p'i|1-li:!-;'h:i ■'''.;' ;, .. E^ <^ __y/ y/ y^ ^■e ^ ' •» t^y^ y ^'C^'^-^y y^.t z^£ ^/yf/iyf i^/^'/^/e'j t^^ , _ ^ ^. y^^.^^ .^^ ^ J'^^r-^/f^dA/S: , 7^ 4 \ :/Vi'^-'.*.V « $: '_./' 7- J^f 'i' THE Hiftory and Antiquities OF THE EXCHEQUER O F 7^ H E KINGS OF ENGLAND, IN TWO PERIODS: TO WIT, From the N o r m a n Co n clu e s t, to the End of the Reign of K. John; AND From the End of the Reign of K. John, to the End of the Reign of K. Edward II. TAKEN FROM RECORDS. TOGETHER WITH A Corredl Copy of the Ancient Dialogue concerning the Exchequer, generally afcribed to Gervasius Tilburiensis. AND A Dissertation concerning the moll ancient Great Roll ot the Exchequer, commonly ftyled The Roll of Quinto Regis Stei'hani. BY THOMAS MADOX, ESQ:_ THE SECOND EDITION. With a Full and Compleat Index. • — ^_^— ^-^^^ VOLUME I. LONDON: printed for WILLIAM OWEN, AT HOMER'S HEAD, NEAR TEMPLE-BAR; AND BENJAMIN WHITE, AT HORACE'S HEA'D, IN FLEET-STRE ET. M.DCC.LXIX. THE Library M2 : h TABLE of CONTENTS TO THE FIRST VOLUME. A Dialed. Prefatory Epijlle concerning this Book, p. iii. with a large Di- grejfion touching the Romaniclc p. xvii. CHAP. I. Of the Court of the Kings of England, from the Norman Conqueji to the End cf the Reign of King John. I. 'The IntroduElion. Page i II. A View of the King's Court. p. 2 III. Of the Bufwefs or Aas of the King's Court : In the Reigns of KK. Wil- liam I, William II, Henry I, Stephen, Henry II, Richard I, and John, p. 6 IV. Of the Court of fome of the Ancient Francick Kings and Dukes of Nor- mandy, p. 25 CHAP. II. Of the Great Officers of the King's Court. I. IntroduSlion. p. 30 II. Of the Chief Jujliciers : In the Reigns of K. William I, K. William II, K. Henry I, K. Stephen, A'. Henry 11, K. Richard I, and K. John. p 31 III. Of the like Great Officer in Nor- mandy, Naples, ^«i Aragon. p. 37 IV. Of the Confiahle. P- 39 V. Of the MarefchalL p. 43 4 VI. Of the Senefchall., Dapifer, and Ma- jor-domus. p. 48 VII. Of the like Great Officer in fome foreign Countries. P- 53 VIII. Of the Chamberlain. P* 55 IX. Of the Chancellor and Vice- Chan- cellor, p. 60 X. Of the Treafurer. P* 7^ CHAP. III. Of the Judicature of the King's Court. I. Of the principal Acceptations of the phrafe Curia Regis. p. 8r II. Of the Sovereign Court of Ordinary Judicature called Curia Regis, and of the Curia Regis ad Scaccarium. ibid. III. Of the ancient State of the Great Judicature called Curia Regis, p. 84 IV. Of the Original of that Judicature. p. 92 V. Of the Perfons ivho fat and ailed therein. P- 93 VI. Of the Pleas ufually pleaded and judged there. P- 95 VII. Of other Bufmefs tranfa5led there. p. 112 VIII. Of the Privilege, not to be impleadei except in Curia Regis. p. 1 16 IX. Of the like Privilege in Normandy. p. 121 X. Of the Inflitution cf Iters. ibid- XI. Juflicis Itinerant in Normandy, p. 150 XII. Of the Iter Regis. ibid. CHAP, 1120 174 The Table of Contents. c II A P. IV. Of the Exchequer of the Kings of Eng- land, /rw« the Normnii Conqnejl to the End (f the Reign of K. John. I. Of its Rehticn to the King's Court. , P- ' 54- II. Of the Prince's "Treafioy in foreign Countries. P- ^57 III. Of the JFcrd Sczccm\.ym. p. i6o IV. Of the Exchequer of Normandy. p. 162 V. Of the Lifiitution cr Origind of the Exchequer in 'E.x\<^\zrn\. p. 177 VI. 0/ //'£ Duo Scaccaria. p. 189 VII. Of fame Subordinate Exchequers. p. 190 VIII. That the Kin^, when he pleafed, fct and ctkd in Perfon at the Exche- quer. P- 191 IX. Where the Exchequer was holden. p. 192 X. 'That the King's Chancery was kept in his Court and in his Exchequer, p. 19.4 CHAP. V. Of the Perfons who fat in the Exchequer during this firfl Period. I. Explication of the Terms here ufed. p. 197 II. Of the Chief Juflicier. p. 200 HI. Of him and the other Barons, p. 20:? IV. Of the King's Chancellor. p. 206 V. Of the Treafurer. p. 20.7 III. Of Buf,nefs of divers Kinds. IV. Of Affairs of Policy. CHAP. VII. p. 214 p. 219 CHAP. VI. Of the Exchequer of the Jews. I. Of the Revemte of ]udiiL\im. p. 221 II. Of the Exchequer of the Jews. p. 2 3 x III. Of the Juftices of the Jews -, their Appointment to their Off.ce ; their Pri- vilege, and Jurifdioiion. p. 233 IV. Of the Jcwilh Charailers and Starrs. P- 237 V. Of the Chirographers and Cofferers of the Judaifm. p. 238 VI. Certain Laws or Jfftzes of the Ju- daifm. p. 244 VII. That the Revenue of Judaifm, and the Exchequer of the Jews, were under the DireHion and Contrail of the Trea- furer and Barons. p. 249 VIII. The Conclufton, P- 255 CHAP. VIII. Of the Receipt of Exchequer. I. Of Payments in Thefauro. p. 262: II. Of Payments in Camera CurijE. ib. III. 0//^f Scaccariun' RecepLse. p. 266 IV. Of Payments in the Wardrobe, ths Tower of London, and the New Temple. p. 267 CHAP. IX. Of the Crown Revenue. Of the Bujinefs of the "Exchequer, during I. Of the Species wherein the ancient- the faid firjl Period. Crown Revenue was ufually paid. p. 272 I. or Revenue. p. 208 II. Of the Payment ad Penfum, Blank II. Of Caufes or Common Pleas, p. 209 andbyT'i\t. P- 274 111. Of The Table of Contents. III. Of the Cctnhujlion, Examen, and Ajfay. p. 2S1 CHAP. X. Of fame 'Rotable Parts or Branches of the Crown-Revenvie. I. Of the "Dcmeanes of the Crown, p. 295 II. Of Efcheats. p. 296 III. Of vacant BifJiopricks and Monofie- ries. p. 302 IV. Of the Feudal and other Profits arjfng out ef the King's Daneanes and Efcher.ts \ viz. lieiiefs, Wardfldps, Marricges p. 3 1 5 V. Of the Yearly Ferms of Counties, and of 'Tozvns or Burghs and Gilds, p. 3 ^ 6 VI. Of Fines and Amerciiunents. p. 342. VII. Of Aids, Scut ages. Tallages ana Ctifiomes. ibid. VIII. Of the Cafud Revenue. ibid. IX. Of the Alms ufually charged on the Revenue. p. 348 X. O//^^ Aurum Regin.'e. P- 350 XI. Of the Levying and Receiving of the King's Revenue. p. 253 XII. Of the Manner of Paying cut or Ifjuing it. Of Dijl'urfements by Fermers and Accomptants. p. 362 XIII. Of Imprejl, Affigmnent, Privy Seal, md Liberate. P- 3^7 II. Of Fines for Writs., Pleas, Tryah, and Judgment. P- 429 III. Of Fines for Expedition of Pleas, Tryals, and Judgment. P- 447 IV. Of Fines for Delay thereof, p. 448 V. Of Fines payable out of the Debts to be recovered. p. 45 1 VI. An Expofttion of a Claufe in IVIagna Charta. p. 455 CHAP. XIII. Of Fines of divers Sorts. I. Of F.nes relating to Offices. p. 456 II. Of Fines made by Tencnts in Capite for Licence to marry, i^c. p. 463 III. Of Fines for Leave to trade, p. 467 IV. Of Mifcellaneous Fines for Licences. p. 470 V. Of Fines for the King's Favour, p. 47: VI. For bis ProteHion and Aid. VII. For his Mediation. p VIII. For Seifm. p IX. For Replevin or Bail. p, X. For Acquittal. p, XI. Fines of divers Kinds. p, XII. Counterfines and concurrent Fines. p. 511 XIII. Of the Way of Fining ufed in Nor- 476 479 481 49? 496 500 mandy. ;is CHAP. XI. Of Fines and Amerciaments. CHAP. XIV. Of Amerciaments. I. II. Of Fines for Liberties. p. ^(^c^ I. Of the Difference bet-iveen a Miieri- coxA'xz and an Amercement, p. 527 •CHAP. XII. Of Fines touching Law-Proceedings. I. Of Fines to have Juflice and Right. 5 P- 425 II. Of the Amercements of Barons, p. 528 III. Of Freedom from Amerceraents ; viz. By Prerogative, By Charter, By Pri- vilege, p. 539 IV. Of Amercements granted to Lords of Seigneuries. p. 540 V. Of The Table of Contents. ■V. Of the Amercements jet in general Term;, De Mifericordia, ^ De Mi- fericordia Regis proForefta. p. 541 VI. Of particular Amercements; viz. For or by Reafon of Murders or Manjlaught- ers. .p. 543 VII. For Trefpajfes or Mifdcmeaners. p. 544 P- 549 ibid. VIII. For Diffeiftnes. IX. For Recreancy. X. Fcr Breach of AJfize. p. ^52 XI. Fcr Defaults. ibid. XII. For Non-appearance, & quia non habuit quern plegiavit. p. 554 XIII. For Fafe Judgments. p. ^s:,^ XIV. For not making Purfuit. p. 536 XV. Of Mifcellaneous Amercements', viz. for Trefpaffes of divers Kinds. ^- S57 CHAP. XV. Of the Revenue arifing by Aids. J. Of the three Notable Aids, viz. Aid to make hts eldefl Son a Knight, to marry Lis eldeji Daughter, and to ran- fom his Perfon. p. 569 II. Of the Aid to tnarry K. Henry the Second'' s Daughter, raifed upon Baronies and Kiights Fees. P- 57' III. Of the Aid for that Marriage raifed out of the Demeanes and Towns, p. 585 IV. Of the Aid raifed for the Ranfcnn of K. Richard I. as well by Scutage upon Baronies and Knights Fees, as other- wife, p. 590 V. Of the Aid to marry K. Plenry the Third's Sifter. p. 593 VI. Of the Aid to marry K. Henry the Third's eldeft Daughter. ibid. VII. Of the Aid to make K. Henry the Third's eldeft Son a Knight. p. 596 VIII. Of the Aid to marry K. Edward the Firft's eldeft Daughter. p. 598 IX. Aid pur faire Fitz-Chivaler, or pur Fille marier, was not chargeable on hands holden in Frankalmcigne or So- cage, p. 599 X. Of Aids of feveral Kinds. p. 600 XI. Of Fines for Aid. p . 6 1 2 XII. Of Aids to private Lords: viz. Aid to knight his eldeft Son, to marry his eldeft Daughter, to ranfom his Per^ fon, to pay his Fine made tvith the Kingy and his other Debts. p. 614 CHAP. XVI. Of the Revenue arifing by Scutage or Elcuage. I, II. Efcuage Money arofe out of Fees holden of the King in Capite. p. 619, 641 III. Some Serjeanties paid it. p. 650 IV. It was in lieu of perfonal or actual Service in the King's army. p. 652 V. If Barons or Knights holding in Ca- pite did not do perfonal Service, they fent Knights in their ftead, or made Fine Ne transfretent, i^c. according to the Shiantity of their Fees. p. 653 VI. And then they were acquitted of their Efcuage for fuch Fees. Of the Writs of Acquittal ufual in fuch Cafe. p. 663 VII. Efcuage was not chargeable on Lands holden either in Frankalmoigne or So- cage, p. 670 VIII. The King's Tenants in Capite by K:ights Service had Efcuage of their Tenants by Knights Service of the Fees for which they paid Efcuage to the King. P- ^75 IX. How that Efcuage was colleSled. p. (i7<) CHAP. XVII. Of the Revenue arifing by Tallage. I. Of Danegeld. p. 6^^~ II. Of The Table of Contents, II. Offalhge under the Name of Donum t? Affifa. p. 694 III . Of the Tallage of the King's Demeanes, Efcheats, and IVardfJiips . p. 700 IV. By whom Tallage was zvont to be affeffed and colle£led. P- 732 V. Of Tallage per Capita t? in Com- muni. p. y^6 VI. Of Fines for Tallage. p. 743 VII. Of Exemption from Tallage, p. 744 VIII. Of Tallage rendred to an inferior Lord. p. 751 IX. Of Tallage in Normandy, p. 763 CHAP. XVIII. Of the Revenue arifmg by Cu domes. I. Of the Term Cuftome. p. 764 II. Of Prize. -p. 765 III. Of the Difme and ^inzime of Mer- chants Avalage^ &c. P- 771 IV. Of the Chamberlainfjip of London, Tronage, &c. p. 775 V. Of Cuflomes and Duties in general. p. 781 CHAP. XIX. Of the Divifion of the King's Courts.- I. Of the Ereiiion of the Bznk, or Com- mon Bench. V- 7^7 II. Of the Tim^ and Manner of its Erec- tion, p. 788 Explanation Explanation of Breviatures ufed in this Book. DgRADNA&CA. Pat. or Rot. Pat. Dei gratia Rex Anglic Dux Nor- . Rotulus Patentium, the Patent-RoU. manniae Aquitanis &: Comes An- degavias. p. T .IT cc Rotulus Claufarum, the Clofe-Rdl. In c r t h L n f r p. ' •' In cuius rei teftimonium has Literas noilras fieri fecimus patentes. Rot. Fin. Rot. Oblat. Rotulus Finium, Rotulus Oblato- r n. rum, the Fine-Roll, and the Oblata- regni noftri. Roll. Lib. Rotulus Liberatarum, the Liberate- Roll. di & fi. diledo & fideli. r c. reddit compotum. ' Chart. Antiq. In th 1, Et Q^e. ChartfeAntiqu^e, the Rolls (^/Chartje In thefauro liberavit, Et Quietus eft. Antique in the T'oiver of London. N P & N C. Nova Placita & Novze Conventiones. Rot. Plac. Rotulus Piacitorum, the Plea-Roll. B e in f M. Breve eft in forulo Marefcalli. & m fimilibus. Mag. Rot. Magnus Rotulus, The Great Roll of Whenever the Memoranda (or Com- the Exchequer, commonly called the »jk«m, &c.) of the Exchequer are cited Pipe-Roll. in this Hiftory, the Memoranda on the Treafurer's Remembrancer's Side are Chart, cr Rot. Chart. meant; unleis itis faid, yWf»;(jr. tfx/i2ri;? Rotulus Chartarum, the Charter- Remem. Reginte. Roll. TO THE (QUEENS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. Mojl Dread Soveraigne, YOU are gracioufly pleafed to permit Your obe- dient Subjeds to come into Your Royal Prefence, to give Your Majesty Affurances of their Af- fedlion and Duty. Amongft others who enjoy the Ho- nour and Benefit of that Indulgence, I now humbly make my Obeifance to Your moft Serene Majesty. I come with a Heart full of Duty and Loyalty, to lay at Your facred Feet the Hiftory of the Exchequer of Your Royal Progenitours Kings of England : a Hiftory difplaying in fome Meafure the Splendour of that Imperial Crown, which from the renowned Saxon and Normannick Race rightfully defcendeth to Your Majesty, and is placed by Divine Providence upon Your illuftrious Head. It is Your Majesty's Felicity, that You are fprung from ancient Kings ; and efpecially, that You inherit, a by DEDICATION. by the peculiar Favour of Heaven, their Royal Virtues. They, in their refpedive Times, in the Courfe of feveral Ages, were famous for their Wifdom and Magnanimity, their Munificence, Juftice, and Clemency. It was their Glory, to protect the Innocent, to relieve the OpprefTed, to vindicate Right, to fupport Religion and Virtue ; in a Word, to rule juftly. And thefe are the Royal Virtues, which fhine-forth in Yqur Majesty's Perfon and au- fpicious Government. By Meafures fo becoming a good Prince, Your Majesty is rendered truly Great, and Your People truly Happy. But the Influence of Your Royal Virtues reacheth even beyond thofe large and mighty Nations which are fubjed; to Your Majesty's Rule : it reacheth to foreign Princes and States ; to fome of which, Your Amity is no lefs beneficial, than Your Arms are terrible to others. May it pleafe Almighty God, to grant Your Majesty a long and happy Reign, with an Increafe of Profperity and Glory. This is tlie ardent Wifh and Prayer of, May it pleafe Your Majesty, Your Majesty's Moft loyal, 7iioJl obedienfi, and moji devoted SubjeSff Thomas Madox* TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE JOHN LORD SOMERS, BARON OF EVESHAM, PEER OF GREAT-BRITAIN. Mr LORD, IT is obferved, that the Science of Antiquities hath in this lad Age been cultivated in England with more Induftry and Succefs^ than in feveral Ages before. Of this, divers Caufes have been conjedturally afligned by curious Perfons in their private Converfations. Some have thought. Men have appUcd themfelves to this Sort of Study, becaufe they found, upon taking a View of the State of Learn- ing, or at leaft fancied, that moft other Subjeds were in a Manner exhaufted, whilft this had been extremely neglefted. Others fup- pofed it was, becaufe the Antiquaries, being led by a certain Curiofity or Ambition natural to Mankind, have been touched with a Defirc of knowing thofe Things of which the generality of Men are igno- rant. Others, that it might be owing to Accident, or that Turn and Viciffitude of Men's Humours and Difpofitions, which Time is wont to produce. For my Part, though I do not oppofe any of thefe Con- jedlures ; yet I think another probable Caufe may be affigned : and that is, the Encouragement which hath been given to thefe Studies, by feveral Perfons of eminent Learning, and of fuperiour Order in the Realm, in their refpedlive Times. It is, no Doubt, a great Ho- nour to the Science of Antiquities, to have on its Side fuch cele- brated Names as it can boalt of. Amongil: the Patrons it hath in a 2 th c iv Prefatory Epistle. the prefent Age, Your Lordfhip may juftly be placed in the upper Rank. But in Regard the other Bodies of learned Men in the Civil Community may affirm each for the themfelves, that You are a Mafter of their Science ; the Antiquaries muft be content to have fuch Share in Your Lordfliip, as is confiilent with the jufl: Claim of the learned of other Faculties. I know, my Lord, the Lovers of Anti- quities are commonly looked upon to be Men of a low unpolite Ge- nius, fit only for the rough and barbarick Part of Learning. But they are perfuaded, that fuch an Imputation cannot hurt them, whilft they have on their Side Perfons fo polite and accomplifhed, as (to omit others) Your Lordfhip is univerfally known to be. Although the Subjeft of the E?iglijlj Antiquities hath (as I faid be- fore) been pretty well cultivated of late Years ; it is flill capable of great Improvements. Considering therefore, that there are many Parts of it, which want a further Illuflration ; I have pitched upon One (that of the Exchequer) which I prefume is well worthy of the Pains I have beftowed on it. It deferved indeed a more fkilfuU Hand. But feeing Others better qualified would not engage in the Undertaking, I have. If I fhould fay, I was incited to it by the fervent Zeal I had for the publick Service (as Men commonly fpeak upon the like Occafions) I might expedl to be credited as much as others ufe to be, who fay the fame Thing. But though it is true, that I had a due Senfc of my Obligation to fe?ve the Publick, and a Defire to acquit my felf tolerably therein : Yet if, in the courfe of thofe Years which have been employed on this Subjed:, I had not been fometimes relieved by that Pleafure which ftudious Perfons are wont to meet with in their Difquifitions, I am not fure my Zeal for the Pub- lick Service would, fingly of itfelf, have carried me through fo tedious and toilfome a Work. It is fufficient therefore, if I had fuch a Zeal to ferve the Publick, as an honeft and induftrious Man ought to have. Your Lordfhip hath at prefent condefcended to bear the Perfon of the Reader. And I count my felf very fortunate, that it happens to be be fb. You being Mafter of that Candour, and thofe other Qua- lities which they that write Books defire to find their Readers poiTe^: of ; I am willing to hope, that other Readers will difpofe themfelves to be fuch as Your Lordfhip is : But if it fhould fall out otherwife, I fhall be the better guarded againfl the Exceptions of ungentle Per- fons, in- Cafe my Performance be able to endure the Cenfure of your exadt Judgment. But there are likewife fome other Things, which make oiy Addrefs to Your Lordfliip in this Cafe the more natural and. Prefatory Epistle. v and proper. It is not long fince You prelided in a Court, wherein Equity and Clemency are Afleflburs to Juftice (a). And in Virtue of the Office of the King's Chancellour, which You then held. You were in a Sort allied to the Exchequer. For Your ancient Predecef- fours in that Office ufed ordinarily to fit and adl with great Power at the Exchequer, amongft the King's Barons there ; as may be feen in feveral Places in thefe Volumes ((^). I may be permitted to add, that Your Lordffiip in Concurrence with the Right Hcnourable and Right Reverend the Peers and Bifhops, Lords Committees appointed by the Houfe of Peers in Parliament, to confider the Method of keeping Records in Offices, has laid a folid Obligation upon the Antiquaries. Your Lordlhips the Lords Committees have fliewn a vigilant and pru- dent Care of thofe venerable Remains of Antiquity the Records of this Nation. You have deliberated together, to find out proper Means for keeping them fafely, and for rendring them ufeful to the Publick. You have vifited perfonally feveral of the Repofitories wherein they are laid, and have obtained from her Majefty's Treafury divers large Sums of Money (which out of her Majerty's wonted Munificence were readily granted) for repairing and fitting up the Buildings, where the Records are laid, and for other Services. This, my Lord, is a publick Benefit to the Nation. Future Ages as well as the prefent will be obliged to Your Lordffiips for it. And the great Share Your Lordfhip hath had in this Affair, juftly engageth not only the Anti- quaries, but all other curious and inquifitive Perfons that are Lovers of Hiflory, to make particular Acknowledgments to Your Lordihip upon that Score: Which I now do, for my own- Part, with the mofl lively Sentiments of Refpetft. In the next Place, if Your Lordfhip pleafeth, I will proceed to give a fuccindt Account of fome Things (proper for the Publick to know) touching this Book. I fuppofe it will appear that this Work is altoge- ther new. The Hiflory of the Exchequer hath not been yet attempt- ed by any Man. Some Treatifes have indeed been written concerning the Exchequer, or fome Part of it, or fome Sort of Bufinefs tranfaft- ed there : which Treatifes may be good and ufeful in their Kind : But they may rather pafs for general Lines or Sketches, than jufl Dif- courfes : And I think one may fay, without Offence or Difparage- ment to any Man, that they are infinitely below the Dignity of the Subjeft. It cannot therefore be faid, that I do aSiiim agere : the [a) a J*6 iTn'iK^s. )^ ivyvaixoiTuua. rrdft- [b) Cap. ^./eJ?. 4.. Vol. 2. Cap. 21. feSI. I. J'e9i Tivifbirirraf J'maiocrvjia.f. Fragm. Dio- Cap. 25. pajfim. Item Dial, di Scacc. L.I. Ugenis apud ylrljlot, in Polit. p. 610. cap. 5. Cancdlarius in. Path.. vi Prefatory Epistle. Path I take, being hitherto, in Effedl, untrodden For Example : I have purfued my Subjedt to thofe ancient Times, to which, I prefume, the original of the Exchequer in England may properly be afTigned. From thence I have drav/n-down an orderly Account of it through a long Courfe of Years. And having confulted as well the Books that feemed neceflary to be looked-into upon this Occafion, as alfo a very great Number of Records and Manufcripts, I have endeavoured all along to confirm what I offer, by proper Vouchers fetched from thence ; which Vouchers are fubjoined Column-wife in each Page, in a Me- thod eafy and obvious to the Reader's Eye, fave that in the 20th and the four following Chapters of this Hiflory, I was forced (to prevent exceflive Length) to take-out of my written Copy the Tenourof ma- ny Records cited, and in ftead thereof to fet-down barely the Term or Tear with the Number of the Roll. I have alfo made it my Choice to take my Memorials rather from Records and Manufcripts not hi- therto publiflied, than from printed Books ; that the Reader may be entertained with fomething new, which he had not before in his Study in printed Books, and with fomething (I hope) equally curious with what he had there of this Sort. Upon which Ground, I have taken as much Care as I well could, not to reprint Things that have been already printed in other Books. However, I have been the lels in Danger of reprinting at unawares, becaufe my Subjedl is in a Manner new and untouched. The Records which I here vouch, were taken by my own Pen from the authentick Membranes ; unlefs where it appeareth by my References to be otherwife ; and except haply in two or three Inftances, which it I§ not material to recoiled:. And in giving an Account of the ancient State of the Exchequer, I have for the mofl Part contrived (as far as the Subjeft-Matter would permit) to make Ufe of fuch Memorials, as ferve either to make known or to illuflrate the ancient Laws and Ufages of this Kingdom. For which Reafon, the prefent Work may be deemed, not only a Hiflory of the Exchequer, but likewife an Apparatus towards a Hiflory of the ancient Law of England. 'Tis true, thefe Volumes defcend from the Norman Conquefl, no lower than to the End of K. Edward the Second's Reign. They flop there, to avoid being too volu- minous. But if I do not continue the Deduction to the recent Ages ; it may be hoped that fome other Perfon will give it a finifliing Hand : The mofl diliicult andobfcure Part of tbeHiilory (as I fuppofe) being already fo far maflered, that the next Volume or Continuation will (if I projedl right) be both more eafy to compile and of a fmaller Size. It mufl be acknowledged, m.y Lord, that amidfl the great Variety of Things recounted in this Hiftory, there are feveral (incidentally J mentioned) f'REFATORY EpISTLE. vH mentioned) that appear to be very different from the Ufage not only of the modern but even of the next foregoing Ages. This is to be expelled from any ancient Hiftory. Some of thefe Things w^ere al- tered by exprefs fubfequent Lavi^s or Judicial Adls : Some became an- tiquated, or difufed in Courfe of Time j other new Ufages being in- troduced in their Stead. And yet, it was neceffary to mention them, whilft one is giving an Account of the refpedlive Times antecedent to fuch Alteration. He that writes the Hiftory of any Age, muft re- prefent things truly, as they were in the Age of which he writes. That is a Rule which a faithful Hiftorian cannot but obferve. Be- fides, it is likely to be moft beneficial and inftrudive to the Reader, to be apprized of the ancient State of Things as well as of the modern : That by comparing them together, and by enquiring into the Caufes of fuch Alteration as was afterwards fuperinduced, and the Manner' in which it was brought about, he may comprehend the Subjedt- Matter in its full Extent. In Truth, writing of Hiftory is in fome Sort a religious Ai5t. It imports Solemnity and Sacrednefs : and ought to be undertaken with Purity and Recftitude of Mind. Wilfully to^ mifreprefent, and to offer at putting Fallacies upon the Publick, is to violate common Faith and the decent Refpedl that is due to Mankind :- In Sum, it is the Part of a Man alienated from Virtue and Honefly. As for me, I fhall only fay, that I have ufed all the Care I could to avoid falling juftly under that Imputation. I will now humbly acquaint Your Lordfliip, in what Method I be- gan and proceeded in compiling this Work. Which I chufe to make- known ; becaufe it will tend to fhew,, that I defigned to adl therein with Candour. The firft Part of my Bufinefs was, to make as full a- Colledfion from Records as I could, of Materials relating to the Sub- jed:. Thofe Materials being ranged in a certain Order in feveral Books of CoUeBanea, I reviewed them, and weighing what they im- ported, and how they might be applied, drew from thence a general Scheme of the projedied Defign. When Ihad pitched upon Chapters or Heads of Difcourfe, I took Materials out of the Stock provided,, and digefted them in proper Places under the Chapters or Heads af- fumed. In doing this, I ufed for the moft Part to write down, in the Draught of this Book, the refpedive Records or Teftimonies firft of all (that is, before I wrote my own Text or Compofition) ; and from' them formed my Hiftory or Account of Things ; connedling and ap- plying them afterwards, as the Cafe would admit. For I thought I Should by that Means be held more fteadily to the Rule I defired to Qbferve, which was, to give fuch an Account of Things as might be clicitedi viii Prefatory Epistle. elicited and drawn out of the Memorials cited from Time to Time ; and not to cite Memorials and Vouchers for eftabliihing of any private Opinions preconceived in my own Mind. As to the firfl Part of my Bufinefs, the colledting of Materials, that, one may guefs, was labo- rious enough. The Labour, befides the Expence, of reforting often and often to Repofitories of Records in diftant Places, of enoteing and copying Materials from thence, and of perufing a vaft Number of Things, for a few comparatively that one a6tually colledls : I fay, the Labour of this cannot eafily be eftimated by any Man who has not had fome Experience of it. Infomuch that I have often been put in Mind of what Sir H. Spelman fays upon the like Occafion, Grave eft omnia ab archivis rhnari, & incertiim eji quodnon inde petit ur [cj. How- ever I was the better fupported under this Labour, by the Encourage- ment I had from feveral Perfons of Honour and Worth whofe Favour and Civility made my Accefs to Records and Manufcripts as eafy to me as the Nature of the Thing would permit. I am extremely obliged upon that Account, to the Right Reverend Thomas Lord Bifliop of Rochejier Dean oi Wejhninjlej-, to the Reverend the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, to Dr. G7-eme Mafter of Corpus Chrijii College in Cambridge, to Peter le Neve, Efq; Norroy King at Arms, a Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer; and efpecially to the Right Honou- rable William Lord Vifcount Cheyne late Mafter of the Pipe-Office -, to " Sir John Cooke Knight, Dr. of Laws, Dean of the Arches, prefent Mafter of the Pipe-Office ; and to Richard Topham, Efq; Keeper of Her Majefties Records in the Tower of London. The Memorials or Vouchers contained in this Work are taken from Records of the Higheft Nature ; to wit, from the Great Rolls of the Pipe, the Me- iuoranda of the Exchequer, and the Rolls of feveral Sorts in the Tower of London. All which Records, having been written by publick Officers and by publick Authority, at the Time when the Things recorded therein were done, carry in them a full and un- doubted Credit. Great Regard is indeed to be had to the Annals or Hiftory contained in Regifters of Churches ; and in the Manufcript CoUeftions of ancient Writers ; particularly in Relation to Things done in their own Life-time, or lying within their perfonal Knowledge. But no doubt, the publick Records of the Crown and Kingdom are the moft important and moft authentick of all. And thefe are the Foundation which fuftain the whole Fabrjck of this Hiftory. A {c) GloJ. p. 314. coL 2. ^ , , I Foundation Prefatory Epistle. IX Foundation folid and unfliaken. In truth, the Superflrudure is alike; it confifting of the fame Kind of Materials. So that in the Frabrick there is nothing feeble except what is properly mine ; namely, Dif- pofition and Workmanfliip. However, I hope I fliall be the more eafily pardoned for what may be amifs ; if it be confidered, that with my own Induftry and Expenfe, the Materials here ufed were dug out of deep and hidden Mines, the Model of the Building was framed, the Columns adjufted, the ftones fquared, weighed and difpofed, in Sum the whole Fabrick raifed and perfected in fuch Manner as it is. I will confefs to your Lordfhip, that whilft this Work was going forward, I was fometimes moved with a Sort of Ambition ; which, probably, will not be thought culpable. I am upon my guard, that I do not fpeak any Thing before Your Lordfliip and the Publick, that may be judged inconfiftent with Decorum. My Ambition was, to form this Hiftory in fuch a Manner, that it may be a Pattern for the An- tiquaries to follow, if they pleafe ; I mean, purely in Reference to the Method of vouching Teftimonies. For I think it is to be wiflied, that the Hiftories of a Country fo well furnished with Records and Manufcripts as ours is, fhould be grounded throughout (as far as is pradlicable) on proper Vouchers. And for my own Part, I cannot look upon the Hiftory of England to be compleatly written, till it fhall come to be written after that Manner. Upon Confideration of this Matter, I muft make a Requeft to the gentle Reader : to wit, that when he perufeth this Book, he will pleafe to read not only the Narration or Text, but alfo the Teftimonies couched in the Margin : for they are, in my Opinion, the moft valuable Part of the Work ; and by Confequence the moft worthy to be read. A ^Qw Things, My Lord, may be here remarked concerning fe- veral Paflages in this Hiftory, which may feem to require Explana- tion. As to the Quotations made from the Great Rolls of the Pipe: it is to be known, that many Entries are here cited, which are not taken out of the Great Roll in which the Debt fpecified in fuch Entries was originally or firft put in Charge. For Example ; where a Man fined or was amerced in a Sum of Money, fuppofe C/, and paid Part of the Fine or Amercement, fuppofe L/ in Hand, and ftood charged with the Remainder, viz. 'LI, in a fubfequent Year: I have fome- times cited the Roll of fuch fubfequent Year. In that Cafe, I held it fufficient, to fay that the Party fined or was amerced at L /. For it would have been too laborious a Thing, and was not material in itfelf, to trace the Debt (which, perhaps, might continue in Charge many Years together) to the Roll wherein it was firft put in Charge : Vol. I. b it X Prefatory Epistle. it being equal (as to the Purpofe for which I make the Citation) to take the Entry out of the Roll of a former or following Year. Again ; fome of thefe Entries may chance to miflead Chronologers, unlefs they apply them cautioufly. For it is frequent to find Perfons ftand charged in thefe Rolls with Debts to the Crown, after the Perfons Debtors were dead. It being the Courfe of the Exchequer, that Debts, when once put in Charge pro Rege, fliould be kept in Charge, till they are paid or legally difcharged. And the Manner or Time of putting a Debt in Charge doth not feem to have been fo certain and fleady, but that a Chronologer may be either puzzled or mifled, if the Thing he looks for falls within a narrow Compafs of Time. In the Catalogue of the Barons of the Exchequer (in Vol. 2. Chap. XXV.) the Perfons named for Barons during the firft Period, are fuch as at that Time fat and a(5led at the Exchequer, and were then ufually comprized under the Denomination of Barons. Befides thofe that I have fet down, there were, no doubt, feveral others in mofl of the Years. It is to be taken for granted that the chief Jufticier, the King's Chancellor, and his Treafurer were AffelTours at the Exche- quer, although they happen not to be named in the Records - of fome Years : for they fat and acfted there ex Officio. There were alfo in fome Years other Barons who are not named in the Catalogue in thofe Years : as, when in the Records fome Ba- rons are exprefly named, and 'tis added, 'Et alij Barones. Again, when fome Barons are not named as fuch in one Year, and are named as fuch in the Year or Years next foregoing and next follow- ing, in fuch Cafe it may be well prefumed, that they were Barons in the intermediate Year wherein they happen not be named. How- ever, I have been fo wary as to put none into the Catalogue, but fuch as are exprefly named in the Records cited. And though I do not count the Catalogue effential to the prefent Hiftory, but rather Matter of Ornament j I have beftowed on it fome Pains; perhaps more than a Chapter confifl:ing barely of Mens Names, may, in the Opinion of many Perfons, dcferve. In forming this Catalogue, and in feveral other Particulars fetched from the Rolls of the Chancery, I had great Affiftance from my very good Friend Mr. Holmes, De- puty-Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London. At the End of this Hiftory I have publiflied a Copy of the Treatile concerning the Exchequer, written Dialogue-wife and commonly afcribed to Gervn/ius Tillmriefijis. The Treatife is very ancient, and I believe, intrinfically valuable. And that fingly is a fufficient Reafon for making it publick. But if I had not publiflied it, there is caufe to fear, it would have been afked, v/hy I did not. As to the Treatife itfelf I I have Prefatory Epistle. xi I have given fome Account of it, in the Epiftle to my Lord Halifax which is fet before it. I have not, in thefe Volumes, given any hiftorical Account of the Records repofited in the Exchequer. I think that may be more properly done (if there is Occafion for it hereafter) in the Continua- tion or next Partj that is, at the End of the whole Hiltory; in which Place, it may be done in a Series once for all. But I, who am fhut-up within two Periods of Time, the Latter whereof goes no lower than the Reign of K, Edward II, cannot attempt to do it here, without offending againft the fettled Method of this Work. For there are many Records in the Exchequer fubfequent to the Reign of K. Edivard II. But my Method forbids me to treat of Things that were done or recorded fmce that Time. For fundry Reafons, I have thought it expedient to fay fomething concerning the mofl ancient Great Roll of the Exchequer, namely that of ^into Regis Stephani. My Enquiries concerning it were at iirft defigned to be included in this prefatory Epiftle to Your Lordfliip. But finding they would pufli me beyond the proper Limits of an Epiftle, I was obliged to put them into the Form of a feparate Dilfertation. That DifTertation I have placed in the Appendix at the End of this Hiftory. It ftands ther^^amongft Tradls that are in Latin. And for the Sake of Conformity, I have put it into that Language. It is my Requeft, that I may have the Honour of addreffmg it to Your Lordfliip. In fome Cafes (as the Reader will foon difcern) I have put-together a great many Inftances of the fame Thing. I take that Courfe, the better to fhew how the Pradlice and Ufage was : which is to be fhewn, not by a fingle Inflance, but by repeated and continued ones. On the other Side ; it is likely fome Parts of this Hiftory will feem fcanty and defedive. And no Wonder. For wherein authentick Memorials are not extant or have rarely occured, therein I think it proper to be either wholly filent or fparing of Difcourfe. For the Sake of fome of my Readers that haply are not verfed in ancient Membranes, it may be convenient to notify here two or three Things. In old Times they frequently wrote only the firft Letter of a Chriftian-name^ efpecially in the Cafe of Perfons of high Rank: as y. for Johannes ; G. for Galfridus, W. for Willelmus, and the like. This they did, not only in AcSs of light Moment, but even in the moft important Records and Writings. So alfo they oft-times wrote Men's Surnames fhort or abbreviated ; as Baj-d. for BardolJ] Maid, for Malduit, Hum. for Humet &c. And they did the fame in the Names of Places. Again ; they frequently wrote capital Letters in the mid-. b 2 die xii Prefatory Epistle. die or latter End of a Word amongft the fmall Letters whereof the Word was compofed. This was done even in Things that were written with the utmoft Care and Exadlnefs : and this (if I obferve right) is, here in England, often a Mark of the great Antiquity of the Hand : and how improper foever it may feem to be, many Things thus written do look very fine and elegant. I would willingly have caufed fome Inftances hereof to be engraven for Example's fake : as I would likewife feveral other Things occafionally inferted in this Hiftory : but the Expenfe of graving forbids me, who am unaflifted by the Publick in thefe Labours, to attempt it. They alfo common- ly wrote Idem for lidem ; and fometimes M diphthong for the fingle E, as in Mcclejia JEdwardus &c ; and contrary wife, almoft univerfally e for ce in Words of femine Gender, as mee, nojlre, for meee, nojirce &c ; but fometimes (in the Ages next after the Norman Conqueft) e for e and for ce, as ecclejie, foe for eccJefoce face &c. Again ; fome- times they broke an entire Word into two Parts, as id circo, en coimtre, ki kunkes, &c : at other Times they wrote two Words joined as if they were one Word, pacisfraBuram, Blachetoritonhundredum, Jidedignosy &c. In fine ; in the Reigns of K. K. Henry III and Edward I, they fometimes wrote rengnum, ajfingnare, &c, for regnwn, ajjignarej &c ; and the like. There are alfo many other ancient Peculiarities of writing ; too many to be recolledled and inferted here. I have men- tioned thefe for Inftances ; that they and other like may not be looked upon to be Miftakes of the Copyift. The Reader is alfo to be ad- vertifed, that in many Cafes where the Termination of a Word is doubtful, by Reafon the Word is written contracted in the Record, I have added the Termination in Crotchets ; as will appear in many Inftances. When a Man, though a Native of this Ifland, comes frefh to pe- rufe a Syftem of Antiquities, or a Piece of ancient Hiftory of the fame Ifland, he is like one newly landed in a ftrange Country. He finds himfelf in another Climate. He obferveth many Things ftrange and uncouth in Language, Laws, Cuftoms, and Manners. The Scene which I here difplay to the Publick may be new to many Men. But it will not be fo to Your Lordfhip ; who are converfant in the ancient Hiftory of this Kingdom as well as the modern, and in the Hiftory of foreign Countries as well as of our own. May it pleafe your Lordlhip, to them who fhall diligently read this Book, it will, I prefunie, appear, that the regal Exchequer of England v/as eredled and contrived with great Wifdom. The feveral Parts of it are compail and correfpondent j various, yet orderly j. ftrong Prefatory Epistle. xiii ftrong, yet finely compofed. The Affifes and Cuftoms of it are grounded upon fare and fteady Maxims. The Bufinefs of it is mani- fold j and requireth great Knowledge, Induftry, and Experience in Affairs j efpecially in the fuperior Officers, who are to give Motion to fo great and noble a Syflem. The Miniflers of it are numerous, but with mutual Controulj and have their refpediive Funftions re- gularly diflributed, for the Benefit and Safety both of the Crown and People. In fine, the Conflitution of it is admirable ; and not to be altered or touched without great Caution and mature Judgment. But, My Lord, whilft I am bufied in illuflrating ancient Hiflory, I forefee an Objedtion that will in all likelihood be made againfl me. There are fome Perfons who feem habitually difpofed to fpeak mean- ly of all Parts of Learning which are not diredlly lucrative. They are apt to fay. Of what ufe are thefe old antiquated Things ; give us what is more fuitable to the Age we live in ; and fuch like. But if we examine thefe Allegations, they will, I fuppofe, be found to have no Force. Every Part of Learning is of fome Ufe. Though one Man may not know or confider the Ufe of it, another Man may. If no Books mufl be read befides fuch as treat of Things which ferve di- reiflly for Profit or prefent Ufe, all Hiftory of ancient Times or of foreign Countries may foon be laid afide. No Man of Senfe has ever yet been found fo hardy as to fpeak exprefly in Dilparagement of Hiftory, or pretend that it was or is a ufelefs Thing. Hiftory is an effential Part of the Encyclopcedia : and fo many handfome Things have been fpoken in Praife of it by judicious Men in feveral pafl Ages, that there is no need to fay any Thing here upon the Subject, Now Hiflory may be faid to be twofold, ancient and modern. The former confifls of Antiquities ; and cannot even in thought be fe- parated from them. It appears therefore, that the Knowledge of Antiquities is a Part of the hiflorical Learning, and cannot be im- pugned without impugning Hiflory itfelf. More particularly as to the Objection which I have mentioned above : l( the Gentlemen who object in that Manner are Scholars, their own Conduct is incon- fiflent with their Objedlion in this Cafe. They themfelves have be- ilowed much Time, Labour, and Expenfe, in learning foreign Languages, and in reading foreign Books. They have been conver- fant in Books written many Ages ago, in Greek and in Laii/t, by Philofophers, Hiflorians, Philologers, Orators, and Poets.. They have Willingly fubmitted to this laborious Study, in Order to get a Knowledge of the Laws, Manners,, Rites, and Cufloms, both ancient and fubfequent, of the Greeks and Rotnans, in their nafcent, mature, er declining State,. Then the Preceptors of thefe Gentlemen told them. AV Prefatory Epistle. them, that by attentive Study and converfing in well-chofen Books, Men whole Minds are capable of juft Improvments, leam the Ex- perience and Wifdom of paft Ages, and acquire fuch a Ripenefs of Judgment and Comprehenfion in Affairs, as quaUfieth them to ferve their Country, And then, they believed this to be true ; as no doubt it is. For Reafons of the like Kind, they have travelled into foreign Countries, where Pohtenefs is planted ; to obferve and learn their Laws, Cuftoms, and Manners. But do the political Conftitu- tion. Laws and Manners of ancient Greece or Romeheur a nearer Affi- nity or Refemblance to thofe of Britain at this Day, than the ancient Conflitution, Laws, and Manners of Britain do to thofe of Britain in the modern or prefent Times ? Are we concerned to know the Manners and Cuftoms which were in ufe amongft the Grecians and Romans many Ages ago : and not concerned to know the Cuftoms and Man- ners of our own Anceftours, at a far lefs Diftance of Time ? Do we think it beneficial to be verfed in the Hiftory, both ancient and mo- dern, of foreign Nations : and are we at the fame Time content to defpife or negledl the ancient Hiftory of our own ? It is true, fome foreign Hiftories, efpecially thofe of ancient Greece and Romey are more valuable than our own, conftdered fimply in them- felvesi the former being much better written : but that (I prefume) is a Confideration which fliould excite us, in general, to cultivate the hiftorical Learning in Britain rather than to negled: it ; and in par- ticular, to imitate the noble Patterns of this Kind which the Greeks and Romans have fet. It is alfo true, that fome Hiftories may appear to be more ufeful and excellent than others, upon a Comparifon made of them. Modern Hiftory (if equally well written) may be in fome refpedls preferable to ancient, as being better adapted to pre- fent Ufe, Neverthelefs, when the ancient and modern are well con- joined, the Hiftory is more complete, than if it was barely ancient, or barely modern. Becaufe it is of greater Advantage to have Things re- prefented in their full Extent, than only Parts. But what I faid at lirft will ftill remain true, namely that Hiftory whether ancient or modern, is of threat Ufe. Which is all that I do at prefent contend for. Conftdering the great Variety of the Matters contained in this Hiftory, and the Nicenefs of fome of them, I may be apprehenfive of the Criticks. But as I have taken Care to produce from Time to Time coeval Proofs for what I advance, and to avoid propofing any Thing as certain, that is really doubtful or fallacious ; I have Reafon to think myfelf fufficiently guarded againft any hoftile Attack. Cri- ticks there are and will be as long as there are Writers. Men are generally fo prone to the Humour of criticizing, that fometimes they Prefatory Epistle. xv fall into it without any Ill-will, and as it were by Chance. The Warmth which Reading and Study excite in the Brain, may produce that Difpofition. But the mofl: general Motive to it is, a Defire to fliew one's own Superiority of Learning. This is in fome Degree ex- cufable, becaufe it is by Nature or Habit incident to Mankind. But there is a latent Fault. Let us recoiled;. It is chiefly by Books that the Lovers of learning who are at a Diftance in Time or Place, have Converfation with one another. And as in free Converfations amongfl Gentlemen, no well-behaved Man claims fuperiority by Reafon of his Titles or Eftate : fo alfo ought it to be in the free Converfations of Scholars that write and read Books. There, no Man fhould affedl Superiority : where mutual Deference is more proper and becoming ; in fine, where mutual Entertainment and Improve- ment, and efpecially the Advancement of Learning, ought to be the principal Motive and Defign. There are alfo fome Readers who flop fhort upon Writers, purely out of Diffidence. They are upon their Guard againft the furprizes of Errour ; and will not give AfTent till they have examined and revifed. Thefe Men I do not fear : nay I embrace and efteem them, as Perfons that are in the right Path to Science. Pondering Things of this Sort, I have bethought me of fomewhat that I had formerly written in my Diflertation introduc- tory to the Formulare Anglicanum (which I had the Honour to addrefs to your Lordfhip) and of an Exception that was foon after made to it by a very learned Gentleman, Dr. Hicks, in his incomparable Book entituled, Thefaurus Imguarum Sepientrionalium &c. 1 would beg Your Lordfhip's Patience, whilft I make a Digreffion to fpeak upon that Subjedl. The Difference between the Dodlor and me in that Cafe is, I think, very fmall. I have the Honour to agree with him (without any previous Communication had between us) in many Par- ticulars relating to the diplomatick Subje(fl. And it would have been a favour fuitable to the Curtefy he ufcs upon other Occafions, if he had elTayed to reconcile my Notion about the Charta to his own. This the Dodlor could have done beft by much. But feeing he hap- pened not to undertake it, I will. In order to flate the Matter fairly, I have fet-down, hereunder in the Margin, as well the Claufe in my Differtation, as the Dodlor's Words in his Preface (vir & podir me dunat, fi I'aluarai eo cift Gloff. Lat. tn prtefat. meon fradre Karlo, in adiudha & in cad- ^t »'^y ^^ roidred in Latin Word for JVord, huna cofa, fi cum per dreiti fon frada fa- "per this Manner, if the Reader pleafeth : Pro luar dift ino quid il mi altre fi fazet & ab- Dei amore, & pro Chriftiano populo, he kdher nul plaid nunquam prindrai, qui noftra communi falute, de hoc die in antea meon vol eift meon fradre Karle in damno ['« pofterumj, in quantum Deus fcire & :lit, Pontani Orig. Francic. />. 605. poiTe Prefatory Epistle. XIX Prince were fworn in their proper Language. The Oath taken by the Subjedls of Louis was, in the Lingua Romana, of the Tenour un- derwritten [f). This was fome of the Lingua Romana of France. I cannot give Specimens of the ancient Lingua Romana of Italy and Spain. If any Fragments thereof do remain in Libraries, it were to be wifhed the Antiquaries of thofe Countries would favour the Pub- lick with Copies of them {k). The moft ancient Spatiijh Compofition (written in the middle Ages) that I have feen, is that which I have here fubjoined. It is a Piece of Spanifi Latin, with fome Mixture, as I guels, of Moorijh. It imports a Divife or Bequeft made by Dojt Pedro Royz Knight. He gives to the Monaftery of St. Peter of Ar- lanfa, his knightly Accoutrements and Chatells, to wit, his Saddle Morzerzel with the Bridle, his Sword, Belt, Spurs, Target and Spear, wrought Swords, Helmets, plain or unwrought Swords, Horfes, Mules, Apparel, his other Spurs and filver Bridle. The Words of this Be- queft, as they are fet-down by Priidencio de Sandoval Bifliop of Parji- plona, may be feen hereunder in the Margin (/). There are alfo fome Hifpanifms in the Letter or Writ of Don Alfonfo an ancient King of Cajliky pofle mihi dederit, fie falvabo ego hunc meum fratrem Karolum, & in adjutorio & in qualibet re [caufaj, ficut homo per rec- tum [jus] fuum fratrem falvare debet, nifi quid ille mihi aliud fecerit. £t de [cum] Ludherio [Lothario] nullum placitum nun- quam capiam [nullum confilium inibo], quod me volente meofratri Karolo in dam- no fit. (i) Saeramentum autem quod utrorumque poptdus, quifqiie propria lingua tejiatus ejl, Romana lingua fic hahet : Si Lodhuuig fa- granment que fon fradre Carlo jurat con- fervat, & Karlus meos Sendra in fuo part n los tanit, fi io rcturnar non lint pois, ne io, ne neulfcui eo returnarint pois, in nulla aiudha contra Lodhuuig nun li juer. lb. p. 605. Mejfuurs Baluze and Du Frefne recite it after this manner : Si Lodhuvigs facrament que fon fradre Karlo jurat confervat,& Kar- lus meo Sendra de fuo part non Io ftanit, fi io returnarnon lint pois, ne io ne veuls cui eo returnar int pois, in nulla ajudha contra Lodhuvig nun li iver. Baluz. Capit. T. 2. iol. 41. i^ Du Frefn. Glojf. Lat. in praf.feSi. It may be rendered verbatim in Latin thus : Si Lodhuvicus facramentum quod fuo fratri Karlo juravit confervat, & Karlus meus Senior [Dominus] ex fua parte non illud te- net, fi ego avertere non eum inde pofTum, nee ego nee alius quifpiam eum avertere in- de potefl, in nullo adjutorio contra Ludhu- vicum non cum eo ibo. (k) Bernard Aldrete (a worthy Man) hath publi/hed a Treatif: concerning the ancient Caftilian Tongue or Romance iijed in Spain. It is not my Part to Difparage his Labours : But I muji own that his Perfonnance is not fa- iisfaiiory ; partly bccaufe it is not duly Jlrength- ened and illujlratedwith Pieces of Antiquity, and partly hecaufe he doth 7iot fern to have been majier of the Secret which Jhould have been his Clew in the Cafe, to wit, the Knowledge of the Romanick Diale£t. His Treat'fe is entitulcd Del Origen de la lengua Caftellana o Ro- mance &c J and was printed at Rome, MDCVL (/) Fue muy devoto defte Monafterio [de San Pedro de Arlan^a] Petro Royz Cavallero principal, natural de Celada, y hizole donacion de todos fus bienes dize afli, Mea divifa 5c meos atondos, id eft mea fella Morzerzel cum fuo freno, & mea cfpata c 2 & mcii XX Prefatory Epistle. Caftile, publifhed by Monfieur Leibnitz in his Codex Diplomaticus (;«). In the Tower of London there are two or three original Letters mif- iive, written in Spanijh by Princes of Spain, to K. Edivard I, of England after the Conqueft. I wi(h I had fonie ancienter Pieces of SpaniJ}:) : but thefe are the oldeft that I find at prefent. They are printed in Mr. Rymer's Colledlions («). However, I have (here in the Margin) fet-down the Tenour of one of them more correctly (o). With your Lordfliip's leave, I will here fubjoin a Fragment of old Vafconick French: Pieces written in that Dialeift being, for ought that I know, fomewhat rare. I wilh I could have found a more ancient Specimen of this Kind. But fuch as it is I have copied it pretty ex- adly. The Original is written upon Parchment in a good diftindl Hand : but is torn at the End of the Lines, fo that many Words of it are loft. It imports to be a Letter of Supplication written to Edward II, King of Efiglatid and Duke of Guienne, by the Mayor and Jurates of Bayone ; praying him to take Meafures with the Potejlad oi Genoa, for Reftitution or Amends to be made to certain Citizens of Bayone, & mea cinta, & meas efpulas, & mea Ata- reca cum fua hafta, hi alias nieas efpatas la- bratas, & meas loricas & meos Elmos, & alias efpatas que non funt labratas, & meas atare^as, & meos cavallos, & meos mulos, & meos veftitos, & alias meas efpolas & alio freno argenteo, quantum potueritis invenire. Sandov. Htjioria de Idacio Ohijpo bfc, viz. a- mongft the Notaciones or memor'ias antiguas, p, 342. ad A. D. 1056. [m) Leibn. Cod. jur. Gent. D'lplom, T. i. in Prodromo, p. 2. (») Rymeri Feeder a T, 2. in cake, inter Omiffa, p. 1 07 1, is'c. (0) Al muy noble & much[o] onrrado Don Odoard, por la gracia de Dies Rey de Inglatierra, Senor de Irlanda & D[uc] de Aquitana, don San- ch[o] fijo mayor & herederodel muy Noble Don [Alfonjfo por efla mifma gracia Rey de Caftiella, de Toledo, de Leon, de Galli- 7,ia, de Sevilla, de Cordoua, de Murcia, de Jahen, & del Algarb[ia], falut afli como a Rey que amo muy de corazon, & porquieh faria quanto fapieffe & pudiefle, en todo lo que fuefle v[ueft]ra onrra & v[ueft]ra pla- zer, & poraquien querria tanta vida & tanta falud como pora mi mifmo. Rey por que Macftre JufreNotario del Rey mio pa- dre & mio clerigo, es omme en qui mucho liamos, & qui fabe todo el fech[o] del Rey de Francia & del Rey mio Padre & de mi, como paflb fata agora, & que es aquello que tenemos en corazon de fazer y daqui ade- lante ; Et otrofli que es la n[ueft]ra volun- tad en razon del cafamiento entra mi & la fija del Rey de Alimana. Por ende tome- mos por bien de embiarlo alia a vos fobre eftas cofas. Onde vos ruego, que vos le querades creer en aquellas cofas que vos el dixiere en efta razon de mi parte, & que punnedes de fazer y aquello que fea onrra & pro de vos & del Rey mio padre & de mi. Dada en Toledo dos dias de Mayo, era de mille trezientos & dies & fiete annos. D Alfonfo Royz la fis efcrevir por man- dado del Infante. Ex autogr. in archive Re- gio Turn's Londoniae. Tlje original Letter is written upon Paper. It may he noted, that this Letter is dated in May in the Era 131 7. The ufual JVay of reducing the Spanifti Era to /^^ Annus Chrifti is, by deditiiing 38 from the Era, or adding 38 to the Annus Chrifti. By that Method, I think the Era of this Letter is the Annus Chrifti 1279, viz. the jih Tear of /^.Edv.'ard I, for Pp. efatory Epistle. A'xi for a Robbery or Piracy and Murder committed by fome Genoefc, upon the Ship St. Marie ot Bayone fp). In Reference to the Lingua Ro~ ma?2ica, the Cafe feemeth to have been much alike in the three Coun- tries before mentioned. But this was peculiar in the Cafe of Spain ; namely, that their Language, befides the Mixture of Gothicky hath had a great Deal of the Moorijh incorporated in it. And the Spaniards^ probably from their great Averllon to and hatred of the Moors, have been wont to call their native Language Romance, in Oppofition chiefly to the Moorijh. Infomuch that with them Romance is ufed even at this Day to lignify the Cajiilian or genuine Language oi Spain. But concerning the Spani/h I ftiall fay no more here. In general ; it may perhaps be worth the while for curious Perfons to obferve the Nature and Force of this Romance or Bajlard Roman whereof we are fpeaking. In Procefs of Time, it was (as hath been hinted above) (/') Au trop excellent prince Mofleinor dizen. E a pres certificad de le caufe e de Edwart per lagraci de diu Rei Dangleterre la dijte arraubeirie, lo dijt Seiiior voftre Seinor Dirlande & Due de Guiaine, Lo pair requeri par fas letres le Poteftad e lo Maire & los Juradz de la , a noftres vezins lo damp- lor medihs davant voftre nadge que feit los aven, entro ale valor de Reiau Maieftad humiumentz en clinadz. le fome de fus dite ; qui arres non fen mas Per lo gran dampnadge que nos e totz les que refcriuon a E vos Seiiir autres habitantz de le voftre Cipi . . . apres de le foe bone fin, avedz efcriut fober , fober le mort deu Rei- aqueft medihs feit a les noftres pregaries a naut dcu Verger Maefter de la Nau Sanfta le Poteftad e lo cofleille Marie de Baiones, e de fos compainhons per lor letre foque alor pladz. Per que fup- noftres amadz vezins, E fober larr . . . plicam a le voftre Reiau Maieftad anos care, caufes cargadz en a- & en cui apres de Diu quere, feitz per los habitantz de la Cipiat . . , lo dampnadge a nos e a noftres de Geno, efcrifcom ab dolor Scab complante vezins fobredijtz, fecit e dat per los dijtz a n[oft]re car Seinor de bone recordaci . . Genoes com dijt es, vos defplafce . . . pair, a cui Dius per de pietad, e per noftres fa merce fa^e verai perdon, eu pregam e re- pregaries, que los noftres vezins deu damp- querim per n[oft]res letres, que lo damp- nadge que pres an pufquen aver, e. arr nadge a nos & a noftres vezins feitz & dat e forme que a le per qui en eftadz voftre Reiau Dignitad fera vift de far, e eiv arraubadz e damnificadz, volos & deinhas maneire fi a le voftre Noble Seinoric pladz, auireiar Marque, contre los beis deus cipta- que aus en avant dantz de Geno, qui foren trobadz en fon convinq; affar meflions mas que ab lo voftre mana enquerir bon adiutori pufquen aver e crubar lo lore daqaere arraubeirie, E fo trobat per lo fe- fuftentar ab aquero que grament de prcfTones dignes de fe, que los guard Dius le voftre Reiau Dignitat qui a beis & empleites de noftres vezins qui . . nos los fous fervidors deinhi Manar fa vo- Nau, & ab los appareilhs luntat, Le quau em appareLlhadz . . valen, es montauen en fome ij Milie e CC dies en le nies de Mars en & vint& duesIbTs defterlins, e affi fo efcriut Ian de noftre Seifior M. CCC & Nau. Ex .es trobera en lo Rodle antogr. in anhivo Rtgio Turns Londonix. fettled xxii Prefatory Epistle. fettled in the three Countries beforenamed ; that is to fay, in three feveral Forms; and was the Language of thofe Countries refpedlively. So it obtained the Name of Romance or Romanick. The Inhabitants of thefe Countries, when they came to write in Latin, formed many Latin Words out of their own Romanick Language ; or, if Your Lord- fliip pleafes, in the Compofitions or Difcourfes which they wrote in Latin, they frequently u{cd Latin Words in the diftorted Senfe which they bore in the Romanick. Thefe kind of Words, or moft of them, were originally Latin : then were tranfmuted into Romanick, and thereby gained a new Turn or Notation : and laftly, were made Latin Words (if I may be fuffered to call them fo) again, but with a new, to wit, the Romanick Stamp. So that if we would under- fland the Force and Propriety of Words of this Sort, we niufl: not reduce them diredlly to the ancient Roman or Latin ; but to the Romanick or Bajiard Roman, from which they received their lafl Signature, and by Means w^hereof they became imprefl'ed with that Signification in which they are ufed by the Romanick Writers. This Matter may be illuftrated by fome Examples. In Latiri Gens, fignified a Nation or Family : in Romanick, it iignifieth Men, or Folks {q). The Latin Word Senior, Elder, hath a new import in the Romanick. There, it fignifieth a Lord ox Superioiir {r). Fidelis, is {q) Henrlcus de Ver — venit illuc cum -Arag. T. i. L. \, fol. 34. a. ad am. 1102. gente fua, & — . Hoved. P. 2. p. b^"^. n. ^o. — hoc falvo, quod Epifcopus cum ho- temp. Hen. 2. minibus & gente fua in praedi) Volumus vos fcire, fratres, quia Dom- niam, nee per Milites, nee per gentem, nee nus & Senior nofler Karolus Rex gloriofus per fe nee per alium. Rym. Foedera P. 1. p. . Baluz. Caplt. T. 2. col. 313. A. D. 118. J.D. 1200. 866. Et in cuftamento mittendi unam navem Ego Eudo divina favente gratia, & mer- ad Swine, ad inquirendum de adventu Ducis cede Dominorum Regum Seniorum meo- Lovaniffi & Brandini, cum gente fua, ad rum . In charta Eudonis Camerinenfts transfretandum in Angliamin fervitium Re- Epifcopi, data A. D. 944. Ughdli Ital. Sac. gis, xls, per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 4. T. i. «/. 595. Job. Rot. 15. i. m, I. Kent. — ad reconciliandos animos feniorum & y. Dei gratia isfc. Et de gente vejlra militum, ut ad invicem femper inveniantur 7nittatis ad conducendum thefaurum ilium Concordes, & ut fideliter nobis & fiiis fenio- ufque Bedeford . Memor, 6. Hen, 3. ribus ferviant — . Heroldi Leg. Francic. p. Rot. 4. a. 344. tit. unico par. i . — y que llevava con figuo trezientos de Deinde miniftri, completis omnibus, ad cayallo y mucha gente de pie. Anal, de Seniorem fuum [w'2. to Serlo Bijhop of Li- fieux Pr E F A T O R Y P I S T L E. XXlll is in Latin, faith fiil ; in Romance, a Liege-?7ian or one tiiat owes^de- litateniy Fealty {/). In Rommice, Homo, is a Homager, or Man that owes Fealty or Service to his Lord {t). In Latin, Confuetudo lignifi- eih Cuftom or Uiage; in Romanick, Duties, Prefentations, or Pay- ments of many Kinds {li). Comes is in Latin, a Companion ; in Romance an Earl or Count {la). Villanus is in Latin, a Villager j in. Romanick or Romance a Villain, or a villanous and bafe or mifchievous. Perfon [x). Parentes, in X^//;^ Parents ^ in Ro}?iance Kinsfolk fy). fieux] redierunt. Orel. Fit. p. &78. a. ad A. D. 1 123. Hither refer the JFords, Seigneur — ie. Signer — ia, Sennor — ia — io. — & omni alia jurifdittione, coercitione, juftitia, & Seignoria, in quibufcunque cau- fis- Sc rebus — • In charta data 1281. Gall, ' Chri/i. T. \. p. II 26. col. 2. — recognovit pro didlo Domino, & Sen- horia didti Regis. — . lb. p. 1127. col. 2. in. Jcripto data 1 309. Y llamarfe Sennores [the rices hombres were Jo called) en las principales ciudades del reyno, tenia origen de los tiempos anti- guos en el Imperio Romano, que llamauan Jsefiores no folamente a los mas ancianos, pero a los que eran mayores en feiiorio. Anal, de Arag. T. 1. L, 2. f. 102. ad ann, 1213- {5) — omnibus fidelibus fuis Francis & Anglis falutem. Form. Angt. nu. II, LXI, LXII. LXV. LXIX, &c. Sic promitto ego Ille partibus Domini mei Caroli Regis & filiorum ejus, quia fidelis fum & ero diebus vitae meae, fine fraude vel malo ingenio. Her. Leg. Franc, p. 309. ca, 4^- ... Formula facramenti fidelium Imperij fub Frid. I. Imp, Aug. Ego N. juroquod amo- do inantea ero fidelis Domino meoFriderico Romanorum Imperatori — . Gold. Conjiit, Imp. p. 64. A. D. 1158. Feuduii; a fidelitate di(Slum eft. Duaren. de confuetud. feud. L. 2. ///. 3. cap. 1. feSt. 3. Dicitur enim fidelis, a fealis : & Princeps omnes fubjeftos fibi feales, id eft fideles, •vocat, ab hac fide qu^ Domino debetur. lb. cap. 2. fea. 3. [t) Cil qui fait hommage doit eflendre les. mains entre celles a celuy qui le recoit, & dire ces paroHes, Je deviens voftre hom- me a vous porter foy &c. Gr. Coujl. de Norm. c. 29. f. 44. b. — refpondit fe effe hominem Comitis Johannis, & velle in curia fua juri ftare. Moved. P. 2. p. 'J27- ^' 3°* Ricardus de Luci, omnibus hominibus fuis Francis & Anglis falutem. Form, Ang. nu. CCLXXXFIII; & vid. ib. nu. CCLXXXIX, CCXC, CCXCI, & pafftm. (u) Hi/?, Scacc. cap. l%.fe£i. i. Et vid^ Gall. Chrijl. pafftm ; i^ Ital. fac. pajftm ; ac Archteologos Spelmann. fcf Cangium, ad vo- ce /n. (w) Apud auSforci Feudales, Formulares,. Hiftortcos &c. paffim. Hither refer Comitatus an Earldom or County; Vicecomes, Vifcount, Vifconte, Vizconde &c. (x) Vid. Form. Angl. nu. CCCXCIX,- DCCLXII &c, ou il a acouftume a la trai. 741. >!. 20. — poenituit eum tale feciffe Regi man- d-atum, expertus quod — mandavit Regi quod infra bicnnium . lb. p. "jb"]. n. 50. & in mandate pauperum \_Jbns fent to the Poor}. Mag. Ret. 19. H. 3. m. 1. b. Hence the known Phrafe in ctxr Law- Procefs, Dominus Rex mandavit breve fu- um, &c. [a) quietede fcutagio& omnibus fccularibus confuetudinibus -, Hijl. Excheq. cap. 16. fe£f. I. in charta R, Hen. I. Calumpniatur quod Rex Henricus avus Domini Regis clamavit ecclefiam fde Taviftoke] quietam . Mag. Rot. 22. Hen. 2. Rot. 10. a. El vid. Hiji. Scacc. pajjiin. — immune & quittum ab omni meo fer- vitio. In charta Raymundi Comitis Tolofa, data A. D. 1149. Gall, Cbriji. T. 4. p. 745. col. I. — quiti fint & immunes ab omni pedagio & alia coftuma quacumq;— — . Neuji. Pia, p. ()\%.de A. D. 1269. — fece renoncia & quittatione delli beni paterni. Fatto ^ difc. delta caufa di Moti' /err, 2 {b) — in cadhuna cofa fi cum per dreite — . Pontan. de Orig. Francic. p. 605. — nullui ne toilie a fon Senior fun dreit fervife. Leg. JPIll. 1. cap. 34. in notis J. Seld. ad Eadmer. p. 184. — ellos yrian a fu Corte para eftar a drecho con el. Annal. de Arag. T. I. L. 3. f. 210. a. ad A. D. izj^.. eftar'con fu enemigo a derecho y jufticia. Ib.f. 176. a. Hither refer the noted La:^- Phrafe, ftare redo. (f) This is fujiciently hnoivn. Hence alfo Tenura, Teneiites, Tencmcntum. i^d) Si quis per malum ingenium ; Heroldi Leg. Sal. p. 21. tit. 2~- Llcm Leg, Franc, p. 297. m. 27. per quodlibet in- genium ; Lindenbr. Leg. Longob. Lib.- 1. ///. 15. c. 4. Sine fraude vcl male ingenio ; Her. leg. Franc, p. 309. cap. 46. • ■ per bonam fidem& fine omni enga- no, laudo & concede dimilto & reddo— . — Gall.' Chrijl. T. 4. p. 744. col. 2. Et in liberatione Alnodi Ingeniatoris, x 1 & xij s & xj d . Alag. Rot. 9. Hen. 2. Rot. 7. a. Londonia (^ Midd. Nos enim nobifcum adducimus prse- diftum Urricum in fervicio noftro, ad fa- cienda Ingenia noftra, ita quod a nobis non poteft recedere. RoU Liherat. 3. Joh. m. 5. Quod falmunculi non capiantur nee de- ftruantur per retia nee per alia ingenia ad ftagna molendinorum. Stat. Wejlm. 2. ap, Tott. P. I. fol. -ji.feSf. 47. [e) Henricus Divina pieCate fecundus Romanorum Imp. Aug. Lindenbr. L. L. Longob. L. I. ///. 9. C, 39. — quae Prefatory Epistle. xxv in Romankk, Prowefs ff). Charta in Latin, Paper, and by meto- nymy a writing ; in Romanick, a Charter or Diploma. Concerning this Word Charta, 1 will fpeak more largely anon. To the Lift which I have here above fet-down, may be referred a great Number of other Words, derived from Latin but impreffcd with a new, to wit, the Ro- tnanick Stamp. Of this Sort are, Advocatiis — atio, Avoue, avocato, abogado ; rendiim, rent, rendita, renta ; medietas, medium, fg) ineite, moite, met a, mitad ; dijidare — atus, deffire, diffidare, sfidare, dcfafiar ; data, done, data, dada (h) ; divifa, divife, divifa ; curia, ciirtis, curte, cour, curia, corte ; excidere, exci-exca-dentia, efcheoir-eute efcheite, ex- chaeta efchaetta, caducita {i) ; dominium dotnanium demanium, domaine, dominio ; Miles, 7?iilitaris, militia [Knighthood] ; caballus, cheval, ca- vallo, chivaler, cavalliero, cavallero [^Knight] ; foras, for, fuor-i, fuera, Joris meumjiagile fk) ; forisfaBum-ura, foyjaidi, intendere, entendre de- ment, intenderc-dimento, ejitender-dimiento ; fdpere, faver fcavoir (I), fa- fere, fauer, fiputo, fauido ; ante, en avant, en avanti innajizi, inantea, da aqui adelante ; cognitiones, cognifances ; ligeus-eantia-gantia ; arrera- gium, "vaffalhis ; and many other, which may be recolledted by Perfons that are verfed in the Language of the middle and lower Ages. Again ; under the Name of Romance or Romanick taken in Latitude, may (as hath been hinted above) be comprehended many other Words, that are not (at leaft not fo nearly and evidently) of Latin Original ; ia Regard they became by Cuftom ingrafted into the Roinanick, and were alfo Words of frequent or ordinary Ufe. Of this Sort are, Spat at quae faplens arbiter omnium difponit lb. p. 890. b. Et vid. ib. p. 717. ad A, D. InefFabili pietate. Ord. Fit. p. 764. a. 1094. i^ ib. p. 720. b. ad A. D. 1095. Tunc Willehnus affli£lione Regis pietate (g) medium Regi & medium contra motus . Dudo de S. ^tintino de aflis quem caufavit. Herold. Leg. Longob, p, 255. Norm. L. 2. p. 9. b. ap. Diichefn. fcript.. tit. 6. Nonn. [b) Hif. Scacc. cap, i^.feSi. i. Ego Jo- Oftende quaefumus pietatem, fuccure fer hannes. opem miferis. Ge/ia Norm, ante Rollcn, ap. (i) Ne li farebbe ftato rimefla !a caducita, JDucheJti. p. 24. d. fe prima non era feudo. Fatto della canfa di Pius Dominusi qui flagrat omnem filium Montferrato fol. 44. a. quem recipit. Malm. Hiji. de Her. i. L. omnia quae poterunt exchaire. 5. p. 172. K. I. Form. Angl. nu. CCXXVIII. Dei omnipotentis immenfe pietatis mag- (^J foris meum ftagile quod ibi retinui. nitudineni collaudarsius. Eadm. Hiji. Nov, Gall. Chrijl. T. 4. p. 744. col. 2. ad A. D. L. 5. p. 127. Un. 47. 1149- ■(f) ut in tali gymnafio fuas often- ('/) Ego ille Karolo Hludouvici & Juditiitae taient probitates. Ord. Fit. p. 6<)2. b. ad. filio, ab ifta die in ante fidelis ero fecun- ann. IC90. dum meum favirum. Baluz, Capit. T. 2. Goiftredus Comes Moritoniae vir in mul- col, 71. tis probitatibus proedicabilis zegrotavit . VuL. L . d tallio, xxvi Prefatory Epistle. fallla, francus franchefia, baUlum bailhus, catalhim, bannum-kus, cafa- merit u??i Marriage (w). Jclo-nia, finifcalctn, Marifcalcus, Baro a Noble Baron and Baronia, cujlunm, plata, guardia, giierra, ga?-cio, pakfridus^ %vara7itum, &c ; and many of the Terms ufed by the Feudijis of the pofteriour Ages, and by Perfons that dealt in Heraldry, Chivalry, and Diplomaticks. Moreover, it is to be confidered, that this Lingua liomaiia taken (as I have faid) extenfively, was not fettled at once, but in Succelfion of Time ; as in Truth all Language and Cuftomare wont to be. He that would enquire with Exadnefs into the Time and Manner of its Settlement, muft confider the Rife and Progrefs of it in each Country apart. He muft take-in a great deal of Hiftory, Chronology, and Language. He muft write, not a Preface only, bu£ a Book. At prefent I do not attempt to fpeak elaborately upon the Subjeft. However, a Word or two may be added, concerning the Lingua Romana of France and England. I am not prepared to fet- forth, in what Manner or in what compafs of Time, that Dialedl was introduced and fettled in the Kingdom of France. And I look no furtiier now than the Reign of Charles the Great. Soon after his Reign we find this Dialed: there. Let us, if Your Lordfliip pleafes, fup- pofe, it was working towards a Settlement in that Country for three or four hundred Years after ; viz. from the eighth to the eleventh or twelfth Century ; or perhaps for a longer or ihorter Space of Time. On tlie other Part, this Dialed (if I obfcrve right) came late into our liland of Great Britain. It came (as it feemeth) from France to En^ vjand ; but moftly at fecond Hand : the Normans having received it from the French, and the Englijli at firft or for the greater Part from the Normans. It is true, we find fome few Words of this Dialed fc.ittered here and there in the Writings of fome Englijlmien, earlier than the Time of fettled Communication between England and Nonnandy. Perhaps that might be, by Reafon that fuch E7tglijli Writers had been, abroad in the Court or Kingdom of France or in Italy, or had been inftruded by or conrefponded with fome Perfons that were by Birth or Education French or Ital/ck ; or perhaps it might be from fome other Caufe. But upon the mod exad Obfervalion that I have made, it doth not appear to me, that this Dialed was commonly or gene- lally ufed in England before the Norman Times. There are, I fup-. pofe, few or no Footlfeps of it in the Anglojaxon Language. But from the tenth to the twelfth or thirteenth Century, it was grown in- to familiar Ufe amongft the Inhabitants, efpecially the more literate,, [m) Adhuc juvencs fine cafamento fi. e. coelibes) funt. IV. Gemet. L. 7. cnp. 29. 5 o^ Prefatory Epistlk. xxvu of this Ifland. It may require many Inftances and much Difccurfc, to make this out to Perfons who are haply unconverfant in Difquili- tions of this Kind. Let each Man fatisfy himfelf therein by reading of ancient Books and Membranes. Now I vvi!l go on and finifh wh.it I intended to fay here about the Word Charta. The Charters (if one may fo fpeak) of the Rotnan Emperours, were commonly called Mandatiim, refcriptiim, Imperiale, Divlnum, Regium, Divak ; Uteres Imperiales, facra ju[Jio, diploma, &c : The Charters or Inftruments of private Men, Libelhis, Utera, epijlola, fyngrapha, ch'wgrapbum &c : moil ufually Uhcllus ; as libelhis mutui, venditionis, i-atihabitionis, &c. Afterwards, in the Days of the Longobardic, Fi'ancick, and Aleman- nick Kin2;s, the Word Charta came into common Ufe in Foreioti Countries, and was in Procefs of Time fo generally received, that it feems to have fupplied the Place of libellus itlelf (;z). In England, about the 9th and loth Century, the Word Charta is found in'foiB« Inftruments or Writings : For Example ; in that of K. Edgar dated A. D. 978 (0) ; in thofe mentioned by Dr. Hickes (p) ; and in others. To recapitulate. I have before fet-down Charta as a Romanick Word : (n) Et qui voluerit hoc facere, per kar- tam de rebus fuis, ad Ecclefiam ubi donare voluerif, finnitatem facial, & teftes vj vel vij adhibcat, & nomina eorum ipfa (carta continear, & coram facerdote qui ad Eccle- fiam defervit, fuper altare ponat He- roldi Leg. Akin. p. 61. ///. I. Et vid. ib. tit. 1. Et p. 64. tit. 17. 18. 19. \_lt is alfo cal- led, as it fcemeth, epiftola firmitatis ; lb. Leg. Alem.p. 61. tit. 2. i^ p. 65. tit. 20. ipla manumiilione, in chartula li- bertatis commemoretur. £t fi chartulam lion feccrit, tamen libertas ci permaneat. Her. Reg. Longob. p. j86. tit. gi. cap. 8. 9. Et ib. Leg. Longob. p. 216. tit. 17. cap. 2. 1/ ///. 18. cap. 2. Si quis chartam falfam fcripferit, aut qiiod- libet membranum; manus ei incidantur. Ib. Leg. Longob. p. 188. tit. 98. \_ln thej'c Times, an Injirument was alfo fonictiines called fcrip- tura. Scriptura non valeat, nifi in qua an- nus & dies evidentur oftenditur. Her. Leg. Alem. p. 70. ///. 44.] Chartula is fometimcs ufed ; Her. Leg. Longob. p. 234. tit. 66. Defcribis ; ^ tit. QO. p. 241 : At other Times Charta ; Ib. Leg. Longob. p. 237. ///. 76, De donatinnc ; i3 ib. tit. 74 ; iJ rb. tit. 7. p. 255 i Et ib. d inter Leg. Fraric. p. 297. cfip. 28. I'/a. ch.hl.i. ingenuitatis ; t^ ib. p. 29H. cap. ^t^. In a Charter of Bifhop Speciofus, — iit'c per chartulam coiicambitionis, neq; per conve- nifntiam libelli — ; «/;;/ per chartulam cam- biationis vel per cohvenientiam libelli — ; and & hanc ofterfionis cliarculam — . Ac- tum Florenti;e felicitcr. Dated anno 12 Luiprandi Regis Lungobardorum. Ughelli Ital. Sac. T. 3. col. 27, 28. In a Charter of Atr'oald and others, ci m?.- num in chartula ipfa fubfcribere — ; & o- fienfa chartula ipla vel relecla — ; prrcfens chartula qualiter fuperius legitur . It is dated regnante Carolo & Pipino ejufq; filio; Actum Florcntias ; and is fubfigned,. Ego Atroald in hac charta quae offerfionis — ; Ego Adonald in hac charta qus ofFerfionis — ; Ego Adelpald in hac chaita q o ; Ego Gratolfo Notarius in hac chartula q o — ; Ego Rimpertus in hac chartula ofFer- fionis ; Ego Decdetto Notarius in hac charta . Ugh. Ital. Sac. T. 3. col. 29, 3O' 3I' 32- (0) Form. Angl. p. \ 75. {p) CI. Hick. Antiquitatt. Septenir. m dif- ftrt. epiji. p. 63. 