an edifice planned and erected for itself alone. This concentration of the material under the general direction of an experienced and able chief, thoroughly familiar with the arrangements and of unfailing courtesy and helpfulness, alone brought the work assigned the jury of Group 1 within the bounds of possible achievement. Their efforts were furthered also by the expert qualification of each and every mem- ber of the group, by the system and perfect harmony in which they worked, and by the exceptional ability of their official staff, Chairman, Dr. E. O. Lyte; Vice- Chairman, Mr. B. Buisson (representing the French Government); Secretary, Mr. Morales de Los Rios, representing the Cuban Government. The details of the group organization are shown by the minutes of the Secretary, which also present a full GROUP JURORS 157 record of its daily action and findings. It remains here only to speak of salient features of this particular division of the Exposition, whose effects cannot be indicated nor estimated by any system of awards. The installations of the various exhibits had been carefully planned, and were as a rule effective, and in many cases extremely beautiful. The United States has made notable progress in this respect since the Chicago Exposition of 1893, and even since the Paris Exposition in 1900, and in the present Exposition sev- eral of our states and cities offer fine models of the exhibitors' art. This is the case especially with Mis- souri and St. Louis; the latter in particular has real- ized the double purpose of challenging popular atten- tion and satisfying critical taste. The art of effective exposition, whether worked out with noble simplicity or rich decorative accessories, requires on the one hand intelligent selection and coordination of the material, and on the other, skill in the treatment of space and artistic elements. No small part of the value of an educational exhibit lies in its aesthetic quality, since this reveals not less clearly than the methods and re- sults of school training the inherent genius of a people. This International Exposition has been rich in this quality, on account both of the number of different nations participating and the care taken by each to give distinctive character to its display. This is marked in the exhibits of Elementary Education, which in nearly all European countries forms a complete whole, distinct from other grades and having the definite purpose of maintaining an established social order or national type through the intellectual, manual, and 158 REPORT artistic training of the masses. The presentation of ele- mentary education as an independent unit indeed well accords with the conditions in nearly all countries excepting our own. Elsewhere, as a rule, elementary education forms a complete system having its separate administration, purposes, and ideals. In this respect the United States presents a notable contrast to the chief countries of the Old World and one strikingly illustrated in this Exposition. In our own country, education is conceived as an integral process steadily developing from the kindergarten to the University; to this conception corresponds the sequence of ele- mentary and high schools united under a common administration and by close scholastic bonds. Hence, a measure of violence is done both to elementary and secondary education as here organized by the endea- vor to view them separately. On the other hand, a por- tion of the elementary education of foreign countries, notably of France and Germany, does not enter at all into the sum total of the impressions recorded by the jury of either group because of the social distinctions that underlie in those countries the classification of schools as elementary and secondary. These anomalous conditions affect particularly the classification and judgment of the various agencies for the training of teachers (that is, Normal Schools, teachers' training- colleges and auxiliary agencies, such as normal classes in academies or other secondary schools, teachers' in- stitutes, etc.). In the chief foreign countries profes- sional schools of this kind are easily classified by virtue of their administrative relations, but in our own coun- try the different orders of pedagogical training merge GROUP JURORS 159 into each other almost imperceptibly, because they are all based upon the same fundamental conception of the teaching profession. It is interesting to note in this connection that the exhibit of Great Britain and Ireland has avoided all confusion by the selection of the characteristic features of particular schools or of processes that have worked well in certain communities, or pupil and class work of special significance. This mode of ex- hibition accords perfectly with the private character of a large proportion of the schools of all orders in England, and with the local independence throughout the Kingdom. It results that this exhibit has greater emphasis upon typical and essential things than any other in the collection; in this respect it is most nearly approached by Massachusetts among our own states. The confusion arising from differences in classi- fication already referred to, which imply also more radical differences in opinion and practice, has led one of the most acute minds among our foreign colleagues to express the hope that one of the permanent results of this Exposition may be an effort toward international unity, or at least agreement in respect to classification and nomenclature. Undoubtedly, such agreement would promote the great purpose of international compari- sons which is to enable each nation to benefit by the experience of every other. In addition to the broad distinctions between na- tional systems as here indicated, there are also dis- closed by the exhibits striking differences in the spirit and methods of instruction. In France the teaching is logical and analytical, the stress of pedagogical train- 160 REPORT ing in that country is upon the treatment of subjects and the abiding effects of that training are seen in the theses by teachers and by school inspectors (the latter all men of professional training), which form a very interesting and instructive part of the exhibit of that country. The analytical principle is maintained in the manual training, which, as shown by the examples presented, consists of a graded series of exercises upon the elements that enter into simple constructions. Ger- many adheres more closely to the authoritative method of instruction, a fact plainly shown by the photographs of classes in which every child seemed listening with breathless attention to the word of the teacher. From the photographic displays one would readily infer that in our own country the emphasis of class exercises is upon the activity of the pupil; in Germany upon the personality of the teacher. The importance of photographs in an educational exhibit was never so manifest as in the present Expo- sition. By this means may be shown at a glance the equipment of schools and even the actual conduct of class instruction, and the mind distracted by the end- less succession of written work, drawings, etc., is thus reinforced by total impressions or images. This Expo- sition surpassed all others in the extent, effectiveness, and beauty of the photographic displays and the value of the statistical charts presented. So full and graphic were these statistical summaries from all the principal countries that individual mention would be invidious. The jury, however, will never forget the display of charts and diagrams by Japan, since they revealed in a universal language the status, organization, and won- GROUP JURORS 161 derful progress of education in that country, whose effect must otherwise have been lost in the mysteries of an unknown tongue. Those who recall the Centennial Exposition at Phil- adelphia must be struck with the progress made by our states and cities and even by the individual colleges toward uniform statistical schemes. The impulse to this important result came undoubtedly from the U. S. Bureau of Education, whose statistical representation of education in this country, current and retrospective, is one of the most valuable features of the entire exposition. As this material, however, is placed in the Government Building, its consideration does not come within the province of the regular juries. By means of the two media, photographs and statis- tics, a very complete representation of a school system is possible with great economy of space and special regard to essential particulars. The extensive exhibits of pupils' work from our own schools show remarkable similarity in methods and results throughout the country; this similarity extends even to the rural schools, which in the case of some particular districts present work well up to the average of neighboring cities. There are also signs that the rage for "newness" has subsided; the work shows closer sequence and more systematic treat- ment of subjects than that exhibited at Paris. Corre- lation, for instance, is not so promiscuously applied, but limited to subjects whose relations are obvious, as geography and history, etc. The impulses toward nature as the inspiring mo- tive in art instruction and toward social activities as factors in school training have been felt in other couh- 162 REPORT tries than our own. Germany has replaced the con- ventional art instruction by a system based upon the study of natural forms, growths, and coloring, and Bel- gium presents a remarkable object-lesson in the use of local products and industries in a progressive scheme of practical instruction. The skill with which Sweden has reduced domestic art and Sloyd to pedagogic form was already well known in this country, but it has excited new interest by its presentation here in one of the most admirably systematized and suggest- ive exhibits in the collection. School architecture forms an impressive feature of many of the exhibits. Germany has made a very full presentation under this head by means of photographs, plans, and complete models. Argentina has an un- rivaled collection of photographs showing palatial school buildings of noble design and well-planned interiors. In this connection may be mentioned a device of a portable schoolhouse for use in congested city districts pending the erection of permanent buildings. The models shown were from St. Louis and Milwaukee. The great movements now in progress in our coun- try as indicated by the exhibits, are, in the states at large, the improvements of the rural schools particu- larly by the consolidation of small schools and the grading of the resulting central school, as graphically shown by Indiana and the creation of township or county high schools, as in Pennsylvania and Kansas. In cities the most important movements relate to the physical development of the young, and the use of the school machinery for the benefit of persons be- yond the limit of school age by means of evening schools, GROUP JURORS 163 or outside the appointed school hours by means of vacation schools and recreation centres. The most extensive work along these lines is going on in New York City and formed one of the most instructive features of the exhibit of this great metropolis. A beginning of continuation schools for the people is seen also in the county agricultural school included in the Wisconsin exhibit. Schools of this type form a prominent feature of the German exhibit, and con- stitute for us, at this time, the most important lesson of that comprehensive Exposition. Apart from the educational lessons, which possibly only appeal to specialists, this Exposition marks distinct steps in the realization of the chief end of educational exhibits, namely, the increase of popular interest in ideal pur- poses through their effective symbolic representation. (Signed) ANNA TOLMAN SMITH, Chairman of the Committee. Group 2, Miss Anna G. MacDougal, Chicago, 111., Juror. Under the Group heading "Secondary Education," the two classes into which it was divided, represented: High schools and academies; manual training high schools, commercial high schools. Training and certi- fication of teachers. (Legislation, organization, statis- tics. Buildings: Plans and models. Supervision, manage- ment, methods of instruction; results obtained.) Miss MacDougal's report is as follows : Study of the world's work as displayed at the St. Louis Exposition revealed the truth that to-day there 164 REPORT is no clear line of demarcation between the work of men and of women. The product of woman's brain or of her hand was there placed side by side with the similar work of man, to be judged upon its merits, not by a standard suggested by limitation and apology. Such a cataloguing was the surest evidence of woman's industrial progress. Her part in art, literature, music, the decorative side of life, has long been granted ; what she is capable of doing in the practical business enterprises of modern society is just beginning to be revealed. My opportunity for observing this phase of woman's work was largely confined to the Educational exhibits, where I had the pleasure of serving as a juror, by appointment of the Board of Lady Managers. Owing to the character of the exhibits in the Department of Education, it was impossible to differentiate the work of the men and the women teachers, excepting where the exhibits showed the work of separate institutions for the sexes. A comparison of that kind would be profitable only from a pedagogical point of view, and is of minor consideration in our American system of education. Woman's place in the schoolroom is de- fended by tradition, expediency, and merit; and in- stead of surrendering, in the face of foreign criticism, their positions as instructors, women teachers are to-day broadening their field of labor by serving as instructors in many higher institutions where a gen- eration since they were not even admitted as students. To-day, in high schools, academies, and colleges, women not only share in the work of instruction, but fill offices of administration as well. Woman's success in a purely administrative or GROUP JURORS 165 executive function was what proved most interesting at St. Louis. Many of the State exhibits of the public schools were in charge of women. In each instance I found them well informed on questions of school sta- tistics, and eager to be helpful to visitors. It seemed as though these young women felt the distinction of serving in a public capacity, and had taken pains to prepare themselves for a creditable performance. The most striking instance of independent and original work was shown in the State exhibit from Minnesota. This exhibit was under the sole charge of Miss Susanne Sirwell, who planned it with the main purpose of ex- ploiting the complete system of manual training adopted in the Minnesota schools. With this plan in view, Miss Sirwell collected the specimens from various schools of the State, supervised the erection of the booth, and installed the displays. As a result the Minnesota ex- hibit had a distinct system and unity, was free from useless and cumbrous repetition, its main idea was readily grasped, and it stood as a memorable proof of one woman's artistic sense of proportion and adequacy. It was original in conception; it had beauty of color, order, and arrangement; and, as Miss Sirwell herself laughingly boasted, it was one of the two or three exhibits in that huge building which were ready and finished for public inspection on the opening day of the Fair. Group 3, Miss Mary Boyce Temple, Knoxville, Tenn., Juror. Under the Group heading "Higher Education," tfye five classes, into which it was divided, represented: 166 REPORT Colleges and universities; Scientific, technical and en- gineering schools and institutions. Professional schools. Libraries. Museums. (Legislation, organization, sta- tistics. Buildings : plans and models. Curriculums, regu- lations, methods, administration, investigations, etc.) Miss Temple reports as follows : The Educational Department at the World's Fair in St. Louis presented greater progress in woman's work, since the Columbian Exposition of 1893, than was shown by any other great division at the Expo- sition. In regard to an approximate estimate of the pro- portional number of exhibits by women in the five classes of Group 3 (Higher Education) of the Educa- tional Department, I would say that only in the cases of the several large female colleges which installed exhibits at the Fair were there special women's ex- hibits distinct from those of men. In the United States section valuable and important displays were made by Vassar, Bryn Mawr, Woman's College of Baltimore, Smith, Wellesley, Mount Holyoke, Pratt Institute, New York, Milwaukee-Downer College, Milwaukee, and several lesser women's colleges. While in the English Section a wonderfully inter- esting showing of women's activity in " Higher Educa- tion" was made by the Oxford Association for the education of women, including Lady Margaret Hall, Summerville College, St. Hugh Hall, St. Hilda's Hall; by Girton College and Newnham College, Cambridge University; by Westfield College and the London GROUP JURORS 167 School of Medicine for Women of the London Uni- versity; by Owens College of the Victoria University of Manchester; by University Hall of the University of St. Andrews; and by Dublin Alexandra College. In the German section no special exhibit of a wo- man's department was made by any university or college. According to the German system, women's education is carried on side by side with men's. Wo- men acquiring a leaving certificate from a classical gymnasium can matriculate on an equal footing with male students in the Universities of Heidelberg, Frei- burg, Erlangen, Wiirtzburg, and Munich. In the other universities, except Miinster, by permission of the Rector, or under the statutes, women are permitted to hear lectures. In all the German universities there are in attendance many women, either as matriculants or as hearers, ranging from ten to two hundred women at each university. In the Universities of France, Belgium, and Japan, a similar plan of educating men and women together exists. But outside the University of Paris, of Louvain, and of Tokio, the number of women attending the courses does not compare with the number in attend- ance at the German, English, and American universities. Among the lesser nations at the Fair, as Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, China, Canada, Sweden, Ceylon, and Cuba, the exhibits so often appearing under the name of college work, scarcely represented work in Higher Education except in the line of Art. The very fact that at St. Louis, women's work was nowhere separated from men's, but was shown side by side with it, was in itself a radical advance in th'e 168 REPORT last eleven years. While this applied to every depart- ment of the Exposition, it applied with greatest impress- iveness to the Department of Higher Education. For this, in the past, had been set apart as man's special province; though of course, down through the ages, there have been brilliant exceptional cases of women becoming profound students and learned teachers, as Hypatia, Maria Agnesi, and others. In the five classes of Group 3 (Higher Education), in the Department of Education, there was really less scope and a more restricted field for women than in any other Group of the Educational Department. Of the Five Classes, to glance hastily over them, i. e., Class 7, Colleges and Universities, Class 8, Scientific, tech- nical, and engineering schools, Class 9, Professional Schools, Class 10, Libraries, Class 11, Museums, only in Class 7 and Class 10 has woman gained for herself any distinctly marked footing. In the other three classes, the hold she has acquired, from the very nature of the case, has been limited, but in every Class of Group 1 (Elementary Education), of Group 2 (Secondary Education), of Group 4 (Special Education in the Fine Arts), of Group 6 (Special Education in Commerce and Industry), of Group 7 (Education of Defectives), of Group 8 (Special forms of Education, Text-books, etc.), she is the controlling force, and is very strong. Inasmuch, however, as Higher Education has been considered less naturally her field, the steady advance she is making in it is the more noticeable and more striking, as shown at the World's Fair of 1904. In reply- ing to the question of an approximate estimate of the GROUP JURORS 169 proportionate number of exhibits by women, in the five Classes of Group 3, I may venture to say it was near thirty-seven per cent, of the Domestic and Foreign Exhibits estimating the percentage of work exhibited by men and women as probably proportional to the respective number of each sex registered. (See Mono- graphs on "Education in United States;" on "His- tory and Origin of Public Education in Germany; " " List of British Exhibits, Departments H and O.") In giving the nature of the exhibits by women in the Department of Higher Education, we gladly state that they differed little from the exhibits by men, as the requirements called for in the circular of the De- partment were identically the same for both. It hap- pened, however, possibly from being younger institu- tions and having less to show in the way of literature, libraries, histories, etc., partly also from having a less liberal supply of money, also partly from a smaller sense of ambition and rivalry with other institutions, that the exhibits of Vassar, Bryn Mawr, and the other women's colleges were smaller, less costly, and less elaborate, both in materials and in installation, than those of the men's colleges. The exhibits consisted largely of photographs, diagrams of statistics, prospect- uses and reports. In the case of the English Women's Colleges the showing was quite on a par with those of the men's universities, as they were in every case a part of the same. The American Women's Colleges in addition showed charts, department work, special work, histories, publications, and models of buildings and grounds. 170 REPORT In the lesser foreign countries, exhibits of art and needlework, though sometimes questionably under the head of Higher Education, were thus entered by the so- called colleges. And while these could not be measured by the same standard as the English and American Women's College work, it was, however, valuable and instructive, as showing the emancipation and progress of women in lands where until within a few years her opportunities have been most restricted, and as present- ing the liberal spirit toward her which now animates the civilized world. Especially in Japan and Mexico the women's displays were novel and interesting. I am glad to pay tribute to the department work of the Woman's College, Baltimore, and to the advanced special work of Bryn Mawr. As to what advancement was shown in the progress of women, I would emphatically answer that advance- ment was unmistakably apparent in every line of women's educational work advancement not alone along old lines, but along new as well. One of the greatest steps forward made by woman, in the last eleven years since the Columbian Exposition, has been the throwing open to her of the doors of nearly all of the old established men's colleges, giving her in every country, in every state, and in nearly every large town almost the same free and easy access to learning enjoyed by her brothers. Coeducation and coeducational in- stitutions have rendered it possible for every woman desirous of self -improvement to find the highest advan- tages immediately at hand, only waiting for her to help herself. Domestic Science and Household Economics are new GROUP JURORS 171 sciences developed under the active interest of college women in the last twenty -three years. Their real hold upon the public, however, and their enlarged avenue for bettering the home, the food, the health of the nation, and consequently its usefulness, happiness, and prosperity, has come within the last eleven years. In all lines of art from the fine arts of painting and sculpture to the practical and useful work of design in its multi-fold forms, woman's advance is almost phenomenal. In the sciences of astronomy, medicine, physics, and psychology, she has been far from inactive during the last half decade. In teaching, in all its branches from kindergarten and primary work through all the grades of intra-university training to specializa- tion in various lines, she has achieved her most striking success. In the future her usefulness will be more and more increased, in this, her beloved profession. The number of women teachers is rapidly increasing, while the number of men is decreasing, and more and more women's college graduates are employed in the various chairs of colleges and universities. While the Educational Exhibits at St. Louis gave, in a general way, a complete presentation of women's part in the progress of the world, there was far less shown of the work of foreign women than was desired, in order to make a really satisfactory and just com- parative estimate of the relative advance of the women of our own country and those abroad. In fact, the exhibits of foreign women were too limited to allow of any comparison between the two. Woman's work in art, in school organization and management, exemplified in the control of the great 172 REPORT women's colleges, her achievements in teaching, in research (historical and scientific), in medicine, un- mistakably shows that she is able to do, and is doing, unusual and far more capable work than she has ever done previously. Her pronounced success in serious literature, as well as in lighter literature, would alone demonstrate this. The work of women at this Exposition differed from that of the past in having extended into many new lines, whereas in quality it is greatly superior to anything they have ever before accomplished. A few years ago, the scientific and professional woman was the exception, to-day she is the rule. Either working alone or assisting some great man, woman is found everywhere. To cite instances, I refer to the able assist- ance Mrs. Hedrick, a Vassar Alumna, gives to Pro- fessor Newcomb in his calculations on the moon; to the brilliant aid rendered by the wealthy and gifted young American girl, of Leland Stanford and Johns Hopkins, Dr. Annie G. Lyle, to the famous Dr. Theodore Escherich, of Vienna University, in his important expert medical researches, which have re- sulted in the famous scarlet fever serum, the discovery of Dr. Moser with the help of Dr. Lyle. As we have said, women's work has not only grown in extent, but in variety, in complexity, in greater thoroughness and ambition, and especially in the greater appreciation it receives from the world. Woman's splendidly accomplished successes as seen at the World's Fair give impulse to her efforts in every line. Assured of sympathy, encouragement is imparted to other women to take up science, teaching, the pro- GROUP JURORS 173 fessions. Formerly almost insurmountable obstacles T^ere encountered by women. To-day the open door to triumph, according to her ability, along almost every line, is hers. In primary education, in all univer- sity training, in economic arts, in all sanitary studies, in philanthropic work, and in much of the practical part of medicine, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition showed women's efforts in a varied light of helpfulness and suggestion for the future. The juxtaposition of man's and woman's work was suggestive to men and at the same time will incite women to more and better endeavors along new lines. It will enable her to acquire more scientific ways and a better preparation for the business world. It will teach her a saving of energy and greater self-reliance. The incalculable advantage of women's work for the first time having a place side by side with men's cannot be overestimated. It enabled women to see at a glance their own weaknesses, and at the same time presented to the view of others their strong points in the most telling manner. The Jury of Higher Education did not ask on examining an exhibit whether it was men's or women's work. Each exhibit was judged entirely on its individual merit as presented. And if the universities and great men's colleges (and in many cases these included women's work) received a higher grade of award than did the great women's colleges, it was because, in the opinion of the jury, the equipment of the former and the larger showing in the way of actual work and appliances entitled them to the award, rather than that it was the respective work of either men or women. But I may say, to show the absolutely 174 REPORT unbiased mind of the jury, that women's work in many lines came in for even greater appreciation than did that of the men. By no means would the results have been better if their work had been separately exhibited. A far greater importance was assumed by women's work in the placing of it side by side with men's work. Thus displayed it received precisely equal attention, and a more liberal study undoubtedly than it would have done if placed alone. At Chicago and various other Expositions, it was relegated to a far less desirable position by itself. The very fact of its isolation in a building designated the Woman's Building, set it apart as a different and in- ferior effort and created a prejudice against it. Women's work was far more varied at St. Louis and more representative of different nations. The so-called strictly feminine, viz., art and needlework, pottery, decoration, libraries of books by women authors, attract- ive parlors displaying women's taste, which largely filled the charming women's buildings at Chicago, at Atlanta, at the Tennessee Centennial, at Omaha, and at Buffalo, were unquestionably showy and striking displays. In St. Louis, on the contrary, women's exhibits mingled with men's work in the seri- ous and practical enterprises of the day and appealed to the same audiences. Woman appeared as she really is, the fellow student, the fellow citizen, and partner of man in the affairs of life. Manufacturers were not asked to state the percent- age of woman's work which entered into the manufac- ture of their special exhibits, nor did I have any way GROUP JURORS 175 of forming any estimate on this point; neither were they shown in any manner that would indicate in any way or enable the investigator to distinguish what part had been performed by women. Considering all kinds of work involved in the ex- hibits of the Department of Education, whether in- stalled by women alone or in conjunction with men, the taste, completeness, ingenuity of the same, the clerical work during the duration of the Fair, in other words the whole connection of woman with carrying out the administration of the Department of Education, it may be considered that fifty per cent, of the work was per- formed by women. The German section was entirely under the supervision of men, as were most, if not all, of the foreign exhibits. But women were everywhere else omnipresent in charge of the Educational Depart- ment. In the awards to Higher Education I would say that upwards of twenty per cent, went to women exhibitors. (For percentages and other suggestions, I am indebted to Dr. J. J. Conway, St. Louis University, also a mem- ber of Jury of Higher Education.) We point with pride to the discovery of Radium by Madame Curie of Paris as both a new, useful, and distinctive work of woman. Columns might be written on this invention alone. The work of Madame Curie was certainly original. Miss Annie E. Sullivan's new methods of teaching the deaf-blind, as in the case of Helen Keller, gives her the honor not only of promi- nence as an educator of Defectives, but also of inventing a very new and valuable method of instruction. The methods of teaching Defectives are the wonder of 176 REPORT educators, and will probably be effective of marvelous results in the near future. The highest praise must also be bestowed upon the work of Mrs. Shaw, and Miss Fisher, of Boston, and of Mrs. Putnam and Mary McCulloch, as the promoters of kindergarten work. Kindergarten work is self-eloquent. Credit is due woman for her conception of the idea of traveling libraries, which have so effectively brought cheer and recreation and even reform to many re- stricted lives. The libraries of the Colonial Dames and everything along the line of Reading Circles, Liter- ary Clubs, etc., have had their inception in the brains of women. Traveling libraries have been a boon to many small towns. Though it is impossible to enter into the details of woman's work in the industries, the Newcomb Pottery made at the Sophie Newcomb Col- lege, Louisiana, should be mentioned, all of which is made by women educated at that school of design. I commend the ample and reliable literature on all these subjects, as a better source of information on the merits of these inventions than can be shown in this brief report. But most of women's work in the Edu- cational section, the school work, art work, etc., was an improvement along already existing lines. But along household and economic lines, women during the last ten years have done original thinking and much in- vestigation. And the studies in sanitary chemistry, the attainments as a scholar and scientist of Mrs. Ellen C. Richards, Vassax, 1870, stand out conspicuously, hav- ing won for her the respect of the world. The question of the value of the product or process, as measured by its usefulness or beneficent influence on GROUP JURORS 177 mankind, is so vast that a flood of answers sweep over one, embracing the whole field of women's usefulness and the whole realm of education. The usefulness of the discovery of Radium has scarcely been estimated as yet, nor has the beneficent influence of teaching Defectives, and of many of the household inventions been fully enjoyed up to this time. The question in- volves much of the scientific success of the future along both physical, mental, moral and educational lines, and, judging by the past, we feel assured that many brilliant achievements will owe their origin and accomplish- ment to women. There was naturally nothing lacking in the merits of the installation of any exhibit presented by women, nor in the taste manifested in the placing of the same. The women's college booths were always effectively arranged and sometimes made up for the lack of range of exhibit by unusual artistic grouping and tasteful placing of the displays. Several times I have referred to the progress in art displayed by woman at St. Louis. This was evidenced not only in the magnificent specimens of her brush and chisel in the Fine Arts Museum in both the home and foreign Art Schools, but in the prolific efforts of her skill in the outside Exposition sculpture, where wo- man's work, side by side with man's, was pointed to with exultation, as one of the greatest triumphs of the Twentieth Century Exposition. We all recall how many of the most notable pieces of statuary crowning the various great palaces were the work of divinely en- dowed women. Such was the superb "Victory" sur- mounting Festival Hall, the conception of Mrs. Evylyn. 