>/ r^ ^■'^Y >s- r^. 1a„ y r S ">>i^ ^M^^ w. ,H^>^. .'^'^ .'/'^Ct. Th. ROLL OF HONOUR A BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF ALL MEMBERS OF HIS MAJESTY'S NAVAL AND MILITARY FORCES WHO HAVE FALLEN IN THE WAR And he Passed over and all the Trumpetts sounded for him on the other side." Volume III. With some 1,300 portraits. London : THE STANDARD ART BOOK COMPANY. LIMITED, 30-32. LUDGATE HILL. E.C.4.. AND EVER THE FAITH ENDURES. These men have laid down their Uves for England. In the future, History will pass its verdict upon the War, its causes and its consequences, the methods of its accomplishment, and on the men who planned and schemed and fought to bring it to a triumphantly victorious ending. Our children, and the generations which are to follow us, for whose sake we have believed this war is being waged, will sit in judgment on all that has been done in it for good or for ill. Let us be content to be so judged. But, whatever may be that verdict, what grander tribute can we humbly pay to those who have fallen, what else can we proudly say of them than the bare reiteration of the simple fact that they have made that last and greatest sacrifice of all ? That sacrifice has been reached after the manner of our race, for the benefit of others, for the sake of those ideals which we rightly regard alike as the foundation and the characteristics of our nation. From the fringes of the Empire men came homing back to the Motherland to shoulder her troubles and die for her alongside of the veterans who had already grown grey in the service of the King, and of the boys from London Town. Some have gone out to meet their death with laughter on their lips, and some witii prayers ; and others have faced the end racked with the pain of long drawn suffering. Some have died in the gladdening exaltation of accomplished victory : and there are those who fought — and fought — and turned again and fought — and fell sleeping as they fell and dying as they slept, in that grimmest nightmare of retreat at the opening of the campaign. Victory we have known — failure we have met ; yet those who have fought this fight for us have heaped up laurel upon laurel to add eternal lustre to that battle fame which the centuries behind us have woven for our name ; and our children's children will rejoice in the glory they have made. There are British graves in Flanders and Gallipoli, on the bleak hillsides of Serbia and by the waters of Euphrates. There are those who now rest peacefully beneath the sullen waves of the grey North Sea or the sun- kissed far Pacific ; and of those who sleep so quietly none now hears the maddening racket of this world at war in which they played out their parts so gallantly. Here are their names, officers and men together, as they fought and died for this dear Empire which thev have loved so exceeding well. Let us pay tribute to their memory. The Roll of Honour Sam Abel. ABEL. SAM, Private, Xo. 18(547, 1st Battn. (25th Foot) The Kin«'s Own Scottish Bord<^rcR, eldest s. of Sam Abel, of 28. Fowler Street. Pitsmoor, Sheffield, by his wife, Alice ; b. Sheffield ; educ. Wuod^idi- Council School there : volunteered ;uh1 <-nli-^t.-(i 12 Aiiril. 1915 : served with the Mu'vptiaii Kxpi'djtinnary Force at Gallipoli and in Kgyjit ; subsciimiitlx iiroiceded to France ; was reported nii>-;in'_' ;iit'T the fighting on 1 July, 1010. and is now a^uim-d to have been killed in action on that date : kiuh. ABELSON, EDWARD GORDON. 2ud Lieut., Royal Marine Light Jniantry (attd. ^Machine Gun Company), elder .s. of Milton Abelson, of 10, Kidderpore Gardens, Hamp- stead, London, N.W., by hi.*; wife, Florrie, dau. of Samu'-I Arrobus : h. \,ontlon. 15 Feb. 1897; ethie. Hiath Mount Preparatorv School, and Cheltenham College (1910-15). "where he was a college and Iioum- pn-feet ; bad won an open History 8eh(ilarslii[. lor Ilmmanuel College, Oxford, from ('li(iteiil)am. but before taking it up was gazetted 2Tui Lieut. Koval Marines 21 Jan. I9ir.. direct from the College O.T.C. ; went to Fraiiee from Grantham early in Sept., and died at Havre 1 Dec. following, of wounds received in action on Li Xov. i>reviously, during an attaek by the R.N. Division, lluried in St. Marie Cemetery, Le Havre. The Commanding Officer of his Machiin' Gun Comjiany wrote : " Your son w;vs a most effieient. in fact the ideal. Machine r.iun Otlicer. ... He was much liked by his brother officers, respected by his men, extra()rdinarily reliable, and had special abilitie,s which fitted him for this work. In my despatch to the Lri^ailirr afti-r thi- action, and in reporting your son as being wounded, I described liim us a most capable and efficient otfiecr." i'nm. ABERNETHY, DAVID ROSS, Sergt., Xo. 414044. 2nd Lowland Field Coy., Ro 1 Engineer^ (T.F.). 3rd s. of William Abernethy, of 458. Baltic Street, Bri eton. Glasgow, Baker, by liis wife, .Teanie, dau. of David Ross, of New ongrange : b. Dalkeith, 13 June, 1891 ; educ. Springfield Public School, Glasgow; was a Joiner; joined the R.E. (T.F.) 25 March. 1912; was called up on mobilization in 1914 ; ser\-ed with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force at Gallipoli from 25 April, 1915 ; was present at the landing and evacuation of Suvla Bay and Cape Helles ; then proceeded to Egypt, and was killed in action at the Second Battle of Gaza, 2 Nov. 1917. Buried in the Sampson's Ridge Cemetery, Ivjypt. His Major wrote: "An officer, who was wounded at the same tiiii'-. s|)i;iks very highly of the plucky way he led his section to the: job, and that In- died doing his duty in a most plucky way, setting a fine example to his men. His death was a blow, not only to the Coy., but to mc personally." Unm. ABRAHAM, GEOFFREY WILLIAM POPPERRELL, Capt., Glamorgan Yeomanry (T.F.), attd. 24th (Service) Battn. The Welsh Krgt.. 4th .x. of the Right Rev. Charles Thomas Abraham, Bishop of Derby and Vicar of Bakewell, by his wife. Mary Theresa, daii, of the Yen. Archdeacon C. W. Furse. of West- minster, and Halsdon, co. Devon; b, C^irist Cliurch Yiearage. Licbfleld, i> Sept. 1895 ; educ. Clieltenham College ; was in business with Messrs. E. A- A. Robin- son, of Kedclilfe, Bristol ; joined the Glamorgan Yeomanry as a trooper on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914; obtained his commission in the same regiment some months later, being promoted Lieut., and afterwards Cai)t ; served with the Egy])tian Expeditionary Force in Egypt from Jan. 1010. where be took part in expeditions to oases on the west desert ; subsetpieutly iiroceeded to I'alestine. attached to the Welsh Regt. ; was slightly wounded in the attack on Ueersheba at the end of Oct., while in command of his company, and died in hospital at Port Said, 19 Nov. 1917, from wounds received in action at Sheria on the (5th. Buried in Port Said Cemetery ; unm. ABRAHAMS. REGINALD ARTHUR. Private. No. 18707, lOtb (Servi<-e) Battn. The Worctstershire Regt., 2nd s. 01 Harry Nathan .\braliams, of Kingston- on-Thames, AuetioneiT and Valuer. I>y bis wife. Sarah, dau. of the late Michael Jewell ; b. Kingston-on-Thames. (> April, 1892 ; educ. Great EuIiiiL' Seho<»l. and Gate House School. Kingston; enlisted 7 Sept. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from July, 1915 ; was reported wonndi-d and. missing after the fighting at La Boisello 3 July, 1916, and is now assumed to ha\.- died of wounds on or about that date; mini. ACKROYD, WILLIE, Signaller, No. 682, IGth (Service) Battn. (Bradford) The Prince of Wales's Ovn\ (West Yorkshire Regt,), yst. fi. of Frank Ackroyd. of 13, Prospect Place, Deckworth Lane, Bradford, by his wife, Clara, dan. of Walter Hardaker; b. Bradford. 1 Sept. 1893; educ." Council School, Whetley Lane there: was employed by Sir W, E. B. Priestley. ^LP. for East Bradford, at his warehouse in Bradford ; voluntarily enlisted 23 Sept. 1914 ; left l-aigland for Egypt Dec, 1915, and afterwards went to France JIarch. 1910. and was ki!le Dec. 1898. aiui Ca])t. 31 Jan. 1906; served in JIalta, Crete, Egvpt. India, and in the China Campaign (Medal), being Staff Captain at Wei-hei-Wei 14 April, 1900. to 2 June, 1901. He succeeded his uncle in the family estates 25 .\ug. 1908, when he discarded the name of Ball. He retired from the army the same year. On the outbreak of war. having offered his services to the War Office, he was gazetted Captain in the Reserve of Officers, and rejoined his old regiment 7 Sept. 1914 ; i)ronioted Temp. Major 19 July, 1915 ; went to France the same day, and was killed in action near Givenchy the first day of the general advance, 25 Sept. 1915, wiiile helping a wounded soldier. Buried at Festnbert. He served as Higli Sheriff of eo. Wieklow in 1913, and was J. P. for co. Wicklow ; unm. BALL-ACTON. REGINALD THOMAS ANNESLEY, ilajor, 1st Battn. (51st Foot) The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry). 3rd and only survg. ft. of the late Col. Cliarles Ball-Acton. C.B.. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), by his wife, Georgina Cecilia, 2nd dau. of George Annesley (Viscount Valentia Coll) ; and gdson. of Lieut.-Col. William Acton, of West Aston, co. Wicklow, J.F., D.L.. M-P. ; and brother to Major C. A. Aeton (q.v.) ; b. Wieklou 2 Oct. 1877 ; educ. Rugby School ; Oxford Mjlitar>' College, Cowley, and tie Royal Militarv College, Sandhurst; gazetted 2nd Lieut. King's Own (Yorkshir' Light Infantry) 22 Dec. 1897, promoted Lieut. 26 March, 1899; CapT 6 Aug. 1914, and .^Lljo^ 3 >rar(rh. 1916 ; served with the 2nd IJattn (105th Foot in the South African War April, 1900-2 (Queen's Medal with three clasps, and King's Medal with two clasps) ; resigned his commission soon after the termina- tion of the war. and took up farming in South Africa and the Argentine ; joined the Special Reserve of Oflicers about 1912; rejoined bis regiment on the out break of war in Aug. 1914 : went to France in Dee. : was wounded at the eni; of Jan. 1915, and invalided home ; subsequently was with the 7th Battn. at Hull for a year, returning to France in March 1916, and was killed in aetion nenr Y'pres 22 May following. Buried in St. Jean Cemetery there. On this occasion Major Ball-Acton had volunteered to go out with some men on patrol duty : on their return two were absent, and be immediately o ered to go and look for them, and in so doing was twice wounded, the second time fatally, 2nd Lieut. Bond and Private Garnet bringing him back at great risk, thinking he w.xs aliv- . Lieut. Bond was awarded the Militan,- Cross for bis conduct. He m. at Iroi^ Acton, CO. Gloucester, 17 April, 1913, Isabel (Kilmacnrragh, Rathdnim, co W'icklow), 2nd dau. of the IatTidhoIm. Kidil'-rminster). dau. of James Dalziel, of Walkerburn ; b. Kidderminster, 9 .Ttmc. 1890 ; i-duc. The Leys School, Cambridge ; ent^Tcd the business of Messrs. Tomkinson A .\dam. Carpet and Rug Manufacturers, and on the death of Ids father in 1912. became a partner in the firm. On the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914. he ser\ed for several montlts in the French Ambulance Brigade, being engaged in bringing in wounded at Brnyi res in tin- Vosges. and at Belfort ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. K.F.A. 22 July, 1915 ; served in India from the following Sept. ; also with the Indian Expedi- tionary Force in Mesopotamia from 21 .June, llllii, and died at Samarrah 11 Sept. 1917, from enteritis contracted while on active service, liuried there. He was mentioned in Despatches by General Maude, and was awardwl the ^lilitary Cross [I^ondon Gazette, 25 Aug, 1917]. for general good scnice in the field; nnm. Ronald William Adam. ADAMS, A. H., I*ri\ate. No. 9346, 2nd Battn. The Dorsetslurc Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary I-nre Albert Adaii in France ; killed in action 17 Nov. 1914. ADAMS, ALBERT, Private, No. 4041 (i, «th (Service) Battn. The East Yorkshire Regt.. 3rd .s. of William Adams, of V.iS, Rochester Avenue. Rocliester, Mariner, by his wife. Alitt*. dau. of John Adams : b. Rochester, co. Kent, 18 Sept. 1870 ; edue. Troy Town School there : was a Licensed Victualler. Ix-ing lirt-usei' of the "Globe and L:iurel." Gillin'jham; joined the K.E. 20 Feb. 1917 ; transferred to the East Yorkshire Regt. 9 Sept. : ser\'ed with the ICxpeditionar>- Force in France and Flander* from that month, and was killed in action on the Poincap|>elle road 2 Oct. following. He was a Freemason, being a member of the Royal I-odge of Antiquity. No. 20. and of the Livingstone Lodge of Royal Ancient Order of Butfaloes. He m. at St. >raniarefs Church. Rochester, 24 Nov. 1900. Ada Caroline (105, liritton Street. Gillinghani). dau. of George Lower of Rochester, and had a son. Albert Ednev, b. 24 Dec. 1908. ADAMS, ALEXANDER JACKSON, Private. No. 5/1.5214. Gth (Territorial) Battn. The (Jordon Higlilanders, 4lh and yst. s. of the late John Adams. Railway Shunter, by bis wife, t'hristiua Norrie (2, Sunnyview, Springhill). dau. of James Jackson; b. .Vberdeen. 28 Oet. 1899: educ. t ere; wa.= a Sailor; enlisted 14 Aug. 1910 ; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France from 24 Marcli. 1917, and was killed in action at Arras 10 yU\\ following. Buried near Fampoux : unm. ADAMS, ALFRED EDWIN, Gunner. No. 4019. City of Aberdeen Battery, 157th Lrigad<-. Koyal Field Artillery, eldest .«. of Alfred Edwin Adams, of Overton. Ellon, Abcrdien. Ulacksmith, by his wife. Agnes, dau. of the late (ieorge RolHTtson Tarves ; b. Ellon, eo. Aberdeen, 8 April. 1897 ; educ. Esslemont Publie School there ; was for 10 months prior to enlistment in the employ of Peter Leslie, of Caimtach. Belhelvie. as a Farm Servant ; volimteered and enlisted 8 Feb. 1915 ; went to France Feb, 1910, and was killed in action Aug. following. Buried 100 yards from ^lontauban Woods; nnm. The Roll of Honour AUA^.s. AIR.OL cH^^^s^^^^^-s::i't>^o^r\j^:^' S"; oiilv «. of I.irut.-tol. Chiirl.-s Ail.in.s. M.H-. ol Tuflvlish Hous.. CiUord. lo. Dohii 1.JI>. (ri't) l)V liis will-. Mamli ih' Wyt. 2ciil iihmuott;i. TiiiiKvilli. soiitli lruii:i. 13 Nov. 1892; idui-. iirivatily: l.urwul (dlli«i- Ucdlord, and liirmiiiflinnl Univ.r^ily. wluri' liv was stlldvins choniistry »lu;n war l.n>k.' out in Aug. 1914: join.d tlir Inns ol ( ourt O.T.C. 19 April. 1915. olrtaininj: a loni- [iii~«ion in tlie luth llattn. King's Own Koyal l.anrast.T Itegt. 21. Aus lollowinK ; traus- l.rnd to tlie Stli Battn. lor a.tivc scrvi.v ; .. rvid Willi till- Expeditionary lorci- in Irani.- :ind FlandiTS, and was killed in a.lion near cuilleniont 17 Aug. lOlG. His roininandne^ Ollieer wrote: "He was killed wlien gallantly leading his platoon against a German position. ... He gave his life freely and died li.roieally on the Herd of battle." I'nm. \D\\IS, GEORGE JAMES. l..-Corpl.. Xo. U220, l/Uth (ServU-o) liattii. ■(1st Portsmouth) The Hampshire Kegt.. :ird «. of H^nr> Charles Adaiiis^^^l^ taker of the Kingston Keereation Crounds, Portsmouth, by his wile Uiarloll riiiabeth dau. of .lohn Henrv Saunders, of Port.sinouth : (i. feontlisui. i" nts -M Mav 189.-. : edue. Allurt Koad iCIeiuentary School there : was ., sVrinau" eiilisied 12 Xov. 1914 ; s.rved with the Kxpeditionaryloree in !■ ranee .ndTundel^ lr...u :i Mareh. 19Ui. an.l died in St. Omer Hospital Ifi May ol- lowing from eerebro-spinal meningitis, eonlracted while on active servKe. Ztifa in Sonveuir Cemetery. I.ongiienesse. _ One of his otlieers wro o : He always did Ins duty as a soldier and a man," 'i'"' ,^ f ""f'').'!;;.- "' ""* " "" .\uriol C. .A. -\dams good pal, Cnm. and duty as a soldier ami a man, uuu a euuu.iu< . ^ ....»■■ •■•; showed bravery and presence of mind on nninerous occasions. ADAJVIS, ORD, l.ient. Ord Adams. Hoval Held Arillerv (atttd. Guards' Division), eldes s of the late David Adams, of Hill of liealh and .Mnireamblis. eo. File, by his wife, Davida (Muireambus. Kilconqnhar. eo. Hie), dan. of David Kus.sell, of N'orth (Jlleellsferry . Writer. Dunfermline : b. Mnireanibiis afore- said "S ^11" 1891): educ. C'argiltield : Tettes Colle"e. lidinburgh, and Bradley Court, eo. lilouee^ter; joined the Kile and Forlar Yeoinanrv on the outbreak of war Ang. 1914 : was gazetted 2nd I.ieut. H.H. and KKA- !•' Oct 1914: went to Flanders Sept. 191j. aft.T training at Kilkenny, Ireland, and was killed in action at Ypres 20 March. 191ti. liiiried near the Vser Canal. oiitsi-!e of \ pres. \t the front he had acted as Orderly Olhccr to Brigadier-General Bcthell, ll.F.A.. who .-ecirded his appreciation of his worth and gallantrv as an ollieer. He was popular with all who' km-w him. and singularly fitted lor ■I military career, and was an excellent shot and capable horseman. He was also a enl- tiired musician : iihih. An A VIS WILLIAM Private. Xo. 22863G, 2nd B.attn. (Ttli Foot) The It.iyal SESt^±F.St b. ^^LiX'^^.p- Jt: b :il \ii". 191"-.. and FvelyuMay, 6. 1/ Sept. 191(1. Ar.Av.«r>v HAROLD WILLIAM, Private, Xo. •252013. Kith (Service) Battn. Tl?^Hnd^t"1S°^. of Cha^ Edward Adumson, of 61 Kidgway Street. T,.^ -^^de Mine Ltcr bv his wife, Annie, dau. of George Dodsoii : b. Man- ,^,^-te? g' O e 8 17 ■ cduc. St. Stephen's School there : was employed by M^s^'.'Ma°hail * Aston Manchester': enlisted 11 May. 1"« •,;"-' .-'"^'g' 1^^ ^,«ditionar>^^iaFra^ei.,dF,a^e^ Sev'r feme e V KOI e"n ffis Commanding 'o.Hcer wTotc : '• Although he was tadlv Idt Talked to go on. He was a splendid soldier." I7nm. .r.>ii«:r>xi lA-MFS licut Uoval Fiild Artillery (T.F.), «. of James Adam- ADAMSON. JAMES, Lieut., Koyai^^ ^ ^^_^^^ ^^.^.^^ Sunderland, Ship's Store Jlcrchaut : b. Sunderland, 2:! May. 1885 ; cduc. How, CO. Durham, and Sedbcrgh School, co. York ■ entered into business with his father ; ob- tained a cominissioa about nine months before war was declared : served with the Expcdi- tionarv Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action by a shell 5 .May. 1917, while in command of his batti-ry. Buried at Ecvoire, north of Arras. A brother ollieer wrote • " He was the bravest man I ever met at the Front, and continually doing magnifi- cent things. He was loved by olticers and men, and his pluck and cheerfulness we shall never forget. " and his Captain : " He was a prime favourite with all, and always known as ' Jimmy.' He set a magnificent example of courage^ and was the bravest fellow I ever met " His Commanding Officer also wTotc : " He was a gallant officer and a cheery friend. He was a keen sportsman, fine gymnast and footballer, and won L'Ep6c d'Honneur in an open fencing competition at Newcastle : and was awarded the Royal Humane Societv's CertiliKite lor saving life ; loim. ADDISON, PHILIP FRANCIS. Private. So. 1421. 5th (Territorial) Battn. The liulfs (kasl Kent Regt.), 3rd s. of the late William Gry Is Addison Artist. by hLs wife, Alice (West Terrace, Cranbrook), dau. ol William knight ol Sevenoaks: and gdson. of the Ucv. William Fountaine Addison. Canon of Gibraltar Cathedral : 6. North Warnborough, Odiham, co. Hants, !.:> .Ian. l»»s . educ. Horsinonden School, co. Kent, and King's College, London : was «or some ycare Under Master at schools in Khyl and llford, alter which he became Pro- James .VUainson. James F. B. Adkins. l,s„ir ol KnglisI, at the licrlit/. School. Antwvrp. where lu- was ulien «ai I. ok. out ■ sail.'d in on.' of the last boats to leave the city in August : join.'.l th.' Hulls shor'tlv after his r.turn home: s.Tved in Mesopotamia in 1911. : was sent to I di. oil u-.nd (12th Foot) liattn. The Sullolk Regt.. «. of Jam.s Kdward A.lkiiis. Mus.Bac. -"" ' F.KC.O.. Organist of Preston Parish Church by his wife. Louisa, dau. of tlu- late William U Day (!oriiuTlv Governor of Milll.ank) : b. Preston. 4 Ajiril. ii^W ; ediic. Preston Grammar School, and St. Paul's Catlii'dral Choir S.liool : was apiiointed Chorister at St. I'aul's Catli.dral when leu viars of age in 19(18, becoming their Soloist l'.''ll-14. On his voice breaking, he was awarded the .Mirchant Taylors' .Aliisical Scholarship bv the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's: studied to bieonii' Organist under his lather and at the same time acted as Organist of Christ Church. Preston: enlisted in May, 191(i, for tjie express purpose- of b,coming a Lin.- Handinaster: serv.-d with the Kxia-dl- tionary Fore.' in I'raiiee and Fland.rs from early in Mav. 1H17 ; was wound.-d 29 Sept. while acting'as stretehcr-hearcr wUh the 7th //'j^^^^B Field Ambnlanc- at Ypres. and di.-.l 1 Oct. ' -^HBHB 1917. at No. 17 Casualty Clearing station. Buri.-d in l.iissentboi-k Military C.inetery. Poperinghi . His Ailjutant wrote : " Hi- was a great loss to the battalion, did fine work during tli.- opi-ratioiis as a stn-lcher- belrer, and evervone spoke highly of his devotion to duty ' He w-.as awar.le.1 the King George Y. Coronation Medal for singing at the Coronation at West- minster .\bbey in .Inn.-, 1911 : iiniti. ADSHEAD. ALBERT GUEST. Private, .\o. (;'24821. .".Oth llattn.. 4th Calia- ton IMvisi.n. Canadian Expeditionary Force, 2nd .v. ol he lab- Benjamin w'lcad bv lis wil.-, Ellen (Sundial Bank. Deni.-sne Koad, \\ hall.-y llang.v Man -h.-ster), dau. of Henry Weightman, of -^verhain eo .Not inghani : 6 ■ WUhington ManelL^ter. 13 Sept. 187:i : edue. ..s.- 1.11 ''';-''""l-^ """l' l;,,;'""^ Hnlni.- Grammar S.-hool. Manchester: went to Canada in UIOl. and s, tl.-d at Big Vall.-v. near Settler, in Alberta, as a Farmer and Kancher with Ins two broth.-rs- joined the Canadian Expeditionary Force 14 -Vb. 1911. : caine ovcr 'i?h th.-'('onti.lg,-lit in Dec. 1910: served with the ExpixUtloliary 1-oree in Franc.- and l-'landei-s from April. 1917, and was killed in action near Lens 19 June following, linri.-d tlire.-iiuarters of a mile west of Avion and one and a halt miles south-west of l..-iis : uiiiii. AGATES. ARTHUR JAMES. Private, No. 8182 9th (S.;rvice) Battn ■I'lie Ko«l Sussex Kegt., .V. of Jani,-s William Agates, of Council Terrace, East t.rin- stead CO Sussex ■ b. l-:ast Grinst,-ad aforesaid, 19 Jan, 1884 : educ. Baldwin s Hill Council School th,-re : was cmploy.-d by the East Grins cad Lirbaii Council : enlisted "n Sept 1914 : s.-rved with the Kxpeditionary .1 <>ree in 1-ranc,- and FHudcrs torn 14 June, 19lli, and was killed in action at Vlniy K.d.g.-, 12 .\pril. 1917 ^ur",'d there. An officer WTOte : " H.- was a very keen soldier, and had been with tile Lewis Gun a considerable time. He and many others did no »."4 up their lites for th.-ir .-ouiitry in vain, but siu-eessfully .-.arrie. 0"t what thev were called upon t.i do, and brought great cr.dit upon their l>at 'lion. He m at East Grinstead, 1 Sept. 1907, Elizabeth Mary -(lialdwin's Hill. East GrilSer.1) da 1 of James Xash, of Portsmmith, and had three eluldren: .\rthnr .llmes 6 -27 June, 191(1 : Herbert Edward, b. Jan. 1912. and Daisy. U. 'Z Nov. 1908. ^ ... ., AGNEW J Private Xo. 9B08. The Highland Light Imantry ; served with the Expeditio'narv Force in France; killed in action 7 Xov. 1914. AGNEW. w". J.. Privat... Xo. 8204. 2nd ISatt.i, Th.- Koyal Irish RiBes : served wUh tliri-:xp>-ditionarv Force in France ; kill.-il in action 1, Nov. 1914. ^ ATKENHEAD FRANK QUARRIER. Private. Xo. UIS27, Mil (Service) B.^^n.'^l"? Koyal'^ols FiJiers, 4th .,. of Ai«ander Aikentaad of Cl-V Orphan ^""•it'^-iSn ?[s;^Gr'^^.iS'si;;^iow :^^^g;e3'iii'i;:i.'iiiT!- ^e^ ^Sl^^iS!^^^^^^-^^'^ and- Flanders, and was killed in action at Martinpuich 3 Sept. 191(S. Buried there ; imm. AINLEV. HEFFORD WILLIAM ERNES'T. Lieut. l('.8tll lirigad.-. K F.A Hl.lest V of l<.hn sl,;,w \iiil.v. Woollen Maiiufa.-tnr.-r. Kirkh.-aten (ret.) h> Ins wm l-^'.i . ."i- ^iH "f Willian, Cocking: b. Kirkli.-aton Und. lersmW. eo. wit,, Linnu l,..ui .1. ...iH. ^^^^ ^^ j^^^^^ j,g.j. ,,,|„^, ,i,g„|,.swick : was a Woollen .Mannfaclurer ; obtaini-d a com- ini«sion as 2nd Lieut. K.F.A. July, 1913, and was promoted Lieut. 4 Oct. 191fi : serv.-d with the F.xpeilitionarv Force in France and > landers from th.- billowing Dec, and died at Puchvillcrs 4 Feb. 1917. from shock and pneumonia, caused through burns received two days previously, while on active service near Beaumont Hamel l-.urieil in 111.' .Militarv Cemetery at Pnclivillers. His Ciilom-I wrote: " It is a loss that we all .1. i.lon- an.l 1 feel that we have lost a most valuable olticer and fri.-nd. He w.-us loved by all and as an able giinii.-r 1 i-annot .say too miicli ior him. I had absolut.- conlidenee in liim at all tim.-s. and indeed, he was the right-liand man of his present and late Major. His death is a great blow to us all, and we shall find it hard to HH liis place. His work was always well done . The cause of his death was, we believe, his inxiety to save a brothi-r otflcer, which he [m successfullv ; all his comrades deeply denlore their loss." He m. at Hudderslield, 23 Jan. 1013, Constance Haigh ?HuddeisHeld); dan. of the late Joseph Hopkinson, J.P., Engineer, and had a dau.. Sheila Ann, b. 9 May, 191o. »TM<5I IF JOHN GORDON, Private, 13th Battn. The Canadian Highlanders, Ca^adHn Expe"Honan- Force 2nd s. of John Dodds Ain., e, of 28, Exchange Stn-et E-^st Uveri ool. In his wife, Helen, dau. of Alexander Wmgate, of Glasgow : f Ilnnoon 'li Mav 1885 : educ. Wallasey. CO. Chest.-r. and afterwards went to ?he (Ju°-hi. t.^ic.itiiral College, Ontario: snbs.-qn.-ntl.v bei.ime a l-armer n '."^, .,''";,? pnjisted 1 Nov 1913- served w th the Exp.-ditionary 1-orce in Saskatchewan enlist d 1 >^; '^J • ^ „.,„ billed in action 13 March, 1917. France " >'' /' f °''' ^ |Yo" in tl e Ecoivres Cemetery. His Commanding Olficer fZ^ "'Hs acttons asiJe from this heroic one were always an inspiration o th^others and his loss is greatly felt; in fact, his name had been banded in to Headquarters for a commiiion to fill the first vacancy." Unm. <^IU Hetf.ird W. E. .\inley. The Roll of Honour Charles Ernest Alberj • ALDAN A, JUAN MANUEL, •» AKEHURST, WILLIAM, Privutt, No. 5837. fith (Service) Buttn. The Queen's Own (Koy;iI West Kent llegt.). s. or" the late Harry Akehutst, by liis wife, Susan, • Ian. of Hiirry L>i|)loek ; b. Tunbridge Wells, 19 April. 1887 ; educ. there ; was • luployed by the Kent County Council; enlb^ted 13 March. 1915; served with Tbc Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 27 June, 1915. and was killed in action at liethune 14 March, 1916. His Comniandiny; Officer wrote : " He was one of tlic most valuable nn-n of his company, and lived and fought and dieil iikt; a true Euiilishnian. His death was a great lo-ss to his comrades ; !ie wa.s hurled near the scene of action, and a cross was erected by his comrades." He m. at Tunbrid^'r Wells. 22 Dec. 1900. Hannah (Monds Cottaa;es, Sunbridge, eo. Kent), dau. of OeorKi- Wor^eU. and had a son, William. 6. 1 Nov, 19G1. ALBERY. CHARLES ERNEST, Private, Xo. 20181S. l,'4th (Territorial) Battn. The Duke of Kd in burgh's (Wiltshire Regt.), only snr\'. t. of Charles Albery, of Wliaddon. Salis- bury, late Staff Sergt. -Major of the Array Pay Corps, by his wife. Annie, dau. of John Dummcr, of Cocking, co. Sussex ; 6. Xew Brompton. co. Kent. 21 Oct. 1893; educ. at various Military Schools, including Singapore (1890-1902)'; was employed as a Clerk on the Array Audit Staff, being a keen Boy Scout of the 1st Salis- bury Troop, passing through the various grades to that of .Assistant Scout Master ; joined the 4th Wiltshires 6 Nov. 1915 ; went to India in March. 191G; proceeded to Palestine in Sept. 1917, and was killed in action near Gaza 2 Nov. following. Capt. C. K- Merew<'ther (since died of wounds) wTote : " Your boy was one of the nicest and keenest fellows in my company ; was an excellent and really intelligent scout ; very j)opularw!th everybody, and he is a great less." f'nm. JJcut.. 4th Battn. The Worcestershire Regt., only surv. s. of Ahelardo Aldana. of Angamos, South Road. Porthcawl, South Wales, Consul of Colombia, Chile, Venezuela and Ecuador, by his wife, Eliza, dau. of E. Stanley Halladay ; b. London, 7 Sept. 1895 ; educ. Llandaff Cathedral School ; Worcester King's School, and Keble College. Oxford, where he proved himself a most pro- mising and good sportsman ; applied for a "■oniniission on the outbreak of war, and was gazi-tted Temp. 2nd Lit-ut. The Worcestershire Regt. 14 Nov. 1914, bi-nig promoted Lieut. 1915 ; served with the Expeditiouary Force in France from July. 1910 ; was wounded at the Battle of the Somme 20 Oct. 1916 ; rejoined liis regiment [ ^W I *^'*' weeks after, and was killed in action at Y^^^^Z Monchy, near Arras. 20 April. 1917. Buried ^^^H\ there. Lieut. -Col. E. Kerans wrote ; " He was I ,^^^^'^^^B^^^s.. most popular with ils all, and was a most reliable I ^^^^^Hk^^j9^^^^^^^ '^"^ hard-working officer, and I had jiLst put ^^■^Lfi^^^H^^^^^^H him in command of a company. The regiment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ha.s another gaUant officer." and the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H Chaplain regiment, the Rev. A. M. t ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^SJ Whcatly : " As to his life in the batta- lion, he was always a great favourite with the men. His briirht. cheery and boyish manner ■was very captivating, and it was always a giiat pleasuri- to spend an hour in the Mess with him. Although he did not obtrude his religion. I feel confident that at heart he was not far from e, Alberta, in 1915. Annati (Lacombe), dau. of ( — ) Covi-nlale, and had a dau., Margaret, b. July, 1916. ALDWINCKLE, RALPH, 2ud Lieut., 6th (Ser\ice) Battn. The King's Own (Koyal Lancaster Regt.). attd. 10th (Service) Battn. The Loyal North Lancashire Regt., >T. If. of Alfred Othniel Aldwinckle. of 54, Highbury Park, London. N.. by his wife. Emma ; and brother to L.-Corpl. E- H. Aldwinckle (q.v.) : 6. High- bury, Loudon, N. ; 10 Aug. 1889 ; educ. Paradise House School there, and Cniversity College. London, where he was a member of the O.T.C., and obtained Honours in the B.Sc. (Engineering) in 1913, after which he entered the Royal Gun Factory, Woolwich, S.E., where he was working as a student when war broke out ; volunteered for Imperial Service, and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Royal Lancaster Regt. in Sept. 1914. but. owing to an accident while or. service in England, was unable to leave for France until May, 1916. when he joined the Lancaster Regt. at the front, being subsequently attached for a time to the Duke of Cornwall's Light Iniantrj', and later to the Loyal Nortli Lancashire Regt. ; was reported wounded and missing after leading his platoon in an attack on Beaumont Hamel 15 Nov. 1916, and is now assunu'd to have been killed in action on that date. His grave was subsequently (March. 1918) found in I'rankfort I'rench, Beaumont Hamel. He was a keen sportsman, and distin- guished himself in running, winning the mile, three mi!e^ and half-mile steeplechase two years in succession in his College sports, and he also represented London University against Cambridge and the South London Harriers in the mile and one and a half mile. He was for many years a keen worker for the Juan Manuel .Aldana. George Luard Alexander. w.-Ifar.- 01 boys, and devoted most of hLs leisure to Christ Church Lads* Club, Highbury. N. : num. ALEXANDER, A. F., Private. No. 3066. 14th Battn. The London lUgt. (Tendon Scottish) ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in Franct;; killed in action 1 Nov. 1914. SPEIRS-ALEXANDER. ALLISTER RALPH, MB., B.S.fxjnd.. eirs- .\lexander, M.D., of Hampstead. London. N.. by his wife. (Jeorglna Caroline, 2nd dau. of the late Arthur Wells, C.E.. of (Juejph, Canada ; b. Plymouth. 30 Nov. 1880 : educ. Plymouth College ; Highgate School, and Cniversity College Hospital. London; gazetted Lieut. I. M.S. 'iS .Ian. lOH. and promoted Capt. 28 Jan. 1914 ; went to India in Sept. 1911 : after serving with several regiments a^ Medical Officer, went on active service, Oct. 1914, with the 7th <;urkha Kifli-s ; took part in the repulse of the Turkish attack on the Suez Canal and the Tor Expedition in Feb. 1915, and in March following went to Meso|)Otamia : was present in the advance on Ahwa and at the burning of Hh;ifa-jiya and at the 0--cupation of Nasiriyeh on the Euphrates 25 July; also at the Battle of Knt 28 Sept. ; was invalided with fever to Basra, but rejoined his regiment at .\rrizieh, after the Battle of Ctesiphon. and was present during the retreat to, and siege of, Kut. imtil mortally wounded in action li Feb. He died of his wounds 9 Feb. 1916. Buried at Kut-el-Amara. He was mentioned in i^espatches by General Townsend [London Gazette, 10 May. 191GJ. Lieut. -Col. C. L. Haldane, C.M.G., Commanding 7th Gurkhas, wrote : " He will 1m' a sad l(»ss to his regiment and to his profession as a medical man." and the .Adjutant : " He was alwavs cheerv and ready to help others ; he was siuip'v perfeet in action." He m. at Tunbridge Wells 12 July. 1911, .Mary Martlneau (91, Carlisle Koad, Hove, CO. Sussex), dau. of Major-General Frank Hale Berwick Marsh. Indian Army, and had a dau.. Sheila .Mary, h 27 Sept. 1912. ALEXANDER. GEORGE LUARD. Capt. and Brigade 3Iaior, 8th Battn. (Post Offic*; Rifles) The London Regt. (T.F.), ■s. of the late Capt. lianald Michell Alexander. :Jrd (Reserve) Battn. The Black Watch (Koyal Highlanders), by his wife, Louie; 6. 3 April. 1883 ; educ. Winton House, Winchester, and the Isle of Wight College; was .subsequeutlv articled to G. F. Bodley, R.A., Architect, and after having obtained iiis A.R.I.B.A.. entered Into partnership with Mr. R. Atkinson, F.R.I.B.A. : joined the Post Office Rifles in 1912, but retired in 1914 ; on the outbreak of war rejoined his old regiment ; served with the Expeditionarj- Force in P'rancc and Flanders ; was twice wounded and invalided home ; on his recovery in Mav. 1916. he acted as Instructor to the 6th Officer*' Cadet Battn. at Oxford ; underwent a Staif course at Cam- bridge in Feb. 1917 : passt^d out \er\- well, and was apiKJinted Brigade Major to' the 171st infantry Brigade ; returned to France, and was killed in action near Armcntleres 5 Aug. 1917, by an aeroplane l>omb. Buried at Saillv- sur-Lys. He m. at Ifield. co. Sussex. 5 Jan. 1916. Marjorie Michell. dau. ol Oswald Michell Courage, and had a dau.. Joan Michell, b. fi Nov. 1916. ALEXANDER, HAROLD PERC\*. Major. 6th Battn. The Essex Regt. (T.F.), Zrds. of Edward Reuben Alexander, of Innisfallen, Wallwood Road. Leytonstone. Master Printer, for many years Technical Instructor of Printing at'the Poly- technic, Regent Street. London, W.. by his wife. Elizabeth, dau. of John BIox- ham; b. Dalston, London, E., 11 Jan. 1882 : educ. Sir George Monoux Grammar School, Walthamstow ; subsequentiv b<'came a partner in his father's firm, Messrs. E. R. Alexander A- Sons, The Era Press. L<'vton ; joined the 3rd YoL (now the 6th Territorial) Battn. The Essex Retrt. as 2nd Lieut. 9 .\ug. 1902; was promoted Lieut. 26 Sept. 1903. Capt. 25 Oct. 11KI5, and Major 15 March. 1915 ; volunteered for lmi>«>rial Ser\ice on the out- Itreak of war in Aug. 1914 : served with The Mediterranean Exi»editionary Force in Galllpoli from 21 July. 1915. when^ for a rime he acted as Temp. Lieut. -Col. ; was invalided home with enteric and dysentery in Nov., after which he under\venl an oiM-ra- tion for apinndieilis : rejoined his battalion at Tring 16 March, 1916 ; served with the Eg>'ptian Expeditionary Force in Pah-stine from 5 May following, and was killed in action outi^ide (;aza 26 March, 1917. Buried on the battlefleld. Colonel R. F. Wall wrote: " Your son was of the greatest help to me in this country and in Gallipoli. and I greatly esteemed him for liis qualities as a man and comrade, and as a thorough soldier. He more than maintained the efficiency of his company when a Captain, and later as a Field Officer he was splendid. He had the inestimable gift of stfoir- faire in all the varying conditions of service in the field, and was a most devoted officer. It was a great satisfaction, when I was wounded, that the regiment was in his capable hands, and I had hoiK-d to see him made Colonel iHTmaneritly. when it became e\ideut that my woinid would be a long biLsiness," He was an enthusiastic Freemason; initiated into the Victoria Oiamond Jubiltv l^odge and a joining member of the Centurion Lodge, of which three years ago he became a Past .Master; was also a Royal Arch Freemason, in memtx^rshlp of the (juin- tinian Chapter, a Mark Mason. "and an .\rk Mariner. On the benevolent side of tYeemasoury, he served a .Stewardship, and became a life subscrilxr oi the Royal Masoiiic Institution for Girls and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for .\ged Freemasons ; uhtii. ALEXANDER, JAMES, Private, No. 265648. 6th (Territorial) Battn. The Gordon Hlshlanders, yst. twin :«. of William Alexander, of Mosside of Monellie, Huntly. CO. Abereen. by liis wile, Catherine, dau. of the late A. Thoms:>ri ; and brotlu'V of William Alexander (q.c.) : b. Mosside of Monellie aforesaid, 25 April. 1897 ; educ. Corse School there ; was a Farm Servant ; enlisted 15 Sept. 1914 ; served with tlie HxiKditionary Force in France and Flanders from 14 Dec, 19L5. and was killed in action during the advance on Cambrai 20 Nov. 1917 Buried at Flesqui res; (/ii//i. .ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, Private. No. 267954. 6th (Territorial) Battn, The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), eldest s. of William Alexander, of 3Iosside of Jlonellie. Huntlv.'co. Aberdeen. Bootmaker, by his wife, Catherine, dau. of the bite Alexander Thomson ; and brother to James Alexander (q.r.) ; 6. Mosside aforesaid, IS Nov. 1891 ; educ. Corse School there ; w.as a Policeman ; enlisted 16 Nov. 1915; served with the ExiM-dilionary Force in France from 1 Jan., and died at No. 4 Casualty Clearing Stition 1 .\uu'. 1917. from wounds received in action at Yprcs. Buried in the Ooziu'-'hem British (.Vinelery. two and a Ita miles north oi Poperinghe ; unm. Harold Percy Alexander. The Roll of Honour ALEXANDER, WILLIAM JOHN, I'riv.itc. No. 9842. :!nl Itattn. Tin; Royal l''usltitTs (('!»>■ of I.diidoii Kegt.). a-, oi \Villiiun Jolin .\li'xan(IiT. of :s;J(>. Spring Kojid. Ipswii-li. KuildiT. h.v his witV. Hiirrirt. dan. of Kdwiird Shariiiaii ; b. Ijiswieli, l.'i Vvh. 181)7 ; edin-. at St. Cli-nicnt's ScIkmiI tlion;- ; \va.>; ciiiployi'd as a AlesscnRcr In a Surveyor's olth'c : I'lilistrd IH Nov. 1014 ; scrvfd with tlirlCxpi-di- tionary I'"or ; he wa.s edil- Nov. following, froiii wounds received in action earlier in tlie day. linried in Tineourt Military ('eineter>' : iinmS ALINGTON, GEOFFREY HUGH, 2nd l.ient.. 2/5th (Territorial) iiattn. The Iloy.al Sussex Kegt., .». of the Itev. Fdward Hugh Alington, of Maytield, Summer- town, Oxford, by his wife, .Margaret, dau. of Archihald .Maclari-n ; b. Oxford, :! Dec. 1888: edne. Horris Hill, Marlliorongh (2nd Foundation Scholar), and Magdalen College, Oxford (.M.A. 1014). When war broke out was a Master at Snmmerlicads, St. Leonards; gazetted 2nd l.iiiit. Sussex Regt. 10 April, 1015; went to France 15 Nov. following, and was killed in action on the Sommc front 9 Aug. 1910. linried at liouzinconrt. His brother ollicers wrote their testi- mouy of his fine work and sterling (piaiities, and the ollieer commanding his company also wrote that " he was always ready and willing to undertake any duty, howevj-r unpleasant," Ifc was good at all games and a ca|)ablc ac^tor ; unm . ALLAN, ALEXANDER, Privat*, No. 25400, (ith (Service) Itattn. 'I'he Qu(;en's Own (Cameron Highlanders. :!rd .^. of David (ji^mmell Allan. of Auerly. Mill Road, Voker. by his wif(\ Aniue, dau. of William Wright (Denny); b. Partick, f;lasgow, 9 .rinie, 1898; edne. Victoria Drive Higher Crade School; wa.s an Engineer, and Miriniier of the Local Roy Scouts ; enlisted in (lei. 1915; served with the Kxiieditionary I'orce in France and Flanders, and was killed in action east of Yprcs :il ,Iuly. 1917 ; iiniit. ALLAN, FRANK CECIL, 2nd I.icut., 13tll (Ser\iee) I!attn. The Durham Light Infantry, ::rd *. of th.' Rev. Tlionias Peter Allan, Vicar ul Cramlington, co. Northumberland. i)y his wife. Agnes, dau. of the Ri'V. Charles Willis ; h. Newear, and carrying off the " Victor , .,„ . ,. , l.udorum Cup"; gained a heaving scholarshiii of £40 from his school, and a £30 one from his countv ; had also gained a t( 11 classical seliolaislu]i at Jesus College, Oxford, when- he would have graduated butfortheoutbivakofwariu 1914; left seliool in July, 1915 ; gazetted -iml Lieut 13th Battn. Dnrhain Light Infantry 25 Se|)t. following ; went to Fraiii-e early in Sept tlie tollowiiig year ; was wounded in the hand and thigh liv a sliell 25 Sept. 1910, and liied of gas gangrene in the thigh in the 2nd Red Cross Hospital, Rouen, on the 29th. His two elder brothers were serving at the front at tlie time of his death ; iinin. ALLAN, GEORGE COWIE, (Jiinner, No. 217774, TOth Brigade, ll.F.A., eldiMt «. of Alexander Allan, of Mains of Raldavie, Bovndie, Hanlf, Farmer, by his wife. ,Iane Rose, dau. of the late Alexander Cowie ; b. Mains of Baldavic Boyndie, 10 Nov. 1890 ; edne. Blairmand, and Baiilf Academy ; assisted Ids father on the farm ; enlisted in Feb. 1917 ; served with the Kxpe'ditionary Force | in France and F'landers from Sept., and died at No. 47 Casualtv Clearing Station 1 3 Oct. following, from wounds received in action the previous day. His Coni- mancling Olliccr wrote : " He was universally liked by us all, and much esteemed and loved by his comrades, being possessed of fine personal qualities. He was modest, genial and generous," Unm. ALLAN, JAMES EDWARD, Sergt., No. 12(100, 21st (Service) Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps. 2inl .•■■. of Wi:lia-n Allan, Tihor, by his wife, Marv, dau 01 George Nelson, of Cumberland : /). Barrow in-Fnrni;ss. co. Lancaster, 14 F'eb 1874; (;duc. Cllrist Chureli School, Cheltenham, anl lielle View Higher Grade School, .Manningham, Iir.adford ; was a Tailir's Cutter ; enii.^ted 2S Sept, 1015 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Frim^e and Flanders from 5 Mav, 1916, and was killed in action at Ypri^= 4 Nov. following. Buried in Ridgewood Military Cemetery, V oormozccle. His Platoon Commander wrote : " As a Sergt, he was W^illiam Harrv Allan. simply splendid. He made himself a favourite with men and ollleers, and I, as liis platoon conimandev. could trust him ini|ilicitly, ,and mver hesitated to put men in his cliarge. 1 can a.ssure you lu; ilii'd liki' a gentleman, for i was there," and the Chatlain : " Sergt. .\llan was winning high opinions of his courage niiil skill, and to the very liust showed the sjiirit of jiluck and comradeship, thinking always of others and bearing his snilerings with the greati-st fortidule ami endurance ; in fact, hi' died while he w.is helping others." He was a keen s])ortsiiiaii ; a llrst-class shot, and a good Rugby football player, having for many years played forward for Haiii|)sliire and won his caps. He iii. — Ist, lit St. Simon's Church, SontlLseii. :il Oct. 1901, Matilda (died Sept. 1008), dau of tile late Thomas Bungay, and had a son, , rallies Doughus Nelson b. 8 April 1B07; 2ndl\ — at St. Sihus" Church, iiyker, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 7 Nov. IBOO, Bessie .Maiidi- (132. Francis Avenue, Southsca), dau. of Henry Gillicrt, of I'nre- hani, and had a dan.. I'liyllis Margaret Mary, b. 21 Nov. 1910." ALLAN, JOHN CRUICKSHANK, Private-, No. 248020, C Coy., 2nd Battn. (Ro.vttI Fusiliers) The London Regt. (T.F.). «. of William Allan,' of Dc'c Place. Aberdeen; b. Aberdeen. 8 Oct. 1897; educ. .Mile End School there; was a Dental Meclianie; joined the 'I'erritorial Force 7 April, 1014, and was called up on iniibilizatinii file following Aug.; siTved with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flandius from 31 ,liily, 1017; was reported woiindcsi;4. Tank Ccirps. .v. of Augustus Allcbone. of Roseiieath, Rnshden, Boot Maliufa(;tlircr ; b. Kushrlen, CO. Northampton. 29 .Aug. 1880 ; educ. there ; was a Director of Messrs. .Allcbone iV Sons, Ltd., Boot .M;inufaeturers ; enlisted 10 March, 1916 ; servi-d with the Expeditionar.N' Force in France from the following Aug., and was killed in action at Cambrai 20 Nov. 1017- He was awarded two Parchment Certiflcates, one for ineritorions and gallant service in tin- fleld, signed by the lirigadier-(jeneral. and the si'cond for soldierly coudnet under heavy lire 4 Oct. 1017, during- the Third Battle of Yprcs, also signed by the Briga(lier-(.iener;il ; imm. ALLEN, FREDERICK JAMES, L.-Corpl., No, 7280, 13th (Service) Battn.- The Royal Sussex Regt., *■. of the late George Allen, hy his wife, Maria (3, Thorpe Cottages, Soutli Street, Lewes, CO. Sussex) : b. Rans- . I combe. South Mailing, eo. Kent, 21 .Tune, 1884; ^^^p^^^^ educ. at Bedilingliam: enlisted 10 .lime, 1915 : ^^P^^^^^^^^ served with the ICxpeditionary l''oree in I-'rance ^F ^^ ^^^^^^ 'ind F'landers from (.let. 1915 ; was wounded at ^Fi^^..^^^^^V Yprcs in Feb. 1910, and again at Gnilleniont ^j^ ^^^r the following Aug. ; returned to France in ^ ^^^L Dec, and was killed in a(;tioii during an air- • -»■ ^^V raid at Kemmel 15 Oct. 1917. His Commanding ^^Kjl Olliccr wrote : " Your son had been under ^J^F my charge for some weeks, .and it is witli very J ^^^^^^^^^ much pleasure that 1 am able to record tliiit ^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^ he was one of the tiest, and that his cheerful ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H under adverse eireuiiistances went ^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^l the ^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^H than what ^•■■■■■■l^^^BBJ with nie up the line was to \'oliinteer to assist me in bringing back to a dressing-station a wounded man, whom 1 found in a siicll-liolc. He was agood chap, and I miss him terribly." Unm. ALLEN, JEFFREYS SOMERSET, Private, No. 3450U, 1st Battn. The Cambridgeshiri' Regt. ('I'.F.), yst. .s. of Dr. Marcus .Allen, by his wife, l''lorence Alma (14, itidiiig House Street, London, W.), dan. of the late (lapt. William Charles Ma.S9y- B>-ves. of New (hardens. Limerick ; b. Brigliton, 2 Sept. 1885 ; educ. Bedford fjirammar Setiool ; Heidelberg College, Germany, and at Col. Kensington's, Army Tutor, Hove. He trained for the musical profession in (Jermany, l*aris and ICngland, and appeared at His Majesty's Theatre, London. ; enlisted 1 March, 1910 ; served with the Jilxpeditionary I'orce in Franco and Flanders, and was killed in action at St. .Tiilian, near Y|rcs, F'landcrs, 31 July, 1917, being shot by a snipiT. An ofTicer wrote : " We had just finislicd advancing, and 1 ad just dug ourselves in, -leffreys was jn a piece of trench with two other men, his platoon sergeant was about eiglit yards away from him when he was liit. .A bullet from a sniper struck him in the throat, killing him instantly. He could* not have felt any pain. He had Jcilreys 23onierset Allen. been showing great pluck all the day, and was thoroughly enjoying the fight. All the men speak very highly of him. He was always cheerful and willing to help anyone. You ma.v rest a.ssiired .Jeffreys died instantly, fighting as an ICnglishman can only fight, a brave and gallant fellow to the last. Please accept my most heart- felt sympathy in your great less." and again from the Capt. ; " 1 "may say that your son w;is splendid in the fight, and went into action in tlie real old' Cam- bridgeshire's way," Unm. Frederick James Allen, thus perhaps saving liis life. The Roll of Honour ALLEN, STEPHEN, Private, No. 24456. l>,t Buttn. (57tli i'oot) Tin' Duke ui CambridgL*'s Own (Middlesex Kcgt.), s. of John 'i'liomas Allen, of New Street, Cronicr, Fij^liemian, by his wite. Mary, dau. of { — ) (Jrinies; b. Cromer. CO. Norfolk, 9 April. 1893 ; educ. Council School there ; enlisted 10 April, 1910 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 21 .Inly, and was killed in action 2(5 Aug. following. He m. at Gresham, Norwich, lo March. 1915. Lily Kate, vst. dau. of Kobert John Lark, and had a dau., Katlilei-n Maud, b. 17 March." 191ti. ALLEN, WELLINGTON LYSTER, Private, No. 73219, ■44th Machine Gun Corps, eldest *. of Walter Allen, of 28. Charlemont Koad, Clontarf, Dublin. H.M.C.S., by his wife, Margaret, dan. of Laurence Lyster ; b. Kanelagh, Dublin. 21 Nov. 1895 ; educ. Kildarc Street Sclujol, Chapelizod, and St. James'.s School. Dublin ; was a student, being a past member of the Jioys" lirigade. and one of tin- 1. adinu Dublin Sea Scouts wliea war broke out ; joined the Koyal Innis- killiii'.: Fii.-ilirrs 16 Oct. 1914; served with the E.xpeditionary Force in France antl FlaiidiTs from Sept. 1915 ; was wouiuled 8 May, 1916 : subsenuently became bewis .Mniliiin- Gunner to the IDOth, with whom he took part in the Battle ot .Mes'^iii.s Kid'^e ; transferred to the 44th .Miichine Gun Corps in Aug. 1917, and was killed in action at Ypres on the 22nd. Buried at Fortuin ; num. ALLIN, HAROLD WYSE, 2ad Lieut.. 10th (Service) Jiattn. The King's (Sliropshire Liuht Infantry), only s. of Alfred Thomas Allin, of Woolston, Loddis- well, CO. Devon, Clerk in Holv Orders, by his wife, Ethel Wyse. dau. of T. \V- Weymouth; b. Holbeton. Plymouth. 28 Dee. 1888 ; educ. by a private tutor, and Magdalenr ("ollegc. Cambridge ; was ^Master of the Jlod- bury Harriers, and Manager of the Home F'arm on the family estate; joined tlie Royal Devon Yeomanry (T.F.) as a Trooi»er in Sept. 1914 : was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Jan 1915. in the King's (Shropshire Light Infantry); served with the IGxpeditionary Force in France and llander^ from 3 June. 1916. being in charge of the iiiaehine guns of the 6th Battn. King's (Shropshire bight Infantry): in the following Oct. he had a severe accident, his horse falling deail, and rolling over hini ; was in hospital for many months ; on n-covery proceeded to Egvpt to join the inth Battn".. and died at No. 43 Stationary Hospital. El-Arish. 13 Dec. 1917, from wounds received in action in the Hills of Judea 30 Nov. i>revlously. Buried in the Masaid Military Cemetery, Egypt. Major Harold Wyse Allin. C. W. Tomkinson wrote: "On the same day that your son joined, began a series of very big inarches, which took the battalion right u|i from Southern Palestine into the moim- tainons eouidry round Jerusalem. During this hard and difficult time he thoroughly won his way into the atfeetion of his platoon, a.s he was so cheerful and patient with the men, wiii-n all were tired out with the big distances and the heavy roads. You will realize wluit a territie elfort is involved in marching :ind lighting on this scale, and how much the cheerfulness and staunchhess of an ullieer helps bis men. as was most i-ertaiidy the ease with your son's platoon. The man who was chiefly responsible for carrying him (h)wii told me how wonder- tulh' bravi^ he was. and that he never complained at all. 1 was delighted to have him in my company ; he is a great loss to us." I'liin. -ALLISON, HAZLETT SAMUEL, Major. 7th (Ser\iromoted Lieut. 31 Dec. 1914, Capt. 4 April. 1016. and Major 1 Dec. 1916; served with the !-;x|ieditioiiary Force in France and FhuKlei-. iroin 2n Dec. 1915, and was killed in action at Frezenbcrg Kidge 9 Aug. 1917. I'luried there. His Coinniandini,' OHicer wrote : " He was a most \aliKible dltieer to me, and richly d<'served his rajiid prfunution. He was most jiopular with alt ranks." and tlie Chaplain of his Battalion : " I have bi-eii with him since April. 1915. and knew him very well. We were all i)roud of him. and he was bi-loved by all who kniw him : bis battalion miss him sorely, ispecially the men of Ins own company." Anothi-r Cliaplain also wrot- : " He was in the trendies holding a most dillicult part of Hazlett Samuel Allison. the line. 1 am in ;i j)o-;ition to know that he wa-^ beloved and most |Mipular with both officers and men. The fact of his having olitained his majoiity so soon bears ample testimony to his efficiency as an officer in a division which has covered itself with glory. He was a fine character — most unassnining, but a lirm and steadfast friend." Major Allison was mentioned in Despatches | Lnndon Gazette. 4 Jan. I017J by (ieneral Sir Douglas Haig. for gallant and ilistinguished .service in the field, the official record stating : " Near Hulhich. on the niglit of 31 July-1 Aug., he was in charge of an enterprise against the German tn-nches. Shortly after the return of his party, the enemy made a bombiiii: attack on our saps. Capt. Allison immediately returned to the saps and organized a counter-attack, which not only drove otf the Germans, but followiid them up and bombed them back into their own trenches. During the past nine months t'ajit. Allison has repeatcdK shown great courage and resource whilst heading patrols, and has -et a splenitid example to all ranks." I'nin. ALLISON, JAMES STEELE REID, Signalman, No. Z 2892. K.X.V.R.. eldest .s. of Thomas Steele Allison, of 30. S|iit.d. .Vberdeen, C.F.C. Missionary, by bis wife. Jessie Watt. dau. of Andrew ^IcClyniiuit ; b. Ayr. 18 Dee. 1897; educ. Aberdeen ; was an Engineer; joined the K.N.V.R. H Jan. 1915 : trained at the Crystal Palace, passing as a qualified Signalman the following June; was appointed to H.M. Minesweeper Britain in July. 1915; transferred to H.M.S. Koyle in Jan. 1917. and was drowned 15 JIarcli following, when that ship struck a nnne in the English Channel ; unm. ALLISON, SIDNEY, Private, No. 20167. 8th (Service) Battn. The Royal F'usiliers (City of London Kegt.), 2nd .s. of Arthur William Allison, of 19 Duesbery Street. Hull, Banker's Aeeounfant. Lv his wife. Rebecca Ann. dau. of William Evington ; b. Hull. 28 Feb. 1890 ; educ. I'ark Road School there ; was a Painter and Paperhanger ; enlisted 22 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force ia France and Flanders 30 April following ; was twice wounded, and was killed in action during the attack on Cambrai 20 Nov. 1917 ; iiinn. ALLMAN, G., Acting Corpl., No. 8568. Tlie Cheshire Rcgt. ; served with the JCxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 10 Nov. 1914. ALLOT, J., Private, No. 9202, 2nd Battn. The King's Own Scottish Borderers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in F'rancc ; killed in action 19 Nov. 1914. ALLPORT, ALAN HIATT, Rifleman, No. 303178, 5th (City of London) Battn (London Rifie Brigade) The London Regt. (T.F.), 2nd n. of Denison William Alljjort. of Townhy Road. Dniwieh, London, S.E., by his wife. Harriet Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Hiatt ; b. Cambersvell, London, S.E., 29 Sept. 1887 ; educ. VVilaon Grammar School there, and the .\rt School ; enlisted 15 Dec. 1915 ; served with the E.xpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Dec. 1916, and was killed in action at St. Leger 17 June, 1917 ; unm. ALMOND, JAMES WILLIAM HARRY, (1st Class) Gunner, R.N.V.R.. only -s. of John Almond, of 100, Wensley Terrace Darwen, co. Lancaster, Managing Director of the Waterside Paiier Company, by his wife, ICdith Dagmar, dau. of Joseph Fielding ; b. Purrteet, CO. Essex, 19 .A,pril, 1897 ; educ. Uarwen Secondary School, and at Smart's IiiLsiu(;ss College, Manchester ; joined the Navy 28 Aug, 1916 ; after completing Ids nava training, was attached as Gunner to H.M.T. Cameronia, and was on that vessel when she was torpe(loed and sunk in the Meditz-rranean Sia 15 April, 1917 ; later was appointed to S.S. Lepaiito, which was commandeered by the Government, sailing between England and U.S.A., and was killed in action at sea, off the south-west coast of I^ngland on 23 Oct. 1917. Buried in the St. James* Parish Church- yard, Lower Danven. Lieut.-Commander Simpson, R.N.V.R., wrote : " The Captain speaks most highly of your son's fine character James W. H. Almond. '^'"^ ^'^^ ilevotiou to duty, and it w;ls a moment for Uarwen to be proud of, wlien the Captain and ofiicrrs spoke of a worth>- comrade. Your son was a fiut^ lad." Unm. ALSTON, ROWLAND EVELYN, 2nd Lieut., Royal Field Artillery, 3rd s. of Rowland Simpson .Alston, of Byanda, on tin; Herbert River. Queensland, by his wife, Annie, dau. of S. Jones ; and nephew of the Rev. Frank simpM)[i Alston, of Scrivelsby Rectory, Horneastle ; b. Herbert River, Queenshuid. 29 .March. 1891 : educ. at Townsvilie, (Queensland ; came to l-2ngland from Australia in the autumn of 1915, and was gazetted Temp. 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. ; trained at Norwich and elsewhere; went to France in .\ijril. 1916, and was killed in action 17 Aug. following. Buried in the Military Cemetery, Ablain St. Nazaire. His Com- manding Officer wrote : " R. E. Alston was one of my subalterns, having joined us at Ploi'gsteert in .\pril, 1 tinnk. I should like a.s far as in me lies to try to tell you how deejdy 1 regret his loss ; a keen, willing worker, whose heart was thoroughly in his job, I had the utmost confidence in him. During the first part of the attack he was not with the guns, but 1 left him in charge of the horses and supply of ammunition, and he worked himself to the bone in keeping us supplied. He only came ui> to the guns on the morning of the lotli, and 1 had no time on my way through to thank him for his work, a fact I hate now to tliink of. Please believe me. and try and read into this the admiration I had for him, and the s\nipathy 1 fii-l for you and all his friends." Iln7n. ALTOFT, GEORGE HERBERT, 2nd Lieut.. 4th (Extra Reserve), attd. 11th (Service). Battn. The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt.), elder s. of Herbert Altoft. of 81, Rosamand Street. Hessle Road, Hull. Marine Engineer, by his wife, Emily Mary, dau. of William Lawrence ; and brother to Private H. Altoft ('/.('.); b. Hull, 5 Jan. 1893; educ. there; was employed at Earle's Shipbuilding Yard ; enlisted in the R.A.M.C. in Sept. 1914 : wns. gazetted 2nd Lieut. West Yorkshire Regt. in April, 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and I'landers from 24 June, 1917, and was killed in action to the east of Ypres 17 July following. Buried at Zillebeke, east of Ypres ; unm. ALTOFT, HAROLD. Private. No. 22376. 12th (Service) Battn. The East Yorkshire Regt. yr. >-. of Hi-rbert Altoft. of 81, Rosamund Street. Hessle Road. HvdI. Marine lingineer. bv his wife, Emily Marv. dau. of Witliam Lawrence ; and brother to 2nd Lieut. G. H. Altoft (i.v.) ; b. Hull, 4 Oct. 1897 ; educ. there : was employed at ICarle's Shipbuilding Yard : enlisted in Jan. 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 1 July. 1916 : was rejiorted missing after the fighting at Hi-aumont Hamel 13 Nov. following, and is now assumed to have bi-eii killed on that date ; unm, AMBLER, GEORGE, Lieut.. 2/6th (Territorial) Battn. The Prina- of Wales's Own (West V.irk--liire Kegt.), 3rd .s. of the late .Tohn Ambler, of Heaton Mount. Bradford. J. P.. by his 2nd wife. Fditb Alice, dau. of ( — ) Gates ; b. Heaton Jlount. Bradford. CO. York, 22 Oct. 1893 ; edue. Mr. Roscoe'? ^^^ Preparatory Seliool. Harrogate ; Harrow School, g^^^^Bk and Pembroke College, Cambridge ; obtained uF^^^^tM a commission as 2nd Lieut. 2,6th West York- •^ H shire Regt. in Jan. 1915, and was promoted jl iMl^m Lieut. July. 1917 : served with the ICxpedi- i ^^^IP tionary Force in France and Flanders from •j^^^^r •'=^"- l''l" ■ ^^'■*^ wounded in the arm at Beau- .^B^B mont Hamel in March, and invalided home ; ^^^^^^ rejoined his battalion at the front in 3Iay , ^^g^^H^^ and died in the 3rd Loudon General Hospital. ^^^afl^^^^^Bft^^ Wandsworth Connnon. London. S.W., 3 .\ug. ^^H^j^^BI^^^^^^^^I wounds received in Loos ^^H ^^I^^^^^^^^H 13 July previously. Buried in Cnderelitfe ^^^H .^^^^^^^^^^^^1 Bradford. His Conmumding Officer, ^^Hx^^^^^^^^^l be l^^^l^B^l^^mm olficers. and inderd by all ranks in the liattalion. His wiis a sterling character, true, honourable, thorough, and of a fine spirit and iiluck." and his Company Commaiuler. Capt. (ieorge Gordon : " i think be was quite fear- less. We will never forg<'t his characteristic nonchalant way of treating dangen* : lie encouraged and delighted his men. His shy digiuly of character, his lofty sense of duty, his extraordinary knowledge of his profession, his unselfish love of ills men . . .'■ I'lim. AMIES, ARTHUR GEORGE, 2nd Lieut., l/5th (TerritotJal) Battn. The York and Lanca.^ter Kegt., eldest \. of Thomas James Amies, of Spring Bank, Pont^*- fract. CO. York, t'lerk to the Pontefract Board of Guardians, by his wife. Alice (Jeorgina. dau. of .Arthur Banee I'^bbutt ; b. Dewsbury, co. York, 25 Mardi. 1894; edue. King's Grannnar School. Pouteiract. from where he matriculated First Class, and then entered the office of an uncle, who is Clerk to the Kpsom lioai'd of Guardians; was appointed on the Statf of the Bedwelty Board of Guardians two years later; subsequently obtaining an appointment on the Stalf of the Tadcaster L'nion Offices ; joined tin- iledfordsbire Yeomanry as a Private in Jan. 1915 ; served with the lOxpeditiunary Force in France and Fland rs from the following .\ug. till July. 19Ui. when, being injured by a horse, he returned to luigland. I)lood-poisoning being feared : went back to France 21 Aug. following ; Wius sent home in Feb. 1917, to train for a commission, bein gazetted 2nd Lieut. York and Lancaster Regt. 14 July ; joined his battalion in France 9 Aug. 1917, and was killed in action on the north-east of Ypres 9 Oct. George Ambler. The Roll of Honour Ernest John Amor .J liad already noted him as a kc was to do his duty well. Your ? 402, Electric Railway Chambir I'ollowinc. liurird on the battlrticld. l.itut.-Col. H. s. Kaye wrote: "Ik- tiiul not Ihtii with us verv loiiK. hut wo sioon found out what a splendid fellow i he was, a keen ^ildii-r and lull ot courape. His loss is di'iilon-d by all ranks." I and Major-tii-urral l\. M. IN-reival (thrn Conunandinp tlie -lUth Division) ; "It may he some <()intort to you to know that your husband's itm- qimlitics were appreciatrd. and that his death is mueh retiretted. Altliouph he had only , rceently joinrd his hattuUon, still lie had gained a tfood reputation as a very gallant" otlieer and a very jironiisina one in every way. 1 it-.I tliat his death means a u'reat loss to his battalion." He m. at Tadcaster I'arish Clnireh, 2 Auu. 11117. Aniiif ( H. \.). dau. ol the late Charles Tunninpley, ol Ouston Road, 'ladc'ast.T. \MOR, ERNEST JOHN. I.ient.. I4th (Reserve) IJattn. The I)uk<' of Cam- bridiie's Own (Middlesex Kept.), attd. Royal Myiny; Corps, eldest s. of Erederick Amor, of ■J.'i, Uenbii{h Terrace, liayswat^-r. London, \V., bv his wife, Alice, dau." of J. Newman; h. Warehani, co. Dorset, 4 May. 1807: educ. St. Pi'ter's. liayswater, and IMtnian's Sehool, Southampton Row; joined tlie Stall" of Messrs. W . .1. I'.ii.-„'erstalf, Rankers, of West Sniitlitield , ill l'.)l:J: volunteered on the outbreak of war, :uid enlisted as a (Junner in the Royal Field \rtillery Sept. 1014: ])romoted Bombardier -hortlv afterwards, and y;a/,etted 2nd Lieut. Mjildlisex Regt. 17 June. UU.j ; attached to Ihe K.F.C. as an Observer Feb. 1916; flew to France Ifi March foilowinj.', with the 2:Jrd S(pi;idron : promoted Lieut, a fi*w weeks lat(*r, and attached to tlie Uth Squadron, and was killed 12 May, IDIO, in a tlyinji accident in France. Buried in Aubijjny Cemetery. The Major of ids Squadron wrote to his mother : " Your son had only recently joined ns. ha\ ing been transferred from No. 2:i Squadron, but and u'allant young olhcer, whose one thought sou died doing his duty bravely for his country. You can be proud of him." and a brother officer: " We were good friends and often tlew together. I liked him. he was brave ; thus he made flying and its attendant dangers a pleas\ire." I'ltm. ANDERSON, ARCHIBALD JOSEPH, Capt.. 10th (Service) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt.), only s. of Kdward Anderson, of Iwav Chambers, Winnipeg. Canada. K.C., Solicitor, by his wift-. Mary, dau. of the Hon. Joseph Ryan, County Court Judge : b. Portage hi Prairie. Manitoba, Canada, 20 July, 189:i ;" educ. Public Schools ; St. Boniface College, Manitoba, and was study- ing for the Law when war broke out; volun- teered for Imperial Service, and joined the Fort (iarry Horse, C.E.F., as a Private in Aug. 1014; came over with the First Contingent in Oct. ; trained on Salisbury Plain during the winter of 1914-15 ; served with the Cana- dian Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Feb.' 1915. attached to the 10th liattn. ; was given a connnission as 2nd Lieut. lOth AVest Yorkshire Regt. :i March following, being promoted Capt. 4 May, 1916, and was killed in action at Fricourt. during the Battle nf the Somme, 1 July following, when his battalion was specially chosen to clear the woods liehind Frieonrt, a itarticnlarly dangerous position. Buried there in the New :Military CemetA'ry. The M.dieal Officer of his Battalion (all senior otlieirs having been killed in the engagement) wTote : "Your son had great natural ahility for soldiering; his death is a verv seri(nis loss to the regiment. His eoini>any had a very trying task in the attack. Thev had to jiass over ground heavily swept by machine- gun tire. He knew ipiite well what he was going into, and had the worst and most dangerous place in the whole attack. Hf! was chosen for this position, as he had got his conipanv into very good shape, and was considered one of our best Compunv Commanders.'* and "Lieut. C. O. Wooler : "Anderson was the tinest soldier I ever served under, and a great friend too." The Padre of his liattnlion also wrote : " Your son was leading his company and had just reached the (Jernian parapet when h<; was killed. ... I am afraid I have not succeeded in mv elfort to convev to you my great admiration of >our son as a Christian gentleman, an efficient olficer and a noble man. 1 shall always feel it to have been a privilege to have met your son, and an honour to call him my friend." lJii»i. ANDERSON, ARTHUR ASHLEY, L.-Corpl.. No. 22745, D Coy., 7/8th (SiTViee) Hattn. The Kinc's Own Scottish Borderers, eldest s. of the late William Anderson, bv his wife. Marv Gilchrist (74. Albert Road, Crossbill, Glasgow), dau. of John Galbraith. of Stirling ; b. Manchester, 26 Oct. 1879 ; educ. at Queen's Park Acuideinv. and Queen's Park Public Sehool, Glasgow ; was employed by Messrs. Viekent, Ltd.. Barrow-in-Furness; enlisted in Feb. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died of wounds 16 Sept. following. He m. at St. John's Episcopal Church, 25 June, 1908, Lizzie, dau. of John Harris, of Glasgow, and had a son, 6. 5 July. 1909. Temp. Capt., 44th Trench Mortar Battery, 11th (Service) Battn. The Black Watch (Roval Highlanders), attd. 7th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, only s. of the late Henry John Carniichael Anderson, Cotton Broker, by his wife. Isabella J. (Rodono, Blundellsands, co. Lancaster), dau. of John Gibbons; b. Blundellsands aforesaid, 1 Feb. 1887 ; educ. The Leas. Hoylake. co. Chester, and Loretto, Musselburgh ; joined the O.T.C. at Cambridge in Feb. 19l5 : obtained a com- mission the following April: served with the Expeditionary Force in J*"ranee and Flanders from 11 Oct. 1915, and was killed in action at Guemappe 23 April, 1017. Buried in Arras Cemetery, Rue d'Aniiens. His Commanding Officer wrote : " On the morning of the 2:Jrd. when we made an attack, your son was leading one of the gun teams, when he was wounded, and his servant was trying to get him to cover when he was shot through the head and killed instantly." Capt. Anderson was awarded the ^li'itary" Cross for gallant and distinguished service in the field. He was an excellent shot, and took a great interest in wild- fowling : unm ^^■^PBV^H| ^f .^-T^ pw Archibald J. Anderson. ANDERSON, DAVID, M.C., David Anderson. ANDERSON, DAVID, l.i.ul,. 4lli (rirritoriiil) liuttn. ■rlii- Gohloil Higli ■ lanili'rs, :jrd «. ol \Villi;uii Amli-iNon. ol Altmlirii. ('hict CuiistablL', by his wife, Annie, dau. of tlie latr William Carrie, iialliniiart:. Kirrieiiuiir. co. i'orfar ; b. .\)>erder'ii, 17 Oct. 18u:> ; ediic. Koh,Tt, (;onierdeen ; olitained a commission :i Oct. 11114; .serveii with the l'J.\peditionar.v Force iri France and Flanders from .-Vpril. I'.iUl ; was \v(nuid'-d dnriny the ojierationa on tlie Somme 2:1 Jul.v followint;, and returned to Uritain on sick leave ; rejoined liis rejjiinent on recovery, ami was killed in action ru-ar .\rras 2:i .Vpril, 1017. iJnricd in lloeux Hritisli Cenieter\-. east nl ,\rras : kiiiii. ANDERSON, DAVID GEORGE MARCi:S, I'rivate, No. l:i, 2nd Section. 4tli .Machine tJun (Jnards. ,v. ut .lolin Anderson. I'oslniaster, Horwicll, CO. Lan- caster, by his wife. .\nna ; h. |leini\', eo. Stirlint:. 20 May, 1S!)5 ; educ. liede Collcsiatc Scliool, Sunderlami ; was employed on the stall of tlie .Marquis ol I-ondonderry's Ollici's, Seaham Harbour. Durham ; enlisted in the Grenadiei Cnards (» ,Marc-li. lOir, ; serxed with tin- ICxpeditioiiary Fore in France and l-'landers from Feli. Uilt) ; took I'art in the ojierations at Ypres, and later on the Somme. where he was wounded at (iineliy 11 Sept. followiuii, while earryiny a badly wounded itutu'ade to the elearitc.; stalion. although wounded hinmelt in the "knee ; was sent to laitiland on sick lea\"-. and on reeo\cry returned to F'rance with the Machine (inn (illards. and wa^ killed in action at Pilkem llidRe Ally. 11H7. Iliu-ied at Captain's larrn. between I'ilkeni and l.aneemarek . His ('oniniandiii'.j (Mlieer wrote : •• He eame iiiisc-illii'd tliroiiL'li all the li.ittle of 31 July. .\ bomb blew up the dusi-ont just betore bis section wa> relieved. All his officers. N.C.O.'s and comrades highly appreciated Private .Anderson's sterling qualities. Althoimh dyini! himself, be luver eomplaine I. his wliole solicitude wa.s centred on his wounded comrades by his sidi — bow Ihfii were — unselfish to the last." Cum. ANDERSON, DAVID L'VALL, I'rivate, .No 4127". l/5th (Territorial) liattn. The tiordon Highlaudcrs, eldir k. of .loseph Anderson, of ()ninta. Caledonia. Martinez, l''.C.C..\.. Argentina, by his wife, HeKii (Latch lioad. lirecliin). dan. of William Uruce, of lirechin ; h. Veniido 'I'uerto. Arsentiiu- Hepnblie. 11 Nov. 18!)(>; educ. lirechin llij;h School; was on the olliee stall ol (luthrie Craic Peter * Co.. I'aper .Maiiulaeturers ; joined the Cordon lli'_'lilanders !) April, 1917; served with the l:xpeililionar\ l-'oree in l''ranee and Flanders from 1 AuK., and died in an ambulance train on the way to the liase llosiiif-il. 15 Sept, followim;:, from wounds received in action on the l;;tli. r.uried in the Kastern Cemeter.\' at llouloeue ; num. ANDERSON, EDDIE, Sernt., No. 4lil.-,2. Htb (>er\ieei liattn. Ihc- Northum- berland fusiliers, vst. .s. of (ieoree Anderson, ot ,H.'.. Hieli Street, liunbar, by liis wife, lOnjiliemia', dau. of the late to-orse W. Wood of .Mussellinri;li : h. .Mussel- ImrKh, Midlothian, 10 Jan. I.HIHI ; educ. Crammar Sihool there, and Burgh School, Dunbar; wa.s travelling on the Continent as a Valet; on the outbreak of war returned to England ; enlisted in the Uitle lirigad<' 4 ,Sept, 11114 ; served with the Exjieditionarv Force in France ami I'lainleis from July, Ulla ; was wounded in the leg :i April, IIUO, and sent to the Canadian Red Cross Hospital. Taplow. CO, Bucks; on his ri'eov<'ry a(;ted as an liistriietor at Seaford and Northampton; transfiTi-ed to the Northniuberl.iiid I'lisiliirs ,h Dee.; again went to France ; was slightlv woim.bd twice at Messines ; promoted .Sergt. on the field 3 April, 1917, and was killed in action 1(; Aug. billowing, wliile leading his platoon near Ypres. ('apt. .\ngus wrote : " 'I'lie c(nn]ian.\- ha.s lost in your son a good friend ami a gallant gentleman," and a comrade : " No man could wish for a braver son, and liis name will always be' ri'iniMnbcred by his comrades. We knew him as a soldier and a gentleman. Now we know him as a liero who has made the supreme sacrifice for his country. You may well feel proud ot him." ANDERSON, JAMES ALEXANDER, Corpl.. .\"o. 2l:i. Machine Gun Corps, s of \lexander \nders(ai, of 7li. High Street. Cuminestown. by his wife, Ann, dau of .lames Johnston;' h. Tnrritf, eo, Aberdeen, :i .Nov. 1871); educ. there; served in the South African War 11IU0-II2. with the (ioidon Highlanders; re- enlisted 1.1 Sept. llllB; served with the IOx|.edit ioiiary force in France and Flanders and was killed in action at Bourloii Wood. Canibrai. 27 Nov. 1917. Buried in Bourlon Wood. An offleer wTote ; " Siieli fellows are no good to lose. He will live in my memory as ' one of the best,' " and another ; " I considered him to be one of' the most thorough and reliabli; N.C.O.'.- opinion shared bv the Commanding Oflicer of the eompany, and be would have been promoted bail he lived." He m. at .Mintlaw, Longside Elizabeth, dau. of .lames I'ark, and had four children : .laine> John, b. 3 Sept. 1909; William, b. Hi April. 1012, and Bella ANDERSON, JAMES SKELTON, 2nd Lieut., 21st (Servici') Battn, The King's Koyal Uille Corps, eldersnrv, «, of Sir Kennetli Skelton Anderson, K,C,M.U., of Stamford House, Wimbledon Common, S,W., and Ardtaraig, Argyle, by his wife, Louisa Mary, dau, of the late' James Cochran Stevenson, M.P. ; and brother to Cadet Kenneth Angus Anderson |see Vol. 1., p. 71; h. London, 4 Sept. 1897 ; (due. St. .\ubvn's. Kottingdcan, and Harrow ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 20 Aug. 1915 ; served with the E.xpcditionary F'orce in France from ."■> May, 1910; wjis wounded in action on the Somme front 7 Oct., and died of his wounds at a Casualty Clearing Station, near .\llxTt, 10 Oct. 1010 ; unm. ANDERSON, JOHN, Corpl.. No. 35766:i. Iiitb (S,-rviee) liattn. The King's (Liverpool Regt.). X. of till- late .lo.seph Anderson, by his wife, Jane, dau, of ,lanies MeWilliams, ol Carnaveigh, . Ballybay, co. Momighan ; b Carnaveigh aforesaid, l:i April. 1883; educ Oieve, Ballvbav; was an Insurance Agent; enlisted 31 Jlarch 1910 ; served with the Expeditionary l''oree in France from 211 Feb. 1917, and died at No. „ Canadian General Hosiiital. Boulogne. 13 Dec. following, from nephritis :;. 1.4th (Territorial) liattn. The Gordon H JL'hlaiicltTS. vr. s. of Thonrias Anderson, of m. Whin-hall 'Plaee, Aherdeen. Cabinet Maker. hv his wife, Marv Ann. dan. of William Mc- Millan ; h. Aberdeen. 2(J June. 1890; educ. Aberdeen (iramniar School, and Aberdeen University, wliere he jrraduated M.A. in 1911 ; was subsequently a Schoolmaster, tirst at Stonehaven Academy, and then at Xewmachar Public School. Aberdeen ; worked at a muni- tion facton,- from Oct. 191.3. to May, 1916. wiien lie joined tlie Gordon Highlanders ; lia?sed as: First Class Scout and Sniper at <'annriek t'hasc about Sept. ; served with the KxiK'ditionary Force in France and Flanders from tlie following month, joining tlie oth liattn. Gordon Highlanders ; was invalided home with trench fever and laryngitis in Jan. ; returned to Francis in April, when he joined D Cov.. 4th Gordon Highlanders, and died at No. 4 Casualty Clearing Station 2:i Sept. 1917, from wounds reci-ivrd ju action at Poel-cappelle. Buried in Dozinghrin J'.ritish Cemetery, eight and a half miles nortlt-wrst of Ypre^ ; unm, ANDERSON, WILLIAM TREVOR. Lieut., (>tli (Tirritorial) liattn. S.-;ilorth Highlanders (Koss-shire Bulls, The Duke of Albany's), attd. Royal Flying Corj).-!. 2nd n. of AVilliam Anderson, retired partner of Messrs. George Steuart & Co., Colombo, Ceylon, by his wife, Kdith, dau. of James Johnston : b. Ceylon, :iO Dec. 1896 ; educ. at Alton Burn. Xaim, and Trinity College, Glenalmond ; gazetted 2nd Lieut, 8 Oct. 1914; promot^'d Lieut. 14 Oct. 1915. After serving some time with his regiment, was attached to the Koyal Flying Corps ; trained at Oxford, Turnhouse, and Cramlington. and died at Xewcastle-on-Tyne 8 April. 1917, of ilhie-ss contracted while on military duty at Cramlington. Buried at FIgin, Scotlanrl ; unm. ANDREW, HARRY TOWNSEND. 2nd Lieut., Koyal Kugineers, s. of David Andrew, of 99, Que).-ns borough Gardeas, Glasgow, by his wife, Helen, dan. of Capt. \V. H. Townsend, of Swansea ; h. 7, Hamilton Terrace, Glasgow West, 9 Ajjril, 1887 ; educ. Hamilton Crescent School, and the Technical College, Glasgow ; was an Engineering Draught.sman with Babcock & Wilcox, Manchester, and voluntarily enlisted in tlie 16th (Service) Battn. Tiic Highland Light Infantry. Sept. 1914; gazetted 2nd Lieut. (Temp.) in the same battalion 6 Feb. 191.i ; went to France in .Xov, 1015 ; transferred to the Royal En- gineers, April. 191G, and was killed in action at Ypres by the bursting of a high-expiosive shell 25 June, 1910. Buried in Brandhoek Cemetery ; unin. ANDREWS. J., L.-Corpl.. -\o. 10124, 1st Dattn. The Bedfordshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 7 Xov. 1914. ANDREWS, ROBERT FREEMAN, 2nd Lieut., 10th (Service) Battn. The Loyal Xortii [.ancashirc Regt.. eldest .?. of the Rev, Charles William Andrews, of West ICalinu'. London. W„ formerly of the Oxford Place Wesleyan Mission. I.*eds, now a I'orciizn Mission Secretary, by liis wife, Ellen, dau. of the late Robert Alcock. of Mansfield, CO. Nottingham", J.P. ; and brother to 2nd Lieut. C. N. .-Vudrews (also killed in action) ; b. Syston, co. Leicester. 7 April. 1892 ; educ. Kingswood, Bath ; Bolton and Leeds Grammar Schools, and Handsworth College, Birmingham; was a student, and voluntarily enlLsted in the King's Royal Rifle Corps 1 Sept. 1914; trained at Sheerness ; gazetted 2ud Lieut. 10th Xorth Lancashire Regt. 29 Dec. 1914 ; went to France the following July, and wa< killed in action at Beaumont Hamel on the Somme front 15 Nov. 1916. Buried in No Man's Laud ; iiom. ^ ANGUS, BRUCE ROBERTSON, Private, No. 2239, 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Gordon Highlanders, yst. s. of James Angus, of Free Schools Buildings, Ellon. Aberdeen, bv his wife, Margaret, dau. of William Mitchell; b. Buthlaw, Longside. co. Aberdeen, 18 Jan. 1892 ; educ. Ellon Public School ; was some time a Tailor in Ellon, and later emigrated to Canada ; returned to England and enlisted 23 Sept. 1914 ; went to France 1 May, 1915. and died in No. 11 Casualty Clearing Station 14 Nov. 1916, of wounds received in action the previous day, during the advance on the Ancre. Buried in Varennes JMilitiiry Cemetery : "iini. ANGUS, GEORGE QUINTON, Private No. 15799, Scots Guards. :Jrd .?.of William Angu.s of 7, Burns Road. Aberdeen. Mercliant. by liis wife, Isabella, dau. of William Stephen: (>. Aberdeen, 4 Oct. 1891 : educ. Gordon's College there; subsequently joined his father in busi ness ; enlisted in June. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flandrr,. from Aug. 1917. and was killed in action at Houthulst Forest 13 Oct. following. Burieurham. 27 Nov. 1890 ; educ. South Shields High School, and Merchiston Ca.stle. Edinburgh ; served his articles as a Solicitor with Messrs. Hannay it Hannay, South Shields, passing hi- first examination of the Incorporated Law Society, and the final examination with Honours in June, 1913, after which he was appoint^^d to a post in the office of the Official Trustee : joined the Artists' Rifles in .Aug, 1914, after the outbreak of war ; served wiOi the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Dec. to June. 1915. when he was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Highland iJght Infantry ; served with the Indian Expeditionary Force from Dec. ; was wounded at Es Sinn 10 March. 1916 ; rejoined his regiment in April, after which he was acting Captain for I'ight months, and was killed in action at Kut on the night of 10-11 Jan. 1917. while Icidinu' his men in a bombing attack. His Compan> Commander wrote : " If anyone deserves praise it was 2nd Lieut. Annand, who not only led his men with great gallantry, but kept a firm grip of them in a rather ditticult situation. He had been with the battalion longer than most of us and was very much liked by us all. His hearty laugh and good-tempered cheerfulness will be very much missed, as will also be, especially at this time, his experience and sound common .sense," and his Captain : " The regiment has lost a loyal and brave officer, we his brothers officer a splendid comrade, and the world a very gallant gentleman." A brother officers also wrote : " For many months past I have been in constant friendship with your boy, and can truly say he was beloved by us all. officers and men alike^ How greatly we deplore and grieve his death I find it too difficult to tell you, but it is a consolation to know how bravely and noblj- he met his death, at the head of his men, leading them forward on a bombing affray. T know he would have wished no finer death." ANNAND, FRANK, L.-Corpl., No. 11595, 1st Canterbury Infantry, New Zealand Expeditionary Force, yst. s. of George Annand, of The Cedars, Aucliin- blac, by his wife. Christian, dau. of William Castel. of Hay Farm, Cniden, Farmer : b. Upper Mossend. Cruden. 31 July, 1886; educ. Hatton Public School; was for a time employed with the ICdinburgh City Police; went to New Zealand in 1911. and settled at Tycho. Timaru. as a Farmer: volunteered for Imperial S.-rvir-c, and joined the Canterbury Infantry in Jan. 1916 : came over with the I2th Reinforcements iu June; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from July, and died in tlie 4th General Hospital, Danne-s, Camiers, 22 Oct. UH7. from wounds received in action on the 12th; unm. ANNANDALE, CHARLES JAMES, liombardier. No. 2/65, New Zealand Field Artillery, New Zealand Expeditionary Force, s. of Arthur Buniett Annandale, of Forest Hill, Stonehaven, Bank Agent, by hiis wife, Martha, dau. of the late James Napier, of Mill of Allardice; b. Stonehaven, 11 Sept. 1885 ; educ. Fetteresso Public School : Mackie Academy, Stonehaven, and Gordon's College. Aberdeen ; went to New Zealand in 1903, and settled in Awanui, to learn farming, but later gave this up and contracted for road making. bush felling, etc ,: volunteered for Imperial Service, and joined the New Zealand Field .\rtillery on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 : left for Egypt soon after: served with the .'Vlediterranean Expeditionary Force at Galli- poli from April, 1915, where he was twice -lightly wounded ; returned to Eg\ pt after the evacuation in Jan. 1916 ; proceeded to l-'rancc in April, and was killed in action at Montauban 16 Sept. following. Buried there. Sergt. Turner wrote: "He was a white man. clean in mind and body, and a staunch friend whom you could rely upon under all circumstances. I'do not think he under- stood the meaning of the word danger, and no matter what was doing, he would work his gun as coolly and correctly as on a drill parade." Unm. ANNE, CRATHORNE EDWARD ISHAM CHARLTON, Major. Royal FI\ ing Corps, 3rd and yst. *. of Major Ernest l.and)ert Swinburne Anne (ret.', of Burghwallis Hull, Doncaster, by his wife, Edith. 4tb dau. of Sir Thomas George Augustus Parkyns, ';th Bart." b. Blenkinsopp Castle. Northumberland, 2 Dec l>i92 : educ. by a private tutor, and subsequently studied art and architecture in Paris; was given a commission in the 6th King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry early in Sept. 1914 : transferred to the R.F.C. in the late autumn, and trained at Netheravon as a pilot ; flew to France in the following spring, where he did valuable reconnaissance work over the enemy's lines for many weeks, \mtil an accident, owing to engine failure, necessitated an operation to his nose, and he returned to England. After a short time he assumed post of Instructor in flying, and later, at Oxford, rose to be Chief Instructor of Military Aeronautics, being men- tioned in Despatches for his excellent work there. For over 'six months he had practicjUly sole charge of the technical branch of the school at Oxford, and had the honoiurof showing H.M.King George, to whom he was pnscnted, over his part of the work. As a reward for the excellency Charles James Annandale. Crathorne E. I. C. Anne. The Roll of Honour of hh work. Ill' was appoinUti Cliul Instnu-tor ol .MiSitarv A''s t'hureli, (-'adoyan I'laec. London. S.^V., f; July. lUlO. Anni'- Charlotte ICllen. only dau. of the late John Alexander Miller, ol Kdinbnr^'h : s.j>. ANNESLEY, JAMES FERGUSON ST. JOHN, Capt., Royal Army Medical Corps, 2iul .N-. of the late Uev. (!iinon James Blair Annesley. Canon of Clojjher Cathedral and itector of Drumkeeran, near Kesli. eo, l-'iTinana'^h. by his witV', Kliza, (hui. of James l''eri:uson : h. .Malone. iielfa^t, 24 .June, ISO-t ; edue. Anna^jh Uoval School: was a Dis[)ensarv Doctor, obtaining his M.I)., li.O.. M.Ch. at the Hoyal University. Ireland: was -^azettid Lieut K.A.M.C. 17 Jan. 1010, and promoted Capt. in Jan. I'JIT: served on a hospital ship from Jnlv. 1910, and was accidentally killed 10 May. 1017, while on duty at tin- 'riirtfofd Aerodrome, co. Norfolk. Buried in the lOnston Cemetery, co. Suffolk. He m. at AVhiteehnreh. Hathfarnham. eo. JJuhiin. 4 Jan. 1808, (Jeraldine Clara, dau. of the late l{c\ . Canon .larnrs Anderson Carr. J^L.D.. Canon of Christ Chnr<-h Cathedral. Hubljn. and had four eliildren : James, b. :j Dee. 10():J ; Lawson, f>. 18 Feb. IOIm; ; Dur;.':iville. h. 18 Nov. 1898, and Gcraldine Dorothy, b. 24 Dee. 1901. ANSELL, CHARLES PERCY, Private. No. 203179. 4th (Territorial) Battn. The JJuke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Militia), .v. of the late George Ansell, Cab Proprietor, by his wife, v\niii<' iClizabeth. dau. of John Jackson : b. lirifihton. 8 Jan. 188') : edue. Circus Str'-et I'ubtie School : was l-'oreman in the eni|iIoy of V. Jlarnard. Blind Maker, of j;riL;hton ; enlisted .') Jan. 1017 : served with the Expeditionary Force in l*'ranee and l'lan May. 1895 ; edue. at Partridge Green : eidisted 9 Feb. 1915 ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 1 Aug. 1916, Jinried outside the village of Montauban ; unm. ANSON, WILFRID GORDON, Private, No. 265915, Uth (Sirvi^e) Battn. The Gloueestersliire K.Lit.. rhhsi ,,. uf the Kov. Har.'Oin:t Suft An^oa, of I'he Gables, The Close. S.disbnrv. Cl.'rk in Koly Order-;, by Jii^ wife, EJith, dan. of Edward Thomas Busk: h. i.itlleover Vieirage, J).Tby, 14 Sept. 1800: edue. EasMield House, J)itchiie„'. ami llu- Tei-hnical Colleg.', Brighton: was employed at the Bristol Aeroplane Works ; enlist -d 3 Oct. 1014 ; serv.id with th? Expedition iry Force in l-'ram-e and ILinders from April, 1915, and was killed in action at Houtlinlst Wood 22 Oi-t. 1017. Col. Walker Nott, D.S.O.. wrote: " Vonr son was in my company when we came out two yeari a'.ro, and so I kui'W him pretty well. He was an extremely plucky boy, an:t his spirit was always willing, thougli Ids flesh was weak. I used to ad'uire him very much for the grit which he showed by sticking it out even on the wor^t ni'irch. and also for his absence of fear under tire," and Capt. Coates, in ;i left r dati-d 22 Ai>ril, l!tl5 : " Voiir boy has already i)roved hims'lf a r..Ml goid la 1. pin k)' and i sp e i li i wor^ -r." I'lnii . ANSTEY, ALFRED RICHARD JOHN, I'ri vate. Xo. 1987. B.Jl.L.I.. H.N.I)., ilde^t .s. of Allied Austey, of 65, Hiiili Street. I'pper Weston. Bath, by his wife, Sarah, dan, ot Itichard Cum per. of Chepstow: b. Ujiper Weston aforesaid. 13 July, 1898: edue. C.K. School then-: enlisted 23 Feb. 1917: served with the Expeditionary I'orce in France and I'landers from 10 July, anil was killed in action at Passchendaclc 26 Oct. 1017 ; mtui. ARBUTHNOTT, JOHN, Lieut.. 2nd Battn. -snr-Sonnne ; mnn. ARCHDALE, CHARLES WILLIAM, Capt., 71li (.Service) Battn. The Norfolk Uegt,, only ~iirv. .V. of Major diaries Arehdale. of Coltishall, eo. Norfolk, late Sliroi)shire Liglit Infantry (M.'ith), by his wife. Emilia Jane, dau. of Sir William Bagge. Bart.; b. Coltishall, Norwich, IS Aug. 1878: edue. Suffolk Park School, t rrinier. and at Hailcvburv : .served in the Si.uth African AVar, 1800 1902. a.s a Tn.oper in the Impirial Yeomanry (Queen's .Meiia I with three clasps): joined the Public Sehoolv" O.T.C. in Aug. 1014; received commission as 2nd Lieut, in Nov. 1014; was promoted Lieut. :\I:ireli. 1915. and Temp. Capt. the following A]tril ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from April. 1017. and was killed in action at Camlirai 20 Nov. fol- lowing. Buried on tlie Canibrai Boad. east of Gommelien. His Colonel wrote : ** He was doing splendid work at the time, and his nt training he had giytm them, did even more As his old Corn- John Arbuthnott. ARCHDALE, manding Otilcer. who gave liim his commission, 1 feel his di'.-ith very deeply. Jiesides being pojiular with his brother otUcers. he was much lo\ed by hi.s men." One of his subalterns also wrote: "He will always be ///// Captain All I ever learnt in the Army was from him, and we all jolly well looked up to him. . . . He was every inch a soldier, and died just as he would liave wished. His boys will grow up proud in that memory." and another : *■ His death was a tremendous blow to the regiment, as hi' was top-hole fellow ; always as cool as a cucumber, nothing could upset him." He 711. at Biggleswade. CO. Bedford, ICvelyn Frances, dan. ol the late !•;, (ilynn Taddy, and had five sons. GEORGE MERVYN, 2nd Lieut., 1st Battn. (40th Foot) I'rincess Charlotte of Wales's (Koyal Bcrk- sliiri' Kegt.). only a-, of Audley Mervyn Arch- dale, of 3. Cranbrook Koad. Wiiiibkdon. S.W.. by his wife. .Mary Scott, dau. of the late (icorge I'.lpliinstone : /*. J^ondon, 14 Aug. 1800; edue. Belvedere. Ilovi'. and Brighton College, where he was a member of the O.T.C. and ent<'rcd at Cains College, Cambridge, in 1015. with a vii-w to taking up the nu'dical jirofe-sHion ; was gazetted 2nd iJeut. Jtoyal Berkshire Kegl . alKHit July. 1015 : served with the E.vpedi- tionary Forci- in l-'ranci- from Dee. 1916, and died at No. 1 Canadian Casualty (Hearing Station 30 Ajiril. 1017, from wounds received in action at the Battle of .\rra.s the previous day. Buried in the Military Cemetery at Auhigny. The Head Master of his schoo wrote : " Kvi-ryom- lure simply IommI the bo> . He was so unscllish and so thou'.ilitful o( others, and so full of the joy oi li\ing. Just a stainless gentleman of whom aii.\ father or mother would be so [jroud- lb' li\ed a clean, ■senior otlicers : " During the few months I had dear to me. I loved his keenness and intense wrote of : " Your boy's splendid courage and George Mervyn Arehdale. wholesome life," ami one of his known him lie had beconu; ver>' zest of aetion." His Clia]ilain of the love which his eonirade and his men felt for him." Cnm. -Major. 2Jid Battn. (Uth Foot) The ARCHER J()H\ WILLIAM, ARCHER, HARRY. D.S.O., .Mnjor. 2Jid Battn. (Uth Foot) The Devonshire Kegl.. N. of llii- l;ite Harry Archer, of Alfoxton Park. Holford. Bridgwater; b. 1 Sept. 18,9; was ua7,etted Lieut. 13 Jan. 1015 : [)ronioted Capt. May, 1010. and Major .\ng. 1017: served with the K.vpeditionarv Force in France from 12 May. 1915. and was killed in aetion at I'asschendju-ll- 25 Nov. 1917. Buried nt Musselmarkt. Major Archer was awarded the D.S.O. j L(Uidon Gazette. 20 Se]it. 1917). for eonspieuons gallantry, and was twice nn'ntionid in Despjitches 1 Lonilon Gazettes. 22 May. 1917. and 18 Dec. 1017] by F.M. Sir Domilas Haig. for gallant and distinguished service in the tleld. He w. at Tiverton, co. Devon, 27 July. 1904. Mary, dan. of ( — ) Birmingham, and had three dans. : Valentine .Marv. b. 25 .\ug. 1000; Nancv Brice. b. 28 June. 1009. and Diana Smecd, b. 24 Aug'. 1911. L.-CorpL. oth (Service) Battn. The Norfolk Kegt,. 2iid s. of Johnathan Archer, of Station Koiid. Stiettishatn. bv his wife, So|)hia. dau. of H. Cornwall; />. " Kiiigste.id. eo. Norfolk, 21 Jan. 1870: eiine. then'; was emiiloved on the Suuth|K»rt Postal Statf : enlistid :50 Nov. IH'.iii ; served in India and Soiitli Africa; was discharged 2 March. 1914. having served tor 20 years and 110 days'; iveeived the Long ."service and (iood ConduVl .M' for several months, and had always performed his duties to c\(ryone"s i-ritire satisfaction ; his loss is deeply felt by lii> platoon setf, and I ma>' add it would lpe impossil.lc tti lind a soldier with a finer conception s very liapjpv with them," lb- Norman Koad. Niw Catton. Norwich), dau. of Charles A. Styles. B.O,. It.N. ; s.p. ARDEN, HUMPHREY WARWICK, 2nd Lieut.. Heavy Jiattery, Koyal (iurrison Artitler>'. ,v, of the Ke\. William Henry Percival Anh-n, Vicar of White- parish, Salislinr> json of C P. Arden, of Longeroft Hall, co. Stalford]. by his wife, Emil>' Biatriee. dan. of the Be\ . Josiah Beatson Lowe, DA).. fhonic eomnitinieation under lieavj fire, and died the same da>- at the Casualty Clearing Station in Bailleul. Buried there. His Commanding Ollicu-r wrote; '* His battery joined my group on 24 May for this last battle, hut I had several opportunities i-\ Ii;ii iiiie,' his worth, and had selected him to go forward on the morning of 7 .lune with the attacking infantry. ... 1 ha^■e recommended that he shoidd be mentioned in l>espatches for attending to a wounded man under fin- on 2 June, and for going acro.ss at the time lie was wounded under heavy fire to restore the lelephone comnumica- tions. He was an admirable, brave, yoimg man, a valnalili- ollicer." and another officer: " His loss is our greatest <^alanuty. . . . He had the eoutldence. esteem rc-spect and devotion of every otiiccr and num in the hatter.\." He was a pronunent oarsman : while at Kadley he stroked the First JCiglit twice at Henley, also rowed twice in the ^ni^l■rsity 'I'rial hitghts. and stroked his College boat to victory in tin W\ told Cnii at Henley in 1912: num. ARGO, ALEXANDER WHYTE, Private. No. 303234, 1 /2nd Highland Field Ambulance, Koyal Army Medical Corps (T.F.). s. of the late James Argo. by his wife, Mary (Hillhead, Kintore). dau. of John Henderson: b. Kintore. 20 April, 1890; edue. Hiulur tirade Kintore School: was an ap|jreiitic-e Enu'ineer with Harpers. Ltd. Aberdeen ; enlisted 15 Nov. 1914: served with the Expeditionary l-'orcc in France aTid l-landers, and was killed in action east of \'pres 1 Aul'. 1917. Bxiried in "The W'llows." near Essex Farm. Vpres. His Commanding Olhcer wrote : •■ 1 ver> nineh regret that this bearer was killed wliile e;irrying a wounded man, but I should like \ou to convey to his relation-, hou iimmIi I admired his courage and deterniination. Hi- continue ; cdiic. Sed- \'rv^\i School; was an Architect and House I uriiislier ; subsequently entered the office of his uncle, Mr. Faulkner Artnitage. as a pupil in Architecture and JJeslgning, and afterwards lucame a partner in the firm : was gazetted Lieut. 1 March, liH5 ; served with the Expedi- tionary l-'orce in France and Flanders from 10 Oct. 1916. and was killed in action at Monchy-sur-i*reux 17 May. 1017. Buried at <;illay-Ies-Mottlaim's. His Commanding Officer wrote : " I cannot express to you how much we all deplore his loss, as your husband liad endeared himself to all who canu^ in contact with liint. He was a thoroughly brave, con- scientious and gallant officer and gentleman, and he is a great loss to the battalion — a loss we cannot replace these days," and another officer : " I can assure you we are terribly cut rlv ill tliis company, at his loss. He made such a splendid roni]iaiiy eoniiiiaiider, never sparing himself in the slightest when hard work iHi his part could smooth some difficulty for us." He in. at Ilowdon Downs, M I\lay, liU):;. Kathleen, dan. of William O'Hanlon. and had three children: Kobert r'aiilkner, h. 7 April. 1906 : Nancy Kathleen, b. 30 Mav, 1904, and Anne Kydi r. h. \:', Jan. 1911. ARMITAGE, JOSEPH, Sapper, No. 14618:3, 11. E., 2nd s. of William Armitage, of The Coi-pirr Cnttime. Poyntou, near Stockport, (iannkci'iier to Lord Vernon, by his will , Annh .i;ui. of Thomas Kennett ; ft. INiynton aloresaid. 4 Nov. 1893 ; edue. royriioii (liuirli School ; was a Joiner; enUsted 7 Keb. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ;iiid Flanders from 20 July following, and died in No. 2 Canadian Cleariim Station 1 Oct. 1917, from wounds received in action, iluried in the Military < Vmctcry at Lyssenthoek ; loim. ARMSTRONG. JOHN GRAHAM, Private, No. 241890. 6th (Territorial) Battii. Tin- Highland Light Infantry, only .«. of James Armstrong, of 272, North Woodside itoad, tilasgow, by his wife, Jeanie, daxi. of John (Jiahara ; l>. Girvan, CO. .\yr. 27 June, 1888; educ. Hamilton Crescent Higher Grade School; was a Master Wright; enlisted 21 Jime, 1916; served with the E.viieditionary Force in France from Aug. 1917, and died at No. 3 (.'asualty C'leuriug Station 8 Dec. following, from wounds received in action at Bullecourt on the 3rd. Buried in tlie Military Cemetery at Grevillers, one and a quarter miles west of Bapaunie ; num. ARMSTRONG, LOUIS, Private, No. G/7014, 19th (Service) Battn. (2nd J'ublie Schools) The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Kegt.). .v. of the late Thomas Armstrong, Foreman Cutter, by his wife. I'isther (4i>, Windsor Road. Hebden Kridgi), dau. of Jonathan Schofield ; b. HcbdiTi l'.ridgi\ 22 Sept. 1889; educ. Hoard Schools there ; prior to the war was engaged iu WItnlesale Clothing Works at Helxien Itridge. and on one occasion by his [iresince ot mind was enabled to save the lile of a girl worker ; enlisted in the lloyal I'lisiliers 2 May, 1915 ; went to France 14 Nov. 1915; was returning with his battalion from the trenches, .i-fter they had suffered many casualties from a German bombardment, and while .ittending to an officer taken ill, was killed in action by the explosion of a shell 2 .Ian. 1016. Buried in the English portion of Betlnme Cemetery. Three of his brotheis are also serving ; imm. ARMSTRONG, WILFRED, Private, No. 22352, Machine- Gun Section. 15th (Service) Battn. The i)urham Light Infantr\'. 4th and eldest surv. s. of William Armstrong, of 1, Weardale Street. Wheatiey Hill, Mason, by his wife. Elizabeth, i'ldest dan. of James AUi-n ; (>. Wlieatley Hill. co. Durham, 15 Feb. 1895 ; educ. Connt\" Council Boys" School there ; was cmjiloyed as a Wagon-wa\ man in Wheatiey Hill Coal Mine ; enlisted 1 Dee. 1914 ; served with the Exj.rditiunary Force in France and Flanders from 11 Sept. 1915 ; took part in thr Rattle of Loos, and was killed in action at Armentieres 26 Jan. 1916. Buried at Cite Hon Jean, His Captain wrote : " He was such a bright and cheery lad, and his lo.^s is greatly felt )i\ all the machine-gun section." and a comrade : " He was admired by all in the corii|ian> . and especially by those of his own platoon and niacliine- gun section ; as a machine gunner he was unequalled." Unjn. ARMSTRONG. WILLIAM MAURICE, M.C., Capt.. 10th (Prince of Wales's Own Knyal) Hussars, only s. of JIarcus Bcresford Armstrong. Capt.. D.L., J. P.. of MoraliHi-. eo. 'I'lifpcrary ; Challpool, to. Sligo, and Clodagh, Folkestone, co. Kent, by liis wife. Rosalie Corneliii. dau. of the late Maurice Ceely Maude, of J^cnaghan, eo. Fermanagh, and cousin to the late Lieut.-General Sir F. Stanlev Maude, K.C.H.. C.M.G., D.S.O. ; b, Chaflpool aforesaid, 20 Aug. 1889; educ. at Stoke House, Slough ; Eton, and the Royal Military College, Sandlun'st ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 23 Feb. 1910; promoted Lieut. 1 Feb. 1914, and Capt. 7 May, 1917 ; served with his regiment in India and South .\frica ; was in England on leave on the outbreak of war, and left for France in Aug. 1914, with the original Expeditionary F'orce, being attached to the Staff of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade ; after serving in France and Flanders, was sent to Gallipoli in June, 191. '», where he served as Stalf Captain, with the famous 29th Division, taking part in the evacuation of both Suvia and Helles: was sent to Egypt; returned to France in March, 1916, and was serving as Brigade Major, and had just been recommended for the D.S.O. when he was killed in action on 23 May, 1917, while on duty in a front-line trench near Arras. Buried in F'ambourg (F Amiens Cemetery. Arras. Capt. Armstrong was awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette, 2 Feb. 1916], and was four times mentioned in Despatches [London Gazettes, 9 Dec. 1914; 28 Jan. 1916; 13 July, 1916, and 15 May, 1017], for gallant and distinguished service in tlie field. He was a kecTi sportsman and very successful in his big-game shooting exjicdi- tions ; had won maii\ races and liorsr-inui|iing compel it inii>, ; was a prumising polo player, and bad hunted witli most of the lOnglish and Irish packs. The General Comuiaiiding the Ca\a!ry Cori>s wrote ; " As an old leiitli Hussar, too, I can ti'll ynu how very distressed the whole regiment will be, and what a loss he will be t(p them, lie bad done so awfully well during this war, anrl showed such great promise for the future, that he is a great loss, not onl\' to his regiment and the - green b> cnd<;i\(mring to follow his noble, unselfish life." ARNELL, ALBERTiCOLIN, Sergt., 7th (Service) Battn. The Boyal Sussex Hegt., .s'. of lbiir\' .\racll. ot the George Inn, Kartham, near Chichester; and brother to Corjil. Altn-d Arnell ('/.''-) ; b. Himston. co. Sussex. 5 Oct. 1890 : educ. there ; enlisted 29 Sept. 1914 ; ser\ed with the Expeditionary Force in France and Khimlers, and was killid in action 2,5 July. 1917 : iinm. ARNELL, ALFRED, Corpl., No. 9036. 1st I'.attn. (39th Foot) The Dorsetshire Kegt., k. ot Henry Arnell. ot' the Georue Inn, Ivirtliam, mar Chiehester. FarnnT. b\- bi-^ wife. lOlleu. dau. ot James King : and brother to Sergt. .\. c. .\rnen ; '/.(■.) ; b. Hunston. near Chichester. 1 June. 1894; edne. Donnington School, near Chichester: en- n^t'-d 12 Nov. 1912: served with the Expe- ditionary Force in France and Flanders; was reported missing after the First Battle of Ypres 13 Oct. 1914. and is now olfieially a.ssumed to baAc been killed on or about that date ; nam. ARNETT, ARTHUR EDWARD, Private. No. 22275. Gth (Territorial) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Kegt.). onlj; ,■;. of Fred Arnett. Station Master. L. A Y. Railway. Low Moor, near Bradford, by his wife. Annie, dau. of Henrv Cockell ; h. Wake- fic-Id. CO. York. 3 July. 1896: educ. Sanda Elementary School, and Leeds Central High S(!hool ; was employed as a Junior Clerk in the Wakefield Goods Department of the I^an- : joined the York and Lancaster Kegt. 17 Keb. 1916; served with tlie Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 28 June, being subsc(|iieutly tiansternd to the West Yorkshire liegt. : was wounded near the Somme about 11 Sept., after which he was in liosiiita! in France for five weeks and then sent to l'>ngland ■. returned to France 18 March. li*17. and was killed in action at Gheluvelt 28 Sept. following. Buried tliere ; "um. Alfred ArnelL cashire and Yorkshin^ Kailway ARNOLD, B., Private, tionarv Force in France No. 7307, The Cheshire Regt. ; killed in action 13 Nov. 1914. served with the Expedi- ARNOLD, E., Private. No. 8482. 1st Battn, The South Statfordshire Kegt.; ser\cd witli thr I'^xpeditionarv Force in France: killed in action 22 Oct. 1914. ARNOLD, HUGO CHOLMONDELEY, 2nd Lieut.. 4tli (Territorial) Battn. The Bulfs (Fast Kent Kegt.). eldest .s". of the Kev. Henry Abel Arnold. Kector of Wolsingham. l)y his wife. Mary Lyle. dau. of Hugh Lyle Smyth, ot Barrowmorc. Chester. J. P., D.F. ; b. Itarrow Kectory, co. Chester, 15 .\ng. 1897 : educ. The Leas. Hoylake. and Haileybury College ; had intended to take Ordei-s in the Church of l-iugland ; olitained a commission 23 Nov. 191(!: served with the l']\peditinnar\ Folic In l-'rance and F'landers. and died of wounds 12 Jum-. 1917. at thi' .MililaVy Hos|iital, Caniiers. Buried in tlie Military Cemetery, Ftaplcs. His Connnandiiig Olticer wrote : " Shortly after he joined the battalion. I picked him out as being tlie niost mn-rirul iou>. worker, and took him as my Intelligence Otheer. He was of the '..rn.iirsi ;i-'.ivi;nice to me duriim what 1 su|tpose will be known as the Battle oi .\1. .-v^iiu --, and his imtiring energy snrjirised nu' on more tlian one occasion. On two occasions I literally had to order him to take some rest. His end was most unfortunate. . . . This was a great shock to nu- . He was so bright and cbeerfnl. and it was never too nmch trouble for him to do an\lliiuii. In fact, lie seemed to take a jileasure in doing things for other people. If there was anything doing, he was always one of the first to vohmteer. We all miss him very much," and bis Major : "He was one of the best otlicers we have ever had in the battalion, tremendously keen and very thorough in all he did. and worked very hard whenever we were in action. . . . Vt'v are all very sorrj' to have lost him. He had a very high sense of duty, and lived right up to it at all times. Men like him are difficult to replace." ' Cnm. 10 The Roll of Honour Colin A. Arrol. ARROL. COLIN A.. J'ii\..U, .N... ::-". iiin i - i m. . 1 Battn. The Rovai Fusiliers (City of London lUttt.). only ». of \Viilt. co, lnnih;irton. .'i Dee. 188.'> ; cdnc. at l^rehfleld >rivate tutor, and .it Ni-wea-stle-on-'lyne Collrne ; was for iM'V(;ral \ i;irs a TrooiHT in tin- Yionianry : enlisted in 111.- riiiM-rsity and Pnhhr- School!* Ilattn. in >-j.r. Iiil4 : aitiTwards traustfrred to till- Koyal l-nsilitrs ; scrvid with the Kxpeditionary Force ill Franr<- and Flanders ; took part in the ojH-rations at 1.4? Flantin. Givenehy, Cambrin- Kiilly, (Irenez. Aix Noulette, Viniy Kidge, ■^ouehez. Tn nes Wood. I)elville Wood, 3Iari- ronrt and on the Soninie. and was killed in aetion 25 July, IDlfi. Buried in a shell-hole, where hi- fell. His Captain wrote : " Your son wa.s extremely popular with the other men, and his loss is felt kr<>iilv hv all of us. He was one of those who came forward freely, and did not wait to hv f.tched," and his Serut. ; " I am sure your great loss is shared by us. He was always such a larce-hearted fellow, and we all appreciated him." He was awarded the Gold .Medal from the National .Service League, for work performed in connection with Lord Kobert^' s, ni Ldinburgh : ft. Liverpool, 14 Jan. 1894 ; ednc. George Heriot's School, Edin- burgh, where he to, 1st Hattn. (7.^th l-wit) The (iordon High- landers, eldi-st X. of John Arthur, of 68:J, King Street. Aberdeen, Blacksmith, by his wife, ^larL'aret. dau. of John Clark: ft. Aberdeen. 2 1 Jan. 1888; educ. Dr. Bell's School. Old Vbenleen, and Central School, Aberdeen ; was a IirK>k-kee[>"r anri Cashier ; joined the Gordon Highlanders 11 Feb. 1915; served with the Kxpeditionary Fone in France and Flanders irom 1 Aug. 1910. and was killed in action in front of Serre 4 Jan. 1917. Buried south of Hcbuterne and north of Albert ; tinm. ARTHURS, J., Private, No. 11758. The High- land Light infantry ; served with the Kxpcdi- ■ ionary For«; in France ; killed in action 7 Nov. 1914. \SH, WILLIAM JOSEPH, Privat*-. No. 1^1177. 2nd Battn. (107th Fcot) The Royal -ns-ex Kegt., eldest a. of Joseph Hichard Ash, ' liief stoker. Stores Staff. Prince of Wales' Pier, I lover, t)y liis wife. Mary Jane. dau. of the l;ite William Saunder-, of Tillington, co. Sussex ; //. Portsmouth. 7 Oct. 1897 : educ. l)ra\ ton Koad School there : was apprenticed as John Clark .\rihur. ;»n Kn May, 1917, and was killed in action at Nieuftort 10 July following ; unm. .lames Andrew Arthur. ASHFORD, ISAAC DOBSON, 2nd Lieut.. 0th (Kerwrve) Itattn. 1 he RItle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), only k. of Tom Ashford, of .Moulton Marsh. Spalding, eo. Lincoln, Farmer, by his wife, Lizzie, dau. of (— ) Strong, of Jtarton : b. Burton-on-Trent, co. Stafford, 9 April, 1890; educ. Guild Street Higher Grade School there: was a Clerk; enlisted in Sept. 1914; ser\ed with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from April. 1915; returned home in Jan. 1917. and after a period of training at Bisley and Clipstone. w.is gazett^'d 2nd Lieut, in the Machine Gun Corj^s ; went back to France, and took an active part in the operations at Dixmude : from there he was ^ent out with the Firs-t Expeditionary Force to Italy, and died tln-ri- 2(1 Jan. lOH, from wounds received during an air raid. Buried at Altivole. Italy. A distinct honour wa.s paid Lieut. Ashford, when he was chosen with another comrade from the Machine Gun Corfw to iiiHtrmt Italian officers. He m. at Burton-on-Trent, 12 July, 1917. Edith (11. Kims Knad. Burton-on-Trent), dau. of J. T. .\bbott. ASHFORD, SIDNEY HERBERT, Private. No. 24154fi. 1 (ith (Territorial) Battn. The Koyal Warw iekshire Kegt., 2nd *. of William Ashford. of 259. Bloonos- biiry Stn-et, Nechells. Birininu'bani. by his wife, Emma Eliza, dau, of the late William Nash, of Egham. ro. Surrey; b. Shepherd's Bush, fx)ndon. W., IC Jan. 1880 ; educ. North Street Board School, Plaistow, London, E. ; wa.s a Chair Frame Maker ; joined the Koyal Warwickshire Kegt.l March. I9ir, ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the ffillowing June, and was aecidentiilly killed 6 Aug. 1917. while taking part in the iighting on the Somme. His Commanding Olficcr wTote : " It occurred in the very early hours of the morning, while he was cleaning his rifle. As no one wa.s present at the time, it is next to impossible to say how the accident occurred. He was alwa>s a most reliable soldier, did Ids work well, and was absohitely fearless in thi line." Unm. ASHFORD. W., Private, No. 5702. 1st Battn. The Wiltshire R^gt. ; served with the Kx|ieditionary Force in France; killed in action 11 I>t;c. 1914. ASHMAN, LIONEL ALFRED, Trooper. No. 1107:J5, Duke of Ijincaster'.^ Own Yeomanry (T.F.), only siirv. s. of Alfred Ashman, of 13, Darley Road. Whalley Range. .Mancht-ster, Merchant, by )iis wife. Agnes, dau. of Charles (and Helen) Rimmer, of Studley. co. Warwick ; h. Cak-iitta. India, 5 June, 1897 ; educ. St. Bede's College, Manchester, and Xaverian College, Bruges ; was study- ing for the Civil Service when war broke out ; joined th'- iJuke of I^ncaster*s Yeomanry :J ,\ng. 1915; trained at the Curragh ; took part in the Dublin Rebellion in Ai)ri!. 1916; 8er\ed with the Egyptian Ex[M-ditionary Force in I*'f?>'pt and Palestine from 1 June following, and died at Wadi EI Hesi 8 Nov. 1917, from wounds received in action the previous day. liuried at I>ier Senied. six miles north of (iaza. Capt. Bates wrote : " Your son is a particular loss to me : always cheerful and always working— foul or fair wi-ather, it made no difference to him."" rnm. ASHTON, FRANK, Coy. Sergt.-Major, No. C/476, ICth (Serviw) Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corfw. :trd «. of John Ashton, of 2. New Stn-et. WombweM. near Barnsley, co. York, Colliery Deputy, hy his wife. Lucy, dau. of William Jackson, Contractor ; b. Wombwell aforesaid. Ifi Aug. 1895; educ. Public Board Schools then- ; was a Miner ; enlisted 21 Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war: .served with the ExiH'ditionary Force in France and Flander* from IG Nov. 191.5 : was twic*- wounded, and died at No. 20 Casualty Clearing .station 29 May, 1917, from wounds received in action on the 20th. Buried in the Military Cemetery at Boisieaux-au-Mont. . His Commanding Officer WTOte : " On 20 May Ite did not actually go over the top with us. and no one regretted more than hr- that his duty kept him at the advanced dressing station. On the way up to the line he was in splendid spirits as ever. and kept the rnei: singing and cheerful, remain- ing with us and helping to get the men int*^> Frank Ashton. position imtil we acttially moved forward to the assault. I have known him for a long time, and followed his promotion with L'reat interest; although lie had not l>een Coy. Sergt.-Major ver>- long, nobody could have found a triier or more reliable man — always [lopular, a sph-ndid example of a soldier in action, and a man to be proud of and emulate. He was as enthusiastic in sport as in the execution of his duties, and his place will Iw difficult to fill in the history of the company and battalion." Unm. ASHTON. J. T., Private. Xo. 10565, 1st Battn. The Middlesex Kegt. ; served with the Exiieditionan.' Force in France ; killed in action 24 Oct. 1914. ASHTON, JOSEPH GEORGE RIPLEY, L.-CorpL, No. G/996. 22nd (Service Battn. The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), 2nd «. of Joseph Ashton, Seaman, by his wife. Alice Mar\" Ann. dau. of Benjamin James Young ; b. London, 20 Sept. 1891; educ. Silvertown ; enlisted 25 Sept. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France, and was shot hy a Gennan machine-gun bullet, whilst mounting a step in the trenches, Feb." 1916. Jturied in the cemet«r\' at Givenchy. near Bethune. His Colonel uTOte : " He was a splendid fellow," and the Captain of his company : "Everything that was given him to do wa^ done patiently and well. His steady and good influence has borne much fruit amongst is." He m. at Horsham," 13 Fel). 1915. Florence Wilhelmina (50, .Morgati Street. Canning Town. E.). dau. of Thoma* Dovev, and had a dan., Marjorie, h. 2tJ Ft-h. 1916. ASHTON. WALTER CHARLES, Private, No. 41o:JO, 2:Jrd (Service) Battn. The iJuke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regt.) : b. Au-r. 1882: educ. Crouch End Board School. I-ondon, N. : was a Bricklayer ; enlisted in Feb. 1915 ; served with the Ex|M-ditionary Force in F'rancc and Flanders until wounded in, April, 1917; proceeded to Italy in Nov. and died there 23 j>ec. 1917. from wounds received in action. Buried at Istrana. Italy. He ;». at Edmonton. 21 lJ«c. 1915. Sara (64. Gordon Road. Hornsey Vale. London, N.), dau. of William Jann-s Kirtland : «.p. ASKEW, WILLIAM, Private. >,-o. 5487. 20th Battn. The London Regt. (T. (■'.), s. of Alfred Rigby Askew, of 12. .\lexandra Avenue. Alexandra Road, Handsworth. Birmingham, by Ids wife. Elizabeth, dau. of Wi'liam Bozzard, of Pershore ; b. Pcrshore. co. Worct'ster, 11 March. 1899; educ. National Schools there. Walter Charles Ashton. and was subsequently employed as a Junior Clerk with the British Insulated A- Helsby Cables Company, Birmingham : enlLsted in the R..\.M.C. in April. 1915 ; trans- ferred to the London Regt, in .May. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Forw in France and Flanders from July, and was killed in aal LancastiT Key^t.). -s-. ol' William Jaitics Astill, of 132, Hindpool Road, Barrow- in-Furiuss, DrilliT and Holicutti-r. by his wife. l-:!izab<'tli Jane, dan. ol" Sanuu-l Walling : b. llurrow-in-Furno.t Canadian Hosjntal. Ktaples. 27 Oct. 1917. ironi wounds received in action. Buried at Kfaplrs ; iniw. ASTON, Hm Sergt.. Xo. 1777, 9th Lancers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 25 Xov. 1914. ATHERTON, F., Private. Xo. 7551 : 2nd Battn. The Yorksliire Regt. ; served witli the i:x|i((iitionary Force in France : killed in action 25 Oct.-2 Xov. 191-1. ATKIN, ALBERT FRANK FOWLER, L.-Corpl.. Xo. 25. 2nd Battn. (70th Foot) The East Surrey Regt., 4th s. of the late Joshua Atkin, Official in the Metropolitan Gas Works, by his wife. Minnie, dau. of Joshua Fountain ; b. 10 Jan. 1884 ; enlisted 4 Sept. 1914, having previously served in tlie Militia, and also in the last year of the South African War (Queen's Midal) ; went to SaJonica and died in Xo. 1 Xew Zealand Stationary Hospital 22 Jan. 1916. of diabetes, after 24 lionrs' illness. Buried in the Anglo-French .Military Cemetery at Salonica [Grave Xo. 63]. He m. at St. Paul's, Kennington. Edith (31, Marsland Road. Manor Place. Walworth, S,E.),dau. of the late Charles (and Eliza) Preston, and had four children: Albert, b. 27 Oct. IWfi : Frank, b. 10 June. 1914 (rf. March. 191(1) ; Florence Edna. b. 5 Dec. 1909, and Violet, b. 1 June, 1913. ATKINSON, P., L.-Corpl.. Xo. 7505. The Yorkshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franco : killed in action 25 Oct.-2 Xov. 1914. ATKINSON, MILES LINZEE. 2nd Lieut.. " E " Battn. The Tank Corps, jf. of Miles Hu2h Clu-istopher Akinson, of 24. Kenilworth Road. Leamington, M.]>., by his wife. Annie Hall. dau. of T. Chase, Indian Civil Service ; b. Kenil- worth. t-o. Warwick, July 1888 : educ. South Eastern College. Ramsgate,; Fettes CJollege. Edinburgh, and Emmanuel College. Cambridge, wliere he took his B.A. degree in 1910; entered St. Thomas's Hosi»ital. London, and had nearly com- plet'fd his training. On the outbreak of war he enlisted in the 1st Section, 7th Battery, Motor Machine Gun Corps ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; was invalided home sutfering from blood-poisoning: obtained a commission in the Tank Corps ; returned to France in June, 1917, and was killed in the action before Cambrai 20 Xov. following. His Command- ing Officer wrote : " Your son was one of several gallant young officers who laid down their lives in a real soldierly way in the recent battle ; they have gained great renown and brought credit on their unit by their action. 1 shall miss your son ; he was the best type of a sporting British officer, and his loss to the batUilion is a great one," and another officer : " He was killed instantaneously by a shell, whilst standing outside his tank after he had reached the objective we were attacking. He behaved most gallantly throughout the action, and his untimely death is a great loss to us all." Another also wrote : " I feel that as 1 was a very great friend of your son's while in France, I might take the liberty of saying what a really fine chap he was. Always cheerful and always ready to help anyone in trouble both with sympathy and real aid. I wa.s very fond of him, and in a slighter degree than your own. I admit. I feel deeply grieved to hear nf his death. But I can say with all confidence that he died as a man should, amongst his men. cheering them to the last. His name will be amongst those who have made the supreme sacrifice for their fellow-men." and anoth'^r : " I was his Section Commander, and went over in his tank. We started rom our lines at 5.45 a.m. of the 20th. For the first two or three hours I was standing behind your son, watching him navigate liis tank : during tlie latter part of the action I was working the left-hand gun. We had broken through the Hinden- burg system, when your son changed ]ilaces with th'* driver, as we were then in a position from which only the greatest skill and determination would extricate us. We then advanced to the attack of Village : we reached the village, and came under the fire of a (Ternian field battery at point-blank range. Your son continued to fight his tank until we were put out of action : he consulted with me, and we decided to evacuate the tank. .Tust as he got out a shell Inirst almost on top of him. Although at the time we were under hostile machine-gun fire, I tliink it was this shell that killed Iiim. I hope you will treat the name of the village as confidential. I chose your son's tank to go over in, havinu the greatest faith in him. and knowing that- while he lived notliing would stop him. Although I had only known him a short time, we were great friends, and I must send you my sincerest sympathy in your great loss." He was a keen athlete ; played full back for his University again.st Oxford in 1908 and 1909, and also played for Surrey, the United Hospitals and St. Thomas's Hospital ; unm. ATKINSON, NORMAN, Gimner, Xo. 44824, 104th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, 2nd «. of Alfred Atkinson, of 2, Parliament Street, Harrogate. Chemist. by his wife, Ruth. dau. of Henry Robinson Boddy ; b. Harrogate. 1 Oct. 1897 ; educ. Harrogate Council School ; was learning to be a Farmer ; enlisted in Xov. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 1 Sept. 1917 ; nnm. ATTEWELL, FREDERICK DAVID, Sergt.. Xo. 4005. 2nd Battn. (7th Foot) The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.). 3rd *-. of William Attewell, Ordnance Foreman in Fort George. Guernsey, - Army l*ensioner, by his wife. Ann Ryder, injiathy. The Colonel says your husband has well maintained tlie high traditidu set by the family of Attewell in this battalion." He was awarded tlie Lone Service and Good Conduct Medal. He m. at South Tidworth. 3 June, 1908, Elizabeth Violet (21. Exeter Street. Tavistock, co. Devon), eldest dau. of Henry Albert Sleeinan, Instructor at Parkhnrst Prison, Tsle of Wight, for 27 vears. and had two daiis. : Eleanor Vida, b. 21 July. 1911, and Annie Edith b. 26 Nov. 1913. ATTHILL, L., Private, Xo. 10161, 2nd Battn. The Yorkshire K«i,'r. ; >.r\.-.i with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action •!:> Oct. -2 Xov. 1914. AUBREY. WILLIAM GEORGE, I'rivat*'. Xo. 1301, 1st Battn. The We!sh Guards. 4tli X. of John Aubrey, of Xew Lodge. )*ontyl>erem . bv Ms wife, Marv. dau. of Richard Watkin^ b'. Burry Port. 16 Dec. 1893 : ednc. at Llanelly Int^'rmediate School, and the College School Lampeter, co. Cardigan : was a Hrenian . ■ niployed at the X'ew I>ynant Collier}' : en- listed in the Welsh Regt. soon after war was deelared, but he afterwards traasfcrred to the Welsh Guards on its formation : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders; fought "through the JSattle of Loo- and the Battle of the Sonmie. and dii-d at SaiMy-.Saillisel 10 Dec. 1916. as^a result of shell shock Buried thereat Bronfray Farm: >imt<. AUDSLEY, JOSEPH CAMERON, Private-. Xo. 30632, 10th (Service) Battn. Tlie RoyaF Scots FiLsiliers. attd. 2nd Labour t'ov. Sea- forth Highlanders (Ross-shire Butfs. The l>uke. William George Aubrey. of Albany's), eldest s. of the late Francis Cameron Audsley, Reporter and Compositor with the •■ Border Advertiser," " Invergordon Times'* and "The Scotsman," by his wife. Henrietta (5, Grove Street, Edinburgh), dau. of the late G«-orge Dewsnap, of Galashiels; b. Gala,shiels, 14 Oct. 1877; educ. Edinburgh Public School ; was a Gardener ; enlisted in Sept. 1916, having been previously several times rejected owing to ill-health : served with the Expeditionary Force in Franct- and Flanders from March, 1917, and died at Xo. 47 Casualty Clearing Station 15 Oct. following, from wounds received in action. Buried in Dozingheni British C'emetery, north-west of Y'pres ; unm. AUSTIN, A., Private, Xo. 8267, 1st Battn. The Royal We^t Surrey Regt.: served with the Exi)editionary Force in France; killed in action 23 Oct. 1!»14. AUSTIN, D. T., Gunner, Xo. 74210, Royal Field Artillery ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Xov. 1914. AUSTIN, ERIC MANNINGTON, Rifleman and Signaller. Xo. 24/339, 2nd P.attn. 3rd Xew Zealand Rifle Brigade (Earl of Liverpool 's Own), Xew Zcalnad Expeditionary Force, elder *-. ofthe late- William Alabaster Austin, Drajjer. by his wife. Charlotte (Ardingly, near Haywards Heath, co. Sussex), dau. of .Albert Sayers, of Ardingly ; and brother to Private F. E. Austin (?-'•.) ; b. Hastings, co. Sussex. 20 June. 1893 ; educ. Russell Hill School. Purley. and on leaving there. studied for three years with a firm of General Xurserymen, after which he was for one year with Messrs. Barrs, Bulb Growers, then for 18 months with 3lr. Thomas Ware, of Feltham : went to Xew Zealand in July, 1913. and settled at Puhiatua, Wellington, being employed at Horton's Xurseries ; volunteered foi Imperial Service, and joined the New Zealand Forces 28 May. 1915; left for Egypt in Oct. ; joined the Western Field Force there 21 Xov'. following : pro- ceeded to Ismailia 17 Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Fran^-'e and Flanders from the following April, and was killed in action while advancing at Flers. 15 Sept. 1916. Buried near where he fell ; iinm. AUSTIN, FRANK ERNEST, Private, Xo. 235223, 2 7th riVrritorial) Battn. The Worcestershire Regt., yr. .v. of the late WiMiani Alabasfr Austin. Draper, by his wife, Charlotte (Ardingly, near Haywards H-'atli, eo. Sussex . dau. of Albert Sayers, of Ardingly; and brother to Rifleman fc:. M. Austin (■/.'■-): b. Brockley. London, S.E., 8 Oct. 1895 ; educ. Rassell HiU School, Purley, ami on leaving tliere was employed with a firm of Land Agents and Surveyors, being stationed at the head otfice for about five years, when, ids health not being good. he was appointed by his firm Resident Sub-Agent on Lieut.-Col. J. lunes' Roffey Park Estate, and later acted in a similar capacity, but with more personal responsibility, on the Su.ssex Estate. Parham Park. Pulborough : volunteered for the R.E. in May, 1915, but was rejected as medically unfit ; attested under the Derby scheme, and, after being again twice rejected, was finally passed for garrison duty at home ; was called up in Sept. 1916. when he was put into the 2,6th (Cyclists) Suflolk Regt.. and stationed on the East Coast, being passeil as an Al num in March, 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from June, then being drafted into the Worcestersliire Regt., and acted as stretcher-bearer to the battalion, and died 28 Aug. following, from wounds received in action near Ypres, while bringing in the wounded under heavy bombardment. Buried near Ypres ; unm. AUSTIN, HAROLD LUNN FE"RRIER, 2nd Lieut., 12th (Service), attd. 9th (Service). Battn. The Worcestershire Regt., only .s. of Major Walter Fetrier Austin, of Headquarters, Hamilton. R.G.A. (Militia), Army Tutor for over 30 years at Storrington, co. Sussex, by his wife. Agnes Janet, dau. of Dr. X'orth- cott. of Rochester House, J'^aling, LL.D. ; b. Kew. London. S.W.. 21 May. 1881 ; edue The Wick, Brighton, and Haileybury. and on leaving there passed for Sandhurst, but failed in tlie medical for eyesight ; subsequently enten-d tlie business firm of Messrs. Williamson, Balfour tt Co., Valparaiso, South America ; obtained a commission as 2ud Lieut. 12th Worcestersliire Regt. 2 Dec. 1914 : served with tlie Mt-diti-rranean Force at the Dardanelles from Sept 1915. being there attached to the 9th Battn., and was killed in action during the evacuation of Cape Helles 6 Jan. 1916. Buried in Gully Ra\ine. He m. at Concejirion. Cliile, South America, 7 Dec. 1910, Margaret Eve, now (1918) nursing in Malta dau. of William Llewellyn ; s.p. AUSTIN, W., Privat^^', Xo. 5730, 1st Battn. The Devonshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary F'orce in France ; died of wovmds 7 Dec. 1914. AVERAILL, R., Private. Xo. 4247, 3rd Battn. The Royal Inniskilling FusilieiN ; served with the Exjteditionary Force in France ; killed in action 7 Xov. 1914. AVERILL, A., Private, Xo. 9974. The Xorth Statfordslure Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force iu F'rance : killed in action 2 Xov. 1914. AVILA, L. F., Private, Xo. 2181, 9th Battn. The London Regt. (Queen Victoria's Rirtes); served with the Expeditionarv Force in France; killed in action 4 Dec. 1914. AXFORD, F. H., Private, Xo. 8425. 2nd Battn. The Dorsetshire Regt. ; served with th<- i:\prditiunary Force in France ; killed in action 7 Xov. 1914. AYERS, PERCY DANIEL, Private. Xo. 204379. D Coy., 4th (Extra Reserve.) Battn. The liediimishire Regt.. .v. of the late Frederick Ayers. by Ids wife, Mary Ami (4, Priory Terrace, Xorthampton), dau. of the late George Mutton: b. Xorttiamptn!i.'l3 .\ug. 1888; edue. British School there ; was a Boot Operative ; enlist eti 8 Jan. !917 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from April. and was killed in action at Passcliendaele 30 Oct. 1917 ; unm. AYRE, RODNEY, Private. Xo, 345842. 16th (Service) Battn. The Devonshire Ke^t.. s. ol John .Vyre, of Berry Cross, Langtrce. Torrington, eo. Devon, Shoe- maker, by his wife," Elizabeth, dau. of John Martin: b. Langtrec aforesaid. 13 April. 1890; educ. there; enlisted 5 Xov. 1915: served with the Eiryptian Expeditionary Force in Egypt and Palestine from July 1916. and was killed in action near Jerusalem 3 Doc. 1917. Buried there; unm. 12 The Roil of Honour George S. Babbington. AYRES, JAMES GEORGE. (Jimn.T. No. 4:1047. 40:;tnl Ilattery, fith lirigadf. ll.H.A.. X. ot Willijim Ayrt-i, ui (io, Sli;ik<'S|)i'!iro Roiul. Acton, London, W.. by his wUr. Klizjibi'th. (I:ni. iif (.'harlrs Uarvill ; h. Acton, '24 Oct. 1897 : cduc. Priory sdiool thi-n- : was a ('lu'ck<'r ; enlisted in Sept. liH,'> ; served with tlie Kxpcdi- 'iouary I-'orce In I'Yance aiul I'landers from April, lOlR. and died at No. 55 <'asualty Clearina Station -i l>ee. 11)17. from wounds received in action. Buried in the 'rinc(nirt Military Cemetery, four miles east of IVronne : num. .\YRTON, HARRY. Corpl.. No. 7(Hi538, :i:J[st Bri^ad^^ Koyal Field Artilk-ry, only *■-. of .lolm Ayrton. of Alstone Jtoad. Heaton Chapel, Stoc-kport, hv his wife, Ada, dau. of \VIIIinni Abbott : b. Manc-liestcr, IH July, 1808 : educ. Heaton Moor Collefje, Stockport, anci HeidcltxTf; Collcst-, (jlerinauy ; eiilistid in .luly. 1015 ; served \fith the Kxpeditionar>- Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Nieiiporl Jiains Aujx. ll>17. Buried at Coxyde, Major E. A. Crossland wrote : " I have nothinjj; but praise for the way in which your son always did his duty : li(' was a most f^allant and cllicient soldier, and his brifjht and cheery disposition called forth till- admiration of everybody he came in contact with. The loss to the battery is irreparalile the only consolation l>ein<^ the fact that his death was instantaneous. We shall all mourn with you. and on behalf of the otlicers. N.C.O.'s and men 1 tender you our most sincere sym- pathy ill tlie great loss we have all sulfcrcd." Hari->' Ayrton, Fnm. BABBINGTON, GEORGE STEPHEN, Sergt.. Xo. 33181, 8th (Service) llattn. The Jtedfordshire llcgt., only s. of Harry BahhinKton. of St^^[sden. co. Bedford, by his wife. Harriett, dau. of Stephen Woods ; h. Stagsden, 15 Sept. 180(1 ; educ. there ; was a member of tlie Bedford County Con- stabulary: enlisted 1 Dec. 1015; served witli the Kxpeditionarv Force in l-'ranee and Manders from Dec. 1010. and died at No. 21 Cjisnalty Clearing Station 20 Nov. 1017. from wounds reeeivi'd in action at Cambrai. liiu-ied in the Rociiuijiny Road British Cemetery. An nllieer wrote : *' Your son was a good sergeant and a bravt- man. He was well liked by all ^mn^ I "'"' ^^''oni he came in contact, and iiis loss ij«|M^^^^^ is felt by e\er\one in the company. He was ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ I always i-liei-rful under trying eireumstances. ^^^^■^ y ^fK^^^^^ especially at the end of a long arid trying day's ^^^^^T ^ -^r ^T^^B a[id kept up tlie spirit.s the men ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^H wonderfully." and a KegtI. Sergt. -Major : " The ^^^^^Bi^^WMr :^^M sjilendid qualities he displayed both in life and death as a soldier, to those who were tnrtunate enough to observe them, will ever remain irubHIiIy imprinted on tlieir memories, as an exemplitieation to be desired by any man. In liis liiV he was be|o\cd by his men. and admired by his officers. In deatii. or rather jast before he dii d. he displayed a fortitude under exceptional eireumstanci-s whicti might well lie the envy of * the bravest of the brave.' . . ." i'litn. BACHE, ALBERT HENRY» Rifleman. 1 12th Battn. (The Rangers) The London Regt. (T.F.). .v. of Robert Henry Richard liache. Bookbinder's (Gutter, by his wife. Clara ICmily. dau. of .lohn Sidey : b. Stoke Newington. London, N.. 16 Dec. 1807 : educ. Belmont School, Tottenham, and was afterwards employeii in the <;.N. Railway Company's oHice at King's Cross; joined the Rangers 27 July. 1915; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders irom 15 .\pril, 191G. and was killed in action on the Somme, between (Juillemont and Combles. 9 Sejit. following. Buried near (iuillemont ; tinm. BACKHOUSE, FREDERICK JOHN, MM.. D.C..M.. L.-CorpL, No. 14308. Sth (Service) Battn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry). ,v. of Frederick Albert Backhouse. Chautfeur. by his wife. Jessii.-. dau. of John Butler; b, Chat- ham, CO. Kent. 17 July, 1887 ; educ. Chatham. Bromley and Blackheath ; was a Mechanic; enlisted 7 Sept. 1014: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 10 Jul>-, 1015 ; was wounded four tinies, and died at No. 20 iienerai Hospital. Camiers, 5 Nov. 1017. from wound^> received in action at Ypres. Buried at Etaples. He was awardi'd the M.M. for conspicuous gallantry during a raid on the enemy trenches 23 Jan. 1917, and the D.C.M. 1 London (lazette, 7 June, 10171. for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to dutv. He Hi. at Hackney. K., 25 Dec. 1912. Crace (4, Lochaber Road. Lee, S.E."). dau. of William Robert Spinks, and had a son. Frederick William, 6. 5 Drc. 1013. BACKHOUSE. JOHN WILLIAM, Capt.. 1st Buckinghamshire (Territorial) Battn. The Oxfordshire and Bui-kinghamshire Light Infantry, eldest \. of Henry Baekiiouse, of Yelland. McKinli-y Road. Bournemouth, late of the County of Durham, by Ids wife. Oeoririna .Mary. dau. of John Harrison Stanton : b. Barnard Castle, CO. Durham, 9 March. 188t> : educ. Aysgarth I*reparatory School, and Bedale's, Fetersfield ; held a position under the Duke of Buecleuch, and was afterwards Land Agent to the late Cajit. ti. F. Biggins, of the 'I'nrvey House listate. Bedford, and then to Major T. C. R. Higgins ; ajiplied for a commission after the outbreak of the Kuropean war. and was gazetti-d 2nd Lieut. Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire l.iixht Infantry 1 Sept. 1914. being jiromoted Capt. 10 June, 1915; served with the Fxpeditionary Force in I'Yance from March. 1015, and was killed in action at Hebuterne, Feb. lOlG. Buried in the Militjiry Cemetery there ; num. BAGGIN, R., Private. No. 8252. 1st Battn. Thi' South Wales Borderers ; ser\ed with the Kxpeditionarv Force in lYance ; killed in action 26 Sept. 1014. BAGGS, G., Private. Xo. 7555. 1st Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Liulit Infantrv; served with the Kxpeditionarv Force in France: killed in action OSept. 1014. BAGGS, HAROLD FRANTt, Lieut.. 8th (Service) Battn. (Pioneers) The Welsh Regt., .v. of HiMirv Baggs. of Wideombe. Bath. Provision Merchant, bv his wife, Alice Mary. dau. r,f Robert Batt ; b. Bath, eo. Somerset. 10 Oct. 1802: educ. King Kdward's School there, and Bristol University. wIutc he passed the Inter- mediate B.Sc. in July. 1912, and was studying for B.Se. Honours when war broke out ; joined the Fniversity O.T.C. in tlie summer of 1913 ; ajiplied for a commission on the declaration of war: was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 10 Nov. 1014 : transferred to the Welsh Regt. the following Dec, and was promoted Lieut. Aug. 1915; served with the Indian Kxpeditionary Force in Mesopotamia from .April. 191G, and died in No. 10 Casualty Clearing Station. Imam, 28 Jan. 1017, from wounds received in action in the vicinity of Kut on the 25th. Lieut. -Col. R. B. Johnson wrote : ' He was one of four parties of one officer and 25 men of my regiment who had to take his men out during the assault and dig a communication trench to the enemy's first line ; and I consider it was due to his coolness and Albert Henry Bailcv- Dermot Harvey Bailey. pluck that the operation was carried out with such success, in spite of having to work under a heavy fire from the enemy. Whilst doing this be was struck in the leg. and whilst getting into the trencli he was hit again in the tiiigh. wliicii I fear caused his death. Unfortunately, I did not see him, but underst'and from those who did that he was most wonderfully brave and elie;-rful. although I fear at the time he nuist have been in great pjiin. I should like t(i have told him how well he had done. ;ts it might have been some comfort to him to know that his gallant work had In-en recognized and appreciated. I am sentling his name in for special mention." Unm. BAIGENT, S. S., Private, No. 7940, 1st Battn. The Royal Berk.-vliire Uegt. served with tlie ICxpeditionary Force in l-'rance ; killed in action 8 Oct. 1914. BAILEY, ALBERT HENRY, Private. No. 17770, 12th (Service) Battn. The Koyal Su.s.scx Bi-gt., only s. of lleiir\ Bailey, of Croueham's I'arm. Kinllord. near Billiugshurst, co. Sussex. I>v his wifi-. Charlotte, dau. of Henrv Cheethuni ; /..' Portlleid. Chichester. June. 1805; educ. South Berated aTui Tillington ; was a Carpent^-r ; jniiird the 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Royal Sn>sr\ Uegt. 21 Sept. 1014; served with the- lixpi'ditionary Force in France and Flanders ironi 12 .Inly. 1010, when he was transferred to the 12th (Service) Battn. of the same regi- ment, and was killed in action on the Tower llanUets Ridge 20 Sept. 1917. Buried there; "iim. BAILEY, DERMOT HARVEY, 2nd Lieut.. I sth ( reiritorial) Ballti. The Roval Scots (Lothian Kegt.). :;nl and yst. .v. of Welle.sley Cosby Bailey, of 45. Lauder Road. Kdiniuirgh. Superintendent of the .Mission to Lepers, by his wife. .Mice Anne Hargreaves. davi. of the Lite Rev. Oeorge (irahauie. Chaplain. Uio de Jaiuini; h. Kdijiburgh, 5 Oct. 1884; educ. lieorge Watson's College there; went out to Ciylon as a Tea Planter in .\pril, 1000. and later to the Straits Settlenienls, where he was employed by the Straits Trading Company. Sinuapon-. On the outbreak of war he joined the Siniiaiiore Volunteer Cycle Corps, but at the end of 1014 returned to Kngland ; obtained a commission in Jan. 1015 : and. after training at Peebles, served with the Kxpeditiouary Force in I'ranee and Flanders from 8 July. 1015. He returned to laigland intending to transfer t(p tin- Uoyal Flying Corjis ; luit being an unsuitable candidate on account of bis weight and age, rejoined his reginu-nt 'I'.i April, 1917, and was killed in acti(Mi by a shell at Rcx'ux 2;; May following. Buried in St. Nicholas l;riti-h Military Cemetery near Arras. His ( aptaiii wrote ; " I had always the very iifiiiDst eonltdence in him as an otlieer, and the lulUst respect for him as a gentleman. He was a brave man and keen and energirtic in e\er>tliing in-rtaining to his work. 1 shall always cherish his memory as a true ami faithful soldier and staunch friend. He m. at KBinburgh. 3 June, 1915, Mar> . dau. of the late Henry t'ooper, of Kdinburgh. BAILEY, E., Private, No. (i85:i. 1st Battn. The Leicestershire Regt. ; served with the lixpeditiunary Force in France ; killed in action 25 Oct. 1914. BAILEY, F. W., Private, No. 7^89. 1st Battn. Thi- South Staifordshire Uegt.; served with th<- lOxpeditionary Force in France : died of womids 2 Nov. 1014. BAILEY, FRANCIS JOHN, Private. No. 21240. 2nd Battn. (107lh Foot) The Royal Sus-^e\ Kegt.. .s. of Francis John Bailey, ot 102, Ka^t Street. Kpsom. eo, Surrev. Shoemaker. h\ his wife. Sarah, dau. of Janu-s Nicholls ; b. Kpsom, 20 Aug. 1887; educ. Bovs' School there; was employed as a Tram Driver by the Croydon Corporation; enlisted 2:J Feb. 1917 : served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 21 Mav. and was killed in action 22 Nov. following bv a shell, while goiuL' into tin- tn-nches at Poeh-appelle. Buried south-east 6f Poebappelie. His Conunanding OlUeer wrote: " We all miss so fine a soldier, as he was alwavs so eheerfu! under the nwst trying conditions." He m. at Cobham. Christina Daisy, dau. of the late William -Kdward Sawyer, and had a dau.. Meu'an Cwen Daisy, b. 1 Sept. 1916. BAILEY, FREDERICK MAURICE. Warrant Telegraphist. R.N.R.. s. of Herbert I'.ailev. ut Cros-^ (Ineii House. Normanton. by his jvife. Klizabeth. dau. of John Loekwood Fryer, of Halton. Leeds; b. Normanton. co. York. 30 Oct. 18iK) : educ. Normanton (irammar School, where he passed all the Oxford examinations, and the Lomhui Matriculation, and was the Silver Medallist for 1908 of the Normanton Crammar School ; subsetiuently studied wireless at the CoUegi- of Teleizraj.hv, Clapham Road. London. S.W. : was Wireless Operator on the S.S. Kmpress of Ireland. S.S. Corsiean. S.s. Worcestersiiire and S.S. Arabic ; joined the Naw in Dee. 1914 ; served in H.M.S. Cedrie. H.M.S. Teutonic. H.M.S. Oratavia and H..M.S. Avenger, and was killed in action on board H.M.S. Cham- ijagui- 9 Oct. 1017 ; num. BAILEY. HENRY, Private, No. 42722. Iti7th row. Machine (;u[i Corps, eldest x. of Henry Viueent Srvmour Bailey, by his wife. Lucy Kmih. ilau. of William Smith, oi Winchester; //- I'iiiilieo. London. S.W., 18 July. 1870; educ. British Seliool. Windsor: was a Valet; en- listed 9 June. 101(1: served with the Kxpedi- tioiuirv Force in France and Flanders from : April. 1017. and died at No. 7 Canadian fMUrral Hospital, Ktaples. 5 May following, troni wounds received in action. Buried in the P.ritish Militarv Cenieterv. Ktaples. Hem. ;it the Parish Church. Metblick. co. Aberdeen. 9 Julv. lOBi, Bella Bathia (Kelly. Methlick). 4th dau. of Gordon Webster, and liad a son Henry Patrick, h. 7 Aug. 1014. BAILEY, HORACE HORATIO, L.-Corpl.. No. 2401. 8th (Service) Battn. 'J'he Royal Sussex Regt.. s. of Thomas Richard Bailey, ot 10. Leswin Road, Stoke Newiie^ton, London. N.. bv his wife. Mary, dau. of Richard Woodyer ; b. Hackney. 18 Jan. 1897 : educ. London (bounty Council School. Wordsworth Road: was a Cabinet Maker; enlisted 7 Sept. 1914 : served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 25 Julv, 1915, and died at Ypres 23 Oct. 1917. from wounds received in action near there on the I6th. Buried in the Mendinghem Military Cemetery ; imm. Henrv Baile\ . The Roll of Honour BAILEY, J., Private. Xo. 958, 2nd Battn. The Welsh Refit. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 2 Nov, 1914. BAILEY, W. H., Private, Xo. 4680, 1st Battn. The Royal West Kent R«gt. ; servL'd witJi the Kxiieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Sept. 1914. BAILEY, W. H. v.. Private. Xo. 10037, 1st Battn. The East Yorksliire Regt. ; ser^eil with the Fxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Oct, 1914. BAILEY, WILLIAM HENRY, L.-Corpl., Xo. 592. C Coy., 7th (Service) Battn. Tlie Kx-^t .Surn-y Ke<:f.. 2nd s. of Francis John Bailey, of 102, E.tst Street, Epsom, CO. Surrey. }>y hi^ wife. Sarah, dan. of Jame.--. Xicholls, of .Aston Clinton, co. Bucks ; b. Epsom. 25 Sept. 1879 ; educ. National Schools. lipsom : was a Gardener : i-nlist^^d 29 Aug. 1914 ; served with the E.\peditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 June, 1915, and was killed in action at Gueudecourt 10 Oct. 1910. Buried at a point east of Courcelette and north-east of Albert. His Conunanding Officer \vrote : " His death was a great loss to tlit* platoon, as he was a very useful man and very popular with hi.s comrades." fwrn. BAILLIE, CHARLES, M.M., Sergt.. Xo. 6705, 10th (Service) Battn. The Gordon Highlanders, x. of the late William Baillie. by his wife, ilargaret. dau. of William Joluistone ; b, Galashiels, 3 Oct. 1894 : educ. Buruh School there ; was a Mill Worker : enlisted in Sept. 1914 : served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from April, 1915, and was killed in action at Square Farm. A comrade wrote : " He was so well liked by tiie whole battalion." He was awarded the Military Medal for gallant and distingmshed service in the field ; unm. BAILY, ALBERT. Private, Xo. G/16618. 1st Battn. (50tli Foot) The Queen's Own (Koya! West Kent Regt.), «. of Edwin Baily, of JIaidstone, by his wife. Anne; h. :Maidstone. 188C : educ. St. Paul's School there; was employed as Cowman : t iiHstrd 20 .TjjIv. 191fi ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franc- and Fland< r< iioni 15 Oct. following, and was killed in action 4 Oct. 1917. His t'omniaiuling ottior wrote : " It is with great regn-t I have to inform you of the death of your hiL-il»and. He was killed in action on tlie morning of the 4th. I have kno\m him quit^' a long time and had a great resiject for liim. and feel his loss greatly, as does the whole platoon, for he was a splendid soldier. In your sad loss I hope you will find consolation in the fact that he died a true soldier's deatJi in t!ie front and thick of a terrific battle." He ?m, at Maidstone, 17 Feb. 1912. Raehel (], Rose Cottages, Sandling Lane, Maidstone), dau. of John Springall. and had a dan., Clara, b. 5 July. 1914, BAIN, J., Private, So. 6332, The Cameron Highlanders; served with the ExiH'ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 25 Sept. 1914. BAINES. D.. Private. Xo. 6822. 2nd Battn. The South Lancashire Regt. ; served with the Exi»editionary Force in France; killed in action 7 Sept. 1914. BAIRD, A., Private. Xo. 3611, 2nd Battn. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers; served with the l-lxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. BAIRD, ALEXANDER, Private, Xo. 23099, 14th Battn. Canadian Expedi- tionary Force, yst. s. of the hite Robert Baird. Calico Printer, by his wife, Mary (61, Westniuir Street, Parkhead, Glasgow), dau. of Robert Gilmour: h. Park- head. (;!asgow. 8 Aug. 1888; educ. Public School there: went to Canada in -May, 1912. and settled in Quebec as a Baker; volunteered for Impi'rial Service. and joined the 14th Battn. C.E.F. 11 Aug. 1914, after the outbreak of war : came ov«t with tiie 1st Contingent in Oct. : served witii the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 25 April. 1915 ; was attached to the 3rd Infantry Brigade Headquarters as Runner, and died at Gateshead Hospital. Cambuslang. near Glasgow. II March. 1917, from woimds received in action on the Somme 7 Oct. iMic, ,-„,,. BAIRD, WILLIAM ARCHIBALD, Private, Kith (Service) Battn. The Kova! Scots (Lothian Regt.). 4th s. of the late :Matthew Barr Baird, Iron 5Ianuiacturer. by his wife. ;Margaret. dau. ot Henry Archibald ; b. Cddinirston. eo. Lanark. 2 Xov. 1887 ; educ. Hamilton Academy, and High School, Glasgow ; was in the employ of Messrs. Gray, Mackenzie A Co.. ilerchants. and a member of their staff at Basra. Persian GtUf. for si.x years; enlisted 1 June. 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action near Albert 1 July. 1916. during the Battle of the Somme. Buried near Contalmaison, north-cast of Albert ; unm. BAKER, A., Private, Xo. 9975, 2nd Battn. The Essex Regt.: served with the Expedi- tionarv Force hi I'^ance ; killed in action 13 Sept. i914. BAKER, CECIL DOUGLAS, Capt. (Special Reserve). Grenadier Guards, ;ird «. of Arthur Henry Haker. of r:iiieiNlie. Beckenham. co. Kent. J. P.. by his wife, Clara (68, I'rim e's tJate. London. S.W.). dau. of Julius Try Mortimer ; b. 6 Dec. 1870 : educ. The Abbey School, Beckeuham : Sherborne, and Jlerton College. Oxford, where he graduated in 1893 ; became a member of the J-ondon Stock Exchange in 1895 ; obtained a commission as 2ad Lieut, in tlie R.X.V.R. Anti-Aircralt Corps in Sept. 1914 : transfp plea-sed to receive it. I attended his funeral, and wxw that he received a proper burial in an Official Mititarv Cemetery us l)efttting a brave soldier, who. in my opinion, midoubtedly srave his lifti for his comraiies. I have put the full facts of the matter before my Company Commander, who. I have no doubt, will pass them further." Uiim. BALFE. S., Private. Xo. 8717. The East Limcashire Regt.: served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 9 Sept. 1914. BALKWILL, WILLIAM HORNIMAN, 2nd Lieut.. 2nd Battn. (99th Foot> The Duke of KditibiirL'h's (Wiltshire Regt.), 2nd .v. of Ch.irles Henry Balkwill. of .Ashlcigh. Kin24»ridge. co. Devon," Merchant. by his wife. Edith Annie, dau, of William \.enning Harris; b. Kingsbridge. 28 April, 1892 ; educ. the Grammar School there ■ was' with his father in the Mercantile Omee ; joined the 1st Royal Devonshire Yeomanry ;i Sept. 1914 : trained in Essex ; obtained a (ommission 15 J»ily. 1915 ; was stationed at Weymouth : served with the Exjx'ditionary Force in France and Flanders from 26 April. 1916, and was killed in action between Henin and Xeuville Vitasse 9 April. 1917. during the IJattle of Arras. Buried in the Military Ccme- ier\ of >euville Vitasse. Colonel R. M . <;i!lson wrote : " Your son was killed on East<^r .Monday in tlie great attack delivered bv the iintish .\rmy on that day. He was kill-d while gallantly leading liis company forward. I have lost a very cool, determined officer, who had earned the confidence and friendship of all who knew him, by his energy and sound common sense. ... It was the" example of ' 1^ w^ 1^ T 'IJ ^ William H. lulkwill. 14 The Roll of Honour BALL, ALFRED AUSTIN, Alfred Austin Ball. .on, had iuspin-d tin- nu-n with fOiii;i!;r and a hi;^h SL-nsu *ii duty, which c-arn.-d thn battalion the |iost ot honour in the attack." He was nicntioncd in Dcsiiatchrs by l-'.M. Sir Doutihis Haiu' [London fiazctto, 25 May, l'.H7], tor jiiinant and distiny:uishrd srrvicr in the fii-Id ; unm. rivati'. Xo. 5:10101 (late No. 1654), 15th Bnttii. (Princp ol" Wah-s's Own, Civil Service Uifli's). Tho London Ri-tit. (T.F.), 4tli and only surv. s. of Kdviar Ball, ol 74. Laiisannr Koad. ilornscy, a inrinbiT of a tirn) of Law Statioiu is. Liut-ohi's Inn l''irlds. bv liis wife, Maud. dan. of S. Field- Uatf : /;. Honiscy. Lcnuion. X., 22 Oct. 1892 : tdnc. ('(>unt> School tlirn- ; was a f'ivil Sorvicc Clc-ik cinplovcd in thr Land Valuations Office ■ joined thr rivil Service [titles in .May. 1913 ; was inobili/A'd on the outbreak of w.u- in Aug. 1914 : trained at Dorkini.'. Watford, and Win- elii-ster, and was for a time Swedisji Drill In- structor, bcinji also 'rcnip. (^larterruaster-Ser^t. with squads of men whom lie instructed in nuisketry ; ser\'cd with the Kx|jeditionary l''orce in France and Klandi-rs from Dee. 191G, and was killed in action near St. Kloi. during the attack on Mcssines Uldgc. :i July. 1917. llviried in a small cenu'tery in the n^ar of the lighting liuo. C'apt. L. F. liurtt wrote : " It was a terribly sad occurreiu:e ; we were just n a sliell landed right amongst us. killing your lie was liki'd by everybody, and has left a gap in their lives." He was a keen footlpall player, wimiing liis cap for the Saracens Football (Kughy) Uub in 1913 an' Medal, for bravery and coolness under heavy fire during the opera- tions on the Somme, and a few wec-ks pre- \ iously was promoted to Sergt. for similar courage in rescuing some of his comrades : ^ Norman Ball. Kenneth Ballam. BALLANCE, LESLIE ARTHUR, Capt.. 2-1(1 Battn. {60th Foot) The King's Hoyal Killc Corps, s. of Artliur William Ballanee, of Park Loiige. Bhu'kheath Park, Loudon. S.F.. ■ 1 and the Manor House, Herringswell, eo. ^^^^ Suffolk, by his wife. Jane Peek, dau. of G. M. ^^^^^^^^^ Frean : b. London. 9 Jan. 1889 ; educ. Eton. ^^^^^Hj^^^^^ Trinity College, ('ambridge. In Aug. ^^^^Hj^^^^^^P 1914. he obtained a the ^^^^^^^^^^^^F Counts of Loudon Kegt , hut ^■^^^^^V to King's Uoyal Corps. March. 1915 : ^^^^H^^^^ s.rvid with the Fxpedirionary Force in France nj^Pr^^^^B arul Klauders : was ]ircsent at the Second T^,: ^^^^V P.attle of Yjires, and was invalided home 12 ^^^^r- Sejit. 1915: rcloiued his regiment on recovery, \.^^^^L and was killed in action during the Battle of >r^^^^k^ the Somme 27 Oct. 1916. Buried at Flers. His ^^^^^« ^^'^^^^^^^^^ Colonel wrote : " It is witli tin- deeiiest regret M^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ sou's death. ^^H^^Hq^^^^^^^^^P on whcEi a ^^■^^^P^^^^^^^^^H on the the - — — line ^BK mBMBIB^B^BB hi progress. report was received by me that the Germans were giving ground. It \v;vs Leslie .\nhur Ballanee. essentia! tliat the battalion on our right should have the information at once, so as to co-operate , and for greater chance of success I wanted to send an officer, but none was available. Y'ou son Leslie, liearing this, volunteered, and ran across toward.^ the battalion on our right. . . . After he had gone about 60 yards out of the 100 yards, 1 heard a bullet fireeiri;in wilh Messrs. Cook. Son .V Co.. Ltd.. of St. Paul's Chnnhsard. "London, K.C. : enlisted 26 Oct 1015; trained at Aberdeen: ser\ed with the lv\peditiouar\ I'oree in Prance and Planders from I June. 1916, and was killed in aeliou during the attack on Giucby 6 Sept. lollowiieg. beiiii: shot thnHiirh the head l)y a sniper. Buried in a cemetery near where he fell. One of liis ollictrs wrote: " lb- with sevi-ral of his company was well forward, some 80 >'ards from the enemy front ; shelling was ver>' lieav\-. :iud the wbol-- compans was endea\(niring to establish a jiosi- tion by entrenching from sliell-hole to shell-hole. An ollicer. situ-e killed, shouted some orders to a small parts (one of which was Aiulrew) : he ap|>areutly put. his head up just a little abose the snudi cover they had. wlii-n a snijicr's bullet kill(Ml him. Personalis-. 1 miss poor .Vndresv innn- as time goes on. . . . He was a thorough youuL' gentleman. . . , He did his duts' to the very last, aud died in one of the most desperate (dforts in the great battles of the Somme." Unm. BALLARD, JOE, Private, No. 204205. 7th (Service) Battn. The linlfs (Kast Kent Kegt.). .V. of the late Kobert Ballard, Brickmaki-r : h. Paildock Wood. co. Kent. 9 Nov. 1881 ; educ Conm-il School there ; was in the emplos ol Mr. George Waghorn : enlisted in May. 1917: served with the Kxpeditionars l-'orce in France and FlaiuhT-;. and died of wounds :J0 Sept. 1917. He ui- at Marden, co. Kent, 20 Nov. 1907. .Martha, dau. of James Tipples, of Mardi n. and had a son. Cecil, h 14 May, 1910. BALLOTT, J., Private. Xo. (5915. 1st liattn. The Oxford and Buclcs Light Infant rs ; serserl with the Kxpcditionarv l'"orce \\\ France: died of wounds 29 Sept. 11)14. BAMPTON, JAMES HENRY, Capt.. U.A.M.C.. attd. 70th lirigade U.F.A.. s. of Henry Bam|iton, of Hillside. (Jravellv Hill. Birunngham. )iv his svife, Hen- rietta Alexandra, dau. of the \\v\\ George Whitehead ; h. Xe'ehells. Birming- ham. 23 Nov. 1887 : educ. Kimi Kdsvard's (irammar School. Aston : Cuiversits of Birmingham, where he obtained his B.Se. in 1908. imd his M.li.. Ch.B., in 1911 ; Hamburg, and Berne : was House Surgeon at tln' (ienera! Hospital, ami later Assi.staut .School Medical Officer under the liiruiinuham lOducation ('om- mittee : svas ga/.cttcd Lieut. K.A.M.C. in Kel), 191.'.. and promof.-il Capt.; for a tinu' he svas cugagi-d on embarkation duty at Southampton, then took com- mand of an ambulance train, and later >erse(i on hospital shijis : sersed with tlic Expeditionary l*'oree in l-'ranee aud I'lamiers. lieing iiftached to the K.K.('.. and suliseiiucntly to the 1{,I''..\., and svas killed iu action 25 Aug. 1917. Buried in Brandhoek New Military Cemetery (No. :i. VlaTucrtynghe). His Lieut. -Col. wroti' : " We in the brigade will feel his loss deeply. He was a most gullunt officer, and throughout the oiierations we are emi.-iized in had ministered to the wounded svitli a care aiul promptitude that svas besond praise," aiul a Major : " We all miss him scry much as we all.olfieers aud men, had :i great alfection for him, and if you are writing to his father siui miulit tell him this, and give him our sincerest sym[iathy. Capt. Bamptmi svonid go through any barrage or danger to • et to a man if help svas wanted svhen a man svas svounded or sick, and svas one of the pluckiest men I base eser seen." Vnm. BANCE, FREDERICK ERNEST VICTOR, Private. No. G. 67(>60, 2ud Battn. (The Hoyai Fusiliers) London Begt. iT.I''.). yst. h. of the late James liancc, by his svife, Harriett, dau. of the late .lanu-s P.itmau ; b. South Belgravia, London, S.W., 8 Aj)riL 1881 ; educ. St. Peter's Natioiud Schools, aud Messrs. Parry, Blake .t Parry, Grosvenor Mansions, S.W. : was a Surveyor ; joined the iloyal l-'usilicrs iu Dec. 1916; served with the ICxpeditiouary Force in France from -Aug. 1917. and was killed in action at Poclcappelle 26 Oct. following. Buried there ; t\nm. BANDY, JOSEPH THOMAS, Cov. Sergt. -Major, No. 684^, inth (Service) Battn. The Oiieen's Own ( lioyal West Kent Kegt.). .v. of the late Harry James Bandy, by his svife. Mary Elizabeth (8. Church Street. Buckingham) ; b. Buck- ingham, 22 Dec. 18.. : educ. tliere ; was a Draper at Chatham: enlisted in Sept 1915, and was promoted to the rank of Coy. Sergt. -Major 8 Jan. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Fon-e in France aud KlandiTs from 15 A|iril, 1916. aud died at No. 5 Casualty Clearing Station 18 Sejit. following, from svounds received in action three da>s |ireviously. Buried iu Corbie Commnual Ceme- tery Extension, south-svest of Albert ; num. BANE, HUBERT WILLIAM, Private. No. 25412. Prince Alberts (Somerset Light Infantry), .v. of Henry Janii's Bane, of Belmont l-odge. Tyntesfield, Flax Bourton. bv his svife. Rosiiui. dan. of Charlotte Nichols; b. Backwell Common, 21 July, 1898: educ. at Wraxali ; enlisted 13 May, 1916; served with the Expeditionary Koree in France and Flanders from 21 Aug. following, and died at No. 46 Casualty Clearim: Station 8 Oct. 1917. frrwards in Gallipoli ; was invalided to Australia with malarial fever, and was dis- charged medically unfit for further service. On iiis recovery he again joined the army in his mother's maiden name, and after a period of training in England, served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from Sept. 1916 ; was sent back to England suffering with trench feet, but returned to France shortly afterwards, and was killed in action 8 Jan. 1917. liuried in Allonville Civil Cemetery. His Chaplain wrote : ■■ He was loved by al! and knew no fear." Unm. BANTON, A. R., Cori>l.. No. 25162, R.G.A. ; served with thr ICxprditionary Force in France ; killrd in action 16 Sept. 1914. BARBER. E.. I'rivate. No. 6479. 2nd Battn. The Suffolk Kegt. ; ^M-vvd with the Exprditirmary Force in France ; died of wounds 6 Oct. 1914. BARBER, J., I'rivate, No. 8272. The Shropshire Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds (tetanus) 6 Oct. 1914. BARCLAY, A., I'rivate. No. 3054, The Royal Scots ; served with the Expedi- tionary Fori<- in France ; killed in action 12-15 Oct. 1914. BARCLAY, WILLIAM, D.C.M., Corpl., No. 8145. 1st Battn. {26th Foot) The Cameronians {Seottisli Uifles). .5. of the late Robert Barclay, Labourer, by his wife, Eliza (now wife of William Thom. of 109. Park Street. Aberdeen), dau. of Geor;;e ,Masie. Crofter ; b. Fraserborough. 14 Feb. 1885 ; educ. Dr. Bell's School, I'Ycderiek Street, Aberdeen; was a Ship's Carpenter; enlisted 20 Aug. 1902, and afterwards joined the Army Reserve; on the outbreak of war was a Post- man in Ayrshiri' ; served with the Exjjeditionary Force in France from Aug. 1914. and was killed in action in High Wood 16 July, 1916. Buried in Mametz Wood. He had been awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal, and the Russian Cross, Fourth Class, for conspicuous bravery on 14 Oct. 1914. in carrying in the wounded under heavy fire, one man haviTit; bein lying out for four days. He m. at Glasgow, 23 July, 19(18. Sarah, dau. of Jolm Alexander ; s.p. BARDELL, W., Bombardier. No. 55567, R.F.A. : served with the Expeditionary I'orci- ill 1' ranee ; killed in action 9 Sept. 1914. BARFIELD, A., Private, No. 742S. The Shropshire Light Infantry ; served with the ICxpi-ditionary Force in F'rance ; killed iu action 23 Oct. 1914. BARK, A. E., Sep.'t,, No. 12094. R.G.A. ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed iu action 31 Oct. 1914. BARKER, ARNOLD SEPTIMUS, 2nd Lieut.. 7th (Territorial) Battn. The Durham Litibt Infantry, 5th s. of Charles William Panton Barker, of Sunderland. Magistrate's Clerk, by his wife, Mary, dau. of the late John Carr Tone; 6. 20 July, 1895 ; edne. Sunderland High Seliooi, and Gresham's School. Holt, co. Norfolk ; enlisted in the 18th Hussars 2 Sept. 1914 ; was discharged in con- sequence of an accident to liis knee. On bis recovery lie re-enlisted iu the Durham Light Infantry; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was severely gassed at Ypres Aug. 1915, being again discharged from the Army, but obtained a commission 22 Nov. 1915 ; went again into action , hut not having fully recovered from the effects of the 'ia-.. was finally irazetted out : snbse.mcntK- went tn Siir-'apore in the eiiiplovdi (Jutlirie ,v Co!. Ltd.. -Mei-r'liant.s, an Priest; h. Stourbridge, co. Worcester. 16 Oet. 1891; educ. Wordsli-y Board School ; was a Carter; enlisted in June, 1915 ; served with tin; Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from JMay, 1916. and died of gas-poisoning ar Y'pres 15 Sept. 1917. Buried in the Etajiles Military Ci-metery ; itnw. BARLEY, H., Private. No. 13124, 3rd Battn. The Woreestershin- Regt. : served \\itli tlie I'ixpeditionary F'orci- in France : killed in action 15 Oet. 1914, BARLOW, GEOFFREY PETRIE, M.C., 2nd Lieut.. 6th (Territorial), attd . 5th (Territorial). Battn. The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derb\ - shire Regt.), only a-, of John James Barlow, of Birkdale. Southjiort, J. P., bv bi- wife. Emily, yst. dau. of tin- late John K-trie. of Rochdale; //. Southport, 16 May. 1895 educ. Holmwood School. Freshfield. aiil Haileybury College. Hertford ; suhsequenth entered the head otlice of the Koyal Insuratiee Comi)an>- at IJverpool ; joined the Liverpool Sijuadron. 1st King Edward's Horsr> as a Trooper in 1013; wa^ i[i traininii with his s<|uadron at Canterbury on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914: served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from .Inne, 1915 ; came home iu March, and atter a period of training at Lichfield, was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Sherwood F'oresters 5 Sept. 1916: joined his batta'ion in France the following Nov. ; was wounded at (Jonuiieeourt 9 March, but rejoined his battalion after a month in hospital in France, and was killed in action near Hullueh 2 Sept. 1917. while supervising a wiriiiL: party. J'.uried in Philo^oplie British t'emetery. Mazingarbe. Lieut. -Coi. G. (i. Gilligau wrote: "" He w;is liettinir onsosnli-ndidlv. and would e \ery soon iiave become a company commander. He had done some splendid work, and was a very gallant officer." and Major Kerr : " Your son served under me each time I was in command of the battalion, and I have known and valued his work for the whole time he was out here. 1 can say, with 29 months* continuous service with the 5th Battn. in the field, he was one of the very best subalterns we ever had. He did not know what fear was. he was cheerful, happy at all times under the most appalling conditions, an enormous asset to \i^ all." He was awarded the Military Cross (London Gazette. 18 Oct. 1917). " for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during a success- ful raid on the enemy's trenches. He led his i)arty into the enemy's trenches, rushed a bombing i)ost, and personally killed two of the garrison. Throughout the action In- showed utter disregard of personal safety, and set a splendid exami)!(^ to his men." BARLOW, THOMAS RICHARDS, Bombardier, R.F.A. , 2nd #. of Thomas Barnett Barlow, of Croi)Well Bishop, Butcher and I'ariner. by his \\ife. Sarah Ann. dan. of William Richards; b. Cropwell Bishop, co. Nottinsham. 22 Nov. 1897; educ. County Council School there ; was a Butcher and Farmer: enlisted 17 Jan. 1917 ; and died 9 May following, at Bagtborjie Isolation Hospital, from spotted fever, contracted while in training at Catterick Camp. Biirieil at Cropwell Bishop ; unm. BARMES, W., Private. No. 7203, 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire Regt. ; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 27 Oct. 1914. BARMFED, J., Private, No. 9922, 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. served witlrthe Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oet. 1914. BARNARD, CHARLES HENRY, Lieut.. R.N.V.R., 2nd .f. of the late Ben- jamin Barnard, of H.M. Customs; b. 23 Aug. 1857; was Pilot to the Bootli Steamsbii) Company for the Port of Liverpool for 30 yuars, and on tin- outbreak of war was gazetted Lieut, in the R.N.^'.R. as Senior Kxamiinm,' Ollicer : was lost at sea 28 Dec. 1917. at the Bar, Liverpool, when No. 1 Pilot Boat was sunk by a mine. He ?«. 28 May, 1884, Alice, dau. of Thomas (and Eliza) Coulthurst. and had four cliildren. BARNES, A. H.. Private. No. 7804, 1st Battn. The East Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 28 Oct. 1914. BARNES, A. W., Private. No. 2427, The Royal Warwickshire Regt. : served witli tlie Expeditionary Force in France : killed iu action 19 Sept. 1914. BARNES, CLEMENTS DAVID JAMES, Rirteman. No. 8753. 16th Battn. (Queen's Westminster Rifles) The London Regt. (T.F.). only -V. of Robert Georse Barne-;. of 242. Stan- stead Road. Forest Hill. S.E.. by his wife. Sophia, dau. of Joseph Smith ; b. Keimington. S.E.. 22 Ajiril. 1894; educ. St. Dunstan's College. Cat ford ; joined the Fusiliers (T.F.) 1 Oct. 1914 ; was sent to Malt^i 23 Doc. fol- lowing, and proceeded to Egyjit : served at Gallipoli: took part in the evaeiration in Jan. 1916. and subsequently si'rved with the ICxpedi- tionary Foree in Frame and Flanders from 22 April, wliere he transferred to the (Queen's Westminster Uifles. and was killed in action at Arras 8 April. 1917. Buried in Agny Mili- tary Cemetery, Arras ; num. BARNES, H.. Bombardier, No. 50051. R.F.A. ; ser\ed witli the Expeditionarv Force in France ; Uillerl in aetion 15 Sept. 19U". BARNES, OWEN, Private. No. 5902, 8th (Territorial) Battn. The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regt.). s. ot Edward Barnes, of Wilbur\ Farm. Arlesey. co. Beds. Horse-Keeper, by his wife. Agnes, dau. of David Ha 1 1 wort h ; b. Arlesey aforesaid. 2ii Aui;. 1892; educ. Ickleford Pnblie Sehool : was a Farmer: joined the Middlesex Territorials .s March. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force In France and Flanders from S July, and was killed in action 11 Sept. 1916 : tinm. BARNES, S., Private. No. 8182. 1st Battn. The Royal AYest Kent Resit. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 24 Oct. 1914. BARNES, W'., Gunner. No. 71827. R.F.A.; served with the Expeditionary I'oree in France ; killed in action 18 Sept. 1914. BARNETT, DENIS OLIVER,. Lieut.. 2nd Battn. (109t!i Foot) The Prince of Wales's Leinster Regt. (Royal Canadians). 2nd and only surv. .«. of Percy Arthur Barnett. of Burnt Hill House,. Bradflcld, co. Berks, and 20. .Mornington Avenue, W'est Kensington. W.. H.M. Inspector of Sehools and late Ciiief Inspector of Training Colleges, by his wife, Annie, dau. of James Plumer Georue Clements D. J. Barnes. 16 The Roll of Honour liiM'cliin^'. and sistrr oi l>r. liiTcIiinii, liran ol .Norwich ; h. IsU-WDitli. ro. Middlr- sox. :jn Ai>ril. 18!»o ; rduc. St. Panl's School lor seven years ( h'nrni.lat ion Schohir), Caiitain ol School (1!H2-I4); wa-s a ;:ood all-romid athlete ami shot; elected Kxliibitioner oi" lialliol Collene. Oxford. liH2, and Scholar the lollowiiiK yt^ar ; enlisted in the Artists' Kitles \\\\i. 1!)14 ; went to J'Yance.in Oi-t. : jrazettcd 2nd Licnt. I.ejnstcr Uc-it. 1 .Ian. lillo ; was wounded in May, bnt returned to duty after a few hours" alisencc : pronioti'd l.ieut. June. 1013; was auain wounded in action at Hoo^e 15 An;;. I'JUl. and died of his wounds the foliowin"; day at PoiHTiniihe. Ilnricd there. His Coniniaudinu Ollkvr wrote: "Your son was a vi'ry ;;allaut orlieer, popular witli all ranks, who from tlie lirst stuiwcd a fireat aptitude for soldii-rin*^. He was always keen on his work, and iu him the bat- t^iliou has lost a very brave, ethcient oflieer. who will be very hard to replace."' From his rejiiment : '•* 'I'lie ollieers. X.C.O.'s and men of the 2ud beinster Kc«t., A Coy., tender you tlieir sincere sympathy in the loss of your dear son. ... We indeed feel liis loss more than words can tell, lie beinfi loved by us all. He proved himself in every respect to lie a gallant oIUcct. carins little for his own safety, but sonsht the safety at all times of ]iis men and others." Vnm. BARNETT, H., Private, No. 0016, 1st liattn. The Royal Welsh l-'usilicrs ; served with the Kxpeditionary Forro in Franco; killed in action 20 Oct. inu. BARNETT, S., Corpl.. No. 278(18. U.E. : served with the Expeditionary Forec in France : killed in action 7 Sept. 1914. BARNETT, S. W., Private. No. 12038, 2nd Uattn. The Slu^rwood Fon^stiT.s ; served with the IWpeditionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. BARNETT, W., Private, No. 729:J, 1st Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Liglit Infantry ; served with tlu' JCxiieditionary Force in France ; died of wounds :iO Sept". Ii)14. BARNSLEY. CYRIL JEVON, Private. No. 2:t8024, 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Sulfoik Kcut., onlv snrv. child of the late William Thomas Barnslcy, of Wednesbnrv, Steel iMerchant. by his wife. Ada Mary (Hose Bank. Great .Malvern), elder dan. of the late Thomas .levon ; b. Wednesbury, co. Stafford. 18 X\i%. 1892 ; ednc. Wolverhampton; was a Drajier: ioined the Suffolk Territorials 11 Feb. lOlti ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from .'i Jan. 1917. and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 2:i Ajnil followiiif; : unm. BARONIAN, HARON, Private. No. :i:JOO(.i, 8th (Service) Battn. The Cheshire Reizt.. 2iid v. of /. S. 1. Uaroniau. of Brae Cottage, Knutsford, co. Chester. Export ■Vlcrdiaut to China, by bis wife, Shushan, dan. of C. Haronian ; b. West Uidsbury . l-iMarch, 189fi ; educ. liowdou College and afterwards was a student at Man- chester Victoria Universitv, for Chinese, and Manchester School of Teehnoloards of tlic ridge. Here Haron and his comrades were sent back for amnnuiitiou, and wc; were ordered to lie down. The ground was hard mud, baked by tlic strong sun, and was much too hard for us to dig in, so we bad to lie there anti wait orders. The Turkish artillery ami rilU' lire kept up its intensity, and we had a very warm time indeed. One bullet tore its way between my equipment and my heart and another took the edge off one of my iiouches, but I was not touched. The sun was extremely hot. and I remember lying there hour after hour, wonderius when and where I should be hit. There were thousands of locusts creeping ov<-r us and biting our hands and faces, but it was courting death to move. Iu the after- noon the rifle fire died down and the shelling was iutermitteut. As the \vounded came pa.st us, we asked them the usual questions — Who had been hit, and how many cjusnalties, etc. 1 was very auxitms about Haron. and wondered how he got on. Then one of the wounded said. " Have yon seen Baronian 'i ' I sjiid, " No. Has he been hit ? ' He said, * No. poor chap, he's been killed,* and he pointed to a dead man lying about ten yards away. At first I couldn't realize it, 1 was too dazed, but I rusb'ed forward and bent down over him. Yes, it was poor Haron, lying just as if be had gone to sleep. His eyes w<-re closed, and there was no sign of his being hit. Only a tell-tale little bullet hole in liis tunic showed wliere he bad been shot tlirough the stomach." The Head .Master of Bowdon College also wrote : ** He was one of our best, and upheld a vieut. Man- ebester Uegt. Aug. 1910. being sent to Serbia in Oct.. and died of wounds there 2Cy April, 1 1117. r.uried there. His CoIr)nel wrote: ■ lb- did dimply magnificently. In spite of ^.■\ere wounds be went on encouraging his men and belpiiLg them in every way. 11 is men eatni()t speak too highly of his spli-ndid bravery and pluck." He m. in 190.'>. (;ertrude (58. \delaide Koad. Brockley, S.K.), dan. of Geofgc l^rnest Clark, of Bromley, co. Kent, and hai ilirec ebiliinii : .loan, &. 2 Jan. 1908 ; Shirley, h. 7 .Ian, 1911. and I'n^nia, h. 22 Jan. 1914. William Topley Barrat. BARRETT, ALEC, Private, No. 26483, 1st liattn, (irenadier (Iviards, yst. s. of Albert Barrett, of 93. Clarendon Road, Leeds, Incorporated Accountant, by his wife, Hannah llushforth, dau. of William Lister; b. Leeds, co. York, 31 Oct. 1807 ; educ. Leeds Grammar School ; enlisted 30 Aug. 1916 ; served with the Kxpedi- tionary Force iu France ami Flanders from 3 April, and was killed in action at Elvtrdinghe 22 July. 1917. Buried in the Bluet Farm British Cemetery, three- (juarters of a mile north of Elvcrdinghe and three and a quarter miles north-west of Y'pres ; *//(»(. BARRETT. ARCHIE JAMES, JLM., Sergt., No. 340, 6th (Service) Battn. The Bu(fs (East Kent Uegt.), s. of Albi-rt Samuel Barrett, of 12, Rus.sell Place, Blackheatb, London, S.E., Coachman, by his wife, Minnie, dau. of James Padgham ; b. Lee, London. S.E., 10 April. 1895; educ. Invicta School. Black- iieath, S.E., and Cn-euwicb Flemeutary School : was a Clerk ; enlisted 29 Aug. 1914; served with the l^xfieditionary Force in France and Flanders from May, 1915 ; was wounded in .March, 1910, and was killed in action 13 Sept. following. His Commanding (Ulicer wrote : " Hi^ was a most tactful fellow during the most trying and desperate times, and his gallant conduct and conscientious work won for him brotherly love from ail ranks. His good work liad been noticed tlirougbout tlie battalion, and bad he been spared, he would shortly have achie\('d L'reatiT greatne^ss." He was awarded the Military Medal for bravery on the lield during the ojierations on the Somme ; irnm. BARRETT. LINDSAY ALFRED, M-C. Major. 1st Battn. (.'ilh Foot) The Northimiberland Fusiliers, >^t. Chester-le-Street. co. Durham. Lindsay A. Barret of Charles BoMo Barrett, of Whitehill Hall. J. P.. and chairman of the Durham ('onnty Heeniiting Cfunmittee, by his wife, Mary Deliiiar. dau. of Alfred Barry; 6. Si-aham, co, |)nili;mi, 8 July, 1891; educ. AInmouth Pre- |iara1(iry School, Wellington College, and the Knyal Military College, Sandhurst; gazetted 2iiti Lient. 1st Nortluimbcrlaiul I'nsiliers 15 .Mareli. 1911, and served in Didia ; promoted Lieut. 13 Aug. 1914, Capt. 2<) Aug. 1915, and Major Jan. 1916, and at the time of his death was iu command of the 4th (Territorial) Battn. Yorkshin* llegt.; went to France 13 Aug. 1914. with the Expeditionary Force, and served at the front continuously until his death. 1 )n ring 1 1 le retreat from Mons he acted as galloper to his Brigadier : from Nov. 1914, to ^lay. 1915. was Adjutant to the 1st liattn., and from then to Dec. Adjutant of the 6th (Service) Battn. ; returned as Capt. to the 1st Battn., and was almost inunediately appointed to the Divisional Staff; as Temp. Major 1 Jan. 1916, he assumed command of the 4th (Service) Battn. of the Yorkshire llegt. Mentioned in Despatches t L<>'»lo» Gazettes. 17 Feb. 1915, and 1 Jan. 191(11, and awarded the Military Cross. He was shot through the head by a sniper and killeil instantaneously, whilst going his round of the tirst-line trenches. 17 Marc-b, 19U1, on Hill 00, Y'prcs. Buried the following day at Poperinghc. The Adjutant, 4th Yorkshire Regt., wrote: "The way he put heart into the battalion, after it had been badly knocked about, was extraordinary, and we all think that it was a very great honour to have Ijeen commanded by him." Unm. BARRETT, WALTER, Private, No. 7579. fith (Service) Battn. The Buffs (East Kent Regt.). v. of William Barrett, of Church Road, Castle Camps, co. Cambridge, bv his wife. Harriet, dau. of William Osborne ; b. Castle Camps aforesaid. 2 .March, 1896 ; educ. Castle Camps School ; was a Farm Labourer ; enlisted in the Butfs in June. 1915;- served with the Expeditionary Force in France from March, 1910, and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 9 April, 1917. Puried to the West of Arras ; vnm. BARROW, EDMUND SPROSTON KNAPP, 2nd Lieut., 4th (Extra Reserve), attd. I4th (Si-rvice). Uattn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt., 4th and yst. s. of the late Major Robert Knapp Barrow, C.M.G., 27th Inniskillings, by his wife. Elizabeth, dau. of George Nicholas ; b. 13 Sept. 1882 ; was employed by the Bank of British West Africa, and stationed at Grand Bassam ; eii[i--ted 18 Oct. 1915; obtained a commission 5 Srjtt. 191(1; served with the Expeditionary Forc(r in France and Flanders, and was killed in action near Oppy, 8 May, 1917. by a siiell. linricd at Arleux-en-GoheUe. His Colonel wrote : " Your husband was one of my be-st and most promising officers — brave, energetic, and hard-working. He was most popular with all ranks, and by his death the battalion has sntfercd a great loss." and a lirother officer : ■■ I was in command of the company when he was killed, and it was one of the most trying times the battalion has had in the trenches. Through it all lie was perfectly happy, and did bis duty with the conscientiousness and thoroughness he always disi)layed in anything he was asked to do. I should like to let you know that he was with me in a previous trying experience. We were in a position which had just been cnpttned, when we were attacked by the Boches during the night. 1 had to ask him to advance with his platoon to the help of the front .ine. He Edmund S. K. Barrow. The Roll of Honour we all rciilizt! that wc can never He m. in London, l:i Sept. 1916, Claire Verveine, yst. BARRO\VMAN, Robert W. Barrowman. collected his platoon together, steadied them, and advanced under very heavy shell fire in the coolest manner possible. 1 shall always remember him on that occasion; he was an example to everyone have a braver comrade. dau. of Ernest Rutfer. 1 ROBERT WISHART, Private, No. 2174, 2-lth {Ser\ice) I Battn. (2nd Sportsman's) The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Kegt.). only «. of the late David Barrowman, Inspector of Poor, Registrar and Collector for the Parish of Eastwood, by his wife, Christina (Kineddar, Mansewood, Pollokshaws. Olascow), dau. of Robert Wishart ; b. Shawlands, 01as!;'ow, 17 March, 1893; cduc. Shawlands Aeadeniy ; Glasgow High School, and tlie Agricultural College, Glasgow ; was employed by Arcliibald Stewart, House Fur- nisher, Glasgow, as a Salesman ; enlisted 4 Dec. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 1915 ; was wounded at the Battle of the Somme 29 July. 191(i, but rejoined his regiment soon afterwards, and died a prisoner of war at Douai 2 May, 1917, from wounds received in action on the Sunken Road at Oppy 29 April. Buried in the cemetery there. An N.C.O. in the platoon wrote : " He was a brave soldier, who always did his duty nobly, and was beloved by the boys of the regiment." Umn . BARRY, WILLIAM THOMAS HENRY, Sergt., Xo. 70016. 3rd Troop, '* A " Squadron. Berkshire Yeomanry (T.F.), eldest s. of Frederick William Barry, Chief Assistant, Royal Library', Windsor Castle, by his wife, Ellen Lucy, dau, of John Henry Weatherhead : h. Windsor. 7 Aug." 1892 ; educ. Victoria Street Schools there; was subsequently Junior Assistant at the Royal Library. Windsor Castle, where a brass memorial tablet has been placed to his memory ; joined the Berks I'eomanry 12 March, 1912 ; volunteered for foreign service on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 ; left for Egypt in April, 1915 ; served with the Medit^^rranean Expeditionary Force at Gallipoli from Aug. to Oct. 1915 ; returned to Egypt in Nov. 1915. being for a time attached to the Brigade Head- quarters ; took part in the Solium Expedition in pursuit of the Senussi. the fighting on the Nile, and at A>'un Mu-;a. including tlie Neklil Expedition; pro- ceeded to Palestine in Feb.. anil died tlu-n- 19 April, 1917. from wounds received in action before Gaza. Buried at Tel-el-Jemnii. He was a keen sportsman, being a i)rominent member of the Royal Household Cricket XI., and played football for the Royal Household Football Club ; unm. BRERETON -BARRY, WILLIAM ROCHE, 2nd Lieut., 9th (SerWce) Battn- The Royal Dul'lin Fusiliers, 2nd .v. of His Honour Judge Ralph Brereton- Barry, K.C., of Langara, Glenageary, co. Dublin, by liis wife, Claire, dau. of William Roche, late Crown Solicitor for the county of Limerick ; b. DubHn, 11 Jan. 1899 ; educ. The Oratory School, Birmingham." and at Trinity College, Dublin, where he was an Undergraduate on the outbreak of war, and a member of the O.T.C. ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 10th Battn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers Feb. 191G ; served through the Irish Rebellion in April, 1916 ; proceeded to France in March. 1917, and served with the Expeditionary Force there. In the advance of the 16th Division at Frezenberg, on 16 Jan. 1917, he was severely wounded in the left arm, but refused to go to the dressing station, and went forward with lus men, leading an advance on an enemy strong point near Vampir Farm, in the course of which his right leg was shattered by a shell. On the morning of 17 Aug. he sent a note by a runner to the Adjutant of his battalion, saying that he was in a shell-hole within the German lines ; search parties were sent out on that night, but failed to find him, and he is now assumed to have been killed in action 17 Aug. 1917. An officer wrote : " He was a splendid fellow ; whenever I miii- tion his name, both officers and men speak of liim as one who was respected In- all, because he knew his job, and did it with pluck and cheerfidness. The Army could do with hundreds like him." He was awarded a Parchment Certificate signed by (ieneral Hickie, for gallant conduct and devotion to duty on 16 April, 1917 ; unm, BARTHOLOMEW, WILLIAM JOHN HARGREAVES, Private, No. 3n71(). 1st Battn. (11th Foot) The Devonsliire Regt., s. of the latv William Bartholonitw, by his wife, A. (43, BeJgrave Road, Portswood, near Southamprnii). dan, oi ih-- late John Hargreaves. of Eastleigh ; b. St. Denys, Sourliani|.ron. i". HanU. 26 Dec. 1894 ; educ. Portswood Council School there ; was an Assistant Roller- man in the Flour Mill ; enlisted 3 Jan. 1917 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 19 March, and was killed in action near Hooge 4 Oct. following ; unnt. BARTLE, THOMAS WILLIAM, 2nd Lieut.. R.F.C., eldest s. of Thomas William Bartle, of Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia, by his wife. Susan .\nn Elizabeth, dau. of David Wilkinson; b. Castlemaine, Victoria Australia. 2 Oct. 1894 ; educ. there ; was a Schoolmaster at a high school in the Fiji Islands ; joined the Australian infantry Feb. 1916, attaining the rank of Sergt. ; came to England in July ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. R.F.C. April, 1917, and was killed in an aerial collision 16 June following, while training at Lincoln ; num. BARTLETT, P., Private, No. 8319, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Aug. 1914. BARTLETT, HARRY STEVEN, L.-Corpl., No. 17787, 2nd Battn. (67th Foot) The Hampshire Regt.. eldest s. of John Steven Bartlett, Gardener, bv his wife. Annie Elizabeth; 6. Gosport. co. Hants. 30 Oct. 1895 ; educ. Whitworth Road School there : was a Porter at Messrs. Hooper's : enlisted 25 May, 1915; served iu Egypt from 22 Nov. following, also with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died at No. 19 Casualty Clearing Station 24 April. 1917. from woimds received in action. Buried in the sol- diers' cemetery near where he fell. Mr. Hooper, his employer, wrote : " I shall miss him most ; since his loss to me to take up the good cause for wliich he, like thousands of others, have given their lives, I have discovered his worth as a faithful employee ; he was well loved by us all here, and liked by all his numerous cus- tomers ; especially at Lee-on-the-Solent he will be mourned. I was hoping for the time when he would return to me to take a far u-,.^, c»„^«„ Roftiot« better position, for I had great confidence Harry Steven Bartlett. .^ j^^ capabilities." He m. at Portsmouth, 17 July, 1014, Katlileen Emily (44. Manchester Road, Fratton, Portsmouth), dau. of Mark Charles Foster, of Fratton. and had a dau., Kathleen Edith, 6. 11 Sept. 1915. BARTLETT, R., L -Sergt.. No. 10029, Ist Battn. The Loyal North Lancashire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. BARTLETT V. P., Private, No. 10281. 1st Battn. The Shropshire Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct, 1914. BARTLETT. W., Private. No. 7682, 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in actioa 17 Sept. 1914. BARTLEY, WILLIAM JAMES, Master Mariner in Merchant Senice, only s of James Bartlev of Polruan, retired Master Mariner, by Ills wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Mutton ; b. Lenteglos, Fowey, 10 Aug. 1866 ; cduc. Polruan Council Schools ; died from exposure in the Atlantic, about G April, 1917 ; after leaving iiis ship Annitina of Loudon, which was set on fire, he drifted in a small boat for ten davs without food. He m. at Devonport, 7 Oct. 1893, Belinda (Glvsou, Polruan), dau. of Charles Hawken, of Polruan, and had a dau., Elizabeth May, b. 5 May, 1895. BARTON, EDWIN WILLIAM, 2nd Lieut., 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Lancasliire Fusiliers, eldest s. of the late William J. Barton, Assistant Master, Owen's School ^ Islington, N. ; b. Finchley, N., 7 Nov. 1891 ; I'duc. Swansea Grammar School ; Universitj' College, Aberystw>'th, where he graduated with First Class Honours in Economics in 1912,- also with the Gladstone Memorial prize, and in 1913 was awarded Thomas Stephens'' Scholarship, the Board of Agriculture Be-- seareh Scholarslup. and proceeded to the- Research lustitute for Agricultural Economics, Oxford, and graduated M.A. (Wales). 1915 ;- • •[i the outbreak of war he was called to the liniird of Agricxdture to undertake some special iniiuiries and reports; joined the Artists' Rifles in 1915 : obtained a commission 4 June, 1916, and died 27 April, 1917, of illness con- tracted wlule on home service. Buried at St. .lames's in Birch. Rusholme, Manchester. He m. at Jlanchester, 31 Oct. 1916, Marjorie Edwin William Barton. Donne, elder dau. of Professor J. J. Findlay, of Manchester, M.A. BARTON, FREDERICK St. JOHN, Capt., 2nd Battn. (67th Foot) The Hanijisbire Regt.. 4th s. of Robert Barton, of Lalla Rookh, Gleuferrie Road, MalviTu, Victoria, formerly Deputy Master of Melbourne Branch. Royal Mint, by liis wife. Catherine \tnour; b. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 6 May, 1876; educ. Toorak College, near Melbourne : volunteered and enlisted in the 5th Victoria Coutingeut during the South African War ; was then transferred as S.Tirt. to tlie Rhodesian Artilkrv. and afterwards gazetted 2nd Lieut. 2nd Battn. Hainp^liir.- Regt. 19 May, 1900. being promoted Lieut. 21 March. 1902. and Capt. 22 Jan. 1907; took part iu the operations in Rhodesia May, 1900. and in tliL- rrausva.d and west of Pretoria in May to June. 1901 ; and in the Orange River Colony July to Oct. 1901 (Queen's Medal with four chisps : King's Medal with two clasps) ; was Adjutant to the 1st Battn. from 21 March, 1909, to 20 March. 1912, and to the 4th Territorial Battn. from 6 Nov. 1912 : went to India witli his battalion in Oct. 1914, after the outbreak of the European War, and from there to Mesopotamia in March, 1915, and was killed in action at the Battle of N:isiriyeh 24 July following. He was mentioned in Despatches [London iiazitte. 6 Ajiril. 1916], for his services in the Euphrates operations. 24 June to 2tl July. 1915. He m. at Merrow, 24 Aug. 1914, Cicely Theodora (Hensley, Merrow. Guildford, co. Surrey), dau. of Alfred Bulraer Johnson, and had a son, RobiTt Fred'-rick. b. {i)Osthumous) 31 Aug. 1915. BARTON, HARRY FREDERICK. Private, No. 9029, 9th (Service) Battn. The Butfs (East Kent Regt.), 6th s. of Stephen Barton, of 31, Peter Street, Dover. Labourer, by his wife, Emma, dau. of George Harman ; b. Dover, 9 April, 1896 : educ' Buckland Schools there ; enlisted 20 Jan. 1916 ; served witli thr Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 27 June, 1916, and wa< killi-d in action at the Battleof the Sonune6 Sept, following. His Command- insz Olhcer wrote : " Your brother. I find, after making inquiries, was sliot right througii the body, and the man in the same gim team who was \vith him at the time saw him fall right back into a shell-hole. The gun, of course, had to go forward, and the men could not stay with liim. and nothing more was seen of him. He was a most excellent soldier, always cheerful, quite one of the best in my platoon." I'nm. BARTON. THOMAS EYRE, 2nd Lieut. 4th (Extra Reserve) Battn. The Royal Irish, Rifles, 3rd and yst. s. of the late Cliarles William Barton, of Glen- dalough House Annamoe, co. Wicklow. J. P.. by his wife, Agnes Alexandra Frances, dau. of the Rev. Charles Childers, of Nice, France, Canon of Gibraltar ; b. Glendalough House aforesaid. 15 Aug. 1884 ; educ. Fettes College, Edinburgh, and Trinity Hall. Cambridge : joined the Royal Naval Air Ser\ice Oct. 1914, and served with the Armoured Car Section in Gallipoli : was invalided home in Nov. 1915. with fever; gazetted 2nd Lieut. Royal Irish Rifles 14 Dec. ; went to France 15 JIay. 1916. and was killed in action near Ovillers, during the night of 15-16 July following, while leading a charge. Buried west of 0\iUers. His Company Commander WTOte of him that he was very popular with all ranks : the idol of the men, the life of their company mess, and that his courage was magnificent ; unm. BARTON, VIVIAN ALFRED, 2nd Lieut., C Battery, 162nd Brigade, Royal Field .\rtilKTy. yr. *■. of Richard James Barton, of 8. Sorrento Terrace. Dalkey, CO. Dublin, bv his wife. Florence Caroline, dau. of the late Charles Stephens : b. Donnybrook, co. Dublin, 29 May. 1883 ; educ. St. Columba's College. Rath- Faruliam. co. Dublin ; enlisted in June. 1915 ; obtained a commission in Jan. 1916 ; s.rv.-d with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from June, 1917, and wa-; killed in action near Ypres 21 Sept. following. Buried in Rening- helst new ^Military Cemetery, south-west of Ypres ; unm. BARTON, W„ Corpl., No. 6428, 2nd Battn. The Essex Rcg:t. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. BARTON, WILLIAM DUNN, Rifleman, No. 32109. The Kings Royal Rifle Corps, s-. of Thomas Barton, of 23. Somer\ille Road. Penge, S.E.. by his wife. Eliza ; b. Shepherd's Bush, London, W.. 7 Feb. 1887 ; educ. Alexandra Board School. Beckenham, S.E. ; was employed at Cannon Street Station for 14A years, 10 of which he served as a Clerk ; worked on munitions till 17 A"g. 1916. when he enlisted in the King's Royal Rifles ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died 19 March. 1917. from wounds received in action two days previously. Buried in Grovetown Cemetery. He m. at St. George's Church, Westminster Bridge Road, London. S.W.. 2 June, 1911, Emily Ada. dau. of Philip Sandell. and had two dans. : Doris Emily, b. 10 Feb. 1915, and Gladis Lilian, b. (posthumous) 21 March, 1917. BARTRAM, ALAN, 2nd Lieut., 4th (Territorial) Battn. Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berksliire Regt.), yst. s. of the late Richard Bartram, Solicitor TOL. HI. 18 The Roll of Honour and Member of liOndon School lioani. by his witV. Alin- (Fnii Ia-.x. Ki-h'oss Roud, London, X.).. dau. of Joseph Tlioiuas Preston : h. London. 10 April, 1881 ; edue. Islintiton Hiyli sdiool : was an Klrenical l-Jmiiu'er ; enlisted voluntarily in Nov. 1914: gazetted 2nd Lieut. July, VM'y : went to France 23 Dec. followinu, and was killed in action 14 Aug. lOlfi; num. servrci with the l-^xiieditionary BARTROP. \V. B.. Ser^it.. Xo. 22097, K.K.A. ; Force in France ; killed in action la Sept. 1914. BARL'GH, T. \V., Private, Xo. 7919, 1st Uattn. The Uoyal Irish Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died (as a prisoner of war) I Sept. 1914. BASPORD, BROMLEY ALFRED, 2nd Lieut.. Oth (Service) Uattn. The Leicestershire Ket^t.. eldest X. of Bromley liasford. of ICa-sedale. liurton Jtoad. Derbv. Senior I'rojuictor of the " Derby Daily Telegraph," by his wife, Louie, dau. of the late William Smith; h. Derby, 18 June. 1879; edue. Whit- worth School there : was for a number of years employed in the Editorial Depart- ment of tlio " Derby Daily Teleiirapli," after whieii he took part in the Comniercial Department, and was Business Manager at the time of enlisting in Oct. 1915 : joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. ; obtained a commission n Sept. I91(i ; served with the t;x|)editionary Force in France and Flanders; was killed in action near Vpres by a stray siiell. 4 Oct. 1917, wliile returning to the trenches after resting. Uuried in Bedford House Cemetery, ntar Vjtres. His Counnanding Officer wrote : " It has really been a most awful blow to myself and my coni- I)any officers, and to all the men : in fact, I can sincerely say to the whole bat- talion. He was most pop\ilar with all tin- officers and men. and by his own platoon and men was almost idolized. His cheery disposition under very trying con- ditions was wonderful. His death was instantaneous. He was marcliing up to the line with tlie company when an odd shell fell at the iiead of his platoon, killing liim, another officer, a corporal and fi\e men. His death was caused by the shock of the explosion. He was not actually hit by any bits of the shell. It was a most awful experience, and naturally upset tiic whole company very much. He was buried side by side with the other otlic. Kelsterton, 1 July. 189l> ; edue. FontliilL East Grinstead . and Shrewsbury. He took up farming in Australia after leaving school ; returned home, and having a commission in the Royal Welsh l-'usiliers (T.F.) in the early months of 1914, eontinued with them on the outbreak of war, and with then\ trained in England till July, 1915 ; subsequently went with them to Oalii- poU : served with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Egypt and Palestine, and was killed in action near Gaza 2f> March. 1917. His Colonel wrote : " He died in a noble manner, leading and encouraging his men in the attack on the Turkish position on 2(» March. All who were near him during the attack bear witness as to liis gallant conduct throughout this day up to the time of his deatli. He was always to the fore, and showed an utter dis- regard to his own personal safety. . . . He was a fine fighting soldier and a favouritt; with all ranks. I have put his name forward for recommendation, and I hope it will go through. You have every reason to feel intensely proud of him," and his servant : " He died a hero, if ever tliere was one. He was one of our best officers: his old platoon loved him. I lost my best friend when 1 lost Capt. Bate ; I shall never forget hira as long as I live. His first thought was about his men, and himself after. I never had a better master." He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 22 .May, 1917], for gallant and distinguished service in the field ; tnim. BATE, WALTER, Private, Xo. 6274, l/5th (Territorial) Battn. The Y'ork and Lancaster Regt.. 2nd s. of Thomas Alfred Bate, of 29, Cresswell Street, Pogmoor, JNIiner, by his wife , Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Long, of Barnsley ; and brother to Private J. R. Bate (q.v.); b. Bloxwich. CO. Stafford, 19 X^ov. 1896 ; edue . St. John's School, Barnsley ; was a Collier ; joined the 5th York and Lancaster Regt. 3 May, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 4 Dec. 1916, and died at Xo. 2 Casualtv Clearing Station 15 March. 1917. Lieut. J. E. Patterson wrote ; " He was a very popular boy, and I was particularly fond of him." Unm. BATEMAN, CHARLES, Private, Xo. 24950, 2nd Battn. (89th Foot) Princess Victoria's (Roval Irish Fusiliers), s. of Charles Bat^?man ; h. Sheffield. 4 Dec. 1893 ; edue. Pye Bank School there ; enlisted in Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; subsequently proceeded to Salonika, Thomas Bate. Charles Bateniun. Walter Bate. and then to Egvjit and Palestine, and was killed in action tliere 7 Xov. 1917. Buried at Abii Hareira. He m. at Shelfield. 20 Dee. r.tl 1. Clara (3 court. 1 house. Fowler Street, shritielil ). ti;m. of (— ) Ivnowles ; *■./). BATES, A., Scrgt.. Xo. 5865, 1st Battn. The Llneolnsliire RcKt. ; served with the Expedi- t ionar\- Force in France ; killed in action 24 Au'_'. 1914. BATHGATE, W., Private, Xo. :i50. 1st Battn. I'lie {^irdon Highlanders ; served with the Kxpiditiunarv Korei- in France: killed in action 21 Sept, 1914. BATSON, ROBERT EVELYN, 2nd Lieut., 14th (Service) Battn. The Cheshire Regt.. attd. The Lancasliire Kusiliers, yr. s. of Robert liatson, of Harmony Hall. Christ Church. Bardados. West Indies. Collector of Taxes, I'v his wife. Sarah Elizabeth, dan. of Edward I'oster. of Bonyun, .\pes Hill : h. St. James, Barbados. '.) June. 1899; edue. The Foniuhition School. Clirist Chur<-h. Bar- bados; was a Clerk, and at the time of the outbreak of war was in Atiuriea ; came to England July, 1915; gazetted 2ud Lieut. The Clieshire Keiit. 7 Aug. following; went to France 6 July. 1916. attached to the Lacashire l-'u-;!liers, and was killed in action there 10 Oct. following; unm. BATSON. WILLIAM STEWART, Sub-Lieut.. K.N., yr. s. of Col. Herbert Batson, ot Franklyn. l-ixeter. C.B., by his wife, l^lla Florence, dau. of lldnnind Snow ; h. Itlv. near Kxeter. 23 Jan. 1897 : ednc. IN-ncarwick. Exeter, and Exi'ter School ; also at the Hoval Naval College. Osl)orne. and at Dartmouth ; served as Midshiprnaij in H.>LS. Cornwall did effective work in training men as bombc-rs : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from March, 19H5 ; took part, in the Battle of the Somme, being appointed Bombing Officer to his battalion : took part in the operations north of Albert ; was reported wounded and missing after leading his men into action near Beaumont Hamd 18 Xov. following, and in Aug. 1917 was oificially reported killed in action on the previous date. Buried in the British Cemetery between Beaumont Hamel and Serre. His Colonel wrote : " He was a most \ ahiable otHcer and loved by us all. He was a great enthusiast on bombs, and a line soldier. I feel his loss severely. I bust saw him just before the attack started. He was as cool and cheerfui as if on a peace-time parade. He gave a fine example of endurance to the men, and you must feel very proud of him." rnm. BATTY, CHARLES FREDERICK, 2nd Lieut.. 10th (Service) Battn. The Durham Light lufantr>\ eldest .s. of l-'rederiek Batty, of Beverhohne, Darlitigton. by Ills wife. Lily. dan. ot the late Charles Buckley, of Oldham; and gdsoii. of the late Alderman Battv, a former Lord Mavor of JIanchester: b. Ottumwa. Iowa, U.S.A., 28 April, "l896 ; edue. Mill Hill School, London, and University College, Oxford, where lie obtained a C'lassical Scholarsliip, and was in residence during one term; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 10th Durham Light Infantrv from the Oxford University O.T.C. 28 Xov. 1914 ; went to France 18 Oct. 1915" ; was appointed a Brigade Bombing Instructor, and afterwards junior Bombing Officer of the battalion, and was killed in action when on patrol duty at Ypres 19 Jan. 1916. Buried at Essex Farm, Brielen, Ypres. His Colonel wrote : " He was an extremely good officer, and had done some excellent work since he came out, and everyone thought very lughly of him. . . . He was very popular with us all." rum. BATTY, WILLIAM, L.-Corpl. , Xo. i:n, 14th (Service) Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt.. eldest s. of Tliomas Batty, of 36, Windermere Uoad. (Queen's Hoad. Barnsley. by his wife. Harriett, dau. of William Ashton ; h. Barnsley, 2!i April. 1892; edue. St. John's Day ScJiools tliere: was an Iron Moulder in the employ "if Messrs. Xeedham Brothers; enlisted 4 Jan. 19L5 : served with the Expeditionary Force in I'ranee and Flanders, and was killed in action at Mebuterne 1 July, 1916. Burled there. He was a prominent member of the Hoyle Mill Sunday School and the Yo\mg .Men's Bible (lass : num. BAUMBACH, JOHN, Private, Xo. 12029, 4tli Battn. The Duke of Cambridite's Own (Middlesex Regt.).3rd*. of Frederick Baumbach, of 27, Retreat Place, Hackne\ . E., by his wife, Amelia, dau. of ( — ) Finck ; b. London, E., 24 Xov. 1889 ; was a Paint (irinder ; volun- teered and enlisted 12 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from the following Xov., and was killed in action 20 July. 1915. He m. at St. Paul's, Bow Common, E.. Haimah Elizabeth (14, Knottisford Street, Green Street. Betlmal Green. E.). dau. of George William {and Hannah) Argent, and had a dau., Dorothy Rose, b. 17 April, 1914. Caryl L. M. Battersby. William Battv. The Roll of Honour 19 George Thomas Bax. BAVIN, ANTHONY JAMES, Ueut.. R.N., s. of the late Benjamin Bavin, Solicitor, by his wife, Alice Maud Mary (Great Plumst^ad House. Norwich), 'lau. ol James Henry Stedman ; b. Xorwich, 15 Dec. 1893 ; educ. Stubbington House, Fareham. and Britannia College. Dartmouth : went to Osborne in 1906 ; was appointed Midshipman in H.M.S. Minotaur, Flagship on the China Station ; Sub-Lieut, in June, 1914. in H.M.S. Ambuscade, and Lieut. 30 Nov. 1915, in H.M.S. Mary Rose : took part in the Battle of Jutland, 31 May, 1916. and was killed in action 17 Oct. 1917. in an engagement with the enemy in the Xorth 5ea. while escorting convoys from Scandinavia ; unm. BAX. GEORGE THOMAS, 2nd Lieut.. 15th Battery, Motor Machine Gun Ser%ice, elder s. of Harry Bax, of 21. Park Avenue, Wood Green. London. N.. Director of Messrs. Godfreys. Ltd., Motor Engineers, by his wife. Sarah Ann. dau. of Thomas Waters, of Boughton, co. Kent ; 6. Highgate . London. X., 31 March. 1890 ; educ. Higher Grade Schools, Wood Green. X., and on leaving there entered the office of a member of the London Stock Exchange ; but subsequently joined his father's firm, making a name as "a long-distance rider on the Scott two-stroke motor-cycle, and wa-s a recognized expert on internal combustion engines : joined the Motor Machine Gun Ser\ice in Aug. 191-1. after the outbreak of war. being gazetted 2nd Lieut, in Sept. 1915 : served with the Ex[>edi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1915, and was killed in action near Ginchv 7 Sept. 1916. Buried at Montauban. His Commanding Officer wrote : " We have lost a cheery comrade and shall sadly miss him . His men adored liim. and would have done an\i:hing for him. ... He was devoted to his work, and always ready to sacrifice personal comfort at the call of duty. In action he was always cool under fire, and set a splendid example to his men." Cum. BAYLISS, JOHN EDWIN, M.C., Major, Royal Field Artillery, s. of the late John Francis Bayliss, Accountant and Deputy Town Clerk to Rhvl Urban District i'ouncil, by his wife. Amy. dau. of the late Edwin Davis, of liristol ; b. Rhvl, 17 March. 1892; educ. Clwyde Street C.E. School, and University College 'of Wales. Bangor, where he obtained Urst Class Honours in his B.Sc. Degree ; was awarded the 1851 Exhibition ; entered the Scottish works of Messrs. Xobello ; afterwards returned to the University: obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. Oct. 1914 : promoted Lieut. Aug. 1915, Capt. Xov. 1916. and Major March, 1917 : underwent training in Ireland : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders : took part in the Battle of Loos ; was mentioned in Despatches by General (now F.M.) Sir Douglas Haig [London Gazette, 18 May, 1917], and awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette, 26 July, 1917]. for con- spicuous gallantry and devotion to duty, in continuiny to register for some hours tiie guns of his battery from an exposed position, where he was subjected to very heavy shell fire : was wounded at Ypres on 29 Sept, 1917, and died at Xo. 61 Casualty Clearing Station the same day. His Colonel wrote : " Your poor brother's death has been a great blow to me. He was a very efficient and gallant officer, and we could ill spare liim," and a brother officer : " Everyone loved him. There were misty eyes iii the mess when we heard the worst." Unm. BAYLISS, REGINALD BLENCOW^, 2nd Lieut.. 2nd Battn. <96th Foot) Tlu- Mancbrster Regt . 2nd *. of the Rev. Archibald Bayliss, of 12. St. Giles' Croft, Bevt-rley, Wesleyan Minister, by his wife, Mary James, dau. of Zaccheu-s Shrimpton. of Redditch, Xeedle Manufacturer : b. High Wycombe, co. Bucks, 9 June. 1894 ; educ. Kingswood School, near Bath ; subsequently entered the Hull branch of the London Joint Stock Bank ; joined the Lincoln's Inns of Court O.T.C. 10 June. 1915 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Manchester Regt. 11 Dec. following, being apjjointed to the 27th (Local Reserve) Battn.. and later to the 2nd Battn. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 15 July. 1916, and was killed in action at Serre 18 Xov. following. His Commander wrote of him as a most promising officer, and Capt. Keeley, of the 27th Battn., WTote : "• He did not know the meaning of fear, and was always persevering and conscientious in ail his duties, and his first thought was always for his men." Ftim. BAYLISS, WILLIAM, L.-CorpL, 9th (Ser- vice) Battn. Tlie Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, elder s. of James Bayliss. of Belvedere, Mul- lingar, by his wife, Jane : b. Mullingar. 24 April. 1882; educ. there: enlisted in March, 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France, and was killed in action near Ypres 16 Aug. 1917. The Chaplain wrote : " He was a brave soldier, reliable in the presence of great danger. I have heard officers speak of him in the very highest terms, and he is nmch missed both by the officers and men of his company." Uiwi BEACHER, L. G. C, CorpI , Xo 2276, 1st Battn. The Royal Wanvickshire Kegt. ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; died 14 Oct. 1914. BEALE, CLIFFORD WILLIAM. Lieut., 7th (.Service) Battn. The Royal Sussex Resrt.. only 01 Allan Down. Rotherfield. co. Sussex; b. Kensington, :duc. Warren Hill. Eastbourne ; Harrow (Sir Arthur Reginald B. Bayliss. William Bayliss. «. of Dr. Clitford lieal London, W., 28 Au2. 1892 Hort's House), and Gon\ille and Caius College, Cambridge, where he obtained a scholarship and graduated in the Xatural Science Tripos : enlisted on the outbreak of war as a Private in the Public Schools and University Battn. Aug. 1914; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 7th Royal Sussex Regt. 26 Sept. 1914. and pro- moted Lieut. March, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from July, 1915, and was killed in action near Hulluch, 3 March. 1916, while in temporary command of a trench mortar batterj" covering an infantry advance. He shot for'Harrow at Bisley, and was an active member of the O.T.C. both at school and college, and was" captain of liis college boat club and of the crew which won the Thames Cup at Henley in 1914. He was keenly interested in Engineering, and was " ever devising some means to ensure greater ctficiency, and content only with the best." Unm. ^^^&-T- «rv '•^r.^ BEALE, EDG.AR, Sergt., Xo. 3442, 16th Platoon. 19th (Service) Battn. (2nd Public Schools) The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), only ;<. of Edgar Beale, of Middle Bourne, Farnham, Miller and Farmer, pVensham Mills, co. Surrey, by his wife, Katharine Ann, dau. of William Langrlshe, of Headley . CO. Hants; b. Frensham Mills aforesaid, 2 Dec. 1892; educ. Mr. Poole's Pre- paratory School. Hadleigh House, Littlehampton ; Lancing College, where he was a member of the School Corps, and Peterhouse, Cambridge, where he gained an O.T.C. Certificate : was engaged in Mil'.ing and Farming ; joined the Public Schools Battn. Royal Fusiliers in Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Xov, 1915. when he commanded the 16th Platoon, and was killed in action on the La Bassee Road, between Annequin and Beuvry, 2 Jan. 1916. Buried in the Militarj" Cemeton* at Bethune ; unm. HEALING, S. T., Private, Xo. 7559. 1st Battn. The Duke of Comwalfs Lighs Infantrv ; served with the Exiw-ditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 3 Oct. 1914 BEAN, HAROLD KNOWXES, Lieut.-Col., Australian Army Medical Corps (3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance), only «. of the late Dex Bean, of Mossley. CO. Lancaster, Surgeon, by hLs wife, Mary Hannah, dau. of John Wilkinson Kuowk'S. of Spring House. Halifax : 6. Swinfieet, near Goole. co. York. 6 June. 1857 ; educ. OweiH Col!c-ge, Manchester (now Victoria University), and Edin- burgh University, where he took his M.D. and B.Sc. degrees ; went to Aa-^traiia in 1887, and settled at Wallsend, Xew South AVales, where he continued to practise in the medical profi:^sion ; sen"ed with the Xew South Wales forces as a Lieut, in the South African War of 1900, and continued his ser\ice in the State Militia; held the rank of Major on the outbreak of the European War in 1914. and volunteered for active service ; was promoted Lieut.-Col., and went with the Australian forces to Egypt in command of a Light Horse Field Ambulance. going from there with hLs unit to Gallipoli. and after a few months wa.s invalided to England ; on recovery returned to Egypt, but contracted an illnt'ss. and died on board a hospital ship 23 Sept. 1916. Buried at sea. He m. at Melbourne , Australia, 2 Oct. 1889. Lucv Jane, dau. of Calvert Barker, and had a dau. Elizabeth Edith Freda, b. 29 March, 1895. BEARDER, A., Private. Xo. 10605, The Sherwood Foresters ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Sept. 1914. BEASLEY, HERBERT FREDERICK, Pri- \ate. Xo. G,22273, The Butfs (East Kent Kegt.). *. of William Beasley. of 66, Hunter Koad. Ilford, co. Essex, by his wife, Alice. dau. of Henrv Whitaker ; b. Bromlev-bv- liow, E., 5 July, 1898 ; educ. Fairfield Road Elementary School there ; was employed in the private laboratorv of Da\id Howard. D.L.. J. P. : enlisted 30 April, 1917; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 2 Aug.. and died 30 Sept. following, from wounds received in action at Poperinghe . Buried there in the Xine Elms British Ceme- tery. An officer wrote : " Your son was in my platoon for two months, and during tliat time I learnt to admire him very much." Unm. BEATON, HARRY, Private. Xo. 9068, 2ne<^n killed in action on that date ; unm. ^Fi ' BEATON, KENNETH CORBETT, Private. ^t ^ ^'o- W233. R.A.M.C., yst. s. of Angus Beaton. Vjl^ak^ of 53. Paisley Road. Glasgow, by his wife, ^^^^r^ Mary, dau. of Lewis Eraser; b. Glasgow. 12 i^^^ V Jan. 1898 : educ. Hutchinson's Grammar ^^L ^^fc*^ K. School there : was a Chemist ; enlisted 3 July. ^^^^^ — - ^^^^^ 1915 ; served with the Expf^ditionary Force ^^^^^^^^ A V ^^^^ in France and Flanders from 1 Jan. 1917, and ^^^^^^^kS^ ^^^H died at Xo. 47 Casualty Clearing Station 10 ^^^^^^^^BH^S^^^^H Xov. following, from wounds received in action ^^BBi^Bi^^^^MWi^^BI at Passchendaele. Buried in the Dozinghem British Cemetery, two and a half miles north of Poperinghe ; unm. BEATTIE, FREDERICK GEORGE, L.- Corpi.. Xo. 2703. 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Xortiumiberland Fusiliers. *. of William Beattie. of The Mains. Simonhurc, Estate Joiner, by his wife. Thomasina. dau. of William Smith . of Matfen ; b. Simonbum. Hnmshaugh, 28 Feb. 1893 : educ. there ; w.^s an Estate Joiner at Matfen; enlisted 1 May. 1915: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 5 Jan. 1916 : was reported miss- ing after the fighting on the Somme 15 Sept foiiowing. and is now assumed to liave been killed in action on that date ; unm. BEATTIE, G., Private. Xo. 11618. 9th Battn. The Durham Light Infantry ; ser\'ed with the Exix^ditionarv Force in' France; killed in action 15 Xov. 1914. BEATTIE, T., Private. Xo. 9317. The King's (Liveri»ool Regt.); served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 1 Sept 1914. BEATTIE, WILLIAM, Private. Xo. 7943. 2nd Battn. (73rd Foot) The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), 2nd s. of William Beattie, of 109, West Street. Glasgow, Docker, by his wife. Mary, dau. of James Johnston ; b. Glasgow, :i Sept. 189H ; educ. Centre Street and Scotland Street Public Schools there ; was employiti by Mann, Byars A' Co., Glasgow, as a Warehouseman, and was a Drummer in the Boys* Brigade Pipe Band of Tradeston Mission, attached to Camphiil United Free Church; volunteered and enlisted 21 Jan. 1915: served with the Expeditionary Force in 1-tauce from May. 1915; took part in the Battle of Loos and other engagements ; was sent to Mesopotamia in Dec. following, and was killed in action there 21 Jan. 1916. Buried near where he fell ; unm. Herbert F. lie sle Harr>- Beaton. Frederick G. Beattie. 20 The Roll of Honour BEATTY. ERIC EDGE, l.ieut., (ith (Service) liattn. Thr Cohnaimht Ran^t-rs. 3rd X. of Wallace Beatty, of 38 Mcrrion Square, Dublin. M.I>.. by liis wife, the lat«? Frances Klcanor. dau. of the hite Samuel KdL'--. M.D.: b. BubhL.ao June, 1893; cduc. St. st'iihen's Green School. Dublin, and St. (olurnba's t'ollege, KatlU'arnham, where he dis- tinguished himself in Classi<-s and .Mathematics ; in Otrt. 1911. entered Trinity College. Dublin, and gained second place at entrance : joined Trinity College Medical School, and obtained first place in Botany and Zoology : obtained his commission as 2nd Lieut, in Sept. 1914 : was promoted to be Lieut. Feb. 1915 ; served in liis regiment as Machine Guu Ollicer witli the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; was afterwards made Briuade Machine Gun Officer, and was killed in action 29 April, 1916. Buried in the British Cemetery , Xoeux-Ies-Mines. Col. L. Con\Tigham wrote : " On several occasions he did excellent seiTiice with his machine guns, and was unlucky on at least two of them not to have received Eric Edge Beattj. special mention. He had been specially selected for promotion to rank of Captain, and had he lived his name would have appeared in an early Gazette. His amiable personality and constant devotion to duty had earned for him the affec- tion and respect of his comrades of all ranks, by whom his loss was deeply regretted." He was a keen sportsman, and played half-back for his University at Rugby football throughout the season 19i:i-l-l, gaining Ids colours in the inter- "Varsity match versus Oxford University. BEAUMONT, R., Private, >'o. 10020, 2nd Battn. The Essex Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ;i^died of wounds 4 Xov. 1914. BEAUMONT, W., Private, No. 6541. 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps ; served with the Expeditionarj- Force in France; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. BEAVER, WILFRED NORMAN, Lieut., 60th Battn. Aastralian Imperial Force, s. of the late Albert Beaver, by his wife, Evelyn (43. Leinster Square, Bayswater. W.). dau. of the late T. Bloomingtou ; b. Melbourne, Australia. 11 May, 1882; educ. Scotch College, and Melbourne University. Australia; was for'l2 years Resident Magistrate in Papua, bring a Fellow of the Royal Geo- graphical Society, also of the Royal Antlu-ojiolouical Society, and was the author of many articles on Tribal Research : volmit<-ered for Imperial Service, and joined the Australian Imperial Force in Jan. 1916 : obtained a 2nd Lieutenancy in the 60th Battn. the following Feb., and was promoted Lieut. 1 March, 1917 : ser\'ed with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 1916, and died at No. 17 Casualty Clearing Station 26 Sept. 1917, from wounds received in action at Polygon Wood. Buried in the ^lilitary Cemetery at Poperinghe. His Colonel \vrote praising the way in wliich he brought his men through Polygon Wood on the day he was wounded ; unm. BEBBINGTON, JOSEPH, Private, 1st Battn. (22nd Foot) The Cheshire Regt., eldest s. of Joseph Bebbington, of 23, Duke Street, Chester, Labourer, by his wife, Martha Ann ; 6. Chester, 21 Aug. 1886 ; educ. Dipon's School there ; was for nine years an Assistant at Summers' Iron Works, Shotton ; enlisted on the outbreakof war in Aug. 1914: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; was rejjorted wounded and missing after the fighting 27 July, 1916, and is now assumed to have been killed in action on that date ; unm. BECK, GEORGE, Private, No. 7591, 2nd Battn. (107th Foot) The Royal Sussex Regt. ; 6- Brighton, 28 Feb. 1870 ; educ. there ; was a Farm Labourer ; enMsted in Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 3 Aug. 1914 ; was twice wounded, and died 5 April, 1917. Buried in the Calais Southern Cemetery. He m. at Brighton, Caroline (18, Picton Street, Brighton), dau. of James Pinvoun, and had a son, George James, b. 4 May, 1910. BECK, HARRY HAROLD, Corpl., No. 14968, 9th (Service) Battn. The Norfolk Regt., s. of Jolm Beck, of Tunstead. co. Norfolk, by his wife, Hannah Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Waters ; b. Aylsham, co. Norfolk, 12 July. 1896 ; educ. Tun- stead ; was employed Farming ; enlisted in the Norfolk Regt. 5 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 29 Aug. 1915 ; was twice wounded, and was killed in action at Cambrai 20 Nov. 1917. Buried at Ribe- court ; unm. BECK, JOHN STANLEY, M.C., Capt., 17th (Service) Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps, 6th ^. of Edward William Beck, of 12, The Close, Norwich. Land Agent, by Ids wife, Emily Mary, dau. of Henry Webb ; b. Melton Constable, co. Nor- folk, 2 May. 1889 ; educ. Gresham's School, Holt ; was a Land Agent on various estates ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 4th Norfolk Regt. in June, 1915 ; was promoted Lieut, and Capt. in March. 1917. having been attached to the King's Royal Rifles in Oct. 1916. and transferred to them March, 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from Aug. 1916, being attached first to the 1st Hertfordshire Regt., and was killed in action to the south of Ypres 16 Aug. 1917. Buried in Voormezelle Cemetery there. Capt. Beck was awarded the JDlitary Cross [London Gazette, 11 Dec. 19161, for gallant and distinguished ser\ice in the field, and was recommended for Second in Command of a battalion for fine work during the offensive of 31 July, 1917. He m. at Stoke Holy Ooss, Norwich, 15 April, 1914. Margery (Stoke Holy Cross, Norwich), dau. of William Kidner, and had a son. Roger, b. 1 March, 1915. BECK, T., Private, No. 7609, 1st Battn. The Gloucestershire Regt. ; served VTith the Expeditionary Force ; killed in action 22 Oct. 1914. BECKETT, WILLIAM HENRY, Private. No. 241007, 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Loyal North Lancashire Regt., s. of Harry Beckett, of Bolton Road, Edg- worth, by his wife. Anna, dau. of William Gregory, Miner ; b. Edgworth, near Bolton, 25 Jan. 1897; educ. St. Anne's School, Turton, Bolton; was a Joiner; enlisted 17 Oct. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 12 Feb. 1915. and was killed in action at Passchendaele, 26 Oct. 1917. Buried at Elverdinge. An officer wrote : '* He was a most reliable, capable and invariably cheerfid soldier ; in his duties as a scout were these qualities, together with intelligence above the average, and so much nerve. With his capabilities he would certainly have been an N.C.O. if he had stayed with his company. He preferred, however, to remain in the Scout Section, and his work as a scout was invariably excellent." Unm. BECKHURST, J. W-, No. 4727, 6th Dragoons, attd. 2Qd Life Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died 26 Oct. 1914. BEDBOROUGH, W., L.-Corpl., No. 10639, 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 27 Oct. 1914. BEDDA. H., Private. No. 6848, The Cheshire Regt. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Oct. 1914. BEDDOW, M., Private. No. 7667, 1st Battn. The Shropshire Light Infantrv ■;.rv. d with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. BEDFORD, CHARLES, Corpl.. No. 27858. 7th (Territorial) Battn. Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkslure Regt.), eldest ft. of Joseph Bedford, of 36, Day's Croft, Monk I'-retton, near Barusley, by l»is wife, Sarah, dau. of Cbarles Foster, of Bum Cross, Cliapeltown. near Sheffield ; b. Monk Bretton. 14 Nov. 1896 : • due. there ; enlisted 13 April. 1916 ; served with the ExiH'ditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died of wounds received in :utinn 26 May. 1917. Buried in the Military (enutery, Etaples. .\ comrade wrote: "He was a noble, brave lad. ever talking of home and of Blighty. . . . He was buried with all military honours." Unm. BEDFORD, H., Sergt., No. 7622. The West Vnrkshire Uegt, ; served with the Expcdi- rio[i;irv force in France; killed in action 14 Nov. 1914. Charles Bedford. BEDNALL, BENJAMIN CHARLES, Pri- vate, l.'»th (Service) Battn. The Royal Warwick- shire Regt., A', of John Ernest Bednall, by his wife. Emily, dau. of William Nicholson ; ft. Edgbaston, Birmingham, 17 May. 1896 ; educ. George Dixon's Secondary School there ; was a Clerk ; enlisted 28 May, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action near Arras 29 Au^. 1916 ; unm. BEE, CHARLES LOVERING, Private, No. 44007, 20th (Service) Battn. (3rd Glamorgan) The Wflsli Kegt., yst. s. of Frederick James Bee, of 61. AVoodville Road, Cardiff. Corn Merchant, "by his wife, Mary, dau. of John B. Brookes ; ft. Cardiff, co. Glamorgan. 14 April. 1895 ; educ. Talbot Council School there ; was a Butcher ; enlisted in Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from July, and was killed in action 29 Aug. following. Buried at Neuve Chapelle ; unm. BEEBEE, T. H., Private, No. 13048, 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards ; served with the ExiH'ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 1 Sept. 1914. BEECH, NORMAN WILLIAM, D.C.M., 2nd Lieut.^ 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt.), s. of Willaim Beech, of 65, Louis Street. Leed.s. Commercial Traveller, by his wife. Eliza, dau. of James Nixon ; ft. Wejiste, Manchester. 10 Feb, 1895 *; educ. Harrogate ; was appren- ticed as an Outfitter with Messrs. Allen & Sons, Harrogate ; joined the Terri- torials in Sept. 1914, as a Private ; served with the Expeditionarj- Force in France and Flanders from April, 1915 ; was given a commission on the field 8 Oct. 1916. and was killed in action at Passchendaele 9 Oct. 1917. His Com- manding Officer wTote • *' 1 bad a very great regard for your boy, and he had the confidence and affection of his men to a very marked degree, and that is every- thing. It was a sad day for the battalion, though it is some consolation to know that the battalion did splendidly, and gained a very great deal of praise for the determined way in which they fought against heavy odds. That your boy played Iiis full share I know full well. He was full of pluck and fiuiet courage, and we in the battalion will all feel Ids loss very keenly. I hope that the know- ledge that his was a particularly fine career, in rising from the ranks, and win- ning his decoration so gallantly, and that he did his dutv out there more than well for so many months, will prove some small consolation to you in your sorrow." and another officer : " I had a great admiration for liis wonderful courage and cheerfulness in adverse times." He was awarded the D.C.M. for bravery in the field ; unm. BEER, A., Private, No. 7879, 1st Battn. The Devonshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 22 Oct. 1914. BEETON, W. R. P., Private. No. 2202, 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers) ; ser\'ed with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 26 Oct. 1914. BEGBIE, ALFRED VINCENT, 2nd Lieut., 6th (Service) Battn. The QueenV Own Cameron Highlanders, eldest s. of the ._ Rev. Alfred John Begbie, M.A., late Rector of Horton. Chipping Sodbury, co. Gloucester [only s. of Alfred Begbie, Bengal Civil Service, Judge of the High Courtl, by his wife, Mary Constance, yst. dau. of the late Rev. Thomas Vincent-Fosberv". of Bracknell, co. Berks, some time Vicar of St. Giles'. Reading, and Hon. Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Winchester ; ft. Framsden Vicarage, co. Suffolk. 18 Aug. J188t ; educ. Eastington, Clevedon ; Combe ■^ Down, and Haileybury ; travelled in New Jt Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Canada ; ^L on the outbreak of war he immediately re- ^■^jk tinned home and joined King Edward's Horse ^^^^ft in Feb. 1915 ; was promoted L.-(^rpl. ; ^^^^^ obtained a commission in Aug. 1916 : served ^^^^H with the Expeditionary Force in France and ^^^^H Flanders from 23 April, 1915, and was killed ^^^^^ in action at Monchy-le-Preux 11 April. 1917, while leading his men in the attack. His Chaplain wrote : " We have lost a splendid officer, and a gallant gentleman ; general were the rejoicings when he rejoined his company, and his presence as a man and a comrade was felt in the mess as well as in the ranks, must be." Unm. BEGG, KENNETH HUMPHREYS, Coy Sergt.-Major, 15th North Auckland Regt., New Zeahind Expeditionary Force, s. of the late James Kemp Kegg, Engineer, of Jeyholm, Kohn Kohn, Hollianga, New Zealand, bv his wite, Hannah Eliza, dau. of the late Thomas Denley ; 6. Auckland, New Zealand. 30 Aug. 1893 ; educ. Kohn Kolm and Taranaki : was in the employ of Sir Charles Burdett, Bart., Dentist, of Eltham Tiiranaki ; joined the Taranaki Rifles 1910 ; pro- moted to Sergt., and in May, 1914, to Coy. Sergt. -Major ; served with the Mediter- ranean Expeditionary Force at Gallipoli from April, I91ri ; took part in the landing there on the 25th, and was killed in action the same day. Bur ed th^re. A comrade wrote . " The last I saw of Ken he wa.= leading his men. his lieutenant having been killed. I heard him call out : ' Boys, if you will back me up, I will lead you.' Shortly after he fell wounded. He was "found among a number of others and buried some weeks later." He was recommended by the late Oil. Malone for a commission and Staff appjintment. He wsis a keen sportsman. won a silver medal at the age of 14 for shooting while in the school cadet? ; for three years in succession took first prize as the best boy-rider in the local show, and was afterwards presented with a gold medal ; he also pulled in the winning. fours at the local regatta ; unm. .■vlfred Vincent Begbie. Our grief at his loss helps us to realize how terrible yours. The Roll of Honour 21 Peter Gall Begg. Wilfrid Frank Belcher. BEGG, PETER GALL. Private, No. 41645, The Royal Scots Fusiliers, *-. of Hi-nry Da\idson Begg, of Princess Street, Aberdeen ; b. Aber- deen, 27 Aug. 1899 : educ. there : was a Carter in the employ of Messrs. Wordie A Co.. Con- tractors ; enlisted 13 Feb. 1917 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died of wounds 24 Aug. 1917. Buried in Carvail Cemetery. BEHENNAH, ALFRED DUNN, L.-Corpl.. Xo. 1671, 2/9th Battn. (Queen Victoria's Rifles) The London Regt. (T.F.). only *. of James Behennali, of Polkirt Hill. Mevai'i<-;''y. CO. Cornwall, Searaan, by his wife, Elizal'-tli dau. of the late Stephen Dunn: b. Mevau'i— > > aforesaid, 1 April. 1897 ; educ. Council Schuul there ; joined the firm of Messrs, Pawson and Leaf, Carter's Lane London, E.C., at the age of 16 ; became a member of Queen Victoria's Rifles early in 1914 ; volunteered for foreign service on the outbreak of war, but remained in England for some time, during which period he imderwent a special course of training for signalling; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from -Tan. 1917, where he was placed in charge of a signal section, and was killed in action at Bullecourt 8 July following. Buried there : tnvn. BEIRN, C. Private. No. 8583. 2nd Battn. The Durham Light Infantry ; served with the E.\peditionary Force in France ; killed in action 18 Oct. 1914.' BELCHER, A., Private, No. 7815. 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers: served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 26 Sept. 1914. BELCHER, \V., L-Corpl.. No. 7349, 1st Battn. The Royal Berkshire Regt. ; -erved with tin- ICxiu-ditionary Force in France : killed in action 26 Oct. 1914. BELCHER, WILFRID FRANK, Lieut., 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Prince of Wales's (North Staffordshire Regt.). eldest «. of the late Jolin Belcher. Stationmaster. by his wife. Mary Anne (99. Shirebrook Road, Heelev . Sheffield ) ; 6. Woodchester. co. Gloucester. 20 Nov. 1893 : educ. Central School, Sheffield : was a Clerk at the United Counties Bank. Newcastle, co. Stafford ; gazetted 2nd Lieut, in Dec. 1915. and pro- moted Lieut, in Oct. 1917 ; served in Dublin on the outbreak of the Sinn Fein Rebellion ; also with the Expeditionary Force in France from Feb. 1917 ; and died at Cambrai 17 Dec. following, from wounds received in action there on the 15th. His Commanding Officer WTOte : " Both officers and men will miss Mm very much indeed ; his platoon loved him and would do anything for him, as he never spared himself in doing anything for their comfort." and liis Captain : " He proved himself .straight, honourahl.- and fearless : in fact, throughout the tiattalion he had the reputation for bravery and fearlessness ; he was very j)Opular with all ranks." Unm. BELDON, S., Private, No. 7518. 2nd Battn. The Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 10 Sept. 1914. BELL, A., Private, No. 9756. 1st Battn. The Royal Berksliire Kegt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died of wounds 8 Nov. 1914. BELL, C, Private. No. 11255, 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14-17 Sept. 1914. BELL, EDGAR ALLAN, L.-Corpl.. No. 242185, 6th (Territorial) Battn. The South Staffordshire Regt.. yst. .v. of Alexander Brown Bell, of 31, Hanov.-r Square, Leeds. Journalist, bv lus wife. Agnes, dau. of the late Alfred Sijuir<- : h. Sheffield, co. York, 13 Jan. 1896: educ. Central Secondary School. Sh.-ffi.ld. and at Crypt Grammar School, Gloucester : was an Arcliitecfs Pupil, and had passed the Intermediate Examination of the Royal Society of British Architects ; joined the Yorkshire Hibisars in the autumn of 1913; transferred early in 1916 to the South Staffordshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from March. 1915, and died at Queen Alexandra's Hos- pital, Millbank. S.W.. 3 Jan. 1918. from woxmds received while on duty near Angres on 10 May. 1917. Buried in the Military Cemetery, Brookwood, co. Surrey. His officer wrote : " You will be pleased to hear that he behaved splendidly, and did not so mneii as make a sign that he had been wounded imtil 1 turned and saw him. He was one of my best Section Commanders, and was most reliable and hard working while in the trenches." Unm. BELL, F., Driver, No. 27839. R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in trance : died of wounds 22 Oct. 1914. BELL, H., Private, No. 5481. The Cameron Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died of wounds 16 Sept. 1914. BELL, JOHN MURRAY, 2nd Lieut.. 19th (Service) Battn., attd. 10 lltli (Service) Battn.. Tin- Highland Light Infantry, 3rd s. of the Rev. Benjamin Bel!, B.D-. formerly Minister of Withington Presb\-terian Church, and now of Upton. Birkenliead, by his wife. Maruan-t Cn|.|olioun, dau. of A. C. S. Murray Dunlop. of Corsock : b. Withington. Manchester. 24 [■'el>. 1886: educ. Woodlands School. Man- chester, and Manchester Grammar School : proceeded to Trinity College. Oxford, with an open scholai-shiii and the Brackenbury seholar- >liip : graduated with Classical Honours Utn'.t. ;iiicl till ur\t year took the Diploma in Educa- turn ill Maiirhester University and the \N'ith- Bell. my greatest friends. ... It may prove of some consolation to you that your son died bravely at his post," " HLs coolness under fire was a thing which we all admired and remarked on, for it was exceptional. It was not a spirit of reck- lessness which would have run liimself and perhaps others into unnecessary danger, but a faculty or a stamina which carried liim through cverrtliing." BELL, JOSEPH. Private, No. 32623, 2/8th (Territorial) Battn. The Sherwood Foresters (NottinghauL-ilure and Derbyshire Regt.), 2Dd ^^^^^^ .s. of Matthew Bell, by his wife, Lilly, dau. of ^^^fl^^^^^^ Isaac Svki-s ; and brother to Sapper T. F. ^^^V^^^^B Bell {q.i\); b. St. Helens, co. Lancaster, 22 ^^^K^^^^^ May, 1898; educ. Hoyle Mill School, near ^^^^^^^H|^V Barn-sley. and on leaving there was employed ^^HV^^^^I ;it the Monks Bretton Colliery : enlisted 24 W^^ *■ " Xov. 1915 : served with the Expeditionarj' Force in France from Jan. 1916, and was killed in action (or died of wounds) on or about' 26 Sept. 1917 : unm. BELL, O. L., Private. No. 808, 10th (Prince of Wales's Own Royal) Hussars; served with the Exi»editionary Force in France: died of wounds I Nov. 1914. t BELL, PERCY, Private. Xo. 13/1509, 14th (Service) Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt., eldest .s. of Charles Edward Bell, of 12, Smith Street, Wombwell, near Barnsley, by his wife. Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Richardson, of Dodwortli : b. Barnsley, co. York, 26 Nov. 1893: educ. King's Road School, Wombwell; was a Wheelwright ; enliste'd in Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from the following May, and was killed in ac-rion near Albert 1 Jul,v, 1916 : unm. BELL, R., Private, No. 7966. The Seaforth Highlanders; served with the Expeditionarj' Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. BELL. RICHARD HAROLD, Private. No. 4568. 2nd Battn. South African Infantry Regt., yst. X. of Richard Henry Bell, of Moorgate House, Stoke Prior, near Bromsgrove. late Station Master of Bromsgrove (JDdland Rail- way Company), by his wife. Edith Isabel, dau. of Thomas Godfrey Jepson ; b. Newlay, near Framley. Leeds, co". York. 4 Nov. 1893 : educ. Secondar.v School. Bromsgrove : was for about three years a member of the Bromsgrove Com- pany, 8tii Worcestershire Territorial Force : he left for South Africa in Oct. 1913." and up to Aug. 1915, was employed in the Transportation Department of the South African Railways: enlisted in the South African Overseas Contingent at D\irban. Natal ; served with the Egyptian Expcditionarv Force in Egypt from Dec. 1915, also in France from April. 1916. aiul died 19 July following, of woiuids received in action at Delville Wood on tht- 18th. Btiried in the garden of the advanced dressing station near the church. Longueval. seven miles east- north-east of Albert : unm. BELL, SAMUEL, Private. 1st Battn. {72nd Foot) Seaforth Highlanders (Ross- shire Buffs. The Duke of Albany's). 2nd and only surv. s. of Samuel Bell, of 392. Westmuir Street. Parkhead. Glasgow. Engineman, by his wife, Jemima, elde>it dau. of John Paul, of Aberdeen ; 6. Glasgow. 6 Sept. 1885 ; educ. there : was a Cabin, t Maker : enlisted 2 Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war ; sened with tin- Kxp' ilitionary Force in France and Flanders from Feb. 1915, and with the Indian i:\p.Miitionarv Force in .Mesopotamia from the following Dec. : was wounded on 7 Jan^ 1916. and again 6 Jlay following, and wa> killed in action 22 Feb. 1917. while going to thereli.-i of Kut : 'mm. BELL, THOMAS FREDERICK, Sapper, No. 86649. 13th (Service) Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt., s. of Matthew Bell, by his wife. Liliv. dau. of Isaac Sykes : and l)rother to Private J. Bell {q.t:)\ b. Barnsley. CO. York : educ. St. Mary's School there : was a Miner: enlisted in Sept. 1914: served with the Exjieditionary Force in France and Flanders from March, and' was killed in action at Ypres 19 Dec. 1915. Buried there. He m. at Barnsley. in Aug. 1914. Fanny {148, Bridge. Street. Barnsley). dau. of ( — ) Dickson, and had a son. Frederick. BELL, THO\L\S HECTOR, 2nd Lieut., nth (Service), attd. 9th (Service). Battn. Tin- Black Watch (Royal Higldanders). eldest s. of Robert Bell. Head Gamekee|>er. Gordons- town, by his wife. Isabella, dau. of the late Hector Ross, of Fearn. co. Koss ; b. Kirklinton. CO. Cumberland. 8 Aug. 1891 : educ. Keam School. Duffus. Elgin ; subsequently held an appointment as Clerk in the London and River Plate Bank, Buenos .\ires ; volunteered for Imperial Service on the outbreak of war in .\ug. 1914 ; returned to England, obtaining part of his training on iKwird ship while coming over, and enlisted as a Private in the Black Watch 20 Sept.: was gazetted 2nd Lieut, to the nth Battn. 7 April. 1915: served with The Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Dec. and was killed in action at Hulluch 8 Fe!>. 1916. being shot by a snii)er while succouring a wounded comrade. Burled at Vermelles : unm. BELL. TOM, Trooix-r. No. 55439, 1st Lin- colnshire Yeomanry (T.F.). *. of Thomas Bell, of Poolham Hall. Horncastle. Farmer, by his wife. Martha, ilau. of George Foster Harring- ton : b. Woodhall Spa. co. Lincoln, 14 Jan. 1893 : educ. High School there : was a Farmer : joined the Yeomanry 28 Oct. 1914: served _ „ ,, with the Egvptian Exi»editionarv Force in lom well. Egyjit and Palestine from 2 Nov. 1915, and was ; • killed in action at Abu Shushi. Palestine. 15 Nov. 1917. Buried there. Lieut.- "tCol. Gibbes wrote to Trooper Bell's parents, stating how much he would be l^missed ; unm. Thomas I re-ierick lUIl 22 The. Roll of Honour BELL, A'lLSON, Ciiipt.. 41Ii (Tfrritorial) Hattii. Tlie Kind's Own {Yorkshire Light Infantry), only s. of Thomas I'l-iirsoii Bell, of Wrst Ivirby. hy liis wife, Klizalii'th. (lau. of AIfxandridge and the Koyal St.itT College at Camberley ; serv<^d with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and I'Luiders from 14 Jan. liU7, and was killed in action 15 March following, while holding tin- line between Miraumont and I'nisieux-uu- Mont. Buried near Orchard Trencli between Puisieux-au-Mont and Achiet- le-Petit. Lieut. -Col. K. Hind wrote: " Y'esterday he had gone out to visit one of his posts on hearing tiring in that direction, and in returning he and Lieut. Mosley were fired at by a tierman sniper. Lieut. Mosley escajied, but your husband was shot through the back and died instantly.' I cannot say "how terribly grieved we all are. Eor over two years we have been training together, and looking forward to coming out and doing our bit. and then returning home with a firmly established frjendsliip ; but it was not to be, and we all feel his loss most dee]ily. His men were devoted to him, and since we had been out here their devotion had increased, and they had got to love him. His conduct was always most thouglitful, and he was a most clever and capable officer, and his loss to the battalion and to the country is very great." and Major F. Brook: ** It may he of comfort to you to know that your husband was absolutelv fearless. He was a grand leader, and it was a bad day for the liattalitm when he fell. His men had absolute faith in him. and their faith wa,s well founded." Lieut. A. E. Pilley also wrote : " He was a man whose friendship was worth cultivating. He was an authority on all things military. He had a great sense of humour, an unending flow of good spirits and cheerfulness. You ought really to be proud of him. The whole battalion here has been for a long time, and particularly since we came out here. By his own men he was simplv worshi|)ped. They have done nothing hut talk about him since his death. "Not onlv have they recalled his actions, but h'm])athetic, and kindly helpful. To no one did he speak roughly or unkindly." He was a finr- judge of charactx^r, and was firm or i)ersnasive as the occasion demanded." and Coy. Qnartermaster-Scrgt. J. Goose : " I am writing- vou on behalf of the N.C.O.'s and men of B Coy. 2,4th Battn. Kind's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry). It is with the deepest regret that I have to write you on such a painful matter. All our sympatliy is with yon in your sad bereavement. Your husband was worshiiiped by all ranks. He had no tear at all. and there is no one in the com- pany who would not have faced death with him unhesjtatinglv. His courage and coolness under heavy fire was an example to all. His onlv thoughts were for the comfort of his men— he had no thought of his own comfort." Shortly before lie was killed he had been going round to the men to cheer them up by telling them there would be some gof)d meals for them when tliev got out of the trenches." He m. at Trinity Presbyterian Church. <'langhton," Birkenhead, 7 July. 1911. Dora Kllen (Woodlands Cottage. Sandal. Wakefield), dau. of William Hughes, of Hoylake. and had two daus.. Hilbre Elizabeth, 6. 11 May, 1912, and liorothy Barbara, b. 17 July. 1910. BELLAMY, G., Private, No. 8561, 2nd Battn. The Rovai Irish Regt. ; .served with the l!:xp's think of him with adrniration," and Capt. Vancour. R.F.C. : " It was a frightful lilow to us all wlu-ii >our son went down, for he was most popular in the me.ss. and we all thouglit a great deal of him. He was always so cheery and full of life and sikIi a plucky little fellow." Major Gordon, Second in Command 10th Royal Irish Rifles, after the fighting at Thiejjval. wrote : " Under the most dillicult circunistaiices and murderous fire he behaved with coolness and gallantry lor two wliole days and nights, in spite of his being the only otticer left in bis c(iiM|iaii,\ . 1 am sure you wiil feel proud of him, as we all do." He was awarded the .Military Cross for ■gaUantry in action on 1 July [London Gazette, 20 Oct. 1910). the oflicial record stating : " For conspicuous gallantry in action. Where Ins platoon had suffered heavy casualties, he railed all available men and got them forward into the enem\- lines. Later, wlieii put in charge of an attack, he reached his objective, con- solidated it. and held it against rejieated liombing attacks." I'nm. BENNETT, A., Sergt., No. 7483, 1st Battn. The Hampshire Regt.; served with the I'^xpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 22 Sept. 1914. BENNETT, A. E., I'rivate. No. 8260, 2nd Battn. The Oxfordshire and Buck- inghamshire Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force ; UWWd in action 21 Oct. 1914. BENNETT, CLARENCE, StoU. r. No. Jir.6, H.M.S, Arabia. 4th s. of Henrv liennrtt. '•i 21. Ash Row. Hovie Mill. Barnsjev. bv his uife. Lucy; 6. Hoyle Mill, Banislev, co. Sork, 20 May. 1895; educ. Arsley ; was a Collier; joined the Navv in Mav, 1915 ; served on H M.S. (iibraltar. H.M.S. Cambrian, II. M.S. \igvle and H.;\I.S. Arabia, and was drowned III th.- Nortli Sea U Fel). 1910. BENNETT, EDWARD JAMES, Private. \o. 2;U95. 16th (Service) Battn. The WeUh Kegt., 2nd .s. of Robert lie tt. of 62. Miniiv Street, Cathays. Cardilf. liy his wife. Poil.\. dau. of James Bowering, of Rhvmuev ; b. Cardill. 20 Oct. 1895 ; educ. Crewys "Road Ctumcil Seliool there: was a Builder; i-ulisted 10 Dec. ]iil4: strvi-d with the lixpeditionary Force in Trance and Flanders from 7 Dec. 1915, and was killed in action at .Maiiietz Wood 7 July, 1910. Buried tin re. His Conimanding tUhcer. writing to liis |)arents. -.aid : " He was in thi- front line of action, and wi-iit through \er\ severe figliting. and l)otli otiiiers and mi'n tetf the loss ot a trvie and faithful soldier and comrade." He was a member of the C'rewys Hall Presby- terian Church and Sunday School, and was' a keen sportsman ; nnm. BENNETT, G., Drummer, No. 10285, 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt.; served with the Kxpetlitionarv Force in l*'rance ; died of wounds 7 Oct, 1914. BENNETT, L., Private. No. 11906. 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt.; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed ^^ ^ in action 3 Oct. 1914. ■^ .^^W ""^ "'N.' BENNETT, THOMAS EDMUND, Sergt . V^^^^ ' No. 56273. Roval Armv .Midieal Cnrj.s. 2ntl .^. of John Henry Bennett, of 15. Clare Koad. Bontle, by his wife. Agnes, dau. of Edmund Alderson:' b. Walton, 1 Jan. 1889; i-diie. liedford Road Board School. Bootle ; volun- teered and enlisted 15 Feb. 1915, and died of fever in tlie Military Hosj.ital, Western Heights. Dover, 21 Julv. 1916. Buried in St. James's Cemetery there. Capt. H. W. Sniitli, R.A.M.C. wrote to his witV : " The Hospital Ship Cambria came in this morning, when we heard that Sergt Bennett had died yesterday morning. As Commanding Officer of the troops. I have come up here to offer you the sincere sympathy of all on board, othcers. sisters and men of the ship's crew, who were all very attached to your hus- band. . . ." He m. at Bootle. Liverpool, Jessie Thomasine (28, Brook Road, Bootle), 2nd dau. of William Griffiths, of Oldham, Licensed Victualler; .".p. BENNETT, W., L.-Corpl.: No. 6529, l.st Battn. The Gloucestershire Regt'. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. BENNETT, W., Private. No. 9977, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles; served with the KxiJcditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. BENNETT, W. S., Private. No. 8967. 1st Battn. The Bedfordshire Regt. ; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France; killed in action 24 Aug. 1914. BENNEY, EDWARD HARVEY, Corpl., No. 45719. 9th (Service) Battu. The Devonshire Regt., 2nd *\ of Edward Henry Benney, of Trecoyse Farm. Cnustar'- tine. Farmer, by his wife, Laura, dau. of Henry Harvey, of Trengrove. Constan- tine, Y'eoman ; 6. Constantine, co. Cornwall, i Oct. 1891 ; educ. Old (iramm.ir {now Secondary) School. Helston ; was employed on his father's farm; joined the 2/lst Royal Devon Yeomanry (T.F.) 12 Oct. 1914 ; transferred to the Devon- shire Regt. early in Dec. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and I-'landers from Dec. 1916, and was killed in action near Bapanme 11 March. 1917. Buried in the vicinity of Puisieux, west of Bapaume. He was a keen sportsman, a fine horseman and an excellent shot : num. BENNINGTON, ALEXANDER JOHN, Sergt., 2nd South Canterbury Regt.. New Zialand Fx])f'ditionary Force. 3rd s. of James Bennington, of Geraldine. New Zealand. Bool Maker, by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Josei)h Pitt ; b. Can- terbury, New Zealand, 4 April, 1891 ; educ. District High School, Geraldine. Canterbury, New Zealand ; was employed by Messrs. I\lorrison iV: Co., General Merchants, Geraldine : joined the Territorial Force 1 Nov. 1909. and took a great interest in the band, playing the euphonium ; on the outbreak of war was callcil up for service ; left for Egypt with the Main Body 16 Oct. 1914 ; subsequently served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary P'orce at Gallipoli : was one of the bombing party at Quin's Post, when a bomb exploded and wounded him, and ho died from shock 2 June. 1915. Buried at Anzac Cove (Hillside Cemetery). A comrade wrote ; " I saw Lieut. Wilson in the hospital, he was in charge of the platoon of which Alex was Sergt. ; he told me Ale.x was one of the bravest boys he ever saw. He said in all the work he did. and most dangerous work at times, he never made a complaint, but was always bright and cheerful." He was uii enthusiastic sportsman ; held the local challenge cup for shooting for several years ; was also a keen football and hockey player, and a good swimmer ; unm. BENNION, BERT, Private. No. 10926. The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Con- sort's Own). 3rd .'•■. of the late Robert Bennion, Licensed Victualler, by his wife. Edward James Bennett. The Roll of Honour 23 Mary Ann, dau. of Robert Brotliers ; b. Stafford, 13 May, 1886 ; educ. Fox Street School, Birmingham ; was employed by Messrs. (Jaskfll :uul Cliamber^. Dale End ; enlisted in 1915, and after training for lour ni'Miths. s.rv<-d uitli tin- Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, was n'i)()rt((l iiiis-;jriir, ami later wounded, on 19 Sept. 1916, and is now assumed to havi- lucn killed on or about that date. A comrade wrote : '* He came out of hosjiital on tho morning of 19 Sept. 1916, and went down to the battalion the same day, and was on patrol duty, and was wounded by a sniper ; that was all that was known of him. He was seen carried away to the dressing station, but what became of him after nobody knew. I fear he must liavc got hit again. They speak of him as a good sort of a soldier, and always willing, and fearing nothing." He m. at Birming- ham, 2 Aug. 1910, Elizabeth, dau. of Arthur Dugard, and had a dau., Elizabeth, b, 11 Oct. 1912. BENTLEY, ARCHIBALD ARTHUR DOUGLAS, Private, No. M. 2/114701, Mechanical Transport, A.S.C. *.-. of Joseph Bentley, Sergt., Royal Artillery, by his wife, Jane, dau. of James Tall ; b. Secunderabad, India, 30 April, 1881 : ednc. there, and Plymstoek. near Plymouth: was a Taxi Driver: •■nlistcd 2S June, 1915 ; served with tin- Kx])t'ditionary Force in France and Flanders irom 19 July following ; was wuundid by a bomb 18 Oct. 1917. and died thr tollowinu day at No. 10 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried in Lyssenthoek British Sol- diers' Cemetery, near Poperinglie. His Commanding Otticer wrote : " He was wounded by an aerial bomb, while Ijoarding liis car on tht^ night of the 18th. and died shortly after. He was a willing and tlioroughly satisfactory soldier. i>opuIar alike with his comrades and officers, bv whom liis death is deeply felt." He m. at Buckland, in 1902. Matilda Elizabeth, dau. of the late Richard Andrews, R.N., and liad three children. BENTLEY, CLAUDE LOUIS, 2nd Lieut., 15th (Service) Battn. The High- land Liglit Intantrv. 2nd \- of .lolm iieorge Edwin Bentley, bv his wife. Lilv May (32, (icorur Stnet, Kdinbniuli) : h. K.linbiiri^li. 2:i Feb*. 1892; educ. Edin- burgh Institntjnii, and Cliltcjii }lini>r Schnnl. Harrn.^ate ; went to AiLstralia in June, 1909. and settled at Wee Waa. New Soutli Wales, where ho took up cattle rearing ; was on hi.s way to England for a lioliday wlien war broke out ; enlisted in the Army Service (Jorp.s Keniounts in Oct. 1914 : served witli the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Nov, ; obtained a commission in the Highland Light Infantry Dec. 1915, and subsequently returned home for training ; went back to l-Yance 16 June, 1916 ; took part in the Battle of the Somme, when a.s Sniping, Bombing and Intelligence Officer he saw nuich severe fighting, and was accideiitaliy killed at Halloy 23 Dee. following. Buried in the French Comnumal CeTuetery. St. (^len. Lieut. -Col. H. J. W. Davis wrote : " Among the many duties he so ably jierformed in this battalion was that of Bombing Instructor. He was teaching some men to tlu-ow live grenades yester- day, when one of the ineii. thrcjuuh iier\ uusness apparently, did not throw the grenade clear of the trench they were standing in for safety. The grenade began to roll back into the trench, and your boy — always wry quick and resourceful^ told the men in the trench to jump out, and did so luniself. He was the first to act, and meanwhile the Corpl. Instructor saw that the grenade had stopped rolling, and would b\irst in a second or two on top of the trench, so he shouted to the others to stay in the trench and lie down, thereby saving them, only the thrower of the grenade being slightly wounded of those in the trench. . . . Your boy was one of the best officers in the battalion, and one whom I had grown to like and value as a friend. He was so hard-working, painstaking and reliable, and always elieery and helpful. He was of the very greatest assistance to me during reeint fighting, and had more to do with the ruTiniu-^ of the liattaiinu as a whole than ahunst anyone in it. lutelliuence Officer, Sni|>ing Orfie.r and IJonib- ing Ottieer— tliese were some ul the duties that he did for us. and did extremely well," and the Chaplain, the Ki v. Ewm Maclean : " I knew your boy well, and I liked him, and many a contiriintial eliat we had together. He was so cheerful, so courteous, and so kind. Wiiativer he took up he did witlt enthusiasm. He was one of our most cajiable officers, and the battalion can ill atford to lose liim. He was popular with his fellow officers. The men loved liim. I know how genuine their grief was over his death." He was mentioned in Despatches by (ieneral Sir Dougla.s Haig, for good work as Intelligence Officer at Thidpval and Beaumont Harae! ; Kum. BENTLEY, HELLEWELL, Stoker. No. K. 15255, H.M.S. Begonia. R.N., x. of the late .loliii William lientley, by his wife. Mary Jane (73. liowden Street, Stockport), dau. oi .Fohn Peacock; and brother to A.-B. H. Bentley (q.v.) : b. Burnley. 2 Mareii. 1894 ; educ. St. Matthew's Church Selionl. Stockport ; joined the Navy in 1911, and was lost at sea 6 Oct. 1017. while sirviug on H.M.S. Begonia,; vnm. BENTLEY, HENRY, A.-B., No. 21845. Suhmnrine E 47. R.N.. s. of the late John William lientlev. Engineer, by his wife. Mary Jane (73 Bowden Street. Stockport), dau. of John Peacock; and brother to Stoker H. Bentley {q.r.)-; b. Rochdale. 9 Dec. 1896 ; educ. St. Matthew's Church School, Stockport ; joined the Navy 8 Jan. 1913, and was lost at sea 23 Aug. 1917, while serving on a submarine : unm. BENTLY, J., Private, No. 9839, Tlie Durham Light Infantry ; served witli the Exijeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Sept. 1914. BENTON, SAMUEL WESTWOOD, Rifleman, No. 2759. 