2 and xxviii Prefatory Epistle. and will now give the Reafon why I did fo. The Reafon doth in fome Mealure refult from what I have juft now faid. Although Charta is a true Ro?nan Word : yet we do not, I think, find it cur- rently ufed, even in Foreign Countries, for a Diploma or Inftrument, till the Romam'ck Ages. Then, as I fuppofe, it received the Romaiiick Stamp ; and hath ever fince uninterruptedly been ufed in that Senfe by Notaries, Diplojuatijisy and Forinularians,. In Reference to E7iglandy there feems to be Caufe to date the Entrance of the Romanick Lan- guage from the Time of K. Edward the Confeflbur. He had been abroad in Normandy ; and likewife in the Court of France [q). In his Time that Dialeil entered lightly ; from and after the Norman Con- queft it came to be completely fettled here ; that is, to be generally re- ceived and ufed by Eiiglijhmc7i, efpecially in fuch of their Compofitions as were written in Latin or French. It is true, Inftruments and Writings were, as Dr. Hicks hath rightly obferved, fometimes called by the Names of Charta, karta, and cartiila, before the Times of which I am here fpeaking. Thofe Words are found in many Latiii Charters which were entred fince the Conquefl in Regifters or Chartularies of Churches, I fay, in Charters that import to have been made or written between the Year of Chriji 950, and the Year 1050. I do not fay they were not ufed before. But there are two or three Things to be conlidered in this Cafe. In the firfl Place, a great many Charters of the Anglofaxon Ages deferve to be weighed and examined before they are admitted for genuine. But let us fuppofe that thofe Anglofaxon Charters are genuine, wherein the Words charta and cartida are found. In the next Place, thofe Charters might be written in Etigland by fome Clerks or Scholars who came from foreien Parts. For though the Romanick Dialed in general was not yet brought into England ; yet by Realbn of a Communication which pro- bably there was, between the Englifo Clerks or Notaries and the Foreign, efpecially thofe of the Roman Court, fome Romanick Words relating to the Diplomatick or Notarial Art, in particular, thofe about which we are en- quiring, :i)ight eafily be introduced into England in thofe Times. Laftly, it is to be confidered, that in Englijlj or Angloj'axon there were no Words anfwering, by immediate or diredt Verfion, to charta or chartula. The Cafe was otherwife v/ith the French, Italians, and Spaniards. They, from ancient Time, dealt in the Lingua Romana : and therefore had in their own Language Words, fuppofe charte or chartre and. carta derived fiom the Latin, charta. On the ether Part, in Anglofaxon, an Inftrument (g) Hoc aflerebat ipfe Rex [fc. Edwar- omnium vitiorum eflet. Le^. Ecliv. Conf. dus] fe audifleiii Curia Regis Francorum^ ditore Lambanh cap. ■^■j. dum ibidem moraixtur, quod -ufura radix 2 or ._. Prefatory Epistle, xxIx or Writing was ufually called boc, lanbboc, jejipit-c, and cpybe ; Names very different from Latin and Romanick. The Words boc and bnbboc have been ufually rendred in Latin, Codex, codicilhis de Terra-, ■^.^-^V'^'^ fcriptiim ; and cpybe teflamentum. In the Anghnorman Times, cbarta as it feems fuc- ceeded in the Room of boc and lanbboc ; and Breve, fcriptum, or rcjcrip- tum, in the Room of jepprc. To conclude. I have here, by Way of Ef- fay, placed the Words cbarta and cartula amongft others of the Romanick Dialedl : whether rightly, let the Publick judge. What hath been faid may ferve to fli^w, that the Matter in Difference between the learned Dr. HicJzes and me, was fit to be amicably compofed. If what I have offered will not perfedly compofe it, I fhall refl fatisfied in this, that I have en- deavoured to do it, in a Manner fuitable to the jufl efleem I have for his Perfon. It is alfo fome Contentment to me, that by difcourfing about the Cbarta, I have gained an Opportunity to treat of the Romanick Dialed. Wherein I have been the more copious, partly becaufe that Dialeft hath not hitherto been fufficiently illuflrated (r), and partly becaufe what I have faid concerning it, may be, as I fuppofe, of coniiderable Ufe (if rightly applied) to explain feveral Laws and Cufloms that were, as it feemeth, introduced into divers Countries of Europe in the Romanick Ages. Now I mufl: beg Leave to notify one Thing, in Relation to my Ccndudt in this Matter. I thought it would ill become me, even to feem to write againfV the Dodor, without firfl conferring with him upon this Subjed j, feeing I have the Honour to be acquainted with him. And therefore be- fore I began to print thefe Sheets, I made known to him the Subftance of this Digreffion. And he hath given me Leave to declare, that he affent- eth in the Main, to what I have here fpoken concerning the Romanick Dialed:. He hath alfo affured me, that when he wrote the General Preface to his Book, he would have conferred witii me about the cbarta, before he committed that Preface to the Prefs ; but that the urgent Inftan- ces of fome Perfons who fuhfcribed to his Book, and an uneafy State of Health, forced him to omit that and fome other Things. Of thcfe Matters, hitherto. There is another thing which affedls me with a greater Concern than the Subjedl of the Digrefiion abovewritten ever did. In my Differtati'on (p. lo.) placed before the Formidare it is faid, the Earl of •^r) Monfieur Du Frefne a/" immortal Me- vciir to hammer and form rny Notiom upon that viory, in the Preface bcfjre bis Latin Gkjjhry, Si(bje£i as it were ex propria minerva. yind- viz. fe£i 28, is feq, and in that Gbjjary ad I conceive I have here fet it upon the right bafis ; •vocem, Romani, hath treated of the lingua in extending it, not to the Gallick Cjiniry on- Romanica, learnedly and elaborately ; as he ly, but alfo to Italy and SpTiln. ifeth to do, Nevsrtbetefs, I made- it my endea- JFariiiik XXX Prefatory Epistle. Warivick gave Seifin of Lands to the Prioury of Lewes, per capHhs capitis fui &c. Inftead of the Earl of V/arwick there, it ihould have been the Earl of Warremie. That Miftake crept into the Print by this Means. In the Gr-eat Roll there cited, it is written abbreviated Comes de Warr. Now IVarr. ftanding either for Warre-wico or JVarrennay the Copyift happened to write it Wan-ewico. Which was an eafy and pardonable Miliake ; for it is well known that Warr. llands a hun- dred to one oftner for JVarrewicimz than for Warrenna. When the DilTertation was printing-off at London, I was fick in the Countrey. So the Miftake was not perceived till the Formulare was publifhed. But I fear my Digreflions have exceeded the proper Bounds. I now moft humbly take my Leave : having the Honour to declare, that I am, with deep Refped, My Lord, Your Lordship's mojl obedienty and devoted Servant Middle Temple 10 Aug. 1708. Thomas Madox. THE THE History and Antic^uities OF THE EXCHEQUER. CHAP. I. Of the Court of the Kings of England, froui the Nor- man Conquefi^ to the End of the Reign of King John. I. Tihe IntroduBion. II. A View of the Kings Court. III. Of the Bufmefs or ASls of the Kings Court: In the Reigns of KK. William I, William II, Henry I, Stephen, Henry II, Richard I, atid ]o\\n. IV. Of the Court of fome of the ancient Francick Kings and Dukes g/" Normandy. I I. "y N thefe Volumes I defign to reprefent the Ancient State of the Exchequer of the Kings of 'England. And I propofe to do it in this Method : namely, to begin at fome given Period, and deduce from thence an hiftorical Account of Things, accord- ing to the Order of Time, I am fenfible, this Method will be ac- companied with great Labour and Difficulty : however, that has not deterred me from making Choice of it, becaufe it is likely to be moft fatisfadtory and advantageous to the Reader. But in regard Vol. I. B the 2 Of /<^^ K I N g's Court. Chap. I. the King's Exchequer had an hnmediate Relation to the King's Court, and was a Member of it, as will hereafter appear : Before I come to treat exprefly of the Exchequer, I mult endeavour to re- prefent the ancient State of the Palace or Court &f the Kings of England. Which I fhull do with all convenient Brevity. And as in our Enquiry concerning the Exchequer, we mean to afccnd no higher than to tlie Norman Conquelf; fo, our Enquiry concerning the. Kind's Court fliall commence at that Time. II. By the King's Court, we may here underftand his Palace, or the Place of his royal Reiidence, where he was attended by his Nobles and Great Men. The King had many Palaces within the Kingdom, and ufed to hold his Court and celebrate the high Fefti- vals of the Year at one or other of them, as he thought fit. So the Hiflorians frequently take notice, that at fuch a Feaft he held his 'Court at fuch or fuch a Place. It is fufficient for my prefent Pur- pofe, to confider the King's Court in general, as holden in the Place- of his ufual Refidence. In which refpecl, his Court and Palace are laid in a Charter of K. Stephen fa), to have been at Wejiminjlsr^ At his Court, and more efpecially at fome folemn Times of the Year,, he held his great Councils, and ordinarily tranladed fuch Affairs, as were of great Importance, or required Pomp and Solemnity, accord- ing to the Cuftom of the Times. There he was attended by his Barons and Knights, who were to accompany him in his Wars and Expeditions. There Coronations, Marriages, and Knighthoods of the King's Children, and Solemnities of great FeiHvals were cele- brated. , There, was placed the Throne or fovereign ordinary Court of Judicature, wherein Juftice was adminiftred to the Subjedls, either by the King or his High Juilicier. There, was the Confluence of the Nobility and Prelates, who ufed to be near his Royal Perfon. And there, the Affairs of the royal Revenue were managed, by the King himfelf, or (moft ufually) by his Jufticier, Barons, and Pre- lates^ employed therein by his Command. This may ferve for one View of the King's Court. To vary the Profpeft, let us take a View of it another way. The Realm of England v/as anciently deemed one great Seigneury or Dominion (bj ; of which the King was Sove- reign (<^) Quoniam Curia & Domus Regix in {I) Heme it ivas e/illed Regnum Angliae, fundo illo [fc. in Manerio Weftmonafteriij the Kingdom or Realm of England (which- confiftuni. Form. Aiiglic. num. D. Phrafe lath continued iu ufi ever ftnce to this Day); chap. I. Of the K I -ii g' s C o u r t. 3 reio-n or Chief Lord ; having under him many Barons or great Lords, and many Knights and mihtary Tenants, befides Socagers, Burgefles, and others. In order to furvey the Court of this Chief Lord of tlie Regnum, or Terra Anglice, we may confider \\m\ as refiding in his Palace, and furrounded by his Barons and Ofiicsrs of State. The Baronage, attending on his Royal Perlbn, made a confiderable Part of his Court. They were his Homagers : They held their Baronies of him : He was their Sovereign or Cliief Lord, and they were his Day) ; and Terra Anglise, or Terra Regis Anglias, the Seigneury or Dotninion of Eng- land. For exmnple : K. Henry I. calls it Terra mea, in a Charter of his granted to the Monks of Bathe : Henncus Rex Anglo- rum, omnibus Baronibus & Miniftris luis falutem. Praecipio h dcfendo i'uper forif- facluram menm, ne aliquis difturbet mi- niftros Monachorum de Batha, fi quid emc- rint ad opus eorum ; fed fint quieti de Theloneo & omni confuetudine ; Sc habe- ant firmam pacem per totam Terram meam. T. Epifcopo Saiefberix apud Win- toniam. Per Walterum de Gloeceftra. ^.v Cod. perantiq. AiS. Mifcellanea G. in Bibl. Coll. Corp. Chrifii Cantab, p. io8. in the Reign of K. Henry II. Randulf Fitz- Wal- ter fined in Tzventy Marks., for going out of England (de terra Regis) : Randulfus filius Walter! reddit compotum de xx marcis, quia exivit de terra Domini Regis ; In thefauro X marcas, & debet x marcas ; Mag, Rot. 29 Hen. 2. Rot. 5. a. Everwichfcira. K. Richard I. granted leave to Hugh Oiftl and Adam his Brother, to buy and fell, in Terra Domini Regis ; Pojlhac, cap. 13. Se£i. 3. K. John granted leave to Nicholas the Dane, to trade per totam Terram Regis ; lb. Sefi. 3. K. ^o)\n granted leave to Simon Curle- vach to export five Lafls of Leather from Eng- land (a Terra Anglise) to St. Valerie; lb. Sea. 3. The Kingdom of Scotland iv.ts alfo called Terra Regis Scotia. 77;;? Sheriff of York- fhire returned to the Barons of the Exchequer, That William de Sumerville, one cf the Kings Debtors, refided at Loeneis, luithin the Land or Dominion of the King of Scotland : Wil- lelmus de Sumervill debet xx marcas argenti. Sed manet in terra Regis Scotise in Lionels ; Afag. Rot. 4 Hen. 2. Rol. 5. a. Everwichfcira. Sarah de Burgh fined to K. John, that fine. might marry to uhom jhe pleajed m the Rcaliii »/" England, but nit to any one of the Realm of Scotland ; Ut pofTit fe maritare cui vo- luerit in Terra Regis, praeter Terram Re- gis Scotiie ;, Fojlhac, cap. 13. SeSl. 2. In like tnanner there %vas Terra Francis and Terra Hibernia:. l^'lthin the Kingdom or Terra Anglias, then 'Mere many fubordinate Seigneiirtes, fuch as Honours, Baronies, Manours, Sic. which ivere holden either mediately or immediately of the King as fupreme Lord. Thefe fubordinate. Seigneuries were alfo frequently ftyled Terra of fuch or fuch a Lord. The Bifnop of Elys Seigneurie is fo called; Et in Terra Epifcopi de Ely, viij I. 61 x s. & iij d. ; Mag. Rot. 2. Hen. 2. Rot, I. a. Nortf. Et ib. Rot. I. b. Sudfolc. Hamon Son of Meinfelin granted to the Prioury of Lufl'eld, the whole Tythe of the Bread of his Houfe, Ubicunque (faith he) fuero in Terra mea : His Char- ter runs thus, Univerfis S. Matris ecclefis filijs, Hamo filius Meinfelini falutem. No- verit univerfitas veftra, me dediire & in per- petuam elemofinam, allenfu Hamonis fiiij mei & hsredis, conceffiffe decimam totius panis domus meae ubicunq; in terra mea fuero de proprio lucre meo, Alonafterio de Luft'eld. Praeterea, quia Prior & fratres Monafterij de Lufl'eld, juri quod fe in Cella mea de Eradeweila & in ecclefiis de terra mea habere aflercbant, lenuntiaverunt, ec- clefiam de Torneberga liberam &i quictam inperpetuum eis concede & hac carta mea confirmo. Hijs teftibu.s, Alano iilio Mein- felini, BartholomaeD de Luct, RoggeroVis de Lu, Michaele clerico de Sloch, Radulfo de Bealchamp, with fivni othes. Ex autogr. B 2 in 4 Of the K I N g's Court. Chap. L his Men, as to Life, Limb, and earthly Honour Cc). They were called Pares or Peers, as they were Peers or Convallals fJJ of his Court ; Peers to one another, and all of them Liege-men to their As Peers they had an immediate relation to his Chief Lord the King. In archh'o Ecclef. Colleg. TVrJimon. This' Char- ter is without Date. , / refer it to the Reign of K. Henry II, Richard I, or John. In truth. Terra -Mas a gtmral name ufed for any large Seigneury. In the 33^ Year of K. Henry II, certain femurs, or cuftodes accompted for the following Lands or Ef.ates : viz. Honor Wil- lelmi de Velci ; Terra Radulfi de Caugi ; Terra qiias fuit Henrici de Effexa ; Terra Thomae de Malcamp ; Terra Willelmi Painelli ; Terra Ruelent de Auuers ; and feveral other Lord/hips ; Mag. Rot. 33 Hen. 2. Rot. 2. a, l^ ib. b. £jf alibi in Magnis Rott. faffim. (c) Homage ivas done to a Lord in this form. Devenio homo veller de tenemento quod de vobis teneo [vel alitcr, quod de vobis teneo & tenere debeo] ; ti fidem vobis portabo de vita & membris & terreno honore ; [fecun- dum quofdam, vel aliter, fecundum alios] de corpore & catallis & terreno honore ; & fidem vobis portabo contra omnes gentes [qui vivere poterint & mori, fecundum quofdam] ; faiva fide debita Domino Regt & hxredibus fuis. BraSion. de Legib. Angl. L. 1. c. 35. §. 8. fol. 80. a. Regi autem fic \that is. Homage luas to be done to the King in this form'] : Devenio ho- mo vefterde feodis & tenementis quje de vo- bis teneo & tenere debeo, h fidem vobis portabo de vita & membris, corpore & ca- tallis, h omni terreno honore, contra om- nes qui vivere poterunt & mori. FLta L. 3. c. 16. §. 21. p. 207. Et vid. Spelm. Glojfar.advocem, Homagium, p. 296. (d) They zvho are acquainted with the Feu- dal Ciijhms knovj very well, that, Vaffal, was anciently a Word importing the mafl honourable Tenure and Service ; And fgiuficd the fume as Homager or Feudatary. This appears from Jill the Feudal IVriters that I have perufed, and from many other Authors, A feiv Injiances hereof may fujfce upoji this occafion. In truth. Marls, Barons, and even Kings that were fuh- ordinate to others, are Jlyled Vaffals with rela- tion to their Superiour Lords. Sunt autem Pares Curtis, qui & Pares Curise dicuntur nonnunquam & Pares Do- mus, Convafalli, qui ab eodem Domino eademve Domo feuda tenent ; non quafi Pa- tricij, ut volunt ignari Feudorum. Curtem dixere pro Domo, Caftro, Palatio, Prasto- rio. Cujac, Comment, in Lib. 1. de Feudd. tit. I. p. 18. Inveftire fiquidem hie eft inducere in pof- fefTionern. Quod fit ufitatis casremonijs quibus utitur Dominus in transferendo feudo in eum quern vafallum fuum cupit effici. Aliquando hafta, annulus, & gladius adhi- betur. Duaren. in Confuetud. Feud. c. 7. §. 2. Addendum eft & teftes quoq; adhibendos eiTe, vel pares Curia; id eft Convafallos e- jufdem Domini ; interdum extraneos. Pares Curias dicuntur Vafalli ejufdem Do- mini ; non quod Pares funt Domino, fed quod Pares funt inter fe refpeftu ejus Curiae. Eadcm ratione Pares Francias appellantur : non quod Pares fint Principi, fed quia Pa- res inter fe. Duaren. ih. c. 7. §. 3. Si in- ter Dominum & Vafallum lis fit de invefti- tura, felonia, vel fimili cafu ; per Pares^ Curije id eft Vafallos ejufdem Domini ea terminabitur.- Ib. c. 20. §. i. Vaffi quoq; & Vaflali noftri nobis famu- lantes volumus ut condignum apud omnes habcant honorem, ficut a genitorc noftro & nobis fsepe admonitum eft. Capit. Karoic y Lud. Impp. ap. Lindenbr, in Cod. Ltgg. Antiq. p. 864. cap. 24. De aiiecuratione Dominorum a Vafallis : I. Rex Guilelmus : Domini a Vafallis fuis alTecurari debent, &:c. Then follows the Oath of Fealty. ConjUtt. Sicul. L. 3. tit. i. apud Lindenbr. ib. Vafallos quoq; & feudatarios, & omnes & fingulos qui eidem Fidelitatis vinculo te- nerentur. Sentent. lata ab Hen. 7. Imp. in Robert. Regem Sicil. A. D. 1311. apud Golda/i. p. 07. A. D. chap. I. Of the K I N g's C o u r t. his Court. In that refpedl:, they are ftyled his Fideks &c Fam/uires, his Liege-nien and Domefticks fej ; and Barones Ctirice Regis (fj. A. D. 1386, Johannes EpifcopusDertho- nenfis enfeoffed and invejled Johannem Ga- leaz V'icecomitem, in Caftro de Surla, & territorio, curte, & pertinentijs, inero h mixto imperio ; & tali modo fecit pras- diftam infeudationem & inveftituram in feu- dum, videlicet quod ipfe praefatus D. D. Ga- ]eaz quoquo modo conceflerit habeat, te- neat the f aid Cnjile \_and Pre miffs'], fe- cundum moiem & confuetudinem boni va- falli, hi fecundum quod vafalli, liberi, no- biiis, & antiqui feudi, Dominis fuis facere debent & tenentur. Ughelli Ital. Sac. r. 4. col. 874, 875. El Conde D. Beitran de Tolofa ■ vino a fu Corte, y fe hizo fu vafTalJo ; he hecame Vojjhl to the King ^Aragon, and did Homage to him. Anales de Arag. de Sunt a T. I. L. I. f. 40. b. ad Ann. 11 16. Gafton Vizconde de Bearne did Homage to the King «/'Aragon, as his Vajfal, for the Lordjhip fl/"Beajne, For aquel Senno- rio 5 y le prefto homenaje como va- fallo, por fi y fus fucellbres, dc toda la tierra de Bearne y Gai'cunna . lb, T. i. L. 2. /. 85. al£ b. ad Ann. 1 187. In a Charttr of Alfonfo King of Caftiie, the King e/" Granada, the King of Murcia, and the King of Stehula, are Jfjled V a(i\\\s cf King Alfonfo. Aboabdille Abenazer Rex Granatae vaffallus Domini Regis confirma- vit, Mahomat Abcnmahomat Abenhut Rex Muici:E vaffhllus Domini Regis confirma- vit; Al inahfot Rex Stebulae vafiallus Domini Regis confirmavit, &c. Ry/neri Feed. & Acia Pub. T. I. p. 531. fub data Anni Dom. 1254. In or cd'cut the Tear 1 130, Roger the Tirfi King o/"Naples, became Liege-man andY?.i- fal cf the Church or See (3/" Rome. Ruggieri ando in Bcncvento e vifito Anaclcto, e n' ottenne il titolo e lacorcna di Re d' amen- due le Sicilie, e cio fu a 25 di Luglio 1 1 30, e fu il primo che di quefla parte d' Italia il titolo Regio havefle, e fi fece huomo ligio e vaffillo di S. Chiefa. &c. Mazzclla Defcritt. del Regno di Nup. p. 426. Tanquam fidelis Vafiallus & Princeps Imperij. In charta Sigifmondi I?np. Data A. D. 143 r. Fatto & difc. della caufa de Monferr. f. II. b. y itcrum ibid. f. 12. b. Vaff.illagium, ValFalli obfcquium] : Itaq;. Homagium h Vafl'allagium pro fynonymis ui'urpantur ; ut in Neap. ConlHt. L. 2. tit. 36. Hotomann. de verbis Feudal. Le Vaflal efl tenu apres ce qu' il a faicS hommage a fon Seigneur de la chofe qu' il tien en hed, de bailler au di6t Seigneur de- dans quarante jours apres le dicl hommage faict, fon denombrement & declaration de. la chofe qu' il tient de fied. Confueiud^ Ducat. Burgund. Rub. 3. §. 4. col. 425. Le Vaflal doit porter honneur a fon Seigneur, fa femme, & fon fils aifne, com- me aufli les freres puifnes doivent porter honneur a leur frcre aifne. Berault. Conjlum. de Norm. Art. 124. p. 149. Si le Vaflal eft convaincu par jufl^ice avoir mis la main violentement fur fon Seigneur, il perd le fief, & toute la droiture qu' il y a, revient au Seigneur. lb. Art. 125. p. 150. Vid Form. Anglic, yjum. DXXXIV. Pareillement le Seigneur qui met la maia fur fon homme U. vaflal pour 1' outrager, il. perd r hommage & teneure, rentes & de- voirs a luy deus a caufe du fief de fon vafla].. Berault, lb. Art. 126. p. 152. ivt cognofcatiir quis eorum, videlicet utrum Dominus majus jus habeat retinendi in Dominico, an vafiallus tenendi hanc de eo. Glan. de Leg. Angl. L. 2. cap. 13. Et ex hoc liquet quod vafiallus non poteft Dominum fuum infefiare falva fide homagij fui, nifi forte fe defendendo, vel nifi ex prae- cepto Principis, cum iverit cum eo contra Dominum fuum in exercitum. Ib.L.^. c. \. Et vid. libros Fe/uiafe: pajfi-n. (e) Haec eft Finalis concordia faifla in Curia Galfridi filij Petri, & poftmodum re- cordata & irrotulata in Curia D. 117. (i) Willelmus Rex fortis anno decimo nono regni fui, cum de more tenuifTec Cu- riam in Natali apud Glouceftre, ad Pai'cha apud Winceftre, ad Pentecoften apud Lon- doniam, Henricum fiiium fuum juniorem virilibus induit armis. Deinde accipiens hominium omnium terrariorum Anglise, cu- jufcunq; fcudi eiTent, juramentum etiam f idelitatis recipere iion diflulit. Poftea Rex adquifitis magni thcfauri C(;piis fuper quof- cunq-, aliquani caufam invenire poteiat five jufte five injufte, ivi: in Normannianl. Hen. Hunt. L. b. p. 370. nu. 20. Rex Wilhelmus in fefto Pentecoftes apud Weftnlonafterium cepit Homagium homi- num totius Anglise, & juramentum Fideli- tatis, cujufcunq; efleiit Feodi vel Tene- menti. Eodem tempore per prius Henri- cum hlium fuum juniorem cingulo donavit Militari. Extorta igitur maxima pecuniae fumma de quibus aliquam fophiftice cau- fam poterat invenire, in Normanniam in— nunieris maledictionibus laqueatus transire- tavit. Rudborn. HiJi. IKinton. apud Angl. Sac. T. 1. p. 258. t Chron. Sax. CI. Gibfini ad J. D. 1085. Pus aNowel [viz. aniioGrati^eMLxxxv] tint fa Curt a Glouceftre, e dona iij evef- chees, ke furunt deliverez a fes iij Chape- leins, ceft a dire a Moris le efvefchee de Loundres, e a Willam de Belfe le efvefchee de Tefort (kar adone !e fee de Norv/yz fu la), e a Roberd le efvefchee de Ceftre. Anno Gratias MLxxxvi, en b. fameine de Pentccofte fift il fon fiz Henri Chivaler a Weftmufter ; e toft apres fift afembler tute la Clergie e tuz les Earouns a Salesbires ;. e les fift jurer ke il fereicnt feus e lewes a lui encontre tute genz. Chron. MS. p. 30 y 31. in Cod. MS. R.g. II. in Bibl. Coll. S. Trin. Cantab. [Ciijus codicis tnihi copiani fecit Rev. isf CI. FirJokinncfLaughton S. T. B. Biblic- theca publico: Cantabrigienfn Cujios, & Ecclefics ■ JVigornienfts Canonicus.'\ (k) \n Nativitate Domini Curiam fuam Glavornffi tenuit, ubi tribus fuis Capellanis, , Mauricio fcilicet Lundonienfem, Willelmo Theodfordenfem, Roberto Ceftrenfem dedit pisfulatum. In the Tear 1086, he caiifed to be madi the General Survey or Defcripiicn of England, 8 Of the K 1 N g's Court. Chap. I. land, Arcbhiiliops and Bifliops, Abbots and Earls, Theines and Knights (I). K. William II. about the beginning of his Reign, held his Court in Chriftniafs at London j where were prefent Lanfranc Archbifliop of Canterhury, I'honms Archbifhop oi York, Maurice Bifliop oi London, Wakhelm BiHiop of Whichejler, Odo Bifhop of Baieux, Jufticier and Chief Man of all England, with others fmj. In the Year 1094, at Chriftniafs he held his Court at Gloucejhr (n) . In the Year 1095, at Eafter he held his Court at Winchejler ; and in Whitfontide at Wind/or ; where were prefent all his Noblemen, except the Earl of Northumberland foj. In the Year 1096, at Chriftmafs he held his Court at Wind/or. And in the Odlaves of the Epiphany, the King and all his Nobles were at Salifbury ; There Gosfrey Bainard accufed Wil- liam de Oil the King's Kinfman of Treafon [in the King's Court], and vanquiflied him in fmgle Combat; whereupon, the King commanded William de Ou's Eyes to be put-out, and his Tefticles to be cut-ofF, and his Dapifer (one William by Name) to be hanged; and there Eoda Earl of Campania the King's Son in Law, was deprived of his Lands, and others were put to Death at London, by the King's Com- mand [for being concerned in the faid Treafon] fpj. In the Year 1099, the King was in Normandy at Chriflmafs; At Eafter he came into England, [i.e. That Survey was finljlied in that year-l Poft haec in hebdomada Pente- cofles filium fuum Henricum apud Weft- monafterium, iibi Curiam fuam tenuit, ar- niis militaribus honoravit; nee multo port manda\it, ut Archiepifcopi, Epifcopi, Ab- bates, Comites, Barones, Vicecoinites, cum fiiis militibus Cal. Augufti fibi occurreient Sarcsbiriae ; quo cum venill'ent, A/iilites il- loium fibi Fidelitatem contra omncs ho- mines jurare coegit. Hoved. P. i. p. 460. «. 20. 30. (I) €ac he psE]- yyiSi pujicJpul, &c. Ad- liEC, fuit admodum magnificus; ter geflit fuam Coronam jingulis annis, quoties efl'et inAnglia; ad Pafcha earn geffit in Win- ccaftre, ad Pentecoften in Wcilmynftre, & ad Natsles in Glcaweceaftre. Et tunc prasfto apud eum fuerunt omnes Optimates qui erant per totam Angliam, Archiepif- copi & Dioecefani Epifcopi, Abbates h Comites, Theigni & Milites. Chron. Sax. J>. 190. ad ami. 1086. (m) Rex igitur novus Curiam fuam ad 3 Natale tenuit apud Londoniam, in qua aftuerunt Lanfrancus Archiepifcopus qui eum facraverat in Regem, & Thomas Eboracenfis Archiepifcopus, & Mauricius Londonienfis Epifcopus, & Walchelmus Wintonienfis [and others], & Odo Epifco- pus Baioccnfis Jufticiarius & Princeps totius Angliae. Hunt. L. 6. p. 371. n. 30. (n) Chron. Sax. ad ann. ilium. (0) Anb fa to faj-rpan heolb ye cyn5 hij- hi) eb on Wmceaj-qie, &c. Poftea ad Pafcha tenuit Rex fuam Curiam in \Vjn- ceafler. Poftea ad Pentecoften fuit Rex in Windlefora, omnefq; fui Optimates cum illo, prster Comitem Northymbrias. Chron. Sax. ad ami. MXCV. p. 202. (p) On Jjifon jeaj-ie heola j-e cyn^. Sec. Hoc anno tenuit Rex Willelmus fuam Cu- riam ad Chrifti Natales in Windlefora; atq; in odtavis Epiphaniae fuit Rex omnefq; ejus Optimates in Searbyrig. Ibi accufavit Gosfrei Bainard Wiilelmum de Ou Regis propinquum, [afleverans] eum fuifi'e parti- cipcm confpiratioais contraRegem, & duello cum Cliap. I. Of //^^ K I N g's C o u r t. (5 into England', and at Whitfontide he held his Court the firft time in the New-Hall at Wcjlmhijier ; where he gave to Ranulf his Chap- lain the Bilhoprick of Durham fgj. And in the Year 1 1 00, (the lalt Year of his Reign), at Chriftmafs he held his Court at Gloiicejler, at Eafler at JVincbeJier, and at Whitfontide at Wejiminfier frj ; but no- thing memorable is mentioned to have been done there. In the Year iioi, K. Henry I. held his Court at Chriftmafs at Wejlminjler, and at E after at Winchejler fsj." and fo he did alfo the next Year ftj. At the Michaehnafs following he held his Court at Wejl7mnjler. There, were prefent all the chief Men of England, both of the Clergy and Laity (u) : and Archbifhop A^ifelm held an ecclefiaftical Synod (la), wherein many Canons pertaining to Re- ligion were made, and feveral Perfons were deprived of their pafto* rai Staves and Dignity (x). In the Year 1103, at Chriftmafs the King held his Court at U^ejliiimjler ; and in Eafter at Winchejler ; and raifed upon the People manifold Gelds or Tributes fyj. In the Year 1104, the King held his Court in Chriftmafs-time at JVeJi- m/njleri cum eo decertavit, eumq; praelio fimplici vicit ; & poftea, fuperato juflit Rex oculos erui, ac deinde tefticulos abfcindi : & illius Dapiferum ( hij- p:iparv& ) Willelmum no- mine, filium amitre illius, iuffit Rex in cru- cem tolli. Tunc etiam fuit Eoda, Comes de Campania, Regis gener, multiq; alii privati terris ; & nonnullos Lundoniam de- du£ios, ibi interfecit. Ibid, ad arm. MXCVI. Et Hoved. P. I. p. 466. m/. lo. 20. (q) j^eji pnej- j-e cynj Willelm to mibe pmrpa on Nopmanfeij, &c. Hoc anno, fuit Rex Willelmus ad Natales in Norman- dig, & ad Pafcha hanc in Terram venit ; atq; ad Pentecoften prima vice fuam Curiam in Nova Aula apud Weftmynftre tenuit, ubi Rannulfo fuo Capellano Epifcopatum apud Dunholme dedit, qui multos jam annos fuo confilio univerfam Angliam gubemavit. lb. cd Ann. MXCIX. (r) On pifon jeape y-e cynj Willebn, &c. Hoc anno. Rex Willelmus tenuit fuam Curiam ad Chrifli feftum in Gleaweceaflre, & ad Pafcha in Winceaftre, & ad Pente- coften in Weftmynftre. lb. ad ann. MC. (s) Jxp on Jiipum gear-i to Epip:«)- maejyan, &c. Hoc anno ad Chrifti feftum, tenuit Rex Heanrigus fuam Curiam in Vol. I, Weftminftre, & ad Pafcha in Winceaftre. lb. ad. ann. MCI. (t) On Jj!f um jtape, &c. Hoc anno ad Natales fuit Rex Heanrigus in Weftmyn- ftre, & ad Pafcha in Winceaftre. lb. ad ann. MCII. (ti) Principes Regni fui omnes, tan' Ecclefiaftici quam fecularis ordinis. Hovcd. P. I. p. 469. n. 40. (tv) Magnum tenuit Concilium, Havcd, ib. n. 40. (x) Da fsep reptep, &c. Poflea ad S. Michaelis feftum, fuit Rex apud Weftmyn- ftre, omnefq; Primarij Viri hujus Terrs, Clerici ac Laici ; Et Archiepifcopus An- fealmus habuit Clericorum Synodum, qui ibi multas Leges confecerunt ad Religio- nem pertinences : multi item turn Franci turn Angli ibi baculis fuis & dignitate pri- vabantur, quam ij injufte fuerant adepti, aiit in qua inhonefte vixerunt. Chron. Sax-, ad ann. MCII. (}') l^'^P on jj:j-um jeape', &c. Hoc an- no, ad Natales fuit Rex Heanrigus apud Weftmynftre. Deinde ad Pafcha tenuit Rex fuam Curiam in Winceaftre. Hoc anno multis anguftijs premebatur hsc Terra propter multifaria tiibuta. Cl^rsn. Sax. ad G ann- 10 0/ /Ai? K I N g's C o u R T. Chap. L. miiiflcrt in Eiifter at IVincheJler, and in Whitfontide at Wcjlminjlcr fzj.. In the Year II05^ at Chriflmafs he held his Court at Windjor ; and raifed this Year many Tributes (a). In the Year 1106, at Chrift- iiiafs he held his Court at Wejlminjler ; and before the Lent fol- lowing, at Northampton ; and thither his Brother Robert came to him out oi Normandy, to get Reflitution of fome Lands which the King had taken from him; but went away again v/ithout Suecefs. At Eafter the King was at Bathe, and at Whitfontide at Salijbury ; for that he was unwilling to hold his Court beyond-fea fbj. Either this Yect.- or the next, about the Beginning of Augiift, there was a great Af- fembly of the Bi£l:iops, Abbots, and Barons in the King's Palace [at Wejlminjter'\ fcj. In the Year iioj, at Chriftmafs the King was in. Normandy, at Eafter he held his Court at Windfor, and in Whitfon- tide at Wejlminjler. Afterwards, about the beginning of Aiigujl he: held his Court at Wejlminjler -, where he filled up a great many vacant Bifhopricks and Abbotricks both in Ejigland and Normandy y £b many, that the like for Number were never before, within Me- mory, difpofed of at one time fdj. In the Year 1108, the King kept his Court at Chriflmafs at Wejlminjler, at Ealler at Winchejier, and at Whitfontide at Wejlminjler (ej. In the Year 1 109, at Chrift- cnn. MCIII. Haved. P. i. p. 470. n, lo. 20. (z) Chron. Sax. ad ann. MCIF. (a) On fip-um jsarie to Natiuite^, &c. Hoc anno ad Natales tenuit Rex Heanrigus fuain Curiam apud Windlefo- ram. Hie aanus fuit valde calamitofus in hac Teira, propter fruduum interitum, & propter multa tributa, a quihus, nunquam cefTatum eft, five antea quam Rex tranf- fretaret, five quo tempore ibi ageret, five poftquam reverfus fuillet. Chron. Sax, ad ann. MCV. (b) Jjep on Jiifon jeaiie, &c. Hoc an- no fuit Rex Henrigus ad Natales in Weft- mynftre, & ibi fuam Curiam tenuit. Poft hjec, ante Qiiadragefiraam fuit Rex apud Northamtune, & Comes Rotbertus ejus frater e Normannia eo ad ilium pervenit : verum quoniam Rex ei recufabat reftituere quod in Normannia ei eripuerat, animis inimicis difceflerunt. Ad Pafcha fuit Rex apud Bathan, & ad Pentecoften apud Scar- byrig, propterea quod nollet abfens [ab Angliaj apud tranfmarinos Curiam tenere. lb. ad ann. MCVL (c) Done [fub anno Gratia MCFI.] 1e. primer jur avant les Kalendes de Auft, fufb fet un grant affemble de evefkes, e abbes,. e barons, en le paleis le Rey, en la pre-- fence feint A nfelm le ercevefke ; elagranta le Rei e eftabli, ke de eel jur en avant nul- homme ferreit veftu ne feify de nule ren de. feint eglife, par le Rey ne par nul homme lay; e la granta feint Anfelm, ke null evefke ferreit privee de fa dignite, pur ho- mage ke' il feit au Rey. £:$■ Fet. Chron.- MS. i2. 9. II. /« Bibl. Coll. S. Trin. Cantab., p. 36. (d) On }ii)'um jeape to Epifzer* maej-- j-an, &c. Hoc anno ad Chrifti feftum fuit, Rex Henricus in Normannia. Poftea, ad. Pafcha fuam Curiam tenuit in Windlefora,. ad Pentecoften autem in Weftmynftre. Poft. base, Augufti [menfis] initio fuit in Weft- - mynftre, & ibi Epifcopatus Abbatiafq; fup- plevit, quae five in Anglia five in Norman-. nia carebant Prasfidibus & Paftoribus. Ibi, tot [donavit], quot nullus unquam memi- nerit uno tempore quenquam donavifle. . Chron. Sax. ad ann. MCVII. (e) lb. ad ann. MCVHL. mafs. Chap. I. Of //6^ K I N g's C o u R T. ii mafs and at Eafter the King was in Normandy; he returned into Eng- land before Whitfontide, and then kept his Court at Weftminjler. There the Contrad:s were made and Oaths taken, relating to the Marriage of his Daughter to the Emperor ffj. In the Year iiio, the King held his Court in Chriftmafs-time at Wejlminjier, in Eafter at Marleburgh, and in Whitfontide for the firft time at Ne-xv Windfor. And this Year before Lent he fent his Daughter beyond-fea, liaving given her in Marriage to the Emperor j^y/. In the Year im, the King was in England, but did not wear his Crown either at Chriflmafs, or at Eafter, or at Whitfontide (hj. For the greater part of the two next Years he was in Normandy (ij. In the Year 1 1 14, at Chriflmafs the King kept his Court at Windfor; and kept no Court at any other time this Year. About this time he gave the Archbiflioprick of Catiterbury to Ralf, who was before Bifhop of Ro' chejler, and the Archbiflioprick of York to his Chaplain Tiirjiein. He alfo made Ernidfvfho was Abbot of Burgh, Bifhop of Rochefter, with the Approbation of the Archbifliops, Bifliops, and all the No- bility o{ England fk). 1116, at Chriftm.as the King was at St. Albans; at which time the new-built Monaflery there was confe- crated. This Year great Tributes were exadled. On the Fourteenth of the Kalends of April, the Earls and Barons of all Englatid met the King at Salijbury ; where the great Caufe between the Arch- bifhops of Canterbury and Tork was agitated. At Eafler the King was at Wudiham flj. The next Three Years, and great Part of the Fourth (f) Jjep on );i)-on jeape &c. Hoc anno fuit Rex Henricus ad Chrifti feftum & ad Pafcha in Normannia, & ante Pentecoften banc in Teriam venit, fuamq; Curiam in Weftmynftre tenuit. Ibi erant padiones confedlae & juramenta praeftita de Filia fua Imperacori [in uxorem] danda, Jb.adann, MCIX. (g) On Jifum jeape, &c. Hoc anno tenuit Rex Henricus fuam Curiam ad Chrifti feftum apud Weftmynfter, & ad Pafcha fuit apud Maerlebeorge, & ad Pen- tecoften prima vice fuam Curiam in Nova Windlefora tenuit. Hoc anno mifit Rex ante Quadragefimam, fuam Filiam cum multis thefauris trans mare, eamq; Impe- ratori [in uxorem] dedit. IL ad ami. MCX. (b) On fifun jeape ne baep j-e cynj, &c. Hoc anno corona fua non indutus eft Rex Henricus five ad Chrifti Natales, five ad Pafcha, five ad Peatecoften. lb. ad ami. MCXI. (}) Ibid. p. 217. (k) On jjifon gespe heolb j'e cyn5 Jjenpi, &c. Hoc anno tenuit Rex Hen- ricus fuam Curiam ad Natales in Windle- fora j neq; rurfum hoc anno tenuit Curiam. Hoc item anno Rex dedit Archiepifcopatum in Cantwarabyrig Radulfo, qui fuit prius Epifcopus in Hrofeceaftre ; & Archiepif- copo in Eoferwic Thorns mortuo fiiccefiit Turfteinus, qui fuit prius Regis Capellanus. Sub hoc tempus Rex millt Literas ad Ab- batem de Burh Ernulfum, & coegit ilium fufcipere Epifcopatum de Hrofeceaftre, & una cum Rege, Archiepifcopi, & Epilcopi, & tota Nobilitas in Anglorum terra. Ib^ an am. MCXIV. (I) On J)ij-on geape.pae)- p cyn5 Jjenpi, C 2 &C, 12 0/ fBe KiK g's C o u r t. Chap. I. Fourtli Year, the King was in Normandy, bulied in his Wars (nt), la the Year 1 1 2 1 , at Chriftmafs he was at Brampton, at Eafter at Berkley, and at Whitfontide he held a great Court at Wejhninjier -y and then marched with an Army againft Wales (n). In the Year 1 123, at Chriflmafs the King was 2XDunJlaple, where he received an Embaffy from the Earl of Anjou ; from thence he went to JVood- ftock, and his Bifliops and whole Court with him. Soon after, he fent forth his Letters or Writs throughout Englatid, and com- manded his Bifliops and Abbots, and all his Theines, to meet him at Gloucejler, at a Council of the Nobles to be held there upon. Candle- mas-Day ; which they did accordingly. And there, an Archbifliop was chofen for the See of Canterbury. Afterwards- he kept his Eafter at Winchejler, and made Alexander Bifliop of Li?icoln (o). In the Year 1124,. the King being in Normandy, between St. Andrew and Chriftmafs Ralf BaJJet and the King's Theines held a Council of the Nobles at Hundhoge m Leicejierjbire, and caufed Execution to be done upon many Malefaftors. At this time great Tributes were raifed upon the People fpj. In the Year 1 1 27, at Chriftmafs the King held his Court at IVindfor ; at wiiich were prefent David King of Sec. Hoc anno fuit Rex Henricus ad Natales iipud S. Albane, & ibi permifit Monafteiiuin illud confecraii ; atq; ad Paf- cha apud Wudiham. Hjec Terra 6c hie po- puliis erant hoc anno frequenter graviterq; oppreffi tributis quae Rex exegit turn intra Burgos turn extra. Chron. Sax. ad ann. MCXVI. Comites & Barones totius Anglias apud SalefberLam decimo quarto Calendas Aprilis convenerunt. Habita eft ibi caiifa de querela qua; inter Archiepifcopum Can- tuarieniem Radulfum & elefbum Pontifi- cem Turftinum Eboracenfem per integrum annum verfata fuerif. Moved. P. I. p. 473, KU. 40. f'lb ann. 1 1 1 6. (m) ' Chr. Sax. ad ann, ilks. (n) Chron. Sax. ad am. MCXXI. (0) On }))Yfum ^eape paej* j-e King })eniii, &c. Hoc anno fuit Rex Henricus in Chrilto fefto apud Duneftaple, quo ad eum venerunt iiuncii Comitis de Angeow ; & inde ivit ad V/udeftoke, atq; ejus Epif- Gopi totaq; Curia cum illo. Statim port ha;c, mifit Rex fuas Literas [ hij-e ppiw] .per totam Anglorum Terram, & julfit iuos Epilcopos & fuos Abbates, & fuos Theines omnes ipil.obviam venire ad Pro- cerum Concilium [to h;j' sepiretne mocj in Candelarum die tefto, ad Gleawceaftre ; quod ab ijs facium. Tunc elegerunt [in Archiepifcopum Cant.] quendam Clcri- cum, Willelmum de Curboil nomine, fifte- bantq; eum coram Rege, & Rex ei dedit Epifcopatum, ac omnes Epifcopi ilium fufceperunt ; verum rejecerunt Monachi, & Comites, & Theini patne omnes qui in- terfuerunt, &c. 3. ad anna MCXXI Jl. (p) €:dl fif seane paey- j-e Kin^ beanpi, he. Toto hoc anno fuit Rex Heanricus in Normannia. Hoc ipfo anno, pofl S. Andrece feftum, ante Chrifti fefrum, tenu- erunt Radulfus BafTet & Regis Theini Pro- cerum Concilium [gepicene mo";] in Le- thecaeftrefcire apud Hunde-hoge, & fuf- penderunt ibi tot fures quot antea nun- quam ; fcilicet in parvo temporis fpatio, omnino quatuor & quadraginta viros. Sex item viros privarunt oculis & tefticulis. Admodum gravis fuit hie annus. Qui quicquam bonorum habeb-it, ijsprivatus erat per magna vciSligalia, & per iniqua [Pro- cerumj decrcta [mib j-rpange gcolbe;- -jf mis Chap. I. Of tha K i n g's C o u r t. 13 of Scots, and all the chief Men of the Clergy and Laity of England. There he caufed the Archbilhops, and Bifhops, and Abbots, and Earls, and all the Theines, who were prefent, to fwear to his Daughter Mthelic (late Wife of the Emperor of Sexlande) that they would yield to her England and Normandy after his Death fqj. King Stephen, upon his Acceffion to the Throne, wore his Crown, and kept his Court at Chriftmafs at London. From thence he went to Reding, and with the Archbifhop of Canterbury and many Prelates, and Noblemen, aflifted at the Interment of K, Henry \. At Eafter he held a very fpiendid Court at London. Afterwards, in the fame Year, he hunted at Brampton near Huntendon, and there held Pleas of the Forefh frj. In the fame Year, the firft of his Reign, when he celebrated the Feilival of Eafter (as is juft faid) at London, that is at Wejiininjier, he held there a General Council. At that So- lemnity were prefent, the Archbifhops of Cajiterbury, Tork, and Roan,. eleven Bifliops of England and Wales, four Bifliops of Norinandy, the King's Chancellor, the King's Nephew, the King of Scotland's Son, three Earls, two Conftables, two Chamberlains, one Dapifer,. one Butler, and fix Barons. In their prefence, K. Stephen by his Charter granted and confirmed the Billioprick of Bathe, with the Ap- purtenances to Rodbert, to hold to him as fully and amply as Bifliop "^ohn, or any other of his PredccelTors held the fame (sj. In the Year mifci j^epan^e mo'cef ] ; qui nihil habebat, Proceres- fepelierunt Regem Henricum cum periic fame. Ih. adann. MCXXIl^. debita tanto viro revercntia. lb, p. 387. it, (q) Dij- jeape healb ye. Kynj, &c. i. Rediens autem Rex Stephanus in Qua- Hoc anno, tenuit Rex Heaniicus fuam Cu- dragefiina tenuit Curiam fuain apud Lon- riam ad Chrifti feftum in Windlefoure ; doniam in folemnitate Fafchali, qua nun- wbi adfuit Scotoruni Rex David, omnefq; quam fuerat fpendidior in Anglia multitu- viri Summi, Clerici ac Laici, qui erant dine, magnitudine, auio, argento, gemmis, in Anglia. Ibi adegit ad jusjurandum Ar- veftibus, omnimoda dapfilitatc. lb. p. 387. chiepii'copos, & Epifcopos, & Abbates, & n. 20. Rex venit veiiatuin apud Brampto- Comites, & omnes Thsinos qui inteifue- niam quce abeft milliario ab Huntendonia ;, runt, [quo fe obftrinxeruntj filiac ejus ]£,- & ibi placitavit de P'oreflis Procerum fuo- thei:c32 (quae olim fuerat uxor Innperatoris rum, id eft, de Sylvis & venationibus. lb. de Sexlande) dare in ejus poteftatem Aug- p^ 387. n. 30. Ilcved. P. I. p. 481. n. 30.. lorum Terram &i Normanniam poft illius 50. p. 482. ;/. 20. 30. , obitum. lb. ad ann. MCXXJ'II. (sJ Stephanus Rex Angliorum, Archie- (r) Diadematus igitur [Rex Stephanus] pifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Comitibus, Curiam fuam tenuit ad Natale apud Lon- Vicecomitibus, Baronibus, & omnibus Fi- doniam. Hunt. L. 8. p. 386. n. 30. Rex dclibus fuis per totam Angliam conftitutis. venit a Curia fua quam tenuerat apud Lon- fal«tem. Sciatis uie dediiFe & conceffifle doniam in ipfo Natali contra corpus Patrui. Rodberto Epifcopo Bathoniae EpifcopatunL fui [apud Redinges], & Willclmus Archi- Bnthoniie in terris & honiinibus, in dnmi- epifcopus. Camuafiaa & multi Prstiules & nijs & feodis, ia oniiiibus rebus alijs aA- Epifco- ix Of the K I N g's C o u r t. Chap. I, Year 1137, the King called an Aflembly or Council at Oxford, and tliere arrelted Roger BiHiop of Sare/bury, Alexander Bifhop of Lincolny and his Nephew Roger the Chancellor ; and committed them to Cuflody (t). About the fifth Year ot his Reign, there was opened a difmal Scene of Wars and Tumults, From that Time during this King's Reign, the folemnizing of great Feftivals, and the Celebrity of the Royal Court, were laid afide (u). King Henry II. upon his coming into England, after King Stephens Death, was crowned at London the Sunday before Chriftmafs-day, and 'Epifcopatum pertlnentibus, canonica prlus electione prscedente, & communi veftro confilio voto & favore piofequente. Quare volo h praicipio, quod bene & in pace, & honorifice & quiete h libera teneat prafa- Tus Epifcopus, in bofco & piano, in pratis ^ paftuiis, in via & femitis, in molendinis ik efcluiis, in vivarijs h pifcarijs, in mareis & ftagnis, in parcis & fugatijs, in divifis & foreftis, in ferijs & mercatis, in aquis & extra, in burgis & .civitatibus & extra, in omnibus rebus & omnibus locis, cum focna & faca, cum Toll & Theam & infangene theof, cum omnibus confuetudinibus & li- bertatibus & quietationibus h omnibus re- bus aliis, cum quibus Ecclefia fua & Epif- copus Johannes vel aliquis praedecefforum iuorum epifcoporum unquam liberius & plcnius h quietiiis tenuit tempore mcorum prasdecefforum Regum Anglorum. Audi- entibus &: collaudantibus omnibus fidelibus meis bic fublcriptis : Apud Weftmonafte- rium in Generalis Concilij celebratione, & Pafchalis fefti folennitate hoc aftum eft: : WillelmoArchiepifcopoCantuarienfi; Tur- ftino Archiepifcopo Eboracenfi ; Hugo- re Archiepifcopo Rotomagenfi; Henrico Epifcopo Wintonias ; Rogerio Epifcopo Sarefberis ; Alexandre Epifcopo Lincoliae ; Nigello Epifcopo Elienfi ; Safaro Epifcopo Ciceftrenfi ; Rodberto Epifcopo Herefor- denfi ; Johanne Epifcopo Roffenfi : Ber- nardo Epifcopo Sanfti David ; Symone Epifcopo Wireceftrenfi ; Ebrardo Epifcopo Noruuicenfi ; Audino Epifcopo Ebroicenfi ; Johanne Epifcopo Sagienfi ; Algaro Epif- copo Conftancienfi ; Ricardo Epifcopo Ab- rincenfi ; A^elardo Epifcopo Carl[iolenfi]; Rogerio Cancellario ; Henricp Nepote Re- gis ; Henrico filio Regis Scotiae j Willel- mo Comlte Warennae ; Galerio Comite Metll[enti] ; Rogerio Comite Waruuic ; Rodberto de Ver Coneftab[ulario] Regis ; Milone Gloeceftria Coneftab[ulario] ; Al- berico de Ver Camerario ; Willelmo de Pont[earca] Camerario ; Rodberto filio R.icardi Dapifero ; Willelmo de Albino Pincerna; Rodberto de Fered Bar[one] ; Rodberto Arundel Bar[one] ; Gaufrido de Magnavilla B[ar.] ; Ilberto de Laci Bar. ; Willelmo Peurel Bar. ; Gaufrido Talebot Bar[one] ; E Cod. MS. perantiquo, Mif- cellanea G, in Bibl. Coll. Corp. Chriji. Can- tab, p. 117. (t) Da \i Kinj Srephne co finjlalanb com. fa macob he hif gabepins ?ex. Oxene- uops, &c. Quum Rex Stephanus in An- gliam venifiet, concilium indixit apud Ox- eneford ; ibiq; prehendit Rogerum Epifco- pum de Serefberie, & Alexandrum Epifco- pum de Lincoln, & Rogerum Cancella- rium fuum nepotem, atq; commifit omnes cuftodijs donee dederent fua caft;ella. Chron. Sax. ad mm. MCXXXVU. (u) Quinto anno regni fui fugavit Rex Stephanus Nigellum Epifcopum Elyenfem de Epifcopatu fuo. Ubi autem ad Natale, vel ad Pafcha fuerit, dicere non attinet. Jam quippe Curias folennes & ornatus Re- gij fcematis ab antiqua ferie defcendens prorfus evanuerant. Pax in regno nulla j- casdibus, incendijs, rapinis, omnia exter- minabantur, &c. Hunt. L. 8. p. 390. «. I. And the Norman Chronicon gives the fame Account of things at this time, in almojl the fame words ; Chron. Norm, apud Duchefn, p. 978. ad ann. 1 139. Anno Gratise Mcxl, ke fufl: le v an de fon regne, encha^a le Rey Ncl le Eveflce Chap. r. Of //^^ K I N g's C o u R T. 15 and held there a great Court (w). In the tenth Year of his Reign, he married his Daughter Maud to Henry Duke of Saxony. And called a great Council, about fettling the Laws, and compofing the Difference between him and Thomas Archbifhop of Canterbwy fxj. A while afterwards the King called together the Clergy and People of the Realm at Clarendon. There the King commanded all the Earls and Barons of the Realm, to go forth and recolledf the Laws of K. Henry his Grandfather, and to reduce them into Writing : which was done. Then the King commanded the Archbifliops and Bifliops to fet their Seals to the Writing. Some Difficulty being made about thatj he caufed thofe Laws to be written in a Chiro- graph, and one Part thereof to be delivered to the Archbifhop fyj. Thefe Things were done, as it feems, in the King's Court ; for it is faid, that the Archbiflaop withdrew from the Court fzj under the King's Difpleafure.. Li the Year 1165 (11 Hen. II), the King called a great Council at Northampton. The Archbifliop fent Word to the King that he would not come to Court, till the King had caufed the Men and Horfes, which he had put into the Archbifliop's Hoftels, to be removed. The next Day after the Council met, the Archbiihop came to the King's Court into his Chapel. The King challenged him to anfwer before him for a Wrong done to "John his Marefchal, who had complained that he could not have Julfice done him in the de Ely hors de feveche, ke fuft neveu lav- antdit Roger Evefke de Salefbires. Adonc evanifl tute manere de Nobleye ke foleyt eftre en Curt; kar il ni out point de pees e nul lui en le reaume, ines arfons e roberies c homicides furunt par tut. Ex Vet. Chron. MS. R. (j.ii. in Bibl. Coll. S. Trin. Cantab. />. 40. (w) Da he ro Cn^lelanb com, 5cc. Cum venit in Angliam [comes Henricus], luit reccptus perhonorifice, & in Regem confecratus in Lundene die Dominica ante diem Natalium, & [ibi tenuit] magnam Curiam [micel cupr] Chron. Sax. ad ami. MCLIV. (x) Armo gratiae 1164, qui erat annus 10. regni Regis Henrici fiiij Matildis Im- pcratricis, idem Henricus dedit Henrico Duci Saxoniae Matildem fili;nn fuam in uxorem. Eodem anno Rex inagno con- gregato Concilio, & omnibus Archiepifco- pis & Epifcopis Anglix in unum coram illo congregatis, pctijt ab eis, ut ipfi pro amore & fervitio fuo, & pro ftabilitate Regni, reci- perent Leges Henrici Avi fui, & eas fideliter- cuftodirent, &c. Moved. P. 2. p. 492. n.. 40. (y) Et paulo poft, congregate Clero & Populo regni apud Clarendun, pcenituit Arcliiepifcopum, quod ipfe conceflionem iHam fecerat Regi, &c. Tunc prsecepit Rex univerfis Comitibus & Baronibus regni, ut irent foras, & recordarentur Legum Henrici Regis Avi fui, & eas in fcripto redigerent. Quod cum faftum fuiflet, praecepit Rex Archiepifcopis & EpiCcopis, ut figilla fua apponerent fcripto ilii. Cumq; ■ vidifietRex, quod talimodo non pofiet pro- cedere, fecit Leges illas in Chirographo po- ni, & medietatem illius tradidit Cantuarienfi Archiepifcopo. HovecL P. 2. p. 493. n. to. 20. (z) & fic recefTit Archiepifcopus a Cu- ria ; fed in nuUo gratiam Regis alfecpi po-- tuit. Ibid p. 493. 71. 30. Arch-- Of the K I N g's Court. Chap. I. ArchbiOiop's Court, touching certain Land which he had claimed there to hoLl of him by Right of Inheritance ; in which Caufe the Plea had long depended there undetermined. The Archbifliop al- ledged certain Things in his own Defence, and infifted, that the Pro- ceedings in that Cafe in his Court before his Jullices were according to Law. But the Barons of the King's Court adjudged the Archbifhop to be in the King's Mercy. Accordingly he v/as amerced Five Hundred Pounds J and thei-eupon departed from the Court, and fell fick fa). Soon afterwards he went to the King's Court, bearing his Crofier in his right Hand. The King fent and ordered him to come and render fbraightway an Accompt of all his Receipts of the King's Rents re- ceived by him whilll he was Chancellor ; and particularly, of thirty thoufand Pounds of Silver. The Archbilhop anfwered. That he had accompted for the fame already, and was acquitted thereof at the King's Exchequer ; and the ixfore would not plead or anfwer for the fame again. Whereupon, the King commanded his Barons to pafs Judgment upon him forthwith, for that being the King's Liege-Man, he refufed to fland to Right in his Court. Accordingly, they adjudged him to be imprifoned. Which Judgment was decla- red to him by Reginald Earl of Cornwall and Robert Earl of Lei~ cejler (b). This Year the King made a fevere Edidt to retain the Clergy in their Obedience and Duty (cj. In the Year 1170 (16 {a) Anno gratije 1165. qui erat annus undecimus regni Henrici Regis, filij Ma- tildis Imperatricis, idem Rex Henricus Magnum congregavit Concilium apud Nor- thamtun. Sed Archiepifcopus manda- vit Regi, quod ipfe ad Curiam non veniret tlonec hofpitia fua vacuarentur ab equis & hominibus fuis. In craftino Colloquij ve- rit Thomas Archiepifcopus ad Curiam Re- gis in Capella fua. Dixit ei Rex, tu prius refpondebis mihi de injuria quam fe- ciiti Johani Marefcallo meo in Curia tua. Conqueflus enim erat Regi idem Johannes, quod cum calumniatus effet in Curia Ar- chiepifcopi terram quandam de iilo tenen- dam jure haereditario, & diu inde placi- tafiet, nullam inde potuit afTequi jufticiam • Cui Archiepifcopus refpondit. Nulla juftitia defuit Johanni in Curia mea, &c. Et Barones Curiae Regis judicaverunt cum effe in mifericordia Regis ; & quamvis Archiepifcopus niteretur judicium illud fal- ■iificarc, tamen prece & Concilio Baronum pofuit fe in mifericordia Regis de quingen- tis libris, & invenit ei inde fidejuflores. Et fic a Curia recedens ad hofpitium fuum ivit, &c. Hoved. P 2. p. 494. n. I. lo. 20. (b) Archiepifcopus impofuit collo fuo ftolam, &c. & profeilus eft ftatim ad Cu- riam Regis. Ipfe autem crucem fuam portabat in manu fua dextra. Hoved. P. 2. p. 494. n. 40. Tunc mandavit ei Rex per milites fuos, ut fine dilatione veniret & redderet ei plenariam computationem de omnibus receptis. Quibus Archiepifco- pus refpondit, Dominus meus Rex fcit quod ego fsepius ei reddidi computationem de omnibus his. Quod cum Regi con- ftaret, dixit Baronibus fuis, cito facite mihi judicium de illo, qui homo meus li- gius eft, & ftare juri in Curia mea recufat. Et exeuntes, judicaverunt eum capi dignum & incarcerem mitti, &c. Ibid. p. 495. n. 10. (c) Ibid, p. 496. «. 30. Hen. Cliap. I. 0/ M^ K I N g's C o u R T. 17 Hen. 11.), the King kept his Eafter at Wind/or. From thence he came to Londo72, and there put out of Office moft of the Sheriffs in Engla?id, and put them to Ranfom for Mifdemeanors. In the Feaft of St. Barnabas he held a great Council at London, with the Gran- dees and Nobles of his Realm, concerning the Coronation of his Son Henry ; and on the Sunday following caufed his faid Son to be crowned King at Wcjhninjler, with the Confent of the Clergy and People. On the Morrow of that Coronation-day, he caufed JVil- Uani King of Scots, his Brother David, and the Earls and Barons of England, to do Homage to the new King, and to fwear Fealty to him, faving their Fealty to K. Henry the Father (d). In the Year 1 175 (21 Hen. II.), the two Kings of England v;ent to Tork ; and were there met by William King of Scots and his Brother David. There they renewed the Peace and final Concord which the King of Scotla7id had before made with his Lord the King of E?igland at Palais. This final Concord was made and agreed to in St. Peter's Church at Tork, before K. Henry, the King's Son, Roger ArchbiOiop of Tori, Hugh Bifliop of Durham, and the Earls and Barons oi England : and before the Bifhops and Abbots, Earls and Barons of the Kingdon\ of Scotland. The Hiftorian recites the Tenour of it (e). In the fame Year, in the Odlaves of St. Michael, the King held a great Council at his Court at Wind/or, where were prefent the young King, the Archbifliops of Canterbury and Dublin, and the Bifliops, Earls, and Barons of England. There a Fine and Concord was made between the King of England, and Roderick, King of Conaught in Ireland. The (d) Eodem anno [1170.] fuitRexHen- licus apud Windefhores in I'olemnitate Paf- chali. Deindc venit Rex Londonias, & ibi depofuit fere omnes Vicecomites Ang- lix', & laifla inquifitionc de prifis illorurn per facramenta hominum Regni, redemit eos. Deinde in fefto S. Barnabse Apoftoli, idem Rex magnum celebravit Concilium Londonijs, cum principibus & magnatibus tcrrce fu:e, dc Ciloronationc Henrici hlij fui ; fc Dominica fequenti, clero & populo con- ientientibus, fecit ipfc prx-dictum Hcnri- ciim iilium fuum coronari & in Regem con- fecrari apud Wcftmonillerium. Et in cra- itino Coronationis illias, fecit Rex Pater Willelmum Regem Scottorinn, & David fri-trcm fuum, h. Coiiiitcs & Barones Reg- ni dcvenire homines Novi Regis, & jurare Vol. I. ei fidelitatem contra omnes homines, falva hdelitate fua. Hovcd.P. 2. p. 518. n, i. 10. 20. (e) Deinde [anno 11 75. f] smbo Re- ges perrexerunt Eboracum ; ubi occurre- runt eis Willelmus Rex Scottorum & Da- vid frater ejus, fere cum univerfis Epifcopis & Abbatibus & alijs Magnatibus Terrarum fuarum. Et ibi renovat.i eft Pax & Finalis Concordia, quam praediiStus Rex Scotiae fccerat cum Domino fuo Rege Anglias Pa- tre apud Falefiam dum eflet in captione ejus, coram Rege filio, 5c Rogero Eboraccnd Archicpifcopo, & Hugone Dunelmenfi E- pifcopo, & Comitibus & Baronibus Ang- lias ; & coram Epifcopis & Abbatibus, Comitibus & Baronibus de Regno Scotia-, t Ihid. p. 542. H. 20. D in i8 Of the Yi I n g's Court. Chap. I. The Hiftorian recites the Tenour of it (f). In the Year 1176 {12 Hen. II.) at Chriftmafs the two Kings kept their Court at Wind/or. At the Converiion of St. Paul the King went to Kotingbam, and there held a great Council, concerning the Statutes or Laws of his- Realm; where were prefent the Archbifliops, Bifhops, Earls, and Barons ; by whofe Advice the King divided tlie Realm into fix Parts, and for each Divifion appointed three Juftices itinerant ; who were all fworn to obferve and caufe to be obferved certain Affizes or Statutes which were formerly made at Clarendon, and renewed at Northampton. The Hiftorian rehearfeth them {g). In the fame Year, the King held at London a Council of all the Bifliops, Earls, and Barons of the Realm, about marrying his Daughter ^oan to William K. of Sicily [IS), In the Year 1177 (23 Hen. II.), Alfonfo King of Cajiile, and Sanchez King oi Navarre, after great Contefts had been between them, fub- mitted their Caufes to the Determination of the King of England. Each of the fud Kings fent their Deputies ad allegandum & probandiwi pro Dominis Juis, and to hear the Judgment of the King of England's- Court in the Cafej and each of them likewife fent a Knight fur- niflied and equipped, according to the Cuftom of that Age, to wage Duell in the King of England's Court, if Duell fhould be awarded. Hereupon, the firft Sunday in Lent, the King came to London, and held a general Council at Wcftminjler, at which were prefent, Richard Archbilhop of Canterbury, Gilbert Bifhop of London, Hugh Bifhop of Durham, Geoffrey Bifliop of Ely, Walter Biiliop of Rochejler, Reginald Bilhop of Bathe, Robert Bifhop of Hereford, John Bifhop of Norwich, in Ecclefia S. Petri Eboraci lefta eft & coiicefla in hunc modum. Willelinus Rex Scotia? devenit homo ligius Domini Regis, he. Hoved. P. 1. p. 545. n. lO. 20. (f) Eodem anno Henricus Rex Pater magnum celebravit Concilium apud Win- defhores in oftavis fcfti S. Michaelis ; prae- fentibus Rege filio, & Ricardo Cantuari- enfi ArchiepiCcopo & Epifcopis Anglije ; & coram Laurentio Dublenenfi Archiepifcopo, prsefentibus etiam Comitibus & Baronibus Anglias. In quo Concilio, &:c. Hie eft Finis & Concordia quze fa£la fuit apud Windefhores, &c. Hovcd. P. 2. p. 546. n. 40. 50. [g) Anno gratiae 11 76, qui erat annus vicefimus fecundus Regni Regis Hcnrici filij Matildis Imperatricis, idem Rex & Rex Hemicus filius luus fucrunt in iefto Na- talis Domini apud Windeftiores. Poft Na- tale Domini in fcfto Converfionis S. Pauli venit Dominus Rex Pater ufq; Notingam, & ibi celebravit Magnum Concilium de Sta- tutls regni fui, & coram Rege filio fuo, & coram Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Comi- tibus, & Baronibus Regni fui, communi omnium Concilio divifit Regnum fuum in fex partes ; per quarum fingulas, tres juf- titiarios itinerantes conftituit, quorum no- mina hsec funt, &c. Hoved. P. 2. p. 548. n. I. 10...50. & p. 549. (/;) Eodem anno venerunt in Angliam Nuntij WiUelmi RcL;is Sicilis. Habito igitur inde Concilio Londonijs, Rex Pater coniilio univerforum Epifcoporum, Comi- tum, h Baronum Regni, conceffit Regi Sicilia: filiam fuum. Hovcd, P. 2. p. 551. K. I. 10. Bdr~ ■chap. I. ■ Of the King's Court. 19 Bartholome'W Bifliop of Exeter, Roger Bifliop of JVorccJler, John Bifliop of Chicbejler, Chrijlian Bifliop of Candida Cafa, the Biihops of St. David, St. v^/^ and £^z«^cr, and the Abbots, Priors, Earls, and Ba^ rons of England (/). In this Caufe, feveral Charters and Adls, as well on the part of the faid King of Cajlile, as on the part of the faid King of Navarre, were alleged and read before the King of England and his Barons (k). And upon hearing the Allegations on both fides, the King of E?7gland, before Judgment was given, caufed the Deputies of the two Kings contefting, to fwear that their Mafters flaould fland-to and perform his Judgment. And in fine, the Earls and Barons of the King of England's Court, adjudged, that each Party fliould reftore to the other all that was mutually demanded between them (I). And the King of England fent to the Kings of Cajlile and Navarre, a Charter containing the Judgment given in his Court in the faid Caufe (m). In the Year 1179 (25 Hen. II.), at Eafter the King kept his Court at Winchcjler : and afterwards, held a great Council at IVind/or i and appointed Juftices itinerant (nj. In the (/) Eodem anno [1177,] AldefonfusRex Caftellie & Sandtius Rex Navarras avun- culus ejus, poft multas, & magnas debclla- tiones inter eos habitas, compromiferunt fe in Regem Angliae Patrem, de controverfijs & calumnijs quae inter illos erant. Ve- nerunt itaq; in Angliam ex parte Regis Caftellae, & ex parte Regis Navarras, qua- tuor viri eleiSti quos fideles notabant, mifli in Angliam ad audiendum judicium Curiae Regis Angliae & ad illud reportandum prae- didis Regibus Hifpanias, &c. Hi omnes miffi erant ad allegandum & refpondendum pro Doniinis fuis. Venerunt etiam duo Milites cum equis & armis bellicis, unus ex parte Regis Caftellre, & alter ex parte Regis Navarrae, ad fufcipiendum duellum in Curia Regis Angliae, fijudicatum eflet. Prima igitur Dominica Qiiadragefimae, Do- niinus Henricus Rex AngliK venit Lon- donias, Concilium generale celebraturus, eui interfuerunt Ricardus Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopus, & Abbates, Priorcs, Comites, & Barones Angliae. Q^iibus in unum convenientibus apud Weftmonafte- rium, the King commanded that their Alkgn- iions Jhould he -put itilo ivriting, ut fic per interpretationeni ipfe & Barones fui poflent intelligere calumnias cc allcgationes illo- rum ; quia neq; Rex neq; Barones Curiae intellexerunt loquelam illorum. Hoved, P. 2. p. 560. n. 20. p. 561. n. 30. 40. 50. (k) Ikd. p. 562, 563, 564. (l) Henricus Rex Angliae, prolatis co- ram omni populo Sanftis Evangelijs, fecit pra;nominatos Nuntios jurare ante Senten- tiam prolatam, quod Domini eorum, &c. His itaq; pera£lis, Comites & Barones Re- galis Curix Anglis adjudicaverunt plena- riam utriq; parti fupradiftorum quae in jure petita fuerant, fieri reftitutionem. Hoved. P. 2. p. 564. «. 50. Vid. hie Cap. 3. Sea. 4. (711) Unde Rex Angliae in hac forma fcripfit fupradid:is Regibus Hifpaniae. Char- ta Henrici Regis Angliae de Judicio in Cu- ria fua fafto inter Regem Caftella; & Rejrem Navarrje. Henricus Dei gratia — &c. Tef- tibus his, Ricardo Archicpifcopo Cantuar. and fourteen BiJIiops, feven Earls, and nine Barons by name., & alijs multis tarn clericis quam laicis. Hoved. P. 2. p. 565- n. i. 20, 30, 40. (n) Id. P. 1. p. 590. n. 40. {0) Eodem anno cum Gilbertus de Plum- tun Miles nobili profapia ortus duflus efTet in vinculis ufq; Wigorniam, & accufatus D 2 effet 20 Of the K I N g's C o u r Tr Chap. L the Year 1184 (30 Hen. II.), at the King's Court at Worcejler, Gil- bert de Plmjztim, Knight, was accufed before the King of a Rape, by Ra?iulf de Glanvlll, Juflicier of England ; the Jufticier would have- condemned him (unjuftly, as the Hiftorian relates) and he was ad- judged to be hanged. But tiie King being moved with Pity, and knowing that the Jufticier had done this out of Envy, fpared his Life (0). In the Year 11 85, the King kept his Chriftmafs at Windfor. There came into 'England Heracl'ms, Patriarch of Jeru- falem, and fome of the chief of the Hofpitalers and Templars, with a Letter from Pope Lucius to the King, defiring Aid for the Holy Land. On the firft Sunday in Lent, the King, the Patriarch, and the Biihops, Abbots, Earls, and Barons of England, and William, King of Scotland, and David his Brother, with the Earls and Ba- rons of his Land, met at the King's Court at London, to confid^r of this Affair ; and, after Deliberation had, came to a Refolutioii therein fpj. In the Year 11 88 (34 Hen. II.), the King called a- great Council of the Bifliops, Abbots, Earls and Barons, and many others, as well of the Clergy as of tlie Laity, at Gaintington. There he caufed to be recited certain Ordinances which he had lately be- fore made in his Countries beyond Sea, for a Difme in Aid ot the Holy Land. And thereupon, he fent fome Perfons, both Clerks, and Laymen, into all the Counties of England, to colledl the Difme^ according to the faid Ordinance. Out of each City of England he caufed the moft wealthy Men to be chofen,. viz. out of London two hundred, out of Tork one hundred, and out of other Cities a proportionable Number according to the Bignefs of each, and to be presented before him at Times and Places appointed for that Purpofe. And took of them a Difme of their Moveables according to an Efli- mate made by trufty Men. And if any Perfons were refraftory, he caufed them to be imprifoned till they had paid the laft Far- efiet de raptu coram Domino Rege a Ra- Glanvilla^ Moved. P. 2. p. 622. n. 50. (if nulfo dc Cilanvilla Jufticiario Angliae, qui p. 623. n. 10. euni condemnare volebat, injufto judicio (p) Hoved. P. 2. p. 628. n. 10. Ad Judicatus eft fufpendi in patibulo, &c. Rex quam Dominicam [pri?nam quadragefimie\ pietate commotus, confilioq; fuorum pras- Dominus Rex, & Patriarcha, & Epifcopi, ccpit fic [cuftoditum] euni manere, donee & Abbates, & Comites, & Barones Regni ipfe aliud de illo fieri praecepiflet ; fciebat Angliae, & Willelmus Rex Scotiae, & Da- enim quod per invidiam fecerat base illi Ra- vid Frater ejus cum Comitibus & Baronibus nulfus de Glanvilla, qui eum morti tra- TerrE fuae convenerunt Londonijs, & ha- dcre volebat propter uxorem fuam, &c. Sic bito inde cum deliberatione coniilio, placuit itaq; A'liles ille a morte liberatus, ufq; ad univerfis quod Dominus Rex confuleret t/bitum Regis fuit incarceratus per R. de inde Dominum fuum Philippum Regem Francis, &c. lb. p. 629. «. 10. thing. chap. I. Of the K I N g's Court. 21 thing. He dealt with the ^Jews of England in like manner. And afterwards fent Hugh Biihop of Durham, with other Clerks and Laymen, to William King of Scots, to colledl the Diline in Scotland; but they met with fome Oppofition there (q). Philipp King of France in like manner, caufed a Difme of Rents and Moveables to be colledled in all his Countries frj. K. Richard L after his Father's Death, viz. on Sunday the third of the Nones of September [A. D. 1189], held a fplendid Court at Wejh?nnjler ; where were affembled the Archbiihops, Billiops, Earls, Barons, and a great Number of Knights. At which Time and Place he was crowned King of England. Roger de Hoveden rehearfes the Order of his Coronation fsj. Whilft the King fit at Dinner, fome principal Men of the Jews came to bring him Prefents. But becaufe the yews were commanded the Day before, not to come to the King's Court on the Day of his Coronation, the common People committed great Outrages upon their Perfons, and the Londoners flew many of the yews within the City, and burnt the Houfes of many of them, and of divers other Perfons. Hereupon, the next Day,, the King caufed feveral of thofe Malefactors to be arrefted, and adjudged them to be hanged (t). The fecond Day after the Coro- nation, the King received Homage and Fealty of the Bifliops, Ab- bots, Earls, and Barons of England (u). Not long afterwards, the (q) Hoved. P. 2. p. 641. Dominus vero Rex magnum congregavit Concilium Epif- coporum, Abbatum, Comitum, & Baro- num, & aliorum multorum tarn Clerico- rum quam Laicorum, apud Gaintington ; ubi in publica audientia recitari fecit om- nia fupradiila capitula quae conftituerat de Cruce capienda. Et tunc Dominus Rex mifit fervientes fuos clericos & laicos per fingulos Comitatus Angliae ad Decimas colligendas fecundum prasdidtam prasordi- nationem in terris fuis tranfmarinis confti- tutam. Sed de fingulis urbibus totius An- glise fecit eligi omnes ditiores, viz. de Londonia 200, & de Eboraco 100, & de alijs urbibus fecundum quantitatem & nu- iTierum eorum, & fecit omnes fibi piaefen- tari diebus & locis ftatutis, de quibus ce- pit Decimam mobilium fuorum fecundum aeflimationem virorum fidelium, qui nove- rant redditus & mobilia eorum ; fi quos au- tem inveniffet rebelles, flatim fecit eos in- carcerari, & in vinculis teneri donee ulti- mum ^uadrantem perfolverent. Deinde mifit Hugonem Dunelmenfem Epifcopum, &c. Ibid. P. 2. p. 642. n. 20, 30, 40. (r) Ibid. p. biSt2. n. 40. (i) Deinde idem Dux [Ricardus] venit Lundonias, congregatis ibi Archiepifcopis, Epifcoprs, Comitibus, & Baronibus, & co- piofa Militum multitudine, in occurfum ejus ; quorum conciiio & afienfu ipfe Dux 3. nonas Septembris die Dominica confe- crattis & coronatus eft in Regem Angliae Londonijs apud Weftmonafterium a Bald- wino Cantuarienfi Archiepifcopo ; feveral BiJJ}ops here named, & omnibus fere Abba- tibus, & Prioribus, & Comitibus, & Ba- ronibus Anglia aftantibus. Ordo Coro- nationis Ricardi Regis Angliae, &c. Hoved. P. 2. /'. 656. n. 10, 20, 30. (t) Ibid. p. 657. n. 30, 40. (u) Secunda autem die poft Coronatio- nem fuam Ricardus Rex Angliae recepit homagia fua & fidelitates ab Epifcopis, & Abbatibus, & Comitibus, &: Baronibus An^ glia2, Ibid. p. 657. n. 50. King 2 2 .0/ ify^^ K I M g's C o u R T. Chap. I. King came to the Abbey of Pipewcll, where Baldwin Archbifliop of Canterbury, JValttr Archbifnop of Roan, John Archbifhop of Dublin, with many other Bifliops, and almoft all the Abbots and Priors of 'England, being aflembled at his Court, he gave the Biflioprick of Winchefter to Godfrey de Lucy, and feveral Bilhopricks and other eccle- fiaftical Preferments to feveral other Perfons (wj. Whilft the King was abroad in the Holy War, there arofe fierce Contefts between John Earl of Moreton, the King's Brother, and William de Longchamp, Bifhop of Ely, who was then chief Jufticier, Chancellor, and Papal Legate in England. By the Mediation of fome Bifhops and great Men, thofe Contefts were compofed. In the Compofition made be- tween them, it is, amongft other Articles, contained : that if the Chancellor fliould do any Trefpafs to the Earl, and fhould not, upon Requeft, forthwith make Amends for the fame, according to the Award and Judgment of the Archbifhop of Roan and other Peers, and of the King's Court, then certain Caftles therein mentioned were to be reftored to the Earl : that the Bifliops, Abbots, Earls, Barons, Vavaffors, and Frank-tenants, fhould not be diffeifed of their Lands or Chatels, at the Pleafure of the Jufticiers, or other of the King's Minifters, but fliould be dealt with by the Judgment of the King's Court, according to the lawful Cuftoms and Aflizes of the Realm, or by the King's exprefs Commandment; and that Earl John fliould obferve the fame Rule in his Lands : that Gerard de Camville fliould be replaced in his SheriiFwick of Lincolnjlnre, and have a Day prefixt him to appear in the King's Court to hear his Judgment ; and if the King's Court adjudged him to be deprived of his Sheriffwick, or the Cuftody of the Caftle of Lincoln, then he fliould be deprived thereof; otherwife he fliould retain the fame : and that Earl Jolm fhould neither fupport the faid Gerard in Oppofition to the Judg- ment of the King's Court, nor fliould, after Notice given him in that Behalf, entertain or fuffer to be entertained in his Lands, any Outlaws or Enemies of the King ; bift if any Perfon were accufed of any Mifdemeanor againft the King, Earl John might lawfully en- tertain him in his Lands, in cafe fuch Perfon was ready to ftand to Right in the King's Court (xj. King Richard after his Ranfom and Return (w) Deinde venit Rex ad Abbatiam quse dicitur Pipewell & congregatis ibi Baldwi- no Cantuar. Archiepifcopo, & Abbatibus & PrioVibus fere totius Angliffi ; idem Rex <3edit Godefrido de Luci Epilcopatum Win- tonienfem, &c. Ibid. p. 638. k. 40, 50. -y/>. 639. n. I. (x) Et fi forte Dominiis Cancellarius in- terim erga prsdiftum Comitem exceflerit, & excelTum ad confilium & confiderationem praedifti Domini Rothomagenfis, & aliorum familiarium Domini Regis, & Cuiias fuae, requifitus emendare fine dilatione noluerit, prasdidla caftella pnedicto Comiti reddent & chap. I. Of the K i n g's Court. ' 23' Return into Kngland, at his Court at Notingham held a Council of his Bifhops and Nobility, wherein he difleifed Gerard de Camville of the Caftle and Sherivalty oi Lincoln, and Hugh Bardolf oi the Sheriff- alty of Yorkjlnre and the Caftle of York, and of the Cuftody of Wejl- merland. On the fecond Day of that Council, he demanded Judg- ment to be given upon Earl John his Brother, for afting contrary to his Duty and Fealty, and for adhering to the King of France, and upon Hugh de Nuna?it Bifliop of Coventry for the like. Hereupon it was adjudged, that Earl John and the Bi£hop of Coventry fliould be peremptorily cited ; and if within forty Days they did not come- and ftand to Right, then^ it was adjudged, that Earl John had de- merited the Realm, and that the Bifliop of Coventry, fliould ftand to- the Judgment of the BiOiops, as he was a Bifhop, and to the Judg- ment of the Laity, as he had a Lay-Bailywick under the King. On the third Day of the Council the King ordered, that two Shillings fhould be paid him out of every Carue of Land in England, that every one fhould do to him the third Part of the Service of a Knight for each Knight's Fee, upon his Voyage into Nortnandy, and that the Cijlercian Monks fliould yield up to him all their Wool of that Year j but becaufe this latter feemed heavy and infupportable, the' Cijlercians made a pecuniary Fine with him for the fame. On the fourth and laft Day of the Council, divers Complaints were brought in againft the Archbifliop of York and Gerard de Camville. The Archbifliop of York made no Anfwer to what was laid to his Charge : and Gerard denied all that was laid to his. So the Profecutors found Pledges to profecute, and Gerard found Pledges to defend himfelf [in Combat] by one of his free Men. And then the King ap- & reftituent. Sed & concefiuni efl-, quod mini Regis Vicecomitatum vel caftellum Epifcopi, & Abbates, Comites, & Barones, Lincolniae perdere debuerit, perdat ; fin Vavafibres, & libere tenentes non ad vo- minus, retineat ; niii interim alio modo luntatem Jufticiarum vel miniftrorum Do- pax inde fieri poffit. Nee Dominus Johaii- mini Regis, de terris & catallis fuis difiai- nes ipfum contra judicium Curiae DominL fientur, fed Judicio Curiae Domini Regis Regis manu tenebit ; nee uthlagos vel in- fecundum legitimas confuetudines & affifas imicos Domini Regis, qui ei fueriiit nomi- Regni traflabuntur, vel per mandatum Do- nati, receptabit, nee in Terris fuis recep- mini Regis. Et fimiliter Dominus Johan- tari permittee. Sed fi quis retatus fuerit de nes in Terra fua faciet obfervari. Refai- aliquo forisfaiSlo Domino Regi fac&o, bene fina Vicecomitatus Lincolniae fiet Girardo licejjit Comiti ipfum in Terris fuis recep- de Camvilla, & eodem die dies ei conve- tare, quam diu ipfe obtulerit fe ftaturum. niens praefigetur ftandi in curia Domini ad Redtum in Curia Domini Regis. Hotied.. Regis ad judicium ; quod fi contra eum P, 2. p. 7OO. «. 20, 40, 50. monftrari poterit, quod Judicio Curiae Do- pointed 24- Of the K I N g's C o u r t. Chap. I. pointed a Day for his fecond Coronation at Winchejler, to wit, on the Clofe of Eafter fy). In the Year 1201 K. 