178 REPORT B. Longman ; while the spirit of " Missouri," which winged its flight from the summit of the great Missouri Building, was executed by Miss Carrie Wood, of St. Louis. To Miss Grace Lincoln Temple, the beautiful decorations of the interior of the United States Govern- ment Building were due. The two " Victory" statues on the Grand Basin and the Daniel Boone statue were executed by Miss Enid Yandell, by birth a Kentuckian, but now of New York. The statues of James Monroe, James Madison, George Rogers Clark, on Art Hill, were respectively done by Julia M. Bracken, Chicago, Janet Scudder, Terre Haute, and Elsie Ward, Denver. The reclining figures over the central door of the Lib- eral Arts Building were by Edith B. Stephens of New York, and the east and north spandrels of the Machin- ery Building were done by Melva Beatrice Wilson, New York. Glancing at the portrait painting of Cecelia Beaux, the work of Mary MacMonnies, of Margaret Fuller, of Mrs. Kenyon-Cox, and of Kate Carr of Tennessee, of Virginia Demont-Breton of France, of Lady Tadema and Henrietta Rae of Great Britain, we feel, as well as see, the exalted place woman's genius has given her in the art world of to-day; while in science we point with gratification not only to Madame Curie, but to the astronomical work of Miss Whitney of Vas- sar, of Miss Agnes Mary Clerke of Cambridge, Eng- land, and of Dorothea Klumpke, born in San Francisco, but connected with the Paris Observatory and one of the foremost astronomers of France. In archaeological works Miss Elizabeth Stokes of Alexandra College, Dublin, in research work Miss Skeel of Westfield Col- GROUP JURORS 179 lege, London, and in mathematics Sophia Kowalevski of Stockholm, and Charlotte Angus Scott, born in Eng- land and professor at Bryn Mawr, stand out preemi- nent adding even greater lustre to the woman's page of science, on which in the past the names of Carolyn Herschel, Mary Summerville, and Maria Mitchell were written in illumined letters. In medical works, especially in the United States, and more particularly in the profession of surgery, women have scored for themselves many glorious successes, though it is not possible here to enter into an amplification of the subject. In conclusion I would say that the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition markedly showed the setting aside by woman of former traditions and her expansion into a new life, where, though by no means giving up the ornamental and social, she has yet demonstrated her rights to be recognized in the broader and more useful fields of discovery, investigation, and invention in art, science, and industry. She is everywhere the rival of man, everywhere entering with enthusiasm his chosen paths, excepting perhaps in naval and military opera- tions, and as nurse and ministering doctor, she is even there. As the World's Fair at St. Louis was a stupendous triumph of modern times in Manufactures, in Economic and Liberal Arts, in Electricity, in History, in Science, in Architecture, in Agriculture and Forestry, in Land- scape Gardening, in Machinery, in Archaeology, in Education, in Fine Arts, in fact along every line of practical work, as well as in the sciences and arts, so woman's progress in every department was such as to 180 REPORT gleam forth from even the superb and marvelous splen- dor everywhere reflected, as worthy of her highest ambition and as suggestive of untold and signal possi- bilities for the future. Group 4, Mrs. E. H. Thayer, of Denver, Colorado, Juror. Under the Group heading "Special Education in Fine Arts," the two classes into which it was divided represented: (Institutions for teaching drawing, paint- ing, and music.) Art schools and institutes. Schools and Departments of music; conservatories of music. (Methods of instruction, results obtained. Legislation, organization, general statistics.) Mrs. Thayer writes as follows : As a juror of this Group I was associated with five jurors, all men, holding positions as professors of schools of art, and they agreed with me that the fine art work of the women was equal to that of the men students, and in some schools of art it was far superior; this was especially so in the study of the nude from the academies of art in New York and Phil- adelphia. The only school of art in which we found the work of women inferior to men was in Austria, excepting in the making of lace and embroidery, but the studies in figure-painting were inferior to the same work done by women in American schools. Yet the art students' work from Austria, as a whole, was so fine we gave that coun- try the grand prize. GROUP JURORS 181 I was particularly pleased with the wall-paper de- signs made by women students in a school of design in New York City. They were most original and artistic, this school made a display of several hundred de- signs and we were told they were all sold for large prices during the Exposition to manufacturers of wall- paper. The New York Night School of Art showed some remarkably good work by girls, who were employed during the day. The Professor in charge told us that the girls were so eager for instruction in art that they would be waiting for the doors to open and would work longer hours and make greater progress than the men. Group 7, Miss Hope Fairfax Loughborough, of Little Rock, Arkansas, Juror. Under the Group heading " Education of Defectives," the three classes into which it was divided represented: Institutions for the blind; publications for the blind. Institutions for the deaf and dumb. Institutions for the feeble-minded. (Management, methods, courses of study; results. Special appliances for instruction. Legislation, organization, statistics. Buildings: plans and models.) Miss Loughborough presents the following report: The jury of Group 7 in the Department of Educa- tion had under its inspection the work of the blind, the deaf, and the feeble-minded. In view of the fact that the exhibits were sent by institutes and special schools, and 182 REPORT were the result of the cooperation of men and women teachers who selected the work of both boys and girls to represent the school as a whole, it was difficult to estimate with accuracy the proportional amount of women's work. As nearly as it can be estimated, how- ever, two fifths of the exhibits shown in the three classes of which this group was composed were the work of women. With the exception of a few special prizes the awards were given to institutions and not to individuals, but about twenty-one per cent, of these were given for women's work. The work of the boys and girls in the shops was generally shown distinctly, but were not awarded separately, the whole idea being to show, not what the boys or girls, the teachers or principals, were doing individually, but what results were being obtained in the institutions from the best known methods for special education both in class and industrial work, and particularly to show by means of the model school or living exhibit some of the class methods in operation. The living exhibits were the most striking in Classes 19 and 20. They consisted of entire classes which were brought, one at a time, from different state institutions. Each class remained at the Fair some weeks, were pro- vided with accommodations on the grounds, and had its recitations every day in a temporary school-room in the Educational Building. This class-room was always surrounded by a crowd of eager lookers-on, who watched with the utmost attention the methods of instruction so little known to the public in general by which the deaf and blind make such wonderful progress. The work of instruction in the living exhibits, GROUP JURORS 183 although almost entirely planned by men, was executed by women. The awards for the living exhibits were given the institutions from which the classes came, with one exception. This exception was Lottie Sullivan, a deaf and blind girl from the Colorado Institution, who was awarded a gold medal for her aptitude and the progress she had made. The jury thought at first that her teacher, too, deserved special recognition for the results ob- tained, but as it was found that the teacher in charge of Lottie Sullivan at the Fair had had her but a short time, and that there was no one person responsible for her progress, it was decided to make no award. Of the special schools, not state institutions, which exhibited, those conducted by women showed work on a par with that done in the schools conducted by men, and received as liberal rewards. Particularly creditable was the work done in the schools for the feeble-minded. In Group 7 the exhibits were divided into three classes, 19, 20, and 21, the work respectively of the blind, the deaf, and the feeble-minded. In Class 19, women showed basket work, raffia work, modeling in clay, hammock weaving, crocheting, embroidery, printing by means of Braille writing-machines, and class work; in Class 20, sewing, embroidery, crocheting, painting, drawing, modeling, and class work; and in Class 21, basket-making, sewing, embroidery, crocheting, and class work. There was but one foreign woman who made an exhibit. This was Mademoiselle Mulct, a French- woman who had invented a writing-machine for blind 184 REPORT children. She had brought a little blind French boy with her, who was not installed as an exhibit, but whom she brought before the jury to show the working of her machine. This machine consisted of a small frame blocked off into squares, in which the child was taught to write the letters of the English alphabet. Mademoi- selle Mulct's claim for award was that with the machine generally in use, it was necessary to teach the child a language of dots and dashes which was not legible by people in general. Although ingenious, Mademoiselle Mulct's machine was not considered striking or new enough to warrant an award. There was no display within the jurisdiction of Group 7 which would seem to indicate any great ad- vancement in the work of women since the Chicago Exposition, though the methods of instruction many of them through the painstaking application of women have undergone marked improvement. The work of women as shown by the exhibits in the education of Defectives at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, placed on equal terms of comparison with that of men, was very creditable. There was nothing particularly helpful or suggestive in the school work being shown on equal terms of comparison with that of men, for in this field women have always kept well abreast of men, and their work has been appreciated equally with that of men. Department B, Art, Prof. Halsey C. Ives, Chief, comprised six Groups and eighteen Classes, the Board of Lady Managers being represented in four of the groups. GROUP JURORS 185 Group 9, Miss Mary Solari, Memphis, Tennessee, Juror. Under the Group heading "Paintings and Draw- ings," the two classes into which it was divided repre- sented: Paintings on canvas, wood, metal, enamel, porcelain, faience, and on various preparations; by all direct methods in oil, wax, tempera, and other media; mural paintings; fresco painting on walls. Drawings and cartoons in water-color, pastel, chalk, charcoal, pencil, and other media, on any material. Miniatures on ivory. Miss Solari reports as follows : WOMEN IN THE WORLD OF ART AT THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION The first feeling of a woman who looks back to the history of art during the last ten years is one of pride, for she recognizes that the exhibit made by women in the Fine Arts Department of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition is the best, most complete and important that has ever been made by women at any previous exposi- tion; that it is superior to that made at Chicago World's Fair in point of quality and character, and by compe- tent judges said to be better than that made in Paris in 1900. As regards the St. Louis Exposition that influence is conspicuous which has brought about a development rather than new foundations, or new schools. In seeking subjects for the "new thought" the " Old Masters" have not been lost sight of. " There is nothing new under the 186 REPORT sun," and as the musician draws from the old masters his soul's inspiring theme, so the aspiring painter studies the canvases of the past ages for his correct guidance. And to the dispassionate observer these things prove much with regard to the actual work being done by women artists, and the new influences, if such they be, that have made themselves felt during the last decade. Should we regard a work of art as an independent entity, the result of what is called "a separate creative act" on the part of the artist with no relation to its environment, we must perforce conclude pre-natal con- ditions in the painter which we are loth to admit. Hence we have no reason to be ashamed of the Old Masters. Critics there are who know how to judge of a picture and critics who constitutionally cannot draw from a canvas a single salient good feature, they have not the knowledge of the difference between bad and beautiful design and color or the meaning of harmony. If we may apply to art what Goethe said of poetry, we find that among its votaries there are two kinds of self-half-informed people, dilettanti, he calls them, "he who neglects the indispensable mechanical part, and thinks he has done enough if he shows spirituality and feeling, and he who seeks to arrive at poetry merely by mechanism in which he can acquire an artisan's readiness and is without soul and matter." This Exposition has no doubt been the means of discouraging a number of men and women from con- tinuing in a profession for which they are not qualified by the possession of any rare gift. It is to be hoped, however, that the work accepted and shown at the St. Louis Exposition will prove that a class of women GROUP JURORS 187 artists have been produced in the decade just past who have at least learned the grammar of their chosen art work the value of simple lines and pure tones. The work of the women was placed side by side with that of the men artists and where the pictures would show to the best advantage and harmonize with the surrounding ones. In examining for awards the merit of the work was discussed and considered regardless of the name the canvas bore; but that this was the better plan for ex- hibiting women's work leaves room for doubt, because as a whole women's work could not be viewed, thereby leaving the exhibition incomprehensive to the average visitor, who could not grasp the importance of woman's contribution to the world of art by the scattered pic- tures as arranged in the various galleries of the Art Building. I do not hesitate to say that women in gen- eral, by their representation at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, derived little or no benefit by having their work placed side by side with that of men, chiefly because it was reduced to insignificance by the small proportion of works exhibited. Secondly, the visiting public was not attracted by the fact that women had a picture here and there hanging on some one of the walls in the Palace of Art. Had their work been collected in one gallery the display would have been more comprehensive and better appreciated. But, nevertheless, this Exposition has emphasized the fact that woman fills an important place in the field of art. She wields her brush deftly, conscientiously, and her canvases fit well side by side with those of her brother artists. 188 REPORT Women at the Exposition excelled most in figure paintings in oils, and in this line of work have made greater progress since the Chicago Exposition than in any other branch of the Fine Arts. The execution is bold, free, and shows a greater familiarity with the subject portrayed, though they have reached a very high standard in water-color landscapes and are notably strong in miniature painting. The innate refinement and delicate sense of detail and color which character- ize women are prominent for the features for the pro- duction of the high finish required in a miniature. Mural painting is beginning to attract women, and with their love for beautiful homes they must soon excel in this branch and bring decorative art to a fuller per- fection. One of the crowning glories of this Exposition is that it has brought to the few American artists living at home the opportunity to study the salient character- istics of the schools of the various countries exhibiting at the St. Louis Exposition. Twenty-four countries exhibited in the Fine Arts Department and contributed to Groups 9 and 10 : 5468 pictures from nearly fifteen hundred professional artists, of which number not more than three hundred were women (289), and fully half this number were repre- sented by their work in the United States section. The number of awards bestowed in the United States sec- tion was 41 to women exhibitors against 239 to men. The total number given in the foreign sections collect- ively was 17 to women against 398 to men. No work executed prior to the Chicago Exposition was in com- petition for award. GROUP JURORS 189 EXHIBITS BY WOMEN IN THE VARIOUS SECTIONS OF GROUPS IX AND X UNITED STATES Oil paintings Water-colors 64 41 Mural paintings 6 Miniatures 42 AKGENTINA AUSTRIA Oil painting 1 (Miss Wernicke) Oil paintings 3 BELGIUM CANADA Oil paintings 21 Water-colors 6 Oil paintings Water-colors 10 2 CEYLON HOLLAND Oil paintings 2 Oil paintings 21 ITALY JAPAN Oil paintings 9 Water-colors 2 Oil paintings 5 NICARAGUA PERU Oil painting 1 (Miss Garcia) Oil painting (Miss Franco) 1 PORTUGAL RUSSIA Oil paintings 4 Oil paintings Water-colors 15 15 190 REPORT SWEDEN FRANCE Oil paintings 6 Oil paintings 19 Water-colors 17 ENGLAND Oil paintings 16 Water-colors 13 Drawings 10 The two last-named countries (France and England) did not exhibit in any department for awards. List of Honors conferred by the International Jury of Awards upon Women Artists Exhibiting in the Department of Fine Arts of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition : UNITED STATES SECTION GROUP IX Odd Medal Beaux, Cecelia. Hills,' Laura C. Fuller, Lucia Fairchild. Thayer, Theodora W. Silver Medal Chase, Adelaide Cole. Oakley, Violet. Cox, Louise. Sears, Sara C. Emmet, Helen. Sherwood, Rosina E. Emmet, Lidia F. Watkins, Susan. Green, Mary S. Wheeler, Janet. Nourse, Elizabeth. Bronze Medals Ahrens, Ellen Witherald. Beckington, Alice. Baker, Martha S. Cooper, Emma Lampert. GROUP JURORS 191 Dickson, Mary C. Palmer, Pauline. Earle, Elinor. Perry, Lilla Cabot. Herter, Adele. Searle, Alice T. Hess, Emma Kipling. Sewell, Amanda Brewster. Kendall, Margaret. Sloan, Mariana. Klumpke, Anna E. Smith, Letta C. MacChesney, Clara T. Van der Veer, Mary. Nicholls, Rhoda Holmes. Wing, A. B. Packard, Mabel. Wood, Louise. GROUP X Silver Medal Harding, Charlotte. Smith, Jessie Willcox. Bronze Medal Cowles, Maud Alice. Green, Elizabeth Shippen. BELGIUM GROUP IX. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS Silver Medal Calias, Henriette. De Hem, Louise. De Bievre, Marie. Witsman, Juliette. CANADA GROUP IX. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS Silver Medal Carlyle, Florence. Bronze Medal Muntz, Laura* 192 REPORT GERMANY GROUP IX. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS Bronze Medal Wirth, Anna Maria. HOLLAND GROUP IX. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS Odd Medal Schwartze, Therese. JAPAN GROUP IX. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS Silver Medal Bronze Medal Uyemura, Madam Shoyen. Antomi, Madam Giokushi. PORTUGAL GROUP IX. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS Silver Medal H. R. M. the Queen of Portugal. RUSSIA GROUP IX. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS Bronze Medal Backlund, Eliza. Loudon, Emilie. SWEDEN GROUP IX. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS Bronze Medal Almquist, Esther. Nordgren, Anna. Brate, Fanny. Wahtstrom, Charlotte. GROUP JURORS 193 Group 11, Mrs. Elizabeth St. John Matthews, New York City, Juror. Under the Group heading "Sculpture," the four classes into which it was divided represented : Sculpture and bas-reliefs of figures and groups in marble, bronze, or other metal; terra cotta, plaster, wood, ivory, or other material. Models in plaster and terra cotta. Medals, engravings on gems, cameos, and intaglios. Carvings in stone, wood, ivory, or other materials. Mrs. Matthews reports as follows: The recent Louisiana Purchase Exposition furnished further evidence of the importance of such gatherings of the world's artisans, and has left with us an illu- minating impression of the effectiveness of the greater civilization, which is the result of unification of na- tional interest in the development of the useful and beautiful. This is probably the greatest good from such expositions, and they serve to cement the workers of the world in one grand mosaic of endeavor. The field of application is large, and the progressive people are few. We are babes as yet in the ability to receive ideas and with comparatively little capacity for the expression of them in tangible work; so that what- ever tends to a common interest that speaks for pro- gress, let it be exultant cause for practical thinkers to give their support to every such movement. The wide identification women have accomplished in the fields of industrials and art, during the past decade, have made it necessary that the sex be taken into serious consideration in expositions; and that re- 194 REPORT quisite encouragement and support be given women, it is necessary that they should have adequate repre- sentation on committees and boards that are formed for administration. Service on such boards by women is invariably conscientious and efficient, and for this reason their services are valuable in all departments in which the work of women is involved, and it is certainly obvious that socially they are indispensable. As a member of the Committee on Awards in Sculp- ture at the recent Exposition at St. Louis, I wish to say that in the Sculptural Exhibit 60 out of 350 pieces, or 17^ per cent., were by women. Four of these pieces were by women of foreign birth and residing in foreign coun- tries. Of this number there were a few portrait busts, and the remainder were ideal and symbolic works. The first impression one received in viewing the work in this department was, that there were a number of women sculptors in this country of more than ordi- nary ability; and this impression grew the more you examined their work with that of men. It is true that by far the greater number of pieces sent by women were small, but even they showed a capacity for conception, construction, technique, and individuality, that will ere long make them fully the equals of men in this import- ant branch of the arts. And there were large pieces there, too, that spoke of a daring that will soon develop into a confidence that promises well for future work; and this element was what the women sculptors of the country lacked more than any other. The placing of their work alongside that of men will do much to increase confidence in their own powers ; and while it would not be exact to say that the work of GROUP JURORS 195 the two sexes was equal in merit, the difference was not great. For this reason I think the managers did an ex- tremely wise thing in not segregating the work of the two sexes, and in placing them side by side so that the weak points could be discovered and remedied, and the points of excellence improved. All were delighted to see the advancement women have made in sculptural art in the past few years, and this advancement is at- tested by the fact that they received one gold, three silver, and sixteen bronze medals in this department alone. The progress they have made in the past ten years has been most gratifying, and they are certainly pro- gressing more rapidly along certain lines than men. The deficiencies and points of weakness brought out by this exhibition will soon be overcome, and as women have become convinced that natural endowment does not fit men for greater work than women, they will evolve grander themes than heretofore. And by the firmness with which woman in art is already treading this up- ward path, she is convincing others that another road exists than that which their feet knew. It is positive that the encouragement given to man on account of his physical prowess, by both men and women, has had a psychological effect in helping him to evolve ideas, and to carry them out in tangible form. Women will be helped to a large extent only by women; they must not wait for that help that has been given man. They must do the work that comes to their con- sciousness, or that which is given them to do, without question or hesitation. There should not be any doubt, or leaning on any seeming staff. Women are the origi- 196 REPORT nators, the creators of spiritual and material progress, and must not be fearful in expressing themselves. The female mind is more refined, more delicate, thus receiv- ing truer perceptions than man's. The sensitiveness of the woman nature is of much advantage in any artistic endeavor. The fine arts, Music, Poetry, Painting, and Sculp- ture, have been the educators of nations. Now that woman's thought is finding greater expression, their mental and moral influence on both sexes will be great; and as such expositions are world-wide educators, the beneficent influence of women as co-workers and prac- tical idealists is above and beyond computation as a proper exposition attraction. It was a great surprise to the millions of people who saw the excellence of tal- ent that was shown by the women artists, and the fact that women did it elevated the sentiment and appre- ciation of art. Indeed, without the work of women officially organized, and as individuals, it could not have reached, as it did, the height of success. Group 12, Miss Rose Weld, Newport News, Va., Juror. Under the Group heading "Architecture," the four classes into which it was divided represented: Draw- ings, models, and photographs of completed buildings. Designs and projects of buildings. (Designs other than of architectural or constructive engineering.) Draw- ings, models, and photographs of artistic architectural details. Mosaics; leaded and mosaic glass. It is unfortunate that in this department the extent in which women share in the kind of work represented GROUP JURORS 197 in this group was not demonstrated. While there are not many women architects of buildings as yet, it is be- lieved that the number is rapidly increasing, and within the past ten years it has been discovered that their aptitude for designing and working in leaded glass is of the highest, their artistic tendencies rendering them peculiarly adapted to this kind of work. Miss Weld reports as follows : In this department there were only two women exhibitors, both Americans. The English and French exhibits were not open for competition, but, so far as I could find out, there were no exhibits by women from either of these countries. One of the American women exhibited, as an architect, some attractive plans and interior views for a farmhouse. The other, as a landscape architect, some photographs of garden scenes. This last exhibit was the more striking of the two, as it showed that in the last few years women had made inroads into another profession hitherto left to the men. Miss Brown only finished her studies in landscape architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology in 1903, where she was one of the first three women to take the course, a course only established within the last few years, so that there has not been much time in which to show what women can do in the profession. It is but a step from private gardens to public parks and grounds. Until lately the laying out of the grounds has been 198 REPORT left to the landscape gardener, after the house and other buildings have been completed by the architect. It is the idea of the landscape architect, as I understand it, to consider both elements in the original design, instead of leaving them to the different tastes of the architect and landscape gardener, in the hope of having a more harmonious result. Though both the exhibits mentioned above were appreciated in their classes, I cannot help thinking that not enough attention was paid to the way they were presented, especially in the case of the garden scenes. Six little photographs mounted in one frame did not show to the advantage or make the impression that the working drawings and one large photograph of the result would have made. As the work of men and women must stand side by side in the world, the proper way is to exhibit it on terms of equal comparison, as was done at St. Louis. If the work is better than the men's, so much the more glory; if not so good, it ought to arouse ambition. It was a great disappointment to see such a small exhibit by women in this department, a department where such creditable work has been done by women in this country, and if there had been at all a just repre- sentation, I am sure it would have been a great surprise to some of the foreign visitors. I hope the other depart- ments were better represented. Group 14, Mrs. Eugene Field, Buena Park, 111., Juror. Under the Group heading " Original Objects of Art Workmanship," the eight classes into which it was divided represented : Art work in glass (other than that GROUP JURORS 199 which is included in Group 12). Art work in earthen- ware; pottery or porcelain. Art work in metal (other than that included in Group 11). Art work in leather. Art work in wood (other than that included in Group 11). Art work in textiles. Artistic book-binding. Art work not covered by any other group. No report. It is to be regretted that Mrs. Field felt unable to make any report on this group, which so self-evidently must have contained much work done at least in part by women. It is well known that they have, within the past few years, entered the field of artistic book-binding with the most gratifying success, that they excel in art work in textiles, and are proficient in art work in leather. Department C, Liberal Arts, Col. John A. Ocher- son, Chief, comprised 13 Groups and 116 Classes, the Board of Lady Managers being represented in but three of the groups. Group 16, Miss Frances B. Johnston, Washington, D. C., Juror. Under the Group heading "Photography," the two classes into which it was divided represented: (Equip- ment, processes and products.) Materials, instruments and apparatus of photography; equipment of photo- graphic studios. Negative and positive photography on glass, paper, wood, cloth, films, enamel, etc. Photo- gravure in intaglio and in relief; photocollography, photolithography. Stereoscopic prints. Enlarged and 200 REPORT micrographic photographs. Color photography. Direct, indirect, and photo-color printing. Scientific and other applications of photography. Artistic photography as applied to portraiture, landscapes, etc. Miss Johnston says : There were comparatively few women exhibitors whose work was passed upon by our Group Jury, but notwithstanding this fact, the work of the women ranked very high, and was fully recognized in the awards. In this regard I do not venture to base any report to you on my memory alone, and I have, so far, been unsuc- cessful in getting any official list of the awards made. Group 17, Mrs. Horace S. Smith, Chicago, 111., Juror. Under the Group heading "Books and Publications, Book-binding," the seven classes into which it was divided represented : (Equipment and products.) News- papers, reviews, and other periodicals. Collections of books, forming special libraries. New books and new editions of old books. Drawings, atlases, albums. Musical publications. Equipment, processes, and pro- ducts of making stitched books and of book-binding. Specimens of bindings, stamping, embossing, gilding, etc. No report. That the work of women entered into the nature of the exhibit is shown by the fact that the Exposition Company granted the Board representation upon it, GROUP JURORS 201 and one has but to step into any large bindery to see scores of women busily engaged in the various depart- ments, from folding the printed sheets to laying on the gold-leaf; on newspapers the range of their work is from type-setting to editor-in-chief, and no library seems to exist at the present time without one or more women on its working staff. Group 18, Mrs. W. M. Woolwine, Nashville, Tenn., Juror. Under the Group heading "Maps and Apparatus for Geography, Cosmography, Topography," the four classes into which it was divided represented: Maps, charts, and atlases; geographical, geological, hydro- graphical, astronomical, etc. Physical maps of all kinds, topographical maps, flat or in relief. Terrestrial and celestial globes; statistical works and tables. Tables and nautical almanacs for the use of astronomers, sur- veyors, and seamen. Mrs. Woolwine writes : Having served as Juror in Group 18 of the Depart- ment of Liberal Arts at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, it gives me great pleasure to make for you the best report I can] on woman's work, my knowledge of most of which has been obtained from outside sources, as by neither registration nor cataloguing was there any differentiation between the work of man and woman. There were two very large relief maps of New Orleans and the levee system of the Mississippi River^ which were the work of Miss Jennie Wilde, of New 202 REPORT Orleans, and, while they rank low in the final prize award, attracted a great deal of attention and admira- tion. Comparatively speaking, I think this work much more ambitious than that heretofore undertaken by a woman along this line, and it should prove a stimulus to woman in a new field. I could not see that results would have been better if their work had been separately ex- hibited. So far as I know, manufacturers were not then asked to state the percentage of woman's work which entered into their special exhibits; nor were they, as a rule, shown in such manner as to indicate in any way which part was performed by woman, and which by man. The grand prize work, I am informed by the Rand, McNally Company, was nearly half performed by women; certainly 45 per cent, of it. In this the skill and ingenuity displayed and the originality was not separable from that of her co-laborers. Group 18, which consisted of geographical work in general, was hardly a fair test of woman's skill, survey- ing and engineering having been considered out of her line. Therefore, I consider the one exhibit by woman a step forward along a new line, a willingness to com- pass great things, an evidence of woman's ambition and desire to succeed, but with her past education and opportunities inadequate for equal competition. If I may suggest, it will be greatly to our interest that women should have their work so catalogued that they may have credit for what labor they perform. No doubt, much work is done in map-making by women, but no mention of it is catalogued, or credit for its excellence asked by them. It seems to me that a committee to investigate these GROUP JURORS 203 questions at the beginning of each great exposition, or at the time of the placing of the exhibits, would be of very great statistical value in determining the amount of labor and the degree of skill exercised by woman in these departments. The art of embroidery has always been supposed to be one peculiarly belonging to women, but that the men at least occasionally invade the field of her occupations is shown by the fact that the large Japanese and Chinese maps exhibited in the Transportation Building were both done by men; they showed exquisite workman- ship, particularly the embroidered one. The letter Miss Wilde herself has written, in regard to the work on her relief map of the levee system, may be of interest, as this certainly represents a new field of labor for women. It counted one more gold medal in the awards. "All of the work on my relief maps was done by 'woman,' my sister assisting me greatly. On account of the limited time I had to finish the maps in, I was unable to finish them entirely myself, so had to employ assistants, but in each case it was the hand of woman. I received a gold medal for my work, or rather, my work received a gold medal, it being an order from the State of Louisiana, and forming a part of their exhibit, the medal had to become the property of the State. Surveying and engineering I have never studied except in the making of these maps, when every assist- ance in regard to data, etc., was given me by the most noted state and city engineers, they coming from time to time to supervise the work, and laughingly saying, when I had completed the same, that they would have 204 REPORT to give me a diploma for proficiency in the profession. Of course I had to read up and learn a great deal in regard to surveying and engineering in making the maps, as everything is done correctly to a scale." Department D, Manufactures, Mr. Milan H. Hul- bert, Chief, comprised 24 Groups and 231 Classes, the Board of Lady Managers being represented in but seven groups. This would seem to be one of the departments where women should have been accorded fuller recognition. Space does not permit an examination of the number of Groups into which their work largely enters, but, in the Group of Clock and Watch-making, for instance, it would seem scarcely just not to grant them their full measure of praise for work well done. In one factory alone in Massachusetts, where more than 3000 persons are employed, hundreds of them are women and girls, engaged not only in assembling the parts, but attend- ing various machines. Under the Group "Toys," also, "Dolls, playthings," it is self-evident women must have much to do with their manufacture and prepara- tion for the market, and their inventions of toys and playthings for children would seem preeminently to entitle them to the place in this Group which was de- nied them. Group 37, Mrs. R. A. Edgerton, Milwaukee, Wis., Juror. Under the heading "Decoration and fixed furniture of Buildings and Dwellings," the nine classes into which GROUP JURORS 205 it was divided represented: Permanent Decoration of Public Buildings and of Dwellings. Plans, drawings, and models of permanent decoration. Carpentry; models of framework, roof -work, vaults, domes, wooden partitions, etc. Ornamental joiner-work; doors, win- dows, panels, inlaid floors, organ-cases, choir-stalls, etc. Permanent decorations in marble, stone, plaster, papier- mache, carton pierre, etc. Ornamental carvings and pyrographics. Ironwork and locksmith's work applied to decoration; grill-work and doors in cast or wrought iron; doors and balustrades in bronze; roof decoration in lead, copper, zinc, dormers, spires, finials, vanes; crest and ridge work. Decorative paintings on stone, wood, metal, canvas, or other surfaces. Signs of all varieties. Mosaic decorations in stone or marble for flooring; enameled mosaic for walls and vaulted sur- faces. Various applications of ceramics to the perma- nent decoration of public buildings and dwellings. As much time was consumed in endeavoring to com- municate with the Principal appointed in this Group, Mrs. Edgerton as Alternate did not arrive in St. Louis until the work of the Jury was far advanced, and, therefore, could make no report. Group 45, Mrs. Isaac Boyd, Atlanta, Ga., Juror. Under the Group heading "Ceramics," the thirteen classes into which it was divided represented: (Raw materials, equipment, processes, and products.) Raw materials, particularly chemical products used in ce- ramic industrials. Equipment and methods used in the manufacture of earthenware; machines for turning, pressing, and moulding earthenware; machines for 206 REPORT making brick, roofing-tile, drain-tile, and pottery for building purposes ; furnaces, kilns, muffles, and baking- apparatus; appliances for preparing and grinding enamels. Various porcelains. Biscuit of porcelain and of earthenware. Earthenware of white or colored body, with transparent or tin glazes. Faience. Earthenware and terra cotta for agricultural purposes; paving-tiles, enameled lava. Stoneware, plain and decorated. Tiles, plain, encaustic, and decorated ; mosaics, bricks, paving- bricks, pipes. Fireproof materials. Statuettes, groups, and ornaments in terra cotta. Enamels applied to ce- ramics. Mosaics of clay or of enamel. Mural designs; borders for fireplaces and mantels. No report. Group 53 (later combined with Group 61), Mrs. F. K. Bowes, Chicago, 111., Juror. Under the Group heading of "Equipment and Pro- cesses used in Sewing and Making Wearing Apparel," the nine classes into which it was divided represented: Common implements used in needlework. Machines for cutting clothes, skins, and leathers. Machines for sewing, stitching, hemming, embroidering, etc. Ma- chines for making button-holes; for sewing gloves, leather, boots and shoes, etc.; plaiting straw for hats. Tailor's geese and flatirons. Busts and figures for trying on garments. Machines for preparing separate parts of boots and shoes (stamping, mould- ing, etc.). Machines for lasting, pegging, screwing, nailing. Machines for making hats of straw, felt, etc. GROUP JURORS Mrs. Bowes writes as follows : 207 AMALGAMATION OF GROUPS 53 AND 61 Chairman, Honorary Vice-President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Secretary, Daniel C. Nugent, St. Louis. Jean Mouilbeau, Paris, France. John Sheville Capper, Chicago. J. E. Wilson, Elmwood, HI. Charles W. Farmer, New York City. Ella E. Lane Bowes, Chicago, EL, elected by the Jury to fill the place of Secretary Charles Farmer, owing to his having been called to New York City. Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Chairman, Secretary, GROUP 53 J. E. Wilson, Charles E. Moore, Ella E. Lane Bowes, Mary C. Harrow, Matilda Ripberger, GROUP 61 John Sheville Capper, M. Blum, M. Mouilbeau, Eugene Leonard, Fred L. Rossback, W. E. McClelland, M. Magai, Celia Nelson, Nellie Saxton, Ella E. Lane Bowes, Elmwood, 111. Brockton, Mass. Chicago, HI. Ottumwa, Iowa. Dresden, Germany. Chicago, HI. Paris, France. Paris, France. Paris, France. Chicago, HI. New York City. Philadelphia, Pa. Brazil. Chicago, HI. GROUP 53 Group 53 was composed of two men and two women jurors, viz. the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, men, the secretary, the writer, an American and a German woman. 208 REPORT Group 53 was composed of equipments, processes, etc. Class 326. Common implements used in needlework. Class 327. Machines for cutting clothes, skirts, and leathers. Class 328. Machines for sewing, stitching, hemming, embroidering, etc. Class 329. Machines for making button-holes; for sewing gloves, leather, boots and shoes, etc.; plaiting straw for hats. Class 330. Tailor's geese and flatirons. Class 331. Busts and figures for trying on garments. Class 332. Machines for preparing separate parts of boots and shoes. (Stamping, moulding, etc.) Class 333. Machines for lasting, pegging, screwing, nailing. Class 334. Machines for making hats of straw, felt, etc. In this group of nine classes there were no distinctive exhibits by women, but the outcome of their skillful labor on the wonderful machines was purely their own and well displayed. The most practical exhibit of women's work was the finished product of sewing machines in the United States and Great Britain sections. The Singer Sewing Machine exhibit furnished the best display in the group. The work was very fine in detail, done by skilled artisans. Among the work in the homely arts were shoes, cor- sets, underwear, and skillful darning. The manufacture of these useful articles proved interesting. GROUP JURORS 209 In the beauty arts were displayed embroideries and fancy monograms, a skilled workman demonstrating a machine that would produce twelve monograms at one time in elaborate embroidery; in fact, the machines seemed as human as the workers themselves; although they were not talkers, they were " Singers." Among the notable exhibits in this group was the attractive display of paper patterns. The Butterick Pattern Company exhibited on life- size wax figures the evolution of dress during the past one hundred years, true to the fashions of each decade in style, color of dress, and bonnet. The McCall Company's exhibit consisted of life-size wax figures attired in paper patterns, up to date in all the idiosyncrasies demanded by fashion, an educational feature in this line of work. As a work of art the large and handsome display of paper costumes has never been equaled. No such dis- play of costumes, representing lace, velvet, linen, silk, cloth, etc., all made in paper, has ever been seen any- where in the world prior to this exhibit; and this work of art was the handicraft of women. In the Homer Young Company's Sewing Machine the demand and supply for women's comfort was again called out in the combined dressing-table and sewing machine, a good invention for flats, the fad of the day, that was designed for convenience. The electric flatirons were certainly an advance in the right direction. A great time-saver was the "Universal Button Fas- tener," "guaranteed not to come off." In some departments of manufacture exhibits the 210 &EPORT percentage of woman's labor was said to be ten per cent. ; the wax figure department seventy-five per cent. ; in operating sewing machines for the manufacture of wearing apparel, etc., the percentage is about ninety. Operation of sewing machines and kindred industries have reached about as high a state of perfection as pos- sible. The same holds good in regard to the Singer Sew- ing Machines of Great Britain. Their output is larger for machines for the manufacture of embroideries, lace, saddlery, leather, top boots, sewings, and upholstery. A specialty of machine work was their fine hemstitch- ing. Perhaps the attractiveness of the Singer Sewing Machine exhibits was owing largely to the fact that they were shown in motion. Germany's sewing machines' product showed great skill in workmanship. Lintz and Eckardt, Berlin, displayed the output of eight styles of embroidery machines, ribbon plaiting, and a three-needle machine with band apparatus, which turned out wonderful work of bead and silk embroider- ies on silk and other fabrics. The many dress-cutting and ladies' tailoring systems, again the inventions of man, are perhaps among the most useful in women's work to-day, in teaching dress- cutting from a perfect system and greatly assisting in the work of drafting garments from actual measure- ments. It is a time-saver, and is so constructed as to follow the changes in fashion, and women can by their use become expert workmen and display artistic skill. A great advancement has been made along this line of work during the past ten years, or since the last exposi- tion; not only from a practical standpoint, but as an GROUP JURORS 211 educational feature, especially in rural districts; for through their schools, conducted through correspond- ence, they have enabled women throughout the coun- try to learn dressmaking and to keep in close touch with the styles of the world. The McDowell system, for manufacturing purposes, is superior, and under a skilled workman is most correct. The Edward Curran drafting-machines are useful for the novice, good on account of their simplicity, being more portable on account of folding into a small com- pass. The same can be said of the Valentine system. In this Group there was no installation by foreign women. In Group 53 there was nothing unusual displayed that would lead one to think that women were more capable of executing more advanced work than they accomplished eleven years ago. In the Louisiana Purchase Exposition woman's work was installed in such a manner, not being specified, that one could not tell where her work began and where it left off. As to the appreciation of women's work, it was taken as a whole, and was judged as a work of mankind. Women's work and men's work of to-day would be hard to separate. Perhaps if women's work could be brought out more prominently it would be better for them. No work was displayed in such a manner as to enable one to distinguish between the two. In the manufacture of personal effects, the larger proportion was women's work. No woman received an award in Group 53, to my knowledge. 212 REPORT As has been said before, the operation of machines is especially women's work. Women were not the inventors, but they displayed ingenuity and skill in the operation, application. Although they are not the original inventors, it is a well-known fact that many improvements are women's suggestions. Their working at the machines and the ingenuity and taste displayed in the choice of work was of marked value as an expo- sition attraction. GROUP 61. -VARIOUS INDUSTRIES CONNECTED WITH CLOTHING (Processes and Products) Class 383. Hats; hats of felt, wool, straw, silk; caps, trimmings for hats. Class 384. Artificial flowers for dressing the hair, for dress, and for all other uses. Feathers. Millinery. Hair : coiffures, wigs, switches. Class 385. Shirts and underclothing for men, women, and children. Class 386. Hosiery of cotton, wool, silk, and floss silk, etc.; knitted hosiery, cravats, and neck- ties. Class 387. Corsets and corset-fittings. Class 388. Elastic goods, suspenders, garters, belts. Class 389. Canes, whips, riding whips, sunshades, parasols, umbrellas. Class 390. Buttons; buttons of china, metal, cloth, silk, mother-of-pearl, or other shell, ivory- nut, horn, bone, papier-mache", etc. GROUP JURORS 213 Class 391. Buckles, eyelets, hooks and eyes, pins, needles, etc. Class 392. Fans and hand screens. Owing to Mr. Farmer being called to his home, Mrs. Ella E. Lane Bowes, secretary of Group 53, served as secretary of Group 61 also. Group 61 was composed of eleven individuals, seven men and four women, with an American for chairman, and a Frenchman for secretary, and two Vice-Chairmen. Group 61 contained thirty classes. Within this group there was no especial exhibit by women, although their work stood out in prominence. The most striking display was the corset display of Birdsey and Sumers, of New York. The corsets were shown on wax half-size figures, the color scheme being carried out in detail to match the corset. The most prom- inent figure was one done in white satin and real lace with jewel clasps, etc. This display from its artistic ar- rangement and elegant materials was in conformity with the French exhibits. With the exception of the jewels, it was purely of American production; and the arrangement and display of the exhibit were due to an American woman, an employee of the manufacturer. Another notable display was that of Kops Brothers, of New York. They exhibited the "Nemo" corset and the "Smart Set," in an artistic manner. The arrange- ment of this display was also due to a woman. Strouse-Adler and Company, New York City, showed a practical exhibit of what was termed by the exposi- tion officials a " Live Exhibit," manufacturing garments from start to finish, and was an attractive display. These demonstrations were by women. 214 REPORT In the exhibit of the American Hosiery Company, New Britain, Conn., the goods were up to the high standard of the "Grand Prix." The Lewis Knitting Company, Janesville, Wis., made an attractive display, and the writer was told at this exhibit that the garments were brought to a high state of perfection through the ingenuity of Mrs. Lewis. The Wayne Knitting Mills, Fort Wayne, Indiana, made a very beautiful display of fine knit goods, the work of women. The Kleinert Rubber Company, New York City, made an artistic display of fancy things, and were as- sisted in the arrangement of same by a woman. This exhibit should have special mention for having had everything in place and on time before opening day, which could not be said of many others. I was told that here also many of the improvements were the sugges- tions of women. Many of the finest exhibits in this group were ladies' lingerie. There were very many creditable exhibits of women's underwear, the work of their hands, and mar- velous creations in bead embroidery, lace, and artificial flowers. A most brilliant display was made by the Rosenthal- Sloan Millinery Company, consisting of artificial flowers, manufactured by women. This artistic display was said to have been suggested and carried out in detail by a woman. A unique feature of this display was a map of the United States, each state being formed with its adopted flower, the states being outlined in goldenrod, the proposed national flower. The writer understood that in some of the underwear GROUP JURORS 215 and hosiery mills women were superintendents of de- partments, and employed in great numbers in other work, the proportion of women to men being between 80 and 90 per cent. The J. B. Stetson Company, of Philadelphia, Perm., made a good practical display of hats, and in their line the finished product was equal to any in the world, and showed great progress since the Columbian Exposition, when the writer had the pleasure of judging their ex- hibit. The average of woman's work is about equal. In this Group the advancement in special industries has been in the processes of women's work, in the knit goods and corsets, which show greatest improvement. The creditable work shown in the arrangement and display of exhibits, by suggestions and carrying out of detail by women, leads one to think that women are more remarkable along these lines of work and have accomplished more in the last eleven years, since the time of the Chicago Exposition, than at any time in the past. Their work was more individualized in former expo- sitions, while in the latter it was impossible to draw comparisons in the advancement or success of women's work, the work not being placed in such a way as to enable one to judge whether it was solely that of women or men. All work was exhibited as the work of mankind in general and could not be classified under the head of either women's or men's work. Where manufacturers were questioned relative to the percentage of women working in their establishments, they gladly answered the questions. No woman received an award in this group. 216 REPORT Among the useful and distinctive inventions shown were the garter supporters, well known to be the inven- tion of a woman. The underwear in general, corsets and accessories, are more useful and more healthful from a physical standpoint; especially the corsets of to-day. This is an advancement. There was more ingenuity displayed in the installa- tion and taste in artistic arrangement of the exhibits, making them of greater value as exposition attractions. In former expositions, Philadelphia was experimental, the World's Columbian Exposition educational, whereas the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was exploitive. There is no reason why women should not have a large representation, if not equal with men in all expo- sitions. While they may not be the real inventors of the machines, devices, etc., they many times are the suggest- ers. Being the spenders and buyers for the home and family, they are more competent as judges of merchan- dise of all kinds, and quicker to note improvements. In the work of the world, especially in anything per- taining to the home, educational matters, arts and pro- fessions, women hold such a prominent place to-day, almost exclusively doing the work in the manufacture of articles and habiliments for creature comforts, that it is impossible to ignore them. SUMMARY OF GROUPS 53 AND 61 (Jury composed of nineteen persons) In previous world's fairs they were called judges, but at this one they were " Jurors." GROUP JURORS 217 It would be well to dwell upon the vastness of the work accomplished by the petit jury within a brief pe- riod of time ; for they were in constant work for twenty days from morning till night, visiting the many ex- hibits. Upon examination the value of the commodity or product was decided and the usefulness of the same, and comparisons made with similar exhibits; consulta- tion in jury meetings, where the many good points of the exhibits were presented and discussed, and a final decision was reached by vote of the jury as a whole. The various machines were for the manufacture of women's habiliments, with the much-needed garment- drafting machine, which, if not invented by women, was at their suggestion, and creation of the demand for sup- plies. The up-to-date paper patterns, wax figures, papier- mache forms and milliners' findings, sewing machines, made the grand whole. The finished products were the marvelous creations of her hands; for, as truly said, man did invent these machines, but women work and bring forth the grand finale; therefore, one is not com- plete without the other. In all things it takes the good work of men and women to complete the whole. And this applies to jury work as well. From the writer's experience in expositions up to date, she would approve the combination of the John Boyd Thacher individual judge and diploma systems, together with the bronze, silver, gold, and grand prix, which would be preferable from an educational stand- point, and also to show to the world what the medal was given for. Also the group or petit jury doing the work should combine with a larger jury, and perhaps a court 218 REPORT of appeal, it being impossible for any one in a higher court to know the why and the wherefore of the workers of the petit jury. And as far as the writer could learn, it was a consensus of opinion of both exhibitors and jurors, as heretofore stated, that the opportunity to hold to the last was preferable. As an observer of the workings of world's fairs from the Centennial at Philadelphia, and also being closely allied with other great fairs, having visited same since that time, and being a judge heretofore, will repeat the general remark of exhibitors and judges of former ex- positions: The consensus of opinion was that "no world's fair was complete without a jury composed of men and women, a just representation," working in unison and perfect accord, with only one end in view: Justice to all. Group 61 (combined with 53, as above), Mrs. A. G. Harrow, Ottumwa, Iowa, Juror. Under the Group heading "Various Industries con- nected with Clothing," the ten classes into which it was divided represented: (Processes and Products.) Hats; hats of felt, wool, straw, silk; caps, trimmings for hats. Artificial flowers for dressing the hair, for dress, and for all other uses. Feathers. Millinery. Hair: coiffures, wigs, switches. Shirts and underclothing for men, women, and children. Hosiery of cotton, wool, silk, and floss silk, etc.; knitted hosiery; cravats and neckties. Corsets and corset-fittings. Elastic goods, suspenders, garters, belts. Canes, whips, riding-whips, sunshades, parasols, umbrellas. Buttons ; buttons of china, metal, cloth, silk, mother-of-pearl or other shell, ivory-nut, horn, bone, GROUP JURORS 219 papier-mache, etc. Buckles, eyelets, hooks and eyes, pins, needles, etc. Fans and handscreens. Mrs. Harrow reports as follows : The work of Group 53, of which I was a member, did not take us very extensively among the women ex- hibitors of the Exposition. But in every instance where their work came under our observation or inspection they demonstrated their marked ability in the manner and taste shown in their display. And in some instances where their competitors were men they proved the fact that if their work was not superior it was at least equal to that of the men. In my opinion it is better for women's work to come in competition with that of men and not be separated. All women in general, I feel sure, must have been greatly benefited by having a fair representation at the Exposition, as it could not help but place a higher standard upon all women's work, and that work in par- ticular in which she excelled. And as woman's work receives benefit, and also suc- cess, by being placed on equal terms of comparison with that of men, so likewise may man's work receive helpful suggestions and real advancement by being brought into competition with the work of women. Group 58 (later combined with Group 59), Mrs. E. D. Wood, Indianapolis, Ind., Juror. Under the Group heading " Laces, Embroidery, and Trimmings," the seven classes into which it was divided represented: Lace made by hand; laces, blond or gui- 220 REPORT pure, wrought on pillow or with the needle, or crochet, made of flax, cotton, silk, wool, gold, silver, or other threads. Laces made by machinery; tulles, plain or embroidered; imitation lace, blond and guipure, in thread of every kind. Embroidery made by hand; em- broidery by needle or crochet with thread of every kind, on all kinds of grounds (fabric, net, tulle, skin, etc.), including needlework upon canvas as well as embroid- ery applique, or ornamented with gems, pearls, jet, spangles, of metal or other material, feathers, shells, etc. Embroidery made by machinery, with the founda- tion preserved, or with the foundation cut or burned away. Trimmings; galloons, lace or braids, fringes, tassels, all kinds of applique and ornamental work, hand-made or woven, for millinery or garments, ecclesi- astical vestments, civil or military uniforms; for furni- ture, saddlery, carriages, etc.; threads and plates of metal, gold or silver, real or imitation, spangles, chenilles, and all other articles used for trimmings. Church embroidery; church ornaments and linen; altar-cloths, banners, and other objects for religious ceremonies in fabrics ornamented with lace, embroideries, and trim- mings. Curtains with lace, guipure, or embroidery, upon tulle or fabrics; blinds, screens, portieres, lam- brequins, and other draperies, ornamented with lace, embroidery, and trimmings. Mrs. Wood writes : Our jury was a large one, about thirty members. They came from France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, China, Japan, Great Britain, Mexico, Porto Rico; the GROUP JURORS 221 other members were Americans and represented the different states. The work we were to do was what was known as " Groups fifty-eight and fifty-nine," and covered so much ground we found that in order to finish in the required time we should have to divide our jury, so that some were detailed to examine embroidery, others costumes, trimming, laces, etc. I was on the lace committee, laces made by hand, wrought on pillows, by needle or crochet, silk, wool, gold, silver, or thread, machine-made laces, imitation, embroidered tulles, and lace curtains. It would be impossible to describe the beauties of the lovely laces, the time, patience, and labor given to them. We examined the exhibits in the Manufactures' Building, Varied Industries, all foreign buildings. The work done by women in the Filipino, Porto Rican, Mexican, and Alaskan exhibits was as fine in texture and as beautiful as imported laces. The work in every instance was as handsome as that shown at the Chicago World's Fair, but perhaps not on so large a scale. I was a member of a committee of four appointed to adjust the losses on the handsome imported costumes and wraps in the French section that were damaged during a wind and rain storm that swept over the Ex- position Grounds during the summer, and damaged the building and the immense glass cases containing these valuable goods, the loss of which amounted to hundreds of dollars to the Exposition Company. Group 59 (combined with Group 58 above), Mrs. William S. Major, Shelby ville, Ind., Juror. Under the Group heading "Industries producing Wearing Apparel for Men, Women, and Children," the 222 REPORT ? four classes into which it was divided represented: Clothing to measure for men and boys; ordinary cos- tumes, suits for hunting and riding, leather breeches and similar articles; suits for gymnastic uses and games, military and civil uniforms, campaign clothing of spe- cial types, robes and costumes for magistrates, mem- bers of the bar, professors, ecclesiastics, etc., liveries, various costumes for children. Clothing, ready-made for men and boys. Clothing to measure for women and girls; dresses, vests, jackets, cloaks (made by ladies' tailors, dressmakers, or cloakmakers), riding- habits, sporting suits. Clothing ready-made for women and girls. Patterns. Mrs. Major reports as follows : In Group 58, Department of Manufactures, the pro- portional number of exhibits by women contained in these classes was small, I should think about 10 per cent. Groups 58 and 59 exhibited laces, embroideries, trimmings, decorations for gowns, costumesxand wraps, drawn work, and Tenneriffe. Art needlework was the most striking exhibit by women in that department. Women showed great advancement in each industry, without question. Very few exhibits were installed by foreign women ; the foreign costumes were largely from the man tailor. The needlework in the Visayan Village of the Filipino exhibit was of a very high order, but no provision was made to grant awards upon this, the Filipino exhibit, and Miss Anna Woolf, of St. Louis, and I, called the attention of the authorities to the de- serving character of the exhibit and made a plea for GROUP JURORS 223 awards to be made by the higher jurors, and they pro- mised to do so. I do not know whether it was done or not, however, but there was no woman's work in the whole Louisiana Purchase Exposition more deserving or of higher grade than the needlework in that village exhibit. Enough cannot be said of these little workers. The present age is one of superiority, in which women not only show their ability, but each year they are granted more, and more widespread becomes their ability to grasp all vocations and fill them most creditably. I am confident there was no question of the interest shown by men in woman's work, in fact, I think it at- tracted more visitors, and the results would not have been better if their work had been separately exhibited. The work shown at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition was on a much greater and higher plane than ever has been exhibited before. Where women ex- hibited, they received a greater number of awards in proportion. Miss Mary Williamson was an original designer of artistic needlework, showing exceptional talent, and was awarded a Grand Prix for her designs. I attended the Paris Exposition of 1878, also the Centennial at Philadelphia, in 1876, spent much time at the Columbian World's Fair in Chicago, and possess a diploma and gold medal for my artistic needlework exhibited at the Columbian Exposition. Miss Margaret Summers, of Louisville, Ky., was also a juror in the above combined Groups 58 and 59, and writes : In Group 59 the costumes made by men were about twice as many as those made by women, though the 224 REPORT handsomest of the exhibits was the work of a woman, Caroline, of Chicago. All the work done by women showed a great improve- ment over that exhibited at the Chicago Exposition, not only in the cut and design, but in the artistic finish and the care given to every detail. The handwork was a special feature of all the gar- ments for women in the lingerie, gowns, and manteaux. The most intricate designs were executed in a man- ner betokening the true artist, and none but those edu- cated in the art of combining colors, and in designing, could have obtained the results seen at St. Louis. The tendency in all garments for women, however, was towards the ornate rather than the simple, and with but few exceptions, every gown, every wrap, and all the lingerie was most elaborate. But the hand of the true artist was shown in these garments, in that they were beautiful and in good taste, in spite of their elab- orateness. It would have been advantageous if the women's work had been arranged separately from the men's, because they would have attracted more attention as a woman's exhibit per se, and would therefore have called greater attention to the progress women have made in these lines. In other words, the separate ex- hibit would have served better for a comparative study of woman's advancement in the past ten years. There was a greater variety of woman's work than was shown at the Chicago Exposition, and that in itself showed an advancement. The greater scope gave evi- dence of a broadening influence, and the women showed themselves proficient in all they undertook. GROUP JURORS 225 As compared with the work of men, I should say that the woman's exhibit had every right to be placed side by side with the men's, just as was done. In Group 58 was eventually placed the wonderful piece of embroidery of the "Sistine Madonna," the work of Miss Ripberger, of Berlin. The linen upon which the life-like figures were wrought was probably 6x8 feet in size, and in order to reproduce the colors, the silk had been matched with the colors in the origi- nal painting. The reproduction of Raphael's wonder- ful work was a marvel of artistic ability and patience, and was exquisitely executed. It justly deserved the Grand Prix accorded it. Department H, Agriculture, Mr. Frederic W. Taylor, Chief, comprised 27 Groups and 137 Classes, the Board of Lady Managers being represented in but five Groups. Group 78, Mrs. W. H. Felton, of Cartersville, Ga., Juror. Under the heading of "Farm Equipment, Methods of Improving Lands," the three classes into which it was divided represented: Specimens of various sys- tems of farming. Plans and models of farm buildings; general arrangement; stables, sheep-folds, barns, pig- sties, breeding-grounds; special arrangements for breed- ing and fattening cattle; granaries and silos; furniture for stables, barns, kennels, etc. Material, and appliances used in agricultural engineering; reclaiming of marshes; drainage; irrigation. 