16tli Itattu. ((Jueen's Westminster HiHes) The London Regt. (T.F.), 3rd .y. of the late I'hiliip Benton, by his wif.-, Lvdia Marv {(Jlaisdale. Leicester Road. Wanstead Iv). dau. of the late Charles Francis, of Southchurcli ; b. Great AVakering, co. lOssex, 1 Dec. 1885; educ. Bancroffs School, Woodford; was a Clerk in the Prudential Assurance Companv ; enlisted in Aug. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; and Flanders from 4 July, 1915 : was reported missing after the fighting at Gommeeourt, and is now assumed to have been killed tiiere I July, 1916 ; num. BENYON, JOSEPH, L.-Corpl., No. 18458, Ist Battn. (22nd Foot) 'I'lie ClM-hiy Regt., vst. s. of tlie late Kobi-rt Menyon, ( n:,| Merchant, bv his wife. Mary (80, Westniin-tn Koad. Hoole. Chester), dau. of Thomas Feuua ; /;. Huole, eo. Chester. 14 Jan. 1884; educ. All Saints' School there ; was an Assistant in the Oil Refinery at Messrs. Lever lirothers. Bort Sunligiit ; enlisted in the 3rd Cheshire Regt. 17 Nov. 1914; served with the Kxpeditionary I'oree in France and Flanders from 11 Jan. 1915, where he was three times wounded; transferred to the 1st Cheshires ; returned to i;ns.'land 8 April. 1916 ; left for Eiryi-t on H.M.S. Irooi.shi]) Transylvania 19 Ai)ril, 1917. and was lo-t when that ship was torpedoed 4 May lollowiH'i. He m. at the Church of Christ. (lii-tei. U March, 1904, Lorna Grace (77. Fountain Street. Birkenhead), dau. of Robert Harris, and had six children : Robert, b. 24 Jan. 1906 (rf. 6 March. 1912): Joseph, b. 14 June, 1909 (rf. 19 June. 1912) ; Thomas, b. Joseph Benyon. 6 May, 1912 ; Leslie Joseph, b. 23 March. 1915 ; John Walter, b. 26 April, 1917, and Emily, b. 23 Sept. 19U7. BERISFORD, LEONARD. Private. No. 44216, lltli (Service) Battn. The Royal Sassex Kegt., a. of the late Isaiie Berisford, by his wife, Louisa (Shaw's Farm, Tissington, near Ashbourne), dau. of Thomas (and Mar>') ^^ Brown ; b. Ashover Hay, 1 March, 1895 ; ^S/tltUt^k educ. there ; was a Farmer ; enlisted in the r ^ 4tli (Extra Reserve) Battn. The Prince of f ft Wales's 0\vn North Stalfordshire Regt. 27 1 ^^ ■ April, 1916. from which lie was transferred to J iff ^(\ f ^ the Royal Sussex Regt. : served with the l-jxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 26 Aug.. and was killed in action at Vpres, 1 March. 1917. Buried in the Railway Dug-outs Burial Ground (Transport Farm), Zillebeke, one and a lialf miles south-south-east of Ypres. His Sergt. wrote : " He was respected by all iu Ids company and also by his officers. I can assure you we grieve Ids loss very much, and feel as though we had lost a brother. He was a brave lad and died at his post. No. 3 Platoon will miss him very . „ . , . much. He was so well liked bv all who knew Leonard Ber.sford. ^^^„ jj„^ BERNEY, D., Corjil.. Xo. 10071, 2nd Battn. TIk- Coimausht Ranaers ; served with till- Expfditionary Force in France; killed in action 1 Xov. 1914. BERRY, ERNEST FRANK, Private, Xo. 13466, l:!th (Service) Battn. Ilie Eoval Su^isex Ite.'t » of illred Ernest Berry, of Riicklord, Hurst pierpoint, co. Sussex ■ b Firl.- "l.ewes. CO. Sussex, 3 Jlay, 1S9S ; educ. there ; was a County Accountant's Clerk ; enlisted 25 June, 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 5 May, and was killed in action at Ypres 1 Aug. 1917. Xn ofticer wrote : " He was a good soldier and very popular amongst his eumrades and liigh in the esteem of the officers." C'jim. BERRY F. Private No 6834, 2nd Battn. The King's lloyal Rifle Corps; serveil w'ith till- Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. BERRY FRANCIS, Private, Xo. 40069, 2nd Battn. (25th Foot) The King's Own Scottish Borderers, only .«- of Francis Berry, of Minto, Hawick, Korester to the Earl of Minto on his Roxhurgh and Selkirksliire Estates, by his wife, Catherine, dan. of John Mereliant. * Farmer ; b. CuKiuoieh. Towie. CO. .\berdeen, 19 Jan. 1896 : educ. .Minto Public srinary Corps ; served with the Exi)editionary Force in France ; died of heart failure 5 Xov, 1914. 24 The Roll of Honour Robert Sidney Belts, BETTS, FRANK WILLIAM JOHN, Private. No. 30904. 2nd Battn. (11th Foot) The Devonshire Re^t., yst. s. of Oliver lietts, of 5. Harmsworth Street, Keiminston Park. S.E., by his wife, i-uey J., dau. of William Mathews; b. Keiinington Park, London, S.E., 15 Jnne. 1898 ; <'d\ic. West Square, St. George's Road, Soutliwark. S.E., and St. Georsc's CoUetic Kin^sway, W.C. ; was a Clerk ; enlisted 20 Feb. 1917; served with the ExpiMlittonary Force in France from 20 July, and was killed in action at PIocfistetTt. north of Annenti/res, 5 Sept. folIowinK. An otTut-r wrote : *' He was one of the host lads in the platoon, and liis sergL-ant till-; nic that he was brave and rhciTful to the last." Vmn. BETTS, ROBERT SIDNEY, Doctor. H.A.M.C. 2nd s. of Kobert Spikon Hitts, late of Holbcek. near Horncastle, co. l.hieoln. by his wife. Lydia, dau. of Kobert (irundy Settle; h. Holbeck aforesaid, 11 June. 18(i;j ; ' educ. Harlow, co. Essex ; Indor, and Charing Cross Hospital, where he obtained his L.R.C.P. in 1888. and his M.R.C.S. the same year; was for a ti.nie a Siirir.oii in ttip Kastorn Telegraph Company, snbsiquenlly |ir;ntising as a Medical Practitioner in HiyliMatf. Lueknow and Cape Town, and later in Bournemouth. On the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914, he gave up his practice in Hampshire, and. volunteering for service in France, joined the R.A.M.O. Nov. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; returned to England in Dee, i'.)ir», wlini he was appointed Assistant Me(iie;il Sii|" rinti-ndent at the Milton Asylnm. Portsnioutli. and died there 31 Oct. loio. from heart failure, following influenza. He m. at St. Mary's. Farnham Royal, co. Bucks. 8 May, ISOl Florence Jane (Benlah, Snrrench-n. Brighton), dau. of Capt. Henry Ingle Baylis. ;3nl Gurkha Rifles, Bengal Infantry. Indian Army, and granddau. of Judge' Thomas Henry Baylis, K.C., and had a dau.. Kathleen Eugenic An- toinette Montgomery, h. 11 Nov. 1897. BEVAN, Jm Private, No. 12990, 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. BEVERIDGE, ARTHUR DOUGLAS, Private. No. 300672, i;8th (Terri- torial) IJattn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), 3rd s. of Robert Beveridge, of 33. Hollybank Terrace, Edin- burgh. Macer of Justiciary, by his wife, Helen, dau. of .\rchibald Johnston; b. Edinburgh. 13 Dec. 1891; fduc. James Gillespie's School. Edinburgh : was a Clerk ; enlisted 14 Nov. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 May, 1915 ; WHS wounded at lieaumont Hamel 13 Nov. 1910. and was killed in action at the Chemical Works. Knuex. about six miles east of Arras, !;'> May. I1U7. His ('onimanding Ollicer wrote : "I regret to say that your sou was killed on 15 May. while tiie battalion were in the line in front of the Clieruical Works at Rouex, about six miles east of Arras. He was sent with a message from his company to Headquarters, and while carrying out that duty he was killed by a shell. Your son undertook this duty at a' very critical time, as all the usual runners had been knoi-ked out. and it was important that eoniniuriieatidii >liould be maintained. He was a splendid typo of the typical Hiiihlaml --iiMi.r. carrying out all he had to do with a cheerfulness and a keenness wliicJi made him liked by botli otlicers and lU'-ii alike. I only knew him for a little while, as I had only shortly joined the battalion, but I was struck with his cheerful temperament nail unswerviTig sense; of duty." f'nm. BEWS, WILLIAM, Private. No. 493, 31st llattn. Australian Imperial Force, 3rd s. of the late David Bews. Farmer, by his wile. Jessie (North Footie, Torphins), dau. of John Gordon, Farmer; b. Torphins. co. Aberdeen, 11 .\pril. 1888 ; educ. Public School there ; went to Australia in Aug. 1911. and settled in Queensland, where he took up agricultural work ; volunteered for Imperial Service, and joined the 31st Battn. Australian Imperial Force in July. 1915 ; went to Egypt in Nov. ; served with the Exi)editionary Form in France and Flanders from May. 1916 ; was wounded in July, and invalided to ICngland ; returned to France in Nov., and was killed in action 19 Jan. 1917. Buried liehind the line wdierc he fell ; unm. BEYNON, WILLIAM CHARLES, 2nd Lieut., 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Koyal Welsli Fusiliers, attd. 2nd Battn. (24tli Foot) The South Wales Borderers, eldest s. of Enoch Beynon, of 18, George Street, Swansea, by his wife. Bessie, dau. of Charles Le Batt ; b. Swansea, co. (Jiainorgan. 23 March, 1888; educ. Swansea Grammar School, and Abervstw\th Cniversity. where he graduated B.A. with Honours in 1909, and gained ttie dij.lotna of A.R.C.O. in 1912; sub- sequently became Assistant School Master at lirynniill School. Swansea, and Professor of Economics at the Technical College there ; joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. 10 Nov. 1915 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Koyal Welsh Fusiliers 5 Sept. 1916; served with the ICxiirditionary Force in Kranee from 23 Fob. 1917. and died in No. 41 Casualty Clearinu station 4 May following, from wounds recei^■cd in action at Arras 23 April. Buried in the Itritish Cemetery at Duisans. His Commanding Officer wrote : '* Your son took part in an attack on 23 April, and it was while leading his men that he was hit. His death is a great loss to us all. He was a most promising otticer, reliable, and fearless." Unm. BIANCHI, J., Pri\ate. No. 589. 1st Battn. The Northumberland Fusiliers ; served with the Exjieditionary Force in Frau<-e ; died of wounds 13 Nov. 1914. BICKERSTETH, STANLEY MORRIS, Lieut. (Acting Capt.), 15th (Service) Battn. The Prince of Wale>"s t)wn (West Yorkshire Regt.). s. of Dr. Samuel Bickersteth. of The Precincts, Canterbury. Canon of Canterbury and Chaplain to the King, bv his wife, Ella Chlora Faithfnil, dau. of Sir Monlcr Monier- Williams, K.C.LE., D.C.L. : b. The Yicarage. Belvedere, co. Kent. 1 June. 1891 ; educ. St. David's. Reigate : Rugbv. and Christ Church, Oxford : was gazetted Lieut, to the Prince of WalrsV (iwn (West Yorkshire Regt.) 2,') Sept. 1914; served with the Eg\ptian l-^xpeditionary Force in Egypt from 7 Dec. 1915. to Feb. 1916, when he proceeded to France, and was killed in action while leading his men in tiie attack on Serre during the Battle of the Somme, 1 July, 1916. Buried on the battlefield ; nmn. BICKNELL, H., Private, No. 1162, 1st Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Sept. 1914. BIDGOOD, W. F. P.» Driver. No. 00724. 113th Battery R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 19 Sept. 1914. BIGG, H. J., Private, No. 8532. 2nd Battn. The Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of woimds 22 Oct. 1914. .\rthur D. Beveridge. BIGGS, HENRY NELSON, Corpl., No. 18823, 6th (Service) Battn. The Buffs (East Kent Regt.). «. of the late George Biggs, by his wife, Phyllis (Goring); b. Isleworth, co. Middlesex. 30 June, 1888 ; educ. The Blue School there, was a Warder at Borstal Institution ; enlisted 26 June. 1016 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 27 Sept. 1916. and wjus killed in action 13 Aug. 1917. by a trench mortar, while shelt^'ring in a dug-out in the Arras sector. Buried on the Cambrai Road. His Commanding Ollicer wrote; ** Ho was loved bv all in the company, and he was one of the best N.C.O.'s, and I feel his loss greatly." He m. at Brize-Norton, co. Oxon. 4 Now 1909, Florence (Pretoria Villa. WoodthoriH- Road. Ashford. co. Middlesex), dau. of Edmund JovrH's, anil had three children : Donald Nelson, b. 1 Sept. 1011 : Muriel Gladys. b. 6 Nov. 111)4. and Phyllis Katbh-en. b. 10 April. 1916. BIGNELL, v., Private, No. 8563. 2nd Battn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry); served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action IB Sept'. 1914. BIGNELL, WILLIAM HENRY, Coy. Sergt.-Major, No. 2611. 13th (Service) Battn. Tlie Royal Sussex Regt., s. of the late William BigneH. by his wife, Maria, dan. of George Lee ; b. Hastings, 22 Jan, 1871 : _ oduc. there; enlisted 12 June. 1801; served with the 1st P.attn. (3.-.lh Fool) in the South African campaign; later itroeeeded to India, and joiTied tlir 2nd Battn. (ll)7t,h Foot), serving with this nnit uiitd its relief by the 1st Battn.. til whieh iie was n-t ransferred ; lelt the Army 11 June. 1012, and re-enlisted in tlie I3th (Ser- viei) Battn. 11 Jan. 1915; served with the l^xpeditionary Forc<' in France ami I'landers Inun 3 March. 1916. and died at No. 56 Cjisualty Clearing Station, rnuiee. 21 July, 1917, of aeute nephritis, contract ed wbil*- on active -^1 rvice. Buried at Edgehill, near Albert. He was awarded the Soutli African Medal with rwo clasps, also the Long Si'rvire and Good Conduct Medal, and was granted temporary lank of 2nd Lieut. 19 July. 1917. Ho m. at siindon. near Arundel. 6 Feb. 1902. Mary (1. Chermside Yillas, Summcrdale, Chirhester). dau. of the late Rufus Green, of Slindoti, and. had six children : Wilfred Edward, b. 8 Dec. 1906; Charles Alfred, b. 16 Sept. 19UI ; W^illiain ■ "" . b. A Oct. 1908. and Gcorgina William Henry Bignell. Etlward IJarnard Hilton. 1904; George Albert. /;. St Nov Henry, b. 18 Oct. 1913; Lvdia Anastasia Marv, Editli Florence, b. 10 May. 1916. BILLINGHAM, C, Private, No. 7083, 1st Battn. The Bedfordshire Regt. ; served witli till' Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914 BILLINGS, T. J., Private, No. 8344. 3rd Battn. The Oxfordshire and Bucking- liamshire Light Inlantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. BILTON, EDWARD BARNARD, Capt.. 1/lst Tlie Highland Cyclist Battn, (T.F.). attd. 2/5111 (Territorial) Battn. The Kiu'Xs Own (Yorksliire bight In- fantry), elder .>^. ol tlie late Ildward Stanton Hilton, by his wile. Susanna (lut-/ of Coombe. Wimbledon Park, S.W.). dau. ot the late William Barnartl ; b. Bonwell, co. Nortlmmberland. 18 June, 1887 ; edne. Charter- house, and Clare College. Cambridge ; was a I'.arrister and a inendxr i>t tlie Inner Temple : (.htaiiicd a eoniiiiissii)n ,;is 2nd Lieut, in the lle_dila[id Cvclist Battn. 14 Nov. 1914; was lirnmutod Lieut. 31 March. 1915, and Capt. Hi .Mine, 1916. when he was attached to the J .">tli llattn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light lidantrv). and s.rved at the Battn. Head- i|uarter> as Int-lligence Otlicer ; served with I he Expeditionary Force in Franer and I'landers irom Jan. 1917, and was killiti in action near \lbert 15 March following, while making a <' (..i.Miii— aiiee towards tlie eiieiiiv during ,M, ,eiv;uir,. Buried on the balllelirld near \rlih i-ir-1'. tit. His Commandiie.: OOicer wT'-ir ; *■ H<' was one of the tinest and liravest -Dliiiers it has been my privdegi- U> know, lb j.ossesscd great natural gifts, and would, 1 know, have gone far in any profession. He was my Intelligence Ollicer, and did extraordinarily good work all the time, and will be quite impossilile to replace. W'o, both officers and men. wore devoted to him. He died a hero's drath; none hi the war have done more. He is a fine example to us all." and a Imttlur ollieir : " He was a very valuable otlicer. He acted with splendid rouragr and judgment in our last operation. Me was on dut>' in a dangerous situation for 30 hours, was slightl\' wonmleil. Imt eairird on undaunted, and gave us \ery valuable inlnniiafion. savuig niany li\i s " \n '2nd Lieut. 15 July, 1015. beini: pronior..! Lieut, a year later; -< rv'd with Tin- l^xiniiitionary Force in France anil Flaiult i>- iroTn li;; s,-pt. 1916, and was killed in action m-ar Bullerourt 27 May, 1917. by a shell while liolding front-line trenches. Buried in Croiseltes Military Cemetery. Col. ^Menzies wrote : " He was a good yoxmg officer of great promise, one of the type who are a ^eat loss to any battalion. He was a good leader, and. like myself, the men had great confidence in liim," and Major A. E. Moss : " He was loved bv his men. And it was with tears in his eyes tliat his servant came to me and informed me of his death." He was an accomplished golfer and angler, and played forward for the Glasgow Academicals. BINNS, G. W., Private. No. 8121. 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Exp'ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 25 Sept. 1914. BINNY STEUART SCOTT, D.S.O.. Lieut.-Col.. Comdg. 10th (Service) Battn. The Boval Welsh Fusiliers, and late Major 19th (Queen Alexandra's Own Roval) Hu-^sars, only ,v of the late John Binny. of Sydney, New South Wales, by his wife. Elizabeth Maria (Brent Eleigh. Haywards Heath), dau. of the late Hon. Robert Johnson. M.L.C.. of Brooksby, Sydney. New South Wales ; and gdson. of the late William Scott Binny. of Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W., late senior partner of Binny A: Co., Madras : b. Sydney, New South Wales. 1 July. 1871 : educ. Bengeo. co. Herts ; Hailey- hnry Collegf*. and in Germany ; was a very kriii crickfter, and member of the M.C.C. and 1-rti- l-i)n--tfrs. and a very good shot; gazetted to tin- I'.ttli Hu-ssars 2 Jimc. 1894 ; promoted Major 6 Jvdy, 1910 ; served with distinction througliout the South African War of 1900, with his regiment, including operations in Natal. 1899, and actions at Reitfontein and Lombard's Kop, and Defence of Ladysmith ; also opera- tions in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony (mentioned in Despatches [London Ga- zette. 15 Nov. 1901] ; D.S.O. : Queen's Medal with tliree clasps and King's Medal with two clasps) ; was Adjutant of his regiment thr East Kent Yeomanry 1905-8, and on the Steuart Scott Binny. Eric Wykehani Birch. from 1901 to 1904. and of Staff at Sandhurst from 1910 to March 1914, when he retired from the Army. On the outbreak of war he was appointed Railway Transport Otficer, and later promoted to D.A. Director of Railway Transports, and mentioned in F.M. Sir John (now Lord) French's Despatch [London Gazette, l Jan. 1916] : appointed to command the 10th (Service) Battn. The Royal W-Nh Fu-iliers Feb. 1916. and was killed instantaneously in action neai Ypres. ?, Man li. lltlti. by the bursting of a shell in his dug-out. Buried at Shoilbank, near Zillel'eke. He m. at St. Peter's, Eaton Square, W.. Jan. 1911, Marjorie, dau. of Henry Champion, of Sibdon Castle, co, Salop, and had two children : John Anthony Francis. 6, at U, The Terrace, Roval Military College, Sandhurst, 13 Dec. 1911, and Susan, b. 15 June, 1914. BIRCH, A., Private, No. 9320, 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire Regt. ; served with. (he Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 24 Aug. 1914, BIRCH, ERIC WYKEHAM, M.C.. Lieut.. 2 ■4th (Territorial) Battn. The Duke of WolliriL'ton's (We-;t Riding Regt.), attd. Machine Gun Corps. 3rd and yst. s. of John Grant Birch, Merchant, by his wife. Nina (now wife of ( — ) Clay, of Wax- holme. Filev, CO. York), dau. of John Turn- hull ; b. Bedfont Lodge, co. Middlesex. 18 ^lay. 1892 ; educ. privately ; Rugby, and Wye Agricultural College, Kent, where In- had just completed his training when war broke out ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 4th West Riding Regt. 8 Oct. 1914. and was attached to the Slachine Gun Corps ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 24 June. 1916, and died at No. 3 Canadian Stationary Hosjiital. Doulleas, 16 Jan. 1917, from wounds received in action the previous day. Buried in the Comnumal Ceme- tery there. The Chaplain at the hospital wrote : " Lieut. Birch was brought here from the line on Monday with a dreadful woinid in his head. The shrapnel hail prnctrated from the side to the back of the skull. It was clear from the first that tliere was little or no chance ; but our expert surgeon. Capt. Lamb, a most competent man, threw himself into the work of helping him. and he was twice attended to by him. besides being carefully watched."' He was awarded the Military Cross [London (iazctte. 13 Feb. 1917], "for conspicuous gallantry in action. Although wounded, he took charge of some men near him, and led them to their first objective. Latrr, with an orderly, he captured 90 prisoners." Vnm. BIRCH, HAROLD LEE, Private. No. 21843, 19th (Service) Battn. The King's (Liverpool Hegt). only .s. of Thomas Birch, of 164. Granton Koad. Everton. Liverpool, liy liis wife, Sarah Ann, dau. of Peter Lee ; b. Everton. Liverpool, 18 Jan. 1889 ; educ. St. Saviour's School, and Liverpool Collegiate St-hool. Shaw Street; was employed by tin- Cunard Company as Steward; inlisted 19 Dec. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 1915, and was killed in action at Mericourt on 24 April following. Buried in the M^ricourt ^lilitary Cemetery. An officer wTOte : " He was one of the best in every way. a keen soldier, a willing worker, and a cheerful companion, and one of the most popular and highest esteemed men in his platoon." Vnm. BIRD, E., Private, No. 7639, 2nd Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 29 Oct. 1914. BIRD, ERIC JAMES, 2nd Lieut., 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Worcestershire Regt., 2nd s. of Walter Bird, of Blencatlira, Ewell Road. Surbiton, by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas J. Firminger ; b. East Dulwirh, 18 Sept. 1893 : educ. the City of London School ; was a Clerk on the Stock Exchange ; joined the Artists' Rifles 7 Aug. 1914, ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders : obtained a commission in the Worcestershire Regt., and died 25 April, 1917. of wounds received in action at the Battle of Arras. Buried at Duisans. His Colonel -wrote : " The attack commenced at dawn on the 23rd ; from the beginning he was the only officer left ; he gained the objective and beat off two count*-r-attacks. He was relieved on the 24th. and it was whilst coming back to his billet he was hit byslirapnel. An operation was performed, but he died on the 25th. A captain says they consider that it was the worst piece of luck the Worcesters have had during the war. He was loved by all." Unm . BIRD, FRANK, Private. No. 13279. 8th (S.Tvinj Battn. The King's Own (Yorkshin- Light Infantry), yst. s, of John Bird, of 29. Doncaster Road. Ardsley, near Barnsley. by his wife. Emilv. dau. of John Thewlis ; b. Stair- foot. 9 Jan. 1889: educ. there: was a Miner; enlisted 1 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Exi>edi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 21 Aug. 1915, and was killed in action at Albert li April, 1916. Buried there. Second Lieut. A. Donaldson wrote: "I might mention that lie was held in high esteem by all the officers and men in his company. He has been in my platoon since he joined the Army, and I can houe-tly sa>' that he was a brave and good ■^'ildier. and did his work well without com- plaint." Vnm. BIRD, W., Private. No. 4055, 1st Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps: served with the Exi>editionarv Force in France ; killed in Frank Bird. action 27 Oct. 1914. BIRD, WILLIAM, Rilleman, No. 13019. 9th (Service) Battn. The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), 4th s. of Eli Thomas Bird, of High Cross. Aldenham. CO. Herts, by his wife. Louisa, dau. of William Humbles : 6. 15 Feb. 1899 ; educ. Boys' Elementary Church of England School, Delrow ; was a Gardener ; en- listed in the 0th Rifle Brigade 11 June, 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 17 Sept. 1915. and was killed in action 17 Jan. 1916. His Captain wrote : " We were digging a new trench connecting two other trenches, and Bird was hit in the neck by a stray bullet : we managed to get liim down on a stretcher to the dressing station, but he died almost as soon as he got there and within an hour of being hit. We buried him just behind our second line. I am very sorry to lose Bird ; he had been in my company some time." Unm. BIRD. WILLIAM JAMES, Private, No. 14228, 7th (Service) Battn. The East Surrev Regt.. s, of Herbert Bird. Porter, bv his wife. Maggie Elizabeth, dau. of William Fordham ; b. Cambridge. 14 Oct. 1892 : educ. St. Giles's. Cambridge ; was a Gardener, and enlisted voluntarily in Oct. 1914 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France from 1 June, 1915, and died at the Northern Hospital. CO. York. 26 Julv, 1916. of wounds received in action. Buried at Cambridge. Hew. at Eghain Church, 3 June. 1916. Adelaide (64. Hythe Park Road. Staines. CO. Jliddlesix). dau. of WilliaTU H'-Tiry A.s|iland ; s.p. BIRDWOOD. HERBERT FREDERICK, Lieut.. 1 20th (Couutv of London) Battn. (Blackheath and Wnnlwieli) The London Regt. (T.F.), attd. Royal Flving Corps, onlv s, of Un^er Alan Birdwood. of 309, Richmond Road. Twicken- ham, M.A., and SM». CanilTiilge ; M.R.C.S. ; late Superintendent, Metropolitan Asylums Board, bv his wife. Agues, dau. of Hugh McCann : b, Harlesden. X.W., II Feb. 1894: educ. Mount St. Mary">. Chesterfield: City of London School. Blackfriars ; Peterhouse. Cambridge, and when war broke out was reading for the Law there; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 20th London Regt. from the Cambridge University O.T.C. 26 Aug. 1914. and promoted Lieut. 19 May. 1915: went to France in March. 1915. where he did nxuch service with the bombing section and trench mortar battery, and was ]»re>e[it at the Battle of Loos in Sept. In Dec. he was attached to tlie Royal Flying Curps. with temporary rank as Lieut., and shortly afterwards gained his first wing as an observer. On 2 March. 1916, he and Lieut. Palmer, escorted by one scout, were sent on a long reconnaissance to Lille, Valenciennes, Douay, Pont-a-Marcq, Mons-en-Perele. and aft*.'r flying 67 miles beyond the enemy's front, they were attacked by seven hostile machines, in one of which was Imnielniann. The jiilot. writing from a German hospital, stated that in the fight over Valenciennes the gun jammed. A message sub- sequentlv dropped into the British lines by an enemy airman reported that he was killed, and stated that the pilot. Lieiit. C. W. Palmer, was wounded, and he afterwards died. Lieut. Birdwood is said to Imve been buried at Soniain. Nord, France, by the German authorities. The Otficer Commanding No. 3 Squadron, R.F.C., wrote: "He was unfortunate to have encountered several hostile machines, amongst which, we now know, was Immelmann. one of Ger- many's most daring pilots. . . . We have lost one of our best observers, one who was alwa\s ready and willing to go anywhere and do anything." Cum. BIRKBV, HENRY ALEXANDER, 2nd Lieut.. 5th (Service) Battn. Princess Charlotte of \Vales-s( Royal Berkshire Rent.), yst. .v. of John Stewart Birkby,of22. Itridse Avenue Mansions, London. W., and his wife. Caroline Angeli<]ue. dau. of Major Henry Charles Spearman; late 66th Royal Berkshire Kegt., Lord of the Manor of Thornley. co. Durham: b. .St. Luke's, St. Heliers, Jersey. 20 Oct. 1889: educ. Victoria College. Jersey, and Xantua. Ain. France; served three years in •■ B " Troop. 7th Cavalry. C.s. Army, in The Philippiiu- Islands, and when war broke out in Aug. 1914, was holding an appointment in Los Angelic : returned to England ; applied for a commission ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Koyal Berkshire Kegt. U June. 1915: served «ilh the ExiH'ditionary Force in I'rancc and llanders from 27 March. 1916. and died in No. 33 Casualty Clearing Station, La Bassee, ^^^^^^^^ -l^* .\pril following, from wounds received in ^^ ^ A^^^^^^H action. Buried at Betlmne. His Commanding ^B^ :• Vl Jj^^^^^^H Oflicer wrote " He will be great loss to us, ^^^^^^^^^ and had he lived, would, I am sure. Iiave made a name for himself. During his short time with us he shewed great keenness and ability. He was most fearless and at times almost reckless." and a brother officer: " He was appointed to command onr snipers, and in a very short time raised their etfieieuey enormously. He was keener than anyone I have known, and had spent most of his last day and niglit crawling about in the mud and rain, in front of our front line (No Man's Land) looking for targets. He is a great loss to us." Vnm. Henry Alexander Birkby. 26 The Roll of Honour John Gordon Birney. BIRKETT, HAROLD WRKFORD, I'rivjitr. No. 4421)24. Ttli IlalMi. Cauiidian KxiH'ditionary Force, i-ldir s. <>t Louis liirki'tt. of SiuiitinT Hill, I'liisliluiist, v.o. Ki-nt, by liis wife, Aym-s. dau. of Saiinul Wrrlonl : h. ('hislrhur-t. Hi July, 1885 ; I'duc. Hailcybury f'ollc«e, and the South I'lastern Amicultiiial Colli-Lze, Wye ; was two years in Borneo, and in 1!)(IS wtuit to Canada'; was a Cluh Secretary there, and well known in the Okanafran Valley, liritish Colunihia. as a thorou^ii sportsumn ; enlisted in tlio Canadian Kxi)editionary Torce \h May. 1915. and e4in»e to ICnshnid. when he was appointed Seryt. -Instructor in boniii-tlirowing, tnuskctry. etc. ; went to Iranee June, 11)10. and was killed in aetion near Pozieres on tlie Soninie battlelront Sept. foUowini:, h\- shell tire. Ilurii'd tlicre. His Coniniandini: Oftieer wrote : " Voiir liusliand was killed iiuitc instantanionsly by a slull durijij; a hea\y honihardinent. We buried him behind flu- treneli. and marked his <.'rave as well as possilile. Your luisl)and wa.s a gentleman from head to toe." He ni. at Peaehland. liritish Colunibia, 10 April, 1912, Muriel Vida, yst. dau. of Arthur Xonus Pope, of Peaehland ; s.p. BIRNEY, JOHN GORDON, Ueiit., 1st liattn. (71st Foot) The Hiiihiand l,it:lit Infantry, only .t. of tlie late John Uanisay ^_^ . Hirney, Lieut,. U.K.. by his wife, Sarah Duii- euft (Kiliarney, Tunlirid^e Wells), dau. of Oeorjic Henry Worthington. of Hollinwood, CO. l^aneaster, J. P. ; and ydson. of Col. John liirney, of Kedcastle, co. Kirkiudbriirht ; b. Tunbridge Wells, co. Kent. U Jan^ 1898; ednc. Temple Grove ; Wineliester, and the Ko\al Military College, Sandhurst ; was -azctted 2n.l Lieut. Highland J.ight Infantry l."> Sijit. I'.il.). and promoted Lieut. 1 Jan. lltlT ; served with the Indian l'2xpeditionary I oree in Meso|iotamia from Feb. H)H), and \\as killed in action at Kut I'^ast .Mounds I I Jan. 1017. Buri(^d there. His Commanding otheiT wrote : " i considered him the liest of our young officers." and a brother officer: " It was so characteristic of your dear son, whose gnat unsellishness we all knew, to die tlihiking of others, and refusing to allow anotlier to endanger his life for his sake." Another also wrote ; " I can only tell vou that your son was gallantly leading his men in face of almost impossibilities." BIRRELL. ANDREW SMITH, 2nd Lieut., 6th (Service) liattn. The King's Own Scottish Borderers, only .v. of Andrew Birrell, F.F.I.S., School Master and Inspector of i'oor and Keuistrar. of LilliesU-af. Roxburgh, by his wife. Catherine, 5th dau. of Andrew Smith, ot (nits, co. Fife; b. Lesmahagow, co. Lanark. 3 May, 188t» ; edue. Lilliislraf Pul)lic School; was a Traveller employed bv .Messrs. J. and .1. Wilson. Wooll.-n .Men-hants, Kendal : enlisted 18 March, lOHi": joined the ICilJnbnrgh rniversity O T.C. ; obtained a eonimission 2.5 Oct. liHd ; served with the Lxpeditiouary Force in Fram-e and l'"landers from t) Jan. lf)17. and was killed inaction north east ot tlie Kiv<-rScari-e. during the Battle of Arras, !) April following. Jinried in tlie Kmbankment British Cemetery at St. Laurent, IJlangy, near Arras. His Chaplain wrote : " He was held in tlu- liighcst esteem, both for his noble ((uaiities as a man and his efficiency jw an otheer. Ho was a gallant nlhei-r and a tru<- gi-iitleman." He in. at Fdiniturgh, 5 July, 1910, Catherine Hiitton Young, dau. of John Wright. BIRSS, NORMAN, Sergt.. No. 2:J8(1. 7th (Territorial) Battn. The Gordon Highlanders. ;Jrd s: of James Jiirs.s. of Skene, co. Aberdeen. Police Constable, by his wife. Margaret, dan. of James Davidson : b. Kirktown, Skene, co. Aber- deen. V.i July, lHi):i : edue. Gordon's College, and Aberdeen University, where he was an Art student: joined the Territorial Force in 1013: volunteered for foreign service on the f)utbreak of war; went to France in May, 1915. and was killed in action at Jieaumont Hainel on the Soinme front 13 Xo\'. 1916: num. BISHOP, ALBERT HENRY, Private. No. 2:J391, C Cov., 2,'4th (Territorial) Batt[i. Tlie tjneen's Own ( Koyal West Kent Hegt.). s. of'Charli's Bishop, of 3. Willow Walk. Suodland. co. Kent, LaJKnirer. hv his wife, Ann Willard, dau. of Charles Henry Mayatt : b. Snodland. eo. Kent. !.'> Feb. 1898: edue. National Sc-hools there, and was afterwards i-niploved in the paper mills: joined the 4th Wc-st Kent Kegt. i:J Oct. 1010; served with the Ivgyj.tian i:xi»editionary Force in Kgyjit and Palestine from 20 Feb. 1917. and was killeil in action at Samson's Ridge 19 April following. Buried one and a half miles south of Gaza. His Connnanding Officer wrote : " He is a great lo.ss to us. especially to his many friends in No. 9 Platoon. He was loved and respected by all who knew him." Cum. BISHOP, C. E., Private, No. 1898, 1st Battn. The Koyal Warwickshire Regt. : served with the Expeditionary F'orce in France ; died of wounds 14 Oct. 1914. BISHOP, CHARLES HENRY, Private, No. 18883, (Jth (Service) Battn. The Buffs {Kast Kent Regt.). .s. of Nathaniel Bishop, by his wife, Susan, dau. of William Mole : b. 24 Sejit. 1875 : edue. at Snailwell. co" Suffolk : was a Shepherd ; enlisted in July. 1016: served witli the Ex])editionar>' Force in France and Flanders from the following Oct., and was killed in action 14 May. 1017. Hem. at Thurston, co. Suffolk, Harriet l^litebe (33, Lowther Street. S'ewmarket, co. Suffolk), dau. of Alfred Rowc. and had seven children : Fredric ('harlc-s, b. 1 Aug, 1902 : ICrnest I';dwin. b. 2L Dec. 1004 ; George, b. 2G March. 1906 ; Herbert Ronald, b. 20 Nov. 190H ; Jack. b. 21 Dec. 1912 ; Frank, b. 14 April, 1014, and KathleriL Phube. b. 5 Nov. 1910. BISHOP, F., (iunner. No. 47801, K.F.A. in France : ciicd 20 Oct. 1914. BISHOP, J.. Driver. No. 57353, R.F.A. ; in France : killed in action 14 Sept. 1014. BISHOP, JOHN ARCHIBALD, Private BISHOP, L. N.. Private, No. 9416. 1st Battn. The South Wales Bonii-rers : served with the l'>X|ieditiouary Force in France; killed in aeti .lutort War Hospital, Bristol, rcjoinetl his regiment in Egypt, June. 1916, and was killed in action at Gaza 26 March, 1917. The Cliaj)- lain wrote : " The battaHon made a mapiiflcent advance imder very heavy tire, and captured a ridge overlooking Gaza. AVe dug in on the top and held it all the afternoon and evening. One of the Generals said he had never sein a finer bit of work, and the whole battalion was congratulated." Vnm. BISSELL, J., Private. No. 10133, 2nd Battn. The Woreestersliire Regt.; served with the l-^xpeditionary Force in France ; killed in actif>n 21 Oct. 1914. BISSET, ALEXANDER WATT, Private, No. 16068. 4th Platoon. A Coy., 9tli (Service) Battn. ilie Black Watch (l{ing House of Messrs. Dugdaie. Evc-rton iV Co., Bridgewatcr House, Manchester : joined the R.F.A. (T.F.) 16 Oct. 1912 : was called up on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 ; served with the Medit-rranean Expeditionary Force inlCgypt from May, 1915, also in France and Flanders from F<*b. 1917, and was killed in action on the Menin Road, Ypres, 22 Sept. followinu. Buried there. His Captain wrote; "Your son. as you will know, was on the Battery Staff, and one of the best and clevenj^st signallers we had. as wr-ll as lieitiL' a very good soldier " I'lun. BLACKWOOD, LORD BASIL TEMPLE, 2nd Lieut.. 2nd Battn. Grenadier (.iuards, 3rd *■. of Frederick. 1st Marqui-ss of Duft'erin and Ava, Governor General of Canada, Viceroy of India. Ambassador in Russia, Turkey. Italy and France, by his wife, Hariot Georgina (Clandeboye, co. Down), dau. of Archibald Rowan Hamilton ; b. Clandeboye aforesaid. 4 Nov. 1870 ; edue. Harrow and Balliol College. Oxford ; was intended for the Bar, to which he was called in 1896. but the Law never attracted him, and when war broke out in South Africa, he went there, first as a news- paper correspondent, being present at all the important engagements at the beginning of the war. then as Deputy Judge A an officer in the O.T.C. ; obtained a commission 23 Sept. 1914; was sent to Egvpt. and later served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; in June. 1916, he was attached to the General' Head(iuarter Statf. and in Jul> received a jH-rmanent commi-ssion in the Regular Army (East Yorkshire Ri'gt.) : was promoted Major in Aug. 1916, and Second in Command of the I6th Battn. West Yorkshire Kegt. ; took part in the Battle of the Somme. and wjis killeii in action 11 Dee. 1916. Buried at Conin. His Colonel wTOte : ■"The regiment has lost an exceptionally tine officer, and 1 personally consider that I have lost a friend. We. the officers and men of this battalion, will miss him terribly." and the Doctor : " He was looked up to by everyone as a soldier, and many a man found a true friend in him when in trouble, whether military difticulty or private trouble." His servant also wrote : ** One of his many duties was to look after the welfare of the men, and loyally did he perform that duty. That the men have lost a devoted and zealous officer is testified by the many expressions of keen regret heard on all sides." Uitm. BLAIR, ALEXANDER NEVILLE, 2nd Lieut., 4/3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). 2nd «. of Lieut.-Col. Henry Francis Blair, late of Bengal. K.E.. bv his wife. Sophia Grace (21. Norfolk Cres- cent, Hvdo Park, London. W.). dau. of the lat<- Capt. John Bott, 5th Bengal Light Cavalry (killed in Afghan War, 1842); and brother to .Alajor Blair-Imrie. C.M.G.. of Lunan Housi-. Montrose, N.B., Statf Northern Command. D A.tJM.G. ; b. I Clarendon Place. Hyde Park (iardens. London, W.. 19 April. 1879; educ. \\'c||inuton College : was Manager at Laeon"-. Brewerv. Gn-at Yarmoutli, and from 1897 to 19U7 was Capt. of the Paddington \'ohni- teers. afterwards being for two years (apt. and Adjutant of the O.T.C. Yarmouth Volun- teers, having also a company of the Church Lads' Brigade to drill and captain from 1899 to 1913 ; wjus gazetted 2nd Lieut. Black Watch in May. 1916; left for India Jan. 1917, ami died in Colaba War Hospital. Bombay. 13 .March following, from cerebro-meningitis. contracted while on active service. Buried in Scuree Cemetery there. He m. at St. .Mary Abbots. Kensington, W.. 31 Jan. 1907. Elinor Victoria Gladys (76. Campden Hill Court. Kensington. W.). yst. dau. of Col. Charles Briggs, Durham Light infantrv. and had two sons : Harolil Neville, b. 8 Feb. 1910, and James Alexander, b. S April, 1914. BLAIR, J., Private. No. 8172. 2nd Battn. The Seaforth Highlanders: served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 17 Sejit. 1914. BLAKE, J.. Private. No. 10658. 2nd Battn. The Royal West Surrey Regt. ; acrved with tlie Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. BLAKE, S. H., Sapper. No. 22373. Royal Engineers; scr\ed with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 6 Nov. 1914. BLAMPEY. JOHN CHARLES RICH.\RD, Artificer Engineer, Royal Navy, only .v. of the late John Blampey. of IMymouth. Warrant Otticer. R.N.. by his wife, Sarah ; b. Devonport. eo. Devon. 22 July. iSj^l ; educ. Publie High School. Stoke; served an apprenticeship .as an Engine Fitter in Devonport Dockyard: joined the Royal Navy as Engine Room .Artificer 10 Nov. 1902, and obtained Warrant Rank 1 Jan. 1912.: was serving on board H.M.S. Argyll when she was wrecked otf tlie coast of Scotland 29 Oct. 1915. all hands bi'ing saved ; appoint- d Engineer in Charge to H.M.S. (Jenista. mine-sweeper. April. 1916, and was killed in action in that vessel while engaged with submarines off the coast of Ire land 23 Oct. following. His certificate showed him to be a hard-working and jiromising otfiwr. He m. at St. Jude's Churcli, Plymouth. 31 Dec. 1907, Bi-ssie Edith (66. Peverell Park Road. Plymouth.) dau. of the late William Rupert Roberts, of Plymouth, and had a dau., Dorothy Bessie, 6. 26 Oct. 1909. BLANCH, A. E., Sergt.. No. 1027. Royal Engineere ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 6 Nov. 1914. Alexander Neville Blair. 28 The Roll of Honour BLANCHARD, C. W., I'rivatr, No. S8S):i, 2iid Battii. Thi- York and LancasUrr Regt. ; served witli the Kxpeditionary Force in Franco ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. BLANCHARD, H.. Coy. Sirst .-Major, No. 7191, The KiuB*s Own (Royal Lan- caster) Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 14 Sept. 1014. BLATCHLY, ALBERT WALTER, Private. No. 27033. :Jrd Battn. (Jronadier Guards, .s. of Francis Allurt lilalchly. of Woodcroft. near Clicpstow. Jobmaster, hy his wife, Ellen Lydia. dan. of (ieorge Price; ft. Tidenliain. co. (ilouccster, 1 5Iarch. 1808 ; ednc. ('hrpstow Council Schools : was sulisrt.. and had no opportunity of seeing our own men. Your husband was killed in the attack -►n the Tower Handets Ridge, in front of Ypres. but all 1 can gather is that he was killed instaTitly. and was buried where he fell on the ground he so gallantly helped to win from the enemy." Another also wrote : " He was killed doing hfs 'luty as a stretcher-bearer, and my company has to mourn the loss of another line fellow. Your son was quite a favourite in the company, and the absence of !ns genial presence has been felt by all his comrades." He m. at Peckham. London. S.E., 7 June. 1912, Etliel Lacy (St. John's Villas, Maidstone Road, raddock Wood, co. Kent), only dan. of Philip (and Clara) Wood, of Beltring. I'addock Wood, and had two sons: Allan Ravmond, b. 27 Nov. 1913, and -Maurice Gordon, ft. 27 Sept. 1016. BLOYCE, A., Private, No. 8787, 2nd Battn. The Essex Regt. ; served with the 1-^xpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. BLUNDEN, A. R., Private, No. 6273, 1st Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France: killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. BLY, PATRICK, Private, 10th (Service) Battn. The York and Luneiist«r Regt., s. of John BIy. of 116. Old Mill Lane, Barnsley. Collier, hy his wife. Susan ; b. Smithies, Barnsley, co. York. Feb. 1800 ; educ. liarnsley ; was a Collier ; enlisted in Sept. lois ; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France, and was killed in action 9 Sept. 1017. Second Lieut. Cartwright Winters wrot-e : " Your son was in my old platoon, and was always a very keen soldier, and did his part nobly to the last." I'nm. BLVTH. F. H., Gunner. No. 65384. 29th llattery. U.F.A. ; served with th.- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 4 Oct. 1914. BOAG, K., Private. No. 8024, The Cameron Highlanders: served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 25 Sept. 1914. BOARD, C, Private, No. 322, 1st Battn. The RitU- Brigade ; served with tlie ExjH'dif ionary Force in France ; killed in action 18 Sept. 1914. BOATER, A., Sergt., No. 6702. Tlie Dorsetshin- Kegt, : served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in aeticm i;> Oct. lOU. HODDEN, GEORGE HERBERT, Sapper. No. 184481, 153rd Field Coy., H.K.. 4th .s. of the late George Bodden. J. P.. Engineer, by his wife. Jane (Frankhill House. Frederick Street. Oldham), dan. of James Wilde; ft. (H.lhaiu. CO. Lancaster. 6 Jan. 1880: educ. at < niigleton. CO. Chester; was a l-'armer ; joined the K.E. 26 June, 1016: served with the I A]iiiiitionary Force in Franei- and Klander.-s Jroni 21 April. 191T. and was killed in action near Vjires 4 Oct. following, I'.uried at Kleinc Vierstraat. south of V|irrs. He ;/(. at St. Margaret's Chun-h. Whallev Kange. Mau- eliester. 24 Aug. 10u5. Dora Kveline (Ivy House. (hristieton, near Chester), yst. dan. of Samuel Charlton, of Manchester, Stockbroker, and had tliree children: John Herbert, ft. 2 March. 1011 : Nancv Eveline, ft. 30 Jan. 1000, and Sheila, b. 23 Sept. 1914. ^ ^ « -.^ BODKIN, THOMAS. L.-Corpl.. Tin- Leicester- George Herbert Bodden. ^iiij... lu-gt.. ... of Amos Hodkin, of Marden. CO. Kent: ft. Horsmonden. co. Kent. :iO March 1803; educ. there : enlisted 20 Sept. 1909 ; served in India, prior to the out- break of war : jjroceeded to France, where he served with the Expeditionar\ Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 27 Ang. 1917. Buried in the Bedford House Cemetery, south of Ypres, on the Lille Koad. Brigadier- General Gordon, whose servant L.-Corpl. Bodkin was. wrote in the highest terms of liis faithfulness and fearlessness ; num. BOGGUST, A. H., Shoeing Smith, No. 2231. 6th Dragoon Guards (Cara- biniers) ; served with the Exi)editionary Force in France; died of wounds 21 Sept. 1014. BOGLE, GEORGE LOCKIE, Sapper. No. 93364, 219th Field Ctmipany, Royal Engineers, s. oi .lohn Bogle, by his wife. Agnes, dau. of Robert Lockie ; ft. Paisley, 27 April. 1881: educ. Martyr's Pidjlic School. Townhead. Glasgow: was an Engineer Fitter in the G.P.O. ; enlisted 26 April, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 2U Nov. 1915, and was killed in action 2 Feb. 1916. Buried at Aveluy, near Albert. He 7n. at Glasgow, Koliina (42, Taylor Street, Townhead. Glasgow), dau. of David Lonie, and had a son. George, ft. 13 Aug. 1904. BOGUE, ROBERT ALEXANDER, M.C., Lieut., The Highland Light In- fantry. 3rd .s. ot John Bogue. of 7, Radnor Street, Glasgow, by his wife, Isabella, dan. of Walter McLaren, of Glasgow, and of Fleming. Bennet and McLaren ; ft. Glasgow. Oct. 1887 : educ. Albany Academy ; was an N.C.O. of the Territorial Force (Scottish Rifles) ; volunteered for service on the outbreak of war ; joined the Highland Light Infantry in Sept. 1914 ; obtained a commission the following Dec; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders; was wounded at Thiep\a! in July. 1016 ; returned to Enghind on sick leave : on his recovery was attached to tlie Ministry of Munitions at Birmingham, and died there 26 Sept. 1017. from the result of wounds received in action. Buried in Hillfoot Cemetery. Cilasgow. A brother officer wrote : " I never knew a keener or a better soldier." He was awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette. 1 Jan. 1017], for gallant and distinguished service in the field. He m. 19 April, 1017. Mary Risk, dau. of W. Henderson. BOLAND, H. C. Private. No. 6811. The South Lancashire Regt.: served with the l-ixpeditionary Force in France; killed in action 3 Oct. 1914. BOLLAND, HORACE ALBERT, Acting Corpl., No. :i6616. Koyal Flying Corps, s. of the late Charles Hem-Iy BoUand. by his wife, Annie, dau. of William Hoare : and brother-in-law to Rifleman Read. 3rd Rifle liriuade (q.i:.) ; ft. Walworth House. 27 Dec. ls,so : educ. St. John the] i)ivine. Kennington ; was a Decorator ; joined the Royal Flying (iirps 11 July. 1916, and was subsequently • rigaged in instructing recnuts to make gas for the Balloon Section, during which time he was taken ill with appendicitis ; operated upon twice ; gangrene followed, from which he died in the Richmond Military Hosjiital 14 Nov. 1917. Buried in Nunhead Cenietrr\ | Private Grave 33038, Square 40|. Charles' Itcnouf. Clerk in the Orderly Room, R.F.C.. RoIIestone Camp, Salisbury Plain, wrote : " Your hus- band was universally respected by all in the camp, and he did all he could to bring joy into our lives. The hut has never been the same place since he left, and I can neve|ey National School, and King's Heatli Council Schools. Birmingham : was a Clerk at the Austin Motor Company, Ltd. ; joined the K.F.A. 7 Aug. 1014. a tew days after war was declared; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from March, 1915, and died in No. 21 Casualty t:learing Station, 2 March. 1917, from penumonia and empyema, contracted while on active service. Buried in the British Cemetery at C'orbie. He was awarded the Military Medal, for conspicuous bravery in the field when, during an attack, he remained in an observation post for many hours directing the firing of his battery, without a break unm. Horace Albert BoUand. The Roll of Honour 29 Gilbert Benson Bolton. iltrbert h. Bultun. BOLTON, A, Privat*^. No. 7729. 2nd Battn. The Won-cstiTsliirr R^-At. ; served with thf Expiditionary Forn- iu France ; died of wounds 14 Sept. 1914. BOLTON, GILBERT BENSON, 2nd Lieut., 8th (Servit-e) Battn. The Prince Of Wales's (North Staffordshire Regt.), *\ of Thomas Bolton, of Lightoaks, Oakamoor, North Staffordshire, J. P., by hi^ wife. Nina, dan. of the late Benson Kathbone, of Liverpool ; b. Oakamoor Lodge, 10 Aug. 1889 ; educ. Abbotsholme School, co. Derby. On the outbreak of war he was studying music at the Royal Academy of Music ; in Sept. entered the United .\rts Force : joined tlie Artists' Rifles 15 Dee. 1914; underwent training in England : obtained a commission in Dec. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1916 ; was reported missing after the Battle of Grand- court 18 Nov. 1910, and is now officially assumed to have been killed on or about that date. Buried in the quarry of Grandcourt. He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 4 Jan. 1917] by General Sir Douglas Haig, for gallant and distinguished service in the field. A brother oflicer wrote : " I had a great regard for your son : whatever he had to do lie always did so well. I never thought he was very strong, but he never complained. I can't tell you how I miss him; he was liked by everyone he came into contact with," and his servant : '" During the many engagements in which we took part I was struck with the cool way he always conducted himself under fire, and the brave ofl&cer he was. He always studied the safety and comfort of his men. and became a most popular officer, and possessed all the qualities of a true British soldier, and liis men would follow him anjTvhere. Their faith in him was unbounded." Umn. ^^ BOLTON, HERBERT FREDERICK. Lieut., mth (Service) Battn. The Prince of Wales'^ Volunteers (South Lancasliire Regt.), attd. Macliine Gun Corps, eldest s. of the Rev. Fred Bolton. Vicar of St. George's. Darwen. by his wife. Jane. dau. of Robert AVeeks, of Dolton. North Devon ; b. Darwen, 17 Dec. 1894 : edue. Hutton School. Preston, and Brasenose College, Oxford University, where he was reading for his Final in Theological Honours, and hoped to have taken his Degree in 1916. and was a member of the University O.T.C. ; obtained a commission in July, 1915 ; servt-d with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 3 June. 1916, and died in No. 42 Casualty Clearing Station 3 May, 1917, of woimds received at FampoiLX, east of Arras, Buried at Aubigny, west of Arras ; nnm. BOND, G.. Private, No. 7954. 1st Battn. The Koyai Berkslure Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 2a Oct. 1914. BOND, H., Private. No. 5977. 2nd Battn. The South Lancasliire R«gt. ; served with the F:xpeditionary Force in France : killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. BOND, HERBERT FRANCIS CRISPIN, Rifleman. No. 4878, 6th (City of London) Battn. (Kitles) The London Rest. (T.F.). elder s. of the late George Frederick Crispin Bond, Surveyor and Estate Agent in the City of London, by his wife, Marion (36, Somerset Road, Teddington, co. Middlesex), dau. of John Rowland Duerden, M.P. (Colonial): and gdson. of the late Capt. George Adams Bond, of the Harbour Board and Mersey Docks. Liverpool ; b. Clapham, London, S.W., 23 Jan. 1893 ; educ. Stroud Green Grammar School, and St. John's College, ClLssold Park, London, N. ; was devot^'d to sports, and a keen footballer, and applied to enlist four days after war was declared, but was unable to join, his time not having expired with the firm of City Accountants to whom he was articled ; voluntarily enlisted Aug. 1915 ; went to France Jan. 1916 ; in the following May was in a mine explosion, when the majority of those with him were killed, he escaping with merely a shaking, and was killed in action at the Battle of High Wood i5 Sept. 1916. Buried one mile south-west of Flers. His Commanding Officer wrot« of him : " He was a credit to his company and battalion, and it was l>y his bravery and those with him that the regiment won the victories it did tliat day. which "will make liistory." Unm. BONE, HENRY GEORGE, L.-Sergt., No. 10049. 2nd Battn. (55th Foot) The Border Regt.. eldest s. of Henry Bone, of 22, Queen's Road. Bowes Park, N., Locksmith, by his wife, Jane Sarah, 3rd dau. of Thomas Varley ; b. St. Pancras Square, N.W., 14 June, 1891 ; educ. Bounds Green School ; was a Fislimonger and Poulterer; enlisted in Feb. 1911; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Oct. 1914, and was killed in action near Dehille Wood 14 July. 1916 : >'„m. BONHAM, HARRY B., Private, No. 4559, 1st Battn. (101st Foot) The Royal Munst^-r Fusiliers ; s. of John Bonham, Plumber, by liis wife, Sarah ; b. Paddington, London. W.. 19 Nov. 1880: educ. there: was a Tea Blender: enlist^'d in the Connaught Rangers 23 Oct. 1914 : transferred to the Royal Munster Fusiliers in April, 1917 ; served with the Expeditionan- Force in France and Flanders from 3 Mav, 1915, until Nov. lollowins. and in Mesopotamia until 16 Aug, 1916. and diedat Suramerlee V.A.D. Hospital. East Finchley. N.. 11 July, 1917. He m. at High Barnet, 27 Dec. 1905, Ellen Mary (5. Shah Villas, Musweil Hill, N.). dau. of George Thomas Lee, and had tliree children: John, b. 23 June, 1909 ; Herbert, b. 16 May, 1913, and Doris, b. 22 March, 1907. BONNELLA. DOUGLAS CUTLER, Private, No. 511022, l/14th Battn. (London Scottish) The London Rogt.. (T.F.), only s. of Albert John Bonnella. of 4. Queen's Road. Ealing, W., by his wife, Kate. dau. of Arthur Hyde Cutler ; 6. Homsey. London. N.. 31 Dec. 1896 ; educ. Durstan House. Ealmg. W., and St. Paid's School. Hammersmith. W. ; was employed with the firm of Messrs. D. H. Bonnella & Son, Ltd., Electrical Engineers; joined the London Scottish in Feb. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Feb. 1917, and died at No. 8 Casualty Clearing Station 13 May following, from wounds received in action near Arras on the 11th. Buried in Duisans Cemetery: unm. BONNER, AUGUSTINE, 2nd Lieut. 7th (Service) Battn. The South Stafford- shire Regt.. and R.F.C., yr. s. of the late Rev, Henry Bonner, Minister of Hamstcad Road Baptist Church. Birmingham, by his wife. Margaret Elizabeth (31, Radnor Road, Handsworth, Birniingliam), dau. of Geori:'- James Jolmson. of Birmingham. Solicitor : b. Handsworth aforesaid. 13 Jan. 1897 ; educ. King Edward's Higli School, Birmingham, and on leaving there became a student at thi_' Birniingliam School of Art : enlisted in the i4th Royal War\vickshire Regt. (1st Birnungham) in Aug. 1914. after the outbreak of war, and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. South Staffordshire Regt. 27 Feb. 1915 : served with Augustine Bonner. the Expeditionar>" Force in France and Flanders from Feb. 1916 ; was wounded during the opera- tions on the Somme in April, and invalided home : returned to France in Sept., being attached to the R.F.C. .is an Observer in Dec and was killed in aerial action at Fampoux 30 .\pril. 1917. His Commanding Officer wrote : •■ I cannot tell you what a loss it will be to the srjuadron; he was such a first-ciass fellow. and one of our very best observers. He had th"- very great quality of being really efficient and unassuming at the same time.'* Vnm. BONSER, C, Privat<^. No. 9681, 1st Battn. Til'' North Staffordshire Regt. ; served with the Exp.ditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 1 ; Oct. 1914. BONTOFT, J., Private, No. 8002, 1st Battn. The East Yorkshire Regt.; ser\'ed with the Expeditionarv Force in France; died of wounds 29 Sept. 1914*. BOOKER, CHARLES WILLIAM HENRY, Private, No. 241370. 4th (Terri- torial) Battn. The Gloucestershire Regt., *■. of Henry (and Emily) Booker; l- Lecbladr. co. Gloucester ; educ. Wede'n Street Council Scliool. Gloucester ; wa- a Postman ; enlisted 8 May, 1915 ; ser\'cd with the Expeditionary Force in France from May. 1916, and was killed in action at Arras 24 Oct. 1917. Burie'n5on ; 6. Cheadle Hulme. 1 Aug. 1882 : educ. there : was a Labourer ; enlisted 21 March, and died at the Military Hospital, Frees Heath. Whitchurch, co. Hants, 13 April, 1916, of pneumonia, while on service. Buried at Cheadle HxUme ; nnm. BOON, T. J., Driver. No. 59965, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Fore in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. BOONE, HENRY GRIFFITH, D.S.O., Major, Royal Field Artillery. 2nd .*; of the late Col. Frederick Bro\\Ti Boone, Madras Staff Corps, by liis wife. Edith Katharine (7. Langdale Road, Hove, co. Siissex), dau. of the Rev. Thomas Charles Griffith ; b. in India, 16 Nov. 1880 ; educ. at Wellington College, where he was an Exhibitioner and Durand Scholar, and at the Royal Military Academy. Woolwich ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 6 Jan. 1900. After completing his course at Woolwich, he went to India, and was for six years in a Mountain Battery there : served with the Tibet Expedition of 1903-4 (Medal with clasps) : went to China in 1907 to study the language, and passed as Interpreter ; returned home thi- following year on exchanging from the R.G..\. to the R.F.A. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and took part in the Retreat from Mons. and in the operations of the Marne and the Aisne : was wounded 15 Sept. 1914, and invalided home ; returned to France in Sept. 1915. with a new battery he had himself trained, and fought at Loos and the Somme ; was invalided home in Oct. 1916; on Ills recovery he returned to France, and. lia\ing been liit by a shell, died from wounds at Proven, near Y'pres, 6 Sept. 1917. Buried in the Military Cemetery at Meininghem. Belgimu. His General WTote : " I cannot tell you how much we all feel Major Boone's loss. I applied for his ser\ices. and was fortunate enough to get him, though several other Generals were also asking for him. He has improved his battery out of all recognition, and men and officers swear by liim. He is not only a loss to Ids battery and brigade and to me in tliis division, but to the Army, as we cannot afford to lose men like him." He was awarded the D.S.O. [London Gazette, 3 June, 1916]. and was twice mentioned in Despatches [London Gazettes. 15 June, 1916 and 14 Dec. 1917] by F.M. Sir Douglas Haig. for personal bravery imder fire and distinguished ser\-ice. He m. at Chislehurst, 7 June. 1911. Margaret, dau. of the late Frederick Edlmann. J.P.. and had two sons. Frederick E. de Bohun, b. 4 Oct. 1912, and Henry Charles de Bohun, b. 6 Sept. 1917. BOOTH, F., Private, No. 287, 2nd Battn. The Lancashire Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 1 Nov. 1914. BOOTH, H., Gunner. No. 52474. R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force iu Francf : killed in action 30 Oct. 1914. BOOTH, H., Gunner. No. 72973, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force iu France : killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. BOOTH, JOSEPH FRANK, Sergt.. 2; 7th (Territorial) Battn. The Sherwood F'oresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbysliire Regt.), only .<. of the lato Frank Charles Booth, bv liis wife. Edith (Beechurst, Knighton Road, Leicester), dau. of Joseph Benjaniin Fields Clow ; b. Leicester, 12 Feb. 1899 ; educ. Elm Bank School. Nottingham ; enlisted 29 Sept. 1914 ; served in Ireland during the Rebellion : was promoted Corpl. by the King for bravery under fire and special ser\ices in the field, and Sergt. in Aug. 1916, being appointed Regimental Grenada- Instructor, and was mentioned in Despatches by Gent-ral Maxwell. Commander- in-Chief of the Forces in Ireland [London Gazette, 25 Jan. UU71 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from Feb. 1917, and was killed in action north- east of Vpres 26 Sept. following : unm. BOOTH, ROBERT HUTCHINSON, Capt. and Adjutant. East Lancashire Army Service Corps (T.F.), s. of Major Joliu Booth, of Hazel Bank. Turton, near Bolton, V.D.. J.P.. late 4th East Lancasliire Brigade (T.F.), by his wife, Mary Agnes, dau. of Robert Samuel Taylor, of Bury ; b, L\-nwod. Turton, co. Lan- caster. 13 Dec. 1883 : educ. Bolton Grammar School : w;is associated with the Wellington Mills, Turton, and also Oxford Street Mill. Ashton-under-Lyne ; joined the 1st" Vol. Battn. East Lancasliire Regt. as a 2nd Lieut. 30 Dec. 1905, and wa-^ promoted Lieut. 6 Dec. 1906; transferred into the Army Ser\ice Corps (T.F.> 2 Feb. 1910, and on the ontbre-.ik of war became Adjutant in Egypt to the East Lancasliire Divisional Train 4 Aug. 1914. being promoted Capt. 8 Sept. following : served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force at the Dardanelles; wa< for some months D.Q.G. to the 42nd East Lancashire Division ; then A.D.C. to General Douglas, and later Shore Commandant at Cape Helles ; was wounded in action on Christmas Day. 1915, his leg being broken in two places by a bomb, and died in Cottonera Hospital. Malta. 2 Jan. following. Buried iu Peitra Cemetery, Malta. The General in Command wTote that he was devoted to his duty, wliich he carried out in a praiseworthy manner. He was a keen sportsman, and' won the 4th East Lancashire Officers' Challenge Cup for shooting in 1911. and the President's Cup for golf at the Turton Golf Club twice. He »i. at St. Anne's Church, Turton. 31 Jan. 1913. Elsie Mary, dau. of Arthur (and Mary) Monk, of Bolton, and had issue : Robert Arthur, b. 17 Nov. 1915. BOOTH, W., Private. No. 9226 ; 2nd Battn. The Durham Light Infantrj- ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 22 Oct. 1914. :30 The Roll of Honour THOMAS HUMPHREY. J.i.iK Kny;il KdwiirrI .NDrmJiii Thomas Humphrey Bor. Xaviil K.'-.rvr. .Icl.st x. (if lavriitiish lior. of the liaiik cit Inland. Maryhorouvrh. gm-tirs County, by his wife. Miibi-I, (iau: of Isaac Thornton, of Watcrford. Solicitor : 6. 'Iramorc. ro. Watcrford. 12 Fch. lHi)2 ; cdur. Kilkenny t'ollrtic ; entered the Mercantile Marine at the atie of 14. and received Ills captain's rrrtilicate at tin* ajic of 22 ; ottered his services aIt or tl .March. UUd. His Captain wrote on 2.') .March. I'.Htl : " \\f oidy know that the boat sliould have returned Ijefore dark on the 1 1th, and ha-^ iic\er arrived. The two possibilities are that she either struck a mim-. or wa-^ rammed by one ol the (Jerman ships that we know passed o\(T her patrol station on the ni;:ht of tlic .'tth or (Itli. Vonr sou had been here almost since the outbreak of war. and had done excel- lent service, and lie was always keen." rnm. BORLAND, WILLIAM ANDERSON, Private. No. :i:i227(J. 9th (Territorial) liattu. ((ilasijow Highlanders) The Hii^hlaurl Lii,'ht Infantry, only child of Andrew Borland, of U\. Mansionhousi' Koad. I.auL'side. lihisiiow. Iron Merchant, by his wife, Bessie Whyte, dan. of Thomas Wilson : b. Alloa, co. Clackmannan. 14 May. 1897; educ. Glasgow: enlisted 15 Oct. 1015; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France from l9Ui. and was killed in action near Arras 25 June. 1917. liuried at ('roiseiles ; i(nm. BOROUGH, ALARIC CHARLES HENRY, Lieut., Welsh Guards, yr. s. of John Sidnev Burton Borouiih. of Chetwynd Park, Newport, co. Salop, by his wife. Edith" M.. dan. of the Rev. H. G.'Jebb; h. Newport aforesaid, 9 April, 1892 ; educ. Fonthill, flast Grinstead, Stubbington. Fareham. and Charterhouse ; w;is studyinu Tea Planting in Ceylon : returned to England in Dec. 1914 ; joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. : was •i.i/.rtU'd 2nd Lieut. Inniskilling Fusiliers in May, 1915 : suhse(|uently transferred to the Welsh Guards ; served with tlie Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from the middle of March. 1917, and was killed in action near Canibrai 1 Dec. following. Buried near Gouzcaueourt ; inim. BORTON, CYPRIAN EDWARD, Major, Malay States Guides, elder ft. of the Rev. Neville Borton. Vicar of IJnrwell, co. Cambridge, by his wife. Annie Louisa, dan. of the late Rev. Edward Heale. Incumbent of All Saints', Jersey : i. Barkly. Griqualand West. South Africa. 15 Aug. 1879; educ. Felsted School, and Selwvn College, Cambridge, where he was an undergraduate when tli-- Stnith African War broke out, and he obtained a University commission, beim.' liazetted 2nd Lieut. Worcester Kei:t. 2Z May. 1900; promoted Lieut. 3 Aug. 1901; transferred to the Indian Army 15 ifay. 190:5; promoted Capt. 23 May, 1909; served in the South African War 1900-1 (Queen's Medal with three clasps) ; proceeded to India in March. 1902, when for a time he was attached to tin- .Suffolk Regt., being subseriuently apjiointed to the 129th D.C.O. Bahichis. with which regiment he served at Karachi, Hong-Kong and Ferozopore ; was then ajipoint^'d for three years to the Malay States Guides, with the local rank of Major; w;ls in command at Penang when the Eniden visited that iijace in Oct. 1914 ; went to Aden early in 1915. and was killed in action at Jniad. near there. 2 Aug. 1917. Buried at Sheikh Othman. Wlnle at Cambridge he was an ardent oarsman, and a keen sportsman in India and South China, sending home ntany heads and skins from both places. Lieut. -Col. C. W. B. Lees wrote : " I cannot tell you what his loss means to the regiment and to me personally. He was one of the finest soldiers that I have ever met. with a fund of energy that I never got to the end of, and he was just my right hand as regards this regiment ; to nu* he is irreplaceable." f^nm. BOSANQUET, ARMYTAGE PERCY, M.C.. Capt.. 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Light IniaTitry. attd. 5th (Service) Battn. The Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Rcgt.). .?. of the iio\. Claude Charles Courthope Bosan- (|uet, Vicivr of St. Stephens-by-Saltash, co. Cornwall, by las wife, Millicent Percy, dan. of the late Major-General Percy Smith. R.E. ; b. Lowdham Vicarage, ro. Nottingham, 20 Aug. 1893 ; educ. St. ilary's Hill. Horsell, co. Surrey ; Lancing College (Exhibitioner), and Cliri-st ('hurch. Oxford; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Special Reserve, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. 4 Sept. 1912. and promoted Lieut. Feb, 1915. antedated to the previous April, and ('apt. May, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in F'rance from Oct. 1914. to Aug. 1915. and, after a short time of home service, left linsland again in Nov. 1915, attached to the 5th Wiltshire Regt.. and proceeded to M- -nptilamia. where he was killed in action 25 Jan. 1917. Buried in the Burial Grnund on tlie bank of the Hai River. The General Commanding the liritish Army in .Mesopotamia wrote; "I have known and seen a good deal of him tlironiihout the war. . . . It is no exaggeration for me to say that I had formed tlie highest opinion of him, both as a soldier and a man. He was a brave and fearless officer, always striving to do his duty to the best of his ability, and full of eagerness and keenness. He was always earnest, and yet full of cheeriness. and I know personally how well he has stuck to liis duty on more than one occasion when he was far from well." and his Colonel : " I considered Capt. Bosantiuet one of my most capable company commanders, and his death is a serious loss to the regiment. I also have lost a personal friend. ... He was cxtrr-mrly jiopnlar in the regiment, and his company, with good reason, would do aii\ tliin;: for him or follow him anywh-rr." ('apt. Bosanquet was twice mentioned in Despatihes, for gallant and di--tinL:tiisliid service in the field, and was, awarded tlie Military Cross [London Gazette. 22 I)ec. 1916]. While at school he excelled in marksmanship, more than once distin- guishing liiniself at Bisley ; was one of the Lancing pair which gained the Bronze Medal in the contest for' the Cadets' Trophy in July, 1909, and lat<*r was captain of the Lancing Shooting VII. ; unm. BOSELEY, H., Driver, No. 56235, R.F..\. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 25 Sept. 1914. BOSTOCK, EDWARD LYON, Lieut.. 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Royal Sussex Rcgt., 5th .s-. of Edward Ingram Bostock, of Horsham, by his wife. Sarah Southey, dau. of Thomas Baker, M.R.C.S. ; and brother to Capt. A. T. Bostock [see Vol. II., page 34], and to 2nd Lieut. N. S. Bostock (q-v.): b. Horsliani. 9 Nov. 1886 ; educ. S. Ronan's. Wortliing, and Haileybury College ; returned from Canada on the outbreak of war, and enlisted in the Duke of Kdinburcih's (Wiltshire Kegt.) ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from March, 1915. for ten days only, when he was wounded and invalided lionie ; obtained a commission in 1916. and, after being transferred to the Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berkshire Regt.), served again in France, where he was woimded a second time, and died in hospital at Bray 5 April, 1917. His Colonel ^VT0te : " He was leading his company in an attack on three villages when he was hit. No one could have handled his command better; he was ujj and down the line taking all care of Ids men and utterly regardless of himself. I trusted liim in all his work, for he had proved himself a true comrade and ■.rallant and noble soldier." Unm. BOSTOCK, NEVILLE STANLEY, 2nd Lieut.. BT62 Battery. Royal Field Artillery. 6th and yst. x. of Kdward Ingram Bostock. of The Cau-seway. liorsliam. bv his wife, Sarah Southe\. dau. of Thomas Baker, M.R.(\S. ; aiul brotlier to Capt. A. T. Bostock (see \"o!. II.. page 34). and to Lieut, K. L. I'.ostock (t/.v.); b. Horsham. 6 April. 1888 ; educ. S, Ronan's. Wortliing. and Haileybury College; was in Cana' of our bravest and best. Your son, amongst others, fell in tin- forefront of the Empire's great battle-line, a gallant and a splendid fellow in tlii' day of trial." Lieut. -Col. Cohey .Millwood wrote : "He was a most brave orticcr. and always showed utter contempt of danger, and was much admired by his brother officers and men. 1 assure you that I have lost a splendid officer, and I much regret his loss." Unm. BOUCHER, ALAN ESTCOURT, Capt.. 9th (Servic-e) Battn. The Leicester- shire Regt., yst, surv. s. of the Rev. Canon Charles Estcourt Boucher. K>■•«* montlLs, owing to an °n aerial comhS i aV h^??,'''* ■'"' ^l-'^dron in Feb. 1917. and was killed east of Ynr^s K„r/f[* *°' ""'"S' "''"le on patrol over the lines north- Poner^Lhe'^ His r^J"" 'a- *')? Military Cemetery at Lyssenthoek, near Popermghe. His Commanding Officer. Major L. E. Read, wrote ■ " Your son wren'"t°woVe™,r""°l'^'"*"°°."^''"'«'-"'"^ "•"" W™ «»^ fly.ngoverou Ml ? do™ TaS we itTm b'' """cked. and both our machines were brought ve^'<-allnnr„^™.;,- H ' }t ^'"°'' "on^ol'it'oi t" Vo" to know your son died a voursonoutnnfvprlh'"''*''-^-.*- "^'"P'- Lubbock was brought down first, and down Hi, denti, 7b "^ "S"^* af '"St superior odds, until he also w-as brought w ,'il„r- ^ i' '"''■'*■ ™'"''' •>>■ "i" whole squadron, and he was one of the aSd kiled instant!? bf^"" '"'T ^°- "'"'''' '"' ™'^* '"™ ^'"^"^^y- He 4as shot and killed instantly before ever Ills machine started to fall." Unm. w^l^tb.'^^v^ J;-' ''"■"'^t?- ^'o- 15205. 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards : served with the- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14-16 Sept 1914 wTsv1lw^,'',w''t'v''t\*!"' ^°- ^^«5' 12th (Service) Battn. The Prince of Bishoo'Mnnktn^V'i Yorkshire Rcgt.), yst. s. of David Bowes, of Laurel Bank. Monk?on ?n YnVk oTr k'^'Vo^'" "'"• ■f'""'- ''»"• «* •^o'™ Webster; *. Bishop SSted his f.,)b fr on tf '"^ 1*^" • •'■'*"'■• ^'"'>0P Moikton School ; subsequently to Tidv iQl? iT /'""/Y™/, ■1°™'*'' ••><■ 5tli Battn. West Yorkshire Regt. Exne^itionnrv' p*f»"**!'-''"1 to the 12th Battn. in Jan. 1917 : served with ti,e SrtFon at Vimv TrH*-' "o K""','' """^ I'l-mders from 1 March, aud was killed in action at \ imy Ridge 9 April, 1917. Buried there. BOWGETT, C. v.. Private, No. 9984, The Eifle Brigade; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Oct 1914 De°™"wry'Re.V^I''P ?',V.^'^'*7' t'^Pt" I'S"' (Territorial) Battu. The hv W w fo ™'*V V'' *■ 9f -^»*•rt Bowhay, of Gunnislake. co. Cornwall. M.D., 21 Sent 1889 lri„c''V ^'"'.'^.'i^G.OTge Woodd ; b. Gunnislake, co. Cornwall Corn in the Cndet P„ '"'""''^ .^L'^'!?"'' T'">l"-i« 'I Solicitor, and practisd at Torriugton, Steward of the Town ^^^ ' T '''I'I'«i°i™<-nts of Clerk to the Borough Justices? and of Snwair, n.Tt l^*^ ;^""' ^'"'/l' J°""'<* *'"' 5th (Territorial) Battn. Diike ?Territori,n B»Ff I' '""'>■>; .'« » 2nd Lieut. ; was promoted Lieut, to the 6th sSvYce on IL o1 tb' ^?"?';f'"^,'; «''"'• 27 Dec. 1913 ; volunteered for foreign and nroceerte^ ^^ T 'S?'' ° i'f- European War ; was appointed Capt. 7 Oct. 1914, t?mia Ss Dee 1 q!-""' T"" '"? b''»"-"i«" ; left Lahore lor field service in Mesopo: 19?fi "'Rnri„ i A™^ ?'?" '""'''* '" «<■*'"" "t «>« battle of Es Sinn 8 March, Radrfiffe Ksn° the bat lefleld. His Commanding Officer. Lieut.-Col. N. R at about •^^■mnnTI*'' ■' ,' "'' 7"=? '^"''''^ '" "^'^ »""* "» tl'*" »iji«h,h Eedoubt of cover ,m. L?„ ? Aug.. bravely leading his men over ground without a vestige men to ^o ot Z7 K "ii^f, ""'' machine-gun Are ; when he was hit he told ids s^fentinifs iS h'? T'""' f'>™ »°'"' '"'^'^'- H» ™5 '■'1™^' ki-™ '-""i most con- e™m;rtrenches™*J7,Z'' "" '""' "™ "' "'=""'•"'' "''*'"° ''"' ''''""' °' "« Tl?e^'„^do'i;^wi^n'^?'^'^^^'=''^- P"™*''' ^o- 212158. 5th (Territorial) Battn. ihe Gordon Higlilanders. s. of William Bowie, of 42, Holburn Road, Aberdeen, Horace G. C. Bowden. S r^'n.'*' A "■"'■.Jan''- dau. of John Lumsden. Farmer: *. Aberdeen I'l .•^e^pt. 1894 ; educ. Ashley Eoad Public School, and Central Higher GradcMiooi Aberdeen ; was on the staff of the North of Scotland, Tow-n and Country llrk' Harbour Branch Aberdeen: joined the Gordon Highlande^ in Vo? 'Int- wns renoi^ln""" ^'^P^'ditionary JForce in France and f landed* for ov°r a vc-Lr ^ S™?,^ ,v^ wounded and mrssing 16 May, 1917. aftt-r a coimt<;r-attack oi, ?he' i^act'io'n' o^tSTt d*at^?^:-™""" ^''"' ='"'' '^ "<"' --™'''' '" "-= "-""■""' BOWrE, JOHN, S.rgt.. No. 92862, 156th Brigade, R.F.A.. elder s of William Bowie, of la Carnegi- str.et, Arbroath, by hi.l wife. Helen, dau of llexande; S?h™f ■ H ^;'V'\"" -■*""• ™' ''<"■'*'- 1« •'"'>•• 1896; educ. St. Vigean's Public ^f^l'-'lV} -^'■''™^^'' «-;«"l*'??' ■ «-as apprenticed as an EugiS" ei^fa ed ftm^S;- "• ^'77'^ V'^'^ the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in E-vpt and Gallipoli ; proceeded to France, and was killed in action at Ypres 28 Oct iw Bur ed in the British Military Cemetery. Dickebasch. His Commandin"'ofncer wrote in the highest terras of Sergt. Bowie's efficiencv and popularity -";,"* f^^;.t^'S^:i i^i^^fS. ^i^l^i ^"^'^^ -'"' «- Exp;ditiom.ry ?i«.T^?tH; '^rf °f**^'',^^'-"SP LOWES, Lieut, and Temp. Capt., 8th (Ser- \-in!,l^f «;■ ^t'"' L'.nco nshin- Uegt., only «. of the Rev, Alfr>?d Elliott Bowlbv \ lear of St. James'. West Streatham, co. Surrey bv his wife I Man rt\.,, ii obert Dickinson: b. Meernt. India.'7 Feb. 18^i ;-cdu?. Met Court and S? I'aul s School, Hammersmith, W. ; on leaving school entered Lloyds Bank an 1 aft..rwards tl.e bank of Cox & Co.. Army .vSents. Charing Croi, and Hved "1 or HoK nJ?r •'"""g'-.MLssion, Walworth, giving up his^spare ime to shidv riL^? -V^^T '^J"^ assisting in work among the poor ; gazetted 2nd Lieut 8th Cant S« n^^'fi*- " "•^''' "."■ promoted Lieut. 27 Sept. 1915 and Temp Capt. 28 Oct. tol owing; went to France 4 Oct. 1915, and was kil ed in acton ™rt Jl':Tr,'i'P"J5 *'"''"' "18' w''"-"* "awling along a sap to inspeel S part winch iiad been blown in. Buried in the Cemetery of Le Bon Jean \rmen n'lea'i.nr/';" "^^ °"'''' -'t" l^'ncolnshire Kegt.. wrote t6 his fatto ; "^'had ,^ pleasure of serving with your son in the 8tli Battn. and again in this and can fully appreciate what his loss to you ^vill mean." The Chaplata also wrot? .\our son was always tremendously keen in his work, and we allcons der .,i h.m one 01 our most zealous officers." and the Adjutant : '• He wL inSested aSoX^!S'tr''- ^ijau. of Ihonias May Tranter; and brother J.OX (also kil ed 111 action) : b. Birmingiiam. 3 Sept 1901 -edc Broad Street. Birmingham ; enlisted in Nov 1916 : 'served aud Flanders from Feb. 1917, and n-is ■"'- ■ iiitm. served with the Bertr.un I rank Bowles. William Powell Bowman. to Private G. 1 St. Martin's School. „.„..u .-,iieei. ijirr w-ith the Expeditionary Force in France an killed in action 15 July following by a bomb BOX L., Private. No. S441. 1st Battn. The Norfolk Eegt Exixditionary lorce in France; died of wounds 2 Nov 1914 ■^S'^'^'*f'wn'-"'?''^'^.1*I'*'l=''g'm-R<">m-^rtiflcer, No M 60U EN i!!!^n: SL^^t^^^i^SJ^::: ^iSrSaS-'S^J-rss^i '1?^' was an Engine Fitter; joined the Na^->• 1 Slav 191^ smed mH MS t '^'^ = raire and H.M.S. Carnarvon; took pa?t in tht'l-ifllrand'ClandTbatirandX" The Roll of Honour 32 K.-i.tk- School tluT.-; wnt to Australia '"f '-.•," '.',',' j^.^nins Street. Mcl- honrne : .-nlisted 111 Jn y. >»!?/. ''"\°,^l„,'u,,,i.rs ; was Vonndod 3 Jnue. from Jan. lUlU, and ''"'■f«»'^,f,, " ™ j;/,% , ! , i' ,;..in„.nt, and was killed 191T. and invalided home ; on h s [ '""lileei i lis dn.-mit . ISuried at Dieke- i„ action -li Sort liUT. -y.".?' ' ,r G™r ■ v W ^.l early on the n.ornin? busch. A comrade wrote : J)ear old '^^ ";■■'" ^ |, i,,; (i„,..ont. Whiii oE'^ Se,.t. by the bur.ti,,« ot -■ ™™'V,^^^ ^ ! ' .^I^Vja. haS^?y, as he was ! Se ^'ri^^^;^ ii ";3S ?^^^^^^^ Bell;ust ; wa.s a t'^'^^;, ' "''^'f ' ,4 ipril 11) 7. and died at the Military Hos- S;;^b,^iSj^^ii?;jy'«'~'-;,,K5«^^ Soiith African \\arl8»U-lH02.t«k I a^^^^^^^^^^ Magersfontein, and those in the actions at B'•'!»™<^.^"''' "; ,*;"'!''\ ,Oo jm '^ ■« "' Panrdeherg (17 Oranue Kree State feb. ♦'"?•, ■^';"^o'VStes, 2(i ,lan. 1900, and 10 Sept. Feb.) ("H7«»"''''-%l ffwith Im'e disp^^^^^ with the Kxpeditionary 1901 ], and Queen s '' :f V,"' .™ \„g- lyU ; was wounded at Mons on the Force in Trance and Haiukrs '"' jV*-/-^ „ ,, ^^jsno. and moved north with 23rd of that n;™'l' ■ /', "^'l. "i;" 'ypre" 'here the support it gave to the it to take part in the lust J att . »' » , ,.,„ks of the O.O.C. ; was again (inards on 21-23 <''■.'■ .'•»":,^,.,V"v onnl." the following montb, wonnded in Jan 191.->, ■'" f J^) ' '^', i'," '.\viti, a -New Army Division 30 July ; being invalided home : ? '"T-^iJ-rv of K U 1 27 Oct. 1915. and as Temi;. transferred to command ",,".", '."^^fVicld irtinerv 13 Feb. 191(1. with whieh -yF.^*^!^'^^.j;Si!Mii-'^rs.r^i^dSii^^ and was »V;'f'l?l,*''"He „°'in I o don 1 June. 1908. Dorothy, dan. of Arthur Queen's Own (lloyal Vest l^i"' l.'r'; .-i,; ,',,(,. Laura dan. of John Primmer ; Earlswood, eo. Surrey, l"»™™- ''> '^S" .'^ ■,,:^Soid"^^^^^^ School there ; was b. Earlswood, eo Surrey, 23 A ml W88 |^^^ ,,,-j„,y. „io ; served a Gardener erap oyod at the Lf f„*°9" , '7',„,,, Fiand,-rs from the followmg with the Expeditionary ^ °" '' '"^^.J?' " . "vimv Kidge and Givenchy, and December: took I'"'* '"»''[; °P'n;, "ill 7 iSd there. A comrade wrote : was killed in action at Z'"'''"'''"', ■* ° •;.„^' ,;„ , "oct and it was early on the ■• We went to the support ine in « ' ">" ";..',^ in a 1 arrow part of the trench morning of the 3rd he met l»s f -ith " ;'; /^'^i^V' j ^in v,-ry sorry be has when asbell burst and burled him i"'"^j'"XJni never heard a misword said met his death, as he will be m'"--;'* "' . f ''';',"?;. „ ^n say we have lost a good ^N«f(?'"'-"S'e';;; TM^^'SVl-Jurl^li:"^' J..^y.^ 10. Mi-nie^Jessie, dau. of George S-t^and?iad a son, ^r^^ ^^f^t^' ^'^^%^ ^Vest Yorkslure Begt. : ^^^J'tSTiTe' l^p.SuonaVv^Fo;e'"Si FJan'^cf; "iilT'd in action 20 Sept. 19U bS^B: HrjJqe - -09. 1st Battm Jhe ^y. ^t^Uers ; served ];-:-g£&4ef-)he^|&£p?5J ,,al r.ank of England, 1-td., Hors^a", Bir- miie'liam. bv bis wife, Fanny May dau. of i.eori-e Henfv Bishop; b. London. 13 April, 1SM7'^ educ. 'Stanlev House School, and King Award's High School, liirmiieibam, where he l.rst li.-ld a Fomulation Seliolarship. and after- ,„l' a Senior Sebolar^hip : •.;ained a Matl.e- nntiVal Sel,olarshi|. at Prt.Tbouse,^ f am- l,rid>-e. a fitv of Ilimiinghain .Major Seholar- sh and one from King Edward's School; w- s a memlier of the O.T.C. ; after a short .?ioS o training at a Cadet School, obtained ', eoniniis.ion 27 Nov. 1916; served with the 'iCxpeditionary Forces in France and llandcR. ,nd was killed in action near \pres 31 May, 1917, while returning from duty at an observa- tion post. Buried in Ylamertinghe Military r:f^Sii^snir';;y.s^dSr| ^R^CE GEORGE EDGAK coy. Sergt^^iaior. 10th (S--Crstr^e?; King's (Shropshire Light 'f "*/ i.',/' ^"^ 'jTe! dau of Thomas Phillips Tal- Leoniinster CO. ^"'''^^^^^Ja oVieU ligi educ. British School there ; was garth ; b. Leominster f/oresa''i "3 I eb^ 18J* . e ^^.^^^^ j„, a„i ^erj-ice a Shoesmith ; joined «« ^""torals in IJU , ^.^^ j,,^ Egyptian immediately °" t'^'' °"''?™VLyPalesti^^,e from March, 1916. and was killed Expeditionary If™,"^ ^gypt ™1 {^»'\'-;^J'^ ' Buried at Burj-el-Lis.;'"•,", 'J J"* "men and so .•arn.-d praise did what we knew tlu^y wond, '''^l''l«|- / 'Vfa u^Vcot SerP in every from >v>'rybody •• and -^^^a -^ ,, .'Acal v.^k and bad a'flne w\y with the way, si.leudid at ^^,''.,.',^,',i';,,h. France and four moi.tlis in Palestine and y'^.,Jir;t^i;aion,?;ri;eisti.m.est^m^^ is n;.t only a loss t,i his parents, ."'^ also a loss 1° ' ' ' ' 'I .^j i.^,,, ^„ ,,11, and ;S';/^;:;'i:;;;;"^::;rh;^':^i.i:^";;.^ien^^s';:;^,rli::posai to hdp ..s t„ conquer RRACEY VICTOR CHARLES EDELSTEN, 2,ld I.icut B.F.C only chUd machine. A brot skilful pilot." 11 Victor H. T. Boyton. Tolto^'write thai W was-" A gallant »?™";':'a'V'V;(,;'deU'^ WIS i keen cricketer ami footballer, and while at Bhindel > sKu.u. p....- ,"' . fvi',L.!^t VI .md the Second Football XV., and was also played in the J'^Jt Cr eket X/-. •'^^'^^« '„,.,.„ j„ „„ Koyal Military Academy. ^K,^ alui n^ i^F^^R-i^^v ''"o^'^"" ^^-^ ^'."^'t '■ ; w'- 1 rent «e..t Bradbrook, 01 1. ^^ '"•;'•'''' ^^";\V,,,;,|, .■!,'," ;'<; levon-'S. ISelgravia, 29N0V. Annie, dau. of ■''''"■""■^/'''l^,^;''^;'- " ,,y " iif.; Butelicr enlisted in the Middle- 1886; edne. Westminster (it> ^' '™' •,.;'.;^%'' iV' Hcrtfordshires ■ served with sex Itcgt. I.April. ,V"« ^ '^^^^.'^rn^San Wrs lYom IsT^^^^^^^^ transferring ^^^'S^SZ^^. S'waf^lL^ in'aetion 1 Aug. 1917. Buried near iS?3;^ssio.a^.ri.i^^?f^^^^^^ I ^^,'"' < ,^ Id and w nner S vTir ous competitions at Bisley ; imm. ^rI^^ L M .. ^ >^0 , The Cheshire Kegt. ; served with the Expedi- at- of Loudon Regt.). elder « of spcnccr lledfern Bradley, of l>aracq Lodge, Street }, near Birmingham, by his wife, Annie Maud, an o William Vale; b. Peims, co. Warwick, ■>: Sept. 1891; educ. Warwick Gr.ammar School and on H.M.S. Conway; wius an En "ineerY enlisted in Aug. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France Iroiii July. 1915 and died iii the Base Hospital, Oames, Cami'e4;20 April. 1917, from wounds received in action at Monchy-le-Preux on the 11th. l^ni^wTn ICtaples C.imtery. The Commanding SSer ol his 'company wrote ; •; Yo" 'on w^^ a great friend of mine ; we were " «l';,/ank, together for nearly two years, and he ^s one of the best fellows I have ever met. He was very popular in the ya«abon^ and d^ed ■IS he lived, abso utely loyal. He wa.> .v keen So rts;„an,'playing cricket for the Wanviekslnre Gpiitleiuen and the Leamington Clul), and wa!s a member of the Warwickshire Beagles; unm. .. . vn m-ni "nd Battn. York and Laucaster Regt. , BRADSHAW, E.. l'";/'';'-^-*°;.^^,^i'„ "-France ; killed in action 21 Sept. 1914. served with the Expeditionary lore ■"*[''" ,^ , „{ ^dwiu BRADSHAW. ERNEST K^^IN/nd, Lieut R^I^A.^d^^^ ^^^. Bradshaw, of The Grange. ^ hitetiUd Koau Warrington, 27 Dec, Ada, dau. of John Hedgeock; 6^ Stockton Uc.vt ^^^^ . ^^^^ ,„bsequently 1893; educ. 'rlie Friends SchwlAckworr „a.,sedthe Intermediate articled to Ws.fathcrxs a Charter d -^cc ^__^ ^^^^ . „„tamed a corn- examination ; joined the Inns of Court o^^ ,,r.-„l ,nthtb^ Fvneditionary Force in France and F lander, from 30 No^v. following; contracted pneu- ronia and was invalided home; returned to France Jan 1917 ; was twice wounded in jSne and gassed in July, being sent hoine on sick leave ; returned to France. an<^ was kil ed in action near Wvtschaete :50 Sept. 1917. 'Bur?ed ™ Kemmel Oi.teau Military Cemetery His Commanding Officer wrote. 1 "a™ Durnosely waited a week before writing to tell ?-ou what a real loss your gallant son is to me niid to send you a my sympathy. 1 think 11 best to wait a week on these sad occasions, ^ that s tlie time when things come home to us all more. No words of mine can soften tSe blow, I know, but I must tell you that he w,^ a flt^e young officer, in whom I I'ad great eonfldence and wlio showed very remarkable OTOmise He and his two brother offieel^ died Ste^'vr^t L^'lJSS^n'^til^laS Spencer M. Bradley. Ernest Edwin Bradshaw. The Roll of Honour 33 mander. Major Jones, is a constant pans of grief to me. He fi*els his loss so dread- fully keenly, and looks so sad and whiti- with it all, that it might have hcen his own brother, which all goes to show how much your boy and the other two were to him. Will you accept my most heartfelt s\Tnpathy. and especially any comfort that his mother may derive from my very inader|uate expression of my own personal loss," and his Chaplain : ** I very much regret to tell you that your son, 2nd Lieut. E. E. Bradshaw, of 148th Brigade, R.F.A., was killed at about 10 p.m. last night. Some camouflage on the gun-pit^ canght fire from an enemy shell or bomb, and three of the officers, including your son, and the Sergt. -Major, ran downi to prevent the fire spreading. Unfortunately some amraunition was near by, and the fire got to it just as they were cutting the camouflage, and a tremendous explosion took place, which killed them all, your son and the sergeant being killed instantaneoasly : the other two lived for a few minutes. No one else was actually on the spot, as they had ordered the men to remain under cover. I can only say how deeply we all feel for you in this loss, especially as 1 know your son had only just returned from leave. It is a great blow to the battery. Only one officer was on the position, and he was in the act of telephoning to Headquarters when the explosion took place. Your son will be very nmch mi^^sed, for he was wonderfully brave under shell- fire, and always set such an t-xampie to th- men. I took the funeral at 3.30 p.m. this aft^^rnoon. They arr hurii.i -^ide by side in the Military Cemetery at Kenmiel Chiiteau, which is some niili-s baik from Messines. A cross will be ]nit over each grave within the next few days." A brother officer also wTot* ; " I am very sorry to have to tell you that your son was killed about 10 p.m. last night. Enemy shells hit one of the gim-pits and set the charges and camouflage on fire. Along with two other officers (Mr. McLean and Mr. Green), and also Sergt. Berry, he went down to try and put out the fire, or to prevent it from spreading to the other guns and anmiunition pits. While engaged on this brave work, the heat from the burning charges caused about lUU rounds of ammunition to explode, killing all four men instantly. I cannot express to you the gloom which tliis terrible catastrophe has cast over all ranks in the battery and also throughout the brigade; the loss of tlu-se four men can hardly be replan-d. From the time your son joined the battery till the day of his death he dis]ilay'd the greatest enthusiasm in his work ; he was a most reliable officer, extrtTinly well liked, and held in the greatest respect and esteem by all who knew him ; his braver>' was undoubted ; he was always considering the safety of his men at the risk of his own. It is some consolation to know that he suifered no pain ; he was killed by the concussion of the explosion, and I do not think his body was even marked. We buried him and his brother officers this afternoon at the Military Cemetery at Kemmel. the General and Staff attending the funeral. What his loss niiLst be to you we can hardly imagine ; it is bad enough for us. Will you please accept the sincere sjTupathy of all ranks in your bereavement." Unm, BRADSHAW, W., Private, No. 2303, 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt. ; served with the Expi'ditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Oct. 1914. BRAILSFORD, H., L.-Corpl., No. 10106, 2nd Battn. The Sherwood Forest<>rs ; served witli tin- Kxi>editionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. BRAILSFORD, H., Private. No. 12278. The Sherwood Foresters ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. LEWTON-BRAIN, JAMES ANDREW, Lieut., 8th (Service) Battn. The Norfolk Regt., 3rd ^. of James Le\\1:on-Brain, of The Mill House, Toftwood, Dereham, by his wife. Clare, dau. of William Andrew LawTence ; 6. Swanton Motley. CO. Norfolk, 25 March. 1888 ; educ. King Edward VII. Grammar School, King's Lynn ; was employed in the London and Provincial Bank (Great Yarmouth Branch): then received an appointment in the Bank of Montreal (Vancouver, later Victoria Branch) ; on the outbreak of war he enlisted in the Canadian Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders until Jan. 19i6, when he returned to England ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 23 Jan. 1916 ; again went to France ; was promoted Lieut. 18 March, 1917, and died at Poperinghe of gas poisoning and wounds 14 Aug. following. Buried there. His Commanding Officer wrote ; " I can hardly express to you what a loss he is to all of us, both officers and men of this battalion. He was a splendid stamp of orticer, and a good leader, and was my Battalion Machine Gun Officer, and of great value to me. And as we are in action at the moment of writing, it is difficult for me to give you many particulars ; but he died a few hours after iiis attack, so. please God, he did not suffer too much. He was so popular with us all, we shall miss him terribly," and a brother officer : ** He was very popular amongst us all ; not only the officers but all the men knew him well. I can assure you that your loss is shared by us all ; his place will be hard to fill in our midst." He was well known in the Dereham and Yarmouth districts as an enthusiastic football player and cricketer; unm. BRAMBLE, T., Private, No. 8166, 1st Battn. The Buffs (East Kent Regt.) ; served with the Expeditionar>- Force in trance ; died of wounds 29 Oct. 1914. BRAMHAM. WILLIAM. Private. The Prince of Wales's Own (West York- shire Regt.), eldest s. of John William Bramham, by his wife, Alice, dau. of W'illiam Smales ; was a Hammer Driver employed at" Taylor's Forge; enlisted 7 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders. and was killed in action 4 Sept. 1016. Buried" in Hehuterne Cemetery, north of Albert. Lieut, and Quartermaster J. J. Green wrote : " I knew him personally, and always found him a good, honest, hard-working man, and having a lot to do with the transport, although not actually in charge of it, I often had the opportunity of seeing your husband." He tn. at Leeds, 17 Nov. 1902. Alice, dau. of William Shaw, aud'had fgur sons : W'illiam, ft. 1 Feb. 1906 ; John, b. 15 Jan. 1908 ; Herbert, b. 11 Dec. 1910, and Ernest b. 2 Sept. 1913. BRAMIDGE, W., Private, No. 8326, 1st Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 3 Oct. 1914. BRAMLEY, ARTHUR, Private, No. 12108, 1st Battn. (I4th Foot) Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt.). s. of the late James Henry Bramley, of Knaresborough. Slater, by liis wife. Caroline, dau. of Peter Owram, of Knares- borough, Weavei; ; b. Knaresborough, 20 Oct. 1879 ; educ. Boys' National School there ; enlisted 31 Aug. 1914 ; after training at Belton Park, Grantham, with the 9th (Service) Battn., was sent to the Dardanelles in June, 1915, where he was wounded 21 Aug. following, and invalided to England : was in hospital at Liverpool ; on his recovery went to his depot at Whitley Bay. and thence served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Feb. 1916 ; acted as stretcher-bearer, and was killed in action 18 Sept. following. Buried north of Ginchy, north-west of Combles. His Commanding Officer wrot« : " I regret to inform you that Private Bramley was killed in action during an attack on the enemy on 18 Sept. His death was instantaneous. At the time James A. Lewton-Brain. he met hLs death he was carrying out hLs duties, collecting wounded on the battlefield, and was bandaging up his officer's wounds. I must say he was a very good man here, and is greatly missed by his comrades. He is buried with more of his comrades on the field." Unm. BRAMLEY, CV'RIL RICHARD, Capt., 2/5th (Territorial) Battn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), eldest s. of the Rev. Cyril Richard Bramley, M.A., Vicar of St. John's, Donisthorpe, by his wife, Annie Marian, dan. of the late Joseph Booth ; and brother to 2nd Lieut. H. Bramley (see Vol. I., page 48) ; b. Manchester. 26 Nov. 1890 ; educ. St. John's School for Clergy, Leather- head ; was a Private Tutor ; joins. Gallipoli. and ^^^^^^^^^^^H took part the fighting until evacuation; ^^^^^^^^^T^ ''^t<'r ^ rest in Egvpt he served with the Ex- ^^^gr ^n%V^ peditionar>- Force in France and Flanders; ' ^ '^ » "^^ transferred to the Queen's Westminster Rifles 21 April. 1910, and was killed in action 1 July, 1916, during the Battle of the Somme. A comrade wrote : " Vmortunatoly soon after the start we had the misfortune to lose our officer, and it was while Dick (Corpl. Richard Leslie Brewer) was rallying the remainder of our platoon that he was killed. He died doing his duty, brave and fearless to the end," and another : " I hear from one of the fellows that a pal of his was hit in the hand, and Dick had done it up for him. and then Dick saw the saying, " Come on, lads.' and was almost at once Harry Joyce Bremner. Richard Leslie Brewer. officer fall, and took his plao shot through the head." Unm VOL. lit. 34 The Roll of Honour Alfred Percv Brewi BREWIS, ALFRED PERCY. t'apt., 1st liiittn. (5t»i F(X)t) Tlic Xortlimn- bcrland J-'iisilii-rs. cldiT n. of Alfn-ii I'lrrwis. of 2Yancc, and was killed in action at llaxrhuourt \\ ood 1 June. 1017. Buried at X' ii\ Jlli- liourjonval. lii- was mentioned in h.spatches hv F.M. Sir Douirlajj Hai« | London Gazette. 18 Dec. 1017]. for gallant and distin- guished service in the Held ; nitni. BRICE. ALBERT, I'livale. No. 241907. l/5th (Territorial) Jiattn. The Uulfs (Ka^-t Kent Kegt.), n. of Henry Solomon lirice. of Heason Hill. C'oxheath. Linton. Maid.stoue. co. Kent : li. Walthain East. co. Kent. 2() March. 1804 : educ. Pothani. CO. Kent : joined the Fast Kent Territorials in Oct. 1908 : served with the Indian ICxpeditionnrv Force in Mesopotamia, and wns killed in action there 12 Feb. 1017 : mwi. BRICKNELL. THOMAS, Private. The Worcestershire Regt.. s\ of Samuel ilrieknell. Porter at New Street Station, Uirniinghain. by Iiis wife. Polly, dau. of John Kirk : f». 10 .Vug. 188(1; educ. Rea Street School, Birniiughani ; was a Fellmonger ; enlisted 12 Di-c. 1015: served with the Salonika Army from March, lOIfi. and was accidentally killed in Salonika 25 Oct. following. Buried in Gu'juiiei .Military Ci-metcry. He hi. at St. (iabriel Church, Birmingham, 25 Die. lOdti, I.eah. daii. of Joscjili Jinks, and had four sous : .Tohn, 6. « Aug. 1009 : TlKunas /;. 4 S.-pt. 1011 ; Joseph, h. 20 June, 1014. and James, b. 18 Jan. 1016. BRIDGER. ARTHVR WILFRED (ARTIE), liombardier. ^■o. 26778, A llatterv. 186th Brigade, R.F.A.. eldest .v. of Arthur Bridgcr. of 88, Bovill Road, Forest Hill. London, S.K., Managing t'lerk, by liis wife. Emily Anne. dau. of thi- late Samuel Sawyer ; 6. Southwark Park Road. London, S.E.", 14 Uee. 1896; educ. Mantle Road Schools, Brocklev, S,E. ; was a Clerk; joined the R.F.A. in May. 1915; served with the l-Wpeditionary Force in France from 28 Feb. lOlt), and was killed in action at Pilkem Ridge, V|»res. 17 Aug. 1917, after 18 months' con- tinuous service, being shot tlirough the heart by the bursting of a shell. Buried in the (■emetery near the Yser Canal. One of liis olhcers wrote : " He was one of the most popular and etiieient non-commissioned officers in the battery, and his loss is much felt by olticers and nu-n alike." and another : " Boni- I'ardier I'.ridger wjis indeed a fine fellow, and \v;h LTiatly "respected by Ins officers for his -.iiTlini: qualities as a soIdicT, and by liis com- rades for his clieery good-fellowship." Unm. BRIDGER. PERCY WILLIAM, M.M.. Private, >.'o. 4017, 7th (Service) Battn. Tlie Royal Sussex Regt.. *■. of Edwin Charles Bridgcr. by his wife. Elizabeth <13. Westhourne Place, Hove) ; 6. Hove, co. Sussex, 1 April, 1891 ; educ. Board Seliool there ; was a Bar Manager at the Bodega. Brighton ; enlisted in the 20th Hussars in Sept. 1914; after two months' training, volunteered for the Infantry, and was transferred to the Royal Sussex Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from ^May. 1915. and wa.s killed in action at Arras 3 May, 1917. Buried at Monchy-le-Preux, south-east of Arras. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was a very good fellow, and as a stretcher-bearer had done exceedingly good work during recent heavy fighting. Without the least regard for his personal safety he worked hard, attending to wounded and getting them down to the dressin2 station under heavy fire and bad weather conditions," He was mentioned in l)is|iatches (London Gazette. 21 May, 1917], and was awarded the Military Medal for gallant and distinguished service in the field ; unm. BRIDGER. W. C., Private, Xo. 9606, 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. ; ser\-ed with the Expeditionary Force In France ; killed in action 15-25 Sept, 1914. BRIDGES, WILLIAM ROBERT, 2nd Lieut.. 4th (Extra Reserve) Battn. The Bedfordsliire Regt., eldest .v. of Philip Bridges, of Holm Place. Stonehouse, CO. Gloucester, by his wife, Mary, dau. of the Rev. Roger Williams, Rector of Llanedy ; b, Llanedy, co. Carmarthen, 30 July. 1894 ; educ. Shrewsbury, where he was two years in the Cricket XL, also in the Fives team 1912-13 ; enlisted in the 19th'(Service) Battn. The Royal Fusiliers in Sept, 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; obtained a commission in Aug. 1916 ; was wounded at Beaumont Hamel in three places, and returned to England on sick leave ; rejoined his regiment on recovery, and was killed in action at Ga\TeiIe 23 April, 1917, Buried at Aubigny ; unm. BRIERLEY, W., Gunner, No. 43069, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 30 April, 1915. BRIERS, A., Private, No. 8501, 1st Battn. The West Y'orkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. BRIGGS, CLAUDE, Private, No. 2470, 26th (Service) Battn. The Royal Fusiliers, s. of John Briggs, of Deepdene, Park Drive, Harro- gate, by his wife. Louise Kate, dau. of the late Commander F, Semple, R.N, ; b. Leeds. 27 ilarch, 1892 ; educ. Uppingham (May, 1904- i)ec. 1909) ; enlisted in Aug. 1914, in the 4th I'ublic Schools Battn., aftenvards known as the 21st (Service) Battn. Royal Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 1915 ; transferred to the 26th Battn. The Royal Fusiliers in May, lOiG. and was killed in action at the Battle of Menin Road 20-23 Sept. 1917. Buried where he fell ; unm. BRIGGS, HORACE HENRY'. L.-CopL, No. 1911, iy7th (Territorial) Battn. Lewis Machine Gun Coy., The Royal Warwickshire Regt., yst. s. of Abijah Briggs, of Hinckley Road, Nuneaton ; employed by the L, & N. W. Railway Company (Parcels Department), by .\rthur W. Bridger. his wife, .Mary, dau. of Frank Menniii. of Dls- sington, CO. .Northumberland; /*. .Mdwinkic, ro. Northants. 2H March, 1890 ; educ. Nun- laton National anil King Edward VI. Schools. Horace Henry Briggs. BRIGHTMORE, E. J. H., served with the K\|jidit ifinary -\uiii aton ; won a county scholarship to the .NMni-;iti)ii Grammar Scliool ; was employed as Uodking Clerk by the London and North W.sti rn Railway Company, from whom he rer.i\i-d a certificate of merit ; was in the Nuneaton Territorials ; transferred to the Koyal Warwickshire Regt. at the eominenee- iiient of till- war ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force iti France ai:d Flaiulers, and was killed in action near Pozicres 25 July. 1916. while taking his platoon up tlie trench, liuried thi-re. A eomnide wrote: "He was killed on Tuesday. 25 July. He was hit in the head b\ a bullet, and death must ha\e ln-cu instan- taneous. It's one thing to know he has fallen for his country." Cnm. Private, No. 9828, The West Vorkshin- Hegt. ; Force in France ; died 14 Nov. 1914. Oaude Briggs. BRINDLEY, ROLAND, CnrpL, No. 147525. R.E. ; b. Wolstantou. eo. Statford. 26 Sept. 1877: edue. I'ublic Schools tliere ; enlisted in the Coldstream Giiard> ai July, 1895 ; served in the South African War 1899 1902 ((^lem's Medal with six clasps, and King's Medal with clasps) ; obtained his diseliarge :j(i July. 1907, and became a Miner; re-enlisted in the York and Lancaster Hi-gt. in Aug. 1914. after the outbreak of war ; transferred to the R.E. ; served with the Expe- ditionary Force in France and Flanders from 24 Jan. 1915. and was killed in action 28 April. 1916. He 7n. at Barnsley. 20 Aug. 1904, Florence {13. Bridge Street. Barnsley). dau. of TIkhuus Bedford, and had two children : Leonard, b. 19 May, 1905, and Winifred. /.. 15 A[>ril. 19l:J (' circuntstances I could always rely on him for a helping hand ; never once did I hear him bullying the men ; he always understood them and sympathized with them. He was one of the best N.C.O.'s and comrades 1 have ever met. All the officers of the battalion had the very highest esteem for him, and. personally, I would have trusted him with anything. He died without sulfering the slightest pain quite instantaneously. We buried him by men from his own platoon near where he fell at Hooge, 6 Oct." He ?n.at South .Milton, co. Devon. 7 Oct. 1908, Harriet Ellen, dau. of James Ingram, and liad two sons : Harold James Edwin. b. 20 Dec. 1911, and William Ernest, b. 5 Mareli. 1913. BRISELDEN, THOMAS HAROLD, Private. No. 270780. Kith (Service) Battn. The Butfs (lOast Kent Regt.). eldest s. of Thomas Briseldcn, of 10, Mount Pleasant Road, Lewisham. S.E.. Borough Councillor, by his wifi'. Elizabeth Gcorgina. dau. of (ieorge ^nd Elizabeth) Parham. of Teynham, eo. Kent ; b. Lewisham, 16 March. 1896 ; educ, Plassy Road Council School, atul St. Dun- stan's College, Catford ; joined the West Kent Y'eomanry in Nov. 19 U ; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in Gallipoli from Sept. 1915, till the evacuation in Jan. 1916 ; developed enteric fever while at Mudros. and was for a time in hospital at Alexandria, afterwards transferring to Birmingham Cniversity Hosjiital ; was ordered to rejoin his reginient in Egypt in Dec. 1916 : transferred to The Itutfs in 1917. and embarked on the Troopship Ivernia at ilarseilles. which ship was torpedoed 1 Jan. 1917 ; but he was picked up and landed at the island of Crete ; served in Egypt and Palestine, and was killed in action there 31 Oct. 1917; unm. BRISTER, SYDNEY JAMES, Corpl.. No. 666, The Queen's Own Dorset Yeomanry (T.F.), a. of Charles Brister. of Thornford, Sherborne, co. Dorset ; b. Thornford. 21 Sept. 1889 ; educ. Thornford School ; was a Village Carpenter ; joined tlie Dorset Yeomanry 9 March. 1913; was called uji in Aug. 1914, being subsequently stationed on the East Coast ; went to Egypt in April, 1915. and thence to Gallipoli. where he took part in the landing at Suvla Bay in Aug.. acting as stretclier-bearer : was sent to Malta suffering from dysentery; after his recovery rejoined his regiment 2 Feb. 1916, and was killed in action at Agagia, Egypt, on the 26th of that month. Buried in the desert. He m. at Dorchester, lOAug. 1014, Elsie, dau. of Walter Shiner. BRISTOWE, VIVIAN ERNEST JOHN, Private. No. 584, South African Medical Corps, yst. .v. of John Syer Bristowe, M.D., F.R.C.P., LL.D.. F.R.S.. by his wife. Miriam Isabella, dau, of Joseph Stearns ; b. London. 12 June. 1874 ; educ, Westmin>trr Seiiool ; was Secretary to his brother, the Hon. Mr, Justice Bristowe. in Pretoria ; enlisted 1 Dec. 1915 ; served with the South African Sledical Corps in East Africa, and died at Rug, on the Rutigi River, East Africa, of dysentery 14 April, 1917. Buried there. His Colonel wrote: "He did excellent work, and never fell out in the most arduous treks imaginable, . . . His pals miss him, and I miss a steady and trustworthy man, who was never known to shirk his duty." Unm. BRITTAIN, REGINALD GEORGE COUSINS, CorpL, No. 472562, 46th Infantry Battn.. 4th Division. Canadian Expeditionary Force, eldest s. of George Cousins Brittain, of 11, Herbert Road. Bowes Park, London, N.. Builder and Decorator, by his wife, Ellen Alice, dau. of William Goddard, Inn Keeper ; b. Wood Green," co. Middlesex. 13 Oct. 1889 ; educ. Bounds Green School. Bowes Park, N. ; went to Canada in April, 1913, and settled at Saskatoon as a Draper ; volunteered for Imperial Service, and joined the Canadian Infantry' in Oct. 1915 ; sailed with the 65th Battn. 29 June, 1916 ; transfrrn-.l to the 4*lth at I'.ranishott; served with the Expeditionary Force in France nud Flanders from tin- following July, and was killed in action at Vimy Ridge 3 Jan. 1917. Buried -in Villers Station Military Cemetery, south of Bcthune. Lieut. -Col. H. J. Dawson wrote : " I wish to express to you ray own regret at the loss of a good soldier, and one who bravely died in tlie performance of liis duty," and the Chaplain : " He was an excellent soldier, doing liis work nobly. He had earned a great name among us." Unw. CARLYON-BRITTON, WINSTANLEY, Private. No, 242341. 2/5th (Terri- torial) Battn. The Leicestersliire Regt., eldest s. of Major Philip William Poole Carlvon-Britton. of Hanham Court, co. Gloucester, and 43. Bedford Square. London, W.C., West Y^orkslure Regt., J.P., D.L., F.S.A., by Ids wife, Agnes Cassandra, dau. of the late Charles Alfred Carylon, B.A. ; b. Wood Green, co, Middlesex. 25 Jxdy, 1887 ; educ. at Harrow, and was a Student at Lincoln's Inn; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut, 1st Volunteer Battn. Tlie Royal The Roll of Honour 35 Fusiliers (City of Loudon Rofft.) in 1907; transferred to tlie 7th IJattn. the same year, and in 1908 to the Special Reserve of Officers ; when the 7th Battn. became the 6th Battn. Royal P'usiliers. transferred to the 5th Battn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers, being promoted Lieut. 15 Aug. 1911 ; resigned liis commission 16 Xov. 1912 ; on the outbreak of war again obtained a commission {23 Sept. 1914), which he resigned in Dec. on account of ill-ht-alth : enlisted in the Leicester- shire Regt. 8 Xov. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France, and was killed in action at Polygon \Vood 25 Sept. 1917. Buried in Wieltje Farm Cemetery ; tinm. BROAD, ERNEST, Private. No. 242620. l/6th (Territorial) Battn. The South Statfordshire Regt.. s. of James Broad, of 150, Aberdeen Street. Winson Green. Birmingham : 6. Birmingham. 25 Dec. 1893 ; educ. Camden Street School there ; was employed by the Great Western Railway Company at their Hockley Depot : enlisted in Aug. 1914 ; .served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 March, 1915, attached to the 5th Battn. ; took part in the Battle of the Somme : was wounded 1 July. 1916 ; on recovery, joined the 6th Battn. South Statfordshire Regt.. and was killed inaction near Loos 28 Aug. 1917. Buried near La Bassee. He m. at St. Saviour's Church. Hockley, Birmingham, Emilv. dau. of Hannah Gilbert, and had two cliildren : Ernest James, b. 4 Jime, 1917," and Lilian Alice. 6. :i July. 1915. BROADBENT, CECIL HOYLE, 2nd Lieut., l/4th (Territorial) Battn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), 3rd s. of the late James Broadbent. of Old Colwyn, formerly Manager of the Manchester and Liverpool District Bank ; b. Cannock, co. Starford. 25 Oct. 1881 ; educ. Oundle School, and Trinity College, Cambridge (Scholar and graduated 31. A.) ; was Classical Master at Christ's College, Brecon, and afterwards at Bradford Grammar School, where he joined the O.T.C. Xov. 1914: gazetted 2nd Lieut. i;4th Yorkshire Light Infantry Aug. 1915, and after training at Beverley and Leeds, went to France 19 Sept. following : was in the trenches near Ypres for some months, and then appointed Oftieer Commanding of the Brigade Bombing School, near Albert, and was killed 1 March, 191{>, by the premature explosion of a bomb, whilst acting as Instructor. Buried in the cemetery at Warlow-Baillon. The Commanding^ Officer of his Company wrote : " He was an excellent officer and very popular alike with officers and men : his death is a great loss to the battalion, and my company in parti- cular," and his Colonel : " AVe all regret the death of such an able officer and one of the best of comrades." i'ttm. BROADHURST, T., Shoeing Smith. No. 61889, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Sei)t. 1914. BROADLEY, HARRY, Capt.. 8th (Service) Battn. The lloyal Inniskilling P'usiliers, s. of Sergt. -Major Jolm William Broadley, by his wife, Margaret : b. Bangalore, India, 10 Sept. 1882 ; educ. St. John's School, Leeds; enlisted in the West Yorksliire Regt. in 1899 ; served in the South African War 1899-1902 (Queen's Medal with four clasps, and King's Medal with two clasps), and when the European War broke out was ser\ing in Malt-a with the rank of Sergt. - Major : was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 17 Oct. 1914 ; pro- moted Lieut. Aug. 1915, and Capt. 10 Oct. 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from Xov. 1914. and was killed in action 6 Aug. 1917. His Commanding Officer WTOte : " Capt. Broadley was one of our ver>' best officers, and was always absolutely fear- le.-*- He was very popular with everybody, and i)articularlv with lits men." He m. at St. Tliomas' Church. Belfast. 3 June, 1905. Agnes (73. Abingdon Street, Belfast), dau. of Robert Campbell ; s.p. BROCK, ERIC GEORGE, M.C.. Lieut.. 1,7th (Territorial) Battn. The King's (Liverpool Regt.). s. of the Rev. George Albert Brock, B.A.. Minister of Waterloo Congregational Church. Liverpool, by lus wife, Minnie Constance, dau. of G. I. W. Winzar, Sword Bearer to the Corporation of London : h. Liverpool. 19 March, 1893 ; educ. Mercliant Taylors' School, Crosby (Scholar), and St. John's College, Cambridge (Scholar), where he took a First in Part L of the Mathematical Tripos and a Second in Part IL, intending to compete for the Civil Ser\ice ; but on the outbreak of the European War applied for a commission : was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Liverpool Regt. Oct. 1914, being lat^-r promoted Lieut, and Acting Capt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1914, and was killed in action in Flanders 31 July, 1917. He was awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette, 20 Xov. 1915], for gallant and distinguished service in the field during the fighting on the Somme, -when, at the attack on Guillemont, A Coy. of the 7th Liverpool Regt. had advanced too far. and had got into an isolated trench ; he went in search of tliem under fire, found them disorganized, rallied them, and held the trench four days till it was joined up on both flanks. Mr. H. Cradock Watson, Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School, wTOte : " When he left he went up to Cambridge with a Mathematical Sholarship to St. John's College, a Lancashire County Scholarship, the ' Great Crosby ' Scholarship, and the Exhibition awarded by tlie Oxford Local Examinations' Delegates to the boy who took first place in England in the Senior Examination. This year will long be remembered in the seliool as • Brock's year.' ilathematics were, of course, liis forte, but li'- w;i>i no mean 'Scholar beside. He acliie\eil distinction in most school subjit t<. antl almost sw<-]it the board of Foundation \)vm-< in his last year. He played a prominent part in school life by his activity in the School Debating and Musical Societies." Cnm. BROCKLEBANK, RALPH ROYDS, 2nd Lieut., 1st Battn. (23rd Foot) The Royal Welch Fusiliers, eldest s. of Major Rali>h Eric Royds Brocklebank. of Poulton Royd, Bebington, co. Chester, J, P., 6th King's Liver- ^^^^^^^^ , j)Ool Rifles, by his wife. Constance Alington, ^^^■^1^^^^ dau. of the Rev. Xathaniel Royds ; b. Bebing- ^^^^^^B^^^^k ton. 21 June, 1807 ; educ. Cordwalles, Maiden- ^^^^^^bET^^V head, and Eton, where he was a member of the ^^■1^^^^ O.T.C, and at the Royal Military College, ^ ^^\ Sandhurst ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 22 Dec. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1917, having been kept back by a bombing arcident in June, 1916; was wounded at Bullecourt. 14 May following : had lus leg amputated on the loth, and died the following day at Achiet-le-Grand. Buried there. His Brigadier General wrote : " He did most splendid and gallant work in tlie very severe fighting around Hullecourt. and was' wounded fighting almost hand to hand in the village," and another officer : " Your son was one of the bravest I have ever met — one of the best — liis loss hit me very much Harr^' Broadlev. Ralph Royds Brocklebank. indeed ; it did the whole battalion, both officers and men." The Padre abo WTOte ; " AH the officers told me how absolutely brave he was and beloved of all." He was a keen sportsman ; while at Eton, was captain of the Boats, and won the School swimming ; also played Rugby for his school ; unm. BROCKLEBANK, WILLIAM, Private, Xo. 205003, 2/4th (Territorial) Battn. The Lincolasliire Regt., s. of Henry Brocklebank. of Accy Farm. West End. Preston, Ea.st Yorkshire, Farmer ; b. Preston, 28 Aug. 1897 ; educ. there ; en- listed in the West Yorkshires 26 Jan. 1917 : trained at Clif«tone Camp ; ser\-ed with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 28 July : transferred to the Lincolnshire Regt. ; was wounded 27 Sept. 1917, while holdiug pill-boxes which we had captured at Ypres, and died the following day at Xo. 4 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried there. A comrade wrote : "It must be a great con- solation to you that he lived such a good life, and being in the Army had not spoiled his life." and another ; " I found Willie one of the straightest and be-t boys I had ever met, and was shocked to hear of his death. He had not been in my hut long before 1 found he lived as straight a life as anyone could wish to see." Unm. BROCKWAY, T. H- G., Private, Xo. 6484, The Wiltshire Regiment ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. BRODIE, MARK MOYLE, 2nd Lieut., 10th (Ser\ice), attd. 1st, Battn. The Seaforth Higlilanders (Ross-shire Butfs. The Duke of Albany's), only «. of Frederick William Brodie, of 21, Xortii End Road, Hampstead. X.W.. Sub- Editor, " Daily Telegraph," London, by his wife, Edith Louisa, dau. of Francis John Charles May, of Brighton, Borough Engineer and Surveyor ; and gdson. of the late William Brodie, of Exeter, Xewspaper Proprietor ; b. Tufnell Park, Holloway. X., 1 July. 1894 ; educ. Heath Momit. Hampstead. X. ; City of London School, and Queens' College, Cambridge ; was a Theological Student, and was reading for ordination in the Church of England ; joined the London Scottish 7 April, 1913. and was mobilized with the battalion 4 Aug. 1914 : went to France as a Private in the 1st Battn. London Scottish 15 Sept. following, being given a commi.'^sion as 2nd Lieut. 10th Seaforth Highlanders 1 June, 1915 : proceeded to Mesopotamia from France 23 Xov. att:*ched to the 1st Battn.. and was killed in action at Sheikh Saad 7 Jan. 1916. Buried at night on the battle- field under very heavy fire in a grave now unknown. Col. Thomson, Commanding 1st Seaforths, wrote ; " Your son was killed on 7 Jan., and I wTite a very hurried line to express deepest sympathy on behalf of my brother officers and myself. We were attacking a very strong Turkish position, and your son was killed instantly, leading on liis men most gallantly. He had been with us a very short time, but it was long enough in wluch to see his stt^rling qualities, and we join with you in mourning the loss of a ver>- fine young officer, wlio was much liked by all. both officers and men. who came in contact with him." and the Rev. J. H. H. McXeill. Chaplain : " Your son was killed in the attack our people made on the Turkish position on 7 Jan. It was a very gallant fight, and very splendidly did our officers and men go forward. It will be a comfort to you to think that he was spared any suffering at the end, and our people were able to show the last sad offices of respect to the killed by burying them on the battlefield where they had fought so well. 1 saw your son often — came with the regiment from France. His was a fine young life, full of health, and promise, and kindliness ; and on the field of battle he has proved himself a true soldier and a brave officer." Unm . BRODIE, STANLEY GORDON, Private. Xo. 710:3. 4th Battn. The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt,). yr. *•. of James Brodie. of 190. Sangley Road, Catford, co. Kent, by his wife. Elizabeth Ann : b, Bromley, co. Kent, 26 April, 1896 ; educ. Sandhurst Road L.C.C. School ; enlisted voluntarily 21 Oct. 1914 ; went to France in July, 1915 ; received a gunshot wound at St. Eloi 27 5Iarch, 1916; returned to his battalion the following May, and was killed in action 20 July. 1910 ; ut>nt. BRODRICK. ERIC WILLIAM. Lieut., 5th (Territorial) Battn. Alexandra. Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regt.), yst. s. of the late Rev. Francis Edward Brodrick. Rector of Famley. near Leeds, by his wife. Jane (101. Momit Road, Birkenhead), dan. of William Wood, of Southam. co. Warwick : 6. Faruley. near Leeds, co. York. 24 April, 1881 ; educ. St. George's School. Roundhay. Leeds, and Bradford Grammar School ; went to the Pliilippine Islands in 1902, where he was employed as a Province Agent with Messrs. Smith. Bell it Co., Ltd. : was home on leave when war broke out in Aug. 1914 ; volunteered for service, and joined the Public Schools Battn. of the Royal Fusiliers : transferred to the Inns of Court O.T.C. in Sept. : obtained a 2nd Lieutenancy in the York- shire Regt- 8 March. 1915, being promoted Lieut, the following Xov. ; ser%-ed with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from March. 1916, and died a prisoner of war 23 July following, from wounds received in action while on night patrol near Kemmel. Buried at Werwick. His Colonel wrote : " The whole battalion, offiers and men, sorrow with you. We all loved your son, and his men would have done anytltiag for him." He m. at East Keswick, near Leeds, 17 April, 1915. Margaret Lucy, dau. of George Henry Moon, and had a dau.. Erica Hilda, b. (posthumons) 4 Sept. 1916. BROMAGE, H., L.-Corpl.. Xo. 9084. 2nd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 21 Sept. 1914. BROMWICH. H.ARRY FREE>L\N, Private, Xo. 21085. 1 1th (Service) Battn. Tlie Koval Warwickshire Regt., s. of Edward Freeman Bromnich. by his wife, Hannah : b. Harborne. co. Warwick. 9 May, 1877 ; educ. there ; was emploved bv the Lighting Department. King's Heath. Birmingham ; enlisted 15 .\ug. 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France, and was killed in action at Monchv-le-Preux 29 April. 1917. He m. at Harborne. 25 Sept. 1897. Agues Sophia (86. Milner Road. Birmingham), dau. of Jane Harrisou. and had thr^e children : Alfred Freeman, b. 2 Feb. 1899 ; Edward F:. b. 4 Julv. 1909, and Evelvn D., 6. 10 Xov. 1904. BROOK, ARTHUR. l*rivate. Xo. 205092. 1,5th (Territorial) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Own (West York-shire Regt.). 2nd *-. of the late Walter Brook, by his wife. Elizabeth Ann (6. I*ros[Hct Street. Cudworth): b. Cudworth. CO. York, 26 Feb. 1897 ; educ. Council School there ; was a Miner ; joined the West York- shire Regt. 30 March. 1917; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 9 July, and was killed in action at Passchendaele Ridge 9 Oct. following; unm, BROOK, JOHN HAROLD, Sapper, Xo 401 lilt. 526th Durham Field Coy.. R.E.. «. of Jolm Itrook. of Carlo«Tie. 115. Duke Street, Southport, CO. Lancaster, Councillor, Professor of Music, by his wife. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Kaye : b. lUlaud. co. York. 14 July, 1895 ; educ. Christ Church Higher Grade' SehooL Southport ; was subsequently engaged with Messrs. Jtushworth and Dreaper, Organ Arthur Brook. Builders. Liverpool; enlisted 10 Dec. 1915; trained at Newcastle ; served with the Ex]>edi- tionary Force in France and Flanders fron» 12 Oct. 1916 ; was wounded at Langemarck 1 Oct. 1917, and died the following day at Xo. 36 The Roll of Honour til Casualty' Clearing Station, liiiricd in Dozinphem Comotfry, DOrtli-west of Popcrinslu'. His Coinniandiiig Officer wrot« : " No words of mine can adequately express tlic painful sur- ]>risc yours of the 10th inst. has yivcn me. When opportunity permitted, it was my inten- tion to write an appreciation of your previous Ji-tttT and inform you of subsequent informa- tion I had received, to the elTcct tliat Harold's wounds were not dangerous, and his ))rogress should be rapid; you can imaKinc thr-retorc the shock I received to know of his death. . . . The event happened on tin; nig!it of tiie 1st ,— ..j_-^^^_ ^ inst.. an enemy shell bursting near Harold ^."^dK^^^^^^L and one of his comrades. Mr. Foster, a brother Y ^^jK^^S^^^K ^ ollieer, .was cjuitc near, and no time was lost Y^'S^^J^^^P" 4 " in getting botli boys to the dressing station, ^•« -^^^^L. ^B 4^ wliinh. fortunately, was within very easy _ _ distance, our bearers and the oliicer Dieritioned having rendered flrst-aid on the spot. Im- niediate|\- 1 received word of the hai)pening. I went to the dressing station, and found Harold in good liands and having everv att^-ntion. His poor comrade had just passed away. Your boy's fortitude wna admirable. He did not see me enter, but reeomiized my voice immediately, and hastened to tell me he was feeling quite comfortable, and, with the exception of a dull pain in the leg. was not sutfering at all. The doctor at once assured mc that the case was not serious, the worst being a fracture of the right leg ; the right arm had several small th-sh wounds, and there was a slight cut on the forehead. Through- out the dre^ssing he never once complained : he continuallv conversed with me. and inquired if his wounds would take him to England. His anxietv regard- ing lus comrade was also pronounced, and when told that .Sapper AVood was sleeping, he was satisfied. I suggested sending you a line, nuicli to his pleasure. I also took his wTist-watch to prevent it being broken ; this vou have probably received by now. Before being taken to the amitulance lie 'shook hands, and promised to write me, and, really, his cheeriness inipr-'-sed me, considering the ordeal through which he had passed. It is doubtlo'^-; snp.rlhious for me to mention how much I regret to know the worst has happened. He Wiis indeed a good, dean-living boy. and a sohiier who never sliirked dutv. In vour terrible trial you may find solace in the knowledge that your son g'ave his life for the great fight for freedom and justice. This I do know : liad Harold been aware that God's call was near at hand, nothing would have satisfied him more than to answer the call in the way he has^ fulfilling iiis duty." His previous employers wrote : " He was greatly respected by all members of the firm, and will be sadly missed." A fellow-worker wrote : *' He was liked by everyone of us, being always willing and ready to do anything and a good turn for evervbody." He was a prominent member of the St. Philip's Church Choir, Southport ; uiim. BROOK, LOWIEJELLIS^ Lowie Ellis Brook. Harold John Brookfleld. nd A.M., No. ,C (Wireless) Squadron, The Royal Flying Corps, elder ■•!. of Ernest Brook, of Batley Carr, Batley, co. York, by Ids wife, Annie, dau. of Charles Ellis ; b. Batley, co. \''ork, 8 May, 1892 ; educ. AVheelwTight Grammar School, Dewsbury ; was a .Tournatist on the statT of the "Dewsbury District News," and afterwards on the "Craven Herald" at Skip- ton ; joined the Wireless Squadron Koyal Flying Corps, 9 Aug. 1916 ; trained at Fafn- boro\igh, where he passed head of Ids school ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action :J Avig. 1917, in the neighbourhood of Ypres. Buried at Voormezeele [Enclosure No. 1], south of Y'pres. Capt. G. Leslie, R.G.A., wrote : " He was an excellent soldier, always carrying on with keenness and cheerfulness." He had made many friends in the battery, and was highly istienied by oflScers and men." and his Wireless Oflicer. 2nd Lieut. C. Sinclair Hickie : "He was only with me a short time, but quite long enough for mc to know what a splendid fellow he was. He was extremely popular and well liked in his battery ; as a worker he was most painstaking and conscientious, and. had he been spared, 1 am quite confident that he would have made great headway in the Army. We are more than proud of him in the R.F.C.. and his loss is keenly felt." He m. at St. Mark's Church, Dewsbury, 29 Sept. 1915, Frances Mary, only dau. of the late Samuel Chadwick Hepwortli, of Oakridgp, West Park Street, Dewsbury ; s.p. BROOKES, C. G., Private, No. 2104, The King's Royal Rifle Corps ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 28 Sept. 1914. BROOKES, HERBERT ERNEST VICTOR, Rifleman, No. 390970, 9th Battn. (Queen Victoria's Rifles) The London Regt. (T.F.), only fi. of Frederick James Brookes, of 9, Bar- gery Road, Catford, S.E.. by his wife, Mary, d.au. of the late W. T. Revitt, of St. John's Wood, N.W. ; b. Catford, London, S.E., :iO June, 1887 ; educ. St. Dunstan's College there ; was engaged on the Clerical Staff of a firm of Ship Brokers; enlisted 11 Nov. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Aug. 1915 ; contracted pneu- monia brought on by exposure after the battle at Cambrai. and died at No. G Genera] Hospital, Rouen, 10 Dee. 1917. Buried in the St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen. His Conipany Commanding Otticer wrote ; " Rifleman Brookes was one of the most popular fell ws in the company, and when he became part of Company Headquarters Staff he was most thorough in the duties he was asked to perform out here," and another : " I miss him very much, as !ie was a really good soldier and was very popular with all." Unm. BROOKFIELD, HAROLD JOHN, Sergt., No. 443:39, R.G.A., yst. s. of the late George Brookfield, bv his wife. Jane Elizabeth (27, Ryfold Road, Wimbledon Park. S.W.), dau. of William Wood, of Chichester; b. Wis- borough Green, co. Su.ssex, 17 Dec. 1887: educ. Wisborough School; was an Electrical Engineer; enlisted 15 Oct. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franci- from 17 Jan. 1917, and was killed in action to the south- west of Ypres 2 Sept. lollowing, by a bomli dropped from a hostile aeroplane. Buried in Vierstraat Cemeti-ry, south-west of Ypres ; unm. BROOKING, ARTHUR RICHARD, Private, No. 17551, 8th (Ser\icc) Battn. The Devonshire Regt., yst. s. of the late William Henry Brooking, bv his wife. S. J. (Vine Terrace, Loddiswell). dau. of Thomas Ballefshill ; ft. J,oddiswelI. South Devon, 7 Sept. 1898; educ. Church Elementary School there ; joined the local rifle club until he attained the military age ; enlisted in .\pril. 1915 : served with the Expeditionary Force in rr.ince and Flanders, and was killed in action 7 Oct. 1917. His Commanding oilierr wrote: " Your son was an invaluable man. and in several ways irrei)laccable. He has for some numths been my Lewis <;un stnreman, and one of my best instructors," and a comrade: "We buried him outside the battle iieadquarters of the battalion in which he had served so long and so nobly— just about wliere he fell. It is hard to realize he is gone." Another also wrote : " As his pal, I can assure you he died whilst doing his duty." Umn. BROOKS, CECIL EDMUND. Corpl., No. 6270, 8th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), ti. of Herbert Brooks, of 49, Hunter Road. Willesborougli. .\shford, co. Kent, by his wife, Lillie, dau. of William Maylam ; 6. Court-at-Street, Lympnt% co. Kent.; educ. Aldington S(!hooi, and Clark's College, London ; was an Assistant to .Mr. Harrington, (Jrocer, Tunbridgc Wells ; enlisted 26 April, 191.'i ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 11 Oct. following, and was killed at Ypres on 27 May. 1917. Buried in the Military Cemetery, VlamertJnghe. His ollieer. in writing to liis mother, said : " The loss of your son will be deeply felt by all who knirw him. Calm and cheerful under most trying circumstances, he discharged all his duties with marked ability, and inspired the confidence of all who kn(*w him. Full well I know how inadequate our sympathy may seem in your great loss ; yet I feel sure you will derive some benefit that your son died as only an English gentleman can do — doing his duty," Unm. BROOKS, CHARLES EDWARD, L.-Corpl.. 7th (Service) Battn. The South Staffordshire Regt.. eldest v. of Albert Edward Brooks, of Sunnydali- Villa, Fairwater Cirove. Cardilf, late Corpl. in the Welsh Regt., bv his wife, .\delaide Mary, dau. of ivlwiird (;ind Mary) Ball ; ft. Mainieshury, co. W^iits, 29 June, 1806 ; educ. Holton Rn;ni Cnimeil School, Barr> . and oti leaving scliool was employed by the Barry Railway Cuiapany as a Booking Clerk at the Barry Island Station ; enlisted 22 June. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in l^Yance and Flanders, and died in No. 4. Casualty Clearing Station in Oct. 1917, from wounds received in action on the 4th, Buried in a cx'metery near the station. Capt. .T. D. Lindner ^v^ote : " As 1 daresay you know, [iractieally ever since lie came to this battalion your son has been my company clerk, so tliat 1 came personally into contact with him a good deal, and I can assvire \-ou, from a jtersonal point of view, i feel his loss very keenly. He was very 'inick at pieking up his work, and whether back in rest or up in the line he always di jnl. well, and I had absolute trust in him. On the day he was wounded he had insisted on going up with the front line of the attack, though his duties as clerk would in the ordinary way have kept him somewhat in rear." Unm. BROOKS, G., Sergt.. No. 4663, 1st Battn. The Somerset Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Aug. 19li. BROOKS. G. L., Bombardier, No. 65941, R.F.A. ; served with the E.vpedi- tionary Force in France ; died of wounds 15 Sept. 1914. BROOKS, GEORGE, Driver, No. 68416, E Battery, Royal Horse Artillery. s. of Thomas Brooks, of Smugley Farm. Ooudhurst, Carter, by his wife, Annie, dau. of Samuel West : b. Linton, Maidstone, 22 Nov. 1893 : educ. Goudliurst, CO. Kent : enlisted in 1912 ; sirved with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Aug. 1914, where lie helped to take the first gun in the action at the Battle of Mons, and was killed in action 11 Sept. 1917 ; unm. served with the Expeditionary BROOKS, M., Private, No. 4806, 20th Hussars ; Force in France ; killed in action 28 Aug. 1914. BROOKS. W. D., Private, No. 7252, 2nd Battn. The Royal Innlskilling Fusiliers ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 5 Sept. 1914. BROOM, CECIL ROY HAMILTON, PrivaU', No. 27412, 13th (Service) Battn. (West Ham) The Essex Regt., 6th s. of Edward Broom, of 47, Blythswood Road, Goodmayes, Ilford. co. Essex. Army and Navy Coach, by his wife. Matilda Harriet, dau. of Major James Gard ; ft. Combc-in-Teignhead, Teignnioutli, co. Devon, 4 March. 1887 ; educ. Council School there ; was a Warehouseman ; volunteered and enlisted in the Essex Regt. Sept. 1915 ; went to France 20 Jan., and was killed in action 19 Feb. 1916 ; itnm. BROOMAN, ARTHUR FRANK, Private, No. 968. 6th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), s. of the late Stephen Thomas Brooman, by his wife, Rose, dau. of ( — ) Gammon ; ft. 15 Oct. 1886 ; enlisted 1 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 22 Jtily. 1916. He m. at Stepney, 24 July, 1912, Ada Elizabeth, dau. of William Jay ; s.p. BROOMAN, HORACE. Private, No. 7418, 8th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), s. of Spencer Brooman, of Daniel Place, Military Road, Rye, co. Sussex, by his wife, Angelina, dau. of ( — ) Foster, of Rye ; ft. East Guildford, 15 April, 1S86 ; educ. Rye aforesaid ; was a Chemist's Assistant at Rye; served as Corpl. with the 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt. for 12 years, and with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders frrm Feb. 1915 ; was wounded at Richebourg the following May, and invalided home ; returned to France 1 Aug. 1916, and was killed in action 26 July, 1917 ; I'.iim. BROOME, WILLIAM. Private, No. 33416, 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Cheshire Regt., 2nd s. of the late James Broome, by his wife, Elizabeth (9, Oak Street. Ellesmcre Port, co. Salop), dau. of Ambrose Burfitt ; ft. Thornton, CO. Lancaster, 11 May, 1894; educ. Ellesmcre Port and Manchester ; was employed in Mr. Shelton's Brickworks at Ellesmcre Port; enlisted 31 Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from July, "and died at No. 44 Casualty Clearing Station 5 Sept. following, from wounds received in action at Beauguesne on the 2nd. Buried in the British Cemetery at the back of the station ; unm. BROPHY. G.. Private, No. 9339, 1st Battn. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 17 Sept. 1914. BROTHERS, C, Private, No. 7055, 1st Battn. The Gloucestershire Regt. ; served with the ; killed in action 16 Sept. 1914. William Broome. Expeditionary Force in France The Roll of Honour 37 BROWN, A., Private. No. 809fi. l.st Battn. Tho Northamptonshire Kest. : served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914. BROWN, ANTHONY WILLIAM SCUDAMORE, Lieut., 6th (Reserve), attd. 3rd, Battn. The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), eldest s. of William Charles (and Catherine Cecilia Ellen) E^o\^^l, of Pen- rhirclie, Bromley, co. Kent ; b. Bromley, 24 Nov. 1880; educ. Uppinj»ham (Scholar)." and Uonville and Cains College. Cambridge (Seliolar), where he took a First Class in the Classical Tripos of 1903 ; was appointed Assistant Master at Trinity College, Glenalmond, the inl lowing autumn, and while there held a rniiiiiijssion in the School Cadet Corps : re- turned to Uppingham as Assistant Master in 1908, serving as Lieut., and lat^r as Capt.. in the 4th Leicestershire Regt. (Territorial), and at the end of 1910 was appointed Rector of Michaelhouse, Natal, taking up his duties there in Feb. 1911. In July, 1915. he obtained leave from the governors of the school to return to England in order to join the Army ; was gazitted Lieut. Rifle Brigade Special Reserve Anthony W. S. Brown. 29 ^ept. following; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France from 13 April, 1916. and was killed in action at Guillemont. during the Battle of the Somme. 18 Aug. loUowing. Buried at Guillemont. His Company Officer wrote : *' He has bee^n so keen all the time he has been with us, and anxious to have everything in order, and now he has died doing his duty, as usual." Unm. BROWN, ARTHLTl GWILLIAM. Private. No. 10570. Honourable Artillery Coy., *■. of the late ( — ) Brown, hv his wife. Florence Laveraek ; and gdson. of Dr. Brown, of ilortlake. S.W. : b, Dukinfield. co. Chester. 22 Nov. 1880 ; educ. Urmston ; was sole proprietor of a Ladies' Underskirt business at 27, Cannon Street. Manchester: joined the H.A.C. 4 March, 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 29 May following, and was killed in action at Rentel. Passchendaele, 9 Oct. 1917. whilst dressing the wounds of a comrade. He m. at Catliedral. Manchester, 4 Feb. 1909. Jessie, dau. of William Henry Holt, of Ashton-under-Lyne. and had four cliildren : David, b. 25 April. 1915 ; (Jwilliam, b. 2 Dec. 1917 ; Joan, b. 12 Nov. 1909, and Nancy, 6. 21 Jan. 1913. BROWN. C. Private. No. 6518, 2nd Battn. The King's Own (Yorksliire Light Infantrv) : served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action It; Sept. 1914. BROWN, CECIL ARTHUR. Lieut., 6th (Territorial) Battn. The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt.). 2nd s. of Major Abraham Brown, of Buxton, Solicitor, by his wife. Lucie, dau. of William Lowe. co. Sligo ; and brother to 2nd Lieut. W. L. Brown {g.t'.) : b. Buxton. 29 Oct. 1893 ; educ. Holmleigh there, and Shrewsbury School ; was a i>upil at Messrs. ^'icke^s. Ltd., Sheflield ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. Sherwood Foresters Sept. 1914. and was pro- moted Lieut. May. 1915 : served witli the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following June, and was killed in action during the attack of Leiis 23 April, 1917, while leading his platoon. Buried wliere he fell [Fosse No. 3, Lens). His Commanding Officer wrote : " C Company made an attack, and Cecil and his platoon were hung up by a wall with a wire entanglement behind it. Cecil, with the utmost jiluck and gallantry, began to climb the wall, but was hit and came down Cecil Arthur Brown. on the far side. A few of his men got over, but the rest had to withdraw. Everyone is divoted to Cecil ; he's one of the best fellows I've ever met in my life, and the imn will do anything for him." He was recommended for the Military Cross, inr gallant and distinguished service in the field; iinm. BROWN, CHARLES SHUTWELL, Leading Deck Hand. No. 12321, H.M.T. Tenby Castle, s. of ( — ) Brown, bv his wife, ilary Jane (83. Greek Street, Hull, CO. York) : b. Hull, co. York, 1 July. 1891 ; educ. Wheeler Street School there ; joined the Navv 1 Sept. 1916, and was killed by an explosion on his sliip 7 Feb. 1918; iinm. BROWN, CHARLES TOLME, 2nd. Lieut. 5th (Renfrewshire), attd. 8th (The Argyllshire), Battn. Princess Louise's (Argvll and Sutherland Hiizlilandirs) (T.K.). yr. s. of Charles Tolme Brown, of 23. Aimfield Road. I'arti. kliill. iHasirow. lirazilian Merchant, by Ids wife. Emma Haydon, dau. of I'n-.irriek Knt't-rt Boston, of Woodford, co. Essex ; and gdson. of the late Provost Gtoriii- liruwii. of Irvine, co. Ayr: b. Kelvinside. Glasgow. 25 Feb. 1898; educ. Hillb.a.l Hi^h School. Glasgow, where he was a member of the Cadet Corps ; subsciiurntly i-ntered the employ of Messrs. Arthur ifc Co.. Ltd.. Warehousemen, Glasgow and London ; joined the 5th Scottish Rifles in March, 1914 ; was niobilized on the outbreak of war in the following Aug. ; obtained a commission in the 5th .\rgyll and Sutherland Highlanders 20 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Oct. 1916. being attached to the 8th Battn.. and was killed in action 17 March, 1917, wliile leading his men in an attack against the enemy. Buried between Rochlincourt and Thelus. Lieut. -Col. K. Campbell wrote ; " He was leading his men in a gallant and splendid way. He was a most promising officer." and a brother officer : " On that morning our battalion made a successful^ raid on the enemy's trenches, and Charlie was seen to drop at the enemy's wire. Some of his men tried to make for him. but were |■n•^t■nted. as they were being severely engaged by the enemy. At this point the figliting was of a very severe nature, as we found the wire imcut, but later we got ttu*ough and annihilated the enemy. Your son set his men a fine example, and led tliem gallantly up to the enemy's first line. It was here lie fell while standing on the parapet with his revolver on the enem>'. and cheering his men. He was a brave young officer, a gallant leader and beloved by his men. . . . Charlit' was a good soldier, a real friend with all. He i)ossessed many qualities and was a great asset to the mess." Cum. BROWN. DAVID SANGSTER, Corp!., No. 77802. 7tli Infantry Battn. Canadian Expeditionary Force, yst. ^«. of Hugh Brown, of 73, Waverley Gardens, Crossmyloof. Glasgow, Cook and Baker, by his wife. Christina, dau. of the late James Flockhart, of Prestwich ; b. Glasgow, 13 March. 1894 ; educ. Crookston Street Public School there ; went to Canada in May. 1012, and served on board the Canadian Pacific Railway Steamers on the British Columbian Coast ; volim- teered for Imperial Service, and joined the Canadian Infantry 14 Aug. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; caroe over with the draft to reinforce the First Contingent in March, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flandera from 9 Oct. following, and was killed in action at Vimv Ridge 9 .\pril, 1917. Buried one and a quarter miles south-east of Neuville 'St. Vaast, three miles north of Arras. His platoon officer wTOte : " Corpl. Brown was one of our most valuable men. not only for the good work he did. but also for his kind and cheery ways. He will be missed by all his old comrades, and I. as his platoon officer. feel as if I had lost my best friend. So I consider it is my duty to tell you how much your son was appreciated by us all." Unm. BROWN, E.. Driver, No. 68866, R.H.A. ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. BROWN, ERIC FRANCIS. Capt.. 5th (Service) Battn. The Duke of Edin- burgh's (Wiltshire Regt.), 3rd *. of James Wyld Brown, of Eastrop Grange, Highworth. co. Wilts, by his wife. Primrose, dau. of Capt. Kennedv, of Finnarts- Glenapp, co. Ayr; b. London, 30 Jan. 1890; educ. Harrow, and Brasenose College, Oxford ; enlisted in the Public Schools Battn. City of London Regt. 15 Aug. 1914 ; obtained a commission 8 Oct. following ; was promoted Capt. Jan. 1915 ; served with the Jlediterranean Expeditionarv Force at Gallipoli. and was wounded in Aug. 1915, and sent to hospital in Alexandria ; rejoined his regiment on recovery ; took part in the evacuations at Suvia and Cape Helles ; proceeded to Mesopotamia with the first relief expedition to Kut : took part in the second expedition, and was present at the fall of Kut and Bagdad, and died 1 April. 1917. of wounds received while leading his company in ao attack on the Turkish position near ladida. Buried at ladida ; unm. BROWN. FRANK WILLIAM RADFORD, B.Sc, L.-Corpl.. Special Brigade Royal Engineers, i-ld. -St .s. of George A. Brown, Schoolmaster, bv liis wife. Sarah, dau. of Sanmel stal< y ; b. II .\ug. 1876 : educ. St. John's College, Green Lanes, London. N. ; suhM-.pi.-ntIy took the B.Sc. degree of the London University, and became a s.-iril. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France irom Nov. 1916. and was killed in action 1 Oct. 1917. Major Warner wrote : " He has always been a most cheerful, willing and reliable soldier." Cnm. BROWN, GERALD KNAPTON, Lieut.. 2,6th (Territorial) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire llegt.). 2nd >f. of Joshua Knapton Brown, of Vrrmont House, Yeadon. near Leeds, by his 2nd wife. Jeannie, dau. of the late James Bailey, of Riddlesden Hall. Keighley ; b. Yeadon, near Leeds, co. York. 20" Nov. 1895 ; educ. Giggleswiek School; obtained a 2nd Lieu- tenancy in the West Yorkshire Regt. 5 Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war : was promoted Lieut, early in 1916: served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 6 Jan. 1917. and was killed in action during the fight for Bullecourt 3 May following. Buried where he fell. His Colonel wrote : ■■ He was a fine soldier, and in face of the enemy in the most difficult and dangerous situations was always cool and brave, and set a fine example to Ids men. He died gallantly leading his company into action (his Captain having been wounded), receiving a wound in tlie head, which temporarily iiicapacitatcd him : but l*e pluckily carried on as soon as Gerald Knapton Brown, he was able. He received further injuries (was badly wounded in the right arm and both legs), and was lying in a shell-hole waiting for night to fall, so he could be- removed by stretcher- bearers (no one being able to approach during the day because of the intense fire of the enemy), when a shell burst near, killing liim and other brave boys." While at school he won many honours in sports, taking his first colours in football, and was the winner of a cup for cross-country racing unm. 38 The Roll of Honour Harry Brown. lames Brown. BROWN, H. J., Private. No. 7481, 2iid J?attn. Thr Duke of WcllinKton's Kofit. ; served with the Expeditionary I'orre in Fninee ; killed in aetion 11) Sept. 11)14. BROWN. HARRY, h.-Corpl.. Xo. 12:U>. i:Jth (Srrviei') Itiittn. (1st liarnsley) The York and l.aneaster lle^t.. elec. 1915, also with the i;xpcditionar\- I'oree in l-Yanee and l-'ljimitTs. ami was killed ill action at Koicklcv 'S-i April. I1H7. lie iit. ,it St. John's Clmreli. I'.arnsl.-v. i:t Dee. 10i:J. Anni.- VZo. Duke Street, Karnskv). dau. of Walt, r K.df.arii ; s.p, BROWN, HERBERT JAMES, Lieut . Tlh ( r.rritorial) llattn. The Koyal Welsli Fusiliers, "Ider K. of ICrnest James Itrowu, of 40, J.ee rerraee. lUaekheath. S.K.. Builder, by his wife, Hattie. dau, of I). A. Mcssent ; b. Lewis- liam, CO. Kent, 14 Jan. 18H4 ; educ. High- bury House. St. l-conards-on-Sea ; Wius a Brick Maiuifaeturer : joineii the Old liovs' Corps in S.pt. 1914. and tli.- Artists" Kiih-s April, I'.Hj ; wii> i:a/.cttcd L'nd lamt. in the Uoyal Welsh l'ii--iliers tlie fnllnwinii Jnl.\'; served with tlie i:uyptia?i Kxpedjtionary Force in K^ypt and I'al- '. one ami three-iinarter miles ^^^^^^H^S^^^^^ south of F'rieonrt and threi- and a lialf miles ^^^^^■^^^^^ of Albert. He ^^^^^^^^^^^* ' Boughton, 1907. Fdith. dau. of {— ) (Gregory, and had two daus. : Edith Marv. h. April. 1908, and Hilda, h. Ant,'. 1911. BROWN, JAMES TURNER, Lieut., IJ.A.M.C.. .V. of Janu's Brown. Rector of Lark- hall Acaiiemy, Ijy his wife. Christina (.Jani'tield, Larkhall). dau. of James Turner, of Hamilton ; h. I.arkhall. co. Lanark. 28 Oct. 1888 ; educ. (ilasgow Univei-sity, where he graduated J!.B. and ('h.B. in 1911, and was a memher of the O.T.C. : was House Surgeon at (Ila-^gow lioyal Intinnary. anil in 191;! eiiti-reti into partnership \\itli Dr. Charles I''lood.of Northtieet. co. Kent ; obtained a conunission as I ieut. in the K.A..M.C. 20 Man-h. 1917 : left for Kuypt on the rriiiisyhania bS April, and was drowned 4 May inl|(i« in-.', when that ship was sunk in the Mediti Iranian. Buried in Zinola Cemetery, Saxuiia. Italy. He m. at St. George's Chnrch, .b >inorid. NewcastIe-on-T>'ne. 17 June, 1915, Violet (Molbrook, Pelham Road, txravesend), dan. of the late Dr. Thomas Benson, of Dur- ham, and liad a dau., Jean Turner, h. 14 Dec I91(i. BROW^N. JOHN, Corpl.. Xo, 150956. Inland Water Transport. Royal Engineers, only s. of the late .lohn Brown, Fish Cnrer, SIup Owner and Iron Merchant, by his wife, Johanna :\Iarjory, daw. of John Fordyee ; 6. Lerwick, 15 July, 1876: educ. Anderson Institute, Lerwick. Shetland Isles ; was in business with liis father: enlisted 13 March. 1916. and was accidentally drowned near Dunkrik 3 Dec. t{>llowing. while acting as skipper of I.W'.T. barge. Buried in the Military Concession Cemetery, T)nnkirk. He m. at Glasgow, 8 Jan. 1914. Jane Laughton. dau. of Charles Mackay, of Starilie, St. Margaret's Hope. Orkney Isles. BROWN, JOHN, Private, No. 14678, 11th (Service) Battn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). 2nd s. of "David ISrown. (ii Crai'_'ani. Cainbiislang, Coal and Chemical Fx|iorter. of (Jlasnow, by his wife, Agiu's : b. Glasgow. 6 Oct. 18S8 ; educ. AYest- coats School, Camhnslang, and Dollar Academy ; was subsetpiently apprenticed to Messrs. Gillespie & Nieol. Ship OwTiers, Glasgow, and lat-er entered Ins father's tirm; enlisted 23 Oct. 1915; served with the J-Ixpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 Aug. 1916, being Jiinies Turner Brown. John Brown. John Brown. John Richard Brown. attached to the 45th Trcncli Mortar Battery, 45th Brigailc, ami died in Ihe Canadian (iencral Hospital, Etaples, l May. 1917. of wounds received from shrapnel near Arras 23 Ajtril iireviously. Buried in F^taples Military Cemetery ; "tun. BROWN, JOHN RICHARD, Private. No. 8582. 3rd (Reserve) Battn. Ihe Worcestershire Regt., -s. of Jolni Brown, by liis wife. Eliza, dau. of W. Miller ; b. Palmer's Green. London, N. : educ. there: was a Labourer; enlisti'd about Aug. 1904 : served three ytrars witli tin- Colours and nine with the Jtcserve ; was called up on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 : served with the F^xpeditionary Force in France from that month, and was killed in action 17 May. 1916. A comrade wrote: "He was without a doubt one of the most jjopular men in the company, and was liked by everyone, and all men share with me in saying how sorry they all were. He was a line soldier, and alwax-- did his duty, and we have lost om- of the best." Me m, at kitchener. Ontario. Canada. 7 Oct. 1912. Alice Jane (1. Fiwter Cottages. Tottenhall Road. Palmer's Green, N.), dau. of William Wheeler, and had a dau.. Elizabeth Maud. h. Palmer's Green, London. N. BROWN, LEONARD MARSHALL, Private. Xo. 18057, 7th (Service) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt., .v. of Samuel Brown, of Primrose Cottage. Otham. near Maidstone, Farm liabourer, by his wife, Charlotte, dau. of Charles Webb : b. Langlev, 26 Aug. 1895 ; educ. Langley and otham Schools : was employed by Mr. Rayner Betts. of Grcenhill Farm. Otliam : enlisted 4 .March, 19IC. : served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 Aug. follow- ing, and was killed in action at Vimy Ridge 9 April, 1917. Buried in the British Ceiiutery at Ttlley, south-east of Arras. A comrade wrote : " He was well liked, and lived a good life out there." Vnni. BROWN, R. W., Private, No. 6755, 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Rille Corps ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 14-17 .Sej)!. 1914. BROWN, RICHARD STANLEY, 2nd Lieut., 14th (Service) Battn. The Cheshire Regt,. .v. of Charles Dixon Brown, of 76. Gleiieldon Road, Strcatham. by his wile, ICniily, dau. ol the late Richard Harman Lloyd : b. Dujipas Hill, Croydon, co. Surrey, (> .Ian. 1879 : edne. Christ's Hosjiital. Loniion : enlisted in the Sportsman's Battn. Roval I'nsilici-s. April. 1915 ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 14tli BattTi. Clicshirr Regt. 4 June following ; while at a I'ield prac- tice near Liverpool oiv 20 Jan. 191(1, In- was in command of a defending party in conneetimi with a night attack, and was severely injuied in both legs by the accidental explosion oj a bomb ; he was taken to l''a/,akerle\ Hospit:il, Livertmoj, where an o|)eiation was pcrlonncil : hut lie died there 9 Feb. 1916, from the i'tlects of the injuries received wliilst in the execution ot his dnt\" : unm. BROWN, SIDNEY EDGAR, Private. No. 6050. 2nd Battn, (I'lTtti loot) 'J'he Koyal Su.s.sexRegt.,4tli-v. ol the late Frederick Brown. of the late William tialc. of The (Jlcn. North and brother to Private H. R. Brown ('y.'-.); /'. ed Church School, llounor ; 1915 : served with the 1915 : was wounded Richard Stanley Brown. by his wife. Charlotte, dan. Bersted. Bognor, co. Sussex ; South Bersted. 17 March. 1892; educ. South Berste was a Printi-r and Compositor ; enlisted 29 May, ICxjieditionary Force in France and Flanders from Sept. at the Battle of Loos, and invalided home, being in hospital for six months; returned to France 1 June. 1910, and was killed in action at Fourcanx Wood 22-2:i July following. BROWN, SYDNEY JAMES, Private. No. 11919. I2tli (Service) Battn. Tin- Royal Fusiliers ((.'ity of London Uegt.). :^rd -i of Williani P.rown. of Hill .Manor Cot ages. Hinton Parva. Swindon, co. Wilts. Carter, by liis wife. ICsther, dan. ol George (Jrnndy : b. co. Wilts, 5 March. 1897; educ. Hinton Parva; enli.sted Jan. 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France trorn Sept. 1915, and was killed in aetion there 8 Jan. 1916. An oOieiT wrote to his mother : " Your son was killed in aetion this morning, and was laid to rest in the evening with two others that met their death the same morning: lie did not lose any limbs, but passed peaeeinlly away two hours after he was hit." L'um. BROW^N, W. C, Private. No. 9744, 2nd Battn. The South Lancashire Uegt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 3 Oct. 1914. BROW^N, WILLIAM JOHN, Private, No. 20:J7:l. Princess Louise's (Argyi! and Sutherland llighlandeiN). attd. 1,14th (Service) Battn. The Jilack Watch (Royal Highlanders), ^rd .s. of Alexander Brown, of Anntield. Letham, eo. F'orfar. Farmer, bv his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of James Saddler; b. Letham afore- said, 7 April, 1889; educ. Craichie and Letham Public Schools; assisted his father in the work of lus farm ; enlisted 22 Dec. 1916 : left England lor Egypt 16 April. 1917, and was drowned 4 May following, on H.M.S. Transylvania, when lliat >^hip was torpedoed in the Mediterranean. Buri<'d in Zinola Cemetery, Savona, North Italv : tnnti. BROW^N, WILLIAM LEONARD, 2nd Lieut.. C'th (Territorial) Battn. I he Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and J)erbyshir«- Regt.), eldest *-. ot Major Abraham lirown. of Buxton, Solicitor, by his wife, Lucie, dau. of William Lowe, of CO. Sligo ; and brotlu-r to Lieut. C. A. Brown (q.v.) ; b. Buxton, 29 Sept. 1891 : educ. Holmleigh. Buxton, anil Shrewsbury School ; was admitted a Solicitor in Oct. 1014, and gazetted 2nd Lit-nt, Sherwood Foresters the same month ; served with the Fxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from June, 1915, where he acted as lirigade Intelligence Officer, and was killed in action 25 Sept. 1915 ; unm. BEATTIE- BROWN, WILLIAM, Capt.. 25t!i (Service) Battn. The Northumberland Fii-iliers, only surv. s. of the lat.' Williani Beattie-Hinwu. R.S.A., Landscape Painter, by liis wile, Estlier Love (Edinburgh), dau. of Henry Doig. J. P. : b. Portobello. 18 March. 1878 ; educ. Daniel Stewart's College, Edinburgh; won the Greek Thomson Travelling Studentsliip, and went to Williani Leonard Brown. The Roll of Honour 39" Southern Spain and Italy : on his roturu Ijeoami- an Architect in Edinhnr^h ; was gazetted 2nd Lient. JS'orthunibfrland Fusiliers 27 Jan. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 9 April. 1017. His Colonnl wrote : " Personally, I iiave lost a friend, and the rrLiiimiit has lost a good and gallant man." He was a keen sportsman, an exedl. nt liolirr. being champion of the ScottLsh Artists' Club : held the championship lor bilhards at the same club ; he was also a good shot; and angler ; num. WREFORD-BROWN, OSWALD ERIC, Capt., 9th (Service) Battn. The Northumberland iMsiliers. 6th s. of the late William Wreford- Brown, of 5, Litfleld Place, Clifton, by his wife. Clara Jane (5, Litfidd Place, Clifton, Bristol), dau. of Henry Clark, M.D. ; and brother to Capt. C. Wreford-Brown. D.S.O. (see Vol. I., page 57] ; b. Clifton, Bristol. 21 July, 1877 ; edue. Waynflete ; Durdham Down, and Charterhouse ; was a member of the Stock Exchange, and a keen sportsman ; played for Middlesex County Cricket Club in 1900 ; he had spent two years in Canada, and shortly after the outbriak of war traimd in the Inns of Court Corps, and was gazetted" Temp. Lieut. NOrrhundM rlaiid Fusiliers 8 Nov. 1914 ; promoted Capt. 7 July, 1916 ; was for nim- niunths in tlir Vi»ri;s salient, Flanders ; wounded in action during the Battk- of tlu* >jomme, by a shell in the quadrangle trench, near Fricourt, 5 July, I'.tlfj, and died in a casualty clearing station 7 July following. Buried in Corbie Communal Cemetery, near Amiens, the following day. Thongli he had no natural inclination for a military life, he gave himself up wholly to it. and had become a capable officer ; his one thought was for his men, their comfort and welfare, and he had won their respect and love ; un/ti. BROWNE, P., Private, No. 10765, 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps ; ■^er\ed with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; died of pneumonia 10 Sept. 1914. BROWNE, GEOFFREY DENNIS, Major, 1st South Midland Brigade, R.F.A., (T.F.), only surv. *-. of the Kev, Ernest Alfred Browne, of 1, Miles Road, Clifton, Bristol, by his wife, Maria, dau. of the Rev. James Thomas Boles, of Rhyll Court, Exmouth ; b. Kensington. London, W.. 10 May, 1888; educ. Clifton" College ; joined the R.F.A. (T.F.) as a Gunner in 1906 ; was promoted Lieut. 6 May. 1911, Capt. 1 May, 1914. and Major 7 Jan. 1915 : vohinteered for foreign service on the outbreak of war in Au^. 1914 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from March, 1915, and was killed in action at Ovillers 19 Sept. 1916. Buried in Avelny Cemetery. He was mentioned in Despatclies [London Gazette, 4 Jan. 1917] by GentTal (now F.M) Sir Douglas Haig, for gallant and distimiuished service in the field : num. BROWNE, GEORGE BROWNLIE, 2nd Lieut.. 10th (Service), attd. 9th (Scrvitrl. Battn. Tlie Black Watch (Roval Hiizhlandt-rs), ^nd s. of G. Washington Brown.-. (U i, Kaiidolph Cliff, Edinburgh. U.S.A., Anliitrrt. ii> bis wife, Jessie, dau. of Robert r.rnwiilie. oi (ilas^ow ; and brother to Private H. K. Browiu: (q.v.); b. Edinburgh, 27 July, 1892 ; I due. Viewpark Preparatory School, and Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh ; was a member of the Cadi't C'orps at Merchison Castle, and brokr thr school record in t!ie cross- eountrj' race ; atli-r lr;i\ing school, went to Ceylon for tea and nihlur plantiii'-r. and later to Southern India ; returned to ICii!j;land in 1915; gazetti'd 2nd Lient. Kith liluck Watch, T May, 1915 ; went to France Dec. following, being attached to the 9th Battn. there, and was killed in action in tlu? trenches near Loos 7 Feb. 1916, Hiiried in Vermelles Cemetery. His Commanding Otrieer. Lieut. -Col. John Stewart, wrote : "" Your hoy was absolutely devoid of fear. . . . He took part in a most successful bombing attack on 25 Jan.. and in my rejiort on the matter I specially men- tioned your son's name, and I tliink that he would in all ])robability have been mentioned in Despatches for his gallant conduct on tliat occasion," and a brother oflieer, Lieut. Pitcairn : " He bombed three German saps successfully and returned without a casualty. For this Col. Stewart told me lie had recommended your son for recognition." His elder brother. Private L. A. Browne. B.Sc. P.P.C.L.I.. was wounded at Ypres ; uttin. BROWNE, HEW EDWARDS, Private, No. 17572. 15th (Service) Battn. (1st Edinburgh) ■Jhe Koyal Scots (Lothian itegt.), 3rd s. of G. Washington Browne, of 1, Randolph Cliff, Kdintinrgli, R.S.A., Architect, by his wife, Jessie, dau. of Robert Brownlie. of Glasgow ; and brother to 2nd Lieut. G. B. Browne {g.r.) : b. Koslin. eo. Midlothian, 27 May, 1895 ; educ. Mercliison Castle Preparatory School ; privately, and George Heriot's SehooL Edinburgh ; was a Pu|)il Photographer before the war; volun- teered and enlisted in the Royal Scots Oct. 1914 ; went to France Feb. 1916, and was killed in action between La Boiscfle and Coutal- inaison 1 July following, the first day of the Sommc battle. Buried on the battlefield ; imm. BROWNE, J.. Private. No. 2473. 1st Battn. I hi Klie.:*s Royal Rifle Corps; served wi.h th<' i:\priiirionarv Force in France ; died of wounds 16 Sept. 1914. BROWNE, LIONEL CHARLES, 2nd Lieut., 7th (Territorial) Battn. The Sherwood Foresters (Nottiiighamshire and Derbysliirc Regt.). only ."t. of Charles John Browne, of 23, Gcdling Grove, Nottingham, Solicitor, and Senea Wright Browne ; b. Nottingham, 13 Nov. 1896 ; educ. Grosvenor School there, matricu- lating at the Durham University in Sept. 1914; joined the Nottingliani Uni- versity College O.T.C. in July, 1915 ; obtained a commission in the Sherwood Foresters the following Nov. ; served with the Exjieditionary Force in France from July, 1916, and was killed in action during an attack on Lens 30 June. 1917. Buried in the Military Cemetery at Sains-en-Gohelle. near Bethune. His Commanding Officer wrote : *" Your boy did his duty like a true Englishman. . . . He had endeared himself to all the officers and men of the battalion, and his sad end is deeply deplored by all Ids comrades. 1 had a very great regard for him ; he was always cheery and bright and very interested in his work," and another officer : " Y'our son was the only officer of his company to actually enter the German trenches. ... He displayed great bravery, and in spite of losses, carried on and made the attack a great success." Vnin. BROWNING, F., Private, No. 8334, 1st Battn. The Gloucestershire Regt. ; served witli tlie Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 19 Sept. 1914. BROWNING, J. E., Private, No. 7722, 2nd Battn. The South Lancashire Regt. ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 21 Sept. 1914. George Brownlie Browne. Hew Edwards Browne. Charles James Bruce. BROWNLEE, GILBERT, L.-Corpl., No. 40428, The Canieronians (Scottish Rifles), s. of John Brnwnlee, of 5, Springvalley Gardens, Edinburgh. Mason, bv his wile. Mary Watson, dau. of John Johnstone; b. Galashiels, 15 Nov. 1885*; educ. tlalashiels and KdinburLzh liunih Schools; was a Plumber in the (-niploy- ment of J. M. Scott. Mornimr-ide Road, Edinburgh; voluntarily enlisted 20 Aug. 1914; served with the lixpi-ditionary Force in France from 31 Aug. 1916, and was killed in action there 28 Oct. following. He m. at Merehiston Hall, Edinburgh, 30 Dec. 1910, Jessie Jane (4. Springvallev Terrace. Edinburgh), dau. of Thomas Walls, and had a son, John Thomson, b.'lh Jan. 1912. BROWNLEY, G., Private, No. 7356, 1st Battn. The Ea.st Y'orkshirc Regt.;. served with the Exixditionary Force in France ; killed in action 28 Oct. 1914. BROWNLIE J., Private. No. 7084. 1st Battn. The Cameron Highlander served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; kilted in action 7 Oct. 1914. BRUCE, ALBERT EDWARD PERCY. Private, No. 15944, 5th (Service) Battn. The King's (Shropshin- Light Infantry), 2nd s. of Thomas Bruce, of 86, Marlborough Roa(i, Cardill. Master .Mariner, by his wife. Marguerite Jane, dau. of James Partridge; b. Liverpool, 25 Feb. 1895; educ. Albany Road Council School, and St. Mary's Hall, CardiJf : was an Apprentice at sea ; enlisted in Nov. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders : was wounded in May, 1915, and invalided " home ; rejoined his regiment tlu; following Aug., and was killed in action at DelvilleWood 31 ,\ug. 1916. Buried nortli-east of Delville Wood. His Sergeant WTote : " He was a Machine Gunner belonging to the section of my platoon, and I can assure you I have lost one of my best men. His section received the thanks of the Brigadier- General for the splendid work they did in breaking up the German attack. He has loft a good name behitid him, and he will never' be forgotten by his pals. He would have had promotion a long time ago, but he i>refcrrcd to stop as he was.** TJmn. BRUCE, C, CorpL. No. 740G, 1st Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 9 Sept. 1914. BRUCE, CHARLES JAMES, 2nd Lieut.. Army Cyclist Corps. 3rd x. of Robert Wilson Bruce, of 5. Rosebcry Terrace, Glasgow. Surgeon, by his wife. 3Iadelfne, dan. of William Rcdpath ; b. Glasgow. 20 March. 1887 ; educ. Hillhead High School there: was an Iitspector of the Scottish Widows' Fund JJfe Assurance Society, being for four years a member of the Glasgow Highlanders (T.F.) ; volunteered for foreign service, and rejoined on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Nov. : was womided at Festubert in 3Iay, and invalided home ; obtained a commission in the Army Cyclist Corps 10 Aug. 1915 ; served with tlie i'lL'>"ptian Expeditionary Force in Egyj.t and l*;destine from May, 1916; took part in tlie Battles of Romani and Gaza, and died at Cairo 20 May, 1917, from wounds received through bombs being dropped on a Field hospital where he was stationed, sulfering from an attack of dysentery. Buried in Old Cairo Cemetery. His fornier Commanding Officer wrote : '* I feel Bruce 's death very much, as lie was such a fine fellow ; so cheery and one you could cntirelv depend on to do the very best, no matter how trying the circumstances. He did so well also during the lighting." Unm. BRUCE, JAMES. Capt.. 256th (Forfarshire) Brigade, R.F.A.. 3rd s. of Frederick John Bruce, brother to the 9th Earl of Elgin ; b. 2 Dee. 1887 : killed in action near Yprcs 25 July, 1917. BRUCE, WILLIAM SMITH. PriAate, No. 6/20SO, 1st Battn. 1st Canterbury Infantry, New Zealand Expeditionary Force, .s-. of John Bruce, of Inverurie, Aberdeen, ex-l'olice Constable in the Glasgow Force, bv his wife. Eliza Ann. dau. of John Lendrum, of co. Aberdeen : b. Glasgow. 8 Jaii. 1897 : educ. Provan- side School there ; was a Clerk in the District Superintendent's Office of the North British Railway Company, Glasgow ; went to New Zealand in June, 1914, and obtained an appointment in the Christ Church Branch of tlie Bank of Australia ; enlisted 22 Feb. 1915 : served with the .Mediterranean Expedi- tionary I'orce at Gallipoli. and afterwards in France and Flanders ; was wounded at the Tliird Battle of Ypres 12 Oct. 1917. and died two days later at No. 2 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Lysscnthoek Military Cemetery, near Popcringhe. His Commanding Officer WTotc : " The fine qualities of your son were appreciated by his comrades ; he ^vas very popular among the nien ol Ids company. He was a sportsman and a fine soldier, and it is tJie loss of such as he that carries the s> nii)athy ol the company to whieh he belonged." Unm. BRUCE, THOMAS ROBERT, Capt.. I4th (King's) Hussai^, ehlest *-. of the late William Robert Rruee. Master of the Court of Oueen's Bench, Ireland, by his wife, Florence Helen (15, Pelliam Crescent, South Kensington, S.W.). daii. of G. .\. 0.-l)orne ; b. Blackrock, co. Dublin. 1 July, 1885; educ. Ludgrove ; Eton, and the Royal .Milit-ary College, Sandhurst : gazetted 2nd Lieut. 14th Hussars 28 Jan. 1905 ; promoted Lieut. 21 April. 1906, and Capt. 1 June. 1911 ; was Adjutant to his regiment from 8 Sept. 1911. to 7 Sept. 1914 : served with the Indian Fxiieditinnary Force in Mesopotamia from Nov. 1915, and died in No. 31 British Stationary Hosiiital. Sheikh Saad, 8 Feb. 1917, from pneumonia, contracted while on active service. Buried there ; Hum. BRUNSDON, W. T.. Private. No. 7851. 1st Battn. The Wiltshire Regt. : ^er\ei| with thr i^xpeditionur.v Force in Frauee ; died of wounds, 1914. ' BRUNTON, ROBERT. Private, No. 5215, 9th (Service) Battn. The Roya Sussex Regt., ,s. of John Thomas Brunton. of 138, Ellen Street. Hove, po. Sussex, Plasterer, by his wife, Emily Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Phillips : b. Hove 29 Jan. 1895 ; educ. East Hove Higher Grade School ; was an As-iistant at the Palmeria Hosiery Stores. Hove; enlisted 20 Jan. 1916; .served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 5 Aug. following, and was killed in action at Vimy Ridge 12 13 April. 1917. Buried at Bois-en-Hache, near Souchcz ; nnm. BRYAN. ARTHUR EDWIN, CorpL. No. 110828, Gloucester Section. Machine Gun Corps, elder >. ol lOdwin liryjin. of West Town Farm. Marsbfleld. Farmer. by his wile. .lane. dau. of Samuel Porter; b. Marshfleld, co. Gloucester. 6 July. 1893 ; educ. Kemp'j^ Hoarding School. Long Ashton. Bristol, and the Technical School, Bath ; was an Engineer ; joined the Royal ttloucester Hussars Yeomanr>" in 1912. and volunteered for service abroad on the outbreak of war in .\ug. 1914 ; served with tlie J-lgyptian Kxpeditionary Force in Egypt and Palestine from .\pril. 1915: was awarded the Serbian Gold Medal by the King of Serbia in .\pril, 191(i. for eonsiueuous gallantry and bravery, and died at No. 15 General Hospital. Alexandria. 19 Nov. 1917, from wounds received in action at Beersheba. Ituried in the Hadras Cemetery, Alexandria. His Major wrote : " He was a Miirhine (.lunner of marked ability, and one of the truest, sincerest soldiers I have ever had tm service, and I feel proud at ha\ing had the honour of training such a man at Thornham." and a comrade : *" His keen judgment and sound advice were taken by all otheers and men, and his upright character is a patt'-rti to all of us." Vnm. 40 The Roll of Honour BRYAN, JAMES, (Ivmnor. No. 110715, Siege Battery. Uoyal Garrison Artillrry, fldt'st s. of Jolm P.rvaii, Councillor. Shoemaker, by his \vif<-. Marion, dan. of Andrew Meikle ; b. ilainilton, 10 Auk. 1891 : edur. Greeiideld Sehool tliero ; was a Printer employed by the," Hamilton Advertiser " ; enlisted 10 Aur. litltt ; served witli the iCxpeditionary Foree in France and Flanders from 2!) Fel). 1017, and was killed in action at the Battle. of Arras 2ti April. I'J17. liuried there. His Commanding Otftcer wrote : " He was one of the best signallers in this bat- lerv, and is a great loss to us. He was hit by a sliell wlien mi-nding a telephone wire which had just been cut by shell tire, "and lived for about hall an hour, during which time he was taken to the dressing station and atteiuli'd to tliere. He was never conscious enough to speak after he had been hit." and a comrade : " His deatli was a severe blow to all of uswhow(rre closely associated with him and who loved and respected him for his free and open manner and obliging disposition." Unm. BRYANT, ERNEST GL.\DSTONE, Sergt., No. 21474, 16th (Service) Battn. Tlie Cheshire Kegt., s. of Jack Bryant, of Derby. Iiy his wifi'. Mary Ann, dau. of .lohn Rees : b. Derbv, 24 May. lS8lt; edue. Board School. Dowlais; was a Viewer; enlisted in Nov. 1014 ; served with tin- I-^xiieditionary l-'orcc in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Honthulst [''orcst 21 Oct. 1017. A comrade wrote: "The life and soul of the company, liked by all. and always cheerful and jolly mider most trying conditions." He m. at Birmingham, in 1014. Mabel (tl2, Parliament Street. Small Heath. Itirminuham). dau. of Albert Kdward Kirk, and had a son, Ernest Kaynuind. 0. 24 Aug. 101.'). BRYANT, FREDERICK JAMES MANSEL, 2nd l.irut.. 4th (Territorial) itattn. The Welsh Kegt, only s. of William Hugh Owen .Mansel Bryant, of Pembroke, Solicitor, by his wife. Lilian Jlaud. dau. of Frederit-k Walker, of Tenby ; b. Pembroke. 24 May. 1S04 : educ. at St. Andrew's. Tenby ; Clifton College, and Crystal Palace School of ICugineering : obtained a commission 5 .Tuiy 1015 ; served with the Egyptian Kxjieditionary Force from Sept. 1016, and was killed in action at Gaza, Palestine. 26 March. 1017. Buried there. Capt. F. S. Thomas WTote : " He went into action ant. V.T- f o^ci^^'lgn''"^^ ^"^^""^ "* ^^^^""^ ' "^"'^"^ '" ''*'^'°° BRYCE, THOMAS BURT, Gunner. No. 303028. 3rd, attd. 6tli, Siege Battery. C.A., Canadian Expeditionary Force, 8th x. of the late William Bryce, of Shettlcston, fJIosgow, by his wife. Christina, dau. of tlie late Kobert Smith, of Glasgow : b. Shettleston, i;ia>L:()W. 22 Dec. 1883; educ. there; went to Canada in Oct. 1909. and settled at Montreal, where he was employed a.s an Upholsterer in the Grand Trunk Railway shops ; joined the Canadian Siege Artillery 20 Oct. 1015 ; came over with the 3rd Siege Artillery Overseas Battery the following Dec; served with the Expeditionary I-'orce in France and Flanders from X"ov. 1910. and was killed in action at Thelns 21 May. 1017. Buried in the Military Cemetery at Aux lt<-itz, near La Sagette. His Commnnding Othcer wrote: "I thought an awful lot of him. for hv. was a good reliable ^nldi-r. and one of the best I had. and con- '1 i' iitious." and a comrade; "It was a real plr;i-.nre to work beside such a fearless fellow, Thomas Burt Bryce. '^''"^ .^*» ^"2'^* ^^'jtli !"m.. for with his kind. ^ pleasmg and manly disposition he made many friends in our battery, and his death was a great loss to us." He m. at Glasgow, 29 Sept. 1909, Annie Dunlop, dau, of John Bac. of Parkliead, Glasgow, and had two children ; William, b. 15 Aug. 1914, and Elizabeth Houstin, b. 15 June, 1912. Reginald Eyre Bryant. David N. G. Buchanan. BRYDSON, R., L.-Corpl., No. 9848, 2nd Battn. The Gordon Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of ha>morrhage of lung 2 Nov. 1914. BRYER, A. T., Private. Xo. 4715, 9th Lancers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 7 Sept. 1014. BimB, G., L.-Corpl., Xo. 8337, The Worcestershire Kegt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. BUCHAN, J., Corpl.. Xo. 5156, 1st Battn. The Scots Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 15 Oct. 1014. BUCHANAN, DAVID NIEL GRIFFITHS, 2nd J,ieut.. 37th Dotzras, lu'liaii Army Keserve, yr. s. of John (Jritllths Ituehanau, of Clyde House. Hereford, by hi-^ witv. .Icssie Laura, dau. of tlie Rev. J. 11. Brown, Hector of Hopc- sav, CO. Salop ; b. Clun. co. Salop, 25 Feb. 1892 ; educ. Hereford Cathedral School ; was an Jilectrical iMitiiueer on tlie Jiakuui Tea Plantation. MarL'lierita. .Assam ; joined the Duke of A\ <'iliugton"s Jiegt. in Jan. 1915, and was transfiTied to the Dogras ; served with the indiaii Exiieditionary Force in Mesopotamia from Nov. 1015. and was killed in action near Sheikh Saad 21 Jan. lOHi. Buried there. An officer wrote ; ** He was proving a very useful officer with a big heart, and had got to know the men. which is such a vast assistance to an ollieer in an Indian eorjis." Cnw. BUCHANAN, G.. L.-Corpl.. No. 7211. The Kinu's Royal Rifle Corps; served with the Kx- peditioiiarv Force in J'"rance ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. BUCHANAN. T., Private, No. 10580, 2nd Battn. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers : served with the Ex|>editionarv Force in France : killed in action 20 Oct. 1014. BUCHANAN, WILLIAM ARTHUR IRVINE, Capt.. 50th Mobile Veterinary Section. Army \eterlnary Corps, eldest s. of John Gerard Buchanan, Manager of the Northern Bank, Fintona, co. Tyrone, by his wife, Annie Elizabeth, dau. of Hugli Johnston, of Crannyvale, Fintona, J.P. ; also grand-nephew of the late Deputy InspiH-tor-General Robert Irvine. R.N., and cousin to the late Inspector- General (H-rard Irvine. R.N., and to Col. Gerard B. Irvine, C.B., of the Indian Medical Service, and to Statf-Surgeon J. E. Johnston. H.M.S. Vindictive; /*. Castletown. Fintona, 24 May, 1892; educ. Omagli Acjubtny : Esda!c"s College. Belfast, and the Royal Veterinary College of Ireland, Dublin, where he was a Stalf-Sergt. in the O.T.C., holding certificates A and Ji, ami winning tlu^ cup for being the most efficient cadet. He qualified as aM.R.C.V.S. in July, 1014. gaining the medal in medicine ; volunteered his services on the ontltreak of war ; was gazetted Lieut. Speci:it He'^irve. Army Veterinary Corps, 31 Aug. 1014 ; served with the i:\peiiilinnai \ I mrr in I'rance from 5 Oct. following; was present at the First Bat lie oi ^ pre-, ihr l ;at tie of Neuve Chapelle, and subsequent engage- ments with the iamous 7th Division ; returned to England In Xov. 1015. to take command of the 50th Mobile Veterinary Section of tlie 39th Division ; was promoted Capt. 1 Feb. 1910 ; went back to France 8 March following, and served with that di\ision until he was killed in action between Pd(>eringhe an. SultnlU, where he took several distiiietinns ; was snbsifpiently employed in the Bank with .Mesiirs. Couk iV Sons, Lndgate Circas. London. E.C. ; enlisted Sejit. 1014 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in I'ranee .iiui Flanders from 25 May, 1917, being attarh- il tM Hie 8th Battn. Ea.st Surrey Regt. as iii-r < l:i-v SiLziuUler, and was killed in action near l'a.->Llnudaele 12 Oct. following, while laying a wire under heavy fire, liuried near Gloucester Farm, between Passchendaeic Ridge and the Poelcappelle Road. His Conunanding 'Officer WTOte : " He was a fine lad. and had he lived, would have been recommended for a decoration ' for bravery." " Unm. BUCK, W., Private, No. 7071, 1st Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 27 Sept. 1914. BUCKERFIELD, J., Private, Xo. 7394. 2nd Battn. Kings Royal Rifie Corps: served with tin- lAprditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 3 Oct. 1014. BUCKLAND, ERNEST BLAS FRANK, Lieut., 13th (Service) Battn. The East Surrey Regt., 2nd .v. of Ernest Bnckland, of Hurlingham, Buenos Aires, by his wife, Beatrice Mary. dan. of the late Edward Thomas Mulhall. Founder and Editor of the " Buenos Aires Standard " ; and gdson. of the late Rev. Samuel- Buckland. Vicar of Torrington, co. Devon; b. Argentine Republic, 31 May, 1800 ; educ. Lonias Academy, Buenos Aires ; was co-Manager of " Punta Rulier " Estancia ; came to England 15 July, 1015, and obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut, in the East Surrey Regt. in Sept. being promoted Lieut. Jan. 1916 ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 June, and was killed in action near Betlinne 5 Oct. following. Buried there. His Commanding Ofhccr wrote : " He wa^ a splendid officer and was getting on so well, always cheery and game for anything. He is, I ass\U"e you, a great loss to the regiment. Your son was buried in the presence of a large number of liis friends at noon on (• Oct. in a beautifully-kept cemetery." Unm. Donald William Buck. The Roll of Honour 41 John Arnold Buckland. Ronald Anderson Budden. BUCKLAND, JOHN ARNOLD, 2nd Lieut.. 3rd (Reserve), attd. 7th (Sen-ice), Battn. Prince Albert's (Somers-t Light Infantry), elder s. of the Rev. John Vansittart Buckland. Vicar of Whit^Iackington, limiaster, co. Somerset, for- merly of Ta.«mania, by his wife, Agnes Lucv, dau. of the late P. G. Kavanagh, of Aus- tralia, and a descendant of the Kings of ^^M^^ Leinst^r: b. Taunton, co. Somerset, 5 Oct. ^^■^^^A 1896 ; educ. King's College, and the School, ^^^F^ \ I Wellington Road, there: Brighton College, ^^^^^ I where he was in the O.T.C. : obtained a coin- ^^^^^kl^B mission in tlie 3rd (Reserve) Somerset Light ^^^^^ft^^ I Infantry 23 Aug. 1915 : served with the Expe- ^^^^^^. ditionary Force in France and Flanders from ^^^^^^ 20 July. 1916. being attached to the 7th Battn. ; ^^^^V^ took part in the fighting on the Sorame. in- ^^^^r eluding the capture of Guillemont 3 Sept. ; ^^^Hp > the actions at Les Bo-ufs on the 18th, and at ^^^^K^' ^ Gueudecourt 5 and 8 Oct.. and was killed in ^^^^^B^^^^^ action near the Bajjaunie Road, between ^^^^^^^m^^^^^ Morval and Sailly Saillijcl 1 March,, 1917, ^^^^^^^^^■l^^^HH holding an advanced post. Buried just BB^^^B^BMyBBB behind the front line where he fell. One of Ills senior otficers wrote : " He was one of those quiet, thorough natures on whom one can always rely, and had a strong sense of dutv." and the Chaplain : *' Such a good fellow, his brother officers and the men loved and respected him, and it will be very hard to fill his place." A brother oflicer also wrote : " ^Ye were brother officers together for some montlis. and I can assure you that with ns all he was a general favourite. He was always merry and bright, and was as popular with the men as with his brother officers." He has left behind Iiim, although little more than a boy, an example which we can all profit by copying — that of working with a happy spirit always." and another : " His influence over the men was marvelloas for one so young. The whole company were fond of him and would have followed him anywhere." While at Brighton <'ol!ege he was Senior House Prefect at Durnford House, also a School Prefect ; a member of the first Football XI. in 1914. and a member of the second Cricket XI. in 1914 and 1915. BUCKLEY, P., L.-Corpl., Xo. 7385. 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. BUCKLEY, JAMES WILLIE, Private. Xo. 1467, 13th (Service) Battn. (1st Tiarnsley) Tiie York and Lancaster Regt., 3rd x. of James Buckley. Stoker, by liis wife, Ada : b. 1896 ; educ. St. John's Schools, Barnsley : was a Collier ; enlisted in Aug. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 5 April, 1916, and was killed in action at the Battle of the Somme 1 July following ; m. BUDD, THOMAS WILLIAM, L.-CorpK. Xo. 778, 7th (Service) Battn. The Koyal Sussex Regt.. s. of Thomas Budd, of 43, Cavendish Street, Cliichester, co. -Sussex, Seaman, by his wife, Edith, dau. of the late James Xorris, of Chichester ; b. Chichester, 3 Dec. 1896 ; educ. Lancastrian Boys' School there ; was employed Ijy Messrs. Shippara, Ltd., of Chichester : enlisted 4 Sept. 1914 ; served with "the Jiixpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 16 May, 1915. and was killed in action at Arras, or near Monchy, 3 Oct. 1917. Buried in the Monchy Military Cemetery ; unm. BUDDEN, RONALD ANDERSON, 2nd Lieut.. 1st Battn. (29th Foot) The WorcestcTsliire Regt.. only -«. of Horace Budden, of 35, Marlborough Road, Wimbledon Park, London, S.W., by his wife, Laura Evangeline, dau. of Capt. John Anderson, of Brighton and Burton-on-Trent ; b. Bournemouth, co. Hants, 16 Oct. 1897 : educ. Bournemouth School, and the Royal Military College, Sandhurst : w;t^ ^nzfttr-d 2iid Lieut. Worcestershire Regt. 7 April, 1916 served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Sept., and was killed in action near Hooge, east of Y'pres. 31 July, 1917. Lieut.-Coi. G. Davidge wrote : " He was a most gallant young officer, and had frequently distinguished himself previously to Ills death, and died as he would have wished. at the head of his company. The X.C.O.'s and men of his company looked up to him with great admiration, respect and affection, and they speak of his good qualities in glowing terms." and Capt. Urwick : "' He was shot through the head by a German sniper and died instantly. He met his death in the most gallant fashion. The company of which his platoon formed part had already attacked and captured the front and second lines of the front trench system held by the enemy. \MiiIe attackin.: the third line they were checked for a Tiioni.nt by machine-gun fire. Y'our son vtry promptly organized a small party from his platoon, and led them forward from shell- liole to shi.ll-holi'. with a view to attacking and silencing the nearest of these machine guns. While within jioint-blank range of the gun. he raised himself on the lip of the crater to throw a bomb, and was shot at that instant. The men with him immediately rushed the gun and bayoneted the crew, including the man who sniped your son. The gun was captured, and the line went forward to its f\irther objectives. I cannot hope to express the extreme value of such leading as was displayed by your son. Apart altogether from the personal gallantry of the deed, the initiative, the quick grasp of opportunity in the face of momentary check, are exactly those qualities which are needed to make the full use of the arms and equipment which are at last ours. The fact that the regiment fulfilled every task which had been set it to the letter, despite strong opposition, is in itself sufficient testimony to the value of the work done by him. . . . The Colonel and ail his brotlier officers cannot speak too highly of him. I while, more important still, the men of his own platoon seem to miss liim sorely." The Chaplain of his battalion also %\TOte : " 1 had come to know him very well indeed, and his death has come as a great blow to all of us, for he was a general favourite in the battalion. ... He always proved himself a fearless soldier . . . he lived a good life, and died a noble death in the greatest elfort th;it England has made for the freedom of the world." He was awarded a Parchmrnt Certifi- cate for gallant cqnduct and devotion to duty by the General Officer Commanding the 8th Division, the official record stating:" "He was in charge of a patrol i wliich entered the German lines near Hooge, cast of Ypres. on the ni'jht 27-28 July, 1917. He carried out his reconnaissance with skill, judgment and deter- I mination. He handled his men well and returned with valuable information.'* Unm. BUDGETT, EDWIN GEORGE, Private, Xo. 13455, 4th (Service) Battn- i The South Wales Borderers, 4th s. of Albert Budgett, of Cross Keys. Sliner, by j his wife, Susan, dau. of James Colins Broadway; b. Xottingham, 5 May, 1895; j educ. at Cross Keys Board School ; was a Miner in the employ of Xine Mile Point Collier^' ; enlisted 18 Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force | Harry Bullass. in France and 1-landers : was wounded 25 May, 1916, and sent home on sick leave ; went to Salouica 16 Aug. following, and "died of wounds 18 March, 1917 ; Unm. BUXL, BENJAMIN ALLEN. Capt., 2/2nd Home Counties Field Am- bulance, R.A.M.C:., only ». of Professor Bull, of 83, Wilbraham Road, Charlton- cum-Hardy, Manchester; b. Huddersfield. 19 Xov. 1887; educ. Rydal 3Iount School, Colw>n Bay, and Jesus College, Oxford, where he won an Exiiibition. and obtained First Class Honours in Mathematical Moderations, and a First Class in the Final Honour School of Physiology ; entered the Hospital course at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in Sept. 1912 : in Aug. 1914, he joined the Royal Xaval Volunteer Reser\-e as Surgeon Probationer; served on H.M.S. Lysander ; in Dec. 1914. he returned to St. liartholomew's Hospital, where he finished his course and qualified ; obtained a commission in May, 1915 ; when taking out a draft of men to the Expeditionary Force in France' and Flanders the slup was wrecked, but all were saved ; a week later, returned to France, and was attached to the London Regt., and was killed in action 16 Sept. 1917, by a shell, which burst outside his Aid Post, near Y'pres, where he was attending a wounded man. Buried in Bard Cottage Cemetery, Boesinghe, north of Ypres. His Colonel wrote : *' Capt. Bull was a most gallant and capable officer, in whom I placed the greatest confidence, and liis loss will be deeply felt by all those who were associated with him. His cheen,' spirits and devotion to duty were the admira- tion of all ranks." and a brother officer : " I only knew him for three or four months, but I got to love the big, generous heart of him. He was .=;o bright, cheerful, keen, with such amazing capacity for appreciating life, and an entirely attractive sense of humour. His wit kept our me.ss alive, and where he liad been most caustic and censorious, he invariably balanced things by behaving in a manner that was as charming and attractive as could be — a manner which reminded one of a very perlect Irish gentleman. He died doing bis duty." .\notht.r also wrote : " Capt. Bull was kindness itself to me. often going a long way out of liis way to do little kindnesses. His treatment of the soldiers was most s.vmpathetic ; more so than that of most medical officers. He was fearless imder fire, and our Commanding Officer told me that he had put liis name down for a Decoration." f'nm. BtlLLASS, HARRY, JIachine Gunner, Xo. 126((7, 8th (Service) Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt.. «. of Frederick Bulla.ss, of Pitsmoor. Sheffield, bv liis wife. .Vda. dau. of ^fljh^ (— ) Kace; b. Sheffield. 3 July. 1895; educ. ^Pim^y^^L there ; enlisted in the Y'ork and Lancaster ^ ^^ Hep., in Aug, 1914; served with the Expe- M ^B ditionary Force in France from 26 Aug. 1915, K ••B and was killed in action at Albert 26 April, D .jOM i^^_V 1916. Buried there; unm. S ^ ^** & BLXLOCK, E., Private, Xo. 10080, The West " ,-V Yorkshire Kegt. : served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; died 14 Xov, 1914. BULLOCK, GERVAS FREDERIC, 2nd Lieut., 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The South Wales i>orderers, only ». of the late Frederic D'Olbert Bullock, LI-.*B. Cantab., Sessions Judge, licimal Civil Service, bv his wife, 3Iinnie Weir (.'■'.I. .Mount Park Koad, Ealing, W.), dau. of till- late W. Cooper; b. Punjab, India, 24 March. 1881; educ. at Temple Grove, and Malvern, where he gained a scholarsliip and was head Of the School House ; afterwards went to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge; on the outbreak of war he was in Ceylon, but returned home immediatelv. and joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. in July, 1915 : obtained a commission 30 Dec. following : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 31 JiUy, 1917, during the operations of Pilkem Ridge. Buried near Ypres. A brother officer wrote : " He was killed instantaneously by a sniper. He was in charge of the company at the time, and by his gallantry and coolness won the admira- tion of everyone. He was very higlily esteemed by all, and his men positively loved him. and would have followed him anywhere. He died doing his duty nobly and well, as he had always done. I never knew liim do a mean or ungen'tlemanly thing. He was a delightful friend and companion. ... He was a thorough sportsman : it was the very essence of his character." Cum. BUMSTEAD, GEORGE WILLIAM, Private. Xo. 13690. 7th (Ser\ice) Battn. The Royal Sussex Kegt., *■. of Arthur Bumstead. of 158, Bohemia Road, St. Leonards-on-Sca. co. Sussex, by his wife. Peggj- Eiizab«-th. dau, of George William Swain ; b. Hastings, 17 July. 1898 : educ." Tower Road School. Bohemia. Hastings; was a Butcher: enlisted IS July. 1916; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from' 17 July, 1917, and was killed in action at Cambrai 25 Xov. following ; loim. BUNBLHY, GODFREY HUGH ST. PIERRE, Lieut., Acting Capt.. loth. attd. 36th, Sikhs. Indian Army, yst. a. of Lieut. -Col. William St. Pierre Bunbury. R.F.A., by his wife, Lilian, dau. of the late General the Hon. Sir Henry Ramsay. K-C.S.L, C.B. ; and gdson. of Colonel Henrv William St. Pierre Bunbury. C.B. ; b. Wool- wicli. 6 Jan. 1895 ; educ. Bedford Grammar School, and Eastbourne College, where he won the hitihest oi>en scholarship, and was a member of the O.T.C. He pas.sed First into the Royal Military College. Sandhurst, in Xov. 1912 : «as trazetted 2nd Lieut., Cnattached List, 1 Oct. 1914, Ix-ing awarded the King's Gold -Medal, the Xornian Gold Medal, and the .\nson Slemorial Sword. He was appointed to the 15th Sikhs, Indian Army ; served with the Indian Expeditionary Force in Mesopo-- tamia from June. 1916. when he was attached to the 36th Siklis ; later was appointed acting ('apt. to command a double company, and was killed in action near Kut 1 Feb. 1917, while Im.iiiii his men into action. Buried in the liritisli Cemetery on the west bank of the Hai. His Colonel wTOtc : " 1. in addition to all the regiment, dejilore his loss most terribly. He was such an unusually promising loss to liis regiment and to the Service. He died leading liis company into action, and his bearing Gervas F. Bullock. G. H. St. P. Bunbury. officer, and his d«ath is a great a very gallant soldier's death. 42 The Roll of Honour wa.^ beyond nil pralsr." A few wcrjcs before lii.s ili-iith Uf received a special coiimiend.^rioii from the (i.O.C. of his ilivi-»ion. also from the Armv Commander, tor a neonnai-isance which he carri-d out with another otlieer. He waA fond of all *port, and while at Kastlioiimc t'olleKi- wa« a memb*;r of the First Trirkot XT., Hi'- Fir>4t Football XV.. and won the Heavy-weight lioxifig; was a fine RuRbv fm.thaller, pluyinK for Richmond while still a srhoolboy. but owing to a football Iff ident at Sandhurst, was j.revented from obtaining distinction in games there : unm. BITNDY, SAMUEL THOMAS. Private, Xo. 46483. 1st Battn. (14th Foot) Ih. I'rinif of Walps's Own (West Yorkshire Rem.). «. of the late Thomas Hundv. MiniiiL' (ontractor. by liis wife, Ksther (Commercial Street. Xelson), dan. of Jnlin Sudthltl : h. Mynyddislwyn. co. Monmouth, o Dec. 1885 ; ediie. Troedyrhiw Klement;iry School; was a IJiiteher ; enlisted 13 Oct. IftlO : served with the Kxptditionary Force in France and Fhmders from i:j Jan. 11)17, and was killed in action at Hill 70 24 .Sept. followini;. Buried in St. Patrick's Military CemcUry, IXKJS ', unrit. . ' ' BURDETT. F., Private. Xo. li:?57. 2nd Rattn. The King's Roval Rifle Corps ; !wr\ed with the Expeditionary Force in France; kilhKl in action 14-17 Sept. 1914. BURDETT, HALFORD GAY. Capt.. 2nd County of London Yeomanry (Weat- min.^ter Dragoons) (T.F.). eldest a. of Sir Henrj- Charles IJurdctt, of The Lodge, 13. Porehester Square, I^ndon. W.. K.C.R.. K.C.V.O.. by his wife. Hons l.'I .(une, ti)13: W.XS promoted Lieut. Au«r. li>14. and Capt. U Dec. followinff heint: appointed A. P.M. to the Headquarter Staff at JunbridKc Wells, 2nd Armv Central Force, in Feb. 1015. and died at Tunbridjie WelJs 3 March. 1916, from heart failure, while on active service. He m. at St. Stephen's Church, Westboumc I'ark. London. W.. 10 April. li>02, Helena Georijina (Toft. Camberlev, co. Surrey), dau. of the late Henn,- William Jewesbnry. of Kensintton Park Gardens. London, W., and Caniberley. and had three ; Henrv Halford Chichele, b. 2 Feb. 1!K)4 ; Derek. /-. 17 Jan. liton. and William Cay, b. l.'> Nov. 1008. Bl'RDETT, THOMAS GEORGE DEANE, M.C., (apt.. 7th (Territorial) 'Jattn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers, only ". of the late George Deane Rurdett. Bank Manager, by his wife. Claudia (Oak Villa. Xewtown, North W;d<-s). dau. of the late Thomas Morris, r.i Ab. ry^twyth ; b. Rhyl. 15 Feb. 1881 ; ednc. Aberystwyth Grammar School, and at the Cniversity ColleKc of Wales ; wa.s a Solicitor ; i:azetted 2nd Lieut. 2 Sept. 1914; promoted Lieut. April. 1915, and (apt. Oct. 1910; ser\ed with the Mediterranean Exjieditionary Force ;it Gallipoli from 2 Sejit. 1915 ; prow-eded to Kg>pt in Dec. and later to Palestine, and was killed in action at Khuweilfah ft Xov, 1917. liuried there. He was awarded the M.C. I London Gazette. 1 Jan. 1918). and mentioned in Desjiatohes by General Murray, for gallant and distinguished ser\-ice in the field. An olficer wrote : " We all miss him very much, as he harl ln-en with us for a long time and wa.s great friends with all. He led his men most gallantly. and was killed fighting at the head of them." Ciitn. Thomas G. D. Burdett. BV'RDON, ROWLAND, Capt. and Flight Commander, R.F.C., only g. of Col. Rowlariil 1VipIi.ii. of < L-tle Eden. co. Durham, by his wife. Man' j\rundell, dau. t(f Wynrlham Slade ; 0. London. « Feb. 1893 ; educ. Wixenford ; FAon, and Fniversity College, Oxford, jiassing his Finals in 1914 ; joined the Xortljnml»erland Hussars a,s a Dtrspatch Rider in Aug. 1014 ; was gazetted Lieut. 18tb Dur- ham Light Infantry 21* Sept.. which battalion was raised by his father; was promoted Capt. 1 June, 1915, transferring to the R.F.C. in the following Xov. ; ser\cd with the Exj»editionary Force in France ; was invalided home in June. 1916, when hft was sent to Tadcaster as Tn'^truetor. and was killed in an accident while flying there 10 Jan, 1917. He was a keen rithlete : wliile at Eton, in 1909. he won the junior long jump and one hunilred yards, the hurdli-s and ftve.^. obtaining more points than anyone else in the Victor Ludonim Cup. and in rejjorting this " Tin- Eton College Chronicle " said : " The cup was won by Har\'ey with forty-three jioints, though Rurdon obtained forty-.s<;ven. The cup. however, is not open to juniors, hut Rurdon is to be congratulated In 1910 and 1911 he was Keep4*r of Fives, and Rowland Burdon. on a very tine y>eriormance. in the latter year w^on the hurdles against the school and also the long jump, and before leaving he carried off the SjK)rts Cap from Mr. Hare's House. A member of *' Pop," he attended the centenary dinner in 1911, and in his la^t summer half he played several times for the Eton Cricket XL, but owing to an accident to his knee failed to get his colours ; nnm. BURGESS, C., Sergt.. Xo. 7205. The Royal Irish Regt. ; served with tlie I'.xpeditionary Force in France; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914, BURGESS, CYRIL DOUGL.AS WILLIAM, L.-Corpl.. Xo. 2408. I /5th (Territorial) Rattn. fWeald of Kent) The Ruffs (East Kent Regt.), 'Ider X. of Charles Edward Burgess, of Henley- (^'li-Thames, General Manager. Walker .v Co., '.enenti and Household Store?, by his wife. >ti>sinnah Eliza, dau. of William Wilson Xowers. of Hastings: h. Folkestone, 13 July. 1S94 : ednc. Commercial College. Mar-jate, and Clark's College, London; enli.-:iad 7 Jan. 1916. His Captain wrote that he wa- a sfilendid example to bis comrades and was mourned by all ; unm. BURGESS, HAROLD, Private. Xo. 1017, -\o. 2 Coy., 13th (Service) Rattn. The Chesliire Kegt.. yst. ft. of the late William Edward Jiurge.^s. Car\er and Gilder, by his wife, Annie Elizabeth (8, Bradford Street, Chester), dau. Harold Burgess. Cyril D. \V. Burgess. of Richard Parr>' (for 50 yean the f.iitbfuf servant of Thomas Ajniew ,v .Sons, ot .Man- chester, I^mdon and Llverpf»ol) ; b. Altrineham. CO. Chester. 1*1 July. 1SH9; educ. St. Mar>''ft Schools. Handbridge; was employed for a time at the Post Otfie*;, then went as an Assistant in the oil-cake department of Messrs. Txrver Rrothers ; enlb'ted in Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; served with the Exp»*di- tionary Force in France and Flanders from afK>ut July, 1915. and was killed in action at the Rattle of the Somme 7 July, 1916. Rnried near J.,a Roiselle, two miles north-east of Albert ; BURGESS, P., Private. Xo. SS21, The WeLsli Reirt, : served with the Expeditionary Force in France: died of wounds 15 Sr-pt. 1914. BURKE, JOSEPH, Private. Xo. 19773, 2nd Rattn. (76th Foot) The Duki- of Wellington's (West Riding Regt.), 4th s. of the late John Rurke, of Additigbam. co, York, by his wife. Mary, dau. of Patrick Tighe ; b. Addingham. 24 .Tan. 1878; educ. Wesleyan School tliere ; was a Weaver: enlisted 29 March. 1916; served with the F.xjteditionary Force in France and P'landers. and was killed in action near the Somme 12 Oct. following ; nnm. BURLEIGH, JOSEPH GORDON FOSTER, MM.. Con'L. So. 321902, R.G.A., s. of Charles Rurleifjh, of Ponsh.-irden Cottages, .Vshfleld. Falmouth. Ropemaker ; ft. Penryn, 1896 ; educ. iVnryn County School ; was employei^l in the Ashfteld Hope and Wire Works ; joined the 'r.«;,.\. ; served with the Kx[»editionary Force in Fran«' and Flanders, and died at an AiLstralian Hospital 3 Xov. 1917. from wounds received in action at Ypres. Lieut. C. R. Pengclly wrote : " J am r)ersonally very grieved to lose him. as he was a most excellent X.t'.O., and very attentive to his duties. He well deserved the Military Medal awarded him a few weeks previous. He was greatly liked and resf>eeted by tlit; otlicers and men. and we all feel that bis place can never \tf filled." He was- awarded the Military Medal, for con»pi(ruoiLs bra\ery in the field ; nnm. BURNET, \V7LLIAM, CorpL. 51st Rattn. Australian Imperial Force, yst. x. of the late William Runiet, of 30 Drumlanrig Square. Hawick; b. Hawick. 28^ Feb. 1874 ; educ. Teviot Grove .Vcademy there ; had bet;n 16 ycar^ in .\ustralia and was a Contractor ; joined the Australian Forces in Perth. We«t Australia, travelling 300 milf-a in a bullock wagon in order to enlist : served in Egypt and France ; was a good l>onil>er, and while bringing in a batch of German prisoners. bonilK-d out of u dug-out. he was shot by a sniper 3 Sept. 1916 ; unm. BURNS, ISLAY FERRIER, 2nd Lieut., 97th Coy., Machine Gun Corps, elder «. ©f the Rev. Islay Ferrier Burris, of Westminster College. Cambridge, by liis- wife. May Carmiehael, dau. of Robert Henderson ; 6. Darenth. co, Kent. 20 Sept. 1896 ; educ. Perse School. Cambridge, and Ilkley Grammar School : matriculated at tlie London University in June, 1914, after which he became an Engineering Student at the Imperial College of Science and Teclmology. being a meml>cr of the O.T.C. : enlisted in the lOth Rattery, Machine Gun Corps, in Jan. 1915: served with the Expeditionary Force in France, where h" was emjiloyed as scout and despatch rider until 20 Sept, 1916, when he returned to England, and. after a period of training at Risley, was gazetted 2nd Lieut. March, 1917 ; went back to France in May. toeing then given command of a s^eflion of machine gun.'i. and was killed in action at Xieuport 11 July. 1917, While at school he was a keen Rugby foott»alI i-layer. a ready debater and co-editor of the school magazine ; unm. BURRELL. GEORGE OWEN, Rifleman, Xo, C, 12154, Signalling Section. B Coy., 21st (Service) Rattn, The King's Royal Rifle Corps. 3rd «. of Samuel William Rurrell. of the School House. Linger- fleld, Knaresl>orough. Schoolmaster, by his wife, Jane .\nn, dau. of the late John Hfrsp, of Scarborough : b. Lingerfleld, Knarei^lmrouch, CO, York. 14 Xov. 1889; educ. Harrogate Secondary Schofjl, and after two years' pupil feachership in the Roys' Xational School. Knaresborongh, entered .St. John's Training College, York, where he remained two years. Ijeing sul»*tschaete 12 March. 1917. Ruried in Klein Vierstraat Rritish Cemetery. one mile south of Dickebusch and three and tlt.ree-ouarter miles south-south-west of Yi»rr--. One of his officers wTote : " Rifleman Burnll always did his duty cheerfully, which is such a help to all out here." and his Sergt. : " Owen's loss will be greatly felt by the section, a-* at his own siKcial work he was our best man. His cheerful and willing spirit whilst in the line was constantly remarked ui>on, and was a fine example to other men." He was a Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Societv, and for several vears was a Lav Header and Sunday School teacher at Seotto'n Church, being also secretary- of the cricket club ; unm. BUHRINGTON, GILBERT, 5LM.. Private, Xo. 703727, I02nd Rattn. Canadian KxjM'di- tionarj' Force, 2nd a. of the late Gilbert Geor-^e Rurrin'.rton. of Westfleld Hou^e, Rrid8 ; served with the Exjicditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 14-17 Sept. 1914. George Owen Burrell. The Roll of Honour 43 BURROWS, A. E., L.-Corpl.. No. 116G1, 1st Battn. The King's (Liverpool Hegt.) ; served with the Expeditiouary Force in France; killed in action 19 Jiept. 1914. BURROWS, BERTIE, Able Seaman. Xo. R. 627, Roya! Naval Division, s. of Harry Burrows, of Bardwell, co. Suffolk, by iiis wife, Sarah E. ; b. Bardwoll, 13 Nov. 1898; cduc. there; joined the Navy 17 Jan. 1917; served with tin: Expeditionary Force in France for ten montlw, and was killed in action there f> Nov. I'U" ; (*nm. BURROWS, J., Private, No. 10028, 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; ■^(Tvi'd with th'" Exprditionary Force in France ; killed in action 3 Oct. 1914. BURROWS, T. S., Private, No. 8197. 2nd Battn. The Duke of Wellington's Refit. : siTvi'd with the Exp'^ditionarv Force in France ; died as a prisoner of war 31 Aug. 1914. BURROWS, WILIJAM FREDERICK, Private. No. 26893, 10th (Service) Battn. The Royal Dublin FusiHcrs. eldest s. of Frederick Charles Burrows. Civil Servant, by his wife, Lillian Kate, dau. of ( — ) Richnian : b. Ranelagh. co. Dublin, 10 Jan. 1899 ; educ. at Diocesan School. DubHn : was an apprentice in the Mercantile 5Iarine, serving on board the S.S. Torrington ; passed the miUtary test for motor despatch rider in Jan. 1916 ; enlisted 17 April following ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flandcre, and was killed in action at Beaumont Hamei 13 Nov. 1916. in the advance of the Naval Division. Buried in Ancre Cemi^tery. His Commanding Otiieer, writing to his parents, said he was sorry he should fall so young on tlie field ; adding that his vieath was instantiineous while fighting bravely in the first line of German trenches ; limn. BURTENSHAW, A. E.. Driver. No. 5352.^, K.H.A. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. BURTON, C, Private. No. 11930, The Sherwood Foresters; served with tli.- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Sept. 1914. BURTON, CHARLES SAMUEL, L.-Corpl., No. 10323, B Coy., 18th (Service) Battn. (3rd City) Tlie Maneliester Regt., only s. of Frank Weston Burton, of 30, Ashfield Road, Rnsliolnie, Manchester, by his wife, Minnie, dau. of Samuel Crowther ; h. Longsight. M;niehester, 9 April, 1893; educ. Ardwick Higher Grade School, Manchester, and on leaving there was employed in the liead office of The Bleachers' As.sociation. Ltd.; enlisted 5 Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war ; served witli tlie Expeditioiiary Force in France and Flanders from 8 Nov. 1915, and was killed in action at Trones Wood, during the fighting on tiie Somme, 9 July, 1916. His Conmianding Officer wrote : " The battalion was engaged in rather a stiff fight, after which your son was reported wounded and missing. Your sou was one of our best men. willing to go anywhere and not counting the consequences, and wJiose loss I deejily regret." and Corpl. S, Carter, now (1918) a prisoner of war in Gernuiny : '* Your son wa-^ under me as sentry, and was on duty when he was killed, and unfortimateiy himself and all his effects were buried by shell explosion, which accounts for his reported missing. Death was instantaneous, so he did not suffer any pain. He died as a brave man shoidd, doing his duty faithfully to the last." Umn. BURTON, G. N. J., Gunner, No. 31269, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died 2 Oct. 1914. BURTON, H., Private. No. 14596, 4th Battn. The Middlesex Regt. : served with the Kxiiiditionary Force in France ; killed in action 12-15 Oct. 1914. BURTON, R., Driver. No. 64831, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. BURTON, K., Private. No. 6692, 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regfc. ; served with the Exiieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. BURTON, W. J., L.-Corpl., No. 8530. 1st Battn. The Dorsetshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. BUSBY, JOHN LEONARD, Driver, No. 75694, 33rd Division, R.F.A.. 4th .v. of R. P.usliv. CarrK-nter ; b. Leyton, co. Essex, 16 March. 1875 ; was employed as a Cook with Messrs. Sjiiers and Ponds ; enlisted 25 Feb. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Dec, and died at No. 40 Casualty Clearhig Station, from the result of an accident while batliing. Buried in tlie Clearing Station Cemetery. General Blake wrote that he gave complete satisfaction, and was always ready to do anyone a good turn ; and added : " If 1 asked him to do anything for me, hi; was always pleased to do it and was verv cheerful." He m. at Wood Green Parish Church, 31 July. 1904. Harriet Elizabeth (14, Cornf Corner Terrace, East Dulwich, S.E.), dau. of Samuel Gawer, and had two sous. BUSH, ALBERT, Private, No. 2357. l/7th (Territorial) Battn, The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Midiilesex Regt.), eldest *■. of Oscar Bnsli. of 38, Sjiringfield Road, New Southgate. N.. Book-keeper, by his wife, Emily, ilau. of Charles Vickery ; b. Aston. Birming- liam. 2 Aug. 1891 ; educ, Southampton ; was an Able Seaman in the Merchant Service ; enlisted 5 Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expedi- tionarv Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 10 Sept. 1916. during the Battle of the Somme. Buried in Angle Wood, south oi Albert. His Captain wrote: "He will be a great loss to us al'. both in the company and the nu'ss. At all times Hush w;i.s one of the most cheerful and willing men I have ever nu!t. In the trenches he used to turn mono- tonous work into a joke by his never-failing fund of humour and gen-'ral cheeriness." and a comrade : " You have every reason to he jiroud of vour son, and it must be some con- solation to know that he died like the good soldier that he was whilst doing his duty. We that are left behind have lost in him a. good comrade and a cheerful com|)anion." I'nm. BUSH, ALFRED JOHN, 2nd Lieut., 2nd Battn. (10th J-'oot) The Lincolnshire Regt., eldest s. of Alired Walter Bn.-^h, of Albrjan, Yiew Road. Highgate, London, N., bv his wife, Alice .Maud. dau. of George Brinslev. of Norwood ; b. Lonil»iii, 13 Dec. 1894: educ. Broadstairs, and Highgate Colleize ; subsequently enlend his father's business : was unable to join the Artn\- immediately war broke out owing to a surgical operation, but as soon as he was tit. joined the University of London O.T.C. He was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Lincolnshire Kegt. in Sept. 1916 ; served with t!ie Expeditionary Force in France from the following Dec, and was killed in action at Westhoek Ridge 31 July, 1917. Buried about two miles east of Ypres ; 'oin}. BUSH, JAMES CROMWELL, M.C., Lieut., R.F.C., eldest n. of the Rev. Herbert Cromwell Bush, of Seend. co. Wilts, formerly Vicar Choral of Salisbury Cathedral, bv his wife, Mabel, dau. of the late General ReyneH Taylor. CIV. C.S.L ; b. Salisburv, 14 March, 1891 ; educ. Frithani School. Lyndhnrst. and St. Edward's School, Oxford ; went to Ceylon and Didia on a Tea Plantation in 1911, but was invalided home. AVhen war broke out he was learning Laud Albert Bush. Agency ; gazetted 2nd I,leut. 5th (Service) Battn. The Duke of Edinburgli's (Wiltshire Regt.) in Sept. 1914; served with the Mediterranean Kxpi-ditionary Force at Gallipoli. and was one of the few survivors in tliat battalion after the landing at Suvla Bay ; proceeded to Egypt : volunteered for the Jloyal Flying Corps ; obtained his wings in England in May, 1917, and served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France, where he brought down five enemy aeroplanes, and was recommended for a flight ; was reported missing after flying in France on a patrol over enemy lines 7 Oct. 1917. and is now reported, by a message irom a German aeroplane, to have been killed on that date. Buried at .Neuville, north of llotders. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was such a cheerful and efficient officer," and another officer : " He was always so keen and eager," He was mentioned in Despatches (London Gazette, 28 Jan. 1916], by General Sir Ian Hamilton, and awarded the Militan,'^ Cross [London Gazette. 2 Feb. iyi6L for gallant and di-stinguished service in the field ; ^imn. BUSHELL, A., Corpl., No. 7780. 2nd Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt. ; Served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 29 Oct. 1914. BUSHELL, A., Private, Xo. 7807, 3rd Battn. The Rifle Brigade; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. BUSHNELL, A., Private, No. 7027, 1st Battn. The Wiltshire Regt.: served witli the ICxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. BUSHNELL, G. H., Private, No. fi318. The Wiltshire Regt.; served with the I'-xpeditionary i'oree in France ; killed in action 22 Sept. 1914. BUSS, HILARY THOMAS, 2nd Lieut., R.F.C., s. of the late Dr. William Lawrence Woodward Buss, M.B.Cantab.. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond.. by his wife, Berta. dau. of Hilary John, of Guernsev ; b. Southamjiton, 29 Oct. 1896 ; educ, St. Ignatius College, Stamford Hill, London, N. ; .enlisted in the 1st Battn. The Kinir's (l,i\eriPOol Regt.); served with the Expeditionarv Force in France and Flanders irum Oct. 1914 ; transferred to the R.F.C. in Aug. 19lfi ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 26 Oct. 1917. being appointed 2nd A-ssistant Gunnery Instructor to the Wing Staff at Stamford, co. Lincoln, in Dec. 1917, and was killed there 21 Jan. 1918, the result of an aeroplane accident. BUSWELL, EDWARD TOM, Private. No. 21080, 7th (Service) Battn. The Butf' (ICa>t Kent Kegt.). 4th s-. of John Barber Buswell, by his wife, Elizabeth dau. ni Siiadrack Pettifer ; b. Kettering, 22 Aug. 1883; educ. St. Andrew's, Northampton ; was a Boot and Shoe Oiierative ; enlisted 22 Feb. 1917 ; ser\-ed with the Expeditionary Force in France, and was killed in action at Poelcappelle 12 Oct. 1917. A comrade wrote : " We shall miss him very nuieh, as he was a keen soldier and most popular with all the platoon." He m. at St. Sepulchre's, Northampton, in 1906, Ada (29, Compton Street. Northampton), eldest dau. of William Budworth, of Manchester, and had three children : William Arthur, b. 11 Jan. 1907 ; Elsie Elizabeth, b. 14 Oct. 1912, and Jack Cliambers, b. 1 Oct. 1917. BUTCHER, F., Driver, No. 68287, R.F.A. ; .served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. BUTCHER, FREDERICK, Driver, No. 55727, 124th Battery, Royal Field Artillery, s. of Josepii Butcher, of Straits Mill. Rocking, co. Es.sex. by his wife Ellen : 'b. Braintree. 22 Nov. 1892 ; educ. there ; enlisted in Oct. 1908 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from .Aug. 1914 ; took part in the Retreat from Mons and subsequent actions ; was womided by a shell at Y'pres 29 Sept. 1917, and died at Le Trefjort Hospital 9 Oct. following. Buried there. He was presented with a silver cup 20 June. 1917. in recognition of the fact that he drove the same gun-team through the retreat at Mons and for three years after without an accident ; ifinn. BUTCHER, FREDERICK WILLIAM, Rifle- man, 12th (Service) Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles, *'. of the late Frank Butcher. Member of the London Stock Exchange, by his wife, vf/T^^ Elizabeth (9. Park Lane, .\ldeburgh. co. Suf- Ji ^^^L. folk), dau. of Thomas Hardisty ; ft. London. J ^\ 12 Aug. 1896 ; educ. Onndle ; }oined the Inns- ■ ^ of Court O.T.C. in Oct. 1915 : served with the » j^ ^iM^ft Expeditionary Force in France from Jan. V *V V^^BI 1917, and was killed in action nt P'reizenberg 9 Aug. following. Buried there. The Chap- lain wrote : " He lived a noble life and died an heroic death." (';(?«. BUTCHER, WILLIAM GUY DEANE. Capt., Jth Battn. (Loudon Uifle Brigade-) Tlie London Kegt. (T.F.). yst. .-. of William Deaiie Butcher, of Holyrood. Cleveland Road. Ealing, W.. M.R.C.S., bv Ills wife, Fanny, dau. of Lieut. -Col. Bazett. 9tK Bengal Cavalrv (retired): 6. Windsor, 29 Oct. 1891 ; edu'e. Harrow View School, and Stoke House. Slough, where he gained in 1904 a Foundation Scholarship as King's Scholar ; in 1908. gained a minor Trinity College. Cambridge, also the Reynolds Scholarship ; he took up his residence at ' ' " ripos. Frederi Butcher. at Ktnn. and entered tlure s.liolarship for Classics to SrlRilarship and the Newcastle Trinity in 1910. and in 1913 took F'ii-st I'iass in the Cla.ssiciil and in 1914 First Cla.ss in Part II. of tlie Classical Tripos, and in the same year gained the Craven Scliolarship and the Chancellor's Medal; was reading for a Trinity Feilowship in .\ug. 1914. and as he had been a member III tlie Cambridgi- O.T.C. for three years, was gazetted 2nd Lieut, in the London Kitli' Brigade Oct. 1914; promoted Lieut., and ('apt. 1916: served with the i:\lieditionary Force in France from May, 1917. and w;is killed in action at Cleiieorse Wood 16 Aug. following. Buried in Gleneorse Wood, where he fell. Hi^ Colonel wrote : " Capt. Butcher had not been with us very lonir, but in th;- actions he had taken part, he had always displayed a complete fi-arlessness ami disregard of danger. He eiu-ouraged his men by his example and ehi-erfnlness. and we have lost a splendid otficer." and an otticer : " 1 cannot tell you what a loss he is to its. Our couipany was composed of oMieers. whose sole aim was to try to help each other eheerfully to perform our duty, and to make our hard- ships" and ineonvenienees more bearable. To say that Capt. Butcher was tlu* one person who. more than anyone else, succeeded in that aim, is not i-xaggerating a bit. He was tremendously popidar with his fellow-ottieers, and was resiK-cted and loved by the men of our company. He will always remain in my memory as one of the finest types of men I have ever known— a man who had high ideals and tried to live them. He is spoken of by the men with the greatest respect. In him they saw a man they felt tiiey could trust, aiui that trust was never mis- plaeed." .\nother also wrote ; " I learned to n-spect. admire and love old ■ r.nteh.' His straightne.ss, keenness, loyalty ami invariable good temper. ti)gs on the sidi' of all that wiis honoiiralilt- and just and ri«ht. CJiiy's memory to me will alway,? be that of a tientli-nian and a !*cholar. who, in his nianiiood and his scholarship, wjis llchtin^ not for self- interest, but to make the world better than ho fonnd it. ' His men had learned to love and res|RCt him. aniirhain Li<;ht Infantr\', elder s. of George r.uthind. of 88. Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, rhina, and Plymouth, co. Devon, Capt.. jler- taiitilr Marine; h. Norfolk. Virginia. I'.S.A., 1 .liinr. ]S!tO: edue. (Iiefoo College. North t'hina : trained in Shanghai and in I^ondon for the ]»rofrssion of Architect and Civil Kngineer- ing. and at the time of the outliri*ak of war in 1H14 was employed in Cornwall, snper- intcndirm Itridge building ; he joined the \rtists' Ititles in .Ian. I'.ilo. and after .'ibout nine months' training was gazetted Temp. 2nd I.ieut. Now 1915. He proeeedi-d to the front in France, and died in tin- IDth Casualty Ward, lla^e Hospital, from the etfeets ol a u'unshot wonnd ill the abdomen, received whilst in tlie treii(he>. :!1 Jan. I'.Hti. Buried at Bocheppc, a villaiic- near Vpres. Shortly before lie was latally wounded in action he had been n-cora- nieiiiied for mention in Despatches for special machine-gun work, bv his Commanding Otficer, and thanked by his Ilrigadier-tleneral. His 'iiother. 2nd Lieut. C. Butland, York and Lancaster Kegt.. was dangerously wounded 2'.t .Inly, HUC. : iiiini. BUTLER, ALBERT THOMAS, Private. No. G. 8756. 1st Battn. (.i7th Foot) The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Kegt.). *. of tlie late Charles James Butler, by his wife, lOlizabeth Sarah : b. London ; educ. City Road Board School ; enlisted 1 March. 1915 : served with the Expeditionarv Force in France from the following July, and was killed in action there 5 Feb. 1910. Buried in Carabrin Clinrehyard. He was the youngest of live brothers, who joined the service about the same time. One of "his officers wrote that he was killed instan- taneously by the explosion of a heavy slielt. which blew up the dug-out he was in. with several others ; iinm. BUTLER, C, Private. No. 8352. 1st Battn. The Gloucestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 16 Sept. 19U. BUTLER, C. H., Seri.'t.. No. 6184. 2nd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. BUTLER. CLIFFORD HICKS, 2n.i Lieut.. 5th (Territorial), attd. 6th (Terri- Tonal), Battn. The Black Watch (Royal Hitihlanders). eldest s. of Henry Jackson Butler, of Ber House, Norwich. Merchant, bv his wife, Susanna, elder dau. of the late Charles Hicks, of The Bury, Felstead, CO. Essex ; b. Booton, near Norwich, 26 Sept. 1881 : I'duc. Norwich flrammar Scliool. and Jesus College. Oxford (Classical Exhibitioner), where he sraduated with Honours, and was suhsi-.pHiitly articled to the firm of Stevens, -Miller .V Jones. Solicitors, Norwich ; came out First in Honours at the final examination of the Incorporated Law Society in 19(18. receiving the Clemi'nt's Inn and Daniel Reardon prizes, and the same year obtained an appointment as Assistant Solicitor to the East Riding N'orkshire County Council, which post he held until 1913. when he was appointed Assistant ''"li( iter to the Cambridgesliire County Council : j<'iiii-d the Public Schools Battn. of the Royal Fu.->iliers iis a Private 21 Oct. 1914; obtained a commission in the Black Watch 28 July, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 25 Sept. 1916. and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 2:i April, 1917. Buried in Brown's Copse British Cemeterv, at I-ampoiix. near Arras. Lieut.-Col. T. M. Booth wrote : " Your dear son fell wlHle bravely leading lus men in the terrific battle of 23 April. He was beloved by us all: his cheery and lovable disiiosition endeared him to us all. while it was evident that he was more than commonly gifted with the qualities of a leader." and again : " 1 have rarely met a man who so impressed me with his character. 1 lound hini out jjretty qiiickly. as 1 saw Iiim for the first time at Courcellettes HI the trenches, and at once appreciated his worth." Cnm. BUTLER, G., Private. No. 12149. 2ud Battn. The Grenadier Guards; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 1 Sept. 1914. BUTLER, JOHN FITZHARDINGE PAUL, V.C. D.S.O., Capt . 4tli Battn. The Kind's Hoyal HiHe Corps, onlv a\ of Lieut.-Col. Francis Paul John liiitler, <>! \\ yck Hill. CO. Gloucester, late IStli Hussars, bv his wife. Elspeth Fitzhardinge. dau. Of tin- 2nd Baron Giffard ; b. Berkelev. co. ■Gloucesti-r, 20 Dec. 1888 ; educ. \\elhngton College, and the Roval Militafv College, Sandhm-st ; gazetted 2nd Lieut, jving's Royal Rifle Corps 13 Feb. 1907 : promoted Lieut. 21 Aug. 1909. and Capt. 4 March, 1915 : was employed with the West African Frontier Force from Oct. 1913 : served in West and East Africa during the European War 1914-16. and died at Kimnga. East Africa. 4 Sept. 1916. from wounds received in action there. Buried at Matomloo Mipion. Capt. Butler was awarded the AictorJa Cross [London Gazette, 23 Aug. 1915]. "for most conspicuous bravery in the Cameroons. West Africa. On 17 Nov. 1914. with a partv of 13 men, he went into the thick bush and at once attacked the euemv. in strength about 100, mcluding several Europeans, defeated them, and captured, their machine gun and many loads of ammunition. On 27 Dec. 1914. when on patrol dutv. with a lew men. he swam the Ekam River, wluch was held bv the enemv, alone and in the face of a brisk fire, completed liis reconnaissance on the further bank, and Tetimied in safety. Two of lus men were wounded while he was actuallv in the water," and was awarded the Distingiiislied Service Order [London Gazette, 26 June. 1916], for distinguished braverv in the field, being also twice mentioned in Despatches for gallant and distinguished service in the field ; num. BUTLER, P., L.-CorpL, No. 11976. The Sherwood Foresters: served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Sept. 1914. BUTLER, ROBERT ALEXANDER, M.M.. L.-CorpL. No. 5199, 2nd Battn. (6th Foot) The Royal Warwickshire Re<.rt.. >-. of William Butler, of 19. Svdenliam ^TTOve. Svdenliam Road, Sparkbrook, liinningham, bv his wife. JIarv Jane, dau. of Robert (and Jane) Chandler; b. Millwall, London, 28 Sept. 1897: educ. Clarkson Street School. West Ham ; enlisted Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expedi- Clifford Hicks Butler. William Henrv Butler. tionary Force in France and llanciers from June, 1015 ; wius wounded 2 March, 1916. and invalidi-d home : returned to France 31 .\ui;. followini.'. and was killed in action 9 Oct. 1917. His Cimimanding Olhcer wrote: " He was killed by a shell just as they entered the German trenches, and that alt the company thought a lot of him." He was awarded the Military Medal for carrying despatches throutrh a heavy I'arrage Are ; vtnn. BUTLER, WILLIAM HENRY, Private, ,\o. 46992. Machine (iim Corps, 2nd .v. of Thomas Butler, by his wife. Charlotte ; b. 12 Sept. 1893 ; educ. Wood (ireen, N. : was a Milk Carrier; en- listed 19 May, 1916; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 25 Sept. 1916, and was killed in action 26 May. 1917, b\- a piece of slirapnel while waiting outside a dressing station, having been previously Wduii'led. Lieut. Bathlav wrote: "I must add that I always found Private Butler a very conscientious and willing worker. He was very popular with all the men. and we are all very sorry about losint; him." He ?;i. at Tottenham, 23 June. 1914, Florence Lydia (1, High Cross Cottage, Tottenham, N.), dau. of Thomas F'rancis. BUTLER, WILLIAM PERCY (JACK), L.-CorpL, No. 26187, lOlh (Service) Battn. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers, eldest s. of William John liutler, of 36, York Road, Kingstown, M.A.. Assistant Librarian. Trinity College, Dublin, by his wife, Georgina, dau. of the late John Wilson Elliott, .M.D., Deputy Inspector-General. R.N. ; b. Moy, co. Tyrone, 8 May, 1896 ; educ. Corrig School. Kingstown ; was employed as "a Clerk 'in the Dublin branch of the Bank of Ireland : enlisted 19 Feb. 1916 ; serveci with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Aug.. and died at No. 19 Casualty Clearing Station 24 April, 1917, from wounds received in action at Gavrelle. Buried at Agnez-les-Duisans, near Arras. His Lievit. wrote : " A portion of a shell struck your son on 23 Ai»ril, while he was in charge of a Lewis gun in the trenches, the piece entering the back of the right shouhhT. apparently injuring the lung. He was conscious to the time of leaving tlte trenches, and did not admit suttering excessive pain. Your son was a thoroughly reliable soldier, in whom his officers liad every confidence, and his loss is much felt by lus comrades in the battalion, amongst whom he was so popular." Vnm. BUTT, RICHARD ACTON, 2nd Lieut.. 9th (Service), attd. 5th (Service). Battn. The King's (Shroiishire Light Infantry), n. of George William liutt. late Manager, Hong-Kong and Shanghai Bank, Singajiore, bv his wife, Emilv Sarah, dau. of T. E. White, of Ashley, co, Wilts: b. Shanghai. China. 7 Aug. 1891 ; educ. St. I'eter's. Weston-super-Mare, and Marlborough : volunteered and enlisted in the Royal Fusiliers 14 Sept. 1914; gazetted 2nd Lieut. (Temp.) 25 Jan. 1915 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action near Ypres 9 Jan. 1916. Buried in Briclen Cemetery, near Y'pres : num. BUTT, THOMAS, L.-CorpL. No. 9800, 1st Battn. (6th Foot) The Roval Warwickshire Regt., 3rd .^. of William Butt, of Ashtid Row, Birmingham, by his wife. lOmma. dau. of Joseph Ironmonger; 6. Birmiimham. 17 Dec. 1880 ; educ. Sir Josiah Mason's Orphanage, l^nliimton. near Birmingliam ; was a Brass I'.iiriiisher employed by Messrs. Reeves & Co., Lirnijiii'liam ; served in the South African War 1899-1901 (Queen's Medal with four clasps) : re-enlisted 17 Dec. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1915 ; was wounded at Ypres 25 April following, and invalided home; returned to France on recovery : was again wounded 1 July. 1916. and was killed in action at Yimy Ridge 11 April, 1917. A comrade wrote : " 1 can tell you he was one of the best and bravest soldiers we had. and 1 shall miss him very much, and all his platoon and myself >end you tlieir deepest sympathy." He m. at Birmingham. 2.5 Oct. 1*904. Amy, dau. of William Hubbledav, and had tluee children: Thomas. 6. 7 Nov.' 1907 : Edward, b. 2 May, 1912. and Florence Beatrice, b. 25 June. 1914. BUTTERFIELD, REGINALD HERBERT, Private, No. 4631, 1st Battn. (79th Foot) The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, eldest .S-. of William Priestly Butterfleld, of Rose Villa, Menston, Leeds, by his wife, Annie, dau. of John Wyld ; b. Frizinhall, Bradford, 11 Jan. 1892 ; " educ. New College, Harrogate ; was subsequently a Director and Secretary in liis father's business, known as Messrs. W. P. I'.iittertield. Ltd., Galvanizing Tank Works, Lower Holme, Baildon ; enlisted 15 Feb. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 12 July, and was killed in action at Bazentin-le-Petit 17 Aug. following, by a trench mortar. Buried there ; iwm. Reginald H. Butterfleld. ?VP™^|' ,?- ^,"™^'"- -^> , '^-■'- '1 Battn. The Northamptonsiure Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914. BUTTERWORTH, A., Private, No. 7517, 1st Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps ; served with the Expeditionary Force in FYance ; died of wounds 1 Oct. 1914. BUTTER>VORTH, A., Private, No. 1329, 1st King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Reirt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in actidn 13 Oct. 1914. BUTTERWORTH. J., Private. No. 9194, The Argyll and Sutherland High- landers ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; died of woimds 9 Sept. 1914. BUTTON, STANLEY, Private. No. 5562, 14th (Service) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt.. s. of George Button,, of Lime Kiln. Coddenham. Ipswich, by his wife, Amelia, dau. of George Parker ; b. Coddenliam aforesaid, 22 March, 1894. educ. there ; was a Stockman ; enlisted 7 April. 1916 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 7 Auk. following, and was killed in action 11 June. 1917. He vi. at Barking, co. Suffolk. 24 Dec. 1914, Mary May (Ipswich Road, Needham Market), dau. of John (and Eliza) Chaplin, and hail a dau., Ellen Mary, b. 29 Jan. 1916. Thomas Butt. The Roll of Honour 45 BYGOTT, FRANK, Corpl.. No. 74. 15th (Service) Battn. (1st Leeds) The Prince of Waks's Own (AVest Yorkshire Regt.), s. of James Bygott, of 128, Austhorpe Road, Crossgates, Leeds, by his wife, Mary, dau. of George Towle ; 6. Barton-on-Humber. co. Lincoln ; ediic. Lancing College ; enlisted in the 15th West York>hiri' R'-^t. 9 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Egj-ptian Expeditionary Force in Eiivjit until 8 March, 19!(i, when he went to France, and was killed in action ther>- :in Manh following; uiim. BYRNE, EDWARD, 2nd Lieut., 6th (Service) Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, eldest s. of the late Henry Byrne, of Dunla\-In, co Wicklow, by liis wife " Mary. dau. of Andrew Halpin ; and nephew to Patrick Byrne. ex-Superintendent of the Dublin Metropolitan Police ; b. Dunlavin aforesaid, 8 Dec. 1886 ; educ. De La Salle College, Waterford ; Leeds University, and London University ; was subsequently employed as a Teacher under the London County Council ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry from the London Univi-rvity O.T.C. '.> Oct. 1915 ; trained at Weymouth and Ware- ham ; served with the Expiditionary Force in France and Flanders from 9 Sept. 1916 i took part in the fighting on the Sonime, the Battle of Arras, and the fighting roimd Ypres, and was killed in action at Inverness Copse 2S Aug. 1917, while leading his platoon into action. His Colonel wrote : " He was killed instantaneously by a rific bullet through the head whilst leading his platoon very gallantly. His loss is mourned by all ranks, by whom he was universally liked and admired." Unm. BYRNE, LEO FRANCIS, 2nd Lieut., 6th (Ser\ice) Battn. The Roval Irish Regt., only «. of .Matthew William Byrne, of 42, St. James* Street. Dublin, Eng.-Lieut., R.D., Royal Naval Reserve, by his wife, Emily, dau. of P. G. O'Connor, of Kingston House, Dundrum, co. Dublin ; b. Liverpool. 26 May, 1895 ; educ. St. Malachy's College, Belfast, and Blackrock College, Dublin ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 6th Royal Irish Regt. 3 Dec. 1914 : went to France in Dec. 1915, and was killed in action 21 Aug. 1916, during a night raid on the enemy's lines south- west of Loos. Buried at Noeux-les-Mines, near where he fell. Lieut. -Col. F. Curzon, Commanding his Battalion, WTote to his father : "... My regiment carried out a raid on the enemy's lines, and your son was in command of one oi the parties. He had barely left our trenches with his men when he fell dead. It was instantaneous, and he could not have suffered a moment's pain. . . . Your son died for his country in the noblest of causes, and I tru^t the thought of this will be some consolation to you in your grief." His Major (W. Redmond) also wrot<* : " Our Chaplain, Father O'Connell, read the funeral service, and a large crowd of his brother officers attended the funeral. ... I was with him for sixt^^en montlis wliilst I commanded B Coy. up to last June (1915), and in all that time I trot to know your son well and liked him greatly, as all his comrades Edward Byrne. did." Uxm. BYRNE, PATRICK, Private, No. 16190, 8th (Service) Battn. The Royal Dublm Fusiliers, s. of John Byrne. Carpenter, by his wife. Julia ; b. Arklbw, 1871 ; educ. St. Mary's School there ; enlisted in the Royal Dublin Fasiliers in 1898 ; served in the South African War 1899-1902 (Queen's Medal with tlu-ee clasps; King's Medal witlt two clasps) ; passed into the Reserve at Naas 5 Aug. 1902 ; re-enlisted in the 5th Battn. of the same regiment 1 May, 1907 ; served with the E.xpeditionarv Force in France, and was killed in action bv shell fire 4 Jan 1916. He m. in Dublin, 24 Aug. 1902. Anne (17, Turner's Cottages, BallsbridLi.-. Dublin), dau. of Thomas Murrav, and had four children: John, b. 30 .\pril. 1905 ; Thomas Patrick, b. 4 March. 1910 ; Patrick, b. 17 March, 1912, and Christina Mary. b. 23 Dec. 1907. BYWATERS, E., Private. No. 10333. The Bedford-shire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 9 Sept. 1914. CABLE, J., Private. No. 8704, 2nd Battn. The Essex Regt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. CADDEN, H., L.-Corpl., No. 10162, 1st Battn. The Shropshire Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 24 Sept. 1914. CADELL, ASSHETON BIDDULPH, 2nd Lieut., 10th (Service) Battn. The Devonsliire Regt., attd. 8th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt..), only child of Dr. Nevi! Pottow Cadell, of Foxlease. Camberley, by his wife, Gertrude Louisa, dau. of the late Francis Wellesley Marsli Biddulpli, of Ratlirobin. King's County, J.P. ; b. Tiverton. North Devon, 18 JIarch, 1894 ; educ. Woodcote. co. Oxon (Rev. J. H. Wilkinson), and Lancing College ; obtained a commission in the Devonsliire Regt. 17 March, 1915 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 6 Oct. following, where he was at- tached to the 8th West Kent Regt., and died in the arabulanre on Iiis way to hospital three hours aft«r ha\ing been wounded in action at Clutcan Beige, near Ypres, 19 Feb. 1916. Buried in Lyssenthoek Soldiers' Cemetery, near Poperinghe ; unm. GADMAN, SAMUEL, Private, No. 23490, 15th (Senice) Battn. The Sherwood Foresters (Xottinghamsliire and Derbysliire Regt.). s. of Samuel Cadman, 3Iiner ; b. Darhiston. co. Stafford. 19 Jan. 1881 ; educ. Bilston. co. Stafford ; enlisted 20 Feb. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died of wounds received in action on the Sorame 21 July. 1916. He tn, at Bilston, 29 Julv. 1906, Marv Ann, dau. of Isaiah Piatt, and had four children ; Samuel, b. 4 March, 1912 ; John, b. 9 March, 1916 ; Marv Ann, 6. 20 Dec. 1907, and Lizzie, b. 25 May, 1912. CADMAN, WILLIAM, Commander, R.N., .k. of the late Reginald Cadman, by his wife, Charlotte Agnes, dau. of Dr. Douglas, of Quebec ; b. Broughton, near Mai ton, co. York, 1 April, 1879 : educ. Colet Court, Ham- mersmith, London, W. ; joined the Navy as a Naval Cadet in 1893 ; was promot-ed sub- Lieut. 1897. Lieut. 1901, Lieut.-Commander 1906. and Commander June, 1913 ; served on H.M.S. Repulse (1895), H.M.S. Majestic. H.M.S. Diadem. H.M.S. Dolphin. H.M.S. IndomitaMe, H.M.S. Panther, H.M.S. Sirius. H.M.S. R.-dpoIe. and from 1912-14 was Commander at Shotli y Naval Establishment for Boys, being appointed to H.M.S. Vanguard in Jan. 1914. and was lost when that ship was sunk 9 July. 1917. Rear-Admiral Cecil S. Hickley wrote to his brother : " Your brother served under me at Shotley and in the Vanguard for about four years, and I learnt to appreciate him at his true worth. We all loved liim, and I p.-rsonally have lost such a good friend. Words fail me William Cadman. to tell vou wliat I feel in the loss of one whose Colin Stewart Calder. loyalty and devotion to duty I learnt to value at its true worth. His hold over l)oth officers and men was quit^* exceptional. AM who knew him have indf'il lost a great friend, and th*; Navy lias lost an officer of sterling worth and noble character." He won the Cliina Medal during the Boxer Rebellion of 1900 ; unm. CAIRNS, T., Private, No. 9529, 1st Battn. The Cameron Highlanders ; ser\ed with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. CAKE, W. C, Sergt., No. 8323, 1st Battn. The Dorsetshire lU-gt. ; served with th'- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 12 Sept. 1914. CALDER, COLIN STEWART, Private, No. 5785. l,14t!i Battn. < Lon^lon Scottish) The London Regt. (T.F.), 3rd and y.st. *. of Ronald Bain Calder, of Dingwall, co. Ross, by his wife, Mary Campbell, dau. of Cohn Stewart. of Dingwall ; b. Leyton. co. Essex, 18 Aug. 1894 : educ. Newport Road School, Leyton. and the County High School for Boys. Le>ion- .-itone ; was a Bank Clerk in the London and South Western Bank, Ltd. ; joined the London Scottish in Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from June, 1916, and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 9 April, 1917. Buried near Neuville Vitasse. His Lieutenant wrote ; " The loss of your son is keenly felt in the platoon, where he was always a splendid fellow," and his Platoon Sergt. : ** He was- always most cheerful and a great worker." He was a keen sportsman, excelling at swim- ming and di\ing, and was awarded the Roj'al Life Saving Society's Certificate and Medallion for life saving in 1914 ; tinm. CALDER. EDWIN, Private, No. 44, 10th (Service) Battn. The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), yst. s. of Alexander Calder. of 15, Inverary Terrace, Diindri', House Proprietor, by his wife. Jessie Goldsmith, dau. of the late James Brown, Cabinet Maker ; b. Dundee, 27 July. 1890 ; educ. Harris's Academy, and Bruce's College, Dundee ; after serving his apprenticeship in a Stockbroker's office in Dundee, went to London, and when war broke out was in the employ of J. and J. Reid, Crown Court. Old Broad Street, E.C. He had served for some time in the Marquis of Tullibardine's Scottish Horse, and immediately volun- teered, and enlisted in the 10th Royal Fusiliers in Sept. 1914 ; went to France with his battalion in July, 1915 ; served in the trenches for ten montlis. and died in No. 19 Casualty Clearing Station 5 May, 1916, of wounds received in action the previous day, by shell fire in the trenches. Buried in Doullens Militar>' Cemetery. His Commanding Officer wrote that he was a great loss to the com- jiany, a.^ he was one of their best and bravest men ; unm. CALDER. W., L.-Corpl., No. 960. The Seaforth Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. CALDERBANK, J., Private, No. 804, The Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. CALDICOTT, GEORGE, D.C.M.. M.M., Sergt.. Acting Coy. Sergt.-Major, No. 7995. 2nd Battn. (82nd Foot) The Prince of Wales's Volunteers (South Lan- cashire Regt.), 2nd and only surv. .<. of Oeorge Caldicott, of Yardley. Corporation Engine Driver, by his wife. Jane ; b. Marston Green, near Birmingham, 17 July. 1889 ; educ. Yardley ; enlisted 15 March, 1905 : served three years in England and six years in India; obtained his discharge, and joined the Reserve 7 March. 1914. bring then employed as a Rubber Worker; was called up on the out- break of war the following Aug. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from the I3th : took part in the Retreat from Jlons ; was wounded at La Bassee ill S.jit., but returned to the front in March. 1915, and died 15 June, 1917, from w.Mimls received in action at Messines Ridge. Buried about 1,000 yards east of .Mc-^sines. Lieut. -Col. D. L. Maxwell WTote : *' Your husband was the bravest man I ever knew. I had already sent his name in for a bar to his D.C.M. for liis sfilendid work on Messines Ridge. He died like the brave soldier he was — face to the foe. leading his platoon to the attack." and Capt. R. Nevill : " I cannot speak too liighly of the most excellent work he has done during the time he has been in my company. I had the greatest confidence in him. and he always carried out his work cheerfullv and conscientiously. His loss is a verv great one." He was awarded the D.C.M. "in Sept. 1916, and the Military Medal 7 June, 1917, for conspicuous gallantry in the field. He m. at West Bromwich. Birmingham, 14 March. 1914. Maud Winifred (Birmingham), dau. of the late Edward Cross, of Sparkhill, Birmingham. CALDWELL, S., Sergt.. No. 4758, 9th Lancers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 29 Sept. 1914. CALEB, CLEMENT DARYL NICOLL. 2nd Lieut.. 8th (Service) Battn. The Devonshire Regt., only s. of Clement Cornelius Caleb, of the Medical College, I-ahore. India. Professor of Physiology, by his wife. Mary. dau. of Thomas Maclean; b. Lahore, India, 5 Nov. 1893; educ. Steyne School, Worthing; Berkhamsted School, and Birmingham University ; joined the University and Public School Corps 4 Sept. 1914 ; obtained a commission in the Devonshire Regt. Oct. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 5 Dee. 1916. until 2 April, 1917, when he was killed in action at Ecoust. A brotlier otiierr wrote : " He died as he lived, gloriously and manfully. His per- sonality etideared bira to his men, who worshipped him. because they saw in him all thosi- ijualities which make up the great soldier." Cnm. CALKIN, JOHN ERNEST, 2nd Lieut., 22nd (Service) Battn. The Northum- berland Fiisiliers eldest s. of John Ernest Calkin, of Salcombe, Pharmacist, by his wife. Elizabeth, dau. of J. Mill ; b. Southampton^ 2 Jan. 1S92 ; educ. Conmiercial School, Sal- combe, South Devon ; w;ls an Architect and Survevor. assisting Mr. Perrott, of Kings- bridge ; joined the Artistes' Riflt-s O.T.C. 7 Sept. 1915; obtained a comnii.ssion 23 May, 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 10 July, 1916. and was killed in action at Arras 9 April, 1917. Buried at King Crater, Roclincourt. His Commanding Olficer wrote : '" I am now so sorry that I had no opportunity of telling liim how much I admired his gallantry on the 9th of this month. when he led his men in the attack. He was a favourite among us all. and we shall miss him sadly. He was killed whilst doing his duty in the most admirable manner.'* The Chaplain wrote : " He was gallantly leading liis men in the gffat advance of that day when he was mortally wounded. We shall miss him very greatly in the battalion, and I personally feci that I have lost a real friend." John Ernest Calkin. 46 The Roll of Honour CALLAGHAN, JAMES, I-.-CorpI.. No. ;;(m):J. 1st Hattii. (4l.st Ko(it) Tli<- Wi'Ish Itojit.. ti. ot James CjiIIukIuih. H;uilitr : h. Livi-rpool. 5 .May. IHT.') ; ccIik-. tluTe : WHS I'inployed ;is ii Haulirr in tlif Mcrthyr Colliery; I'lilistt'd 11 Miu.. 1914, AitvT the outhreak of war ; served with tlie Kxpeditionary Koree in Kriiiier from 22 Sept. following, and was killed in aetinn at Loos 1 Oct. UHti. lie in. at St. MarVs K.r. Church, Merthyr Tydvil. Hi April. ISlMi. Catherine (III, I'ieton Street, Caedraw Merthvrl. dan. of John Kailicr, and had four children; Morris, b. 17 April. 1!>02 : James, b. 27 Xov. UHl ; Kllen. b. 27 Jan. lUOl. and Catherine, b. 3 Oct. 1012. CALOW, F. L. served with tlie Kxpeditionary Uunner. No. 00440. K.K.A. ; Force in Frano- : killed in action 20 Sept. 1014, CALVERT, G., l*riv; te. So. 11288. 1st Itattn. Tlic Grenadier (inards ; served witli the KxiM^ditionary Force in Franoi- ". died ol wounds 2(> Oct. 1914. CAMERON, DONALD ALEXANDER, (Uinner, No. 19785:J. C Battery, 17:ird Brigade. Hoval Field Artillery, yst. .s-. of the late Oonatil Carnrron. liy his wile, charlotte ( Ballindallocli. eo. liautf). dan. ot the latr I'.-trr (iraiit. of liallin- dalloch ; //. Toronto. Canada. IS Dee. 1894 :Miiray : enlisted 1 Feh. 1010; served with and Fliuiders : was reeonnnended for the action at Vpres 27 July. 1917 : num. CAMERON, FRANCIS BLAKE, l.ieut. Own Canirnm Hiijlilandi is. y>I. .s, - his wife. K\a ■niTal of Sydiie\, A\istraliu; and brother to Corpl. Kvan Stuart Caini'ron. who was kill'-d in action 24 April. lOla Isee Vol. 1.. pa^e 07] ; h. Crand Turk. Turk-'s Islands, West Indies, 14 Oct. 1896: ednc. Laiidmiok, Bracknell, co. Berks, and Ros.sall (Scholar): was a Cierk in the Bank of ConinMree, Miuitrcal. Canada, and on the outbreak of war enlisted in tlie Koyal .Montreal Uej.'t. ; came over with the I-'irst Contintient; was gazetted 2ud Lieut. 7th Cameron Hiuhhuul'-rs 4 Feb. lOlj, and promoted Lieut. May, 1910; went to France tin' lollimiim Sept.: was wounded 17 Aufi. 1010. whilt' uoini: out to carry in a wounded man, and diid two days afterwards. Jiuriid in the Military Ci-metery near BucliviHiers. on the Somiiie battle-front. He wa.s .Machiui- iJuii Otliei-r to his battalion, and was hit shortly alter an action, in wliicii the liattalion took a line of (Jerman trenches. His Colonel wrote : " He was very popular both with his brother otticers and also the men. 1 always fonn\prdili(jnary Force in Kranei' and Flanders Iruni I May, 1910. and was killed in action at the Battlrof Arras 24 vVpril. 1917. Buried at .\rras. His Commanding Oltieer wrote; '■ During his period of training in Kngland I wjis in charge of No. 10 Platoon in which >our son was. Both at home and during liis servii-es he proved himself to he a relial>lr and gallant soldier. He was of a quiit disposition and be- loved by all his comraeies. Also, lie jdined tlie Church in France, and took liis tirst conununioii tliere. and sealed his faith with (lod. 1 ought to tell you be sutfered no pain. He was buried on the Held of battle, and a cross erected to his grave." ihim. CAMPBELL, CHARLES SMITH, Private, No. 15758, 3rd Battn. Scots Guards, eldest -s'. oi William Campbill. of King Street, Aberdeen. Stationer, by his wile. Clem.-ntina. dau. ot tin- late Charles Smith ; b. Aberdeen, 14 0<-t. 1882 ; edue. King Street School there: was a Plumlier ; enlisti-d 13 Jum-. 1010, ami died at XUr Old Mill .Military Hospital. Aberdeen. 25 July, 1017. of pleurisy contracted whilr in training. He m. at Aberdeen. 22 Dec. 1007, Maggie Ann { Loilina-'ar Cottage. Crathie). dau. of George Rough, of Aberdeen, and had six childreTi : James McKav. b. 3 March, 1910 ; Herbert Gladstone, b. 1 May. 1912; Margaret Ann. h. 21 Feb. 1900 ; Georgina Helen, b. 6 Feb. 1911 ; Mary Cress- well, h. 2 Jutir, 1915. and Clementina, b. 29 Sept. 1910. CAMPBELL, D., 1-. -Corpl.. No. 4787. The Cameron Highlanders; served with the F^xpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. CAMPBELL, EVAN McDONALD, 2nd Lieut., 13th (Service) Battn. The Kitle Brigade (The PriTie.- Consort's Own), 2nd «. of Duncan Camitbell. of 0, Ma\isbank Terrace, Paisle\, County Sanitary Inspector, Lower District of Ren- frewshire, by his wife. Isabrlla Weir, dau. of Evan McDonald: h. Paisley, 19 Aug. 1805 : i-dne, .lohn Xeilson Institute tliere ; w;is a (■•uriiiin-eial Cltrk, i)riiig a meiLdier of tlie Isl Paisley Coy. of thr- Boys' Briga- Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Oct. 1014. CAMPBELL, JAMES HENDERSON. M.C.. 2nd Lieut., lO/Uth (Service) Battn. The Highland Light Infantry, only s. of James Henderson Campbell, of Tiie Homesteads, Stirling, Printer's Reader, by his wife. ATiiiie. tlau. of Robert .Macintosh ; b. Ghxsgow, 3 Jan, 1894 ; edue. at Allan's and Hijh Sehool. Stirling ; was in the Civil Service, emploved in the National Health Insurance Otfices. FMinburgh ; joined the <.nh (Territorial) Battn. The Royal Scots in the spring of 1012; was called up on the outbreak of war; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and I'lambrs from Feb. 1915 ; obtained a comnussion 28 Nov. following: served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and was killed in action at Monchv-li-Pnux 24 April. 1917. during the Battle of Arras. Buried there. He was awarded thir Military Cross [London Gazette. 18 July. 1917], " For commanding his company witli great skill anri dash, Whm>: in Sept. 1915 , went back to France in Jan. 1916; was wounded at Viniy Ridge in June, after which he was in hospital for II months, only joining the regiment in June of the following year, and died at Zonnebeke 26 Sept. 1917, from woimds received in action there a few hours pre\iously, Briried 50 yards behind the line at Zonnebeke : iinm. CANE, LEONARD DOBBIE, Capt.. 20th (Service) Battn. (3rd Public Schools) The Royal Fusiliers, 4th *. of the late Henry Drake Cane, a settler in Victoria, Australia, and only s., by liis second wife. Margaret Agatha (14, Raglan Circus. W^eston-super-Mare), eldest dau. of the late Frank Johnson Jessopp, of Derby. Solicitor: and gdson. of tlie late Rev. Thomas Coates Cane, of Brackenhurst, Southwell, Xottingham, and. Vicar of Thurgaston and Halloughton, Xotting- ham; b. Ballarat. Virtoriu. Australia. 13 May, 1883; educ. Magdalen College School. Oxford (Chorister in College Chapel Choir 1894-97); Sidney Sussex College. Cambridge (open entrance Scholarship 1901; First Class in Classical Tripos 1904) : from 1904 to 1909 was a Public Schoolmaster, being then appointed Junior Inspector of Schools at Bradford, and in Jan. 1913, became Inspector to the Weston-ital of bronchial pneumonia. Buried in (ilunadda Cemetery, Bangor. Capt. Crossman. Cuinmanding liis Company, wrote : " He showed pronuse as a soldier, and by his death 1 ha\e lost a good man." Unm. WiUiam H. G. Carlyon. 48 The Roll of Honour CARMODY, EDDIE, Corpl., ^o. 5112. 5th (Service) IJattc. The Connaiight ItanpTs, 2n(l 8. of Michuel Cannody, ScrRt. Royal Irisli Con- stabulary. Monivca. co. tialway, by liis wife, Delia, dau. of tliehite Micliael Nestor. Kilshanny, eo. Clare ; b. Crangliwelf, 14 June, 1895 : edue. Slijzo Jlunicipal Seliool ; was cmiiloycd on com- mercial work, and was Corpl. of the Local Na- tional Volunteers at Cranghwell ; enlisted 10 Dec. 1014 ; served with the Mediterranean Expedi- tionary Force at Gallipoli ; from thence jiro- ceeded to Salonika ; took part in the retreat from Serbia, 1S>15 ; was sHahtly wounded, and was killed in action at L:ike \Vorino, (Jreecc, 25 Manh. 1917, by a sniper whiir on outpost duty, liuried at Kumii. His Commanding Dflieir wrot*' : " He died nobly, and wjis one of llie best N.C.O.'s in j^is battalion; he was an FddiP rarmodv rxce.-dingly Kood boy, and was deeply regretted cauie uarmoay. (^^ l^j^ otlieers and comrades." and a comrade: " Whilst we regret his death, he died manfully as he lived. He w;is a favourite witli all, and many a tear was shed at his grave." Unm. CARNE, MAXWELL HALFORD, 2n.i T.ieut., 2nd Battn. (40tli Foot) Tlie Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, i-ldest x. of Harry Carne, of Carnbrca. Finehley, N.. Principal of Issue Departnu-nt, Bank of England, K.C.. bv his wife. Agnes Miriam, d;iu. of William Halford ; h. Finehley, N., 14 March. 1889; educ. Christ d his school at the L.A.C. Public .School meeting, where he gained second place, and also in the Public School .\ssociation XI. versus the A.F.A. in 1913 ; was a member of the Shooting Eight in 1913 and 1914, being vice-captain of the latter year, when the school won the Prince of Wales's Empire Shield at Bisley. He was a member of tlie school <_'ricket XI. for four years, holding the Fielding Cup for four years, and an jiverage of 87.00 for the school for the last year, and played for his county for 1913-14. having an average of 32.33 for the last year. He was also iu the football team for four seasons and captain during the last term. CARTER, J. E., Private, No. 2436, 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 22 Oct. 1914. CARTER. P. C, Gunner. No. 68328, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 29 Sept. 1914. CARTER, RICHARD HECTOR, Paymaster. Royal Navy, H.M.S. Defence, elder s. of the late Rear- Admiral Richard Carter, of Bembridge House, Fareham. co. Hants, by his wife. Alicia Catherine Loftus (Wick Farm Hoase. near Bournemouth), dau. of the late Commander John Francis Totten- ham. R.N. ; b. on board H.M.S. Roval Adelaide at Devonport. 31 Dec. 1882; educ. Kelly College. Tavistock ; Foster's, Stubbington House. Fareham. and John Smyth's, Ports- mouth ; entered the Royal Navy 31 Bee. 1899 ; was appointed Paymaster 31 Dec. 1903 ; Secretary to Rear- Admiral Sir Robert Artbuth- not in 1913 ; served in China during the Boxer K.hellinu in 191)0 (Medal): in the European War 1914-16. and was killed in action in H.M.S. Defence 31 May, 1916. at the Battle of Jutland. Admiral Arbuthnot wrote in 1915 : " All I know is I could not have got through at all without you and your staif. to wliom 1 am more indebted than I can put into words." and a Captain, K.N. : "I admired his upright and manly character so much. 1 know tliese feelings of mine towards him were also the feelings of all who were brought into contact with him. Indeed, he endiand himself to all whom he met." He m. at St. Jude's Church. Southsea, co, Hants. 29 April, 1909, Mar- iraret Rose, elder dau. of Edward George WooUiouse, H.M. Colonial Service \ by his wife, Elizabeth (36, Cliapel Park Road. St. Leonards-on-Sea), dau. o£ William Collingwood, of Corby, co. Lincoln ; h. Gravesend, co. Kent, 27 April, 1879 ; educ. Preparatory School, St. Mary's Lodge, St. Leonards-on-Sea ; St. Edmund's College, Ware, and Ushaw College, J>urham ; subse- quently became a Cement Manufacturer, and when his business was absorbed in an amal- gamation, went into business as a Netting .Manufacturer at Lowestoft ; joined the Lon- dnri Scottish in April, 1916; served with the Kxpeditioiiary Force in France and Flanders ironi the following Sept., and died at Arras III May, 1917, after the amputation of both legs, rendered necessary by wounds received in action on the 7th. "Buried in the British Cemetery, near Arras ; unm. GASBAN. E.. Gunner, No. 58483, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 24 Sept. 1914. CASE , ALFRED HARRY , Gunner, No. 32493, Royal Field Artilliry, «. of Henry William Case, of Buckwish. ' Henfleld, CO. Sussex. Gamekeeper, by his wife, Alice Louisa, dau. of Peter Yinev ; b. Homington, eo. Wilts, 21 Sept. 1886 ; educ Wherwell, co. Hants : was an Agricultural Labourer ; en- listed in 1902; ser\ed three years with the Colours in England, Ireland and Africa, and i"ined the Reserve; was called up on the nut break of war in August, 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flandeis from the following month ; proceeded to Mesopotamia in Nov. 1916, and died at No. 40 British Hospital, Amara. 4 Jan. 1918. from lirniichial pneumonia contracted when on a. live service. Buried there. He m. at Bngiiur. 4 July. 1908. Edith May (Station HrUrl Rooms. Henfleld). dau. of William Carder, and had tlu-ce children: Philip Harry, h. 3 March. 1912: Eileen Alice Mav. b. 1 Sept. 1909, and Dorothy Ethel, 6. 16 March, 1914. CASEBY, WILLIAM ROBERT BROWN, M.C.. 2nd Lieut.. 14th (Service) P.attii. The Royal Scots (Lodiiaii Regt.). s. of David Casebv. of St. Andrews, Sa\ings Bank Actuary, by his wife. Margaret, dau. of the late William Brown; b. St. Andrews. 14 July. 1895 ; educ. Burgh School, and Madras College, St. Andrews ; was an Architect ; obtained a commission in Feb. 1915 ; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force at Gallipoli. and in Egvpt ; pro- ceeded to France, and was killed in action at Monchy-le-Preux 25 April. 1917. Buried there. He was award<'d the Military Cross [London Gazette. 22 Sept. 1916). for conspicuous gallantry in leading on the attack after all the other iillieers were casualties. General H. Weston wrote: "I hereby congratulate \nu on the honour done you by His Majesty the King in awarding you the .Military Cross for your gallant conduct on 1 July, 1916," and his Commanding OttieiT : ■■ He was the most liked man in the battalion. His men and brother olticers were more ujjset hearing of his death than of any other casualty. The Colonel was killed and the Adjutant severely wounded by'the same shell." This officer also states that he wiis the bravcst'and most efficient officer he had; unm. CASEY, FRANK, Sergt., No. 2145, 12tli (Service) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt., s. of the late Charles Casey, by his wife. Fanny (Summer Cottage, Walton- on-Thames) ; b. Walton-on-Thames, co, Surrey, 26 March, 1877 ; enlisted 29 Nov. 1914 ; served with tlif Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 30 March. 1916, and was killed in action 30 June following ; unm. CASH, WILLIAM HENRY. L.-Corp!.. .N'o. 203360. 2;7th (Territorial) Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; b. Leamington. 8 Feb. 1886 ; educ. there ; was an Intirmary Attendant at Selly Oak Infirmary: enlisted 7 June, 1916: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed iu action at Ypres 19 Aug. 1917. while conveying water to liis comrades in the front line. Buri?d there. .\n otticcr, wTiting to liis wife, said : " He was a good N.C.O., popular with officers and men, and liad been recommended for further pro- motion." He m. at Selly Oak. 6 June. 1914, Lillian Adelaide, dau. of the late Thomas Daniel Parker, and had a dau., Margaret Maisie, b. 16 Nov. 1917. CASSELLS. SAMUEL, RiHeman. No. 1032, 8th (Service) Battn. The Royal Irish RiHes. 2nd .v. of William Cassells, of 117, Donegall Avenue, Belfast, by his wife. Mary Jam\ dau. of William Robinson ; b. Lui^an, co. Armagh : educ. Queen Street National School there : was a Labourer, working at Queen's Island, and a member of the South Belfast Regt.. I'.V.F. : enlisted 2 .June. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 14 Dec. following, and died 21 March, 1910, of wounds received in action. Buried at Bertrincourt ; unm. CASTLES, W., Sergt., No. 5983, 1st Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantrv ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept". 1914. CASTLETON, CLAUD CHARLES. Y.C., Sergt.. No. 1352. 5th Machine Gun Coy.. Australian Imperial Force, ,s-, of Thomas Charles Castleton, of 18, Wilson Road South, Lowestoft. Builder, by his wife. Krtith Lucy, dau. of William (and Alfred Harry Case. ryi) The Roll of Honour Aim Mnuna) l•n^■Ill■ Claud Charles Castleton. h. I.owr^foit, VZ April. lS9-'> ; i-iiiir. Mimifipal Secondary Io\tT ot the count rysidi". ami a kvm sportsman aiui stiidriit ot Xatiin-, in- ciniL'ratcd to An>- tralin in l'.U2, travclUnii in rjusinaiiia. \'ictoria. Nrw Snuth Wales. (juiH-n-ilami, ami ultimately tiriilin;* liimsrlt" at tlir outhnak ol war in Nt-w tJuinca. HtTi' ln' olfrrrtl his Servians gratni- luusly to tlu' (iovcrnnu'nt. hi-ini; placed in < hiirui- of a jiarty of natives to ^uard the \Viirlr the DardaneUes, heins present at the huid- iie_', and in charfte of one of the hist of the iiiachiiie truns to leave the pi-ninsula at the iviii-uation. After a short rest in K^yjit la- was sent to Kranci! as Serjjt. in the fdli Machine ';nn Coy., Australian Iniiierial Korce. At I'o/i rcK." on 28 July, lOHl, knowinir that a nunihi-r of men were lyinu wonnded in " No Man's Land " after a niiiht attack on tlic enemy's trencin-s. he leapt onl twier on his own initiati^■e into the darkness in the fa'-c of ti-rrilic machine-jiini and rille lin'. aTid siu<<-edi-d in hrinjilng in two wounded nn-n on his l>aek. lie went out a third timi-. and was in the act of lirint:iny in another man. when he wa-i hit twice and killeil. Kor these conrat;e' rushed across * No .Man's Land ' in the dark, and although the men did their bi'st. they were ordered to retire. leaviniJ numbers of wounchd lyiny in the shell- holes in between the trenches. In spite of tin- tcrrilic niaihinc-ixun Hre and dirapnel as well, your son. aetlnK on his r)wn initiati\.'. jumped nut, and .suc- e.-eded in brin^iing in one or two wounded men on his back, lie went out a third time, and was brinyinji back a poor fellow, when lie was bit in tin- liaek and killed. I cannot tell you how upset his ehuin^ were when he did not ({une back, and eventually I had to permit two mm. Cori)l. 'riiomp^on (thm Private), who had been woumli-d himself earlier in tin- nii:ht. and Corpl. I''ii| ilcath we would follow him anywhere, having confidence in him as a leatler of the true British spirit, ami we know how dillicult it will be for a man of his ability to he replaced," f'lnn. CATCHPOLE, A., Private. No. 8070. 1st liattn.- 'L'he P.edKufMiire Uegt. ; served with tlie K\pedit ionary Force in France: killed in action 2*1 Auii. l*U4. GATCHPOLE, ERNEST, L.-CorpL. No. 2()Ufil, l/4th (Territorial) IJattn. The Suffolk Regt.. .v. of the late John f::itch[>ole, of Kim Farm. Hessett. by his wife, Isabella, dan. of ( — ) (Jroom ; /*. H"-ssrtt. 2:J Nov. 1878; educ. Hessett School; enlisted 1 April, 191(»: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 10 Aug.. and wa-. killed in action 26 Sept. 1*317. His Com- nnmding Otlicer wrote : " He was killid by a shell as he was advancing to the attack with his Lewis gun team, ami 1 sliall miss him very much, for I have known him now for many months, and he has always done mo^t gallant work in tin- company. He was i)reviously one of niy stretcher-bearers, ami I have always found him working nH)st gallantly under difficult circumstances. Personally, and on behalf of all my company. 1 oilVr you my sincere sympathy in your sad loss." f/»m. GATES, GEORGE EDWARD, V.C.. 2nd Lieut., 2nd llattu. The Rille lirigade (The Prince Consort's Own). 5th .s-. of Ccorge Cates, of 221. Kingston Road. Wimbledcm. S.W.. by his wife. Alici- Ann. dan. of Isaac Livermoor ; b. Wimble- don, CO. Surrey. 1) May. 1892; educ. King's College I'rivati- School then- ; was emploved as a Clerk in the Roval Insurance ('ompan> . l.trl. ; joim-d the Artists' RiHcs'in Oct. 1914; was gazi-tted 2nd Lieut, Ride Brigade: Mrv.d with tin- Kxpeditionarv Force in France and Flanders from .\ug. 1915. and di<'d at the i:i7th Field Ambulance i) March, 1017. from wounds received, to the e.-ist of Itouchavasne,^, by jilacing his foot on a Inirning bomb. Buried in Hem Ci-mc- U'Ty. He was awarded th<- Victoria Cross | Lcmdon Gazette. 11 May. 101 7 [, '* For most conspicuous bravery and self-sacrifice. When engaged with soini- other men in deepening a caj)tun'd trench, this officer struck with his spade a buried bomb, which immcdiatrlv started to burn. Second Lieut. Cati-s. in order to save the lives of his rnmra