'joJm kept his Chrillmafs at Guildeford fzj. In the Year 1204, he kept Chriftmafs at Canterbury. And on the Morrow of the Circumcifion he held a Colloquium at Oxford with the great Men of England; at which time certain Aids were granted to him faj. In the Year 1208, the fame King celebrated Chrift- mafs at Winchejler, the great Men of the Realm being prefent ; and at the Candlemafs following he took a Tertiadecima of all Moveables,. Gfr. as well of the Laity as the Clergy fbj. In the Year 121 1, he kept Chriftmafs at Tork, with the Earls and Barons of the Realm (y) Tricefima die menfis Martij feiia quarta Ricardus Rex Angliae celebravit pii- iTium Concilij fui diem apud Notingham ; cui interfuerunt Alienor Regina Mater ejus, &c. Eodem die Rex difl'aifivit Gyrardum <]e CainviUa de Caftello & Vicecomitatu Lincolnienfi, he. Hoved. P. 2. p. 736. n. 40, 50. Tricefima prima die menfis Martij, Rex Anglia celebravit fccundum diem Concilij fui ; in quo ipfe petijt, fibi fieri judicium de Comite Johanne fratre fuo, qui contra fidelitatem quam ei jura- verat, &c. Similiter & de Hugone de Nu- iiant Coventrcnfi Epifcopo, &c. Et judi- catum eft, quod Comes Johannes & Epif- copus Covcntrenfis peremptorie citarentur ; & fi infra 40 dies non venerint ncc juri fte- terint, judicaverunt Comitem Johannem demeruiife Rcgnum, & Epifcopum Coven- trenfem fubjacere judicio Epifcoporum, in CO quod ipfe Epifcopus erat, h judicio Laicorum, in eo quod ipfe Vicecomes Re- gis extiterat. Kalendis Aprilis praediclus Rex Anglise celebravit tertium diem Col- loqu'j fui ; in quo conftituit fibi dari de unaquaq; carucata terras totius Angliae duos folidos, quod ab antiquis nominatur Te- Ttiantalc. Deinde prtecepit quod unufquifq; faceret fibi tertiam partem fervitij Militaris, licut fingulus feodus apportat, ad tranf- fretandum cum eo in Normanniam. Deiiule exigebat a Monachis Ordinis Ciftrenfis to- tam Lanam fuam de hoc anno, &c. Se- cunda die menfis Aprilis celebravit diem quartum & ultimum Concilij fui ; in quo omnes qui volebant conqueri de Archiepif- cfjpo Eboracenfi, fecerunt querimonias mul- 3 tas, &c. Deinde Girardus de Camvilla fuit retatus de receptatione prredonum, &c. Prae- terea appellaverunt eum de Ijefione Regiac Majeftatis, in eo quod ipfe ad vocationem Juftitiarum Regis venire noluit, nee juri ftare de praedi£ta receptatione raptorum, neq-, COS ad juftitiam Regis producere ; fed re- fpondit, fe efle hominem Comitis Johannis & velle in Curia fua juri ftare. Praeterea appellaverunt eum, quod ipfe fuit in vi & adjutorio cum Comite Johanne, &c, Gi- rardus vero de Camvilla negavit omnia quaj objiciebantur ei ab illis ; & illi dederunt vadium de profequendo, & Girardus dedit vadium de defendendo fe per unum de Li- beris hominibus fuis, &c. Ibid. p. 737. n. I, 10, 20, 30. (z.) Anno Gratiae MCCI, Rex Anglo- rum Johannes celebravit Natale Domini apud Guildeford. Matt. Par. ad ann. il- ium. (a) Anno Gratis MCCIV, Rex Jo- hannes Natale Domini celebravit apud Cantuariam. Deinde in craflino Circum- cifionis convenerunt ad Colloquium apud Oxoniam Rex & Magnates Anglias ; ubi conceffa funt Regi Auxilia Alilitaria, de quolibet fcuto fcilicet duae marca: fc dimi- dia. Nee etiam Epifcopi &; Abbates, five Ecclefiafticai Perfonn;, fine Promifiione re- ceilerunt. Idem ad aim. ilium. (b) Anno Gratis MCCVIII, Rex Jo- hannes celebravit Natale Domini apud Wintoniam, praefentibus M.agnatibus Reg- iii. Deinde in Purificatione B. Marias, cepit per totam Angliam Tertiamdecimam partem ex omnibus mobilibus & rebus alijs, tain Cliap. I. Of M^ K I N g's C o u R T. 25 Realm (c). In the Year 12 14, at Chrillmafs he held his Court at Wind/or with great Feftivity fdj. What hath been faid may ferve for a Specimen of fome Things that occur, relating to the King's Court or Palace, and the Affairs ufually tranfadled there, durino- this firfl Period. Thefe Inftances do illullrate in fome meafure the Particulars above fet-forth in the fecond Sedlion of this Chapter. And further Light will be given to this Argument in the two next Chapters, which treat of the great Officers, and of the Judicature, of the King's Court. IV. The Attendance of the Proceres at the King's Palace or Court, and the Cuftom of celebrating the high Feftivals of the Year, and of holding great Councils at the King's Court at thofe or fuch like So- lemnities, were ufed anciently not only in Engla?id, but alio in fome foreign Countries. Thefe Things are recounted by foreign Hifto- rians in relation to the Princes of their Nation, in like Manner as by the Rnglifid Hiftorians in reference to the ancient Kings of England, Some Inftances of this Matter may be given from the Memorials of the E?)ipire, France, and Normandy. Hlotharhis the Emperor, in the firll Year of his Reign went into Italy, and held a Placittim or Convention [of his Nobles] fej. Louis the Emperor held a Convention of his No- bles ir; his royal Palace at Pavia ffj. Charles the Emperor cele^- brated his Chriftmafs in Almaigne, and his Eafber at Ratijbon ; and at the latter held a great Convention fgj. In another Year he kept his Eafter at Ratijbon fhj. ArnolfxhQ Emperor kept his Chriflmafs tam de Laicis quam de viris Ecclefiafticls diflicne III, menfe Februaiio, die mcnfis & Prselatis ; cun(5tis murmurantibus fed ejufdem quarto, cum Dominus Magnificen- contradicere non audentibus. Idem ad ann, tilTimus Hludouvicus Auguflus apud Tici- ///. nenfem Civitatem in auguftali aula refiderct, (c) Anno Gratiae MCCXI, Rex Anglo- traftaturus de ftatu fanfl.-c matris Eccle- rum Johannes fuit ad Natale Domini apud fias , prsefentibus Optimatibus fuis, Eboracum, praefentibus Comitibus & Baro- dixit : Crebo veftram fidelitatem . lb, nibus Regni. Idem ad ann. ill. T. 1. col. 355. (d) Anno Domini MCCXI V, Rex An- (g) Caefarin Alamannia Natalem Chrifti glorum Johannes ad Natale Curiam fuain cclebravit. Inde paulatim iter fuum ad tenuit apud Windlefliores, ubi multa Mag- Baiouuariam dirigens, Pal'cha Domini ho- natum fuorum multitudini feftiva diftribuit norifice Radafpona civitate manfit ; ibiq; indumenta. Idem ad aim. ill. habito Conventu, diverfis rebus ab Italia (e) Incipiunt Capitula, qua; Dominus auditis, illuc reverfus eft. Annaki Francor. Hloiharius Imperator primo anno imperij Fiddenfes ap. Diichcfn. Hijl. Franc. ScripW. fui, quando in Italia acceflit in fuum ge- T. 2. p. 575. a. ad A. D. 883. nerale Placitum, curte Olonna inftituit. (h) Natalem Domini Imperator Rada- Balnzlj Capit. T. 2. Ccl. 321. Tit. 3. fpona celcbravit. lb. p. 577. a. A. D. (f) In nomine Dei Omnipotentis. Anno 886. Incarnationis Dominicje DCCCLV, In- VoL. I. E , • and 26 Of the K I N g's C o u r t. Clu ap. and liis Eafler at Ratijhon (i). In the next Year, he kept Chrift- m:ifs /;/ iirhc Rcgino (k). In another Year, he kent Chrillmafs ^t Uhn (I). In another Year, he kept Chriftniafs at his Court at JVdb- /i,'?g (m). And in another Year he kept the Chriftmafs at his Court at Ottng (?i). Otho the Emperor kept his Chriftmals with the Pope at T^odi (o). Henry the Emperor kept his Chriftmais at Frankfurt ^ and Eailer at ^idelingaburb (p). He afterwards kept Chriftmais at Pdlis (f). In another Year, he kept Chrift-mafs at T^hornburgb, and Eafter at Aquifgrane (r). In anotlier Year, he kept the Eaftier at Merjeburch, and the V/hitfontide at Cologne (s). In another Year, he kept Chriftmais at Tbornbiirgh, and Eaftcr at Laodida (t). In another Year he kept Chriftmais at Pavie, Eafter at Ro/?2e, and Wh.itfontide at Babenbiirg (u). Henry the Emperor kept Chriftmafs at Babenbwg, Eafter at Mardebtirgh, and Whitibntide at Gajlare (wj. In the Year 1107, Henry the Emperor kept Chriftmafs at Rati/bon^ and Eafter at Mentz (x). In the Year 11 39, the Emperor kept Chriftmafs and Eafter in Italy, and Whitfontide at Barum (y). And it was- Lifual for thefe Princes to hold their great Conventions at thefe (i) Rex Arnolfus urbe Radafpona re- cepiis Piimoribus Baiowariorum, oricntales Francos, Saxones, Natalem Domini & Pafcha ibidem hoiiorifice celebravit. lb, Annnl. FiilA. p. 578. A. D. 888. (k) Urbe Regino honoritice Natalem Domini celebravit. Ibid. p. 579. a. A. D. (I) Rex de Francia cum victoria in Ala- niannia Curte Rcgia Uhiia honorifice Na- talem Domini celebravit. Ibid. p. 580. b. A. D. 8q2. (m) I pie m OX in itinere pofitus Natalem Domini Curtc Rei;ia Weibiiinga manfit. Annul. Fuld. Ib.p.^s^i. a. A. D. 894. _ (n) C^far vero cum Curte Regia Otin- gffi Natalem Domini celebravit. Ipfe vero habito generali Conventu Urbe Regi- no hiemare difpofuit. Amtal. Fidd. lb. p. 583. a. ad A. D. 89-. (0) Impera'ior Otto Natalem Tudertinse cum domino Apodolico celebravit. Chron^ Hiidnijlh ap. D:(cb. Hiji. Franc. Script. T. 3. p. 517. b. A, D. 1002. {p) Rex [Henricus] Natalem Domini FranlcanauuorJi, Pafcha autem Qiiideling- aburh. celebravit. Ibid. p. 517. b. A. D. 1002.. (q) Rex Nativitatem Domini Palidi man- fit, lb. p. 517. c. A. D. 1004. (r) Rex Natalem Domini Thornburh feriavit. Pafcha vero Aquifgrani celebra- vit. lb. p. 517. c. A. D. 1005. (s) Rex Nata'em Domini Palidi, Pafcha Mcrfeburcb, Pentecollen vero Agrippinse feriavit. lb. p. 518. /;. A. D. 1008. (i) Rex Nativitatem Chrilli Tliornburg, Paicha autem LaodiciE celebravit. Ib.p, 518. c. A. D. 1012. (f.) Natalem Domini Rex Papis cele- bravit. Inde Comitatu Regali Romam per- gens , ibi fanftum Pafcha feriavit. In- de regrediens Pentecoften Babcnberg feftive peregit. lb. p. 519. a. b. A. D. 1014. (iv) Heiiirichus Imperator Nativitaterri Chrifti Babenberg, Pafcha Parthenopoii, Pent6coflen vero Goflare honorifice cele- bravit. /i. />. 521. a.A.D. 1024. {x) Rex, Heinricus obviam Paps Radif- ponam venit, ibidem Natalem Domini celebravit. Pafcha vero Mogoncias cele- bravit. lb. p. 534. c. A. D. 1 107. (y) Imperator Natalem Domini, fimili- ter & Pafcha, in Italia celebrat. Pente- coften vero apud Barum cum gencrali Itali- corum Principum. lb. p. 539. b. c. A.D. folem;i chap. I. Of the K I N g's Court. 27 folemn Feftivals of the Year. For Example : Charles the Emperor, loon after Eafter held a general Convcntiis at Pavk (z) ; and in the next Year, he held a Flacitum at IVeibling, as foon as the holy Day of Eafter was paft (a). The Emperor Arnolf, having held a Flaci- tum with the Franks at the royal Court at Frankfurt, paffed into Bavaria, and kept a fplendid Chriftmafs there (b). In France, the Barons and great Men gave in like Manner their Attendance at the King's Court. Such were the Dapifer, Butler, Chamberlain, Conftable, Chancellor, and others. When the King did any publick or folenm Aft, they were commonly prefent and gave their Atteflation, Louis Kini? of France made a Charter ot Donation to the Monks of the Holy Trinity of Canterbury. It is dated at Canterbury A. D. 1179. (the King ol France being come thither out of Devotion to St. Fbomas) and is atteftcd by Earl 'Fhco- bald t\-\Q Dapifer, G^/j the Butler, i^c^/Wi/ the Chamberlain, Ra//' the Conft-able fcj. Aad thefe great Otiicers did fo ufually or conilantly attend at the King's Court, that v/hen the Office of any of them Vvas void. Notice is often taken of it in publick Ads or Atteftations, to fliew the Reafon of their not-attefting. For Example : Louis King of France made a Donation to the Monks of Canterbury. It is dated at St. Germaine en Laye A. D. 1235. It is attefted by i^s^t-r/ the Butler, Amalrick the Conftable, Dapif'ero nulla, Camerario nullo, and vacante Cancellaria fdj. Fhilipp King of France made a Charter to the Church of Autun. It is attefled by the Officers of the Palace ; (^) -Propter aSinitatem Imperatrr!s, qui tunc aJ Curtem Olonnam Pafcha ni?ai- fit, timore in fugam lapfi . Poft Paf- cha, habito generali Papia; Conventu, Im- perator per Burgundiam, &c. Annal. Fiud. up. Duchefn. Hiji. Frmuic. Scriptor. T. 2. p. 577. ad A. D. 886. fuh. Car. Ccdvo. (a) I'ranfafto die fando Pafchre habi- tiim efl Placitum Weibiliiiga. lb. p. c,j-j. .ad A. D. 887. (b) Sed antea Placitum -Curte Regia Franconofurt habcri cum Francis Rcgi 'complacuit. 'Inde per Alamanniam tranigrcdiens Baiovvariam urbe Regino ho- rorifice Natalem Domini celebravit. Annal. Fuld. ibid. p. 579. a. adA.D. 8S9. (c} In nomine Sanct;c & individure Tri- niratis, Amen. Ludovicus Dei gratia Francorum Rex . Adum Cantuaris anno ab incarnationc Domini MCLxxix : A.lantibus ia Palacio noilro quorum no- mina fuppofita funt & fignn. Signum Theobaldi Comitis Dapiferi nodri, Sig- num Guidonis Buticularij, Signum R<-'gi- iialdi Camerarii, Signum Raduifi Conila- bularij. Datum per manum fecundi Hu- gonis Cancelarij. Ri\^{/1r. A in Tbejaurana Afchiccclefice Caiituar. fd. 339. a i^-b. (dj In nomine Sandlae & individuas Tri- nitatis, Amen. Ludovicus Dei gratia Francorum Rex . Actum apud S. Germanum in Laya anno incarnationis Do- minies A'lCC tricefiino quinto, Regni vero noflri anno nono ; Aftantibus in Palacio noflro quorum nomina fuppofita funt & figna. Dapifero nullo, fignum Robcrti ButicuLirij, Camerario nullo, iignum Amai- rici Conflabularij. Datum va-ante Cancel- laria. Regijl. A in Thifciur. Arcimcdef. Cay.tunr. fcl. 139. b. E z datum 28 Of the K I N g's Court. Chap. I. datum "cacante Cancellaria fej. Philipp King of France made a Char- ter to Bartholomew de Roya chief Chamberlain of France. It is dated in the Vacancy of fome Officers of the Palace ffj. Again, there, feems to have been no lefs Refemblance between the Court of the Dukes oi Norinandy, and that of the ancient Kings of England; par- ticularly in the Manner of holding the Norman Court, in the Attend- ance of the Norman Barons, and the celebrating the great Feftivals there. IVilUam Duke of Normandy made a Charter to the new Mo- naftery at Oi'Jche ; and then delivered it to his Norman Billiops and Barons [of his Court] to Sign or Atteft it (g). And again (b). The fame Duke oi Normandy in the Year 1080, at Whitfontide kept his Cou'-t at Dieppe -f- ; where he held a great Council with the Bi- ihops, Abbots, Earls, and other Noblemen of Normajidy (i). Hen- ry!. \o\. England\ Duke of Normandy, ufed generally at Eafler to. keep his Court at Fifcamp with his Barons (k). ]n the Year 1106, K. Henry I. came to Li/ieux, and there held a Counfel of all the Optimates of Normandy (I). In the Year 11 07, K, Henry I. held an Alfembly of his Proceres; and there impeached (e) Philippus Dei gratia Francorum Rex . A£tuiii Parifijs anno ab incarnatione Domini MCx.Kcix Regni noftri anno x. adflantibus in palatio noftro quorum no- mina fuppofita funt & figna. Signum Theo- baldi Comitis Dapiferi, S. GuiJonis Buti- cularij, Signum Matthaei Camerarij, Sig- num RaduTti Coneftabilis. Datum vacante Cancellaria. Gall. Chrlft. T. 2. p. 47. (f) Philippus Dei gratia, &c. A6lum Pa- rifijs annolncarnationis DominicseMCCxxi regni vero nollri 42 ; allantibus in Falaiio quorum nomina fuppofita funt & figna ; Dapifero'nulio, Buticulario rwllo, Signum Bardiolomnei Camerarij, S. Matth:«i Con- ftabularij. Data vacante Cancellaria. lb. ^- 3- P- 457- , „ . . (g) Et inde chyrographum audtontatis fuc-e in Saltu Leonis fanxit ; & Epifcopis ac Baronibus Normannicis ad confirmandum tradidit. JF. Gemet. de Ducib. Norm. L. 6. c. 23. edit. Francof. 1602. (h) Hsec omnia Guitlelmus Rex concef- fit & in Carta coram Proceribus fuis regali auctoritate confirmavit. Ord. Fit. ap. Du- chefn. p. Sl^- ^- (id anil. 1080. t Juliobona qua: 54 Deppa. Valef. Notit. Gull. p. 256. (i) Anno ab incarnatione Domini MLxxx, Rex Guillelmus in fefto Pente- coftes apud lllebonam refedit, ibiq; Guil- lelmum Archiepifcopum, & omnes Epifco- pos h Abbates, Comitefq; cum alijs Pro- ceribus Normannite, fimul adefie prscepit. Ut Rex juflit factum eft, Igitur odtavo anno Papatus Domini Gregorij Papae VII. celebre Concilium apud Jullam — bonam celcbratum efl; : & de ftatu ecclefiae Dei to- tiufq; Regni, providentia Regis cum Baro-- num fuorum confilio, utiliter traiflatum eft. Then follow the Statutes made in that Council. Order. Vit. ap. Duchefn. p. 552. a. ad ann. 1080. (k) Ibi [viz. Fifcanni] etiam erat folitus fere omni tempore fuam Curiam in Pafchali folcmnitate tenere. Ipfa vero die poft Mifias, antequam ad Curiam fuam iret atq; cum Baronibus fuis comederet, veniebat — . JV. Getntt. Hiji. Norm. ap. Duchefn. p.. 317. a. (I) In medio Oclobri Rex [H. I.J Lux- ovium venit, cunctos Optimates Neuftria; convocavit, & utillimum Ecclefiae Dei Con- cilium tenuit. Ord. Fit. ap. Duchefn. p. 822. a. ad ann. xio6. Kodbert chap. I. Of thz K I N G*s C o u R T. 29 Rodbert de Montfort of Treafon [or Difloyalty] (in) : in the fame Year the Norman Hillory laith, that the King often called the Ma- gijlratus popidi to his Court ; that in 'January that Year, there was an Aflembly of the Proceres holden before the King at Falaife -, and that in March the King held a Council at Lifieiix, and by the Ad- vice of the Magnates made feveral Edids or Statutes profitable to his Subjefts (n). In the Year 11 13, K. Henry I. attended by a Mul- titude of his Nobles came to Oufche, and there celebrated the Feail: of Candlemafs with great Feftivity. About the fame Time, the King made a beneficial Charter to the Abbey of Oufche. He himfelf confirmed it with the Sign of the Crofs, and delivered it to his Op~ tiinates that were prefent, for them to confirm it likevv'ife with the Sign of the Crofs (0). In the fame Year Rodbert de Belcfme a Nor- man was condemned for divers Mifdemeanors, by Judgment in the King's Court (p). K. Richard. I. made a Charter to the Church of Roan. It was fealed by the King in the Prefence of feveral Barons and great Officers of his Court, viz. of William Marefcall Earl of EJlrigol, Wi/liam Fitz-Ralf^itwzvA oi Norma?idy, Robert de Torneham Steward of Anjou, William de Homet Conftable of Normandy, Hugh le- Brun, i^«^' Chamberlain de 'Tanquarvilk, and others (q). (j/i) Anno ab incarnatione Domini MCVII, Henricus Rex Proceres fuos con- vocavit, & Rodbertum de Monteforti pla- citis de violata fide propulfavit. Ibid. p. 823, c. (n) Anno ab incarnatione Domini MCVII, indiaione XV, Henricus Rex Anglorum faepe ad Curiam fuam magiftra- tus populi accerfijt . Menfe Januario Fallefiae confeffio Procerum coram Rege fcit. — Menfe Martio idem Rex Concilium apud Luxovium tenuit, & necefiaria fub- jeflis plebibus edidta ex confultu Magna- torum provide fanxit. Ord. Fit. ib. p. 831, d, 832, a. ad arm. 1 107. (0) Anno ab incarnatione Domini MCXIII, Indiaione VI, Henricus Rex Anglorum Procerum multitudine fuorum flipatus Uticum venit ; ibiq; Purificationem £. Maris cum magna hilaritate celebra- VJt. Tunc confilio Rodberti Comitis de Mel- lento Rex juffit Cartam fieri, ibiq; omnia qusecumq; Uticenfis Abbatia eo die poffide- bat breviter colligi. Quod & faaum eft. Deinde Ernaldus Prior & Giflebertus Sar- tenfis Rotomagum Regi Cartam detulerunt. Ipfe vero libenter earn cum cruce faaa fir- mavit, & Optimatibus fuis qui aderant Cru- cis figno fimiliter corroborandum tradidit, Subfcripferunt itaq; Rodbertus Comes de Mellento, and others here nained. Haec ni- mirum Carta confilio fapientum faaa eft contra cupidos hjeredes, qui fingulis annis elemofynas parentum fuorum diripiebant, i-c Monachos crebro placitare cogebant. Unde Rex praefcriptum teftamentum figillo fuo ■ fignavit — . Ib. p. 840, b, c. ad arm. 1 113. (p) Ib. p. 841, a. ad ann. 1 1 13. (q) In a Charter of Exchar^e made betivecn , K. Rich. I, and the Church o/Roan ; Tefti- bus, among ft others, Guilielmo Marefcallo Comite de Eftrigol, Guilielmo filio Raduifi Senefcallo Normanniae, Roberto de Torne- ham Senefcallo Andegavis, Guilielmo de Homet Conftabulario Normanniae, Hugone Bruno, RadulfoCamerario Tanquarvillse. — Datum per manum Euftachii Elienfis ekai, tunc agentis vices Cancellarii, apud PvOtho- magum, anno ab Incarn. Domini AlcxCj xvii die Oaobris, regni noftri anno VII [. Inter Cbartas Ducwn Norm. ap. Duchefn, p. 1053. b. CHAP. t 30 CHAP. II. Of the GREAT Officers of the King's Court. T. IntroduBion. II. Of the Chhfjufticier: in the Reigns of K. William I, K. Wil- liam II, K. Henry I, K. Stephen, K. Henry II, K. Richard I, and K. John. III. Of the like great Officer in ^oxm-Skiidrf , Naples, and kxxz^ow. IV. Of the Confable. V. Of the MarefchalL VI. Of the Senefchall, Dapifer, and Majordomus. VII. Of the like great Officer in fome foreign Countries. VIII. Of the Chamberlain. IX. Of the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor. X. Of the Treafiirer. I. O O M E fay, it was the Manner of the Normans to affedt r^ Splendor. And the Obfervation feemeth juft. The Kings of England of that Race were exceeding pompous both in Court and Gamp. In their Court they fliewed their Magnificence feveral Ways : in the Statelinefs of their Palaces, the Richnefs of their Furni- ture, the Splendor and Number of their Retinue, the Plenty of their Provifions, and the like ; of which, it is not my Bufinefs here to treat. They fhcv/ed it likewife in other Inftances : their Court was the Centre' of Refort for all the Barons and great Men of the Realm : who beino- Peers of the King's Court gave, as Occafionrequired, their At- tendance there ; and more particularly, as fome of them were ordinarily inverted with the great Offices of the King's Court: I fay, the Splen- ^dor of the King's^Court appeared very much in the Confluence of the Nobility and chief Men of the Realm, and in the Greatnefs of his Officers or Minifters. Of fome of thefe great Officers we are now to give an Account in brief. And as I am here led to fpeak of ■thefe Officers of State, becaufe of the Relation feveral of them had to the Exchequer : fo, I mufl treat chiefiy of fuch of them as were concerned there. Of this fort were- the Chief Juflicier, the Con- flable. chap. ir. of the K i n g's Court. 31 ilablc, tlie Seneichall, the Marefchall, the Chamberlain, the Chan- cellor, and the Treailirer ; with fome others of" leffcr Note. It is not cafy at this Day to afcertain, what was the particular Funcftion or Duty of each of thefe great Officers. However, fometliing muft be faid upon the Subjeft. And for want of more ancient Memoirs, I fliall be forced to trench fo far upon my general Method, as to fet down fome Things here, which properly fall v/ithin the fecond Period. II. The iirft and greateft OlTicer of the King's Court was the Fligh Jufticier. Next to the King himfelf, he was chief in Power and Au- thority. And when the King was beyond-Sea (which frequently happened) he governed the Realm like a Viceroy [a). Next to the King, he prefided in the Curia Regis as chief Judge both in criminal and civil Caufes ; he prefided likewife in the King's Exchequer; having the fuperior Care and Guidance of the regal Revenue. In the moll ancient Times, if I have obferved right, he was wont to be ftylcd 'Jiijiicia Regis, '^ujliciarius Regis, and abfolutely JuJIicia or ^Jtijliciarius. Afterwards, he was fometimes ftyled Jiijiiciarius Regis Anglia:, the King's Jujiicier of England-, probably, to dilHnguini him from the King's Juflicier of /nV(7/?rt', 'Normandy, &c. For which caufe alio, it is likely other Officers of State were called Conjiabuiariiis Anglicc, Can- cellarius Anglia, Thefaurarius Anglice, Sec. Let us confider this greaf Officer the Juilicier in fome Inflances by which it may be feen (in fome meafure) of what Nature Iiis Office was, and what Powers he exercifed. In or about the Year 1067, K. JFilliam I, upon his go- ing into Normandy, appointed Odo Bifliop of Baieux and WiUiam Fitz-r 0Jhe7-n to be his Cnjiodes Angfue (/;).. As for Odo, it is faid of him, that when the King chanced to be in Normandy, he was the chief Man in England (c) ; that is to fiy, he was then the King's Jufticier.. In the fame King's Reign, there was a great Conteft between Gim- dulf Bidiop of Rochcjler, and Pichot Slierift' of Cdmhridgejhire, about {a) yj/r. Selden y^f(?-(-i to the fame effcH. Inc:'. firniari prseceult. ILvcd.P. 1.^.450. The Chief Jujl'ice of Y.w^2ind.hjiu(d a Viceroy, n. 10. 20. ky him in his Note upon the Black Book, fed (c) )5e [Obo] psj- j-pi^e pee hifcop oil inde non reccdit nifi, &c. Seld. Office of Nor-mansige, &c. Fuit hie [Odo] admo- Chancelkr, p. 4. dum potcns Kpifcopus in NormaniTia, (in (i) Anno 1067, Rex Willclinus Baius erat ejus fedes Epifcopairs) & Regi Normanniam repetijt, fratremq; fuum omnium maxime fldeiis. Habuit item Comi- Odonem Baiocenfem Epifcopum, & Wil- latum [eopl-oome] in Anglia, h quuin klmum filium Olburni (quern in Herefor- Rex [erat] in Normannia, fuit ille Primus denfi provincia Corr.item conftituerat) [mcejefre] in hau Terra. Chnru Sax. p,. Anglise Cuftcdes relinquens, caftella per 190. n. 20. 25. ? the. 32 Of the Gv^E AT O F F I c R s Chap. II. the Land of Fracenbam : the Bifliop claiming it as belonging to his Church, and the Sheriff" alledging it was the King's. The Parties came before the King ; who ordered the Matter to be tried by the Country. At this Trial the Bifliop of Baieux prefided (^). In the fame King's Reign, Lanfrajik Archbifliop of Canterbury, finding the Church of Canterbury had been diffeifed of divers Lands and Rights, by Odo Bifliop of Baieux Earl of Kent, and by the King's Officers after the - Conquefl:, made his Complaint thereof to the King. The King or- dered a Trial to be had in the Cafe. At the Trial (which was at Pmnende?ie) Goisfrid Bifliop of Conjlance prefided. And there were prefent there (befides the Archbifliop of Cajiterbury and the Bifliop . of Baieux') Er?2oJi Bifliop of Rochejier, JEgeIrk Bifliop of Chichejier (a Man very ilcilful in the Laws of the Realm) Richard de Tunebrigge, Hugh dc Montfort, William Dearces, Hamo the Vifcount or Sheriff, and many other Barons of the King and of the Archbifliop, with all the County of Kent, and many other Perfons of great Authority, both French and FngUfimen, of other Counties. At this Trial (which lafl:ed three Days) Archbifliop hanfrank recovered to his See, divers Lands and other Rights [c). Orderic Vitalis relates, that in this King's Reign William de Warenne and Richard de BenefaBa were Chief Jufl:i- ciers of England (f) ; and jufl: after he calls them Vicarios Regis (g). In the Reign of K. William II, Ranulf Pajejlambard, firfl: the King's. Chaplain and afterwards Bifliop of Durham, was for many Years to- gether Jufl:icier or chief Ruler, under the King, of all England [h). He [d) Tempore Willelmi Regis Anglorum runt Golsfridus Epifcopus Conftantienfis, Magni, patris Willelmi Regis ejufdem gen- qui in loco Regis fuit, & Jufticiam illam tis, fuit quaedam contentio inter Gundul- tenuit ; Lanfrancus Archiepifcopus qui pla- fum Hrofenfem Epifcopum& PichotVice- citavit, Comes Cantire, Ernoftus Epifcopus comitem de Grendebruge, pro quadam de Hroveceftra, jEgelricus Epifcopus de Terra quje erat de Fracenham . Hanc Ciceftra, Ricardus de Tunebrigge, Hugo enim V icecomes Regis efle Terram dicebat ; de Monte-forti, Willelmus Dearces, Hamo i'ed Epifcopus eandem S. Andrere potius efie Vicecomes, h alij multi Baroncs Regis & affirmabat. Qtiare ante Regem venerunt. ipfius Archiepifcopi, & alij aliorum Comita- Rex vero prsecepit, ut omnes illius Comi- tuum hoinincs etiam cum ifto toto Comita- tatus homines congregarentur, & eorum tu, multae & magns audtoritatis viri Franci- judicio cujus Terra deberet redtius ti^z pro- genae fcilicet & Angli, &c. Ex Ernulfi Hlji. baretur . Sed cum illis Baiocenfis Epif- apud Angl. Sue. T. i. p. 334, 335. copus, qui Placito illi prseerat, non bene ry~) Guillelmus de Guarenna & Ricardus crederet, &c. Ex Ernulfi Hiji. apud JngL de Benefadta filius Gifleberti Comitis, quos Sac. T. I. p. 339. Rex prascipuos Angline Juftitiarios confti- te) De Placito .-ipud Pinendenam, inter tuerat in regni negotijs, rebellantes convo- Lanfrancum Archiepifcopum & Odonem cant ad Curiam Regis. Ord. Fit. p. ^^S- ^' Baiocenfem Epifcopum. Tempore Magni ad mm. 1073. Regis Willelmi, qui Anglicum regnum ar- (^) lb. p. 535. c. liiis conquifivit, &c. Huic Placito jaterJue- (A) ~i faep kannulp hij" Eapellane, &c. Ubi chap. n. of the K i n g's C o u R r. 33 He is flyled by Henry of Hiintendon and Roger of Houeden, Placitator G? Exactor totiiis Angliee fij ; and by Ordericus VitaUs, Regiarum procu- rator opum & 'JiijUtiarhis fkj. So that he feems to have been both Juftlcier and Treafurer under that King. In the Reign of K. Henry I, Roger Bifhop of Sarejbury was Chief Jufticier of England (I). To his Care and Rule the King, when he went into Normandy, committed all England (m). Ordericus Vi- taUs and others mention Richard Baff'et as Chief Jufticier in this King's Reign fnj : others are alfo faid to have been Chief Jufticiers under this King foj. But I omit them ; it not being my Defign to give here a Lift of the Jufticiers ; but to mention fome of them, of whofe Power and Authority the Hiftorians take any particular Notice. Ordericus Vitalis fays, that Biiliop Roger prefided over England during all the Reign of K. Henry I. (p) ; and that he was continued in that Office by K. Stephen (q). In the Reign of K. Stephen, Richard de Luci was Chief Jufticier, as it feems by the Writ hereunder cited, made in Favour of the Dean of St. Martin, London frj. In the Ubi Rannulfo fuo Capellano Epifcopatum apud Dunholme dedit, qui inultos jam annos fuoconfilio univerfam Angliam gubernavit. Chron. Sax. ad ann. MXCIX. He is called Randidf PaJJeflambard ; Ibid. p. 233. n. 5. (;') Anno illo [1099] Rex Ranulfo Pla- citatori fed perverfori, hxaftori fed exuflori totius Anglias dedit Epifcopatum Du- nelmia:. Hunt. L. 7. p. 378. n. i. Et parvo tempore adeo crevit [Ranulfus], ut Placitatorem ac totius Regni ExutSorem Rex ilium conftitueret. Hoved. P. i. p. 468. r?. 20. (i) Summus regiarum procurator opum, & Juftitiarius faftus eft [Rannulfus Fiam- bardus]. Order. Fit. ap. JDucbefn. p. 786. c. (!) pop j-e bij-cop op SDepep-b^jvij;, &c. Fult enim Epifcopus de Sx-rcfbyrig potens, & gubernavit totam Angliam. Chron. Sax. ad. ann. MCXXIII. p. 225. n. 10. Rogerus autcm. Jufticlarius fuit totius Angliae & Se- eundus a Rege. Hunt. L. 7. p. 3S2. n. 20. (?/i) ppa pejibi.": he opeji in-o Nopman&ie, &c. Tranfijt ,[Rex] in Normanniam, commifitq; totam Angliam curandam ac gubernandam [to jeamene ^ to pealben] Kogero Epifcopo de Searefbyrig. Chron. Sax. p. 226. n. 30. («) Ricardus Baflet, cujus in Anglia vi- vente Henrico Rege potentia, utpote Capi- VOL. I. talis Juftltiarij, magna fuit. Ord. Fit. p. 905. d. ad ann. 11 36. («) Diigd. Chron. Series. Ip) Rogerius Salefburienfis Prasful, ■ utpote qui toti Anglia? omni vita Hcnrici Regis prsfuerat. Ord. Fit, p. 919. c, ad ann. 1139. [q] To him., totius Albionis tutela jamdu- dum ab avunculo fuo, & poftmodum ab ipfo \_K. Stephcn'\ commifla fuit. lb. p. 904. d. ad ann. 1 136. (;■) S. Rex Angl. , Ricardo de Luci Ju- ftic. & Vicecomiti de Efi'exa falutem. Pras- cipio quodHenricus WintonienfisEpifcopus frater meus, Decanus Eccleftas S. Martini Londonis, & Canonici, ita bene & in pace & jufte teneant marifcum fuum de Meal- dona, quem Rannulfus de Venjons dedit Ecclefite S. Marias de Mealdona pro anima fua, de terra ilia quam Rex Henricus illi dedit de Dominio fuo pro fervitio fuo, ficut idem Rannulfus illam eis dedit, & ficut cai- tha ipfius teftatur, & ficut tenuerunt die qua Rex Henricus fuit vivus & mortuus, & pollea hadlcnus. Et fi quis illis feet rit iiijuriam, praecipio quod plenum redlum illis facialis inde. T. Roberto do Ver ap\id Ecrmundefiam. Ex autogr. in anhivo Eal. Coll. ll'ejlmon. Et vid. Form. Angl. num. LXFIII. F Year ri 4 Of tJye GREAT Officers Chap. II. Year 1153, K. Stephen made Henry, Duke of Nonnandy and Son of Maud the Emprefs, Chief Jufticier of England; and by him all the Bufmefles of the Realm were determined fsj. About the Year 1 162 (as M. Fans {t) relates) Robert de Beaumont Earl of Leicejier was Jufticier of England. There is ftill extant a Writ running in his Name, commanding Reginald de Warenne to do Rioht [in his Court] to Robert de Mandevill for the Land of Diganef- laell, or elfe that Robert de Valoignes fliould do him Right, or in his default, the Juilicier himfelf would do Right in the cafe. 'Tis grounded upon the King's Wi'it Deidtramare (the King being, as it leems, at that time beyond-Sea) [ic) ; and is fealed with the Jufticier's Seal (ii'). In the fame King's Reign Richard de Luci was Chief Jufti- cier ; as appears by feveral Records cited in this Volume. In the Year 1 1 80 (26 Hen. II), Ranidf de Glanvill, who was before, one of the Jufticiers of the King's Court, was made Chief Jufticier (x). By his wife Counfel feveral ancient Laws for the good Government of the Realm were eftabliftied and confirmed. K. Richard I, at the beginning of his Reign, conftituted Hugh Bifliop of Durham and William Earl of Albemarle Chief Jufticiers of England, and joined to them in the Government of the Realm, Wil- liam Marefchall, Geoffrey Fitz-Peter, William Brtiere, Robert de Wihte- feld, -^iwA Roger Fit z-Remfrey {y). Afterwards, when the King went beyond-Sea, he appointed Hugh Biihop qI Durham and William Bifliop of Ely Chief Jufticiers of England; to whom he aflbciated Hugh (j) Anno Gratise 1153, qui eft annus the Writ, is a Seal of yellow Wax, circular, J 8. regni Regis Stephani, pax Angliae red- near 3 Inches large (now a little diminijhed) ; dita eft, pacificatis ad iiivicein Rege Ste- Jt Jfiews a Knight tnounled, in warlike Equi- phano & Henriro Duce Normannias . page, his Face to the left Hand; otithe Reverfcy Rex vero conftituit Ducem Jufticiarium a jmall round Coiinterfeal. Angliae fub ipfo, & omnia Regni negotia per (v) Eodem anno Henricus Rex Angliae cum terminabantur. Et ab illo tempore Pater conftituit Ranulfum de Glanvilla fum- Rex ii Dux unanirnes erant in rcgimine inum Jufticiarium totius Anglias ; cujus fa- Regni. Hoved. P. i. p. 490. n. 40. pientia conditas funt leges fubfcript^, quaa (?) M. Paris, ad ami. ilium. Anglicanas vocamus. Hoved. P. 2. p. 600. (u) R. Comes Legreccftrias, Reginaldo ». 40. de Warenna falutem. Prrecipio quod fine (y) In eodem vero Concilio Dominus- di'lati(;i>e plenum re£lum teneas Roberto de Rex conftituit Hugonem Dunelmenfem Mandevill, de terra quE fm't Willelmi de Epifcopum, Si Willelmum Comitcm Albe- Mandevili fratris ejus de Digancfwell cum marliae, fummos Juftitiarios Angliae, & aftb- pertinentijs iuis, quam chmat tenere de te. ciavit eis in regimine regni WiUelmum Et nifi feceris, Robertas de Valonijs faciat. Marefcallum, & Gaufridum filiuni Petri, Sz Et nili fecerit, ego faciam fieri. Teltc Gau- Willelmum Bruuere,&Robcrtum de'W ihte-- frido Labbe. Per breve Regis de ultra mare, feld, & Rogerum filium Remfridi. Hoved, Ex autographo in archivo S. Petri JVeJimon. P. 2. p, 659. n. 20. (w) Upon a Canton cut from ilje bottom of Bardolfy^ Cliap. U. of the K I N g's C o u R T. 35 Bardolf, WilUam Mivcfcball, Geoffrey Fkz-Pctcr, and William Bniere- (z). But William Billiop of Ely, being at this time papal Legate ami Chancellor as well as Chief Julticier, executed the whole Power (iji effeft) of the Chief Juflicier, and governed the Realm as if he had been fole without any Conjufticiers (^i). Afterwards, upon Com- plaints that were made to the King (being then beyond-Sea in th:; holy War) againft the Bifliop of Ely, the King appointed Walter Archbifhop of Koan to be a Conjufticier with the Bilhop of Ely and the other four laft above named. But the Bilhop of Ely continued ftill to adf as if he had been fole Jufticier {U). He was at laft depofed from his Office by Earl 'yohn the King's Brother, and moft of the Biihops and Barons oi England, with the Concurrence of the London- ers [c). And in his room they made the Archbifliop of Roan Chief Jufticier (^). After the King's return into £//^/i?W from his Cap- tivity, Hubert Archbifhop of Canterbury v/as Chief Juflicier. At that time, the Canons of York complained before him, of certain Wrongs which the Archbilliop of York had done them. The Juflicier (faith the Hiflorian) by vertue of the King's Authority wherewith he was invefled, fent to York Earl Roger Bigot, William de Ware?in, William de Stutevill, Hugh Bardolf, William Briiwere, Geoffrey Ha get, and Wil- liam Fitz-Richard Clerk, to hear and determine the Controverfy be- tween the Archbifhop of York and his Canons. Thefe CommiiTioners went down and heard the Caufe, and commanded the Archbilliop's Men, who were accufed of Robbery, to be taken and imprifoned. They fummoned the Archbifhop to appear and ftand to their Judg- ment} and upon his Refufal lb to do, they dilieifed him of all his Manors except Ripen. They caufed the Canons to be re-placed in their Stalls., out of which they had been ejedled by their Archbifliop. They appointed William de Stutevill and Geoffrey Haget to be Ciiftodes of York/hire over the Archbifhop of York (who was then Sheriff or Cujios of that County) and over his Underflierilf Roger de Batvent ; and then they returned (ej. In the fame King's Reign, whilfl the King (z) Ibid. p. 663. n. 40. {h) Ibid. p.. 687. n. 50. (i?) Eodem anno WillelmusElienfisEpif- (c) Ibid. p. 701. n. 50. & p. 702. copuSj Apoftolicse fedis Legatus, Domini [d) Ibid. p. 702. n. 10. Regis Cancellarius, & totius Anglise Jufti- [e) Interim conquerentibus Cationicis tiarius, plebem Angliae fibi commiflam gra- Eboracenfis Ecclefiae Cantuarienfi Archie- vrbus cxadlionibus premebat. In primis pifcopo Regis Jufticiario, de injurijs quas namq; omnes Socios, qyos Rex fibi in re- Eboracenfis Archiepifcopus eis faciebat, gimine Rcgni alTociaverat, fpernebat, & Cantuarienfi; Archiepifcopus, authoritate eorum confilia. Socium autem parem fibi Regia, qua fungebaiur, mifit Eboracum neminem potabat in Regno, &c, Hovcd. Comitem Ro^erum Bigot, & Willelmum de P. 2. p. 680. n. 10. F 2 Wareiina, 36 Of th OC GREAT o F F I C E R S CI lap. IL King was in his Captivity, Hubert A. B. of Canterbury Chief Jufticiet held a Common Council of the Biihops, Earls and Barons, upon the Occafion of the Diflurbances raifed by Earl John the King's Brother :. in which Council it was ordained, that Earl 'john fhould be dilleifed of all his Lands in England, and that his Caftles (liould be beiieged (f). Soon after the Archbilhop (being then Juflicier of Ungland and papal Legate) went to York; there he caufed Aflizes of all Pleas of the King's Crown, and of novel Difleifine and Mortdanceflor, to be holden by his Minifters or Subftitutes, and he himlclf and his Officials held ecclefiaftical Pleas (g). Afterwards the Pope admo- niilied K. Richard I, not to fufFer the Archbifliop to execute the fe- cular Adminiftration of a Jufticier any longer, and not to admit any other Bifhop or Prieft- to the like fecular Employments. Whereupon the Archbhhop was depofed from his Office of Chief Jufticier, and Geoffrey Fitz-Peter fucceeded him therein (h). In the Reign of K. yohn, Geoffrey Fitz-Peter was Chief Jufticier for feveral Years toge- ther ; as appears by many Records quoted in this Hiftory» But in what manner he or the Chief Jufticiers before him were appointed to their Office, I cannot difcover. K. John by a Writ Patent dated ia the 15th Year of his Reign conftituted Peter Bifhop of Winchejier his Jufticier of E?igland, to keep the Realm in his flead and to maintain the Warenna, & Willelmum de Stutevilla, & Hugonem Bardulfum, & Willelmum Bru- were, hi Gaufridum Haget, & Willelmum filium Ricardi clericum, ad audieiidam controverfiam inter Archiepifcopum Ebora- cenfem & Canonicos fuos, & fecumlum quod jus di6laverit terminandam. Qi^ii cum venirent, & audirent appellationes Canoni- corum &:rerponfum Archiepifcopi &fuorum, prcecepcruiu homines Archiepifcopi, qui calumniati fuerant de robberia, capi & in- carcerari. Et quamvis Archiepifcopus opera eorum warantizarec, non tamen potuit eos Archiepifcopus plegiare. Deinde fummo- nuerunt Archiepifcopum, ut venlret judicio, pariturus ; & quia noluit, diflaifiaverunt eum de onmibus Manerijs fuis, excepto uiio folo Manerio de Ripun, in quo Archiepif- copus fe receperat. Deinde fecerunt Ca- nonicos introduci in ftallos fuos, de quibus Archiepifcopus eos diffaifierat. Et fic re- cedentcs, ilatuerunt Willelmum de Stute- villa, & Gaufridum Kaget, Cuftodes in Eboracenfi firia fuper Archiepifcopum 5c fupervicecomitatum [(irvicecomitem] fuum, Hoved. P, 2. p. 743. n. 40. 50. Galfridus Eboracenfis Archiepifcopus^ Rogerus de Batvent pro eo, reddunt compo- tum de firma de Everwichfcira de dimidio anno. Mag. Rot. 6. Ric. l. tit. Evcrzvicfcira. (f) & tradidit ea Cantuaricnfi Ar- chiepifcopo. Qiii in crafHno convocatis coram eo Epifcopis, Comitibus, & Baroni- bus regni, oftendit eis Literas Comitis Jo- hannis. Et ftatim per commune confilium regni deflnitum eft, quod Comes Johannes diilaifiretur de omnibus tenementis fuis in Anglia, & ut caftella fua obfiderentur ; & factum eft ita. Hoved. P. 2. p. 736. n. 30. (^) Venit igitur Legatus ille Eboracum die Dominica ; fequenti die Lunae fecit ipfe teneri affifas de omnibus placitis Coro- na; Regis, & de Nova diflaifma, & de Morte anteceflbrum, per Miniftros fuos ; ipfe vero & OfRciales fui tenuerunt placita Chrifti- anitatis. Hoved. P. 2. p. 755. «. 10. {/') Unde Dominus Papa diligenter mo- nuit Dominum Ricardum Regem Anglias, 4 ut^ chap. II. of the YiiYi g's, C o u r t. 37 the public Peace (/) : and commanded the Archbifhops, Bifhops, Abbots, Earls, Barons, and all his Liegemen, to be aiding and in- tendant to the faid Juiliicier, in the Defence of the Realm and Con- fervation of the Peace thereof (/e). In the Reign of K. Henry III, Hubert de Burgh Earl of AVw/ Vv^as Chief Jufticier ; as appears by tlie Record hereunder cited (/), and by many others. The faid Hubert had an Aflignment of ccc/. to be received by him yearly at the Ex- chequer, for bis fupport in the Office of Chief Jufticier, Part of it, njlz. cc /. was paid or allowed to him out of the Perm of Norfolk and Suffolk; of which Counties he was then Sheriff (w). III. The Office of Chief Jufticier was alfo an ancient Office in iVor- viandy [ft) : and likewife in the kingdom of Naples ; where he was ut pro falute animie fuce non permitteret prasfatum Archiepifcopum diutius admini- ftratione feculari, &c. Et fic Cantuarienfi Atchiepifcopo a regimine Regni depofito, Gaufridusfilius Petri fucceffit ei in regimine Regni. Hoved. P. 2. p. 779. n. 40. [i] Rex Archiepifcopis, &c. Sciatis quod conftituimus Jufticiarium noftrum Angliae, Venerabilem patrem noftrum Dominum P. WintonienCem Epifcopum, quamdiu nobis placuerit ; ad cuftodiendum loco noftro Terram noftram Anglix & pacem Regni noftri : Et ideo vobis mandamus, quod ei tanquam Jufticiario noftro Anglias intendentes fitis 5c refpondentes. Et in hujus &c. Tefte meipfo apud Portefmuth, 1 die Februarij. Pat. 15. Joh. m. 3. (^k) Rex Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Ab- batibus, Comitibus, Baronibus, & omnibus Fidelibus fuis has Literas infpe£luris, Saiu- tem. Sciatis quod pro Magnis negotijs noftris transfreiamus ad pnefens in Pifta- viam, if. Regnum noftrum Anglise in culto diam & prote). He was deemed the moft pre- eminent OrHcer in Sicily {q). He was alfo called the Grand 'Jiijiicier ; and had in that Kingdom the fupreme Adminiftration of Jultice both in civil and crimin:!l Caufes (/-). There, in ancient time, they called thofe perfons Jujiiciers of the Provinces, who were afterwards called Governors of the Provinces, and in modern times Viceroys. And thele Jufticiers (in refemblance to the Powers of the grand Jufticier there) had the Care of the publick AdminiiTiration of Juftice, and alfo of the royal Revenue {/). Thefe Powers may be compared to thofe with which the Chief Jufticier in England was antiently vefted : who in like manner prclided both in the Court of Law and that of Re- venue, But befides Normandy and Sicily, there was another Country, the Kingdom oi Aragon, wherein there was a fuperior Officer, flyled the yujlicia of Aragon. The Inftitution of this Office of 'Jiijiicia there, if we may believe Siirita the Annaliil:, was very ancient. PJe hys, it was introduced about the Year 835; and that fome Perfons believed it to be more ancient than even the Kingfliip oi Aragon (/). But however that matter was in truth, this Jujlicia had in Procefs of Time fo great a Jurifdidion and Authority, that Siirita compares him to (») <— — ut nullus aiiitoritate propria debeat fe vindica'/e, — fed coram Magillro Juftitiario, & jufticiarijs regionum, vel lo- corum camerarijs, vel baiulis & dominis, — - caiifam fuam ordine judiciario profequatur. Conji. Niap. Tit. 8. apud Lhidenbr. (^) Inter caetera capitula quae in facra- mento pr.i-ftando a Magillro Juftitiario, feu juftitiarijs, cum adminillrationem fufcipiunt continentur, hoc fpecialiter & exprefTius volumus contineri, ut Deum & Juftitiam habendo prx oculis, unicuiq; conquerenti juftitiam faciant fme fraude, & quam citius poteriint litigantes expedite curabunt. Con- ji'it. Neap. L. I. Tit. 43. apud Lindcnbr. (q) Eile fue Alaymo de Lentin, a quien el Rey en reconociniiento de fus fervicios dio gran eftado en aquel reyno. [i. e. de Si- cilia j, e hizo Maeftre Jufticier del : que es el cargo mas preeminente que ay en la Ifla. Anaks de Aragon T. 1. L. 4. fil, 294. a. ad min. J285' (?■) E dunque il gran Giuftiziere colui, il quale ha il fupremoluogo di efercitar la giuf- tizia cofi civile come criminale in tutto il reame. Dicevanfi anticamente ancor Giuf- tiziarij delle provincie quelli che hoggi go- vernatori di provincie, & piu volgarmente Vicere di provincie fon detti. Ammir. dclle Fam. Neapol. P. i.p. 41. £. (5) Quefti Giuftiziarij non folodellagiuf- tizia, ma per quel che a me pare da tante & cofi diverfe fcritture haver raccolto fim- pacciavano ancor delle entrate & rendite reali ; & quelle rifcuotevano & pagavano a miniftri Regij, 6 in altre bifogne fecundo- lordine & ii comandamento de i Re. Ibid, p. 42. a. [t) Por efte tiempo, fegun efta recibido comunmente, fe introduxo el magiftrado del Jufticia de Aragon, y aun fe perfuadcn al- gunos, comoefcriue Juan Ximenez Cerdan, tratando de la origen defte magiftrado, que fue antes iiombrr.do el Jullicia de Aragon, que chap. II. ^ //^^ K I N c's C o u R T» 39 to the Roman Tribunes and Lacedemonian Ephori {u). Afterwards, at the Inftance of the Grandees of that Kingdom, it was ordained, that he fliould be nominated by the King, and not by Vote or popular Ambition {w) ; and that if any Difference arofe between the King and the great Men, the Jujiicia fhould determine the fame with the Advice of the King and of the great Men and Cavalkros who were then prefent in his Court, and were not Parties concerned (;c). IV. Another great Officer in the King's Court was the Conftable. He was ufually ftyled Confiabiilarius Regis ; and fometimes Confiabiila- rius AngUcE, in diftindion from the Confrable of Normandy ; and was a high Officer both in VV'ar.and Peace. At prefent we confider him only under his Charafter in Time of Peace, mz,. as a Minifter of the King's Court. Anciently this Office was hereditary. As to the Word Conjlabularius, it fignified a Captain or Comman- der. In that Senfe it was ufed in England in the Reigns of KK, Richard I, and "^ohn. Thus, the Lands of Otuel de Sudley were taken into the King's Plands, becaufe OtueTs Knight was not found /« Con- Jiabiilaria Jua in the Marches oi Wales [y] : the Lands of Eujlace de Baillol were feized into the King's Hands, becaufe he was not found at his Poft {in Conjiabidaria fiia) \z) : and the Lands- of Robert dc Pin- kenni and William Painel were feized for the fame Caufe [a). The que fuefle el Rey eligido. Anales de Aragon. tuarienfi Archieplfcopo apud Infulam de An- "T. \. L. I. /. 9. h. ad ann. 835. deli & apud Lundatn : Otuelus de Sudlega (k) Ib.fol. 103. a. debet Lx marcas', pro habenda faifina terras- (zf) Y feproveyo, queel Juflicia de Ara- fua?, unde diflaifitus fuit quia Miles fuus- gon fuefle Cavallero, y fe nombrafle por el hop. fuit inventus in Conilabularia fua in Kt-^y y no por votes ni ambicion popular. Marchia. Mug. Rot. 9. R. i. Rot. 8. b. lb. T. I. L. 2. fol. 103. a. ad ann. 1213. Glcecejlr. {x) Y en lo que inftauan, que el Jufticia (2) Euftacius de Baillol rcdditcompotum de Aragon juzgaffe los pleytos con confejo de L marcis, pro faifina terrae i'uae quas- delRey y delos ricos hombres ; era el Rey capta fuit in manu Regis quia non fuit contento que en quslquier difFerencia entre inventus in Conflabularia fua ; in thefauro- el, y los ricos hombres y hijos dalgo, in- liberavit, Et Quietus etl:. Mag. Rot. 9* fan^ones, fueffe. el Jufticia de Arasonjuez y Ric. I. Rot. 15. a. Jfllt. la determinafTe con confejo del Rey y'de los [a) Robertus de Piakenni r c dc C s, pro ricos hombres y caualleros que efluuieflen habenda faifma terrae fuae, unde fuit difiai- prefcntes en fu corte, que no fiiefien parte: litus, quia non fuit inventus in Copilabula- y atendido que el y los Reyes fus prede- ria fua. Alag. R.oi. 10. R. i. Rot. i. b. cefibres fiempre ufaron y acof'tambraron de Buk. (sf Bedif. poner Jufticia en Aragon, el de alii adelante Willelmus Painel r c de quater xx libris, guardarla aquella coftuinbre, y que feria pro habenda terra iua, unde fuit diflaifitus f,auallero y hijodalgo. lb. T, I. L. 3. f. eo quod non fuit inventus in Conftabularia 182. a. ad ann. 1264. fu%in Normaijma. lb. Rot. 13. b.Oxenef. (7) Oblata facia coram Rege & H. Cau- commaiiding 40 Of the GREAT Officers Cliap. II . commanding Officers in the King's Navy are called Conjialndarij [b). And Officers in the Army at Land are called by the fame Name. In the third Year of K. John, Provifion was made for the feventy feven Welchmen foot-Soldiers and their feven Conftables [or Officers], and four mounted Archers that were fent into Norway [c). The Word Conejiabile was alfo ufed for a Captain or Leader, in the Kingdom of Sicily [d), and in Tujcatiy {e); if we may believe Arnmirato. In the Reign of K. JVillia/n I, William Fitz-OJbern was the King's Conftable (/). Or perhaps, he might be the King's Marefchall. For the Epithet of Magijier Mihtiim will fit either of thofe two Of- ficers. I chufe here to take Magijier Militum for the Conftable : be- caufe that Style is exprefly given to the Montforts who were, as I re- member, hereditary Conftables (o-). But whether William Fitz- OJbern was Conftable of England or of Normandy, I do not recolledl. In the Reign of K. Henry I, Robert de Ver fubfcribes as Conftable to a Charter of that King's (/6). Mr. Camden relates, that Maud the Emprefs made Miles (Son of Walter Conftable of Gloucejier) Conftable of Englajid {i ) : which Office, he fays, came afterwards by a Mar- riage to the Defcendants of Humphrey de Bohiin [k). The faid Miles was Conftable in the Reign of K. Stephen; as faith the Conti?iiiator of Florence of Worcejler (/). K. Stephen, in the firft Year of his Reign, made a Charter to Robert Bifhop of Bathe. That Charter is attefted by [b] Du£lores & Conftabularij Navigij i Capitani di gente a cavallo incomminci- Regis. Moved. P. 2. f. bbb. n. 10. temp, ati a chiamar condottieri. lb. p. 39. b. Ric. I. (/) Ubi eft Guillelmus Ofberni filius,' {c) Et Lxxvij Walenfibus peditibus & vij Herfordenfis Comes & Regis Vicarius, Nor- Conftabularijs corum, & iiij Archerijs equi- mannise Dapifer, & Magifter Militum bel- tibus, qui milH fuerunt inNorweiam, xxviil. licofus ? Ord. Vh. ap. Duchcfti. p. 536. a. & xiiij d. de liberatione fua de j menfe, per (g) Magiftrum Militum [Robertum de breve Regis. Alag. R^t. 2- J. Rot. 11. b. Monteforti.] Ord. Fit. ap. Di(ch. p. '/■^2- ^' [d) Coneftabile nondimer.o nel regno di ad A. D. IC98. Napoli lignifico Capitano , afterwards Rodbertus de Monteforti princeps Militiae jpeak'ing of the grand Conjlabh he faith, II prasceffit. Ibid. p. 1]^. c. ad A.D. 1098. quale eflendo de lette maggiori ufici il mag- Rodbertuni autem de Monteforti honori- giore, in grandi Signori e ftato fempre col- fice fufcepit. & nefciens qua de caufa natale locato. Conimanda di ragione a tutte le folum dimiferit, quia ftrator Normannici genti de guerra, cofi da pie come da caval- Exercitus hsreditario jure fuerut, inter lo, & ne Parlamenti redi rifiede come fi prsecipuos fublimavit. /i. />. 823. i. ff^yf.i). dilFe il prime al lato deftro del Re. Am- 1108. mir. delle Fam. Neap. P. \. p. 39. [h) Hie,' cap. 2. SeSi. 8. H. Rex Angiorum. i^e) Coneftabile e voce tragli Storici Tof- (j) Camd. Brit. p. 556. cani multo ufitata, & figniiico anticament;e (k) Ibid. Et vid. Spelm. Gkff. in vocabulo, Capitano dalcuna quaritita di foldati a Ca- Conftabularius, p. 146. col. 2. vallo. M?[. in proccflb di tempo Co- (I) Inde eum [viz. K. Stephen) Milo neflabile s' intefedi f^nti a piede, effendofi (tunc fuus Coneftabularius) cum honore re- chap. II. ^ //^^ K I N g's C o u R T. 41 by Rodbert de Ver the Conftable, and by Miles de Gloucejlcr Conftable (jn). Henry de EjJ'ex was Conftable in the 2d Year of K. Hemj II (??), and afterwards. In a Charter of K. Henry II, to the Church oiWin- chejier, there are Witnefles, Henriciis de Ef/exa Conjlabidarius., Richar- diis de Hw7iez Coiijlabularius (0). [The Hutnets were Conftables of Normandy\ (/>). And in a Charter of the fame K. Hen. II, made to the Monks of Chrifichiirch Canterbury, Hmry de EJJex is ftyled Con- ftable [q). Humjrey de Bohun was Conftable in the 23d Year of K. Henry II, (r) ; and, I think, others of the Family of Bohun were Conftables afterwards. But 'tis not my purpofe to be curie us about the Succeflion or Defcent of tills Office. I would much rather (if I could) difcover the Powers which belonged to it in the ancient Times. But that is a Subject too obfcure for me to illuftrate, who have met with fo few Memoires concerning it. However, one or two Records may be here fubjoined. In the iecond Year of K. Henry II, Henry de Eff'ex the Conftable held Pleas, either in the King's Court or in an Iter{s). But probably, he held thofe Pleas, not as Conftable, but as one of the King's Jufticiers. In the 5th Year of K. John, men- tion is made of nineteen Knights Pees of the Earl of Perch lying in Kent, which belonged to the Conftablefliip of England, as the Sheriff" oi Kent alledged at the Exchequer (/). In the 27th Year of K. Ed- ward!, the Barons of the Exchequer were commanded to certify to the King, what Fees and Allowances Humjrey de Bohun Earl of He- reford Conftable o{ England, and Roger le Bigod Earl of Norfolk Maref- chall of E77gland, were refpeftively entituled to receive of the King, upon account of their faid Offices, and in what manner. Whereupon the Barons certify to the King, that having fearched the Rolls and Books of the Exchequer, they found amongft the Conftitutions of K. Henry the fecond's Houffiold, that the Conftable and Marefchall ought to have the Fees and Allowances, in Money, Simnells, Wine, giam conducit ad aulam. Contln, Fkrent. (r) Et Hunfiido de Bohun Conftabulario JVtgorn. p. 668. ad J. D. 1138. xxviij 1. & vj s. & viij d. in Miileton & in {m) Ji.te, cap. I. SeSl. 3. Foreila, de Dote Comitiife. M(7g. Rot. 23. («) Et Henrico de EiTexa Conftabulario, H. 1. Rot. 5. b. tit. Honor Comitis Conani. xxiij 1. h xvj s. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 3 [s) Edwardus de Brentemareis r c de xxx a. E£cxa. - marcis, de Flacitis Henrici deEfiexa. Mag. (0) Per Infpeximus, Mich. Commun. 12 Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. Sumerfeta. Edw. 2. Rot. 19. a. [t) Idem [Fiaxomes] r c de xxxvilj mar- (p) Neuji. Pia, p. 427, 761, 762. Ho- cis, de Scutagio xix Militum Comitis de vi'd. P. 2. p. 815. n. 10. Pertico in hoc Comitatu, qui pertinent ad (q) Teftibus, Epifcopo de Ely, & H. de Conftabulariam Anglias, ficut Vicecomes EfTcx Conftabulario, apud Wyntoniam. dicit. Afag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 2. b. Kent. Regljh. C. in Ecclef. Metrop. Cant.fol. xx. b. Vol. I. G Candle, 42 Of the G K E A T O f F I c ft. s Chap. II. Candle, and other things, as hereunder is fet-forth (u). Which Cer- tificate made by the Barons is, 1 fuppofe, taken out of the Red-Book of the Exchequer. The Office of the King's Conftable was executed partly abroad in the King's Army in Time of War, and partly in the King's Court in Time of Peace. He was alfo wont to appoint a Subflitute to adl for him at the King's Exchequer; as may appear in Chap, xxiv. Vol. II. of this Hiflory. I cannot at prefent find any thing memo- rable concerning the Duty and Powers of the Conftable, during the firft or fecond Period J and therefore muft trefpafs fo far upon my propofed Method, as to cite a Memorial of the Reign of K. Richa7'd\\. There was a Statute made in the 13th Year of that King, to declare the Power and Jurifdi(ftion of the Conftable oi England ; viz. " That " he ought to have cognifance of Contradls touching Feats of Arms " and of War out of the Realm, and alfo of fuch Things relating " to Arms or War within the Realm as could not be determined or *' difcuflied by the common Law ; with other Ufages and Cuftoms («) Certificatio de Officio Conftabularij &Mare{calli Angliae. Excellentiffimo Prin- cipi, fao Domino Reverendo, Domino Ed- wardo Dei gratia Regi Angliae, Domino Hi- bernian &Duci Aquitania?, Dcvoti fuiXhe- faurarius & Barones de Scaccario fuo fidele femperobfequium cumomnimoda reverentia & honore. Mandavit nuper nobis veftra Serenitas, quod Scrutatis Rotulis Scaccarij veftri, Vobis fub Sigillo ejufdem Scaccarij diftinile & aperte conftare faceremus. Quid & quantum dile£ti & fideles veftri Humtri- dus de Bohun Comes Herefordia; ScConfla- bularius Anglis, necnon & Rogerus le By- god Comes Norfolciae & Marefcalius Angl iae, percipere debent & confueverunt de vobis nomine Feodi pro officijs fuis, & quo tem- pore, & qualiter, & quo modo. Super quo veftra fciat Excellentia Reverenda, quod Rotulis & Libris diSi veftri Scaccarij per- fcrutatis, in quodam Libro inter Conftitu- tiones Domini H. Regis Secundi invenimus fic. Conftabularij liberationes ficut Dapife- rij & eodem modo, & Dapiferij ficut Can- cellarij, fi extra Domum comederint, vide- licet V s. in die h j fimenellum Domini- cum, h ij falata, &j fextarium de vino ex- penfabili, & j cereum, & xl fruftra candelas. Si intra Domum comederint, iij s. vj d. & ij fimetisUa falata, & unum fextarium de vino expenfabili, & plenarie candela. De Marefcallo fie. Magifter Marefcallus, li extra Domum comederit, ij s. in die, & j fimenellum fa)., & j fextarium vini expen- fabilis, & j cereolum, & xxiiij fruftra caii- delas. Si autem intra Domum comederit, xiiijd.&dimidium fextarium vini expenfabi- lis & candela plenarie. Et praeter hoc. debet habere duas de donis & liberationibus quae fiunt de Thefauro Regis & de fua Ca- mera ; & debet habere duas contra omnes officiales Regis ut teftis per omnia. Quatuor Mar[efcalli] qui ferviunt P'amiliae Regis, tam Clericisquam Militibus quam Miniftris, die qua faciunt herbergeriam vel extra Cu- riam morantur in negocijs Regis, viijd. in die, & j galonem vini expenfabilis, & xij fruftra candelje. Si intra, iij d. die homini- bus fuis in die & candela plenarie. Quod fi aliquis Marefcallus mifius fuerit in negociis Regis, viijd. tantum. Servientes Maref- callorum, fi fuerint mifli in negocio Regis, unufquifq; iij d. in die. Sin autem in Do- mo Regis comedent. De praedi£tis autem Conftabulario & IVlarefcall. aliud non com- perimus. Valeat veftra Excellentia per tempera longiora. Scriptum in difto Scac- cario apud Eboracum, xij die Decembris anno xxvij. Mich, Communia 26 & 27 £ I. Rot. 8. b. *' appertaining Chap. II. of the K i n g's Co u r t. 43 " appertaining to the fame Matters, which other Conftables before " that Time had duly and reafoaably ufed {w)." V. The Marefchall was another great Officer of the King's Court. This Office was anciently, and is at this Day, hereditary. It is now veiled in the moft Noble the Duke of Norfolk. Marefchall, was a general Name for feveral Officers that were employed about Horfes, Game, &c. For example : ten Marks were allowed to Hugh the Marefchall and his Fellows who looked after twenty of the King's Palfreys (a;). The Sum of Cxxxij /. was allowed at the Exchequer to 'John Palmer, for himfelf and xxj Grooms, and for Hay, Oats, and Farriery [marefcalcid] for fifty Horfes of the King's Stable (_y). Frere Alan a 'Tetnplar was ordered to buy two good Palfreys for the King, and to manage \inarefcallare\ another Palfrey which the King then fent to him (z). There was alfo a Marefcakia avium Regis faj; and in Ireland a Marefcakia menfurce Regis (b) . [w) Item pur ceo que la commune feft grevoufement compleynt que la Court de Coneftable & Marefchall ad acroche a luy & acroche de temps en temps, contraftes covenauntes trefpaffes dettes & detenues & plufours auters accions pledables per la com- mon ley, en graunde prejudice du Roy & de les Courtes, & a graunde grevaunce & oppreffion du people. Noftre Seigneour le Roy voillant ordiner remedie encounter les prejudices & gre- vaunces fuifdites, ad declare en ceft parle- ment, per advis & alTent des Seigneours ef- pirituelx & temporelx la poair&jurifdiccion du dit Coneftable en la fourme que enfuit. Al Coneftable appartient davoir conifaunce des contraftes touchantes faites darmes & de guerre hors du royalme & auxint des chofes qui touchent armes ou guerre deins le roialme queux ne poent eftre termines ne difcuftes par la common [ley] eve autres ufages & cuftumes a ycelles matiers appurtenauntz, queux autres Conftables devant ore ount duement & refonablcment ufes en lour temps, &c. Pym. Stat. 13. Rk. 2. caf. 2, 3. {x^ Et Hugoni Marefcallo & fociis fuis ducentibus xxPalefridos adRegem, x m ar- eas, per breve ejufdem H. [i. e. H. Cantua- rienfis Archiepifcopi.] Mag. Rot. 10. R I. Rot. 12. a. Land. iJ Mldd. [y) Et Johanni Palmerio cum xxj Gar- cionibus, h pro feno & avena & marefcal- cia quinquaginta equorum Regis per duos annos, C & xxxij 1. & ij s. & x d, per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 15. /. Rot. 5. b. in Com- poio de Tioktjheria. (z) Mandatum eft fratri AlanoTempla- rio, quod emat ad opus Regis duos bonos palefridos, & marefcallari facial palefridum quem Rex ei mittit. T R apud Chaftilan xxvii die Novembris. 67. Vafcon. 38 & 39- ^- 3- (a) Albreda de Jarpunvill rede dimidia marca, ut fcribatur in Magno Rotulo, quod ipfa coram Baronibus de Scaccario tradidit Radulfo filio Thomae filij Bernardi, totam terram fuam de Adinton, in dominicis, & vilenagijs, & fervicijs, & redditibus : Ha- bendam & tenendam praedifto Radulfo tota vita ipfius Albredae ; Salvo jure Aliciae filiae fuas & hreredis fui fi illam fupervixerit. Ita tamen quod praediiflus Radulfus defendet & aquietabit prasdicStani Albredam & prse- di. in ivio. Hilar. Contmun. 41. H. 3. Rot. 7. a. in (a) Alandatum eft Vicecomiti Wilteflne, itno. quod venire facial coram, &c. in o£labis (*) Vid. Spelm. Glojf. aclvocem, Maref- Purificationis B. Maris Virginis Reg. de callus. Mohun & Ifabellam uxorem ejus unam de {b) Vol. 2. Chap. 24, Scil. 2. haeredibus W. quondam Comitis Marel- before chap. II. of the K i x g's C o u r t. 4g before the Union of that Seigneurie to the Crown of France. Whe- ther there was anciently a notable Difference, or any, between the Sencfchallus and the Dapifer in England, let others judge. In the Keign of K. William I. mention is made of two Dapffers, viz. Haimo (c) and Rudo fd). But it is generally thought, that Haimo was Dapifer of Rngland, and Undo of Normaiidy. 'Tis faid, that quickly after the Conqueft, Grentefmcifnill was Steward of England ; and af- terwards the Earl of Leicejier fe). And Sir Edward Coke relates, that in the Time of the Conqueror, WiUiam Fitz-Eiiftace was Steward of England ffj. At the Beginning of that King's Reign JVilliam Fitz-Ojhorn was Dapifer of Norjna~ndy fgj. In tlie Reign of K. Williarn II. Eudo was the King's Dapifer (b) : He is alfo ftyled Senef- cal del Hojiel le Rey fi). In a Charter of K. Hemy I. referred to by Sir H. Spelman fk), both Haimo and Eudo fubfcribe as Dapifers ; and he there fuppofes (rightly, I believe) that Haimo was Dapifer of Eng- land, and Eudo oi Normandy. In the Reign of K. Henry I. Eudo is ftyled Dapifer (I) : and likewife WiUiam Bigot is flyled Dapifer Rcns Anglorum (m) : and Hugh Bigot, Senefcal le Rey Henri (n). Maud the Emprefs by her Charter granted to Geoffrey Earl of E[]'ex (a- mongft other Things) all the Land of Eudo the Dapifer in Normandy, and (c) Conceflio Willelmi Magni Regis. VVillelmus Dei gratia Rex Anglorum, Hai- moni Dapifero, 6c omnibus fuis teignis in Epifcopatu Roffenfi falutem — . Angl. Sac. T. I. /.. 338. (d) In a Charter of K. IF. I, of Pacif ca- tion between the Jvbey of FomaneUe ami WW- liam Earl of Evreux in Normandy, dated at Honfleur Ji.D. 1074, the Stdfignation is, -[■ fignum Willelmi Regis Anglorum, And in the 8th Place 4- Signum Eudonis Dapifcri. Neujlr. Pia, p. lb . (e) Dugd. Bar. V. J. p. 425. col. 2. (f) 4. In/lit. ch. 4. p. 58. (s) Willelmo Dapitero Normannias Of- henii filio infulam Ve£tam & Comitatum Herfbrdenfem dedit. Order Fit. ap. Duchefn. p. 521. d. ad linn. 1070. (h) Rex Willelmus junior Civitatem Coleceftrias cum fuis pertinentijs tradidit fervandam Eudoni qui erat Major domus Regi;e, quern nos vulgariter Senelcallum vtJ Dapiierum vocamus. Man. Angl. F. 2. p. 889. col. 1. An I a Charter of K. Jf^llliam Vvi,. I. //. ivas made, Teftibus, Eudone Dapifero — . Form. Angl. nn. cclxxxv. (i) E meme eel tens [viz. A. D. MLxxxv,] fuft funde !e Abbeye de Seint Johan de Coleceftre, de Eude Senefchal del Hoftel le Rey Will. [i. e. IE]. Ex. Vet. Chron. in Cod. MS. R. g. 11. in Bibl. Coll. S. Trin. Cantab, p. 32. (/:) Gloff. in Foce, Dapifer. (I) Teltibus — , Eudone Dapifero, &c. — ; Afon. Ang. F. I. p. 319. col. i. (m) Sciant praefentes & pofteri, Franri & Angli, quod ego Willelmus Bigot Dapi- fer Regis Anglorum, pro remedio animarum Patris mei Rogerij Bigoti, & matris mcas Adelidis . Afon. Ang. F. I. p. 164. col. 2. ». 10. Et Fid. Chartam Willelmi Bigot Dapiferi Regis Anglorum, lb. p. 665. (n) Anno Gratis MCxxxvj, Huue Bigot le Senefchal le Rey Henri vint en Engle- tere, e jura e aferma par ferment (levant Will, le Ercevefke de cantorbire, ke le Rey Henri leant il deufl: morir deferita fa filie H Malt ^o (j/'ify^^ GREAT Officers Chap. II. and his Office of Dapifer, to hold by hereditary Right (o) : but that the Earl of EjJ'ex afterwards enjoyed the Office of Dapifer by Virtue of that Charter, I cannot lay. In the Reign of K. Stephen, William Martell is ftyled the King's Dapifer (p) : Williain had been Fincerna (or Butler) to K. Henry I. And about the i8th Year of K. Henry II. Geoffrey Martell had the Office or Serjeanty of the Pin- cernaria or Butlerfliip (q). In the 5th Year of K. Stephen's Reign, Himifrey de. Bohun fined in .xxij /. 6i xs. for [the Arere of his] Relief of his Father's Land,- •and in cccc Marks of Silver, that he might be the King's Dapifer (r). In the Reign of K. Hen. II. we meet with feveral Dapifers belonging [perhaps, at feveral times] to the King's Court. There was Mavjcr Bifet (s) ; William Makt ft) ; Ogcr (u) ; William Fitz- Aldelm or Aldelin (w) ; Gilbert Makt and William de Curcy (x) ; Hugh I\Ia!t la Emperice, pour aucunes chofes ke ele out fet centre I3', e fiil cefti Eftevene fon. heir del reaum de Engleterre. E kant ceo oy le erceveflce, tut fuft il ifll ke il euft avant fet ferment e eufi: jure feaute al Em- perice el tens fon pere, entre les autres del Reaurr.e, nekedent il creufl trop legerement le Senefchal, e coruna lavantdit Eftevene le jur de Nowel a Weftmuftre. Ex Vet. Chron. in Cod. MS. R. g. 11. in BiU. Coll. S. Trin. Cantab, p. 39. (0) M. Imperatrix, H. Regis filia & Anglorum Domina, Archiepifcopis, he. Sciatis me rediddifTe & conceffifie Comiti Gaufredo Efiexae omnia tenementa fua — . Et do ei totam terram Eudonis Dapiferi in Normannia, & Dapiferatum iplms ; Et haec reddo ei ut reilum fuum, ut habeat & teneat ha?reditabiliter . Ex. ColleP.an. MSS. TViilehni Dugdale Mil. in Muf. Jfimol. Oxon. fub ciijhdia V. CI. & EruditiJ. Ed- ward! Lhuyd A. M. wz. in lib. L. fol, ig. a.isfb. (p) Willelmo Martello, qui quondam Pincerna Regis Heniici, tunc Dapifer Ste- phani. Malm. HiJI. Nov. L. 2. p. 189. n. 30. Hunt. L. 8. p. 393. n. i. Haved. P. I. p. 488. n. 10. (q) Galfridus Martel r c de iiij 1. & v s. de vj Militibus de feodo de Monte Acuto. Idem debet xx s. de Veteri FefTamento. Sed calumpniatur quod debet efTe inde quietus per Servicium Pincernaria. Mag. Ret. 18. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. Dorf. fcf Sumcrf. (r) Unfridus de Bohun r c de xxij I. & X s, pro Relevatione ten re patris fui, Et de CCCC marcis argenti, Ut fit Dapifei Regis, Mag. Rot. 5. Steph, Rot. 2. a. TViltifcira. (s) Manferus Bifet Regis Dapifer, Om- nibus hominibus Francis & Anglis falutem. Form. Anglic. CCLxxxix. Tefte Manfero Bifet Dapifero apud Silveftonam, lb. nu, DIV. (t) Teftibus, — -Willelmo Malcd Da- pifero. lb. nu. Lxxviij. Philippus de Tanga r c de quater xx & vj 1. 5c xiij s. & iiij d : In donis, per breve Regis, Willelmo Malet Dapifero, totuin debitum Philippi, Et fie Quietus ell. Mag. Rot. 13. H. 2. Rot. 13. a. (u) Tefles Ogerus Dapifer ; Form. Angh nu. Lxxv. Teftibus Ogero Dapifero, . lb. nu. Lxxix. fif CCLxxxviij. (w) In Perdonis, per breve Regis, Wil- lelmo filio Aldclmi Dapifero, iiij s. Mag. Rot. 23. H. 2. Roi. 10. a. Sudhant. Teftibus, Willelmo filio Audelmi Dapi- fero, Gilleberto Malet Dapifero. Form. Angl. LXXXVI. & DF. Tradidit autem Dominus Rex Willelmo filio Aldelini Dapifero fuo Civitatem We- fefordise in cuftodia . Moved. P. 2. p. 567. n. I. (x) Teftibus, Willelmo de Curcy Se- neicallo, Gilberto Malet Senefcallo, apud Falefiam. Rym. Aila Pub. T. 1. p. 40. ad arm. 20. H. 2. d^ chap. ir. Cy //^^ K I N g's C o u R T. 51 de Morewk and Hugh Bardolf (y) ; and perhaps, others. Whether thefe were refpedliv^ly Daptfers of Kngkind or of TS!ormandy, it doth not clearly appear. In the Year 1184, ^o H. II. (zj, and in the Reign of K. Richard I. (aj, William Fitz-Ralf was Senefchall of Normandy ; and Anno 20 H. II. Alured de St. Martin was Dapifer [of Normandy'\ {b). In the firft Year of K. Richard I. Stephen de Longchamp is flyled the King's Dapifer fcj. Afterwards, in the Reigns fubfequent to K. Richard \. we do not find Dapijers fo fre- quently mentioned in England 2.% before, for ought that I have ob- ferved. As the word Senefcallus has been ufually rendered in Englijh, Steijcard : fo alfo, anciently, the Word ^'/e-iy^ri;/ was fonietimes ren- dered either by Senefcallus or Dapifer. Thus, one William, who iu the Reign of K. William II. was Steward to William de On [hiy- ftipanb Willelm hatte, as the Saxon Chronicon fpeaks] (d), is ftyled his Dapifer by Roger de Hoveden, in relating the fame Story fej : and Eudo, who was Dapifer to K. William II. is called Major Donms Regicc, and Se- nefcallus (f). And in the 30th Year of K. Henry II. Hugh Bardul is ftyled Senefcallus Regis fg), who in the fame Year of tliat King is ftyled Dapifer (hj. But I pafs by that Matter. It was laid above, that the Office of Senefchall or Steward in England was anciently hereditary. It feems, the Earls of Leicefter were Scncfcalli Regis defeodo or hereditary Stewards. In the Reign of K. John, that Office was veiled in Simon de Montfort Earl of Lei- cefer; [and before him, in Robert Earl of Leicejier']. For when a Partition was made before the King and his Barons, between Simou de Mo7itfort Earl of Leiccfer, and Saiher de ^icnci Earl of Winchfler, of all the Lands and Honours which then lately belonged to Robert Earl of Leicejier, Simon and Saiher had each of them a Moiety of the faid Lands ; but the third Penny of the County of Leicefer and (y) Anno XXX regni Regis Henrici Se- (h) Teftibus, W, filio Andel. Senefcallo, cundi, coram Rannulfo de Glanvilla, Hu- Aluredo de Sanfto Martino Dapifero , gone de Morewic & Hugone Bardolf Dapi- apud Falefiam. Rym. ABa Pub. T. 1. p. 38. fcris. Form. Anglic, nu. CCCLFII. ad ann. 20. H. 2. Jn a Charter made to Ranulf de Glanvill (c) Teftibus, Stephano de Longo Cam- ly K. Henry II. there are thefe JVitneJps, po Dapifero noftro. In Charta data i R. \. T. H. Decano Eboracenfi, Hugone de Rym. ASl. Pub. T. 1. />. 65. Morewic & Hugone Bardolf Dapiferis, Mi- (d) Ad ann. MXCVLp. 204.. chaeleBelet, Stephano de Thurnham, apud (e) Hoved. P. I. p. 466. n. 20. Clarendonam. Chart. Antiq. N. in dorfa, (f) In hoc cap. Sed. 11. nu. 36. (g) Et Hugoni Bardul Senefcallo Re- (z) Hie, Cap. 4. Se:^. 4. bf Ncuji. Pia, gis C marcas de dono Regis, per breve Ra- p. 866. nulfi de Glanvilla. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 2. (a) Neuf. Pia, p. 855. Rym. Aila Pub. Rot. 8. b. T. I. p. 98. ad ann. g. R. 1. (h) Form. Angl. nil. CCCLFII. H 2 the 52 Of the G K z A T Officers Chap. II. the Stewardlhip to tlie King were relerved to Shno?: Earl of Leicejler fij. In the 49th Year of K. Henry III. the County and Honour of Leicejler, the Stewardlliip of England, and other Lands, late of mmon de Montfort Earl of Leicejler, being forfeited to the King by the Felony [or Treafon] of the faid Simon, the King, by his Letters Pa- tent, granted the fame to his [the King's] Son Edmund, to hold to him and his Heirs, of the King and his Heirs, by the Service due and accuflomed for the fame, (k). Afterwards, Y^.EdivardW. being defirous to be informed what Fees the ancient Earls of Leicejler, at the Time they were Senefchalls in Fee to his Progenitors Kings of England, ufed to receive and enjoy in refpecft of their Office, and what Fees did in thofe Times belong to that Office, commands the Barons of the Exchequer by his Writ, to fearch the Rolls, Books, and Memoranda of the Exchequer touching the Premifes, and to certify the King thereof under the Exchequer-Seal (I). But what Certificate was made therein by the Barons, I do not at prefent find. VII. (t) Johannes, &c, Sciatis nos concef- fifie & prffifenti carta confirmafTe padtioneni faflani coram nobis & Baronibus noftrls, per Simonem de Monteforti Comitem Ley- ceftrias & Saiherum de Quenci Comitem Wintoniae de omnibus Terris & Honoribus quae fuerunt Comitis Roberti Leyceftriae die quo obijt, cum omnibus pertinentijs fuis : ita fciiicet quod tota medietas illarum ter- rarum & honorum, in dominijs, & feodis, & omnibus alijs rebus & locis, remaneat uni illorum Comitum, & altera medietas alteri ; Salvis pradidto Comiti Simoni tertio de- jiario Comitatus Leiceftris & Senefcalcia noftra ; ita etiam quod xl libratas terras de parte Comitis Simonis remanebunt prEefato Comiti Saihero praster partem fuam quoufq; fmiiliter deliberaverit eidem Comiti Saihero rationabiiem partem fuam de terra quse fuit prsenominati Comitis Roberti in Norman- nia, l^c. Dat. &c. x die Martij anno r n oaavo. Ex Dugd. ColLaann. MSS. Libra L.fol. 68. a. in Muf. Jjhinol. Oxen. (k) Rex Militibus, Liberis hominibus, & omnibus alijs tenentibus de Comitatu & Honore Leyceftriae, Senefcalcia Anglice, & de omnibus terris & tenementis qua; fue- runt S. de Monteforti quondam Comitis Leyceftriae falutem. Sciatis quod dedimus & conceffimus Edmundo filio noftro karif- fmio, praedi(51:a, Comitatum, Honorem, Se- ncfcalciam, terras, & tenementa, quae fu- erunt prsefati Simonis inimici noftri, excep- tis Dominicis noftris : Habenda & tenenda de nobis & haeredibus noftris, eidem Ed- mundo & hsredibus fuis imperpetuum, Fa- ciendo fervicium inde debitum & confue- tum. Et ideo vobis mandamus quod eidem Edmundo tanquam Domino veftro, in om- nibus quae ad prasdiiSta Comitatum, Hono- rem, Senefcalciam, terras, & tenementa pertinent, de castero intendentes fitis & re- ipondentes ficut prasdi£lum eft. In cujus, &c. T. Rege apud Cant, xxv die Oftobris. Pat. 49. H. 3. m. 2. (I) Baronibus, pro Rege. Quia Rex quibufdam de caufis vult certiorari, quae & cujufmodi feoda quondam Comites Leyce- ftriae, temporibus quibus ipFi Comites Se- nefcalli Progenitorum Regis quondam Re- gum Anglias de feodo extiterint, ratione Senefcalcias illius percipere confueverunt, & qu32 & cujufmodi feoda ad eandem Se- nefcalciam pertinuerunt temporibus fupra- dictis : Rex mandat Baronibus, quod fcru- tatis Rotulis, Libris, & alijs Memorandis de difto Scaccario, per quae fuper praemif- fis poterunt melius infor ii.ui, Re^jem de eo quod inde invenerint, reddant diftincte & aperte fub figillo ejufdem Scaccarij certio- rem. chap. II. Of //6^ K I N g's C o u R T. 53 Vn. As the Senelchall or Stewnrd was an ancient Officer in Kni- ^ o land, fo there was Hkewife an Officer of that Name in feveral other Countries oi Europe. I will mention fome few of them. There was a Sinijcalciis amongfb the "xnc'itut Alemanns (in). About the Time of Hardicnute King of England (as it feemeth) one OJhcrn was DapiJ'er of Nortnandy (n). Raif de Montpinpn was Dapifer to William the great. King of England (o). In or about the Year 1 1 19, William de Piroiir is faid to have been Dapifer to K. Henry I. (p). In or about the Year 1 158, Robert de Ncubiirg was Dapifer and Jufticier of Normandy (q). In the Time of iV/. T, I. L. 3. fol. 18 J. 6. ad ann, 1264. (k) Defpues defla jurifdicion Real que eftaua fundada con eita orden, auia ctra de grande autoridad, que era la de! Mayor- domo del Rey, y del Reyno, que tenia en el Confejo y juzgado defpues del Rey el principal lugar, y podia conocer de todas las caufas y querellas, affi dc los infan^ones como des otros : faluo en ciertos cafos del eftado de los infan^ones, que fe referuauan al conocimiento del Rey. Jb. T. 1. L. 2. /. 