226 REPORT Mrs. Felton says in a letter accompanying her re- port: In accordance with your official request I have pre- pared a short resume of the work as juror in Group Jury No. 78. It was the Central Group, I mean, the leading Group in the Department of Agriculture. There were no exhibits by women, because we passed upon matters so immense that it was the work of states and foreign governments, rather than of individuals, that was noted. Mrs. Felton's report is as follows : I was selected as a juror for Group Jury No. 78, and entered upon the duties assigned me, on September 1, 1904. Group Jury No. 78 organized, and after the Chair- man and Vice-Chairman were selected, I was made Secretary, which position I held until the minutes and report were handed in to the office of Hon. Fred. W. Taylor, Chief of Department of Agriculture, on September 19. As Secretary, the work of the Group Jury No. 78 came immediately under my supervision, and I found the work exceedingly pleasant, and my colleagues (all the members were gentlemen except myself) were most agreeable, and we concluded our work without the least friction or antagonism to the close. Group No. 78 was the first on the list, in the General Department of Agriculture. It covered exhibits on main lines, other groups taking what I might term sub- divisions. GROUP JURORS 227 We examined farm improvement as related to in- ventions and devices which were intended as fixtures to farm buildings. Group No. 79 was devoted to such exhibits as were movable. To illustrate: No. 78 collected data and awarded prizes on barn gates, doors, hay carriers, silos, wind- mills, pumps, etc., while No. 79 was concerned with threshers, plows, and the various implements which are not sold with farm buildings as necessary fixtures. Having lived an active life on a Georgia plantation for fifty years, all these matters were of exceeding in- terest to the Secretary, although a woman. Our jury made an exhaustive examination of the ex- hibits of irrigation models, with various reports and statistics, that were carried to St. Louis. Germany made the finest exhibit, as to number and completeness, and I feel sure there never has been such a far-reaching display of irrigation methods in the United States be- fore. I was intimately connected with the Columbian Exposition, as a Lady Manager from Georgia, and Chairman of the Woman's Executive Committee in the Cotton States and International Exposition, and I feel I speak advisedly when I say that nothing I have ever seen compares with the agricultural exhibits of the St. Louis Exposition, as uncovered to my view in performing the duties of a juror, especially in regard to the greatest problem of the twentieth century, namely, in regard to irrigation, and its future possibilities, for our various States and Territories. You will under- stand, of course, women had no part in the various governmental works, where land has been reclaimed and converted into the finest farming lands known to 228 REPORT this era, but in the results which followed such reclama- tion the farmer's wife and daughter has been seen and felt everywhere, although no percentage of women's work was noted in the exhibits examined by Group Jury No. 78. Germany, Italy, Belgium, and France were prominent, and the States of Utah, Montana, California, and Louis- iana gave most satisfactory evidences of advanced pro- gress in farming methods by irrigation. In the Belgian Exhibit we were shown the beautiful and remarkable flax, grown in the irrigated districts, the material from which the finest lace, known as the Brussels product, is constructed. If the investigation had been pursued to the limit, every benefit or profit, or financial opportunity resulting from the improve- ment of farms, abroad or at home, touches somewhere the lives of our farm women, in comfort and happiness. Our jury passed upon the magnificent exhibit made by the State of Missouri, in the Agricultural Palace, the finest State exhibit known to this continent, up to date, in agriculture. The construction of an elegant lay figure, made en- tirely of corn-shucks and corn-silks, representing a lady of style and fashion, was the handiwork of a woman, and richly deserved the prize that was awarded. Group No. 78 being confined to general lines, and covering the idea of farm improvement on an extended scale, grasping, as it were, the great and fundamental principles of modern agriculture, the work of the sexes was not indicated by the exhibitors. The percentage of each was not required by instructions given to Group Jury No. 78. GROUP JURORS 229 It gives me great pleasure to thank you and the Board of Lady Managers for kind attentions, and the oppor- tunity for pleasure and instruction in this Group Jury work; and to assure you that it was my constant aim and purpose to prove to my colleagues and to Chief Taylor that your trust and confidence had not been misplaced in assigning me to jury duty in so important a place. Group 84 under the Group heading " Vegetable Food Products, Agricultural Seeds" was divided into eight classes, which represented: Cereals: wheat, rye, barley, maize, millet, and other cereals in sheaves or in grain. Legumes and their seeds: beans, peas, lentils, etc. Tubers and roots and their seeds : potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, radishes, etc. Miscellaneous vegetables and their seeds: cabbages, peppers, arti- chokes, mushrooms, cresses, etc. Sugar-producing plants : beets, cane, sorghum, etc. Miscellaneous plants and their products: coffee, tea, cocoa, etc. Oil-pro- ducing plants and their products. Forage, growing, green, cured, or in silos; fodder for cattle; forage, grass and field seeds. Neither the Principal nor Alternate appointed in this Group was able to serve. Group 89, Mrs. E. L. Lamb, Jackson, Miss., Juror. Under the Group heading "Preserved Meat, Fish, Vegetables, and Fruit," the eight classes into which it was divided represented: Meat preserved by any process. Salted meats, canned meats. Meat and soup tablets. Meat extracts. Various pork products. Fish 230 REPORT preserved by any process. Salt fish, fish in barrels, cod, herring, etc. Fish preserved in oil; tunny, sardines, anchovies. Canned lobsters, canned oysters, canned shrimps. Vegetables preserved by various processes. Fruits dried or prepared, prunes, figs, raisins, dates. Fruits preserved without sugar. Fruits, canned, in tins, or in glass. Army and Navy commissary stores and equipment. No report. Group 88, Mrs. F. H. Pugh, Bellevue, Nebraska, Juror. Under the Group heading "Bread and Pastry," the two classes into which it was divided represented: Breads, with or without yeast, fancy breads, and breads in moulds, compressed breads for travelers, military campaigns, etc. Ship biscuits. Yeasts. Baking pow- ders. Pastry of various kinds peculiar to each country. Gingerbread and dry cakes for keeping. Mrs. Pugh reports substantially as follows : The nature of the exhibits in Group 88 were Angel Food Cake, Pickles, Bread, Fruit Cake, Purina Mills Exhibit, the most striking exhibit being a California fruit cake, made by Mrs. Rose E. Bailey, which weighed 81 pounds. The exhibits showed advancement in the science of good cooking, all the exhibits being installed by Amer- ican women, no foreign women, that I can recall, par- ticipating, and the display was more creditable than at the Chicago Exposition, in that the exhibitors showed GROUP JURORS 231 more confidence in themselves and their work, more at- tention being given also to the purity and healthfulness of their food exhibits. Their work, as shown at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, would most certainly prove helpful or suggestive to those interested in the advancement and success of women's work by their exhibition of success already achieved, and the work of women, it is believed, was as well appreciated when placed by the side of that of men, and the results would not have been better had their work been separately exhibited. No manufacturers that I knew of, excepting the Purina Mills (Ralston) Exhibition, were asked to state the percentage of woman's work that entered into the manufacture of their special exhibits, and only by one or two exhibits was it in a measure indicated in any way which part had been performed by women, which by men; but, in my opinion, probably about one tenth of the work in this Group was performed by women. There were eight women exhibitors out of a total of sixty-three applications. In the exhibits in this department daintier manipula- tion and more regard for purity of foods was shown than in the past; and in the construction of individual booths, Mrs. Buchanan's Pickles, Mrs. Gautz (North Western Yeast Company), and Mrs. Haffner's Swansdown Flour deserve special mention. The exhibits of the women did not show special development of original inventions, but were mainly improvements, and greater skill in handling the products, the greatest labor-saving ma- chine being Werner's Domestic Machinery, but it is presumed this is the invention of man only, and that while women took no part in constructing that, their 232 REPORT installations were a credit to the most wonderful of all expositions, and were a great attraction to visitors. I am frank to say that as I look back upon our work there the women who made the greatest effort to add to the attractiveness of the Agricultural Palace did not receive all the awards they deserved; namely, Mrs. Rose E. Bailey, to whom was awarded a Grand Prize for the ingeniousness of her exhibit, never heard of the award; Mrs. Bertha E. Haffner, representing Swans- down Flour, should have had a Grand Prize for her cakes, since a Grand Prize was awarded Mrs. Gautz for Bread. This was the consensus of opinion of jurors in Group 88. The coffee exhibits employing women, the flours, Pillsbury, Washburne and Crosby, the Banana flours, North Dakota Flour Exhibitors, Sanitas Nut Company, Breakfast Foods, were all in the charge of women, all of whom deserve special mention for their unfailing courtesies to sight-seers. It warms my heart yet, just to think of the dear old Palace of Agriculture, and the many delightful hours spent there in our work. I desire specially to commend the kindness received by those in charge of the Brazilian Pavilion and Machin Brothers' French Bakery. Group 90, Miss Carolyn Hempstead (now Mrs. C. M. F. Riley), Little Rock, Arkansas, Juror. Under the Group heading " Sugar and Confectionery, Condiments and Relishes," the eight classes into which it was divided represented: Sugar. Glucose. Confec- tionery. Chocolate. Brandied fruits, preserves, jellies. Coffee, tea, substitutes for coffee; mate, chicory, and GROUP JURORS 233 sweet acorns. Vinegar. Table salt. Spices and extracts : pepper, cinnamon, allspice, etc.; flavoring extracts. Mixed condiments and relishes; mustard, curries, sauces, etc. Mrs. Riley reports as follows : Department of Agriculture, Group 90. In this group there were not as many women exhibitors as seemingly might have been expected, as women have always been the exponents of this domestic science, and have been called the "ministering angels" to man's needs; have feasted his eyes and fed his stomach from time imme- morial with their sweetmeats, Eve, even, perhaps made Adam happy with sun-dried figs ! Who knows ? All told, there were not over thirty women exhibitors, and the exhibits consisted of preserves, jellies, jams, marmalades, pickles, relishes, candied fruits, crystal- lized flowers, excellent in their quality and most beau- tifully put up, and hygienically sealed. In this, the sci- ence of our grandmothers, much of their wisdom and practice clings to the art of producing and effecting the good results which were displayed before us; but if the exhibitors did have recourse to the old cookery books, the manner of showing the exhibits, the attract- ive booths, the managing ability, the business methods, were the attributes of the woman of to-day, the advanc- ing, the far-seeing business woman. There were no foreigners in this class, the ex- hibitors of the guava jellies and foreign preserves were men. Man in all countries has been prone to reach out and gather in the best that woman has had to give, and 234 REPORT in this branch of trade has enlarged and sometimes may I add adulterated the old recipes, and with his money and his army of employees has established great pickling and preserving plants, designed to feed the world's masses. In most cases the pureness, the sweetness, the old touch of "home-made" are gone, and only when the do- mestic woman by dint of hard pressure has been driven out into the world to gain her own livelihood has this pure home-made article been put upon the market. "Pinmoney" pickles are now a household word, made by a woman in Virginia, who started by making for her friends and neighbors, but whose industry has grown now to immense proportions. In the exhibits by women at the St. Louis Exposi- tion two exhibits were of unusual merit, one a fruit cake containing forty-one varieties of preserved fruits, and weighing eighty-one pounds, made by Mrs. Rose A. Bailey of California. Mrs. Bailey preserved these fruits in sugar only. Her collection of jellies, etc., re- ceived the warmest praise, and so much has been said that she is now contemplating the forwarding of a "Home-prepared Fruit Agency" to be handled by wo- men only. The other exhibit was the crystallized rose-leaves and violets, by another California woman, so made that the sugar could be peeled off, leaving the rose-leaf or violet intact and perfect in its coloring and form. These were the odd and new exhibits. A long line of clear jellies and good pickles and toothsome relishes was most willingly judged and more willingly tasted. A most attractive exhibit of these was in the booth GROUP JURORS 235 of Mrs. Nathalie Claibourne Buchanan, representing an old Virginia kitchen, its open fireplace with the fire- logs in the background, the high mantel with its rows of preserves and pickles, and a dear old black "mammy" in kerchief and bandanna as a most fitting setting to the scene. No woman received the highest award, the Grand Prix, but some were given the gold medal. In the exhibits of the large manufacturers there was no way to tell what part of the labor had been per- formed by women, but on the printed forms the propor- tion of women laborers was quite often given, but it is a known fact that two thirds of the work of these large factories is done by women and girls. This should be a wide avenue for women to enter the marts of life, but on the small scale it is so underpaid in proportion to the labor expended that but few are bold enough to enter. Department J, Horticulture, Mr. Frederic W. Tay- lor, Chief, comprised 7 Groups and 27 Classes, the Board of Lady Managers being represented in but one Group. Group 107, Mrs. M. B. R. Day, Frankfort, Ky., Juror. Under the Group heading "Pomology," the six classes into which it was divided represented: Poma- ceous and stone fruits: apples, pears, quinces; cherries, plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines, etc. Citrus fruits : oranges, lemons, limes, shaddocks, pomelos, etc. Trop- ical and sub-tropical fruits : pineapples, bananas, guavas, 236 REPORT mangoes, tamarinds, figs, olives, sapodillas, etc. Small fruits: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, dew- berries, gooseberries, currants, etc. Nuts: almonds, chestnuts, filberts, pecans, hickory-nuts, walnuts, etc. Casts and models of fruits in wax, plaster, etc. Mrs. Day says in substance in her replies to the ques- tions : That she cannot give an approximate number of the women who exhibited in this group, but that the nature of the exhibits shown were fruits, grapes, ap- ples, etc., and flowers, the most striking exhibits being by florists and fruit culturists, and that women have entered many more branches of this work in recent years; that she believes their work shown at the Louis- iana Purchase Exposition would prove helpful and sug- gestive by reason of the great care taken in the exhibits. Mrs. Day does not think any difference was shown in ap- preciation of the exhibits of women when placed by the side of men, and hardly thinks the result would have been better had the work of women been separately exhibited. This seems to be almost the only department where exhibits were shown in such manner as to indicate whether they were the work of men or women, as all exhibits were marked distinctly with the name of the owner of fruit-farm, or florist, the exhibits of New Mexico and Oklahoma being each in charge of very intelligent women, and some of the finest fruit-farms sending exhibits were owned by women, and women also made some of the best displays of fruits and flowers. Department N, Anthropology, Prof. W. J. McGee, Chief, comprised 4 Groups and 5 Classes, the Board of Lady Managers being accorded representation upon each. GROUP JURORS 237 Group 126, Miss Alice C. Fletcher, Washington, D. C., Juror. Under the Group heading " Somatology," the two classes into which it was divided represented: Physical characteristics of man; the comparative and special anatomy of races and peoples; specimens, casts, meas- urements, charts, and photographs representing typical and comparative characteristics. Anthropometry; meas- urements, charts, diagrams, etc., showing the methods and results of comparative studies on the physical struc- ture of living races; instruments and appliances used in anthropometric investigations. Miss Fletcher reports : In the Department of Anthropology there were no distinctive exhibits by women that I can recall, for the work of women in that field was represented in the gen- eral student body of the science. In Archaeology, Mrs. Zelia Nuttall's investigations in Mexico were represented in the publications of the Peabody Museum of Harvard University and of the University of California. Miss Boyd's remarkable ex- cavations at Gournia, Crete, were in connection with the Archaeological Institute of America, and the University of Pennsylvania. The contributions of these two and of Miss Breton, an Englishwoman, who has made copies in color of the disappearing mural decorations in Cen- tral America, rank among the recent notable archaeo- logical researches. In Somatology, the exhibit of Bryn Mawr College showed so marked a comprehension of the value of this 238 REPORT line of study and its observations, and the results, in this branch of science were so clearly and well presented as to receive a special award. In Ethnology, the work of women in this branch was included in the publications of scientific bodies and universities. In the collections exhibited, the articles obtained by women were indiscriminately arranged with those gathered by men, so as to make the exhibits of value and of interest. In reply to the questions as to whether woman's work was as well appreciated when placed side by side with that of men, as when separately exhibited, I would say: That the trend of opinion at the present time is to judge of work by its character and quality rather than by the sex of the worker. Every woman student desires only such judgment to be passed on her work, and is grateful that the day has come when she can be so dealt with. Again, as to a comparison between the exhibits of woman's work at previous expositions and at the one held in St. Louis; as I have visited nearly all since that of the Centennial, I think that no one could fail to note the fairer estimate put on woman's work at the recent exposition than was ever before granted. From the days of the childhood of the race to the present time it has always been impossible to draw a hard and fast line between the labors of men and those of women; their work has continually interchanged and overlapped. What has been woman's work in one age has become man's in another. The history of textile industries is a well-known case in point. Such being the fact, it is in keeping with the truth of the past and the present time GROUP JURORS 239 not to attempt to exhibit separately that which has always been interwoven. In Anthropology the number of women students is small, but the work accomplished by these few has been creditable, and has received its due recognition. The Indian School exhibit came under the Depart- ment of Anthropology, and several women received awards for special accomplishments. Looking over the field of woman's work as presented at the St. Louis Exposition, one is convinced of the growth of a healthful recognition of her labors in the upbuilding of social life, both in the ideal and the prac- tical, and cannot fail to note the uses to which she is putting the widening opportunities for her higher edu- cation. Group 127, Mrs. Alice Palmer Henderson, of Tacoma, Wash., Juror. Under the Group heading "Ethnology," there was but one class, representing: Illustration of the growth of culture; the origin and development of arts and in- dustries; ceremonies, religious, rites and games; social and domestic manners and customs; languages and origin of writing. Mrs. Henderson says : In the Department of Anthropology in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, there were but few individual ex- hibits, those being principally in the section of history. Women have always been the chief heralds of family and conservators of family records, and relics. The 240 REPORT Daughters of the Revolution have stimulated research, restoration, and preservation along historical lines. For the first time in exposition management a department of history had its own commissioner, and that commis- sioner was a woman. Miss Hayward justified this de- cidedly new step by her services. I think I am right in asserting that she was the first woman commissioner on the board of any international exposition. 1 The sec- tion of history was part of the Department of Anthro- pology. New, too, was representation on the jury of Anthro- pology of workers in Indian affairs as represented in the model Indian school, containing, as it did, so large a proportion of women's work in exhibits from different tribes and sections of the country, and of the suggested work of the white women teachers. Of these latter was the juror, Miss Peters, of the domestic science depart- ment. Advancement along these lines since the Colum- bian Exposition is undoubted except in the matter of such Indian arts as basketry and rug-making. If there be any reason for the existence of a raffia basket in hide- ous aniline hues, it doth not yet appear. I think this bastard has usurped the place of the Indians' beautiful art of long descent, and it is distressing. White teachers who presume to instruct the Indians in basket-making, or who substitute hairpin lace and the like, have much to answer for. I noted no particular advance in Anthropology among women since the Columbian Exposition, when I served 1 Mrs. Potter Palmer and Mrs. Daniel Manning were appointed by President McKinley to serve as Commissioners at the Paris Exposition, 1900. GROUP JURORS 241 upon the same jury in the same distinguished company, Mrs. Zelia Nuttall and Miss Alice Fletcher. In other more tangible departments, so to speak, and at other expositions, I have noted a steady advance in woman's work, and in the spread of her domain. The time has long past when it should be segregated, as kindergarten efforts are from regular school work. I recall no anthropological exhibit by foreign women at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. In fact, Ameri- can women undoubtedly lead in such study, investiga- tion, exploration, and publication. In their own country the opportunity is great, especially in ethnology, because of the thousands of barbarous people among us and sav- ages upon our borders. Tribes still in the stone age are our actual contemporaries. Women, quick to grasp, able to ingratiate themselves, are peculiarly fitted to gather the folklore of the Indians, their songs and myths, and ceremonials, weird, rich, beautiful as those of the ancient Greeks. Miss Fletcher, who at St. Louis served upon the section of psychometry, has done much for both ethnology and the coming school of American music in rescuing and preserving the Indian songs. What has been accomplished in archaeology by wo- men was best exhibited in the attainments, translations, and publications of another member of the jury of An- thropology, Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, as well known in Europe as in this country. Woman's acknowledged intuition, patience, and enthusiasm are factors of great value in the problem of reducing to one common denominator the life and works of by-gone man from his archaeological remains. It seems to me of great importance to emphasize the 242 REPORT work of women at such expositions. What woman has done, woman can do, is an invaluable suggestion, borne in upon many minds, of latent possibilities which, de- veloped, might greatly benefit humanity. The most important exhibits at any great exposition are never seen, only felt. Miss Cora Peters, Department of the Interior, United States Indian Service, Chilocco, Okla., as mentioned by Mrs. Henderson, also served in this Department, and briefly says : I have not been able to give very definite replies, as I had so little time to investigate the work. I served on the section of Indian Education, and the work of the women was usually better than that of the men, and in every case they were more persistent in their efforts. It seems to me that there are more opportunities open to women along educational lines, especially that of Domestic Economy. The extent of women's influence in the home will never be known, so I am very glad that at present there is a great interest taken in that subject. Miss Peters further says : The nature of the exhibits was historical, such as those of Indian Relics, by the Daughters of the American Revolution, and the exhibit in the Alaska Building, the latter being the most strik- ing exhibit in the department. The women had more displays than men, and some of their work was very creditable, and in some cases was as well appreciated when placed by the side of that of men; in one case it might have been more beneficial in result had it been separately exhibited, but as a whole I think women were GROUP JURORS 243 given due consideration. The proportion of the work performed by women was not as large in proportion as that performed by the men, but in the Indian section of which I was a juror I think the awards were about evenly divided. The greater part of the exhibits con- sisted of collections of relics, and the exhibits by women showed great skill and ingenuity, and in nearly every case the installation of exhibits was considered very good, as was the taste displayed. Some of them were better than those by men. Group 128, Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, Cambridge, Mass., Juror. Under the Group heading "Ethnography," the one class represented : Races and peoples, from earliest man to the present time; tribal and racial exhibits, showing by means of specimens, groups, and photographs the stages of culture reached by different peoples of vari- ous times and under special conditions of environment. Families, groups, and tribes of living peoples. Mrs. Nuttall also served as Department Juror in Department N, Anthropology, under which heading her report will be found. Department O, Social Economy, Dr. Howard J. Rogers, Chief, comprised 13 Groups and 58 Classes, the Board of Lady Managers receiving representation in five Groups. Group 129, Miss Caroline Greisheimer, Washington, D. G., Juror. Under the Group heading " Study and Investigation of Social and Economic Conditions," the five classes into 244 REPORT which it was divided represented : Official bureaus and offices. Private bureaus, museums, boards of trade, etc. Economic and social reform associations, congresses. Economic serials, reviews, and other publications. Scholastic instruction in economics and social economy. Miss Greisheimer says : Studies and Investigations of Exhibits, Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, Social Economy, Group 129. The exhibits, by means of reports and statistics, of leading states and countries showing the commercial and in- dustrial conditions of the state or country, in regard to exports and imports, wages, occupations, hours of daily labor, health statistics, educational facilities, means provided for industrial betterment of employees, and photographs and graphic charts illustrative of the above, no doubt attracted the attention of thousands of visitors at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and will result in much good. Important subjects are thus brought to the front, and many employers and capitalists are benefited by the experience of others, and so go away and work out some plan for the betterment of the conditions of their employees. It opens the way for the capitalist to meet his workmen in the adoption of measures for har- monizing the interest of capital and labor, and binding together in mutual interest and good will the men whose work enriches the state, and the employer who directs their labor and converts its products into wages. The many photographs exhibited illustrating the line of betterment evolution and industrial commercial pursuits and development bring facts relating to these GROUP JURORS 245 subjects before the public, and lead captains of industry and employers to investigate betterment institutions, and profit by the experience of others. They also furnish an idea of the large industries, progress, and natural resources of the country. Thus, the photographs of the coffee plantations of Brazil thoroughly illustrated the coffee industry and gave an idea of this great industry, its commercial value, its growth and development. The exhibits of New Jersey by means of photographs of industrial betterment institutions and industrial con- ditions furnished plenty of matter for studies and in- vestigations to students of social economics. Representatives of large industries, through the me- dium of international expositions, study the means of improving the productions of their factories, either by the use of better raw material, securing it cheaper by importing it direct from the producing centres, or by the improvement of their processes by using modern machinery and by the study of the social betterment conditions of the employees of other large industrial enterprises. Many of the foreign governmental publications, reports, photographs, statistics, and graphic charts exhibited, showed the degree of advancement reached in some parts of the country with relation to these par- ticular subjects, and the splendid conditions and re- sources of the state or country. Many of these exhibits were beautifully illustrated, giving information of the social and economic conditions as well as the history, geography, physical resources, etc., of the state or coun- try. The exhibits of France, Belgium, Germany, and Great Britain were elaborate and systematically ar- 246 REPORT ranged, and furnished a fund of information in social economic studies and investigations by their most emi- nent economists. The exhibits of the American Institute of Social Service deserve especial mention. We learn from them how we can aid in humanizing and elevating the spirit, methods, and conditions of modern life. This Institute had on exhibition about 2000 photo- graphs in ten wing-frame cabinets, which visualize and interpret all forms of social and industrial betterment, arranged as follows : 1. The American Institute of Social Service. 2. Civic Betterment. 3. Improved Housing. 4. 5, and 6. Industrial Betterment. 7. European Social Studies. 8. Salvation Army and Denominational Work. 9. Young Men's and Young Women's Christian As- sociations. 10. Institutional Churches. After the Exposition, these cabinets will be put on permanent exhibition at the headquarters of the Insti- tute in New York. These photographs make a deep and lasting impres- sion upon the mind of the observer of the great work being done in all forms of social and industrial better- ment. It is an efficient way of showing the needs of the times created by the new conditions in the industrial world, and is a means of bringing together the best thinkers of the age to devise feasible plans for the better- ment of mankind and the solving of problems of social conditions and industrial betterment. They also show GROUP JURORS 247 what is being done by the American Institute of Social Service. The American Institute of Social Service is a clear- ing-house for exchange of facts, experiences, and ideas on social and industrial betterment. It is both a laboratory for investigation and a distributor of the knowledge gained. It is practically an international university for the study and promotion of social and industrial progress. Its work is done on a large and thorough plan, and benefits multitudes. The fundamental principle and purpose of the In- stitute is to make the experience of all available for the instruction of each. This principle is applicable alike to individuals, corporations, churches, societies, cities, states, and nations. The Institute places human experience on file. It welcomes inquiries from any one. The answers aim to be complete, or, if necessary, to refer the writer to the most direct and trustworthy sources. It furnishes expert advice for solving local problems to employers of every kind, to workingmen, to municipal officers, to teachers and ministers, to writers, students, and others. Through its many foreign collaborators, the Institute receives reports and is in close touch with social move- ments abroad. The Institute also arranges for addresses and lec- tures, with or without lantern slides, on many import- ant subjects such as: The Child Problem, History of Labor, Food, Tenements and Improved Housing, In- dustrial Betterment, Substitutes for the Saloon, The Newer Charity, Municipal Problems, Institutional REPORT Churches, Public Baths and Wash Houses, The Better New York. Its publications are: "Social Service," an illustrated monthly magazine; "The Better New York," mono- graphs and leaflets. It has a specialized and growing library, with many foreign books and pamphlets, three thousand lantern slides and four thousand photographs, showing social and industrial conditions throughout the world. RESULTS Plans for new factories have been modified for com- fort and health. Result : better workers and better work. Facilities for warm lunches, baths, and recreation at noon have been provided. Result: Hold of the saloon weakened. Social secretaries have been appointed in factories and department stores. Result: Employees and em- ployers in harmony. Ministers, lecturers, and writers have been aided in presenting moral questions with force and persuasive- ness. Result: Public conscience aroused. The attention of societies and clubs has been turned to vital civic questions. Result : Energies given practical value. Many private individuals have been encouraged to undertake local efforts of great value from which they reluctantly shrank for lack of knowledge and experience. Result: Individuals and communities have been both beautified. Theodore Roosevelt said: "This Institute is fitted to render a great and peculiar service, not merely to the GROUP JURORS 249 country, but to all countries. The possibilities of use- fulness for the Institute are well-nigh boundless. It will hasten the progress of civilization and the uplifting of humanity." The exhibits of the Philadelphia Commercial Mu- seum of the world's commerce and American indus- tries by means of eighty-eight graphically illustrated charts also deserve mention. These charts illustrate the progress and present conditions of the commerce of the world, of the manufacturing industries of the United States, and of the British and American ship- ping industries. This graphic method shows more clearly than statis- tics alone would do what proportion of the world's trade belongs to each of the principal nations, and the relative importance, from a manufacturing standpoint, of the leading cities of the United States. The Philadelphia Museum was organized in 1884 by ordinance of the City Councils and is governed by a board of trustees. The Board maintains the Commer- cial Museum and a Commercial Library, and is accu- mulating material for a group of city museums devoted to public education, ethnology, economics, economic botany, and general science. The Commercial Museum comprises collections illus- trating the production and commerce of all nations. A Bureau of Information collates all available data re- garding the subject of foreign trade, and distributes, upon application, reports tending to the extension of American trade abroad. The Commercial Library is free to the public and 250 REPORT contains books bearing particularly on the subjects of international trade, productions, transportation, bank- ing, economics, and municipal affairs. It also contains more important books, pamphlets, periodicals, and for- eign reports of recent date relating to foreign trade and commerce than any other commercial library in the world. This valuable collection of trade literature includes statistical reports of all foreign governments issuing such documents, and foreign governments' gazettes, reports of board of trade bodies, regulations of customs tariffs, year-books descriptive of many foreign countries, colonies, and settlements, the consular reports from all countries, special work regarding trade, commerce, agriculture, mining, and general conditions in foreign countries. It also has periodicals, city directories, and trade directories from all countries. The Museums are maintained by an annual appro- priation from the city of Philadelphia, and the Bureau of Information by contributions from business firms and individuals desiring special service. The Commercial Museum has accomplished much along the educational lines- The growing feeling that an increased export trade is necessary to the prosperity of the country is forcing upon schools and colleges the necessity of courses in commercial geography and com- merce. The Commercial Museum, with its wealth of products collected from every part of the world, is in the position to supply the necessary demand for the material on which such schools must depend. It has distributed over 225 collections of such products, with photographs GROUP JURORS 251 arranged for the study of commercial geography, and so is intended eventually to include within its scope schools, colleges, and universities. THE SALVATION ARMY It is impossible to describe in a few words the great work and the good being accomplished by the Salvation Army. Many photographs were exhibited illustrating the work being done by this noble army. On Christmas, 1878, in London, this army of Chris- tian workers was christened "The Salvation Army," consisting then of about twenty workers and about as many posts, with a few hundred members, and some 3000 souls seeking salvation during the year. To-day, there are scattered through forty-seven countries and colonies as follows : 15,000 separated workers, entirely supported from its funds; 40,000 unpaid local