  • t eon-^picuous gallantry and devotion to duty in performing the a. 7 Nov. 1014. being sub-.ipientiv I iiL'agtd in mine sweeping oil the coast of Irelaufl, and died suddenly on board the Craig .Min. near Larne Harbour, Ireland, 7 March, 1910: inim. GATOR, R., Corpl., No. 7841, 1st IJattn. Loyal North Lancashire Regt. : served with the Expi'ditionary F'oree in France ; killed 13-18 Sept. 1914. CATTO, ALEXANDER, Private, No. 202r.:J2. 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Gordon Highlanders, .v. of Alexander Catto. of Upper lluirskie. Maryculti r, Parmer, bv his wife .lam\ dau. of the late .\lexander Milne ; b. Aberdeen. 1 1 Sept. 1895; educ. at West School. Maryculter: was a Farmer; enlisted 1 Oct. 1914; served with the Expeditionar\- Force in France and F'landers, and was killed in action at Arras 23 April. 1017 ; uinn. CAUDWELL, W., Private, Xo. 2239, :ird Dragoon Guards ; served with the Expeditionary F'orce in France ; killed C Nov. 1914. CAULFIELD, WILLIAM, Private. No. lO.-.lO, 2nd Battn. {94th Foot) The Connaught Rangers, attd. 49th Trench Mortar Battery, eldest x. of John Caul- ficld, of St. John's Road, Island Bridge, Carpenter, lati- of the Connaught Hangers, by his wife, Mary, dau. of .Tohn Cullen ; b. Inchore, co. Dublin, 9 Nov. IHOl ; educ. Grand Canal Street School ; was a Port, r ; sirved with the Expedi- tionary Fori-i' in France and Flanders from Aug. 1014, and was killed in action K) Feb. 1917 ; iitim. GALTNTER, E. J., Private, No. 8017, Ist Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry; served with the Kxpt-ditionary Force In France; died of wounds 18 Sept. 1!114. CAVE, G., Private. No. 9112. 1st Battn. The Northumberland Fusiliers ; served with the Kxpcditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Oct. 1014. GAW, HARRY, Private. No. 43102, Kith (Service) liattn. The Highland Light Infantry, yr. x. of James .Matthew Caw, M.D., D.P.H., C.M.O., by his wife, .1. A. (Bonuygate, Cupar), dau. of Henry Moses Ashton ; h. Wandsworth, London. S.W. ;" educ. Krmysted*s (irammar School. Skipton-iu-Craven ; joined the Highland Cyclist Battn. in Oct. 1014: served with the Expeditionary Force in France aiul Flanders from July, 1910, when he transferred to the Highland Light Infantry, and was killed in action 15 Sept. 1917. Burii'd in Coxyde .Military Cemetery ; iittrti. GAWKILL, STANLEY, Trooper. No. 18235. 1st KiLst Riding Yorkshire Yeo- manry (T.F.). 2mi .s. of Tom Cawkill, of 190. Holderness Road. HuH. by his wife, Mary Louisa, dau. of John .\shton ; h. Hull, co. York, 1 Nov. 1890 ; educ. Craven Street See. Shetfield, 28 Oct. 1892; educ. WOodsiile Lane School then- ; was a Black- Huutii's Striker; enlisted in Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in F'rance and Flanders from 10 Oct. following, and was killed ill action at Yjires 10 Jan. 1915. Jiuried there ; CHADWICK, JOHN WILLIAM, Rifleman, -No. 307712, I Hth (Territorial) Battn. The I'rince of Wal.s's Own (West Yorkshir.' Kegt.). .v. of .lohn William Chadwick, Coach Wheeler, ol 1(1. Ashberry Road. Sheffield, by his wife .Mary, dau. of Thomas Piggott ; b. Sheffield 2H July, 1889 ; educ. Ui)i»prtlioriie Council School; was a Coach Painter; enli.sted 16 Fi'b. 1910; became F'orward Observer in his battalion ; served with the Expeditionary I''orce in France and Flanders ; took part in the o|)iTations at Vpres. where he was gassed 20-27 July, 1017; rejoined his regiment on recovery, and was killed in action at Ypres 9 Oct. following, while moving up to a jiosition iliiring an advance. Buried there. His Com- iiianclinL' Officer wroti- : " H<' was personally iindi-r my command for some time previous to 111-, death, and was chosen by me for tin* very hazardous duty of Observer on account of his great attention to duty and chiierfulness under a?iy conditions and his great coolness in faco OI Are. He was a good comrade, and his loss t> dct'ply regretted by nie ])ersonaIIy and by all his old comrades." Unm. CHALK. A., Private, No. 9905, 1st Baltu. Thi- Rifle Brigade; served with the Kxpedi- tionarv Force in Fram-e ; killed 2(5 Aug. 1014. ■ John William Chadwick. CHALMERS. ALEXANDER, Private. No. 32. 20th P.attn. A\istralian Imperial Force. K. ot Joseph Chalmers, of Wardinill, Drumoak, co. Aberdi-i-n, Farmer and Oatmeal .Miller, by his wife, .\nuie. dau. of the late James Ogg ; and luotlur to L. -Corpl., 1). Chalmers (v.r.); b. Fiirm of Tulloeh. Durris, co. Kincardine, 27 Sept. 1880; educ. Central School, Drumoak; went to Australia in Sept. 1912. On the outl>reak of war he enlisted in tin- Australian I-'orces ; served with the lCxj)edi- tionary Force in France and Flan. and was killed in action near Bapauine 5 Nov. 1910, Buried there. His Chaplain wrote : " He was unswerving in the execution of his duty, and keen in iiiplioiding the honour of his country's rights. In his battalion In- bi-ars a good record, and was highly respected by his com- manding officer^ and tdlow soldiers." Umn. CHALMERS, ALEXANDER, Private. No. 104670, 75th Battn. Canadian I'^xpeditionary Force, 2nd y. of Nathaniel Chalmers, of 32. .lami-s Stn-i-t, Dundee, Calender Worker, by his wife, Annie, dau. of William Lindsa\ : h. ivirrieimiir, CO. Forfar, 24 March, 1890; educ. there, and suhseqii'-ntly beeamt- Jlanager of the Royal Arch Bar. l)und'-e ; went to Canada in March, 1908, and settled at Toronto as a Carpenter : joiiud the Canadian Expeditionary Force 12 May. 1916 ; came over with tla^ Contingent in July, 1916, and was killed in action at Vimy Ridge 8 June, 19I7 ; num. CHALMERS, DAVID, L.-Cori.l.. No. 29691, 16th (Service) Battn. The Royal Scots (Lothian Regt.), yst. k. of Joseph Chalmers, of Wardinill, Drumoak, co. Harry Chadwick. The Roll ot Honour 51 Ahirdo«Mi, Farmer and Oatin.iil .Mill' r, by his wilV, Aimie, dau. ol tin; latt; Janics Oge ; Jind brotlier to Private A. Chalmers («?.('.); b. Drumoak. 10 Sept. 1B92 ; t'duc. Central Schools. Drumoak ; enlisted 12 Feb. 1916 ; served with the E.\prdi- tionary Force in Kranrt- and Flanders, and was killed in action east of Hargicourt 28 Auti. 1917. by shell-ftre during an enemy counter-attack. Buried there. His Commanding Officer wrote : " I very much regret to inform voii that vour son. L.-Corpl. David Chalmers, was killed in action on 28 Au^. 1917, cast of Hargi- eourt. I shall miss your boy very much, as he was a youngster full of grit and showed great personal bravery on all occasions, setting a fine example to the other men. On the morning of the attack he went right through to the furthest objective without being hit, but unfortunately was killed by shell fire during a counter-attack. He was very popular with the officers and men. and will be greatly missed." Unm. CHAMBERLAIN, E.. Private. No. 76-15. 1st Battn. The Devonshire llrgt. ; served with the Expeditionary P'oree in France ; killed in action 22 Oct. 1914. CHAMBERLAIN, W., Coy, S.-rgt. -Major. No. H384. The Grenadi<-r (iuard^ . served with tin- Expeditionary Force in Franei- ; died of wounds :i Nov. 1914" CHAMBERLAIN, WILLIAM MASTERS. Private, No. 9314. 7th (Service) Battn. The Lincolnshire Kegt., only .s. of .Tolm Cliamberlain, of Dowsdale. Crow- land, Peterborough, by his wife. .lane. dau. of George Keed ; h. Dowsdale, near Crowland. Peterborough, .o .July. 188:i ; educ. Board School there; was a Labourer, and enlisted at Spalding, co. Lincoln. 19 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary J'orce in France and Flanders from 9 July 1015 ; was wounded in action in Nov. and also in the following April; was on board the Hospital Ship Anglia when she was mined in tin- Ciiannel. but was rescued ; the vessel that assisted the Angiia was h<-r>elf mined, and he was saved a second time : returned to the front for the third time early in 1916, and was killed in action :i July following ; unm. CHAMBERS, ALEXANDER, L.-Corpl., No. 11735, 5th Dni^oon Guards, yst. s. of the late Alexander Chamliers, of Kirkmaiden, co. Wigtown, bv his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Alex. Hannah ; b. Kirkmaiden aforesaid, 26 Aug. 1886 ; cduc. there ; was a Warder in an asylum at Melrose ; enlisted in Sept. 1914 ; served with the Exiieditionary Force in France and Flanders from June, 191.">. and was killed in action near Cambrai 22 Nov. 1917. Buried at Flesquii res ; fOWi. CHAMBERS, ANTONY GERALD, 2nd Lieut.. 6th Battn. The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Kegt.), 4th .v. of the late Dr. Antony Bernard Chambers, of Long Eaton, by his wife, Julia (Barmby House, Brayton Road. Selby, CO. York) ; and brother to Private V. L. Cliambers (q.r.) ; b. Long Eaton, CO. Nottingham, 12 March, 1895 ; educ. Mount St. Mary's College. Chestertield ; was einpluve.! on the staff of "The Standard"; joined the Public SeliooK Battn. s, pt, 1914 ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 6th Middlesex Regt, 9 May, 1915 ; weiil to France 29 May. 1916. and was killed in action on the Somme battle-front 1 .Fuly following. Buried at Krieourt, east of Albert ; unm. CHAMBERS, CHARLES THOMAS, Private, No. 1620. 1 .^th (T.-rritorial i Battn. The liulfs (East Kent Regt.), eldest *'. of Private Herl)ert Chambers, oi the same battalion (and Market Gardener in civil life), by his wife. Hel.-n (Hose C^ottagc. t'hart Sutton. Maid.stone, co. Kent), dau. of Edwin Holland ; b. Chart Sutton. Maidstone, -iO Jan. 1897 ; cduc. Elementary School there ; was a Gar- dener on the Rumwood Court Estate ; joined the 5th Buffs 1 Sept. 1914, and after training at Sandwich, proceeded with tliem to India in Oct. 1915, for garrison duty at Kamptee. and from there to the Persian Gulf in the following Nov. ; was wounded in action 8 Jan. 1916, when with the relieving force for Kut in Mesopotamia. His l)ody bi*ing found 4 Feb. 1916, was buried on the battlefield. Sergt. A. Whaley. of his battalion, wrote that he was always con- sidered " missing," and as having probably been sent to the Base with the wounded, but he was found on 4 Feb. by a party of soldiers marching up ; iinm. CHAMBERS, DAVID MACDONALD, Capt., 12th (Service) Battn. The Dur- ham Liglit Infantry. ;;rd s. of Major-General Robert Yeld Chambers, Bengal Staff Corps, by his wife, Isabella, dau. of the Rev. Aastey ; b. India. 29 Aug. 1876 ; educ. at a private school, and the Citj' Guild of London Central Institu- tion ; was a Mining and Consulting Engineer, and specialized \u the Petroleum industry. For some years he was in Galicia, Austria-Himgar\ , having joint management in 80 wells: went to Italy, where he carried on Imsiness in Milan. On the outbreak of war he was charged with carrying De^jatelies from the Foreign Office to the British Ambjissador in Rome, also JJespatehes from Rome to England ; later he servt'd as an Army Interpreter ; obtained a counnission in Nov. 1914, being attacheil to the Royal Engineers in Oct. 1915, and took a tunnelling company to (jallipoli ; took part in the second evacuation ; was sent to Egypt, and later serv(ui with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; was invalided liome in May, 1916 ; rejoined his regiment on recovery, and was killed in action south-east of Y'pres 20 Feb. 1917. while supitnrting hi.s men under heavy bombardment. Buried at Zillebeke. He m. at Padtlingtnn, London, :10 Oct. 1900. Elizabeth Adelaide, dau. of the late Adam William Black. Publisher, and had two children : Elizabeth, h 20 Nov. 1901, and Margot, b. 24 April, 19U5. CHAMBERS. FRANCIS, Private. No. L/6266, 1st Battn. (.50th Foot) The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.). s. of the late Thomas (lijimlHTs; b. London : educ. there : served 12 years with the Colours, and joined the Keserve : was called ui> on the outbreak of war; served with the Expeditinnary Force in France and Flandi-rs from jVng. 1914. and was killed in action on the Somme 4 Oct. 1917. He was mentioned in Despatibes i London Gazette. 21 Dec. 1917) by F.M. Sir Douglas Haig. for gallant and disringuished service in the field, and was presented with a |iarrhmeut card from (ieneral Stephens, commanding 5th Division, for do\otioii to duty ; num. CHAMBERS. VICTOR LEETHEM. Private, No, 25533, 1st Battn. (26th Foot) The Cameronians (Scottish Jtilles). .">th ,v. of the late Dr. Antony Bernard Chambers, of Long Eaton, bv liis wife. Julia (I'.armby House. Brayton Road. Selby, CO. York), dau. of William Leetheni ; and brother to 2nd Lieut. A. ii. Chambers (q.v.); b. Long Eaton, co. Nottingham, 28 June, 1897 ; educ. Mount St. Marv's College, Chesterfield; wa.^ eniploved at the \'"ork liranch of the London City and Midland Bank ; enlisted 1 Feb. 1915 ; served with the Kxpedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 12 Nov. following, and died in hospital at Glasgow 1 Oct. 1916, from woimds received in action at Deditionarv Force in France and Flanders from Jidy, 1916, and was killed in action near Bethune 18 Aug. following by an aerial torpedo. Buried at Cite Calonne. His Commanding Officer wrote: "He was a very capable and promising officer , . . and "carried out his duties to my entire satisfaction." and the Sergt. : " He was very popular with the men : he died an officer and a gentleman in the performance" of his duty." A senior officer also wrote: " 1 can't altogether regret the fate of one who has lived his life so well and given it up so nobly." Umn. CHAMPION, FREDERICK HARRY. .VI. M.. Sergt.. 1st 22nd Itattn. (Thu (Queen's) The London Regt. (T.F.), 3rd t*. of William Edward Champion, bv his wife, Frances Victoria (19, Albacore Crescent, Lewisham. London, S.K.)"; b. West Wickham, co. Kent, 24 June. 1889: educ. Plassy Road L.C.C. School: enlisted 7 Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France and I-'landers from 10 March. 1915. and was killed in action at Flers 4 Oct. 1916. He liad previously taken i)art in the operations at Givenchy, Festubert,. Loos and Hulluch, and was Acting Coy. Sergt. -Major at the time of his death. His Captain wrote : " I can only say that his death is a great loss to me, not only because he was of the very greatc^st helj) to me, but also because I always found him such a splendid chap in every way." He was awarded the Military Medal for gallantry ill the field ; umn. CHAMPION, REGINALD JAMES, Lieut., 1st Battn. Scots Guards. 2nd 'iuards Brigade, aftd. I.iglit rreneh Mortar Battery. 3rd and yst. x. of George Cli;irles Cliam|)ion. of Heiitlierside, Horsell, Woking, by his wife, Adelaide, dau. of .lames S. Walker: /*. Hnrsell. co. Surrey, 15 July, 1895: educ. Royal Grammar Sehool, Guildford, when- he obtaim-d in 1913 an open scholarship in Natural Science at .lesus College. Oxford, winning the same year a Surrey County .Major Seholarshii^ and the Schools Nettle Exhibition. On th'e outbreak of war he joined the Public Schools I'.rigadi- : r)htaiii'd a eommission in the London Regt. 18 Nov. 1914 ; served witli the l'^\|pi(litinn;ny I'oree in France and Flanders ; w.xs severely wounded 31 .Aug. 1915, being in\alided home on sick leave: transferred to the Scot^ Gmirds on his recovery in Jan. 1916. and returned to France ; was again wounded 13 Sept.. but remained with his regiment, and was killed in action 18 July. 1917, being shot tlu-ough tin; head while in cliarge of his battery. Buried in Canada Farm Cemetery, Elverdinghe, north-west of Ypres. His* Commanding Officer wrote : "■ He was a most gallant officer, too brave, in fact. ... He was very highly thought of in the Trench Mortar Battery. He has done so reri/ well, and his loss to the battery is a very great one," and anotlier officer : " I have lost a splendid and brave olficer and a very great friend. He w;is always cheerful and brave, and was very much beloved by the men of the battery, and also of liis old platoon in the ut Dattu. Scots Guards." Umn. CHANCELLOR. GEOFFREY ELLIS, 2nd Lieut. (Reserve) Battn. The (Jueen's (Royal West Surrey Regt.). and tln'^ Royal Flying Corps. «. of" the late Walt4T Chancellor, of Hcrsham, co. Surrey, and of the London Stock Exchange, by his wife. A. (3, .Maida Yale Mansions. W.), dau. of the late Richard ICIlis : b. Chessington Hall, co. Surrey. 12 Aug. 1898 : educ. Eton, where he was a Sergt. in the O.T.C. ; obtained Ids commission .fuly. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Korce in France and Flanders from Jan. 1916. an e. Chancellor. ,^.^^^ ^^.,^^ ^^^^^ ^,^ j^j^.^^, observer to ray mind — keen, high-siiirit(Hi. mid always doing the right thing." and another officer: '■ ,\s an observi-r lie was all that could be desired, and 1 used to take him when- ever circumstances would permit. In a "scrap' he was wonderfidly cool in his shooting, and altogether lie was far and away the best observer we had — ^ideal at bis job." He was a keen sportsman, and won some distinction as a light-weight lioxer, g\nniast. and as a ritie shot : unm, CHANDLER, J. R., Pri\ate. No. 7242, 1st Battn. The Royal Berkshire Regt. : >erved with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Oct. 1914. CHANDLER, W. T. J.. L.-Corpl., No. 8823. 1st Battn. The Hampshire Regt. : -erved with tln' Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 2 Oct. 1914. CHANNING, EDWARD JOHN, Private. No. 40055, 10th (Service) Battn. The Wor- cestershire Kegt-. eldest .^•. of Henry James Chanuing. of 20. Whitmore Street. " Palfrey, Walsall, (ioods Guard, by his wife. Emma, dau. of John White, of Rose Cottage. Dunley. near Stourport ; b. Hanlcv. co. Stafford, 27 Oct. 1895; educ. Palfrey Schools. Walsall; was a Tailor's Cutter; joined the 5th South Staffordshire Regt. 1 Feb. 101« ; took i>art in rlie Dublin Keb<-llion in April: served with the E\l)editionary Force in France from 3 Sept. following, transferring to the Worcestershires t!ie same month, and wils killed in action a Mollebeke 2(t Sept. 1917, while acting as -fretcher-bearer and assisting a woimded eonuade to a dressing station. Buried in I'usilier W Oud Cemetery, north-east of Holle- beke. two and three quarter miles south-east of Vjires. He was a member of Palfrey Church Choir for 11 vears ; unm. Edward John Channing. CHAPLIN, FREDERICK HARDRESS, Major. 154th Hampshire Heavy Battery. l<(»\al tiarrison Artillery, only x. Of Frederick William Chaplin, of 187. Queen's. 'Jate. London, S.W., by his wife. Margaret l.ucv, (iau. of the late John Francis Waller, of Dublin. I.L.D. : h. London, 12 .Ian. 1873 ; cduc. r\ tteidiuntiiT Lodge, near St. Albans, and rh.irterhmise, where he was in Daviesite's Mouse ; obtained a commission in the Hanip- -.hire (iarrison .Artillery (T.F.) : went to South Africa in 1901 with the Wemyss* Horse ; was i n valided home after severe enterit is ; was appointed .Adjutant to the Ham|>shirc Garrison Artiltery on his recovery. 22 March. 1909, lia\iug held a commission in the same artillery previous to going to South Africa ; snbsc- .piently raised a heavy battery, which he com- manded for eight years. On the outbn^ak of war he was stationed at Weymouth ; served with the Exjxditionary Force in France and Flanders from 30 April. 1916. and died of heart failure 27 May following, by his guns at Ypres. Buried in Brandehoek Cemetery, near Ypres. He m. in 1910. Frances, dau. of the Rev. Charle-s Russell Tomkins, Vicar of St. Peter's Church, Southsea, formerly of the Royal Navy. Frederick H. Chaplin. The Roll of Honour Ernest R. B. Chapman. CHAPMAN, A., Private. No. 92!)4. :Jr(i liattn. The Rifle Itri^tida ; served with th<- Kxpeditiodiiry Turee in Fniiuv . kill>.(. x. <>i William Chapmuu. oi «A. Challin Street, I'eniie. S.K. : b. IVnue, S.E., lo Nov. 188G : educ. St. Jolin's School thrri- : i-nlisted 28 Dee. lOlfi; served witli the Expeditionary Force in Fraiiei' and I'liuiders. and was killed in aetion at Lancashire Farm 18 June. 1!>17. Ituried ill thf New Military Cemetery, Vlamertinwhe. west of Ypre.s. His Captain wrote : ■■ \\f died likf a brave man at his jiost of duty, and wiu* a favfuirite anum^ all hi^ ri.niraii.s/' H»- iii. at Miteliam. 27 S.-|it. ll)Ui. (— ). only dan. of .lohn I'yle. CHAPMAN. ERNEST ROBERT BRAY- BROOK, I'rivat.-. No. Is;;:,*;. l>t lialtn, (.".oth Foul I Thr Queen's Own ( Koval \Vr,>t Kml Hiyt.). -v. of Walter Chapman, of Juhilc Moiisr. 1 M-nver. CO. Norfolk. Farmer ; h. 1 towidiani Markft. CO. Norfolk. 8 April. lSi)7 ; educ. lii-nvrr Council School; was apprenticed to a I'rintrr; ndisted H April, liM« ; served with I he Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders trom 7 Sept. following, and was killed in aetion at the Itattle of Arras 2-1 April, 1017. Buried mar Lens : unm. CHAPMAN. F.» Private, No. 894(1, 1st Battn. riu' lirdfordshire Kegt. ; served with the Kx|ieditionarv Force in France; killed in aetiec Vol. I,, page 77], and Capt. O. H. Chapman [sec Vol. II., page *i5! ; b. Clirtun, P.ii-;tol, L'> Sept. 1897: educ. Clifton College, and King's College School. Wimbiedon, S.W. ; wjis preparing to be a Civil Engineer ; entered the Royal Military College. Sandhurst. 23 Sept. 1914 ; gazetted 2nd r>ieut. in April, 191.T, and served with the Kxpeditionary Force in Franci' and Flanders from 25 May following; was laasscd and twice wounded, and was killed in action at Bullerourt 12 May, 1917. after successfully taking a position which he bad been ordered to take. Burieci there. A brother otlieer wrote : " He w;is the most perfect soldier and the most perfect man I have ever met. Few men can have been so universally loved by his subalterns, N.C.O.*s and men. He was a born leader of men. and his extra- ordinary ability, coolness and consideration for everyone end^-ared him to us all. No company commander can ever fill Ms place, or be so loved and trusted. His nobje life and example will remain with and inspire ev(;ry one oi us as long as we live." and his Colonel : " Vour son was quite my most promising otlii-er in every way. and coiiimaiided his company with great ability. 1 had the privilege of knowing him from the tinu' lie joined in 1015. and watched his devr-lopment an(l progress with the gn*atest interest. He was so conscientious and true, that it wa< . London, N. ; educ. Streatham; was in biLsiness with Ids father; enlisted in .\ug. 1914, after the outbreak of war; served with the Salonika Army from ^larch, 1915, and was killed in action at Horse Shoe Hill 27 Oct. 1916. " Buried there. Lieut. E. W. Ravenshear wrote : "He was out with two machine guns to protect the flank of a raiding party, and unfortunately the Rulgars loniul the position with th<-ir heavy guns. He Wiis struck by u shell splinter. ... It is diflicnit for me to say how very much I felt his loss; while the machine guns were together, be had been one of m>' . N.C.O.'s for 18 months, and I had always felt I could rely on him lor anything. It would have been hard to tkud a better man at his job. .Vfterwards, wiien, as you probably know, the guns were divided among their companii-s. he com- manded his company section, anil Ins company connnamhr wa- alwa>s telling me what a splendid fellow he was," I'inn. . No. !()()82, 1st Battn. The I)uk<- < Expeditionary Force in France It (oinwairs Light killed in action CHAPPELL, VV. J., i'rivat. Infanlrv; served with the 13 Oct.'l9l4. CHAPPLE. AUBREY TORRINGTON, Private, No. 224059. Army Service Corps (Mechanical Transport). 2nd vS. of John Torrington Chappie, of Hamilton Wick. Solicitor, l)y his wife. Atnia Ornisby, dau. of Dr. Wat kin Roberts, of Carnarvon ; b. Surbiton Hill, co. Surrey, 18 Sept. 18H2 ; educ, liedtord (irammar School ; was a Solicitor, and entered irdo partnership with hi-- i;itlLer i[i 1908 ; enlisted 21 Sept. 19Hi, and died oi spotted fever 3 May, 1917. ;it I'Mlham Military Hospital. Burii'd in Weybridge Ceineter>. His Commandinu (Ulicer wrote: " Your son, who was ver.v popular with ns all. was very attentive to his duties, and his absence will be keenly felt." and a comrade : "I would like something to rememijcr your son by. as you cannot conceive how mueli he is missed in this billet, as he was one who was always willing to help you, if necessary, and we all hope you liave found consolation in your grief that he died in the service of his King and Country." He was a keen sportsman, rowed for his school eight, and a member of the XL in 1901 ; was a member, and later capt-siin and secretary, of the Kingston Rowing Club, and also a member of Surbiton Football Club at one time ; itnm. CHAPPLE, PERCY WILFRED, L.-CorpL, No. 17836, 14th (Service) Battn. (Swansea) Tlic Welsh Regt., eldest .v. of .\rtluir Christopher ('happle, by his wife, Florence Fmily (35, Ysgol Street, Danygraig. Swansea), dau. of .Charles Tarling ; b. Bridgend, co. Glamorgan. 11 Jan. 1894 ; educ. there ; was a Second Steward in the Merchant Service; volunteered and enlisted 12 Nov. 1914; served with the Hxiieiiitionary Force in France from 23 Nov. 1915, and died I Feb. 1910, of wounds received in action. Buried in Mervillc Cemetery. Capt. 1). H. Sandbrook, of his battalion, wrote: " He was carrying out a very dan- gerous duty on the morning of :H) Jan,, when he was fired on by a German patrol. He was brought in by Lieut. Roderick and tlie Coy. Sergt. -Major, very badly wounded, and ilied on 1 Feb." L'nm. CHARLES, E. A., Gunner, No. 42395, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. CHARLESTON, EBENEEZER, 2nd Lieut., 11th (Service) The King's Royal Rifle Corps, -v. of William John Charleston, of 8. .May Terrace. Plymouth, by his wife. Elizabeth Eva ; and nejihew of the Honourable D.M. Charleston. Senator of the Australian Parliament ; b. Plynmuth. 20 June. 1881 ; educ. Plynipton Grammar School ; was a Teacher on the statf of the Camel's Head Boys' School, Devonport : enlisted 3 June, 1916, and in Oct. joined the O.T.C. at Christ's College, Cambridge; obtained a commission in March, 1917; served with the Exjwditionary Force in Franco and Flanders from 5 April, and was killed in action at Langemarck 20 Sept. 1917. Buried there. His Commanding Otficfrr wrote : " On 20 Sept. the battalion took part in a big attack. Your husband was leading his platoon on the right of the front line. Shortly after the start we came up against a very strong German position, which was midamaged by our artillery, and which was held by six machine guns. Your husband most gallantly Ie"d two attacks against the position. In the first attack he was hit on the body, but his steel plate saved him. In the second attack he was hit by a bullet in the head and killer! in.stantly. His conduct w;is most gallant, and he died like a real ritlmiad. doing his utmost in a most difficult and trying position. Your Inisband's .splendid conduct will always be remembered by me. and it cert^iinly greatly assisted." He m. at Plymouth, 20 Dee. 1911. Ernestine, dau. of Charles Limpennv. and had two sons: Edmund Vivian, b. 7 Nov. 1912, and Eustace David, b. 1 March, 1910. CHARLOTTE, J., Shoeing Smith Corpl. . No. 5659, 20th Hussars ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. CHARLTON. GEORGE, Private. No. 14/60, 11th (Service) Battn. The East Yorkshire Regt.. 2nd -s. of Joseph Cliarlton, of 20. Waterloo Street. Hull; ft. 18 Sept. 1885 ; educ. St. Paul's Jioard School Drainside ; enlisted 25 Oct. 1915 ; served with the p:xpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Merieourt 20 Feb. 1918. Buried there ; unm. CHARLTON, H.. Private, No. 383. 1st Battn. The Northumberland FiLsiliers ; served with tlie Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Oct. 1914. CHARMAN, A. E.. Private. No. 8057. 5th Dragoon Guani- : >erve(i with the Expeditionary Force in France died r)t wounds I'.tl 4. CHARRINGTON. ARTHLR LESLIE. Pri- vate, No. 5221, 2nd IJattn. H.A.C. (T.F.), only s. of the late .\rthur Leslie Charrington, by his wife, Eliza Charlotte (Green End, St. Ives, CO, Hunts), dau. of George Tavlor Humble ; b. St. Ives. 8 Feb. 1890 ; cdue. Wykeham House. Worthing, and by a private tutor ; enlisted 17 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from I Oct. 1916 : was wounded 2 April following, and died at No. 44 Casualty Clearing Station the following day. Buried in Colin Camp. He was a keen sportsman, and won the £50 gold cup for golf at Worthing, co. Sussex, on 5 April, 1910. He m. at W'orthing, 4 Jan. 1915, Augusta Beatrice, dau. of George Paey. CHARRINGTON. EDWIN MILWARD, Capt., 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Essex Regt., yr..'*. of Capt. Harry Julian Charrington. of Eaton Terrace, London. S.W. and, Denshott. Leigh. Rei* gate, late Yorkshire Regt.. by his wife. Helen, dan. of the late William Gray, of Grayscourt. York ; b. London. 28 Feb. 1891 : educ. Wellington House. Westgate-on-Sea, and Radley College ; entered the otfice of the Union Insurance Company of Canton, intending to go out to Clnna ; but on the outbreak of war obtained a commission ; was jiromoted Capt. 21 Sept. 1910 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 18 Feb. 1915. being attached to the Suffolk Regt. ; was wounded at Bailleul in JIay. 1915 ; rejoined his regiment at Felixstowe on re- covery, and afterwards returned to France : took part in the operations on the Somme. and was killed in action while leading his company at Beaumont Hamel 13 Nov. 1916. His Colonel wrote : " I had the greatest regard for him, and a high opinion of his capabilities as an officer. He was beloved by all who knew him. and a most gallant officer and loyal friend, and will be keenly missed by all ranks." i'nm. Arthur L. Charrington. The Roll of Honour 53 CHASTY, JOHN NORRISH, Corpl.. Xo. 12207, 5th (Si-rvice) Bat tn. The Royal InniskilliiiL' Fusili.rs. yst. *. of James Chastv, Iat<_' of H.M. Coastsuard, of 40. Harcourt Stn-.-r. Iml-Hn. by his wife, Clara Lucretia, dau. of Samui-I How : and brother to L, -Corpl. R. C. Chasty [see Vol. I., page 79] ; b. co. iJown. 26 Oct. 1894 : volunteered and enlisted 1 Sept. 1914 ; left Devonport with his battalion to join the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force 14 July, 1915 ; promoted Corpl. in Sept. ; was present during the evacuation of Gallipoli. and aft^Twards in- valided home to a hospital in Liverpool ; rejoined the 3rd (Reserve) Battn. of his regiment 27 Feb. 1916. and on transfer to the 1st Battn. went to France 23 March, where he died 8 Jime, 1916, of wounds received in action on the pre- vious day. Lieut. W. Searle wTote that the battalion was holding a very difficult and dangerous part of the line for ten days. 25 May-7 June. Corpl. Chasty for several days never lost a man at the post he commanded, but was badly wounded by the fragment of a shell at the time he was about to be relieved. ' His worst wound wa.*; abdominal, and it was with much difficulty and mider heavy fire that he was taken to the dressing station, from whence he was removed to hos- pital ; he showed bravery when in the trenches, and great courage after he was wounded ; nnm. CHATER, W. J., Quarter mas ter-Sergt.. \o. 5067. The Middlesex Regt. ; served with Thr- ExiM'ditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 12 Oct. 1914. CHATFIELD, WALTER, Private, No. 17792. 6th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.). s, of Arthur Chatfield. of 2. Lavton Terrace. Hurstpirrpoint. co. Sussex, by his wife, Helen, dau. of William Burtenshaw ; 6, Hurstpierpoint aforesaid 19 Sept. 1880 ; educ. there ; was a Gardener for ten years to the late M. P. Castle, J. P.. at Oakhill House. Sevenoaks, co. Kent; enlisted 13 June, 1916; served with the Kxpeditionarv Force in France and Flanders from 6 Oct. following, and died at No. 8 Casualtv Clearing Station 11 April. 1917. from wounds received in action at Vimy on" the 9th. Buried in Duisans British Cemetery. An officer wrote : " Chatfield always struck one as being an essentially plucky man, and a splendid diap, and did "really fine work in the trenches. As 9 April was the date of Vimv, vour husband' must havi- died the finest death of all, whilst taking German trenches." He m. at Preston. Brighton. 16 Xov. 1907, Emmeline Annie (37, North Road, Preston. Brighton), dau. of the late John Scrace. of Brighton, and had two children : Leslie, 6. 26 Jan. 1914. and Elsie, b. 29 Dec. 1909. CHATTAWAY, PHILIP SPENCER. 2nd Lieut., 6th (Territorial) Battn. The Cheshire Retit.. only -s. of Dr. F. D. Cimttaway. F.R.S.. of Oxford, by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Bettney ; b. Harrow-on-the-Hill. 2 June. 1896 : educ. Orley Farm School : Eton, and I'niversity College of Wales : won a Classical Scholarship at Christ Church. Oxford, Dec. 1914 ; obtained a commission H April. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France, and was killed in action during the attack on the Schwaben Redoubt 14 Oct. 1916. Buried in Thiepva! Wood ; unm. CHECKETTS, J.. Sapper, No. 27783, Royal Engineers ; served with the Expe- ditionary Force in France ; died 6 Nov. 1914. CHECKLEY, J.. Private, No. 9671. 1st Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; served with t\v Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Oct. 1914- CHEDZOY, ANTHONY EDWARD, Seri;t., No. 18901, 6th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), .^■. of the late Joseph Chedzoy. by his wife, Eliza Ann (105. Bath Road. Bridgwater, co. Somerset), dau. of Henry Pearce ; 6. London, 19 Nov. 1891 ; educ. St. Marv's School, Bryanston Siniarc. London. W. ; enlisted in the Butfs (East Kent Regt.) 9 Nov." 1915. and was stationed at Shoreham and Dover ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 10 Oct. 1916 ; transferred to the Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.) on arrival in France; was wounded in action near Arras 9 April, 1917 ; rejoined his regiment on recovery, and was killed in action near Arras 17 July following. Buried north-east of Guemappe. south-east of Arras. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was my platoon sergeant, and one of the best men I ever struck. Always helpful and cheerful, he fought and died for his country, and did yon real honour. Surely his death is jnst the crowning glory of a noble life." " Vnm. CHEETHAM. HERBERT, Lieut., l/6th (Territorial) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Own (West Vorksliire Regt.), Trench Mortar Brigade, .v, of Arthur Cheetham, of 20. Roundhay Grove, Leeds, Schoolmaster, by his wife. Margaret Alice, dau. of the late John Case, of 'Southport ; b. Leeds. 15 April, 1897 ; educ. Harehiils Council School, where he obtained a 100 guineas' scholarship to the Leeds Grammar School, and was for five years a member of the O.T.C. ; joined the University O.T.C. in Aug. 1915 : obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 6 Jan. 1916 : promoted Lieut. 1 June following ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 2 Sept. ; took part in the operations at Thiepval : contract^'d trench fever 10 Oct. 1916, but on recovery rejoined his regiuirut. and was killed in action at Calgarry Grange, Passchendaele. 9 Oct. 1917, while attend- ing to a dying man of his own unit. Buried there. Major-General E. M. IVr- civai, Commanding the 49th Division, wrote : '* He was a very good officer, and had gained the entire confidence of his men. He had done much excellent work, especially on jiatrol duty, when he displayed ability and initiative. His Bat- talion Commander reported very well on him, and considered him a keen and capable officer. He is much missed in his battalion." and his Captain : " It may be some consolation to think that he had displayed the greatest coolness through- out, and, as always, set a noble example of self-sacrifice and devotion to the men under him. He brought the unit up to a better state than I ever renieniber it to have been at any time. Not only was he energetic in his work, but deeph interested in the welfare of the men under him. an interest which brings its own reward. I do not remember the loss of an officer so keenly felt by his men." His servant also wrote : " It was early morning when the barrage started ; there were no trenches, only shell-holes. The barrage was t<'rrible. but 3Ir. Cheetham did not allow this to prevent him from crawling from shell-hole to shell-hole with the rum ration. The men said he was a hero. This barrage continued more or less till about 4 p.m., when it increased in intensity. He then ordered the gun-teams (Trench Mortar Battery) further back for safety, the guns having been previously lost. While the men were doing this, one of the men was hit by a large piece of shrapnel in the small of the back. Mr. Cheetbani and I did all we could for the poorifellow, but Mr. C. would not leave until he wa^ quite sure the man was dead. JiLst as we were lea\ing, your son was hit at the back of the head with a piece of shell. 1 did my best in bandaging, and tlu-n ran for help. Another officer prevented my return, as the barrage was still dreadful. Your lad was found the next morning lying dead on a stretcher." Vmn. CHEETHAM, J., Private, No. 9227. 2nd Battn. The South Staffordshire Rogt. ; served with tlw Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. CHELL, C, Pri\ate. No. 10740. 2nd Battn. The Sherwood Foresters ; served with the Expiditionary Force in France ; died of wounds I Oct. 1914. CHESHIRE, E., Private, No. 13181, 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. CHESHIRE, THOMAS. L.-Sergt... No. 9574. 2nd Battn. (98th Foot) The Prince of Wales's (North Staffordshire Regt.), s. of Benjamin Cheshire, Station Master, of Milford. by his wife, Mary Ann ; b. Milford. near Stafford. 15 Sept. 1849; educ. Colwick Schools, co. Stafford; was a Grocer; enlisted 30 July. 1873, and served 12J years in India ; rejoined the Army at Lichfield on the out- break of the European War, and died at Queen's Hospital, Birmingham, I Sept. 1916. from the result of an accident. He m. at St. Thomas's Church. Stafford. 26 Di-c. 1887, Georgina (8, Laburnum Grove, Woodbridge Road. Moselev co Worcester), dau. of George Gabriel Allen ; s.p. CHESHIRE, W. J., Private. No. 7866, The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; served with the Exi>editionarv Force in F'rance : died of wounds 27 Ort. 1914. CHESNEY, WILLIAM, Private. No. 18309, 12th (Service) Battn. The High- land Light Infantry, s. of William Chesney, of Bridge Cottage, Twynholm. by Ca>tlc Douglas, by his wife, Janet, dau. of William Rennie ; b. Kirkeoch. bv Kirkcudbright, 27 April, 1883; educ. Johnstone School. Kirkcudbright: was a Farm Servant ; enlisted 18 Jan. 1915 : went to France 12 Julv. and died in the 1st Scottish General Hospital, Aberdeen, 12 Oct. following, from wounds received in action during the Battle of Loos, 27 Sept. ; nnm. CHESSON, WILLIAM. Signaller, No. 2338, l/Sth (Territorial) Battn. The Bulfs (East Kent Regt.). .s. of William Chesson, of Brickmakers" Arms. Murston, Sittntgbourne, co. Kent. Lie-tf*ed Victualler, bv his wife. Emilv Elizabeth, dau. of W illiam Hills ; b. SittiriL'bourne, 14 Nov. 1896 ; educ. Murston Council School, and was subsequently ap]>reiiticed as a Carpenter; joined the East Kent Terri- torials in May, 1914 ; volunteered for foreign service after the outbreak of war in the following Aug. ; served in India from Oct. 1914 ; with the Indian Expedi- tionary Force in Mesopotamia from Nov. 1915. and was killed in action at Sheikli- Saad 7 Jan. 1916. Buried on the battlefield. His Signalling Sergt. wrote : •* Bill was one of my best signallers, and I can't say how verv sorrv I am to lose him. He was a most willing worker and alwavs readv to do any little thing. He was a great favourite with all the signallers, and 'also with everybody in his company, and he will be greatly missed by them all." and a comrade: "In going into action your son was told to remain with the headquarters of our -iu-nallers. and at the time he was killed he was close to the Colonel, Adjutant, Mu'nalliim s.-rgt. and Corpl.. all of whom, except the Sergt., were hit bv the shell wliiih burst in their midst." Ftim. CHESTER, P., Private. No. 16305, 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 2 Sept. 1914. CHESTER, HARRY KEPPEL, Capt., 1,5th (Territorial) Battn. The Essex Regt.. i-jder V. of Harry Chester, of Broome End, Stansted. co. Essex, J. P. and C.C. for Essex, by his wife. Mildred Mary, dau. of John Granville, of Beaumont Pulteney. late of Northwood. co. Hants; 6. London, 19 July. 1894: ednr. Eton (Scholar), and King's College. Cambridge (Scholar) : was a member of the University O.T.C. in 1913 ; obtained a commission early in Oct. 1914 ; served in GalHpoli from Aug. to Dec. 1915 : also with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Palestine, and died 27 March. 1917, of wounds received the previous day in the attack on Gaza. Buried at Khan Yunus, Palestine. His Commanding oriieer wriite : "Personally I had long come to appreciate Ids sterling worth. The [iluek with which he withstood danger, hardship and illness on the Peninsula, I lie thoroughness of his work as a Platoon Commander at all times, and his in\ariable courtesy and good temper, earned not only our respect but our affec- tion, and he was a favourite with officers and men alike!" He was much interested in the Boy Scout movement and the Social Welfare of the Working Classes; I'llW . CHESTERTON, C. T., Quartermaster-Sergt., No. 1527, R.E. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. CHEVIS, PERCY JAMES, Sergt.. 1,4th (Territorial) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt., eldest s. of James Chevis, Gardener, by his wife. Amelia Kate, dau. of Henry Carver ; b. Easebourne. Midhurst. co. Sussex. 17 Oct. 1888 ; educ. there ; was a Groom ; joined the Militia in 1905. and sul>>,mi.utly served three years in the Midhurst Volunteers ; joined the Sussex Territorials iii 1913 ; volunteered fur foreign service on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 : served with the Mediter- ranean Ivxpeditionary Force in (Jallipoli from July. 1915 ; was wounded at Suvla Bay in .\ug. ; rejoined his regiment in Oct. : took part in the evacuation in Jan. 1916, after which he served with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Egypt; took part in the operations against the iTurks on the Sinai Peninsula, and died at the 31st General Hospital, Port Said. 11 March, 1917, from septic pneumonia, contracted while on active service. Buried there. Major C. R. Godman wrote : " By his death the company has lost one of its best sergeants, a hard-working, conscientious N.C.O.. always respected and looked up to by all." He m. at Midhurst, Caroline (17. Easebourne Street. Midhurst. co. Sussex), dau. of William Saunders, and had three children : Percival James, b. 16 Nov. 1909 ; L<"slie Jolm. b. 6 March, 1911, and Dorothy Amelia, b. 18 Nov. 1913. CHICK, EDWARD, Private. No. 24683, 6th (Service) Battn. The Queens Own (Ko\al West Kent Regt.), s. of the late Henry Chick, by his wife, the late Mary Ann ; b. Taunton, co. Somerset. 3 Dec. 1878 ; educ. there ; enlisted 1 July. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1917, and was killed in action at Monchy-le-Preux 12 April following. Buriwl there. He m. at Caterham. co. Surrey, Annie Avis (14. London Road, Cater- ham). dau. of John Nash, and had a son, Stanley Edward, b. 26 Jvme, 1907. CHICK, THOMAS WTLLIAM, Sergt.. No. 13737, 10th (Service) Battn. The hnke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, eldt^t *■. of Thomas Chick, of 58. Milverton K()ad. Erdinuton. Birmingham, by his wife, Emma, dau. of the late John Hunt, of Faringdon. to. Berks, and of Brighton; b. London. 10 June. 1895; educ. I'^dington. Birmingham ; was employed by the Dainder Motor Company at Coventry : enlisted 2 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expi^ditionary Force in Fram-e and Flanders : was sent to hospital in Rouen in May. 1916. having sustained injuries by being partially buried under fragments of a wall destroyed by the enemy's shell fire ; rejoined his regiment on his recovery ; was again wounded at Morval 6 Oct. 1916, during the operations on the Soinnu* ; returned to England. and was admitted to Fazakerley Hospital. Liverpool ; went back to France, and was killed in action at Xi<>uport 15 Aug. 1917. Buried at Oost Dunkerke Bains. West Nieuport. A comrade wrote : " He was a good soldier, (earless and willing. alwa\'s ready to be called upon to carry out any duty. He was held in respect by all the officers, N.C.O.'s and men in the company." Vnm. CHILDENLEY, FREDERICK. Private. No. 18129. 7th (Service) Battn. The (Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.). eldest s. of the late John Childenley, by his wife. Frances (Paddock Row. Elsworth. co. Catuhridge), dau. of William Tabraham ; b. Elsworth aforesai. and joined the :'.rd l.ttndon Scottish as a Private, beinj: promoted Corp!, after a fi-w months ; ■gazetted 2nd Lieut. Oet. 1015, 2'2:Jrd London Keut. (T.F.); served with the iCxpeditionarv Force in France from Jum-, IHH1. and died 1 Sept. fnllowiny from \vound> received in action the same day. Buried in Aubii-ny Ci-nutrry. The battalion had just come out of the trenches and were in rest hillits. whrn they werr sh'll.-d by lon«-ranye guns, and 2nd Lieut. Chishohn was sirnek hy a shell bursiiiit; on the roarl. whiKt lie was proceedlne to make disjjositions for tlie safety uf his platoon ; mini. GHISLETT, ANGUS ROBERT JOSEPH, Capt., 12tli (Service) Itattn. The UiKhland Liiiht Infantry, vr. ». of the late Charles Chisli-tt. Chemist, by his wife (- ) (CIvdesdale House." Lanark); h. J>anark, 15 May. 18H8 ; there, anri idnat'-d St All IMiannaeist line, at Sniylluni Metre. (Ilastiow ; t Fdinbup.,'!! in Anti;us R. J. Chislett. an ein-im machiiie-min bullet lie died iiistantaneuiisK. Tie iie could speak no more and ( that 1 was able to procure a cross with his nann I'.m : joiiii'd thrMth (Lanark) I'.attn. Hiu'lihui.i I.iuht Infantry as a l.ieut, 2,'. Oet. 1!U4. ami \\as pr(unoted Capt, in the 12th liattn. in Sept. Mtl.'i : servi-d with the Kxpeditionary Force 111 I'ranee and Flanders from Feb. 1917. and wa- killed in aet ion dnritit: an attack on Cavalry I ;urn. ne;ir linem.ippe. 21 April followinj;. .vhile le.idiim his men and just ;is he had iiaincd lljs iibjeetive. jiurieri wliele lie fell. J.icnt. \. ,M. Main wrote : " Your son. as you know, had just returned to the bjittalion from the Trench .Mortar Battery, and was ffiven the ecunmand of C Coy. To him fell the lot of lejiilinn tin- company' durins very serious operations, as we Were sent forward on that evening. Next evening we attacked and ■gained our objective, ami attain on the folhiwinu evening. 24th inst. We attacked again in face r»f fierce opposition. We had just gained our objeeti\e, when you son wa.s struck down li\ bont .'».:!() p.m. The bullet pierced his lung, and (Mily word he uttered was my own name, but i peacefully away. 1 am very pleased to sa\ n it. and another one for an Arthur G. Chittenden. otlicer of the same company. 2nil Meiit, John Maeipieen. We buried them toyetlier that ni-tht side l)y side, ahnost where they tell. Vonr son's body now lies in coiupiered territory ahnnt 2n(i \iirds nnrtli of Arras-Camhrai Koad. betwetn the \illatres of (iiii-mappe aiul \ u-en-.\rIois. Aimns was a great personal friend of mine, anrl 1 knew him since tirst he joined our bjittalion. I shaU always be [iroiid tit testify to his gallant eonduet and very gcntlcnmnly I'caring." (Jnm. CHITTENDEN, ARTHUR GEORGE, 2nd Lieut.. :i79th Batterv. 160th I'.rigiKte. UFA., el.h r .s. ni the hite .Utimr Chittenden, of Hersham, by his wife. i;niil\ Kli/.abe(h (l-^psom. co. Surrey), dan. ol the hite .lohn Thomas Shaw, of Sunbury. eo. .Mid', Sailly- -ur-Ia-l.ys. Mis Ccuumanding Othcer wrote: ' I'Aer sime hi' had been in the battery we had been in dangerous and ex[)osed positions, and under mtu'e or less lotitinuous shell-tire. On every occasion he hml shown the greatest edohiess and disregard for his own safety when iny of his men were in danger, and it was largely owing to his forethouglit and care that then- were so few Casualties in his section. He met his deatli wliilst attempting to make sure that his men were all safe," and a brother oHicer : " Of his pluck and e\eellenee as ati olheer I cannot speak too highly, and some of the men writinu' home uliout it afterwartls spfikc of him with real emotion and regret." He m. at I'lmmanuel Cliureh. Wi-st Hampstead, .V.W., 10 Feb. 19H>, Florence SLiude (:i:{. Dennington I'ark Road. West Hamp- stead, N.W.). dau. of the late Khys Thomas, of Hainiisteaii. N.W. : s./i. CHITTICK, T., Private, No. 999.'i. 2nd Battn. The Koyal Irish Kitles : ser\ed with the Kxpeditionary Force in Franei^ ; killed in aetion 18 Si'[.t. 1!U4. CHIVERS, HAROLD, Private. No. 282017- K()\al Kngineers. .s. of Fdward Chivers, of Rock Hoiise. 02. ICntry Hill. Bath, (iardener. by his wife. Ka<-hel. dan. ol Fn-derick Sahin, of Mii-liigan. l'.S,.\.. j'"arnier and Contractor; b. Coombe Down. West Bath. :!(i Ajiril. 189fi ; educ. Coonibe Down Publit- Sciiool. and Mr. Harold's Commercial Scluml there ; wa.s employed a,s a Win-man bv Mr. T. C. Bush. Klectrical Engineer, Wells Koad. Bath : joined the 7th Devon Cyelin'_' Corps at Taunton l.'I Sept. 1916; trans- lerred to the Koyal Kngineers 17 April. 1917; -erved with tile Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders; was wounded 25 Oct. 1917. and diefi ;it No. 22 (Jeneral Hospital, ('amicrs, 2 Nov. following. Buried in Ktaples Military Cemetery. His Commanding Officer wrote: " His l(jss will lie felt universally, and he was certainly one man in a thousand : he left us with quite a small wound, which seemed to give him no jjain. and he was cheerful to the end. I again express ni\ deepest sorrow in your great loss." f'luti. Iluniphroy .1. Cholnieley- t:HOL.\lKLEY, HUMPHREY JASPER, Pri- \atf. N'o. 4:i7\ Messrs. J. and C. Parkes, Ltd.. Dublin; aiterwards took up farming in Australia ; en- listed in Jan. lOlIf ; served with the F;xiKMii- tionary Force in France and Flanders; was reported wounded and nussing after the fight- ing at Bullecourt 11 April. 1917. and is now xssumed to have been killed in action on that date, and Iniried there : 'imn. CHRISTIAN. ROBERT BURNS, 1, -Corpl.. No. 2r.22(», mth (Service) Battn. 'I'he Royal Dublin Fu.siliers. (ith «, of the late David Clyne ( liristian, of Caithness, by his wife, the late .Margaret, dau. of tlie late James Pattison. of Dunoon; and brother to Private H. C. ("hris- han iq.r.): b. Dublin. 9 Oct. 1879; educ. St. Matthias" School there; was one of the Statf of the Inland Kevenue. Dublin; enlisted in Nov. 1015 ; took part in tlie suppression of the Sinn Fein Rebellion in 191H ; served with the lv\pe(litinnar\" T'orce in France and l-'landers inim All-;. 191ti. and was killed in action at Beaumont Haiiiel 1:1 Nov. following. Buried tliere ; Htlin. CHRISTIE, DUGALD RODERICK (DER- ICK), 2nd Lieut., 06th Batterv. Koyal Field Artillerv. :Jrd x. of Dngald Christie, C.M.(i., F.K.C.S.. F.R. C.P.Edin., Medical Missionary, Moiikdrn. Manchuria, by his wife, Iza, dau. oi the Rev. James IngHs. of Johnstone ; b. .Mnnkden. 31 Jan. 1897 ; educ. (icorgc Watson's rnileye, Kdinburgh : was about to enter the riii\trsity as a Medical Student, hvit ob- tained a commission in April, 1915 ; alter training four months at Picr.sbill. served with the r,xpeditionarv Force hi Fraiire and I'ianders; took part in the Battle of Loos in Sept. 1915 ; served with the Indian Kxiieditionary Force in Mesopotamia, where he was attaclu-d to th<- 4tli lirigade Lahore Division, and was killed in action on the Tigris 24 Feb. 19111. during the adyanc-e for the Relief uf Kut. Buried where he fell near Abu Komaii. His .Major wrote : " ^'(lur sun was always perfectly fearless. He was very young, Init had the makings of a tlrst-dass otlicer. lalways found him most reliable and loyal, and ev.-rybddy liked him. 1 was awfully fond of the boy myself, and he is a great l(is> to me personally." Until. CHRISTISON. ROBERT COLIN, Lieut., 10th (Service) Battn. The (iordon Higlilanders. eldest .\. of Uu- late George Christison. of 2. Kelvinside Gardens, Glasgow; 6. Fregus, Var. France, 1891; educ. Hillhead High School, Glasgow, and was a B.Sc. of Glasgow University ; obtained a commission :J() Sept. 1914 ; served with the F^xpeditionary Force" in France and Flanders; was rejiorted wounded and missing after the Battle of Loos, near Cite St. Auguste. 25 Sept. 1915, and is now assumed to have been killed on or about that date. His Colonel wrote: "He was a most capable and gallant officer, and had been specially rerommended for promotion to Cajitain by myself. He was, in fact, acting a-s Captain and leading his company when he fell." f'wm. CHRISTOPHER, J. W., Private. No. 7188. 2nd Battn. King's Own (Yorkshire hiulit lufantrv); served with the I-^xpeditionarv Force in France; killed in .letion 111 Sept. 1914. CHUBB, ALAN TRAVERS, 2nd Lieut., 11th (Service) Battn. (Pioneers) The l!am|t>hire Kegt.. onl>' s. nf William Lindsay Chubb, of Farnborougli, co. llants, .\LD.. i)y bis wife. Isabel, dau. of the Rev. Alexander David Pringle ; b. Sand- gate, eo. Kent. Iti Aug. 1891) ; educ. Pelham House. Folkestone, and liradtteld College, and on leaving school went to British Cohimbia, being engaged in Fruit Farming ; joined the British Columbia Horse whilst in Canada ; enlisted in the l*ublic Schools and Cuiversity Battn. Sept. 1914 : wa*? given a commission as 2nd l.ieut. nth Hampshire Kegt. 22 Dec. following; went to France 10 Feb. 19 Ml. and was killed in action at Ginchy 9 Sept. following. A brother ortieer wrote ; •■ He was killed wliile leading his men in a charge on 9 Sept. in the face of a tremendous luaclune-gun and rifle fire." Tlie Adjutant wrote : " Two or three times lately he had shown what he was made of, especially on a night w-lien his. senior otUcers were killed and wounded." CHUDLEIGH, F. M., Private. No. G887. 1st Battn. The Devonshire Regt. ; served with the l'J,xpeditionary Force in France; killed in aetion 22 Oct. 1914. CHUDLEY, C, Private. No. 8042. 1st Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Light lufantrv; served with the Kxpeditionarv Force in France; died of wounds 1.') Oct. 1914. CHLIRCH. DENIS FREDERIC, L.-Corpl., No. ^02459. 2/5th Battn. (London Kitle lirigade) The London Kegt. (T.F.), yst. s. of Frederi<'k Cliurch. of 25, The Roll of Honour 55 Victoria Road, Oldfield Park, Batii. by his wiU\ Clara Kmnia. dan. of Jaiiu's Wilson; ft. Bath. co. Somerset, 26 Xov. 1H94 ; educ. Kin;; Kdward's School there- was a Student; joined the London Rifle Brigade 10 Jan. 1016; served %Wth the Expeditionary Force in France from 25 Jan. 1917. and was killed in action in the Yprcs section, north-east of St. Jnlien, 20 Sept. followins. Buried ■cast of the St. Jnlien-Poclcappellc Koad. His Captain wrote : " He was an fxcetlent and reliable fellow, and I am very sorry to lose liini." Cnm. CHURCH. E. Wm Sergt., No. 5910, 2nd Battn. The Duke of Wellington's Retrt. ; sirved with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Oct. 1014. CHURCH. GEORGE, D.C.M., Private. 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Welsh Re^t. ; b. CanliU. 17 .March. 18.. ; educ. Ely Orphanage School; served several years with th)' Colours, including three years in India, and joined the Reserve ; was called up on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 ; subsequently served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, where he took ])art in many ■cnga^ements. On :il Oct. his regiment expi riiiu' d difficult times. runnin'.i >liort of ammunition in the trenches, and the ('(.Imii'I ;i>k(d for a volunteer to gu im- ward imder heavy tire and ascertain if the trenches further along were held liy Welsh ; lie at once volunteered, reached the trenches and returned to sav thev had been lost ; was wounded 9 May, 1915, and invalided home ; returned to l-Yancc, and was twice wounded while serving there ; left for Egyjit. and was lost when his ship was torpedoed. Buried in Linsla Cemetery, Savona, Italy. He was awarded the Distinguished C'onduct Medal, for gallant and distinguished ser\ice in the field : unm. CHURCH, R., L.-Corpl., No. 0049. Tlie Wiltshire Regt. ; served witli tlir Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Oct. 1914. CHURCH. R. J., Private, No. 7368, 2nd Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 19 Oct. 1914. CHURCHILL, JAMES HENRY, Private, 13th (Service) Battn. The Cheshire Regt,. s. of James Henry Churchill, Navvy Ganger, by his wife, Carrie, dau. of Stei)lien Rouse ; b. Little Compton, near Moreton-in-the-Marsh, co. Gloucester, 17 Nov. 1893 ; educ. Harrow-on-the-Hill, and Bromborongh ; was a Fitter's Labourer ; enlisted soon after the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action during the Battle of the Somme. 7 July, 1916. His Commanding Officer wrote : " How we miss Iiim no one knows but ourselves. He was such a jolly fellow, and one of the best soldiers, never shirking any dtity he was asked to perform." He in. at St. Paul's Church, Birkenhead, 25 Dee. 1915, Agnes, dau. of Thomas Jones ; .s./j. CHURCHILL, R. T., Private. No. 6290. :Jrd Dragoon Guards; served with the Expeditionary Forei- in France : killed 6 Nov. 1914. CLANCY, J., L.-Ci)rpl., No. 9012. 1st Battn. The King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Regt. ; ser\ed with ihe Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. CLAPHAM, BARNARD AUBREY, Lieut., 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Essex Regt., 4t)i V. of the late Alfred Henry Clapliam, of Thurlby. Woodtord Bridge, co. Essex, Solicitor, by his will, Klizahrth. dau. of Charles Barnard; ft. Uiiekhin^t Hill. co. Essex, 16 Dec. 1878 ; educ. Haileybury, and Worcester College. Oxford: was a Solicitor ; joined the Public Schools Battn. of the Middlesex Regt. on the outbreak nf war in Aug. 1914 : obtained a (commission in till' Essex Regt. 29 Oct. following; was for a time in command of the 2/4th Battn. iu J-ingland, holding the rank of C'apt. ; served with the Egyjitian Expeditionary Force in l'jg>'pt and Palestine from March, 1916, and died at a Field Ambulance 27 March, 1917, from wounds received iu action at the Battle of Gaza the jirevious day: num. CLAPP, WILLIAM GILBERT ELPHIN- STONE, 2n.I Lieut.. Nortolk Veoinanrv ( T.F.t. eldest ,s. oi tlie Kev. William John Clai>p. M.A. Cantab. Keetor of Ashley, near Stockbridgc. Louisa Isabella, dau. of the Rev. William <'ourtenay Clack, Rector of Montonhamitstead, co. Devon ; ft. Sidmoiith. CO. Devon, 25 Oct. 1893 ; edm-. Allhallows School, Honiton. and Brighton College, where he was a member of the O.T.C. ; siU>sequently underwent a course at the Harper- Adams Agricultural College. Newport. CO. Salop, and on leaving there went as a i)upil to a Gentleman Farmer near Stratford-on-Avon, and then to one near Basingstoke : joined tlie Inns of Court O.T.C, Mounted Section, in Ma\", 1915, obtaining a eninniissi(ui in thi^ Norfolk Yeomanry 20 Sept. following: served with the Fxpeditionary Force in France and i'^landcrs from early in Dec. 1916, and died at No. 11 Casualty <'learing Station 29 Ajiril, 1917. from wounds received in action at the Battle of Arras the previous day. Buried in Duisans British Cemetery, near .\rras. His Colonel wrote : " He had dom- very good work with this battalion, and although at first things were a little strange to him. coming from the Yeomanry, lie soon settled down, and was one of my most jiromising young otticers. He was very popular alike with otticers and men, and his i)lace will be very difficult to till." Unm. CLAPPEN, WILFRID JOSEPH. 2nd Lieut., lOth (Service) Battn. The Dnrliam Light Infantry. \st. .s. of William Clappi-n, of F"orest Green, Nailsworth. co. Gioucester. late of Swindon, co. Wilts ; ft. Swindon. 13 Feb. 1H92 : educ. High School, Swindon: Taunton School (1904 6); Damitsey Agricultural School. Market Lavingtou (1907-9), and Armstrong College. Ncwcastle-on-Tyne (1910 14); won a Wilts V.V. Agricultural Scholarship, and gained a IJ.Se. in .Agricul- ture in Durham Cniverslty ; was a blaster in Agricultun^ in N.E. Count>' School. Barnard Castle, when he joined the Armv in Jan. 1915 ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 10th Durham Liu'ht Inlaiitry 17 Mareli, 1915; went to France March, 1916. and died 22 S.-pt. tollowing. of wounds received in action on 16 Sept, Buried iu Heilly .Military C.uieteiv. Mis Cumnianding Otticer wrote: " He is ■:i great loss to me and tiie battalion generally. . . . We had made an attack in the morning of 16 Sept.. which failed owing to heav\- niaebine-gim fire, and ■during the afternoon I sent him to reorganize what men there wen^ in out front line, and snbsetpiently received a nofi- from him stilting he had been wounded. -:iud re. (nesting that another otfleer be sent to take tiis place. ... I liear he lias ■died oi woniids, sliot liy a rifle or niaeliine-gun bullet." A fellow otlicer ol his battalion also wrote : " At Delville Wood his l.eli;iviour throughout was splendid. First of all a shell blew eight men to |iii-ees near him and eut liim slightly in the neck, but he didn't sreni to turn a hair. About half an hour later ii shell killed ■another otfieer and a sergeant-major, and ble« Wilfrid head over heels. ... I round him lying in an old (Jerman gun euiplaeement shot through the neck. After that Iwas kept busy until dusk, I went back to the gnu emjilacenient ^ifterwards, hut Wilfrid was not there ; they told nie he had walked nut with tlie ilelp of two men." I'ltiii. latoon. and was as willing a worker as I had. ' He was buried the following night in the Military (■emetery just behind the trenches, and his grave is marked by a cross." He was a keen sportsman, being a good footballer, cricketer and boxer, and held several medals won with the local football teams ; inini. CLARK, F. W., Private. No. 9451. 4th Battn. The Middlesex Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 16 Oct. 1914. CLARK, K. H., Corpl.. No. 2Sl:i2. Royal Engineers; served with the E.xpedi- tionary Force in France ; killi-d in action 27 Oct. 1914. CLARK, LEONARD HARRY HL'DSON. Rifleman, 2/9th Battn. (Queen Victoria's Rifles) The London Regt. (T.F.). .v. of Harry Elias Clark, of 22, Tivoli Place. Cheltenham, by his wife, Emily Jane. dan. of the late James Watt^, of London ; ft. Loudon, 22 Feb. 1896 ; educ. Naunton Park Coimcil School, where he won a scholarship for Cheltenham (irammar School, and St. John's Training College. Battersea. S.W. ; was a Student Teacher ; enlisted 10 July, 1915 ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at I'asschendaele 26 Sept. 1917. His Commanding Otlicer wrote: "He was in the front line with the Lewis gun. his lieutenant and the rest of the gun team, and rather than n-tire tliey fought tlieir gun most gallantly to the end, when they were laid out by much greater numbers in the counter-attack, after having gained their objective. Oidy one of the gun team came back, and lie was dread- fully wounded." He was a keen sportsman, captain and hon. secretary of his battalion's Riiiiby football ti'ani. and prominently connected with the B.P. Scouts ; mill) . CLARK. NORMAN PICKSLAV, 2nd Lieut.. 7th (Service), attd. 2nd (104th Foot), Tlie Royal Munster Fusiliers. 2ud .v. of William Clark, of Regent Square, Doncastcr. J. P.. by Ins wife, Louisa Morton, dan. of James Rigby. Surgeon ; ft. Doncaster. co. York, A Aug. 189:i ; edur. Doncaster (Jrammar School, where he was an active leader in the Boy Scout movement, and was studying for a Chartered .Accountant, having passed all but the final examination when war broke out : enlisted in the -North statVordshire Kegt. iu Aug. 1914 ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut, in the West Yorkshire Regt. 14 Jan. 1915 ; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionarv Force in Gallipoli from Sept. 1915, being then attached to the 7th Battn. Royal Munstor Fusiliers; was invalided home ill Jan. 1916. with a .severe attack of dysentxTy and para-typhoid fever : rejoined the West Yorksliire Regt. on recovery, butwas transferred to the 7th Royal Mnii-stcr Fusiliers in May. and snbse- ; unm, CLARKE, F., L.-Corp].. No. 9370, 1st Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Oct. 1914. CLARKE, FREDERICK, Gunner, No. 59992. Royal Garrison Artillery. 2nd s. of Charles Clarke, of 49. Roberts Street, Rushden. eo. Nortliants, by his wife. Phcebe. dau. of Amos Senders ; h. Clu^lverston, v.o. Northants, 27 Sept. 1883 ; educ. Newton Road Schools. Rushden ; was a Shoe Finislier ; enlisted 1 Sept. 1915 ; served for a time in tin* R.F.A., until discharged on account of ill-health and a broken wrist ; rejoined the R.F.A. on recovery, and was transferred to the R.G.A. ; went to Egypt 4 Dec. 1915, and was drowned 31 Jan. 1916, while bathing in the sea near Chatby Camp, Alexandria. Buried at Alexandria. The Major Commanding 84th Siege Battery wrote : " Tin- b;itter> ha.s felt his loss very much; he was known to me personally, and was >|)eeially selected by me when the battery was raised in 1915. He was an exc^-llcTit gunner." Uinn. CLARKE, H., Private, No. 14327, 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards; sen'ed with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14-16 Sept. 1914. CLARKE, J., L.-Corpl., No. 6518, 1st Battn. The Royal West Kent Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 13 Sept. 1914. CLARKE. J., Bombardier, No. 62369, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Sept. 1914. CLARKE, J., Private, No. 5747, Ist Battn. The East Lancashire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914. CLARKE, J., Private, No. 7011. 2nd Battn. The Royal Irisli RiHes ; serv.-d with the Exi)editionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. CXARKE, P., Private. No. 8294, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. CLARKE, REGINALD ARTHUR, Sj.jnaller. No. 6112. Headquarters Stafl^, l^t r.altii Nt I'.riuade. Australian lin|.erial iMiree. .Id.st x. ot Charles W*illiam Chirke. oi I'jiroina, Oxford Street. iCpping. Sydney, .\n-tralia. .rournalist, by his wife, Sarah Ingram, dau. of John R. McCaw : h. Rushden, co. Northants, 16 Dec. 1894; educ. Technical School, Portsmouth: wiMit to .\ustralia with his family in 1913, and was artitrlcd as a Law\-er : joined the AustraMan Fnrei's in Dec. 1915 ; came to England in Sept. 1916 ; served with th'- Kxpctlitionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Dec., and wa-; killed in action 17 Sept. 1917. Lieut. F. A. Presnell wrote : " Besides being prized lor his many qualities, lie was the kind of soldier we cannot afford to lose nowadays. Your son was a trained specialist, and the stamp of soldier who is invaluable in a regiment, not oidy for his skill, but on account of Ids fine example, which inspired younger and newer men." rnin. CLARKE, ROBERT, Signaller, No. 20768, 9th (Service) Battn. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers, eldest *■. of the late Rev. Samuel Boyce Clarke, of The Manse, Cairncastle, co. Antrim, by his wife. Mary, dau. of Edmiuid Belton Roberts; b. Cairncastle aforesaid, 29 Jime. 1898 ; ciluc. Larnc Grammar Seliool ; joined the Mechanical Transport 18 Oct. 1916 ; transfiTrcd from London to Edinburgh Training School in Jan. 1917. being sent to join the Royal Dublin Fasilicrs at Cork in April : served with the Expeditionary Force iu France and Flanders from Sept., and died in No. 43 Casualty Clearing Station 25 Oct. 1917, from blood poisoning : unm. CLARKE. THOMAS. Drummer, No. 235496. 1st Battn. The Herefordshire Regt. (T.F.), 3rd s. of Private "William Clarke, of The Green, Erockhampton. by his wife, Annie Elizabeth, dau. of William Hodges; b. Ruxtoii. Kiiiirs Capel, 23 April, 1895 ; educ. at Brockhampton ; was a Labourer ; joined the Hereford- shire Regt. on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 ; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Forci' at (iailipoli, and sutisequently in Egypt and Palestine, and was killed in action there id Aug. 1917. Buried in Sampson's Ridge Military Cemetery. Lieut. E. L. Linzell wrote : " I was in command of a patrol of seven men. amongst whom was your son, and my orders were to patrol an orchard in front ot our trenches. We were surrounded and outnumbered by a large party of the enemy, and had to rush them to get back to our trenches, and I am sorry to say that your son was shot and killed outright. I had be<'n with B Coy. a Ernest Clayton. short time, but had noti<-ed thi' diligence with which your son carried ovit his duty, and feel >uri- that )iad he lived he would have merited promotion, esi)ecially aftiT the manner in whii-h he faced the attack when he unfortunately tell." I'nm. CLARKE, W., Private. No. 8741, 1st Battn. The Dorsetshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 12 Sept. 1914. CLARKE, \V.. Private, No. 9833, 2nd Battn. The Bedfordshire Regt.; servid with the Lxp- (lilionary Koree in France ; died of wounds 29 Oct. 1914. CLARKE, W. J., Corpl., No. 7259, 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 29 Oct. 1914. CLARSON. \V., Private. No. 10872. The Sherwood Foresters; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. CLAY, S.. Private, No. 10277, 2nd Battn. The Duke of Wclliiigt(»rs Regt.; served with tlie Exjieditionary Force in France; killed 24 Sept. 1914. CLAY, T., L.-Corpl.. No. 930H. 3rd Battn. Tlie Worcestershire Kegt.; served with the lOxiH'dilionary Force in France ; killed in action 28 Oct. 1914. CLAYBYN, W., Corpl., No. 1688. Royal Horse Guards (The Blues); served with tlie Exjieditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 18 Oct. 1914. CLAYTON, A., Sapper, No. 20517. R.E. ; served with tlic Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed 27 Sept. 1914. CLAYTON, ERNEST, Private. No. 2418(10, 1^ ."ith (Territorial) Battn. The York and Lan- caster Kegt.. 2nd s. of Saninel Clayton, of 111. Shettield itoad. Barnslcy. Confectioner, ity his. wife. lOmina. dau. of William Pickering ; ft. Barnslcy. co. York. 4 .inly. 1896: educ. St. George's School there ; was a (ihiss Bottl.- Packer : enlisteil in March. 1916; served witii the E.xpeditionarv Force in France and Flandi-rs- from 14 Jan. 1917. and di.-il in No. 45 Casualty Clearing Station 2i'. .May tn!lowing. from wounds received in action near Builecourt ; /iiiiu. CLAYTON, JOHN, M.M.. Signaller. No. 242290. 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Loyat North Lancashire Reut.. y. of Henry Clayton,, of 63, John Brown Street, Bolton, co. Lan- caster, by his wife, Margaret, dau. of John (and Sarah) McLaughlin ; ft." Bolton. 19 Si-pt. 1K!»7 : educ. there; was emiiloyed by the Park Mill Spinning Company; eidisted in the South Lancashire Regt. 9 April, 1915 ; on 21 Ma>'^ was dischargf'd, and rejoined in the liOya! North Lancasliire Regt. the same day ; served with tin- Expeditionary Force in France from Feb. 1917. and was killed in action at Pas- schendaele Kidge 26 Oct. following. .\ Sergt, wrote : ■■ There was something about hiin> a.m., at Petillon. France, the enemy begaii to shell the front line heavily with high ex- plosive and shrapnel. One of the first shell.* made a direct hit on the S.O.S. line. Without a moment's hesitation. Signaller Clayton, to- gether with another man of the signal station, ran down the liTi- . b.-iiiL' under heavy shell fire all the time. eollL( t<(l the ends of the broken wire out of the shell crater and joined them. This work took from eight to t^^n minutes under eontinutnis shell fire. It was owing to this- man's resource, devotion to duty, and di-^regard of personal danger, that com- munication on the S.O.S. line was re-established." He; was mentioned in Despatches by F.M. Sir Douglas Haig, for general and distinguished service in the field, and was awarded a certificate for devotion to duty and gallantry ori till' lield the day belong he was killed, whieli certificate was forwarded to his parents. He won three medals when training for cro.ss-country running ; uyini. CLAYTON, RICHARD (alias Mason), Private, No, 28267, 14th (Service) Battn. (2nd Barnslcy) 'Tlie York and Lancaster Regt.. eldest s. of {— ) Clayton. by his wife, Kmnia ; ft. Harnsltv. co. York. Nov. 1880; educ. Dodworth Road R.C. Schools there ; was a Hairdresser : enlisted 3 July, 1016 ; served with the Expeditionarv l*'orce in l-'ranee and Flanders from 27 Nov. following, and was killed in ac-tion 8 May. 1917. liiiried on the battlefield. He m. at Monk Bretton. near Barnsl' u'niid work as forward observa- tion otlieer with tlie infantry, sending back valuable information obtained at great per- sonal risk. He was a brave and fearless, officer, beloved by all officers and men of his brigade," and a brother officer wrote : " The loss to US of such a comrade cannot be replaced, and the Service cannot afford to lose such a keen and competent otficer." Unni. CLEVERLY, G., Private. No. 6659, 1st Battn. The Wiltsliire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. CLEVETT, H. G., Acting Corpl., No. 6816. The Hoyal Su.ssex Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 6 Nov. 1914. CLIFFORD. GEORGE, Private, No. 4714. Itlth (Service) Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt.. 2nd s. of James Edward Clilford. by his wife. Matilda (8, Rood Lane, Coventry), dau. of Joseph Wood ; b. 1885 ; educ. Holy Trinity School, Coventry; was by trade a File Cutter; played football for St. Mark's Rugby Football Club, and was in possession of seven medals for the game ; voluntarily enlisted on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1014 ; 'served with the Expe- ditionary Force in France and Flanders from July. 1915 ; killed in action 27 Feb. 1916, by a German sniper's bullet, whilst he was firing over the parapet. His Captain wrote : " I knew your son well for the last seven months, as he was acting as my servant. , . . He was a very good soldier and never shirked his duty at any time." Unni. CLIFFORD, W. T., L.-Scrgt.. No. 7975. The South Wales Borderers ; served with the Exjieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 4 Oct. 1914. CLIFTON, AMOS CHARLES TICKNER, Private. No. 2553. 6th (Territorial) Battn. The East Surrey Regt.. .s. of tlie late Amos George rlifton. by bis wife, Minnie (10a, Fairfield Road,'Kingston). dan. of Cliarhs Cosson ; b. Kiiii:stoii-oii- Thames, co. Surrey, 30 June. 1896; educ. St. John's SebooN, Spriniz Grove, Kingston-on-Thames, and Clark's College. Surbjton ; enlisted 3 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Indian Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia, and died on or about 4 Oct. 1916. of consumption, while a prisoner of war at Adana : iittm. CLINT, A., Private, No. 179, 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys); served with the Expeditionary Force in'France ; died 1914. CLISSOLD, W., Private, No. 16370, 2nd Battn. The (Jrenadier Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 16 Sept. 1914. CLOSS, H., Private, No. 1179, 2nd Battn. The Seaforth Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914, CLOUGH, FRED, Private, No. 16077. Machine Gun Section. 8th (Service) Battn. Till- King's Own (Roval Lancaster Regt.), 3rd k. of James Ernest Clougli, of Rose Hill House. Westhoushton. by his wife, Alice, dau. of J. Green: b. at Aspull. Wigan ; ediie. Munieij.al Secondary School. Bolton ; was apprenticed as a Mechanical Engineer; enlisted in Nov. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Sept. 1915, and was killed in action at Ypres 2 March, 1916. The Rev. M. P. G. Leonard, Chaplain, wrote : "I cannot tell you how much we all mourn hi«i#r)ss, or how hard it will lie to fill the gap which he leaves, but I am sure it would comfort vou if vou eoiiM bear liow highly every- body speaks of him. His otlieer told me that he" was tbe best man in the Machine Gun Section, always readv and eager to do his dntv. tearless, cool and reliable, and a general favourite with all who knew him. Ilie battalion can ill afford to lose such men as he." Unm. John Cosney L. Clery. David Davidson Clyne. CLOUT, ALBERT, Private, No. 18292, 10th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own (Roval West Kent Regt.). n. of William Clout, of Ivy Cottage, Bodiam. co. Sussex, by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of James Verrall, Farm Labourer ; b. Bodiam aforesaid 19 Nov., 1885 ; educ. there ; was a Farm Labourer; enlistt-d 8 .\prll. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from the following Sept.. and died at No. 10 General Hospital, Rouen, 30 Sept. 1917. from wotmds rrci?ived in action at Hill 60. Buried in the cemetery at Rouen : itnm. CLOWES, J., Privat«-, No. 16398, 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards: served wifli tbe i:x|)editionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 16 Sept. 1914. CLYNE, DAVID DAVIDSON, Gunner. No. 75690. Hull Heavy Battery. Royal Garrison Artillery, x. of Robert Clyne, Light Keeper ol the Lighthouse, Cromarty, by his wife, Isabella, dau. of John Davidson; b. Langness Lightliouse, Castletown, Isle of Man, 25 Dec. 1889; educ. at Arbroath ; was a Cabinet .Maker in the employ of J. McGregor A Sons. Porfcr- lield, CO. Renfrew; enlisted 25 March. UU6 ; served witlx the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Nov.. and was killed in action on the Menin Road 25 Sejit. 1917, being struck by a shell while manning bi^ gun. Buried in the Menin Road South Military Cemetery. His Conmianding f>tficer wrnte : '■ He was unable to send any ini.-ssage home before he died." Unm. COATES, CLIFFORD MARSDEN, 2na Lieut,. 146th Siege Battery. Royal Garrison Artillery, eldest .^. of Thomas Webster Coates, of 110," Berw Road, Pontypridd. Waterworks Manager, by his wife. Sarah Ann, dau. of Joseph Marsden, of Leeds : b. Leeds. 20 Jan. 1895 ; educ. Brudenell Council School and the Central High School. Leeds; was employed in the Surveyor's department of the Pontvpridd T'rban District Council: enlisted in the Army Service Corps. 9 .Jan. 1915; was promoted Corpl.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Aug. 1915, being promoted Sergt. 20 March. 1916. and reniTtinietided for a commission by his Colonel; returned to England in Oct.: underwent training at the Royal Garrison Artillery School. London, and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 20 Feb. 19i7 ; returned to France 31 March, and was killed in action near Arras 3 May. 1917. Buried about 1.000 yards north of Henin- sur-Cojeul. south-east of Arnis. Major C. Reynolds, R.G.A.. wrote : " He was killed in the afternoon by a shell while doing his duty in the front line during an attack. Although he had only been with us a very short time, he had already proved his worth as a keen officer, and had won the affection and respect of evervone in the battery. He was always ready for work of any kind, and showed great promise of becoming a very nhU- officer. Your son has given of liis best to the cause for which he has also gi\en his life." and his Chaplain : " I have had, alas ! to bury a great many brave fellows out here, but I can truthfully say 1 never saw men aiidotlicers so deeply affected; evidently your son was much beloved. Try to realize that this is not a young life cut short, but a young life gloriously comjileted at the jiost of duty." Unm. COATES. HAROLD EDWARD, Major, 13th (Service) Battn. The Kinir's ( Liverpool Regt.), 2nd s. of William Henry Coates, of 11. Eaton Road, Birkenhead, (u'Tii-ral Broker, by his wife. Mary, dau. of the late William Lu|tton ; b. Birken- head, eo. Chester, "30 Oct. 1883 ; educ. Claughton Collegiate Sehool. and Birken- head Institute : subsecpiently entered the employ of an eminent firm of General Merchants, whom he represented on the P.altie Exchange; joined the Wiltshin- Regt.. as a Private in Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war: was gazetted 2nd Lieut. I5th Liverpool Regt. 18 Dec. following: promoted Lieut. 7 Oct. 1915. Capt. 8 April, 1916. and Major 21 May, 1917, antedated as from 11 March : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Sept. 1916, when he transferred to the 13th Battn. ; acted £is Major from Nov. 1916, to 19 Jan. 1917, and was killei! in .action to the east of Monchy-le-Preux 3 .May following Buried where he fell. He m. at Bimbnry Parish Church. 10 Jan. 1917. Alice Bitheli. dau. of Kdward Albert Grocott, of Haughton. Tarporley. CO. Chester. COBB, GEORGE BERTRAM, Private, No. 52752. 12th (Service) Battn. Tbe Hoyal Fusi- liers (City of London Regt.V eldest s. of John <;eorge Cobb, of 42. 5Iarne Avenue. New South- •jate, N.. Bootmaker, by his wife, Ada Jane, dau oi Kohert I'.eale. Schoolmaster ; b. Bowes I'ark, London. N . 24 ^. i>t- 1897; educ. Bowes Kojil Cotnieil SrliooK there: was emploved at the llorn.sey Gas Works ; enlisted 1 Sept. 1916 ; iniimd at Aldersbot : served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 liec. tollowing, and was killed in action 23 Jan. 1917. Second Lieut. W. Watson wrote: ■ Mthomih only with the company for a short time, lie was esteemed very highly by all his eomrades. who, one and all, send you and all his people at home their deepest sympathies. He was a good soldier and a aood eomrade. and his death has been felt by all. His body was taken down the line and buried in one of the military cenieteries," Before he enlisted in- was a .-ergeant in the Boys' Life Saving Briitad- George Bertram Cobb. COBBAN, A., L. -Corpl.. No. 34, Tbe Gordon Highlanders: served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 24 Oct. 1914. COBBLEDICK, JOHN HENRY JAMES, Private. 10th (Service) Battn. The Royal Iml'liii Fusiliers, ildest s. of John Francis Cobbledick. of 29, Alvington Street. Plvmoiitii. K.N., liv his wife, Lvdia Esther, dau. of Henry Hope; b. Belderri'j.co. .Mayo. 19 Feb. 1876; educ." Rossmoney. Westport. and Marlborough Street ScIuhiI. Dublin; was a Postman at Dublin: enli.sted 13 June. 1916; served with the ICxpeditionarv Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Beaumont Hamcl 3'Xov. following. Buried th.'re. He w. at Dublin. 26 Nov. 191 1. Nellie, dau. of the late Thomas IHgau. oi co. Kildare. COBBOLD, EDGAR FRANCIS WANKLYN, Lieut . 7tli ( 1. rritorial) Battn. The Chcshiri- Kegt. (T.F.). :ittd. R.F.C.. 2nd -s. of the Rev. Robert Russell Cob- lioki. Rector of Hitcham. Ipswich. h\ Ids wife. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Frederick Wanklyn ; and brother to Lieut It. H. W. Cobbold Isee Vol. 1.. page 86): h. The Vicarage. Earl's Barton, eo. Northainpton. 5 Nov. 1895; educ. King's College Choir School. Cambridge; King's Sehool, Ely. and Marlborough; was apprenticed to the Fine Cotton Spinners' .\ssoeiation. Bollington, near Maccles- field : joined the Cheshire Territorials as 2nd Lieut. 25 March. 1914 ; volunteered for foreign service on the outbreak of war in the following Aug. ; was promoted Lieut, la Oct.. and attached to tlie R.F.C. in April, 1915: served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 17 April, 1915. to 10 May following, and 38 The Roll of Honour atiuiii from ;i Urc. lOln. and \va^ killtd in iiutiou while tljinji luur the vilhi^c oi Jk-aiK'hamps, Hvc niili-s w^■^t of lAWr, 12. Ian. 1910. by anti-aircraft tire. Buried in Huuboiirdin Ceint-tery. His Major wrote ; " Your son is a great loss to the siiuadron^mth- and the I-'Iyinji Corps. He was brave and unai^suniin^, and liked by all." I'inti. COCKAYNE. GEORGE HENRY, Private. Xo. 6M7. 10th (Service) Baltn. (Liverpool Scottish) The Kind's (Liverpool Ite^t . ), "iiul A-. of Samuel Coekayne. Cashier, Thoinas Cook (t Son, by his wife. Louisa, dau. nl the late John Hickman: b. li(K)tle. 7 April. lS!i:i : educ. Ilootle Intermediat*' l>ay Sihools ; 1 uiployed by the National Provincial Hank ot l-iitxiand. Ltd.. and servi-d in their branches at Liverpool and Blackburn : enlisted U» Kt-b. Il>ir> : served with the l-ixpeditionary j-'oree in I'ranee and Flanders, and was liilled in action ir, Ant.', imil, dnrint: tlir liatlle oi the Somme. r.uried nurtli-«est of liuilleniont and east of Mliert. A comrade wrote : " We were in a rli;iriie on the IGtli, and poor George was not with us afterwards when wc left the trenches lor a short rest. I did not sec him as we went ■ )ver, but know fellows who aetualh saw hini hit and fall. Naturally, in the confusion, he ma\ have yot down to the n-ar and away with Ihi- wounded, but I fear the worst. He was liii George Henry Cockayne. in the head, and fell almost immediateh we szot over the top. ... It broke me up alto- y.-ther. for he was such a good old pal." I'nm, COCKCROFT, ARTHUR, Private. No. 33536, 6th (Service) Battn. Alexandra. l*riurr<^ of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regt.), n, of John C^ockeroft, of 2. Fountain strret, Hebden Bridge. Joiner's Foreman, by his wife, Jane. dau. of Wilson Calvi'rt ; b. Hebden Bridge. 25 July, 18U7 ; educ. Council School there: was a Joiner : enlisted 7 July. 1916 ; served with the Expi-ditionarv Force in France and Flanders from l>ec. 19ir>. and was killed in action by a >'niper at Poelcappelle, near Yprcs, Oct. 1017. Buried there. His Commanding Olhccr wrote : " He died as he would have wished to. going forward facing the enemy. He was a good soldier, and I never saw him tlineh or hesitate at any job he was put to, although he w;us so young. He was always cheerful and merry, and liad a lot of pals in the platoon ; everybody liked him," and his Chaplain : " He was one of the bravest of British heroes, for he knew no fear in danger. He died (gallant •soldier that he was) at the post of duty with his face to the foe. He is mourned deenly b>- all who knew him. for he was loved by his comrades and esteemed most highly by liis officers." f'lim. COCKERILL, JOHN, Sergt.. No. ;'>4.t. Koyal Canadian Dragoons. Canadian lOxiieditionary Force, only *\ of the Rev. James Walter CuekeriM. Vicar of Kettlc- Mt'll, Skipton. CO, York, by his wife, Jane Elizabith. dau. of .lohn Pinson, of Wolverliampton ; h. Mickleton. Barnard Castle, co. York. 10 Nov. 1884 : cdue. Leeds CraTuinar School, and Skipton (Jrammar School ; subsequently trained as an Kngineer in the Leeds Municipal OHiees : went to Canada in 1913. where he was I'ngaged in survey work for the Canadian Pacific Railway : vohmteered for Imperial Ser\iee, and joined the Royal Canadian Dragoons after the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 ; came over with the 1st Contingent in Oct. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from May. 1915, where, owing to his skill as a draftsman, he was employed at h- aduuarter-^ in that capacity, and was killed at BaillenI 2(1 Feb. 1916, by a boniii dro|.ped from an aeroplane. Buried there. General A. K. Alderson, Commanding the Canadian Army Corps, wrote : " He had always done well, and was liked and respected by all who knew him," and Col. Mitchell : " We all thought very much of him. He was an extremely good draftsman, i-areful in his work, hard-working, conscientious, and thoughtful for others." Cum. COCKLIN, J., Private. No. 8811, The South Wales Borderers ; served with the Exjieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 5 Oct. 1914. COCKRANE, Jm CorpL. No. 9836, 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt. ; servi-d Nvith the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 22 Sept. 1014. CODNER, CHRISTOPHER CARDEW, Capt.. 1st Battn. (13th Foot) Prince Albert's (Somerset Light Infantry), yr. x. of John Codn-r, of Woodside. Corfe. ruunton, M.B.. C.M.Edin.. by his wife. Mabel Clara, dau. of the late Colonel lldward Seppings Lock. 2nd South Lancashire Regt. ; b. Woodside aforesaid. 4 May. 1894 ; educ. Brockhnrst School, Church Stretton (Mr. Atkinson's), and Epsom College : obtained a commission in the Somerset Light Infantry 16 Sept. 1914. and in Feb. UHH. was granted a cadetship for the Royal Military College, Sandhurst; gazetted 2nd Lieut. Somerset Light Infantry 14 July. 1915: pro- moted Acting Capt. 15 Nov. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 1915 : w;is appointed A.D.C. to tlie late Brigadier- (rencral C. B. Prowse. D.S.O., in Feb. 1916. and remained as such until the General was killed. I July following, after which he acted as Adjutant for a few weeks : was wounded in the face in Jan. 1917, but remained on duty, and was killed in action at Ronix 3 May following, after being tw^ice wounded wliile leadiicj his company into action. His Colonel wrote ; " Your son was exceedingly popular with all, and we all grieve very deeply for him. In addition he was a most abli- olhccr and i.s a great loss to me. He had done excellent work for the battalion. Since getting command of a company he always showed the greatest keenness and took thi' greatest interest in his men. He brought his company to a very high state of etliciency." I'nm. COE, J., Gunner, No. 74163. R.F.A. ; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. COFFIN, Tm Sapper. No. 13691. R.E. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died of wounds 15 Sept. 1914. COGGIN, P., Private. No. 1132. :!ra Battn. The Rifle Brigade: served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 22 Sept. 1914. COGHILL, C, I'rivate. No. 8560. 1st Battn. The Gordon Highlanders served with the Exiiedilionary Force in France ; died 17 Oct. 1914. COHEN, ABRAHAM ISRA"EL, Private. No. G. 24909, 6th (Service) Battn, The Queen's t>wn (Royal AVest Kent Regt.). s. of Abraham Israel Cohen, of 87. Hy the Road, Preston; b. Brighton, co. Sussex. 8 Sept. 1882; educ. Annuiu'iation School tliere ; enlisted 27 Dee. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 21 March. 1917. and was killed in action at Arras 18 Sept. followintr. Buried in the British Cemetery there. His Comnuindiug Officer wrote : " I very much regret to inform you that your husband. Private A. J. Cohen, was killed this morning. I liave only been in this company a few days myself, so I did not know your husband very well, but the rest of the men in his platoon tell nu- that he was one of the best and most cheerful men in the platoon." He m. at Brighton, 16 Oct. 1903, Kate Emily (40, Southami»toii Street. Brighton), dau. of William Rich, and had six children: John Abrahani. b. 11 June. 1909: William Benjamin, 6. 28 Julv. 1914: Kate Emilv. b. 8 Jan. 1905 : Mariorie. 6. 15 Feb. 190G ; Bes.sie Florence, h. 12 Jan. 1912, and Mollv. h. 17 Jan. 1917. COHEN, SYDNEY. Private. No. fyVJA. Kith (Ser\ice) Battn. The Manchester Regt.. 4tli K. of .Max Cohen, of A-*hlea. High Street. Manchester. Stockbroker, by his wife. Kebeeca. dau. of (— ) (ioldstein ; b. Manchester. 13 Aug. 1897 ; educ Victoria Park Sduml there, and Manchester Grammar School : was a Clerk ; enlisted 29 Aug. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flaiulers from Nov. 1915, and died at his home in Man- chester. 13 March. 1917, from wctunds received in action 12 Jan. 1916; intm. COLBERT, T., Corpl.. No. 10007. The Royal Irish Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 25 Sept. 1914. COLBOURNE. LOUIS, Sergt.. No. 3639. 19th (Service) liattn. (2nd I'nblie SehotiM The Uoyal I'usiliers (City of London Regt.). s. of Ald'-rnian Jatne> <'oibourne, of Urighton. J. P.. b\ his wife, Eitun;i Louise, dau. of Heurv Mnndv : b. Gunnersbur\ . en. .Middlesex. 24 May, 1893; ediie. Eastlleid House. Ditclding, CO. Sussex, and Tonbridgi- School, CO. Kent (1907 to 1912); was in the Football XV. in his la-^t year at ronbridge, and a .Sergt. in the O.T.C. ; on leaving school was preparing to qualify a« a Chartered .\ccountant, and WiLs articled to Mcs-^rs. Edmonds, Clover .V Jones, of Brighton and Portsmouth ; on tin- outbreak of war in 1914 joined the 19th Royal 1-u-iiIiers 18 Sejit. 1914; promoted Sergt., and went to Erance Nov. isufi ; wounded by the explosion of an eni'my's mine at Cuinehy, near La Bavsee, 2 Jan.. and died of his wounds at the 12tli (Jeneral Hospital, Kouen. 7 Jan. 1916. Huried in the cemetery there. The following is an extract from the school paper. " 'I'be lonbridgian " : *" 2 Jan. 1916. he had volnn- r erid with others to hold a dangerous position at (ninehy. lu-ar La Bassee. and the trench iu which they were was destroyed liy tin- He was with ditticulty dug out alive, and was Louis Colbourne. e.xpl()sion of an enemy's mine. removed, sutfering from severe wounds and injuries, to the 12th General Hospital. Rouen, where he died five days later." His Colonel wrote; " 1 need hardly say that tfie death of your son wa.s deeply regretted by the whole battalion. 1 knew him personally, and I always had a great admiration for him. 1 did not see him wounded, but it was reported to me shortlj afterwards, and at the same time I was told how gallantly he stood up against the intense bonibardmeni . 1 shall always remember Jiim ;us a gallant comrade. He always carried out his duties in an exemplary manner and had a pride in his battalion. "" I'nni. COLE, ARTHl'R, Chief Petty Ortieer. K.N.. s. of John Cole, of fc:a.><. the Good Conduct Medal. He m. at Capi-1 St. .Mary. co. Sulfolk. 27 April. I9u4, Kate, dau. of William Richardson, and had a son. Arthur Jack, b. 24 Aug. 1905. COLE. C. Hm I'rivate. No. 7845. 2nd Battn. The King's Own (York.-^hire Light Infantrv) ; served with the Expcditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 16 Sept. 1914. COLE, G. E.. Private, No. 7866 ; 1st Battn. The East Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Sept. 1914. COLE, H.. Private. No. 9822, 1st Battn. The BUffs (East Kent Hegt.) : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Sept. 1914. COLE. M., Private. No. 483, 1st Battn. The Northumberland Fu>iliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 19 Oct. 1914. COLE, R., L.-Corpl., No. 6591, 2nd Battn. The Leinster Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 10 Nov. 1914. COLE, W. R.. Corpl.. No. 24425. R.G.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 2'.t Oct. PM4. COLE. WILLIAM GEORGE. Sergt., No. 14412. Machine Gun Corps, eldest s. of Edwin Cole, by his wife, Mary. dau. of Edward Rawlings : b. Hopesay. co. Salop. 23 May, 1880; educ. Leintwardine. co. Hereford; was a RaiKvay l'a>- senger Guard; joined the 8th West Riding Itegt. 4 Nov. 1914; trained at (irantham ; proceeded to Alexandria in July, 1915, for office work at tin- r. Percy Coleman, of Riemore Lodge, Clacton-on-Sea. by his wife, Florence, dau. of James W. Scott ; b. Clacton-on-Sea, co. Essex, 4 Feb. 1898 : educ. Belvedere, Brighton, and Haileybury College, where he was a member of the O.T.C. ; entered the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, in Aiig. 1915 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Norfolk Regt. 7 Ai>ri!, lOlG, after which he took .;i bombing course, receiving a Brigade Bombing Certificate, and subsequenth dieted as Bombing Instructor at Felixstowe : served with the Expeditionary Forei- in France and Flanders from 7 March. 1917. and was killed in action between Vimy and Avion 23 April following. His Colonel wrote : " I had the very highest opinion of your son, and am deeply grieved that he has not been spared to meet the reward for the keen, zealous and splendid manner in which he pre- pared himself for his duty to his country. He was one of the best lads I hav<^ liad under me during the whole of my experience in the training of young officer^. Although so young, I cannot say how splendidly he did the special work I gave him. We all feel his loss very deeply." and a brother officer : " He was killed <\t 5 a.m. whilst gallantly leading his platoon into the German second line. He was always cheerful, very brave and very cool, and by his fine example kept his men going." He was lond of sport, and while at Haileybury played Rugby for his house and won a medal for swinmiing and diving ; unm. COLEMAN, G. A., L.-Corpl., No. 7946. 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire llegt. : served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Sept. 191-1. COLEMAN, HERBERT EDWARD EVATT, 2nd Lieut., The Royal Sassex Regt.. eldest s. of Fdward Herbert Coleman, of I)e la Warr Road, Bexhill. co. Sussex, by his wife. Rachel Lueretia : ft. Soiitliend-on-Sea : educ. Didwich Col- lege, and Lincoln College. Oxford ; was called to the Bar in April, 1912 : joined the Public School Brigade as a Private on the outbreak of war ; ser\ed witli tli. Expeditionary Force in France for about a year ; was given a commissiun. beiim •^.zazetted 2ud Lieut, to the Sussex Regt. July. 1916. and was killed in action at High Wood, on tlie Somme front. 9 Sept. following : unm. COLEMAN, J. M., I>rummer, No. 9585, 1st Battn. The Royal Berkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. COLEMAN, REGINALD JOHN, L.-Corpl.. No. 71482, 4th Section, 3Gth Machine Gun Corps. 3rd s. of the late William Coleman. .Architect, by his wife. Rosena Harriet (36. Trew^bury Road. Sydenham. S.E.), dau. ot the late Edwin Jones, of The Poplars, Broad- oak. CO. Gloucester: h. Barton Fabis. co. Leicester, 29 Jan. 1888 ; educ. Market Bos- wortli Grammar School: was a Bank Clerk employer! by the London County and West- minster Ilank (Winchester Braneli) : enlisted It Oct. 1914. in the 23rd Battn. The Royai Fusiliers (1st Sportsman's Hattu.): trained at Horjichureli ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders : was wounded 13 June. 1916. and sent to England on sick leave: on his recovery returned to France, and joined the 36th Machine Gun Corps : was killed in action 19 June, 1917, by a shell. Curled ;it .Arras ; num. Reginald John Coleman. COLES, F. J., Private. No. 11208, 1st Battu. The Koyal Welsh Ku-siliers ; served with the Expeditionary Foree in Fninee: killed in action 19 Oct. 1914. COLES, G., Private, No. 6204. 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire Regt. ; serv.'d witti the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 27 Oct. 1914. COLES, J. W., Gunner. No. 77782, 114th Battery. K.F.A. ; served with th.- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 20 Sept. 1914. COLLARD. B. R.. Gimijer. No. 64373. 41st Battery. R.F.A. : served with Tile l-^xpiditHiiiary Foree in France: died of wounds 23 Sept. 1914. COLLARD, WILLIAM EDWIN, Bomber. Xo. 762. 1st North Somerset Yeo- nianry (T.F.), s. of Edwin Collard. of 6(1. Palmer Street. Weston-super-Man-. Accountant, by his wife. Bessie, dau. of William llrewer ; ft. We-.tiiM-snper-Mare. ■eo. Somerset. 12 July. 1896: educ. British School there: was emp|i>\ed as an Outfitter's Assi-stant ; joined the North S(uniT>et Yeomanry 4 Sept. 1914. after Til' outbreak of war ; served with the lOxiieditioiiary Force in France and Flanders irom 1 Nov. following; took part in the First liattle of Ypre.s, the Itattles of Horjge and Neuve Chapelle, the attack on Hill 60. during the Second Battle ol Y]ires, and the liattle of Loos : was slightly gassed and buried by a fall of sand- bagi while ill a dug-out at Ypres 13 May, 1915. atui was killed in action at the Holu-nzollern Redoubt 8 Jan. 1916. by a German hand grenad"-. while on a bo nbing expedition. Buried there in Chalk Quarry. Lieut. S, W. Applegate wr()te : " A trench mortar missile was fired into the party tliat was working, and T -11 close to your son : the explosion killed him instantaneously. Your son wa> vvitli me the "whole time I have been out here, and a quieter or more unassuniinLT yovH»g man I don't remember. He was one of those who quietly did as he wa- 'u!f| regardle-is of all consequences, and he had the heart of a lion." f'nm. COLLIE, WILLIAM. Private William Collie. COLLER, E. E., Driver, No. 70518. R.H.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. COLLETT, D., L.-Corpl.. No. 6531, 1st Battn. The Norfolk R«Kt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. COLLETT, RONALD FREDERICK, Private, Xo. 242.228. 2nd Division Machine (iun Corps, attd. 2/6th (Territorial) Battn. The South Staffordshire Kegt., eldest s. of Frederick Thomas Collett, of Spon Lane, West Bromwich, Bak'T and Confectioner, by his wife, Ada, dau. of Joseph Wickes : ft. West Bromwich, 16 Jan. 1896; eduo. Secondary School there; was a Baker and lonfeetioner : enlisted 26 Aug. 1916; trained in Ireland, and afterwards .served with the Flxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 22 Feb. 1917 : took !>art in sevi-ral engagements, and was killed in action at Ypres 29 Sept. following. Uuri'-d in liridge House Cemetery Wieltje. north-east of Ypres. His Command- iiil; (tt!u-er wrote: " I cjinnot e\pri-ss my high opinion of him in words, as Ids work in getting up ammniiititm under such heavy shell fire was wonderful, and he did not know what fear was. and was so trustworthy. His comrades all wisli me to convey their great sytnpathy to you in your bereavement. The only con- -•olatioii he could olfer ns was that he was killed instantaneously as he lay sleeping b\- a liursting shell, a piece of which penetrated his brain and heart, so that he sulfered no pain wliate\er." i'nm. COLLIE, JAMES GORDON, No. 2/1965. Field Artillery. New Zealand Ex- l-editionary Force, eldest s. of James Laurie Collie, of Te Kowhai. Ngaruawahia. Waikato, New Zealand, by his wife. Margaret, 2nd dau. of William Gray. Fanner ; ft. Cambridge, Waikato. 12 May, 1895; educ. District School. Te Kowhai, and King's College. .Auckland, New Zealand, and ou leaving there assisted his father in Farming: joined G Battery in Hamilton. New Zealand. 1 June, 1915: went to Egypt 4 Aug. : was invalided into hospital in Cairo 13 Dec. following, and died in the New Zt-aland General Hospital 14 Jan. 1916, of para-typhoid. Buried in Cairo Cemetery : num. , No. 681712, 75th Battn. Canadian Expeditionary Force, eldest s. of Alexander Collie, of Sandy- hillock, CO. Banff, by his wife. Jessie, dau. of William McKenzie ; ft. Sandyhillock aforesaid, 17 .Aug. 1877 : educ. Dufftown : went to Canada iu March. 1911. and settled at Toronto as a Teamster : volunteered for Imperial Service, and joined the Canadian Forces in April. 1916 ; tame over with the Contingent in Oct. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following I>cc. ; was n-ported wounded and missing after the fight- ing at Avion, near Lens. 8 June. 1917. and is now assumed to have been killed in action on or about that date. Capt. A. Ait ken Gray wrote : ** 1 always admired Collie very much. His actions on that fateful night I shall always remember well. The Hun was very nervous, and shelled our front line heavily for some hours before we went over. Collie was the coolest man in the trench, contentedly smoking his pipe. His example was most excellent." He m. at Motherwell. Aggie {416. Kim: Street Fast, Tonmtoi. dan, ol Robert Indaeh. and had seven children : Robert, ft. Sept, ntoi : William. t>. Jan. 19(i:'. ; Dnticati. ft. Mav, 1904 ; George, ft. 29 Dec. 1915 ; .Mary. ft. Feb. 19l)6 ; Janet, and Llizabeth. COLLIER, REGINALD JOHN, 2nd Lieut.. R.F.C., only «• of William Francis < oilier, of 123, Hamilton Road, Bangor, co. Down, and of the Northern Linen Company. Ltd.. Belfast, by his wife, Marion Frances, dau. of R. Newman Town- -< ml. .M.l>.. of On'cnstown, co. Cork : ft. Belfast, 15 Oct. 1898 ; edue. Grammar Seliool, Bangor ; was in the Belfast Banking Companv : joined the Kovai Irish KitieN 24 Oct. 1916 ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. Aug. 1917. and was killed at Yatcsbury, » o. Wilts, 12 Fell. 1918, the result of au aeroplane accident. Buried in tlic N.w <"liiiri'li\ ;irter Kegt . eldest -v. of John Collins. Bootmaker, by his wife, Eliza, dau. of William hradshaw ; ft. Northampton. 22 July. 1870 : educ. Spring Lane l:oard School there : was a Bootmaker ; joined the Bedfordshire Regt. 5 March, I9I7 ; ser\ed with tin- Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 29 May, li-ing transferred to the .Manchester Regt., and was killed in action at Y^pres 7 Get, lollowing. Buried near Ypres. His Cnmnianding ottieer wrote that he was a liieai loss to the company. He in. at Norrbampton. 5 May. 1900. .\nnie Jack CoUindridge. Expeditionary Force in France : (19. L; Street, .Norlbainptonl. dau. of William Br<»wn. and had six 60 The Roll of Honour Lionel D. K. Collins. childn-n : AlhiTt Victor, b. 27 JIarch. 1904 ; Ernest ('liarli'S. b. 23 I'cb. I'JOO ; •lolin, *. 2(i -Nov. I'.IOT ; William, b. 13 June, 1912; Lily, b. 29 Dec. 1901, and .\nnii', b. 11* .March, 1910. COLLINS, H., l»rivatc. No. 8721. 2n(l liattn. The Royal Warwickshire Kegt. ; s..r\'-d with the F^xijeditionary I'oree in France; died 3 Nov. 1914. COLLINS, H., Private, Xo. 10249, I'lie Royal Fusiliers ; scrvi'd with tile Kx- peditioiiary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. COLLINS, H.*E., Sapper, No. 15477, 11. E. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 1914. COLLINS, J., l,.-('orpl.. No. 108(1(1. 2nd liattn. The Royal Irish Regt. ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Oct. 1914. COLLINS, J., Private. No. 9241. The Durham Light Int'antry : served with the Expeditionary Force in l'"rance ; died of wounds 29 Sept. 1914. COLLINS, J. A., I..-l'orpl.. No. 7311. The Wilt--hirc Regt.; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 2(1 Sept. 1914. COLLINS, LIONEL DRUMMOND KYRLE, 2nd l.ieut.. :ird (Reserve), attd. 13th (Service). Rattn. The Royal Scots (Lothian Keu't.), 2nd .f. of the late Lioiu-I ijealc K\rlc Collins Solicitor (rf. (Jorixetown. l)enierara. British Guiana, 28 May, 1894). hv his wife, l.ailic Reed. vst. dau. of the late Thonuis Colchiimh Watsnu. of CliU Hoiuse, Dovcrcourt; fi. (ieDru'ctowd alorcsaid, 21 Aii!.l. 1,H93 ; educ. FrarMlinuliain Ciilleije, CO. Suilolk, where he was a t'olour-Scrgt. in the O.T.C ; .iitrred the Stock Exchange as a Clerk in Messrs. Wilkinson's otlicc in 1912 ; volunteered lor foreign service, and joined the Old Public sehtpols and Universities C'orjis (18th Fusiliers) in Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war, quickly .ittaiuiiiL' tile rank of Sergt. -Instructor : was reeniiirrieiided l»v liis ColoucI for a commissioii 111 111.' ;;ril lioyai Scots, and gazetted 2nd Lieut. 12 Ma\. 1915 : went to F'rance in the following (let, ; was olfi-red the jjost of Bombing Instructor to the lirieade. but preferred to remain with his hatlalioii as liattn. Hombing Officer; was ii|iiirted missing alter the German attack on the llnlieiizollern Rcdoubt 12 May. 1916. when the Colonel and nuist of the senior otlieers were either killed or wounded, and a week aftiTwards his body was found at the entrance to a eonininnication trench leading to a trench held by the enemy, his servant lying beside him. Buried at Vermelles. Lord Henry Scott. Colonel of the 18th Battalion Royal F'nsiliei's, wrote : " He was with my battalion for many montlis. and I had a very high opinion of him ; in fact. 1 olfcred him a commission in the battalion. . . . He did his duty for his country and died a noble death. He secured the love of all those in the 18th F'nsilicrs who knew him, and from what I could hear he was equally beloved when with the Royal Scots. ... I thought you might like to know the feeling w(! had for him in his old regiment," and a brother officer in the lioyai Scots : " Vour son came out at the beginning of Oct. to the 13th Royal Scots (attached from the 3rd), with whom I then was. and continued to be till Nov. During that time 1 saw quite a lot of him, and found him a mo.st charming fellow-otticcr. He was only with us six weeks, when I was invalided ; but by tlien it was recognized on all hands that the battalion had had few so popular or conscientiously loyal officers." The senior partner in Messrs. Wilkinson's also wrote ; " 1 am writing on behalf of us all. . . . We have felt great pride in your son's gallant conduct and excellent progress at the front, of which we hav-e frequently heard. His work while with us was full of promise for a successful business career, and we have missed him sadly since he left this place to fight for his country. Later on, will you let us have a jihoto of him to hang in a place of honour in the office 'f " While at Framliueliain ( ollege he was senior prefect : won his colours in cricket ant. -\iii|itliill. CO. Bedfor(i, by his wife. Florence, dau. of William Grogan. of Queen's Gate, S.W. : 6. The Vicarage. Hayncs. Bedford. 19 July. 1893 ; educ. Hoxgrove School, (juildford, and ,\ldeuham School, co, Herts (Junior Piatt Scholarshiy>) : during his five years at Aldenham he won prizes for Cla.sslcs. History and Sports, and other honours, and was stated by his house master to have " achieved the greatest distinction possible at a public school ; '* a Leaving Exhibition for the University was offered him, but he preferred to enter into business, and joined the firm of (;ibbs it Sons. 22. Bishopsgate. E.C., who sent luni to Valiiaraiso, Chile, On the outbreak of war In- volunteered for service, and went across the Andes to Buenos Aires as the German Fleet was in the Valparaiso roads; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 13 F'eb. 1915. to the Bedfordshire Training Depot at Ampthill, and from there went to France : killed in action 23 Feb. 1916, at 12.15 p.m., on the Somme front. Buried at Mericourt. His Commanding Officer wrote to his father ; " Your son was so pojiular in the regiment, and was one of the best olficers I had. I cannot speak too highly of him, and f know it is a great blow to all his brother officers. He did his duty always splendidly." A memorial service was held in St. Giles* Church, Graven- hurst : intm. COLLMAN, ALBERT GEORGE, Private. No. 17144, 1st Battn. (50th Foot) The (Queen's Own (Roval West Kent Regt.), s. of Albert George Collman ; b. Marylebone, 4 Feb. 1877 ; educ. Emanuel Schools there ; enlisted 29 July, 1916 ; ser\ed with The Exjieditionary Force in F'rance and Flanders, and died at No. (» Casualtv Clearing Station lo' April. 1917. from woiuids received in action at Vimy liidge. He m. at Marylebone, 26 Feb. 1899. Daisy (3. Prospect Place, Eastern Esplanade. Southenil). dau. of John Jaquest, of Marylebone and Southend, and had four sons : Albert John, b. 24 July, 1900 ; Frederick Patrick. (■, 21 Dec, 1901 ; Eichard Leonard, b. 1911, and .irtliur Henry George, b. 23 Sept. 1916. COLQUHOUN, FREDERICK GIBSON, Lieut., 72nd Battn. (Seaforth High- landers), Canadian Expeditionary Force, 2nd s. of the lat^ Frederick Colquhoun. of Ontario. Barrister, by his wifej Joanna Liddclla, dau. of the late James Gibson. of Spring Valley, Kitcheuer, Canada, and of Tofteombs, Biggar, co, Lanark ; b. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 4 Sept, 1880 ; educ. there and Kitchener aforesaid ; was a Broker; obtained a commission as l,ieut. in the Seaforth Highlanders,. Cana children : l.e.lie Charles, 6. 23 July. 1911, and Elsie .Maud. b. 26 Jan. 191(1. CONDI, ALL.\N GEORGE, 2nd Lieut.. 5th (Territorial) Battn The Border Regt., oidv .N'. of till- late F'rederick Condi, of Loudon and Corfu, Greece, by his wife, Fi'dith (11. .Muleaster Crescent, Carlisle), dau. of the late Thouuis Henry Allan, of Madras ; b. Eddington. co. Kent, 17 Aug. 1896 : educ. St. Bees School ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 7 Sejit. 1915: served with the Exin^ditionary Force in France, and was killed in action near Eaucourt L'Abbaye, 1 Oct. 1916, during the fighting on the Somme. His Commanding Officer wrote: "He was gallantly leading his men in an attack on the German trenches, and, as far as I have been able to ascertain, he was killed outright." Viim. CONLEY, A. T., Private, No. 8359, 2nd Battn. The Oxfordshire and Buckhig- lianishire Light Infantry: served with the .Expeditionary F'orce in F'rance; killi'd in action 19 Sept. 1914. CONN, EDWARD REGINALD, Private, No. 33009. 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry), eldest ». of .\lfred Conn, of Newtown, Ledbury, Painter, by his wife. Hannah, dau. of the late .Vlfred Burrow : d. Worcester, 26 June, 1898 ; educ. Ledbury Council School : was an Under Butler ; enlisted 26 F'eb. 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France frrun 9 .\ug., and was killed in action 4 Sept. following. Buried in thi' Southern Cemetery, Calais ; wwm. CONNEFF, JOHN, Private. No. 266300. 2 Bth (Territorial) Battn. The Gloucestershire Regt.. 2nd ». of the late John Connelf. by his wife, .\largari-t (53, Farfleld Terrace, Bradford) ; b. Dublin, 29 Nov. 1875 ; educ. there ; -erved in the South African War 1899-1902 {Queen's .Medal) : enlisted in .May, 1915 ; served with the lOxpeditionary Force in France and F'landers from May, 1916. aiuL was killed in action near Ypr'es 24 Aug. 1917. by a shell, as he was being carried out of action wounded. Buried near F'ortuin ; fiitm. CONNELL, C, Private. .\o. 9555. 1st Battn. The Connaught Rangers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 2 Nov. 1914. CONNELL, J., Private. No. 11546. 1st Battn. The King's (Liverpool Regt.);. served with the Expeditionary Force iu France ; killed in .■iction 20 Sept. 1914. CONNOLLY, J., L.-Cor|il.. No. 5692, 2nd Battn. Tlu' Royal Irish Rilles ; served with the Exiieditionary F'orce in F'r.ance ; killed iu action '2(1 Sept. 1914. CONNOLLY, J. W., Private. No. 10112, 1st Battn. The Cheshire Regt. : s.-rvi-d with the i:x|>editionary Force in France; died of wounds :!0 Oct. 1914. CONNOR, C, Private. No. 7504, 1st Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantrv ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killeil in netion 9 Sept. 1914. CONNOR, J., Privatj', No. 4716. 1st Battn. The Royal Irish Fusiliers ; served with the ICxjieilitiouary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Oct. 1914. CONNOR, M., Private. No. 692, 1st Battn. The Northunibcrland Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed iu action 9 Sept. 1914. CONNOR, P., L.-Sergt., No. 706. The Irish Guards ; served with the F;xpedi- tionary Force in F'rance ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. CONNOR, P., Private. No. 6795, 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers ; served with the Exiieditionary F'orce in F'rance ; killed in action 2 Nov. 1914. CONNOR, T., Gunner. No. 71494. 30th Brigade. R.F.A. ; served with tla- Expeditionary F'orce in F'rance ; died of wounds 21 Sept. 1914. CONNOR, T., Gunner, No. 28701, R.F..\. ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force iu France ; killed in action 4 Oct. 1914. The RoUJof Honour 61 CONSTABLE, DOL'GLAS OLIPHANT, MA., Lieut.. 4th Battn. limmdjcr <;uard?;. 8, of George Witliain Countable. J. P., F.S.I.. of Traquair Estate Office. Innerleithen, by his mfe, Dora, only dau. of the late Rev. I), Macalist^r. of -Stickel and Hume, co. Roxburgh ; h. Olencraig House, co. Fife. 1 Feb. 1890 ; vduc. St. Mary's Proprietary .School. M-lrose, and Edinburgh University ; prior to the war was engaged in the PiiMi^hiiii: House of T. A. Fouiis. of London and Edinburgh; joined the Inns of Court Utticers' Training Corps 1 Feb. 1915; obtiiined a oommission the following Oct. ; went to France 29 Dec, and was killed in action instantaneously, whilst leading liis men, on the Somme front, :i5 St-pt. 1910. Buried on the battlefield. His Colonel WTote : " He was one of my vi-ry best otficers." Cnm. CONSTABLE, T., L.-Corpl„ No. 7640, 1st Battn. The Dorset-shire Rcgt. : >?rrved with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 26 Oct. 1914. CONWAY, C, Private. No. 10742, 1st Battn. The East Siu-rey Kegt. ; serv.'d \vith the E.\peditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. CONWAY, J., Private. No. 10300, The Royal InniskiUing Fusiliers; served with tlie E.xjteditionary Force in France ; died of tetanus 1 Nov. 1914. COOK. ALBERT BENJAMIN. Private, No. 21057, 1st Battn. (50th Foot) The (^leen's Own (Kojai West Kent Regt.), s. of James Cook, of 211, Alma Road. Ponders End, co. iliddlese.\. by his wife, Clara ; 6. East Slailing. co. Kent, 20 May. 1881 ; cdue. Brunswick House School, Maidstone ; was a Knifeman at William Whiteley's, (Juoen'.s Road, W. ; enlisted 12 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in P'rance and Flanders, and was killed in action 7 Feb. 1917. Buried in the Gorre British Cemetery, two and a hall' miles east of Bethune ; unm. COOK, C, Private, No. 7942, 1st Battn. The Royal Berkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 2 Nov. 1914. COOK, CYRIL RAMSAY, 2nd Lieut., 9th (Ser\ice) Battn. The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt.), eldest s. of Frank Cook, of Endcliffe. Cat'-rliarn Valh-y, co. Surrey, by hi> wif<-. Sybil, dau. of the late Hugh Francis Ram-^;iy. ni Hankow, China ;*6. Upp.T Warliiiuham. co. Surrey, 10 Feb. 1898 : edue. ^MarllturuUiih College ; was a nieinbrr ni the Nottingham University O.T.C.. and later underwent training at Christ's *_'oll>^tjr, Cambridge; obtained a commission in Feb. 1917 : was sent to Sundorland to tlie 4th (Territorial) Battn. >>herwood Foresters; served with the Exprditioiiary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Messines 9 June, 1917. Buried there. His Commanding Officer wrote : " I am told by his Company Commander that death was instantaneous. He had only been a short time with the battalion, hut had made his mark, and was a splendid officer, who had the entin- conlitiniee and trust of his men. As his Commanding Officer. I had the very luL'li''-.t npinion of . him. and he is a sad loss to as. He was buried close to where hv \va,s kiii'd. and his grave has been marked and the exact locality sent on to the Graves' Registra- tion Office. . . . Your son struck me as being" the exact type of what a young officer should be, and his company commander was full of his praises to me in the recent operations," and a brother officer ; " I should like to tell you that in spit*" of the short time your son was with us, he was extremely popular, and when it came to the actual'work in action, I can assure you, his coolness and the thoroughness of his work was, in one of so little exiierience, utterly phenomenal. He only came to my company on the day lie w.iit up to the line, tlirough one of my officers being suddenly sent for to join the Flying <_'orps, but he lost no time III getting a thorough grip of his N.C.O.'s and men. There was one very extra- ordinary incident in connection with his death. He was in the front line, talking to his platoon sergeant ; as far as I remember, at about 1 a.m.. when he was hit by a piee.- of shell and instantaneously killed. His sergeant, who had already won the Military Mrdal lor sallutitry early in the war, pounced on him imme- diately, took his revol\et bt^fore anyone could stop him. Of course, nobody expect^^-d to see him again, but he returned in about an hour's time with an empty revolver and obviously quit* mad." His Chaplain wrot« : " The moment he joined he leaj»t straight into our hearts. We all knew we iiad a good boy, and he immediately took his place in all fun and gaiety. He was so full of life and enjo>-ment, and with it alt so thoroughly good and clean and wholesome. ... He was" extraordinarily popular, and we shall greatly miss his cheerfulness and good looks." Cnm. COOK, E., Private, No. 11918. 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 1 Sept. 1914. COOK, G., Private. No. 7084. 1st Battn. The Hampshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary P'orce in France ; died of wounds 5 Nov. 1914. COOK. H., Corpl.. No. 6246. 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 7 Oct. 1914. COOK, H.. Private, No. 9871. 2nd Battn. The Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantrv ; s<'rved with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; died of wounds 11 Oct. 1914. COOK, J., Private. No. 8161, 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers ; served with the Expeditionary I'orce in France ; killed 26 Sept. 1914. COOK, J., Private-. No. 6923, 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire Regt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 19 Sept. 1914. COOK, PERCY, Private, No. 1432, 18th (Service) Battn. The Durham Light Infantry, yst. s. of George Cook, of Thornley. co. Durham, by his wife, Annie, dau. of John Peel ; b. Thornley, 15 March. 1895 ; educ. Council School there ; Secondary School. Hartlepool, and the Training College for Teachers at West- minster, where he obtained liis certificate ; vohmteered and enlisted 3 April, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 8 April, 1916, and was killed in action on the Somme 27 July following ; uniti. COOK, S., Private-. No. 6407, 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. .^ COOK, W., Private. No. 8760. 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt. ; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. COOK, W. J., Private, No. 7720. 2nd Battn. The South Lancashire Regt. ; «ervi-d with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 28 Sept. 1914. ervcd i COOKE, EDWARD RALPH, Private. No. 9281, 2nd Battn. Honourable Artillery Coy. (T.F.), only *-. of Alfred Edward Cooke. Member of the London Stock Exchange, by his wife. Eliza (Lilie). dau. of Thomas Watson; b. Wimble- don. S.W., 16 March, 1879 ; educ. Whitgift ; wiis on the Stock Exchange : enlisted 30 Oct. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 13 Jan. 1917. and was killed in action at Esteourt 31 March following. Buried there. He m. at Carshalton, 14 Feb. 1915, Kathleen, dau. of .Andrew Twitchin, and had a son, Peter Frere, 6. 18 Dec. 1915. COOKE, E. R., Private. No. 9411. 1st Battn. The Leicestershire Regt. ; with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 25 Oct. 1914. Hans Hendrick A. Cooke. COOKE. HANS HENDRICK ANTHONY. Capt . 2nd Battn. (94th Foot) The Connaught Raugers. attd. to the Nigerian Brigade, eldest *. of the Rev. Edward Alexander Cooke, M.A.. Vicar of St. Paul's. Brentford, by his wife] Amy Plorenee. dau. of C. F. Johastone. Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals; ft. Coniragli eo. Waterford, 24 May, 1884; cdue. Leatlier- head School; gazetted 2nd Lieut. Connaught Rangers from the Special Reserve 25 liec. r.t09 ; promoted Lieut. 23 Aug. 1911. and (apt. 29 April, 1915; was attached to the West African Frontier Force 23 Oct. 1912; w.nt to West Africa in 1913, where he com- numded a detachment in a punitive expedition in Bt-nin district; subsequently .servi-d in the r; ciipahlf a i^'ini coinniandt-r," ami anotln-r olliitcr : "" 1 am writiriw to rxprf?''^ on lii-liall of all wlio Iiavf st*rvod with liiiii niir dci-p svinpatliy. Hv was hiulily ttiy us all." lie m. at Salishury, Khodi'shii C Nov. 1901». Kditli. dan. oi ( ) Hixsoii, ol Sittiimbourni-. ro. Kent, and Imd thrct- children; (•.hjirl(«i Kraiiris Hixson, ft. 1 .March, l'H(> ; Winnifrctl Patriria. 6. 21 Oct. 19rJ, and Kciith Kniily. h. 7 Sept. liUl. COOPER. CORIN HENRY BENEDICT, Lieut.. 178tli /.Miiiiim) Coy.. Koyal Kn<.'iiM'«ni. n. of the Hcv. Sydney Cooper, of I'pper Hevl'onJ. near Haiil)urv. and Rural iJeaii of JJir.ste'r. hy his wife. Kditli. dau. of Michael Heriiy WJIIianis, of I'mrahniek. Truro ; b. CiniH ester. 24 .Vjuil. 181)2 : ed\i<-. King's ('ollt'};c. Taunton, and .MeiJill Collcjj;e, Mon- treal, where lie took the deirrees of li.Se. and M.S(;. in Applied Science. .sju-cializinu in (ieolo^y. and afterwards acting as a Demonstrator under I'rofessoi-s Adams and Jiancroft. On the out- break of war he was enj^tayed on work in the "jl-lirlds in the Rockies; returned home imme- (liat.lv: enlisted in tlic I'ublic Schools IJattn. of th- Royal l-'usilici-s 1 Oct. UU4 ; obtained a commission in Dec, 1914 iu the 15tli Hattn. Tlic Kind's (Liverpool Rej^t.) ; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France anue(.rss of tin- opirations dejiendcd largely on this, and tin- inaiinitiemt way lie carried it out and the splendid example he set his men w(Hi praise from everyone concerned, and rellected much credit on the ciunpany. Mo^t of the work was carried out undi'r hr-avy shell tire, an', we did not do so directly from the front trench, but had to get out into the open from a trench in the rear, and advance over the front trench into No Man's Land. I was speak- ing to your son just before he left the rear trench— lie went over at the liead of my com- pany. He was very cheerful and keen to start. Between the rear and front trenches we were under j)retty heavy artillery and machine- gun tire. I >aw him several times durint; this time, but did not see him reach our front trench. He was hit only a few yards over this front treneli. and must have been killed immediately. 1 cannot say for certain what hit him. but nearly all our casualties were from machine-tinn tire, and the place wliere he crossed the trench was swept by it. His death was a blow to ev(;rybo{ly. both ofticcrs and men, for he was very much liked. He was far and away the best of the six subalterns I had at the time ; that is why I had di-tailcd him to lead the comi)any, as I had lieen forbidden to do so myself." rvii'. COOPER, L., Private. No. 7724, 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed iu action 17 Sept. 1914. COOPER. T., Private. No. 7791, 1st Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Fon-e in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. COOPER. T. G., Private, No. 1675. 12th Lancers; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; died of wounds 1914. COOPER, W. H., Private, No. 4201, Oth Lancers; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 29 Sept. 1914. COOTE, C, Private-, No. 1561, 12th Lancers; served with Mie Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 28 A\tg. 1914. COPE, J., Private, No. 9053, 1st Battn. The Middlesex Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 17 Sept. 1914. COPELAND. P., Private, No. 5861. 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. ; served with tin- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. BEWICKE-COPLEY, REDVERS LIONEL CALVERLEY. Capt. Cold- stream Guards, eldest s. of Brigadier-General R. C. A. Bewicke-Copley, of Sprot- borough Hall, Doneaster, formerly in the King's Royal Rifle Corps, by his wife, Sclina, dau. of Sir Charles Watson Copley, Bart. ; and qreat-gdson. of Admiral Watson ; 6. London, 17 Sept. 1890 ; educ. Eton and the Royal Military College, SttUdhurst ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut, in Nov. 1910 ; promoted Lieut. April. 1913, Howard F. B. Cooper. and Capt. 17 .lu!>'. 1915; served with tin- Expeditiomtry Force in France and Flanders ; was wounded 23 Oct. 1914. while heliiing a wounded comrade, and sent home to England on sick leave ; on his recovery rejoined his regiment, and was killi-d in action 21 Dee. 1916. whilst assisting his men to tix s<»rue wires* within 2ti yards of the (ierman trenches at .Sailly. Biuiid at Conihles. A brother otlic^er wrote : " On 14 Sept., on the first day of the l'.attle of the Aisne. isolated parties had made their way up to the edge of the wooil on the northern slope, and had been driven in. Thinking the wood bail b.cn made good, I took a machini'-gun Me<-tion on to the edge of it. Here i found I) - \j — -, Bewicke- Copley antJ a Coldstr'-am sergeant with a bunch of sonu- 2:'> (Jerman jirisoners. ,A= soon as I mounted mi\ ^uns, a heavy (Ire from snipiTs started. I) — Ij- and tin' sergeant were killed, but Copley covered the i)risoners with his revolver, ami orili-n-d them to shout to their frieinls to eiase tire or to be killed themselves. Copley came iu mider cover when the ^nipiIl^ diniinislu'd. He then said he was not goini: to leave the juisouir-.. and was ■ioinu back for them, it seemed certain death and I told him so. but he went out and brou'.:ht them in ipiite calmly. I think it was about the mh Corbett, of 9. Albert Street, Aberdeen, Builder; h. Aberdeen, 8 Jan. 1896; educ. at Gordon's College there; was a Law Apprentice; joined the 1st City of Aberdeen Uoyal !'"ie_ld Artillery (T.F.) in March. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from May. 1915, and died of wounds 2 April, 1917, after beinu hit by a macliine- cun bulh't near .\rras. Buried at Maro-uil. His Comnuinding Otliccr wrote : " He was a signaller who could always be trusted with a daugi-rons piece of work, !is he was the bravest of thi! brave.'* He was mentioned in l)espatches [ London Gazette, 15 June, 1916] by General (now F.M.) Sir Douglas Haig. for gallant and distinguished service in the Held ; itmn. CORBETT, G. E., Private. No. 2060. 2nd Battn. The MandK-ster Regt. ; M-rved with the K\peditionary Force in France ; killed in action Dec. P.U4. CORDIER, J., Private. No. 6632, 1st Battn. The Hampshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary loree in France; died of wounds 2 Nov. 1014. CORDINER. ROY GROTE. M.C.. Capt., 8th (Service) Battn. The Lincoln- shire Regt.. *. of the lati- Rev. Robert Charles Cordiner, M.A. (Oxford), by his wife, .losephim (Jrote (Honiton. Stein Road, Emsworth. eo. Hants), dau. of the late Major J. W. Itiglls, Stockwell, S.W. ; b. Great Malvern, co. Wor- cester, 9 Feb, 1897 ; educ. Malvern Dame's School, and Lancing College ; obtained a com- mission as 2nd Lieut. 21 Se])t. 191 1 ; was pro- moted Lieut, Jan. 1915, and Capt. the followinir Oct. : served with the lOxpeditionary P'orce in Frane(^ and Flanders from Sejif. 1915 : was wounded three times, and was killed in action I Oct. 1917. A lirotber olhcer wrote : " I -hould like to express to you my very great appreciation ami admiration of Itoy, wlio was not oidy my best friend in the regiment, but ^tull\' holding the enemy. CorOeld wa.s parti- cularly daring and in great spirits, jumping about here and there, throwing grenades hard, and laughing boyishly when one came near him," and a senior officer :" Corfield was . . . universally beloved, and a true Christian in every sense. He was extraordinarily popular in the whole brisade." While at Rams- gate he was in all his school teams for games, and a sergeant in the O.T.C. CORIN, HAROLD EDWARD, Pri- vate, .Vn, 6622, Honourabli- Arrillery Coy. 'T. !■'.). only s. of l-Mward t'liristopher Corin, of 8. Tolvcr Place. Penzance, by his lirst wife, Bessie, dau. of thi' late Capt. Barzillai P-eckerleg, of Penzance ; h. Penzance, co, Cornwalh 18 Sept. 1890; educ. Probus School. CO. Cornwall : was a Chemist's Assistant in Lomhm. and joined the H.A.C. 10 Jan. 1916; *er\ed with the Kxi>ediliouary Force in l-'rance and Flanders from Oct., and was killed in action near Beaumont Hamel 30 Nov. lollowitiii. while (m ()utpr)st duty. Buried at Beaunuuit Hamel. His Captain wrote : " We are all very sorry to lose your son. who wa-s very cheerful undi-r bad conditions, and was a general favourit<^ in the company. He did his duty well, and is a loss which we shall find it hard to make good." He was an enthusiastic football player, and for souu^ time was captain of the London College of CheniLstry Football team ; iinm. CORKE, GUY HAROLD, 2nd Lieut., 15th (Service), attd. 12th (Ser\icc). Battn. The Northumberland Fiusiliers, 4th *. of Benjamin Corke, of Arkley. Wimborne Road. Bournemouth, Retired Superint^-nding Inspector of Stamps Harold Edward Corin. The Roll of Honour 63- and Taxes. Sonur,s.t Housf. by his wife, Mar^'an-t Elizabrth. dau. of Alexander Mowat. of LybstiT, (ijiithni'S,-;. J. P. ; b. Ayr, 23 Jan. 1890 ; educ. Whitgift Gram- mar Scliool, Croydon, and Downing College, Cambridge, .\ftcr taking his degree in the Natural Science Tripo.s in 1912. he received an appointment in Penang, returning to Bngland immediately upon the outbreak of war; was gazetted in Jan. 1915; served with the Expclitimuiry Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action north of J.»el\ ille Wood. 17 Sept. 1910. liuried between Flers and Delvilic Wooci. His Conmianding (Jtticer wrote ; " Lieut. Corke was a most efficient anci conscientious otficor. He liad been bombing officer to this battalion since Feb. jjist. and had brought bis men into a high state of efficiency. On :J July he did most conspicuous work, and was n-coninii'ndcd Ity my predrccsM)!- in command for special reward. I tru^t his name will be tin-ntinucd in the mxt half-yearly Despatch." He was mentioiud in Cm, (now F.-'NI.tSir Ikuiytis HaiiiV J)espatch [London Uazettc, 15 June, lOHi), for gallant and distinguished service in the field. He was a fine athlete, a good cricketer, and played llugby football for the county of Surrey ; umn. CORKE, HUBERT WILLIAM, 2nd Lieut., 10th (Service) Battn. The Chiucestirshire Rrgt., elder .s. of the Rev. Hubert Alfred Corke. Vicar of Holy AposH.-s. Charlton Kings, near Cheltenham, by his wife. Louisa Alice, only dau. of the iaii- William Clegg, of Oldham, co. Lancaster, and Stratford. London, E. : h. Brad.nstokr Vicarage, co. Wilts. 1 Nov. 1893; ednc. Christ's Hospital; Cheltenliam Cramniar School, and Faraday House, Southampton Row. W.C. : he spent his second year with Messrs. Fiildini: A i'latt, Ltd., at thiir Atlas Works. Gloucester, and was beginnjii'i liis tliinl yr.ir wln'n war broke nut : vuiuntrcred for foreign service, and joined tlie PuMie S( hoois Battn. of the Middlesex Kegt. in Sept. 1914, bein^: L'a/,etted 2nd LU-ut . C loueestershire Regt. 29 Dec. following ; served with the Kxpeditinnary Vance, and was killed ia action 18 Nov. 1916, in an attack on the Craiulcourt Trench. Buried there. COSSAR, W., No. 0950, The Cameron Highlanders; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Seiit. 1914. COSTELLO, T., Private. No. 37(J8, 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 8 Nov. 1914. COSTELLOE, M., Private, No. 6807, 2nd Battn. The Leinster Regt.; served with the l-ixpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 22 Sept. 1914. COSTIGAN, M., Private, No. 3824, 2nd Battn. The Royal ]ri>^h Regt. ; served with the ICxjteditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Oact. 1914, COTCHIN, JOSEPH, 2ud Lieut., 1st Battn. (IHth Foot) The Bedfordshire Regt., eldest *. of Joseph Cotchin, of 79, Station Road. Kidgniont. co. Bedford, Farm Labourer, by his wife, Fnniia. dau. of Alfred White ; b. Ridgmont aforesaid, 12 June, 1880 ; educ. there ; enlisted in the King's Royal Ritles ii» 1903 ; served three years with the C'olonrs, then joined the Reserve, and went to Canada ; returned from the colony ; was called up on the outlireak of war ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 12 Aug. 1914 ; was twice wnnndeii and gassed; promoted Sergt. 20 Oct. 191(1, and gazetti-d 2nd Lieut. 30 May. 1917. when he was transferred to the Bedfordshire Regt., and was killed in action at V|»res 9 Oct. following. Buried in thi; !ittl<; Bedford Cemetery. His Colonel wrote : " I thought no end of him. Only on the morning before he was killed we did an important reconnaissance together ; he was so e^lm and cool, and such an excellent guide. I told him afterwards how i>lcase Force in France; killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. COTTER, W., Corpl.. No. 10847. 1st Battn. The Roval Welsh Fusiliers ; served with rlre i;\peditionary Porce in France: killed 21 Oct. 1914. COTTERELL, ROBERT VICTOR, 2nd I.ient., 5th (Territorial) Jiattn. The SoutJi Statfordshire Regt., 2nd -«. of Frederick James Cotterell, of East View. Walsall. J. P.. Iron- rounder, by his wife, l':iizabetli. dau. of the late .lames Travis Hampson ; and brother to Lieut. I". H. Cotterell |see Vol. II.. page 80] ; b. \\a\- <.i\\, 18 June. 1897; educ. Clreen Hill School, Mo^eiey, and Repton, where lie was a member "I the O.T.C; he was cntereil for Pembroke C(illi'.:e. Cambridge, intending to read for the medical profession; joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. 23 Sept. 1915 ; obtained a commission .Inly. 191<>: served with the Fxpeditionary I'orce in Franc*- and Flanders from 8 Oct. lollowing. and was killed in action near Arras 2:1 April. 1917. while leading bis platoon into action. Buried at Rh-ux ; mnn. COTTERELL, RONALD FRANK. Pri- vate. No. 205110. 7tli (Territorial) Battn. The Dnkc of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regt.). only child of William Henry Cotterell. of 2. \inery Cottages. Sipson, Viewsley, co. Mid- dlesex; b. Barnes, co. Surrey. 2 Mareli, 1898; ■due. Sipsou. atul Heathrow Schools there ; joined the Middlesex Regt. 17 Oct. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 23 April, I9I7, and was killed in action at Me.^sines Ridge 8 June lollowing. His Comniandim; Otiicer wrote ; " .Vs regards the death of Private K. Cotterell, No. 205110, he- was ^vith nie in the big action of 7 June, and it was on the lollowing day, whih' we were holding our newly-won and consolidated Hue, that a shell exploded close to him. a fragment of which struck him and kill<'d him instantly. He had been with US but a sb«rt time, and had " made good " ; he was a clieery lad and did his duty at all times." f^inii. COTTERILL. JOHN HENRY, 2mi Lieut.. 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Black Watch (Uoyal Ronald Frank Cotterell. Hiiihlanders). 3rd and yst. s. of Lieut.-Col. Joscidi Montagu Cotterili, of 24, Manor Plaee^ Kdinburgh. C.M.i;.. lt..\.M.C. (T.F.). F.R.C.S.. by his wife. Mary, dau. of the \'vu. Archdeacon John Wvjuie-.Iones, of Trelorwerth, Anglesev ; ft. Kdinburgh. 2 Sept. 1889 ; edne. Cargiltield ; i;ienalmond, and Kebic College. Oxford : went to the Malay States in 1911. and settled there as a Rubber Planter: obtained a commission hi the Black Watch 1915 ; served with the Indian Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia from Jan. 1910; was wounded near Sauna-i-.vat 21 April following: rejoined his regiment in Nov., and died near Bagdad 15 March, 1917. from wounds received in action there a few hours previously ; unm. Robert \ . CottereU. 64 The Roll of Honour COTTRELL, \V., lIuiiTiir, .\o 7:<:M). It.K.A. Forcf in Fniticc : killi-d in action Ut Oct. 1914. served with tlic Kxin-ditionary COUCHMAN, COTTRILL, WALTER JOSEPH, Private, No. 203008, l/8tli ('nrritoriall liattn. The Worecstershire KoKt.. «. of .lolin Cottrill, Coal Merchant ; b. Wor- <-ester. 12 Xnv. 1890; cdnc. St. Paul's Seliools tliere ; was eniraiied in ;u*sistiiit: his parents in tin- coal Inisini's.s ; enlisted 112 Nov. l!ll('> ; underwent training at Cheltenham; served with the Kxpeditionar.v Force in France and Flanders; took jiart in se\eral cngagenient-s ; wiis wounded at Ypres 'J Oct. l;il7. an, ;ts he was very popular and much liked hy all who knew him." He m. at Bath. 17 .\ne. 1014, Kmma Maria, dan. of Willia'm ,lamcs Moore, and had a son, Walter James, b. ii Mig. HUS. FREDERICK WILLIAM, Sergt., Xo. l:!(i73, Btll (Service) r.attn. The Hulls (East Kent Kegt.), 2nd ». ol (:e<»ryc Couchman. of Tompsett's Farm, Hors- inonden, co. Kent, liy his wife. Klli'U, dan. of William King; fe. Horsnionden aforesaid. 28 .March, 188,') ; edueati'd there ; was for a time a member of the Territorial Force (The Bulfs). and on the outbreak of war rejoined voluntarily ; served with tla- E.vpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Arra.s :; Oct. 11117. linried at .Monchy-le-l"rcnx. His I'ouunandinj; Olheer wrote : " He was in niv i)latoon, and a splendid fellow, both in and out of the line. It w.as his willingness to help others that won him the deepest love of both officers and men," and a comrade : " He was liked bv everyone in the platoon. He was all lor his men, and his death is regretted by all : his ecrnrage and comradeship will always be renu-m\>ered bv those who have been pri\ileged to serve with him." He married at Horsmon- i> J • 1 .■• ,^- u den 22 April, 15)10. F;va Gertrude (Centre Frederick W . C.ouchman. \f'JJ-^^^ ^^^l^^^' jj^,|_ ,^vrcntham, co. Suffolk), dau. 01 John Harvey. COUGHLAN. J. G., Private, No. 8348, 1st Battn. The Buke of Cornwali's Light Infantrv ; sor\td witli tli>- Exr-pfiitionary Force in France ; died of wounds 22 Oct. 1914. COUGHLAN, JULIUS EDWARD, M.C., D.C.M., Capt.. 1st Battn. (57th Foot) The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regt.). only s. of the late James Coutfhlaa. Sergt. Drummer, 1st Middlesex Regt., by his wife. Florence (9, \ ic- toria Terrace. Alexander Park, St. Luke s. CorkK dau. of the late James Ozard. of The r.aiik-. liurrnsev ; and brother-in-law to Corpl. \V. i;it.h-Fi'ild ' (9.r.) ; b. Guernsey, Channel Islands, 16 March, 1892 : educ. Royal Hibernian Military School, Dublin : enlisted 10 April. 10(17 : si-rvfd with the Expeditionary Forer m Fr;iiirr anil Flandfrs from 12 Aug. 1914, attaiiiiiiir tlir rank ni s.-rgt.-Major ; was pro- nmt-d 2nil Linit, 2r> Sept. 1915. for conspicuous gallantrv, and Capt. 30 June following, and was killed in action on the Somme 24 Oct. 19Ui. Iliiri4-d wherv he fell. Lieut.-Col. Elgie, Com- manding 1st Middlesex Kegt.. wTote : " I have known him for years, in fact ever since he joined my battalion. Here on active service he has alwavs shown himself to be an excei*- tionallv brave soldier and a most efficient ofhciT." 1 decplv rejO'ct the loss of my eoni- rad.-in-arms. whom I vi.nvrd aUo as a friend. The OIliiiT CumniandiTiu the 2nd Battn. Lan- casliitf Fusiliers nMiutsl.d me to also express lus regret, a* also that of his oiru-ers. on the loss of so fine a soldier. He will be, indeed, greativ missed bv mvself and all in my battalion." and the Chaplain : " He was a splendid fellow, and greativ liked and respected by all the other officers and men in the regiment. He died with little pain, fairly suddenly. One shell killed him and wounded another uffie.r. Capt. Curzens. They were on a journev to inspect the trenches the battalion w.re about to take over. . . . His death "has cast a gloom over the whoir r- jiTniiit. who all mourn the loss of so brave a soldier." He wjis awarded thr l>i-.tini:uished Conduct Medal (London Gazette, 11 March, 19161, " For coiispieunus gallantry and devotion to duty when in charge of stretcher-bearers. He went out repeatedly under heavy fire into the open and brought in wounded men. He was himself wounded in doing this;" also the Military Cross [London Gazette, 31 May. 191iJ|. "For con- spicuous gallantrv when leading a party in a successful raid on the enemy trenches. Severa'l of the enemy were accounted for. He himself removed obstacles in order to enter the enemy's trench." He was also awarded the Cro-is of St. George ; unm. COULSON, G., Private, No. 8821, The South Wales Borderers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 4 Oct. 1914. COULTAS, W. E., Private. No. ini89. The East Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 20 Sept. 1914. COUPE, J., Private. No. 6924. 1st Battn. The King's Own (Royal Lancaster R^'gt.) ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 14 Oct. 1914. COUPLAND, FRED BARTHOLOMEW, Private, No. 390518. 3rd Northumbrian Field Ambulance, R.A.M.C. (T.F.). attd. 317th Brigade. R.F.A., 2nd ^. of Fred Coupland, of 13. Craven Street. Hull. Bootmaker, by his wife. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Harrison Bartholomew ; b. Bradford, co. York, 28 July, 1888 : educ. Buckingham Street. Hull ; was a Case Maker ; enlisted 9 June. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franre and Flanders from July, 1916, and was killed in action 17 Oct. 1917! Buried at St. Julien. His Major wrote that he was a very gallant fellow, always cheerful and brave ; untn. DE COURCY, HENRY JOSEPH, 2nd Lieut.. 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Leinster Regt. (Royal Canadians), yst. s. of Maurice de Courcy, of Painstown House, Kilcock, CO. Kildare. J. P., by his wife. Frances, 3rd dau. of the late Joseph Nolan, of Carrieun House, Balingtass, co. Kildare, Landholder ; Julius Edward Coughlan. Henry J. De Courcy. Fred B. Coupland. h. Tarbirt. co. Kerry. 12 Jan. 1897 : educ. Miuiiint College, J.imerick ; was gazetted 2rd Kiiiit. l.-instrr Regt. 9 Aug. 1915 ; served with the i;\|n (litionary Force in Fraiu'e and Flanders tn.ni .Inly, 1916, when he was attached to the i;n\al Irish Regt. : took part in the ligliting at ' ■ iiillrinont 3 Sept. ; was gassed on the 8th, on The eve of the Battle of Gincliy, and invalided iiomesutfering also from shell-shock : returned to I ranee on Christ nuis lOve, rejoining his own I'L'irneiit. and was killed in action near the Marue IS Jan. 1917. while taking a soldier from III exposed position. Buried in Maroc British 1 irntter\, (irena\. l,ieut.-Col. .V. D. Murphy wrote; ■■ He was killerl instantaneously by a t irneh-mortar boml> whilst on duty with his company in the front-line trenches. Your son had not long been with us. but he showed sreat jtromise. and it is too bad that his life should be so suddenly brought to an end." He was mentioned in Despatches by F.M. Sir Douglas Haig. lor gallant and distinguished service in the field; unm. COURT, B., !»rivat^^ No. 9482. 1st Battn. The Northami»tonshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in acticm 17 Sept. 1914. COURT, G., Private. No. 12563. 2nri Battn. The Grenadier Guards; served with the Exi)eilitionary Force in France ; killed in action 14-16 Sept. 1914. COUSINS. DONALD THRELKELD, l.ieut.. 4th (Territorial) Itattn. The Bulfs (Ea--t Kent Kei:t.), only s. of the lat^' Wal^■r James Cousins, of St. Mawes, Seaford. sdioohnaster, by his wife. Alice Kuskin. dau. of William Edwards; h. St. Mar'zarefs. near Dover. 3 Dec. 1889; eduq. Eastbourne College, and Exeter College. Oxiord ; enlisted 26 Oct. 1914; obtained a conirnis-sion a-s 2nd Meut. in Sept. 1915. and was promoted Lieut. 21 Sept. 1910; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 24 Oct. following, being attached to the I /7th Middlesex Regt., and was killed in action 10 April, 1917, while conimandlng his company during the Battle of Arras. Buried at Agny. His Colonel wrote : " He liad shown magnificent courage throughout the day, and by his skilful leadership liad done much to ensure the brilliant success that the operation proved to be. Althongii pre\iously wounded in the arm, he refused to go back and have it dressed, and remained fighting up to the last. .... We have lost in the uioment of victory a comrade for whom we had the deepest admiration and regard." Unm. COUSINS, F. W., Private. No. 6915, The Buffs (East Kent Regt.); served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. COWAN, R., Private, No. 5227, 20th Hussars ; served with the Expeditionary I'orce in France ; killed 7 Sept. 1914, COWDRILL, ALFRED LEONARD, Gunner, No. 14782S, 149th Brigade, C Battery, Royal Field Artillery, eldest .<. of .A-lfred Cowdrill. of Guildford Street. Birmingham, Gun Worker, by his wife, Emma, dau. of Thomas Kemp ; b. Birmingham, 3 May. 1884 ; educ. Cowper Street School there ; w;is a Brass Finisher employed by Mr. Peakman, New Street, Aston ; enlisted 6 June. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died of wounds and gas poisoning 8 June. 1917. He m. at Lyells. 25 Dec. 1914, Emily Edith, dau. of the late Harry Horton. COWRIE, JOHN, Gunner. No. 98512, Royal Garrison Artillery. 4th s. of Peter (:owie, ot Chapel of Elrick, Newmachar. Aberdei-n. Farmer. b\- his wife, Annie, dau. of Alexander Clark ; b. Chapel of F>Irick aforesaid. 10 April. 1891 ; educ. Newmachar Public School ; subsequently assisted his father on the farm ; enlisted 3 July. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary P'orce in France from 25 Dec. following, and was killed in action at Arras 6 June. 1917 ; unm. COWIE, W., Private, No. 1219, 1st Battn. The Gordon Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 27 Oct. 1914. COWLEY, F. W., 4;unner. No. 57914, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary F'orce in France ; killed 19 Sept. 1914. COWLEY, T., Private, No. 176, 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 17 Sept. 1914. COWNIE, D., Private, No. 9940. 2nd Battn. The Highland Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France: killed in action 27 Sept. 1914. COWNIE, STANLEY GEORGE, Pilot Instructor. R.F.C., 2nd s. of William Brodie (Viwnie, of 11, Prince's Avenue, .Aluswell Hill, X,, C..\., Managing Director of the National i;iectric Construction. London, by his wife, Crace, dau. of the late Dr. George Wilson, of Huddersfield; b. North Finchley, London, N., 2 June. 1897 ; educ. Tollington School, Muswell Hill. N., and Pocklington Grammar School. East Yorkshire ; subsequently entered Hall School of Flying, training for the Air Service at Hendon ; attested as soon as he was old en(>ugh, becoming Pilot In.structor in 1914. and was killed in an aerial accid<'nt at Crickle wood Aerodrome 13 Oct. 1917 ; unm. COWPE, GEORGE BLEAZARD, Lieut., *irli (Territorial) Battn. The Cheshire Regt., eldest .s\ of Alexander Cowpe, of Pendlehurst, I'.iiniley ; h. 10 ,Lin. 1895 ; educ. Burnley (iramniar School ; Rydat Mount School, Colwy'n Bay. and Manchester University School of Technology, where he was a member of the O.T.C. ; was preparing to ent^r his father's business of Cotton Manufac- turing ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 27 Jan. 1916 ; promoted Lieut. 27 JiUy, 1917 ; served with the Pixpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at St. Julien 31 July, 1917. Lieut.-Col. W. H. Stanway, D.S.O.. M.C., wrote: "He was killed while leading his company in the attack in a most gallant manner. ... I know what a loss he will be to you, but I can assure you that he will also be a great loss to myself and the battalion, for he was a very gallant and efficient officer, and was held in high esteem by all ranks. I cannot speak too highly of his conduct during the period under my command." and another officer : " He was chosen to take command of his company in the attack because the Commanding Officer knew his job would be done thoroughly, because the men loved and trusted him ; he has proved beyond doubt his excellence as a soldier and a leader of men, and it was with a light heart he laid down his life for his Kint:. irit which prompts men like your son to come here and fight will be remembered for all time. It is such men who have made us the nation we are.*' rnm. COX. J., Private, X'o. 6733, 1st Battn. Tlie West Yorksliire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. COX, J. H., Private, Xo. 7664, 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. : ser\'ed witii the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 28 Oct. 1914. COX, J. J., Private. Xo. 1972, 1st Battn. The Irish (Guards; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died 28 Oct. 1914. COX, S. J., Private, Xo. 6563, 2nd Battn. The South Lanciishire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. COX, W., Private, Xo. 952, The Seaforth Highlanders ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force iu France ; killed in action 22 Oct. 1914. COX, WILLIAM, Gunner, Xo. 40227, Royal Horse Artillery, eldest s. of the ate tieorge Cox. by his wife, Lottie (26. Fairlawu Street. Moss Side, Manchester). dau. of James Prior; b. Manchester. 11 Sept. 1887 ; educ. there ; enlisted in the Royal Artillery 1906, and served eight years in India : joined the Army Reserve, and was employed on the London and Xorth Western Railway ; called up on the outbreak of war, and joined " Z " Battery, K.H..\. ; went to France iu X'ov. 1914, and after being present in several enga^enieiits. died 5 Feb. 1916, of wounds received iu action near Armenti.res. Buried in Sailly Cemetery. Tlie General Officer Commanding liis division expressed his appreciation, dated 28 Jan. 1910. of tlie conduct of Gunner W. Cox, who, when the billet of a company of the Sth Middlesex Regt. was set on fire by a shell, climbed on the roof and with the as-ii.stanee of the owner succeeded in extinguishing the flames. Slietl^ wen- falling in and around the buildings while he was doing this, and he was wounded in the back. The Commanding Officer of his battery wrote also on the same incident, stating further that he was taken to the Field Aml>ulance on 22 Jan. 1916, and died at 7 a.m., 5 Feb. ; also that the infantry officer who lived at the farm billet wTote a report of his gallant behaviour on the occa-sion. His Section Officer also : " He was always one of the best and cheeriest imaginable, and always where there was sometiung to be done." He m. at Walsall, II June, 1914, Harriet, dau. of Thomas Haycock ; s.p. COX, WILLIAM HENRY, Private', Xo, 20147, 2nd Battn. Coldstream Guards, s. of the late Henry Hadv Cox. by his wife. Mary Ann. dau. of William Spatcher ; h. Xorthampton. 30 April. 1890 ; educ. All Saints' Church School there ; was Employed in the Boot and Shoe trade : enlisted 10 Xov. 1916 ; served with the expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jime. 1917, and was killed in action 24 Sept. following. Buried in Bluett Farm Jfilitary Cemc^tery. half a mile west of Boesinghe. Lieut. W. B. St. Leger wrote : " He was a good soldier, and always gave the greatest satisfaction." Cnnt. COXHEAD, MAURICE EDWARD, Major. 1st Battn. (7th Foot), attd. 9th (Service). Hattn. The Koyal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), elder*, of Frederick Charle-. (unIii-ii.!. ..(" 7. E-vx Villas, Kensington. W.. by his wife. Amy Bruce, dau. of Thomas Griblile : b, Kensington. Lou- don, W.. 24 JIa.\-, 1889 : educ. WiMjtton Court. Canterbury : Eastbourne College, and Brase- nose College. Oxford : uazetted 2nd Lieut. Roval Fusiliers 13 Feb. 1912; j)romoted Lieut. 5 Sept. 1914. Capt. 18 Oct. 1915, and Major 7 July. 1916; was posted to the 9th Battn. on its formation in .\ng. 1914. after the outbreak of war, acting as .Musketry Officer tiuriiig the training and as Brigade JIusketry Officer March. April and May. 1915; siTved' with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from that mouth ; was appointed Adjutant the following Aug.. and Second in Command of his battalion in July, 1916 ; took part in the Battle of the Somme,'and was killed in action near Monchy, during the fighting at Arras, 3 May, 1917, while in command of his battalion. Buried in Faulionrg d'.Aniiens Cemetery. Arras. Letters from officers and men sliow that during Maurice E. Coxhead. this attack the situation became critical ; the Germans were counter-attacking, bombing our luen out of the newly-won position. Seeing how things were goiiig. Major Cox- head went out into the op^n to reorganize and rally the men, and was killed instantaneously by machine-gun tire while standing in an e\po7.e.] pu^ition The Colonel Commanding the Battalion on the left of the 9th Roval Fu-iljers, wrot^ : ■■ I feel sure that but for him (Major Coxhead) our two battalions would not onlv have had far heavier losses, but 1 doubt if the trench would ha\e heen takfiik at all. His arrangements beforehand were sjilendid, and his power of command and dedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 19 Dec. following, and wiis killed in action at the Battle of the Somme 1 July, 1916, at Aveluy, near Albert; unnh. VOL. HI, 5 66 The Roll of Honour IIRANEFIELD, REGINALD THOMAS, l>ri- vali-. Nil. -iri.'.r. 1st Hattn. llonourulilc Artillery Comimny (T.l'.). 2iicl x. of Philip Criiiiclli-ld, of *K>. (Jruiixillf Park, lilui-kheatli. London. S.M., Assistant SnpLTintcndi'nt on the line of the South Ea:itern & Chatham Hallway, by his wile, Uinily. dan. of Thomas Ueail ; h. Clapham Common. London, S.W., 15 June, 189.3 ; ed\lc. Colfe Grammar School. I.c^wishain, S.E.. and was a pnpil on tlu^ South Eastern Railway ; joined the )I.A.C. 9 Sov. I'JU ; served with the HxiK-ditionary Force in France and Elanders from 1 .lidv. I'.n's. and was killed in action at Oppy 24 April. 1917. Buried on the battlefield. One" of his ollicers wrote: "He was a very splendid member of the regiment," and Ins Section Commander : " He was hit when the enemy were counter-attackiny. (loin- cinietery in Loos, and have put a wooden cross at tin- head of his grave. We miss him exceedingly." t'lim. CRAWFORD, H. P., Private, No. 7049, 1st Battn. The Cameron Highlanders ; 9i-rved with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. CRAWFORD, J., Private. No. 11100, 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards ; served with the Expcuiitionary Force in France ; killed in action 1 Sept. 1914. CRAWLEY, HERBERT FRANCIS, L.-CorpL. No. 552137. lOtll Battn. (Queen's Westminster Rifles) The London Ilegt.(T.F.), yr. .v. of the late Charles Henry Crawley, by his wife, JIathilde Louise (Bexley Heath, co. Kent), dau. of Monsieur Lefc-bvre ; i>. Buckhurst Hill, co. Essex. 3 .^lay. 1894 ; educ. Burton Grammar School; was a Shipieng i l,rk ; joined the Qlieen's Westminster Rifles 5 Dec 1915 : served with the lOxiieditionary Force in France and Salonika, and died in Salonika Hospital 19 May. 1917. from wounds received in action at Salonika. He m. at Christ Church. Bexley Heath, 12 Feb. 1910, Anna Hugolina (Barnshurst, Keston, co. Kent), yst. dau. of Alfred Samuel Andrews. CRAYTON, J., Driver, No. 25457, R.E. ; served with the Expeditionary F'orce in France ; killed in action 25-27 Sept. 1914. CREASEY, A. S., Private, No. 10303. The Loyal North Lancashire Rcgt. : served witli the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. CREASEY, C, Private, No. 7508, 2nd Battn. The E.S3ex Regt. ; served with the Expplitionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914, CREFIN, J., Private, No. 4672, 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers ; served with thi- Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Oct. 1914. CREVIER, C, Saddler-S.Tgt., No. 82522, R.F.A. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killi^d in action 1 Nov. 1914. CRESSWELL, FRANK, 2nd Lieut.. 9th (Sorrice) Battn. The Leicestershire Kegt.. only child of Francis Cresswell. of Barrow-on-Soar, Loughborough, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.. liy his wife, Emily Christiana, dau. of the Rev. Francis Buttanshaw, Vicar of Cotterstock, co. Northants ; b. Winchmore Hill, CO. .Middlesex, 5 Mav, 1895 ; educ. Loughborough Grammar School, and was to have gone into residence at Balliol College, Oxford, in Oct. 1914, but for the outbreak of war ; joined the Leicestershire Territorials as a Private 10 Aug. 1914 ; was promoted L.-Corpl. in Oct., and g;i/.ett.-d 2nd Lieut. 9th Leicestershire Kegt. 26 F'eb. 1915; served with the Expnlitionarv Force in Frame and Flanders from 29 July following, and died near Arras l.s .May, 1916, from wounds received in action an hour earlier, wliile bringing in one of his men who was woundcvl when out with a wiring party. Buried in the Military Cemetery, Hanneseamps. Col. Haig wrote : " Yonr son was such a keen, clever boy, always ready to do any job. and was always without fear. I feel his loss very much." and the Chaplain : " I want to express to you the sympathy of every man and officer in the 9th Battn. They all loved your son ;" he was a man without any fear for himself, but full of fear for those under his command." Unm. CRESWELL, JOHN LANCASHIRE, L.-Corpl. , No. 6546, 2nd Battn. The Honourable Artillery Company (T.F.), 4th s. of Frank Stenhouse Cri;swell. of Crumpsall. Wimbledon, S.W., Merchant, by his wife, Emily, dau. of the late Joseijh Seddon Scholes, of Crumpsalt Hall, near Manchester ; b. Wimbledon, S.W., 21 Dec. 1892 ; educ. Rokeby, Wimbledon. S.W., and at Lancing College ; was in business with his father ; joined the H.A.C. 3 Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 3 Oct., being promoted L.-Corpl. on the field in Jan. 1917, and died 3 April following, of wounds received in an attack on .an outpost at Ecoust St. Mein, near Croisille, two days previous. Buried in tlie Military Cemetery at Colincamps, six miles north of Albert. His Company Sergt. wrote : " I always regarded him more as a pal than as one of my section. He was an absolute brick in his patience and cheer- fulness. . . . When he was brought in he was very cheerful indeed, in spit« of his pain, and showed no end of patience while his wound was being dressed. . . . I am sincerely sorry for your loss, which is mine too," and another wrote : " He ■was well liked and respected by all who knew him. He was always cheerful and practical, and a very sincere and helpful friend. In the line he was all that could be wished for in a man — brave, calm, and very |>raiiieal and resourceful. 1 am very grieved at the loss of so great and excellent a frienil as he was to me, and ni\' greatest syni[>atliy is with you." Unm. Koyal Warwickshire led in action 21 Nov. CRESWELL, S., L.-CorpL, No. 1852. 2ud liattn. Tie- Regt. ; served with the J'lxpeditionary F'orce in France ki 1914. CRICHTON, HERBERT CLOWE, 2nd Lieut.. 18tli (Service) Battn. The Manchester Regt.. yst. s. of (ieorge Criehtou. of South ICen^iuglon. S.W., M.D,, by his wife. .Agues Sofihia. dau. tif John Raggett L'liwin. F.R.C.S. ; h. Twicken- ham. 22 Jum;, 1883 ; educ. Epsom College ; went out to Bangalore, India, as a Miister in Bishop (Jotton's School ; returned to England and entered Oxford as a non-Collegiat^-* ; was a member of the O.T.C. ; enlisted in June, 1915; olitained a commission 24 .(iily following ; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and wa- aecidentally killed 7 Oct. 191(1. by a bomb left on the road- way, which exiiloded lieneath him. Buried in Dartmoor Cemetery, near Beeordel. His Coniinanding Otlicer wrote : " Your son had only been with us three months. Liif during that time the battalion has been engaged in severe fighting, in wliieli be had borne his part nobly. He was a good and promising oltieer. ;uiil was nni\ersally popular with all ranks," and his ('liaplain ; " He died in the Field .Vmhiilanci- at 1 a.m. this morning as the result of a bomb explosion la^t night. .\ii nnexpkided bomb went off suddenly as his battalion were marching into a new position. ... 1 did not know your son as well as the cliaplain who li\ ed with the battalion did, but I met him from tinu; to time, and llad come to admin- his conscientiousness and earnest spirit," Unm. CRIDLAND, S., Private, No. 9220, Ist Battn. The Rifli! Brigade ; s,-rved with the Expeditionary I'orce in Friince ; killed in action 25 Sept. 1914. CRIGGIE, JAMES, M.M., Sergt., No. 11140, 12tli (Service) Uattn. T'he Royal Scots (Lothian Rrgt.). yst. s. of the late David CJriggie. by his wife, .Margaret (34, IJueen Street, t.Iourdon), dau, of Robert Cruickslumk ; h. Gourdon, co. Kin- cardine, 4 .\ug. 1890 ; educ. Public School there ; enlisted 29 .\pril, 1'.)I2 ; served with the Expeditionary F'orce in F'rance and Flanders from .\ug. 1914 ; took part in the Retreat from Mens, the Battle of the Marue, the F'irst and Second Battles of Ypres, the lighting at Neuve Chapellc, the Battle of Loos, and the Battle of the Somme, when he was wounded during a bombing raid 22 July, 1916, and was killed in action near Ypres 20 Sept. 1917. Buried in Mendinghem British Cemetery, Proven, near Ypres. He was mentioned in Desitatches by General (now F.M.) Sir [>ougl.as Haig, for killing one German and capturing anotlier in No Man's Land on 17 June, 1917, the latter subsequently supplying valuable information, and was awarded the Military Medal for gallant and dis- tinguished service in the field ; unm. CRIGHTON, WILLIAM ROBERTSON, Private, No. 18877, 8th (Service Battn. The iilaek Watch (Royal Highlanders). 3rd ,s. of William Crighton, Head Gardeiu-r at Dalhonsie Castle, lioiinx riilg, Midlothian, bv his wife, Sarah, dau. of Donald Leiteh ; b. Portobello, Edinburgh, 27 May,' 1898; educ. Oathlaw Public School, and Forfar Academy ; was a Gardener at Brechin Castle, co, Forfar; enlisted G Feb. 1917: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 28 June, and was killed in action at Zonnebekc, Ypres, 28 Scjit. following, liiiried there ; unm. CRIPPIN, HARRY WILLIAM, M.C., Brigade-.Major, 87th Battery, R,F,A,, s. of Henry Hall Crippin, of The Red Cottage, Ramsey, Isle of Man, by his wife, Catherine Gra.v. dau. of .\lexander Sutherland ; b. Huyton, near Liverpool, 14 March, 1889 : educ, Wellington College, and the Royal .\Iilitary .\caderay. Woolwich ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. 23 July, 1909 ; promoted Lieut. 23 Dec. 1912. 'Temp. Capt. 29 May, 1915, Capt, 23 Dec. following, and Brigade- Major 10 March, 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1914 ; was appointed Gunner Adjutant 1915, being subsequently given command of a Field Battery of Artillery, and was killed in action 8 Sept. l916. while with his General reconnoitring for new gun j>ositions. Major t'rippin was mentioned in Despatches [London (;a/.rtte. 17 Feb. 1915) by F..M. Sir John (now Lord) French, for gallant and distinuMii^hed ser\ire in the field, and waa awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette, 18 Feb. 19151 ; unm.. CRISELL, W., Private, No. 1073, 3rd Battn. The Rifle Brigade ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. CRITCHLEY, F. B., L.-Corp!.. No. 9111. 2nd Battn. The South Lancashire Regt. ; served with the Exi>editionary F'orce in France ; killed in action 27 Nov. 1914. CRITCHLOW, S., Bugler, No. 10818, 2nd Battn, The Durham Light Infantry served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 8 Oct. 1914. CRITTLE, ALFRED BERTRAM, Private, No. 4014, A Coy., 1st Platouo. 2;4tli (Territorial) Battn. The Queen's Own (Koval West Kent Regt.), s. of Albert Thomas I'rittle. of 3, John Street, Tunbridge Wells, Carver, Gilder and Picture F'rame Maker, by his wife, Lydia ; 6, Tunbridge Wells, co. Kent, 27 Aug. 1893 ; educ. there at the School of King Charles the Martvr ; was a Tailor ; joined the 4th Royal West Kent R.'gt. 18 Feb. 1916; ser\ed with the ICgyplian l-Ixpeditionary F'orce in l^gypt and Palestinr Irom tlie following .\llg., and was killed in action at the Battle of Gaza 19 .April, 1917. His Captain wrote : " His death is a very great loss to my company and also the regiment, and I personally miss him very much, as he was always so willing and chcerftll. In the company he was loved and respected by all who knew him," and a comrade : ■■ He was such a nice quiet chap, and always re.ady to go out of Ins way to do anyone a good turn. I miss Idm myself very much. Iwas with lum just before he was killed. He wiis hit in the head and killed instantly." Unm. CROCKER, A., Private, No. 7264, 1st Battn. The Coldstream Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 26 Sept. 1914. CROCKER, H., L.-CorpL, No. 10073, 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt. ; served with the lvxi»editionary Force in France ; killed in action 22 Oct. 1914. CROCKETT, M., Private, No. 6013, The Gordon Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force iu France ; killed in action 24 Oct. 1914. CROCKFORD, L., Private, No. 9773, 1st Battn. The Koyal Berkshire Regt. ; served with the F^xpeditionary Force in F'rance ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. CROFT, A., Private. No. 7610. 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. ; served witli the F^xpeditionary F'orce in F'ranee ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. CROFT, R., Private, No. 7876. 2nd Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt. ; served 1 with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Sept. 1914. .\lfred Bertram Crittle. The Roll of Honour Edward V. M. Crofton. CROFTON, EDWARD VIVIAN MORGAN, Lkut., Special Reserve, Royal Engini-er^, only s. ol i;il\v;ml Himh Itobt-rt Croltoii. of Marlton House, Wicklow. by his wile. Wilhi-hniiKi Francis Westropp Harrison, dau. of William .lolin Harrison Mon-Iaiid. of Kahcen Manor, cu. Clare : and a sreat-^d-SQii. of Sir Hui;h trofton. of Mohiil Castle, co. Leitrim, Hart. ; 6. Uublin : uiultTwcnt training at Chat- liant ; afterwards si-rved witli a Field (Joy, at (Gibraltar ; returned home in July, 1914 ; was stationed at Chatham ; he assisted in traininjr G2nd Field Coy. ; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from -May, 1915; took part in the operations in the Vpres salient ; was invalided lionie sutferinK from shell concussion : rejoined his ri'giment at Chatham on his reeovi-ry in March. 191U, and ai^ain went to France Aug. 19H» ; was kili'-d in a<-ti«n 14 July. 1917. near Viers- traat. liuried then-. His Conimandiu'j Officer wrot€ : " He was a vcr\- gallant officer and a loyal friend, hard working and conscientious, always ready to carry tlirough any work, even in difficult circumstances. The following inci- dent is typical : Jiefore the attack on ^ April, 1017, your son was responsible for laying out OTtain assembly trenches In No Man's Land, and a <-ovi-ring party had been arranged for, but had failed to get into jjosition ; iie\crtlielcss. your son, at great personal risk, went out and correctly laid out and finally dug the trenches : he did this with great fearlessness and erticiency, and one of his N.C.O.'s received the Military Medal for this very work. His loss will he much felt and liis place hard to fill," and a brother officer : " Your son has been one of the brave men who have sacrificed everything for the sake of his principles; he was always admired and popular among ua, and we all feel lus loss, both as a fine soldier and a fine man." Another also wrote : " Your son's sense of duty led him to get away from the job he had at the Base and come up to the Front. Many men would have preferred to have stayed at the Base at the expense of their better feelings," and another : " Your son was one of the most fearless officers I have met." Unm. CROLL, CHARLES, L.-Corpl., Xo. S/11862. 8th (Service) Battn. Seaforth Highlanders (Hoss-sliire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's), 3rd surv. s. of Charles Croll. of 43. Prince Albert Buildings. Edinburgh. Compositor, by his wife, Jane, dau. of James Henderson ; b. Edinburgh, 1 Dec. 1889 ; educ. South Bridge Board School there ; was a Compositor : enlisted 24 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 22 March. 191fi. and was killed in action 17 Aug. following, while out with a bombing party. Buried near where he fell ; lutm. CROMB, DAVID RANKIN, M.A.. 2nd Lieut.. 13th (Service) Battn. The Royal Scots (Lotliian Regt.), .s. of David Gall Cromb. of 14. Eyre Crescent. Edinburgli. by his wife, Eleanor Raukin ; b. Edinburgh. 20 June, 1896 ; educ. Daniel Stewart's College, where he gained several Bursaries and Scholarships, and was three times awarded a Foundation, i-nti'ring Edinburgh University with the Duudas Bursarv : won the Greek Medal, and was equal with another for the Greek Memorial* (Butchart) Prize, graduating M.A. ; he won in open corapttition the Crichton Bursarv in Medicine; was a m<'mber of the O.TC. ; joiurd tlif 6th Officers' Cadet Corps at Oxford in March, 1916 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action near Arras 23 April, 1917. Buried there. A brother officer wrote: "I look back with the neatest pleasure to the time we were together. He was a flue fellow, brave and fool in action, and having a strong sease of duty ; he was a most reliable officer and was popular with his men. and a great favourite with his brother officers. His untimely death will be a sad loss to all." He was a keen sportsman, a good golfer, and played half-back for the First XV. ; unm. CROMBIE, JOHN EUGENE, Capt.. 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Gordon Highlanders, onlv s. of the late John William Crombie, M.P. for co. Kincardine, by his wife, Miniia. dau. of the Right Hon. Eugene Wason, 3LP. for Clackmannan and Kinross ; b. 91, Onslow Square, London, S.W., 30 April. 1896 ; educ. Sum- merfields and Winchester, where he took an Exhibition, and was going up to Christ Church, Oxford ; was a member of the O.T.C. at Winchester College ; obtained a commission in the 4t!i Gordons in Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expe- ditionary Force in France and Flanders from Feb. 1915 : was wounded 23 April, and invalided home; rejoined his regiment on recovery: was again inva!id'd home in Oct. 1915 ; after several severe operations was sent to his Reserve P.attii. and assisted in training the men for the New Army ; returned to France Nov. 1916; promoted Capt. in Dec. and died, 23 April. 1917. of wounds received during the Battle of Arras. Buried at Agney-les-Duisans, near Arras ; unm. CROMBIE, WILLIAM, D.C.M.. Regtl. Quarterm;vster-Sergt., Xo. 8214, 1st Battn. (2F>th Foot) The King's Own Scottish Borderers, eldest s. of the late William Crombie Sergt.. King*^ Rovai Rifle Corps, by his wife, Sarah (now wife of Benjamin Herbrrt Hopkins, of Hanover, Carlow), dau. of Denis Cahill, of Limerick- b. Parklmrst. Me of Wight. 20 Feb. 1889; educ. Royal Hibi-rnian Militarv School. Dublin ; enlisted G Feb. 1903 ; served in Egypt. India, and with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force at Gallipoli from April, 1915 : took part in the landing there on the 25th. and the evacuation in Jan. 1910; landed in France 20 Jlarch, 1916, and died at Xo. 47 Casualty Clearing Station 4 Oct. 1917. from wounds received in action. Buried in Doziimhrui Cemetery, eight and a half miles north-west of Y'pres. His Comman.lMiL' (Ulic'T, in recommendmg him for the D.C.M., wrote: " Regtl. (Jua^t.ernl:l^lrr■s,■r•_'t. Crombie has done very good work throughout the whoh- campaign. In GaUii>oli he superintended the briuiiing Up of rations luider very difficult circunistauces.and in many instances undir vrry heavy fire. By his zeal and devotion to duty he has shown a very fine example to all ranks." He was awarded the Distlngviished Conduct Medal, also a Parchment Conduct Certificate (posthumouslv), " for gallantry and devotion to dutv." D 6 U G L A S-C R O M P T O N , SYDNEY H.\ROLD LIONEL, 2nd Lirut.. 1st I'.attn. (7th Foot I Tbr Roval Ku^iliers (City of London K.gt.). first-born child of Sydney Douglas- Cnunptnn, of Bn-ightmet-Cromley. Beeson, near Stokfuham. near Kingsbridge. South Devon, formerlv of EI Cipr»-s. La Orotava. Tenerilfe. Canarv" Islands, bv his wife. Kathleen Louise Douslas, vr. dau. of the late Dr. Mordey Douglas, of Sunderland, and of Salamanca, Santa Cruz. T.ti.rilfe. bv his wife. Emma. dau. of Sampson Pavne. of Southampton ; 6. El Cipns aforesaid. 2 June, 1896; educ. Mr. Haskin's School. Leatherhead. and Sir Will Borlase's School. Great Marlow : joined the 1st Surrey Rifles as a Private 8 Aug. 1914 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 15 March, ■ ^^■^^H 1 ^^^^ 1 y^ 1915 ; was recommended for a commission in July, and went to the Cadet School at (fenoral Headquarters, being Kazetted 2nd Lieut. Koyal Fu^ihers 27 Aufr. liH.i. On :S0 April, 1910, he wa.s slightly wounded, and after heinfe in hospital at t'amiers for three weeks, was invalided home; returned to France early in Sept. ; transferred to the Eoyal Naval Air Service with tho rank of Flight Suh-Lieut. in June, after which he was stationed at tlie Crystal Palace for a few days, joining H.M.S. Lightfoot ou the Sth of that montli. After a ntonth at .sea he underwent a nine month.*' .course in tlyine, hut it was subsequently found that his temperament was not suited t|>er. Vicar of Holv Triuitv. Clifton," bv his wife, Ethel Mary. dau. of the Rev. Conrad Samuci fire.u ; b. I.iverpool. 8 Dec. 1896; educ. Trent College, and the Royal .Military Colleg ■. Sandhurst ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. Wiltshire Regt. 21 Dee. 1915, being sulnequ.ritlv attached to the R.F.C. ; served with the Expedition.ary Force in France an 1 Flanders from 1 Jime. 1916, and died at Xo. 9 Casualty Clearing Station 22 Oct. following, from woun Is received diu-ing an aerial fight over .\lbert the same day. Buried at Contay. His Major wrote : " I cannot express how much I regret the loss of such a gallant and promising young officer. He never failed to carry out any duty allotted to llim, and I had singled him out for early promotion. He belonged also to my regiment, and X was very proud of the fact, as he was siii-li :i Mm- st.iui|i of fellow." Unm. CROSBY, JOHN METCALFE, Corpl., 2nd Uattu. H A.C. (T.F.). I'lder «. of John William Crosby, of Hutton .\venue. West Hartlepool, an I of Liglitwood. i'iaglesclitfe. West Durham, Sliiijowner, by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of the lat.' John Metcalfe, of West Hartlepool ; educ. at Kossall School ; entered his father's office, .Messrs. Crosby, Magee sorry to havf to inform \ou that your husband was killed in aclii>ii on the .->tli inst. Iiy a shell, and the only consolation I can otfer is that death w;is iiistantaiieniis. and there was no sulfer- illg. Your liiisband died doing his duty and doing il liiiely. I attended his. funeral in the militiirv eemelerv in ;i town about two miles bi'liiiul the tiring line." He ,11. at Piuit'blvddvu. 12 .lum-, lUllO. Catherine Klizabeth (Ivlst View, .301. Idle Koad. Bolton, Bradbiidl. dan. of 'I'lionias Prydderch. and had two ehildri-n : Gcottrcv Arnold Eaton. !>. 2.liiMe, llllil. ami Laurence William, h 17 Sept 1012. CROSSMAN, GUY DANVERS MAINWARING, .M.A., 2ild Lieut., Litli (Serviei-I Battn. The Welsh liegt.,yst. .s. of the liev. Charles I lanvers Cro.ssman , of St. Fdith's, Bathamptoii. Bath. M.A. , late Rei'tor of High Ham, CO. Somerset, bv his wife. Isaliella .lane. dan. of Capt. Norman William Mainwaring, B.N.I. ; (). High Hani abiresaid, 14 .May. 188.3; edue. I'r.'paratory School, Cordwalles,. .Maideuliead : Marlborough, ami Worcester College. Oxford, where he graduated M.A. ill 1012: subse(|Ui'ntly held an appiiilitlient at Lawrence House School St. .\nne's-on-Sea : joined the Lnivci^ities and Public Si-hools Corps as a Private in Oct. 1914, after the luitbrcak of war, and was gazelted 2nd Lieut. The Welsh Regt. 23 .\ug. 1913 ; served with the l-^xiicditionary F'orce in [''raiiei- and I''landers from F"eb. lOKi, and was killed in action at Maiuetz Wood in .Inly following. Buried there. Colmiel Pack, late Conimaniliiig Othcer Welsh Kegt., wrote: '■ He was doing exceptionally wtrll, and carrieil out two or three I'ntcrprises iu .No .'Vlau's Land with the greatest coolness, which in my oiiiiiion rei|uires the very gri-atest form of courage." and Capt. liunkley: " -\ line and gallant officer; our success on the d;iv in (|nestiou was l;irgelv due to bis e\eell.-iit work." Lieut. L. W. Arkell also wrote : " He did the best work of .■inyiuie in the \Vood. Before tliat 1 had heard him spoken of as the coolest man in the Ijattalion," and Lieut. H. Davies : ". . . . He sliowed i-xceptioiial bra\ei\ in the attack : his coolness was ([iiite a revelation." I'luit. CROSSMAN, R. G., Sergt., No. 388. Military Moimted Police ; served with tile ICxpeilitiouary Force in I-'ranee ; died of wounds 11II4. CROSSON, W., Private, No. 3720, Irish Guards; servi-d with the Fxpedi- tionary I'orce iu I''rance ; die4(I78. li.F..A. ; served with the Expedi- tionarv- Foree in France ; killed 12 Oct. 1014. CROWLEY, P., Private, No. "895, 3rd Battn. The Rifle Brigade ; served with the l^xpeditionary Force in F'rancc ; killed in action 23 Sept. 1914. CROWTHER, PHILIP TOWNSEND, Lieut., U.K.. only s. of the late John Herbert Crowther. F.S.I , by his wife. Hannah Flizabeth (Hose Cottage, Wood- house, Huddersfield), dau. of 'Thomas Wallis Townscnd, of Brow House, James F. Croucher. The Roll of Honour 6;» Philip T. Crowther. Coy. 'Ciroi'tlaiui, co. York ; and srdsoii. of the late (Jcorgi- Crowther, C.E., of Tlie Wood, Kixby : b. Fixby. Huddcrstleld. co. York, 22 Nov. 188:1 ; educ. Aldenham School, eo. Herts, wlicrc lie iiwtrienlatcd in 1001, :Ut<-r whit-Ji ]u' spent three years in Mechanical KnyiineeriiiK works, afterwards ent*-rinK Leeds Univerr^ity, where Jje graduated B.Se. in Civil Engineering, and passed the Institute of Civil Engineers' Examina- tion ; went to Canada in the spring of 1912, wiien lie was employed as a Civil Engineer on the Canadian, Northern and Inter-colonial Railways ; joined the Canadian Engineers after the outlireak of war in Aug. 1914, but after a month's training was rejected owing to defective eyi'sjght ; returned to England in Dec. 1H14. and joined the Leeds Universitv O.T.C. ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 12th Battr'i. King's Own (Yorksiiire Light Infantry) 20 I'Vb. 1!U.'>, and promoted Lieut, in Aug. 1!)15 : served in Egypt from Dec. 1915, to Mar. IDKi. and in France and Flanders from March. 191(i to .\'ov. !'.)10. when he returned home on leave, and trari-^ferred to the RJil., undergoing a course oi training at Ni-wark ; was gazetted to the R.E. ill Feb. 1917; returned to France 10 March, when he joined the 211th Field U.F.. and was killed in action nortii-east of Arras 5 May, 1917. Buried little eenietcry at l»ailleul-sur-ilerthoult. His Commanding Officer wrot^' : •• A party of infantry wisre to take a piece of Oerrnan trench, and your son had the duty of setting out a communication trench leading into it as soon as it w;is captured. He did his joI> with his iLsual care and thoroughness, in spite of very heavy shell fire. He had just finished when he was killed by a 5.9 shell. He was Iiit in the head and heart. . . . The loss to us is very great, and we are all very upset. He was always so cheery and good-tem])ered under all condi- tions. It is men like hint we cannot afford to lose." and his former Colonel in the Iving's Own {Yorkshire Liiiht Infantr> ) : "' Your son was extremely popular with -everyone^olficers and men. He was a tine eliaraetr-r. and he was always a most conscientious and courageous otticer. He di<| hi> wurk thoroughly, no ntatter what it was. ... He finished his work, ind killed li\ a shell while in charge oi a working party 24 Nov. 191(1. liiirjed in Hatiie] Cemetery. Lieut.- Col. Thornton wrote : " He was very jiopular with his brother oflieers and his men. and we have suffered a great loss in his death, for he was a \ cry promising and gallant \oung oHi(rer, and one who did his diit\ fearlessly. " f'tint, CRtllCKSHANK, KENNETH GEORGE, 2iid Lieut., The Lancashire Fusiliers, and the R.F.C.. only s. of .lames Cruickshank, of Forest Hill. London, S.E.. Civil Servant, by his wife, the late Elizal>eth Antonia, dau. of Alfred Hallamore, of Bromley, co, Kent ; b. London, 2 .March, 1896 ; educ. St. Dun.stan's College. Catford. S.I-;., and Finsbury Teclmica! Insti- tute ; joined the 20th fiattn." The London Hegt. t> Aug. 1914 ; obtained a commission 11 I)ee. following : served with the l-ixpeditionarv Force from 28 Nov. 1915; transferred to theR. F.C. 1 .\pril. 1910; qualified as oi)server 1 June : returned home in Sept. to he trained as a I'ilot. and graduated 22 March. 1917; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and F'landers from (> .June, 1917, and died a prisoner of war 12 July following, from wounds received iu action while engaged in an olleusivc patrol. A brother officer wrote ; " I join in your deep sorrow in losing such a brave son and also a jolly good fellow." U7im. I>rivate. (ith (Service) Battn. Seaforth High- luike of .Alltany's). eldest .v. of (— ) Cruickshank, Parish Ccjttages, (irautown-on-Spey) ; /*. draii- educ. Croiidajc and Dava Schools tliere ; was a served with tlie Kxpeditjotiary i-'orce in France and Flanders from 1915 ; was wounded and gassed, arul sent on sick leave to l-Jigland ; luit on his recovvry rejoin<'d his regiment, and was killed in action 9 April. 1917. during the ofierations at Arras. Buried at Kochincourt, near Arras ; >i,nii- CRUICKSHANK, JOHN LAWSON, Private. No. 2r.(l(i2."». I tlth (Tei-ritori.ll) llattn. (.Moray- shire) The Sealorth Highlanders (Ross-^hire Buffs. The Duke of Albany's), .v. of Koberi Cruickshank, Coy. Sergt. -Major, l.dth Battn. Ti.e S.aforlh Highlanders, by his wife. Jane (12, Castle Road. Orantown-iui-Spey). dau. of Kohert Law.son : b. (Jratitown-on-Spey. 27 March. IH91> ; educ. at (Irantown-on-Spey Crammar School : Watts' Civil Service College, and Stewart's College. Kdinburgh. where he was awarded a Daniel Stewart's College Bur- sary; joined the Seaforth Hiirhlanders 2 Feb. 19IG: -served with the K\p< ditiouary Force in France and Flanders, ami was killed in action at Passchendaele. near Vjircs. 2;i Sept. 1917. Buried south of I'oelcappelle. north-east of Ypres. His Chaiilain wrote: "Your boy has given hi- life a- nobly as any man can in the straii:lit I'atli of duty and of service, and that must be in part your consolation." Cum. CRUICKSHANKS, J., guarter master. No- 1st Battn. The Cordon Highlanders ; serveil with the Kxpeditionary Force 9 Nov. 1914. 8:i09, 2ud Battn. The Kssex Regt. : served with the kille.l iu action 15 S,;pt. 1914. Kenneth G. Cruickshank. CRUICKSHANK, JAMES, lander- (Hoss-sliire Hnfls, the b\ bis wife. Helen (matron, town-on-Sjicy, 29 May, 189*'.; Farm Servant ; enlisted in 19l:J John Lawson Cruickshank. 983' in France ; died of wound CRUMP. E.. Private. No. E\j» ■.iitioiiary l-'iu'ce in l-'rauee CRUST, W. F., Private. No. 10059, 2nd Battn. The Worcestcrshiro Rcgt. ; served with the l-ixpeditionarv Force in France ; died of woimds 20 Sept. 1914. CRUTTENDEN, H., Gunner, No. 70917, B..F.A. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Aug. 1914. CUBIE. JOHN CRAWFORD, Private, No. 202240, 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Cameronians (Seoin li I.itl- -f. 2nd s. of John Pollock Cubic, of ;i, Wliitcvale Street, Dennistoun. R-tir.-l Manufacturer; b. 7 Aug. 1882; educ. at Whitehill Street School, Glasgow; eidisted in July, 1916; served with the Exiieditionary Forci' in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Arras 2:i .April. 1917. Buried one mile east of Henin-sur-Cojeul, and five and a half miles south-east of .\rras. His Commanding Officer wrot*- : " During the few months I knew your son I got to like him very much, and wliilst the work must have been jiretty hard on him, he was a sticker and never had a complaint. We were in action together on 14 April, and your son came through all right. I can tell you liis coolness under fire opened my eyes. My brotlier officers and your son's comrades join with me in tendering you deepest sympathy in your great loss." f'nm. CULHENE, St. G. H. N., Driver, No. 71399, R.F.A. ; served with the Expedi- tionary l'"orce in t'ranee ; killed in action 8 Sept. 1914. CULLAM, J. S.. Private. No. 14122, Grenadier Guards; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of enteric 1 Nov. 1914. CULLEN, JOHN, Sergt., No. 2977, 2nd Battn. (8(lth Foot) The Royal Irish Rifles. 3rd s. of the lat« John Cullen, Royal Horse Artillery, by his wife. Annie (29. Northbrook Terrace, North Strand, Dublin), dau. of Morgan Redmond ; b. Dublin, 19 July, 1890 ; educ. Royal Hibernian Military School there ; was a Clerk ; eiUisted 12 Jan. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flandcjrs from 28 June. 1916, and died in an ambulance station 18 June. 1917, from wounds received at Messines. Buried at a farm to the east of Bailleul ; iinm. CULLEN, P., Private, No. 4321, The Irish Guards; served with the E.\pedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 6 Sept. 1914, CULLERTON. M., Private. No. ,7585, 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 2 S'ov. 1914. CULLOP, F., Private. No. 7181, 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Regt. ; siTved with the ICxpeditionary Force in France; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914. GUMMING. DLINCAN, Private. 4/5th (Territorial) Battn. The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), 2nd surv. >-. of .\lexander Cumming. of Burnsidi-. Uippin, Isle of Arran ; h. 11 June, 1877: educ. Little Mill Puftlic Sehool. Kildonan. Arran ; was employed on his father's farm; joined the Scottish Hor>e Vpo- manry 21 Aug. 191(1 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 3 Jan. 1917 : transferred to the Black Watch, and w;is killed iu action 28 June, 1917. Buried in Brandhoek Cemetery. His Commanding Officer wrote : " .\lways cheerful, keen and reliable, and his loss greatly felt by his comrades." He m. at Partick. Glasgow, 24 Jan. 1912, Flora, dau. of tiie hiUi Donald .McDougall. of the Isle of Mull. CUMMING, GEORGE ALLAN, Private. No. 2.'i579. Machine Gun Corps, eldest *. of George Cumming. of Station House. Cult<^r, Station Master, by his wife, Elsie Christina, dau. of Alexander Allan, of Strichen, Baker ; b. ■^trielieii, CO. Aberdeen, 20 Jan. 1893: educ. I>\ee Higher Grade School, and on leaving there trained as an Electrician with Claud Hamilton, I if .Aberdeen, being subsequently employed with Messrs. Lucas «V Co., of Birmingham ; joined the 7th Gordon Highlanders 5 Jan. 1915 : transferred to the Machine Gun Corps in Oct. 1910; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 2 5Iay, 1915, and was killed in action at the Battle 1. 1 Atths 17 May. 1917. Buried near Fanipoux. line of his otficcrs wTOte : "Since 1 have been uitli the company he has alwaj"? been a man -ought after by everyone, and I was proud to ha\'e him in my section. He died lighting, and Wi- are all in the section very proud of him." L'tim. CUMMINS, D., No. 0933. The Cameron Highlanders ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. CUMMINS, R. J., Private. No. 15399, 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards ser\fd with the Ivvpetlitionary Force in trance ; killed 1 Sept. 1914. CUNINGHAME, DAVID DUNCAN, Engineer Lieut.-Commander, U.N.. x. of .\ndrew Cuninghanie. of The Limes. Belmont Park, Lee. Loudon. S.E., by his wife. Jane, dau. of David Cuninghanie, of Chappeltou. We.sf Kilbrldi' ; b. Saltcoats, CO. .\yr. 20 Aug. 1879; educ. Private School, and MiTchant Taylor's, London; joined the Navy as Temp. Engineer Sub-Lieut. 2 July. 1901; was |)ronmted Lieut.-Commander 2 July, 1915, and was killed on H.M.S. Surprise while on active service in the North Sea 23 Dec. 1917. He was mentioned in Desp.itehes, for gallant and distinguished service during the Battle of Jutland on H..\I.S. Marlb{)rt>ugii. Fxtracts from letters received by Commander Cuning- harni"> parents : " His noble example, his kindly advice, and. abo\e all. his manly t.'hristianity, made a great change in me. ... He was one of the finest gentlemen 1 ever met." ..." Our proudest memory of lUm to-day is neither his skill nor ability in the craft which he chose for his life's work, but his sterling cbaraeter anil his unatfeeted devoutness. He was of the stuff that lienK-s and mart\|-s are made, courageous, unflinching, with the highest conception of duty of an> man 1 have ever met. It was a joy to meet him. His inHuence for good was more than an\one will ever be alile to conceive." He m. at St. Paul's, Onslow Square. S.\V.. 11 Dee. 1911. .\da Decima. dau. of the late B. M. Hichards, il..\LC.S., of Kllesmerc. .Mutley, Plymouth: .*-/>. CUNLIFFE, JOHN BROOKE, Major. 2 1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry, 2nd X. of the lute ("apt. Ellis Brooke Cunlitfe. (ith Dragoon Guards, by his wife, Emma Florence (Pettou Park, Shn-wsbury ). dau. and heiress of the Rev. John Sparling, of Petton Park, co. Salop ; b. near Bourne, eo. Lincoln. 9 Oct. 1869 ; edui-. ICton ; was deei)ly inti'rested in Physiology and Natural Science, and had travelled twice round the world, and studied Modelling in Rome ; served in the South .\friean War 1899 1902 (Queen's Medal with two clasps): obtained a commission 22 F*b. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Forei- in l-tance and Flanders from 1910. and died at the Princess Christian's Hospital. London. 20 •April. 1917. after an operation necessitated by sickness contracted at 1-e Havre. where he Was in command of a guard for prisoners of war. Buried in IVtton Churchyard, co. Salop. His Commanding Oltic»*r wrote : " During the time I was associated with your brother in the squadron of Norlhami'tonshire Yeo- manry. 1 had the greatest regard and friendship for him. No one could have been pleasanter and more helpful to work with. He was a real sterling good fellow in the best sense of the word, and 1 regret his death immensely." and a brother otticiT : '" 1 shall miss Major Cunlitfe very much. .\s my senior officer it w;is a pleasure to work with him : as a i»ersonal friend i shall leel hi.- loss very much. He was always so nice and cheery. The officers. N.C.O.'s and men have asked nu- to coiivej to you their expression of deein-st regret and sym[»athy.'* George \llan (iinimin 70 The Roll of Honour He was a sood shot and a fearless rider to lunmd- : wliil.- a Ikiv :it i;tt to save litV from drowniiiii ; iniin. CUNNINGHAM, DAVID, 2iid Lieut.. 2nd Battii. (intli Voot) Alexandra, Princess ol Wali-ss Own (Yorkshire Kegt.). yst. x. ot .Jarurs (.'uiininLihani, ni" 20. Clarendon Placr. Leeds, by his wife. Sarah, dan. ol Janu-s Yuill. of (;iasi;ow ; b. Leeds. U Nov. 1H89 ; educ. Lri'ds Central Ilii;h School: wa-^ c-mployrd by Messrs. Fiuniyan. Ltd.. Manehc>^te^ : enlisted in the Mnnebester Ileut. I Se|>t. 1914 ; Si rv -d with the Kxpeditionary Koree in l-'rance and Klainiers ; took part n the ];.t le ot tlie Somnie. where he was wouncb-d 1 .Inly. 11)10; obtained a tonwnis^^ioii in the Vtukshire Ucst. I March. 1917 ; was a-^ain sent to France lit .\pril, bein'i wounded 20 Oct. 1917. and died at No. 2 Casualty Clearing Station, iiailleul. the followinj; day. Buried there. His Connnandina OIHcer wrote: " We all thonu'ht your son a very good fellow, and I bad made up my niinf Porto- bello and Dmiliar. Joim'r and Cabiner Maker, by bis wife, Margaret, dau. of ,lolm Wood, of Dunbar; b. Bortobcllo. co. Midlothian. 24 Nov. 188(> ; edue. Higher (Jjade School there ; was employed in the Kdinburgh Savings Bank ; joined the K.N.D. 22 June. 191(J: servi-d with tlie Kx))editionary Force in France and Flamlcrs from 21 Nov. following, and di<-d at the :ird Canadian Ceneral Hospital. Boulogne. HI Fell. 1917, from wounds received in action on the 4th. while bringing up ammunition. Buried at Boulogne. A comrade wrote ; " He was well liked by everyone, and was a good soldier and a good chum." Uuin. CUNNINGHAM, T., Sergt.. No. 7:!91. 1st liattn. Tile Cameron Highlanders; served with the ICxjx-ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. CUNNINGHAM, W., Private, No. 8700. Horderers ; served with the Expeditiomiry Force Philip S. Cunningham. (Prince of Wales's Own Royal) Hussars; in Krancc ; died of wounds 80 Oct. 1914. 1st Battu. The South Wale; in France ; killed 2tJ Sept. 1914. CURL, F., Sergt.. No. 4304. Ultli served with tlie Expeditionary Forci CURLING. ALFRED JOSEPH, Private. No. tl8:io, CJth (Service) Battn. The Kide Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), N. of Charles Curling, of 9. (Jraylinds Koad. Peekham. Loudon. S.E., by his wife. Elizabeth Mary, dau. of (^) Strange ; and brother-in-law to R. T, Kingsbury (*?.*'.); b. Peekham H.E., Aug. 1891; educ. there; was emploved in a Bottle factory ; enlisted 1 Dec. 1914 ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from July, 1915, and was killed in actiim 15 Nov. following. His Connuanding Otlieer wrote : '^ I very umch regret that your husband was killed while in discharge of his duty in the trenches on 15 Nov. He was in a small dug-out with another man. helping to repair it. when a shell came in and struck him on tlie head, killing him instantaneously. The other man was wounded in the- head, bvit not very severely. It will be some comfort to know that he suffered no j>ain." He ?/;. at Peekham. S.E., 4 June, 1911, Rose Mav Alfred Joseph Curling. 31 (5, Basing Place, Peekham, S.E.). dau. o'f Henry John Kingsburv, and had a sou, Alfred Henry, h. 19 March. 1912. CURNICK, G.. Private, No. 8835, The South Wales Borderers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 1914. CURNOCK, GEORGE ASHWIN, Lieut.. Oth. attd. 4th and 10th. Battn. The Rille Brigade (The Prince Con.^ort's Own), eldest *■. of Clement Corderov Curnock. of Woolton Hill. Newbury, by his wife, Mary Elizabeth, only dau. of Manley Ashwin. of Honeybourne ; b, Houeybourne, co." Worcester, 5 Ju'lv, 1893 ; educ. Newbury Crannuar School, where he was senior Prefect, Librarian and Editor of the " Newburian " ; in Dee. 1911. was elected for an open Seholarslup for Classics at Pembroke College. Camliridge. and in Jnlv. 1912, was awarded a Senior Scholarship by the Hampshire County Council ; went uit to Cambridge in Oct. 1912, and was at the top of the list of classical men for the vcar : in 1913 he was elected for the Stewart of Rannock Exhibition, and also obtained a College prize for Greek verse. On the outbreak of war he joined the rntvcrsity O.T.C. ; obtained a commission 16 Dec. 1914: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and w:ls killed in action near Langemarck 14 Aug. 1917. Buried there. His Comntauding Officer wrote : " It is with the very deepest regret I am writing to tell yon your son was killed in action on the morning of 14 Aug, He was gallantly leading his men in a big attack by the battalion, when he was killed by machine-gun and rifle fire. 1 cannot tell you how sorry I am to lose such a splendid and plucky officer. We all mi.ss liini so very much." (Jnm. CUTIRAN, J., Private. No. 7379. 2nd Battn. The Connauch Rangers: served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action C Nov. 1914. CURRANT, C, Private, No. 7273, 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. CURRIE, ANDREW, Private. No. 60191, Machine Gun Corps, eldest s. of Wiiliam Currie. of 4. Tulloch Street, Cathcart, Dairyman, by his wife, Isobel. dau. of .lobn Craig ; b. Wishan. co. Lanark. 20 Oct. 1897 : educ. Cambusnethan, Mount Florida and Cathcart Public Schools : was emploved as a Clerk with the Caledonian Kailway Companv ; joined the 2 'Otb Argvll and Sutherland High- HaroUl Maxwell t'urrie. landers 22 Oct. 19U : rrausf.rnd to the Machine Gun Corps in Sept. 19H1 ; si-rved witii the Kx|)i dit ionary I'nree in France from 21 Nov. following, and wn$. killed in actitni at Monchy. east of Arras. 23 April, 1917; titwi. CURRIE, HAROLD MAXW^ELL, 2nd Lieut., HHh (Service) liattn. The Camironiaus (Seottish Rifles), oulv .v. of the lati- Claude Maxwell Currir. liy his wih-, Mar- Liar.l Burlianan liardiuer ; and gdson. of .lohn Currie. F.I'.S. ; b. Glasgow. 20 July, 1S97; educ. at Hannlton .\cademy, and Hutehi'sons' Grammar School, tilasgow ; was employed with Nobels Explosives (Jompany in tilasgow ; joined the (Glasgow I'niver.dty O.T.C;. ; obtained a eommi.ssion 21 Jan. 1910 ; si-rvi-d with the Exp(!ditionar\' Force in France aii'l riaiiders. and was killed in actiim lu-ar I ri/,enbrr'„'. north-east of Vjtres, 1 ,\ug, 1917. Mis Colonel wrote : " From what I know of the I irenmstances ami coiulitions. he must have done extraordinarily One work, and had he li\ed I should ci-rtainly havi- recommended hicn for an award of the Military Cross. . . . I only hojie that his gallantry and devotion to- il 11 1\ nia\ be some slight consolation. .Ml along he dill wondi-rfully wi-Il. the niore so < (iii-idi-rinL' hi'^ age." and his Chaplain : "* He was one of thoj^c who do not think of them- selves, but of others. He bad great gifts of comradeship, and endeared himself not only to tho.se of his own emnpany, but to us all." CURRIE, J., Private, No. 11402, The Uoyai Scots; served with the Expedi- tionary I'luee in Kraiiee ; killed in action 12 15 Oct. 1914. CURRIE, W., Private. No. 10070. 2nd Battn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry); served with the Expeditionary l-'orci- in France; killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. CURRY, VERNON EDWARD, 2nd Li., it., l^t jiattii. (lOtli Toot) The Bi-d- fordshite Kegt.. onlv *. of tlir lat.- i;dward .l.inie- ('nrrv. bv bis wife, Ada (, Laura (Rose Cottage, 15, Plymouth Grove West, Manchester), 2nd dau. of the late Tliomas Houghton. CURRY, WILLIAM HORACE, O.S.O.. Capt., 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The South Statfordsbire Regt., 2nd v. of William John- Curry, of 43. Leinster Avenue, East Sheen, by his wife, the late Florence Ellen, dan. of the late Horatio Bethune Leggatt. of Rrownwieli, co. Hants: b. Crouch End. London, N.. 14 Aug. 1894 ; cdui-. Kothbury, St. Leonards-on-Sea, and Merchant Taylor's .School; went to Canada in 1912; returned on the outbreak of war in 1914; joined the 18th (Service) Battn. (University and Public Schools Battu.) The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.). with which he went to France in Nov. 1915 ; returned liome in April, 1910, and after a period of training at the O.T.C. at Dcnham, near Uxbridge, was gazetted 2iul Lieut. South Staffordshire Regt. 5 Aug. 191C. being promoted Cajit. May. 1917, and was killed in action at Tower Handct* Ridge 25 Oct. following. Hurled there. He was nu'utioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 18 Dec. 19171 'jy ^''-M. Sir Douglas Haig. for gallant and dis- tinguished service in the field, and was awarded the D.S.O. | London Gazette, 26 May, 19171 : " He eollect<'d men from three dilfereid companies and led them forward as far as it was i)Ossible to advance, and later, although nearly surrounded by the enemy, he su<-cecded in consolidating and maintaiidng his- jiosition. On another oc^cjusion he took command ui two companies and handled them in a most able manner." rum. CURTICE, FREDERICK RUSSELL, Lieut., 79th Brigade. Royal Field Artillery, eldest *■. of Alfnd Jame^ Curtice, of 22, Hedlcy Street, Go.sforth. near Newcastle-on-Tyne. Connnereial Traveller, by his wife. Louisa, dau. of the iatc E. J. Edwins; /'. Sunderlaml. 4 July. 1892: educ. South Gosforth Council School (Scholar), and the Hoyal (irammar S(;hool, Newcastle ; entered the N.E.R. Company as Junior Clerk at tin- age or 15. serving for two years ; after- wards obtained a clerkslnp in tin- firm of Marks A- Cli'rk, Patent Agents, of Lincoln's Inn fields, W.C.. who selected him to proceed to New Y'ork on their business, where he remained for two years, and on returing to Newcastle became a Travelling Agent for Continental Hardware. Hi- joined the Northumberland Yeomanry in 1909, and on the outbreak of war obtained a commission as Tenij). 2nd Lieut. 8 Oct. 1914 ; wcmt to France in May. 1915 ; was promoted Lieut. 9 June following, and died at a Casualty Clearing Station hospital 17 Nov. 1910, of wounds received in action. Capt. W. W. t;illum wrot# : " I saw a good deal of him from July, 1915, to March. 1910. and he had the making of a very good officer. He took to the gunnery part of the business excellently, and I always knew I could rely on him when I wanted any shooting done," and Lieut. Ludovici : " He was a gnat help to all of us junior subalterns in the battery. . . . Y'our son did his dangerous duty Tnbly until tiie last." Unm. CURTIS, FRANK WILLIAM, Lieut.. 0th (Service) Battn. The Leicestershire Regt., eldest .s. of the late .lames Curtis, of Colombo. Ceylon, by bis wife, Cecilia Beatrice (Longcroft. Hariienden). dau. of the late Thonuis Rowliuson, of Rugby ; b. Lcytonstonc. eo. i-Zssex, 3 JIay. 1894 ; educ. Bedford School ; joined the Universities and Public .Schools Corps in Sept. 1914 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Leicestershire Regt. 23 Nov. 1914. and jiromoted Lieut. 1 July, 1917 ; trained at Aldershot ; went" to Salonika 2 Jan. 1910. attnehed to tlie King's Shropshire Vernon Edward Curry. The Roll of Honour 71 Ijght Infantry : was stricken witli malarial fever : admitted to hospital in Malta. and latt-r n-turnt-d to England on sii-k leave ; on his reeovtrv served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders; was wounded 28 April, 1017 ajid again smt to Ensxiand on sick leave ; rejoined his regiment 2 Sept., and was killed in action at Polygon Wood, near Arras. 4 Nov. 1917, bv a shell, whilst waiting to go into iiction. liuried on the hi!I at Reutel. near" Polygon Wood. His Commanding Officer wrot<^ : " He was a good bov, and although he had only been with us a short time, we liked him very much for his quiet, unassuming ways." and a brother officer ; " We were in front of Polvgon Wood, near Keutel. and a shell Inndr-d right in the trench, and killed him and three of his men all instantrinioiisly. and lie was buried on the liill th-.re." Unm. CURTIS, M.. No. 12139,2nd Battu. The Sh.-rwood Foresters ; served with the p:.\p<-ditTnn;try Force in France; died of wounds 22 Sept. 1914. CURTIS. S. H., L.-Sergt.. Xo. 10106, 1st Battn. The East Yorkshire Regt. ; served with th-- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. CURTIS, T., Squadron Qiiarternia.ster-Sergt., Xo. 4160, 9th Lancers; served with thr Exp.-ditionary Force in France : killed in action 29 Aug. 1914. CURTIS, W., Private, Xo. 14651, 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards; served with the E\-p<-ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14-16 Sept. 1914. CURTIS, W. H.. Private. Xo. 6188, 1st Battn. The King's Rova! Kifle Corps ; sorvf'd with til.- Expeditionary Fnrer in France; killed in action 19 Sept. 1914. CUTHBERT, GEORGE CHARLES PRAWL, Kitl.nian. Xo. 4397, l/.^th liattn. I,''wis (iuu Section {London Kifle Brigade) The London Kegt. (T.F.). eldest s. of (ieorge H<'iiry Cuthbt-rt. of Ashleigh. Southgate. F.K.H.S., Horticulturist, by his wife, Lucy. dan. of Charles J)avi.; ; b. Southgate. co. Middlesex. 4 Oct. 1894; .due. Elstow, Bedford, where he was a member of the Cadet Corps ; subse- qui-ntiy entired the tirm of Messrs. K. A G. Cuthbert, Horticulturists ; enlisted in Feb. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from th<' following June, and died at Xo. 8 Casualty Clearing Station 2 May, 1917, from woimds rcct-ived in action near Arras. Buried in the English Cemetery at Dui-ans : unm. CUTLER, CHARLES EDWIN, Private. Xo. 242390. 8th (T.rritorial) Battn. The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regt.), yst. s. of the late Charles Edmund Cutler, by liis wife. I-lmma Eliza (76, Perry Gardens, Poole, CO. Dorset), dau. o( the late James Medmav ; h. Poole aforesaid. 4 Feb. 1895 ; educ. the Xationai School there ; joined the Middlesex Regt. 24 Marcli. 1916 : served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from :50 Xov. following, and was killed in action at Fontalne-le-Croiselles. 16 May. 1917. bring hit by a sniper whilst on a bombing raid. Buried at Cojeul. east of Henin. His Commanding Officer wrote: " I was very glad to be able to get his body brought in. and he was carried down to a British cemetery by two of his comrades, which was a very fine piece of work on their part, as they had to carry him a long way. 1 was very sorry to lose such a brave young soldier, who died so gallantly for his country." dim. CUTLER, T. W., Private, Xo. 5846, 1st Battn. The East Surrey Regt.; served with ^, the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in Charles Edwin Cutler. action 9 Sept. 1914. CUTTER, G., Private, Xo. 6548, 2nd Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt. ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 25 Oct. 1914. CUTTRISS, J.. Bombardier. Xo. 49433. R.F.A. ; served with the Exjiedi- tionary Force in l-'rance ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. CUTTS, W., Private. Xo. 7129. 2ud Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles; served with till- Expeditionary Force in France ; killi-d in action 20 Sept. 1914. DAFT. H., Private. Xo. 717. The Royal Warwickshire Regt.; served with the Ex|M-ditionary Force in France; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. DAGG, M., Private, Xo. 4338, Lst Battn. The Irish Guards; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. DALBY, M. J., L.-Corpl., Xo. 10867, 2ud Battn. The Connaught Rangers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 5 Xov. 1914. DALE, C, Sergt.. No. 7283. 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers ; served with the Expedi- tionary b'orce in France ; killed in action 31 Aug. 1914. DALE. D., Private. Xo. 8(\SS. 2nd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; served of the riie-t runners the battalion has had. He earned the respect and esteem of oltieers and nun alike, aiid ^'e all feel that we have lost a loyal comrade and good soldier. record brave work as a George C. P. Cuthbert. with the I'.xpeditinnary Forei Percy Nugent Oalton. in France ; died oi" wounds 14 Sept. 1914. DALTON, PERCY NUGENT, Private. No, .'>i:5:>4r.. 14tli Battn. (London Scottish) The London Regt. {T.F.), 2nd s. of the late Goring Evans Dalton, of Georgetown. Denierara, British Guiana, by his wife, Mary Ellen (Xew- port J-odge. Bromley, co. Kent), dau. of Robert George Kelly ; and gdson. of the lat^^^ Edward Thomas liivans Dalton. Postmaster-General of British Guiana, and great-gdson. of the late Coniinauder Richard Xugent Kelly, R.X. ; b. liirkeiihead, CO. Chester, 13 Sept. 1885; ediic. King's School, Canterbury ; was .subsequently emiiloyed on the statf of the London branch of the Standard Bank of South Afrijfe. Eliza^ . ^. Birki-nhriul." co. Chester,^ - .lushuj Dal\ . Robert Thompson Daly. ^iic nvum «Ji ui£i\e and capable runner, and he gave his life at the last at his jiost of duty." f'nm. DALY, J., Trumpeter. Xo. 5118. 9th Lancers ; Si rved with the Expeditionarv Force in France killed in action 29 Sej.t. 1914. DALY, JOSHUA, Private, Xo. 55604. 2nd Battn. (23rd Foot) The Royal Welsh Fusiliers, y^t. s. of .(anies iialy. of 33. Rratton Itoad , ilirkenhead. Coni Porte ilau. of .Ir)hn Allun ; b. ;(» Oct. lSf. 4 March. 1915. DALY. ROBERT THOMPSON. L.-Sergt., No. ?s279I. .\rui\ Ordnance Ctjrjis. yst. s. of John Alexander Daly, of Coot<- Street, Mary- borough. ex-Constabie, by his wife, Margaret Ellen, dan. of (— ) Tlioniitson ; b, Mary- borough. 12 Sept. 1896; educ. there; was a Cj.-rk in the Maryborough Flour Mills ; enlisted 2^^ Xov. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionar\- Force in France from >Liy, 1915. and died at Maryborough 7 Jan. 1917. from sicknc.^ con- tracted while on active s^-rvice ; num. D.\LZ!EL, W. ALTER. Sergt., D.C.M.. Xo. r!ti;:iii, (iriii:iii, s.-ction, 31st Infantry Battn. ' ;iii;ilua, eldest dau. of the late William Bence Jones, of Lisselan. co, Cork ; b. X'pvern Place, London, S.W.. 8 June. 1878 ; educ. Temple Grove, East Sheen : Jlarlborough College, and Pem- broke College. Cambridge (Scholar), where he graduated B.A. with Honours in 1900, and M.A. in 1905 ; was appoint^'d to the Egyptian Ci\il Service. I'ublic Works Department, in 1906 : obtained a commission in the Royal Iiisiliers 9 Sept. 1915. as soon as he was allowed 1> ave fnun the Egyptian Government ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from IS July. 1916, when he joined the 2nd Battn. at lieaumont Haniel ; was subsequently for a time Corps Intelligence Otficer and Bombing Otficer, and later Commandinir Otficer of a reiulorcenient camp, and then of a camp at a railhead in the Somme district, being afterwards Bombing Instructor near Amiens; rejoined his battalion in April. 1917, and was killed in action south- east of Monchy-le-Preux on the 24th. while leading his company. He m. at Holy Trinity, Sloaue street. London. W.. 4 .\pril. 1916, Mary Helen, eldest dau of James Eastwick. of Fyning Wood. Rogate. Sussex, Barrister-at-I-aw, DANIELS, ARTHUR EDWARD. Cov. Sergt.-Major, No. 20276, The Ea.st Surrey Hegt.. attd. 12th (Service) Battn. The Royal Sussex Rigt., s. of the late Frederick Kichard Daniels. Carpenter, by his wife. Emma (88. Ferndale Road, Cla)iham. London. S.W.). dau. of Hi-nrv" Lemon: b. Islington, London, X-. IS June. 1882 ; educ i;tfra Parade Board School, Hrixtnn ; enlisted in IS99 ; served in South Africa and India : also with the Expeditionarv For his wile, liniil) Henrietta, dan. ot 'j'lie Hon. .1. I*. V<*rekfr ; />. I.ondon, ;Jl Jan. IH'.l.j ; ednc. SnniinerHclds, (>.\fortl ; l^ton. and Kini:'s ('oIle;ie. <'anil)ridge, where he took a Classical Kxhiliition ; ohtiiined a ronunis-^ion in April, 1015; served with tlie Kxpeditioriary Force in France and Flanders troni -March, lillfl, and was killed in action 1 .lul> tollouinu, in tlie attack on ha Itoisselle. the tlrst day ot the liattle ot the Sr)mine. He was a proinisinf: Classical scholar and an accoin|)lishrd musician ; niiui. DARLEY, W., Corpl.. Xo. 7(KW, 2nd liattn. The Yorkshire Uejrt. ; served with the Fxpeditionary l-'orce in France ; died ot wounds 27 Oct. 1914. STORMONTH-DARLINO, JOHN COIXIER, D S O., hit lit -Col.. Otli (Ti-rrilorial) Uattn. ((ilaM^nw Hiiihlanii.is) Ih,- Hi^liland IJjjht Hitaiitry. -s. of the late I'atiick Stornunitli- Darlhi;:, oi Fednathie. Kirrienmir. co. I'orlar. and Fdenhank. Kelso, co. HnxlMUtih : //. K.ls. 4t!i s. of .lolm Darroch. of Oaklee. Kilmun, en. Aruvl.-. Cnstoins Ollicer. by his win-. A^^m^. dau. of the late Duncan Canipbcil. ni Kilmun; h. Fort Glasjiow. :S(i .March. iSM.i ; i-diic. (Irceiiock and Port April followint:, from wounds received in action at \'iniy itidgc. liuried in l^tapjis .Military Cemetery ; num. DART, GORONWV KINSEY, Private. No. l(;s.-.2. Pioneer Section. The South Wales Lm-derrr-, eldest .-<. (it the late William Dart, by his wife, l-:iizal3(th (Dum- fries Stnit. Tr.-hrrliert ), dau. of the late .lolm KiiiM-y. of Tyilcwydd. Tn-herbert ; h. Tn-herlHTt. 9 .April, 189(> ; educ. at Treherhcrt lioard School ; was a Collier 4-mployed at the Vnysfais Colliery; enlisted :i Sept. 1914; served with the I';xpeditionar,\' Force in l''rance and Flanders, and was killed in action 4 July, 1917, by shell llrr wliile li-avint: the trenches with a working party. Hurled in L'-liiiaii iiattrr\ ('(uner, south-west of Vpics; iitim. OAUBENY. CHARLES JOHN ODINEL, Lieut., Acting Capt,, :ird (Itcserve). attd. 1st (Litli Toot), ilattii. Princc Albert's (Somerset Light Infantry ). oiilv -••■. of rapt. Cliarh-v Witiiam Daubenv, of The P.row, Combe Down, liatli. by his wife. l-;dith Henrietta, dau. ot the late Uev. John (iore ; h. C.jndie Down. Hath. 25 Se).t. 1895: educ. St. Chrislo|fhi-r's S<-hooL Hath, and Tonbridge (Scliolar). where he was a Colonr-S.-rgt. in the O.T.C.. and obtained " A "■ eertiltcate ; was gazcltrd 2iid Lieut. ;!r(l Soniers.-t Light Inlanlrv Oct. I9U. and promoted Lieiit. Feb. 191(1: served with tin- Kxpeditionary Force in France from .May. 1915; was wounded dnriiej the llattle of the Somnic and invalided home ; n-turned td France in Di-c. 191(1; was again slightly wounded at the Itafth- of .\rras 11 A|tril. 1917. and died HI Aunv following, from wounds received in ai-tion while ondi-aMMiring to locate the enemy's guns. Muried at Anbigiiy. Major K. H. Waddy wrote : " He w;is such a good lad, always so cheery. He was a real good capable ollicer. al«a\s to be relied upon to carry out his duty elfectively. He never kin-u what h-ar meant. We ha\e lost both a good friend and a gixnl ollicer. lov<-d b\ the otiicers and men ot his compan\ ; num. DAVENPORT, ELI, 2nd Fngincer. Transport Section. Uoyal Navy. x. of Samurl D.ivmport. ut 1. ValUvrie Koad, Liscard. eo. Chester, liy his wife, (ieoriieanin-. ilan. of tb-dige Flatt. iil Yaxley, co. Snlfriik ; h. St. Allans, co. Herts. 1 (ht. 1890; ednc. Verlnni College. St. Albans, and Shaw Stn-rt Colliur. Liverpool; was a Fitter servim: with Messrs. Lcylanirs Shipiiin-.' Company ; joined the Transport section H) June. 1917. but had bi-cn sailing: in the Mert-antile .Marine -ince Aug, 1914 ; was a|»pointcd to H..M.T. Jutland 10 June. 1917. and was killed b\- a torpedo from an cnernx' subniarim- oil the coast of Spain 19 No\ . folUtwing. H-- m. at St. Saviour's. Liverpool. 19 .May. 1917. Dmi.thy (1(14. Sinnley Park Avenue. Li\erpooD, d.-ni. of the late Ceorge Pierey ; ,v./». DAVENPORT, FRED, .Maj(U-. D.S.O. , M.C., Royal Field Artillery (T.F. ). x. of the late Henry Davenport, ol Woodcroft. Li;ck, co. StafJord. J. P.; h. Leek. (-o. Stalford, :J1 Aug. 187:J ; 'due, (Jiti-eiiwood College ; was Chairman of .M.-^s|-. Wardic' .V Davenport, Ltd.; joined 1st North Staltordshire H.-ut. 12 Dec. 1891. and aiterward,^ the Kcserve of Officers 23 Feb. 1898 ; ri- joined on the outbreak of war, and was gazetted Ca|)t. and Hon, Major 25 Oct. 1914. .Mid Major I June, 1916; served with the Ex- prditiouar\ Ft)rce in France and Flanders from March, |9'l7; was awarded the M.C. 14 Aug. 1917. til.- D.S.O. 20 Aug. 1917, amr mentione.! in Drsjiatelu-s bv Field .Maivhal Sir Douglas Haiu I London Oazette. 14 Ih-v. 1917], tor '.'atliuit and distinguished s.-rvicc in the Held. H< was kjll.-d in action at Wi.ltje 25 Sept. 1917. Knried at Vpres. He /». 14 Feb. 1899. Alice, Lee. dau. of William Black, ol Sliertield, and had two children: Fn-derick Lcsji,-. h. :! Oct. 1901, and Henry Kemieth. 0. :iO S,-pt. liH)5. No. 7070. 1st liattn. The Somerset Light Infantry ; killed in action 20 Aug. 19i4. Fred Davenport. l>AVENPORT, P., Pri\: servi-d with tin- Kxpi'ditionary Force in Franc DAVEY, ARTHUR, Private. No. :!14h. C Coy.. 12th (Ser\i.-e) liattn. Tlio Uoyal Sussex Kegt.. y^t. .s. of the late Charh-s Davey, by his wife. Fanny (NuL- hnrst. Horsham, co. Sussex), :ird dau. ot Stephen Fairhall ; h. Nnthurst afore- said, 2.1 Dec. 1891; educ. Church of England School tliere ; was a Cardcner at Sedgwick Park ; enlisted 11 .Sept. 1914 ; served with Ihf l-ixpeditionary Force in Frant-e and Flanders from :J1 Aug. 1915 ; was wiumdi-d three times, and wa* killed in at-tion at Ypres 25 Sept. 1917. Ituried there ; iiinn. DAVEY, H., Driver, No. 25212. Uoyal Engineers; served with Hie i:\pedi- tionary Fon-e in France ; died of wounds 1914. DAVEY, T., Private, No, 7904, 1st Battn. The Duke ot" Cornwall's Light Infantry ; served with the lixpcditionary Force in France ; killed in action 9 Oct, 1914, DAVEY, W., L. -Corpl., No. 9fi7U, 2n Cemetery. Lyssenthock, west -south- wt;st t>f Ypres ; num. DAVIDSON. C, Private, No. 8224, 1st liattn. The Lim-olnslure Uegt. : served withihe iOxpnlitionary Korce in France; killed in action 19 Sept. 1914. DAVIDSON, GEORGE, Private. No. 727504, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Inlantr\. Canadian Kv;pedit ioiiary Force, Srd «. of David Da\idson. of 5:j, (iordon Strei-t. (io\aii, (Il.isguw. Commercial Traveller, by his wile, .\nnie Kliza- bctli, dau. of John Ledingham. J.P. ; h Covan. Glasgow', 22 Sept. lH9(i ; educ. there ; was emplo\cd at the l^'airtletd Shi|)bnilding Yard in (iovan ; went to Canada LI Aug. 19l:{, and si-ttli'd at Stratford, Ontario, as a Pipe Filter; enlisted in Jan. 191(1 ; si-rvi-d with the Kxpeditionary Force hi France from the following Oct.. and was killi-il in at-tion at Pa^Achenduele 30 Oct, 1917 ; num. DAVIDSON, HENRY, Private, No. 8/14253, 10th (Service) liattn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), yst, «. ol William Davidson, of Savocli. i.ong'ide. eo. Aber leeii. Crofter, by his wife. .\nn. dan. ot William Mitchell ; h. Savocli aftui s;ijd. ID Jan. 1890 ; educ. Kinmundy School, Longside ; was a Drayman and S:dr-mati al (in-at Canal Brewery ; enlisted 27 Oct. 1915 ; served with the K\pr,lii ionar\ Korce in Fram-e and Flanders from June follow- ing, ami was kill.d in ai fion 12 Oct. 19!7 ; nnni. DAVIDSON, J., Private, No. 7(102. 1st liattn. The Caineroii Hiiihlanders ; served with the Kxprdit ionarv I'oiee in j-'rancc ; killed in artion 8 Sept. 1914. DAVIDSON, JAMES STEVENSON, D.C M.. Pri\ate. No. 2(i2".. 5th (Territorial) liattn. The P.l.ick Watch (Uoval Higlilanders). :Jrd. ,s-. of the late Charles Davidson. b\ hi.s wife, Ann (4:J. Hannah Street, ArbToalh). dau. of the late (ieorgc .Middleton ; h. Arbroath, lie School, and (ioiihuiV College, Alurdi'cn ; was miploved a.s a Cli-rk on the (livat .Vorl h of S(-ntland Uailway and the North IJritish Kailway ; joined th.- Llaek Watch at Pi-rth in Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war ; served with ibi> l'A|ieditionarv l'-iLdi Palace Hospital for Ollie.-rs. London. 2 .lum^ following, from woim.ls reeei\ed in acti()n near Arras 3 .Mav. P.uri.-d in the W«-strrn Cemeterv. Hull. H.- was awarded the Military Mi-dal on 9 Aug. UHti, for gallantry and rhvotion to duty in action in attending to the wounded for nearly two hours without n-uar.l to his own woumis ; unm. DAVIES, ALFRED, Pilot Api.rentie.'. U.N.V.U., Patrol Boat Alfred H. Head, only .«. of William Davi.-s. K. -tired Pilot, of Liverpool, and Annii- Maria Uavies (2G, Denton Drive. Lisiard); b. i;irk<-nhea.L eo. Chester, 23 Sept. 189G ; educ, Wallasey (Tramniar School ; was employed in the Pilot S(-rviee tour .years ; served on Patrol Bo;it Alfre.l H. Read, and was lost wli.-n that ship was mined otr the Mers<-v Bar 2^ Dee. 1917 ; num. James Stevenson Davidson. Lieut., 4th (Territorial), attd. llth (Service), :t., 3rd .V. of John Davie, of Sunny Bank. Hull, ■lit. Hull Corporation ; Uegt. on the outbreak ; proceeded to Frajic^ -covcry wa* transferred Fast Yorkshires 25 Jan. The Roll of Honour Amos Davies. DAVIES, AMOS, I'rivatr. \o. 840or,, Sectiou 244. Mat-liinr Cnu Corps, yst. .s. ni tlic latf 'I'lioinas Davirs : /;. ICci-li's. li iK-c. 188.J ; ffiiir. Keel -s (irarnniar Scliool. and .Manclu'sli-r iiramniar School ; fiilistt'ii in Sow 11H6 ; served with the IJxijeditionary Force in J-'rance and Flanders, and was killed in action 25 Any;. 1917. liuried in the Military Cemetery It Fins. His Conimandini; Oftieer wrote'; Ivvery one of lis feel we ha\'e sudered a heavy Inss, and those who were his [)artieular friends n;i|j/,c that thoy have lost a Rood i)al. He was ' \t rylliing 1 could have wished one of my men to hv. ;tnd he was always happy in the section," and another otHeer ; " Personally his death has liicn a heavy blow to me. Ht- was an excellent soldier in every way, and I sliall miss him very much." He was a well-known lacrosse player : cajitain of his school team and later goal- keeper for the Monton Club. He also repre- sented Lancashire County. He m. at FerI.->. 2 March. I!tl2. Nessie, dau. of .\rtluir Williani LobI), of Fcelcs, and had a dau.. Klizabcth, />. I Sept. 1915. DAVIES, D.. Private, No. 8828, 2nd Battn. The Welsh Eeyt. ; serv«-d with the JCxiJL-ditionary Force in Fraiue : died of wounds 2T Oct. 1914. DAVIES, DAVID ETHELSTON, Lieut.. 12th (Service) jiattn. -J'he Royal Welsh Fusiliers, eldest *■. of the Uev. John Davirs. Rector of Llanyylji and J.laiiarmon, t-n. Carnarvon, by his wife. Kdith Annie, dau. ot William Etlielston ; b. IJanrwst. 11 Aiiril , 1H. and jiromoted JJeut. 11 April, iniCi; traini-d at Jvinmel Park, wlierc he was IJriLiadr Sit;nalliiiii Jiistrnctor; served with the l*;\|)eiiit jtinarv l''orce in France from Aug. 1916. ami «as kill<-d in action at Infantry Hill 18 June, I'.ii; His Colonel wrote : " 'I'hat the attacks failed was eritirelv due to the matinifi- eeiit liraM-ry of l.ieiit. D.'i:. J)aviis. and others like hirii. who stuck to their posts imbnim; their nu'ii with their own splendid sjiirit vmti! rliev fell on the yround the\- defen (biny Davies. of Seaton Cottage. Camp Road, Rn»,s. Nurser>inau ami Canlem i. b\ his wife, y\. M.. dau. of Ldlnund Barrett ; h. Koss. co. Hereford, i:) Dec. 1897 ; educ. Council School there; was a Clerk; joined the Ross Volunteers on the cuitbreak of war in Aug. 1914: enlisted in the King's Own Shropshire Light Infantry It; Se|>t. 1916, but six weeks later transferred to the Machine (inn Corjis at (."rantham, linishiiei his ■course at CMpstone Camp, eo. Nottingham; served witli the Kxiie-Menin sector, and was killed in action near the Clnteau Wood, nortli of the Menin Kuail. 9 Sept. 1917. I'.uried thirty yards nortli-east of Chateau Wtmd. betters inim hi^ Comnianding Olhcer. the Chaplain and his conuades all --poke oi his u'allanf eondm-t and lii-^ good com- rade.ship ; iimn. DAVIES, F. W., Private. No. S227. 2nd Uattn. I he Koyal WeUh Fiisilicis ; >ierved with the K\peditionary Force in Frame; killed ill actitui 2.'» Oct. 1914. DAVIES. FAIRFAX LLE\VF,LLVN, IJeut., I'llth (Territorial) Battn. (Cyclist) The Norttill, ib-I . attl. 2 Hth ( I'en-itoriai ) IJattn. The Prince of Wales'^ Own David Ethelslon Davies. (West Vofk'liire Keut.l, \s|, Falrfa.x Lleuellvn Davies. of Kairtax Davies. ot Searhorough Hill. .North Waisham. co. Norfolk. Solicitor. Iiy his wife, .Vgn. s Mande. dau. of Clement Taylor, of Norwich. Solicitor; aiul brother-in-law to (apt. A. T. F. Wvatt (o.r.): b. Scarborough Hill atorcsaiil. 18 March. 1S!HI ; educ. Fatou House. Aldebnrgh. and Haile> bury College ( l.awreliee), where he obtained his Colours tor eri' force in France and Flanders Irom .') Jan. 1917, iittai-hi'd to the West Yorkshire liegt.. and was killed in action near Lagniconrt 8 Jvdy lollowing. vvhili- on night staudinu |iatrol duty. Hnried in Lagniconrt Kidu'e Ceinct -ry. north- east ot I'.apanme. His CommandiTig Otlicer uroii- : ■■ I sliould hke to say what a hiirli opinion 1 had of your sou, both as an olhcer and a friiiKl. He was most popular witli all ranks, and we shall miss hhn very mui-li. He could ill he spared," and another otticer : " " Tommy,' as we all knew him, was a jiopnlar favourite with all. and was one of the nuj^t respected oHiceH in the- battalion. We all feel a sense of loss." Another brother officer aUo wrote ; " His deatli is a very great loss to the battalion, and hts cheery coni- jianionship we shall all of us miss most sincerely. His great coolness and resource led me to choose him for the jtarticular duty I have told yon of. and it was these tjualities that made him so valuable to the Service." He w;is u good all- round sportsnum, being a fliu- golfer, and promised to make a brilliant cricketer : Hiun. DAVIES. FREDERICK GEORGE, 2ud Lieut., 9th (Service) Battn. The RiUe Brigade (The Prince Consort's (Jwn), 2nd s. of the late Stephen Davies, Gardener, !)>■ ills wife, Amelia Ann, dau. of Frederick Ellis, of London ; b. Priorslce, near Wellington, co. Salop, 3 April. 1888 ; educ. St. Mary's Schools, Stafford ; was subsequently apprenticed to the Printing trade in that town, and after serving se\cn years took a situation at .Messrs. Garside A- JoUey's, Warrington, and later >iiti-red the service of Messrs. Waterlow Brothers cV Layton, Government Printers and Stationers, London, where lie attained the position of Ivstimating Clerk; joined the London Rifle Brigade Territorials early in 1914; volunteered for loreign service on the outbreak of war in Aug. of "that year; served with ttie Ivxpfditionary Force in F'rance and Flanders from tlie following Nov. ; was invalided home at Clu'istmjis with frost-bite and septic foot ; returned to the front in the autumn of 1915. when he was one of four chosen from the ranks of his battalion to take up a commission, and was attached to the O.T.C. in France, being gazetted 2ml Lieut. 9th Rifle Jirigade 2;i Nov. 1915, and was killed in action at Vpres 6 Feh. 1910, while leading his ijlatoon. Buried in 'I'alana Regimental Cemetery. Ca|it. Williams wrote : " He has been in my company ever since lie joined, and I can honestly say 1 never hoiie to meet a more reliable oflicer. Any work 1 ga\'e him to do was done thoroughly and conscientiously. . . . He wa.. where he remaim-d for two years ; then ent-reU the City Nursiriesaf Llaudalf as a Learner in the Propagatory Department, and Ihre<' years later ol>tained a position as Fuller Gardener to th<- hisliop of Llaudalf, during wliieli time he won in oi>i-n competition lirst prize for pruning, olfered by the Cardilf Dardeners' .\ssociatiou to under gardeners in the di.slriet. and IuUt accepted a permanent jiost in the Citv Nurseries as Propagator; enlisted in tlie (ireiiadier (luards 23 Nov. 1914 : transferred to the Welsh Guards Feb. 1915, on the formation iif tliat unit ; si^rved with the Fxpcditionary Force in France and Flanders trom llie toltined the Army in Dre. 1914. serving for nine mouths as a Motor I)es]iateli Hider; was gazefti-d 2nd Lieut. Koyal Kngiinx-rs in June, 191.J, ami promnt.d Li-nl. eb. 1917; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France aiid I'landiis Im from .Tan. 191(;. and was kille.l in action at Koclineourt. near Vimv, 19 Mav, 1917. Jiuried at Fcoivres. His Colonel wrote: "He came to us with most excellent rejiorts, having done- splendid work preparing for the attack on Vimv Kidge and afterwards. For his age he had proved his e.xceptional ability in charge of large working jiarties under dangerous surroundings. T was verv glad wlien his transfer to our company occurred, and it is a terrible eiiance tliat Iiis young and promising career has been cut short." Fnin, DAVIES, LEONARD, Lieut. 9th (S,-rviee) Battn. The Rifle Brigade (The 'Prinei- Consorts Own), 4th s. of thi^ late Kev. Owen l)avi('s. Wtslryan Minister, by his wife, Alice, dau. of Henry Hollingdrake. of Stock- )>ort ; h. Forest Hill, 7 .luly, 1882 ; educ. Truro and Harrogate Colleges. graduating B.A. London and M.A. in Litterae Humaniores, IJueen's College, Oxford ; subsequently joined the .stalF of St. Edward's Sehool, Oxford, as Classical Master ; joined tlie Army in July, 1915: wa.s gazetted 2nd Lieut, llifli' Urigadc 14 Oct. following, and pronmted Lieut. ; served with tlie Kxpcditionarv Force in France from March. 1910: took part in the Battle of the Sonune, ancl was killed in action at Waiicourt :J Jnni', 1917, while c-ommanding a companv. Buried in the British Cemetery at Ncu\ille Vitasse. His Commanding Olhcer wrote ; " He is a great loss to the battalion ; all the odicers and all his men loved him and would do any- thing for him. as he would do anything for them. Whenever anything dangerous had to be done he always wanted to do it himself," chool : " His whole life was an honour to himself .\ fine character, a loyal colleague, a faithful friend , never Leonard Davies. and the Warden of his old ? and an inspiration to others. — such he inrl.id was. We thank God that he was "given to 'tis for a time shall we icuget him." Vnm. DAVIES, LEVI, Driver, No, 110149, 331st Battery, R.F.A., vst. *. of Levi Davies. ot 71. Llantri.sant Road, Pontypridd, bv his wife, Klizabeth Ann, dau. of Thomas Tluunas ; b. I'ontypridd. co. Glamorgan, :i Dec. 1897; educ. Graig Board School tJu-re ; was employed at the Great Western Colliery; enlisted 1 ,Tan. 1910; srrvi-d with the Kxpeditionary Force in France from l" March. 1917, and died at Vpres 14 Nov. following, from wounds received in action there. Ituried at Pojieringiie ; nnm. DAVIES, R., I'rivate. Xo. 8125. 1st Battn. The Eiut Lancashire Regt. ; acrved with rlir i;\pi ilitionary Force in ?"rance ; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914. DAVIES, RHYS BEYNON, Lieut., 4th (Territorial) Hattn. The Northumber- land Fusiliei-s. attd. R.F.C.. only child of .fames Davies. of FenrhiwIIan. Heidlan, CO. Cardigan, .\rchitect, by his wife. Margaret, dau. of James Kvans ; b. Llwyngwcrn. Henllan aforesaid. 15 May, 1896: educ. Aberbank Klementarv School there ; Llandyssu! Countv Sehool. and St. (firorge's College. London'; joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. 3 May, 1915 ; obtained a 2nd Lieutenancv in the Northumberland Fusiliers 5 Aug. following, and was i)romoted I/ieut. 8 July, 1910; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from i4 March, 191(i. being attached to the Trcneli Mortar Battery, of which he acted First in Comnuind from 15 Sept. to 2:i Oct.. when he became attached to tlie R.F.C. as observer; Wius wounded over Hulinch Wood 11 Dee. 1910, and invalided home; returned to France 2:{ Fib. 1017, being appointed Flying Ollicer 8 March, and was killed in action south-west of Lens, 1 May following. Buried in the churchyard at Monchy-Hreton. His Major wrote: '"Your son wa.s doing so splendidly, and was one of our best observers. His loss is verv great to u.s," and the Pilot Otlicer : " I write to tell you in what high regard he was held by those of iw in his flight, and wiiat splendid courage he possessed. As an observer your son was tremendously valuable to the squadron, and as a friend he meant .so much to lis all. At the time he was liit he was handling Ins -gun with all possible coolness and courage. His death was a very sad blow to H.S indeed." I'nm. Thomas Ref^inald Davies. DAVIES, THOMAS REGINALD, Lieut.. K()yal Naval Keservr-. 2nd «. of ,l()hn Ffiwarii Davies. ot The Fields, near Os- W(!stry. Gentleman Farmer, by his wife, Emma Jane. dan. of Thonnis Jackson ; b. near Oswestry, co. Salop. 5 .Aug. 1885 ; educ. The- (irammar Sehool, Oswestry, and subsequently trained on H.M.S. Conway : was an appn;ntice for thni- years on Messrs. James .Nourse'.s ships ; later employed by the White Star and .\iichor-Brocklebank Lines, during which time he gaiin;d his (lajitain's eertitlcati' in April, 1911, and was presented with a chart of tha nerans b\- the Meteorological Committee iw ail aeknowled'.:ment of \aluabl"' observations : ir)ined the Naval Kcservc in Jan. 1915, and filed of wounds 28 Sept. 1910. received tlirough his ship bi-ing torpedoed by an enemy sub- marine olf the Shetland "Jsles. Buried at. Oswestry. A brother olllcur wrote : " He cli(!d at his ])ost. beloved by everybody in the shii>— like the brave cliap he was. and 1 feel I have lost one of my br*st friends " He m. at Oswestry, 5 Oct. 1915, Flf)rence .Muriel, dau. of the late Thnmas Jackson, ami had a dan., Mary Doreen. b. 29 June. 191(1. DAVIES, WALTER LLEWELYN, 2nd Lieut.. 7th (Service) Battn. The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry). ;}rd .v. of the late Kev. .John Bayley !>avics, M.A., lor nearly 4(i years K<-ctor ol Waters Cpton. by his wife, Susan Anslow (Waters, rpton. near Wellington), eldest dau. of Jtieliard Juckes, of Cotwall, co. Salop; ami brother to Lieut. G. H. Davies [see Vol. II.. [lage 94); b. Waters Upton Rectory, co. Salop. 17 Feb. 1882 : educ. St. John's. Leatherhead ; was a Banker ; joined the Oth Shropshire Light Infantry in Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war; served with the Exjteditionary Force in France and Flanders from .May. 1915 : returned to England in Feb. 1910, having been gazetted 2nd Lieut. 7tli Shropshire J>ight Infantry the |irevious month; went back to France in Feb. after ten days' leave, and died at No. 21 Casualty Clearing Station 15 July,. 1910, from wounds received in action on the Somme the jirevious day. Buried in La Neuville .Military Cenn-tery. Corbie. He was a k<'en sportsman, being very fond of golf, fishing, boating and hockey, and while at St. John's represcnt-ed hi* siliool at .-Mderslinl in L'>nuiastie competitions; unm. DAVIES, WILLIAM, I>.-C-orpI.. No. 21040, 20th (Service) Battn. The Lan- cashire Fusiliers. .••■. of Thomas Davies, by his wife, Esther Ann; b. Sto<-kport, 14 .Nov. 1879 ; educ. British School, Wellington Koad, Stockport ; was a (Cotton Yarn Gasser ; enlisted 13 June, 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force- in France and Flanders; was wounded while on patrol duty, and died" in hos- pital 23 Se[)t. 1917. Buried in Tincourt New British -Cemetery, north-i-ast of I'eronne. lb- m, at Stockport. 22 Dec. 1990, Florence, dau. ofRichard Hvde, aiirl had two .liiMnii : William, b. 25 May. 1909. and Marion, h. 13 April, iVui. DAVIES, WILLIAM HOPKIN, MM., rn.op.r, .\o. 39578. 2im1 Battn. (24t.h Foot) The Sontli Wal'-s Borderers, eldest .s. of Thomas Kees Da\ii-.s. of 4. Colboumc 'J'errace. Swansea, I I oust- I'.ii liter, by his wife, Sarah, dau. of William Owen ; b. Swansea, co. Glamorgan. 24 Dec. 1895 ; educ. Waun Wen Board School there; was employed as a Tin Worker at Cwmfolin W'orks ; joined Clie Pemlirokt- Yeo- manry 10 Jan. 1910; took part in the Dublin Rebellion in Ai)ril ; .served with tin- Kxpedi- rioriar\' Force in France and Fhuiders from the fiillnwing Sept, : transferred to thi^ South Wales llordrrers 8 Oct.. and was killed in action at l.i' lianslov 28 Jan. 1917. He was awarded Ihc MiUtary Medal [London Gazette. 12 March,. 19171, f(u- gallant and distinguished service in the field ; inini. \\illiani Hopkin Davies. Warwick), dau. of HART-DAVIKS, Lieut., 18th Sqn; 4th s. of the late Sontham Rectory I'lmilv Rachel Florenei Lord Charles" lieauclerk ; h. \\ IVAN BEAUCLERK,. iron, Roval Flving Corps, Rev. John Hart-Davies, of CO. W.irwiek. bv his wife, (Whitehall," Sontham,. ntingdon Vicarage. 21 April, 1878; .-due. Clifton College, and King's CoIlioneliv-le-Preux. Buried near where he fell ; William R. L. Davis. DAVISON, EDMIJND, 2nd Lieut.. :!rd (Reserve) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt . vst. .?. of the late George Henrv Davison, by his wife, Edith (16. Gordon Square,' London. W.C.), dau. of Edmund Richardson; 6. London. 27 Dec. 189''i ; educ. Westminster, where he was Cov. Sergt. -Major of the School O.T.C. ; gazetted 2nd Lieut, in Dec. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from June following, and acted as Intelligence Officer and Assistant Adjutant : alter four months' service was admitted to hospital suffering from shell shock and a slight wound ; returned to France in July. 1917. and was killed in action 24 Sept. 1917. The Licut.-Colonel wrote : " Your son had not been with me very long, but in that short time he proved himself a very bravo man, and a good and hard-working officer. The men were very fond of him, and I regret his loss very much. He was the kind of officer th.at all battalions like to have, and I shall miss him," and another officer : " .Although he was not long with the 11th Battn., he had endeared himself to all of us, and both officers and men feel his loss deeply." Uiwu DAVISON, F., Sergt., No. 9802, 2nd Battn. The Duke of Wellington's Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 24 .\ug. 1914. DAVISON, GEORGE WILLIAM, Private. No. 1087236. 21st Infantry Battn. Canadian Exp.-dition irv Foivr, eldest s. of the late George Davison. Builder, by his wife, Elizabeth i;l.'.. Ilnn.bjate Hill, Alnwick), dau. of (ieorgc Jackson; 6. Alnwick, CO. Northumberland, 4 Jan. 1877 ; educ. Duke's School there ; wa.s a Stationer ; went to Canada in .March. 1910. and settled at Montreal, where la- was employed on Government work; enlisted in the Canadian Infantry in March, 1917 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from the following Nov.. and died at No. 6 Casualty Clearing Station 2 March, 1918. of wounds received in action at Bethune. Buried in Barlin Cemet( L.^v.E.0, li;,ttii. The Priiiie of Walcs's (Nortli Stafford- shire Regt). attd. 14th (Service) B.attn. The York and Lancaster Regt.. 2nd s. of Joseph William Dawes, of Denbigh House. Longton, MB.. C.M.Edin.. by his wife. Marie, dau. of .Vntlionv Powel ; b. Longton. co. Stalford, i:! Sept'. 1897 ; educ. St. Edmund's. Ware, and iiu H.M. Training Ship Conway ; was appointed Proliationarv Midshipman on H.M.S. Hercules in Mav. 1914. but in June. 1915. left the Senior Service and entered the Inns of Court O.T.C; obtained a commission in the North Stafford- shire Regt. 5 Aug. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the follii'wing month, when be was attached to tlie York and Lancaster Hegt.. and was killed in .leliiili at liavrelle 8 .May. 1917. His Colonel wrote : loved by tlieni sa\ au\'wliere. and H. What a always set H Oswald S. B. Dawes. was an excellent fellow, dearly the men under him. 1 ha\e heard they would ha\e followed your boy His death will be a great loss to his Major : " Your son rendered etiou. and was one of the iinalualile s,T\ice in the training of our Bombing most popular officers in the battalion." I'nm. DAWSON, ALLAN, 2iid l.ielit . Machine (inn Corps, :ird ». of the late James Xaismith liawson. of .Maneliester. bv his wife. .Mary; b. Ashton-on-Mersey. 26 .Mav. |.8.<>; eiliii. iiri\atelv at Maneliester. and was later for many years eon- necteil with the Yorkshire and the State Insur- ance Companies, being appointed District Manager of the North British .Mercantile Insurance Company at Preston in July. 1914. He took a keen interest in work amongst lads, especially ill the Cadet movement, and held a commission as Capt. in the Church Lads' Brigade ; enlisted in the 2llth (Service) Battn. The King's Liverpool Regt. in Nov. 1914 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut, in Jan. 1915; served with the l-:xi.eiiitionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Nov. ; volunteered for niaehine-gnn work, and took a special course of training at the Machine Gun School; took |iart in the advance on the Somme. being subsequentiv transferred to the 22nd Machine Gun Cov.. and was killed in action at Dclvilla Wood :! Siqit. 1916, whi-n. the infantry being surprised by a large force of the enemy con- cealed ill a' sunken road, they could neither Allan Dawson. advance nor retire, and were in danger of being destroyed; the machine guns were ordered to come forward, in order to cover their retirement, and he w:is killed while directing the iiositions of his guns. His Captain wrote ; " Dawson was a brave man and as thorough a gentleman as he was a sound officer. My personal sen.so 70 The Roll of Honour of his loss oiKtbles mo to appreciate the extent of your hrir;i\(iiiriit. Me \\;is always keen, and IiU liigli sense of duty enabled him to carry out tlie most, (lillicult of tasks unqucstioniii^ly and with a coolnessi and cheerfuhiess which always hatt a ureat ettect on liis men." and tlie Otiiccr ('ornmandini; his former company : " He was a very good otticcr and a man of very hi;;li principles, which lie always acted on. His men were devoted to him. :is he was most eonsidenite and thonsht- ful to them." A brother otlieer also wrote : "" It was to my section that he came when \n- joined the company, and we wen- toijether constanth . \\c not on splendidU". and the men liked him from the llrst. He was a wonderful fi-Uow. ... In everything he sliowed the same characteristic. Notlnn^ was too small to be conscientiously attended to, and as a natural conseqiu'nee nothing was too great." Ciiiu. D.WVSON, ERIC LAWRENCE, Private. Xo. 4:Hi:i8:!. r»Oth Infantry llattn.. Canadian l-".xpeditioriar\' Force. (»tli .s. of John Wesh'v Dawson, of Hit. OnIokI Koad. Mosclry. Birmingham. Merchant, by his wife. " Klizabeth. dan. of John Stanford; and brother to I'rivate S. H. Dawson ('/.'■.); h. Hirmingbam. ( n, Warwick. 2(> .May. \HW. nhw. Mnnieipal Trehnieal .School tb.n- ; w.iit tu Canada in 1006. and settled at JJoydminster. Alberta, a> a Farmer ; voluntcend for Imperial Service, and joined the Canadian Infantr\ in .Ian. \'M?> : came o\rr with the ;trd Contingent in the following Nov, ; served with the l-^xpcditionary Force in France and Fhiiiders from July, l!H(i : was reported wounded ami missing after the fighting on the Sonnne, 19 No\ . following, ami is now assumed to have been killed in sution on that date : iiinn. DAWSON, HUBERT. Srrgt.. Xo. (1232. 10th (Service) Hattn. The .Manchester Kegt.. 2nd X. of Adam Dawson, of Larkhill. \Vahnersle>- ^^^^^pH^^^^^ Koad. linry. Itailwax' Solicitor's Clerk, by Lis ^^^^^^K%^^K^^k wife. Esther, dan. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^H Lancajiter, Feb. IStll ^^^^^^^^H^P^ 7 Xov. was killed ^^^^^^^^7 action at Chcrisy. 2:J April. 11)17. His Com- ^^^KPj^ w* » manding Otticcr. I.icut.-Col. W. KIstob. wrote: ^^^^^^B ' " I have known him for o\ir two >-ears. and ^^^K j^.. 