102. b. ad arm. 12 13. (/) Pcro fiempre el Mayordomo, en lo quejuzgaua, tomaua, por fu acompanado el Jufticia mayor del Reyno, o otro Juez, de los que eftauan pueftos par el Rey en las ciudades y villas Reales :. y tenia efta pre- eminencia, que enqualquiere ciudad o villa adonde fe hallaua el Mayordomo, auia de ceffar el juyzio y determinacion delas caufas, fi el lomandaua. lb. T. i. L \. fol. 102. b, (ni) Johannes Garfiae Majordomus Curia Domini Regis confirmat. Inora SigilU Regh Jlfonfi, appenfi Charta dat. A. D. 1 25 4. Rym. JSi. Pub. T. I. p. 531. («) Jmmir. dclle Fam. Neap. Parte I. p.. 52. Court, 56 of t/je G vt-E A T Officers Chap. 11. Court. At prelcnt I am not prepared to give a dillincl Account of each of them. But there was one who (I think.) was fuperior to tiie others. He was moft properly llyled Ciuucrarius Regis, and en- joyed tlie Oflice which at that Time was ftyled Magiftra Camerarta, the High Chamberlainfiiip. It may be obferved, that fome of the great Offices in the King's Court, efpecially thofe which were heredi- tary, were diflinguillied from fubordinate Officers of the fame Name, by the Epithet of Magijiratus Magijlcnum, &c. For Example : the Office of the King's chief Chamberlain was llyled Magiflra Catncra- ria. K. Henry I. granted it by the Name of Magiftra Caineraria men tot ins AngUce, to Alberic de Ver and his Heirs, to hold of the King and his Heirs, with all the Dignities, Liberties, and Honours there- to belonging, as freely and honourably as Robert Malet or any other had held and enjoyed the fame, together with the Liveries and Lodgings of the King's Court, which belonged to the faid Office ol Chamberlain. The Tenor of K. Henry the firlt's Charter in that Behalf is hereunder recited, as I have it irom Sir William Diigdales MSS. Collections, who fays he took, it from the Original Charter remaining with the Right Honourable the Earl of Lyndefey foj. Th? Office of the King's chief Marefchall was alfo diftinguifhed by the flyle of Magiflra Marefcalcia and Magijiratus Marcfcalcice Regis (p). The Ufliery of the Exchequer had the like Appellation. K. Henry IL by his Charter granted to Roger de Warengefort and his Heirs, the Office of Ufher of the Exchequer, by the name of Mini- Jleriumde Hoftieria de Scaccario meo and Minijleriurn de Magijlratu Hojli- erice de Scaccario fneo {q). So alio, K. Jolm by his Charter granted and confirmed to Henry Son of Gilbert Son of Walthave and his Heirs, the (a) H. Rex Anglorum, Archiepifcopis, bus & hofpicijs Curiae meae, qure ad Mini- Epifcopis, Abb.-itibus, Comitibus, Jullic. , fteiium Caniciaria; pertinent. T. Roirero Baronibus, Vicecomitibus, & omnibus fide- Epifcopo Sai'. ^y; Gaufrido Cancellario Epif- libus fuis per Angliani conrtitutis, falutein. copo Dunelm. & Nigello Epifcopo Elienfi, Sciatis univerli, quoniam dedi & conccffi h Roberto de Sig., & Roberto Coinire Alberico de Ver ^ hceredibus fuis port euin, Gloec, & B. filio Comitis, & Roberto de de me &de haeredibus meis tencndam. Ma- Ver Conftabulario, & UnfridodeBuhun, & giftram Camtrariam mcam totius Anglise, in Hug. Bigot, & W. de Albini Brit., & Ri- feodo & hsereditate. Quare volo & firmiter cardo Ballet, fc Willelmo de Pont., apud prascipio, quod ipfe h haeredcs fui earn jure Ferncham in Transfretatione Regis. Ex haereditaj-io teneant cum omnibus dignitati- Duilg. Collect. AISS. In Bill. Ajhmd. Oxon, bus & libertatibus ik honorificentijs ad earn Lih. L, foL 82. b. [ab ipfi difumpt. exiiutogr. pertinentjbuSjitabene&libere & honorifice, pmes Rob. Cvniteintle Lyndefey, J.D. 1640.] ficut Robertus Malet, yel aiiquis alius ante [p] Chart, i. Job. citai. inhoc Cap. Sed. 5. fum vel polt eum unquam melius & liberius {q) Chart. R. Hen, 2. citat. hlc Cap. 24. h honorificentius tenuit, cum liberation!- Scit. 4. 4 Magi' chap. ir. of f/je K I ij c's C o u RT. 57 Magiftram Serjanteriam de Wapentacho, to hold in Fee and heritage (/-). And the like Phrafe was ufed by feme Subjedls for the principal Offices of their Houfliold. Thus, William Earl of Warivick granted to Alan his Cook, the Capitale Minijicriwn ol \\\% Kitchen, which was called the Office of Magijkr Cociis, to hold by hereditary Right of the Earl and his Heirs {s). Hitherto alfo may be referred the Ufage of the Kingdom of Naples. Where the Epithet of Magijler was added to fome of the greater Officers, viz. Magijler Jujlitiarius, Magijln Ca?iierarij, &c. (/). ('■) -Dedifle & confirmane Henrico fllio Gilberti filij Waltheui & hasredibus fuis fex bovatas terras in Waleton, & quatuor in Wavertre, & quatuor in Neufum, & Ma- giftram Sergentariam de Wapentach, libe- ras & quietas, per fervicium Sergentariie, pro omni fervicio & confuetudine, in feodo & hasreditate, Tenendas de nobis iz hxre- dibus noftris libere & quiete, in bofco & piano &c. ficut Waltheuus avus fuus eafdem terras &pra2di6la Sergentariam integre tenuit & habuit temporibus Willelmi Comitis Bo- lonis Warrennre & Moretonias, & Henrici Regis Patris noflri, & ficut eafdem terras & eandem Sergentariam Gilberto patri prasfati Henrici conceflimus & carta noftra confir- mavimus dum Comes Moretoniae elTemus. Teftibus, Rogero Sanfti Andreas Epifcopo, Roberto Comitc Leirceftrise, Comite David, Willelmo Comite Arundellias, Hugone [de] Gornaco, Rogero de Montebegun, Rober- to Grely, Gilberto filio Reinfridi. Datum per manum H. Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopi Cancellarij noftri apud Cenomanniam, xxiij die Septembris anno rn primo. Trin. Com- mun. jS E. i. Rot. 21. b. {s) Willelmus Comes Warr. Omnibus Baronibus &; Burgenfibus, & omnibus ho- minibus fuis Francis &c Anglis, falutem. Sciant tarn futuri quam prsefentes, me con- ceflifTe & dediffe Alano Coco meo f.lio Ri- cardi Coci, unum Officium in Domo mea, videlicet Capitale Minifterium Coquinas meae quod diciturMagifter Cocus, quod Ri- cardus pater ejus habuit in domo Patris mei & in mea &c ; & unam virgatam terra in Cotacum omnibus alijs terris quas pradidlus Ricardus pater ipfius Alani habuit in Burgo meo de Warrewico & extra. Concefli eti- am prsediiSlo Alano &; hasredibus fuis, ut li- cite Curiam fuam teneat de omnibus proprijs Vol. I. hominibus fuis qiios Ricardus pater ejus ha- buit in Wodelowe & in Warrewico, fine aliquacontradiftionemei vel hxredum meo- rum. Et tolloneum de illis accipiat quod- cunq; mercimonium vendant vel emant in prsdiiSto Burgo de Warrewico. Qiiare volo & firmjter flatuo, quatinus prasdictus Alanus & haeredcs fui habeant &; teneant prsedi£l:um Aliniftcrium five prasfatum Of- ficium plene & integre cum omnibus feodis diiStas Coquince, cum omnibus pertinentijs que pertinent ad Magiftrum Cocum, fcili- cet in robis & in equis ficut Armigeri mei habent in domo mea, eodem modo quo Ri- cardus pater ejus habuit in domo patris mei Si in mea, de me & hceredibus meis jure hse- reditario imperpetuum ; & prsdiilam virga- tam terras in Cota, cum omnibus alijs ter- ris quas Ricardus pater ipfius Alani habuit in Burgo meo de Warrewico & extra, cum omnibus pertinentijs fuis &:c. cum Tol Sc Team, facha & fochnia infangetheof ; Et in fokage omnia antedi(Sla tenebit cum om- ni libertate. Reddendo de jamdi. 382. n. 30. n. 12. Mon. Angl. F. I. p. 366. ccl. 2. [b) Robertus de Monteforti reddit com- (z) Nettjl. Pia., p. 691. Se£i. 3. potum de j Palefrido &j Fugatore, Utho- [a) Henricus Dei gratia Rex Anglorum mines fui de Preflretona faciant ei Confue- & Dux' Normannorum, Archiepifcopis, tudlnes fuas, licut fecerunt Patri fuo ; Wil- Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Comitibus, Viceco- lelmo Maledodo liberavit ad Cameram Cu- niitibus, Baronibus, & Miniftris, & omni- rije, Lxs. pro j Palefrido & j Fua;., per bus fidelibus fuis totius Anglia?, falutem. breve Regis ; Et Q^nctus efi. Mag. Rot. ^.. Sciatis me coiiceffuTe Gnlirido de Cjlinton Steph. Rot. 14. a. Thefaurario &Camerariomeo, fundare Ec- (c) Et idem Vicecomes [Willelmus de clefiam Sandtre Maria; in terra de Kenille- Pontearcha] r c de M marcis argenti, pro worda, quam ei dedi in feudum & haercdita- Minifterio & filia Roberti Maiedofli : In Um, de meo dominio . Quod ego Hen- tliefauroCmarcas argenti; Et debet DCCCC marcas . chap. II. c/" //^^ K I N g's C o u R T. ^q probably, be the Chamberlainfliip of Normandy. For one OJhert dc Pontearcha Teems to have been a Chamberlain of Normandy about this Time (). In the Reign of K. Richard I, Ralf Fitz-Godjrey is ftyled (by Hovedef2) the King's Chamberlain [q). In England, fome of the Chamberlains performed fome A(5ts of their Othce in the King's Court and Houlhold ; and other Adls at his Exchequer. They took Care of the Receipts and Payments of the King's Revenue. In the moft ancient Times they ufed, as it marcas argenti. Et idem Vicecomcs debet xij marcas auri, & j unciam, pro Miiiiflerio Camerse Curije ; & ij marcas auri, pro Mi- nifterio Camerae Curix, ad opus Ofberti fratris fui. lb. Rot. 4. a. Hamiefcira. (d) Cap. 4. Seii. 4. Ricardus BalTet &. (e) Form. Anglic, nu. LXXIII. Et vid. Hiji. Scacc. cap. ult. Sect. 3. {f) Form, Angl. in Dijfert. p. ig. (g) Henricus filius Geroldi Camerarius r c de Veteri firma de Wicumba. Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. I. b. In Perdonis, per breve Regis, Henrico filio Geroldi Camerario, iiij s. & vj d. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 2. b. Norf. fS Sutf. Et Henrico filio Geroldi Camerario di- midia marca. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 8. b. Gloeccjlr. Henricus filius Geroldi Camerarius debet xxxvl. &vs. & viij d. de feodo Eudonis Dapiferi. Mag. Rot. 15. H. 2. Rot. 9. a. Effexa. ds? Hurtf. (h) Form. Angl. nu. CCXCI. (i) Willelmus Malduit Camerarius debet xxiij s, & iiij d. de Veteri Feffamcnto j Et de Novo xxxvj s. & viij d. A-fag. Rot. 14 H. 2. Rot. I. b. Bucking, y Bed. (i) Willelmus Malduit Camerarius r c de xl. numero, de firma de RotelanJa, Mag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. 6. b. (/) Hie paulofup. (w) Willelmus Malduit Camerarius r c de j marca, ut fcribatur in Magno Rotulo, quod Johannes Malduitfilius Johannis Mal- duit remi^fit, & reddidit, & quietum clama- vit, de fe & de hsredibus fuis, totum jus & totum tenementum fuum, & totum do- minium quod habuit de tenement© quod dc ipfoWillelmo'tenuit apud S. Martinumjux- ta Strepeigni &c. Mag. Rot. 5. R. i. Rot. 7. b. Norhant. Willelmus Malduit Camerarius . Mag. Rot. J. R. I. Rot. 8. a. Norhant. («) Hie, Cap. g. fci?. 7. (0) Pojlhac, Cap. idt. feSi. I. ex Form. Angl. nu. CCCLVII. (/.) Form. Angl. nu. LXXXVI. (^) Et audivit Rex Pctitionem illius; & tradidit ilium Radulfo filio Godcfridi Came- rario fuo in cuftoJia. Hovtid. P. 2. p. 692. n. 10. I 2 feems. 6o Of the GREAT Officrs Chap. II. feems, to afl at the Exchequer fometimes in Perfon, In the fucceed- ing Times they adled there by their Subftitutes ; as may be feen elfe- where (r). In the Kingdom oi Naples there was the hke Officer call- ed the Grand Chamberlain. Whole Duty it was to take an Account of all the In-payments and Out-payments of his Sovereign, and to be a Judge and Superintendant thereof {/). IX. Another great Officer in the King's Court was the Chancellor. For a confiderable Time after the Conqueft, he was ufually ftyled Cancellarhis Regis ; probably, to diftinguifli him from inferior Chancellors ; fuch as were the Chancellors in cathedral Churches, and others ; for there were fome others fo called ; as, Godfrey the Qu^een's Chancellor, Reinclin the Queen's Chancellor, Stephen Ridel Chancellor to the Earl of Moretoft, &c (/). The King's Chancellor was ufually, in thofe Times, a Bifliop or other Prelate, or an ec- Gicliaflical Perfon. And as in England, fo alfo in feveral foreign Countries, the Office of Chancellor was in thofe Days commonly con- ferred on Prelates or Churchmen. It was fo in Sicily, and France (u), and Germany (w). In truth, in England, the Chancellor was the King's chief Chaplain, and had the fuperior Care both of the King's Chancery and of his Chapel (.v). In the 55th Year of K. Henry III, yoJm le Faiico7ier Receiver of the Money arifmg from the Profits of the great Seal, pafled an Accompt of the faid Profits. Upon his Ac- compt, he was- allowed (amongft other Things) for certain fmall. Expences about the Chancery and the King's Chapel (^y). And even, fo (r) Cap. 24. Sea. lO. (^) Significo un uficio propoflo a teller conto di tutte 1' entrate & lendite di quel Signore, &. efferne giudice H fo- praintendeiite. Amm'ir. delle FamtgU Napol. P. I. p. 43. c. tit. Del Gran Camarlingo. (t) Godfridus Cancellarius Reginae ; Hunt. L. 7. p. 382. n. 20. temp. H. I. ^ Moved. P. I. />. 477. ». 50. Reiuelmus Cancellarius Reginae ; Hoved. P. 1. p. 469. n. 50. temp. H. I. Stephanus Ridel Can- cellarius Comitis Moritonij ; Hoved. P. 2. p. 707. n. 20. temp. R. I. (u) Quefto uficio era folito darfi da i noftri Re Francezi a Prelati ; fi come par che fi fofTe anticamente coftumato in Frati- cta. Jfn?nir. delle Fam. Neap. P. i .p. 50. c. tit. Del Gran Cancelliere. Scip. Ma%%ella Def- critt, di Napoli p. 495. tit. Gran Cancelliero, [lu] E adonc [/« ^/vj^,3r MCLxij] Tho- mas] le Ercevefke de CantorbireJ envea un meffager, Meftre Ernolf par noun, al Rey en Normundie, erefigna la Chancelerie, e le renvea le Seel. E kant ceo oy le Rey, it en fuft grevee ; pur ceo ke il aveit oy, ke- le Ercevefke de Mngunce en Tyefce terre a eel Rey, e k Ercevefke de Coloingne al' Emperour de Rome, ferveient de eel mefter. Ex Chron. vetvjlo MS. R. g. n. in BibL Coll. S. Trin. Cantab, p. 44. {x) Fid. CI. Hickefij Thefaiir. Lingg. Sep- tent. in Dijprt. Epiji. p. 47, 48. Et vid. pojlhac. Cap, 4. Se£l. 10. Haec eft confti- tutio. (^') Compotus Johannls le Fauconer Re- ceptoris denariorum proveniencium de exi- tibus Sigilli Regis, a fefto Apoftolorum Si- monis & Juds anrjQ Liiij, ufq; ad idem feltuiu chap. II. of the K I N g's Court. 6r io long after the Conquefl: as in the Reign of K. Edioard II, the Chancellor for the Time being was looked upon to be Chief of tlie King's Chapel ; he is exprefly ftyled Chef de la Chapele le Roy, in an Ordinance made in that King's Time relating to the royal Chapel of Wind/or [z). The King's Chancellor is frequently named in the Hiftories of this Kingdom. But the ancient Hiflorians fay little concerning his Duty or the Nature of his Office. A few Memoires may be here added. He was wont to furpervife the Charters which were to be fealed with the King's great Seal [a). Hence probably, it came to pafs, that he is fo frequently named in the Atteftations of fuch Charters : and that many Charters had this Claufe in them. Data per mamim N. Cancellarij nojiri; as appears by numberlefs Examples in the Charter- Rolls. He ufed likewife to fupervife and feal the V/rits and Precepts that ilTued in proceedings pending in the Curia Regis and the Exche- quer, and (after the Divifion) in the King's other Courts of Law. He was one of the King's prime Councellors in Affairs of State : and did Ads of divers Kinds in the Palace, as well in judicial Pro- ceedings as otherwife. In the ancient Times he was alfo wont to adt together with the chief Jufticier and other great Men in Matters of Revenue at the Exchequer ; as appears by feveral Inftances produced in this Hiftory : and fometimes with the other Jufticiers Itinerant in their Circuits. About the Beginning of K. Henry the fecond's Reign, there were Pleas, in the County of Kent, holden before the King's Chancellor and before Henry de EJJex the King's Conllable [b) ; and . (a) The like njhge obtained alfo in foreign Countries. A Charter o/' Frederick I, Etnp,- ror, concludes thus. Ego Reynaldus Can- ccllarius, vice Arnoldi Moguntini Archj- epifcopi & Archicancellarij, recognovi . Datum Ratifponse A. D. 1166. Goldafl. Cviftit. Imper. p. 87. TI.e Golden Bull ef ?/;^ £«/). Frederick II, eruis thus. Ego Con - radus Dei gratia & Apoftolicse fedis, Me- tenfis & Spirenfis Epifcopus, Imperialis Au- la Cancellarius, vice Domini Sigefridi Mo- guntini Archiepifcopi & Apoftoiicas fedis le- gati ac totius Germaniae Archicancellarij, recognovi. Adla funt ha-c A. D. 1213. lb. p. 74. And in other inftanccs. [b] Et idem Vicecomes [Radulfus Picot] r c de ij marcis & dimidia, dePlacitis Can- cellarij & Henrici de Eiiexa; In th 1, Et Q_e, 'Mag. Rat. 2. //. 2. Rot. \i^ c. Chcni. before feftum anno Lv] incipiente, videlicet per duos annos. Summa fummarum. ©CCCC Lxxiij 1. xvj s. In thefauro nichil ; And in expenfes ; amongfi others, Et Johanni Portejoye cuftodi fumniarum Regis Cancel- laria; pro vadi'is fuis per CCCxxx dies, vj 1. iij s. ix d. per idem breve [Regis] ; Et in gercameno ad opus clericorum Cancellarise praedifta;, & alijs ininutis expenfis ejufdem Cancellaria; & Capells Regis, xiijl. ij s. vj d. ob. per idem breve. Mag. Rot, 55. H. 3. Rot. I. a. in Rot. Cotnpotor. (z) Et le Chaunceler le Roy qui qail fo- il ; pur coe quil efl: chef de la Chapele nof- tre Seignour le Roy face chefcun an un tour illoeqes fil puit, par congie de noftre Seig- nour le Roy, pur veer que la dite chapele [i.e. deWyndeforl foit fervie des Orne- mentz &c. Ryl. append, ad Plac. P. p. 535. (L'ino 6 E. 2, 62 Of the GREAT OFFICERS Chap. II. before the Chancellor and the Y^'^xX oi Leicejler [c). Amerciaments were fet upon feveral Perfons in Worceflcrjhire by the Chancellor and Stephen de Segrave {d) ; and in the Counties of Notingbam and Derby, by the fame Perfons [e). The Chancellorfaip, from a fmall Begin- ning, became in Procefs of Time an Office of great Dignity and Preeminence. When the Number of royal Charters began to multi- ply, when the Picas and Caufes in the King's Courts grew numerous, and when the Grandeur of the Pligh Juflicier came to decline, the Power of the Chancellor waxed (as it feems) greater than it had for- merly been. And (if I have obferved right) the Chancellor's Office received a conliderable Acceffion of Power and Dignity from the Greatnefs of fome of the Perfons who had borne it. In this Con- jefture, I have been fomewhat the more confirmed, becaufe I find Paulus Mmylius makes the like Obfervation concerning the Chan- cellors of France ffj. And it feems the Chancellors in other Countries acquired by Degrees the like Addition of Greatnefs and Preeminence [g). In Kngland, the Chancellor was wont to be appointed to his Office by the King. In the Reign of K. Stephen, Geoffrey the Chancellor fined in three Thoufand and fix Pounds and a Mark, for the [King's] Seal.(/6). This I underftand to be a Fine then lately made with the King, for the Office of Chancellor, or to have the keeping of the King's Seal. Which Precedent may juflly feem ftrange to us at this Day. But it feemeth that in thofe Times, Things of the like Kind with this were fometimes done. For Example : In the fame Year of K. Stephen, Richard Fitz-ylhired ^ntd in xv Marks of Silver, that he might fit with RalfBaffet at the King's Pleas fij. Again. In the 7 th (. 108. C'A. 2. Regum Aiiglias praedecefforum noftrorum, (l) Henricus Rex, &c. Archiepifcopis, earn melius, quietius, liberius, & integrius Epifcopis, &c. Sciatis nos dedifle, concef- habuerunt. Hijs teftibus, Eullachio Lon- fiiie, & hac Carta noftra confirmafle vene- don. J; Bath. P. Winton. R. Sar. Th. Nor- rabili patri R. Ciceftrenfi Epifcopo Cancel- wic. Epifcopis, Huberto de Burgo Comite iariam noftram ; habendam h tenendam Cancix Jufticiario noftro, Stephano de Sc- toto tempore \itas fuae, cum omnibus exiti- grave, Willelmo de Eynesford, Ricardo de bus & libertatibus, & omnibus alijs, ad Argenth. Godefrido de Craucurnb Sencf- eam pertinentibus. Quare volumus & fir- challis noftris, Hugone Difpenf. Willelmo miter prsecipimus, quod prasfatus Radulfus de Sanfto Johanne, Henrico de CapcUa, Epifccpus toto tempore vitae fuas pradiiStam Luca Capellano Dccano Sandi Martini Cancellariam noftram habeat, bene & in Londouia-, Henrico de CornhulL Cancel- lario • 64- Of the GREAT Officers Chap. II. Aflignee, was to fubflitute fome other difcreet, fufficient, and fit Per- fon, who fhould be Iwora to the King for his faithful Service, in hke Manner as the firft Affignee was, before he received the Seal in- to his keeping (m). The fame King, by his Charter dated the 4th Day of Mivj, in the 17th Year of his Reign, granted and confirmed to 7^i?,y Bifiiop oi Cbkhtjier, then his Chancellor, the Cufhody of his' Seal during his [the Bifliop's] whole Life, with all the Appurte- nances, Liberties, and Cuftoms to the faid Cuftody belonging; fo that he might bear and keep the Seal, either in his own Perfon as long as he pleafed, or by fome difcreet, fufficient, and fit Per- fon, his Affignee ; with the like Provifoes touching the removing and the fwearing of the Affignee, as v/ere contained in the above cited Charter dated the 14th Day of "June in the i6th Year of this King. And by another Charter dated the fame 4th Day of May^ in the fame 17th Year, and made before the fame Witneffes, the King granted and confirmed, for himfelf and his Heirs, to RalfBi- fliop of Chicbcjler, then his Chancellor, the Chancery [or Chancel- lorffiip] of England during his [the Bifliop's] whole Life, with all the Appurtenances, Liberties, and free Cuftoms to the faid Chancery belonging Iniio Sanfti Pauli LondonifE, Waltero de Kyrch., Willelmo de Londonia. Dat. per manum noflram xij die Februarij. Cart. 11. H. 3. m. 28. (m) Henricus Rex &c. Salutem. Scia- tis iios concefllffe & hac Carta noftra con- firmafle, pro nobis & hseredibus noftris, Vencrabili Patri Radulfo Cyceftrenfi Epif- copo Cancellario noftro, Cancellariam An- glise toto tempore vitne fuas, cum omnibus pertinentijs, libertatibus, & liberis coniue- tudinibus ad prasdidam Cancellariam perti- nentibus. Quare volumus, &:c. pro nobis & h^redibus noftris, quod proediilus Epif- copus habeat ipfam Cancellariam toto tem- pore vitas iux, cum omnibus pertinentijs, libertatibus & confuetudinibus ad eandem Cancellariam pertinentibus, ficut prasdiflum eft. Hijs Teftibus H. de Burgo &c. Ri- cardo de Argenton, G. de Craucumbe, Gileberto Bafiet, Johanne filio Philippi, Ricardo de Sanfto Johanne Capellano, Pe- tro de Rivall. Thefaurario noftro, G. de Cauz, Ricardo filio Hugonis, & alijs. Da- tum per manum noftram apud Wudeftok, x\\\f die Junij, Anno &c. xvj°. Rot. Chart. 16. Hen. 3. ;;.', 8. Henricus Rex &c. Salutem. Sciatis nos conceflifl'e & hac Carta noftra confirmafle, Venerabili Patri Radulfo Cyceftrenfi Epif- Copo Cancellario noftro, Cuftodlam Sigilli noftri toto tempore vitre fuse, cum omni- bus pertinentijs, libertatibus, & confuetu- dinibus ad praediifbam Cuftodiam pertinen- tibus. Ita quod Sigillum illud portet & cuftodiat in propria perfona fua quamdiu voluerit, vel per aliquem virum difcretum fufficientem & idoneum affignatum fuum, qui quidcm aflignatus nobis fidelitatem fa- cial de fideli Servitio, & de Sigillo noftro loco fuo fideliter cuftodiendo, antequam cu- ftodiam praditSi Sigilli recipiat. Et fi forte idem Aflignatus fuus deceflerit vel vitam fuam mutaverit, vel ob caufam rationabilem per nos vel per ipfum Cancellarium amotus fuerit, vel ipfe aflignatus Sigillum illud ul- terius portare noluerit, idem Cancellarius loco illius aflignati alium virum difcretum fufiicientem & idoneum fubftituet, Ita quod fidelitatem facial nobis de fideli Servitio, & de prasdifto Sigillo loco fuo fideliter cufto- diendo, antequam cuftodiam prasdidli Sigil- li recipiat, ficut prasdiftum eft. Quare vo- lumus, &c. quod didus Cancellarius habeat Cuflo- chap. II. of the K i n g's Court. 6s belongin? (n). And by another Charter dated the fame 4th Day of May in the faid 17th Year, and made before the fame Witneifes, the King granted and confirmed, for himlelf and his Heirs, to Ralf Bifhop of Chichejier, then his Chancellor of TLngland, the Chancel- lorfhip of Ireland, to hold during his [the Bishop's] Life, with all the Appurtenances, Liberties, and free Cuiloms to the laid Clian- Cuftodiam praedidti Sigilli toto tempore vitse fuje, &c. per omnia ut (upra ante quare vo- lumus. Teftibus & Dat. ut fupra. lii. viz. Rot. Chart. 16 H. 3. m. 8. (n). Henricus Dei gratia Rex Anglia?, Dominus Hiberniae, Dux Normanniae, A- quitaniae, &, Comes Andegaviae, Archie- pifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Jufticiarijs, Vice- comitibus, Prapofitis, Miniftris, & omni- bus Ballivis & fiJelibus fuis, Salutem. Sciatls nos conceffifi'e & hac Carta noftra confirmafTe, Venerabili Patri Radulfo Cy- ceflrcnfi Epifcopo Cancellario noftro, Cuf- todiam Sigilli noftri toto tempore vitse fuae, cum omnibus pertinentijs, libertatibus, & confuetudinibus ad praedi<£tam Cullodiam pertinentibus, Ita quod Sigillum illud portet & cuftodiat in propria perl'ona fua quamdiu voluerit, \c\ per aliquem virum difcrctum fufficientem & idoneum Aflignatum fuum, qui quidem Affignatus nobis iidelitatem fa- cial de fideli fervitio, & de Sigillo noftro loco fuo iideliter cuftodiendo, antequam cuftodiam prasdifli Sigilli recipiat. Et fi forte idem Affignatus fuus 'deceflerit, vel vitam fuam mutaverit, vel ob caufam ratio- nabilem per Nos vel per ipfum Cancella- rium amotus fuerit, vel ipfe Aflignatus Si- gillum iilud ulterius portare noluerit, Idem Cancellarius, loco illius Aflignati, alium virum difcretum fufficientem & idoneum fubftituet, Ita quod fidelitatem faciat nobis de fideli fervitio, & de prsedifto Sigillo loco fuo fideliter cuftodiendo, antequam cufto- diam Sigilli praedidi recipiat, ficut pradic- tiim eft, Quare volumus & firniiter pra;- cipimus, quod dicius Cancellarius habeat cuftodiam pradi«Si Sigilli noftri toto tem- pore vitas fuae, cum omnibus pertinentijs, Libertatibus & Confuetudinibus ad prsdic- tam Cuftodiam pertinentibus : Ita quod Si- gillum illud portet & cuftodiat in propria perfona fua quamdiu voluerit, vel per alium Vol. L virum difcretum fufficientem & idoneum aflignatum fuum, qui quidem Affignatus fidelitatem nobis faciat de fideli fervitio, & de Sigillo noftro loco fuo fideliter cuftodi- endo, antequam cuftodiam Sigilli pnedicH recipiat. Et fi forte idem Aflignatus fuus deceflerit, vel vitam fuam mutaverit, vel ob caufam rationabilem per nos vel per ip- fum Cancellarium amotus fuerit, vel ipfe Aflignatus Sigillum illud ulterius portare noluerit, Idem Cancellarius, loco illius Af- fignati, alium virum difcretum fufficientena & idoneum fubftituet, Ita quoJ fidelitatem faciat nobis de fideli fervitio, & de prKdidio Sigillo loco fuo fideliter cuftodiendo, an- tequam cufladiam Sigilli prsedifti recipiat, ficut pr^dicSum eft. Hijs Teftibus, Vene- rabili Patre P. Wintonienfi Epifcopo, S. de Segrave Jufticiario Anglia, Petro de Ryval, Capicerio Pi6l., Roberto Paflelewe, Radulfo filio Nicholai, Godefrido de Crau- cumbe, Johanne filio Pliilippi, Galfrido Difpenfatore, & alijs. Datum per manum noftram apud Weftm. quarto die Maij anno Regni noftri Decimo Septimo. Rot. Chart. 17. H. 3. ;«. 9. Plenricus Dei gratia, ice. Archiepifcopis, he. Salutem. Sciatis [nosj concefliile &c hac carta noftra confirmafTe, pro Nobis & haeredibus noftris Venerabili Patri Ra- dulfo Cyceftrenfi Epifcopo Cancellario no- ftro, Cancellariam Angliae toto tempore vitee fuae, cum omnibus pertinentijs, liber- tatibus, & liberis confuetudinibus, ad prs- diftam Cancellariam pertinentibus. Q^iare volumus & firmiter praecipimus pro Nobis & haredibus noftris, quod pj;Bdit5tus Epif- copus habeat ipfam Cancellariam toto tem- pore vil£ fuse, cum omnibus pertinentijs, libertatibus, & liberis confuetudinibus ad prasJi6tam Cancellariam pertinentibus, ficut prjedidum eft. Teftibus & Dat. ut fupra. lb. viz. Rot. Chart. 17.. //. 3. m. 9. K cellorfhiD 66 Of the GREAT Officers Chap. II. cellorflilp [of In'iand] belonging foj. And the King fent a Writ Patent dated at Glouajier the 21ft Day of May in the i8th Year of his Reign, to Mauriw Fitz-Gerold his Jufticier of Ireland, importing that he had granted to Ralf Bifhop of Chichejier, his Chancellor of JLnglmid, the Chancellorlhip of h'cland during his Life ; and order- ing, that G. de 'Tiirvill Archdeacon of Dublin fliould be admitted Vicechancellor, the BilLop having deputed him thereto fpj. Ralf Bifhop of Cbichefter wiJa Chancellor of Enghmd in the 20th Year of K. Henry III. (q), and afterwards. In the 22d Year of that King, the faid Biihop of Chichejier refigned the great Seal into the King's own Hand, by his command (r). Now we are fpeaking of the Chancellor's Office, it may be proper to fet down feme Inftances, whereby it may appear how the great Seal has at feveral Times been committed to Keepers, refigned or re- delivered by them to the King, or otherwife laid-up and dilpofed-of. When a new Chancellor or Sigillifer was appointed, a Memorandum is fome- {0) Henricus Dei gratia Rex Anglise, &c. Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, &c, tjalu- tem. Sciatis nos conceffiiTe & hac carta nof- tra confirmafle, pro Nobis & hasredibus noftris, Venerabili Patri Radulfo Cycef- trenfi Epifcopo Cancellario noftro AnglijE, Cancellariam Hy bernias habendam toto tem- pore vitas fuse, cum omnibus pertinentijs, li- bertatibus, & liberis confuetudinibus ad prae- di6tam Cancellariam pertinentibus. Quare volumus & firmiter praecipimus, pro Nobis & haeredibus noftris, quod praedictus Epif- copus Cancellarius nofter Anglias habeat ipfam Cancellariam Hibernias toto tempore vitse fuae, cum omnibus pertinentijs, liber- tatibus, & liberis confuetudinibus ad ptcE- diiStam Cancellariam pertinentibus, ficut prasdidtum eft. Teftibus & Dat. ut fupra [viz. quarto die Maij anno regni noftri de- cimo ieptimoj. Rot. Chart. 17. H, 3. m. 8. (p) H. Dei gratia Rex Anglias, &c. M. filio Geroldi Jufticiario fuo Hyberniae falu- tem, Sciatis quod conceffiinus", & carta noftra confirmavimus, pro nobis & haeredi- bus noftris, Venerabili Patri in Chrifto Radulfo Cyceftr. Epifcopo & Cancellario noftro Angliae, Cancellariam Hiberniae, Ha- bendam toto tempore vitae fua cum omni- bus pertinentijs, libertatibus, & liberis con- fuetudinibus, ad prxdiftam Cancellariam pertinentibus. Et ideo vobis mandamus, quod in omnibus quae diiSum officium Can- cellar. Hyberniae contingunt dileftum & fidelem noftrum G. de Turvill Archidiaco- num Dublin, quern pradictus Epifcopus & Cancellarius nofter ad Officium illud attor- navit, ad hoc admittatis. In cujus rei tef- timonium, &c. T. Rege apud Glouc. xxj die Maij. Pat. 18. H. 3. m. 14. (q) A. Henry III. made a Charter or De- claration, containing feveral Privileges relating to Wrecks happening in the four Seas or mari- time Coajls, to wit, of England, Poiftou, Gafcoigne, and the Ifle of Uleron. This Charter is dated per manum venerabilis pa- tris Radulfi Cyceftrenfis Epifcopi Cancel- larij noftri, apud Merewell viceflimo fexto die Maij, anno regni noftri vicefimo. Rym. Feed. & Ada Pub.^T. i. p. -^b, 21- It is to he noted, that this Charter is erroneoufly placed by Mr. Rymer ad ann. Dom. 1 174. h ann. 20. H. 2. L. B. whereas it ought to have been placed at the ^Oth Tear of K. Henry III ; // be- ing a Charter of K. Henry the third's, as the Witnefj'es Names mentioned in it do fujfficiently manifefl. (r) Die Sabbati in vigilia DecoUationis S. Johannis Baptiftx anno 22 Hen. Ill, reddidit Regi Dominus Cyceftrenfis Epif- copus Chap. II. of the K I N g's Court. 67 fometinies made of it in the Charter-Roll or Patent-Roll : for Example : in the 7th Year of K. 'jobnt upon the Death of Hubert Archbifhop of Canterbury late Chancellor {s) ; and upon the Aflumption of IVa/- ter de Gray to that Office {t). So alfo on the 9th Day of OBobcr in the 15th Year of K. 'John, Mafter Richard de Marifco Archdeacon of Richmond and Northumberland delivered the great Seal to the King at OJpreng [ti). And the 2 2d Day of December following, it was de- livered at Wind/or to Ralf de Nevill, who was to bear it under the Bi- fliop oi Winche/ler {^ic). In the third Year of K. Henry III, it was provided by common Council of the Realm, that no Charter or Let- ters Patent of Confirmation, Alienation, Sale or Grant of any Thing in perpetuity, fliould be fealed with the King's great Seal until his full Age : and that if any fuch were fealed with that Seal, they fhould be void. And here (faith the Record) the King's Seal began to run [x). In copus Canccllarius fuus, tunc poftulatus in Epifcopum Wintonienfem, Sigillum fuum per manuin fuam & per prasceptum fuum. Pat. 22. H. 3. m. 2. (s) Hie devenit Cancellaria in manum Domini Regis port mortem H. Cantuarien- fis Arch [iepifcopi]. The firjl Charter next after this Entry, is Data per manum J. de Bromceftre Archidiaconi Wigornienfis apud Windelelhore, xxiiij die Julij anno, &c. vij. Chart. 7. J. m. 8. n. 77 i^ 78. (t) Hie recepit Dominus W. de Gray Caneellariam. ylnd the firji Charter next following is. Data per manum Walter! de Gray iij° die Oifbobris anno vij. Chart. 7. J. n. 51. (u) None die Oilobri:; anno regni Do- mini Regis quinto decimo, liberavit Ma- gifter Ricardus de Rlarifc. Archidiaconus Richemundiae & Northumbrize Domino Regi Sigillum apud Ofpreng. Pat. 15. y. m. 8. n. 28. (w) Vicefimo fecundo die Decembris liberatum fuit Sigillum apud WindleforRa- dulfo de Nbvill, fub Domino Wintonienfi Epifcopo deferendum. Pat. IS- J- "■ 18. tn. 6. (x) Prims Lltcra; Novi Sigilli Domini Regis de Cartis vel Litteris patentibus non faciendis. Et hie incepit Sigillum Domini Regis currere. Henricus Dei gratia Rex Angliae, &c.; Omnibus has Litteras infpec- turis falutem. Sciatis quod provifum eft per Commune Confilium Regni noflri, quod nulla Carta, nullje Littera: patentes, de Confirmatione, alienatione, venditione vel donatione, feu de aliqua re quse cedere poflit in perpetuitatem figillentur Magno Sigillo noftro ufq; ad xtatem noftram com- pletam. Teflibus Gual. titulo S. Martini Prefbitero Cardinali & Apoflolicas Sedis Legato, Domino S.Cantuar. Archiepifcopo, Domino Waltero Ebor. Archiepifcopo, Willelmo Marefcallo Comite Penbr. , Hu- berto de Burgo Jufticiario noftro Anglian, coram W. Londonienfi, P, Wintonienfi, R. Dunolmenfi, J. Batonienfi & Glafto- nienn, H. Lincolnienfi, S. Exonienfi, W. Coventrenfi, R. Sarreftiirienfi, G. RofFenfi, H. Herefordenfi, R. Ciceftrenfi, W. Wigornienfi, Epifcopis, k. H. Carleo- knfi ele}. And Willelmo de Huntingefeld, Roberto de Qardman, Johaniie Marefcallo, Willelmo de Albineio, Willelmo de Bello Campo. Provifum eft etiam per Commune Confilium regni noftri coram praedidlis omnibus, quod fi aliqua Carta vel aliquae Liters patentes faftae fecund um aliquam prjedidlarum for- marum, figillata inveniantur prasdi(5to Si- gillo, irritae habeantur & inanes. Teftibus prcenominatis & raultis alijs. Pat. 3. H. 3. ttt. 6. (j) Rex — . Sciatis quod Johannes Maun- fel habuit cuftodiam Sigilli noftri, ab 8 die Novcmbris anno 31, ufq; ad diem Veneris in craftino Decollationis B. Johannis Bap- tiftjB anno eodem ; quo die Rex eum in Nuncium Regis ad partes deftlnavit tranf- marinas.. Tefte 29 Aug. Pat. 31. H. 3. m. 2. [ himfelf. In this Cafe of Application to the King's Court, we may (0) Robertus de Rofs debet D h xxxiiji. Per breve Regis de Ultra mare quod venit- &vjs. &viiij d. Sed funt in refpe(3u donee Baronibus, decomputandis debitis & finibus Rex redeat in Angliam ; per breve Regis de ei folutis dum Rex fuit in Alemannia ; quas Ultra mare. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 2. Rot. 3. «. idem Philippus warantizavit fe recepiiTe ; Everwicfcira. Quod breve eft in forulo Marcfcalli anni {p) Bruford r c de x marcis, pro recepti- noni in Norhantefcira ; Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. one cmufdam utlagati celata & poftea recog- 9. R. 1. Rot. 14. b, Buk. bf Bedef. nita ; In perdonis, per breve Ricardi de (r) Willelmus de Bocland r cdexxxl. Luci per breve Regis de Ultra mare, Hu- de JVIifericordiaprodefalta vj dierum quibus goni de Laci x marcae, Et Q^ e. Mag. non venit ad reddendum compotumfuum de Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. II. a. JVtlt. Comitatu CornubiEe : In Perdonis ipfi Wil- [q) Simon de Bello Campo r c de X mar- lelmo xxxl. per breve H. Cantuarienfis cis, pro habenda terra quae vocatur La Sele Archiepifcopi per breve Regis de Ultra de. Bedeford, & prato quod vocatur Kingef- mare, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 7. R. 1. Rot. 16. med cum pertinentijs; in Thefauro Nichil ; a. Buk. &' BeJcf.'\ Et Magiftro Phiiippo [de Hauekechirche] x (i) Vid. ante. Cap. 2. Seii. 2. ad anil. 1 162. marcas ad opus Regis, per Breve Regis ; R^ Comes Legrecelbise. fuppofe 86 . Of the Judicature Chap. III. fuppofe the Party fuing for Relief, did ufually obtain it in this Man- ner. He paid or undertook to pay the King a Fine or Fines, to have ynJHtiam or RcSium in his Court: and thereupon he obtained (/) Writs or Precepts, by Means whereof he purfued, and recovered or fettled his Right. Thofe Writs or Precepts were made out under the King's Seal. And for the making and iffuing of them (and for other Services), the King ufed to have near his Perfon or in his Court, lome great Man (commonly a Bifl:iop or Clergyman) who was called his Chancellor, and had the keeping of his Seal. The Chancellor had under him certain Clerks, employed in making out thofe Writs. W'"hence it came to pafs in Procefs of Time, that in Law-proceedings, the King's Chancery was the Spring or firfl Mover, and the. principal or original Writs (for the introducing of Caufes) were called Writs of the Chancery. Befides the Chancellor, the Kings oi England [fvon\ the Time they began to ufe a LelTer or Privy Seal) had another great Officer in their Court, to v.'hom belonged the Care of making or fealing fome forts of Writs or Precepts, ufed alfo in the King's Courts of Juftice after the Divifion of the Courts, called Writs of the Privy Seal. And that Officer was the Clerk or Keeper of the King's lefs or Privy Seal. But it may fuffice juft to mention him here ; becaufe I have met with few Memoires concerning the Privy Seal that fall within this firfl Period. However, it appears that a Privy Seal was ufed in this Period, to wit, in the Time of K. yohn. For when Phi- lipp Marc Sheriff of the Counties of Notingbam and Derby was upon his Accompt in the Exchequer, he had the Sums following (amongft others) difcounted to him ; to wit, C Marks which he had paid to Robert de Viepont by Vertue of* Letters Patent of K. yohn, and xlv Marks which he had paid to Geoffrey de Nevill, in Part of CC Marks which the fame K. John by Letters Patent fealed with his Privy Seal had commanded him to pay to Geoffrey [li). To proceed : the whole Juftice of the Realm was primarily and originally the King's {w) -, and (t) Hence probably fprung the Phrafe (well funt in Thefauro. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot, known in the Common Law) of Purchafing a 3. b. Ip'rit. [w) Cum autem de regimine Sacerdotij («) Et Roberto de Veteri Ponte C mar- nihil pertineat ad traflatuni iftum, ideo vi- cas, per Literas ejufdem Regis J. patentes dendum erit de ijs quae pertinent ad Reg- quae funt in Thefaiiro; Et Nicholaae de num ; Quis primo & principaliter poffit /^'j- Court was of ordinary Importance, 'tis probable, that it was ufually xlifpatched by the high Jufticier or other Barons and Julliciers, who had Leifure from the King's other Bufmefs to attend upon it : but that, if it was of great Importance, it was confidered and judged in a fuller Affembly. For as things of Weight were, according to the Ufage of thofe Times, generally done with Solemnity : fo it is like- ly, that they were done with greater or leffer Solemnity, according as they were of greater or leffer Weight. Which I think was alfo the ufual Method in thofe Times in the King's Exchequer. Let no Man fuppofe it to be a novel Ufage, for Kings to fit per- fonally in Judicature. On the contrary, it is a very ancient one, and conformable to the Law and Pratftice of Nations in many Ages : of this it may fuffice to produce here a few Inffances. Solomon King of IJrael, a wife and magnificent Prince, adjudged perfonally in the Caufe of the two Women, one of whom had a living Child, and the pther a dead one (d). Demetrius Poliorcetes King of Macedon heard cum Canonicis Eboraci in prrefentia Domi- judicio in Curia fua fafto inter Regem Caf- ni Ricardi Regis Anglia;, in Normannia telUe & Navarra;. And in the Charter it is apud Andeli conflitutis , unufquifq; propo- /aid, plenariam utriq; parti rcflitutio- nebat iujurias fibi hinc& inde illatas. Hoved. nem adjudicavimus . lb. />. 565. n. 30. P. 2. p. 780. ri. 50. and prefently after vos praedidlum judi- (a) Hie, Cap. 3. Se£i. 6. h Cap. 12. cium noftrum obfervaturos. Ih. n. i^o. i^c. (d) Then came there two Women that (b) Comites & Baroncs Regalis Curiae were Harlots unto the King, and ftood be- Anglire adjudicaverunt . Hoved. P. 2. fore him. And the one Woman faid, &c-. p. 564. n. 50. And all Ifrael heard of the Judgment which (c) Charta Henrici Regis Angliae, de the King had judged, and they feared the 4 King ; Chap. III. of the K i n g's Court. 89 " That as he pafied and leveral Times heard Caufes in Perfon. It is related of him, ** along, an ancient Woman importuned him, ** urged him to give her a Hearing. He anfvvered, he was not at *' Leifure. She replied. Then be not a King. Her Words ftruck ** his mind. He pondered them as he went to his houfe. And *' ftraitway laying afide all other Things, he begun with the Wo- *' man's Bufmefs, and fpent feveral Days upon that and other Caufes. *« For there is nothing fo becoming a King as the Work of admi- " niflring Juftice. For Mars may be compared to a Tyrant -, the *' Law to a King : Kings having the Cuftody of the Laws commit- ** ted to them by yupiter (e). OBavins Ccefar Aiigiijlus heard Caufes in Perfon, " He himfelf »' (faith the Hiftorian) heard Caufes with great Diligence, and fome- ** times fat till Night (which at that Time was unufual). " If he *« was indifpofed, his Couch was placed at the Tribunal, or elfe he " would do Juftice in his Chamber, or Houfe, lying. He admi- *' niftred Juftice, not only with great Induflry, but alfo with equal " Lenity, &c. (f)!' Tiberius Clmidhis Ccefar heard Caufes in Perfon, in the Forum Aiigujli (gj. Nero Claudius Ccejlir heard Caufes in Per- fon (h). So did T^beodofius the Emperor. Sozomen, in his dedicatory Epiftle King; for they faw that the Wifdom of tsV ^acriXar "Oixr^ol; (pflo-iv iy. Wiirohnz God was in hiin to do Judgment, i Kings ^^^ ,^-, ;^.«\y.„'paf dWa ^l.airar ^-^ ra' 3. 16. ad Jin. cap. Becaufe thy God loved Ifrael, to eftablifh them for ever, therefore made he thee [i. e. Solomon] King over them to do Judgment and Juftice. 2 Chron. g. 8. A divine Sentence is in the Lips of the King ; his Mouth tranfgrefleth not in Judg- ment. Prov. 16. 20. {e) Ka/ TTOTs tirp£C7|3uTsp« yhuaia xott- ^ov^(^ auTOv oi> Trapat^a Tivi k^ d^icfj^a 7!oXKa.M; d^ni^bjjai-, (pn'crarjU)] p/oXa^«v, ify-payovl©' huava, Jy M»]' liaah^dn "j^ip)^©^ avfips-v|/sv Hf tLw lixlav, )y Travla Ticinvap}^^ ur£p«, To7f 'dTI'j^^uv ^aXc/x^Joir, ap^a'jM/^©' ^tto 'f -arpftr- (i^licP©^ c/KavKir, ETTf TToXXaf iiV-spar jcyoXacsv. ifcTiv yap brcof tzS (iaavXa 7rpcff«V.oy wj TO -f cf/xrif spyov. 'Apnr p^yj }'j TU(0^vv©', cuf (fno-i TipicS-s©*. VO,U©' Aiof Xa/.t|3avov1as-. P/iit. Opera T. i.p. 989. D. hi vita DemetriJ. (f) Ipfe jus dixit aflidue, & in nodem nonnunquam : Si parum corpora valeret lecftica pro tribunali collocata, vel etiam domi Cubans. Dixit autem jus non dili- gentia modo fumma, fed & Icnitate : Si- quidem, &c. Sucton. in vita D. O^. Caf. Aug. p. 207. Idem in vita ejvfd. p. 295. (g) Cognofcens quondam in Auguili fo- ro, itlufq; nidore prandij quod in proxima Martis ;edc Salijs apparabatur, defcrto tri- bunali, afcendit ad ficcrdotes unaq; difcu- buit. Siut. in vit. Claud, drf. p. 553, 554. (h) In cognofcendo, morem eum ttnuit, ut continuis aftionibus omifTis figillatim qujeque per vices agerct. Quoties autcm ad confuhandam fecedcret, neq; in com- mune quidquam neq; propalam dcliberabat: Sed & confcriptas ab unoquoq; fciitentias tacitus ac fecreto Ico^ens, quod ipfi libuifFct c'^t Trav^cov i3fto-(X4jV xj' n/vcWgv, Ish. k, Yaunde atq; pluribus idem videietur, pro- Voi. I. -y ^ 3 ^ nuntiabat. 9© 0/* //6^ J u D I c A T u R E Chap. III» Epiftle to. him, faith thus; "In the Day-time (I hear) you are " bufied in Arms and corporal Exercifes, and in regulating the Bu^ " fincfles of your Subjeds, fometimes adjudging Caufes, and fomer " times ifTuing neceffary Difpatches [or Precepts] (ij." There was the like Ufage amongft the Franks, Burgundians, Lombards^ and others. In thefe Countries, the Prince's Palace was the chief Seat of Judicature 5 and he adminiftred Juftice to his Subjeds, either in his own Perfon, or elfe by his Proceres, or by his Mi/Ji Dominict, or his Tufticiers of fome Denomination or other. And the Princes of thefe Countries ufed to order, if they fo pleafed, certain Caufes to be heard or judged before themfelves and no other Judges ; in like Man- ner as the Kings of England after the Conqueft fometimes did. In or about the Year 68 o, a Woman named Acchildis came before Theo- dorlck King of the Franks in his Court at Compeigne, and brought a Suit or Plaint againft one Amalgarhis , for Land. Amalgarius pleaded that he and his Anceflors had been in PoiTeflion of the Land for one and thirty Years part. Whereupon it was adjudged by the King's Proceres [in his Court], that Ai.algarms fliould hold the Land, in cafe he came by fuch a Time, and made good his Plea by his own Oath, and the Oaths of certain Perfons his Confacramentals. Amal- garius came within the Time prefixed, and made Oath in the King's Palace in Form aforefaid. And thereupon the King, by his Precept hereunder cited, adjudged and ordered Amalgarius to continue in quiet Poflellion of the Land (k). In many other Cafes, Pleas were moved nuntiabat. Id. in vlt. Neronis, p. 589, netore fuo Gacltramno quondam femper 59c. tenuerant & poiliderant, Ac ci ob hunc a (i) $ p' n o'o , ', n„ J) V fe fua mano feptima dies duos ante iltas Car f/-,^^.^, ^ , Vi % r\\ lendas JuJias in Oratorio noltro luper cap- cvla Ts -^ a xjr> ye^^cvla. Sozm. Oral. p^„^ ^•;,^;^. ^,i3rti„i^ ^bi ,el,qua facra- ad Imp. Theodoflim, p. sg^. A. y,^^.^ percurribant, hxc dibiret conjurare, (k) Theudencus Rex trancorum vir in- ^^^^ antedida terra in prxdiaoloco Badi- lufter. Cum ante hos dies in nollra vel Hone valle inter ipfo Amalgario vel genetore procerum noftrorum prafentia Compendio f^^ Gaeitramno de anno triginta & uno in palatio noftro refideremus, ibiq; veniens fem.per tenuiflint & poffediffint, nee eis. fimena nomine Acchildis, Amalgario :nter- (Jiger) numquam fuillet, nee alius exinde pelavit dum dieerit, eo quod porcions lua i,o„ redibirit, nifi edonio facramento. Sed in villa noncubante Bactihone valle quem yeniens ante didus Amalgarius ad ipfo pla- de parte genetricis fuas Bertanae quondam (-ito Lufjreca in palatio noftro, una cum Icgibus obvenive debuerat, poft fe malo or- heredis fuos ipfo facramento jufta quod ei- dene retenirit. Qui ipfe Amalgarius taliter jg^i tuit judicatum, & noftras equalis prse- dedit in refpunfis, eo quod ipfa terra in ceptionis locuniur, in quantum inluller vir prasdifto loco Baftilione valle de annos tri- Drudoaldus Com. Pahitij nofter teftimoni- ginta & uno inter ipfo Amalgario vel ge- a^jt, ligaliter vifus fuit adimpliflit, & tarn ipfe chap. III. ^ /y5t' Ki N g's Co u RT. 91 moved before the King or his Nobles (I). In Marculfus there is a Formula for a Prologue or Exordium, to be ufed in the Proccfles when the King gave Judgment in a great Caufe brought before him. It runs thus : •' He to whom God hath committed the Care of Go- *' vernment, ought to difcufs diligently the Caufes of Complainants; ** that fo, according to the Allegations and Proofs, a right Sentence *' may be given between the Parties : wherefore, when we, in tlie " Name of God, fat in our Palace at fuch a Place, to hear and " judge the Caufes of all Men, together with the Lords and Fathers, ** our Bilhops Jiich, or our Optimatcs fuch. Fathers fuch, Referen- *' daries fuch, Domejiici fuch, Scnifcaki fuch. Chamberlains fucht " Comes Palatij fuch, or other our Vaffals fuch ; there came before *' us fuch a one, who complained againfl; fuch a one, and alledged *' fo or fo (mj." The like Formulce, mutatis mutandis, were ufed in like cafes. For Example : " Our Subjed: fuch an one came before " our Prefence, and fuggefted to us fo." And, " Wherefore do " you appear before our Prefence fuch a Day, and anfwer to fuch an " Allegation (ji) ." Charles the Great fometimes adjudged in Caufes in his Palace, whilft his Shoes and Clothes were putting on (0).. It was ipfe quam Hamedia fua dilinguas eorum de- rexiflint. Propterea jobimus, ut ipfo por- cione in prsdiflo loco Baclilione valle, unde inter eus orta fuit intencio, niemora- tus Amalgarius contra ipfa Acchilde vel fuis heredibus omne tempore abiat evindicata. Audimbertus recognovit. Datum fub die fegundo Kalendas Julias, annum VII. rigni r.oftri, Lufareca in Dei nomine feliciter. Mab'ill. de re Diplom. L. 6. p. 470. SeSI. 11. Notat. ibid. Ex autographo Dionyfiano. Anno 680. (I) Cum in noftra vel procerum noftro- rum prsefcntia, homo nomine llle itemq; hominem nomine Ilium interpellaflet quafi fervo fuo nomine illo . // end;. Interim vero ulq; in ipfo placito, quia nee utra pars ex ipfis vi<5la At apparet, unde squales pr.-e- ccptiones eis fieri & accipere juffimus. For- ?mda Vett. Marculfi I2 alior. edit, ab Hiero- nymo Bignonio. p. 46, 47. Seil. 38. (m) Prologus de Regis judicio, cum de magna re duo caufantur fimul. Cui Doiiii- nus regendi curam commitiit, cunctorum jurgia diligcnti examinatione rimari oportet, Ut juxta propofitioncs vel refponfiones allo- qula inter alterufrum falubris donetur fcn- tentia . Ergo cum nos in Dei nomine ibi in palatio noftro, ad univerforum caufas re<3o judicio terminandas, una cum Domi- nis & Patribus noflris Epifcopis, vel cum pluribus optimatibus noflris illis, patribus illis, rcferendarijs illis, domcflicis illis, vel fenifcalcis illis, cubicularijs, & illo Co- mite palatij, vel reliquis quampluribus nof- tris fidelibus, refideremus ; ibiq; veniens ille ilium interpellavit, cum diceret, & cac- tera. Marcul. formula apud Baluz. T. 2. eel. 388. tit. 25. (n) Fidel is nofter ille ad noftram veniens prasfentiam, fuggefnt nobis eo quod Marc. Formula of. Balu%. T. 2. col. 3S7, 389, 390. is'r. vofmetipfi per hunc indiculum commoniti nunc ad noftram ve- niatis prsefentiam, ipfius lui ad hoc dando refponfum. lb. col. 389, 390. Et vid. not. Bignonij /« Form, five tit. 25. (0) Quum calciaretur aut amiciretur, non tantum amicos admittebat, vcrum etiam, ii Comes Palatij litem aliquam diccrct qu;e fine ejus juflu definiri non poflct, ftatiin liti<::;antes intioduci juffit & velut pro tribu- K 2 -naii Q3 O///^^ Judicature Chap. III. was provided by the Longobardick Laws, that if any Man, without Licence from the King or the Judge, prefumed to plead another Man's Caufe in the Prefence of the King or Judge, he fhould pay his lo'idrjgild fpj. And thofe Laws make frequent Mention of Liti- gants appeaUng or complaining at the King's Palace (q). Amongfl the Franks, there were Pleas or Caufes, which (as it i'eemeth) were referred to the Emperor's Judgment (r) . In fine j about the Year 1 1 1 1, Bcild'wm Earl of Flanders made a Progrefs through his Domi- nions, trying Caufes and adminiftring Juftice to his Subjedls fs). IV. As to the Second Point of Enquiry, the Original or Rife of this Judicature of the Kings Court : though I would not be pofitive in a Thing of this Nature ; it feems to me to have been of Norman Original or Inftitution. We do not, I think, find any Notices of fuch a Court in England, during the Anglofaxon Times : all Pleas or Caufes being then determined below (in a plain and fimple Manner),, in Courts within the feveral Counties, Towns, or Diftrids, On the other fide, amongil the Normans (who afFedted Pomp and Ceremony),, there was a Judicature, called Curia Regis, in the early Times, In the Year 1080, in a Council at Illebon or Dieppe in Normandy, it was ordained, that if the Bifhops could fhew in the King's Court, that they enjoyed in the Time of Earl Robert or K. William, any Rights not fpecified in the Adls of that Council, the King did allow of the fiime ; provided they did not feize or exercifc fuch Rights, until they had fliewn in the Kings Court, that they ought to enjoy the fame (f). Afterward^-, K. Henry I, in or about the Year 11 13, made a Charter of Confirmation to the Abbey of Oufche in Normandy of all their PofTeffions ;, an.d in it commanded that the Monks {hould not be nali federet, lite cognita fententiam dixit, (r) Her. inter Leg. Franc, p. 328, 329. Eginh. vit. Cur. Mag. p. 2(). ex edit. Job. (s) Per oppida vicofq; circumvedus [fc, Soter. Colon. 1521. oSlavo. Baldwinus cognomentoSecurisComcsFlan-. (p) Si quLs cauiam akerius agere aut driic] caufas cognovit, as jus conftantiflime caufare praefumpferit in prjefentia Regis aut dixit. A>inal. Fland. p. ^■^. ad Annum Dom. Judicis, excepco li Rex aut Judex ei licen- 11 11. tiam dederit de viduis aut de orphanis aut Etvid. Pontani orig. Francic. L.b. cap, lb.. de tali homine qui cauiam fuam agere non p. 503. Lipfimn in Polit. is'c. poteft, componat widrigild fuum, medium (t) Si Epifcopi aliquid quod non fit hie Regi & medium contra quern caufavit. He- fcriptum, in Regis Curia monftrare poflunt 7old. Leg. Longob.p. 255. tit. 6. fe habuifie tempore Rodberti Comitis, vel (q) Mulier ipfa ad PaJatium & ad Guillelmi Regis, ejus conceffione : Rex Judices habuit proclamare . Herold, eis non toUit quin habeant : tantummodo ib. p. 245. tit. lOl. cap, 1. Et ib. p. 237. illud nuUatenus faififcant, donee in Curia tit. 77, cap. 2. Et ib, p. 249. tit, 109, ejus monftrent quod habere debeant. Inter cap. 4. Statutt. Concilij Illebonenfts, art. 47. Or-' de>:. Chap. III. . 701.. cap. br, U.c Epifcopi, Abbates, Cgmitcs, &: poten- Weight. 96 Of the Judicature Chap. III. Weight of them (k). But it fliould feem, that few or rather none were brought thither or received there without Permiffion. For though the Kings Court was open to Complainants wlio defired to refort to it (as is hinted above) ; yet that is to be underftood with this Reftritflion (according to the Ulage of thofe Times), namely, that the Party fliould make Fine to the Crown to have his Plea in the King's Court : and in that, a Permiffion was implied, or (if you pleafe) exprelTed. It is manifeft, that fome Pleas were referved to this Judicature by the fpecial Command or Appointment of the King, or the Jufliciers of his Court. Of this I will fet down fome Inflances. In the 15th Year of K. Henry II, Edward de South-werk fined to the Crown in xl s. that he might fue Roger Fitz-Edward in the King's Court flj. In the 1 8th Year of K. Henry II, one Nicolas fined to the Crown in V Marks, that the Plea between him and his Wife's Sifter, which pen- ded in the Archbifliop's Court, might be [determined] in the King's Court fmj. In the 2 2d Year of the fame King, Henry de la Rivere fined in v Marks, that his Plea might be in the King's Court fnj. In the 25th year, Hervey de Helyon fined, to have his Plea in the Ki?ig's Court foj. In the 26th Year of the fame King, Maurice de Creon, and Gervaje Painel feverally fined in v Marks, to have a Plea in the King's Court (p). In the 27th Year, Henry de Arches fined in x Marks, that a Plaint which was in the County, might be brought into the King's Court fq) : Mrnifius de Nevill and William fon (k) Juftitiae [viz. the Jitflues Errant) fa- ciant omnes juftitias & rectitudines fpec- tantes ad Dominum Regem & ad Coronam fuam — : nifi tarn grandis fit querela, quod non poffit deduci fine Domino Rege, ve] ta- lis quam Juftitire ei reponent pro dubita- tione fua, vel ad illos qui in loco ejus erunt. Hoved. P. 2. p. 549. n. 40. 50. hiter Jjjifas "Jujllc. Errant, anno 22 H. 2. (l) Edwardus de Sutdwerch reddit com- potum de xls, Ut placitet in Curia Regis verfus Rogerum fiiium Edwardi. Alag. Rot. 15 H. 1. Rot. 12. a. Surreia. (m) Nicholaus debet v marcas, Ut Pla- citum quod fuit inter ipfum 5c fororem uxo- ris fuffi, quod fuit in Curia Archiepifcopa- tus, fit in Curia Regis. Mag. Rot. 18 i/. a. Ret. 10. a. Ghent. (n) Henricus de la Rivere reddit compo- tuni de V marcis, Ut Placitet in Curia Regis j In thefauro liberavlt, Et Quietus eft. Mag. Rot. 22 H. 2. Rot. 8; a. Everivichjcira. Sub tit. Dc Pladtis TVillclmi filij Radulfi & Ber- tram de Verdana & JVillelmi Bajfet in Curia Regis. (0) Herveus de Helyon re de xx s, Pro habendo Placito fuo in Curia Regis verfus Petrum de Hakevirdam. Mag. Rot. 25 H. 2. Rot. 2. h. tit. De Placitis Curix. (p) Mauricius de Creon & Wido nepos fuus debent v marcas, Ut loquela de Wal- tham quam habent verfus Gervafium Painel, fit coram Rege. Gervafius Painel debet v marcas, Ut habeat placitum in Curia Regis, de terra de Waltham, verfus Mauricium de Creon. Mag. Rot. 26 H. 2. Rot. 7. b. TFar. y Legerc. [q) Henricus de Arches debet x marcas. Pro habenda loquela in Curia Regis, quae erat in Comitatu, inter Gerbertum de Ar- ches Chap. III. (t/* i^/^^ K I N g's C u R T. 97 fon of Diirand frj ; and Alexander de Rugham and William de Lon^ don, fined for the like fsj. In the 30th Year, Richard de Caen fined to have Right in the King's Court (t). Rafe de Hertivclle, to liave his Duell in the King's Court (u). In the 31ft: Year Ralf de Wekford fined, to have his Plaint in the King's Court fiv). The like in the Cafe of Rober Revell (x), John de Doior (yj, Robert de Laci (z), William de Reigni (a), Gerard de BroBon (b), and others. In the Reign of K. Richard I, Pleas were brought into the King's Court, upon Fines made to the King for that pLirpofe : Ralf Fitz-Robcrt fined in ij Marks, to have his Plea touching half a Knight's Fee removed out of the County Court into the King's Court fcj. William de Marci fined in a Mark, to have a Recop-nition of Mortdanceftor in the King's Court fdj. IVilliam de Flcte gave a Mark, to have his Plea in the King's Court touching a Hyde of Land fe). John the Grammarian gave C s, to have his Plea in the ches patrem fuum & Simoneni de Ouvill : Mag. Rot. 27 H. 2. Rot. 4. b. (r) Ib.jiixt. (s) De Placitis Curias : Alexander filius Willelmi de Rugham reddit compotum de xl s. Ut placitet in Curia Regis verfus Co- mirem de Arundel & Robertum de Morte- mer. Willclmus de Londonia reddit com- potum de xl s. pro habendo placito in Curia Regis, de Dote uxoris (ux, verfus Willel- inum de Ncvill. lb. Rot. 6. a. Nordf. iJ Sudf. (t) Nova Placita & Novae Conventiones, De Oblatis in Curia. Ricardus de Cadomo debet v marcas, pro habendo veQo in Cu- ria Regis de terra de Crokefton. Mag. Rot. 30 i/. 2. Rot. I. h. (u) Radulfus de Hertwelle debet xx s, pro habendo Duello fuo in Curia Regis verfus Willelmum Wandard. //'. Rot. 4. a IFar. (J Legercjh. tit. De Placitis Curix. (w') Radulfus de Weleford debet ij Marcas, Pro habenda lot^uela fua in Curia Regis, quae crat in Comitatu, verfus Prio- lem de Derheift. Mug. Rot. 31 /:/. 2. Rot. 10. a. Gloejir. tit. De Oblatis Curia?. (x) Robertus Revell debet xl s, pro ha- bendis loquelis fuis coram Juftic. , verfus Robertum de Waiire & Galfridum Cleri- cum, de terra de Suinford. Mag. Rot. 31 //. 2. Rot. 7. a. JVar, U Legerc. V^OL. I. (y) Johannes de Doura debet xl s. pro habenda loquela fua in Curia Regis, verfus Robertum filiuni Willelmi & Willelmum de Arden, de quarta parte fcodi j Militis in Garcotc & Wittefliage. Ib.juxt. (z) Robertus de Laci r c de xl marcis, ut loquela de hominibus fuis qui dicuntur occidifle utlagatos, fit coram Rege vel Jufti- tia ; In thefauro 1, Et Q_e. Mag. Rot. 31 H. 1. Rot. 5. b. Everivich. [a) Willclmus de Reigni re de Cs, Ut loquelo qus eft inter ipfum & Willelmum de Lacell in Comitatu, fit in Curia Regis. lb. Rot. 12. b. Dorfcta & Sumerfcta. (b) Gerardus de Broilon debet xl s, pro Duello fuo habendo in Curia Regis, quod fuerat vadiatum in Comitatu. Jb. juxt. [c) Radulfus filius Robert! debet ij mar- cas, pro habenda loquela in Curia Regis quae eil in Comitatu, verfus Willelmum GrofTum de feodo dimldij Militis. Mag. Rot. I. Ric. I. Rot. 2. Eji:x & Hurtf. (d) Willclmus de Marci r c de j marca, pro recognitione habenda in Curia Regis de morte aiitecefibris fui. lb. Rot. 2. i. (/•) Willclmus de Flete r c dc j marca, pro liabenda loquela fua in Curia Regis de j hyJa terrse, verfus Radulfum de Jlroy. lb. Rot. 2. b. Bid. cf Bcdf. Tit. De Oblatis Ciui.t. o King's 98 Of the Judicature Chap. III. fan^s Court for the Land oi Middleton (f), John de Dovor gave xIj, to have his Plea in the Kings Court for the fourth Part of a Knight's Fee [g). Robert Foliot gave x Marks, for the Hke [h). Ruahlde Calne gave a Mark to have his Plea in the Kings Court for half a Knight's Fee (/) Gerard de BroBo7i ^"^st y\s, to have his Duell in the Kings Court {k). Patric de Ridale fined in xx Marks, to have a Recognition of Mortdanceftour in the King's Court, or elfe in the Court of Bracby (/). Willimn de Winejianejhn gave xx Marks, to have the rationabilis pars of his Wife's Inheritance. But that Affair was put in refpite by the King's Writ, until the King had heard the Plea which was brought for the faid Land {ni). Geoffrey de Mandeville fined in C Marks, to have the Judgment of the King's Court touching his Inhe- ritance in England ^nd Normandy, whereof he was deforced hy Hemy de Tilli; and was to pay cccc Marks when he had got Seifin thereof \n)^ In the Reign of K. ^ohn. Pleas were in like Manner brought into the Ki7igs Court : William de Wroteham fined in C /. and ij Hawks, to have the King's Confirmation of certain Lands granted to him by K. Richard I, fo that William might anfwer in the King's Court to any Inquifitioa taken againfl him hy H. de Nevill {o). The Abbot of (f) Johannes Grammaticus. debet C s, pro habenda loquela fua in Curia Regis, veifus Willelmum fratrem fuum, de terra de A'liudleton. lb. Rot. 5. h. Everwuh. De Oblatis Curiae. (S) Johannes de Doura debet xl s, pro habenda loquela fua in Curia Regis, verfus Robertum filium Willelmi de Arden, de quarta parte feodi j Militis in Gorcote & Wittefhage. lb. Rot. 7. a. War. is' Legerc. (h) Robertus Foliot debet x marcas, pro habenda loquela fua in Curia Regis, de quarta parte feodi j Militis in Buterlea, verlus Johel. de Valle torta. lb. Rot. 8. a. Divenefc. (i) Rualdus de Calna r c de j marca, pro habenda loquela fua in Curia Regis, verfus Walterum Maid, de feodo dimidjj Militis : In th 1, Et Q_e. lb. Rot. 8. b. Heref. [k) Gcrardus de Brofton debet xl s. pro habendo Duello fuo in Curia Regis, lb. Rot. 9. a. Dorf. & Sumerf. (/) Patricius de Ridale debet xx marcas. Pro habenda Recognitione de Morte Fratris fui in Curia Domini Regis, vel in Curia Beati Petri de Eraebi, verfus Priorsm de Heiftildefham. Mag, Rot. 5.- iJ. i. Rot, 5. b, Everwichfcira. {?n) Willelmus de Wineftanefton debet XX marcas, pro habenda rationabili parte haereditatis Agnetis uxoris fuae, verfus He- lyam filium Berneri, qui habuit fororem Primogeniti[-am]. Sed funt in refpetSu per breve Regis, donee audierit placitum. Mag. Rot. 5. R. I. Rot. 12. a. Sudfexa. (n) Galfridus de Mandeviliadebet C mar- cas, pro habenda Confideratione Curiae Re- gis, de haereditate fua in Anglia & in Nor- mannia, quam Henricus de Tilli ei dcfor- ciat ; Et quando habebit inde faifinam, da- bit Regi cccc marcas. Alag. Rot. 7. R. i. Rot. i^. a. Dorfete (3' Sumerfete, (0) Willelmus de Wroteham reddit com- potum de C libris & jj Ofturijs, pro ha- benda Confirmatione Domini Regis, de ter- ris &: tenementis fuis quae habu;t de Rege Ricardo, unde habet Cartarn ejus ; Et pio habendis ipfis terris & catallis ipfarum ter- rarum ; Per fic quod ipfe Willelmus poifit refpoiidere in Curia Regis, fecund um Judi- cium Curi«e, ad omnem Inquifitionem fuper eum faftam per H. de Nevill : Et pro ha- benda Confirmatione Regis de rationabilr- bus- chap. III. ^ />6^ ICi N g's C o u R T. 99 o{ Whitby fined in C /, that the Plaint between him and the Burgef- fes of Whitby might be heard before the King fp). Alan de St. George fined in L Marks, to have the Judgment of the King's Court touch- ing certain Lands (y), Wiliia?n di Mandeviil fined in C Marks, to have the Judgment of the Kings Court, in a Plaint brought by his Father agalnlf Henry de Tilli for the Honour of Merjhwood : if the Judgment of the King's Court was again'fl: Wii/iam, he was to pay the laid C Marks ; if it was for him, he was to pay D Marks (r). ,S/- jjio/2 de Ejhvnld fined, to have his Plaint in the Kings Court, touch- ing a Manflaughter and Robbery (j). Warin Fitz-William fined in X Marks, to have a Frcccipe for certain Land, and that the Plea in that Cafe might be [determined] bifore the King {£). Several others fined in like Cafes mutatis mutandis : as John de Mutton (u) ; Robert de Secchevill fwj ; Richard Malebijje (x) ; Henry de Longchamp bus cartis G filij Petri Comitis Eflexiae & Rogeri Stable, quas habet. Mag, Rot. 2. y. Rot. 7. a. Dorfde U Siwurfete. (p) Abbas de Whitebi debet C marcas, re Carta Ricardi de Watervill quondam Abbatisde Whitebi & Conventus confirme- tur a Rege. Idem Abbas debet C libras, Ut loqucla inter ipfum & Burgenfes de Whitebi, de Carta Ricardi de Watervill & Conventus de Whitebi, audiatur coram Jlege, Si difcutiatur ibidem, utrum Abbas & Conventus de Whitebi potuerunt dare hujufmodi libertates Burgenfibus de White- bi. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 12. I'. Evcr- wichfcira. [q) Alanus de Saniflo Georgio debet Ij marcas, pro habenda confideratione Curi;E Regis de terris quas Rex reddi fecit Briano Toliard ; ita quod ultagaria ipfius B. non noceat B, nee aliqua difiaifina fafta ci occa- fione fervitij Regis dum efiet Comes Mori- tonias : Sed habebit confiderationcm de terris illis, deficutdicit fehabuifie in uxorem hx- jedem terrarum illarum, & de ea lilium ge- nuifie. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 6. bJl-'lltefdra. (r) Willelmus de Mandeviil debet C marcas, pro hnbendo recordo & rationabill judicio Curiae Regis, de loquela qua; fuit inter patrem ipfius Wiilelmi h Henricum de Tilli, de Honore de Merfwade, ita quod ix perdiderit per pr.-edictum recordum & ju- dicium, dabit prsedi(£tas C marcas ; & fi lu- cratus fuerir, dabit quingentas marcas. Mag. Jiot, 3. 7- -^<''- 3- ^- D'orptf y Sumcrf. is) Simon de Efwald debet v marcrvs, pro loquela fua do mortehominis & roberia, habenda in Curia Regis apud Weftmon. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 20. /'. Sal',p. [t) Warinus filius Wiilelmi reddit com- potum de x marcis. Pro habendo brevi quod vocatur Praecipe, de Tcrcia parte fco- di j Militis quam Godefridus de Crammavilla ci deforciat, in quam idem G. non habet ingrefTum nifi per G. filium Wiilelmi & Ro- bertum de Cantilupo, qui fuerunt firmarij pradiiJti Warini ut dicitur ; Et ut ilia Lo- quela fit coram Rege a die Purificationis in tres fepiimanas. A'lag. Rot. 6. J. Rot. 1. b, EJfex y Hurtf. (u) Johannes de A'Tutton debet dimidiam niarcam, proponcndo per vadium Herveiain Bagot & Milifent uxorem ejus, quod fmt coram Rege, oftenl'uri qiiare ipfi intrufcrunt f'e in una Hida tcira: cum pertinentijs in Lutiwude, unde placitum fuit inter ipfos Si Nicolaum patrem ejus. Mag. Rot. 6. j. Rot. \b. a. Staff. («•) Robertas de Secchevill debet j mar- cam, quod xxiiij Milites fint coram Rege, parati facramento recognofcerc, quis Advo- catus prsfentavit ukimam perfonam ad Ec- clefiam de Twiford. Mag. Rot. 8. 7. Rot, I. b. JFar. (jf Lehceflr. {:<) Ricardus AdaiebilTe [debet] xxv mar- cas, Per fic quod Hugo de Bouton ponatur per vades & plegios falvns, quod fit coram Rege ad audiendum Judicium fuper hoc quod primo denegavit ei Homagium & Scr- vicium fuum. Maz. Rot, q. 7- R'-t- ',. a. Swrc'ia. O 2 Mag. Rot, 9. 7. Rot. , . Turjian 1 00 Of the Judicature Chap. Ill, (y) ; 'Turjlan de Mumfort fzj ; Simon Fitz-John (a) ; Sif!:o)i de Roff. (b) ; and others. It appeareth by the Plea-Rolls remaining in the Treafury of the Exchequer, in the Cullody of the Treafurer and Chamberlains there, that K. He?2ry III. did feveral Times fit perfonally in Judicature. For Example : A Plea or Caufe pending between the King and TAomas Pevere// ^nd others, was adjudged or determined before the King and his Council ; the King declaring, that he defifted from further Profecution in the Cafe fcj. A Plea between James de Au- deley and Henry de Lacy, who profecuted for the King, was debated before (y) Henricus de Longo Campo debet iij Palefridos, Per fic quod Jufticiarii Regis de Curia non tcneant placitum coram eis inter ipfum Hcnricum, Et Henricum de Mara & Petronillam uxorem fuam, de Dote quam H. de Mara & uxor ejus clamant ad- verfus ipfum Henricum. Mag. Rot. 9. y. Rot. 15. b. Hcref. in JP^allia. (z) Turftanus de Mumfort debet L mar- cas. Pro habendis ij Praecipe coram Rege in OiftabisS. Michaelis ; j fcilicet contra Euf- tacbium de Stutevill, quod reddat ei Medie- tatem feodi j Militis in Witton & in Cava, & aliud contra Nicholaum de Stutevill, quod reddat ei Medietatem Villre de Cotingham &Mcdietatem Villas de Butercram, & Me- dietatem Villae de Screinghain, & Medie- tatem de Langeton, & Medietatem Ser- vicij viij Militum in Hefe, & in alijs Villis quEe continentur in Original!. AJag. Rot. 10. 7. Rot. 3. a. TFar. fjf Leircejh. (a) Simon filius Jobannis reddit compo- tum de xt marcis, Per fic quod tam ipfe quam Willelmus de Flamavilla qui clamat contra eum in terra de Witlingham, fum- moneatur coram Rege. lb. Rot. 7. a. Norhianhsrhmd. [b) Simon de RofF. debet dimldiam mar- cam quod Ricardus de Colevill & focij fui ponantur per f.ilvos plegios, quod fint coram Rege, oftenfuri quare non recognoverunt eidem Simoni talem faifmam in Rolf", qua- lem ipfi inde dederunt per facramentum fuum quod fecerunt vcrfus Willelmum fi- lium Rcginaldi. Ih. Rot. -j . h. Norhumb. (f) Placlta coram Rege in oftabis 8. Jo- bannis B.iptifta; anno xlvij R. Hen. 3, de tempore Philippi Bailat tunc Jufticiaiij An- giiae. Suhamtonia. Dominus Rex per Lauren- tium del Brok qui fequitur &c, petit verfus Johannem Berenger & Julianam uxorem ejus, unum meiuagium 5c medietatem unius carucatae terrae cum pertinentijs in villa de Mannebrugg, quae debenteffe in manu Do- mini F.egis tamquam efcaeta fua de terris Normannorum ; eo quod quidam Norman- nus eam tenuit die h anno quo Normannia fe deperdidit, h fuit inde in feifina, qui quidemNormannuspofteaobijt ad fidem Re- gis Franciie, & habct h.-eredes fuos in parti- bus Normanniae, qui adhuc funt ad hdem praediiJti Regis Francias &c. The Defendant pleads. That an Englifhman luas infeifm of the Pretni£es, and that they ivere not an Ef- cheat. Jn Ijjiie tvas joined. The Jury fow^d for the Defendants. Poftea die Mercurij proxima poftdiem Cinerura annoL° fecun- do, venerunt prsedi<3i Thomas Pevere], Johannes, & Juliana, per attornatum ipfius Julianns, &: petierunt judicium fibi fieri de loquela praedifla. Et eadem loquela coram Domino P\.ege & toto Confilio fuo recitata fuit. Etquia per Inquifitionem praediiftam conflabat Domino Regi, quod tam prasdicfta mefuagium & terra verfus prrediftum Tho- mam petita, quam mefuagium & terra pe- tita verfus pr.-ediftos Johannem & Julianam, funt jus ipforum '['homae, Johannis & Jii- lianre, Dominus Rex fe lubtraxit de brcfi fuo, dicens fe amplius nolle fequi verfus cos. Ideo confideratum eft,quod prasdidliThomas, Johannes, & Juliana, teneant pra;didla tene- menta in pace, prout haftenus tenere con- fueverunt, & eant inde fine die &c. Rot. Phuitor. anni 51, incipiente 52 Hen. 3. Rot, I'j b. penes Thef. & Camerar. Scacc. Ad banc iff quatuor feqttentes i'njlantias in Rotulis Placi- iornm chap. III. £/" //^^ K I N g's C o u R T. loi before the King (dj. The Caufe of Gilbert de Clare Earl of Glow cejler and Hertford was rehearfed before the King and his Council ; the King fitting on his Tribunal at Wejlm'mjier fej. G. Marefchall was fummoned [before the King], to warrant to 'John Marefchall the Manors of Folejlmm and Norton, which the King claimed againft fohn as an Efcheat. The Defendant pleaded, that this Plea ought not to follow the King, and that it was againft the Charter of Liberties that it fliould follow him ; becaufe Common Pleas ought to be de- termined in a certain Place [to wit, in the Common Bench]. It was anfwered, that this was not a Common Plea, but a private one, and did efpecially touch the King's Perfon ; and that a Plea which touched [or concerned] the King, ought to be determined before him. torum invenlendas, facem mih'i pratulit Petrus Le Neve Armiger, Norroy Rex Armorwn, alter e duobus Deputatis Camerariorum Scac- carij. [d) In a long Plea hctivcen James de Aude- ley and Henry de Lacy qui fe in hoc dicit fequi pro Rege — , the matter was debated in Court in this manner : Jacobus dicit, quod revera Willelmus feofavit Johannem de Ma- jierio de Scaldeford, fed fuit cum confenfu Ricardi, infra terminum v annorum praedic- torum ; qui Willelmus affignavit Ricardo Manerium Hancfterigg in efcambium pro Scaldeford, per cartam quam profert. [Then the King /poke] Et fuper hoc praecepit Rex praefato Jacobo, quod oftendat perquem ha- buit ingreffum in prafdi£tis Manerijs, & qua- liter & quo modo, five per ipfum Rejem vel per fuccefiionem alicujus. [Then James re- plii'd] Et prsdiftus Jacobus dicit, quod vi- detur ei quod fatis oftcndit & verificavit ip- fum Dominum Regem & Curiam fuam, quo titulo habuit libera tenementa in praediflis durante termino prasdifto, per inftrumenta iuaqua: prius protulit de prjedictis Manerijs, die quo de eifdem fuitejeflus per Dominum Regem. Et petit quod Rex reftituat Ipfum prasdidia Maneria, deficut per ipfum Regem deeifdem Manerijs fuit ejeftus ; & concedit, quod omnibus & fmgulis uUum jus vel cla- mium in praeditSis A^Ianerijs vendicantibus, in Curia Domini Regis fecundum legem & confuetudinem Regni omnibus illis [vult] refpondere, Dies datus eis in craftino Na- taiis Domini. Et interim Dominus Rexha- beat colloquium & traclatum fupcrhoccum Confilro fuo. Placit. cor. Rege in oii. S. Mich, anno 52 Hen. 3. Rot. 18. a. J great part of this procefs is cancelled by the pen ; and 'tis ivritten in the margin xAcat quia alibi, in //;^ Hilary term fcllowing ; but I cannot as yet find the Bundle of that Hilary term. [e] Matilda quae fuit uxor Ricardi de Clare Comitis Glouceflriae & Hertfordiae fummonita fuit ad refpondendum Gilbcrto de Clare Comiti Glouceftrise & Hertfordia-, de placitoquarecum idem Comes nuperquef- tus efi'et Domino Regi, quod per extentas quas idem Dominus Rex ci fecit, de terris & tenementis quas fuerunt Comitis Ricardi pa- tris fui ultra Wayam, tempore quo ideni Gilbertus fuit infra n?tatcm & in cuftodia Domini Regis, plusaflignatum fuit prasdiitaj Matildae in dotem fuam de terris & tenc- mentis praidiitis, quam ad ipfam pertinet, habendum, ll'c King crj?r,inonded the Abbot of Tinterne and Mafter William de Poywick to extend the faid lands ; and commanded the Countefs to admit them thereto. The Counlcfs rcfufed to admit them. Et unde pr.