officers, who support themselves and give their spare time; 16,000 brass bandsmen (unpaid); 50,000 other musicians, compos- ing thousands of hymns and hundreds of new tunes annually; 250,000 penitents profess salvation publicly in the course of a single year; 6000 centres have been established, where an average of fourteen to twenty meetings are held weekly half in open air, hah* in buildings 84,000 meetings weekly; 10,000,000 weekly listeners; 520,000,000 listeners in a year. (To the poor the Gospel is being preached everywhere.) In 1880 the first Salvation Army officers landed in New York. The Salvation Army struck root in its new soil from the outset. The work has gone steadily 252 REPORT forward, and it is noted throughout the world for the wonderful spirit of humility and devotion among its workers who came to be increasingly widely recog- nized. They made rapid strides in America. They founded homes for the homeless; work for the work- less; establishments for labor bureaus and social relief institutions; establishment of industrial homes; work- ingmen's hotels; workingwomen's homes, and hotels; the establishment of the beautiful Floral Home, Los An- geles, Benedict Hotel for Young Women, Boston; and a number of cheaper class hotels for women in New York, Chicago, and Boston ; these all supply a clean, comfort- able bed, with good moral surroundings, kindly sym- pathy, and religious services. In New York and other large cities Day Nurseries have been opened in connec- tion with some Slum Posts, here mothers bring their children to be cared for during the day while they are out at work earning the wages upon which the family depend for existence. There are more than 100 Rescue Homes located in leading cities of the world, and more than 7000 fallen women were taken care of during the last year. Farm colonies have also been established, and fresh air camps are organized for summer outings. In the summer ice is furnished to the needy of the tenements ; in winter, coal. Who can estimate the good done by this noble army ? How their efforts help to cast gleams of sunshine into the desolate hearts and homes of the needy ! In civiliza- tion, religious, and sociological reforms the Salvation Army is doing a magnificent work. GROUP JURORS 253 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS EXHIBIT The Insular Exhibit of the Philippine Islands at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was one of the great features of the Fair, and deserves especial mention, although it does not come under Group 129. No other one exhibit was so widely commented upon in the press and by the public as the Insular Exhibit. Everybody who went to the Exposition visited the Filipino village and went away full of wonder and with new ideas regarding our Island possessions and our governmental policy in regard to the Filipinos and the Islands. In the Filipino village or grounds there were erected a number of typical Filipino buildings. The native villages presented the life of the Negritos, Igorrotes, and other tribes. A number of buildings dis- played the native woods, and some were devoted to commerce, agricultural products, and others to educa- tional matters. The education exhibits attracted unusual attention. The main school building was constructed after a Manila Cathedral. The main feature of the educational exhibit was a model school taught by Mr. Hager and Miss Zamora of the Filipino Normal School. The Filipino pupils were objects of great interest and curi- osity. No doubt many visitors were interested in the Igor- rotes or in some other one slight feature which left no deep impression of the actual condition of the Islands. But every one who went attentively through the Fili- pino village knows just what kind of people the Filipinos are, and learned much of their customs and their in- 254 REPORT dustries, and also acquired a fair knowledge of the re- sources of the Islands and the many problems confront- ing our Government. The Philippine Exhibit was one of the greatest features of the Fair. HUMANE EDUCATION SOCIETY The pamphlets issued by the Humane Education Society during the progress of the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition are far-reaching as an important fac- tor in true education, and cannot but result in good. Children through their influence will be trained in habits of kindness to the dependent lower creatures, become gentler to each other, more amenable to authority, and better in their conduct. Through the efforts of this Society, Bands of Mercy have been organized in the various schools and churches throughout the country, and as a result children become more humane. Pamphlets of instruction of methods of forming Humane Education Societies were given out, with other literature on humane treatment of animals which could not fail in arousing interest. A grand and noble work is being done throughout the world by the Humane Societies. Too much cannot be said in praise of the work being accomplished by the little children as mem- bers of Bands of Mercy. This is a report of a few important exhibits. It was impossible for me to give an accurate report of all the important exhibits viewed by Jury Group 129. There were several things I consider of vital importance to humanity exhibited under other groups, you will no doubt receive reports concerning them. One was the GROUP JURORS 255 "Model Nursery," which appeals to all womankind. Another, the School exhibits in manual training, draw- ing, nature study, and kindergarten exhibits. Most of this work is developed through the training of the powers of the child by our great army of noble women teachers. Group 135, Miss Margaret Wade, Washington, D. C., Juror. Under the Group heading "Provident Institutions," the six classes into which it was divided represented: Savings banks. Life insurance. Accident insurance. Sickness insurance. Old age and invalidity insurance. Fire, marine, and other insurance of property. Miss Wade expressed a somewhat pessimistic view of the work of women in this special department, as she said "the part taken by women as shown by their exhibits showed no high degree of excellence, the only exhibit in Group 135 being not up to the standard, and, therefore, in her opinion, it would have been no advantage to women to have had their work exhibited separately." This would be a somewhat difficult class, no doubt, for women to endeavor to make an exhibit, because, while thousands of them are employed in the offices of insurance companies, and as solicitors, it is probably not a field in which they will assume the risks involved, for many years to come. Group 136, Miss Jane Addams, Hull House, Chicago, 111., Juror. Under the Group heading "Housing of the Working Classes," the five classes into which it was divided 256 REPORT represented: Building and sanitary regulations. Erec- tion of improved dwellings by employers. Erection of improved dwellings by private efforts. Erection of im- proved dwellings by public authorities. General efforts for betterment of housing conditions. Miss Addams says in her report as Group Juror of the above : From the nature of the exhibits in this Department it is difficult to divide the work of women from that of men, for although the erection of dwellings by public authorities as in London was naturally done through men who were members of the London County Council, and while the model dwellings erected by large employ- ers, such as those built by Mr. Cadbury at Port Sunlight, England, or by the Krupp Company in Germany, were naturally carried through altogether by men, the earli- est efforts for amelioration in housing conditions and in many cases the initiatory measures for improved dwellings, have been undertaken by women. The activities of Octavia Hill in London preceded by many years the Governmental action, and there is no doubt that the creditable showing she was able to make on the financial as well as on the social and edu- cational side had much to do with making the move- ment for better housing popular in London. The ef- forts of Fraiilein Krupp in connection with the model housing at Eisen are also well known, although, of course, this was not indicated in the Krupp exhibit. Of the five Grands Prix which were given for general achievements disconnected with exhibits, only one was GROUP JURORS 257 awarded to a woman, that to Miss Octavia Hill, al- though a silver medal was also awarded to Frau Ross- bach of Leipsic, Germany. Two gold medals were given to American enterprises in model housing which were carried on almost exclusively by women: one to the Boston Cooperative Society, which was founded and largely directed by Mrs. Alice Lincoln, and one to the Octavia Hill Association of Philadelphia. On the whole, the special work of women in connec- tion with housing showed most satisfactory results in "rent collecting," which has become a dignified pro- fession for many English ladies who conscientiously use it as a means of moral and educational uplift to those most in need of sustained and continuous help. Improvements in housing conditions are so closely con- nected with the rate of mortality among little children, with the chances for decency and right living among young girls, with the higher standards and opportunities for housewives, that it has naturally attracted the help of women from the beginning of the crowded tenement conditions which unhappily prevail in every modern city. Group 139, Miss Mary E. Perry, St. Louis, Mo., Juror. Under the Group heading "Charities and Correc- tion," the seven classes into which it was divided, re- presented : Destitute, neglected, and delinquent children. Institutional care of destitute adults. Care and relief of needy families in their homes. Hospitals, dispensaries, and nursing. The insane, feeble-minded, and epileptic. Treatment of criminals. Identification of criminals. Supervisory and educational movements. 258 REPORT Miss Perry reports: The nature of the exhibits in Department "O," Group 139, was as follows : Class 784 Vacation Play-Ground Philadelphia Night College for Girls Missouri Industrial School for Girls Illinois Industrial School for Girls Industrial School for Girls, Washington, D. C. Class 785 Door of Hope Class 786 Committee on Tuberculosis of the Charity Organization Society of the City of New York Class 787 Johns Hopkins School for Nurses Anatomical and Pathological Exhibit Class 788 Seguin School for Backward Children Compton School for Nervous Children Chicago Hospital School Class 789 Police Supplies and Detective exhibit Class 790 Missouri State Board of Charities New Hampshire State Board of Charities Massachusetts Charity and Correctional Exhibit and Jewish Charitable and Educa- tional Union The Catholic University of America made an exhibit of all the Catholic Institutions relat- ing to Charities and Correction, which was collected and installed by the Union but put in charge of the "Queen's Daughters " Mrs. E. A. De Wolfe. Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. De Bolt. Mrs. Ameigh. Amy J. Rule. Mrs. Moise. Miss Brandt. Miss Ross. Mrs. Corrine B. Eckley. Mrs. Seguin. Fanny A. Compton. Mary R. Campbell. Mrs. M. E. Holland. Miss Mary E. Perry, Mrs. Lilian Streator. By Committee of Ladies. Miss Mary Hoxsey, GROUP JURORS 259 The approximate number of exhibits by women was Class 784 35 per cent. 785 30 786 20 787 40 788 30 789 15 790 40 Total, 30 per cent, (average) The most striking exhibits were by the Missouri State Board of Charities; Massachusetts Exhibit in Charities and Correction -, Johns Hopkins School for Nurses; Committee on Tuberculosis of the Charity Organ- ization Society of the City of New York. It is a very noticeable fact that women are taking the place of men in charitable institutions. This fact, how- ever, is more clearly demonstrated in the general Edu- cational Exhibit. The exhibits relating to dispensaries and nurses were mostly prepared by women in fact, they seem to have a monopoly in this particular line of work. A part of the Anatomical and Pathological Exhibit was in charge of Mrs. Eckley, anatomist, from the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, 111. The number of women entering this field was shown to be steadily on the increase, and the exhibit relating to medical schools also showed a great increase in the number of students. 260 REPORT Nearly all of the reformatory schools for girls and prisons and reformatories for women are under the charge of women, and a great many of the state boards of charities are practically under their control. Women are taking the place of men in the distribu- tion of charities in the larger cities, and Mrs. M. E. Holland, who installed the Exhibit on Police Supplies and who is also the editor of the "Detective," was, at the same time, in charge of the Chicago Police Exhibit. This is one of the cases where a woman has entered the profession of detective. No foreign exhibits were installed by women, al- though about fifteen per cent, of the foreign exhibits were prepared by women. The most noticeable work given to women at the Fair was along the lines demanding executive ability, as is required in organizing exhibits where tact and business capacity are essential to success. Their work differed from the work at other expositions in the fact that scien- tific material was presented in an attractive and com- prehensive way so as to be easily understood and ap- preciated by the general visitor. Their work could easily be compared to that of men. It was of the same grade, and there seemed to be no question or sugges- tion of inferiority. The work of women was as well appreciated when placed by the side of that of men as when separately exhibited, and the results would not have been better if separately exhibited. Exhibits must be scientifically classified in order to be appreciated by the general visitor. If the exhibits prepared by women had been separated, it would have left a great gap in the scientific GROUP JURORS 261 arrangement required in a collective exhibit as in Group 139. The exhibits in this line prepared by women would not and could not have covered the subject completely. There were no manufacturers in Group 139 except manufacturers of prison cells, and no women are em- ployed in such factories. Thirty per cent, of the work of organizing, collecting and installing exhibits in Group 139 was performed by women, and about forty per cent, of the actual work was prepared under the direction of women, such as teachers in reformatory institutions, etc. All women preparing and organizing exhibits in this group received awards. The exact proportion cannot be determined until the jury make their final report. Naturally there were no inventions by women in this group, but the exhibits made, or nearly all of them, were improvements on such work at former exposi- tions, and a great deal of originality was displayed, presenting scientific material and installment of ex- hibits. The artistic genius and method of displaying scien- tific material made this group very interesting to the general public, and the subjects could be comprehended with but little effort by the passing visitor. At former expositions such subjects received little attention, and were of no interest except to scientific investigators. This exhibit as a whole showed that women have taken possession of several lines of work, such as teach- ing and nursing, and that men have been practically forced out of these occupations. It also showed that they are entering many new fields, such as the medical pro- fession, and even becoming detectives, which demon- 262 REPORT strates the fact that they are not inferior to men, but are more specially adapted to certain lines of work. Group 141, Mrs. E. P. Turner, Dallas, Texas, Juror. Owing to illness Mrs. Turner served but two days on this jury, and was succeeded by Mrs. Conde Hamlin, who had been named by the Board of Lady Managers as Mrs. Turner's alternate. Under the Group heading " Municipal Government," the five classes into which it was divided represented: City organization. Protection of life and property. Public service industries. Streets and sewers. Parks, baths, recreation, city beautification, etc. Mrs. Hamlin became secretary of this jury and reports as follows : In the department in which I was a juror, namely, Municipal Government, a good deal of the work was in- spired by women, and some of it prepared by women. Women's work in civic improvement is well to the front. The work in the vacation schools which was shown, in play-grounds, for clean streets, for smoke abatement, for better disposition of garbage, has in many cities been largely inspired by women. In fact, I know of no department where the women of the leisure class are more actively interested and more efficient than in civic improvement work, and the results reached through the activities of the municipal leagues, through offi- cials, have been most marked. The Twin City Munici- pal Exhibit I myself designed, and largely prepared and administered, and I was the resident member of the Municipal Commission. GROUP JURORS 263 The nature of the exhibits in this department were charts and photographs, literature on civic improve- ment work for and by children in play-grounds, school gardens, etc. Civic work of women's clubs. The civil improvement movement may be said to have had its inception and development since the Chicago Fair, hence the display at St. Louis showed a decided and marked advance over the work of a similar nature shown at Chicago, but, naturally, there were no exhibits from foreign women, municipal betterment work being new for both men and women in the present under- standing of the term. The work shown, of course, re- lating as it does to the social life of cities, would prove helpful to those interested in the advancement and suc- cess of women 's work. I saw no difference in appre- ciation shown in comparing the work of men and women; the very nature of the work would not permit of its being separately exhibited, and it was not in all cases shown which had been performed or accomplished by women which by men. Although much of the work had been stimulated by women, just how much they actually performed I cannot say, and only two or three awards were given to women. REPORTS OF DEPARTMENT JURORS AND SUPERIOR JUROR The Board of Lady Managers was given recognition on each of the Department Juries, fifteen in number, namely: Education, Art, Liberal Arts, Manufactures, Machinery, Electricity, Transportation Exhibits, Agri- culture, Horticulture, Forestry, Mines and Metallurgy, Fish and Game, Anthropology, Social Economy, Phys- ical Culture. DEPARTMENT JURORS Department A, Education, Dr. Howard J. Rogers, Chief. Mrs. W. E. Fischel, St. Louis, Mo., Depart- ment Juror. This Department comprised 5 Groups and 26 Classes, the Group headings being Elementary Education, Sec- ondary Education, Higher Education, Special Education in Fine Arts, Special Education in Agriculture, Special Education in Commerce and Industry, Education of Defectives, and Special forms of Education, Text- books, School Furniture, and School Appliances. Mrs. Fischel writes : The queries relative to woman's work at the Exposi- tion were duly received. I have given very careful con- sideration to the request of the accompanying letter, and have deferred my answer so as to deliberate most in- telligently. Reading the questions over I found myself unable to form any opinion of woman's work as wo- DEPARTMENT JURORS 265 man's work; indeed, I have held very strongly to the opinion that the one great thing accomplished for women in this Louisiana Purchase Exposition was the exhibition of work as work without distinction as to sex. In the jury room when I served, no consideration of award was given to any sex characteristic, and not hav- ing viewed the exhibits with any idea of specializing this feature, I find myself now at a loss to particularize and say there was such a per cent, of woman's work. Department B, Art, Prof. Halsey C. Ives, Chief. This Department comprised 6 Groups, and 18 Classes, the Group headings being: Paintings and Drawings; Engravings and Lithographs; Sculpture; Architecture; Loan Collection; and Original Objects of Art Work- manship. The Board was most unfortunate in not being able to obtain the services of the prominent artists named for this position, all being abroad at the time notice of their appointment was sent, and having engagements upon their return that rendered it impossible for them to reach St. Louis in time to serve. Department C, Liberal Arts, Col. John A. Ocherson, N Chief. This Department comprised 13 Groups and 116 Classes, the Group headings being: Typography, Va- rious Printing Processes; Photography; Books and Publications, Book-Binding; Maps and Apparatus for Geography, Cosmography, Topography; Instruments of precision; Philosophical Apparatus, etc.; Coins and 266 REPORT Medals; Medicine and Surgery; Musical Instruments; Theatrical appliances and equipment; Chemical and Pharmaceutical arts; Manufacture of paper; Civil and military engineering; Models, plans, and designs for public works; Architectural engineering. Mrs. H. A. Langford, of Chicago, 111., was appointed as Juror in this Department, but did not receive notice in time. Department D, Manufactures, Milan H. Hulbert, Chief. Miss Thekla M. Bernays, of St. Louis, Mo., Department Juror. This Department comprised 24 Groups and 231 Classes, the Group headings being: Stationery; Cutlery; Silversmiths' and Goldsmiths' ware; Jewelry; Clock and Watch-making; Productions in marble, bronze, cast-iron, and wrought-iron ; Brushes, fine leather ar- ticles, fancy articles and basket- work; Articles for travel- ing and for camping; India-rubber and gutta-percha industries; Toys; Decoration and fixed furniture of buildings and dwellings; Office and household furni- ture; Stained glass; Mortuary monuments and under- takers' furnishings ; Hardware; Paper-hanging; Carpets, tapestries, and fabrics for upholstery; Upholsterers' decorations; Ceramics; Plumbing and sanitary ma- terials ; Glass and crystal ; Apparatus and processes for heating and ventilation; Apparatus and methods, not electrical, for lighting; Textiles; Equipment and pro- cesses used in the manufacture of textile fabrics ; Equip- ment and processes used in bleaching, dyeing, printing, and finishing textiles in their various stages; Equip- DEPARTMENT JURORS 267 ment and processes used in sewing and making wearing apparel; Threads and fabrics of cotton; Threads and fabrics of flax, hemp, etc.; Cordage; Yarns and fabrics of wool; Silk and fabrics of silk; Laces, embroidery, and trimmings; Industries producing wearing apparel for men, women, and children ; Leather, boots and shoes, furs and skins, fur clothing; Various industries con- nected with clothing. Miss Bernays reports as follows : In order to arrive at an accurate idea of the value of women's work as compared with men's, it would have been necessary to study the St. Louis Exposition from the time of its opening to the close, with a view to col- lecting data and statistics on this question. Further- more, to get definite results regarding the progress of women since the Columbian Exposition one would have had to have access to the researches and statistics of former expositions on this subject, if such there exist. I visited both the Columbian Exposition of 1893 and the Paris Exposition of 1900, but I have only inpres- sions of the work by women as exhibited there. Nor can I furnish figures, percentages, or even accurate esti- mates of women's work at the Louisiana Purchase Ex- position. The observations subjoined have value only in so far as the interest in women's work lies always in the undercurrent of my thought. Even under the ter- rific stress of the enormous amount of work pressed into the few short days of jury-duty, I was vividly im- pressed with the dignity of the work accomplished in arts and crafts by the women of Germany, where it was 268 REPORT exhibited together with that of men. In the one instance where women secluded themselves, it was shown with appalling force that the result was tawdry and inhar- monious. I was appointed by the Board of Lady Managers to serve upon the Department Jury in the same classi- fication of which I had served as Group Juror, for " Kunstgewerbe " (Arts and Crafts). Finding my group divided into four classes, Fixed inner decora- tion, Furniture, Stained glass, and Mortuary monu- ments, with numberless exhibits in various buildings, all over the grounds, I elected to serve in the class for "Fixed Inner Decoration." I was aware that I had been appointed for Germany because of the great in- terest I had taken in the movement for harmony in household art inaugurated in Germany about ten years ago. This movement admits of no division into "fixed inner decoration" and "furniture," etc., but regards the arrangement and decoration of spaces with a view to the effect of the "ensemble." Following the lead of our distinguished Chairman, Dr. Wuthesius, we ad- hered to this idea in spite of the barbarous separation ordered by the official instructions. Thus I was enabled to gain an insight into what women were accomplishing in industrial art, which would have been impossible had I permitted myself to look only upon "fixed inner deco- ration." The exhibits made by our own country in household art were meagre compared to those of several foreign countries, notably Germany and Austria. Nor was it possible to gain information from our exhibitors as full and as accurate as from some of the foreigners. DEPARTMENT JURORS 269 Here again the Germans were to the front with a com- plete, reliable, and artistically finished catalogue, which they freely distributed amongst the jurors. Only the Japanese were as perfectly equipped in the matter of literature on their exhibits and as lavish of information to the jurors as the Germans. I have no doubt that American women are as ex- tensively employed in industrial art as the women of Europe, but excepting in pottery their forward stride was not made to appear pronounced at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Women's work, as a maker of laces, was not so exhibited as to make it readily dis- tinguishable from men's, although it must have entered largely into the exhibits made, which, however, as I have just said, did not adequately represent the United States, many of the best and most renowned Eastern firms having chosen to absent themselves. Nor were foreign women, always the Germans and Austrians excepted, frequent or prominent in the show- ing made. In the two countries mentioned women have been undoubtedly taken up as factors which hereafter are to count in the arts and crafts. We found German women in a perceptible number exhibiting side by side with men, holding their own fairly well in decorative painting, as designers of rooms, of carpets, and wall- coverings, workers in iron and other metals, while in tapestry, weaving, embroidery, and lace-work their ad- vance is nothing short of astonishing. Wherever in the Varied Industries Building, in the German House, in the Austrian Pavilion, and elsewhere, the work of German women was incorporated into the general scheme of the decorations and furnishings, 270 REPORT wherever women together with men designed and planned, or wherever they carried out the designs of men, harmony was the result. Women's work was found to blend perfectly with men's when both worked on a common plan to a common end. Of course, wo- men in German art, as elsewhere, are numerically immensely in the minority, nor do they as yet often attempt the grand, the monumental, the complex. But many of them are honest and efficient helpers, whose eyes and hands show excellent training. They are, besides, enthusiastic supporters and intelligent abettors of the new movement which aims to achieve homo- geneousness in the arts of living. Again and again in the German exhibits one was constrained to note that the female members of an artist's family were frequently represented by work of their own. One encountered Bruno and Frau Wille, joint designers of rooms, carpets, wall-coverings ; Prof. Behrens' wife plans a variety of things from costumes to book-covering. There are feminine Hubers, Spindlers, Laengers in the catalogue, showing that the Germans, who have been so long reckoned as addicted to the cult of the "Hausfrau" only, are beginning to accord the woman-artist due recognition. It was all the more amazing to find that Germany, the very Germany who, by general verdict, had given the most complete exhibit of household art ever shown at any exposition, who, as I have just pointed out, had brought forward its crafts-women in no contemptible role, should all unconsciously furnish the striking, the classical example, of the folly of separating the sexes at an exposition. The " Verein Berliner Kunstlevinnen " made an exhibit of exclusively feminine work which DEPARTMENT JURORS 271 was as pointedly painful, as conspicuously lacking in force and originality, as confused as to arrangement, as have been all the previous displays, where the accen- tuated feminine was relegated to separate little build- ings or separate little corners in buildings. I saw more than one German artist hustle his American friends past that part of the Varied Industries Building where abominations of his misguided country-women were on view. And more than one told me that it was a slander on what German women could do. This only goes to prove what the action of the authorities in charge of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition believed to be the fact: That the exhibition of women's work apart from men's runs to the tawdry, the insignificant, and the unnecessary. Therefore, separation of the sexes in the display at expositions should not be tolerated. Department E, Machinery, Mr. Thomas M. Moore, Chief. Miss Edith J. Griswold, New York City, Department Juror. This Department comprised 5 Groups and 35 Classes, the Group headings being: Steam engines. Various motors. General Machinery. Machine tools. Arsenal tools. Miss Griswold says: After considerable consideration I almost feel that the least said about women exhibitors in the Machinery Department at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the better. The fact is, there were no women exhibitors. However, in this Department the exhibitors were mostly old firms or very large manufacturers, and while women 272 REPORT are undoubtedly making their way into mechanics, they have not been in the field long enough to have reached a point where their work, of a nature to form exposition exhibits, can compete with man's work. The Chief of the Machinery Department, and one other member of the Jury, mentioned a Miss Gleason, who is connected with one of the firms that exhibited, and spoke of her ability in the mechanical line and her knowledge of me- chanics in the highest of terms. Women are employed in various capacities in nearly every line of work that was exhibited in this Department, and Miss Gleason's probably stands as an example of the real but unosten- tatious work of many women who understand the in- tricacies of machinery fully as well as men with the same degree of training. That women are making a place for themselves in this department of industry is shown by the Patent Office statistics. The first patents for inventions were granted to men in 1790, but no patent was issued to a woman until May 5, 1809, and the number of inventions granted to them in any one year did not exceed six until the year 1862, when 14 were issued. This number was lowered but once, and that was in 1865, when naturally women had responsibilities of a nature that precluded outside interests, but the direction of which is shown in the fact that two of the 13 applications in that year were, one for "Improved table for hospitals," the other for "Im- provement in drinking-cups for the sick." In 1863 an application was made for " Improvement in ambulances." It is a significant fact that from the time General Spinner appointed the first woman to be employed under the Government in 1864, her advancement was DEPARTMENT JURORS 273 shown in invention, as well as in all other phases of her existence. At the beginning of the year 1864, 55 years after the first patent had been granted to her, she had received but 103 patents. During the next fifteen years, 1046 patents were granted; during the next ten, 1428, and during the next -five years (from 1889 to 1894), 1309 patents were issued to women, the number in five years exceeding that granted during the first 70 years. It is to be regretted that the Patent Office re- cords do not show a classification of her work during the past ten years, their list practically ceasing March 1, 1895. The inventions cover a wide and ambitious range, and include, even among their earliest attempts, " Improved war-vessel, the parts applying to other structures for defenses," "Improvement in locomotive wheels," in "Engraving copper," "Steam whistles," "Mechanism for driving sewing machines," "Improved material for packing journals and bearings," "Improvement in the mode of preventing the heating of axles and jour- nals," in "Pyrotechnic night signals," in "Paper bag machines," in "Railway car safety apparatus," "Con- veyors of smoke and cinders for locomotives," " Sewing machines," in "Alloys for hardening iron," in "Alloys to resemble silver," in " Devices for removing snow from railways," "Car coupling," "Attachment for unloading box-cars," "Railroad car," etc., etc. Department F, Electricity, Prof. W. E. Goldsborough, Chief. Miss Hope Fairfax Loughborough, Depart- ment Juror. This Department comprised 5 Groups and 24 Classes, the Group headings being: Machines for generating 274 REPORT and using electricity. Electro-chemistry. Electric light- ing. Telegraphy and telephony. Various applications of electricity. Miss Loughborough's report is as follows : The field of electricity has been so long and so pe- culiarly a man's field that it is not surprising to find that in the 5 Groups and 24 Classes which the Depart- ment of Electricity at the Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion comprised, only two exhibits were made by women, both of whom were Americans. One of these exhibits was made by Mrs. Alexander Baumgard, of New York City, and showed an auto- matic advertising figure actuated by an electric motor. The figure was that of a woman standing before a rack on which were a number of signs. The figure stooped, picked up one of the signs, raised it, turned a quarter way around, in order to display it to the best advantage, and replaced the sign. The next movement took up the next sign, and so on. The mechanism was actuated by an electric motor, which, by means of a series of cams and gears, caused it to go through the various move- ments. The value of the device was considered very small, as there are other more effective means of ad- vertising of this kind, and no award was given Mrs. Baumgard. The other exhibit by a woman was made by Mrs. Blodgett, and consisted of ornamental shades for elec- tric lights, painted by hand. These shades were quite artistic in themselves and were well installed, so the exhibit was awarded a bronze medal. DEPARTMENT JURORS 275 In neither of these exhibits was there any invention or process which was original. In the electrical industry there is practically no ma- chine or apparatus made without the assistance of wo- men or girls, as they are employed in every electrical factory for insulating and winding coils, etc. In the manufacture of these, the percentage of women's work is from three to ten per cent. But aside from this purely mechanical work, women have contributed little or nothing to the advancement of the application of elec- tricity, either before the Chicago Exposition, or during the past eleven years. Department G, Transportation Exhibits, Mr. W. A. Smith, Chief. Miss Rose Weld, Newport News, Va., Department Juror. This Department comprised 6 Groups and 33 Classes, the Group headings being: Carriages and Wheelwrights' Work Automobiles and Cycles. Sad- dlery and Harness. Railways : Yards, stations, freight houses, terminal facilities of all kinds. Material and equipment used in the mercantile marine. Material and equipment of naval services, naval warfare. Aerial navigation. Miss Weld briefly reports : As a Department Juror I saw the papers of every exhibitor, and there were no exhibits by women in this Department in any of the 33 classes, but not coming in contact with any of the exhibitors I can give no exact information about the work done by women in the man- ufacture or construction of the exhibits. 