1 know wiiat a gallant, capable and loyal soldi* r ^^^fc^^By^ 111' was. He has done excellent work in thi> ^^^^^^ Itattalinn. ... 1 always tf)ok a keen intere'.t ^^^^^^^ in him. and I km>M tull well what an excellent ^^^^^^^^^ DAWSON, SYDNEY HERBERT, 1^ J Xo. 4:J44:U. Kith Uattn. Canadian lixi>editionary Force. -1th v. of .lohn Wesley Hubert Dawson . Dawson, of !l!i. Oxford Uoail. Moselev. IJir- miuilham. .Merchant, by his wile. Klizabeth. dan. of John Stanford ; and brother to l'ri\ate Iv 1, Dawsnn ('/.'•.)■. h. Hednes- ford. CO. Stafford, 2i) Sept. ISHO ; edue, |;irmingbam Mnnieipal n-ebnieal School : went to Canada in 1!)(I4. and settled at l,loyitmin>t r. Alberta, wli-re he took n|i farming; joined the Idtli lnfaiitr> liattn. Canadian ICxpeditionary l-'orce in Jan. liU'i : canu- over with tin' 2nd Contingent in .Innr, I'.U.') : ser\ ed with the Expeditionary Force in I'rance anil I'laiiders from the lollowing .\ug., and die Jan. 191(1. ami. after training at Oxford and Troon, became Hombinii Oilicer at Portobcllo : rcturncrl to France in the following Se|>t.. ami was killecl in action in the attack on Moucby-le-t'ri'ux, during the Battle of Arras. 9 April. 1917. Buried on the battlelield. His Major wrote : •• He was a s|ilendifi youmi soldier, and sliowed great devotion to duty, being a great favourite with all ranks. . . . He was nji for |»roniotion on next vacancy occurring." He wa> recommended for the Military Cross for special work on the Aisnc ; mnn. DAY, J. H. Y.. Acting Bombardier, No. 71004, H.F.A. ; scrve.l with the \-:\\,v ditionary Force in France : died :J0 Oct. 1914. DAY, JOHN EDWARD, Capt.. (itli (Service) I'.attu. The Hoyal Irish Begt . ;Jrd ■«■. of the lat ■ \ery lie\ . .Maurice William Day. Dean of Waterford. b\ hi- wife. Katherine Louisa l''ram"es. Anu. 1914: promoted Lieut. 'Mi .\o\ . lollowint!. and Ca|it. <; .\pril. 19H1 : served with the lvs;pe.litionary Force in France from IS Dec. 1915 : was >\cre!y woniub'd S .April. 191(1; returned tn France in Sept.. and died (1 .\pril. 1917. frtun wi)uuds received in action while in conunand of a rai had the hieditionary Fone in France; killed in action 25 Oct. 1914. DAYSON. ARTHUR STANLEY, L.-CorpL, 24tli (Service) Hattn. The Welsh Kegt., A-. of the late John Dayson. of Hlaengwvnti. Fort 'Talbot, c-o. (JIamorgan ; it. 27 Dec. 188;{ ; edue Hlaengwynti Hoard School ; was <-mployed by the Star Supply Tea ('om]mn>' as Manager of their Xarberth branch : enlisted in May, 1915 ; served with the Kgyptian ICxpeditionary F'orce in l*ig\ i't an' deeply reL'retted by his comrades and myself." Cnm. DEAN, HENRY EDGAR, Corpl.. Xo. 241019, lOth (Territorial) Battn, Tli-' Kimi's (Liverpool Kegt.). eldest .V. of John Henry i»ean. of 25. Huchanan Itoad, KurenuMit. co. Chester, bv his wife. Fmma. dan. of David Seager : /*. Fulham. London. S.W.. Di Dec. 1895 : edue. Collc-ge School. Haldoc-k. and at the Wa!l;i.sey (Jrammar School ; was a Shipbroker's Clerk : joined the King'> ( Li\erp(Mil Kegt.) 1! Xov. 1914 : ser\ ed with the lixpeditionary I'oree in I'ranei- and Flantlers frmn 24 Feb. 1915 ; was rejjorti'd missing after the lighting at Fass<-hen- iiaele Kidge 20 Sept. 1917. and is now as-sunied to have been killed in action on that date ; num. DEAN, J. H., Sergt.. Xo. 7852. 1st Hattn. The Devonshire Uegt. : served with the i;N|ieditionar\' l-'orce in l-'rance ; killed in action 24 Oct. 1914. DEAN, S., L.-S.riit.. Xo. 12082. 3rd Battn. Th.' Worcestershire Kegt. : served France: kilhd in action 17 0»t. 1914. DEANE, ARTHLIR HAROLD, C<.ri.l.. Xo. 2:;47. Honourable Artillery Conipariy (T.F.), \ r. .V, of the late William Deane, partner of Mes.;rs. Davies .V Son. Court Tailors. Hanover street. London. W., Ii\ bi^ wife. Klla (Killiuey, ( liats\v,.rtli Hoad. Willesden Creen. X.W.), dan. ot William Chapman. Ha/.el Knd. co. Kssex ; h. Kili>urn. L.indon. X.W.. 13 Feb. 1884 ; cdnir. Cliftonville College. Margate ; was a Master Tailor, being a partner in the tirm of William Deane. Court and Military Tailors. II) Conduit Street. W. : ir)iiie, and tlieil in the IStti (Jeneral Hosjiital 7 .May. 1917. froia wound> received in action at ^'im^ Hidge on or about 2S Ai-ril. Buried in the Military Cenie- trry at Ktaples : cnitt. DEANE, GEORGE FREDERIC FIELD, 2nd Lieut., 3rd (Keserve) Battn. The Kssex Kegt.. and IStli Trench Mortar Battery, 2nd -. of Frederic Deane. of Lougwood. Nayland, lo Sulfolk. by his wife. Hirtba. dan. of the Ke\. Samuel Fryer Field, late Vicar of Saw- liridgewortli. co. Herts : h. Carsbalton. co. Sinn-y, 23 Aug. 1^97 ; edue. l-^\ersle\ School, Sonthwold. and Colcliester Koyal tirammar Sehool : joined the Public Schools Battn. of tlie Koyal Fusiliers as a Private after the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 ; served with the Lxiieditionary Force* in France and Flamlcrs irom Xov. i915 ; returned to Kngland in A|»riL 191(>, and after a period of training at St. .lohn's Collegi-. Oxford, was gazetted 2nd Lieait. Kssex Kegt. 20 Sept. tollowiic-' ; went back to France in Xov., when he w;ls attached to the Uth Battn.: transferred to the IHth Trench Mortar Battery in Jan.. and was killed in aetion betwei-n Leus anliugt(Mi. 11 Feb. 1906. Klizabetli Mathilda (2, .M'dt-rick Charle.>. h, -in Feb. 1908. and William Frank, h. 15 March. 1914. DEANS, WILLIAM, Private, No. 73020. Machine Oim Corps, late 5th { T.rri- torial) Battn. The Koyal Scots (Lothian Kegt.). only x. of William Deans. <.f 42, Balearre> Stn-ct. Kdinburgh. by his wife. Jessie, dan. of James Cook ; /». Kdin- buriih. 5 o,t. IH97 : ednc. Siuith Morningside School there ; was apprenticed t^ a Printer: enlisted 2"* Oct. 1914; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ami Flainlei>. irom 19 Jan. 191(i. and was killed in aetion at Xieufiort 14 Auir. 1917. Buried in the Military Cemetery. Coxyde. Nieiiport : i'nn>. DEARING, H., Private. Xo. S039. l.st Hattn. The East Yorkshire Kegt. ; >crvcd with the Kxjiethtionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. DEARLOVE, A.. Private. Xo. 9214. 1st Battn. The Koyal Herksnirc Kegt.; sir\e\ of John Henry Demellweek, of 71. Thomaston Street, Everton, by his wife, Louisa, dau. of W, Howard : b. Everton, Liverpool, co. Lancaster. 19 Nov. 1892 ; educ. St. Peter's Church School there ; was a Cart-<'r ; enlisted in the Border Regt, 7 March. 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franee and Flanders from 24 June, and was officially reported to hv killed in action or died of wounds 2 Dec. 1917. Buried at Passchendaele. Flanders. He w. at Everton. Louisa (178. Great Homer Street. Liverpo. Glasgow. 25 March, 1877 : educ. Hutclussoii iiranmiar School there; was an Accountant : iiilisted in Nov. 1914 : served with tin- Expeditionary Force iu France from Dec. 1916. and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 9 April. 1917, Buried on the Bailleul Road, two miles east of Arras, DEMPSTER, JAMES DEAN, Sergt,. No. 3301. 1st Battn. (60th F-. oi John Dempster, of Emo Park. Portarlington. Head Ganie- ki-epcr to the Earl of Portarlington. by his wife, Elsie, dan. of James Dean, of J^oehhill J-:igin : b. Elgin. 21 Oct, 1885 : educ. Cool- banagher. (Queen's Co. ; enlisted voluntarilv 3 Sept. 1914, in the 9th Battn. King's Royal Rifle Corps; si-rv.d with the Expeditionary Force in France from May. 1915; was wounded in the head by siirapnel during a bombardment at Vj»ri's 16 June. 1915. being also gassed at the same time, and was killed in action 9 March, 1916. Buried in the Town Cemetery at Aix Noulette. Capt. R. S. Stafford, 1st King's Royal Rifle Corps, wrote : " He was shot tlu-ough the head by a sniper, in a sap which iiis section was holding, at about 9 a.m. yesterday. He could never have felt an\-tlung. as death was practically instantaneous. We are all popular in the company, and alwa\s did his best." His Platoon Officer also wrote : "* I have lost a very good and ket.n sergeant," and the Rev, A. M. Duthie : " I laid his body to rest ina little cemetery wliich has been set apart for the burial of French and British soldiers. His is the first grave of ours there, and has been carefully covered with sods of gr.-iss by his comrades, and a double cross erected to mark his last n'sting-place. In a few montlis' time it will be altogether beautiful, as indeed it is a liallowed place, for the ground was formerly an orchard, and the fruit trees will soon be in bloom." Unm. DENHOLM. ROBERT MILLER, Flight Ortie.r. Royal Naval Air Service^ 3rd Jane of John Denholm. of dau. of Robert Mill* Gilbert Green Dempster. Robert M'ller Denholm. Lawtliorn. (iremoek. Shipowner, by his wife, tyi Beechbnrn ; b. Grwnock. 23 Slay, 1899; •'due, at Greenock .\cademy : was engaged in the Gla-sgow offin- of Messrs. Denholm, Shipowners ; obtained a commission 10 Jnne„ i;tl7. and was killed in an aeroplane ac- rident at the Royal Naval Air Station. Cliing- Itird. 28 July followini;. Buried at (Jreenock; "nut. DENNING, JOHN EDW.ARD NEWDI- GATE POYNTZ, t iir.t . 1st Battn. ilOth 1 otjt I The Linrolii-hire Rr^t.. eldest >, of Charles Demiing, of Whitchurch, co. Hants, by his wife. Clara, dau. of J. T. Thomp.son, of I'lie Aveime, Lincoln ; b. Wliitohurch afore- -aid, 17 Oct. 1892 : educ. privatelv ; joined the Territorials in 1913 : volunteered for foreign service on the outbreak of w;ir in .\ug. 1914. and served with the R.(;.A. at Southsea Castle until 8 .\pril. 1915, whm he was g.izt-tted 2nd Lieut. 3rd (Ri-s.-rve) Battn. JJnculnshire Kegt. : served with the Expeditionary force ia France and Flandt-rs. b-irig for a time attached to the 5th Entrenching Battn, in whichhe .^-rvedas .\eting Adjutant : tran^fern-d to th«- Regular .\rmv. and joined his unit iu Feb. 1916: was shghtly wounded in Jun«-. but returned to the firing line, ami died in No. 36 Casualty Clearing st:itiy all ranks. We alt feel his loss very deeply, for he was a dear good fellow." He was a keen sportsman ; at school he won iull colours in the Cricket XL and Football team, and was also captain of the Hockey team : nntn. DENNIS, L.. L.-Sergt., No. 626.".. 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps; >,irvrd with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; died of heart dlseasr 25 Oct. 1914. DENNISON, W., Private. No. 95l):J. 2nd Battn, The Manchester Regt. ; ser\ed with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 21 Oct, 1914. DENNY, CLAUDE BOGGIS, Private, No. 18042, 8th (Servic) Battn, The South Staffordsliire Regt,, eldest x, of Ernest Harry Denny, of Hanghley, Butcher, by liis wife, Caroline, dau. of George Boggis : b. Haugliley. co, Suffolk. 24 .March» 1894 : educ. Poly technical School there : was a Butcher at Tollesbury ; enlistd 7 Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 15 July, 1915, and down Cresont, Chel- tenham: /', Chiltrnham. 4 Sept. 1H9<> ; educ. Cheltenham <>ramniar Sc-hooL and Pembroke Collegr. Oxford, where he held the Townsend Scholarship, and took Honours in Mathematical Moderations and History Finals; was for some time Assistant .Master at Coatluim (Jram- mar School. Kedear ; voluuteen'd 4 Sept. 1914. as a Private in the Old Public School and rnjv.rsity Battn. Royal Fusiliers: was uaz.tt-a 2iid Lieut. Dec. 1914: served with th.- KuyptiaTi E.xpeditionary J^orce in Egyirt from Jan, 1916, until July of the same yrar. when he was transferred to another battalion of his regiment, and servid with tin- Ex|K'di- tionary Force in France and Flanders ; was promoted Capt, July. 1917. and was killed in action at Langennirck. n.-ar Ypres, 27 .\ug following. His Connnanding Officer wrote : 18 months ago. and «rvnl with tlic Kxpoditinnary Force in Kram-t' ; killrd 20-22 Oct. 1014 DEVKREIX, LEONARD FRED. Private, Xo. l.MU. The Koyal Welsh Fusiliers, 2n(l .>;. of l-'rederiek Jamos lioad, 'rewkesbnry, hy liis wile. Klizaheth Martha. d:i Rodwav ; h. Tewkeshury. eo. Cloiuvster. 8 June. I81»i DICKENSON, E th'- I AiH- ; tinm. DEVEY, MARK. Trivatc. Xo. l:J*Ut2. 8th (Service) Battn. The South statlonl- sliire Itejit., vst. s. of the late Mark Devcy, of 21. James Street, Kyecroll. Wal- sall ; 0. Walsall. 1 Dee. 1885 : ediic. Uutts School there ; was a Caster at th.- works of Matthew Harvey, Hath ; volunteered and enlisted 10 Sept. 1U14 ; ser\eil with the Kx|iediti(»nary Force in France; was mortally wounded in some trencli fighting, and died of his wovnids on his way lo the dressing station 15 l-'eli. lUlU ; de VINE. CLAYTON HOWARD, Lieut.. 50th Infantry Battn. Canadian Kxpeditionary Force, yst. *\ of the late Capt. John de Vine, Army Service ("orps, hy his wife. Bessie ((iranville Koad, Sevcnoaks). dau. of the late James Atkjn- Horton ; b. Balham, 2:J Sept. ISS4 : educ. hy private tutors and at WeMiii'.'ion College : was engaged in Farming in Canada : enlisted in Feh. HU5 : served w il h the Kxpeditionary L'orce in France and Flanders; took part in the operations on the Somnie, at Mcssino^, AHiert and Vimy Kidge; was promoted Scrgt.. and wa.s given his commission on the held, and was killed in action -i Juiu'. 1!)17. while leading his men at AvitMi Souchez. Ituried there. He was twice men- tioned in Despatches for gallant and distinguished si-rviee in the lield ; num. DEVINE, D. F., Corpl., No. 871 1, l.-t Hattn. The King's Own (Hoyal Lancaster Kegt.) ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed 20 22 Oct. Iitl4. DEVINE, J., Private. No. 7179, The Cameron Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. DEVINE, P., Private. Xo. 9,i80. ist Battn. The Northamptonshire Kegt. ; served with tlie Kxpeditionary Force in Franci' ; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914. DEVLIN, FRANCIS CECIL COCHRAN, I.ieiit.. Oamhia Coy.. West African Frontier Force, late of the Canadian Infantry (lU2nd K.M.lt., li.C. Kegt.), y.st. s. of Capt. Thoma.-i Patterson Devlin, of Holyport, m-ar Maidenhead, co. Berks, R.A.M.C., hy his wife, .leannie. dau. of John Mael.od : 6. Great Vannonth. co. Noriolk. 10 Dee. 1897; educ. the Grannuar School there; went to liritish Columhia in 1909; joined the 102nd R.M.R. at Kamloops in March, 1915; entered Hoyal School of Infantry, Esquimau. Victoria, Sept. following ; quulitled 1 Xov., and was gazetted hicut ; seconded to West African Frontier Force 7 Marcli, 1917. and joined the (Janihia Coy., which proceeded to Cerniau East Africa :is part of the Nigerian Cuntinmut, when- lie took jiart in tin- ligliting until he fell in action Hi Oct. 1917, whil.- repulsing a strong tn.-my attack, liuried whcri' he fell, ahout .")() miles west of hindi and thni- miles north-west of Xjangao. His Comnmnding Othccr wrote : " I ne.-d not tell you liow popular he was with all he met, and his section were devoted to him, having implicit faith and con- fidence in iiini, wliieh so few really ohtain from the native soldier in so short a time." ('nm. DEWAR, CHARLES, Privat.-, Xo. S/14515, llth (Service) Battn. (Pionet^r) The Gordon Highlanders, s. of .lame.s Dewar, Labourer, hy his wife, Jeannir : b. Chapel of Garioch, co. Aberdeen. 5 Nov. 1884 ; educ. Keig. co. Ahenleen; was a Forester ; eidistud June, 1910 ; served with tlie Kxpeditionary l''(U(i- in France from 5 Oct. following, and was killed in action m-ar Vpres i:J .Inly, 1917. Buried in the New Military Cemetery at Vlamertiuglie, He ni. at Prenmay, 8 Marcii. 1913, Jessie (Bridgefoot Cottage. Oyne). dau. of Kuphemia Moir ; a. p. DEWAR, D., Private. Xo. (1244. 1st Battn. The Cameron Higlilanders ; served witli the l';x|)editioiuiry l''orce in France; killed in action (date unknown). DEWARS, W., h. -Scrgt., No. 7083, 2nd Battn. Tlie King's Hoyal Kifle Corps; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France; killed in action 14-17 Sept. 1914. DEWBURY, JOHN JAMES, Private, Xo. 289J5. Hoyal Army Medical Corps, yst. «. of Charles Josejih Dewbury. of Vine Cot- tag(\ Ware, co. Herts, Divisional Superinten- dent, St. John .\mhulance Brigade, Ware. Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in I'Jngland, hy his wife, Susan Ann, vst. dau. of the late John Green, of Ware ; 6. Ware. 1 July, 1901 ; educ. Private and Public Schools there ; was a Sanitary Plumber and Fitter ; joined the St. John Ambulance Bri- gade in Dec. 1912. being then called to Inspital work, serving at the .Military Hospital. Col- chester, and tlie Milit^iry Hospit-il. l-akciiliam. .N'orwicli ; volunteered for foreign ser\ice in Sept. 1915. and proceeth'd to GaIli]ioli ; took part in tlie (evacuation there; ; served in Mesopotamia from early in 1916, and was killed in action at a village ahout 80 miles ab()\e Bagdad on 30 April, 1917. Buried on the lield of battle. Capt. C. O'Brien wrote; " During the ])ast winter your son has done some very hard and good work. He was one ot the best hearers in the Ambulance, and his and men." Uniti. lOOOfJ. 1st Battn. The Uoyal Berkshire Rcgt. John James Dewbury. loss is greatly felt by the oflice DEXTER, H.. Private. No. served with the lOxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Sept. 1914. DIAMOND, DAVID LAWRIE, Private, No. 333126, 9th (Territorial) Battn. T!n- Higliland l.iglit Infantry, 2nd x. of Private J. Diamond, 2nd Dragoons (now on active service), by his wife, Mary (14, Church Stn^^t, Ayr), dau. of David Lawrie ; /». Ayr. 11 Nov, 1896 ; educ. there ; was a Labourer ; joined tlie High- land IJght Infantry 4 Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Frane<' and Flanders from Bee. 1916 ; was wounded at Yprcs in Feb. 1917, and invalided home ; returned to France 20 Sept., and was killed in action at Cambrai 6 Dec. 1917. Buried near St. Julien ; imm. DIBBLE, A., Scrgt., No. 7675, 4th Battn. The Middlesex Regt. ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13-17 Sept. 1914. DICK, DAVID, Sergt.. 2nd Mounted RiHes, Canadian Expeditionary Force, 2nd A', of David Dick, of Foreland, Isle of Islay, co. Argyll, by his wife, Isabella, dau. of James (and Kuphemia) Thomson ; b. Islay aforesaid, 4 Sept. 1888 ; educ. there ; went to Canada in 1907, and settled at Calgary, Alta., as a Farmer ; enlisted in Xov. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1916, and died at No. 2 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station 4 Nov. 1917, from wounds received in action at Passchendaele. Buried in the Military Cemett-ry, Lyssenthoek. A Sergt. wrote: "His loss is keenly felt hy all who knew him, as he had endeared himself to all under him by bis kindly interest and lonsideration ; I had the iionour to be his jimior sergeant, and to me the loss is a very personal one." Cnm. Philip Dicker. Thomas Alfred Dickerson. , Private. No. 5874. Ist Hattn. fli. Hirle Hrigade ; s.-rved with Forei- in France ; killed 26 Anu'. 1914. DICKER, PHILIP. l..-Corpl., No. 31683, 1st Hattn. (32nd Foot) The Duke Of CornwalFs l,i'_'hl hitantry. s. of William (h'orge Dicker, ui London House. Beacninster. co. Dorset, b\ hiv wife. Laura Charlotte, dau. of William Salisbury ('ox ; b. Bridport, co. Dorset, 3 May. 1889 ; educ. Beaminster (Jrammar Sehool ; was a Draper's .\ssistant ; enlisted 4 April, 1916; served with tlie Kxpeditiimary Force in l-'rance ami I'lanrlers from 19 July following, and died at Xo. 2 Canadian ( asualty Cli-arinu Station 8 .Nov. 1917. from wound's n-ei-ived in action north ol the :\li-uin-Ypres Koad. Kuried in the hyssmtlitiek Military Cemetery ; tinm. DICKERSON, THOMAS ALFRED, Pri- vate, No. 2.'>893. 10th (Service) Itattn. The Queen's Own (Royal West Surrev Kegt.), «. of Joseph William Dickerson, of 23, Hill Side tirove. Soutligate. X.. hy liis wife, Kllen Anru* ; h. SimthgaU', London. X.. 5 April, 1899; educ. there; was a liutcher's A.ssistant ; enlisted (1 May, 1917 ; .served with the Kxpedi- tionary Force in Fratu-e fr(un ;J0 March, and was killed in action near Po|»Tinghe 18 April, 1918. He /n. at Kdruoiiton. Crace Kdith (.J. Walton Terrace. Tottenhall Kr.a.l. Palmer's iini-ti, X.). dau. of .lohn lOdward Burrows, and liad a son, John AUrcd, 0. 10 Jan. 1918. DICKINS, W. A., L. -Corpl., No. 8838, 2nd Battn. The South Kanca-shire Kegt. ; served with the ICxpeditionarv Force in France killed in action 20 Sei.t."l914. DICKINSON, H., Private. No. 6396. Ist Battn. The South Wales Bordcrer.1 ; served witli the Kxijcditionarv Force in France; killed 26 Sept. 1914. DICKINSON, JOHN EDWARD, Private. No. H772. 2nd Hattn, Scot, (iuards. 3rd «. of the late Paul Dickinson, Carter, by his wife, Margaret (57, Back Lane, West Derby Village), dau. of James Swift ; b. West Derby. 26 March, 1890 ; educ. National Schools there ; was a (iardener ; served four years in the 8th (Irish) liattn. The King's (Liverpool Kegt.) (T.F.) ; enlisted in the Scots Guards 11 Xov. 1913 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in I''rance and Flanders from 28 Sept. 1914 ; took part in the Battles of Yprcs. Neuvu Chapi'ile. Fistubert. and Loos, including the ligliting at Hill 70 and the attack on the Holieiizollern lledoubt, and was killed In action 10 Feb. 1916. Buried on the battle- tield ; inim. DICKINSON, WILLIAM VICRIS, CoL, C.M,(;,, A.A.(.;., 2nd Battn. ((i9Hi Fo(»t ) The Welsli Kegt., s-. of tlu' late Cot. John Douglas DicUin.son, Hoyal Fusiliers; b. (JIauhonddu, CO. Brecon. 28 April. 1856 ; educ. Cheltenham, and the Royal Military College, Sandhurst ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 1897 ; promoted Lieut., Capt. 1882. Major 1H92. and Lieut.-Col. 1902; retired in March, 1906; on the out- break of war in Aug. 1914, was appointed A.A.ti. at G.H.Q. in France, an(i died at Uoiien 28 Oct. 1917, from illness contracted wliile on active service. Buried then-. General Graham wrote: "Your husband ha(J worked so devotedly and loyally for me ever .since this war began, and I was hoping that in the New Y'ear's Honours (iazetti- ho would have seen how nmch I appreciated his services." CoL Gougii : " He stood alone and above everybody I'Isc in the atfection of all who came in contact with him. In the hustle anil hurr>' of otlicial business, friction and bicUrriiigs must have thi-ir platre. but with him it was iiU|iossible. There was no one who ever had a fault to lind with him and his methods; he wivs straight and sympathetic, and a real friend to all." and another otiicer : " The Colonel Wiis to me like my own father (whose guidance I lu-ver enioyed. being only seven years old at liis death), and his loving and smiling i)ersona!ity endeared him to me, ami, in fact, to t^viTyone of us here. I shaU miss my much revered ' frieufi ' in a way thfit is iinjiossible for me to express. TIktc is the if it can be called such, that he fell in his battle harness, serving his land, the personili;u mission, No. 14727. 12tl) fSiTvici-) liattu. The Iloyal Scot^ (Lotliian llcgt.), yr. «. of John Dickson, of 42, Cornhill Street,' Spriugburn, Glasgow, Slater and Plasterer, by his wife, Agnes Aitkini, dau. of John Day ; b. Glasgow, 31 Jan. 1887 ; cduc. Albert School, Springburn. Glasgow ; enlisted 6 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expe- ditionary Force in France and Flanders ; took part in the operations of Loos, where he was wounded and sent to Scotland on sick leave ; on his recovery rejoined his regiment, and died 29 Dec. 1910. of wounds received in action at Arras. Buried in St. Hiliares Ceme- tery, Fr6vent. His Chaplain wrote: "You have every reason to be proud of the si T\i<'' and the sacrifice of your boy. Sergt. i)ii k-nn was a splendid type of man — ' an N i u after my own heart,' as his Coy. Sergt. -Major said to me after liis death, and, 1 would add. ■ a man after my own heart." He was a good soldier and a most popular N.C.O . He is greatly missed in his company. In all like- lihood, in the course of a few weeks he would Unm. DICKSON. WILLIAM, Private, No. 202320, M/2, 962 Mechanical Transport Coy., Army Si-rvice Corps, 3ni v. of the late John Dickson, by his wife, Mary ill.,-io:jlii.-, of The Lodge, Southfleld Road, East- bourur. iati- Judge of the Native Courts in Cairo. Kiiyi't, by his wife, Julia, dau. of the late .Viimistus Agelasto ; and brother to Lieut. i^^-i^^^^. -^' ]''"""""l"^' {q-v.)\ b. Cairo, 20 Nov. 1805; ^^^^^^^ -due. SuiiiNKTfieids. Oxford : Kton. and the ■ '.^^^^^k Koval Military College, Sandhurst; was ^.idaHH^F Lzazrtl.d 2nd Lieut. 20' Feb. 1915. and pro- — '-^^^^ iimtrd Lieut. 1 Jan. 1910; served with the lixpeditionary Force in France and Flanders ^ _ from 1 May. 1915 ; took part in the opera- •^•^ " tions at Festubert ; in the autumn offensive -^ Dt 1915, at Y'pres ; in the fighting on the Somme. and was killed in action at Ginchy 15 Sept. 1910, while leading a company of his regiment in the Guards' attack at the Battle of the Sonmie ; he was shouting " Give it them, No. 1," when a shell exploded at his feet. Burled at Ginchy. The Colonel com- manding the Coldstream Guards wrote : " No liigliiT tribute to his exceptional qualities as an otlUer could have been i)aid than the selec- tion of one so young for such a very n'sponsible The regiment is a lieavy loser in tliat he was not spared to enjoy tlie position. honour Jonger ... he was loved by his brother officers for liis charming i souality and appreciated by his senior officers for liis gallantry and professional capabilities," and a brother ofticer : " In the regiment he was looked on as the best soldier of the young officers." He was a member of the Guards' Club and of the Vikings Club ; unm. DILLON, A., Privat-e, No. 8490, 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt. : servrd with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. DILLON, J., Private, No. 9472. 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 29 Sept. 1910. Edward Dimmock. Francis Robert Dimond. DILLWORTH, G. A., Private. No. 10243, 2nd BattD. The Worcestershire Regt. servid with the lOxpeditionary Force in France; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. DIMMOCK, EDWARD, Private, No. 848^ l^t Battn. (50th Foot) The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), s. of Jonathan Charles Dimmock, of 7, Jierthon Street. I>ei)t- ford, S.E., Coal Porter, by Ida wife, Sophie, dau. of Charles Henry Mann ; b. Greenwich^ 8 Oct. 1877 ; educ. there ; was a Stevedore ; joined the 3rd (Reserve) Battn. Th;.- West Kent Militia in 1893 ; served 18 niontlis at Malta ; was awarded the Mediterranean Medal 1 90 1 , and obtained his discimrgo 29 ilay 1903; re-enlisted 15 Sept. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and l-'landers, and was killed in action during the operations at Hill 60 18 April. 1915. He m. at Gmnwich, Nov. 1902. Sarah Ellen (8, I Vinrtih'.ialf Road, Greenwich. S.E.), dau. of -lanics Edward Wood. DIMOND, FRANCIS ROBERT, Lieut., I7th (Service) Battn. The King's (Liv.-rpooi Regt.), only *■. of Francis Dimond. of Tully House, Lenamore, Edgeworthstown. co. I^ong- ford, J. P., by his wife, Lizzie, dau. of Robert Cami)bell ; b. Tully Housi-, Lenamore, 19 Nov. 1895 ; educ. at Mountjoy School, Dublin, where he gained the First Science E.vhibition. Senior Grade, of the Irish Intermediate Educa- tion Board Examinations, and First Class Entrance Exhibition to Trinity College, Dublin ; joined the O.T.C, in 1914. and obtained his commission in March, 1915 ; served witii the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 191C ; wa.s sent to England in May, having been injured by a grenade, but he returned to his regiment iu France in Dec. following, and was killed in action while leading bis companv against the German trencher 31 July. 1917, His Colonel wrote : " His death is" a very great loss to tlie battalion, in which he was so universally popular. His courage and cheer- fulness and good work was an inspiration to all around liim. and I cannot tell you how nmch his loss is felt by all ranks," and liis Captain : " I cannot speak too highly of your son's gallant conduct during the whole time he has been with this battalion. He always set a smiling example of courage and cheerfulness, and endeared liimself to all liis brother officers, while (he men were devoted to him." Unm. DINGLEY, ALFRED CLAUDE, Capt., 7th (Service) Battn. The Prince of Wales's (North Staffordshire Kegt.), s. of Alfred Dingley, of Avondaie. Welford. near Stratford-on-Avon, by his wife, Maude Mary, dau. of William Jackson ; 6. Birmingham, 25 May, 1890 ; educ. Hornby's College, Handsworth, and King Edward VI. Grammar School, Aston ; was a member of the Birmingham University O.T.C. ; obtained a commission in March, 1915 ; served with lUs ri-giraent in Gallipoli ; took part in the operations at Suvia Bay and Cape Helles ; proceeded to Mesopotamia, where he took part in the Relief of Kut, and was killed in action in an attack at Beit Ailessa 19 April. 1910. Buried there. lirigadier-General Andrus wrote : " He did excellent work in the field up to t'.ie day of his death, and I do not think I have seen more originality and resource in any young officer of his years. He made a fine personal reconnaissance into the Turkish lines on 17 April, and brought the General the exact uiformatiou he required. He w;is wounded in the neck that night, but would not consider it a wound at all, and remained on duty. On the early morning of the 19th he commanded the right half of the battalion in the attack on the Turkish main Hue ; the left half of tlic battalion was under me at another part of the line. Your son went most gallantly on, setting the greatest example to liis men until he fell dead, shot through the forehead in front of the Turkish trenches. His body could not be brought in, but afterwards, when the advance took place, all our dead were buried. I brought his name before the General ; but, as a matter of fact, the General knew all about him. In the field I have not met an officer of his age and comparative inexperience who had so much natural ability and dash," and General Sir Stanl. y Mamie : " His loss is a very serious one to us all, for he was a brave ami cai-ahle officer." He was twice mentioned in Despatches by General Sir Charlis Munro and once by General Sir Percy Lake. lor gallant and distinguished service in the field ; U}im. DIPLOCK, HORACE REGINALD, M.M.. Sergt., No. 9685, 2nd Battn. (107th Foot) The Royal Sussex Regt., yst. *. of Alfred Diplock. of 8. Connaught Road, Hove, Retired Draper, by his wife. Annie, dau. of the late Daniel Tove, of Brigliton ; b. Hove, co. Sussex, 3 Jan. 1894 ; educ. Connaught Road Higher Grade Schools there; enlisted in April, 1911; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 8 Sept. 1917. Buried on the north bank of Y'pres Canal, near the bridge entering the town on the north- west side. Lieut. -Col. Walker wrote : " His death is a very great loss to the battalion, in which he was held in great respect, always displaying a fine example of courage and cheerfulness," and another officer : " We shall miss this fine sergeant. He was beloved by all and respected by r\ery man who served under him. I cannot speak too highly of liis devotion to dutv and his splendid loyalty." He was awarded the Military Medal [London Gazette, 20 Julv. 19171, for gallantry and devotion to duty in the field near Zillebeke ; nnm. DIPLOCK, T., Coy. Quartermaster-Sergt.. No. 080S. 2ud Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt. ; ser\ ed with the Expeditionarv Force in JYance ; died of wounds 8 Oct. 1914. DISNEY, EDWARD OGLE, Lieut.-Com- mander. Royal Navy, only .«. of George William Disiuy, V.D., .Member IrishCivil Engineers, and Major (retired) Behar Light Horse, by liis wife, Cora .\nnie, dau. of the late George Henry Faulkmr; b. Muzaffarpur. Behar. India. 17 Dec. 1880 : educ. Cheltenham College, and H.M.S., Britannia, which he joined in Sept. 1901. passing out high up in the list in Dec. 1902. He was a Midshipman on H. M.S. Russell and firsts on passing out of the Royal Naval College. Greenwich, and then specialized in gunn tv, taking his courses at Whale Island and Chatham ; served as Lieut, oa Edward Ogle Disney. H.^LS. (Jueen in the Mediterranean Squadron; obtained five 80 The Roll of Honour Samuel Eric Ditchfleld. H.M.S. Mov, |l.>!.s. Ooaii ;uul H.M.S. FonnidaUl*-. ;t> tiuiuurv l,uut. on H.M.S. Dom-jal aiul H.M.S. Wtwlwieh ; w:i:? ap|>oinied to H.M.S. Art'thu.s;i Ih'v. llH4; took iKirt in tin- naval oiwrdtions of 25 Doc. l«JU. and tlu- Do^iv'er Bank titfht 24 Jan. 1'.»15 : assUlrd in the sinkini: ol the Umnaii annound cnii^er ItliW-lifi auil tin- n-scue of tht^ >nrvivors of lu-r cn-w. was lost ovcrltoard H.M.S. Arethu.-ui 4 Jan. HHti. while on active .service in the North S«'a. (.'oinniander Tyrwiiitt wrote : " He was an excellent ollio^r and so keen on his work and so prond of his ^uns. He is a great los.^ to the ship and H.M. sor\ia'. I f»el I have lost a aood friend, and I know the Servic*' luis lost a sotMl officer." and his Commanding: Officer : " Hio loss has cast a siloom over the ship, in which he was deservedly i>opiilar amoni^st all rauks^a tfood and fiarli-ss officer, who lost his life in the service of his country, tlian wliieh no U-tter way exists." At school he won several prizes for gymnastics and was a brilliant foothall player: mtm. DITCHFIELD, SAMUEL ERIC, 2nd I.ieut.. 4th (Torritorial) Battn. The Kings Own Swttish Borden^rs. *. of Percy Ditchfiold. of Thorn Lea. Menston- in-\VliarfedaIe, by his wife, Aliiv Barlow, dan. of Samuel H. Xeedliam, of Man- che.iter : It, Moston. near Manchester. 14 July, 1895; educ. llkley tirammar School: was ■ ngaged on the statT of thf Scottish Widows' Fund Assurance Society in Leeds ; joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. 3 Nov. 1016; obtained ;« commission 4 >lay. 1917 : underwent training at Berkhamsted. ro. Herts: joined his battalion at Catterick Bridge. Kiehmond. 1 o. York, and then served with the Kxpedi- r ionary Force in Franci^ and Flanders attached ro the" 7 8th Battn. The King's Own Scotttli r.ordenrs. and was kilted in action near the l-n'Zenberg Redoubt on the Vjires front ;il .Inly. 1917. An officvr wrotv from Berk- IianistiHi : " Thougli he was not in my platoon liere. I got to know him well, as he was one of my chief helpers in the production of the ■ Elancroft Magazine.' I shall always remem- Iht liis gn-at keenness and unselfishness in that w(trk. and. indeed, in evcrnhing he took up when he was here. He was one of our In-st cadets, and the Army can ill alford to lose him," and hi.- ( omntauding Officer: " He had not bei-n with vis very long, but he wa.s so keen on \ih< work and <4uick. and a most promisinij otficer. that we are all deeply grievi-d with his loss. He died gallantly, going forward with his men. Please acce]>t our sincere sympathy in the great loss you liave s»L'o. OiiSO. 2nd Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt. ; served with the Ex iHdit ionary Force in France : killed in action 2'i Oct. 1014. DIXON, A., Private. Xo. 792;J, The Black Watch ; served with the Exi>editionary F«^rce in France ; died of wounds 22 Sept. 1014. DIXON, C, Private. N'o. 8122, 1st Battn. The E;ist Lancaslure Regt. ; served with the Exi>edit ionary Force in France; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. DIXON, CARL PENROSE. 2nd Lieut.. Royal Fl\ing Corps, only s. of the Rev. Charles Enu-st Dixon, of St. (Jeorge's Vicarage, Barnsley. co. York. Vicar; b. 5 Aug. 1898 ; edue. at Halifax Grammar School : was apprenticed to Carrier Car Comp;»ny, Hudderstield : enlisted in the .Motor Transport in Aug. 1916 ; gazetted 2nd I-ieut. Royal Flying Corps July 1917, going overseas on 6 Oct. 1917, and di»^ at No. 12 Casualty Clearing Station on the 25th of that month, from woimds retvivi-d in action on the 21st, when he was engaged in artiller>' observation work. Buried in the Military Cemetery, ilendinghem. An officer wrote : ** One of the bravi^st and most skilful pilots ever joined our siinadron." and the Cliaplain : " .\s patient in pain as he w;is brave in action." Citm. DIXON, CHARLES JOHN (IAN). 2nd Lieut.. Otli (Territorial) Battn. The buriiam Light Infantry, only *. of the late Charles Rochester IMxon. of Jesmond, Neweastle-on-Tyue, by his late wife, Mary Lsiitxlla (Sissie). dau. of the late J. W. B. Anderson, of Morpeth, Xorthumherland : b. Jesmond afore->;iid. 8 April. 1898 ; educ. at Margate ; St. Bet^. Cumlxrland. and deciding to take up nuisic as a proft-ssion. entered the Royal College of Music. London : joined the ihirliam Volunteer O T.C. on his eighteenth birthday; trausierr.Hl to the Cadet Corp^ in Jan. 1917. being gazetted 2nd Lieut. Durham Light Infantry 8 May : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 1 June following, and was killed in action near Arras on the 22nd. Buried at Wancourt ; unm. DIXON, R., Private, Xo. 6039. 1st Battn. The Somersetshire Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action Sept. 1914. DIXON, SAM, Private, Xo. 202925, 4th (Territorial) Battn. The East I-an- ciishire Regt.. t. of the late .John Dixon ; 6. Colne, co. I-ancaster. 18 Dec. 1897 ; educ. West Street Council School there ; joined the East T,ancashtres in Aug. 1915 : ser^i-d with the Exi>editionary Force in France and Flanders, and died at Wimerenx 18 Oet. 1917, from w"ounds received in action. Bnriid in the cemet*-ry at Winicreux : num. DOBBS, FREDERICK JOHN, I*rivate. Xo. 241057. 1,8th (Territorial) Battn. The Duke of Cambridge's Owii (Middlesex Regt.1. only child of John Alexander Dobbs. nf ~0o. Sportsbank Street. Catiord. l.on-. His Lieut, wrote : "' He has been with us some t ime, and his record bears its own t<-stimony of liis steady devotion to duty. His previous experience made him invaluable in all •■mergencits." Ctiin. DOBBS, GEORGE ERIC BURROUGHS, Lieut .-Colonel, Royal Engineers, 2nd sur\ . *.. of Joseph Dobbs. of The Chalet, Temple Road, Dublin. J. P., by his wife, Mary Agusta, dau. of William Hartc, C.E. b. Castlecomer, co. Kilkenny. Frederick John Dobbs. 21 Jul>. ISS\ : educ. St. Stephen's Green ScIhm)!, Dublin. ;ind Shrewsbury; was gazetted 2nii Lieut. 1!HM : served in South Wales, Devon. Singapore and Ijnieriek : on the outbreak of war served with the Exix-ditionary Force in France and Flanders ; promot«*d C-apl. in 1014, Brev<'t Major in 1015. and Temp. I.ieut. -Colonel Xov. 1016 ; was ap]>ointcd to be Assistant Director of Signal with a cor|>s. and died of wounds in a casualty clearing station 17 June. 1017. having been hit by a shell whilst returning from prospecting a new cable tnnch in the front line. Buried at Fop May, 1017) by F.M. Sir Douglas Haig, for gallant and distinguished service in the field. He was a well-known Rugby football player, and jilayed for England in l*»05-6 ai-ainst Wales and Ireland; ittim. DOBBYN. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS NELSON, 2nd Lient., 22nd (Service) Battn. The l^ncashire Fusiliers, eldest x. of William Alexander Dobbyn, of Biverdale. Waterford. Clerk of the Crown and Peace for the County and City of Waterford. by his wife, Eleannr .\delaide, onlv dau. of .Alexander Xelson, of Waterford. J.l'.. D.I..; 6.9 June. 1806; .-due. High SehiM)l, Waterford ; Monkton Cuml)e, near Rath, and Trinity College, Dublin, where he was studying for the Bar when war broke (Hit; obtained a commission in Kith Battn. The King's (Liverpool Regt.) 20 Oct. 1015; transferred to the Lancashire Fusiliers in June. 1916; served with the Kxin-ditionary Force in France and Flanders from 14 July following, and was accidentally killed at Beau- val 4 Jan. 1017. by the bursting of a Mills' gnuailc in the hand of one of liis men. wiiile iii-lrnrtinc a bombing class. Ituried ii Konncville Communal Cemet^'ry, near Amieii: . Lieut. -Col. H. G. HarrL-ion wTOte : " Yonr son came to my notic-e as one of the smart^-st ani b«'st of officers both in work and play," and his Company Conmiander, Caitt. E. B". Lord : William A. N. Dobbyn. •' He was in my con»pany (2) for a month or so before he went on to Headquarters, and his bright and stmny nature endeared him to all. He was irrepressibly merry even in the most dreary nmments. ami acted like a tonic to us all." Capt and .\djutant Frank A. Boyton also wrote : *' I had known your son during the whole of his time with the battalion, and looked upon him as a most puinstakini; and ])romising oltii*er. Had he lived he would. I feel sure, have ju-tified my lulief in liim. . . -. If it is any consolation for you to know, your son always showed gnat courage and coolness when in the trenches N-fore the enemy," and the Chaplain, tile Rev. R. French : '* He was instructing a class in bombing tliis morning when there was a premature explosion, and a ]>iece of the bomb pierced his heart, killing him instantaneously, 1 can hardly realize yet that it is true : he was always so cheery and bright and full of life, and left everyone the liappier for having met him." Cum. DOCKER, G., Private. X*o. 12164. :ird Battn. The Worcestershin- Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; dit:d of wounds 29 Oct. 1014. DOCKER, RUPERT ELEY, Private. Xo. 7258. 2nd Regt., South African Infantry, elder ■>. oi IMwin Docker, of Crossways. Cliipstead, co. Surrey, M.A. (Canib.). Schoolmaster, by his wife. Delia Louise, dau. of the late John Cliarles Eley ; b. Kin2ston-on-Thames. 11 Jan. 1802 ; educ. Kingston Grammar School ; weiit to South Africa in .May. 1912. where he took up Farming in the Transvaal; volunteered for service after the outbreak of war in Aug. 1014 : ser\ed as a Trooper with (ieneral Botha in the German West African Exp4dition ; joined the South African Infantry in 1915 ; served with the Kxp^^ditionary Force in France and Flanders from Dee. 1915 ; was wounded in Oct. 1016. and was killed in action at Fampoux 12 April, 1917 : nnm. DODD, CECIL, Private. Xo. 45943. 1st Battn. <22nd Foot) The Ch.-sliire Regt., 2nd «. of Samuel Dodd. of Ilnxmihill. Barrow, CO. Chester, Farm I^lKturer, by lus wife, Annie, dau. of Charles Hibbert ; and brother to Private Harold Dodd (q.i\) ; b. Barrow, near Chester, 14 Doc. 1896 ; educ. Public School there ; was a Lalmnrer ; enlisted 15 Sept. 1016 ; served with the Exp**ditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1017. and was killeil in action while crossing over the ridge from the trenches 14 April following : num. DODD, H. W.. L.-Corpl., Xo. 6632, 2nd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1014. DODD, HAROLD, Private. Xo. :J7080. 1st r.atTii. (4;»th Foot) Princess Charlotte of Waliss (Royal Berksliire Regt.), eldest «. of Sanmel Dodd, of Broomhill. co. Chester, Farm Labourer, bv his wife. Auuie. dan. of Cliarles Hibbert: and brother to Cecil Dodd (/j.r.) ; b. Broomhill. liarrow. co. Chester. 2-i Aug. 1895 ; educ. there : was a Farm Labourer ; enlisted in Xov. 1014 : served with the Kx|M-dit ionary Force in France and Flanders from Aug. 1016, and was killed in action 17 AuL'. 1017. Buried in Beuvry Cemetery Kxtciision, near Bfthum- : num. DODD. WILLIAM THOMAS, L.-Corpl., l;ith (Service) Battn. The Cheshire Regt., 2nd s. of William Andrew Doy. 24 5Iay, 1898, Ann Thorp, dau. of Cliarhs William Thurlow, and Iiad nine eluldren : Jona5 Albert, b. 1 June. 1903 : Cliarli^ WiLUam, b 2 \uf 1906 ; George Cecil, b. 8 Sept. 1907 : Jack, 6. 5 Sept. 1909 : Gladvs Edith' 6. 31 Jan. 1900 : Clurlotte Ellen, b. 7 Aug. 1901 ; Bertha Ann, b. 7 Aug. 1904 • Clara, b. i Feb. 1912. and Beatrice Mary, b. 23 April, 1914. DOIG, JAAfES CROW, Private, Xo. 278577, 7th (Territorial) Battn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), 3rd s. o( David Doig. of Smollett Street, Ale.vandria. co. Dumbarton, Saddler, by liis wife, Marv, dau. of William Crow; 6. Lenno-xtown. Campsie, Glasgow, 26 Oct. 1886; educ. Public School there ; wa.s employed in the firm of the Singer Sewing Macliine Manufacturers : joined the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 10 July, 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 25 Dec. following, and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 2:5 April, 1917 ; unm. DONALD, JAMES, Private, Xo. 40559, 9th (Service) Battn. (Pioneers) Sea- forth Highlanders (Ross-sliire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's), eldest «. of James Donald, of 101. Elder Park Street, Govan. by his wife, Marion, dau. of Daniel Hargreaves ; b. Govan. co. Lanark, 25 July, 1897 : educ. Hylton Boad School. Sunderland, and Govan High School ; was apprenticed as an Engineer : enlisted in the Seaforth Highlanders 13 April. 1915 : served with the Expeditionarv- Force in France from 28 July. 1916, and died at No. 21 Casualtv Clearing Hospital 29 Dec. 1917, of wounds received in action on the 20th. Buried in Itocquigny Koad District Cemetery, north-east of Peronne. Second Lieut. MacDougail wrote : " He was a good soldier, and was well liked by his olficers and by^all who knew liim." Umn. DONALDSON, ALEXANDER, Private. So. 28229, 3rd (Heserve) Battn. The King's Own Scottish Borderers, «. of Alexander Donaldson, of High Street, Errol, CO. Perth, Gardener, by his wife, Isabella, dau. of Tliomas Huggart ; 6. Errol, 15 Feb. 1887 ; educ. there ; was emploved at Parkhrad Forge ; enlisted 1 Feb. 1917. and died at Cragleith Military Hospital, Edinburgh, 23 March, 1917, of acute septic pneumonia, contracted wliile on service. He m. at Perth, 4 June. 1909, Margaret (19, Main Street. Shettleston), dau. of the late Peter Dalgaims, and had four children : .\lexander. b. 20 Sept. 1912 ; Isabella, 6. 4 June, 1910 • Margaret, b. 20 Dec. 1914, and Eobina, 6. 15 Feb. 1917. DONKERSLOOT, E., L.-Corpl., Xo. 6973. 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire Hegt. ; ;;erved with the Expeditionarj- Force in France ; killed in action 22 Oct. 1914. DON'NELLY, P., Private, Xo. 9199. The Lancashire Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 30 Oct. 1914. DONNELLY, T., Private, Xo. 8220, 2nd Battn. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Aug. 1914. DONNELLY, W., Private, Xo. 8374, The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 17 Sept. 1914. DONOVAN, DANIEL, Private, Xo. 240813, 8th (Service) Battn. The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regt.), s. of John Donovan, of 135. Alma Place. Sunbury, co. Middlesex, by his wife, Martha Ann, dau. of William Geary ; 6^ Sunbury, co. Middlesex, 13 Sept. 1894; educ. St.' Ignatius R.C. School there; enlisted" 28 Sept. 1914 ; served in Egj-pt and German East Africi ; proceeded to France 6 May. 1916 ; was wounded 15 Sept. following, and was killed at Guemappe, five miles east of Arras, 4 May, 1917. Buried in the British Cemetery at Guemappe ; unm. DONOVAN, F. G., Private, Xo. 11030, 2nd Battn. The Welsh Kcgt. ; served with the Exjpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 27 Sept. 1914. DONOVAN, T., Corpl., Xo. 7501, 1st Battn. The Xorfolk Regt. ; served with the Exjieditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 8 Xov. 1914. DONOVAN, W., Private, Xo. 7631, Ist Battn. The Devonshire Regt. ; served with the Exfieditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 22 Sept. 19i4. DOOLEY, E., Private, Xo. 7053, 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps; served with the E.xpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14-17 Sept. 1914. DOOLEY, W., Private, Xo. 8680, 1st Battn. The Somersetshire Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Aug. 1914.' DORAN, A., Corpl., Xo. 7451, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 18 Sept. 1914. DORNAN, R., Private, Xo. 7989, 2nd Battn. The Royal Inniskilling Fa=iliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 20 Oct. 1914. DORSEY, J., Private, Xo. 7502. 1st Battn. The North Staffordshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. - DORSEY, T., Private. Xo. 7403. 1st Battn. The King's (Liverpool Regt.) ; serv-ed with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. DOSWELL, C. E., Private, Xo. 11085, 1st Battn. Tlie South Wales Borderers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 3 Xov. 1914. DOUBLEDAY, A. C. G., Private, Xo. 8462, 1st. Battn. The Gordon High- landers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 15 Oct. 1914. DOUGHTY, H., Private. Xo. 619. 15th Hussars : served »ith the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. DOUGHTY, H., Private, Xo. 7335, The Lincolnshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Oct. 1914. DOUGLAS. DONALD GORDON, Sergt., South .\frican Scottish Regt., ». of the late Kichurd Mau'eiiis Douglas, J. P., by his wife. Julie (.\shby House, Hornsea, co. York >. dau. of James Bonorandi ; b. Port Ballautrae, co. .\utrim, 21 May, 1886 ; educ. ^loravian School. Bally- mena, and Foyle College. Londonderry ; enlisted in 1901 ; served in the South .\frican War 1899-1902 (Queen's Jledal with two cLasps) ; took part in the Xatal and Zulu Rebel- lions (Medal and clasp) : served in the (ierman West .African Campaign 1914, and afterwards re- turned to England ; underwent further train- ing at Borden Camp ; was sent to Eg\-pt in 1915. and later to Franci^, where he took part in the Delville Wood engagement in May, 1916, and was killed in action near Zonnel>eke 20 Sept. 1917. Buried there. His Commanding Officer wrote : " It is my painful duty to advise you that your son was fatally wounded at m\- side this morning (20 Sept.). He fell to a sniper's bullet when the position was captured and victory complete for the moment. Your son was my right ami in the taking of the objective that felf to the lot of my platoon. A moment or so previoiL-^ly I liad" a mar- vellous escape myself, being struck by a It was your son's great boldness and bravery before we had brought him into safety. Your son was buried in the neigh- bourhood of the 'strong jioint.' and a cross put up bearing liis name and that of his regiment. Killed in action. I wTJte vou with a full heart ; vour son was a brave and great-hearted man. I feel" his loss verv much indeed ; he came into action as Platoon Sergt.. being there to take charge in case of me falling. Sixteen men and myself were all that came out of that action, and all these wish me to express their sincere sjmpathv with you in your bereavement." Cnm. DOUGLAS, E., Private, Xo. 9873. 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Eegt. served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 34 Oct. 1914. DOUGLAS, G., Private. Xo. 7723, 2nd Battn. The Roval InniskilUng Fusiliers ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed 20 Oct. 1914. DOUGLAS, H., Private, Xo. 8823. 2nd Battn. The Roval Irish Rifies : served with the Ex[K-ditiouary Force in France ; killed in action 19 Sept. 1914. DOUGL-^S, H., Private, X"o. 10225. 2nd Battn. The King's Own Scottish Border's; t rved with the Expeditionarv Force in France;" killed in action 13 O... lJi4. DOUGLAS, JOHN, MM., Corpl., Xo 331371, 9th (Territorial) Battn. (Glasgow Highlanders) The Highland Light Imantrv. eldest «. of the late John Donglas. Shij*- Master, by his wife, Mary Reid (Lvle Road. Greenock), dau, of the late David Walker, of Glasgow, Sugar Merchant ; 6, Gourock, 14 May, 1896 : educ. Gourock Senior Ontral School, and had completed his apprenticeship- in the Kirkcudbrightshire (Merchant Service) r enlisted 15 May, 1915 ; served with the Exix-ditionary Force in France and Flanders- from 11 Oct. 1915: was wounded 16 July. 1;116, and invalided home: returned to France 31 Dec, and was killed in action near .\rras 27 May, 1917. Bnried south-east 6i ,\rras. He was awarded the Military Medal for bravery when, with Ids officer, he captured a machine gun by killing the team. He was then promoted L.-Corpl. .' and given charge of a Lewis gun ; unm. Thomas Dou-^las. Donald Gjrdon Douiilas. John Douglas. DOUGLAS, THO>L\S, Gunner, Xo. 135318, Royal Garrison .\rtillery, «. of the late Robert Douglas, of Rynd, Dunfermline, co. Fife. Coachman ; b. R>-nd aforesaid, 29 .\ug. 1884 ; educ. Crailing. near Jedburgh ; was a Gar- dener employed by Capt. T. H. B. Horie. Drumgeith House, near Dundee ; enlisted 23 Dec. 1916 ; served with the Exi«-ditionarv Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Ypres 25 Sept. 1917, bv a shell while on duty. Buried in Bard' Cottage Cemetery, north-nest of Ypres. He m. at St. -Andrews, co. Fife. 16 Jan. 1915. Margaret yst. dan. of Jolm Ross, of 12, St. Marv-j Street, St. Andrews, and had a son, John Robert, b. 7 June, 1916. DOUGLAS, THOMAS W1LHA.M STEW- -\RT, Private. Xo. 865S1. JIachine Gun Corjis, 23d i. of James Douglas, of MilneBeld Cottage, Elgin. Carter, by iiis wife. Eliza Anne, dau. of John Stewart, of Elgin : b. Bishop Mill. Elgin, 2 June, 1897 ; educ. there, and at .\dvie. Strathspey: was emploved as a Fire- man with the Highland Railway .Company ; enlisted 24 Xov, 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action durin" the advance on Lens 21 June, 1917 ; unm. DOUGLAS, WILLIA.M, Private, Xo. 11571, 2nd Battn. (73rd Foot) The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), g. of Thomas Douglas, of Chesters, Southdean by his wife, .\gnes Wilson, dau. of William OUver : b. .Ashtrees. co. Roxborough! 16 June, 189 ( ; educ, Southdean Public School ; w-as a Gamekeeper at Black- adder ; enlisted in the Black Watch 20 Sept. 1915 : served with the Indian Expe- ditionary Force in Mesopotamia from May, 1916, and died at Bagdad 14 Dec. 1917, of malarial fever, contracted while on active service. Buried at Bagdad ; tinm. ^ DOVEN-ER, CYRIL HAWKESWORTH. Private. Xo. 235839, 9th (Service) Battn. ( York- shire Hussars) The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorksliire Regt.). eldest «. of George Henry Dovener. of 12. Chestnut Villas, Head- iogley, Leeds, by his wife, Kate, dau. oi WilUam Hankswell. of Far^lev : 6. Headingley. 23 Dec. 1893 : educ. The " I.eeds Grammar School, and Western College. Harrogate ; was a Motor Engineer ; enlisted in 1912 ; trans- ferred to the West Yorkshire Regt. : served with the Expeditionary- Force in France and Flanders from 1915 : was wounded at Poel- cappelle 9 Oct. 1917, and dii-d on the 30th- Buried in St. Severs Cemeterv, Rouen. His Commanding Olflcer wrote ; " He liad been in 'A' Squadron since mobilization, and was a capital man to liave with one in a tight comer, I am very glad to be able to tell you that he is reported as having brought back several woimded men, quite regardless of danger, l^efore he was liimself hit, which would be tvpical of liim." Cnm. DOVER, JOHN PERCY NEWTON, Trooper, Xo. -205335, Roval Bucks Hussars, oiiy ,. o. Join DDver. of Milton Ke\-nes. Xewport Pagnell bv his wife Blanche, dju. v: the lat^ Charles Xewton . b. Slilton Keynes, Newport' Pagnell. 13 Dec. lS;i J ; educ. Elston School. Bedford : was a Signalman ■ Ko.val Bucks Hussars 21 Sept. 1914: served with the "Egvptiai Egypt and Palestine from 1 Sept. 1915, and died at ■ rpm wounds received in action near Ascalon. Buried " ' ' unm. Cyiil Hawkesworth Dovener. bullet on the .steel helmet. .. . ^ „.„,„. that took him t/i the fat,il spot to reconnoitre the resistance so as to deal with it. He was struck in the stomach and died almost inmiediately, but not Buck: joined th' Expeditionarv Fore? Beersheba lo" Xov, 1917 n the Military Cemeiery, Beersheba pOVEY, H., Sergt., .No. 4037. R.F.A. : served with the Eipeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 24 Sept. 1914. DOWT>EN, J., Sapper, Xo. 20026, R,E. ; served with the Expeditionary Force m France : killed in action IS Sept, 1914. 82 The Roll of Honour John Middleton Downend. DOWLING, A. S., I'rivat.-, .No. 7739. The Wiltsliire Ht-jt. ; served with the lilxpeditionary I'owr in France ; died of wounds 13 Oct. 1914. i DOWLING, J. R., Privatf. Xo. 8fil6, l3t Itattn. The Lincolnshire Regt. ; seo'cd with Iht- Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds ."5 Oct. 1911. DOWN, GEORGE ARTHUR, Private. Xo. 202160. Ist Battn. (3rd Foot) The IJulTs (Eaat Kent Reist.), s. of Wilham Down, of 3. Pentlow Street, Putney, by Ids wife, Kmily Khzabetli. dau. of Elizabeth Hunter ; b. Putney. London, S^W.. 8 June, 1884 ; educ. St. Mary's Bo>-5' School there ; was a Painter : enlisted in Sept. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from April. 1917, and was killed in action 7 July followiu«;. He m. at Putney, 24 Marcli, 1913. Rose Ann (75, Festins Road. Putney. S.W.). dau. of Ann French, and had two dans. : Rosenuirif Emily, h. 2 April. 1914. and Lilian Marian, b. 20 Aug. 1915. DOWNEND, JOHN MIDDLETON, Capt., 120th (Ser\ice) Battn. The Xorthumberland Kusiliers, s. of the lat** Thomas Downend, Ironfounder ; b. Wombwell, co. York. 30 Sept- ^^^^M^^^K 18SS; educ. Barnslcy Grammar School, and ^^^^^^^i^^^ St. John's College, York; was Head Master ^^^^^^^s^H of Cross Hill Boys' School, Hemsworth. eo. ^^^5Pi*J^jW York ; joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. 26 i ^ W ' -\^U2. 1915 : gazetted 2nd Lieut. 24 April, iyi6: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following .lune, and was killed in action 24 Xov, 1917. Uuried in the British Cemetery. St Jlartin Calvaire. His Commanding Officer wrotp : ■* The loss to the battalion, both i\s a noldier aud companion, is irreparable. He knew no fear, he never failed in a sinjile duty. He was with me for a great part of 1 July, the first time lie had been under fire; he was splendid. His company had complete confidence in him, and they all loved him. Xt-ither the battalion nor myself will ever forget him." He m. at Wombwell, 20 Dec. 1913, Jane (1, High Street, Wombwell, near Barnsley), dau. of George HUes ; *./». DOWNES, H. W., Private. Xo. 10240. 1st Battn. The Bedfordshire Regt. : s*;rved with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 April, 1915. DOWNES, J., iiunncr. Xo. 68993, R.H.A. ; ser\ed with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died 26 Oct. 1914. DOWNEY, J. M., Private. N^o. 9626, 2nd Battn. The Durham Light Infantry ; ser\'td with the Exp(^ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 8 Oct. 1914. DOWNEY, SYDNEY JAMES LIVINGSTON. 2nd Lieut.. 14th (Service) Battn. Thf Royal Irish Rifles. 2nd x. of the late James Livingston Downey, J. P., Bank Manager, by his wife, Marion Louisa (7, Hampden Terrace, Rugby Road. Belfast), dau. of the late Rev. George Cron ; b. Belfast, 19 Xov. 1895; edm:. Methodist College there ; was employed by the Xorthern Assurance Com- pany ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 2 Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 15 June following, and was killed in action at Messines Ridge 7 June, 1917. Buried at Spanbrockmolen ; unm. DOWNHAM, G. A., Private, Xo. 10003, 2nd Battn. The Essex Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. DOWNIE, DUNCAN, CorpL, Xo. 204671, 9th (Territorial) Battn. (Glasgow Hiu'hlander.s) The Highland Light Infantr>-. attd. 2nd Battn. (21st Foot) The Royal Scots Fusiliers, eldest s. of Xeil Downie, of 36, Woodend Drive, Jordan- hill, Glasgow, by hLs wife, Janet, dau. of George Cunningham ; 6. Glasgow, 8 Jan. 1^7 : educ. Hermitage Higher Grade School. Helensburgh, co. Dum- barton ; was a partner in Downie -n Grove, Aberdi.-en. Shoemaker, by liis wife, Jane. dau. of Alexander Cruickshank : b. Arbroath, co. Forfar. 31 Jan. 1893 : educ. Gordon's School. Huntly, co. Aberdeen ; was a Law Apprentice with Messrs. A. June following, by a German shell, while ;i-!efp in his dug-out. Buried in the New Military Cemetery, Mailiy Maillet, near Albert. He m. at Xacklngton, co. Kent, 2 Aug. 1911, Sophia Kate (18. Gatacre Koad. Ipswich), dau, of Robert Aldous, of Ipswich, CO, Suffolk, and had a son, Eric Walter Thomas, b. 11 Sept. 1913. DRAKE. WILLIAM SAMUEL, Private, Xo. 5535. 7th (Service) Battn. Tlie Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regt.), ^. of the late Henry George Drake, Labourer, by his wife. Rebecca (24, St, Julian'-s Alley. Xorwich) ; b. Xorwich, co. Xorfolk. 29 Xov, 1891 ; educ. there ; was a Labourer ; enlisted 24 April, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Aug., and was killed in action during the Battle of the Somme 1 July, 1916 unm. DRAPER, HEDLEY, Sapper, Royal Engineers, s. of Walter Draper. Carpenter and Joiner, by liis wife, Mary. dau. of Wilham Beere ; b. West Cowes, Isle of Wight ; educ. there ; was a Foreman Joiner and Machinist ; enlisted 9 X*oy. 1916 ; served with the Expeditiooarj' Force in France and Flanders, and was killed 12 Sept. 1917, while resting behind the line after three montlLs' service ia the trenches. Buried at Coxyde, north of Furnes. He m. at Otterboume Church, 8 Oct. 1901, Ada Edith, dau. of James Callen, and liad two children : Walt«r Morris, b. 12 Sept. 1904, and Xina Yivian, b. 17 Aug. 1905. DRAY, H., Private. Xo. 4481, 1st Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 16 Sept, 1914. DREWRY, G., Private, Xo. 1460, 1st Battn. The Xorthumberland FusiUers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. DRINKSWATER, T., Private, Xo. 7415, 1st Battn. The Shropshire Light Infantrv ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 25 Oct. 1914. DRINKWATER, L., Private, X'o, 9088, The Welsh Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died 23 Oct. 1914. DRISCOLL, T., Private, Xo. 7125, 1st Battn. The Devonslure Regt. ; scrred with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. DRIVER, GEORGE, Private. X'o. 14G91, The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt.), s. of ( — ) Driver, by his wife, Annie Elizabeth : b. Sheffield. 1881; educ. there ; enlisted in Sept. L9 14 ; served with the f:xpeditionary Force Walter Drake The Roll of Honour 83 John E. J. Drover' in France and i-'Jander?;. and Wii> killed in action 25 Nov. 1915. He m. at Sheffield, Rose (1;2. Chatham stn-'-t. liridgehouses, Sheffield), and liad two <. of the late John Dutf. by his wife, Jessie Roy, dau. of John Mitchell ; ft. Arbroath. 23 Jan. 1897 : educ. Morgan Academy, Dundee ; was employed at the bookstall. East Station. Dundee ; joined the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry 10 Oct. 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 April. 1917; transferred to the King's Own Scottish Borderers, and was killed in action at Ypres 3 July following. Buried at Bard Cottage, Ypres ; unm. DLTF, WILLIAM, 2nd Lieut.. 16th (Service) Battn. The Highland Light Infantry, only *. of Thomas Smith Dutf. of 37. I ~t Park Circus, Ayr, Fancy Goods Merclwut. by __ his wife. Hannah, dau. of Henry Jackson, of ^^■^^ Kilmarnock. ManufactunT ; ft, Kilmarnock, ^^^k^^^ 28 Feb. 1896 educ. Kilmarnock Academy ; ■^^^MkV Hutchison's Grammar School. Glasgow, where ^F]^^""^ 7% lor two years he was senior N.C.O. of the I^P*^ l^k 1 'adot Coy., and won a Bursary of £:J0 ; ^H^ 'Utered Gi;isgow University as a .Medical Stu- A 4fc^ ^5% dent shortlv after the outV>reak of war: w.as y^ s.iZi-tU'd 2nd Lieut. 13th Hishl.ind Light ^ J Infantry 23 April. 1915: transferred to the ^ jJHH^ *^'' ^'^^*"- ^^^^ lollowing July; underwent ' ^T^J^P^K -!>'-i'ial courses of training at Chelsea and - ^JJ^F^R strensall, and a further special course JttB^^^^^ -^^ ^^ Array Training School at the Base ^^^^^■Hj^^^ T France served with Expedi- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 tionary Force in France from 9 July. 1916, ^^H^^^JH^^IjJld^^l having previously iransferred to 16th Battn.. and died at Beaumont Hamel 18 Nov. lollowing. from wounds received in action while leading an attack then". Buried iu Munich Cemetery there. His Commanding Officer. Capt. Caulfield. wrote : " Y'our son was well liked by all officers and men. He was a splendid fellow — very con- scientious at his work, and his coolness under tire was a great inspiration to his men. He always wanted to go forward, and liis glory would liave been that he gave his life in the advance not the retreat." Unm. WilUam]DiifF. 84 The Roll of Honour , II line youii'^ fifllow, I had afrciuiy lornu'd witli the ExiK-ditioiiary Force ill Franco ; killed in action . served with Charles Derrick Dumas. DUFFIELD, OSCAR SYDNEY, L.-Corp„ IXo. :i252 7th (Scrvi.c) IJattn TIlc Rm'l SuV.« K,-..t . vr. ». ot James DiilHcld, of Ashl,-i«h, St. Dunstan's Koad, Tarn .«. Worthing, i.y his wife, Mary, dan. of Uiclianl Harber ; and brotlu-c to James MillieUi (also killed in action); h. Tarring, Worthing. U May, 181)4 cd e I 1 llrove Conn.il School there ; wa,s a Urocer's .\.sslstant : enlisted 8 Sent li)U • served with the lixpeditionary Force in trance an.Handers from Sept 1U15, and was killed in action at Arras 3 May, 1»17. _^ li.ined h,;tween Monehv and the lUver Scarpe. An olhcer wrote : He wa and althmigh he had only been in ray platoon ii short time, i high opinion of his ellicicncy and capability.' Unm. DUGGAN. A. F. B., Driver. No. 21371, B.E. ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. DUGGAN, G. W.. I'rivatA-, No. 213, 12th Lancers: served with the lixpedi- tionary For'ci^ in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. nnf-.MORE J Private, No. 9653. 2nd Battn. The Lancjushire Fusiliers ; served "y^yr^^^' ,::.^. .... i.-„ i., Pr.>n,.„. vnied in action 28 Oct. 1914. served with the f^^pi'ditionary Force in France; killed in action 19 Oct. 1914. niKF S Cov Serst -Major, So. 6000, 1st Battn. The Northumberland Fusiliers; served' with the Expeditionary Force in 1-rance ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. DUKE S Private No. 7446, 2nd Battn. The Yorkshire Regt. the Kxpedi'tiunarv Force in France ; died of wounds 1 Nov. 1U14. ni-MA.S r.HARI.E.S DERRICK, Private. No. 31246, U Coy.. Uth (Service) DLMA.-.. ..H/M^i, |.^^^_^ ,|,|^^ Sherwood l-'oresters (Nottingham- -liirr .Hid llerhyshur Itigt.), only s. of Edoiuiid lierriek lluinas, of Woodside, Cavendisli Road, Matlock, Retired Architect, by his wife, \delinc Heath, dan. of Joseph Robinson ; h. Dufflcld, CO. Derby, 10 Sept. 1896 ; educ. lli'jh School, Sevcnoaks ; Cavendish Scliool, Matlock, and wa.s an Engineering Student ; .iilis-ted 3 Oct. 1915 ; served with the Expedi- tionarv Force in France and Flanders from 1 July, 1916. a:.d died at Albert 6 Aug. follow- ing from wounds received in action at the ISattle of the Somme. His Sergt. wrote : • On the evening of 5 -■Vug. the company was in the trenches ; a very heavy bombardment was in jirogress when a large shell fell in our trench, killing an ollicer. wounding two others and two men, one of the latter being your son, who was badiv wounded in both legs and the back. He was at once removed to hos- pital, where, sorry to r,:l"e. he passed away. He was buried in an English cemetery atiout a mile from the line. ... I must say that your son was liighly respected by all with whom he came in contact." Unm. DUMBELL, LESLIE SYDNEY, L.-Corpl., No. 107, 17th (SiTvice) Battn. Tlic Ro.val Fusiliers (Citv of London Regt.), yst. s. of J. B. Dnmbell, V.D., Major, by Ills wife, Isabella, dau. of Robert .\ustin ; 6. Leyton- stone, 12 Dec. 189:5 : was employed by Messrs. Llovds & Co. ; enlisted in Nov. 1914 ; served with the Exf ditiouery Force in France and Flanders from Nov. loio, and was killed in action 7 June. 1916, while wiring a dangerous sap-head in the line. Buried in a valley just behind the line. He was a member of the Clapton Football Club. He m. at Hford, 7 .\ug. 191I'-, Alice, dau. of Percy Cutler Fillingham. DUMPER, F. H., Private, No. 7887, The South Wales Borderers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in acton 4 Oct. 1914. DUMPHY, J., L.-Corpl., No. 10051, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles: served with the i;xpedit!onary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Sept. 1914. DUNCAN, DAVID McLEOD, Private, No. 254, 2nd Battn. (92nd Foot) The Goriion Highlanders, vst. s. of the late Donaldson Rose Duncan, by liis wife, Jane, dau. of William Leiper, late of 27, Short Loanings, .Aberdeen ; b. Farmer's Hall Lane, Aberdeen, 20 Dec. 1888 ; educ. there ; enlisted 2 Feb. 1907 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; acted as Signaller during the First Battle of Ypres ; was reported missing 4 Nov. 1914, and is assumed to have been killed on or about that date ; unm. DUNCAN, J., Private, No. 4651, R.A.M.C. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 16 Sept. 1914. DUNCAN, JAMES, Private, No. 907344, 28tli Infantry Battn. Canadian Expeditionary Force, only s. of the late James Duncan, by his wife, Annie (now the wife of Harry Brown, of 13, East Church Street, Buckie), dau. of William (and Jane) Smith ; 6. Grange, co. Banff, 30 Jan. 1891 ; educ. Higher Grade School, Buckie ; was a Baker ; went to Canada in 1911, and eventually bought a farm in Saskatchewan ; volunteered for foreign service and enlisted in the Canadian Infantry in Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 1 Marrh, 11117, and was killed in action before Lens 21 Aug. lollowmg. Buried where he fell ; unm. DUNCAN, JAMES, Private, No. 266606, 6th (Territorial) Battn. 'The Seaforth Highlanders ( Ross-sllire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's), eldest .«. of Robert Duncan, of Coleburu Farm, Longmorn, Elgin, Farmer, by liis wife, Jane. dau. of the late James Tliom, Farmer : 6. Alvah. co. Banlf, 10 April. 1894 ; educ. Linhead Board School : was employed on his father's farm : joined the Seaforth Highlanders 7 Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from June follow- ing ; was wounded on the Somme in July, and invalided home ; returned to France in Jan. 1917, and was killed in action during the attempt to take the village of Fontaine Notre Dame 23 Nov. following. Buried north-east of Ha^•rln- court, east of Bapaume ; unm. DUNCAN, JOHN, L.-Corpl., No. 21205, 1st Battn. (71st Foot) The Highland Light Infantrv. .s. of John Duncan, of Muirmill Crossings, Phatelayer, Caledonian Railway Com'panv bv his wife. Isabella, dau. of John Tliomson ; b. Mmrmill Crossings. Farnell. Brediin, 8 July, 1894: educ. Farnell Public School, and Brechin Higli Scliool : was a Fireman on the Caledonian Railway Company ; enlisted voluntarily Sept. 1914 ; went to France in April, 1915, then to the Persian Gulf in Jan. 1916 ; was wounded and taken prisoner by the Turks in Mesopotamia 18 .4pril, and died while a prisoner of war 10 Sept. following. at Angora, Turkey in Asia. Buried there ; unm. Leslie Sydney DumbeU. Robert Duncan. DVNC\N ROBERT, Private, No. 1080, 3rd Lowland Field Ambulance. R.A.M.C. (T.F.), 2nd .t. of Janus Dniican, of 7, Sciennes Road, Edinbiirgh. Master Slater. by his wife, .lane Ihoniasina, dau. of James Dee; h. Edinburgh. 17 Dee. 1H94 ; educ. Royal High Si liool there; was sub.sei|uently apprentici'd to tlu^ Law under .Mr. A. ('. I), Vert, S.S.C.Edin. ; and. having pass d his first two exaniiiiations. was to liave entered tlie University to prepare for his llnal during the winter of 1914 15; joined the l!.A..M.C. (T.F.) in March, 1913; volunteered (or foreign service afti*r the outbreak of war in .\ug. 1914; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in (iallipoli from the beginning of July, 1915, where he took part in some severe fighting : was invalided to .Malta at the end of Oct. ; returned to England in Dec, when he rejoined his unit in Jan. 1916, and died in Craigleith .Military Hospital 1 Jan. 1917, from heart trouble following dysentery, contracted while on active service on the Peninsula. He was very musical, being an exceptionally fine 'cello player ; unm. DUNCAN, WALTER DURIE, Private, No. 8836, 4th Battn. South African Scottish Regt., yst. s. of Walt^-r Durie Duncan, late of Glasgow, by his wife. Elizabeth (liedford. Cape Province, South .\frica). dau. of J. Sutherland, of Glasgow ; b. Bedford, Cape Province. 12 July, 1897 ; educ. Templeton School, Bedford aforesaid ; passed Matriculation ICxaiilinatioii of Cape University in Dec. 1914 : enlisted in Jan. ; served throughout the German West African Campaign ; was discharged in Jum-. I'.ll."), and after having held for a short time an appoint- ment in the Union civil Service, joined the South .\fricaii Overseius Contingent ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in I'railce and Flanders from .\iig. 1916, and was killed by a shell during the Battle of .\rras 9 April, 1917, while serving with a Lewis Gun deta(;linient ; unm. DUNCAN, WILLIAM CHARLES, Private, 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Gordon Highlanders; b. Peterhead, 12 July, 1886; educ. Peterhead and .\berdeen ; was a Carter in the employ of Messrs. James Reid & Sons, Peterhead : enllited 21 Dec. 1914 ; served with the i:xpcditionary Force in France and Flanders from 2 May, 1915, and wa.s killed in action at Ypres 31 July, 1917. Buried in Pilkem Road Cemett;ry. He m. at Peterhead. 7 June, 1907. J-'anny (5, Itonheads, Peterhead), dau. of the late .Alexander Stephenson : s.p. DUNCAN, WILLIAM HARDY, Private. No. 202441, The Royal Scots Fusiliers. s. of the late .\lexander Duncan ; b. Peterhead, co. .\berdeen ; educ. there : w.as a Shoemaker; enlisted 5 June. 1915; served with the Egyptian Expedi- tionary Force in Egypt and Palestine for one year and tea months, and was killed "in action 23 C)ct. 1917. Burii^d near Jerusalem. He m. at Falkirk, 25 .\pril. 1902, Jeannie (4, Minister Lane, .-Vberdeen), dan. of James Blow, and had five children. DUNCAN, WILLIAM PROCTOR, Private, -No. 3936. 6th (Territorial) liattn. Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-sllire Bull's. The Diike of .Albany's), gdson. of James Dniican, of Spey Bay ; b. t:orstorplline, near ICdinbnrgh. 22 Oct. 1885 ; educ. at Bognoor. Spey Bay ; was a Carpenter ; subsequently went to Vancouver ; on the outbreak of war returned to Scotland ; enlisted 29 Feb. 1916 : .served with the Expeditionary Force in F'rance and I'landers, and was killed in action at Beau- mont Hamel 13 Nov. following. Buried in .Maillet Wood Cemetery ; anm. DUNCOMBE, H., Private, No. 6570. 3rd i;attn. The Coldstream Guards: served with the ICxpeditionarv Force in France : killed 15 Sept. 1914. DUNFORD, B., Acting Corjil., No. 34'26, 3rd liattn. The Rifle Brigade: served with the Experlitionarv Force in France ; killed 23 Oct. 1914. DUNK, GEORGE, Sapper, No. 112703. Royal Engineers. «. of Alfred Dunk. Fainter and Decorator, by his wife, Sarah, dau. of John Tyas ; h. liarnsley, co York, 2 .\pril, 1890 ; educ. there ; wius a Miner ; enlisted 11 Oct. 1914 : served with the Expeditionary Force in F'rance and Flanders from 15 Sept. 1915. and was killed in action at Zonnebeke 22 Oct. 1917. Buried in Nine Elnis Cemetery. Poperinghe. A comrade wrote : " He was one of our best workmen in tlu company, and was liked bv all his mates." and another: " He was one of the best, always readv to do what he could to help others. He was a true soldier and did liis duty always. He Is sadlv miss d by all. as he was so cheerful and always looked oh the bright side." He m. at Barnsley, Alice (:58. Joseph Street. Barnslev), dau. of Cornelius Carr, and had two cliildren, George b. 12 Feb. 191t and Ruth, b. 27 Sept. 1913. DUNLOP, F. G., Bandsman, No. 5808, 2nd Battn. The Royal Scots (ireys; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds '30 Nov. 1914. DUNLOP, JAMES ALLAN, Sappi-r. 1st Battn. (26tli Foot) Tlie Cameronians (Scotch Rifles), only surv. s. of the late Hunter Dunlop. by his wife', .lane (15. Cartvale Road, La'ngside, Glasgow), dau. of James .Allan, late of Largs ; b. Gla.sgow, 17 Jan. 1893 ; educ. Mount Florida Public SclioDl : enlisted 29 March, 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; was wounded during the Battle of the Somme 27 Aug., and died in Stobhill Hospital Glasgow, 29 Sejrt. 1916. Buried in Cathcart Cemetery, Glasgow ; unm. DUNLOP, WALTER KENNEDY, Private, No. 267698, l/6th (Territorial liattn. The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). 2iid s. of .Tohn Dunlop, of Green- fell, Girvan, Farmer (retired), by his wife, Helen Whitefleld. dau. of Walter Kennedy, of Glasgow, Stationer; b. Hawkhill, near Girvan. co. .Ayr, 1 -Aug. 1886 ; educ. Girvan High School ; was a Salesman in the Co-operative Stores at Greenock ; joined the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry in Nov. 1915 : transferred to the Black Watch in July, 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from that month, and died at a casualty clearing station 20 .April, 1917, from wounds received in action two days previously. Buried ir. the Soldiers' Cemetery at .Aubigny ; unm. DUNN, GEORGE, Private, No. 41500, 7th (Territorial) Battn. The Camer- onians (Scottish Rifles), eldest s. of George Dunn, of 5, .Minard Road, Crossmyloof. Glasgow. Wholesale Optician, bv his wife. .Annie, dau. of David Glen, of Edin- burgh ; b. South Side, Glasgow, 11 .Aug. 1897 ; educ. Strathbungo Public School ; joined the Scottish Rifles 4 Dec. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force ir France from 14 Jan. 1917, and was killed in action at Messines 29 June following, liuried where he fell; unm. William Proctor Duncan. The Roll of Honour 85 Gwj'nne Morgan Dunn. Philip Morgan l>unn. DUNN, GVVYNNE MORGAN, 2nd Lieut., ytli (Servin-j 15attn. Tlie Duke of Meltiogton's (West Hiding Regt.). 3rd s. of I'hiiip John Dunn, of Crofta, Pontyclun. co. ^^^^^^^ Glamorgan, J. P., by liis wife, Anne Margaret, ^^■V^^^^^ 2nd dau. of Evan Morgan, of Tynycynimer ^^^^^^B^ Hall, CO Glamorgan; and brother to' Capt. ^^W ^ P. il. Dunn (q.v.) : b. Llantrisant, co. Glamor- ^H I gan, 18 Dec. 1893 ; educ. Lower Scliool, ^V||^^ ^j Uppingham, and Uppingham; was subse- r^ *^W^ •»* quently articled to agents of the Harewood i;?»ate, CO. York : volunteered for foreign ■service, and joined the 4th Public Schools JJattn. of the Royal Fusiliers in Aug. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Xov. i915 ; returned to England in May, 1916, when the battalion was disbanded, and was sent to the 6th Officers* Cadet Battn., Oxford, being given a commission in the West Riding R^gt. Sept. 1916 ; left for France early in Dec, and died at a casualty clearing station 23 Feb. 1917, from wounds received in action on the 21st. Buried in Grove Town British Cemetery near Meaulte, south of Albert. While at Uppingham he was in the running Eight, and won the running match against the Rugby Eight ; unm. DUNN, Jm L.-CorpL. No. 8996, 1st Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; ser\*ed with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. DUNN, J. C, Sergt., No. 7196, 2ni Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. DL'NN. PHILIP MORGAN, Capt.. 8th (Service) Battn. The Royal Welch Fusiliers, eldest *. ot Philip John Dunn, of Crofta, Pontyclun. co. Glamorgan, J. P.. by his wife. Anne Margaret. 2nd dau. of Evan Morgan, of T\Tiycymmer Hall, co. Glamorgan ; and brother to 2nd Lieut. G. M. Dunn (?.r.); b, Llantrisant, co. Glamorgan, 23 Sept. 1888 ; educ. Stancliffe Hall. co. Derby; Uppingham School, and Clare College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in I9il, and was a member of the O.T.C ; enlisted as a Private in the R.F.A. 8 Aug. 1914, four days after war broke out ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Royal Welch Fusiliers 5 Sei)t. following; promoted Lieut. Aug. 191.3. and Capt. May. 1916 ; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary P'orce ill Gallij>oii from June, 1915, being invalided home with typhoid in the autumn : served with the Indian Expeditionary Force in .Mi->^opotamia from March, 1916, and was killed in action soutli of Shumean Bend during tile advance on Kut 3 Feb. 1917. Buried in Bassonia Cemetery, on the Hai, three raih-s south-east of Kut; num. DUN.N, T., Private. No. 10369. 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers ; served with the Expeditionary Force iu France ; killed 26 Sept. 1914. DUNN, WALTER STUART, L.-CorpL. No. 27251. 11th (Service) Battn. The East Lancasliire Regt., s. of George Dunn, of 50. Eastgate, Beverley, by his wife. Cordelia, dau. of William Taylor; b. Beverley, co. York, 30 Sept" 1894 ; educ. Beverley Grammar School ; was eraploved bv Mr. P. S. Newbound. Estate Agent. North Ferriby, East Yorkshire ; enlisted 8 Sept. 1914 : trained at Pocklington. Ripon and Salisbury ; went to Egypt in Dec. 1915 : afterwar*^ served with the Expeditionary Forv his wife. Violet, dau. of Gustavus (and Lady Fanny) Lambart, of Beau Pare. CO. Meath ; b. Portland Place. London. W.. 7 May. 1896 : educ. Ludgrove. New Bamet, and Eton ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Royal Dragoons 16 Sept. 1914 : ^er\-ed with the Expeditionary Force in France from July, 1915, and died 26 June, 1917, from wounds received in action the previous day, wiien. as Scout Oihcer. he Irnd to lead a party detailed to place a torpedo under the German wire on a compass bearing over a distance of 850 yards. This he did without a mistake, but some of the tubing of the torpedo liad become bent on the way, and took five minutes to put right, during wiuch time the enemy discovered what was going on, ani opened fire with rifles and liand grenades, and it was then that Lieut. DunvUle showed great bravery by assuring the R.E. CorpL, who was repairing the torpedo, that he was io no danger, and shielding him with his own body. Buried at Vlllers Faucon. His Commanding Otficer wrote : •' He will be the greatest loss to us. We were all devoted^to liim. The record Hugh H. Dunwoody. ^V of his during and devotion must always remain an incident in the liistory of the regiment, on which all connected with it will look back with pride," and a brother otficer : " He was a general favourite from the day of his arrival." He was awarded the Victoria Cross [London Gazette, 4 Aug. 1917], for most conspicuous bravery in the field ; unm, DUNWOODY, HUGH HENDERSON, 2nd Lieut.. 9th (Service) Battn. Princess Victoria's {Royal Irish Fusihers), s. of Robert Dunwoody, of 92, Hoh-wood Road, Strandtown, Belfast, by liis wife, Eliza Ann, dau. of the late Samuel Todd, of Belfast; b. Dundela Villas, Strandtown. 26 Nov. 1889; educ. Campbell College, Belmont, Belfast, and Queen's L'niversity, Belfast, where he was a member of the O.T.C. ; obtained a com- mission 18 Feb. 1916 ; ser\ed with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders ; took part in the operations on the Somme 1 July, 1916. and was killed in action on the 31st of that month, while on listening point duty. Buried in La Plus Houve Farm, near Wul- vergbem. His Colonel wrote ; ** Your son liad only joined this battalion a short time. H*' was showing great keenness in his work, and had already been out on patrol under i n >t ruet ions, and done well, and he gave jiroiiiise of becoming a good officer. My sym- ]';itliy goes out to you in your sorrow. We laid him to rest in the little cemetery here, and his grave will be marked with a plain cross with name and date and " Killed in action," " and a brother otficer : " He died doing more than Ms duty." Cnm. DUPREY, ALFRED FRANK, Signalman, H.M.S. Stephen Furness. R.N.V.R. onlv .S-. of Frank William Duprey, pf Polygon Hotel, Southampton: b. Finchley. London, N.. 2:J April, 1SS4 ; educ. Bradfield College : was an Organ Builder : joined the R.N.V.K. in 1910; served on H.M.S. Stephen Furness (Boarding Steamer), and w;is lost at sea when that vessel was torpedoed off the Irish coast, 13 Dec. 1917; unm. DUTIHAM, ALBERT EDWARD, Private, No. 36606, 11th (Service) Battn. The Prince of Waless Own (West Yorkshire Regt.), yst. s. of the late William Durham, by liis wife. Emma (25, Willow Strt'ct, Burlev. Leeds), dau. of the late David JiKiues, of Wakefield ; b. Burley, 2 Oct. 1889 ; rtiuc. Burley Lawn Council School; was .nijtioved at Messrs. Tavlor's, Clarence Iron Wurks. Hunslet ; enlisted 11 Dec. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Vjires 18 July, 1917. while on a tour in the tn-nehes. Buried near Ypres. His Com- m;inding Officer wrote; *' I am sorry to tell \ ou of the death of your son, who was killed whilst we were in the trenches this last tour, i know that any words of mine can be of little comfort to you wiu'u confronted with >U(h a loss, for he lias been in my platooa several month?, and I could tell he would be as good a son as he was a soldier. As a soldier he was ever\'thing one could ask : brave and eluerful under ttie worst circumstances, and out of the line always clean, tidy and steady. 1 am certain there wasn't a better lad in the company. He was killed by a shell wound in t!ie head and suffered no pain, and was buried behind the line. Several of liis chums and comrades attended his funeral " r-»m. DURHAM, WILLLVM HAY, Private. No. 2746;i. 6th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. 2nd x. of William Durham, of Largie Tayinloan, co. Argyle, by his wife, Isabella Hay, dau. of Archibald McFarlane ; b, Daviot. co. Inverness. 3 April, 1898 ; educ. Brin Public School, co. Inverness ; (Jledfleld Public School, Ardgay. co. Ross, and Hamilton School. Kilmarnock ; was assLstant under liis father on the Largie Castle Estates ; enlisted in the 3rd Camerons in Dec. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionar>' Force in France from 18 April. 1917. wiien he transferred to the 6th Battn.. and died at No. 47 Casualty Clearing Station 16 July follow- ing, from wounds received in action on the LJtii. Buried in Dozinghem British Cemetery, Poperinghe ; unm. DURKIN, M., Private. No. 3125. 4th Battn, 'J'lie Connaught Rangers ; served with the Kxpirditionarv Force in France ; died of wounds 27 Oct. 1914. DUROSE, SYDNEY TRUMAN, Capt., 2;7th (Territorial) Battn. (Robin Hood) Ihe Sherwood Foresters (NottinghanL-^hire and Derbysliire Regt.), only «. of Artht'r Durose (formerly of Nottingham), of I'pwood, The Warren. Radlett, CO. Ib-rts, F.C.A.. by his wife. Annie Maud, dau. of John Truman : 6. Nottingham, 18 July. is<.i2 ; educ. Wi-st House. Edgbaston. r.irniiiiiihani. and Sidney House, Oundle ; was artieUd to liis father as a (bartered Aceountant in .Aug. 1910. and was reading inr his (inal examination when war broke out : johird till- O.T.C. of the Nottingham L'niversity College iu Aug. 1914 : obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 7th SIhtwimkI Fonsters 6 Oct.. being promoted Lieut. 28 .Aug. 1915. and Capt. 14 Oct. followini; ; servLni with the l-.xprditionary Force iu France from 11 July. 1915; to*)k part in the Battles of Loos and Hooge : was invalided home in the following Nov. with an attack of fever: returned to France iu Feb. 1917. and died 2-3 April following from woimds received in action while leading an attack that night on Le ViT'.;uier. Buried by the Germans in the village cinnetery there. The Officer Com- manding. Lieut.-Col. RaNTier. D.S.O., wTote : '• I had the greatest admiration and regard for your son. He was a splendid soldier, a gentleman in every way, and a fiae £a lishmao. I am sure the recoUec- "^X- Albert Kdward Durbani. William Hay Durham. Sydney Truman Durose. SG The Roll of Honour John Richard Duvall. tion of his splciKlicl (iUi»''t'ic=* and the cause in which ho died will comfort you hoth, but will ill-atolu- for his loss." Lieut. -Col. A. \V. Jircwill. D.S.O., also wrote : '" Uuriiij' the time he was under my command I learnt to appreciate and love him ; In- h:id all the Hm* c[u;iliti<'s that make the best of KnyUsh manhood. I know how mueh h'- was loved by all his brother olheers, and by all the men hi his eompanv." and Corpl. Hudson": "('apt. Durosi; was adviineinn towards the win- with four men in advance of his company, and tlie men had startrd to cut ilie win- when a li^lit was sent ujj and Capt. Dnrosc sh()utr(l : ' Tin- lioche ! The lioche !' as machine-gun lire was opened upon us. Tin- Captain and the lour men were all Int." i'nm. OUTHIE, ROBERT TAYLOR, L.-CorpL, No. 3UO;i4 (late 152). Scottish Horv. ( r.F). and K.A.M.C., ;lrd and yst. s. of Kobi-rt .lames Dnthie, Fishery oilinr. i.iith. hv liis wilr. Klizabeth. dau. of Norman Ferj^uson. K.N. ; b. J.crwick, Shetland, 20 Nov. lHi»2 ; educ. Burgh School, Uirvan : Anderson Institute, Lerwick, and (ilasgow Tniversity, where he was a medical student. ^Vh('n war broke out in Ant:. 1014. he olfereil his services for the 11. A. 51. C. luit was refused ; enlisted in the Scottish Horse in Kcb. 101,5. attaining the rank of Serjit. ; resigned bis stripes the followim; autumn to join a di'alt for Kj-'vpt : took part in the Desert lij:htititli Koyal Scots Fusiliers and the Cyclist Coy. of the 52nd Division ; was invalided with dysentery in the spring of I'.iIT. and on 'recovery was attached to the :.:}rd Casualty Clearing Station, and died il May toHowing tiom wounds received during the bombing of that hospital Ity Turkish aeroplanes. lUiried near fiaza. Lieut. -Col. C. Uiehardson White. 1{.A..\1.('. (T.F.). wrote : •' Vour s(m was only a short time under my eouMnand. but during ibat time jirovid hinisell a hard-working, energetic yonng tellow. His keenness in his prob'ssinn led him to take a great interest in dispensing, and he was in Hie dispensary when the bomb dropped which set thi' lint on lin-. . . . The men bad learned to respect and lik<' him." I'lun. DUTTON, Cm Private. No. 11242, The King's Royal Rifle Corp.s ; served with the lOxpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Sept. 1914. DUVALL, JOHN RICHARD, M.A.. Chaplain to the Forces, attd. The Cheshire Kcgt.. only a. of John AVilliam JJuvall, of Ware, CO. Herts, by bis wife. Anna, dau. of .1. K. Wright, of Fn'ston Manor, co. Suffolk; b. Cnlford. CO. Sullolk. 17 Dee. 1888; cdue. clilf House. Soutld)ourne ; Sherborne : Selwyn College, Candiridge. and Kly Tluological College; was ordaine(i in 1012; served Ids first curacy at Liverpool ; in Sept. 1014, became Tutor at St. I'loniface College. War- minster, aiul later \'ic('-l'rincipal ; obtained a <'|j:iplainey in the Army in July. 191.5; ser\ed with the lOxpeditioiiary l-'orcc in I'ranee, and afterwards in Salonika, where ]ic was killed in action ti Oct. 1017. I'.uried at llasili, .Maecdonia. His Colonc-I wrote : *' He considered it his duty to sh:ire tlicr men's dangers, and that by so doing he could perform Ids religious duties nuich l)ctter. He was alread>' beloved by every oltiecr and man in m\ battalion, and there is no doubt tint, liy Ills \ery gallant death, in ciiarge of the forward stretcher-bearers, he has set an example wliieb e\ery olliei r and man in the battalion is anxious to follow. J'ersonally, though I bad only known him tor six weeks. I feel I have lost a genuine friend and an al)s()lulely fearless padre." He was mentioned in Desiiatehcs for gallant -md ib^tingiushi-d .service in the field ; vnm. DWYER, G. A,, Privjite, No. 7065, 1st Battn. The Cameron Highlanders; served with the J-:xpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 1014. DYER, A. S., SL-rgt., No. 9040, 1st liattn. The IJulfs (East Kent Rcgt.) ; served witli tlie Fxifcditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. DYER, L., Private. No. 464. The Rifle Brigade ; served with the Expeditionary Force it) France ; died of wounds 1914. DYER, L., I'rivate. No. 8142. 1st Battn. The Bedfordslnre Regt. ; served with tlie t;\p.ciitionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Oct. 1014. DYER, PERCY MAITLAND, 2nd Lieut., Royal Engineers, Snd s. of tlie late ICdward .Inlui Richard Dver, by his wife, Mary Turner {56. Chaucer Road, liediord). dan. of Licut.-Genera! t. J. M. Hog, R.A. ; b. Manrialav. t.'pi.er Burma. India. 24 June. 1898; educ. Temple Grove, Fast Sheen ; Fa-M.minie. and lied- ford (Jrammar School : was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Royal Fngineejs. 2S July, 1015 ; served with the KxjK'ditionary Force in France from 12 July. 1017, and was killed in action m-ar Peronm- 1 Sept. following. Buried in Jeaneourt Cemetery. His Commanding Ollicer wrote : " He had endeared Inmself to us all, both by reason of his charming nature and the willing and cheerful manner in which he carried out all he had to do. He was ,i brave and etiicient otticer, and commanded his section with conspicuous ability." Turn. DYER, W., Sergt., No. 7619, 2nd Battn. The South Staffordshire Regt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1014. DYER, W. C. Sergt., No. 6689, 2nd Battn. The Bedfordshire Regt.; served with the Exjieditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 25 Oct. 1914. DYKE, FRANCIS HART, 2nd Lieut., The Queen's Own {Roval West Kent Ucgt.). eldest .V. of Col. Edward Hart Dyke, of Leavers. Hadlow, Tonbridge. late K.A.. by his wife. E. Grace, dau. of Lieut. -Colonel MacAdam ; b. East Mailing, Maidstone, 25 Jan. 1898; cdue. Wellington College; passed into Sandhurst in Sept. 1915, gaining one of the pri/.e eadetships ; was gazetted 2nd l.ievit. July, 1916; served with the Exjieditionary Force in France and Flanders, being attacbed to the Loyal North Lancashire Regt.. and was killed in action near Ypres 27 Sept. 1917. Buried there. His Adjutant wrote : " From the time he joined us. though he was the youngest otticer in tlie regiment, liis bright natun; and charnung manners were an exanii)le to us all. He was one of the best otRcers in the regiment, and very jjopular with tlie men, and. what is raon?, they trusted him absolutely and had the greatest confidence in him." IJnm. DYKE, H. H., Private, No. 7388, 1st Battn. The Devonshire Rcgt. ; served with the Exiieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Oct. 1014. DYKES, T., Private. No. 7827, 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Oct. 1014. DYMOCK, WILLIAM DUNCAN, Corpl.. No. 1288. Hlth (Service) Battn. The East Yorkshire Regt.. -s. of William Dvmoik. of 40. King's Bench Street. Hull, by his wife. Sarali. dau. of \V. Parker; b. Hull, 10 .Inly. i«91 ; educ. Day Street Board School there; was eniiiloved by Messrs. Holmes it Co., Ltd.". Campbell Street. Hull ; enlisted 24 April. 1015 ; served witli the lOgyptian Expeditionary Force in Egypt' rom the following Nov., and afterwards served in France and Flanders. wIh'H- he was wounded on 24 June, 1016. and iiwalided home ; he was .sent to Rugetey Cam|) on his recovery, being subieipiently trans- ferred to the 1st ICust Yorksbiri- Regt. in l*rance. and was killed in action near Ypres 4 Oct. 1017. His Commanding Olhcer wrote: " He was one of the best of a splendid set of N.C.O.'s. He rlied a true soldier, leading his comrades in the attack. He was respected hv bis iillieers and c<)mraib's in the ranks, and ( myself feel his loss keenly." Hi- „i. at Hull, in July. 10l.> Ihuilv. elde.^i dau. o( John (and Marv Jane) JUaikburn. of 0. Searlpro jerraer. .Martnailuke Street Hull. DYSON, E. C, Cor|)I., No. Ot.50. 2nd llatln. The ^'.^riv and Lnueasler llegt. : served with the Fx[)editionar\- Vorvc in I'ranee ; killed in action IS Oct. 1914. DYSON, W., Private. No. I017:[. 2ud liattn. The Durham bight Inbinlry: served with the Expeditionary Force in Franci' ; klled in action i^i Oet . 1914. EADE, OLIVER, Private, Xo. 404(18. 3rd (Ilesi-rve) Battn. The Itoyal Sus^.-n Reut.. attd. 2nd Hattn. (77th Foot) The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex liegt.), 2nd .s. ol George {'iade, b\- his wife. ICmnia ; h. East btiuriie, co. Sussex, 17 Dec. IH... ; edne. there; was a Police Constable: enlisted 10 Jime, llHO : served with the Kxjtedition.irv Force in France ansrlf." I'lnn. EAGLES, GEORGE SAWYER, Private .\o. 242:J1. 1st P..ittn. (;;rd Font) Tlie Bufis (Kast Kent Kcgt.). .v. of William Alfre, s. of Miclmcl lOagleton. of Newbri»lge Street. Hirr. King's co., by his wib-, Bridget, dau. of Thomas McGuinness, of co. Kilkenny : /^. 26 April. 1804 ; educ. Presentation Brothers' Seliool, Birr ; was a Sliop Assistant, : enlisted 2 Jan. 1015; served with the I'^xpeditionary Force in Fran<:e and Flanders from 1 May billow- ing, and wa-s killed in action on tlie Somme 5 J)ec. 1917. Buried in Heciiningy British Cemetery, five and a half miles east-north-east of Cumbles. His Captain wrote : " He was ()ur husband was very badi\" woimded on ^Sunday ; one Ii-g was (;rushed. and it was neeessj'iry to take it otf ; he was very ill tin- whole time he was beri*. but became much . worse- tlus morning and passed awa.\ at II a.m. ' Hik ./ He often spoke of you and the ebildren. jimi was longing for the time when h ■ could cone- home to see you. His other brother. Private George Fames, is in the hospital sulfering from severe injuries, liaving 15 wounds in oiu' leg. One of our brave soldiers who sacrificed his all Thomas Bates Eames. tor King and country." He m. at Worsbro' Dale, 13 Feb. 1908. Amv, dau. of William Winder, and had three children : Harrv, h. 27 Aug. 1000 ; Nellie, h. 21 Jan. I9II, arifl Myrtle, b. 14 June, 1013. EARLS, C. P., Private, No. 201, IsL Buttn. The Northumberland Fusilier^; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914.. EASEY, Hm Sergt.. No. 9361. The Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force iu France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. EASON, E., Private, No. 9293, 1st Battn. The Somersetshire Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Aug. 1914. EASTHAM, G., Corpl.. No. 8973. The Loyal North Laneidure Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 24 Oct. 1914. EASTLOW, E., Private, No. 8294. 1st Battn. The South Staffordsliire Ri-gt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 39 Oct. 1014. The Roll of Honour 87 Andrew John Easton. EASTON, ANDREW JOHN, I'livatc. No. 571, 21st (Service) Battn. (2nd TyiiL'sidc Scottish) The Northumberland FusiliiTs;, s. of William Lewias Easton, of ;J7, Hunter Avenue, BIyth, Northumberland, Wholesale Fruit Mercliant, by liis wife, Agnes, dau. of Robert Swan; b.'New Harper Bridge, €oruhilI-on-Tweed, co. Northum- berland. 1 Juni', 1891 ; educ. Tiilmouth and Blyth Council Schools ; was employed by the Blyth Shipbuilding Company b- lore the war ; enlisted in the Tynesid-' Scottish 7 Nov. 1914; served with the l.xprditiunary Force in France and Flanders iroui Jan. 1916 ; was taken prisoner near Albert in the following June, but succeeded in making his escape and rejoining his regiment, and was killed in action at tlic Battle of the Somme 1 July, 1910. A comrade WTOte ; " We all cherish in our memories the sijlendid example he has always set before us. He was killed while fighting for liis country, and died a most noble death. The influence he showed amongst us is not likely to fade for manv days, and I am pleased to say he died as he had lived, a noble, calm and brave lad." Unm, EASTON, J., Privat.*. Xo. 10425. 2ud Battn. Tha Orenadier Guards ; served with the Exp.'difionary Force ui France ; icilled in actionn 14-16 Sept. 1914. EASTWOOD, RONALD, J.ieut., R.E., 2nd s. of Peter Eastwood, of West- bourne Road. Jiirkdali', Produce Broker, by his wife, I'hruly, dau. of James Shepherd, Birkdale ; b. Birkdale, 2S Nov. IS'SO ; educ. Bickerton House School there, and Liverpool University, where he took his detiree of Bachelor of En- gineering; applied for a commission soon after th.- outl)reak of war; was gazetted 2ad Lieut. Ea.st Lancasliire Royal Enginivrs (T-f,) in March, 1915, being promoted Lieut, in 1917; served with the .Alediterraneau Expeditionary Forci; in Gallipoli and Egypt ; proceeded to France in 1917, and was killed in action 5 Dec. 1917. Buried at Gorre. He was mentioned in Despatches by General Murray, for gallant and distinguislted service in the field ; nnm. EATON, HAROLD, 2nd Lieut.. 13th (Service) Battn. The Gloucestershire llegt., 2nd «. of Tliomas Eaton, of 21. Corfton Road, Ealing, W., Retired Rail- way Superintendent, by ids wife, Emma, dau. of L. Macdonald : h. Derby. 15 Feb. 1887 ; educ. there ; was i*mployed in 1905 in the Estati- Ai^enfs Ottice of the Midland Railway Company at Derby, and qualified by ixamiiiation for the " Fellowship of the Surveyors' Institute " iu 1910 ; enlisted 7 Dec 1915 ; served with thi- Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was kilk-d in action at the Third Battle of Ypres :J1 July, 1917. Buried in Dunhallow Cemetery. Ypres. His Colonel wrote : ** I very much regret Eaton's death. He was so thoroughly capable and reliable. Good officers like him are not easy to obtain." Unm. EATON, JAMES, Private-, No. 9542. 7th (Stjrvice) Battn. The East Surrey Regt.. s. of William Eaton, of St. Pancras, London. N.W., by Ids wife, Sarah, dau. of ( — ) \inccnt ; h. Worcester Park. co. Surrey, 21 Jan. 1880; educ. at St. PaTuras .^ilmols, London, N.W. ; was a House Painter by trade; enlisted voluntarih- Id .liine, 1915 ; trained at Dover ; went to France 23 Feb. 1916, and was killed in action 18 March following. Buried on the battlefield. His Com- manding Oflicer wrote that he was buried with scviral of his comrades, after performing his duties nobly, and that thi^ regiiiunt ^ot great praise for the work done that day. He m. at the Parish Church. _Mi)rtlake, co. Surrey, Louisa (23, Vork Road, Kingston). 5th dau. of Samuel Sharman, of St. Paul's, Walden, co. Herts, and had sLx children : Thomas Henry, b. 19 June. 1912 ; Dorothv Aiolet, h. 10 Jan. 1908 ; Mabel Gwendoline, b. 7 Aug. 1909 ; Louisa, b. C March. 1911 ; Lorna Mary. b. 16 Feb. 1915, and Gladys Ethel, It. (posthumous) 21 Oct. 1916. EATON. W.. Private, No. 14886, 2ud Battn. The Grenadier Guards; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 1 Sept. 1914. EAVES, ALFRED THOMAS, Lieut.. 10th (Service) Battn. The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regt.), elder s. of Alfred Oliver Eaves, of Walmer, by his wife, Cordelia, dau. of E. Davis, of Deal ; 6. Deal, 3 July. 1885 ; educ. Couuty School, Dover, and St. John's College, Battersea, S.W. : was an Assistant Schoolmaster at St. Martin's Boys' School, Dover ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut, in the East Surrey Regt. 4 Jan. 1915 ; transferred to The Queen's (Roya! West Surrey Regt.) 3Iarch, 1916 ; acted as Instructor in the Young Officers' Coy. at Shoreham, and afterwards at Ferraoy , CO." Cork; served wnth the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 4 May, 1916. joining the Trench IMortar Battery, and afterwards "became Brigade Instructor of Trench Jlortar Battery ; took part in the operations on the Somme, and at Courcelette, Martnipiiich and Flers, and was killed in action near Bapaume 7 Oct. 1916. while in lommand of his company. A brother officer wrote : " I deejdy regret to inform you that your husband was killed in action on the 7th. i feel his loss myself very greatly. He was at the time of his death in charge of his company. The company was digging in under heavy shell fire. I did not actually see him fall, but I understand his death was a very gallant one. He was urging on the men to dig hard for cover, and, regardless of dancer to himself, was supervising their work, when a shell burst jiLSt over his head and mortally wounded him. I need not say how very deepiv mourned he is bv his brother officers." He »i. at Upjjer Deal, 2 June, 1914 ."Daisy (196, Folkestone Road. Dover), dau. of Thomas Love. ECCLES, CHARLES, Private, Xo. 36889. A Coy., 4th Platoon, l/5th Battn. The Loyal North Lanc;ishire Regt., only s. of the late Henry Eccles. hy his wife, Elizabeth (Rose Hill Cottages. Euxton. near Clmrleyi. dau. of Charles Houghton, of Euxton; b. 17 Nov. 1890; educ. Euxton National School; was a Porter at Balshaw I>ane Station; joined the Loyal North Lancashires 26 Feb. 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from :May. and died in 2/lst Wessex Field Ambulance 21 Sei)t. 1917. of wounds received in action the previous dav. Buried in Brandhoek New .Military Cemetery (No. 2). A comrade wrote : " He will be missed by all the boys who are left, as he was always a good straightforward boy, liked by all the platoon ; he had won the conthlenc<' of his fellow-soldiers since he joined them." Unm. ECCLES, FRANCIS, Private, No. 40791, 57th Field Ambulance. R.A.M.C, s. of Peter Eccles, of 18, Springfield Road, Chorley, Accountant, by his wife, Annie, dau. of William Ball ; b. Chorley. co. Lanc;ister, 27 May, 1892 ; educ. St. Mary's Scliooi there, and the Catholic Day College, Preston ; was in the employ of Messrs. J. Craven ik Co., of Chorley. and afterwards Book-keeper at the Talbot Spinning ifc Weaving Company ; enlisted in the R.A.M.C. 14 Oct. 1914 ; Alfred Thomas Eaves. Alfred Charles Edinburgh. served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1915. and died at the Grayling War Hospital, Chichester, 8 Jan. 1918, of pleurisy and pneumonia, con- tracted while on active service. Buried at St. Gregory's, Weldbank, Chorley ; unm. EDGEWORTH, WILFRED HENRY, Private, No. 15389. 10th (Service) Battn. Lewis tJun Section, The Royal Warwicksliire Regt., «. of the late Henry Edge- worth, by his wife, Sarah ul. 27 Dec. 1907), dau. of James Sellers; and foster son of George Hill. Road Ganger; b. Y'ardley, Birmingliam, 13 .Tan. 1894 ; educ. Acock's Green Church Schools : enlisted 1 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action on the Somme 18 Nov. 1916. His Commanding Otticer wrote : " He was a bright and cheerj' lad, in whom I had great confidence, and whom I had noted for promotion. He was much liked by his many friends, and Ids to^s will be mourned by the whole of the Lewis Gun Section. I hope you wUl find some little consolation in the fact that he died as a gentleman of Britain, fighting for King and Country and all it stands for," and his Corpl. : " He did his work well and fired his fiewis gun until the last. He and I were great friends— in fact, he was everyone's friend, and was thought a great deal of by Ids comrades in the Gun Section." EDINBURGH, ALFRED CHARLES. L.- Sergt., No. 6283, 2nd Battn. (6th Foot) The Royal Warwickshire R«gt., 2nd *. of Henry Fdinburu'h. of 2, Yew Tree Road, Aston, BirniinL'hani. Carpenter, by liis wife, Sarali, dau. or Thomas Harris ; b. Adelaide, Australia, -M March, 1893; educ. at Birmingham; was a Railway Porter ; enlisted 2 Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; served with the Expeditionary Force m France and Flanders from 7 Mav. 1915. and was killed in action 3 Sept. 1916. Lieut.-Col. A. G. Pritcliard wrote ; " Your son was my orderly, and 1 was only a few yards away from liim when he was killed. ... I liked him very much : lie was an excellent man and bore a splendid character." Cum. EDMOND, ROBERT DUTHIE, Private. No. 11640. 1st Battn. Scots Guards, s. of the late James Edmond, by Ids wife, Jane, dau. of George Ogilvie, of Banff : b. Aberdeen, 12 5[arch, 1892 ; educ. there : was a member of the Glasgow Police Force, and a member of the 4th Battn. The Gordon Highlanders from 1910 to 1913; enlisted in the Scots Guards 14 Oct. 1914 ; served with the Expelitionary Force in France and Flanders from March, 1915, and was killed in action 14 Oct. 1917. Buried in Bleuet Farm Cemetery, north- east of Elverdinghe and north-west of Ypres ; unm. EDMONDS, A., Private-, No. 8930. The Cimeronians (Scottish Rifles) ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 26 Oct. 1914. EDMONDSON, CYRIL ARTHUR, Lieut., Hood (6th) Battn., 2nd Brigade. Royal Naval Division. 3rd and ysl. s. of James Edmondson, of Woodberry Lake, Green Lanes, Firtsbury Park. N., by his wife. Isabel, dau. of Richard HitclUns:' b. Highbury, N., 30 March, 1892; educ. Mill HUl School, where he was keeidy interested in all sports ; passed the Intf'r- niediate LL.B. Examination in Law, and was on the point of completing Ids articles with E. and J. ilote. Solicitors, of Gray's liut. when war broke out in Aug. 1914 ; eidisted in the Royal Naval Division Sipt. 1914, serving six montlis in the ranks ; ap- pointed Sub-Lieut. Feb. 1915 ; was present in t lie (Tallipoli Campaign : mentioned in Sir Charles Munro's Despatch [London Gazette, 12 July, 1916J, for gallant and distmgulshed conduct during the evacuation of the Penin- sula, Ills company being one of the last to leave ; i)romoted Lieut., and went to France in April, 1916 ; killed in action at Beaumont Harael 13 Nov. following. Buried there. Major Arthur Asquith. R.N.D.. wrote: "His original C Coy. and my 1) t'oy. saw much of one another in Gallipoli and in Lemnos after the evacuation. . . . We were all, officers and men, very much attached to lum. . . . He was an excellent mess companion and a quite exceptionally brave and efficient officer. . . . After he got command of a company in France I saw less of him than 1 could Iiavc wished," and Lieut.-Connnander W. Egerton. R.N.D. : " He went over with nearly the first lot of men, but met his death very early in the operation." Major Gowau, Staff of Financial Adviser to Commander-in-Cliief, also wrote : " Surgeon McCraeken. of his battalion, told me that he slept with Cyril the night before the fight in a dug-out. He (Cyril) was cheery. Cyril need not have gone forward with the first party, as he was in reserve, but he volunteered to go and was sent :is Acting Adjutant. (In the end all the officers in reserve went forward.) The flght occurred about four o'clock in tlie morning of the I3th. He was hist se«Mi by some of the men. and was then going forward with the Signalling otlicer. Both were seen to fall, shot by snipers. Cyril was shot through the head. McCraeken had by this time gone ahead in another direction. He did not iumself sec him fall. McCraeken w:is, I tlunk. an old friend of Cyril's, and, like the men. told me what a splendid fellow he was." Unm. EDMONDSON, G. H., Private. No. 5827. 2nd Battn. The Duke of Wellington's Rest. : served with the llxpeditJonarv Force in France ; killed iu actiou 2l Aug. 1914. EDWARD, FRANK, Private, No. 6585, A Cov., Lewis Gun Section, 1/I4th Battn. ( London Scottish) The London Regt. (T.F.), lidct .«. of James Frank Edward, of 52, liainault Road. Leytonstone, co. Essex. Department Manager, by Ids wife, Alice .Maud Mary, dau. of Henry Jolly; b. Wood (ireeii. London, N.. 8 Dec. 1893; educ I.eyton County High School. Town Hall. Leyton, and Kirkdale Road School. Leyton- >tone ; went to Switzerland in 1910 ; returned to England iu 1915 ; joined the London Scot- tisb in Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force iu France from May, and wa^ killed "in action in front of Bouleaux Wood, during the fighting on the Somme 25 Sept. 1910. Buried near where he fell. Sergt. i:. P. Johnston wTote : *" Your son fell mortally wounded in maintaining our ver\ high traditions. He was a fine lad and we Frank Edward. all miss liirn." Unm. Cyril Arthur Edmondson, 88 The Roll of Honour Harri Willis Edwards. EDWARDES. C. J.. Private, Xo. 7457, 1st Battn. The Coldstream Guards ; ?'-T\ed with till- Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 29 Sept. 1914. EDWARDS. C. Drummer. Xo. 9428, The Lincolnshire Regt. ; s't-rvrd witli the Expedi- tionarv Force in France ; died ot* wounds (tetanus) 18 Sept. 1914. EDWARDS, ERIC WILSON. Lieut, and .\ctinu Capl.. 6th (Service) Battn. The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Rcgt.). a. of William Kdwards, of Roswjn, 47, Lee Road, Black- heath, Solicitor, by his wife. Mary. dau. of John Wilson, of Lee : b. Lee, co. Kent. 1 June. IH'Jl ; educ. Blackheath Proprietary School ; was a partner in the finn of Braikenridge A: Kdwards. Solicitors, of 16, Bartletfs Build- ings. Holborn Circus, E.C. ; joined the Uni- versity of London O.T.C. in Nov. 1914 : was cazetted 2ud Lieut. 1 Jan. 1916 ; promoted Lieut, in .\pril, 1917, and Acting ('apt. the following Oct.; served in Ireland during the Kel"llion April, 1916; proceeded to France ill till- following July, and was killed in action Krit Wilson Fdwards. at Chapel Hill, near (louzeauconrt. :50 Nov. I'.UT, Buried at Heud'court : num. EDWARDS, HARRI IWILLIS, Lieut., 5th (Territorial) Battn. The East Lancashire Regt., eldest s. of the late Rev. Harri Edwards. Clerk in Holy Orders, by his wife, Marie, dan. of tlie late Capt. George Willis, of Aislaby Hall. Whitby ; b. Bishopthorpe, near York, 30 May. 1876 : educ. Denstone College, co. Stalford ; was for 11 years a member on the slalf of the Bank of Liverpool at Keighley. during wliich time he took a keen interest in the Boy Scout movement : joined the 16th West York.shire Regt. on the outbreak of war ; serwd with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Egypt from 6 Dec. 1915. and with the Expcilitionary Korce in France and Flanders from .\pril, 1916 ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut, in tlie 5th East Lancashire Regt. in Dec. lollowing, and was killed in action near Peronne 28 April. 1917. He m. — 1st, at the Parish Churcli, Nelson, co. Lancaster, 7 Oet. 1005, Gertrude Louise, dau, of Richard Bedingfeld. and had a son, Douglas Bedingfeld Willis, b. 20 March, 1907, and— 2ndly. at the Priory Church, Bridlington, 12 April, 1910, Ada (Old Oxenhope House, near Keighley). dau. of the late Mathew Cran.swick, of K»ighton. EDWARDS. HARRY. Private. Xo. 28318, 6tli (Senice) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Volunteers (South Lancashire Regt.), 2nd *. of the late Alexander Edwards, by his wife, Annie (32. Buxton Road. Rock Ferrv) ; b. Rock Ferr>-, co. Chester. 17 Oct. 1896; ^^^^ ^^^^^ ednc. Higher Grade Schools there ; joined ■^9^ Ar^lVI^Bte^. ^^^ Liverpool Pats in Nov. 1915 ; transferred W^^ .m \^^^t^M ^^ ^^^ South Lancashire Regt. in 3Iay. 1916; r ^t'^^ri. X.^u ser\ed with tlie Indian Expeditionary Force in ^lesopotamia from tliat month, and died at the Basra General Hospital, Persian Gulf, 14 Sept. 1916. from dysentery contracted while on active service. Buried in the Makina Masus Old Cemetery there ; tmrn. EDWARDS. J.. Sergt.. No. 8276, 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt.: served with tiR- Kxprditionary Force in France; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. EDWARDS, J., Private, No. 9:J85. The Oxfordsliire and Buckingliamshire Light Infantry: served with the Expeditionarv Force in France; killed in action 19 Sept. 1914. EDWARDS, J. S., L.-Corpl., No. 4053, 9th Lancers ; ser\ed witli the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 29 Sept. 1914. EDWARDS, JOHN HENRY, Abie-Bodied Seaman, Z/W, 1121, Hood Battn.. Royal Naval Division, eldest «. of Thomas Henrv Edwards, of No. 2 Kitchener Street. Cwmttrwdoer. Pontnewynydd. Pontypool. Traffic Manager, bv his wife, Celia, dau. of Tliomas Rees ; b. Rhymney. co. Monmouth, 3 Jan. 1892 :"educ. Snatchwood School. Ahersyclian : was a Collierv Haulier in the Terpertwvs Colliery ; joined the Naval Division 1 Slay, 1915 ; went to the Dardanelles 23 Oct. following, where he was wounded ; thence to Egvpt : served witli the Ex-peditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Beau- mont Hamel, during the Battle of the Ancre. 13 Nov. 1916. His Commanding Officer WTOte ; " It was in the great attack on the Ancre that it happened. I did not see him fall, as I was hit 11 times myself soon after entering the Hun trenches. He had been in the platoon since the Gallipoli days, and I had always regarded Iiim as a most reliable comrade^ahvays willing and cheerful. He was very yioitular with all who knew him, and tiie whole company join with me in express- ing our greatest sorrow at his death. I hope it will be some consolation to vou to know that he died a noble death." He m. at Abersvelian. 2 Dec. 1912. Eliza- beth Jane, dau. of Benjamin Price, and had a son, John Henrv Thomas, b. 3 Jan. 1916. ' . - EDWARDS, R., Private, No. 9539, 2nd Battn. The Lancashire Fusiliers : sened with the Expeditionary Force hi France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. EDWARDS, T.. Private. No. 9726, 1st Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt. : s.rvtd with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. EDWARDS, W.. Driver. No. 6373, 12th Battery, R.F.A. : sen,cd with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of pneumonia 28 Oct. 1914. EDWARDS, W., Private, No. 9943. 1st Battn. The East Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expt-ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 2S Oct. 1914. EDWARDS. WALTER, Signaller, No. 1750. 1st Battn. Welsh Guards, s. of William Edwards, of Towns End, Dale, near Slilford Haven, Builder, bv his wife, Susan, dau. of William Edwards; b. Marloes. .Milford Haven. 19 Oct. 1890; educ. Marloes and Dale ; was a PoUce Constable : enlisted in the Welsh Guards 30 June, 1915 ; sened with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from July, 1916. and was killed in action at Goiizeaucourt 1 Dec. 1917. Buried near the Battalion Headquarters. The Cliaplain \vrote : " The Commanding Officer wishes me to express to you his great appreciation of the way in which your son carried out his duties at all times." Unnu Harry Edwards. EDWARDS, WILLIAM, Rifleman. Xo. 3247, 13th (Service) Battn. The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), 2nd x. of John William Kdwards, of 6, King Edward Road, Swansea, Solicitor's Clerk, by his wife, Sarah, dau. of David Lewis, of Llangadock : b. Swansea, 20 Dec. 1885 ; educ. National Scliool. Oxford Street, Swansea ; was a Warehouseman ; enlisted 16 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 21 July. 1915, and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 23 April, 1917. Buricd'in Pont du Jour 31ilitary Ometery, north-east of Arnis ; nnm. EDWARDS. WILLIAM VICTOR, Capt.. 7th (Service) Battn. The Roya Dublin Fusiliers. ». of Alfred Edwards, of The laurels. Straudtown, Belfast, by his wife. Mary. dau. of John Wilson; b. Belfast. 16 Oct. 1887; educ. Thanet College, Margatr ; .\cadtniical Institution, Coleraine : Camphi-ll College, Belfast, and Qmen's Vnivrrsity. Belfast; was an Accountant, being a Companv Officer in th.; 6th Battn. East Belfast Regt. of the Clstcr Volunteer Force; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 22 Sept. 1914 : promoted Lieut. Dec. 1914. and Capt. .\pril. 1915 ; served with the Exptiditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following month; proceeded to Egypt in Sept. 1917, and was killed in action in Palestine 29 Dec. lollowing. Buried east of the village of Deis Ibsia, close to Mount lloreh. He was a keen sportsman, and represented lus country in international Rugby and W"ater Polo fixtures, and had the distinction of being the first niaii to swim across Belfast Lough ; unm. EELES, F., Private. No. 8064, 2nd Battn. The Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantrv ; served with the Expeditionarv Force'in France; killed 16 Sept. 1914. EFEMEY, ALBERT GEORGE. Private, No. 20543, 13th (Service) Battn. The Duke of Cambridge's Own (^liddlesex Regt.), only 9. of Albert Frederick Efemey. of 12, Pears Road, Hounslow, by liis wife, Jane, dau. of George Saunders; b. Windsor, co. Berks, 22 Sept. 1893 ; educ. Town Boys' School, Hounslow: was a Grocer's Assistant; joined the 8th (Territorial) Battn. Middlesex Regt. 8 Dec. 1911 ; was called up on the outbreak of war ; went to Gibraltar in Sept. 1914 : returned home in Feb, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following month ; wa'* wounded at Y'pres 11 May, 1915, and invalided home ; rejoined Ins regiment 26 June, 1916 ; w:is again wounded at Hebuterne, when attached to the Machine Gun Section ; returned to France in May, 1917, when he tran-^ferred to the 13th Battn. of his regiment, and died at No. 3 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station on the 28th, of wounds received in action. Buried in Lys^-iithovk Military Cemetery, near Pojieringhe. He m. at Hounslow, 31 Dec. 1916, Kathleen, dau. "of John Siuith ; «./*. EGAN, E., Private, No. 586. 9th Lancers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. EGAN, P.. Private, No. 7706, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Regt. ; .served with the Expeditionarj' Force in France ; killed in act ion 15 Oct, 1914. EGERTON, BERTRAM GUSTAVUS. 2nd Lieut.. 9th (Service) Battn. The Sht-rwood Fon-sters (Notfinghamshirt' and Derbvsliirr Regt,), 2nd x. of Gustavus RolM-rt ICgerton. of Roydon Mansions. Highgate, X. : b. London. 4 Oi:t. 1881 ; served tlu-ough the Soutli African War 1899-1902. with the Rough liidir^ (Queen's Medal with four clasi>s, and the Yeomanry Efficiency Medal) ; rejoined the Rough Riders, with h^ former rank of Sergt., after the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 ; went to Eg\'pt 12 April, 1915 and while tliere was sent to the School of Instruction at Zeitoim, being gazetted 2nd Lieut. Sherwood Foresters 10 Oct. 1915, and served with tliat regiment at Suvla Bay ; returned to Egyjit after the evacuation in Jan. 1916, where he acted as Wharf Master on the Caiial, until his regiment left for France 28 June, and died at Bouzineourt 8 Sept. following, from wounds received earlier in the day. Buried in tlu' Communal Cemetery Extension, Bouzineourt. His Captain wrote : " His death leaves a gap that will not easily be filled. He was a grand colleague to work with — brave, cheerful and very efficient." (7nm. EGERTON. CHARLES ALFRED, Corpl., No. 16008, 1st Battn. (7th Foot) Till- Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.). «. of Cliarles Alfred Egerton, of 93, Crowtlur Road. South Norwood, S.E., late Master Tailor, of 2nd Royal Fusiliers and 2nd P.W.O. Y'orkshire Regt., now Viewer of the Army Clotlung Department, by his wife, Cecilia Catherine, dau. of Frederick Edwards, late Conductor. Madras Commissariat Department, India ; 6. Ranikhet. N.W.P., India, 29 Dec. 1896 ; educ. South Norwood Board Schools, and Stanley Technical Trade Schools ; was a member of the St. Mark's Church, Norwood Lads' Church Brigade, and also a keen footballer; enlisted 5 May, 1913, in 5th Battn (Reserve) Royal Fusiliers, and transferred to the Army (Ordnance Department ; afterwards went to the 1st Battn.. in which his brother was ser\ing ; went to France 11 Dec. 1915. and was killed in action 24 April, 1916, being struck by shell fire in the abdomen, about midnight on the 23rd, and d}ing a few hours later. Buried at Bailleul ; unm. EGGAR. W., Private, Xo. 8275, 1st Battn. The Royal West Surrey Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 16 Sept. 1914. EGGENTON,W., Private, No. 16399, 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards; ser\-ed with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14—16 Sept, 1914. EGGINTON, E. G., Bombardier. No. 66975, R.F.A. ; served with the Exr>edi- tionary Force in France : killed in action 12 Oct. 1914. EGGLETON, C. M., Private, No. 10822, 2 Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps : served with the Expeditionarv Force France ; killed in action 14-17 Sept. 1914. EITKEN, GEORGE, L.-Corpl.. No. 26830. A Coy., 2nd Battn. (l.st Foot) The Royal Scots ( Lothian Regt.), only w. of George Eitken, of i'.ui-nos Aires, by his wife, Jane (3. Woodstock A\irnie. South Reddish, near Stocki>ort); b, 1 oridon, 16 July. 1898: educ Christ Church. Uat'Tloo, near Liverjjool. and the Municipal >' I (iiidary School, Derby ; enUstt-d 22 Oct. 1915 ; served in France and Flanders from I'l Feb. 1916, and was killed in action at Wati-rlot Farm, near LongiievaJ, 22 July iiillowing. Sergt. R. Layrd wrote : " He was I'-ailinLZ a bombing attack on the enemy t r«'ii(|irs as first bayonet man, a most ncr\'e- trying job, which it takes the bravest of men to iK-rform, and he was specially chosen (after volunteering), on account of his gallant conduct ftn former occasions, and fear he km-w not. lb- was shot in the enemy trenches through III'- right side, in the second attack about fi\r o'clock in the morning, after coming safely throutrh the first attack at 2 a.m. He died instantaneously," Unm. ELAND. REGINALD GEORGE WALTON. Lieut., 31st Battn. Canadian Expeditionar\ Forri-, yr, s. oi tin- lute George Walton Clowes Eland, Deputy Keeper of Records, Irish Land Commission, by his wife. Emily Maud, only surv. dau. of the late Charles Conway, of Dublin; b. Donnybrook, co. Dublin. 9 Oct. 1890 ; educ. St. Andrew's College, and Dublin University, where for tliree years George Eitken. The Roll of Honour 89 Arthur William Eld. he was a member of the O.T.C.. bciug crack shot of his corps, a member of the Pipers' Band, and one of the few si-nt over to represent Dublin University at the coronation of Kins George V. ; went to Canada in Nov. 1012, to join the Itoyal North- West Mounted Police; endeavoured to buy iiimself out of the force on the outbreak of war, in order to go to the front, but was unable to do so, and had to serve the tliree years for which he had signed on ; obtained a commission in the 137th Battn. Canadian Expeditionary Force in Dec. 1915 ; arrived in England 1 Sept. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 6 March, 1917. having transferred to the'sist Battn. : took part in the fighting at Vimy Ridge, and was killed in action near Fresnoy 3 May following. Buried on the battlefield. A l>rother officer wrote : " He died as he lived, a courageous gentleman, afraid of nothing on earth. He went over the top like a kitten and as happy as a lark, giving great courage to the men." He was a keen athlete, being very fond of tennis, swimming, riding, shooting and football, and played for the Wanderers Football Club in the Cup team in 1911 and the Inter-provincial the same year; itnm. ELD, ARTHLTR WILLIAM, Lieut.. 2nd Battn. (10th Foot) The Lincolnshire Regt., onlv v. ot th-' late William Henry Eld, of West Bromwich. bv his wife, Alice (TIk' (;al>|r^. Wrst llaulev, near Stourbridge), dau. of the 'late John Stevens; b. West Bromwich. eo. Stafford, 17 Oct. 1891; educ, Tettenhall : was an Auctioneer ; joined the 1st Birmingham Battn. of the Warwickshire Regt. 1 Sept. 1914. being gazetted 2nd Lieut. Lincolnshire Ucgt. 12 April, 1915, and promoted Lieut, in March. 19Ui ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from Feb. 1916 ; was wounded at till' Battle of the Somme 1 July, and invalided home ; returned to the front in Feb. UH7. and was killed in action while leading his men in an attack on Gonnelieu 18 April iollowitiL'. I'.uried in the Military Cemetery at Viliers Gui^lain. His Major wrote; "An a 1 1 aek was iieing made on a village which was stronirly held by the enemy, and your son. with his iLsual gallantry, was cutting liis way through the wire when a macliine gun (Jl»ened on him at point-blank range. At the time of his death >our son was commanding a company, wliich duty he performed most eJliclently, alwavs setting an excellent example of courage and endurance, and his loss is very deeply felt by all ranks of the regiment," and the Chai)lain : " There was no one amongst all the officers who have come to this battalion in the last two years who inspired a greater sense of strength and confidence than your son ; men would have done an\'tlung for him and with him." He was a keen sportsman, being espccialtv fond of Rugby lootball. for which he had his College Cap (1908-9), and later played for the Wolverhampton Uiighy Club; num. ELDER, R., Private. No. l(i(U7. 2nd Battn. The Seaforth Highlanders ; served witli the Expeditionary Kuice in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. ELDERKIN, JOHN VICTOR. Lieut-., A. 59th Brigade, R.F.A.. 4th *. of William Elderkin. by his wife, Katherine (13. Jlillicent Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham); and gdson. of Thomas ICIderkin, of Keyston, co. Huntingdon: b. Islip. CO. Northampton, 3 May, 1887 ; joined the K.F.A. 5 Sept. 1914. being gazetted 2nd Lieut. Jan. 1915 ; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in Egypt from the following July ; proceeded to Gallipoli in Oct : returned to Egypt after the evacuation at Suvia Bay, where he again took part in one or two slight actions in the Sinai Peninsula ; 'was drafted to Fiance in July, 1916 ; took part in the Battle of the Somme, and some severe figliting near Ypres, and died at the Medical Dressing Station 23 Sept. 1917, from wounds received in action near Ypres. Buried at Boesinghe. His Colonel in the 133rd Brigade wrote : " As his C'olonel in the 133rd Brigade I imderstood and valued liim ; I made him my Adjutant, and a right good one he was too. He was a beautiful eharacter, loyal, keen and clever, but liis best trait was Ids coolness." and a brother officer : " I cannot say what a good otficer and friend, as well as a cheerful comj>anion. he was : Itrave, hard-working and a sterling officer. We all deeply grie\e liiiu. and his memory will live on in A. 59." Unm. ELDERKIN, ROBERT RICHARD, Private, No. 20981, 7th (Service) Battn. The Northamptonshire Kegt.. .>■. of William Elderkin, of 14, Newtown Road, Little Irchester. Hair Dyer, Crome Works, by his wife, Mary Ann, dau. of John Kichards ; b. Oundle. co. Northants. 9 Jan. 1895 ; educ. All Saints' Council Schools. Wellingborough, co. Northants ; was a Leather Dresser and voluntarily enlisted 20 Oct. 1915 : ser\ed with the Expeditionary Force in France from 27 Feb. 1916. and was killed in action S Ajiril following, whilst in liis dug-out. P.nried in Walverthem Cemetery. His Platoon Sergt., B. Pike, wrote : " He \va^ killid about noon on Saturday, 8 April, 1916. We were in dug-outs resting dm iuii tin- day. when the Germans" started slielling ; the first shell hit the dug-out where he was with six others; he with another was sitting up; the remainder wiio Were lying down escaped the full force of the shell." Unm. ELDRIDGE. A., Private. No. 9342. 1st Battn. The Hampshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary I-'orce in France; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. ELIOT, PETER DOUGLAS COLIN, Capt., 14th Murray's Jat Lancers, JMiliati Army. :;rd and yst. -v. of the late Sir John Eliot. Iv.C.l.E., F.R.S., Meteoro- logical Reporter to the Government of India, by liis wife. Mary (lion Porteau, Cavalaire, Var, France), dau. of the late William Nevill, F.G.S. ; b. Gipsy Hill. London, 21 Sept. 1885 ; educ. Malvern College, and the Koyal Militarv College. Sandhurst: gazetted 2nd Lieut. 'I'liattaehed List 5 Aug. 1905, being apiKjinted to the Indian Army 24 Oct. 1906; liromoted Lieut. 5 Nov. 1907. and Capt. 5 Aug. 1914 ; siTved on the first of the Frontier l'.xi)editioris in India, during the European War. as extra A.D.C. to I>ieut.-Col. Blomefield. and on the second as SignaUing Officer: also with the Indian Expeditionary Force in Meso- potamia from Aug. 1910. and was killed in ;ution to the north of Kut-el-Amara 25 Feb. I'.ilT. Buried about 20 miles north of Kut-el- Amara. A brother otficer wrote : " He had done splendiilly, and he can't be replaced in the regiment. '. . . He was a splendid officer and very gallant," and his Colonel : '* Your gallant husband will be an irreparable loss to the regiment. You know how much we loved him for himself, and I can t«II you, as his Commanding Otficer. thai, he was invaluable to me. and was always very splendid. He had got temporary command of a sipiadron, and I could not help feeling that the squadron could not have a better leader." He m. at Simla, India, 5 Oct. 1914, Ella Mary, dan. of the late Col. William Hans Rathborne, Royal Engineers, and had a dau., Heather Mary, b. 25 Dec. 1915. Peter Douglas C. Eliot. ELKIN, J., Private, No. 391, Nt Batta. Thi Rifl; Bri:;;ile: served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 S?pt. 1914. ELKINGTON, H., Private. No. 59S3. 2nl Battn. Sauth iLancashire Regt. ; served with the E.vpeditionary I*'orce in France ; kllleJ in action 20 Sept. 1914. ELLXCOTT, ALEXANDER CAMERON, Private, No. 31818, 63rd Field Ambulance. R.A.M.C, vr. s. of William Henrv Eltacott, of Cameron Villa, Maryfield Place. ^^^^ Bonnyrigg. Midlottiian, Road Surveyor, by ^^^^^^^^^ his wife. Margaret Isabella, dau. of tlie lat<- ^^^^P^^^^^^ Alexander Cameron, of Aberfeldv, co. Perth ; ^^^f^^^^^^ ^- Dalkeith. 13 Aug. 1896 ; educ. tieorge fl^^^^^^^^^^^ Heriot's School, Edinl>nrgh, and on leaving ^D^^^^^^^^^V there was apprenticed as an Engineer with T^^^^^^^^^ Messrs. McTaggart and Scott ; joined the ^'^W^K^^m R.A.M.C. 31 Aug. 1914: served with the VF^^H Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders «1^t'-^^v from June, 1915 ; wa^ wounded during the .<^H^H^ fighting on tiie Somme in Sejit. 1916, and wa.<4 "^^^HL killed in action east of Vpres-Menin lioad, jM^^^^^ near Hooge. 6 Oct. 1917. iiuried wliere he fell. ^i ^^^^^^L^ Lieut. -Col. E. J. Kavanagh wrote : " I liked ^^^I^L J^^^^^^^^ him very much indeed, and often had long ^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^1 talks with about work in ^^^mm^^^^^^l and his liope the future I say I ' liked liim I do so sincerely, and not with any Alexander C. Ellacott. object of saying pleasant things to you. He was killed instantaneously by a shell ; he and three otlr-rs went oat t^g.'ther to lift a stretcher, wlien a shell bnrst on the top of them, killing your son and oae of the other men, badly wounding a third. and bruising the fourth. ... He was an excellent lad, hard-working, well liked by all the unit, and always gave a fine example of good work well and cheerfully done." Vnm. ELLARD, J., Sergt., No. 7473, 1st Battn. The Norfolk Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died on or about 24 Aug. 1914. ELLEN, E., Private, No. 9987, The Royal West Kent Regt. ; served with the Expeditionar\ Force in France ; killed in action 24 Aug. 1914. ELLEN, ERIC ADRIAN, Capt., 2nd Battn. (o9th Foot) The East Lancashire Regt., 2nd s. of Edward Tlieodosius Ellen, of Erith; b. Sutton, co. Surrey, 12 Sept. 1892; educ. St. Anne's, Redhill ; joined the Artists' Rifles 7 Aug. 1914. tliree days after war was declared ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Nov. : was gazetted 2nd Lieut. East Lancasliire Regt. June. 1915 ; SL-rved with th? Expeditionary Force in France, and wjus killed in action at Maurapas 30 Jan. 1917. Buried there in Quinney's Post Military Cemetery. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He is a great loss and had served under me for 18 months. He was an excellent officer, most conscientious, hard-working, and full of pluck," and a brother officer; "His popularity with the men was extraordinary, but his loss is felt by everyone alike, and I know for myself that, short as is the time I have known him, there is no one in the battalion who would leave a quarter such a gap as he." He was an enthusiastic football player, playing goal-keeper for the Richmond Association and the Crouch End Vampires, also for the London Caledonians at Budapest in Aug. 1913. He m. at Clapham, Jlolly (74, Manchuria Road, Battersea, S.W.), dau. of .lames O'Grady. ELLERV, JACK, Private, Xo. 6192, 4th (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards, only *. of Thomas Ellery (now serving in the Royal Defence Corps), by liis wife, Elizabeth; 6. Chilliridge. near Wiraborne. co* Dorset. 12 March. 1893; educ. Boys' National School. Bridport ; enlisted in the Dorsetshire Regt. 1 April. 1911 : transferred to the 4th Dragoon Guards 1 Aug. following; served with thi- Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Aug. 1914. and died in a casualty clearing station 6 Jan. 1916, from wounds received in action. Buried in Bethune Cemetery ; unm. ELLICE, ALEXANDER, Capt., 5th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own Cameron HiglUanders, eldest surv. ,v. of Major Edward Charles Ellice, of Invergarry, D.S.O.. J. P.. Commanding Guards' Entreneliing Battn. in France, by liis wife, Margan*t Georgiana, dau. of Freeman Frederick Thomas, of Ratton, co. Sussex : and brother to 2nd Lieut. A. R. Elliee and Midshipman W. Elliee {q.v.) ; b. London. 19 Nov. 1895 ; educ. Cargilfield and Rugby : on leaving school entered a Char- tered Accountant's office in Paris and London ; possessed a strong cliaracter. and was a good sportsman and football player. On the outbreak of war in 1914, was gazetted 2nd Lieut, otli Cameron Highlanders, 5 Sept. 1914; promoted Lieut. Oct. 1915, and Capt. Aug. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 10 May. 1915 ; was wounded at the Battle of Loos in Sept. ; returned to the front in Jan. 1916. and died 18 Oct. following, of wounds received in action on the 15tli ; he was hit by shell fire at Eaueourt r.\bbaye. and taken to the Casualty Station there, where he died. Buried in Dernanconrt Communal Cemetery Extension. His Commanding Officer wrote : " Personally, from a professional point of view. I have lost a most excellent otficer. who always did his duty, was most conscientious and was beloved of liis men. Kegimentally we have all lost a popular favourite, who was always cheery and always mide the best of things under trying conditions, and was never downhearted. He treated everything with a smile. Our loss is a great one, and every otficer and man in the regiment mis-^es his cheery face." Unm. ELLICE, ANDREW ROBERT, 2nd Lieut., Grenadier Guards, 2nd surv. s, of Major Edward Charles i:ili<<-. of Ardochy. Invergarry. D.S.O.. J. P., now Com- manding Guards' Kiitrenchini: Battn. in France, by his wife. Margaret Georgiana. dau. of Freeman l'reil, and died in No. 34 Casualty Clearini: Station. Grove Town. 29 Sept. lollowing. of wounds received in action dnrim: tlie attack on Les Bamfs on the 25th. Buried in Grove Town British Cemetery near Meaulte. His Commanding Otlitvr wrote : " From what I have heard from survivors in his company, I have put him in for a ^lilitary Cross : they are all enthusiastic about him. One soldi Oct. l;)U. irci The Hon. Gavin \\ I lli. ESMOND, l.icut., The HononraUc, Scots <;uarils. \r. .s. of Sir (iiH>crt John ICIHot- Miirrav-Kvnvnnionnd, 4th l-iarl of Miiito, N.(i., P.C., (J.C.S.I., (l.C.M.G., (i.C.I.K., ilcAcrnor-Gcncial of Canada, 18118-1904, and Viceroy o( India I'.llia HI. bv lii.-i wile. Marv (l.adv of the licdcliandiiT to the (Jncen from Kill, CI., K.1.II..M.. and l.ady of .hHtice of Order of St. .lolni of .fern.salcin), d.in. of the lateCeiicralThe HonoliraWc Charles i.n y ; I,. London, 25 April. 18H5 ; cdnr. Eton I Mjiei^'e ■ joined t ho Lotliian.s and Border Hor^e Vcomanry in Oct. 11)14 ; cxehanetai In the Scots (iiiards in .Inne, 101(1; .served Al "ith the I'ixiieditionarv l-'orce in l''rancc and ^K^^ I landers from Oct. llhli. and was killed in ^^^■■L ■ 'i ^ action near the stiinlieik liiver U Aili.'. 1S)17. ^^^^^^^^^V'J^ '"■ lltiricd in tlic Mendin^'hem llritisti Cemetery, ^^^^^^^BrV I'roven. nortii'Wcst Y]ire.s. The ^I^^^^H^B. V Divisional Clctieral wrote : " He is a great loss. " \lways brave and cheerful, loved by everyone, l>oth officers and men. He led a' very good raid into the Ccrman trenches a fortnisj'ht ago, and did it splendidly, with all the coolness of an older man and tin- dash of a hoy," and his Coloni'l ; " He was a born leader, always in sympathy with his men. J have never had a better ollicer since I commanded a battalion." His Platoon Sergt. also wrote : " As a soldier he lived, and as a soldier he has gone to his last resting-pl!'"'. We liave lost our idol, for we had set him on a pedestal in our hearts." He acted as A.IJ.C. in IDlli to the Jl.ajor-Cencral Commanding the Guards' Division in France ; was Page of Honour to the King and ()ueen at Holyrood in the Coronation year, and coxswain in the liton College eight in 1011-12-lH; uitm. ELLIOT, JOHN LINDSAY, Gunner, No. 630239. B/5tli Reserve Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, only «. of .rolui Ulliot, of 12, Kirkburn, Bervie, eo. Kin- cardine, by his wife, JIargaret, dan. of William l.ind^av : h. Uervie aforesaid, 28 Jan, 1801 ; ertur. Bervie Public School, and .Montrose Academv : was a Bank Clerk; enlisted in the R.F.A. Ill .Inne, lUl.i ; served with the' Fxpeditionarv Force in France from :i .\ov. following ; contracted typhoid, and was in\alideil home in Xov. lltm, being eniployed on liome service on recovery ; left lor ICgvpt on boar8(l. The Koyal West Surrey Kegt. ; served with the I'Xpcditiojiary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. ELLIOTT, CHARLES ARTHIR BOILEAU, 2nd Lieut., 1st Battn. (13th Foot) Prince Albert's (Somerset..hiiv l,i'_'ht Inlantrv), oidv s. of the Kcv. Charles l.ister Boileau Elliott. Rector of I'.itf iiigstone, co. s'litfolk. by his wife, Katharine Peel, eldest dau. of the Uev. Philip stephin O'Brien. Vicar of Camden Church, Camherwell. S.l-:. ; h. London. U Feb. isy:i ; ednc. Reiiton. and Jcsiis College. C'ambridge. where he was studying with a view to taking Holy Orders when war broke out ; obtained a comnii.ssion in the 4tli (Territorial) Battn. Norfolk Rcgt. 21 Aug. 11)14. having been a member of the O.T.C., both at school and college ; served with the JlcditiTrauean Expeditionar.v Force at Galllpoli from Aug. 1915. where he w.is wounded ; proceedc'd to Egypt in ,lan. 191('> ; transferred to the Somersetshire Light Infantry the following Oct. ; served with the l-^xiicditionarv l''oree in France from :) T"eb'. 1017. and died at Anbigny 12 April following, froin wounds received in action at the liattle of Arras on the iOtli. P.nried at liuisans. His Colonel wrote : " Hi- was an excellent ollicer and is a great loss to me. . . . He was hit by a bullet on the lOth while leadiieg his men in an attack. He had taken part the previous day in a viT>- snceesstnl attack," ,uid Lieut. Osbourne : "Elliott went over the top with till- battalion on 9 April, taking jiart in the Hattle of .Arras. whi(-h w-as one of the greatest snecesses of the war. Part of the regiment went o\-er again on the loth ; this is when Elliott was wounded. He did -pleiidid work in tlie attac-k." Uiim. ELLIOTT, EUSTACE TREHANE, 2nd Lieut., Sth (Service) Battn. The East York- shire Rcgt.. only .s. of James i'Klward Elliott. of Smeaton. St. Mellion, F'armer. by his wife. Catherine, dau. of John Trehane ; b. St .Mellion. CO. Cornwall. 15 June. 1884 ; ednc. Hoc Preparatory School. Plymouth, and the -\'.;rieiiltura! School, Ashburton. co. Devon ; was a l-'armer ; joined the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry a.s a Private 15 Sept. 1014, after the outbreak of war; went to India with the 2/4tli Battn. the following Dec. as Coy. (inarfcrni.aster-Sergt. ; returned to linglan'd in .\'o\'.. and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. East ^'ork.diire Rcgt. in Dec. 1015; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franco and Flanders troni 2,') Aug. lOlti. and was killed in action at (Juemajipe. during the Battle of Arras, K) .A.|iril. 11117. His Commanding Ollicer wrote ; " During the time he has been with me he has done excellent work, and will be greatly missed by all ranks." Unm. ELLIOTT, FRANCIS, Lieut., Reserve of Offlcers. 2nd s. of the Kcv. Canon .lolni Robert Elliott, \icar of North witll South Carlton, by his wife, Mary. dau. of the late Dr. Sole ; b. Gainsborough, co. Lincoln, 7 Aug. 1880 ; cduc. Queen Elizabe-th's School there ; joined the Volunteers as 2nd Lieut, in 1809 ; volun- t«ercd for service during the South African War, and served through that cam- paign, being gazetted 2nd Lieut. 3rd I-incoln Militia in 1001 ; was given a Lieu- tcnani-y in the lieserve of Offlcers in 1905, and in 1007 was selected to servo as bistriet Sii]i(riiitendent of Police in the East African I'rotcctorate ; returned to l-aiglaiid on leave in 1013, and read a paper on Jubaland at a meeting of the Royal (ieographical Society, being iii;ific a member of the society ; served as Intelligence Olficer in the expedii .n lin-t the Marehan Somali ; took part in some minor actions on the boxl- i- iinan East Africa in 1915. whence he was sent, with the temporary rank ul Cijit. in the icing's .African Rifles, to stop a rising of the Turkhana tribes, who inhabit the country round Lake Rudolf ; was appointed District Commissioner of Jubaland on his return, and later in the year was sent to keep the peace among the turbulent tribes of Somali, and to watch the Abyssinian border ; he was killed in action at Sercnll, nc-ar the Juba river, 2 Feb. 1916. Buried at Bardera, in Italian Somaliland ; unm. ELLIOTT, GEORGE WILLIAM, Private. No. U599, lOtli (Service) Battn. Transport Section. The Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Rcgt.). 2nd s. of Wilham Elliott, Night Watchman, by his wife, .Mary Ann ; b. Rothwell, co. York, 14 Feb. 1890 ; ednc. Board School there ; w,as a Boatman on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal ; enlisted 7 Sept. 1914, .after the outbreak of war : served with Eustace Trehane Elliott. tlu- IOx[ieditionar.\- l-'orce in France from March, 1915. and was killed in actioik 28 Jan. 191f). liuried in Bois Grenier. He m. at Holy Trinity Churcli, liingley, Einitv (2, ('annon Street, Bingley), dau. of John tioldsborough, and had a dau., Mary, )/. U) Jan. 1912. ELLIOTT, J., Corpl.. No. 1574, 1st Battn. The Black Watch; served with the I'ixpcditionary Fort-e in France; died of (accidental) wounds 22 Sept. 1914. ELLIOTT, J., I'rlvate, No. 9178, 3rd Hattn. The Rillc Hrigade ; si-rved witli the Expeditionary Force in l-'rance ; killed in action l:J Oc-t. 1914. ELLIOTT, LEONARD KIRKBY, Sapiier. No. 200(1, 2,2nd West Riding Field Coy. R.E. CI'.F.), (-Idest .<. of Artliur Kirkby Elliott, of 108, Sai-kville Road, Crookes, Shellield, French Polisher, by his wife, Sarah, dau. of Robert Clark ; h. Crookes alon-^aiil. 24 May. 1895 ; ednc. Western Road t'ouncil Si-hool there ; was a Caliiiirt .Maker and French Polisher ; joini-d the R.E. 22 July, 1015 ; served with the IA|ie(lii iojiary l-'ori-e in France and Flanders from 13 Jan. lOKi, and died in No. 17 Casualty Clearing Station 23 Feb. follow-ing, from wounds received in action at Yprcs oil the 20th. Buried at .Abeal. His Major wrote : " Your son had only been with us a very short time, but he had already attracted my noti(-e on account of the cheerful way in which he went aliout his work, and I deplore more deeply than I can say the loss of so gallant a soldier in tjie service of his Iviug and country." Vmn. ELLIOTT, WALTER, 2iid Lieut., 7tll (E.xtra Reserve) Battn. I'lie Royal l-'iLsiliers (City of London Rcgt.), s. of .Augustus J-;iliott. of lirailc-s, Banbury, Grocer and Draper, by liis wife, .Annie, dau. of Thomas l-:iiiott, of .Market HaV- boroiigh ; b. Brailes, iianbury, co. Oxon, 13 April, 1887 ; cduc. lio^s' l-;ndowcd School there ; wius for three years employed witli .Messrs. Thindler A' Douglas, of Market Harboro', and subsequently enti-red the employment of Messrs. Cook, Son «t Co., Drajiers. St. Paul's Churchyard. London, as a Warehoitseman ; joined Queen \'ictoria's Rifles in Aug. 1014. after the outbreak of war ; went to Exeter College, Oxford, in March, 1910, to join tin- O.T.C ; obtained a (-ommission in the Royal Fusiliers in Sept, ; served with the l-;xi>editioiiary F'orce in France and Flanders from Nov. 191(), and,was killed in act ion at lieaiu-ourt on tin- 13tli of that month. Buried in Kiiightsbridge Cemetery. .Mesnil. His Colonel wrote :" On the morning of the 13th inst. the battalion was one of many in an attack on the German jiosition. L'nfortunately jiLst in front of us was an enemy's strong point witll many inachine guns, which ojn-iK-d fire on our attacking troops. It was against this your son was leading his platoon when hi- met his death. Hi.s loss is much felt by both offlcers and men, 1 had him buried, with his compan.v (-oinmander and other olficers, in a cemetery near where he fell." Unm. ELLIS, C. Coy. Sergt.-Major. No. 5404. 2iid Batt. The Royal Scots ; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 20 .Aug. 1914. ELLIS, J., Private, No. 7025, 1st Battu. The W'est Yorkshire licgt. ; served witll the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action '20 Sept. 1014. ELLIS, J., Private, No. 7015, The Rifle Brigade ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franco ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. ELLIS, J., Private, No. 7800, 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. ; served witll the Exjieditionary Force in France ; killed in a(-tioii "20 Sept. 1014. ELLIS, JOHN RICHARD, Private, No. 28335. 7tli (Service) Battn. The East Y'orksliire Regt., vst. «. of .Arthur Ellis, of 4, Woods Plai-(-. Hoyle Mill, bv his wife, Ellen ; b. Hovie .Mill. Barnsley. co. York. '24 Sept. 1897 ; ediie. there ; was employed at Bobbin Mill ; enlisted 10 .May. lllUi; served with the Exjieditionary Force in France and l''landers ; was reported missing after tin- hghting at Bullccourt on 12 .May. 1017. and is now officially assumed to have liei-u killed in action on or about that datt-. His Comniandiiig Olticer wrote : " I am just writing to tell you that your son, Private J. FMlis, has b(-en wounded and mi.^sing sinfie 12 .May. 1910. This was wlien the battalion made a great attack, and your son W(-nt over the top with the other lads, and was seen to bi- woiinded and being dressed by one of the strclcher-bearers. 1 am grieved to hear that he is missing, and express to you, on behalf of tlie olheers and men of tills company, our sincerest sympathy." Unm. ELLIS, MARTIN LAWFORD, Private, No. 183491, 31st Infantrv Battn. Canadian Expeditionary Fon-e. yr. s. of George Waylat Ellis, B.A. of St. John's College. Oxiin. and of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, of Langlands, Inuisfail. Alberta, by his wife, Caroline, dau. of the late Samuel Whear ; 6. Alberta, 18 .Ajiril, 1800; ednc. Probus School, Probiis, co. Cornwall; went to Canada; enlisted at Calgary 24 Nov. 1915 ; served w'th the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; was reported wounded and missing after tlie flgliting at Rcgina Trench, Courcelette, 27 Sept. 1916, and is now a.ssumed to have been killed on or about that date ; unm.. ELLIS, R., Pri\ate. No. 7932, 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers ; with the Expeditionary F'orce in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1014. ELLIS, S., l-rivate. No. 0208, 1st Battn. The Nortliamptonshire Ilegt. ; with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914. ELLIS, STANLEY VENN, Capt., Royal Navy, eldest s. of tlie Rev. Henrv Venn Ellis, Rector of Aldertoii, Woodbridge. co. Suffolk, by liis wife, Ada 1''.. dau. of James Henman ; h. Carlton, co. Bedford, 8 Aug. 1875 ; edue. Eastman's Royal Naval College, Southsca, and H.JI.S. Britannia ; appointed Naval Cadet H..M.S. Nile 18 .Aug. 1801, becoming Midshipman thi- following Nov., Sub-Lieut 14 May, 1895. Lieut. Oct. 1807 (Ave lir-f-ela-s certificates), Lieut.-Commander 24 March. 1002. Commander, 30 June, llillli. and Capt. 1 Jan. 1916 ; was present at the sinking of H.M.S. Victoria in 1803 in the .Mediterranean when the Nile's boats saved 80 lives ; and when in command of H.M.S. Ness, accompanied King Edward VII. to Reval in Jlav, 1900, and received the Russian Order of St, Stanislas; from 1009 to 1910 was Commander in H.M.S. Aehilk-s. H.M.S. Swiftsure, H.M.S. Inflexible, H.M.S. Albemarle, and H.M.S. .Monarch. On 15 Jan. 1910, he was appointed to command H.M.S. Defence, Flagship of Admiral Sir Robert .Arbuthnot, and was killed in action at the Battle of Jutland 31 May, 1916. .A Signaller of another sliip in the action of 31 Mav wrot,i'-. "A German salvo crippled lier (Defence) aft, and being so Iieavilv hit. she ought to have hauled out of the firing line, but witll splendid courage, she went on firing her f'ard guns until another salvo hit her, and she was blown right out of the water, only about 100 yards away from us." Capt. Venn Ellis was mentioiu'd in .Admiral Sir John Jellicoe's Despatch of 24 June [London Gazette. C. July. 1016]. He m. at Victoria, B.C., 23 .Aug. 1900. Katherine Enuly. dau. of the Hon. Robert Beavcn, of Victoria, B.C., and had a dan., Brenda. h. 17 Se|)t. 1004. ELLIS, T., Gunner, No. 28313, R.F.A. ; served witll the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Oct. 1914. ELLIS, T., Private, No. 972, 18th Hussars; served witll the Exiieditionarv Force in France ; killed 6 Sept_. 1914. John Richard Ellis. served served The Roll of Honour •11 Reginalfl G. Gregson-Ellis. ELLIS, W., Driver, No. 2(U02, K.F.A. ; si'rvcd with the Expeditionary Force iu Fr;uicc ; died ot" wouuds 15 Sept. 1914. ELLIS, W., Private, No. 8272, 2iul Bat.tn. Tlie York and Lancaster Rest. ; served witli tlie Expeditionary Force in France; liilled in action 18 Oct. 191i. ELLIS, W. F., Private, No. 10:i8(). Ist liattn. Tlie Bedfordsliirc Regt. ; served witli tile l':xpeditioTiary Force in France ; l Sept. 1914: promoted Li' Force ELLISON, MICHAEL HUBERT BERTRAM, Corpl.. No. 8 /^eOT, Canter- bury liitantr\ Battn. New Zealand ICxpeditirinary Force; eldest s. of the Late' Michael Ellison, of Barber Wood, near Rotherham. CO. Y'ork. by his wife, Adelaide (St. John's Road, .\bingdou), dau, of Jolui Fottrell, of eo. Dublin : h. Barber Wood, near Rotherham, 2 July, 1887 ; educ. Uadclilfe College, mar Leicester; went to New Zealand iu .^pril. 1914: joiued the New Zealand Uxpeditiouary Force March, 1915 ; served in Fgx pt and at the Dardanelles ; wa.s present at the evacuation of the Peninsula : went to France in July. 1,918 .and was killed in action 16 Sept. following, outside tlie village of Flers. Buried in Flers (V-metery ; iinm. " ELLISON, R., Private, No. 7770. 1st Battn. The Loyal North Lancashire Regt. served witli the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 3 Oct. 1914. ELLISON, TOM, Private, No. 1:3176, 9th (Service) Battn. Tlie Devonshire Regt., s. of (— ) Ellison ; educ. at Swansea ; was a Collier ; enlisted 8 Sept. 1914 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and F'landers from 17 Jan. 1915. and died 4 Oct. 1917, from wounds received in action. His Commanding Officer wrote : " Mr, Ellison was one ot the original members of our battalion, and throughout the whole time he was out here was a uniwu'sal favourite with ollieers and men. He always did his duty unfiiiiehingly. no matter how trying the circumstann-s." He m. at Swansea, Sarah (Pleasant View. Ooppa, Pontardulais, CO. Glaiii.ugaii), dau. of David Bevan. and had seven children : David iThomas, 6. 2;i .Sr]it. 19117 ; William John, t. 5 Jan. 1909 ; Richard Alhirt. b. 12 July, 1912 : Douglas Ficlrriek, b. 11 March. 1917 ; Doris Hilda, b. 27 June, 1905 ; Mary Maud, b. 12 April. 1911, and Elizabeth Irene, b. 12 Aug. 1914. ELLISON, T. H. J., Gunner. No. :37634. R.1'".A. ; served with the E.xpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 20 Oct. 1914. ELLWOOD, THOMAS, Private. No. 10299. 7th (Service) Battn. The East Surrey Regt., .«. of the late John Ellwood, by his wife, Mary, dau. of Rdward Wilco'ck ; b. Sedgetield, co. Durham, 1 May, 1882 ; educ. Bishop Middleham : was a Stone Mason, and w,is employed at No. :3 Pit, Thornley, Durham ; enlisteil in Nov. 1911 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France, and was killed in action at Vermelles 18 Jlarcli, 1918. by a rillc grenade. He m. at Houghtoii- Ic-Spring, .\lice Annie, dau. of the late Thomas Wilkinson .Mallam. and had eight • children : Frederick. 6. 15 Sejit. 1901 ; Thomas Alan. b. 28 Feb. 190:! ; Leonard. h. 13 Feb. 1905 ; Harrv, b. 8 April. 1900 ; Roger, b. 17 Sept. 1907 : Charles Herbert, b. 25 June, 1910 ; James Kitchener, b. 18 Jan. 1916, and Ruth Annie, b. 6 May, 1914. ELMORE, A., Private. No. 10905, 1st Battn. The South Wales ISorderers : served with the Expeditionary Force iu France ; killed 26 Sept. 1914. ELMORE, W., Private, No. 7297, 1st Battn. The Leicestershire Rsgt. ; served with th.- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 25 Oct. 1914. ELMS, A, R., L.-Corpl., No. 8158, 1st Battn. The Hampshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force iu France ; killed in action 2 Oct. 1914. ELPHICK, R., Corp!., No. 9719, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force iu France ; died of wounds 7 Nov. 1914. ELRICK, W., Sergt., No. 0419. 2nd Battn. Th; Gordon Highlander.,; .,ii.,... with the I'jxpeditionary Force iu France ; died of wounds 29 Oct. 1914. ELTON, A. E., Priv.ate. No. 10469. The Coldstream Guards: served with the Expeditionary Fori-e in France ; killi^d 14 Sept. 1914. ELTRINGHAM, JOHN WILLIAM, Corpl.. No. 192-26, 10th (Service) Battn. Alexandra. J'rincess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regt.). s. of John William Eltringham. by his wife, Mary. dau. of Jolm Burn : b. Washington, eo. Dnrhani, 2 Dec. 1877 ; educ. there ; w'.-\rey. co. Kssex 13 Se|it. 188:3; i-due. Board School there: was a Printer: enlisted 20 .luly. 1915 ; served -ditinuar\' Force in Fram-e unci l-'landers from 24 .fan. 1910. and Frederick Emery. Ex,,, with the was killcl i,i action 10 .Vug. following ; EMMERSON, HENRY HETHERINGTON, Mijor. lilt!, I.S.-rviee) Battn. ; Leieesters R--t,. 2i„l , Henry H. Eninierson. lit Dr. William Liiulsay Emm-rson. of 2. ham- Hill Road. Leicesti-r. fornu-rlv ot W'altham-li- Wold, by his wit,-. Sarah .liim-. dan. of tl.,- lati- W'iliiani Morton, of Oakham. Rutland ; and gdson. of tin- late Dr. W'iliiani l,inds.-i\ I'^niniersoii. of Li-iccsti-i ; /*. Wall liam-1, - Wold. CO. Li-icester. 2(1 Oil. IS.Sd : edu,-. privately, and Wyggeston Crammar School. l,e!e,-st,-r ; was subserim-ntly appn-Ilticed a- au l'aigin,-,'r : joini-d the Leict-ster \'olunr,*ers ill 1898 ; served in tin- South .African War 1899 19112 (Oneen's .Mi-dal with three cla.sps ami King's .\I(-dal); was .Muski-try Instructor at H.vtlie after tin- t,-riiiination of hostilities but s,-i-ing no i,rosp,-et of st-rvice :ibro' long with me. but quite long enough for me to recognize his splendid qualities. He is a gn-at loss to us," and C,)l. Cowley ; " I looke.'l upon him as one of luy l„-st olli,-,-rs." I'nm. EMMETT, THOMAS, Private. No. (i2(iO. 7th CT, rritorial I Battn. The Duke of Cam- bridge's Own (^liddlesex Regt.). .«. of Benjamin l''.inm,-tt. of Little Park Farm. Haiuvorth. Co. Mid,ll,-st-x. by his wife. Charlotte, dau. ol Ch.-irles (and Anne) Newman ; b, Feltham. co. .Mi,l,ll,-s,-x. 6 Sept. 1887 ; ,-duc. Ealing Gram- n,ar School ; joined the Jliddlesex Territorials l:; March, 1916: trained at Pnrlicet. being attached to the Horse Transport ; servi-d with the Exp(-ditiouary Force iu Franc- and Fland,-rs from Si-pt. : was reported missing afti-r till- lighting on the Solnlli,- 4 Nov. 1016. and is now assunu-d to hav,- bi-eu killed on or abmlt that dati-. The Commanding Olticer w-rote : " I regret to say I can give you no iii-ws of your son. !*rivate Emniett, of this com- l,any. He was reporteit missing as from the 4tli"iust. 1 was not with Ihc battalion at till- time, but I am inform,-,! that lie went out with a working party and did not return. .•Vlthough he is not otiicially reported killed. I fi-ar I cannot liol,! out nincli hop,- that he is a prisoner." I'nm. EMSLIE, W., l>rivate. No. 9171, 2nd|Battn. The Si-afortli Highlanders ; served wilh the Exi>,.-ditionary I'oree in France; died of wounds 2 Nov. 1914. ENGLAND, HERBERT HARRV ,\L.-Corpl.. No. 14425. Otll (Si-rvice) Battn. Th,- N'ork an,! l,aiicast,-r Regt., eldest s. of Herbert England, of So. 2.1, Moon's I'"olJ, olf N',-lsoii Slr,-et, liarnsley. by liis wife. Sarali Ellen ; b. Barusley. co. ^ ork ; educ. Rae,-,-oiniu,ui Roaii School there: was a Miner: enlisted 2 Sept. 1914. after tlu- oiillin-ak of war: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flaielirs ironi 1915, and wius killed in action 17 Jan. 1917. .\ comrade wrote : " Hi- was the bravest man I have ever seen, the best we had in the battalion." IJnm. ENGLAND, T., PrivaU;, No. 9748," 2ud Battn. The Royal West Surrey Eegt.; served with the Expeditionary Force.in France ; died 1 Nov. 1914. Thomas Emniett. 92 The Roll of Honour ENTICKNAP, JOHN, L.-Corpl., No. 4530. i:itli (.Sltvu-i-) liattn. 'Ilic Koyal Sussex Kc'jit.. .V. of Charlrs Kiiticknap, of Collins Marsli, Wisboro' Gn'm, Itilliiitis- hurst. CO. Siissrx : h. K inilcnl. co. Sussex. 1-2 Jan. 180(> ; educ. J'laistow and Kiniford S.-IkhiIs : cnlistrrt 10 Nov. 1914 ; traiiifd at ('tiicli.-strr and' Newliavrn ; served wiUi the l-;\[iitlitionary l-'orco in l''rance, and diid at ^'o. 2 Canadian Casnalty Clearing Station from wouiui.-^ nTi-ived in action. Itnried in Lvs^^entlioek Military Cemetery. i'dlK-rinj^he. ^lis Conunandiiis OHieer wrote : ■■ 1 am sure it will he some slight eomfort lor \(ni to know that yonr son died Kame, and irotn what 1 know of your boy, I am convinced that he was a fjood true son to you. On one orea-ioii. wlien the eni'niy made a bonihin^ ;itt,uk (HI our trenches, your .son carried hiin- sclt Willi the ntmost coolness and Inaverv ; h. thivw lii> b.uiib to such i-ood .-MVet that his s|t|riidid londnct was lariielv n-iponsible lor irnstratinu the emtny's attack' It was at tliis lime that I in\'self so thoronshlj' aiiprceiatid hi-^ sterling' cpialities for liis jiroinpl and lii-trr- mini'il action, which cotnpli'tely ins] li red liis comrades. ! ask you to accr])t our sincerest .>ymiiatliy. and 1 would like to add my own personal aj>prcciation of bis manliness. He stood out among )iis comradi's as a man who was without fuar ; I cimnot say mure. England can ill attord to lose i?uch men. lor. by their example, they encourage others to do likewise." Hi.s Chaplain wrote; '* He Wiis a brave boy, and I can truthfully say he had no pulf.^ring. and his end wn^ very peaceful.' John died as lie Uveii^a brave young fellow." r)>in. ENTWISTLK, RICHARD, Private, No. 1978.-). Sth (Service) liattn. The King's Own (Royal l.aneaster Kegt.). elder .s. of Benjamin Thomas Kntwistle, of WImms Hall Cottage, Hrlmshore. near .Manehrster. Miller, by his wife, Betsy, dau. of William IJentley ; b. Helmshore aloresaid. 4 .Vpril. 1889 ; edue. Musbury National Silioitl there ; was a Carter; enlisted 29 July. 1915 : servi;d with tl'ie l':x()edi- tionary Force in Kranee and Flanders from tiie following. Dee., and died in the English .Military Hospital. Boulogne, 9 .Mareli, 1910, from wounds received in action at Ypres. Buried in the English Cemetery, lioulogne ; unm. EOGAN, J. F., L.-CorpI., Xo. 3038, 1st Battn. The Irish Guards; served with the JOxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action C Sept. 1914. John Enticknap. served with the EPPS, H., L.-Corpl., No. 8458, 2nd Battn. The Royal Scots ICxpeditionary Force in France ; killed 26 Aug. 1914. ESHELLEY, JOHN CHARLES, Private, No. 24070, The NorMinnihriland Fusiliers. 3rd .s. of Jolm Esheltey. of 41, South Beech Avenue. Starbrek. Harro- gate, by bis wife. Margaret Ellen, dau. of Kobert Thompson; h. Darlington, 2 Oct. 1895 ; ednc. the Hoard School, Starbeek ; enlisted 22 Nov. 1915 ; served with the lOxpcditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died at Peroniu^ 29 Aug. 1917, from wounds reCi'ived in action. His Conimamlitig OIlieiT wroti' : ■"He was badly wounded while carrying wounded nn-n from the irnnt trench: lie volunteered for that kind of work." Utim. ESPLIN, D., Private. No. I5.i2. The Royal Scots Greys; served with the Ex- peditionary I'orer in I'raiiee : killed in action 10 Sept. 1914. ESSERY, ALBERT EDWARD, M..M., Sergt., No. 15307, 8th (Service) Battn. The Leicestershire Rcgt., 3rd «. of John lissery. of Mill Green. Turvey, Kedford, by his wife, Marv Ann, dau. of Thomas Collins ; b. Turvev aforesaid, 23 Jan. 1881; ednc. there; was a Bntler; enlisted in Sept. 1914: served with the Kxpeditionarv I'Vn-ce in France and Manders from Julv. 1915, and was killed in action I Get. 1917. Ruried on tin- b:ittlelii'ld. H.- was awardrd the Military Medal, tor gallant and distinguished siT\iee in the Held, and mentinne.l in the IJattalion Onlers of 4 Feb. 191G ; uniu. ETTLES, DAVID, Private, No. 260687, l/6th (Territorial) IJaltn. Lewis M;Leliine Gun Section. Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Butfs. The Duke of VIbaiiysV eUlest s. Of Peter Ettles. of Slackend, Dallas, Crofter, by his wife, MarL'ant. dan. of Charles Rose; b. Pluscarden, Elgin, 24 April, 18.. ; edue. eo. .Moray ; was a Farm Servant ; joined the Seaforth Highlanders 10 April, 1916 ; served with th<- KxpidJt ionary Force in France and Flanders from 10 July lollowing, and was kilt'd in action during the advance 8-9 April, 1917. Jiuried half a mile north-north-east of RocHncourt, three miles north of Arras; nnm. EVANS, A., Acting Sergt., Xo. 8172, 1st Battn. The Cheshire Regt. served with the lixi»editionary Force in France ; killed in action 28 Oct. 1914. EVANS, A. G., Corpl., No. 0578. The Rnyal Berkshire Kegt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force hi France ; killed in action 18 Sept. 1914. EVANS, C, Private, No. 10365, 2nd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. EVANS. DAVID JOHN, Corpl.. No. 2459. \Vil.->h (Jnards, \. of ,[ob l-:vans. of Fronfelin. Cwnibacli. eo. Carmarthen. Farmer, by his wife. Sophia ICvans, dau. of William Evans Fron ; b. Penhenrhiw, IJanwinino. co. Car- marthen, 27 Feb. 1890; ednc. Council School, Cwmbach. and Whitland ; was employed at Portb. Ii\ a tirm of General Merchants; en- listed IS Die. 1915; served with the Expedi- tionary Torce in France and Flanders from .hme, 1910. and was killed in action at Catn- lirai 1 Dec. 1917. Ruried at Gon/tauconrt. The Chaplain wrote: "He was buried near battalion beadqiuirters ; a cross has been erretrd o\er the gravc. and 1 ln'Id a ser\iee at till- burial, which was attended by the Com- niandnig Ollieir and others of the regiment," and the ( onimajidiiig Otlicer : " I wish to exi^ress to you my great appreciation of the way in which your son carried out his duties at all times." Lhim. EVANS, DOUGLAS LANE, Capt.. 6th (Service) Battn. The Northamptonshire Rr^t.. vst. ,v. of Trederick Charles Kvans. of London Road. Tliornton Heath, co. Surrey. Secretary of tlie Guards' Club. Pall Mall, by his wile. Jlary, dan. of James (and Marv) Lane ; b. Tliornton Heath aforesaid, 15 July. 1895; ednc. Thornton Heath School; St. Paul's School, where lie was u member of the O.T.C.. and King's College, Camiiridge ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Northamptonsliire Regt. 16 Sept. 1914; iiromoted Lieut. 3 Nov. following, and Capt. 22 May, 1910; served witli the ICxpeditionary Force in France from July, 1915 ; took part in the Rattle of the Somme, and died 26 Sept. 1016, from wounds received in action earlier in the day, while leading liis company in an attack on Thiepval. The olhcdr who took command David John Evans. of the battalion after the Colonel was wounded (26 Sept. 1910), wrote : " He was one of the best and most intelligent olfleers we had in ttu- battalion, with which he had served .since its formation, and was most popular with all his brother oll'icers and men," and the ('olonfl's wife : " Col. Ripley feels his death very much, as he was the hust of the senior oUicers left with the battalion of the lot that Hrst went out. and Capt. I'^vans had always been so loyal and lutlpful to him, and recently, since the regiment sulfcred so heavily in July, Capt. lOvans liad done so much to Iielp reform it. He will be much missed and mournecL" (Jnm. erved with EVANS, E., L.-Corpl., No. 6032, 1st Battn. The Wiltshire Regt. the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 4 Oct. 1914. EVANS, E., Pri\ate. Xo. GH2S, 2nd Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers; served with the I'lxpi'dition-iry l^'orce in France ; di'd ot pm-umonia 23 Oct. 1914. EVANS, EVAN JAMES, L.-Corpl., No. 47147, Glamorgan Veomarir\- (I'.F.). eUiest s. of John Daniel Kvans, of 15, Gorwyn Road, Og[nore Vale, Bridgend, co. (JIaniorgan, Fore- man of l-'orage Stores, Abcr Collieries, by his wife. Anuie ; b. j*enmaen Farm, Pennal, Towyn, co. Merioneth, Id July. 1892; edue. Pennal and iihondda ; was a Grocer's Assis- tant : joined the (ilamorgan Yeomanry in Oct. 1914; served with the 13th .Manchester Regt. at Salonika from Sipt. 1910. and diid 19 .Marc-b. 1917. from wounds received in action. Ruried in the cemetery at (iymgyncl, .Macedonia. Lieut. <.!. I'i. Curwen wrote : ■' It is no form of words to say he was ex- tremely )iopular. both with the other N.C.O.'s and with the miMi. Fveiyone liked Iiini. and he had inan> real friends. ... He has h('en a real lu^lp to nic — a thoroughly good N.C.O." Unm. The King's Own (Lancaster Regt.) served l'"rance ; died of wounds 2 Sept. 1914. 9770, 1st Battn. Tlie R(tyal Rerksliire Regt. ; i'ranei- ; died ot wounds 26 0{'t. Evan James Evans. EVANS, F., with the \:k\ Private. Nn. 10956, •ditionarv Force in I the l*rivate. No. Expoditioaary Fore EVANS, F. served with 1914. EVANS, GEOFFREY MAYNARD late r^ V M.(;., Cliaplain to the Forces, s. of the •iamuel Evans, L.R.C.P. (London), of Cartref, Dovercourt, co. l-lsscx, by his wife, l-;ieanor Sophia, dau. of the Rev. (ieorge I'.nnnester ; and gdson. of the lute Rces ICvatis, of (Cartref; b. Harwich, co. Essex, 22 June, 1882; edue. at Marlborough College, where hv had a brilliant carei-r, winning 13 prizes ; served in the South African War with the Leicestershire Militia (Oiieen's Medal witli two elas])s) ; afterwartis obtained a cmniriission in the 1st Battn. Welch Regt.; served with them in South Africa. England and iOgypt ; retired in 1911, and entered I'lishop College, Clieshunt, where he remained two years preparing for ordination ; was ordained Deacon in Oct. 1913 by the Bishop of I,ondon, when he was Gosiicller in St. Paul's (Vithedral and Priest in Oct. 1914; was \ — i-i:iiil Curate at the Marlborough College Ml • , St. Mary's, Tottenham; obtained a ((iiiiniis>ion as Chaplain 19 May. 1915, being attached to the Worcestershire Kegt. : served ■'orcc in France and Flanders, and was IJlled in action at Westhoek Ridge, Yjires, Buried in Itellewarde " He was an ideal Chaj)lain to troops, and was He knew just how to deal with them, and there who could help being W" Geoffrey Maynard Evans with the Ex|»editionarv 11 Aug. 1917. by a shell Cemetery. His Colonel wrote simply worship|)ed by the ni(-n, wasn't a man in i-ither battalion to which he ministered, affected by his courage and energy, cheerfulness and total alisent-e of side.' He was aw.arded the M.(;. [London Gazette, 5 June, 10171, for gallant and distingiiislied service in the Held. EVANS, GORONVVV,(;unner. No. 310553, 117th Siege Battery, Royal (Jarrison Artillery, .v. ol Daniel E\ans, of Wiga, Glanwyddeii, near IJanduduo, b>' his wife, Jane, dau. of Thomas Hughes; b. Cannol Nynydd. (Jlanwyilden, co. Carnarvoti, 20 March, 1897; edue. Council School there"; was a I'biitiltrr before lie enlisted in the R.G.A. 14 Sept. 1915; served with the iCxpeditiunary Force in France and Flanders from 3 April, 1917. and was killed in action at Ypres 23 Oct. follow- ing. Buried in the British Cemetery I liere. Major L. N. F. Brown wrote: " He was a good Gunner, most jiopular with ottieers and men, and one whose place will be dilheult to lill." Unm. EVANS, HARRY JOHN, Private, No. 1038, 2nd Battn. (107th Foot) Tlie Royal Sussex Regt.. .V. of Jesse Evans, of Goat Farm Cottage. Ringmer. Lewes, co. Sussex, Farm Labourer, by his wife, Mar>' ICIizabcth, dau. of Henry Turner ; b. Ringmer aforesaid, 7 April, 1896 ; edue. there ; was a Farm Ivaljourcr ; enlisted 4 Sept. 1914 ; served with the lCx|)editionary Force in France and i''landcrs from 29 S(;pt. 1915 ; wa.s reported missing after the fighting on the Somme 30 June, 1916, and is now a.ssuraed to have been killed on that date ; num. EVANS, J., Private, No. 6793, 1st Battn. The Gordon Highlanders; served with the I'ilxpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 19 Oct. 1914. EVANS, J., Private, Xo. 10004, 1st Battn. The Cheshire Regt. ; served with the Exiieditionary J^'orce in France ; died of wounds 20 Oct. 1914. EVANS, JOHN MICHAEL WINTER, Sergt., 1st Canterbury Mounted Rifles, New Zealand Expeditionary Force. 3rd s. of the late Alfred lOvans. for- merly of Carditf. co. Glamorgan, by liis wife, Phu-lie Tln-resa (('ashiin-re Hills. Christchureli, New Zealand, 2nd dau. of Thomas William Winter; b. Pa[ianui, ('hristchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, 20 Sept. 1894 ; edue. Cashnien- School, (_'hrist(rlnirch. New Zealand ; Boys' High School, Christchureli, New Zeal;miiian"s IJattii. in March. 1010; took part in thr I'.attlo ut tlie Somnie and the Ancre, whiTf hi' wa^ wouini'-d ; also the ti-ihting at \ iniy Kidge, and was killed in action during lilt- ingagement at Uullecourt 2 May, 1917. L'.virif'd one mile west of Bailleul and two and a lialf miles north-north-east of Arras. One of liis officers wrote : '* He was one of the best of my N.C.O.'s. a sterling young fellow, as stout-hearted and fearless as could be, and very popular witli all of us. I personally feel his loss, as he was one I could rely on : a splendid observer, and, moreover, possessing a most cheerful dis- position." He was mentioned in Despatches by General (now l-'.M.) Sir Douglas Haig, for gallant and distinguished service in the field, and coiiipHnniirid by his Commanding Olticer for bravery on the field, being also n-enninifiidi-d to be sent to a ('adet Corps on 12 Marcli, 1917. ^Vhile at school he captained both the football and i rickit teams, and later was well known in athletic circles, being a famous sprinter ; luitii.. EVANS, LEONARD GEORGE, Saj>per, No. 185619, R.E., eldest s. of George Evans, Joiini- and l^uilder, by liis wife, Elizabeth, dau. of John Hanton ; b. Chester, G Ajiril, 1879 ; educ. College Sciiool there ; was a Joiner : joined the R.E. 23 Aug. 1910 ; served with f lie Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 28 April, 1917, and died in hospital at Arras 22 June following, from wounds received in action the previous day. Buried in the British Cemetery at Duisans. His Major wrote : " He was at work about a mile beliind the irnut line with another man when a shell struck the timber at his side, wounding linn thrnuuli the right eye. When 1 reached him his comrades had already bandaged his head, and he spoke to me as if nothing could have daunted him. He was taken at once to a dressing station close by, and later in the morning was sent in an ambulance to hospital. ... I was struck by his calmness. I had not known him long ; he was one of the latest arrivals in the company, but he met his end as a gallant soldier and let no complaint fall from his lips." He m. at St. Peter's Church. Chester. 28 Jan. 1906, Alice Maud (5, Overleigh Terrace, Handbridge, Chester), dau. of J-Idward Foley, and had a dau., Doris Elizabeth, b. 30 July, 1907, EVANS, MEREDITH, Private, No. 48589, 17th (Service) Battn. The Welsh Regt., only surv. eliild of David Edgar Evans, of the Post Office, Gwejnogle, co. Carmarthen, Postmaster, by liis wife, Anne, dau. of John Thomas, of Salach Farm, Gwernogle ; b. Gwernogle, 29 July, 1885 ; educ. there ; was a Clerk ; enlisted 17 April, 1915 ; served with the E.xpeditionary Force in France from Dec. 1915 ; was wounded in the neck the same month and invalided home ; transferred to the 17th Battn. of his regiment ; returned to France 20 Feb. 1917, and was killed in action at Bullecourt 24 April following ; tuun. EVANS, NEVILLE VERNON, 2nd Lieut.. 2nd Battn. (24th Foot) The South Wales Borderers. 2nd s. of the Rev. J. D. Evans, of The Vicarage, Treherbert, co. Glamorgan ; b. Pontypool, co. Monmouth, 19 Dec. 1897 ; educ. St. John's School, Leatherhcad, and Clirist College, Brecon : enlisted 28 Aug. 1916 ; trans- ferred to the 12th Olticer Cadet Battn. 1 Dec. ; obtained a commission in tiie 3rd Battn. South Wales Borderers in April, 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 28 May, 1917, transferring to tlie 2nd Battn., and was killed in action near Langemarck, north-east of Vpres, 10 Aug. following. Buried in a shell-hole near Forick Farm, west of LaiiLreniarek, by the Stcenbeck River. HLs Colonel wrote : " He was a most pronii--inLr orlieer ; he was leading his men most gallantly wlien he was killed." and liis Cba|ilain : " There are many, officers and men, who will remember liis cheery manner, his encouraging smile, to the end of their days. In order to find and bring in his body^ his men worked continuously under great difficulties for nearly nine hours — a tribute of affection more significant than any words could ever be." Unm, EVANS» RAYMOND^ 2nd Lieut., 9th (Service) Battn. The South Wales Borderers, only s-. of Theo Evans, of *26, Gaen Street, Barry, Blacksmith, by liis wife, Mary, dau. of Thomas Ednumds ; 6. Beaufort, cp. Brecon, 31 Oct. 1893 ; educ. Barry Elementary and County School, and University of Wales, Cardiff, where he graduated B.Sc. in June, 1914, and obtained a Mining Diploma : joined the Public Schools Battn. of the Royal Fusi- liers in Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; obtained a commission in the South Wales Borderers 22 Dec. following ; served with the Indian Expeditionary Force in Mesopo- tamia from 14 May. 1916, and was killed in action near Kut 12 Jan. 1917. Lieut. -Col. C. E. Kitchin wrote : " He was killed by rifle or machine-gun fire (it is not certain wliich) when on duty, with a party which was covering another working p.irty, digging an advanced trench on the night of 12 Jan. He was hit in the body, and was unconscious until he passed away about 15 minutes later. We very deeply deplore his loss, as he was a very capable- and excellent officer, and although he had been with us only a few weeks, he liad endeared liimself to all witii whom lie came in contact," and Ins servant : " The boys in the platoon worsliipped liim, and would follow him anywhere. It is good to know he died fighting for his coimtry, and well did he serve it, for he died a hero." Unm, EVANS, RICHARD DOUGLAS, L.-Corpl., No. 52905, 9th (Service) Battn. The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), 2nd s. of John Evans, of Sunny View, Pant Road. Dowlais, Carpenter and Joiner, by his wife. Sopliia, dau. of the Rev. James Jones, of Tonvrefail, co. Glamorgan. P.ajitist Minister; 5, Dowlais. CO. Glamorgan, U April. 1893: educ. Central School tliere : .McrthjT County School, and Bangor Normal College : subsequentiv beeanu; a Certificated Teacher at the Dowlais Central Boys' School ; enlisted 24 Jan. 1910 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 11 Dec. following, and died at Arras 1 May, 1917, from wounds received in action there. Buried in Faubourg d'Amiens Cemetery there. One of Ids officers wrote : " He was an exceedingly nice fellow, and was greatly appreciated by everyone he came in contact with for his imfailing cheerful optimism in the many trials we go through out here. He is a distinct loss to Ins battalion." Unm. Raymond Evans. served with the Expeditionary Force EVANS, ROBERT HENRY. Private, No. 266411, 1 '6Mi (Territorial) Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusilier-;, eldr^t .s. of Henry Evans, of 5:;, Braiehnielyn, IJethesda. by his wile, IJj.ti, dau. of lliomas Jones; b. Llaufingherr^el-yn-Nowyn. Isle of Angh-iea. li'i Oet. 18'.f2 : edue. Gerlan Church School, lietliesla ; was 'a (Quarry- man; joined the Welsh Fasiliers in Dec. 1915; served with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Egypt from July, 1916 ; took part in much fighting, and died at No. 17 General Hospital, Alexandria, 7 Jan. 1918. of wounds received ill artion at Jerusalem 6 Nov. previously. Buried in the Military Ceniet<^ry at Alexandria ; unm. EVANS, T., Driver. No. 66096, R.F.A. ; in France ; died of wounds 1 Oct. 1914. EVANS, TIMOTHY IDWAL HOPE, Capt., 19th (Service) Battn. Tlie Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 2[id s-. of the Rev. John Hope Evans, of Siloa Villa, Mardy, co. Glamorgan, Congregational ^linister, by his wife, Jeannette Elizabeth, dau. of Tliomas Davies, of liailey-h'lyg, Brecon ; 6. Llangranog. co. Cardigan. 6 Feb. 1889 ; educ, JIardy ; Science School, Ferndale. and St. Andrew's Training College, Dundee; was a Schoolmaster; joined the i:ith (Public School Pals) Battn. Royal Wi-lsh Fusiliers in Nov. 1914 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 20 March, 1915 ; promoted Lieut, in Sept. and Capt. in Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France from the following June, and was killed iu action at Bourlon Wood 23 or 25 Nov. 1917. The Colonel commanding 64th T. R. Battn,, wrote to him : " Your i)Owers of organization and command are of a very high cliaracter, and you liave left tiie battalion carrying with you the esteem and regard of your Colonel and brother officers, and, what is far more valuable, the respect and admiration of the men," and after his death the Chaplain wrote : " Popular alike with officers and men, his genial disposition, high conception of duty, coupled with a sincere desire for the welfare of all concerned, made him a general favourite and friend." Unm. EVANS, THOMAS, Private, No. 202658, 17th (Service) Battn. The Welsh Regt., s. of John Evans, of Myrtle Grove, Crogan Hill, Barry Dock, co. Glamorgan, by his wife, Anne. dau. of David Rees ; 6. Ystrad, Rhondda. co. Glamorgan, 30 Jan. 1880 ; (!duc. Catloxton Boys' School, Barry ; was employed in a trading company at Swansea; enlisted in- the 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Welsh Regt, 11 April. 1917; served with the British Expeditionary Force in France from the following Aug.. bidng drafted into the 17th (Service) Battn, of the regiment, and was killed in action at Bourlon Wood^. Cambrai, 25 Nov. 1917 ; unm. EVANS, v.. Private. No. 15735. 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. EVANS, W., Private. No. 7856, 1st Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 4 Nov. 1914. EVANS, WILLIAM, Private. No. 290264. 11th (Service) Battn, The Royal Sussex Regt., 3rd X. of James Evans, of 4, Down Villas. Heighton, near Newhaven, co. Sussex ; educ. Newhaven ; enlisted in 1906 ; served several years witli the Colours and joined the Reserve : went to Australia in 1914. and settled at ^ X " /f& ^w tjueensland ; returned to England on the ^^ V /^\_/ ' ^^ outbreak of war, and enlisted I Nov. 1914; ^ ^^ ^^ served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1915, and was killed in action at Ypres 26 Sept. 1917 ; unm. JONES-EVANS, WILLIAM, Capt.. 61st Division, South Midland Field Ambulance. Royal Army Medical Corps, only .s. of the Rev. Wiiliani Evans. Baptist Minister, of TegfrjTi, Risca, CO. Monmouth, by Ids wife. Zillah. dau. of Joshua Jones ; b. Llangynidr, co. Brecon, 19 April, 1890 ; educ. Intermediate School, Risca : University College of Wales, Cardiff, and at tlie University College Hos- pital. London ; took the degrees of M.R.C.S- and L.K.C.P. in 1916 ; joined the University of London O.T.C. in Oct. 1914 ; was gazetted 2tid Lieut, in March. 1916; served with the l-xpeditioiiary Force in France from May following, and was killed in action in the St. Julien sector 13 Sept. 1917. Buried in the New Military Cemetery, Vlamertinghe, near Ypres. Capt. Lander, R.A.5I.C., an intimate friend and medical colleag:ue, wrote : " He was of a most generous disposition, always cheerful and warm-hearted. ... At liis medical work he was keen and up-to-date. ... 1 think it might be said without exag- geration that he was one of the most, if not the most. iio|inl:ir niedieal officers in the di^ision. ... It was my privilege to visit him at liis adv.iie e.l aid-post, where he reeeived Ids mortal wound. He wa?- ([uite eahnlv doing lii-- duty there, rendering to the wounded the aid they required right in the forward line. I still Irnve a note which he wrote on the day of hi- deatli, saying what a rougii time he was having and how he liad decided to • stick it nut," and not come back to a less exposed position." Unm. EVENDEN, HENRY, Private, No. 290263, Signal Section. 15th (Service! Battn. The Uoyal Sussex Regt.. eldest .v. of the late Arthur Evendcu. Carter, by his wife. Eliza, dau. of the late Henry Henty ; b. Rodmell, near Lewes, co. Sussex, 29 Nov. 1887 ; edue. Bishopstone ; was a Brewer's Assistant ; joined the 5th Royal Sussex llegt. 4 Dec. 1914 ; transferred to the Signal Section of the loth Battn. in Oct. 1916, and died in the 1st Eastern General Hospital. Cambridge. 4 April, 1917. from tuberculosis, contracted while on ser\ice. He m. at St. Anne's Parish Church. 1 Jan. 1916, Betsy Elizabeth (The Croft, St. Anne's, Lewes), eldest dau. of John Lambel Budden, of Newliaven ; s.p. EVERALL, R. J.. Gunner, No. 37337, Slst Battery, R.F.A. ; served with tht- Expeditionary Force in France : killed 15 Sept. 1914. EVERETT, F. A., Private, No. 7605. 1st Battn. The Wilt-diire Regt. ; served witli tin- Expi-ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. EVERETT, J., Private. No. 8036. 1st Battu. The Loyal Xortli Lancashire Regt. : served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 10 Oct. 1914. EVERETT, THOM.AS JAMES WILLIAM, Private. No. 2289, l/20th (County of London) Battn. The London Regt, (T.F.), .v. of Soloman Henry Everett, of Greenwich. Engineer, by his wife, Jane (55. Broadtield Road. Hither Green, S.E.), dau. of James William Manning ; b. E:ist Greenwich. 20 April. 1894 : educ. Christ Church Schools there: enlisted 14 Sept. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died at Dover Military Hospital 11 Oct. 1915. of wounds received in action at the Battle of Loos. Buried in Heroes' Corner, Ladywell Cemetery; mxm. William Evans. William Jones-Evans. 04. The Roll of Honour Guy Everingham. [EVERINGHAM, Gl'V, 'Jii'l l.i' h' ■. K. !''.<-'.. rltUT s. of thr l;itc William Kvcriiit;- liaiik. l»y his wife, Patricia Flori'iici- (late of N'arnor I'ark. LlJinidloi's), dan. of William (Ii-oirn-y Davenport ; ami only hrotht-r ol Private Kohiii l'J\t_Tin'^ha4ii {'/./:.) : h. Harry, CO. fJlamoriiaii, 2H .luiir. 181)4 ; fduc. by a private tutor; i-nlistrd in the VMh Koyal WeMi Kusiliers in Oct. liU4 ; wa-; gazetted 2iid Lieut, in the same regiment 25 Feb. I'M') ; served with his regiment in the l-lxpeijitionary l''orce in France from lU ^Mareh. litlil. then a*; liombinsi oflicer in the li:ith Trench Mortar I'.attcry, and tratisferred to tlu- l<.l''.('. the lollowim: Sept.. and was killed in ai-tjon s Apri!. IStlT. while fl>'in<; o\er Viiny itidi^c. 0 1(1 Dec IMIo. «i P.uried in Khondda VaU.-y Cemetery. Major H. D. Pugh wrote : " He had just bagged a sniper and called to one of hi.s palii to come and .^ee him. apparently exposing himself over tlie parapi't. as he was immediately hit in the head by a machine gun. . . . He was a brave lad. quite one of my best-- bombers, and a fearless sniper." Unm. EVERSON. S., Private, No. 8780. l.st Tiattn. The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Uegt.) ; served with the F^xpeditionarv Force in France; killed in action 11 Sept. 1914. EWART, JAMES, rrlvate. No. S/4 197200, N'cterinary Section. A.S.C., a. of John ICwart. of 0, iiomilly lload, C'arditf. Jeweller's MaTiager, bv liis wife, Charlotte, dan. of U. H. Inland; b. Leeds, co. York. 7 April. 1888; rdnc. there, JIanchester and Wakefield ; was rniplovcd bv Mr. H. E. Sweeting, of Cardiff, I'-C.A.; enlisted 19 Jan. 1910; served witli the I'Apeditionary F'orce in France and IlaTulcrs from 10 .Tulv following ; was wounded at Arras 7 May. 1917. I>y a shell rxjilnding in his billet, and died on tin- 2l)tli ui that month at the liase Hospital. C;iiniers. liiiiicd at F]tai»les. His CominanditiL' Oilici-r, M;ijor (!. Conder, wrote : "" His elnerfnl dis- pnsition and readiness to do anythiieg and iiel|i an>one had made him extremely j)opu!ar with us all. I myself feel his loss greatly, as a|»art from the very eflicient way in which lie carried out his duties, it was a pleasure to work with liini." Cnm. Robin Evfrinj^hani . James Ewart. EWBANK, JOHN W.\LTER, M.C.. Capt., 1st liattn. (34th Foot). The Border Kegl.. vst. -v. lU th. In-rland, by his wili lOwbank, of Bolton Rectory, Mcalsgate, co. Cum- en, dau. of Robert Benson, of St. Helens, Cocker- Tuouth, Solicitor ; and brother to 2nd laeut. 1,. Kwbank iq:v.) : b. Bolton Rectorv afore- said, 18 May, 1896 ; educ. St. Bees School, and the Royal Military C'oIIege, Sandhurst ; izazetted 2nd Lieut. 14 Oct. 1914, promoted l.ieut. 15 July, 1915, and Capt. 10 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary F'orce in i'rance and Flanders from Jan. 1915 ; was wounded at Neuve Chapelle 12 March follow- ing ; on recovering served with the Mediter- ranean Fixpeditionary Force at Gallipoli, and took part in the evacuation of Port Helles ; >ervcd with the Egyptian Expeditionary F'orce in Egypt from 10 Jan. 1916, returning to France in March, and was killed in action at Cambrai 30 Nov, 1917. His Colonel wrote: ' I can say that I consider him tlie linest young t'llicer I have met in this war. and his deatli is an irreparable loss to the battalicm. I ji'Tsonally have lost a very dear friend, for whom 1 iiad the deepest regard and admira- tion." He was awarded the Military Cross fLondon (J.izette. 12 JIarch. 1917]. for defending an outpost at Wieltje with 150 men for four hours, at a critical period in Aug. 1910. and at tlie Battle of Monchy 'i was awarded the Croix tic Cnerre with palm leaf, for valour, by the French inmarni. Jn June, 1917, he received a bar to hi-; Military Cross for taking lilo(;Uliousc and 40 iirisoners. At tln! Battle of Cambrai he was instrinnental Ml saving a whole division from Ijcing cut off. and was rcconimrnded for a posthumous V.C. John Walter Ewbank. Leonard Kwbank. EWB.\NK, LEONARD, 2nd Lieiit., .'dh Crerritiinal ) P.atlri. Ilie P.order Regt., s. of the |{ev. John Kwbank. ot llolton Hcc- tor\', Mcalsgate, Carlish-, co. Cnnd)crland, by his wife, Julia Hilen. dau. of U(ii>ert llenson. of Cockerinovith, Sohcitor : and brother to Capt. J. W. Kwbank. M.C. (q.v.) ; b. Meaisgate foresaid. 16 Feb. 1893; educ. St. Bees >. hold (1902 to 19L1), and (^lei-u's College, i»\i()rd. wlicrc he was a senior inendter of the II I.e.; was g.i/.etted 2nd Lieut, in the 5th iJatln. P.order Kegt. Jan. 1915; served with the IOx|ieditionar.\ I'orce in l-'ranec and Flaiuiers from that niotitli. and was killed in action at Vprcs 23 l''eb. 1910. iJuried in the Fiehl Cemetery, north-west corner of Zille- Ijelic Lake, one mile from Vprcs. His Com- m.indinu (Uliccr wrote : " His loss will take nie a loni: time to till; in fact, such officers eannot br lully replaced ever. His life was nnli|\ given in the service of his country and the zealous ipcrfonnanee of his duty," and the ■■ St. P.ees School Magazine " reported : " He was a Cumbrian of the very birst type—straight, clean li\ing. loyal, thorough, with a reserve of power and latent force of character which suriirised e\eu those who knt!w him best. And so, while his friends loved and trusted him. the\' said. * the best is yet to be.' " (/nm. EWING, DOUGLAS RAMSAY, Major, 2nd Battn. (90th Foot) Tin- Camer- onlans (Scottish Kitles), 2nd s. of the late Major James Kwing. K.H.A.. by Jus wife, Mary (Slievo J)lm, Newcastle, co. Down), dau. of the late havid McCance, of Knocknagoiu'V. ('ountv Down ; h. Secun- diral-ad. India. 17 Auii. 1879; educ. Clifton Collegi- ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. Scottisli Rifles, from tlic .Militia, 24 June, 1899; promoted Lient. 20 Feb. 1900, Cai)t. 9 Aug. 1908, and Major 1 Sept. 1915; .served in the South African War 1899-1902 (tjueen's Medal with liM' (Lis I IS, ami King's Medal with two clasps) ; u,(- ;i|. pointed to tlie staff of the Roval Military inii. -., Sanilhiirst. 1 Feb. 1913. which post he hrld when war broke out; served with the I'Apeiiitionarv J-'orce in France from Aug. 1915, biiuL' appojided (Tcneral Staff Olticer. 3rd (Irade. on tlie 23rd; iirocecded to Salonika ill Jan. 1916. when he was appointeil lirigade Major to a lirigade, and subseipiently General Stall Othcer, 2nd tirade, to the Headi[uarters of an Army Corps, and was accidentally drowned on board ship 31 May, 1917. One of his former (ienerals wrote of him a.^ a thorough sp(utsman, a true-hearted gentleman, and a gallant soldier, adding ; " The Army lias suffered a severe loss in the death of your husband." and a brother officer; " He was one of the \ery best, most popular nifii in the regiment. His loss is irreparable." He /H.'at St. Paul's. Knightshridgc. 12 Oct. 1910, Alice P.eatric-e Wish (Complon Mill. Farnham). 2nd dau. of Walter Holland, of Aldershot Park, lormerlv r)t Wood Hall. eo. Worcester, D.L., and had a dau., raniela Susan Marv. /'. 7 Jan. 1912. Douglas Ramsay Ewing. EXLEY, GEORGE ALLAN, George Allan E.xley. killed near Arras 14 Jan. 1917: Communal Cemeterv Kxti-nsion. ncl Lieut.. 3/5th (Reserve) Battn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), attd. R.F.C. only s. of John Fxjcy, of F'arr Royd. Burley- in-Whartedale. co. York. Pharmaceutical Chrniisf, by liis wife. Mary F^Hzabeth, dau, ot Allan Maw. of Belton, co. Lincoln ; b. I-eeds. io. York. 2 July, 1893 ; educ. Ilkley Grammar School, and was a student at the London College of Pharmacy. Clapham. being ad- mitted a member of the Pharmaceutical Society in Nov. 1914. pursuing Ins studies with a view to joining his father's firm. Messrs. C Exley A- Son, Pharmaceutical Chemists, Leeds ; joined tht^ R.E. as a Despatch Rider in May, 1915 ; obtained n commission in the King's Own (Yorkslure Liglit Intantry) in the following Aug. ; trans- ferred to the R.F.C. in Dee. ; served with the Flxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 19i6, where, as an observer, he took jiart in much aerial flying ; came home in the autumn, and iiualifled for his Pilot's Certifi- cate ; returned to France 30 Dec, and was while on active service. Buried in Habarcii His Major wrote : " Although he had only been with us two weeks, wi- had bi'come greatly attached to him, and I feel certain tliat he would have done wcjII with us, as he was an exceedingly good pilot and Very plucky." Unm. EYLES, D., Private, No. G9Hi. 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps served witli the Kxpedit ionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. WORTHING TON-EYRE, LIONEL GEORGE, Lieut., Acting Capt., R.F.A.. 2n- Galway; b. Kingstown, co. Dublin. ^^^^^^^k |-, Sept. 1893; educ. Corrig School, Kings- F^ '\ town; High School, and Trinity College. W -^ .^itJ Dublin ; was in the Engineering school of the ^ ^2^ ^Sti University, and a member of the O T.C. ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. Oct. 1914; promoted Lieut. 10 Nov. 1915 ; served with the F^xpe- ditionary Force in France and Flanders front 14 July. 1915, and was killed in action on the Arras-Cambrai front 14 July, 1917. Buried in the British Military Cemetf;ry. Arras. His Major wrote : " The Royal Regt. has lost a smatt and promising young officer, who by his keen devotion to duty and tactful way won the highest admiration of his brother officers and men in the division." T,i-tham, -■< .lulv, 1897; educ. Moorland House School. 11. 'Wall. Sept. 1906, to Julv, 1911, and Charter- hoiHr (Saundrritc^) Sept. 1911. to July, 1915 ; Ml]t..iM-il liis eoniniission 23 Oct. 1915; trans- hvTvd to tlic R.F.C. Sept. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and !■ landers, and was killed in action 19 March. 1917. in an aerial fight at Hargicourt when n turning after a bombing raid. FAIRBAIRN, J. F., Private, No. 8683, 2nd Battn. Tlie Durham Light Infantry; served with the ILxpeditionarv Force in France; died of wounds 21 Oct. 1914. FAIRBRASS, G., Private, No. 8343, 2nd Battn. The Essex Regt. ; served wit li flu- Kx|iLHlitionary Force in France ; died of wounds 3 Nov. 1914. FAIRCLOUGH. J., Private, No. 8323. The Loyal North Lancashire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed 1914. FAIRLEY, GILBERT. 2ud Lieut., 1st Battn. (21st Foot) The Royal Scots Fusiliers, 6th s. of George Fairley. of 16 Moray Place, Regent Park, Glasgow, and of Hamilton : b. Hamilton, 21 Jan. 1898 ; educ. Hutcheson's Grammar School, Glasgow, where he was a member of the School Cadet Corps ; joined the Glasgow University O.T.C., and afterwards went to the 4th Officers" Cadet Battn. Oxford ; obtained a commission 22 Nov. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 16 March, 1017, and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 9 April following. Buried in Ronville British Cemetery, St. Sauveur, Arras. FAIRLIE. WALTER, L.-Corpl., No. 20865, B Coy., 7th Platoon, 11th (Service) Battn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland' Highlanders), only *■. of the late David Fairlie. of Killearn. co. Stirling. Butcher, by his wife, Margaret (Blaircssan, Killearn), dau. of William Kennedy ; b. Killearn aforesaid, 26 Sept. 1895 ; educ. Killearn Public School ; Glasgow High School, where lie was a member of the Cadet Corps, and Skerry's College, Glasgow ; was subsequently employed by the Liverpool, London and Globe Assurance Company, Glasgow ; -enlisted 26 May. 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 12 Aug., and was killed in action about four or five miles from Arras 20 Oct. following. Buried at Fampoux, near the Scarpe. A comrade wrote : " He was well liked by all who knew him. and the whole platoon send their deepest sympathy to you," and another : " As you know, I was with lum at Bedford, and a more genuine comrade I have yet to meet." Cnm. FAIRWEATHER, HENRY, Private. No. 135409. Mcclianical Transport Coy., Army Service Corps, only s. of William Fairweather, of 46, Bean Street, Hull, Hull and Barnsley Railway, by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of John Spencer Walk- ington ; b. Hull, co. York. 11 .\pril, 1897 ; educ. Sir Henry Cooper's Council School there ; was a Grocer's Assistant ; enlisted in the A.S.C. 1 Nov. 1915 ; trained as a Motor Driver, and was sent to British East Africa in March, 1916 ; served there for nearly two years, and died at i\Iorogora Hospital 20 Jan. 1918, of black-water fever, contracted wliile on active service. Buried there, Capt. James Gerald Fair. Sydney Dickson, K.A.M.C wrote : " His life in Africa w.is a very hard one, but he was always a Kool and faithful soldier, and the company felt' very sad when they heard of his death." Unm. FAIRWE\THER, JAMES BURDETT (a?iV/« Burdett). Sapp. sp;'iially comru'uieJ for bringing away his guns in safety, and war- awarded till- Bronz" Mfdal from the King of Italy for valour ; returned to Ireland : obtained a conmiis-;ion 11 Jan. 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; took part in the Batth- of Me-;sines : was awardetl the Military Cross (London (iazette, 18 Sept. 1917], for gallant conduct in taking a machine-gun position ; subsequently joined the R.F-C, and was killed in aerial action 21 Aug. 1917. While flying over the enemy's lines near Ypres he was shot down ; unitt. FALKINER, GEORGE STRIDE, 2nd Lieut.. 2nd Battn. (103rd Foot) The Royal Dublin Fu^ili»-rs. >«. of the late Henry Baldwin Falkiner. Solicitor, by his ^vife, Euphemia (Greenoge. Terenure Road, Dublin), dau. of Thomas McEwen; and brother to 2nd Lieut. F. E. B. Falkiner, M.C. {q.c.) : b. Dublin. 6 Sept. 1897 ; educ. St. Stephen's Green School; Oxford Preparatory School, and Blundell's. Tiverton ; entered tin- Royal Military College, Sandhurst, with a prize cadetslup ; was gazetted 2tid Litiit. in Oct. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Kland'Ts from 25 Dec. following ; took part in the operations at W>-tschaete. whi-n- he was awarded the Parchment certificate 27 JIay. 1917. for gallant conduct in a raid, and was killed in action at Frezenburg, near Ypres. 16 Aug. following, wliile leading liis platoon up through a heavy barrage to support troops in front. His Commanding Officer wrote : " All we know is tlial he led hi*; men forward in a very gallant manner, after his Company CommandiT had been badly wounded. If he had only been spared, he liad a great c-areer before him." i'nm. FALLOWS, A., Private, No. 2187. 9th Lancers : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 29 Oct. 1914. FARADAY, J., Private, Ch. 8989 (R.F.R., 1066 B.) ; died in liospital al Cluitham Oct. 1914. FAREBROTHER, GEORGE H., Art. Eng. ; lost on H.M.S. Monmouth 1 Nov. 1914. FAREBROTHER, LEICESTER, Bombar- dier, No. 572. Leicestershire Battery. Ko>al Horsr- Artillery (T.F.), only *. of Everard Farebrother, of The Cottage. Bannerman Road. Leicester ; />. Rvgeufs Park. London. N.W., 6 May, 1893 ; previous to enlistment was a member of the staff of Steintield. Colle tt Co.. Ltd.. of Leicester: enlisted 1 Jan. 1915; trained at Garendou Park and Norwich, and after a short sick leave went to Salisbury Plain, where he contracted cerebro-spinal meningitis, and died at Tid worth Hospital 25 April, 1916. Buried in tlie Military Cemetery there. Capt. W. P. Wright wrote : " I should like to take this opportunity of expressing my sincere sympathy with you on your great loss. Your son was an excellent man and efficient junior N.C.O., and liis death is an appreciable loss to the battery." i'nm. Leicester Farebrother. FAREHAM. G., Private, No. 6857, 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps ; served wth the Expeditionary Force in Frantre ; killed in action 2:S Oct. 1914. FARLEY, W. A., Private. No, 7842, 2nd Battn. The South Lancashire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. FARLIE, EDGAR J., Private, Roval Marine Light Infantrv. PIv. 102CG. ; lost on H.M.S. Pegasus Sept. 1914. FARMAN, THOMAS HENRY, Priv.atc. No. 21623, 5th (Servii-e) Battn. The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry), yst. .v. of Thomas Henry Farman, of 10. Middle Craigs, Stirling, School Janitor, by Ids wife. Elizabeth, dau. of Leslie Neilson. of Stirling ; b. Stirling. 3 Sept. 1896 ; educ, Craigs Public School there ; was a Despatch Clerk; joined the A.S.C. as Bandsman 14 Aug. 1915; trans- ferred to the South Wales Borderers in May. 1917, and later was transferred to the King's (Shropshire Light Infantry) ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from Aug, 1917, and was killed in action near Ypres 19 Oct. following. Buried near the Inverness Copse, Yeldhoek, east -south-east of Ypres ; ti7tm. FARMER, HENRY ROGER, L.-Corpl., No. 11/762, Macliine Gun Squadron, New Zealand Mounted Brigade, New Zealand Expeditionary Force. 2nd s. of the late William l-'armer. of Stirling, by liis v,ife. Mary Jane McBeath (8, Park Avenue. Portobello, Midlotliian), dau. "of the late Robert Craig, of Liverpool ; b. Edinburgh, 28 Feb. 1885 ; educ. Stirling High School ; joined the 4th Yolun- tcGT Battn. of the Argyll aud Sutherland Higlilanders ; went to New Zi'aland 96 The Roll of Honour FARMINER. RICHARD VICTOR. L.-Corpl., i:Jth (Sorvirc) Ilattn. Tlu' K()v:il Sussex Kcj't.., A\ of J{M-h;ini Karinimr, of I'lTiihurst. to. Sussex, CarrmtiT, l^y his wife, Ann. dan. of William Curtis; b. Fcrnhurst afonsald, 27 Oit. IHHi) ; pdnc. tlicrt' ; was a tlardcnL-r hy tradi- ; enlisted 17 Dec. lltU : strvid with l];c Expeditionary Korrr in Krnnrf iun! llaiidrrs frtni 5 Mardi, li)16 ; was rL-i:orlid missing aflrr the fij^ditinjr at tlio Sonimc :J0 June following, «nd is now assunud to Iiavc h.-rn Uillfd in aetionion tliat dato; imm. FARN WORTH, GILBERT KERSHAW, Private, A'o. 15062. 5tli (Territorial) Huttn. The Cheshire Refit., :lrd s. of Kielianl ^_^ J)obson Karnworth, of Ashdale, Cheadlc Hvdnie, by his wife, Anne, dan. of Thomas Powell, of Preston and Suuthport ; b. Blaek- bvirn. 2:i .Aug. 1881 ; educ. by a private tutor, and at Nevicnlieim College, Heidelberg ; was eini»loy I'orce in l'"ranee an ;iwanl'-d the Distinuu'ished ('onduct Medal 1 bniiduii (ia/.cttc. 28 Dec. 191(1], for gallantry in action. The Chaplain wrote : •• Vou will have some little consolation in knowing that your children di; uun into action, and he did liis duty nobly. He was alwa\-s of a cheery (lisiio-.itioii. ;iiid was well respected by all who knew liim iu the battalion." He »i. at Glasgow. Georgina, dau. of William Duncan, and had six eliildren : Bartholomew, h. 7 Dec. 1905 ; John, b. I Julv, 1907 : David, b. 26 Aug. 1909 ; William, b. 31 Jan. 1913 ; Hrl.-n, h. 23 May, 1911, and Margaret, b. 3 June, 1914. FEGGETTER, JOHN HALIFAX, M.C., Lieut- 12/I3th (Service) Battn. The Northumberland Fusiliers, a', of William F'eggettcr, of 9, Dilston Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle, Shipping Agent, by liis wife, Amelia Stewart, dau. of William Young, of Dundee ; b. Jesmond, Newcastlc-on-Tyne, 16 June, 1895 ; educ. Rutlierford College, from which he matriculated to Armstrong College iu 1914, and entered the Honours School of Englisli and Latin in 1915 ; was a member of the Durham University O.T.C. ; obtained a commission in Dec. 1915 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from June, 1916 ; took part in the opera- tions on the Sonime ; was wounded at Mametz Wood 13 July following, and invalided liome ; on recovery, rejoined his regiment, being made Signalling Officer, and was killed iu action 4 Oct. 1917, at Broodseinde. Buried 100 yards north-west of the hamlet of Reutel. His Commanding Officer wrote : " On 4 Oct. the battalion took part in the great victory then won, and paid a heavy j^rice. Y''our son accompanied Lieut;-Col. Dix as Intelligence Officer ; the colonel was killed whilst leading the battalion, and I greatly fear that your son fell at the same time. He will leave a splendid record of service with the battalion. Col. Dix thought most liighly of liira, as did all of us," and his Chap- lain : '• Y'our son was one of the most cheerful, fearless and conscientious men I have ever met, and is sadly missed by tlie ofiicers and men of tlie Fusiliers, and the 'Queen's' also, with whom he frequently came in contacf." A brother officer wrote : " On tlie morning of 4 Oct. he went up in front of the battalion to mark out the jumping-otf point, and later met the companies and put them into position. . . . Always the most gallant of soldiers, he had no fear of death. His men thought the world of him, and would, and did, follow him anywhere. His coolness in danger and disregard of shell-fire had become almost provcrliial in the battalion, and was a constant inspiration to all who saw him." He was awarded the Military C'ross [London Gazette. 1 Jan. 19181. the otficial record stating : " This officer has rendered most valuable service as Battalion Signalling Officer, and in the performance of duty has sliown the greatest g.tllantry, thereby insi)iring his men with the utmost confidence and deteniiiii:tt ion. He did particularly well when, during a successful attack upon thi' niinu's trenches, he led liis signallers tlirougli the hostile barrage across ground swept i>y machine- gun fire, and establisli -d telephonic communication between battalion head- quarters and tile captured second objective witliin a few minutes of the enemy's trench l)eing cleared by our leading wave. This officer rendered splendid service in reor^aiiixina men and inspiring all by his confidence and coolness under heavy shell and tniu li-mortar fire. After nightfall, on one occasion. Lieut. Feggetter. by order of thu Commanding Officer, patrolled ' No Man's Land ' in searcli of wounded, and was instrumental in bringing in a great number of wounded nun from near the enemy's wire." Un7n. GIBB-FEILD, WILLIAM Corpl., 4th Battn. South African Scottish Regt., s. of the late William Gibb-Feild. of Barberton. South Africa; and brother-in-law to Capt. .7. E. Coughlan, M.C., D.C.M. (q.r.); h. 1890; educ. Barberton ; joined the South African Scottish Regt. in Aug. 1915 ; served witli t he Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from June, 1916, and was killed in action on the Sommc 10 Dee. following. Buried at Arras. He in. in South Africa, 29 Sept. 1915, Madeline (Benoni, Transvaiil. South Africa), dau. of the late James Coughlan, Sergt.- Drummer, 1st Middlesex Regt. FELGATE, E. L., Private, No. 6452, 2nd Dragoon Guards ((Jueen's Bays) ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France; killed 1 Sept. 1914. FELL, JOHN WILLIAM, Private, No. 1052, 14th (Service) Battn. The York and : Lancaster Regt., s. of William Thomas Fell, of 69, Elliott's Terrace, New Scarborough, W'ombwell, near Bamsley, Miner ; b. Wombwell, -^larch, 1894 ; enlisted in 1915 ; served with the i-:xpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 12 May, 1917. Buried near Arras ; unm. John Alfred Fenton. William Gibb-Feild. FELLOWS, H., L.-Corpl., No. 13210. 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt.: served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 29 Oct. 1914. FELLS, J, A. J., Ordinary Seaman, J. 22219 (Fo.) ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. FENN, GEORGE ISAAC, Private, No. 15280. The Royal Sussex Regt., «. of Isaac Fenn, of Framingliam Earl, Norwich, co. Norfolk, by his wife, Kmma Alice. dau. of Daniel (and Ellen) Gooch : b. Seething, co. Norfolk. 2 Jan. 1897 ; educ. Wymoiidham ; was a I,abourer ; enlisted i I Aug. 1914 ; srrved with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 18 Aug. 1916 ; was reported missiuK after tlie fighting on 21 Oct. following, and is now assumed to liave been killed on that date ; unm. FENNER, W., Private, No. 5165, 20th HiLssars ; served with the Expeditionarj- Force in France ; killed 24 Aug. 1914. /- FENSOME, H., Private, No. 8140, 1st Battn. The Bedfordshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. FENTON, H. W., Saddler-Corpl., No. 52.32, R.F.A. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Oct. 1914. FENTON. HERBERT, Royal Navy, s. of Patrick Fenton. Painter, by hi-* wife, Ada, dau. of Frank Honeyfield ; b. Soutlisea. 15 Jan. 1897 ; educ. Bramble Road Council School there ; was an Errand Boy ; joined the Navy in April, 1913 ; served on H.M.S. Invincible, and was killed in action at the Battle of Jutland 31 May, 1916 ; unm. FENTON. JAMES. Regtl. Sergt.-Major, The Northumberland Fusiliers, 2nd .*. of Jam^'i Fenton, of Leeds, Plasterer, by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of John Barker: b. Leeds, co. York, 7 Jan. 1871 ; educ. Public School there; enlisted 26 Oct. 1839 ; served in India and throughout the South African War 1899-1902 (King and Queen's Medals) : retired on a pension ; on the outbreak of war he re-enlisted : was sent to liugelcy Camp, where he died of heart strain 25 June. 1917. Jiuried at Leeds. He m. at Leeds, 1 Jan. 1908. Mary (40, Compton Crescent. Harehills, Leeds), dau. of Samuel Ellett : a. p. FENTON, JOHN ALFRED. 3rd Air Meebanic. No. 69421. Royal Flying Corps, only *■. of John Fenton, of 10. ('rajghali Ter- race, MiLsselburgh, Bookseller and Stationer, by his mfe. Agnes, dau. of John Charles, ol Tranent. J. P. ; b. Musselburgh. 17 April, 1895 ; educ. Musselburgh Grammar School, and the Royal High School. Edinburgit ; wa.s apprenticed with a firm of C'liyAiTed Account- ants in Edinburgh, and-9ttended the Edin- burgh University; enlisted under tiie Derby scheme Nov. 1915 ; was ,ealled up 2 April, 1917 : .served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flajiders from 17 May, and was killed near Grevillers 28 June following. \<\ a tree falling on him during a storm. lUiried in the British Cemetery at Grevillers, near Bapaunie, His Commanding Officer wrote : " He had proved extraordinarily capable, and we shall not be able to fill his place. I shall miss him more than 1 can say." Unm. FENTON, WALTER, Private, 46th Battn. Canadian Expeditionary Force. v. of William Fenton ; b. Lej-tonstone, 16 Jan. 1893 ; educ. Davies Lane School there ; enlisted and died of appendicitis at Brandon while on service. Buried there ; unm. FERGUSON, DONALD, Private, No. 2915, 6th (Territorial) Battn. The Man- chester Regt. (T.F.), only i-. of John Ferguson, of 17, York Road, lleaton Moor, Manchester, Shipping :Manager, by liis wife. Ellen, dau. of Henry Jatne^ Wood- bury ; b. Higher Broughton. Manchester, 2 Oct. 1893 : educ. Stockport iirainmar School, and Lausanne. Switzerland ; was a Correspondent with t he Hrm oi Messrs. Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co., Ltd., Manchester ; enlisted in Sept. 11U4, after the outbreak of war ; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionarv Force at Gallipoli from Aug. 1915, and died at Mudros 2 Oct. following, from "dysentery. contracted while on active service on the Peninsula. Buried at Mudros ; anm. FERGUSON, JOSEPH, Fireman. R.N.V.R., .s. of George Ferguson, of 46. KniKarr Sfnel". LiviTpooI, l>y his wife. Mary Ellen, dan. of Joseph Cook; b. i,ivrr[ioot. :;ii Nov. 1 S92 ; educ. St. Polycarp's School there; w.is in the Mer- cantile Marine ; ser\ed on S.S. Baku Standard, and w.as lost at sea when that ship was struck by a mine 11 Feb. 1918. He m. at St. Ambrose's CImreh. Everton. Eliza Ann (49, Robsart Street, Liverpool), dau. of John (and ICninia L.) Taylor, and had two sons : (Jeorge, b. 13 Feb. 1914. and Joseph, b. 1 March. 1916. FERGUSON. JOSEPH, Private, No. 43440, 1st Battn. (75th I'oot) The Gordon Highlanders ; 4th s. of Joseph Ferguson, of South Milton, Corsindae, J[idmar, Farmer; b. Midmar, co. Aberdeen, 8 June, 1897; educ. Public School the:e; was employed on his father's farm and afterwards in farm service in the Bancliory district ; enlisted 2 Jan. 1915 ; trained at Banchory, Perth and Norwich : served with the E.\peditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Beaumont Hamel, during the operations on the Somme 13 Nov. 1916; unm. FERGUSON, PETER, Private, No. 3061. 55th Battn. Australian Imperial Force : 2nd s. of Peter Ferguson, of 3. Law- rence Place. Dowanliill, Glasgow, by his wife. Elizabeth Orr. dan. of Capl- " Roderick Mitchell; b. Glasgow, 23 Sept. 1883: educ. Hillhead High School there: w.is a Depart- mental Manager ; enlisted in .Vngust. 1915 : served with the Egyptian Expeditionarv Force in Egypt and Palestine from 24 Jaii. 1910 : proceeded to France early in the same vear. and was killed in action at Fromellc> 19 .Inly. 1910; unm. FERNS, S. G., Private'. No. 9700. 1st Battn. Hast Yorks Kegt.; served with the E.Kpedi- Tionarv Force in France ; killed in action 28 Oct. 1914. FERRIS. ALFRED WILLIAM. 2nd Lieut.. 3rd Battn. (Roval Fusiliers) The Loiulon Regt. (T.F.), eldest .f. of Alfred Ferris, of 147. Croiton Park Road. Brockley, Druggist, by liis ~" wife, Emilv Marshall, dau. of George Pavne : Peter Ferguson. 6. Rotherhithe. 2 Sept. 1894 ; educ. .\ske's Haberdashers' School, Hatcham ; was a Clerk in the Bank of British North America ; joined the Queen Victoria Rifles 19 April. 1915 ; obtained a commission in the Royal Fusiliers S Dec. following ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France' and Flanders from Marcli. 1910; was invalided home in July, returned to France in Jan. 1917, and died at Saulty 5 ^Larch following, from wounds received in action at Arras the previous day; unm. 98 The Roll of Honour Caret Watt Fidler. FERRIS, R., Private, No. 7116. 1st llattn. The Kiuft's Own (Royal Lancaster llegt.) ; served with the Expeditioiiarv I-'orce in France ; killed in action i:s Oct. UH4. FERRIS, S., Private. No. 6638. 1st IJattn. The King's Own (Koyal Lancaster llegt. t: served with the Expeditionarv Force in France: killed in action 10 Sept. I'.tU. FIDLER, CAREL WATT, 2iid Lieut.. 3/"th (Territorial) Ilattn. Prince^sS, Louise's (Arfiyll and Sutherland Highlanders) atttl. Koyal i"lyiim Corps, ordy >t. ol the late William Fidlrr. of Auckland. New Zealand. M.A.. Inspector of Schools ; an training as an Klcctrieal Kngineer in thr British lilcctric Plant Company's Work-. Alloa: went to Canada; enlisted a fortnight after till- outbreak of war. and returned to Kng- land with the 1st Canadian Contingent in Oct. 1914 ; ser\ed with the Expeditionary Force in [•"ranee and Flanders ; obtained a coinnii.ision .". Feb. 1s some timi^ bring some consolation for you to realize that not only did he love his life out here, but he was almost beloved by everyone who came in contact with him. I write to express on behalf of myself and all my officers our feeling of deep regret at the loss of a brave friend and comrade." Permission was received from Headquarters for him to wear the Observer's Badge, tlu* day after Ids death, whicli badge was sent to his mother ; num. FIELD, AJITHUR CLARENCE HENLEY, 2nd Lieut., LJth (Service) Bafetn. The Royal FiLsiliers (City of London Hcgt.), attd. 4tli(Serviee) Battn. The South W'ale^ Borderers, only s. at Arthur Henry Field, of Knockholt, Southwood Road. New Elthani. by his wife. Ada Augusta, :ird dau. of the late Edward 1'homas Ward Field ; b. Clapham. London. S.W.. 2 Aug. 1889 ; edu(", privately, and City of London College; was employed as Clerk in the Pliunix Assurance Company, Phcenix House. Kiie.' William Street, London. E.C. ; joined the W'st Ki-nt (Queen's Own) Yeomanry in 191(1 ; vohinteiTed for foreign service on the out- break of war 4 Aug. 1914 ; served with the Yeomanry in various jiarts of Kent, being pro- moted Corpl.. until 28 Jan. 1915, when he was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Royal Fusiliers, with wliom lie served on Salisbury Plain until the Itattalion left for France, and being sujier- minierary, he. wit bothers, was left in England : -nlistijuently specialized in signalling, passing the usual tests in Dec. 1915. and was under- going a special and final course at the lloyal Engineers' College in Bedfordshire when ordered for siTviee abroad : served in Egypt from 3 Jan 1911'.. and was subsequently attached to the South Wales Borderers in M'sopuTamia, when he acted as Signalliiiii Officer to the battalion, and was killed in a. tion at Falaheih 5 April follow- ing. Buried in the e.-Tuetrrv there. Brigadi-r-fJeneral A. C. Lewiu, D.S.O.. wrote: "There is little I can say which will help to ease the grief of those at home, hut perhaps it may be some small eomlort to you to know that we recognized vour son as a brave soldier and a good comrade, and Ins death is universal'lv mourned. We liave lost heavily in officers, but we feel tiiat tiiey have not laid down their lives in vain, and it is certain that we shall not forget them," and Lieut.-Col. C. E. Kitchin : " Tiie battalion was ordered to advance against a Turkish position, and it was durina this advance that vour son, who was in charge of the signallers, was shot tlirough the head. The bullet was from a hostile machine gun. Y'our son never regained con- sciousness after being hit, and died very shortly afterwards. He was an officer of great promise, and had done excellent work with his signallers, and we eon- sequeutly feel liis loss very much. Apart from ns. he was also very popular with his brother officers and lus men." Unm. FIELD, CHARLES CECIL, 2nd Lieut., 9th (Reserve) Battn. The Queen's Own (Royal \yest Kent Regt.), attd. 2nd Battn (12th Foot) The Suffolk Retit.. 3rd s. of the Rev. Walter St. John Field, Vicar of Fordeonihe, eo. Kent, by liis wife. Ida, dau. of the late John Peter Hornung, of Middlesbrough ; b. Ranskill, CO. Notts, 20 May, 1895 ; educ. Abbey School, Beckenham, and King's School. Canterburv ; he had matriculated at Keble College, Oxford, and was to have entered into residence in Oct. 1914. having obtained one of the Archbishop's Missionary Exhibitions ; but on the outbreak of war enlisted in the Public Schools Battn., from which he was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 9th Royal West Kent Regt. 9 Jan. 1915 ; served with tiie Expeditionary Force in France from Oct. 1915, attached to tiie Suffolk Regt., and was shot by a sniper at a range of about 50 yards 30 March, 1916, wliile in command of a machine-gun section in the trenches near St. Eloi. Buried at Voormezeele. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was the most conscientious officer it has been my pleasure to com- mand. He was liked by everybody, and I know his men would follow him anywhere," and the Captain of lus company also, on behalf of the officers : " He was to them a cheery comrade and friend they can ill afford to lose." Vnm. FIELD. FREDERIC ALAN VICTOR, Signaller, No. 147, 14tli (Service) Battn. Roval Warwieksliire Regt., only s. of Barney Field, of Lordswood Road, Harborne. Birmingham, by his wife, Susan Elizabeth, dau. of the late Samuel Henry Beck ; b. Harborne, 16 Aug. 1892 ; educ. Five Ways Grammar School, Birmingham ; was employed in the office of the Corporation Tramways Department ; enlisted 5 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; was reported missing during the operations on the Somme 25 July, 1916. and is now officially assumed to liave been killed on or about that date, and buried between High' Wood and Delville Wood ; unm. FIELD, GEORGE HENTIY, Private, No. 241488, 11th (Service) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt., s. of the late George Field, Coachman, by his wife, Charlotte, dau. of Robert Price, of Bedford ; b. Crowthorne. co. Berks ; educ. National School there; was a Grocer's Assistant; enlisted 6 June, 1916; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France and Flanders from 27 Aug. 1917. and was killed in action at Tower Hamlets 24 Sept. following. Buried there. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was killed by a shell on 24 Sept., during the recent heavy fighting. He was buried by one of lus comrades, and a cross now marks liis last resting-place. Although he has not been with this battalion long, we had all learned liis splendid qualities as a soldier and a man. He was popular Arthur C Field. with all, and lie was always bright and cheerful." ile in. at Turner's Hill, co. Svissex. 8 Feb. 19()H. Mabel Louisa (I)ownview Terrace, Henfleld, co. Sussex), dau. of Gtoriie Styles, and had tivo chiUlren : William Frederick, b. 11 Sept. 191)9, and Mab.l (iirtrude Rose, h. i April, 1914. FIELD. ROBERT ALISTER, M.C.. Capt.. 2nd Battn. (19th Foot). Alex- andra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regt.). eldest s. of Joseph bonis Field, of 18. Lansdowne Road, Wimbledon. S.W., by his wife, Frances Margaret, dau. of Alexarnier Ross ; b. Wimbledon, co. Surrey. Li .March. 1895 ; educ. Rokeby tliere, and bulwieh College ; went to Canada in Mareh, 1914, ami settli-d at Clearwater, Manitoba, where be took up Farnung ; re- tnrnrii to iOmzIand on the outbreak of war, and joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. 13 Nov, 1914; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Yorkshire liriit. March, 1015 ; jiromoted Lieut. 2 Dec. lollowirm, when he was apjtointed Bombing Officer to the liattalion, and Capt. 8 March, 1917; served with the Ivxjieditionary Force in I'ranci! ami I'lauders from 17 Aug. 1915, and was killed in action at Henin, near Arras. 2 .\pril. 1917, while leading his company. Buried near wliere he fell. Col. C. V. Edwards wrote : *■ He was killed in a village into whieli he had gone at the head of his com- pany, . . . Vour son was well kiu>wn in this division, and he had the reputation Robert AMster Field. of heint: one of the bravest men in it. He had received the Military Cross for bravery on the Somme, and we all thought he was likely to get "further distinction. His loss is difficult to replace. We now have too few of his kind lett. By nature he was all that an English gentleman should be, (piiet. unassumiui:, but as Iirave as a lion. His men would follow lum anywhere," and again : " 1 write to ti-ll you that I have forwarded your son's name,. Capt. R. A. I'ield. for the Vietoria Cross. He was :us gallant a fellow as ever lived. He has performed many acts of bravery. Whether the Cross will be granted or not I cannot say. We trust it «i!l be." The Chaplain WTote : " He was the bravest and most fearless flghtei we have ever had, and his men and brother officers adored him and would foliow him anywhere. There were 60 casualties in B Coy. out of 170 in the regiment. They were up against the strong point in the village ; all his officers were wounded or killed. Your boy was far the most popular in the T' uiiii'iit. as \-ou w)udd see wlienever his name Ls mentioned. He will be terribly niJ-M (]. On Friday in tlic same village his was the only company to get in, A platoon of l."» w(-rr surrounded, and he got them out, and was the last to fight his way out. 'i'his is typical of lum, and was reported to the Divisional General, wiio lias the highest opinion of him. He must have got tlie D.S.O. had he been spared," anil Lieut, and Quartermaster Pickard : "He was a true soldier, and I say, without fear of contradiction, that he was one of the bravest officers 1 have ever met. ... He liad endeared himself to liis men, and they wouhl follow him anywhere, knowing tliey were being led by a man who kni-w what duty was and wiio knew not fear. . . . The cause we were fighting for was always in hi> mind. It was to me a j)leasure to soldier with such a gentleman. Whilst we can breed such as he, never need Eneland fear." Capt. Fii-ld was twice men- tioned in Despatches [London Gazettes. 15 .Tune, 191ti. and 4 Jan. 1917] by General (now F.M.) Sir DouL'las Haiu'. for eallant and distinguished si-rvice in the field, and was awarded the Military Gross [ London Gazette, 10 Jan. 1917], "' For conspicuous gallantry in action. He displayed great courage and initiative during a bombing attack, fleeting an ob>tael<' in the trench, he went along tlie i)arapet under heavy lire, jumped into the trench again and killed one of the enemy." f'nm. FIELDING, HERBERT HILTON, 2nd Lieut., 6th (Territorial) Battn. The Manchester Regt., only s, of Harry Fitton Pendlebury Fielding, of Withington, Man- chester, by his wife, Hannah, dau. of John Hilton, of Middleton ; b. Manchester, 8 June. 1889 ; educ. Manciiester Grammar School, and Victoria ddversitv ; was a Solicitor ; joiu.-d the Cniv.rsity O.T.C. 18 Nov. 1915: obtained a eonmiissioti 28 Nov. 1916 ; 5erve. of Stanley Firth, of 2S. Caledon Koad. Sherwood, Engineer, by his wife, IClizabetli Ma v. dun. of the late William Mollart Harding ; b. Hanley. 28 Jan. 1898 ; educ. Tindal Board School, Birmingham, and High Pavement, Nottingham ; was on the statf of the National Provincial Bank at Not- tingham; joined the Nottingtiam I'niversity O.T.C. in June. 1916; obtained a commission 28 March. 1917 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Passihendaele 9 Oct, following. His Commanding Officer wrote : *■ Your son. 2nd Lieut. J. S. Firth, was beloved and admired by the men of liis platoon, who were following his leadership when he fell and died duruig the attack on the 9th inst. His loss is keenly felt by his brother officers. with whom he was very impular. and by all ranks of the battalion. May the fact of knowing tliat he died the death of a gallant otlieer wliile fighting for his country help you to luar in a small way the sad blow which his end must cause you," and one of his men : *■ Hi' was greatly liked by all his company. He was very cool aud brave in action, and always joined in all the sports with liis platoon." Unm. Jesse Firth. John S. Firth. 100 The Roll of Honour FISH, R. T., Priviite. No. 10995. 1st Battn. Tlie South W:i\r^ ISurdercrs ; served witli the Kxpeditionary Koht in Fnincc ; killed 26 Sept. 1914. FISHBOURNE, DERRICK HAV'GHTON GARDINER, 2nd Lieut., Royal Garrisson .-VrtilltTy. only .v. of Joliri (Jardiner Fislihoiinic. nf Triik'c, Aneiit, Bank of Iri'iiind, I'y his wife, Sarali Klizabi'th, dau. of l-'rcdrrlek Hauuhton ; f>. Jieilville, Newtown, Watcrford ; educ. Castle Park. Ualkiy. co. Dvibhii, and Rossall, eo. Lancaster ; was a resident student at 'i'rinity Cohere, J)ublin ; obtained a com- mission 29 Dee. 1915; served with the I ■Expedition a ry Force in France and Flanders. :ind was kiHed in action near Monchy 4 May, 1917, whih^ acting as sectional eoinniander. Hurled in Faubour}^ d'Aniiens Cemetery, Arras. The General Commanding wrote : " lie has shown a spirit of devotion to duty which is the trui- soldierly spirit which is jjoing to win the war. HLs calmness and cheerfulness in the iiattery under tire showed courage of the highest order, which reacted on the men. He did eniiit to his country and his name," and his Major : " 1 can only assure you he is must diTpl\' and sincerely mourned by us all, oltiirrs, N.C.O.'s and men. both for his ilireriul spirit and keenness hi everything mn- nected with the battery." A brother oHicer also wrote: "I feel 1 have lost one of the best friends 1 have ever had ; he was always so cheerful and brave, and was. in fact, tlie life and soul of the battery. He never lost Ids cheerfulness under the niost adverse circumstances. He has bucked me up many times by his cheery example. All tlie men liked him, he never lost his tem])er, he was always the same. He did not umlerstand the meaning of the word ' fear.' " FISHBOURNE, EUSTACE DELANO, Private, No. 1818, A Coy.. 34th BaHn. 3rd Division, Australian Imperial Force, only ,•;. of the late Lieut-. Col. Josejih Eustace Fi.slibournc, K.A.M.C.. by his wife. Edith A. ^^^^^ Urind (now wife of Henry Thurston Dale, of ^^^P^^^ s. West bourne Park Villas, London, AV.), ^F^ ^^1 ilau. of the late Surgeon-General Henry B ! Kendall. A.M.S. ; and gdson. of the lute Kobert Jb ^ «k. Moore Fishbourne, of Hollymount, Carlow, ^ t^iiieen's (!o. : h. West Kensington. London, \V., 23 July, 1893: educ. Allen House Pre- paratory School, Guildford, and King's School. Canterbury; went to Western Australia ill April, 1910, and later settled at Cranbrook. w I ere lie took Up farming and stock breeding ; jiiined the Australian imperial Force early ill 19l(). having been previously five times rrjreti'd owing to defective eyesight; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 191C. and died at No. U) Casualty Clearing Station 7 Feb. 1917. from wounds received in action wliile returning from patrol duty in an advanced listening j^ost. Tlie Comnumding Oftiecr wrote : " He was He died Eustace D. Fishbourne. Buried in Armentii^res Cemetery. a cajiablc and excellent soldier, whose death was keenly felt by all. doing his duty," and liis Company Commander : " His work was the most liazardons and meet to be commended that any jiresent-day soldier can do. and he did it cheerfully and whole-heartedly." IJnm. FISHER. ALEXANDER McEWAN, 2nd Lieut., 12th (Service) Battn. The Cameronians (Scottish llifles), yr. .•;. of Alex- aiidir McLwau Fisher, of National Bank House. \\ i--haw. Music Teaelicr: ; b. ArotherweH, co. Lanark, 22 July, 1890 ; edur. Wishaw PnliJie S'lnKii, and Glasgow Cnivi-rsity ; wa-^ appn-n- lici'.I a-s a Solicitor to Mr. Kankitt, ot Mnuao i.<: K;iiikiij. Wishaw , and afterwards ln-came juiiinr [lartm T in the firm of Nimmo it Fisher ; .rltiaim d a roni mission 6 Aug. 1015, being i.ttachrd to thr 2/(lth Battn. Tlie Manchester Krgt.; served with the Expiditi(inar\' Force ill France and Flanders witli tin- mrli Scottish llilles from Sept. 191(3 ; was in\alid('d liome with trench fever ; returned to his regiment on 1' roviry, and was killed in action by a iiiaehiinvgun bullet at Cavalry Farm, during the Battle of Arras, 24 April", 1917. Buried there. A brother oflicer wrote: " He was killed in action al>out 4.15 on the afternoon of 24 April, wliilst gallantly leading my com- pany in a very dilheult attack on a farmhouse. He was one of the keenest and most eflRcient officers we luul, and his gallantry in leading and commanding a wliole company in the field at the finish was a notable end to a brave life. The men had implicit trust in his IcadersliiiJ, and would have followed liim anywhere." He was joint treasurer of the Cambusnethan School Board, and acted as secretary to the Merchants' Association ; umn. FISHER, C, Private, No. 8969, 1st Battn. The Norfolk llegt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. FISHER, E., Private. No. 11635, 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards: served with the I'^xpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14-16 Sept. 1914. FISHER» HARRY ALBERT, Private, No. 4683, 9th (Service) Battn. The Royal Sussex llegt., s. of James Edward Fi-sher, of 28, (ieorge Road, Alexander McEwan Fisher. Farneombe, Godalming, co. Harry Albert Fisher. Surrey, by liis wife, Annie, dau. of Edward Steer ; b. Aldershot, co. Hants, 16 May, 1896 ; educ. Newport Road School there ; enlisted •^ Sejit. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 5 Sept. 1915, and was killed in action on the Somme 30 July, 191G ; iinm. FISHER, McKERRAL JOHN, CorpL, No. 33U53, 2nd Section. 131st Coy.. Machine I'tm Corps, 2nd s. of .\ndrew Fisher, of 58, Wardlaw .-V venue, Uutherglen, Merchant, tilasuow ; and gdson. of the late James Fisher, of (ilasgow, and of Callander Villa, Dunoon, CO. .A,rgyle, by liis wife, .A,nnie, dau. of the hvte John McKerral, of Campbeiltown, co. .A.rgyle, and Glasgow ; b. Glasgow, 2 July, 1896 ; educ. John Street Higher Grade School, Glas- gow, and Stonelaw Higher Grade School. Uatherglen ; was on the staff of Messrs. William Richards tt Son. Average Adjusters, tilasgow; enlisted May, 1914. in 5th (T.F.) Battn. Tlie Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) ; was called up for service 5 Aug. following ; Norman Hill Fisher. served in Mesoi»o(amia ; took part in t he advance on Bagdad, ami died 11 July, 1917, at Uamadi, of heat-.stroke. linried there. His Commanding Otlicer wrote : " Your son was in charge of his guns in the llring line during an attack on the enemy on 11 July, and tlie great heat at nudday (123" in the shade) proved too nmch for him. He was struck down while in action and while facing the enemy." I'lnn. FISHER, NORMAN HILL, 2nd Lieut.. 3/lth (Trrril(uial) liattn. The Loyal North Lancasiure Kegt., yr. -f. of lleiijamin Mdwin Fisher, of Tranmore, South Drive, St. Amie's, Solicitor, bv his wife. Clara, dau. of thi? late John Naylor. of Halifax; /;. Lightdiffe. 28 l-'eb. 1899; edvic. King Edward's School, Lytham. and by a private tutor ; enlisted in Sept. 1914 : subsequently joined the Imis of Court O.'I'.C. ; oljtained a commission in Jan. 19111 : served with the I'2xpeditionary l-'orcc ill I'lanei' and l-'ianders. anil died at No. 1 Ausii,i|j;in Casualty Station Hi April. 1917, "\ wounds recei\ed in action near lOstaires. Buried in the Conmmnal Cemetery. Estaires. His ('haplain wrote: "Allow me to express to you our deep sympathy with you in the great loss yon have sustaiiiet for the ]inrpose," and a brother otlicer: "I am writing to you, a brother otlicer and friend of Norman's, and a fellow member of Fair- haven Golf Club, to express to you my deepest syniiiathy at the terrible loss you have sus- tained by the death in action of your son. , , . ICver,\ thing possible was done for him. both at the Regimental .Vid Post andatthe Casiuilt>- Sration to whii-li he was removed. At the latter place, in spite of all that human scieiiei- and skill c(ndd do. his bright young life eanie to an end. 1 went over there this afternoon and saw the chap- lain who buried him, and who told me he wrote you last night. He is buried in the cemetery at Estaires, and after leaving the hospital, went and visited his grave. It is a beautiful little cemetery, and all ar(nmd where he lies are the graves of other heroes, who, like Norman, have made the supreme sacrilice. and whose lives have been freely given for tin- cause of the Kiudit. We are erecting a cross over ids grave, ami wlien it is tinished 1 will let yon know. Please rest assured that for each and all of the reasons I mentioned at the commencement of this letter, that as long as 1 am in this part of the country his grave shall receive every attention. . . . Your loss is indeed a great.one. but your son dicfl the death of a brave .soldier, and is to-day one of England's heroes. . . ." Another also \vrote: " It is with considerable regret that 1 am writing to yon in answer to your letter dated 22 April, 1917. Norman had only been with us a few days, but those few days were quite sulficient for us to know that he had already made himself one of our most jjopular officers and a perfect gentleman. How he came about his untimely death I will try to explain to you in as few words as jiossible. as it cast a cloud of darkness ovi-r the battalion. He was well known amongst the old bovs of us that knew each other in the old i!iir^. s. of Jacob William Fitt, oi" 4 Chuhn-ley Park. Highgate, London. X., by his wif.-. Ivy Xellie, dau. of Frederick Gall"; h. London, 22 Dec. 1890 ; educ. Taunton HoiLse School. Brighton, and on leaving school joined the tirm of George Harker tt Co., Ltd. 11)1. Upper Thames Street. London, E.C. ; riilistcd very early in the war from the highest -'■use of duty ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France, and was killed in action on 1 7 Feb. 1917. Buried on the battlefield bitween Courcelette and Miraumont. His was a nature that endeared itself to those who came in contact with him, tus motto being : " Others before self." FITTON, HUGH GREGORY, A.D.C. to the King. C.B., D.S.O.. Briaadier- General, loist Brigade. 34th Division, yr. s. of the late Edward Brown Fitton, of Malvern. Barrister and Inspector of Factories, by his wife, Harriett Margaret, dau. of George Gregory, of London, M.D. : f>. London, 15 Xov. 1863; educ. Eton, where he was elected King's Scholar. 1877-1885 : passed First on the list into the Royal Militarv College, Sandhurst : was gazetted 2nd Lieut, to the Berkslure Regt. 5 Feb. 1884 ; served with the Eg\-ptian Army 1894-1899 ; took part in the Sudan campaign {Medal with clasj) and Bronze Star) ; became f>.A.A.O. Jnfantry Division ; took part in the Expedition to Dongola 1886, and was wounded (D.S.O., and the Egyptian Medal with two clasps): .=erved as Staff Officer to the G.O.C. in the Xile Expedition in 1897. and was present at tlie operations at Berber, and the Atbara River (mentioned in Despatches and .iwarded the Fourth Class of the Medjidieh and clasp to the Egyptian Jledal) ; as D.A.A.G. he took part in the Battle of Khartoum {mentioned in Despatches ; brevet of major ; Medal and two clasps to the Egj-ptian Medal) : served in the Soutli African War 1899-1902 (Queen's Medal with'three clasps and King's 31edal with two clasps). In 1905 he was given command of the Royal West Kent Regt. ; was an A.D.C. to the King from 1907, being awarded the C.B. in 1911 - .appointed Assistant Adjutant-General Eastern Command in 1910, and in 1913 became Director of Recruiting and Organization at the War Office, and w-as afterwards given a brigade on the Xorth Coast ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders; was wounded by a sniper near Ypres 18 Jan. 1916, and died two days later. Buried south of Poperinghe. He m, at Ken- -iington, London, W.. 5 Oct. 1910. May. 0th dau. of Sir Alfred Hickman, of Wightwiik, Wolverhampton, Bart.; s.p. FITZGERALD, ALFRED EDWARD, Lieut.-Co!., 15th (Service) Battn. The Durham Light Infantry, 2nd s. of the late Robert Allan Fitzgerald ; b. Liver- pool, 25 Oct. 1872 ; educ. Harrow : served in the ranks of the B.S.A. Police 1396 (Medal); entered the Army through the Militia in 1899 ; obtained a commission in the West India Regt., 1899 ; served as Garrison Adjutant in Jamaica ; was employed on the Gold Coast in 1900 ; took part in the opera- tions at Ashanti (Medal and chisp) ; sub- sequently was attached to the Egyptian Army I'.iii4-S:" promoted Capt, 1907;' transferred to the East Surrey Regt. the same year, being I)romoted Major 1915, and Lieut. -Col. Sept, 1915, wiien he was given command of the 15th Jtattn. Durham Light Infantry- served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; took part in the Battle of Loos : was wounded near Fricourt. during the opera- tions on the Somme. 1 July. 1016. and died in a London hospital on the l:ith of that month. Buried at Tw\-ford. co. Buckingham. His Brigadier wrote": " There is no harm in telling you now that his name went in for ' immediate reward ' for a D.S.O.. and 1 have no doubt whatever he would have got it. as 1 had especially starred his name. This is wiiat was actually said: 'This officer commanded his battalion until wounded on the evening of 1 July. He was placed in command of the captured (ierman position, and ai ted with great coolnes*. and showed a sound appreciation of the situation. His messages were always clear,"' and a brother otficer wrote : " There was not an officer or a man in the regiment wiio would not have followed him anywiiere. and. what is more, did_so, when tliey were asked to the other day. The regiment did sowelithatthc S Alfred Edward I division made a lasting name for itself, and that is undoubt'-dly due to the manner in which he led his men ; one hears of it on every side." One of his men wTote : * The Colonel proved lumself not only an officer, but a man who loved Ids men and the N.C.O.'s. The men out here will never forget how brave he was, and how he inspired them and led them to victorv that dav." He m. at Arthuret, co. Cumberland, 7 Aug. 1907, Mary Eleanor. 'dau. of the late Coi. T A. Irwin, of LjTiehow, Carlisle, and had two daus. : Pamela, h. 5 Dec. 1911, and Patricia, b. 19 April, 1916. FITZGERALD, C, Private, Xo. 7381, 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Eifle Corps ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed io actioa 14-17 Sept. 1914. FITZGERALD, JOHN, Private, The Royal DubUn Fusiliers, eldest s. of Thomas Fitzgerald, Labourer, by his wife, Bridget, dau. of Gus O'Xeill ; b. Crooin. CO. Limerick, 31 Aug. 1894 ; educ. there ; was a Labourer ; enlisted in 1911, served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 1914, and was killed in action at Ypres 18 Aue. 1917 ; unm. FITZJOHNS, WALTER GEORGE, Leading Seaman, H.M.S. Weymouth ; kill*d in op»-rations off the German East African Coast Xov. 1914. FITZPATRICK, J., Private, Xo. 9559, 1st Battn. The Manchester Regt. : served w ith the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 4 Xov. 1914. FITZPATRICK, T., Private, Xo. 657. 2Qd Battn. The Lancashire FusUiers : servd with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 26 Aug. 1914. FITZPATRICK, THOMAS GORDON. Capt., 8th (Service) Battn. Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fasiliers), yr. x, of the late Rev. W. Fitzpatrick, M.A., Indian Chaplain Department, by his wife, E. S. A., dau. of Thomas CaiUfield Hannyngton : b. Kingstown, co. Dublin, Dec. 1830 ; educ. Corry's School, Kiiisgtown, and Training Ship Conway ; was on the Manager's Staff of the London and .North Western Railway ; volunteered on the outbreak of war. and was i:azrtt*d Lieut. 8th Royal Irish FiL-iliers 25 Sept. 1914, and jiromoted Capt. in :May. I9lf; : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from Feb. 1916, and wa^ killed in action at Leuze Wood, France, 6 Sept. following. liurjed there. He w;is mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 4 Jan. 1917] by General (now F3I.) Sir Douglas Huig, for gallant and distinguished service in the field. He m. at Kingstown, 1900, Ethel Frances, dau. of Meldrum Macready and had nine cliildren. FITZSIMONS, JAMES MILROY, Gunner. Xo. 25536, 17th Battery. Cana- dian Field Artillery. Canadian Expeditionary Force, 2nd s. of James Fitzsimons. of Lussi-t Terrace, Old Kilpatriek, co. Dumbarton, Survey Department, City o! Glasgow Gas Department, by his wife, Mary, dau. of John Gibb : 6. Glasgow, 18 Dec. 1891 : educ. Clydebank Higher Grade School there ; went to Canada in 1910, and settled at Quebec as a Bank Clerk; enlisted in the Canadian Hors«- in Sept, 1914, but cavalry not then being ased. transferred to the Canadian Fiel5 .\ug. 1916, by a shell. Buried there. A comrade wrote : " He was Corp!, in cimrgc of the section to wliich 1 bcloug, and I was by Ids side when he was killed. .~ . . The Edmund Fleming. 102 The Roll of Honour Iiattaliim had alri'aily mado oiio cliarK(\ in which he Ird his iiuii iiio^t ii;illuiitly, :inil it was on thr i-\r nt" iuiothrr. durin;; a \'cry licii\y iKHiiltardnifiit , that, lie was inil()rtiinat(l>- struck l)y a slicll. His death was itistaiitancnus. He was cslccinrd hy us all, as a yood comrade and a ciiimhlc and feaflcss sokiicr." f'run. FLEMING, HAROLD WINNING, 2nd Lieut.. 1st Ilattn. (Kith Foot) The I'.edfordsliin* Hcgt., x. of tln' late Ali-xandor I . John Fleniini;, M.l»., hy his wife, Lily HuMiart (22a. Kroynal, llainpstead. N.W.)". dau. of J^^^ the luti' 1-'. L. IJrown. of liomhav ; />. Hanip- ^^^ stead, r.ondon. .\.\V., 25 Ajiril." 1898 ; cdiic. H^H St. John's Ilouse. Hainpstead. X.W : was a "^H ]\inL''s Scholar at West minster, and the Uoval ^ Colle^.-. Saiidlnirst : <-nlisted in Ani:. Ittlii ; My was -gazetted 2Md hient. 1 May. 11)17; served l^f» ^' witli the Kxpeditionary l''orce in France and rhinders. and wa.s killed hi action hv a sniper at (Jheluvelt. nn the Ypres-Metlin" Koad. 5 --. I Oct. I'.HT. Jiiiried in the lledfnrd Ceineterv. ' A Vprcv-.Menin Koad. His Cliaplain wrote; 1^^^^^ " I ireijucritly saw him Itoth In and out of the ^^^^^^^ trenches, ami wc all liked luin tor his hri^lit ^^^^^^^H disposition. for his ^^^^^^^H arul great cthcienry. It no ^I^^^^^H that he considered one of tl)e ' most promisint,' of the junior olticers in the Harold Winning Fleming. hattalion." A hrother otHcer wrrte : ■" I am certain that at his death the 1st llrdfords lost one of the hravest of its ollicers." and another: " The other olHcers of liis comiiany havinii hecome casualties early in the attack (Oppv Wood, near Arras), this otticei-. 2nd Lieut. 11. W. Flennni.'. "who was in the trench<-s for the Ilrst time, a.ssumed command thronyhmit the attack, and in the stihse(|uent tour of duty lie showed coolness !_'allantry and ahility, and liis example alforded '^reat encour- ajrcnicnt to his mesi)atches hv (Jeneral (now F.M.) Sir Doujilas Haiu'. for i^aMaiit and distintiuished sirvice as stated almve ; unm. FLEMING. JOHN MILLER, I'rivatc, Xo. 2iH:J40. Hth (Territorial ) Hattn. The Canieroiiians (Scottish Hilh's). 2nd s. of the hite William Howie rieniini;, hy his wife. i:il,-ii Mnir (I'.envue. liuchlyvie, c-o Stirling'), dau. ui .lohn Miller; f>. Camiiheltown. Kintyre, 7 May, 1889: educ. Kihnichael School and the Cram- mar School. Campheltown ; suhsequcntly worked on his father's farm ; eidisted 2f> Jan. liHfl ; served with the Effyptian Expeditionary Force in Kyvjit and Palestine from July. 191(1, and was killed in action at Gaza 20 April. 1917. ' Jiuried in l)elr-el-helah Military Cemetery; iinm. FLEMING, R. D., L.-Corpl.. No. fi715, 21st Lancers ; served with the Expedi- tionary I'oree in Frann- ; killed in action 18 Sept. 1914. FLEMING, ROBERT DICK, Corpl., No. i44.J4. 4.->th Squadron. R.F.f'.. yr. .s. of James Meniinji. of Muirsidc. Carnnmnoek. Farmer, by Ids 2nd wife. Jeannie Findlay. dau, of the late Kobert Dick, of Turnhiw Farm, ('ambnslanjj ; h. Carmunnock, co. Lanark. 1.". Nov. 1H94 ; educ. Public School there, and the Hi^'h School, (Jla-fKOW ; wa.s for a time employed with a firm of Grain Merchants, and later worked on his father's farm : joined the Lanarksliirc Yeomanry 24 Feb. 19ir> ; trans- ferred to the K.F.C. in Jan. 19Ui : served with the Expeditionary Force in France an. 4th .V. of Lionel Fletcher, of Klmseroft. West Farleigh, co. Kent, J. P. and D.L.. by his wife, Eleanor .>lary. dau. of William liruce Stopford Sackvillc. of Drayton, CO. Northants ; and brother to Lieut. - Comniander W. J. Fletcher (q.'',) ; h. Fwell Manor. West Farleigh. near Maid- stone. 19 Sept. 1889; edit. Eton, where he was in College, and afti-r gaining a Post- JIastership at Merton College, Oxford, took hi-- degiee in 1912; in the same year, in pri-para- ti<»n tor taking Holv Orders, he became a resilient at Oxiord Hou^e. iJethual Green. E. ; he enlisted in the Royal Na\al Divi-^ion in Sept. 1014 ; olitained a commission in the Royal Weleh Fusiliers 21 Dee, followiuu' : served w'ith the Mediterranean Fxpeditionarv Force at tiallipoli from Oct. 191.'".; later proce4-dcd to- Kgypt. where he held the ap|»ointment of Transport Othcer; transferreil to the Intejii- genee Department ; took jiart in the Rattle of Romani : served with the ICg\ jitian Expedi- tionary Force in Palc-^tine. and was killed in action near <;a/.a. 2(1 March, 1917. biing hit !)>■ a sTiipir at Alimunter Hill while conversing with some tJi-rman prisoners. His Conimaiiding Oltieer wrote : "* He did nuiguifl<-ent work th;it day. pushing on beyond the captured jiosition with a few men and two other otiicers. and it was in this forwanl position that he met his death. . , ." He was a splendid oMicir and i-xceptionally gallant, and his death will be a great loss to this imtta- lion." I'lim. FLETCHER, J., I»rivate, No. 7420, 1st Hattn. The Shropshire Light Infantry : served with the I'^xpeditionary Force in France; killed in action 2:J Oct. 1914. FLETCHER, O., Private, No. I337r>. 2nd Rattn. The Oreiiadier (iuards ; scrv.-d with the Expeditionary Force in France ; kill'd in action 14- Itl Sept. 1914. FLETCHER, RALPH CECIL, L -Corpl.. No. t;. 17078, 12th (Service) Rattn. The Royal Sussex Regt.. yst. s. of Philip Scale Fletcher, of Hob Nails Inn, Settle. Washbourne. near 'J'ewkesbury, hv his wife, Rebecca ; h. Lon- don, :n Aug." 1898; educ. Alderton. and Tewkesbury (irammar School ; enlisted 20 Feb. 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France anrl Flanders ; was wounded on the Ypres front KJ Oct. 1917. and died four days later at the .Australian Clearing station. Itnried in Outtersteene Communal Cemetery I'^xteiision. Railleu! ; num. FLETCHER, S., Private. No. 4044, I8th Hussars ; served with tlie FxyieditionarN' Force in France; killed 1.'. Oct. 1914. FLETCHER, WALTER JOHN, Lieut.- Ci)inniauder. K.N.. :ird v. r»f Lionel Fletcher, of Ehnscroft. West Farleigh. J. P. and D.L.. Oentlentan Farrm r. hy bis wife. Eleanor Mary. dau. of William Stopford Sackvillc, of Dravton co. Northants: and brother to Lieut. H. W. rietcher {q.r.): b. London. 24 June. I88:i ; educ. Hazel wood, Limpstield. and Cordwallis's. Maidenhead ; also on H.M.S. Rritannia ; passed into the Navy 24 Dec. 1H9(>: went to China in .May. 189S. to join the IJonaventure : was appointed to H.M.S. Prince George 19(H, Koval Naval College, t;reenwich, 1902. H.M.S. Mars 19o:j. H.M.S. Illustrious 1905. H.M.S. Astrca to China 1900. Torpedo Roat Destroyers Haughty and No. 10 ; was in conmiand of H.M.S. Defender 1911; took part in the Rattle otf Heligoland in Aug. 1914 ; was immediatelv taken ill after, and died 12 May. 1917. Ruried at West l-'arleigh. He was awarded the China Medal. He in. at Wev- bridge, 12 Oct. 1909. Dorothy. 2nd dau. of Edward Chetwynd Stai)yltoTi, of Wey bridge, and had two (■hildren : W\ tidhani Stap\Iton, /*. a Aug. 1 910, and Marion! h. 7 Nov. 1914. Ralph Cecil Fletcher. FLETT» ALEXANDER ADAM, Private. Walter John Fletcher. No. 27688. 2nd Rattn. (1st Foot) The Royal Scots (Lothian Regt). s. of Alexander Flett, of 2. Netherton Terrace. FindocLty, co. Banff. Fisherman, by his wife, Jane. dau. of Adam Davidson ; b. Findochty." 2(i Dec. 1890 ; educ. Findoehty Public School and Ruckie Higher Grade School ; entered the Aberdeen University as a Science The Roll of Honour 103 James Ftett. wife, Sabina, daii. of Thomas Stiid**nt ; enlisted 29 Nov. 1915 : traim^d at Gleocorse ; SL-rved with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flander= from 6 April, 1916 ; wa.s wounded near Montauban 22 July following, being admitted to hospital in Boulogne ; on his recovery rejoined liis regiment ; tran-^ferred to the Snipers' Section, and was killed in action at Zonnebeke 29 Sept. 1917. Buried tliere ; unm. FLETT, JAMES, D.C.M., Sergt., No. 8948, 14tli (Si-rviet-) Battn. Princess Louise's (Argyll ;iiid Siithirlaiid Higlilanders), eldest s. of Altrrd ri.tt. of 9. Caddlcliill Terrace. I ; rrcdock, Grocer, by his wife, Margaret (rawford, dau. of Robert Neil, Baker; b. (inriiock, CO. Renfrew, 14 March. 1(*88 ; educ. Hiiihlanders' Academy there; was a Char- t'p-d Accountant ; enlisted in the Argyll and Sutlurland Highlanders 2(> May. 1915 -served witli the Expeditionary Force in France and rianders from 6 June. 1916, and was killed in action in tlie attack on th*- Boiirlon Wood 24 Xov. 1917. whilst leading bis platoon. i;urii-d at Flesquieres. He was awarded the I) CM. [London Gazette, 1 Jan. 1918], for '.lailantrv and dLstinguislied service in the H.-ld : >',>,„. FLETTON, ERNEST, Drummer, 0th (Ser- vice) Battn. The Northamptonshire Regt., x. of Arthur Fletton, of 6, Co-operative Ter- race. Higham Ferrers, Leather Dre^sser, by his I Lee : 6. Higham Ferrers, co. Northants. 