-rdictus Gilbertus Comes Glouceftrire ic Hertfor- dire per attornp.tinn fuum dicit, quod ubi prasdiiSta Comitilfa iiondebeiet habere terras & tenementa in dotem ultra Wayjm, in Neeth, Lantrifran,Lanblethian, Landitu'yr, & Lantfweinz, eoquod funt teirru in Wale- cher[ia] &: guerrynae, & nulla miilier in. partibus illis dotata eft de folo, nee etiam de- bet habere Caftrum in dotem, prrrdicTaCo- mitiiili habet in dotem in Hufk ad valenciam tercis partis pra'dictarum terrarum 5t tene- mentorum, & tti.im Caftrum de Hufk &:ci; To 102 Of the Judicature Chap. III. him. Whereupon, the Defendant's Exception was over-ruled (f). And Pleas were holden before the Queen and the King's Council, in the 37th Year of K. Henry III, whilft the King was abroad in Gafcoignc. At this Time the Queen was Ciijios regni, and fat iiice Regis {g). If To the' Earl's Damage, Tzvcnty thoufand pounds. Et Coniitilia per attornatum I'uum venit & defendit vim &:c. quando &c. Et dicit, quod ipfa non debet ei hie inde ad hoc breve refpondere ; quia dicit, quod terra fua de Hulk eft adeo libera & de tali libertate, quod breve Domini Regis ibi non currit, nee ali- .quod aliud breve nifi breve ipfius Comitis. Et petit judicium, fi debeat hie refpondere de praedi£lis terrib h tenementis, extra Co- mitatum ubi breve Domini Regis non cur- jit, nee de aliquo placito debet extra pla- citare. Et Comes dicit, that his Father Earl Richard died feized of all the faid Lands ; and that after bis death, the King feized the fame into his hands, by rcafon that Earl Gilbert W(JJ then under age and the King's TFard, Is'c. Et Comitifla per attornatum fuum primo die fecundo & tercio pluries qusefita, fivelit , aliud dicere, dicit quod non, ad prsefens. Et Comes per attornatum fuum petit ju- tlicium de praediita Comitifla tanquam de indcfcnfa ; deficut quamplures alij de par- tibus illis aftenus in Curia Domini Regis re- fpondcrunt coram ipfo Domino Rege. Et Comitifla per attornatos fuos venit & dicit, quod non videtur ei quod debeat aliud ciicere, nee hie relpondere de terris quae funt ultra VVayam, & infra libertatem fuam, fi- cut pracdidum eft: ; unde petit judicium fi debeat aliud dicere. Et Comes per attornatum fuum venit & dicit, quod Dominus Rex & nullus alius adhuc eft in poteftate exhibendi jufticiam inter eos de prsedi*3a dote, & ficut ei affij;- jiavit (iorem fuam in partihus illis alio moJo quam habere debeat, & poteftas brevis terrae iliiub adhucefl: in manu fuaficut fuitquando dos ejus fuit ei affignnta ; & poteftas ejus eft ad exibendum tarn Comiti quam Comi- tiflle jufticiam de dote prasdifta quae eidem ■ijoinitiflae affignata fuit dum idem Comes Juit infia aetatem ; petit judicium, ft debeat aliud dicjre vcl non, ad dcttnfionsni fuam. Et quia Dominus Rex eft in feyfina de con- ftmilibus placitis in Wallia de pluribus Ba- ronibus fuis, ftcut bene liquet Curias, didtum eftpraediftis attornatis, quod dicant aliud, ft velint, ad defenftonem fuam. Et Comitifla per attornatos fuos venit & dicit, quod bene videtur eis quod fatis dixe- runt, h aliud dicere nolunt quam prius dixerunt. Et Comes venit, & ficut prius petit judi- cium de inculpatione fua, & refponfione praediftse Comitiflae per attornatos fuos, ft- cut de ilia quje indefenfa eft. Poftea recitata fuit ifta loquelacoram Domino Rege & Con- ftlio fuo, ipfo Domino Rege fedente pro tri- bunal! apud Weftmonafterium. fudgment was given againji the Comitefs. Placita coram Rege termino S. Mich, anno 50. incip. 51 Hen. 3. Rot. 13. a. (f) Bukingeham. Idem G. Marefcal- lus eodem modo fummonitus fuit, ad wa- rantizandum Johanni Marefcall Manerium de Folefham cum pertinentijs in Comitatu Norfolcia, & Manerium de Norton cum pertinentijs in Comitatu Norhamtonias, qure Dominus Rex clamat verfus eundem Johan- nem ut efcaetem fuam de terris Flandriae. Et unde prnsdiifti Fulco & Johannes dicunt, quod cum Willelmus Comes Marefcallus frater praedicti Comitis, tempore fuo, voca- tus efl'et ad vvarrantiam de praediftis Mane- r!Js,infpe£lis cartis illorum Maneria ilia eis warantizavit. Primo dicit, quod placituin iftud non de- bet fequi Dominum Regem, quia commu- nia placita certo loco terminari dcbent, & contra Cartam Libertatum eft, quod fequan- tur. Refponfum eft, quod iftud commune placitum non eft, immo privatum placitum, h fpecialiter tangit perfonam Domini Regis ; 5c coram eo terminari debet placitum quod ipfum tangit ; & ideo ifta exceptio nulla. Placita de i^o !Var. incerti temp, (forfan 2 1 H. y) Rot. 3. a. (g) Placitu coram Domina Regina ^- Confilio Chap. ril. of the K i n g's C o u r t. 103 If we enquire, what fort of Pleas were ufually pleaded and judg- ed in the King's Court : I fuppofe it may be anfwered. There were all forts of Pleas judged there, both criminal and civil ; that is to fay, (in the Phrafe of that Age) Pleas of the King's Crown of all Kinds, and common Pleas of all Kinds, that were, reCpectivcly, in ufe at that Time. This doth appear from the Inftances cited above in this Sedion, and from thofe which I fhall here fubjoin. For exam- ple : in the 22d Year of K. Henry II, before William Fitz-Ralf, Ber- tram de Verdun, and William Bajjk, who were (amongll others) Juf- ticiers in the King's Court, the Perfons following (amongft others) entered into the Fines following, viz. William as Gerniins fined in x Marks and one Hawk, for imprifoning Gamel of Tork ; the County of TorJk fined in C/, for recording a Duell between Simon le Bret and Ralf de Rugemunt ; the Canons of Tork in C /, for not coming to Tork at the King's Summons ; and Walter de Nevill in xx s, for Leave to make a Concord [b). In the 23d Year a Plea was moved hifore the King between Richard and William de Cahaignes touching Land (/). In the 24th Year, Reginald Bajj'et had a Plea in the King's Caurt upon a Writ of Right for Land. Henry de Clinton, William de Ward,. and Robert F/te-^a/ZeT had each of them their Plea in the King's Court for Knights Fees [K). In the 26th Year of K. Henry U, amongll the Pleas of the Kittg's Court, there are thefe mentioned : Beatrfz Biikerel fined in j Mark, to have Right in the King's Court for certain Land which fhe claimed : Michael de Valecienes, and Godard, and; Confilio Domini Regis, in craftino Nativi- potum de xxs , pro licentio Concordandi tatis B. Marias anno 37 Hen. 3. Ex Ligula cum Willelmo filio Fulch. ; In thefauro li- Rotulor. anni illius pones Thcf. tf Camerar. beravit, Et Q^iietus eft. Alag. Rot. 22. Rot. I. a. H. 2. Rot. 8. u. Tit. Evenvichfcira. Placita coram Confilio Regis, in cdtabis (i) Ricardus de Cahaignis redditcompo- S. Hilarij anno 38 Hen. 3. Ex bund, illius tum de M marcis, pro fine fafto inter ipi'um anni penes eofdt-m, Rot. i.a. & Willelmum de Cahaignis de Particione- (/;) De Piacitis Willelmi filij Radulfi, & terrarum, unde Placitum fui'. inter eos co- Bertram de V'crdun, & Willelmi Baffet, in ram Rege. Af^ig. Rot. 23. H. 2. Rot. 11. a. Curia Regis : Willelmus as Gernuns r.eddit Stidfexa. compotum de x marcis & j Accipitre Norr., [k] De Piacitis Curiae per Bertram & So- quia incarccravit Gamel de Everwich ; In cios fuos : Alfsi Bedelius r c de dimidia thefauro x marcas, Et debet] Accipitreni marca pro defaUa ; Reginaldus BaiTet r c dc Norr. Comitatus-Eboraci reddit compotum xxviij 1 & xiij s & iiij d pro redo tcrr.tr j de C 1, pro record. Duelli inter Simonem le Henricus de Clinton debet C s, pro reiTto do Bret & Radulfum de Rugemunt. Canonici feodo dimidij Militis ; Willelmus 6^r^ I, between Andrew de Belchamp, and Peter de Wingham and William de Bofewill (t). In the 4th Year of K. John, William Briewerre paid D Marks Pine, to have (amongfl other Things) a Moiety of the Land which was Walter Britons, being then in the King's Hand y which Moietj' Richard de Hafeciimb came into the King's Court and granted to the King and to the faid William ftij. In the tenth Year of in debitum verfus Willelmiim de Mand [evill] Comitem Eflexs pro .... terrae praediiita;; unde fumma eft, CC xxix mar- cas \_Here etirhlh the Chirograph of the fiual Concord.'] In thefanro liberavit dimidiam marcam \^the Fine to the King for this Entry in the great Roll], Et Quietus eft. Mag. Rot. 28 Hen. 2. Rot. 8. l>. in imo. (s) Hfec eft Finalis Concordia f;i£la in Curia Domini Regis apud Weftmonnfteri- iim Anno regni Regis Ricardi nono, in Craftino Inventionis San) Mile le Bret habet litteras Domini Regis patentes de proteftione, & quod non ponatur in placitum de aliquo tenemento- rum (uorum quod teneat in Hibernia, nifi coram Domino Rege vel Capitali Jufticia- rio fuo Hibernias. Pat. 9. 'J. m. 4. (c) Pofthac, Cap. 13. SeSl. 6. ad arm. 10. Job. (d) Et quod ipfe & haeredes fui non ponantur in placitum nifi coram nobis vel coram Capitali Julliciario noftro . T. XX die Julij anno r n xv. Cart, 15. H. J. '"•5- _ (e) Et prohibemus, ne ponantur in pla- citum de aliquo tenemento fuo nifi coram nobifmetipfis vel haredibus noftris. Datum XX die Junij anno xlvj, [viz. R. H. 3. J Cl'art. Jntiq. II. n. 13. (f) Norfolcia. Aflifa venit rec [ogni- tura], quis advocatus tempore pacis prae- i'entavit ultimam perfonam quae mortua elt, ad ecclefiani de Brirel[ea] quae vac[atj &c. cujus advocationem Willclmus de btuttevill clamat verfus Pand[ulfum] Norwicenfcm eleiStum ; Qui venit per attornatum fuum, h dicit quod afTifi non debet inde fieri. Quia epifcopus Johannes praedccellor fuus, de quo fuit mentio in brevi, habuit Cartam Domini Regis Johannis per quam conceflit ei, quod ipfe [6c] fuccefiores fui non inpla- citarentur de aliquo nifi coram prrefentia Domini 120 Of the Judicature Chap. III. the King or of the greater Part of his Council. Wherefore the Parties were adjourned (gj , This Piece of Grandeur or Power exercifed by the Crown, to wit, in limiting Pleas to the King's own Audience, -was, as it feemeth, imitated by fome great Lords within their Seigneuries. Thus, William de Alb'im Briio, in his Charter or Writ hereunder cited, com- manded his Vaflals of SabrUgeworth, That if any Plaint or Quarrel arofe amongll the Monks of ^abridgeworth, it fliould be flayed, until it could be brought before him (h). It is to he underftood, that the Kings Court was a fure Afylim for the opprefled. In the Greatnefs of this Court confifted the Subjeds Security. And the more full and folemn this Court was, the greater was the injured Complainant's Safety and Allurance of Relief. When the Sovereign, or his Vicegerent the chief Jufiicier, fat in Judicature, then the Kings Court was full and folemn : when they were abfent, it was more private and unfolemn. In their Prefence, efpecially the Sovereign's, no Place was left for Injuftice or Wrong. Their Judgm.ent was venerable, and not to be fufpefted of Partiality or Error. So that it was not a light Privilege, to have one's Caufe de- termined in the Prefence of the King the fupreme Judge, or of the chief JulHcier, who was next to the King in judicial Power. That Privilege was ufually, and moll properly, annexed to important Caufes. Domini Regis vel ejusCapitalis Juft[iciarij]. In Rotulo odditur, i'uo. Et Carta ilia irrotu- latur apud Scaccariiim ; & deficut Domi- nus Rex nee ejus Juft[iciarius] funt prae- fentes, non vult reipondere nifi Curia con- fideravcrit. Dies datus eft eis de audiendo judicio fuo, a die S, Hillarij in xv dies &c ; Idem dies da- tus eft xj rec[ognitoribus] qui venerunt. Et Vicccomcs habeat corpora aliorum, & loco Robert! de Daulling [6^ K I N g's C o u R T. 123 Words of this Hiftorian, that Iters were firfl inftituted in the one or other of thofe Years, may fall into an Error through Inadvertency. It may be true, for ought that I know, that K. Hen. II. did in each of thofe Years appoint new Circuits or Divifions, or perhaps new Juftices itinerant. But it is credible, that there were Iters both for criminal and common Pleas, and likewife for Pleas of the Foreft, before the 22d Year of K. Henry II: and that they continued, for feveral Years afterwards, in a Courfe or Method not unlike to that which they were in at that Time. Concerning which Matter I fhall, by and by in this Seftion, produce fome Precedents or Memoires out of the great Rolls of the Exchequer. For the right underftanding of which Memoires, this Rule is to be obferved. The feveral Heads or Titles containing the Juflices Names, are (as will appear anon) De placitis oi Juch Perfons, and again Tie placitis oi fuch, or de AJJifa of fuch, or laftly Nova placita & Novce Conventiones per fuch Perfons : thefe Heads I have all along fet down in the fame order wherein they fiiand in the refpeftive great Rolls. 'Tis therefore (I fay) to be under- ftood, that the firfl: De Placitis contains the Names of the Jufliices of a pafl: Year ; that the fecond De Placitis contains the Names of the Juftices of a Year fubfequent to the other next before it ; and that the laft Head, (which is commonly Nova Placita & Novce Conven- tiones) contains the Names of the Juftices for the Year which the great Roll cited is of. I proceed to the Citations. In the 20th Year of K. Henry II, there were Juftices Errant for Pleas of the Crown and common Pleas, and for impofing or fetting the Aflizes or Tallages upon the King's Demeans : to wit, in Surrey, the Archdeacon of Poitiers, Guy the Dean, Reginald de Warrene ; Gervafe de Cornhill foj : in Dorfet and Somerfet, Alured de Lincoln and Walter de St. ^lintin (p) : in Glouce/ier/Jjire, 'John Cumin and his Companions ; Ralf Fitz-Stephen, Philipp Fitz-Ernife, and Alexander le Boteler (q) : in Wiltjlnre, Reginald de Warene and "John Cumin ; {0) De Placitis Archidiaconi Pi£1:avix, & Alani de Nevil Junioris. lb. Rot.Z.b. Dorf. Widonis Decani & Reginaldi de Warenna. y Siimerf. De Affifa fafta fuper Dominia Rec;is & fu- [q) De Placitis Widonis Decani & Wil- per terras eorum qui receflerunt, per Regi- lelmi BafTet. De Aflifa Dominiorum per naldum de Warenna & Gervafium deCorn- Johannem Cumin & Socios fuos. De Nova hill. Mag. Rot. 20. H.2. Rot. i.b.Surr. Aflifa Dominiorum fa£l:a per ipfum Vice- {p) Nova P. & N. C, de Aflifa Do- comitem [Radulfum filium Stephani] & miniorum Regis in Dorfeta, per Ipfum Philippum filium Ernifi, & Alexandrum Vicecomitem [Aluredum de LincoliaJ & Pincernam ; per breve Ricardi de Luci. lb. Walterum de S. Quintino. De Placitis Rot. 3. a. Gloa. R 2 Richard 1 24 Of the Judicature Chap. III.. Richard de Wilton and Robert de Liici (r) : in Norfolk, and Suffolk, Robert Majitell, Adame de Gernemue, and Mafter Sefred [s) : in A'b- tinghamjlnre and Derbypire, William BaJJet, John Malduit, and yohn k Clerk ; Reginald de Luci, and William Fitz-Ralf (t) : in C amb ridge - pire and Hunteyidonpire, the Archdeacon of P(9/(J??>rxi Guy the Dean,. Reginald de Warenne, and William BaJJet ; Sefred the Archdeacon and his Companions [u) : in EJ/ex and Hertfordjlnre, Robert Mantell, and Walter de Hadfeld (iv) : in Qxfordjhire, Alard Banajlre and Conjl. de Oxenford [x) : in Buckinghamjlnre and Bedfordjlnre, Nicolas Arch- deacon of Huntendon and his Companions ; William Fitz-Ricbard and Richard Fitz-Nele (y) : in Lincolnjhire, Guy the Dean, Reginald de Warenne, and William BaJJet ; John Malduit [z) : in Sbropfdire, Guy Lejirange {a) : in Berkpire, Guy the Dean and his Companions ; the Slieriff of Berkpire and Leonard a Knight of ThoJtias BaJJ'ets if) : in SuJJ'ex, the Archdeacon of PoiBiers and his Companions ; Reginald de Warenne Sheriff [c] : in Here/brdpire, John Cumin and his Com- panions ; William de Braiofa and Miles de Mucegros [d] : in Hantjjire, the (r) De Plaeitis Reginald! de Warenna & Johannis Cumin. De Nova Aflifa in Wil- tefcira per ipfum Vicecomitem [Ricardum de Wiltona] & Robertuni de Luci. lb. Rot. 3. b. JVilt. [s) De Affifa Dominiorum Regis per Ro- bertum Mantel, & Adam de Gernemue, & Magiftrum Sefredum. lb. Rot. 4. a. Norf. i^ Swlf. (t) De Aflifa Dominiorum Regis in No- tingebamfcira & Derbifcira, per Willelmum Baflet, & Johannem IVIalduit, & Johannem Clericum. Item de Nova Aflifa quoriindam Dominiorum Regis in eifdem Comitatibus, tjer Reginaldum da Luci, & Ipfum Vice- comitem [Willelmum filium Radulfi.] lb. Rot. ^.a.&b. (u) De Plaeitis Archidiaconi Pi£tavije, & Widonis Decani, & Reginaldi de Warenna, & Willelmi Baflet. De Aflifa Dominiorum Regis in eifdem Comitatibus, per Saffredum Archidiaconum & Socios fuos. lb. Rot. 5. b. Caniehr. & Hunt. [■w) N. P. & N. C, De Nova Aflifa fafla fuper Dominia Regis per ipfum Vice- comitem [Robertum Mantell] & Walterum 6e Hadfeld. Ih. Rot. 6. a. Effixa ^ Hurtf. (a-) N. p. & N. C. De Nova Aflifa per •pfum Vicecomitem [Alardum Banaftre], &. Confl. de Oxinefordia, per breve Ricardi de. Luci. lb. Rot. 6. h. Oxinef. (y) De Aflifa fada fuper Dominia Regis in Bukingehamfcira, per Nicholaum Archi- diaconum de Huntedon & Socios fuos. De. Nova Aflifa fadta per ipfum Vicecomitem [ Willelmumfilium Ricardi] & Ricardum fi- lium Nigelli, per breve Ricardi deLuci. lb. Rot. 7. a. Buk. isf Bedef. (2) De Plaeitis Widonis Decani, & Re- ginaldi de Warenna, & Willelmi Baflet. N. P. & N. C. per Willelmum Baflbt, & Johannem Malduit, De Afitfa fa£ta fuper .Dominia Regis. lb. Rot. 8. a. Lincolfc, [a) N. P. & N. C, De Aflifa fadla fuper. Dominia Regis in Salopefcira, per ipfum Vicecomitem [Guidonem Extraneum,] per Breve Ricardi de Luci. lb. Rot. 8. b. Salop.. (b) De Aflifa Dominiorum per Widonem Decanum & Socios fuos. De Nova Aflifa per Ipfum Vicecomitem & Leonardum Mi- litemThomae Baflet, tarn in Dominijs quam. in Excaetis. lb. Rot. 9. a. Berch. {c) De Plaeitis Archidiaconi Pi<£laviae & Sociorum ejus. De Nova Aflifa fa£la per, ipfum Vicecomitem [Reginaldum de Wa- renna]. lb. Rot. 9. a. Sudfexa. (d) De Aflifa Dominiorum per Johannem Cumin 5i Socios fuos. N. P. & N. C, De Nova. Chap. Iir. o/" i'^^ Ki N g's C o u R T. 125 the Archdeacon of PoiSiiers and his Companions ; Guy the Dean and his Companions j Hugh de Gundevill, Hat?ion Morgan [in the Room of the Conjiable], William Bajiard, Matthew de Efcurisy and John "jukel ((?) ; in IVariioickJlnre and LeiceJierJJm-e, John de Dover and his Com- panions ffj : Juftice of the Foreft in mofl of the Counties, Alan de Nevill {g). Again, in the 21 ft Year of K. Henry II, there were Juftices Er- rant for Pleas of the Crown and common Pleas, and for impofing or fetting the Tallages : to wit, in Ox/hrdjl.v're, Randulf de Glanvill, and Hugh de CreiJJi (Jj) : in the Counties oi Dorfet and Somerfet, Wil- liam de Lamvallei and Thomas BaJJ'et [i) : in the Counties of Notinghatn and Derby, William BaJJ'et and his Companions ; Reginald de Luci and WilUatn Fitz-Ralfi Randulf de Glativill and Hugh de CreiJJi [k) : in Northampto?iJl:)ire, Hugh de CreiJJi and Randulf de Glanvill (/) .- in the Counties of Buckingham and Bedford, Randuf de Glanvill and Hugh de CreiJJi {jn) : in Devonjl.nre, William de Lamvallei -i-wA Thomas BaJJet («) :• in Stajj'ordjhire, Thojnas BaJJet and WilUatn de Lamvalei ( i*) : in the Counties of EjJ'ex and Hertford, Randulf de Glanvill and Hugh de CreiJJi (pj : in Sijfex, Thomas BajJ'et and William de Lamvalei fq) : in Here- Nova Affifa Dominiorum per ipfum Vice- comitem [Willelmum de Braiofe] & Milo- nem de Mucegros. Jb. Rot, 9. b. Heref. in Walia. [e) De Placitis Archidiaconi Piflavias & Sociorum ejus. De Affifa fa<3aper Dominia de Hantefcira per Widonem Decanum & Socios fuos. De Nova Aflifa fadta per ip- fum Vicecomitem [Hugonemde Gundevill], & Hamonem Morgan qui fuit loco Confta- bularii,&WilleImum Baftard, h Math^um de Efcuris, & Johannem Juke], per breve Ricardi de Luci. 'lb. Rot. 10. a. Hantefcira. (f) De Affifa Dominiorum fadta per Johannem de Dovra & Socios fuos. lb. Rot. 10. b. JVarew. isf Legerceftr. (^) Alag. Rot. prad. anni 2C. pcijjim. (h) Nova Placita & Novae Conventiones, per Randulfum de Glanvill & Hugonem de Creiffi. Placita eorundem in Burgo de Oxinford. Mag. Rot. 21. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Oxinf. (/) Nova Placita & Novae Conventiones per Willelmum de Lamvall & Thoinam Bafiet in Dorfeta. Placita eorundem in Su- merfeta. lb. Rot. 2. b. (i) De Aflifa Dominiorum Regis in No- tingehamfcira per Willelmum Ballet t^ So- cios ejub. Item de Affifa Dominiorum, per Reginaldum de Luci & ipfum Vicecomitem [Willelmum filium RadulfiJ. N. P. cV N. C. per Randulfum de Glanvill & Hugo- nem de Creiffi in Derbifcica. Item de Pla- citis eorundem in Notingehamfcira. lb. Rot. 4. a, (/) N. P. & N. C. per Hugonem de Creiffi k Randulfum de Glanvill.^ De Pla- citis eorundem in Burgo de Norhantona. lb: Rot. 4. b. No7-h(mtcfcira. {m) N. P. &N. C. de Placitis Randulft de Glanvill & Hugonis de Creifli in Buc- kingehamfcira. De eifdem Placitis in Be- defordfcira. lb. Rot. 5. a. («) N. P. & N. C. per Willelmum de Lamvall. & Thomam BafTet. lb. Rot. 5. b, Devenef. {0) N. P. & N. C. per Thomam Baflet & Willelmum de Lamval. lb. Rot. 5. b^ Staff. ip) N.P. & N. C. per Randulfum de Glanvill & Hugonem de Creiffi in Effexa. Placita eorundem in Hurtfordfcira. Jb. Rcti 6. a. {q) N. P. & N. C. per Thomam Baflet 126 Of the Judicature Chap. III. Herefordpire, William de Lamvalei and Thomas BaJJet (r) ; in the coun- ties of IVarivick and Leicejler, William de Lamvalei and Thomas BaJJet is) : in Wiltpire, Thomas BaJJet and William de Lamvalei (t) : in the Counties of Norfolk and Siiffhlk, Randiilf de Glanvill and Hugh de CreiJJi iii) : in WorceJierJl:)ire, Thomas BaJJet and William de Lamvalei (tc) ; in Berkjl:ire, William de Lamvalei and Thomas BaJJet (x) : in the Counties of Cambridge and Himtendon, Randulf de Glanvill and Hugh de CreiJJi (_)') ; in Lincolnjlnre, Ramilf de Glanvill and Hugh de CreiJJi (.?;) •• in Gloucejletjl.nre, William de Lamvalei and Thomas BaJJet (a) : in Torkjhire, Hugh de CreiJJi and Randulf de Glanvill [b) : in Hantjhire, William de Lamvalay and Tho?nas BaJJet (c) : in Surrey, Thomas BaJJet and William de Lamvalai [d) : in Kent, William de Lamvalai and Thomas BaJJi't (f) ; Juftice of the Forefl in moft of the Counties, Alan de Nevill (/). In the 22d Year of K. Henryll, there were the under written Juftices Errant for Pleas of the Crown and common Pleas, and for impoling or fetting the Affizes : to wit, in the Counties of EjJ'ex and Hertford^ Randulf de Glanvill and Hugh de CreiJJi [g) : in the Counties oi Buck- ingham and Bedford, Randulf de Glanvill and Hugh de CreiJJi % Walter Fitz-Robert and Robert Mantell {h) : in OxfordJhire, Randulf de Glan- vill znd Hugh de CreiJJi; Robert Fitz- Bernard, Richard Giff'ard, and Roger h Willelmum de Lamval. lb. Rot. 6. b. Sudfexa. (r) N. P. & N. C. per Willelmum de Lamval. & Thomam Baflet. lb. Rot. 6. b. Heref. in JFallia. (s) N. P. & N. C. per Willelmum de Lamval. & Thomam Baffet. lb. Rot. 7. a. iFarewic. y Legrecejlr. (0 N. P. & N. C. per Thomam Bafiet & Willelmum de Lamval. lb. Rot. 7. b. JF'ihejcira. («) N. P. & N. C. per Randulfum de Glanvill & HufTonem de Creifli. lb. Rot. 8. a. Norf. Jff Smlf. [w) N. P. & N. C. per Thomam Baffet & Willelmum de Lamval. lb. Rot. 9. a. Wirecejlr. {x) N. P. & N. C. per Willelmum de Lamval. & Thomam Baffet. lb. Rot. 9. a. Berkefdra. (y) N. P. k N. C. per Randulfum de Glanvill & Hugonem de Creifli. lb. Rot. 9. b. Cantebr. iif Hunted. (z) N. P. & N. C. De Placitis Ran- dulfi de Glanvill & Hugonis de Creifli. lb. Rot. 10. a. Lincolnefcira. {a) N. P. & N. C. De Placitis Wiilel- mi de Lamval. & Thomas Baffet. lb. Rot. 10. b. Gloucejlr. [b) N, P. & N. C. per Hugonem de Creiffi & Randulfum de Glanvill. lb. Rot. 11. a. Everwichfc. (0 N. P. & N. C. per Willelmum de Lamvalay & Thomam Baffet. lb. Rot. 12. a. Hantejcira. {d) N. P. & N. C. per Thomam Baffet & VVillelmum de Lamvalai. lb. Rot. 12. b. Surreia. {e) N. P. & N. C. per Willelmum de Lamvalai & Thomam Baffet. lb. Rot. 13. a. Ghent. (f) Mag. Rot. prad. aimi 2t. pajjim. \g) De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Hugonis de Creifli in Effexa. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. I. a. Effl-xa isf Hurtfordfcira. (/;) De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Hugonis de Creiffi in Bukingehamfcira. De placitis eorundem in Bedefordfcira. Nova Placita & Novas Conventiones per Walte- rum filium Robert! & Hugonem de Creffi & Robertum Mantell Jufticias Errantes in Be- defordfcira chap. III. of the K i n g's C o u r t. 127 Roger Fitz-Renfrey (/) : in Worcejierfljire, Thomas Bajfet and William de Lanvalai; Beftratn de Verdun, William Fitz-Stephen, and Turjlin Fitz- Simon [k) : in Herefordjhire, William de Lanvalai and Thomas Bajfet ; Bertram de Verdun, Ralf Fitz-Stephen, and Turjiin Fitz-Simon (/) .- in NorthamptonJJnre, Hugh de Creiffi and Randidf de Glanvill ; Hugh de Glanvill [Sheriff], William BajJ'et, and William Fitz-Ralf{;n) : in Rut- land, Hugh de Gimdevill, William Baff'et and William Fitz-Ralf' {n) : in ShropJJjire, Bertram de Verdun, Simon Fitz-Turjlin and William Fitz- Stephen {0) : in the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, Robert Mantell and his Companions -, Randidf de Glvanvill and Hugh de CreJJi {p) : in the Counties of Cambridge and Huntendon, Sefred the Archdeacon and his Companions ; Randulf de Glanvill and Hugh de Creiffi ; Walter Fitz-Robert, and Robert Mantell {q) : in Lincolnjhire, fohn Malduit and William Baffet ; Randulf de Glanvill and Hugh de CreiJJi; Hugh de Gundevill, and William Fitz-Ralf {r) : in the Counties oi Notingham and Derby, Randidf de Glanvill and Hugh de Creffi ; Hugh de Gimdevill, William Fitz-Ralf and William BaJJ'et {s) : in Torkfiire, Hugh de Creffi, Ran- defordfcira. De Placitis eorundem in Bu- kingehamfcira. lb. Rot. 2. a. (i) De Placitis Randulli de Glanvill h Hugonis de Creffi. N. P. & N. C. per Robertum filium Bernardi ; 5c Ricardum Giftard, & Rogerum filium Renfridi, Jufti- cias Errantes. lb. Rot. 3. a. Oxlncf. [k) De Placitis Tomas BafTet &Willelmi de Lanval. N. P. & N. C. per Bertram de Verdun, & Willelmum filium Stephani, & Turftinum filium Simonis, Jufticias Er- rantes. lb. Rot. 3. a. IVireccJir. (/) De Placitis Willelmi de Lanval. & Toms Baffet. N. P. & N. C. per Ber- tram de Verdun, & Radulfum filium Ste- phani, & Turftinum filium Simonis, Jufti- cias Errantes. lb. Rot. 3. b. Heref. inlFalici. (rn) De Placitis Hugonis de Creiffi & Randulfi de Glanvill. N. P. & N. C. per Hugonem de Gundevill, & Willelmum Baffet, & Willelmum filium Radulfi, Jufti- cias Errantes. lb. Rot. 4- a. Norhantcjc. Hugo de Gundevill, Sheriff. («) N. P. & N. C. per Hugonem de Gundevill, & Willelmum Baffet, h Wil- lelmum filium Radulfi, Jufticias Errantes. Jb. Rot. 4. a. Roteland. («) N. P. & N. C. per Bertram de Ver- dun, & Simonem filium Turftini, & Wil- lelmum filium Stephani, Jufticias Errantes. lb. Rot. 4. b. Salopefc. (/>) De Placitis Archidiaconi Piilavise, & Widonis Decani, h Reginald! de Warenna, $i Willelmi Baffet. De Placitis Widonis Decani & Ogeri Dapiferi. De Affifa Do- niiniorum Regis, per Robertum Mantell Sc Socios fuosin Norfolch. De Affifa eorun- dem in Sudfolch. De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Hugonis de Creffi. Nova Pla- cita & Novae Conventiones. lb. Rot. 5. a, cV b. Nordf. & Sudf. [q) De Placitis Archidiaconi Piclaviae, & Widonis Decani, & Reginaldi de Warenna, & Willelmi Baffet. De Affifa Dominiorum Regis in eifdem Comitatibus, per Sefredum Archidiaconum & Socios fuos. Dc Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill 5c Hugonis de Creffi. N. P. & N. C. per Walterum filium Ro- bert!, 6c Hugonem de Creffi, & Robertum Mantell. Placita eorundem in Huntoden- Icira. lb. Rat. 5. b. Cant, ijf Hunt. (r) De Placitis Widonis Decani, & Re- ginaldi de Warenna, & Willelmi Baflet. De Affifa fadta fuper Dominia Regis, per Johannem Malduit& Willelmum Baflet. De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill 5c Hugonis de Creffi. N. P. 5c N. C. per Hugonem de Gundevill, 5c Willelmum Baffet", k Wil- lelmum filium Radulfi, Jufticias Errantes. lb. Rot. 6. a. Line. (s) De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill 5c Hugonis de Creffi. N. P. 5: N. C. per Hugonem de Gundevill 5c Willelmum fi- lium 128 Cy//6^ Judicature Chap. III. RanduJf de G/^«w7/ [the Sheriff ] Robert de Vals, ■&.Xidi Robert Pikenot {{) : \\\ Gloiicejlerjliire, PVilliatnde Laiivalci znATbotnas Baffet ; Bertram de Verdun, IVilliam F itz-Ralf -indi IVilliam Bajj'et ; William Fitz-Stephen I the Sheriff], and Tiirjiin Fitz-Simon {li) : in Berkjliire, Robert Fitz- Bernard, Richard Giff'ard, and Roger Fitz-Renfrey [w): in Northum- berland, Randulf de Glanvill, Robert de Pikenot and Robert de Vals (x) .- \\\ DevonJl'Are, William de Lanvalai ■z.ndi T'homas BaJJ'et ; Ralf Fitz-Ste- phen, Gilbert Pipard, and William Rtiffiis {y) : in Cornwall, Ralf Fit z- Stephen, William Ruff'us, and Gilbert Pipard [z) : in the Counties of Dorfet and Sumerfet, William de La?ivalai and T'homas Baffet ; Gilbert Pipard, Ralf Fitz-Stephen, and William Riif'us [a) : in Wiltfire, the fame five Perfons laft above named {U) : in the Counties of Warwick and Leicejler, William de Lanvalai and 'Thomas Baffet ; Hugh de Giinde- vill, William Fitz-Ralf, and Wilham BaJJ'et (r) ; in Ha?itfire, William de Lanvalai and Thomas Baffet ; Roger Fitz-Renfrey, Robert Fitz-Ber- 7iard, and Richard Giffard {d) : in Siijj'ex, Robert Fitz-Bernard, Roger Fitz-Renfrey, and Richard Giffard [e) : in Kent, WilUa77i de Lanval. and Thomas Baffet ; Roger Fitz-Renfrey, Richard Giff'ard, and Robert Fitz- pard, & Willelmum Ruft'um, Juflicias Er- raiites. //;. Rot. lo. a. Devenefc. (z) De Placitis Pvadulfi filij Stephani, & Willelmi Ruffi, k Gilleberti Pipard. lb. Rot. 10. /'. Cornnb. {a) De Placitis Willelmi de Lanval. & Tomje Baflet in Dorfeta. N. P. & N. C. per Gillebertum Pipard, & Radulfum filium Stephani, & Willelmum RufFum, Jufticias Errantes. lb. Rot. il. b. Dorfeta ^' Smncrf. {b) De Placitis Toma; Ball'et k Willel- mi de Lanval. Item N. P. h N. C. per Radulfum filium Stephani, h Gillebertum Pipard, & Willelmum Ruffum Jufticias Errantes. lb. Rot. 12. a. IVdtefdra. (c) De Placitis Willelmi de Lanval. & Toms BalTet. N. P. & N. C. per Hugo- nem de Gundevill, & Willelmum filium Radulfi, & Willelmum Bafiet, Jufticias Er- rantes. lb. Rot. 12. b. War. ^ Legcrcejh. id) Placita per Willelmum de Lanval. & Tomam Baffet. N. P. & N. C. per Rogerum filium Renfridi, & Robertuni fi- lium Bernardi, & Ricardum Giffard, Jufti- cias Errantes. lb. Rot. 13. a. Hantcfcira. {e) N. P. & N. C. per Robertum filium Bernardi, h. Rogerum filium Renfridi & Ricardum Giffard, Jufticias Errantes. lb. Rot. 13. b, Sudfexa. Bernard !ium Radulfi, h Willelmum Baffet, Jufti- cias Errantes. lb. Rot. 7. a. Net. if Derb. (t) De Placitis Hugonis de Crefli 5e Ran- dulfi de Glanvill. N. P. & N. C. per Ran- dulfum de Glanvill, & Robertum de Valli- bus, & Robertum Pikenot, Jufticias Erran- tes. lb. Rot. 8. a. Evcrivuhjc. Randulfus de Glanvill, Sheriff. (u) De Placitis Widonis Decani Si Wil- lelmi Baffet. De Placitis Willelmi de Lan- val. & Tomae Baffet. De Placitis Bertram de Verdun, & Willelmi filij Radulfi, & Willelmi Baffet. N. P. & N. C. per Ber- tram de Verdun, & Willelmum filium Ste- phani, & Turftinum filium Simonis, Jufti- cias Errantes. lb. Rot. g. a. Gloec. Wil- lelmus filius Stephani, Sheriff. {w) N. P. & N. C. per Robertum filium Bernardi, S<, Ricardum Giffard, & Rogerum filium Renfridi, Jufticias Errantes. lb. Rot. 9. b. Berrochfc. {x) N. P. h N. C. per Randulfum de Glanvill, & Robertum de Pikenot, & Ro- bertum de Vallibus, Jufticias Errantes. lb. Rot. 9. b. Nordhumb. (y) De Placitis Willelmi de Lanval. h Toms Baflet. N. P. h N. C. per Radul- fum filium Stephani, & Gillebertum. Pi- chap. JII. of the K i n g's C o u r t. 129 Bernard [the Sheriff] (f). Juftices of the Foreft, Alan dc Nevill and his Companions (_§■). In the 23d Year ut K. Heiiry II, the Juftices Errant in Devonfhire were, WHIiam de Lanval. and.'Tbomas BaJJl't ; Ralf Fitz.-Stepben, Gilbert Pipard and Wiliiam Rujf'us, and Tnijiine Fiiz-Simon fb) : in Coi-n- icall, Ralf Fitz-Stephen, William Riijfiis, and Gilbert Pipard (i) : in Oxjordjbire, Ranulf de Glarrolllzw^ liugb Creffi; Ricbard Gijf'ardy Roger Fitz-Renfrey, and Robert Fitz-Bernard; Ralf Fitz-Stepbe?i, "Ttirjiine Fitz-SinioHy and William Rujm {k) : in Dor/ei and Somerfet, Ralf- Fit z Stepben and his Companions ; William Rujf'us and his Companions ; and liirftiiie Fitz-Shnon (/) ; in Warunck and Leicefter Shires, William de Lanval. and Tbomas Ba'Jet; Hiigb de Giindevill and his Companions, viz. iVilliam Bafet and William Fitz-Ralf: Micbael Belet {m) : m Gloucef- terfiire, William de Lanval. and 'Jbornas Bajj'et; Bertram de Verdun, Wil- liam Fitz-Stepben, and Turjline Fitz-Simon ; Ralf Fitz-Stephen, and William Ruf us [n) : m Berkjhire, Robert Fitz-Bernard, Richard Giff'ard, and Roger Fitz-Retifrey, Ralf Fitz-Stepben, Turjlin Fitz-Simon, and (f) De Placitis Willelmi de Latival. & Tomae Baflcr. N. P. & N. C. per Rogerum filium ReiitVidi, & Ricardiini GifFard h Ip- fum Viceomiteni [Robcrtum filium Ber- nard!], Jufticias Errantes. lb. Rot. 14. a, Chent. (g) Mag. Rot. prad. anni 22. pajfmi. {h) De Placitis Willelmi de Lanval. & Tomse Baftet; De Placitis Rudulfi Filij Stephani, & Gillebcrti Pipard, & Willelmi Ruffi ; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum de Dcvenefcira, per Radulfum filium Ste- phani, & Turfiinum filium Simonis, & Willelmum RufFum. Mag. Rot. 23. H. 2. Rot. I. a. Dcvenefcira. Willelmus Ruffus & Hugo de Gundevill, Sheriffs this year. (:) De Placitis Radulfi filij Stephani, & Willelmi Ruffi, h Gillebcrti Pipard ; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum & Honiinum inCornubia, per Radulfum filium Stephani & Socios fuos. lb. Rot. I. b. Cornubia. Euf- tachius filius Stephani, Sheriff. (k) De Placitus Randulfi de Glanvill & Hugonis CreiTi ; Nova Placita & Novse Conventiones per Ricardum GifF. 5c Roge- rum filium Renfr. & Robertum filium Ber- nard! ; De Auxilio Burgorum & \ iilarum de Oxinefordfcira, per Radulfum filium Ste- phani, & Turftinum filium Simonis, & Willelmum Ruft'um. lb. Rot. i. b. Oxinef. Robertus de Turevill, Sheriff. Vol. I. (I) De Placitis Radulfi fillij Stephani & Sociorum ejus ; Nova Placita & Nov:e Cor- vcntiones per Willelmum RufFum & Socirs fuos ; De Auxi!io Burgorum & Villarum & Hominum in Dorfeta & Sumerfeta, per Radulphum filium Stephani h Turftinum. filium Simonis & Willelmum RufFum. ///. Ret. 2. a. Dorf. y Simerf. Robertus de Bello Campo, Sheriff. (m) De Placitis Willelmi de Lanval. & TomseBafl^et ; De Placitis Hugonis de Gun- devill & Sociorum ejus ; Nova Placita&No- vas Conventiones per Hugonem dc Gunde- vill & Willelmum Bafl:'et & Willelmum f- lium Radulfi; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum & Hominum in Warewirhfcira, per Willelmum filium Radulfi, & Willel- mum BaiTet, & Michaelem Bclet ; De eodem Auxilio in Legerceftrefcira per eof- dem. Jb. Rot. 2. ^."Bertram de Verdun, Sheriff. («) De Placitis Willelmi de Lanval. & Tomse BalTet ; De Placitis Bcrtranni de Verdun, 3: Willelmi filij Stephani & Tu'r- ftini filij Simonis ; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum per Radulfum iilium Stephani, & Willelmum Ruffum, Sc Turftinum filium Simonis. lb. Rot. 3.-Y?. £3"^. Willelmus filius Stephani, Sheriff. William 130 Of the Judicature Chap. III. William Ruffus {0) : in ShropJI?ire, Bertram de Verdun, Tiirjiin Fitz- Simon, and William Fitz-Stepben ; Ralf Fitz-Stcphen, and William Ruffus fp) : in Herefordjlnre, William de Lanval., and Thomas Baffet ; Bertram de Verdun and Ralf Fitz-Stepben ; Tiirjlin Fitz-Simon and William Fitz-Stepben-, William Ruffus {q): in Notingham 2iX\(S. Derby Shires Randulf de Glanvill; Hugh de Gundevill, William Fitz-RalJ, and William Baff'et ; and Michael Bclet (rj : in Worcejier^nre, William Fitz- Ralf^n6. his Companions; Bertram de Ve7'dun and his Companions; Ralf Fitz-Stepben, Tu7Jiin Fitz-Simon, and William Ruffus fsj : in Torkjkire, Hugh de Creffi and Randulf de Glanvill; Robert de Vaux and Robert Pikejwt ; Hugh de Gundevill, William Fitz-Ralf, and William Baff'et; and Michael Belet (t) : '\n Northumberland, Randulf de Glan- vill and his Companions ; William Fitz-Ralf Williajn Baffet, and Michael Belet (u) : in the Honour of Lancafter, William Fitz-Ralf, (0) De Placitis Robert! fillj Bernard!, h Ricardi G!fFard, & Roger! filij RenfriJi ; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum per Ra- dulfum fi!!uiTi Stephani, & Turftinum fi- lium Simonis, & Willelmum Riiftum. lb. Rot. 3. b. Berrochfcira. Hugo de Sanfto Germano, Sheriff. [p) Nova Plac!ta & Novs Conventiones, per Bertrannum de Verdun, & Turftinum fil!um Simonis, & Willelmum filium Ste- phani : De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum de Salopefcira, per Radulfum filium Stepha- ni, Turftinum filium Simonis, & Willel- mum Ruftum. lb. 'Rot. 3. a. Salop. Guide Extraneus, Sheriff. (q) De Placitis Wlllelmi de Lanval. & Tomse Baflet ; De Placitis Bertranni de Verdun & Radulfi filij Stephani ; Nova Placita & Novas Conventiones per Bertran- num de Verdun, & Turftinum filium Si- irpnis, & Willelmum filium Stephani ; De Aflifa fafta fuper Dominia Regis, per Ra- dulfum filium Stephani, & 7"urftinum fi- lium Simonis, & Willelmum Ruff"um. lb. Rot. 4. a. Hertford/lira in JVal. Randulfus Poherius, Sheriff. (r) De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Sociorum ejus inDerbifcira ; De Placitis eo- rundem in Notinghamfcira j De Placitis Hugonis de Gundevill & Sociorum ejus ; Nova Placita h Novae Conventiones per Huganem de Gundevill, & Willelmum fi- lium Radulfi, k Willelmum Baflet ; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum per Willel- mum filium Radulfi, & Willelmum Baffet, & Michaelem Belet tam de Comitatu quam de Honore de Pech. lb. Rot. 4. a. & b. Not. y Derb. Willelmus filius Radulfi, Shei-iff. {$) De Placitis Willelmi filij Radulfi & Sociorum ejus ; De Placitis Bertranni de Verdun & Sociorum ejus ; De Auxilio Bur- gorum & Villarum, per Radulfum filium Stephani, & Turftinum filium Simonis, ii Willelmum RufFum. lb. Rot. 4. b.JVire- cejlr. Michael Belet, Sheriff. (t) De Placitis Hugonis de Crefli & Ran- dulfi de Glanvill ; De Placitis [per] Ran- dulfum de Glanvill, & Robertum de Valli- bus, & Robertum' Pikenot Jufticias Er- rantcs ; Item de Placitis eorundem in Weft- marieland ; Nova Placita & Novas Conven- tiones per Hugonem de Gundevill, & Wil- lelmum filium Radulfi, Si Willelmum Baf- fet ; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum de Everwichfcira, per M'illelmum filium Ra- dulfi, & Willelmum Bafiet, & Michaelem Belet. lb. Rot. 5. a. {5 b. Everwich. Ran- dulfus de Glanvill, Shi-riff. («) De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill, & Sociorum ejus; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum &; Drengorum & Theinorum in Norhumbcrland, per Willelmum filium Radulfi, Sc Willelmum Baffet, & Michae- lem Belet. lb. Rot. 5. b. Norhumb. Ro- gerus de Stutevill, Sheriff. William chap. III. o/* //5^ K I N g's C o u R T. 131 William BaJJet, and Michael Belet fw) : in Northainptonjlnre^ Hugh De Auxilio Bur- gorum & Villarum in Lincolfcira, per Wil- lelmum filium Radulfi, & Willelmum Baffet, & Michaelem Belet. lb. Rot. 7. a. Line. Drogo filius Radulfi, Sheriff. {a) De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Hugonis de Creffi. lb. Rot. 7, b. Cutnb. Robertus de Vallibus, Sheriff. {b) De Placitis Archidiaconi Pi£l:. & So- ciorum ejus ; De AffifaDominiorum Regis, per Robertum Mantell h Socios fuos ; No- va Placita & Novse Conventiones, per Wal- terum filium Robert!, & Hugonem de Cref- fi, & Robertum Mantell ; De Auxilio Bur- gorum & Villarum, per Robertum Mantell, & Radulfum Brit. lb. Rot. 8. a. Nordf. i^ Sudf. Wimarus Capellanus, Sheriff. {c) De Placitis Hugonis de Gundevill & Sociorum ejus ; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum, per Willelmum filium Radulfi, & Michaelem Belet. lb. Rot. 8. b. Staff. Harveus de Stratton, Sheriff. (d) De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Sociorum ejus ; Nova Placita & Novae Con- ventiones, per VValtcTum filium Robert!, & Hugonem de Creffi, & Robertum Mantell in Effexa ; De Placitis eorundem in Hurt- fordfcira ; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villa- rum, per Robertum Mantell, & Radulfum Briton, in Effexa & Hurtfordfcira. Jb. Rot. 9. b Effexa & Hurt/. Robertus Mant»l- lus, Sheriff. S 2 pan ions; 132 Of the Judicature Chap. III. panions -, Roger Fitz-Renfrey, and Gervafe de Cornhill (ej : in Hunt' Jhircy the Archdeacon of PoiSliers ; Wido the Dean ; William de Lati- val. and Thomas Bajfct ; Roger Fitz-Renfrcy, Robert Fitz-Benuird, and Richard Giffard; Richard de Luci; Ralf Fitz-Stephcn, Tiirjlit? Fitz-Simon, and William Ruffus ff) : in Cambridge and Huntendon Shires, the Archdeacon of Poitiers, Sefrcd ; Randulf de Glanvill znd Hugh de CreJJi; Walter Fitz-Robert ; Robert Mant ell, and Ralf Briton (g) : in Su[l'ex, Robert Fitz-Bernard, Richard Giffard, and Roger Fitz- Renfrey ', and Gervafe de Cornhill [h) : in Surry, the Archdeacon of PoiBiers, Reginald de Warenne, and Gervafe de Cornhill; Thomas Bajj'et and William de Lanval. ; Roger Fitz-Renfrey (i) : in London and Middlefex, Richard de Luci (i) ; and in Kent, the Archdeacon of PoiSliers, William de Lanval. ; Robert Fitz-Bernard, Richard Giffard, and Roger Fitz-Renfrey ; and Gervafe de Cornhill (/). In the 24th Year of K. Henry II, the Perfons hereunder named or fome of them were Juftices Errant for Pleas of the Crown and common Pleas : to wit, in Lincolnjlnre, Hugh de Gundevill and his Companions ; William Baffet, Michael Belet, and Robert de Vals ; Bertram de Ver^ (e) De Placitis Walter! filij Roberti h Sociorum ejus; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum per Rogerum filium Rentridi, & Gervafium de Cornhill. lb. Rot. 9. h. Buk. & Bedef. Willelmus filius Ricardi, Sheiiff. (f) De Placitis ArchiJiaconi Pift. & So- ciorum ejus; De Aflifa per Dominia de Hantefcira, per Widonem Decanum & So- cios fuos ; De Pkcitis Willelmi de Lanval. & Tomas BafTet ; De Placitis Rogeri fillj Renfiidi, & Roberti filij Bernardi, & Ri- cardi Giffard ; Nova Placita per Ricardum de Luci ; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villa- rum de Sudhantefcira, per Radultum nlium Stephani, & Turftinum filium Simonis & Willelmum Ruffum. lb. Rot. 10. a. Sud- hant. Hugo de Gundevill, Sheriff. (g) De Placitis Archidiaconi Pi£i:. ii So- ciorum ejus ; De AfliiaDommiorum Regis in eifdcm Comitatibus, per Scfredum & So- cios fuos ; Dc Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Hugonis DeCreffi ; Nova Placita &No- V£e Conventiones, per Walterum filium Ro- berti, & Hugonem de Creffi in Huntedon- fcira ; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum in HunteJonefcira, per Robertum Mantell & Radulfuni Britonem. lb. Rot. 10. b. Cantehr. & Huntfd. Ebrardus de Bech, Wa- rinus de Baflingeburne, & Walterus filius Hugonis, Sheriff's, [h) Nova Placita &Novse Conventiones, per Robertum filium Bernardi, & Ricardum , Giffard, & ipfum Vicecomitem ; De Auxi- lio Burgorum & Villarum in Sudfexa, per Gervafium de Cornhill & ipfum Vicecomi- tem. lb. Rot. II. a. i^ b. Sudfexa. Roge- rus filius Renfridi, Sheriff. (?) De Placitis Archidiaconi Pifl. & So- ciorum ejus ; Idem Vicecomes debet iiij 1, de remanenti Aflifje facias fuper Dominia Re- gis de Surreia, per Reginaldum de Waren- na, & ipfum Vicecomitem ; Idem Vice- comes debet XX s. & viij d, de Minutis Placitis Tomae Baffet & Willelmi de Lan- val. ; De Placitis Rogeri filij Renfridi & Sociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 11. a. Surreia. Ger- vafius de Cornhill, Sheriff. ' (i) Nova Placita & Novae Conventiones, per Ricardum de Luci. lb. Rot. 11. f. Lund. & Afidd.. (I) De Placitis Archidiaconi Picl. & So- ciorum ejiis ; De Placitis Willelmi de Lan- val. & Sociorum ejus; Nova Placita & Novae Conventiones, per Robertum filium Bernar- di, & Ricardum Giffard, & Rogerum fi- lium Renfridi ; De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum de Kent, per Rogerum filium Renfiidi fc Gervafium de Cornhill. lb. Rot. 12. a. Ghent, Robertas filius Bernardi, Sheriff. dun chap. III. ^ //6^ K I N g's Co u R T. 133 dun{m): in Dcvonjkire, William de LanvaLn zndi Thomas BaJJ'et ; RalfFitz^ Stephen and his Companions ; Roger Fitz-Rerifrey («) ; in Corniiall, Ralf Fitz-Sfephen and his Companions (0) : in the Counties of Nor- folk and Suffolk, Robert Mantell and his Companions ; IValter Fitz- Robcrt [p) : in Wiltjhire, IVdliam Ruffus and his Companions ; Ralf Fitz-Stephen, Roger Fitz-RenJ'rey, Robert Mantell, and William Fitz- Stephen {q) : in the Counties of Ejex and Hertford, Randidf de Glan- "cill and his Companions ; Walter Fitz-Robert and his Companions ; Thomas Fitz-Bernard (r) ; in the Counties of Dorfet and Somerfet, Ralf Fitz-Stephen and his Companions ; William Ruffus and his Com- panions (j-) -• in Worceflerjlnre, William Fitz-Ralf ■Sind his Companions [t) : in Lancajhire, William Fitz-Ralf and his Companions ; Thomas Fitz-Bernard and his Companions (11) : in Northampton/l:ire, Hugh de Gundevill -And his Companions (w): in Glouceflerjlnre, Bertram de Ver- dun and his Companions; Ralf Fitz-Stephen and his Companions [x] : in Northumberland, Ranulf de Glanvill and his Companions ; William Baffet and his Companions (_y) ; in TorkJl:ii'e, Alan de Nevill junior and William Baffet; Hugh de Creff and Ranulf de Glanvill; William Fitz-Ralf ^iXxA. his Companions; Hugh de Gundevill and his Compa- nions; William Baffet, Robert de Vals, zxidk Michael Belet {z): in the Counties {in) De Placitis Hugonis de Gundevill & Sociorum ejus. N. P. & N. C. per Wil- lelmum Baflet, & Michaclem Belet, & Ro- bertum de V-illibus. N. P. & N. C. per Willelmum Baffet, & Robertum de Valli- bus, & Michaelem Belet, & Bertram de Verdun [in Civitate LincolireJ Mag. Rot, 24. H. 2. Rot. I. a. Lincolfcira. (n) De Placitis Willelriii de Lanval. & lomse Baffet. De Placitis Radulfi filij Ste- phani & Sociorum ejus. N. P. & N. C. per Rogerum iilium Renfridi, h Radulfum filium htephani. lb. Rot. i. b. Devencfdra. {0) N. P. k N. C. per Radulfum filium Stephani & Socios fuos. lb. Rot. I. b. Cor- nub'ia. (/)) De Affifa Domrniorum Regis per Robertum Mantel! & Socios fuos. De Pla- citis Walteri filij Roberti. lb. Rot. 2. a. Nordf. & Sudf. (q) De Placitis Willelmi Ruffi k Socio- rum ejus. N. P. & N. C. per Radulfum filium Stephani, & Rogerum filium Renfridi, & Robertum Mantell, & Willelmum filium Stephani. lb. Rot. 2. b. JViltefcira. (r)-De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Sociorum ejus. De pbcitis Walteri filij Ro- berti & Sociorum ejus. N. P. & N. C. per Tomam filium Bernardi. lb. Rot. 3. a. Ejjix. &■ Hurtf. {s) De Placitis Radulfi filij Stephani & Sociorum ejus. De Placitis Willelmi RufH & Sociorum ejus. N. P. & N. C. per Radulfum filium Stephani & Socios fuos. lb. Rot. 3. a. cif b. Dorf. bf Sumerf. (t) De Placitis Willelmi filij Radulfi & Sociorum ejus, lb. Rot. 3. h. JVirccejir. [u) De Auxilio Villarum cjufdem Honoris per Willelmum filium Radulfi k Socios iiios. De Placitis Tomae filij Bernardi & Sociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 3. b. Lancajira. [w) De Placitis Hugonis de Gundevill k Sociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 4. a. Norhnntefc. (x) De Placitis Bertranni de Verdun k Sociorum ejus. N. P. k N. C. per Ra- dulfum filium Stephani & Socios fuos. lb. Rot. 4. b. Gloec. [y] De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Sociorum ejus. N. P. & N. C. per Wil- lelmum Baffet & Socios fuos. lb. Rot. 4. b. Norhumb. (z) De Placitis Alani de Nevill Juniorfs 134 O/M^ Judicature Chap. III. Counties of Warivick and Leiccjlert William de Lanvalai and 'Thomas BaJJ'et ; Hugh de Gundcvill and his Companions ; William Fifz-Rafe and his Companions (^) j in Sbropjlnre, Bertram de Verdun and his Companions {b) : in the Counties of Notingbam and Derby, Hugh de Gundevill and his Companions (<:) : in SiiJ^ex, Robert Fitz-Bernard and his Companions {d) : in the Counties of Buckingham and Bedford, Walter Fitz-Robert and his Companions [e) : in Herefordjhire, William de Lanvalai and I'homas BaJJ'et ; Bertram de Verdim and his Compa- nons ; Roger Fitz-Renfrey and his Companions (f) : in Berkjl.nre, Ralf Fitz-Stephen and his Companions {g) : in Hanteflnre, William de Lan- valai and Thomas BaJJ'et ; Roger Fitz-Renfrey and his Companions; Robert Fitz-Bernard and his Companions [h) : in the Counties of Cambridge and Huntendon, Walter Fitz-Robert and his Companions (/) : in OxJ'ordJljire, Ranulf de Glanvill and Hugh de Crejji; Richard G-^^r^ and his Companions ; Ralf Fitz-Stephen, Roger Fitz-Renfrey, Robert Mantell, and William Fitz-Stephen {Ji) : in Kent, Richard Gtf- fard and his Companions (/) : in Cianberland, Ranulf de Glanvill and Hugh de CreJJi ; William BaJJ'et, Robert de Vals, and Michael Belet (m) : & Willelmi Baflet. De Placitis Hugonis de Crefli & Randulfi de Glanvill. De Pla- citis Willelmi fiiij Radulfi & Sociorum ejus. De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Socio- rum ejus. De Placitis Hugonis de Gundc- vill & Sociorum ejus. N. P. & N. C. per Willelmum Baffet, & Robertum de Valli- bus, & Michaelcm Belet. lb. Rot. 5. a. Everwichfc. Randulfus de Glanvill, Sheriff'- (a) De Placitis Willelmi de Lanval. & Tomse Bafiet. De Placitis Hugonis de Gundevill h Sociorum ejus. De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum per Willelmum fi- lium Radulfi & Socios fuos. lb. Rot. 6. a. JVar. fa" Legerc. (b) De Placitis Eertranni de Verdun & Sociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 6. a. Salop. (c) De Placitis Hugonis de Gundevill & Sociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 6. b. Not. & Derb. (d) De Placitis Robert! filij Bernardi & Sociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 6. b. Sudfexa. (e) De Placitis Walter! filij Robert! & Sociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 7. a. Buchingha/nfc, ijf Bedcf (f) De Placitis Willelmi de Lanval. & Thomae Baffet. De Placitis Bertrann! de Verdun & Sociorum ejus. N. P. & N. C. De pl-acitis Rogeri filij Renfridi & Sociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 7. b. Heref. in IValia. (g) De Placitis Radulfi filij Stephani & Sociorum ejus. /b. Rot. 7. b. Berchfc. (h) De Aflifa Dominiorum Regis in Han- tefcir.t per Widonem Decanum & Socios fuos. De Placitis Willelmi de Lanval. & Tomne Baffet. De Placitis Rogeri filij Ren- fridi & Sociorum ejus. De Placitis Roberti filij Bernardi & Sociorum ejus. lb. Rot. S. ^. (i) De Placitis Walteri filij Roberti & Sociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 8. i. Cant, is' Hunt. (k) De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Hugonis de Crefli. De Placitis Ricardi Giffard & Sociorum ejus. N. P. & N. C. per Radulfum filium Stephani, & Rogerum filium Renfridi, & Robertum Mantell, & Willelmum filium Stephani. lb. Rot. 8. b. Oxinef. {I) De Placitis Ricardi Giffard & Socio- rum ejus. . lb. Rot. 9. a. Chent. (m) De Placitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Hugonis de Crefli. N. P. & N. C. per Willelmum Baffet, & Robertum de Valli- bus, & Michaelem Belet. lb. Rot. 9. a, Cumberl. m chap. III. o/* />6^ K I N g's C o u R T. 135 in Surry, Roger Fitz-Renfrey, and his Companions («). In this Year, Thomas Fitz-Bernard [and his Companions] were Juftices of the Forell ((?). In the 25th Year of K. Henry II, the Perfons named here under- neath, or fome of them, were Jufticiers itinerant for Pleas of the Crown and common Pleas : to wit, in Norfolk and Suffolk, Walter Fitz-Robert and his Fellows ; Ralf Fitz-Stephen, William Fitz-Stepben, Roger Fi(z-Renfrey, and Robert Mantell fpj : In Devon/hire, William de Lanvalein and Thotnas BaJJ'et ; Ralf Fitz-Stephen and his Fellows; Tiujlin Fitz-Simon fqj : In Torkpire, Alan de Nevill junior and Wil- liatn Bafet ; Hugh de Crefi zv\d. Ranuf de Glanvill ; William Fit z-Ralf and his Fellows ; Hugh de Glanvill and his Fellows ; William BaJJ'et, Robert de Vals, and Michael Belet frj : In Northumberland, Randulf de Glanvill and his Companions ; William BaJJ'et and his Companions (s) : In the Counties of Cainbridge and Huntendon, Walter Fitz-Robert and his Companions ; Rdf Fitz-Stephen and his Companions (tj : In SuJJ'ex, Robert Fitz-Bernard and his Companions, Raf Fitz-Stephen, William Fitz-Stephen, Roger Fitz-Reinfrid, and Robert Mantell fuj : In Herefordjlnre, William de Lanival and Thomas Bajfet ; Bertran de Verdun and Ralf Fitz-Stephen ; Roger Fitz-Reinfrey and his Com- panions (w) : In Lincoln/hire, Hugh de Gu?idevill and his Fellows -, William BaJJ'et and his Fellows ; the Sheriff [viz. William Baff'etl, Ro- rjf^ bert (n) De Placitis Rogeri filij Renfridi & Sociorum ejus. 3. Ret. g. b. Surreia. (o) A'fag. Rot. 24. II. 2. pnjim. (p) De Placitis \Valtcn filij Robert! & Sociorum ejus. N. P. & N. C. per Ra- dulfum filium Stephaiii, & Willelmum fi- lium Stephani, & Rogcnim filium Reinfre- di, & Robertum Mantell in Sudfolch ; De Placitis prsediftonim in Norfolch. Mag. Rot. 25. H. 2. Rot. ?. a. Nor/, isf Sudf. (q) De Placftis Willelmi de Laiival. & Thumae Ballet; De placitis RaJulH filij Stephani & Sociorum ejus ; Johclus dc tl- preton r c de xxs de Tallagio per Radul- fum filium Stephani & Turfhnuni filium Si- monis ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. lb. Ret. 2. i. Devenejdra. Hugo de Gundevill, Sheriff. (r) De Placitis Alani de Nevill junioris & Willelmi Bafi'et ; De placitis Hugonis de CreifTi & Rannulfi de Glanvil! ; De placitis Willelmi filij Radulfi h fociorum ejus ; Dc placitis Rannulfi de Glanvill & fociorum ejus; De placitis Hugonis de Gundevill 6c fociorum ejus ; De placitis Willelmi BafTet, & Roberti de Vals, & Michaelis Belet. lb. Rot. 3. a. Everwijchfcira. Randulfus dc Glanvilla, Sheriff. (s) De placitis Randulfi de Glanvilla & fociorum ejus ; Dc placitis Willelmi Baflet & fociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 3. b. Norhum- htrlaud. (i) De placitis W.dteii filij Roberti 5: fociorum ejus ; NoA'a Placita & Nova; Con- ventioncs per Radulfum filium Stephani & focios ejus. lb. Rot. 4. a. dint. & ILmted. (u) De placitis Roberti filij Bcrnardi & fociorum ejus; N. P. & N. C. per Ra- dulfum filium Stephani, & Willelmum fi- lium Stephani, & Rogeium filium Rcin- fridi, & Robertum Mantell. lb. Rot. 4. a. Sudfex. Rogerus filius Reinfridi, Sheriff. (lu) De placitis Willelmi de Lunival & Tomse Baflet ; De placitis Bercranni de Verdun & Radulfi filij Stepliaiii ; De placi- tis Bertriinni de Verdun & foe. ejus ; Dc ,. placiti.? 136 Of the Judicature Chap. III. bert de Vaux, Michael Belet, and Bertram de Verdun (xj : In tlie Counties of E/Jex and Hertford, Alan de Nevill ; Ranulf de Glanvill and Ills Fellows j Walter Fit^-Robcrt and his Fellows j Ralf Fit z- Stephen, Wiiiiam Fitz-Stephen, Robert Mantell, and Roger Fitz-Reinfrey fyj : In WiltJJnre, IVilliam Riiff'us and his Companions; Rolf Fitz-Stephen and his Companions (z) : In Northamptonjl.nre, Hugh de Gundevill and his Fellows ; IVilliam Baffet, Robert de Vaux, Bertram de Verdun, and Mi- chael Belet (a) : In the Counties of Dorfet and Sumerfet, Ralf Fitz- Stephen and his Fellows; Thomas Fitz-Bernard fbj: In Rutland, PVil- liam BaJJi't and his Fellows fc) : In the Counties of Buckingham and Bedford, Walter Fitz-Robert and his Fellows ; Ra'f Fitz-Stephen, William Fitz-Stephen, Roger Fitz-Reinfrey, and Robert Mantell (d) : In the Counties oi Notinghatn and Derby, Hugh de Gundevill and his Fellows ; William Baffet, Robert de Vaux, Bertram de Verdun, and Michael Belet (e) : In Berkjhire, Ralf Fitz-Stephen and his Fellows (f) : In Glouceferfloire, Bertram de Verdun and his Companions ; Ralf Fitz-Stephen and his Companions fgj : In Comical, 'Thomas Fitz-Ber- nard [but I think he was Juftice itinerant for the Foreft] (h) : In placitis Rogeri filij Reinfridi & fociorum ejus. lb. Ret. 4. b. Hercfordfcira in JVallia. (x) De placitis Hugonis de Gundevill & fociorum ejus ; De placitis Willelini B.ifl'et & fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per ip- fum Vicecomitem, & Robertum de Vallibus, & Michaelem Belet, & Bertram de Verdun. lb. Rot. 5, a. Lincclfcira. Willelmus Baffet, Sheriff. (y) De placitis Alani de Nevill ; De placitis Rannulfi de Glanvill & focionim ejus ; De placitis Walteri filij Roberti & fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per Radul- fum Filium Stephani, & Willelmum filium Stephani, & Robertum Mantel, & Rogerum Filium Reinfridi in Effexa ; Item de pla- citis eorundem in Hertford fcira. lb. Rot. 5. b. Effexa & Hertfordfcira. Robertas Man- tel, Sheriff. (z) De Placitis Willelmi Ruffi & focio- rum ejus ; De placitis Radulfi filij Stephani & fociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 5. b. fFiltifcira. (a) De placitis Hugonis de Gundevill & fociorum ejus. N. P. & N. C. per Wil- lelmum Baffet, & Robertum de Vallibus, & Bertram de Verdun & Michaelem Belet. lb. Rot, b. A Norhantefcira, (b) De placitis Radulfi filij Stephani & fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per Tho- mam filium Bernardi. ft-'ta ij Sumerffta. {c) N. P. & N. C. fet & focios fuos. lb. lb. Rot. 6. b. Dor- per Willelmum Baf- Rot. 6. b. Rotelanda. (d) De placitis Walteri filij Roberti & fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per Radul- fum filium Stephani, & Willelmum filium Stephani, .V Rogerum filium Reinfridi, & Robertum Mantell. lb. Rot. 7. a. Buckingh. £3" Bcdef. (f) De placitis Hugonis de Gundevill & fociorum ejus; N. P. & N. C. per Wil- lelmum Baffet, & Robertum de Vallibus, & Bertram de Verdun, & R'lichaelem Belet. li. Rot. 7. i. Not. y Dereb. AVillelmus filius Radulfi, Sheriff. (f) De placitis Radulfi filij Stephani & fociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 7. b. Berkefcira. (g) De placitis Bertram de Verdun & fociorum ejus ; De placitis Radulfi filij Ste- phani & fociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 8. a. Glouc. (h) Cornubia. N. P. & N. C. per Tho- mam filium Bernardi. lb. Rot. 8. a. Wor- Chap. III. of the K i n g's C o u r t. 137 Worcejlerjlnrey WiUiam F itz-RaJf zwA. his Companions (i) : In Oxford- J7j>ire, Ranidf de G/anvill d^nd Hugb dc CrerJ/i ; Richard Giffard ^nd h\s Companions (k) : In Stajfhrdjhire, IVilluvn Baffct, Robert de Vatix, Bertram de Verdun, and Michael Bclet (/) ; In Hantjhire, William de Lamvalei and 'Thomas Bajj'ct ; Roger Fitz-Reinfrcy and his Com- panions ; Robert Fitz-Bernard and his Companions (w) : In the Counties of JVarwick and Leicejier, WiWam de Lamval. and Thomas Baff'et ; and the Jufticiers (n) : In Kent, Richard Giffard and liis Companions ; Raff and William Fitz-Stcphen, Roger Fitz-Reinfrey, and Robert Mantel [o) : In Surrey, Roger Fitz-Reinfrey, and William and Ralf Fitz-Stephen (/>). In this Year Thomas Fitz-Bernard and his Companions were Juftices of the Forefl [q). In the 26th Year of K. He?iry II, the Perfons named here under- neath, or fome of them, were Jufticiers itinerant for Pleas of the Crown and common Pleas : to wit, in Ej'ex and Hertfordfl:ire, Walter Fitz-Robert and his Fellows j Michael Belet, Richard de Pek, and their Fellows : Ranidf de Glanvill (r) .• in Shropfljire and Staffordfl:>ire, Randidf de Glaiivill, Godfrey de Ltici, and their Fellows [s) : in Nor- folk and Suffolk, Ralf Fitz-Stephen and his Fellows ; Richard de Pecco, Michael Belet and their Fellows [t) : in Oxfordfhire, Ranidf de Glativill and Hugh de Crei/fi; Richard Ruffus and his Companions ; (i) De placitis Willelmi filij Radulfi & fociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 8. a. JP'ireceJirefclra. Michael Belet. Sheriff. (k) De Placitis Rannulfi de Glanvill & Hugonis de Creifli j De placitis Ricardi Gift'ard & fociorum ejus. lb. Rot. 8. b. Oxinfordfc. (I) N. P. & N. C. per Willelmum Baf- fet, & Robertum de Vallibus, & Bertram de Verdun, & Michaelem Belet. lb. Rot. 8. i. Staff. (m) De placitis Willelmi de Lamvalei & Tomae Baflet ; De placitis Rogeri filij Reinfridi & fociorum ejus ; De placitis Ro- bert! filij Bernardi. lb. Rot. 9. a. Suclhaiite- fcira. Hugo de Gundevill, Sheriff. (n) De Placitis Willelmi de Lamval. & TomasBaffet ; De placitis Jufticiar. lb. Rot. 9. b. IVarewichfc. iS Legecejirefc. Bertrannus de Verdun Sheriff. (0) De placitis Ricardi GifFard & focio- rum ejus; N. P. & N. C. per Radulfum & "Willelmum filium Stephani, &Rogerum filium Reinfridi, & Robertum Mantel). lb. Vol. I. T Rot. JO. a. Ghent. Robertus filius Bernardi Sheriff. (p) N. P. Si N. C. per Rogerum filium Reinfridi & Willelmum & Radulfum filiuiu Stephani. lb. Rot. 10. b. Surreia. (q) Mag. Rot. anni 25. H. 2. paffim. (r) De Placitis Waheri filij Robcrti & Sociorum ejus ; Nova Placita & NovasCon- ventiones per Michaelem Bclct & Ricardum de Pek & Socios fuos ; De Oblatis [Curiae] per Rannulfum de Glanvill. Alag. Rot. 26. H. 2 Rot. 1. (7. Ej/exa & Hurt/or dfcira ; Ro- bertus Mantellus Sheriff. (s) N. P. & N. Conventiones [in Sa- lopefciraj per Randulfum de Glanvill & focios fuos ; N. P. & N. C. [in Stafford- fcira] per Rannulfum de Glanvill & Gode- fridum de Luci & focios fuos. Jl^Iag. Rot, 26. H. 2. Rot. I. b. Salop, is Staff (t) De Placitis Radulfi filij Stephani & fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per Ri- cardum de Pecco, & Michaelem Belet, & Socios fuos. lb. Rot. 2. a. Nordfolch. l^ Sudf. Ran- 138 Of the Judicature Chap. III. Ranulf dc Glattvill, and Godfrey de Luci, and their Companions {u) : in Suffcx, Robert Fitz-Bernard, and his Companions ; Richard de Pech, Michael Be/et, and their Companions (ic;) ; in the Counties of Cambridge and Hiintendon, Walter Fttz-Robert and his Companions ; Gilbert Pipard, Geoffrey Hofe, and their Companions (at) : in Berkjhire Alan de Purnelles, Robert de Witcfcld and their Fellows (_y) : in Surrey, Michael Relet, Hugh Murdach, Richard de Pecch, and their Fello\^'S [z) : \\\LlncolnJl.Hre,Iiugh de GimdenjUHxid, his Fellows ; Gilbert Pipard, Geoffrey Hofe, and their Fellows ; Bertram de Verdun, William de Bendeng, and Michael Belet [in Axiholm] {a) : in Cumberland, Ranidf de Glanvill and Hicgh de Crejjt {b) : in Yorkjhire, Hugh de CreJJi and Randulf de Glanvdl ; William Fitz-Ralf ^^nd his Companions ; Randidf de Glan-oill and his Companions; Hugh de Gu7idevill Ti^nd. his Companions; Wil- liam Baffet, Robert de Vaux, and Michael Belet ; Randulf de Glanvill^ Godfrey de Luci, Hugh de Gaherft, and their Companions [c) : in Wor- ce/lerfljire, William Fitz-Ralf and his Fellows ; Randulf de Glanvill, Godfrey de Luci and their Fellows [d] : in Nor thamptonf hire, Hugh de Gundevill and his Fellows ; Gilbert Pipard, Geoffrey Hofe, and their Fellows {e\ : in Rutland, Gilbert Pipard, Geoffrey Hofe, and their Fellows (f) : (u) De pkcitis Randulfi de Glanvill & Hugonis de Creiili ; De placitis Ricardi Ruffi & fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per Rannulfum de Glanvill, & Godefridum de Luci, & focios fuos. lb. Rot. 2. b. Oxinef. Galfridus Hofe Sheriff. (w) De placitis Roberti filij Bernardi & fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per Ricar- dum de Pech Sc Michaclem Belet & focios eorum. lb. Rot. 2. b. Sudfexa. Rogerus iilius Renfridi Sheriff. (x) De placitis Walteri filij Roberti & fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per Gille- bertum Pipard & Galfridum Hofe & focios fuos. lb. Rot. 3. ) : in the Counties of Warwick and Leicejler, William de Lanvallei and Thomas Ba£et ; Hugh de Giindevill and his Fellows ; Gilbert Pipard, Geoffrey Hofe, and their Fellows (/) ; in the Counties of DorJ'et and SomerJ'et, Ralf FitZ'Stephen and his Companions ; Richard the Treafurer, Nicholas Fitz-Turold, Robert de Witefeld {£) : in Gloucejlerjlnre, Bertram de Ver- dun and his Companions ; Ralf Fitz-Stephen and his Companions j John Cumin, Alan de Furnell, and William de Bendeng (/) .- in Hereford- Jhire, Bertram de Verdun and Robert F it x- Step hen ; Ranulf de Glanvill, Godfrey de Luci, and their Companions [m) : in Wiltjhire, William Rufus and his Companions ; Ralf Fitz-Stephen and his Companions ; Richard the Treafurer, Nicolas Fitz-Turold, and Robert de Witefeld (n) : in the Counties of Buckingham and Bedjord, Walter Fitz-Robert and his Companions ; Ralf Fitz-Stephen and his Companions ; Hugh Murdach, Michael Belet, Richard de Pech, and their Companions (0) .: in cios fuos. lb. Rot. 6. a. $3" b. Nurhanle- fcira. Thomas filius Bernardi Sheriff. (f) N. P. & N. C. perGillebertum Pi- pard, & Galfriduni Hofe & focios fuos. lb. Rot. 6. h. Rotc'Lindi. Willelmus Malduit Cameraiius Sheriff. (g) De placitis Willelmi de Lanvall. & Tomse BaiTet ; De placitis Radulfi filij Ste- phani & fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per Ricardum Thefaurarium, & Nicholaum fi- lium Turolui, & Robertum de Witefeld. lb. Rot. 7. a. Devenejcira. Willelmus Briwere Sheriff. [h) N. P. & N. C. per Ricardum The- faurarium, & Robertum de Witefeld, & Nicholaum filium Turoldi, h focios fuos. lb. Rot. 7. b. Cornubia. Alanus de Furnell. Shet-iff. (i) De placitis Willelmi de Lanvall. & Tomse BaiTet ; De placitis Hugonis deGun- devill& fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per Gillebertum Pipard, & Galfiidum Hofe, & focios fuos. lb. Rot. 7. /'. IVarewichfcira bf Legerc. Bertrannus de Verdun, iErnaldus de Barton & Adam de Aidcdelega pro eo. Sheriffs. (k) De placitis Radulfi filij Stephani & fociorum ejus j N. P. & N. C. per Ricar- dum Thefaurarium, & Nicholaum filium Turoldi, & Robertum de Witefeld. lb. Rot. 8. a. Dorfeta iff Sumerfeta. Robertas de Bello Campo Sheriff. (!) De placitis Bertranni de Verdun & fociorum ejus ; De placitis Radulfi filij Ste- phani & fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per Johannem Cumin, & Alanum de Furnell, & Willelmum de Bendeng. lb. Rot. 8. b. Gloec. Willelmus filius Stephani Sheriff. [m) De placitis Bertranni de Verdun ic Radulfi filij Stephani ; De placitis Bertranni de Verdun & fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per Rannulfum de Glanvill, & Godefriduni de Luci, & focios fuos. Ih. Rot. 8. b. Hc- refordfdra in JFalia. Radulfus Puheiius Sheriff. (n) De placitis Willelmi RufH & fociorum ejus ; De placitis Radulfi filij Stephani &c fociorum ejus ; N. P. & N. C. per Ricar- dum Thefaurarium, & Nicholaum filium Turoldi, & Robertum de Witefeld. lb. Rot. g. fl. IFiltefiira. Robertus IVlalduic Sheriff. (0) De placitis Waltcri filij Robert! & fociorum ejus; De placitis Radulfi filij Ste- phani h fociorum ejus ; N. P. &N. C.per Hugonem Murdac, ii Michaelem Kelec, & T 2 Ricardum 140 Of the Judicature Chap. III. in HantjVire, the Juftices for this 26th Year are not named (p) : in the Counties of Noting/jam and Derby, Hugh de Gundevill and his Companions ; Hannulf de Glativill, Godfrey de Ltici, and their Com- panions fq) : in Northumberland , Ranfuilf de Glanvill and his Com- panions (r) : in A'tv?/, Ht^gh Murdac, Richard de Pech, and Michael Belet, and their Companions (j) : in Middlefex, Michael Bekt, Richard de Pek, and their Companions (/). In this Year Thomas Fitz-Bernard was Juftice of the Foreft {u). Moreover, there is another Hiftorian, to wit, Gervafe of Canter- bury, who lays, that K. Henry W. [A. D. 1170, and amto Regtii \b), by Advice of his great Men appointed Abbats and Clerks, Earls and Knights, to go Circuits through the Realm ; giving them a Form to aft by. For Kent, Surrey, Middlefex, Berkjlnre, Oxfordjhire, BiikingharnJIiire, and Bedfordflnre (fays he) were appointed, the Ab- bot of St. Anfin of Canterbury, the Abbot of Chertfy, the Earl of Clare, William de Abrancis, Manefier de Dammartin, Gerold Fitz Ralf, Gilbert de Pinkeni, William Son of Helt, William Fitz-Niel, William Fitz-Martin, Ralf del Hofpital and Ralf de Dene. And that in liice manner, Inquifitors were fent into the other Counties of Rjigland. And then he fets forth the Articles upon which they were to en- quire; wherein thefe Inquifitors are ftyled Barones Err antes (iv). But Ricardum de Pech.&focios fuos./i. Rot. g. b. Bilk, is Bedcf Willelmus Ruftus Sheriff. (p) De placitis Willelmi de Lanvall. i?£ Tomce Bafi'et ; De placitis Rogeri filij Ren- fredi &: fociorum ejus ; Nova placita ik No- vae Conventiones ; De Oblatis Curiae. lb. Rot. 10. a. Sudhantefdra. (q) De placitis Hagonis de Gundevill & fpciorum ejus; N. P. & N.C. per Rannul- fum de Glanvill, & Godefiidum de Luci, ^- focios fuos. Ih. Rot. 10. b. Not. is' Derb. Willelmus filius Radulfi, Serlo de GrenJon pro eo, Shinffs. [r) Dc placitis Rannulfi de Glanvill & fociorum ejus ; De placitis Curiae. lb. Rot. 10. b. Nor'tjU7nb. {s) N. P. c^ N. C. per Hugonem Mur- dac, & Ricardum dc Pech, & Michaelem Belct, & focios fuos. lb. Rot. il. a. Ghent, Robertus iilius Bernardi Sheriff. (t) N. P. & N. C. per Michaelem Belet, & llicardum de Pek, & focios fuos. lb. Rot. 11. b. Land, y Middelj: (u) Mag. Rot. 26. //. 2. paffim. [v;) mCLXX. Rex autem convocatis optimatibusfuisinftituit Abbates & Clericos, Comites & Milites qui circuirent terram,— formani infcriptam quo modo eis effet agen- dum. InCantiam, Suthreiam, &Middelfexe, & Berkcfcyre,&Oxincfordfcire, &Bukinge- hamfcire, & Bedefordfcire, mifli funt Abbas S. Aguftini Cantuaris, Abbas de Chertefeie, Comes de Clara, Willelmus de Abrancis, Manefier de Dammartin, Geroldusfilius Ra- dulfi, Gilebertus de Pinkeni, Willelmus filius Helt, Willelmus filius Nigelli, Willelmus filius Martini, Radulfus de Hofpitali, Ra- dulfus de Dene. Hi omnes fimul fupradic- tos Comitatus circuierunt. In huiic mo- dum per alios Comitatus Angli^e inquifitores miff; funt. Et hfec inquirere debuerunt. In pfimis exigent Barones errantes vadium & plegium ab omnibus Vicecomitibus, qui fuerunt Vicecomites pofiquam Rex tranf-, fretavit in Normanniam he,, to be before the ' King at a Day to be prefixed to them, ad rec- tum faciendum & addretiandum ei & ho- minibus fuis quod adJretiare debuerunt; with fever al other Articles. Gerv. Dorob. inter X Scrip, col. 1410. ad A. D. MCLXX. if; Chap. III. of the King's Court. 141 if I take this Matter right, the Perfons here named by Gervafe were not Juftices Errant (of the Kind we are here fpeaking of) but Commif- lioners fent out by the King to enquire into Mifdemeanors and Abufes committed by Sheriffs and Baihffs, Stewards of great Lords, Foreflers, and other Officers. The Articles upon which they were to enquire (which are rehearfed by Gervafe and may be viewed by tlie Reader at his Leifure) make this appear probable. And we find by Records, that about the Time mentioned here by Gervafe, comm.on or general Inquifitions were taken upon the Sheriffs of England [whereby their Behaviour in their Office was enquired into; and they who appeared to be faulty, were puniflied by Fines or otherwife]. At the Time of this common Inqullition, an Enqueft was taken upon V/ilUam £^t'/ Sheriff of the Counties oi IVarioick 2.x\A Leicefer ; and there- upon he was fined C Marks fx) ; this Enqueft was taken before IFal- ter de Life and Euface Fitz-Stephcn fyj. It may be objefted, that thefe Inquifitors are ftyled, in the Articles, Barones Errantes ; which may feem to import, that they were either Barons [of the Exchequer] or Jufticiers. In truth, it does not appear to me, that they were Ba- rons of the Exchequer : but Jufticiers they might be ; if by Jufticiers we underftand CommilTioners at large, and not Jufticiers Errant for. holding of Pleas. For in ancient Time, Commiffioners of divers Kinds were ftyled frftic'ics or frficiarij, and Barones. Thus in the Reifrn of K. William I, the Perfons commiffioned to make the general Survey of England [contained in Domefday-book], are ftyled yi/fices in an ancient Chronicle hereunder cited {z). And in an ancient Book con- taining a Breviary of the Towns and Lands belonging to the Abbey of Ely, the Perfons who took the Inquifitions which are let down in {*•) Willelmus BafTet r c de C marcis, fa). And in that Senfe it has been in feveral Coun- tries de Lexovio, Gaufrido de Rappend[on], Sell, de Efcorchebou, Petro de Fraxino, Jo- hanne Pigace, caeteris Jufliciarijs & Baro- nibus qui tunc ibl aderant, dcdi & concefTi & hac praefenti carta mea coiilirmavi Gil- leberto de Vilers, pro Hominagio & fervlcio fuo, totam'illam medietatem meam quam habebam in vivario & molendino de Mcf- funeel, & quicquid ibi habebam, cum molta praefati molendini integre, cum alijs perti- iiencijs . 'Tis dated Anno ab Incarna- tione Domini M''C°xc°viij''. Rot. Chart, b" Cyrogr. Norm. 2. "J. m. 6. n. 6. (k) Sea. 4.. de temp. R. Job. (I) fit culpabilis in Palatium Regis, folidis XII. Heroldi Leg. Loiigob.p. 189. tit. C. cap. 14. — componat in SacroPalatio folidis CCC. Ih. Leg.Longob.p.21 1, tit. Fill. Etib. p. 220. tit. XXV. Et ib.p. 231. tit. LIX. cap. 5. — illam tertiam partem ad eorum reci- piant opus, duas vero ad Palatium ; Id. Leg. Franc, p. 310. cap. 49. Sciat fe compofiturum auri optimi libras triginta, medietatem Palatio noftro, & me- dietatem parti ejufdem Ecclefiae ; Vg- hclli JtaL Sac. T. 3. col. 36, in charta Lani- berti Imp. dot, Ravemite A. D. 898 : The j'ame wards, lb. juxt.col. 37, in charta Btren- garij Regis, dat. Rapine A- D. 899. Centum libras auri optimi componereco- gatur, medietatem Palatio noftro, & ; JJgh. It. Sac, T. 4. col. 623, in charta Othon, Imp. dat. A.D.()6B. Mille libras auri optimi componat, me- dietatem Paltatio noftro, & medietatem Ca- meras Abbatis ; lb. T. 4. col. 1358, in charta Otton. Imp. dat. A. D. 999. [m) Et fi parentes proximi non fuerint, tunc Curtis Regia fufcipiat ipfas IIII uncias ; Herold. Leg. Longob. p. 174, tit. LVlII.cap. 13. y capp. 14. 15. 16. Et ih. Leg. Long, p. 178. tit. LXV. cap. \2.i^tit. LXVIIL tunc res ipfius Curti Regias focicn- tur; lb. Leg. Longob. p. 182. /;'/. LXXIX. cap. 4. componat in Curte Regia ; lb. Leg. Long. p. 236. ///. LXXII. (n) quod qui fecerit, expenfas va- fallo fuo viftori refarciat, & ablati duplum Curia noftrae componat. Conjlit. Neap, apud Lindenbrogiutn, L. 3. tit. 12. quadruplum etiam fruclu-um vel reddituum proculdubio Curia noftras perfol- vet ; lb. L. 3. tit. 4. unum auguftalem Curis noftrs com- ponat ; and again, dimidium Curia; noftraj componat; lb. L. ^.tit. 35. (o) medietatem Camerae noftra?, & medietatem cui damnum illatum fuerit. Herold. Leg. Franc, viz. in Lege Conradi I. p. 345. parag. 11. (p) Camera ufurpatur pro fifco five the- fauro 158 Of the E X c H E Q,u E R of Cliap. IV, tries cuftomarily ufed, even from the ancient to the modern Times. For Inllance, in the Year 1245 (?)^ ^" ^^^^ ^^'^'^ ^3'^' ^^^ ^^ S^"~ tence of the Emperor Henry VII, againft Robert King of Sicily (/•) ; In or about the Year 1505 {/) ; and afterwards [t). And 'tis ufed in the fmie Senfe at this Day. The Prince's Treafury has been Ukewife ufually called by other Names than thofe abovementioned, viz. by the Names of Fifais, and JErarium : both which Words were ufed for the Prince's Treafury, as well before the feudal Laws were intro- duced [li), as afterwards (w) ; efpecially the former; which was anciently a Word of general Ufe, and is fo flill in many Countries. fauro Regis. Hotom. Comment, de Feudisy /.. 315. «. 25. Camera pro conclavi in quo pecunia fervatur. Unde Feudum de Camera, pro ftipendio quod Vaflallo datur a Domino. Id. de verbis Feiuhd. ad lioccm. Camera. Cameram vocat locum in quo pecuniae Principis reconduntur. Duaren. in Confue- tudd. Feudor. c. 5. §. 2. (q) Qiiod qui prrefumpferit, indignatio- nem noltri Culminis, & pcenam mille li- brarum auri fe noverit incurrifl'e : quarum medietas Camera, reliqua vero parti paflie injuriam applicetur. Pri-vikg. Frid. 11. Imp. concejf. Duci Aujir. dat. Veronce A. D. 1245. ap. GoldajL Conjht. Imp. p. 87. (r) vel alioquin tantundem Cameras noftrje perfolvat . Gold. ib. p. 97. (i) incurran en perdimiento de todos fus bienes, & fean aplicados a nueftra Ca- mara & fifco. Las Leyes de Toro, L. 49. fol. 31. a. dat. ib. fol. 50. a. (t) fopena de la nueftra merced, y de cinquenta mil marauedis para nueftra Camara. Dada en Madrida tres dias del mes de Enero, de mil y feyfcientos y onze annos. Capitulos Generates de las Cortes, fol. 1 3. a. Et ib. pajpm. & fi chiama Teforiero, percioche fi ripone appo lui tutto il danaro ch' entra nelb Camera Apoftolica. Fr. Sanfovi?io del Governo, tit. Corte Romana, fol. 87. b. Dopo il Governatore, fegue un altro che noi chiamiamo Prefidente della Camera Apoftolica, il cui carico e di fopraltare alle ragioni di tutto 1' Erario . Ib. («J fuum enim haeredem habere non potell [fc. perduellionis reus], cum Fifcus ei fuccedat. Juji, Injlit. L. 3. tit. 26. n. 5. EdiiSto Divi Marci cavetur, eum qui a Fifco rem alienam emir, ft poft vcnditionem quinquennium praeterierit, poffe Dominum rei exceptione expellere. Adverfus au- tem facratiiTimum asrarium ufq; ad quadri- ennium liceat intcndere. Ib. L. 2. tit. 6. n. 8. Ta\j]i)i a-uTcJ^i\\xQv a'vng aTrsS^ave,, :c, T' iala^ ■oira tb Cp/cni» y.cdaKn^^eian?., :c »<^£V riw;Tiv' dW' a> rij d^iy-r) sj-a d-n-iSraviV. Hujus vir apud exteros perc2;rinus mortuus eft, & bonis ipfius in fifcum relatis in contentionem venit, & liti- bus divexata nihil profecit, fed dum adhuc litigaret mortua eft. Jrtim. Onirocr. L. 4. <:. 6i./>. 237. The like Laiv obtained in the Grecian Em- pire of C. P. as in the Roman. 