276 REPORT Department H, Agriculture, Mr. Frederic W. Taylor, Chief. Mrs. Richard P. Bland, Lebanon, Mo., Department Juror. This Department comprised 27 Groups and 137 Classes, the Group headings being: Farm equipment methods of improving lands. Agricultural imple- ments and farm machinery. Fertilizers. Tobacco. Appliances and methods used in agricultural in,dus- tries. Theory of agriculture agricultural statistics. Vegetable food products agricultural seeds. Ani- mal food products. Equipment and methods employed in the preparation of foods. Farinaceous products and their derivatives. Bread and Pastry. Preserved Meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. Sugar and confectionery condiments and relishes. Waters. Wines and brand- ies. Syrups and liquors distilled spirits commer- cial alcohol. Fermented beverages. Inedible agricul- tural products. Insects and their products plant diseases. Livestock: Horses and mules; cattle, sheep, goats, etc., swine, dogs, cats, ferrets, etc., poultry and birds. Mrs. Bland says: Our Jury passed upon machinery for making drinks, refrigerators, refrigerating, Sunny Brook Distillery, ice-making plant, beer-packers, and packages, etc., bottle-washing and cleaning. Bake-ovens, candy and chocolate machines also came within our jurisdiction. One special machine of French make was for making ice for families and on the farm; these were small machines and would make from 10 to 300 pounds, DEPARTMENT JURORS 277 and were comparatively cheap and within the reach of many. There was an interesting and unique exhibit from Germany showing canned stews and other edibles to be used in camp, and on hunting and fishing trips. The can had an interlining of tin, and between- the two walls of the can was unslacked lime; by making a hole in each end of the can, and placing first one end and then the other in cold water for five minutes, the stew was warmed and cooked. Mrs. Bland conducts a large farm, and in a letter states that she was awarded a bronze medal at this Exposition for her exhibit of timothy hay and Grimes Golden apples. Mrs. Bland also served on the Jury of Awards in the Woman's Department at the Charleston Exposition, and it was her opinion that there is a great opening for women in house furnishings, designing wall-paper, and photography. Department J, Horticulture, Mr. Frederic W. Taylor, Chief. Mrs. Ida L. Turner, Fort Worth, Texas, Department Juror. This Department comprised 7 Groups and 31 Classes, the Group headings being: Appliances and methods of pomology, viticulture, floriculture, and arboriculture. Appliances and methods of viticulture. Pomology. Trees, shrubs, ornamental plants, and flowers. Plants of the conservatory. Seeds and plants for gardens and nurseries. Arboriculture and fruit cul- ture. 278 REPORT Mrs. Turner says : In reply to your questions in regard to the work of the Woman Jurors at the St. Louis Exposition, will say that I arrived very late at the Exposition, after the Jury had about finished their duties in the Department of Horticulture, in which I was to serve. For this rea- son my duties were limited, and I had little opportunity to examine and give an intelligent estimate of the part taken by women in this Department. Department K, Forestry, Mr. Tarleton H. Bean, Chief. Mrs. J. M. Glenn, Baltimore, Md., Department Juror. This Department comprised 3 Groups and 14 Classes, under the Group headings: Appliances and processes used in forestry. Products of the cultivation of forests and of forest industries. Appliances for gathering wild crops and products obtained. No report. Department L, Mines and Metallurgy, Mr. J. A. Holmes, Chief. Mrs. M. G. Scrutchin, Atlanta, Ga., Department Juror. This Department comprised 5 Groups and 43 Classes, under the Group headings: Working of mines, ore beds and stone quarries. Minerals and stones, and their utilization. Mine models, maps, photographs. Metal- lurgy. Literature of mining, metallurgy, etc. Mrs. Scrutchin reports as follows : In all our fairy-stories, dwarfs and elves live below the earth and deal with mines and their dark belong- DEPARTMENT JURORS 279 ings ; the fairies live above. So none of us are surprised to find few women in this line of exhibitors. My work as a member of the Department Jury confined me to one room and to an inspection of lists submitted by the Group Jurors. So I really had no opportunity for specific examination of the various groups and classes, except where some doubt was expressed as to the val- idity of an award, when I made it a point to examine that subject with more or less care. Many women placed specimens of clay and ore in their state collec- tions. Several Georgia women, I know, did this, some, though owning and operating mines, and active in submitting specimens, took shelter under the husband's name. This fact also came under my own observation. Nearly all these exhibits were in Group 116, Class 682. One collection of clays and pottery produced in the interest of artistic handicraft came from the Sophie Newcomb Memorial College for the higher education of girls, at New Orleans, Louisiana, and was in the same group, but Class 690. Many like collections were seen in the Educational Building, but this is the only one given space in the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy. The Woman's Club of Pipestone, Minn., showed specimens of pipestone and jasper belonging to Group 116, Class 682. In the whole list I find only two for- eigners, one from Toronto, Canada, and the other from Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico, both such near neighbors to our own country as hardly to seem foreign. The one making exhibition from Mexico, Esther Lopez, is as- sociated with a man, Hernano, brother, or husband, I presume. Group 118, devoted to metallurgy, had only one woman exhibitor, Mrs. Abbie Krebs, San Fran- 280 REPORT cisco, Cal., who submitted Redwood Tanks for an award. I do not recall any award made to a woman in the Department of Mines and Metallurgy. Many mer- cantile houses and large corporations were competitors, and, as I have said before, many women sent their specimens to their respective State Exhibits, and so increased the chances of the State to an award. The fine Alaskan exhibition in the Alaska Building was collated, I understand, by a woman. I did not see it, and did not learn the woman's name, though I made an effort to do so. From my observation, I think the work of the women would have been better appreciated, and the effect more pronounced, had they been placed in a separate building. In this Department of Mines, for instance, every woman would have sent to the Woman's Building instead of to the State Exhibit, and a greater number would have been on record as exhibitors. The only two exhibitions, or expositions rather, at all approaching the one in St. Louis that I have attended, were the Centennial at Philadelphia in 1876, and the International Cotton Exposition at Atlanta, in 1895. At the first, I do not recall any emphasis on what woman had done except in the lines in which she had always worked, art, needlework, and dairy products. In Atlanta, as at Chicago, there was a Woman's Build- ing, and here were found her work in all lines, and many visitors enjoyed the exhibition. The recognition of woman as evidenced by her ap- pointment on the juries of the different departments, both Group and Department, was the most striking development of the recent great expositions. DEPARTMENT JURORS 281 The list submitted below contains the names of all women whose names appear in the Official Catalogue of Exhibits in the Department of Mines and Metallurgy : Sophie Newcombe Memorial College for the Higher Education of Girls, of New Orleans, Louisiana. Clays and pottery produced in the interest of artistic handi- craft. Group 116, Class 690. Mrs. Abbie Krebs, San Francisco, Cal. Redwood Tanks. Group 118, Class 702. Mrs. George Rupp, Bessemer, Mich. Collection of iron ores, needle, grape, kidney, and blackberry ore. Group 116, Class 682. Woman's Club, Pipestone, Minn. Pipestone and Jasper. Group 116, Class 682. Mrs. Helen M. Schneider, Eureka, Nev. Collection of minerals. Group 116, Class 682. Mrs. George W. Pritchard, White Oaks, New Mexico. Lincoln Co. Ores. Group 116, Class 682. Mrs. D. D. Menges, Allentown, Penn. Iron ores. Group 116, Class 682. Mrs. C. Robinson, Spokane, Washington. Arsenopy- rite ore. Group 116, Class 682. Mrs. Haliburton, Bridge wood, Bridgewood Co., On- tario, Can. Minerals. Group 116, Class 682. Esther y Hernano Lopez, Taxco, Province of Guer- rero, Mexico. Silver ores. Group 116, Class 682. Department M, Fish and Game, Mr. Tarleton H. Bean, Chief. Mrs. Mary Stuart Armstrong, Chi- cago, 111., Department Juror. This Department comprised 5 Groups and 19 Classes, the Group headings being: Hunting equip- 282 REPORT ment. Products of hunting. Fishing equipment and products. Products of Fisheries. Fish culture. No report. Department N, Anthropology, Dr. W. J. McGee, Chief. Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, Cambridge, Mass., De- partment Juror. This Department comprised 4 Groups and 5 Classes, under the Group headings: Literature, Somatology, Ethnology, Ethnography. Mrs. Nuttall reports : Exhibits of original work by women in these four sections were conspicuous by their absence. At the same time the names of several women figure in the catalogue as collaborators in the installment of archaeological col- lections. Mrs. Quibbell and Miss Cox gave valuable assistance in arranging the Egyptian exhibit from the Museum at Cairo. Miss Mary Louise Dalton not only helped to install the archaeological and historical specimens belonging to the Missouri Historical Society, but was also insti- tuted as the Custodian of these exhibits. It is impossible to overrate the value of the services rendered to the Exposition by the Special Commis- sioner for History, Miss Florence Hay ward, who not only secured the special exhibit of the Queen's Jubilee Presents, but also the exhibits of the Louisiana State Historical Society, the historical exhibit of the City of New Orleans, and several interesting private collections. DEPARTMENT JURORS 283 The highest award was given to Miss Hayward, and bronze medals were assigned to Miss Dalton and to Miss Valentine Smith, the Secretary of the Chicago Historical Society, who installed its loan exhibition, and likewise lent some documents belonging to her private collection. Two women only figured as exhibitors of single eth- nological and archaeological objects, but merely as their possessors. The foregoing facts establish that of the sections under consideration (Ethnology, Archeology, and His- tory), it was in the section of history that women dis- tinguished themselves most at the St. Louis Exposition. It may perhaps be said that the activity of women in bringing together and classifying historical material was a feature of the Exposition and marks an encour- aging stage in the history of women's work in the United States. Department O, Social Economy, Dr. Howard J. Rogers, Chief. Miss Jane Addams, Chicago, 111., Department Juror. This Department comprised 13 Groups and 58 Classes, the Group headings being: Study and investi- gation of social and economic conditions. Economic resources and organization. State regulation of in- dustry and labor. Organization of industrial workers. Methods of industrial remuneration. Cooperative institutions. Provident institutions. Housing of the working classes. The liquor question. General bet- terment movements. Charities and correction. Public health. Municipal improvement. 284 REPORT Miss Addams says in her report as Department Juror of the above: The general advance in social betterment has been very marked in the eleven years intervening since the Columbian Exposition at Chicago, and women have not only shared that advance, but have undoubtedly contributed more than their proportionate share if tested by the proportionate value of their exhibits at Chicago and at St. Louis. This is also true if tested by the Social Economy Exhibits made in Paris in 1900, where I was a juror in the Department of Social Econ- omy. No separate exhibit was there made of the work of women, save that implied in the exhibition of wo- men's philanthropic societies. At the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition their separate exhibits were not only larger, but more definite and coherent. The work of women was as much appreciated when placed by the side of men as if it had been installed by itself, and the results would have been no better if separately exhib- ited. Certainly nothing in the entire Department at St. Louis was more successfully installed and attracted more favorable attention than the Twin City Museum which occupied an entire building upon the Model Street, and was under the direction of Mrs. Conde Hamlin of St. Paul, who had also planned it from the beginning and was made Commissioner. It was cer- tainly a notable achievement to have one such exhibit as that standing absolutely upon its merits and dealing with the civic and general social conditions as they are constantly developing in our large and growing cities. It had suggestions of activities along a dozen lines DEPARTMENT JURORS 285 which make for amelioration of urban conditions, as they bear hardest upon the people of the most crowded quarters. To quote from the report of another on this subject: "It is now a well-established fact that women most effectively supplement the best interests and the fur- thering of the highest aims of all government by their numberless charitable, reformatory, educational, and other beneficent institutions which they have had the courage and the ideality to establish for the allevia- tion of suffering, for the correction of many forms of social injustice and neglect, and these institutions ex- ert a strong and steady influence for good, an influence which tends to decrease vice, to make useful citizens of the helpless or depraved, to elevate the standard of morality, and to increase the sum of human hap- piness." Department P, Physical Culture, J. E. Sullivan Chief. Miss Clara Hellwig, Plainfield, N. J., Depart- ment Juror. This Department comprised 3 Groups and 6 Classes, the Group headings being: Training of the child and adult theory and practice. Games and sports for children and adults. Equipment for games and sports. Unfortunately Miss Hellwig was abroad, and did not receive notification in time to reach St. Louis for the jury work. 286 REPORT REPORT OF SUPERIOR JUROR Mrs. Philip N. Moore, of St. Louis, Mo., was ap- pointed to represent the Board of Lady Managers on the Superior Jury, and in a general resume* of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Mrs. Moore says : If the organization of a World Exposition begins years before its doors open, if public opinion changes in a decade, it may be well, before summing up the work of women at St. Louis, to look first at the record of achievement, from Chicago in 1893 through At- lanta, Nashville, Omaha, Paris, and Buffalo, all of which led gradually to the high plane upon which we now stand. Segregation of the sexes was the limited understand- ing of most of those in charge of former expositions. Not for a moment would I imply by this statement that there was a desire to give the work of women a lower grade than that of men; rather was it the mistaken idea of drawing attention to it, as something better and apart. By this very means there was often a serious and hurtful comparison, since many women with un- doubted ability would not thus place their exhibits. It implied that in the special group, where exhibit was made, woman's mind differed from that of man's to the extent that there was also a difference in the result. We owe sincere thanks to the progressive men in charge of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, that they listened with intelligent appreciation to the plea from women for equal representation, wherever their work was found worthy. DEPARTMENT JURORS 287 There is no mistaking the dignified effect of this edict, and only the best in various lines gained ad- mission to the exhibit palaces. In most exhibits the larger proportion was presented by men; and in similar proportion the awards were assigned. There was, however, no distinction made as to sex; and the members of the various juries, in- cluding women, paid as careful attention to the one exhibit as to the other, without reference to name, often the only indication of sex. There were some Art, Educational, and Economic exhibits, placed entirely by women, showing marvelous adaptability to the limitations of environment, and also skill in artistic and practical setting. Looking closely at the work in the several departments, my opinion is that, while woman has not gained greatly in inventive or constructive arts, she has gained breadth in the ap- plied arts and has grown immeasurably in freedom of execution. This has been obtained partly by the con- tact with man's work, extending through many cen- turies in advance, and partly by the very fact that she must now stand only on her own merits. Women from foreign lands entered into competition in the Departments of Art, Education, and Liberal Arts to a very slight extent, with some investigation in Science, but in all a very small proportion. This was natural, on account of the great distance, and may be applied equally to the number of exhibitors from across the water, whether men or women. American women were found in nearly every field open to competition, though it was the apparently proud statement of the Director of Mines and Metal- 288 REPORT lurgy that there were no women on his juries, which meant, of course, no exhibit. 1 The Congresses were open to women, who appeared on the same programmes with men, were paid the compliment of as large audiences, were listened to with interest, and their opinions in discussion answered with freedom. This occurred also in the various As- sociations, where men and women work side by side. In the work of the Superior Jury, where for the first time the right of membership was given to a representa- tive of women, the application of deliberation and judgment was made to the work of men and women alike. Courtesy and the hand of fellowship were ex- tended to all. Exhibits were not specially investigated, unless appeals from former jury awards were sent in. In such cases most careful and detailed investigation was made by the special boards, to which were as- signed certain departments. There was no distinction of sex mentioned in 'the jury room; and the time has evidently arrived when no less will be expected from women no more from men than the quality of work merits. 1 Mrs. M. G. Scrutchin was evidently appointed Department Juror after this statement of the Director of Mines and Metallurgy. FINAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF AWARDS Madam President, and Members of the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. LADIES, The Chairman of the Committee of Awards, of the Board of Lady Managers, begs leave to present the story and the report of that Committee to your honorable Board. We will not begin by saying "once upon a time," for this is no fairy -story, but we will hark back to that time when we, as a Board, were not, that we may refer to the vital words of the Act of Congress of March 3, 1901, which Act provided for the creation of a Board of Lady Managers, gave the excuse for its existence, and named specifically one duty it would be called upon to per- form, to wit, " To appoint one member of all Commit- tees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as shall have been produced in whole or in part by female labor." This phase of woman's work at the World's Fair formed the principal topic of talk at the informal con- ference held in New York, December 5, 1901, between the National Commission and the members of the Board of Lady Managers who had been appointed up to that time. The Committee of Awards was one of the last of the Standing Committees to be appointed, but was the first Committee appointed by Mrs. Daniel Manning, after her election to the Presidency of the Board of Lady Managers in December, 1903, and was as follows : 290 REPORT Mrs. Frederick Hanger, Chairman, Little Rock, Ark. Mrs. Richard W. Knott, Louisville, Ky. Miss Lavinia H. Egan, Shreveport, La. Mrs. Fannie Lowry Porter, Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Helen Boice-Hunsicker, Hoboken, N. J. From the organization of the Board its influence had been sought and besought by women wishing positions connected with the Exposition work. The appointing of the Committee of Awards acted like a wireless tele- graphy message throughout the country, and brought applications from "would-be" jurors, or recommenda- tions from friends of "would-be" jurors, until the files of the Board room were filled to the limit, and the col- ored postman, of the free delivery postal service, in the Southern home of the Chairman, thought he had relapsed into a "previous condition of servitude." The rules regulating the system of awards, enacted by the Exposition Company, stated that the nomination for jurors must be in the hands of the Director of Ex- hibits thirty days before the opening of the Exposition, for the approval of the Exposition Company and the National Commission. The Division of Exhibits had issued a list of all ex- hibits that could be entered at the Exposition, dividing them into 144 groups. As woman's work is never done, and as she has worked her way into almost every industrial avenue, to find out the "woman" in the work of exhibits required more light than the Act of Congress or the rules of the Expo- sition Company gave on the subject. The Chairman of the Committee of Awards made a special journey to St. Louis, a month after the Com- COMMITTEE ON AWARDS 291 mittee was appointed, and in company with Miss Egan, a member of the Committee, waited upon the Director of Exhibits, and asked that the World's Fair light, for femininity, might be thrown on the 144 groups of Ex- hibits, that woman's work, "in whole or in part," might have a juror appointed by the Board of Lady Mana- gers to judge of its merits. The Director of Exhibits, with much genial gracious- ness, threw up his official hands and said he was helpless, that not until the exhibits were placed could the groups that would admit of women jurors be determined; and that there would be women jurors appointed by the Exposition Company as well as by the Board of Lady Managers. He suggested that we look carefully through the 144 groups and use our "judgment" as to which groups would call for women jurors. We asked the advisability of conferring with the heads of the different Departments, and were told that the in- formation must come through the Director of Exhibits. We were told to remember that the list of women jurors must be limited to keep down the expense of the jury work. From this time until the 25th of July, the Board waited for the classified list. By correspondence among the members of the Com- mittee of Awards, by meeting of the same, and by sug- gestions from the entire Board, a long list of names of women eminent for intellectual, artistic, material, and practical achievements was obtained from which to choose women jurors. It seemed impossible for the Committee to make a report to present to the Board for acceptance until information in regard to the classified list had been obtained. 292 REPORT Partial tentative reports were read at the March meet- ing, to report progress and secure suggestions. At a meeting of the Board held April 29, a list of 83 names for women jurors and their alternates was sub- mitted by the Committee, and accepted by the Board. A motion carried to the effect that power to act was left with the Committee, as the classified list had not been received from the Exposition Company, and the Com- mittee's use of "judgment" might be tempered with the blue pencil of the Exposition Company. The confirmation of names for jurors was made very comprehensive, as the Board at that time did not expect to meet until after the jurors had served. The President of the Board was untiring in her efforts in behalf of the jury work of the Board. The Chairman of the Committee was called to St. Louis twice on the special work of the jury list, and the members of the Board and Committee, by consultation with members of the National Commission, officials of the Exposition Company, and heads of Departments, held out for what they considered the full rights of the nominating power of the Board, with the hope of bringing American womanhood in touch, as near as possible, with the work of the Exposition. The following communications indicate the progress made : 9r. Louis, July 22, 1904. Hon. David R. Francis, President Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Exposition Grounds, St. Louis, Mo. DEAR SIB, In regard to the appointment of wo- men jurors, the Board of Lady Managers begs leave to COMMITTEE ON AWARDS 293 state that names of women jurors for eighty-three groups have been approved by the Board. We have been in- formed that the classified list of groups is in your hands, and we would be glad to receive it at the earliest pos- sible date. Very respectfully, (Signed) M. MARGARETTA MANNING, President. ST. Louis, July 25, 1904. MADAM PRESIDENT, The Exposition Company, through the Executive Committee, has approved the accompanying report of the Director of Exhibits, and hereby certifies to the Board of Lady Managers the num- ber of groups in which the exhibits have been produced in whole or in part by female labor. This is in response to your letter addressed to the President under date of July 22, and this day submitted to the Executive Committee. The groups so certified are as follows: EDUCATION Group 1. Elementary Education. 2. Secondary Education. 3. Higher Education. 4. Special Education in Fine Arts. 7. Education of Defectives. FINE ARTS Group 9. Paintings and Drawings. 11. Sculpture. 12. Architecture. 14. Original Objects in Art Workmanship. LIBERAL ARTS Group 16. Photography. 17. Books and Publications Bookbinding. 18. Maps and Apparatus for Geography, Cosmography, Topo- graphy. 294 REPORT MANUFACTURES Group 37. Decoration and Fixed Furniture of Buildings and Dwellings. 45. Ceramics. 52. Equipment and Processes used in Bleaching, Dyeing, Print- ing, and Finishing Textiles in their various stages. 53. Equipment and Processes used in Sewing and Making Wear- ing Apparel. 58. Laces, Embroidery, and Trimmings. 59. Industries Producing Wearing Apparel for Men, Women, and Children. 61. Various Industries connected with Clothing. MACHINERY None. ELECTRICITY None. TRANSPORTATION None. AGRICULTURE Group 78. Farm Equipment Methods of Improving Land. 84. Vegetable Food Products Agricultural Seeds. 88. Bread and Pastry. 89. Preserved Meat, Fish, Vegetables, and Fruit. 90. Sugar and Confectionery Condiments and Relishes. 92. Wines and Brandies. LIVE STOCK None. HORTICULTURE Group 107. Pomology. FORESTRY None. MINES AND METALLURGY None. FISH AND GAME None. ANTHROPOLOGY None. COMMITTEE ON AWARDS 295 SOCIAL ECONOMY Group 129. Study and Investigation of Social and Economic Conditions. 133. Methods of Industrial Remuneration. 136. Housing of the Working Classes. 137. The Liquor Question. 139. Charities and Corrections. 141. Municipal Improvement. PHYSICAL CULTURE None. Very respectfully, (Signed) DAVID R. FRANCIS, President. To MRS. DANIEL MANNING, President Board of Lady Managers. ST. Louis, Mo., July 30, 1904. Hon. David R. Francis, President Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Administration, Building. DEAR SIR, The accompanying list of eighty-three women jurors, to serve on the Committee of Awards, of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, has been made by the Board of Lady Managers, and is hereby sub- mitted for approval to the Exposition Company and to the National Commission. This list has been made according to the authoriza- tion granted to the Board in Section 6 of the Acts of Congress, approved March 3, 1901, to wit: "To nomi- nate one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as shall have been produced, in whole or in part, by female labor." Very respectfully, (Signed) M. MARGARETTA MANNING, President. (Signed) FRANCES MARION HANGER, Chairman Committee of Awards. 296 REPORT August 4, 1904. MY DEAR MADAM PRESIDENT, Responding to your communication of July 30, transmitting a list of women jurors, and alternate jurors, that you recom- mend for appointment, and which you submit for ap- proval by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company and the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, I beg to state that under the rules and regulations of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, approved by the National Commission, the Board of Lady Managers may appoint 32 women jurors and women alternate jurors. As the number of names submitted by you greatly exceeds the number you are permitted to nominate, under the rules and regulations above referred to, the list is herewith returned for revision. If the names you have submitted for appointment upon the groups for which the Board of Lady Managers are entitled to make nominations, are the ones you de- sire in these particular groups, they will be entertained for confirmation, but it may be you will desire to read- just your list. Very respectfully, D. R. FRANCIS, President. To MRS. DANIEL MANNING, President Board of Lady Managers. August 9, 1904. To the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, Hon. David R. Francis, President. DEAR SIR, In response to your letter received August 8, in re list of nominations for the women jurors made by the Board of Lady Managers, I beg leave to COMMITTEE ON AWARDS 297 state that said list was made under what the Board be- lieved to be the interpretation of Section 6 of the Act of Congress approved March 3, 1901, which would seem to provide for the appointment of "one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such ex- hibits as may have been produced, in whole or in part, by female labor." We regret exceedingly that "in the discretion of said commission and corporation" referred to in said Act, the list of groups has been reduced from eighty-three to thirty-two. We respectfully ask, however, that a favorable con- sideration may be given to four additional groups, viz: 125, Literature; 126, Somatology; 127, Ethnology; and 128, Ethnography. These Groups have been specially designated by the Chief of the Department of Anthro- pology, the names of nominees submitted are those ap- proved by him, and it is most desirable that this request be granted. We herewith hand you revised list, readjusted as per your instructions. Respectfully submitted. FRANCES MARION HANGER, Chairman of Committee of Awards. EDUCATION (Department A) Group 1. Elementary Education PRINCIPALS ALTERNATES Miss Anna Tolman Smith, Miss Clara Hellwig, Washington, D. C. Plainfield, N. J. Group 2. Secondary Education Miss Anna G. MacDougal, Miss Mary Boyce Temple, Chicago, HI. Knoxville, Tenn. 298 REPORT Group 3. Higher Education PRINCIPALS ALTERNATES Miss Caroline Hazzard, Mrs. Charles Perkins, Wellesley, Mass. Knoxville, Term. Group 4. Fine Art Mrs. E. A. Thayer, Mrs. Charles Cary, Denver, Colo. Buffalo, N. Y. Group 7. State Institutions Mrs. Sarah Platt Decker, Mrs. George Noyes, Denver, Colo. Milwaukee, Wis. Group 9. Painting and Drawing Mrs. J. Montgomery Sears, Miss Mary Solari, Boston, Mass. Memphis, Tenn. ART (Department B) Group 11. Sculpture Mrs. Elizabeth St. John Matthews, Miss Enid Yandell, New York, N. Y. Louisville, Ky. Group 12. Architecture Miss Rose Weld, Miss Susan N. Ketcham, Newport News, Va. Carnegie Hall, N. Y. Group 14. Art Workmanship Mrs. Eugene Field, Miss Alice Barber Stevens, Buena Part, Dl. Philadelphia, Pa. LIBERAL ARTS (Department C) Group 16. Photography Miss Frances B. Johnston, Mrs. Charles Ladd, i, D. C. Portland, Oregon. Group 17. Publishing and Bookbinding Mrs. Horace S. Smith, Miss Bulkley, Chicago, m. Hillside, Mo. Group 18. Haps, Apparatus for Geography Mrs. Fannie Hicks Woolwine, Mrs. M. G. Scrutchin, Nashville, Tenn. Atlanta, Ga. COMMITTEE ON AWARDS 299 MANUFACTURES (Department D) Group 87. Furniture and Household Decoration PRINCIPALS ALTERNATES Mrs. Candace Wheeler, Mrs. R. A. Edgerton, New York, N. Y. Berwyn, 111. Group 45. Ceramics Mrs. Isaac Boyd, Miss Henrietta Ord Jones, Atlanta, Ga. New York City. Group 52. Bleaching and Dyeing, etc. Miss Madolin Wynn, Mrs. W. S. Major, Deerfield, Mass. Shelbyvffle, Ind. Group 53. Equipment and Processes used in making Clothes Mrs. Elisha Dyer, Sr., Mrs. Frederick Nathan, Providence, R. I. New York City. Group 58. Lace Trimming and Embroidery Mrs. E. D. Wood, Mrs. Noble Prentiss, Indianapolis, Ind. Leavenworth, Kan. Group 59. Industries Producing Wearing Apparel Miss Margaret Summers, Miss Mary Montgomery, Louisville, Ky. Portland, Oregon. Group 61. Industries connected with Clothing Mrs. F. K. Bowes, Miss Runley, Chicago, m. W. Clinton, N. Y. AGRICULTURE (Department H) Group 78. Agriculture Methods of improving Lands Mrs. W. H. Felton, Miss Myra Dock, Cartersville, Ga. Harrisburg, Pa. Group 84. Vegetable Products Mrs. Christine Terhune Herrick, Mrs. E. W. Williams, Haworth, N. J. Winona, Minn. Group 88. Bread and Pastry Mrs. F. H. Pugh, Mrs. John B. Henderson, Bellevue, Neb. Washington, D. C. I 300 REPORT Group 89. Preserved Meats, Fish, Vegetables, and Fruit PRINCIPALS ALTERNATES Mrs. E. L. Lamb, Mrs. Minnie H. Lawton, Jackson, Miss. Omaha, Neb. Group 90. Sugar and Confectionery, Condiments and Relishes Miss Carolyn Hempstead, Mrs. R. P. Bland, Little Rock, Ark. Lebanon, Mo. Group 92. Wines and Brandies Miss Cruse, Mrs. W. C. Ralston, Helena, Montana. San Francisco, Cal. HORTICULTURE (Department J) Group 107. Pomology Mrs. M. B. R. Day, Mrs. Robert Fulton, Frankfort, Ky. Buffalo, N. Y. ANTHROPOLOGY (Department N) Group 125. Literature Miss Grace King, Miss Annie Scoville, New Orleans, La. Stamford, Conn. Group 126. Somatology Miss Alice Fletcher, Mrs. Nelson H. Doubleday, Washington, D. C. New York, N. Y. Group 127. Ethnology Mrs. Alice P. Henderson, Miss Matilda Coxe Stevenson, Tacoma, Washington. Washington, D. C. Group 128. Ethnography Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, Miss Cora Peters, Cambridge, Mass. Washington, D. C., SOCIAL ECONOMY (Department O) Group 129. Study and Investigation of Social and Economic Conditions Miss Caroline Greisheimer, Mrs. J. M. Glenn, Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md. Group 135. Provident Institutions Mrs. Eliza Eads How, Miss Margaret Wade, St. Louis, Mo. Washington, D. C. Group 136. Housing of the Working Classes Miss Jane Addams, Mrs. H. G. R. Wright, Chicago, HI. Denver, Colo. COMMITTEE ON AWARDS 301 Group 137. The Liquor Question PRINCIPALS ALTERNATES Countess of Aberdeen. Mrs. Ralph Trautman, New York, N. Y. Group 139. Chanties and Correction Miss Mary E. Perry, Miss Josephine Woodward, St. Louis, Mo. Cincinnati, Ohio. Group 141. Municipal Improvement Mrs. E. P. Turner, Mrs. Conde Hamlin, Dallas, Texas. St. Paul, Minn. The foregoing list was confirmed by the Exposition Company and the National Commission (August 21). The Group Jurors were notified at the earliest pos- sible moment, of their appointment. The time that most of the jurors began to serve was September 1st. The list of jurors who served under appointment from the Board of Lady Managers was as follows: LIST OF GROUP JURORS EDUCATION Group 1. Miss Anna Tolman Smith, Washington, D. C. 2. Miss Anna G. MacDougal, Chicago, m. 3. Miss Mary Boyce Temple, Knoxvffle, Tenn. 4. Mrs. E. A. Thayer, Denver, Colo. 7. Miss Hope Loughborough, Cleveland, Ohio. ART Group 9. Miss Mary Solari, Memphis, Tenn. 11. Mrs. Elizabeth St. John Matthews, New York. 12. Miss Rose Weld, Newport News, Va. 14. Mrs. Eugene Field, Buena Park, HI. LIBERAL ARTS Group 16. Miss Frances Benjamin Johnston, Washington, D. C. 17. Mrs. Horace S. Smith, Chicago, HI. 18. Mrs. W. M. Woolwine, Nashville, Tenn. 302 REPORT MANUFACTUBES Group 37. Mrs. R. A. Edgerton, 45. Mrs. Isaac Boyd, ,_ ( Mrs. F. K. Bowes, Groups 53&61.JMT, A. G.Harrow, {Mrs. E. D. Wood, Miss Margaret Summers, Mrs. W. S. Major, Group 78. 