28 March, 1895; educ. Council School there; w;i.s a Shoe Hand in Wright's Factorv : volunteered after the outbreak of war. and enlisted 5 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from July, 1915 ; was present in several engagements, and was killed in action wliilst "on post duty at night in April. 19Hi. Burifd at Carnoy, Bray-sur-Somme. Capt. H. Podmore, his Commanding Officer, wrote ; " The Germans made a sudden attack on a post where he with another man was at the end of a sap, looking over a crater. The other man was killed instantaneously. Fletton was very badly wounded, but without thinking of his own pain, imni.'diat'ly ran back and gave the alarm. He tin-n proceeded along the trench to u.-t lii-^ wouiid-i (In-^^i'd. and was hit almost immrdiately by a shell, and killed in -rant iiifQiisly. 1 am sending bis name in for gUl.int con- duct." f'niu. FLEXNEY, F. W., Private, No. 8548, 1st Battn. The South Wale; Borderers : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 26 Sept. 1914. FLICK, W. F.. Armourers' Mate ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. FLINT, ERIC, Private. No. 2808. Anson Battn. R.N.D.. ;ird s. of Charles Flint, of 28. Bargery Road. Catford. London, S.E., F.S.M.C. Optician and Phar- maceutical Chemist, by his wife, Mary Louisa, dau. of John Temlett Long, of Bristol, Pharmaceutical Chemist; h. Exeter, co. Devon. 11 Julv, 1895; educ. Colfe Grammar School, Lewisharu. S.E. ; was a Clerk in the head office of Messrs. Barclay's Bank. Lombard Street, E.C. : joined the R.N. V.R. early in 1913 ; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in Gallipoli, and later proceeded to France, and was killed in action at Beaucourt 13 Nov. 1916. Buried on the battiefleid ; unm. FLINT. GEORGE EDWARD, Seaman Gunner, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Swiftsure, 2nd s. of James Flint, of 1, Stanley Strei-t. Melton Mowbray, co. Leicester, Mid- land Railway Carpenter, by his wife. Emma ; 6. Kirby Bellars, co. Leicester, 17 Aug, 1888; educ. British School. Melton Mowbrav : was a Booking Clerk on the Midland Railway ; joined the Royal Navy 12 Sept. 1907 ; served at the Dardanelles 1915 ; sustained a chill while assisting to rescue soldiers whose boats liad been shelled by the Turks as they were attempting to land, in June, 1915 ; was invalided home, and died at Melton Mowbray 8 Feb. 1916, from the effects of illness, contracted on active service ; unm. FLOCKTON, A. V., Private, No. 10203. Coldstream Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed 1914. FLOOR, FREDERICK, A.B., No. 2937, Anson Battn. R.N.D.. yst. g. of George Thomas Flook, of 191. Cathedral Road. Cardiff, by liis wife. Rosabella, dau. of James Rosser ; b. Cardiff, co. Glamorgan. 15 April. 1898 : educ. Deal. co. Kent ; was a Coal Exporter and Shipbroker at Cardiff Docks : joined the Glamorgan- shire Yeomanry 2 Nov. 1916 ; transferred to the R.N.D. in 1917 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 Aug. 1917. and died at Passchendaele 3 Nov. following, from wounds received in action there the previous day. Buried in the Dozinghem British Cenietery, two and a lialf miles north of Poperinghe. An officer wrote : " He died as a result of wounds he received while bringing down a wounded man on a stretcher. For three days he was detailed for this work, and among others had done splendidly in this noble work, in spite ol' the danger of gas and high-explosive shells." Unm. FLORENCE. JOHN GEORGE, Sergt.. No. 27991, 11th (Service) Battn. The Royal Scots (Lothian Regt.), s. of Alexander Horence. of Knowley, Wartlull, Farmer, by Ids wife, Katherine Ann, dau. of the late George Durno. of Westerton, Folia, Fyvie ; b. Knowley aforesaid. 29 Nov. 1895 : educ. North Schools, Rayne : was employed by Messrs" Russell it Son. of Insch ; enlisted 25 Jan. 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 2 July, 1916, and died 16 Sept. 1917, while being conveyed in an ambulance to hospital, of wounds received in action. Buried at Ylamertinghe New Military Cemetery, near Ypres. His Commanding Officer wrote : " Sergt. Florence being my Platoon Sergt.. and previously a section leader, I can really say tljat we have missed a very fine fellow ; I could rely on him for all my jobs, and he was indeed trust- worthy. He was unassuming, and had a ' great * way with the boys of the platoon, and was beloved by all." Vnm. FLOWER, VICTOR AUGUSTINE, D.S.O., Lieut.-Col.. 13th Battn. (Princess Louise's. Kensington Battn.) The London Regt. (T.F.), yst. s. of the late William Henry F'lower. K.C.B.. bv his wife. Georgiana Rosetta, (26. Stanhope Gardens, London, S.W.), dau. of Admiral W. H. Smyth. F.R.S., D.C.L. ; 6. London, 21 Nov. 1875 ; educ. Eagle House. Sandhurst, and Winchester ; was an Arcliitect in London and Singapore ; joined the Artists' Rifles ; obtained a commission in the 4th Middlesex Rifle Yolunteers in Dec. 1895, being promoted Capt. June, 1898 ; resigned his commission on going to Singapore in 1900. where he joined the Malay States Volunteers. On the outbreak of war he returned home and rejoined his old battalion, now a unit of the London Regt. ; promoted Capt. I Sept. 1914. and subsequently Brevet Jlajor. Major and Lieut.-Col. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from Oct. 1915, as Second in Command of the l/22nd London Regt., being appointed to its command the following Dec. : was invalided home in Jan. 1916 ; returned to F'rance on recovery iu com- mand of the l/13th London Regt.. and was killed in action at Glencourse Wood 15 Aug. 1917. Buried near Y'pres. Lieut.-Col. Flower was twice mentioned in Despatches (London Gazettes. 15 June, 1916, and 4 Jan. 1917) by General (now F.M.) Sir Douglas Haig, for gallant and distinguished service in the field, and was awarded the D.S.O. [London Gazette. 1 Jan. 1917], for services rendered while in command. He m. at Sheringham, co. Norfolk, 21 May. 1914, Winifride Digbv, vst. dau. of Sir Digby Pigott, C.B., and had a son, William Digby, b. II March, 1915. FLOYD. FRANK, Private, No. 14541 (Ply.); lost during the operations at -\ntw.;rp Oct. 1914. FLOYD, HAYDEX, 2nd Lieut., 11th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps, only *. of Dr. FergiL^on Floyd, of Borctta, Kilkeel, CO. Down, now servinc with the R.A.M.C. as Surgeon on a hospital ship ; b. White Abbey, CO. Antrim, 13 June. 1896; educ. Rossall School, and privately : had bet,*n apprenticed to a motor flmi for two months when war broke out ; joined the Royal Engineers on the outbreak of war. and served as a despatch rider with the 5th Corps Signallers ; was pn-sent at the Battles of N'euve Clmpelle, Ypres and Loos; received a commission as 2nd Lieut. Jtoyal Flying Corps in March, 1916; was sent on an orfi-nsivi- patrol over the German linr-s on 9 July, when his macliine was attacked by a Fokker aiToplane ; was severely wounded on tin- l»-ad and leg. and the controls of liis niaehhie being shot, it crashed to earth )x-hind the enemy's lines near Bapaume. He was removed to "the field- hospital at Ffvreuil. where he died 11 July, Hayden Floyd. 1916. Buried by the Girmans in Grave 80 at the Chateau of Fevreuil. near Bapaume. His Commanding Officer wrot<' of lum as " a popular officer and good ol^erver, wliose toss will bv gn*atly frit and regretted by the squadron." His pilot, now a prisontT of war in Germany, and who escai>ed unhurt, wrote : '* His death is a gnat blow to mt- ; wh«n he fell he asked me for a cigarette and gave me some chocolate. He fought with great courage, and was the very best of fellows." Cnm. FLYNN, JAMES CHARLES, Stoker. Royal Navy, s. of Bartholomew Flynn, I'i-n>ioner. by his wife. Ida, dau. of Henry William Sohey : b. St. Denys. South- ampton, 18 -ipril, 1881 ; educ. at Lvmington ; joined the Navv in 1902, and was killed in action at the Battle of Jutland 31 May, 1916 ; unm. FLYNN, T., Private, No. 4179. 1st Battn. The Irish Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. FLYNN, W., Private. No. 7189, l^t Battn. The Royal Irish Fusili.rs : served witli the Expeditionary Forci- in France ; died of wounds 20 Oct. 1914. FOGARTY, GERALD JOSEPH, 2nd Lieut.. 3rd Royal Regt. of Ireland, attd. K.F.C., s. of Patrick Joseph Fogarty. of 10, Mountjoy Street, Dublin, Journalist, by his wiiv. Brigid Mary, dau. of John Breslin ; b. Dublin. 31 Dec. 1894 : educ. ( hristian Brothers' School, and University College, Dublin: obtained a com- mission 1 Oct. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary F"orce in France and Flanders from 14 Aug. 1916 : took part in the oi)erations at Guiilemonl and Ginchy. and in the Battles on the Somme ; became Trench-ilortar Officer ; transferred to the R.F.C. in May, 1917. and was killed in action 26 Aug. 1917, wliile acting as Obsirving Officer. Buried in the Military Cemetery at Mendinghem, near l'ro\'ii ; 'itiiii. FOGARTY, JOHN J., General Servant ; lost on H.M.S. Rohilla 30 Oct. 1914. FOGDEN. G., Sergt., No. 5330, 1st Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 17 Sept. 1914. FOGERTY, JOHN FREDERICK CULLINAN, Lieut.. K.E.. elder s. of Wil- liam Htnr\ Fogi-rty. of 1, Bank Place, Ennis, co. Clare. Solicitor and Notary I'ublie, by his wife, Emily Giorgina, dau. of John Cultinan. of Ennis ; b. West- bourne, Limerick, 1 June, 1896 ; educ. Galway Grammar School, where he obtained an Intermediate Exhibition, a first place in Ireland in Chemistry (with medal), and first place (with gold medal) in Ireland in Greek Testament : was intending to study with the view to taking Holy Orders, but on the outbreak of war entered the Royal Military Academy, SVoolwich, being gazetted 2nd Lieut. R.E. 22 Oct. 191*5. and promoted Lieut. 17 Sept. 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 July, 1916, and was killed in action near Hill 60, Y'pres. 25 Sept. 1917, while returning from night duty. Buried in Voormezeele Cemetery, near Ypres ; unm. FOLEY, GEOFFREY ROBERT, 2nd Lieut., 7th (Service) Battn. Prince Albert's (Somersetsliire Light Infantry), 5th s. of Robert Yarde Foley, of Doding- ton, near Bridgwater, J. P.. by tiis wife, Sarah Septinia, dau. of .Vlfred Barham. of Marycourt, Bridgwater; b. Bridgwater, co. Somerset. 12 March, 1894: educ. Blundell's School, Tiverton ; was an Engineer's Apprentice ; enlisted in Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Aug. 1915 ; was severely wounded near Ypres 13 March, 1916 ; rejoined his regiment on recovery ; was admitted to hospital at Etaples 1 Oct. following, suffering from shell shock ; was discharged from hospital and again severely wounded in the attack on Roeux Wood 3 May. 1917, and died at the Casualty Clearing Station at Aubigny-en-Artois on the 17th of that month. Buried there. Capt. Marshall wrote : " He was hit in the attack on Roeux Wood on 3 JIay. His platoon was Iradiug on the left of my company. The attack failed that day. Throughout till' ^bow he behaved with the utmost coolness. One of his platoon told me that he saw him shoat a German machine-gunner with his revolver." Unm. FOLEY, J., Private. No. 10103, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles ; served with the Ex[K'ditioiiary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. FOLGATE, W., Priv.ate. No. 6021. 2nd Battn. The Kings Royal Rifle Corps; servid with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. FOLKARD, A , Private. No. 4281. 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed 14 Sept. 1914. FOLLON, W., Private. No. 7601. 1st Battn. The Devonshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in F'rance ; died of wounds 23 Oct. 1914. FOLWELL, F. G„ Private. No. 9684. 1st Battn. The North miptonshire Regt.; servfd with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914 FOOKS. REGINALD, Private, No. 14013 (Ply.) ; lost durmg the operatioD; at Antw.-rp Oct. 1914. FOORD, A.. P.O. : lost on H.M S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. FOORD, CHARLTON WILLOUGHBY HOCGHAM. 2nd Lieut.. Maciiin. liuii Corps. on!\' .? of Alfnd Stanley Foord, of L;iurel Road. Wimbledon, S.W., by his wife, Caroline Carrington, ilau. of James Tyhurst. Survt-ying General Examiner of Excise ; b. Forest Gate. E., 14 Nov. 1885 : educ. at Dulwich College : was ajiprentieed to Messrs. Gwynne. Engineers, Hammersmith. W., and later • iit'Tict the firm of Messrs. Marks A: Clerk, Consulting Enuineers and Patent A'.:'nt^, being in cliargc of their branch olRce in Southampton Buildings from Miireb. 1911 ; he matriculat*'d at the University of London in 1911 ; was rleett-d a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts the same year, and a Fellow of the Cliar- tered Institut4' of Patent Agents in 1913: joined the Royal Naval Anti- .Aircraft Cori>s for foreign service 21 June. 1915. as an Able Seaman : obtained a commis- sion in 9th (Reserve) Battn. The Buffs (East Kent Regt.) 22 Jan. 1916; was sent to Ireland for training, and took part in the suppression of the Sinn Fein Rebellion ; in June, 1916, he was transferred to The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regt.). and in the following Sept. to the Machine Gun Corps; served with the 104 The Roll of Honour Kx|M'tiltionarv Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 1910. and dicel glad at times that such fellows lived." ile was a good shot, and entered for some notable competitions at r.islev : unm. FOORD. F., Stofcer, P.O. David Victor Foot. lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1014. FOOT, DAVID VICTOR, 2nd Lieut., 18th ( Keserve) Squadron. Koyal Flyinc Corps, 3rd X. of James Frederic Foot, of Graemesdyke, llo'ness, Surveyor of Customs and Excise, i)y his wife, Margaret, dan. of the late Archi- bald Ballantine, Ironfounder ; b. Bo'ness, West Lothian, 8 May, 1898; educ. The Academy, Linlitligow, and Edinburgh Aca- demv, Edinburgh, where he was a member of the O.T.C. ; joined the Artists' Rifles 1 March, 1916, and afterwards entered a Cadet unit at Oxford ; obtained a eoin?iiission IG M;irrh, 1017 : trained at Turnhouse. Edin- IiirLili. and later at Montrose, where he was ;i(ei(k-ntally killed 4 May, 1917. liuried at r.o'ness ; "nm. FOOTE, TREVOR MAWDSLEY, Major, •^th (Service) Battn. The Lova! North Lan- ."isliire llcgt., oth N. of the Kev. L. K. W. I iKit. , Vicar of St. Peter's ClmreJi, Harrogate, CO. York, by his wife. Ann, dan. of Sir John Barrau, Bart.: b. Harrogat.-. ;i() Jan. 1877; educ. St. Edward's School, Oxford ; went to Canada : obtained a commission in tlie Gordon Highlanders in Oct 1914 ; afterwards transferred to the Loyal North Lancaslure Regt.; returned to England; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Sept. 1915 ; was severely wounded at Vimy Ridge 22 May, 1916, wlule leading liis men in a bayonet eharg<^ ; was adniitte(i to hospital in France, where he was five months in hospital, and wa-; afterwards sent to England ; on liis recovery rejoined his reginient. and was kill'd in artion at Ypres 10 July, 1917, while getting his men under cover from German shells. Buried at Vlaraertinghe New Military Cemetery, west of Ypres. Hi.s Colonel wrote : *' I cannot tell you how mucli I regret his loss. It is a very great one to nie personally, and to tlie whole battalion. He was always eheerful. keen in his work, and an example of coolness under fire. His place will he very hard to fill. The battalion has suffered no greater loss tlian that of Major Koote since it first came to France. His death has been a great shock to us. and your loss is sliared by us all. Major Foote loved and cared for his men," and a brother oflieer : " His men adored and idolized him. and would have followed him anywhi-re ; it was an inspiration to any officer to have known sucli a fine character." Cnm . FORD, C. E., Leading Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 20 Nov. 1914. FORD, D., Private, No. 15740, 2nd Battn. TIk^ Grenadier Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 1 Sept. 1914. FORD, EDWARD THOMAS MURRAY, Corpl., No. 68477. 122nd Brigade, lloyal Field Artillery, oidy .v of Charles Murray Ford, of 60, Pahicc (rates Road, Alexandra Park. London, N., Wholesale Tea Dealer, l.v his wife, Florence, dau. of T. H. Good- Irllow : //. Wood Green, co. Middlesex, 16 Feb. 1.SS9 ; edue. St. John's College, Southend-on- Sca. and Higher Grade Scliool, Wood Green; was in the employ of a firm of Printers, and in 1910 started in business for himself at Wood (Jreen; enlisted 2 Jan. 1915; trained at Woolwich and Leeds, where he contracted si-arlet fever ; on liis recovery was drafted into the Welsh Division : si-rved with the lOxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders; took part in the operations on the Somme in .hdy. 1910. and was killed in action 2 Aug. LU17. by a stray shell, in his dug-out. His Commanding Olficer wrote : " He was a splendid fellow, and was dearly loved by all the men ; he will be sorely missed by all of us," and a comrade : " He was loved by all of us, aiul never spared himsi-jf in promoting the happiness and comfort of us all." He m. at Wuolwich. 14 April, 1915, Constance Evelyn Maude, dan. of the late Charles Dolden, Inspector in the Metropolitan Police. FORD. FRANCIS WILLIAM, M.C., Capt., 1st Battn. The Cambridgeshire Regt. (T.F.), only x. of the Rev. John Thomas Ford, Rector of Rede. Bury St. Edmunds, by his wife, Gertrude Lucy Ann, dau. of the late W. Leggott ; h. Ipswich. 10 Juni-. 1893 ; educ. the Grammar School, March CO. Candiridge, and entered Selwvn Cn||.-_;r. (aiiibii.I-ir. "in 1912; passed both parts ni tin- History Tripos, and took his B.A. degree in 1915, being a member of the T'niver.sity O.T.C; joined the H.A.C. in June, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the follow- ing Oct. ; entered a Cadet Scliool in France ; ol)tained a commission in Nov. 1916; took part in the operations at St. JuHen, and was killed in action on the Jlenin Roa Force in France: killed in action 12-15 Oct. 1914. FORDYCE. ERNLE LAWRENCE DINGWALL-, Capt." 84th Regt. (Vuu- jabees). Indian Arm>'. elder .v. of Col. John Eraser Dingwall-Fordyce. of Overdale, Goring- on-Thames, co. Oxford, Indian Army (Retired Li-it), by his wife, Alice Margaret, dau. of Patrick O'Brien ; and gdson. of the late Lieut. -General Sir John Fordyee, K.C.B.. Colonel Commandant R.A. ; b. Rawalpindee, Punjab. India, 17 March. 1885 ; educ. Bed- ford and Scdbergh ; joined the ;ird Battn. lior-^ct shire Regt. (Militia) as 2nd Lieut. 2:i April, 1904 ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. Durham J,ight Infantrv 29 Nov. 1905; promoted Lieut. 29 Feb. 1908, and Capt. 29 Nov. 1914 ; joined his battalion at Lucknow. India ; trans- ferred to the Indian Army 24 Sept. HH)9 : appointed Assistant Commandant of .Military Police in Assam in May, 1913 ; was i-ngagcd in taking drafts of men (Goorkhas) from Assam to Quetta in Oct. 1916, when lie con- tracted fever, and died at Rohima. Assam. a Dee. following ; iiiim. FORKNALL. J., Private. No. 9114, bst IJattn. Tiie South Wales liorderers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed 26 Sept. 1914. FORMAN, R. D., Private, No. 9996. R.A. M.C. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 22 Oct. 1914. FORMBY, RICHARD WILLIAM, Lieut.. 96th Field Coy.. li.E., 2nd s. of the late Myles ^^^^H».- L. Formby, 6th Dragoon Guards, by his wife, ^^H^^^^^ Emily (Haydown, Goring, co. Oxford), dau. ^^^H^^Hfi^^^^ of Richard Wilson ; b. Ynyslas, Glamorgan. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ March, 1870 ; edue. Newton College, Newton ^M^^^^^^^^^^^^k .Abbot, Soutli Devon ; obtained an appoint- ^^^^^HP^^^^^HR nient in the Public Works Department. Madras ^^^^^ ^^^ Presidency, in 1897. and went to India the "^B^Tp. ^^^ same \ lar ; was present at the Delhi Durbar ^ '^ (Medal); volunteered for Imperial Service on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914, but was not allowed to go to France until Jan. 1015, where for six weeks he served with the Madras Motor Cycle Corps, obtaining a commission as Lieut. R . Vj. 18 April following, and was killed in action near Le Transloy 16 Feb. 1917. while taking out a communication trench. Buried in the Officers' Cemetery at Guillemont. He m. at Newton Abbot. South Devon, 24 Aug. 1905. Mildred Amv Strickland (fl. in India 28 Dec. 1914). dau. of Dr. William Gilford Scott, of Newton Abbot ; .s.}). Tlie Black Watch ; served with the Expedi- E. L. DingwaH-Fordyce. Richard William Formby. FORREST. D., Private, No. 94 tionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Oct. 1914, FORREST, E., Private, No. 2732, 2nd B-ittn. The Lancasliire Fusilier; with the Expeditionary I'orce in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. ; served The Roll of Honour 105 FORREST, FRANCIS WILLIAM (FRANK), Priviitc. No .11879. 6th (Terri- torial) Battu. The Gordon Highlanders, 'Srti. s. of Janu-s Forrest, of Lilac Neuk, Keith, Crofter, by liis wife, Isa, dan. of Robert I-^lsson, of Edinbnrgh ; and brother to Private J. R. Forrest (q.v.): b. liantf. 1 Juul". 1S97 ; educ;. Grange Public School : enlisted 29 March, 1915 ; SL-rved with the ICxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; was wounded at Beaumont Humel 14 Nov. 1916, being invalided to England, and admitted to the Tooting Military Hospital, London, where lie died 29 March, 1917. Buried in Wandsworth Cemetery [No.lO Gordons] ; unm. FORREST, JACK R.. Private, No. 3046, 54th Battn. Australian Imperial Force, -■Idest s. of James Forrest, of Lilac Neuk, Keith, Crofter, by his wife, Isa, dau. of Robert Esson, of Edinburgh; and brother to Private F. \V. Forrest {q.i\); h. Fordyce, Banff. 13 Oct. 1890 ; educ. Sillycam Grange ; went to Australia, wliere he was employed in the Grocery trade ; enlisted in July, 1915 ; served with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Egypt; subsequently proceeded to France ; was reported missing 19-21 July, 1916, and is now officially assumed to have becu killed about that date ; unm. FORRESTER, J. M., Private, No. 9275, 1st Battn. The Black Watch ; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 8 Sept. 1914. FORRETT, PEREVAL DONALD, Capt.. 5th (Territorial) Battn. The North- umberland FiLsiliers. .';. of Tliomas Forrett. for 30 years Manager and Secretarv Vlfrcton Gas Company, by liis wife, Isabella, dau. of John Bradford, late of Slielly Bank. eo. York, Manufacturer ; b. Alfreton, co. Derby. 8 April, 1884 ; t^duc. Chesterfifid Grammar School ; liad been since 1907 Science Master at Dame .\llan"s Endowed Schools. Newcastle ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 5th Northumberland Fusiliers from the Durham University O.T.C. 21 Dec. 1910, and promoted Lieut. I Dec. 1911, and Capt. 12 April, 1913 ; volunteered for foreign service on the outbreak of war ; went to France April, 1915 ; was badly ga^-;i'd 24 May follow- ing, and invalided home ; on recovery was attached to the 2iid Line Battn. as Second in Command, witli the temporary rank of Major, l)ut nvr-rtrd to Capt., rejoining the 1st Line Unit in France, and was killed by shell fire 5 Feb. 1916, while in the trenches ; unm. FORRYAN, DONALD, 2nd Lieut., 9th (Service) Battn. The King's (Shrop- sliire Light Infantry), 2nd s. of John George Forryan, of 33, Noel Street. Nottinti- ham. Manager to Messrs. John Player A Sous, by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of William Cartwright ; and brother to Pioneer W C Forryan (^/ r. ) ; b. Wigston Magna, co. Leicester, 16 May, 1886; educ. University College. Nottingham; was employed for 15 years by Messrs. John Player & Sons ; gazetted 30 Oct! 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, attached to the King's Own Light Infantry, and was killed in action during the operations on the Somme 16 Sept. 1916. Buried in the ncighbourliood of Flers; amn. FORRYAN, WILLIAM CARTWRIGHT, Pioneer, No. 225027, Special Bri- gade. Iin\;i! Itingineers, eldest v. oi .lolni George Forryan, of 33, Noel Street, Nottingham, by Ids wife, Elizabeth, dau. of William Cartwright; and brother to 2rid Lieut. D. Forryan {qv.); b. Wigston Magna. 17 Nov. 1878^; educ. Alderman Newton's School, Leicester, and St. .Tohn's College, London : was Head Master at St. Jude's Schools. Bradford : enlisted in the West Yorkshire Regt. 25 Aug. 1916; transferred to the lloyal Engineers in April. 1917; served with the 'Bxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 13 May, and was killed on active service 5 Oct. 1917, at Arra.-;. Buried nortli of Arras. He m. at Bradford, 21 Dec. 1910, Gladys, yst. dau. of Samuel Jones, of Bradford, and had three 1913. and Barbara, b. 1221 B.) ; killed during the opera daus. : Elizabeth, b. 19 Aug. 1912; Verona, b. 2 Nov. 2 Jan. 1915. FORSE, W. F., Private, No. 10394 (K.F.R., tious at Antwerp Oct. 1914. FORSTER, P. J., Private, No. 6901. The Norfolk Regt.; served with the Rxpeditionaiy Force in !■ ranee ; died of wounds 24 Sept. 1914. FORSTER, WALTER JOHNSON. B.A. (O.xon.), Cai)t., 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The ICast Lanca-^hire Regt., only .v. of John Walter Forster. of 18, Mouutfield Gardens, Tunbridge WelJs. by his wife, Lucy, dau, of William Castor ; b. Not- tingham, 12 Nov. 1893 ; educ. Tonbridge, where he was a member of the O.T.C, and Trinity College, Oxford, where he was also in the O.T.C. ; a student of the Inner Temple. On the outbreak of war he was in camp with the Trinity College Mission, Stratford. J.,ondon. E. ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 15 Aug. 1914 ; promoted Lieut. 1 May, 1915, and Capt. 5 May, 1916 ; served with the l^xjieditiouary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1915 ; was severely wounded 30 ^I;ir(h following, being invalided to England, and admitted to the Hon. Mrs. Guest's Hos- pital hi Park Lane, wliere he remained several months : returned to France in Dec. 1916, and was killed in action at Infantry Hill, Moncliy-Ie-I'reux, near Arras, 31 Slay, 1917. His Commanding Officer wrote : " We had been ordered to carry out a night attack, and Capt. Forster reached tlie German trenches with his men. The attack had been only partially snceessfnl . . . and he organized ;i defiiiee. and then went along to find the trooj.s on his flank. A bullet struck him and he fi-11 dead. Subsequently the troops had to be withdrawn, and it is regretted that his bodj- eonid not be brought in.. I woulil tender to you and all liis relations the synii)athy of all the officers of this liattalion in your loss, which is also ours. It will be doubtless a source of pride to you to know that twice witliin the ten days before his death he was congratulated by the l)i\isional General on his patrol work in a very ditficult portion of the line." An officer wliom he met in France said : " Y'our son and I very soon discovered that we hud both been at the same school and University, I having left Tonbridge for St. Jolui's College. Oxford. We had many a yarn about the old school and Oxford, and it was a iireat ]iri\ileLie to me to have met such a splendid fellow and such a couL'eiiial eonipaiiion. especially out here. ... I cannot tell you how much wc all adniind his ■-pleniiie Jiohun family, and the Rev. George Davys, beau of Chester, and Bishoit of Pet -r borough, tutor to Princess (afterwards Queen) Victoria, was bis mother's great-uncle ; unm. FORSYTH, ROBERT DORNIN, L.-Corpl., No. 332403, 9th (Territorial) Battn. (Glasgow Highlanders) The Highland Light Infantry, eldest s. of Robert Wyld Forsyth, of Corrie Hotel, Arran, Hotel Keeper and Farmer, by his wife, Catherine Drummond. dan. of D.ivid Morrison; b. Glasgow, 21 Sept. 1897; educ. Corrie Public School, and Dollar Academy; was apprenticed as a Chartered Accountant with Messrs. McClelland, Ker ; was wounded on the , 27th. and invalided home again; returned to France in Oct.. and was killed in action 16 Feb. 1917 ; num. FORTH, PAUL, Private. No. 4368. 8tb (Ser- vice) Battn. The Royal Munst;-r Fusiliers, s. of Isaac Forth, of 19,"Warren"s Lane, Gilabbey Street, Cork, bv Ills wife. Marv. dau. of Micliael Daly, Maltster": b. West Cork, 29 June, 1898 : was a Labourer ; enlisted voluntarily 28 March, 1915 ; went to France 17 I)ec. follow- ing, and was killed in action at Loos 30 Jan. 1911) : unm. FORTUNE, W. W., Sergt.. No. 3209G, li.H..\. ; ser\ed with the Expeditionary Force in France: killed in action 14 Sejit. 1914. FOSSEY, O., Private, No. 9S34. 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 18 Si'i»t. 1914. FOSTER, CHRISTOPHER JOHN, Private. No. 5782. 2T4th (County of London) IJattn. (London Scottish)The London Regt. (T.F.)..v. of William Henry Foster, (Quartermaster of a steamship. Newha\en to Dieppe service, now a hospital ship, by his wife, Emily, dau. of William Ansell (Hindson) ; b. Newhaven. CO. Sussex, 25 Oct. 1888 ; educ. Council School there ; was a (irocer's Assistant : enlisted in the London Scottish Nov. 1915, and died alter 24 hours' illness at the 4th London General Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, S.E., 14 March. 1916. of cerebro-spinal mmitiL'itis, eontraeted on service. His Platoon Sergt. wrote ; ■' He was a smart soldier, and was making good headway with his drills. During his service in this regiment he Wiis respected by his otficers and comrades, and acted up to his feelings in religion, for whicli we all admired him." A letter ot sympathy to his parents was signed by 23 of his comrades ; unm. FOSTER, EDWARD, 2nd Lieut., 10th (Ser- vice) Battn. The Royal Fusiliers (City of J,ondon Regt.), s. of Edward Foster, of llarrow- on-the-Hill, Editor of " The Globe." by his wife, Emma, yst. dan. of the late Charles Forman, of Walsall; b. Xnucuton, 11 July, 1895: educ. at Barrow-in-Furness; was cm- ploved in the Editorial Department of thr " North Western Daily Mail"; joined the Westmorland and Cumberiaml Ycomanrv in Oct. 1914 ; entered the luth OlficiTs" Oadet Battn. in April, 1916; trained .at Gailers. Scotland ; obtained a oonnnission 4 Aug. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the lollowing nmnth ; took part in several engagement*. ;uid was for some weeks at the Company Com- mander's School at the Base ; rejoined his regiment, and was killed in action at Gavrelle, north-east of Arras, 23 April, 1917 ; unm, FOSTER, FRANK, TrooiH-r. No. 817, South Nottinghamshire Hussars (TI"'-). yst. *. of George Foster, of Morton Fields. Fiskerton. co. Nottingham. .Market Gardener. by his wife, Hannah, dan. of tJeorge Weaver, of Sleaford. co. Lincoln : b. Brinkley, Southwell. CO. Nottingham, 11 July. 1896; educ. Morton, iind Southwell afore- said : was a Market Gardener; joined the South Nott* Hussars 12 July. 1912 : was mobilized on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914. and volunteered for service abroad ; served with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in ICgyiu from 15 .April, 1915 ; proceeded to Gallipoli the following Aug. ; w;»s reporte*! missing alter the fighting at Chocolate Hill on the 22nd of that mouth, and is now assumed to have been killed in action on that date. His Captain wrote ; " 1 have always found Private Foster one of my best men, and all are sorry to lose him." Vum. FOSTER, FREDERICK WILLIAM, Private. 1st Battn. Ihi' Uitle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), .v. of William Foster. Fitter, by his wile. Bertha i:ii7.a!)eth. dau. of William .Vsher : b. IMumstead, co. Kent, 29 Jan. 1886; edne. Elthaui National School; was a Commercial Clerk; enlisted 5 June. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 18 Oct. following. He m. at Holy Trinity Church, l-;itham, Frances Helen, dau. of Joseph Stemble, and had a liau.. Joan Bertha, b. S April. 1915. Edgar Albe ir ley. Edward Foster. 106 The Roll of Honour FOSTER, ROBERT ELLIOT, L.-Cori)I.. No. 17009. lini (Uesrrv.-) liattn. Priiifi'ss I.ouiM-'s (Ariiyll iiiui SutlnTlaiui Hislilanders). only a-, o! \Viliiani Foster, of 33, lialoarn-s sm-tt. Kdinbiirtili. Bakrr. by his wife. Kate. dan. of Klliot Pay- ton ; ft. Kdinhur«li. 17 Mari)i, 1807: vdue. South Morniiif^ide Sehool there; was a Clerk ; ciiMsted 4 Oet. lOlt! ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 27 Dee., anani"l. and Imd two children : Philip Ashburner, b. 5 Sept. 1897, now (1917) serving with the Canadian ExiM'di- tionary Foree, and Norah. b. 5 July, 1894. FRANCE, GORDON, Sergt.. No. 243, 21st (Service) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt.), s. of the late Charles Henry France, of Harrogate. Police Sergeant, by his wife, Ann Matilda, dau. of William Hawkes : b. Sheffield, 8 June. 1892 ; educ. Christchurch School. Harrogate ; was a Police- Constable at Brjghouse under the West Riding Constabulary ; enlisted 29 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Okehanger Wood. Maripan, near Combles, 17 Dec. 1916 ; ii7im. FRANCE, HERBERT, Private. No. G. 18195, 7th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), s. of John France, of 19. Birkhead Street, Heck- mondwiki'. co. York. Textile Operative, by his wife, Mary Ellen, dau. of Sanniel Tingle, of Heckmondwike ; b. Heckmondwike, 11 June, 1895; educ. there: was a Clerk in the employ of Messrs. Burrows, Batley Carr ; joined the Public- School Boys' Battn. of the Royal Fusiliers 1 May, 1016 ; trained at Edinburgh : served with the Expeditionary Force in Franc- and Flanders from 28 Aug. 1916 ; transferred to the West Kent Regt.; was wounded 20 .May. 1917, while out on night patrol, and sent on sick leave; rejoined his regiment on recovery, and died at No. 8 General Hospital 18 Oct. 1017. from the etfects of being gassed on the 10th. Buried in Wimereux Cemetery: unm. FRANCIS. ARTHUR BURDETT, CorpL, No. 442378. 54th Battn. Canadian Infantry. Canadian Expeditionary Force, 8th and yst. J*, of the Rev, Theodore FrancLs, late Vicar of Stockcross, Newbury, by his wife, Harriet Eliza, dau. of Sir Charles Wentworth Burdett, 7th Bart. ; b. Stockcross. 4 May, 1880 ; educ. Marlborough House, Reading, and by a private tutor ; was a Fruit Rancher in British Colum- bia ; enlisted in May, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Fiandril. 1916. Buried in the Canadian Cemetery at 'j'he Bluff, near Verbrandcn Molen. One of lUs comrades wrote : " He was the life and soul of the platoon. . . . Always looking on the bright side of thinti-;." He m. at St. Mary's Parish Church. Hendon. X.W.. 2(i Dec. 19IU. MarL'aret. dau. of George Cooper, of Ashford. co. Middlesex : s.p. FRANSON, HAROLD. Signaller, Xo. 28:i87. 6th (Service) Battn. I'iie Prince of Wales's Volunteers (South Lancashire Uegt.). s. of George Fran.son, of Kingstown. Bigger, by his wife. Agnes, dau. of the late Thomas Goldie b. liirkenhead. 11 July, 1895: educ. Mer<. y Council School tlierc : was a Waiter ; enlist, d 20 July, 1915 ; served with the Indian Expedi- tionary Force in Mesopotamia, where he died of sunstroke in a field hospital 16 July. 1916. A comrade WTote : " Everyone says what a fine, promising soldier he was : for my part i Iiave always found him a good, willing and clean-living soldier. He was, in fact, every- thing appertaining to the word Cliristian, and 1 shall never forget !iim." Cnm. Harold Franson. ■^^^^^^^^^^^k FRASER, ALEXANDER, Private. No. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^J Expeditioiiar\ Force, 2nd a\ of James Eraser, of Add Cottage. Kilinichael (ilassary, co. Argvle. bv bis wife, Isabella, dau. of Alexander McCloy ; ' b. Rannock, co. Perth. 5 Feb. 1885: educ. GliLs^iiry Public School, Kitmichaei : was a (iardener employed at Stanley and Strathcona Parks, Vancouver; enlisted 8 Jan. 1916; s-rved with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Nov.. and was killed in action at Vimy Ridge 31 JIarch, 1917. Buried in Villers-au-Bois Canadian Military Cemetery. Careney. A comrade wrote : "" On the night of 31 Marcli we had a raid on the German trenches, and your fjoy was one of the stretclier-bearers to volunteer to go over and do ids bit. and it was while doing his duty h • was killed. We liad been over and were on our way back, when your hoy tame across a wounded comrade in a shell-hole. He stayed behind to assist him and th^t was tlie last we .saw of him till the following night, when our scouts went out to bring him in. Jt seems a.s if a shell had burst and buried them. Your boy seems to have scrambled out. but no one knows for sure, but nottiing was seen of the comrade whose wounds he was dressing. On 3 April he was buried in the Canadian Military Cemetery, Careney.*' Unm. FRASER, ANDREW, Private, No. 16566, 7th (Service) Battn. Cameron Higliianders (Eochiel's), >. of the late Andrew Eraser, by his wife, Margaret (now wife of Henry M'lnnes. of Inkerman Place, Gareloehliead), dau. of the late John Glass : h. Glasgow. 17 Aug. 1894 ; educ. Gareloehliead. CO. Dumbarton : was a Gardener ; enli>te-. of James Eraser, of Ujiper Enver, Monymusk. co. Aberdeen. Farm Overseer, by Ids wife. Jane. dau. of Robert Hay : 6. Ncwhills. co. Aberdeen. 10 Nov. 1896: educ. Alford : was a Farm Servant; joined the Gordon Hiiih- landers 11 July. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Sept.. and was killed in action 23 Dec. following ; unm. FRASER, \VILLIA.M WILSON, Private. No. 1485. l/4th (Territorial) Battn.. rrans|iort Section. The Royal Scots (Lothian Regt.), 3rd i-. of William Eraser. iras of 188. Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh. Cari»enter. by Ids wife. Marv Swan, dau, of David Brown ; b. Edinburgh, 22 Jan. 1896 ; educ. Scienn«-s Public School tlure ; was a Clerk; joined the 4th Royal Scots about May. 1913; voluntcf-red lor foreign ser\ice on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 : wrved with the Mediter- ranean Ex(«*ditionary Force in Egypt and GalUi>oli from 23 May. 1915. and died in Xo. 17 General Hospital. .Alexandria. 2 Jan. 1916. from dysentery, contracted while on active service. Buried in Cliatl>y Cemetery there; unm. FREAKER, ALLAN LIONEL. Sergt., 28th Battn. (Artists' Rifles) The Jxindon Regt. (T.F.), elder *. of Charlton Henry Fn^aker, of 12. Culmstoek Road, Clapham Common, S.W. : b. London. 4 Feb. 1891 ; educ. Christ's Hospital. Horsham, co. SiLs.opular of my sergeants. I Imd a great personal liking and admiration for him. as he was not only a good soldier, but a line gentleman." I'nm. AMan Lionel Freaker. pREEBORN, JOHN GORDON, Rifleman. No. 31134.58. 5th Battn (London Rifle Brigade I The London Regt. (T.F.). s. of the late Stanlev Freet«)rn. bv his wife. Eliza (36. Go:^forth Road, Southport), dan. of (— ) Pw^le, of Atlurton ; b. Manchester. 13 May, 1H90 ; educ. University School. Southi>ort ; on leaving there was articled to a firm of Chartered .Accountants in Manchester ; after passing his examination'^ hi- joined the statf of Messrs. Price. Waterhouse A Co. : joined the London Rifle Brigade 30 Aug. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 25 Dec. following, and was killed in action at the Battle of .\rras 3 May. 1917. Buried at Monchy-le-Preux, near Arras. He m. at Child's Hill. London, N.W.. 15 Aug. 1916, Mabel Jessie, dau. of Alexander Beswick, of Hamp- stead. FREEMAN, JOHN BENTLEY, 2nd Lieut.. 11th (Service) Battn. The QuecDs Own (Royal West Kent Regt), s. of the Rev. Herbert Benthy Freeman. Vicar of Burton-on-Trent. by his wife. Ida Gertrude, dau. of Preln-ndary Cardwell, of St. Paul's Cathedral : b. London, 2C» Jan. 1897 : educ. Waveney Hoase. Burton- on-Trent ; Merton House. Southwick. and Marlborough College ; obtained a commission in the Special Reserve in Aug. 1916; was temi»orarily attached to- the Guards at Chelsea: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 23 Oct. following, being appointed Bombing OHiwr to his battalion, and was killed in action l)y a macliine-gun sniper wliile leadins his men in front of Tower Hamlets at the Battle of Menin Road 20 Sept. 1917. Buried there. Hi^ Commanding Officer wrote: " I liad not intended tlxat he should go into- action on the 20th iust.. but at the very last moment, as all the officers of one company had been wounded, and he was up helping me. 1 iiad to order tiim to go with this company. 1 can see his face now. when I gave him the order. I tliiiik he n-as glad to liave the chance to be in it. I saw liira once more on the early morning of the 20th, gallantly leading lus men in the attack, and am told he was- shot in the head by a sniper. He was a very great favourite with us all. and I was much interested to watch liim developing from a schoolboy into a fine manly soljier. ... It may be some small consolation to you and his father in your great sorrow to know that your son always did his duty, and never complained from the day he joined me to the day of liis deatli." and his Adjutant ; " Your son was so popular witii us all. tliat each one has hesitated to send you details of his death. We went up the line into tunnels on 19 Sept., pri'piiratory to making an attack on the following day. Just as the battalion was moving out on tlie night of the 19tli, one eomjiany lost all its oflioers by shell fire, and your son was detailed to lead this company. When on their final objective near Tower Hamlets, he was shot by a snipi'r through the head. 1 was very friendly indeed with your son. I have lived in the same mess with Iiim since he was made Bombing Officer, and alttiough I have seen many officers come and go in tlie battalion, I can honestly .say I never felt the loss of anyone so much as of him. In the Headquarters mess we all uSed to cliaff your son, he was so young and boyish, but we all had a very deep affection for'liim. He was the best ty^K- of public schoolboy. The Colonel will be very upset, as your son was. if I may say so, his favourite in the battalion. The other officer in the company your son was with when he was killed says he was magnificent right through the attack until he was shot, and if he liad lived he would have liad the Military Cross." Cnm. FREESTON, J. F., Private. Xo. 6085, 1st Battn. The Wiltshire R*^t. ; served with the ExiH'ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 4 Oct. 1914. FRENCH. JOHN WILLS, Gunner. No. 59274. Royal Field Artillery, eldest «. of John French. Shipwright, by his wife, Sarah, dau. of George Wills; b. Mine- head. 2 April. 1884 ; educ. Eastover Council School. Bridgwater: was employed at Barham Brothers' Brickyard at Bridgwater: enlisted voluntarily 5 Jan. 1915 ; served with the Indian Expi-ditionary Force in MesofKStamia from 24 .Ian. 1916; died 18 April following, from wounds received in action wliile with tlte Mesopo- tamian Relief Force. He m. at St. Andrew's Church. Rowbarton, Taunton. 7 Aug. 1905. Florenw Marina (2. Cnion Street, Bridgwater), dau. of Henry John Baker, and liad four children : Frederick John. b. 14 Julv. 1907 ; John, b. 22 .Aug. 1910; William Henrv, 6. 16 June, 1912, and Ethel Irene, fe. 26 Juh\ 1914. FRENCH, THOMAS HUGO, 2nd Lieut.. R.F.C.. 4th x. of George Dennis French, of Citing Hall. Maldon. co. Essex : b. Roxwell. co. Essex, 21 June, 189j ; educ. Kings School. Canterbury, where he was a member of the O.T.C., and on leaving there entered the firm of .Messrs. Paxman. Engineers. Colchester: joined the Public Schools and Fniverslty Cori»s in Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war; served with the E-\i)editionary Fortv in France and Flanders from Nov. 1915, and while there was liighly commended for Ills shooting, being otfered sp. cial leave for a very clever sniping feat ; obtained a commission in the R.F.C. the following Aug.." and w;vs accidentally killed in Yorksliire 13 Jan. 1917. while flying in a snowstorm. He w.hs a keen athlete; wiule at Canterbury held the selioo! record for cricket, and was a membe*r of lus firm's athletic club, and lialf- mile champion ; tinm. FRENCH. WILLIAM THOM.AS ELLIS, Private, 18th (Serviw) Battn. The Northumberland Fusiliers, v. ol Edward French, Carix-nter ; b. Cardiff. 4 Feb. 1896 ; educ. County Council School. Gateshead ; enlisted in the Northumberland Fusiliers 2 Nov. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Frantv. and wa^ killed in action at Allnrt 23 .April. 1916. Buried in Becourt Cemetery there; '.mm. i08 The Roll of Honour FRODSHAM, Thr I'rirHi' ol Kr(»ii-i|i;irii. Ill William Eric George Frost, WILLIAM THOMAS. Lirtit.. l/.')th (IVrritoriul) liattii. Willi- s's \uliinttiTs (South Lanrashiri' llogt.), s. of Thomas ;!:;. Cowli y Hill l.aiir, St. Uck-us, ItiilldiT and Coiitractor. hv his wilu, Klizaboth. dan. of Thomas Whittlo; b. St. HHl-hs, 'Sutton. 2ti Anji. 1S8S: edue. the Catholic Grammar Scliool tluTc; was a Solicitor: obtaim-d a c-onunis- sion i:» 2nd Lieut. 10 Oct. 1014 : promoted Lieut. 16 May. 1015 ; served with the K.KjM-di- tionary Forctr in France and Flanders, and was killed ill action at Dclvilh: Wood Sept. limi. Ilnricd there. Col. James wrote: " A l,'oih1 otIieiT in everv .^enso of the word." FKOST, BERTIE CYRIL, Private, No. 539!), 1,7th (Territorial) Jiattn. The Duke of Cam- bridy:e's Own (Middlesex Jtcgt.). 2nd x. of John J-'rost. of St. Margaret's. Granf^e Koad. I.eigh- on-Sea. Fisherman, by his wifi*. Kmma, dan. of (ieorae William Pliillips ; b. Leigh-on-Se:i. CO. Essex. 11 Oct. 1889; edue. Li-igh School : was a Cabinet Maker; joined the 7th Middlr- sex Kegt. 1 Nov. 1915; servrd with thr lO.xpr- ditionary Force in France and l''landers from .; May. 19Hi, and was kllleii. in action on the Sommo 14 Sept. following. Jiuried :ii lluillenutnt Wood ; num. FROST, ERIC GEORGE, Major. 7th (Territorial) IJattn. Tlie Duke of Cam- bridge's Own (Middlesrx Kegt.). yst. .v. of Ui-njamin Ward Frost, of Oakden<', The Hislioji's Avenui'. London. N.. by bis wilr. l.miisa. dau. of James ScarU'tt : O. Iiighl'iii\. l.iindon. N.. i:J Feb. 1888; educ. Hiuli-ati.' tirammar Scliool; was engagi'd in tin- pub- li-^liing business with Messrs. Hutchinson A Co.. and afterwards with Mes.srs. AVilliams tV: .Xorgate ; joined the Middlesex Territorials a-. 2nd Lieut. 25 March. 1909. being appointed t(i the Barnet Cov. : was promoted Lieut. 15 Oit. 1910. Capt. (i June. 1912. and Major 21) Oct. 1915; scrvrd with the Fxpeditioiiary I'oree in France and Flanders from Ft-b. 1915 ; ua* woiiniled at Fronn-IIcs in May, and iu- \;ilidr(i home ; ri'joiiu-d for duty in Oct.. and. appl\iiig to n-turn to France, 'sailed 21 Dec I'.ii:.. ;ind di.d at Kstains 20 Jan. 1910. from \\oiiim1> ri-ni\ril ill tiK' trrnehts there. Buried ill tlir Kitains (.'i-nn-tiry. BrigadJer-Ccneral K, 11. Sir plii-ns. Commanding 8th Division, wrotr on 27 .Ian. 191() : " Your son has done cxeellent work whilst serving with this division, and you have every reason to be proud of ills gallantry and devotion to duty," f'nm. FROUD, GEORGE. Brivatr. No. 794. D Coy., 1 1th (Service) Jiattn. The Uoyal Sussex Ilegt,, s, of Sam Frond, ol 11), Manor \'i!las, Wiekham, co. Hants, (;rocer*s Assistant, by his wife ( — ) dau. of the late Alfred Bonford : />. Cornpton. near Pctersfteld. 12 May, 1807 ; idue. there: was a Fainter : enlisted 8 Sept . 1914: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from March. 1910. and was killed in action at Yjires :U July. 1017. His Commanding Oflicer wrote : '■ He was a most trustworthy and gallant lad. a great loss to us all." Unm. FRY, JOHN CAMPBELL, Vrivatr. No. 2009. 42nd Battii. Australian !m- l)erial Force. 5th ,v. of the Uev. Saliiiirl Campbell Fry, .Minister of thi- parish ol ^lirvan. b>- liis wife. .luntt Allan. lUm. of tin- late Robert Kankin, of Motlurwell : /;. (iirvan." co. Ayr. :{t July. 189:1 : educ. Hi'.:li School there : was a Bank Clerk • inpioyrd in tin- (Iirvan branch of the Uoyal liaiik of Scotland, and later becami- ;i pastoral stiuh-nt at Wellshot, llfraconilit', liueensland : enlisted in May. 1010 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 3 Feb. 1917. and was killed in action at Messines 9 June following, liuricd in Ivandehar Farm Cemetery. NeiiM- Eglise ; num. FRY, JOSEPH HUISH. Cov. (Juarti-rmaster-Sergt., 8tli (Service) Battn. TIr- I'rniec of Wales's (North Statlordshirc Kegt.); b. London, 17 Jan. 1887; edue. at liurton-on-Trent ; was a Clerk in the ofHces of Messrs. Allsopp ct Sons, at Kurton : I'nlisted in Aug. 1014. afti-r the fiutbreak of war; went to France 17 .Inly. 1015. and was killed in action at Festnln-rt 17 Jan. 1910. He was a keen lootballer. Wmn on the i-omniittrc of the Burton Town Football Club . tiitn.. FRY, WILLIAM HENRY, Lieut.. l:tth (S.-rvice) Battn. Tin- Hamjishire Kegt.. :ittd. ssth Machine (inn Coy., only .v. of William Henry Fry. of Dcnvillc, Havant. r.. Hants, by his wife. Florence Ann. dau. of William Don- : h. Portsmouth. 1 Aug. 1894; rtluc. i'ortsinouth lirammar School ; passed his final Law examination in Nov, 1914 ; joinrd the Public Schools Battn. on the 25th o! tlie same montli ; obtained a commission in the Haiiii>shire Kegt. 25 Feb. 1915 ; served with the Mrditerraneun FIxpcditionary Force at (laliipoli; took part in the evacuations of Siivia Bay and Cape Helles 8 9 Jan. 1010 ; was subsequently seconded to the Machiiii- (iun Corps, with which he served in tin- Expeditionary Force in Franci' and Flanders: was wounded at the Hattle of Arras 25 Jlay, 1917. and dii^d the following day at No. 19 C.tsiialty Clraring Station. Buried at Duisans. His Commanding OtHcer wrote: "He was a splendid ollieiT of the true Pritish type, which upholds till- glorious traditions of our race. His loss is irrejiarable and keenly felt by all his brotlier otticers, who regarded him as a daunt- less friend and a loval comrade. He had the highest conception of his sens^- of dutv. which he alwavs fulfiiled in a perfect Iv satisfactory maimer, and maintained that stoicism which characterized him to the last." He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 25 >Liv. 1917] by F.M. Sir Douglas Haig, for gallant and distinguished service in the field ; unm. FRYATT. THOMAS. Gunner, No. 4,Sit:jo. Hoval Field Artillerv. 4th .v. of John Fryatt. of East Street. Soutliwold, co. Sulfolk. Hutclu-r, bv his wif«.-. Edith, dau. of Henry George (Joldsmith : h. Southwold. 1 1 Dec. 1S05 ; educ. National School there; volunteered and enlisted 21 Jan. 1015; served with the Expcditionarv Force in France ; was wounded in the back by a hand grenade 29 Dec. 1915. and sent home to Beeston Hospital. Nottingham ; rcturned'to France in April, 1910 ; was wounded a second time 27 Oct., and died of his wounds received iu action 28 Oct. 1916; imm. William Henry Fry. i-rve:i with thii Expeditionary Evelyn Oswald Furniss. FfLLER, E., Private, No. 9298. 1st Battn. The Hampshire Uegt. : served with Mie Ex|irditionary F'orce in France; killed in action 2 Oct. 1014. FULLER. H. W\, Gunner, No. 259l>0. U.G.A. ; Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. FUNNELL, C. E., Private. No. 10471. 2nd BUtn. Tile Kind's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantrv); served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action l(i Sept. 1914. FURNELL, A., L.-Corpl.. Xo. 8:J59. The Royal Scots Fusiliers ; served with the ICxpcditionary Force in France ; killed 2:5 .Vug. 1914. FURNESS, B., Gunner, No. (57629. R.F.A. - served witli the ICxpeditionary Force in Frailer: killed in .u-tioil 14 Sept". 1914. FURNISS, EVELYN OSWALD, Private, No. 429H;s, 14th (Service) Battn. The Durham Jyight Infantry, :ird .v. of ICdwin I'urniss, of Strawberry Hill. Marple, near Stockport, I-and -■Vgent, by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. ol John Beardmore, of Alstonlleld ; h. Mellor, CO. Derby, 15 July. 1882; educ. .Marple and Stockitort Technical Schools : was a Land Agent's Assistant ; joined the Derbyshire ^'eoman^^■ 20 March, 1910 ; servi-d with the Expeditionary F'orei- in France and l''landers from 2;i Sept . following : later transferred to the Durham Light Infantry ; took part in the operations on the Sonimc, and was kilk-d in action near Loos, France. 22 April. 1917. His Commanding Oflicer wrote : " I'p to the time of his death your son did everything tliat was asked of him, being an I'Xcellent soldier, and his joss is felt \ery kieiily by myself and hi- comrades, with whom lie was a great faxtunite." rum. FURNIVAL, WALTER GEORGE JOHN, L.-Corpl.. No. 40()80:J, DJth Battn. (Princess Louise's Kensington Battn.) The J^ondon Uegt. (T.F.). elder y. of Joseph Ma,ssic Furnival, of the .\iK-hor Hotel, Heiiley-on-Thanu's, co. Oxford. Hotel Pro|irietor. by his wife, Emily Jane. dau. of 'J'honias Saunders : b. Chelsea. I.omion, S.W.. 5 July. 1807 : edue. the Royal Grammar Seliool. Henley-on-Thames ; was a Clerk in Port of London Authoritv : joined the Lond(Hi Kegt. 10 Oct. 1914; .served with the Salonika Army from Dec. 191(5 : proceeded to Egypt and Palest im* in July. 1917, and died at Jerusalem 31 Dee, following, from wounds received in action there. Buried in the English Ci-metery outside the walls of Jernsjilem ; mm). FURZE, FREDERIC, Capt., 2nd Battn. ( Lontlon Uitie Brigade) The London Regt. (I'-F.). elder .s. of Fred<-ric Furze, of ti. Wel- bi-ek House, London. W., by his wife. Helen, dau. of W. A. Hubbuck ; If. Beckcnham, co. Kent. 20 April. 1881; educ. Charterhouse; olttained a commission in the London Rifle Brigade in .\ug. 1014; was .\diutant for two jears. and in 1017 appointed Company Com- mander ; served with the Exiieditionary I'oree in France and Flanders, and was killed in artioii at the Menin Koad Battle 20 Sept. 1017. Buried at Hiibner Farm, between Poeleappelle and St. Julien. His Command- iiiu niiieer wrote : " His behaviour during the .itt.iek was splendid, and it is due to his line example and great gallantry that the attack was the great success it was. He was shot three times, but still carried on, and was finally killed by a sniper at the flnal objective. His loss to us is immense ; he was most popular with all ranks." He m. at r.eckenliam. 27 Oct. 1908, Alice Duthie, dau. of J. Trimmer. STEWART ARKCOLL. Gunner. No. 11818. R.G.A., .-(. of the hit-.' Joseph Sutelitfe Gabriel, of Streatham. bv his wife, Susan, dau. of Charles ArkcoU, of Maidstone: b. Streatham. 14 June, 1878; educ Gohi'llowti ; and hrothtT to Private Oonaid (Ifllbraith (q.i>.) ; 0. Gienharr aforesaid. 2(1 .Inly, 1890 ; edue. i'uhlic School there ; was in the employ of Messrs. Stewart A- Maedonald, Drapers, (ilasuow ; enli-sted 20 IX'C. 1915; served with the Kxpcditioniiry Korcc in Kraner and l-'landiTs from the beginning of Ang. lOlG, and was killed in aetion at Arras 24 April. 1917. Buried there. An olfieer wrote : " He came to ns towards tlie end of last summer, and it was not many days before he had endeared himself to ns all. As an N.C.O. lie was seeond to none. The 24tli will (■\('r he remembered liy those of us who survive, but the jtriee claimed by the eni-my was a high one. It was a splendid victory, nevertheless, against big odds, and by gaining the day we were able not only to uphold the most noble traditions of our most famous regiment, but also of the Jiritisli Army. Your son fell in the thickest of the figlit, alon^ with many of his gallant comrades." (■nm. GALBRAITH, DONALD, Private, No. ISl.'U. 12th (Service) Battn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), eldest s. of Archibald Galbraith, of (ilenbarr, Kintyre. co. Argyle, by his wife. Margaret, dan. of the lute Neil >IcCalluni, of Campbelto^vn ; and brother to Sergt. Arihihald Galbraith iq.r.) ; h. Gleriharr. 12 Jan. 1886 ; cdne Public School there ; was a Gardener : enlisted, Cy Xov. 1016; served with the Salonika Army from Jan. 11)17. and died at Philil)popolis i) May following, from wounds received in aetion near Hed Scar Hill. Huried at Philippopolis, Bulgaria; nnm. GALE, G., Private. No. 8534, 2nd Hattn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry) ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; Icilled in action 18 Oct. 11)14. GALE, G. S., Private, No. 13850. 2ud Buttn. The Grenadier Guards; served with til.- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in aeti(m 1 Sept. 1914. GALE» GEORGE, Private, No. 20:i49, 12th (Serviee) I'.attn. The Hovai Sussex Regt., vr. s. of Henry Gale, (if Northllekls, \Vit!ey, Godalmiug. CO. Surrey, (Jardener, by his wile, Mary, dau. of George llcason ; b. Hambledon. eo, Surrey. 18 Aug. 1894 ; educ. With^y ; was a (iardener in the emjiloy of Mr. Joyce, of Withy; enlisted in Sept, 1914; served with the lOxpeditionary Force in France and Kland(TS from 17 Aug. 1915, and died at No. 46 Casualty Clearing Station 25 Dec. 1916. from wounds received in action while on patrol duty. Buried in the British Cemetery at .Mendinghem; iinjn. GALLAGHER, J., Private, No.l400,The Koya! Scots ; served with the Fxpi-ilitionary Force in France; killed in-iiction 12-15 Oet. 1914. GALLAGHER, GEORGE LOFTUS, Pri- vate. No. 13217. 7th (Service) Battn. The Butfs (iiast Kent Uegt.), s. of William Gallagher George Gale. of North I-odge, Strattan, co. Kildare. by his wife. Mary, dan. of Jolin McBrien ; b. Dery- herk. co. Leitrim. 7 Oct. 1890 : educ. Stratfau Estate School ; was a Footman ; enlisted 13 April, 1916: Served with the KxpeditJonary Force in France and Flanders from 28 Nov. 1916, and was killed in action at Poelcappelle 12 Oct. 1917. His Commanding Officer wrote: "Your hoy wa.s immensely popular with everyone in the company. Always cheery, always ready to lend a haiul to anyone in dilliculties. yon can imagine how well he got on with all. Personally, when the time comes for me to rejoin my battalion, 1 .sh:'ll miss him immensely," and a comrade: "It is hardly necessary for us to speak to you of Geor;-e'8 courage under all circumstances; his unfailing good humour and his splendid qualities of friend>;liip, you must have known them better tlian we could hope to do, hut we can assure you it is an honour to be called a friend by sueh a man ;is George." GALLAGHER, J., Private, No. 7210, 2nd Battn. The Koya! Irish Rifles ; served with tile Ilxpeditionary Force in Franco ; died of woumls 17 Sept. 1914. GALLAGHER, M., Private, No. 3790, 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 8 Nov. 1914. GALLAHGER, J., Private, No. 6220, 2nd Buttn. The Royal Irish Rifles ; served with the Expeditionary Force in F'rance ; killed in action 14 Oct. 1914. GALLARD, WILLIAM HENRY EDWARD, Private. Xo. 543.). 2nd Battn. (107th Foot) The Royai Sussex Regt., .'.■. of I'^dward Gallard, of Eastbourne, co. Sussex, by his late wife. Susan, dau. of H. ^Vest, of Eastdcan, near Chichester, CO. Sussex; b. 6 May, 1896; educ. at Holy Trinity Day School, Eastbourne; was a Clerk euiitlnyed bv the Trade Protection Society ; enlisted in Marcli, 1915 ; served with the l^xpeditionary Force, in ]''raiH;e and Flanders, and was killed in action Jan. 1916. He was a prominent meniber of the 1st Eastbonriu- Troop li.P. Seont^ ; num. GALLIVAN, H., Private, No. 7036, 1st liattn. The Dorsetshire Ri-gt. ; .served with the K\pedjtionary Force in Franct; ; died of wounds (tetanus) 13 Oct. 1914. GALLOWAY. J., Officers' Cook, 3rd Class ; lost on H.M.S, Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. GALLOWAY, J,, Private. No. 7108, 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire Regt. ; served with tb'- KxjH'ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 19 Sept. 1914. PAYNE- GALLWEY. FRANKLAND MAURICE HYLTON, Lieut.. 4tb (Reserve) Battn. Grenadier Guards, only s. of the late Lionel Payne-Gallwey, of Thirkleliy Park, Thirsk, by liis wife, Caroline (now wile of I*'. K. Taylor, of Spanish Town. Jamaica), dau. of E. Lynch ; and gVilliam Hunt ; h. Bolton. CO. Lancaster. 6 Feb. 1899; educ. St. .Matthew's School there; \Vas emploved at Barlow A Jones. Ltd. ; joined the Loyal North Laucjishire Regt. in .March. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 7 Feb. 1917, and wa> killed in action at Poelcappelle 26 Oct. following ; unm. GARDNER, CALDWELL, Lieut.. l;6th (Territorial) Battn. {Renfrewshire) Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), y^t. .«. of James Gardner, of Chmie. Paisley. Solicitor, by his wife. Katlierine Barbour, dau. of James Cald- well, C(nmty Clerk; b. Cluiue. Paisley. 27 July, 1894: edue. John Neilson Institution. Paisley, and the High School, Glasgow ; on the oubreak of war in 1914 hi' joined the l/6th liattn. at Paisley as a Private ; gazetted 2nd Lieut, in the same battalion 18 t)ct. 1914; went to France 1 May, 1915. and was killed in aetion tliere by a sliell splinter 11 Sept. 1916. Captain Craig wrote ; " C Coy. were up ni;ar tlu? front last night, making a road for the. guns ; we wer*- shelled a bit, and a splinter struck Caldwell jiLst over the heart. He died immediately. ... lie is being buried this afternoon in a small soldiers" cenietcrv. close to whi-re we buried another of our ollicers two months ago — Arthur Lang." Unm. GARDNER, F.. Private, No. 7252, 1st liattn. The Northamptonslun- Kegt. served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France : killed in action 17 Si-pt. 1914. GARDNER, G.. Private, No. 8871, 1st Battu. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 27 Oct. 1914. GARDNER, G. F., Sigiml Boatswain ; lost on H.M.S. Hogue 22 Sept. 1914. GARDNER, H., Private, No. 2204, 3rd Battn. The Loval North Lancashire Reirt. : -served with the Kxpeditionarv Force in France ; killed in aetion 23 Oct. 1911. GARDNER, J., Private. No. 7634, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles : served with tin' I'lxpcditionary Force in France; killed in action 16 Oct. 1914. G.ARDNER, J. T., P.O. C.G. ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. GARDNER, \V., L.-Corpl.. No. G94, l.5th Hussars ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. Archibald M. Gardiner. Iixi)cdi- no The Roll of Honour GARDNER, WALTER EVERSHED, Coy. S.>r«t.-Maj<)r. No. 2:J0HII. -J. 2ii.l Hattii. (Koval Kusilii-rs) Tin- l,oinion Kent. ^ __ (T.K.). cMfst s. of John (Jurdrn-r. ol" HaKirld ' - - — <;raiii.'r. Harlow, co ICsstx, (Jriiiiary Ki-fin-r. i'\ liis will-. KIranor ('liarlotlc, dau. of Thomas Walter: h. Uolhtrhithr. 14 March. 18HH ; rduc, Ardincly ('ollriif. \u-.\r Haywards Ht-nth, ro. SuHSfX ; joiiu'd tin- 2nd l,(»ncloti Kr^jt. in Sept. 11)14 ; siTVcd with tl^- Kxprditionary Force in I-'rance and FhmdiTs. and was killed ill action by n shell 15 Sept. l'.U7. His Com- manding Otliccr wrote; "It is with great rt'«rtt that 1 Iwvc to inform you that your son was killod while wi- were in tin- line hist. On Saturday night, the I.ith inst.. he was in t harge of a party layiin; a duck-hoard track. ulieti a shell landed near and killed him out- I itrlit. wonndini; several others. A wooden < TOSS in a neiuhhourinu valley marks where- lie was huried. ' Everyone regrets tliat liis long service with the battalion luis ended so abruptly. The position of Acting RegtI. Sergt. -Major, whicli he (llli-d so ably, can a comrade : " At no time out here did he attempt "- ~ '' fact tluit he w;is offered a I'nm. Walter E. Gardner. hardly be replaced," and ., ,„ „ to shelve responsibility, and notwitltstanding tin _.. . r.asc billet, he preferred to rejoin the battalion and go forward.' I r.iTik \llieri (:;arruT. GARLICK, J., Private. No. 7474. 1st Hattn. riie Koyai Uerkshire Kegt. ; served with the 10xi«-ditionar\' Force; killed in action 14 Sept. l!)U. GARNER. FRANK ALBERT. Sapper. No. 1477;J4. Itoyal Knginecrs. 4tli x. of William (Jarner. of 2. (Jranville Strei-t, AVoodville, near llurton-on- Trent . b\ his wife. Annie. ilau. of Joseph Smith ; h. Woodville. 25 Sept. 1891 ; i'dnc-. Council School there : was employed by tin- (iranville Colliery Comjiany. Swadlincote, linrton-on-Trent ; voluntarily en- li-ted in i)th Hattn. JA-icestershire Regt. 5 Sept. 1914. and afterwards transferred to the Koyal Kngineers ; went to France 29 July, 1915. and was killed in action by effects of izas-iioisoning 25 Feb. 191tl. Huried two days later in the Cemetery at Vermelles ; unm. GARNESS, W.« L.-CorpL, No. 5203. 20th Hussars ; served with tiie Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 'i Sept. 1914. GARNETT, KENNETH GORDON, M.C.. Lieut., lllth Battery. 24th Brigade, r.th Divisitm. K.F.A.. yst. n. of William Karuett, D.C.L.. of The Chestnuts, Braneh Hill. Hamjwti'ad. N.\V., by his wife. Rebecca, dau. of the late John Samways, f)f Sonthsea. co. Hants : and brother to Lieut. W. H. S. Garnett (q.r.) ; b. Tyne- niouth. CO. Nortbnmberland, 30 July. 1892; educ. St. Paiifs School (Scholar), and Trinity (.'olU-ge. Cambridge, where he obtained a' First Cla.ss in the Mathematical Tripos in 1012. aft<-r which he spent much of bis time on the river ; he rowed iu the College i:iglits in 1913, when his boat went Head of the Lents; then stroked the Clinker Fours to victory, and rowi-d in the May races, and again at Henley, helping to win the Ladies' Plate for First Trinity, and. aftt-r rowing at i;iy in the Trials, was selected to row in the 'Varsity boat in 1914. On the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914. he secured for his brother >tnart a crew of sailors from his rowing friends to man the yacht Zarefah, kindly lent to his brother by Mr. Steane Price, and they ottered themselves to the Admiralty as Mine-sweejiers. In Jan. 1915, this crew dispersed, and with their commander were transferred to the Saiiitta, a much larger yacht ; but he obtained a commission in the R.F.A. on the 27th of tlmt month; proceeded to France 3 Feb.. and was stationed ni-ar La Bassee ; was accidentally shot in the leg and retuned to London 3 March. After six weeks in the Nursing Home, Bruton Street, he was given six weeks out on crutches, and immediately arranged to go to Trinity, occupy a set of ground-floor rooms, and kei-p a term, and. if possible, get hjs degree. At the end of six weeks he took his degree in Honours in the ilechanica! Sciences Tripos, after which he had three otfers from the Government of a Home appointment, which he n-fused. prefcrriiiL' to return to tiie front, as he did on Iti Oct. ; wa- ~t.ifi'nied at Ypres during the winttT of 1915-16; was wounded in the neck and |iaralyss. and in pursuing liis work in the squadron was accidentally killed at Upavon 21 Sept. 191*;. Huried at Upavon. Among other books Lieut. Garnett was the author of " Seamanship for Scouts " and '* Children and the Law." He was an enthiLsiastic yachtsman, and in two successive years won the Claymore Cup of the Koyal Cruising Club. From a schoolboy of 16 he liad always possessed a yacht, and on one occasion he sailed with one companion from Spithead to the Cornish coast in a ha!f-rat<-r. He took naturally to the sea, and seemed to Ix- almost incapable of making a mistake in coast navigation; but he was almost equally fond of the mountains, and on one occasion he conducted a number of members of the Ratcliff Broad Street Club to Switzerland and across the Bernese Oberland, traversing glaciers and snow-pa,sses without a guide. His cliief interest in life was centred in the boys of Ratcliff. He was always strongly opjiosed to war. and would not encourage his scouts to take any part in a military display : but when war broke out, he and his boys were ready to undertake the most dangerous expeditions in what he bi-lieved to be a righteous cause ; unm. GARRARD, A., L.-Corpl.. No, 7194. 1st Battn. The Royal West Surrey Regt. ; served with the Kxpedjtionarv Force iu France; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. GARRARD, EDWARD BURDETT. Private. 72nd Battn. (Observers) Cana- dian Seaforth Highlanders, Canadian Expeditionary Force, 4th n. of the late Major Francis Thomas Garrard. 27th Madras Native Infantry, by his wife. Eliza Marv (21, Eler's Road, Ealing, W.), dau. of Capt. Sir Charles Burdett, 41st Madras Native Infantry; b. Colerne, co. Wilts. 17 Nov. 1875; educ. Bedford Grammar School, and Vv'antage Grammar School ; subsequently went to British Columbia, and settled at Port Alberui, Vancouver Island, as a Postmaster and Telegraphist ; joined the Canadian Seaforth Highlanders ; served with the Kxpeditionarv Force in France and Flanders, and died at No. 10 Casualty Clear- ing Station 31 Oct. 1917, of wounds received in action. Buried in the Military Cemetery at Lyssenthoek. His Commanding Officer WTOte ; " I cannot speak too highly of his work in every action in which he has been engaged since his coming to France ; liis work as Battalion Observer in the initial stages of the action in which he received the wounds from which he died was of the greatest importance to the success of the same, and he and his N.C.O.'s died splendidly." He m. at Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Eleanor, dau. of Dr. Watson, and had three children. GARRATT. WILLIAM, L.-Corpl., No. 14, 1/lst West Riding Division, K.A..M.C. (T.F.). only s. of William Garratt, of 102, Harlech Road, Hunslet, Leeds, Railwav Ofiicial, by his wife, Martha Ann, dau. of James Jessop, of Hol- beck; h. Holbeck. Leeds, co. Y'ork. 23 Jan. 1894; educ. Leeds; was a Boiler Smith ; joined the R.A.M.C. in Aug. 1913 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 17 April. 1915. and died in No. 43 Casualty Clearing Station 15 Feb. 1917, from wounds received in action at Wailly, near Arras ; ttnm. GARRETT, A. E., Private, No. 9996, 3rd Battn. The Rifle Brigade : served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. GARRETT, G., Private, No. 7254, The Rifle Brigade; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. The Roll of Honour 111 GARRETT, S., Private. No. 92'M. 14 liattii. The KhuN 0.vn (Koya! Lati- ■castfr R^^t.j; sTvod with tht? K^p ;Jition:irv Force iu Frauw ; kill.'d 2U-22 ■Oct. 1914. GARROD, L. H., Private, No. 8S55, 2nd liittu. Tite EiO^i. H-','t. ; served with th>- KKpditioniry Force in France; killed iu action 21 Oct. 1914. GARSTIN, WILLIAM FORTESCUE COLBORNE, J. P.. co. Louth, Major, 5th (Service) Battn. Princess Victoria'- ( Koval Irish Fusiliers), only s. of John Ribton Garstin, of Bra-jaiistown. t'a-tlihr||iimliani. eo. Louth, J. P., D.L.. F.S.A., Ex. Pre*. R.S.A.L. by his wifL-. Mary Martha, only dau. of James Andrew Durham, of Hanipton-on-Thame'>. co. Middlesex, and some time Chairman of the London ont the best of the lot. . . . He was afraid of nothing . . . and he possessed the c|ualities of an ideal Ilghtins pilot. . . . As the youngest member of the mess, he was very poindar witli the K.F.C. as well as the K.N..\.S." Unm. GAVIN, P., Private, No. 9281, 2nd Battn. The Royal Scots Fusiliers; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 28 Sept. 1914. James Edward Gawthorn. GAWTHORN, JAMES EDWARD, Private, No. 20072, Ist Battn. Gn-nadier Guards, only x. of James Edward Gawthorn, of 2, Prospect Place. Ladywell. Lewisliam. S.E., Scwerman. bv his wife, Sarah Jane. dau. of Cliarlc> Wheatley: b. Lewisham. S.E., 21 July. 1893: 1 educ. St. Marv's School there ; was a I>rill _ and Vice Hand: enlisted 29 Oct. 1914; ^^^■^^^ trained at the Cat^-rfiam Depot, but through ^^^^^^^^ ill-health was unable to continue, and was ^ ^ attached for 16 months to the R.A.M.C. On » '-^^ j__ 1 his recovery he rejoined his regiment : served BtfFV ^&k \ with the Exjieditionarv Force in France and ■ "i- ' i Flanders from 2 Feb. 1917, and w;is killed in S m^ .\ action during the Battle of Fasschendaele m,.^^. f 12 Oct. 1917. Buried there. Ho was a keen ■l'*'^ sportsman, holding several medals and cujw. ^t^^^^^ and was a member of the Lewisham Borough ^^^HMMfi^^k Council Workman's Cricket Club and Algernon ^^^^^^^^^^B^^ Athletic and Footb;ill Club Lewisham. He ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Lewisham, 17 Dec. ^^^m^^'^'^^^^^^U GEALL, C, Private. No. 9373, 3rd Battn. ^™" '" 'IJJ^^^^ggJ The Rifle Brigade ; served with the Expe- ditionary Force in France; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. GEARD, A., Private. I'o. B., No. 735 ; killed during the oi)erations at Antwerp Oct. I'.ill. GEARE. WILLIAM DUNCAN, M.A.. Cantab., Capt.. Armv Chaplains' Dept.. attd. 1,7th and l/9th Thr Kini;s (Liverpool Regt.) (T.F.). yr. *. of Henry Cecil Geare, of 14. Chah-ot Gardrris. Hampst'-ad. N.W.. Solicitor, by his wife. Caroline Isabella, dau. of ttie R v. William lirown Galloway; 0. Hampstead, N.W., 2S Nov.' 1890; educ. Wr-;tniin>t.r School, and (^u'-ens' College, Cambridge, where he took his B..\. d ■-'- : pa~s'*d into the L -('d-^ l (.'ombles. A brotlier officer wrote that he was sent to take command of the eoui])any duriu'.; th>- fmht. and found that the Capt., 2nd Lieut. Gell and another 2nd Lieut, were all killed, and the remaining officer wounded. Lieut. Geil had been hit in tiir shoulder as soon as he and bis m?n had gone over the parapet, and almost directly was again hit in the temple by a bullet, being killed instan- taiuously. Another officer wrot^* : " His conduct just before his death, after his ami had been badly messed up. was a most splendid example and incitement to his platoon." Cnm. GEMMELL. JAMES BROWN RICHARDSON, 2nd Lieut.. 2nd Battn. (74th Foot) The Hishland Light Infantrv. elder a-, of James John Gemm^^ll. of 27. Annfield Road. Partick Hill, (ilasu-ow. by liis wife, Agnes Little, dau. of J. B. Kichardson. J.P. ; h. Gla.sixow. 20 March. 1898; educ. Kelvinside Academy. Glasgow; St. Bees College. CuinbiTlaud. and the Roval Militarv College, Sand- hurst; joined St. Bees O.T.C in Sept. 1913; gaz.-tted 2nd Lieut. Mxv. 1917: 112 The Roll of Honour served witli tlu' Kxpctlitiuiiary Force in l-'nuue from that nionlli. and was killid in action H'. .hily loHowiny. Mr. R. K. Brown. Head of liarony House. St. Hces, wrote : " He showid considi-rable tact in the nianayenient ol the boys, and was always considerate and ■^mlle towards the younper schoU»i:s. Wo shall always rtniember liiiii with tlie most kindly leehnirs ; he was m) nineh more of a ' frie d ' than 1 oys usually are." lii' was a kd cricketer, but the w()rk of tlie O.T.C. commanded his most vigorous cnthusia.sm ; num. GKORGE, J., Private, No. 0940, 2nd Uattn. The Connaimht Uangers ; served with the Kxpeditiouary Force in France ; died of concussion I'JU. GEORGE, J., Private, No. 11276, 4th liattn. The lloyal Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; reported missing 24 Aug. 1914, and now assumrd killed in action. GEORGE, JOHN LOW, Private. No. 2:n31, 9th (Service) itattn. The Royal Fusiliers (Citv of London Re^t.). only *-. of William George, of Edina. Turriff, Saddler, by liis wife, Agnes Norrie, dan. of James Low, of Montrose Rope and Sail Works, Montrose; b. Turrill, co. Aberdeen, i:i May, 4890 ; educ. Public School there, and subsequently entered tlie Turriff branch of the North of Scot- land & Town iV County Hank, Ltd., transferring to the JLirkct Street branch, Aberdeen, in Aug. 1914 ; joined the Royal Fusiliers 18 l>ec. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders Irom 7 July. 1916 ; was wounded at Ovillers 4 Aug. following, and invalided home ; returned to tlu; front 17 Dec, and died in the No. 47 Casualty Clearing Station 18 Feb. 1917, from wounds received in action the previous day. Buried at Varennes ; nnm. GERRARD, W., Private. No. 8091, 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 20 Sept. 1914. GIBB, ALEXANDER, Lieut.. Northumberland Brigade. Royal Field Artillery, attd. 2;03rd Heavy Trench Mortar, elder .v. of William Hutchinson Gibb. of 36. Drununond Place. Edinburgh. Merchant, by his wifi-, Mary Morton, dan. of the lat* James White, of Stageriall, Stow : h. Edinburgh, 1 Dec. 1896 ; educ. Edin- burgh Institution, where he was Dux in 1918. and Edinburgh University, where he had entered the second yi-ar of Iiis B.Sc course ; joined the University O.T.C. I Sept. 1914, being subsequmtiy uazt-tti-d to the R.F.A. ; served with th-- ICxpedi- tionary Force in France and I- landers from 2 July. 1910. and was killrd in action near Oppy a June. 1917. by a shell, while on special duty for which he voluntci-red. r.uried ill Roclineourt Military Cemetery. His Brigadier-General wrote :" He has done excellent work the whole time he has been with us. He was popular with all ranks, and will be greatly missed, and oiir country can ill afford to lose so i)romising an ofticer." Cnni. GIBB, LAWRENCE MICHAEL, Private, No. 9693, B Coy., 9th (Service) Battn. The Black Watch {Royal Highlanders), 4th s. of the late John Gibb, Laundrv Proprietor, bv liis wife, Elizabeth {72, Balgreen Road. Ldinlmrirh), dau. of Lawrence McGrail ; b. Edinburgh, 7 Feb. 1884 : educ. St. MaryS Cullcge, Chesterfield ; was a Reporter for the " Leith Burghs Pilot " ; enlisted in June, 1915 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Nov., and was killed in action 18 Jan. 1916 : unm. GIBBINS, WILLIAM ROBERT, Scrgt. ; killed during the operations at Ant- werp Oct. I*tl4. GIBBONS, HARRY WILLIAM, Private. 9th (Service) Battn. The Norfolk Regt.. *\ of tbc late Charles Gibbons, by his wife, Ann, dan. of William Gardiner ; h. Sudburv, co. Suffolk, 24 July. 1894 ; educ. Council School there : was a Porter at Messrs.' Cook, Son ct Co., St. Paul's Churchyard, E.G. ; enlisted 31 Aug. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; served with the E,\peditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 15 Sci>t. 1916 ; unm. GIBBONS, J., Private, No. 12375, 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed 21 Oct. 1914. GIBBONS, J., Private, No. 6133, 16th Lancers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 16 Oct. 1914. GIBBONS, R., Private, No. 7413, 3rd Battn. The Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. GIBBS, ALBERT, Private, No. 56571, 16th (Service) Battn. The Welsh Regt., 5th s. of Joseph (Jibbs, of Cowbridgr, Glamorgan, Printer, by his wife, Florence, dau. of Thomas Stopps ; t. Cowbridg-- aiorrsaid. 15 Aug. 1896 ; educ. Council School there- was an ajtprentice witli M«'ssrs. Gibbs tt Brown, Printers, Cow- bridge; enlisted 1 Nov. 1915; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died of wounds 14 Sept. 1916. Buried in Essex Farm Ceme- tery, Boesinghe, near Ypres. His Commanding Officer wrote : " It is with keen regret that 1 have to inform you of tlf death of your son, who was killed in action on 14 Sept. 1916, Iiis death bi-inu' instantaneous. Although for only a short period in my company, he proved liimself an efficient and fearless soldier, who would have soon won promotion. We all deeply sympathize with you in your sorrow, wliieh is ours too." and a comrade : " Pieasc accept my deepest sympathv on behalf of your son Albert, who was killed on 14 Sept. We were under a heavy bombardment at the time, and your son was lut in the head wliile getting out of his dug-out. W'e managed to get liim to the doctor's, but he died on the way to hospital. He was uneoiiscious the whole time, so that he really suffered no pain at all. He was buried yesterday in tlie cemetery near here, and a wooden cross lias been erected over liis grave. . . . All tlie boys send their deepest sympathy, and we are grieved more than we care to express to lose such a noble comrade." Vnm. GIBBS« E. de L., Sergt., No. 1038, 9th Lancers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 29 Sept. 1914. GIBBS, LESLIE GEORGE, L.-Corpl.. No. 6164, 23rd (Service) Battn. (1st Sportsman's) Roval Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), s. of Cliarles Gibbs, by his wife, Louisa, dau. of William Twynian ; b. Hove. eo. Sussex, 20 April, 1885 ; educ. Christ Church Higher Grade. Brigiiton ; was employed by E. Robins & Son. Ltd., Brewers. Hove, and was well known at hockey and golf there, being included in the Sussex County Hockey team for tliree years ; enlisted in 23rd Royal Fusiliers 1 Feb. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 27 April. 1916 ; was severely wounded 15 Sept. during the fighting at Flers. and died of his wounds 13 Oct. following, in the base hospital at Rouen. Buried in St. Sieveres Cemetery there. His left leg was shattered and had to be amputated ; his right leg and hand were also seriously injured, and his eye destroyed. He w. at Hendon Parish Church, 21 Aug. 1911, Mary Tankard (88, Addison Jioad, Hove, CO. Sussex), dau. of William Obrv Sharpe, and had one cliild, Grace lonides, b 11 Jvdy, 1913. GIBSON, F., Private, No. 7567, 1st Battn. The Bedfordshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. GIBSON, G., L.-Corpl., No. 6957. 2nd Battn. The Royal Inuiskilling Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. GIBSON, G., Private, No. 115, 2nd Battn. Tlie Gordon Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died of wounds 1 Nov. 1914. GIBSON, H-, L.-CorpI., No. 8206. The Royal West Kent Regt. ; served witii the ExpecHtionary Force in France ; died of wounds 9 Sept. 1914. GIBSON, T.. Private. No. 521, 2nd Battn. The Seaforth Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. Bertram T. C. Gilbert. GIUUINGS, M- W., Shoiiiig .Smith, No. 5223. I2th bancers ; served with the I'lxptditionary Force in France; dii'd of wouiuU 2 Nov. 1914. GIDLOW, T., Private. No. 8033, 2nd liattn. Tin- South Staffordshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 16 Sept. 1914. GILBERT, BERTRAM THOMAS CHESTERTON, Lieut., ftli (Terri- torial) Batln It I ■' f ■ liire Regt,, elder «. of the late Thomas William (Jilbrrt. l)y his wife. Alice Emily (Kilgobbin, ^^^^^=: I Castlenan. Barnes. S.W.), dau. of Arthur ^^KjF^ Chcstirton, of Kensington. W. ; b. Barnes, ^P .^tfHM^^ London. S.W., 16 May. 1883 ; educ. Colet ^K ^^^^^^^^^^B^ Court and St. I'aul's Schools; was an Artist; ■■^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ joiui-d the 16th Battn. London Rc^t. (tjueen's Wr^tmiiister Rifles) in 1901, and received the L(}ng S(r\ice Aledal ; on the outbreak of war was calli'tl up for service ; served with the Exj>editionary Force in France and l-'landers ironi 1 Nov. 1914; returned to Kiigland and obtained a commission 24 July. 1915 ; was again sent to France 26 Oct. following, and was killed in action 22 .\prii. 1917, being hit by a shell, after returning to his battalion, having carried out sncc-essfully the duty assigned to him as IJaison Ollieer during a minor operation. His ('ommanding OlHeer wrote: "I had absolute contidenec in his successfully carrying out any work entrusted to him. and cannot speak too highly of liis soldierly qualities, while as a man he was liked and respected by all. He was a gallant soldier, and died the best of dt^atlLs in the service of his country," and his Colonel ; " 1 am snre there was no omt who worked more conscientiously, or carried out liis duties more nobly, despite tlie^ fact that at times he had to work under the most trying conditions. . . . He was always quiet, methodical, satisfactory, and reliable. . . . Anything that would help the cau.^o was faithfully fulfilled. All will be sorry at his loss." A brother officer also wrote : "' No nobler man ever fought for his country . . . he was loved by all who knew him, . . ." Unm. GILBERT. CHARLES HENRY, Private, No. 14860, 10th (Service) Battn. The Sherwood Foresters (Xottinghnmshire and Derbyshire Regt.), .?. of William Thomas Gilbert, of 252, Wygu'istxin Street, Burton-on-Trent. Sheet ]\[etal Worker, by liis wit&, Elizabeth, dau. of Cliarks (and Elizabeth) Forn-^ter ; ^. Bur(on-on- Trent, co. Stafford. 5 June. l.s!»3 ; educ^ Stafford Street School there; was employed by the .Midland Railway Company at Derby ; enlisted in the Sherwood Foresters 3 Sept. 1914: served with the' Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 13 July. 1915 ; was wounded at Ypres 14 Dec. foUowinc, also during the Battle of the Somme, 11 July, 1916, and died at Khig George's Hospital, London, 25 Nov. 1917, of wounds received in action on 10 Oct. previously. Buried at Burton-on-Trent ; ujim. GILBERT, G. S., S.S.A. ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. GILBERT, H., L.-Corpl., No. 6666. 1st Battn. The Leicestershire Regt. ; served with the ExprniiTit of ^Messrs. Buxton & Son, Liverpool ; enlisted 26 Oct. 1915; served with tin- l'^x]nditionary Force in France and Flanders from 11 March, 1916, and wa- killed in action 10 April following. He ni. at St. John's R.C. Church, Liverpool, 9 Aug. 1903, Esther (47, Smith Street, Ivirkdale, Liverpool), dau. of Micliael Birmingham, and had six children: Richard, b. 2 Nov. 1906; Francis. 6. 28 Sept. 1908: Peter, b. 13 May, 1912; Gerard, b. 22 Julv. 1914 ; Edward Verdun, 6. (posthumous) 7 May, 1916, and Jane, b. 30 May, 1904. GILBY, G., Private. No. 6081. 2nd Battn. The Suffolk Rt?gt. ; served \rith the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 9 Sept. 1914. GILCHRIST, HUGH, Private, No. 40450, 8th (Territorial) Battn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Higlilanders). eldest s. of Archibald Gilchrist, of Ingleneuk, South Hamilton Street, Kilmarnock, Painter and Decorator, by his wife, Jane, dau. of Robert Anderson : b. 16 June, 1891 ; educ. Kilmarnock Academy, co. Ayr; was associated with the firm of Jlessrs. A. ct H. Gilchrist, of Grange Street, Kilmarnock, and North Claremont Street, Glasgow ; enlisted in the R.A.M.C. Oct. 1915 ; transferred to the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders June, 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Aug. ; took part in the heavy fighting on the Somme, being invalided home with trench feet and a slight wound in Oct. ; returned again to France 25 Jan. 1917 : was wounded 9 .July following, and wa.s killed in action at Cambrai Dec. 1917. Buried in _a small cemetery between Cambrai and Bapaume ; unm. GILCHRIST, MALCOLM McNIVEN. Cnrpl . No. 3711, 8th (Territorial) Batrii. I'riiiee^s Louise's (Argyll and Sutlier- land iliiihlanders), yst. s. of the late Arclubald Gilchrist, by Ids wife. Catherine (Gruinart, Wlutetield Avenue, Cambiislang), yst. dau. of the late Malcolm McNiven, of Gruinart. Islay ; b. Eastfleld, Rutherglen, 22 July, 1890 ; educ. there, and Stonelaw School, Ruther- glen ; was an Arclutcctural Draughtsman ; joined the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 17 March, 1916; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from I Nov.. and was killed in action near Arras 17 March, 1917, while taking part in a bomb- iim raid. Buried in Marceuil Cemetery, near .Vrras, His Captain wrote: "He had been recently promoted full Corpl., and transferred to my company. 1 saw him the day before he set out for tlie raid in which he wjis killed, and formed a very high opinion of him wliile conversing with him. although it was the first time we had met. He was full of con- fidence and eagerness to get into grips with the enemy, and fell leading liLs section with the greatest dash and courage i am heartily sorry to have Tost such a good N.C.O. from my company." and the Coy. Quar'terniaster-Sergt. : " Malcolm was a splendid soldier, and his good soldierly qualities won lum his recent promotion to Corpl. He was admired and respected hy everybody who knew liim, and his imtimely end has caused much sorrow in the whole company." Cnm Malcolm McN. Gilchrist. The Roll of Honour 113 Frank Eric William Giles. GILES, EDWARD, Private, 12th (Service) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt., [ *'. of the late Thomas Giles, by his wife, Susan (Waltoii-le- Wolds, Loughborough) ; b. Walton-le-Wolds, co. Leicester; educ. Iicp;tr Ca'-tle Hall aud Technical School there ; was a Draper and Milhner ; nt in thi- face of a very hot fire. He is a gnat loss to the service, aud wa> iniim ii--rly liked." He was mentioned in l>r-i[»atches by General Milne, for gallant and distinguished service in the field ; GILLIES. JAMES, 2nd Lieut.. The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regt.), s. of INtrr James Gillies : b. Upper Holloway, N., 21 Nov. 1885 ; educ. Plough Road Bn.ird School, Clapham Junction, S.W. ; joined The Queen's 19 Jan. 1903 ; obtained a commission 20 May, ,1916; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 1 July, 1916, while leading his men during t he Battle of the Somme. Buried on the cast side of Mametz Village. His Commanding Officer WTOte : " He was an officer who had on several occasions showed his worth as a leader of men. . . . We all miss your son very much. I liad known him for years, and appreciated liis worth to the regiment. He died gallantly leading ins platoon into action," and a brother officer : " I knew him very well and feel his loss greatly, as my duties brought me into contact with him very freiiuently." Unm. GILLIS, J.. L.-Corpl., No. 7253. 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt.; served with the Expcditiunary Force in France; killed in action 30 Oct. 1914. GILLMAN, AXGUS GEORGE. ifC. Major, 52nd Battery, Royal Field Artillery, *■. o! William Gillman, of Rutland House, Southsea, byhis wife, Maud, dau. of Angus C. Hooper, of Montreal, Canada ; b. Southsea, 7 Nov. 1882 ; educ. at Clifton, and the Royal Military Acad<-mv, Woolwich ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 23 July, 1901 ; promoted T-ieut. 23 July, 19*04, Capt. 23 July. 1914, and Major in Oct. 1915 ; served for some years in the Royal Horse Artillery in South Africa and India ; on the outbreak of war served with the Exjieditionary Force In France and Flanders; took p:irt in the Retreat from Jlons ; was awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette. 1 Jan. 1915], for services performed at Le Cateau, being among the first who received that decoration, and was twice mentioned in Despatches (London Gazette, 19 Oct. 1914] by F.M. Sir John (now Lord) Knneh. and [London Gazette, 4 Jan. 1917] by General (now F,M,) Sir Douglas Haig. lor gallant and distinguish -d service in the field, and was killed in action at Aimy Ridge 29 April. 1917. Buried iu Ecoivres ililitary Cemetery, Mont St. Eloi ; unm. GILLORAY, C., Private. No. 8483, The York and Lancaster Regt. ; served with the E.xpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 18 Oct. 1914. GILMARTIN, M., L.-Corp!., No. 9914, 2nd Battn. The Leinster Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed by shell 27 Sept. 1914. GILMORE, J.. L.-Corpl., No. 10461, 2nd Battn. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 20 Oct. 1914. GILMOUR, H., Private, No. 5832, The Royal Scots Greys; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 3 Sept. 1914. GILMOUR, H., Stoker (R.X.R.) ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 2G Nov. 1914. GILMOUR, WALTER ERNEST, Private, 2/7th (Territorial), attd. l/4th (Territorial), Battn. The Hanipshin- Regt., 3rd s. of George Gilnionr, Grocer, by his wife, Jane, dau. of William Hampton ; b. Winchester, co. Hants, 17 April. 1888 ; educ, there ; was i-niployi-d as a Clothier's Assistant at Messrs. Elliott & Sons, Lymingtou ; joined tlie Hampsliire Territorials 7 Dec. 1914 : served with tlie Indian Expeditionary Force in India from the I2th of that month; sub- sequently proceeded to Mesopotamia, and died at Amara 24 Jan. 1916, from wounds received in action. Buried there; unm. GILPIN, ALBERT JOHN, 2nd Lieut., 11th (Service) Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corjjs, s. of the late Samuel Gilpin, of Chudleigh, co. Devon, by his wffc, Mary, dau. of William Mitchell, of South Brent, co. Devon ; b. Kentisli Town. London, N.W., 23 Jan. 1880; educ. privately, and at King's College, London; was a Civil Servant; joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. in July. 1915; obtained a commission 20 Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 19 April, and died 17 Sept. 1916, of wounds received during the Battle of the Somme. Buried at a point just west of Les Bipufs. He was a Dioee5.an Header, and a member of the London Diocesan Conference : also took a keen interest in church work, especially at St. Jude's, Kensal Green, W., where he wa.s a Sunday School Superint^^ndent. He was an all-round atldete, liaving captained the local cricket club, and, as an expert swimmer, held a life- saving certitieate ; unm. GINGELL, H.. L.-Corpl., No, 8348, 2nd Battn. The Essex R^-gt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. GINGELL, R., L.-Corpl., No. 5055, 9th Lancers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. GINN, JOHN, Private. No. 34742, 8th (Service) Battn, The East Surrey Regt,, s. of the late James Ginn, of Cowlinge. by his wife. Elizabeth ; b. CowUnge. Newmarket, co. Cambridge, 20 April, 1880; educ. Cowlinge Village School; was a Labourer ; enlisted in the Ea.st Surrey Regt. 14 Dec. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 1 Aug. 1917, and was killed in action at Poeleappelle 12 Oct. following. Buried on the battlefield. Second Lieut. Fred W, Lovell wrote : " He was a great favourite with his comrades, who sadly miss him. and on more than one occasion he has done his duty xmder most diffi- cult and trying circumstances, and set a good example to the younger soldiers." He m. at Cowlinge Church, Sarah (Park Road, Cowlinge, co. Suffolk), dau. of Charles Bowver^ and had tliree sons : Leslie Charles, b. 12 June, 1907 ; Harry John, 6. 20 March, 1910, and Hugh Joseph, b. 14 April, 1912. GINNIFER, G., Private, No. 13170. 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt.; s'Tved with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. 114 The Roll of Honour GISBY, EDGAR, EWART I'riviite, .No. :!033j, 1st Uattn. (4tli Font) I'liu Kirisis Own ( lioyal l.iiiua. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France, and was killed in action near'Poelcaripollc 12 Oct. UI17. He »i'. at Hish Wyconilic, co. Buckingham, 29 Aug. 191)4, Elizahetll (Hatliehl Road, Weston), tlau. of the late W. Lovcll, and had four clilldren ; I )onalufs 2 Nov. 1916, while trying to rescue a comrade who was partially buried by a shell. Buried there. His Commanding OHicer WTofe : •• 1 thought perhaps you would like to bear how gallantly he died. We were holding not a very pleasant part of the line, and we were heavily shelled. The Sergt. was wounded by a slull. which denic.lislud the trenili and partly covered him with earth. Though there was no shelter, and shell after shell was landing in that place, your son. although he must have known that it was almost instant death, rushed' out without hesitating a moment to attempt to get Sergt. Lucas out, I am grieved to say that while trying to do this another shell arrived and killed vour son instantly." I have brought his gallant action to the notice of the Cora- "mander, and hop'e due notice will be taken of it. He was an excellent N.C.O., and I felt confident that he would develop into one of the best Platoon Com- manders out here. His loss is very grie\ ous to the company. I had known him for a long time at Warlev. and realized fully what a value he was to any regiment as an Instructor of Physical Training. He is not easily replaced ; his fine physique and splc-ndid character mast have mad<' an impression on anyone who knew him. I fee!, with confidence, that the knowledge of the gallant way he died and the unstinted admiration his comrades had for him, must in some way be a comfort to von in your great loss. He was buried with Sergt. Lucas close to the firing line, and a wooden cross put on his grave. I again express my admiration for vour son wliile alive ami my deep sorrow at his death." He held the Middle Weight Chanipionsliip for Boxing in the Koyal Irish Constabulary, and in the .\rmy and Navy in Ireland ■ unm. GLIBBERY, WILLIAM, L.-Corpl., 6th (Service) Battn. Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Roval Berkslurc Kegt.) ; b. Poplar, London, E., 19 May, 1886 ; cduc. Newport Koad' School, Levton, E. : was a Sign Writer and Painter : enlisted in Sept 1914 ■ served with the Expeditionary p'orce in France and Flanders, and was killed in action during the Battle of the Somme 1 July, 1916 ; unm. GLIDDON, M.\URICE, M.C. 2nd T.ieut. (Aoting Capt.), 108th Brigade, Royal Field .\rtillerv. 2nd .■>■. of -\urelius James Louis (iliiidon, of Rylstone, Ked Down Koad, Couls- don, .Merchant, by his wife, Margaret Martha, dan. of Kichard Martin Lclean ; b. East Putney, London, S.W., 25 Nov. 1892 ; educ. Tonbridge School, and Wlutgift School, Croydon ; enlisted in Sept. 1914 ; obtained a commission 25 Nov, 1914 ; .served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 Sept. 1915 ; was awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette, 18 June, 1917], " for eonspicuoas gallantry and devotion to duty. In spit« of being subiected to very heavy hi>tile fire, he continued to fire liis gun with the assistance of one gunner. He set a magnificent example to Ixis men," and died 16 .\ug. 1917, of wounds received the same day near Ypres. Buried in Brandhoeck Br'itlih Jlilitary Cemetery. His Colonel wrote : " He was the very best of comrades and a very gallant officer. I expect you heard how he won the M.C. It was a splendid piece of work, firing the gun himself under very heavy fire, after sending tlie detach- ment into a place of safety." He ?«. at' Caterham, co. Surrey, l:i Feb. 1915, Gwendolen Mary, dau. of the late William Anthony Tanner, of Caterham, and had a son, Clu-istopher Maurice, 6. 3 Dec. 1915. Maurice Gliddon. GLOSTER, A. E., L.-Corpl., No. B9'20, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Riillcs ; served with the Expeditionary Force In F'rantT ; killed in action 17 Oct. 1914. GLOVER, H., lamner. No. .10355, R.F..V. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action '29 Sept. 1914. GLOVER, H.ARRY, Private, No. 1432, 13th (Service) Battn. The York and Lancaster Kegt., 3rd ». of Ezra Glover, of 13, Banks Street, Stairfoot, Barnsley, employee of the Couiuril there, by his wife, Mary Ellen, dau. of Thomas Johnson ; b. .\rdsley,'6 Sept. 1902 ; I'duc. there ; was a Miner ; enlisted 6 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Exi>editionarv I'orcc in Frani'it and Flanders, and was killed in action at Pozitres 11 .March. 1917. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was killeil by a shell whilst he was holding an advance jtost, doing his duty like the brave lad he was. It may be some comfort to you to know that hi' was killed instantaneously, suffering no pain; he wa-s buried in a soldier's grave almost on the spot where he fell. Jf^-self, officers and men wish to tender their heartfelt condolence with you in your great loss," and a comrade ; " He was one of our best pals, and wc are all sorry to lose him. He was strm-k by a piece of shrapnel whilst doing his Harry Glover. duty near the German lines. We are pleased to say that he did not sutler any pain ; his death was instantaneous, and you have the consolation in knowing "that he died for King and country." Cnm. GLOVER, HARVEY, Sapper. Royal Engineers, attd. 19th (Service) Battn. The Lancashire Fusiliers, s. of Richard Glover, of Worcester ; 6. Worcester, 16 Sept. 1884 ; educ. there ; was a Carpenter employed by Messrs. Wood iV Son ; enlisted in Aug. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died at Poperinghe 22 Oct. 1917, of wounds received in action. Buried in Nine iiihns Cemetery there. He m. at Worcester, 15 Dec. 1914. Rosa. dau. of the late George Walton, and luid a dau., Joan, 6. 25 June, 1916. GLOVER, JOHN, Private, No. 20771. 1st Battn. (51st Foot) The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), eldest s. of Harry Glover, by Ids wife, Mary; b. Wigan, CO. Lancaster. 1 March, 1886 ; educ. St. Cuthbert's, Pembcrton ; was employed !is a Gry-worker at the Prince of Wales' Colliery, Pontefract ; enlisted 30 Dec. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and F'landcrs from 6 May, 1916, and was killed in action near La Bass^e '20 Oct. following. Buried in Wovern .\bbey. He m. at Wigan, 18 Oct. 1905, Elizabeth (10, 'furner's Y'ard, Goose Green. Wigan ). dau. of William Pennington, and had five children : Robert, h. 3 May, 1909 ; Harry, b. 4 July, 1911 ; John, b. 9 June, 1913 Gladys, *, 2 July, 1907, and Josephine, b. 2 Fob. 1915. GODDARD, FRANK, Private. No. 2251, 12th (Service) Battn, The Royal Sussex Reg)., v. of .lerry Goddard, of 2, Luckley Path, Wokingham, by his wife, Henrietta, dau. of David Oliver; b. Finchampstead, Wokingham, 30 .\pril, 1896 ; educ. The Palmer Schools, Wokingham ; was a Footman ; enlisted 26 Jan. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 5' .March, 1916, and was killed in action 30 June following ; iiiim. GODDARD, H., Corpl., No. 8671, 1st Battn. The Hampdiiri! Regt. ; served with the i;xpeilitionary Force in France; killed in action '26 .\ug. 1914. GODDARD, REGINALD STANLEY, Corpl., No. 4665. Honourable .\rtillery Coy. (T.F.). 2nd s. of William Joseph Goddard, by his wife. Eliza Jane. dau. of George Mauley, of Hamijstead ; b. Hornscy Rise, co. Middle- sex, 4 July, 1891 : educ. Upper Hornscy Koad School, and City of London College ; was a Clerk at .Messrs. Boulder Brothers & Co.. Ltd., Leadenhall Street, E.C. ; joined tlie Honourable .\rtillery Coy. 1 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary F'orce in, I'rance and Flanders from 29 June, 1916. and died in No. 26 General Hospital, Etaplcs, 5 May, 1917, from wounds recei\'ed in action. Buried in Etaplcs Militar.v Cemeter.v. He 7U. at St. Saviour's Church, Islington. N., 8 Aug. 1914, Kitty Frances (Stroud Green, N.), yst. dau. of William Henry Nye. GODDARD, S., Gunner, No. 17284, R.F.A. ; sirved with the Expeditionary Force in Reginald S. Goddard. Fraiici' ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. GODDARD, S., Private, No. 8631, 2nd Battn. The Suffolk Regt. : served with the iCxjicditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Aug. 1914. GODDEN, E. E., Shipwright, 2nd Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov 1914. GODFREY, ARTHUR POLE, Lieut.. Buckinghamshire Battn. The O.xford- shiri^ and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, attd. Hoiusehold Battn., only s, of Charles Godfrey, of The Bungalow, Heme, co. Kent, by his wife, Evelyn Augusta, dau. of Philip .\ugustus Browne ; b. 41, Devon- shire Place, Portland Place. London, W., 7 F'eb. 1879 ; educ, at Chigwell School, and in France ; went to Ceylon in 1899, and eventu- ally became a partner in a Tea Phantation ; joined the Ceylon Rifles, and on the outbreak of war returned to England ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 12 J)me. l'.l].">. I'eim^ aitpointed as Lieut, to the Housihol.l r.attn. :il Oct. 1916; served with the ]'2x[)editionary Force in I'rance and Flantlirs from 3 Dec. 1915 ; was wounded itt till' Battle of the Somme, and was killed in action -iit tor lon-ign service 1 Sept. 1914 ; left for Malta 5 Sept. ; joined thr ILxpeditionary Force in France in Jan. 1915 ; was given a commission for sfrvicc in the field, and gazetted 2nd Lieut. Royal Fusiliers 2 June, 1916, bi-iu'.; (jroiiioted Capt. three days before his death, and was killed in action at Guillemont 10 Aug. 1916. Four successive attacks on that place having failed, a fifth was ordered. " Capt. Godfrey was in command of Z Coy.," wrote the Adjutant, " and took them forward iu a most gallant manner. He was hit soon after the charge began, but went on witii his company imtil he was hit again and killed. He was a splendid Company Commander, ... I should like to tell you that he was recommended for the Military Cross for his good work during the recent operations in Delville Wood. He was very popular amongst his men and most popular amongst his officers." He was awarded the Medaille Militaire 6 Nov. 1915, and wa>> mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 15 June, 1916] by General (now F.M.) Sir Douglas Haig, for gallant and distinguished service in the field. As a Coiour-Sergt. of the 2nd Battn. he was chosen for a model of a " present-day Grenadier Guardsman " to make up a set of four, 1660, 1705, 1812 and 1910. He liad received the Royal Victorian Medal in 1910 and the Long Service Medal in 1914, and was one of the bearers at the funeral of King Edward VII. Captain Godfrey was a well-known figure on the football and cricket fields as well as on the track. In 1907 he captained the Grenadier Guards' team wliieh won the Army Football Cup at Aldershot. He had no superior as a centre-half in the Army, and represented that branch of the service on three occasions, wlulst he had also six county badges. In both brigade and battalion sports he held tlie n^oord for the greatest number of prizes won, and he established new figures for the Army in both the 100 yards' sprint and the long jump. He m. 23 Oct. 1912, Olive Florence (21, Edward Street, Hampstead Road, N.W.), 2nd dau. of Henrv Best, of Windsor, and had two sons : Arthur Frederick, b. 29 Dec. 1913, and" Anthony, b. 9 May, 1916. GODSALL, A., L.-Corpl.. No. 7823, 1st Battn. The Shropshire Light Infantry ; served witli thi- Kxpeditionary Force ; killed in action 24 Oct. 1914. GODWIN, HAROLD NORTH, Lieut., Labour Battn. 209th Emploj-ment Coy., Labour Corps, attd. The King's Own (Liverpool Regt.), eldest s. of Samuel God- win, of Brookfield Avenue, Bredbury, manager of Rolling Mill, by his wife, Lilly, dau. of Fi'd< riik North Stephens, Builder ; b. Aston, Birmingham, 21 Sept. 1892 ; educ. Albert Road, Secondary School there ; St. Mark's School, Bredbury, and Hyde Secondary School : was apprentice to Messrs. Briddon A Fowler, Flour Mill Engineers, Bredbury, and later Draughtsman with Messrs. Bailey A Garnett, of Stalybridge ; enlisted in the Lancasliire Fusiliers 3 Feb. 1916 ; transferred to the King's Liverpool Regt.. and underwent training at Frees Heath Camp ; joined the O.T.C. at Cambridge ; obtained a commLssion in April, 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 23 May, and was killed in action 31 July, 1917, while returning to lus division from a rest camp near Boulogne ; he was in the train, and a splinter from a dhell struck liim. Buried in Hazebrouck Military Cemetery ; unm. VAN GOETHEM, HENRY EDWARD, Capt. and Flight Commander, Royal Flying Corps, s. of Edward Victor Van (ioethem, of Tregarthen, Parkstone, co. Dorset, Artist, by liis wife, Lucy Beatrice, dau. of the late Henry Lafone, ofKnockhoIt. CO. Kent ; b. Brussels, 25 March, 1894 ; educ. Lindley Lodge, Nuneaton ; Sherborne, and City and Guilds' College. South Kensington : obtained a commission in the Special Reserve of Officers 28 April. 1915 ; trained at Nether- avon, where he obtained liis wings ; fiew to France 25 July, 1915 ; was seriously wounded in an aeroplane accident, and, returning to Fngland, was admitted to hospital in London : on liis recovery in March, 1917, was appointed lecturer at Jesus College, Oxford, being sent as Instructor to Beaulieu Aerodrome 5 July, and was killed wlule instructing a junior officer in flying 11 July, 1917. Buried iu Parkstone Cemetery. GOFFE, WILLIAM REGINALD. 2nd Lieut., 2nd Battn. (52nd Foot) Oxfordsliire and Buckinghamsliire Light Infantry, 2nd s. Harold N. Godwin. Henry E. Van Goethem. of the late Edward (ioJfe. of Wandsworth Common. S.W., and King's Somborne, CO. Hants. Architect and Surv.-yor, by lus wife. Margaret, dau. of the late Edward Rivenhall, of Wimbledon. S.W. ; b. Wandsworth Common S.W.. 9 Julv, 1888 ; educ. Battersea Grammar School. St. John's Hill, New Wandsworth, S.W. ; wiis an Engineer on the Staff of the St. James's Park and Pall Mall Electric Light Company, Ltd., Carnaby Street, London, W. ; enlisted 7 Sept. 1914, in 7th King's Royal Ritle Corps; promoted Corpl., and transferred to the Motor Machine Gun Corps, and iat«-r was appointed Sergt. in eliarge of No. 8 Machine Gun Battery ; gazetted 2nd Lit-ut. 2nd Oxfordshire and Buckingliamshire Light Infantry 13 June. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France, and was killed in action 30 July, 1916. while leading two platoons in an attack on Guillemont being shot dead by a German snipiT. His body was buried bv the enemy, who recaptured the position taken ; unm. GOLDER, A., Private. No. 8611. 2nd Bittn. The Oxfordshire and Buckingliam- shire Light Infantry; s:Tved with the Expeditionary Force in Franco; killed in action 16 St-pt. 1914. GOLDSMITH, G., L.-CoTp\., No. 9668, 1st Battn The South Wales Borderers ; served with tiie Exp;-ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 4 Oct. 1914. GOLDSMITH. GEORGE THOMAS, Private, No. 6217, 7th (Service) Battn. Th'- Royal Sussex Rrgt.. -s. of George Goldsmith, by liis wife, Elizabeth, dau. of George Frederick Smith : 6. Waldron. co. Sussex. 17 Nov. 1877 ; educ. there ; was Gardener to Lieut.-Col. h. C. F. Thompson : enlisted 7 July, 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 22 Nov., and was' killed in action at Arras 9 .\pril. 1917. Buried at Faubourg d'Amiea^. He m. at Ka.stboume, 12 June. 1902. Fmily. Hannah (Ivy Cottage. .Mill Lane, East Hoatldy. co. Sussex), dau. of Albert Burton, and had three children : Cyril James, b. 27 Nov. 1004 : Charles Thorn is. 6. 18 March. 1907. and Ethel Nora. b. 27 March, 1903. GOLDSTONE, C E., Private.No. 10661, l.st Battn. The South Wales Borderers ; served with the ExptKlitionary Force in France ; killed in action 4 Oct. 1914. GOLIGHTLY, GEORGE FREDERICK, 2nd Lieut., 19th (Service) Battn. The Duriiiun Light Infantry, 3rd s. of Matthew (Jolightly, of Wingrove Road, New(;istle-on-Tyne. Accountant, by his wife, Annie, dau. of Joseph White; b. Newea-^tl.-on-Tyn*', 27 Aug. 1897 ; educ. St. Cutherbert's Grammar School there ; enlisted in the Northumberland Fusiliers in Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 1915 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Durham Light Infantry 25 Jan. 1917, and died at Nesle 7 May following, from wound-^ re(:'i\ed in action near Fricourt on the previous day. Buried in Nesle Communal Cemetery ; unm. GOLLAN. R., L.-Corpl.. No. 5412. 1st Battn. The Cameron Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 2 Oct. 1914. GOLLICK, G., Private, No. 7932. 2nd Battn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantrv) ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France : killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. GOOCH, P., L.-Corpl.. No. 7315. 2nd Battn. The Essex Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 25 Sept. 1914. GOOD, WILLIAM BURNETT, Bombardier, No. 2098. Royal Field Artillery, only ts. of the late Rev. William Good, Wesleyan Minister, by liis wife, Mary (23, Highfield, Scarborougli). dau. of Philip Burnett, of Birdsall", co. York; ft. Had- denham, near Ely, 13 Sept. 1897; educ. at Kingswood College, Bath; was subsequently apprenticed to a Chemist ; enlisted at Easter 1915 ; trained at Newcastle, and afterwards served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; took part in many operations, acting as Telephonist to liis brigade, and was killed in action during the Battle of Arras 15 Jlay, 1917. Buried north of Neiiville Vitasse south-south-east of .\,rras. His Commanding Officer wrote ; •* He died in the greatest of causes, and I wish that I had more like liim ; he was one of my best men. and I liad every hope that he would very soon get a com- mission, for which I had recommended him. He was spoken of by his comrades as a brave, courteous and most popular N.C.O., and was beloved by officers and men alike." Cntn. GOODACRE. W. H., Corpl.. No. 8370, 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Rifie Corps ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. GOODALL. CLARENCE WILLIAM, 2nd Lieut.. 2nd Battn. (80th Foot) The South Staffordshire Regt., 2nd s. of Edward Wilberforce Goodall. M.D. Loud.. Medieal Suiierint^^ndeut North Western Hospital. Hampstead. N.W.. by his wife, K;ite llMcu. dau. of John Fraser Mackenzie : b. Homerton. 19 Aug. 1896 ; educ. Arnold Hou.se, Llandudno, and University College School, London ; enlisted in the Army Service Corps 14 Jan. 1915, and in Sept. entered the Royal Military College, Sandhurst ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Beaumont Hanicl 13 Nov. 1916. Buried in No. 2 Serre Road Cemetery, Beaumont Hamel ; num. GOODALL, P., Private, No. 7277, 2nd Battn. The Duke of Wellington's Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Aug. 1914. GOODALL. G., Private, No. 8246, 1st Battn. The King's (Liverpool Regt.) ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 30 Sept. 1914. GOODALL, J., Boy, 1st Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. GOODALL, R., Bombardier. No. 71916, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. GOODE, ALAN SAMUEL, L.-Corpl.. 74th Infantry, Australian Imperial Force, yst. s. of Thomas Goode. of Goolwa. Australia; b. Goolwa. Australia, 27 Feb. 1896 ; edue. Goolwa Public School, and the Adelaide High School ; subsequently entered the employ of Messrs. D. A: W. Murray : was attached to the 74th Infantry, Citizen Forces, and a member of the 74th Band ; joined the Australian Infantry in 1915; qualified for a sergeant's certificate, and left Australia for Egypt in Sept. 1915; later served with the Expi-ditionary Force in France and Flanders, where he saw heavy fighting ; was wounded at Pozieres. sustaining fracture of the upper jaw, and sent to a hospital and convalescent home in France ; returned to duty on recovery, and was killed in action 11 Jan. 1917. He was an active member of the l"uley Methodist Church, also the Sunday School ; iintn. GOODE, T., Private. No. 9428. 2nd Battn. The Sherwood Foresters ; served with the iCxpeditioiiary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Oct. 1914. GOODGER, FREDERICK WILLIAM, Sergt., No. 408. 13th (Service) Battn. The Cheshin' Regt., 2nd s. of George Goodger. bv his wife. Henrietta, dau. of William Taylor ; b. Chester, 12 May. 1883 : educ. Koek Ferry Church School ; was a Fireman ; enlisted 9 Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Sept. 1915. and was killed in action at Viniv Kidge 13 Mav. 1916. He m. at St. Nicholas Church. Liverpool, 13 Sept. 1904. Clara (126. New Chester Road. Port Sunlight), dau. of Jolm Clitfe, and liad six sons : Frederick William, b. 31 Aug. 1907 : George, b. 24 Nov. 1908 ; Cluirles Herbert, b. 22 Feb. 1912; Harold Robert and Alfred Joseph (twins), h. 1 May, 1914, and John Arthur, b. 22 Feb. 1916. GOODGER, H., Private, No. 1657, 11th Hussars ; served with the Expeditionary Force ; died of wounds 3 Nov. 1914. GOODLAKE, G., Bugler, No. 1988, 3rd Battn. The Rifle Brigade ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. 116 The Roll of Honour GOODMAN, DOUGLAS, Lieut., 2r.5th Coy., 8th -\uxiliiirv Ilow Tr:ins|i(iit. Army Service Corps, attd. lUlli (Service) liattn. Tin- Scmtii Wuli's liorJerers. elder s. of Alfred l-idwin (^(KKiman, of Littleeimrt. Haines Hill, 'rjiuntoii, eo. Somerset ; b. 17 June, 1800; eiluc. Taunton School; joined tin- .Motor Cyi-list Despatch Kider.s, attached to the West Somerset Yeomanry, in Aug. i'.tl4; gazetted 2lid Lieut. .Vrmy Service Corps 12 Nov. following; promoted Lieut. in Aug. li)15, being appointed ollicer in charge of Transport, Tidworth district ; volunteering for overseas service, served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, when lie was attached to the 255th Coy. 8th" Auxiliary Horse Transport, until invalided to England in the autunm ; was jtassed lit for genera! service in \ov. lOlG, and appointed Otiicer Commanding .\rmy Service Corps, Alderney, Channel Islands: in .lune, 1!H7, he wa.s sent to Brocliton School of Instruction lor Infantry Ollicers, and pron-.-ded to France attacheil to the 12th Battn. Soutli Wales Hordercrs 2 Srjit. following, ami seleett'd for tli'r post of Assistant Tratisport Otiicer to the Brigad'-. ttius ^e^'erting to the work for which he had original!)- lieeu trained, and was liilled in action at Jiourlon Wood 24 Nov. 1917. Buried in tiie Military Cemetery, Graincourt. An officer wrote: " Jn the short time he had been with us he had made himself very popular with us all, and his loss is keenly felt," and another : " He was held in high esteem by all who n,et him." His orderly also wrote : " 1 have beeu liis servant for tlie period he ha.» been in France. He was a good officer to his men and myself, and I feel the loss greatl>'." Lieut. Goodman possessed a very fine voice, and was a keen sportsman : unm. GOODRIGHT, G. H., Ordinary Seaman : lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. GOODWIN, A., Private, No. 8273, 1st Battn. The North Staffordshire Rest. ; served with the Expeditionary F'orce in France ; died of wounds 6 Nov. 1914. GOODWIN, A. E., Stoker, 1st clas. : lost on H..M.S. Bulwark 2t) Nov. 1914. GOODWIN, ERIC LINDSEY, Lieut.. i:!th (Service), attd. 17th (Service), Battn. The Manchester Kcgt., eldest .■.■. of Alfred Keeling Goodwin, of Elmhurst, EUcsnierc Park, Eecles, Manchester, Member of the Manchester Stock Exchange, by his wife. Rosa Marion, dau. of George Lindsey, of Salford ; b. Eecles, Man- chester, 6 May, 1894 ; educ. The Grammar Scltool there, and Manchrst-T I'ni- versity, where he took the degree of Bachelor of Coumierce in 1913 ; was emplo\ .d in his father's office ; joined the O.T.C. of the University on the outbreak of war ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. l:5th Manchester Eegt. 16 Nov, 1914, and promoted Lieut. 1 Feb. 1915 : went to France with his battalion the following June, but owing to an accident had to return to England, and in tlie meantime his battalion went to Salonika ; on recovery he went to France to join the 17th Battn., and was killed in action 12 Oct. 1910. Lieut.-Col. J. J, Whitehead, Commanding 17th Jfattn., wrote : " He was killed wliilst leading his platoon in the attack on the German trenches. He had not been in tlic battalion very long, but has proved a good and reli ible officer, and did his work well. He will be a great loss to the battalion." Unm. GOODWIN, G., Private. No. 8180. 7th Battn. The Essex Regt. : served with the Exiieditionary Force in France : killed in .action 21 Oct. 1914. GOODWIN, G. H. H., -\hle Seaman : lost on H.M.S. Bulwjirk 20 Nov. 1914. GOODWIN, HAROLD JAMES, 2nd Lieut., 1:35th Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery, s. of Frederick Sidney Goodwin, of Uiddington Hall, Meriden, co. Warwick. Soli- citor, by his wife, Agnes Louisa, dau. of Robert l.ni-as Chance; b. Edgbaston, 30 Jan. 1886; 'due, .Marlhorougli, and Cambridge, where he gradnated with Honours in .Matliematics, and siilisc(|urntly liecame a member of a firm of Siilieitors in I'.irmingham ; attested in Jun^ 1 :i 1 ; liocame a cadet, and afterwards obtained a e.ininiission in Dec. 1910 ; served with the Ex- |ndi!ionary h'orce in F'rance and Flanders, and was killed in iiction at the Battle of Arras 24 .\liril, 1917. Buried there. He wasakecnsjjorts- mjin, and was a Cambridge University cricketer and a hockey Blue ; also for oiu; year'eaptain of the Warwickshire County Cricket team. He obtained English International honours against Scotland for liockey. He m. at Kensington, London, W., 28 Jan. 191:1, Jessie, dau. of the late Rev. William Forbes, of Ediidjurgh, and had two children : Harold Antlionv, b. 25 Feb. 1910, and Pamela Forbes, 6. U -iu'g. 1917. GOODWIN, J. A., Driver, No. 38512, K.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 19 Sept. 1914. GOODWIN, T., .\ctiug S.Tgt., No. 9690. 1st Battn. The Cheshire Regt. ; served with tlir Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 19i4. GOOM, NORMAN, Private, No. 2S049, Grenadier Guards, s. of George Henry Goom, of 45. Thornville lload. Blirlcv, Lc'cds, by his wife, Mary, daif of -Inh Cokell Settle; *. Burley, Leeds, 5 May, 1888: educ. Burlev Church School- was engaged in busiiu'ss as a Hairdresser and Tobaceoiust at 66, Brudenell Road, Lci-ds ; enlisted 25 Nov. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and I'landcrs, and was killed in action north-wcs-t. of Ypres 35 Jiily, 1917. Buried there. .\ comrade wrote " He was missed as a good clmm. ' He was a good living man. and well respected both in the barracks and in Franei'." He m at Leeds, 12 March, 1913, Ethel, yst. dau. of William Dixon, of Burley, Leeds, and had a dan.. Marjorie l':unice, b. 10 .March, 1917. GOOSEY, WILLIAM COLEMAN, Private, No. 2:33018, 7th (Territorial) Battn. The Duke of Cambridge's Own (.Middlesex Regt.), s. of the late William Newman Goosey, Northamptonshire Regt., bv his wil'i-. Naomi, dan. of William Coleman ; b. Irchester. eo. Northampton. 16 Oct. 1893 ; educ. Council School there; enlisted 25 Jan. 1917; served with the- Expc'ditionary Force in France and Flanders from 31 .May, and was killed in action 31 July,' 1917. His Com- mauiling Ollicer wrote : " He was very popular with his platoon, and a most cxcelleiit soldier, always cheerful and willing, and his loss will be felt by all." He m. at Wollaston, co. Northampton, Ad.i Harriet (Loudon Koad, Wolla'ston), dau of William Itonham, and had two children : William liavmond b 22 Feb 1917, and Mabel .\da, 6. 4 Ap -il, 1915. ' GORDON. CHARLES JAMES DONALD SIMPSON, CorpI No 1700 4th (Territorial) Itattn. The Gordon Highlander.-, .v-. of the late Robert Gordon' J. P. for CO. Koss. Land Surveyor and Factor, In- his wife, .Mary, dan. of the Rev' Duncan MacNair Connell, of Fortingall, CO. Pertli, and Govan : b. Fearn. co. Ross,' 30 Jan. 1890 ; educ. Tain Academy, and .\berdeeu University, where he wji.^ about to start his second year as medical stuch-nt : joined the 4tli' Battn Gordon Highlanders in 1913 ; was sent to guard Torry Fort. Aberdeen, two days before the declaration of war; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; was wounded at Hooge 25 Sept. 1915 ; subse"c|uently lav in hospital for five months in England and SeotUand, and on recovering re joined his regiment and was killed in action 22-23 July, 1916, when on patrol at High Wood. His Commanding OtHcer wrote ; " He died the death of a hero. He was looked up to and admired by all his comrades as a perfect gentleman and a soldier ' He played the game ' in everything, and finished witli a stainless character." Unm Harold James Goodwin. GORDON, ELIZABETH MARJORIE, Nurse, St. John's .\mbul.ance Order. eldest ilan. of th.- late General William Gordon, of .\rr.adoul, Croydon, and Cariitlelil, linekie, eo. llaiiir, C.I.E., Indi.in .Xrmv, by his wife, Harriett Elizabeth, dau. of .\ndre\v Steiiart, of co. Hanlf : b. Simla, liidi.i, 14 March, 1874; educ. by jirivate governesses, and in Dllsseldorf, G. nnanv : volunteered for the V..^.D. for Salonika in June, 1917 ; went out witli Mi.- det;iehmeut on the 28th of the following month, and died in Salonika 16 Sept. 1917. of malarial fever. She was buried tliere. Her .Matron wrote : " She was a good worker, and 1 thought highly of her." Unnt. GORDON, JAMES, Cor|il,. 1st Battn. (72nd Foot) Seaforth Highlanders (Boss- shire Bulls. The Duke of .\lbany's), s. of James Gordon, of Forester's Cottage, i:edilis. .\airn, Forester; 6. Nairn; educ. Public .School there; volunteered and ridisted in Sept. 1914 ; servi-d with tin- Indian l-Ixpeditionarv For(-e in .Mesopotamia; was wounded 7 Jan. 1016, during the Battle of Sheikh Saad, the lirst action in which the battalion was engageil, and died the following day. Buried near the village of Sheikh Saad on the river Tigris. Caiit. Kilgour wrote • " His splendid clliciency and clieerful manner went far in making him popular both among the officers and the men." Unm. GORDON, JOHN, Private, No. 10662, 1st Battn. (75tli Foot) The Gordon Highlanders, .v. of .Andrew Gordon, of 174, Wellesley Road, Jletlul, co. Fife, Builder, by his w-ife, Christina, dan, of the late John .Malion. of Methil ; b. Methil, 4 June, 1890; educ. Public School thi-rc; w.is a Bricklayer; enlisted 7 June. 1915 ; served with the Exjieditiunary F'orce in Framte and Flanders, and was killed in action at Infantry Hill 14 June, 1017. Burii-d there. Hi, chaplain wrote: "I expect you have already got official iutiiuation of vonr husband's death. ... I understand th.at he was struck by a shell that killi-d liiiu and some of his comrades. He was bearing himself gallaiitly at the time. His loss is much regretted by officers and men ailke." He m. at Aberdeen, llilil.-i l-alith. dau. of the late James Anderson Hutchison, and had a dan., I-;lizabeth lioolli, b. 2 April, 1917. GORDON, LOCKHART BROWN, L.-Corpl., No. 1726, 5th (Territorial) liattn. (Iluchan and Formartin) The Gordon Highlanders, jj. of Charles (rordon ; b. Fyvie, 25 .March, 1898; educ. Higher Griide Scliool there; was an Estate Workman to Lord Leith, of Fyvie ; joined the 5th Gordon Highlanders in 1913 ; vohiiiteered for foreign service after the outbreak of the European War ; served with till- ICxpeditioiiary Force in France from 1 .\ug. 1916, and died in the Taber- iKu Ir Hospital, Soiithi.ort. 29 Oct, following, of wounds received in action on the Somiiie hattlefront on 8 Sept. Buried in l-'yvie Cliurchyard ; unm. GORDON, W., Private, No. 8339, 1st Battn. The Gloucestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in F'rance ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. GORE, GEORGE, L.-Corpl., No. 4129. 7th (Service 1 liattn. The (Jueen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), twin s. of John Gore, of llrookgales, l-;gerton, eo. Kent, by his wife. Sarah .\nn. dau. of Stephen (and Harriett) Burton, b. Hoth- field. Ashford. co. Kent, 27 Aug. 1896 ; educ. Bgerton School ; was an Agricul- tural Labourer; enlisted in Aug. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 31 Sept. 1915, and was killed in action on tlie Somme 23 Feb. 1917 ; utim. GORE, H., Corpl., No. 4458, 12th Lancers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 28 Aug. 1914. GORMAN, T., Private. No. 6930, 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire Regt. : served with the Exiieditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 20 Oct. 1914. GORMAN, T., Private, .\o. 7110, 1st Battn. The Shropshire Light Infantry; served with the l-^xpeditlonary Force in France; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. GORMAN, WILLIAM ALBERT, Private. No. 11188, 2ud Battn. (93rd Foot) Princess Louise's (.Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), .v. of William Gorman, of 318, Garscube Road, IMasgow, Corjioration emplovee, bv his wife, Amelia, dau of Thomas Bunting: b. .-Vrmagh, '29 .\ug. 18!15 : educ. Hockvilla Public Scliool. Glasgow; enlisted in the 2nd l)r.agoons (Royal Scots Greys) 14 .\pril, 1014 ; later transferred to the .Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders ;'served with, the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in at-tion 2 Jan. 1910, by the explosion of an enemy's mine wliile working with a boiuiiiiig p.irty His Commanding Ollicer \\Tote : " Your son w-a^ reported missing on 2 ,lan". We are not allowed to rejiort anyone dead unless we have seen their iiody. But it is with dei'ij regret tliat 1 have to inform you that your son is most certainly dead. 1 tell yon tliis because 1 know you would sooner know the truth at once, than keep on hoping to hear news of hi'm. B Coy. had a bad time that day, and we lost s,-% rral good men in the explosion of an enemy mine. Please accept my deepest s\iii|.atliv." .A comrade wrote: "He was out in a sap when the Germans blew up the mine ; he was a brave and gallant boy, and a good comrade. \\f are all sad, indeed, at his misfortune." Unm. GORRY, J., Private, No. 9820, 2nd Battn. The Leinster Regt. ; served with the ExiH-ditionary F'orce in F'rance ; died of wounds 10 Nov. 1914. GOSS, W., Gunner, No. 57987, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 24 Oct. 1914. GOSSEDGE, JOHN STANLEY, Private. No. 9704, X Coy., 7th ( Extra Re- serve) Battn. The Ko.val Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), only s. of William Gossedge, of 10, Garden Street, Dowlais, Manager of Coal Wasluiry and Coke Ovens, for .Messrs. Guest, Keen A- Nettlefolds, Ltd., by his wife, l-ilizaheth A., dau. of John Jones, Rail Ins|iector ; b. Dowlais, co. Glamorg.-m. 18 Nov. 1895 ; educ. Dowlais Schools, and Merthyr Tydfll County School (Scholar) ; was cmplo.ved witli .Messrs. Guest, Keen* Nettlefolds, Ltd.; enlisted 9 Dec. 1915; served with the l-ixpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 24 July, 1916, and was killed in action at .Arras 29 .April, 1917 ; unm. GOUDIE, ALEXANDER CURRIE, 2nd Lieut., 9th (Service) Battn. The Cameronians (Scottish Ritles), .s. of the late George Goiidie, by his wife, Jane Sclandcrs (Dunard, 14, Leslie Road, Pollokshields. Glasgow), dau. of .Alexander Ciirrie ; 6. Glasgow, 7 Sept. 1895 ; educ. Glasgow High School ; Wiis emjiloyed on the staff of Messrs. Donaldson Brothers, Sliipiurs, Glasgow: joined the Scottish Horse in 1914 ; obtained a commission in the Cameronians March. 1917 ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following month, and w.as killed in action 20 Sept. 1917 ; unm. GOUDIE, HUMPHREY BLAIKIE, M.C., 2nd Lieut., 7th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own (Cameron Higlilanders). .s. of the late Henry lioudie, M.B.. South Shields, bv his wifi-, Ella, "dau. of J. Robertson Crease, F.R.C.S. ; b. South Shields, 11 Sept. 1807 ; educ. South Shields High School, and Diirhatn School ; enlisted 2 Sept. 1914, as an orderly to the Royal .Army Medical Corjis, at the 2nd Scottish General Hospital, Craigleith, FMlnburgh ; obtained a commission 25 June, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 17 Aug. 1916. while leading a party of his company bombers, near Martinpuich, during the Battle of the Somme, " His Commanding Officer wrote : " His death has been a great loss to me and the battalion. 1 looked on him as one of my most promising young officers, .and I know the men of his platoon had the greatest respect for him. I h.ad great pleasure in sending his name in for the Military Cross for good .and daring work up north, and was very glad when he was awarded the decoration which he richly deserved. He was always cheery and did his duty in a most conscientious manner, and I knew if he was given work to do. it would be well done. He was an offici r I could ill afford to lose," and his Cliaplain : " He was a source of insiiiration to the men. The Roll of Honour 117 Chalkley \ ivian Gould. and conducted liimsolf in his iL^nal fearless manner." A brother oflicer also wrott* : " We numbered him amongst our best and bravest." He was awarded the Mihtary Cross (London Gazette. 27 July, 1916], " For eonspicuous gallantry when in charge of a raiding party. He ted his men through heavy machiue- 2un and ritlf fire, and bombed the enemy's front trenches. Lat'Cr, he returned imdiT tire with a ^^tretcher to bring in a wounded man." Unm. GOUGH, GEORGE EDWARD, Private. Xc 4413. 11th (Service) Battn. Tlie (h.-shir.- K.L't., 'Id.^t s. of Edwin Walter Gough, of 4:1. Handbridge, Chester. Sliednian in the Loeomotive Department of the London & North Western Railway, by his wife, Sarah Ann, dau. of Edward Bennett ; b. Chester, 28 May, 1880 ; educ. St. Mary's School there ; was for a time a Tobacconist, and later a Motor Driver: joined the 5th Cheshire Regt. in March. 1916; transferred to the 11th liattn. in July ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killi-d in action 2 Aug. 1916, Buried in High Wood ; unm. GOULD, A., Coy. Sergt.-Major, Xo. 4321, 1st Battn. The Dorsetshire Rcet. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wound? 14 Oct. 1914. GOULD, C, Private, No. 7169. 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force' in France ; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914. GOULD, CHALKLEY VIVIAN. Major. 115th Battery, R.F.A.. eldest s. of the late Chalkley Gould, by his wife, Ellen Matilda (Ri-droofs. Broadstone. co, Dorset), dau. of William (and Elizabeth Anne) Vivian ; and great-great-gdson. of the late Commodore IN-arce, R.N.. who served imdcr Nelson ; t.. l.oughton. CO. Essex, 9 Feb, 1880; educ. Ilournemoutli ; afterwards studied Mining ijigini'iring at Armstrong College; in 1902 took lii-^ mining degree of B.Sc. at Durham liiiversity ; went to America in 1908, to follow his profession of Mining Engineer : n-turned to England in Oct. 1914, in order to join the Army : obtained a commission a.-, Lieut in the R.F.A. 1 Nov. 1914, being sub- scrinently promoted Capt. and Jlaior ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Aug. 1915, and was killed in action at Goudezeune Farm, near Oostaverne, 9 June. 1917. Buried at Kleine Vier.straat. near Dickebusch. His Colonel wrote : " I know I have lost a very fine, courageous and able battery commander, and I am certain this is felt b\ all tliosi- with whom he came in contact." He /«. at Whitley liay. CO. Northumberland, :iO March. 1904, Lily, yst. dau. of the late Robert Steel, of Newcastlr-on-Tyne. GOULD. G., Private, No. 8529. 2nd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. GOULD, T., I'rivate. No. 1895. 2nd Battn. The Royal Warwickshiri; Regt. ; served with the l-^xpeditiouary Force in France ; died of wounds 29 Oct. 1914. GOULDING, J,, Private. No. 8196. 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers; served witii the IWiirditionary Force in France; killed in action 14 i>ept. 1914. GOULDSBURV, HENRY CULLEN, Capt.. 9th (Service) Battn. Princess Charlotte of Wahs's (Royal iierkshire Regt.). attd. King's African Rifles, eldest s. of Ciiarles Elphiristone Gouldsbury, late of the Indian Police, by his wife, Maud Josephine, dau, of the Rev, Julius Ark- wright ; 0. Darjeeiing. East India. 9 May, 188 i ; educ. Downside, and United Service College. Westward Ho ; joined the oth Royal Irish Militia in 1900 ; and two years later joined the British South Africa Company in Southern Rhodesia ; transferred to the Northern Rhodesian Administration in 1908, being promoted Native Commissioner in 1910. After the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914. he rendered valuable assistance to the Chartered Company, especially in regard to the Belgian Battn.. some time stationed at Mporokoso. Northern Rhodesia; returned to England in Feb. 1915. after three unsuccessful applica- tions for employment with the Rhodesian Forces: was gazetted Lieut, 9th Roya! Uerkshires 15 March following, being seconded to the King*s African Rifles three montlis later, and sent to Britlsli East Africa : served in tlie firing line for ten months. aft<'r wliich he was given tem])orary rank of Capt. and appointed Liaison Oflicer to Col. Molitor, of the Belsian Forces, co-oju'rating with the British in Uganda; was appointed Assistant Military Landinu Otlicer at Tanga in Aug. 1916. and died there on the 27th from irver eontraeted while on active service. Buried there. Capt. Gouldsbury was mentioned in Despatches (London Gazette, lo |-Vb. 1917] by Genera! Smut-s. for gallant and distingui.shed service in the flehi. He was a clever author, and had published several books and poems dealing with Northern and Sonthern Rhodesia, his principal work being '• The Great Plateau of Northern Rliodesia." written in collaboration with the late J. H, West Sheane. He m. in \wl. Constance Edith Muriel, dau. of the late Charles John Sver Wilkinson. Barristcr-at-Law. Calcutta. India, and had two sons : Geoffrev Sver. h. 14 Dec. 11X)4 (LS, Defence played so fine a part. An eye-witness of the final scene wrote : " She was doing a very fine thing at tiie time, and no one lias died more gloriously than did her officers and men," Cnm. GOWEN, WALTER GEORGE. Private, No. 557fi4. 19th Battn, (Machine Gun Section), 4th Brigade. 2nd Canadian Contingent, only «. of the late Walter George Gowen, by his wife. Alice, dau. of George Coleman, of Ix)westoft ; b. Lowestoft. 11 Sept. i889 ; educ. Public School there: formerly belonged to the Lowestoft Territorial Coy. ; went to Canada April, 1912: joined the Canadian Contingent, and served in France from 15 Sept. 1915 : killed in action 10 Aug. 1916. Burierl at Voormezeele, Belgium. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was operating a machine gun in tin; front-line trenehe- wh'-n he was shot through the head by a German sniper about 11 i).m., and -uetiiinlji-d to his wounds inmiediately. He was a good soldier, and had been with the battalion from the time of its formation for active servi(-e. during which time lie liad earned the respect and esteem of his officers and comrades alike." Unm. ^ GOZZARD. W., Private. No. 1124G, The Worcestershire Regt.; served with tlie E.xpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds (tetanus) 26 Sept. 1914. GRACE, PERCY, Private-. No. 27672. 9th (Service) Battn. Tlie Royal Fusiliers City of London Regt.). 5th s. of George Grace, of 76, Station Road, Port-ladc- by-Sea, co. Sussex, Carman, by his wife, Jane. dau. of William Stanford ; b. Portsladc-by-Sca, 22 July. 1894 ; educ. there : was a Grocer's Assistant ; enlisted 27 March, 1916 ; went to France 9 July following : was wounded in action 7 Oct,, and died 11 Oct, 1916, of his wounds in an anibulame train on the way to No. 1 General Hospital, France, Buried in Etretat Military Ceraet^^ry [Grave No. 147]. Second Lieut, W. D. White wrote : " Your son wa^ in my platoon; he was a very keen soldier, always willing to carry out any duty given to liim." Unm. GRACE. T., Private, No. 11080, 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers ; served with the Exjieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 3 Oct. 1914. GRADWELL, GEORGE FRANCIS, 2nd Lieut., 1st Battn. (102nd Foot 'J'he Roval Dublin Fusiliers, eldest *. of George Fitzgera!ional Commanders. The jiosition was an important one, and whilst regrettinii the loss of so young and promising an officer, one cannot feel tliat he (tied in vain. ... I am' sure you would like to know tliat nothing but admiration for his fearless conduct is expressed both by officers and men. Ho was killed just in front of the German trenches immediately before our men readied and occupied them." and Lieut. M. F. Healy, in writing to Lord Fingall, said : " It happened that the regiment used as a staying camp on their journey to the trenches the canii) where I am ; I thus spent the night of 26-27 Feb. in the bov's company. We had a very merry evening, singing a number of songs, many Irish ones. The next morning'we were at JIass, and received Holy Communion, and that afternoon I walked a step of the way with them. I last saw liim cheerV and happv. (piiet and confident, at tlie liead of Ids men. The next morning tlie attack took place at 5.30 a.m.. and so far as our people were concerned, was completely successful. Gradwell was seen encouraging liis men imtil after the seeoiid objective had been taken ; lie seems to Imve been -hot through the body in advance of our furthest point, and 1 gather was killed instantly. His body had not been ri-covered when tlie regiment came back, for the battle, which was one of the bloodiest there has been in this part of the world, raged all day and night with inacticallv no intermission. I have no doubt, however, that by this it lias been luopirly buried, and I shall endeavour to get further information on this jioint. .Althoui-'h I only knew him for a few montlLs. I had a great liking for the Itov : he was ver\' straight and was a nuMlel Catholic. He !iad a nice sense of hiimour. which shared many smiles between us. and, in short, he was what an Irish gentli-man ought to be." I'ltm. GRADY. E., Sapper. Xo. 12047. Royal Engineers: served with the E.\pedi- tionary Force tu France : liied of wounds 2 Nov. 1914. GR^ME, LAWRENCE OLIPHANT, C.M.G.. Lieut.-Col., 1st Battn. (79th Foot) Thi- t?uern*s Own Cameron Highlanders, elder «. of Lieut.-Col. Laurence ■ Anthonv Murrav Gra-me. of Fonthill. Shaldon. co. Devon. J. P., late of Madras, iiow Dulilin Fusiliers, of the family of Inchbrakie and Aberutiiven. co. Perth, bv his wife, Catherine, dau. of David Sande- nian : b. Crietf, co. Perth, 29 Oct. 1872 : educ. Charterhouse, and the Royal Military College, Sandhurst: was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Cameron Highlanders 18 June. 1892 ; promoted Lieut. 1 Feb, 1894, being Adjutant of his regiment from 17 Nov. 1897, to 4 June. 1901; Capt. 2 Nov. 1898. Major 12 July. 1909. and Temp. Lieut.-Col. 11 June. 1915 : served in the South African War 1899-1902 ; as Adiutant of the 12th Battn. Mounted Infantry from Oct. 1901. to 31 May, 1902, took part in the op Tat ions in tlie Transv.aal Oct. to Dec. 1901. and March to 31 May. 1902; operations in Orange River Colonv May to Oct. 1901, and Dec! 1901, to March. 1902. and those in <_'ape Colonv Mav. 1902 (Queen's Jledal with tive clasps)': was Adiutant of the Imperial Veomanrv from 1 April, 1903. to 31 March, 1907 : after which he rejoined the 1st Battn. Cameron Highlanders, bein-.! transferred to the 2nd Battn. in India after his promotion; George Francis Gradwell. Lawrence Oliphant Graeme. wa= an extra returned to V. A.D.C. to the King-Emperor during the latter's visit to India; ngland in 1914 ; served with the Exi>editionary Force in France 118 The Roll of Honour imd Flanders from 10 Dec. I'.iU, iis Si^cond in Conimaml, and on promotion to l,ifnt.-(_'oI. was aiwn command of the 1st Uattn.. and wa^ killi-d in action near Loos 10 March. l9Ui. IJnrii-d in Noenx-lcs-Mincs Cftm-ttry. I'as-dc-Calais. Lieut. -t'ol. tira'nic was three times nicntioneti in Dcspatrhrs | l.ondon (iazettcs, 22 June, 1015, and 1 Jan. I'JUi] hy I'.-M. Sir John (now Lord) French, and [London Gazette. If) June, litlO| l)y General (now F.M.) Sir Douglas Haig, for gaMant and distini^nislifd service in the Held, and was also awarded the ('om- imnionoftlieOrdiT of St. Mieliael and St. George on 1 Jan. I'.iUl. Hem. atSntton. Wansford, l(i .Vug. i;»n;, I'liielope. dau. ofthe Ke\. William Hopkiiison, ol Sutton (Irange, Wansford. eo. Northampton. GRAHAM, ANDREW, Lieut.. 0th (Service) Battn. The lihu-k \Yateh (Roval Highlanders), attd. 44th Trench Mortar iJat- terv. oidv ,v. of the late James Graham. rditionary Force in France and Flanders from Oct. 101(1. and died April. 1017, of wounds received in action near Arras the same day. Buried in the Bailhul Road Military Cemetery. St. Laurent Blangy, north-east of Arras. His Commanding Ottieer wrote: " He was undoubtedly one of tlie best men I had in my coui|)any, and I was exceedingly sorry to lose him. He was an excellent worker, and very popular with his comrades, amongst whom hi- loss is much felt." Cnm. GRAHAM, G., Corpl.. No. 8788. 2mi Battn. The Royal Irish Rpgt. : served with t he Fx|)editionary Force in France ; died (as a prisoner of war) 2 Sept. 1014. GRAHAM, J., Private. No. 8008. 2nd Battn. The South Lancashire Kegt. ; s. rv.'d with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 3 Oct. 1014. GRAHAM, JOHN, General Servant ; lost on H.M.S. llohilla 30 Oct. 1014. GRAHAM, LACHLAN SEYMOUR, M.A.. B.L., Writer, Glasgow. 2nd Lieut.. 7/12th (Service) Battn. Tin- HiL'hiaiid l.iuht Infantry, only s. of the late Duncan Graham, of Ghtsgow, Leather .Mi reliant, hv his wife, Isabella Maclachlan (also predeceased), dau. of the late l.aehlan Mei.aehlan ; 6. Glasgow, 10 Sept. 1882 ; educ. at the Collegiate and (ienalmond : graduated in Arts and Law at (ila-^uow University ; was sole iKirtneroi the iirm of Messrs. Hubbard tt Seymour (iraliani, Writers, Ghisgow ; joined the Iutis of Court O.T.C. 7 Feb. 1916 ; obtained a eotii- missiou in Jan. 1017; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 17 May following: was wounded in action near Lyssenthoek, Poperinghe. 23 Aug. 1017. and died in a Casualty Clearing Station on the 20th of that montli. He was secntary of the City Business Club ; hon. secretary and treasurer of the West of Siotland Lawn Tennis Association, and manager of Rentield Street fnited Free Chnreh ; unm. GRAHAM, ROBERT, I'rivate. No. 20030, Sth (Service) Battn. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers, s. of John Graham, of Karncot, Dnndrum, eo. Dulilin, late Clerk of tin' Cootiliill Union, co. Cavan, by his wife. Annie l^li/.aheth. dau, of John Wiseheart ; h ('«ntt(hi[l aforesaid. 5 Sept. 1800 : ednc. King's HiNpital. Dublin; was a Clerk in Con- -.'(■stcd Districts iJoard, Dublin; enlisted -Ji) April. lOlO ; ser\ed with the Kxpediti()nar\ Forci' in France and Flanders from tlii- fullow- ing Dee., and was killed in action near (_'aiiil>rai 21 Nov, 1917. Buried at CYoisellis, six miles north of Bajiaume. His f'oinmanding Ollie>r wrote; "" He was a great fa\(Miritr ^^ith lioth otiicers and men, and did hi> dut> faithliill>- and well ; he was always very cool and coi- licted under tire," and another officer; " We are all very sorry to lose your son Hoy. as he was a faithful soldier, a good comrade, and a cheery soul. Both officers and nu'n had a great regard for him." The Chaj)lain also wrote ; " I knew him since lie joined this division, and 1 can tt'stify that he was one who was trusted and admired by those wlio knew him. ' His inflnence and example is still with us, and in its precious m.uuory nuiy the sense of loss be less." Unin. GRAHAM, ROBERT MAIN, 2nd Lieut.. 10th (S.-rviee) Battu. The Duke of WrllinuronV (Wesi Riding Kegt.). yst. -v. of the late Daniel (Iraham. Claremont, I.ang--ide. lilisgow. Ity his wife, Isabella, dau. of William Main. Glasgow ; //. Pollokshields. Glasgow, 11 Sept. 1892; educ. Albert Koad Academy there, and Glasgow University ; was a Chartered Accountant ; joined the Glasgow Univer- sity O.T.C. in June, 1915 ; obtained a commission 23 Aug, following : served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action during the tighting on tlie Sonime 4 Oct. 1916, A brother olfieer wrote : " We were hunii up in the Boche wire, and machine guns were turned on us and bombs were thrown as we were getting through. Your son was a splendid officer, steady, cool and brave. He was uiven charge of our left fiank. and he brought it forward splendidly. I regret exeerdjuiily the lo.ss of so valuable an otficer. which not only we. bnt the men feel so keenly. He is missed and mourned by all." Unm. GRAHAM, T., L.-Corp!., No. 7007. The Cameron Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed ia action 25 Sept. 1914. GRAHAM, T., Private, No, 0005. 1st Battn. The King's (Liverpool Regfc.) ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914, GRAHAM, W., Private. No, 6024, 1st Battn. The Gordon Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 10 Oct. 1914. Robert Graham. GRAHAM. W., Private. No. 0480, 2nd Battn. The Seaforth Highlanders : ser\ed with llir llx pedit iouary Force in France ; died of wounds 21 Oct. 1014, GRAINGER, ARTHUR GEORGE, Private ; killed during the operations at Antwer]) Oct. 1014. GRAINGER, R., Trooper, No. 10686. 2Uth Hnssars,'attd. Royal Horse (Guards (The Bines) ; ser\ed with the Expeditionary h'orce in France ; killed 6 Nov. 1014. GRANDFIELD. WILLIAM HENRY, Private, No. 17594, l3th (Service) I'.aftn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers, eldest «. ol Henry Grandlield, of 38, Groll Avenvu-. .Neath, Merchant, bv his wife, Agnes, dau. of William i-'rayiie ; h. Neath. 14 D.'C. 1807: edne. Lneton School, Kingsland, co. Hereford; . iilM.ti 1(1 Nov. 1914 ; served with the Expeilitidiiary Force in Krauce and Flanders; was wounded 24 July, lOKi, and again 20 Sept.. wlieii he was taken a )irisouer of war, and l., No. 1212. 1st Battn. The Gordon Higldanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 15 Oct. 1914. GRANT, H., L.-Corpl.. No. 10003, 2nd Battn. The Durham Light Infantry; .served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 21 Sept. 1014. GRANT, IAN ALAN WILLIAM, Lieut.. A P.atterv. 70th Brigade. R.K,A,. elder .S-. of Alan St. George Grant, of The Old House, Betchworth, eo. Surrey. Retired Banker, by his wife. Mabel, dan. of Lieut. -Col. W. B. Preston ; h. Alverstoke, co. Hants, 2 Sept. 1806 ; ednc. Stnbbington House School ; Cheltenham College, and the Royal [Military Academy. Woolwich ; obtained a commission 11 Feb. 1015; served with the I'ixpeditionary Force iu Friiiue and Flanders from Jtdy, 1915 : took part iu the Battle of Loos, and was killed in action east of Arras 24 April. 1017. Buried at l'"cuchy, south-east of .\rras. Hi- was mentioned in Despatches I London Gazette. 1 Jan. 1016) by F.M. Sir Jolm I now Lord) French, for gallant and dis- tiie_'ui-.lied ser\ ice in the field. He repre- sented Cheltenham in the Public Seiinols Gymnastic competition at Aldershot in 1014 ; unm. Ian Alan William Grant. John Philip Grant. GRANT, J., Stoker (R.N.K.) ; lost on H.:\1.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1014. GRANT, J., Private. No. 5249, 2ud Battn. King's Koyal lliflc Corps ; se^^'ed with the I'ixpeditionarv Force in France ; kilted ia action 14-17'Sept. 1014. GRANT, JOHN PHILIP, Si rgt.. No, 510056, 14tli Battn. (London Seoltish) The London Kegt. (T.F.), eldest s. of John Grant, of 37, Hah> niple lload, Brockley, London. iS.E., Sniuriiitendent Telegraph Department, by his wife, Annie Janet, dau, of James Nichol- son : b. Clapham, London, S.W,, 25 June, 1800 ; educ. Askc's School. Hatcham ; wiis a Banker's Clerk; joined the London Scottish in Feb. 1010 ; was called up on mobilization in Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary l''oree in France from 15 Jan. 1917, and died at Gi-evillers 3 Nov. following, of wounds reeei\i-d in action there on 16 Oct. He Hi. at Brockley, London, S.E.. 27 June, 1014, Helen Constance (Stockton Lodge. Fleet, co. Hants), dan, of Ernest Pett, and had a dau, Phyllis May, b. 21 Nov. 1016. GRANT, JOHN SPENCE, M.A.. B.D.. M.C., Capt., 6th (Territorial) Battn. 'I'hr (Junloii Hiuhluiders, 2ud .s. of George Grant, Braehead. Leslie, Insch. co. .\berdeen. Farmer, by his wife. Mary. dau. of John Speuec ; b. Hanghs. Cairnie. 28 March, 1800; educ. Leslie. Inscli, Selmol. and Aber- deen University ; was an Assistant Miiuster at Bronghty " Ferry ICstablisheil t'hnrch, Dundee; enlisted in Nov. 1014; obtained a connnission 20 April, 1015 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Glanders from 11 Jan. 1016. and was killed in action at Arras April. 1917. Buried 1.000 yards north-east of Roclim-onrt. His Chaplain wrote ; " It was a privilege to meet such a grand man as your sou was. strong and brave and good, one of tlie finest of our Scottish otfi(,-ers. The Church has lost a most promising nunister. for I am sure that he would have had a powerful influenee iu strengthening men for the right." and a lirnther otficer: "On his life as I kni'w it. I can look back with the greatest pridt'. He was such a sterling fellow, he was always so cheery, and his manner was so fascinating. Above and beyond these qualities he had the great heart and the |)ure soul of one who had chosen as his life-work the life of a servant of God's — a life-work in which, had he been spared, he would have made a great mark for himself." He was awarded the Military Cross (Loudon Gazette, 22 Sept. 1916], the official record stating: " He showed idin Spence Grant. The Roll of Honour 119 William Peter Grant. -great courage and skill in reconnaissance worli. Later he carried out a darin" raid -on an enemy trench, witli jin-at courage and deU-rmination until relieved" and rendered great assistance in getting back the wounded men " Unm GRANT, WILLIAM PETER, I'rivate, Xo. 5577, 15th (Service) Battn Princess Louise's (Arg\ll and .Sutherland Highlanders), ] transferred to the 7th Battn. The Black ^^ " atch (Royal Higldanders), elders, ol William ^^^'^ Grant, of Morton Mains, Colinton, bv his ^HRV \ »'"ff, Margaret, dau. of the late Robert Davie ; ^h^Ok^ A. Liberton, Midlothian, 21 June, 1890 ; cduc. ^^"^^^ Borough Muir Higher Grade School, and K. ._^ <■ Skerry's College, Edinburgh ; was a Clerk in mt IP P; "w Estate Duty Office, Edinburgh : enlisted ^f y 8 Oct. 1915 ; served with the E\ijeditionarv !^t , I'or™ in France and Flanders from Jime, 1916 ^t- k taking part in the operation.s at Beaumont ^P m Hamcl, and was killed in action bv a sniper ^^^■l^- _^^ ■- "'■':■ following. Buried in a British ceme- ^^^^^■^^^^ t.ry at C:oureelctte. His Captain wrote : ^^^^^^■^^^^^^ '\om a very eflicicnt soldier, and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ did his work out here conscientioasly and ^^^^^^^^^^^^H fearlessly. I regret losing such a reliable man. l^^^^^^^^^^^^^l He was popular with all rank.s— officers. .A.C.O.'s and men, and he died flghtmc heroically in defence of all that is worth ,, . . , . detending." A comrade also wrote • " We are all missing him very much. He was shot through the heart bv a sniper, and his death was instantaneous, so he did not suHer." [•„„(. " ' ' GRASS, PERCY CALEB, Private, Xo. 20953, 2nd Battn. (12th Foot) The Suffolk Regt., yr. s. of Charles William Grass, of Six Mile Bottom, Newmarket, Head Game- ^^^^^ keeper to Sir Ernest CasscI, G.C.B., bv liis ^^■■■^^ wite, Lucy. dau. of the late John Hunt; b. ^p^T»"ll^^ New Houghton, co. Norfolk, 3 Sept. 1896; ^^ — -,-^^^k '■''"'■■ ^'•'' ^'''' Bottom School; enlisted in ^^^^-N^^A V'c nth (Service) Battn. The Suffolk Regt. ^"^^^i^^H 28 .March, 1915 ; served with the E.xpedi- I ^^HJ^F tionary Force in France and Flanders from ' 0m Mb •* -» -^"g- 1916. transferring to the 8th Battn • was wounded at Thiepval 26 Sept. following and invalided home ; returned to France Jan 1917 ; then transferred to the 2nd Battn • was again wounded in June, and died at No. 142 Field Ambulance, Favreuil. near Bapaume, 6 Nov. 1917. from the effects of gas poisoning at Bulk-court. Buried at t-'avreuil : tiurn. GRASSICK, WILLIAM DUTHIE, Private No. 59380. 15th (Service) Battn. The Welsh Regt., .?. of Alexander Grassick, of Wanton H ells, Dunecht, F.E.I.S., late Head .Master Ills wife, Margaret, dau. of John Donald, of Clunv '«►««> Percy Caleb Grass. Firmer"" *"Loche?'r,IlL"-" ""•.•,-";'«-". "-■ <" ^onn Donald, of Clunv. warmer . b Leochet-Cushnie, co. Aberdeen, 8 Sept. 1897 • educ Craidevar Public of the Rm?il'\^";,r/ "'?" ""■"■*'■ »<•'«»!: was in the Aceounta.™'De artme +!,„ Pv h'>' ''^"""'^»' Company, Aberdeen ; enlisted 9 Oct. 1916 ■ served with lilpl'T'^"'*','"'"''?' /"'■'■'' "' ^''•"■"■'' '-""i Flanders from 19 May, 1917 and was " He fdltn ^cUon ™';fe"i^"'r ■*%-^"?- l"!'- «'^ Commanding Officer wrote been ^th uf Inn" veJ h "" 'TV' 1""°S ""= advance. Although he had not aTwavrche^f.rfnH HiH^ ^"71'^ '"„'?•' •■' ^'""^'^ """ '■^'^'■llent soldier. He was always cheerful, and did his duty willingly and well." Unm ?^n,^hfn^^^7^v^'''^^J' M»)°^ K-F-A., attd. R.F.C.: eldest s. of Major CO Wih^' K ■ r '=,\^r^"'sri,/?."''l''^ 2"d Lieut. R.A. 23 Dec. 1910 ; promoted Lieut. ti e ost'h ?mt,"r p p A '"'"; ' ^''f- 1^15 • '*""■<' *'"• f"""" y™"-' i" India with the ^ath Battery E F.A. ; returned to England, and began to fly in Julv, 1914 fi ins'S^n f;.;;"?^ ^ °u- fo","""'- In Feb. 1915, he met with a severe accident ] ri"l?®»rn! ^1, 1'l ^K ^^ ''"?, " t^onipound fracture of his left leg and broke his Cut tn RrTj^H /f.^^'''"",'"^'^' rendered him permanently lame; became Staff Fii»hV ?'J?,?n" H ''™"''' ?'"*='"* °" recovery; returned to flying in Dec. as F nnrf„i ■ ■ t"/'-"! "■'"' "le Expeditionary Force in France and tJ eomminJ»'p'"'°'°*\^ Squadron Commander in .Maj-, 1916. and sent home Nm°^T 1 P'wP? Squadron at Hounslow ; met with another accident in iiSin i '■ 'Fs'ightly injured his right leg : return.-d to France in Dec. and was tl rot b th7!; f "r° ""--.B^'aumetz, near Arras. 6 March, 1917, being shot fried f„ J I'f"' "''"'^ °" I'-"™' ''^="I'"8 ""■«■ single-seater machines ho machines 1 „''"'."'"V" ["="•'"»? that was being attacked b>- eight German machines. Buried at Avesnc-le-Comte. Brigadier-General Hig-ins wrote- i,„ „ "'"1 ""','■ .°l "!'" ^?^*- °I *'"• '"any fine officers I have known in the corps -' mhuf hf-'Tl't •'■ Kf'^'^ii =","' '"" ^^■'"" (""""aiKh-r: •■ He was mad keen to m to th % , V "i"',^*'? '^"■'""■^■^ and da,l, they need for their work, and w?ot^ . ;• n ,-",'" ?'■•'',■'' ',"= "■'■" f'-tainly su,-r,-,-i„i." A brother officer also wrote . He died as he lived, trying to help someone else who w.as in trouble." M? vn,'; ?i 1h li'T ?"w • ",'^'"" -''">''-'■ I'^'I to "■"■■k for the JIajor because you i r iL P""!?".' >■' '",'" aii\ 2li A|)ril. 1915 ; serv.d with the Exj>editionarv Force in France and Flanders from 21 .Tuly. 1916. and was killed ill action at Beaumont Hamel 12 Feb. 1917. Buried in Beaucourt Cemetery; unm. GREELEY, J., Private, Xo. 1296. 2iid Battn. The King's Roval Rifle Corps: s rved with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 27 Sept. 1914. GREEN, A., Private. Xo. 6803, The Lancashire Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed 19 Sejit. 1914. GREEN, F., Coy. Qnartermaster-Sergt.. Xo. o7-22, 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire Uegt. ; served with the Exjieditionary Force in France ; killed 24 .\ug. 1914. 120 The Roll of Honour GREEN, FRANK HERBERT, Dniiii Major, ir.th (S.tvuh') Battii. (2n. 1st IJattn. The Lineo!niinc trutii May. 1917, and w.-vs killed in action at Khulweillan, Palestine, 6 Nov. 1917. lUiried in the cemetery there. He was awarded a certificate, won in th<^ Imperial School of Instruction for Musketry, signed by General Allenhy : nnm, GREEN, JOHN HENRY, Koyal Navy, .,-. of Geors;e Green, by bis wife. Ellen ; /'. West Ham, London. 1 June. 1884 : ednc. at Plaistow : joined the Navy 1 June, 1902; servi- i in H.M.S. rudauuted, ami took part in three enuajzenu-nts ii: tiie North Sea : was invalidi'd out of the -^ervici', and died 11 May. 191(1, at heyton- stone. London, E. I'.nried in Wood-^ran-je Park Cenietery, He m. at Leytoii- stone. E.. 26 Dec. 1910, .Vlice, dau. of .Vatliaiiii'l Grimster, and liad two cliildren, Ralph and Iv\-. GREEN. R., l*riviite. No. 127.58. Nt Battu. Th ■ fin-uadier Guards ; served with the Exiteditionary Force in France; died of wounds 14 Sept. 1014. GREEN, RICHMOND EDWARD ORMOND LYTTLETON. 2nd Lieut., Otli (Serviee) liattn. The Kind's (Shrop.'^hire Light Infantry), only v. of Frederick Lyttleton Green, of Broad Street, Pre^tei'in. co. Radnor, Solicitor ; b. LI an fair water dine, co. Salop, 22 Nov. 1895 ; educ. Shrewsbury and Rossall ; was .subsequently articled as a Solicitor to Messrs. F. L. Green A' Nixon ; volunteered for foreign service on the outbreak of war. and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. King's (Shropshire I-ight Infantry) 14 Sei)t. 1914 ; served with the l-Ixpeditionary Force iTi France and FlaudiTs. and w;i^ killed in action near Yprcs 19 Feb. 1916. being shot through the head while out with a working party at niglit. Buried in Essex Farm Cemetery, near \'i)rcs. His Colonel wrote: "Always cheerful and never happier than when on specially dan- gerous work in ' No Man's Land." He was brave- beyond words, and the lifi' and soul of his eoniradi's. We were all most proud of him." Unm. GREEN, S.. Sergt.. No. 6884, 2nd Battn. The Sherwood Foresters; served with the Exnedltionarv Force in France; killed in action 2(t Sept. 1914. GREEN, THOMAS SEAMAN, Lieut., R.F.C.. eldest .v. of Councillor Thomas Seaman (;rein. of Nil.- Street. Burslem. Stoke-ou-Treut. hv his wife, Louie, dau. of William L.-ek I'.arratt ; h. Purs|.-m aforesaid. 14 May, 1805; educ. King William's College, Castletown. Isle of Man ; was a ])artner in his father's firm, ^lessrs. T. S. Green «t Sons. Provision Merchants : enlisted in the North Staffordshire Regt. on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1014 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut, in the 0th liattn. 29 Dec. following; transferred to the R.F.C. in Dec. 1015, being promoted Lieut, in Jime. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from that month, where he served as Pilot, and was for some time .\cting Flight Conmiandcr of his squadron, during which time he succeeded in bringing down five German aeroplanes, in addition to au enemy observation balloon, and was killed in acria! action near Amiens 13 Feb. 1917. Buried in Heilly Cemetery. Major ]>. E. Stodart wrote : " In losing liim this squadron lost a fine officer and a gallant soldier. He was brought down with liis observer. Lieut. W. IC. Carse, ou 13 Feb. He is buried beside his observer at 36 CCS. Cemetery. . . . During the time that I have been with this squadron your son set a fine example to all tliose around him, and his country has every right to he proud of him," and Capt. Lemau : " Your son was love'd by us all. and his death lias left a gap in our mess which can never be filled. His courage was ma'initieint, aiui it is imjjossiblo to estimate too highly his splendid work out here. Hi^ tieath was just as magnifi- cent, and was brought about while eimaLMiuz Hnn machines in considerably superior numbers. , . . Each time he went to the Iine~ lie would attack captive hailooas, parties of infantry, or di\(r ou villages and fire liis utachiue gun into them. His greatest joy was a figlit with enemy machiues, and I am quite con- vinced that he had at least three to his credit. I say with absolute sincerity that I Iiave never met anyone out here possessing greater courage ; it was an honour indeed to connuand such a son as yours." He was recommended for the Military Cross, and was personally complimented for his work by F.5I. Sir Douglas Haig. While at King \Vi!liam*s College he won the Chili Cup for shooting two years in succession, being also a marksman ; played scrum half in t!ie first fifteen of the College Rugby teams, and wa.j a member of the swimming eight ; nnm. Richmond E Green. Thomas Seaman Green. COTTLE-GREEN. DANIEL, 2ud I.ir-nt.. 22nd Battu. (The Queen's) The London Reirl. (I'F.l. attd. Maehine (inn Corps. 2nd x. of Kobert Cottle-tircen, of 2n, Kin\er Koad. Sydenliaui, e\-Chairnian of tlu; Pretoria Club, South .Vfrica^ !>>■ his wife. Ansonia Kdith Corelli, dau. of I'rederick 'J'anuer haurenee ; and brother to Sergt. It. Coltle-tireeu (v.r.) ; b. Pretoria, South Africa. 6 IWv. 180.*.; educ. The Hall, S\(lrMliani, and privately, owing to en- laiL'eiiirnt of the heart and enforced quiet; >iili>se,l tlrst, class at the Hythc Sehool of Musketry th." following Sept.. and nruained there f(u- stniie time a-. Instructor ; bieauie attaelied to the Machine Gun Corps in Feb. 1916, in the hopes of going to the iii'iit : siT\e(l with the Indian Expeditionary I 'Mil- in Meso|iotamia from Get. 1016, where hir a while b.- acted as Transport Olficer at I li<' advanced Base, receiving liigh recom- MKiidation for the sin-cess he had in carrying out hi> work: proceeded to the firing lino II Feb. 1917. and was killed in action near Bagdad on the 25th. Cajit. .\. (L Patersou. Comuiaiuiini^ :'.m|Ii Machine Gun Coy., wrotc^ • " Your son had only joined the eompan\ the day brforr we crossed the Tigris on 24 Feb., and all that day had displayd ttie greatist keenness to get into action. Ou 25 Feb. our brigade were ailvanci-d ^xuard and nnlered to i)ursue. Your son's keenness wa-^ so great that lie had already packed nii his kit with the section attached to the vanmiard when I discovered it, and ordered him to rejoin his own section. His section No. 1 —did not come into action till 4 p.m., when they advanced across the open under h<'avy maeliiue-gun llri', to an advanced position in a contimuition of thi' unllah held by thi' Turks. The section had not been in action tru tuinutes wlieu > our son. who was standing; by. was shot through the head by a ritle bul!et and killed instantaneously. During the tew days lie was with us lie had etidi-areU biiuself to us a'l, and I don't tliiiik 1 have ever been so favourably imi'ressrd by a newly-joined otticer." aiis so keen on everything to do with his work." Unm . Daniol Cottle-Green. COTTLE-GREEN, ROBERT, Seigt Cottl. Robert Cottle-Green. 3 lOth Siege Battery. R.fi.A., s. of Robert Green, of 20, Kinver Koad, Sydeuhara, London, S.E., by his wite. A. E. CoreUi, dau. of l-'. T. Laurence ; and brother to 2nd Lieut. D. Cottlc-Grecn {q.K.) ; /*. Pretoria, The Trans- vaal, 13 May, 1893; educ. Bri-^hfon Grammar School ; was on the stalf of the Standard Bank of South Africa : joined the 4th (Territorial) Uatln. Tlie (^lecn's (Wi-st Surrey Regt.) in 101(1; was fraininu at Salisbury Plain when war bnike out in Aug. 1914; "called up on iiiobili/.alion : volunteered for foreign service, .mil served with the Indian Expeditionary force in India from Nov. 1914 ; returned t\vel\i- Tuonths later, time expired; rejoined in tlie Koyal Fusiliers in Feb. 1916 ; was jiromoted Sergt. after transferring to the R.U.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from May. 1917, and died at No. 2 General Hospital, Havre, 29 Aug. following, from wounds received in action at Loos 18 July previous. Buried in the Military Cemc- at Ha\ re ; vnm. TYRRELL-GREEN, DENIS NOEL, Lieut., 4th ('IVrritorial) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt.. eld.r -v. of tlic Rev. K. Tvrrell-(ireen, of Burpham Croft, CO. Sussex, Professor of Hibrew and Tlu'ology at St. David's Ciillege, Lampeter, CO. Cardigan, by his wife. Margaret, dau. of Huuli Uobirts, of Llanrwst; b. Lam- peter, 10 Oct. "l804 ; educ, privately, and .lesus Colleu'e. Cambridge, where he was a numlMT of the Cniversity O.'LC ; obtained a commission in Sept. 1914 ; served with the Mrditi-rrariean Kxiieditionary Force at GallipoU, where he Wiis complimented by the <;eneral commanding his division for doing valuable recon- noitring work, and uuiking maps of Turkish positions ; was invalided home and on recovery served in Egypt and Palestine, and was killed in action at Gaza 26 March. 1010. His Comnuiuding Officer wrote : " The platoon under his leader- ship te : "■ He was a very great friend of mine in this battalion, and by his life and example was a real strength to the Church. I really got to know liim well when his company was at Headquarters at Bir-el- Abd at Christmas. We had built a little church there of palm branches, and when I was away he used to takr' r-veiiiug prayers for me. He was also one of my regular servers at the Eticharist. Later lie was in charge of a small post. and it was of the greatest help to have an officer in command who always iiia- it easy for the men to come to their counuunions. and who was always pre-.rnt himself. He received his la.st Comnnunon on Pas-^iou Sunda\'. the day before the action, in an almond grove about seven miles frmn where he fell. In the action he led hi.s platoon to the top of a ridae. wbieh was the furthest point wc reached, and died in the firing line. His mm fell mr that 'Mr. Tyrrell-Green was splendid.'" Mrs. Tyrreil-tinen has recently indilished a book of poems bearing the dedication : " To my son Denis I dedicati' this book, in gratitude for a loving Unm. and a lovely life, laid down in the service of God and of his country.' GREENHALGH, WALTER. Air Mechanic. No. 00600. Royal Flying Cori)S,, only s. of .lohn (Mcenhal-ili. oi 9. Hollinyreave Road, Burnley, by his wife, Pris- cilla. dau. of Kobert Ingham : h. Burnli-y, co. Lancaster, h Aug. 1801 ; educ. Ilurnley Wood Coimcil Scliool ; was an Overlook<'r. employi-d b\ Messss. R. P. "Woodward. Burnley; joined the R.F.C. 1 Aug. 1017. and was killed in an aero- plane accident at Chippenham 8 Feb 1018. liuried in Burnley Cemetery. Fir^f Air-Meeliauic P. Waddiugton wrote; "He worked ail the time under mysrit at Salisliury, and 1 know him to be a jolly good worker, and he had a fiiic disposition and was very much liked by his comrades." Unm. GREENHILL, DOUGLAS SYDNEY, Serirt.. No. 104(il. 4th liattn, (irenadier Guards. 3rd .v. of the late Alfred Geor^ie Gnenhili.nf KuLlby. Architect, by his wife, Annie (30. Princes Striet. Ruu'bv). dau. of the late Charles Hedges; h. Rngby. 22 Nov. 1883 ; educ. Rughv Lower School ; was an Engineer hy profession, and , well known as a footballer, having played for the Northern (bounties ; enlisted The Roll of Honour 121 on the outbri'ak of the war in 1014 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from Ang, 1915 ; was wounded in action 15 Sept. 1916, and died of his wounds 4 Oct. following at No. 21 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Corbie ; unm. GREENSTREET, ROBERT GEORGE, Private. No. 26252, 11th (Service) Itartn. 'rhe (^i.-en's Own (Royal W.^r Kent llcut.). jf. of Georjze Greeii^tree ; b. yinTiintf, 4 July, 1883; edue. St. .lohnV Sr-liool there; was a Postman; .iilistid 28 March. 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 19 June. 1917, and was killed in action 5 Aug. following. Buried near White Chiteau, south-east of Voormezei^le. He m. at Margate. 3 March, 1909, Anne Jane (16. Gladstone Hoad, Margate), dau, of Thomas Bedingfleld, and had a dau.. Ruliy Annie Graeie. b. 1 July, 1914. GREENWOOD. FRED, Private. \o. 430074, lOth Battn. Canadian Expcdi- tioTiarv Force, vr. s. of tlie late Frederick Greenwood, bv his wife, A. (3, West Boyd Avenue, Idle Koad. Bradford) ; b. at Bradford, 18 Oct. 1890 ; educ. Brad- ford Grammar School, and Heaton Moor College, Manchester ; joined the Cana- dian Forces March 1915 ; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France from the following Oct.. and w:i~- killed in action in France 12 Aug. 1916 ; unm. GREENWOOD, LANCELOT. Corpl., Xo , 2:1(1.'). l/6th (Territorial) Battn. The Prince ol* Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Rcgt.). J eldest s. of Artiiur Bobertshaw Greenwood, ^ of 17, Greenway Road. Bradford, Phimber, ^^ liy his wife, Buth. dau. of Shadrach Salter. ^H of Norton, co. Wilts ; /*. Bradford. 29 Nov. ^B 1888; educ. Ryan Street Council School, Wm West Bowling ; was a Plumber ; being a « iiictnlier of the Territorial Force, and on tlie ^ niitl'reak of war \ohiuteered for service ; trained at York and (iain^^borough ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France and ^^ Flanders ; wa- wounded and sent to St. Omcr ■^^^ Military Hospital : rejoined his regiment on ^^^^H recovery, and was killed in action 14 Julv. ^^^B 1916. by a shell. He m. at St. Stephen's ^^^H Church, West Bowling, Bradford. 1 Aug. ^^HH r.no. Sarah Ann. dau. of William Kay. GREER, J.. Private, No. 1821, 1st Battn. Lancelot Greenwood. rii. David Gregory. Irisli (inards; sir\eii with the Expedi- tintiarv I'firee in France: killed in action 14 s.'pt. i;ii4. GREGORY, DAVID, Private. No. 203141, 2tid liattn. (55th Foot) The Border Regt.) .V. of the lute David Gregory, of Barrow Bridge. Bolton, by his wife, Jane, dau. of Thomas Booth ; h. Barrow Bridge, Bolton, CO- Lancaster, 15 May. 1897 ; educ. Churcii Koad Council School there : was employed as a Cable Maker at Messrs. Glovers, Tratford Park ; enli.sted in the Border Regt. 16 Apcil. 1917; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from July of the same year, and was kilied in action south of Zoniiebeke East, north-east of Ypres, 7 Oct. 1017. Buried near Zonnebekc ; nnvi. GREGORY, R., Sapper. No. 11309, R.E. ; -iirvi'd with the Expcditionar\' Force in France ; killed in action 14 S<-i>t. 1914. GREGORY, STEPHEN BARNES, Lieut., 4th (Territorial) Battn. The De\onshire Regt.. onlv .s. of Alfred Thomas Gregorv. J. P.. Mayor of Tiverton 1911 to 1917, and Proiirietor and ICditor of the " Tiverton Gazette." by his wife, Ada. dau. of James Barnes. J.]'.; b. Tiverton, co. ])evon. 17 Feb. 1895; educ. Blundell's School there ; Thi' Leys Sclioo!. Cambridge, and Clare College, Cambridge (Scholarship in Law, 1914) : was in the O.T.C. at The Leys, and in the Shooting VIIL ; entered at Clare College in 1913: passed first "in First Division Law Examination. Mav, 1914 : joined tlie Tenitoria! Force as 2nd Lieut. Oct. 1913 ; izaz'tted Lieut. 4tli Devonshire Regt. 12 Nov. 1914: went to India with his batta'ion the Pillowing l)ec. ■ thence to Mesopotamia in Aug. 1915. in command of a draft o! 4ti jiicked men to reinforce the Royal West Kent Regt. ; waS with the besieged forii- in K ut-i l-Aniara 2 Dec. 1915. to 29 April. 1916. and on the surrender of the garrison became a jirisoner of war. being marched to Mosul, ]\Ieso[iotarnia. wlnre lie iliid oi enteritis 3 ,7une following: num. GREIG. ARCHIBALD GEORGE, Sergt., No. 202467. 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Gordon Hi'-'blander--. i-Idest v. of the late George Alexander Greig, of Yalkyrie, Stonehaven, by liis wife. Harriett, dau, of Thomas Penn H\:tchins ; b. Stone- haven, CO. KineanliiK-, 11 June, 1890; educ. Maekie Academy,- Stonehaven ; was a Watchmaker eniployed at Crietf : joined the 5th Yolnnteer (now the 4th Territorial) Battn. The iiordon Higlilanders 1 May. 1007 : was called up for service on the outbreak of war; .served with the- Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders froni 4 Mav, 1915, and was killed in action at .\rras 22 Slav, 1917. Buried at Romv ; num.' GREY, MARTIN HENRY, Private. No. 245284, lOfh (Service) Battn. The Durham l.iglif Infantry, s. of Thomas (Jrey. of Panhaven Road, Amble. Miner, by bis wife, Margaret jsabella, dau. of Martin Archbold : //. Cr;ister. co. North- ninbirland. 23 .June. 1808; educ. Church of England School. Dunstan. near Craster ; was a Miner: enlisted in tlie Onrham Light Infantry 17 April. 1917 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 17 July, and died ;it the No. 3 Canadian Casualty ('learin'.: Station 29 Oct. following, of wounds received in action. Buried in Military Cenn-ti'ry, Lyssent- hoek ; num. GREY, PATRICK RIDDLE, 2nd Lieut., 8th (Service) Battu. The Nortbnniberland l'"usiliers, .V. of .Major .lames l.ilburn tircy, Moorsidi- House, ]5erwiik-on- rw»'i'^ wife. Beatrici- Marv, dan. of the late Peter Riddle of Tweedmouth : /). Berwick. 4 Jan. 1893 ; ednc. Avenue .\ead<-my there ; Herriot-Watt College, and Kdinlmrgh Tni- versity, where he took a course in Mining [■Engineering : was gazettecl 3 .Fune. 1915 : -.ir\id with the Expeditionary Forci- in France and Flanders, and was killed in action near Mouipiet Farm 26 Sept. 1916. in the attack at Thiepval. His Commanding Otlieer wrote: " I knew your son well, as he was in my eomp.iiiy when I commanded one early in the year. an ; was sent to tin; Prison Guard at Newbury until Dec. 1914. and was afterwards drafted to Winchester and ^Yeston-supe^-5lare. and Barton-on-Sea. and died at New Milton. Barton-on-Sea, 22 Jan. 1916, of pneumonia. Buried in Shaw Cemetery at Newbury. He m. at Newbury, Sarah Annie (8. Mayor's Lane. Newbury, co. Berks), dau. of Albert Corderov, and had three children : James Georce,' b. 27 Feb. 1913; Harriet Eli7.al»^th, h. 1 Oct. 19()5,and Cissie Annie, ft. 28 Nov. 1007. GRIGOR, J., Sergt.. No. 5801. 1st Battn. The Gordon Highlanders; served with the lixprditionary Force in F'rance ; killed in action 26 Aug. 1914. GRIMLEY, FRANK, Rifleman. 6th (City of London Battn.) The London Regt.,. eldest .V. of Ernest Grindey, Bank Clerk, by hi.s wife. Marion, dau. of tnorize Wyatt ; b. Finsbury Park, J.ondon, N., 18 May, 1897 : ednc. Higher Grade Sehool. Woot. 1916. Buried at Eaucourt i'Abbaye. An olficer wrote: "He died gloriously^ the regiment making a record that day. advancing further and taking more prisoners than any other battalion." He was patrol leader for St. Michael- Bowes Boy Scouts, also a keen football and cricket player; unm. GRIMMETT, H., Private, Po. B. 1097; killed during the operations at Aiit- werji (t;t, 1914. GRIMMETT, THOMAS, Private. No. 8917, 2nd Battn. (2:lrd Foot) The Royal Welsh Fusiliers, .■.-. of William Grimmett : b, Birmingham, 2 Dec. 1886: educ. Floodgate Street Coimcil School there; enlisted in 1905, and served six years in India, where he won a gold medal for boxing, and when war broke out was emiiloyed by Wingrovc ,fc Sons. Floodgate Street. Birmingham; wi'ul to France with the ICxpeiiitionary Force in Aug. 19U. and was killed in action there 21 Jan. 1916. Rnried in Cambrin Cemetery. He «i. at St. John's Churclu Birmingham. Sarah (22, Court, back 265, Bradford Street, Birmingham), dau. ot William Horton ; .v./>. GRIMWADE, EDWARD ERNEST, Lieut.. :trd (Reserve) Battn. The Lan- cashire Fusiliers, v. of Sidney Richard Grimwade, of Megscotte. Pinner, co. Middlesex, bv his wife. Whinnie Ellen, dau. of Samuel Thompson; h BIytli Briiige. co. Stafford. 16 Dec. 1885 : educ. Newcjistle High School, co. Stafford ; Dr. Lunge's School. Hamburi: , tlie Ecole de (:ommerce. Neuch;Uel. Switzerland, and Cains Colletre, Cambridge: was employi-d at the Jetties under the Com- missioners of the Port of Calcutta ; obtained a commission March. 1915 : served with tlie :\Uditerranean Expeditionary Fo.'ce in Gallipoli and Kirypt ■ subse- nuentlv jiroeeeded to France, and was killed in action at Courcelette 17 Sept. 1916. Buried there. He ni. Dorothv Gcorgina. dau. of George Smith ami hatj a dan.. Pauline, b. I Jin. 1916. Aaron James Grigg. 122 The Roll of Honour GRINT, HENRY CHARLES, PriviUi', No. 10808, 1st liiittn. ("Jlli Foot) The Xnrfolk Ri'nt., .V. of iicnjainin (Jrint, of Burtih Beck Koud. liriston. vo. Norfolk, llailway Servant, hv iiis wife, SuHuimah, daii. of John Hvibbiird ; b. liriston, co. Norfolk. 17 Drv. 1802; cduc. National School there; was a Painter by trade, and had bccii cniplovcd bv tlic Midland and Great NortluTn R;iilwuy for seven years at Melton ('oris'tiihli-.'co. Norfolk ; served fonr yeurs in t he :>th (Territorial) Battn. Norfolk Reyt. On the ontbreak of war in Auj!;. lUU. he was working in Lincolnshire, bnt relnrm-d hi Nov. to Norfolk, and enlisted in the 3rd Battn. Norfolk Ri'irt. for the duration of the war; went to France Jan. lOlii, and wa.s killed in aetion at Arras 2!) March. HMO. Buried there; num. GRISBROOK. LLEWELLYN ALFRED, Corpl., No. loiHO. Kith (Service) J5attii. I'Ik lidval Sussex Keyt.. x. ol LltWillyn Alfred (Jrisbrook. of High Street. Forest Row, CO. Sussex. Labourer, by his wife, Emma, dan. of T. Kns.->ell ; b. Forest Row aforesaid. 2 Feb. 1800; "ednc. there; was a Traveller; enlisted 8 April, 1010; served with the Kxpi-ditionary Force in Franci- ami Flanders from .Sept.. and was killeii in aetion at Ypres 21 Dec. 1010. linried at Ksskx Farm, near Ypres. His Chaplain wrote : ■" His Company Commander could speak in no higher terms of your luisbanti than In- did. He said he was one of the best men he had. and not onlv )\r, hut wr all deeply feel his lo-ss." He m. at East (iiinstead. eo. Sussex, 2S April. loi."». ( — ). dau. of Daniel Garwood ; n.p. GRITT, ARTHUR JAMES PHILIP, Private, No. 607.T. I'-tth (Service) Battn. The Roval Fusiliers (City of London Rcgt.). 6. of the !ati' .Alfred Gritt. by his wife ( — ) (now wife of ( — ) Cane), of 76, Carlyle Road, South Kaliu;^ ; h. Fiilham. 18 March, .1800 ; ednc. Lammas Park School. West Falint:. \V. ; employed at W. H. Cullen's estahlishment in Fxhridy.- Koad ; voluutarily .iilistrd Sept. 1014 ; went to Fraru-e with a dralt hi Amu. lOlfj. and wa-^ !;ill.»i in aetion tlu-re 8 Julv. 1010. An otlieer wrote to his mother: ■'The Hyhlinti was tierce ami verv "stern, but we tiaiurd a h-w of the enemy trenches ; your son behaved sple'ndidly, and will be missed by otlieers and men." Two of his brothers were •on active .service at the timi- ; niiiii. GROSVENOR, ARTHUR WILLIAM, Bombardier, No. 22750. Koyal Field Artillery, eldest .s. t)f Arthur Martin Grosvenor, of 4, Woodeote Place. West Norwood. S.K.. Prudential Agent, by his wife. Jessie. 2nd dau. of the late Thomas Fortune, of Darlington : b. Islington. N.. 27 April, 1803 ; ednc County Coum-il Schools at Gipsy Road, West Norwood. S.E. ; was Assi.-itant Steward at the Dulwich and Sydenham Hill Golf Club ; voluntcrred and eidisti-d 21 April, 101') ; -.served with the Fxprditionarv Force in France Irom 12 Dre. fulluwing. and was killed in action at Morval 7 Get. 1010, during the Battle of tli<' Smnnir. Buried in the vallev. Ginehv-Morval Koad. His Conunaiiding Olheer. Ca[»t. J. S. Bark- worth, wrote : ■■ He was killed yesterday, the 7 Oct., whilst performing his duty in mending a broken telephone wire. His brother, T. (irosvenor. who was with him when he liied. has asked me to write to you, as he personally is too distressed at the moment to undertake it. I and all his comrades wish to express our dei-p svmpathv with >-ou in your bereavement ; he was a man whom, eqnally with lus brother. I had i")er^onailv the greatest liking tor, and both of them have always been most popular with all ranks of the battery, and his loss will be mo.st deeply felt. He always performed liis duty cheerfully and etficiently, and was remark- able for his good temper under all conditions, which have often been most trying. I have done what I can to comfort his In-other, who is heartbroken about it, bnt it is as hard for outsiders to help him as 1 fear it is to help you. He will be buried beside another man of tin- liattery this afternoon, and 1 hoi)e to obtain the services of a chaplain, and will do my best to have his grave as you would wish it left. After which 1 bojie to stud his brother to the wagon line, a place of safety, for a few days* rest and a chance to recover himself. He was hit while out mending the wire, in both arms and spine ; he called out once to the man who was with him. and I think was absolutely imcouscions after that till he died about halt an hour later." GROUND, FRANCIS WILLIAM, 2nd Lieut., 44th Coy., Machine Gun Corps, onlv s. ot tlie late WilliaTU Gr.niiul. Accountant, by his wife. Hi-ttie (Castle Close, Saridgatc. co. Kent), dau, of William Francis Gosling; b. London. 10 April, 1S85 ; educ. Lancing Coliege. Shoreham, co. Suss.^x. where he was captain of the school; was a Cliartered Accountant; joined the University and Public Schools Battn. Hoval Fusiliers (City of Linidon Rint.) :! Sept. 1014. being pro- moted Sergt. in Julv. 1015 ; served with tlie Kxi.editiouary Force in France and Flanders from 2S Nov. following: returned to Fngland II April. 1910; joined the OlHc-ers" Cadet Corps at Trinity College. Cambridge ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Machine (inn Corps 20 Sept. lOl'i ; trained at Grantham; returned to France 10 Dec, and was killed in action 2:') April. 1017. while directing the fire of his guns on the enemy near Arras. Buried north-east of (Jneinapi'e. and south-east of Arras. His Conunauding Otlieer wrote : " He was greatly lovnl by both officers and men. As Adjutant ot the company he worked hard always for the comfort and welfare of thi' men. and died at the post of duty," and a brotln'r officer : " The highest praise 1 have for anyone is to call him a man. and that is what he was." His servant also wrote: *" I cannot express in words the feelings that he was ri-garded with by everyone. He was. in the opinion of all. a splendid officer and a worthy gentleman." Cnm. GROVE, BASIL SIDNEY ERNEST, Private. No. 291027, 2;i0th (Terri- torial) Battn. The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regt.). only s. of the late Frank Ba.^'l (irove. of The Old Vicarage, Hertford. Schoolmaster, by his wife. Harriet, dau. ol Charles Davis ; b. Hertford. 20 Sept. 1898 ; educ. Regent Street Poh teelmic. London. W., anec. following, and died at No. H Casualty Clearing Station May, 1917, from wounds received in action the same da\ . hnried in Duisans British <'emetcry, wej^t- north-west of Arras ; inuti. GROVES, ROBERT HARRY, M.C.. 2nd l.ieiit,. 1 :'.rd Battn. ( Koval Fusiliers) The Lon- lon Kegt. (T.F.). eldest .s'. of Harry Groves, of . (ireenwich, S.E., Builder and his wife. I'illen. dan. of Robert b. Greenwich, co. Kent, educ. St. Duustan's College. Catford, S.K., and on leaving there entered his father's business ; joined the St. Duustan's t'ollege Coy. of the 1 '2nt h London Regt. m Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war; served with the KxpeditioiKiry Force in France and Flanders from March. 1915; took part in nniny engagements, and on 2 Aug. 1916. Omcr, obtaining a comnnssion in the 3rd ; joined hi:? battalion on the Somme the IM. Crooms Hill Cont ractor. tiy Barling Dann ; 1 June. 1895 ; same month, and died at a Casualty Clearing St.it ion 12 April, 1917» from wounds received in action at tin- B;itfle of Arras im the Kith. Burleil ill the British Cemetery at Sanity, Warlineourt Halte. 111-^ Cnlonel wrote: " When your son was hit he was leading his company. \ tew nights before he had distinguished himself during a most tr>ing operation. lii' had by his coolness and devotion saved many casualties in his cotnpaiiy, and 1 had sent his name in to the General. When the Iiattaliou was to attack 1 selected your boy to command his e' we again went forward, and onee more hi- led his men and so was bit. From all th.it I ha\e said \ ou will. 1 trust, realize how much we all admired your son and what a splendid olheer he j. roved. The men, who are so (puck to recognize a leailer. followed him anywhere. . . . Your son fell leading his men in a great \ietory. a glorious end to what I know was a happy life." He was awarded the .Military Cross [London Gazette, 19 June, 1917J, . *' For gallantry and devotion to duty on tin- night of :} April. 1017. Tliis otficer l>rought his company up under heav> machine-gun lire, and si-t a high example to all ranks. He succeeded, thnugh lonstantlj exposed liiiiHelf, in getting Iiis men into position with slight casualties. He also brought in the hotly of an olheer under liea\y inaebine-guu \\v." I'nni. GROWNS, ALFRED JOHN THOMAS, Private. No. G/9005, 18th (Service) Battn. The (Jueeu's Own (Roval West Kent Regt.). .s-. of the late George Growns, by his wife, Fanny Emily (4. Mill Crott Hoad. Clilfe-at-lloo. co. Kent): b. Maidstone, co. Kent, 25 Sept. 1880 : I'dnc ('lilfe Conncil School, near Ro<-hester ; enlisted in Aug. 1014 ; trained at Maidstone and Aldershot ; s<'rved with the Flxpeditionary Forci' in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 21 Sejit. 1917. His Commanding Officer wrote: "He died Uke a gentleman, and they buried him on the ridge ho was helping to fight for," t/nw. GUERIN, C, Private. No. 8000, :ird liattn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the Ex|)editionary Force in France ; killed in action :i Oct. 1914. GUILD, WILLIAM FORBES, Stall (.'apt., 12th Brigade, :lrd .'•■. of William Guild, Farmer, of Kenuiay, Manitoba, by his wife, Anna, dau. of Thomas Lums- den ; ''. Manitob;i. Canada, 2 Dec. 1880 ; edue. Keinnay Public School ; Brandon High School, Winnipeg, and Winnipeg Cni- versity, where lie graduated in 1900; was a Law\er. en-jatred in the, firm of Messrs. Cam])- b< II. Pultlado iV Co.; obtained a commissiou ;is 2ntl Lieut. 12 April, 1015 ; promoted (apt. Nov. 191.') : went forward to Kngland :is Capt. and Adjutant of the 52nd Battn. the same month; served with the Expedi- tionar> Force in France and l-'lainlcrs ; was wcnuided 16 Sept. 1910; returned to Canada on sick leave ; on liis recovery In Dec. 1010, returned to F'rance ; was appointed Staff (';ipt. and Acting Major; was wounded at Virny Kidge 8 April, 1917, and died two days later at No. 6 Casualty Clearing Station. Bnried in tlie British Cemetery, Barlin. jtrigadier-tieneral J. McBrten, Commanding 12th Canadian Infantry Brigade, wrote : " Your son's death was a great blow and lo.^s to m*^, both as a Staff orticer and as a friend William Forbes Guild. and a comrade in arms. I had the highest admiration for him on account of his sterling qualities as a man and as an otticcr. This admiration was shared by all who knew him. He possessed great ability, and his gallant conduct was beyond all praise. I know of no one who had sucli a fine reputation as he. and no more brave or willing otticer ever wore uniform," and Brigadier-General Hill : " Cajib. (Jnild's part in this tragic war will always be remembered by me. 1 had the highest opinion of his soldierly ability, and especially of his character. He recently left my brigade, having been given a responsible Staff ajipointment on my"^rec(uum"endatiou, and 1 had previously recommended that he received membership in the Distingiushed Service Order. He died a soldier's death gallantly on the field, and we must not mourn. He would not have wished it." His Chaplain also wrote : '" Of him we can s;iy sincerely ' He was a man ' ; take hiui for all in all. we shall not look u|»m hi^ like again." and a brother officer: "The whole battalion mourn with yon -our most pojuilar olheer -and we shall never have another who can be so popular and so looked up to. He was one of the cleanest, tinest men it has ever been my good fortune to know and call a friend." He was awardi-d the Ualian silver Medal for military valour ; mim. GUILFORD, WILLIAM HENRY, Private, No. 23.56, 1/Oth (Territorial) |t.i;tn. The F^ast Surrey Regt., x. of the late William Guilford, by his wife, Agnes (3, (Queen's Parade. Church Street, Wcybridge); /;. MersMiam, Asbford. co. Kent; educ. St. .lames's School, Weybridge ; ioined the East Surrey Territorials in 1005 ; was called up on till- oiitbreak of war: went to India 29 Oct. 1014, and subsequently volunteered for ser- ice in the Per-;ian iiiill ; was tak'ii prisoner at Kut-el-Amara 20 April, 1910, ;iud died c; Feb. 1917. of exantlicmatic typhus at .\ngora. Bnried in the cemetery in the neighbourhood of Kurbaghali. Asia Minor. His Contmanding Officer wrote. "1 very Miiuh re-.'ret to hear of the death of your son (It typhii- lever, whilst a ])risoner of war at Angora. J take this opportunity of i-xjire.s.dng on behalf of myself, officers. N.CO.'s and men of the battalion" our sincere sym|iathy in your loss, and to as.sure you that we all feel that William Henry Guilford. the regiment has lost a real good soldier in till- death of your son," and a comrade r " He was my be.st chum from the tinu' of our landiicj in this country until after the Battle of Ctesiphon. where I left him to go to the Field Dres.iu'i Stntion. As he was of my section, I can say a better an, of dysentery. Buried there • unm ' GUNN JOHN ALEXANDER, Private, l/8th (Territorial) Battn. Princess IT'^'A '^'P'" '"."^ Si'tli'^land Highlanders), s. of George Murrav Gu nn bv his wife Christian, dau ot Jolm Husband, of Berwick-on-Tweed, ■Seliooliiast. r J tanberwel, London. S.E.. 12 Aug. 1886: educ. Bronilev Lodge (Mr Harris' s,;h'-';"'"'h «■" ,^■"■S'■'■* ^'■''?«l ■ »'•'' ■' Bank Clerk ; joined the 8tl Argyll an.'' &uther.and Highlanders in D,-e. 1914 ; served with the E.Kpeditionarv Force ID Prance and 1 landers, an.l died from wounds received in action on 13 .\6v 191( Buried in a military cemetery behind the line. His officer wrote . •• He at .all te'auie}',,';? r;'K?" "."" ^'"'■fy, ■■■^l- >='"'racter wa. excellent and i ins qjiet and stead.\ way he showed a fine example to those around him " Unm s^rVT,'i^?',lP"V'^'";??""'"' ^?- '^^^'' ^"^ ^5"""- 1'"" Koy' li-fe" "ilf^ ; 27 Sept 1914 i-'^Peditionary Force m France; died of wounds and tetanus Tl!;!Rnv.^?v„u??'^V^""*f' ^°:^P*' Scout Section, 9th (Service) Bat.u. 7 Ke^V,? < t^^ usl lers, only ». ol John Gunning, of 4^. Oueen's Drive. Walton, wniP„ "i- .''^oolmastcr by his wif,-. Catherine Prudence, dan. of the late \V il lam Swift, Farmer : b Liverpool, co, Lancaster, 7 March, 1895 ; educ, Liver- ool Institute ; was employed as a Clerk by the Mersey Dock and Harbour Sr,. ' '";? "^"^ also Organist of Speke Parish Church ; joined the Lancashire in the Ri?,?"w7-,"?^'''i-^°""-"7'' '■^■■'•''■' " ^'^■' 1918; became a Private ,"J ■ S- ' ^V'"'' f'K'I'Ws 17 Dec. 1916; served with the Expcditionarv St^tTn , oVo^f T ■^"'■■' ^-^^'' "'V '"<"' "' ""= "2'"1 Canadian Casualty Clearing m'.ri^ inti V ^°"""',"'"; 01 wounds received hi action ncur Ypres on the 2711,! Bnrii-d 111 the Lyssenthoek Jlihtarv Cemetery • iiiim fif^uJ^,' r'f'Vi'','^°r?*^.'^"^V^'."."',l"l' Si"''-^- I'x'i'in Army, only surv. V u ^'v »'^; '• .'^'" 'J' «."''th .v. of the lat,- Thomas Henrv Gurrin, F.R,G S F R M S by Ins wife, Ada .Mary (10, Harley Koad, Hampstead, N,\V.) ■ b Hi^l'ioate' London, V, 14 .March 1898 ; edue. stoMvlmr-t (cllege, where he servSd'flve ,\ears m the O T.C.and joined the OIlie, r,' I ail.t liattn. at Oxford in Oct. 1916 • passed out in Jan. 1917, and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 1 Feb. 1917 : served with the , n^'- i""?"'? '^°''"' '" r'"»nce and Flanders, and was killed in action 5 Aug 191 ( Buried at A oormezeele. His Adjutant wrote : '■ I deeply regret to have to intorm you ot the circumstances of yonr son's death. He" was (mite well known to me, as we worked togetli.T for a short time in the same corapanv We all admired him for his pluck, ami for the excellent work he did during the exten- sive operations on 7 June, when he led a section party up to the front line at night imder very difficult conditions. Presentiv we moved to a new part of the line, and were holding some trenches that had just been captured from the enemv lire conditions very trying, and the continual wet weather made operations aimctirt. \our son was with his company in tlie front line, and in spite of all the difficidties. they had done excellent work. Unfortunately, at daybreak on the morning of 5 Aug., our Brst front line was attacked by the enemy,'wlio were aided by a heavy mist. Your son did all that an officer could do, aiid was seen to go forward to locate- the enemy. At this moment he was .severely wounded by a bomb, and was carried on a stretcher down to the nearest post as' quickly as jiosslb e. Here he reci'ived all the attention tliat could be given, but his woimd proved too serious." Unm. GWYNNE, ALBERT EDWARD, Pri^•ate. Xo. 3'2045, 14th (Service) Battn Ilie Gloucestershire Ri-iit., .«. of Thomas Gwvnne. of Weir Hud Cottage. Bridstow near Ross, by his wife. .Mary, dau. of Ann .\Iapp ; i. Bridstow afon-said. 29 Jnh' 189,: educ, at Bridstow County Council School ; enlisted 7 Sept. 1914 • served with till- Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 19 Aug, 1917. A coinrad.- wrote : " He was one of the best boys of his platoon and spc-cially mentioned for liis cheerfulness in times of hardship and his willin"- ne,s at all times." I'lim. GWYTHER, J. H., Privati-. Xo. 9840, 1st Battn, The Shropshire Light Infantry ■ served with the hxpedit iouary Force in France; killed in action 24 Oct. GYE, ALEXANDER HUGH, Lieut.-Commander. R.X., onlv H.rbert Frederick (i\e, Capt., M.V.O.. R.X., Offlcier de la Le'gion d'Honnei H.B..M. Consul at Brest, France, 1899-1906, by his wife, the Hon, Adelaide 1-anny Hood (5, Westbourne Gardens, Folkestone), dan. of Gi-nc-ral \'isi-ounf Lridport. fi.C.B., Duke of Bronte : and great-iuphew of Admiral Viscount ^elson ; b. London. 7 Feb. 1884 : edue. Douslas' School. .^lalvern Link and Lupton's, School. Farnliorough ; joined H..M.S. Britannia 15 .Ian 1899 ■ w.is promoted Midshipman 30 June, 1900, Sub-Lieut. 311 Aug. 1903, Lieut 1 -Ipril 191)6, and Lieut.-Commander 1 April, 1914 ; served in H.M.S, .^tajestic 1900 •' H..M.S. Implacable. 1901; H.M.S. Drake, 1903; Royal Naval College. Green- wich, 1903 ; H.M.S. Empress of India 1904 : H.M.S. Hannibal and H M S King Edward VIL, 1905. He commanded H.M. Torpedo lioat N'o. 113. to which he was appointed in July. 1906 ; served in H.M.S. Bellerophon. I9II9. and in 1911 was aiipointed to the command of H..M.T.B. No. 10, and latc-r to H.'M T li \o 4 when he was attached to the Royal Xaval College, Dartmouth ; appointed to command of Dcstroyir Teviot, 1912; on the outbreak of war comminded tin- Destroyer Lapwing, to which lif- was a|ipointed 17 June, liiu, and in 1916 the Dcstroj-er Xegro ; took part in the liattl, of the Helinnlaud Bight 28 .\iig 1914 during which he took the disabled lictii.vi-r Laertes in tow under cross Arc - the Dogger Bank Jan. 1915, and Jutland 31 Mav, 1916. and was lo.st at sea w-hil,- on active servic-e 21 Dec. 1916. He was twice mc-ntioned in Despatches bv 1, i'"'"^"' '^'"^ Horace Hood, for servic(-s rendered during tlu- oiierations off the iii-lgian Coast in 1915. and by Admiral Sir John .lellicoe | London (iazette, 15 Sept 19101. for services rendered in the Battle ot Jutland, May. 1910, for wliicli he was Al.so commended. GYLES, JOHN HERMAN, Private. Xo. G. 50337, 11th (Service) liattn Tlie Royal Fusiliers (City of Loudon K.gt.), 2nd s, of George Gvles, of 44 Hamilton Street, Cardiff, Mastc-r Mariner. Mercantile- Marine, bv his wife, .Matilda, dan «l Jsiac Pearce; h. Cardiff, co. Glamorgan. 19 Xov. "1888; educ. Intermediate 1914. of the late -.cliool thir.- : was for 1 1 .vears a Bank Clerk in the London Citv A- Midland Bank I hr.adueedle Street. London, K.C. ; enlLsted 27 May, 1916; served with the .\|ie,liti..i,ary Inrce in France and Flanders from 27 Sept., and was killed in letion at Grandcourt 17 Feb. 1917. Buried where lie fell ; mkiii. HACKETT, ARTHUR, Private. Xo. 267335, The Roval Warwickshire Rcgt yr, .«. of Daniel ilaekett, of 143, Carlton Itoad. Bordesley Green, Birmingliani' llo-pital :!ii Get following, from wounds received in action. Buried in Yardley Crnicter> . liimiiiiL'ham ; unm. Evans Hadden. HADDEN, EVANS, I, -Corpl., Lewis Gun Section, lotli (Service) Battn. Tlic Royal Dublin Fusiliers. 4th ». of William Woods Hadden. of .lohnstown. Tinahelv, CO. Wii-klow, by his wife, Mary Alice, daii. of Thomas Uaskiiis, of "Coolboy, Tinahelv; and •;dsoii. of Henry liieliards Hadden, M.D., of Hat hear: b. Tinahelv, 10 June. 1897; edue. .M.thodist College. Belfa.st ; enlLsted in Oct. 1915 ; took part in i|uelling the Rebellion m Dublin during the Ea.ster week. 1910; was the only man in his company to gain his mark-nianship badge during musketry training at kilhri.l.'. CO. Dublin; served with the Lxpeditiniiary Force in France and Flanders from Aug. 1916 ; was mortally wounded 29 April. 1917. at G.avrelle, during the Battle ol Arras, and died 2 Jlay following, at Xo, 41 Casiialtx CleariuL'Station. Buried at Aubignv ; "inti. HADDOCK, DAVID, Private. Xo. 29516. 1st Battn. (14tli Foot) The Prince of Wales's Own (West Vorksliirc Regt.), s. of William ...,,;,„, ,, . , Haddock, by Ins wife. Elizabeth ; educ. F-^,^Hii„^nrvF '■"■■■'' %-""-'"'^'"' '■""*'"" '" ^'^>'' 1910: «"™' -Adelaide, dau. of the Rev. Robert Cartwright, of Ixworth Abliey, co. Suffolk, and Rector of Ellingham. co. Xortolk ■ b Ellin»; ham. CO. .Norfolk, 1875; educ. Spondon Home School. Di-rbv. and SedbcrWi i'."' OO.K 'f. "■"s.engased "s a Land Surveyor in British Columbia ; enlisted°in the 29th Canadian Battn. on the outbreak of war ; returned to England and obtained a commission as Lieut, in Aug. 1915. being promoted Capt. 5 Oct 1915 • served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan 1916 • took part in the operations on the Somme. and was killed in action at Villers- Guislam. three miles from Heudicoiirt, north-west of Peronne 29 Mav 1917 Buried there. His Colonel wrote .- " I cannot tell you what a loss vonr iilisband will be to the battalion ; everyone, officers and men, loved him,' and had the greatest c^onfldence in him. He possessed everv qiialitv that goes to make a soldier Xot only was lie the bravest man I have ever seen, and I have seen many, hut he could be n-licd on to carry out the most difficult enterprise He taiitani'iiisly, and that he was performing^ a u'ailant act when he was struck down," and the Divisional Othcer Commanding: "He was one of the best officers I have been jirivik-ged to command during my long service at liomc and abroad ; beloved in the lield anilniUuicc. he won the esteem of all ranks." He was twice mentioned in Despatches liy F.M. Sir Jolm (now Lord) French, for gallant and distinguislied service in the field, and was also awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette, 14 Jan. 10Ui|, for distinguished service in the fiehl. He m. 1 July, 1916, Sylvia Anita, dau. of ( — ) Gee ; s.p. HALCOP, C, Stoker, 1st Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. HALE, C. R. H., Private, No. 8851, 1st Battn. The Devonshire Regt.; served with the I'^xjicditionary Force in France killed 21 Oct. 1914. HALE, JOSEPH, Private, 1st Battn. (I4th Foot) The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Kegt.) .v. of Richard Hale, of Keighley . b. Oakworth, Keighley ; educ. there ; was a t^uarryman ; enlisted in Aug. 1915 ; served with the Expe- ditionar>- Force in France." and wa> killed in act'on 1 July. 1016. Buried on the River Somme. He m. at Keighlev. Lilian, dau. of (^) Wood, and liad three children : Eric. b. 9 Nov. 1914 ; iWotliv. b. 6 June. 1908, and Phvlhs, b. 24 Nov. 1910. HALE, STUART ANTHONY, Private, No. 26424, 7th (Service) Battn. The (Jueen's Own (Koyal West Kent Regt.), k. of Charles Hale, ot Battle Hill, Battle, CO. Sussex, Coachman, by his wife, Annie, dau. of Thomas I'layford ; b. Battle aforesaid, 3 July. 1898; educ. there, and Langton National School; enlisted 2 April. 1917; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 15 Aug. ; was severely wounded at Poeleappelle 12 Oct. following, and died the following day at No. 61 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Dozinghem. His Commanding Otlicer wrote : '" He w;is an excellent soldier, and did his duty and best to please everyone." Vnm. HALES, WILLIAM CLIFFORD. 2nd Lieut., 8tli (Service), attd. 2nd (66th. Font). Hattn. Princess Charlotte of W'ales's (Koval Berkshire Regt.), only «. of William lleiirv Hales, of Wimbledon, S.W'., and rliiford's Inn, London, E.C., Solicitor, by his wile. Florence, dau. of Henry Hersee ; 6. \Vest Kensington. W.. ;i June, 1891; educ. King's »n||eg.-, Wimbledon Common, S.W. ; matri- rulatid at London University; was articled to a tirni of Solicitors, and passed his final! Law examination in June, 1914. He enlisted :S1 Aug. 1914, in the Norfolk Regt.: obtained a commission 10 Mareli, 1915 ; served witli the Exfieditionary Force in France and Flanders; was in "the Somme attack in July. 1916, and killed in action 24 Oct. 1916, during a night attack between Gueudecourt and Les I'.o'ufs. Buried in the Sunken Road Ceme- tery between Lc Trausloy and Les Beeufs. iiortli of Conibles. His Captain wrote : " He was killed while leading his company in a niiiht attack. He died perfectly consciously and without jiain." His Colonel wrote : " He was killed wliile most gallantly leading his men. He was an excellent officer in everv wa\, and 1 conld ill atford to lose liim. He is buried on the battlefield." He ni at Wimbledon, S.W., 27 April, 1916, Atliol Daisy, dau. of Charles Henry Harris. HALEY, W., Private. No. 10314, 2nd Battn. The Essex Kecjt. : served with tln.- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 28 Aug. 1914. HALFORD, W. F. V., Sajiper, No. 2455;;. K.E. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franc- : killed in action :i Oct. 1914. HALKETT, ALEXANDER LAING, Gunner, No. 143620, R.F.A.. 2nd Surv. a. of John Halkctt, of 1. Park Avenue, Dundee, by Ids wife, Ann. dan. of John Reid • h. Dundee, 9 Oct. 1880; educ. St. Salvador and Butterburn Schools there; was a Wheelwright: enlisted 15 May, 1916; .served with the Expedi- tionarv Force in France and Flanders from 13 Dee. following, and was killed in action" 21 Feb. 1917. Buried in Sailly-au-Bois Military Cemetery. He was a. William Clifford Hales. The Roll of Honour 125 Charles Sidney Hall. well-known Scottish football player, beginning his career with the Parkmore Football Club, a Dundee Junior Club, subsequently pa-ssed on to the City's Premier Club, and later signed for Aberdeen, playing also for St. .Johnstone. He m. at Perth. May, 191(5. .Tcssie Cameron (Spey Street. Kingussie), dau. of William Black, and had a son, Clement Robertson, b. 28 Jan. 1917. HALL, A., Private. No. 5147. lOtli (Prince of Wales's Own Hoyal) Ha-isars ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action '23 Oct. 1914. HALL, A., Private, No. 7594, 1st Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action at Armentieres 27 Oct. 1914. HALL, A. W., Gunner. Xo. 25776. R.F.A. : served with the E.Kpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 19 Sept. 1914. HALL, C. B., Sergt.. No. 6594, The South Lancashire Regt,; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in I'rance ; died of wounds 24 Oct. 1914. HALL, CHARLES SIDNEY, 2nd Lieut., R.F.C., 3rd s. of Joseph John Hall, of Westfield, .\sliington. co. Northumberland. Alining Engineer, b.v his wife, Emily Eleanor, dau. of Tliouias Lewis ; b. Aslungton aforesaid, 9 April. 1898 ; educ. North Eastern County School. Barnard Castle, and Armstrong College, University of Durham, where he was preparing for the pro- fession of a alining Engineer with the inten- tion of succeeding liis father ; was a member of the O.T.C.. both at school and college, and held an Honorary Instructor's Certificate and Medallion of the' Royal Life Saving Society ; gazetted 2nd Lieut." R.F.C. 28 June, 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders when 18 years of age, joining the 60th Squadron R.F.C., and was killed in aerial action in front of Arras 7 April. 1917. Buried 1.000 yards south-east of Tilloy-les- aiottlaines. east of Arras. His Squadron Com- mander wrote : " He was leading a fighting patrol of six macliines on the evening of tile 7th. They most gallantly attacked a forma- tion of hostile aeroplanes of much superior number, and two machines were brought down. They got at least one Hun. Of the four who returned, three were very badly shot abont. Both our machines were observed to land behind the lines quite close up to the German line. One hopes they are unhurt. We all liked your son imniensely and miss liim sorely." His body was found by an officer of the R.F.A. in the subsequent advance of the British two davs later. His eldest brother. Capt. L. W. Hall, R.F,C., and l,"t Battn. The Bo'rder Regt,., was flying continuously at the front for over twelve montlis, and was subsequently appointed Flying Instructor in the latest British aeroplanes, and liis other brother, who also volun- teered at the beginning of the war, lias now (1918) been serving at the front for over two years with the R,E. in the 50th Division, and was captured by tiie Germans in the great attack on 27 May ; unm. HALL, E. E., Boy, 1st Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. HALL, E. T., Able Seaman; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark '26 Nov. 1914. HALL, E. W., Able Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. HALL, ERNEST JA\tES, L.-Corpl., No. 95547, Tank Corps s. of the late (— ) Hall, by his wife, Agnes Mary dau. of James B>Ton b. Birmingham, co, War- wick, 17 Dec. 18.. ; educ. St. Matthew's School there; was a Silver Finisher; enlisted 9 Jan. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, where he was wounded ; on recover.v proceeded to Salonika ; was invalided home in Sept. 1917 , subsequently returned to France, and was killed in action at Cambrai 1 Dec. following. Buried there. He married at St. Chad's Cathedral. Birmingham, Agnes Mary (2, .\bbey Place, Abbey Street, Birinincham), dau. of .lames Bvron. and liad three cliildren : Ernest James, b, (posthumous) 10 .Mav. 1913 ; Dorothy Isabel, b. 8 Sept. 1912, and Mary Agnes, b. 23 Nov. 1913. HALL, F. H., Private, No. 11589. The Sherwood Foresters; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Sept. 1914. HALL, G. W., Bombardier, No. 5I'>093. R.F.A. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; found dead 8 Sept. 1914. HALL, GEORGE, Private, No. 41900. 19tli (Service) Battn. The Lancashire Fusiliers. >i. of the late John William Hall, Corporation Official, by liis wife, Mar- garet (83. Bigland Street, Salford. Manchester), dau. of Frank Williams ; b. Weaste, Jlanchester, 8 Oct, 189S ; educ. Salford aforesaid : w^as employed by the London A* North Western Railway Company ; enlisted 19 .\pril, 1917 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 15 Nov. following, ail I w.as kilh'd ill action at Ypres on the 30th of that month. Buried there ; unm. HALL, GEORGE, Private, No, 8693, 9l5t Jlachine Gun Corps, s, of James Hull, of 2, New Road, Tintwistle, co. Chester, by his wife, Esther Lily. dau. of George Hayward ; 6. Tintwistle aforesaid, 7 Aug. 1895 ; educ. Wesleyan School, Ri^hton, near Blackburn; was a Baker; enlisted 11 Sept. 1915. in the Royal Scots ; transferred to Machine Gun Corps in Dec. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from March, 1916, and was killed in action during" the advance north of Ypres 26 Oct, 1917, Buried there. Private Hall was a good sportsman, and showed promise of becoming a good musician, and played the violin in the River Etherow Orchestra, HALL, J., Private, No. 6949. 1st Battn. The Lincolnsliiro Regt. ; served with th-; Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Oct. 1914. HALL, J., Private, No. 9054. 2ad B.attn. Thu King's Own (Yorkshire Light liilantrv). s:-rved with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of w.junds 26 (Irf. 19'l4. HALL, JOSEPH, Gunner, No. 294823, R.G..\^.. s. of John William Hall, of 25, Waterhouse Lane, Hull, Shoemaker, by Ids wife, Catherine, dau. of Robert Jones ; b. Hidl, CO. York. 12 July, 1882 ; educ. there ; was a Shoemaker ; served for three Years prior to the war in the 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Ea.st Yorkshire Regt. ; enlisted in the 30th Siege Battery R.G.A. 22 Feb. 1916 ; served with the Expedi- tionarv Force in France from the following Aug.. and was ki'led in action near Ypres"? Oct. 1917. Buried in the South Cemetery. Menin Road. His Captain ■ttTote : "I cannot tell you how much we all. both officers and men. miss him. He was an excellent worker and always cheerful, and li.as left a gap. wiiicli it is impo^ible to fill up. All the officers and, I am sure, all the men, join with me in sending you our very deepest sympathy. He died, as he lived, a man, and doing liis duty," U7im. HALL, NORMAN DE HAVILLAND, 2nd Lieut., 1st Battn. (12th Foot) The Suffolk Regt., \T. .1. of Dr. Francis de H,avilland Hall, of 47. Wimpole Street. London, W., M.D., Consulting Plivsician, by his wife, .\iny Margan-t, dau. of Apsley Smith; b. 47, Wimpole Street, London, W,, 17 Nov. 1887 ; educ. Castlc- niount, Dover ; Tonbridge School, and Ecole de Commerce. Neuchatel. Switzer- land ; was emploved with Messrs. Vivian, Gray & Co,, of the Stock Excliange : volunteered for foreign service, and joined the Artists' RiBes in Aug. 1914. after the outbreak of war ; served with the Expeditionary Force_in France and Flanders from Jan. to Oct. 1915 ; obtained a commission in the 1st Suffolk Regt in Oct. 1915 ; served in Salonika, and died in hospital there 7 Oct. 1916. from wounds received in action on the Bulgarian front on the 3rd. Buried in Salonika Cemetery. His Company Commander wrote : " His platoon. No. 4. was in the front line, and he advanced in the most gallant fashion for one and a lialf kilo- metres. I then went and gave him his orders to take up a position and con- .solidate it, our objective having been reached. He had been previously knocked over by a high explosive, but was all right. I left him in the best "of spirits, digging in, but soon after this he was hit by a piece of shrapnel, ... He lias been a great loss to us. as he was always so cheerful in the liardest of times, and alwavs doing tilings for others." Vnm. HALL, S., Acting Corpl., Xo. 9213, 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. HALL, SAMUEL, Private, Xo, 8505, The Sherwood Foresters : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 4 Oct. 1914. HALL, T., Sergt., No. 6249, 1st Battn. The Norfolk Regt. ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 24 Aug. 1914. HALL, W., L.-Corpl., No, 10654, 2nd Battn, The Duke of Wellington's Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 19 Sept. 1914'. HALL, W., Private, No. 5076. Tlie Scots Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. HALL, WILFRED LESLIE, Private, No. 17799, 1st Royal Marine Light I niantry, eldest ». of Sergt. Oscar Henry Hall, of 42. Riverside Terrace, Ely, Cardiff. Glamor- 2an, R.E., by Ids wife, Mary Ann Elizabeth, dau. of .Alfred Thomas White ; b. Balsall Heath. Birmingham. 29 Airil, 1897 ; edue. Ely Council School, Cardiff, and was sub- sequently employed as a Machine Hand at the Ely Paper .Mills ; joined the Royal Marine Light Infantry 27 Dec. 1914 : won the Com- mander s cash prize for sharpshooting at Deal, and obtained his cross-guns as a marksman at Plymouth ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Feb. 1916, and was killed in action to the north of Arras 17 Feb. 1917. Buried in the British Roval Marine Cemetery, near Holland Wood, Beau- lourt. Second Lieut. L. A. Evans wTote : ■ He died lighting nobly for liis country, much bemoaned by his friends and the officers of the 1st Royal Marines. He was loved by Wilfred Leslie Hall. all who knew him." Unm. „,,.,., „ HALLAM, N., Private, Xo. 7613, 2nd Battn. Ihe York and Lancaster Regt ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ■ died of wounds 24 Oct. 1914. HALLAM, W., Private. No. 6930. The Leicestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary lorce in France; killed in action 22 Oct. 1914. HALLETT, G. J., Private. Xo. 7248. 2nd Battn. The Essex Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 1 Nov. 1914. HALLETT, H. R., Ordinary Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. HALLIDAY, .A.., Private, Xo. 7048 The Gordon Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 24 Oct. 1914. HALLIMAN, M.. Private. Xo. 9829, 2nd Battn. The L-inster Regt ■ served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in 1914. HALLS, WALTER GEORGE, Private. Xo. 9392. 2nd Battn. (l'2th Foot) Tlie Suffolk Regt.. 3rd .«. of Thomas Halls, of Station Road. Lakenheath co Suffolk ; b. Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk. 21 Julv. 1889 ; educ. Lakenheath Council School : was employed as a Platelayer on the Great E,astern Railway. Having previously been in the .Militia, he was called up on the outbreak of wa"r. and served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; took part in many engagement.s. and was killed in action at Ypres 22 Jan. 1916 ; im»i. HALSEY, ERIC CHARLES, 2nd Lieut., 2/7th (Citv of London) Battn. The London Regt. (T.F.). only s. of Charles Henry Halsev. of St. Tudiio. Watford, Estate Agent and Surveyor, by Ids wife, Mary, dau. of Joseph Holt ■ b. Watford CO. Herts, 8 Feb. 1896; educ. Milton House School, and the Grammar School, Watford ; subsequently entered his father's business ; joined the Artists' Rifles 24 July. 1915 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 7th London Regt. 20 Dec. following ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 27 Jan. 1917i and was killed in action at Bulleeoiirt 20 June following. Buried in Croisilles Military Cemetery, south-east of Arras ; unm. HALSTEAD, G. H., Ordinary Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 X'ov. 1914. HAMILTON, BERNARD ST. GEORGE, Lieut.. 15tll Maclline Gun Coy., s. of the Rev. John .Miller Hamilton. Bapfi-t .Minister at Crossgates, Leeds, by ills wife, E. Josephine, dau. of Joseph IJaiii.-s. ni Kinibolton. co. Huntingdon ; 6. Lowestoft, 24 Jan. 1892 ; educ. Duriuim i;ranimar School, and Halifax "Tech- nical College : joined the Glasgow Highlanders in 1913 ; was called up on the outbreak of war ; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Oct. 1914; was invalided home in .fan. 1915. suffering from trench feet ; on Ids recovery proceeded with a draft to France, but returned home and obtained a commission in the 13th Battn. The Highland Light Infantry in Oct. 1915, being subsequently attached to the .Machine Gun Corps ; trained at Grantham ; re- turned to Franco in Oct. 1916, and was killed in action at Oppv Wood 28 June, 1917, while leading liis men into a captiu-ed German trench. A brother officer WTOte ; " You may well be jiroud of your husband ; he was always fearless, loved by his men and popular among the whole division. He was a"fine officer, and always did Ids work well. We all miss liiin more than I can sav," and another; " He was always so bright and cheery, and re.ady to do more tiiaii Ids share of work, that he was loved and admired by ever.vone. I've never seen men so upset as his section is about it. He w.as buried at dead of night wiiere he fell — a fitting place for such a warrior." Another wrote : " Bernard would go out in his usual cheery way ; we all knew he coiddn't be anything else. Manv will uuss him ; none do so more than his own men. who have had the good fortune to have tum to command them." He m. at Wishaw. 14 Aug. 1916, Ethel Margaret, yst. dau. of T. Swinnerton, of Wishaw. HAMILTON, F., Gunner. Xo. 58130. R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds received in action 26 Oct. 1914 HAMILTON, GAVIN, Private. No. 40579. 14th (Service) Battn. Princes Louise's (.\rgylland Sutherland Highlanders). 3rd x. of the late William Hamilton of Lennoxtown. Boot .Manufacturer, by liis wife. Margaret (6. Cromwell Square Queen's Park, Glasgow), dau, of the late John Paterson, of tilasgow ; and brother to Sergt. W. Hamilton (j.c); b. Lennoxtown. Glasgow, 27 .Vpril. 1897 ; educ. there; enlisted 22 May. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died 25 June, 1917. of wounds received by a shell which burst in his dug-out. Buried at Etincourt. live and three-quarter miles east-north- east of Ckimbles ; unm. 126 The Roll of Honour Wilfrid Stephen Hami>'n. HAMILTON, J., Privati'. Xo. o'll, 1st Battn. Tho StiWortli HighlaiiiUrs ; si rvt-d with thf K\iM(!itionary Forn- in Franco; dit-d of wounds 8 Nov. 1914. HAMILTON, J. A.. Private. Xo, IWU. 1st Battn. Thr Wrst York.-*hiro Ki^t. : -. rv.'d witli th<' Kxp'-dltioniiry Forw in France; killed in action 2(1 Sept. 1914. HAMILTON, P.. t'orpl.. Xo. 7706. 2nd Battn. TIic Scaforth Highlanders; ^■■r\>-4l witli the Kxpeditionary Force in France; died of womids !,'» Oct. 1!»I4. HAMILTON, WILLIAM, Scrgt., Xo. 6237. 5th (Territorial) Battn. The (."anieroniaiis (Scottish Ililles), eldest x. of the late Williani Hamilton, of l.ennox- town. Hoot Mannfaetnrer. hy liis wife, Margaret (6. Croniwell Square. (?ueeu*s I'ark. Cihisgow), dan. of the" late Jolm Paterson, of (ilasgow ; and brother to Private ii. Haniilton (g.'*.) ; b. Leunoxtown, Ghisgow. 8 Oct. 1888 ; edue. tliere. and at Allen (Men's School, (ilasgow ; joined the Territorial Force 5 Sejit. 1910 ; was called up on niol)|lization in Aug. 1914 : served with tlie Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders; was wounded at High Wood 20 July. 1916. and died 7 Aug. following a pri.soner of war in a Gorman hospital at Caudry. I5uried there ; num. HAMLYN. WILFRID STEPHEN, 2nd Lieut., 6th (Service) Battn. The Duke of CornwaH's Light Infantry, s. of Tom Parker, Hamlyn, of Craig Moor. Okehampton, co. Devon, Head Postmaster of Okehampton and District, by liis wife, .\nna Maria, dan. of Stejihen Wellington, of Okehampton : 6. Exeter. 19 June. 1892 ; cduc. Moorside School, Okeliampton ; wiis in the employ of the X'a- tional Bank of JCngland, at tlie Sontlvsea Branch, and afterwards at X'ewcastle ; en- listed in the 21st (4th Public Schools) Battn. Royal Fusiliers (City of London Kegt.) 17 July. 1915 : trained at Epeom and on Salisbury Plain ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 1915 ; was reeoniniended for a C'adetslup ^[iirch. 1916, and, returning to England, underwent the Cadet's course of training at Gailes Camp, CO. Ayr : was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 26 Sept. 1916, and after a few months at Freshwatunie ixe.-llent work, especially of late, which would certainly have received some recognition had he lived. 1 was quite near lum when he was killed. He was shot through the heart, and died almost at once." Unm. HAMMOND, T., Private, X'o. 8025, 1st Battn. The Xortiiamptonshire Regt. ; served with tin- Expeditionary Force in France; died of wountU 25 Oct. 1914. HAMMOND, W., Able Seaman : lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Xov. 1914. HAMMOND, W. H., Shipwright. 2nd Cla«s ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Xov. 1914. HAMMOND, W. G., Private, Xo. 9160, 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers ; served with tin- l-Ixpeditionary Force in France ; killed 26 Sept. 1914. HANCOCK, A.. Acting Corpl., Xo. 7869, 1st Battn. The Royal Berkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France: killed in action at Zonnebekc 25 Oct. 1914. HANCOCK, G. T., Cor[>l.. X''o. 9740, 1st Battn. The Xorth Staffordshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. HANCOCK, JAMES, Stoker. 1st Class, X'o. K. 13530 ; lost on H.M.S. Pegjisus Sept. 1914. HANCOCK, RALPH LONGHURST. Lieut., 2/8th (Territorial) Battn. The Worcestershire Regt., «. of Sardius Hancock, of The Pjistures, Upper Housell. Mahern Link, Lecturer, by his wife. Mary Jane. dan. of Joseph Green Longhurst ; b, Harliledown. CO. Kent. 7 Aug. 1593: educ. Hollingbmirne and Harrietsham, co. Kent, and St. Jnlms, Worcester : was apprenticed at the Koyal Worcoter Porcelain Works as a Painter on Cliina : afterwards became a Journalist on the statf of the " Worce.stersldrc Echo"; enlisted in the Royal Sussex Regt. (Cyclist,^ Corps) 15 .lune. 1915 ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 31 Dec. following, being pro- moted Lieut. 25 July, 1917; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flandi-rs, and was killed in action 27 Aug. 1917. His Commanding Officer wrote : " In the action in wiiich he was killed he was leading his platoon in a splendid manner against a very strong position amidst very heavy fire. All Ralph Longhurst Hancock. liis work, and especially his conduct during liis last action, proved liim to be a very brave and gallant soldier." He m. at Worcester, 10 June. 1915. Ada Dorothy, dau. of Samuel Smith, and had a dau., Joan Dorothy, b. 17 Xov. 1916. HANCOCK, T., Private, X'o. 8532, 1st Battn. The East Lancaslure Bcgt. ; served with tin- Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 9 Sept. 1914. HANDFORD. E. R., Private. X'o. 6878. 2nd Battn. The South Staffordshire Reut. : ser\ed with the Expeditlonarv Force in France; died of wounds 24 Sept. 1914. HANDLEY, S., Private, X'o. 9303, 2nd Battn. The Sherwood Foresters ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 20 Sept. 1914. HANDLEY, TOM, Private, Xo. 33723. 9th (Service) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorksliire Regt.), k. of the late George Handley. of Sharow, near Ripon, by liis wife, Sarah, dau. of J. Adamson ; b. Sharow aforesaid. 13 Jan. 1880 ; educ. there ; was employed by the Harrogate Corporation ; enlisted 9 Jime, 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders- from 25 Sept.. and was killed in action at Beaumont Hamel 10 Bee. 1916. He m. at the Wesleyan Chapel, Harrogate, 1903, Florence Mary (10, Mowbray Square. Harrogate), dau. of William Bo\Titon, and had four cliildren : Harold Thomas, b. 4 Sept. 1913 ; Doris Evelina, b. 13 Dec. 1903 ; Annie, b. 6 Oct. 1914, and Ethel, b. 23 Sept. 1916. HANDLEY. W., Private, X'o. 7760, 2nd Battn. The South Lancashire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action between 15-29 Sept. 1914. HANDS, FREDERICK, Capt., Constructional Corps, Roya 'Engineers, vst. 8. of Albert Clulee Hands. Wholesale Electrical Supply House, of 30. Snow" Hill, London, E.C., by liis wife. Rose (Haling Rise, Haling Park Road, South OovdonK dau. of Frederick Hassall ; b. liford, co. Essex, 31 July, 1887 ; educ. Wliitgift The Roll of Honour 127 Middle School, Croydon: was an Electrical E»2iueer ; joined the Territorial Force in 1904 : was called up on the outbreak of war; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders, and was accidentally killed 27 May, 1917, wliile on active service. Buried in Lillers Cemetery ; tmm. HANEY, P., Private, Xo. 9754, 1st Battn. The We.^t Yorksliire Re^. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. HANKIN, A., Private, Xo. 814:}, Ut Battn. The Bedfordsliire Regt. ; served with til-' Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 30 Oct. 1914. HANLEY. J.. Private. Xo. 7818. 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifies ; served with tht- Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 21 Sept. 1914. HANN, F., Private. X'o. 5806, 1st Battn. The Dorsetshire Regt. ; served with the Expi'ditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 16 Sept. 1914. HANNA. DAVID WISHART, >I.C.. 2nd Lieut.. 8th (Service) Battn. The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.). yr. s. of James Wisliart Hanna. of Clare- mont, 24. Parson's Green, London, S.W., by liis wife, Jane Cockburn, dau. of Benjamin Dick; b. London. 19 Dec. 1890:"educ. Sloane School there; was a Clerk in Parr's Bank. London, and wa.-* Scoutmaster of the 7th Fulliam (Christ Church) Troop of Boy Scouts, taking the very greatest interest in the bovs' welfare ; on the outbreak of war in 1914, the troop was encamped at Felixstowe, and subsequently did useful work for the War Office ; he applied for a commis- sion, and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Royal Fusiliers 16 Xov. 1914 ; went to France with the battalion May. 1915 ; was wounded 5 Sept. following, by a bullet in the ankle, wliich bullet afterwards lodged in the chest of a man crawling behind him : this man he carried back to the trenches, and, as a brother officer states, did not report Ms own wound until liis man Ixad received attention ; was invalided to England, and died 24 June. 1916, at Folkestone, as a result of a motor accident during convalescence from his wounds. Buried in Xew Fulham Cemetery. East Sheen, with full military honours, his boy scouts following. He was mentioned in Sir John (now Lord) French's Despatch [London Gazette, 1 Jan. 1916). for gallant and distinguished service in the field, and was awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette, 14 Jan. 1916]. His Colonel WTOte to him during Ms convalescence : *' Do make a real effort to get back. It is men like you we want out here." Unm. HANNA, J., Private, Xo. 8521, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles ; served %vith the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action in 1914. HANNAFORD, REGINALD GEORGE, Private, Army Service Corps, s. of the late Samuel Hannaford, Labourer, by Ms wife. Fanny (48, Park Road, St. Mary Church, Torquay) ; b, Torquay, 15 Oct. 1893 ; educ. St. Mary Church Xational Schools ; enlisted 26 Oct. 1915 ; served ^vith the Eg\-ptian Expedi- tionary Force in Egypt, and died of pneumonia Feb, 1916, in hospital at Alex- andria. Buried in the British Cemetery there; ujtm. HANNAN, J. M., L.-Corpl., Xo. 4495, The Irish Guards ; served mth the Ex- peditionary Force ill France : killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. HANNAN, JOSEPH WILLIAM, of Caherelly Castle, co. Limerick, Private, 12th (Service) Battn. The King's (Liverpool Regt.), only s. of the late William Xicholas Hannan, J. P., Limerick, by Ms wife, M.. dan. of Patrick Fitzgerald, of Tipperary ; and nephew of Henry Hannan, of Ormskirk, Alexandra Gardens, Belfast ; h. Caherelly Castle aforesaid. 21 Jan. 1882 ; educ. Jesuit College, Mungrey, Limerick ; enlisted as a Private in the I2th Liverpool Regt. in March. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from the following Sept, and was killed in action 10 Slarch, 1916. Buried there ; unm. HANNIS, JAMES. Private, Xo. 21401. 7tli (Service) Battn. The Gloucester- shire Regt.. eldest s. of Ernest James Hannis, of The Post Office, Cranham, Wood Dealer, by Ms wife, Elizabeth, dau. of James Winter; b. CrauJiam, Stroud, co. Gloucester, 20 Oct. 1892 ; educ. there : was employed by the Great Western Railway at Stroud; enlisted in April. 1915; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force at the Dardanelles from the following Oct., and died on H.M. Hospital Ship Devanha 8 Jan. 1916, from wounds received in action at Cape Helles the previous day ; unm. HANRAHAM. D., Private. Xo. 9197, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Regt. ; served with thi- Expcdif ioiiary Force in France ; killed 26 Aug. 1914. HANSELL. ROBERT STANLEY, Private,-Xo. 2857, l/4th (Territorial) Battn. Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (York- shire Regt.), eldest .«. of Robert Blackburn Hansen, of 5, Arundel Street, Redcar, Slater, by Ms wife, Maria Emma, dau. of Henry HoIIoway Tombs : b. Redcar, eo. Y'ork, 23 Dec. 1895 ; educ. Coatham d'hurch School ; was a Slater: joined the Coatham Coy.. 1st Battn. YorksMre Regt., Church Lads' Brigade Cadets in Aug. 1910 ; vohmteered for foreign service, and joined the 4th \orkslure Regt. in Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 6 Oct. 1915, and was killed in action at Zillebeke 20 March, 1916. Buried at Transport Farm, Zillebeke, near Ypres. His Platoon Officer, Lieut. J. Brough Eirling, wrote : ** You have the satisfaction of know- ing, however, that he died like a man. and he was a son anyone might have been proud of," and Private E. Gibson : " He was always the same, full of life, and was very well liked by all wiio knew liim." I'nm, HANSEN, WILLIAM GEORGE, 2nd Lieut., 9th (Territorial) Battn. The Kiuu's (Liverpool Regt.). 2nd ^. of Carl Lanritz H;iti>i-ii. of 24, Regent's Court, Park Road, l.oiidon, X.W.. Managing Director, by Ms wii.-. Marv Elizabeth, dau. of Charles Frederick Rich ; 6. Didsbury, co. Chester, 16 Sept. 1894 ; educ. Steyning School, co. Sussex ; after leaving school, he went to Denmark to learn Farming ; returning after two years, he rntered Harper Adams Agricultural College, Xi-wport. CO. Salop; joined the Inns of Court U.T.C. in 1915; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 9th llattn. The King's Regt. Jan. 1916 ; went to France 10 June ; killed in action at Gueude- court on the Somme front 25 Sept. 1916. Buried tliere. Capt. Perry, Commanding liis Company, WTote : " When we came to call the roll. I was very sorry to hear that dear George had gone, wiiilst bravely doing his duty as an oflTicer and gentleman. He was loved bj- ■ •wryone in the comjiany." Unm. H.\NSFORD, H., Private, Xo. 7113, 1st Battn. The Somerset Liglit Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Aug. 1914. Robert Stanley Hansell. HARBORD, STEPHE.N GORDON, M.C., Capt., l.->4th Brigade, Roval Field Artillery, 3rd «. of the Rev. Harry Harbord, of Colwood Park, Bolnev, bv his. wife, Ellen Jane, dau. of Harrison Blair ; b. Ea.st HoatMv Reetorv, 2 June. 1*890 ; educ. Summerfields, Horris Hill, Winchester (Exhibitioner), and' Kings College, London, where he was studving Engineering; joined the S|>eeial Ke-^.-rve of Officers in Oct. 1912. being attached to the Royal Field Artillerv at Brighton ; on the outbreak of war was gazetted 2nd Lieut. R.A. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders ; took part in the advance to the Marne and the Aisne ; on 11 Xov. 1914, was post*?d to a battery at Ypres; was in- valided home in June. 1915 ; promoU-d Lieut, on Ms recovery, in Julv, 1915, and appointed Adjutant I54th Brigade Sept. 1915 ; returned to France, and was seconded as Staff Capt. 36th (Lister) Division from 6 Dee. 1915. until 14 Feb. 1917, when he returned to a battery as Acting Capt. and 2nd in Command. He was awarded the Military Cross [Ix)ndon Gazett<*. 4 June, 19171, and mentioned, in Despatches by F.M. Sir Douglas Haig. for gallant and distingmshed service in the field, and was killed in action at Wieltje. between Ypres and St. Julien, 14 Aug. 1917. Buried in the new ililitary Cemetery, near Ylamertinghe Cliurch, tMee miles west of Ypres. His General WTOte : " He was my Staff Captain for many months, getting on for 18, I tMnk. I could never wish for a better Staff Captain than h»* turned out to be. He was a first-rate soldier, a great companion, and univtTsaily liked, and everybody in the division who knew Mm, from the Divisional Commander downwards, lias expressed their deep sympathy and regret with \our loss." HARBORNE, R. T., Private-. Xo. 1408, 1st Battn. The Xorthumberland Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. HARDCASTLE, E., Private, Xo. 8226. 2nd Battn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry); served with the Expcditiooarv Force in France; killed in action 16 Sept. 1914. HARDCASTLE, JOHN THOMAS, Rifleman, Xo. C. 12190, 2lst Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps. 2nd *. of the late Thomas Hardcastle, bv Ms wife, Mary Ellen (Mulwith, Boroughbridge), dau. of George Kettlewell ; b. 5Iulwith, Boroughbridge. co. York, 11 Oct. 1890 ; educ. Xewby Hall School. Skelton, and Jepson's School, Ripon ; was a Farmer ; joined the King's Royal Rifle Corps in Xov. 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from May, 1916; was wounded at Flers 16 Sept. following; subsequently rejoined his regiment in France, and died a prisoner of war at Dienze 6 Aug. 1917, of sickness contracted while there; unm. HARDIE, LEWIS JOHN, Private, Xo. 2234, l/5th (Territorial) Battn. The (Jordon Hiuhlauders. s. of George Hardie, of Tipperty. Ellon. Logie Buclian, IJriekmakiT, by Ms wife, 3taggie, dau. of the late John Kinghorn : b. Old Deer eo. Aberdeen, 24 March, 1890 ; educ. Tipperty Public School, Logie. Buchan ; was a Farm Labourer; joined the Gordon Hichlanders in Oct. 1914: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from May, 1915, and was killed in action at Beaumont Hamel, during the Battle of tlieAncre, 13 Xov. 1916 : i(nm. HARDING, A., Private. >'o. 6669 The Wiltsliirc Regt.; .-erred Wjth the Expeditionary Force in France ; dii-d of wounds 28 Oct. 1914. HARDING, BENJAMIN CHARLES, Stoker, 1st Class, Xo. K. 13531 ; lost on H.M.S. Pegasus Sept. 1914. HARDING, C. A. G., Private, Xo. 7936, Ist Battn. The South Wales Bordervrs served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Sept. 1914. HARDING, CHARLES EDWARD, Private. Xo. 47290, 12th (Service) Battn. The Prince of Waless Owii (West Yorkshire Regt.), 2nd s. of William Edward Harding, of Chalk Farm, X.W., by Ms wife, Jane. dau. of John Witt ; b. Chalk Farm, London, X.W., 13 July, 1875 ; educ. London County Council Schools there ; was employed as a Packer with Messrs. George Wards, at Higli Harrogate ; enlisted 15 Dec. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from March, 1917, and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 3 May following. Buried at Slonchy. He m. at St. Andrew's Church. W"Mtehall Park, London. X., 27 June. 1907, Harriet (Westmorland Street. Harrogate), onlv dau. of the late Harrv Mather Lees, and liad four cMldren : Charles Thomas, b. 24 March. 1908 ; Florence. 6. 11 Dec. 1909 ; Ethel Jane. b. 19 Sept. 1911, and Lavina May, b. 25 Feb. 1913. HARDING, G., L.-Corpl., Xo. 9100, 2nd Battn. The King's Own (Y'orksMre Light Infantrv) : served witli tlie Expeditionarv Force in France; died of wounds 28 Oct. 1014. HARDING, RICHARD, Private, Xo. 31203, l/5th (Territorial) Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt., eldest *. of Ray- mond Harding, of 37. Rock Street, Bamsle'y, Boiler Fireman, by Ids wife, Selina. dau. of Samuel Rushforth ; b. Barnslev. co. York, 3 Aug. 1893 ; educ. St. Mary's School there ; was emi)loyed bv Messrs. England A Co. ; enlisted 29 May, 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 8 Sept. following, and was killed in action at Ypres 24 April, 1917. Buried in the Railway Dug-outs Burial Ground at Transport Farm. Zillebeke, south-east of Ypres. A comrade WTOte : " He was killed l)y the bursting of a shell, and he died from shock of the explosion ; he was buried in the cemetery near by. We all feel the loss greatly, we were such true friends. He was the best lad amongst us, he never seemed down- hearted, but was always cheerful." Ciirn. William George Hansen. HARDING, W., Private. Xo. 20229, Army Richard Harding. Service Cori>s ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died in hospital 11 Sept. 1914.* HARDING, WILLIAM LESLIE. L.-Corpl.. Xo. 26775. 3rd (Res»^rve) Battn. Prince AMK-rt's (Somerset Light Infantry), eldest s. of the late William Harding, by Ms wife. Minnie (Sub-postmistress of Kingsteignton). dau. of the late William Hurford. of Bristol : 6. 13 May, 1S98 ; educ. South Petherton Council School, and Huish Granunar School, Taunton ; was training to become a teacher under the Somerset County Council ; enlisted 28 Aug. 1916 ; imderwent training at Crownhill, Plymouth; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 16 Aug. 1917. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was killed instantly with a shell ; was buried close to where he fell and a cross put up. He will be greatly missed by everyone in the company, and the regiment has lost a good soldier." Vitm. HARDINGE, PATRICK ROBERT, M.C.. Major. 1st Battn. (26th Foot) The Cameronians (SeottLsh Kifles), only s. of the Hon. Robert Hardinge, of Brockworth Hotise. Gloucester, by liis wife, Mary. dati. of the late Sir Robert Lynch Blosse, Bart.; and nephew of Charles Stewart Hardinge, 2nd Viscount; 6. Longford, near Salisbury, 11 Feb. 1893 ; educ. Wellington College, and Mag- dalen College. Oxford ; was gazetted Lieut. 4 Aug. 1914 ; promoted Capt. May, 1915, and Major 7 Xov. following; sened with the Expeditionary Force m 128 The Roll of Honour Nathaniel C. Hardwick. France: and KInnilirs ; was wolindid 20 l>oc. 11114. .ind irniilidcrl hoiiir : on liis recovery wa^ sent out as Second in t'oniniand of tin- loth I'.iittn. The .Scotti.sh Rifles, and died 17 June. IDIB, of wounds received in tie- Holiiiizollern Redouht. Buried in Eiethune C'emcterv, His CommandinR Olflcer wrote : • I.il, where he remained until 2:i July, 1917 ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 1.5 Sept. 1917. bv a shell. Buried at Oostdnnkerke. His Colonel wrote : " He came to us about a month ago, and from the moment of his arrival displayed the greatest devotion to duty : so much so, indeed, that he was marked for early promotion. He w-as keen, alloL'.ther fearless, and daily shared the risks th Battn. (The RangersI in llec. 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from July, 1916: transfcrri-d to the IHth Battn. and jirocet-ded to Salonika in Oct., and in Feb. 1917, went to Egypt and I'alestine, and was killed in action at Khiirbet ,\dasch, four miles north of ,b-riisale-m, 23 llec. follow- ing. Buried there. Rifleman Hare pa.ssed in the organ-plavlng .section of the examination for .\ssociatesliip of the Royal College of Organists in Jan. 1916 ; ifnm. HARGATE, JAMES ALBERT, Private, 14th (Service) Battn. The York and l,an- eiHti-r Regt., 2nil x. of (;(-orge Hargate, by his w-ifi-. Eliz.abeth; ft. Barnsle.v. eo. York; being employed at Ryland's (ilass Works ; '^Ixpefditionary Force in France and James Harold Har(ireaves. educ. there ; was a Glass-worke enlisted 27 Jan. 1915 ; served w-itli the Flanders from 20 Uec. following, and was killed in aetioii 1 July, 1916 ; unm. HARGREAVES, A., Private-, No. 9405, 1st King's Own (Royal Lancaster Kcgt.) : srrvr-ei with the Kxpeditionary Force in France; died of wounds at the .Ameriean Hejspital. Paris. 25 Sept. 1914. HARGREAVES, JAMES HAROLD, Private, No. 6507. 1st Battn. Honour- able Artillery Coy. ('I'.F.), only «. of the late ,lanii!s Hargre-ave-s, anel his wife, Alice .\melia (12, Gladstone Road, Chesterfield I. dau. of .lolin Brown E'lis, of Leeds ; ft. Lereils. co. York. 25 Feb. 1889 ; educ. Central High School there, ami Lecd.-* University, wlicre he gr,iduati-d B.Sc. in 1915, afterwards becoming a Schoolniester ; joined the Honour- able .'Vrtillery Coy. 21 llec. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franire and Flanders from 18 Nov. 1916, anil was killed ill action 14 Feb. 1917. Buried at Beaucoiirt. One of his offic:ers wrote : " He was on guard in the early hours of the morniii2, keeping, as I well know, his usual keen look-out, when a shell came anel half di-stroyed liis portion of the shell-hole. We- at once rushed to his assistane;e, but it was of no avail. He- was killeel instautane-oiis'y, a piece of shell having pii-re-ed his heart. His death came as a great slioe-k to bis many frieneis. We felt w-e haei lejst not only an eTilicient comrade-in-arms but a trusted friend. In the trenches he showed a wonderful aelaptation, and was an invaluable help to me." I7um. HARGREAVES, WILLIAM, Private, 1st B.attn. (47th Foot) The Loyal North Ltincashire Re-gt., only h. of the late William Hargreaves, by his wife, Elizabeth .lane ( 185, Valletts Lane. Smithills, co. I>an:irk), dau. of Robert Mayok ; ft. Bolton, e-o. Lancaster, 9 June, 1890 ; educ. Council School, Brownlow Fold, and at the Higher Grade School, Bolton (Scholarship) ; was a Warehouseman, and a foot- baller of some note in his district : enlisted 29 Feb, 1916 ; serveel w-ith the Expe- elitionary Fore-e in Frane:e from 18 June following, and was killed in action 18 .\ug. 1916, on the Somme battle-front. Buried in High Wood. Privat.e Thomas- son wrote . " Hargreavets dii;d instantani-oiLsly, the result of a sniper's bullet, but our covering party aveuiged his death, as wc forced at least 20 out of shcil- heiles," film. HARKER, A., Private-, No. 2720, 1st King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regt,); .it-rved with the Experditioiiary Force in Frani:e ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. HARLE, RICHARD JOHN PATTERSON, M.C., Capt., Tile King's Own Scottish Borderers, attel. 7th (Service) Battn. Princess Louise's (.-Argyll anel Sutherlanel Highlanders), eldest ft. of George .\dam Moffat Harle, of ('oleiitre.-ain, il.R.C.V.S., by his wife, .\nnie Jack, dau. of Andrew Haig ; ft. Coldstream, Vi Jan. 1896 ; eidlic. Coldstream and J5erwickshire High Schools ; was a member of the Kdinbiirgh O.T.C. ; enlist<-d in the 9th Battn. The lloyal Scots Regt. in Sept. 1914 ; served with the l'.;xpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 28 Feb. 1915, having obtained a commission on the- 21st of that month ; returned to England in March, 1915 ; afterwareLs rejoined his regiment in France, and died at No. 24 (ieneral Hospital, Etaiiles. 26 .Vpril, 1917, of wounels ree;e;iveei in action at lUieux. Buried in Etaples JUiitary Cemetery. .Major-lieneral Harper, Commaneling the Division, wrote. " I wish to congr.it iilate (,'a[it. R. .1. P. Harle, King's Own S[:ottish Borderers, attel. i/7th .-Vrgyll and Sutherland Highlanelers, on the gallantry displaye-d by him from 9 to II .Vpril, 1917," anel iJeut.-Col. Hyslop : " He was gallantly le.-uling liLs company in an attack on Roeux. I looked upon him as one of the best olfia-rs I had. He was always cheerful, did his work well, was looked up to by the men, and will he a very great loss to the battalion. He had already done extremely well on 9 ,\pril in our taking of part of the Yimy Ridge." He was awarded the Military Cross [London Gazettes. 18 July, 1917],'" For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He led his company in the attack with great ironrage and initiative. He captured two machine guns and over sixty prisoners. He set a splendid example throughout." fJnin. HARLEY, THOMAS, IJ.C.M., Private, No. 9400, 2nd Battn. (85th Foot) The King's (Shropshire Light Infantrv), ». of ( — ) Harley, of ,Mare.-liamlcy, by his wife, Ellen ; 6, Ellerdine, High l-;riall, -21 Dec. 1888 : educ. Kodington School : enlisted 23 Dec. 1909; served in India w-ith his regiment ; returned to England on the outbreak of war ; served w-ith the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Dec. 1915 ; was wonndeil and invalided home, but on recovery rejoined his regiment in June, 1916, and w-as killed in ae-tion 14 July following. He was awarded the Di.stingiiished Coneliie-t Medal, for gallant and distinguished service in the field ; unm. HARPER, A., Stoker (ll.N.R.) ; lost on H.JI.S, Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. HARPER, A. G., Sapper. No. 17314, R.E. ; served with the Expedition.iry Fori.i- in France : kill.il 21 (let. 1914. HARPER, ALA.N GORDON, Lie-ut.. R.F..\., 2nd «. of Peter Harper, of Bromley , CO. Kent ; ft. Bromley, 5 Jan. 1889 ; educ. Dnlwicii (killege, and Magelalen fJollege, Oxforei, where he was a Demy; took Botany lionours in 1912, and the .same year became a-sslstant to the Professor of Botany at Bangor Cniversity ; in a few months returned to Oxford as demonstrator to Professor Somerville at the School of Rural Economy ; obtained, w-ith distinction, the Diploma in Agricul- The Roll of Honour 12<> Alexander S. Harper. turr : diiriiitz 1914 lie acted as Professor of Botany at Presidency C'olle half-Blue. Though only 2B years of age when killed, he had had an rxc.'ptii»nally brilliant career, and had already left Ids mark in the field of botanical research particularly. His chief work' in this direction was an ex- hau-^tive research into the effects of defoliation upon the growth and structure of the larch, which was published in " The Annals of Botany " in I9l:l. For this he obtained the qualification for the degree of B.Sc. to which tlie liegree of M.A. was added later, both being conferred in absence while he was fighting in France. As the " Oxford Magazine " wrote concerning liim : " His death deprives us of one of our most etlicient young Itotanlsts. His ability, conscientiousness, and the wide experience he had gained in travel equipped him in a remarkable degree for that work of scientific reconstructinn in forestry and agriculture at Oxford, to which he must i)reMiitl\- )ia\e ln-en enlled." HARPER, ALEXANDER SIMPSON, Lieut., 8th (Service) Battu. The Black Watch (Koyai Highlanders). 2nd a. of the late William Harper, by his wife, Margaret (The Gardens, Tullii'I.eltou. eo. Perth), dau. of the late" Alexander Simpson, of Fr(|uhart. I'.lgin, Farmer ; 6. Tidliehelton. Bankfoot. co. Perth, 5 Nov. ISiU ; educ. Trquhart pidilie School. Elgin Aeadejiiy, and at the Aberdeen and Edinburgh T iiiv'-r" Aug. 1914 : served with the Ex- jieditiouary Force in France and Flanders troni 1 May. 1915. and after a period of train- ing at General Headtjuarters Cadet School, l-rance. was gazetted 2nd l,ii-ut. 8th (Service) llattii. The Black Watch 14 Aug. J016, being promoted Lieut. .Inly. 1917. and was killed in aetion at Passchendaele 12 Oct. following. I'.iiried there. His Ollicer Commanding wrote : " I cannot say how deeply I and all the other officers of the battalion regret Ins loss, which is a very great one to tlie battalion. His 4leath was as gallant as was to be expected. ... He was leading his men to capture a German strong point, which they did — as usual he was among the first : he was regarded as an exampli- of a Platoon and Coinpatiy Orticer. He uave his life in a fight which wa^; one of the bitterest and hanbst this battalion has taken part in. and by his Icidershij) helped to maintain tlie high tradition which the battalion has earuid." and the Chaplain : " Through his sterling worth he had ciunpletely won both the admiration and trust of his men, and I know how mueli his fellow-otficers rilieil on him." At scliool and college he was a distiie^niislied student. He graduated M.A. at Alierdeen University with Honour-- in .Mathematical Science, and gained the Neil Arnott Prize in Natural I'bilnsopby. The Rector of Elgin Academy says of him : " In mathematics he displayed outstanding ability." Professor Niven, of A()erdeen University, gives the following testimonial : " At the examination lor the Arnott Prize his work was so good that the examiners could hardly find a flaw in it. and had no hesitation in awarding him the prize. His written papers showed a faculty of lucid exjiosition which I have nfiver in all my experience as a professor seen surpassi'd." rum. HARPER, ANDREW COUTTS FINDLAY, Private. No. 204.57, 1 4th (Terri- torial) Battn. The Gordon Highlanders. :ird s. of George Hali Hariier. of Tiliyoch Cottage. Peterculter. eo. Al)erdei'n. by his wife. Elizabeth, dau. of the late George Findlay ; b. Kenellar. co. Aberdeen, If. Marcli. 1897 : educ. Central School, Skene ; was a Farm Servant ; joined the Gordon Highlanders 24 July, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action south- west of Poclcappellc 20 Sept. 1917 ; Kum. HARPER, F., L.-Corpl.. No. 1548, Royal Horse Guards (The Blues) ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed 30 Oct. 1914. HARPER. LANCELOT LESLIE, Ordiuarv Seaman, No. J. 15515 : lost on H.M.S. Peu'asUS Sept. 1911. HARPER, ROBERT, L.-Corpl.. Xo. 41828. 10th (Service) Battn. The North- uiubiTland Fusiliers, -s. of George Harjier, of 11. Ure Bank, Ri|)on. Foreman Printer, by his witV, Emma Jane, dau. of Robert For.-^ter : h. Ossett. eo. York, 1 May. 1895 : educ. Ripon Weslcyan School ; was cmployeil as Sf<-ond Footman with General Sir Mervyn Bullcr. of Aldi-rshot ; enlisted in the Hitle Brigade in Feb. 1914, but after serving a week in barracks was diseharized as medically unfit; joined the Northumberland Fusiliers in April. 19Iti; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France and Klanders from 14 Sept. following, and died on the field 9 Nov. 1916, from wounds receive(i in action at Vpres. Buried in a railway dug-out, one and a ha t miles south-south-ea^t ot Vpres. A comrade wrote : " He was shot through the thigh, and the bullet must have .severed an artery, and the loss of blood must have been so great that it hastened the end. He had not been lone with us, luit he always proved a good comrade, and one who always did hi-; work with keeniu-ss and without fear." f'nm. HARPER, WILLIAM SAMUEL, M.M.. Gunner, No. 91095, Canadian Field .\rtillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force, oidy s. of the late Capt. Andrew Harper, of ■"!S. Sliandon Crescent. Edird>urgh. Seaforth IMudilaudi'rs. bv his wife, Louisa B., dau. of the late William Jamie: h. Sutherland. 28 Nn\ . 1891 ; educ. (ieorge Watson's College, i'dintmrgh ; went to Canada and settled in Western Ontario; joined the Canadian Field Aiiillery in Nov. 1914: served \\ith the l:\peditiiinary Force in l-'ranee and Fumders. and wa-; killed in aetion at Viin\" 24 June. I'.iir. I'.uried at Mont St. Eloi. His Colonel wrote : " He was in e\ery sense of the word a gentleman, and a better or more fearless soldier could not be asked for." He was awarded the Military Medal for bravery in the field, and was twice mentioned in Despatches b>r rei)airing lines under heavy shell fire ; William Samuel Harper. HARPS, E., Private, No. 9879. 2nd Battn. The Leinster Regt. ; served with the Expedi- tiuuary Force in France; died 20 Oct. 1914. HARRADINE. FREDERICK CHARLES, Corp.., No. 3250. 7th Battn. The London Regt. (T.F.), s. of the late IMward Lockwood Harradine, by liis wife. Sarah Ann. dau. of John Walter : fj. Ualston, (i Feb. 1880 ; edue. Newport Road School there ; was employed by the Poplar Borough Council at Bow Library ; joined the 7th Battn. The London Regt. in Dec. 1914 : served with the Expedi- tionary Fore" in France and Flanders from July, 1915. and died 21 Si-pt. 1910, of wountls received in aetion on the Somme ; nmn. HARRIES, S., Private. No. 990, 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt. : served with the i:xpiditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Oct. 1914. HARRIES, WILLIAM REGINALD, .'Jrd Engineer, S.S. Emma. :ird k. of the late Tiirunas .\rthu)- Harries, of Llauelly, by his wife. Jane (2. Sea View Terrace, Cadoxton, Barry) ; and nephew of David Harries ; b. Llauelly : educ. at Cadoxtoii and Barry County Schools ; wa- subsequently apprentir-ed as a Pupil Engineer at the Tritf Vale Engineering Works, being appointed Third Engineer on S.S. Emma Aug. 1915, and was drowned when that ship was tori)edoed 20 April. 1917 ; Intnl. HARRINGTON, A., Private, No. 255. Army Service Corps: -served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 21 Oct. 1914. HARRINGTON, PHILIP WILLIAM, 2nd Lieut.. 