'Oti la'v Tii vEfxiiS'fl ■nrpdyiJ.a d^nixcaicv Ix/ rtosa- 'f nr^illa^ tD^y^(pLw. Si quis rem fifci per quadriennium poflederit, adverfus fifcum quadriennij praefcriptionem habet. Bao-iXty.wv T. 6. p. 618. L. 50. tit. 13. Oi VTTiu^ujjci TzS iJ^njXoai(i>f avuTrsp- S-sTwr ^£9oc/*£usc3'a)crav' ty fXi^o TrXnpto- aaat to d^njjiccricv, tcts tou? W/sr ^ftajrar in«v, ludus calculorum five latrun- culorum. •^nqjoTraixlav (faith he) o^okhv sx. sTris-a/jiJJyov, ■jicWci wfsX/iSluuai cm/jtatva '^jfXoyi^'JfX^ov ^4 •\'^uc'op^o)i d^ia. to TToXXaj •.[//i^isj xXs7r1«v, &c. Calculis five latrunculis ludere fibi videri eum qui non fcit, multam utilitatem fignificat ex deceptione & mendacio, propterea quod multos calculos furetur &c. Artimed. Onei- rocr. L. 3. cap. 56. p. 187. ///. rispt ts -v^n^poTrai/Iav. By Achmetyono/" Seirim [who writes of the Onirocriiicks according to the tradlti-.i of the Perfians i7»i!/ Egyptians) It is called Zatri- cium. E'av i'c^ij Tif (faith he) 'in xa'i- xepc/^sf TPQxaisxsriv aXXriXoif, &c. Si quis Zatricium cum alio fibi noto ludere vifus fuerit, lucri caufa dimicant inter fe &c. Achmet. Oneirocr. cap. 241. />. 218. ///. 'Ex. rw) n?p(7cov Htti AiyuTrl/wv t;^ ^arpiKtis. 1^2 zatricio ex Perfarum 6z j^gvptiorum difciplina. The Perfians (it feems) called it Santratz and the Latins Scacum : and one of the Men or aSfors whom the Perfians called Siachruch or Schach ruch, ivas called by the Italians, Scacco zocco ; if we may believe Ducas /;/ his Byzantine Hijiory. 'Q Tsuu? oi/cuTia- S";!? oTi riayia^rir ov X'i'^''^'' ^1 '''■-'^''^'^'^^ chap. IV. the Kings (s/* E n g l a n d. i 6i carium, upon which were laid the royal Infigtiia and Robes [h). And In the holy War, there were found in the Field after a Battle, Spices, Gold and Silver, Eleduaries, Scaccaria, and other rich Implements (/). From the Latin, Scaccariiim, cometh the French, Ejcbequier or Excheqiticr, and the EngUJli Name from the French. Or, if any one thinks it more likely, that the French Word was the ancienter, and the Latin one formed from it, I do not oppofe him, nay, I incline to believe it was fo. The Exchequer took its Name from the chequered Cloth which was wont to be laid upon the Table there. I need not vouch the Moderns {k) for this. Richard Fitz-Nigell, Author of the ancient Treatife or Dialogue concerning the Exche- quer, confirmeth it (/). Indeed Polydore Virgil, fpeaking of tlic Exchequer, as inflituted in England by K. William I, intimates that it was corruptly called Scaccarium, but ought to be called Statarium ; from its Stability, and as it was the firm Support of the Crown or Kingdom ; nothing being of greater Force to eftabliili a Kingdom than Revenue {fn). And when he has Occaiion afterwards to men- tion the Exchequer, he flill calls it Statarium {nj. I can only fay. 01 riifffai Sa'vTcaT^ v.ci.\iiai, 6i <^k AoLTivoi idx.ov. And a little after : x6t£ Kf Tf/au^ n'rlnS-aj li/ toJ t5 s-Ad/.a •jTcuyv'tM fS^ tS i^S duT^, cSs a\ni2 rispc-is-i ^ioL^f^^vx, Xiy^l) 7ra^' 'iTokc't; Sxaxct) Qoyy.b), c/ndXiffi to ovo/aa k'utb ly.ToTs '2.ia.-)(^oa\)-^. Temyr cum audiflet Bajazetem ia manibus efie, jufTit figi ten- torium, in, quo cum filio fedebat ludens Zatrichium. Quod Perfae Santratz, Latini Scacum vocant,r— ^ — -Tunc Temyr in ludo Scaccorum a filio viclus, dedit ei nomen Siachruch (ita Perfice efFertur, Itaiis autem dicitur, Scacco zocco) & deinceps vocavit earn Siachruch. Diic^ Htjl. Byzant, p. 36, 37. Et vid, Ifmaells BulUaldi tiotas ad Du- cam ib. Others fuppofe Scacus is derived from Schach a Germanick word. Germanis Schach la- trocinium : Inde Schachfpil ludus Schacho- rum id eft latrunculorum ; Gallis, lejeu des Efchecs. Lindenbr. in Glojf. ad Cod. Legg. Antiq. i-i voce, Schacho. Et vid. CI. Pezronij Antiq. des Celtes, p. 32. {h) Et poll illos veniebant fex Comites & [fex] Barones portantes unuin Scacca- rium, fupra quod pofjta erant infignia Re- VOL. I. galia & Veftes. Et poft illos ibat Willel- mus de Mandevill Comes de Alba Maria &: de Eflexia, portans Coronam Auream in manibus fuis. Chron. y. Brompt. inter X Script, col. 1158. Et Hovcd. P. 2. p. 656. «. 50. (/') Portabant autem diverfi generis fpe- cies pretiofas, aurum & argentum, pallia oloferica, purpuram , papiliones & ten- toria pretiofiflima, eleiSuaria plurima, pelves, utres & fcaccaria, ollasargcnteas & candelabra . Brompt. ib. col, 1245. ?/. 50. temp. R. Ric. i. {i) Spelm. Glojf. ad voccm, Scaccarium. [I) Dialog, in cake Iiujus eperis. Vol. 7.do. viz. L. I. cap. I. Scaccarium tabula eft. (w) Pofuit Scfifcum, fecit praefeftos cum poteftate magna, qui client Regis Procu- ratores, qui omnia vecSigalia caperent, qui aerarium curarent : hos Barones, Lo- cum autem quod corrupta voce Scacariutn dicitur, Statarium appellavit ; quod eflet" ftabilis, & ibidem firma Regni fedes ; quaii- do nihil asque regnum ftabilit quam ipfa re- gina pecunia. Pol. Virg. Hiji. I. 9. p. 154. n. 20. (n) Ib, L, 14. ^, 244. n, 10. y p. 403. n. 40, Y that i62 Of the "E X c II E. Q.U E ^ of Chap. IV. that ia the early Times after the Conqueft and from thence forward, it was conllantly called in Records Scaccarhwi ; but never (for ought that I know) Statarium. IV. In this Sedllon we will recoiled; fome MemoireSj by which it may be made credible, that there was in Normandy a great and ancient Court called the Exchequer ; and that there was a fimilitude between the ancient Exchequer of Normandy and that oi England in feveral Particulars. In the firfl: Place, let us fee, what Account the grand Cujhimier gives of the Norman Exchequer. It fays, that in Normandy, from Time immemorial, as well before the Union of that Duchy to the Crown of France, as afterwards, there was a Court and foveraign Jurifdidion ; wherein all Caufes arifing within that Duchy were decided, as in the laft and higheft refort : and that the faid Court was anciently called the Court oi Exchequer (o). By the Defcription he here gives of the Norman Exchequer, it appears to have borne a Refemblance to the Exchequer in England confidered in its moft ancient State. It was (fays he) a Court that could not be held without afTembling together the Prelates, Earls, Barons, Judges, and other Officers, of the Duchy, nor without Solemnity, Ceremony, and Expence both to the Prince and People (p). For which and other Reafons there mentioned, it was in Procefs of Time changed into a Court called la Court de Parlement de Norme?2die (q). That Change was made (as MeJJieurs SainBe Marthe relate) by Francis T, A. D. 151 5 (r). But before that Change, the Norman Exche- quer remained, for ought that appears, in its ancient State. In it affenibled the high Jufticiers, to whom it appertained, to correct the Defedls and falfe Judgments of Bailiffs and other inferior Jufticiers, and to do right to every Man without delay, as it were from the Prince's (0) En pays de Normendie, perpetuelle- i/nprime a Rouen 1515. In prolog, al. i. po/l mem & infeparablemcnt uny & incorpore a fol. 1 24. \ la couronne de France, de temps immcmo- [p] Et pour ce que ladifte Court defchi- rial, tant au precedent ladiifle union h in- quier neftoit ne tenoit continuellement & corporation faille par le roy Philippe Au- ordinairement : & que a icelle fairc feoir & gufte du temps dicelle, que depuys, y a eu tener, eftoit requis faire convocation & af- Court & jurifdidtion fouueraine. £n la femblee des Prelatz, Contes, Barons, Juges, quelle toutes les caufes & matieres des horn- Officiers, bi praticiens du pays, & obfer- mes & fubgetz dudit pays h des chofes fi- vees autres grandes folemnites laborieufes& tuees & aflifes es fins & limittes dicelhiy, penibks, & de grande mife pour le Roy h ont efte traiftes, diffinies, & decidees en tout le pays de Normendie . Jb. in dernier & fouuerain reflbrt. Eta efte la- prol. col. i. difle Court anciennement appellee Court (y) lb. col. 2. deichiquier, Le Grant Coujlum, de Norm, \r) Hie veronotandum, ScacariumNor- mannix Chap. IV. //5^ K I N G G O/" E N G L A ND. I 63 Prince's Mouth, and to take Care of the Prince's Rights and Dignity CsJ. In it affembled the Prelates, Barons, Knights, &c; to judge of Caufes {tj. And the greal Caufes were to be determined either in the Affizes, or in the Exchequer, or before the Prince fuj. This is in fhort the Account given, in the great Qf/iiwiier, of the Norman Exchequer. In the next Place, let us fee what Account concerning it nnay be gathered elfevv'hcre. In the Year 125S, Louis K. o France granted feveral Polleflions at perpetual Perm to the Monks of St. O'llen at Roan, for 60 / Tournois, to be rendered by Moieties at the two Exchequers, viz. the Exchequer of E after and the Exchequer of St. Michael (w). In the Year 1281, the Liberty of the Prior dj Free was declared in plena Scacario Pafcba, before the Mafters of the faid Exchequer at Roan, and Judgment given for him by the faid Mafters prefiding in the fame Exchequer (x). In the Year 1208, Nicholas de Monteigny and Ifabel his Wife made a Grant in Frankal- moigne to the Church of Bonport, and confirmed it by an Oath ta- ken in the Exchequer at Roan, before Walter the Chamberlain and others (y). In the Year 1374, a Compofition was made in the Norman Exchequer, between two religious Houfes, touching Tithes (z) : manniae factum fuifie perpetuum 1499. a Lud. Xll.inftante Georgio Cardinal! deAin- bafia; qui fupremus Judicum confefTus abo- lito Scacarij nomine titulo Parlamenti deco- ratus eft a Francifco 1, anno 1515, ut tunc numerabant. Sammarth. Gall. Chrtjiian. T. I. p. 555. col. I. de Archiepp. Rotom. {s) Len appelle efchiquier affemblee de haulx jufticiers, a qui 11 appertient amendcr ce que bailifz & les autres mendres jufticiers ont malfaicl & mauvaifement jugie, & ren- dre droit a ung chafcun fans delay, ainfly comme de la bouche au Prince ; & a garder ces drois, & rappeller les chofes qui ont efts mifes mauvaifement hors de fa main ; & a regarder de toutes pars, ainfy come des yeux au Prince, toutes les chofes qui appartie- nent a la dignite & honneftete au Prince. Tout ce que len fai£t en efchiquier par fo- lenneljugementjdoit eftre garde fermement. Nous appellons folennel jugement ce qui a efte jugie par accord en plain efchiquier, quant Ten a ouy loppinion de chafcun. Rouill. Grant Couji. de Norm, cap, 56. fol. 72. a. Et ib. dejur, (J Conf. Norin.c. 56./, 10. a. Col. 2. {t) Tempore quo fub Scacario regeban- tur Normani, talis erat Patriae confuetudo, quia prslati, barones, miiites, &c. qui de- bebant fui prasfentiam in Scacario, judica- bant caufas, ficut hodieadhuc fit in Scaca- rio Alenconienfi. Ib. de Jur. {3* Conf. Norm. c. 9./. 17. a. Et h'lc paulo flip. (p). (u) Nulle grant querelle ne peult eftre terminee fors en laflife, ou en lefchiquier, ou par devant le Prince, par quoy la fin en puifTe eftre recordee. Grant Coufl. c. 54. f. yt. a; Et ib. de jfur. & Conf. Norm, c. 54.- f, 10. a. col. 2. J {w) — annuatim nobis ad duo Scacaria folvendis, medietate videlicet ad Scacariurn Pafchse, & alia medietate ad Scacarium S. Michaelis. Neiijlr. Pia, p. 15. (x) Anno Domini 1281 declarata fuit libertas Prioris de Prato, in pleno Scacario Pafchae, coram Magiftris ejufdem Scacarij apud Rothomagum, de quodam equo qui occiderat mulierem in nundinis dc Ermen- truilla ; & adjudicatus fuit diiSlus equus Pri- ori de Prato, per magiftros in eodem Scaca- rio praefidentes. Ib. p, 616. r.v chron. Bccci. (y) Hanc donatiopem ego N. & Y. uxor Y 2 me* 164 Of the E X c H E Q_u E K of chap, IV. (z) : and afterwards, a Suit which arofe touching the faid Compofi- tion, A. D. 1386, was determined in the Exchequer (aj. In the Year 1376, Robert Abbot of Tnfport compounded in the Exchequer of Normandy for the alternative Patronage of Eiiureville (b). In the Year 13^6, in the Exchequer at Roan, an Inquifition was ordered to be taken concerning fome of the PoffelTions of FontaneUe fc). Thus the Exchequer of Normandy was a great and confiderable Court; not a Place of Revenue only, but alfo a juridical Court. Again ; the Name, Exchequer, was fo well known and fomuch ufed (as it feems) in that Duchy, that other juridical Courts befides that of the Duke were called Exchequers. The Canons of Roa?i (if we may believe McJJieurs SanSie Mar the) had an Exchequer or juridical Court, to which Appeals were made from inferior Jurifdidlions. And the Archbifhop of Roan had likewife an Exchequer or juridical Forum, which at ftated Times was holden in his Palace, and was much more iplendid than that of the Canons (d). It appeareth alfo from fome Records ilill preferved in England, that the Exchequer of Normandy was an ancient Court, and like, in many refpefts, to the Exchequer of England. There was, I fuppofe, an Exchequer in Normandy in the Reign of Stephen King oi England. In the 5th Year (as 'tis fuppofed) of that King, Richard BaJJ'et and Aubrey de Ver Sheriffs of E(]ex and Hertfordpire accompted for M Marks of Silver the Surplufage of thofe Counties. They paid cccc Marks of Silver (Part thereof) at the Treafury in England, and the Refidue, to wit, D Marks of Silver in Money, and C Marks of Silver in Plate, at the Treafury In Normandy. The Payment in Normandy was made to the Hands of Nigell Nephew of the Billiop mea in Scacnrio Domini Regis Francorum. quod inquifitio fieret ea de re. lb. p. 176, apud Rothomagum, coram Domino Wal- [d) Mutli quoq; Canonici [^of Roan'lrz- teroCsmerario, & Odone Clementi Archi- tlone dignitatum & praebendarum habent GJacono Parifienfi, & Fratre Guarino, jura- prasrogativam Majoris juftitias in diverfis mento confirmavimus tenendam. lb. p. 898. locis ; a Judicibus Lundinariarum &CIeita- (z) Porro in Scacario compofitio fit inter rum, fiunt provocationes ad Scacarium, hoc Abbatiflam de Ebroicis, & Abbatem Fonta- eft temporaries Conventus juridicosCapituli, nelienfem, pro decima totius venditionis lig- quasfuprema jurifdi£tio excrcetur per aliquot norum [aiiuo 1'1,'ji).) lb. p. ^q^. ex Canonicis aucStoritate Capituli deputatos. («) Hinc lis oboila inter — anno 1386. At longe illuftrius eft Scacarium Metropoli- Aiper hiijufmodi compofitionc, in Scacario tani, cum agit forum & conventum fuum, terminatur. Ih.juxt. cujus jurifdictio in omnes Archicpifcopalis {b) Qui [Robertus] ftipulante pro eo F. ditionis partes, quas inter eminent memo- Henrico Marc, in Scacario Normaniae anno randa duo oppida Dieppa & Locoveris, ex- 1576 ccmpofuit pro alternativo patronatus tenditur, necnon in palatio Pontificiij ftatis d' Euurevills. lb. p. 591. diebus exercetur. Call, Chrjjh T. i. p. 555. (t) in Scacario Rothomagenfi anno 1336, col, Z, ad aliquorum initantiam, ordinatum fuerat 5 t«f chap. IV. /-^6' K I N G S . nales, nee infpexl vel audivi fuiile Sou- Rub. fol. notato xlvij. a.Videfu Praf. ad No- tagia aflifa. Lib. Rnb. fol. notato xlvij. a. hilijf. Dam. Carolum Dim. Halifax. col, 2. A a 2 the i8o Of the E X c H E q_u ^ ^ of Chap. IV. the Norman Kings made great Alterations in the old Laws and Ufages of 'England. II. That the Erection of an Exchequer was^ part of thofe Alterations. Firft, it is probable that the Norma7ts, at or foon after the Con- queft, made great Alterations in the old Laws and Manners of England, and introduced new ones of their own. Eadmer, a Writer coeval with the Conquefi: (d), and likewife the Compiler of the Dia- logue de Scaccario (ej, tell us the Normans did fo. And the' Thing hath in itfelf great Probability. For Example : after the Conqueft, the great Officers of the King's Court in Engla?td came to have Norman Names, and different Fundlions from what they had before. The Terms of Law for the moll Part were Norman. The Writs and Forms of Procefs were generally of a Norman Original. Many particular Norman Cuftoms and Ufages came to obtain, which were not (for ought that appears) known in England before. Infomuch, that any Man who compares the great Norman Cujliunier with Glati- vill the mofl ancient Law- Book written in England after the Con- quefi that is now extant, will find a near fimilitude between them. It is faid indeed, that K. William I. liked the Englijh Law fo well, that he caufed it to be written in the Norman tongue, and eftablifli- ed it or great Part of in Normandy ffj. But doth any coeval Hiflo- rian or other Writer, either of England or Normandy, tell us that any fuch Thing was done } If K. William I. had carried the Englifli Laws into Normandy, the Law Terms ufed thenceforth in Normandy might have been Norman : But the Law-Terms ufed in England would have continued Eitglijl:) or Anglofaxon, as they were before K. Williajn I. (as is fuppofed) introduced the Englifi Law into Nor~ mandy. Whereas, it appears to be in Fadt quite contrary ; that is to fay, a general Vein of Norman Language hath from the Time of (d) Ufus ergo atq; leges quas Patres fui Le£i. i. in Jlatut. de Finibus, p. 2. ad calcem & ipfe in Noimannia habere folebant, in \. lnf.it. Anglia fervare volens, de hujufmodi perfonis William le Rouille Licentiate cf Laws., in Epifcopos Abbates & alios Principes per his Prologue to the grand QuAum'ier of 'Nor- totam Terram inftituit, de quibus indignum mandy intimates that Edward the ConfefTor judicaretur, fi per omnia fuis legibus, poft- King ^/"England brought into Normandy the pofita omni alia confideratione, non obedi- Laws of which that Cuftumier confjis ; and rent &c. Cun£la ergo Divina fimul & Hu- quotes for it a Book called Chronica chronico- mana ejus nutuni expedtabant. Eadm.HiJl. rum. But, I doubt,V^\\X\-\m.\e.^o\x\\\t was Novor. L. I. p. 6. n. lO. 20. too eafy of Belief in this Cafe. Of which, the (e) Dial, L. I. cap. 16. Cum infignis Reader will better judge, when he has read ille. what is offered upon this Subject by the learned (f) V. CI. Edw. Coke Equ. Aur. quon- Dr. Hickes, in his Jntiquitat. Sepienir. Dif- dam Protojujlic. ad placita coram Rege tenenda, fert. Epijl. p. i^iif. the chap. IV. the Kings o/" England. i8i the Conquefl, or foon after, run through the whole Body of the Laws of England. In Truth, it is marvellous to fee fo great an Altera- tion in the Courfe of Law-Proceedings in England wrought in fo fhort a Time; and that fo little in Effedl of the Anglojaxon Laws and Ufages was retained. This will in great Meafure appear to be true, if we compare the Laws of the Anglojaxon Kings, with the Forms of Law-Procefs which are colledled by Ranulf de Glanvill, who flourilhed in the Reign of K. Henry II : which Laws and Forms of Law-Proceedings are (if I miftake not) as different from one another, as the Laws of two feveral Nations. Thefe Matters have, within the Conipafs of a few Years pail, been made a Subjedt of much debate ; with great Feeblenefs, at leaft with great Inequality of Force on one Side. But in regard they are purely Ipeculative, it is not neceffary to have them finally decided one Way or other. It may fuffice to ftate or ballance them, and lb leave them to the Judg- ment of fuch Perfons as are curious and well feen in the Englijh Hi f- tory and Records. Upon this Occaiion, I will take Leave to fet down an Obferva- tlon or Conjedlure, which I had once the Honour to hear propofed by a very learned Gentleman, in this Manner. He laid, it feemed to him, by the Courfe of the Englijlo Hiftory and otherwife, that after the Norman Conqueft, there enfued a great Alteration in the old Englifl:) Laws, Manners, and Ufages : that neverthelefs, that Altera- tion with reference to the Laws, was not completely brought about and fettled till the Reign of K. Henry II : that the Reign of K. Wil- liam I. was moftly employed in quelling the Difcontents and Infur- redtions of his Englifli Subjecfts, and in getting and fecuring to him- felf and his Heirs, a full and faft Poffeffion of the regal and other Revenues of Efigland : that the next King (viz. William II) reigned under a Title controulable by the jull Pretenfions of his elder Bro- ther Robert ; yet being a ftately, refolute, and fubtile Prince, partly by Power, and partly by Policy, he kept the Engli/Jj under the Yoke, and continued to ftrengthen himfelf in the new Acquefts, and to form the Laws and Manners of this Country after the Norman Fafliion : that the next King (viz. Henry I.) was a mild book-learned Prince, and reigned likewife for feveral Years under a difputed TitI; ; that he continued, as far as his Affairs would permit, to eftablirti the Norman Laws and Cuftoms, as KK. Williatn I. and William II. had done; that in his Time many of the Anglonorman Lords, who had great Effates in Normandy as well as in England, might probably be, and were, inclinable to favour the Title and Interefts of Robert Earl of i82 0/ t/je E xcuEQju EK of chap. IV. of Normandy, which might give Umbrage to K. Henry 5 that K. Henry, to win the Affecflions of the Englljh Natives who made the Bulk of the People, and thereby to check or balance the ylnglonor- man Lords, commanded a Body of Laws to be compiled, which were agreeable to the Laws of the old E?igJIJJ} or Anglofaxon Kings, and were called the Laws of King Henry \. fg) ; that however thefe Laws of K. Henry L relate chiefly to criminal Matters, and were never, for ought that appears, duly publifhed, much lefs put in Practice amongrt: the Englijh : that the Reign of the next King (viz. Stephen) was nothing elfe in EfFed: but a State of War : that K. Henry IL the next Succeilbr, came to the Crown by an undoubted Title, and furpalTed all his Ancell;ors in Power and Extent of Dominion ; for he was King of England, Earl or Duke of Normandy, Lord of Ire/and, Anjou, and the Acquitanick Traft of Land; infomuch that he was the greateft King at that Tims in Chrifi:endom : that this Prince did iiut the lail or finifliiup- Hand to the Norman Eflablifhment, and in fpecial to the Alteration thereby made in the EngliJIo Laws : as will in fome Meafure ap- pear from thefe Confiderations following, namely ; the Statutes or Conllitutions of Clarendon, made in or about the eleventh Year of K. Henry II, are, both for Phrafe and Subftance, more entirely Nor- mannlck than any Laws or publick Acfts from the Conqueft to that Time ; and Thomas Becket Archbilliop of Canterbury, who was the firft native Englijhman that had been Archbifhop of that See fince the Conqueft, oppofed certain Articles of thofe Conftitutions, as they were, in his Opinion, prejudicial or derogatory to the fuppofed Rights of the Clergy, and to the old Laws and Ufages of the Fjii^liJJ} Nation ; add hereto, that the Norma7i Laws and Cuftoms were fet- tled by conftant Ufe during the Reign of K. Henry II; and that at the latter End of his Reign, Ranulf de Glanvill, a great Man in the Law and a Jufticier, drew up a Compendium of the Laws of Eng- land, fitted for publick \J[t ; which he probably did by the King's Command (/jj, that it might ferve as a Code or Syftem for the Di- rection (g) Vid. append. Savil'ian. poji Bedam. Example: Ex hoc {faith the MS) liquet (h) This CotijcSfure is favoured by a certain quod non poteft vallallus dominum fuum in- MS Book (if we may give Credit to it in this feftare falva fide homagij fui, nill forte fe Cafe) remaining in the Library ij/" Corpus defendendo, & nifi ex praecepto Principis — , Chrifti College in Cambridjfe. ATreaiife in and fo forth. JVhich Paragraph, with the rcji that Book is intituled. Leges Henrici fccundi ; thai follows in the MS, is found in Glanvifl, and is the fame in mcny Paff.^-.i tvith the viz. Lib. 9. cap. 1. p. 68. Ex. Cod. MS. printed Copy of Glajivill de Le;^ibus. For T. 6, in Bibl. Coll. Corp. Chrif. Cuntabr. 2 ytu Chap. IV. the Kings f?/" England. 1S3 re<5lion of fuch as dealt in Law-Proceedings ; and this Syftem of Glanvill's, is in EfFe) Ammirato ib. p. 42. tit. Del Grande Prologue; where he begins, Regiam Potefta- Ammiraglio. tein &c ; with a maniffl Imitation ef ]u{\i- (q) — quindi molti congettnrano altro nian in his Inftitutions of the Imperial Law. non efler I'Hoftiario, che quello che hoggi £t. vtd. hie ante. Cap. 1. S(£l. 2. (x), in Napoli fi chiama I'Ufciere. Ammir. ib, Eodem anno Henricus. p. 54. tit. Del Maeftro Hoftiario dell' Hof- •(/) Hie ante. Cap. 2. Se£l. 3. pitio Reale. Sicily i84 Of the E X c H E a.u E R of Chap. IV. Sicily made to K. Henry II, of England. Amongfl: them are the Vice- chancellor, the Admiral, Senefcall, Conftable, and Jufticier (r). In or about the Year 1144, Roger King of Sicily or Naples held his Court at Capua; whereat were prefent, the Princes his Sons, Arch- biihops, Buhops, Abbots, Earls, and Barons. And there, a great Conteft or Law-fuit between John Bifliop of Averfa and Walter Ab- bot of St. Laurence of Averfa, was accorded ; which Accord the King confirmed by his Charter, which was made Bipartite, and one Part of it delivered to the Bifliop, the other to the Abbot (s) : they had there their Aflizes, taken in the fame Senfe as anciently in Nor- mandy and England ft) ; their Baronies and Fees held in Capite fuj -, Aids to be rendered by Tenants to their Lord, for ranfoming his Perfon, for making his eldeft Son a Knight, and for marrying his Daughter or Sifter fiv) ; and Reliefs fx) : with them a feudal Inhe- ritance could not afcend (y) : and Treafure-found belonged to the King (zj : amongft them alfo we find anciently feveral No?-man Law- terms; fuch as, Baliiim fa), Paragiwn (b), Corredum or Corredium fcj, (r) Houn/. P. i.p. 552. Etvid. Con/lit. Neap, apud Llndenbr. pajftm. {s) Interfiiit etiam Marinus [Archiep. Neap.j generalibus Comitijs, five, ut vo- caiu, Parlameiito, quod Rogerius idem Rex Capuae celebravit, ad quod Archiepifcopos, Epifcopos, Abbates, Comites, h Barones regiii Rex idem afcivit, quorum confilio quas ad Regni regimen pertinerent modera- letur, multafq; graves difTenfiones ac lites inter Epifcopum Averfanuni & Abbatem S. Laurentij compofuit; quibus omnibus Ma- rinus hie interfuit, ut ex hoc diplomate — clareperfpicitur: " InNomineDei — , Roge- " rius divina fa\ente dementia Rex Sicilia;, " Ducatus Apulia?, & Principatus Capuae. " — Cum igitur apud Capuam Curiam te- " neremus, nobifcum refidcntibus dilectif- " fimis filijs \V. Principe, necnon Archiepifcopis, Abbatibus, Comitibus, & alijs Baronibus quampluribus, ante no- ftram venere praefentiam Johamies Aver- fanus Epifcopus & Gualterius Abbas S. Laurentij de Averfa, ad invicem de Pifca- tione patrise & Portibus & plateatico al- " tercantes — ," And the Matter was ac- corded betiveen them, as above. Dat. Capua; A. D. 1 144, anno 13. Regis Rogcrij. JJg- helli Ital. Sac, Tom. 6. col. i/i^i. (/) Volumus infrafcriptas aflifias [viz. re- rum venaliumj obfervari. Coiijiit. Neap. L, 3. tit. 26. n. 5. Et ib. L. 1. tit. 63. — praedeceiiorum noftrorum affilijs com- prehenfa. Ib. L. i. tit. 41. — fecundum generalem aflifiam regni no- ftri. Ib. L. 2. tit. 7. (;/) Ut nullus Comes, Baro, vel Miles, vel quilibet alius qui Baronias, Caftra, vel feuda in Capite a nobis tenet . Ib. L, 3. tit. 21. lege I. (iv) Hie, Cap. 15. 5c(.7. I. &fegq. (x) — recepto veruntamen aliquo relevio (ut eft moris), quod quantitatem decern un- ciarum auri non excedat — . ConjL Neap, L. 3. tit. 22. (y) Nifi feuda fint ex conceiTione noftra, vel alio juflo titulo acquifita, in quibus af- cendentes liberis non fuccedunt. Cori/f, Neap. L. 2. tit. 6. (z) ConJ}. Neap. L. 3. tit. 30 bf 31. [a) — ipfarum Balium noftra excellentia recipiat. lb. L. 3. tit. 23. Et ib. tit. 27, De jure Balij. (^) — fecundum paragium debeant ma- ritare. Ib. L, 3. tit. 23. (V) — vel corredo noftro, cum in tern's eorum nos hofpitari, vel corredium ab eis recipere contigerit. Ib. L, 3. /;'/. 1 8. Dijjaifire chap. IV. the Kings f?/" England. 1S5 Dijfaifire fdj, and the like. It is moft probable then, that the Nor- mans carried into Sicily thofe Cuftoms and Ulages wherein there was an Agreement or Similitude between them, as hath been above fliewn : and that thole were the Cuftoms and Ufages of the Normans, ab antiqiw. Again ; let me, if you pleafe, put you one other Cafe abroad, to wit, in the Duchy of Burgundy. In that Country alfo, there were feveral Cuftoms, Manners, and Law-terms, agreeing v/ith thofe of Nonnandy, and of Rngland after the Conqueft. For Inftance : In 'Burgundy, the full Age of male Children (to fome Purpofes) was 14 Years, and of female 1 2 Years (e) : if a Baftard died without law- ful Heirs of his Body, all his Goods came to the Duke of Burgundy (f) ; nor could a Baftard fucceed ab intejlato to his Father or Mo- ther (^) : A Widow after her Hufband's Death was to be endowed of the Moiety [in Normandy and Eftgland of the third Part] of the ancient Inheritance of her Hufband whereof he died feifed, to enjoy the fame during her Life fh) : Minors were not to do Homage to their Lord till they were out of wardfliip or tutelage (/") : An Inheri- tance could not afcend in a right Line ; that is, in a Paternal or Maternal Heritage the Father or Mother could not fucceed to his or her Son or Daughter or to their Children (kj : Inheritances, as to the Defcent of them, followed the Line of the Trunk or Stock from {d) Diffaifiri, lb. L. 3. ///. 14.. kg. 2. Difl'aifire, Jb. L. 3. tit. 17. (e) — jufques a ce que lefdiiSs enfans foient en aage fuffifant, ceft afi'avoit, le flls de 14 ans, & la fille de 12 ans. Chnjf. Confuet. Ducat, Burg. Rub. 6. §. 4. col. 847. 848. (f) Si un baftard ou baftarde va de vie a trefpas fans hoirs legitimes de fon corps, Monfeigneur le Due luy fuccede en tous fes biens. lb. Rub. 8. §. i. col. 1121. (g) Le baftard ou baftarde ne vient ab inteftat a la fucceflion de pere ne de mere. lb. Rub. 8. §. 3. col. 1125. [h) Femme mariee felon le generale cou- fiume du Duche de Bourgongne, eft douee apres le trefpas de fon mari fur la moitie des lieritages anciens de fon mari, dont il eft mort veftu & faify, pour en jouyr fa vie du- rant. lb. Rub. 4. §. 6. col. 580. (;) Et quant les didz pupilles feront hors de tutelle, ilz feront tenuz de faire hom- mage, & ferment de feaute au did Seigneur Vol. L dedans un an apres ladifte tutelle finie. lb. Rub. 3. §. 2. col. 409. (k) Succeflion en ligne dire£le ne monte point, ceft aflavoir, que le pere ou la mere ne fuccede point a fon filz ou fille, ne aux enfans de fon filz ou fille, quant aux heri- tages anciens paternelz ou maternelz. lb. Rub. 7. §. 6. csl. 984. Tins was according to the ancient Feudal Law, in point of Inheri- ting. SuccefTionis feudi talis eft natura. Quod afcendentes non fuccedunt : verb! gratia, pater filio : inferius vero, filius patri fuccedit, & non filia nifi ex pafto, vel ni(i fit foemineum. Tunc enim fuccedit filia matri & patri : fecundum quofdam fuccedit nepos ex filio folus ; & fie ufq; in infini- tum : ex latere omnes per mafculos defcen- dentes, ufq; in infinitum, fi feudum fit pa- ternum. Feudor. Lib. 2. tit. 50, De natura Succeflionis feudi. viz. In Corpore Juris Civ. edit, Amjlel, 1663. Et vid. hie paulum fupra (y-) B b ^' whence 1 86 Of the E X c H E q_u ek of Chap. IV, whence they iflued fl) : Amortization turned a Fee into a Kind of Allodhim (in) : Partition of a Thing holden in Fee did not prejudice the Lord of the Fee, but each Parcener was to continue Vaflal of fuch Lord for his feveral Part or Portion (n) : a married Woman remained in the Power of her Hufband, fo that flic could not plead or be impleaded without him, nor make any Teltament or Difpo- fal of her Goods by Lad Will, without his Licence and Authority ; nor could make any Contraft inter vivos without him, unlefs flie was ^ publick Trader; and in th^at Cafe, only in Things touching her Merchandife (a) : tlie Hufband without the Wife might appear and adl as Demandant or Defendant in the pofleflbry Rights of his Wife and in perfonal Aftions (pj : Men profefled in Religion could not fucceed to Father or Mother or other Collaterals ; [but the Ci/lerci- iins (it feems) claimed a Privilege and Ufance to the contrary (q)~\ : in a word, they had in Burgundy their haute Jujiice fr), their Men that were talliable haut & bas^ and jufticiable en toutes Jujiices (sj, their Tallia, Fra:Jlanticc or Emprunts, and Fouages (t), and their Forefts and Parks («). The Biirgundian Cufloms and Manners being formerly not unlike thofe of the Normam, and of the EngliJ]:> after (I) Les heritages enfuyuent en fucceflion la ligne du tronc de la quelle ils font ilTus — , Chajf. lb. Rub. 7. §. 8. col. 1 00 1. (?n) Amortizatio efficit res feudales allo- diales. Chnjf. comment, ib. col. 1231. («) Partage ou Divifion de chofe feodale lie prejudicie point au Seigneur du fied, ains demeurera chefcun homme feodal & vaflal du diil Seigneur pour fa part & portion, Confiutud. Due. Burg. ib. Rub. 3. §. 7. «/. 461. (0) La femme, foit qu'elle ait ou pere ou ayeul paternel ou non, apres la confumma- tion du mariage, demeure en la puilTance de fon mari, tellement qu' elle ne peut faire contrafts entre les vifs, n' eftre en juge- ment, n' auffi par teftament n' ordonnance de derniere volonte difpofer de fes biens, fans la licence h. authorite de fon mari, fi elle ncft marchande publique ; au quel cas pour faifl de marchandife feulement — . 11. Rub. 4. §. L. col. 499. (/>) Le mari fans procuration de fa femme peut eftre en jugement en demandant & en defendant es droicts polTeflbires de la femme & en adions perfonelles. Ib. Rub. 4. §, 5. id. 558. (q) Et pour ce qu' on veut dire que par ordonnance & couftume du royaume, gens de religion profez ne peuuent fucceder a pere ne a mere, a autres collateraux, & que les religieux de 1' ordre de Cifteaux dient a- voir privilege & ufance au contraire . Ib. Rub. 7. §. 14. col. 1 1 15. (?>) Quand le figne de haute juftice e{t cheut a terre, le feigneur haut jufticier le peut faire redrefl'er dedans I'an & le jour apres ce qu'il eft cheut — . Ib. Rub. I* §. 8. (i) Gens de condition mainmortables, taiUables haut & bas, corueables a volunte, jufticiables en toutes juftices, ne font point receus en tefmoignage pour leur Seigneur, du quel ils font hommes & fubje<5ts des def- fufdi£tes conditions, ou de trois ou de deux dicelles. Ib. Rub. 9. §. 18. col. 1289. (t) Chaff. Ib. col. J 292. (u) Forefta dicitur latum nemus fine claufura fine aqua ; Sylva vero dicitur quando eft prope fluvium, fed quando in- ctuditur muro vel palis, vocatur Parcus. Ib. col. 1444. •^^ ''^'^' ^^ Antiq. fore/ia, Ib. coL- 1467,. the chap. IV. the Kingsij/'England. 1^7 $^Kingso/'England. 193 guefsirom the T'hala7niis fd), which was a fort of a Council-Chamber \e). The Pannus Laneus mentioned in the Inftances above-cited was, probably a chequered Cloth. It was wont to be provided for the Ex- chequer twice a- Year jC/J/'. The Sheriffs oi Londomw^ MiddUjcx iox the Time being ufed to provide it at the King's Charges; as appears by the Records here cited and by many others. Beiides the two principal Rooms which I have been fpeaking of, allotted to the Barons of the Exchequer to fit in, the Barons liad (it feems) certain Chambers in the King's Palace or Exchequer. The Chambers of the Barons are mentioned above in the great Roll j R. i. [g). But whether thele Chambers v.'ere for Lodgings or other Ufes, I cannot tell. Although the Exchequer was wont to be holden at Wejhninjler (the ufual Place of the King's Refidence) yet it was fometiines holden in other Places if the King pleafed {h). In the Reign of K. Stephe??, it was held, as it feems, at IVinckejter. For at that Time Geoffrey de Clin- ton fined to the Crown in ccc and x Marks of Silver, for the Miniftry of the Treafury of Winton (J) : and about that Time, the Earl of Gloucejier and Brien Fitz-Count heard the Accompts of the Treafury at Winton (k). In the Reign of K. Henry II. an Exchange v/as made at Winchejler at the Exchequer, before K. Henry Son of K. Henry II. and his Barons, between William Earl oi Effex, and Roger Fitz-Richard (^l). In orabout the loth Year of K. yohn, the Exchequer was held at North- ampton from Michaelmafs to Cbrijlmafs [ni). Accordingly, Allowance was made to the Sheriffs of London and Middle/ex for the Charges of conveying the Rolls and Exchequer of the Barons, and the Exchequer and Rolls of the Jews, from London to Northampton («). Of the Removal per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 8. J. Rol. 6. a. (h) Fid. Cap. 20. SeSl. 5. Vol. 2. Land, y Midd. (i) Et idem Gaufridus [de Clintona] r c (d) Et pro ij pannisemptis ad Scaccariurn de CCC & x marcis argcnti, pro Minifte- Baronum in Thalamo Regis, & ad aliud rio Thefauri Wintonise : In Thefauro C- Scaccariurn in Solio ; Et proBanccis Scac- niarcas argenti, Et debet CC & x marcas cario illi circumponendis, Et pro Jiiiiccis argenti. Mag. Rot. 5. Stefh. Rot. 11. b. emptis ad Cameras Baronum, xxxijs & vijd. TVar. A4ag. Rot. j.R. i. Rot. 9. a. Loadonia isf {i) Cap. 2. Seii. 16. MIdd. (I) Cap. 6. fe^i. 3. (e) Fid. Dialog, de Scacc. L. I. cap, 7. (m) MCCIX" ; A fefto S. Michaelis Oftium Domus illius. fedit Scaccariurn apud Norhampton ufq ; ad (f) Et pro primo panno ad Scaccariurn Natale. E. Chronica in Fet. Cod. AIS. in- Baronum xxxiij s & vj, Et pro fecundo fcripto Under D. 8. in Bibl. Coll. Corp. Chrif- panno ad idem Scaccariurn, xl s & j d. ti Cantabr. fol. 50. h. Mag. Ret. 2. H. 3. Ret. 5. a. Londonia b" [n) Et in cariagio Rotulorum & Scacca- Midd. Cives Londoni:^, Rad. Elinant & rij Baronum, & Scaccarij Sc Rotuioium Ju- Thomas Bukerel pro eis, \'icecomites. daeorum, a Londonia ufq; ad Norhantonam, (g) Paulo fup. C & j s. Per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. fi. Vol. I. C c Joh. 1 94 Of the E X c 11 E q_u e r c/" Chap. IV. Removal of the Exchequer from Wejlmmjler to other Places during the fecond Period, I fliall fpeak hereafter {o). X. Anciently the King's Chancery was, as it feemeth, ordinarily kept and executed at his Court (/>). But the King's Chancellor per- formed Part of his Duty' in the Exchequer alfo. He attended ex officio upon the Affairs of the Revenue at the Exchequer, and afted of Courfe together with the Jufliciers and Barons employed there ; as may be feen elfewhere in this Volume (^). The King's Seal (or the great Seal) was commonly laid up in the Treafury of the Exche- quer (r). Writs of the Chancery were fometimes made forth at the Exchequer J namely. Writs of Liberate, Computate, and Perdono. When they were made at the Exchequer, it was faid, Tejlibus his apud fuch a Place ad Scacariiwi, to diftinguifh them from the Writs made in the Kings Court [s). And thefe Writs v/ere feaied at the Exchequer with the great Seal ; which was often by the Jufticiers command, from the lower Exchequer [or Receipt] to the upper Ex- chequer, in order to difpatch the BufinefTes of the Exchequer, and then was returned into the Purfe, and the Purfe fealed-up by the Chancellor, &c {t). The Writs of Summonce that iffued for the King's Debts and Rights, and the Writs to call Councils and to fum- mon Barons and Knights ad habendum fervitium, were fometimes made at the Exchequer, and were feaied there by the Spigurnell or Chafe- wax [of the Chancery], and afterwards tranfmitted through Etigland by the Ufher of the Exchequer («). And there was a Clerk con- ftantly attending at the Exchequer, called Clericiis or Magijier Scrip- torij, who was, as it feems, a chief Clerk of the Chancery (tc) ; and Joh. Rot. 3. b. Tit. London. & Middel- fpeahhig of Domefday-book j Sigilli Regij Tex; Gives Londonise, Petrus le Due & comes eft indiviJuus in Thefauro. Ib.L.l. Tomas Aldermannus pro eis, reddunt com- c. 15. Et ib. cap. 13, fef 14. potum de CCC 1 BI. dc firmaComitatuum. (j) Ib. L. i. cap. 6. tit. Quis fit tenor (o) C.ip. 20. fcLl. 5. Vol. 2. Brcvium Regis fadtorumad Scaccarium 5;c. (p) This ufage may fcrve to explain, as it [t) Sed inde non recedit [the great Seal might peradventure give rife to, the phrafe co- was not removed out of the Exchequer^ nih cum ram Rege in Canccllaria fua, praecepto Juftitine ab Inferiore ad Superius {q) Cap. 5. feil. 4. Scaccarium a Thefaurario vel Camerario (r) Propter Reglje imaginis excellentiam defertur, ad explenda folum negotia Scac- qua in Sigillo ejus de Thefauro individua carij &c. Ib. L. 1. cap. 4. tit. Q^iid ad lege fervatur. Dialog, inter Magijl. I3 Dif- Cancellarium. cip. in Jppend. L. I. cap. 4. (ti) Cap. z\.fe£l. 4, ad ann. 5. i^ 6. Ric. Ad ipfum [Cancellarium] pertinet cufto- I. Et Laurentio. dia Sigilli Regij quod eft in Thefauro &c. {w) In fine fcdilis illius refidet Clericus lb. L. I. cap. ^. tit. Quid ad Cancella- qui Scriptorio praeeft; & hie ex officio. Jb, rium. L, 1. cap, 5. Ut noveris quo. Porio Liber ille de quo qusris {he is a Clerk chap. IV. if,^^ Kings i. Amongft the Franks or Saliques, certain Lawyers voere called Sachibarones ; hecaiife they were (fay the Gloffarijli] facharuin i. e. caufarum periti, Meti Jkilful in CanJ'es or Fleas. Sachibarones, tit. LVII. alijs Sagi- barones & Salcbarones. Saech five faeck caufTa eft de qua collitigatur. Sunt ergo Sachibarones, Jurifperiti, viri cordati ac prudentes, facharumfeu controverfiarum di- rimendarum fi:ientes. IVendelin. Glojjcir. Su- liciim, p. 175. Que fue varon de gran fantitad y reli- gion (a man of great fanSIity). Anal de Arag. de Surita, T. l. f. 29. a. ad ami. 1089. — per la muerte del Infante Don San- cho fu hermano, y no quedar hijo varon, [no Man-child furviving). lb. f. 35. a. ad ann. 1 106. Varon de Dios, [a man of God, that is, a prophet). El vieio T'eflam. 1. de Ics Reyes, cap. 17 ■u. 18, 24. t?V. Omnes hi ao exequiasfamofi Baronis (v/z. cf K. William the Conqutrot) convcnerunt. Ord. Fit. ap. Duchefn. de Script. Norm. p. 662, ad ann. 1087. (e) Form. Anglic, nu. II. LXXXIII, &c. R. Dei gratia Lundonfienfis] Epifcopus, Dileclis in Chrifto filijs Decano c{ Archi- diaconis & toti Capitulo S. Pauli, & omni- bus Baronibus S.mc'ti P.iuli, & omnibus fi- delibus & filijs S. Ecclefia per Epifcopatum Lund[onienlemj conflitutisj falutein. Sci- 2 ant omncs tam prKfentes quam futuri, quo- niam in audicntia & praefentia noiira per barones noflros Si per legales hoinines Ec- clcfias nollrs Clericos & Laicos, evidcntcr & fine omni ambiguitate inquifitum & re- cognitum eO:, quoniam Ranri[u]fus] Peu- rellus, cujus corpus in noftra rcquiefcii Ec- clefia, dedit Deo 6i S. Paulo, pro falate aiii- mas fuae, in perpetuam elemoi'ynam terrani quae vocatur Edburghetona, ad ufum lumi- naris Ecclefis- : terram praefatam Deo & S. Paulo & Decano & Capitulo, ad eun- dem ufum luminaris ad quod d.ita eft, tan- quam fuam propriam grataiiter concedi- mus . Datum Lund[onias] anno incar- nacionis Dominicae MCXLIi°, Epifcopatus noftri primo ; prasfentibus, fratribus & filijs noftris Radulfo Decano, & Ricardo Rufl^o, &RicardoBelm[eis],& Ailwordo Archidia- conis, Rogero Bruno Dapifero, Willelnr.o de Hoccend., & Willelmo filio ejus, & Of- berto Mafculo, & Laurentio Bucc[uinte], in folempnitate Pafchali. Ex MS. penes De- can. & Cap. S. Pauli Lond., notato l^.fol. 39. [Mihi copiam fecit R. tf CI. V. Matthatus Hutton rf^ Aynho S. T. P.] (f) Wibertus Prior & Conventus Eccle- Cix Chrifti Cantuarise, probis hominibus Lundoniae Francis & Anglis, falutem. Form. Angl. nu. CCLXXXVI. Gives appellantur in niemhranis authcntieis paffim. H. Rex AngI[orumJ, Epifcopis , & Burgenfibus Londonia?, falutem. Form. Angl. chap. V. of the E x c h e q_u e r. iq9 Men of the Cinque Ports were ftyled Barones and Homines qimiqi portnum (g) ; tiie former Name continuing in Ufe at this Day. la hne, as the Word Baron (ignified Dignity, fo it was fometimes taken in an evil Senfe. In Ita/y, that Name was given to certain Vaga- bonds (the Baroni di campo dijiore) who being dcflitute of Fortunes or Employment, lived by Robberies and Outrage [h). Thus the Word Bciron, had anciently an equivocal Meaning, and was ufed for Perfons of a very different Rank and Condition. But I leave this Matter to the Gloffarifls. It may be obferved, that feveral of the great Men or Peei'S were wont to affift, by the King's command, at the ordinary Pleas and Judgments m his Court; and were ftyled, fometimes yw/?/V/rt? and yujliciarij Regis, and fometimes Baro7ies or Barones Regis. So it was in the King's Exchequer. The fame Perfons (or many of them) who were employed as Jufticiers in the King's Court, were ufually employed as Jufliciers or B.nons of the Exchequer. But when they acfled at the Exchequer, they were moft generally ftyled Barones Scaccarij. Ne- verthelcfs fometimes Ba70 and Jujiiciarius have been ufed without any perceivable Difference. Thus K. Stephen by his Charter granted and rendred to Miles de Gloitcejler and his Heirs, the Honour of Gloucejier and Brecknock, and all his other Lands and Tenements, in Sheriff- wicks and other Things, as fully as he held the fame on the Day of K. Henry the Firft's Death : and I have covenanted (faith the King in that Charter) with Miles, ficut Baroni ^ yiijiiciario meo, that I will not implead him for any of the Lands which he held at the Time of K. Henry the Firft's Death (/). Robert de Tat t ejhal devzincd the Town of jfngl. num. Z„yF. Recognitio Robert! le Baud Militis & Michaelis de Golofa Burgenfis Lonuonias. HiL Rfccgr.it. 18. E. 1. Rot. — b. Gaufridus Martel Baronibus Londoniae, & omnibus hominibus &c. Formul. Angl. nu. CCXC. Major Londoniae & alij Barones Londoniffiattornaverunt&c. jW^OTor. b. H. 3. Rot. 5. a. (g) Barones dkimUtr pajfim, inifericordia hominum quinq; por- tuum . Mag. Rot. 4. H. 3. Kancia. [h) Come queita voce fignitica dominio & dignita, cofi volgarmente e qiiafi per tutta Jtaliaprefa molte volte in cattiua parte ; onde baroni di campo di fiore fi chiamano in Roma una certa forte di mafcalzoni, i quali non havendo arte alcuna vivono di rubberie & di triftizie. Ammir. delle Fam,. Nob. Nenp. P. I. p. 27. c. Ei vid. annot. ad Dialog, de Scacc. L. 2. cap. 19. [pp.) (i) Stephanus Rex Angl., Archiepifcopis Sic. Sciatis me reddidifle & conceflille Mi- loni Gloccftri.-E & hrredibus fuis port eum, in fcodo & hiereduate, totum Honorem fuum de Gloceftiia & Brechenion, & omnes terras fuas & tenaturas fuas, in Vicecomitatibus & alijs rebus, ficut ens tenuit die qua Rex Hen- ricus fuit vivus & mortuus. Quarevolo&c. Et fciatis quoniam ego ut Dominus & Rex conventionavi ei ficut Baroni & Jufticiario meo, quod eum in placitum non ponam quamdiu vixero de aliqua tenatura quam te- nuiflct die qua Rex Henricus fuit vivus & morcuus. 200 Of the Barons. Chap. V. of IVutton againft: William Fitz-Hervy, in the King's Court, before ^W/fr Archbifhop oi Roan, Richard Bxiho^oi Lojjdon, Geoffrey Fit z- Pierre, and others fhe King's Jufliciers [& alijs JuJIiciarijs Domini Regis;) and the faid Wiitidm acknowledged before them [coram prcc- diBis Baronibiis) that the faid Town of Wutton was the Right and Inheritance of the faid Robert (Ji). The Perfons then, who prefidcd and fat at the Exchequer during this firfl Period, were the King's Jufticier and Barons ; or (if you pleafe) his great Officers of State andjuftice both of the Clergy and Laity. There, fat the King's chief Jufticier, his Chancellor and Treafurer, with feveral of the Jufticiers of his Court: and there, fome other great Officers of the King's Pa- lace, to wit, his Conftable, Marlhall, and Chamberlains, adted, either in Perfon or by their Subftitutes. And when they fat at the Exchequer, they have been comprehended under the general Name of Barons of the Exchequer. In the ancient Times, the feveral Perfons who were employed by the King as Jufticiers in his Court or Jufticiers Itinerant, ufed in their relpeftive Spheres or Places to take Care of the King's Reve- nue. They demifed or let-out the King's Manors; they affifed the Aids, Efcuages, and Tallages; they feized and certified Efcheats ; they admitted Fines and Ohlatas ; they eftreated Amerciaments and other Debts ; and the like. However, the Care and Management of the Crown-revenue did principally and ultimately belong to the chief Jufticier, Treafurer, Barons, and other great Officers, who were by the King's command appointed to adt at the Exchequer ; as appeareth by feveral Inft:ances in this Hiftory. II. Firft, there was the King's chief Jufticier. Concerning him, as a great Officer of the King's Court, we have already difcourfed (/), And fomething muft be fpoken of him here, with Referenc to the Exchequer : at which Place he ordinarily prefided, as chief of the mortuus, neq; hseredem fuum. Teftibus, Galfrido filio Petri, & alijs Jufticiarijs De- Arch. Cantuar., & Epifcopo Wint., & E- mini Regis, Villain de Wutton veifus Wil- pifcopo Sar., & H. Bigot, h Roberto filio lelmum rilium Hervei ; h quod idem VVil- Ricardi, & Ing. de Saf, &W. dePont., & lelmus recognovit coram prasdictis Baroni- N \or S] filio Johannis, apud Radingum. bus, praefatam Villam de Wutton rum per- ExTV. Dugd. Colleilan. MSS. in Bibl. JJhmo!. tinentijs efle jus & haereditatem iphus Ro- Oxon. L. fol. iq. a. {ex Mag. Regi/lro Car- berti . Mag. Rot. b. R. i. Rot. ii. b. tar. in Offic. Due. Lane']. tit. Everwichfcira. (k) Robertus de Tattefhala r c de una Habet etiam [fc. Rex] Curiam fuam & marca, ut fcribatui in Magiio Rotulo, quod Jufticiarios fuos refidentes apud tjcaccarium. dilrationavit in Curia Regis apud Weftmo- Fleta L. 1. c. 2. §. 6. nafterium, coram W. Rothomagenfi Archie- [I) Chap. 2. Seli. 2. pifcopo, Ricardo Londonienfi Epifcopo, 2 Barons Chap. V. of tJje E X C H E Q_U E R. 201 Barons there. Geoffrey Torchard fined in iiij Marks, for not appear- ing before the Juflicier at the Exchequer (/;;). The Jufticier let to ferm the King's Manors (;z). He held Pleas at the Exchequer (o). He made the due Allowances to Accomptants at the Exchequer. For Example : The following Allowances were made to feveral Ac- comptants, either by Writ or Award of the chief Jufticier : to the Sheriffs of London and Middlefex for the Corrody and Equipage of an Approver (/>) ; to the Sheriff of Hantfiire, for Provifion for the King's Horfes (qj ; to the Sheriff of Kcnf, for providing of Arms and Utenfils (r) ; to Bartholomeiu de Glanvill, for his Expences, and to Stephen de Ely for his Livery (j) ; to the Sheriff of Worce/ierJJ.nre, for bringing the Head of an outlawed Perfon to IVeJhninJier (tj. He granted Difcharges, according to Law and Reafon, of fuch Debts as were demanded of Parties on behalf of the Crown. William ^zr\o^ Arundel was difcharged of xxxviij /. by Vertue of thfe Writ of Hubert Archbifhop of Canterbury grounded on the King's Writ de Ultra mare fu). Henjy de Wichenton was charged with a Fine of Lx Marks, for the Cuftody and Marriage of the Daughter of Philipp de Niewebote with her Inheritance j but by the Writ or Precept of Hu- bert Archbifhop of Canterbury chief Jufticier, he was difcharged of that Fine; and it was fet in Chzvge n^on Ralf de Gernemue ; the King having granted to him the faid Cuftody and Marriage for the (m) Gaufridus Torchard debet iiij mar- cas, quia defecit venire coram Jufticia ad Scaccarium. Mag, Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 4. e. Not. & Dab. (n) Walterus de Conftancijs r c de xlj I & xiiij s & j d, de firmis Maiieriorum Ho- noris de Arundel, quse miffa fuerunt ad fir- mam per Juftic. Mag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. ■z.b. (e) Nova Placita & Novae Conventiones per Juftic[iarium] ad Scaccarium : Idem Vicecomes r c de dimidia marca, de mife- ricordia Radulfi de Bakemora ; Et de xx s de mifericordia Ricardi filij Brieni ; And for the Mifericordias of other ferfons named in the Roll. Meg. Rot. 23. H. 2. Rot. i. a. (p) Et in corredio & apparatu Robert! de Ticheham probatoris Regis, xv) s, Per Juftitiam. Mng. Rot. 9. H. 2. Rot. 7. a. Londonia (jf Mldd. (q) Et lid corrcdium equorum Regis, ix 1, per breve Comitis Lcgreceftris & Ricardi de Luei. Mag. Rot. 9. H. 2. Rot. 5. I/. Hantefdra. Vol. L (r) Et pro portandis armis Coterellorum de mari ad Cantuariam & retro, xviii d ; Et pro CC Picoifis, xxiij s. & ix d ; per Ricardum de Luci. Mag. Rot. 13. H. 2. Rot. 13. a. Ghent. {s) Et Bartholomseo de Glanvill xx mar- cas, ad Cuftodiam Caftelli deOreford ; per breve Ricardi de Luci : Et Stephano de Ely, X s, de liberatione fua ; per breve ejufdcm. lb. Rot. 3. b. tit. Honor Eyae. (<) Et Thomas de Prcftewude qui attulit apud Weftmonafterium Caput Willelmi de Elleford utlagati, ij marcas, Per breve H. Cantuarienfis Archicpifcopi. Mag. Rot. 7. R. I. Rot. I. b. IVireceJhtfdra. (u) In Perdonis ipfi Comiti [Willelmo de Arundel] xxxviij 1, per breve Cantuarienfis Archicpifcopi per breve Regis de Ultramare, de DCC & Lx marcis, quod Comes attulit Archiepifcopo define fuo, Et Q^ e. Ala^, Rot. -J.R. I. Rot. 6. a. Norf. y Suff. lit. De Scutagio WalliK. At this time the Anb' bijhop xvai chief "Jujiider, D d fame 202 Of the B A R o N s Chap. V. fame Fine (w). Robert de Hareccntrty being charged with half a Mark for Scutage, was acquitted thereof by Writ of Hubert Arch- biiliop of Canterbury Jufticier (x). The Archbifliop was at this Time abroad with the King at the Ifle of ^W^/z and at Liindy fy). A Debt of cc Marks was fet-ofF from Gundred late Wife of Geoffrey Hofe, and charged upon Robert de Tn^goz, by Writ of the JuiUcier (2;). Peter de Schidimor Sheriff of £)or/^/ and Sotnerjet, being charged with an Increment of the Ferm of one of thofe Counties, fined with the Jufticier to be acquitted of the Increment ; and was acquitted accordingly [a). Richard de Leicejlre was charged with x /. Fine for the Office of Controller in the Town of Southampton : but the Debt was fet-ofF from him by the Jufticier [b). Robert de Harecoiirt was charged with xxxix/, and x j-. for the Tallage of the Bilhoprick of Lincohi ; whereof he alledged that only vj /. and xl d. were to be charged on hin>, and that L Marks were to be charged on Henry {vj) Heiiricus deWichenton debet Lxmar- «;is, pro habenda Cuftodia h Donatione filias Philippi de Nievvcbotc cum hsereditate fua. ScJ poftea prEceptum eft per Breve H. Can- luarieiifis Archicpilcopi, quoj idem Henri- cus attulit Baronibus, ut nomen Radulfi de Gernemu fcribatur pro nomine Henrici, cui prxdidla Cuilodia & Donatio concefla eft per praediiflum finem, per Plegios quos in- vcnit, fcilicet Tomam filium Simonis de x niarcis, & Johannenide Cornherde dex mar- cis, . 778. n. 50. Hxc pecunia recipiebatur per nianus duorum le- galium Militum dc fino;ulis Ilundicdis, & per manum Ballivi de Hundredo ; &L ipfi inde refponderunt Vicecomiti ; h per pr*- diflos Rotulos refpondebat Vi(ecomcs inde ad Scaccarium, coram Epifcopis, Abbati- bus & Baronibus ad hoc aflignatis. //'. />. 779. n. I. (n) Folqueius Painel debet CCC & Lix 1 & viij s & ix d, pro fine Honoris de Banton. Sed recordatum eft per G. filium Petri & W. BrJwcre & alios Baroncs, quod 1' inii 2o6 of the Barons Chap. V. by the Jufticier and Barons at the Exchequer (o). Oliver de 'Tract was acquitted by the Barons, of xxviij / Scutage-money (p). Regi- nald de Argentoem was acquitted by the Jufticier and Barons, of a Fine of X Marks (q). The Sheriff of iiuj]ex having unduly levied iij Marks and a half upon Ralf de la Hulle-, the fame was refiored to him by Command of the Barons (r), IV. Another great Officer in the Exchequer v/as the King's Chan- cellor, lie was one amongil the Jufticiers and Barons that ufually fat there. We find him tranfafting feveral Things in the Exchequer in fuch Manner, as that we may take -it to have been anciently Part of his Duty to aflift there. In the fifth Year of K. Stephen, Geoffrey the King's Chancellor was allowed, in his Accompt rendered of the Ferms of the Bifliopricks of Coventry and Hereford, and of the Abbey of Chertfey, x.1 and xv s, for his Livery, for the forty three Days in which he had not attended at the Exchequer, with the King's other Barons (s). Here (I think) 'tis implied, that he ufed to be at the Ex- chequer at other Times. The Chancellor by his Writ certified con- cerning a Debt of William Fitz-Robert, that it was to be charged on the Earl of Lciafer {at that Time Accompting-SherifF for Leicejler- Jhire) Finis tfle comprehenfus eft in fine fub- fcripto ejufdem ; Et ideo non debet fum- inoneri. Ali^g- Rot. 3. J. Rot. 16. a. De- venefcira. (0) Robertus filius Adae debet C & qua- tcr XX & xviij 1 & vj s & vj d, de debitis qtiK debebantur patn fuo ; De quibus Rex dfcbuit facere diftrictionem, ficut annotatur in Rotulo Regis fecuiido. Sed poftea fini- vit cum Jufticiario & Baronibus fuper Scac- carium per xl mnrcas, ut Rex faciat diftric- tionem & ptrquirat debitum prasdidlum, ita qruod pra;Jiegreceftri^. Ahg. Rot. 3. H. 2. Rot. 4. i7. Lincolufc. Jordanus de Bloflevilla, . ^jt) Et in Liberatione Rualdi de Chains. vij 1 & vj s & viij d, per Cancellarium, per breve Regis ; Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 6. b. Dorfeta. (y) Et idem Vicecomes re de xx 1 de Militibus Rogeri Britonis : In thefauro xviij 1, Et in Perdonis, per breve Regis, Alexandre filio Warini, x! s, prascepto Cancellarij, Et Q^ c. Mug. Rot. 7. H. 2. Rot. 7. b. Sumerfeta. (z) Hugo de Bofco re de v marcis ; In perdonis pra-cepto Cancellarij v marcx, Et Q^e. Mag. Ret. 7. H. 2. Rot. i . a. Norfohh. y Snthfolch. (zz) Roberto Nuntio Domini Regis x marcas, per Breve Cancellarij ; Et eidem ii marcas, ad Robam, per idem Breve. Mag. Rot. 2. R. I. Rot. 12. a. Suireya. (zzz) Cap. 2. Seii. 10. isf Cap. 20. Je£1. 8. Cap. 21. [eft. 2. iif vid. Cap. 2^., palfm^. Vol. z. CHAP. 2o8 0/ t/je Bv s iNE s 5 Chap. VI. CHAP. VI. Of the Bujtnefs of the E x c h e qjj e r, durt?ig the faid Jirjl Period, I. Of Revenue. II. Of Caitfes or common Pleas. III. Of Bujinefs of divers Kinds. IV. Of Affairs of Policy. LE T us, for Order's Sake, reduce the Bufinefs ufually tranf- adled at the Exchequer during this Period, under thefe three general Heads, viz. I. AfFairs of Revenue with their Incidents ; II. Caufes ; III. Common Bufinefs : and then let us fee, how the Cafe will iland. I. Firft, as to AfFairs of Revenue. There can be no Doubt made, but that thefe were tranfadled and ordered at the King's Ex- chequer. To fupervife, manage, and improve the regal Revenue, was the principal Bufinefs of this Court j and the proper Care of the chief Jufticier and Barons there. And this adminiflred to them a great Variety of Bufinefs as incident thereto. For the King's Re- venue being fome Way or other concerned in the Fees, Lands, Te- nures, and Chatells of the Subjedl, and in almoft every Thing elfe : from that Root a Multiplicity of Bufinefs fprung. It is true, all the King's Courts were in fome Meafure concerned in his Revenue. The Jufiiiciers who held Pleas of the Crown, Pleas of the Forefi:, and common Pleas, either in the King's Court or in their refpeiflive Eyres, recorded in their feveral Places the Fines, Amercements, Tallages, Aids, Scutages, and other Things arifing before them, from whence Revenue or Profit came to the Crown. But fuch Things as arofe before them were foon after fent or certified by them into the King's Exchequer ; to which Place, the Affairs of the royal chap. VI. of the E x c h e q^u e r. 209 royal Revenue tended as to their Center. But I forbear to fpeak here concerning Keveniie and Accompts, becaufe they will be treated of hereafter in dillindl Chapters. II. Secondly, as to Caufes : 'tis probable, that during this firfl Period the Exchequer was a Court having Jurifdidtion in Civil Caufes, or (as we ufually call them) common Pleas. Which Caufes or Pleas might be of the fame Kind with thofe, which according to the Ufage of that Age were referved to the King and his Barons. But there being fome Obfcurity in this Matter, I fhall venture no further than to eflay upon it, and fo leave it to the Reader's Judgment. K. Henry I, by his Writ commanded Richard Bifliop of London to do full Right to the Abbot of JVc/immJler, againft thofe who forcibly broke his Church of Wiitton in the Night Time : faying, that if he (the Bifliop) did not, the King's Barons of the Exchequer (hould, do Right in the Cafe (a). In the Reign of K. Henry II, or per- haps before, a Writ iflued in the Name of Nigell Bifhop of Efyt Baron of the Exchequer (he was then, I think, the King's Treafu- rer) directed to the Sheriff of Gloiicejier, commanding him to caufe the Monks of Bordejley to hold peaceably their Land or Manor of Ciimbe, whereof they were feifed by the King's Writ j and to jufti- ciate fuch Perfons as difturbed them in their faifm, contrary to the King's Writs (b). In the 14th Year of K. Henry II, Robert de Hajling fined in C and vj s and viij d, that the Plea between him and Rolf Moin might be [delayed till, or] adjourned to the Exchequer (c). In the 1 6th Year, Hugh Bardul fined in x Marks, that a Recogni- tion between him and "^ohn Burdun might be refpited till the [next] Exchequer (d). In the i8th Year, Robert Son of Ernis fined in v Marks, (a) Henricus Rex Angl., Rlcardo Epif- fiti funt per breve Regis. Et vide ut ha- copo de Lundonia faluteni. Mando tibi ut beas ad opus Regis quod RecSum eft de illis facias plciuitn re(5lum Abbati Weftmoiiafte- qui vim intulerunt prsediiSlis Monachis fuper rij, de Homiiiibus qui frcgerunt Ecclefiani Brevia Regis. Teftibus Willelmo Cumin & fuam de Winton[ia] noitu & arinis. Et Johanne Marefcailo apud Weftmonafteri- nifi feceris, Barones mei de Scaccario faci- uin. Ex autogr. in Bibl. Cott. Nero C. 3. ant fieri, ne audiam clamorem inde pro pe- (<:) Robertus de Halting reddit compo- iiuria refti. T. &c. Ex Chartiilar. Ccemhij turn de C & vj s & viij d, Ut Placitutn lVeJ}mou. fol. 63. a. in Bihl. Cott. Fauftina quod fuit inter eum & Radulfum Moin dif- A. III. fcratur ufq; ad Scaccarium. Mag. Rot. I ^. (b) Nig[ellus] Elienfis Epifcopus & Bar H. 2. R'it. 1 3. «. Sutfexn. [o] de Scaccario, Vicecomiti de Glowe- (^d) Hugo Baidul r c de x marcis, pro ccftrcfcira faiutem. Pr.-ecipimus tibi, ut refpcflu de reco^^nitione inter eum & Jo- tacias Monacos de Bordefleia tenere fuam hanncm Burdun. ufq; ad Scaccarium. In tcrram de Cumbe bene ^ in pace, ficut fai- Thefauro v marcas, Et debet v marcas. Vol. I. E e Mag. 2IO Of the Bvsmn Si Chap. VI. Marks, that the Plea depending between him and Hug& Makbifje might be brought before die chief Jufticier at the Exchequer [e). In the 23th Year of that King, there were feveral Pleas at the Ex- chequer. And feveral Perfons hereunder named were amerced there, for Difleifines, and for other Caufes relating to the faid Pleas : Henry dePirarijs fined or was amerced in v Marks, for a Default in an Appeal. William Son of AiHc and others were amerced there, at half a Mark, for an unjuft Difleifine, Robert de Montfort at x Marks for the like, and others at other Sums; and divers other Perfons were amerced [upon the faid Pleas] at divers Sums and for divers Caufes (f). But fame will fay, by de Placitis here, we are to underftand only pecu- niary Pains or Mulds which Offenders incurr : for fo the Dialogue explaineth the Word Placita {g). To which, I anfwer, that in thefe Revenue-Rolls Placita does in Part fignify pecuniary Matters, fuch as Fines and Amercements. For as fuch (that is, as Revenue) they came to be entered in thefe Rolls. But we muft add, that thefe Placita were Fines and Amercements fet or entered-into upon the Occafion or Ground of Pleas depending : as may be well colledled from the Records here cited touching the Placita ad Scaccarium, and likewife from tlie ordinary import of the Word Placitum ; which fig- nified primarily, not a pecuniary Pain, but a Plea. Hence in the Revenue-Rolls, by Nova Placita and de Placitis is meant, the Re- venue or Profit that arofe from Pleas. And in that Senfe Placita is. ufed in other Cafes. Thus by the Phrafe Tertius denarius (that is, de placitis) Comitatusy is meant the third Part of the Profit arifing from Pleas in the Country ; and by Placita & ferquifitiones Curiarum, is meant the Profit arifing by Pleas, and the other Perquifites of Courts. So that the Words de Placitis ad Scaccarium fignify here, fo Mag, Rot. 16. H, 2. Rot, 6. a. Not. i5f mifericordijs hominum quorum nomina & Z)er/>. debita & caufae annotantur in Rotulo quern (e) Robertus frlius Ernifi debet v marcas, liberaverunt in tiiefauro : in thefauro libe- Ut placitum quod eft inter ipfum & Hugo- ravit in x tallijs, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 23. aem Malebiffe fit coram Juftic[ia] ad Scac- H. 2. Rot. 2. k War. fef Legerceft. carium. Mag. Rot. iS. H. 2. Rot. 5. a. Item de Placitis ad Scaccarium : Rober- Everwuhfcira. tus de Munfort debet x marcas, pro diiTai- (f) De Placitis ad Scaccarium : Henri- fina injufta. Willelmus de Eton debet iij. cus de Pirarijsrcddit compotum de v marcis, marcas pro eodem. David de Tachefbroch pro def. appellationis. VVillelmus filius Ail- debet dimidiam marcam, pro pleg, Roberti, lici & Hafcuil h Galfridus frater ejus red- lb. Rot. 2. b. War. (Sj Legerc. dunt compoturn de dimidia marca, pro dif- (g) Placita autem dicimus poenas pecuni- faifina injufta; In thefauro liberaverunt, Et arias in qiias incidunt delinquentes. L,2. Quieti funt. Idem Vicecomes reddit com- cap, 12. potum de iiij 1 & xilj s & iiij d, de minutis miicb Cliap. VI. of the E x c h e ci_u e r. 211 much in Revenue arifing from Pleas depending at the Exchequer. To proceed. In the fame 23d Year, there were Pleas at the Ex- chequer before the Jufticier : Ra/f dc Bakcmore was amerced there at half a Mark, Richard Fitz-Brien at xx s, and others in other Sums of Money (/->). There were Pleas at the Exchequer before Bertram de Ver- dun, William Fitz-Stephen, and Turjiin Fitz-Simon. There, Hugh, Son of Waldin was amerced at xl s for a Diffeifine againft the Aflife (i). In the fame Year, amongft the Pleas at the Exchequer there were Thefe : The Prior of Durham was amerced xx Marks, for an unjufl Dif- feifine ; William de Colvill was amerced xx Marks for a retraxit in an Affife brought againft Earl Simon ; Robert Fitz-Hiigh x Marks for a Difleifme ; Robert de Mortemer iij Marks, for an unjuft Diffeifme and a Default [k). In the 24th Year of that King there were Pleas at the Exchequer; and therein feveral Fines made and Amercements impofed : Baldnvin Wach fined in DCCCL Marks in a Plea between him and Bartholomew de BuiJJ'ei ; Jordan Tolebu fined in xxx Marks, to have Judgment and Seifm of the Land oi Chainejhery, Adatn'Tifun fined in x/ xj-, to have his Judgment againft Jordan 'Tolebu; Hugh Son of Ral/' gz.ve xx /, for a Fine for Land againft Roger de Candos ; Bafilia de Siimerton was amerced Cxiijj- and iiij ^for Breach of the Aflize; Robert Son of Brien gave xx /, to be quit of the Judgment of the hot Iron ; and William Fitz-Roger gave xl Marks, to have Right ioxHoSiort and Horthorp (/). In the 25th Year, there were Pleas at the Ex- chequer. {h) Nova Placita & Novae Conventiones pro diflaifina injufta ; In thefauro liberavir, per Juftic[iam] ad Scaccarium ; Idem Vice- Et Quietus eft. Willclmus de Colevill r c conies [VVillelmus RufFus] r c de dimidia de xx marcis, quia retraxit le de alfila ver- marca demifericordia Radulfide Bakemora, fus Comitem Simonem. Robertus fiiius Et de XX s de mifericordia Ricardi filij Hugonis r c d x marcis, pro diflaifina ; Brieni; aud for other fums the Amercements In th. 1, Et Q. e. Robertus de Mortemer of about feven other perfons ; In th. 1. in ix re de iij marcis, pro diflaifina injufta & de- tallijs, Et Q. e. Mug. Rot. 23. H. 2. Rot. falta. lb. Rot. 7. a. Lincolfcira. 1. a. Deveuefcira. [l) De Placitis ad Scaccarium : Baldwi- (/■) N. P. & N. C. per Bertram de Ver- nus Wach r c de DCCC & L marcis, pro dun & Willeimum filium Stephani & Turl- fine fadto inter ipfum & Bartholomaeum de tinum filium Simonis : Burgenfesde Briftou Buiflei. Jordanus Tolebu r c de xxx mar- r c de quater xx marcis de mifericordia pro cis, pro Judicio& faifina de terra de Chai- Sturmi foeneratore ; In th. 1, EtQ^f. Jor- nefberia. Adam Tifun r c dexl & xs, danus Dapifer Comitis Giocceftriae debet pro Judicio fuo verfus Jordanum Tolebu. L marcas pro dcfedlu. Item de Placiti,^ eo- Hugo fiiius Radulfi r c de xx 1, pro fine rundem ad Scaccarium : Hugo fiiius Wal- terras verfus Rogerum de Candos. Bafilia dini debet xls pro Di.Qaifina contra AfRfam. de Sumerton r c de C & xiij s & iiijd pro Mag. Rot. 23. H. 1. Rot. 3. b. Gloec. aflifa infrada. Afzelinus de Nodton r c de (k) De Placitis ad Scaccarium : Prior xx marcis pro pleg[iagio] Jordani de Wal- Dunelmcnfisrcdditcompotum de XX marcis, tervill. Robertus fiiius Brieni r c de xxl E e 2 pro 212 Of the Business Chap. VI. chequer. There, Thomas le Fleming and OJI>ert Son of WiiTiam were refpedlively amerced for a Difleifine (w). There alfo, Roger Son of H-verard was amerced for not having-forth his Vouchee to warrnnt, Edward Son of Robert for the fame, Odo de Dammar tin for dilfeifing Reginald de Ltici (n). In the 29th Year of the fime King, there ■were Pleas at the Exchequer; there Beneit the Jeiv oi Canterbury was amerced xx Marks, for demanding a Debt upon Charter for his Bro- ther's Ufe, which had been paid to him before ; and IJ'aac the "Jew was amerced xx Marks, for denying a Thing which he had before affirm- ed in the King's Court. Again, Jacob and IJ'aac of Canterbury fined in a Mark of Gold, to have a Debt which Pulk Folet owed them. Robert de Hegjlede fined in xxj, for Right againft Henry de Shornes for a Tenement j Eiijlace Son of Lcfwin, in a Mark, for Seifin of Land, and Si7non de Chelfeldm a Mark, for leave to accord (i) Prior de Ledes [debet] dimidiam marcam, ut fcribatur in Mao-no Rotulo, quod Adam de Sumeri venit fuper Scaccari- um, & coram Baronibus dedit & conceffit &i Carta fua confirmavit, Ecclefiae S. Ma- rias & S. Nicholai de Ledes, Si Canonicis ibidem Deo fervientibus, Capellam S. Jo- hannis Ewangeliftae deBoitone &c. Mag. Rot. 10. J. Rot. I. b. Kent. {0} Gilebertus de Gilling. debet dimidiam marcam, ut fcribatur in Magno Rotulo, quod ipi'e venit fuper Scaccarium, &: co- ram Baronibus dedit & conccflit & carta fua confirmavit Rannulfo Alumpno fuo totam terram quam habuit in parochia S. demen- tis Dacorum Sic. Mag. Rot. 10. J.. Rot. 3. b. Lond. as" Midd. F f in Of the Business Chap. VI. 218 in Orfde fpj. Sir Gilbert de Finemere Knight came upon the Exche- quer, and before the Barons quitclaimed to the Abbey of the Mount of Koan, all his Right in the Manour of 'Tinge-voic {q). 'John de Horfindon came upon the Exchequer, and before the Barons enfeoffed Robert de Braibroc of the Land of Horjindon and the Advoufon of the Church of that Town (r). Adam de Tjhii came upon the Exche- quer, and before the Barons there granted to the Hofpital of Sim- pUngeham certain Land in Wellingour in Frankalmoigne (j-). Wil^ liiim de Ordlaiiejlon came to the Exchequer, and before the Barons gave and granted by his Charter to Hugh de Ainefmere, all his Land in Gucefton in Fee limple [t). Walter Ruffus granted before the Ba- rons of the Exchequer, by Charter of Feoffment in Fee, to John Wakmfis, a Tenement in Gyng Mountney [u) : and Alice de Hepnaorth granted before the Barons of the Exchequer, to Robert de Abendon all her Land in Boclande (li-'J, (p) Ricardus de Bello Vario debet dimi- dlam marcam, ut fcribatur in Magno Rotu- lo, quod Mirable filia Johannis Pilevel venit coram Baronibus de Scaccario, & quietum clamavit totum jus & clamium &c. Mag. Rot. 10. J. Rot. 15. b. EJJex & Hurt/. (y) Abbas S.Trinitatis de Monte Ro- thomagi [debet] dimidiam marcam, ut fcri- batur in Magno Rotulo, quod Gilebertus de Finerriere Miles venit fuper Scaccarium, & coram Baronibus quietum clamavit, pro fe & hffiredibus fuis, praedifto Abbati & Mo- xiachis Ecclefias S.Trinitatis totamquerelam & totumjus quod habuitin Manerio de Tin- gewic, quod clamavit tenere de eifdem Mo- nachis ad feodifirmam ; Et quod pro ilia quieta clamantia Radulfus Abbas praedicftae Ecclefias dedit eidem Gileberto xx marcas argenti. Mag. Rot. 11. J. Rot.i^. a. Fines de Bilk, b" Bedef. (r) Robertus de Braibroc [debet] dimi- diam marcam, ut fcribatur in magno Rotulo, quod Johannes de Horfindon venit fuper Scaccarium, & coram Baronibus dedit & conccflit & carta fua confirmavit Roberto de Braibroc, pro Homagio & Servitio fuo, & pro Lx marcis argenti de quibus idem Robertus ipfum Johannem acquietavit ver- fus Regem de debitis Judieorum, totam ter- ram de Horfindon quod eft de feodo Johan- nis de Monte Acuto &c. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 2.h. [3) Celerarius Hofprtalis Lincolniae debet dimidiam marcam, ut fcribatur in Magno Rotulo, Qpud Adam de Yfeni venit fuper 4 Scaccarium, & coram Baronibus de Scac- cario dedit & conceflit & carta fua confir- mavit Deo & Fratribus Hofpitalis S. Sepul- chri Lincolnite Ordinis de Simplingeham, & ejufdem Loci Pauperibus, pto xl marcis quas ei dederunt ad fe acquietandum ver- fus Regem de debito quod ei debuit, qua- tuor bovatas terras Sec. Mag. Rot 12. J. Rot. 6. a. Tit, Fines ifti debebant fcribi poft Lincoll. (/) Hugo filius Willelmi de Ainefmere reddit compotum de dimidia marca, ut fcri- batur in Magno Rotulo, quod Willelmus filius Johannis deOrdlauefton venit ad Scac- carium, & coram Baronibus dedit & concef- fit & carta fua confirmavit praedifto Hugo- ni, pro Homagio & Servitio fuo, totam ter- ram quam habuit in Gucefton — &c. Mag. Rot. 13. J. Rot. 5. l>. Kent. (u) Johannes Walenfis debet dimidiam marcam, ut fcribatur in Magno Rotulo, Quod Walterus Ruffus dedit & conccflit & carta fua confirmavit, coram Baronibus de Scaccario, eidem Johanni pro homagio & fervicio fuo, tenementum • &c. Mag, Rot. 13. J. Rot. S'b. (w) Robertus de Abendon Clericus debet dimidiam marcam, ut fcribatur in Magno Rotulo, Quod Alicia filia Petri de Hep- wurh, coram Baronibus de Scaccario dedit & conceflit & carta fua confirmavit eidem Roberto, totam terram quam habuit in villa de Boclande &c. Aiag. Rot. 13. J. Rot. 5. l>, IV. Be- chap. VI. of the E x c h e q_u e r. 219 IV. Befides Affairs of Revenue, Caufes, and common Bufinefs : there was (as I take it) Ibme Bufinefs of an extraordinary Kind lome- times tranfadled at the Exchequer both during this firft Period and afterwards : that is to fay, the Barons of the King's Exchequer did fometime? deal in Affairs relating to the State, or public Service of the Crown and the Realm. This will not feem flrange to any Man who confiders, that the Exchequer was anciently holden in the King's Court, before the King, if he was pleafed to be prefent : that the chief Jufticier (who was not only the chief Judge, under the King, in all Caufes, but was alfo a kind of Viceroy and Governor of the Realm in the King's Abfence) prefided as fuch as well in the Exche- quer, as in the Khigs Court: that the Affeffors at the Exchequer were fome of the King's Barons and great Officers of State, who were his ordinary Councellors ; that in particular, thefe Latter were exprelly flyled the King's Council, even when they adled at the Exchequer in the ordinary Caufes or Affairs to be confidered or ad- judged there : and laftly, that the Exchequer was a Place where the King's Council frequently met together about the King's Bufinefs : I fay, he that confiders thefe Things, will not think it ffrange that the Barons of the Exchequer fliould fometimes be concerned in Af- fairs relating to the Government and Defence of the Realm, and to the Confervation of the public Peace. And this Conjedure is fup- ported by the TeiHmony of the Treatife Magijler & Drfcipidus, which is printed at the End of this Work. That Author Ipeaks thus ; " 'The Authority of this Court [viz. the Exchequer) is very " great, as well in refpecft of tlic King's royal Image ihining forth " in his great Seal which is kept in the Treafury there, infeparable *' from his other Treafure, as alfo in refpedl: of them who fit " there ; by whofe Wifdom the whole Realm is preferved in order " and fafety. For at the Exchequer refided the King's chief Juf- ** ticier, who is next to the King in Authority and Jurifdicftion. " And there alfo do refide other great Men of the Realm, who arc " of the King's private Council, &c (x)." It is not to be underftood, that Affairs of Policy were the ordinary Bufinefs of the Barons or Majores at the Exchequer : but that they attended upon thofe Affairs as Occafion required ; and then probably they retired to the Thalamus Secrctorum, the Council-chamber near the great Exchequer, Avhcre they took Advifement together upon fuch Things as were proper to be confidered privately amongft themfelves (y). To the Tefti'mony of this famous Author, I will add a few other Mcmoires. \v\ {x) Dialog. L. I. cap. 4. Licet eorum. torum. AJ hunc accedunt B.iiones, cum \y) Cultodit idem oftiumThalami I'ccie- pioiioiiitur tis \erbum ambiguuni ad Scac- I' .f 2 carium, 2 20 Of the Business, &c. Chap, VL In the Reign of K. Henry II, William Bajjet Sheriff of Warwick' Jl.nre, by command of the Barons [of the Exchequer], added two Knights to the five Knights, and ten Serjeants who before kept guard in Warwick-Cajlle (z). In the fame Reign, Henry de Cornhill, being charged with xxxj / ijj & v d. for the old Ferm of Kent and other Things, alledged that his Father [Gerva/e] had laid out far more than that Sum, by the exprefs command of the Barons [of the Exchequer], in Liveried or Appointments for Ships, and for Knights, and Serjeants, and others joined with them by Order of the King's Court, in the Time of the late War (a). And it appears, that Ger- •vafe de Cornhull ^2.6. been employed in fitting-up of Ships, and pro- viding Neceffaries for Knights in the Caftles that were within his Bailywick {^b). In the Reign of K, Richard \, when the Archbifhop of Roan was made chief Jufticier, he would do nothing (faith R. de Hoveden) in the Government of the Realm, but with the Confent of his Conjufliciers, and with the Advice of the Barons of the Exche- quer (f). Of the Bufinefs and Proceedings in the Exchequer during this Period, hitherto. canunr, de quo malunt feorfum traflare quam in auribus omnium. Dialog. L, i.eap. 7. Oftium domus. (z) Et in liberatione ij Militum quos ipfe accrevit prsecepto Baronum ad cuftodiam prasdidti Caftelli &c. Mag. Rot. 20. H. 2. Rot. 10. b. JVar. Legerc. [a) Henricus de Cornhill debet xxxj 1 & ij s & V d de Veteri firma de Kent, & ter- Y-x Epifcopi Baiocenfis & Proprefturarum, ficut annotatur in Rotulo annl praeteriti : Set dicit Patrem fuum haec & longe plura mififTe, de proprio praecepto Baronum, in liberationibus Navium, & Militum, & Ser- vientum, cum aflignatis fibi de Curia Socijs, tempore Hoftilitatis. Mag. Rot. 32. H. 2. Rot. 13. a. Client. [h) Gervafms de Cornhull non reddidit compotum hoc anno de firma de Ghent, neq; de Terra Epifcopi Baiocenfis, neq; de proprefturis, neq; de debitis Regis in hoc Comitatu: QuiaClerici & MarefcalH Regis nondum venerant, qui mifTi fuerant cum e& ad liberationem Navium & Militum de Caftellis Ballias fuas faciendam. Mag. Rot.