90. Group 107. Group 125. 126. 127. 128. Group 129. 135. 136. 139. 141. AGRICULTURE Mrs. W. H. Felton, Mrs. F. H. Pugh, Mrs. E. L. Lamb, Miss Carolyn Hempstead, Mrs. HORTICULTURE [. B. R. Day, ANTHROPOLOGY Miss Alice C. Fletcher, Mrs. Alice Palmer Henderson, Miss Cora Peters, Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, SOCIAL ECONOMY Miss Caroline Greisheimer, Miss Margaret Wade, Miss Jane Addams, Miss Mary Perry, J Mrs. E. P. Turner, ( Mrs. Conde Hamlin, Milwaukee, Wis. Atlanta, Ga. Chicago, HI. Ottumwa, la. Indianapolis, Ind. Louisville, Ky. Shelbyville, Ind. Cartersville, Ga. Bellevue, Neb. Jackson, Miss. Little Rock, Ark. Frankfort, Ky. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Cambridge, Mass. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Chicago, HI. St. Louis, Mo. Dallas, Texas. St. Paul, Minn. The appointment of the Departmental Jurors had been provided for in the extensive jury list approved April 29. But at the request of three of the members of the National Commission, the list of Departmental Jurors was further confirmed at a meeting of the Board called for that purpose on September 20, and these jurors began their work almost immediately. COMMITTEE ON AWARDS 303 The following list of Department Jurors was sent to the Exposition Company, and the National Commis- sion : LIST OF DEPARTMENT JURORS DEPARTMENT A, EDUCATION PRINCIPALS ALTERNATES Mrs. W. E. Fischel, Miss Anna Tolman Smith St. Louis, Mo. Washington, D. C. DEPARTMENT B, ART Mrs. Montgomery Sears, Miss Cecelia Beaux, Boston, Mass. New York City. DEPARTMENT C, LIBERAL ARTS Miss Olive Seward, Mrs. H. A. Langford, Washington, D. C. Chicago, El. DEPARTMENT D, MANUFACTURES Miss Thekla M. Bernays, Mrs. W. H. Clapp, St. Louis, Mo. New York City. DEPARTMENT E, MACHINERY Miss Kate Gleason, Miss Edith J. Griswold, Rochester, N. Y. New York City. DEPARTMENT F, ELECTRICITY Miss Hope Loughborough, Miss Madolin Wynn, Cleveland, Ohio. Deerfield, Mass. DEPARTMENT G, TRANSPORTATION EXHIBITS Miss Rose Weld, Mrs. Robert Fulton, Newport News, Va. Buffalo, N. Y. DEPARTMENT H, AGRICULTURE Mrs. Martha Shute, Mrs. Edward Gilchrist Low, Denver, Colo. Groton, Mass. 304 REPORT DEPARTMENT J, HORTICULTURE Mrs. Ida L. Turner, Mrs. M. B. R. Day, Fort Worth, Texas. Frankfort, Ky. DEPARTMENT K, FORESTRY Miss Myra Dock, Mrs. J. M. Glenn, Harrisburg, Pa. Baltimore, Md. DEPARTMENT L, MINES AND METALLURGY Mrs. M. G. Scrutchin, Mrs. E. L. Lamb, Atlanta, Ga. Jackson, Miss. DEPARTMENT M, FISH AND GAME Mrs. Mary Stuart Armstrong, Mrs. C. E. Hatch, Chicago, HI. Kentland, Ind. DEPARTMENT N, ANTHROPOLOGY Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, Mrs. Emily Cook, Cambridge, Mass. Washington, D. C. DEPARTMENT O, SOCIAL ECONOMY Miss Jane Addams, Mrs. Lilian Cantrell Bay, Chicago, Dl. St. Louis, Mo. DEPARTMENT P, PHYSICAL CULTURE Miss Clara S. Hellwig, Miss Margaret Wade, Plainfield, N. J. Washington, D. C. It was found, upon communicating with the above- named, that very many could not serve, and no provi- sion having been made for alternates, many changes became necessary. The following list was subsequently transmitted to the Exposition Company and National Commission, two even of these, however, failing to serve : Department A, Education, Mrs. W. E. Fischel, St. Louis, Mo. COMMITTEE ON AWARDS 305 Department B, Art, Miss Mary Bullock, Hillside, Mo. Department C, Liberal Arts, Mrs. H. A. Langford, Chicago, 111. Department D, Manufactures, Miss Thekla M. Ber- nays, St. Louis, Mo. Department E, Machinery, Miss Edith J. Griswold, New York City. Department F, Electricity, Miss Hope Loughborough, Cleveland, Ohio. Department G, Transportation Exhibits, Miss Rose Weld, Newport News, Va. Department H, Agriculture, Mrs. Richard P. Bland, Lebanon, Mo. Department J, Horticulture, Mrs. Ida L. Turner, Fort Worth, Texas. Department K, Forestry, Mrs. J. M. Glenn, Balti- more, Md. Department L, Mines and Metallurgy, Mrs. M. G. Scrutchin, Atlanta, Ga. Department M, Fish and Game, Mrs. Mary Stuart Armstrong, Chicago, 111. Department N, Anthropology, Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, Cambridge, Mass. Department O, Social Economy, Miss Jane Addams, Chicago, 111. The Committee of Awards regrets that the discre- tionary power of the Exposition Company restricted the appointive power of the Board, and that the late hour of the appointments prevented a number of the jurors from accepting. 306 REPORT It was a great pleasure to the members of the Board and the Committee to meet and to entertain the clever and attractive women jurors, who served with distinc- tion in their work, and who in every possible way showed their appreciation of the honor conferred upon them by the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Respectfully submitted. FRANCES MARION HANGER, Chairman. JENNIE GILLMORE KNOTT. LAVINIA H. EGAN. FANNIE LOWRY PORTER. HELEN BOICE-HUNSICKER. FINAL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, AND CLOSING OF THE EXPOSITION The tenth meeting of the Board was called on Novem- ber 9, 1904. The Rotating Committee and many mem- bers of the Board remained on duty from this time until the closing day of the Exposition. Many matters in connection with the closing of the work of the Board in St. Louis were disposed of, and the following reso- lution concerning the preparation of its final report was adopted : RESOLVED, That the President of this Board be re- quested to make a final report of the work of this Board. The following is the final report of the House Com- mittee for the Exposition period : To the President and Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. LADIES, Your House Committee begs to submit the following: On the 30th day of April, 1904, at the opening of the greatest Exposition the world has ever known, and commemorating one of the most important events in the history of our country, the Board of Lady Managers, created by act of Congress and appointed by the Na- tional Commission, designed by the wisdom and fore- thought of one of our most dearly beloved Chief Execu- tives, to represent the women of America in setting forth to the world woman's part not only in the making 308 REPORT of the Exposition, but in the real expansion and develop- ment of our great Nation, found itself, by a combina- tion of circumstances, fortuitous or otherwise, resolved into a committee on entertainment with a commodious and elegantly appointed home to call its own, and the appropriation of $100,000 to spend on furnishing, enter- taining, and necessary expenses of the Board. It is, therefore, the pleasure of this, your House Committee, to report for the entire Exposition period beginning April 30, 1904, and ending December 1, 1904, that the House was in order each day from 10 o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. M. for the reception of the public and for a series of entertainments, which, by reason of the number of distinguished men and women thus brought together, were international in character, and of a nature and brilliancy in the highest degree pleasing to the Board itself. The informal afternoon teas made a most attractive and interesting feature of the Board's hospi- tality during the Exposition. For every month, save August, a number of formal affairs were given, includ- ing luncheons, receptions, and dinners. It was particularly fitting that the initial entertain- ment by the Board of Lady Managers in its Exposition home should have been given in honor of the National Commission, the Government's representative in the great World's Fair. To this dinner, given on the even- ing of the 30th of April, under the trying circumstances attendant upon a day strenuous with opening exercises and the disadvantages of the rapid adjustment of house- hold arrangements, one hundred guests were bidden. President Carter of the National Commission was toast- COMMITTEE ON AWARDS 309 master on this occasion, and toasts were given by President David R. Francis, Senator Daniels, Congress- man Tawney, and Hon. M. H. de Young. A reception in honor of Mrs. David R. Francis fol- lowed on May 9, to which 500 guests were invited. On May 17, a brilliant company of 500 was enter- tained at an afternoon reception in honor of the re- presentatives of the Army and Navy, in and near St. Louis. Ladies of the Army and Navy assisted in receiv- ing, and many distinguished persons were present. On May 19, immediately following the Louisiana Purchase Day exercises of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, a luncheon was given by the Board of Lady Managers, in honor of the delegates to the General Federation. Miss Alice Roosevelt was the honoree of a luncheon given on May 31, to which 200 guests were bidden. The affair was most charming and successful. Having thus during the opening month announced itself, the Board of Lady Managers continued during the Exposition to contribute its quota to the social life of the great Fair. The distinguished foreigners whom it was the privi- lege of the Board especially to honor, were the repre- sentatives of foreign Governments, with a reception on June 17 ; Prince Pu Lun, to whom a dinner was given on July 10 ; and Prince Fushimi, for whom a reception was held on November 22. Receptions to the Inter- parliamentary Union on September 12, and to the Con- gress of Arts and Sciences on September 20, were also international in character, many distinguished foreigners being present. 310 REPORT Among the special functions given, none was more successful or more brilliant than the dinner in honor of President David R. Francis, on November 12, to which 170 guests were invited. The Building of the Board of Lady Managers, with the changes made by the Board, was both in its ap- pointments and location admirably adapted for the purpose for which it was set aside, and in itself was a tribute to the necessity and advantage of cooperation on the part of the Board. The whole lower floor of the building was beautifully fitted up for the reception and entertainment of guests, and the upper floor was reserved for the private use of the Board, being divided into Board room, Office, Re- ception room, apartments for the President of the Board, and accommodations for all members of the Board who wished to avail themselves of the hospitality of the home while in the city. The House was conducted as any well organized household under the direction of the Rotating Com- mittee composed of the resident members in St. Louis, and the members rotating each month. They were ably assisted by a very capable hostess. The House Com- mittee is greatly indebted to Miss Julia Ten Eyck McBlair, for the gracious manner in which she served the Board as hostess during the period of the Exposition. Without wishing to discriminate in the least, thanks are especially due to WeiFs Band, of St. Louis, Mo., for its never-failing courtesy in supplying music for the entertainments of the Board whenever it was possible for its engagements to permit, and to the leader, Mr. William Weil, for his personal interest. FINAL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 311 To the Commissioner from Ceylon, Mr. Stanley Bois, the Board would especially express its thanks for the tea from his Commission, which was used and enjoyed by the members of the Board and their guests, and also to the representatives of the Japanese Com- mission who presented the chests of tea from which, together with that sent by the Commissioner from Ceylon, all afternoon teas and receptions and luncheons of the Board were supplied, to the great pleasure and enjoyment of their tea-drinking friends. To the Department of Horticulture for their gifts of choice fruit, and to the California Commission for beautiful basket of fruit on "California Day." To the Agent, who through Messrs. Nicholson & Co., of St. Louis, presented two cases of champagne; and to the Colorado Commission for baskets of fruit. The House Committee particularly appreciated the courtesy extended to the Board of Lady Managers by Lieutenant-Colonel Kingsbury and Lieutenant-Colonel Fountain, and officers of the Jefferson Guards, for constantly providing a guard for their building. Respectfully submitted. SALENA V. ERNEST, Chairman. It was the earnest wish of some of the members of the Board, at a very early period of its existence, to establish and maintain, if possible, a Day Nursery or Creche on the Exposition Grounds, in order that suit- able provision might be made for children whose par- ents might wish to have them cared for during the day, and thus afford to those whose time and means were extremely limited an opportunity to see as much of the 312 REPORT Exposition in as brief a space as possible. Ways and means were frequently discussed, but the absence of fuilds and the uncertainty in regard to substantial aid were sources of much anxiety and delay. Estimates were obtained of cost of building, however, plans were drawn ready for work to be begun the first practicable moment, and all information as to best methods and equipment was secured, in order that no time might be lost should it later be found possible to proceed with the enter- prise. The idea was viewed with much favor by both the President of the Exposition Company and the Director of Exhibits, and it was hoped the Exposition Company would regard this as one of the "suggestions" from the Board which President Francis had said the Executive Committee would "take under serious con- sideration," but on the 15th of August, 1903, President Francis wrote to the President, Mrs. Blair : My idea is that we should not permit any one State to have charge of these Day Nurseries. I think the Board of Lady Managers should have entire charge, and hope they will be able to raise the money without mak- ing inroads on the treasury of the Exposition Company. Subsequently, however, the Exposition Company agreed to appropriate $35,000 for the purpose of erect- ing the building, but later granted a concession for a similar enterprise on the grounds. When the Board eventually obtained its appropriation of $100,000, it was thought that the work might be begun immediately; but as some misunderstanding had arisen in the minds of the members as to the terms of the original proposi- FINAL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 313 tion, upon further investigation it was found that, whereas in the first place it had been represented that the Creche would be self-sustaining, it now became evident that the plan had grown beyond all anticipated or intended proportions, and that instead of being self- supporting the Board might be called upon for un- limited and unexpected outlay. As all the members had become greatly interested in the project, they felt keenly disappointed when it became evident that it would be necessary to abandon the undertaking. Desiring, however, to take some part in this useful work, and being informed that the con- cession that had been granted for a feimilar purpose was in need of funds to enable it to employ additional nurses and make it possible to care for more children, on July 14, 1904, at their mid-summer meeting, the following resolution, presented by Mrs. Hanger, was adopted by the Board : BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Lady Mana- gers set apart, and turn over, to the persons in charge of the Model Play-Ground, Nursery, and Lost Children work, the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000) to assist in carrying on these projects on the Exposition Grounds. Mrs. John M. Holcombe was made Chairman of the Committee having this appropriation in charge, and her final Report is as follows : 314 REPORT To the President and Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. LADIES, The members of the Board of Lady Managers were from the beginning of their organization deeply interested in the need of caring for little children at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and various plans were under consideration at an early date. To have a model creche was the desire of the Presi- dent and members of the Board, and it was with great satisfaction that arrangements were made for a very perfect equipment. A practical philanthropy in full working order would prove also an exhibit of the most approved and up-to- date methods, at once a charity, an example, an in- spiration. The Exposition Company made a generous appro- priation, the sum of $35,000 being allowed for the building and furnishing, and very beautiful designs were made and considered. Infants were to be cared for by trained nurses, receiving attention and considera- tion possible only to babies of the twentieth century, and altogether in advance of the simple and natural conditions of baby life prior to the closing years of the nineteenth century. Special foods, specially treated, specially constructed bottles in fact, everything special, and disinfected from the nurse and crib down to the smallest minutiae. The charge was to be 50 cents a day, and estimates formed on experience went to show that on this basis the creche would be self-sustaining when once estab- lished and started in running order. Shortly before the opening of the Fair, however, FINAL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 315 and at a moment when the Exposition Company was passing through most trying experiences and needed all possible funds, it was found that unfavorable aspects had arisen. At the March meeting of the Board, 1904, and only a few weeks prior to the opening of the Expo- sition, it was learned that two concessions of a nature similar to the creche had been made, where the charge for children would be but 25 cents a day. Already the Board had heard some buzz of criticism that 50 cents was too high a price for benefit to poor people. Thus there seemed to be established a rate of income, which for the requirements of the creche conducted under great expense would be entirely inadequate. There were apparently no sponsors for the undertaking but the Board of Lady Managers; and a steady loss of 25 cents on each child, for a period of seven months, would pile on the losses to unknown and quite incalculable proportions. It is true the Board had received a sum of $100,000. This was to cover all expenses of the Board, whose members were the official hostesses of the Fair. Every- thing was to be conducted at this great Exposition in the most munificent manner possible. Ceremonies and entertainments which had been given at the dedicatory exercises in 1903 indicated a scale of elegance and boundless hospitality; in fact, hospitality was to be a distinguishing feature of this great exposition at St. Louis. The Board of Lady Managers formed a part of the hospitable equipment, welcoming the world to the official home of the Exposition, and were to fulfill one of woman's missions, and entertain in a manner and on a scale harmonious with the greatest and most 316 REPORT beautiful exposition the world had ever looked upon. For these purposes the money must be made to last throughout the seven months of the coming Fair. No more fatal thing could occur for the fair name of the Board than to spend early and inconsiderately, and to be met later with pecuniary embarrassments and com- plications. The estimate for the opening expenses of the creche exceeded by some $16,000 the sum appropriated by the Exposition Company. The members of the Board might have felt justified in furnishing this sum, but there loomed before them the vast bulk of losses which must follow as the result of cutting the price from 50 cents to 25 cents on each of the many children to be accommodated at the creche. It was an enormous responsibility. Consultation with President Francis and some of the directors seemed to indicate that the saving to them of the promised $35,000 would be very desirable. The building was about to be commenced, and only a few hours were granted the Board for their decision. It was obviously impossible to enter upon a work involv- ing great and unknown expense pregnant with such possibilities of loss and failure, and so with the deepest regret the members of the Board saw their cherished castle in the air the beautiful, useful creche fade and disappear. Words can hardly express the dis- couragements and heart-sinking of the members over this failure of their fond aspirations. Mrs. Ruth Ashley Hirschfield opened her Model Play-Ground on May 23, 1904. From the beginning it seemed to meet the requirements in a simple but direct FINAL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 317 and effective manner. So successful was it that soon the demands outgrew the accommodations, and the pos- sibilities of extending the work were such that Mrs. Hirschfield welcomed the aid of the Board of Lady Managers. Very soon after the opening of the Model Play-Ground, the President and members of the Board became interested, realizing its needs and possibilities, many of which had been carefully even affectionately considered for a long period. At the July meeting a committee was appointed to confer with Mrs. Hirschfield, and the sum of $5000 was appropriated for use in the development and care of the Model Play-Ground and Day Nursery, and a special stipulation made regarding the care of lost children. Arrangements were entered into as to times of payment. Mrs. Hirschfield was to have the entire responsibility; the Board gave her their confidence and hearty support, and five monthly payments of $1000 each. Results proved the soundness of the theories as well as the administration of Mrs. Hirschfield, and no appropriation could have been more advantageously applied. It gives me the greatest satisfaction to report that the money appropriated filled a distinct need and enabled Mrs. Hirschfield to enlarge the scope and power of her work up to the very day that the Fair closed its doors, on December 2, 1904. It seemed, indeed, to meet every want, and no child was ever turned from its hospitable doors. To this bright and happy spot, parents could bring their children, even wee babies, and be them- selves free to go unencumbered, and enjoy the beauties 318 REPORT and wonders spread so lavishly before them, and happy in the consciousness that their little ones were receiving the tenderest care, and were undoubtedly enjoying the many comforts and attractions provided for their wel- fare and entertainment. Here the wage-earner at the Fair could bring her little child, leaving it with the same cheerful confidence. This also was the haven for lost children who were brought there by the police, or by members of the Jefferson Guard, and here were they found by their distracted parents, or from here they were sent to their own abodes under safe escort. The care of lost children began on June 6, when the first lost child was brought to the Play-Ground. The system of caring for lost children was as follows : Lost children found by members of the Jefferson Guard or the police were brought to the Model Play-Ground according to orders received from headquarters. Every child brought in was recorded, and an aluminum tag bearing a certain number was attached to each. They were cared for and entertained, and had all the privi- leges accorded to children who were registered by their parents. After being recorded, they were handed over to the matron to be washed and fed and given all neces- sary attention. They were then induced to join groups of other children of their own age. As a rule they quickly forgot their sorrows in play. They were not permitted to leave the Play- Ground until called for or sent home. If not called for, they were escorted to their homes, or, in case of children of sufficient age and intelligence, to the car, by the attendants of the Play-Ground. Parents inquiring for lost children were directed to this place by guards and police. If the child had not yet been FINAL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 319 brought in, the inquirer was informed the child would be taken care of. The telephone and electric service proved of great assistance. The system kept track not only of those who were brought in, but also of those who were reported lost, and the Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion should have credit for a "Lost Children System" so complete that children separated from parents or escorts were restored to them in every case. "The method used for the care of lost children is the most complete and far-reaching system that has yet been devised for the use of any world's fair." (World's Fair Bulletin, September, 1904.) Mrs. Hirscihfield gave the following gratifying state- ment in her September report : The $5000 appropriated by the Board of Lady Man- agers has assisted very materially in the ability to handle the increasing number of lost children, the fund en- abling the Play-Ground to employ a larger number of trained assistants, and to add many and attractive features. The expense incurred in the care of infants and lost children was not contemplated in the original play- ground plan. The accommodations for the children included bath- ing and laundry facilities ; clothing was furnished in some instances ; two luncheons were served daily ; kinder- garten classes were held morning and afternoon; ath- letic exercises and baths were furnished, and many were the children, boys particularly, who thus enjoyed luxu- ries not otherwise obtainable. 320 REPORT Among the children attending the classes were a num- ber who came regularly, including children admitted free, whose parents were employed in the Exposition Grounds. The fee charged to parents who left their chil- dren to be cared for was, except in the case of small infants, 25 cents a day. For babies requiring the service of trained nurses, 50 cents. In the case of parents too poor to pay, no charge was made. The ages of the children ranged from 2 weeks to 14 years. The number cared for by months was as follows : May and June, 483; July, 864; August, 1160; Sep- tember, 1732; October, 1922; November, 1189; mak- ing a total of 7350. The number of lost children brought to the Play- Ground was: in June, 94; July, 132; August, 328; September, 248; October, 209; November, 156; total, 1166. Children admitted free were newsboys, office boys, messenger boys, all children earning their living, or whose parents were employed within the Exposition Grounds; many of these came regularly. The hospi- tality of the Play-Ground was also open to the children of the orphan asylums and other charitable institutions, and to the children of the City Play-Ground and kin- dergartens. The number of children admitted free was, in May and June, 336; July, 554; August, 8616; September, 3916; October, 1789; November, 5700. On November 2, the children of all nations were re- ceived by Miss Helen M. Gould, who gave a souvenir to each child. On November 24, the children of all nations attended FINAL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 321 Thanksgiving dinner and ceremonies at the Play- Ground. 326 children were seated at the tables. After dinner they played and enjoyed the many features pro- vided for their amusement. Every child took home a box of dainties and a souvenir of Thanksgiving Day, that traditional New England festivity. A member of the National Commission planned the affair, and it proved a notable success. Children of twenty-eight na- tionalities or tribes were gathered on the Play-Ground at one time. No such representation ever took place be- fore, or was possible, except at the Model Play-Ground and Day Nursery of the Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion. It continued to be of service even to the closing hour. On December 1, the final day of the fair, 48 children, of whom 19 were less than one year old, were checked; 2000 children were admitted free of charge, and 31 lost children were cared for and returned in safety to their homes or guardians. In reviewing the experiences of the Fair, it is gratify- ing to realize that although the members of the Board of Lady Managers were not able to carry out one of their most cherished desires, and suffered keen disap- pointment in the abandonment of the creche, still they had the pleasure of rendering material aid to a beautiful work, for such certainly was the Model Play-Ground and Day Nursery. Mrs. Hirschfield states that the assistance given by the Board of Lady Managers cannot be measured, for far beyond the money value of their appropriation was the power of their influence, and the interest aroused was not alone for the occasion of the Fair, but would 322 REPORT reach far into the future, affecting other undertakings of a similar nature. On the day following the close of the Exposition, one of the most able of the directors of the Exposition ex- pressed his approval of the course of the Board of Lady Managers. As hostesses of the Fair, he complimented them gracefully, and for the attitude they had been obliged to take regarding the creche, of which he had been critical, he was happy to say he had become con- verted, and he was convinced that the Board had acted prudently and wisely; that undoubtedly the attempt to carry on the elaborate and expensive creche would have ended in financial failure and embarrassments; that the aid given Mrs. Hirschfield had made the Play- Ground and Day Nursery so effective that it had met all needs in a most acceptable manner, and had proven one of the most interesting and satisfactory features of the great Exposition. Respectfully submitted. EMILY S. G. HOLCOMBE, Chairman. HELEN M. GOULD. FRANCES MARION HANGER. The following is the final Report of the Committee on Entertainment and Ceremonies : To the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition. LADIES, The members of the Board of Lady Man- agers took possession of their new building which had been completed and furnished and was ready for occu- pancy at the time they arrived in St. Louis for the - FINAL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 323 meeting, April 28, which was the first to be held in their own house, and afforded them the earliest opportunity to see the structure and the result of the work that had been done in preparing and furnishing it for their use. The first entertainment given by them was in honor of the President and members of the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition Commission on the evening of April 30, the official Opening Day of the Exposition. Invited to meet them was the representative of the President of the United States, Secretary Taft, the President of the Exposition Company and Mrs. Francis, the Directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company and their wives, the Governors of the States represented at the opening exercises and their wives, the Senators, and Members of the House, representing the two bodies of Congress, and other distinguished visitors and citizens. It was a most brilliant and interesting gathering, and not only rounded out the Opening Day with satisfac- tion to all, but inaugurated the series of entertainments that were to be afterwards given in the Building of the Board of Lady Managers. In the argument of President Francis before the Ap- propriation Committee, in January, 1903, when asking Congress to make the additional loan, he said : We are the nation's hosts, as we understand it. We propose to entertain distinguished people from every section of the globe. . . . Bear in mind we are enter- taining the guests of the Government, we think we are benefiting the commerce of the country; we think we are doing a patriotic service in commemorating a great event and bringing all classes into closer relations, 324 REPORT cementing the ties that bind the different sections of the nation, affording our people opportunity to see something of the people and customs and the resources of our possessions, and on the other hand, affording opportunity to those people to become acquainted with this great country. At the meeting of the Board on March 2, 1904, after the Board of Lady Managers had obtained the appro- priation from Congress that placed it within its power to meet the requirements of its position, President Francis was asked what he thought would be the pleasure of the Executive Committee that the Board do with the funds so obtained, as no expression had been received from the Company as to what special duty it was anxious or would like to have the Board perform, to which Presi- dent Francis replied, that he "had not given the matter thought, but that the Board would want to do some entertaining; that the ladies were well adapted to that; they were experienced in that sort of thing and knew how to go about it. That he did not see much they could do with the money aside from entertaining." And thus the Board of Lady Managers, as one of the three coordinate bodies of the Exposition, authorita- tively took its place in the complex mechanism of the great World's Fair, and accepted the responsibility of doing its share of the entertainment on behalf of women. What form of government is there at the present time that is not dependent upon the household of the Execu- tive and the homes of the officials for the social success of an administration ? An Exposition on the enormous scale of that which existed in St. Louis partook in its FINAL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 325 management for the time being of the nature of a gov- ernment; an executive and official household was an essential and important factor, because the representa- tives of all nations were to be entertained. As in this World's Fair, the highest recognition was given to women, it was but reasonable that women should be appointed to take the place set apart for them, and to perform such duties as would be assigned to them, in any well-regulated government and upon the broadest scale, their province being that of National Host- esses, their privilege to extend a generous and far- reaching hospitality to all official dignitaries from home and abroad who visited the Exposition. Among the social events occurring at the Building of the Board of Lady Managers, the following is a list of the more prominent ones held during the Exposition period : Dinner to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission April 30 Reception to Mrs. Francis, wife of the Presi- dent of the Exposition Company May 9 Reception to officers of Army and Navy, pre- sent in and around St. Louis at that time May 18 Luncheon to General Federation of Women's Clubs May 19 Luncheon to Miss Roosevelt May 31 Tea to Musical Federation June 2 Dinner to Prince Pu Lun, the official repre- sentative to the Exposition of the Empress An of China June 10 Reception to Foreign Representatives at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition June 17 326 REPORT Reception to P. E. O.'s June 18 Reception to Governors, and State and Ter- ritorial Commissioners at the Exposition June 24 Dinner to Governor and Mrs. Odell, of New York June 28 Visit of Cardinal Satolli July 1 Reception to Mrs. Charles Mercer Hall July 12 Reception to Civic Federation July 12 Reception to Members of Interparliamentary Union, at which time the Building was draped with the flags of all nations, and