5th (Reserve), attd. 9tJ. (Service), liattn. The Worcestershire Regt., only k. of William John Harrington. of 5 .Carlton Hill. London. NW.. by his wife Amy Chri.sthui. dau. of the lati' James Robertson. M.I.C.E. ; />. Brondesburv. London, N.W., 18 Nov. 189G : educ. Lyneh- mere School. Eastbourne, 1907-11. and Dover College (Scholar, 1911-15). where he was a nu-mher of the O.T.C., having the rank of Platoon SerGrt . : obtained a commission in the Worcestershire Regt. 28 Dec. 1915: took a draft to France in June. 191(i: served with the Indian Expeditionary Forc<- J> in M -.sopo- tamia from Nov. 1910, when he went out in charge of a draft, and wa« killi d in action near . Kut 13 Jan. 1917. Buried in the Brigade Cemetery there. His Comnmnding Officer wrote. "He had only been with us such a short time (two weeks), but what I had seen was all in his favour. A keen, jilucky young- ster. We buried him mxt morning in tlie Brigade Cemetery," and the Officer Com- manding C Coy. ; " He was killed wlile in charge of a digging party who were nuiking Philip William Harringtnn. a new advanced trench, a work that involves some little risk. The bullets were nnna-roiLs enough to be a strain on the lu^rves. I was very nuich struck by the extreme coolni-.ss which he exhibited," The House Master of his house at Dover College also wrote : " He was one of the best House Captains I ever liad. and I thought a great di-al of him. His intluence and example was a valuable help to me in my work as House Master," and the Head Master of Lynchmere School : "• That is the si\i'idh of my finest bo\s. and I am not sure that ' Harry ' was not the finest of them all." While at i)over College he nuitriculated First Class in 1914; wiis a member of tlie 2tid Football XV. in 1914. of the 1st XV. in 1915. and of 2nd Cricket XL in 1914. and of the 1st XL in 1915 : was chairman of the Games Conuuittee in 1915. being head jirefect the same year and also head of his house. His name is on the roll of Wadham College. Oxford. HARRIS, .\NTROBUS TAFT, 2nd Lieut.. 4th (Extra Reserve) Battn. The lieilfordsliire Ke>;t.. attd. 1st l;attu. (10th Foot) The Lincolnshire Regt., elder .\. of Clement .\utrobus Harris, of Ellaugowan, Crielf, co. Perth, by his wife. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of the late John James Packer : b. .Middlesbrough, co. York, 28 May, 1890 ; educ. Morri-son's Academy. Crieff, and Edinburgh Univer- sity ; gradnat'-d as a Bachelor of Music in the University of Edinburgh ; became Organist and Cboir Master ol St. Peter*s Parish Church, Kirkley. South Lowestoft ; joined tlir- l,«Midiui Seottisli Rigt. 3 Sept. 1914; obtained a commi.ssion 6 Feb. 1915 ; ser\:ed with the Exi)editionary Force in France and FlandiTs, and was killed in action near Armentif^res 19 Jlareh. 1916, wlule measuring for a range- chart between the support and fire trenches. Buried in Bon Jean Cemetery,. Arinentit'Tes. Major Cox wrote : " Although Harris did not belong to this battalion (the Lincolns). he was one of the best-liked officers in it. He had the very responsible job of Bombing Officer, and carried out his duties most con- scientiously. Everyone liked him — both officers and men — as he was most considerate and thoughtful in every way. The Company Commander thought a lot of him. as he did everything in his power to help them. I can ;issure you that the Lincolns lost in liim a man whose sole thought was duty. He was a realh' promising young officer, aiut he died as a soldier should — facing the front." i'nm. HARRIS, C, Private. No. UHi:J7. Tin' King's Royal RiHe Corps ; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in I'ranee ; died of wounds l:i Sept. 1914. HARRIS, CHARLES CECIL, 2nd Lieut.. 4th (Special Reserve) Battn. Tlu^ Priuee ot WaleV^ (North Staffordshire Regt.). 4th .•.-. of the late Samuel Harris. ot l,eomin--ter. by liis wife, .Anne (Lodge Road. West Bromwich). dau. of Joseph Johnson, of Walton (irange, co. Stafford ; h. Leominster. 8 Dec. 1883 ; educ. Newport (irammar School ; enlisted in the South Stalfordshire Regt. 18 Sept. 1914 : aftiTwards transferred to the Lincolnshire Regt. ; obtained a commission in the North Stalfordshire Regt. 14 .\pril. 1915 ; servi-d with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from .\pril, 1910. and was killed in action near Ypres 13 June, 1917, while holding positions won at the Battle of Messlnes. Buried at Zillcbeke, near Yjires. His Commanding Officer wrote : " Your son was a most promising officer, and had already done very good work, and we shall feel his loss very nuich and miss him at all times." and another officer : " Your son's (h-ath was a great loss to me. as 1 have not only lost a friend but a very good and brave officer, and much beloved by his fellow-officers and the men under him." One of his men also wrote : " Mr. Harris was a very kind officer to all his men, and also to me. and his men seemed broken-hearted to hear of his death . . . there was many a man in his platoon said that he was a true British soldier, and 1 am sure he died doiug lus dutv like a true British officer." rnm. HARRIS. D., Gunner. No. 70063. 41st Battery. R.F.A. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in 1914. HARRIS, DAVID RIXON, Private. No. 4715. 25th Battn., 7th Infantry Brigade. .Vustralian Imperial Force. :Jrd s. of John Harris, of Blaennantymah Llanegwad. co. Carmartlien. by his wife. Jane. dau. ot the late Edward Dickens, Farmer; b. Nantgaredig. co. Carmarthen. 2 Feb. l-^Ol ; educ. Llandilo Public Schools: emigrated to .\u.stralia 17 Oct. 1912. and farmed near Rockhampton. Queensland; joined the .A.ustraliau Forces 14 Nov. 1915, at Brisbane, where he trained ; returned to England April, 1916, with his regiment, beins 14 days in Egyi)t. and afterwards for a time on Salisbury Plain: went to France 10 Sept., and was killed in action 14 Nov. 1910, at 9.30 a.m., by sliell lire on the Somme battlefront. Buried about 500 yards to the right of Warlincourt Butte. Flers. His comrade wrote that he wished them all the best of luck and went over the parapet ; iinm. VOL. iir. 130 The Roll of Honour HARRIS, DOUGLAS MORRIS HENRY, \Vinlt>v | . lr-iii|)liist. .No O.X.; ZO:JJ!). K..\.V.K.. yr. s. of I,<'0 Ktlward Harris, of Katil.- Koiisr. IN-mi Kicltls. \VoIvrrliaini»t()ii. and of Wiusnum' l.odgi-, St. Albans Koad. Watford, co, Hrrts, I'^nuini'iT's .Mi'rcluint. hv liis \\'\iv. Mahcl, dan. of till- Ki-v. John l.ndJord (Janlnn-. M,A. : h. IN-nii, \Vol\irh:un|itiin. cti, Staltord. (> A]iril. 18!18 : rdiic. Hi-.'!!.!' (Jradr Srliool tli.Tf ; jninid till- H.X.V.K. 2:i .Mav. liH(i ; was appointed tn H.M. Driftrr [-'loandi, in the Hritisli Adriatic Squailron. \:i .Tan. 1917. and «as killed in action in tin- Adriatic IT* May lollowiny, dnrinti an attack on tlic Drifter Line by thriT An-itrian crniscrs. linricd at 'J'aranto, Italy. 'I'lii- tollowin*; .'itatcniont was n'cci\*'d in a Dcspatcli from tlic Krar- Adndral Cointnandin^' f hi- liritish Adriatic S<]ii;idron l>v tlic Adniiralt\-. and forwarded t<. the f;ither (if the deee.ised : " This loj^ WaS lonnd ill this eondition in the wirele-is operatiiiu eahin of H.M. Drift. -r Kloaiidi aft.-r an attack - a piece of slirapiiel whilst writing in the Iol:. Ttie piece of shell pi-rforated the Iny. and the line made by bis pencil wb.-ii he wii^ hit ami colla)isr(| can be seen <»n the jiaye upon which be was writini:. He was found de.id in his chair. Ivim: over the loi:." In a further letter lo the father, the Secretary oithe Admiralty stated : '• The Kear-Admiral has siiL'l-'ested that the eirciinistauces of your son's deatli arc sucli th.it the daniaiicd loi: --honld 1m' j)reservcd as an exhibit in the X;itioiial War Museum, the scheme fiu" tlie lormation of which lias recetith* recei\ed His Majesty's ap- proval. Their lerial War Mnsenni. and a ri'pliea of tlie bust of him. whicli was niade for the memorial in Woher- hampton, is also to be inoludetl in the lmperi;il War Museum ; inim. HARRIS, E., l*ri^ate. No. 8:!8(l. Tlic South Wales Borderers: serveil with the l*;\lte)li|iniKir\ Kiirce in France; killed in action 4 (.)ct, 1914. HARRIS. EDWARD, Capt.. South Canterbury Mmmtcd Kitles. Xew Zealand ICxpeditionary Force, yst. .v. of the late Kev. W. ('. Harris. Archdeacon of Akaroa, Xew Zealand, formerly Head blaster of Christ's Colleife. Xew Zealand, by his wife, Annie (Akaroa, Xew Zealand): f>. {'hrist's College. Cliristchurch. Xew Zea- land. 13 April. 1870 : educ. there : was a Shi-ep Farmer, and from 190.5-9 was caj)tain of the Oeraldino Mounted Kitles ; volunteered for Imiierial Service, and joined the South rantcrburv Mounted Kitles in Sept. liH.i : left for Kijypt, witli the 0th Keiuforrements8 Jan. 1910. as Otticer Coiiiniandiii'_' Mounted Kitles : transferred to a Fioneer Hattn. 9 March: served with the F\peditionar>- Force in France and Flanders from April, and died 18 Sejit. followJm:. troiii wounds r(-ce!ved in action on the 15th. while diirtiing an important communication trench lie had just laid out. after the tirst .-iiD ance of the New Zcalanders at Mcrs, lliiried at Dernancourt. He was mentiomd in Despatches [London (Jazetti-. 4 Jan. 19171 by (ieneral (now F.M.) Sir Douglas Haiti, for gallant and distinu-nished service in the field. He m. at St. Martin's Church. Dinitroon. Xew Zealand. 18 June, 1902. Margaret, dan. of W. H. Campbell, of Snnuybauk. Cookhaui Dean, and of :J0. Lancaster (rate. London. W.. and had four eliildren : \Villiam .lohn. /'. 1 Auu. 1903; Robert Edward Patrick, b. 22 Dec. 1904: Richard GeoriTc. /*. 1(1 June. 1910. and Margaret Elizabeth, h. 28 .Tan. 1906. HARRIS, ERNEST EDWARD, 2nd Lieut.. 6th (Service) Battn. Frhieoss Victoria's (Koyal Irish Fusiliers), .v. of the Rev. Frederic William Harris, of 22, "Carlton Koud. Putney, London, S.W., Cierk in Holy Orders, by his wife, Charlotte, •dau. of Alfred Malim ; and brother to Capt. H. A. Harris (*/.'•.); h. Burton Latimer, co. Northampton, 9 Oct. 1877 : educ. Bedford Uramniar School : was n partner in the firm of Harris it Co., Stockbrokers ; served for seven years in the Middlesex Mounted Infantry: joined the O.T.C. in Sept. 1915 : obtained a commission 8 Oct. 1915 : nnderwi'nt a course of signalling instruction, when he gained a First Class Certificate; was appointed Signalling Insfructnr to the 4th Hattn. Hoyal Irish I'lisiliers, stationed at Dublin : served with tlie I'ilxp-dition.iry Korce in France and Flanders from 7 March, 1917; was wounded ;nid taken prisoner at Itoeux 1 1 Ajiril following, and died in a Oemian liospital at Jnlich "111 the 21st. Dnried in the JuUch Cemetery. One ot his men wrote : " On 11 April. 1917. at Koeu\. at 12 noon, we made an attack, and !.'> of us L'ot to the ivr in France; killed in action i:i Oct. 1914. HARRIS, FRANK WALTER, Capt.. 57th Battn. Australian Imperial Force. «. of the late Thomas Harris, of St. Clement Danes, Strand. W.C. by his wife ( — ) (The .\slies. Norton, eo. Essex) ; b. 1 London 20 Aug. 188(1 : eiiiic. Maldon (^irammar School. CO. I'^ssex : was in business for a time ill London, and afterwards went to 'J'asmaui.-i and to Melbourne, where he was on the ont- l)reak of war : he enlisted 4 Aug. 191 ~ ; served with the Australian Forces in (lallipoli, and ' took part in the landing there 25 April. 1915, and in the final evacuation : was subsequently iriven a commission, and went to lvg\itt for training ; was jiromoted Capt. early in 191(1 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed by a shell 20 .\ug. 1916, wlille returning from a successful niizht raid on the German trenches, having reniaint'd behind to assist a wounded man. llnried in the cemetery behind the lines near Armentieres. His Major wrote : " He and I had been together in both the old 5th Battn. and the 57th. and we formed a fricndshijj which the dangers together only strengthened, and Ids death has deprived me of one of my dearest friends. His eh;iia( him. He pi-obal»ty ga\e lii,- wiu'k nobl\-, and the feeling evidi'nt bv the gatlieriny I". 1'. Witiiams. Chaplain he \\a; (er was beanlitiil. and hi- men loved and honoured lite in trying to rescue luie of his men. He did hi>. of more than regard in which he was held was very t olhcers :ind men at his graveside." and the ReV. ■■ His death is lament, d by the whol.' battalion, tor 1 by his men and his brot her oilircis. He was always an iiispir.itiiai to his brotlier ollieers." He m. at Kiusington. 22 April. 1911. Clara (iordon. dan. of Thoina> Colley. ot Kensiic^ton (-/. July. 19l;i). HARRIS, HERBERT JOSEPH. IVO.. No. 175521 (Portsmouth): lost while serving on Submarine Ivi (h-t. 1914. HARRIS, HUBERT ALFRED, Capt., Roval Armv Medical Corps, attd. Roval Field .Artillery, .s. of the Kev. Fn-dcric William Harris, of 22. Carlton Road. I'ntney, London. S.W.. Clerk in Holv Ordirs. bv his wife, (Charlotte, dan. of Alfred Maiim : and brother to 2nd Lieut. K. IC. Harris (s of traininiz ill Fuglaud. Hi- was lik.'d by all. and both otlicers .nid men soiigiit him out in lu-eferenre to other niedieal olheers w)ii-n sick or W(Hinded \t my ln-ad- quarters he helped in a number of ways. On nian> oi-easicMis I have felt anxious b)r him when lie has promptly and fearlessly gone oif to render hel|) at ;i battery which was being lieavih shelled. Whi-ii 1 was woimdi'd your sou came to me throiigh a barrau'e of gas shells, from tln' battiry where he was temporarily living. And after gi\iiig me skilli'd attention. personall\ acyal Rifie Corps; .served with the I'^xpeditiouary Force in France : died of wounds 4 Oct. 1914. HARRIS, T., Bombardier. Xo. 68961. R.F.A. : served with the Kxpeditionarv Force in Fr.ince ; killeil in 1914. HARRIS, v., Sergt.. Xo, 4145. 1st Battn. The Northantptonshire Regt, : served with the Kxpiditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914. HARRIS, WILLIAM, Sergt., No. :J81, 2nd Battn. (dtli Foot) The Royal War- wiiksbire Kigt. ; b. 1890 : educ. St. Catherine's School. Birmingham ; enlisted in 1910 : was called up from the Rcsi-rve on the outbreak of war, having been em- ployed in the Delta Metal Works. Portsmouth : went to France 15 Oct. 1914 : was wounded in action IS Dec. followins. and was killed in action 13 Feb. 1916. The officer of his platoon wrote announcing his death and expressing his sympathy, also stating that he was a br.-i\f man and \er\" iniich missed b\ all. He m. at Birmingham. 2 April. 1908. Nellie (6, Thomas Place. Florence Street, HoUoway Head, Birmingham), dan. of Charles Leslie, ami had three childr<-n : Frank. />. 28 May. 1912 ; William, h. 20 May, 1914. and Ruby. b. 4 March, 1910. HARRISON, A., Stoker, 1st Class; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Xov. 1914. HARRISON, A., Private; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. HARRISON, A. W., Private, No. 7648, 5th Dragoon Ouards ; served with the ICxjieditiouary I'orcc in France : killed in action in 1914. HARRISON, CHARLTON CYRIL, Private. X'o. 2:i88. 6th (Service) Battn. The Cheshire Kegt.. .s. of John Fletcher Harrison, of 48. Mersey Koad. Heaton Mer.sey. Salesnum, bv his wife, Catherine Leonora, dan. of John Ay'n-; b. [Manchester. 9 May. 1896: ediic. Stoi-kport (iramniar School, and was enrolled as a student of Selwyn College, Cani- briiltie. with till- intention of taking Holy Orders in the Church of England : enlisted on thi- outbreak of war in Aug. 1914; .served with the Kxpeditimiary Force in France and Flanders from .Ian. 191.'i ; was invalided home in Dec., but nqoiiicd his regiment in March. 1916. and was killed in action 5 .May following at Oivcnchy. Ituried at Ciiiuehy (Fnglish Cemetery), near La Bassee. ('apt. (.iibbons wrote : " Private Harrison will be very much missed, both by his olticers and comrades, as he was such a reliable and painstaking man, and a good eom|)auion. always clu'crful and ready and willing to do any work at any time." rum. HARRISON, E., Private, Xo 11907, :Jrd served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; Charlton Cyril Harrison. Walter Harris. Ilaftn. Tlie Worcestershire Regt. killed in action 2:1 Oct. 1914. HARRISON, P., P.O. : lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Xov. 1914. HARRISON, FRED. WILLIAM, Sei.r.R.A. : lost on H.M.S. Kohilla .JO Oct. 1914. HARRISON, G., Private. Xo. 6181, 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire Regt. ; served with the Lxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Oct. 1914. HARRISON, H., Private. Xo. 7508. The Black Watch ; served with the Kxiieditionary Force in France : killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. The Roll of Honour 131 HARRISON, HERBERT LAURENCE, Private. No. S. -1124. lOOtli l-i.ld AmlniliUKr, K.X.I)., only ^. of Honi. and Clifton Colli-gc. near liristol ; entered the Roya! Military Academy. Woolwich. 20 Nov. 1914 ■ obtained a commission 12 Feb. 1915 ; served witli the Fxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action west of Ypres 31 .lidy. 1917. Buried at Talana Farm, near Ypres. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was a very fine officer, and the best and most staunch of friends. His men were very attached to him. and all are deeply grieved at his death," and another officer : " He was absolutely fearless and a splendid officer, and he was killed hinins; volunteered to go as Observation Officer witti the infantry, and was liit on his return while niending liis wires, which had been cut by •.liill fire." He was posthnniously promoted Lieut. HARRISON, J. O., Private, No. 852t>. 1st Dragoon Guards: served with the Kxpeditionary I'oree in France : killed in aetictn 19 Oct. 1914. HARRISON, JOHN. M,C,. 2nd Lieut.. (>tli (Territorial) Battn. The Royal Warwiek-ihire Kegt.. eldest a. of John Arthur Harrison, of 51, Cambridge Road, King's Heatli, Incorporated Insurance l!rtained a commission 2 Dec. following: was awarded the >filitary Cross [London (iazette, 2fi March, 1917], for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in charge of a bombing party, and was killed in action on the Somnie l(i April, 1917. lUiried in Saulcourt Cemetery. His Colonel wrott- : "■ The loss of your .^on is deplored throughout the battalion, not only on account of his military. Vuit also for liis personal t(ualitii-'-. Had he been span-d, I fee' -sure he would have I'arncd advancement." When a l)(iv In- wa-^ a nieiiiber of Wytliall Patrol of Boy Scouts. HARRISON. PERCY POOL, Cap^-- 2/5th (Territorial) Battn. The Sherwood Fore-iter-; ( Nottii'.ghani-hire and Derbyshire Kegt.). only t. of Ahrnhani Harrison, of 52, J)airv House Road. !>i-rbv, Printer, by his wife. Ada. eldest da:;, of the late Williaili Pool, of Leicester: b. Derby. lU June. 1894: edue. St. James's Higher Grade School there, and Derbv School : was on the staff of Parr's Bank, beiiig a member of the Derby School O.T.C. 1908. 1909 and 1910. and joiiu'd the Inns of Court O.T.C. 12 July, 1915 : gazetted 2nd Lieut. Sherwood Foresters the following Oct. : promoted Cai>t. in July. 1917 : served in Ireland during tlie KebelUon in X\iv\\. 191(> : proceeded to France in Feli. 1917. where he served with the I'Z.xpeditiouary Forinm. HARRISON, SAMLTEL, Private. Roval Marine Light Infautrv : lost on H.M.S. Hrrilie- ill I'.IU. HARRISON, T., Private. .\n, 75Si), 2iid Battn. 'I'he York and Lancaster Regt. : served with the Expeditionary Fun e in France : died of wounds 2(i Oct. 1914. HARRISON, WALTER BERNARD. Private. No. 8724, 20th (S(>rvice) Battn. ■ Gird Public Schools) The Royal Fusiliers (Gity of London Regt.). 2nd .«. of the Rev. Frank Wesley Harrison, of Patrieroft. .Manchester. Wesleyan Minister, by his wife. Louisa, dau. of the late Edward Allen, of Birkenhead : b. Bolton, co. Lauea.ster. 25 Jan. 1896 : edue. Kingswood School. Bath, where he had a dis- tinguislu^d career, and gained twelfth place in the l.st Class Oxford Senior Locals, and after two years in the 0th Form, won an open Classical Exhibition to ^lerton College. Oxford, also a Scholarship in Secondary subjects awarded by the Lan- <-ashire County Council, and enlisted in the Public Schools Battn. of the. Royal Fusiliers from the Oxford l'ni\ersity O.T.C. July, 1915 : served with the Expedi- tionary Force in Fraiue from the following Nov.. and was killed in action liy shell fire in the early morning of 20 July. 191K, during an attack on the Fonreanx Wood on the Soinme battlefront. Buried near the High Wood ; "um. HARRISS, R. B., Private, No. 87:i2. The Welsh Regt. : served with the Exi)edi- ti' Force in France: died of woimds 18 Sept. 1914. HART, ARTHUR REGINALD, Sub-Lieut.. Royal Naval Division, formerly Royal Naval Volunleer Reserve. >■. of Henry Albert Hart, of Farley Green, .\lbury, CO. Surrey, by his wife. .Maude .Taiu- Isabel, dau, of Thomas Alfred Edward.s Scott : b. Thanu's Dittoii, co. Surrey. 25 .Tuly. 1891 : educ. at Christ'.s Hospital, Horsham, where lie became a Grecian in 1907. and was Sergt. in the O.T.C. and at King's Collegi*, London, He refu.sed an F^xhibitinn at St. John's College, Oxford, in 1910, and obtained the Sambrooke Arts Seholarship at London University, wliich he resigned the sam<' year upon gainim: the First Arts Scholar- ship at Westminster Hospital : was also " Proximc Accessit " at tiu' Kxhibitinn examination of the London University, and was occupied with his medical course for four years at Westminster Hos[iital : went to France in St'pt. 1914. and acted as House Surgeon ata base hospital at Limoges : obtained a eonimission in Dec. 1915 : served with the Expeditionary Force in F'ranee and Flanders, and was killed in action 13 Nov. 1910. while leading his nu-u at the Battle of the Ancre. Buried near Beaumont Hamel. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He met liis fate just as he was getting intothi Inst (brman lim-. from a bullet, death being in.stantaneous. His battalion did maL'iuHcent work. Your son had only l)ecn with us a short time, but was greatly liked by all, and did nujst valuable work preparatory to the attack. He met a most gallant death leading his men on." and Lieut. J. W. Morrison : " Numbers of the men have given vent to their sorrow in losing Mr. Hart. He loved his men and they loved liim. Our mess has lost its most brilliant member." Cnm. HART, CHARLES CROWTHER, Lieut., 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regt.), attd. 3/3rd King's African Kifles, yst. a. of the Rev. Frederick Hart. Rector of Kimberley, co. Nottingham, by his wife, served with the Expeditionary Forc<; served with the A^Me s. dau. of John Briggs : b. Nottingham. 17 June, 18iHi : edue. High School tliere ; was two years in the States of America, and after returning to England, spent a year at the Medical Missionary Training College. Leyton^tone. E.; en- listed ill Sipt. 1914, as a Private in the Sherwood Foresters ; gazetted 2nd Lieut, Wist Hiding Regt. June, 1915, being promoted Lieut, in 1910: served in the F:a^t .\iriean Campaign from July, 1917, attached to the King's .\frican Rifles, and was killed in action at Mwitc. East Africa, 15 Nov, following ; ^mm. HART. H., Gunner, No. 30657, R.F.A. in France ; killed in action in 1914. HART, T., Private, No. 752(;, 2nd Battn. The Leinster Regt. ; J'^xjieditionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. HARTLAND, FREDERICK G., Chief Carpenter; lost on H.M.S. Monmouth 1 Nov. 1914. HARTLAND, J., Pri^ate; No. 9721. 2nd Battn. The W'orccsterslurc Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. HARTLEY, A., Private, No. 7514, 1st Battn. The East York.->lurc Regt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 2fl St-pt. 1914. HARTLEY, W., Private, No, 284. 2nd Battn. The Lancasldre Fusiliers; scr\-ed with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Aug, 1914. HARVEY, J., Private, No. 7235. The Cameron Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 14 Sept. 1914. HARVEY, S., Private, No. 10263, 2nd Battn. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers : served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killlaji'- do ; num. HASKELL, W. E., Driver. No. 57749. R.F.A. Force in France: killed in 1914. HASKEY, S.. Private. No. 8971, 1st Battn. The Royal Warwieksliire Regt.: served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 13 Oct. 1914. HASLAM. CHARLES STANLEY, Capt., Yorkshire Hnssnrs (T.F.). attd. 9th (Service) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Uegt.), 2nd x. of the late Thomas Haslam. of Messrs. Haslam Brothers, Ltd., Cotton Spinners aud .Manufacturers. Burnley and Colnc, and his wife ( — ) (Dunham Knoll. Altriueham. co. Chester); b. Burnley, CO. Lancaster, 10 May. 1881 ; educ. Mostyn House School, Parkgate, co. Chester, and at Shrewsbur\- ; was Farming in Yorkshire when war broke out ; obtained a commi.ssion iu the I'orkshire Hussars in Aug. 1914 : was pro- moted Lieut., and later Caja. ; served with the Expeditionary Force iu France and F'landers from April. I9I5, as a subaltern in Major Lane Fox's Squadron ; was attached to the West York.-hirc Regt. in Sept. 1917. and was killed in a daylight raid on the German tnnches at Lens 10 Nov. following. His Colonel wrote : " I know your son inti- matel\-. aud had a great atfec'tion for liim. He li;id aeted at times as my Adjutant, aud his soimd jud-zmeut luis often helped me through ditticulties. No one in the regiment was more popular or looked up to \ line soldier and a charming companion." Capt. Haslam was mentioned in Desijatches [London (iazette. 11 Dec. 1917] by F.M. Sir Douglas Haig. for uallant and distinguished service in the field. He was a well-known figure with the York and Ainsty Hound^;. being a fine horseman and an excellent judge of a horse ; num. HASLETT, ALFRED GEORGE, L.-Corpl., No. G S. 1). 70. llth (Service) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt.. -s. of Alfred George Haslett. of 7. Gilbert Road. Eastbourne, eo, Sussex. ))y liis wife, Mary Jane. dau. of Sanuiel Bradford : b. Eastbourne, 24 Am:. 1895 : educ. East Street Council Scluxtl there : was a Cellarmau ; enlisted 18 Aug. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force iu l-'ranci- aud Flanders from 4 March, 1916, and was killed iu action at Tower Hamlet 27 Sept. 1917. Buried at the edge of Shrewsbury Forest, near Y'pres. An ollicer wrote : *" His death is a sad blow to lis all. for lie was universally liked and esteemed by all ranks, and, in addition, was a splendid and most reliable signaller." i'nm. HASS.\LL, T., S.B.A. ; lost on H.M.S, Bulwark 2(i Nov. 1914. HASSAN. P.. Stoker, 1st Class lost on H.M.S. Bulwark, 20. Nov. 1914. HASTIE, R., Private. No. S898, The Se.aforth Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. some of the things a tank could erved with the Expeditionary Charles Stanley Haslam. 132 The Roll of Honour HASTINGS, P. M., I'l-ivatc. .No. 7S15K, 1st Hattn. 'I'lu- Si-i.l< liiiiuils: siTvi-il with tlu' Kxpiilitinnary h'oiir in Kraiici' : kilK'il ail Sipt. IDU, HATCH, H., I'rivati-; lost on H.M.S. liulwark 2(1 Nov. H)U. HATCHARD, B. C, Trivato. So. llSiUi. The Ka.-t. l-ancashiri' Ili-Kt. ; sc-rvod witli the i:xi»ilitionar.v Force in Trance; killed in action 17 Se|it. 1914. HATCHER, H. J. O., Ordinary J^ignalhr ; lost on H.M.S. linhvark 2(i Nov. 11114. HATCHETT, FRANK, Private. Xo. 71511). l.'ith Platoon. I) Coy., intli (Service) llattn llir Slierwood Koresters (NottiiiL'liarnsliire and Derb.vsliire l. HATCHETT TOM, Saii|>er. No. 1 ('10520. K.H.. 4tli «. of Thomas Hatehett, of 47 lamworth Street. Mchfleld. Builder's Foreman, by his wife. Katherine. dan iif William Siy.er ; and brother to Private F. llateliett (r/.c): b. I.ichlield. CO Statford, 24 .^pril. 1892 ; edne. Boys' National School there ; was a I'himbiT in the rmplnv of tlie Citv lirewery Company ; joini'd the li.H. 15 .\|irll. lilKi : served with the lixpediticHiarv I'orer in Frame- and l-'landers from Aiiril. 1917. and ilied in No. (U Cafualtv Clearini; station 10 (lit, tollowin';. from wounds received in action at Pilkem.' Bnricd in tlu- Meiulinalii-m I'.ritisli Cemetery, fonr and a lialf miles north-west of Poperinsihe ; nnm. HATFIELD, E., I>ri\ate. No. 752:!. 1st Battn. 'I'he Cheshire Regt.; served with the- Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 17 Sept. 1914. HATTON, C, l,.-Cor|)l.. No. 7105. 1st Hattn. Tlu- Northamptonshire Kest. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France: kilieil in tiction 14 Sept. 1914. HATTON, H., Driver. No. 727(17. 114th liattc-ry. K.K.A. ; served with the Fxpeditinii.'irv Force in Fram-e ; killed '20 Sept. 1914. HAVELOCK, ERNEST WILFRED, l.ieut,. 'itith (Service) Battn. The lloyal Fusiliers 2ml .s of liob.rt lliiirv (and Caroline) Havelock. of Acton. W . ; li. London. 20 Sept. 18S2 : ednc. in London, and Headinijli-v College. Leeds ; was Minister in Cliarjic St. .-Vnn's Pri-sliytcrian Church. Trinidad. British West Iiidii-s; was appointed l.ii-nt. in the Machim- tinn Section of the Irinidad Volnnteer Cor|>s Aug. 1914 ; ohtainc-d a eommission in tie- Kith Reserve Battn. Uoval I'nsiliers 10 March. 1915. when lie acted on the Brigadi- Stalf as Range Finding Instrnctor; servi-d with the Expeditionary l''orc(- in Fram-e and Flanders from 20 May. I'.iKi. attac-lied to the 'itith Battn.; was wound. -d in the Battle of the Somme while eomiiiaiiding I! Coy. in tin- advance which captni-ed Flers Ki Si'iit. 191(i. and died of wonnds in No. :)(> Casualty Clearing Station two davs later. Bnried in Heilly Station Cemeterv. Mrf'-riconrt-l' Alibe. Col. W. F. North wrote: "Hi- behaved in the most ■gallant manner, as of course he wonid do. He was a great favourite w-itli ns all. It may be a small (-onsolation to yon to know that he belonged to a battalion that penetrated fnrtlu-r than any other through the cnemv lines, and that he was one of those wlio so gallantly li-d the attack." The press'in Trinidad writes ; " We in this Colony liavi- hist a man .and a friend, a leader and a teacher, an inspirer and a thought nplifter such as can hardly I'c discovered in our midst. Hi- was an exeelli-nt type of virile and muscular Christianitv. A fine tennis nlaver and a keen golfi-r. hi- was also an ardent foot- baller and ii swimmer of note. He was beloved by all alike, and by his death the Colonv is much the poorer," He m. at Port of Spain, Trinidad. 5 Sept, 1910. Frieda Helen, dan. of the late (J. F. Bowen. .J.P.. of Trinidad, and had one child. Ernest Wilfred Havelock. Wilfred Bowen. b. Trinidad. 14 Ajiril, 1912. HAWK, T., Private. No. 6749. 2nd Battn. Tin W.-ish Kegt. 1914. served with the Exin-ditionary Force in France ; ki'lcd 5 Oct, HAWKEN, JOHN ERNEST, I'rivati-. No, 1521. B Coy., .3rd Regt.. South African Infantry. 2nd s. of Charles Hawkeii. of Polriian. by his wife. Elizabeth, dau of Charles Rowc. llaster .'Uariner ; b. Folrnan, Fowey. co. Cornwall, 30 Aug. 1872 ■ cduc. at Polrnan, near Fowey : served in the South African War 1899- 1902 • re-cniistcd 6 Aug. 1914. in the Witwatersrand Rifles ; took part in the opi'rations in German West Africa until 2B July, 1915 ; ri-turned home and trained at Bordon Camp in Oct. 1915 ; was sent to Egypt 27 Dec. following ; took [lart in the operations at Solium and Agagia on 2(i Feb. ; served with the Exiieditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Armen- tiirc-s 16 May. 1916. Buried in Gunner's Farm, .\rmentiercs ; imm. HAWKES, T., P.O. 1st Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. HAWKES, T. A. J., Private, No. 16334, The (irenadier Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France: killed in Soupir 14-10 Sept. 1914. HA WRINGS, C. J., Driver, No. 740'20. 11. F. A. ; served with the Expeditionary For- qiialiti(-s, lie was a delightful cheery coinpanion. and .-i jierfeet geiitleniaii," and a fillow-oHicer : " A few months ago he came top of tlu- wlioli- divisional artillery in a searching examination, coiidiufed by the (ieneral himself. Personally, I found him a very dear friend, and I lioiirl\' miss both his comradf-sliip and hi^ guidance. In a crisis he was at his best, and his men relied on him absoluteh'. His (-heerfnl nature made him a universal favourite." .\ii extract from " llrigade Reeoinnuiidation for Honours " states : " Has displayed great skill and gallantry throiigliont recent oiierations. For several days he was lent to another brigade which was short of experienced officers. He prac- tically commanded the l».-ittery. and did all ob.servation for it. On rejoining he contiiined to siiiiw liieat iiallimtry and energy, particularly during a dithenlt advance to flu- most forward jiosition occupied in this sector." f'tim. HAWTHORNE, W., Private. No. 2185. 1st Battn. The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regt.); srr\ed with the Expeditionary I'orcc in France- killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. HAY, A., L.-Corpl., .No, 9003, 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt.: served with the Exiteditionary Force in France ; killed in action 3 Oct. 1914. HAY, A., Drnmmer. No. 8587. 1st Battn. The Cam -ron Highl.anders : served with the Expeditionary Force in Franc,^ ; died of wounds 4 Nov. 1914. HAY, OSWALD, Private. No. 463295. 48th Battn. (3rd Canadian Pioneers). Canadian Exjieditioiiary Force, only child of John Hay, of Lo\-edale. Dunoon, Instrnctor. Canadian l-higincers. by" his wife, Helen Stewart, dau, of .Archibald Oswald, some time Provbst of Diinoon ; and gdson, of the late Robert Hay, 92nd Highlanders; b. Galston, co, .\yr, 11 .\priL 1898; ednc, Dunoon Grammar Sciiool ; Bellahonston .\(-ademy, Glasgow ; Huron Street School, Toronto ; (Jrand Forks School, British Columbia (where llis father was City Clerk), and High School, North Vaneouver; went to Canada with his jiarents in 1908: joiiu-d the 72iid S.-aforth Highlanders Cadet Battn. in North Vancouver, anil after till- outbreak of the liuropean War, volunteered for Imju-rial Service inime- diatelv on attaining tlu- age of 17 ; left Vernon in Sept. 1915 ; w.-nt to France the following .March, and was killed in action on the Somme front 1 Oct. 1916 : iitiin. HAY, W., Private, No. 5460, 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt ; served with the lOxju-ditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 15 Oct. 1914. HAY, WILLIAM HENRY EDGAR, Rifleman, No. 371105, 2/8th Battn. (Post Olhei- Rifies) The London Regt. Ci'.F.). s. of William Henry Hay, of 31, Beech- wood 'Terrace, Li-ith. Bostmau. by his wife, Mary, dau. of Fi-ti-r Iklgar ; b. Edin- burgh, 21 Nov. 1897 ; cduc, Moray House, Normal School. Edinburgh ; enlisted 14 Feb. 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders: wa.s wounded 1 June, 1917, and died seven days later at No. 49 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Achiet-le-Grand ; W7i»i. The Roll of Honour 133 Edwin Haves. HAYDEN. J., L.-Sergt., No. 7279, 2n(i Battn. The Worccstersliire Kegt. ; served with tlic Kxpi'ilitionary Force in France; kilU-d in action 21 Oct. 1914. HAVDEN, J. Hm Private. No. 7-425. 2nd Battn. The Essi-x Re^t. ; served with ■the ExiJLilitionary Force in France ; died of woiuids 15 Sept. 19i4. HAYES, B., Corp)., No. 8157, 2nd Battn. The Connaiiulit Kanj^'ers ; served with the Expeditionary Force iu France ; killed in action 7 Nov. 1914. HAYES, EDWIN, Private, No 1146. 14th (Service) Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt., s. of Jolin Hayes, of 7, John Street. Barnsley, by his wife. Margaret Ann, dau. of Edwin Barnes : b. Barnslev, co. York, 29 May. 1879 : cduc. St. John's School there : was a Miner : nilistt'd in Sept. 1914; served with tlir KxjHditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died at a Casualty Clearing Station :5 June. 1910. of wounds received in action. Buried in Blem-t Communal Ceme- tery. Hf m. at Barnsley. in 1900, Alice, dan. of John Hayes, and had three children : John. 6. 1902; Margaret, b. 1910, and Amy, /-. 1913. HAYES, SIDNEY, Private, No. 242417, l,stli (Tirritorial) Battn. The Duke of Cam- l.riiitze's Own (Middlesex Regt.), -s. of tlie late Kolirrt .lames Hayes, of Portsmouth. Sanitary hi^pritfn-, hv Ills wife. Martha Ann, dau. of (liarl's Mor'ey : 6. London. 2 Feb. 1887: edue. Marlborough Road Board School, Clielsea. S.W. ; was a Coachman ; joined the Middlesex Territorials 1 June. 191G : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 30 Nov. following, and was killed in action 20 May. 1917. He w. at Chelsea. S.W.. 8 Oct. 1907. Lottie Louisa .(64, Cassidv Road. Fulham, S.W.), dau. of George Jeffries, and had a son. Sidney James Hamilton, b. 6 ULay, 1909. HAYES, T., Sergt.. No. 9748, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Regt. ; served with the i:xpeditionary Force in France ; killed 2-3 Aug.* 1914. HAYES, W., Private, No. 299, 2nd Battn. The Lancashire Fusiliers ; served witli tlie Elxpeditionarv Force in France: died at No. 13 General Hospital. liouloime. 20 Oct. 1914. HAYHOW, R. J., Able Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. HAYLLAR, WILLIAM REGINALD, PrisTite, No. 5121. 13th (Service) Battn. The Ro>'ai Sussex Regt.. s. of the late William Cliarles Hayllar. by his wife, Emme- .line Beatrice, dau. of Charles Walker : h. London, 10 Oct. 1887 ; educ. Greenwich and Brighton ; enlisted 28 Nov. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders; was reported missing after the fighting on the Sonmic 30 June, 1916, and is now officially assumed to have been killed on or about that ■date : num. HAYMAN, ALFRED GEORGE, M.C.. Capt.. 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Welsh Kegt.. .V. of the late Alfred (Jeoige Hayman, formerly of Hapsford House. North Frome. CO. Somerset, by his wife. Ellen I>orothv, dau. of the Kev. George Baxter ; h. Clifton. Bristol. 26 Feb. 1884 ; educ. Mal- vern College : held a commission in the Welsh Kegt. from 1906 to 1912. which ho resigned in order to take up ranchinu in Canada. On the outbreak of war he enlisted in the Canaiiian .Mounted RiHes. and on iiis return to England again ol>taiiied a eninniission in the W.'lsli Regt. 20 Sept. 19l.->. being pro- moted Capt. 16 Dec. following ; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Feb. 1916. and was killed in art ion wliile leading his company at High Wood, during the Battle of theSomme, 9 Sept. 1916. Buried there. He was awarded the Military Cross f London Gazette. 20 Oct. H»16|. •■ For keeping his men together a whole \\<-ek in front line mider terrific shell fire. Although wounded the first day. he refused to allow himself to be sent back, and was buried tliree times. He acted with great gallantry and set Ins men a splendid example." The Brigadiir-General of the 1st Division wrote : st comiKuiy conunanders in the brigade, and had done most excellent work onl> last month, wliere liis energy and fearlessness were most conspicuously shown. He is a real loss to us." and his Commanding ■Orticer : " 1 thought you would like to know how much I valued him, and how liighly I thought of his abilities as a soldier." A brother officer also wrote: ■■ it may be a great consolation to you to know that he was beloved by the •otfieers and men of ni\' l)attalion. I have known him for the past twelve years. ... I had the very highest opinion of him," and another: " 1 look back on all my friends who have gone, and al)0ve all stands one — a little higher, a little nobler, a little fini'r than all the rest— your Imsband." He m. at Walford, Ross- on-Wye. 20 March. 1912, Marjorie (Cromaily, l*;imleigh Road. Weston-super- Mare), dau. of the bite George William Butt, of Hong-Kong and Shanghai Bank- ing Corporation, and had two dans. : Elizabeth Dorothv, b. 14 .Aug. 19l:i. and Ellen Ko.seniary, b. 10 June, 1916. HAYMAN, C, Saddler CorpL. No. 30738. B.l Battery. R.F.A. ; served with the llxpeditionary Force in France: killed 15 Sept. 1914. HAYMAN, WILLIAM MUIR, D.S.O.. M.I.C.E., Major, R.E.. yr. .s. of the late William McCulloch Hayman. by his wife, Helen Hamilton (6. Somerset Plaee. Glasgow), dau. of William Muir, of Glasgow. Engineer; b. Glasgow. 4 Sept. 1833; ctlue. Glasgow Academy : served his apprenticeship as an Engineer with tiie Glasgow tV: South Western Railway. On the outbreak of war he was CniisnilioL' Lniiineer witli the Great Southern Kaihvav at I'.uenos .\ires (Argentine Branch) : r.tuiTied to I'.iiL'iand in Dee. 1914; obtained a eiininiission in tlie R.E. the same month ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders; took part in the operations on tlie Sonime, being in command of the 20Gth I'iild Coy. ; was wounded in Aug. 1916. and iii\alided home; returned to France on Ids reeovery. when be received a Staff appoint- ment, and afterwards took command of 92nd i' ield Cov. ; was wounded near Ypres 14 June, 1917, and died at Rouen 13 July following. Buried in St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen. Ho Alfred George Hayman. " He was certainlv one of the Milward Cecil Hay ward. William Muir Hayman. was twice mentioned in Despatches [London Gazettes, 15 June, 1916, and 24 Jan. 1917] by F.3L Sir Douglas Haig, for gallant and distinguished service in the field, and was awarded the D.S.O. [London Gazette, 1 Jan, 1917], for en- gineering work of tlie 32nd Division during the advance on the Somme ; num. HAYNES, C, Private, No. 9629. The Lincolnshire Regt. ; served with tlie Exju'ditionary Force in France; killed in action 27 Oct. 1914. HAYNES, C. T., Private, No. 9195. 1st Battn. The Royal Scots Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 21 Sept. 1914. HAYNES, R., CorpL. No. 8774. 1st Battn. The Norfolk Regt. ; served with the Kx|)editionary Force in France; killed in action 25 Oct. 1914. HAYWARD, HENRY, Rifleman. 13th (Service) Battn. The Rifle Brigade (The Prince (Consort's Own), 6th s. of William Hayward ; b. Leytonstone, 16 Oct. 1897 ; educ. Maryville Road School there ; was a Clerk ; enlisted in Sept. 1914 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Sept. 1915, and was killed in aetion at Beaumont Hamel 14 Nov. 1916 ; num. HAYWARD, MILWARD CECIL, MB., Capt.. 28th Field Ambulance, R.A.M.C. (T.F.). X. of Henry Hayward. of Queen Anne's Street, London. Dentist, by his wife, Eliza, dan. of George Radley ; b. Torrington Square, London. W.C., 4 Oct. 1870; educ. Epsom, and at Cains College, Cambridge ; was a Doctor; gazetted Lieut. 3 Dec. 1914. and promoted Capt. 3 Jime, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 23 April. 1915. and died at the Howard Home, Brighton, 23 Aug. 1916. from double septic imeimionia, supervening wounds received in action on the Mcnin Road at Ypres U May. 1915. Buried at Abingdon, CO. Berks. He ni. at Santa Barbara. California, U.S.A.. 24 Sept. 1901. Constance Mary (65. Stert Street. Abingdon), dan. of Alfred Edwardes. and had four children : Edwin William, b. 23 Sept. 1902 ; Plnlip Henrv Cecil, b. 3 April, 1909; (iertrude Elizabeth, b. 8 Jan. 1904. and Constance Marian, b. 29 Nov. 1911. HAZELDEN. F. G-, Gunner, No. 45273. 114th Battery, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 14 Sept. 1914". HAZZELDINE, F., Private ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. HEAL, W. R., S^Tgt., No. 8103, 1st Battn. The Dorsetshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. HEALD, W., Private. No. 6702. 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 24 Oct. 1914. HEALEY, E., L.-CorpL. No. 8725. 2nd Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Oct. 1914. HEALEY, J., Private No. 3804. 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franee ; killed in action 2 Nov. 1914. HEALY, MAURICE KEVIN, CorpL. No. 83381. Machine Gun Corps. 3rd s. of Thomas Joseph Heaiv. Solicitor, of Callan, by Ids wife. Kathleen E.. dan. of Matliew Forrest Shine ;" b. Wexford, 7 March. 1889 : educ. Wexford College ; was a Bank Herk : joined the Duke of Ccrnwall's Light Infantry in March. 1915 : ScTved with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1916: was woTUided at Delville Wood in July and taken i>risoner. but managed to e^caiie ; transferred to the Machine Giiii Corps about Sept. 1916. and died in No. 12'Casnaltv Clearing Station 28 Sept. 1917. from wounds received in action on the 27th. Buried in the Military Cemetery at Mendinghem. He m. in Dublin. 26 Nov. 1914. Marjorie Elizabeth (Peter Street. Nenagh). dau. of the late Charles Albert Sprent. and had a dau.. Joan, ft. 9 Sept. 1915. HEALY, RICHARD M., Artificer Engineer; lost on H.M.S. Good Hope 1 Nov. 1914. HEANEY, ALBERT BOUCHIER BUSSELL, Sergt -Major, No. 6349, 4th Battn The Rifle Briiiade (The Prince Consort's Own), yr. s, of John Heaney, of St Dunstan's, Oaklev Road. Dublin, late Royal (iarrison Artillery: b. Limerick, 27 Jan 1879 -. educ." Model School there ; enlisted 24 Dec. 1908 ; served in the South African War 1899-1902 (Queen's Medal with two clasps). On the out- break of war he proceeded to Salonika, and died on the Hospital Ship Formosa at Stavros Bay 28 Aug. 1916. from dysenti-ry contracted while on active service. Buried at Stavros. His Connnandins Olticer wrote : " He is a very great loss to the briiiade. alwavs so keen and untiring, and was a fine example to all Rifle- men " He m at Dublin. 29 Jnlv. 1903. Clemina, dau. of William .\gnew. of Dublin, and had three eliildreii : Leslie John. ft. 21 Aug. 1904 ; Albert Charles Roland, b. 28 Oct. 1913. and Ruby Dorothy, ft. 21 June. 1910. HEAP, S., Private. No. 7830, 1st Battn. The Black Watch : served with the Expeditionary Foree in France : died of wounds 27 Sept. 1914. HEAPE, BRIAN RUSTON, Capt,. R.F.A.. *. of Walter Heape. M.A.. F.R.S., of Kiu"'s End House, Bicester, anil of 10, King's Bench Walk. Temple, by his wife EUiel. dau. of Jose]ih Ruston ; b. Cambridge. 27 June. 1892: educ. at Parkfield. Ha.vward's Heath; at Repton. where he was a member of the O.T.C.. and shot for his school at Bisley : he also represented his school in the teani sent to Aldershot ior the Public Schools competition of liis year, and at Trinity College. Cambridge, where he served in the Uinvcrsity Cavalry CoriM*. He was apprenticed to Messrs. Vickers. Sheflield ; joined the West Riding Territorial Royal Engineer Corps on the outbreak of war ; obtained a commission in the Royal Horse Artillerv in Dee. 1914, and subsequently exchanged into the Royal Field Artillery. He served with the Expeditionary Force in F'ranee and Flanders from March. 1915 ; took part in the operations on the Somme. and wjis killed iti action 16 May. 1917. while acting Major in connnand of his battery, and fighting his guns at the Battle of Arras. His Colonel wrote : *" Brian, as you know, was a great friend of mine, and we had journeyed into much danger together. You have reason to be proud of him as the bravest of brave soldiers, as brave a man as ever I have met. He had nerves of steel, and did not know what fear was ; in fact, he didn't realize that there was any such thing a.s danger in the whole world. He was a born fighting soldier, a most capable battery commander, and during the whole time he was serving under me I never found' a single fault in him. nor did I have a single complaint from liim 1 miss that great big, cheery fellow, with his Brian Ruston Heape. 134 The Roll of Honour wonderfully jo\I\l! liniizii ;itul his iJi-rtrct y^intl ti-inprr. He was tin- lilV and sou! ol his liatfiTV." and a lirotluT oltinT : " His dratli was nouriy as fircat a hlow to us as it must lit- to you, as we lowd him as oidy a soldirr ran love a very brave and uallaut ollieer." Unm. HEARN, F., Private, .No. 11552. 1st liattn. The King's (Uverjiool Kogt.) ; served with the Kxiieditionarv Force in France; killed in action at .Moissy 20 Seiit. I'.JU. HEARN, G. W., l..-Corpl.. So. 1)1115, 2nd Battn. ■j'hi- .South Lancashire Itc^Kt. ; served with the l-:xiieditionary Forci- in France: killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. HEARN, JOHN STANLEY, 1!..^., 2nd Lieut., :!rd (lii'serve) Hattn. 'I'lic SuHolk Kegt.. yst. .«. uf Alfred Hearn.of Clevelands. Wroxall, Isle ol Wistht, by hi.s wife, Frances Mary, dan. of (n-orye lieadiuan. of Hartest, co. Suffolk ; b, Knightun, .Newchurch", Isle of >Vit;lit, !l Dec. 180i> ; edue. Wiru-hester, and KuHuanuel College, Cambridge (graduateil with Hoiuuirs) ; was a Schoolmaster with I'hilili Stubhs, of Fur/Je Close, .New .Milton, co. Hants ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. ■Inly, Hll.'» ; served with the Fxpeilitionary Force in Fraiu-e, and was killed in action near tiueudecourt Farm 12 Oct. lOlti. A brother otticer wrote : " For perfect bravery his was one of the best deeds yet heard of. He was om- of the few, if not the only otticer out of 17, to gain the Gerniau lines, ami then saw the weak spot was the left Hank, which was * in the air.' . . . He and two others tried to get iti touch with the Xorfolks on his left ; he was shot through the head in his attem|)t to do this, the other two being also killed. \Ve lost 11 otlicers in about 15 minutes and got four wounded. He is a great loss to the battalion, and was v<-ry pojndar with all ranks." Cum. HEARNE, T., l>rivat.', -No. 118T4, 1st ISaMn, The So\lth Wales Borderers ; served with the I'^xiieditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 12 Scjjt. 1914. HEASMAN, J., rrivate, Xo. 9606, 2nd liattn. The Oxfordshire and Bucking- hamshire Light Inlantrv; served with the Expeditioiuirv Force in France; killed in action 1(1 Sept. 1914, HEATER, C. F., Stoker, 2nd Class; lost on H..M.S. Bidwark 26 -Nov. 1914. HEATH, A. J. H., Shoeing Smith, No. 4:3374, R.H.A. ; served with the Kxpedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action in 1914. HEATH, ERNEST JOHN, M.M . Sergt., I) Battery, 2glst Field .\rtillery Brigade-. H.F..^.. (T. !•'.): h. Kerjsiiigton. London, W., 11 .Sejit. 1879; cduc. there; was a Printer, Cable Printing c^: Publishing Company, Hatton House, Kingsway, W.C. ; enlisted in the 12th Roval Lancers 17 Jan.' 1898 ; served in the South .\frican War 1899-1902 (Queen's Medal with four clasps, and King's Medal with two clasps) ; joined the K.F.,\. (T.F.) in .\ug. 1912 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 Oct. 1915 ; and was killed in action at Cambrai 8 Dec. 1917. .An otticer wrote : " He was one of the best soldiers I have ever known, and an exceedingly brave man. He earned the Military .Medal lix- Ills gallant condiut in the late hattli-, but it was imfortunately too late. I only wish he could have known. He certainly deserved it long ago, and would have greatly prizird it. 1 feel that I have lost one of my oldest friends," and the Brigade Quartermaster-Sergt. : " We have lost a good comrade — always a soldier and a num. He died as he lived— doing his duty, and that is, after all, the greatest end to which a soldier eotdd aspire." He was awarded the .Militarv Med,ll for bandaging wounded under heavy fire at Cambrai 6 Dec. 1917. He m. at St. John's C'lnirch, Walthaiustow, 31 Oct. 1903, Elizabeth, dan. of James Wright, and had three sons : Ernest James William, b. 2 Jan. 1905 ; John Fred- erick .Arthur. /). 29 Feb. 1908, and .Albert (Jeorge, 0. 24 Jan. 1910, HEATH, J. W., Private, No. 79:i7. 1st liattn. The W-iltshirc Regt. ; ser\ed with the Fxjieditionary Force in l^rance ; killed in -action 23 Sept. 1914. HEATH, R. L., Shipwright. 2nd Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. HEATH, W., L.-Corjil., .\o. 8105. 1st Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps; served with the Kxpi-ditionary Force in l-'rance ; killed in action 10 Sept. 1914. HEATHCOTE, W., l'ri\-ate. No. 10274, The York and Lancaster Uc-gt. ; served with the ExjK-ditionary Force in France ; killed in action in 1914. ■. No. 2.')08, ■ in Fram-c ; HEATHWAITE, T., Privat with the Fxpeilitionar\- Fore HEBELER, ROLAND STUART, Capt., (Royal W. I'he King's Jloyal Rifle Corps ; served died of wounds 4 Nov. 1914. Roland Stuart Hebeler. 7th (Service) Battn. Tin- Queen's ■st Surrey Regt.), oldest x. of the late Frederick Prickett Hebeler, of Dover, by his wife, Edith, dau. of the late James Meadows Rendel, F.R.S. : and brother-in-law to Capt, G. H. H. Scott (g.r.): b. Upton, Broadstairs. 1871 ; eduo. at Canon Moore's, .Alnmonth, and imder Mr. Kitchener, of Newcastle-under-Lvme ; served in the South .African War 1899-1902 as a Trooper in the Nortlunnberland Imperial Y<-onianry (Queen's .Medal witli four clasps); (ibtained "a eounnis- sioii in The tjueeii's in Sept. 1914, and went to Frani-e in Jldy, 1915 ; was nu>rtally Wfunided near Fricourt 15 Sejit, following, while trying to rescue some of his c-ompany who had been buried by shell tire, and died tlie next morning at Corbie Clearing Station. Buried thi-re. He m. in 1903, Janet Mary (Dene Place, West Horsley, co. Surrey), dau, i>I Sir Henry Hall Scott, Uipsburn, co". North- umberland, and of Eilanreach, co. Inverness, and had three children : Bernard .Adam, b. 1904 ; Roland Stuart Scott, b. 1907, and Hetty Margaret Regina, b. 1905. HEDDING, JAMES LAWRENCE, 2nd Lieut.. 3rd (Reserve) Battn. (Dorset- shire .Militial. The Dorsetshire- Regt.. 2nd s. of William Hedding, of Chalumna, iMinli.n Una. I, llnuniriiiouth, by his wife. Bertha Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Hawl.-tt Warren ; li. l-;ast London, South .Africa, 26 June, 1898 ; edue. Selbourne College. i;ast London, South .Africa, and afterwards by a tutor in Cambridge, where he was when the European War broke out ; volunteered and enlisted in the 7tli (Service) Battn. The Hampshire Regt. 14 Sept. 1914, and after going tlirough a course of training, was given a commission as 2nd Lieut, in the 3rd Dorsetshire Regt. 14 .April, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 1 Oct. following, when he was attached to the 1st Battii, The Middlesex Regt., and died in hospital at Bethnne 28 .March. 1916, from wounds received in action in the trenches near Cuinchy the same day from a rifle grenade ; unm. HEDGES. HARRY, .Able Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Falcon Oct. 1914. HEDGLEY, THOMAS EDWARD, Private. No. 4749, 13th (Service) Battn. The Duke of Cambridge's Own (.Middlesex Regt.), yst. s. of the late John Joseph Hedgley, by Ids wife, Sarah .Ann (Bluebell A'illas, Southend-on-Sea), dau. of Thomas Bradford ; *. near Rocliford, co. Essex, 8 Dec. 1.S94 ; c-duc. Brewery Road and Southehurch Hall Schools, Southend ; was a Builder : enlisted 9 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 25 M,arch, 1916, and was killed in action 1 July following ; num. Lm^ HEDLEV, WILLIAM JAMES, (.iiiit.. lltli (SiTvin-) Battn. Tlie Qmrii's (Kovnl Wi-st Surifv Rest.)- ilch-st k. of the l;iif .loliu 'I'lidTiius (ami Olivi-) Hcillcy, of '■>. Iviiii; .hihii StnM-t. Hi-jiton. Xi-wcn^tlc-on- Tviu-: :iiMi i;(lsoii.oI the late WiHiaiii liirUlnnl. nt' Uotlial : h. Xrwcastlf. 12 April. IHiMi; ■ line. Nditli i;a>tiTii Count iis School, llaniard la^tlr. wh.ir In- \vi^^. a in<-iiii"'r ot tin- U.T.C. ; '■nlisti'ii in the I'uhlii- St-hools Battn. in Aug. h)14 : f))itaini-(i a ((irnnii-^sjon in tin- l.^th liattn. Till- Durham Li.i^ht Infant r,\ \) Jan. 1!U3 ; srrvrd witli tin- l-ixiirditionary l-'orci- in Praiicr and l-'lamirrs : was wonndrd at l.oo-^ ; rt'tnrnid to ICnuland on sirk h-avr,. and on his iiroMr\ transiirnd to the (^uirn's West Surny Ki-L't : wmt hack to I'rancc : was a;iain wnniidi-d in the llattlr nt th'- Stinwin" i:> Sept. I'lji.. and in\a[id<'d honir ; iiji)in<'d his ri'^rimciit :', Jan. li)17. and was killed in action at Mrssincs 7 June lollnwiiiti, llnritd at IUckrl.iisch. His Colonel wrote: '-He- William James Hedley. was killed while uallantly leading his men to the attack. He is a very urcat loss to ns ; he was a horn ort^anizer and fearless, whilst his men lo\ed him." HEILBRON, VICTOR ISRAEL, M.M.. Bomhardier. Xo. 7^*S(.iii. Knval liavsc Artillery. .Idest .->. of Mo-ss HeUbron. of 178. Sutherland Avi-nne. I.tuidon. W ., by his wile, I';\a. dau. of Israel ~ to the battery. Your son met his fate with many aimther bi'ave fellow, heating back heavy counter-attacks, and so helping to save Moucliy from falling again into hostile hands." He was awarded the Jlilitary Medal for bravery in the- field ; num. HEINEMANN, JOHN WALTER, (apt.. 2(.ith {.Service) Battn. (:ird Public Schools) The Itoyal Fusiliers (City of Loudon Ke-:!.). oidy .v. of the late Walter JJahney Miinemauu. Mer- chant, by his wife, Katharine Mabel (4. Ovinu'- ton Gardens, London. S.W.*. dau. of becdhaiiL White; b. 35 Onslow. Sipiare. bondon. S.w.. IS Oct. 1889; edue. Marlborough, ami BalJioi ColleL'e. Oxford; was a I'ublishir: obtained a eoriuuission in Sept. 11U4 ; served with thr lApi ditionary Force in France and Flanders Iroin Xov. 1915, and died of woumNncar Cam- brin li March. 1916. Buried then-; lumi. HELME, GUY MASTERMAN. Lieut." 1st I'.attn. Coldstre;im tiuards. 2ml .v. of Lieut. -Col. Robert Masterman Hehne. of Lee Place. Billingsluirst, 4th Battn. The Uoval Sussex Kegt.. by his wife, Kllen. dau. ol the late iiarnard liecUett Hodfison, of Highlands, liolney, and of 51, Cadogan Square. S.W. : and In-other to Lieut. II. B. Helme (7.'-,); f/. London. 2 Xo\'. 1897 : edue. SuTnnierlields. mar Oxford {])r. Williams); Eton (.Mr. K. liTipey's House), and the Royal Militar\" Col- ^^^L It'ge, Sandhurst ; was izazetted 2nd Lieut. 2t> ^^^^^-' . -^ii"- ^*^*16, and ))ronioted Lieut. 3 Sept. fol- ^^^^^B^*-\ lowing; served with the Kxjieditionary Force ^^^r^ \j in F'ram-e from Jan. 1917. and died at the l^f .--^ * Duchess of Westminster's Red Cross Hospital. fm *** "^ I't" Touiiuet. :iO Oct. 1917. from wounds. v» - received in action at Honthulst Wood. >, Burii-d in the llnglish Ci-nu'tery at JCtaples; "iim. ^^^'^^t^ HELME.. ROBERT BARNARD, Lieut . ^^^^ k. 1st (Ro\ah DraL'oons. eldest x. of Lieut. -Col. ^^^^^^^s. 41^^ Robert Ma.sterman Hehne. Lee J'lace. ^^^^^^^P^^^ Billingshurst, 4th I'lie Roval Sussex ^^^^^^^^^ Mfm. Regt.. the ^^^^^^^^K VBL ~B. Hodgson to M. B^^B^BBBB^^BB Helme {q.r.) ; b. London. 2H Xov. 189i> edue. Summerfields, Oxford {Dr. Williams) ; Eton (Mr. E. Impey's House), and the Royal Military College, Sandhurst; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Sept. 1914. and promoted Lieut. June, 191G; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 28 Nov. 1914, and was killed in action 25 June, 1917. while leading his men in a niuht raid into the (iernum trenches. Burie : served in Ireland during the Rel)eIlion in April, 1916, also witK the I'^xpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 7 Sept. 1916. and died at the Charles L. P. Heming. \'f^}^^l ^,^^,^'''T ^^^I*'*^'' ^^l^""^'- ^°- ^ants, ** 12 leb. 191/, from pneumonia, sujiervenmg wounds received in action at Loos on the 10th of the previous month. Buried Guy Masterman Helme. Robert Barnard Helme. The Roll of Honour 135 74. riu' Kiflt* Brigade ; served with the Expeditionary iirtinii 21 Oct. 1914. Richard Patrick Hemphill. in St. Martin's Churchyard. Cantrrbviry. co. Kent. His Coniniunding Ofticer wrote ; '* He was a fine lad, and had already made liis reputation as one of the best of our younger ofticers. His pluck and character are an example to all of ns." Unm. HEMMING, HARRY, Private, No. 16348, 3rd Battn. C^oldstreani Guards, only s. of Wilhain Alexander Hemming, of 10, Venetia Road, Garrison Lane, Small Heath, Birmingham, Labourer, by his wife, Martha, dau. of John Bloom ; b. Nechclls. Birmingham, 2 April, 1886 ; educ. Selly Oak Board School ; subse- ((Ucntly entered the eniplojnnent of the Birmingliam Corporation Gas Works ; imlisted 16 June, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 17 May, 1916. and died in Brighton Pavilion Hospital 22 Feb. 1917. from wounds received in action at Delville Wood 15 Sept. 1916. He in. at St. Andrew's Church. Bordeslcy, liirminghani. 27 Nov. 1904, Catherine (3, Back 38. Talfourd Street. Small Heath. Birmingham), dau. of Thomas Stevens. and liad six children: Henrv. b. 10 Sept. 1908; William, ft. 27 April. 1910; Albert, b. 10 Julv. 1912 ; Jolui. ft. 2 Nov. 1914; Arthur, ft. 17 Jan. 1917, and Nelly, ft. 3 Jan. 1907. HEMMINGS, E., Private. No. 5344. 1st Battu. The North Staffordshire Regt.; s.Tveit with the Lxpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds in No. 17 Field Amimlanee 23 Oct. 1914. HEMP, A., Private. Xi,. Force in I''r;ince ; killed i HEMPHILL, RICHARD PATRICK, 2nd Lieut., 6th (Service) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Leinster Kei:t. (lio>al Canadians), attd. R.F.C., 2nd surv, s. of the Rev. Samuel Hemphill, of Hamilton, Ailesbury Road, Dublin, D.D., Litt.l).. Chaplain of the Masdalen Asyhim tliere. and of All Saints" Church. Rouen. France, and Examininn Chaplain to the Arch- bishop of Dublin, by liis wife. Flora Margaret, eldest dau. of the late Rev. Canon Alexander Delap. Rector of Valencia, co. Kerry ; 6. The Rectory. Birr. King's County. 17 March, 1804 ; educ. Chesternekl School there ; St. Columba's College. Hathlarnham. Dublin ; Campbell College, Belfast, where he was a member of the O.T.C., and the University of Dublin, where also he was a member of the O.T.C.. and was a medical student at Trinity College. Dublin. Ho w;e- an ;ietive member of the Student Volunteer Missionary Union, serving on the Irish Comuiittee. and in April, 1914. volunteered for missionary work, being also Superintendent of Fishamble Street Mis- sion. Dublin; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 6th Battn. The Leinster" Regt. 10 Dec. 1914 ; -•^i'rved with the Exiieditionary Force in France and Flanders from 19 Mav to Nov. 1915. being attached to tlie 1st Battu. The Leinster Regt.. and with the Salonika Army from Nov. 1915. where he was Machine Gun Omcer. and for a short time in command of a comjiany : became attached to the R.F.C. in Ksvpt in Feb. 1917. and was accidentally killed at Heliopolis. Cairo. 24 March tnllowiHir. by the falling of liis aeroplane. Buried in Old Cairo Cemeterv [No. 2ii!. Set tiun F]. Lieut.-Col. H. W. Weldon. 1st Battn. The Leinster Regt.. now (191S) commanding 4th Battn. The Royal Berkshire Regt.. wrote : '" For nearlv a vear he was imder me — during 1915— when I was Adjutant, and for a short time his Company Commander, and I can honestly say I never knew a more conscientious, capable. or pluckier soldier. He was loved by his men. and had he bei'U spared. I fee! sure he would have made a great name for himself, if opportunity occurred. I tliink lie was one of the nicest boys I i-ver met, and one I shall never forget." and Major T. R. A. Stannus, D.S.O., 6th Battn. The Leinster Regt. (since died of wounds) : "My recollections of your boy Pat are most vivid. He was a great favourite with us all. and deservedly loved. His fine example stood out. and you have reason to be proud of your son. He was a man in every sense, and was, in addition, not afraid to conform to liis liigli principles." ('apt. T. D. Murray, 1st Battn. The Leinster Regt., also wrote : " Your sorrow is shared by all of us out here. There was no one better liked in the battalion. The men in ' A ' used to let liim into their confldenre. and they will all be sorry to-day." While at Dublin University he won a junior exhibition in 1912. a prize in Classics in 1913, first prize in Natural Science in 1914, and Class Certificate of Merit in Anatomy the same year ; inwi. HEMSWORTH, P., Private. No. 9869. 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France: killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. HENDERSON, A., Private. No. 7751. The Black Watch; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 7 Oct. 1914. HENDERSON, CHARLES EDWARD PIERCY, M.C., Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, ("apt.. Royal Field Artillery, .s. of Edward Piercy Henderson, of Cam- bridge Square. Hyde Park, Loudon, W., late I.C.S.. by Ins wife, Alice, dau. of the late G. R. Elsmie, C.S.I.. LL.D. ; and gdson. of tlie late John Piercy Hender- son, of Fosweli Bank, co. Perth ; ft. Simla. India, 15 March. 1887 ; educ. Summer- fields : Radley (Scholar), and passed fourth into the Ro\al Militar\- Academv, Woolwich ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. 20 Dec. 1906 ■ pronrnted I. lent. 20 Dec. 1909, and Captain R.H.A. 30 Oct. 1914 ; went to France tlie following month, and served at the Front there until liis death ; was present at the Battles of the Aisnc, Ypres and La Bassee. also at Vermelles, Loos. Hulluch and Holieuzollern, commanding Ids batterv in all the latter ensatrements : received the Order of the Legion of Honour. Fifth Class l London (iazette. 24 Feb. 19U1J : was present at the principal battles on the Somnie from the (nd of July to tlic day of liis death, and was awarded the Military Cros-. (London Gazette. 1 Jan. 1917], his nami- lieing sent up tliree times on the Sumnie alone ; was killed in action at Martinpnieh 17 Nov. 1916. when in euinmand of his battery. Buried at Contal- maison. Villa Wood. He had (pialified as Interpreter in French. He was an all-round sjiortsman. a fine fisherman and shot, and a falconer. He had passed a balloon course, and had obtained the Koval Aero Club's Pilot Certificate. His Brigadier-General wrote : " He hud a ^'n;it luture in front of him. His ability alone was far above the average, and hi^ > ii> i ix ;ind power of getting work out of his men were extraordinary. I can h -il,\ ^ay that no othcer in France served his King and country witli u'featei ^.al. ability and courage, and I only wish that we all po--r->i d in the -.;inie marked degree all those qualities which go to make a tir-.t-ela~- --oldirr. Hi- -, r\ices up to the time of Ids death had only been rewarded by the Legion of liuimiir. and I much regret that snch a magnifi- cent soldier had not received further recognition." An oHicer wrote : " His death is a terrible blow to the battery, the britiade, and iiidied the whole division. He had an established reputation as the most skilful izuiun-r in the division, and the infantry liked to be supported by iiini. .\lthonuh iuliniteh more work was done in his battery than in any other in the whole ltriii--li Lxiiedirionary Force probably, he was adored by Ids men, and his odUirs loved and ies|)ietcd lum." One nt ids men also wrote : " He was loved and respected by all who came in eoMtaet with liim, and no one loved mid respecti-d him mure than we who served under liim. You may rest assured that wliilst the battery is in tliis district the late Captain's grave will be looked after. He was loved and respected as a brave. honourable and t:allant ottieer and gentleman. He was like a lather to us and we loved him as such." He had long before the war pressed on the Ordnatiee Board the total inadeciuacy of the anti-aircraft gear. He had invented ou"- ; the War Otlicc took over his patent, and gave him to understand that they intended to use it. He always wished for a large gun for anti-aircraft work, being convinced that notliing under six-inch was any good at all. He fought hard and steadily on this subject almost to the end. He also invented a wire- laying plough in 1915. which was used with great success by his battery. He was noted at the Front for his wondcrfid power of digging in, and for liis fine gun positions : unw. HENDERSON, DAVID KINNAIRD, Signaller. No. 44732. 189tli Brigade. R.F..\.. .V. of William David Henderson, of The Elms, North Minims. Hatfield, CO. Hertford, by his wife. Isabella Wcdderburn Ogilvy Young. L.L.A., dau. of James Yovmg Muirhead, of Pitcullo. Cupar, co. Fife; ft. Kiunaird Farm. CO. Fife ; educ. Stationers' School, London : studied agriculture, and occuijicd a farm in Scotland ; enlisted in S-pt. 1915 : ss'rvcd with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; was wounded 11 June. 1917 : on his re- covery joined the 108th Unit, and was killed in action near Ypres 19 Aug. following. Buried in the British Army Cemetery at Vlamertinghe. His Com- manding Ofticer wrote : "He was an exceptionally good signaller; a good comrade and a gal'ant soldier." Hum. HENDERSON, G-, Private, No. 696, The Black Watch; served with the Expeditionary l-'orce in France ; died of wounds at Base Hospital 26 Oct. 1914. HENDERSON, G., Private. No. 8184, 2nd Battn. The Dnkc of Wellington's Regt. ; ser\''d with the Exi)editionary Force in France ; died of wounds in 1914. HENDERSON. GEORGE, Private, No. 266060, l'6th (Territorial) Battn. The Gordon Highlanders, i-ldest s. of John Henderson, of Woodhc-iid. Edingight. Grange, CO. Banff, Farmer, by his wife. Jane -Ann, dau. of George Massie; ft." South Whitehill. Grange, CO. Banff. 27 March. 1895 ; educ. Sillyearu Public School. Grauiie : was a Farm Servant ; joined the Kordon Hi'_'hlandcrs 21 Jan. 1915 ; served with tlie l^xpeditiunary Force in France and Flanders from IL Sept". 1916. and died at No. 1 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station 26 April. 1917. from wounds received in action on till' 23rd : >i»m. HENDERSON, HARRY W ILLIAM, Private. No. 21467. irth (Service) Battn. The Royal Siots (Lotluan Regt.). s. of the late Henry Henderson, by his wife. Margaret (42, Hill- bank Road. Dundee), dan. of David Stephen ; h. Dundee. 23 Feb. 1892 ; educ. at St. Patrick's, Dundee, and St. Josei)h's. lidiuburgh ; was employed in Messrs. Frank Stewart Sande- man's JIanhattan Works ; enlisted 3 April, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France from Jan. 1916 ; took part in the Battle of the Sonimc and was killed in action near Ypres 23 Oct. following. The Chaplain wrote: "Your son has been with us for some time, attached to the 10th Entrenching Battn.. doing important work in a position that is often very dangerous. As he was going about his duty yesterday, without warning of danger, a German shell burst near him and killed him in-itantaneously. To-day we liave laid Ids ()odv to rest in a little soldiers' cemeter>- at Olivier" Farm, not far from the well-known town of Ypres. . . . Ofticers and men miss him, for they all liked him as a faithful and trusty soldier, and we are all proud of his doings ou tlu' Somme. for which I understand he was recommended for the D.C.M." Cum. HENDERSON. ROBERT, M.M.. Sergt.. No. 650170. 86t!i lirigade. R.F.A., eldest 5. of Alexander Henderson, of 13, Shau- dou Street, Edinburgh, by his wife. Jane Graham, dau. of the" late" George Bell; ft. Kdinburgh, 21 Jan. 1893 : educ. Dean Public School ; was a Postman at Edinburgli. being for several years a member of the 1st Mid- lothian Battery (Territorial Force); was called up on the outbreak of war: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Oct. 1915 ; was wounded 7 Sejjt. 1917. and died two days lati-r at No. 37 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried in the British Cemetery. Godewacrsveldi*. sotith- south-west of Poperinghe. His Chaplain wrote ; "" He was a fine type of man. and •j.:\yi^ me the impres-sion of being a good man, and he was a gallant soldier, who died doing his duty true till death. He was a most grateful and patient sntlercr ; I tliink all who came in contact with him here learned to like lum. His di'ath has been a sorrow to us all," and a comrade : " He was one of the ■ader. brave. God-fearing chap ; I feel Ids death iwarded the Mditary Sledal 1 i.ondon Gazette, He m. at Edinburgh. 3 Aug. 1917, George Henderson. Robert Henderson. finest chaps I ever met. a good 1( too much for words." He was 21 May. 1916], for gallantry on the field, Isa, dau. of James Swan ; s.jt. HENDERSON, S., Private, No. 8641, 2nd Battn. The Welsh Rogt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. .HENDERSON, STEWART, Fireman : lost on H.M.S. Rohilla 30 Oct. 1914. HENDERSON, W., Privati'. No. 7759. Tiie Black Watch; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. HENDRY. W. G., Musician : lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. HENDERSON. WILLIAM GEORGE, 2nd Lieut.. 4th (Territorial) Balln. The Gordon Highlanders, 3rd .s. of Capt. Joseph Henderson, of 180. Forest Avenue. Aberdeen. Merchant Service, by Ids wife. Helen Grant, dan. of Thomas Best Gibson; b. Aberdeen. 7 May. 1896; educ. Aberdeen Grammar School; was employed with James Milne A- Co.. Chartered Accountants. Abcrdei'U ; enlisted 18 Nov. 1914 : obtained a commission 10 Dec. 1915; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders ; underwent a course of instruction in the trench mortar, wheri' he did good work and received an excellent " i>ass out " ; subseipu-utly took a Lewis Gun course, and was appointed Lewis Gun Ofticer to his company, and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 23 April, 1917. His Commanding Ofticer wrote : " In the battle of 23 April he led his men with the greatest eovirage, and by his fine example p\it great spirit into them." Finn, HENDLEY, CHARLES THOMAS. D.C.M.. L.-CorpL. No. 7550, 1st Battn- ((H)th Foot ) The King's Royal Itiflc Corps, s. or Charl.< Tliomas Hendley, of Derby, Spar Turner, by Ids wife. Kate. dau. of James Sims, yiiner -. b. Leeds. 23 Jan. 1894 ; educ. St. Mary's. Derby; vohmteered and enhsted 22 Nov. 1914; went to France 18 March, 1915 ; was wounded in action at Givenchy, being hit by a rifle im The Roll of Honour jiiviuulf. and di.'d tmlf an hmir alh-rwanls. K.-li. lOKi. liuri.il m tli. (;uanl> tViiu-tt'ry at Wiiidv C'orn.r. (Jiv.nchy. Hr was awanicii thr Di^tinu'iiistinl ConduttMi-dal lor rnii-ipii-iioii- liallaiitiy on tlu- ni^lit of 2H .Inly. IIU.'.. wlu-n in rharm- of till- iMJUibinc partv on a (irrnuin cratrr. ■" He- n-inann-d at Ins post tlirowiu" bombs at a critical iicriod. when the enemy started countcr-lioinbmf,' ; his braviTv and coolni-ss served as a tim- example to others who. at one time, wrn- somewhat shaken." (lixtract from Army Orders. 1 r)ec. 1915.) Unm. HENNESSEY, B., Private. No. 4:J!»4. 1st Battn. The Devonshire Kegt. ; served witti tlu- Expeditionary Force in France: killed 2(> Oct. 1914. HENNESSEY. G. H., !>.-t'orpl.. So. 8992, 2nd IJattn. The Sonth Lancasliirc Keet. : srrvi'd with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 3 Oct. I'iM. HENNEY, HERBERT NORMAN, L.D.S.. 2nd Lient.. Special Reserve, R.F.A.. vr -s ot William Hennev, Merchant ; b. Edinbnrnh. Hi March, 1892 ; educ. Daniel Stewart's College, Edinhurfih : was a Dental Snr^eon ; joined the Edmburgli T'nivi-rsity O.T.C, in May. 1915 : served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders fnun .Iniie, iOlG. and was killed in action at Monetiy-le-l*renx 25 April, 1917. Unried in the Military Cemetery, Arras. l.ient.-Col. H. Marriott Smith wrote: "He was a most capalile ottieer and a lovable com- pjniuti to all oi MS. and you may wil! fee! proud Ml him, particularly of his work duriut: the last lew days of his life. ... 1 saw your husband fre.piently dnriiiLi the last week of his life and he was .ilwaNs workiim. apparently quite unmoved bv the dangers bv which lie was sur- vdUiidrd. We all of ns fi-el nuich the loss of hi^ ami other lialhnit lives." Major V. O. Dolphin wrote " He was an ottieer who could ill be spared, ami was much respected and l;eloved by all ranks. The non-commissioned otheers and men have expressed to me their wish to place on record their very heartfelt -.vmpathy with yon at his nntimely death, and I have smitiested to them that they should do >o to you personally, as briug more acceptable.* and Capt. Eii^deton : *" Hi- was always so bright and cheerful, and was one of the Ipcst of soldiers. He will be jircatly missed bv the brigade, as In- was \ery jiopniar witli officers and men alike." Also a brother officer wrote : " I have met no one so universally loved and respected bv officers and men as was your husliaiLd. His loss has hit ns all very hard. He" was a most gallant soldier and gentleman, one whom it will be ditticnlt to replace, and who could ill be sj.ared by his country. 1 have never met anvoue more imiversaliy esteemed by the men than your husband, and have lieard expressions of reuret and sym)iathy for you on all sides." He m. at Edinburgh, 29 Dec. 1915. .lessie Kobertson. dan. of the late Thomas Mitcliell Jlow, of Banker, Glasgow, and Mrs. How (3. Merchiston Park. Edinburgh), and had a dan., Norecn Margaret, b. 19 Feb. 191T. HENNING, WILLIAM ALBERT, Private. No. 1865C, 15th (Service) Battn. The Koyal Warwickshire Regt., 4tli a. of Hein-y William Henniug. Stone Mason, by his wife, .lane Sarah, dan. of William Lovelock; /'. baiLd|inrt, I'ortsmunth, co. Hants. 16 March, 1879 : educ. Church Street Eiementary School there: was a Barman at the Sussex Hotel. I'ortsmonth : enlisted 3 April, 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Trance ami Elandirs from 3 July following, and die .Inly. 1917. and wa- killed at Vate^bury 20 Oct. following, as the result of an aeroplane accident. Unried iii Vatesbnry Churchyard; unm. HERBERT. J., L.-Corpl.. No. 7779, The Cameron Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 2 Nov. 1914. HERBERT, S., Private. No. 1(1264. The Grenadier Guards; served with the ICxpeditioiuiry Eoree in France; died of wounds in 1914. HERBERT, S., No. 77i;i. 2nd Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt.; served with the Exiieditionarv Force iu France; killed in action 18 Oct. 1014. HERBERT, THOMAS WILLIAM PERCY, Capt.. 21st (Servi.v). attd. 9th (Service). Battn. Tin- Welsh Kent., only .s. of the late Thomas Herbert, by his wife. Florence Jeanette (Brvnderwen. Cacrleon. co. Mon- mouth), dau. of \V. B. Knight ; b. Liandcuny, CO. Monmouth. 16 April. 1889; educ. The West Monmouthshire School. I'ontypool ; enlisted in Aug. 1914 ; obtaimd a commission in the 21st Battn. The Welsh Regt. 2(t Dec. 1915 ; was promoted Lieut. 21 May. 1917. and Capt. the following June: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flamlers from Aug. 1916. attached to the 9th llattn. The Welsh Regt.. and was killed in aetioa at Wvtsehaete 2 Aug. 1917. Buried there, south offireen Wood. His Coloiu-I wrote; "He was in charge of liis eompan>". and had taken over the outpost line, when he was shot by an enemv sniper through the head. 1 slumld like to tell you how fond we alt were of him, and how very much I shall miss him in the regi- ment, l' could always depend upon him. iioth in courage and work." He m. at Caerlicni, Caerleon), dau. of William Parry, of Cacrleon. Thomas W. P. Herbert. enrho: 29 Nov. 1915, Elsie Mary (1' HERINGTON, PERCY GODFREY, 2nd Lieut.. 8th (Service) Battn. The Koval Welsh Fusiliers, yr. s. of Percy Ucring- Percy Godfrey Herington. ton, of .Merston, Chichester, Farmer, by his wife, Fanny Caroline, dau. of John Eede ; b. Merston," Chichester, co. Sussex, 18 May, 1H95 : educ. Prebeudal School. Chidiester. and Berkhamsted. wliere he was a niemln'r of tlie O.T.C. ; was afterwards learning farming; served iu the Sussex Yeomanry from 1912 to 1913 ; joined the Utnversity and Public Schools Battn. of the 19th itoyal Fusiliers in Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war: was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Royal Welsh Fusiliers in June, 1915; served with the Indian l^^xpeditiotmry Force in .Mesopotamia from Jan. 1916; was slightly woimded at Sanua-i-Yat 9 April following, ami was invalided to India in Aug.. sntfering from dysi'utiry ami jaundice ; returned to the tiring line in Dec. DUO. and was killed in action on the riiiht bank of the River Tigris 15 Feb. 1917. Buried on the banks of the River Hai. His Commanding Officer wroti' : " He was a hard- md popular with both officers and men. His loss working and Lzallant otlici' will be -ireatly fell." Cut HERITAGE, HERBERT FRANK, L.-Corpl.. No. 23230. 6th (Reserve) Battn. The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regt.), 3rd s. of Arthur Batchcler Heritage, Commercial Traveller ; b. Islington, J.,ondon, N., 12 Jan: 1886; educ. People's Palace, London, E. ; was a Commercial Traveller ; enlisted 6 June, 1916; trained at Cluitham : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 7 Feb. 1017. ami was killed in action at Loopa Line, near Arras. 15 March following, by a shell. His Commanding Officer wrote: " He died after gallantly leading his men ent forward to Melbourne for further special instruction : left .Australia with the 1st Division ; landed in Egypt in Nov. 1914 ; siTved with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force at iJallipoli from 25 April. 1915, taking part in the landing and evacuation of the I'.iiin-ula : returned to Egypt ♦» Jan. UUti, when he was transferred to the 4th Australian l)ivi>ioii, then being formed, and with which he proceeded to France in June. 1916. and was killed in action on the Zonnebeke Ridge 2G Sept. 1917. Buried at Lyssenthoek Ceme- tery, near Poperinghe. Sir Robert Baden- Powell wrote : " I remember your boy so well af r.nckhurst Farm, and know he was a universal favourite there. He has left behind an example of service and self-sacrifice which wiil be an inspiration to the Boy Scouts who knew him in carrying out their duty^as he did — at no matter what personal cost." His Ofiicer Commanding wrote: "He was pre- viously wounded while holding a podtion with conspicuous bravery, and showing the most heroic examples to his comrades. Your boy's memory will ever be revered by his comrades," and his Major : " Paget, as he was generally known, even among the officers, was a true soldier boy, one that the Australian Army can ill afford to lose: his experience, his bravery, his total indifference to fire of any kind. Ids Christianlike character, all went to make the lad one of the most popular in the xmit." A comrade also wrote: "The boys of the section and battalion runners speak of him still as if he were still alive but absent elsewhere. He will always be to lis all a fond memory of someone better in every way than any of us. and in the Signal Companies (1st and 4th) his name and spirit will be a tradition." He was awarded the Military Medal [London Gazette. 9 Dec. 1916], for gallantry in mending lines under fire at Pozieres on 3—4-5 Sept. 1916 ; unm. HEYCOCK, JOHN IVOR, Private. 2nd Battn. (69th Foot) The Welsh Regt., g. of William Hevcock. Copper Smoltcr at Messrs. Yivian A: Sons, by his wife. Lucy E.. dau. of James Heath; b. Port Talbot. 26 Sept. 1887: educ. Taibach Council Schools, Port Talbot : was a Steel Worker : prior to the outbreak of war he w;is a member of the Yolunteer Corps; enlisted 16 Jan. 1915: trained at Barrv and Khyl : served with the Exj)editionary Force in France and Flanders, and "was killed in action at PozL'res 20 Aug. 1916. Buried there. He /«. at Neath. Maraaret. dau. of William Williams, and had two cliildren : Lucy. b. 19 June. 1912. and Klizabeth, b. 8 July. 1914. HEYWOOD, JOHN, Sergt., No. 12103. 19th (Service) Battn. (4th City) The :\Ianchester Regt.. 3rd s. of James Henry Heywood. of Westbourne. Archer Park. Middleton. Manchester. Joiner and Builder, by his wife. Sarah Klh'n. dan. of James Booth ; b. Middleton, 18 Jan. 1894 ; educ. Holy Trinity Church School, and .M:inehe,ter Secondarv School, Whitworth Street. Manchester; was a Bank Clerk in the Oldhim branch of the Luneushire and Yorkshire Bank ; volunteered and enlisted Sept. 1914: went to France Nov. 1915: was wounded in action 27 Jan. 1916. and (lied in No, 5 Casuidty Clearing Station, near Corbie, two days later. He was mortally wounded when in liis dug-out by an enemy grenade. Buried in Corbie Cemetery. His Captain wrote : " I cannot speak too highly of him. and 1 always looked upon him as my best Sergeant. He was most beloved by officers and ni'Mi." C/un. HEYWORTH, WILFRED ALEXANDER, 2nd Lieut.. 5th (Territorial) Battn. Tiie Kin'_''s (Liverpool Regt.). .«. of Harold Urnv rod H<'yworth. of 4. Tudor Road. Upper Norwood. London. S.E.. by his wife, hiise Grace, dau. of the late Milton Cromwell Massie. of Melliourne, Australia : b. Buenos Aires. 24 March. 1896 ; educ. Burston Pn-- paratory School, Hor'ey. co. Surn-y. and Birkenhead School : enlisted the beginning of Sept. 1914; obtained a commission 24 Oct. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 23 May, 1916. while getting his m"-n under cover near Arras. Buried at Wailly. near Arras. From amongst the many letters of tribute from brother officers and men. we select one from lus Colonel, who writes : " On my return from a brief leave I was shocked to hear of the death of your boy. To me it came as a jtecuiiar personal blow, for I had the greatest regard and alfeelion for him. looking uj>ou liim as one of the best and finest ■ types ' that 1 have ever had under me. and. in adtiition his own personal qualities endeared liim to us all. The lot of a Com- manding Olficcr in tins stupendous ' game ' is at best a laborious one, but with us it is lightened by our being (as far as lies in my i>ower) al! ' part of a family," and never have we had, or will have, a finer memlK^r of the group." etc.. etc. He was a keen sportsman, excelling in cricket and football ; unm. HIBBERD, G. A. W., Private, No. 8386. 1st Battn. The Wiltshire Regt. ; with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 24 Aug. 1914. HIBBERT, J.. Private. No. 9595. 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt.; with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Oct. 1914. HICHENS. WILLIAM THOMAS, 2nd Lieut.. 1st Battn. (32nd Foot) The Duke of Cornwall's l.iiiht Infantry, .s. of William Jones Hichens, of St. Ives. co. Corn- wall, and of i;ombay. India.'by his wife. Julia, dau. of the late Richard Hingston ; b. in India. 1S94 : educ. Haileybury College, where he won the Cold Jledal for drawing open to all public schools;" Pembroke College, Oxford, and the Royal Military College. Sandhurst, where he held the rank of Cadet Capt. On the outbreak of war he obtained a commission in the 9th (Service) Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; after serving a year in tliis battalion he resigned his Wilfred A. Hey worth. served served 18S The Roll of Honour coniinisston. went to Sandhurst, and wa-; i-vfnt\ia!!y -jazi'ttrd to lii< old rruiim-nt (1st Hattn.) in liUO : served witli the Kx|n'ditionary Foiir in I-"rani<' and Flaiidrrs. and was kitlfil in a<-tion near (iviilUinont :i Sipt. I'.ilii. Hiiriid then-. Hi-i Conunandin;; Ollieer wrote : "" He was killed tin ;i Sept. wliili- li-adinti liis jilatwin most (gallantly in the assault. I had formed a most tavtmrabli- impression ol him. and ht- had made himself very |)opular with us all. ... It may eonifort you a Ijtth- to learn, sinee your boy contributed so nuieh to it. that the battalion attaek was a niajinilleent sueeess, and all our objectives were captured." fum. HICKEY, C, ActinK Corpl.. Xo. 0918, The Kitle Bricade ; served with Mie Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 19 Oct. 1914. HICKEY, J., (iunner. No. 72955, R.F.A. ; served with tin- Fxpeditiouary Force in France ; kilh-cl in 1914. HICKEY. J.. Trivate. .\o. 10657. 2nd Battn. The Duke of Wellintiton's Begt. ; served with the Kxpcditionary Force in France ; killed in action 2:1 Aug. 1914. HICKS. W. G., Acting Bombardier, Xo. 61047. R.K. ; served witli the Expedi- tionary Force in France : killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. HICKSON, REGINALD DAVIES, M.(".. Capt.. 0th (S.rvic.-) liattn. The Essex Kegt.. .v. Ill .Inhn William Hiek-^oii. Win'- Merchant, by his wife, .\melia. dan. of Joseph Kiiii: Andn-ws. of Hull; h. Leytonstone, London. K.. 10 June, 1887 ; educ. liaiKToft School. Woodford : served for four years in the Artists' Rifles, retiring in 191:5 ; rejoined after the outbreak of war in Ann. 1914 : was gazetted 2nd Lifut . The Essex Begt. 10 March. 1915. being promoted Eieut. and Capt. in March. 1917; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Marcli. 1916, and was killed in action at Monehy-!e-I»reux ;Ji) April. 1917. Capt. Hiekson was awarded the Military Cross [hondon (lazctti-. H May, 1917], lor gallant and distinguished bravery in the field ; num. HIGGINS, E., Private, Xo. 10262, The Duke of Cornwairs Light Infantry; served with the F.xpeditiouary Force in France: died of wounds 22 Oct. 1914. HIGGINS, HENRY, Private, Xo. 241496, 4/8th (Territorial) Battn. The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Rcgt.). s. of William Higgin-;. of 110. Clarence Street. Southall. Labourer; b. Cranford. 26 Oct. 1890 ; edu<-. Featherstoue Road School, Southall: enlisted 29 Feb. 1916: served with tlu- Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action on the Soinme 17 3Iay, 1917. His Commanding Officer wrote: "I deeply regret his death, as he was a tine soldier and a brave man. He was killed at about 10 a.m. on the morning of the 17th by a (Jerman shell, wliich dropped in the trench we were tlieii occupying. It was a merciful death, as he was asleep at the time, having been up all the previous night. Death was instantaneous. He is buried close by the spot wliere he died, and in the trench he so ably helped to hold. I can only express to you my deepest sorrow for you all. I hope it will be some consolation for you to know that his death is deei)ly regretted by all the officers and men who knew him." He m. at Southall, 11 June, 1916. Dorothy (78, Reghia Street, Southall, CO. Middlesex), dau. of George Ballard ; s.p. HIGGINS, J., Private, Xo. 6601, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1014. HIGGINS, J., Private, No. 6915, 2nd Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 24 Oct." 1914. HIGGINS, M.. Private. Xo. 7553, 1st Battn. Tin- Ka^t Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the KxiH-ditionary Force in France ; killed in action i:J Oct. 1914. HIGGINS, S. R., Private. Xo. 14554. 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. HIGHAMS, ERNEST EDWARD, P.O., Xo. 162971 ; lost on H.M.S. Pegasus Sept. 1914. HIGHAN. E.. Sergt.. Xo. 10811. 2nd Battn. The Sherwood Foresters; served with the Kxpnlitionary Force in France : killed in action 20 Sept. 1014. HILES, WILLIAM HENRY, Private. Xo. 38:i:i, 5th (Territorial) Battn. The GloueestiTsbire Keut.. eldest s. of William Henry Hilcs, by liis wife, Martha, dau. of Henry Snow ; h, Cirencester, co. Gloucester. 2:i Aug. 1863 ; educ. Holy Trinity School, Chelteiiliam : wa-; a Baker; enlisted in Jan. 1915 ; trained at Shriven- ham, Cholscy and Great Bentley. and died at Claeton-on-Sea 7 March, 1016, from pneumonia, contracted wliile on service. Buried in the St. Mary's Cemetery, Great Bentley, co. Kssex. Col. Wheeler wrote : " His work has always been satisfactory and his loss will be felt." and another officer : " He stuck to liis work like a man.'* He m. at Charlton Kinss. Kliza (6, Beaufort Buildings, Pittville. f'hcltenham). dau. of Joseph Rone, and had five children : William James. 6. 10 Feb. 1893 (killed in action) {q.v.) ; Mabel Annie, b. 24 April. 1883 ; Xellie Mav, h. 16 Mav, 1885 (rf. 25 Oct. 1914) ; Louisa, b. 25 Mav. 1887 (d. 4 March, 1913), and Alice, b. 4 Jan. 1801. HILES, WILLIAM JAMES, Gunner, Xo. 52014. D; llOth, attd. 111th, Brigade. R.F.A.. onlv .S-. of the late Private William Henrv Hiles. The Gloucestershire Regt. (q.r.i by his wife, Eliza Martha (6. Beaufort' Buildings. Pittville. Chelten- ham), dau. of Joseph Rone ; b. Cheltenham, 10 Feb. 1893 ; educ. Holy Trinity School there ; was on thestatf of the City Mental Hospital, liirmingliam ; enlisted in Aug. 1014 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 25 Sept. 1915. and was killed in action at Vimy Ridge 21 May, 1916. Buried in the Cemetery, St. Eloi. An officer wrote : " In losing Hiles I have lost a great friend : he was one of the most popular men in the brigade," and another ; " He was a good fellow and a good friend to have." Umti. HILL, A., Private, Xo. 10656, 1st Battn. Tlie South Wales Borderers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed 21 Oct. 1914. HILL, A., Private, Xo. 6571. 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. HILL, BERESFORD WINNINGTON, Lieut., R.F.C., only s. of Thomas Hill, of Kast \'iew. Uxbridge, by his wife. Florence Herbert, dau. of Rear- Admiral Herbert Frederick Winnington-Ingram ; h. Ewell, co. Surrey. 27 May, 1892 ; educ. Mr. Worsley's, Evelyns, Hillingdon : Malvern College (Scholar), where he was a member of the O.T.C., and shot at Bisley in 1011. and Magdalene College. Cambridge (Classical Scholar), where he was a memlier of tlie O.T.C., and graduated B.A. in 1914 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut, loth Battn. The Rifle Brigade 22 Sept. 1014 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in P'rance and Flanders from July. 1915 ; was wotmded at Fleurbaix 19 Oct. following, and on recovery transferred to the R.F.C., being for a time Pilot Instructor at various aerodromes in England ; was i>romoted Lieut. 3 Marcli. 1917 ; returned to France in Feb. 1917, and was killed in aerial action near Arras 4 March following, while fighting against four hostile aeroplanes, which attacked liim as he was returning from photographing the German lines. Buried in the Military Cemetery at iicrles- au-Bois ; »«;«. HILL, C, Acting Corpl., Xo. 2230, 1st Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 28 Oct. 1914. HILL, E., Private, Xo. 7936, 1st Battn. The Shropshire Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 22 Oct. 1914. HILL, E. W., Sergt., Xo. 183:J8, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action in 1914. Gerard Leader Hill. HILL, GER.\RD LE.\DER, Capt., 2,'5th (Territorial) liattn. The Linec-hishin Regt.. s. of the late Lieut. -Col. Herbert Francis- Hill, 1st liattn. The Essex Regt., by his wife, Mary (Morniuirside, Xewby. Scarborough), dau." of John Leader, of Xcale, J.P. : and gdson. of the late Rev. Henry Thomas MSll. Prebendary of Hereford Cathedral ; b. Warley. Brentwood, 16 June. 1882; educ. Felste^i ; subsciiuently entered ^Ir. John Browijlp's works as a Xav;J Architect ; was sent by him on business to Turkey, and later to IVtrograd. where he was the British Xaval Representative to the Russian Admiralty; was engaged on important sbipbuilding operations; on the outbreak of war a])p!ied to rejoin his battalioti of tln' Canii'ionians, with whom he had served ten years previously, but was not released from his work until April, 1915 ; obtained a com- mission as IIIege ; was an Accountant in the Atlantic Coaling Company; enlisted 22 Nov. 1915 : went to France 3 May. 1916. and :. of George Henry Hiltk-r. Baker, by his wife. Catherine, dau. of Charks Spilsl.ury ; b. Birmingham, eo. Wanvirk, 12 Oct. 1879: educ. there ; joined tli.- Army Service Corps 28 Oct. 1015 ; transferred to the Rovai Warwickshire Res:t. about Feb. 1917 ; serxcd witti thf Kxp'^ditionarv Force in France and Flanders from May, and died at Yijres 25 Julv following, from wounds received in action. He m. at Birminiihani. 12 April. 1903. Alice Emiiv (Back of 95, Moland Street. Birmintihani). dau. of William Gardiner, and had five children; Geortje Leslie. 6. 2 Ajiril, 1904: John, b. I TJec. 1907; Frank William, b. 17 May, 1911 : Arthur, b. 22 May, 1915, and Xelly, b. 3 March, 1913. HILLS, F., Privati'. No. 10684. The Grenadier Guards ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 14-16 Sept. 1914. HILLYEAR, JESSE, Private. No. 22590. 1st Battn. (37th Foot) The Hamp- editionary Force in France; Eric Hindsley. l.^t Battn. (38th Foot) Tiie South Stalfordshire Regt.. 3rd and vst. *. of the Rev. Thomas Hindsley, of 33, Highgate Road. Walsall. Retired Congregational Minister, by his wifi.-, Luev. dau. of Elijah Stanley, of Walsidl ; h. Walsall, 26 Nov. 1893 : educ. Queen Mary's Grammar School there, where he passed liis Oxford examinations, and was a member of flie O.T.C. ; was subse<|Ueutly articled to a firm of Chartered Accountants : enlisted 1 Oct. 1914; obtained a commission as 2nd l.ieut. 17 April. 1915, !>eing attached to the Lincolnsliire Regt., and sent to Egypt until Feb. 1916, when lie returned to France ; was promoted Lieut. 14 Feb. 1916 ; was wounded at Mametz I July following, during the Battle of the Sonime, and invalided to England : rejoined his regiment on recovery ; took part in the operations at Beaumont Hamel ; was again wounded at Croisiiles 28 March, 1917, by a shell shot in the head, and died in Winiereux Hospital 11 April following. Buried in Wimereux Cemetery, near lioulogne. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was a cool, brave, capable officer : his death is a great blow to the regiment. Bis fellow officers held liim in great regard." Unm. HINE. S. C, Al)Ie Seaman : lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 19U. HINVES, ARTHUR HENRY, L.-Sergt., No. 15448, 2nd Battn. Coldstream Guards. 2nd s. of tlie late George Hinves, Crimean Veteran, by his wife, Frances, dau. of John Huston ; b. Greenwich, co. Kent, 2Ti-y-wern, Bedwas ; b. Plymouth, co. Devon,' 26 Aug. 1897: educ. Eastbourne College : subsequently entered on a commercial i are.-r wirh tin- Fine Cotton S])inners' Associa- tion, of Maiielu-ster ; joined the 18th Hattn. Koyal Fusiliers as a Private in June. 1915; served vnX\\ the Expeditionary Force ia France and Flanders from the following Sept. ; returned to England in Jan.. and after a jieriod of training at Oxford was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Ihe King's Regt. 26 Aug. 1916: went back to France in Oct., and was killed in action between Peronne and Bapaume 26 Feb. 1917. while helping a wounded sergeant during a nitrlit patrol. Buried on the Bapaume Koad. south of Peronne. His Commamling Officer wrote: "Although he Imd lieeti with ns a (■om]>arativeIy short time, he liad done most rNeellrnt work. and had sliown himself a very gallant officer. His loss is felt much in the battalion, as he was loved by all," and Lieut. W. V. Trubshawe stated that on the night of 26 Feb. Hirst went out on patrol about 10 ii.m., with a sergeant and an orderly, adding : " Tliree hours later thi' sergeant crawled into one of our jiosts badly wounded in the shotdder, and reported that your son had been killed. Your son. with his \isual daring, had been close up to the German jjosts and obtained valuable information, but the line winds very curiously, and as be was retiu'mng he stimibled right on an enemy listening post. They nuist Iwve been seen, for they were sniped at. and the sergeant was liit. I'nfortunately he shouted with the pain and shock, and so aroused the enemy, who sent up lights and opened fire. Y'our son at once crawled up close to the sergeant and tried to quieten liim and help him. Suddenly he was struck, and. with a sigh, fell forward. He lay motionle.>vs. The si-rgeant waited till the firing had lessened, and then lie tried to find out how yonrson luid been liit. It w;is very dark, but he believed he was shot through the head, and he was killed instantaneously. His story was very disjointed, and I couTd not make out in which direction the jiatrol had been discovered, so I waited in the hope that the orderly wcndd return. He came in later with the same rejiort. but he had taken cover in a shell-hole and waited there for a long while, then he crawled to your son. 1 immediately sent out a iKitrol^evi-ryone was a volunteer— for the whole company was proud of liim. . . . He was liked by everyone for liis cheeriness. and Ids men would have followed him anywhere. The otticers, althovigh he was the yoimgest of us. have lost a leader of men of reckless fearlessness and gallantry." Yet he has left us a grand example, wliicli we shall never forget." While at Eastbourne College he was a member of the Officers' Training Corps, was in the 1st Football XV., and the yomigest " colour '* in the .\thletic Club. He was the holder of five swimming medals, winning the swimming cup for his house (Gonville). a cup in the mile race and winner in tennis doubles in tovirnanuMit. He also won the school prize for drawing two years in succession, his drawings being shown in the Eastbourne Arts and Crafts Exhibi- tion : unm. HIRST, HAYDN, Private. No. 19472. 8th (Ser\ice) Battn. The Duke of Welling- ton's (West Hiding Regt.), elder a-, of Ephraim Hirst. Managing Din-etor of Messrs. Ephraim Hirst ^t Co.. Ltd.. Smithies Mills. Batley. co. York, Cotton Manufac- turers, by his wife, Elizabeth Ann. dau. of .Tohn Collelt : 6. Stainclitle, Batley. Gerald William Hirst. 140 The Roll of Honour Urick Laurence Hislop. 8 Feb. 1885; ediic. Church of England School then', and Leeds Higher (Jradt; ^School ; subsequently became manager of his father's ftrni : enli-ted in Nov . 1915 ; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 2(1 Dec. U>1<), and died in No. 1 South African General Hospital, Abbeville, 24 Feb. 1917. from nephritis, contracted while on active servire in the trenches. Buried in the British military portion of the French Civil Cemetery tliere. He was well-known in the heavy "woollen district as a cricket player, and was captain of the Heckniondwike First XI. of the Yorkshire Council in 1914. The captain ■of the Batley First XI. WTOtc : "Wherever or under whatever circumstanei > we met. he was always tlie same, a thorough gentleman and a true sjwrtsman. On the cricket field it was a pleasure to meet him. and one could always depend upon him ' playing the game ' in the cleanest possible manner." I'tim. HISCOCKS, SYDNEY, Corpl.. No. 2857T. 75th Brigade. Koyal Field Artillery, -v. of Frederick Hiscoeks. of Penprisk. Pencoed. near Bridgend. i)y his wife. Lucy, davi. of George Kandall : h. Pencoed aforesaid. 25 Nov. 1884 : edue. Pencoed and Cadoxton-Barrv Council Schools; was a Miner employed at Tonyrefail ; enlisted 2 Sept. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 2 Sept. 1915. and was killed in action while with his guns 27 .\ug. 1917. Buried in Canada Farm British Cemetery at Klverdinghe. His Com- manding Olticer wrote : " He was killed instantly while in eoninianii of his gun : lie was of a most cheery disposition, which means so much to thosr- who serve ■with them : he has rendered most valuable services to the battery in the past ; lie will lie greatly missed bv both otliccrs and men. by all <)f whom he was much liked." ami another ottieer: " He had been in my battery section since 1 took It over in 1915. I always found liim a most trustworthy X.C.O.. and his los- is deeply felt throughoiit'the battery." He m. at Cadoxton-Barry. 7 Aug. P.io;.. Sarah Jane dau. of William James Clissold. and had four sons : Walter Sydue\ . 6. 24 June. 1906 ; Herbert Geonze. b. C June. 1009 ; Harold Charles, h. 20th s.-jit. 1911, and Frederick Jolin. b. 24 March, 191(1. HISLOP, FREDERICK LAURENCE. 2nd Lieut. (ith (Territorial) Battn. Princess Louise's (.Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), vst. s, of George Roliertson His- lop. C.E.. F.C.'S.. of Greenhill House, Pai^hy. Gas Engineer, by his wife. Margaret I)iwar. dan. of the late Robert Findlav. of Woolwieli ; /.. Paisley. 12 July. 1880 ; edue. Paisley Gram- mar School and .\cademy ; Glasgow Technical College, and (;ia>*.gow University, where he gradnat'd B.Se. (Engineering), and bccami- First Prizeman (Mechanics) and Muir Bursar : liecame a partner in the firm of R. A- G. Hislop, Paislev ; joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. 10 Jan.*191(i : was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 2^ July following; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France from 17 Oct. 1916 : was reported missing after the fighting at Koeux 2:i .A,pril. 1917. and subsequently reported killed in action on that date. Buried in the Crump 'I'rench, British Cemetery. Fampoux, east of Arras ; tinm. HITCHIN, GEORGE ROBERT, M.B.. Ch.B., Capt.. Roval Array Medical Corps (T.F.), s. of Robert Hitchin, of 15, Ormerod Road. Burnley. Chemist, by his wife, Dora Pickering, dau. of (ieorge Bradshaw ; h. Burnley, :il)" Dee. 1878 : edue. at Burnley Grammar" School;. EUesmere College, co. S;ilop, and Owens College. Manchester; '.'raduated in Medicine at the Victoria Univer- sity in 1903, and then acted as Surgeon on steamships travelling between England, tlie Far East, and South .Xnu'rican ports; he held various assistant sliips at Whalley. co. Lan- ca>iter. Wetherby, co. York, and was finally a IMivsician and" Surgeon in practice at Tot- tington. Bury; enlisted 22 Nov. 1914. when hi- was granted a commission in tlie Royal .\rmy .Medical Corps, and was attached to the 2nd ' East Lancashire Field Ambulance ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 14 Aug. 1916. while tending the wounded in the first line trenches durim: the operations on the Somme. Buried in Dive Copse, a wood off the main road from Bray to Corbie, near .'^ailly-Ie-Sec. One of liis men wrote : •■ How much we have lost' we cannot estimate. His life to us is a jiecrlisa ■example of all that makes a soldier and a gentleman. His soldierly regularity, intrepid zeal, noble purpose, command our respect. Cool. calm, collected, he took wliat occasion brought, smiled and made the best of it. inspiring confidence in ail. To know him was a privilege, to be conversant with him an education, tu follow him a pleasure, to obey him a sweet necessity." Vnm. HITCHINGS, GEORGE WALTER, Private, No. ;i406. l/8th (TerritoriaD Jiattn. TIk- Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middle- sex Regt.). s. of Walter Hitchings, of Brooklyn, The Green, Twickenliam. by his wife. Eliza- beth, dau. of William Paul ; 6. London. 22 Aug. 1896 : edue. Archdeacon Cambridae Schools. Twickenham : was employed at the Council Offices. Twickenham ; joined the Mi«blle>ex Territorials :i Sept. 1914; went to i.iiTjiirar Feb. 1915. and to Egypt in Aug.: attrrwards served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from May, 1916; was reported wounded 15 Sept. follow- ing, during the operations at Leuze Wood, on the Somme, and is now officially assumed to liave been killed on or about that date. His Commanding Officer wrote : " I much regret I am not in a position to give you any news with regard to your son. Private Hitchings; in fact, the news of his having been wounded is the first I have heard of liim since last I saw him in Kouen. just before he left with the draft to go up to the front. 1 wish I could have been of any help in the matter. 1 should be more than sorry if anything lias happened to liim, as he was so long in the i)latoon under my command that I got to know him well. He was always a good soldier, most dependable, and one who always not only did his job, but set an example excellent to his com- rades." Cnm. HOBBS, GERALD PARKER, 2nd Lieut.. 2nd Battn. (56th Foot) The Essex Regt., s. of William Alfred Hobbs, of The Elms, Gosport, co. Hants ; b. Alver- stoke, CO. Hants, 14 June, 1898; edue. Glencoe, Alverstokc ; Felsted School, George Robert Hitchin. George Walter Hitchings. and the Royal .Military College, Sandhurst ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. :i0 .\pril, 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from the following July, and died at Xo. 61 Casualty Clearing Station 15 Oct. 1917. from wounds received in action near Poelcappelle on the 9th of tliat month. Buried in the Dozinghem British Cemetery, north- west of Ypres. His Colonel wrote : " He twas a most promising officer, in whom 1 liad absolute confidence, and his Captain thought the world of Idm, 1 know. But what ajipealed to m<' most was his charm of manner, and his manly bearing of the best British schoolboy type. The country and regimi-nt can ill spare lum. and I am convinced. Iwd he been si)ared. that he would have risen Ingh in his profession." and another officer : *' We knew him for a healthy, clean boy, and a -ijiortsman in every sense of the word." He ixcelled in all games, obtaining at Felsted School First XL colours, cricket, football, hockey, boxing colour-*, being also captain of ^wimniing. and at Sandhurst gained Bronze Medal for boxing; iinm. 1 HOBBS, SYDNEY LOUIS, Private. Xo. ;!4:16, 21st Battn. (1st Surrev Rifles) The London Regt. (T F.). 5th s. of Edward Hobhs. of 53. Dunstan's Road. East Dulwich, S.E.. Sign Writer, bv his wife. Caroline May ; h. Dulwich. S.E.. 8 Dec. 1891 ; edue. Friern l^oad School; was a jounieyman Baker; enlisted 14 April. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died 23 May. 1916. of wounds received in ac^ion at Vimy Ridge. Buried there. A comrade, writing to his wife, said he died like a hero. He was severely wounded and taken to the 20th County Dressing Station. He HI. at St. John's Church. Goose Green. S.E., Ethel Rose. dau. of Edward James Dowsett, and had two ch'ldreu : Sydney Edward, b. 27 April. 1915. and Ethel Myra Loos, b. 7 Jime, 1916. HOCKEY, JAMES, Private. No. 30224. mth (Service) Battn. The Welsh Regt.. «. of William Hockey, of 241. Cathedral Road. Cardiff, bv hLs wife. Harriet Eliza, dau. of WiHiam Shire : b. Penarth, co. Glamorgan, 11 May, 1890 ; edue, Cogan Pitt ; was a Collier 1915; s.-rved with the Expeditionary Force in He m. at Gerald Parker Hobbs. Sydney Louis Hobbs. at Cilfym.dd : enlisted 8 F. Francr from 1 Dec. following, and was killed in action 18 Sept. 1917 Pontvpridd, Eva (r/. 5 Jan. 1915), dau. of William Bovce. and had a sou. James, b. 28 Aug. 1912. HODGE, ANDREW BUCKLAND, Lieut., 3rd. attd. 2nd, Battn. The Prince of Wales's Lein^ter Kegt. (Royal Canadians), .v. of the late Rev. John Mackey Hodge. M.A.Oxon. Vicar of St.Luke's, Pl>Tuouth. and Chaplain of the Old Ceme- tery, by his wife. Jenny (Exeter), dau. of Isaac Lang, J.P. : h. Plymouth. 7 Sept. 1892 ; edue. Plymouth College, where he won the Dyke Exhibition, the only one from thi> school to do so since 1898 ; also the Dean Boyd Exhibition : entered Exi-ter College. O.xford. in Oct. 1911, where he won Honours in Moderations, and was reading for " Greats " with a \iew to ent-^ring the LC.S. : joined the Oxford University O.T.C. ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 26 Jan. 1915, being I.romuted Lieut, the following Oct. ; was Musketrj- Officer and Adjutant at Cork ; M-rved with the I-ixpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and wa*; killed in action at Sliriw>l.ur\ Forest, south-east of Zillebeke. 31 July. 1917. Buried there. His Colonel wrote : *■ He w;ls leading his company in the front of our attack. He was a tine orheer. and in conmion with a number of his comrades, he has died a fine death. Tlie battalion has sutfered severely, but the individual acts of so many gallant Icad^-rs have left an impression which never can die. Vour brother fell in the hour of victory and died soon after he got his mortal wound." and a brother otlicer : " He died a truly heroic death. leading his company into action, and so has won for hinnelf the immorta' praise of all ranks. He was. in my estimation, the most consr-ientioiis. hard-working, thorougli soldier I have ever met, and the success of his company Ls due to Ids untiring energy in exjjlaining and working out the most minute details of what his company were entrusted to do under his most able leadership." Uttm. HODGE, GEORGE, Private. 2;4t!i (Territorial) Battn. The Queen's Own (Royal Wr^t Kent Regt.), s. of Robert Hodge. Bricklayer, by his wife. Susanna, dau. of William Chees -man ; fo. Loose, near Maidstone, eo. Kent. 9 Oct. 1892; edue. Public School there, and Brunswick House School. Maidstone ; was a Clerk in the Maidstone branch of the London A Guarantee Insurance Company; joined the Royal We^^t Kent Territorials in Feb. 1916. ha\ing been previously twice reiected as medically unfit for service ; served with the Egyptian JCxped:- tionarv Force in Egypt and Palestine, and was killed in action at Gaza 19 April, 1917. " His Captain wrote : • He was greatly loved by all who knew him, and he is a great loecial Reserve), attd. Royal Flying Corps, *■. of the Rev. Ed- ward James Hodges, B.A. Oxon.. Rector of Markshall. near Coggesiiall. co. Essex, formerly Rector of St. Magnus', Lerwick, by his wife, Constance Mary, dau. of the Rev. William Byers, Vicar of Greasbrougb. near Rot he r- ham. CO. York; b. Lerwick. Shetland. 29 Aug. 1897; ednc. C'rondall. CO. Hants ; Kingswood, Camberley, and Worksop College, co. Xotting- ham. where he was a member of the O.T.C. ; was training for the Xaval Entrance Examina- tion, but on the outbreak of war obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 24 Feb. 1915, being promoted Lieut. 8 Aug. 1916 ; transferred to the Royal Flying Corps 12 April, 1916, and received his certificate 17 June, 1916, after which he was Instructor at Reading, Beverley and Castle Bromwich, and was killed while flying at the aerodrome. Castle Brom- wich, near Birmingham, 17 Sept. 1916, while John Cyril Hodges. practising looping, with Lieut. Leslie Sysons The Roll of Honour 141 as Observer: his machine collapsed when at the lieiKht of ;J.000 feet. Buried ia Curdworth Churchyard near Birrninn;ham. His Comniaiidins Officer wrote : " I had selected your son from a number of jMipils to remain here as an Instructor. I had the very highest opinion of him as an officer and a gentleman. It will be most difficult to replace him. He was a general favourite in his squadron: they all liked him for his boyish wavs. and his pupils had confidenee in him as a steady flier." Cum, HODGES, TOM. Private. Xo. 19928, 8th (Service) Battn. The Welsh Fusiliers : servrd in th<- South African War 1899-1902 : obtained the South African Medal : i'ulisted IH Jan. 191.^ : served with the Mediterranean Exprditionarv Force in Gallipolifrom July, 191o ; was wounded and invalided home, and died "of wounds at Reading Hospital 7 Feb. 1910 : utim. HODGKINSON, GEOFFREY STILL, Lieut.. Koyal Field Art;!I.-ry, ». of the Rev. Fn-di-riek Karsliiki' Hodu'kinson. Vicar of St. Peter's, poorest Gate, London, K. by 111- witV. Kdith Miiry. dau. of Robert Still : b. near Manchester. 22 Julv 189:^; edur. Parkfield Haywards Heath, and Radlev Colleir;- : was emploved on the staff of the Imixrial Tobacco Company; joiu.-d the Honourable Artillery Coy. in Nov. lOi:? ; was ealti-d up on the outbreak of war beinji sent to Egypt as a Gunner; returned home, and obtained a conunissinu 4 Dec. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flaiuh-rs from 4 March. 1916: took part hi the BatMi- of the Somrae.and was killed in actinn west of Ypres 24 July, lOir. Buried at Brandhoek. near Vlamertingbr. His Commanding Officer wrote: " A ver> sallant soldier and gentleman. To us hi-^ loss is irre- parable. Durins the whole time that I have had the honour of serving with him he has been the most delightful companion, and a most efficient help'to me in the battery." He was posthumoiLsly promoted Lieut, a f"w days after his death : unm. HODGKINSON, HANNES GER.\LD, Lieut.. 2'5th (Territorial) Battn. The Duke of WcIliML'tnii'- (W.St Ridinu Reut.). and King's African Rifles, «. of Wilham Richard Hodgkiusou, of 89. Shooter's Hill Road. Blackheath. S.E., Professor, C.B.E., M.A., F.R.S.E. : b. Blackheath. 8 May. 1895 : educ. Cran- leigh School, and Worcester College, co. Oxford ; obtained a comudssion 10 April, 1915; proceeded to France, where he was womided in 1917. being afterwards attached to the King's African Rifles, after which he served in East Africa, and was killed in action there 17 Oct. 1917 ; unm. HODGSON, ARTHUR DAWSON, Lieut., 15th (Service) Battn. (Nottingham) The Sherwood Foresters (Xottinghanishire and Derbyshire Regt.). onlv s. of the Rev. Arthur Knapton HodL'son. of The Causeway. Wirksworth. cb. Derby, Congregational Minister, by bis lati- wife. Jane Hannah, dau. of the late William Dawson, of Nottingham ; b. Richmond, co. York. 19 Jan. 189:J ; educ. Silcoates School, Wakefield, and Lincoln College, Oxford (Modern Historv Degree) : was a Law Student; enlisted in 10th (Service) Battn. Lincolnshire Regt. 23 Sept. 1914 ; received a commission as 2nd Lieut. 15th Sherwood Foresters 24 March. 1915 ; was promoted Lieut, the following Aug. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from I Feb. 1016, and was killed in action near Tr. nes Wood 20 Jidy following. Buried there. Lieut. A. Forsyth wrote: "Our battalion was ordered to attack tlie German trenches ; Dawson went over witli his bombers, but ere he reached them he fell with a bullet through liis heart. The Colonel and offiwrs held him in great resi)ect, and the men worshipped him," and Lieut. - Col. Gordon : " He had been on my staff ever since I have held command, and bi-siilcs bciuLi a iKisoiial friend, I had formed a very high opinion of his abilities, and found liiui trustworthy and hard-working to an extraordinary degree, always willhig to undiTtakr an>- tau Infantry, Indian Army, 5th s. of the Rev. Francis Douglas Hodgson. M.A Oxon.. Vicar of Worth, co. Kent, by his wife, Margaret, dau. of Christopher Clarke Hassall, Lieut. R.N. ; b. Cheriton Rectory, Shomcliffe, co. Kent. 10 Sept. 1897 ; educ. Sxmningdale School, co. Berks": King's School, Canterbury, and on leaving there went to Quetta Cadet College ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 2/124th Baluchistan Infantry in Nov. 1915 ; scrv.-d with the Indian Expeditionary Force in Mcsnpotaniia from Jan. 1910. and was killed in action at Kut-el-Amara 11 Jan. 1917. while leading a bombing attack on the Turkish trenches ; mun. HOFFE, THOMAS MITCHELL, Capt., Cape Corps, 3rd s. of the late Kev. John Hoffe, Rector of Kilbride. Arklow. by his wife, Susan Aitken (Merton, Arklow), dau. of Richard Couby : 6. Kilbride Rectory. Arklow. 9 Dec. 1880; educ. Intermediate Schools, Kilbride ; went to South Africa in 1901, and joined Baden-Powell's Police Force in Jan. 1901. with which Force he served seven years; volunteered for service, and joined the Special Service Squadron of the Natal Carabiniersjas a Trooper in 1914, under Col. (then Major) George Morris; was given a commission as Lieut, in the Natal Carabiniers : served throughout the Rebellions of 1914 as Adjutant of the Special .Service Caribiniers ; proceeded to German West Africa in 1915, and to German East Africa in Jan. 1917, and died in the Military Field Hospital at Dodoma 23 Sept. following, from pneumonia, contracted while on active ser\ice. Buried there. Capt. Hoffe was awarded the King's Medal and Gallantry Badge for conspicuous bravery while serving with tlie South African Constabulary. He m. at Joliannesburg, 21 June, 1913, Phyllis Maitland. dau. of (— ) Wood, and had a dan., Nora Kathleen, b. 29 May, 1916. HOGG, ROBIN CAVERS, Private. No. 4545, Machine Gun Section, 2/14th Battn. (London Scottish) The Loudon Regt. (T.F.), 3rd and yst. .y. of Andrew Wliite Hogg, of Ravcn-sdowne, Wooler, by his wife, Annie Amelia, dau. of tiie late Francis Garden Caird. of Edinburgh : b. Old Cumnock, co. Ayr, 2 Sejjt. 1807 : educ. Old Cumnock Higher Grade School, and George Watson College, Edinburgh ; enlisted 30 March, 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 21 June. 1916, and was killed in action 2 Oct. following. Buried in the British Cemetery, Marauil. His Commanding Officer wrote : " It is with the utmost regret 1 have to report the death of your son through woiuuls sustained yester- day at duty. He died at 7 p.m. His funeral, whicli I shall attend, takes place to-morrow. He will be bviried by our regimental Chaplain in til.' Military Cemetery at Maroeuil, with his comradr-i wjio have fallen in the same cause. . . . Believe me, it has come as a very great and personal blow to me. For eight months he was with me in the transport section, but seemed to get dissatisfied, and applied to get back to the Lewis Gun Section. I did all I could to persuade him from giving up Ids safe job, but in vain. He insisted that if I would not have him back in the section he would get himself returned to his company, although he would very Robin Cavers Hogg. much prcfrr to come back to the section. So he came back, and has alwavs- surprised and delighted me by his cheerfulness imder fire, and his cheerintrss. under the most trying conditions. ... I s>Tnpathize with vou very deeply in your sorrow, and. in a smaller mejusure, his death is a great blow to me. as it will be even greater to you. All I can say is. he was afine chap, liked by th' whole Lewis Gun Section, and they all join with me in olfering their deepe-r sympathy in this your sorrow. If I can be of any assistance to vou in any way, please let me know," and another officer : " By the time this rJ-aches you, you will have heard that your boy was killed yesterday. He formed one of a" working party which had to go nji to carry out trench repairs, during the time that tl..- battalion is in support to the front lini'. and it was while engaged on this duty that h'- met his death from a tn-nch-mortar bomb, which fell in our tn-n<-ii close to him. and besides wounding iiini t'^rribiv. also mortallv woundrd another man who was working with him. It may comfort you to know that Ik could not have suffered nuich. His wounds were in the arms and right >jde, and from the start there was little or no ho])c- that he could recover. He was at oner bound ujj and placed on a stretcher and got bick to the Aid Post, but pas-^^ed away thi-re while the Medical Officer was doinc what he could for him. I passed him on his way down, and he was then uncoiLscious, and not suffering i think. I took a gn-at liking to your son. as indeed everyone did. His sturdy, manly courage endeared him to all who knew him, and he was one whom we" were ait proud of." T'l/m. HOGGARTH, J., Private, No. 7665. 2nd Battn. The Duke of Wellington's Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Oct. 1914". HOLBECH, DAVID, 2nd Li.-ut.. 18th (Service) Battn. The King's Royal Ritie Corjis. ;Jrd s. of thr It. -v. Hugh Holbech. Rector of Bredon. co. Wora^stVr. by his wiff, Ada. dau. of Col. Lloyd, of Aston Hall. co. Salop ; and nephi'W of Lieut. -General Sir Francis Lloyd. K.C.B. : b. Farnborough. co. Warwick. 9 Sept. 1897; educ. Lancing College; joined the No. 8 Cadet Battn. O.T.C. ; obtained a commission 4 Nov. 1916; s-rved with the Exp?ditionarv Forc<- in France and Flanders from the following Dec, and was killed in action 8 .\i.ril. 1917. Buried in Dickebuseb New Military Cemet^^ry. His Commanding Officer wrote: "He was a most promising and keen young officer, and until a few days ago liad temporary command of a company. During that period I was much impressed with his military qualities, both as regards knowli'due and power of command. He was beloved by both officers and men for Ids fim- character and genial nature." Unm. HOLDEN, G. H., Sergt., No. 89:J4, 2nd Battn. The South Lancashire Regt.: served with the Exi)editionary Force in France: killed in action -i Oct. 1914. HOLDRON, HAROLD DOUGLAS, Kifi. man. No. 2276. 5th Jiattn. (London Kitle Brigade) The London Regt. ( i'.F. ). v. of George Holdron. of 8. Green Street. Stevenage, formerly of SoutlLsea. by liis wife. Priscilla. dau. of James I.^jncaster. of Portsmouth; b. Portsmouth, co. Hants, 24 Oct. 1892; educ. there, and Stevenage Grammar School : was a member of the London Baltic stock Ex- change : volxmteered for foreign service on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914. l)ut was rejected as medically luifit ; subsequently joined the London Rifle Brigade 1 June, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and P"lander> from the following Nov., and was killed in action at Gommecourt 1 Julv 1910 : "iim. HOLDSWORTH, C, Gmmer. No. 30607, R.F.A. tionary Fore<' in France : killed 15 Sept. 1914. HOLDSWORTH, THOMAS, Private, No. 434. 13th (Service) Battn. Th- York and Lancaster Regt.. .t. of Thomas Holdsworth ; b. Wakefield, co. York, 1890 ; educ. there : was employed at a (Jlass Manufacturer's : enlisted in 1914 ' served with the Expeditionary Force in [-"ranee and Flanders from 25 Dec. 191.'>. and was killed in action 11 May. 1917 ; m. HOLE, A., Private. No. 55, 9th Lancers in France ; died of wounds 2 Oct. 1914. HOLGATE, WILLIAM LAWSON, L.-Corpl.. No. 18983. 16th (Ser\ice) Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers, x. of Thomas Edward Holgate, of Darwen, Manager of Blast Furnaces, by his wife, Angelina, dau. r)f Thomas Moulds ; 6. Darwen. co. Lancaster, II Sept. 1895; educ. Municipal Secondary School there, and Manchester Grannnar School, where he held a Lancaslure Junior l-Ixhibition : was for three years apprenticed to some eiiu'ineering works, and then entered on a I "nr--e in Mechanical Engineering at the Municipal School of Technology in Man- ehester; was a member of the Manclu^ter Cniversity O.T.C. being twice recommended for a commission, Oct. 1915, and May, 1916: ■iiT\ed with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 15 Dec. 1910. and wa> killed in action at Mamelz Wood in July. 1916. Buried there. His Commanding' Officer wrote : " The battalion was joining' up to attack the German position, wlu-n a •ihell burst close to liim, killing lum in.stan- taneously. He was one of the verv manv bravi' soldiers who fell that day. but then- is none whose loss will be morl- kecniv felt by his comrades or by myself personalty. His bearing throucbouf bis period of service, especially in France, was invariably that of a true and loval >oIdier," and a comrade : " He led his section over the" top with the greatest coolness and bravery. He was first wounded in the cheek by a bullet, and soon after a sht:ll burst just in front of him, killing him instantaneously." Cum. HOLLAND, W. A., Able Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. HOLLAND, WILLIAM LENNOX FARQLTIARSON, L.-CorpL. South African Scottish. 4th South .\frican Infantry, x. of Henry Lennox Holland, of 27. Eaton Rise". Ealing. W.'. r<"tired Bo.C.S.,bv Ins wife, Hannah .\melia. dau. of the late Col. John Jopp, R.E.. H.E.I.C.S. ; and gdson. of General H. W. Holland, C.B. ; b. Bombay Presidency. 3 Sept. 1885; edin-. Tonbridge : was employed on the staff of the Londiin Comity A- Westminster Bank, and ~uif^e.|uently on the statf of the NatioDal Hank of South Africa; joined the Transvaal Scottish Regt. in Johannesburg in Sept. 1911 : served in German South West .\frica as Sergt. after the outbreak of war: transferred to the 9th South African Infantry, and was sent to East Africa, being subsequently ajfpointed Instructor in cliarge of the depot at Potchefstroom : returned home to England and joined the South African Scottish Regt. at Bordon Camp in Oct. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Fampoux, served with the Expcdi- served with the Expeditionary Forte wniiam Lawson Holgate. WiUiam L. F. Holland. 1 n> The Roll of Honour •.iiiriii" tlir Itiittlf of Arras. 12 Aiuil. lr>i:. llnriMl lli ; edue. 8t. Philip's School. Kastbourm- ; joined the Sussex Territorials lo' Auj;. 1914 ; was stationed at Hover, and afterwards ;it the Tower of London; volunteered for foreit^n serviee : served witli the Kxpeditionarv l''(UTe hi Frunee and Manders from Keb. 1015. and was killed in aetioii at Klverdiniihe Wood 7 July. 1!)17. lluried in the Itritish Cemetery there. His Conimatitliiii; Ollieer wrote : " Your son. L.-Corjil. W. Hollebcin. was killed ye>terdav afternntm by a shell which hurst iii-ar his bivouae. We wer- eanipin. He was awarded tin- Lon-i Service and tiood Conduct Medal. He m. at Cuc-kfleld. co. Sussex, FsthiT Mary. dau. of Charles Ipton. and had four ehildren. HOLLINGS, Am Private, Xo. 4589, 9th Lancers ; served with the Kxpeditionary Foree in l-ranee : killed in action 24 Auu'. 1914. HOLLIWELL. CHARLES WILLIAM, Ser^'t.. Xo. 1027, Kith (Service) Ilattn. Ihe KiuLi's Knyal Kilie Corps, only .s. ot the late Arthur William Holliwell. Manu- laelurer. liv his wilV. Kliza Lillian (llrautham. co. Suffolk), dau. of Charles Pratt ; h. Urantham aloresaid. 2 July. lSi)l ; edue. Ijiswich .Middli- School; was a Cheniieal Stndeiit, but enlisted in Xo\ . 1914: went to Kraiu-e Xov. 1915, and was killed in aetinn at La Hassee 2 Jan. 1910. ("apt. C. .\. Tliomas wrote : " Your son was one til t lie best men in the battalion and a tine soldier : the officers who knew iiim deeply retrret his loss, and norn- more than myself, for he was a man in 1 he real :^en>r (»I the word, and one I would ha\e trusted with an>thin'^ or any task. ho\ve\er ditlicnit. His jilaei- will not he easy to till, and I >hali never fortjet him," and the Ke\ . .1. Uuueau : " 1 think it correct to say that no X.C.O. in this bartalion wa> held in -greater respeet. F\crybody loved him. His end came .(uiikly. as h<' would liave wished, at the post of duty, fearlessly fiicing the dangers. 1 buried him in the soldiers" cemetery, and a cross with his name and inimher marks the spot ."" Si-r^^t. Sutclitfe also wrote : " Personall>- I wish to say that a liner and strainhti-r man never li\cil. Althouuh 1 hiivc onl>' known him pcr.sonally lor almut 12 montlLs. never do I wish for a better pal. His death eamc as a fireut shock to me. He had just secij to his secomi X.C.O,. who had bien badly wounded, when lie was liit." Unm. HOLLOW AY, VICTOR JAMES, L.-CorpL. Xo. 11024. Otli (Servjee) liattn. The Duke of Canibridu'r's Own (Middle.r.>v Hejit.i, eldest ... ol James Henry Holloway. nf 19. Alwyne Koad. Islini.'tth (Territorial) Battn. The King's (Liverpool Kegt.), s. of Henry James Krnest Holmes, of 17. I'alatiue Sfjuare. Burnh-y. Solicitor, by his wife, Fanny Elizabeth, dau. of Tliomas Ooodwin, of Maidstone, Solicitor ;" /». Burnley, 22 Jan. 1891 ; edue. Burnley (Jramniar School ; Wius articled as a Solicitor to his father, and passed liis Hnal examination 2 Nov 1915 ; obtained a comudssion 22 Xov. 1915 ; was .-ittached to the 2 5th Battn. The Kiug's (Liverpool llegt.) iu Sept. 1910: served with the Fxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Armentieres 24 June. 1917. Buried there. Lieut. -CoL Cohen wrote: " It is with very deep regret that I am writing these few lines to offer you and your daughter my deepest . ( .Nottingbamshircr Ri'gt.). (udv .V. of Fdwin rttoxeter Old Koad, Derby. V. dau. of (ieiU'ge Morle\. oi CO. herbv : h. London. 29 Aui:. 189U : edui'. Ladv S.hool. Bakewell ; enlist. The Sh<-rwood l-'oresters promtited Sergt. ; servei .Maimers (irammar i in the I2th Battn. 4 Sept. 1914 ; was I with the lOxpedi- George F. E. Holmes. tionarv Force in l-'rauee ami Klanci<'rs ; ga/ett'ed 2nd Lieut. July, 1910. and attached to the I51h Battn.; took part in the opera- tions at Loos, La Bassee and Vpres. and was killed in action bv a sli.-ll at Arras 25 Oct. 1910. duriug the Battle of the S(Hume. Buried ill Fauh(uirg D' A miens Cemetery, .\rras. His Colonel wroti' : " His fearlessness. an-ilii-rs in Aug. 1914; si-rved with the ICxpeditionary Fori e in Prance .■lud Flanders from March. 1917. and died H) April following, of "wounds reeei\ed in action. Buried in the .Maison Kouge .Militar\' Cemeti'ry, near Moiicln- le-Prenx. threr miles >oiitb-'a^t of Arras; niuii. HOLMES, JOHN .\LEXANDER, 2nd Lieut.. 4th (Kxtra Keserve) Battn. Thi' Prince of Wales's Leinstcr Kegt. (Royal Canadians), elder v, of William Kdward Holmes, of Rempstcjue. Swatfham. I'"armer, by his wife. ICnnna Kate. dan. of Robinson ra\ lor. of Ipswich: b. Casterton Par\a, co. Rutland, 8 Aug. 1889 : <-due. Swalfham (Jiainmar School ; was a Farmer; joined the Xorfolk Ycomaurv (The King's Own Koval Regt.) (T.F ) iii 1900: volunteered for Imperial Service on the outbreak of war. and obtained a commission in the Leinster Regt. 17 April. 1915 ; served with tin- Kxpeditionarv I'oree in France and Flanders from 8 March 1910. and died in Xo. 2 Casnalty Clearim: Station 2ti April following, from wound- received in action at Jlessines the jireviou- day. Buried at Baillcul. His Ccmimanding Officer wrote: "His death was due to his gallantry and devotion to duty." I'mti. HOLMES. JOHN HENRY, Private. Xo 17114. 2nd I'.attn. (Ui5th loi>t ) The King's Own (York.shin- Light lufantrv). eldest s. of John Holmes; /,. Hanging Heaton, Dewsbury. 2:i May, 1884; edue Mill Lain- Council School tliere : was a Teamer; enlisted after the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Foree in France and Flanders from 11 Sept. 1915, and was killed in action at Kouvrov 12 March, 1917. Buried at Santerre. He m. at Dewsbury farish Church, 17 Sci.t. 1900. Flizabeth (14. Carlisle Street. Hatlcy Carr, Dewsbury), dau. of Benjamin Itigg. and had thrii- children : :Lcwis, b. 30 Aug. 1911 ; Sidnev, h. 4 Jan. 1914. and Laura, /;. |H Julv. 1907. HOLMES, OSWALD MATTHEWS, 2nd Lieut . Otli (Service) Battn. Tin- Kinu's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), only s. of Harry Holmes, of 72. Chats- worth (Janliu^. ,\,einn Hill. London. W.. hv his wile." Clara, dau. of Samui-I M,atthr-ws. of Halifax : /*. Bri~roL 2 Aj.ril. 1895 ; edue. Balham Modern Seh()ol. London ; on leaving there was en-ja-jed in business with Messsr. Charles .Morgan it Co.. Stationers, London ; joimdthe Inns of CourtO.T.C. 2 Aul'. 1915 ; obtained a commission the following Oct.: trained at Uipon, passin*! tin- Veterinary ex- amination, and was afti-rwards sent to Pontefract as Transport Olfieer; served with the Kxpeditionary Foree in France and Flanders from .lune. 1910; took part in the operations on tlie Somme ; was ga.ssed 10 Sept. lollowinu. when he returned to Knglaud on sick leave; was appouitcd Commandant . most thorough in all that he undertook, and a real friend to the men under hi^;" command, t knew his value as an officer; as an only son 1 can eonccive the greatiiess ot" the loss you have sustained. . . . On the morning of Wednesday, 22 Aug., we went into action, your son eommandinu' one of tin- platoons of my company. He was unite all right until Thursiiay morning at ele\ rn o'oloek. when he was hit by a fragment of shell on tlie left hij). He was promi»tly attended to by the stretcher-bearers, wlio dressed his wound, and then carrii-d him to a i>lace of safety, ready to be despatched to bosiiital. 1 saw him in the afternoon, and iie seemed rather clieerful for one in his condition, and I really believed that he would pull through all right. However, news came through that he had died in the evening of the 25th." He m. at Leeds, 2a June. 1917, Marjorie Jessie, dau. of Charles Henry Holden. of Leeds. HOLMES. VICTOR, Able Seaman, No. Z. 90, Nelson Battn., Royal Xaval Division. 2ud .s. of (.'hristopiier Hoimes, of 18. Part Street. Southport, School .\ttendance Officer, by his wife, Annie, dan. of William Carnell, of ICneesall, co. Nottingham; b. ICneesall, 29 May, 1897; cduc. Weston School, co. Hertford; joined the Nelson Battn., lloyai Naval Division, iu which iiis elder brother was serving, on the outbreak of war, at Liverpool: trained at the Crystal Palace. Portsmovith Naval liarraeks, and at Blaiuiford (amp. Dorset; sailed for Egypt 1 March, 1915. and from there to the Dardanelles, lamling at Oaba Te|ie 28 April : took part in the fighting in Gallipoli up to 25 Oct.. when he was invalided to liospital at Mudros, and afterwards (3 Dee.) to England, sutb-rimr from dysentery aiul fi'Ver. and died in HasUir Hospital, Gosport. I 1-eb. 1910. Buried in South- ]K>rt (Jcmetery. co. Lancaster. His elder brother was -seriously wounded and invalided otit of the service ; i/nm. The Roll of Honour 143 WiUJam D. Holmes. HOLMES, WILLIAM, L.-Cnrpl.. Xo. 22>06, :lra (Il-.scrv.') |;;tTtii. Ih-- I'riiuv • ot \V;iI.-s's Voluntri-rs (Tin- South Laiiciishire llcgt.). tt. of Robert Holnit--;. ot Hoylakc. Gardener. l>y his wifr, Marjiaret. dau. of Jaini-s Holt, : b. Hovlaku. co. Chester. 18 July. 1882: edue. County Council School th'fe: wa-; a Plasterer's Labourer: enlisted in the South Lancashire Regt. 14 June. liUrt : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 20 Oct.: was rejiorted wounded and missing after the tiuhtint; 14 Xov. lOlH. and is now assumed to have been killed in action on or about thjit date. He m. at West Derby, 14 March. inn2. Sarah <55. Lee Road. Hoylake). dan. of William Web-;ter. of Livprjmol, and had ten cliildren ; William. //. 11 Dec. 1002 ; Erie. b. 23 Xov. 1906 : Edward, b. 28 Jan. 1912 : John and James (twins), b. IS March. 19i:j : Frederick, b. 8 June. 1914: Arthur, b. 19 Xov. I9ir> : Jessie, b. 29 Au^. 1904: Elsie, b. ;il Mav. 1909. and Dorothy, h. 27 May. 19]0. HOLMES, WILLIAM DUMBLETON, D.S.O.. M.C., Capt.. 7th Bittn. 1st Rriti-^h Cnlunibi;i Ke-zt.. 1st Canadian Infantry, Canadian Expeditionary Force. 2ud V. oi WiUiani Cuthti rt Holmes, of Wi!!-o'-the-Wisps. Millistream. near Vic- toria. IJritisii Columbia, Canada, India Civil Service (ret.), by his wife. Clara Eveline, dau. of the late Henry Dumbleton. of Hal' Grove. liatrshot. co. Surrey, and of Rocklands. Victoria. British Columbia: b. Manealore. South Canara District. Madras Presidencv, India. 10 Jun'>. 1893 : cduc. jirivately. in Switzerland. Germany and IJritish Columbia : *ubse((uently cu2a*'ed in the real estate hiisi- ness in Victoria, British Columbia : joined the ranks of the 83th Victoria fusiliers (Canadian Militia) July 1913: obtained a eonimi-sion as IJeut. in the Canadian Infantry IS June. 1914. being promoted Cai»t. Jan. lOHi : came over with the 2nd Contingent in March. 1915 ; served with the Exp^-iitionary Enrce :n France and Flanders from Mav. 191.T ; took part in the Battle of Festnbert that month, during which he was twice woimdeil. and invalided into hospital : returned to the firing line in Oct.: took part in the action at Messines on the nisht of lfi-17 Xov. 1915. ■where he wa< i[i charge of the Scouts, and sliowed conspicuous gallantry and resource, superintending tlie cutting of the German wire and the laying of three bridges over the Douve. one 1(> yards from a heavily-mmned German trench : was killed in action at the Third Battle of Vpres 13 June. 19lfi. Buried in the Railway l>ug-outs Burial Gromid. ('anadian Enclosure, at Zillebeke, south-east of Ypres. Capt. D. K. Carleton wrote : " I remember well the first niaht he went into tile trenches : although under fire for the first time, he perfonned a fi-at so dashing and courageous tliat he at once established a reputation among ottieers jind men." Capt. Holmes was twice mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette. I .Ian. 1916] by F.M. Sir John (now Lord) French, and [London Gaz:'ttc. 15 June . 19lfi] by Genera! (now F.M.) Sir Doiiglas Haig. for gallant and distinguished service in the field. He was awarded the D.S.O. [London Gazette. 23 Dec. 1915], " For conspicuous gallantry and resource near Messines on 16-17 Xov. 1915, when in charge of tli<' scouts during a bombing attack. He superintended the cutting of the German wire and tlu- laying of a Iiridge over the Douve. sixteen yards from a heavily-manned G.-rman trench. His gallant conduct at Fistuliert was brought to notice in May last." Hi> was also awarded the Military Cross (London Gazette, 14 Jan. igiti). for gallantn,- in the field, and was twice recom- mended for the Vii-toria Cross ; num. HOLMES, WILLIAM EDW.ARD, Corpl., Xo. 2239. l/4th (Territorial) Battn. The Cheshire Regt.. eldest .«. of James Holmes, of 20. Lorn Street, Birkenhead. Horst'koeper. ^^, j^.^ wife, Kate, dau. oi the late William Cook East, of Xottingham; b. Holt. co. Den- bigh, 13 Jan. 1893 ; educ. Holt Endowed School ; was a Grocer's Vanman : joined the 4th Cheshire Regt. 5 Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war : served with the l'.i;\"ptian Expeditionary Force in Egypt and I'ale-tiiie from Jan. 19i6 ; and was killed in action at Gaza 28 March, 1917. Capt. Side- botham wrote : " We attacked the Turks in a very strong ixisition. which we cajitured. thanks to the great gallantry of the men. All througli the action your son was with his men. helping tliem on and urging them forward to the attack. He came tlirough this ])art of the action safely; next day we were with- drawn in the early morning, and about eight o'clock in the morning a shrapnel shell burst over my company. Your son was struck in the chest by a shrapnel bullet, which hit him just below the heart." Ui-m. HOLMES, WILLIAM JOHN, Private. Xo. 40296. 10th (Service) Battn. The ■South Wales Borderers. 2nd s. of George Edward Holmes, of Lodsworth, Pet- worth. CO. Sus-sex. Gamekeejier to Col, W. Kenyon Mitford. by his wife. Kate, ■dau. of .lohn William Inglefield. of High Clitf, Winchester, co. Hants ; t-. Crendall. near Famham. co. Surrey, 31 March. 1898 ; educ. Lurgashall Schools, near Pet- worth ; was an Assistant Gamekeeper on the estate of Col. Barkley. Midhnrst. co. Sussex ; enlisted in the Royal Sussex Regt. 9 Xov. 1914. and was transferred 'later to the South Wales Borderers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action during the Battle of Langemarck. 24 Aug. 1917. Buried at the north-eastern ridge of the \i!lage of Langemarck. The Rev. W, T. Havard. Cha]»lain. wrote : " He went into action with his bat- talion, and, taking shelter for a moment imder cover of a house during the intense iiostile bombardment, he was instantly killed by shell fire, the shell striking and e.xi»loding, bringing down most of the mined house. We n-eovered his Iiody next day," and Lieut. C. A. Lundy : " Every officer and man in D Coy, loved and respected liim. and all feel his loss keenly.' I do especially, as he was in my platoon," Sergt, G, Parsons also w-rote : " Your son was one of the very best boys in my platoon ; a strong, fearless and gallant lad was he. and resi)ected by all. I am sure it will be a great loss to his platoon and to the company." Corpl. J. Mathews also wrote : " I lost a good little chum in him. ... He was a good ■ boy, "always ready to do anyone of us a good turn. 1 may say Sergt. Parsons would never allow a man to speak rough to liim. as he tiiought so much of him." He won a Silver Meda! in a competition lor bayonet fighting wiiile on service in France, which he sent home to his parents orUy a few days before his death ; II nm. HOLT, HAROLD AINSWORTH. D.C.M.. M.M.. Sergt.» Xo. 1683, 6th Field Ambulance, 2nd Division, R.A.M.C. 2nd -f. of Thomas Arthur Holt, Blacksmith. ■ by his wife. Hannah, dau. of Richard Johnstone, Blacksmith : b. Skerton. co. Lancaster. 16 June. 1889; educ. Coimcil School there; enlisted 22 Feb. 1908 : -served three years with the Colours and joined the Rcsen"e, becoming a Motor Draughtsman ; was called up on the outbreak of war 4 Aug. 1914 ; served with William Edward Holmes. 'b • Kxpi;iifi()n:iry F.m-e in France rind Flanders from the Utli. and died at Xo. 3 Au-tralian Dressing Station 13 March. 1917. from wounfLs received in action at .\lb,rt the previous day. Burii'd in the Deniancourt Kxtensiou Cemetery, two and a half miles soutli-west of .\!bert. HLs Commanding Olficer wrote": " It may. I hoj)r*. h.- som;- consolation to you to know that he reeei\ed his wounds doing his duty with the gallantry he always showed. H*; was in charge of a party of men at the regimental aid post, and" was hit while getting his men under coyer from the enemy's shells, and was wond.-rfully cheerful. We l:oped he might recover, but though an op-ration was performed, he died the following day. . . . He was a ver>' fine soldier, and we feel his loss in the Ambulauee acutely. I was waiting for the list to oiK-n to recommend him for a commission in the artillery." He was awarded the Military Medal ILondon Gjiatte. 2 June, 19161. for good work as a Despatch Rider, and the Distinguished Conduct ^tledal [London Gazette. 27 July. 1916). " For conspicuous gallantrv and devotion to duty in collecting wounded under very heavy sliell fire. His braverv and good work cannot be overestimated." He wj. at St. Mark's Church. Saltlev. Birming- ham, 4 July. 1914, Winifred Mav (5. Rogers Road, Ward End. Birmingham), dau. of .lohn Hill Barton ; «.p, HOLTOM, GEORGE, Ritiernitn, Xo. 4788. The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort'.- Own), v. of Ernest Henry Holtom. of 5/90. Irving Street, Birmingham. CO. Warwick, by lils wife, Miriam Louise, dau. of Joseph Fincli ; b. Birmingham, 12 Xov. 1895 ; educ. Bristol Street Council Seb.ool there : was one of the Assistant FJcctriciajis at the Grand Hotel, Birmingham: enlisted in the Rifle Brigade 26 Sept. 1914 : ser\ed with the Expeditionarj' Force in France from 27 Julv, 1915. and was killed in action at Beaumont Hamel 17 Xov. 1916. Buried there : num. HOLTOX, THOMAS. Private, Xo. 13632. 2nd Battn. (16th Foot) The Bedford- shire Regt.. eldest x. of the late Charles Holton, Platelayer Great Xortheni Rail- way, by hi-i wife. .Mary Jane (Woolmcr Green, Knebworth. co. Hertford), dau. of William Gowen : b. Woolmer Green. 9 June. 1896 : educ. Elementan- School there; was employed at the Knebworth Golf Club and afterwards bv Henrv Obre : volunteered and enlisted Sept. 1914 : went to France Marcli. l^l.^, and died 28 Jan. 19ir,. of wound- received in action. Buried there : iinm. HOMEWOOD. WILLIAM ALBERT HENRY, Private. Xo. 25367. lltli (Service) Battn. The Qu.-en's Own (Uoyal West Kent Regt.). »■. of William Hoinewood. of S. Crown Street, Old Town. Eastbourne, by his wife. Kathleen Fanny, dau. of Isaac Powel! ; b, Willingdon. co. Su^-.'X, 1 Jan, 1888: educ. St. Andrew's School, Eastbourne: enlisted 27 Jan. 1917 : si-rved with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders, and died at Xo. 1 Australian General Hospital. Rouen. 25 Sept. 1917. from wounds received in action. Buried there. He 1)1, at i:astbourne. 26 Dee. 1914. Kathleen Fanny. (46a. Ocklynge Road. Kastbcnirne). dau. of William Isaac Powell, and had a dau.. Kathleen Hilda .May. ft. 12 April, 1916. HONEYBALL, CLIFFORD BRUCE, Private, Xo. 5240. 8th (Service) Battn. The East Surrey Kegt.. only .s. of Thomas Honeyball. of Haughley. co. Suffolk. Platelayer on the Great Eastern Railway, by lus wife. Emily Jane. dau. of Robert Grimwood : b. Haughley, 14 .\ug. 1895*: educ. Voluntary School there: under- went training as a Gardener at Eden Nursery, Stowmarkel. and was for some time a (iardener. later a Blacksmith: enlisted 4 Sept. 1914: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 27 July. 1915. and was killed iti action near Albert 1 July. I91li. Buried north-east of Carnoy. north-north- west of Maricourt and east-soutii-east of .Albert ; imm. HOOD, CHARLES CHRISTOPHER. L.-Corpl . Xo. 1778,-». 7th (Servicii r.attn. The Duke of Cornwall"- IJuht Infantry. :ird x. of the late Richard Hood, ISedstead Worker, by his wife. Daisy, yst. dau. of tiie late James Ball: b. Bir- mingluim, eo. Warwick. 23 Feb. 1885 ; educ. Garrison Lane Council School there ; was emjiloyed by Messrs. Fisher. Brown \' Bayley. Birmingliam : enlisted in the iMike of Cornwall's Light Infantry 8 Jan. 1915 ; served with the British Expeditionary Force in France from 23 Oct. following: was wounded at Ypres in .June, 1916, and invalided home, suhsefpiently returning to France : was again in hospital for nine weeks, after which he rejoined his regiment, and died at X*a. 11 Stationary Hospital. Rouen, 5 Di-e. 1917. from wounds received in action at La Bassec 21 Xov. Buried in the cemetery at Rouen. His Platoon Officer wrote : " He always did Ids duty well, and we are alt proud to have hid such a iiood fellow in our platoon." He m. at Birmingham. 3 .\ul'. 19ii7. Daisy (84. Windsor Street. P.irmingham). vst. dau. of the late James Ball, and had a dau.. Daisy Ire[ie. h. H Xov. 1909. HOOD, JOHNSTONE L.ATTO, Privat<-. Xo. 1458. 1 9th (Territorial) Battn. (Highlanders) The Royal Scots (Lothian Kegt.). 2nd >■. of William James Hood, of The Gardens, Linburn. Kirknewton, eo. Mid- lothian, formerly of 1. Marischal I'lace. lilackhatl. by lu-* witV-. Jemima, dau. of .lohnstone Latto : b. Edinburgh, 10 Xov. 1896 : edue. Flora Stevenson's School there : was emploved in the G.IVO.. Kdinburgh ; joined the "9th Battn. The Royal Scots in March. 1912: served with the Expeditionary I'orct- in France, and was killed by shell fire. together with a comrade, in their dug-out near Armenti-Tes. 5 Sept. 1916. Buried in Hon J«'an Cemetery there, Lieut. Paulin wroti- : ■' His loss is much felt by the whole company, and I. as his PlatcHjn Otficer, feel liis death kei'uly. as he was one of the best [ellow- I ever knew." dim . HOOKER, STANLEY HARRISON. L.-Corpl.. So. 1931. 12th (Service) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt.. x, of the late Cliarles HcM)ker. by his wife. Annie (Hammer Farm. Shiplev. CO. Su.-se\). .laii. OI W. Harrison: b. Burstow. co. Surrey. 18 July. 1894 : "educ. Dial I'ost and Belvedere. Hayward's Heath ; enlisted 16 Xov. 1914 : served with the lOxpeditionary Force in France and Flanrtiii,'iu'si- East Africa ; suli-niui-ntly wrrit to f'anada ; prior to till' onthnak of war ho was in tlie VoluntcfTs, and lattaiiH'd a coiiiniission 1 .!n!y, liH') ; served witli tin- I'iXprditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at A'iiny Kiclye ;» A|)rii. UH7. Bnried tlierc A brother oiliier wrote:"! have alwa\s had a warm corner in ni>" lieart for Major Hoo|ier. ami feel his loss a \ears. He »(. at Winnipeg. Canada. 27 Xov. ISdo, Ailccn Sophie, dan. of the late Henry James Wiiiclswortii. HOPE, DAVID WILKINSON, Private. No. 21000. 7th (Service) liattn. The (Jiu'cn's Own f'amerou Highlanders. .<*■. of the late .lohn Ho|ie. lirasstoiinder. by his wif.-. Agnes (Ulebe Hank Honse. Dalkeith), dan. of .Inhii Wilkinson : h. Dalkeith. 1 Aug. 1875: ednc. Daniel Stewart's College. Fdinburgh. and snli- se(|uentl>' trained a- n .Mining I'lngineer In the otfiee iif tlie Lothian Coal Conipan.\'. Ltd,, Xewliattlr. later receiving an appointment in llritish Columbia ; retnrncfl to Kngland to assume tlie management of his lather's business : enlisted l!l Nov. 1015 : si>r\'ed with the ICxpcditionar.N' Force in France and FlandiTs. and was killed in action east of Vjires 22 Aug. 1!U7. liuried in the AerojilatK' Cemetery. Y|>res. Hi-. Comniandinu Ollicer wrote : " His courage and devotion to duty were an e.\aiupl- to all. and I am most sorry to lose him." Cum. HOPE. REGINALD ADDISON, Ucut.. 1st Battn. ((i4th Foot) The I'rince of Wales's {North Statfordshire Kegt.). .■.. of the Rev. David Hope. Curate of Faug- foss, formerly Rector of Hirnan Wood, .lamaica, liy liis wife, Patience Amelia, dau. of Thonia.s \Vaito : b, Fangfoss. co. York. 20 May. 1H!)4 : educ. St. Kdmund's SehooL Canterbury, and (Jnccns' College, Carubridu'r, where he became a Mathe- matical Scliolar. passing Part T. of the Matlieiuatical Tripos in 1014: was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 2$ Jan. IOI.t. and promoted Lieut. Feb. 19Hi : served witli the Mcditi'rranean Force at GaHipoH from 20 June. 1915 : was wonudi-d in Aug. and invalided home ; subsequently si-rved with the l-lxpeditionary l-'orcc in France and Flanders from 21 June. IfllO, and was killed in action 31 July, 1017, while leading his men at Klein Zillebcke, near Ypres. Buried there: unm. HOPE, SAMUEL, Private. 10th (Service) Battn. The Chediire Regt., I'Idest >•■. of Simiuel Hope, of 51. Mayhank Road, \ 1 Tratimere. by his wife. Margaret, dau. of Fdward (ireenwood : b. liirkenbead, co. ^^^^^ Cliester. 10 Dee. 1800 : ednc. Woolchurch ^^^|H^^ Road Schools there: was a Chauffeur in the ^^^^^^^L employ of Dr Temple, of Rock Ferry : en- ■ 5 I listed in Nov, 1014 : served with tin> Expedi- ,^ C; rfb' I tionary Force in France and Flanders from " Jan. 1910: was wounded 22 Aug. following, and invalided home, being admitted to Reading Hospital : rejoined his regiment on recovery, and was killed in action 1 Aug. 1917 : unm. HOPE, W. R., Gunner. No. 50327. R.F.A. ; s rved with the Expeditionary Force iu Fratice : died of wounds in 1014.' HOPKINS, ALBERT EDWINf Rifleman, ^^ tt "V \ --■ ■ -^'" 424(12. 1st liattn, (Kiird Foot) The Royal m^ *• ^- |Jj^^HBBES| Irish Rifles, yst. .S-. of Joseph William Hojikins, ^*' l^^^^^^Hj Coffee House Keeper, by his wife. Harriet (14. Nelson Square, Peckham. London. S.E.), dau. of James Coster : &. 18 July. 1891 : educ. St. Miclmers School. Chester Square, S.W. ; 1917 : served with the Expeditionary Force in May. 1017, and was killed in actioii 31 July Sainutrl Hope. was a Baker ; enlisted S Mare France and Flanders from i following. ; inini. HOPKINSON, RUDOLPH CECIL, ],ieut.. 35th Brigade, 12tli Coy.. R.E., 3rd and yst. s. of the late John Hopkinson. F.R.S., M.A.. bv his wife,' Evelyn (Ellerslie, Adams Road, Cambridge), dau. of Gustave Oldonboiirg ; b. Wimbledon, CO. Surrey. 10 July, 1891 ; educ. St. Paul's School. London (Scholar), and Trinity College. Cand.ridge (Exhibitioner), where he obtained a F'irst Class in the Mechanieal Seiince Tripos in 1913, subsequently becoming an Engineer, when he entered Sir Charles Parsons' works at Newcastle ; applied for a commission on tlie outbreak of war ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. R.E. 1 Sept. 1914. and promoted Lieut. July, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from April, 1915, and died at his home in Cambridge 9 Feb. 1917. from wounds received in action at Loos 24 Nov. 1915. His Brigadier-General wrote to him in March, 1010: "I shall hope soon to hear that you are quite recovered, and able to return to the front, as from all I can see we could do with a good many able signal otticers lik.' yourself." and his Corporal wrote to his mother : " It was at his irl^ti^atioll that it was decided at Ploegsteert to furnish the necessary cable lor a complete burieil metallic return system of communication. The system was eventually adopted on tlie whole of tlie British front. He was there long enough to see the work of his own brigade area finished and in splendid working order, and when he handed it over to the Canadians I don't think I exaggerate when I say there was nothing as good on the whole of the British front". The Canadians said they had seen nothing to equal it." He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette. 15 June, 1916] bv General (now F.M.) Sir Douglas Haig, for gallant and distingtiished service in the field. While at Cambridge he rowed in the First Trinity II. boat in the Lent races from 1911 to 1913, and for the First Trinity III. of 1911 ; was an excellent sailor and skier, winning in Jan. 19U, the first of the annual competitions in Switzerland for the Roberts of Kandahar Challenge Cup : imm. HORGAN, J., Sergt., No. 8255, 2nd Battn. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action in 1014.' HORNE, ANDREW, Private. No. 39646, 12th (Service) Battn. The Roval Scots (Lothian Regt.). a. of the late George Home; h. [,atherou \Vheel. Caitlmess. 24 Sept. 1890 ; educ. Dunbeath Public School. Caithness; went to America in 1900 ; returned to Eng- land on the outbreak of war; enlisted in the Black \Yatch in May. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; was wounded at Neuve Chapelle in Aug. 1915, and invalided home ; on his recovery transferred to the Boyal Scots, joining this regiment in France 10 Dec. 1916, and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 12 April, 1017. Buried at Fampoux. south of Arras. He m. at Kirkmuirhill United Free Church, co. Lanark, 12 Oct. 1016, May. dau. of William Newbigging, of Tillietudlcm, CO. Kirkmuir. HORNE, DAVID DOUGLAS, Cap... 201h (Service) Battn. The Northumber- land Fusiliers, eldest i^. of Joliu Home, of Dysart House, Carlisle, Director ol Messrs. Cowan, Sheldon it Co.. Ltd.. Engineers. Carlisle, by Ins wife, Mary, dau. of the late John Steeje. of Dvsart. co Fife; b. Carlish'. 22 Oct. 1875; educ. (Jros- ^^^^ venor College, Carlisle ; was an Flectrical ^^^■^^^ Engineer, being a Newcastle Kepresentative ^^^^^^^^ of .Messrs. Cromjiton .V- Co., LtcL. of London ^^^PIB^^^L =""' Cbelmsford : joined the 1st Cumberland ^ ?^^% Vi)|untei-r Artillerv 8 June. 1001, as 2nd ^ A Lieut.; transferred to the 4th Ka.-^t Lancashire k ^ ) Field Artillery, and was protuoterl Lieut. July. T ^^ *N 1003; resignerl his commission in 1012. On ^ S' A till' outbreak of war again volunteered for iT' A service ; obtained a commission Xo\-. 1914. ^« *" A and was promoted Capt.. attached to the 20tb K^ H I'attn. rhe Nortliumberland Fusilii-rs ; served d ^^ j^l wilh tlie i:\peilitionarv Forn- in France and ^^ff '■ ^ I'lanil.i- fnitM 1 June. loic. and was killed JB S^ in action 1 .Inly following, while leading his ^^kTt / ^M comjtany at La Bois-i'lle, during the Battle of ^^BUQ'/ a the Somme. Buried thi-re. His CommandinLT Ollicer wrote : " The Brigade Commander deplores tin- death of Capt. D. 1). Home. and desires to exjiress to you his deepest killed whilst izallautly leading liis eompanv. He at Boisselle. and was bnried tlu-re." an- all fell bravely, I was with Capt. Home at Aldbrough. and when he eaine out h -re h ■ took charge of my eymp:uiy. There are only two otiietrs left in the 2nil liatfii." .\nother officer also wrote: "1 spoke to David thi' morning liefore he was killeil, and he was so cheerful, and reudnded me so much of the old times at .\lnwick, when you will remember we occupied adjoining rooms. 1 was very sorry tliat he was not posted to liis old battalion, but in all proliali'Iity he would not have fared any better with them. ... In tact, of tlie whole battalion, only . who happened to be away on n sjiecial course, and myself are the only two left. I am only sorry that more partictdars cannot lie given, but our task in trying to clear up tlie details is a very ditlicult one." He m. at Withernsea. East Yorkshire. 10 Feb. I9(i2, Mabel, dau. of the late Christopher Brooke, of Blackburn, and had two dans. ; Isabel Mary. b. 17 Nov. 1902, and Mabel, b. 1 Jan. 1910. HORNER, C, Private, No. 9548, 1st Battn. The Lincolnsliire Regt. ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France; killed in action 24 Aug, 1914. HORNER, H. A., Stoker, 1st Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1014. HORRILL, ERNEST JOHN, P.O.. No. I0:i240; lost on H.M.S. Pegasus Sept 1914. HORSFIELD, FRANK, Seaman. No. 892. Royal Navy, eldest .s. of the late Richard Horsfield. of Wliarton. Kirkby Stephen, co. Westmorland, by his wife. Mary Annie, dau. of (Jeorge Chapman, Farmer; b. Kirkliy Stephen, 26 Feb. 1896; ednc. Council School there, and North Eastern County Scliool. Barnard Castle ; was employed on the North Eastern Railway ; joined the Royal Nav\ 24 Jan. 1016. and died at the Royal Naval Hospital. Haslar. Oosport. from pneumonia. 7 March following. Buried in Kirkby Hti-])hen Cemetery; unm. HORSFIELD, HAROLD, Private, No. i:J50. l,,ith (Territorial) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regt.), 2nd ,«.■. of Henry Horsfield, of 25, Rn>sil! stnet. Searcrott Road. co. York, dardener, by his wife, Lucy. dau. of Micliael Coe ; b. Nun Monkton. co. York, 20 May, 1898; educ. there'; was an api)rentice in the Instrument Making department at the works of T. Cooki' .V Sons, Ltd.. Buckingham Works, Y'ork, and prior to the war was a niemlter of the Territorial Forces ; was called up tor service and sent to Strensall, but lu' was afterward-s allowed to resume his work until Nov. 1915, when he was called up again and sent to Clipstone Camp; embarked for France 25 Dec. 1915, and after being employed at the base for some weeks, went to the trenches 20 Feb., and was killed in action three days later 23 ■ Feb. 1910. by a hand gn-nade. while defending his jKist in a trench on the Ancre, near Authuile. Buried in Thiepval Wood, east of Albert. He was a first-class signaller and rifle shot: U II III. HORT, COURTENAY RANDALL, Lieut.. Glamorgan Siege Battery, Royal (Jarrisou Artillery, eldest ,v, of William Ore'en- wa\- Hort. of I'lymoutb Road. Penarth. FIouv Miller. I'V his wife. Ada Long. dau. of Henrv iiaridall James : /). Kedland, Bristol, 18 June, 1S02 ; ednc, Penarth Lodge, Penarth. and. lihmdell's School. Tiverton. North Devon ; was a JHller ; obtained a commission in tin; Territorial Force 27 April. 1914 ; on the outbreak of war was called up for service. Ih iiiL' i.romoti'd Lieut. Dec. 1914 ; for some months w.is one of the officers conducting tlio iOxaniination Service in the Bristol Channel ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in Fnmco and Flanders from March. 1910. and died at Kouen 10 May, 1916. from pneumonia con- tracted while on active service. Buried in St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen. His Commanding OtHcer wrote: "Personally I have lost a most efficient officer, and I can say that I am sure he was one of the best, if not the most Courtenay Randall Hort. jiopular officer in the regiment." The Com- manding Ofticcr of his batterv in France wrote : " None could help liking him and admiring his character. I shall always remember him as one of the finest and best of young fellows," and anocher officer : " There can liave been no more popular and deservedly popular officer in the army ; the men under him would, I think, have done anvthing for him, and his loss to us is irreparable. Personally I have always regarded him as tlie straightest. most self-sacrificing man I liave ever met." Unm. HORTON, ALBERT EDWARD, Private, No. 241344. 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt., s. of the late T. \V. Horton ; 6. Maidstone, co. Kent, 26 Dec. 1886 : educ. Holy Trinity School there ; joined the Sussex Territorials 7 June. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Z Sept. following, and was killed in action at Ypres 20 Jnlv, 1917. Buried in a small cemetery there. Hem. at Maidstone, 2:3 Dec. loil, Mav. dau. of Stephen Alidridge, and had two children : Albert Edward, b. 20 Aug. 1914, and Beryl May, b. 9 Oct. 1912. The Roll of Honour 145 ^*.m HORTON, FRANCIS KING. Private. No. 47403S. 54tli Inlaatry Jiattii., Canadian Exprditionary Force, 3rd s. ot the. _. rr^ j Rev. Alfred William Horton, of 135. Kugby Road, Leamington, formerly Rector of Dew- fsall. CO. Hereford, by his wife. Harriet, daii. of Robert King, of Hampton-in-Arden ; h. IJewsall Rectory, Hereford. 5 Marcli, 1880 ; 'due. tlifT'' ; went to South America in 1897, ;ind si-ttliil at Uruguay, wliere he took up Kaiuli I-'arminn ; proceeded to Canada in i;iii4. ;mh1 Joinrd the Royal North "West Mfiuntiii I'oliri, in wliich force he remained tor :=ix \f;irs. 'jainini; promotion for carrying out his duties riliciintly, and subsequently joined the i.'\\\\ Polii e ; joined the Canadian Infantry in Feb. lOlti ; came over with the r>.')th liattn. in June ; served with the Expedi- tioMar\- Force in France and Flanders from till- following Aug., and was killed in action at Vimy Ridge 1 March, 1917. Buried there. He m. at St. John's Church, Saskatoon, Francis King Horton. Saskatchewan, Canada. 26 July, 1912, Mary Eva Charlotte (Wieklands, Selwyn lload, Eastbourne), eldest dau. of the late Lieut. -Coi. William Knipo ; x.p. HOSKIN, FRANK, Private, Xo. -1040, 0th Battn. Australian Imperial Force, Gth s. of John Hoskin, of 23. Percy Terrace, Lipson. Plymouth. Fine Art Dealer, by his wifi'. iMuily. ilau. of Robert Hele Foale ; h. Compton Gitfard. Plymouth. 21 Mav, \S'X} \ cdue. Laira. Plymouth; went to AustraUa 25 March, 1912, and settlid at liiisbane jus a Fiirmer ; volunteered for Imperial Service, and joined the Australian Forces on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force at Gallipoli ; then proceeded to France ; was wounded at Pozi'eres 2.3 Aug. 1916, and was killed in action on the Sorame 20 Sept. 1917 : imrn. HOSKING, F., Private. No. 8818, 1st Battn. The Dvike of Cornwall's Light Infant rv; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 9 Sejit. 1914. HOSKINS, H. F., Bombardier. No. 73823. R.F.A. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Foicr in France : killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. HOTCHKIN. LAMBERT ANNESLEY,2uii Linit.. l/21st (Countvof Loudon) Battn. Tin' London K< -^t. (1st Surn-y Kitlcs), only s. ni William Lambert Hot chkin, of Sutton, CO. Surn>'. Ijy his witV. Ad<-lai-uc: matri- culated for London Inivi-rsity in 1013 ; was in trainin trained at Tidwortli and Winchester; served with tlif E\]>< France from Juni-. 1010; was first reijorted wounded and m killed in action at Eancourt I'Abbe. France, 8 Oct. followiiii:. Officer wrote : " Your son was killed on S Get. whilst most •_' platoon in an attack near Eancourt ; he was .-Imt tlinuuili f li U s.pt. 191.i ; liitionaiy Force in s^illu, and later as His Commanding illaiitly Iradiim his U'-i-k ami sfoiiiaeh, He was a spli-ntiid bo\- — krni, popnl.ir, and did Ids Gilbert Hotchkis. and killed instantaui'ously. work very well." T'tim HOTCHKIS, GILBERT, 2nd Lieut.. 8/lOth (Service) Battn. The Gordon Hiiihlanders. s. of Major Richard James Hotchkis. of Crookston. co. Renfrew, late iTHiian Army, by his wife, 3Iary Anna, dan. nf JJcYit.-CoI. Samuel Deuholm Young ; b. Crookston, co. llenfrew, 29 Dec. 1893; educ. High School of Glasgow ; was a Farmer in Rhodesia ; joined the Rhodesian Ritles in Dee. 1914; marched with them 600 miles to German East Africa ; afterwards returned to England ; joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. 27 June. 1015 ; obtained a commission 22 l>ec, following : served with the Expeditionary h'orce in France and Flanders from Dec. 1916 ; was reported missing 15 March, 1917. but was found to be out on patrol duty, and was killed in action 23 April, 1017. by liigh-ex plosive when preparing the advance trenches during the Battle of Arras. Buried at Wancourt. His Colonel wrote : " Whenever the battalion was in action he was always in the thick of it, when his dash and courage won for him the admiration, confidence and aflfection of us all." Unm. HOUGHTON, ALBERT, Gumier, No. 3517, Royal Field Artillery (County Palatine) (T.F.), 2nd s. of Wilfr.d Houghton, now serving in Salonika in the Army Service Corps, by his win-. Klizabctlt (7n. H.v-liam Roail. Sonthport, CO. Lancaster), dau. of Wiiliani Stanley, oi St. H(lrus,to. l.aueastcr; 6.21 June, 1897; educ. All Saints' School. SouThiiort ; was I'mployed on the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway ; joined th.' TirritoriaN March, 1015; served with the Expeditionary Forei- in France from Tin- lollowim: .Nov., and was killed in action there 5 Feb. lOlii. His Lii-ut. wrote on 7 I'"eb. in praise of his conduct as a soldier ; U7iin. HOUGHTON. ALBERT HENRY, Private. No. 102677, Machine Gun Corps, eldest s. of Albert Edward HouL'hton, of New Road. Netlev, Gstkr. by his wife. Rose, dau. of Henry (and Susan) Harvey; b. Bitterne, near Southampton, 12 Oct. 1889 ; educ. Bo>>' School tliere ; was a Baker and (_'onf«Ttion.r ; joined the Hampshire Regt. 28 Feb. 1017 ; transferred to the Macluue Gun Corps about 14 April; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 8 Aug., and was killed in action 22 Sept. following. His Commanding Officer wrote : " Your husliand was a verv good soldier, and is sadly missed by the company." He m. at Sholinu' Church, Southampton, 28 Dec. 1912, Daisy Ethel (Church Road. Sholinu, Southampton), dau. of William (and Emily) Young, of Sholiug, and had three cliildren : Ronald Albert, b. 10 Oct. 1913 ; Sydney Francis William, b. 2 Jan. 1917, and Doris Margery, b. 17 April, 1915. HOUSE, MALCOLM HUTCHINSON, 2nd Lieut., 8th (Service) Battn. The Rifle Brigade {The Prince Consort's Own). 3rd s. of Harry Hammond House. Housi- Master at Malvirn College, by his wife, Kate Charlotte, dau. of Carl Marius Sorensen ; b. Great Malvern. 12 July. 1897 ; educ. Lockers Park, and Rugby School, where he gained an Entraiue Scholarsliip ; was a member of the O.T.C. ; head of his house ; in the Cricket XT. of 1013 ; captain in 191.j, and was also in the XV. of 1915-16. In Dec. 1915. he was elected to a Classical Scholarship at i orpus ( 'liristi College. Oxford ; gazetted 2nd Lieut, in Oct. 1015 ; served with the i;x]ieditionary Force in Franco from the following Doc. until his deatli. He was killed by a sni]ier while moving a Lewis gun into position 3 May, 1017. Buried behind the trench he had hi-i-n holding. HOWARD. JOHN ALFRED CARTER, Stoker, H.M.S. Pembroke, Royal Navy, s. of Herbert Neale Howard, of Church Street, Holbcach. by his wife, Lizzie, dau. of John Needluiin ; b. Holbeach, 3 Aug. 1896 ; educ. Holbcach Boys' John Howarth. School ; was a Printer ; joined the Navy 21 Jan. 1916. and died of cerebro-spinal meningitis 6 May following, at Chatham Naval Hospital. Buried in the ceme- tery, Holbeach; unm. HOWARTH, JOHN, Private-. No. 457, 13th (Service) Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt., only s. of John Howartli. of High Street, Back Lane. Royston. near Barnsley, by liis wife, Elizabeth; b. Royston. CO. York, May, 1895 ; educ. National School there; was a Miner employed at Monkton Pit; enlisted 6 Sept. 1015 ;' served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 2 Nov. 1917. Buried in Roclincourt Military Cemetery ; laim. HOW AT. WILLIAM WYLLIE, Private. No. 20(1106, 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Royal Scots Fusiliers, s. of John Howat. of High Street. Stowarton. co. Ayr. Ironmonger, by his wife. Mary ; h. Stewarton aforesaid, 26 Oct. 1806: educ. there; was a Bank Clerk ; joined the Territorials in 1012, aud was mobilized on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1014 ; served with tin- Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Gallipoli. Egypt and Palestine, and died 14 Nov. 1017, from wounds received in action at the Battle of Gaza. Buried at Catarah, Palestine ; ttnm. HOWELL. CHARLES JOSEPH. Lieut., 1st Battn. (05th Foot) The Y'ork and Lancaster Kegt.. eldest ,v. uf Charl.-s Edward Howell, of Wolleseote House. Stour- bridge. Ironmaster, by his wife. Viola Rosetta. dau. of the late Alfred Feenv, of the ■■Birmingham Daily Post": b. Birmingham, co. Warwick. 13 Feb. 1803; educ. St. Wilfrid's College, Oakamoor ; Josopliite College. Melle, Belgium, and Birmingham University ; was sjazettod 2nd Lieut. 0th (Service) Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. 1 Sept. 1014 ; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionarv Force in Gallipoli from June, 1915 ; wjis invalided to .Alalta with dysentery iii July ; rejoined his regiment in Aug., when he was appointed Machine Gvni Otticer and Instructor; took part in both evacuations. l)eing sent back to Cape Holies ivom Lemnos, after luiving left Suvla ; served for a time in Egn>t. and with the Indian Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia from Feb. 1016. and, having obtained a permanent commission in the York and Lancaster Regt. in Nov. 1915, was promoted Lieut. Aug. 1016 ; was wounded at Sanna-i-Yat in April, 1916, and invalided to India ; returned to duty in June, and was killed in action near Kut-el-Amara 25 Jan. 1917, while walking about, coolly superintending the erection of his machine gmis in now positions after he had taken over Ids section, inider heavy shell fire, and occupied a Turkish trench. Buried behind the captured trench. His Comtnandini: Ottioer wrot-- : "* He was most popular with ail the ollirers of the lnii,'a(le. and wi' miss him very, very ravicli." Unm. HOWELL. JAMES WILLIAM, (Jnnuer. No. 2'.I033S. R.G.A.. eldest s. of James John Howell, of '■'•. William Street. Pontcauua. by his wife. Lucy. dau. of James Chamberlain ; b. Cardiff, co, Glamorgan. 14 June. 1S92 : educ. Llandaff School ; was employed as a Braki\siuan with the Cardiff Railway Company; enlisted in 3Iareh. 1015 ; served with the Kxiii'ditionary Force in France and Flanders from March. 1010, and was killed in action 5 Aug. 1017. Buried in Canada Farm C'emetery, five miles to the north of Poporinghe : untn. HOWELLS, JOHN WESLEY. 2nd Lieut., 7th territorial) Battn. The Lan- cashire Fusiliers and R.1'".C.. .?. of William Howells. of .\rch House, St. George Street. Tenby, co. Pembroke, by Ins wife. Sarah Jane : b. Tenby. 26 Oct. 1887 ; educ. Wesleyan Day and Council Schools tin- re. and Westminster Training College, where he trained for the teaching profession, and suh,, innntly taught for a time at the Seacombe Wesleyan School ; was a Wesleyan Minister in charge of the VictoriaHall.Ancoats, a centre of the Manchester Mission • enlisted 14 May, 1915 ; obtained a commission 20 Aug. following ; was sent to Egypt, and afterwards to Mesopotamia ; transferred to the R.F.C., and after a short period of training in Egypt, proceeded to Palestine, and was killed in action at Gaza 23 July, 1917, whileacting as Observer, when liis machine was brought down into the sea by anti-aircraft guns. A brother officer wrote : " It struck us as strange that a clergyman should be in a liL'litin^ unit, particularly one of such scholarly attain- ments. But the fact that he liad chosen and taken the path of exceeding danger increased our respect tremendo\isly, and made us realize how burning the con- viction was that made him lay aside the duties of his office for the rough work of the field. He met his death, as he would have wished liad he known — doing what he counted the prime duty of British manhood to-day, and in a country which, from his previous knowledge of it and its association with his faith, meant more to liim than to most. We grieve at the loss of a good comrade and a plucky soldier." I'nm. HOWELLS. WILFRED J., Corpl., No. 40668. IGth (Service) Battn. The Welsh Regt.. only s. of John Howells. of IS, Mansel Street. Briton Ferry, Blacksmith, by his wite. Elizabi-th, dau. of the late William Jarvis, Farmer ; b. Britou Ferry, CO. (ilamorizan. 28 Sept. 1891; educ. Neath Intermediate Schools: enlisted in the 38th Welsh Divisional Cyclists Coy. 10 Oct. 1914; underwent training at Llandudo and Winchester; served with the Fxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 1015; transferred to the 10th Battn. The Welsh Regt.; took part in the Battle of Mametz and all other operations on the Somme in 1916 ; won a silver medal in the musketry competition held in France, and was killed in action at LanL'emarek. near Ypres, 27 Aug. 1017, being shot in the head by a sniper while !ea ; went to France 16 April. 1016. and was killed in action at midnight at Bazentin-le-Petit 22-23 July following, as he went over the parapet for a bayonet charge. Buried there ; num. HOYLE, WALTER MAYNARD* 2nd Lieut., The Norfolk Regt., attd. Royal Flying Corps, onlv s. of the late James .Tohnson Hoyle. B.A.Lond., of the firm of ;Messr^. Lance A Hovle. Solicitors, Johannesburg. South Africa, by his wife. Florence, eldest dan." of the late Walter Maynard ; b. Seapoint, Gape Town. South Africa. 17 Mav. 180** : ednc. St. John's College. Johannesburg, and Oundle School ; i)as-cd into Sandhurst in Aug. 1016 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 30 ApriL 1017 ; on the same dav contracted pneumonia, and died at Weybridge Cottage Hospital. Weybridge. co. Surrey. 11 May, 1917. His Commanding Ollieer wrote that he regretted the loss of a truly fine soldier, and spoke of him in terms of highest praise ; num. HUBBARD, J. G., Driver. No. 60383, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action in 1014. HUDDART, CUTHBERT EDMUND AR- _. _ NOLD, Capt.. R.A.M.C, 2nd s. of the late Dr. Guthbert Henry Cooke Huddart. of Shoys- woll Manor. Etchingham. by his wife. Annette l>ouisa, dau. of Edmund Hunt ; b. Green- hithe. CO. Kent, 22 Feb. 1877 : edue. London Hospital ; was a Physician and Surgeon in London ; obtained a commission as Lieut, in the R.A M.G. 28 Oct. 1915. and was pro- moted Capt. 20 Dec. 1916; served in Malta and Egypt from 4 Jan. to 19 Dec. 1916, and died at his home in London 20 Jan. 1917, while home on leave prior to proceeding to France, from disease contracted while on active service. He m. at St. Martin's Church. Acton. W.. 18 June, 1908. Oiga Florence (220. Gloucester Terrace. London, W.), yst. dau. of Orlando Bridgeman-Simpson. of Wentbridge. Pontrefract. and had a son, Cuthbert Orlando Bridgeman. b. -1 Nov. 1010. HUDLESTON, HAROLD ROBERT, 2nd Lieut. 14th (S^Tvice) Battn. The Duke of Gaml^ridge's Own (Middlesex Regt.). s. of Robert William Hndleston. of 68. Parliament Hill. Hampstead. N.W.. Solicitor, by his wife, l-Immeline Belbin, dan. of W'illiam Pugli ; b. London, 3 March, 1883 ; ednc. University College School, London ; was a Solicitor to the London it North Western Railway Com- pany. On the outbreak of war, he joined the Oolders Green Volunteer Training Corps, and also enrolled as a special constable ; in Jan. 1015, he joined the Anti-Aireraft Corps, R.X.V.R.. and later joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. ; obtained a commission 21 June, 1915 ; was employed for some time as JIusketry Instructor: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from May. 1916 ; was wounded at Carooy 1 July follow- ing, during the operations oif the Somme, and died the following day. Buried at Cainoy. His Commanding Otiicer wrote: "Your son had not long beeu witli us. but long enough to establish himself in the regard and respect of everj'one in the battalion, and to make its al! realize that just at a period when we want officers like him most, we have lost one of the very best type." Vnm. HUDSON, EDWARD STANLEY, 2nd Lieut., llth (Service), attd. 10th (St-rvice) Battn., The Devonshire Regt., elder .S-. of tiie Rev, Edward Francis \ViIliams Hudson, of Savmton, Braunton, North Devon. M.A., by his wife. Constance Lyla, dau. of the Rev. Canon Alfred James Carver. D.D.. formerly Head Master of Dulwich College; 6. Selsley, near Stroud, co. Gloucester, 20 Oct. 1892 ; educ. Victoria College, Jersey, 1906-11. and Exeter College. Oxford, 1011-14 (Scholar), where he graduated B.A. in 1914, and obtained First Class in Honours School of Modern j-an- guages. with distinction in French ; joined the University and Public Scliools Battn. 19th Royal Fusiliers 7 Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; obtained a commission in the Devonsliire Regt. 12 May, 1015 ; left for Egypt 22 Nov. following ; ser\'ed at Lemnos, Egypt and Salonika, and died 13 Feb. 1917, from wounds received in action thepre\ious day. during a trench raid near Lake Doiran. Edward Stanley Hudson. Buried in Janes Militar>- Cemetery. His Cuthbert E. A. Huddart. .1 Hubert Hudleston. Colonel wrote: "To a delicate lad and a scholar, brought up to follow so different a path in life, the hardships of trench warfare and the brutal side of fighting must have been particularly repugnant. Vet he carried out his duties conscientiously and wei!, and with a courage and judgment wliich do him credit." i'nm. HUDSON, FREDERICK JAMES. GorpL. No. 31146. 18th Hussars, k. of Henry John Hudson, of Woodrnd. Miiryton, near Ampthili, co. Bedford, Farm Labourer, by his wife. Ann. dan. of Joseph Smith : b. Marston aforesaid. 8 Aug. 1890 ; educ. there ; was emplo^■ed hv the LonardaneHes 12 Si'jrf. 1915; served with the Expeditionary I'orce in Egypt, also in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Pozi^res 29 Sept. 1016. Buried there. Gol. Wedgewood wrote : ■He was killed by a shell; tlie brigade :ittacked and took a fierman trench, and in tin- advance Corpl. Uugglestone fidl, and we :tl! sympathize with you in your loss." and a eumrade : "' He was a good fellow, and we all miss him very much." He was a ])rorainent membi-r of the Cardiff Corporation Tramway Band, also of the Sons of Temperance. He m. at Carditf, I-ottie, dau. of William Gibson, of 21. Harriett Street. Gathays. Cardiff, and had two children : Lot Me Amelia Ann, b. 24 Sept. 1911, and Doris Elizabeth Jane, b. 25 June. 191::;. HUGGLESTONE. WILLIAM THOMAS, Private. No. 24152. 16th (Service) Battn. The Welsh Regt., s. of Alfr-d Huggle- stone. of 103. Wyeverne Road. Garditf. by liis wife. Amelia Henrietta, dau. of Robert Brown ; and brother to Corpl. A. H. Hugglestone ('/■'-.>: /'. CarditL 17 Aug. 1895: educ\ Crwys Road Council School there: was eniploycd at the Park Hotel. Garditf; enlisted 16 Jan. 1015; served with the Expeditionary Force ill France and Flanders from 18 Nov. following, and was killed in action at the Battle of Lange- iiiarek 27 Aug. 1917. Buried there. His niiirir wrote; "He was a.good and faithful soldier, and officers, N.C.O.'s and men wish me to express their great sorrow at thi- loss you have sustained." He was a jirominent member of the Miskin Street Chapel, Cardiff ; Alfred H. Hugglestone. VVUliam T. Hugglestone. HUGHES, RONALD BASKERVILLE, 2tid Lieut.. K.F.C., yst. ■•;. of the late Thomas MuL'hes. by his wife, Catherine Anne (The Abbey House. Cobridge, Stoke-on-Trent), dau. of the late O. B. Watton, of Shrewsbury ; h. Burslem, Stoke-on-Tent, IS Feb. 1899 ; educ. Newcastle School ; joined the Artists' Rilles 13 Feb. 1017 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. K.F.C. 20 April following, and was killed in an aerial accident at South Carlton, co. Lincoln, 31 May, 1917 ; unm. HUGHES. THOMAS, Sergt., No. 200957, 5th (Territorial) Battn. Th.- King's (Liverpool Regt.). 2nd .v. of Tliomas Robert Hughes, of 39, BroiiLrhtuii Road. Liscard. Wallasey, Dock Board Employee, by his wife. Elizabeth, dau. m Huuhes Oavies ; b. Seacombe, 22 May, 1893 ; educ. Hiverside Schools, Liseard ; was an Agent lor the Refuge Assurance Company; enlisted m Nov. 1914: served with the Expeditionary I'oree in I'rance and Flanders from 30 Jan. 1916, iuid was killed ill action at Armenti-^-res 1 .)une, liH7. Buried in Cite Boujean Military Cr-metwry, Armeutieres. His Commanding Otbcer wrote : " It is witii the deepest regret that I am writing to tell you of the death of your .son. Sergt. T. Hughes, and on behalf of my fellow-officers. N.C.O.'s and men of liis company, to offer you our deepest sympathy in the great loss you have sustained. He was a member of the platoon of which I am temporarily in charge, and went out last niiiht on patrol duty. On returning to our trench this morning he was imfortunately hit in the thigh by a rifle bullet, which severed the main artery, and altliough his comiianions were able to get him back to our lines within a few minutes of liis being liit. and assistance was immediately i»rocured, he lapsed into unconsciousness, and passed away very shortly afterwards from loss of blood and shock. Though I did not see him personally, I do not think lie suffered much pain. Sergt. Hughes was very pojndar in the company, and liis loss will be very greatly felt, not only by Ids fellow N.C.O.'s and men. but also by his officers' by whom he was very much respected and valued." and bis Captain : " Your son was wounded by a rifle bullet this morning, when out in No Man's Land on i)atroI, and he died soon after we got him in. The stretcher-bearers were on the spot immediately, but imfortu- nately medical skill was of no avail. The loss of Sergt. Hughe-; is a great blow to ns all, as he was a very popular N.C.O. and keen on liis work. He is being buried to-day in a cemetery some little distance behind the iini---." Cnm. HUGHES. VICTOR HENRY, .Sergt.. No. 16244. 18th (Service) Battn. The King's (Liverpool Re^t ). 4th .v. of John Lister Hughes, of 278. New Chester Road. Port Sunlight, Pawnliroker, by his uife, Eleanor, dau. of Richard Fey ; b. Everton, 8 July, 1887; educ. Bebington and Birkenhead In.stitute ; wasVi Thomas Hughes. The Roll of Honour John Douglas Hume. He Iiad previously been promoted to the rank of Serit. for his ™od s"rvie;^ f^; «a. Both the othcers and men of the company had tlie greatest regard for lim ^ei'sy;;;;:^!;^^? ^^s*^ 'T.r ^"»' '"*-'-''°" <" ^^ char^sz !^^^&a^>:'iS'S-^SnJJ';l'se^t^,^i4 "^"'' """ *"'' ^-P'"l'«<'nary ^S^.J^^^i^iS'lfl-i^fSi^; J!,?^:*-^ ^""'' "■'"""» Expeditionary HULSE ALFRED BENJAMIN, Driver, No. 41309 19«h Batterv UFA M,°r'v-:^'rfi ""'"'■• °'" 35, Monmouth Strert, Salford Manetef^r bv'lu^'wit' ;, ■ ■ :?• K""™"!.,™. Cliester, 4 Feb. 1886; ediic. Salford • was an OstleT at the London Hotel, Exniouth : enlisted 15 Feb. 1906 : served tiirreve?J,,,ith the r^ I"."'' ?"■» Joinol the Reserve ; was called up on ihe outbreak ;;rTn\ui 914 -and dfed- ' I^^^P^d'tionary Force in France and Flanders from 16 A S! 1J14 and died at pickebuscli. near Ypres, 1 Oct. 1917. from wounds reeeiv.-Tl B-.ni ,',l"- H^"""''' ;» HosPi'-'- tJ^"''-;;;' ^'r*- <' -^ '■ '• "' F'-'-d"i<^k Steed Humphrev, School- nia.a, r b. \e« t ross London. S.E.. 13 Ma.v, 1880 : was emploved .is i Casluer - joined the London Irish RiHes in Feb. 1916; served with the EsnediMonrrO ne"tion';"™™"' "'"' '^'™''"''- """ "'"'^ ^'^ ^"''- '"'''' '^-^ wounds '^eceiledii iniaiitrv, >>t. .i. o! the Re\ . Henry James Humphrevs, Vicar of Thornlev Tow Law CO. Uurham, by his wife. Sydne.v, dau. of Robert Griffith VilhaimijC b Llangan Rectory, Bridgend, co. Glamorgan, 10 Julv, 1896 edu? Durham Grammar School and Wellington College ; was gazetted Lieut 26 Mav m7 (as irom 18 Apri , 1917) ; took part in the operations in East Africa iind was ot a 1 iillali where they were exposed to machine-gun fire, and was returning to hip lis Commanding Officer. Buried there. His Colonel "vrote-" He Us r'^'dd'ofa^rlwi ';■■""■''[ f^^"'""'} ™'°''"1'-- '*"1 »'>"' '">-'' the best that co^d b. s.iid ot a soldier and Capt. W adeson : - Your son was re.'arded in there^i- ment as a brave and promising ofHcer, and lus loss is keeiilv fdt bv all He was w,^rL'in'''l^'-' 1°" '"'i'l"- "r"'" '^>'"« *e circnmstancls anSd d verv «ool kild On tiff, „°,!!. "/?"•'"'■ °" 1,8 -^P--" >a^t- when Major Macphersdn was Kill. d. On that occasion he moved about very coollv under heavy fire." Unm ' "Vi^'^'n^'*',^^' HERBERT JAMES, MM., L.-Corpl.. Xo. 13416 lOth (.Service) i Ko ,d"\n^»n''H "'ir'u-'''"'" '?'-'*■■ k'- "^ "'^- '»'« •'''■"<•' Huniphrles- o 58. il'nse^ i ; ...u H H "V'- 1"™"??''=',™. by his wife, Emma, dau. of Edward Revnolds ' *. Miiall Heath aforesaid, o July, 1896 ; educ. Little Green Lane there ■ was an' Eleetr.cal Engineer; enlsted 20 Sept. 1914; served with the Expedit oiiary 16 N-ov IQ?-"""^!;?!^^",?''"*"'^ J.-*"-- 1"5- =^"1 »•»-' killed in aetiin at Ypres i.n,V It " '■'* "'""■ H"* Commanding Officer wrote : - I have already li., ^''i"'^ "'A"}}^ "!!'■ ?? 1"= ™'' °"» °f '"y bcs't operators, besides being an In v^o/fiffor lt^l°- .^i' \'^ ""■"'■■1'"' "«' ^""1" ■ ilfda" (London f azrt " JiU,\ , 1916), for repairing telephone wires under heavy fire ; unm. ^hJV^^<^^' •'?^J^??'^''- l""^'"'*-- ^°- 5232. f Covl 8th (.Service) Battn MrW, ,-,;'■"'■■" ^u'^,- '''I-'?* ',■ "' '■''»■•''•* Hunnibell, of D.agworth, H.-^ugl. e?.' 'co Si ffolf '^1 T;,?',S-"''*'-,'-''"i-- ?^"'- °* -^"■■^'""■n Kobins^on ; ft.' Dagwort i tb .re l?^lh; f T- 5*;.^ • '''1'"', ^ o'"nt="-y school. Haughlev. and on leaving men ber of tb R '• '^'l'",'-^'' » ,'I."-l«-t Gardener, during which time he wius a Zli Z J, ^°,r l^"8:ade. gaming the rank of Staft-Sergt. : enlisted 7 Sept. 1914. alter the ontlireak of war ; served with the Exjieditionarv Force in France kI,,,, , ,'r'i''''"' •'"-■; 1,915- ™'l "■^'■' '^"l'-" "- •■"'■tio" '"■^"- -^IbiTt, during he Battle of the sonime 1 July. 1916. Buried on the battlefield - imm HUNT, ALBERT EDWARD. Able Seaman, Xo. 235216 (Portsmoutli) • lost while serving on Submarine E3 Oct. 1914. <^i,-!.uioui,i, , losi HU-NT. ALFRED, M.M.Sergt., .Xo. 8:«029. 307th Brigiide, R.F.A (T F ) 2nds o. He^iry (and Carohne) Hunt, of 7. Liverpool Street! Deritend, Birniingrmm I f;;,; A ,: ,- ! ■ ''duo- Liverpool street School, Deritend ; was a Blacksmith - oined the \ untcers (now the Territorials) as a Gunner in 1904; was called T>„. ,'■ »;, 1 n '^ 1°' 'T '" -^"'■■■, '"1* ■ '"'■^•'' «■"'■ "« Expeditionarv Force S -.timV 1 s ,, In'-'l™"' -^P"!- 1"1S- and died in .\o. 47 Casualtv Clearing htation 11 Sept 191,, from wounds received in action .at Ypres on the 7th Buried in Dozinghem British Cemetery, two and a Imlf miles nor h of Poperingh,. fj^A^^'^'iP^'' M'l'tary Medal [London Gazette, 10 Feb. 1918). lor resciTiiV a wounded soldier under heavy Are on 6 Sept. 1916. He m. at St \ndr •"; CImrch. Birmingham, 25 Dee. 1907, Louisa (83, Preston Roai, Sou i, \"frdlev B irm iigham) 2nd dau. of Cliarles (and .Martha) Howard, of Small Heath Bir ?9"f rd ^l^^^i^^,^!'''''- '■ ■'' ^■-- 190* ■■ ^'-'^ H--V. "- 1 ^^■ 147 Henrj Rainford Hur.t. Bentley Moore Hunter. HUNT FRED, Engine Room Artificer, 1st Class, Xo. 269555 fPortsmouth^ ■ lost while serving on Submarine E3 Oct. 1914. ^"'aas (J-onsmouth) . Vryiw'i"«:'^'*^, R-'^^^FORD. Bombardier, -^o. *'-*- "'■<< Lancashire Brigade. RF I ',; '.'\ fl^.'^t'- Kdwin Hunt, bv las wife. Sophie (112, King ,Street, Egremont, co. Chesteri dau of Francis Trott : 6. Sefton Park, Liv, r- imol, 10 July, 1894 : educ. Hope Street British Schoo there ; went to Australia in 1912. and sittled on a larin in Xew South Wabs • serv.d on H.M.S. Transport Suevic from An" 1914 to Oct. 1915 : enlisted in the R.F.A. In Nov 191a; served with the Exixditionarv Force in France and Flanders from Feb. 1917 and was killed in action at Ypres 12 Oct. followin". ijiiried at Langemarck ; unm. HUNTER, BENTLEY MOORE, MB H,';,?t -r ^'":-'v,*-^v>L'^', 5th ,. of Charles' Hunter Of The School Hous,.. Dunragit. Itidrtll"' fi*, ■'"''■• *"^^'"'- dau. of William Riddell. of .^Idous, CO. Ayr: ft. Glenluce. eo. \J igtown. 28 April 1888 ; educ. Stranraer High .school and Gla.sgow Iniversitv. wliere he graduated M.B.. Ch.B. (Prizeman and -MedaV list); was an .iisustant at Consett. and after- H-.irds at Stevenston. co. Ayr ; obtained a com- ,V ^V''" .}.? ''"y. 1915. being attached to the 1st Battn. Ihe Cambridgeshire Regt and sent out to Mudros (Lemnos) and Egvpt - iul,- sj.iuently served with the Expedit'ioiarv Force in France and Flanders, and was killed 111 .action near Ypres 31 July. 1917. Buried .It Steenbeek, Langemarck, north of Yores His Commanding Officer ivrote : " Y-Qur son was kil ed tr.ving to save the livcsi of others as he liad done so many times before. I fortunately Imd the satisfaction of telling iim some few days before tliat I had recom? iiended lum tor some sort of award " and liis hajilain : " His staff say thev will never h-ive another like luin. He was so generous- minded and willing to help others I shall n.ver forget the >vay he carried on down L^i' ; "^S*" *'■'' 9ther medical officer was killed. He wxs simply splendid." He was G..i„.ral E. RidiMl. DS.o „ , J-^m-nended lor decoration by Brigadier- HUNTER, WILLIAM BOYLE. M.JL Sergt Xo. 16539. 10th (.Service) Battn. 1 he Gloiicesterslure Regt., 3rd ,. of James Hunter, of :30. Holburn Str,.et, Aberd"^ -.ngmeer by his wife, Margaret, dau of Robert Burr, of -farves, co. .Aberdeen : and lephew Of the Rev. Dr. John Hunter, of ';f,°?."= *-/'"„^<'Tn, 18 Jan. 1888 ; edu? .\she> Road Public School, and Central Higher Grade School, Ab,rd,en : was em- p oy.-d in an Insurane,^ Otfic- in Bristol • enlisted in Jan. 1915: serv.d with the E.xpedi- Tnl7/"""J" f^''""- ■•"■d Flanders ;'^wls Z H^h' w"'", ?,'"■■■i'^'<'"* ^'t fontalraaison Vo i?°,i Wood 23 July. 1916. and died in Xo 12 (Jeneral Hospital. Rouen. 1 \u. fol- lowing. Buried in St. S,v,.rs Cemeterv Then- His Commanding Officer wrote- " i have ' soT' w^* P'"'*"'^^ il' "ilorining you that your f? ' ?r.^^- "- ^- Hunter, has been awardfd the Military Medal for eonspieiious bTaver? and d"-ot.on o duty on t arly morning df '^r'k-^' I If- .'•"■ was one of inv best .N.lO.s and he is a verv gnat loss to the aifd compan'i™."ani"hrdied like "'h^™ fnrThe"'',f"';'l,'"''"''"- •■■ '™'' '""'d His men loved him and would fo^lmv him ^nv,vh\'''' " ,"'' '■"""tfy he 'ovcl. spoke of him as • the best nian i„ t hrcoZnm ■ " h ''"'^ '"' °'""' '"""^ billed) Medal for gallant and distingui!:;.:^^;;™!??: ,l.e fi^;, "l:,^'""'' "" """^'^ ^??S'r^°^Ll^e^LJ?^^,-rr;: - 51. ^h infantry Battn. • -■lug. 1890: ednc. Standiffe Hall and R^nion - w ?,, in a""?' ™- ."?f«-*ter. 2 joined the Australian imaiitrv T n 191^ '- r i - VV't^''^ "> J""- 1912 : .March, 1916, and then we ^ tVVanc- 4d died oMll!.' """"?" •''"d Egypt till service near Armenfi -r.s -'.i \,"ril 7: served with the Espeditionarv Force" in France and Fland-rs from 19 Mav. 19^ .and was killed in act ion near .Irn-s 3 Mav 1 91 -" second Lient. H. C. Plews wrote :" "One of dm v"lr- f '"""''?",■.'"" '^^^ <*'>'»« obse r,at ion dutj in a torward line with three comrades William Boyle Hunter. regiment." and a comrade Joseph James Hurcock. 148 The Roll of Honour when a slu-ll li-II anionc'^t thi'iii. So that at the last vf have the crrtaiii k now ledpf that (h-ath wa-; iastantaiifoiis, ami that he was spared al! sufferiiiK. Always clu'cry and bright, and ready to do his duty, his loss will be keenly (elt." Cnm. HURLEY. J.. Corpl., No. 5602. 2nd Hattn. The Lancashire Fusiliers; served with tlie Kxpeditionary Force in France; killed in action 26 Auii. 1914. HURLEY. R., I,.-Ser«t.. No. «585. 2nd liattn. The Kini:"s Uoyal Uiflc Corps; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; kiUed in action 2 Get. 1014. HURST, ALFRED RICHARD, Private. No. 1104.'). 11th (Service) liattn. The Queen's Own (Uoyal \V.>t Kent Ue^t.). h. of Kol»-rt Hurst, of Ti, ln<:oldes- thorpc lload, IVckhani. London, .S.K., hy his wile, Mary, dau. of llichard Goliegan ; b. Loudon, 11 April, 189t> : educ. Townsend Street County Council School : wjis a WarelHuisenian ; enlisti'd in the J)uke of Cornwall's Litiht Infantry 17 Sept. 1914: transferred to the Koyal Inniskilling Fusiliers in Feb. 1915; served with the Mediterranean Force at (jaUipoIi from Mareli. 1915; was seriously wounded, and invalided home ; on his recovery rejoined his regi- ment at Oiiiasjli ; subsef|uently transferred to the Uoyal West lieut Kept.; proceeded to France, and was killed in action 15 Sipt. 1910 ; num. HURSTBOURNE (HIRSCHBEIN), WALTER HIRSCH, 2nd Li.ut.. 4tli Wessex Brigade. K.F.A.. yr. a. of Isaac Jacob Hirschbein, of 2. Inglewood Man- sions, West Knd Lane, Hanipstead, N.W., a well-known contributor to various Hebrew journals and periodicals, employed by tlie Jewish Board of Shcchita, by Ills wife, ilinnie, dau. of Babbi Hirscli i)ainow. a distinguished Jlussian Jewish preaelier. who came to England in 1874, made a ureat reputation in this .country, and died in London in 1877; h. Loudon, 13 Feb. 1887 ; educ. City of London School, where lie gained the Sassoon Scholarship in 1899, ;istonisliinK tlie tlu-n Head Master. Mr. A. T. Pollard, M.A., hy the maturity and quality of the essay he wrote for the examina- tion ; subsefpiently carried off the Carpenter Scholarship, the J^eatherselJers" Scholarsliip, besides numerous in"i/,es in Classics, Knglisb, Histon.- and other subjects: won an ojn-n scholarsbiji at St. John's College. Oxford, in 1906, where he passed Moderations in 19i)K. and while still an undergraduate contributed to the "Jewish World" in .tune, I9b7, an article on " The .Tews of Oxford : tiieir Ancient Influence." After spending a year studying General Science and Physiology, lie tinally detrided to take the Honours Law School. Walter H. Hurstbourne. which he did, after only one year's work, in 1910. after which he spent two years and a lialf in ttachinLi. and then bei ;inie a student at Cray's lun, passing the examina- tion in CoiLstitutional Law, Criminal Law and Procedure ; obtained an ajtpoint- ment on tlie stalf of the " Daily Mail " in July. 19l;i. when Ids first leader was on the " liitual ilurdcr Protest Meeting " ; was lor a short time secretary, pro tew., of the Great Synagogue, but relinrother officer; '* ICacb and every member of our ine>s. and ituli > d > \— five feet five inches — in the inter-University O.T.C. sports at Ilkley in 1913 ; he was one of the members of the London University Football team who. at their opponent's invitation, played against the Univcrsitv of Prague, at Prague, also against tlie Lille Football Club at Lille in 1913 ; tinm. HUSBAND, PETER ROSS, Peter U. 2nd Lirut.. ivt r.atln. (42iid I'otJt ) I'lie Blaelc Watch (Royal Highlanders), s. of I'rter Fair Husband, of l>nndee. Solicitor, by his wife, Jessii", dau. of Peter Koss, of LeittJe, Alvth, c-o. Perth: I'. Dundee, 7 Feb. 1886; educ. MIgh School, Dundee; t'niversity New College (fluted Free Chnrcli), Edinburgh, where he f'nik his M.X. degree, and was a Licentiate of till- I'tiited Free Church of Scotland, and also at .Marburg and Heidelberg, Cermanv ; joined th.- Inns of Court O.T.C." 3 Jan. 1916. and Niti-r (_'adet<. Cailes, co. Ayr ; obtained a ronimission 14 .luly. 1016; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France for about r J. t liree weeks, and was killed in a<*tion near ryps*^^ KltTs 26 Sept. 1916. Buried there. A brotln-r ^l ^^- olficer wrote: "I knew him and loved him. I ■ s He was a line, brave and unselfish gmtleman tJ *^' and officer. When he was killed he was bravely leading an attack, a successful one, on a length of German trench. I was quite near him when he w:us killed, and am able ihat he was killed iintantaneoiLsly. He was not in any way dls- peacefully with a smile on his face." Unm. Edmund Thornber Hussey, Donald Irons Husband. Husband. to till you that he was figured, and just lay very HUSBANDS, CLIFFORD CHARLES, Private, Xo. 25416. 6tli (Service) Battn. The King's (Shropshire Light Infantrv), eldest ». of Charles Husbands, of Leys HilL Walford, co. Hereford, by his wife, Kmma, dau. of Daniil Collins ; b. (loodrich. near Ross. 6 Xov. 1897 ; educ. Bishopswood there ; was a (iardener at FairH*-ld befor.- In- enlisted in the Shropshire Light Infantrv IS Seitt. 1916; served with the Kxpe. ilay. Buried in Dozinghem Cemetery; unm. HUSSEY, EDMUND THORNBER, 2nd Lieut., 4th (E.-ctra Reserve) Battn. The Royal Munster Fusiliers, eldest s. of Edmund Hussey. of 24, Vanburg Hill, Blackheath, S.E., Engineer, by liis wife. Florence Jane, dau. of .Toseph Harry Thornber: ''- Stratford, London, JO.. 2 IMarch, 1H96: educ. Strathcden House, Blackheath; Windermere Crammar School, and was to have gone into residence at l-inimanuel College, ( amliridge, in Ocrt. 1914, but joined the liiiviTsity and Public Schools Battn. in Sejit, l'.il4. afterthe outbreak of war. being gazetted 2nd Lieut, Royal Munst'-r lu-^iliers 16 May,_ 191.'); served with the Kxpetiit ioiiary Force in France and Flanders fri>iii March, 1916 : rrKik part ill the Battle of tin; Somme, when lit- v\;i-; -ALicliine Gun Olficer to his battalion ; w:i- invalided home in Sept. sutfering from J.I- and shell shock; returned to the front -t; March, 1917, and was killed in action at Wyt-chaete 7 June following. Buried in the Irish Church Cenieter>'. near Wytschaete and Kemmel. His Captain wrote : " Your son was specially chosen by the Commanding Olliccr to command Y Coy. (in the day (f the attack. He was one of the foremost to enter tlie village, and just as the objective was taken he was hit by a shell splinter, death being instantaneous. He was greatly beloved by officers and men, and is a great loss to the battalion. He died a soldier's death, when victory was certain and his task achieved," and his Com- manding Officer : " He was such a gallant boy, so universally liketl, 1 had a very high ojjinion of him. He was such a fine soldier, and is a great loss to the battalion." Another officer wrote: "The men would have followed him any- where, they loved him. He was absolutely fearless ; his country and regiment are proud of him." HUSSEY, HAROLD EDWARD, 2nd Lieut., 3rd (Rcscr\^c) Battn. Tlic Bcvonshire Regt , attd. 1st Battn. (63rd Foot) The Manchester Regt.. 2nd s. of the Rev. James Hussey, of Asheldon, Torquay, late Rector of Pimperne. co. Dorset, by his wife. 3Iartha Ellen, dan. of Robert Hewett. of Reading ; b. Pim- perne Rectory, 22 Oct, 1893 ; educ. Binndell's SchooK Tiverton, and was sub- sequently articled to a London firm of Chartered Accountants ; joined the Lincolnshire O.T.C. 6 Aug. 1914, two days after war was declared ; scr\-cd with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Sept. 191.5. in the 18th Battn. The Royal Fusiliers : was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 3rd Battn. The Devonshire Regt.. being attached to the 1st Battn. The Manchester Regt.; proceeded to- Jlesopotami'a in Dec. 1916. and was killed in action there 25 March, 1917. Buried where he fell. Lieut.-Col. Irwin wrote: " He had not been witli us very long, but had always done his duty well, and when he died he was leading and encouraging his men most gallantly." Unm. HUTCHESON, JAMES, L.-CorpL, Xo. 200340, 5th (Territorial) Battn. Th& Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). *. of the late Alexander Marshall Hutcheson, Litho Artist, by his wife, Williamina (67, E.xeter Drive, I'artick. Glasgow), dau. of the late William Wij.jd. native of Kirkwall, Orkney ; b. Glasgow, '.) June. 1895 ; educ. Thornwood Public School ; Hnriiilton Crescent Higher Grade School, and H\iidland Higher Grade School; was cm- ployed by the Commercial Bank of Scotland, being an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers ; joined the Territorial Force in April 1914 ; on the outbreak of war was called up for service, and immediately volun- teered for foreign ser\-ice ; ser\'ed with the ICxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 5 Xov. 1914 ; was wounded during the operations on the Somme 17 July. 1916; returned to France on recovery, and was killed in action during the operations behind the Hiudenburg Line 21 May. 1917. Buried there. A comrade wrote : " He was a great favourite, and loved by everybody, as he was so quiet and brave. I have been with James lor over two years and miss him so much." Unm. HUTCHINSON, CECIL LEIGH. 2nd Lieut., 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The East Lancashire Regt., elder -v. of Cliristophcr Edward Hutcliinson. of Moss Side, near Lytham. co. Lancaster, by his wife, Leonora C. M.. dau. of Carl Goetz ; b. .Manchester, 9 July. 1896 ; educ. Collegiate School, St. Anne's-on-Sea, and King Edward VII. *s School, Lytham ; enlisted 18 Jan. 1915 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from March, 1916; was invalided home in June; returned to James Hutcheson. The Roll of Honour 149 France in Sopt. invalided home kill.a took part in the operations on the Somme. and wjis a^ain I Nov. ; took part in the spring otfeiLsive of 11)17. and was ctinii Westlu Cecil Leigh Hutchinson. Yyires. 31 July, 11)17. Jiuried there. A hrotli-r otfieer wrotf : " We had reached (iiir filij.'ctive, and he was giving orders for rtm^olidatiori of tlie po^iition gained, when he was hit in thi- stomacli by a sniper a few mimiti'-i alti-r I had left him. He did splen- • iidly, and li-d liis ni'-n through with total ilisregar(i of danger." He was captain of his school football team ; unm. HUTCHINSON, DUNCAN FRANK, Sergt., -Vo. 974, 2:ird (Service) Battn. {1st Sportsmen's) '!'he Royal Fusiliers (City of London Kegt.), eldest s. of Frank Hutcltinson, of Apperton, j.ondon Road, .\shford, co. Middlesex, Clerk to the Guardians of Staines Union, by lus wife, Charlotte Louisa, dan. of Simon MeEwen ; 6. JCshcr, CO. Surrey, 29 Xov. 1890 ; educ. Clarendon Itoad School, Ashford, co. Jliddlesex ; was Master's Clerk at the Staines Union Institution from April, 1909, and was promoted Assistant Master 14 July, 1914 ; voluntarily enlisted in the 23rd Royal Fusiliers Oct. 1914, and shortly afterwards was promoted L.-Corpl., then to CorpL, and before leaving Kngland to L.-Sergt. ; went to France with his battalion Xov. 1915: promoted Sergt. soon after landing; killed in action at Delville Wood, France, in the Somme Battles, 27 July, 1910. Buried where he fell. Second Lieut. T. F. Robins wrote to his father : ". . .Your son, Sergt. Hutchinson, after a gallant fight, in which he pluekily led his platoon forward, met his death on the field of honour. Our company came up against an enemy redoubt concealed in a wood. The German machine guns opened tire on us at point-blank range with deadly effect. Seeing the men hesitate, your sontcalled upon them for a further effort, and led them forward. A few yards furtlier he fell, killed by the enemy machine guns, but his plucky conduct and self-sacrifice told on the men, and they went on and carried the redoubt. We are proud of your son's conduct. All nur scrurauts were liit. but their gallant sacrifice enabled the battalion to gain a splendid virtory ;iii Cemetery, Montauban, near Albert ; num. HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM JOHN, 2nd Lieut.. 88th Machine Gun Corps, >i. ni ]>enjaTiiin Hutchinson, of 5, Norton Ter- ras . iilyiieorrwg, l*ort Talbot, co. Glamorgan, b> his wile. Mary Ann, dan. of W. Williams ; h. Glyncorrwg aforesaid, 7 Sept. 1895 ; educ. Countv School, Port Talbot ; was articled to Mr. T. Gibb, Architect ; enlisted 22 Aug. 1915. and was Swedish Drill Instructor for right months ; obtained a commission 25 Feb. 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action during the fighting at Arras 25 May, 1917. Buried at Monchy-!e-Preux Cemetery. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was killed during a period in the trenches. Officers, N.C.O.'s and men of this unit wish to convey to you our sincere condolence and heartfelt sympathy in your sad bereavement, and we hope it will be some measure of comfort for you to know that death was practically instan- tant'OiLs, and that he died in the noble per- formance of his duty," and his Sergt. : " Tliis is to convey our deepest sympathy, myself -and gun team, to you in this sad loss of your son, a young and gallant officer ; we all felt it verv' keeiilv. aufl we held him in great respect, we could hardly believe it true. Yon \kw' liieat satisfaction in knowing that he suffered no pain. He alwavs took the iir'ate-t interest in us all, always seeing that we were all quite ■comfortable. Only in the afternoon, a short time before his death, he was telling me of his school-day experiences. He wius killed by a shell at about 7.30 p.m., -25 Mav, 1917. His servant was deeply touched when the news was conveyed to him", especially as he had only been "with him one month. I expect you will be luariiii; from Iiis sirvant in the course of a few days." HUTCHISON, THOMAS, 2nd Lieut,, 11th (Service) Battn. The Highland Litrht Infantrv, onlv a. of Robert Hutchison, of Monkton, co. A>t. and of Glasgow, Solicitor, bv liis wife, Margaret Jane, dan. of Thomas Bettles ; b. Jlonkton aforesaid, 25 Nov. 1893 ; etluc. Avr Academy, gaining many prizes, and was Gold Medallist in 1910; irraduated in Arts at Glasgow University in 1913; entered Divinitv Hall of Edinburuh University, winning the Webster Bursary, and at the time of the outbreak of war was a Clnirch of Scotland Student Missionary at Ollaberv. Shetland: returned to Edinburgh 5 Oct. i914 : joined the O.T.C. ; gazetted 2nd bieut. 13th Battn. The Highland Light In- fantrv G Jan. 1915; went to France 1 Oct. following, and was attached to the llth Battn. The Highland Liuht Infantry ; killed inaction when Bombing Officer 21 May. 191(i. Buried in British Military Cemetery. Vermelles. His Ciiinnianding Olheer wrote : '" He was a gallant officer and did i-\eellent service with the bat- talion." Another officer also wrote : " He was a izooii man. anil greatly liked and beloved by thus.- nl ns who knew liim," rntii. HUXHAM, WILLIAM SPENCER, Capt., 08th Battn. Saskatchewan Kegt.. Canadian Expeditionary Force, .s. of the late William Hnxham, of Hill Lane, Southampton, by lus wife, (."harlotte Hill, dau. of the late Nathaniel Chandler, of Tcwkesburv, co. Gloucester ; 'William John Hutchinson. John Hybart. William Spencer Huxham/ b. Birmingham, 17 May, 1875; educ. Stroud Borough School, and Stubbington House, Fareham ; served in the South African War 1899-1902 in the 9th Laucers (King's and (Jneen's Medals) ; went to Canada on the conclusion of the war; volunt.-ind for Imperial Service, and obtained a commission ia Oct. 1915; returned u> En'.:laiid. wh-n he was given an appointment on the Staff, but later relin-inished this appointment; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franc-e and Flanders from April, 1917, and was killed in action at Hill 70. near Lens. 15 Aug. following. Buried there. His Colonel wrot^* : " He was a splendid officer, very popular with both his brother officers and men ; lie will be a irreat loss to the regiment." Unm. HUXTABLE, E. W., Sergt., No. 375(i. (ith Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers) ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in i'raucc ; killed in action at St. Aybart in 1914. HYBART, JOHN, Private, No. 25030, 9th (Service) Battn. The East Surrey Regt., adopted s. of Albert Jolm Hybart, Timber Mercliant, of 20, Conway Road, Cardiff ; b. Barry, co, Glamorgan, 21 April, 1896 ; educ. The Grammar School, Cow- bridge ; was engaged in business at Cardiff Docks, and afterwards at Lloyds Bank, Ltd., Salisbury ; enlisted in the 31st Royal Fusi- liers 24 Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from H Sept. following; transferred to the East Siirrey Regt., acting as company runner for eight luontlis. and was killed in action by shell fire during the operations at Messines Kidge and Hill 60, 17 June, 1917. Buried there. His Conmianding Officer wrote : ■■ He was selected for this duty because of his intelligince and the keen way in which he had been doing Iiis work in the trenches, and lor eight months he was my faithful follower and friend. I say ' friend ' because many were the talks we had as we went round on our rounds on current events of the day. and sometimes on politics, political economy, etc. As a runner he was always reliable, and showed a keen intelligence, and never once during the whole period he was with me liad I occasion to find fault with him." Unni. HYDE, JAMES CHARLES, 2nd Lieut., l/5th (Territorial) Battn. The Sher- wood Foresters (Nottinghainstiire and Derby- shire Regt.), .V. of the Rev. James Bartlett Hyde, Vicar of Matlock Bank, co. Derby, by his wife, Anne. dau. of William John Neale ; b. Einsbury Park, London, N., 30 April, 1895 ; edue. St. Edward's School. Oxford; matricu- lated at Selwvn College. Cambridge; enlisted M March. 1915, in the London 14th Terri- torials (London Scottish); served with the Kxprditionary Force in lYance and Flanders ; took part in' the fighting at Loos, and was wounded while serving in the trenches ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 24 Nov. 1915. and re- turned to England ; ordered back to France on 10 June, and was killed in action 1 July, 1916, near Gonnecourt. His Commanding (Jfficer, Capt. John Kerr, wrote: "He had only joined four days, and in that short time had endeared liirase'lf to officers and men, and died most gallantly at the head of his platoon within a few yards of the enemy parapet." Hi'DE, SAMUEL, L.-Corpl., 6th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own Cameron Hishlanders, s. of Thomas Hyde, Sanitary Pipe Worker, bv his wife. Sarah, dau. of Sanuiel Middleton ; b. "Woodville, near Burton-on-Tren't, co. Stafford, 5 Nov. 1891; educ. Wesleyan School there; enlisted 31 Jan. 1916 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed "in action 14 Aug. following ; unm. HYSLOP, ROBERT EDWARD, Sergt., No. 28708. 2iid Battn. ( 12th Foot) The Suffolk Regt., eldest s. of Robert Hyslop, of Manor Road, Leicester, Director of Messrs. Freeman. Hardy & Willis, Ltd., by liis wife, Louisa Emma, dau. of Sir Edward Wood, J. P.: h. Leicester, 19 Feb. 1889; educ. St. Andrew's. Eastbourne, and Malvern College ; enlisted in April, 1915 ; obtained a commis- sion the following June, which, on account of ill-he:ilth. he resigned; re-enlisted on his reco\erv. and was promoted Sergt. ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France and Flanders, and died 21 Nov. 1916. while being removed to a hospital on the Somme front. Buried at Varennes. He wi. at Hungerton, 19 April, 1911. Margaret Stackpole, dau. of the Rev. John Ellis, and had two elnldren ; .Mark Robert, b. Nov. 1912. and John. /*. Dec. 191U. IDDON, W., Private. No. 7984, 2nd Battn. The Border Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 31 Oct. 1914, IDE, J., Private, No. 11558. 2nd Battn. The Durham Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in I-'rance ; killed in action in 1914. ILES, W., Private. No. 5845, 1st Battn. The Somerset Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Aug. 1914. ILIFF, HENRY, Private, l/5th Battn. The Loyal North Lancashire Regt.. 7th ."'. of Henrv Iliff. Grocer, bv his wife. Luev. dau. of Edward Thomasson ; b. Horwieh; ediic. at Halliwell Road, and St. Matthew's Schools there; was a Blacksmith; enlisted 12 Oct. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died of wounds 12 Feb. 1916, at Baillecourt. His Commanding Officer wrote : "" He was sorry to lose a soldier like he was, such a willing lad, and always ready to help any of liis i)als." Unm. ILIFFE, G., Driver, No. 28377, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 2 Oct. 1914. ILLINGWORTH, HARRY OAKDEN, Signaller. No. 879. 10th (Service) Battn. The East Yorksliire Regt.; b. Hull, co. York. 19 Feb, 1896; educ. Bhmdell Street School there- was employed by a Pork Butcher; enlisted G Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 15 April, 1916, and was killed in action near Ypres 26 Sept. 1917. His Command- inn Officer wrote : " He was a brave soldier and died gallantly wliilst attacking a Hun blockhouse." I'um. HK i^|B B^^Hi K.> ^H ^M %« 1 ^^b^ /^ - 'W^ JT j^:-^^ ■ iy '^Ki ^■r .^K*A" - B^k ■1 James Charles Hyde. Robert Edward Hyslop. 150 The Roll of Honour ILLINSWORTH, J.. Piiviiti-. N". SiHi, Dra^^oon (luariis (t'aruliiiiiiTs) ; scrvrd witli thr ICxiniiitiouary Kori'O in Fruinr ; kilK-d 2() Oct. 1!)14. INESON, ERNEST, Privati'. No. 448. 18th (Si-rviei') Itattn. (1st Tynesidc j Pinmrrs) lln- .Northuiiilnrlaiiii Fusilirrs. 'Zml *•. of l-Vdrrii^k Im'snii. of Blyth. co. .NorthiiiiilirrlaiHl. I'V iii> wilV. I.ama Knnirf. daii. of J. Illiiiviwiirt li Wilson; 6. Kast Cratiiliiiyton. m. Nnrt hiiniin riand. M) Sept. 1803 : nine, firainmar School, Jlorpith c<». Ni)rthunihrrlaiul ; was a Clerk in tin- Ncwca-^tlr hranch of the l.oncliin Joint stock Itaiik : joined the Tyne-y his wile, tJracc. dan. of Josrpli Spooiirr ; h. Tolleshury. co. Essex, 27 July. 1887 ; edue. Hoard School tlure; was a Fisherman ; volunteered and unlisted 7 Sept. 1!)U ; went to France the followini.' July, attached to the liouib- inu section, and wa^ killed in action at Vpres 11 Feh. I'.Uil. when acting as a lionihcr. lUiried south-west of Verbrandcn Molen. His cider hrother. Walter William lu'^ate. K.N.K.. was lest in action in H.M.S. Hoguo 22 Sept. 1914 [see Vol. 1., paye 200] ; uiim. INGHAM, S., Private. No. 7120. The C'ameronians (Scottish Riflos) ; served with thi' Kxpeditionary I'orce in France ; killed in action 27 Oct. 1914. INGHAM, THOMAS, Stoker, 1st Class; lost while serving on Submarine D5 in 11114. INGLIS, G., Vrivate, "Xo. 9148, The Gordon Hijihianders ; served witli tlie Kxpeditiniiary Force in France ; killed in action 24 Oct. 1014. INGLIS, JOHN, Private. No. H'AVM), Otli (Service) Battn. The Cameronians (Scottish Ititles). 2nd v. of John Jn;:lis, Carter, by his wife. A^ues, dan. of Robert Millipm : h. Kdinlnirch. 7 Au^'. 187:i : educ. Cranston Street School there ; was a Labourer; enlisted Nov. 1014; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in F'rance and Flanilers from March following, and died at Caudrion Ciisualty Clcarini; Station 8 Anu. 1915. from wounds received in action. He m. at Ediu- lairtih, 10 Dec. 1898. Elizabeth (43. Blackfriars Street. Kdinbnriih). dan. of John Turnbull. and had three children: (ieorge, b. 2;i Nov. 101)2; Jane, 6. 7 Dec. 101)8. and Mary. ft. 20 An-,'. 1914. INGLIS, WILLIAM, Private. H)th (Service) Battn. The Black Watch (Royal Hiizhlaiiders). 2nd -s. of James In;;lis. Road Foreman, by his wife, Mary Ann, . dau. of William Duiriiid ; ft. North Balnoon. Inverkeithinji : edue. Eargnc Public Sch(K)I ; was a rami Servant : eidisted 14 S.-jil. 1014 : served witli the Expedi- tionary F'orce in France and Flandi-rs from li Sept. 1915. and was killed in action Hi Oct. 1015. durini: the operations at Loos. Buried in the cemetery at Carnoy. His Commandins Officer wrote : " He was aetins sentry in the tire trench when a rihe grenade exjilodcd on the ijarajiet in front of him. Deatii was instan- taneous. . . . Though of a quiet and retiring disposition, your son was very niucli liked by all around him. His ninttr) was, " Deeds, not words.' He was, indeed, a good soldier. In common with the whole |)Iat(ion. I know liow much I shallniiss luni. relying hiiplicitlv as 1 always emild on thr (piiet performance of his duty. It will be a gnat eotiilort to yon to know that your sorrow is not alone, lint is shared by his many coinradrs. A^-suring \ou aiiain of my very real sympathy, both for you and all his dear ones." I'nm. INGRAM, C. H., P.O. ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 20 Nov. 1014. INGRAM, E., Private, No. 10650. 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt. ; .served with the Expeditionary Force in France: killed in action 22 Oct. 1014. INGRAM, G. J., Private, No. 9:iIU. 1st Battn. Th • Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 19 Sept. 1914. INGRAM, R., Sergt.. No. ItU). The (Jordon Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France: killed in action 24 Oct. 1014. INGRAM, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, (iuuner, No. 133606. 62nd Divisional Artillery, R.F.A.. \. of William Forbes Ingram. of West Scares. Culsalniond. Insch, Farmer, bv his wife, .Ainne, dau. of Alexander Lobban ; ^^^^^^^^ ■ ft. Inseli. 26 April. 1800 : edue. Olenfoundland ^^^H^^^^ School: <-idisted 12 April. 1016; trained at ^^^■p ^^^^B Ri'dford Barracks : sent to Salonika ^^^^^^j^^^^^v Si'pt. followinu'. Iieiiig invalided home with ^^K^^^^^^^g fever 24 Dee., and admitted to Glasirow ^^^^1^^^^^ Ho^pital : rejoini'd his regiment on reco\( i > ff iflfl^^^B >er\<'d with till- Exjieditionary Force in France A^TEl^r "'""' -''^ ^'"■"^'' ^■'^~- '""' ^^'^'^ killed in action '^II^Bj^^ at Bullecourt 15 Se])t. following. Buried at ^Rjj^^H chiTisy, south of .Arras. His Commanding ^^^^^^L ( )lticir wrote ; " He was killed instantaneously, ^^^^^^H^^^B^ while donig lii.s duty. He was a brave soldier, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ bv all his officers and ^^^^^^^ men.- ^^^^^■^^^^^H VERNON-INKPEN, ROBERT CECIL. B^^BBJ ^PMBIWI (Service) Battn. The Royal ' Warwicksliire Regt.. onlv x. of George Charles William Alexander Ingram. Vrrnon-lnkjten. of Southsea. F.S.I. . by his wife. Laura E.. dau. of Albert Stallard, of Havant ; b. Southsea. 28 June. 1800; cduc. Portsmouth Grammar School: joined the Oxford University O.T.C. ; obtained a comnnssion 11 July. 1015; served with the battalion on home duty ; volunteered for pioneer work, and under- went a course of instruction; lat<-r "entered the Royal I'lyin-j Corps Srliool of Instruction. Wantage Hall. Reading, and after successfnllv"pa->inL' hi-- examina- tions became attached to the Royal Flying Corps, and wa-^ kiilrd in an aerojilane accident at Gosport, co. Hants. 21 Oct. 1910. Buried at Southsea. His Com- manding Othcer said: "He had always been most painstaking and zealous in the discharge of Ids duties, and that lie was a most promising young officer." Vitni. INNES. FREDERICK ARTHUR, M.C.. 2nd Lieut., 2/4th (Territorial) Battn. The Duke oi Wellington-s (West Riding Regt.). 2nd .s. of William Innes. of 23. Wardwick. Derby. Estate Agent and Auctioneer, hv his wife, Bessie Sarah, 2nd dan. of the late Henry Bird, of Ipswidi ; ft. Littleovcr. co. Derby, 13 Jan. 1886 ; ednc. Diocesan School, Derby, and after being for a time on the staff of the I'nitcd Counties Bank at Birnnnglian;. joined one of his brothers in establishing the lirm of Innes it Innes, Estate Agents and Auctioneers Buxton ; enlisted in the Public- Schools Battn. Royal Fusiliers soon after the outbreak of war ; trained at Leatherhead and Epsom ; was gazetted 2nd T,ient. 4th West Riding Regt. 20 March, 1915; went to France 19 Sejit. following, being appointed Battalion Bombing Officer: was awarded the Military ("ross for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on 16 Oct. 1015. on the Yser Canal. He held a sap-head within a few yards of the (h'rman trenches during an intense bombard- ment, and after the end had been blown in. prei)ared a new block and repulsed three consecutive bomb attacks. Althouu'h wounded by shrai)nel early in the bombardment, he remained at liis post and Jield the sap throughout the night 16-17 Oct. At last it became necessary to order him to hospital. Second Lieut, luues liad just joined the battallou, and it was Ids first time in the trenches. all west ot scr\eil with the William Bowie Innes. and he was merit ioued in I ).-.t>atehes bv F.M. Sir .lolm (now l.onl) French [Lon- don (i.izetfe. 1 .Ian. 10Hi|, for gallaul and di^t inguivlicil service in the licld. On reluming to dutv. he w.is jt|>|ioiiit.d Uriu'ade Romhing otiici r. and while acting in that capacity was killid in action by >IilII lire at Ihiepval. on the Sonnne hatticfront, 3 Sept. lOH'.. Uuried in a cemetery li Thiepval : iinm. INNES, J., Private. No. oo:{. Tin- S.aforth Highlandirs ; Experiitioriar\ Force in Irance ; killed in action ti Sept. 1014. INNES, WILLIAM BOWIE, Cov. Scrgt .-Major. No. !):ili5. ls( Battn. (72nd Foot) Seaforth Higblandc-rs (Ro.ss-sliire liutt^. 'I'be Onke of Albany's), eldest s. of William McDonald Innes, of Forneth. Blairgowrie, late of Donne. Gas Works ManagiT. by his wife. Margaret, dan. of John Denoon; h. rrnuhart, co. Moray. 1 .lune, ISST : edue. Milne's Institution. Fochabers, enlisted 24 Fel). 101)6; served in His Majesty's I'orees in India, ami came with his regiment to Franc-e in Sept. 1914 ; proceeded to Me-.opo- tatnia in Nov. 1015 ; was wounded 7 Jan. 1016; returned to Mesopotamia in May. and was killid in action at Sanna-i-Yat 22 I'eb. 1017. Ihuiecl on the battlelh-ld. Lieut. - loi, An-trutlur. Commanding 1st Battn. Se;iior1h Hiu'lilaiiders, wrote: ''The only -li.„'lit eon>ola1i()n to yon may be that he died at .1 munieiil ni great success, to which In- materially contributed. He set a splendid example of coolness and courage to all the men of bis company. IN'rsonally, 1 mis-^ liiin greatly. havin-J always lias. sound military capjihilities. and soldierly i|ualities, as he was my Coy. Sergt.-Major for some mouths. He was a fine example always to everybody. I remember last summer, when we were very short of good senior X.C.O.'s owing to sickness, etc., that your son. although sutfering from jaundice, refused to u'o to hospital until ordered to do so by tlie Colom'l, ami came back within a few days to the trenches, before he was anything like tit. . . . It is hard to find anything strong i-nouiih to say about a man like ho was. but the fact that lie ro^e to be a warrant olHeer in so short a time shows best, I think, what he was- thought of by the regimi-nt." Unm. INSKIP, R., Private, No. 8061. 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers; served with the Expeditionary F'orce in France ; killed 26 Sept. 1914. lONIDES, THEODORE ALEXANDER, 2nd Lieut.. 2nd Hattii. (52nd FootV The Oxfordshire and linekim:bamsbire Light Infantry, .v. of Alexanih r Cunstantine lonich-s, of :J4. Porchestcr Terrace. Hyde Park, London. W., by his wife Calliope Alexander, dau. of Mieliaei Zarifi ; b. 34, Porchestcr Terrace, London. W., 9 April, 1807 ; educ. Stonehousc, liroadstairs, and Radley College. Abingdon, near Oxford ; obtained a comnnssion in 1915 ; served with the Expe- at Combies, north-east of Albert. His Colonel wrote : " He had not been many weeks ^vith us. hut even in that short time we had all got to like him so much, and we feel his loss, not only as an excellent officer, but as a friend. He was killed during a bad and very anxious time, and bore himself all through as a courageous gentleman." He was very fond of cricket, and won hi-i colours for the same at both of his schools : iinm. IRONSIDE, C, Private. Xo. 10402. The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed hi action 21 Oct. 1914. IRONSIDE, JAMES Private. Xo :?527. 7th (Territorial) Battn. (Deeside Highland) The Gordon Highlanders, eldest s. of James Ironside, of Dudwick, Ellon, CO. Aberdeen. Farmer, by his wife. Isabella, dau. of James Cruickshank : 6. Dudwick, Ellon, co. Aberdeen. 11 Aug. 1894: educ. Muirtack Public School. Elion ; was a Farm Servant ; enlisted 1 March. 191.5 : served with the Exjjedi- tionary Force in France from 1 Nov. following, and was killed in action at Aveluy. on tlio Ancre. 2 Dec. 1916, while on transport duty. Buried in cemetery tliere rXo. 21. K Row]; num. IRVINE, A., Private. Xo. 9648, 2nd Battn. The Seaforth Higliianders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. IRVINE, J.. Private. Xo. 10976, 2nd Battn. The Highland Light Im'antry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 3 Xov. 1914. IRWIN, CHARLES PATRICK MICHAEL, Lieut.. 3rd (Reser\e) Battn. The Royal Irish Fusiliers, only .-.. of Charles Trevor Inviu, of The W'liite House, Oakley. cO- Hants, and of the Admiralty, by his wife. Beatrice Mary, dau. of the late Fleet-Engineer James \yilson. R.X. : and gdson. of Capt. Charles Andrew Irwin. 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers : 6. Southampton. 6 Julv. 1897 : educ. privately : gazetted 2nd Lieut. 3rd Battn. The Royal Irish Fusiliers 17 Oct. 1914 ; ser\ed with the Expeditionary Force in France from July. 1916. being attached to the 7th Battn. of liis regiment, and was killed in action on or about 10 Sept. 1916, while on a sniping expedition, after the taking of Ginchy. Buried north-west of that place. On that day he had been granted iiermission at his own request to silence some snipers; he started with four men. but sent three back, as he thought he could manage with one (L.-Coritl. ;Moody). This was the last that was known of his movements : his body was found'and buried by men of the Coldstream Guards 18 Sept. His Commanding Ofticer said of Iiim : " He did not know what the word " fear ' meant ; lie was a very, very gallant officer, and was thoroughly conversant with all his duties, and loved by all his men." He was a keen sportsman, and excelled in all manly exercises, being a strong swimmer, a crack shot and a good rider ; amn. IRWIN. G.. Sergt., Xo. 1623, 1st Battn. The Irish Guards; ser\'ed with the, Expeditionan,- Force in France ; died of wounds 11 Sept. 1914. ISAACS, HENRY ROL.\ND, 2nd Lieut., 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Suffolk Regt., only s. of Joseph Alexander Isaacs, of Lower Addiscomhe Road. Croydon, by his wife. Pauline, dau. of Charles Courtois ; and gdson. of Sir Henry Isaacs ; b. Brussels. 20 Feb. 1897 : educ. Whitgift Grammar School. and Palace School of Engineering. Cr\'stal Palace, where he was a student in Engineering; joined the Artists' Rifles 9 Dee. 1915 ; ob- tained a commission 3 Oct. 1916 ; ser\'ed with the Expeditionary Force iu France from 22 Dec. following, being attached to the 7th Battn. The Suffolk Regt.. and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 9 April. 1917. while leading his platoon on the Arras-Cambrai Road. Buried there. Major Henty wrote: " I am writing to offer you the sincerest sympathy of all ranks in the loss of your son, who was" killed in action on 9 April. He is a great loss to the battalion, as he was a very good ortieer in many ways, and officers of his stamp are invaluable these days ; he was doing fine work when he was killed leading his phitoon against the German trenches. He was killed instantaneously, and has been buried near where he fell, and a cross iias been ]>ut up." Unvi. IVES, E. H., Private. Xo. 9232. 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 26 Sept. 1914. JACK, C, Private. Xo. 7409. 1st Battn. Th" Canr*rou Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France: died of wounds 9 Oct. 1914. J.\CKM.\N, FRANK CHARLES, Corp!.. Xo. 24U6, 2/18th Battn. (Irish Kirtes) The London Regt. (T.F.i. x. of William Arthur Jackmau. of 66. Lincoln's Inn Fields. Solicitor's Clerk. I>y his wife. Hamiah, dau. of Henry Foster: b. Leytonstone. 11 April. 1895 : educ. London Orphan Asylum, Watford: was a Clerk employed by \V. H. Smith A- Sons. Strand. London. W.C. : joined the Irish Rifles 24 .\ug. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was' killed in action during the Hattle of the Somme 4 Aug. 1916. Buried in the Jlilitnry Cemetery. Kcoivres. His Conimandim: Otficer wrote: "You have, 1 am sure. Io*t a good son and the country a brave ^oldiiT. He was liked by all who knew him. and I. personally, grieve the loss of one of my best and most promising nou- conimissioned otlieers." Unm. JACKMAN, P., Private. Xo. 6747, 3rd Battn. Ihe Coldstream (iuards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed at Soupir 14 15 Sei)t. 1914. J.ACKSON, C, PrivaU-. Xo. - Roland Isaacs. Frank Charles Jackman. Francis L. H. Jackson. from Aug. 1914 : took part in the Retreat from Mons, the Battles of the Marnc and the Aisne. being severely wounded in the head in Sept. and invalided Iiome ; . held several Start appointments in France after convalescence : rejoined Ids battalion in Sept. 1917, and was killed in action near Ypres 9 Oct. following. Buried where he fell. His Colonel WTOte : " He led his Company, as we all ku"w he would (until he was close to the final objective), with the utmost bravery and coolness under a heavy fire, both from artillery and machine gims : he never faltered, or stopped, and Ids company, inspired by his example, showed the >ame spirit. . . . Alwolutely fearless and cool under fire, he served with distinction at Landrecies and again on the Marne. For these services he was mentiuiifd in Despatches. ... In liim we had an ideal Comjiany Commander, brave and resolute, beloved by his men. He is one of those we can ill afford to lost- ami cannot replace." Capt. Jackson was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazettr. 19 Oct. 1914) by F.M. Sir John (now Lord) French, for gallant and distinguished servici' in the field. He m. at Brompton Parish Church. 6 May. 1916. I-aura Emily, dau. of the Hon. William Pearson, of Kilmany, Gipi>sland, .\ustralia. JACKSON, E., Smith Quartermaster-Sergt., Xo. :3409. Royal Garrison Artillery ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds Xov. 1914. JACKSON, F. A., Private. Xo. 10541. 1st Battn. The Cliesliire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 19 Oct. 1914. JACKSON, FRANCIS LEONARD HUNTER. Lieut.. R.X.V.R.. How- Battn. Royal Xaval Di\1sion, eldest *. of tlf late Charles John Jackson. Solicitor, by his wife. Agnes Marv (Beaureper. Ilkeston), dau. of John Hunter': b. Ilkeston, co. Derby, 21» Sept. 1891: educ. Worksop College; wa-s a Solicitor. Iiaving pa.ssed his Solicitor's examina- tion \vith Honours, receiving the Xottini;luiiii Incorporated Law Society's prize ; appointed Sub-Lieut. R.X.V.R. in jfay, 1915 : promoted Lieut. Jime 1917; served with tlie Mediter- ranean Expeditionary Force in Galliitoli, where he saw considerable service ; was subsequently sent to France, and served there with the Expeditionary Force from May to Sept. 1916. and from May to Oct. 1917, and Wixs killed in action at Passchendaele Ridge 26 Oct. 1917. Buried near St. Julien. The rhaplain wrote: "Wounded in the ami during the night of 25 Oct., he still carrii d on, and proceeded in front of liis men to investigate how tilings were faring. Finding that his steel helmet was interfering with the working of his compass, he discarded it altogether, and so fell a victim to a sniper, who shot him in the head. . . . We can ill atford the loss of such a capable officer as your son, so quiet, so bright, so gentlemanly, so well endowed mentally, and so courageous. He was beloved by officers and men alike." Cnm. JACKSON, G., Private, Xo. 9754, 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action at FestulnTt 26 Oct. 1914. JACKSON, GEORGE, Capt., 18th (Service) Battn. The Highland I-ight In- fantrv, s. of William C. Jackson, of Wood-Holm, Bridge of Weir. Sugar Merelmnt,. by liis wife, Jean L.. dau. of Andrew Bain ; b. Dowanliill. Glasgow. 2:J Sept. 1891 ; educ. Paisley Grammar School, and the Glasgow Academy ; was en-iaged in business as a Sugar Merchant with his father ; joined the Glasgow Highlander* :J Sept. 1914 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 4 Xov. following : was gazetted Lieut. The Highland Light Infantry 18 April. 1915. being promoted Capt. March, 1916; returned to England in May. 1915. and again to France in Feb. 1916; became Company Commander until :i Jan. 1917. when he was sent to Brigade Headquarters for trainini; : rejointd his regiment 20 Aug. following, and was killed in action on the 25th, while leading his men at GuiUemont Farin, near Epehy. Buried at Yillers Faucon. Colonel LawTenson. wrote: "On the 25th the Germans attacked the positions wc recentlv took from them and drove in our advanced posts. Your son organized a counter-attack and led it most gallantly, and was killed in so doing. He died a soldier's death, leading Iiis men. He had only recently come back to the- battalion from Stalf work : he was a splendid officer, and one in whom the men had implicit contldence. He will be greatly missed by us all. Please accept from me, my otlieers and men, our most sincere sympathy in the great loss wliicli you and vour family have sustained. Y'ou have lost a son of whom you may well be i>roud. and the country has lost a brave soldier and a good leader." Vniii. JACKSON, GEORGE COVELL, Trooper. Xo. 13/372. Machine Gun Section, Auckland ilounted Rifles. Xew Zealand Expeditionary Force, elder .^. of Georg-- Ernest (and Ellen) Jackson, of Hamilton and Pio-Pio. Xew Zealand : b. Wan- ganui, -N'ew Zealand. 21 June, 1889; educ. Wanganui Collegiate School, and Victoria University College, Wellington. Xew Zealand, where he graduated B.A. in 1912; was admitted a Solicitor of the Supreme CouTt in 19l:J, after wiiich he commenced practice in Hamilton ; volunteered for Imperial Service, and joined the Auckland Mounted Ritles 11 Aug. 1914. after the outbreak of th>: Kurnpeau War: left for Egypt 16 Oct. 1914; served with the Mediterranean Expiiiitionary Force at Gallipoli from 8 May, 1915, and died there 5 June follow- ing, from woiMuis n-ceived in action at Walker's Ridge. Buried at Anzac. He was a keen athlete, representing both liis school and college, and later the Waikatu, in Uuiiby football, and was also an enthusi;istic tennis player ; num. JACKSON. GEORGE OLAF DAMIAN CEADDA, Lieut., 10th Battn. Canadian Exi>editionary Force, x, of the late Rev. Joseidi Jackson. Vicar of Lew. Bampton. co. Oxford (rf. :iO Jan. 19181. by his wife. Elizabeth Sara. dau. of Cornelius Philips : and brother to Lieut. Hugo Anthony Launcelot Ceadda Jackson (?.'".) ; b. Long- worth, CO. Berks, 1 July, 1883 ; educ. privately, and at St. Chad's College. Denstone. co. Stafford; went to Canada in UH14 with his brother, and settled at Manitoba as a Store- keeper to the Canadian Pacific R;iilway ; joined the Fort Garry Horse at WinniiM-i! in Aug. 1914 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 4 May following ; was promoted Lieut, in ApriL 1917, and died at Arleiix. near Vimy, on the 28th of that month, from wounds received in action the same day. Bnried in the Military Cemetery at .Aubigny-en-.\rtois. Pas- de-Calais. .\ Sergt. iu the Canadian Forces^ 'wrote : " George was a very prominent member of the 'Sons of England' at Switt Current, and. I am sure, honoured and respected by all who knew liim. . . . He. I at least know, stood for the liighest ideals it is possible to attain, always endeavouring to make 'life as it should be for the welfare of mankind," and :i G. O. D. C. Jackson. 152 The Roll of Honour Herbert Meynsll Jackson. Canadian frifntl : " fiPorKo's nature was a very lo\al>li- one. He was the soul of honour and rdiability.** AnotluT also wrote: " (JcorKc was bolovcd by all wiio were lortunatr fnoujjih to liavr nmdf his arquaintancc. Hi- was upright, honourabk' and bravi-. a tiiu- and loyal subj<'ct." Unni. JACKSON, HERBERT MEYNELI,, Lieut.. 11th (Service) liattn. The lloyal Irish Kilii's, attd. 5:Ud Sijuadron R.F.C., .s. ot Matthi'W .laeksoii, ot (Jnciiisljuid Lodge, (ini'iiisl;md. IMuprirlor of i)\'uU- n| Iron Mines, Aectyl.-iif Liyhtin-: I'lant Maimlacliircr, and Contractor tor tlie erection ol Transmission ot I'ower Plants, etc.. by his wilr. IChzabeth Ann. liau. otthe Kcv. William Davidson, oi CIoiil'Ii- watrr. CO. Antrim ; h. Kathmore House, (licru- i-laini. CO. Antrim. HI March, 1805 : edne. Miss St«'|ihavid Jacolts. of Velfrey Road. Whitland, Farmer, by his wife, I'.li/.ai'eth. dau. of John Loveluck, of Ffald Farm. Llangumock, co. Carmarthen; h. Whitland. co. Carmarthen. Ml 0 was invaliilnl lionii- : rrtiinn-il Id llallipiili larly ill Nov, ; took ]mrt ill tlu- ivacllaliiiii m Sinia, alti-r wliic-li lir Willi lo Ksjvpl. ami was lor a sliorl tiinr allaihcil In llii' liiiiu-rial I'aiiii'l Coriis. and lairr In tlir li !'.(',. ai-linj: lor six liiiilitlis as Ohsirvir ; laiiir 1 11- ill A|iril, 11117, whin hi olilaiiiiil his win;;s ; wi'iil lo Fiani-i- Hi .Tulv, anil was killiil ill ai'l'ial iirlioii lu Aug. foUowilif!. whih' llyinj; liii luiU-s over thr liiTiiiaii lini-s ; tnim. JAKVIS, J., Privati'. No. 71li4. 2iid Halln. Tin- York and l,ancji.«ti-r Iti'Kt. ; si-rviil Willi Ihi' i;\i>i-ililioiiar.v Forcr in France; killid in action 18 Oct. I'JU. JARY, OWEN GEORGE, Private. No. liliXiS, 2(>tli (Service) Hiittn. (Hankers) 'I'he Koyal hiisiliirs (City of London Itegt.). .s. of Ceori:i' Henrv .larv. of 04, Fore SIrrel. l]ps»ieli, f'lot liier, liy his wife, Mary Klliii, dan. of (oolite Henry Barrett ; h. Ijiswieh, l:i .Ian. l.Si,l,'> ; edile. Ijiswich .Milnieipal Secondary School; was a Clerk in the employ of Messrs. Hurelay iV Coinpaiiy, Claeloii ; enlisted 18 Nov, 11I15; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ami Flanders; was killed in action 9 .Ian, liMT. by a treneli-niorlar boiiili near ^'pres; was hiiried in the .Military I'enielery at l.a fiytlie. His I'oniiiLiiidiiii; Ollieer wrote : ■■ His loy,illy and de\otioii to duty earned for your son the resinet of all ranks, and in olleriii'ii you ln\' sinirre syiniiathy 1 know 1 am expressin-.; the feclhu-'s of all who were privileerd to share his company." I'ltiii. JAYES, E. A., I'rhate. No, 70r>:i. 1st Hattn. The Hutfs (Hast Kent Hcgt.); served with the lixpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. JAYNES, A., Private. No. 1)81:!, 1st Battn. The tiloncestcrsliire Kcat. ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1<)14. JEAL, A. »., I'rixate. No, 10;i04. 1st Battn. The lioval Welsh Fusiliers : served with tile ICxpeditioiiary Force in France ; killed 2 Oct. 1914. JEAL, WALTER, 2nd Lieut,, lath (Service) Battn, The Roval Scots (l.othian Ke|it,),,s-. of ,lose))h,leal. llrocer. Iiy his wife. Fliza. dan. of ( — ) Frost ; b. DorkiiiK. 10 .March. I.S!)2 ; eihie, Hiijli School there; was emploved at Messrs, Miller A l'o,'s Stores, ('olonihii, Ciylon ; joined tlie Ceylon Force 2 Oct, Iill4, with which lie went to the Dardanelles Ajiril, \'M:,. I.eing attached to the New Zealanil li.i't. ; obtained a eoniiuission .Inly. Mil.'), when lie was altaelied to the Ufli (IF.) Koyal Scots, but contracted fever, and wa.s invalided hoiiie in Se|it. (In his recovery he rejoined his depot at Kdinbureh; siihsecpimtlv served willi the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action duriiij! the Battle of the Soinnie 4 .Tidy, lillo ; num. JEAYES, HENRY LAURENCE, L.-Serf!t., l/5tll (Territorial) Battn. The Fssex Itcat.. 4tli snrv. s. of Isaac Herbert Mil- Hall edllC Colli hlliit llrl lillC, {ill ilhx. rhi Writtle llreeii. Chelmsford, some Assistant Keeper of the MSS., British nil. by his wife. .Mary. d.an. of Charles I). Highgatc. London. N.. 8 Jan. 1891 ; .Merchant Taylors' School, and St. John's ;e. Oxford, to which he went as Fish Ex- r. (let. 111(11.1, and took his U.A. degree '■ 1 in tlic Public Henry Laurence Jeayes. Ills and I'liiyersity Corps, but was rejected lor defective eyesight ; joined the Kssex liegt. in Nov. 1914 ; served with the Fgy|itiaii i;x|ieditionary Force in Palestine from June. CiKi. and was killed in action outside Gaza 2i; .March, Iill7, Buried there, Capt, Alex- ander Cohiii wrote : " Vonr son was in charge of a platoon whose ollieer was killed in the action, lie led his men a.s a good N,C.O. ought to do. When about 250 yards from the 'I'nrkish trenches, yonr sou's platoon was lield lip by maeliine guns tiring practically point-blank. Lieut, (irav. mv second in com- mand, had just come up. and he and your sou led a brilliant charge with a lianillul of men totry to capliiie Diegiius. It was in doing this Dial yonr son was killed. Never since he joined my eoin|)aiiv did he fail in his duty He was always keen and eiilhusiastle. His loss is felt keenly by olHcers and men." Ciuii. JEBB, J., Private. Xo. 87S(). 1st Battn. 'I'lic Roval Irisll Fusiliers; served with the i;\|.iilitii.iiary Force in France; killed in action 18 Sept. 1914. JEBBETT, FRANK ARNOLD, Private. No. 8750(17. 184tli Regt.. Canadian Jixiieditionary Force, elder ,v, of Fihviii Jebbett, of Hampden Street, lieiston, Nottingham, Lace Maniilacturer. by his wife. Annie, dan, of Robert Walker- 6. West Bridgford, Nottingliam. 24 May. 189.') ; edue, Soiitliwell llranimar School ; went to Canada in 1911. and settled at Venn, Saskatebewan. as a Farmer ; volun- teered for Imperial Service, and joined the Canadian liilantrv in Feb. Hllfi; came over in Oct, 1910; served with the Fx])editionarv Force in France .and Flanders from Nov, tiillowing, and was killed in action at Arlcux-en-Uobellc •28 April, 1917, lillrieil there ; num. JEFFARES, REGINALD ISAAC, Private. No, 20218. fltll (Service) Battn. 1 he Hoyal Dulilin Fusiliers, eldest s. of the late Sheppard French Jetfarcs. tJentlenian I'ariner and Landowner, by liis wife, Kate I';iizabetli (■I'inneranny. New Ross. eo. Wex- biril). dan. of William Cla|)ham ; li. The Rower. CO. Kilkenny. 8 May. 189:i ; cdiic. John Ivory School. New Ross ; was a I'ariner and Laml- owner; joined the Cadet Corps of the 7tli Battn. The Leinstcr Regt. in Dec. 1914. hilt, owing to a serious accident, was unalile to go lo the front with the llith Division ; trans- ferred to the IJublin I'lisiliirs in Feb. lolli; look part in the Dublin Kebellion in .\pril : served with the Expeilitionary Force in Frame and Flanders from the following .\ng. ; came home in the spring of 1917. but returned to France early in June, and was killed in action at i'lires 10 Aug. following. One of his ulHccrs wrote ; " He was popular with all ranks, and one on whom they could alwa\s rely for assistance, and it will be a long while before he is forgotten bv the battalion," He 1910. Margaret Susan (2, Mont Alto. Dalkey, co. William Crawley, of Bloomlicid Park, Lorrha, co. bl Isaac Jeffarcs. 711. at Monkstown. 9 Jlay, Dublin), dan, of the late Tipperary. JEFFEREYES, C, Sergt.. No. 2399, 2nd Dragoon Guards ((Jnecn's Bays) ; served with the i;x]ieditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 18 Sept. 1914, JEFFERSON, INGLEBY STUART, Lieut.. R.N., elder .«. of Dr. William Dixon Jetfer.son. of North House. Ri|ion. by his wife. Marv Stuart, dan of flic Rev. Samuel Gray, Vicar of Pateley Bridge and Leconfielil ; h. Ripon, 7 Jan. cduc. Aysgarth School, co. Y'ork, and on H..M.S. Conwav, from where lie John James Jeffery. 1893 ; passed out lirst ; then Weill lo Darlmoiith for two years; aflerwards for six months was a cadet ill H,M,S, Cnml.irlanil ; appointed ,Midshipman in H.M,S. Shannon l,'i May. I9II1. and |iiiiiiioliil Siib- Lieut, 1,', Aug. 19l:i. and Lieut ii> 191,'. ; served in H,M,S. Duke ol lOdiiiburgh and IL.M.S. Orion, being given com- inaiid of H,M, Siilmririne C ;I4 in 1917, and wa- killed in aelioii in the North Sen 21 .Inly. 1917, He wa. a good all-rnilild athlete; was a clever boxer; repre- seiifed the -N'avy in llie annual nialeh against the .\riiiy at Football in March, 1914 ; was also a line swininier, and \miii the Humane Society's 31cdal for saving the life of a soldier when in II. .M. Submarine (; 21 ; iiiiin. JEFFERY, F. W., (innner. No. 71989, R.H.A, ; served with the Kxpeditionary I'orcc in France ; died of wounls in No. 8 Oeneral Hospital, Rouen, Oct. 1914. JEFFERY, JOHN JAMES, Private. No. 9779. I nil (Ser\ieel llatln. The (Jnccn's Own (Roval West Kent liegt.), attd. '2211(1 (Service) Italln, (7tli City) The Manchester Kegl,. 2(1(1 .V, of the late John Jeffery, of lilaekllealh. Decorator, bv his wife, Marv (14. South Vale Road. Ulaekheath. S,K,). ibiil. of James Nolde; h. Blaekhcath, London, S.i;.. I Ji 188;i ; edue. .St. .Michael's School there; was a Decorator; elilisled in the West Kent Regt. -28 Aug. 1915; sirveil with the l-;xpediIioiiary Force in France and F'landcrs Ironi about .April, I91l>, being attached to the 22nil Latin. The .Manchester Regt., and was killed in .iilion 14 .March. 1917; num. JEFFREYS, ARTHUR, Sergt.. Royal Marine Light Inlanlry. .^, ol William .blfieys. Munition Worker at Kvnoeh's. b\ his wife, Clara Ma\- ; li. Bow. London. K., 2:i Dec. It91 ; cduc. 'at Leigh Road School. Wcstclilf ; was cinplovcd as a Reiiorler at the "Observer" Offlce. Southend; joined the Roval Marine Light Infantry 13 Sept. 1911 ; served at Oallipoli in 1915, also with the Kxpeditionarv Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action I:! Nov, 1910, At school he was a prominent football player, winning Soiiflund and District Schools" Football League Shield tor 1905-8 ; unm. JEFFS, ALBERT, Private, No, 2020. I 7lh (Territorial) Battn, The Roval Warwickshire Regt., only .s, of the late Harry i;dward Jelfs. Printer, by his wife, Hannali (0, lirooniticld Terrace, S]ion l')iid, Coventry), dan, of .lolin .iolin- son ; /(, Co\entry, co, Warwick, 21 Feb, 1894 ; edue. Princess .Mice's Ori»hanage. New Oscott. near Birniinghain ; was a Cycle Chain Maker; joined the Koval Warwickslnre Kegt. 4 Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war; served with the. Ivxpeditionary Force in France and F'laudcrs from 28 March, 1915, and w;i.s killed in action at I'oziOres 14 July, 1910 ; num. JELF, L., Private. No. 10493. 2nd Hattn. The King's Royal Itille Corps ; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France; killed in action 14-17 Sept. 1914. JELLY', A. R., Private. No. 727(1. 2nd Battn. I'he Oxlordsliire and Buckiiig- hamsliire Light Infantry ; served with the Fixpeditioiuiry Force in France ;. killeil in action 19 Sept. 1914. JENKINS, A., L.-florpL. No. 8153. 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt ; served with the l-:xpeilitionary Forci' in France; killed in action 27 Sept. 1914. JENKINS, A., Private. No. 0200. 2nd Battn. The Soutji Lancashire Regt. : served with the i'^xpcditionarv Force in F'tancc ; died tf-oni gunshot wound at .Millbank Hospital, London, Nov. 1914. JENKINS, ALEXANDER, Private. No. 4802. (itii (Service) Battn, The Coii- naiigbl Rangers, eldest ,v, of .\lfred George Jenkins, of 70, Lower .Mount Street, and 48. Merrion Siiuare, Dublin, late Irisli Land Commission, by his wife, Hannah, dan. of Christopher Brennen ; li. Dublin, 7 Nov. 1897 ; cduc. Christian Brothers' School. Westhind Row. Dublin; enlisted in Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; ser\ ed with t he ICxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 9 March, 1910. and died in No, 2 Casualty Clearing Station 25 Feb. 1917. from wounds received in action on the Soninie. Buried in Hie grotiiiii> of the Clearing Station. He was recommended for bravery in the liild during the lighting on the Somme, after which the Major-Gencral Conimamling the 10th Irish Division wrote to- him; "I have read with much iileasiire the reports of your Ri-giniental Com- mander and Brigade ( 'nmniamler ii-g.-irding your gallant conduit and devotion to duty in tlie field mi 19 Feb. 1917. and have ordered your name and deed to Ik- enlered in the rei-iird of the Iii>h Division." L'imi. JENKINS, ARTHUR CYRIL, Pioneer, No. 2n3'.!05. 2(l9lb Field Coy.. lio.val Kngineers. .s-. of the late .lames .lenkins. of Peutre. eo. Glamorgan. Survcym-. by his wife. Margar(-t .\nn. dan. of the l;(te George (and .Marv) Sa((nders ; //". Ystradyfodwg. CO. (ilamorgan. 12 Feb. 1890; edue. Board School there ; Porth. Comity School, and Porth Piijiil leaehi-rs' Centre; was for some years an Assistant Siirve.vor at the Crawsha.v Bailey Fstate, Pelitrc, and afti-rwards on the F.ngineers' Stall of the Cardilt Railwav Company ; joined the Ro.\-al ICiiginecrs 17 Oct. 191(i; served with Hie l-i\piililionar>' Force in Fram-e and Flandi-rs. from 25 .\pril. 1917, and was killed in act ion between Langeiiijirek and J'oel- ca]ipellc 18 Oct. following. Iluried where he fell. His Coinmaiiiling Ofhci r wrote : " He had only been with this unit about five moiiths. but we all thought M-ry liighl,v of him, and I liail imteil his name for prnmotion. He did his work tiiorouglily well, ;ind was always eheerfill and witliiiii. ... I miss him very miicll. He was very capable and alwavs willing and eheerfill." f^iim. JENKINS, CYRIL FRANK BINGHAM, Capt.. Iltli (Service) Battn. The Soiilli Wales Borderers, yst. .v. of William .lenkins. of .Allahabad. India, by his wife, Margaret (now residing at 37. Conwav Koad. Ca(-toii. Carililf) ; h. .-ill Sept. 1894'; cduc. l-:aliiig (iriiminar S(-liool. anil at the Cardilf ruiversity College; enlisted as a Private in tlu- Royal Welsh Fusiliers in Oct. 1914 : obtained a commission in the South Wales. Borderers in .Man-li. 1915, and was jiromotcd Capt. the following Nov. ; served with the t;xpedilionary Fon-e in l-'rance and I-'landci-.s. Iroin Dee. 1915. and died at Wimereux 13 Oct. 1917. ol wounds received in action at Pilki-iu Ridge :il July. P.nried in the cemetery at Wimeri-nx. .\n otlieer wrote ; " I can assure ,vou the sad news is deeply felt in Hie battalion, both by ollii-ers and men. especially by tliosi^ of his own company, ail of whom were so fondly attached to him." .Another wrote : "You may be proud of him. In the line he always set a magnificent examiile of fearless. courage to his olticers and men. and I and the other ollicers and men who knew liim will alwavs remember him as one of [the men who best exhibited the spirit of the regiment," and the (liaplain : " He- Cyril Frank B. .lenkin The Roll of Honour 155 was a fine officer, w)io took the greatest interest in liis rouipany. and knew almost every man in it personally. Danger seemed to have very litttr meaning for liim, and he never asked a man to take a risk that he would not willingly under- take himself." Unm. JENKINS, DAVID ROY, Capt., 2nd Welsh Brigade. R.F.A. (T.F.), attd. K.F.C., yr. ■>-■. of Jaeol) Jenkins, of Aberthaw House. Bridgend, and of Messrs. Charles Jenkins tt Sons. Lime. Brick and Timber Mereliants. by his wife, Mar- garet, dau. of Morgan Williams: b. Bridgend, en. (;iamor[ran."24 Sept. 1888; educ. Clifton College; snbseqnently entered his lather's business; obtained a commission as 2nd Lient. 2nd Welsh Brigade K.F.A. about 1908 ; was promoted Lieut. 20 Jan. 1911. and Capt. 15 Nov. 1914: volnnteered for foreign service after the outbreak of war; served with the Kxpedition.iry Force in France and Flanders until 1916, when he was sent to Kgypt : vohmteered for aerial s.^rvice in France tlie following Oct. : returiu'd to l-liigland. and after a course of instruc- tion, proceeded to Salisl>ury Plain, wIi'ti- hi- was killed in a flyiuc accident 21 Jan. 1917. while training. He was a good all-round athlete; captained the Bridgend Hockey Chib for two seasons ; played for one s;^asou in the Swansea First XI.. and while training at Oxford captained the ll.F.C. Hockey Team; t/nm. JENKINS. ERNEST JOSEPH, Private. I9th (Service) Battn. (Glamorgan Pioneers) Thr Welsh Ilegt., -s. of Joseph Jenkins. Weigher at the Cardiff Docks ; b. Carditf. co. Glamorgan. 1 Aug. 1804 ; rdne. Crewys Road Council School there; enlisted 11 July, 1915; served with thr' Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action on the Somnie in 1916. Buried on the battlefield. He was a keen football and cricket player ; m. JENKINS, G., Private. No. 7242. 2nd Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers : served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 25 Oct. 1914. JENKINS, J. T., Private, No. 7647. Th- Duke of Curnwall's Light Infantry; served witii the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 9 Sept. 1914. JENKINS, JAMES, Corpl.. No. 3078. 12th (Service) Battn. The Rifle Brigade (Thi' Prince Consort's Own), only s. of Philip Jenkins, of 17. Queen Street, Neath, CO. Glamorgan, by his wife. Elizabeth, dau. of l);uiii-l Griitiths, of Neath; b. Ferndalf. ro. (Jlamorgan, 5 Feb. 1890 ; edn-. Mrlyn. Xcath ; was a Black>mith*s Assistant : enlisted 11 Sept. 1914 : served with thr Exp'-dirinnary Force in France and Flanders from the end of 1915. and died in No. 1 Canadian Hospital, Etaples, 1 Sejjt. 1917, from wounds received in action 17 Ang. Enried at Etaples ; unm. JENKINS, JOHN, Leading Stoker, No. 311803 ; lost on H.M.S. Pegasus Sept. 1914. JENKINS, SIDNEY ROYSTON, Engine Room Artificer, Submarine E 36, Royal Navy. -s. of the late T. Jenkins, of Sonthsea, by his wife, Edith Henrietta ; b. Sonthsea, 18S3 ; educ. Secondary SchonI there ; joined the Navy in 1903, and was lost when his ship was torpedoed ; unm, JENKINS, WILLIAM. Rifleman, No. 1139, 18Mi (Service) Battn. The Royal Irish ItiHi- I ri~h r i)j^ isinii). only s. of RobiTt Jenkins, of Ardbraeean. Navan, co. Meatli. CaidiHiT. I>y his witV. Marie, dau. of Robert Lang ; b. co. Meath, 29 June, 1890 : educ. Ardbraccau School ; was a Gardener in the employment of S. C. Davidson (Sirrocco Works), Bangor, co. Down : also a member of 1st Battn. The Norlli Down Reut.. Ulster Volunteer Force, and of the Cliurcli Temperance Soei ■! \ ;if Anll'(,M<-;iii ; enlisted 26 Nov. 1915, and died in Purdysburn Fever Ho-ipii il, hli.i-t. Ml rerebro-spinal meningitis 19 Jan. 1910. Buried in the City (Vii]rtT\ , |;rit;i~t ; unm. JENKINSON, J., L.-Corpl., No. 9060. 1st Battn. The Loyal North Lancashire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. JENKINSON, JOHN DENNIS, Trooper. No. 4494. 17th Lancers, eldest and only surv. s. of Jolin Kicliard Jcnkinson, of 9. Bolton Street, Preston, co. Lan- caster, Superintendent of I,anca-;hire Constabularv, and fornn-rly Scigt. CoMstn-am Guards, bv his wife. Norah Catherine, dau. of Statf Sergt. Dermis Dalv. 4th Battn. Tlie Ritle Eriirade : b. Preston aforesaid. 29 Dec. 1H9.S : educ. SC Wilin-d's and Roper's Scliools, and at the Catholie Coll.g.-. Preston ; enlisted 29 Dee. 1912, at the age of 14 under special War Oltiee authority, being atlaelu-d to the 16th Lancers at the Curragh Camp for trainiiii:. until old enough to join liis regiment, then stationed in India ; left for India in Di-e. 1913. and was a|)poiiited Trumpi-ti-r in the 17th Lancers' Band. In Aug. 1914. the regiment HinbiHz l"on e. Trnoper Jenkinson. on account of his youth, remained behind with details of the rei:i- ment, and left for England in Dec. 1914. and was stationed in Ireland, taking' part in the suppression of the Irish Rebellion in Dublin in April. 1916 ; s.rved with the Expeditionary Force in Franee and l-'landers from 30 Oct. 1917 ; he died at No. 61 Field Ambulance 25 Nov. lollowing. from wounds received in action at Cambrai. Buried at Gouzeauconrt. near Cambrai. He was an excep- tionally fine horseman, a clever jiu-jitsu wrestler, swimmer and footballer — in fact, an all-round athlete. He wa> a direet descendant of a continuous line of soldiers dating back to the Pi-ninsular War. and many iiiemliers of the family have served in all branches of the service, several in the 17th Lancers, in whieh his great-grandfather alone served 35 years, liolding the rank of Regtl. Sergt.- Major for 25 years ; itnm. JENNER, G. H., Private, No. 8817, The York and Lancaster Ri-gt. ; si-rved with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 24 Oct. 1914. JENNER, J. T., Gunner. No. 37648. R.F.A. : sensed with the Expeditionary Force in 1-ranee ; died of wounds 16 Sept. 1914. JENNINGS, FREDERICK, Private, No. G 17480. lltli (Serviee) Battn. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.). .s. of William John Jennings, of ICynoclis Coningham, near Stanford-le-Hope, co. Essex, by his wife, .\!ice Annie Agnes, dau. of James Rivers, of Great Wakering ; h. Great Wakering, co. Essex. 21 Dec. 1892 ; educ. South P.eiirte.-t Seliool ; was Mate of the Barm- Thomas, of Benft-et ; joined the West Kent Rent. 2 .March. 1916 : servedjwith the Ivxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 18 Sept. foiiowing, and was killed in action near Ghelnvelt 20 Sept. 1917. Buried where he fell ; unm. JENNINGS, G., Private, No. 6696. 2nd Battn. The Yorkshire Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Oct. 1914. JENNINGS, HUGH COTTER, 2nd Lieut.. 12th (Service) Battn. TIk- East Yorkshire Regt.. 2nd s. of the late Richard Jennings, of 2S, Basinghall Street. London, E.C., Solicitor, bv his wife. .\nn Haimah (Sonthbank, Station Uuad. Rcdhill). dau. of the late Hugh Cotter, of York House. Bow Road. E. ; h. Ked- hili, CO. Surrey, 6 Dec. 1897: educ. Radnor House there, and Berkham=ted School, CO. Hertford: entered the Royal Military College. Sandhurst, in Jan. 1916 ; was gazetted 2nd Lient. .\rmv Service Corps 15 Ang. following tr.ms- ferringtothe East Yorkshire Regt. in Dec. ; served with the Expeditionary Forre iu France and Flanders from 23 Oct. 1916 ; was reported missing 3 Jlay, 1917, and was afterwards on the German List as having died on that date. Buried in Petit Cuincliv V,m 't.-ry ; U7im. JENNINGS, J., Gunner. No. 9446. R.F.A.; served with the Expeditionary Force In Franee : killed in action 22 Oct. 1914. JENNINGS, J. P., Private. No. 5889, 1st Battn. Th • Xortolk Pegt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. JENNINGS, PERCY FREDERICK, Rifleman, 21st Battn. (1st Surrey Rifles> The J.,ondon Regt. (T.F.), attd. Lewis Gun Section, «. of the late Frederick Henry Jernungs, by his wife, Jessie May. dau. of George Rutfus Barnes ; b. 28 Dec. 1885 ; educ. Sir Andrew Jndd's Commercial School, Tonbridge ; was a. Stationer ; joined the 1st Surrey Kiiles 29 March, 1916 ; served with the Expedi- tionary F'orce in France and F'lander*. and was killed in action at Ypres 25 Jan. 1917. Buried in Bedford House Military Cemetery there. Second Lieut. C. T, Buggy wrote : " He was in a small shelter off duty wlien a shell hit the place, and a falling beam hit his back and instantly killed him. I cannot tell you how much I sympathize with you and your mother, for I am certain lie was as good a son and brotln-r as he was a soldier. I was Sergt. -Major of his company when. he joined u^^. and 1 always appreciated him very much," and Sergt. E. Eden : " I de])lore his loss to my section. He was a fine soldier, full of courage, and did his duty like a h -ro and l--nglishman." Unm. JENNINGS, RICHARD WILLIAM, Lieut., 10th (Service) Battn. The Woree-ter-ihin- Kegt.. 2nd >i. of the Rev. Arthur Charleys Jennings, formerly tlm R M-tor ol King's Stanlev. co. Gloucester, by his wife. Georgiana Isabella (13, Catherine Place. Bath), dan. of Col. R. G. Wale, of Great Shelford, eo. Cambridge ; b. King's Stanlt'v. 6 Mareh, 1889 ; educ. Bradfield College, co. Berks, and Jesus College. Cambridg- (Honours LL.B. and B.A. 1900); served his articles with Messrs. Coward. Horsley .V Cha?iee, Solicitors, 30. Mincing Lane. E.C., and was. admitted a Solicitor in July, 1914 ; volu:it:\'red liis s.-rvices on th" ontbri-ak of war. and entered the V.T.C., and served as a Motor Cycle Despatch Rider till 30 Ang. 1914; enlisted 1 Sept.: was promoted L. -Corpl. in the 10th Battn. The Worcester Regt. 12 Sept. ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 10th Battn. Th' Worcest :*r- s'ure Ri'gt. 29 S.-pt. 1914 ; served with the Expt'ditiouary Force in Franee from Aug. 1915 : wa^ mentioned in Despatclies by G::'n?ral (now F.M.) .Sir Douglas Haig [London Gazette. 15 June. UU6|, for gallant and distinguished service in tne field, and died in No. 103 Ambulance 3 July. 1916. of wounds received in action at the Battle of th" Somnie. A good all-round sportsman and athlete, h' was light-weiiiht boxer for Cambridge University in 1909 and 1910. against Oxford and tli- London Hospitals. He was also good on the ice and at all Alpine sports, doing suc.es, fnlly the whole Creston Toboggan Run ; unm. JEREMIAH, DAVID JOHN. Private, No. 12967, 1st Battn. (Uth Foot) The Divon-ihir ■ Keiit.. attd. R.E., only s. of the late John Jeremiah, by liis wife, iMary (now wife of John Jones), of Glynllwchwr Cottage, Pontardulais. dau. of David Howell. Coppcrman ; b. .Morriston. co. Glamorgan. 5 Aug. 1893 ; educ. Elementary School there; was a Collier; enhsted 10 S^pt. 1914: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 Jan. 1916, and was killed in action on the Somme 5 Aug. 1917. w-liile leaving the trenches. One of his orticers wrote : " I cannot speak too highly of his conduct and work whilst with me, and his tpiiet and gentle way made liim a favourite with the men." Unm. JEREMY, P., Private. No. 74')1. 2nd Battn. Tha Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers ; s.Tved with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. JEROME, W. H., Gunner. No. 66S98, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; (lied of wounds in No. 3 General Hospital, St. Nazaire, 30 Sept. 1914. JERROM, H. H., Boy, 1st Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. JEWELL, ARTHUR W5LLIAM, Private, No. 6913, 9th (Service) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt., eldest .v. of William Henry Jewell, of 9. Jersey Street,. Brighton, by his w'ife, Sarah ICIizabcth. dau. of Richard Cherriman ; b. Brighton,. co.l^nssex, 27 Oct. 1897 ; educ. Richmond Street School there; was employed as a Clerk at Yolk's Electric Railway : enlisted 22 May, 1915 ; served with the lixpcditionary Force in F'rance and Flandi-rs from the following Aug. ; took part in the Battle of Loos in Sept. ; was wounded at Guillemont in Aug. 1916, and was killed in action near Ypres 6 .\ug. 1917. Lieut. A. F. Best wrote ; " Your son was what we call one of the old ones, and will be missed personally by the men. while I as well miss him for the same reason, as I have been with the regi- ment manv years. 1 shall also notice the loss of a good and dependable man in the lineaiid one I can ill spare." Unm. JEWSON. p. T., Coy. Sergt. -Major. No. 6260. 1st Battn. The Royal Berkshire Kegt.; M-rved with tiie Expeditionary Force in I-'rance ; died of wounds 27 Sept. 1914 JOBERNS, EDWARD, Cori>l.. No. 15320, ,th (Service) Battn. The Royal Scots Fusiliers,. \. of William Jobcrns. of 42, Pontefract Road, Cud worth, by liis wife, Mary Ann. dau. of Jolm Roberts: and brother to Corpl. William Joberns (q.f.) ; b. Brown HilH, co. Statford, 14 April. 1888; edur. there; \\^^ a Miner; enlisted 28 Dec. 1914 : served with the l'>xpeditionary Forre in France and Flanders. froni April. 1915, and was killed in action 12 Aug. 1916; num. JOBERNS, WILLIAM, Corpl., No. 162. 13tli (Service) Battn. The York and LancjLster Regt.. .s. of William Jobcrns. of 42. Pontefract Koad. Cudworth. by his wife, >Liry Ann. dau. of John Roberts;" and brother to CorpL ICdward Joberns (q.r.) ; b. Brown Hills, co. statlord. 2 June, 1886: educ. there; was a Miner; enlisted in Mareh. 1915: served, with the Expeditionary Force in Egypt ; also iu France and Flanders from Jan. 1916,. and was killed in action 28 April following. An officer wrote : " .\s senior CorpL in No. I Platoon, your son held a position of some responsibility, and at all times 1 found him keen and enthusiastic in carrying out Lis work. His conduct was always exemplary and his principles of the best. One of his great traits was his cheerful disposition, which proved a fine asset, as it was impossible for the men to become down-hearted when he was about: his cheery words helped the men considerably, and many were the l.tuclis- he raised by his witty renuirks on occasion when things were not of the brightest. Hi.s loss to the company is a serious one and will i)e severely felt : he was quit*.' a favourite with us all, and it is liard to realize that he is gone." Unm. JOEL, JOHN HUGH, Private. No. 37458, 47th Maehine Gun Corps, only .v. of the late Abraham Joel, by lus wife, Margaret (9, tureen Gardens. Trefechan. Aber>sfwyth),. dan. of the late Evan Morgan, of Trefechan ; h. Trefechan aforesaid, 5 Jan. 1883; educ. Alexjindra Road Council School. Aberystwyth, and on leaving there was apprenticed as a Carpenter ; enlisted iu W'iUiam Joberns. 156 The Roll of Honour till' 22nd Royal Welsh Fusiliers 2'.t V\'h. IDlii ; volunt^'pri'd for the .Machine! tUni Coriis two montlks JatiT; scrvi-d with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and FlandiTs from i:i .luly. following, and wjis killed in a<"tion at Vpres \G Aug. 11U7. liuried in a cemetery on the Ypn-s-Menin Koad. Hi$ Commanding Otheer wrote : "Joel was one of the cheeriest men I had, and I m-ver could want a hetter soldier with m*- in a Jicht" I'nrn. JOHN, WILLIAM, Private. No. ')54(U, I nth (Seivi.r) liattn. The Royal Welsli l'U>ilier>. 2iul n. of James John. Bus Driver, hy his wife. .Margaret, dau. of William Philije ; h. Tenby, co. I'embroke, (i Au'^. 188:5 ; edue. I'aroehial .School there; was a (ir(K)m C'hauf- I'lir; enlisted 17 May, nuC; served with r III- Expeditionary F'oree in France and i landers from li) Dec. following, and was killed in action 15 Jan. I'.UT. Buried at Ks>itx Farm, Boesintihe. He m. at Pembroke, .Martha F:iizabeth (2;», Victoria ?>treet. Tenby), dau. of John (Iwvnne J)avies. and had four ehiidren : Frederick Charles. 6. 29 Nov. lllll ; liwendoline Maud. 6. 21 I'eb. 1908; Martha ICIizabeth. b. 10 Aug. 1909, and Phvllis. b. 12 Oct. 1915. JOHNS, ALFRED T., Artificer Engineer; lo-^t on H .M.S. Monnioutli 1 .\ov, 1914. JOHNS, ARTHUR PHILIP, Private, Xo. :tll5, 1st liattn. Welsh Guards. *■. of Alfred Johns, of 5, Melbourne Place, Swansea, Poulterer, by his wife, Ksther. dau, of Martha tirilliths, of Xarlierth ; /^, Swansea, 24 April, 189H; ediu-. National School there; was a I'o-itman : enlistcil 27 Sept. 1910 ; served with the Ivxpeditionary F'orce in F'ranee from <> March, 1917, and wa-s killed in action at Vpres 12 Oct. following. He /». at Swansea. .". Oct. 191o. Rachel (44. Princess Street , Swansea). :ird dau. of John Williams ; a.j). JOHNS, BERNARD DIGBY, Capt.. Kttli (SiTvice) Battn. Tlie Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Ktdy child of the late J)iv;ii> Alexander Johns. nt engage- ments, and died at a clearing station 3 .\ug. 1917, from wounds receievd in action the previous day, while fixing his gun in position. Buried in Dozinghem British Cemetery, two and a half miles north of Poperinghe ; uum. JOHNSON, ARTHUR GRAHAM, Lieut.-Col.. Royal Field Artillery, eldest s-. (U tlie late John Johnson, of Tunbridue Wells. M.D., bv his wife, Ellen Jan<* Wright (The Limes. Derby); h. Tunbridge Wi-lls, 30 Sept. 1862; educ. by th- Kev. R. Fowler, of Timbridge Wells, and at the Rev. Gascoigne's School, Spondon. CO. Derby; passed into the Royal Military Academy, Woolwicli, 2 March. 188n : was gazetted »b. 1882; promoted Cajit. 12 Aprib 1892, and Major 15 Oct. 1900; served 13 years in India, and retired 5 Nov. 1902. On the outbreak of warvoluntceredfor service ; rejoined 3 Sept. 1914; was promoted Lieut. - Col. 29 Jan. 1915; served with the Fixpedi- tionary l-'orce in France and Flanders, in rdiiiiiiaiid of 33rd Divisional Artillery Amnnini- ii"ii ( filuiiiti ; took part in the operations on till Soniuie. and was killed in action near Zonnebcke 17 Sept. 1917. Buried in Reuing- lielst New Military Cemetery, south-west of Vpres. His Chaplain wrote : " May 1 add nuitc humbly my own tribute to the memory of Col. Johnson. We have had many a talk on his favourite topics, and I liavc always been filled, like everyone else, with admira- tion at the iron and steadfast manner with which he soldiered. Tow young men to-day ct.iuld wi-ather the storms of campaigning as he uncomjilainingly did. He taught us lessons ot utter devotion to duty, not least in his such as we are not likely to forget." Brigadier- General Stewart, commanding the 33rd Divisional Artillery, w'rote : " 1 regn-t most deeply to have to inform you that your luisband, Lieut.-Col. Johnson, commandinu the 33rd Divisional .\rtiller\' Ammimition Column, was hit this morning whih- in the forward area on duty! I deeply nizr- 1 to >ay he was killed. Your husband died a gallant officer and gentleman, doinu his duty in connection with his work, and one of his otiicers. Capt. Rhodes, was killed lieside him. Thi- y3rd Divisional Artillery mourn with you for a comrade they admired and loved. 1 soldiered with him many years ago. and knew him well. May we all tender you our deepest sympathy." General Blain also wrote : " I have just heard the sad news of your lutsband's death in France, .\lthougli T left the command of the 33rd Divisional Artillery in April. I feel 1 must send you a line to say how niuch I sympathize with you, and how very distressed I am. Your husband w;is a very old friend of mine since the days of'Meerut in 1891. He will be a great loss to .Arthur Graham Johnson. last great saerilice. and the 33rd Division; he was so zealous and never spared himself. The Service h;us lost a very gallant and devoti-d oIUcit,*' and his Adjutant : " You will havi' licard ere this of the sad loss. I write to tender to yon the sincercst sympathy and condolence of tlie oflicers, N.C.O.'s and men of the Divisional Artillery Colimin. They one and all feel it u personal loss, and. as far us myself. I have lost a friend, as well as a kind and considerate conunanding ollicer. having lived with him i>rae. tically night and day for nearly two years. I do and shall miss him more than 1 can say." Col, Henley-Kirkwood wrote : " It was with deep regret that I read in last evening's pajier a notice of the death— killed at the front — of your husband. and I desire to express on my own behalf, as well as on behalf of tln^ Kxecutive Committee of the National Service League, our most sincere sympathy with you. I am sure that not only ;dl the members of the Committee, but also all the members of the league who had the privilege of knowing your husband, will join with me in deeply regretting the loss of such a keen and good soldier, and that he ended his crareer of great e.\ertious in various public interests b>- iii\iiig liis life for his country, will, when time somewIi;it softens the blow, be a source of true consolation to you." He was a keen public worker in the cause of Tarilf Reform and National Service, Ix'iug honorary secretary of the 'I'aritf Reform League, Hath, for some years. He w. at Dinapore, India, I.t Feb. 1894. Mary Gem, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Spencer Cargill. Roval .A.rtillerv (retired), and had a dau., Elsie Cargill, b. 7 Dec. 1901. JOHNSON, C. E., Private, No. 8807. 1st Battn. The Northumberland Fusiliers ; served with the Itlxjieditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 18 Sept. 1914. JOHNSON, D., Leading Stoker (C.G.) : lost on If.^r.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 19U. JOHNSON, E. T., Cor))l.. No. 1247. The Norlliumlierland Fusiliers: served with tlu- Kxiieditionary Force in France : killed in action in 1914. JOHNSON, EDWIN ERNEST, Sapper. No. 519428, R.F:., 2nd s. of John Johnson, by his wife. Vii-toria. dau. of William (and Jane) Daverage, of Kxmouth, CO. Devon; b. Killkee. eo. Clare, 27 Jan. 1894; educ. Portsmouth; was a Plumber and Gas I'itter ; joined the K.K. in Oct. 1915 : served with the l-ixpedi- tiouary Force in France and Flanders from Sept. 1916. and was killed in action near Vimy Ridge 7 June. 1917. Capt. S. Chater WTOte : " Your husband has left a splendid record of devotion to duty and good work, besides having given Ins life for his country. During these trying times we iiave recently been through he shiiw . i| |.|. tidid courage and i-iidurauce. and we all, otficers and m<*n. are very griev. .1 .It 111- \.,-^_'- He ni. at St. Mary's Parish Church, Portsmouth. 15 April, 1916, Xrllii (4^. Aliingdon Road, S(uithsea). dau. of Frank Durtnell, and had a son, Fdwin Enust. b. 28 March, 1917. JOHNSON,G.J., Private, No. 16378 (PIvmouth) ; killed during the operations at Antwerp Oct. 1914. JOHNSON, H., Private. No. 7267. 2nd Battn. The Leinster Regt. ; .served with the F^xpeditionary Force in France : killed in action 20 Oct. 1014, JOHNSON, H. E., Engine Room Artificer. 3rd Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. Own Scottish Borderers; died of wounds 14 Oct. 1914. JOHNSON. J., Private. No. 8625. The King ser\ed with the l-ixpcditionary F"orc<- in France JOHNSON, J., Private. No, 7619, 1st Battn. The East Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the ICxpeditiouary F'orce in F'rancc ; died of wounds 29 Oct. 1914, JOHNSON, J., Shoeing Smith, No. 34506, R.F,A. : served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. JOHNSON, JAMES, Private. No. 1953. 5th (Territorial) Battn. Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regt.), 2nd *-. of (— ) Johnson, by his wife, Mary Hannah ; and brother to Private R. Johnson {q.r.) : b. Wi-lburn. co. York, 25 Jfarch, 1893; educ. Wombleton Schools; Wiis a Farm Worker; joined the 5th Battn. The Yorkshire Regt. 30 Nov. 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 12 April, 1916, and was killed in action on tlie Soninie 15 Sept. following ; tntm. JOHNSON, JOHN THOMAS, M.M., Corpl. (Acting Sergt.). No. 16000, 8th (Service) Battn. The King's Own (York- shire Light Infantry), yst. s. of George John- son, of 11, Day's Croft, Monk Bretton, near Barnsley, by Ids wife. Ann, dau. of James Kitchen ; b. Monk liretton. co, York ; educ. there; was a Collier; enlisted 4 Sept. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and F'landers. and died of wounds 6 June, 1917, Buried in Lysscnthoek Jlilitary Ceme- tery, Poperinghe. He was awarded the Military Medal for gallant and distingiushed service in the field on 1 July, 1916 ; vnm. JOHNSON, LESLIE NETHERCOTE. .■M.C.. 2nd Lieut., 6th (Territorial) Battn. The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Oerbyshire Regt.), elder *. of the Rev. Alfred Henry Samuel Johnson, Rector of Trusley, near Fit wall. Derby, by his wifi', Hannah Catteli. dau. of Thomas Ryan-Bell, of Parsons- town ; b. Dud bridge, near Stroud, co. (Jhuicester, June, 1887: educ. the Rev, Kirsopp's School, Nottingham ; went to Buenos Ayres in July, 1911, where he was employed in the British Bank of South America; resigned his appointment for duration of war in July. 1915. in order to return to F2ngland and join the .Army : joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. in Sept. ; obtained a commission in the Sherwood Foresters 28 Jan. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and F'landers from the following June ; was wounded 9 >Iarch, and was killed in action near Leas 3 June, 1917. Buried at Sains-en-Gohe!le. South Hethune. His Colonel wrote : " He was a splendid man in every way. i|uit4- fearless, a born leader of men, over whom he exercised a trenuiidou< intlnenee. He was wonderfully cheerful at all times, and possessed the invaluable i;ift of being able to cheer up everyone else by his mere presence.'* He was awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette, 26 April, 1917], " For con- spicuous gallantry on tin- night of 8-9 March, 1917, When an attack on an enemy strong post was held n|> by wire and heavy enemy rifle fire and bombs, this olficer scEit a bombini.' sijuad to work round the flank of the post, and himself with great gallantry h-d a party across the o])cn to cut through the wire. The attack was entirely successful, and 2nd Lieut. Johnson, after organizing the work of consolidation, himself went down several hostile dug-outs and recovered valnabli- id.-nt itieations. He then went back and gave a most clear and concise account uf till- position to the officer in charge of the operation. This officer lias invariably shown the utmost gallantry and coolness in action." I'lim. JOHNSON, RALPH, Private. No. 1988. 5tli (Territorial) Battn. Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regt.), 3rd f. of ( — ) Joluison. by his wife, Mary Hannah ; and brother to Private J. Johnson (q.r.) : h. Welburn. co. York, 29 June. 1898; educ. Wombleton Schools: was a Farm Worker; joined the 5th Battn. The Warwickshire Regt. I Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war; .served with the Expeditionary Force in France and F'landers from 2 Nov. follow- ing, and was killed in action 25 .Ian. 1916. Buried near Ypres ; uvui. John Thomas Johnson. The Roll of Honour 15: JOHNSON. RODNEY RICHARD, L.-Corpl., 8tli (Service) Battn. Tlu- King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regt.), only x. of the late Kieliard Johnson, of tlie Arni>" and Navy Stores, London, by his wife. Marj;uerite. dau. of the late John Brett. Photographer: b. Lavender Hill, London. S.\V.. 18 Feb. 1897; educ. Merdiant Taylors' School. Crosby Liverpool, and Ellesinen; College, co. Salop ; was f-niployed as a Clerk with the London and Liverpool IiLsurance Company : en- listed in Aug. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flandi-rs from Dec. 1916 ; took part in the Battle of Arras, and was killed in action at Monchy 1 May. 1917. Bviried in a small village six niili-s cast of Arras. Tin- Chaplain wrote : " Your boy was such a splendid fellow, an excellent soldirr. and a general favourite with liis comrades ; everybody thought so liighly ol him," and Sergt. McMahon : '* He had been helping to carry a wounded comradt- down to the dressing station, and on his return he was hit by a sniper and lit- died instantly. It was an awful blow to me, for he was such a cheerful and willing chap, one whom I eould always trust to do any duty, liowever irksome it may have been." Cum. JOHNSON, T., Private. Xo. 9498. 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 9 Sept. 1914. JOHNSON, W., Private, Xo. 9991, 2nd Battn. The South Lancasliire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 3 Oct. 1914. JOHNSON, W. J., Private, Xo. 5798, The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry : >'r\ I'd with tlie Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 9 Sept. 1914. JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER, L.-Corpl., Xo. 2(;(U78. l/6th (Territorial) Battn. Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-sliire Butfs. The Duke of Albany's), x. of James Johnston, of (Jlack of Climymore. Keith. Crofter, by Ids wife. Mary. dau. of Hugh Macintosh. Crofter : b. lilack, Botriiilniie. Keith, co. Bantf, 15 July. 1892 ; educ. Pnblic School there : was a Salmon Fisher at Xairn : joined the Seaforth Hig - landers 24 May. 1915 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 31 Aug. 1915. and was killt-d in action near Cambrai 20 Xov. 1917. Bluried at Bullecourt. Lieut. H. Rogers WTOte : "Your son was an excellent soldier, and was nmch respected for the keen and willing manner in which he carried out Ids duties. He is a great loss to the company." Cum. JOHNSTON. ALLAN TODD, L.-Corpl.. Xo. 241691. 6th (Territorial) Battn. The Highland Litrht Infantry, x. of James Barclay Jobnston. of Possilpark. by his wife. Jane Rolterson : b. Glassow, co. Lanark, 21 April. 1890 : educ. Sprini:- bank and Xapiersliiill Schools there ; was a Comnu-reial Clerk : joined the High- land Light Infantry 7 May. 1916 : served with the Egj'^ptian Expeditionary Force in Palestine from 8 Oct. following, and died at Jaffa 24 Dee. 1917. of wounds received in action wliile crossing the river tJanga. Buried in the >Hlitary Ceme- tery at Sarona, He vi. at Glasgow, Jane (482. Garseube Road, Glasgow), dau. of Robert Hamilton, and had three cliiklren : Jann's. b. 21 June, 1914 ; Robert. 6. 22 May. 1917. and Jane Maxwell, b. Vi Feb. 1911. JOHNSTON, ANDREW YUILL, Private. Xo. 268038. 6th (Territorial) Battn. The Black AVatch (Royal Highlanders), yst. *. of the late James Johnston, Farmer, by his wife. Cljristiuii (Pather Farm. AVisliaw. eo. ].anark), dau. of Alexander Morrison : //. Pather Farm aforesaid. 15 Sept. 1897 : edue. Wishaw Acadenn : sul'sri|UcTitly worked at liome ; joined the Scottisli Hors.- 5 June. 1916 : served with the Kxptditionury Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1917. when In- joined the 6th Battn. The Black Watch, and was killed in action at Y|)res 2 July following. Burji'd there. JOHNSTON. EVANS CLEMENT STU- ART, Private, Xo. 40243. 11th (Service) Battn. The Royal Scots (Lotluan Regt.). elder ». of Thomas Evans JohiLston. of 7, Howard Place. St. Andrews, Fife, L.D.S.. Dental Surgeon, by his wife, Matilda MoiHlie. dau. of Professor Mat hew Forster Heddlr. of St. Andrews University; b. St. Andrews aforesaid. 5 Sept. 1896; educ. St. Salvator's School there: Clifton Bauk School, and St. Andrews University, where he was a Medical Student when war broke out : enlisted 13 April, 1016; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 21 Sejit. following, and died in Xo. 1 South African Field Ambulance 3 May, 1917. from wounds received in action that day at Greenland Hill, near Gravelle. during tlie Battle of Arras. Buried at St. Laurent-BIangy, near Arras: imm. JOHNSTON, G., Private, Xo. 9453, 2nd Battn. Thr Royal Scots Fusiliers: served with tlie Expeditionarv Force in France : di;t in tht- army. ... 1 personally have lost a dear friend and my best company (OinmandiT. ... Hi- was shot throuuh the back of the head jiL-^t at dawn, and uivi-r ri'i.Mi[i''d eonsciousnt-ss hi-forc- he died the following afti-rnoon." rum. JOHNSTON, JOHN THOMAS, Caj.t.. 10th (Territorial) Battn. The Roval Scot- (Lothian Regt.). only s. of the lat** John .lolm-ton, of Pottishaw. and Marcliwood. Iiathgatc. J. P.. by Ids wife. Jane. dan. of the late .Folm McKinlav. of Hardliill : b. Batli- uate. We-st Lotluan. 10 Oct. 1890; educ. r.athgate Academy; was a Banker, and for -■■v.-ri years was a member of the \Vest Lothian County Volunteers; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 10th Battn. The Roval Scots 8. July, 1909, being promoted Lieut! 28 Feb. 1912. and iCapt. 26 Sept. 1914: volunteered for foreign service after the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 ; served with the Exjieditionarv '^;fBBft k Force in France and Flanders from 1 Mav. A>, .'W \ 1917. and was killed in action at Roeux on ^^^^fc^^ , the 27th of tliat month. Buried there. He fl^^^^HIp^ Vy ^^1 at Edinburgh. 4 Dec. 1912. Joan Duncan ^^^^^^H^/ ^ fMarehwood. Bathgate), elder dau. of Bailie ^^^^^^^V \ White, of Bathgate, and liad two dans. : Joan ^^^^^^^ — Doris, b. 1 Sept. 1913, and Beatrice, b. and rf. John Thomas Johnston. I'* March, 1915. JOHNSTON. ROBERT, Private. Xo. 20733. lotli (Serxiee) Battn. Tlie Cameronians (.Scottish Rifles), only «. of James Johnston, of 0\ersliiels Stow. Shepherd, by his wife. Isabella, daii. of the late Robert Rae. of Hume, eo. Berwick: />. Meerless, co. Selkirk. 19 Aug. 1891; educ. Public School. Fountainhall, Midlothian : was a Shepherd : enlLstcd 5 June, 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died at Xo. 3:i Casualty Clearing Station 16 March, 1916, of wounds received in action. Buried in liethune Town Cemetery; laun. JOHNSTON. WILLIAM TORDIFF, 2nd Lieut., 12th (Service) Battn. The Manchester Regt., elder s. of the late John Inrditf Jobnston. by his wife, Elizabeth (The SeluKii House. Xether Denton, Low Row. t luiiberland), dau. of William Murrav ; b. Kutlierglen. 20 Dec. 1896; educ. St." Bees. School. Cumberland ; was gazett^'d 2nd l.ieut. The Manchester Regt. 8 April. 1915 : trained with the 25th Battn., in wlueh he acted as Bombing Officer for some months, aiiti subsequently obtained a certificate as. Sniping Scout ; served with the Expeditionary I'orei- in France and Flanders from July, 1916 ; took part in the Battle of t!ie Somme, and was killed in action near Arras 13 April. 1917. wlule acting as Intelligence Otiiccr. r.uried at Tilloy-les-Mafflines. The officer who took command of the battalion on the death of the colonel, wliich occurred at the same time as the death of 2nd Lieut. Johnston, wrote : " Y'our son was a most excellent officer, and had the respect and affection of his men and fellow-officers. . . . Your son did ver\' good work for this battalion, and cared very little for the dangers of war. Quite as cheerful in the trench as out of it. aijd a great help in trjing moments to Ids brother officers. Wc all feel the loss of his cheerful presence,'"* aud the Chaphiin : " He was always so cheery and bright that it did anyone good to be with him." A brothcr'officcr also wrote : "Johnny was the most lovable and fascinating person I ever knew, and a general favourite witli alL officers anil men. f'lim. JOHNSTONE, ALEXANDER, Private, 2/lst Lothians and Border Horse, only s-. of William Johnstone, Baker, by his wife. Mary, dau. of David Cowan, ol Dumfries: b. Peebles. 6 Dee. 1893; educ. Hawick Hisher Grade School: was an Kngineer; enlisted 21 Oct. 1914. and was accidentally killed 29 Sept. 1916. while on tluty as a Desjiatch Rider. Buried at \Veliogate Cemetery, Hawick : uum. JOHNSTONE, J., L.-Corpl.. Xo. 743. The (Jordon Highlanders; served with the Kxpeditiunary Force in France ; died of wounds 27 Oct. 1914. JOHNSTONE, J., Private. Xo, 12014. 2nd Battn. The Highland Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditioiuiry Force in France; died of wounds 20 Sept. 1914. JOHNSTONE, M. W., Private, Xo. 7538. 1st Battn. Tlie Black Watch ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 8 Sept. 1914. JOHNSTONE, W., Private. Xo. 9606, 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt.; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France; killed in action at Festubert 25 Oct. 1914, JOINT. ROBERT JAMES, Private, Xo. 10557, D Coy.. 2nd Battn. Honour- able Artillery Coy. (T.F.), eldest s. of the late William James Joint, by his wife, Maud Mary (103*, Boutport Street, Barnstaple), dau. of the late \S'. P. Janes ; b. Barnstaple, co. Devon, 27 Slay, 1896 : educ. West Buckland School ; was in business with his mother as a Wholesale Game Dealer; joined the Honourable Artillerv Company March. 1917 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from the following May. and was killed in action at Passchendaele Ridge. Oct. 1917. Major Wright wrote ; " Y'our sou was reported as missing on the 0th. and there can be no doubt now that he was killed. I can only add that he died gallantly in an action in which the battalion was successful in obtaining its objective." r7?i»i. JOLLY, ERNEST ROBERT. Corpl.. Xo. 17705. Xo. 2 Coy.. 1st Battn. (31st Foot) The East Surrey Regt., s. of (George Jolly, of 65, Muswell Avenue, Muswell Hill, X., by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of David Warren ; b. Crouch Hill, London. X.. 15 Jan. 1891 ; educ. ISIoutem Street School ; St. James's School there, and Islington College ; was an Elementary School Teacher at St. James's, Upper HoUoway. X. ; enlisted iu the East Surrey Regt. 29 March, 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from the beginning of July. 1917, and was killed in action 2 Oct. following. Buried where he fell. The Chaplain wrote : *' He was greatly rcsptxted by his comrades, who appreciated his kind and lovable nature." He m. at the Wesleyan Church, Muswell Hill, X., 27 Xov. 1915. Edith Grace (55, Leicester Road, East Finchlev, N.), dau. of ( — )Patl:n, of EastFinchley* N. ; 8.p. William Tordiff Johnston. riie Colonel used to say he w:is the finest lad he ever met." 158 The Roll of Honour JOLLY, ROBERT. > i„ No. 4000117. :»lst Siyniii ( oy.. K K. (T F.), 2iKi s. of Uobort Jolly, KiiiiliiDT. by liis wiiV. Elsif, claii. of Ali'XiUidrr .McKi'iizic ; h. Abei- d'H-n. 8 Nov. 18Sr>; ihIik;. Kint; Street Public '•iliool thiTc ; was cin'ploycd us a Sorting; < l.-rk rtiui ■l"'lf;iraphist at tin' Aberdeen Post • iiHce: ioiiied the K.K. ill inU) : was mobilized mi till- cmtbrc:ik of war in Anu. 1914; served uilh tin- [expeditionary Fort"- in Frauee and !'l:iiel17. wliUe suijer- iHt.iidinL; the laying o! telrplione wires, r.iiried at Ahliyette. His iMajor wTOte that !«• was fenrless to a de^^ree, and had ofti-n to I'l' restrained from ^oinj; into iinneeessarv .lauiier. lie m. at Abrrdeen. 2 Feb. lOllii. r.athia Ajrni's (8. .laimiea Street. Aberd'-en'. diu. of William lli-id, of Aberdeen, Sanitaiv 1 ii-ii>i'etor, and liad four children : llobert \Villi:un. h. (posthumous) Si^it. 101": liathia Airnes. />. :t April. lOUO : Klsie McKfiizio. Robert Jolly. /;. KJ Feb. 1012. and Isobel Marv. 0. U Nov. 1914 (fl. :n July, 1017). JONES, A., STtrt.. No. 8758. The Welsh Rejit. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; dird 22 Oct. 1014. JONES. A., Corp!.. No. 9421;, 2nd Jinttn. The Rovjil Irish Ueut. ; served with the ICxpeditionary F()rce in France : died :iO An?. 1914. JONES, A., Private. Xo. 0109. 2nd Hattu. The Worcestershire Kept.; served with the l';x[iey bis wife. Lily Aimitte Taylor; b. Llanfoist, Crouch Knd, N.. :i March. 1894; educ. I'p- p'.ngham. where he was a meml)er of the O.T.C. : matriculated at tlie London Univer- sity, and tinislied his studies in l*aris ; enlisted in the Service Battn. of the Honourable Artillery Company 20 Aug. 1014 ; served with the Exjjeditionary Force in France and Klauders from 18 Sept. following ; was wouudcfl by a bullet through his rigid thigh l-'rb. 1015. and sent to the General Hospital at Rouen, being later invalided home; ob- tained a comnii-;sion 25 March, 1915 ; returned to France, and was killed in action on the Somme 18 Sept. 1916. Biiriid near Leuze Wood. Hii* Conunanding Ollieer wrote: " -Vs an ollieer I know not liow to replace him; cheery and bright, fearless and highly eapaiile. his gallant spirit went to Us rest whilst he was turning to iielp his men into the trench that they were attacking." He wa-i a fine sl:ot. and represented I'ppingham in the " Ashburton " at Hislcy, whtn lit' made top score for liis team on each occasion that he sliot ; unm. JONES, F., Acting CorpL. No. 7715, The Royal Berkshire Regt.; served with the Kxiieditionary Force in France; died of wounds 28 Oct. 1914. JONES, F., I'rivate. No. 7488. 3rd Battn. 'the Worcestershire Regt.; ser^'Cd with the Expeditionarv Force in France; killi'd iu action at Laconturc 13 Oct. 1914. JONES, F., Private. No. 0019. 1st Battn. The Cheshire Regt.; served with the Expodition.arv Force in France ; dieli Kcgt., onlv «. of Ada Morris Jones ; h. Birk<.-iilK'ad. co. Chester, 12 March, 1889; i-dvic. St. Paur.-; Scliools tlierc ; was a Carter ; joined the 2,4th Cheshire Territorials in Jan. 1915 : served with tJie lilxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from June. 1917, wlK-re he transferred to the i:Jth Battn. The Welsli Re^t., and was killed in action 21-22 .hily following. Lieut. \V. ?:. Sullivan wrote : •■ 1 enn a:?sur»' you tliat the loss of your hus- liami is most keenly lelt by the wliole company, tor lii-i cheerniess under most adverse circum- >tani-.< made him a most i)0]Hilar man in his eoni|i;uiv." He m. at Holy Trinitv Church, liirk.nhead. 24 March. 1913. Sarah f:iizabeth (;J2. Queeusbury Stn-ct. Jiirkeuhcad). dau. of Thomas Henrv Hempkins, aiul luid two children : Frederick Thomas, b. 27 Oct. 1914, and Emily Victoria, b. 3 Sept, 1913. JONES, FREDERICK, Private, The Kiu«'s (Sliropshire Light Infantry), «. of the late James Jones, Driller, by his wife, Helen ; h. BirkentieacL 2 April. 1890 : educ. St. Peter's Schools there ; was fourteen year.^ with the Maypoli- Company, aud had risen to the position of Manajicr when lie ii'tt to join tie- .\rniy in .\|)ril. 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France aud Flanders from Oct. 1916 : was wounded in Feb. 1917 ; returned to France in May, and was killed in action 27 Sept. 1917. He m. at St. Peter's Churcli, Birkenhead, 24 .June. 1913. Lucy, dau. of William Hudson, and had two children : Frederick William, b. 2 Oct. 1917, and Lilian, b. 9 Jan. 1914. JONES, FREDERICK WALWYN, Gunner. No. (596305. A Batterv. 298th Brigade, Royal Fi.'ld Artillery, s. of Robert Owen Jones, of the Bath Hotel. F'olkestone, Hotel Proprietor, by his wife. Elizalicth. dau. of Benjamin Heasman ; b. Carmarthen. 24 July, 1891 ; educ. Grammar School tliere ; was a Clerk in the otRce of the High Conimi-j-^ioner for South Africa ; enlisted in tlie R.F.A. in Nov. 191(i ; served with tlu' l^xpiditionary Force in France and Flanders from March, 1917. and was killi-d in action at Vlamertinglic 29 Nov. following. Buried there. He m. at Soutliirati- Church, London. N-. 6 April. 1915. Syl)il, dau. of ( — ) Byers, and had a son. Edward Owen Walwyn, b. 17 June, 1917. JONES. G., L.-Corpl.. No. 10939, 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers; srrv--d witlt tlte Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. JONES, G., Private. No. 1426, 1st Battn. The Loyal Nortii Lancashire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds received in action 24 Oct. 1914. JONES, G. E., Cori.l.. No. 1666. 2nd Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt.; siTved with t!n- Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 6 Nov. 1914. JONES, GEORGE THOMAS. Bombardier, R.F.A., a. of John Jones. Boat- man, by his wife, Sarah ; and brother to L.-Corpl. Joseph Jones {q.c.) ; b. 31 Oct. 1887 ; educ. there ; was a Fireman ; enlisted 14 Dec. 1914 : served with tlxe Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 27 Ault. 1915, and died 7 July, 1917. from wounds received in action. Buried at Etaples. He in. at Cliester 28 April, 1909, Edith (36, Victoria Road. Ellesmere Port, co. Chester), dau. of played the greatest bravery as a Company Runner and on forward patrol work. His energy was inexhaustible, and his coolness under fire was a fine i'xample to his comrades,' " and a comrade : *' He was with us roughly about four months, yet in that short time he became one of our most popular boys, . . . He was known as one of the pluckiest men, and already we miss him greatly. . . . Your son, wlio had charge of the bombers, called on the rest to follow hi:n. and had only proceeded a few yards when he got a bullet through the head." He was awarded tlie Military Medal for gallant and distinguished ser\ice in tlie field ; inim. JONES, GWILYM THOMAS, Corpl., No. 38592. 65th Labour Coy., eldest A. of William Jones, of 4. Wa>ne Street. Mount Pleasant, Forth, co. Glamorgan, Miner, by his wife, Elizabeth Jones, dan. of Daniel Thomas; b. Ireherbert. Rhondda. eo. Glamorgan. 7 Aug. 1893 ; educ. Forth Boys' School ; Forth Higher El 'ment;ir\ School, and Horth i'vii)il Teachers' Centre, wliere he secured a King's Seliularshii> which enabled him to enter Goldsmitlis' College. London ; left there as a Certified Teaclier, and exercised that eapacitv at the '["realaw Schools ; joined tlie l2th Battn. The Welsh Regt. 20 Feb. 191(1 ; transferred to the. 22nd Battn. The Cheshire Regt. a few months later, and finally joined the Ierthvr Tvdfil, 23 Slav, 1915, Margaret Elizabeth, dau. of ( — ) Huntington. JONES, JOHN, Private. No. 204965. 3 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regt.), .v. of the late Thomas .lones. by iiis wife, Elizalietli (5, Sunny Fields. Bell Lane. Shrewsburv), dau, of Jolm Everest ; b. Shrewsburv. CO. Salop. 31 March. 1887 : educ. there ; enlisted 29 Mav. 1915 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 June. 1917. and was killed in action at Arras on the 23rd. Buried near Arras. His Commanding Orticer wrote : " He was killed in the trenches while doing his dutv. a burst shell killing him and one other." He m. at Aston-on-Clun. co. Salop. 9 Sept. 1914. Beatrice May (Burrough. Aston-on-Clun). dau. of Sanmel Ball, and had a dau.. .Marjoric Gertrude, b. 4 Nov. 1915. JONES, JOSEPH, L.-Corpl.. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers, s. of John Jones lioatman, by his wife. Sarah: and lirother to George Thomas Jones (»?-**.); educ. ilontgonuTv: was a Labourer: enlisted 7 Nov. 1914; served with the Ex]teditionary Force in France and Flanders from 12 Mav. 1915. aud wa-; killed in action at High Wood 20 July, 1916. He m. at Ellesmere Port, in Aug. 1912, Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Chatten. ami had a dan., Ellen, b. 29 Julv, 1915. 160 The Roll of Honour JONES, LESLIE OSCAR. i.-( orp!.. Xo. I(i5!). l/2lst Biittn. (First Surn-y Riflfs) Tho Loiuion Rfjit. (T.F.). 2nd s. of John Arthur .lonos. of Xantgwyn. Havt'S Road, Itroiidev. co. Kf-nt, hv his wifr. Klizabftli Anne. dan. of Guortfc Milh. of Uirn.' Hill. S.K. ; h. HvTm- Hill, London, S.K.. ;i May. 18i)2 : tduc. Lin- disfarni' Collr^r. Westclitf-on-Sea : was a Drapor*s Assistant ; had served four years in the First Surrey RiHes, and rejoined on the outbreak of war 7 Aug. 1014 ; served witli tlie Kxpoditionary Force in France from 15 March, litlii. and was killed in action 4 May. liHO. while leading his section in a hombiuK attack on a mine crater on Viniy llidue. Souchez. Buried at Cabaret Rouge, soutli of Sonchez. His Company Commander and Ids Sergt. -Major wrote in great praise of his trallant ciuidnct ; ninti, JONES, MILWYN, L.-Corpl.. Xo. 54041. 15th (Service) Battn. The Welsh Regt., *\ of the late Josiali John Jones, by his wife. Mary (Preswylfa. Beulah. Garth, co. Brecon); b. Xewbrid^ie-on-Wye. 19 Feb. 1805; educ. Llwyn Madoc Schools, Beulah ; was eu»p!oyed in tlie levers Oil Jfills ; enlisted on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1014; sersed with the Mediterranean Fxpeditionary Force at Gallipoli from June. 1915 ; took part in the landing at Suvla Bay in .\ug.. where he was wounded in the foot, and suljscquently obliged to have one toe ami'U- tated ; contracted a severe attack of enteric while in hospital at Lenuios. and w:is invalided to England; rejoined his unit at Haverfordwest in Jan. H)H»; proceeded to l-'rance in the following Sept., and was killed in acrtion near Vpres 28 July, 1917. Buried at Bard Cottage, two miles north of Ypres. One of )m officers wrote : " I feel his loss keenly, because he was one whom I could always tnist implicitly, one wlio carried out his orders, often in the face of overwhelming difficulties, with a tltonMi'ihness and zeal that seemed to show that lie lived and worked for a cnislunu' \irtory over our enemy. ... I always knew liim as a brave, fearless soldier, who bad joined in the fight against might. . . . Our men had been badly i>attiTed, and JlilwjTi went out to rescue some of th<' wounded- While he was performing this gallant act he was killed instantly by a stiell. His spirit still lives in the company, although lie Mmself has dex)arted. and his loss Is deeply felt by all the men, X.C.O.'s and officers who loved hira so well." i'nm. JONES, P.. Private. Xo. 8898, 1st liattn. Ihe Lincolnshire Re-rt.: served with the Exjieditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 28 Oct. 1914. JONES, P. H., Corpl.. Xo. 8441. The Lincolnshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionar;.' Force in France; killed in action 28 Oct. 1914. JONES, R- L.-Corp!., Xo. 11040. ^nd Battn. The Welsh Regt.; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Oct. 1914. JONES. R. R., Private. Xo. 1118, 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt.: served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. JONES, R.\NDAL, L.-Corpl., Sth (Senice) Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers, .«. of the late 'i'hoinas .Tones, formerly Organist at Buckley Church : 6. Buckley, 23 Jan. 1892; educ. Hawarden County Council School ; took up Famiini: after a breakdown in health ; enlisted 21 Aug. 1914 ; served witli the ilediterranean Expeditionary Force at Gallipoli from Jiily. 1915 ; took part in the operations at Suvla Bay. and was afterwards sent to Cape Helles ; proceeded up the Tigris in March," 1910 : was reported missing in Mesoiiotamia P April following, and i-- now officially assumed to liave been killed on that date. A comrade wrote : " I suppose you are aware I was together with Randal Jones at Gallipoli. He surpassed my exix-ctations of him. as lie was as fearless a young man that ever I came across. He had two very narrow escapes out there, and lie simply smiled at it. He was one of very few with a smile on their face who put their foot on the peninsula." Unyn. JONES, REGINALD PRYCE, 2nd Lieut., Sth (Ser\ice) Battn. The York ami Lancaster Regt., s. of Prvcc Jones, Head Masterof Heeley Bank School, Sheili' l.i, by his wife. Selina P.. dau. of John Main ; b. Sheffield. 3 Xov. 1894 : educ. H- .1. y Bank and Centra. Secondary Schools there ; was a Clerk in the office of M" -sr--. Daniel Boncaster's. Steel Manufacturers, Sheffield ; enlisted in the Sheffield cit\ Battn. of the York and Lancaster Regt. in Sept. 1914 ; ser\ed in Egypt, and \\\U the Expeditionarv Force in France and Flanders from March, 1910 ; waswonnib d at Serre the following May. and invalided liorae ; wa« gazetted 2nd Lieut. Sept. 1917 ; returned to France 10 Oct. following, and was killed in action at Passcben- daele Ridse on the 19th. Buried in Polygon Wood. A brother officer wrote : " You will be pleased to know your son died au officer's death, leading his men through a very difficult and trying situation." Umn. JONES. RICHARD BASIL BRANDRAM. V.C., Lieut., The Loyal Xorth Lan- cashire Regt., elder *. of Henry Tbonuis Brandram Jones, of 2. Thicket Road. Auerley. S.E., bv his wife. Caroline Emma, dau. of French Gray; 6. Honor Oak, S.E.. 30 April. 1897: educ. at Dulwich College: volunteered after the outbreak of war; ua/.ctted 2nd Lieut. Sth (Service) Battn. The Loyal Xorth Lancashire Regt. 17 Oct. 1914, and promoted Lieut. 26 Xov. following; ser\ed ^vith the Expeditionary Force from Sept. 1915 ; was awarded the Yictoria <'rnss [London Gazette, 5 Aug. 1916], *' For most conspicuous bravery. He was bol.liiii: with his platoon a crater recently captured from the eneniy. About 7.30 pm. the enemy exploded a mine 40 yards to his right, and at the same tinie put a heavy barrage of fire on our treuches, thus isolating the i)latoon. They then attacked in overwhelming numbers. Lieut. Jones kept his men together, steadying them by his tine ; was wounded at Suvla Bay 6 Aug., while serving with the llth Battii. The Maneliester Regt.. and invalided home ; went to France in April. 1916, and was again invalided home in Xov.. sulfering from trench fever; returned to France 14 June, 1917. and died in Xo. 2 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station 5 Oct. followiiiL'. from wound-^ received in action on the 3rd.' Buried in Lyssenhoek Military Ceini-lery. He m. at .St. Marv's Parish Church, Birkenhead, 23 July, lOllO. Kmily {(',. Cecil lload, Liscard. eo.'Chester)^ Jnl dau. of .lolm Uavies. of Birkeidiead. aiul had seven children : John Owen, h. 27 Oct. 19aeid's College. Lampeter, and St. Michael's College. Aber- dare ; " was a C^lcrk in Holy Orders, being for nine years Curate of Christ Church, IMostyn, co. Flint ; obtained a Chaplaincy in the South Wales Borderers in June, 1916 : served in the European War, and died at the Empire Hospital, Vincent Square. Lomlon. S.W.. 12 April. 1917, from wound.=> received in action ; nnm. JONES, THOMAS HENRY, Private, Xo. 17:300, 7th (Service) Battn. The Border Regt., 2nd x, of Thomas Jones, of 39. Henry Street, Birkenhead. Riveter, by his wife, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Shields; fc.' Bir- kenhead. CO. Chester, 26 July, 1894 ; educ. Cathcart Street Schools there, and was sub- sequently apprenticed as a Holder Up at Messrs. Cammell Laird's ; enlisted 8 Nov. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ;ind Flanders from 13 April 1915, and was killed in action on the Somme 5 Aug. liilO. wiiile bomb throw ing ; unm. JONES, TREVOR TOM. Private. Xo. 220342. llth (Service) Battn. The .South Wales Borderers. 4tb .«. of Wyndham Jones, of Common House, Xash, Xewjiort, co. 5Ion- mouth. Farmer, by his wife, Mary Anne, only dau. of the late James Cullimore, of X'ewra Farm, Goldclitf, Xewport. co. Monmouth; b. Xash aforesaid, 25 Oct. 1892; educ. Liiswery Council School, and Maindee College, Xewport; was a Farmer; enlisted 1 March, 1917; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franei- and Flandiis from :il) May, 1917, and was killed in action at Pilkem Kidne. near Vpres. 31 .Inly foUowitig ; itntn. JONES. VALENTINE HOWARD SUTTON, Capt., Royal Marine Light Infantry, yst. surv. x. of General Sir Howard Sutton Jones. Royal Marine Light Infantry, by his wife. Katharine {Moua House, Lyme Regis), dau. of ^lajor A. Von Beverhoudt. 58th Rutland- shire Regt. : and brother to Capt. S. Jones [see Vol." I., page 210] ; b. Phnnouth, 26 Jan. 1882 ; educ. Cheltenham College ; joined the Rcjyal Marine Light Infantry as 2nd Lieut, in 1900 ; was promoted Lieut., and Capt. in 1 911 ; qualified as Spanish Interpreter in 1913 ; served on H.JI.S. Glory during the evacuation of Gallipoli, and was highly com- mended for the manner in wliich. from a position on the beach, he directed the firing of the guns from the ship : passed the Mus- ketry course at Hythe with distinction in 1916; joined the Royal Marine Light Infantry iu France in April, 1917, and died in London 8 May following, from exhaustion following scarlet fever, having been wounded on 28 April previously. His Commanding Officer wrote : *' Your sou was only with us a short time, but long enough to show what a fine fellow he was. His subalterns were ver>' fond of him. and so were his men. and we feel his loss intensely," and a brotlier officer : " We moved into the Battle of Arras ; for two days, owing to bombardment . it was impossible to get rations up ; we were suddenly rushed up tu the ;iMack. and although we were al! exhausted, Cayit. Jones did wonders in tlie \v;i\ of issues of rations, munitions and rum. For this the men were very unit. nil. He realized that the junior officers were tired. and did not ask us to di) much. He could have made us do ever>-thing, which ls the usual way." Unm. JONES. W'., Corpl., Xo. 9253, 1st Battn. The Xorth Staffordshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. JONES. W.. Acting Corpl., No. 12862. 3rd Battn. 1 he Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action at La Conture 13 Oct. 1914. JONES, W., Private, Xo. 8545, The Loyal Xorth Lancashire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; died of wounds received in action 28 Sept. 1914. JONES. \V., Private, Xo. 9906. The Lancashire Fusiliers ; served with the Exp'ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Sept. 1914. JONES, W-, Private, X'o. 8596, 1st Battn. The Royal Berkshire Regt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 19 Sept. 1914. Thomas Henry Jones \'alentinc H. S. Jones The Roll of Honour 161 Henry M. Anketell-Jones. JONES, W., Private, Xo. 7376, 2nd Battn. The South Lancashire Regt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action between 15-29 Sept- 1914. JONES, W., Private, No. 7876, 1st Battn. The Shropshire Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 25 Oct. 1914. JONES, W. E-, Leading Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. JONES, W. H., Private, No. 8962. 1st Battn. The Royal Berkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 16 Sept. 1914. JONES. WILLIAM, Private, No. 476, i:5th (Service) Battn. The Cheshire Regt., ^■. of Robert Jones, of 24, Mary's Gate. Birkenhead, Poulterer and Fishmonger, by his wife. Hannah, dau. of \Villiam Long\vorth ; b. Birkenhead, 4 Dec. 1890 ; educ. St. Mary's Church of England Schools there : was an Assistant in the Soapery. Messrs. Lever Brothers, Port Sunlight ; joined the 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Cheshire Regt. 4 Sept. 1914 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, transferring to the 13th Battn., and was killed in action 28 April, 1916. Buried in Ecoivres Cemetery, Mont St. Eloi, near Mara?uil ; unm. JONES, WILLIAM HENRY, Private, 11th (Ser\ice) Battn. The Cheshire Regt., 2nd s. of Joseph Jones, of 12. Osmond Street, Rock Ferry, General Labourer, by his wife, Sarah Ann ; b. New Ferry, co. Chester, 24 Blarch, 1889 ; educ. St. Paul's Schools, Rock Ferry ; was employed as an Assistant at Jlessrs. Price's Candle Works ; enlisted 4 Jan. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionarj' Force in France and Flanders from about the following June, and was killed in action at the Battle of the Sonime 9 July, 1916. One of his officers wrote : " It lias been a great loss to the regiment to lose so many of its good soldiers, and very hard for us to part with the fine ft-Iiows like your son, of whom we were very fond and proud." Unm. ANKETELL-JONES, HENRY MOUTRAY, Private, No. 75579, 29th Van- couver Battu. Canadian Expeditionary Force, only s. of Henry Moutray Auketell-Jones. .I.P., of Burrishoole House, Newport, co. Mayo, by his wife, May, dau. of Henry May- uard Harding ; b. Buenos Aires, 4 Feb. 1893 ; educ. Castle Park School, Dalkey, co. Dublin, and privately; went to Canada in 1911, and settled down to farming near Cliilliwack, British Columbia; enlisted in Sept. 1914, in the 104th New Westminster Fusiliers, wtiich later became part of the 29th Vancouver Battn., commonly called " Tobins Tigers " ; the regiment arrived in England June, 1915, and went to France the following Sept. ; he was killed in action 11 Sept. 1916, near Contal- niaison. v hilst digging a new trench on a britiht night. Buried in Sunken Road Ceme- tery, half a mile south-east of Pozi^res. A comrade wrote : " The officers who knew liim and his many friends all felt his loss keenly ; we all thought very highly of him." Unm. OWEN-JONES, RHODRI DEANE, Capt., :l6th Jacol>s' Horse, Indian Army, only s. of Major-General Robert Owen-Jones, C.B., R.E.. of Bryntegid, Bala, North Wales, bv his wife, Harriette, eldest dau. of the late Right Hon. Sir James Parker Deane, P.C, K.G. ; b. 14 Aug. 1886; educ. at the Royal Military College ; passed out of Sandhurst for the Indian .\rmy, and was gaz-ttcil to tiie 1st Battn. The South Lan- cuslure Kegt. {in India) 25 Jan. 1908; joined 36th Jacobs' Horse 19 March, 1909 ; pro- moted Lieut. 25 April, 1910, and Capt. 1 Sept. 1915 ; passed in the Cavalry School at Sanger and Transport course ; held Equitation certificate ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 20 Sept. 1914 : was wounded 10 Jan. 1915, wliiie com- manding liis sijuadron in the trenches, and invalided lionn- for tlirce montlis. He was killed in France 5 Jan. 1916, and buried at Abbeville. His Commanding Officer wrote : '■ Our loss can be little less than yours, for liu was loved by all wlio knew him well, and his sudden departure has been a terrible blow to us all. Speaking personally, I have lost a very capable officer, and one who has always been a good friend." The General command- ing the Cavalry Brigade said : " In the comparatively short time I have known him I had been greatly impressed by liis soldierly ability and devotion to duty ; in fact, it was liis devotion in carrjing out a dangerous duty which brought him to iiis end. That he was very popular, not only with liis regiment, but in the whole brigade and with all who knew him. I need hardly tell you. We are proud of his example, and share to the fuU in your sorrow." A brother officer wrote : " You liave the sympathy of every single one of tls ; the regiment can never be the same again, for he was the lieart and son! of everything that went on, and you can have no idea how the men loved liini." Another officer wrote : " He was the most gallant. warm-he;irted, sympathetic friend anyone could wish to have. I Iwve always thought him the finest fellow I have ever met." SAUNDERS-JONES, HENRY ST. JOHN, 2nd Lieut., 20tii Punjabis, Indian Army, s. of the Rev. David Samiders-Jones. M..A,., Clerk in Holy Orders, of Cantref Rector>', Brecon, by liis wife, Mary Grace, dau. of David W. J. Thomas ; b. Brecon, 24 June, 1895 ; educ. at Clirist College there ; joined the Brecknocks as a Private in Sept. 1914 : went to India tiie following month ; obtained a commission in the Indian Reserve of Officers in June, 1916, but reUnquished it to undergo a course of training at the Quetta Cadet College, passing out success- fully, and again obtained a commission in the 20tli Punjabis ; was sent out to East Africa in Dec. 1916, and died in the Lindi district 3 Aug. 1917, of wounds received in action. Buried at Mohamhika-Lindi. A brother officer wrote : " His brother officers all deeply regret the loss of a gallant comrade, who was highly respected and loved by officers and men. By iiis coolness and pluck under fire he set a splendid example to Iiis men, and at all times was a perfect example of a brave aud fearless leader. His absence is felt very much by everyone, as he was most capable in the field, and at all times displayed the spirit of a true gentleman." Unm. JORDAN, ARTHUR, Private, No. 9971. 1st Battn. The Duke of CornwaU's Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France; killed in action 9 Sept. 1914. JORDAN. B. E., Private, No. 7334, 1st Battn. The Gloucestersliire Regt.; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 16 Sept. 1914. JORDAN, G. O., Private, No. 8234. 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers; served with the E.xpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Sept. 1914. Rhodri Deane Owen-Jones. JORDI.V, T., Private, No. 9868, The Seaforth Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. JOSCELYNE, LAWRENCE ARTHUR, M.C., 2nd Lieut., 7th (Service) Battn. Prince Albert's (Somerset Light Infantry), only s. of Dr. Arthur .Toscelyne, of Taunton ; b. Greenwich, London, S.E., 16 Dec. 1897 : educ. Epsom College, and Trinity College, Oxford ; gazetted 2nd Lieut- in the Somerset Liglit Infantry in Nov. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1917, and was killed in action at Poperinghe 1 Oct. following. Buried at L>*ssentlioek Cemetery, Poperinghe. His Colonel wTote : "He is a great loss to the battalion, being one of our best subalterns. His courage and cheerfulness were a splendid example to all ranks." He was awarded the ililitary Cross [London Gazette, 7 March, 1918], for gallant and distinguished service in the field. JOSE, RICHARD EASTWOOD, Private, No. 30414, 8th (Service) Batto. The Devonshire Regt.. onlv ». of Frank Jose, of East End, Redruth, Cattle Dealer, by his wife, Marion, dau. of John Dawe, Fruit Mer- cliant ; b. Redruth, co. Cornwall, 8 Feb. 1894 ; educ. Redruth College ; wa.s a Farmer and Cattle Dealer ; volunteered for active service, and joined the Devonshire Yeomanry 11 Nov. 1915 ; transferred to the DevonshirV Regt., and served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 19 Nov. 1916 ; was wounded in the Battle of Vimy Ridge 9 April. 1917, and invalided home ; rejoined liis regiment tlie following Sept., and was killed in action south-east of Zonaebeke Oct. 1917. Buried where he fell. He m. at the United Methodist Church, Redruth 4 Sept. 1917, Lillian, dau. of William Dunstan of Redruth. JOWITT, C, Private, No. 10000, 1st Battn The Cheshire Regt. ; served with the Expedi- tionarv Force in France ; killed in action 2S Oct. 1914. JOYCE, E., Private, No. 8471. 2nd Battn. Tlie Connaught Rangers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Oct. 1914. JOYCE. F., Private, No. 6261, 3rd Dragoon Guards ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 6 Nov. 1914. JOYCE, J, U., Corpl. ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. JUDD, W., Able Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Buiwark 26 Nov. 1914. JUDD, WILLIAM HENRY, L.-Corpl., 8th (Service) Battn. The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.) ; b. New Southgate, co. iliddlesex, 16 Feb. 1890 ; educ. Bounds Green School ; was a Goods Clerk in the employ of the London tV North Western Railway Company ; enlisted 9 Sept. 1914 ; served mth the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 27 Dec. following ; was wounded at Neuve' Chapelle in March, 1915 ; returned to England on sick leave ; went back to France in April, 1916. and died 12 July following, from woimds received in action at the Battle of the Somme ; unm. JUDE, E. D., Private, No. 7362, 2nd Battn. The Essex Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 14 Sept. 1914. JUDGE, J., L.-Corpl.. No. 3212, 9th Lancers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in 1914. JUKES, A. G. S., Corpl,, No. 8316, 1st Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died 21 Nov. 1914. JUKES, J., Corpl., No. 52915, R.F.A. ; in France ; kilted in action 19 Oct. 1914. Richard Eastwood Jose. served with the Expeditionary Force JUPP, HENRY GEORGE, Henry George Jupp. Private, No. 6598, 3/lst Battn. The Cambridge- sliire Regt. (T.F.), eldest s. of George Jupp, by liis wife, Mary Ann, dau. of T. Gaylor ; b. Brighton, co. Sussex, 5 May, 1875; educ. Dorman's Land ; was a Nirrserv Gardener ; enlisted 24 June. 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 10 Dec. following, and died in No. 10 Casualty Clearing Station 14 Feb. 1917. from wounds received in action. Buried on the Poperinghe Road, Lyssenthoek. His Captain wrote : " He was on duty with a working party beliind the firing lines, the same shell wound- ing a comrade. Notliing I know will console you in your hour of grief, but as his Company Officer. I might say that he was a good and well-liked soldier, and died nobly for liis country." He m. at Hoddesdon^ 6 Mav, 1899, Alice Margaret (40. Brunswick Crescent, New Southgate), dau. of William Henry Sea- brook, and had four cliildren : George, b. 29 Oct. 1899 ; Ralph and Ella (twins), b. 29 Aug. 1906, and Dora, 6. 24 JIarch. 1901. JUPP, T., Ordinary Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. KAIN, W., L.-Corpl., No. 8351. 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt.; ser\cd with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 3 Oct. 1914. K.AINES, A., Private, No. 2754. 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed at Le Cateau in 1914. KANE, J.. Private, No. 6931, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds in Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich, in 1914. KANE, W. J.. Private, No. 8406, 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionarj' Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. KAVANEY, J. Wm L.-Corpl., No. 8321, Ist Battn. The East Y'orkshire Regt. served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 28 Oct. 1914. KAY, ALEXANDER, Rifleman, No. 1989. 11th (Service) Battu. The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), 3rd k. of the late Geoi^e Kay (rf. June, 1916), Coal Merchant, by his wife, ilargaret (rf. Dec. 1916), dau. of Alexander Thom- son, of Roxburgh ; b. Edinburgh, 9 Nov. 1880 ; educ. there ; was employed at the Good^ Station at Sheffield ; enlisted 23 Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from July, 1915, and was killed in action near Albert 16 Feb. 1917. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He died like a brave man in the execution of his duty, and will be a loss to the company," and the Chaplain : " Everyone speaks highly of your brother. I hope your grief will be softened by the Imowledge that your brother was a 162 The Roll of Honour Andrew Drennan Kay. WiUiaii» Fairlic Kaye. fine soldier, and crowned a cour.Tceous life liy a death of sacrillie." He wa-s a keen football player, and played full-back for St. Bernard's l>;(liiiliur'..'li I'ootball Team, also for tlie I'artick Thistle and Shellicdd United Team ; uiiui. KAY, ANDREW DRENNAN, L.-t'orpl . Xo. 10(132. 2iid ISattn. (7;lrd l''ool ) The Black Watch (Roya! Hiahlanders), 4th s. of the late 'I'honias Kav, Curling-stone Manufacturer, liv his wife.' Marsaret McKinlay (Burnside House. .Mauehline); dau. of Thomas Gibson : li. Maueliiiii.'. CO. .\yr, 13 .March, l.f'M'. ; i-dni-. I'uhlic Seliooj there; was in tin- i-mpioynn'tit ul Holiert Rogerson. (iroci-r. Kiiiuanioek. ;iiul l:ittiTl\ at his brancli estalilishnient in Newinilii- ; joined the Sth Uattn. The Cameron Hitililanders 1« Oct. liU.5 ; trans- ferred to the Itnyal Highlanders in heh. lilKi : served witli file Indian tixpedit joriary l-'orce in .Mesopotamia from the l.stli of that month, and died at .\o. :i2 llritisli lieneral Hospital. Amara, 24 .Mav. 1017. from wounds received in action at the Battle of Samara 21 April pre\iousl\-. I'.uried at ..Vmara : tuim. KAY. G. M., Bov. 1st I'lass ; lost on H.M.S. I'.nlwark 26 Nov. 'l914. KAYE, WILLIAM FAIRLIE, Private, No. 2B(>4l>li, lith ( I'l'rritorian Baftn. The lloyal Sussex llegt., .V. of John Kaye. of 14, Kina's Road, Brownswood Park. London. N., by his wife, tieorgina Lilia.s, dau. of David Inulis Gilraour : b. Glasgow, 14 March. 1891 : edue. (il.isgow High School, and Cowi)er Street Sehobl. London ; was a Commercial Clerk ■. joined the Royal Sussex Rest, in Feb. 1916; served with "the Expeditionary Forci- in ^ ^^ tw France from .July, 1917. and was killed in ^^T/ action during the advance on Cambrai 20 ^^^^L Nov. following. Buried in Gonnclieu Ceme- ^^^^^k tery. A comrade wrote : " Willie w.as grand. «^> — '—^HHW^'^v He' really was great, and did his duty fine, ilf W ^^f >, i All who were with him speak highly of him," aj ^ i If '"""' MK-S. - ' Jb^ KEAN, JOHN HERDMAN, Capt.. 1 Tith ^^ T»» -- -- -^P^ ( IriTitorial) llattn, I'he King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regt,), only s. of Major .lames Henrv Kean. of Fleetwood. J. P., by his wife, .\lice,' dau, of Cuthbert Gaidter ; b. Fleetwood, CO, Lancaster, 11 March, 1895 ; cdue. liossall School, where he was house captain, and took a prominent part in tlie School Cadet Corjis, being Coy. Sergt, -Major before he left, at the end "of julv, 1914. and was entered at St. John's College, Oxford, to read L.aw prepara- tory to entering the legal profession ; on the outbreak of war he w'as training witli the O.T.C, on Salisbury Plain ; reHirning home, he and his cousin, Lieut. C. V. Ga\ilti'r. The King's Own (Royal'Laneaster Regt.), attaclird R.F.C. (since killed on Western front), raised one and a half companies of Territorials for the 2/5th Battn. The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regt.), then commanded by his father: was gazetted 2nd Lieut, in Nov. 1914, being promoted Lieut, in 191(), and Capt. in 1917 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 1 May, 1917, and was killed in action near Cambrai 1 Dec, follow- ing. Buried there. His Divisional General (55th Division) wrote : " His conduct on 80 Nov, 1917. was siJecially noted for gallantry," and liis Commanding Offlcer, Lieut.-Col. Waite : " His bravery and good hadcrship inspired confidence in all ranks under his command, who universally ex|iress their sorrow at the loss of one who was greatly trusted and respected by them." Unm. KEARSLBY, FREDERICK, Private. No. 33140, 10th (Service) Battn. The Cheshire Regt., 2nd surv. s. of William Kearsley, of 13, Beaeonstlcid Road. Trnn- mere, Birkenhead, by his wife, Mary, dau. of William Thompson ; b. Tranmrre, CO Chester, 13 July, i894 ; edue. St, Luke's Church Schools there ; w.as employed as a Clerk in the Forwarding Department of Messrs, Lever Brothers, Port Svui- li"hf enlisted 28 Jan, 191 (;; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 June, 19H>, and was killed in action at Ovillers 20 Aug. following ; unm. KEARSLEY, W., Private, No, 82l(), Ist Battn. Tire Loyal North Lancashire Regt, ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died at No. 4 General Hospital, Versailles, in 1914. KEATING, T., Private, No, 2321, 1st Battn. The King's Own (Ro,yal Lancaster Regt,): serxed with the Hxpeditionary Force in France; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914, KEAY, JAMES GORDON, Lieut., 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Royal Warwick- shire Regt., vr. s, of Ernest Charles Keay, of Longmynd, Westfleld Road. Edg- baston, Birmingham, Ironmaster and Engineer, by his wife. Edith Helen, dau. of the late Thomas Hill, of Great Barr, co. Stafford ; 6, Edgbaston, co, Warwick, 23 Aug, 1895 ; edue, Aldro School, Eastbourne ; Charterhouse (Gownboys) (where he was a mrniber of the O.T.C' passing the examina- tion for promotion), and Clare College, Cam- l.ridgr, leaving .after one term in residence to take a commission in the 2/5th Battn, The Royal Warwickshire Regt.; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 4 Jan. 1915, and promoted Lieut. 3 .\ug. following ; trained at Northampton, Essex, and on Salisbury Plain ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 21 May, 1916 ; was seconded tor duty with the 182nd Trench Mortar Battery in June, and died at London Brigade Casualty Clearing Station 2 July following, from woxmds received in action near Neiive Chapeile the previous day. Buried at .M'^r- ville. One of liis senior officers wrote : " He James Gordon Keay. was in the same company as myself till he took u|> trench mortars: we turn. Hi- was tlie al>soluti' lif died doing his si-c(nid bra\e dr anil through. He had liiiri ,11 got to love him anil look forward to his re- of our mess, and we shall miss him sadK He 1 that niglit. and be was a brave man through i his gini single-handed under a territic fire John Herdman Kean. lUTviously, Please allow me to join in your pride ot a brjive man, wlio served l-.ngland to the end nntliiichingly," and the Chaplain : " He died a hero's death, for the men he lo\ed," His servant also wrote: "Lieut, Keay was like a brother to us all. and we would go witli him anywhere, whether in danger or not," He was fond of all sport, and while at Aldro School was in the first football and cricket elevens, and at Charterliouse he obtained his House Football and Swimming Colours ; unm. KEEBLE, R. E., Corpl,, No. 23134, 11. H. ; served with the lixpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 16 Sept. l.)14. KEEFE, E., Private, No. 799. 2nd Battn, The Welsh Regt.; se,-ved with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. KEEGEN, .1. J., Private, No. 3898. 3rd Dragoon Guards ; served with the lixjieditionary Force in France ; killed in 1914. KEELING, E., L.-Corpl.. No. 9332, 2nd Battn, The Sherwood Foresters ; served witli the Ex|ieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. KEEN, W., Private. No. .5855, The Loyal North Lancashire Regt. : served with till- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Oct. 1914, KEEN, W. C. H., Priv.ate. No. 10290. 20th Huss.ars ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in Krance ; killed 28 .\ug, 1914, KEEN, W. E., Warrant Engineer, R.N.R. ; lost on H.M.S. Cressy 22 Sept. 1914 KEEPAX, W., Private, No. 10172, 2nd Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers served witii the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 28 Oct, 1914. KEER, GEORGE, L,-Corpl.. No. 8648, 8th (Service) Battn, Tlie Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), only s, of George Keer. of 11. Scatton Road. Southend- on-Sea. (irocer. by his wife. .Margaret, dau. of Savell Mann, of Needingworth, co. Huntingdon. Farmer; b. Higli' Wycombe, co. liuckingham, 21 March, 1808; edue. High School, Southend, where he matriculated in June, 1915 ; enlisted in he following Aug. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in I'>anc(! and Flanders from July, 1916, and w.as killed in action in a wood north of Le Fleurs 7 Oct. following ; unm. KEEVIL, FREDERICK CHARLES, Private, No. 51256, 86tli Labour Coy., 2nd .<. of Frederick John Ki-ivil, of 92, Elm Street, Roath, Cardilf. by his wife, Mary; &. Hoath aforesaid, March, 1898 ; edue. Metal Street School there ; was in the employ of the .Nortli W estern Railway Company ; enlisted 4 Dec 1910 ; served with the ICxpnlitimiary Force in France and l-'landers from 5 March. 1917, .and was killed in net ion 27 Sejit, following. Buried in Jugdcots British Cemetery, east-nortb-ca.st of llunkeripie ; unm. KEIGHTLEY, JOSEPH ALBERT, Private, No. 5879, 20th Hussars, .•;. of tlio lati- Joseph Keightley, by ills wife, Anna, dau. of .lean Ijcroyer La\al ; b. Paris, i''rance, 19 ,\ug, 1891 ; liduc, Bourg de Lac, France, and Bryme Street Roman Catholic School. Hull ; was a Hairdresser and Umbrella Maker; enlisted 10 Aug, 191U ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 14 Aug, 1914, and was killed in action at Hulluch 14 Feb. 1916, by the explosion of a German mine ; Hiim. KEIGHTLEY, N., Ordinary Seaman ; lost on H,M,S, Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. KELL, W. T., Private, No, 6865, 2nd Battn, The Oxfordslilre and Buckingham- shire Liglit liifaiitrv; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 21 (lit. 1:114. KELLIE, JOHN PATTERSON, L,-Corpl,. No, 4594, 9th .(Territorial) Battn. ((ilasgow Highlanders) The Highland Light Infantry. 2nd s. of James Milner Kellie, of 181, Stevenson Drive, Shawlands. (ilasgow. Commercial Traveller, by liis wifi-, .li-ssie, dau, of the late John Pat- terson, of Aberlour-on-Spey, co. Banlf ; b. Prestwick, co, Ayr, 13 Dec. 1894, where his tather (a native of Forres) was at the time serving as a member of the Ayrshire Constabu- lary ; edue. Mearns Street Public School, (jlreenock. and .Shawlands Academy, ("llasgow ; was a Grocer; joined the 9th Baftii, I'he High- land Light Infantry 15 Aug. 191,', ; traiind at Rifion ; served with tlie Expeditiimary I'orce ill I'niiirr and Flanders from 29 April, 1916, jiidwa- killed in action near Bouchavesnes, nil thr Sumine. 7 Feb. 1917, after a successful midnight skirmish with the enemy, when, acting as Corpl. of the stretcher-bearers' section, they received the order to come up the rear trench to tend a few dead and wounded comrades in the front trench. Buried in M.adame Military Cemetery, one mile north-east of Clery-sur-Somme'. and three miles north-north- we? t of Peronne The Chaplain wrote : " We buried him some way back from the lines in a cemetery where it would be most difflcult for the Germans ever to drop a shell on account ol its peculiar position. The funeral service was reverent. ... 1 will never forget the respect paid to the noble dead lad by officers and all on that cold afternoon there on the side of a mountain. He was well known in the regiment, and much respected by all who knew him. It w,as onlv yesterday my guide, who was in the Highland Light Infantry, told me how he admired your son," and 2nd Lieut. W. M. Andrew : " He was doing his duty as a stretcher-bearer in a splendid manner, attending to wounded who had taken part in a successful raid on the Germans. His courage and devotion to dutv should prove an example to us all." L.-Corpl., P. Devine also wrote : " On the night of 7 Feb. your son and his party went into the sap to take care of the wounded, and at 11^25 tlie word was passed tor stretcher-bearers to attend to some wounded in the front line, and your son and anotherbearer were proceed- ing down the sap when a shell burst on the side of the trench, killing your son outright. ... I have been in the stretcher-bearers with your son for the past ten months, and must say he was highly respected and liked by everyone." Viim. KELLIE, T., Private, No. 1990, 1st Battn. The King's Own (Royal L,ancaster Regt,) ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. KELLY, B. D., Private, No. 10839, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 21 Oct. 1914. KELLY, D., Private. No. 10712, The Royal Irish Regt. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; died of wound's 10 Oct. 1914. KELLY, E., Private, No. 9694. The Durham Light Infantry; served with the i;xpeilitioiiary Force in France; killed in action 18 Oct, 1914. KELLY, J., Private, No. 7274, The Cameron Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. KELLY, J., Able Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 20 Nov. 1914. John Patterson Kellie. The Roll of Honour 163 KELLY, Jm Private. Xo. 1888, 1st Battn. The Irish Guards; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. KELLY, JOSEPH FRANCIS, Ueut.-Col., R.A.M.C. 4th .f. of Bernard Keily, Barrister, of Shannon View, Athlone, by his wife, Helen Adye, dau. of John Adve Curran ; h. Dublin, 22 Feb. 1869 ; educ." Tuliabey, and Clongowes ; obtained a ronimission 13 .Ian. 1892; served in India (Queen Victoria's .Medal with three bars), and afterwards in tlte South African War 1899-li)(i2 (<^iien's Medal with five bars, and Kinfi's Mnlal witli two bars) ; he was also mentioned in De- spat rhes in the Chitral Campaign 1895 ; in Aim. 1914, served with the Expeditionary I'onr in France and Flanders, in command of tlie 11th Field Ambulance; was sent out ill (iiartje of the No. 26 Casualty Clearing Station, with the Mediterranean Expedi- tionary Force ; took part in the lauding at Suvla Bay ; at the evacuation he was pro- niotc'd to A.D.M.S., 29th Division : was sent to Cnj'e Helles ; took part in evacuation ; ictiinied to England, and was again sent to Joseph Francis Kelly. I'Vaiue ; invalided home June, 1910, and (iii'd 122 Aug. following at Salisl.iiry, of ilhiess contracted on active service. Buried ;it Salislnir\-. Hi' \\a-^ twirc laciitioiHd in Despatches by F.M. Sir John (now l.onh Kren.h [London (Jazctt'-s, I'.i Ort. 1914, and 22 Jime. 19i:i| : also by Sir Ian Hamilton [London Gazette, 2H Jan. llUfll. for gallant and distiimuisliiti service in the field. He m., 1st, at Galwav. LS'.Mt, Edith, dau. of Kiehanl o'lieillv, M.O., and 2ndlv, at Dublin. Cecilia, dau. of Gerald Mitchell, M.D., J.P., and had a son. Bernard, b. 17 July, 1914. KELLY, P., Private. Xo. 1402. The Royal Scots; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 12-15 Oct. 1914. KELLY, PHILIP JAMES, Sapper, No.. 37838, 7th (Service) Battn. The Leicestersliiri- liegt.. eldest s. of the late Joseph Kelly, by his wife. Margaret, dau. ot the late .)anns Hulme ; b. Stockport, 1 May, 1885 ; educ. Edgeley Uoman Catholic Schudi tliere; was apprenticed as a Stone Mason; joined the East . Lancashire 11. 1-^. 2 JIarch. 191(5 ; transferred to the Leicestersliire Regt. 18 Dec. ; served with the Expeditionary Force from Jan. 1917, and died at No. 10 Casualty Clearing Station 2 Oct. following, from wounds received in action at Polygon Wood. Buried in Lyssenthoek Military Cemetery, one and three-quarter miles south-west of Poperinghe. One of his officers wrote : *' We were very sorry to lose him. as he was a good soldier and popular with both officers and men." He m. at St. Mary's Parish Church. Stockport, 4 Aug. 1909. Elizabeth Hannah (5, Mahood Street, Edgeley. Stockport), dau. of William Jackson (and Elizabeth Ann) Downs, and liad five children ; Philip and Doris (twins), b. 24 .A,pril. 1913 ; Norah. h. 26 May, 1911 ; Margaret, b. 18 Dec. 1915, and Vera. b. 7 Oct. 1917. KELLY, R., L.-Corpl., No. 9127, 2nd Battn. The Duke of Wellington'.s Regt.; .served witli the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. KELLY, Sm Private, Po./3793, Royal Marine Light Infantry; killed in 1914. KELLY, T., Private, No. 6625, 1st Battn. The Royal Irish Fusiliers ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 18 Oct. 1914. KELLY, W., Private, No. 2903, l.st Battn. The Irish Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 22 Sejit. 1914. KELYNACK, RICHARD HENRY, 2nd Lieut.. 1st Battn. (32nd Foot) The Ihike of Cornwall's Light Infantry, only s. of Capt. Richard Henry Kelynack, of Loch lirtjom. Newly n. Penzance, Harbour Master, li\- his wife, Edith, dau. of Waiter Semmens ; /y.' Poplar, London, E.. 29 Jan. 1897 ; educ. Thomas Street School, Limehouse. E. ; entered the Civil Service in 1912 ; joined the Honour- able .\rtillerv Companv 12 Julv, 1915 ; was gazrtti'd 2nd Lieut. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 22 May, 1917; served with the i'-xpeditionary Force in France from June following ; was reported wounded and missing after the Battle of Yprfs 4 Oct. 1917, and is now known to liave been killed in action on that date ; unm. KEMP, ALAN FORSTER, Private, No. 811115. 19th Battn. (St. Pancras) The London Regt. (T.F.), -s. of William George Kemp, Sliipwright and Barge Builder, by his wife, I'.mily Joan, yst. dau. of Oliver George West- field, of Sittingbourne ; and brother to Rifleman A. H. Kemp ig.i'.): b. Lower Hal- stow, CO. Kent. 22 Feb. 1897 ; educ. Christ Church School, East Greenwich. S.E. ; joined the 19th Battn. The London Regt. in May, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action on the Sommc 1 Jan. 1917. Buried at Bedford House by the 14th Field Ambulance : unm. KEMP, ALBERT HENRY, Rifleman. No. 4822. 21st Battn. (1st Surrey Rifl.'s) The London Regt. (T.F.). s. of William George Kemp, Shipwright and Barge Itnilder. by his wife, Emily Joan, yst. dau. of Oliver George Westflelrt. of Sittiiigbiiiiriie ; and brotlier to Private A. F. Kemp (?.t'.) ; b. Lower Halsiow. CO. Kent. 22 May, 1892; educ. Boreman Foundation Royal Hospital SihuuN, Greenwich, S.E. ; was a Printer ; enlisted 13 Feb. 1916 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action during an attack on the German position at High Wood 15 Sept. following. Buried there ; unm. KEMP, ERNEST CHARLES, Lieut., 9th (Service) Battn. Alexandra. Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regt.). attd. R.F.C., eldest s. of Ernest Harry Kemp, of 8, Arodi'ue Road. Brixton Hill, S.W^, by his wife, Edith Marion." dau. of Charles Sutton Watkins ; b. Camberwell, London, S.E., 25 June, 1892 ; educ. Alleyn's School, Dulwich, S.E, ; subsequently entered the Atlas Life Otfice, and was studying for the examinations of the Institute of Actuaries when war broke ■out ; obtained a eoTnmissioa as 2nd Lieut. The Yorkshire Regt. 7 Dec. 1914, and was promoted Lieut. 23 May, 1916, wlien he was attached to tlie R.F.C., obtaining his Observer's certificate 24 Aug. following ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 26 Aug. 1915, and was killed in action behind the German lines between Lens and Hulluch 6 Sept. 1916. Major K. G. Cherry wrote : " He was patrolling the lines, and crossed to attack a hostile machine. While doing so the machine was sliot down. Both pilot and observer were seen to fall out of the machine after an explosion in it, which was i)robably caused by the petrol tank blowing up. ... He was a very fine fellow, always ready to do anything he was asked to — and to do it well." Unm. KEMP, Richard Henry Kelynack. George Kemp. GEORGE, Private. No. 12599. 14th (Service) Battn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), 3rd s. of thr- late Peter Kemp, of Dipple, Fochabers, Farm Manager, by his wife, Isa (:i8. Hawthorn Road, Elgin), dau. of James Sellar ; 6. Drainie, CO. Moray. 30 Oct. 1889 ; educ. Milne's Institu- tion, Foci)abers ; was a Constable in the I^anark-shire ConstabiUary : enlisted in July. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from June, 1916, and was killed in action at Beauchamp, between Cambrai and Peronne, 24 April, 1917. Buried there. A comrade wrote : " He wa.s acting as stretcher-bearer, and was killed by a bursting shell while bandaging up a wounded man in a shelMioIe. All the boys are giving him the highest praise for the good work he did in the early stages of the attack." Unm. KEMP, H., Private, No. 8571, 3rd Battn. Thi Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the i:\pcdiiii.uarv Force in France; died of wounds Ui Oct. 1914. KEMP, J. A., Shipwright, 2nd Class; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. KEMP, J. E., Private, No. 9096, 2nd Battn. The Dake of Wellington's Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died 24 Aug. 1914. KEMP, JOHN BAIN, CorpL, No. 2867. 6th (Territorial) Battn. The Seaforth Hiuhlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's), eldest .s-. of John Kemp, by his wife. Margaret, dau. of ( — ) Bain; 6. Forres, co. Elgin. 22 Dec. 1885; educ. Findhorn ; was a Salmon I'islier : joined the Seaforth Highlanders 25 Dec. 1914; served with the Ex|icdifionary Force in France and Flanders from July. 1916, and was killed in action at Beaumont Hamel 13 Nov. following. The Chaplain wrote : " At first he was siiiiUtly wounded, and although he was advised to retire and have his woiiini^ dressed, he was very jilucky and refused. He went back again into aetioti and was killed." He" m. at Forres, Mary Ann (Braeside. Findhorn), dau. of Capt. George Bremner, Master Mariner, Findhorn ((f. 30 June, 1910). and had six children : Alexander Barron Bremner, b. 3 Oct. 1900; .John Bain, b. II March. 1912; George Bremner, b. 15 Dec. 1915 (rf. 28 Jan. 1917): Christina, b. 11 Aug. 1906; Maggie Jane, b. 18 April, 1908, and Mary Ann. b. 21 Feb. 1910. KEMPSTER, W. H., Sergt.. No. 5562, 12th Lancers ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed 10 Sept. 1914. KEMPSTON, JAMES CAMPBELL, Sergt., No. 77726, 15th Canadians, attd. 48th Highlanders, Canadian Expeditionary Force, s. of the late Rev. William Augustas Kempstou, Rector of Bally, Vurly, King's County, by his wife, Mary, dau. of Henry Campbell : b. Dublin, 15 March, 1871 ; educ. Benson's School, Rathmines, Dublin ; enlisted in May, 1892. in the Seaforth Highlanders ; served in India and the Soudan (Medal), and afterwards in the South African War 1899-1902 (Medal and clasps) ; on the outbreak of war re-enlisted ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Ypres 3 June, 1916. Capt. Spottiswoode wrote : " I have always liked him. and he has invariably borne an excellent character in the regiment." He m. at Fcrnic, British Columbia, in 1906, Olive Georgina. dau. of William Earls, of Dublin, and had three cluldren : Lancelot Campbell, b. 4 June, 1911 ; Vera Agnes, h. 4 July. 1907. and Iris Mabel, b. 29 Aug. 1908. KEMPTON, THOMAS, Private. No. 14079, I.i'wis Gun Section. 14th (Service) Battn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), s. of Thomas Kempton, of lianlcside Hoase, Old Kilpatriek. Wine Mer- chant, by Ids Avife, Helen Knox, dau. of William JIcNeil ; b. Old Kilpatriek, Glasgow, 4 Jan. 1895 ; educ. Gavinburn Public School, and Allan Glen's School ; was employed as a Clerk in the Commercial Bank of Scotland ; enlisted 29 Oct. 1915 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 5 June. 1916. and was killed in action at Beaueamp 24 April. 1917. Buried where he fell : nnm, KENDRICK, HADEN MOSTYN, 2nd Lieut.. The South Stalfordshire Regt., attd. Royal Flying Corps, s. of Henry Haden Kendrick, of York Aven\ie, Wolverhampton, Solicitor, bv liis wife, Annie Mostvn, dau. of Thomas Kempton. Stephen Roberts, late of Chester; b. Wolver- hampton. 10 June, 1891 ; educ. Wolverhampton Grammar School, and Wellington College (Salop), and on leaving the latter in Sei)t. 1908, was articled to his father, and passed his tinal examination in 1913. at the age of 22, and was admitted a Solicitor on is l>ci f.. Mowing. After the outbreak of war he joined the 5th Battn. The South Stalturdshire Regt-. with a number of *' old bovs " from Wolverli:im|>ton Grammar School ; went to France with his regiment at the beginniiii; of March. 1915, was given a commission the same month, and acted for a time as Interpreter to the battalion ; then served in the trenches tor five or six months. He was subsequently invalided home, after beini: in Iii)-,pital in France and in England for over a month. For a time heser\ed witli the third line of the 5th Battn. at Grantham. Derby and Cattcrick llritlge. In July, 1916. he was transferred to the Royal Flying Corps, and i|uiekly acfiuired a good deal of experience in aircraft, both dual and solo flying, at I'hetford (co. Norfolk) and Huntingdon. On 18 Sejjt. 1916. while flying solo, apparently something' went wrong with lus aeroplane, for he struck some trees, causing an accident which resulted in the plane being completely wrecked, and in his being in:;tantaneously killed. Buried at St. Philip's Churchyard, Penu Fields. Wolverhampton, with militar\ honours. An escort of officers and men of the Roval Flying Corps at Thetford l-ruunht his body to Wolverhampton and attended the funeral. His Flialit-Coniniander. Capt. G. R. Elliott, wrote : " He was (luite one of the keenest otticers I have had. and I am sure would have made a first-class pilot, and his death will be a loss to the Flying Corps." • KENNARD, E., Private. No. 78f>4. 1st Battn. The Hampshire Regt.; served with the I';xpe^ much to tell vou that vour son has been killed. He had only lately joined us, but I chose him to be s'econd in command of a company, as he was a very fine officer. We all miss him verj' much." Unm. KENNY, W., Corpl., No. 10070, 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. KENT, A., Private, No. 6876, The Coldstream Guards ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 1 Sept. 1914. KENT, J., Sergt., No. 6647, 2nd Battn. The Lancashire Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 18 Oct. 1914. KENT, WILLIAM EVAN, Signaller, No. 54071, B Batter\', 58th Brigade, R.F.A., eldest s. of Evan Kent, of 89, Romillv Road. Canton, Cardiff, Engine Driver, by his wife, Annie, dau. of William Branch ; b. St. Nicholas, near Cardiff, 5 April, 1899 : educ. there, and was subsequentlv apprenticed on a merchant ship ; joined the R.F.A. 23 Nov. 1914 ; served with the Mediterranean Expedi- tionary Force at Gallipoli from April, 1915 ; took part in the landing there, and in the evacuation in Jan. 1916, during which he was nearlv drowned by being capsized into the sea : proceeded to Egj-pt. where he took part in several engage- ments: was drafted to France in June, 1916, after having been in hospital for some time, suffering from trench sores and septic poisoning, and died at No. 3 Canadian General Hospital 20 Oct. 1917, from wounds and gas poisonintT received in action at Poelcappelle. Buried at Boulogne ; unm. KENT, WILLIAM WOKSLEY, Private. No. .^.161, 20th (Service) liattn. The Royal Fusiliers (City of i,(.iidnii Kegt.). attd. 11th (Service) Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt., elder «. of Williani Wursley Kent, of 24. Chandos Roiid. Chorlton- cum-Hardy, and 92, IX-an-gate. .Manchester, Jeweller and Silversmith, by his wife, Margaret, dau. of ivtir Hooker; b. Chorltou-cum-Hardy, Muneliester. 10 June, 1898: educ. St. Margaret's Schools, W^halley Range, Manchester; joined the Universities and Public Schools Battn. of the*Royal Fusiliers in Dec. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in F'rance and Flanders from 7 Sept. 1917, being attached to the 11th Battn. The Sussex Regt.. and was killed in action at (Jheluvclt 7 Nov. following. Burled in Lyssenthoek Military Cemetery ; unm. KENWARD, Em Private. No. 10151, 2nd Battn. The Royal Sussex Regt. ; 8er\'ed with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 16 .Sept. 1914. KENYON, T. E., Armourer's Crew ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. KEOUGH, M., Private. No. 3894, 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 2 Nov. 1914. KERNS, A., Private, No. 15347, 1st Battn. The- Royal Fusiliers; served with the ICxiniiitionary Force in France ; killed in action 22 Sept. 1914. KERR, HAROLD, Private, No. 866, 13th (Service) Battn. The Cliesbire Regt.. 2nd a. of the late Peter Kerr, by his wife, Margaret (152, New Chester Road, Trauraere, Birkenhead), dau. of Peter McNuIty ; /;. Birkenhead, co. Chester, 30 Ajiril, 1895 ; educ. St. John's Churtii Schools there ; was employed in the frame room at Port SunlJirlit : enlisted in Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war ; ser\'cd with th'- ICxfieditionary I'oree in Franc4' and Flanders from S.pt. 1915, and was killed in act ion Li .May. 19111. while carrying despatches to headquarters. Buried at Ecoivies. near Mont St. ICloi ; unm. KERR, HENRY THOMAS ROSS, 2nd Lieut.. 8th (Service) Battn. The Queen's Own (Cameron Highlanders), only a. of Henry Francis Kerr, of 12, East Clare- mont Street, Edinburgh, A. R.I. B. A., Architect, by bis wife, Ada, dau, of the late .Tohn Geagan ; b. Edinburgh, 18 Oct. 1895 ; educ. George Watson's College there; was training as Chartered Accountant; enlisted in the Royal Scots Regt. in Nov. 1914: obtained a commission 25 June, 1915; w:is appointed Assistant Instructor in the Young Oflicers' Training Corps of the Highland Brigade at Kichmond, co. York ; ser\-ed with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flandrr-i from Feb. 1916 ; was reported missing 30 June, 1916. while leading a boniliiiig party at the Hohenzollem Redoubt (Ben Nevis Sap), and is now officially assumed to have died of wounds 3 July, 1916. His Colonel wrote: " Your son most gallantly led his party right up to the German wire, and, accord- ing to one man who took part, he and a few others actually succeeded in entering the German trench. This I cannot vouch for, t>ut that lie snccei^ded in reaching the wire at all in face of the terrible rifle, machine-gun and bomb fire, was a feat demanding the highest courage. On finding tJiat his jjarty was so reduced in numbers, your son adopted the only course that was open to him. He and his party bombed the German trench, and then he gave the order to retire. From that time onwards I can get no definite information as to wiiat haj)pened to him. It was a very bad bit of ground between the two lines, full of shiil-holes, disused trenches and broken wire. When the party returned he was found to be missing. Patrols were sent out that and the following nights, but no trace of him could be found. His men who were with him and his brother officers in his company are not hopeful of his chances. I put it plainly as it appears to us. On the other hand, there is the fact that he was not to be found; and might possibly have been wounded and captured. But whether he is now alive or wiiether he died in his gallant attempt, the fact remains that he carried out his orders to the letter in face of most terrible opposition. Before starting his party became disorganized through the explosion of a mine ; shells poured on them from every direction, but in spite of all he led his men over our parapet and inspired all with his gallantry and devotion to duty. As liis Commanding Officer, I can't speak too highly of all his work, and I deplore the loss in him of one of the keenest and most reliable officers in the battalion." Unm. KERR, J., Private, No. 557, 9tli Lancers ; ser\*ed with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 31 Oct. 1914. KERR. JAMES ELKIN, Lieut., 202nd Coy., Machine Gun Corps, only s. of the late John Kerr, by his wife, Mary A. (widow of the late John McSweeney, of The Diamond, Cardonagh, co. Donegal), dau. of Stephen Butlpr; b. Cardonagh aforesaid. 22 June, 1893 ; educ. Skerry's College, Belfast, and Dublin ; was employed in the Bank of Ireland at Newry, co. Down ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 11th Battn, The Yorkshire Regt. 3 June, 19i5, and promoted Lieut, subsequently transferring to the :\Iachine Gun Corps ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from April, 1916 ; was wounded at Ypres, and again at the taking of Guillemont, and died 10 Sept. 1917, from wounds received in action. Buried in Oost-Dunkerque-Bains British Cemetery, north of Dunkerque. His Company Commander wrote: " His loss will be greatly felt. He died as he lived, a gallant soldier." Unm. KERR, JOHN, General Servant; lost on H.M.S. Rohilla 30 Oct. 1914. KERR, W., Private. No. 13706, The Grenadier Guards ; sened with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 14-16 Sept. 1914. KERR, WILLIAM, Private, No. 106066, Machine Gun Corps, 3rd «. of George Lawrence Kerr, of St. Martin's Gate,. Haddington, by his wife, Christina, dau. of William Paterson ; h. Longnewton, Last Lothian, 5 Aug. 1890 ; educ. White- kirk School ; was a Plougliraan ; enlisted 25 Feb. 1917 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 5 Aug., and died in No. 55 General Hospital, Boidogne, 6 Oct. 1917, from wounds received in action. Buried in Wimereux Communal Cemetery ; unm, KERRIGAN, T., Private, No. 4197, 1st Battn. Tlie Irish Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died 6 Sept. 1914. KERRIN, FRANCIS, Private, No. 2362, 2/lst Highland Cyclist Battn. (T.F.), attd. 16th (Service) Battn. The Highland Light Infantry, «. of the Rev. Daniel Kerrin, of Maravnie, Dufftown, and 16, North Silver Street, Aberdeen, Episcopal Clergyman, by his wife, Margaret, dau. of Richard Elual Doubleday ; b. St. Helens, co. Lancaster, 25 April, 1897 ; educ. St. Maman's Episcopal School, Aberchirder, and Robert Gordon's Technical College, Aberdeen, where he wa& when war broke out ; joined the Highland Cyclist Battn. 18 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from July. 1916, being for a time attached to the Black Watch, and subsequently as a stretcher-bearer to the Highland Light Infantry, and was killed in action on the Somme 18 Nov. following. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was one of my stretcher- bearers, and proved himself a fearless and cheerful worker. The battalion was in action on the day, and he was out dressing and bringing in wounded wiien he liimself was struck. One of his fellow stretcher-bearers saw him fall and went to bring him in, when he was struck and killed. Later on in the day your boy was brought in, but died shortly after. I cannot tell you how sorry I am to have lost him." Unm. KERRY, Cm Private, No. 8085, 2nd Battn. The Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 1 Nov, 1914. KERRY, EDWARD, Private, 2nd Battn. (7th Foot) The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Kegt.), « of the late ( — ) Kerry ; b. Wattisfield, co. Suffolk, 19 Nov. 1891 ; educ. Parochial Schools there ; was subsequently employed at the The Roll of Honour 165 Westminster Gas Works, London ; joined tlie Territorials 26 April, 1909 ; volunteered for foreign service, and enlisted in tlie Koyal Fusiliers after the out- breal! of war • served in Malta, and with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 6 Jan. 1915 ; took part in the Battle of Neuve Chapelle in March ; the fl^htini" at La Bassee on the 25th ; reinforced the Canadians at St. Eloi 22 April^ toot part in the flghtins at Armenti res in July, and the Battle of Loos in Sent and Oct.. where he was gassed and invalided home, being subsequently discharged as medically unfit for further service, and died at Wattisfield 12 May, 1916, from the result of the gas poisoning ; unm. KERSHAW, H. J., Private, No. T930, 1st Battn. The Scots Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 28 Sept. 1914. KERSTEN W. R-, Private, No. 8463, 2nd Battn. The Worcestershire Bx?gt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 28 Oct. 1914. KETCHEN A., Private, No. 8707, 2nd Battn. The Seaforth Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France: killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. KETTLE D , \ctinn Sergt., No. 7777, 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action at La Couture 13 Oct. 1914. KETTLE W., Sergt., No. 9186. 2nd Battn. Tlic Koyal Sussex Regt. ; served with the E'xpe'ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 10 Sept. 1914. KETTLEWELL G., Private. No. 9765, 1st Battn. The East Lancashire Fusi- liers ; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914.' Rifleman, No. 5722/392245, 9th Battn. (Queen Victoria's Rifles) The London Regt. (T.F.), elder s. of Walter Charles Kew, of 9, Marquess Uoad. Canonbury, N., Royal Engineers, by his wife. Helena, dau. of William Henry Barlow : b. in London, 20 Nov. 1897 ; educ. at Tavistock Hill, N.W.. and on leaving school eiiliTid the ortices of Messrs. Anderson, Ander- son \- Co., Ship Brokers, where he served under the direction of Sir Alan G. Anderson, K.B.E. ; joined the Queen Victoria's Rifles in Nov. l'.il.'> ; >.rved with the Expeditionary Force i!i Iraiicr and Flanders from the end of Dec. r.Uil. \\liartner of the firm of A. G. Kidston A Co., (;las'_'OW, London. Montreal and New York, liv his wife, Cecilia, dau. of Robert Little ; /.. llrlcnsburyh alor.-aid. Feb. 1879; educ. I.anlilic 111 Si huul th. ri . and The Leys School, ( aiiibridge ; ^iibsi-quently spent a year in Iratu-e and tJcrmatiy before entering his tathir's oflicc in 1899, in which business he I M-ntually became a partner, and was assist- ing in the management of the London branch w Tien war broke out ; joined the Public Schools ISattn. in Sept. 1914 ; was gazetted Jiiil l.iiut, Hth Battn. The Argyll and Suther- I Hill Highlanders 3 Nov. following, being ]ii"iiioticl I. lent, .and Capt. early in 1915; ^rrvi-d with the Expeditionary Force in Fratiei; from June, 1915, and after five montlis in the tn iiches was invalided to hosjiital ; was appointed Camp -Adjutant at Rouen on ri rovir\. whiih pn-t lir held for 15 months, when, being anxious to re>uiue active service, he was attached to the 8th Battn. of his regiment, ami ciieii in the Red Cross Hospital at Le Touquet 8 Aug. 1917, from wounds reiei\eil in action near Ypres 31 July previously. Buried at Etajiles. The Comniandin..; Ulhcer of the yth Battii, wTOte : " Whenever I asked for volunteers for service overseas he was alwaxs the first to do so. He was a particularly keen and elRcient officer, and a gail.ant gentleman, sincerely liked bv all ranks and by no one more than by myself." and the Lieut, of liis company in the 9fh Battn. ; " He was my Com- panv Commander, and was sinipiv loved by us all, both orticers and men." The Conmianding Officer of the 8th Battn. also wrote : " Your son was one of the most conscientious officers I have had. W^hatever he did he did thoroughly. He and his company did wonderfully well in the attack. They had a most important I>art, and any failure on their "part would have upset all the arrangements for the attack. It was a difficult attack, and to your son bilongs the credit of having got it going exactly in accordance "witli the instructions, ami thereby ensured a great success for the battalion," and a brother oflicer : " I know no one who displayed a more constant or consistent devotion to duty. 1 shall always retain the remembrance of a very gallant comrade in arms." Unm. KIFF, G., Private, No. 7695. 1st Battn. The Devonshire Eegt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 21 Sept. 1914. KILBOURN, G. H., P.O., 1st Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. KILLICK, F., Private, No. 7363, 1st Battn. The Dorsetsliirc Regt. ; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 22 Oct. 1914, William H. C. Kidston. Charles E. D. King. KILLICK, JOHN RAYMOND, L.-Corpl., No. 8035, 19th Battn. (St. Pancras) The London Regt. (T.F.), 4th s. of Thomas William Killick. of Southfleld, Bow- don, and Manchester, J. P., hv liiswife, Euphemia Margaret, dau. of John .MjTtle, of Dunham Massev ; b. Altrincham, co. Chester, 2 Jan. 1899; educ. Dunchurch Hall near Rugby '; Repton School, and Manchester University, where he gradu- ated B.Sc. with Honours in 1910 ; went to India in 1912. where he was employed ,13 an assistant with Messrs. Burn & Co.. Engineers. Calcutta ; joined the Calcutta Light Horse in 1913 ; returned to England, and joined the 19th Battn. The London Regt. in 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died 3 Oct. 1916, from wounds received in action on the Somme. Buried near Albert ; unm. KIMBER, W., Private, No. 7792, 1st Battn. The Hampshire Regt. ; served with the i:xpedition.ary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Aug. 1914. KING. A.. Drnmnier, No. 7743, 1st Battn. The Lincolnsliire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Aug. 1914. KING, C, Private, No. 7926, 1st Battn. The Cheshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 18 Sept. 1914. KING, CHARLES EUSTACE DICKSON, M.C., Capt.. 2nd Battn (105th Foot ) The K ing's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), elder s. of Col. Charles Dickson King, late Koval Field Artillery, by liis wife, Evelyn Mane, dau. of Ernest Alers Hankey. of Notion House, Lacock, eo. « ilts ; b. at tiie Roval Military Academy, Woolwich, 1 .April, 1888 ; educ. St. Jlichael's School, Westgate-on-Sea ; Wellington College, and the Koval Militarv College. Sandhurst ; joined the 2nd King's Own (Yorkslure Light In- fantry) as 2nd Lieut, at Sheftield in Dec. 1906,'successively moving to Aldershot in Dec. 1907, Cork in Oct. 1910, and to Dublin in Sept. 1913 ; was promoted Lieut. 1 Jan. 1912, and Capt. 14 Jan. 1915. The outbreak of war found him temporarily seconded as Second in Command of the otii Divisional Cvclist Cov. at the Curragh; he requested permission' to join his battalion, but tliis was not granted ; landed at Ha\re 18 Aug. 1914 ; was present at the Battles of Mons, Le Cateau, the JIarnc, the Aisne, La Bassee, and the First Battle of Y'pres, after wliich he took command of the 5th Divisional Cyclist Coy. On 10 March, 1915, he went as A.D.C. to 'Sir John Keir, but this was afterwards cancelled, and on 16 April he reioi>'''''■'*■. b"J remained on duty, and w.as killed in action near Bethune at 10^30 on the night nf 11 Oct 1916 bv a stray shot, wu e jumping over the parapet to go out to a wYrinc party ■ Buried in a cemetery at Cambrin, four miles east of Bethune. Cant Kin- was three times mentioned in Despatches (London Gazettes, 19 Oct. m4 n Feb. 1915 and 1 Jan. 1916] by F.M. Sir John (now Lord) French, for gallant and distinguished service in the field, and "'f.^^'^ldedMie Military Coj. II ondon Gazette 13 Jan. 1916] for services in the field. He n-as in UmV, elling- ton-?I and the Racquet VIII. also in the Sandhurst XL, and a member ot the I Z Free Foresters aSS Yorkshire Gentlemen Cricket Clubs. In 1912 and 1914 he and Cap? A c' G Luther won the Military Doubles R.aequet Clumpioiislup at Prince's Club. He was well known in the hunting field in Ireland ; unm. KING, CYRIL WILLIAM, 2nd Lieut., Machine Gun Corps, attd. The Lancashire Fusiliers, onlv s. of the late William Jessop King. Inspector, Jletropolitan Police, by liis wife, Annie Louisa (Barton-under-Needwood), dau. of ( — ) King ; enlisted in the Leicester- shire Regt. as a Private in Sept. 1914 ; served with the regiment in Ireland the follow- ing year, and was made Sergt. in 1916. being' transferred to the Jlacliine Gun Corps ; received lus commission 25 Aug. 1917, and was gazetted 2nd Lieut, of the same regiment; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 13 Oct. of the same year and w,as killed in action north-cast of 'Poelcappelle 10 Nov. following. Buried where he fell. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was an excellent officer, and got on well with his men. We buried him where he fell, • a gallant soldier's grave.' " Cum. KING, E., Seaman. (R.N.K.) ; lost on H.M.S- Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. KING, G., Private, No. 0775, The South Lancashire Regt. ; served with the Exjieditionarv Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Sept. 1914. KING, GEORGE, 2nd Lieut., 9th (Service) Battn. The Suffolk Rest.. \T s. of Herbert Charles King, of Hunstanton, Civil Servant in the Inland Revenue Department (retired), by lus wife, Julia, dau. of the late Robert Pratt, of Wing- laud, Terrington St. Clement, co. Norfolk ; h. Stamford Hill, London, N., 30 Sept. 1896; educ. Private School, Clapton Common, and King Edward VII. Grammar School. Iving's Lvnn ; was a Bank Clerk at Diss ; joined the 1st Public Schools Battn. The Royal Fusiliers in June, 1915 ; served with the Expedi- tionarv Force in France and Flanders from the following Oct. ; was badly gassed near La Bii.ss6e on 13 Feb. 1916. and, being recom- mended for a commission, returned to England in Mav ; trained at Cambridge, and was gazette'd 2nd Lieut. The Suffolk Regt. 26 Sept. 1918 ; returned to France 30 Oct., being attached to the Divisional Scouting Coy. m Jan., and wiis killed in action on the Hulluch Road, near Vcrmelles, the night of 12-13 Feb 1917. during a raid on German dug-outs. His Colonel wrote : " I am particularly sorry to lose your son, :is he was a most excellent officer ; brave, very keen on his work, and getting on very well. I think lus greatest pleasure w'as when he was p.atrolling well out by the German lines. Cyril William King. George King. 166 The Roll of Honour ervcd Xov. trans- Nov. ; Wlien I s'liM'tr-d liiiii to join the rahlins pnrty he was very plcii-si'd, and told me it was just wliat lie would likr. and thaiikrd me for choosinij: liini. On the 11th inst.he iiskrd me whether he rould take part in a nmioii red raid to take place in the future." and another : " The raid was unsuecesslul. and he was killed by the gXplosion of the niohlle eluirge : it was iin|io*--tl>li- to hrinj; his lio(iy hark to our lines, owinu to the eiwualties amonj;st the raiding part\." I'nm. KING, H., Musician ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 20 Nov. 1914. KING. J„ Private. So. 7846. 2nd liattn. The Seaforth Highlanders ; with tile Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 2:j Oct. Iitl4. KING, L., Provisional Seaman (K.N.K.) ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 20 li»14. KING, P., Private. So. <>K2:i. 1st Battn. The Uoyal Berkshire RcRt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action JO Sept. 1U14. KING. SIDNEY WALTER, Private. So. .->(>5.^. 14th Batln. (London Scottish) The Loudon Heat. (T.F.). >■- <>f Walter Kiny, Dairy Manauer : b. Epping. 27 Aug. 1891 ; cduc. Kirkdale Uoad Council School. Leytonstone. E. ; enlisted in Nov. 1915 ; served with the l-Ixpcditionary Force in France and Flanders ; was slightly wounded while acting as stretdier-bearer, and later contracted trench ((-vcr. but after having recovered returned to his regiment Aug. lOKi; was wounded and gassed at the Battle of the Soninie 7 Sept. following, and died of wounds at Caniiers on the 17th. Buried at i;tap!es ; mini. KING, T. G.. Warrant Mechanician ; lost on H.M.S. Aboukir 22 Sept. 1914. KING, W., Acting Engine Room Artificer, 4th Class; lost on H.M s r.iiluark 26 .Nov. 1914. KING, W. E., Ounner; lo^t on H.M.S. Bulwark 2fl Nov. 1914. KING, WILLIAM, Private, No. 599:,. 2nd Battn, (12th Foot) The Suffolk llegt.. .V. ot .lohu King, of Stradisliall, near Newmarket, co. Suffolk. Farm Labourer, by his wife. Naomi, dau. of .loseph (ioodchild ; h. Stradisliall aforesaid, 13 -Aug. 1877: educ. there; was a Fitnn Lalnjurer ; enlisted 22 .Lin. 1902; served four years in India, also with the ICxiifditionary Force in l-'rance and Flanders from 1914. and was killed in action 2 March. 19Ui ; unm. KINGDOM, A., Sergt.. No. 788(1. 1st Battn. The |).-vonshire Kegt. ; served with the Expeditionary Forci- in France; killed 17 Sept. 1914. KINGDOM, WILLIAM W., Gunner (acting); lost on H..M.S. (iuod Mope I Nov. 1914. KINGDON, ARTHUR FRANCIS, ('apt., iitli (Si-rvice) Battn. I'lie York and Lancaster Kigt.. ."ith surv. >. of William Edward Kingdon. of Beinerton. Jiuxtoti. co. Oerby, by his wife. Annie, dau. of James Lock; h. Shcmeld. 28 .March. 189(1; educ. Trent College, co. Derby : joined the Public Scliools Camp at Epsorn in Sept. 1914 ; frrnil to the Inns of Court O.T.C. in was gazetted 2nil Lieut. Ihe York and Lan- ejister Bogt. 15 Jan, 191.'i ; promoted ('apt. in Dec. 1910 ; served with the Egy|)tian Expeditionary Force in Egypt from Jan. litHt. when' he took part in actions against the Turks on the Suez Canal; ])n)ceeded to France the following July; took part in tlin liu'htim: on the Soninie in Sejit.. being then •-'i\eri lommanrj of his company ; was wounded in Jan, and invalid'-d home; returned to France in Aug. ; took i)art in the fighting for rhr ridges to the east of Y|>res. and was killed in aetion at the Third liattle o\ Ypres 9 Oct. 1917. while leading Ids company. Buricci wliere he ft-M. Mis Commanding Oljieer wrote: " He was always tlte li'V aiic became attached ttt the West African Frontier Force (Gold Coast Kegt.) in Oct. 1917: sailed under orders for the West African Coast in S.S. Cnigetii :u Oct. 1917. and was drowned at sea when that vessel was sunk with all on hoard on or about 9 Nov. f)nowin2. His bodv was found on Lun^i Island, an uninhabited Island off the West Coa>t of the Isle" of Mull. 22 Dec. foil.. w- ing, and he was buried at Tobermory on Christmas Dav, 1917 : but lus bod\ w.is disinterred and re-buried with full militarv honours at Paddington CeuMtt rv Wdlesden. X.W., on 6 July. 1918. Electi-d a Fellow of the Koval Colonial Innitute in Sept. 1917, and was also a mt-mber of the Roval Colonial Institute Lodge; he received the freedom of the City of London in Oct. 1917. He was also a member of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, in which Inn of Court he had resided from his early boyhood ; itnm. Arthur Francis Kingdon. George W. A. Kingham. Leonard Arthur Kingham. KINGHAM, LEONARD ARTHl'R, 2nd Lieut., mh (Service) Battn. Thc- Prineess Charlott.- of Wales's (Koval Berksliire Kegt.). elder s. of Herbert Arthur Kingham. of Crooksbury. Beading, by lus wife. Jcannie. dau. of John Lonsrlale ; /;. Heading. 21 May. 1H97 ; educ. at Oakham ScIkioI, where he was a member of the O.T.C. for four years, and was enteri-d at Clare College, Cambridge, but. owing to tlie war. passed into Sandhurst in 191.1 ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. Li Aug. 1910; served with the l';xpi May. 1917, after taking part in various engagements, and invalided into hospital in l*'rance ; on recovery rejoined his regiment. and was killed in action 11) Aug. 1917. whih- moving up at night in supp()rt against tin* enemy's counter-attack near Y[mcs. IJurled near Ypres. His Commanding Otlicer wrote; " Vour soil has dour .xcllint work with tins battalion. His platofui was well organized. and he always hanilled it well. His loss is. di'ejdy regretted hy all," and flu- Adjutant: "It may interest yon to know that a M ijor of the licdforil-*. wliom we were going up to ri'iieve when your son was killed, in sending in lU"^ rejiort ut tie- aetion. stated tJiat one of the finest sights he hid seen in the war w.is thi- platoons of A Coy. 0th Battn. The Royal Berkshire Kegt, marching through the Bochc barrage of five, nine and eight inch, as though thiry were on parade. It was going through this barrage that your son was killed." Unm. KINGSBURY, ROBERT THOMAS, Privati;. No. 31997, 9th ^Service) llattu. The Uoyal Welsh l-'ustliers. s. of Henry John Kingsbury, of B;Lsing Place. Peekhani.. London. S.K., bv his wife, Amelia Sarah, dau. of ( — ) Roberts; h. Peckham, S.E., 9 Nov. ^^^■^^^ I IH97 ; edue. Sumner Road School there; was ^^fl^^^^V Groom; enlisted about .Inly or Aug. 1915; ^^^^^F^f^W s-rvcd with the IO\peditionar>' Force in Franc(^ ^^^^^KS£t^^f ''"'^ Flanders frnm No\ . \\\\'^, where he acted ^^BHP'^^^^ as a Scout, and wa^ killeii in action 20 Nov. ^k^H^' K 19m. A comrade wrote: "As his Sergt., I y^^*^ feel his loss very keenly, as he was one ot ' my smartest boys, as he was such a fi-arle-ss- iind bright young fellow, and a good soIdiiT. .\t present 1 am in hospital, hut I hope to be- back with the liattalion. Kol)ert was killed l»y a shell whilst waiting for a message deli- vered down at Head'iuarters : this liapiiencd in the front line, and if it is any meagre com- fort in a cjise like this, your sou sulfered no- pain, and he died like a trui- Briton at duty's- I>ost. The renuunder of the lads in my section join in with me in sending theii deepest sympathy." Unm. KINGWELL, RICHARD S.\MUEL, L. -Sergt.. No. 1888, 4th South African: Infantry (Scottish Regt.). s. of the late Samuel Kingwell (killed in action, during the South African War), by his wife, Knuna, dau. of G. Fenton ; ft. Cape Town. South Africa, 3iv May, 1885 ; educ. at St. (Jcorge's Catliedral (Iranmiar School. Cape Town; was a Clerk at the General Post Otfice at Cape Town ; enlisted 10 Aug. 191.T ; served with the lv\|)editionary Force in Egyi)t. also in France aricl l-'Iaudcrs from 5 Jan. 19l(i, ami was killed in action at Gouzeanconrt 19 k\\%. 1917. His Chaplain wrote : " I buried your imsband yesterday ; the 2nd Regt. of our brigade provided a burying party and also a tiring jiarty ; si'veral otlicers ot his battalion were present as a nuirk of res|i.(i and an expression of sorrow at his deatli and loss. At the ( on- i-lusion of the service thre<' volleys were fired. ^'our dear one was highly resjiected by both ofiicers and men. He did his liuty nobly tc> the hist." He m. at Woodstock. South Africa. 30 Oct. 1912. Annie ((i9. Andierst Road, Pennycome.piick. PIvmoutii), dau. of William Kingwell, and had a dau., Marian Eleanf)r. b. !."> Ajiril. 191G. KINNEAR, R., Si-rgt., No. 995. R.E. ; served with tlie Kxprditionarv Force in France: killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. KINSEY, J., Private. No. 8(549, 2ud Ii;rftn. The Duriiam Light Infantry ; served with the Kxpeditionar yForce in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. KINSLEY, JOHN WILLIAM, Private, No. 19073, 12th (Service) Battn. The Prince of Wales's Own (West York-shire Kegt.), a. of Thomas Kiuslry. of Newton- on-Ouse. CO. York. Hu.sbandman. by his wife, Mary Jane, dau, of Thoma.s Snow- don ; h. Newton-on-Ouse, co. York." 1 May, 1895 ; "iduc. Shipton School ; volun- tarily enlisted 27 March, 1915 ; .served with the Ex|ieditionary Foree in France and Flandc-rs from 1 Nov. 1915. and was killed in action at Diekehuseh 7 Feb. 19H>. linried in the cemetery there. The Vicar of his parish stated that strong letters commending his bravery from the Lieut, and Sergt. of his company were rccrived ; nmn. KIPPS, HAROLD EDGAR, Wireless Telegraphist. K.N.V.R.. elder b. oi Arthur Edgar Kipps. of 3, Allpcrt Road, Brockley, S.E.. Pianoforte Dealer and Importer, by his wife, Ada Selfe. dau. of John Clarke; ft. New Cross, London. S.E., 18 July, 1891 ; educ. Strand College School, Strand, W.C. ; was employed as a Clerk in the External Engineers' Dcpartnuuit of the (ieneral Post Otfice: joined the R.N.V.R. 22 Yif^o:. 1915 ; served on the Dover Patrol for a time, and lost when his ship was Robert Thomas Kingsbury. Richard Samuel Kingwell. subsequently on a mine sweeper in the Irish Sea, and was 1 sunk by a mine 25 March, 1917 ; unm. , No. 7425, 1st Battn. The Shropshire Light Infantry ; Force in France ; killed in action 2:i Oct. 1914. served KIRBY, J., Private with the Expeditiona KIRBY, WILLIAM JAMES, Private. No. 46341. 17th (Service) Battn. The Welsh Kitit.. n(l Lieut.. 6th. attd. 3rd, and later 1st, i'.jittii. The KiHr lirinadc (Thi- I'riiin- Cnn^ort's Own), eldest and only surv. .■;. of Charli-s rr.d.rirk Kirkhuid. ol May (.'ottat^e, 7, Braeside Avenue, Rutlier- mUu. ni.ir (ilas^ow. Engineer and Spindle- niiiki-r. and lii-^ wife. Edith, dau. of the late William llottoiiil.v, of Sad(il<^worth. co. York ; /.. ItntliriL'Irii a(..r(s;iid, -^1 s.-j.t. 1895; educ. Xorth Ka-^trrii ('..iirity Srh.iol. U.'irnard Castle, where he attaint'd j.osition uf iR-ad monitor, and secured school leaving scholarship tenable at one of tlic universities, after which he pro- ceeded to Emmanuel College. Cambridge ; was a member of the Cadet Corj)s wliile' at liarnard Castle School, obtainint:; Certificate *■ A " in 1913. and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. The Rifle Brigade 28 Nov. 1914 ; served with the lixpoditionary Force in France and Flan- ders from June. 1915 ; wjis invalided home in Aug., sulfering from an attack of fever ; returned to France in Feb. 1916, when he was attached to the 1st Battn. ; was reported mis'^in': aft'T the fighting at Mailly Maillet 1 .hily lolluwing, and is now assumed to liave keen killed in action on tiiat date. A brother oflicer wrote : " He will be a great loss to our company, he was always so conscientious in every way. I feel that it will be a great thing for you to' know that he was recommended for the V.C. two days before, for staying out a long time just in front of the German line with a man wounded while trying to penetrate into their line. He and a sergeant got the man back safely." and another : " Your boy was not the least of the heroes who fell on that fateful morn." A Corpl. also wrote : " Your son was in command of I Coy. after our captain was wounded ; he was shot through tlic head. He was a very good otfieer and well liked by tlie men, and the men would go any- where with him." KIRKMAN, HENRY JAMES. Rifleman, 12th Battn. (The Rangers) The Lon- don Regt. (T.F.), yr. x. of the late Henry James Kirkman, Works Manager, by his wife, Clara. 5th and yst. dau. of tlie late Capt. Jacob James, of Abercarn House, Abercarn, Monmoutlishirc Artiller>' ; h. Swansea, co. Monmoutli, 30 Nov. 1896; educ. Grammar School there, and was subsequently apprenticed at Messrs. Baldwin's, Ltd., Iron and Steel Works, Swansea ; joined the Rangers in Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from May, 1916, and died 2 July following, from wounds received in action at Gonnnecourt the previous day. Buried in Warlineourt Haltc Cemetery. The Chaplain wrote: "Any man who took part in tliat great attack is a liero. They did splendidly, " f'mti . KIRT!>AND, W.. Private, No. 8078, 2nd Battn. The Oxfordshire and Bucking- hamshire bight Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killi'd ill actiim 21 Oct. 1914. KITCHING, W., Private, No. 9599, 1st Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt.; servi-d witli tlie lixpeditionarv Force in France ; died of wounds at Armentilres 21 Oct. 1914. KITSON, A. E., Able Seaman ; lost ou H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. KITTLE, C. E., Signal Boy ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. KITTLE, HUGH JAMES, Private, No. 88308, 46tli Field Ambulance, R.A.M.C. >. ot Irederick Kittle, of 1.^3. Wood Street, Walthani.stow. by ids wife, Kmily, dau. of James Boughen ; 0. Walthamstow, co. Essex. 4 Au-, Ada Soj'hia Wilhehnina, dau. of Thomas B. Wakeii.ld: h. St.ilybridge.'eu. Chrst.i. 4 .Mar.Ii. is!i2 ; educ. Leighton Park School, Reading ; was a])preiitieed to tlu- Iirs^l.riKik Sjiinning Company, and after- wards became seentary to the firm : joined the inns of Court O.T.C. in Oct. 1915 ; obtained a commission 11 May. 1916: was promoted Temp. Lieut, in Sept. 1916, and Bombiim Instructor: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from March, 1917, and was killed in action 7 June following, by a shell, when leading his men into action, in the attack at Messines Ridge. Buried there. His Colonel wrote : " He was a brave and noble fellow, beloved by all iiis men. to whom In- always set a fine example of courage and devotion to duty. 1 shall feel liis kiss kii.uly. as he had endeared Iiimself to me during the all too short time b'- was with us.'* Unm. KNOWXES, ARTHUR YALDEN, Lieut.. R.F.A., yst. s. of the late Yaideu Henry Knowles, liy his wife. Ada Jane (Heath Hall, Thursley, Godalming) ; b. Heath Hall aforesaid, 20 July, 1896 ; educ. (.'hartcrhoiLse ; jiassed into the Royal Military Academy. Woolwich, in 1914; w;is gazetted 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. 10 Feb. 1915. and promoted Lieut, in Aug. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders : took part in the taking of Aimy Ridge, the Battle of the Sonmie, and died at a base hospital 26 Aug. 1917. from wounds received in action, liuried in Etaples Military Cemetery ; nnm. KNOWLES, WILLIAM HENRY, Private, No. 242401. l/5th (Territorial) Battn. The York and bancaster Regt., only *. of John William Knowles, of West Lawn. Harrogate; /;. Harrogate, eo. York, 3 Sept. 1892; educ. Western and Hnrst Colleges there ; assisted his father in business ; joined the Yorkshire liragoons (Yeomanry) 1 Nov. 1915, and was subsequently transferred to the York and Lancaster Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Dec. 1916. and was kilKd in action at Passchcndaele 9 Oct. 1917. Buried where he fell. His Platoon Comniaiidrr wrote : "... 1 should like to add that I found in him a stout and willing --uldier, and at the time of lus death he was in charge of lus platoon." Unm. KNOX, J., Private, No. 7594, 2nd Battn. The Essex Kegt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 13 Sept. 1914. KNOX, JAMES, Private, No. 24713. Lewis Machine Gun Section. 10th (Service) liattii. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 4th. a. of George Wilson Knox, of Rosario, Ballyfermot. Motor Engineer, by his wife. Bridget, dau. of the late Jolm Do\Ie, of Ballyfad. Inch ; b. Ratbpieree, Ballyfad, Incii. Gorey, co. Wexford, 25 Feb. 1898 ; educ. National School there, and Christian Brothers' Scliool, Dublin ; was a Clerk; enlisted in Nov. 1915; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Aug. 1916, and was killed in action near Miraumont 26 P'eb. 1917. Buried there. Lieut. Higgins. M.C.. wrote to Capt. Wilson : " His death was a grave loss to my party, and was much regretted by the otficers and men of his comi>any, for, as you know, he was mo.st popular with all who knew him. He was a i»lucky man, and I am unable to describe my appreciation of his gallant eonduet and good work while under fire, save that lie "died the deatli of a gallant Irish -oldier." Unm. KYDD. CHESTER BISHOP, 2nd Lieut., 7th (Service) Battn. Tlie Bedford- sliirc Regt.. only .s\ of Jolm George Alexander Kydd. of Dunreeva. Colcraine, Dental Surgeon, by lus wife, Jessie, dau. of De Jlott Bishop : b. Leavenwortli, Kansas, L'.S.A., 31 May, 1897; educ. Academical Institution. Colerainc, and Larne Grammar Scliool, where lie was studying when war broke out ; was 168 The Roll of Honour gazetted 2nd JJeut. The Bedfordshire Kegt. IS .Iinie. liUJ ; served with tlie Expeditionary Foree in Fianre and rianders from .hi!y, I'JUi. and was ivilled in action at Clicrisey 3 May, 1917. Col. G. O. Mills wrote : " Your son w;ui a most ■gallant oltieer any our common Irish blood ; but he endeared himself to both otficers and men by his never-failing clieerlulncss. . . . His men are almost inconsolable." Unm. KYLE, THOMAS, Private. D9th (late 14th) Battn. Australian Imperial Force, s. of John Kyle, Bricklayer, by his wife, Anne : b. Johnstone, near Glasgow, 22 Aug. 1881 ; educ. Cubitt Town, Greenwich, S.E. ; went to Australia, where he was emijloyed as a Carpenter: joined the 50th Battn. Australian lininrial Force in Feb. 1916; proceeded to England to finish his training on Salisbury Plain; served with tiie Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Oct. 1916, and died 19 Dec. following, from wounds received in action ; unm. LAFONTAINE, FERNAND EMILE LOUIS, Private. No. S/lC79fi. C Coy., 7th (Service) liattn. The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, only child of Louis Lafontaine, of 2lU, Darnlev Street, Polloksliiiliis, iJlasgow, by his wife, Berthc, dau. of Emile Henry; fo. Pollokshields, GlasL'nw. ;!() Sept. 1893; educ. at St. Aloysius' College. Garnethill, Glasgow; was riii|4o\i(l at the Central Agency, Glasgow ; enlisted 25 Dec. 1914 ; served with the Lxjieditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was seriously wounded in the operations at Loos 25 Sept. 1915, and died at Woolwich Military Hospital 19 Feb. 1910. Buried in Eastwood Cemetery, Thornliehank, near Glasgow ; num. LAIDLAW, W.. Private. No. 7090, 2nd Battn. The Scaforth Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 14 Sojjt. 1914. LAIGHT, J., Private, No. 13324, 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Kegt.; served with the ExjH-ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. LAING, J. Y., Private. No. 2472, 1st Battn. The Black Watch; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 19 Nov. 1914. LAIT, F., Corpl., No. 14049, 48th Heavy Battery. R.G.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds received in action 11 Sept. 1914. LAKE, E., Private. No. 7789, 1st Battn. The Bedfordshire Begt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. LAKE, F. J., Shoeing Smith, No. 58773. 52nd Battery, K.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in I-'rance ; killed in action 11 Sept. 1914. L.\KE, T. J., Sergt.. No. 7007. The Lincolnshire Regt. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; died of wouncis 27 Oct. 1914. LAKE, WILLIAM EWART RUNDLE, Private. No. 15183. 10th (Service) Battn. Tlie Devonshire Begt., 2nd s. of the late Henry Albert Lake, Bootmaker, by his wife, Selina (3, Albany Place, Plymouth), da\i. of the late Charles Rundle ; b. Plymouth, co. Devon, 21 March. 18S1 ; educ. Public School there, and St. Luke's Training College, Exeter ; was an Assistant .Master at the Plymouth Public School ; enlisted 1 Jan. 1915 ; served witli the Salonika Army from the following Sept., and was killed in action in Salonika 10 Feb. 1917. Buried there. Major Kenneth Browne wrote : " He must have found in.iiiy of the experiences we have had very trying and difficult to get tlirough with, but lir always stuck them out with the best, and he did his duty bravely and i-niiseimtiously right through from start to finish. In tlie end hv met liis death instantaneously and unflincliingly in one of the stitfi-st liizhts tlure has been out here, and so added his name to the roll of those who lia\'e died bra\ely for their (country." He was an enthusiastic swimmer, being a member of the Plymouth Amateur Swimming and Life-Saving Society, and won many prizes, including the Promenade Pier Cup, presented'to the society by Mr. W. H. Kay. which he won in 1900, 1904 and 1912. when it bicaine Jiis own iiroperty. He m. at the Presbyterian Cliurch, Plymouth. 29 July. 1907. Nellie ((/. 27 Sept. 1913). dan. of John'Davis ; s.p. LAMB, FREDERICK ERNEST, D.C.M., Coy. Quartcrmaster-Sergt., No. 12944. 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Kegt., attd. 4tli Nigeria Ki-gt,. 2nd s. of James Lamb, of 1, Lyndlmrst Koad, Wood Green, N., Housi- Ortorator, by his wife, Emily, dau' of John Silvester; b. Wood Green, London, N., 1 April, 1893 : edue. Bounds Green Boys' School : enlisted 17 March, 1912 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 4 Aug. 1914, where he took part in much severe fighting, and was taken jirisoner by the Germans in Nov., wlu-n lie, with two other men, advanced from ins own trench towards the front line of the enemy : he, however, cleverly lured tlie Gcrnums into the English lines, under the pretext that h'* was helping them to make a good discovery, and, as a result, escaped from custody" and made prisoners of his captors ; was invalided home in Aug. suffering from shell-shock : rejoined lus regiment at Devonport 4 Oct. 1910. and after serving two years in France was offered home service, but volunteered for service in Africa ; left for Lagos. West Africa, Oct. 1910, as an instructor of native troops : was subsequently attached to the 4th Nigeria Kegt., with which he served in German East Africa from about Christmas, 1916. and was killed in action at Kibong Hill 24 Jan. 1917. Buried near the scene of action, ten miles south of the Kiver Kufigi. JLajor C. E. Roberts wrote : " Jt was on the evening of 24 Jan., and part of this battalion had gone out as reinforce- ments to a force that had met a larger body of Germans than they had expected. Coy. Quartemiaster-Sergt. F. Lamb's Coy. — No. 13 — was the first to arrive, and the half that was in front on the ])atli immediately jiushed on when the enemy opened a heavy fire on the hard-pressed rearguard, and extended their men to oppose the Germans. Your son was splendidly cool as he walked about encour- aging the native soldiers, quite regardless of "his own safety, and it was while he was calling up a machine gun that he was mortally woundl-d, shot through tlie Iimgs, and died soon after. The action lasted for about one anleir>' all." He III. at Hyderabad, lieeean, India, 28 Feb. 1911. Lilian Constance slieila. dau. of Sir l;leorge Casson Walker, of 55, Wilbury Road, Hove, K. C.S.I., late Financial .Adviser to Nizam, Hyderabad. Deccan, and had two children ; Geoffrey Roy, b. 13 Jan. 1913, and Frances .\ileen, b. 30 Jan. 1915. LANE, F., Mechanic ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 20 Nov. 1914. LANE, HENRY CLARENCE HORSBRUGH, M. A., 2nd Lieut., 11th (Service) liattu. 'The Border Regt., s. of Mr. and .Mrs. John Macdonaid Lane, of Bevonia, Kew Road. liichmoud. CO. Surrey; b. at SMlenhani, S.E., 10 Dec. 1886; educ. Dean Clo^e School. Cheltenham, where he obtained an i:xhihition ; graduated at St. John's, CaTut. ridge taking Second Class Honours in tile ('la>-iea! Trijios and a JIusieal Scholar- -hii) ; la Id a liigh aitpointment in the Govern- ment Kdiieationai Department in the Fede- rated ^lalay States for nearly five years ; in 1910 lie "asked leave to return to England tn join the Forces. He trained at the Ollicers' I :ei< I Corps. Newmarket; received Ins com- 1111 — Inn in four and a half montiis. on 19 Dec. 1917 ; ordered to France in I'eb., and was killed in action in the Nieuport Battle 10 July, 1017, falling at the head of his men after having gallantly led them through the herievt shell fire to the support of another company The Capt. of his company wrote : ■■ \\'ho can express the loss we have all sus- tained '? How he was loved by everyone, and how he did his duty like the brave fellow that he was y Can I ever forget how chcerfid he w;is when the orders came, and how he looked at me when he left me, saying, ' Cheery 0, sir," then led his men away ? X better officer I have never had, a firmer friend I can never hope for, so I trust I may be allowed to share in the grief that this letter miLst bring you, and to otl'er on behalf of the orticers and men of Jiis coni[iany our deepest and most heartfelt sympathy in your distress." The Chaplain wrote : " I had knowm your son ever'since he had joined our regiment, and am intensely sorry to think he has been taken away from us. I believe lus men and ail the orticers had the greatest respect for llim, and one of them was telling me yesterday how- he was seen walking fearlessly round with his head up. encouraging his men in the thickest of the bombardment on that memorable day, 10 July. He will be a great loss to us." Mr. I^anc's father was an officer in the Indian Navy, and served in the Persian War, 1850, and Indian .Mutiny ; uiim. LANE, J., Private, No. 8817. 2nd Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 24 Oct. 1914. LANE, PERCY ERWALD, Lieut., Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, 'The Canadian Expeditionary Force, 2nd v. of the late Colonel Cecil Newton Lane, C.M.G., resident in Cephalonia, and his wife ( — ) (Rycote House, Leaming- ton, CO. Warwick), dau. of the Hon. and Rev. F. Bertie ; educ. Malvern College ; served during the South .African War 1899-1902 (Queen's Medal and clasp) ; went to Canada from thence; joined the Princess Patricia's Canadian Liglit Infantry in 1914 ; gazetted Lieut. ; arriveil in ICiiglaiid Oct. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flaiuler^ ; was rejtorted wounded and missing after the "fighting at the Second Battle of Yprcs, and is now assumed to havr lirrii killed in action in .May, 1913. Coy. Quartcrmaster-Sergt. Allen, of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry : " The last seen of Lieut. Lane ■was in tlie firing trench leading his men on like the true soldier he was, for he was a man who knew not the word fear, and he was beloved by all who came in contact with him." Uiim, LANE, R., Ahle Seaman : lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 20 Nov 1914. Henry Clarence H. Lane. LANE, R., Private, No. 7167, 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire^Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. LANE, W., Private, No. 11814, The Grenadier Guards ; served with the Expcdi- ti onary Force in France ; killed in action 24 Sept. 1914. LANE, WILLIAM ALBERT, Riflemam Machine Gun Section, l/21st Battn. (1st Surrey Rifles) The London Regt. (T.F.). «. ol ( — ) Lane ; b. Marylcbone, Loudon, N'.W., 19 Sept. 1890 ; educ. there : joined the 1st Surrey Rifles in March, 1910 ; served in the European War, and was killed in action 15 Sept, following. He m. at St. Mary Mag- dalene, Paddington, W.. 22 April, 1910, Agnes Mary, dau. of Horace Walter Newman ; s.p. L.ANG, JOHN, M.M.. L.-Corpl., No. 6032, 8th (Service) Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps, s. of William Lang, of Victoria Villa, Broomberry Drive, Gourock, eo. Renfrew, Plumber and ironmonger, by his wife, .\nnie Crawford, dau. of Robert Milne, of 21, Glen- view Terrace, Paisley; 6. Gourock, 18 .April, 1894 ; educ. Gourock Central School, and Greenock Higher Grade School : entered into business with lus father : enlisted 25 Oct. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; was awarded the Militarv Medal [London Gazette, 23 April, 1916), "for gallant and meritorious service at Blangy, near Arras, liaving rescued wounded imder" a heavv trench-mortar bombardment, and died 15 Sept. 1916, of wounds ri'ceived in action north-east of Delville Wood. Buried at Bronfay Farm Military Cemetery, north- east of Bray-sur-Somme. His Commanding Officer wTOte: "He died of wounds received in action and did llis duty nobly. In this ease it was a dangerous duty, which, as always, he was carrying out with courage and devotion. The whole of his company was very sorry to hear the sad news of his death." Unm. LANGAN, EUGENE, Gunner, No. 101180. lioval Field Artillery, s. of John Langan, of ' Weston, Duleek. co. Meath, Coachman, by his wife. Mary, dau. of Eugene Redmond ; and brother to Corpl. J. Langan (also killed in action) ; b. CO. Kildare. 7 March. 1890 ; John Lang. educ. Ma\ilooth National School ; enlisted Oct. 19i5 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died of wounds received in action 20 Sept. 1916; imm. LANGAN, J., Private, No. 7097, 1st Battn. The Shropshire Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. LANGDON, FRED, Private, No. 21815, 15th (Service) Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers, vr. s. of James Polvblauk Langdon. of Blue Atiehor. St. Enoder, CO, Cornwall, by'his wife, Kezia, dau. of Richard Rundle ; b. London, 12 Aug. 1891; educ. Central Foundation Schools; was subsequently employed in a Wholesale Drapery Warehouse ; enlisted in Oct. 1914 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 1915, being attached to a Trench Mortar Battery, and was killed in action near Yprcs on the night of 11-12 Oct. 1916, after a bombing attack on the enemy. Buried in the British Cemetery about a mile and a half north-north-west of Yprcs, called Essex Farm: unm. LANGDON, WILFRED MAX, Capt., 10th (Service) Battn. The Cheshire Regt., vr. .«. of Edward Langdon. of Silverlands, Altrincham, by his wife, Ada. dau. of Max Hesse ; b. Manchester, 14 Feb. 1889 ; educ. Rugby (Scholar) ; University of Munich, and New College. Oxford (History Scholar), where he won a First Class in the Final Classical School in 1910, and a First Class in the Historv School in 1911; subscquentlv went into residence at Toynbee Hall, being called to the Bar (Inner Temple) in Jan. 1913, and w.as to have commenced practice on the Northern Circuit when war broke out ; joined the Public Schools B.attn. The Middlesex Regt. as a Private in Sept. 1914 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. The Cheshire Regt. 28 Dec. following; promoted Lieut. 1 March, and Capt. 26 Sept. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France and Flanders from Se|;t. 1913. and was killed in action on the Vimy Ridge 21 May, 1916. His brother Captain wrote : " Y'our son was brave beyond words and most cheerful up to the monient of his death. The men of the company he was in charge of, all that is l^.-ft of them, one and all speak of him as someone wonderful and extra- ordinary," and his Orderly ; " He died like the man that he was. I had been with lu'ni as llis orderly ever since he came ; we liad a most trjing time. The Germans had poured s'hells into us like rain ; i* is marvellous how we lived in it — very few did. But I and Capt. Langdon managed to come out all right, but then tliev came over in hundreds. Capt. Langdon got together what men we had left and we niaiiag.d to hold them ; but how he got killed w.as, he stood on tlie jiarapet ami shontitl. ' Come on, lads, do your best ; they are coming.' His death has cast a gloom over both battalion and company, as he was a pure soldier and every inch a gentleman, liked by everyone who knew him." Unm. LANGFORD, C, (Jimner, No. 68754, R.F..\. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 21 Sept. 1914. LANGFORD, W., Private, No. 9104, 1st Battn. The Bedfordsliire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franc-? ; died of wounds 20 Sept. 1914. LANGFORD, WILLIAM JOHN, Corpl.. No. 2763, 2nd Life Guards, s. of the late John Langford, of Portarlington, Farmer, bv llis wife. Harriet, dau. of Richard Cox ; b. Galwav, 3 Jan. 1S95 ; educ. Portarlington, Queen's County ; enlisted in Dec. 1910 ; "served with the Expeditionarv Force in France and Flanders from Aug. 1914, and was killed in action 28 Dec. 1916, while working on the road at Thiepval. Buried in the cemetery at Englebelmer. His Commanding OHicer wrote : " Y'our son has been in my squadron for a very long time. I knew' him very well, both as a soldier and a man. He is, indeed, a great loss to us all. 1 want von to know how really highly he was thought of. both in llis squadron .and in his" regiment. Ho had aiwavs done splendidly out here, and had set such a fine exaniple to the men. I feel I liavc lost a good friend as well as one of my best young corporals. If he had been spared he would liave risen high." Unm. LANGLEY, E., Private, No. 7050, 2ild Battn. The South Staltordslure Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 1 Oct. 1914. 170 The Roll of Honour LANGSFORD, TOSTI, Privat Kast Vorkshirr Host., t-ldi-st x. i CO. Cornwall. Farnt'T. Uv his Tosti Lan^sford Rupert A'.wyn Lant^stafF No. 42:i00, atli (Trrritoriali IJiittn. Th.? oi Itojzrr l.iinv!sford, ol" Cloiivr, St. Dominic, wile, I'ollv, liau. ot John .Matthews, of Mrthcrill , b. 2it Jan. 1897 ;educ. St. Dominic ; was a Hor>*oinan on liis father';- farm; joined the K.K.A. 2 Ann. 1916; transferred four months later to tlic East Yorkshire lie;*!. ; si-rvfd with the Kxpeditionary Korce in France from 12 Jan. 1917 ; was wounded the following .liilv, hfinir in liospital for a sliort time; on i.(ii\try rfturneerience. He had iilcnt\- of pluck and did his job calmly and well inubr shell lire. He will be a big loss to the battery, :is he was one of those men one can't afford to lose." Utnii. LANGWORTH, HAROLD SAMUEL, 2nd Lieut.. 3/8th (Service) Battn. The Border Kegt.. .V. of tl>o late SamutI 'Ihnnias Willsdon Langworth, by his wife, J ulia Knirna ; b. Fulliam, London, S.W..24 .Nov. 1870 ; educ. ChrLst's Hos- pital ; joined the London Kitle Brigade l:J July, 1910; obtaincMi a commission 26 June, 1917: served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action on the Meuin Road, east of Ypres and near Inverm-ss Copsi-. 9 Sept. 1917. Buried in the Briti.sii Cemetery. Belizian Battery Corner. .V brother othcer wrote: " Itnuiy be some slight consolation to you in your terrible loss to know how much la- was liked by both oflic^TS and men, who, in the short time that he was with ns. have all learnt to appreciate lum and his sterlmg qualities." He m. at Barnes, London. S.W.. 17 June, 1909. Florence Kthel (12. I.einster Avenue. East Sheen, S.W.), dau. of Walter Barker, and had two sous : .\ntony Harold, b. 30 Aug. 1913, and Peter Maurice, b. 27 July, 1916. LANKEMAN, F., Driver, No. 70210, R.F.A. ; served with the K.vpeditionarv Force in France ; died 23 Oct. 1914. LAPISH, CHARLES, Private. No. 27763, mih (S.Tvieei Battii. The King's Own (York- sliire Light Infantry), yst. x. of the late Ceorge Lapish. by his wife, Mary .Ann (36, Clarkson Street." Kaveiisthorpc, ' Dcwsbury, CO. York), dan. of J. S. Thom^json ; b. Asselby, CO. York, 11 June. 1888; educ. Mirfield, and at Heckmondwike : was an Analvtical Chemist ; enlisted 29 Feb. 1916 ; serv<-d with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Dec., and was killed in action as he was going to the trenches near Polvgon Wood 23 Oct. 1917. Buried there. Private Lajiish was a i>opnlar amateur actor; unm. LARBY, HORACE FREDERICK. L.-Corpl.. No. :;72J^8. Stii J'.attn. (Po^t Otlice Billes) 'Ihe London K. gt. ( l.F.). eld.-st .s. of l-Yederiek Larbv. of 2(t. Cordon Road. Hornsev. London, N.. by his wife. Alice ; b. Hornsey," N.. 1897 ; educ. Camjibourne Schools there : was a Clerk: joined the Post Oltici- Killes in Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expt Feb. 1904. L.ARRARD, H., Private, No. 2601, 2nd Battn. The Manchester Kegt.; served with the i;\peditioiiary Force in France ; killed in action 9 Sept. 1914. LASKEY, GEOFFREY ARTHUR, L.-Corpl.. Leicestershire Yeomanry (T.F.). *■. of .\rthur Bartrum Laskey, of 265, Clapham Bead, London. S.W., Government Olhcial, by liis wife. Kat^?, dau. of John BeiT. of Exeter ; b. Loudon. 9 Sept. 1896; educ. Upper Tooting High School ; was employed in Farming ; joined the Leicestershire Yeomanry in Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war; served with file Kxpeditionarv Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 23 Dec. 1916, by tlie bursting of a shell while he was sleeping in a hut. linrjed in the l-inglish Cemetery at Ovilliers : urun. LAST, W.. Corpl.. No. 9742, 2nd Battn. The Hoyal Irish Kegt. ; served with the Kxpeditionarv J-"orce in France; killed 23 AiiL'. 1914. LATHAM, E., Cunner, No. 74675. R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed (aceidentally) 19 Sept. 1914. LATHAM, JAMES, Private. 10th (Ser\ice) Battn. The Royal Fusiliers (City of Loudon Ri^gt.), eldest s. of Percy Latham, Commercial Traveller, by his wife^ Sarah, dau. of Edward Harrison; ft. Seven Acre, Blackburn, co. Lancaster, 14 May, 1895; educ. Southgate County School; was a Bank Clerk; enlisted 21 Aug. 1914. after the outbreak of war; ser\'ed with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 23 July, 1915, and died at .Abbeville 15 Aug. 1916, from wounds received in action at Pozieres 15 July previoasly. Buried in Abbe- ville Military Cemetery ; vnm. LATTO, G., Private, No. 2353, The Black Watch; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. LAURISCH, FREDERICK WILLIAM, Private, No. 47643. 12th (Service) Bnttii. The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), .S-. of Jidias Laurisoh. of" 30, Princess Street, Manchester, Chemical Merchant, by bis wile. Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of John Simp- son, of Clayton-ie-Woods, co. Lancaster; b. at Oak House. Levensbulme. Manchester, 9 June, 1896: educ South .Manchester Gram- mar School ; Kos-sal!, where he w'ag a member of th(i O.T.C., and in Germany ; enlisted in the Universities and Public Schools f20th) Battn. Nov. 1914 ; volunteered as a Bomb Thrower ; :^erved with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders in that capacity ; was wounded 14 .March. 1916; was sent on sick leave to England ; on his recovery rejoined bi.s regi- nient ; wa.s wounded near Ypres 14 June, 1917. and died four days later at No. 3 Cana- dian f'asualty Clearing Station. Reninghelst. Buried at Lyssenthoek Cemetery. He was a keen sportsman, and wliile at Rossall School won many cups for long-distance running^ hi which he excelled. . 3rd Dragoon Guards ; served with the Kxpedi- (lloyal Irish) Dragoon Guards ; France ; died of wounds 21 Sept. 1914. LARKMAN, JAMES. Sergt., No. 1472, C Coy.. 1st Battn. (GOth Foot) The Xang's Royal Rifle Corps, eldest s. of James Larkman, Labourer, by his wife, Emma, dau. of Michael Jlaloney, of Rermondsev, S.E. ; 6. Wauntberrv, co. Kent, lo Sept. 188 1 ; educ. Catholic School. Brence Court. S.E. ; was a labourer; enlisted 9 Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war: served with the Expeditionarv' Force in France and Flanders from tiie following Nov., Geofifrey Arthur Laskey. Frederick W. Laurisch. LA VERY, J.. Private. No. 1900. tionary Force in France : killed ii Nov. 1914. LAW, ALFRED, Private, No. 225H5, 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, s. of William PMward Law. of Westbury, by his wile, Harriet. e was always foremost in looking after their welfare."' His Conmianding Olficer in the Army Service Corps also wTote : " He was on first arriving in France posted as subaltern to my section of the Cavalry Supply Column. He served with me for some months. and I always found him in every way the ideal of what a yoimg officer should be. In actual point of fact, the first time he ever came under fire was with me about half a mile outside Messines. I shall always remember Iiim as a good comrade and officer. He was liked as well by the ruen as by his brother officers, and the Service has lost in him an officer of exceptional promise." Vnm. LAWLER. R., Private, Xo. 2399. 1st Battn. The Manchester Regt. ; ser\-ed with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 3 Nov. 1914. LAWRENCE. A., Corpl.. Xo. 7940. 2nd Battn. The South Staffordsliire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 27 Oct. 1914. LAWRENCE, J., Private, Xo. 1295, 2ml Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt. : served witii the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 21 Xov. 1914. LAWRENCE, J. H., Private. Xo. Ch.8110 (R.F.R., B.H31) ; killed during the operations at Antwerp Oct. 1914. LAWRENCE, W. C, Private. Xo. 9806. 1st Battn. The Devonsliire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 24 Oct. 1914. LAWRY, ARTHUR, Gunner, Xo. 63124, Royal Garrison Artillery, yst. «. of James Walter La wry, of Calstock, co. Cornwall, J.P.. by his wife. Charlotte Honor, dau. of Pliilip Artliur Littleton : b. St. Domiuick. co. Cornwall, 22 July. 1837 ; educ. Wesleyan College, Truro: entered the Land Valuation Department as an Assistant Surveyor in 1910. and was promoted Valuer in 1911. On the out- break of war applied for permission to volunteer, but his services could not be spared until Sept. 1915. when, the valuation work being completed, he enlisted in the Royal Garrison Artillery Xov. 1915 : went to France May following, and was killed in action 11 Xov. 1916. Buried on the battlefield. A letter stated that the area in which Ids batt«ry was located was swept by the enemy's siiell fire, and he with three others wa? killed instantaneously in a dug-out. His Captain wrote : "* He was always most painstaking in his duties. I was putting forward his name for a commission." In the discharge of liis duty as a Valuer he valued the whole of the Penzance and Land's End districts, and afterwards the East Cornwall district, embracing the area b:>tween Saltash, St. Ives and Stoke Climsland. He m. at Heamoor. 4 Xov. 1915. Lena (Heamoor, Penzance, co. Cornwall), dau. of the Rev. Harvey Swithenbank, Wesleyan Minister; B.p. LAWSON, CECIL THOMAS, M.M.. L.-Corpl.. No. 10:i8, 10th fService) Battn. (Stock Exchaniie) The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), s. of Thomas Henry Law- -on. of 4:i, Harrington Road, Leytonstone, co. Il^-iex. Accountant, by his wife. Annie, dau. of ICdwin George Williamson ; 6. Upper Clapton, London. E.. 27 June, 1895 : educ. Leyton 1 onncil School ; was a Book-keeper in a Stock- broker's office : enlisted 27 Aug. 1914, after rlie outbreak of war. becoming a Signaller in Jan. 1915 : served with the Expeditionary i'orce in France and Flanders from the follow- ing July : took part in many engagements, including the Battle of the Somme. and died at Gravelle 23 April, 1917. from wounds received in action a few hours previously. Buried in the British Cemetery at Haute A V. -sues, north- west of Arras. His officer wrotf ; " He will be hard to rejilace : he was always in good spirits and always to be relied upon, and he is a great loss to the battalion." and a comrade : " He absolutely knew no fear, and his coolness and courage won the admiration of all." He was awarded the ililitary Medal ILondon Gazette, 19 Feb. 1917], for mending telephone wire under very heavy shell fire, thus enabling the front trenches to keep in communication after l-eing cut off. Much of his spare time was taken up by missionary work at St. Andrew's, Leytonstone, E., and he had intended, after the war, to offer himself for ordination in the Church of England ; \mm, LAWSON, W., Corp!., Xo. 6008, 1st Battn. Tlie Lincolnshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 26 Oct. 1914. LAWSON, W., Acting Bombardier, Xo. 35394. R.G.A. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. Cecil Thomas Lawson. Alexander Leadbeater. LAWTON, JAMES CECIL, Driver, Xo. 440483, 43l5t Field Coy., East I-an- cashire Royal Enginei'rs ». of James Goolden I>awton, of Timperley, eo. Chester, and of Manchester. Solicitor, by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of ( — ) Browuing, of Worcester; b. Manchest*;r, 19 Feb. 1895 ; educ. Weymouth College and Buxton College ; enlistel 11 Oct. 1915 ; .served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Coxyde 10 July, 1917. Buried in the Coxyde Military Cemetery, two miles north of Furness ; nnm. LAWTON, LEONARD, Trooper. Xo. 2089, Household Battn. 2nd Life Guards^ 2nd a. of Sanmel I^wton, of 157, Liverpool Road, Warrington, by his wife. Ruth. dau. of Thomas Hill ; b. Warrington, co. Lancaster. 18 Oct. 1897 ; educ. People's College there ; was employed in the Goods Office at Bank Quay Station : enlisted 30 Xov. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and 1 hiTidersfrom 26 March, 1917, and died in Xo. 61 Casualty Clearing Station 3 Oct. following, from wounds received in action near Vpres while takin:? rations up to the line. Buried in Dozinghem British Cemetery; unm. LAYCOCK, G., Private. Xo. 4437, 1st Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corp^. servi-d with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 10 Sept. 1914. LAYTON, C. E., Able Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Xov. 1914. LAZELL, WALTER JOSEPH, Private, Xo. 2997. 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Sutfolk Regt., vst. a. of the late Samuel Lazell, of Brentwood, by Iiis wife. Mary Ann. dau. of William West ; b. Brentwood, co. Essex, 13 Oct. 1881 : educ. St. Helen's Roman Catholic School there: was a Cliautfenr and Gardener: joined the S\itfolk Territorials 9 Dec. 1914 : served with the Expeditionary Forci- in France and Flanders from IS April. 1915 ; was wounded in .A,ug. 1915 ; returned to the front in Nov., and was killed in action at HuJIuch 19 Jan. 1916. Capt. H. Ling wrote : '" Your husband was always held in very high esteem by the officers. X.C.O.'s and men of his company. He died doing Ms duty to his King and country." He m. at St. jrichaeFs Church, Framlingham. Rose Anna (Fort- Street. Fra'mlinsham). dau. of Henry Hearn. and liad two children : Henry Walter John. ft. 15 May, 1904. and Lucy Elizabeth Mary. b. 2 Xov. 1906. LAZENBY, A. H., Ordinary Seaman : lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Xov. 1914. LEADBEATER. ALEXANDER, Private, 14th (Serviced Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles, x. of the late James Leadt>eater- Passenger Guard, by his wife. Eraily, dau. of ( — ) Dickens ; b, Emscote. Warwick, 20 Sejit. 1874 : educ. Bluecoat School. Walsall, and the Railwav Servants' Orplianat;e. Derbv : enlisted in the Xorth Stalfordshire Regt. " 8 .\pril, 1892 ; served in India, Egvpt, and the South African War 1899-1902 (((ucen's^ Medal with clasps) ; subsequently joined the Reserve ; was employed as a Postman at Krdington, Birmingham: re-enlisted 17 May. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Forct in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 28 June, 1917, by a shell while in tlie front line. Buried there. His Chaplain wrote : " He was buried on ground which he helped to take from the Germans, so that hi.s great sacrifice has not been for notlung." He //I. at Birmingham. 30 Sept. 1905. Mary (33, Edwards Road, Erdington, Birmingham). dau. of Jolm Twist. LEADER. BENJAMIN EASTLAKE, Capt., 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Queen's (Koyal West Surrey Regt.), eldest x. of Benjamin William Leader, of Burrows Cross. Gomshall. CO. Surrey, R..\.. by Iiis wife. Mary. dau. oi William East lake : b, Worer*ster, 17 June, 1877 ; educ. Charterhouse ; Trinity College. Cambridge, and on leavine there studied as a Landscape Painter under Sir H. Von Her- komer. and later at Xewl\-n ; formed i>art of the Artists' Colony at Lamorna, near Pen- zance, being for five years a well-known I'.xhibitor at the Royal .Academy ; volunteered Iiis ser\ices after the outbreak of war; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. The West Surrey Regt. 25 Sept. 1914; promoted Lieut. 20 >"ov. following, and Cajit. 22 May. 1915: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from .Tan. 1915. and was kilted in action at Le Transloy 12 Oct. 1916. He m. at Glasgow, 8 Sept. 1910. Isabella (I. Grosvenor Crescent, Glasgow), 3rd dau. of William Boyd Anderson, of Glasgow, and liad two children : Benjamin John, h. 7 June, 1914, and Alison Mary, b. 1 June. 1916. LEA, G., Private, Xo. 6991, 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Rille Corjis ; served witii the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 14-17 Sept. 1914. LEACH, F. C, Private, Xo. 5482, 16th Lancers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Franr.- : kill-d in action 12 Sept. 1914. LEAH, EDWARD FRANCIS, L.-Corpi.. Xo. 18023. I3th (Service) Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers, r. of Edward Leah, of Penpont. Brecon. Gamekeeper, by his wife* Alice Mary (Yarkliill. Hereford), dau. of J. and E. Jones : ft. Mordiford. Hen-ford. 2 June, 188i^ : edue. Mordiford, and Llanarth. CO. Monmouth : enlisted 10 Xov. 1914 : served with the Expeditionarv l^orce in France and Flanders from Xov. 1915. and was killtd in action at Mametz Wood 10 July. 1916. lUiried in Mametz Wood Cemetery. His Chaplain WTOte : " His platoon was advancing on a macliine gun to try to capture it. In this advance he was shot in the body and died almost immediately. Tliis liappened in Mametz Wood, the capture of wliich will be known in the future as liaving been accom- plished by the Welsli Division. The news has come tlirough now that he has been buried in Mametz Wood, and there is a crass to mark liis grave. I could not ajiproach the wood, so the burial was conducted by those who followed. All the boys speak nicely of him, and they feel his loss verv much. There is the great consolation that he gave lus life for the cause of right and for God and country. Still, we feel the loss of our dear ones keenly. You have my deep sympathy, in wliich the battalion joins," and a comrade : " He was a fine soldier, and died a brave soldier's death.'* Benjamin Eastlake Leader Edward Francis Leah. 172 The Roll of Honour Another also wrote : " He was tlic best friend I ever liad, and when we few who are left nh'et, we have a chat.of those who have gone before, and Frank's name i^ the tlrst on evrry lip. These dear old friends have now given their own young livei a-f well in the noble cause." LEAHY, H. C, 2nd Corpl., No. 20008. Royal Enstineers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in aetiou 30 Oct. 1914. LEAHY, J., Private. No. 2G09, The Irish Guards ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France; died 15 Sept. 1UL4. LEAHY, J., l*rivate. No. :JOT, 2nd Battn. The Lancashire Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of shrapnel wound in 1914. LEAKE, Cm Private, No. 11374, 2nd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the ICxpcditionary Force in France : killed in action near Vpres 21 Oct. 1914. LEAL, A. J. F., Privat*-, No. 12S9. 1st P.attn. The Northumberland Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 21 0(^t. 1914. LEAL, J.. Private, No. 12. 1st Battn. The Black Watch : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Oct. 1914. LEARY, A., Sail Maker: lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 2(5 Nov. 1914. LEARY, J., Private, No. 8714, 1st Battn. The Duke of Cornwall's Litiht Infantry ; s^Tvcd with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 9 -Sept. 1914. LEATHERBARROW, F., Corpl., No. 58714, R.F.A. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed 19 Sept. 1914. LEATHERDALE, ALAN RICHARD. Corpl., No. 19588, B Coy., 2(ith (Service) Battn. (Bankers) The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), yst. s. of the late George F. Leatherdule, JI.A. (Oxon.). by his wife, Mabel Gertrude (40. Grosvenor lload, London. S.W.). dan. of the late Robert Parsons; and brother to 2nd Lieut. r>. R. Leatherdale (q.v). ; b. Balhani. London, S.W.. 8 May. 1897 : educ. St. .\nne*s. Redhill, and by a private tutor at Dunton Wajlett Rectory, co. Essex ; was employed in tlie Andover branch of tlie London County and West- minster Bank; joined the Volunteer Force, and on attaining; military ajie in May, 1915, he ottVrr.t himselt inr tlie Inns of Court O.T.C., but was rejected on health grounds, and at once enlisted in the Royal Fusiliers ; served with the Expe- ditionary Force in France and Flanders, and wa< killr-d in aetion at Flers, during the Battle of the Somme, 15 Sept. 1916. His ^'diiiniandiiiu' (Khcer wrote : ** His di'ath is a loss to the company, as he was ahva\- tearless in carryin<; out liis duties, and a splendid example to the men. He, with others, was in t he forefront of the attack. He was a very promising soldier, and liis place will be dithcnlt to lill," and one of his comrades : "' He was the youngest corporal in hi-; battalion, but could handle his men as well as any of them ; one of the triu'st and bravest chums 1 have ever known." Uiim. LEATHERDALE, DONALD RYAN, 2nd Lieut.. 1st Battn. (50th Foot) The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.). .s. of the late George Fenning Leather- dale. ^I.A. (Oxon.), by Ids wife, Mabel Gertrude (46, Grosvenor Road, London, S.W.), dau. of the late Robert Parsons ; and brother to Corpl. A. R. Leatherdale (g.i\); b. Catford, London, S.E., 4 Feb. 1896; edue. Christ's Hospital; was employed by the Royal Exchange Insurance Company ; joined the Artists' Rirtes in Jan. 1914 ; volunteered for foreign service on the outbreak of war; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; obtained a com- n^ission in June, 1915, and, "after leading his men into action at High Wood, where he was seen to be wounded, was reported missing 22 July, 1916, and is now offieially assumed to have been killed on or about that date. A brother officer wrote : " He went into action like a brave Britisher and a gentleman, with not the slightest fear of death.*' Vnm, LEAVEY, M., Private, No. 8120. 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish RiHes ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. LE BLOND, J., Private, No. 6715. Royal Scots Greys ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed 7 Sept. 1914. LEDBITTER, HERBERT PETER, Capt. the Rev., C.F., 2nd s. of ( — ) Ledbitter, by his wife, Annie (13, Farning- hani Road. Jarvis Brook, co. Sussex) ; 6. Ruspcr. CO. Sussex, 14 Oct. 1889; educ. Kelham Hall Theological College. Newark- on-Trent ; was appointed Curate at St. Augustine's Church, Haggerston, E., in 1914 ; ]oine(! the R.A.M.C. as a Private in Oct. 1915 ; was L^iven a commission as Chaijlain to the Forces 25 Feb. 1910 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 Nov. following, and died at Le Treport Camp 28 Feb. 1917, from cerebro-spinal meningitis, contracted while on active service. Buried in the British Military Cemetery there. The Rev. H. W. Fox wrote": ** We all loved him. and both Y.M.C.A. workers and Non- conformist Chaplains have asked me to express their sympathy with you. I think you will like to know how good a work your son did during the four mouths he was here ; no one coidd have been more wliole-hearted in his work," and the Chaplain, writing to the B.C.G., said : " He had done very good work here ever since he came'out. and I was hoping to submit his name to you almost immediately for transfer to the front. He will be very much missed both by ourselves and by the men among whom he has been working." Vnm. LEDGARD, A., Private. No. 7174. 1st Battn. The Lincolnshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Oct. 1914. LEE, A., Private, No. 11091, 1st Battn. The King's Roya! Rifle Corps ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Oct. 1914. LEE, A. R., Private ; lost ou H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. LEE, EDGAR CHARLES, 2nd Lieut.. 17th (Service) Battn. (1st Football) The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regt.), only s. of Charles Edward Lee, of 100, Wigmore Street, London, W.. and 42. Avenue Mansions, Hampstead, N.W., J.P. for Willesden, by his wife, Blanche Ellen, dau. oif Eli Howell; b. 50, Upper Gloucester Place, Loudon. W., 11 Sept. 1895; educ. Browning's, Rose Hill School, Banstead, and Tonbridge (1908-11), and afterwards travelled on the Continent to study languages, customs and business methods ; was an exceptionally good linguist, and in 1913-14 acted as courier and interpreter to the French Commercial Entente : joined the Motor Section. Army Service Corps, as a Private, on the outbreak of war. and acted as Jnterjireter to the General Stalf throughout the winter of 1914-15 ; was invalided Imne- :March. 1915, to the Military Hospital, Lincoln: gazetted 2nd Lieut. 17th Middlesex Regt. 19 May, 1915 ; went to France with liis battalion the following Oct., and was killed in action near Souchez 1 .Tune, 1916. Buried at Carency. His Major wrote that he died a glorious death right in front of his men. A L. -Corpl., who was with him, said that he and his bombers hai successfiUly driven the Germans out of their trench, when a few men who liad remained to cover the retre.at with a machine gun opened fire, and he was hit. His Company Commander, writing to tell of his Herbert Peter Ledbitter. George Lee. death, said : " The battalion was called upon by the Division to carry out a scheme laid down by them in connection with three large mines which we exploded at Souchez at 8.30 last night. Your son was selected by the Command- ing Ollieer for a job requiring the utmost grit, intelhu'eiue and ready wit, wluch he eagerly imdertook and sallied forth to carry out. in (■(unmand of ten picked men, with the utmost confidence. This job was to reconnoitre the damage done by the explosion, but unfortunately, before he had been out many minutes, he was hit in the head by a bullet, and died v/ithout recovering consciouscnss, being the only casualty in the party. . . . Always merry and bright, often chafTcd but never ruffled, lie was a favourite with all ranks," and his brother olli<-ers and N.C.O.'s and the men of his company will never cease; to regret his loss and miss his cheery presence. I cannot hope to express my sympathy with you in your bereavement, but poor little Kdgar tiled dnini,' his' duty like the fine" otficer'and gentleman he was." His old CompaTiy Cntiiinaiider. also wrote : " I always held him in the highest regard : he was a keen little soldier, full of knowledge and application, and never a shirker, however irreat the danger. In effect, he was an otficer I should have selected for a ticklish job, knowing that only the fates would prevent its successful execution. To all this he added that gay and charm- ing irresponsibility of youth, wluch in the trenches is so vast an asset — a song was rarely otl his lips." LEE, F. R., Private, No. 8088, 2nd Battn. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Oct. 19i4. LEE, G., Corpl., No. 10387, The East Lancashire Regt. ; served with the Expe- ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914. LEE, GEORGE, Private, No 24175, 8th (Service) Battn. The Cheshire Regt., elde-st jf. of John Lee. Farm Labourer, by his wife, Mary, dan. of John Gerrard : and brother-in-iaw to Signaller E. Woodcock {q.v.): b. Pipers Ash, near Hoole, Chester, 8 April. 1887 ; educ. Great Barrow ; Wiis a Gardener; enlisted in the 14th Battn. The (heshire Regt. in Jan. 1915; transferred to t he ^ith Battn. in Oct. ; served with the Medi- ti rranean Expeditionary Force at Gallipoli iioni till- fiiilowing Oct. ; also with the Indian i;xpe(!iiioiiary Force in Mesopotamia, and was killed in' action near Kut in April, 1916. He m. at Helsby Church. 8 June, 1915, Flossie, dau. of the late ( — ) .lones, and had a son, Ueorge. b. 19 May, 1910. LEE, J.. L.-Corpl.. No. 1738, 2nd Battn. The Roya! Warwickshire Regt. ; served with the Exjfcditionarv Force in France ; died 24 Oct. 1914. LEE. JAMES CLIFFORD. 2nd Lieut., 2nd (66th Foot) Battn. Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berkshire Regt.), s, of Howard , Westerman Lee. of Spriiigvale. near Redditch, bv his wife, Henrietta Maud Marv. rlau. of the ^^«^^ late William cibt.s. olCm-slea. Jtedditch, J.P. ; ^S^^^ b. Redditch, co. Worcester. 23 March, 1898 ; ^ ^^ edue. Ellesmere College, co. Salop, where he I __jH ^^'^^ ^ Sergt in the O.T.C.. and on the outbreak ■ ^M ^H^H of war was in Bermuda ; returned home to f.^^^ ^^^B Kii'-'land, and passed into the Royal Military «^^^V Colli 'jc, Sandhurst, in Aug. 1915 ; was gazetted •^^^^^^^r -luil Lieut. 15 April. 1016 ; served with the ■f ^^W i;\|ieditionary Force in France and Flanders; . vM^^B lielit a First Class Bombing Certificate; was ^k ^^^^^ wounded at Ypres 31 July, 1917, and died ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ at No. 14 Cixsualty Clearing Station near MJ^^JBK^j^^^^^^^ Vpres 1 Aug. following. Buried in Lyssent- ^^Er^B^^^^^^^^ boek Military Cemetery. Poperinghe. His ^^^Bj^^^H^^^^^^H Commanding Officer with deep ^^^^f^^^^^^^^^H Clifford's death, on I Aug., of wounds received on the James Clifford Lee. morning of 31 July, 1917, whilst in action. I have been closely associated with your son for nearly two montlis. and knew him to be fearless and ever strongly devoted to duty. He was a most promising otficer, and extremely popular with his brother officers, and also with the regimental signallers, of whom he was in com- mand. His Brigade Signal Detachment, which he had been specially chosen to command, ask me to include their sincerest sympathies." A brother officer wrote : " Those who knew him loved him for his purity of character, and his entire devotion to what he chose as his life's work. His was truly a dedicated life." While at school he gained his football, cricket and hockey colours ; ttnm. LEE, L., L.-Corpl.. No. 10746, 1st Battn. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary l-'orce in P'rance ; killed 19 Oct. 1914. LEE, ROBERT T. H. V., Chief Gunner; lost on H.M.S. Monmoutli 1 Nov. 1914. LEE. S., Private, No. 10767, 1st Battn. The South Wale^ Borderers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 4 Oct. 1914. LEE. W., Private, No. 9027, The Royal Scots Regt. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 12-15 Oct. 1914. LEE, W. H., L.-CorpL, No. 9291. 1st Battn. The Hampshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 16 Sept. 1914. LEES, J., Private, No. 7700. 2nd Battn. The South Staffordshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. LEFTLY, H. R., Driver, No. 29203, R.H.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 27 Sept. 1914. LEGG. P., Gimner, No. 69589. R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 24 Sept. 1914. LEGGETT, ERIC HENRY GOODWIN, D.S.O., Major. Royal Fi.-Id Artillery. 2nd s. of Lieut. -Col. Frederick Octavius Leggett. Army Orduanee I irpiirtnient (retired), of Underbill House, near Shornclitfe, co. Kent, by his wife, Minnie, dau. of Thomas Browning; and brother to Major W. N. Leggett {q.v.) and Lieut. A. R. A. Leggett [see Vol. I., pase 223] ; b. Weedon, co. Northampton, 31 Dec. 1880 ; educ. Oxford Preparatory School (C. C. Lynam's) ; Wellington College (Exhibitioner), and the Royal Militarv Academy, Woolwich ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. R.H. and R.F.A. 25 June, 1899; promoted Lieut. 16 Feb. 1901, Capt. 1 Dec. 1907. and Major 30 Oct. 1914 ; served in India and the Malay States, and was appointed Staff Capt.. and afterwards Brigade Major, to the Artillery of the 4th Division 4 Sept. 1911 ; on the outbreak of war went to France Aug. 1914. as Brigade Major; returned to England in Jan. 1916; assumed command of B/l'88th Brigade, R.F.A., and returned to France the following June, and aH^he time of Ids death was in command of that battery. He was present at the retire- ment from Mons, and at the Battles of the Marne, Aisne, and the Second Battle The Roll of Honour 173 Donovan Nicholas Leicester. of Ypres ; inentioiied in F.M. Sir Jolni (now Lord) Frencli's Despatches [London Gazettes, 19 Oct. 1914 ; 22 June, IDLo. and L Jan. 191(>] ; awarded a D.S.O. [London Gazette, 23 June, 1915], and died in hospital at St. Omer, France, 30 July, 1916, of fever contracted in the trenches, near Loos, wliilst commanding his battery. Buried at St. Omer. He wi. at Tilford, co. Surrey, 28 March, 1911, Alary Florence, onlv dan. of Col. Howe, late York and Lancaster Regt., and had one child, Eric Hector, b. 9 Sept. 1912. LEGGETT, G. F., Ordinary Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. LEGGETT, VV., Corpl. of Horse. Xo. 2880, 2nd Life Guards ; served with the Expeditionary Forre in France ; killed in action 14 Oct. 1914. LEGGETT, WILFRED NOEL, Major, Royal Garrison Artillery, eldest s. of Lieut. -Gol. Fredoriek Octavius Leggett. Army Ordnance Department (retired), of Underliill House, near Shornclitfe, co. Kent, by his wife. Minnie, dau. of Thomas Browning; and brother to Major E. H. G. Leggett. D.S.O. {f.v.) and Lieut. A. R. A. Leggett [see Vol. L, page 223] ; h. Halifax, Nova Scotia, 24 Dec. 1877 ; educ. Wellington College (Exhibitioner), and tlie Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; gazetted 2nd Lieut. R.G..-\.. 23 Dec. 1897; promoted Lieut. 23 Dec. 1900. Capt. 2 April, 1902. and Major 30 Oct. 1914: served at Gibraltar, at Sierra Leone, in India, and at Aden us la-^tructor in Gimnery ; was Brigade Major at Plymouth on the outbreak of war ; subsequently Instructor in Gunnery at Lydd, co. Kent: assumed command of the 77th Siege Battery R.G.A.. and went to France in Marcli. 1916 ; killed in action by a shell on returning in liis car from a reconnaissance at Martinsart 14 July. 1916. Buried there. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was unsparing of liimself. . . . One of my best officers." He was awarded the Delhi Durbar Medal. 1910. He m. at Plymouth. 3 Sept. 1914. Annie Boyd, yst. dau. of the Rev. Dr. Beattie. of Bel£;ist. retired Chaplain to H.M. Forces. LEICESTER, DONOVAN NICHOLAS, 2nd Lieut., 12th (Service) Battn. The Gloucestershire Regt., elder s. of James Leicester, of The Vatch House, near Stroud, CO. Gloucester. H.M. Inspector of Schools, bv his wife, Corwtance Marv. dau. of William W.i.nN; //. riifron. 28 March. 1895: educ. M;iL'daleri Coll. ■-_•■■ School, and Hertford Col- Kge, Oxford, wliL-re he was an Exhibitioner in Modern History, and wa-s a member of the University O.T.C. ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut, in Dec. 1914 ; underwent training at the School of Musketry ; served with the Expedi- tionary Forci^ in France and Flanders from Sept. 1916, where he acted a.s Signaller and Intelligence Officer, and was killed in action at Fre^^noy 8 May, 1917, His Colonel wrote : • III- died leading his men on in a counter- attack, and by his confident bearing and care- lessHi-ss of danger did much to rally a very tiribell College, Belfast, and Ellesmere College, co. Salop ; was apprenticed as a Civil Engineer at the foundry of Messrs. Combe Barbour at Belfast, during wliich time he passed the London Matricnlatirin Examination : enlisted as a Private in the Universities and Public Schools Battn, of the Royal Fusiliers in Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Tlie Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers on the 19th of the same month, and promoted Lieut. 30 .\pril, 1915 ; served with the E.xpeditionary Force- in France and Flanders from Feb, 1916, and was killed in action near Huilueh 29 April following, by gas poisoning, when his battalion, while holding a part of the front line, was subjected to a severe gas attack. Buried south of Lone Tree, near Loos. His Company Commander %vrote : " His manner of death was cheerful, and I can truly say heroic," and liis Colonel : " I was very fond of him. We all were, . . . He was a truly good officer in every sense of the word. I couhi see the steadying. restraining, illuminating evidences of his faith acting within lum, and, indeed, siiining in his face." Vnm, LEONARD, W. R., Private; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. LETFORD, W., Private, No. 86. 2nd Battn, The Manchester Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action at Fe.stubert 26 Oct. 1914. , No. 510 ; lost on the Trawler Mary in 1914. LEVITT, E., Deck Hand. D.A., LEWIS, DOUGLAS DAVID RAYMOND, 2nd Lieut.. 8th (Sernee) Battn. The Durham Light Infantry, s. of the Rev. Thomas Phillips Lewis, late Vicar of Silian with Llanwnen, near Lampeter, co. Cardigan, by his wife. Jane. dau. of the Rev. Thomas Davies, of Glanyrafon. Llandilo, co. Carmar- then : b. Penllergaer, 24 Aug, 1891 ; educ. St. David's College School, Lampeter, and the Grammar School, Carmarthen ; Was an Assistant Master" at Hoe Grammar School, Plymouth, and later at a private school at Weymouth ; obtained a commission 16 Aug. 1915 : served with tiie Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 22 April, 1917, at Arras. Buried in the Military Cemetery on the Arras-Bapaume Road, between Beaurains and Rou.ville, near Arras. A brother officer WTote : " He was one of our best officers, and during the last month has done excellent work. The whole battalion, both officers and men, feel his loss very -much, and I am sure you have the heartfelt s\Tnpathy of everybody who had the One of his men wrote: "Ihave been his Although I am an old regular soldier, I never , and to say he was beloved by us all is but a He was buried in accordance with our . . A cross will be put up in due course to Douglas D Lewis. Edmund Llewelyn Lewis. honour to know your noble son.' constant companion lately, met a more thorough gentleman, poor expression of our feelings, , . Blessed Book (Church of England), mark the spot." Unm. LEWIS, EDMUND LLEWELYN, Lieut,, Royal Flying Corps, s. of Hugh Lewis, Manager Liverjiool and London and Globe Insurance Conipanv, Ltd., and General Manager ("entral Insurance Co. (St. David's, Templewobd Avenue, Hampstoad, London, N.W.), by his wife, Grace Mary, dau. of John Edmunds, of Car- narvon : b. Birmingham, 5 Oct. 1895 : educ. Ciayesmore ; 3Iarlborough Codegc, and in Germany and Switzerland ; returned home in July. 1914, and commenced a business career at Lloyd's : on the outbreak of war obtained a commission in the 7th Battn. The Essex Regt. 17 Aug. 1914 : transferred to the Royal Flying Corps 12 March, 1916. bcins promoted Lieut. 27 Dec. 1916; went to tlie Dardanelles in July, 1915 ; was invalided home in Nov. ; on his recovery underwent training for the Royal Flying Corps; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 27 June. 1916 ; was wounded in single-handed fight with six hostile machines in Aug. : returned to France in Sept , and was kilted 26 Dec. 1916, in an aerial fight alone against five enemy aeroplanes at Beauleucourt, in which he brought down one of them. Buried near the Mill there. Ris Commanding Olticer wrote : " He was one of my stoutest-hearted officers, and was very popular in the squadron." X brother officer wrote : " I worked with your son nearly all the time, and knew liim to be both a good pilot and one of the bravest men in France. I am sure he did his duty, and only went dowm under overwhelming odds." Another also wrote : " He was a great favourite with both officers and men. ... If anything, he was too brave, and numerous fights showed that one could absolutely" rely on hi? being in the very thick of it. He never seemed to mind how many enemy machines he attacked by himself." And another wrote : •* I am forced to think that Edmund became separated from the rest of the patrol, and took on the five Huns alone. The one great comfort you have is the knowledge that he died ' playing the game,' like the man he was. If one must be called'uijon to pay the supreme sacrifice in tliis great war for ' right," one could not wi int.. 2/71h (Territorial) Battn. The .Vrni> , .Till i Herbert John Lewis. ^^JM^^ LEWIS, LANCE WILL. 2nd Lieut.. 7tli ^^^^^^^^^k (Scrvi(v) IfttHii. Kiii{;'s Royal KitU- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ iitrd. ^[aWjiiii- ('or|)s. oi j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ihivid Porehester "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^J Torracts London, \\.. by his wife, Jlay, dau. of Alfred Moses, of Hobart. Tasmania ; h. Liverpool, e Fi^b. 18i»2 ; edue. Kepton School, ;ind IJrasenoae Collei;*'. Oxford, where he gradu- ated B.A. with Honours in History in 1914; joined the Honourable Artillery Company 4 Aur. 1914. the day \v;ir was declared, obtaining a commission in the King's Hoyal lUfle Corps 9 Nov. following; served with the Expeditionary l'*orce in l-'rance and l^Manders from Aug. 1915. being attached to the lOSth Machine (iun Corps in June. IfllG. and was killed in action near r. .V. of William Lewthwaite. of Broadgatt-, (fi. Cumberland, J,P., D.L., by his wife. II' lena, dau. of Cliarles Challinor. of Basford Hall, Stoke-on-Trent ; b. Bmndgate, In April, 1884 ; educ. Rugby, and Trinity CuII.-lt. Cambridge: obtained a coran]is>ii.iii ;is Aeting 2nd Lieut. 7 Aug, 1914; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 16 Sept. following; Temp. Lieut. 24 .Tunc, 1915. and Lieut. 2 June, 1917, as from 1 .Tune. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in l-'rance and Flanders ; was wounded in Nov. 1915, and killed in action near Leus 29 July, 1917. Buried at Sains-en-Gobelle, south of Bctlume. His Commanding Ofticer wrote : *' The work he has done for his battery since he joined up has been beyond prai?-e— no work too arduous, and the more dang(;rous the task, the more anxious he always was to undertake it. He was a fine Charles Gilfrid Lewthwaite. example of a very gallant English gentleman, and we feel his loss in this brigade not only iis a dear friend but as an exceptionally fine officer." He was awarded the M.C. [London Gazette, 21 June. 1917J. " For great courage and promptness in extin- guishing a fire which heavy hostile shell fire had caused to break out in and around his gun position. He also went into the open under heavy fire and rescued a woimded infantryman. His work at all times has been remarkably good," and he was mentioned in Despatches [I^ondon Gazette. I Jan. 1916', by F.M. Sir John (now Lord) French, for gallant and distinguished service in the field. LIDDIARD, H. J., Sergt.. No. 7.S85, 1st Battn. The Wiltshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Aug. 1914. LIDDLE, A. O., Corpl,, No. 107. I8th Battn. The Durham Light Infantrv; killed at West Hartlepool 16 Dec. 1914. LIEVERS, H., L.-CorpL, No. 11950, 2nd Battn. The Sherwood Foresters ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. LIGHT, W. E., L.-Corpl., No. 6753, 1st Battn. The Dorsetshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 12 Oct. 1914. LIGHTFOOT, C, Gunner, No. 67519, 29th Battery, R.F.A. ; ser\'ed witli the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 4 Oct. 1914. LILEY, B. C, Stoker, 2nd Class ; lost on H.5I.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. LILLEY, E., Private, No, 5920, The Rifle Brigade; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France : killed in action 21 Oct. 1914, LIND, ROBERT GARDEN FORBES, M.M., L.-CorpL, No. 201158, 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Gordon UigLlanders, eldest s. of AVilliam Lind, of 28, Kintore Place, Aberdeen. Grocery Branch Manager, by his wife, Margaret, dau. of James Forbes ; b. Old Kayne, co, Aberdeen, 16 Slay, 1895 ; educ. Aberdeen Normal School ; was a Draper: joined the Gordon Highlanders 19 Jan. Iiil5 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killtd in action near Ypres 23 ApriL 1917. He was awarded the Jliiitary Medal, for gallant and distinguished service in the field ; mht/l David Lindsay. Highland Light of -Alrxandi-r i)eiiehiir Lindsay. Solicitor and and JiLstice of Peace Courts of the Airdrie District of i-o. Lanark, bv his wifi-. Jessie, dau. of William Shanks; " h. Airdrir, l:i Ang. 1891; '■du'-. Warriston Seliool, Molfat. and Glasgow I ni\rrsity: was a Solicitor in the offitre of M'Tv.-(l as .Marhinr (inn olln-rr in England, Sidtland aii'l Irrland : afterwards transferreii to llir iTidian .\rmv, and was killed 15 April, I'.tl", whiLi on hoard tin rransjwrt Cameronia, wliicli was torpedoed near Malta. On the s'lip being struck, he went to the aid of a snldier who was in iiillieult>' in the sea, but wa>' cnuiheil between the Cameronia and a destroyer. A brother ntficer and eye-witness r)f the" scene wrote: " We left MarVilles on 13 April, and on the I5th we pa-i^ed through the Straits of .Messina at 5.:iO a.m. in beautiful weatlier. Twelve hours later— 5.30 p.m. — MHisf of the olhcers were in the smoke and music rooms, when a terrific explosion occurred, and iiL'itantly everyone jumped to their feet and made tor their station without the least sign of panic ; in fact, some wen- smiling. Your son's statitm was on the boat-deck in chargi' cit Inurring a lilelmat. The first time I saw your son was after the captain shouted for all hands to abandon ship, and L along with your st)n and three other lligliland Liglit hifantr;' ottiec-rs, met on the saloon deck, and ]»repaied to innip onto the torpedo boat di-stroyer. Each of us had a rope to swing on ti> tlie >liip. hut each of us missed tlie destroyer and went into the water. I maTiai;eii toserambte up the rope, whieh I fortunately retained, and got on board tin iie-;troyer at the second attempt, and on looking into the water I saw your son there. I threw Mm a ro|»e and got him along to tlie ladder up the side of the destroyer. At tliat time a lad was struggling with his lilehelt close to the ladder, .so your son gallantly assi^ti-d lum and got him on to the ladder, and to safety, but the action had cost your sf)n his life, as tlie boats came together as he was preparing to mount the ladder. Death was iiLstantaneoas." Untn. LINDSAY, G., Sergt., No. 831, The Black Watch: served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. LINDSAY, J., Private. No. 520. 1st Battn. The Black Watch; served with the Expeditionary Foree in France ; killed in aetiou 27 Oct. 1914. LINE. ERIC ALFRED THISE»,TON, 2nd Lieut,, Army Service Corps, h. of the Venerable Henry Line, of Dnnniore. Waterford, Arehdeaeon of Waterford, by hi- wife. Caroline, dan. nt tlie Kry. Alfred Clayton TIns.-lton, Vicarof Berwick, Slirewsbnr\-. and f<)rnierl>- l{e' responsibility and jiower of leaderslxip, which, instead ef destroying, only served to enhance his cheerful youtlifuluess, made him an invaluable officer; not only AiTis he so appreciated by his commanding and brother ofiicers, but lie won to the utmost the confidence of liis N.C.O.'s and men." Another also wrote : " Everyone had a good word to say for him. It is very rarely that one can say that of an officer, nnd e.specially a junior otlieer, If ever a boy gave up his life through keenness and devotion to his work, he did." " Always looking after the welfare of his men." " One of the finest characters it has ever been our privilege to know." Unm. LINEHAM, v., Sergt.. No. 35965. 113th Battery, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 15 Sept. 1914. LINTON, J., Private, No. 6082. 1st Battn. The Cameron Highlanders; served with till- Exijeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 25 Sept. 1914. LISTER, A. J., Acting Bombardier, No. 17922, R.G.A. : served with the Expeditionary Force in trance ; killed in action 24 Sept. 1914. LISTER, HUBERT, Private, No. 7873, D Coy., 2/5th (Territorial) Battn. The Prinee of Wales's Own (West Yorksliire Regt.), elder *■. of John William Lister, of Nisstield, llklev, -niplt.vec of the Urban lUstriet Council, bv his wife, Fanny, dau. ol Mattliew Kendall :' h. N.-s^tield. near Ilkdy. eo. York. 6 Jan 1898 ; educ. Addiiighani National Sehool ; wa^ eniployi-d in a Stulf .Merchant's Office at Bradford ; joined the 5th Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. 10 Oct. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Foree in France and Flanders from 6 Jan. 1917, and was killed in action near Beaumont Hamel 15 Feb. following. Buried there. His Captain wrote : " He was very cheerful under most trying circumstances, and an example to his comrades. He died while doing lus duty, jast leaving cover to go on a message." Cnm. LITTLE, A., Private, No. 7350, 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Kegt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died whilst a prisoner of war 26 Aug. 1914. LITTLE, EDWIN, Private, No. 202147, 6th (Service) Battn. Lewis Gun Section. Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berkshire Regt.), only s. of Richard Edwin Little, of Treworgie Yean, Ruan High Lanes, Grampound Road, co. Cornwall. Farmer, by his wife, Eliza Ann, dau. of John Davey ; 0. Treworgie aforesaid, 15 July. 1896; educ. Veryau, and Truro College: was a Farmer; enlisti'd 3 :Hay. 1910 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Sept.. and w:is killed in action 12 Oct. 1917 : unm. LITTLE, ERNEST JAMES, Private, No 13992, 2nd Battn. Tue Grenadier Guards, eldest *. of William James Little, of 198. Marlborough Road, Oxford, Labourer, by his wife ,Mary. dau. of the late Williani Squires ; b. Oxford, 19 March Eric Alfred Thiseltim Line. The Roll of Honour 175 1886 ; educ. St. Aldatc's Boys' Elementary School there ; enlisted 7 Oct. 1903 ; was called up from the Army Keserve on the outbreak of war in 1914 ; went to France the foliowini,' Nov. ; severely wounded in the Battle of Loos 7 Oct. 19L5 ; returned home and was accidentally killed by a railway train at Didcot after leaving hospital, where he had been six months, and whilst on his journey home to Oxford. Buried in Botley Cemetery, near Oxford. He was the elde.st of four sons serving at tin- time ; mnn. LITTLE, JAMES EKROW, Private, No. 10538. 7th (Service) Battn. The Oueon's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), fldest s. of George Little, of 176, Philip Street, Newcastle- on -TjTie, Joiner, by his wife, Mar- iiaret, dau. of George Deans ; 6. Newcastle- on-Tyne, 3 Aug. 1897 ; educ. Todd's Nook Seliool there ; was a Solicitor's Clerk ; enlisted U) Sept. 1915 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 2 Feb. 1916, and was killed in action at Ypres 24 .Tuly, 1917. Buried 600 yards east of Zillebi-ke, south-east of Ypres. An Officer wrote : " Your son was a great favourite of mine, as lis was always of such a happy disposition, and such ;i splJ-ndid filiow at his "work," and a comrade : '" Hf wa-; a Jim- s(.ildihire Light Infantrv). vr. «. of Lieut.-Col. John Dani'l Lloyd, of The Mount. Chirk, co. Denbigh. R.A.M.C. (T.F.). by his wife, Marie Ad<>le, dau. of William Edward Stuart; /*. Chirk aforesaid. 29 Oct. 1880 : educ. Shrews- lnir\' School ; served in the South African War. 1899-1901, with the Shropshire I'eo- maiiry Cavalr\', attaelied to the Macliine Gun s.etion ((^ui'i-n's .Medal with three clasps, and King's Jledal with clasps; mentioned in Despatches), and on Ids return to England in 1901 was promoted 2nd Lieut. ; retired in 1903, and went to Canada, settling at Sas- katchewan, where he took up farniins : re- turned to England on the outbreak of the Kiiropean War in Aug. X914 ; obtained a riiiiuni-^sion in the 3rd Battn. The Sliropshire Mght Infantry 24 April, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and P'landers from June, 1915 ; was ajjpointed Transport Otficer to the 2nd Battn. of his regiment in Julv ; proceeded to Salonika in Jan. 1916, and died in the 83rd Field Ambu- lance, Stavros, Macedonia. 21 Feb. following, from appendicitis, contracted after having been sent, while in command of the Transport Section, on a nine days' trek with a company of men, across through Salonika and up towards Monastir, for 106 mules, during which time it rained incessantly, and there was no sleeping accommodation ; he successfully carried out his" task in eight days, but on returning to his regiment was taken seriously ill. Buried near the sea coast at Stavros. His Colonel wrote : " I should like to say that the battalion lias lost in your son a valuable officer. For the past seven months he has been transport officer to the battalion, and hivs carried out his duties in a very satisf;iit(irv manner ; so much so, that only a few days ago I recommended him for aeceleratt^d promotion. I know this is poor comfort for the loss you have sustained, but it may alleviate your sorrow a little to know that he died, not only doing his duty but doing it well," and the Chaplain, the Rev. Percival Comeau : " Tlu^ morning after liis death I was several times stopped by men of his regiment who ask. Ronsay, Orkney, 26 Nov. 1880; educ. Wasbister Count v School there; was a House" Factor in Aberdeen; joined the Gordon lli^'lilaiiiUrs 24 March^ 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and wa^ killed in action 22 Nov. 1010. Buriedin Mailly Wood, Maillet; unm. LOMAS, R., Private, No. 8105, 2nd Battn. The Lancashire Fusiliers; served with the l-ixpeditionarv Force in France; died 20 Oct. 1914, from wounds received 18 Oct. 1914. LONG, A., Private, No. 9893, The Sherwood Foresters; served with the Expe- ditionary Force in France ; killed iu action 20 Sept. 1914. LONG, S., P.-ivate. No. .^406, The Rifle Brigade ; served with the Expeditionary Force iu France ; killed in action 19 Oct. 1914. LONGBOURNE, HUGH RICHARD, D.S.O., Capt., 7th (Service) Battn. Thr (Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regt.), 2nd «. of Charles Ranken. Vickerman Longbourne, of Ripsley. co. Sussex, by his wife, Caroline ElizabeMi Ainslie, dau. of the late Rev. the Hon. James Norton, of Anningsley Park, CO. Surrey ; b. Ripsley, 20 May, 1884 ; educ. at The Hall, Ovingdean, and jlepton School, where he was a member of the O.T.C. ; in Feb. 1914, raised a company in the Hunting- donsliire Cyclists Battn., and was stationed on the coast for home defence; traasferred to the Queen's Regt. in 1916 ; served with the Expedit ionary Force in France and Flanders from June, 1916, and was killed in action 3 May, 1917. Jiuried at Hcninel, east of Arras. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was a splendid man, cool and brave, and beloved by all." Capt. I.ongbou^Tie was awarded the D.S.O. (dated 25 Nov. 191G), " For conspicuous gallantry in action. He Hugh Richard Longbourne. crawled to within 25 yards of an enemy strong point, and bombed the enemy with good effect. Later, with a sergeant and a private, he rushed the strong point capturing a machine gun and "46 unwomuled prisoners," and was mentioned in nesjiatches [London Gazette, 4 Jan. 19171 by General (now F.M.) Sir Douglas Haig, for L'allant and distinguL^licd sei-vice in the field. He was also awarded the Montenegrin Medal for bravery. He rn. at Filey, co. York, Dora, dau. of ( — ) Bristow. LONGDEN, A.. Coy. Sergt.-Major. No. .5625, 1st Battn. The Northumberland Fusiliers: served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 14 Sept. 1014. LONGWORTH, R., Private, No. 8802, 1st Battn. The East Lancashire Regt. : served with the l^xpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action in 1914. LONIE. ALEXANDER DUNCAN, Private. No. 11597, 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Gordon Highlanders, eldest .s. of Alfred Lonie, of 77, Rosemount Viaduct, Aberdeen, Hosiery Presser, by his wife, Ann, dau. of Charles Cowie ; b. Aberdeen, 9 March, 1897 ; educ. Public Schools there, and was afterwards employed as a Clerk with Messrs. Wordie A Co., Railway Carters and Contractors; enlisted 29 March. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 8 July, and was killed in action 18 Aug. following, being hit by a shell while on his second trip to the trendies ; unm. LOOKER, G. T.. L.-Corpl., No. 8601, 1st Battn. The Royal Berkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 14-22 Sept. 1914. LOOSELY, W., Private, No. 1284:3, The Grenadier Guards; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. LORD, ARTHUR, Capt., 3rd (Special Reserve), attd. 15th (Service), Battn. The Welsh Regt., eldest x. of Robert Ellis Lord, of Penlan, Wynnstay Road, Colwyn Bay, M.D., J. P., by his wife, Elizabeth Margaret, dau. of WMIliam Wil- liams, of Brecon ; b. Colwyn Bay, co. Denbigh, 6 June, 1897 : educ. CMve House School, Old CoUvjii ; Haileybury College (Entrance Scholar), and University of Manchester (Entrance Scholar), where he was a medical student, being a member of the O.T.C. both at Haileybury and Manchester; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Tlie Welsh Regt. 6 Jan. 1915 ; promoted Lieut, in June, and Capt. the Norman Bruce Lothian. following Dec. ; served with the ]';xpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from June, 1915 ; was wounded at the Battle of Loos in Sept. wliile serving with the 1st Battn.; returned to France in June 1916, being then attached to the 14th Battn. ; was invalided home in the autumn ; went back to the firing line in Jan. 1917, when he joined the 15th Battn., and died at Ypres 12 Feb. following, from wounds received in action there. Buried in Mendinghcm British Cemeterj% Proven, west of Ypres ; vnm. LORD, F., Private. No. 9441. 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt. ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed at Le Cateau 26 Aug. 1914. LOTHIAN, NORMAN BRUCE, Private, No. 28052. 15th Battn. King's Canadian Highlanders, 3rd .s. of Alexander James Lothian, of 4, Plewlands Terrace, Edinburgh, and Loaastone House, Penicuick, Midlothian, H.M. Inspector of Stamps and Taxes (retired), by his wife. Mary Bi-uliif, d;iu. of David Johnston ; b. Melrose, i-n. Koxlmrudi. 28 Feb. 1889; educ. George Watson's College, Edinburgli (where he was Scliool Medallist for Scholarsiilp and .Vthlrtics), and at the University of Ediidaiii-'h, at \\lilch he was President of tin- Diaui'ostic Society, and M.A. with Honours i[i English 1012; went to Canada in July. 1014; joined the ('anadian Higlilanders on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914, and returned to England with the 1st Canadian Contingent ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Feb. 1915; took part in the li-;liling at Ypres in April, and died at Hinges Hu-pital 21 May, 1915. of wounds received in action at Festubert the previous day. Buried in Hinges Cenii-tcry. He was a keen football player, and while" at the university played Rugby for Watsonians (Scottish Champions). The University Magazine ("The Student") wrote: "He was one of Alma Mater's noblest sons. I got to know him first at school, where both in scholar- sliip and athletics he was one of the " giants.' He excelled in games, and a stern stni'^fgle alwa\s tdiind him equal to tlie occasion. ... He was in the best sense of tlie term a '.^reat social success. Above all. he liad a genius for friendship. Triiiiirranii Hi i< a lialllinu' thing to define, but one remembers his clear lionesty, clii\ ;ili(tns Iiiyalt> and '^'enuine good humour." Uiirn. LOUGHRAN, ALEXANDER, Corpl., No. 1540:J, 14th (Service) Battn. The Durham Light Infantry, *. of Jo.seph Loughran, of Killyliarry Glebe Castle, Caul- field, CO. Tyrone, Farmer, by his wife, Esther, dau. of George Davidson ; b. Killyharry Glebe aforesaid, 4 Oct. 1890; educ. Kilnaslie Church School; was a Shot Firer in the mines; enlisted 10 Sejit . 1914, after the outbreak of war served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 10 Sept. 1915, when he had charge of a company of bomb tlirowers, and died at No. 3 Canadian: Casualty Clearing Station 10 May, 1916, from wounds received in action at Ypres. Buried in Lyssenthoek Soldiers' Cemetery. The Chaplain, Capt. W. Archer, wrote : " He was brought in this morning badly wounded and uncon- scious, and though everything possible was done, he passed away about six o'clock this evening." He m. at the Presbyterian Chureii of St. Andrew, Black- hill, 24 March, 1910, Charlotte Esther, widow of Tom Scarth Yoxmg, of Blackhill, and dau. of Henry William Elsom, of East Jro- moted Lieut. April, I'll.',, and (apt! ,'\l:ir(h I'.llli ; served with the Ex|irditioii,ary Force in France and Flatider-s from .April, I'.Hj : wa.s wounded iu .Jvmr. wtiile on patrol duty, and again in Nov., being invalided home ; returned to France in .\pril, 1916: took part in the early Jiart of the Battle of the Somme, and was killed in action near Thi'5pval 18 Aug. 1916. while leading his company in tlie face of terrific fire. Buried between Ovillers and Thiepval. He was awarded the Military Cross, " For conspicuous gallantry in France. When directing a working party in front of the parapet, the Germans opened fire and wounded a man of the covering party. Second Lieut. Lowe and a sergeant rushed to his aid, and although the sergeant was grazed by a bullet and 2nd Lieut. Lowe shot in the The Roll of Honour 177 Norman Coutie Lowson. thign, the buHet being subsequently found in the wound, tliey carried the wounded man across the open and through the wire into a place of safety. Second Lieut Lowe had previously been wounded and had been brought to notice for excellent work at the front," and was mentioned in Despatches [London Oazette. 1 Jan. 19161 by F.M. Sir John (now Lord) French, for gallant and distinguished ser\-ice in the field. He was an excellent shot, and shot many times at liisley while at Winchester, being captain of the Winchester \lll. iii 1913, his. last year there and in 1914 was a member of the Oxford Shooting VIll ; unm. LOWE, T. F , Private. Xo. 10032, 2nd Battn. The Essex Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Sept. 1914. LOWE, W. J., Ordinary Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. LOWE, WILLIAM JAMES, Guuuer, No. 1294, 15th Battery. Motor Machine Gun Section, .v. of James Robert Lowe, of Ashville. MeU-ose, by his wife, Agnes Straiton, dan. of Alexander Hall ; b. Edinburgh, 25 Aug. 1890 ; educ. Galashiels Academy, and George Watson's College, Edinburgh, where he won Bursaries yearly, and was twice winner of the Cowieson prize ; in his last year was Dudgeon Medallist. Scott Prizeman, and winner of a £10 Mathematical Prize : underwent a course of Electrical Engineering at the lioyal Technical College. Glasgow ; enlisted 13 May, 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France" and Flanders; was wounded at Neuve Chapelle, and died at Laventie 22 Dec. 1916. Buried at Pont du Hem Military Cemetery, near La Gorgue. Estaires. LOWMAN, WILLIAM GEORGE, Able Seaman, No. J. 10953 (Portsmouth) ; lost while serving on Submarine E3 Oct. 1914. LOWSON, NORMAN COUTIE, M.C., Capt., R.E.. only s. of James Low^son, of 10. South Park Terrace. Glasgow. Senior Partner of IMessrs. W. C. Martin A Co., Elec- trical Engineers, V.D., late Major 5th Scottish Rifles (T.F.). by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of the late John Hunter, of Ayr ; b. Glasgow, 30 June, 1892; educ. Glasgow Academy, and Glasgow University, where he graduated B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering in 1913, and was a member of the O.T.C.; both at the Academy and tlie University ; was training for the Electrical profession : gazetted 2nd Li'-ut. Special Reserve K.E. 11 July. 1914; served with The Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders irom Oct, 1914, being attached to tlie 7t)i l»i\ Kinnal Signal Coy. the following month, and siilisequently being given command Ml the company : took part in many entiage- iiients, including the Battles of Neuve cha]telle and Loos, and died at Varennes (J .March. 1917. from wounds received in action at Puisieux, on the Ancre. earlier in the day. Buried at Varennes. He was twice mentioned in Despatches [London Gazettes. 22 June, 1915, and 1 Jan. 1916) by F.M. Sir John (now Lord) Freneli, rnr gallant and distinguished service in tlie field, and was awarded the Military Cross (London Gazette, 14 Jan. 1916]. A memorial clock has been erected to liis memory in the extension of the Union Jack Club, Waterloo Road. London, S.E., by the otficers, N.C.O.'s and men of his company ; num. LOWTHER, G., Bombardier, No. 31597, R.F.A. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France : killed 18 Sept. 1914. LOYE, REGINALD PHILIP, Private, No. 2266. 12th (Service) Battn. The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.). only s. of the late James" Loye. of Plymouth. Soli- citor, by his wife. Amy (Plymouth), dau. of Fleet Paymaster Henry' Stephens Dyer. R.N. ; // Plvnioiith. CO. Devon. 28 June, 1876; educ. Cheltenham College (ChelUmdale). from wliere he passed the preliminary examina- tion for Law. and was subsequently articled to the firm of Messrs. Wilson A- Loye, qualify- ing as a Solicitor in 1898. but owing to the death of his father in 1896. he afterwards I'i'came a member of the staff of Lloyds Bank ; MiUmteercd for foreign service on the outbreak I if war in Aug. 1914. b'lt was unalie to pass the medical test; joined the Bankers' Battn. riie Royal Fusiliers 1 March. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and r landers from 24 Aug. following, where he was constantly employed on special duty and patrol work during the autumn and winter of 1916-17, and died at the 2/lst West Riding Casualty Clearing Station 31 Jan. 1917, from broncho-pneumonia, contracted while undergoing a course of machine- gun instruction at a base camij imder canvas. Buried at Lillers. Wiule at Cheltenham he was captain of the Gymnastic team, and won back the Challenge Cup for swimming for his house in 1893. Mr. Loye is a direct descendant on his mother's side of the family of Boger, of St. Germans, co. Cornwall, his ancestors having served witli the Royal Marines, Royal Marine Artillery and the Royal Navy since the early part of the seventeenth century ; unm. LUCAS, F., Private, No. 13016, The Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 22 Sept. 1914. LUCAS, F. E., Acting Bombardier, No. 50733. R.F.A. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 24 Sept. 1914. LUCAS, F. W., Stoker, 1st Class ; lost on M.H.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. LUCAS, FREDERICK RICHARD, 2nd Lieut., R.F.C.. only %-. of Frederick James Lucas, of 81, Oakdale Road, Leytonstone. E.. employee in the Fitter" Engineer's Department. fJroat Eastern Railway, by his wife. Jessie Jane, dau. of Arthur Taylor ; b. Dalston, London, N.. 6 .July. 1898 ; educ. Newport Road School. Leyton. and Connaught Road High. School. Leytonstone ; was a Short- hand Typist with Cayzer, Irvine A- Co., Ltd.. Shipowners, and in Aug. 1914. was attached to the West Indian Club, Whitehall, where he worked in eoniieetiun with the Belgian Relief Fund : obtained a commission in the K.F C. 1 Aug ruti. and was killed in an aerial accident at Amering, West Worthing. 20 Oct. following. C^pt. H. C. H. dc Crespigny wrote ; " He was on a cross-country fiiglit between Beaulieu and Shoreham. the accident occurring near Worthing. It is not possible to tell exactly what caused the accident, but from wliat I can gather the macliine was last seen diving towards the ground, and did not flatten out. Personally, I am of the opinion that your son fainted in the air. and of course lost control, but it will be impossible to find out for certain. . . . Tlie late Li<'ut. Lucas was a very promising ]iilot, and 1 had great liopes of his success." Unni. LUCAS, H., Private, No. 6905, 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Regt. ; served with the Expeat{ii. The London Regt. 2 Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war ; server! with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 19 Aug. 1915, and died in the 6th Loudon Field Ambulance on 24 May, 1910. from wounds received in action at Vimy Ridge ; n.nyii. LUDLOW, T., Driver, No. 24385. Army Service Corps ; served with the Expeieuous bravery all through, and died lighthig bra\('ly in a trench full of Germans. I have recom- mended him to Headquarters for his distinguished services, and I have every hope of his being awarded the D.C.M. I feel his loss keenly, as well as lus com- rades do. with wliom he was a general favourite, and I always found him a most obliging and willing lad." Unm. LYE, GILBERT, Lieut., 4th (Extra Reserve) Battn. The Manchester Regt., eldest -s-. of Frederick Lye, of FieldhoiLse Corner, Rochdale, Spinner and Manu- facturer, by his wife, Alice, dau. of Thomas Edward Heap ; b. Rochdale, co. Lancaster, 8 Aug. 1893 ; educ. Manchester Grammar School, and Rossall School ; was Assi.stant Manager to John Bright it Brothers, Ltd.. ; joined the Royal Fusiliers in Aug. 1914 ; obtained a 2nd Lieutenancy in the 4th Battn. The Man- chester Regt. 8 June. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 2 June, 1916, and was killed in action at Trones Wood 21 July following. Buried in (Corbie Communal Cemetery Extension, Corbie-sur-Somnic; unm. LYMAN, F., Private, No. 8129, The RiHe Brigade; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. LYNCH, H., Private, No. 8292, 1st Battn. The South Wale^ Borderers ; served with tlie l-;xpeditionary Force in France ; killed 26 Sept. 1914. LYNCH, THOMAS. P.O., R.N., H.M.A.S. Sidney ; killed in 1914. LYNESS, HAROLD, 2nd Lieut., 9th (Ser\ice) Battn. Princess Victoria's (Royal Jrish Fusiliers), eldest s. of the late Joseph Lyness. of Carlton House, Belfast, Solicitor, by his wife. Jane (88. Fitzroy Avenue, Belfast), dau. of Thomas Clarke, of Lurgan, co. Armagh; b. Oakbank, Rosetta Park, Belfast, 17 May 1896 educ. St. Jude's School, and the Royal Aciidcmiail Institute there ; was ITS The Roll of Honour subsequcntlv nppn-iitii-ed to tin- Linen Warohonst- of Mfssrs. William I.iddrll tfc Co., QufL'M Strt'L't. Itcjfiist ; enlisted as a Private in the IJI;u-I< Wateli 27 Dee. 1914 : was iiazetted 2nd Kient. 5th Koyal Irish Knsiliers 27 Ann. li'lo. transferring to tile Ht!i liattii. 17 May, 11)1(1 : served with the JCxpeditionury Force in J-'ranee and [-'landers from the i'.ttli of tlie snuw niontli : took part fn tlie Itattle of the Sonime in July and \\\\i.. and died in ^"o. 2 Casualty Clearinii Station, Jiaillcul. 2 Sept. 19H), from wounds received in action south of Messines the previous day. Buried in the Military Cemetery, Bailh-ul. His Commandini.' Otiieer. Lieut. -Col. Blacker, wrote : " He had gone out in eharj^e of a party wirinu in front of our line, and was hringin^ his men back at t he eonehLsion of a night's good work when lie was hit by a chance shot, while in the ennimnnication treueli. The bullet entered his left side and p:i.ssed through liis body. I sympathize most deeply with you in your sorrow. He had only been a fi'W montlis with us. and had already made his mark in the tiattaticc. 18.. : educ. Public School there: was a Labourer; served with tin Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action 9 July, 19H'.. He was awarded tlie J). CM. for gallant and distinguished service in the field : num. LYONS, A., fiunner. Xo. 2714. K.F.A. : s.:'rved with the E.Kpjditionary Force in France ; died 2 Oct. 1914. LYONS, Jm Gunner. So. «9091. 52iid Battery, R.F.A. ; served with the Expedi- tion:iry Force in France : killed in action 12 Sept. 1914. LYONS, L.. Sergt., No. 10271, 1st Battn. The Royal Iri.sh Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died of wounds 19 Sept. 1914. McADOO. THO\L\S JOHN, L.-Corpl.. Xo. 461.^. C Coy.. l/15th Battu. (Civil Service Kiflc-a) The London Regt. (T.F.V ::rd «. of the late Thomas MeAdoo. of Kilcrcen. Selloo, Clones, co. Monaghan, Farmer, by his wife, I-^Iizabeth. dau. of William Waide : b. Kilcreen. Selloo. Clones, co. Monaghan, 24 May. 1897 : educ. Higi; School. Clones, and Skerry's College. Dublin : was a Civil Servant employed at the Education Ottiee. London; joined the Ci\il Service Rifles I.". Xov. 1915: siTved with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 14 May. 1910, and was killed in action 12 Jan. 1917. Capt. H. D. Oliver wrote : " We all r 'Spected and liked him very much. He was always bright and cheerful. and ever ready to do what was expected of him. I had just given him the first promotion, and in losing him T have lost a very good X.C.O." Cnm. McALEA, B., Private, No. 7598. 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles: ser\ed with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. McALLlON, p.. Private, Xo. 6748. 2nd Battn. The Argyll and Sutherland High- landers : served with the Expeditionary F'orce in France; killed in action 2G Aug. 1911. Mc.\LLISTER. T., Private ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 20 Xov. 1914. MACANDREW. WILLIAM FORSYTH. Private, Xo. 8227, 28th Battn. (.\rtistft' Ritles) The London Ke!7t. (T.E.). eldest .s-. of Isaac Forsyth Mncandrew, of Ohiti. Canford flitfs. co. Unrset : b. Hawke's Bay. Xew Zealand 28 July. 1S98 : educ. Orl"y Farm. Harrow: the Royal Naval College. Osborne, and tlie Royal Naval College. i;ia>-tmouth : joined the Cruiser H.M.S. King Alfred 1 Aug. 1914 : was promoted Midshiimian : served on H.M.S. I'mpiTor of India ; resigiu'd in Aug. 191G. on arcount of iil-health; joined the Art'sts" Rifles O.T.C. the follow- ing month, and died at Xo. 1 London General Hospital. London, 20 May. 1917. of puhnonary ciHi-^ump^ion. Bnri-d at Little Horkesley. near Colchester: mitn. McARTHUR, A., Private. Xo. OS'^O. ist Biittn. The East Yorkslurc Regt, ; served with the ExpetMtionary Force in France ; di'-d 22 Oct. 19H. MACARTHUR. ALASTER, Cipt.. 8th (Territorial) Battn. Princess Louise's (ArgvU and Sutherland Highlanders), s. of the late John MacArthur, of Barbrcck. Writer and Bank Agent, by his wife. Charlotte, dan. of the late Rev. Gregor MacGregor. Mini>terof Lisniore and Appin ; b. National Bank House. Inveraray, ■CO. Arg>le 20 Sept. 1870: educ. there and Edinburgh University. sub.«e(iuently ^iccoraiug a P.ank Agent ; joined the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders as a Private in 1888 ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 20 Se]»t. 1809 : was pro- moted Lieut. 27 April. 1901 : retired, and rejoined as Caiit. \^ Oct. 1912 ; volun- teered for foreign service on tlv outbreak of war in Ac.g. 1914 : served with thf Expeditionary Force in France and Fianders from 1 Alay. 1915. and was killed in action at the taking of Beaumont Hamel i:5 Xov. 191*?.. Buried at Mailly- 31aillet. He was an enthusiastic student of Natural History and Forestry, and took a consider^.ble part in the public business of the County of Argylc and Burgli of Inveraray ; tnim. McARTHUR, C, Leading Seaman; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 2fi Nov. 1914. McALXAY, A., Private. Xo. 0946, 2nd Battn. 'Ih,^ Seaforth Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; kill"d in nction 20 Oct. 1914. MACAUL.W, FREDERIC CHARLES, Sergt.. No. 729. C Si|uadron. 1st King Edward's Hor*e. vst. s. of Col. Charh-s Edward Maeaulay. of The Field, Earley Wood, Ascot, late nth King lidward's Own Lmcers. Indian Army, by his wife. Frederica Julia, dau of Sir Frederick Popoek. the Lord Chief Baron ; 6. Dera Ismai! Khan. Inri^. 19 Oct. 1874 ; educ. Trinity College. Glenalmond ; went to .South Africa in Jan. 1890, and. goins straight up country, joined the Jlatabele Mounted Police, with which he served during the Matabele Rebellion the same year, being in charge of the Gwelo eoach on a memorattle ride from Owclo to Bulawayo {.Medn! and Clasp) ; was one of five men who went with Major Coryndou to take "over Barotseland in 1897 ; subsequently becane- a UL^trict Commissioner of Northern Rliode^ia : returned to England after tb.e outbreak of the European War. and joined King Edwrvrd's Horse :}0 Xov. 1914: served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flauders from April. 1915 ; was for a fortnight in command of th? Divisional Sharpshooters, and w;is killed in action near Loos 14 Jan. 1910, whi!e walking along a eommtmieation trench to post one of his men. Buried in Xorth Maroc Cemetery. He m. at Strathblane, co. Stirling, 12 \pril. 1900, Marv .\delaide (The Field, Ascot), dau. of CharlesGairdner, and liad a dau.. Helena Alice, I'. 12 Sept. 1910. McAULEY, D.. Private, No. 854, 1st Battn. The Northumberland Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. McB.\IN, A., Private. No. 10550. 2Dd Battn. The Gordon Highlander? ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died of wounds 24 Oct. 1914. AIcBEATH, WILLIAM, L.-Corpl.. 0th (Territorial) Battn. Seaforth Higli- Jauders (Ross-slure Buffs, Tlie Duke of Albany's), eldest s. of William McBeath, of 42, Leicester Road, East Finchley, X., by liis wife, Jeanne, dau. of ticorge Silver, of Peterculter. Aberdeen; 6." Aberdeen, 18 June, 1894: educ. Gordon's College there, and Finchley County School ; was an Artist and JPoster Designer; joined the 6th Battn. The Seaforth HigUanders 7 Sei>t. 1914. after the outbreak of war: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from May, 1915; tookpartintheBattleofFestubert, and other engagements, and was killed in action between Xeiivillc .St. Vaast aixl Arras 28 .\pril. 1910, by the explosion (»f a mine in the Labyrinth. Buried at .Marouiil. .\fter leaving school he took a leading i)art in the Finchley Old Scholar.-i" Dramatic .Association, appearing in sevi-ral of the a<-;ociation productions; unin. McBRIDE, HENRY T., Ships Corpl. ; lost on H.M.S. Rohilla 30 Oct. 1914. McBRIDE, P., Private. Xo. 7025. 2nd Battn. The Roval Inniskilling Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 20 Oct. 1914. McCALL, T., Private. Xo. 709. 1st Battn. The Xorthumberland Fusiliers: •^ervr'i with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killi-d in aetif.n 13 Oct. 1914. .McCALLUM, ANDREW, Geucral Servant ; lost on H.M.S. Rohilla 30 Oct. 19U. McCALLUM, GEORGE, Private. Xo. 37062. 2nd Battn. (1st Foot) The Royal Scots (Lothian Regt.). v. of the late John Kirk McCallum. of Tddingston : ft. Uddingston. 14 April. 1881 ; educ. at Partick; was a Butcher; enlisted 19 July, 1910. and died at Craigh-ith Military Hospital, Edinburgh. 26 Dec. 1910. of bronoration speedily resulted in the many important scientific inventions comprised under the " Bone- court " surface combustion s\-5tem : joined tlie Inns of Court Officers' Training Corps about May. 1915, obtaining a commission in the 1st Surrey Rifles 24 Dee. following; served with the E.xpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 4 MarclC and was killed in action near Eaucourt I'Abbe 8 Oct. 1 916, wldle leading a bombing attack. Lieut .-Col. H. B. Kennedy wrote : " He will be most awfully missed bv us all. He was a splendid fellow in every way, and 1 was very fond of him. "He died a good deatii though — at the head of Iiis men. I regret we have- not been able to recover his body yet, as the ground had to be abandoned, but as soon as it is possible I will have it buried and a cross put up," and a brother oflicer : " He was the most fearless man in the battalion. We, his brother oflBcers, are able to sympathize with you because wc ourselves loved him. Al! had the same affection for one whom we had learnt to know." I'nm. The Roll of Honour ITf) Benjamin B. V. McCracken. Mccracken, benjamin BRAYSHAW victor, 2nd Lieut.. 9th (Ser- \icc) liattn. Jlir Ro\:il Iiini-;kiIIinL: rnsili'T?. eldest k. of the late (.ieorgo ,Mi rrjirk'-ii, nt [irnnmf, <■<*_ Tyrone, Mana^'*r oi the Ulster Bank. Bromore, bv his wife. Emm.i F. Oiow wife of J. J, H. Iv. W'addell.M A.XL.B.,of Ardnachree Dalkey en. Dublin), dan. of Spencer Binns. of Manchester : b. Stretford. Manchester. 14 June, 1897 ; educ. Masonic School. Clouskeagh, Dublin ; enlisted 28 Aug. 191,-, in the 12th Inniskiilin-. of the late Alexander MacDonald. by liis wife, Catherine, dau. of Donald McNiven ; b. Partick. co. Renfrew. 29 June, 1894 ; educ. Thornwood Public School ; was in the employ of Mes-rs. Barr ik Stroud, Glasgow ; enlisted in the Seaforth High- landers 2 Xov. 1915 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from March. 1916, and was killed in action at the Somme 17 Oct. following. Buried wlu-re he fell. Second Jj<-ut. J. Rodger Fox wrote : " I did not know him v<-ry w.Il. but he w;i-s without doubt vt-ry jiopuiar with his com- panions." f'nni. MACDONALD, KENNETH CAMPBELL. Private. Xo. 3488. I 8th (Territorial) Battn, Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), x. of Alexander Macdonald. of 18. Roxburgh Street. Greenock, bv his wife, Eliza, dau. of the late Findlev Luke ; b. Greenock, 17 May. 1897: edue. Hohascroft Elementary and Higher Grade Schools, Gt' iiiock : was i-mployed as a Clerk in the Cart--dyke Saw Mills, and afterwards as an Appr-ntice Joiner vritU Caird A Co.. Ltd. ; enlist<'d Oct. 1915 : underwent training at Dunoon ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from :i June. 1916. and was killed in action at Beaumont Ham.l 13 Xov. 1916. Buried in Mailly Wood C . He was a writer of verse, and his " Sl.cp on. Brave Souls " was set to music Ity Mr. Cargill Linn : ninn. MCDONALD, NORMAN, Lieut., 3rd (Re- serve) Battn, The Loyal Xorth Lancashire lU-gt,. 3rd s. of the late Tiiomas McDonald, of Beauly. Inverness: and stepson of H. T. Hayward. ot lilenheim. Road, Bedford Park, London. \V. : 6. Richmond, co. Surrey, 25 July. 1884 : educ. at the Mercliant Taylors' School : was engaged on the gold mines in .(ohannesburg and in Rhodesia from Jan. 1907. to .May. 1915. when he returned to England : johied the Inns of Court O.T.C. 14 June. 1915 : obtained a commission 6 Sept 1915; took part in the last East African eampaign from .\ug. 1916: was severely wounded IS Dec. at Kibata. and died a wi-ek later. Buried there. His Colonel wrote: '■ He wjis a most capable and excellent ollicer, and his death is u loss to the regiment and to the srrviee." A brother otlicer wrote: "I inu~t tell you how deeply we feel the loss of .Vornian. for by his glorious death the regi- ment has lost both a keen officer and a gentle- man. He w;ls a great favourite both with his brothiT otfieers and the men. all of whom loved him." MACDONALD, R., Private. Xo. 5620. The Cameron Highlanders ; served with Mte i-.\p((iitioii;iry I'orce in France ; died of wounds 27 Oct. 1914. ^fPf^^'^I^v^^'" I'rivate, Xo. 8698. The Roval Iniii^killing Fusiliers: served witli til.' Lxp.ditK.nury Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. MACDONALD, W. G., Sergt., No. 7281. 2nd Battn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light imantry): served with the Expeditionarv Force in France; died of wounds 29 Oct. 1914. MCDONNELL, D., Private, No. 7471. 1st Battn. The Leicestershire Regt. ; served with tlie hxp.ditinnary Force in France; killed in action 25 Oct. 1914. MACDOUGALL, DONALD, Private. l/7th (Territorial) Battn. The Gordon Higiilanders. yst. ... of the late John Macdoimall. Merch:uit. hv Iiis wile (~) (St. Giles" Lodge. Inverness): b. Toniatin. Inverne.-v-^. 3 April. 1892; educ. Milnes Institution and Fochaber and Invergordon Aeademv ; was eniploved in the Bank of Scotland at Inverness : joined the Lovafs Scou't< Yeoinaurv in Oct. 1914 : took part in the Gallipoli campaign : was invalided home with dvsenterv : on his recovery was drafted into the 1st Battn. The Cameron Hiuhlander's : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Dec. 1916: afterwards transferred into the Gordon Hichlauders. and was killed in action at St. Juhen I July. 1017. while acting as a Runner to his battalion. Buried at I'he \\ iilows. near where hr f.-ll : anm. McDOUGALL, WILLIAM, Private. Xo. 40108, Uth (Service) Battn. PrincesS Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). 2nd v. of William Campbell McDougall. of :i80. New City Road, and 18. Windsor Street. Glasgow. Fruit Merchant, by his wife. Isabella, dau. of James Douulas Kitchiug ; b. Glasgow. 27 Dec. 1896; due. Woodside School there, and was afterwards eniploved with Ins fathcT as a Fruit Merchant: joined the .stii Battn. The Argvll .and Sutherland Highlanders 6 May, 1916: served with the Expeditionarv Force in I-'rance and Flanders from Jidy, where he was transferred to the 11th Battn.. and was killed in action near Blangy. during the Battle of Arras. 9 April, 1917 Buried where he fell. A comrade wrote : " He fought bravely and was one of the keenest in the battle." He was well known in Glasgow as a tenor soloist, being soloist in the Sherbrookc Church and a member editionary Force in Mesopotamia ironi .(line. 191(1, when- he was attached to tlu- l/4th liattii. Tin- Ih-vunsbirL- Kcyt., In-ing ;i|'puiiiti(i Scout Olhcfrto hi>; battalion in Oct., ami was kihid in action on the west bank of tlie Sliatt-.-l-Hai Kiver :i Feb. 1017. llurird ill a ccnifti'ry near Bassonia. His Cunini;iiiil- iii'^ Orticer wrote : " l*'or many montlis McKacbran acted as my Scout OtHcer. and 1 liave notliing but praise for the jiood work he did. I have ofti-n heard the C.O.C. the Ilriyadc express this same opinion. As a lirotluT officer hi^ wna beloved by all." and a brutliei- officer : " We had to attack on 30 Feb. a \er>- ^tronjr Turki.sh position on the west h;inU oE the Sbatt-el-Hai : only two days before twoSiklir'^jinnntsliad suffered very lieavy losses in a>>aultini: the trenches, from which tliey event uallv had to retire. From men in his platoon I learnt that he led them over the parapet and got them in their ri^'ht places just as though he were on a parade ground, setting them all a wonderful example of steadiness. He seemed to be hit by a rifle bullet before tiie\- had advanced very far, but went on. I am told tliat he saw two men of a neighbouring regiment (Gurkhas) who seemed to be hanging back, so he went over to them and brought them on. and a short time after he was killed by a bullet through the chest. We all mourn the lo.ss of a true friend and a con- scientious soldier. I cannot express sufficiently well how much we valued his frlcndshij) and how deeply we miss liim." Another brother officer also wrote : " We shall ail miss him in the regiment ; he was one of our most competent offiei-rs. and, personally. I always had great confidence in liis opinion, and the men. too. realized his worth. You will he pleased to hear our battalion did splendidly, captured three lines of Turkish trenches and resisted five counter-attaek~!' Ciirn. McEWAN, DAVID GRANT. 2ud Lieiit., 10th (Service) Battn. (1st Rlionddat The Welsh Kegt.. ;ird and yst. .v. of David Watt McEwan, of Eiist Dene, Chape! Lane. Headingley, Leeds. Clothing ^Manufacturer's IManager, by liis wife, Isabella, dau. of Duncan Gillies, of Glasgow : b. Headingley, Leeds, co. York, 18 Feb. 1895 ; edue. Leeds Grammar School : suhse.iuently held a position on the staff of the Law I'nion it Rock Insurance Company in the Leeds Office ; joined the West Yorkshire Regt. as a Private in Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war. and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. The Welsh Regt. in June. 1915 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flandi-rs from 2 Dec. following, and was accidentally killed at St. Vaast 23 Jan. 1910, by the premature explosion of a grenade wliife at rifle grenade practice. Buried at St. Vaast Post, Neuve Chapelle. His Colonel wrote : "Your son's loss is a heavy one to all of us. especially. I think, to Mr. Padgett and to myself, as. in addition to a great personal reLMnl. I had quickly learnt to value his keenness and energy tand whole-hearted interest in his work," and his Cajttain ■ " Mac did fine work with liis men. work that has been done and remains, and which will bear fruit when ' the day ' conies when we shall meet the ' Huns ' in real earnest, and will bear its i)art in bringing peace at last." Umn. MACEY, JAMES WILLIAM, Painter. 2nd Class, No. M. 899 Pegasus in 1914. MACEY, U., Private, No. 5793. 2nd Battn. The Essex Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died of wounds 19 Sept. 1914. McFADDEN, ROBERT JOHN. Private, No. 15825. 10th (Service) Battn. The Royal Inniskilling F'usiliers. yst. *. of Archibald McFadden, of Maydown, Campsie. co. Derry, Labourer, by Ids wife, Margaret, dau. of James Whiteside ; b. Tirglassen, co, berry, 22 March, 1898 ; educ. Enagh Lough National School, Londonderry ; was a Factory Hand ; enlisted 15 Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; served with the Expeditionary Force in I-Yance and Flanders from 28 Sept. 1915. and was killed in action lU March, 1916; while on po^t duty. Buried in Authuille Cemeterv ; iinm. McFADYEN, JOHN, Private, No. 37904, 13(>th .\laclune Gun Corps, 3rrt s. of Alexander .Ab Kadyen, of Edgefield Cottages, Loanhead, Midintbian, bv his wife. Helen A., dau, of Walter Chamber; b. Old Pentland, co. Mid- lothian, 6 Jtmc, 1895 ; educ. Juniper (irecn Higher Grade Scliool ; was a Gardener ; eidisted 3 Nov. 1914; trained at Grantham: served with the Indian Flxpeditionary Force in Mesopotamia from Sept. 1916, and was killed in action at Sanna-i-Yat 22 l"eb. 1917. Buried on the battlefield. Lieut. K. Sander- son wrote : '* He was hit in the head when mounting his gnu in t!ie enemy second-line trenches, and was unconscious when he died shortly afterwards. He was buried tha*: night by his comrades in the field of battle, and his grave was duly marked." and a com- rade : " Jock was a special favourite among tlie boys of the section." Ctuu. McFADYEN, JOHN CRAIG, M.A.. 2nd Lieut., R.F.A., s. of William McFadyen, Designer, of 8, Oakley Terrace, Dennistbun, ■" ■ Glasgow, by his wife, Agnes, dau. of John 3IcArthur. of Glasgow ; 6. Gla.sgow, 27 March, ^^^■^^ 1S87 ; educ. Whitehill Higher Grade School, ^^^^^^^^^^k Glasgow, and Gla.sgow University, where he ^^^^^^^I^H took his Arts degree in 1909 ; after c(ualif>ing ^^^^^^^^^^^v as a teacher, he took a course of training in ^^^^^^^HP^r the Glasgow School of Art : subsequently ^^^^^^^^^ acted as interim Head Master in Hightae ; ^^^■^r joined the Artists' Rifles O.T.C. in P'eb.'l916 ; V^^^^L^ ohtainetl a commission 12 Jan. 1917 served .^^^^^^f' with the Expeditionary Force In France and ^^^^n F'landers. and was killed in action at Messines ^^Atfk ■ 5 June, 1917. Buried in 'Wulverghem-Lin- ^^^^^^^ denhoek Road Military Cemetery. A brother '^^^^^HQp^^ officer wrote: ** It came McFadyen's turn to ^^^^^^^^^SK ^^ escort and take charge of 20 wagons, which ^^^^^^^^^^^^^b^L^^ meant a command of 124 mules and horses fl^^^Pim^^migllg and 62 men. .Vftcr he had carried out orders, and when half-way back to his quarters, a high-explosive she'll burst about ten yards lost on H.M.S. John McFadyen. John Craig McFadyen. from him.VOne piece went into his head and another pierced his heart, killing him instantly. His horse was killed, as were also six mules and seven men. During the shelling perfect discipline reigned tilt poor McFady^'u was knocked over, and then 1 believe a sort of stampede occurred. Wliat more eo»dIace, and how cut up Capt. Jlurchie was when he read the sad news. He told me not only had he lost a good soldier and adjutant^ but a good friend. I do know he was loved by his men." and a brother officer : " We al! liked him so much in the battery. Everyone he came in contact witli liked him. All the officers of the battery sj-mpatliize with you all." His servant wrote : " He was liked by everyone wherever he went, as he was such a nice officer. I miss him very much." Unm. McGINN, P., Quartcnnaster-Sergt., No. 6117. 2nd Battn. The Bedfordshire- Regt. ; served with the Expedifionarv Force in F'rance ; died of wounds 4 Nov. 1914. McGIRL, J., Private, No. 8563. 2nd Battn. The Lancashire Fusiliers; ser^ed with the Expeditionary Force in France; died 19 Oct. 1914, from wounds received in action. McGLEAD, M., Corpl., No. 9217, 1st Battn. The Somerset Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 26 .Aug. 1914. McGLENNON, J., Private. No. 2085. 1st Battn. Tlie King's Own (Royal Lan- caster Regt.) ; served with the Kxpcditionar\- Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 19l4. McGONEGLE, L., Private, No. 11052, 2nd Battn. Th.e King's Royal Rifle Corps ; served with tht; Expeditionarv Force in France ; died of wounds 18 Sept. 1914. McGOVERN, C, Private. No. 7457. 7th Battn. The South Lancashire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 7 Sept. 1914. McGOWAN, C, Private. No. 6993. 2nd Battn. The Duke of Wellington's Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 22-25 Oct. 1914. McGOWRAN, T.. Sergt., No. 9377, 1st Battn. The Royal Fusiliers; ser\'cd with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. McGRANE, G.. Private. No. 8367. 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; died o:' wounds received in action in 1914. McGRATH, J., Private. No. 9730.1st Battn. The Royal Irish Fusiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; kiUed in action 26 .\ug. 1914. McGRATH, W., Private. No. 6154. 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Regt. ; ser\-cd with tlie ]-:xpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Oct. 1914. McGregor. DOUGLAS. 2nd Lieut., &tli Battn. Argyll and Sutherland Hii^hlanders. .'.tb -s. of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McGregor, of Pontypridd ; 6. Ponty- pridd, 16 Feb. 1893; edue. Pontypridd County School. From his youth he showed a fondn-'ss for outdoor sports, especially Kugliy lootliail. at which game he latterly played three-quarter for a local club. For several years be was a keen and enthusiastic Boy Scout. He resigned his nienilnrshiij of this organization when he was enrolled in ids school's Cadet Corps. Shortly after the out- break of war he left the London City and Midland Bank, and enlisted in the 13th Battn. The Royal WeKh Fusiliers, with which battalion he remained until he was granted a commission in the 8tli Battn. The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, when he proceeded to Dunoon to take up his duties as an officer. He went to France the following May. During the five and a half months he was permitted to spend in that country he was in action at the LabjTinth (near the Vimy Ridge), in front of Amientieres and H^butenic, "and, lastly, at Beaumont Hamel, He proved a most Douglas McGregor. trustworthy and courageous officer, while his The Roll of Honour 181 bright and cheerful dispo^^itiou trained him here, as elsewhere, hosts of friends. The following incident proves his courfli^e to have been of no mean order ; One nitrht. while Douglas was commanding a patrol in Xo Man's Land, the sergeant with him was shot through the leg, and lay groaning with pain and unable to move. Despite heavy, well-aimed sniping fire, Douglas and a private under Ills command carried the sergeant back into our own lines. On 13 Xov. 1917, the Highland Di\ision made a'successfnl attack on the theoretically impregnable village of Beaumont Hamel (see the " Times " 15-18 Nov. 1917). Douglas was chosen to lead his platoon in the attack. Wlulc speaking to a brother officer during the tense wait that preceded the moment of attack, the former was as cheerful as ever and spoke hopefully of future events. When the attack began, he led forward his platoon with great dash. Just as he reached the second German line, however, he fell, shot through the he.ad. On a bright Xovember morning a week later. Ins comrades i>ore him to his grave in ilailly- Jlaillet, his pall the Union Jack, the wailing of the pipes and the roar of the guns a fitting coronach for a most lovable comrade and gallant soldier. McGregor, IAN Alexander, 2nd Lieut.. 2nd Battn. (5th Foot) The Northumberland Fusiliers, eldest *-. of Alexander McGregor, of Knoekfarrie Lodge, Pitlochrv. bv his wife, .\nnie, dan. of the late George Allan ; 6. Pitlochry, <) Feb, 1893 ; educ'. Higher Grade School there : Perth .ieademy. and Glasgow University (graduated M.A.); voluntarily enlisted as a Private in the Royal Scots 30 Sept. 1914: gazetted 2nd Lieut. 2nd Battn. The Northumberland Fusiliers 5 .A.pril, 1915 ; went to Salonika 11 Jan. 1916; killed in action at Ner- volgen 10 Sept. following. His Colonel wrote : " He was extremely conscientious in carrj-ing out his duties, and commanded his platoon in a nice quiet way. wliich endeared him to his men." A brother officer also wrote : " He was brave and true to the last, and saw to the safety of liis men before thinking of himself." Vitm. MACGREGOR, J.iVJVIES H.\MILTON, Lieut.. 3rd (P.eserve) Battn. The Bedfordshire Regt.. attd. l:!2nd Cov. Madiine Gun Corps, 3rd s. of Jolm Cameron JIacgregor. of 39. Kitsbury Road. 'Berkhamsted, Barrister-at-Law, by his wife, Margaret, dan. of the late jolin Beames. Indian Civil Service ; b. London. 28 Feb. 1897 ; educ. Berkliamsted School, wiiere he was an enthusiastic member of the O.T.C.. in which he became Sergt.. and obtained Certificate " A " : applied for a commission the dav war was declared, and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. (Special Reserve) The Bedfordshire Regt. 15 Aug. 1914. being employed on home service for about 18 months, when he was seconded for service with the Machine Gun Corps, and attached to the 132nd Coy. ; served with the Indian Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia from Oct. 1916, and was killed in action before Kut 10 Jan. 1917. Buried at Mahomed Abdul Hassam. The .\diut.int wrote : " He was a great favourite in the mess, greatly on account of Ills coolness and ability, and invariable cheerfulness in action. His men also desire me to convey to you their deepest sympathy, for he was greatly respected by the entire company,' an Hater: " He was such a fine lad, and everybody liked him," Unm. McGregor, william moslev, Pri- vate, No. 5055, ,5th (Territorial) Battn., Lewis <;mi Section. The Gordon Highlanders, s. of I George Dawson McGregor, of 24, Murray Ter- race, .Aberdeen, Marine Engineer, by his wife Marv. dan. of Edward Davidson, of Mosley; '.- North Sllields, CO. Northumberland, 9 July, 1897; educ. Norman Training Centre. .Aber- deen; was an Apprentice Engineer with ^lessrs. J. Le%vis. Aberdeen ; enlisted 15 Aug. l'.)14; served with the Expeditionary Force ill France and Flanders from 29 July, 1916 ; was wounded at .\rras 17 April, 1917, and died the same dav at No. 42 Casualty Clearing station. Buried in Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension ; unm. McGUIGAN, D., Private, So. 10597, The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers; served with the" Expeditionary Force in France ; died ol William Mosley McGregor. wounds 20 Oct. 1914. McGUINN, M., Private. No. 6967, 2nd Battn, The Connaught Rangers : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 25 Sept, 1914. .McGUINNESS, C, Private. No. 8014, The Loyal North Lancasldre Regt.; siTved with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action in 1914. MACGUIRE, D, J., Corpl., No. 9698, 2nd Battn, The South Lancashire Rent.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action :j o"ct. 1914. McHALE, T., Private, No. 7878, 1st Battn. The Loyal North Lancashire Kcgt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. MACHRAY, WILLIAM, DC M., Sergt.. No. 27959, 12th (Service) Battn. The Roval Scots (Lothian Regt.), elder s, oi William' Machray, of Ch-ne, Newmachar. Farmer, bv his wife, Christina, dau. of Gcorgi Anderson ; 6. Port Elphinstone, Inverurie, CO. Aberdeen. 7 April, 1895 ; educ. Gordon College, Aberdeen ; was an Accountant with Messrs. Mitchell & Watt, .Aberdeen ; enlisted in the Roval Scots 22 J.an. 1916: served with the F.xpeditionary Force in France from June. 1910 : took part in the operations at .Arras in .April, 1917, and was killed in action at Ypres, near Strombake, 12 Oct. following. He was .awarded the D.C.M. for distinguished conduct in the field. An officer wrote : " He was an N.C.O. we could depend on at all times for the fulfilment of his duties and orders, absolutely to rlie letter, in short. He was a fine specimen of a man and a good soldier. Men such as he can little be spared at such a time .as the pr. sent." I'nm. McILWAINE, ARTHUR ARNOLD, 2ud Lieut,. 3rd Battn. (Reserve) The Loyal North Lancashire Regt., vr, «, of Capt. William Frederick .Mcllwaine. of 9, Warwick ■Crescent, London, W.. late Rova! Marine Light Infantry, by his wife. Sophia, ■dau. of Capt. Oliver St. John. 'late H.E.I.C.S. : h. Teignmouth, South Devon, 5 June, 1877 ; educ. St Paul's School : Christ Cliurch, Oxford (B.A. and Honours •in History) ; enlisted in the Hampshire Regt. Sept. 1914 : was promoted Corpl. the following month ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. 3rd Battn. The Loyal North Lancashire Jlegt. 27 .April, 1915 ; went to France 4 Dec. 1913, and was killed in action in the WiUiam Machray. Daniel David Mclntvre. trenches bv shell fire near I-oos 3 March, 1916. Buried in the Militar)- Cemetery there. His Colonel wrote : " He was a good soldier, devoted to his duty and stout of heart, and we are all much grieved at losing him." Unm. McINNES, J., Private, No. 1373, The Black Watch ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. McINTOSH, J. W., Private, No. 8946, 2nd Battn. The Durham Light Infantry ; served with tin; Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action in 1914. McINTYRE, DANIEL DAVID, L.-Corpl.. No. 0484. 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Came- ronians (Scottish Bifies), 2nd «. of Daniel McInt>Te. of 11, Cranbrooke Drive, Maryhill, Glasgow, Marine Engineer, by his wife, Annie, dau. of David Treasurer, of Inverness : b. Glasgow, 17 Sept. 1893 : educ. North Kelvin- side Higher Grade ■School there, and was sub- sequentlv apprenticed as an Engineer ; joined the Scottish Rifles in March, 1913 ; was mobilized on the outbreak of war in -Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 4 Nov. following, and was killed in action on the Sonime IH Feb. 1917. Buried near Bouchavesne^ ; tinnt. McINTYRE, DONALD, Private. No. 3685, 1st Lovat's Scouts (T.F.), «. of James McIntjTe, of Home Farm, Craigends, Jolin- stone, CO. Renfrew, by his wife. Agnes, dau. of John Moffat ; b. Home Farm, Castle Toward, co. Argjle. 14 June, 1888 ; educ, Bishopton, CO. Renfrew ; HolnLscroft Higher Grade School. Greenock, and Glasgow .Agricul- tural College : was a Farm Servant ; joined the Lovat's Scouts 7 Dec. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in F'rance and Flanders from the following Dec. when he was transferred to the Cameron Highlanders in Jan. 1917 : transferred to the Gordon High- landers, and was killed in action near Y'pres 22 Aug. following. An officer wrote : " He died doing his duty and death was instan- taneous." He m. at Bensley, Montgrcenan, CO. Ayr, in 1906, .Agnes, dau. of Jolm .^IcCulloch. and had a son, James, b. 2 Feb. 1907. MACINTYRE, DONALD, Private, No. 35143. 7th (Service) Battn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), only ». of John MacIntjTe, of Police Biuldings, Oban, Detec- tive Sergeant, by his wife, Margaret Fletcher, dau. of John Ferguson ; b. Kintyre, co. .Argyle. 4 .April, 1894 : educ. firaminar School, Campbeltown ; was a Clerk in tin- .Argyleslure Motor Companv ; enlisted in the -Argj'le .Mounted Battery 20 Dec. 1915 ; transferred to the Durham Light Infantry : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 2 Sept. 1916, when he was transferred to the King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry) : W.-IS reported missing after the fighting at Langeniarck, 16 Aug. 1917, and is now- assumed to have been killed in action on that date. Buried near Langemarck Station ; unm. Donald Mclntyre. Donald Maclntvre. McIX'ER, DONALD, Sergt.. No. 330789, 7th (Territorial) Battn. Princess Louise's (.Argvll and Sutherland Highlanders), s. of John Mclver. of 35. Greenfield Street, Alloa, bv liis «ife. Jane. dau. of William Sharp, of Clackmannan : b. Alloa. ;!0 July, 1892 ; educ. there : was a Cooper : joined the 7th Battn. The .Argvll and Sutherland Highlanders 11 Jan. 1906 : volunteered for foreign service on the outbreak of war in .Aug. 1914 ; served with the Exjieditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Dec. ; was slightly gassed at Hill 60, 25 .April. 1915, and was invalided home in Jan 1916 ; returned to the front in May, 1917. and was killed in action at Ypres 20 Sept. following. Buried in a British cemetery, north-east of Ypres; unm. McIVER, JAMES NOBLE, 2iid Lisut., 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Roya Scots (Lothian Regt), s. of James Jlclver, Draper, of Inverewe. Elgin; b. Elgin. 16 Feb. 1894 ; educ. Elgin .Academy, and Edinburgh Universitv, where he graduated M,.A. 30 March. 1915 ; joined the Edinburgh University O.T.C. in Oct. 1914 : transferred to the R..A.M.C. in .April. 1916; obtained a com- mission the following -Aug. : s;-rved with the Expeditionarv Force in France and Flanders, being attached to the 9tli Battn. I'lie Gordon Highlanders, and was killed in action at Ypres 25 .Aug. 1917. by a lugh-explosive shell. Buried south of Verlorenhoek Cottage, east of Ypres, His Commanding Officer wrote : "" Your son, wliile he was with us endeared himself to all of us, and w,as immensely liked and respected, wiiile his men would have done anything for him. for he was always so con- siderate for their welfare. ... 1 may tell you that your son died right up in the front line, doing the most important work. We who have known him here will never forget him . . h: set Ui aa inspiring example of how to live," .and a brother officer ; " Your son was in niv company, and was a verv efficient and careful officer." Hls Chaplain also wrote : ■' He was a favourite with us all. From the time he joined us till now he has lived amongst us in friend3hi|i and goodwill, often cheering us bv Ills humour, and alwavs commanding our llighest respect by his sterling character, . , . .All that was low and unworthy he scorned. All tliat was high and good he loved." Vnm. MACK, J., Private, Xo, 7872, 2nd Battn, The Welsh Eegt,; served with the Expeditionary, Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept, 1914. James Noble Mclver. 182 The Roll of Honour Robert Mack. 'I'homas Mack. MACK, ROBERT, I'rivate, No. 17/324, 17tli (StTvici;) liattn. I lie Nortliuinl)crliiiiii hiisilicrs. oldest «. of Diivid Mnek, of HiRli House. Alnwick, eo NortliuniliLTlaiiil. I'v liis wili'. Christiiiii, dan. of Arx-liiliald Oray ; h. Ucstuii. CO. Hcrwick. 24 June. 18Si:i ; cduc. Ki'iiiiinytim and KnUilcton. co Nortluimbcr- iand ; was a Clerk, cni]ilo.vcd by tlic North Kastcrn liailwav Coinpany ; enlisted 28 Sept. 1914: served with tln' K.xpeditionary Force in l*"ranee Iroin 21 Nov. 1915. and was killed in action near Kurues 2 Oct. 1917. liiiried in the Coxyde Cenictery His f'onnnandin« Ollicer wrote : " He is a yrcat loss to the comI^an^■ and also to this hattalion, and as one 1)1 tile old hands, the <>rij;iiial nierahers of the hattalion. one had come to rely on him and trust him in any cmeriiency or dilticnlt work that hail to he' done." and a comrade: ■■ We iniss him very much as he had hi-en with us tliri'i' year's and his cheerful I'er- -ciiialily always made him a «rcat favourite with ills comrades. .\ brave soldier, and one whom we all admired for his coolness in ilaie..'er." Vnm. MACK, THOMAS, 2iid l.irnt. iltli (Service) lladii. I'll.- Iliirliain l.islit Infantry, s. of Ail.im Diiimlas .Mack, of llonulas CottaKe, llaillicslon. near (Hasjiow. .f.l'.. by his wife, .lanet. i-jdiT dan. of .loliii Sommcrvillc ; ft. Ilaillie^ton aforesaid, 21) July. 1894; ednc. Knilli.ston School: Kent lload School. lilav^uw, and at the Vnivcrsity of Oliusjiow, when- he comiileted all the examinations for 111'- decree in .Arts; joined the lilasyow I niversitv O.T.C. : gazetted 2ud I.iellt. 