the national airs of the different countries represented were played by the orchestra Sept. 12 Reception to Mrs. Sarah S. Platt Decker, President of the General Federation of Women's Clubs Sept. 19 Reception to Members of the Congress of Arts and Sciences Sept. 20 Illustrated lecture, Italy and its Monu- ments, by Professor Attilio Brunialti, Member of the Italian Parliament, Coun- cillor of State Sept. 22 Reception to Members of the American Bar Association and Congress of Lawyers and Jurists Sept. 30 Reception to the President, Mrs. Augustine Smythe, and officers and members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy Oct. 7 Presentation of silk flag and staff to La Garde Republicaine, of Paris, by Mrs. Daniel Manning Oct. 8 Reception to the President, Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks, and officers and members of the FINAL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 327 National Society Daughters of the Ameri- can Revolution Oct. 11 Reception to the Governor of Connecticut and his Staff Oct. 13 Tea to Hostesses of State and Territorial Buildings Oct. 14 Reception to the President, Mrs. Herbert Claiborne, and members National Society Colonial Dames of America Oct. 20 An informal dance Oct. 25 Reception to meet the President and mem- bers of the Wednesday Club of St. Louis. Oct. 29 Reception to meet the members of the Asso- ciation of Collegiate Alumnae Nov. 3 Reception to meet the President and mem- bers of the Woman's Club of St. Louis Nov. 7 Informal dance Nov. 9 Dinner to President Francis Nov. 12 Reception to Forest Park University students Nov. 14 Informal dance Nov. 18 Reception to Prince Fushimi, the official Representative to the Exposition of the Mikado of Japan Nov. 22 Dinner to Jefferson Guards, Thanksgiving Day Nov. 24 Final reception of the Board of Lady Man- agers on what was known as "Francis Day," in honor of the President of the Exposition, when the Board of Lady Managers kept informal "open house" and entertained all who called on this, the last day of the Exposition Dec. 1 328 REPORT The members of the Board met their obligations with acceptable dignity, offering cordial hospitality to all the important bodies meeting within the Exposition Grounds. Their Building was the social centre around which gathered the national and international representatives of governments and organizations, until more than twenty-five thousand persons received specific invita- tion to their official entertainments. And whether the hospitality was extended to His Eminence the emis- sary of the Pope, or whether it was a reception to His Imperial Highness the representative of the Mikado of Japan, or a dinner to the envoy of Empress An of China, or to the Governor of a State and his Staff, or to the members of the National Commission, or the officials of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, all were welcomed with genuine cordiality, the Board of Lady Managers never failing to remember their respon- sibility and that they were representing the nation and serving their country by thus doing their share in af- fording an opportunity for all nationalities to become acquainted with each other and with our social customs as demonstrated at the Exposition. Respectfully submitted. MARY MARGARETTA MANNING, Chairman. FANNIE LOWRY PORTER, BELLE L. EVEREST, JOSEPHINE SULLIVAN, SALENA V. ERNEST, M. K. DE YOUNG, Committee. KATHARINE PRATT HORTON, HELEN BOICE-HUNSICKER, AMELIA VON MAYHOFF, Members of FINAL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 329 On December 2 the last session of the Board was held in the building which it had occupied during all the months of the Exposition, and it was with a feeling of genuine regret that the members separated never to meet again in their house which had been the scene of many interesting gatherings. On the day following the official closing of the Expo- sition, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company sent its representative to make an inventory of the fur- nishings of the building, preparatory to the dismantling of the house, which was thereafter to be known as the Physics Building and to be occupied by students of Washington University. On December 13, formal and final surrender of the building and its contents was made by the President, on behalf of the Board of Lady Managers, to the Exposition Company. FINAL MEETING OF THE BOARD, AND TREASURER'S REPORT Immediately upon the adjournment of the Board, the President began to collect material for the report, and pursuant to the power given her by the resolution at the last session, held in St. Louis, a special meeting was called on June 9, 1905, at the Murray Hill Hotel, New York, to pass upon the final report of the Board. There were present, Mrs. Daniel Manning, President, presiding, Mrs. Buchwalter, Mrs. Hanger, Acting Sec- retary, Mrs. Knott, Mrs. Daly, Mrs. Holcombe, Mrs. Ernest, Mrs. Moores, Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. Hunsicker, Miss Dawes, Miss Egan. The report was to be transmitted to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, whose final meeting was called at Portland, Oregon, for June 15. It was, therefore, necessary that the report of the Board should be in the hands of the Commission by that time. Final reports were made by special committees and the Treasurer. A resolution adopted on November 14, 1904, provided for the editing of the Minutes of the Board, by the following Committee: Mrs. Frederick Hanger, Chairman, Mrs. Finis P. Ernest, and Miss Anna L. Dawes. At the meeting of the Board on June 10, the Chairman of the Committee reported that the stenographic reports of the proceedings of the ten meetings of the Board, covering about seven hundred typewritten pages, had been carefully edited; that all motions and resolutions had been retained inviolate, that these with roll-call, time and place of meeting, FINAL MEETING OF THE BOARD 331 and in some instances limited discussion, made up the subject-matter of the Minutes, the same covering some two hundred and forty typewritten pages. The report of the Editing Committee was adopted, the Minutes accepted, and ordered placed on file with the archives of the Board. A Committee on Resolutions, consisting of Mrs. Edward L. Buchwalter and Mrs. Richard W. Knott, presented, as one of the finalities of the eleventh meeting of the Board, the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : WHEREAS, The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, by authority vested in it by an Act of Con- gress, appointed the members of the Board of Lady Managers, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition expresses its appreciation of the high honor conferred on its members by their appointment, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the thanks of the Board of Lady Managers be extended to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission for the privileges and pleasures it enjoyed as a Board. RESOLVED, The members of the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition wish to express their appreciation of the courtesy and kind- ness shown them by the Exposition Company during the Exposition period. RESOLVED, The Board of Lady Managers express their appreciation to the Louisiana Purchase Exposi- 332 REPORT tion Company for the commemorative diplomas and medals conferred upon them by the Exposition Com- pany. RESOLVED, The Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition wishes to express its appreciation of its officers for their services, not only in their official work, but in all the duties that devolved upon them as members of the Board. DISBURSEMENTS MADE BY EXPOSITION COMPANY From December 5, 1901, to February 18, 1904. By Act of Congress, March 3, 1901, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company received $5,000,000 from the Government and was pledged to pay the current expenses of the Board of Lady Managers. Therefore, the following items paid by the Company (which were contracted prior to the application by the Board for an appropriation) in no wise constituted a lien upon the $100,000 received by the Board by Act of Congress, Feb- ruary 18, 1904. Mileage and per diem of members : Informal meet- ing N. Y., December 5, 1901; 1st meeting, St. Louis, September 30, 1902; 5th meeting, St. Louis, December 15, 1903; called by National Commission, $5,623.40 Mileage and per diem: meetings N. Y. Novem- ber 17, 1902; February 16, 1903; St. Louis, April 29, 1903; and members on Committee work, 4,886.95 Expenses of Reception to Congress of the Daughters of the American Revo- lution, at Washington, D. C., Feb- ruary 26, 1903, $666.66 Mileage and per diem of Committee on Reception to Congress of the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, 315.85 982.51 Stationery, printing, and rental of typewriter, 67.77 Postage, telephones, telegrams, office supplies, 60.42 Clerical, and employees' salaries, 2,076.47 Street cars chartered by Exposition Company, 390.00 $14,087.52 TREASURER'S REPORT 333 AMOUNTS PLEDGED, BUT NOT PAID BY EXPOSITION COMPANY Until after February 18, 1904. Amount forward, $14,087.52 Mileage and per diem, meeting March 1, to March 5, 1904, $2,044.90 Stenographic work, 408.00 Secretary's salary, 203.24 Furniture and decoration, $1,484.97 Work done in Physics Building, by Bright (included in House Furnish- ing Report), 728.34 2,213.31 Work done in Physics Building, by Williams, 845.00 Office supplies, telegrams, postage, 13.79 Street cars chartered by Exposition Company, 73.75 Official Photographic Company (unauthorized by President Board of Lady Managers), 80.00 5,381.99 $19,469.51 Mrs. William H. Coleman was elected Treasurer of the Board of Lady Managers, at its first formal meet- ing, held on October 1, 1902. The first appropriation received was from the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, and was for the sum of $3000 for incidental expenses. On Feb- ruary 18, 1904, the appropriation of $100,000 for the use of the Board was made by Congress, at which time the real responsibilities of the Treasurer began. The duties of the Treasurer were fully defined in Rule 6 of the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board on April 28, 1903, and the custody of all funds was placed in her hands, to be disbursed "only upon order of the Board and the approval of its President." At the meeting called for June 9, 1905, the last report of the Treasurer was read, the following being the final summary of all funds received and disbursed by the Board of Lady Managers : 334 REPORT REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF THE BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION From March 17, 1903, to June 10, 1905. RECEIPTS Received from Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, by appropriation of February 16, 1903 Received from appropriation of Congress by Act of February 18, 1904 Received interest on $100,000 acct. DISBURSEMENTS Tinting walls, staining floors, heating appar- atus, wiring for bells, awnings, screens and plumbing From $100,000 $2,263.32 From 3,000 64.30 Furniture, china, linen, freight and packing charges From $100,000 $11,692.65 From 3,000 652.25 Mileage and per diem, Board Meetings, and Rotating Committees, paid from all sources Entertainment Stationery, engraving, and printing Postage and telegrams Telephones Clerical and household force expenses Office incidentals House incidentals Other incidentals Model Play-Ground Miscellaneous expenses, resolution June 10, 1905, in payment Total disbursements Less returned from Incidental account Grand total of all disbursements to June 10, 1905 Balance in hands of Treasurer June 10, 1905 $3,000.00 100,000.00 1,502.29 $104,502.29 $2,327.62 12,344.90 30,272.76 10,672.85 5,906.15 1,196.94 281.24 5,096,17 274.14 1,007.84 2,255.77 5,100.00 2,000.00 $78,736.38 900.75 $77,835.63 26,666.66 $104,502.29 SALLIE D. COLEMAN, Treasurer Board of Lady Managers, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. REPORT OF AUDITING COMMITTEE 335 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT Amount brought forward from the Treas- urer's Report as Balance in hands of Treasurer June 10, 1905, which is the amount returned to the Exposition Company by the Board of Lady Mana- gers, from all funds, $26,666.66 To the above amount returned to Ex- position Company, is to be added as a credit the sum paid to the Company in cash on December 14, 1904, for furniture and articles purchased by the members of the Board, amounting to 2,150.00 Making the total amount returned to the Exposition Company from all sources $28,816.66 REPORT OF AUDITING COMMITTEE The Auditing Committee, composed of Mrs. William E. Andrews, Chairman, Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery, and Mrs. Finis P. Ernest, was elected by the Board of Lady Managers March 4, 1904, for the purpose of examining and auditing the accounts of the Treasurer, Mrs. William H. Coleman. The Committee met at stated intervals, and examined the vouchers and checks numbered 1 to 253 inclusive, and reported that these were found to be correct and accounted fully for all moneys received by the Treas- urer to that date, and this report was accepted. The Exposition closed on December 1, and the Audit- ing Committee was not again called until the time for rendering a final account of the funds of the Board. At 336 REPORT this time the absence of the Chairman, Mrs. Andrews, and Mrs. Montgomery, necessitated the appointment of two other members to fill said vacancies, in order to audit the bills contracted by the Board from Novem- ber 1, 1904, to June 10, 1905. Mrs. Hanger and Mrs. Knott were thereupon elected. Mrs. Montgomery ar- riving later, Mrs. Hanger withdrew from the Com- mittee, leaving the membership: Mrs. Ernest, Chair- man, Mrs. Montgomery, and Mrs. Knott, all present. On June 12 and subsequently, this Committee met and examined the vouchers and checks from Novem- ber 1, 1904, to June 10, 1905, inclusive, and found the accounts between the above mentioned dates to be correct. TOTAL RECEIPTS From Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company From Appropriation by Congress Total interest received on above $100,000 acct. Total amount received from all sources Total expended from $3,000 $3,000.00 Total expended from $100,000 74,146.83 Total amount interest expended as per resolution of June 10 688.80 Total expenditures $77,835.63 Balance on hand from interest $813.49 Balance on hand from $100,000 appropriation 25,853.17 Balance on hand from all sources $3,000.00 100,000.00 1,502.29 $104,502.29 $26,666.66 $104,502.29 A certified public accountant has been engaged to prepare a classified summary of all receipts and dis- bursements, and we refer to the figures of his report ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT 337 for details and totals, which we hereby approve and accept as final. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 17th day of June, 1905. SALENA V. ERNEST, -j Memberg MARY PHELPS MONTGOMERY, I Auditing JENNIE GILLMORE KNOTT, ) Committee. ACCOUNTANT'S EEPOET NEW YORK, June 16, 1905. To the President, and Auditing Committee of the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Ex- position. In accordance with your instructions I have made an examination of your Treasurer's accounts from March 17, 1903, to June 10, 1905, and herewith submit to you my report thereon. All vouchers covering the disbursements from the appropriation made by Congress of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) are in due form and properly approved and attested, vouchers being on file for all amounts paid, each voucher containing a "Paid" check signed by the Treasurer and counter- signed by the President, excepting a few which in the ordinary course of business have not as yet been pre- sented at bank for payment. All disbursements from the Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) received from the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition Company, and from the interest received from banks, have been made by Treasurer's check, and all have been approved by the President of the Board. The total disbursements and receipts to June 10, are as follows : 338 REPORT Total Amount Received by the Treasurer to June 10, 1905 From Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company $3,000.00 From Congress 100,000.00 Interest received from banks, 1,502.29 Total received from all sources to June 10, 1905, $104,502.29 Total Amount Disbursed by Treasurer to June 10, 1905 From the $3,000 received from the Loui- siana Purchase Exposition Company $3,000.00 From the appropriation from Congress, 74,146.83 From the interest received from banks, 688.80 Total disbursed from all sources to June 10, 1905 $77,835.63 Balance in Hands of Treasurer on June 10, 1905 From the $3,000 received from Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company From the $100,000 appropriation from Congress, $25,583.17 From interest received from banks, 813.49 Balance in hands of Treasurer June 10, 1905 $26,666.66 Respectfully submitted. JOHN PROUD, Certified Public Accountant. I/ENVOI It has been said that "an exposition should be as broad and comprehensive as the efforts of mankind." In all human activities in recent years, advancement has been so marvelously rapid that important exposi- tions might be held from time to time in which would be included nothing but inventions, discoveries, and accomplishments that belong to the intervening epoch- making periods. That all nations take a deep interest in World's Fairs is made manifest by the large attendance of people from all parts of the globe. It is self-evident that they appreciate the fact that most beneficial results may be derived by all, not only by means of the practical and tangible demonstration and comparison of objects as- sembled, but through the opportunity afforded for inter- change of thought so conspicuously made available to advanced thinkers and workers. And it is hoped and believed that in its own time and in its own way each exposition will accomplish much for the good of both men and women of every country. It would seem from the division of work as shown at the Exposition by the Filipinos and the Indian tribes that women have not only, from the remotest times of which we have record, originated and practiced most of the industrial arts; but, among primitive nations, they still continue to ply the same occupations. The exhibits showed that the work of the men was still that of the hunter and trapper, while the Filipino woman, who sat on the floor making cotton cloth, would indicate 340 REPORT that it had fallen to the share of women not only to fashion garments, but to manufacture the material from which they were made. And was not the stick which she so deftly handled, upon which she wound her thread to carry the woof to and fro transversely across the warp of her hand-woven fabric, the forerunner of the swiftly moving shuttle of to-day ? And if the primitive woman made garments from the skins which the hunter brought home, and cooked the game which he shot or trapped, and originated the method of cooking other articles of food, has she not earned for herself the right to be termed the first " home-maker " ? It is true the home originally had to be maintained by force of arms, but when this necessity no longer existed, man, "the protector," had time to examine this woman- made home; he then put his ingenuity to work to aid in the increased demands large households made upon women, and invented and applied machinery to do the heavy tasks that had theretofore been done by them. He found it a vastly remunerative occupation, and promptly removed her work of spinning, weaving, dye- ing, and even the making of every kind of garment, and the preparation of foods, to his factories. Women did not at first willingly accept the innova- tion, their occupations were gone, but, with their usual adaptability, they quickly invented new ones. They now had time and opportunity to acquire educa- tion, enter the professions, and prepare themselves to take their equal place by the side of men. President Francis, in his address on Opening Day, said of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition: "So thoroughly does it represent the world's civilization L'ENVOI 341 that if all man's other works were, by some unspeak- able catastrophe, blotted out, the records here estab- lished by the assembled nations would afford all neces- sary standards for the rebuilding of our entire civili- zation;" and at this great exposition, by the elimination of the special Woman 1 s Department, the exhibits of wo- man's work for the first time in this country stood solely and independently by the side of the exhibits by men; the industrial equality and the value of the contribu- tions to the industries, sciences, and arts of both were judged by the same standards. Let no concern, there- fore, be felt as to the future advancement of women. Their strength and powers have been tested; the new era upon which they entered but a few years ago, under the leadership of the women of America, is now far advanced for the women of all nations in every country; their undeniable right to education and training is being acknowledged; their consequent recognition as a factor for increased usefulness is being accorded, and their development is swift, their progress sure. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition is passing into the realm wherein lies f orgetf ulness ; its beauties are even now fading from the memories of its millions of visitors. The buildings have been razed, and the broad acres it covered have been laid waste; the labor of years, the result of thought, perseverance, patience, energy, and untiring application on the part of hun- dreds of its promoters and workers, already seems as intangible as a dream. But the things for which these buildings stood, the intellectual, moral, and material prosperity which they expressed, are real, lasting, and glorious. These are permanently recorded in history. 342 REPORT And forming an important part of these records is the work of woman. The Board of Lady Managers of this vast World's Fair earnestly hopes that at every future exposition woman may be accorded the dignified position which she has so splendidly earned by her own endeavors, and that each time a resume of her work achieved is re- corded, new fields of usefulness may be found added thereto. No fear need be entertained that she will not always demonstrate that she does contribute her full share toward the progress and prosperity of nations and the uplifting of humanity. INDEX INDEX Accountant, report of, 337, 338. Act creating the Board of Lady Man- agers, 14. Addaxns, Miss Jane, report of, on Housing of the Working Classes, 256,257. Advancement of women, 23, 24, 32, 33. Agriculture, report on, 276, 277. Allen, Hon. John M., 15. Allowance for expenses, 30, 31, 39, 41, 77. American Institute of Social Service, work of, 247; publications of, 248; results, 248, 249. Ancient Sons and Daughters of Jeru- salem, 108. Andrews, Mrs. William E., 15, 18,43, 44, 74, 133, 374. Anthropology, woman's work in, 239. Appointment of representatives, 39, 41. Appropriations, 54, 75, 78, 85, 86. Archaeology, woman's work in, 237. Architecture, school of, 162. Argentina, school buildings of, 162. Art workmanship, report on, 199. Association of Collegiate Alumnae, 133. Awards, Jury of, 31; rules for, 143- 149. Bernays, Miss Thekla M., report of, on manufactures, 267-271. Betts, Hon. Frederick A., 15. Bland, Mrs. Richard P., report of, on agriculture, 276, 277. Blind, and other defectives, their work, 183. Board of Lady Managers, duties of, 44-47; expenses, 64, 65; members, 15; meetings, 25, 33, 35, 38, 42,47, 55, 72, 74; meeting, final, 330. Blair, Mrs. James L., 15, 40, 42, 43, 56, 56, 82. Bois, Mr. Stanley, commissioner from Ceylon, 311. Boston Cooperative Society, medal awarded to, for model housekeep- ing, 257. Bowes, Mrs. F. K., report of, on sew- ing-machines, etc., 207, 208. Boyd, Mrs. Isaac, report of, on ceram- ics, 205. Bread and pastry, report on, 230-282. Buchwalter, Mrs. Edward L., 15, 17, 43, 53, 55, 61, 62, 82, 87, 100, 115, 117, 133, 330, 331. Building, permanent, 42. Buisson, B., representative of the French Government, 156. Capital and labor, 244, 245. Carter, Hon. Thomas H., 15, 41, 60, 98; addresses by, 25-32, 36-58, 44- 47, 62-66. Ceramics, report on, 205. Charities and Correction, report on, 257-262. Children, lost, 318, 320. Circular to women of Europe, 118. Cleveland, ex-President Grover, 52. Clothing industries, report on, 219. Coleman, Mrs. William H., 15, 17,44, 72, 82, 87, 330, 332, 337. Colleges, women's, 166, 167. Colonial Dames, 110, 133, 328. Collegiate Alumnae, Association of, 133, 328. Committee, auditing, 335-337 ; awards, 289-297; conference, 43 ; entertain- 346 INDEX ment, 322-328; foreign relations, 118-123; house furnishing, 123- 129; house (committee), 307-322; legislative, 73, 82-86; special, 21; standing, 19, 20; woman's work, 43, 87-117; women's congresses, 129- 133. Congress, International, 103, 104. Con way, Dr. J. J., juror, 175. Corbin, Major-General Henry C., 52. Council of Jewish women, 108, 133. Creche, the, 78, 114, 115, 312, 314, 315, 316. Curie, Madame, discoverer of radium, 175. Daly, Mrs. Marcus P., 15, 18, 19, 98, 117, 330. Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, 43, 108, 133. Daughters of Liberty, 108. Daughters of St. George, 108. Daughters of Veterans, 108. Dawes, Miss Anna L., 15, 17, 43, 55, 56, 59, 62, 98, 123. Day, Mrs. M. B. R., report of, on Pomology, 236. Day Nursery, 116, 312, 318, 323. Dedication, exercises of, 51-53. Defectives, work of, 183. De Los Rios, Mr. Morales, 156. Design, Woman's School of, 154. De Young, Mrs. M. H., 15, 17, 19-33, 98, 117, 329. Edgerton, Mrs. R. A., report of, on Decoration of Buildings, 204, 205. Education, report on, 264, 265. Egan, Miss Lavinia H., 16, 18, 19, 43, 72, 134, 141, 290, 306, 330. Ernest, Mrs. Finis P., 15, 17, 19, 43, 312, 329, 330, 334, 335. Ethnography, exhibits in, 243. Ethnology, woman's work in, 238, 239. Everest, Mrs. Belle L., 15, 17, 19, 21, 329. Exhibit, Educational, 150-155; Gov- ernment, 75 ; Indian school, 239; Philippine Islands, 253. Exposition Company, 34, 36, 38, 41, 69, 65, 66, 76, 79, 81, 128, 290, 295, 296, 307, 315, 329, 331, 333. Exposition, educational advantages of, 24. Expositions, previous, work of women in, 23. Farm equipment, report on, 226-229. Farming by irrigation, 228. Felton, Mrs. W. H., report of, on " Farm Equipment," 226-229. Field, Mrs. Eugene, Group Juror, 199. Fischel, Mrs. W. E., report of, on Education, 264, 265. Fischer, Miss Elizabeth, 155. Fletcher, Miss Alice C., report of, on Somatology, 237-239. Francis, Hon. David R., 29, 34, 52, 84; addresses by, 30-32, 56-58, 74-78, 138-140 ; dinner in honor of, 310, 324, 328. Frost, Mrs. Lewis D., 15, 18. Fruit-farmers, women, 236. Fund, contingent, 63. Fushimi, Prince, reception in honor of, Garesche*, Miss M. R., award for paint- ing, 153. General Federation of Women's Clubs, 35, 133, 326. Geographical apparatus, 201-205. Gibbous, Cardinal James, 52. Glenn, Mrs. J. M., 278. Glynn, Hon. Martin H., 15. Gould, Miss Helen M., 15, 17, 19, 21, 33, 34, 40, 43, 56, 61, 98, 100, 118, 323. Greisheimer, Miss Caroline, report of, on Social Economy, 244-255. Griswold, Miss Edith J., report of, on Machinery, 271-273. Hamlin, Mrs. Conde', report of, on Municipal Government, 262, 263. INDEX 347 Hanger, Mrs. Frederick, 15, 17, 19, 21, 44, 56, 72, 97, 131, 133, 141,290, 295, 297, 306, 314, 323. Harrow, Mrs. A. G., report of, on Clothing Industries, 219. Headquarters, Permanent, 35. Hedleston, Miss Florence, wildflower painting exhibit by, 153. Henderson, Mrs. Alice Palmer, re- port of, on Ethnology, 242-249. Hill, Octavia, work of, in London, 256. Historical data, 1-13. Holcombe, Mrs. John M., 15, 17, 43, 56, 61, 117, 123, 129, 323, 330. Holland, Mrs. M. E., detective, 260. Horton, Mrs. John Miller, 15, 18, 19, 21, 43, 329. House-furnishing, expenditure, 124, 129; gifts and loans for, 125-127. Housing, Model, 256, 257. How, Mrs. Eliza Eads,42, 147. Humane Education Society, methods and results, 254. Hunsicker, Mrs. Helen Boice-, 15, 17, 19,43,44,306,329,330. Igorrotes, 253. Indian Relics, 242. " International Day," 53. Inventions of women, 272, 273. Japan, charts and diagrams, 160. Jewish Women, Council of, 108, 133. Johnston, Miss Frances B., report of, on Photography, 200. Jurors, list of, 297-302 ; department jurors, 303-305. Jurors, women, 24. Jury of Awards, 31; rules for, 143- 149. Jusserand, Ambassador, 53. Kindergarten work, 176. King's Daughters, 108. Knights and Ladies of Honor, 108. Knott, Mrs. Richard W., 15, 17, 40, 43, 56, 99, 100, 118, 290, 306, 335. Krupp, Fraulein, model housing, 256. Laces, report on, 220, 221. Ladies' Aid Society of the United States, 108. Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Associa- tion, 110. Ladies of the Maccabees, 108. Ladies United Veteran Legion, 108. L'Envoi, 339-342. Letter of Transmittal, 1. Lincoln, Mrs. Alice N., model hous- ing, 257. Lindsay, Hon. William, 15, 66, 69. Longman, Mrs. Evylyn B., designer of the " Victory," 178. Loomis, Hon. Francis B., 122. Lost children, 318, 320. Loughborough, Miss Hope Fairfax, report of, on Education of Defect- ives, 181-184; report on Electricity. Lyte, Dr. E. O., 156. McBride, Hon. George W., 15. McBlair, Miss Julia T. E., hostess, 18, 310. McCall, Mrs. John A., 15; resigna- tion of, 32. MacDougal, Miss Anna G., report of, on Secondary Education, 163-165. Machinery, report on, 271-273. Major, Mrs. William S., report of, on Wearing Apparel, etc., 222, 223. Manning, Mrs. Daniel, 1, 15, 17, 19, 21, 34, 43, 54, 61, 62, 74, 75, 80, 82, 84, 118, 121, 129, 132, 141, 289, 293, 295, 329. Manual training, increasing in favor, 160. Manufactures, report on, 267-271. Massachusetts, school exhibit, 152. Matthews, Mrs. Elizabeth St. John, report of, on Sculpture, 193-196. Miles, Lieutenant-General Nelson A., 52. Miller, Hon. John F., 15. Mines, report on, 278-281. Mining, woman's work in, 280, 281. Minnesota, educational exhibit, 152; manual training in, 165. 348 INDEX Missionary Society, Woman's Foreign, 106. Model Play-Ground, 116. Montgomery, Mrs. James B., 15, 18- 21, 43, 44, 63, 66, 75, 82, 87, 97, 100, 109, 117, 118, 123, 129. Moore, Mrs. Philip U., general report of, 286-288. Moores, Mrs. Annie McLean, 16, 18, 19, 43, 118, 330. Mothers, National Congress of, 108, 133. Museum, Philadelphia Commercial, 249, 250. National American Woman Suffrage Association, 108. National Commission, 1, 14, 15, 25, 26, 30, 34, 38, 40, 44, 52, 54, 59, 60, 66, 68, 70, 72, 114, 324, 326, 329. National Congress of Mothers, 108, 133. National Council of Women, 108. National League of Women Workers, 108. New York City, sociologic exhibit, 153; night school of art, 181. Nurses, International Congress of, 108. Nuttall, Mrs. Zelia, investigations in archseology, 237. Officers, election of, 33; and mem- bers of the Board, 17. Ojeda, Senor Don Emilio, 53. Opening Day, festivities of, 135. Opportunity of the Exposition, 23, 32, 33. Organization of the Board, 25. Paintings and drawings, 185-188. P. E. C. Sisterhood, 108. Perry, Miss Mary E., report of, on Charities and Correction, 257- 262. Peters, Miss Cora, report of, on Indian Education, 242. Philadelphia Commercial Museum, 249,260. Photograph, importance of, in an edu- cational exhibit, 160. Photography, report on, 200. Pioneers, sacrifices of, 32. Pomology, report on, 236. Porter, Mrs. Fannie B., 15, 17, 19, 33, 44, 141. Potter, Bishop Henry C., 52. Proctor, Hon. John R., statistics of woman's work in Government de- partments, 88, 89. Pugh, Mrs. F. H., report of, on Bread and Pastry, 230-232. Pu Lun, Prince, dinner in honor of, Receptions, 33, 43, 52, 72. Relief Corps, Woman's, 108, 133. Resolutions, 34, 38, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 74, 79, 140, 313, 314, 331. Rhode Island, school exhibit, 152. Richards, Mrs. Ellen C., expert in san- itary chemistry, 176. Riley, Mrs. C. M. F., report of, on " Sugar and Confectionery," 233- 235. Roebling, Mrs. Washington A., 15, 47. Rogers, Dr. Howard J., in charge of the congresses, 109, 111. Roosevelt, Miss Alice, luncheon in honor of, 309, 326. Roosevelt, President Theodore, 52; orders statistical information for Woman's Work Committee, 89. Roosevelt, Mrs. Theodore, picture of, presented, 125. Rules and regulations, 26-28, 47-51. St. Louis, 60, 67 ; school exhibit, 153. Salvation Army, its beginning, 251 ; its progress, 252. School, French industrial, 154. Schoolhouse, portable, 162. School of architecture, 162. Schools, movement to centralize, 162 ; county, 163. INDEX Scientific research, woman's work in, 172, 178, 179. Scrutchin, Mrs. M. G., report of, on Mines, 278-281. Sculpture, report on, 193-196. Secretary, election of first, 33 ; re- signation of first, 72 ; election of second, 72 ; appointment of third, 135. Sewing, report on, 207-208. Sirwell, Miss S. E., award, 153. Skiff, Hon. F. J. V., 69, 101 ; address by, 103-105. Sloyd, in Sweden's exhibit, 162. Smith, Miss Anna Tolman, report of, on educational exhibit, 150-155. Smith, Mrs. Horace S., 200. Social Economy, exhibits in, 243 ; re- port on, 244-255. Social events, list of, 325-327. Solari, Miss Mary, report of, on Faint- ings and Drawings, 185-188. Somatology, report on, 237-239. Spanish- American War nurses, 108. Spencer, Corwin H., 42, 100. Spinner, Treasurer, appointed first woman to position in Government service, 97. Stand for public decency in the con- cessions for shows, 34. State Day," 53. Stevens, Walter B., 41, 80. Sugar and confectionery, report on, 233-235. Sullivan, Miss Annie E., new method of instructing defectives, 175. Sullivan, Mrs. James Edmund, 16, 17, 21, 34, 329. Sullivan, Lottie, deaf and blind girl, award to, for aptitude and progress, 183. Summers, Miss Margaret, report of, on "Wearing Apparel," etc., 223-225. Surgery, woman's work in, 179. Tawney, Hon. James H., 83. Teachers, proportion of women, 151. Temple, Miss Grace Lincoln, designer of interior decorations of the Gov- ernment Building, 178. Temple, Miss Mary Boyce, report of, on Higher Education, 165-180. Thompson, W. H., 80. Thurston, Hon. John M., 15; address, 70-72. Transportation, report on, 275, 276. Treasurer, report, 334; supplementary report, 335. Union, International Ladies' Garment Workers', 108. United Daughters of the Confederacy, 108, 133, 327. United States Daughters of 1812,110. Von Mayhoff, Mrs. Carl, 16, 18, 19, 34, 118, 329. Wade, Miss Margaret, 255. Wages, 57; of women, 89-96. Wall-paper, designs of, by women, 181. War, Spanish-American, nurses, 108. Washington, 83. Washington University, 78. Wearing apparel, report on, 223-225. Wednesday Club, 54. Weil's Band, courtesy of, 310. Weld, Miss Rose, report of, on Archi- tecture, 196-198; on Transporta- tion, 275, 276. Widegren, Miss Matilda, Swedish school exhibit, 154. Wildflower painting exhibit, 153. Wille, Fran, designer of carpets, 270. Woman, in scientific research, 172, 178, 179; progress in art displayed at St. Louis, 177, 178; in surgery, 179. Woman's Building, 78. Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 108, 133. Woman's Club, reception by, 72. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, 108. Woman's Relief Corps, 108, 133. Woman's School of Design, 154. 350 INDEX Women's clubs, civic work of, 263; General Federation of, 35, 133, 326. Women's colleges, lists of, 166, 167; exhibits by, 169, 170. Women fruit-farmers, 236. Women, inventions of, 272, 273. Women jurors, 24. Women teachers, proportion of, 151. Wood, Miss Carrie, designer of the "Missouri," 178. Wood, Mrs. E. D., report of, on Laces, etc., 220, 221. Woolwine, Mrs. W. M., report of, on apparatus for geography, 201- 204. Yandell, Miss Enid, designer of the " Daniel Boone," 178. Young Women's Christian Associa- tion, 108. H. O. HOUGHTON AND COMPANY CAMBRIDGE, MASS. U. S. A. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it w3s DOTTOWGG. QLQC1 000786726 o