24 Dec. 1914: served with the Expeditionary l-"orce ill l-'rancc and Flandi-rs from .\iit;. 1915. and was killed in action near Yprcs 2G Jan. 191(1. liuried in the Zillehcke felnetery. II.' was verv musical :iiid had jjreat literary .ihility ; /.«//,. MACKAV, ARNOLD LANGLEY, 2nd l.ieut.. ::rd (licscrvc). attd. 2nd (21st Foot), Tattu. The Ko\al Scots Fusiliers, only s. of the late Kev. Aimns .Mason .Mackay, Rector of Holy I'rinitv ('hurch. laiiubnruh. by his wife. Edith Harrirt (94, liowley Street. Walsall), dan. of the Rev. John I'iercy baliKlcy ; ft. Aberdeen. 7 May. 1891 : educ. Kettcs Collene. and EdinhurKh l.'niversity; was a member of the staif of Warriston I'ri'paratnry School, Molfat : joined the Public Schools ('ori)s of rile Koval Fusiliers in Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war. beini; gazetted 2iid l.ieut. :lril Hattu. Tlic Hoyal Scots Fusiliers Hi May, 1915 : served with the Kxpcditioiiary Force in Kraiiec and Flanders from May. 191(5. and died in the Duchess of Westminster's Hospital, be Tomiuct, :U Oct. following, from wounds received in ,lction on tlie Souinie on the 12tli. liuried in Etaples Military Cemetery. He was a keen footh;ill jilayer : played in his scliool and University First XV. : unm. MACKAY, J., (Jlinncr. No. 4tUill. 11th Kattery, E.F.A. : served with the Expeditionary J-'orce in France : killed in action 12 Sept. 1914. McKAY, JAMES, Corpl.. Itli Crcrritorial) Hattn. The Gordon Hifihlaulcis. s. of William McKay, of 31). Mari|Uis lioad. Woodside. by his wife. Elizabeth, dau. of Alixandcr itiacli : ft. Woodside. 21) July, 1832: educ. Public School there; was a Labourer: joined the Gordon Highlanders: served with tlic Exiiciiitionary F'orce in l-'rance and Flanders, and died at No. 8 Statioiiar> Hospital 29 Nov. 1910. from wounds ret^eivi'd in action. liuried in Wimereux Cemetery : tiitni. McKAY, M., Private. No. 56l:i. The Gordon Highlanders: served with the Expeditionary Force in France: killed in action 25 Oct. 1914. McKAY, R., Private. .\o. 747(). 2imI liattn. Tin- Uoyal Irish Rifles; served with tli ■ lixpcditiouary Force in I'Yance : killed in action 20 Scjjt. 1914. McKAV, W., Private. No 7(i:!. 2nd liattn. The Argyll and Sutherland High- landers; served with the Expeditionary l-'orcc in France: killed in action 20 Aug. 1914. McKELLAR, J., I.-.Scrgt.. No. 8559. The Royal Scots Fusiliers; served with the ICxpeditionary F'orce in France: killed in action 2;i Aug. 1914. McKENNA, A., Seaman (R.N.R.); lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 2(5 Nov. 1914. McKENNA, P., Private, No. llli:!S, 1st liattn. The Royal Irish FiLsiliers ; served with the Expeditionarv Forci; in France ; died of wounds in No. 3 Am- bulance Train 21 Oct. 1914. McKENZIE, A., Private. No. 7836, 2nd Battn. The Soaforth Highlanders : served with the lv\|ieditionary Force in France; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. McKENZIE, C, Private, Xo. 8925. 2iid liattn. Tlie Welsh Kegt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died of wounds 31 Oct. 1914. MACKENZIE, F. R., L.-Corpl.. No. 84B3, 1st liattn. The Bedfordshire Rcgt. : served with the Expeditionarv Force in France; killed in action at Lille 14 Oct. 1914. MACKENZIE, JAMES, (hneral Servant : lost on H.M.S. Rohilla :!(! Oct. 1914. McKENZIE, THORNTON, " Y " Section, H..M.S. Taurus. R.N.V.R., .t. of the late William McKcnzic. by his wife. Mary Lizzie (now wife of (Jeorgc Long, of 86, Abbey Road. Torry. Aberdeen), dan. of the late William Thorreli Goate; and ' brother to Pri\ate .1. W. .McKcnzic (see Vol. II.. page 214): ft. Aberdeen. 29 July, 1899; educ. H.anover Stri'ct School there; was empioved at the Granite Works; joined the R.N.V.R. ill April, 1917 : served on H.M.S. Taurus from the 28tli of that month, and was lost ;it si-a when that shij) was sunk 14 July toll')« ilig : I'lim. McKEOWN, A., Private, Xo. «563, 2nd liattn. The Connaught Rangers; served with tlie Expeditionarv Force in France; killed in action 22 Oct. 1914. MACKIE, ALBERT GEORGE RUTHER- FORD, Gunner. No. In7;i59. 91st Brigade. U.F.A., only s. of the late Adam Mackie, Managing Director of Messrs Mercliants, of Lewes. Fvyic villc. Kvvic. CO. Aberileiii). J. Mackie A Co.. Ltd.. Wholesale and Itctail CO. Alicrdcen. by his wife, Cat lierine (Rose- dan, of the late .Alexander i Rutherford, of Inland Revenue. Old .Meldniiu. c-o. Ahirdcen; (,. Fvvie aforesaid. IK .Inly, 1S9.') ; idllc- Public School thire ; Gordon's College, Alicrdcen, and at Guy's Hospital, l-alinblirgh. where la- was a dental and niedieal stmh-nt : enlisled 21 Sept, 191(1; ser\ed with tin- Expeditionary l-orc'- in l-'rance and l-'l.-inders from Jan., and was killi-d in ai-tion at Langeniarck 9 Oct. 1917. I'.nrit-d ni-ar Ituisseau Farm. Lange- niarck. .\ii ollicer wrnte : " Vonr son was. popuhir with both his ollii-crs and the men. and I pc-isonullv took a gri-at inli-rcst in him on ai-ciuint of bis (lose attention to his duty and his iiuiet. niias>uiniiig manners, which made him ri-spt-eted b\' all." and anotlu-r : ■' For three- moiillis he was in the thick of a gnat battle-. .111(1 behaved like a h(-ro, and you may well he- proud of him. -Vs Signalling (Hli(-er.'and as a brother Seeitvinan. your son came- imde-r niy not ice- a great ileal, and 1 always. Albert G. R. Mackie. adinire-ti the- way in which he- e-ndurcd the in'- e-vitable- hardships of being in the ranks : he was always cheerful auel liarel-working, and his d(-ath was a gnat blow to, me-." rnni. MACKIE, !>., I'D.. 1st Class ; loit on H.M.S. Bulwark 2(i Nov. 1914. MACKIE, J., Private. Xo. 7111. The Cameron Highlanders; served w-itli the- Expeditionarv Fori-e- in France : kille-d in action 2.') Sejit. 1914. MACKIE, JOHN, Se-rgt.. No. 3(10444 Stli. (Te-rritoria!) Battn. Princi^ss I,ouise-'s (.Argyll and Suthe-rlaud Highlande-rs). only .v. of James -Mackie-. of Kirk House-. Bearsden. ne-ar (Jlas- gow. by his wife-. .Mar\-. dau. of David Pater- son : ft. Balele-rnock. i June. 1884: educ. at .\e-w Kilp.itrick : was a l-'ore-inaii Gardene-r : joiiii'd the- -Argyll anil Sul he-rland Highlande-rs- in Aug, 1914 ; se-rve-d w-it h tlie- l-ixpe-ditionary l-'orci; ill France and Flande-rs from .April, 1915, and was killi-d in ai-tioii at the Battle at Arras 20 April. 1917. Biiricil in .Urns. Cemetery : iodh. MACKIE, ROBERT, Private. Xo. 4311. 7lli lle-rrite.riiill ll.iltii. (D(-eside Highland) the- Gordon lliglilaiiders, 2nd .s-. of the- late Robert M, i-kie. Ro.-idinali, by his wife, Christina ( riie Croft, l'ippert>-, I'^ilon, co. .Aberdeen), dau of .M. Ske-iie Watson; ft. at Logic Buch.an. I'.llon, l(i Nov. 1893; I'dnc. Tipiicrfv Public Se-hool ; was a Crofter; e-nlisted' 20 April, 191B: .served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 1 -Aug. 19H1. and died 14 0(-t. following, of wounds received in action. Second Li(-iit. '['. Walker wrote: "I conside-re-d him one' of the- ste-adie-st and most (-onscie-ntioiis of my men. He was a fa\'()urite with all the- othe-rs and a gooil comp.-inion." rum. McKIGNEV, A. H., Driver. No. Illiliill, Reival Horse Artille-rv ; served with the- Expeditionary Force in Frane-e- : kille-d 18 Oct. 1914. McKIM.MIE, J., Kiegincman E.S.. No. 1020 : lost on the Trawler Mary in 1914. McKINLEY, G., L.-Corpl.. Xo. 9471, 2nd liattn. The Royal Irish Rifles ; served with the- l';x|)i-ditionary Force- in France ; killed in action 23 -Aug. 1914. McKINNIE, PETER, 2nel Lir-td,.. Machine (inn Corps, s. of Peter McKintlic, of I'.rncc Sfri-ct. I'.annockhurn. by Ids wife ;\iargarct, dau. of Janii-s Johnstone ; ft. I.ougriggcnd. (-o. Lanark. 12 Oct. 1894: i-duc. Xirdrie -Acade-inv : joined the 2/2nd Lovafs Scouts Ye-omaury (T.F.) 2(1 Nov. 1914. and ,|ualiti'-d as InstriK-tor of Bayonet Fighting; \vi(- ree riiiiiii(-ii(ii-(l for a commission, and ..aze-tte-d -iiid Lieut. :;rd (Reserve) Battn. The Higlil.ilid Liglit Infantry 2(1 Seiit. 191(1 :trans- b-ri-ed to the- .Mae-hiiie Gun Corps 20 Nov.; se-rvcd with the F.xpi-ditionary Force in I'rance- from 2S Fe-b. 1917. and was killed in aetion at Passi-he-ndaele 4 Oct. following. Buried where he fill. His Cnnimanding OIHcer. Major P. (i. Pe-ttlc. wrote- : " He wa* killed by a slie-!l. iiistantane-ouslv. and died doing his duty. We- miss him t re-nie-ndously. as he- 'was a sple-neliei (illi(-er .iiiei a \(-ry good friend." He- was twi(-(- iiii-ntione-d in I)c- -pat(-hes for ejallant and distiiignisbed service in the- He-Id. He- III. at the Parish Church, Great Stukelev, 23 Dec. 191(1. (iladys Mary . onlv dau. of Cliarles Hibbins, of Great Stukclcy, John Mackie. Peter McKinnle. Thornton McKenzie. {Great Stukeley, co. Huntingdon), CO. Huntingdon : .s./). McKINNON, D., P.aiiilsman. No, 135. 2nd Battn. The Si-aforth Highlanders; sirve-el with the Lvpe-elilionary Force- in T'rance : kille-d in action 25 Aug. 19U. MACKINTOSH, JOHN LACHLAN, Lieut.. Arab Rifle- Corps, yr. ,«. of Rolurt L, Mackintosh, of Inshe-s. Inverness, by his wife-. Janet liallantyne-. dau. of lieibi-rt Carrntbi-rs : ft. Inve-rin-ss. 22 May. 189:; ; educ. at liive-ruess College-, and s.-elliergh School : W(-nt to East .Africa i'n Julv. 1914. to join the stalf of Messrs. Sniitli.".Mackenzii- *-Cn. On the outbreak of war he joined tin- .Mombasa Town Guard : obtained a commission in the Arab Rifles Oct. 1915 : took part in the ope-rations in l-;a-t Afrie-a. and was killed in action at Mwele 8 Jim. 191(5. Buried in the ne-iglib(uirli'i^",l of .Mwele- ; itiim. MACKINTOSH, W. H., Private. No. 9331, 1st Uattn. The Cameron High- landers ; served with the- l-;xpe-(litionary Force in Franc- : found dead 2 Oct. 1914. MACINTYRE, THOMAS W., CorpL, Royal Marine Light Infantry, Plymoidh, No. 14(545 : lo~t on H..M,S, Pegasus in 1914. McLACHLAN, JAMES, Private. No. 6227, 5th (Si-rvicc) liattn. The Soaforth Higlilandi-rs (Ross-shire liutfs. The Duke of Albany's). ». of Peter McLachlan. of Cairiiie-. bv lii« wife-. .lane (Botriplmie). dau. of .Ali-xandcr Strathdcc; h. Grange, co. Baiilf. 3 Dee-. 1892 ; educ. Botriphnie Board School ; was employed by the (Ireat North of Scotland Radwav Company at Elgui ; enlisted 25 Nov. 1(114 ; s.rve-d with the Expeditionary Force in Frame and Flanders from 10 .Aug. ClKl. and was killeel in action at Bcanmont Hami-1 l:', Nov. following Burieel in Jlaillv Wood Cemetery ; vnm. The Roll of Honour 183 Janifs Alt^ie Matlaren- McLaren, a., Scrtit.. No. 7414. 2nd Hattn. The An^yll and Sutli.-iluiid High- landers; served witli the Expfditionary Force in rnmce ; kilKd in aetiouSG ""' MACLAREN, JAMES ALGIE, l»rivate, Xo. 20(1497, Lewis (Inn Section. 10th (Service) liattn. The Camcrouijms (Scottish Rifles), eldest .V. of James Anderson 3Iac!aren, of 117, Alexandra Park Street. Dennistoun, Ghisyow ; h. Glasgow. 7 April. 1890 : ednc. Wliitehill Hifflier Grade School there, and was sub- -ii-fjucntlv apprenticed as an Knsineer; joined t\v Stli Battn. The Scottish^ Kifles a^ a linnnnier 3 Jnly, 1915; transferred to the luth Ilattn. ; served with the Expeditionary l''orce in France and Flanders from Marcli. 1017, and was killed in action 24 April. 1017, being shot by a snijier while advancini; with a Lewis gun against Cavalry l-'.-irni. JSnried at Gueniappe. south-cast of Arras Mclaughlin, hubert guy bromi- LOW, Lient., :Jrd. attri. 7tli. liattn. Tlie Si'aforth Highlanders, 2ini and eldest siirv. v. of the late Vivian fiuy Onseley lIcLanglilin, .1.1*. for Gloucestershire, and Head Master of Brightlands, XeMiiliani. co, (iloncestcr, by his wife, Kdith .Taiie. dan. of the late William Martiiieau, M.l.C.E.; and brother to 2nd Lieut. E. A. C. McLaughlin (also killed in action); h. Maidenhead, co. Berks. ]() April. 180S : ednc. Brightlands. Xewnham. and Clifton Colle-ie ; joined the 3rd Latfn. The Seaforth Hitrlilanders 20 April. 1915. at the age of 17; was gazetted 211 April : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 18 .Inly. lOK!. and died from wovmds received in aetioti at l-ianconrt I'Abbaye 12-13 Oct. 101 (i. while leading his men into action. His Colonel wrote when he lirst joined : " He is as good an officer as I liave had, and an example to others in the interest he takes in his men and in cvcrytl ing he does," and again later: " I deplore hi'^ loss." His Major, writing of I.ini before he went out. said : " I liccame nion and more attached to him as 1 got to know his sterling ipialities and lo\ able disposition. His conscientiousness, his keenness and cajjabilitv for wnrlc. bis kindly interest in and good influence over the N.CO.'s and men of the company excited my admiration," and his Captain : " How proud of him we all were, and 1 assure you none more than I deplore the loss of one whom we all loved and re^jtected more as a man and a soldier and for his many sterling qualities. " One of hi-- brotiier officers also wrote : " He was so good- liearted and popular with everyone, and deeply loved by his men. Always eheery even when things were rotten, brave almost to recklessness, and had lie -survived this war, he w-ould have had more than one lionour en his breast." and another : " The more I saw of him. the nmre I wanted to. He was loved by all his fellow-ollicers and men. and will be sadly missed." Vnm. MACLAVERTY» COLIN JOHNSTONE, Cai)t.. 1st Battn. (.'>3rd Foot) Tiie King's (Shropshire Light Infantry), s. of tlie Bev. Alexander Maelaverty, Vicar of Llaugattock, co. Monmouth, by his wife, Mary Eugenia, dau. of the llev, Charles Tonibs ; b. Llangattock aforesaid. 20 Feb. 1870; ednc. Kossall : served in the Soiith .Airican War 1800-1002 ((Queen's Medal with four clasps) ; joined the 4th Battn. Tlie King's (Shropshire Light Infantry) ICOS, and on the al>o!ition of the battalion transferred as ('apt. to the 3rd Battn. The Scottish Rifles, ironi which he resigned in May, 1014. On the outbreak of war in 101 1 lie was in Northern XiL'eiia. prospecting, and immediately volun- te;i,d for service with the Nigerian troops; landed at Duala witli the original Expedi- t innar\' Forci', heimr attached to the 1st Battn. The Nigeria Kegt.; took part in the main actions imtil wounded at Boga .Time. 191.^. and was invalided to England ; rejoined the King's (Shropshire Liglit Infantry) on re- covery: was gazetted as Regular Cnpt. in proceeded to France, and was killed in action 18 Sept. lOlfi. on the Quadrilateral, near Leuze Wood. Buried on the railway bank there. An offirer wrote : " His eompanv was the leading companv, and it was thanks to his, fine and gallant leading the whole attack was sucli a magnifi- cent success. After having captured the first trench he was killed, collecting his men to go and attack the second." He m. at Hereford, 14 Oct. 101.'.. (Jeraldine Antoinette, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Henrv Roper Cnrzon Hewat. and had a son, Colin Arthur Morris, b. 16 Sept. 1016. McLEAN, CHARLES JOHN* Lieut., 9th (Territorial) Battn. 'J'he Royal Scots (Lothian Regt.), eldest s. of Charles John Mei.ean, of Hamstall Ridware, Rugelcy, co. stalloid. retired Schoolmaster, by his wife, Agnes, dan. of the late l{ev. George Davies, rlergyman ; b. Nether Peover, co. Chester, 7 I'Vb. 188o ; ednc. Grammar School, Rngeley ; was on the stalV of the Deaf Mutes' School, I'.dhibnrgh ; joined tlie 2nd Volunteer Battn. The King's (Liverpool Regt.) in 1906, be- eomiug L.-Corpl. ; in 1013 joim-d the Rc-erve ; •^oon after the outbreak of war he volunteered itir foreign service, and joined the 9th F.attn. The Royal Scots as a Private in Dec. 1014 ; received a commission, and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 21 Oct. 1915: promoted Lieut. -Tnly. 1917 ; served with the l-jxpeditionary Forci' in France and Flanders from 1 .Tan. 1017 ; was wounded at Arras on 9 April, and was killed in action near Ypres 20 Sept. 1017. liiiried where he fell. His Commanding UJliier wrote: "His behaviour was extra- ordinarily gallant on that morning, for though wounded twice he continued to lead and encourage his men till he was hit by a machine-gun bullet, while carrying forward a Lewis gun to support the bat- talion on our left." and a friend : •" I learnt to know him mtimately and well, and liad a very high regard for him as an officer and a friend." He was a keen athlete, iiolitician and Freemason. He m. at Greenock. 4 April. 1014, Mary (9, Hampton Terrace, Edinburgh), eldest dau. of Charh s Robert Brrdie, and grand-daughter of the late Provost Jirodie, North lieiwiiU. and had a dau.. Mary Dealia, h. 11 Aug. lOlii. McLEAN, J., Private, No. 7C33. 1st Battn. The (Jordon Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 12 Oct. 1914. C. Johnstone Maelaverty. the 1st Battn. 30 June, 1910; Charles John McLean. McLEAN, J. H., Private, Xo. 8027. Jst Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt.; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France: killed in acticn 13 Oct. 1914. and .Sutherland Higlilanders died of wounds 21 Oct. 1914. McLEAN, N., Serirt., No. 10078. The Argyll served with the Expeditionary Force in France: McLEAN, WILLIAM, Sap No. 176820, R.E.. yst. s. of William McLean, of <».'). Main Street. Clackmannan; joined tlit K.E. 1 June, 1916, and was accidentally killed at Wrest Park Camp, Silsoe, near Bedford, 13 March, 1017. He was Ijeing in- structed in the laying and testing of telegrajdi lines, and was standing under a large tree, when without the slightest warning a great branch snapped olf and crashed down on Inm. He could not have sulfered any pain, as death was i)ractically instantaneous. Everything that could be done was done for him : the medical otticer was immediately summoned, but could only pronounce life extinct. He li;ui settled down cheerfuly to his new life, ami was held iit highest esteem by his ccm- rades, his dt^ath causing great sorrow throuiih- out the whole camp. Tin; bearers for the funeral cortege from the camp were ccm- posed of comrades from his former imit, the Lowland Field Coy. Royal ]'",ngineers. wliile the men of his new' comi/any followed the gun carriage, men of other companies lining the long avenue from Wrest House to the Park gate. He was interred in Clackmainuin Cemetery with full military honours. There was a lar^e attendance of mourners, and a detachment of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders from Alva, along witJi the Clackmannan pijie band, headed the fumra! cortige. whjeh was witnessed by sympathetic crowds alrng the route. A tiring party from the Argylls was in attendance, and towards the close of the obsecjuies three volleys were fired over the grave of the departed soldier : irnm. WiHiam McLean. McLELLAN, W., Prr\-ate, No. 644*;. The Royal Scots Gre>-s ; Expeditionary l-'orce in France ; killed in action 8 Sept. 19i4. served with the McLEMAN, ROBERT W., Robert W. McLeman. Private, No. 760513, Canadian Expeditionary Force, yst. x. of the late J. McLeman, of Cromarty, by his wife, Isabella, dan. of ( — ) Watson;" 6- Cromarty, 2 April. 1881; educ. Pnbliu School there ; went to Canada in June. 1000. and settled at Vancouver; vohmteered fur Imperial Service, and joined the Canadian Western Irish Regt.: served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Renville St. Vaasl 27 Feb. 1017 : num. McLENNAN, D., Private. Xo. 9320, 1st Battn. Tht; Cameron Highlanders; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France ; (lied of wounds 15 Sept. lOU. McLENNAN, D.. L.-Corpl.. Xo. 6657, 1st I5attn. The Scots (Guards ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France : killed in action 28 Sept. 1914. McLENNAN, R., Coy. Ouartermaster-Seigt.. Xo. 3770, 1st Battn. The Cameron Highlanders : served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 1-1 Sept. 1914. McLEOD. A., I'vivate. Xo. 57,'>3. 2nd Battn. The Gordon Highlanders; with the Exiieditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 4 Xov. 1914. served McLEOD, H., Gunner, ^'o. 5215, R.F.A. Force in France : killed 24 Sept. 1914. McLEOD, J.. Private, Xo. 1133. The Seaforth Highlanders: F.xpeditiijr.ary Forte in France ; killed in actif n 18 Oct. 1914. served with the Expeditionary erved with the McLEOD, N., Seaman (R.N.R.) ; lost on H.3I.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. McLEOD, NORMAN, General Servant; lost on H.M.S. Roliilla 30 Oct. 1914. McLEOD, S., Sergt.. Xo. 7761, The Cameron Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died of wounds 5 Xov. 1014. McLEOD, W., Private. Xo. 5721. 20th Hussars; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died 17 Sept. 1914. McLEOD, WILLIAM STANLEY, Able Seaman, Clvde. Xo. Z/U113. R.X.D.. 3rd .••■. of Peter Eraser McLecd. of 5. East Bank (iardens. Sliettleston. (ilasgow, Rope Spinner, bv his wife. Margaret, dan. of John !Morri?cii ; b'. Shettleston aforesaid. 13 April. 1893; es, li.K ■ served with the K.xpedifionary Korce in France and I'landers from A]>ril. anil was killed in action 2,') July lollowius!. Buried in Wve farm .Militarv Ciinet.'rv three and a half miles south of Armentieres. Lieut. H. K. L.-ach wrote : " Your de.ir son wa- a viTy brave man. and. what is more, he was a thoroiedi "entleiriau ■ "re iilv do 1 di'plore his lo4s." and a comr.ade : '■ On the dav of his diatli the two of ii.. were on duty tDuether in the trenches. About .') p.m. the (iernians started Ikjui- bardins! ITS. and sliortly afterwards a shell came aloni; and buried ns in our ilu"- out. Will, hoivever. siiccei'ded in ilettinK out, and thouudi the shells were lit.ralh making a rin^' round him. he succeeded in diy^'ins; me out as well \Vi' then "ot into another dui;-out, but late wa- asaiust us. Five men out of seven were killed in that ilim-ont. 1 am ulad to say that in eac-h ca.si' death was instan- taneous. Kveryone in tlu' section join with nu- in .sendinu their svmTi.ithv I'heir opnuon id' Will was voiced hy I he ser'ji-ant when I brought the news of his death : ' He was a man.' " He passed the Junior Local Oxford Fxamination in 1909, and the Senior the following year, with first-cla.ss honours, and distinction m Physics, and m 1914 he obtained his B.Se. dejirec : iinm. McMOHON, J., Private, No. 6480, 2nd liattn. The Royal Inniskining Fusiliers ; ser\Td with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died at Netlev from peritonitis .and wounds 8 Nov. 1914. MACNAB, DONALD ANGUS, Private, No. 407, 5th (Service) Battn. The Cameronians (Scottish EiHes), yr. s. of the late Colin Maenab. by his wife, Louisa Bellsham : and nephew of Peter Sampson (:i6, Clifford Street. Ibrox) ; b. London. 21 Jan. 1890: edue. Bellahouston .ieadi en . Glasgow : wixs a junior Engineer's DraiiL'lil - man, employed by Messrs. (1. A- A. H.ii\< \ Covan ; enlisted in Oct. 1915 ; sirved with the Expeditionary Force in France and I'landers from .May. 191(i ; wa.s invalided home- in .iHly ; was sent to Hgypt on his recovery in Dec. 1910. and was killed in action at the Battle of Gaza 19 .\pril. 1917. His Command- ing Olfl<-er wrote : " Our battalion took part in an attack on (laza on 19 April, and Donald JIacnab came through the toughest part of the work safely. We took uji a position in the evening in trenches, and as he was missing. 1 made imiuiry and found that another regi- ment had found his body, whi(-h had been struck by a shell. .4s Platoon Commander ,, , , I came in contact prettv closelv with Private Maenab, and found that he did his duty quic-tlv and coii-cii-ntiouslv ami no doubt his soldierly qualities and devotion to dutv influenc-ed the liovs around luni for "ood It IS hard to think that in his very short lifV he iiad seen so niiic-h of tli(- horror of war, both in France and Egypt. All his coin]ianions left behind and mvself join in offering you this expression of sympathy with you in your great loss."' Cum- MACNAMARA, GEORGE, Major. 2nd Battn. (»oth Foot) The Dnke of lidinbnrgii's (Wiltslure K.-gt.), yst. .«. of Henry \alentine Macnamara. of Dooliii, anil i;iuii~t>-mon House, co. Clare, hy his wife, Elizabeth Edith, dan. of Sir Daniel Cooper, Iv.C.M.i;. ; b. Dublin. 2:j Mav, 1890; educ. Cliflon College, at West Wratting Park, co. Camliridge. and at the Koval .Military College. Sandhurst: gazitted 2nd Lieut. 5 Oct. 1910 ; promoted Lii-ut. 17 April, 191:!, ('apt 25 Feb. 1915, and Slajor 9 July, 1910 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Oct. 1914; whin his rcgimeui was overwhelmed by immcuseiv superior minibcrs near Y"|)res on 24 Oct., as Transport Otlicer. and. unaccompanied, he very bravely attempted to get up to its assistance ; he was fired at by ten Germans who occupied an eminence about 300 yards from him, and Wiis eventually wounded, a bullet passing through his body ; was invalided home, but though far from recovered in health, took up home duty in Feb. 1915. In June. 1916. he was sent out to France and posted to Ills battalion, which he commanded for over two months : was subsequently atttiched to a unit of the North Staffordshire Kcgt. as Second in Command, and was killed in action at Hill 70, near Loos 2o .May, 1917. Buried in the British Ccmeterv, Noeux-les-Mines. The Genera! of the Division wrote : " He met his death at the conclasion of a most successful enterprise carrn-d out by the battalion, and for the success of which he was largely instrumental. I deplore exceedingly the loss of this most valuable ollicer, in wlioni I bad the most complete confidence, and who was loved and respected in his battalion." He was mentioned in Despatclies by F.M Sir Douglas Haig (London Gazette, 25 May, 1917], for gallant and distinguished ' service in the field ; unm. Donald Angus Maenab. George Macnamara. James C. McNaught. McNAUGHT, ARTHUR GORDON, Gunner. No. 11414;!, 223rd Siege Bat- tery. H.G.A.. yst. .S-. of the late Thomas .McNaught, Ji-t .Merchant, by his wife, Ann Elizabeth Ci:!, Langdali- Uo.id. Scarborough), dan. of George .Moon. of Hale House. CO. Y'ork : b. Scarborouglu 19 A]iril. 1884; educ. St. .Martin's Grammar School there; enlisted in .\llg. 1910; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and a few days after being gassed was killed in action by a shell 20 July, 1917. His Comiuaiidiug Ollicer wrote; "'liy his death we have lost an i-xi-elli-nt soldier; he was gn-ativ liked hy the whole battery, and b\ his eooliu-ss under tire he set an example to everyone, inspiring his comrades with the coulidenee and courage which a brave man's presi-nce always rioes." I'lim. McNAUGHT, JAMES CUNNINGHAM. Sergt., No. 1331-i. ITtli (Service) Italfn. (;!rd Glasgow) Thi- Highland Light Infantry, 2ud IS. of David I'raig llc.Vaught, of Deanston, Coatbridge, Jlerchant, by his wife, Angelina, dan. of James McOwat ; b. Coatbridge, co. Lanark. 2 April, 189;! ; edue. Gartsharrie .\cademy thi-re, and (Jlasgow l.Iniversity ; siibseipienlly became a junior partner in the firm of Bisliop, Boyd ,V liiissell. Writers, of Glasgow ami Coatbridge; enlistc-d as a Private in tin- Highland Light Infantry l;i Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war, quickly attaining the rank of Si-rgt. ; otTcrcid himself for scout work when volunteers were asked for, and after undergoing special training, was a[ipointed Chief Scout; served with the lApedittonary Force in France and Flanders from .Marc-h, 1915, and was killed in action at till- Battle of the Somme 1 July, I9li;. A comrade wrote : " I'he Chief is a marked man in the battalion, and no matter what troubles or ditlieiilties we have to face, he is alwaxs smiling." In his will, made before leaving England, he left £000 in trust, the inti-rest thereon to be used for providing an annual treat for the children of soldiers and sailors of Coatbridge killed in the w-ar ; unm McNEIL, CHARLES MCGREGOR, Private, No. 15;!77. 17tll (Servii-c) Battn. (3rd Glasgow) The Higldand Light Infantry, 4th x. of William McNeil, by his wife, Mary Gordon (239, Kilmarnock Koad, Shawlands, Glasgow), dai'i. of Alex.auder Ferrier ; and brother to L.-Cori>l. L. B. McNeil (:iiout that day imder hravy fin- wa-^ tieyond praise." He was niintioned in lJ,'sp;itches when in France [London Uazitt-'. 1 Jan. 1916], by F.M. Sir John (now Lord) French, for gallant and distin'„'ui-.lifd sf-rvice in ithe field, and was recommended for D.S.O. and M.C. Major Ma^jih rson was Ml excellent linguist and a good all-round sportsman. He m. ;J April. I'.ild. Mary Beatrice, yst. dan. of Andrew Barclay Shand, of Grahamstown, South Africa, AUid had one son, Michael Robert Nasmyth. McQUARRIE, S., Private. Xo. :5355, The Cameron Highlanders ; served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 25 Oct. 1914. McQUATTIE, R., L.-CorpL. No. 2453, The Black W\itch ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. McQueen, THOMAS, Private, No. 71628. 27th Battn. City of Winnipeg Kigt.. Canadian Expeditionary Force, 2nd ^. ol I'hninas yi((jnirn. of Eastwood Chnreli ('gu« . by his wife, Marion, dau. of James (and llitsey) Logan ; b. Polloksliaws aforesaid, 13 Nov. 1892 ; educ. Pollok Academy, and Sir John Maxwell's School. Polloksliaws : was -nbsiMtuentlv api'rcnticed as a Plasterer witli Messrs. Grc>' iV" Sons ; went to Canada in .hily. 1912; voIuntriTed for Imperial Service, and joint'd the Winnipeg Regt. in Nov. l;U4; came o\er witli the 2nd Contingent in June. 1915 ; served with the Exjjedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders; took part in the Battle of the Somme ; was wounded there in Aug. 191G. and wiis killed in action 8 July. 1917. Buried at Sains-en-Gobelle. Lieut. E. W. Robinson wrote : " He was killed by a rifle grenade din'ing a bombard- ment of our trenches by the enemy, and died doing his duty nobly." He m. at Win- nipeg. Canada, 1914. Margaret, dau. of riiomas Fyfe, and had a son. Tliomas. b. 11 Sept. 1915. MACRAE. GEORGE PITT TAYLOR, 2nd Lieut.. 9th (Service) Battn. (I'ioneers) Thr S.aforth Highlanders (Rosssliire Bulls, The Duke of Albany's), -.>.. of Murdoch .MacRae. of 12. Warrender Park Terrace. Edinburgh, late Kegtl. S-rgt. -Major The Seaforth Highlanders, by his wifr, Alrxandria, dau. ol Dn-icanMaekcnzie ; h. Fort (JroiL^r. in. Invrrn'ss. 20 March. 1887; educ. Jam.-.- i;illi-spir and the Koyal Hiuli Si'lmols. Hdinburiih ; snbscMurntly became Prinei|)al ol the Underwood Business College at Glasgow; joined tlie 9th Battn. The Highland Light Infantry in Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jan. 1915 ; Robert N. Macpherson. Thomas McQueen. George P. T. MacRae look part in the Battles of Festubert. Richebourg and Loos; returned to England in April. 1916, and aftt^r a period of training at the Curragh, Ireland. was gazrtt.-d 2nd IJeitt. The Seaforth Highlanders 22 Aug. following; went back to France in Oct.. and was killed in action at the Battle of Arras 9 April, 1917. Buried in St. Nicholas Cemetery. Arras ; unm. MACRAE, NORMAN FARQUHAR, Capt., 28th Battn,, 7th Infantry Brigade, Australian Imperial Force. 2nd s. of Jolin Kenneth Macrea, I.C.S., late Deputy Commissioner, Linrmah, by his wife, Elizabeth Fraser (St. Agnes, I.ibertou, near Edinburgh), dau. of John Dunbar; h. Henzada, British Burmah. 21 April, 1877 ; educ. The College, Inverness ; was a Tea Planter in Ceylon, and went to Australia in 1911 and settled at Katanning. West Aus- tralia, as a Farmer; joined the 28th Infantry Battn. West AiLstralia ; was gazetted Lieut. April, 1915, being promoted Capt. 14 Nov. following : sailed for Egypt 9 June. 1915 ; proceeded to Gallipoli the same month ; took part in the evacuation of the Peninsula, and was then stationed at Alexandria ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from April, 1916, and was killed in action at Pozieres 28 July. 1916. An officer wrote : " I saw Macrae shortly before he went in. and he was quite cheery, and I have no doubt Ids example and personality will be remembered and live among his com- rades, and he will often be spoken of when two or three of the old regiment congregatoth joined the battalion, he an olticer. I a I)rivate. The N.C.O.'s and men of his company always spoke with pride of their Commanding Officer, knowing full well that when the time came he would prove himself — what he always was — a man, an officer, and. above all. a gentleman. The loss is not only felt in the company, but throughout the battalion." His late schoolmaster wrote ; " I have the very hai)piest remembrance of Farqnhar as a boy at Inverness, and I feel sure that ]v must have turned into a good man." Capt. Macrae was a candidate for parliamentary honours ; he took a deep interest in local affairs, and wa^ a J. P. for the district. He m. at All Saints', St. Kilda, Victoria, 16 Jan. 1907, Aileen Margaret Anne, dau. of the late Andrew Rowan, of St. Kilda, and had four children : John, b. 1908 ; Andrew, b. 1009 ; Colin Cospatrick Farquhar, b. 5 May, 1911, and Margaret Gertrude, b. 2U Sept. 1913. McRITCHIE, M., Seaman (R.N.R.); lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. McROBB, JAMES NEAVE, Private, No. 201070, 8/lOth (Service) Battn. The Gordon Highlandi-rs, 3rd s-. of Daniel McDougal McRobb, of 20, Gilcomston Terrace, Aberdicn. Lite 1st Battn. The Gordon Highlanders, by his wife. Rose Ann, dau. of tlir latr James O'NeilL Silk Weaver; 6. Aberdeen, 25 Dec. 1896; educ. Middle Public School there ; was a Gardener ; enlisted 5 Feb. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 22 Nov. 1915. and was killed in action at Arras 20 Sept. 1917. Buried in Level Crossing British Cemetery, four miles east of Arras. He m. at St. Mark's Church. Aberdeen. Barbara Hesson. eldest dau. of Private John Findlay, 5th Battn. The Gordon Highlanders, and had two sons : Daniel, 6. 3 Aug. 1916. and James John Findlay, b. 14 Feb. 1918. McSHANE, R., Private. No. 8751, 1st Battn. The Royal Irish Fusiliers ; served with the Kxpiilitionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Aug. 1914. McSWEENEY, J., Private, No. 8039, The Durham Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Korce in France ; killed in action in 1914. McSWEENEY, J. P., Corpl.. No. 1061. R.A.M.C. ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France : killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. MACTAGGART. MURDOCH ARCHIBALD, Capt.. 8th (Service) Battn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), eldest s. of Col. Murdoch Norman Farquhar Macrae. Mactaggart. of Royal Bank, Bowmore, T.D., J. P., by liis wife, Flora. dau. of the late Rev. "John .MacGilchrLst, Minister of Kilarrow Parish, Islay ; 6. Islay, CO. Argyle, 10 May. 1895 ; educ. Bowmore Higher Grade School, and George Watson's College, Edinburgh ; was articled to a firm of Solicitors at Bowmore ; obtained a com- mission as 2nd Lieut. (T.F.) 15 Feb. 1913, being promoted Lieut, in 1914, and Capt. 1 July 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force, iu France and Flanders from May 1915, and was killed in action at Roeux, near .\rras, 16 May, 1917, having refused to leave his post when wounded. Buried there. Brigadier-General Pelham-Burn wrote : " It will be impossible to replace him. He was known by all in my brigade as a very gallant olhcer. Witt you kindly accept my sincere sympathy," and his Colonel : " He has alwa>-s been one of the bravest, and in the desperate figlit we had that morning he w:is one of the Murdoch A. Mactaggart. great outstanding features. He was twice hit. but continued to command and lead his men until he fell. I cannot tell von what a loss he is to me.'" A brother ottieer wrote : " He fell most gloriously iu rallying and leading on his company to meet a most determined counter-attack by the enemy. The situation for several liours was most critical for all of us, and the great defence of tile line put up was line entirely to the splendid example of your son and the other gallant oJlierrs and men" of the battalion who took part. You may be pro\id of your M.in, lor a more gallant officer never lived." He was mentioned in Despatches for gallant and distinguished service in the field ; unm. McVICAR, JOHN, Engineer Sub.-Lieut., R.N.R., 3rd s. of the late Captain Neil McViear. by his wife. Isabella (36, Dudley Drive, Hyndland. Glasgow) dau. of the late" Archibald MacEwan, of Lochgait, co. Argyle ; b. at Port Glasgow, 2 June, 1889 ; educ. Ovemewton School, and Kent Road Higher Grade School, Glasgow; subsequently became an Engineer on the Strath Line steamers joined the R.N.R. as Engineer Sub-Lieut. 11 Dec. 1916 ; 186 The Roll of Honour .M-rv.-ii on H.M.S coast of [rciaiid 2: I^Tircntic, Jan. 11U7 : John McVicar. Philip Magnay. and was lost wlieu that sliip was sunk oif tho iinni. MAGIHON. W.. Private. No. 11945. 2nd Uiittii. rhr Hiu'hland Liylit Infantry; servfd wit li t hr lCx|)filitiondon, W.. Itart.. bv his wife. Mar^iaret. duti. of t la- late :\Iatthew Soulsliy; /;. London. 28 Sept. 18H'> : ednc. I'^lstne. and Harrow ; was •gazetted 2nd TJent. in tlu' lioval FnsUiiTS, llie London lic ; served with 1 lie ICxiii'ditionary Korce in France and I'landers from Sept. I'JU; took part in tlie llattic of the Aisne ; was promoted Capt. 2)1 Scj.t. l'.)14. and later attached 4th liattn. riie Royal [''usiliers -, wa-; jiresrnt at the npi-rations at Armenti res, heinu invalided lionn' in Dec 1914 : on reco\er\' returned to I 'ranee, Second in Cominand of the 24th ll.ittn. Tlie Manchester Ke-it. : was later iiiNcn i'oiTininnd of the 12th Hattn. ; took part ill siviral en<;:i<;eiiiriits. inclndiim the taking i<\ I iilvilie AVood. Heauinont Hamel and l.oimurval. and wa^ kiHeil in action 13 April. r.HT, \\hile direct im.' the operations oi his liittalion north of Arras. Buried at Blanjiv. Ill nth-cast ot" Arras. He was recommended tin- tlie D.S.O.. and was three times mentioned ill !)e^p;itelies l,v (Jeiieral (now F.M.) Sir hnituhis llaiu I London <;a/.etTes. 15. June. HUfi ; 4 .fan. I!il7. and 22 .rune. 1017], lor gallant and di^tinL;llished service in the fii-ld. Ui^ r.ri^adier-fieneral wrote: "As reyards his death, i look upon it as oneof tlic worst things that could have hapjiencd to me. as in lum I have lost a commanding.' otlieer of the first rank. He was a piTstJiiai friend of mine e\er since he joined tlu- brigade under m>' com- mand, and I can candidly sa\- 1 have seldom met a man with a more chirmin;^ pcrsonalitj' . and. furthermore, an exceedingly able otlieer. I ha; Ccmmanding Officer wrote. " Every man in our battalion feels his death very much indeed. I counted liini one of the best X.C.O.'s in my company. He had just finished posting a sentry, and when coming back arifle grenade burst close behind him and a piece entered his shoulder, wovmding him in a vital part. He was never wholly con- scious again, and died in about an hour." Unm. MAGUIRE. JOHN, Private, No. 2040^4, 15th Battn. 9fith Canadian High- landers. Canadian Expeditionary Force, 2nd .V. of John Maguire, of Manitowaning, Mani- toiUiii Island, Ontario, Canada. Farmer, by his wife, Cecillia Mary, dan of George Lowe. ni (dji-ijow; b. Manitoulin Island aforesaid, 2 Aug, 1S94; educ. in public school; subsc- ■ lii'iitly assisted his father on the farm; went \Vest in the autumn of 1915 to study ga,s engineering, and on receiving his certificate in April. 1910, joined the 90th Canadian Higlilanders at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ; came to England in the following Sept.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 8 Feb. 1917 : took part in the fighting on 15 Aug. 1917. when the Canadians captured Hill 70. Afterwards, wliile working at night, he was struck by a shell ;ind died almost immediately. 9 Sejit. 1917. Buried in Aix N'oulette Connmunil (iinetery Extension. MAHON, A, W. Jm Mu-;lcian ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 2t) Nov. 1914. Beauchamp H. B. Maj^rath. John Mai^uire. MAHONY, JAMES, Lieut.. 9th (Service) Battn. The Queen's (Royal Wi-st Surrey Kegt.). eldest ,v. of the late James Mahony. Schoolmaster, by'his wife. Ann Maria, dan. of ttir hilr William Evans ; b. I'ortsmouth. co. Hants, 20 June, 1882; educ. St. Aloysius CoHege. HiL'le.iat. . X. ; was subsequently employed witli t In- Kodak. Ltd., for many years ; volunteerid for foreign service, and joined the Artists" Rifles 5 Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; was gazetted 2nd Lie\it. The West Surrey Kegt. 10 March, 1915. and promoted Lieut. 15 Aug. 1916; took a draft of the Hampshires to Egypt in Nov. 1915, being in Jan. 191li, attached to the 1st Battn. The Lancashire, i'usiliers, and was in the famous 29th Division ; in March, lOKJ, served with the Expeditionary K<»rce in France and I'laiuh-rs ; was woundid in tlie foot at Beaumont Hanu-I on 1 Jul\. 1910, and brought to l-jngland ; ri-turned to France 29 Jan.. and dit'd in tlie N^o. 2 Canadian Casualty Clearing station 4 Marcli. 1917, from wounds ri-ceived in action at Ypres 24 J-'eb. by a high-expiosivc shell catching a tree and bursting o\rr him, while he was going James Mahony. to look at a ruined house with a brother officer. Buried in Lyssenthock Military Ct-nie- tery, Poperinghc. His Commanding Ollicer wrote: "He liad only Ineii with us a comparatively short time, but not only was he very much liked l>y us., but he had also shown very great capability. Almost as soon as he arrived hi; \oliuitecred for. and went on. a raid in whieli lie was not hurt, and the way he was hit later on was most unluc-ky." and liis Cf)mpany Commander: " Lieut. Mahony was m\' Second in Command, and wr became gn-at friends in the short time he was with us. Hr was of thi- greatest assistance to me in tlie line, as I could always implicitly rely on him. if I may be allowed, may I olfer my most sineeii ?.\iiipatliy at the death of a brave brother ofliei-r and frienil, held in the highest e>tei-m by his men and the other otticers of the battalion." The olhcer wlio was witli him when he was wounded also wrote : " We were in reserve some thousand yards back from the line, and were going out to look at a ruined house behind our trendi. when wc heard a siicU coming. As we were commencing to lie down, it hit a trei- near by and burst, woimding your husband in tlie head and right leg, 1 had the stretcher-bearers on the spot at once and went down to till- dressing station with him. . . . We have lost a gallant officer and a keen soldier— one who knew his duty and was ready at all times to perhirm it. In the short time he was with us I grew to know him as a real man — ^one of tlie few jiersons whom I had met whose example was worth following." He m. at St. Pancras. 28 Oct. 1905. Lily Dora (;300, Stanstead Road. Catford. S.K.). eldest dan. of Frank Ernest Barrett, of Catford. S.E., and liad a son. Bernard Charles . b, 18 Nov. 1906. MAHY, J. LE PAGE, L.-Corp! , No. 50T, 9th Lancers ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 29 Sept. 1914. MAINPRISE. BERTIE WILMOT, Major, Royal Engineers, ,f. of the iale- Wilmot Mainprise, Pavraaster-in-Chief R.N. ; and gdson. of the late Capt. T. C. Pu!len, R.N. He obtained his commission in the Koyal I'jUgineers in 1894, and served juaet ieally the whole of his service with the Koorkei- Sappers, and Miners. He held the Medal and Clasji for Tirah, 1897. He received the thanks of tlie Government of India for his services during the famine In 1897. In 1898 he proceeded to Chitral with his company on the yi^arly reliefs. He was mentioned in Despatches for tlic China Operations in 1901-2. H(s graduated at the Staff College. Camberley. ami in 191 :J wa^ seh'cted Inspecting Officer of the Imperial S(i\!ii- Sappers, and had charge of the Imprrial Service Troojis of the Native States- of Malerkotla, Faridkot. Sirnuir and Tehri. In Oct. 1914. he accompanied tlie Faridkot Sappers to East Africa. He was in the expedition to Tanga, and later took part in the raid on Bukoba. and was mentioned in Genera! Stewart's Despatches for his services on that occasion. He was mentioned in (General Tighe's Despatches, " For dist inguished ser\iy of note or official recommendation sent up tu tlie Commanding Officer, which would have assuredly brought Capt. Mauley a decoration, and an honourable one. we are told : ' Sir. I have the honour to very strongly recommend Capt. D. H. (!. Manley for the very able way in which he handlfl the company in the attat k tliis ninrning (6 Nov.). When the furth- ■^t ol.ji < ti\ r was reached, two comjiatiiis nt the l,6th and two of the Herefords got hopi-l.^^ly mixed, but were very ably reorganized by him. When we were shelled otf tin- ridge he conducted the withdrawal with marked ability and courage, and per- sonally led several .successful counter-attacks ; while returning from the last of these he was severely wounded.' By the measure of our grief and loss, we c^m faintly guess yours. There is not an officer or man in the battalion who would not have willingly risked his life to have saved him : he died suddenly and pain- lessly in the perfection of liis young manhood, as perhaps he wovild have wished to die. doing his work., and doing it supremely well to the end." Another officer wrote : " Words cannot express my grief over the loss of as brave a soldier and JUS true a friend as any man ever had : he was one of the finest and best fellows that ever lived ; he is'not dead, he still lives in the hearts and affections of tliose who fought with him in many a hard-fought battle." and another : " It was a great shock to the whole battalion ; he was so popular with everyone. It seem> hard to think of the battalion without him; he was the leader in everything. We all knew his pluck and bravery, and on the morning of 6 Nov, he was in i.'reat form, and did more than anyone to make the battle a success— the victory ours. In his death the battalion is poorer by the loss of one of the best fellows who ever was in it : that is the f<*e!ing of everyone. I caught a glimjjse of gallant George rushing after some beggars who were trying to rush us. He had his liayonet and rifle, and was shooting them down right and left. He chased them to tile top of the next hill and routed them all. and got his men up and held a forward position. His leadership was fine. He was absolutely splendid. We could hardly believe our captain had gone, he looked perfectly natural. But oh ! his death has left a gap and a loss to us all ! " The Cha]>lain of his Battalion wrote : " A gallant soldier and a fine character — handsome in body and handsome in soui. It is just tht' simjile truth to say that lie was the most loved man in our battalion, and I think one of the best soldiers in the Army. If the whole truth were known, it would be found that his example in leading his men cahnly and courageously in a most murderovis place was one of the greatest factors in turning what was the hottest and severest battle fought in Palestine into a most David Henry G. Manley. EJ Alexander James Mann. George Cyril S. Mann. important victorv on the flank of the enemy. When burying Capt. Manley. one felt it woidd be better to be with him than left behind. We shall never forget George Manley — the true, sensible, loyal, honourable, lovabli- man he was."" {'iim. MANN, ALEXANDER JA.MES (Hamish), 2nd Lieut., 8th Battn. The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), yst. j.-. of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mann, of Rcdhouse. South Gillsiand Road, Edinburgh; b. at Broughty Ferry, 5 April, 1890 : educ. at (Jeorge Watson's College. Edinburgh, and privately. On leaving school he took up journalism : received his commission on 38 Jnlv. 1915 : was drafted to France in Aug. 19l'ti ; took part in the Battles of the Sommc and in the advance at Arras on 9 April, 1917 ; w;»s serioasly wounded by a shell at the latter entiagement^ and diecl on tlie 10th idem. He was buried at Aui>igny. Some of Ms poems were published in May. 1918, imder the title of " A Subaltern's Musings." His Commanding Officer wrote : " On the parade groimd he was one of the smartest officers of the lot, and lu- took an enormous pride in his own platoon, always a sign of keenness .... He was a man whose whole soul was bound up in literature, drama, and all the- things that are most remote from the liard realities of war; yet at the call of duty he took up arms for England, and following that call he died." MANN, GEORGE CYRIL STANLEY, L.-Corpl., No. 19275, Machine Gua Seetion, 8th (Service) Battn. The East Surrey Hegt., *. of Samuel Edward Mann, of Kesiou^ Waddon, co. Surrey, by his wife. Louisa, dau. of R. Sparrow ; h, Clapham Common. London. S.W.. 16 Sept. 1897 : ednc. Whitgift Middle School. Croydon, where he was a senior prefect, and pjissed' all his public examinations with honours; enlisted in the East Surrey Regt. 22 May, 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the follow- ing Sept., and was killed in action near ypr<^ 9 Aug. 1917. One of his oflicers wTote : *■ He had a keen sense of duty, and when anv dangerous work was to be performed tlie boy was foremost in volunteering to do it. lu addition to this quality lie was a bright and charming lad." He was presented with ;i Parchment Certificate, signed by the Major- General comnianding his Division, for gallant. conduct and devotion to duty in the field :i May, 1917. during operations against CherLsy, wheii outnumbered by the enemy, who sur- rounded his party, and worked his Lewis gun with such elfcct that it enabled some of the men to escape. Finally, he brought his, the only gun, back to the lines ; tinm. MANN, STANLEY WALTER, 2nd Lieut.. R.F.C., only «. of Walter Mann of Erncroft . Twickenham, co. Middlesex ; b. Twickenham aforesaid. 21 Jan. 1895 ; educ. St. Olave's Grammar School, Lon- don, which he left ;is a Senior Oxford scholar iu 1912. In Sept. liHo. he gave up a iiood business appointment, and joined the Hall FIving School at Hendon. where he learnt to flv, and took his Pilot's ciTtificatc of the Roval Aero Club ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. in the R.F.C. 6 March. 1916 : served with the p:xpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 15 June, where he was attached to No. 9 Squadron, oiK-ratin^ on the River Somme. and was killed in aerial action 1 Nov. 1916. The report concerninti his death shows that while engaged in photosraplung the enemy's trench system at Le Transloy he was attacked by four hostile machines, and after- wards was" observed descending beliiud the enemy lines, closely followed by three German nuichines. having apparently accounted for onc of his opponents. On one occasion he remained four and a half hours in the air, constituting at that time a record time rtight for liis squadron. His Conmiander wrote: "One of our finest and most brilliant pilots, always ready to do any job allotti-d to him." and a brotlier officer; "Your son was one of the very best, and was one of the stoutest men in the s(niadron. always ready and willing to do anything." His Form Master at St. Olave's Granmuir School also wrote: "Your son was with me during the wiioic of his stay at St. Olave's, and I learned long ago what sterling strength of character lay beneatli Ids quiet and restrained demeanour. Though he was by nature reserved, yet on many occasions he allowed me to see something of his "real self, and he often chattered qiute fre.iy to me. I think that I can realize to some sliuht extent wliat lus atfection must ha\e been ta yourself, and vou must indeed mi^s his lively and eager companionship. lorthouu'li to a casual observer he miuht ^ceiu -ire-'iilaiiy quiet, yet there was a sparkle in hi-^ eye and a vigour iu Ids spe.eh wliieh showed somethinu of the spirit withm. and I'am quite sure that he must have thoroughly earned the tribute which you re- ceived from his Flight Commander. His gentle wa\-s wouLl have won atfection from all around him. and the real manliness and rectitude of his life was bound to win th<' respect of those who knew him well." When quite young. 2nd Lieut .Mann ^.liow.-d marked inventive talent ; he patented a maehine in connection witli Ins profession before he joined the K.F.C. ; he was also a ureat reader, imaginative writer, a first-class dramatic critic, and possessed great ability as a caricaturist : utim. MANN, W. J., Private. No. 1150. 1st Battn. The Northumberland Fusiliers: served witli th<- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Oct. 1914. MANNERING. R. R., Private. No. 9287, 1st Battn. The Hampshire Regt ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 2 Oct. 1914. MANNERS, B., Private. No. 9:*56. 1st Battn. The Royal Warwicksliire Regt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. MANNING' J., Private, No. 10673, The Royal Ftisiliers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. MANNING, L., Private. No. 7433, 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Regt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed iu action 17 Sept. 19U. Stanley Walter Mann. 188 The Roll of Honour MANSELL, J., Private. No. 9950, llth HiLssars ; served with the Kxpcditionary Force in France : died of wounds in No. 13 General Hospital, Boulogne, 3 Nov. 1914. MANSON, ALEXANDER, Trooper, No. 2404. The Queen's Own Royal Glasgow Yeonianrv ( T.K.), n. of the late Alexander Manson. by his wile, Jacobiaa S. (St. Fergus, (."amhuslaim), dau. of Joim (ireen : b. Cumbuslaus. 2'^ Oct. 18S5 ; educ. Public School there, and Glasgow Hit:h School; wa^ employed ou the staff of the National Uank of Scotland ; liad parsed the Preliminary Kxamin-Uion of Glasgow University, and afterwards intended studying Medicine; eulistL-d 4 Sept. 1914; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Fland-rs ; was wounded near Armeuti^res 27 Keb. liUii. and died at Canihuslang from the results of wounds lu .July. 1917. Buried in Cathcart Cemetery. Glasgow : ttntn. MANUEL, THOMAS, Private. No. B/9:n2, 2nd liattn. {74th Foot) The High- land I>iglit Infantrv. *. of the late James Manuel, by his wife. Catherine (22. Brandon Place. Bothwellhaugh, Itothwell). dan. of Richard Guy; h. Hamilton. CO. Lanark. 11 July. 1891 ; ediic. Palace Public School, Bothwell ; was employed in a colliery ; enlist'ul Ifi S.-pt. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; served with the Kxpcditionarv Force in France and Flanders from 4 May. 1915, and was killed in action near liethune 29 April, 1910. Buried in Noeux les Mines Conununal Cenieterv : intm. MARCHANT, CHARLES FREDERICK BLIZARD, Ritleman. No. 5925/ 472578. I,'l2th Battn. (The Rangers) The Loudon Regt. (T.F.). x. of the late frederiek William Marchant. by his wife. Kmily Blizard (:isr.. Grove Green Road. Leytonstone. E.); h. I.evtonstone. co. Fssex. 21 Oct. IS91 ; .-dur. Kirkdah' Road L.C.C. School there, and til. ('(niiiinrcial Travellers' College. Pinner: was a (_'lerk ; joined the RnnL'crs 21 July. 1916 ; served witli the Kxi'rditionary Force in France from 21 Nov. followin'-'. and was killed in action at Arras 9 Ajjril. 1917. Buried in the cemetery between Xeauville Village and Beaumaris. His officer. Capt. R. B. ^ . Loveless, wrote : " He was one of the most t^^^ willing fellows of my platoon," and tiie Chap- ^^^^^M^K V- lain: "He died as "only brave men do, with ^^^^^BH'^^'^v ^>v. his ^'-^^^ ^^ *'*"^ ^^^'- -indwe are jiroud of him." ^/T«^-^ MARCHMENT, G. H., Chief Armourer : Charles F. B. Marchant. lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 20 Nov. 1914. MARDELL, CHARLES HENRY, S.B.A : lost on H.M.S. Rohilla 30 Oct. 1914. MARDEN, LAND GERAJLD i-cading Seaman. Nelson Battn., R.N.D.. s. of (— ) Marden ; b. Southend, co. Sex, 24 Dec. 1892 ; educ. Brentwood Grammar School (Sir Anthony Brown's). ■ ere lie passed the Oxford Junior Examination and the London Matriculation ; was a Bank Clerk cmploye.. of Thom;us William Marley. of Marton Grove. Darlington, J. P.. Director and Secretary of the North Brance- peth Coal Company, Ltd.. and Secretary tn tiie Horden Collieries. Ltd.. by liis wife. Ahci-. dau. of the late William Bedhead Garbutt, of Marton Grove, Cleveland; b. Darlington, 10 Feb. 1887 ; educ. Durham School, and Ecole de Commerce, Neuchatel, Switzerland ; wa- engaged for a short time in the office of tin Horden Colliery, Ltd.. and afterwards hecani- a partner in t'iu^ firm of Messrs. Fertham .V Grievesoi;, Coal Merchants, of Newcastle-on- Tvne ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. The Durham Light Infantry 17 July. 1909: was promoted Lie\it. Aug. 1909. and Capt. shortly before the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914: ser\-ed with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 17 April, 1915 ; took part in the Second Battle of Ypres, where the jisphyxiant gas was used on this occasion. An account from a brother officer stated ; " His coolness, steadiness and coiu:age in rallying his men and leading them up througli the gas to occupy some trenches were highly appreciated." He was wounded in 1916 by a piece of shrapnel in the back ; rejoined liis regiment aftc^r Anthony Robert Margesson. William Marley. a speedy recover.v ; was invalided home in July, with paratyphoid, but returned to France 5 Jan. 1917, and was killed in action 23 April following, wliile leading Ins men into action at Guemappc, near Arras. Buried near the River Cojeiiil. oppo>ite Guemappe. His ('(unmanding Officer wrote : *' .\s the Commanding Officer of your son I can't siieak too highly of him. . . . The regiment has lost one of its most valued officers, but his memory will never be forgotten. . . . His character and example is a record of a true English gentleman." He w;is men- tioned In l>esi)atehes [London Gazette. 25 May, 1917] by FM. Sir Doughts Haig, for LMllaut and distinguished service in the field. \r\RNIE, J. C, Seaman. K.X.R. ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. M.XRRIOTT, C, Private. No. 7368, 2nd Battu. The Essex Regt.; served with the Lxpcditionary Force in France; killed in action 13 Sept. 1914. MARRIOTT, H., Private, No. 6377, 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps, siTvid with the Exjteditionary Force in France; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. MARRIOTT, H. E., Sergt., Roval Marine Light Infantry ; lost on H.M.S. liulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MARRIOTT, RICHARD HENRY, M.C., Lieut.. 1st Battu. (53rd Foot) The King's (Shropsliirt- Light Infantry), oldest s. of the late Canon Percy Arthur Bichard Marriott, Rector of Kedliill, Havant, and Canon of St. George's College, Jerusalem, bv his wife, Gertrude Evel>ii (Ellcsmere. King's Acre Koad, Here- ford), dau. of the late Henrv Ivingsley. of Stratford-on-Avon, M.D. ; b. Clay Hill Vicarage. Enfield, co. Middlesex, 21 Oct. 1894 : educ. Cranleigh School, co. Surrey, and the Royal Military College. Sandhurst; gazetted 2nd Lieut. The King's (Shropshire l.iglit Infantry) 15 Aug. 1914. and "promoted Lieut. 29 April, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 8 Dee. 1914, and was killed in action on the Somme 18 Sept. 1916. while leading his men. liuried near Ginchy. He w;is mentioned in Despatches (London (iazette. 1 Jan. 1916] by F.M. Sir John (now Lord) French, for gallant and distinguished service in the field, and was awarded the Military Cross for " most conspicuous gallantry and ability on 9 Aug. 1915, at Hooge, when the enemy had blown in the trenches near the crater, making a considerable gap in that part of the line, Lieut. Marriott, on his own initiative, collected a few men aud a machine gun, and held the line under heavy shell ftre till dark, when ho was reinforced. He w;is twice wounded before he was relieved, and set a fine example to his men." Unm. MARSH, E. T., Gunner, No. 64153. R.H.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 22 Sept. 1914. MARSH, F., Private, No. 6300, The Somerset Light Infantry ; .served with tin? Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. MARSH. F. E. M., Driver, No. 58522. R.F.A. ; served with the Fxpeditionary Force in Franco : died of wounds 21 Sept. 1914. MARSH, J. T., Private. No. 4832, 4th Hussars ; served with the Kxpeditionary I'uree in France ; died in F'ield Ambulance in 1914. MARSH. ROBERT HENRY, Private. No. 4212. 4fch (Territorial) Battn. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), 4th -•;. of John Marsh, formerly Carman, of Crovdon, bv liis wife. Jane Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Tyrrell ; b. E;ust Croydon, 27 Aug. 1889; educ. Public School, Oval Road. Fiast Croydon; joined the Territorial Battn. of the Queen's Own Keu't. 2.') \wi. I^n5 : l.etorc <-ntx.'ring the Army had been tor some years Gymnasium In-truitor in St. .Malthi-w's ])arish, also 'in the same capacity aud ;is Assistant Scoutmaster to the iioth Trcop of ('rn\don Boy Scouts; died of pleurisy and double pneumonia at No. 1 Ejistern Militarv Hospital. Cambridge. 15 Jan."l916. Buried at Queen's Road Cemetery, Crovdon. He m. at St. Matthew's Church. George Street, Croydon, 25 July, 1915, Alice Kathleen (22, Cross Road, East Croydon), only dau. of Edward Hissey ; s.p. MARSH. ROBERT NEVILLE CALDECOT, 2nd Lieut.. The King's Own Scottish Jiorderers. only s. of Edward Caldecot Marsh, of Burstow, near Horley, CO. Surrey, by liis wife. Fanny Maria, dau. of the late Robert Toulmin Leeming ; and gdson. of the late Col. Edward Marsh. Indian Army, and iireat-gdson. of Capt. FMward Marsh, of Snave Manor, and W^ychurch. Ronuuy .Marsli. co. Kent; 6. Pocklingtou. CO. York, 5 June. 1897 ; educ. at Burstow Pn paratory School, and Eastliourne College ; gazetted 2nd Lieut, to the Special Ue>erve of the King's Own Scottish Borderers in Mav, 1915; served with the 1st Battn. 29th Division at the Dardanelles from Sept. 1915. to Jan. 1916, taking part in the evacuation of Cape Helles. and afterwards with the Expeditionary Force in France, where he was attached to the ilaehine Gun Section, and was killed in action at ICngle- belmer. during the Battle of the Somme. 3 July. 1916. His Commanding Officer wrote : '• It is difRcult for mi-' to tell you what a great gap your son's less makes in our companv. He was admired by liis fellow-officers and worshipped by his men. He was" a most capable officer, who invariably maintained that high standard of dutv expected from an English officer aud gentlenian. 1 can only hope that we shall all follow the example of efficiency and devotion to duty shown by liim." A brother officer added ; " What good work Mr. Marsh did during that hot wiM-k in the July push, wire cutting and gun covering." MARSH, W. G., Chief Stoker ; lo.st on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MARSH, W. J., Corpl.. No. 2027. 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action in 1914. M\RSH\LL, ALBERT EDWARD, Private. No. 25618, 8th (Service) Battu. The Gloucestershire Regt., 2nd s. of David William Marshall, Chief Stoker, R.N., now (1917) on active service, by his wife, Bessie Eliza (47. Tintern Road, Gosport); b. Gosport, CO. Hants, 13 July, 1896 ; educ. Newtown School, and was subsequently apprenticed as a Stone Mason; was a member of the choir for eight years at Christ Church, Stoke Road, Al\ erstoke. Gosport ; was apprenticed to, and served six years and six nu)ntlis with, Mr. H. Churcher. Monumental [Mason, Stoke Road, Gosport; enlisted 7 Dec. 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France aud Flanders from April, 1916. and died in Red- maids Hospital, Westbury-ou-Trym, Bristol, 5 Dec. following, from wounds received in action at Gandecourt, after .Morval ; n^iin. MARSHALL, ALFRED EDGAR GEORGE, L.-Corpl., No. 2036, 1 4th (Territorial) Battn. The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, s, of Samuel Marshall, of Grays, co. Essex, Carpenter, by liis wife. Eliza Caroline, dau. of Harry Piper; 6. Grays aforesaid. 12 April, 1893; ed\ic. St. Mary's, Islington, N. ; before the war was assistant manager in a garage of the London General Omnibus Company ; joined the Territorial Battn. Tlie Cameron Highlanders 7 Sept. 1914 ; went to France in Feb. 1915 ; was present at the Battles uf Neuve Chapelle, Feslubert and Loos ; died from injuries received as the result of a pre- mature explosion of a hand grenade-, whilst instructing recruits in bomb throwing at Villers- Socage 2 Feb. 1916. Buried there. The Cliaplain wrote : " L.-Corpi. Marshall was accidentally injured by a hand grenade and died from burns, Every- n 1 duara Marshall. The Roll of Honour 189 Allan Gow Marshall. tliinK hunianty possible was done to save liim, but unavailin^ly. Imiufdiatt'ly aft^T the accident he was removed to ho:>i>ital. where he passed peacefully away at 12.30 p.m. He suffered no pain to all appearance. He was buried with all honours on Friday at 2.30 p.m. in the ground attached to the hospital." Unm. MARSHALL, ALLAN GOW, Capt., 17th (Service) Battn. The Highland Light Infantry, eldest s. of James Marshall, of 21, EgUnton Drive, Kelviaside, Glasgow. Miller and Merchant, by his wife, Mary. dan. of Allan Carswell Gow, Shipowner: b. Dennyloanhead, co. Stirling, 8 June, 1880 : edue. Edinburgh Royal High School ; was a Director and Secretary oi >fi'ssr-;. James Mar- shall. Ltd., Glasgow ; enlisted in the 17th liattn. The Highland Light lufantrv as a Private 14 Sept. 19U. after the outbreak of war; was gazetti-d 2nd Lieut. 25 May. 1915 : promoted Lieut. 2 Sept. following, and Capt. 19 Nov. 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 3 June. 1916, and was killed in action during the attack on Serre 12 Feb. 1917, being shot by a sniper while out alone on a reconnai.ssance. i'.uried where he fell. Col. Morton wrote : ■ I thought a great deal of your husband. 1 remember offering him liis conmiission at Troon because I was struck with the whole- hearted and keen way in which lu* carried out his rvery duty. He made a first-class and most gallant officer, and lu- liud gained the atffction and respect of all who came in contact with liini. Your luLsband's grand examjili- in lif'- and eharaett-r will not die with him." and Col. Paul ; " To' me personally he was a stand-by. who could always be depended upon, and was imbued with the ideas of the 17th, and always carried them out. To refer to liis example of bravery, as shown in his daily life in the line, or Ins devotion to duty seems trifling. His spirit embodied these qualities to the fullest extent and were natural to him. and that is the reason he was so much beloved and resiJ/eted by us all." The Adjutant also wTote : *" His company has been worked up under ureat difheulties and is easily our best. As an officer we have never liad or could lia\ >■ wislnd to have a better. Xo keener or "braver officer has belonged to tliis nginunt. His loss to us is an enormous one, and all those qualities that were so striking in civil life were accentuated in the Army. His extraordinary power of keenness, his shrewdness and his forethought, made him train up ius company second to none," and one of his subalterns : " Capt. Marshall was to us m\icli more than merely a Captain to Ius -ubalt-Tus. We held liini in high esteem for his gentle- manly qualities, for his far-sightedness, for Ids willingness to help us out of our own little troubles. His place as our Company Commander will be filled, but no one will ever fill Capt. Marshall's place in our thoughts and hearts." Wlule at school he was captain of the Football XV., and a prizeman in Jlodern Languages. For many years he took an active part in the work of Woodlands United Free Church, Glasgow, especially in the Sunday school, of which he was superin- tendent; also in the men's club connected with the Jlission. and wiisa member of the Scottish Mountaineering Club. He m. at Kilmalcolm, co. Renfrew, 14 Aug. 1915. Jane Anderson (34. Ancaster Drive, Glasgow, ^\.). dau. of William Wood, and had a son, James. 6. 23 Aug. 1916. MARSHALL, ARTHUR NORRIS, 2nd Lieut., 4th (Extra Reserve) Battn. The Bedfordsliire Regt.. elder .v. of the late William Norris Marshall, of the Red House, Newent, M.R.C.S., M.R.C.P.. by his wife. Adela Frances Grace (Camden Lawn, Cheltenham), dau. of Rev. Peter Wood, Rector of Xewent. and Canon of Middleham, co. York; b. Xewent. co. Gloucester. 19 March. 1896; educ. Dean Close School, Cheltenham ; was a Clerk in Lloyds Bank at Faringdon ; gazetted 4th Battn. The Bedfordshire Regt. 16 June. 1915 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France, attached to l.st Battn.. from Xov. 1915. and was killed in action at Longueval 31 July, 1916. Buried there ; lauji. erved with the Expedi- MARSHALL, D. R., Bombardier. Xo. 60815. R.F.A. tionary Force in France : killed in action 6 Oct. 1914. MARSHALL, HAROLD, Private. Xo. 25899. 14th (Service) Battn, The Y^ork and Lancaster Regt.. eldest x. of Thomas Jlarshall, of Australia, by his wife, Annie, dau. of John Xeedham ; b. Glasshouses. Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, 11 June. 1893 : educ. Glasshouses Board School, Pateley Bridge ; enlisted 2 May, 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action by a shell 29 June, 1917. Buried by iiis comrades in a little cemetery at Ga\Tille. He m. at Glasshouses, 3 Aug. i914. Grace Marshall, yst. dau. of the late William Kirkbright, of Glasshouses, Pateley Bridge, MARSHALL, H., Driver. Xo. 73019, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed 15 Sept. 1914. . MARSHALL, H., Private, Xo. 8160. 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. MARSHALL. J., Private, Xo. 10861, The Royal Irish Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 16 Sept. 1914. MARSHALL, JAMES, Private, Xo. 2464, 9th (Territorial) Battn. (Glasgow Highlanders) The Higldand Light Infantry, v. of John Marshall, of Zambesi. Hamilton. Superintendent of the Prudential Assurance Company, Ltd.; b. Glasgow, 24 Aug. 1893; ■ iliii;. r.iikiord Street School, Hamilton, and Mian i;|i-ir--. Glasgow ; joined the Ghisgow ili-li);.ii«l. I- in Sept. 1914; served with the Ex- ]M (litioiiary Force in France and Flanders from A\v^. 1915 ; was reported nii-ssing after tii> Ji.'htiii-.' at High Wood 15 July. 1916. and i- in'w assniiiid to have died on or since that (lat.-. A l-tter written stated; "The charge' ua< arraniztd to take place at 9 a.m. on 1.'' July, 1916, at the High Wood in Franc-. James was last seen by many to go ' over tin- top ' in that chargej he being a grenade ■ tlirowcr. The Germans, during the previous nii^lit. had made their position of defence very St rung. The attack was met by a fierce rifle and machine-gun fire, not only in the wood, but up trees. The battalion suffered very heavily, and our men were obliged to retire. Out of the full complement of officers only the Company Commander emerged unscathed." Unm. MARSHALL, L., Gunner, Xo.l53853, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 25 Sept. 1914. Phili[) speti James MarshalL MARSHALL, PHILIP SPENCER, Lieut., 307th Brigade. R.F.A . ?. of Philip Wiilt'-r Mar-liall. of Shenfii.-ld. Grove Avenue, Moseley. liirmmghani ; b. Hands- wortli. Lirniiiigliam, 16 Dec. 1896; educ. King Edward's High School. Birming- ham; was gazetted 2nd Lieut, in Feb. 1915; l>romoted Lieut. 1 June, 1917 ; ser\'ed with the ExpeditionaryForcein France and Flanders from May, 191B. and was killed in action 15 Aug. 1917. by a shell striking an ammunition dump near Ypres. Buried in Viamertinghe Xew Militan,- Cemetery. His Commanding Officer wrote: "1 have waited for a few days before writing to you about your son Philip. I am sure you will allow me as his Colonel to write you a very personal letter. Please accept my 'deepest s>Tnpathy. together with the rest of his comrades. During the long time he has sened under me I have never had any but the pleasantest thoughts ipf your boy: he was always most conscien- tious, reliable and very brave, always cheerful, and I never met him or spoke to him but he had a smile for me. Wliilst on the extreme- south of the British line some months ago. h(^ carried out some very excellent work successfully under the instruction of his Battery Commander. He accomplished it successfully, and behaved with conspicuous gallantr>'. as he always did. I had the pleasure at that time of recommending him for the ^lilitary Cross, but unfortunately it miscarried. If he had lived I should undoubtedly have put his name forward again for that honour. I can assure you he met his death like a true soldier ; at the time he was on duty by the side of his Battery Commander, who wa>; very severely womided at the same time. The batter>- was moving up to a forward position in the early morning^loth inst-, after having taken part in an inteiLse bombardment. The who'.e di-^trirt was under hostile fire at the time : as they were passing a Jargedump of ammunition a large enemy shell struck it. and caused a terrific explosion, and your son was killed instantaneously and not in the least disfigured. The time of day was dawn. Xeedle.ss to say, he is greatly missed from every point of view. He had many friends in the brigade, and I can truly say I was one of them. He never passed my headquarters without calling in, and I was alwa>"s plea-ed to see him. I enclose you a rough drift of my recommendation for immediate reward for your son's gallant conduct in front of St. Quentin, for I am sure it will be a great pleasure and, I doubt not, a great treasure to you. I live in the closest touch with all my officers, and hardly a day passes but I set^ them a'l, and Philip lived the life of a noble soldier and a gentleman the whole time he was under my command, and T am sure he always did before. Please- again receive my deepest symjiathy in your great loss, and my feelings go out to all those that were dear to Philip. ""H« was recommended for the 31i!itar>' Cross 2S April. 1917, the official record stating : " During the afternoon of 28 April, 1917, Lieut. Marshall displayed great gallantry and devotion to duty; his section was engaged in wire cutting from a very forward position behind our outpost line, wiien it became subject to heavy shelling from enemy 5.9 and 4.2 iiowitzers, which continued the whole time that wire cutting was in progress, some four hours, and after the grms were in open camouflaged pits without over- head covers, but Lieut. Marshall, by liis brave example and coolness, ensured that the fire of his section was maintained with absolute accuracy and the success- ful carrying out of the wire-cutting programme. During the afternoon and evining over 200 shells fell in close proximity to the section, and it can only be att ributed to the careful handling of liis men and by his forethouglit in digging suitable prot^'ction in a bank for his men where they could take cover when tliiir -i-rviees were not required at the guns, that the detachment did not suffer heavy casualties, as was the case with other troops in clo*e proximity." Vnm. MARSHALL, ROBERT, Private. Xo. 6865, l/7th (Territorial) Battn. The Black \Yatch (Royal Highlanders), 4th s. of William Marshall, of Coul Mains, Balfarg, Slarkinch. co. Fife, Farm Ser\'ant, by his wife, Jane, dau. of Da\id Burns ; b. Dunbog, co. Fife, 13 Xov. 1894 ; educ. Public School there ; was a Ploughman; joined the Black Watch 11 May, 1915: served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Sept., and was killed in action on the Somme :51 Oct. 1916. Buried in Auchon\il!ers Cemetery. Capt. Herd wrote : "' Your son will be sadly missed by both officers and men of his company, as he was a great favourite with all and a good soldier." Unm. MARSHALL, S. G„ Private. Xo. 7842, 1st Battn. The Somerset Light Infantry served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 7 Sept. 1914. ^L\RSHALL, W. H., Stoker. 1st Class, H.M.S. Xiger ; ser\'ed in the European War: died in 1914. M-\RSTON, HORACE, L.-Corpl.. Xo. 3117, 10th (Ser\ice) Battn. The EJng's Uoyal Rifle Corps, 2nd .s. of .Tolm Marston, of 10, St. John's Road, Clydach-on- Tawe, Wholesale Fruiterer, by his wife, Jane, dau. of Henry Lancaster; 6. Swansea, co. Glamorgan, 23 May, 1894 ; educ. Terrace Road Council Schools there : was a Fruiterer ; enlisted 5 Sept. 1914, after tlie outbreak of war ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Li July, 1915, where, being one of the best shots in his company, lie often acted in the capacity of sniper, and was killed in action at Ypres 13 March, 1916, during a night attack. Buried in Essex Farm Military Cemetery ; inim. \L\RTEN, CHARLES PETER, Lieut.-Col.. I8th (Service) Battn. The King's Rovai Rifle Cori>s. eldest .•.-. of the late Capt. Stephen Watson Marten, 3rd Battn. The Butfs. of Shalmsford Bridge Manor, near Canterbury, co. Kent; b. 12 Sept. 1880 ; educ. Tonbridge Castle ; Tonbridge School, and at Clare Colleg'-. Cambridge ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. The Roval West Yorkshire llegt. 4 Dee. 1901 ; promoted Lieut, in 190C, Capt. .Jan. 1911, Major in 1916, and Lieut.-Col. 24 June. 1916 ; served in India from 1902-9; was Adjutant of 1st Battn. The Rova! West Yorkshire Regt. from 1907 to 1909; took I)art in the operations in the Molimand country, for wiuch he received Medal with rhisj) ; api>ointed Adjutant to the 3rd Battn. The Royal West Yorkshire Regt. m 1912; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 4 May. 1916, as Second in Command of the :!2nd B;ittn. The Royal Fusiliers ; given command of the ISth Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps 24 June, 1916, and was killed in action near Flers 15 Sept. 1916, during the Battle of the Somme. Buried there with his Adjutant and Signalling Officer. His Brigadier-Genera! wrote : " He has done splendid work out here." The Commanding Officer of the Royal West Yorkshire Regt. said he wislied to record the important services rendered by Lient.-Col. Marten during the time he was Adjutant, parti- Charles Peter Marten. 100 The Roll of Honour •cnlarly Hiiriiiu tin* mobilization iiiui siilwrqucrit tnuiiiiiy; oi" liir^i- nunilnTs oi int'ii. wlik'ii rt'sulti'd in his beiny; rfcomnu-ndcd tor conunand ol a battalion at Mil' Iront. " An all-round sijortsman. whftber in the biintint: (li-!d, in jiolo. cricket, or as a ;*oIdii'r. the loss to the rettinu'nt and the Army at laiizr cannot be o\vr-i*stimatcd. He was a tine rider, and always in the iirst (fitiht in tlic liuntinv; tlcld ; a krcn tollowi-r of the ' York and Ainsty,' Hramliani ^loor. and Kast K'-nl llnnts. Th'* old XIV. has lost one of its most popular oMii'Ts. one who endeared hini-^rlt to all by his cheerfulness, sportsnianshiji and bis biij;h sense of -dnty." Another olheer wrote: "It is no easy task to take command of a battalion of aTiother regiment, where one knows nobody: b\it to show with wliat sncei'-i-i he did it. I need only say that lie was imivenially popular with both orlicers and men. The battalion" had the most complete confidence in him, and his death can onlv be a terrible loss." and another ; *" Hi> bjss is keenly felt by the wlKile divi-iion. and e.-pecially by the two baMalions with whieli lie was asso- K'iateil. H'-; inlhienci" wjis a great power in the battalion, and his jiast work in all probability lar«iely contributed to the success which wi- were alile to win last week. The I'd'talioii has lost a tine soldier and one of the best of men; all ranks were ])roiid to be led into action by such a leader." He was mentioned in Despatches by General (now KM.) Sir l>ouj.'Ias Haiti 'London ilazetti'. 4 .fan. 19171. tor iiallaiit and di-itinauished services in the tie'd. t'ol. Marten \v.i< a keen polo phiyer. wa- M.K.H. atQuetta HKJ:i-4, and at Lahore liK)5-G. and for two year- oriraniz'ii tlu' Kbajiar Week; unm. MARTIN. ALFRED, Private. No. 2;;5:J2. Ifith (Service) r,nttn..The Welsh lU'Ut.. x. of Frank Martin, of 4:i. Jlutland Street. (Irangetnwn. Dock Lalwurer.by his'wiie, Martha, dan. of rharles Watts: b. Carditf. eo. (ilanioruan. 22 May. 1S92 ; edue. Virail Street Schools there, and was afterwards employed as an Knyini' Driver at the Carditf Docks; enlisted 28 Dee. li)14 : served with the Kxpeditioriarv Force in France and Flanders from 4 Dec ]!)15. and was killed in action at F turned on a macliine pin, I personally fee] bis loss, as he li.is always been in my mailiini'-g\m section, and ] thonuht very !>ii;hly of his capabilities its a soldier : never found him lacking whilst on duty in tin- firini: line." He tn. at (^ardilL 'IS Xov. 1014. Annie (Daniel Street, Cathays), dan. of Sergt. 11. Donov:tn. K.D.C. and had a dau.. tiwendoline May. h. 1(1 May. lOUi. MARTIN, ARTFJL'R LYND, Private, No. 59102, 01st Vield Ambulance. K.A.M.C., a. of the late Commander William Lvnd Martin, U.S.. by his wife, .\lbinia Hianelie Vilett (20. Craiiada Koad. Southsea, CO. Hard-.) dau. of the late (ieor'je It'^Ueston, of P:in .Manor. Newport . Isle of Wight ; /'. Two .Mile Hill, near llristol. co. (Jloneester, 14 M;n*7T : edue. The High School. Swindon, co. Wilts, and at ICdinburgh, T'ni- versity; was a Clerk at the Kotherhithe Cou'crvative and rnionist Association ; joined the H..\.M.C. in .huie. 101.5; served with the Kxpeditionar>' l-'orce in l-'ranci' and J''land<'rs from the l()Ilr)wing Nov., and died at No. 5;i General Hospital, lionlogne. 22 .Vug. 1917, from si'ptica'iuia and heart failure, contracted while cm active service. Buried in Wimerenx Cnmniunal Cemetery, lioulogni-. His Commandinii (Uticer wrote: "1 would like also to tell you tliat he was very poinilar with ottieers and men fif this unit, and that we fi-el hi-. loss. He was always most reliable. 1 am always sorr> t() lose good men." and a I'uerous mnn. an ootimi-it. a wcjrker, a thinker, and Arthur Lvnd Martin. comrade : " lb- wa-^ a mast i a credit to the anilndance." He m. at Holy Trinity clmrcli. Fareiiam. eo. Hants. :S(I Oct 10(11. Kdith ('/. :J0 Aug. im)8>. dan. of the- late Hc-nrv Mrown. and had a son. Hcnrv Horace .lack, h: 10 .Inne. lOOfi. MARTIN, B. T., Private, No. 98:^7. 2ud Ilattn. The Yorkshire Kegt.; served with tb<- KxpeditJonary Korce in J'rance : died of wounds I Nov. 1014. MARTIN. C, Private, No. 7627. 1st Battn. The Wiltshire Kegt.: served with the Kxpeditionary Korce in France; killed in action 21 Sept. 1014. MARTIN, CECIL T.. .Vs^i^tant Clerk ; lost on H.M.S. M. HudderstirlcL 20 Sept. 1S84 : edue. at Filey and rpi>inghani; went to .\nstralia !n lOOiJ. where he took lui Farming : volun- teered for Imperial Ser\ice. and joined the Im|ierial Forces in .lune. ]Oir>; served with the lOxpeditionary Force in F'ranee and Flanders from 101(1. and was killed in action at Polygon Wood 27 Sept. 1017. Iluried there : mnn. MARTIN, FRANK, Private. No. :382(;. 1st Infantry lirigade. Australian Imperial Force, eldest .N. of the late Charles Martin. Grocer, by his wifi-. Sarah Ann (1. Monson Avenue. Cheltenham), dau. of Arthur (and Charlotte) Uogers; h Cliclti-ldiam. co. (Jloucester, 28 Feb. 1870; emigrated to Sydney. New Sonth Wales, in 190:J; joined the Colours there in .\ug. 1015 ; served in France from April. lOKt. and was killed in action at PozLtos 23 .luly following, on thi^ occasion when tlii^ wood was taken by the AiLstralian troops. He m. in Sydney, Australia, 1915 ( — ) (175. Kiley Street, Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia). MARTIN, G., Private, No. 8409, 1st Battn. Tlic West Yorkshire llegt. ; served with the i:xpeditionar>' Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. MARTIN, G. C, Armourer's Crew ; lost on M.H.S. Patrol in 1914. MARTIN, HARRY, Private, No. 20511, Gth (Service) Battn. The Northampton- shire Kegt.. eldest ,*.. of the late John Martin, Groom, by his wife, Emily (32, Jubilee Street. Kothwcll), dau. of William Timpson : h. Kothwell, co. Northamp- ton, 2 June. 1880: edue. Board Schools there: enlisted 25 Aug. 1915; served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 2 Feb.. and w^as killed in action 13 April, 191fi, during a bombardment by the enemy. Buried iu Carnoy Military Cemetery. Capt. H. Podmore wrote : " Your son had not been witii us long, but quite long enough for us to appreciate his worth. He was a splendid soldier, always doing his duty with a smile, and 1 was proud to have him in my company, and I cannot say how sorry I am to have lost him. He was the best tyi)c of man, and in the short time had won the respect and affection of all his platoon and of his otficers." His brother. Private W. JIartin, of the ■same regiment, was wounded during the same attack ; uum. Francis Duke M irtin. William (Jerabl .Martin. MARTIN, P., Private, No. 10794. 1st Battn. The South Wales Ilord rers : srrvcd with the Kxpeditionary Force in France; killed 21 Oct. 1014. MARTIN, S., Chief Kleetrical Artificer, 2nd Clas^ ; loU on H..\LS. Bulwark 2« Nov. 1014. MARTIN, T., Private. No. 8240. 2nd Battn. The Koyal Inniskilling Fusiliers: serv.d with tin- Fxpeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 15 Sept. 1914. MARTIN, WILLIAM GER VLD, Capt.. 12tli (S,-rvJce) Battn. The King's Koyal Uifie Corps, .s. of Kdward Martin, of Woddeote, Forest Kow, co. Sussex, .I.P.. llarrister-at-Law, by his wife. .Viice Maud. ■ mh dau. of Charles Cammell. of Norton Hall. rn.Derbv, J. P. : h. 4. (^leen's Gardens. Hvd. Park. London. W.. 2 Feb. 1880; edue. H;t/.el- wood. Limitslielrl. and ICtori (.Mr. Macnaghti-n's lioiLse) : was an Assist.irit Land Agent at ()i-khani Park, eo, Snrrey ; obtained a com- mission :ls 2nd Lieiit, The King's Koyal KiHe < urps 28 No\-. 1014. being promoted Lieut, on 1 Dec. 1015. anil Capt. 7 Dee. p.JHi ; served with the I'ixpeditionary l-"(»ree in France and Flanders from 2.i .luly, 1015. ami was killed in action at Sailly-Saillisel 14 Jan. 1017. I'.uried in the cemi-tcTy at Lenze Wood. His runuiiaridiug Otiicer wrote: " His death is ;i gre.it loss to lis all. both as a friend and an otlierr. 1 know that all of us. both otficers and men, liad a gnat regard for him. and will miss him "•xeeedingly. He was .always willing and did bis work weJI, and was always cheerful even in trying eirenmstances. and I could not Imvc wisbi-d for a better or braver olheer." He Was ii well-known golfer iu SiLssex and Snrrey, being a member of till- Ki)\al Ashdowii l-'orisf and St. George's Hill Golf Club-, and won many |jri/.e* ;it einb and <)|ien nieetin'^- ; iimn. MARTYN, LANCELOT SIDNEY, Private. No. 6141. 14tb P.attn. (London Scottish) The London Kegt. (T.F.), yst. .s. of William Henry Martyn. of (14. Kicbtnond Koad, Leytonstone, retired Civil Servant, by his wife, Francis ; b. Leytonstone. co. Kssex. 10 Oct. 1893; edue. there; was a Clerk; joined the London Scottish in Nov. 1915 ; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from U July, 1010. and was killed in action at the- Somme 10 Sept. fol- lowing, linried where he fell. Hi' tn. at the Parish Church. Leyton. 1 April. 1910. Kdith, only dan. of .Mr. and Mrs. Sinden ; s-p. MASKELL, L., L.-CorpL, No. 0889, 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Kegt.: served with the Ivxpi ditiniiarv l''oree in I'raiiee ; died of wounds 20 Oct. 1014. MASLEN, CHARLES AARON, Quarter- masti-r-Sergt.. 2,4th Battn (Royal Fusiliers) The London Kegt. (T.F.). s. of Aaron Lsaac Maslcii. bv liis wife, Itacliael Charlotte; b. l\rr Heath, eo. Bnckingbanr. 24 July, 1883; edue, Holv Trinitv (Heath) School. Paddington : was a Police Constable Warder at the (;nildhall.' London : volunteered for active service on the nutbreak of war Aug. 1014 : servi-d in the ICuropean War. and died 8 .Lin. 1010. of dysentery, contracted wliile on active service at Malta. Bviried in Paddington Cemetery, lb- II' .it St P.Milv (hunli. Paddington, W.. 17 April, 1909. Florence, dau. of Charles Levi, and had a son, Charles Herbert, h. 30 Oct. 1010. MASLEN, N.. Private; lo.st on H.M.S. I'.iilwark 2f, Nov. 1914. MASON, ALBERT, Private, The Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Kegt.), eldest s. nf the late Frederick George Thomas Mason, oil Mi'rehant and Publican, by hi.s wife, Ame lia Josephine (now wife of ( — ) Cowell. nf :io. Beach Hill Terrace. Halifax), dau. of Lysimachns Parker, of Hornca-stle ; 6. Saxilby, 1-0. Lincoln. 15 March. 1807" edue. Boro- liridgi'. and St. Augustine's Seiiool, Halifax; was eiiiployetl with Mi-ssrs. Kiley Brothers, M.mutaeturing Confectioners : enlisted 2 Sept. r.il4 alter till- outbreak of war; served witli the l^xpeditionary Fort side by side imder a beautiful sim'ading tree, on the south-east I'dgi- of Vermand. a village in the Omignon valley, six miles west of St. Qnentin. I know it is no use trying to comfort yon, tinii' apme ean do that, but he was a son yon misht well be proud of." /'nil). MASON, GEORGE, 2nd l.iml.. ii.l'.V.. eldest s. of the late Joseph Mason, Private Secretary, by liis wife. Helm Maria (50, Oaklield Koad. Stroud (.ireen, X.), dan. of l-Idwin Pyott Pliilips. Editor; b. Stratford, hondon E., 5 Sept. 1899 ; edne. Acton Commercial College : Wius a Clerk in Lloyd's Shipping IiLsnr- ance Company: joined the R.F.C. in Oet. 1916. being gazetted 2nd Lieut. 21 April, r.117. and was killed in an aerial accident at Turuhouse, Edinburgh, 4 May following, while training tliere ; inun. MASON. J. W., Private, No. 9525. The Sherwood Foresters; served with the K\|ieditionary Force in France; died of wounds 1 Oct. 1914. MASON, PETER, 2ud Lieut Peter Mason. He also h.-ld thr 6th (Heserve) Battn. The King's Royal Uitle Cori)s, eldest «. of the late William Tate Mason, M.A., of Brooklands. Abergele, North Wales, by his wife, Margaret ; and nephew of the late Kev. Peter Hamnctt Mason, M.A., Presidi'ut of St. Jolm's College, Cambridge : h. llHHtklands, Abergele, 21 Nov. 1895 ; ednc. Tin- PiTse Grammar School. Cambridge, where iir was Sergt.-Major in the O.T.C.. and St. John's College, Cambridge, where lie was also a member of tile O.T.C. ; enlisted 4 Feb. 1916 : obtained a commission 7 JiUy, 1916 ; served with tlie Kx|)editionary Force in France and Flanders from 28 Aug. following, being attached to the 1st Battn. Tlie King's Royal Rifle Corps, and was killed in action at South Miraumont 17 Fel). 1917, during a successful attack on the enemy trenches. Buried there. His Commanding Officer wrote : " He was a first-class officer, one whom we can ill afford to lose and whom it will be diftieult to rejilace." He was a keen sport -^niau, captain of thi' Rugby football team and in the first Cricket XI. hampionship for heavy-weight boxing : num. MATHER, JOSEPH. Private MASON, T., Private. No. 7600, 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Regt. ; 3>erved with the Kxiieditionary Force in I-'rance ; died of wounds 19 Sept. 1914. MASSEY, R.. Private. No. 8007, 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. MASSEY, W., L.-CorpL. No. :}86. 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt.: served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action in 1914. MASTERSON, A. G., L.-Corpl., No. 8120, The Welsh Regt. ; served witli the Kxiieditionary Force in France : killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. MASTERS, J. A., Able Scauuiu ; lost OU H.M.S. Bulwark 2[i Nov. 1914. No. 24271H. 1 Oth (Terrilorian Battn. Tlie Prince of Wales'- Own (West Vorkshiri' Kei:t,), .^■. of Cliarles William M.itlier. of SheMield. by his wife. Clara, dan. of Joseph Snidall ; h. Shetfield, eo. York, 4 Mareli. 1896; educ. there ; was a Storekeeper with Messrs. CaniTuells. Ltd.: joined the West Yorkshire Kriif 2.S I'eb. 1916; served with the Kxpedi- lionar\ Force in I''rance from 8 July follow- ing, and was killed in action at Canilirai 8 Dee. 1917. Buried where he fell. He was acting a-i stretcher-bearer at the time of his rleatli. Second Lieut. H. l->. .lowett wrote : ■' He was very jiopnlar anioTigst his comrades." and Corpl. G. Bradley : " He worki-d hard, iind helped to save many lives tlie night before he died. . . . You can feel assured that > our husband did some good work. He was a good lad and respected b\' all. and he was oiu- of the heroi's of this great w;n'." He ,H. at Shertield. Kdith Annie. (14:!. Wood- sirle l,a[ie, Pitsmoor. Sheffield), dan. of John Howarth. and had a son. Joseph, h, 15 Sept. 1916. MATHESON, CLAUD BRUCE. 2nd Lieut., 5th (Reserve), attd. 2nd. Battn. The Riflr- Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own). 3rd .v. of the Rev. John Jlathesou, of The Parsonage, Stratbnairn, Invc^rness. late Rector of St. Paul's Cliurch there, by his wife, Susan Kwen. dan. of Capt. (ieorge Arljuthnot ; h. Inveniess. 4 Oct. 1891 ; educ. (ilcnalniond, and Keble College, Oxford, where he was a Sergt. in the O.T.C. ; was subsequently a Schonluiaster on the stalf of Llandovery College; gazetted 2nd Lieut. The Rifle lirigade 26 June, 1917: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Si-]'t. 1917. beinu attached to the 2nd Battn. of Ids regiment, and was killed in action at Warneton on the 24th of that month. He was a keen athlete, playing cricket and Rugby for his school and college, and in the north of Scotland was regurded as one of the finest all-round cricketers, both as a batsman and a bowler; was a regular member of the Northern Counties NL, and frcipiently played in representative matches for the North of Scotland Cricket Uagne : loitn. MATHESON, NEIL, Acting Chief Stoker. No. 28766:i (Portsmouth); lost on Submarine VM in 1914. MATSON. ANDREW GEORGE SHAND, Acting Sergt.. No. 7173. 9th P.attn. (tnieen Yictoria's Rifles) The LoiKlnii Re.^t. (T.F.). 2nd s. of John Matson, of Kinross, Railway Clerk, by his wile, Anne Eliza, dan. of Andrew Shand ; b. Kinross. 9 March, 1890; educ. Kinross Public Sciiool ; was a Tailor's Cutter; joined the Queen Yictoria's Rifles in Sept. 1914 ; served withthe Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Jnlv, 1915, and was killed in action at Arras 14 April, 1917; num. Joseph Mather. MATTEY, CHARLES PERCIVAL, 2nd Lieut.. 1st Battn. (8th FrK)t) The Bedfordshire Regt.. yst. .V. of the late George Mattey. by his w:f)-. Fliza- beth (Wisteston (Vnirt. Marden. CO. Hereford): b. Much Dewchurch. Hereford. 4 May. 1888 ; educ. Clyde House School. Hereford ■ was employed by the London A: J{i\er Plate Bank. Buenos Aires; returned to l^ngland on the outbreak of war; joined the Honourable Artilli'ry Company in April. 1915 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut, in the Bedford- shire Regt.; served with the Exjjeditionary Force in France and Flanders from July. 1915"; was wounded at Arras in Aug. 1916 :' on re- covery returned to France 25 Dec. following, li'-ing wounded and taken prisoner 21 Jan. 1917, and died in a Oerman hospital on tlie 25th of that month. Buried at AmuPuHin. near La Bassee : idii/i. MATTHEWS, ARTHUR THOMAS, Sergt.- No. 11184. 2nd Battn. (36th Foot) The Worcestershire Regt., *. of Thomas Mattliews, of (Juinton^ Birmingham, by his wife. Mary Hcaley ; b. Bromsgrove, c6. Worcester, 10 April, 1884; ednc. there; enlisted in the Worcestershire Regt. in 1907 ; served seven years in India, and was still serving when war liroke out ; served with th<' Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from Charles Percival Mattev. Aug. 1914, taking part in the Retreat from Mons on the 26tii of the same month : was wounded at the Battle of the Marne 8 Sept. following; invalided home; rejoined his regiment 17 Mav, 1915 ; was badlv gassed at the Battle of the Somme 23 July. 1916, and again invalided to England ; returned to his unit 18 Dee., and was' killed in action at the Battle of Yi)res 25 Sept. 1917. Buried at Cheluvelt. He m. at Devonport. 14 Dec. 191f.. Emily {268. Yietoria Road. Aston, Birminu'liam). dau. of Auguste Huber; s-.j). Arthur Thomas Matthews. L ^^^^^H^^^^^H MATTHEWS, C. E., Corpl., No. ^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^H Durliain Light served ^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^l Kxpi-ditioiiiirv Force France; killed in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ;iiti™i ai Oet. 1014. MATTHEWS, E., L.-Corpl., Xo. 1328. nth Lancers ; served with the E.\peditionarv Force in France : killed in action 18 Oet. 1014. MATTHEWS, E. C, Cliief Stoker; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1U14. MATTHEWS, F., Private, No. 7817, 2nd Battn. The Oxfordshire and Bucking- hamshire l.iu'ht Inlaiitrv ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. MATTHEWS, T., L.-Corpl.. No. 10151. 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Re-rt. : served with the E.xpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 25 Sept. 1914. M.ATTHEWS, W., I'riv.xte, No. 12r>, 2nd Battn. The Roval Warwickshire Rest.: served witli the Expeditionarv Force in France; died of wounds 2t> Oct. 1914. MATTHEWS, WILLIAM CHARLES, Corpl., No. 5203, .Machine Gun Corps, eldest .s'. 01 Charles Matthews, of 171. .Shrewsbury Road, ^larket Drayton, by his wife, Alice, dau. of William Beddoes. of Rank Farm, Wortlien : b. BJakeidiall. Wolverhampton, eo. Stafford, :!0 Oet. 1887; edne. Norton-in-Hales I'nlilie School ; was emploved as an Iroumonuer's .\ssistant ; enlisted in the :!rd Rattn. The Suffolk Rei!t. 30 .Inly. 1915 ; transferred to the .^lachine (!nn Corps durins; the same year; served with tin- Expeditionary Force in France and I-'landers from Feb." 1916, and was killed in action near tJuilleniont 24 .\u<:. followinsr. Buried near the front-line trenches. His Commanding Officer wrote: " We wi're holding just !)efore the attack of (Uiillcmont. and tlie Germans counter- attacked. Your son tiled like a hero at his gun. while the fire was still being ki'pt up by the few remaining men of the gun team of which he was iu com- mand. Tlie Germans shelled lis very heavily indeed, and the greatest consolation is that Ills death was absolutely j)ainless." Unm. MATTHEWS, WILLIAM CHARLES, Rifleman. The lloyal Irish Rifles. .«. of (rcorae Mat'liews, of J\enilwnrth. Gardener. i»y his wife. Mary ; 6. Leamington, CO. Warwick. 19 .Ian. 1877 : ednc. I'nblic School there ; was employed as a Packer : enlisted 12 Sept. 1916 : served with the l-^xpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died in No. :J Canadian General Hospital. Boulogne. 2 March, 1917, from pneumonia, contracted while on active ser\ ice. Buried in the Military Cemetery there. His Connnanding Otticer wrote saying he always found him to i>e a sinart. intelligent man. and always willing to do his duty. He m. at Holy Trinitv. Urompton, London, S.W , 26 Sept. 1900, Beatrice Emma (78. Iloggett Koad.'Catford, S.E.). dau. of William Novce. and had a dau., Constance Etlicl, h. 10 Oct. 1901. MATTHEWSON, F. E., T.oy. 1st Cla-s ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MATON, E. T., Stoker. 2ud Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 2t> Nov. 1914. MAUDE, JOH.N WILLIAM ASHLEY, 2nd I.ient . loth (Service) Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps, onlv .s. of I'reiiiriek William Mandi', of New Roinney, and 9. Carlogan Gardens, S.W., bv his wife. Ellen Maud. dau. of Sir John Kelk. Bart.; Ii. 1S85 ; educ. Eton, and Balliol CoMcie. Oxford, where his name app:Mred on the Honours list on leaving ; was called to the Bar in 1912 ; on the outbreak of war olitained a commission, and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. The King's Royal Rifle Corps in Dec. 1914 ; served with the lOxpeditionary Force in Fr.aacc anii l-'landirs, and was killed in action near Laventie. Buried at Laventie ; unm. MAUGER, E., L.-Corpl. . No. 6514. 11th Hnssars ; served with the Expeditionary Force in l-'raun- : killed in action 16 Sept. 1914. MAUGH.\N, JOHN, Capt . 4th (Territorial; Uattn. -Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regt), eldest .v. of ,Iohn .Manghan, of .\bliey Hill. ,Iervanlx, .Middleham, eo. York, Y.I).. Land Afeent. late Capt. and Hon. .Major, 1st (Yolunteer) Battn. The- Yorkshire Kegt.. now (19181 4th Battn. The Yorkshire Regt.. liv his 1st wife, .\miie. dau. of Thomas Robinson: h. Abbey Hill afore- said, 4 ,Ian. 1890 ; ednc. .Marlliorongh College, where he was a member of tin- Cadet Corps ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut, in the 4th Battn. 'The York- shire Regt. 18 ,Inne, 1908, being promoted I.ient. 1 March. 1911, and Capt. 3 Nov. 1914 ; volunteered for Imperial Service on the outbreak of war; serA'od with the Expeditionarv Force in France and Fliinders from 17 .\pril, 1915, and was killed in action at Y'pres 17 Feb. 1916. Buried at Poperinghe. He was mentioned in Despatches I London Gazette. 1 Jan. 1916] by F.M. Sir John (no-w Lord) French, for gallant and distinguislied service in the lield ; inmi. MAUNDERS, L„ Private. No. 7692, :ird Battn. The' Rifle Brigade; served with the Exiieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 25 Sept. 1914, 192 The Roll of Honour I'd with tht; Expeditionary MAUNSELL. GEORGE W\'NDHAM. 2iid Linit.. 2iid Qin-.n Victoria's Own SapptTs and Minti-s, Indian Ariu>-. i-ldi-st sur\'. s. of Hii-liani Mauns^i'll, of 'i'lic Inland. C'lan- Castlf. co. Clarr. hy his wilr, Klizabrth, dan. ot thr lirv. John Twanik'y. of Timoliu Itfi-tory. co. ICildarr ; h. The Island. Clare Castle, 21) Oet. 1889: edue. Crnmniar School. The Abbey. Tipperary. and Trinity Collefje. Dublin, where lie ^'radnated h.A. in Oct. liHl : was a Civil Euiiinecr. and in Oct. IQVi. went to India to take up an appointuimt under the Pnblic Works Department: was gazetted 2nd Lieut, tjneen Victoria's Own Sajipers and Miners in Sei>t. 1910; served with the Indian ICxpeditionary Force in ]\Ie>opo- laniia from Dec. 1910. and was killed in action at the Shamriin liend on the lii\er Tigris 2:J Feb. 1917. Iluried there. His Commandini^ Otiicer. Major Peniturton, wrote: "Your son was killed on the mornin-j: of 2:5 Feb.. whilst working with my company of Sappers on the crossing of tlie Titiris Kiver at Sli;nnr:iii lli-uil. Wc were workiny; tlie centre of tliree ferries under very heavy >hell and niarhiiie- gun lire. Your son was out on the exposeil beach with the men. and with my other subalterns. organizing the Sapper rowing parties enibarkinu men of the 9th (lurkhas in the pontoons, dointi splendid work, when he was hit througli the heart and died instantly. I was near by at the time and can testify to this. Uc was buried. tO'_'<-ther with the oKicers and men of the liritish re-. ejnse to the site of the cm-^siiiL'. Pri- vious to tliis he had done most gallant service with my comi)any since joining in Dec. 1910. For all tlie assistance he ga\e me 1 wish to thank you. He recon- noitred the crossing ami led the column out iluring the night of 22 Feb. He waft a flrst-chiss soldier. He always carried out my orders to the minutest detail and witli perfect satisfaction. He gave his life on a day wiiich will always be remembered a.s one of the most successful during the cami)aign." U»m. MAXWELL, A., Private. Xo. :!921. !lth l.ancers I''orce in France ; killed in action ;jl) Aug. Iltl4. MAXWELL, POWER MACMURROUGH, .M.C., Major. R.F.A.. vr. s. of the late Col. Robert .lames Maxwell, of The Intelligence Branch of the War Office. by his wife. Harriet l-'anny (Hampton <'onrt Palace, Hampton Court), dau. of Col. W. A. Middleton. (Mi., De)iuty Adjutaut-tieneral Royal Artillery; ''. The Walls. Hampton Court, 12 April. 1892 ; educ. Bedford Grammar School : gazetted 2nd I.ieut. R.F.A, 19.Tuly. 1912; |)romoted Major in Nov. 191G ; served with the Expeditionary Force in l''rance and Flanders from Aug. 1 914. and died in No. 10 Casualty Clearing Station, Poperhighe. 1 Oct. 1917. from wounds received in action while reconnoitring for his battery positicn during the advance from Ypres. Buried in Lyssenthoek Jlilitary Cemetery. Poperinghe. Major Maxwell was awarded the >lilitar\ Cmss | Loiuhui iiazette. :i June. 1916], for gallant and distingui^-hed •-er\ iec in the Held, and a I ar to the M.C. in July, 1917, being also three time-; nientionid in Hespatehes by F M. Sir Douglas Haig ; vnm. MAXWELL, THOMAS, 2nd Lieut.. 8th (Service) Battn. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers, only \. of Patrick W. Maxwell, of 19, Lower Baggot Street. Dublin, M D. Edinburgh, I'.R.C.S.l., by hi.s wife. Catherine Elizabeth, dau. of Cornelius Suckling, M.D'. ; b. Dublin, 20 Dec. 1895 : educ. Cargilfield : Charterhouse, and Dublin University ; was an Arts Student there ; volunteered for active service on tlie outbreak of war Aug. 1014 : gazetted 2nd Lieut. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers Oct. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Dec, 1915, and was killed in action at Gineliy, during the Battle of the Somme, 9 Sept. 1916. Buried between Ginchy and Guillemont, north-west of Combles ; unm. MAXWELL, WILLIAM, Private, No. 154663, 1st Canadian Pioneers. Canadian Expeditionary Force, 4th s. of the late .Tames Maxwell. Carter, by his wife, Mary Chalmers (33. Paterson Street, Glasgow), dau. of the late James W^ard ; h. Glasgow. 11 Aug. 1872: educ. Greenside Street Public School there; served 12 years in the Royal Garrison Artillery, including six years in India; was subse.pH ntiv seven years in Canada ; re-enlisted tiie'rc May, 1915 : served with the Kxjteditionary Force in France from 8 March. 1916, and was kilted in action by shrapnel shell fire at Y'pres 8 April following. Buried in the Asylum Cemetery, Ypres ; imni. MAY, Jm Private, No. 8404, 1st Battn. The East Yorkshire Rcgt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds in 1914. MAY. J., Stoker (B.N.R.) ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MAY, W., Private. No. 7264, 1st Battn. The Dorsetshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 19i4. MAY, W. H., P.O.. 1st Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 23 N3V. 1914. MAY, WILLIAM, Stoker, 1st Class, No. ;301157 ; lost on H.M.S. Pegasus in 191-4. MAYBE, P., Private, No. 6376, The North Staffordshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 13 Oct. 1914. MAYCOCK, H. J., Private, No. 8188, 2ud Battn. The Oxfordshire and Bucking- hamshire Light Infantrv ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 19 Sept. 1914. MAYNARD, HUGH CHARLES, IJeut., 1st Battn. The Coldstream Guards, 3rd s. of the late Joseph Mavnard, by liis wife, JIary ; and gdson. of Capt. Joseph Maynard. H.N., of The Croft, Bridgnorth, co. Salop; b. London, 15 Jan. 1876: educ. St. Lawrence's College, Ramsgate ; was Assistant Political Resident in Nortliern Nigeria for some time : obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut, in the Special Reserve of the King's Royal Ritte Corps 3 Dec. 1913 ; was promoted Lieut. 15 Jime, 1914, and Capt. 5 Jan. 1015 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Sept. 1914. attached to the 1st Battn. of his regi- ment ; took part in the Battle of the Ancre. and the First Battle of Ypres ; was invalided home with dysentery the following Nov. ; transferred to the Coldstream Guards as Lieut. ill Feb. 1916 ; returned to France in June, and was killed in action between Flers and Les Bo-ufs, during the fighting on the Somme. 15 Sept. following, while rejnilsing tlie 3rd German counter-attack that night. Buried where he fell, in front of the barbed wire of the German front trench. The Colonel of tiie regiment. Col. Drummon' ; it i-; this disregard of hi> jterxinal safety, while doing all jiossible for the salely of his men. that makes the men ready to do anything and go anywhere after such au oIlifM-r as your hnsbanil was. It is hard losing such a man," and the Colonel of his battalion. Lieut. -Col, Hopwood. D.S.O. : " He did most awfully well all through the day ol tlf l.')tli. and Wiis a most gallant ollieer. -\lthough he bail only beiti witji US a short time we shall miss him \<'rv much." lie m. at Windsor. 2(i Dec, 1915. Frances Mary |Mafra|, only child of Oscar Blount, of The Hut. Windsor, ami of Ore-he Kill, (ierrard's Cross, co. Buckingham, and great-granddau. of J'id- ward Adolphus. 11th Duke of Somerset. K.G. ; s.p. MEAD, A. J., Private, No. 8514. 1st Battn. The Leicestershire Regt. ; served with the I'Aiieditionarv Force in l-'rance ; died of wounds in No. Vi General II»w|iital ;il Oct. 1914. ' MEAD, P. W., Private, No. 6553, 1st Battn. The Dorsetshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 12 Oet. 1014, MEADE, RICH.ARD GILBERT TREVOR, 2nd Lieut.. 14th (. :ng's) Hussars,, otilv .V. of Richard .lohn Kdward Meade, of Croxton. Thetlord. bv h wife. Venetia, dau. of the Rev. Diiiliv New bolt : h. Duueliuvch. CO. Warwick. :il May, 1895 ; educ. Choir School of St. Paul's Cathedral, and ('lifton College : joim-d the Inns of Court O.T.C. 3 Aug. 1914. the day before war was declared ; wa~: ua/.etted 2ud Lieut. l:!th Reserve Cavalry 12 Sept. following ; was stationed at Siarlioroiigh. at- tached tr) the 2(ith Hussars. Sept. 1915 ; pass, d nuisketry course at Hythe in Dec, and caught ty|ih" Coininander, for he was a loyal and gallant lad, and a s|>lendid leader in every respect, being a splendid example of courage, etiiciency and smartness to his men and other N.C.O.'s. ... I recommended him for a commi-^^ion jint prior to going into the line, and he would have got it in due course if his liie'had been spared." Vnm. MEESE, v.. Private, No. 10065. 2nd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 15 Oct. 1914. MEIGHAN, C, Private. No. 8209, 3rd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. : served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; killed in action at La Querque Rue 29 Oct. 1914. MELLEFONT, T., L.-CorpL, No. 9887, 2nd Battn. The Royal Irish Rifles: si'rved with the Exjieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 26 Oct. 1914. MELLODEW, JAMES, L.-CorpL. No. 5:J08, 20th (Service) Battn. (:5rd Public- Schools) The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), 3rd s. of James Henry- Mellodew, Cotton Sjjinner aud Manniarturer, a Director of the firm of Messrs, TlKinias :\Ie]]odew near Givenchy 27 Jan. 1916. Buried in Camltrin Churchyard. His Captaii> wrote ; " Soon after daybreak tliis morning the ineni\- began to strafe us heavily with riftc grenades. One of these burst near your lirother, wounding iiim in the thigh and in the stomach. Ever>thing imssiblc wa.s done for him at the time hy- the stretcher-bearers and the Medical Ollicer. He bore his pain bravely, and without a murmur he passed quietly away as he was being carried down th& trench. L.-Corpl. Mellodew was a man for whom 1 had an infinite respect. He- was a strong, silent man. in whom one could place the utmost confidence and reliance. One knew that work entrusted to him would be done and done- thoroughly. His Platoon Commander, fellow N.C.O.'s and men all loved liim." Umn. MELLOR, W,, Private. No. 9986. 1st Battn. The Shropshire Light Infantry; served with the Exjjeditionary Force in France; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. MELLORS, A., Private. No. 7510, The Lincolnshire Regt.; served with the Expeflitionary Force in KraTiee ; killed in action 27 Oet. 1914. MELVILLE, CHARLES POTTER, CorpL. No. T;4;064;J25, 12th Divisional Train. Armv Service Corps, s. of the late Theo])hilus Melville, of 118, Albert Street, Dundee, Sliipwri^ht. by his wife, Annie, dau. of the late David Potter; b. Dundee, co. Forfar. 23 May, 1892 ; educ. Glebe Lands School there; was a Clerk in the employ of Messrs. Lindsay ct Low, Dundee ; enlisted in the Army Service Corps 30 Jan. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from Z\ May. 1915. and was killed in action at .A.rras 11 Oct. 1917. Buried in Faubourg d' Amiens Cemetery there. Capt. G. Herbert wrote : " He had been associated with me for a considerable time, and I had fornu^d a very high opinion of his qualities- as a good, straight, upright young man and a jolly good soldier. His work was always done "cheerfully and well," and Staff Sergt. T. C. Hirst : " He was a right-down good cliap. and liked by everyone in the section, and by all who knew liim in the Train." He had applied for a commission in the Artillery, and liis application having been approved of, he wjis sent on a month's probation to one of our batteries only a ft^w days prior to liis death ; unm. Charles Potter Melville. The Roll of Honour 193 Hubert Merchant. MERCER, E., Scrgt.. No. 76S7, 1st Battn. The Loyal North Lancashire Kt-gt.: served with the ExpL'ditionary Force iu France ; died as a re-^iUt of wounds received in action in 1014. MERCHANT, HUBERT, Private, No. 5ii:».^7. 115th Trench Mortar liatterv, attd. IGth (Service) Battn. The Welsh Regt.. s. of Arthur Merchant, of 17G. Catlmys Terrace, Cathays, Cardiff, co. Glamorgan, by his wife, Kniily. dau. of K. Solomon, of Cardiff; b. Llanhilleth. co. Monmouth. 26 July. 1896; edne. Moorland Koad Council School, Carditf : was a Clerk iu a Filmrenting House : enlisted 26 April. 1915, hi 7th Welsh (CvcHsts); trans- ferred to the 10th Battn. The Welsh Kegt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 28 July." ItUfi. and was killed in action att';T the Battle of Pilkeni Kidne on 1 Aug. 1917. Buried in the Military <'<-initory there. His Captain wrote: "* He ivtiit into the fight with his usual clieerfuiness. and went right over Pilkein Ridge, as far as the River Steenbeek, where he fought gal- lantly until he was hit by a sniper in the side. He was carried into a shelter, but never regained consciousness, and died soon after. Wiiat otficers are left are all sad. because we have left our best boys sleeping ttieir last sleep near the fiver ; but they all died like gallant soldit-rs." Cnm. MEREDITH, WILLIAM HENRY, Private. No. 231405. 2nd Battn. (Roval Fusiliers) The London Regt. {T.F.), *\ of William John Meredith, of 32. Hereford Street, Newport, CO. Monmouth, bv his wife. Edith, dau. of F. Pullen ; b. Blackwood. 15 Oct. 1894 : educ. Church Road School, Newport : enlisted 17 F'eb. 1915 ; served with the E.xpeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and died at No. 49 Casualty Clearing Station 21 3Lay. 1917, of wounds received in action. Buried in Acliiet-!e-Grand Communal Cemetery ; limn. MERRICK, THOMAS EDWIN, Private, No. :3S59. lOtli (Territorial) Battn. (Scotttsh) The King's (Liverpool Regt.), s. of Edwin Merrick, of 135, Dacy Road, Anfield. Liver- pool. Schoolmaster, by his wife. Nelly, dau. of Frederick Long : b. Liverpool, co. Lan- caster.- 15 June. 1897 : educ. Anfield Road School there : was a Clerk in the employ of Messrs. Wliittiiigham A- Co., Liverpool : joined the Territorials on the outbreak of war 10 Sept. 1^(14 ; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 JIarch, 1916. and was killed in action near Delville Wood 9 Sept. following. Buried there. He was the youngest member of his platoon — a general favourite in it. In civil life he was a keen footballer and a good all- round sportsman, and had once saved a boy from drowning when he liimself was but a lad ; unjn. MERRIFIELD, P., Gunner, No. 70655- K.F.A- : servi'd with the Expeditionarv Force in France : died 2 Oct. 1914. MERRIKIN, J., Able Seaman ; lost on Thomas Edwin Merrick. H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MERRIMAN, W., Private. No. 12054, 2nd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt.; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; died of wounds 1 Nov. 1914. MERRITT, PERCY GEORGE, Stoker. P.O.. No. 301550 (Portsmouth) ; lost •on Submarine E3 in lStl4. MICHIE JOHN, 2nd Lieut. William Henry Meredith. MESSENGER. W. E. F.. Private. No. 10435. ISth Hussars ; Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 17 Oct. 1914. served with the MESSENGER, WILFRID CHAUNDLER, Capt., I2th (S Ititii- Brigade (The Prince ervicr) Battn. The Consort's Own). >t, s. of the late John Messenger, and his wife. Mary (BonhanLs, Alton, co. Hants), dan. of Robert James Chaundler. of Crondall. CO. Hants ; b. at Bouhams, near Alton afore- said. 13 Aug. 1891 ; educ. Eggar's Grammar School, Alton; Eastman's. Southsea. and Lancing College; subsequently studied En- gineering at Wallsend-on-Tyne. and in 1913 left for South Africa ; joined the Rand Rifles in Aug. 1914; srrved through the G.S.W. campaign as a Private ; disbanded in Jidy, 1915, and returned to England ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut, in tii.- Rifle Brigade iu Oct. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France and Flanders from 22 Feb. 1916. and died at No. 2 Red Cross Hospital. Rouen. 16 Sept. 1917, from wounds received in action at I-ange- marck 16 Aug. previous. Buried iu the St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen. His Commanding Officer wrote: "He was a splendid soldier, keen, and has done splendidly from the first On 6 June, 1916. he was buried for three hours in a mine explosion in the Ypres salient, and was rescued by the devotion of his servant ; unm. METHERALL, H., Private, No. 7094, 1st Battn, The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. MEYERS, M., Private. No. 8189, 1st Battn. The East Surrey Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Oct. 1914. MICHAEL, E., Private. No. 12234. The Grenadier Guards ; served witli the j:xi)editionary Force in France ; killed in action 14-16 Sept. 1914. Wilfrid C. Messenger. day he joined the battalion.' John Michie. 15th (Service) Battn. The Highland Light Infantry, yst. s. of John Jlichie. of Balmoral, CO. Aberdi-en, M.V.O,, by his wife, Helen, dau. (jf the late Alexander Kitchin ; b. Danzig Shiel. Balmoral. 28 Aug. 1SS7 ; educ, privately, and at Crathie Public School ; wa? Chief lilItT in the Market Branch of the Nortii (ji Scotland iV Town. ■>■. fnil.nving: transferred to the 8th Battn. ill Si [It. I'.iir. ; served with the Mediterranean ILxpiditionary Force in Gallipoli : took part i[i thi' evacuation of Suvla Bay ; went to lv.:ypt in Feb. 1916; proceeded to France thr following June, and died 2 0?t. 1917. from wniirids received in action the same day. iiinird at Bard Cottage, Bo«»singhe. His ( I'liiinanding Orticer wrote : " I had only It, 11 13 days with the battalion when he was killrd. eight of which were spent in the line;. This was quite sufficient to show the sterling qualities of your son. He was a most charming character, a good comrade and a splendid soldier. He died a soldier'.s d^ath. He was killed instantane- ously by my side by a shell. The battalion had just been relieved when he waskiired."" and a brother orticer; "All the battalion mi-^^ hira : he was a:i officer of such great promise and worked vt-ry hard." He was mentioned in Despatches by F.M. Sir Douglas Haig [London Gazette, 17 Nov. 1917]. for gallant and distinguished service in the field ; unm. MIDDLETON, MATTHEW, Trooper. Royal Horse Guards (The Blues), s. of Margaret Ann Middleton (Tunstall Street. Ryhope. Sunderland) ; h. Ryhope, Sunderland. 12 Nov. 1884 : was a Police Constable, and enlisted in the Blues 4 Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France, and was killed iu action 23 Jan. 1916; unm. MIDDLETON, W-C, Private ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MIDGLEY, JOHN GEOFFREY, D.C.M.. Corpl.. No. um:}21. lS8th Coy. Royal Engineers. \. of Saunu-l Midgley. of 12, Oak Avenue, Bradford, by liis wife, Hi'urietta. dau. of Tliomas Tomlinson ; b. Bradford. 17 June. 1890; edue. (iranunar School and Technical College there; was Work^ Chemist for J. R. Denison it Co.. Dyers. Bradford ; a good botanist, and wrote for weekly news- papers, also delivered lectures ; in 1913 he spent two months at Balers. Elberfeld ; was originally in the 1st Bradford Pals Battn. : volunteered and enlisted in Oct. 1914 ; went to France 27 July. 1915 ; wounded in France 13 Oct. 1916. and died in the Red Cross Hospital. Cirencester. 7 Nov. following. Buried in Bradford. He Wivs awarded a Distingmshed Conduct Medal for attempting to save a wounded Highlander. Second Lieut. J. C. Hill. Commanding his Company, wrote: '■ At the battle of 13 Oct. 1915. No. 106321. Corpl. Midi^Iey. J. G., carried out Ids duties with coolness and perfect sum-ss. despite an intense bombardment and nuvny serious difiicnltics. Ha\ing t-otupleted his own work, his orders were to stand by and wait for me to Und tli"- s.-etion out of the firing line as soon as this was practiealtle. While he was waiting, some of the infantry went over the parajtet, wir<* stoi>ped by their owm wire, and retired, leaving a wounded Private of the Black Watch in front of the bay where Corpl. Midgley was working. Im- mediately Corpl. Midiilry ttimbed over the parapet to bring the Highlander into the trench, but was mifurtunat>ly lut in the thigh and had to retire. Thertnipon Corpl. Lee. inspired I'\ th<- lira\ery of his comrade, went out and draiiiifd the Hiizliland-T back to the trench. Corpl. Lee wiis unhurt, and the Highland, r had thrrr rt.slt wounds, whirti I dressed. But for Corpl. Midgley's gallant .xarnple, I iv,\ sure th.- Hi'.:hlandir would have Lain out there till he was sutfoe;it.-d or killed. 1 detply regret the loss of so gallant a soldier, but it would have ltc:-n some consolation to his relatives and friends to hear him commended, as 1 did, by so many of the Black Watch, and to know, as we all know here, that he gave his life for lus friend." Unm. MIFOND, A., Officers' Clerk, 2nd Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914 MILBURN, J. E., Private, No. 9568. 2nd Battn. The Durham Light Infantry : erved with the Exiieditionary Force in France ; killed in action in 1914. John Middleton. 194 The Roll of Honour MILBLRN, WILLIAM HEDLEY, surv. William Hedley Mllburn. Ian Andrew Millar. liril EnitiiiiMT. ^Itrr;iiitilf Marini-. only of Joliii .Minmni. of 18. Nortliuinln-r- huiil 'IVrruLi-. Hack worth, Nt-wciistlc-on- Tync. l>y his wifr, Isahelhi, dim. of Wilhani (and Sarali) Hi-dley ; -b. Cramlington, eo. Nortlnnnborland, 16 Dec. 1882; cduc. Jiack- worth Scliool. and RuthtTt'ord CoIU'gf, Xew- castli-oii-Tynr ; wjis a ColliiTy Knginocr ; joiin-d thr MiTcantilf Mariiu' 1j July. 1017 ; ,^ir\iii (HI S.S. Edoniiaii. and wjus lost wlu-n that >hip w;ls torpodot'd olt Varniontli 20 Aufi. l;iI7. A k-tt.T from tin- 2nd .Mate spoki- IiiL'lil\ of hhn as bi-int! well liked by all on board ship. Hi- m. at the Wcsli-vau Church, North Shields. 9 Fob. l'JU3. Annie (18, Xorth- uuiberlanil Terrace. Backworth). dau. of .lanu-s Stewart, and had tlve children : Percv Hedlev. b. 2:1 .Mav, U)04 ; John James, h. 2 April, 1910: Lvdia. b. 10 Sept. 1905; Mar- iiaret. 6. 6 March. 1907, and Sarah, b. l:J April, 19i:i. MILDENHALL, H., Private. Xo. 7655, The Wiltsltire Itejit. ; served with tlie Expedi- tionary Eoree in France ; killed in action 4 Oct. 1914. MILLAR. IAN ANDREW, Sergt., Xo. 13785, 7th (Service:-) Battn. The Qm'en's Own Cameron Highlanders. 4tli s. of the late •lani's Millar, of Musselburgh, Scotland. I.iatli-r Merchant, by his wife, Alice, dau. of ihr lat<' \V. C. Spooner Eling ; b. Musselburgh, 14 March, 1878 : educ. Trafalgar Schooh Winchester, and Salisbury School ; served as a Trooper in the Hampshire Yeomanry from 1907-10 ; was for several years in business in San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., being in England on a visit when war was declared, and enlist«'d in Sept. 1914 ; was promoted to Sergt. within a Wi'ek ; served with the Exjieditionary Force hi France and Flanders; took part* in the operations on the Somme, at Arras and Loos ; was wounded in action at Arras l:J April, 1917. and died of his wounds at Camiers 8 Mav following. Buried there. Hr m. at Falkirk, Xorth Britain. 14 Sept. 1909. Alice 1)., dau. of Robert Borland, and had two children : Kna, b. 16 June, 1910, and Meta, 6 March, 1913. MILLAR, ROBERT GORDON, 2nd Lieut., 4th. attd. lull. Battn. Princess Louise's (Argvll and Sutlierland Highlanders), vst. «. of tlie late Alexander Millar, of Arbroath ; /'. Arbroath, co. Forfar, 28 Sept. 1883 ; cduc. Arbroath High School, and St. Andrews Cniversity ; was a Minister of the Established I hiiFili of Scotland at Dumfries; went to a ( a.b t School at Oailes 7 ,\pril, 1916 : obtained ;i e.itiimission 5 Aug. following; served with rhr i;\i.rditionary Force in France and 1 laiidtTs from 3 Oct ; was wounded at Roeux, iiurtli-rast of Arras, 23 April, 1917. and died at the Duchess of Westminster's Hospital, Le Toueditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 24 Oct. 1914. MILLER. A., Gunner, Xo. 53162. R.H.A. ; served with the Expeditionary I'orce in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. MILLER, C. H., Private. Xo. 866. 5th Dragoon Guards; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 1 Sept. 1914. MILLER, EDWARD MINTY, Private, Xo. 3078, 24th (Service) Battn. (2nd Sportsman's) The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), 2nd twin s. of the Rev. Edward Francis Miller, Vicar of 'Pami>isford. Cambridge, formerlj- .\rch- deacon of Colombo, by his wife, Caroline Louisa, dau. of William Ford, of" Brook- field. Highgate. X. ; b. St. Thomas' College. Colombo, 7 Xov. 1881 ; cduc. St. Faith's, Cambridge, and Marlborough: enli-ted 10 Feb. 1915; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Xov.. and was killed in action at Beaumont Hamel 13 Xov. 1916. Buried near whiTe he fell. His Captain wrote : " He was a good soldier and willing worker. ... I cannot tell you how sorry I am to lose liim, as I had great hopes for him." and his Sergt. : " He was always ready to undertake any fatigue, to do anything to help any of the other men in Ids company ; was liked by everyone for his readiness to do more than his share of any work which might be going." Vnm. MILLER, F., Private, X'^o. 8127, 1st Battn. The Devonshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 21 Oct. 1914. MILLER, FREDERICK, Private. Xo. 5261, 8th (Service) Battn. The East Surrey Kegt.. 2nd .y. of Frederick Miller, of Allwood Green. Rickinghall. co. Suffolk, Labourer, by his wife. Isabella, dau. of Janu^s Rose ; and brother to Private J. Miller (also killed in action); b. Rickinghall Superior, co. Suffolk, 30 A\ig. 1893 : educ. Council School there : w;is a Labourer ; enlisted 5 Sept. 1914 ; served with tin- Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 23 July, 1915. and was killed in action at the Battle of the Somme 1 July. 1916. Buried on the battlefield, east of Carnoy : num. MILLER, G., L.-Corpl.. Xo. 2031, 1st Battn. The Black Watch; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 28 Oct. 1914. MILLER, H.. Private, Xo. 10681, 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 31 Oct. 1914. MILLER, J.. Private. Xo. 6570, 1st Battn. The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Kegt.); served with the Expcditionarv Force in France; died of wounds 21 Oct. 1914. ' MILLER. R.. Private, No. 6699, The Gordon Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 24 Oct. 1914. MILLER. R.. Private. Xo. 9949. 1st Battn. The Royal Berkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 19 Oct. 1914. MILLER. THOMAS MVRRAY. 2nd Lieut.. Own Seuttish J..lm Miller. i-ree Cliurch, Robert Gordon Millar. 7th (Service) Battn. The King's Borderers, eldest s. of the Rev. Minister of .St. John's Cnited Eyentouth, by his wife. Janie Thomas Murray Miller I'.nnvn. dau. of the late Thomas Murray, of linickholes, Grant shouse ; b. St. John's I'tiited Free Cluireli :\Ianse, Evenionth, co, Berwick. 29 July, 1894 ; educ. Public School there ; Grannnar Seliool, Bi-rwick-on-Tweed. where he was Dux, and George Watson's College. Edinburgh ; subsequently entered the otiicc of Messrs. P. Henderson tV Co., Gljisgow ; joined the 5tli Scottish RItIrs (T.F.) in the autumn of 1913; vohniteered for foreign service on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the follow- ing Xov. ; obtained a commission in the 7th Battn. The King's Own Scottish Borderers 10 Dec. 1915. and was killed in action at Hill 70. 27 Jan. 1916, being struck by a shell while attending to one of his men who had been wounded. Buried in Mazlngarhe Cemetery. He was one of the best^a fine, straight, clean. Christian He wiis a man of iron nerve." A comrade in tlnf : '■ His optimism and manly personality cheered ; Borderers ; s<'rvi-d Wilfrid Miller. The Chaplain wrote lad," and a brother olticer 5th Scottish Rith's also wrote us in many a dark hour." Cn MILLER, W., Sergt., Xo. 8436. 2nd Battn. The South Wal in the European War ; killed in action 25 X'ov. 1914. MILLER, W.. L.-Corpl.. Xo. 8035. 1st Battn. The Black Watch ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 2 Xov. 1914. MILLER, W. C. Gnmier, Xo. 44320, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 29 Sept. 1914. MILLER, WILFRID, Private, Xo. 4807. 1 5th (Territorial) Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt., 3rd s. of Fred (and Eliza- beth) Miller, of Swithen Haigh. near iiarnsley, CO. York ; educ. Kexbrough ; was a Miner ; joined the York and Lancaster Regt. in Oct. 1914 ; served with the Mediterranean Expedi- tionary Force in Gallipoli from 22 Aug. 1915, and died 4 Dec. 1915, from exposure while on active service there ; unm. MILLER, WILLIAM REGINALD FRAN- CIS, Lieut,, 10th (Service) Battn. The Devon- shire Kegt.. s. of Hubert William Miller, of 4. The Beacon, Exmouth, Solicitor (retired), by Ids wife, Amy B., dan. of William Dulley ; b. Wellingborough, co. Northampton, 27 Dec; HK16 ; educ. at St. Clare, Walmer, and Charter- house, where he was a member of the O.T.C. ; on the outbreak of war, wjis hi camp with the O.T.C. at Rugeley ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 22 Sejit. 1914 ; promoted Lieut. 10 Oct. 1915 : became Battalion Signalling Officer ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France, and afterwards in Salonika : was slightly wounded in Xov, 1916 ; on his re- covery rejoined his regiment, and was killed in action at Jumeaux Ravine, near Lake Doiran, Macedonia, 24-25 April, 1917, during a night attack. His Commanding Othcer wrote : ** You will of course have heard from the War Othce that your son was killed in action on the night of 24-25 April. I enclose a card of sympathy from myself and a\\ ranks of the 10th Devons, by whom he was much loved and respected, both for his high character and his great devotion to duty. He was, as you know. Signalling Othcer of the battalion, a duty which he jireferred to carry on with rather than take command of a com- pany, which I offered him. His conduct throughout the trying times we have had has been beyond praise. He was killed by a large shell which fell just behind m<' as we were going into action, and took several others besides your son. This was in the Jumeaux Ravine, about a mile west of the south end of Lake Doiran. It is, I regret to sav, impossible for me to give vou more detailed information. Most of those who were near him were killed or badlv wounded, and I am unable to int16. and was killed in action at St. Julien ^^^^^fc ^- ,< ^ ;l July. 1917. Col. (now Brigadier-General) ^ ^^^^^ ^ ■ "^-J ?iir H. Page Croft wrote: "I hear that our Alexander Richard Milne. dear comradt^ died like heroes, after the most wonderful exhibition of dogged pluck and brilliant fighting seen in tliis war. I am so proud to have known your son. He and his brother officers have carnt'd our undying gratitude," and a brother- oltieer : " I don't think a more gallant officer has ever served in the Army, and it Is largily due to liis ability and the work he lias done as Adjutant that the battalion has reached its liigh state of efficiency. He was killed while takina up riinforci-mentsin the most gallant manner, under heavy fire, to repel a coiniter- attaek, Iiis Commanding Officer having been killed jast previously. He was always so cheerful and high-spirited that he was extremely popular with both officers and men, and it is as a friend that all of us, who had the privilege of knowing ium. will always remi-mber him." Vnm. MILNE, ARTHUR WILLIAM. L.-Corpl.. No. 79858, 31st Battn., 6th Brigade, 2nd Division, Canadian Expeditionary Force, only a. of Frederick Law Milne, of Ocliiltrie, Chelston, Torquav, Retired" Ensineer, by his wife. Amy Beatrice, dau. ofJohnBeevor Prest. of York; 6. Carlsdahl, Kortfors, Sweden. 31 July, 1885 ; educ. Weston, Torquav. and Mittwi.-ida, Saxony ; went to Canada in March, 1911, and settled at "Colinton, Alberta, as a Homesteader; volunteered for Imperial Service, and joined the Canadian Exi>editionary Force in Nov. 1914 : came over with the 2nd Contingent in May, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 13 Sept. following, and was killed in action at Ypres 13 June, 1916. Buried in Sanctuary Wood ; unm. William Milne. MILNE, F. J.. Private, No. 1555. No. 3 Coy., 1st Battn. Honourable Artillery Companv ; served with the Expeditionary For<-e in France ; killed wliile trench digging 14 Nov. 1914. MILNE, WILLIAM. Major, M.C. , 2nd Battn. (81st Foot) The Loyal North Lancashire Re2t.. attd. R.F.C. yst. «. of James Milne, Engineer, of Mary Island. British Columbia, by his wife, Henrietta, dau. of Ramsay Heatley Traquair, Colinton Farm, Midlothian ; b. Baberton, Juniper Green, Midlothian, 31 Dec. 1888 : edue. Edinburgh Academy ; Heidelburg, Germany, and the Royal Military College. Sandhurst : gazetted 2nd Lieut. iJec. 1908 ; was stationed in Mauritius, and later at Poona. in India; returned on leave in 1912 ; resigned Ins com- mission, and joined his father in British Colum- bia ; on the outbreak of war he returned to lingland and obtained a commission (Temp. Lieut.) in the 8th (Service) Battn. The Loyal North Lancasliire Regt. ; applied to undergo a flying course ; trained at Chelmsford ; was badiv hurt in an aeroplane accident 22 Dec. 1914: gazetted Capt. 22 Dec. 1914 ; returned to duty on liis recovery, March, 1915 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from May. 1915, as an Observer ; in Aug. 1915, he went to the Flying School at I Le Crotoy, where he obtained lus Pilot's certifi- cate ; returned to England in Sept.. and was stationed at Montrose, Newcastle and Thetford ; was again sent to France in Feb. 1916, as Flight-Commander ; was wounded 17 May following, and invalided home. He was awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette, 24 June, 1916], "For conspicuous gallantry and skill. When attacked by two hostile aeroplanes he drove off one, and though slightly I wounded in the face, drove the other vertically to the ground. He then at "once I attacked another and drove it down, being this time shot through the hand. Despite his wounds, he landed Ills machine safely in his own aerodrome." In Aug. 1916, he was made Liaison Officer between Adastral House and the Horse ' Guards, and in Oct. was given command of a srjuadron in Edinburgh ; was killed in an aeroplane accident 13 April, 1917, near R^-ston, co. Berwick. Buried in Grange Cemetery, Edinburgh. He was mentioned in Despatches for gallant and [ distinguished service in the field, MILNER, J., L.-Corpl., No. 10923, 1st Battn. The King's Own (Royal Lan- caster Regt.) ; siTved with the Expi-ditionary Force in France ; died whilst a prisoner of war at Dyrotz, Dob-.-ritz. in 1914. MILNES, HERBERT ALBERT EDWIN. Lieut,, 3rd Auckland Infantry Battn.. New Zealand Expeditionary Force, s. of the late William Milnes, by his wife, Mary Malvina, dau. of John Barton, by his wifi-. Margaret ; b. Beeston. Leeds, co. York, 2'.t Mireh, 1874 ; educ. Borough Road College, I sU- worth, London ; the Royal College of Science, London, and was a B.Sc. of the London University; was House Tutor at the Borough Road Training College, London ; went to Auckland in 1905 as Principal of the Training College there ; gazetted Lieut. 7 March, 1916 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 28 May, 1917, and was killed in action 4 Oct. 19lV. Buried close to Otto Farm, Zonnebeke. The Registrar of the Auckland University College wrote : " Sincere and deep regret is felt throughout educational circles in this city at the loss wiiich has been sustained by us in the death of vour esteemed brother. 5Ir. H. A. E. Milnes. B.Sc. (London). He was well known as an athl'te. and distinguished himself in tennis, golf, basket-ball. As-^oeiation and Ruizby f- thing. and I can assure you we all feel liis loss very greatly. He is the first otticer in this brigade to give his life for his country, and we shall always hold his name in lionotir and reverence." Vrn». MITCHELL. J. A., Stok. r. WO.: lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. Henry Harrison Mitchell. MITCHELL JAMES CAMPBELL, Force. James t^ampljell Mitchell. Lieut., 56th Punjabi Rifles, Frontier yr. «. of John Mitchell, Allesley, near Coventry; 6. at Borelaud of Dryfe. eo. Dumfries. 22 Sept. 1883 ; educ. at Leamington College. At the commencement of war hi- was in the service of the Mercantile Bank of India at Calcutta, being also Lieut, in the liidiaii Army Reserve of Officers. AVitli the l^aiiks consent he took up his commission in till' oi'th Ritles in Sept. 1914, and served with ills regiment in Egypt and near Aden, after- wards proceeding to 5[esopotamia. where tlic corps formed part of the Expeditionary loree for the rt-Uef of Kut-el-.\mara. His Colonel wrote: "I iiad given him command "I our macliine-gun detachment, which he had studied ever since he joined ils, and in which he liad become very proficient. . . . He was very forward at the Battle of Sheikh Saad. and was killed instantaneously by being --liot through the head in the Battle at the W'adi on 13 Jan. 1916, when making a most gallant endeavour to get the machine gnns up to the firing line." Buried close to the left bank of tlie Tigris, within a mile and a half of where he fell ; xtnm. MITCHELL, JOHN, Private. No. 16083. 1st Battn. The Scots Guards. 4th s. of the late Andrew Mitchell, Stonemason, by his wife, .■Vnnie (rf. 18 Feb. 1918). dan. of Alexander Stephen ; b. Haddock Cottages, Cairnie. 27 March, 1898 : educ. Rothiemay Public School, and on leaving there was apprenticed as a Stone- mason : enlisted 19 Oct. 1916 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from U Aug. 1917, and was killed in action at P'oelcappelle 9 Get. 1917. Burii'd thi-n*. One of Ids otfieers WTote : "John was a great favourite with everyonr in the platoon, always of a cheery nature and ready for anytliing that wanted doing, and we all miss him. . . . He was a brave man." Unm. MITCHELL. JOHN HALLIBURTON, Capt.. 17th (Service) Battn. The Royal Scots (Lothian Regt.). 2nd surv. s. of the late James William Mitchell, of Fernielau. Colinton. Rothesay Herald and Lyon Clerk- lit-jiiit.. tiy his wife. Annie, dau. of Thomas s\k<-> : /*. ColintOTi Mains, Colinton. co. Mid- lothian. 19 July, 1890; educ. Fettes College. Kdinbnrgh ; joined the O.T.C. there about 1909. On the outbreak of war he applied lor a commission, and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 7th Battn. The Royal Scots 28 Aug. 1914 ; was i)romoted Lieut, the following autumn, and Capt. 15 Jan. 1915 ; served for a time in Scotland, where he became Adjutant of his battalion 9 Nov. 1914, and with the Mediter- ranean Expeditionary Force in Gallipoli from 5 Nov. 1915 ; contracted enteric there, and was sent to hospital at Alexandria, and sub- sriiui-iitly invalided home 3 March. 1916. Transferred to the 17th Battn. : went to Frane<- 18 Jan. 1917, and took part in figliting on t he Somme, and died at Provins. near Y'pres. 26 Oct. following, of wounds received in action at Houthulst Forest the previous dav. Buried in Mendinghem British Cemet^^ry. He m. at St. Cuthbert's. Edinburgh. 27 Sept. 1917. Helen Dalrvmple (Woodthorpe, Colinton, Scotland), dau. of the late Philip R. Maclagan ; s.p. MITCHELL, W., Corpl., No. 7309, 2nd Battn. The Essex Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Sept. 1914. MITCHELL, W., Private. No. 7041. The Cameron Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 25 Sept. 1914. MITTEN, M., Private. No. 7544. 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 31 Oct. 1914. John Halliburton Mitchell. Arthur Fergus Moir. James Moir. MOAT, W., Private. No. 2210, 1st Battn. The Northumberland Fusiliers; siTvi-d with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 4 Nov. 1914. MOIR, ARTHUR FERGUS, Private. No. \\?,-l\K Tin- SiHitli Alrieaii Scottish Regt., .V. oi Robi-rt Harvt-y Moir. of Illoemhof. Transvaal, South Africa. J. P., Diamond Mer- chant, by his wife, Mary Jane, dau. of John Lindsay, of Al>erdeen ; and gdson. of the late Rev. Alexander Forbes Jloir. of \Voodside, .\berdeen, and brother to L. -Corpl. \V. H. .Moir iq.v.) ; b. Warrenton, Cape Colony, South Africa, 12 April. 1898; educ. Warren- ton I'ublie School, and Kimberley High School, where he was studying for the Higher and Matriculation Examination, which he jiassid in Di-e. 1916; enlisted in the South .\frican Scottish Regt. in Feb. 1917; under- went training at Potehefstrooru, Transvaal; came to England in March ; completed his training at Woking, eo. Surrey ; served with thf Exp'-ditionary Force in France and Flan- tliTs iroin 20 June, 1917, and was killed in action at .\rras 2ti Sept. lollowing. Buried there ; unm. MOIR, J., Private, No. 375, 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action at Lorges 20 Oct. 1914. MOIR, JAMES, L.-Corpl.. No. 12356. 14th (Service) Battn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), eldest s. of Robert Moir, C.E.. Sergt., Army Service Corps, on active service, by his wi:e. Alice (14. Melville Terrace, Edinburgh), dau. of the late Patrick Campbell, of Belmont. Stran- raer ; b. Glasgow. 8 June. 1896 ; educ. Ayr Academy ; was a Clerk in the Union Bank of Scotland ; enlisted in July, 1915 ; .served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and wits killed in action by a shell at Gouzeauconrt 18 May, 1917. Buried in the British Cemetery there. His Colonel wrote: " Your son was ever a brave soldier and a good comrade. He was a general favourite with officers and men. and his cheerful dis- position had always a good effect upon his comrades." and liis Captain : " The life out here is one of the best tests of a man. Your son was always cheerful and willing— one of the liest 1 had in my company." Vnm. MOIR, JAMES, Private, No. 43225, 1st Battn. (75th Foot), Machine Gun Section, The (iordon Highlanders, eldest s. of Jame^ Moir, of 32. Castle Terrace. Aberdeen, by his wife, Mary Ann ; b. Aberchirder, co. Banff, 29 April. 1894 ; educ. York Street Public Scliool. .\berdeen ; was a Carter ; enlisted 21 March, 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 29 July. 1916. and was killed in action 11 July, 1917. Buried at Beaumety, north-east of Bapaume ; num. MOIR, WILLIAM HULTEN, L.-Corpl.. No. 5881. The South African Scottish Regt., 4th A. of Robert Harvt-y Moir. of Bloemhof, Transvaal. F.C., J. P., Diamond Merchant, by his wife. Mary Jane. dau. of John Lindsay, of Aberdeen ; and brother to Private \. F. Moir (v.r.) ; b. Warrenton. Cape Colony, 3 Get. 1895; educ. PubUe School there, and Kimberley High School; was an apprentice Electrical' Engineer; mobilized on tlie out- break of war in Aug. 1914, but was subse- quently discharged ; he again volunteered, and joined the South African Scottish Regt. in July. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from June, 1916. and was killed in action at Arras 9 April, 1917. Buried there ; unm. MONAGHAN, J., Private. No. 4237. 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 2 Nov. 1914. MONKHOUSE, ROBERT ALEXANDER, 2nd Lieut.. 6th (Service) Battn. The Gordon Highlaudi-rs, s. of John I.saac Monkhouse. of Byeland, 97, KItham Road. Lee. S.E.". Woollen .Merchant, by his wife. Maggie Sellar, dau. of James Anehinachie. of Keith, eo. BantT ; b. Catford. London. S.E., 25 Oct. 1896 ; educ. Greenwich Central School, and Cuthbert's College, Forest Hill, London. S.E. ; was employed on the statf of Messrs. Woolley, Sanders i Co.. London ; enlisted 13 Aug. 1915 ; obtained a commLssion 14 Dec. follow- ing ; served with the Expeditionary Force in" France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Vimy Ridge 9 April. 1917. Buried at Roclincourt. north-north-east of Arras. The Colonel wrote : " It is with infinite regret I have to inform you of the death of your son in action. He was such a charming boy, all ranks feel Ins loss very keenly, and in" tlie short time we had him with us he had already- endeared himself to all with whom he had come in contact. He fell wiiile holding groimd on the top of the Vimy Ridge, at the end of a very successful operation. The whole battalion joins with me in our united sym- pathy in your great loss, which will be felt no less keenly by us all," and his Chaplain : *■ The Colonelwill tell you how your brave son was killed, but I want to add an .assurance of our deepest sorrow and sympathy. Y'our boy is much regretted and sorely missed. He was extremely popular. So full of life he was that I find it difficult even now to realize that "he has gone. Last winter he slept for several nights in ray room, and I had the opportunity of knowing him. He was full of life and very happy, but a good quiet boy. He seemed at that time to prefer the fireside of our room to the mess, and always, as soon as dinner was over, he hurried back. The week before the battle he Itad been sutfering from an attack of German measles, and, had he wished, could easily have made that an excuse for stajing behind. Officers were needed. William Hulten Moir. Robert A. Monkhouse. The Roll of Honour 197 however, and when the doctor said he might go, your son stood up and cheered. Yet he feared that lie would not return. He died leading his men to victory, and even amidst your grief you have every cause for pride. God comfort you and give you the needed strength to bear your heart-lireaking los-S." A comrade wrote : '" It is \vith very sad feeling that I write you the^e few lines of sympathy. Your son was a very great friend of mine, and since he was commissioned he and I have always been together, both at hoTm-. whiUt in the 6th and 4th (Reserve) Gordons, and out here whilst in tlie oth Gordons. He proved to be out here what everyone tliought he was at hoinr.— a real good man. He knew no fear. 1 remember once, when our battalion was on the Somme last winter, my company relieved your boy's company, and I asked him before he went otf if there were any dangerous spots about. His reply was typical of him. With a shrug of his shoulders he said, ' Oh. they do sometimes throw pretty heavy stuff ' (shi-lls) * over there.' When you know that ' over ther>' ' was about ten yards from our company's shelter, a hole three feet deep covered by a waterproof slieet. you will understand how coo! your boy was. Then, again, only about three w.-Vks ago, Bob liad German measles. He kept it i|uiet until he had finished Ills turn in the trenelus, and then went to hospital. He was too keen on our forthcoming operations to be kept away long, and was soon back with us again. Then his keenness to go up and take his part in tlie attack, and his pride when ht* knew that he had been chosen to go up with his battalion in preference to being left out 01 action, as some officers had to be left out. Together we stood and watched our barrage on the enemy trenches at 5.30 a.m. on i) April, and together we spent a good part of the night hi a newly-captured (lerman dug-out ; soon the word was parsed — the 1 '5th Gordons will attack in half an hour. Up he jumped and got his platoon together in a trench and spoke to them. I did not hear what he said, but all the men burst into laughter when he finished, I went up and asked what he had said to make them laugh at such a serious time. The Corpl. told me, ■ Mr. Monkhouse just said^to give the Hun plenty of running to do, and that there would be " pay out " to all ranks at 4 p.m. to-morrow.' ' Pay-out.' as you know, is the soldier's term for pay day, which is greatly looked forward to by all ranks. He paid the great price for liberty, which each and all agreed it deserves, and which all are ready to give for it. He was shot in the German tliird line — the Brown line, as we called it, jiLst as he was almost on his objective. namely, the trench. I know you will feel this a terrible blow, coming as it dcs at such a critical time ; but keep in mind that we are bringing this awful thing, war. to a close : that never again will humanity be so disgraced ; never again will lives be laid down : never again will mothers weep and mourn for their dearly- loved ones — all on account of the avarice of one nation." Unm. MONRO, C, Coy. Sergt.-Major, Xo. 5287, The Argyll and Sutherland High- landers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. MONTAGU, HERBERT GERALD, Private. No. 20413. 4th Battn. The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, late^ Lieut. Tlie Royal Munster Fusiliers. 2nd s. of Alir.d .Tolm MontaL'u. of Braeside. Hillingdon, co. Middlesex, form' rly of Colnbrook. co. Buckingham, by lii- wife. Hester Vaudrey, dau. of the late linii- Holland, of Manchester; b. Perth, U.-t,iii Australia, 20 Nov. 1892; educ. St. I'.iiir^ School, London, where he played polo lor tlie school ; won the 1909 Bantam Weight competition at Aldershot the year of its inundation ; wa.s gazetted 2nd Lieut. 5th r.attu. The Koval Fasiliers 1 April, 1911. and nrtii.h.d to the 4th Battn. at Aldershot, .ittt-rwards becoming a familiar figure at the Keginu-ntal Hunts in the Curragli, and well known as an i-xeellent shot. On the outbreak "I the Turko-Italian War, anxious to see active ■-■Tvicc, he otfert'd hinnelf to the Turkish liovernment. and aftinL: the right tiank of the Turkish forces. He wjis three times mentioned in Despatches, and hi^ gallantry and his control over undis- ciplined Aral* troops led Mr. Alan Ostler. War Correspondent with the Turkish forces, to describe liim as a " Paladin of the liesert." He was severely wounded in Dec, and later returned to England suHering from dysentery, having in the meantime been notified that the War Office demanded liis re-;iunation for enni- municating with the Press, as it was he who sent a cable expu--iiiii tlie ma— ;ai re of women and children whose bodies lie found in a mosque : -^iihsequentlx lie received an illuminated address from the rejire^eutativev of the Moslem com- munity resident in England. Later he \ isited Ccuivtantinople !is the guest of the Minister of War. when he was decorated by the Sultan with the Ordre Imperial du Medjidie and the Ordre de la Gloire Nichon-I-Iftikhar. who also appointed him an A.D.C. At this time an attempt was made on his life which happilv failed ; returned to England in March. 1013. suffering from the effects of tyiplioid ; was reinstated as Lieut, in Aug. 1U14. heiim attached to the Koyal Munster Fusiliers; served with the Mediterranean Lxpeditionary Force. 10th Division, at Galtipoli from Jidy. 1915 ; took part in the landing at Suvla Bay ; was wounded on the ridge at Kislagh lia-jh. atid invalided home in Sept. with a septic wound and nervous breakdown, b'-ing invalii the late Edward Moody, by liis wife, Klizabeth. dau. of William Henry H,arris ; />. Peckhani. London. S.E.. 4 Jan. 1886; educ. St. Paul's School, Swanli-y ; was a Postman ; enlisted in the 2nd Battn. Tht; West Kent Kegt. March, 1905 ; served eight years with Herbert Gerald Montagu. Edward Hayden Moore. Arthur Edward Moody. his regiment in India, returning to England in March, 1913, and was trans- ferred to the Re-icrve the following Aug. ; was called ui» on the outbreak of war 5 Aug. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the i3th of the same month ; fought throughout the Battle of Mons 25-26 Aug.. taking part in the subsequent operations until he was wounded at I>e Cateau and sent to the base, where he was attached to the A. P.O. (R.E.) No, 3; was recalled to his regiment, 27 Oct. 1917, and died at No. 12 Stationary Hospital. St. Pol. 8 D.-c. following, of disease contract<:*d while OD active service. Buried in the cem::'tery there. He m. at St. Mary's Church, Swaidey Junction. 23 Dec. 1916, Nellie (Allington, Bourne Aoad, IJexIey, co. Kent ). dau. of Alfred Kem^ley, of Swanley. MOON, H., Private. No. 7808, 2nd Battn. The Leicestershire Kcgt. : served with tin- Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds in No. 9 Field Ambu- lance 2 Nov. 1914. MOO.N. J., Private. No. 9236, The Black Watch; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; killed in action 15 Sept. 1914. MOONEY, J., Private. No. 8466, 2nd Battn. The Durham Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds lG-22 Oct. 1914. MOONEY, P., Private, No. 9516, 2nd Battn. The Koyal Dublin Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 29 Oct. 1914- MOONEY, P., Private, No. 4129, 1st Battn. The Irish Guards ; .served with the Exjieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 6 Sept. 1914. MOORE, A., Private, No. 9265, 2nd Battn. The Durham Light Infantry; servetl with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action in 1914. MOORE. A., Private. No. 8802, 2nd Battn. The Durham Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 21 Sept. 19i4. MOORE» A. T., Corpl.. No. 44910, R.H.A. ; served with the Expi?ditionary Force ill France ; died of wounds 15 Sept. 1914. MOORE, EDWARD HAYDEN. M.C.. Capt., 2nd Battn. The York and Lan- caster Kegt.. v. oi Lieut. -Col. Maurice Moore, of Westburn House. Sunderland, liy his wife, Florence Mary, dau! of Samuel Storey, D.L. ; and brother to Flight- Lieut. G. Moore (g,f) ; b. Sunderland, co. Durham, 14 May, 1893; educ. Haileybury College, and was serving his articles as a Solicitor with Messrs. Robert Brown A: Son, Newcastle -on -Tyne, when war broke out ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut. 3rd (Special Reserve of Officers) Battn. The York and Lancaster Regt. 15 Aug. 19H : was pro- moted Lieut. 11 July. 1915. and Capt. Sept. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 16 March, 1915 ; was wounded in the arm the following Nov., and invalided home ; returned to France in May, 1916, when he was attached for a short period to the statf of the 2nd .\rmy ; rejoined liis regiment in July ; took part in several engagements, including the opera- tions at Le Transloy and Arras, and died at Bethune 25 April, 1917, of wounds received in action between Arras and La Bass^e, Buried in Bethnne Town Cemetery. His Commanding Officer wrote ; '" He was one of my best company commanders, and was exceedingly good at his work, alwaj's cool and collected under fire, and set a fine example to all ranks. He was very popular with officers and men." and another: "A most efficient officer, a true sportsman in every sense of the word and a sympathetic and firm friend." He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 1 Jan. 1916] by F.M. Sir John (now Lord) Frenc^h, for gallant and distingiushed service in the field, and was awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette, 14 Nov. 1916], "For conspicuous gallantry in action. He organized the attack very efficiently. Later he showed great courage and determination in advancing to a new position, consolidating the new line with great ability." Cnm. MOORE, P., Musician ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MOORE, F. W.. Corpl., No. 2719. 1st Life Guards; served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Oct. 1914. MOORE, GEOFFREY, Flight-Lieut., R.N.A.S., f. of Lieut.-Col. Maurice Moore, of Westburn House. Sunderland, by liis wife, Florence Mary, dau. of S;(muel Storev, fornierlv M.P. for Sunderland ; and l.rotlierto Capt. E. H. Moore, M.C. Iq.c); h. Sunderland aforesaid, co. Durham, 12 Jan. 1895 ; educ. Orkney House. Bedford ; Hailey- bury College, and Armstrong College. New- c;istle-on-Tyne, where he graduated B.Sc. in 1915 ; on the outbreak of war he was still a student there, but at the earnest request of his grandfather, Samuel Storey, he continued his studies until he got his degree, putting in work at an aeroplane factory at the same time; was gazetted Flight Sub-Lieut, to the R.N.A.S. 18 Oct. 1915. and obtained his wings 27 Nov. following, being promoted Lieut. 1 April, 1917; proceeded to Gibraltar in Feb. 1916, and in Nov. to Lemnos, and thence to Salonika, returning to England in July, 1917; went to Mudros 15 Oct. of the sanie year, and in Jan. following took part in the bombing of the Goebeu and Breslan. and was killed in an aeroplane accident at .Mudros 26 Feb. 1918. Buried there. His Commanding starting off on a long reconnaissance flight, and had just got a few hundred feet otf the ground, when the machine dived into the eartlu and he and his 01>server. C. O. Palmer, were both killed instantly. It seen\s imi)OS- Sept. 1914. No. 41)51)7, 20th (Serviei) liattn. The Manchester Kegt., vst. s. of the late Henry Moore, by Ids I 1 wife, Susannah (:!5. Southdale Road, Rock J Ferry. Birkenhead), dan. of James Austin, k Master Mariner ; b. Liverpool. 12 May, 189:J : 1^^ edue. there ; was employed in the City ^ Engineer's Department of the Liverpool ■ Corporation ; joined the Cheshire Yeomanry |k' in .lune. 191,'i : trained at the Curragh ; J took part in the Dublin Rebellion; served ^ with the Exjieditionary Force in France and /■ Flanders from .\ug. 1916, transferring to the f Manchester H.gt.. and died at Beaumont 'A Hamel 10 .Tan. 1917. from wounds received A^^k in action there while guarding a shell-hole ^HBh during a heavy hombardment. K brother ^^^Bfl Sergt. wrote saying he was always cheerful, W .^^J and kept the boys in good spirits on many ^^^^H oic;isi(iii> when they really needed it, and ^Bk^i ad. Hoyle Mill. co. York. 1885 ; edue. there ; was a Tradcsnuui ; eiili-ted 1 March, 1916; .served with the l;\|..ilitionary Force in France and Flanders from the following June, and was killed in action at Passchcndaele Kidge 9 Oct. 1917 ; unm. MORGAN, H., Probationer Sliip's Corpl., Ut Chiss; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MORGAN, H., Bov. 1st Class ; lost on ll..\l.>. l;i;hvark lill Nov. 1914. .MORGA.N. IDRIS, Private, No, 37849, 1st Battn. (17th Foot) Thi' I.eicc-stcrshire Regt., 2nd .-■. of Kdward Morgan, of 'ili. tiraig, (Quaker's Yard, (^uarryman, by his wife. Jam-, dau. of Benjamin Jones ; b. {Quaker's Y'ard. co. Glamorgan. 7 June. 1897 ; edue. the Council School. Treharris ; Wiis a Quarryman ; enlisted in the Glamorganshire Hoyal Kngini'crs 25 .May. 1910 : afterwards transferred to the Li'icestershire Regt.; served with the Kxiieditionary Force in France and Flanders from 15 July. 1917. and died 19 .\pril, 1917. of wounds received in action at Loos. Buried in iSethune Cemetery. He was a solo clarionet player in the Tabernacle Or- chestral Society, Treharris ; unm. George Morgan. MORGAN, J., Private tionarv Force in France No. 1276. The Irish Guards; siTved with the Expedi- ; killed in action 2:3 Oct. 1914. Bulwark 20 Nov. MORGAN, J. F., .Stoker. 1st Class: lost on H.M.S. 1914. MORGAN, J. G., Private, No. 6605. The Somerset Light Infantry ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. MORGAN, JAMES HENRY', Driver, No. 38442. Royal Engineers, s. of James Morgan, of :i. North llatc, Haverfordwest, Platelayer. Great Western Railway, by his wife, .Martha, dau. of Johu Matthias Pope Hill ; h. Haverfordwest. 17 Nov. 1894 ; edue. Board School there ; w.as employed in Pembroke Docks ; volun- teered and enlisted 25 Mav, 1915 ; served with the Mediterranean Ex|Kditionary Force, and died 22 Aug. 'l916. of malarial fever at .Alexandria, Egyiit. Buried in the Military Cemetery there; unm. MORGAN, L. E., Corpl., No. 50407, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 10 Sept. 1914. MORGAN, R. E., Private. No. 11339. The Royal Fusiliers: served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 16 Sept. 1914. MORGAN, S., Private, No. 15403. The Grenadier (iuards ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 30 Sept. 1914. MORGAN, T., L.-CorpL. No. 8933, 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt. ; served with the Exiieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. MORGAN, W., Private, No. 2300, 2nd King's Royal Ride Corps; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14-17 Sept. 1914. MORGAN, W. J., Private. No. 8039. Ist Battn. The South Wales Borderers ; served with the ICxpcditionary Force in France ; killed 6 Nov. 1914. MORISON, ALFRED JAMES, Capt.. 1st Battn. (44th Foot) The Essex Regt., yst. --■. of .lames Kobert^on Morison. of The White House. Cannon Ro,ad. South- gate, N., formcrlv of Carnoustie, co. Forfar. Company Secretary, by his wife, Catherine McLerret, of Carnoustie ; b. Wal- thamstow. CO. Essex, 13 March. 1883 ; edue. Clifton Bank. St. Andrews, and was sub- sequently in the service of an old-established house on the London Stock Exchange ; volun- teered for foreign service, and joined the Roval Fusiliers .as a Private in -\ug. 1914 ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. The Essex Regt. in .A.pril. 1915. b.itig iironioted Lieut, and Capt.; served with the .Mediterr,ane,an Expe- ditionarv Force at Gallii'Oli from early in 1915 ; took part in the ev.aeuation of the peninsula in Jan. 1916. when he w,as one of the last to leave ; was for a short time in Figypt ; then proceeded with his regiment to France ; was wounded at Beaumont Hamel 1 Jidy, 1916. and invalided home ; rejoined his regiment in France, where he remained until the end of Dee., when he liad an attack of trench fever, but returned to the firing line in July, 1917, and was killed in action near Cambrai '20 Nov. following. Buried at Messinieres, about four iiiiie- ^ui.m ... ^ I.i.ut.-Col. G. W. H. Stirling wrote: "Owing to continuous flghting I have h,en unable to write to you before to tell you how deenlv 1 deplore vour gallant son's death. I feel it the more as, besuies hemg a countrvmai! of my own, he was quite my b<^t Company Commjinder and .a personal friend. He fell, as you know, on '20 Nov. m a most gallant attcniiit to force the iiassage of a canal under heavy fire from maelune gims and riHes ; and in the same circumstances both his subalterns and a nmnbir of Ins men were killed or wounded. He was being carried back wound.d, t_o cover, when he w-as killed bv another shot, and, I believe, instantaneously, I am unable to suffi- ciently express my high opinion of your son, or my deep sense ol loss, and can only assure you of my iirofound sympathy ; unm. MORLEY, ALEXANDER NOEL, L.-Corpl.. No. 10441. '28111 (Service) Battn. The Roval Fusiliers (Citv of London Regt.). yst. ». of the late Henry Morlej, of ■i'ork. Printer and Stationer, by his wife. Jane. dau. of Alexander Robertson o CO Ii^verness ; b. Bootham. co. York. 12 Dee. 1886 : edue. ArehlJ>shoP Holga e s Grammar School. York ; was a Printer and Stationer ; enlisted 26 April. lOK. ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France and Fland.rs from U Aug. 1916, and died in hospital at La Touquet 22 Oct. following, from "ounds recelwd in action on the Somme. Buried .at Etaples. He m. at St. Olave's Church York ^7 Julv 1916. Mabel (25. St. Mary's. York), eldest dau. of George Barton, of Y'ork, Baker and Coiif.ctioncr. Alfred James Morison. miles south of Cambrai The Roll of Honour 199 David Morley. MORLEY, DAVID, 2nd Lieut.. 4th (Territorial) Battn. The East Yorkshire Rcizt., a. of David Storley, Proprietor, Beverley Arms Hotul. Beverley, by lus wife, Grace, dau. of David Taylor ; b. Beverley, co. Y'ork, '2'i Jan. 1896 : edue. Beverley Grammar -School ; was studying Law, and passed his iiit.-rrmdiate examination in Nov. 1914 ; I iilivi.-il in the 12th Battn. The Argyll and Mithi rlrtud Highlanders the loUowing month; ■-ly ciieery disposition, and liis kind tlioui-'htfiilnfss for liis men. One officer wrote that even the ciiildren in tlu- lirth- French village wept when they heard their drur M. David was dead." Unm. MORLEY, J., Private, No. 5457. 2nd Battn. The Sherwood Foresters ; served with tlR- Exi'i'ditionary Force in France ; killed 20 Sept. 1914. MORLEY. P., Private, No. 10466. 3rd Battn. The Worcestersliire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 3 Oct. 1914. MORLEY, P., Private. No. 922S, The Lincolnshire Regt.; served with the Expi-ditionary Force in France; killed in action 17 Oct. 1914. MORLEY, PERCY. Private. No. 8277, 3rd Battn. The Worcestersliire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action at La Conture 130ct. 1914. MORLEY, T., Private, No. 9101. 3rd Battn. The \Vorcester shire Regt. ; served witli till- Kxitiditionary Force in France ; killed in action 3 Oct. 1914. MORONEY, C, Private, No. 14U3, 2nd Battn. Tlie Lancashire Fusiliers ; serv.-d with th..- Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. MORPHY, ARTHLTl ALBERT, Lieut.. Army Service Corps, eldest s. of the latf Charles J. Morphy, Crown Solicitor for K.rry, and Mrs. Morphy (Lassinagh, Tralee, < (). Kerry, Ireland). Lieut. Morphy was 23 yrars of age, and was educated at Castle Park, Dalkey, cc. Dubhn, and Rossall School, Fleet- wood, CO. Lancaster^ He had completed his second year in the Medical School, Trinity ('nllii:r. Dublin, when war broke out. and at niiic got a t^-mporary commission in the Army s.r\iee Corps. He served in France for v.vin niontlLs, and. owing to an accident, «;is invalided home. On recovery he was attached to the Royal Barracks, Dublin, for over a year. From there he went to England, serving in various stations, and was finally attaehfd to the 42nd Divisional Train, and went to France with them in Feb. 1917. obtaining -liortly after a permanent commission, and died of wounds received in action 29 Nov. 1917. The following is an ext ract from a ittter received by his wife from his Colonel in France : " One of the best and bravest of men. He had served under me at train headquarters for over nine montlis, and had won my affection, even ;i5 he had that of every otticer and man of the train, and of tliose outride the train too. for few could resist his charm of manner and boyish good spirits. He was the life and soul of the mess, and at his work none was more eager to be helping somebody." He m. on 26 July. 1917, Nell, ■dau. of Alfred Allman, C.E., and Mrs. Allman. of Kilronan, Clonskeagh, Dublin. MORRICE, A.. Private. No. 2010, 1st Battn. The Black Watch ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 8 Sept. 1914. MORRICE, W., Sergt., No. 10282. 1st Battn. The Gordon Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. MORRIS, A., L.-Corpl.. No. 1972. 1st Battn. The Black Watch ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 27 Oct. 1914. MORRIS, A., Private, No. 166, 1st Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; served witli the Expeditionary Force in France : died of wounds 13 Oct. 1914. MORRIS, C, Private, No. 1969. 1st Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 16 Oct. 1914. MORRIS, C. G., Private. No. 7291. 1st Battn. The Dorsetshire Regt. ; served with the Exjieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. CHARLES ALAN SMITH, Capt., 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The Bedfordsliire Regt.. only «. of Charles Smith Morris, of Clevis Hoase, Newton. Porthcawl, civil Engineer, by his wife, Maud Mary, dau. ni the Rev. George Alston, Rector of Studland, CO. Dorset ; b. Bridgend, co. Glamorgan, 15 May, 1895: educ, Wellington College, co. Ilerks. and Pembroke College, Cambridge; L'azetted 2nd Lieut. The Bedfordshire Re2t. 1.') Aug. 1914: subsequentiv promoted Lieut., and Capt. Feb. 1916 ; served with the Expedi- tiunarv Force in France and Flanders from March. 1915. being attached to the 2nd Battn. The Bedfordshire Regt . ; was wounded at Neuvc Chapelle 12 March, 1915. and on recovery was attached to the 5th Battn. The Koyal Irish Fusiliers, with wiiom he proceeded to Salonika in Nov. ; was severely wounded 7 Dee. 1915, in action with the Bulgarians, and invalided home to England ; returned to France in Sept. 1916, attached to the 1st jtattn. The Bedfordshire Regt.; took part in the operations on the Sommc ; wius wounded 23 April, 1917, while leading his company to take a machine-gun emplacement at the Battle of Arras, and died 7 May following, at a German Field Hospital at Evin, Malmaison. Luritd in the cemetery there. He was a keen oarsman; stroked Ins college boat to victory in the "Clinker Fours" in 1914 and in the Ladies' Challenge Cup at Henley in July, 1914 ; unm. Arthur Albert Morphy. MORRIS, Charles A. S. Morris. MORRIS, P., Private, No. 4622. 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 26 Sept. 1914. MORRIS, G., Private, No. 9404,*lst Battn. The South Wale^ Borderers ; served with thi- Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 26 Sept. 1914. MORRIS, J., Coy. Sergt.-Major. No. 8731. 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action in 1914. MORRIS, J., Private, No. 6848, 1st Battn. The Cameron Highlanders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. MORRIS, J. C, Private, No. 7829. 2nd Battn. The Oxfordshire and Bucking- hamshire Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 4 Nov. 1914. MORRIS, J. S., Sergt., No. 10200, 2nd Battn. The Highland Light Infantry; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 3 Oct. 1914. MORRIS, MICHAEL, Priv ate. No. 23796, 19th (Service) Battn. The King's (Liverpool Regt,), eldest x. of Micliael Morris, of 57, Payson Street, Birkenhead, Dock Labourer, by iiis wife, Bridget, dau. of the late Micliael Connell ; b. Birkenhead, co. Chester, 8 Aug. 1895 ; educ. Our Lady's School there ; was a Dock Labourer ; enlisted in the Liverpool Regt. 10 Dec. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 22 April. 1915, and was killed in action 23 March. 1918. Buried where he fell; unm. MORRIS, MICHAEL F. S., L.-Corpl., The Connaught Rangers, x. of Samuel Morris, JhTChant and Shipowner. Nationalist M.P. for South Kilkenny 1894-1900, J.P., by his wife, Catherine. \t. dau. of the late James Feehan. co. Kilkenny ; b. Airmount, Clonmel ; educ. Clongowes Wood College ; subsequently became a Gentleman Farmer ; enlLsted after the outbreak of war ; served with the Expe- ditionarv Force in France and Flanders, and Michael .Morns. „.^ ]^]\l.^ jq action at Loos 11 May, 1916, by an aerial grenade while on sentry duty. His Commanding Officer wrote : '* I knew liim qmte well as a fine soldier and a brave fellow, who promised great things, and it was with deep regret that I learned of his death." Cnm. MORRIS, S., Private. No. 7444. 2nd Battn. The Worcestershire Regt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action at Y'pres 21 Oct. 1914. MORRIS, SIDNEY, S.B.S. ; lost on H.M.S. Rohilla 30 Oct. 1914. MORRIS, WALTER RUTHIN, L.-Corpl.. No. 15414, 11th (Service) Battn. (Carditf Pals) The Wel^U Re-I.. 3rd «. of the Rev. William Morris, of 15, Rutliin GardeiLs, Cardiff. Baptist Minister, by his wife, Catherine, dau. of John Phillips ; b. Carditf, co. Glamorgan. 2ti July, 1894 : educ. Secondary School there, and the Carditf School of Conimerce ; was employed as a Clerk at the Carditf Railway Offices ; enlisted in Aug. 1914, after the outlireak of war ; served with the Salonika Army from Nov. 1915. and was killed in action near Lake Doiran 14 Sept. 1916. Burii'd by the small church there ; unm. MORRISH. H., Able Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MORRISON. A., Corpl. : lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MORRISON, DOUGLAS ST. GEORGE, Lieut.. 130th Battery, R.F.A., only s. of Robert Douglas Morrison. County Inspector of Royal Irish Constabulary, of Lis- burn. CO. Antrim, by his wife. Henrietta Maria Langrishe. dau. of the late Rev. William St. George. Bryansford, co. Down ; b. Belmont, Boyle, CO. Roscoranioh ; educ. Royal School, .•\rni:ujh. and Trinity College, Dublin, where he graduated in 1914 : took a liigh place on interim: the Army from the Army School of the Universitv ; obtained a commission in the R.F.A. 19 July, 1912 : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and FlandeK from 24 Aug! 1914 ; took part in all the im- portant engagements, and was afterwards attached to an anti-aircraft battery, and was accidentally killed 3 Sept. 1917, near Bapaume. Buried at Acliiet-le-Grand. A brother officer wrote ; " To liave left a memory so fragrant, so full of manly kindness, frank, generous, beautiful, so simple yet so wise, so tender, considerate, thoughtful— that is a thing not given to most people to do. The world had not yet laid its cold hand on him ;" he had not yet known how hard and unfeeling and cruel it could be. I think somehow he has won the Crown without carrying thi' Cross for long, and he h:u given his young life that the world may be the better for it." Unm. MORRISON. HERBERT, Private. No. 23264. 2nd Battn. (25th Foot) The King's Own Scottish Borderers, s. of the late Thomas Morrison, by his wife. Allison (16, Jedburirh Avenue. Rutherglen). dau. of Capt. Tlioiiia- Smith, of Kingholm Quav, Dumfries; /*, liunitries. 27 March. 1889; educ. St. .Miehael's Street School there; Stonelaw School, Rutherglen. and John Street School, tMasgow ; was employed for 13 years at Messrs. Teacher dc Sous. Glasgow ; enlisted 22 March. 1916; served with the Expedi- tionarv Force in France and Flanders from 13 Juiv following, and wiis killed in action at the Battle of Arras 9 April. 1917. His Commandins Officer wrote : ** I was very sorry indeed to lose this man. as he was a good soldier and liked by both officers and men of Ins platoon and company. I regret 1 cannot offer you more than my deepest sympathy," and a comrade : " He was a good comrade" and very much respected and liked in his company, and died like a hero. He was shot by arifle bullet in the chest. We had reached the German third line, and were then making a tiuarry. and when half-way across were caught by very heavy macliine-gun and rifle fire." Unm. MORRISON, J. B., Able Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. Douglas St. G. Morrison. Herbert Morrison. 200 The Roll of Honour Samuel Alex. Morrison. MORRISON, SAMUEL ALEXANDER, 2nii l.i.'iit., 7tli (S.-rvicr) Uattii. TiK- Sraturth Hii;hl:iiitUTs (l{o>s>i-shin' lintls. The Diikr ot" Albany's), ^x. ot tin- late John Morrison, Coinniiission Agi'iit, by his witV, .Mar«ian't (I^Idcii Cottajji'. Acadi'niy Strct-t, Klgin). duu. of John Stewart, of liiirnsidc, KU-hifs; h. Eluin, co. Moray. 11 Sept. 1S8!) ; (Mine-. West Knd School there, and h:iL:in Academy : was an apprentice witli Messrs. lireyor it Yonn^;. Solicitors; went to South America in lOUt, and settled at Valparaiso, where he was cnijiioyed liy Messrs. liallour ,v Williamson, Accountants ; returned to i.n^land on the outbreak of war. and havint^ previously served six years with the Terri- torial Force, obtaineii a eoinmissiou in tlie Seaforth Hi-^hlanders 24 March. 1915 ; served with the lOxpeditionury Force in France and Flanders from Feb. itilO ; was wounded at helville \Vo()ii 15 .Inly, during the operations on the Somnic. and invaUded home ; rejoined his resub-.e.|Uently became a lieutenant in the same euuipaiiy. devoting much of his spare time to the members, and teaching them fencing and boxing ; joined the Manchester University O.T.C. on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914 ; enlisted in the 4th Public Schools Battn. The Royal Fusiliers in Oct., when he was one of the seven eiiL'inrer- sent to superin- tend the making of the large shooting ranges at JIanstield. Nottingham ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 1915 : returned to England in March, and. after a period of training at Oxford, was gazetted 2nd Lieut. Tiie T^-icestershire Regt. July, 1916, and promoted Lieut. 26 Oct. fol- lowing ; went back to France 2 Sept., being Acting Capt. from Feb., and was killed in action near Arras 10 April, 1917. Buried in the British Ceme- tery at St. Leger. The Chaplain wrote : " He had been with the battalion just seven months, and during tliat time he had come to be rcspecti-d and liked by all, officers and men, and especially the men of Ins own company. He was always so cheerful, and always had a cheering influence on all around him, even under most deprr^vinu' conditions. As to his abilities as a soldier, the enclosed report, wliieli I timk imiii liis pocket this morning, speaks for itself : * A very flue young officer, keen in all I'lauches, smart and very capable. Has done excellently well and very satisfactorily performed his various duties," " this document having been signed by his Commanding Officer, and countersigned by liis Brigadier- General, i'nm. MORTON, QtlNTIN YOUNG, Guim.r. No. 144987. 2 It.C.A.. yst. s. of the hit. John William Morton. Quintin Young Morton. 7th Siege Battery,. Huuli Morton, of Ayr. Butcher, by liis wile, Agms (;ib, dau. of Ouiutin Young; b. Ayr ; educ. Public School tliere; was a" Itutchcr ; enlisted 9 March, 1917; served with the Expeditionary Force- in France ami Flanders from 2 Aug., and died at l,e Treport 2 Oet. 1917, from gas poisonlnpr received in action at the Yjires Canal. Buried in Mont Ilion Conietery. He m. 5 July. 1910, Theodora (5. Falkland Road. Ayr), dau. of Marrv (ineuer, and liad a dau., Theodora, b. :\ .)au. t'.iiri. MORTRAM, N., Ordinarv Seaman ; lost on 11, M.S. Itulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MOSEDALE, W. J., Provisional Seamaa (H.N.H.); lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MOSELEY, H., Private. No. 7087. The North Stallnrdshire liegt.; served with the- Lxpeditiouarv Force in France ; killed inaction i:t Oct. 1914." MOSLEY, Hm Private, No. 7367, 1st Battn. served with the Expeditionary Force in The Kiiiiz's Roval Rifle Corps Franc.- ; kill.-d in action 26 Oct. 1914. MOSS, C. H., L.-Corpl.. No. 9255. 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers; siTved with thi' Kxiieditionary Force in France; killed in action 25 Sept. 1914. MOSS, W., Boy. 1st Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. MOTH, E., Private. No. 2658, 3rd Battn. The Hirt.- Brigade ; served with the K\p.difii):i;iry Force in France ; di..! of wounds 2.'> Oct. 1914. MOTH, F.. Private. No. 7368, 1st liattn. Tli.- Koyal Berkshire Regt.; served with tin- lCx|i.ditionary l-'orce in Fraim- ; died of wounds at Ypres 16 Nov. 1914. MOTHERWELL, WILLIAM, 2iul Lieut.. 7th (T.-rritorial) Battn. (Blytkswood) The Hi-ihlaud Liglit Infantry, only n. of Alexander Black Motiierwell. of Ainlri.'. S.tlieitor. by his wife," Elizabeth Isabella, dau. of John Craig WaddclU (i! Air.lri.-. Solicitor ; b. Airdrie. co. Lanark. .30 Oct. 1885 ; educ. Airdrii' Academy, and Glasgow Academy ; was subsequently emi>loyed with a firm of Stockbrokers in Glasgow; joined the 9th Battn. The Highland Light Infantry as a Private in Sept. 1914. after the outbreak of war: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 15 Jan. 1915 ; was wound. -d at Festubert 16 May- following ; obtained a commission in tin- 7tli Batm. Th* Hiu'liland Liuht Infantry 11 Aug. 1916, and died at the New Zealand Stati.tnary Ho^pif;!!. Ami. ti-^. 5 March,. 1917, from wounds received in action at Courceliette 26 Feb. previously. Buried in the Jiritish Cemetery at Ami. -us : num. MOTTERSHALL, HERBERT STANLEY, 2nd Licut., 2/9th (Territorial) Uatfn. Th.- Manchester Regt.. only s. of Frank .Mott.Tshall. of \V.'llin through amputation of the l.-g. Buried in Vardley Ceraetirry, Birmingham. Herbert S. Mottershall. belu The Roll of Honour 201 John MacLellan Mow at. Harry^Moxon. MOWAT, JOHN MACLELLAN. 2nd Umit., 3r(i (Resorvt-) Battn. The Prince of WaU'ss fXorth Staffordshire R<-Kt.). and K.F.C.. cider .«. of Joseph (lunn Jlowat. of lirari\ton. Kihnacolni. hy his wife. Katharine Knight, dau. of John MacLellan, of Glasgow ; '', r.n-hy. CO. Lanark. 14 Marcli. 1890 : educ. \\ ilnjacolm : Collegiate School. Greenock, ;ind lioothani School. York: subsequently liicariii- an Agricultural Student at the West >>i SiothiiHi rcili.LM' : was gazetted 2nd TJeut. I li.- Nr.rtli Sialfordslure Kegt. 2i) April, 1915 : -■ [Mil wifh liis ri-ghiu-nt on home duty until 'lit. liHi;. whi'n he joined the R.F.C., and was .Hciih litaily killed while Hying at Cramlington. ( n. .NortlniTiibeiiand, o Jan. 1917 ; nnm. MOXEY, W., Private. No. 8433, The Cameron Highlanders; served with the Expeditionary l-oree in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. MOXON, ARTHUR, Private. No. 183, 2nd i;attn. (84tli Foot) The York and Lancaster licgt.. X. of Mat hew Jloxon, of 261, Race- common Road, liarnsley, by liis wife, Eliza, dau. of William Chapman ; b. Barnsley, co. York. 1893: educ. Kaceeonunon Road Council Sdiool there; was a Collier: enlisted in Jan. 1915; served with the Exi»cditionary Force in France and Flanders from April, 191H, and w;is killed in action io Aug. following. His Platoon Commander wrote : " I was taking a working i>arty up to the front trenches when a German shrapnc-1 shell burst above us. A splinter of a shell hit the top of your son'.s helmet with such force as to hit through the helmet into his head, killing him instantly. He suffered no j»ain. I was with him at the time. Y'our son was properly buried to-day in the Soldiers' Cemetery near where the battalion is stationed." As his Platoon Commander for some months, I should like you to know your son bore a good character." Unm. MOXON, HARRY, Sergt.. No. 6013, 2nd Battn . (19th Foot) Alexandra. Princess of Walrv-s Own (Yorkshire Regt.). 4th .?. of (i.utL'e Peace Moxon. of Pott House Farm. Hrettnn West, near Wakefield, co. Y'ork, by his wife, Emma, dau. of Robert Challenger ; h. Kexbro. co. York. 1887 : enlisted in 1904 ; rejoined on the outbreak of war in 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Nov., and was killed in action March, 1915. Buried near Ncuve Chapelle; unm. MOYLE, G., Private, No. 6426, 1st Battn. The SoutJv Wales Borderers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds received in action 29 Sept. 1914. MUCKLE, THOMAS EDWARD, Rifleman, No. 15062. 8th (Service) Battn. The Rifle Brigade (Prince C'onsort's Own), eidr-st s. of I'hoTnas Edward Muckle, of .>.'i. !,ueas Street. SI. .lolin's. London. S.E., Meeliaiiieal lviii:inier. b\ bt-< wife, Jane, dau. of Thonia-- Hollidu'e ; h. <;reenwicli. London. S.E.. 8 April, 1893: i-duc. Central School there : was on the staff nt the Prudential Assurance Company; en- listed ill the Rifle Brigade 15 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Kxprditionary Force in France and Flanders irotii 22 May, 1917, being a Lewis finiiner. and was killed in action at Glencorse WtHid. near Ypres. 24 Aug. following. Buried -.vliere he fell. He was secretary and player ni St. Jttbn's United Football Club, and was I'lie III tlieir liest forwards ; num. ML FFINIADES, ALEXIS ECTOS, D.C.M., I'rivate, No. S.T.K. 466, lOth (Service) I'.aitii. The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Ke'_'r.). yst. s. of Alexander " Muffiniades, Lit ho Printer, by his wife, Jane (9, Bruce (irove. Tnttenham. London, N.) ; b. North London, 9 March. 1895 ; educ. Grammar School, Tottenham, aforesaid ; was a Litho Printer : enlisted 28 Aug. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 28 July. 1915. and was killed in action at Arras on" 28 May. 1916. Buried at Berles-au-Bois. Capt. Roberts wrote : ■■ I feel sure he was doing some brave and self- sacrificing action. 1 shall never forget your '^on's bravery and forgetfulness of self on that unfortunate night when we failed to get into the lioche trenches, and his efforts to carry nie in. The Gi-rnuuis were not 30 yards awa\ . but he took no more notice of the daiiL'er tlian if lie had been at home, he was >o absolutely fearless," and Ids Captain : "I have lost one of my best men; he was beloved by officers and men alike, and his death is regretted by all ranks of the com- I>aTiy." The Chajilain also wrote : '" We all admired liis couram-. and were j>roud of the tact that he had won the D.C.M .," and a com- rade : •' His absolute disregard of danger, the wonderful coolness undiT ttre. bis willingness to undertake any kind of wnrk. made him popular as a man. anil as a hiTo. his name w ill be treasured by the battalion and by those who knew hhn." and his Selionlmaster : " He has iulHlled my early estimate of him, and I am j)roud to have numbered hhn among mv puinls." He was awarded the D.C.M. [London Gazette. 14 March. 1916). ' The details wluch merited the award are as follows : "The bombing party uiuler C.ipt. Roberts set ovit under cover of darkness, and soon reached the wire entanglements. Wire- cutters were soon set to work, but were heard by thv (ierman sentries in a listening-post near by; after clialteiming . the German sentries tired and threw bombs. One of the bombs Jell elo-;-' to Capt. Kohi-rts, and although wounded in two places I'V ritle tire, he imnieiliatelv piekeci it up to throw it back at the German post. Cnliappily, it exploded in his hanti. and lie sustained severe wounds and a shattered liand. Although suffering irreat agony, the Captain uttered no sound which would reveal the position of the bomLting party, and quietly Thomas Edward Muckle. i tfl^ ^ \ 1 "^ } A ^i f \ Alexis Eclos Muffiniades. gave the order to retire. The party were crawling off, when Private Mutfiniades was struck on tiie heel by a bomb, which fortunately did not explode, and only stunned him for a few minute-;. On coming to. he re^iumed bis crawl, and dis- covered Capt. Rcjberts l\iug so badly wounded that he was unable to move. The others of the party were some L. No. 24488. 7tb (Service) P.attn. The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), yr. «. of the late Joseph Muggridge,. of Manor Road. P.eckenham. co. Kent ; b. Dulwich, London. S.E., 29 May. 1887 : educ. Edward Alle\Ti School, Dulwich. S.E. : en- listed 29 Feb. 1910, in the Royal West Kent Regt.; was sent to the Hertford Schools for N.C.O.'s. where he sxiccessfully jia-ssed his examinations; underwent training at Crow- borough, where he classified as marki^man on his firing course ; passed out first cla.ss in his range-finding and musketry examinations at Hythe : served with tlie Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 29 Dec. 191ti ; was jireseiit at the Battle of tlie Somme, and wa-^ killed at Cherisy 3 May. 1917. His Com- manding Officer wrote : '* I was with him in the trenches only two days ago. and he was splendid," He was a keen tennis player, a member of the Nonvood and Dulwich Tenuis Hubert G. C. Muggridge. Clubs, also of the Catford Lacrosse Club : unm. MUIR. ARTHUR. Gunner. No. i:J6100, Siege Battery. Royal Garrison Artillery. 5th s. of the late John Muir, of Whiteside. Kirrie- muir, by his wife, the late Annie, dau. of the late John Watson ; h. Methven. co. Perth, 6 July, 1877 ; educ. Kirriemuir; was a Garden Superintendent ; enlisted 19 Jan. 1017; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 20 Jimr, and was killed in action 19 Oct. 1917. Buried ia Buff Road Cemetery, St. Jean, north-east of Ypres. His Chaplain wrote : " I had the honour to lay his dear body to rest on Satur- day. The service was as reverent and beauti- ful as you could wish ; many of his friends were there, and his guns tired three salutes over the L'rave during: the service. His battery are plariiiu' a b.auTiiul cross over the grave." Due of bi-i eoni|)aiiion> wrote of their friendship. and carried his body for two miles behind the battery's position." He m. at Falkirk, co. Stirling, 26 Nov. 1908. Jean (Glenakil. Tarbert» J^ochfvne). 2nd dau. of the late .John Anderson, and had a dau.. Kleanor Forsyth, b. 14 March, 1910. MULHOLLAND. D., Private, No, 9410, 1st Battn. The Loval North Lancashire Arlliiir Mum. Regt . 7 Oct. served 1914. with the Exjieditionary Force in France; killed at Troyoik MULLARKEY, A. J.. Chief Petty Otficcr ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 2fi Nov. 1914. MULLEN, J., Private. No. 7551. 2nd Battn. The Royal Inuiskilling Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed 20 Oct. 1914. MULLEN, P.. Private. No. 114:Jfi. 1st Battn. The Royal Irish FiL'iliers ; served with thi' Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Aug. 1914. MULLEN, T., I'rivate. No. 7S45. 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Oct. 1914. MULLER, JOHN WILLIAM, Able Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Rinaldo in 1914. MULLIGAN, HERBERT BUTLER, M.C., 2nd Lieut.. 1st Battn. (1st Foot) The Royal Scots (Lothian Ji'gt.), s. of the late Professor William George Tobia* Mulligan, of Agra College, by his wife. Edith Mary (35. Spottiswoode Street,. Edinburgh >. dau. of the Rev. J. van Someren Taylor; h. Allahabad. India, 27 Oct. 1894 ; educ. (George Watson's College, Edinburgh ; was a Clerk in a Stock- broker's ottice in Edinburgh: volunteered for foreign senice on the outbreak of war, and joined the 9th (Territorial) Battn. The Royal Scots as a Private 30 Aug. 1914: served with the Expeditionarj,' Force in France and Flanders from 26 Feb. 1915 ; took part in the engagements at Ypres (Second Battle), Hill 00. and Festubert : was gazetted 2nd' Lieut. 1st Battn. The Royal Scots 2:t Oct. 1915 : and was killed in action at Bernafay Wood. ne:u Montauban, during the Battle of the Somme, 4 July. 1916. Buried in Bernafay Wood. He was awarded the Military Cross (London Gazette, 26 June, 1916], for conspicuous- bravery at Ploegsteert : nnm. MUMFORD, HENRY WALTER. Rifleman. 9th Battn. (Queen Victoria's Rifles) Th.- Lon.inii Kegt. (TF). eldest *■- of tlie Rev. Henry Levy Mumford. lormerly of Forest Gate. London. E.,- now of Baildon, near Sliiplev. co. York, bv Ins wife, Ethel, dau. of Robert Foskctt : b. Belfast. 2:{ March. 1897 ; educ. Fulneek School. Ix'eds. co. York, and at the Manchester University, whers he took the History Honours course with a view to entering the Civil Service ; joined the Man- chester University O.T.C. in 1914, and the Queen Victoria's Rifles in April. 1916: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following July, and was- killed in action near Arras 29 April. 1917, Buried at Feuchy, near Monchy-Ie-Preux, south-east of Arras. His Platoon Officer wrote : " 1 knew your son well, as he was a sniper in my platoon, wliere he was very popular. I hope it will be some consolation to you to know that he was lield in the very higlu^st possible regard by alb and that he i* mis.sed very much," and his Sergt. : "I had quite an affection for liim and we all nii.ss and mourn him.'" The Rev. E. J. Libbey, M.A.. Head Master of Fuhieck School, wrote : " He was a somewhat reserved and undemonstrative boy, but at the same time unselfish and public-spirited. Henry Walter Mumford. 202 The Roll of Honour Frederick John Munro. Possessed of considerable aliility, lie used it to EW)d purpose both in and out of the school. He worked liard, and lie ployed hard ; he was a pood hockey jilayer and a good shot. More than this, he was a l>oy of sterlinp character, and liad a high sense of duty, and wa.s respect td by boys and masttrs alike." and Professor Tout, of Manchester University : " Yonr son was not with rs long, bnt it was long enough to realize that he had a sterling character and .substantial promise." I'nm. MUNNOCH, Jm L.-Sergt.. No. 8409. The Seaforth Highlanders ; scnod with the ExpriJitionary Foree in France ; killed in action 22 Oel. 1914. MUNRO, FREDERICK JOHN. 2nd Lieut., 4th Sit gc iJatterv, Roval Garri.«on Artillery, .v. of tin K« v. KolM-rt Munro, of Hi.'». Dnikeilh Koad. FMinburgh. M.A., li.D.. Minister in Kincar-mpathy for one of the finest men that it has been my luck to meet anywhere. He was as much to nie as mv own brother, and would willingly have given a limb to save him." He m. at Edinburgh, 14 Aug. 1912, Olga (Brooklyn, Beeston. Nottingham), dau. of 'Iheodore Knupi)er, and had a son. Ivor Ewart Campbell, b. -iO Aug. 19l:i. MUNRO, H., Private, No. 5943, 1st Battn. The Cheshire Regt. ; scr\ed with the ExiH-ditionary Force in France ; killed in action 18 Oct. 1914. MUNRO, J., Private. No. T947, The Cameron Highlanders: served with the Ex[>editionary Force in France ; killed in action 25 Sept. 1314. MUNRO, NORMAN McLEOD, Private. No. 2:526. 1 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Gordon Highlanders. 5th x. of John Ross Munro. Blacksmith, bv his wife, Jean <9, South Street Place. Peterhead), dau. of John Beedie ; b. Crudeii, co. Aberdeen. 21 Oct. 1897; educ. Coldwells. Longhaven ; was a Farm Ser\ant ; enlisted 14 Nov. 1914: served with tlie Expeditionary- Force in France and Flanders from 1 Sept. 1915. and died at No. I Casualty Clearing Station 31 Julv. 1916, from wounds received in action at the Battle of the Somme. Buried in Heillv Cemetery ; mim. MUNRO, WILLIAM DONALD, Private. No. 4028. 9th (Territorial) Battn (Glasgow Highland) The Highland Light Infantrv. 3rd s. of Robert Munro, of 8, Whitevale Stn-et, Dennistorn. formerly of Lairg. Sutherland, Merchant, by his wife, Katherine. dau. of J. A. Poison, of Glasgow. J.P.. Merchant ; b. Lairg", 29 July. 1895 ; educ. there, and at Glasgow ; was a Wholesale Grocer's Assistant in Glasgow ; volunteered and enlisted in March. 1915 : went to France 13 Oct. following; died at Givenchy 20 Jan. 1916. from the effects of gas-poisoning, while extricating some comrades from an exploded mine. Buried in the Guards* Cemetery there. He was recommended by his Commanding Officer to Head- quarters for bravr-ry ; >/>im. MUNSTER, JOHN FRANCIS, Lieut., 13th Hussars. 2nd s, of John Philip Munster. of 43, Onslow Gardens, S.W'., and Bloomfields, Kej-mer, co. Sussex, Solicitor. by his wife. Mary Frances, dau. of Dr. Robert iMacDermott. of Clonshauville, co. Roscom- mon ; b. Alfred Place, S.W., 25 Feb. 1894 ; educ. Beaumont College. Old Windsor, and Balliol College, Oxford, wjiere lie was an entlm- siastic member of the O.T.C.. and had just finished his second year when war broke out : applied for a commission, and was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 13th Hussars 15 Aug. 1914. being promoted Lieut, in Jan. 1916: served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flan- ders from the following month, also with the Indian Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia from July, and was killed in action during the operations to recapture Kut 4 Feb. 1917. Buried near the River Hai. His Colonel wrote that having come unexpectedly under heavy flre, and his squadron leader being wounded, the command of the squadron devolved upon him, and that while gallantly leading the S|uadron across the open he was instantaneoiLsly killed:" addinii that he had worked incessantly to fit himself for the work before him. and a brotlier officer also wrote that when he had seen all his troops under cover, lie had calmly walked across to another offieer to save a man from exposing himself to fire, to deliver a message of his own ; itnm. MUNTON, S. S., Private. No. 9;Jr»3. 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 5 Nov. 1914. MUTU>OCH, THOMAS JOHN CARSON, Lieut.. 24th (Service) Battn. (Oldham) The Manchester Regt.. only s. of Thomas Hughes Murdoch, of Beech Hurst, Dunmurry. by his wife. Sarah, dau. of Thomas- John Carson, of Belfast : and gdson. of Richard Murdoch, of Hillhall. Lisbum : b. Dunmurrv. co. Antrim. 24 Slay. 1895 ; educ. Belfast Municipal Technical School, and Queen's University ; was apprenticed as a Marine Engineer with Messrs. Workman. Clark 6: Co.. Ltd.. Belfast ; joined the Queen's O.t.C. in Jan. 1913, being a Piper in the corps, and was also an ardent member of the Ulster Volunteers : obtained a 2nd Lieutenancy in the 24th Battn. The Manchester Regt. 1 Dec. 1914. and was promoted Lieut. 16 Sept. 1915 ; trained at tlie Staff College. Camberley : served «ith the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 8 Nov. 1915. where, from the middle of Itcc. until the end of Jan.. he was principally occupied in gi\ing instructions in grenade and bomb-throwing, being appointed officer commanding the grenade company in Jan.. and was killed in action 6 Feb. 1916. Buritd at Fricourt. Lieut. -Col. J. B- Batten wrote : " I had specially given him an important com- John Francis Munster. mand. and felt tliat tliere was no officer I had ever come across whom I could rely on more. He wa.s. without doubt, by far the best subaltern J had. I expect you would like to know liow the poor boy was killed. We had just taken over a front line of trenches, and had only been in about two hours. He was standing in a trench, with alKnit five men, when what we call a * canister ' (which is a species of trench-mortar l>omb Hr<-d by the Germans) fell in the middle of them, and instantly killed them all. There is one consolation, that he Wits killed on the spot and suffered no pain, and. in fact, probably never even realized it. He is buried close to wh»'re he was killed. We have erected a special cross to mark the grave. 1 would sooni-r have lost any other officer I liave got than him. and I would like you to understand that 1 really mean that. I had always thought that he would be the first of my olfiwrs to do well and gain distinction. We all con^idi-red him one of tin- finest men we ever knew." L'lim. MURISON, D. B., Private. No. 19:J9. 14tb Battn. (London Scottish) The City of London Regt. (T.F.); sencd with the Expeditionary Force in France; died of wounds 3 Nov. 1914. MURPHY, F. Rm Private, No. 10693. 2nd Battn. The Royal Inniskilling Fusi- liers ; ser^'ed with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 23 Sept. 1914. MUHPHY, J.. Private. No. 9173, 2nd Battn. Tlie Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers; servrd witli the Expeditionary Force in F ranee ; killed 2 Oct. 1914. MURPHY', J., Privafr. No. 10711, 1st Battn. The Kings (Liverpool Regt.); served with tin- Expeditionarv Force in France; killed in action at Moissy 20 Sept. 1914. MUTIPHY. JOHN, Grea.ser; lost on H.M.S. Rohilla 30 Oct. 1914. MURPHY, M., Private. No. 14738, The Grenadier Guards : served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 14-16 Sept. 1914. MURPHY, R., Private, No. 9539, 2nd Battn. The Manchester Regt. : served witli the Expeditionary Force in P'rance ; died 14 Oct. 1914, from wound in neck in No. 14 Fit-Id Ambulance. MURPHY, T., Piivate, No. 3919. 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers; served wish the Fixiieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 1 Nov. 1914. MURRAY. A.. Private. No. 8358, 2nd Battn. The Royal Scots; sened with the ExjieditionLiry Force in France; killed in action 26 Aug. 1914. MURRAY, ANDREW CURRIE, Capt.. 1st Battn. (71st Foot) The Highland Light Infantry, yst. s. of the late Daniel Murray, by his wife, Helen Strathdee, dau. of Andrew Currie : b. Glasgow. 3 Dec. 1893 ; (■due. Nithsdale School, Dumfrii-s, and Glasgow Arail.-mv : joined the 9th Battn. The Gla.sgow Highlanders (T.F.) in April, 1913; volun- f'-ered for foreign service on the outbreak of war in Aug. 1914: served with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 4 Nov. following: was wounded at Festubert ill May, 1915, and invalided home : on n-covery joined the Reserve Battn. ; trans- Irrred to the Regular Army in Nov, 1916, wht-n he was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 1st Battn. The Highland Light Infantrv ; attached as Capt. to the 9th Battn. The" Glasgow High- landers ; returnrd to France in Dec. and was killed in action at Fontaiue-Ies-Croisclles 20 .May. 1917 : 'turn. MURRAY, DAVID, Sergt., No. 240023, 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Gordon High- landers. :?rd s, of David Murray, of Rose Villa. Newmachar, co. Aberdeen, Carpenter, by hi^ wifr. Mary A., dau. of James Lamont ; h' \. wniarhar. co. .\berdeen. 11 Nov. 1883; I dm-. N< wmachar Public School, and the rivil Service Training College. Aberdeen; was for some years on the staff of the local }*ost Office, and after passing the Civil Service Kxaniination. became a sorter in the Head Ofhcr. Aberdeen; joined the 5th Battn. The i;ordon Highlanders 22 March, 1900; was called up on the outbreak of war; served with the Expeditionary P'orce in France and Flanders from 1 May to Oct. 1915 : returned to England, and acted as RegtI. Sergt.-Major in the Gordon Highlanders : was again sent to France in Nov. 1916. and was killed in action near Ypres 31 July, 1917. Buried two miles north of Ypres and five mik-s north-east of Poperinghe. His Chaplain wrote : " Sergt. David Murray was a very gallant soldier, who ever did his duty, and who died faithful to the -very end." and anotlier officer: "He had been my Platoon Si-rgt . for five short wecics. and during that time I had grown to admire and respect him; always devoted to duty, he set an example to all N.C.O.'s and men under him. which they might well have followed. His loss is mourned by the officers and men of his company alike, for in him each one had a friend." He obtained a first-class certificate in musketry 1 March, 1915, and gained the Gold Medal for club shooting, being twice in the King's Forty at Aberdt-en Wapensliaw ; mitn, MURRAY. HENRY BERKELEY, Lieut, and Adjutant, 13th (Reserve), attd. 10th (Service). Battn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). 4th x. of the Iat4' Dr. William Berkeley Murray, M.I).. M.R.C.S.. Edinburgh, by " his wife, Klizabeth Hch-n (Tenbury. co. Worcester), .■ld<. T.nbury aforesaid. 18 Oct. 1883 ; educ. I'ocklington School. York : was a member <>: the London Scottish for seven years; iiftcrwards w;ls Accountant of the Alliance Bank of Simla. India, for six years ; joined the Bombay Volunteers in 1908. and was ■-'uzftted 2nd Lieut. 1 Jan. 1912: returned to England on the outbreak of war. and was L'azetted to the Argyll and Sutherland High- landers 15 Feb. 19i5. and promoted Lieut. 4 Nov. 1915 ; appointed Adjutant 15 Feb, following : served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 10 Dec. 1915. and was killed in action at Longueval 18 July, 1916. Her.r\ Berkelev Murrav l^uritd at Carnoy. He was present in several engagements liefore he fell ; unm. Andrew Currie Murrav. David Murrav. The Roll of Honour >03 James Hamilton Murray. MURRAY, J., Corpl.. No. 6363, 2nd Battn. The Manchester Itegt. ; served with the ExpL-ditionary Force in France ; died 22 Sept. 1914. MURRAY, J., Private, No. 7858. 2nd Battn. The Connauon, James Hamilton, of the Duke of ,\bercorn ; b. C'astledouglas, co. Kirkcud- bright, 28 Dec. 1883 ; educ. Alloa Academy ; was an Electrical Engineer, being a member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London ; enlisted in Aug, 1914 ; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force at <;alIipoIi ; was wounded 4 June, 1915, and s.nt to Malta : on recovery returned to (iallijioli 23 Aug. 1915 ; proceeded to France alter I'vacuation of Gallipoli. and was killed in action at Beaumont Haniel 14 Nov. 1916. Buried in the Military Cemetery, Hamel, tour and a half miles north of Albert. General Paris wrote ; " The D.S.M. was received by your son for devotion to duty, gallant bearing and zeal, encouraging others and setting a high standard in the division. This is often of more importaiic*- than is generally recognized, -especially imder the conditions then existing in thf l'.nin~ula." and Major Spittle : ■" Sapper Murray was called upon to repair a defeetivr H.-ld cable line between Divisional Headquarters and the support lines. He wa-^ despatched at 9 a.m. on 4 Jime. 1915, and found the line broken in no less than tin plaei-;, Imt by dint of perseverance he repaired the cable, finally re-estaMisliiiii: cominuiiieation. The whole of the work was carried out under considerable ritle fire in exposed positions between Backhouse Road and the support trenches. The repairs occupied three hours. Received the D.S.M. Tlu- work previous to the glorious victory of this division on the River Ancre was particularly hard and nerve- racking, involving three weeks of nights ' over the top ' on important preparation work ; for this I organized two ijarties. one commanded by your son ; he worked throughout the night and day with Ids party like a * Trojan,* doing everything successfully, and setting a good examijle to his men all the time. I saw him a few minutes before he was killed, when, after learning he had got through a communication, which I was particularly anxious about. I patted him on the back, saying * Well done, Murray.' and congratulating myself that I owned such a man in my company. I feel j niu-t sa\ tliat I jiossess no one whom I could less afford to lose." the Senior Cliaplain. 63rd R.N.D.. wrote : " All who knew your gallant son cannot speak too highly of Iiim. I know we have lost from sight a true Britisher; such lives as your son's live on and help others by their noble ■example. Your gallant son highly distinguished lumself. and added lustre to the Royal Naval Division. He well earned in Gallipoli his D.S.M.." and another officer : " Not only was he a great favourite with everybody, but he also won the admiration and respect of everybody. To the officers he was a man as -dependable as he was efficient ; was as good a soldier as he was admirable as a companion ; he was one who gave you courage to be with by ids cheerfulness and unconcern of danger. . . . Your son was often offered promotion, but always refused." He was awarded the D.S.M.. and mentioned in Despatches ; also specially mentioned in Despatch by General Sir Ian Hamilton, for service rendered in the advance against a Turkish position begun on 5 May. MURRAY, JOHN, Lieut.. 6th (Territorial) Battn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Hiuhlanders), .s. of the late John Murray. Junr.. of Paisley Writer, by his wife, Elizabeth R., dau. of Koliert Macintyre, of Paisley; b. Paisley, CO. Renfrew. 7 Nov, 1891 ; educ. the Grammar School there : was employed at the Coat« Central Agency ; on the outbreak of war he volunteered" for active service, and joined the 9th (Territoria!) Battn. (Glasgow High- landers) The Highland Light Infantry as a Private 7 Sept. 1914 : served witli the Expedi- tionary Force in rrauct- and Flanders from 25 Jan. 191.'j. where he saw much service, and took part in the fighting at Festubert and Loos ; returned home Dec. 191.5. and was Lzazetted 2nd Lieut. The Argyll and Suther- land Highlanders on the 5th of that month: jiromoti'd Limt. 8 Oct. 1917 ; after training at Kipon, joined his regiment in France 4 July. 1916. lighting in the Battle of the Somme in July of that year : also at Arras 9 April. 1017. in which he was Acting Capt., John Murray. and died at Xo. 17 Casualty Clearing Station, near Poperinghe. 30 Oet. 1917. from the effects of gas poisoning at Passchendaele. Buried in Lyssenthoek Military Cemetery. His Major wrote : " We will all miss him very much : he was always so cheery and full of spirits and quiet humour. He was a good soldier, always keen on his work and thorouglily n-liahle." and liis Captain : " I appre- ciated to the full his unfailing good humour and true gentlemanly bearing under all conditions out lien-. He did his share in helping others, and so lightened the load we all had to bear." Cnm. MURRAY, JOHN MATTHEW, Engineer Lieut.-Commander. R.N., s. of the late James Murrav. of Hendon. co. Middlesex, by his wife. Christian, dau. of Thomas Roberts, of Galashiels ; 6, Aberdeen. 23 June. 1873 ; educ. Grammar School, Aberdeen : the Academy. Galashiels, and at the Heriot Wate Technical College, Edinburgh ; received Ins training in practical Engineering at L. Sterne le he set to Ixis men was hl^■alu3bIe. We all leei that the battalion has lost one of its be>t officers, and one whose place it will !>:■ very difficult to fill," and a brother otficer : " He was most conscientious in everything he undertook ; he wa^ absolutely fearless to all dangers. A real sportsman, he played lus part nobly and well ; never shirked any work, however arduous, and always cheerfully undertook duty which he knew involved consider- able danger." Unm. MURRAY, LEONARD, Lieut., Lancashire Hussars Yeomanry (T.F.), attd. R.F.C. 3rd x. oi the Kev. Douglas Stuart Murray. Rector of Blithfield. Rugeley, by his wife, Harriet Georgina Isabel, dau. of the Hon. and Rev. George Thomas Orlando Bridgeman. M.A., Rector of Wigan, co. Lancaster, and Rural Dean, Hnn, t'anon of Liverpool, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Queen Victoria; 6. Blithfield Rectory, co. Stafford, 31 Dec. 1896; educ. Mostyn House. Parkgate, and St. Bees ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut, in the Lancashire Hussars Y'eomanry 10 Jan. 1916. and was jiroinoted Lieut. 2(» Dec. 1916 ; beeam ■ attached to the R-F.C. in Jan. 1917. and was aeeidi'utallv killed while in trainiu'^ at Har- laxton 13 March following. The Colonel of the 2/lst Battn. The Lancashire Hussars Yeomanry, wrote : " Leonard was so popular with us all in my regiment, and during the all too short time he w;\s with us we all knew that whatever he had to do would be done willingly and well. He was so keen about his going to the FIving Corps, and told me he should feel he was doing more real work there than staying on with us." and the General of the Brigade, writing to liis Colonel. said : "I sympathize with the whole regiment at the sad loss of Lieut. Murray. He was a very pronusing young officer, who took his work seriously, and I am convinced that he would have done brilliantly in the Royal Flying Corps." The Commanding Otficer at the Harlaxton Aerodrome said that he was one of his keenest and most promising jnipils ; unm. MURRAY, P., Sergt.. No. 6383. 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. MURRAY, PETER HERBERT, L.-CorpL, Xo. 16407. 1st Battn. (72nd Foot) The Sea- forth Hiahlanders (Ross-shire Buffs. The Duke of Albany's), only s. of Alexander Smith Murray, of 16, Baxter Park Terrace. Dundee. Factory JLinager. by his wife. Annie Low. dau. of James Reid ; b. Dundee, co. Forfar. 25 March, 1895 : edne. Morgan Academy, Dundee, and at the Edinburgh Vniver-sitv: was a student; enlisted 24 Oct. 1916; served with the Indian Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia from May. 1917. and died 9 Nov. 1917, of wounds received at the Battle of Tekrit. Buried at Samarra. Corpl. Murray was a very distinguished pupil in the Morgan .A,cademyl of which he was Dux Medallist in 1913. He also gained medals for Scripture knowledge. English and French. He entered the University of Edinburgh as Third Bursar, and, continuing his studies there, secured medals in French and logic, and gave every promise of a brilliant University career ; II nm. MURRAY, THOM\S, Able Seaman ; lost on H.M.S. Rohilla 39 Oct. 1014. MURR\Y, W., L.-C.irpL. No, 9544. Th- Cim-roii Highlanders: served with the Exp -ditionary Force in France ; killed in a?tioo 14 S'pt. 1914. MtTRR\Y, W.. Private No. 7759, 2nd Bittn. Tli? Rayd Irish RitlfS : served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 14 Oct. 1914. MUSKER, P., Acting Corpl., No. 11029, 1st Battn. The South Wales Borderers ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed 21 Oct. 1914. MUSSELL, C. F., Private, No. 9248, 1st Battn. The Hampshire Regt. ; served witli the l';xpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 1 Oct. 1914. MYALL, G., Private, No. 8117. 2nd Battn. The Essex R-^gt. ; served with the ICxiieditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. MYATT, J., Private. Xo. 68. 1st Battn. The Royal Warwickshire Regt. ; served with the Exiieditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 22 Sept. 1914, MYERS. C. E,, Corpl.. No. 9790, 1st Battn. The East Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in action 28 Oct. 1914. Peter Herbert Murray. 204 The Roll of Honour MYLCHREEST, E., Privato, No. 6009, 2nd Battii. The King's Koyal Kitic f'orps : servi-ii with tlu' Kxpeditionarv Force in France ; dii-d o! wounds 3 Nov. 1014. MYLES, WILLIAM JAMES, l»rivatp. No. 1 -ly.iH, 1st liiiTtn. Ihr lila.-k Watch (Koyal ^tfMlm^^ Hiu'hlatnlrrs). h. oi Jolui Mylcs, Kami Servant ^ ^ ^\ at r.aliiiossir Kiirm, liroiiiihty Ferry, by Iiis M' ' \ \\\U\ MariiJiret. dau. ol Alexander How'den ; I 1 /'. Carinyllii-. Arliroatli. 11) Jan. 180T ; If — ^ ^■f* " rdue. Aucliterliouse Piiblie Srhool. \Vest Hinidrc ; was a Fiirni Sir\'aiit. t'niployed at (Hdnwiiir Kann. Monikie ; enlisted 29 May. _ litl'i; siTvrd witli till- l';\pe(liti<»nary P'orei; •^ A . ill I'raner nnd Flanders, and was killed hi i -^i^^k-i^^ action 2.i Dee. 1915. bv a slirll. while in a ^^^^^^^^^1^^^ du^-out. Hnried west ^^hP^hHI^^I MYLIUS. JOHN KINGSFORD. Lient., ^^^K^r\^ l^^l ^^* Hattn. (5:ird Foot) The Kind's (Shropshire ^^^^^HF ^y^ ^^^H I'i^ht Infantry), elder .v. of Kdward Lillingston ^^^^^H^^^^^^^j^^H Mylius. of Stoneycrolt. I.eieestrr. liis wife, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 the Ri-v. Hamilton ^^^^B^^^^W^WI and gdson. of the late Uev. F. H. Mvlins, William James Myles. Hector of Klnidon. ni-ar iiirniinjihani : b. Kllesniere. eo. Salop. 19 .Inly, 1H95 : ednc. Shrewsbury School, and the Koval Military Cnllig.-. Sandhurst ; jja/.i-tted 2nd Lieut. The Shropshire Linht Infantrv 12 Mav, 191.^. and promoted Lieut. 7 Oct. 19Hi ; went to France in Mav. 1915, when- he was attached to 1st Mattn. The King's (Liverpool Kcgt.) ; was wounded 27 July, and on nturninir to the front joined his own regiment, the Shropshire Light Infantry ; wounded a second time 25 .luly, 19U1. and di.d 12 Oct. follow- ing, of wounils necivfd in action. Unried in "Cirove Tnun British Cemetery, Meaulte, F'nmee, Hr was mentioned in Sir Douglas Hair's Despatch (London (iazctte, 4 Jan. 1917 1. for uallant and distinguished service in the tield. A brother olheer wrote : " Theie has never been a steadier and cleaner living officer in this battalion ; extremely brave and conscientious, and one of the keenest and bravest otiicers one ever served with. He was quiet and unobtrusive, and he never lost his temper. We were all sorry to hear of the loss of ■ our John ' : h<' was the life and soul of our mess, and his platoon worshipjjed him and would follow him anywhere. The officers have Jost a comrade whom we all loved and the regiment a sph'udid otticer." Unm. MYLNE, EUAN LOUIS, M.C. Lieut.. 2nd Battn. The Irish (Juards. 6th .«. of the Hight Rev. Loius Ceorge Mylne. Keetor of Alvechurch, co. Worcester, formerly liishop of liombay. by his wife. Amy I'rederiea, dau. of (Jeorge Moultrie, formerly of liombay : h. Surbiton. co. Surrey, H> June. 1897 ; cduc. Packwnorl Hangh. cd. Warwick, and I'piiingham ; left there in Dee. 1915; was gaz- tt.d 2nd Lieut. The Irish Guards l(i F'cb. 1910. and promoted Lieut.; served with the ICxpedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders from 1 July, 1916. and died on the battle- field 15-16 Sept. following, from wounds received in action before Ia's Boeufs on the afternoon of tlie 15th. It appears that on this occasion he Iiad two great opportunities given to him. In the lirst he was in charge of a party of bombers, one of two set to clear out a stroiii! position not marked till thenin the maps. In the second he was working niaehim- ■.miiis to check a heavy counter-attack which was stoppiuL' the advanee lU the iirit-'adc on the left. In working his three Lewis guns, eoiniiletcly exposed in the ojjeii. he was struck by a sniper's bullet, which pierced his ri-zlit liaiid and lodu'ed in liis flank. Earlier in the day he had had two througli his clothes, and had laughingly displayed the holes to liis orderly. And even now. when lie was lying on his ' stretcher with the fatal btdli't in his body, he had liis cheery little Word about his wound iis he had had before about his escapes. But his life was ebbing away witli liis blood, and after a time he passed into merciful unconsciousness. It u;c- ab.nit three in the after- noon when he was wounded, and by seven a counter-attaek. delivered at tre- mendous odds, drove the Irish Guards out of the hardly-won trench. It was impossible to take him with them, and he was left as he "was on the stretcher. He was awarded the Military Cross [London Gazette, 14 Nov. 1910], the offiieal record stating: "In the final stages of the attack, when different units were mixed up. he showed great coolness in reorganizing tin- men. He led on to an advanced position with great dasli. and consolidated uiuler heavy fire. While doing tills 111' was severely wounded." Vnm, NAPPER, C. W., Drummer. No. 9S63, The Royal Berkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : killed in" action 19 Sept. 1917. NASH, H. J., Able Seaman : lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. NASH. J., Private. No. 10591. 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt.; served with ttie Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 7 Nov. 1014. NASH, J.. Private, No. 0632. 3rd Battn. The Rifle Brigade; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 21 Oct. 1914. NASH, S. T., P.O., 1st Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. NASH, W., Stoker. 1st Class; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1014. NASON, JOHN WILLIAM WASHINGTON, Capt. and Flight Commander, The Roval Flying Corps (formerlv the Roval Sussex Regt.). .V. Of the late " Charles St. Stephen Richard Nason. M.A.. M.D. \s. of the Rev. W. H. Nason. of Newtown, co. Cork, and Rector of Rathcormac], by liis wife. F'rederica (23, Grosvenor Crescent. St. Leonards-on-Sca), dau. of Frederick Abrahall ; h. Corse Grange, near Gloucester, 4 Aug. 1889; educ. University School, Hastings. and Queens' College, Cambridge; obtained a commission in Aug. 1914: promoted Capt. the following Nov. : transferred to the Royal Flying Corps Jan. 1916, being promoted Pilot and Flight Commander in Nov. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action in an aerial flight 26 Dec. 1916. Buried in Vlamertiughe Cemetery, near Yprcs. His Conimaiidiiig Officer wrote : "He was an extremely ii>eiul pilot, and his loss will be very keenly felt, John William W. Nason. not only as regards duty, but as to his friends in the snualron." Capt. Nason was a keen sportsman ; he played for the Sussex Cour.ty XL at the age of 17 ; received his Blue at Cambridge on Ids third appeearance lor the University, appearing against Oxford in 1900 and 1910. He also played for the University at Assoeiatii>ii font- ball, and was invited to iday for the Gloucester County XL," which he did for two seasons ; he was also a fine golfer ; umn. NAYLOR, H., L.-Corpl., No. 10641, 1st Battn. The King's Royal Rifle Corps ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 10 Sept. 1914. NEAL, H. B., Private. No. 9589, The Lincolnshire Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 20 Oct. 1914. NEAL, H. H., Private. No. 8711, 1st Battn. The Dorsetshire Kegt. ; served with till- Expi'diti mary Force in France ; killed in action 13 Oct. 1914. NEAL, W., Driver. No. 27746. R.F..\. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died of wounds 15 Sept. 1914. NEAL, W. T., Private. No. 94.^0. 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Regt.;. served with the Expe.. of .lames Irank Neat . of Brynmaur. co. lirecon. Clothier^ by his wife. Elizabeth Margaret ; h. l;r>innaur aforesaid. 24 Sept. 1896: educ. County School there (Knt ranee Scholar), and Uangor Normal College {Entrance Scholar): subse(|Ucntly beeame a School Teacher: enlisted 14 .Ian. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Forei- in France and Fhmders Irun 24 June, 1916, and was killed in action at Gincliy 3 Sept. following. Buried near Ginchy ; unm . NEAVE, B. R., Private, No. 1936. 1st Battn. The Northumberland Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in l-'rance : killed in action in 1914. NEAVE, W.. Private, Xo. 8815. 1st Battn. The Gordon Higlilaiiders ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 21 Sij)t 1014. NEEDHAM, W. St. C. Trumpeter. No. 69608. 118th Battery, R.F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in I'ranee ; killed in action 14 Si'])t. 1014. NEILAN, GERALD ALOYSIITS. l.ieut., loth (Service) Ilattn. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers. 2tii1 sur\. .■-■. of the hite .lohn Ncilan. of Ball\galda, Kosennimon. J.I'., and of Mrs. Ncilan (4, Mount Harold Terrace, Leinstir Road. Dublin)v dau. of the late John Kelly, of Essex Lawn. Roscommon, J.I'. : h. 7 .lune. 1881 ; (hIuc. Clongrowes Wood College; during the South African War he enlisted in the Sherwood Foresters, and served with his regiment in Soutli Africa, being, severely wouuded (Jledal ) ; from there he proceeded to China, where he rcniained six years, and then hit the Army: was given a comniissioii on the outbreak of hostilities, and gazetted 2nd Lieut. 24tli Battn. The Nurtliumlierland Fusiliers, in Dee. 1914, and was killed in Dublin during the Irish Rebellion 24 April, 1916. He was a flue athlete and a very luomi-ing olheer. His brothers Cha'-les anliire B.-ut,, \ In- win-, i;ii/al,rih Ann, dau. of Alfred Thomas Cullen ; h. Epwurlh, 2 March, 1897; educ. Church Of England School there; was a Watehmuker and also Scoutmaster in the Boy Scouts ; voluntarily enlisted 22 Feb, 1015 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France from 7 June following ; wounded at the enaagi iiient at Contahnaison 12 July, 1916. and died the tniiowing day in No. :H> ( asualty Chaiiim Ntation, France. A week before his death his iiareiits received a gra]')iie ai count ni hi* experiences in an attack on the German trenches by his brigadi-. The Sister- in-Charge of the hospital where he died wrote on 13 July, 1916: "He was admitted to tliis hospital in the early hours this morning, having been wounded in the abdomen. We did all we could for him, but the internal injuries were too severe, and wc could not prevail. He passed away peacefully at 1.10 p.m."" Vnm. NEWBOLD, E. J., Private. No. 9484, 1st Battn. The Dorsetshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 12 Sept. 1914. NEWBOLD. T. E., Private, No. 8535. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light liuatitrvi ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 1(> Sept. 1014. David Arthur Nelson. The Roll of Honour 2J5 NEWBOLD, WILLIAM, Kifleman. 9th Battn. (Princess Victoria's Rifles) The London Kt'gt. (T.F.), *'■ oi John Newbold. by his wife. Mary, dau. of AVilliam Chapman; b. Hii^lmate. N. : ednc. Acland Secondary School there; was a Tailor; joined tlie Princess Victoria's Rifles in 191 ;J ; servc^d with the Expedi- tionary Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action at Gommecourt 1 July, 1916 ; num. NEWBY, J., L.-Corpl., No. 14847, 1st Battn. The Royai Fusiliers; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 28 Oct. 1914. NEWELL, A., Private, No. 881)8. 1st Battn. The West Yorkshire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. NEWELL. HENRY JOHN, Private, No. 10022, 8th (Service) Battn. The Iloyal Fusilit-rs (City of London Regt.). «■ of John Newell, of 22. Wilinot Place. Boston Road. Hanwcll, now on active service in Krauc'- with tlir Royal Fusiliers, l)v his wift'. Minnie, dau. of Henry Weatherby ; h. South KaliiiL:. London, \V., 3" Dec. 1899: ednc. St. Mark's School, Hanwell ; was a Carman: enlisted 20 Oct. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary, Force in France and Flanders, and was killed in action tliere 7 July, 1916. Second Lient. J. Withall wrote : " Your son was killed on 7 July in an attack on a \iiy ■>! inim position. 1 cannot exi)ress the sjTiipathy that I feel for you, as it is ;iliiiii^..|;ti jou in knowing that he did not i-e. : was reported missing alter the liu'htiuir at Monchy 31 May. 1917, and is now a^^^uuied to have been killed on or aliout that date. His Coinmandiiii: Otticer wroti': ■■ He was one of a small party to go out, none of whom returneil, and afterwards it was known they were surrounded and ont- nund)ered and sonic were taken prisoners." He m. at Northwleh. eo. Chesti-r, 1 July, 1914, Klizabeth Duneau, dau. of John McCuIloch. and bad a dau,, Ji-an Winifred, b. 17 Nov, 1915. NEWMAN, H. L., Stoker, 2nd Class ; lost on H.M.S. Bulwark 26 Nov. 1914. NEWMAN, LUKE, L.-Corpl., No. 142:38. 3rd (Reserve) Battn. The King's Own (Shropshire Light Infantry), 3rd «. "of .John Newman, of 57. Main Road. Upper- r>oat, I'nnfx (iridd. by his wife, Ellen, dau. of .lolin Norton; b. Upper-Boat aforesaid, 11 Keb. IMito ; edue. Hawthorn Schools, near Pontypridd ; was a Collier employed at the Windsor Pit. Abertridvor; enlisted in Sept. 1914; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 28 July. 1915, and afterwards in Salonika ; was invalided home surbring from dysentery and fever in June. 1916 ; rejoined his regiment and leturni'd to France in Nov. ; was again wounded in Feb. 1917. and was killed^ in action 3 May following. His Commanding otticiT wrote : " He was a good soldier and was greatly missed by his fellow-comrades." He m. at Pontypridd. 13 July, 1915, Bronwen. i-ldest dau. of William Richards, and had a son, William Luke, b. 20 Julv, 1917. Alfred Newman. Luke Newman. NEWMAN, WILLIAM GRAINGE, Pri- vate. No. 26:J25, 9th (Service) Battn. The itoyal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.). s. of Robert Newman, of Lansdowne House, Harlington, co. Middlesex, Auctioneer and Farmer. Iiv his wil*<'. Jane E., dau. of Riciiard Welfnr.l ; and brother to Corpl. Alfred New- man {q.r.)\ h. Harliuuton aforesaid, 11 Feb. 1882; educ. Heston House. Heston; assisted on his father's farm ; enlisted in tlie Royal Fusiliers 28 March. 1916; served with the Kxpeditionary Koree in France and Flanders irom 2:1 .lune lullowing ; returned to England 24 .Inly with a jioisoned foot: rejoined his ntiinient in Sept. : was again sent home with treiu-b fever ; returned to France in Nov. 1917. and died at No. 6 General Hos- pital. Rouen, on the 5th of that month, oi .vomids reirived near Canibrai. Buried in St. Sever Cemeti-ry ICxtension. Rouen ; unm. NEWSOME, FRED. Kifleman. No. 203225, i:;th (S.ivie.) Itattn. The Rifle Brigade I Ihe Prince Consort's Own), 2nd s. of George Newsome, of Lower Fold. Honlev. Hudders- field. Woollen Spinner, by his wife, Annie, dan. of Oliver Lucas ; and brother to Rifleman W. Newsome {q.i\) \ b. Dewsburv. co. York. 20 Sept. 1893: ednc. Queen's Road School. Leeds ; was employed as a Fettler in the woollen spinning trade ; enlisted 15 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionarv Force in France ^nd Flanders from 7 July, 1916, and was killed in action at Loos 12 Oct. following. Buried at Meroc. He was a keen athlete, being partienlarlv fond of swimming and walking : was also a member of the Honlev. Holniflrtli and Metham Hunt, and biiore enlisting served on the eonunittee ; unm. NEWSOME, WILLIE, Rifleman. No. C.7671, 18th (Service) Battn. The King's Ro\al Kirt.- Corps. 3rd s. of George Newsome. of Lower Fold, Honlev, Huddersfield, Woollen Spinner, by his wife. Armie. dau. of Oliver Lucas; and brother to Rifleman F. Newsome {q.r.); h. Ravensthorpe, near Dewsburv, co. I (.r.iinu Clement Neill Newsum. Charles William Newton. York. 25 July, 1895; edue. Queen's Road School. L'?':'d=.. and Honley National School ; was employed a-i a Winder in the woUen spinning tr.ide ; enlisted 15 Nov. 1915 ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 24 May, 1916, and died in the Field Dressing Station 16 Sept, following, from woumls received in action on ttie Somme a few hours previously. Buried at Corbie : unm. NEWSON. F. W., Private. No. 2047, 1st Battn. The Rifle Brigade : served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; died of wounds 15 Sept. 1914. NEWSUM. CLEMENT NEILL, Capt., 2/5th (Territorial) Battn. The Lincoln- shire Regt.. yr. s. of Clement Henry Newsum, of Eastwood House, Lincoln, .LP.! ex-Mayor of Lincoln, by Iiis wife, Alice Maude, dau." of George Neill. J. P. : b. Lincoln. 5 Oct. 1896 ; educ. Gresham Sclioo! (where lie became Head of the School); gazetted 2nd Lieut. The Lincolnshire Regt. 1 Feb. 1915 ; i)romoted Lieut. June, 1916. and Capt. 1 Jan. 1917; served with iiis regiment in Ireland during the Dublin Rebellion in 1916 ; proceeded to France 26 Feb. 1917 ; took part in several engagements, and was killed in action near Zonnebeke 26 Sept. following. Buried where h\' fell. He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette. 18 Dec. 1917 j bv F.M. Sir Douglas Haig. for gallant and distinguished conduct in the field ; unm. NEWTON, CHA.RLES WILLIAM, 2nd ClasT. Air Mechanic, No. :J1017. Royal Flying Corps, 2nd -s. of Isaac Newton, of Aekroyd Street. Morley. Builder and Contractor, bv lus wife, Emma, dau. of George Firth : b. Morley, CO. York. 4 June. 1886 ; educ. Peel Street Council Schools, Morley ; was a Joiner and Builder: enlisted in June. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from tlie following Sept.. and was killed in an aeroplane accident at the training ground in Etaples 4 Dec. 1916. Buried there. A comrade wrote : " It is with feelings of intense sorrow that I write on behalf of the N.C.O.'s and men of the range to express their deepest sympathy with yon in your great loss. Of an ever cheerful disposition, Charlie was very popular with liis comrades, and we leel his loss deeply. He met liis death in the execution of his duty as an Observer, and his end was instantaneous." Another wrote : " I am qiute convinced he would soon have gained promotion. . . . The machine was returning from flight, when at about 200 feet it side-slipped, and at 100 feet it nose dived ; the engine failed, which it is supposed caused the accident." He m. at Morley, eo. York. 11 April. 1910, Mary Ellen, dau. of Samuel Joseph Rabv, of Morlev. and had two daus. ; Kathleen, b. 14 Mav, 1911, and Flora, b. 3 June 1913. NEWTON. E. W.. .Vting Corpl., No. 1199. The Rifle Brigade: served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France ; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. NEWTON, J., Private, No. 8450, 1st Battn. The Northamptonshire Rest. ; served with the ICxpeditionary Force in France: killed in action 17 Sept. 1914. NEWTON, S., Sergt.. No. 8123. 1st Battn. The Ea^t Lancashire Regt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action at La Ferte 9 Sept 1914. NEWTON, T., Private. No. 8098, The Royal Berkshire Regt. : served with the Expeditionary Force in France : died of wounds 21 Sept. 1914. NEWTON, W., Private. No. 3313, 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers) ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed 19 Sept. 1914. NEWTON, WILFRID, Capt., 1st Battn. (50th Foot) The Queen's Own (Roval West Kent Regt.). only .s\ of Arthur William Newton, of Bo\vraan Lodge. Cam- bridge, Divisional ln-.peetor of Schools, by his wife. Julia Laetitia : and gdson. of General W. Newton : h. Xeweastle. U Dec. 1888; ednc. Clifton College, and the Royal Military College. Sandhurst ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. The Hoyal West Kent Regt. 28 April. 1909; promoted Lieut. 5 June. 1912. and Capt.'io Juiie. 1915; served witli the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 14 Aug. to 27 Oct. 1914. and from 10 June, 1915.. to 25 Sept. 191G. being posted to the Staff as Brigade-Major in April, 1916, and died in No. 1 Red Cross Hospital. Le Touquet, 28 Sept. following, from wounds received in action on the Somme on the 25th. Buried at Etaples. Capt. Newton was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette. 15 June. 1916) by General (now F.M.) Sir Douglas Haig. for gallant and distinguistud service in tlie field. He »;. at Cambridge, 9 Nov. 1914, Dorothy Helen (Hersehel House. Cambridge), only dau. of the Rev. John Bas- combe Lock, of Cains College, Cambridge, and had a dau., Kathleen Margaret b. 8 liee. 1915. NICHOLLS, DOUGLAS WILLIAM ARTHUR, M.C.. Capt.. 7th (Service) Battn. The KutFolk Regt., 4th s. of the Rev. Francis Hamilton Nicholls. Clerk in Holy Orders, of St. Mary Quay. Iixswich ; b. W'estleton, co. Suffolk ; educ. Ipswich Sehool. and Balliol College, Oxford, where he was a Graduate and Exhibi- tioner in 1914 ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut . 7 Dec. 1914; was i »romoted Lieut., and Capt. Jan. 1917: served with the Kxpeditionary Force in France and Flanders from Nov. 1915 ; was wounded at the Battle of the Somme, near Ovilliers, :j July. 1916 ; on his recovery rejoined his reiziment.'and was killed in action between Tillov and Monchv, south-east of Arras. 10 April." 1917. Buried there. His Commanding Otlirer wrote : " He was killed at the head of his company just as the position Wiis taken. His death was instantaneous. Your son showed the greatest coolness, courage and initiative tliroughont the action. His loss is a great one to the battalion and Army. I had onlv known your son for a little over three weeks, but it was long enough to discover that he was a splendid fellow in every way. He was very popular with officers and men, who, with me, deeply sympathize with you in your great loss. On the evenina of the 9th inst. Ids devotion to duty, pluck and self-sacriflce helped very considerably his com- Douglas W. A. Nicholls. 206 The Roll of Honour NICHOLS, CHARLES, ]y.my to hold :i position wlili-h Wiis iiiidiT liciivy iMilllaili' tin'. It will pleasi' you' to know that vour son attrndiil Holy CoiuirnnLion on i:iistot hi' had so gallantly foiiuht for. .-^ wood™ cross was placi-d at tlic head of the L'ravc.on which Wils written his name, ri'Slmont and date. Uarhed wire has been put up round the ■irave." and another officer : " As you know, he was my .Xdjutaiit in the otfensive last sunuuer, when 1 wa.s temporarily in comiuaufi of the battalion, and on :i July he was a ntuKuitleent example to everyone, ami thorom:hl\- deserved his .Military Cross. He is a great loss to the battalion, as officers lU liis stamp are iuvalnable in these days. Although I w:us not in action witli him when he was killed. I have seen his" grave, which is enclosed in a wire fence, and itas a cross with his name on it." His Chaplain also wrote : " I need not tell you in what high mteenl your son was held by all ; and again on tb.' '.lib be not only proved himself a splendid soldier, but also inspired all with whiun be came in contact with his cool courage. His death cauu' as a great shock to us all, luit tlie exam|ih- of his brave young life will remain an inspiration to the baltaliou for the hard days yet in store. I am sure there art' very many in the battalion wlu) woulil like to write to express their svmpathy, and would liki' yiui to see in tliis little note some slight expression of tb.-ir wish. Sorrow is too long to be touched ver\- deeply by human s\nipatliy. yet I a.edit iouary F'orce in F'ranee and Flamlers from Fell. 1915; was wounded and gassed during the Second Battle of Y'pres at the end of .\iiril, being invalided home, and on recovery was appointed l'eni(). Lieut. - Col. 4 Sept. 1917, and gi\en the eommjind of a brigade. R.F.A., which be took to tlie front in Aug. 1915; took part in the Battle of the Somme in .Inly, 1916, after which he returned to the vpres salient, taking part in the Battle of Messines Ridge, and was killed in action near Ypres 4 Sept. 1917. by a Iximb dropped from an enein,v aeroplane. Buried at Locre. A General wrote : " He- was beloved by all, csiwcially by those whom he commanded, lluriiig tlic jiast three months he had had a very dilHeiilt and trying time in continual di-eomfort and constant danger, yet I never liearii liim grumble, and rarely saw him without a smile. I wish there were more like him. The Royal ,\rti!lery has lost a gallant officer and a good comrade." He m. at Northaw^ co. Hertford, 4 Sept. 1900, Nora Armitage ((Jiiarrenden. West Mailing, co. Kent), and Iiad two sons ; John Gerald, b. 17 .Ian. 19116. and l-;dward Adams, b. 2 .May, 1908. NICHOLSO.N, WILLIAM, Private, No. 2868, 49th Battn., 13th Infantry Brigade. .Australian Imperial Force, t,\ of Roderick Nicholson, of 21, Racrinish Loehs. Stornaway, Scotland, by his wife, .\nuie JIackinnon ; and lirother to Private Donald Nicholson il-v.); b. Lewis. Scotland, 5 July, 1803 ; educ. Public School. Lewis ; was for two years at work in Roehampton, and both he and his brother, also killed in action,' were sadly missed both by their parents and by all who knew them; enlisted in the Royal Naval Division at Stornaway; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders ; wounded in action by a gunshot wound in the left hip, and died at No. 49 Casualty Clearing Station, France, the next day, 4 Sept. 1916 ; imm. NICKELLS, G., Private, No. 11223, 2nd Battn. The King's Royal Biflc Corps ; served with file Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 23 Oct. 1914. NICKOLDS, H. W. E., Private, No. 9968. 2nd Battn. The Essex Begt. ; served with the Expeditionary F'orce in France; killed in action 28 Aug. 1914. NICKOLLS, BEN STANLEY, Private, No. 9963. 13tll (Service) Battn. Tlie Duke of Cambridge's Own (.Middlesex llegt.), 2nd ->;. of lieniamin Foster NickoHs. of 2, Dorset Road. South Tottenham, N., Slembcr uf the City Police, by his wife, Margaret, dan. of Richard Rolfe ; b. City Road. London, 1-',.C.. 12 Se]it. 1896; edne. Shoreditch and liowii Hills Higher Grade Schools; was a Weighing Clerk; enlisted 5 Aug. 1914, the day after war was declared ; served with the l-:xpedit iouary Force in France and F'landers from Sejit. 1915 ; was wounded at Mametz Wood ill Aug. 1916, and was killed in action at .Messincs 10 Jmic, 1917 ; unm. NICOL, ROBERT, Gunner, No. 303, Royal Garrison .Artillery, eldest s. of the late Alex- ander Nicol, Warehouseman, of Davidson & Co.. by his wife, Elizabeth, dan. of James .\danis'; 6. Aberdeen, 2 May, 1894 ; educ. there ; was a House Decorator ; enlisted 14 Nov. 1914 ; served with the Expeditionary F'orce in France and Flanders from 10 June, 1916, and was killed in action at Pozii-Tes. during the Battle of the Somme. 10 Dec. following. Buried there. He m. at .Aberdeen, Elizabeth, dau. of William Downie. and had a son, Robert, b. 26 Jan. 1915. NISBET, A., Private, No. 6472. 1st Battn. The Cameron Higlilanders ; served with tlie Expeditionary F'orce in France ; killed in action 14 Sept. 1914. Ben Stanley Nickolls. NISBET, WILLIAM THOM, William Thom Nisbet. Gunner, No. 120684, 275th Siege Battery, R.G..-V., 2nd s. of James Nisbet, of Drumclog, Milngavie, Farmer, by his wife, Jane, dau. ot William Thom; b. Milngavie, co. Dumbarton, 14 Dec. 1883; educ. Public School there; was Manager with Mr. Warnock, Butcher, of Butherglen; enlisted 18 Sept. 1916; served witli llie Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 22 March, and was killed in action at Dicketinsdi, near Vpres, 22 Aug. 1917. Buried in the Huts Military Cemetery there. His Major wrote : " Vour liusband was hit by splinters from a shell, which ejcploded near by, whilst at work, jireparing the men's dinner," and his wounds were of such a nature that he expired soon after from the effects of them. ... He was a general favourite with all who knew him in his battery, and they have erected a cross to the memory of their lost comrade." He m. at Glasgow, 21 .April, 1914, Marion Spark (38, Catlicart Boad, Ituthergleii), dau. of Thomas Kobertson, and had a son, James, b. 6 Jan. 1916. NOBES, C, Private, No. 16301, 2nd Battn. The Grenadier Guards ; served with the Exiiedit iouary Force in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 1914. The Roll of Honour 20'; NOBLE, CHARLES THOMAS, Private. 1st Battn. (50tli Foot) The Queen's 0\vi\ (Roval West Kent Rejit.). ^. of Private Charh's Noble, now (1918) servinK in France with the 1st Battn. The Roval West Kent Regt.. by Ins wife, Alice, dan. of William Evans; b. Deptford. London. S.E., 22 Aug. 1890; educ. St. John's Scliool there ; enlisted in 1906 ; served seven years in India, also with the Expeditionarv Force in France and Flanders, and died 26 July. 1916, from wounds received in action at High Wood on tlie 23rd. Buried at Guillemont ; "till). NORMAN, GEORGE PHILLIP, Privat<'. 1st Battn. (49th Foot) Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Rovai Berkshire Regt.), s. of Frederick Norman. Pensioner of the Metropolitan Polite, by his wife. Emily, dau. of Philip Kenchatt : b. Kentish Town. London, N.W., 4 Jime. 1894; educ. Fleet Road Board School. Hanipstead. N.W. ; was employed as a Porter with Mfssr^. Maple A Co.. Totten- ham Court Road : enlisted 4 Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders; was twice wounded, and was killed in action 27 July, 1916 ; unm. NORMAN, J., Sergt., No. 8471, 2nd Battn. Tiie Welsh Regt.; served with the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 14 Sei)t. 1914. NORMANSELL, JOHN, Capt.. i:ith (Service) Battn. The York and Lancaster Kegt., -s-. of Josi'pli Normansell. of 7. Cavendish Road. Barnsley, Glass Bottle Manufaetnn-r's Ri'i»ri-srntative. bv his wife, S. J., dau. of thrlatr l-Mwurd Hall, of Barnsley, IronfouTidiT ; h. liarnsli-y. CO. York, 9 Nov. 1889 ; educ. th'- (iraunuar School there ; sub- sequently entered the Engineering Works of Messrs. Qualter Hall tt Co. ; won a Mining Scholarship at Sheffield, and became a student at the Old Silkstone Collieries, Dodworth ; on the outbreak of war was preparing for his linal irrtifirate as Colliery Manager: obtained a rnMinu--inu as 2nd Lieut, in the York and Lancaster Regt. in Sept. 1914 ; w;is promoted Lieut. March, 1915. and Capt. the following Aug. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in Egypt, also in France and Flanders from 1 Jan. 1916 ; was wounded at Neuve Chapelle in Jufy, and invalided home ; rejoined his regiment on recovery; was again wounded \\ March. 1017, while advancing a post at I'uisseux-le-Mont, and died the following day after leaving the advanced dressing- station at Beaumont Hamcl. Buried in Beaucourt Military Cemetery. His Colonel wrote ; ■' It has been a great blow to everybodv. Your son was a brave and gallant officer, liked by all ranks, and in losing him the battalion has ind«-'d sustained a loss. Under all conditions, he was an example of what a galhuit officer should be. He was carried to Beau- mont Hamel, and died in the advanced dressing station there. His end, poor boy. was very peaceful." Viun. NORRIS, F. C, Private. No. 7912, The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry; served v.ith the Expeditionary Force in France; killed in action 9 Sept. 1914. NORRIS, FREDERICK CHARLES, Private, No. 3399. 2/4th (Territorial) Battn. Tlie C^hm-u's Own (Royal West Kent Regt.), only s. of Charles Norris, of 5. Windmill Stn-ft. Tunbridge Wells, Gardener, by his wife, Harriet, dau. of Alfred M.-rcer ; b. Tunbridge Wells, co. Kent, 13 Aug. 1890 : educ. St. Peter's Elementarv School there ; was a Grocer's A.ssistant ; joined the West Kent Kegt. in Sept. 1914, after the outbreak of war ; served with the Egyptian Expedi- tionarv Force in Palestine from 2 July, 1916, and was killed in action at tin- gates of Gaza 19 April, 1917. His Captain wrote : " He was doing liis duty splmdidly at the time. He is a great loss to my company and thi' l.attatiou. and hi- d.ath is felt greatly by his many friends, as he was loved and respected by everyone who knew him." Cum. John Nornianbell. NORTON, ERIC, Jnd Lieut.. Eric Norton. 3/5th, attd. l/4tli, Battn. The Suffolk Regt. (T.F.), 3rd s. of Walter Norton, of 71. Guild- hall Street, Bury St. Edmunds, by his wife, .\unie. dau. of George Tompson ; b. Bury St. i:ilinuuds, CO. Suffolk, 21 Nov. 1893: educ. I'rivatr School, and subsequently entered the -I r\ irr of the Cai)ital tt Counties Bank, lii inu employed for a time at the Satfron Waldrn branch, and then at the Southamjrton bramh ; joined the Queen's Oxford Hu-^sars Irrritorials in June. 1915; obtained a coni- iriis>inn in the 5th Battn. The Suffolk Regt. 17 Oct. following, being afterwards attached lo the 4th Battn.; served with the Expedi- tionarv Force in France and Flanders, and was killed "in action at High Wood 18 Aug. 1916. The Colonel Commanding l,'4th Sulfolks wrt)te : " I am extremely sorry to lose liim. as he was promising to be a most useful officer. It is but little consolation to you that I can add that most of his company reached the treiu-Ii. and that they afterwards retired was due to the fact that none of the officers with his company reached the trench witli them." and Lieut. C. Hudson : " I would like to express my admiration of the bravery and devotion to duty of your son, Lieut. E. Norton, who was killed whilst leading his men to the attack on a German trench. He nobly gave his life for his loved ones and for his country." Cum. NORTON, H. W., Private, No. 4941. 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays); ser\'ed with the Expeditionarv Force in France ; died of wounds received in action 1 Sept. 1914. NORTON. HENRY HALL, M.A., Private. No. 50082, R.A.M.C.. elder «. of Rowland Giorge Norton. Surveyor of Customs and Excise, Portobello, Edin- burgh, by his wifL\ Alice Amelia, dau. of Hi-nry Hall, of Charibury ; b. Charlbury, CO. Oxford. 12 Sept. 1888 ; cdtu-. Model Seluiol, Londonderry ; George Heriot's .School. Edinburgh, and Edinburgh I'uiv.rsity. where he graduated with First Clas-^ Honnnrs in History, and wa-- I'n-^iti'-nt nf tlic iMononiir. Philomathic and Fabian Siicirties ; was a nieuibiT of rhi- Edinburgh Mis. of William Nunnerley, of Kenwirk, Elles- mere, CO. Salop, by his wife. Sarah Anne, dau. of the lat* Thomas Topham, J, P. ; b. Kenwick, Ellesmere, 13 Nov. 1898 : educ. Ruthin Grammar School, and Rossall ; gazetted 2nd Lieut. R.F.C. 20 April. 1917; obtained his wings 4 Aug. ; served with the Exiieditionary Force in France from 1 Sept., and was killed in aerial combat while carrying out artillery registration, near Arras, 5 Dec. 1917. Buried in Duisans British Military Cemetery ; num. NUTT, ARTHUR, Private, No. 15344. 1st Battn. (7tli Foot) The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.). yst. s. of Sanniel Nutt, of Hillingdon, co.'Middlesex, by liis wife, Charlotte Ann, dau. of William Nutt ; b. Denham, co. Buckingham, 21 Sept. 1894 ; educ. Hillingdoti Heatli Boys' School ; was a Phunbcr by trade, and enlisted in Nov. 1912 ; went to France 10 Sept. 1914, and served at the front until 18 Dec. 1915 ; after seven davs* leave, returned on 24 Dec. : was wounded in action 8 Feb. 1916, and a second time on 13 July fnjlnwlng, when he died a few hours afterwards from the effects of a shell e\plosi<.n at H.-ruafay Wood. .Montauban. France. At the time of his dcatli he was attaehe.l to tlie l2th (Service) Battn. The Middlesex Regt. ; unm. OAKDEN, EDW.\RD RALPH, Capt., 10th (Service) Battn. The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbvshire Regt.), eldest 5. of the late Edward Oakden, of Beeston and Nottingham, by his wife. Alice, dan. of George Fairbanks, of Tresswell ; b. Nottingham. 1 June, 1893 ; educ. Nottingliam High school ; after leaving school becanu' a Law student , and joined t he Not t ingham University O.T.C. ; applied for a commission on tlie outbreak of war ; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 10th Battn. The Sherwood Foresters 12 Sept. 1914; promoted Lieut. 15 Dec. foliowing, and Cajit. July 1915 ; served with the Expeditionar\' Force in France and Flanders from the" 14th of that month; w;is wounded in Aug. and invalided home ; re- turned to France iu March, 1916. rejoining his own battalion ; took part in the advance on the Somme I July, and was dangerously wounded at Fricourt on the 3rd, liis life being saved by the devotion of one of his men (Corpl. Robinson), who carried him under great difficulties to a dressing station ; he reeo\tTed from the wound but completely lost his sight ; afterwards joined the blinih'd otfieers at St. Duustan's ; dii-d very suddenly 22 March, 1917. from meningitis due to the wound he had received nine months previously. A brotln-r officer wrote : " He led his men uiaiinitieeutiy," and one who knew Capt. Oakden well : " He was a truly gallant and great-hearted gentleman." Cnm. OAKES, SAMUEL, 2ud Lieut.. Z Specia Coy., Royal Engineers, s. of Frank William Oakes, of Enville. Gilberthorpe Street. Rother- ham. Foreman in Steel Works, by liis wife iLtry. dau. of William Dabil! ; b. Templebo rough, near Sheffield, CO. York. 18 Nov. 1895 ; educ. Wellgate Council School, where he won a minor scholarship ; Rotherliam Grannnar School, where he passed his Cambridge ex- amination with honours, and the Sheffield Vniversity, where, in July, 1914, lie obtained his Intermediate' to the B.Sc degree, and was a member of the O.T.C. ; enlisted in tiie York and Lanciister Regt. 7 Sept. 1914; was sent to ICgyi»t in Dec. 1915 ; obtained a conmiission as 2nd Lieut, in the East Yorkshire Regt.. iu Oct. 1916, and afterwards transferred to the Royal Engineers. He served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from March, 1916. and was killed in action at Samuel Oakes. Builecourt 6 May, 1917. Buried there. A Willson K. Nunnerley. Edward Ralph Oakden. 208 The Roll of Honour OATLEY, PHILIP. Private O'BRIEN, CHARLES, ('(>> Charles O'Brien. brother otficor wrotr : " It h my painful duty to iuform you tliiit your son. 2ni Lieut. S. Oiikes. was killed in action Iay lis all. His behaviour an(i bearing, botli in and out ot' battle, were alike exemplary. But at times like the jiresent words are of little avail, i will merely ask you to accept the ln-artlelt svmpathv of nvyself. my ollieers and of the whole of the company." and another : "' He was killed in action in tl\e midst of his own men. and nearly 50 of his brave fellows were killed. We l)urie Sept. 101-t. killed during the operations at .\ntwer|i in 1014. Sergt.-Major. Xo. 1417, 2iui liattn. (T.'^th Foot) 'J'he iJordon Highlanders, s. of .lohn O'Brien, ol rppi-rmill. .Asloun. A I ford, ,\berdeen. by his wife, cliristiiia. dan. of (It'orge McKav ; Ik West IS.iinakellie. 2(1 April, 189G : ediic. Calluwhil! IMiblie School. Alford ; enlisted in .hnn', l'.U4 : served with the Exjieditionary lone in France and Flanders from Nov. lOl.'i. and was killed at Y'pres. on the Menin Koad. .'i t)et. 11)17. His Chaplain wrote: " He was with the liattalion in the recent suceessfid advance. All objectives had bet-n tak"-n, and the positions consolidated, Imt the enemy continued to shell heavily. A big shell came right through, "killing all the officers. Your son i>rovcd himself a good soldier, and his L'oinir is a severe loss to the company and bat- talion. " Vnm. O'BRIEN, J. J., Private. No. 439. 1st Battn. The Manchester Kegt. ; served with the Expeditionary Force in France ; died at Itoyal Victoria Hospital, Netley. from woimds received in action in 11U4. O'CONNELL. Wm Corpl.. No. 4321, 3rd Hussars: s.-rvrd with the Expedi- tionary Forer in France ; killed in action 17 Sept. 1914. O'CONNOR, J., Private. No. 105.58, 2nd Battn. The Connaught Rangers ; served witli the I'Apeditiouary Force in France; killed in action 7 Nov. 1014. O'CONNOR, T., tiunner. No. 50411. 114th Battery. R,F.A. ; served with the Expeditionary Foree in France ; killed in action 20 Sept. 191-4. ODELL. ROBERT ERIC, Lieut., 10th (Service), attd. 8th (Service), Battn. The Black Watch (Uoyal HighlandiTs). 2nd a\ of the Rev. Robert William Odell. M.A., Corpus Christi College. Cambridge, Vicar of St. Matthew's. Brighton, by his wife, Mary Margaret, dan. of the late James Bell Ewart. of Dundas. Canada; b. St. Lawrence Rectory. Ventnor. Isle of Wight. 1 Dec. 1894 ; educ. at Brighton College, and Christ's Colleg)', Camhridgi'. where he was ri'ading for tin- Natural Science Tripos, with a view to eiit'-ring the Indian Forest Service; enlisted in the University and Public Schools Battn. of the Roval FvLsiliers (Citv of London Regt.) 18 Sept.*1914; gazetted" 2nd Lieut. 4 Jan. 1915. nwi Lient. 17 July, 1916; served with the Lxp< ilitionary Force in France and Flanders: tnok part in various engagements, and died 20 l-)ec. 1910. of wounds received two days previously in the trenches near Arrits. Buried in the Military Cemetery, Habarcq, near Arras. His Colonel wrote : '* He was one of the best of our young officers, and his death is a great loss to us, both as a soldier and a friend," and a brother officer : " I simply cannot express my sorrow at his death. Not only have I lost a friend, the