^ 20. H. 2. Rot. I. (7. Ghent. (f) Et in loco illius inftituerunt Rotho- raagenfem Archiepifcopum, qui nihil gperari voluit in regimine Regni, nifi per volunta- tem & conl'enfum Sociorum fuorum afligna- torum, & per confilium Baronum Scaccarij. Hoved, P. 2. p. 702. «. 10^ G H A P, w chap. VII. Of the Exchequer of the '^kws. 221 CHAP. VII. Of the E X c H E CLU ^ ^ of the Jews. I. Of the Revenue p/' Judaifm. II. Of the Exchequer of the Jews. III. Of the Jtijiices of the Jews ; their Appoint^nent to their Office y their Privilege, and furiJdiSlion. IV. Of the fewTjli CharaSlers and Stars. V. Of the Chirographers and Cofferers of the Judaifm. VI. Certain Laws or AJizes of the JvLAziim. VII. That the Revenue of Judaifm and the Exchequer of the Jews were under the DireSiion and Contrail of the Treafiirer ajid Barons. VIII. The Conclufion. I. X E T us now fpeak briefly concerfting the Exchequer of the J J Jews. The King of England was wont to draw a confidera- ble Revenue from the Jews refiding in this Realm : namely, by Tal- lages, by Fines relating to Law-proceedings, by Amerciaments im- pofed on them for Mifdemeanors, and by the Fines, Ranfoms, and Compofitions, which they were forced to pay, for having the King's Benevolence, for Protedion, for Licence to trade and negotiate, for Difcharges for Imprifonment, and the like. He would tallage the whole Community or Body of them at Pleafure ; and make them an- fwer the Tallages for one another. If they made Default at the At- terminations or Days of Payment prefixed to them, they were charg- ed with great Fines or Compofitions for it. In Sum, the King feemed to be abfolute Lord of their Eftates and Efifedls, and of the Perfons of them, their Wives and Children. "Tis true, he let them enjoy their Trade and Acquefi:s : but they feemed to trade and acquire for his Profit as well as their own : for at one Time or other, their Fortunes or great Part of them came into his Cofi-ers. They were a numerous Body (being fettled in many, efpecially the great Towns ©f the Realm) : and by Traffic, and taking of Ufuries and Mortgages of the King's Subjedts, they became very wealthy both in Money and Land. But as they fleeced the Subjedls of the Realm, fo the King fleeced them. Thefe Particulars afford a great Variety of Matter: which I mufl draw into as narrow a Compafs as I can. In 4 order 222 Of the E X C H E Q.U E R Chap. VII. order to that, I muft be content to mention fome Things that occur, i-elating to the Tallages laid upon the Jeivs, and the Amerciaments and Fines which they were wont to pay upon divers Occafions. In the ijth Year of K. Henry II, the Jews paid to the Crown a Tallage or Donum. The Sheriff" of Lincolnjhire ^zidi into the Exchequer xl/, which he had levied on the Jews in his County (aj. The Sheriff of Oxfordp.nre paid-in xx Marks, which he had levied on the Jews in his County fbj. The Sheriff of CatnbridgeJIdire paid-in L Marks, for the Donum of the Jeios of Cambridge (c). The Sheriff" oi Nor- folk and Suffolk paid-in the feveral Sums hereunder mentioned, levied on the Jews of Norwich, Thetford, and Bongex, for their refpedlive Donums (dj. The fame K. Henry II, anno Regtii 33 circiter, took of the Jews a fourth Part of their Chatells by Way of Tallage fcj. In the firff Year of K. Richard I, Ifaac Son of Rabbi fined in CC /, that he might be quit of [his Part of J the Tallage impofed upon the Jews by K. Hoiry II. at Geldeford (f) : he anfvvered great Part of this Tallage in the next Year fgj. In the third Year of K. Richard I, Jo/ce Son of Lie paid C s. towards the fecond Donum of M Marks charged (rt) Idem Vicccomes [Walterus de A- mundcvilla] r c de xl 1, pro Jiidxis ; In thelauro liberavlt. Et C^. e. Afug. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 9. b. Lincolicfcira. [h) Idem Vicecomes [Henricus de Oilli] r c de XX marcis, pro Judseis ; In thefauro C & vj s & viij d, Et in perdonis per breve Regis Judaeo filij Regis xxvj s & viij d ; Et in Sokis, per breve Regis, cifdem Judisis X marcas ; Et Q; e. lb. Rot. 5. b. Oxi- nefortjcira. ic) Idem Vicecomes r c de L marcis, de Dono Judasorum de Cantebrigia. lb. Rot. %. a. (d) After the Donums of the Knights and of the Towns in Norfolk and Suffolk, it fol- lows. Idem Vicecomes r c de xliilj 1 & vj s & viij d de Judseis de Norwico ; In thefauro xxxvij 1 & V j s & viij d in ij tallijs ; Et in perdonis per Cancellarium, Sanfoni xl s ; Et Benediclus reddidit C s pro Morello fratre fuo ; Et Qi, e. Idem Vicecomes r cde xxxl de Jud;eis de Tetford ; In th. i. in ij talJijs Et Q; e. Idem Vicecomes r c de xv 1 de Ju- daftis de Bongeia ; In th. 1. in ij tallijs, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de xxxiij 1 & vj s & viij d, pro Monctarijs de Norwico, In th. 1. in ij tallijs, Et Q^ e. Idem Vicecomes r c de V marcis de Monetarijs de Tetford j In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Norf. iJ Suthf. [c) After feveral Debts Jianding in Charge this Year upon the fnvs, it folloivs, De prae- diclis debitis Juda;orum fuftinemus ad prie- fens, Q^iia Dominus Rex cepit Quartum de Catallis fuis. Mag. Rot. 33. H. 2. Rot. 3. h. ad imu!n. To jeveral Debts Jlanding in Charge upon the Jews anno 34. H. 2, the like Award is fub- joined : Dc prsdiiStis debitis Judjeorum fufti- nemus ad prjefens, propter Tallagiumquod Dominus Rex capit ab eis. Mag. Rot. 34. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. (f) Yfaac filius Rabbi debet CC 1, ut fit quietus de toto Tallagio quod Rex Henri- cus Pater fecit apud Geldford, poft Suf- ceptionem Crucis ; De quibus debet reddere C 1 Dominica qua crmtatur L^etare 'Jerufalem, Et de refiduo, xxx 1 per annum, donee il- las prasditfas CI perfolverit, fcilicetad fef- tum S. Michaelis XV 1, Et ad Pafchaxvl. Alag. Rot. I. Rie. I. Rot. 13. l>. (g) Debita Judaeorum de 1 allagio de Geldeford, pofita per Cancellarium in Ro- tulo : Yfaac filius Rabbi r c de CC 1 de Re- ragio Tallagij de Geldeford ; De quibus fi- nivit cum Cancellario ad reddendum xxx 1 per annum ad ij 'Ferminos : In thefuuro So miub Chap. Vir. of the Jews, 223 charged on \\\t 'Je'ivs (b). Anno Domini 12 10, K. y(3/6« I'mprifoned the ^ews throughout England, and took from them 66,000 Marks (i). In the 12th Year of K. 'John, at Brijiol in the Feafl oi All- Saints, a Tallage was affefled upon the Jews. To this Tallage, Jfaac the Chirographer fined in five thoufand one hundred Marks, for himfelf his Wife and Children ; and other Jews in their refpedlivc Sums. Part of this Fine, together with fcveral Sums due from other yews, was anfwered by John Fitz-Hiigh in the thirteenth Year of K. John [k) : and other Part, together with other Sums due from the Jews for the fame Tallage, was anfwered by the find John Fitz-Hiigh in the fifteenth Year of the fame King (/). And in the 14th Year of that King, XX / and odd was paid-in for an Arrerage of the faid Tallage afiefied at Bri/Ioll upon the y^wj- of London {m). In or about the nth Year of K. Henry III, a Tallage was impofed on the Community of the Jews. The Jews of Cajiterbiiry made a FromiU'um or Fine for their Contin- gent of it, by the Hand of Walter de Kyrkeham and Simon de Hales (n). In the 14th Year of K. Henry III, the Jews had Refpite given them till the Ocftaves of St. John Baptiji, for Payment of the Re- fidue of the Tallage lately afi^efled on them j provided, that at that Time they paid three Parts of the faid Refidue, under Pain of doub- ling it; and as to the other fourth Part, for fecuring the Payment of it. much : and fo much allowed as paid to others ; Et debet Lxxvl. Mag. Rot. 2. R. 1. Rot. 12. h. (h) Jofce filius Lie de Briftou r c deCs, de fecundis M marcis quas Judaei Anglias promiferant Domino Regi : In thefauro li- beravit, EtQiC. Mag. Rot. 2- R.i. Rot.S. a. (/') Anno Domini M CC X. Hoc anno captivavit [Johannes Rex]omnes Judaeosper totam Angliam, & fpoliavit eos catallis fuis ad valenciam Lxvj mille marcarum. ExVett. Annal. Mcrton. MSS. in Bibl. CCCC. (D. l). ad ami. ill. (k) Idem J. [Johannes filius Hugonis] r c de CCCC & xxx 1 & xiiij s & ob. , de Taillagio Judasorum fatSo apud Briftou, quas ab eis recepit; quod Taillagium faftum fuit in fefto Omnium Sandlorum anni prae- teriti ; Et de xvij 1 & xviij s & xj d, de Tail i agio Meir filij Samfonis de Stamford de eodem Taillagio ; Et de M & CCC k xxxvj 1 & ix s & vj d & ob. de fine Yfaac Cyrographe & uxoris fuae & puerorum fiio- rum, fcilicet de finede v mille & C marcis; and the Tallage of the other Jews. Mag, Rot, 13. J. Rot. 22. a. (/) Idem [Johannes filius Hugonis] r c de CCCC & xxx 1 & xiiij s & ob. , de Taillagio Judaeorum fa£to apud Brifto, quas ab eis recepit ; quod Taillagium fadtum fuit in fefto Omnium Sandlorum anni praeteriti; Et de xvij 1 & xviij s xj d, de Meir filio Samfonis de Stanford de eodem taillagio ; Etde XX s de Meir de Abbendon & eodem ; Et de viij 1 de Yfaac de Wintonia ; Etde M & CCC & xxxvj 1 & ix s & vj d & ob. de fine Yfaac Cyrographarij &r uxoris fuse & puerorum fuorum, fcilicet de v Mille & C marcis ; and of others ; Summa, MM &C& Lixl &xjs. Mag. Rot. 15. J. Rot. 9. a. (m) Et XX 1 & iiij s & X d, de taillagio Juda;orum Londonias fa£fo apud Briftou. Mag. Rot. 14. J. Rot. 5. a. {)i) Vicecomes debet refnondere de Pro- mifTo fadfo Domino Regi de Communa Ju- daeorum Cantuariae, per Walterum de Kyrkeham & Symon de Hales ; Et dicit quod habet penes fe x marcas de illo pro- mifTo. Memor. 11. H, 3. Rot. 6. a. Kancia. they Chap. VII. 2 2/\. Of the L X C H E Q^U E R they were to have the Bodies and Chatells of tlie reft of the 'JeiDs {o) . Aaron the Jew of Tork gave Lx Marks, to be quit of the Tallage aflefled in xxjft Year of IC. Henry III, and four hundred and fourfcore Marks for his Areres [of Tallage] for eight Years paft (p). In the 25th Year of K. Henry III, a Precept was fent to certain Jews oi Exeter, to take Care, at their Peril, about levying and anfwering to the Crown their Contingent of the Tallage of twenty thoufand Marks affeffed on them, at the Terms appointed for that purpofe [q). The like Precept was fent to the "Jeiv-s oi IVinton ; and to the Je^os in Wiltejlnre, Dor- fetjhire, and other Counties (r). For the affeiring of this Tallage, an Extrad: or Tallage-Roll was delivered out by the King's Order to the Perfons to whofe Care that Affair was committed {s). In or about the 28th Year of K. Henry III, the Jews made Fine with the Crown in twenty thoufand Marks ('^_^. About this Time, there was alfo im- pofed («) Jud.-si habent refpedlum ufq; in ocla- bas S. Johannis Baptiflae de refiduo talliagij •fex mille marcarum ultimo fuper eos affiii ; per lie quod tunc reddenc tres partes totius refidui, fub pcena dupli nifi tunc folveiint ; & de quarta parte habebunt corpora Judseo- rum & catalla, ad (ixtisfaciendum de ilia quarta parte. Pas.Commun. i^.H.^-Rot.b.b. (p) Aaron de Eboraco [debet] Lx mar- cas, Ut fit quietus de taillagiode anno xxj, Et CCCC & quater xx marcas de viij annis praeteritis. Alag. Rot. 30. H. 3. £^5?-. m.i.a- (y) Devon. Mandatum eft Jacobo de Ex- onia, & alijs Jud.ieis quorum nomina anno- tantur in quadam Cedula, quod Rex con- ftituit ipfos Baillivos fuos, una cum Vice- comite Devoniae cui idem mandatum eft, ad diftringendum omncs Judjeos villE fuac ad J'olvendum Regi Taillagium fuum de parte qua; ipfos contingit de hoc ultimo Tailiagio Kegis XX millium marcarum. Et ideo prae- ceptum &c, quod ficut corpora fua uxorum h. puerorum fuorum & omnia catalla fuadi- ligunt, taiemdiftriiStionem faciant quod pras- di■) MagifterBenjamin & Jacob filius Ma- nafles, & Abraham & Manail'es filij Benja- min, & Samuel filius David, h Santo de Gurn?J,Qebent xx marcas, Ut Willelmusde Schelford & Mathaeus frater ejus diftringan- tur, ad reddendum eis xlij libras de Catalio & Lucre. Mng. Rot. 5. J. Rot. i. a. Cant. tf Hunt. tit. Nova Oblata. (s) Comitiila Judaa de Cantehr. & filij ejus & Judaei dc Lincolia r c de vij marcis auri, pro Judaea Lincolix quam filius Co- mitifis duxit uxorem fine iicentia Regis, In Thefauro xxiiij 1 pro iiij marcis auri, Et debet iij marcas auri. A-Iag. Rot. 15. H. 2. Rot. 12. b. Lund. & Midd. {t) Benediclus Jiida;us filius Deodati r c •de XX 1, pro vtflimentis benediflis quas fuf- cepit in vadium ; In th. 1, EtQ^ e. Mag, Rot. 17. H. 2. Rot. I. a. Norf. ts" Sudf. («) Judaei Norwici capti & detenti in pri- fona Regis, pro tranrgreflione quam fece- runt de quodam puero Chriftiano circumci- dendo, [debent] C marcas pro habendo re- fpedu. Mag. Rot. 31. i/. 3. Norf. isf Sufi m. I. a. (w) Jurnetjudaeus de Norwico debet M & DCCC marcas, Pro habenda refidentia fuain Anglia cum benevolentia Regis. Mag. Rot. s- R- I. Ret. 2. a. Nordfilch. isf Sudf. [x] R^uriel Judaea debet C libras, Ut habeat in virum YfaacJuda;umOxenefordix, ficut prolocutum eft inter eos. Mag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. I. b. Londonin (jf Midd. tit. No- va Oblata. (y) De Oblatis : Aaron de Ebor. & Aaron filius Abraha* pro fe & focijs fuis [de- bent] xl marcas, pro habendo veredifto B. de Cryol. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 3. Lend, fef Midd. m. 2. a. (z) Judasi AnglixdantDomino Regi quar tuor Mille marcas, pro Cartis fuis confir- mandis. Et mifloe fuerunt Cartae Gaufrido filio Petri & Stephano de Pertico, ut eas fa- cial legi coram le & coram Dominis Londo- nienU Chap. vn. of the J E w s. 229 MM/; for a Manflaughter (a). Abraham Son of Rabbi owe A MM/, for an Amercement (<:;!'). Samue/ was amerced at v Marks of Gold, for a Bill of Divorce [c). Benet of Norivicb fined in xl/. and a Mark, becaufe he was prefent at a Concord made touching the King's Peace ; and that he might be difcharged of a Mifdemeanor he had committed in felling his Chatells to certain Jews (d). Abraham Son oi Aiiigay paid a Mark of Gold, becaufe it was not mentioned (as it ought to have been) in a Charter which he had from the Earl of Arundel, that die Manour oi Rowell wi.% mortgaged to him [e). Leo of Gloucejier gave xx Marks, for that he was accufed of being of the Society of Outlaws (f). And numberlefs other Fines and Amercia- ments were impofed on the Jev-'s ; which need not be here rehearfed. If the Jews failed in paying the Debts they owed to the King, he treated them with great Severity. For Example : The Jews of England being indebted to the King in five thoufand Marks, the King by his Writ commands the Treafurer and Juftices of the Jeivs, to diftrain them for the fame Debts, by their own Bodies and the Bodies of their Wives and Children, fo that the Money might not fail of being levied, and fent fpeedily to the King into Gafcony fgj. nicnfi & Norwicenfi Epifcopis ; & cum ac- ceperitfecuritatemde illisquatuor mille mar- cis reddendis, tunc eis illas Cartas coram pr£edi£tis liberet. Ohlata 2. J. tn. 3. {a) Judsi Londoniae reddunt compotum de MM 1, pro Infirmo quern interfecerunt ; In thcfauro DC &: xx . . . . Et in foltis per breve Regis, Rubigotfce C marcas argent), Et Manaffero Judao quater xx marcas ar- genti & Lxiiij s & ij . . . pio Willelnio fi- lio . . . . Et Abraham Judaeo xv marcas ar- genti, Et item Rabigotfce quater xx mar- cas argenti ; Et dtbent M & CLxvj 1 & xiij s & iiij d. Mag. Rot. 5. Stcph. Ret. 15. a. (i) Abraham filius Rabbi debet MMl de Mifericordia. Rex pracipit ne amplius exigaiitur ab eo per hunc Rolulum, fed ab- radantur de Rotu;o; Per breve fuum. Mug. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 10. b. (i) De placitis Curiae : Samuel Juda-us debet V marcas auri, de mifericordia pro Li- bello Repudij. Mag. Rot. 26. H, 2. Rot. 6. h. Norhant. (d) Benedi*Slus Judaeus de Norwico debet xl 1 & xiij s & iiij d, quia interfuit Placito Concordias de Pace Regis ; & ut habeat pa- cem de catallis fuis quae vendiderat Aaron & Abrahae 5: Yfaac de Coleceftria & Jofcio de Everwich. Mai;. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 3. a. Nordfokh & Sudf. {e) De Oblatis Curiae : Abraham filius Avigay debet j marcam auri, quia non con-- tinebatur in Carta fua de Coraite de Arun- del, quod Manerium de Rov/ell effet Vadi- um fuum, ficut effe decebat. Mag. Rot. i; R. I. Rot. 13. Z-. (/) Leo Judaius de Gloeceftria debet xx marcas, quia rettatus fuit de Societate Utla- gorum. Mag. Rot. 7. R. i. Rot. 13. Glo-wecejlr. {g) Philippo Luvell Thefaurario, &Juf- ticiarijs Judreorum ; Rex mandat eifdem, quod omnimoda diftrictione qua fieri poterit, fine dilatione diftringant JudEos Aiisjliae, ad foivendasei quinq; mille marcai, mitten- das ad Regem in Wafconiam ; h ad hoc pisdidtos judxos diirringant, tarn per cor- pora fua quam uxr)rum & puerorum fuo- rum, &etiam per vend : Ita quod nullatenus omittatur quin diftam pccuniam habeant cum teltiiiatione ad ipfum Re- gem ad partes praeditftas. Breve liberatuni eft Jufiiciarijs Judicorum. Mcmor. 38. Hi 3. Rot. 14. b. ill ims. A Writ 230 Of the E X c H E Q_u E R chap. VII. A Writ ill'iicd out of the Exchequer to the SherifFof GloiiccJlerJJjirc, commanding him to bring before the Barons on the Morrow of St. Aiuireiv, the Bodies of Michael Son of Ifaac and other Jews, to hear their Jutlgment dc corporibus fids, (according to the Starrs they had made to the King) for not obferving the Days prefixt to them for Payment of their Fine of twenty thoufand Marks. And the Sheriff was ordered to bring before the Barons at the laid Day, all the Chi- rographs and Tallies made to the Jews for Debts, that could be found in the Chirographers Chefls, and to feize into the King's Hands all the Lands, Houfes, and Chatells of the Je^vs, the fame having been forfeited by their Default of Payment of the faid Fine (/jj. K. Hcmj III. borrowed of Richard Earl of Cornis^all five thou- iand Marks fterling : and, for fecuring the Repayment thereof, afhgned and fet-over all his 'jevos of England to the faid Earl ; and bound them to pay the Earl three thoufand Marks which they owed to the King, at certain Terms or Days, under pain of forfeiting five hundred Pounds for every Default of Payment ; and gave the Earl Power to diflrain them by their Chatells and Bodies for the fame (i). K. Edward I. granted Cok Agyn a ^eia of London with all his Cha- tells X.O Alienor Queen Conlbrt {k). The fame King, having granted (/^) Glouc. Mandatum eft Vicecomiti, quod habeat coram Baronibus in craftino S. Andrese, corpora Michaelis filij If., Meyr filij If., Ifaac filij If., & Lunibardi filij Lumbardi, ad recipiendum judicium de Corporibus fuis, fecundum Scarra fua quae Regi fecerunt, eo quod non tenue- j unt Terminos fuos, de FinexxMille mar- carum quem cum Rege fecerunt ; & quod habeat ad praedi<5lum diem & locum, omnia CyrogrSpria & tnllias fub nomine eorum confeclas, & in archa Cyrographariorum inventas, de dcbitis qua eis debentur, fub SigiUis Cyrographariorum, & quod capiat in manum Regis omnes terras domos & om- nia cntalla priedidtorum Jud;torum ; Qiiia omnia foris fecerunt pro pra?dicto Fine non cbfervato ; Et Icire faciat diilinfte & apcrte prsdicfis Baronibus valorem dicfarum domo- rum & catallorum. prsedidtorum Judreorum, Et Breve. T. A Thcfaurario S. Pauli Lon- donis decimo die Novembris. Mkh. Com- jHun. 27. H. 3. Ret. 4. (I. (;') Rex omnibus &c. Noveritis nos mu- tuo accepifle a dile£fo fratre & fideli nollro R. Comite Cornubiae, quinq; millia marca- rum fterlingorum novorum & integrorum, ad quorum folutionem affignavimus & tra- didimus ei omnes Judasos noftros Anglia?. AlTignavimus etiam & obligavimus eofdem Judasos prasdi£lo Comiti, ad folutionem tri- um millium marcarum in quibus nobis te- nebantur, de tallagio eidem Comiti flicien- do in hunc modum, videlicet, that the Jnvs Jhoidd pay to the Earl, his Executors or Jf- fignes, in Quind. Trin. Anno 39, looo 1 ; in Quind. S. Mich, tbc fame Tear locol &:c ; i^ that the 'Jnvs Jhould forfeit 500 I for every default of payn.ent. The King grants the Earl power to dijlrain thetn hy their cha- tells and bodies ; tvith other Covenants. T. Rege apud Weftmon. xxiiij die Febr. anno &c. xxxix. Pat. 39. H. 3. 7n. 13. [k) nee idem Robertus [de Percy] aliquam adhuc indc acquietanciam fit afie- cutus ut Rex accepit, eo quod eundem Cok cum omnibus bonis & catallis, karilTimae Conforti Resris Alienorje Rectinae Anoliie conceffit, ita quod ipfe nuUam fui vel bono- rum fuorum habeat poteltatem acquietan- ciam aliquam faciendi — . Trin. Commun. 6. E. I. Rot. 7. e. Aaron Chap. vn. cf the Jews. 231 Aaron Son of Vlves a "Jew, with all his Chatells, to his Brother Ed- mund, fo that the King or his Heirs or their Minifters (liould not in- termeddle with Aaron or his Chatells without the Confent of Ed- mund, Commands the Barons by Writ, not to \\\q\^^ Aaroii or meddle with his Chattels, contrary to that Grant, for any Tallage that fliould be affefTed upon the 'jeijss (I). About the 13th Year of K. Edward I, certain Com-mifiioners were appointed to difcover and feize, at Winchejler, Brijio!, and Devizes, the Goods and Chatells of the Jeivs who were condemned for certain TrefpafTes, and to fell and dilpofe of their Houfes, Lands and Rents. The Executors of William de Bray beof one. of theie Commiflioners rendred an Accompt in the Ex- chequer, for the IfTues of the faid Forfeitures {m). II. The Receipt or Place appointed for the Management of this Revenue of the Judaifm, was called Scaccarium yudceorum or 'Judaifmi. It was a Part or Member of the great Exchequer. And they had there Rolls or Records, wherein the Writs and Proceedings of the 'Judaifm were entred. And Summonces iffued out of the Exchequer of the 'Jei.as for the King's Debts, like as out of the great Exche- quer. William de Hajlings flood charged, in the Roll of the great Judaifm, amongft the Fines of the Jews, with a Debt of xxvij /. due from MoJJe Son of Ifaac de Colechejier. He anfwered it in the (/) Baronibus & Jufticiariis ad cuftodiatn JudsEorum aflignatis. Cum Rex dederit & conceflerit Edmundo fratri fuo, Aron fili- um Vives Judasum Londonise, cum omni- bus bonis & catallis fuis, ita quod Rex & hseredes i'ui feu miniftri fui quicunq ; de ipfo Judaeo aut bonis& catallis fuis, fine licentia & voluntate ipfius Edmundi, non intromit- tent quoquomodo : Rex mandat Baronibus, quod ipfum Aron, occafione alicujus Talla- gij fuper Judasos aiTidendi, non moleflentin aliquo feu gravent, nee de bonis & catiUis fuis intromittant, contra doniitionem &con- ceffionem Regis prsedittam. T. Regc apud Weftmon. ix° die Julij anno xviij". Trin. Commun. 18. E. 1. Rot. b. in in:}. (?n) Compotus Johannas qua fuit uxor Willclir.i de Braybeof, unius executorum teftamenti praefati Willelmi, per Fratrem Ricardum de Brikevill attornatum fuum, & Johannis Randolf alterius executorum tefta- menti prxdidl ^Viilelmi, CuiRex commifit officium de bonis & cattallis Judaeorum dampnatorum per duo brevia Regis Patentia, In quibus continetur, quod Rex affignavit ipfiwii Willelmum loco Johannis le Fauco- ner qui diem claufit extremum, ad officium de bonis & catallis Judaeorumdampnatorum, quod idem Johannes habuit ex commiffione Regis apud Wintoniam, Briftollum, & De- vifas, exequendum, & ad pecuniam & ad omnia alia bona & catalla quae executores teftamenti prsfiUi Johannis eidem Willelmo per praeceptum Regis liberabunt recipienda, & inde difponendum prout ad commodum Regis magis viderit cxpedire, Et etiam quod Rex dedit cidem Willelmo poteftatcm ven- dendiomnes demos terras & reduitus praedic- torum Judaeorum dampnatorum pro tranf- grefTionibus eis inpofitis, in locis in quibus idem Willejmus affignatus eft per Regem ad inquirendum de tranfgreffionibus prxdidtis. Idem reddunt compotum Sec. Mag. Rot, 13. E. I. in Rot. Cnnpotoi-. m. i. b. Roll 232 Of the E X c H E CLU E R Chap. VII. Roll of the Jiidtiifm for Warn'ickfinre («). In the 33d Year of K. Henry \\, the Debts and EfFe<5ls of Aaron the Jeiv being then, as it feems, feized into the King's Hands, Writs of bummonce to levy the faid Debts pro Rege, were ilTued out of the Exchequer fo) : and again in the next Year fpj. The Sheriff of Lincolnfl^ire upon his Profer at the Exchequer, paid-in xxv/ and odd, levied by the Sum- monce of the Exchequer of the Jews (qj. The Sheriff of the (bounties o( JVar-JDick and Leicejler paid-in Money levied upon the like Sunimonce (r) ; and other Sheriffs in other Years. In the loth Year of K. Edward I, a V/rit was fent to the Barons, intimating that the Kins was defirous to know, how the Affair touching; the Eftreats of the yudaifm \ycnt forward; and commar ling the Barons, to caufe all the Money arifing by tiie fiid Eftreats to be kept in a Cheft in the Treafury by itfelf, and the Proffer which any Sheriff fiiould make out of thofe Eftreats to be written and enrolled in a Roll by itfelf; and that the Money (o put by itfelf fliould not be removed without the King's Order (j). Neverthelefs, Debts of thtjudaifm were fome- times charged in the Rolls of the great Exchequer, and Proceedings were had there touching the fame. For Example : The Effcils of a yewefs named tbe ^een being feized into the King's Hands, feverrl X)ebts due to her were anfwered to the King at his Exchequer (/). The Debts («) Willelmus de Haftiii2;s debet xxvij 1 pro Mofieo filio YCaac de Coleceftria, ficut continetur in Rotulode Magno Judaifmode finibus Judseorum ; Sed relpondet in Ju- daifmo de Warewik. Mag. Rot. j. H. 3. Rot. 5. a. (0) Et Helyx Oftiario j marcam, ad por- tandas Summonitiones de Debitis Aaron Ju- dsi per Angliam ; Et eidem xij d pro Cera ad eafdem Summonitiones figillandas. Afag. Rot. 33. H. 2. Rot. I- b. Et ib.juxt.toti- dem vcrbi;. (p) Mag. Rot. 34. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. \q) Lincoln. Vicecomes venit per Wal- terum le Venur clericum fuum, & tulit (i) Rex mandat Baronibus ; Qiiiamodi'; omnibus Icire vult per qucs, quaiiter, & quomodo negocium de Extraclis Judailmi, quod nuper de diverfis debitis expediri prsf- cepit, fiat &expediatur, Quod totam pecu- niam provenientem de eodem Judaifmo per Extraflas praediiflas, maxime faftas per Ma- giftrum Henricum de Bray, in quadam Cifta in Thefauraria per fe poni faciant, falvo cuftodiendaufqiAdventum Regis apudWeft- monafterium. ProfFrum autem fingulorum Vicecomitum de Extraftis illis, quantum vi- delicet quilibet per fe proferat & folvat, & quade caufa, & ad quam fummam proftVum hujufmodi attingat, & de quo tempore, in CCCCvj 1 iiij s iij d : De quibus CLxvj 1 quodam Rotulo per fe confcribi h irrotulari de firma, & xxv 1 xvs viij d de Summoni- tione Scaccarij Juda;orum, & refiduum de alijs Summonitionibus. Paf. Adventus 15. E. I. Rot. 24. a. (r) War. & Leyc. Vicecomes venit h tu- lit CCxlix marcas. De quibus Cxxix mar- cas de firma, Et Lxxv 1 xv s viij d de Sum- monitione Scaccarij Judaeorum, Mich. Ad- cjent. 14. £5" 15. E. I. Rot. 25. a. faciant. Provifo eciam, quod pecunia pra;- difta fie per fe pofita falvo cuflodidtur, nee aliquid inde quoquo modo amoveatur, donee aliud inde dederit in mandatis. Paf. Commun. g. cf 10. E. I. Rn. 4. a. (t) Idem Vicecomes re de iij marcis, de Regina Jud»a, pro debito quod Walterus de Weflberia debebat ei ; Et de j marca de eadem Judsa, de debilo quod Radulhis de Clin ten Chap. VII. of the Jews. 333 Debts due to Aaron of Lincoln were charged in Rotulo for the King's Benefit j as appears by the great Roll of the fifth and other Years of that King {14). Robert Earl of Leiajler owed feveral Debts to Aaron the 'Jew of Lincoln, which were fecured by Mortgages of feveral of the Earl's Lands fpecified hereunder. When Aaron's Eftate was feized, thefe Debts amongft others, were put in Rotulo for the King's Profit {%v). Aaron of York fined with the King in C Marks a- Year to be paid at the Exchequer, that he might during his Life be quit of Tallage. Afterwards, the King was pleafed to order that Lx Marks a- Year fliould be accepted of him for that Fine : the fame to be paid at the Exchequer of Eajler and the Exchequer of Michaelmafs yearly (.v). A Writ ilfued out of the Exchequer, where- by the '^Sxtx'y^i oi Nortbamptonjtyire was commanded to diftrain Richard de Warenne Son of K. John, or his Terretenants, for xl Marks, a Debt which he owed to Jofce the Prieil a Je^-.v of London (y). In fine, there was alfo a Wardrobe of the Judaifm near the Exchequer of the Jews. In the 44th Year of K. Henry III, it was broke open^ and feveral Books and Rolls ftolen away (zj. III. Certain Perfons were afligned to be Curators of this RevenuCi. They were ufually ftyled Ciijlodes and Jujliciarij Judaorum. In the more ancient Times, they were commonly Chrijlians and Jews ap- pointed to ad: together in that Office. Afterwards, they were, for the mofl Part, Chrijlians only. They were ufually put into their Clinton & Willelmusfilius Ricardi debebant ei: In thefauro liberavit in ij taljijs, Et Q. C. Mag. Rot. 29. H. 1. Rot. 9. a. Oxinef. (u) Rotulus de Debitis Aaron Judaei Lin- collis. Mag. Rot. 5. Ric. i. Rot. 3. b. in Ima ora Rotuti : Tlie Hie in other great Rolls cfK. Richard I. (w) De Debitis Aaron : Robertus Comes LegerceftrJEe debet CCCC & Lij 1 & vj s & viij d fuper Bleneford h Kingefton in Dorl'eta, & Sepewich & Hakeneft. & Cump- ton, & Colingeburn, & Everlega, Wikin- gefton, & Turmodefton, h Belegraua, ^ Schepeheued, & Androdefbi, & Norman- ton, & Seldton ; Et xxxix I per aliam Car- tarn. Mag. Rot. 5. R. I. Rot. 8. «. IVar, isf Legerc. (x) Rex conceflit Aaron Judaeo Ebor. , qui prius finem fecerat cum Rege ut tota vitaiua quietus effet de Tallagio per Centum marcas annuas ad Scaccarium Regis redden- Vol. L das, [quod] reddat Regi de CTtero ad idenj Scaccarium Lx marcas pro eadem quietantia, videlicet ad Scaccarium Pafchas xxx marcas, ad Scaccarium S.Michaelis xxx marcas. Et niandatum eft Jufticiarijs ad cuftodiam Ju- daeorum alHgnatis, quod fic fieri & ita inro- tulari faciant. T. Rege apud Merleberg xix die Februarij. ExOrig. 20. H. 3. m. 4. (y) Norhamton. Mandatum eft Viccco- miti, quod diftringat Ricardum de VVaren- na filium Regis Johannis, vel tenentcs ter- ras ipfius, ad reddendum Regi xl marcas de debitis Jofcei Prefbyteri Judasi Londoni'K. Mcmor. 25. H. 3. Rot. \\. a. (%) Memorandum quod die Jovis fcilicet die S. Johannis ante Portam Latinam, circa horam meridiei, nunciatum fuit Baronibus de Scaccario, quod hoftia de Garderoba dc Judaifmo juxta Scaccarium Jud^orum in- venta fuerunt fra<3:a, & libri Si rotuli afpor- tati. Paf. Communia iSf\. H. 3. Rot. 10. a. H h. Office 234 ^f ^^^^ E X c H E Q.U E R Chap. VII. Office by the King, by Letters of the great Seal. William Briton was made a Jullice of the Javs by a Writ of the great Seal recited hereunder [a). "John le Moym and Robert de Fulicham were made Juflices of the Je%vs by the Patent hereunder cited {b). But fome- times the Treakirer and Barons have appointed a Juftice of the Jczas., and other Clerks of the Juda/fm ; by the King's Direcflion. K. Henry III, commanded the Barons of the Exchequer to furvey the Tallage aifeffed upon the Jews by Thomas de Ippegrave ; and to yq- xnovc Adam de Wintoii from his Office of Juftice of the yeios, and fubflitute in his Room William de Hafelbech [c). And K. Edward I. having made William de Middleton Cujlos Brevium of the comm.oii Bench, commanded the Barons to take of him the Key of the Chell for the Jewijl:) Tallage, and to commit it to the keeping of fome other trufty and prudent Perfon [d). Thefe Juftices of the Jeivs exercifed Jurifdidion in the Affairs of the Judaijhi ; namely, in the Accompts of that Revenue, in Pleas upon Contrails made with the "Jeivs, in Caufes or Queftions touching their Lands or Chatells, their [a) De Jufticiarijs ad Scaccarium JuJaeo- rum. Rex Hugoni de Bathonia &; Elyas de Sunninc;e falutem. Sciatis quod aflbciavi- mus vobis di & fi n Willelmum Britonem, lit alTiftat vobis ad ea expedienda quae Scac- carium noftrum Judsorum tangunt; Etideo vobis mandamus, quod i plum ad hoc admit- tatis, T. Rege apud Keninton vj die Juiij. 'CL 18. H. i'm. 16. dorfo. (b) Rex omnibus &c, Salutem. Sciatis quod affignavimus diledtos & fideles noftros Johannem Ic Moyne & Robertum de Eul- leham, Jufliciarios noftros ad cuftodiam Ju- djeorum noftrorum, quamdiu nobis placue- rit. In cujus Jcc ; 7"eftc Rege apud VVeft- mon. v° die Dccembris. Ptit. 50. H. 3. »i. 40. (fj Baronibus pro Rege. QuiaEadwar- dus filius Regis cui Rex. Judaifmum fuum commifit. Regis prorfus & IVIagnatum ac Fidelium fuorum fpreto confilio, fubito & ex inopinato jam receffit, ad quofdam Re- belles Regis fe transterendo, qui Regem gra- vare & pacem Regni fui perturbare propo- nunt ; Rex diiftum Judaifmum cepit in ma- num fuam : Et ideo Rex mandat, quod af- fumpto iecum Magiftro Thoma de Canti- lupo Cancellario fuo, fi adhuc Londonias exillat, h tallagiym nuper afieiTum fuper Judaifinupi prje4i<^l|inni P?r Thomam de Ip- pegrave ad hoc affignatum per prrediiStuni filium fuum, videri, & illud ad opus Regis colligi 5c (alvo cuftodiri faciant, donee R^x aliud inde pneceperit : Adam vero de Wyn- tonia focium Roberti deCrepping ab officio fuo amoveant, & loco fuo Willelmum dc Hafelbech fubftituant ; Ita quod ijdeni Wil- lelmus & Robertus officio Jufticiarirejud.-eo- rum amodo intendant, donee Rex aliter in- de duxerit ordinandum ; Eteifdem Jufticia- rijs firmiter injungant ex parte Regis, ne praefato filio fuo vel fuis in aliquo intendant, & quod omnibus Judaeis Angliae hoc idem fcire faciant ; Et hoc non mittant. 7". &c. Trin. Communis 49. //. 3. Rot. ll. b. (d) Rex avertens quod dile£lus clericus fuus Wijlelmus de Middleton, cui Rotulos & Breyia fua coram Jufticiarijs de Banco cuf- todienda commifit, eodem Officio taliter oneratur, quod levationi arreragiorum Tal- lagij Judaeorum fuorum commode vacare noii poteft: Mandat eifdem, quod clavem fuam, quae penes ipfum reftdet de archa Tallagij, ab eo recipiant, & earn alteri committant qui fideliter ac prudenter ea facial & confervet quae pertinent ad Officium Tallagij prse- diiti, prout ipfeWiliehnus facere confuevit. Tefte &c. Mich. Communia 4 isf 5. y?. Rot. i.b. . Tallages, Chap. vir. of the Jews. ^ZS Tallages, Fines, Forfeitures, and the like. For Inflance : in the 9th Year of K. Richard I. the Juftices of the Jews fettled an Ac- compt between Richard de Bitebroc and Samuel the Jew of Stanford, touching a Mortgage long before niade of the Land of Bitebroc by Richard to Samuel; and adjudged, that Samuel \w3iS fatisfied his Mort- gage-Money by Perception of the Profits from the Time the Mort- gage was made, and fo Richard had his Land again in the laid 9th Year, and Robert de Braihroc who was charged as Debtor to the Crown in x Marks for the Ferm of Bitebroc for the loth Year of K. Richard, was dilcharged of the x Marks {e). Benet de Talemimt a Juflice of the "Jews yielded an Accompt of the Ilfues of the Ju- daifm that came to his Hands. Particularly, he accomptcd for D Marks due from Aaron the JeiD of Lincohi (Jj. And in the Reign of K. yohn, Geoffrey Fitz-Peter recovered certain Houfes in St. Laure72ce Jury in London, before Simon de PateJIndl and his Fellows then Juftices of the Jews fgj. The Jullices of the Jews recorded in the great Exchequer, as there was Occafion, Things within their Cognifance, relating to the Judaifm. They made their Re- cord or Declaration before the Barons of the Exchequer in the Cafe hereunder mentioned ; and the Barons adjudged thereup- (f) Robcrtus de Braibroc r c de x mar- cis de firma dc Bitebroc ; In thefauro Nichil, Et in Pcrdonis ipfi Roberto x marcs, Per breve Regis ; Quia recordatum eft per Si- monein de Patefliull & Benediftum t!e Ta- Jemunt Cuftodes Judsorum, quod Ricardus Miles de Bitebroc, qui pradiclam Terrain de Bitebroc invadiaverat Samueli de Stan- ford Judaso, finivit cum prasdictis Simone 5c Bciiedifto anno prreterito per xv marcas (de quibus prneJiiHus Benediclus debet refpon- dere), ut Compotus fuus audiretur, utrum ipfe effet quietus de dcbito fuo fcilicet de L marcis, pro quibus invadiaverat piredic- tam Terram prasdiflo Judso, pcrpecuniam jeceptam a prsdifto Vadio, a tempore quo fuit invadiatum ; Et ita faclo compoto co- ram praedidtis & alijs, Judicatum fuit ut praediftus Ricardus eilet quietus ; quia ficut proedifti dixerunt, plus receptum fuit a prae- di6to Vadio, a tempore fcilicet Re2;is Hen- lici quo invadiatum fuit, ufq; ad tempus praedidti compoti, qiiam quinquaginta mar- cne; Et ita prsedictus Ricardus recepitanno praeterito quietum pradiiftum Vadium ; Et prsedidus Robertus prasdiflum Vadium non habuit hoc anno, Et ita Qiiietus eft. Mag. Rot. 10. R. I. Rot. 8. b. Rotclanda. (f) Aaron Judasus Lincollis debet D marcas, ficut ibidem [i. e. in Rotulo viij°] continetur. jSed BenediiStus de Talemunt refpondet inde in compoto fuo. Alag. Rot. 10. R. 1. Rot. 12. a. (g) Londonia. Mandatum eft Majori &• Vicccomitibus, quod conftat Regi per in- fpeclionem Rotulorum Regis de Judaifmo, confideratum fuifle anno regni Regis xv% quod Galfridus fdius Petri & hrcredcs fuifint quieti dc debito quaterviginti marcarum & diinidiw, quas exigebantur fuper domes quas fuerunt Roberti iilij Waltcri in Londonia, in Judaifmo inparochia S. Laurentij; qur.s qui- dem domos prasdictus G. difrationavit ficut jus fuum, coram S. de Patefliull & Socijs fuis tunc Jufticiarijs Judseorum. Confide- ratum eft eciam, quod illi qui decKterodic- tas domos cum peninentijs tenebunt, fint quieti de cifdem debitis ; Etquod Mathaeus Bukerel & hseredes fui inperpetuum fint quieti de eifdem debitis : So the King corn- ina7ids, the Demand ?nade upon the Tenants of thofe hotifcs to ceafc. Ex Meinor, 25. //. 3. Rot. 4. b. II h 2 on 236 Of the E % c ii V. QJ5 E R Chap. VII. on (/6), In fine, the Juftices of the Jews were looked upon to be Mem- bers or Officers of the great Exchequer ; and entitled to the Privileges belonging to Perfons reiident there. Hugh de BaJJing z Juftice (or Of- ficer) in xhtyudaijm was privileged to be Tued in the Exchequer only,, like as other Refidents in the Exchequer were wont to be : and accord- ingly, a Procefs begun againft him in the common Bench, was or- dered to be tranfmitted into the Exchequer to be determined there (i). Robert dc Fu/bam a ]u{\:ice of the Jeivs came into the Exche- quer, and complained of a Violence done to his Perfon in We/f- minller-hall by Robert dc Cokvill a Sergeant at Law : and becaufe the JulHces of the Jews were (as the Record exprefleth it) de gremio Scaca7-ij, the Treafurer and Barons fummoned the Serjeant to appear before them in the Exchequer: and there, in Prefence of the Trea- furer and Barons, and of Gilbert de Prejion and Roger de Mejjlnden Juftices of the Bank then fitting in the Exchequer, the Sergeant made an entire Submifiion to the Juftice of the Jews: whereupon, by Mediation of the other Sergeants of the Bank, they were re- conciled [k). In the 18th Year of K. Edward I, William de Carleton and (h) Kancia. Rex Vicecomiti. Scias quod confideratum eft per Barones de Scac- caiio, quod Alicia quondam uxor Thomas de. S. pacem habcat omnibus diebus vltaefure de demanda quani ei facis per Sunimonicio- nem Scaccarij de debito xj 1 & vs, quod idem Thomas nobis debuit pro Judsis ; quia recordatum eft per Jufticiarios ad Cuftodiam Judaeorum affignatos, quod terra quae fuit vadium noftrum pro praediiSbo debito eft de ha?reditate prajdiiStae Aliciae, h quod innul- lo contin^ebat prasdiclum T . T. H. de Burgo Jiiftiriario noftro apudWeftmonaf- terium, xvj die Aprilis anno r n vj°. Ex Memor. 6. H. 3. Rot. i. a. (i) Nicholao de Turri & Socijs fuis Jufti- ciarijs. Quia refidentes in Scaccario & co- ram miniftri qui compotis Regis ibidem au- diendis intendunt per praeceptum Regis, non debeiit, fecundum confuetudinem Scaccarij, placitare nee implacitari alibi quam in eodem Scaccario : Et Hugo de Bafing, quern Wal- terus le Forefter attachiari fecit coram eis per breve, necefie habet jugiter intendere prasceptis Baronum, pro negocijs Regis ex- pediendis in Judaifmo, & inde coram eis re- fpondere : Rex mandat, quod prasdictum bieve & procefTum loquelse habitum coram eis, cum omnibus loquelam illam ungea- tibus, mittant coram praefatis Baronibus in craftino Cinerum, Et dicant praefato WaF- tcro, quod tunc fit ibi loquelam illam pro- fecuturus, fi voluerit. Alfmor. 51. //. 3. Rot. 5. (7. (k) A-Iemorandum quod die Mercurij proximo ante feftum S. Martini, venit Ro- bcrtus de Fulham Jufticiarius ad Cuftodiam Judsorum affignatus, ad Scaccarium, & oftendit Thefaurario & Baronibus, quod cum iret in Aula Regis apud VVeftmonafte- rium pro quibufdam negocijs Officium. I'uum tangentibus, venit quidam Robertus deCole- vill Narrator de Banco, & manus injecit in ipfum violentas, ipfum per pectus trahcndo ; & pecijt emendas fibi fieri ; co quod ipfc & focij fiii Jufticiarij funt de gremio Scacca- rij. Propter quod pra;dii5li 'i'hefaurarius & Barones venire fecerunt coram eis praediftum Robertum de Colevill ; Qui tandem, aJ inftantiam fociorom fuorum Narratorum, concordatus eft cum prajfato Roberto de Fulham in forma fubfcripta : videlicet quod idem Robertus de Colevill venit co- ram diclis Thefaurario k Baronibus, & coram Gilberto de Prefton & Rogeio de RIeflinden Jufticiarijs de Banco tunc feden- tibus in ipfo Scaccario, in tunica difcinctus, capite difcooperto, li fuppofuit fe voluntati pras- Chap. VII. of the Jews. 237 and Peter de Leyccjlre Jufticcs of the "Jews had each of them xl Marks a-Year Salary (/). There were alfo Cnjfodes 'Judceorum in Normandy, K. "John by Writ Patent commanded the Senefchall of Normandy and the Cujtodcs of the Jeias there, to forbear vexing wrongfully Morell the 'Jew, faving to the King his Rights and Du- ties (mj. IV, The "Jewijl:! Charters (like as the Charters of other Men) were ufually called Chart<^ and Chirograpba. Some of them were called Starra, Starrs; a Name of iffi^r^/W original (n). When the Lands and Chatells of Aaro?i the "Jeio of Lincoln were taken into the King's Hands, Robert Earl of Leicejier was charged with CCCCLij /. and odd, which he owed to Aaron; but he was difcharged of CCxl/ and odd, Part thereof, upon fliewing-forth fix Starrs of Acquittance for that Sum under Aaron s Seal (0). William de Colevill produced before the Barons certain Starrs of Acquittance made to him by the faid Aaron fp), and Hugh de Nevill produced at the Exchequer a Starr of Acquittance made by Aaron to Hugh's Anceftours [q). Moft of the Starrs that I have met with were Releafes, or Deeds of that Sort. The Starrs were written fometimes in Hebrew, fometimes in praedidi Robert! de Fulham, tam de vita & membris, quam de terris, tenementis, & omnibus bonis & catallisfuis : Et idem Ro- bertus remifit ei pradiiSam tranfgieflionem, & admifit eum ad ofculum in forma prse- AiSta, Et concordati funt. Ex Memor. 52. H. 3. Rot. 2.b. (/) Liberate de thefauro noftro dileiflis & fidelibus noftris Willelmo de Carleton & Petro de Leyceftre nuper Jufticiaiijs noftris ad cuftodiam Juda^orum aflignatis quadra- ginta marcas, videlicet utriq; eorumviginta marcas, de termino S. Michaelis anno r n decimo o£tavo, quo termino Judaei in regno noftro extiterunt, de annuis feodis fuis quse eis conceflimus percipienda in officio prae- di<£to. T. R. apud Norham iiij die Junij. Lib. ic). E. I. m. 3. (in) Rex &c Senefcallo Normannias & Cuftodibus Judajorum in Norniannias &c. Prohibemus vobis ne injufte vexetis Morel- Jum Judaeum de Wclla, nee ab aliquo in- jufte vexari permittatis. Salvo nobis jure nof- tro & confuetudinibus noftris. T. meipfo apud 'likehuU xix die Februarij. Pat. 5. y. m. 2. [n) Seld. Tit. Hon. p. 643. [0) Robertus Comes Leirceftriae r c de CCCC & Lij 1 & vj s & viij d, de Debitis Aaron : In thefauro nichil ; Et in Qiiietan- tijs quas habet per fex Starra de Sigillo ipfius Aaron, CC & xl 1 & vj s & viij d. Mag. Rot. 3. 7. Rot. 17. b. (p) VVillelmus de Colevill debet Lij mar- cas, de fine fuo de debitis Aaron. Sed re- cordatum eft per Barones, & per infpeilio- nem fcriptorum Ricardi Britonis, & per Starra ipfius Aaron quae non habuit prae manibus quando finivit cum Cancellario, qua ipfe VVillelmus attulit, quod prsdiflum debitum reddidit: Et inde Quietus eft. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 2. a. Line. (q) H. de Nevill, qui habet filiam & hae- redcm Henrici de Cornhull uxorem, r c de C 1, quae requirebantur a Gervafio de Corn- hull h pracdiiSlo Henrico, de debitis Aaron; In thefauro Nichil ; Et in Quietantia, quam pr«di(Si G. & H. filius ejus habuerunt de praediflo debito, per Starrum quod praedic- tus Hugo protulit fuper Scaccarium coram Baronibus,quater XX & xl per breve Regis, Et debet xl. Mug. Rot. 4. J. Rot. 20. b. in imo. Latin 238 Of the E X c H E Q.U E R chap. VII. Zjat'in, and fometimes in French. Some were written all in Hebrenv : others bad only an Hebrew Subfignation. Of tlie former Sort was that made between the Priour of Dover and Jacob Son of Mclk (r) ; and Mr. Seldcn hath publifhed two others [s). Befides which, fe- veral of that Sort may be feen in Repofitories. Again ; fome of them were in French {t) ; and others in Latin. The moft ancient jfewi/h Charter that I have met with (to my Remembrance) is that of Aaron the Jew of IJncohi, made about the Year 1 176 (22 Hen. II.), the Tenour whereof is entred in the great Roll of the 9th Year of K. Richard I. It is a kind of a Releafe j and may be {z&w in the Margin (u). V, When the Jeins made any Charter or Contract, one Part of it was to be laid up in a public Cheft provided for that Purpofe, called the Cheft of the Chirographs or of the Chirographers. This Part of the Chirograph was called Fes Cirographi. Of this I fliall fpeak by and by (10). In the mean Time, let us mention the other Officers of the judaifm. Befides feveral Clerks who were employed in writ- ing the Rolls and MetJioranda of the Judaifm, there were certain Officers called Chirographarij, Chirographers, and Coff'rarij, Cofferers ; who had the Cuftody of the Chefis above mentioned, and of the {>•) Kancia. Memorandum quod ix die Oiitobris vcnit Prior S. Martini de Doura, & protulit ftarrum Jacob filij Melk. ebraico fermone fcriptum, fa£lum coram W. de Sanc- to Edmundo & alijs Jufticiarijs ad cufto- diam Judjeorum affignatis, in quo contine- batur quod idem Prior & Conventus quieti lunt de Milk, matrc fua & de ipfo Jacob & hx-redibus eorum, de omnibus debitis, que- rclis, & demandis, quae unquani debuerunt pra;di(3;o Milk, a creatione feculi ufq; ad linem, & de ipfo Jacob a creatione ieculi ufq; ad feftum S. Martini anno regni H. tercij xxix. Mich. Cotnmun. 29. H. 3. Rot. 2. a. (s) Tit. Hon. p. 644, 645. (t) Form. Juglic. num. DCLXXXIX. (u) Alexander Abbas & Conventus de Mealfe debent j marcam, iit fcribatur in Magno Rotulo, quod recordatum fuit per Barones, quod ipfi attulcrunt aliquando car- turn Aaronis Judaei, de quietantia debiti Willelmi Foffard ; quae carta liberata fuit prsediftoWillclmo coram Baronibus; Cujus cartas haec funt verba. Sciant omncs lep-entes h audientes Litteras has, quod ego Aaron Judausde Lincollia, atteftatitme hujiis mere cartae quietum clamavi Willelmum Foffard de toto debito quod ipfe vel pater ejus mihi debuerunt ; Etteftificor, quod ipfe eitquietus de debito quod debuit vel mihi vel Jofceo de. Eboraco, vel casteris Judaeis fubfcriptis, fci- licet, Kerfun, Elyae, Samfoni, Yfaac Judseo Pulcelle vel ipfi Pulcelle, vel Deulecrcffe de Danemarchia, ufq; ad feftum S. Michaelis anni incarnationis Domini Millefmii cente- fimi Lxxvj. Hanc quietam clamantiani feci ei pro Mille & CC & Lx marcis, unde Monachi de Mealfe adquietavcrunt eum ver- fus me. Et fciendum quod quafdam cartas hujus debiti jam reddidi, & eas fi quas ad- huc penes me habeo quamcitius potero red- dam : Et quod fccundum hcic recordumju- dicatum fuit per prasdi<3os Barones, quod nichil debet exigi a pra;di61:is Abbate& Mo- nachis, de debito quod exigitur a praediiSo Willelmo de debitis Aaronis, fcilicet de I> & X 1 & xiiij s. Mag. Rot. <). R. i. Rot. 4. b. Everwichjcira. (lu) Sal. 6.- Chirographs chap. VII. of //je J E w s. 239 Chirograplis and Charters made between the yt"ias, or between them afid Chrtltians. It is likely, they made Lifts or Dockets in Writing of all the Chirographs that were put-into or taken-out of the Chefts. In the Archive of the Collegiate Church of Wejimhijlcr., there is a Roll containing Dockets or Memorandums of divers Chirographs or Securities made to the yews. It conflfteth of lix Membranes : and beginneth at the Top with the Year of the King: being digefted by the Days of the Month ; as appeareth hereunder in the Margin. It begins at the ninth Year of K. Henry III, and fo goeth forward (x). This Roll was, probably, a Roll made by fome Jurtice of the Jeivs, or by fome Chirographer, or Clerk of the Judaijm. In the Jfifth Membrane of it, there is this Entry, <' On fuch a Day (faith " he) in the eleventh Year [of K. Henry III] we took out [of the Chefr] fuch a Chirographum, and laid-up there fuch a Chirographum" (y). In the Dorle of the fame Membrane, there is this Entry, *' Mafter William de Kentewell took a Chirograph of twenty five ■" Pounds out of the King's Cheft ; and put a Chirograph of twenty *' two Pounds ten Shilling into the King's Cheft, the vij Day of *' April in the twelfth Year of the Reign of K. Henry Son of K. " yohn {z)." And on the Dorfe of the fixth Membrane, there is this Memorandum, *' A Chirograph of xxx s under the Name of ■*' Roger de Swerdejlon is to be taken out [of the Cheft j] but as yet he «' hath paid nothing for it {a)." One would guefs that this Roll was written by Geoffrey de ^velueth\_am'\ or belonged to him : becaufe in one Part of it, he fpeaks of himfelf in the firft Perfon [b). But who this Geoffrey was, I do not know. The Chirographers were com- (a-) Annus R.egni Regis Henrici filij Regis dc viginti du3[bu]s libris & decern folidis, Johannis Nonus. Menfis Aprilis ; iiij° die ; vij die Aprilis anno R. R. H. filij R. J. duo- SafFridus cap[ellanus]deAbbeton debet red- decimo . lb. ni. 5. in dorjo. dere Moileo filio Abrahas xvj folidos argenti (a) Extrahcndum eft Cyrographumxxxs ad feftum Omnium Sanftoium anno R, R. fub nomine Rogeri filij Johannis de Swer- H. filij R. J. x°. And fo for the rejl. Ex dellon ; fed nihil adhuc paccavit pro illo. Rot. aiitogr. in archivo S. Petri Ipyimon. jtf, Jl. m. 6. in dorfo. \. a. _ {b) Julius; xxviij die; Galfridus de f^j Januarius ; Annus xj. Dieanimaruin Qvvelueth[am] Ifac filio Jurn[et] xxxvrijl, anno xj° extrahimus quoddam Cyr[ogra- ad feftum S. Johannis Baptift2e anno ix°, phumjxl fub nomine Domini Willeimi primus terminus Sec ; & conventum filij Roberti de Reydon ; & repofuimus aliud eft, quod prsedidlus Ifac nee hferedes fui po- yl ; die fcilicet quo obijt Simon Mercerus. tcrunt me diftringere nee hseredes meos, de Exeod. Rot. viz. m. 5. a. xl 1 nee de lucro quod inde emerget de v (z) MagifterVVillelmusde Kentewell ce- primis ajinis, in quibus ego fui principalis pituaum Cyrografunidevigimiquinq; !i- j^^,;^^^ ;„ ^^^^^ -■■,. CI & •="! & xvj ], bris de area Uommi Kesis, & pofuit unum ,,, , , ^ , , ?^ ■ Cyrosrraphum infra arcam Domini rRcisI T"*' Walterus dc Qwcluctham debet ei — . 4 monly 240 Of the E X c H E CLU E R chap. VII. monly Chrijlians and 'Je'ws acfting together ; and were planted in thofe Towns wherein there was a conliderable Number of yt^'j, as at Lincolny Oxford, &c. In the Reign of K. Henry l\\, there was a Cheft at Oxford ior the feivijh Chirographs, and the Chirographers there were Chrf tians and Jews (c). At Loudon there was a Cheft for the Jewijh Chiro- graphs, and the Cofferers there were Chriflians andy^wx (d). K. Rd- ward!, appointed Rafde Berners and the Sheriffof Ox/or^^/j/rt', to place a Cheft in the Town of Oxford, and to choofe certain. Chirographers Chrijlians and Jews, and in their Prefence to put into it all the Charters, Writings, Tallies, and Securities which they had then in their Cuftody ; wherein the fame were to be kept under the Locks of the faid Chirographers ; and other Chirographs were to be made for the future according to the Aflife of the "Judaifm, and to be laid-up therein, for the Safety and Indemnity of the Parties concerned (e). One Part of each of thefe Charters or Chirographs was wont to be put into the Chell: of the Chirographers of the Place where it was made ; and afterwards (in Cafe the King feized the Chatells of the yew as forfeited) to be brought into the Exchequer and there to be laid-up pro commodo Regis. The Chefts of the Chirographs were kept with great Care. At certain Times they were locked up ; and (c) Cyrographarijs Chriftianis & Judneis Oxonix. Mandatum eft eifdem, quod Pe- des Cyro2;raphorum quorundam Judasorum Oxonis, quos Rex capi fecit in manum fu- am per prseceptiim fuum, & quos eis mittit inclufos fub Sigillo fuo, ponant in archam Cirographorum Oxonis. Tefte &c. Paf. Commun. 27. //. 3. Rot. 10. b. (d) Baronibus & Jufticiarijs ad cuftodiam Judsorum affignatis, pro Aaron filio Vives Judaei Londoniae. Cum Rex nuper mifcrit dileiSos & fideles fuos Johannem dc Wefton & Walterum de- la Croce, ad quasdam ne- gocia Judaifmum Regis tangencia Londonis expedienda, Et Rex eifdem Baronibus & Jufticiarijs mandaverit, quod Coffrarios Ar- chr.ram Cirographorum Judasorum Londo- niffi tarn Chriftianos quam Judseos coram eis venire facerent, & denarios quos percipiunt poftquam Rex Archam praedidtam claudi fecit, liberarentprsefatis Johanni & Waltero XX 1, viz. unicuiq; eorum x 1, in partem fa- tisfacSionis expenfarum fuarum circa pras- miffa — . Ex Memor. 55. H. 3. Rot. 9. b. {c] Oxon. Cum Rex affignaverit Ra- ^ulplium d€ Berners ad ordinandUm una cum Vicecomite de quadam archa ponenda in certo loco infra Villam Oxoni;e, & ad eli- gcndos Cyrographarios, Chriftianos & Ju- dffios, fideles & legales, Ita quod indc co- ram eis ponerent in archa praedidta, fub fe- ruris Cyrographariorum praediftorum, om- nes Cartas, obligationes, Scripturas, tallias, & alias fecuritates, quas penes fe habent, & in depofitofeu in aequa manu vel alio modo, Ita quod ex tunc fierent fecund um aflifam Judaifmi cirographa de bonis & mobilibus Judaeis invadiatis, ad fecuritatem partium earundem & veritatem faciendum in hac parte ; Ac idem Radulphus nichil inde fe- cerit, ficut Rex accepk ; propter quod ne- gocium praedidlum adhuc remanet infeftum, in dampnum Regis non modicum : prscep- tum eft Vicecomiti, quod aflumpto fecum R. de Colefhull, cui Rex fuper hoc fcripfit, prasmiffa fimul cum eo faciat in forma prae- dicfta ; Et quod fcire faciat Baronibus in quin- dena Purificationis, qualiter praemifTa fuerit cxecutus ; Et mandatum eft Ricardo dc ColeftiuU in forma praedi£ta &c. H'tl. Bre- 'uiapro Ri'ge ij. E. i.Rot. 22. a. not chap. VII. of th J EW s* 241 not to be opened again, except at fuch Terms, or by Precept fVonl the King or the Barons of the Exchequer or Juftices of the Je%i's. When the Chefts were opened, they were to be opened publickly, to wit, in the Prefence of the Sheriff of the County (if it was in the Country) and of the Chirographers and Cofferers, or (if it was at London) in the Prefence of the Barons of the Exchequer, or Juflices of the "Jews, or other principal Officers of the Jiidaifm. The King by Writ commanded the Sheriff of WiltJJnre to go in Perfon to the Chefl of the Chirographers at Wilton, and to take-out, in their Prefence, all the Pedes whereby any Debt was fecured to Salomon the yew ; and to bring them before the Barons of the Ex- chequer (f). Baldwin de Lijle Heir of Margaret de Riparijs paid-off the Money due upon a Charter made by her to Aaron the ^Jew of Tork ; and thereupon the faid Charter was delivered-up to Baldwin (gj. Roger Son oi William del Park, having fatisfied a Debt due from William to Aaron a yew, the Charter given to the yew for Security of the Debt was taken-out and delivered to Roger (h). The King, by Writ running in general Terms, commanded the Barons and Juflices of the yews, to give Robert de Percy full Acquittance at the Exche- quer againfl the yews; the Barons could not, as they alledged, give him fuch Acquittance, unlefs all the Charters of Robert were taken out of the Chirographer's Chefls throughout England and quafhed, and they could not take-out and quafh them without a fpecial Writ : whereupon a fpecial Writ was awarded for that Purpofe (/). Accord - in2:lv (f) Wyltef. Mandatum eft Vicecomiti, filius Willelmi del Park fatisfecit ei dexxs quod perfonaliter accedat ad archam Giro- quos idem Rogerus Regi debuit de debitis graphariorum apud Wylton, & in praefen- Aaronis filij Jacob Judsei, cujus debita Rex tia Cirographariorum extrahat omnes pedes conceflit eidein Magiftro Samuel. Et idco per quos aliquoddebitum debeatur Salomoni pradifta carta extrahitur & eidem Rogeio de Ivenceftria Judaeo, & eos habeat coram liberatur. Mcmor. 55. H. 3. Rot. 7. a. Baronibus in odabis S.Martini; & habeat {}) per quod Rex mandavic Baro- Breve. Tefte &c. Mich. Commttn, 27. H. 3. nibus, quod convocatis fecum ad hoc Jufli- Rot. 3. a. ciarijs fuis ad cuftodiam Judasorum affigna- (g) Memorandum quod qusedam Carta tis, prasdifto Roberto [de Percy] plenam ac- quam Marger. de Riparijs Comitiffa Inful^ quietanciam inde fine dilationc fieri facercntj fecerat Aaroni de Eboraco Judaeo, liberata ac Barones id facere non potucrunt ut dice- fuit Baldewino [de InfulaJ haeredi ipfius bant, nifi omnes cartse prsedidli Roberti ab Marger. per Haginum & Crefie Judsos At- archis Cyrographarijs per Angliam extrahe- tornatos R. Regis Alemannise, qui una cum rentur & dampnarentur ; quas extrahere & eodem Aarone recognoverunt quod idem B. dampnare recufant, eo quod mandatum Re- plene acquietavit eandem cartam. Memor. gis fpeciale fuper hoc nondum recepcrunt, 42. H. 3. Rot. 10. a. ut Rex intellexit : Rex indempnitati ipfius ('/'jRecognitio Maglftri Samuel deLouun Roberti in hac parte providcri cu[.icns, Judsei : Idem recognovit, quod Rogerus niandat eildem ficut alias, quod convocatis Vol. I. I i fecum 243 0/ the ExcnzQjj E^ Chap. VIL i'ogly tlie Chlrographer's Cheft was opened* by Vertue of the King's Writ, in the Prcfence or by Diredlion of the Treafurer and Barons and a Jullice of the Jews (k), Robert de Herejh'd owed to Benet Son of Col a Jew, a certain Debt of fixfcore Pounds, by two feveral Charters. Benet ailigned the Debt to Aaron Son of Vives a Jeiu, as appeared by the Rolls of tlie Jiidaifm. Adam de Crokedak Guardiart to Roger Son and Heir of Robert de Hereford paid the Debt to Aaron on Roger's behalf, as appeared by a Starr of Releafe made by Aaron and enrolled in the Rolls of the yiidaifin. Hereupon, the Juftices of the Jews were commanded to deliver up the faid Charters ta Adatn. And in regard one of the faid Charters lay in the old Chefl of the Jiidaijni, the King now commands the Barons of the Exchequer, to open that Chcfl, to take out the Charter, and to deliver it to Adam on Roger s Behalf (I). Whereas William le Brun and Ifolde his Wife had fatisfied for certain Debts which they owed to the JewSf the King by his Writ commanded the Barons of the Exchequer and the Juftices of the Jews, to caufe all the Writings and Starrs relating to thofe Debts, that could be found in the Chlrographer's Chefts, to be taken out and delivered cancelled to the faid William and fecum ad hoc prsdiclis Jufticiarijs fuis,onT- nes cartas fub nomine praediifti Robert! & quorumcumq; Judaeoruni confeitas, ubi- cumq; in archis Cyr[ographariorumJ cxif- tant extrshi faciant & dampnari, h, eid'ein Roberto plenam acquietanciam, proutjuf- tum fuerit, fine dilatione fieri faciant in prxmiflis. T. &c. Breve eft in f. M. Trin. Co7nmun. 6. Edw. I. Rot. 7. a. [k) Thefaurario & Baronibus, pro Ro- berto de Percy. 'Tisa IVrit on behalf of Ro- bert. T. Rege &c XX die Junij anno r n fexto. Prjetextu vero hujus brevis fuperius irro- tulati, Thefaurarius & Barones, h Robertus deLudham JufticiarLus adcuftodiam Judaeo- runi affignatus, extrahi fecerunt quandam Cartam de Archa Eboraci continentem Du- centas libras, fub nomine Benedidi Crifpin Judai Ebor. h praediiSi Robert!, &: libera- verunt eidem Roberto quietain & canceila- tam ; in qua quidem Carta irrotulata fuerunt haec verba in dorfo, Ilia Carta eft quinq; Judsorum & didi Benedifti, fcilicet Joe. Nep. Aaron, Deudonefti Crefpin, Bonam. gen. Joe, Joe. fi. BcnediiSli, Habraham Levy. Mich. Commun. Incip. 7% E. I. Rot. 2. /'. (/) Baronibus & Jufticiarijs ad cuftodiam 2 Judaeorum a-flignatis, pro Magiftro Ada de Crokedak. Cum Benediftus filius Col Ju- daeus Londoniae in fua ligia poteftate, quod- dam debitum fexies xx librarum, in quo Ro- bertus de Hereford Miles defunftus, per duas Cartas, quarum una continet Lxxij I, & alia xlviij 1, eidem Benedifto fuerat o- bligatus,. Aaron fiiio Vives Judaso Londo- niae vendidiflet, ficut per Rotulos Regis de Judaifmo liquet evidenter ; & Magifter A- dam del Crokedal, nuper Cuftos Rogeri filij & hseredis prxdifti Robert!, diiSo Aaron pro codem Rogero de praediiSlo debito fatif- fecerit, prout in ftarro cjufdem Aaron in Ro- tulis Judaifmi irrotulato plenius continetur; Ob quod Rex pluries diftis Jufticarijs man- davit, quod fcrutatis rotulis, fi ita invenerint efte, tunc Cartas prjediftas prsdicflo Adae ad opus prjedi<£li Rogeri iiberari facerent : Cumq; unaCartarum illarum ficut Rex diflo Aaron referente didicit, fit in veteri Archa Judaifmi, Rex mandat Baronibus, quod a- perta Archa ilia, Cartam illam extrahanr, & eam praefato Adae, de aflenfu praedidti Aaron, ad opus dicti Rogeri, fine dilatione liberent. T. Rege apud Weftm. feptimo die Februarij anno decimo odlavo. Paf Commun. 18. E. i. Rat, b. Ifolde Chap. VII. of the Jews. 243 Ifolde (w). If a Charter made to a 'Jetu (was lofl, or) could not be found in the Chefl : it was ufual for the "jeio to whom it was made, when he was fatisfied the Money due upon it, to come and make an Ac- knowledgment in the Exchequer by Way of Releafe to the Party. Thus, Leo Son of CreJJ'e came before the Barons of the Exchequer, and declared that he had cancelled a certain Charter of Mortgage iiiade between him and Richard de Wejhnylne, and had releafed the Debt to Richard and his Heirs ; and granted withall, that if the faid diarter happened to be found in the Chefl of Chirographs or elfe- where, it (liould be of no Force ffij. For this Method of having one Part of the JewiJ}.^ Charters or Chirographs laid up in the King's Treafury, there feems to have been two principal Reafons : one, to prevent the Falfity of the yews ; the other, to enable the King to recover the Eftates and Credits of the Jeivs, and get them into his Coffers, whenever they fhould become (as they often did) forfeited or devolute to the Crown. It hath been faid before (0), that there were feveral Clerks in the Ex- chequer of the y^ie'j, for expediting the Bufinefs there, befides the Chi- rographers. The Juftices of the Jews had Clerks under them fpj. There was a Ctijios Rotiilorum. William de Middleton was Cujios Rotii- Jorum & Brevium in the yudai/i?!, and received of the King ten Pounds a-Year for his Salary (qj. William de Derby and Nicolas de Kyngefton officiated in the Judaijin, about levying the Tallage aflefled upon the (?/;) Baronibus & Jufticiarijs ad cuftodiam Juda^orum aflignatis, pro Willelmo le Brun & Ifolda uxore fua. ^ Volens quod Scripta & Starra quae in Archis CyrografFar. feu alibi de praefatis debitis inveniri contige- rlnt, extrahantur h penitus adnullentur; Et ideo mandat Baronibus & Jufticiarijs ad cuftodiam Judseorum aflignatis, quod Lite- ras Regis Patentes conceflionis praediftae co- ram eis legi & irrotulari, Ac Scripta & btarra prsedidta in Archis CyrografFar. vel alibi de prffidier Barones, quod &c. Ex Memor. 28. H. 3. Rot. 3. a. Etib. Rot. 3. b. Sumerf. {c) Petrus Aurifaber de Wyitonia venit coiam B.ironi'bus ; & iiide pro- [a) Mathsus de Coliimbers r c de xl s, Ut fcribatur in Magno Rotulo, quod cum queftus efl'et Baronibus de Scaccario, quod Bonefey Judaeus de Briftollo exigeret ab eo xl s de debitis Eudonis de Morevill, cujus filiam unam de haeredibus ejufdem Eudonis habet in uxorem ; , quod Bonefey Jidaeus Briftolli exigeret injufte ab eo C s cum ufura, dc debitis cjuldem Ehx, eo tjuod n;;llum protulit coram Baronibus prs- diclis CKDgraphuni nee tailieam de diCiis tulitquoddain ft.urum diifti Judxi, interip- fum iV diclum Judasum fccretius factum ut diccbat, coram Baronibus. Et quia non po- tcft probare folutioneai fartain, per ]uda;os t: Chi iiii.uios, ncc etiam ihirrum factum debito modo fccunJum legem & conliietu- dines Judiiilmi, Cc>nh. 41. H. 3. (d) Cum fecundum Aflifam & flatuta Ju- Rot. i. a. daifmi Regis, Judaei lui in Regno I'uo habere {g) K. Henry III, anno rcgni 41, gratited debeantaChriftianiscreiiitoribus niedietatem /jAronhlio V'ives Judaso Londonite, cufto- terrarum, reddituum, & catallorum fuorum, diam filij & hasredis Saulotifilij Samiel Judxi, quoufq; debita fua perceperint . Ex domonim, debitorum, & catallorum qua-. Alewor. 3 y 4 £■. I. Rot. 8. a. fuerunt difti Sauloti, & qux ad ipfum Do- (e) Rex Baronibus. Mandamus vobis, minuni Regem Hem icum pc r moi tcm ejui- quod Licoriciam qua fuit uxor David Ju- dcm Sauloti pertinebant: Habendum & te- daeiOxonise, cum catallis 8i vadijs quae fue- nendum ulque ad legitimam astatcm hsredis runt praedidti David, prster tres libros quos prsdidti, una cum maritagio ejufdem haere- retinuimus ad opus noftrum, liberetis fex dis fecundum legem & confuetudinem Ju- de ditioribus & difcretioribus Anglise velint deifmi. Et idem Dominus Rex Henricus nolint ; qui nobis refpondeant terminis i\z- per breve fuum mandavcrit Roberto de Ful- tdtisfine de v Mille marcarum, quem prse- bam tuncjufticiario adcuflodiam Judxorum affignato 248 Of the E X c H E CLU e r Chap. VII. Dower, to aflift her in recovering Pofleffion thereof {J3). Befides the Affifes or Statutes. made concerning the Judaifm, and the Debts and Contrails of the yews, and Things incident thereto : there were fe- veral other general Provifions made^r*? re nata for the Regulation of the yews. For Example : In or about the 37th Year of K. Henry III, it was provided, that no yew fhould remain in England without doing the King fome Service, that there fliould be no Schools for yeivs in England, except in Places where fuch Schools were wont to be in the Time of K. yohn, that all yews in their Synagogues fliould celebrate with a low Voice, according to the Rite of their Religion, and Cbriflians were not to hear them celebrating, that every yew ihould be anfwerable to the Retflor of his Parifli for all parochial Dues chargeable on his Houfe, that no Chrijiian Woman fliould fuckle or nurfe the Child of a yew, nor any Chrijiian Man or Woman ferve any Jew or ye-wefs, nor eat with them or abide in their Houfe, that no yew or yewefs fliould eat or buy Flefli-meats in Lent, that no yew fliould detrad: from the Chrijiian Faith, or difpiite publickly concerning it, that no yeiv fliould have fecret Familiarity with a Chrijiian Woman, nor any Chrjlian Man with a yewejs, that every yew fliould wear a Badge upon his Breafl:, that no yew fliould enter into any Church or Chapell, unlefs haply in pafling to and fro, nor fliould ftay there to the Diflionour of Chrijl, that no yew fliould hinder another yew who was willing to embrace the Chrijiian Re- ligion, and that no yew fliould be fuffered to abide in any Town without the King's fpecial Licence, fave in thofe Towns wherein yews were formerly wont torefide. Thefe Articles were to be obferved by nfli2;nato, quod eidem Aron Cuftodiam & bilem dotem fuamquse ipfam inde oontingit, Maritagium hsredis praedidli, & contraro- fecundum legem Scconfuetudinemjudaifmy, tulos debitorutn bonorum h catallorum pras- affignari h habere faciant. Et hoc prop- diiSorum, & aJminiftrationem eorundem ter aliquod Starrum acquietancias, quod fub fecundum legem & confuetudinem Judeifmi nomine alicujus alterius inde quam praedidii habere, & hseredem praediftum liberari fa- Samuelis,quod in Rotulis Judaifmi aut Scac- cerent. Et quod ad mandatum illud fecit carij praedifti irrotulatum inventum non fu- ut dicitur — . Trin. Comtmin. 13 y 14 erit, aut alio modo legali effe doceri poterit, E. I- Rot. II. (7. coram eifdem, nullatenus omittant. Et (/;) Baronibus & Jufticiarijs ad cuftodiam cum dotem illam fibi affignaverint, fint in Judaeorum affignatis, pro Rofa quae fuit ux- auxilium eidem ad dotem illam recuperan- or Magiftri Samuelis de Loun. Rex man- dam, prout de Jure & fecundum legem & dat eifdem, quod de omnibus debitis bonis confuetudinem Judaifmi fuerit faciendum., & cattallis quas fuerunt Samuelis de Loun &c. T. &c. xxviij" die Maij &c. Qusere re- (udaei Londonia; defiinfti, five in Thefau- fiduum hujus irrotulationis in Memorandis rariofuolu'e alibi exiftentibus die quo obijt, anni fequentis in Termino Sandi iVIichaelis, JRof^ qua; fuit uxor ipfiusSamuelisj rationa- Paf. Commun. b. E. 1. Jiot. 5. b. c the Chap. VIL of the Jews. 249 the Je'ws under Pain of forfeiting their Goods (i). K. Eckcr.rd I. made certain Statutes for Regulation of the Judaffm', and willing the Juftices of the Jews to put them in Execution, he tranfmitted them to the Barons of the Exchequer, ordering them to caufe the fame to be written and fealed with the Exchequer Seal, and then to be delivered to the faid Juftices {k). VII. Though the Exchequer of the Jews was, to fome Purpofes, diftindl from the great Exchequer: yet both the Exchequer of the Jeivs, and the A6ts and Proceedings of the Juftices and Chirogra- phers of the Jews, were fubjedl to the Control and Authority of the chief Jufticier and the Treafurer and Barons of the Exchequer, as fuperior Diredors or Governors of the Crown-Revenue. The Debts due from Chrijiians to Jews were fubjedt to fuch Orders and Diredlions as the King thought fit to make concerning them. Sometimes the King would grant Atterminations or Refpites for the Payment of fuch Debts, and fometimes would difcharge the Debtor thereof i or elfe would make fuch Order concerning the fame as to him feemed meet. Several Afts of this and other Kinds relating to the Debts of the Jews were done in the great Exchequer, and entred in the Rolls (;') Rex providit & ftatuit, quod nullus Judneus maneatin Anglia iiifi fervitiumRegi faciat. Et quam cito aliquis Judaeus natus fuerit, five fit mafculus live toeniina, fer- viat nobis in aliquo. Et quod nulias Scolas Judneorum fint in Anglia, nifi in locis illis quibiis hujufmodi Scolae fuerunt tempore Domini Johannis Regis patris Re2;is. Et quod Univerfi Judasi in Sinagogis fui ce- lebrant fubmifl'a voce, fecundum ritum eo- rum; ita quod Chriflani hoc nonaudiant. Et quod quilibet Judasiis refpondeat RecSori Ecclefis in cujus parochia manent, de om- nibus parochialibus ad domum ipfius Judaei fpeftantibus. Et quod nulla nutrix Chrifti- anadecaetero la6let aut nutriat puerum ali- cujus Judsei, iiec aliquis Chriftianus vel Chriftiana ferviat alicui Judxo vel Jud^eas, nee cum ipfis comedat vel in domo fua com- moretur. Et quod nullus Judsus ve! Judaea somedat aut emat Carnes in Quadra2;efima. Et quod nullus Judaeus detrahatfidei chrif- tianae, ve! publice difputet de eadem. Et quod nullus Judsus habeat fecretainfamilia- ritatem cum aliqua Chiiftiana, ncc aliquis Vol. I. Chriftianus cum Judsa. Et quod nullus Judseus ingrediatur aliquam Ecclefiam vel aliquam Capellam, nifi tranfeundo, nee in eis nioretur in vituperium Chrifti. Et quod nullus Judaeus impediat aliquo modo alium Judaium volentem ad fidem Chrifti conver- tere. Et quod nullus Judseus receptetur in aliqua Villa fine fpeciali licentia Regis, nili in Villis illis in quibus Judasi manere con- fueverunt. Et mandatum eft Jufticiarijs ad Cuftodiam Judseorum affignatis, quod fie fieri & fub incurfionebonorum praedidlorum Judceorum firmiter teneri faciant. Tefte rege apud Weftm. xxxi°. die Januarij per Re- gcm& Concilium. ClaiiJ. 37. H. 3. m. i8. (,{■) Baronibus pro Rege. Quia Rex vult quod ftatuta quae de Judaifino nuper fecit pupplicari i^- eifdem Baronibus tranfiiiitti, per Jufticiarios ad cuftodiam Judasorum af- fignatos teneantur & firmiter obfcrventur : Et ideo Rex mandat Baronibus, quod ftatuta ilia fcribi & figiilo Scaccarij prredifli fignari, & ea fie fcripta & fignata prnet'atis Jufticiarijs ^iberent &c. T, 5cc. Ml:h, Commun. 4. E. I. Rot. 4. a. K k there 250 Of the E X C H E Q_U E R Chap. VII. there. Of which Matters you may take thefe Inftances following. Hervey Bagot fined in a Mark, that the yews to whom he was in- debted might be fummoned to appear at the Exchequer and receive the Moneys which were juftly due to them (/). Rei?ifrey Fifz- Roger, for a Fine of four Palfreys, had leave granted him, to pay CCCC /. (which he owed to JacoA of Norhamton and other Jews) within the Space of four Years, to wit, xxv Marks at Eafter in the fifth Year of the King, xxv Marks at Midfummer, xxv Marks at Michaelmafs, and xxv Marks at St. Hilafj, and fo by like Payments every Year till the whole Debt was paid-ofi^ f"^)' K.. John by his Charter or Writ, releafed to William Earl oi Arundel all Debts which he owed to the Jews at and until the Feaft of St. Laurence in the fourth Year of his Reign. And commanded the Jufticier of E?igland and Barons of the Exchequer to acquit him thereof accordingly ; and to deliver-up to him all his Charters and Chirographs (nj. Robert de Gay fined to the King, that he might be acquitted of xxx /. Principal-money and ij Marks Interell:, which he owed to Chera a Jewefs of Oxford ; and Robert was to affign to her a hundred Shillings yearly Rent, to be received by her till fuch Time as {he was fatisfied the faid Principal and Intereft foj. Richard Defcriipes fined in xx Marks, that he might be releafed of xxx Marks and the Intereft-Money thereof which he owed to certain Jews of Gloucejier, and that he might affign to thofe Jews Cj in Land or Rent, in Satisfa6tion of the fiid xxx Marks Principal-Money, till the fame was fully paid (pj. Roger de Berkeley (/) Herveius Bagot [debet] j marcam. Pro Juda;isfummonendisquibus debet debita, vitfint ad Scaccarium ad recipiendum ratio- nabile debitum quod eis debetur. Mag. Rot. 2. J. Rot. 1 8. a. Staf. (m) Reinfridus filius Rogeri debet iiij Pa- lefridos. Per fic quod poflit CCCC marcas, quas debuit Judaeis fubi'criptis, fcilicet Jacob de Noihanton, Merianx filio Yfaac &c, reddere infra iiij annos : fcilicet, ad Scac- carium Pafchre anni Regis quinti xxv mar- cas, in fefto S. Johannis Baptillae xxv mar- cas, in fefto S. Michaelis xxv marcas, in feflo S. Ylarij xxv marcas, Et fic de Termi- no in Terminum quoufq; totum perfolverit. Mdg. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 1. a. Cant. & Hunt. (n) Johannes Die gratia Rex Angliae D. H.D. N. A. Comes A., Jufticiario An- gliae & Baronibus de Scactario Londonias fa- lutem. Sciatis quod quietum [clamavimus] fidelem noftrum Willelmum Comitem Arun- dellix, de omnibus dcbitis quae ipfe debuit Judaeis ufq; ad feftum S. Laurentij anno reg- ni noftri quarto .... damus quod cum inde quietum effe faciatis. Et Cartas & Cyrc- grafa fua inde ei reddi faciatis. T. me ipfo apud Alencun viij die Augufti. Chart. Ant. in Turri Loml. N. in dorfo nu. 50. [0) Robertus de Gay debet xl. Pro ha- benda quietantia de xxx 1 de Catallo h de ij marcis de ufuris, quas debet Cheras filias Yfaac Judaei Oxonise, ita quod attornabit prsediftae Judaese C s redditus per Annum, quoufq; ipfe inde perceperit pra?di£las xxxl & ij marcas. Mag. Rot. 6. y. Rot. g. a. Oxenef. tit. Nova Oblata. (p) Ricardus Defcrupes r c de xx marcis. Pro habenda Rclaxatione de xxx marcis & ufuris quas debuit Judasis Gloeceftrise, & ut poiTit ailignare Judaeis illis C folidos Terns vel Redditus in folutione praedidti catalli, quoufq; perfolvatur. /!>. Rot. 12. a, Gloec, tit. Nova Oblata, had chap. VII. of t/je J Ey^s. . 251 had mortgaged certain Lands to the Jcivs. He obtained leave of tlie King to pay the Debt in this Manner : viz. That it fliould be en- quired what value thofe Lands were of by the Year ; that he might hold the Lands in his own Hands, and might pay yearly to the Jews the amount of that yearly Value, till the whole Debt was fatisfied ; provided, that if any royal Service was to be done to the King for the faid Land, Roger fliould do the fame, and fliould pay fo much lefs to the Jews that Year, but afterwards the Jews were not to be Lofers by it fgj. Henry Luvel fined to the King in fourfcore Marks and a Palfrey, and was admitted to the following Contrad: : Henry was to be quit, againfl: Fives the yew of Lincoln, of the whole Debt which his Father his Brother and he owed to Fives, at the Rate at which Fives was rated for that Debt to the Tallage of the Dilme, to witj at CC Marks ; Henry was to acquit Fives againfl the King of Lxxviij / xvj d ob. which Fives owed the King ; and Henjy was to be quit againft Fives, de tanto of the CC Marks, and for the Refidue he and Fives were come to an Agreement by Chirograph ^ Henry was to render [to the King] C Marks a-Year, as well for the faid Debts, as for all other that he owed the King, for himfelf, his Father and Brother j he was to have Refpite for all Debts of the Jews, till all the above- faid Debts were paid, and was to be quit of their Ufuries in the mean Time (r). Several yews hereunder named came into the Ex- chequer, and acknowledged that Fulbert de Dovor had fatisfied them their feveral Debts. Whereupon Fulberfs Difcharge thereof was en- {q) Rogerus de Berkcle [debet Lx mar- quod H. Luvel pater fuus & R. Luvel frater cas, Ut inquiratur quantum valeat per an- fuus ii ipfe debuerunt eidem Vivoni, per num terra ejufdem Rogeri in Derelega, & preciuni quod apreciatus eft: debitum illud Stanlega, & Dodintoii, cum pertinentijs, ad taillagium decimae, fcilicct per CC mar- quae eft vadium Judaiorum BriftoUias & cas ; & idem H. aquietabit ipfum Vivouem Gloeceftriae pro debito quod eis debet ; Et verfus Rtgcm de Lxxviij I & xvj d & obolo, quod ipfe in manu fua teneat terram illam, quas idem Judsus debuit Regi ; Etde tanto h pradiclis Judaeis valorem illius terras fin- eft quietus erga ipfum Judajum de prjedidis gulis annis reddat, quoufq; prEediclun debi- CC marcis ; Et de rcfiduo fecit gratum ip- tuni fuum eis perfolvatur ; Et ita quod fi fius Judasi per Cirographumintereos fadtum ; interim acciderit quod de terra ilia Regi Re- Per praedidum ctiam finern reddet idem H. gale fervitium fieri debeat, [ipfe] illud Regi per annum C marcas, tam de prajdiiStis de- faciat, & de tanto minus prsefatis Judneis bitis, quam de omnibus alijs quas debetRcgi, reddet eo anno de debito illo ; ita tamen pro fe k patre fuo & fratre fuo, & habebit quod ipfi Judaei poftmodum inde non fuit refpeclum de omnibus debitis Judaeorum, perdentes. Mag. Rot. 9. J. Rot. 21. c. donee omnia debita pra;fcripta perfolvanturj Gloeceftr. tit. Nova Oblata. & quietus erit de ufuris eorundcm dcbitoruin (rj Henricus Luvel debet quater XX mar- qua: interim inde poflent provcnire. Itiag. cas&j palefridimi, Ut fit quietus erga Vi- Rot. 10. Job. Rot. 11. I. DorfeU i^ §u- voneiii Judseum LincoIniK de toto debito msrfiu. K k 2 tercd 252 0/ if/5^ E X c H E a.u E R Chap. Vir. tered in the great Roll of the Exchequer (sj. Two Tallies of Pay- ment of certain Money due in the "yiidaifat were allowed to William de San£lo Lniido, by H. de Burgh chief Jufticier, before the Barons of the Exchequer ft). King Edward I, being informed, that the Je-xvs oppreflcd Robert Siiirmy with great Ufury and Exadlion for certain Debts which he owed them, commanded the Barons and Juftices of the Jews by his Writ, to give Robert Attermination for thofe Debts (u). Again ; the Juftices of the Jews were wont to Accompt be- fore the Barons of the Exchequer, for the IfTues o^ xh^Judaifm. And if they miibehaved themfelves in their Office, they were anfwerable for the fame before the Barons ; who, if there was Caufe, annulled their A6ts or Judgments, and punirtied them for Mifdemeaner in their Office. For Inftance : K. Hen?y III. commanded the Barons, to hear the Accompt of the Juftices of the "Jews, for the Iffiies of the Judaijhi fince the Time thofe Juftices came into their O'Sxct : and the Juftices were to come at the Day which the Barons fhould prefix, with their Rolls, Tallies, and other Things, to render the faid Accompt (w). In the 56th Year of K. Henry III, Fulk Peyforer and others became Sureties for William de Watford, for his rendring an Accompt of the Iftues of the Judaifm, whilft he was one of the Juftices of (ijFulbertiis de Doura [debet] j marcam, Ut fcribatur in Magno Rotulo quod ipfe quietus eft de oronibus debitis qua; Johannes de Doura Pater fuus debuit Judasis fubfcrip- tis, fciiicet Haicclino tilio Jurnetti de Nor- wiz & hwrcdibus fuis pro xx marcis, Avi- gaiffi Judes pro xx 1, Murieli de Londonia pro C folidis, excepta parte fuade debito A- l^rahffi filij Rabi, Item proediftae Murieli & Samueli Multun pro xxxv marcis, Benediclo Qiiatrebuche pro L 1 {andto fveral other Jews here tiamed), licut prredifti Judaei cognove- runt coram Baronibus de Scaccario. Mag. Rot. 10. R. I. Rot. 14. i. Hirefordia in IVallia. (/) Willelmus de Sanfto Laudo r c de xvj 1 de debitis Judsorum ; qui requireba- tur in Judaifmo : In thefauro xxs, per ij ta- leas de ante guerram, allocatas per H. de Burgo Jufticiarium, coram Baronibus de Scaccario : Et debet xv 1. Mag. Rot. 9. H. 3. Rot. 13. a. Line. (ti) Baronibus & Jufticiarijs ad cuftodiam Jud^orum affignatis, pro Roberto Sturmy. Cum Robertus Sturmy tenebatur Ifaac filio Deulecres Judaeo Norwyci in xv marcis, ac idem Judceus panas k ufuras multimodas prseter principalc debitum exigat ab eodem ; Rex ipfius indempnitati obviate volens in hac parte, fibi pcenas & ufuras hujufmodi re- mifit & pardonavit ; & mandat, quod eidem de didto debito reddendo didlo Judfeo, Ba- rones terminum faciant alTignari in fefto Omnium Sanftorum proximo future, de gratia Regis fpeciali. Trin. Commtin. 14. is" 15. E. I. Rot. 7. l>. (w) Rex mandat Baronibus, quod ad cer- ium diem quern duxerint alTignandum, audi- ant compotum Jufticiariorum ad cuftodiari- am Judseorum affignatorum, de exitibus e- jufdem Judaifmi, a tempore quo Rex dicftis Jufticiarijs cuftodiam ejufdem Judaifmi commifit, cuftodiendi ufq; ad feftum SancSti Martini anno &c Liij° : tt cum prjedi£tum [compotum] reddiderint, ficut prasdiftum eft, Regi fignificent qualiter Regi refponde- runt, & in quibus finibus fteterit compotus eorundem: Aiandatum eftenim eifdem Juf- ticiarijs, quod ad diem quern Barones eisfcire facient, coram cis accedant cum Rotulis, tallijs, & alijs compotum fuum tangcntibus, ad compotum fuum reddendum in forma prsedicta. T.&c. Breve eft in forulo Martf- calli. Miih, Ccmmiinia 52, incip. 53. H. 3. Rot, 4. (7, the I i Chap. VIL of the Jews. 253 the 'Jeios {x) : the like was done for William dc Thiirlacjlon another Juftice of the Jews fy). In the fame Kuig's Reign, Thomas Spcrim and others Juftices of the Jeias fet an Amerciament of x/. upon the Sheriffs of X(?W(j;z. But it being fet without J uft Caufe, it was dif- charged by Judgment of the Barons [■z). Dionyfa Daughter of Ro- land brought a Writ of Right before the Juftices of the Je%ds againft Mafter Ifaac of Oxford and Slcyna his Wife, for a MelTuage in London. Ifaac and Slcyna vouched to waranty Abraham, Jacob, and Joce, Sons and Heirs of Ifaac a former Hufband of Sleyna. The Vouchees ellbigned once in the fud Plea. Afterwards, Joce elfoigned again in the faid Plea, and Dionyfa challenged the EiToigne becaufe he had been eifoigned before. But the Juftices of the Jews, contrary to Law, allowed the Eilbigne, and gave the Parties Day in the Quin- zime of St. fohn BapiiJL At that Diy Abraham elfoigned, Dionyfa challenged the Eftbigne;. and the faid Juftices allowed itj and gave the Parties Day in the Quinzime of St Michael. Upon Complaint made to the King by Dionyfa in this Cafe, he commanded the Barons of the Exchequer by his Writ, to call the Parties before them, and to do full and fpeedy Juftice to Dionyfa according to the Law of the Land and the Cuftom of the Judaifn ia). In the Reign of K. Edward {x) Fulco Peyforer, Simon de Infula, & Walterus Wolleward manuceperunt coram Baronibus, habere corpus Magifliri Willel- mi de Watford coram eifdem Baronibus, die Luna; proximo poft feftum Tranflationis B. Thomas Martiris, ad reddendum compotum fuum de exitibus Judaifmi, de tempore quo fuitjufticiarius Judairmi,prredidli cum Wil- Jelmo de Thurlaefton h Roberto de Ful- ham ; Et eciam ad habendum corpus didi Willelmi coram eifdem, die Veneris proxi- ma poft, ad refpdndendum fi quis verfus cum loqui voluerit. Trin. Comnmn. 56. //. 3. Rs>. 7. a. f^'j'^Ianncaptio "Willelmi de Thurlaefton. Henricus Malemeyns & Fulco Peyforer ma- nuceperunt habere corpus ejufdem Willelmi coram Baronibus de Scaccario, die Lunae proximo poft Fcftum TranP.ationis Beati Thomas Martiris, ad reddendum Compotum fuum de exitibus Judaifmi, de tempore quo fuit Jufticiarius Judaeorum, una cum Roberto de Fuleham & Magiftro Willelmo de Watford. Trin. Commttma 56. H. 3. Rot. 7. a. (z) Q^iia conviftuin eft coram Baroni- bus &c, (^uod Thomas Sperun & focij fui Jufticiarij ad cuftodiam Judasorum afllgnatl, amerciavcrunt Ricardum de Ewell &z Wil- lelmum ElTewy Vicccoiiiltes Londonirs ad x libras, & non affignaverant juftam caufam coram eifdem Baronibus, quare de jure fuif- fent amerciandi, Confideratum eft, quod- pr^diiti Ricardus & "Willelmus quieti fmt de priedictis x libris. Ex jMemcr. 42. H. 3.. Rcf. 7. a. [a) Ex parte Dionifr filise Rolandi, gra- viter conquerendo Regi eft oftenfuin, quod cum ipfa coram Jufticiarijs ad cuftodiam Ju- dsorum afGgnatis,pctierit verfus Magiftruin Ifaac de Oxonia Judasum & Sleyna uxorem ejus, unum Mefuagium cum pertinientijs in Londonia, ut jus fuurn, prs-fati Magiftcc Ifaac cz Sleyna inde vocavcrunc ad Waian- tum Abraham Joreum & Jacobum fil. & hx-red. Ifaac quondam viri prasdiiEtasSleynae; prxtati Abraham Jacob & Joceus de pnt- didto placito feme! efToniavcrunt, Sc poftea prajdiitus Joceus alias fe efToniavit, fcilicet in Oftabas S. Trinitatis proximo prseteritas^ de placito prsdicto, h pnefata Dionifa dic- tum efTonium calumpiiiavit, co quod alias fuit cftbniatus ; Tamcn prasfati Jufticiarij-, contra le^em Terrse, didlum Jiflbnium adju- dicaverunt. 254 Of the E X c H E clu e r Chap. VII. Edward I, Hugh de D'lgneneton rendred an Accompt in the Exche- quer, of the Chevage of the "Judaijin (b). In the fame King's Reign, the Matter of a certain Falfity committed in the yiidaifmt was, at the Inftance of the Queen's Attorneys, brought before the Treafurer and Barons to be examined and redlifyed. They went and fat in the Exchequer of the Jczvs. And finding that Robert de Ludham a Juf- tice of the 'Jews had committed the Falfity, they put him out of his Office, and committed him to Prifon (c). At the fame Time, Ha~ mond Haiiteyn another Juftice of the Jews was called to an Account by dicaverunt, & diem partibus prasfixerurtt ad quindenam S.Johannis proximo pi'ietcritam ; ad quern diem prsdiflus Abraham fe cflbnia- vit per Attornatum fuum, Et praediiSlaDio- iiifa, per Attornatum fuum,pr.Tdi£f:um ElFo- iiium calumpniavit, prout fecit Eflbnium prsedicti Jocei ; Et praefati Jufliciarlj, non obftante reclamatione praediftx Dionifae, praediftum EiTonium contra Legem Terrs adjudicaverunt, & diem prsefixerunt partibus ufq; ad quindenam Sandti Michaelis proxi- mo futuram : Et quia Rex noluit eidem Dionifc in liac parte injuriari, fet potiusfibi fubvenire, Mandat Baronibus firmiter in- jungens, quatinus, fi ita eft, tunc partibus convocatis loquelam illam coram eis venire faciant, & eidem Dionifae plenam & celerem Jufticiam iecundum Legem Terras & Con- fuetudinem Judaifmi faciant exiberi ; & hoc nullatcnus omittant ; ita quod non oportet Regem inde amplius &c. Mich. Comiruinia 52. hicip. 53. H. 3. Ret. r. b. (h) Rex TheAiurario & Baronibus fuis 'de Scaccario falutem. Allocate dilefto Clerico noftro Hugoni de Digneneton, in compoto fuo de collciftione chevagijjudaifmi noftri, ad Scaccarium prcediftum decern li- tras, pro cxpenfis fuis quas fecit circa col- lettionem chevagij pra;di6ti ; Nifi pecunia ilia eidem Hugoni prius fuerit allocata. Da- tum per manum Vencrabilis patris R.Batho- nienfis& Wellenfis EpifcopiCancellarij nof- tri, xvj die Oftobris. Lib. 5. E. 1. m. i. He accounted for Cheuage ofjudaifm again in ■the bthycar; Lib. 6. E. i. m. 2. [c) Prsefati vero Thefaurarius & Earones, a praedidis Attornatis rcquifiti, ve- ■nerunt ad Sccacarium Jud.xorum, die Mar- tis proximaante fcftum B. Jacobi Apoftoli — . ylml all the Parties being bfffught before them, upon Ex:J,7:iru7ii:n, the Falfty iv:!s fixt upon Robert de Ludham. Quia eciam cor- rcccio excefiuum Jufticiariorum Scaccarij JudaeorumSi aliorum Miniftrorum de eodem Scaccario, pertinent &femper pertinere con- fueverunt ad Thefaurarium & Barones fu- perioris Scaccarij : Quia eciam Officium prasdictorum Juiticiariorum, de praccpto ipfius Domini Regis, ex certis caufis cap- turn fuit in manum Domini Regis die Vene- ris proxima ante feflum Apoftolorum Petri & Pauli anno decimo quarto; quod Feftum Beati Jacobi antecedit ; & Rotuli Jufticia- riorum praedidtorum qui funt in Thefauraria Regis, & in Thefauraria Regis per ipfos li- berati praedifto die Veneris poftquam ijdem Jufticiarij fun£li fuerunt Officio fuo, miitari non poflunt necdebent: Concordatum eft per eofdem Thefaurarium & Barones, quod praedidus Robertus abfolvatur ab Officio prasdiiSo ex caufa praedifta; Et confidera- tum eft, quod eat ad Prifonam. Poftea idem Robertus fubmil'it fe voluntati Domini Re- gis, de corpore fuo, & de terris & tenemen- tis fuis, necnon de omnibus bonis &catallis fuis, pro tranfgreffioneprasdicla. Et Hamo Hauteyne de Comkatu Norfolciae, Petrus de Huntino-feld de Comitatu Kanciae, Ofbertus Giftard de Comitatu Dorf. Walterus de Amundefham de Com. Buk. Henricus de Brouli de Com. Oxon., & Walterus de La- ton de Com. Buk. manuceperunt ad haben- dum ipfum Robertum ad vohintateni Regis in forma praediiSta. Poftea idem Robertus finem fecit cum Rege per M marcas, pro tranfgreffionepr.'Edifla. Sed finis ifte conti- netur in fine fuo M librarum quern fecit cum Rcge pro quibufdam alijs tranfgreffio- nibus, iicut continetur in ultimo Rotulo in Termino S. Trinitatis. Inter Mcm:raiid. 13. b" 14. E. I. iJs/.'34- b. the Chap. VII. of the J e \v s. 255 the Treafurer and Barons. And being convidled before them of fcve- ral Mifdemeaners, he was by them fufpended from his Office {d). VIII. Before I conclude, I \yill tai^e leave to mention a few Things relating to theyt"zc'j-j which were not well reducible to thctoregoing Heads of this Chapter, and may therefore be fet down here in a mifcellaneous Way. In general, the King was wont (as hath been faid before) to ufe the ^ews with Severity ; efpecially when they were refractory : howbeit, when they were obedient and complyant, he fliewed them Favour, and gave them Proofs of his Lenity. K. 'John^ in the fecond Year of his Reign, granted a Charter of Liberties to the yeios of Eng/af2il and Normandy: to wit, that they might re- fide in the King's Dominion freely and honourably; that they might hold of K. Jo/jf2 all Things which they held of K. Hcjijy I, and which they now rightfully hold, in Lands, Fees, Mortgages, and Purchafes ; and that they fhould have all their Liberties and Cuftoms, as amply as they had them in the Time of K. Henry I ; that if a Plaint was moved between a Chrijlian and a Jeiv, he who appealed the other fhould produce Witneffes to deraigne his Plaint, namely a lawful Chrijlian and a lawful 'Jeuo ; that if a 'Jew had a Writ con- cerning his Plaint, fuch Writ fliould be his Witnels j that if a Chrijlian had a Plaint againft a Jetv, the Plaint fhould be tried by the yew's Peers; that when a Jew died, his body fliould not be detained above-ground, and his Heir fhould have his Chatells and Credits, in Cafe he had an Heir that would anfwer for him and do right touch- ing his Debts and Forfeitures ; that the Jews might lawfully receive and buy all Things which were brought to them, except Things that belonged to the Church and except Cloth ftained with Blood ; that if a Jew v/as appealed by another without a Witnefs, he Ihould be quit of that Appeal by his fingle Oath taken upon his Book ; and if he was appealed for a Thing that appertained to the King's Crown, he fhould likewife be quit thereof by his fmgle Oath taken upon his Roll ; that if a Difference arofe between a Chrijlian and a Jew about the lending of Money, the Jew fhould prove the Principal-money and the Chrjlian the Interefl-money ; that a Jew might lawfully and quietly fell a Mortgage made to him, when he was certain he had held it a whole Year and a Day; that the Jews fhould not enter in- to Plea except before the King [in his Court or his Exchequer], or before the Keepers of the King's Caftles in whofe Bailywicks the {d) Tr!n. Cotnmun. 14. E, I. Rot. 38. a, ^ b, in bund. 13 ^ 14 E. i, Thh Procefs is too long to be recited here, Jeivs 256 Of the E X c H E CLU E R chap. VII. "Jews lived j that the Jews, wherever they were, might go whither they plealed, with their Chatells, as fafely as if they were the King's Chatells, nor might any Man detain or hinder them : and the King by this Charter commanded, that they fliould be free, throughout JLngJand and Normandy, of all Cufloms, Tolls, and Mediation of Wine, as fully as the King's own Chatells were ; commanding his Liege-men to keep, defend, and proteft them j and charging, that no Man fliould implead them touching any of the Matters aforefaid, un- der Pain and Forfeiture, as the Charter of IC. Henry II. did likewife import (e). K. Henry III, anno regn'i 17, granted by his Letters Patent to the 'Je-jos of England, except Ifaac of Noj-wich and Urfell and his Brother's Heirs of Hamon of Hereford, that they might pay the laft Tallage of ten thoufand Marks impofed on them, at the Terms hereunder limited ; provided they were pundual in pay- ing that and their other Areres. And the King granted, that they {e) Johannes Deigratia &c. Sciatis nos concefline omnibus Judxis Anglis & Nor- manniae libere h honcrifice habere refiden- tiam in terra nollra, & omnia ilia de nobis tenenda qua; tenuerunt de Rege H. avo Pa- t-ris noftri, & omnia ilia quse modo ratio- nabiliter tenent, in terris, & feodis, & Va- dijs, & Akatis fuis, & quod habeant omnes Libcrtates ^: Confuetudines fuas, ficut eas habuerunt tempore prredifti Regis H. Avi Patris noftri melius & quietius & honorabi- lius. Et fi querela orta fucrit inter Chriftia- num & Judseum, ille qui alium appellaverit, ad querelam fuam dirationandam habeat Tefies, fcilicct legitimum Chriftianum & legitimum Judaium. Etfi Judasus de querela fiia breve haliuerit, breve I'uum erit ei teftis. £t fi Chriftianiishabuerit querelam adverfus Judasum, fit judicata per pares Judtei. Et cum Judsus obierit, non dctineatur corpus fuum fuper t?rr;im, fet habeat hxres fuus pecuniam fuam & debita fua, Ita quod inde lion diliurbetur, fi habuerit hreredem qui pro ipfo refpondeat & re^lurn faciat de debitis fuis & de forisfacto fuo. Et liceat Judasis omnia qut. Cart. 2. Job. n. 45. titulo. Carta Judxorum Anglia;. (•except chap. VII. of the Jews. 257 (except the 'Jeii's above excepted) fliould in the mean Time be quit of Tallage. Provided, that thofe 'Je^ws who undertook for all the 'Je'ws of England to pay the late Tallage of eight tliou- fand Marks, fhould make lull Payment of the Areres thereof; and that every 'Jeiv fhould anfwcr for himfelf, as well for the Areres of the late Tallage of liv thoufand Marks (to which the 'Jews were tallaged per Capita) as alfo for all other Debts due from them to the King; notwithflanding the prefent Fine ff). The fame King granted to Elias k Evejk the yew, that for four Years then next following, he fliould not be tallaged at above C/. by the Year (g). The King had caufed Proclamation to be made ia the feveral Counties ol England, that all Perfons who owed Debts in the yudaijh, fliould come before him, and make a Reprefentation of their Cafe, in order to obtain Relief and Favour therein. This Pro- clamation v/as ifllied, to the intent that the Jeivs of England, being terrified with the King's Difpleafure, might the m.ore willingly and fpeedily pay-in their laft Tallage. But in regard Mafter Elias the Jew had acquitted himfelf to the King by puniftual Payment of his Proportion of that Tallage ; the King by his Writ commanded tlie Barons to caufe Proclamation to be made, that Elias's Debtors fhould not come to the Exchequer, to have their Debts either compounded or transferred to others, but fliould pay their refped:ive Debts to Elias himfelf; and ordered the Barons, not to intermeddle (/) Rex concelTit Judaeis Anglise, excep- to Ifaac de Norwico & Urfell k fratribus iuis hasredibus Hamonis de Hereford, quod de X mllle marcis quas Regi ticbent de ulti- mo tallagio, folvant ad Scaccarium Regis ad feftum S. iVIichaelis anno xvij" quingeii- tas libras, & ad Pafcha proximo fcquens quingentas libras ; & fi bene refpoiideant Regi de didlis Milie libris ad prsdiitos ter- minos, &dealijs arreragijs quse Regi de- bent, tunc folvant fimiliter de eifdem x mille marcis anno proximo fcqucnte mille libras ad eofdem terminos, fciliceL ad feftum S. Michaelis anno xviij" D libras, 5c ad Pafcha proximo fequens D libras, Sc p-jftea per an- num duo millia marcarum ad eofdem ter- minos, donee didlae x mille marcag fic Regi plene folvantur. ConcefTit etiam Rex eifdem Judjeis, praeter diftos Ifaac, Urfell, & fratres ejus, quod interim quieti fint de Tallagio, Itilicet quoufq; diiStae x mille marcje perfolu- tae fucrint ficut prsdiiSum eft ; Ita tamcn Vol. r. quod illi Judoei, qui manuceperunt pro om- nibus Judaeis Anglia: tallagium viij mille marcarum, Regi plene rcfpondeant de arre- ragijs cjufdcm tallagij, & quilibet Judsus refpondeat pro fe de arrcra2;ijs tallagij vj mille marcarum, quia tunc talliati fuerunt: per capita, & de alijs debitis & finibus quas Regi debent, non obftante hoc fine, interim Regi refpondeant. In cujus &c. 7". P. Winton. Epifcopo apud Wcftmon. ij die Martij, per eundem & Jufticiarium. Pat. 17. H. 3. m. 6. (^) Pro Elya le Eveflc Juda;o Londonia;. Rex concefTit eidem E, pro fideli obfcquio fuo, & pro X marcis auri quas Regi dedit, quod a fefto S. Michaelis anno xxxiiij", ufq; in iiij annos proximo fequentes com- pletos, nontallietur per annum nifi ad C 1 ; Ita quod per prsefatum terminum iiij an- norum, ad majorem pecuniae fummam non tallietur . Memoranda 35. H. 3. Rot. 3. b. L I with 258 Of tide E X c H E Q^u E R Chap. VIL with his Debts or Chatells under Colour of the flril Proclamation (/6),. K. Edward I. by his Writ commanded the Barons to atterminate certain yews, in refpedt of their Poverty, for the Debts they owed to the Crown (/). In the fame King's Reigii, Bella the Jeivtjs complained to the King, that whereas the Community of the Jewi had fined to his Majefty in twelve thoufand Pounds, the Afleffors of that Fine had tallaged her fo rigoroufly, that flie had nothing left to live on, and that her Sons and Daughters were likewile imprifon- ed for the fame Caufe. Hereupon, the King, compaflionating her Cafe, commands the Barons by his Writ, that if they found her to be aggrieved in that Manner by the faid Tallage, they fhould at their Difcretion moderate the fame according to Right and Equity (k). (/>) Baronibus pro Magiftro Elya Judaeo. Licet nuper per diverfos Regni Regis Comi- tatus Rex proclamari fecerit, quod finguli «]ui aliqua dcbita dcbcbant in Judaifmo Re- gis, coram Rcge accederent, ipfa debita fua Regi oftenfuri, & Rex gratiam fibi faceret, •ut Judsei Regis Angliae inde perterriti, Regi de praefenii Tallagio fuo libentius fatisface- rcnt : Tamen quia idem Magifter Elyas Regi fatisfecit de prasfenti Tallagio fuo ; propter quod Rex volens quod debitores ip- ilus Eliae de praediftis debitis fuis integrere- fpondeant& intendant: Rex mandateifdem Baronibus, quod proclamari faciant, quod liebitores ipfius Elias, ad eos pro aliquibus debitis in quibus eidem tenentur, non acce- dant, fet ipfi eadem debita fua eidem Elyae & non ajijs folvant, & inde refpondeant & intendant ; & quod ipfi Barones de debitis aut bonis fuis eos non intromittant occafione prsdicla ; Siiialiquid inde areftaverint, id eidem Elyas fine dilatione faciant retaxari. T. he. 7r!n. Cam?mt?iia, ^6. H. 3. Rot. 7. b. (/) Cum Ifaac le Evefq; Judasus Londo- iiiae niiper impetraverit a Rege, quod de de- bito Trefcentarum & xliiij 1 & vj s & viij d, in quo Regi tenebatur ad Scaccarium, pro quibufdam debitis qusefuerunt Ifaac de Nor- wico Judsei, tempore Domini H. Regis per ipfum Ifaac le Evefq;, Aaron de Ebor. , Coc filium Aaron filij Abraas, & Samuelem de Norwico, a di<3o Henrico Rege emptis anno regni fui xxxiiij, folveret Regi per an- iium ad Scaccarium praediftum C s, videli- cet unammedietatemad Scaccarium Pafcha?, hi aliam medietatem ad Scaccarium SancSti Michaelis ; Et idem Ifaac le Evefq jterminos fuos obfervaverit ufque modo, per quod ad tantam paupertatem jam devenit, quod ter- minos illos obfervare non poteft : Rex man- dat eifdem Baronibus, quod vifis allocatio- nibus fuis quas ha£lenus habuit per brevia Regis, & quae refident in eodem Scaccario, allocationes illas eidem fieri in debito illo, prout de jure h fecundum legem & confue- tudinem Scaccarij praedidti fuerit facien- dum, & folutiones inde prius faftas fibi allo- cari, & de eo quod de debito illo fuperfuerit reddendum, eidem tales terminos habere faciant, ad quos juxta facultates fuas refi- duum ejufdem debiti Regi folvere poflit, & Baronibus conft:abit per legalem inquifi- tionem inde faciendam, prout difcretioni e- orum magis videbitur expedite. Trin. Com- mun. 9. y 10. E. I, Rot. 4. b. {k) Baronibus, pro Belia Judaea Glou- ceftriae. Eadem Belia intimavit Regi gra- viter conquercndo, quod occafione cujufdaiu Finis xij Millelibrarum, quern Communitas Judseorum fecit cum Rege, ipfa per afleflb- res Finis ejufdem adeo graviter talliatur, quod nichil fibi remanet unde vivat ; Etni-- chilominus filij & filias fui in prifona detinen- tur ex hac caufa : Rex volens eidem Judaeje- fuper hoc remedium impertiri, mandat Ba- ronibus quod audito & plenius examinato. negocio fupradiflo, fi invenerint ipfam in- debite praegravari per afleflum Tallagium.. fuper earn, id juxta difcretionem eorum fa- ciant taliter emendari, prout dejure fuerit faciendum. T. Rege apud S. xxij die Julij annoxvij. Trin. Record. iB, £. i. Rot. — b. K. Henry Chap. VII. of the ] ■£. w z, 259 K. Henry III, out of his royal Grace to the Jeivs, and for the fup- port of I'uch of them as embraced the Chrijlian Rehgion, and were deftitute of livelyhood, founded a Houfe at London, called Dotmis Converforum, The Hoiije Jor the Converts ', and endowed it with a competent Revenue. Which Houfe was wont to be committed by the King to the Care and Rule of fome Clergyman of Diftindion, who was ftyled Cujlos Domiis Convej-forum and Gardein des Converfes. It was fituate in Chanceller-lane near the Neiv Temple; and hath been called in the modern Times the Rolls. I have not met with the Charter or Inftrument of Foundation of this Houfe. But K. Henry III, by Patent, granted to Nicholas the GoUjmith and Maud his Wife, Converts, eight Pence per Week, out of the Rents of the Houfe of Converts, which the King had founded de proprijs bonis & elemojinis fuis (I). And in the fubfequent Times, in divers Patents and other publick Ad:s, mention is made of K. Henry the Third's Foundation of the Houfe of Converts. K, Edward I. granted to the Citjlos and Converts of the faid Houfe fourfcore Marks, to be received yearly at the Exchequer during his Pleafure, out of the Fines, Amercements, Forfeitures, and other Iffues of the ytidai/m, for the Support of tiie faid Converts and of the Fabrick of their Chapell (m). And K. Edward II. granted to William de Ayremynne, then Clerk or Keeper of the Rolls of the Chancery, the Cuftody of the Houfe of Converts at London, to hold during his Life : and the Converts of the faid Houfe, and all the Tenants of it, were commanded to be intendant and refpondent to the faid William as Keeper of the Houfe and Con- verts aforefaid, in all things relating to the faid Cuftody (nj. Although the "Jews were permitted to fettle in feveral populous Towns in this Realm, it is likely they were not welcome to the In- habitants there. One of the Liberties granted by a Charter of K. (■/) Pat. 56. Hen. 3. m. 15. fabricam Capellae fuas ibidem, qiiamdiu no- \m) Rex Thef. & Camerarijs fuis falu- bis placuerit, vel donee eis alitor duxerimus tem. Liberate de thefauro noftro dileiS^o providendum. T. R. apud Dolindjlan xxiij Clerico noftro Johanni de San£to Dionifio die Maij, Ad mandatum Cancellarii. L'tb. Archidiacono RofFenfi, Cuftodi Domus 11. E. i. m. 6. noftrae Converforum Londonias, quadra- (k) Rex omnibus ad quos cVc falutem. ginta marcas de termino Pafchae proximo Sciatis quod concefTinuisdiiefto C'erico nol- praeterito, de quaterviginti marcis quas rvu- tro Willelmo de Ajremyiine, CurtoJiaiu per eifdem converfis conceffimus, percipi- Domus Converforum Londonia'.H;il>eiidain endas annuatim ad Scaccarium noftrum, de cum omnibus ad Cuftodiam illam fpcclan- «xitibus finium & amerciamentorum & fo- tibus ad totam vitam fuam. In cujus &:c. risfafturis Judaeorum, &dedebitis noftris & 1\ Rege apud Ebor. xx die AicniRi. Per alijs certis exitibus Judaifmi noftri, ad fuf- ipfum Regem. tentationem eorundem Converforum, & ad L 1 2 Henry 26o Of the E X c n E Q_u E R Chap. VII. Henry III, to the Men of Ne\vcajlle upon Thze and their Heirs, was this, v'fz. That no 'Jew (hould dwell or ftay in their Town (o). The like privilege was granted to the BurgeiTes of Derby (p) ; and to others, V/e frequently find in Records mention made of an Epifcopus and Prejlyler judaonim. What the meaning thereof was, may in fome Meafure be difcerned by the Inflance hereunder fubjoined. The cafe was this : King Henry III, appointed Philipp Love/ and others Jullices of the yeivs, to try E/ias the BiJJjop a Jew of London for a Trefpafs commit- ted by him againft the King and his Brother the King of Almaigne. Elias being convidted thereof before the faid Juftices at the Exche- quer, was by them adjudged to be deprived of his Priefthood of the Community of jd'tcj in England, and of all other Offices and baily- wicks which he ha-d obtained from the King. Hereupon the King, for a fine of three Marks of gold paid to him by Crejfe and Hagin Brother of Ellas, on Behalf of the Community of the Jeivs, granted to the faid Community, that Elias fliould never afterwards have or recover the faid Priefthood ; that for the future no Man fliould be [chief] Prieft of the Jews without being chofen to that Office by general Confent of their Community ; and that the faid Community should have free Power, after the Deceafe of any [chief] Prieft io chofen, to eleft another at their Pleafure, and to prefent him to the King for his Approbation. And the Jews had Day given them to chufe a Prieft accordingly [q). In Et mandatum eft Converts Domus prae- tatu fuo leg! & clamari faciat, & pra;- ditSae, & omnibus h fingulis tenentibus de didlam Libertatem eis habere permittat, eadem Domo, quod eidem Willelmo tan- ficut praedidium eft. T. Rege apud Ken- quam Cuftodi Domus prsedidtae & ipforum inton iiij die Julij. CI. i8. H. 3. m. 16. Converforum, in omnibus quae ad Cuftodi- (p) Kex omnibus he falutem. Sciacis am illam pertinent, intendentes fint & re- quod per finem quem Burgenfes noftri de fpondentcs. In cujus &c, T. ut fupr.1. Derbia fecerunt nobifcum, conceffimus eis Pat. 10. E. 1. Pars 1. m. 25. pro nobis & hasredibus noftris, quod ipfi (0) Rex Vicecomiti Northumberlandize & eorum hseredes imperpetuum habeant falutem. Sciatis quod concelUmus & carta banc Libertatem, fcilicet quod nullus Ju- iioftra confirmavimus, probis hominibus daeus vel Judsea, per nos vel hasredes nof- noftiis de Villa Novi Caftii fuper Tinam tros, aut per alios, de castero maneat aut h haeredibus eorum, quod habeant banc commoretur in villa pra:di(Sta. In cujus Libertatem, videlicet quod nullus Judaeus &c. T. Rege apud S. Paulum Londoniaj de cjEtero, tempore noftro vel hsredum xxj die Maij. Pat^ 45. H. 3. m. 12. noftrorum, maneat vel refidenciam aliquam (q) Rex mandat Philippo Lovel & Ju- faciat in eadem villa ; Sicut plenius conti- fticiarijs ad Cuftodiam Judaeorum afllgnatis,^ netur in Carta Regis quam eis inde fieri fe- quod cum Elyas Epifcopus Judaeus Lon- cit. Et mandatum eft eidem Vicecomiti, doniae pro tranfgreflione quam fecit tam quod praedidtam Cartam in pleno Comi- Regi quam fratri fuo Regi Alemanniae, a face:- Chap. VIL of the J E w s. 261 In or about the Year 1290 {ay^no 18. £. I.) the growing or re- newing Revenue of Judaifin, and the Exchequer of ths Jews, ceafed: tlie Je-ias having been- about that Time expelled out of England (r). But by the Expulfion of the yews (which was then commonly cal- led exiUiim Juiheoriwi) many Efcheats both of Lands and Chattels came into the King's Hands (j-) on that Head. It is not needful for me to enlarge facerdotio Communitatis Judreoruni An- gliae, coram praedicSis Philippo & Jufticia- lijs quos ad tranrgreirionein illam convin- cciKiam aflignavit, per judicium eorundem ad Scaccarium, fuerit abjuJicatus, & de ciufJem faccrdotij officio, ik etiam de om- nimodis alijs ofHcijs & ballivis quas a Rege optinuit, fit dcpofitus : Rex de eorundem Jufticiariorum confilio, conceilit prrtdiiSla; Communitati Judjeorum Aiigline, per finem trium marcarum auri, quern Crefl'e & Ha- ginus frater ejufdem Judaji cum Rege pro eadem Communitate fecerunt, quod prae- diflius Elyas I'acerdotium illud nunqi^am in pofterum habeat & recuperet, & quod de cstero nullus facerdos fit de ilia Commu- nitate nifi per communem ele£lioiiem Com- munitatis ejufdem, & quod ilia Communi- tas port decelTum cujuflibet Saccrdotis tali- ter cle£li, alium quandocunq; voluerit fa- cerdotem eligere iiberam habeat faculta- tem, & ipfumRegi praefentandijUt affenfum Regis fuper hoc optineat & favorem. Et datus eft eis dies ad eligendum facerdotem fuum citra feftum S. Petri ad Vincula, Trin, Commun. 41. H. 3. Rot. 20. b. (>■) Eodem anno [fc, MCCLxxv] con- ftitutum eft in Parlamento Londoniae ha- bito, inter caetera, quod Judrei pecuniant amplius non praeftabunt ad ufuram ; & fi aliquod furtum penes eofdem inventum fu- erit, fufpendantur ut casteri Latroncs. E. Cod. Vet. MS, A. 7, aii titulus, Anndes Ecclefia; Auguftini Cantuaria:, in Blbl. Csll. Corp. Chrif. Cantab, p. 95. IVICCLxxxx, Eje£li funt Judsei ab An- glia cum facultatibus fuis ; falvis cartis Chriftianorum penes Dominum Rcgem re— fidentibus. Ex eod. Cod. MS, A. 7, p. 102. (s) Et illam vacuam placeam cum perti- nentijs in eadem Civitate [CantuariaeJ quae fuit Communitatis Judaorum ejufdem Ci- vitatis, and other Tenements there, per exi- lium eorundem Judasorum a regno noftro tanquam efcaeta noftra in manu noftra exiftencia. Thefe things K. Edward I. granted to the Priory of Chriftchurch there. Tefte 7 Aug. anno regni 19. Regiji. C. in Ecclef. Mctrop. Cant. foL xxiiij. a iB b.. CHAP. 262 K)f the Receipt Chap. VIIL CHAP. VIII. Of the Receipt (p/'Exche q_u e r. i. Of Payments in Thefauro. II. Of Payments in Camera Curia;. , III. Of the Scaccarium Receptae. IV. Of Payments in the Wardrobe t the tower of London, and the New Temple. I. T7^ X C H E QJJ E R, was at firft a general Name, fignifying as \j_j well the Place where the King's Revenue was fupervifed and managed, as That where it was wont to be paid-in. In the early Times, that Part of the Exchequer, where the King's Treafure was told, repofited, or iffued, was ufually called Thefaurus. When a man paid Money into the Exchequer, it was faid. In Thefauro libe- ravit fo much. Which phrafe was conftantly ufed to fignify aftual Payments made at the Exchequer; as may be feen in numberlefs Inilances : and the fame Phrafe continueth in Ufe at this Day. Again ; fometimes when Rolls were delivered into the Exchequer, containing Debts to be put in Charge pro Rege, or as Records to be repofited there, they were faid to be liberati in Thefauro, delivered into the Treafury or Exchequer. Many Inflances hereof may be found in thefe Volumes j particularly, as to the Rolls delivered in by Sheriffs and Juftices Itinerant. In Procefs of Time, the Receipt of Exchequer was ufually called, Inferius Scaccarium, Scaccarium de Re- cepta, Recepta Scaccarij y as will hereafter appear. II. Although the Exchequer was the great or principal Place, at which the King's Money was to be anfwered and paid : yet we find that anciently, the King's Money was fometimes paid into the Camera Curice or Camera Regis; and was fometimes iffued thence- Of this I will give fome Examples ; and then confider, how they are, probably, to be underilood. Robert de Montfort paid Lxj to J William chap. VIII. of E X c H E q_u e r. 263 William Malduit, ad Cavieram Curia (a). The Sheriff of Kent paid x/. to IVarin Fitz-Gerold, in Camera Curia (b). Simon Fitz-Williani paid C and xlvij /. and odd into the Receipt, and xxviij /. to Ralph Fitz-Stephen, in Camera Curia (cj. The Bifliop of Durham paid v Marks of Gold to the King himfelf in Camera Curire (d). Richard Son of Turjlin paid vij /. and xv) d. at the Treafiiry, and x Marks to the King himfelf /« Catnera Curia (. lauro nichi!, Et ipfi Regi in Camera fua i2i2. n, 10. fuh Ann. 1139. apud Bedeford, L marcas, per breve Regis. (y) Dicit fe educalTe quandam avem Mag. Rot. 8. H. 3. Rot. j6. b. Not. i^ quas vulgo dicitur Eftourneau, per ofto & Dcreb. novem menfes in domo, qux ibat & redi- (i) Et ipfi Regi in Camera fua, xl bat per Cameram fuam. Chaffcn. Comment, ir.arcas, per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 8. H. in Conflict. Due. Burgunil. col. 1445. 3. Rg*. 12. a. Norf. 6" Suff. (z) Glojf. in Voce, Camera. ^u) Idem Vicecomes re de C marcis, [a] P-aulo pipra. \b) Pcndojupra. 2 take chap. VIII. of E X c n E q^u e r 265 take the Camera Curice here for the King's Court or Palace. For firfl-, Ibnie of the Payments in Camera abovecited being made to the King himfelf: it feemelh moil natural to fuppofe, they were made in his Palace or Court ; efpecially confidering that the Payment in thofe Cafes is certified to the Barons per Breve Regis ; which was accord- ing to the Courfe of certifying Things done at the King's Palace; whereas the ufual Courfe of getting a Payment which had been made at the Receipt, to be allowed at the Exchequer, was by pro- ducing a Tally before the Barons. Secondly, it is oblervable, that in fome of the Inftances abovecited, the Camera Curies is exprelsly diftinguidied from the T'hefaunis or Treafury : as where it is faid (f), that Richard Son of Turjlin paid fo much in Thejauro and fo much /;/ Camera Ciirice. Thirdly, we find Revenue was fometunes anfwered in Camera Regis, as a Place diftindt from the Exchequer or Receipt, even long after the Times wherein there is frequent mention made of the Recepta and Scaccariian de Recepta. As in the Reign of K. Edward II, in the Cafe of Geoffrey de Wejion : who paid Money in Camera Regis, and had received two Tallies teftifying his Payment : but thofe Tallies being loft, he vouched the Countertallies ; which were produced in the Exchequer by the Clerk of the King's Cham- ber (^dj : and in the Cafe of Richard Sqiiier ; who rendered an Ac- compt and fully anfwered in the King's Chamber, the IfTues of a Manor committed to him by Privy Seal (e) : and in the Cafe of the Perfons who had the Cuflody of certain Lands forfeited or efcheated to the Crown -, who anfwered the IfiTues thereof in the King's {c) Paulo f up. " eo receptis Londonia primo die Maij \d) Wiltef. Audito Compoto Gnlfridi de " anno quarto pro exitibus Manerij de Wefton, de exitibus terrarum & tenemen- " Cheryton de anno tertio, cent, viij 1 ;" torum quae fuerant Templariorum in Villa & fuperfcriptio alterius eft, " Contra Ga!- de Chyryton in Comitatu Wiltefis, a fefto " fridum de Wefton de denarijs ab eo re- Pafchs anno fecundo, ufque xxviij diem " ceptis Londonis, primo die Maij anno Novembris anno vij°, quo die liberavit eaf- " quarto, de exitibus Manefij de Cheryton dem terras &: tenementa Hofpitalarijs, de- " eodem anno, contin. viij 1." Etdidlumcft bet xvj 1 ; Set dicit fe folvifle in Camera ei quod fequatur de allocatione habenda Regis Rogero de Wyngefeld clerico, per jnde &c. Paf. Jhius o" vlftis comp. 9. E. praeceptum ipfius Regis, xvj 1 j unde dicit 2. Rot. 143. a. fe habuifle duas Tallias de liberatione quas — (e) & noftre bien amez Ricliard amifit ut dicit ; Set vocat inde Recordum Squier, qi en avoit la garde par commifllon Memor. Camerae Regis : Et Ricardus de de noftre Prive Seal, nous ad rendu/, a- Lufteftiull nunc clericus Camerae Regis counte & pleinement refponduz en noftre praefens hie, oftendit duas contratallias, Chaumbre, des iffiies de mcifme le Manoir quarum fuperfcriptio unius eft, " Contra du dit an — . Mich. Bnvia 12. £. 2. R^^t. »' Galfridum de Wefton, de denarijs ab 65. a. Vol. I. M m Chamber 566 Of the Receipt Chap. VIII. Chamber (f), Befidcs ; it appeareth, that anciently there were cer- tain Clerks belonging to the King's Chamber, who were flyled Cle- rici de Camera fgj : and that there was then alfo a Treafure or Treafury called 'TAe/aurus Camerce (h). So that upon the Matter, it is likely the Payment m Camera was a more private and unfolemn Payment than That which was made at the Receipt of Exchequer, and dilFerent from it. And according to this Conftruftion, a Payment de Camera is fomctimes ufed, as it feems, to fignify a Payment, out of a Man's private Purfe, in Diftindlion from a Payment to be made out of Land or a like vifible Fund, So, William de Braiofa granted to Oliver de'Traci 'ii.s.l. Sterling, to be received yt2ix\y oi William and his Heirs, de Camera fiia, during the Life of Oliver and no longer (/). And Richard de Standford, by his Deed, granted to Simoji de Chelefcld a Penfion of half a Mark, payable de Camera fiia {k), in. During the fecond Period, the Receipt was fometlmes called Scaccarium Receptee or de Recepta fij, Recepta Scaccarij (m), and hi- ferius Scaccarium (n). In the 5th Year of K. Edward II, Walter de Langeto'n Biihop of Coventry and LichJieldTYtzinvtv and the Barons, fit- ting at the Receipt to take the Profers of Accomptants in the Utas of Eafter, feveral great Men came thither, and with Threats enjoined (f) Rex Thefaurario & Baronibus fuis de Scaccario falutcm. Cum mandaverimus Cuftodibus terrarum & tenementorum quas fuerunt inimicorum& rebellium noftrorum, 5; aliorum, in diverfis Comitatibus Regni Roflri in manu noftra exiftencium, quod ipfi de exitibus aliquorum terrarum & tene- mentorum pra;di£torum, de quibus ha£te- ni:s nobis refponfum fuit in Cameram nof- tram, ex nunc nobis refponderi faciant ad Scaccarium noftrum . T. me ipfo apud Ebor. xxiiij die Julij anno rn xvj. T'rin. Bi-evia 15, E. 2. Rot. 63. a. (g) Et pro una Navi ad opus Philippi Cierici de Camera & fociorum ejus, L s, per breve Regis. Mug. Rat. i Ric. i. Rot. 12. h. Hantonia. (I?) Et pro thefauro Cameras Regis car- riando ufq; Sudhantonam, C s, per idem breve [fc. Regis]. 3. Rot. 13. a. Sw- rcia. This may perhaps anfwer to, or refemhle that which at this day is called the Privy Purfe. (i) Form, Anglic, p. 75. nu, CXL, ad ann. 7. R. I. [k) Idem [Ricardus de Stanford] venit coram Baronibus, & recognovit quod re- mittit Simoni de Chelefeld feniori in perpe- tuum, Penfionem quam ei debebat de Ca- mera fua per fcriptum fuum, videlicet di- midiam marcam, cum omnibus arreragijs di£tae Penfionis ; Et fi aliquod fcriptum penes ipfum Ricardum vel fuos de prasdiiSla Penfione inveniatur, pro nullo habeatur. Paf. Recognitiones g. ^ 10. E. i. Rot. 10. b. (/) Pro S. Comite Leyceftrias. Memo- randum quod XXV die Octobris anno xP, fcrutatis Rotulis de Scaccario Receptas Do- mini P.egis, fuit inventum quod in Ter- mino S. Michaelis anno &c — . Mich. Memor. 40 isf 41. H. 3. Rot. 3. b. (m) — per breve de Private figillo refi- dens ad Receptam Scaccarij inter brevia de Mandamus de Termino Pafchas difto anno nono. Paf. Brevia Irretornab. 9. E. 2. Rot. 162. a. (n) Dialog. L, I. cap, 2. Non efl enim j Uf alibi pajfim. the Chnp. VIII. of EXCHEQ^UER. 267 the Bifliop not to a^fl any longer in the Treailirer'.s Office. TJie Barons thereupon certified the King of the whole Matter at large, and prayed the King to let them know his Pleafure therein. The whole Proceeding in this Cafe appears in the Record hereunder cited ((?). IV. It is to be underftood, that the King had fevcral Treafuries. For though the Receipt of Exchequer was the principal Place where his Trealure was to be paid in : yet it was fometimes paid and re- pofited (at leaft for the prefent) in fome other Places : for Inftancc, in the King's Wardrobe, in the Tower of Lo?idon, and in the New 'Temple at London. Many Payments were made at the King's Ward- robe. T'he Men of the Town of Southampton paid C/. Part of their Tallage into the King's Wardrobe, and had Allowance thereof - made (0) Anglia. Die Lunae modo in craf- tino Claufi Pafchas fupervenerunt fuper profFrum V'icecomitum ballivorum & alio- rum in pleno Scaccaiio, Adomarus de Va- lencia Comes Pembrochiae, Humfridus de Bohun Comes Heiefordiae, J. Botetourt Miles, & alij in comitiva eorum, minantes W. de Langeton Coventrenfi & I/ich. E- pifcopo Thefaiirario, fi amplius fe intro- mitterit de OfEcio Thefaurarij. Super quo Barones Scaccarii certificarunt Regi in forma quas fu'ofcquitur. Sire yce Lundij lendemeyn des oytaves de Pafqes, Lefvffq; de Ceftre vynt par matyn a Weftmonfteir a voftre Efcheqier de la Refceite, & aflem- bla alij nous & les Chaumberleyns & les autres de Lcfcheqier, & mouftra Commif- fion de voftre Grant Seal, par la quele vous lui aviez commys loffice de Treforier, & fafift ove nous & ove les autres de Lefche- qier, a refcevire le profFre des Vifcontes & des BaiilifFs ; & devers la fyn du proftVe vyndrent devant nous les Countes de Pen- brok, de Hereford, & Monfieur Johan Bu- tetourt, & plufors autres, & meifme celi Sire Johan Oyauntz Vifcontes, Baillifs, & autres gentz, qe feurent venues pur le dit proftVe, dift qe les avantditz deux Countes & li y \'vndrcnt depar Lercevcfq;, Evefqcs, & au- tres Prclatz, ii. Countes & Barons, & dcpar toute la Communalte du Roiaunie, & re- hercea cement vous meifmes nadgaircs gran- M taftes as certeines gentz poiar a ordenier fur leftat de voftre Roiaume, & les Ordenances qe celes gentz avoient faites aviez acceptez & fait publier ce 2 yceles fermement garder & tenir auflibien Prelatz come Countes & Barons & autres furent fermentcz ; & de- manda del dit Evefq; de Ceftre fil euft fait le ferment en meifme la manere ; & Lef- vefq; dit qe oyl ; & donq; dit meifme celi Monfieur Johan depar la dite Communaftre, qe Levefq; feuft parjurs, defi come il fift la fefant office de Treforier contre les dites ordenances, qe velent qe Treforier foit fait par affent du Barnage, & ce en Parle- ment ; & a ce li dift qe hom li tient ahers as enemys du Roiaume, & quil fen ouftaft, & mes ne fe entremeift de eel Office ; par quel pys ne li avenift. Et meifmes cet lui rehercerent les ditz Contes de Penbrok & de Hereford, & difeint plus outre h char- gerent les Chaumberleyns de voftre dit Ef- cheqier, qe eux ficome 11 fe voufiflent garder fanz damage ne livraflent nuls de- ners ne autre Trefor del voftre a nul hom- me, par qui ils dcvenifl'ent a les moyns Lc- jiemy du Roiaume. Et meifmes les Coun- tes apres ce difoient, qe lour entencion ne feuft mye ne lour volunte, qe voz bu- foignes de la place fe delaiafient tn nul poynt, eijiz fe preiifent a voftre profit & a deliverance du pueple par tout en due ma- nere. Et ceftes chofcs dites, ils difoient a m ■?. dieux 268 Of the R E c E IP T Chap. VIIT. made to them at the Exchequer by Writ of Allocate (p). The Men of Navcnjhy paid Part of their Tallage into the Wardrobe, and had AJIowance in like Manner (q). William de Hakford paid into the Wardrobe a certain Fine for a Charter of Waranty (r). The Prior of Wot ton paid into the Wardrobe, his Aid for the King's Voyage into Gafcoigne {/). The Sheriff of Cumberland paid his Prefer into the King's Wardrobe (/), and fo did Roger de Lancajier Sheriff of Lancajim-e (u). The Men of Gedingtoji paid into the Wardrobe, by the dieirx homines qi eftoient illoeqcs ovefqes eux dcvant nous, Vous Tabellions tef- moignez les chofcs qe vous avez ci oy & les mettcz en inftrument publik ; & enfi. Sire, fen departirent. £t len- demeyne venifmes nous a Lefcheqier, & come nous feuffoms entrez en voftre Petit Efcheqier por confeiller fur voz bufoignes les deux Countes & le dit Monfieur Johan y vyndrent & rehercerent en partie ce quil avient dit le jour devaunt, & quant a ce quils avient avant dit qe voftre Trefor ne foit livrez a tie) par quoi ii peuffe deveniren meyn del enemy du Roiaume, ils difoient que ce eft a entendre qe nulle livree ne fe face a Sire Ingelard de Warlee, ne au autre qe vous meifmes a la requefle des ditz or- denours faiftes ouftier des offices quil tyn- drent & dentour vous. Eftre ce. Sire, le dit Lundy vynt devant nous Sire Johan de Sandale nadgaires voftre Treforier, & fe- foit une demonftrance qe il feuft faitenten- dant a vous qil feuft mort, & qe vous par- tant avjez fait prendre en voftre meyn fes terres h fes chateux, & fe dit eftre preft da- conter, & de gre faire fi rien vous dei\e, & pria deliverance de fes terres & fes chateux, de quoi nous lui deifmes qe rien ne poioms faire, pour ce qe nous ne faivens mye la eaufe del feifr, fur ceftes chofes avant dites pleife a voftre Seignorie commander vos vo- hintez. Sire, noftre Seignour vous doint bone vie h lunge, & encreffe voz honurs. Efcrit a Weftmonfter le iiij jour de Averil. Paf. Coinmun. 5. E. 2. Rot. 45. a. JVhat anfiuer the King returned to this Cer- iificaie, the Record here cited doth not mention. But there is a clofe Writ, direSied to the /aid Bijh-)p the Treafwer, printed by Ryley, viz. in append, ad Plac. Pari p. 531, which, as one tniy gwfs, contains the King's anfwer. For the Certificate is dated 4 Jj>rilis, and this TViit bears Tejle at Newrajlle upon Tine 1 3 y/- prilis 5. E. 2. In it the King fays, he much winders the Trecifurer Jhould omit doing the hufinejs of the Exchequer for the threats or al- legations of any men : andJlriSily charges him . to execute bis offce, according to the tenour of his Commijfton. (p) Baronibus. Allocate probis homini- bus noftris Suthamfoniae in Tallagio CCC marcarum, CI, quas liberaverunt in Gar- deroba noftra perpraeceptumnoftrum, Wil- lelmo Hardel Clerico ejufdem Garderobae, apud Clarendon die A'lartis proxima poftna- tivitatem B. Johannis Baptiftas anno r n XXX ; Breve eft in forulo Marefcalli & man- datum eft Vicecomiti. Miclj. Communia ^l- Hen. 3. Rot. 1. b. (q) Rex Baronibus. Allocate probis ho- minibus noftris de Naveneftjy, in Tallagio luo quinq; marcarum, duas marcas & dimi- diam, quas liberaverunt in Garderoba nof- tra per prafceptum noftrum, Willelmo Hardel Clerico ejufdem Warderobie, a- pud Wintoniam, die Lunas proxima poft Octab.is Apoftolorum Petri & Pauli anno r n xxx° Breve eft in forulo Marefcalli & Mandatum eft Vicecomiti. Mich . Communia 31. Hen. 3. Rot. 2. a. (?•) Willelmus de Hakford folvit in Gar- deroba Regis prasdicTto Arcaido [de SancSo Romano] Lijs fterlingorum pro xxvj Bifan- tijs auri, pro Carta de Warantia habenda; & quietus eft. Orig. 40. H. 3. m. 4. (j) Mandatum eft Vicecomiti VVarewich, quod de demanda v marcarum quam facit Priori de Wotton, de Promiflb ad ultimam transfretationem Regis in Wafconiam, quas idem Prior folvit in Garderoba, pacem ha- bere permittat. Memor. 42. H. 3. Rot. 4. b. (t) Memor. 51. H. 3. Rot. 2. b. (u) qui folvit in Garderoba Regis Chap. Vlir. of 'EXCH EQJJ E R. 269 the King's Command, the Ferm of their Town (iv). Giles de Goujle paid into the Wardrobe xx Marks, for a Fine to be admitted to his Purgation {x). The Weavers of Oxford, by the King's Com- mand, paid into the Wardrobe their yearly Rent due for their Gild and other Liberties (y). The Taxors and Colledlors of the Vintifme and Qiiinzime for Hcrefordjhire and other Counties, were command- ed to pay the fame into the King's Wardrobe ; and upon producing Letters of Acquittance from the Keeper of the Wardrobe, were to be allowed the fame at the Exchequer (z). Again ; the King's Mo- jiey was fometimes paid-in at the Tower of London; to be kept there (as it feems) till further Order. The Colleiflors of the ^la- dragefiina for the Counties of Oxford, Berk, and Surrey, paid the fame by the King's Command to tiie Conftable of the Tower of London, to be laid-up there : and the Conftable of the Tower was afterwards ordered to pay the fame to the King's Treafurer and Chamberlains [a). Certain Arerages of the Tricejima and of the Sub- fidy C 1, de quibus fecit profrum fuum ad Scac- carium. lb. Rot. 2. b. (w) Baronibus, pro hominibus de Ge- dington. Rex mandat quod alloccnt eifdem Lx 1 & viijs in firma villa; prsdiftae, quas per praeceptum Regis liberaverunt in Garde- roba Regis, Nicholao de Leukenore Cuftodi cjufdem, die Martis in craftino B. ^'Iarci Kwangeliftas, anno regni Regis Lj° . Memor. 52. H. 3. Rot. I. a. (x) Baronibus, pro Egidio de Goude. Rex mandat, quod idem .fatisfecit Regi in Garderoba fua de xx marcis, per quas fi- nem fecit cum eo pro purgatione fua admit- tenda. Mich. Cotnmun. 52, incip. 53. H. 3. Rot. I. h. [y) Baronibus, pro Teliaiijs Oxoniae. Rex mandat quod allocent eifdem Tellarijs Oxoniae, in annuo redditu unius marcse au- ri, quam reddere Regi tenentur pro Gilda fua & alijs Libertatibus & Confuetudinibus habcndis, quas habuerunt tempore H. Regis Auvi Patris fui, de Terminis S. Michaelis anno &c xlix°, L°, & Lj°, decern & cQ.o libras, quas per praeceptum Regis liberave- runt in Garderoba Regis, per manum Jo- hannis de Blande, Nicholao de Leukenore Cuftodi ejufdem Garderobae &c. T. &c. Breve eft in forulo Marefcaiji. Mich. Com- miin. 52, incipien. 53. H. 3. Rot. 5. a. (z) Taxatoribus & Col'.efloribus xx* & XV* in Comitatu Herefordiaj. Mandatum eft eifdem Taxatoribus & Collefloribus, quod totam pecuniam quam penes fe habent & celeriter levare poterunt de Vicefima Si quintadecima praedidis, habeant apud Sa- lopiam die Jovis vel Veneris proximo ante diem Dominicum in Ramis Palmarum, li- berandam ibidem diledlo Clerico Regis Johanni de Benftede Cuftodi Garderobag Regis in eadem Garderoba, Recipientes ab eodem Johanne Literas fuas Patentes receptionem di£lE pecunix teftificantes ; Et Rex eis inde debitam allocationcm habere faciet. Tefte Thefaurario xxvj die Marcij. Confimilia brevia mandantur Taxatori- bus & Col!e£loribus in Com. Salopi^ ; Taxatoribus & CollciSloribus in Com. Staff"., ita [quod] ad eundcm diem, Tefte &c ut fupra. Hereford. Et eodem die praeceptum eft Vic. Herefordiae, quod totam pecuniam quam penes, fe habet de exitibus Ballivas, k quam &c. ut fupra, habeat apud Salopiam ut fu- pra, liberandam ut fupra, Tefte ut fupra. Confimili modo praeceptum eft Viceco- niiti SaJopijE, Vic. Staff"., ita [quod] ad diem praedictam, T. ut fupra. Nil. Brevia Inctornab. i. E. 2. Rot. 81. b. (a) ManJatum eft Conftabuhrio Turns Londonire, quod Qiiadragefimam Regis de Comitatibus Oxoiiias, Berk. ^' Surreix-, quam colleclores cjuldcm Qiiadragefimae el libera- Of the R E c E I P T. Chap. VIII. 270 fidy for the Army of Wales were depofited in the Tower of London {h). And certain Jewels or Plate {yocalid) belonging to the King, were delivered-in, to be kept in the Treafury in the Tower of Lon- do7i till further Order (<:). In fine, the King's Money was fometimea paid-in at the Neiv Temple, to be depofited there par i7iterim. The bheritf of Hercfordjhire lent up the Vicejhna coUe^Sted in- his County ; and it was paid-in at the Ne-w 'Temple in London {d). Simon de Wyciimb Cujlos of the Aiiriim Regina, paid-in or depofited at the New Temple in London, CC Marks of the Queen's Money ; the Receipt whereof Frier Alan Mafter of the Temple acknowledged at the Exchequer [e). The King commanded Phllipp Luvel and Edward de Wejlminjlre to remove all his Gold, Silver, Jewels, and other Treafure of Value, which had been depofited at Wejlminjler and at the New Temple, into the Tower of London ; and to lay the fame up there, fealed with their Seals -, except the King's Regale, which he ordered they fhould leave Hiill at Wejlminjler (fj. And the Difme for the holy Piif. Conmiun. 26. E. i. liberaverunt per prasccptum Regis in eadem Turri reponenci.im,liberetThefaurario Regis & Camerarijs fuis fub Sigiliis eoruiidem coi- le£loruin, ficut eain ei liberaverunt figillis fuis figillatam. T. Rege apud Lamheth xxvj die Aprilis. Per Jufticiarium. Pat, 17. i/. 3. m. 5. {b) De Clavibus traditis Radulpho de Sanwyco per Thelaurarium. Memorandum quod Rannulfus de Dacre quondam Confta- bularius Turris Londonije, tradidillet in pleno Scaccario Johanni de Kirkeby The- iaurario duas claves cujufdam domus Turris praediftae in qua depofua funt tam arreragia Tricefimas quam Subfidij Domino Regi conceffi in Exercitu fuo Wallias Anno regni fui nono. Idem Thefaurarius tradidit claves prsediiSlas Willelmo de Norwyco clerico e- jufdem Scaccarij, cuftodienda quoufq; aliud duxerit inde providendum. Poftea idem WiUelmus perprreceptum cjufdem Thefau- rarij, tradidit clavts pr.-«diftas Radulpho de Sandwyro Conftabulario Turris praediftae, die Martis proxima poft feftum San(Storum Fabiani he Sebaftiani anno Regni Regis E. xiiij°, in prrefentia Nicholai de Okham & Magiftri Willelmi de Bermingeham Clc- ricoruni praedifti Thefaurarij, cuftodiendas in forma prredida. Hil. Commun. 13 ^ 14. £. I. Rot. 6. 11. {c)- cuftodiendain Thefauraria Regis JnTuiri Londoniae, quoufq; aliud fuper hoc fuerit ordinatum. Rot. 76. b. (d) Baronibus pro Bartholomreo de Su- leye Vicecomite Herefordipe. Rex mandat quod allocent eidem BartholomaEO, in exici- bus ejufdem Comitatus fex libras, quas per prasceptuni Regis pofuit in cariagio Vicefi- mae in eodem Comitatu coljeftx, a villa Hereford ufq; ad Novum Templum Lon- doni.-E ; T. ;kc. Manor. 55. H. 3. Rot. 9. b. (e) Recognitio Symonis de Wycumb cuf- todis Auri Reginae. Idem recognovit fe recepifle de Johanne de Eyvill ad opus prx- di£tce Regina; CC marcas, de fine fuo de termino S. Martini anno &c Lij°, quas CC marcas idem S. depofuit apud Novum Tem- plum Londoniae ; Si Frater Alanus Praecep- tor cjufdem Templi prasfens fuit & hoc re- cognovit. Meimr. 52. H. 3. Rot. 13. /;. (f) De Thelauro Regis cuftodiendo, Mandatum eft Philippo Luvel & Eduuardo de Weftminftre, quod totum aurum Regis & argentum, Jocalia, 5: alium Thefaurum Regis preciofum dcpofitum apud Weftmo- nafterium & apud Novum Templum Lon- doniae, portari faciant ufq; Turrim Londo- nias, & in ea falvo deponi fub figillis fuis & figill. eidem Thefauro appenfis per confili- um Regina? & R. Comitis Cornubias, pras- ter Regale Regis, quod apud Weftmonafte- rium dimittent. T. Rege apud Portefmuth vj die Julij. CI. 37. H. 3. /;;. 6. Land, Chap. VIII. of E X C H E CLU E R. 271 Land, colleded in Oxfordjlnre, was paid-in at the New Temple in London by Ralf de Berners (g). When the Exchequer was fliut, the King's Money hath been paid to his Treafurer. Peter de Bedin- ion paid CLx/ (the Exchequer being at that Time fliut) to Walter Bilhop of Carlile Treafurer; and was afterwards allowed the fame at the Exchequer (/»). (g) Rex Baronibus fuis de Scaccario fa- lutem. Allocate Raduljjho de Ber- ners fo much, quos pofuit in carriagio & fecuro conduiSlu pecunis Decinise Terrae Sanftas conce(fe, a Villa Oxoniae ufq; No- vum Templum Londonije anno r n quarto- decimo. Lib. 19. E. i. m. 5. (h) Rex mandavit Baronibus ; Quia tefti- ficatum eft per vos coram nobis, quod Pe- trus de Bedintun liberavit Waltero quondam Carleolenfi Epifcopo C & Lx 1, de exitibus Abbatiae de Evefham, de tempore quo idem Epifcopus fuitThefiiurarius nofter,quamdiu Scaccarium noftrum fuit claufum : Vobis mandamus, quod prxdiftum Petrum de prsdidis C & Lx 1 quietum efle facialis — , Manor. 40. H. 3. Roi, 6. h. CHAP. 272. Of the Crow n-R e v e n u e. Chap. IX. CHAP. IX. Of the Crown-Revenu e. I. Of the Species ivberein the ancient Crown-Revenue was ufually paid. II. CyPfTyOTt'/z/ ad penfum, Blank, and by T'Az. III. Of the Combujiion, Rxamen, and Ajj'ay. I. TTJ'HILST I am difcourfing of the King's Exchequer, I am VV obliged to give fome Account of the Revenue which was managed there. It is not my Defign to form a juft Difcourfe con- cerning the Revenue -, but to handle it only as it is incident to the main Argument. In this Chapter I will fpeak briefly concerning the Species wherein the Crown-Revenue was in ancient Times generally rendred : and in the following Chapters will mention fome of the principal Parts or Branches of which the Crown-Revenue confilled ; in order to fliew in general how it arofe. In the early Days next after the Nonnan Conqueft; (if we are rightly informed) there was very little Money in fpecie in the Realm. Then, the Tenants of Knight's Fees anfwered to their Lords by military Services ; and the Tenants of Socage-lands and Demeanes (in great Meafure) by Work and Provifions. The ingenious Authour of the Dialogue concerning the Exchequer tells us, that from the Time of the Norman Conqueft, till the Reign of K. Henry I, the Rents or Ferms due to the King were wont to be rendred in Provifions and Neceflaries for his Houf- hold (rt) : and that in K. Henry the Firft's Time, the fame were changed into Money. Afterwards, in the fucceeding Times, the Revenue of the Crown was anfwered or paid-in chiefly in Gold and Silver : fometimes in Palfreys, Deftriers, Chafcurs, Leveriers, Hawks and Falcons (to wit, in Horfes, Dogs, and Birds for Game, of divers Sorts) and in Things of other Kinds. All which, may be comprized under the general Name of Revenue ; the fame having been rendred by the Party, and accepted by the Crown as fuch. Sometimes an entire Payment or Render was made, both in Gold or Silver and in Horfes, Dogs &c together : and fometimes in Horfes, Dogs Qfc fingly. Of which Matters there are many Inltances to be > {a) L. I. cap, 7. A quibus vel ob. feen chap. IX. Of the C r o w n - R e v r n u e. 273 feeninthefe Volumes; and fome may be here fubjoined. Bernard the Scrile fined in a Palfrey for the Grant of certain Land f'l>J. Outi of Lincoln fined in one hundred Norivcy Hawks and one hundred Gir- fais ; four of the Hawks and fix of the Girfals were to be white ones J if he could not get four white Hawks, he was to give four white Girfals inftead of them (c). Ralf Son of Drogo made fine ia five Hawks and five Girlalcons for himfelf, and in two Hawks for Nicolas de Sigillo : Maurice de Creon in one Norway Hawk and one Girfalcdn (dj : Stephen de Dammartin in one Hawk and one Girfal- con (e) : Walter Cnot in three Hawks and three Girfalcons (f) : V/illiam de Braiofa in CCC Cows and xxx Bulls and x Mares ; which he paid in kind (g) : Saier Earl of Wincbejler in one good Chafcur, ftich another as Liard, and in one good Bracket (b). E?-naId de Ac- lent fined in one hundred and forty Palfreys with Sackbuts, Lo- rains, Gilt-fpurs, and Peacocks Crefts, fuch as would be for his Cre- dit : he was to pay the Value of thefe Things at three Terms ; viz. one third Part at Midjummer, a third at the Ajmiption of St. Mary, and a third at Michaehnafs (ij. Robert de Ellcflede was to give fix bald (i) Bernardus Scribarcdej Palefridc, pro conceflione terras de Epifcopo Exonias ; Regi fe adquietavit dej Palefrido per breve Regis, E\.Q_^e.Mag. Rot. 5. Stepb. Rot. ib.b. (c) Outi de Lincolia r c de C Accipi- tribus Norrifcis & de C Girfals; ita quod iiij ex his accipitribus debent effe albi, & v j Girfals debent efle albi ; Et fi non poterit habere ilij albos accipitres, tunc dabit iiij albos (jirfels pro iiij accipitribus albis. tt inde reddidit xxv Girfals grifos & viij acci- pitres Norrifcos ; Et debet Lxxv Girfals grifos, de quibus vj debent efie albi, & qua- ter XX & xlj accipitres, de quibus iiij de- bent efle albi. Mag. Rot. 5. Ste. Rot. 12. a. (d) Radulfus fijius Drogonis debet v Accipitres & v Girfalconcs pro feipfo, Et proNicolaode Sigillo debet idem ij Accipi- tres. Mauricus de Creon debet j Accipi- trem Norrenfem & j Girfalconem. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 5. a. Line. (e) Stephanus de Dammartin r c de j accipitre, & j girfalcone. Accipitrcm reddi- dit Regi; per breve fuum; Et debet i girfal- conem. A'lag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Surreia, (J") Walterus Cnot debet iij Accipitres Sc iij Girfalcones, Afag. Rot. 14, H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Korf. ts" Sutf. m. I. Vol. I. is) Willelmus de Braiofa r c de CCC vaccis & xxx tauris & x equabus, pro ha- benda loquela, ficut fupra continetur ; Jn thefauro nichil ; Et Priori de Bello loco C & XX vaccas & x tauros, per breve Regis ; Et Abbati de Forde Lx vaccas 5c x tau- roSj per idem breve ; tt Priori de Bradef- toch xl vaccas & ij tauros, per idem breve : Et debet quater xx vaccas & viij tauros & x equas. Alag. Rot. 9. y. Rot. 4. b. adimum Rot. Sudfcxia. Willelmus de Braiofa debet quater xx vaccas & viij tauros & x equas. Mag. Rot. JC. J. Rot. 5. b. Sudfexia. {hj Saierus Comes Wintoniae [debet] u- num bonum chafcurum, qualis eft Liardus chafcurus Regis, & unum bonum brachet- tum & baldum. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 9. a. fFar. & Leirc. (!) Magifter Ernaldus deAcIent [debet j C & xl palefridos cum fambucis & loiennis & calcaribus deauratis & capellis de pavo- nibus ad Honorem fuum ; Uiide reddet ter- ciam partem pretij in fefto S. Johannis Bap- tifife anno xiiij°, in aflumptione B. Marias terciam partem, & in fefto S. Michaelis terciam partem. Afag. Rot. 14. J. Rot. 5. b. N n Vulperets % 274 0/ //5^ C R o vv N-R E V E N u E. Chap, IX. Vulperets, and fix other Fox-dogs, for a Writ of Pone againfl Henry de St. George (k). Richard Engaine rendred C Marks, and four Gupi- lerets f/). Stephen de Haretigot fined in xxxvij /. odd Shillings, and one Fox-dog (m). And others in Hke Manner, When a Render was to be made in Horfes, Dogs &c, it was frequent to change the fame into Money, viz. So much for a Hawk, or fo much for a Palfrey, or the like ; that is, in Cafe the King would accept of fuch Com- mutation ; for the Thing was to be rendred in Kind, if the King fo pleafed. As in the Caie of William Earl oi Arundel (n). But to omit thefe Things ; let us proceed to fpeak briefly concerning the Revenue which was paid in Gold or Silver. There being fome Ob- fcurity in this Subjedt, I fhall treat of it barely in a mifcellaneous Way, obferving only the Order of Time, in letting down what I have to offer. II. In the mofl: ancient Times next after the Norman Conquefl, Payments at the Exchequer were made ad Jcalam and ad penfum ; and in Blank Silver, and Money numero, or by Tale. I will here firfl fet-down a conjedlural Explication of this Matter ; and afterwards will recite fome Records and Memorials, tending to illuftrate or con- firm it. The Payment ad fcalam was Payment by Weighty and fo was the Payment ad penfum. When Money was paid by Weight, and the King's Officers accepted vj d over and above each Pound or XX J of Silver paid-in, it was called Payment ad fcalam. This Kind of Payment was very ancient. And in thofe early Times, when there was but little of the Silver Species running, and the Arts of depraving it were not yet invented, it was thought fufficient that vj d advance fhould be paid for every Pound, or xx s, to make good the Weight. This vj d per Pound feems to have been of the like Nature with the Trebuchet ufed in France, that is. Vantage-money, or fo much added to turn the Scale. When Payment was made ad penfum, the Perfon paying was to make good the Deficiency of Weight, though it was more than vj d per xx s. But in regard Money paid- in by the King's Fermers might happen to be deficient in Finenefs {k) Robertus de Elleftede debet vj Canes Mag. Rot. 15. J. Rot. 8. a. Cant. & Hunt. wulperettos & baldos, Szvj alios Canes fwj Stephanus de Harengot debet xxxvij 1 wu!peculares,pro habendo Pone verfus Hen- xvij s iiij d ob. & unum canem wulpecula- ricum de Sanflo Georgio. Jldag. Rot. 16. J. rem de pluribus debitis. Memor. 32. H. 3. Rot. 15. b. Sudfexia. tit. Nova Oblata. Rot. 15. a. Kancia. (l) Ricardus Engaine r c de C marcis & (n) Pojihac, cap. 13. fe5i. 10. ad ann. 4. iiij Gupilerettis ; In thefauro xxj marcas, H. 3. Willelmus Comes Arundellis. Et debet Lxxix marcas & iiij Gupilerettos. 4 as chap. IX. Of /i6. Dcvoniu. [b] Et in Elemofina conftituta Canonicis S. Trinitatis Londoniae, xxvl xij s vj d in Civitate Exonirc. Mag. Rot. 33. E. i.. Rot. . . Devonla. ?n. I. a. [c) Cap. 13. pa. I. 5°. Sti-ph. Ebrardus Dapifer. Et ib. pe£i. 3. Telarij Oxinef. Et Cap. II. ad. ann. 16. H. 2. Burgenfes de Salop. Et Cap. \o. peSi. \Q. ad ann. 15. poh. Wifcardus Laidet. (^) Abbas de Tornia r c de i marca auri pro jVIercato de Jacheflcia j Ricardo de Bel- campo liberavit ix marcas argenti pro j marca auri, per breve Regis, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 5. Ste, Rot. 5. a. Huntedonepdra. {e) Petrus Turcus r c de j marca auii. In thefauro vj 1 pro j marca auri, Et Q. e. Mr.g. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 12. b. Client. (P) Cap. 13. pea. 3. 5" Ste. Corvefarij Oxinef. {g) Algarus & Sprachelingus debent x marcas argenti, pro forisfadtura falforum denariorum. Mag. Rot. 5. Steph. Rot. 15.. 7. Londonia, the 2/3 O///^^ Crown-Revenue. Chap. IX. the King C Berants, and was acquitted of the C Marks {/j). But in this Cafe perhaps the King accepted of the Befants ex mera gratia. For, as I take it, a Befant was of the Value of ij s. And ij s was an- fwered in Lieu of a Talent, being the yearly Rent of Land in Hatiiel- don (i). In the 5th Year of K. Richard I, Benet Son o{ Ifaac a 'Jcia (lands charged with a hundred Pounds and one Mark of Gold de obol. Mujce or Miifcij, for a Fine (k). And in a Charter of K. Henry III, mention is made of xxiiij oboH de Miirce, payable to the Church of Wejiminjler (I). But what was meant by oboli de Mufce or de Murce, I do not know. In the 4th Year of K. Henry II, William de Caifnei Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk accounted for id s de commutatione moneta of the Town of Ipfwich \m) : and the Sheriff of London for xij / by Tale, p7'o commutatione tnonetce («). In or about the Year 1 175 (22. Hen. 2.) new Money was made in 'England, as the Norman Chronicle relates (r paid-in at the Receipt viij j- and ix^ in b/a?ik Silver examined, [made out of fbnie Pieces] of the old Money j which netae, pro CCC&Lxxvl & iij s ix d Ve- xl, de firma de Trentham de tribus annis : teris monetae, & proxxiiijl & xvj s & iij d Et in terris datis Militlbus de Templo in argento bl[anco] : Et Quietus eft. ix 1 ; Et Johanni Capellano xv 1 ; Et Wal- Radulfus de Crsminavill r c de CI Ve- deivo iiij 1 & x s ; Et in Liberatione conf- teris monetas de Dono fuo : In thefauroqua- tituta x fervientibus, xxv 1 & xij d ; Et de- ter XX & ix 1 & xj s & viijd Novas monetae, bet iiij 1 & x s, pro Blanco firmae. Mag. pro C 1 Vetcris monetae, Et Qiiietus eft. Rot. 15. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. Staff. Hugo de Verli r c de CI Veterismone- (t) Et pro j Navicula argenti, & j pixide XX de Dono fuo: Tn thefauro quater xx ad Capellam Regis xx s in argento Kl., per & ixl & xj s & viijd Novk monetae, pro breve Regis. . Et pro auro ad deau- C 1 Veteris monetae, Et Q^ e. randum Textum Capcll.e Regis, xxij s. Ricardus de Wivill re de CI Veteris Mng. Rot. 17. H. 2. Rot. g. b.^Lundonia (J monetae de Dono fuo : In thefauro quater Midd. XX 1 & Lxvj s &; viij d Novas monetae, pro [u) Idem Vicecomcs r c de ix 1 & v s ?^ C 1 Veteris monetae, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. iiij d in denarijs, & de v marcis in argen- 29. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. Everwichfcira. to bianco, Etde ix anulis aureis minutis, & (q) In relation to this, the Reader may alfo iij firmaculis aureis, de pecunia Ydones, pleefe to confult the Did/oguede rebus Scaccarij. quae disfafla fuit pro retonfura denariorum. (r) Et in argento Blanco, Rogero Auri- Alag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. 11. b. Lond. U fabro vij marca; argenti & vij s & iiij d ad Midd. Capellam Regis, per breve Regis. Eteidem (vj) De catallis Walteri de Grimefbi in V marcae argenti de Liberatione. Mag. Rot. argento bl[anco] ; In thefauro liberavit in 4.//. 2. Rot. I. a. Lundonia. argento bl[anco] ; Et Quietus eft. Mag. {s) W^alterus Hofe r c de quater xx h Rot. 23. H. 2. Rot. 7. b. became 2 8o Of the C R w N-R E V E N u E. Chap. IX. became forfeited to tl)c King, becaufe Richard dc Slokcs an Exchange- our uttered it contrary to the Allize lately made touching the Money {x). In the 3;^d Year, the Slieriffof DevonJJ:ire paid-in xxvj d in blank Silver examined, made out of certain Pieces which were found in the Earth (yj. In the eighth Year of K. Richard I, Allowance was made to Odo Ic Petii in his Account for the Profits of the King's Cambium, for making a Eluch and a Fahrica [or Forge] and for Utenfils and Neceflaries for blanching of Silver {z). In the fame 8th Year, the Sheriff of Worcejicrjljirc accounted for xl / xiijj- and vj d Blank, de remancnti firmcv of his County. He paid xij /, Part of it, to Hubert Archbifliop of Canterbury by Tale ; and the J^lbum of that xij /, or the Combuftion-money requifite to make it xij / Blank, he paid at the Exchequer : and flood charged with xxviij / xiij J \]d Blank, the Refidue of the total Sum («). 'Thomas Bafjct accounted for the Ferm of Benfenton, for the tenth Year of K. 'John, Upon his Account, C j v\] d ob. were difcounted to him for the Album of Lvij / viij s for Benfenton, which he had paid in his own wrong in preceding Years (<^). Again ; Album hath been ufed (as it feems) to fignify Rent paid, or other Payment made in Money. K. Henry III, commanded the Sheriff of NotinghamJ]:i?'e, not to demand any Album of William Daubigny for the Manour of OJkinton ; becaufe the King had granted him that Mancur, to hold (;f) Idem Vicecomes r c de viij s & ixd necefi'arijs expenfis^ xxxjx s & j d, per in ar£;ento bianco examinato, de denarijs ' " vcteris monetje, quibus Ricardus de Stokes cambic-bat contra affifam ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Mug. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. Droensjcira. (y) Idem Vicecomes r c de xxvj d in ai'gento bl. examinato de multis pai'ticulis inventis in terra. In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mug. Rot. 33. H. 2. Rot. J I. a. Devenrfclra. [z) Et Archiepifcopo Colonic xx jnarcas, per manus Ads pincernae fui, de feodo jquod Rex dcdit ei in Anglia ; per breve H. Cantuarienfis Arcliiepifcopi ; Et ail Sigillum Regis Novum faciendum, pla- tam de pondcre v marcarum, per breve e- jufdem ; Et Ricardo de Beliius ix marcas, ad emendam unam peniilam de Erminea ad epus Regis, per breve ejufdem ; — ^ Et Ferranda filio Regis Navarise revertenti ab Alemannia ubi fuerat obfes pro Rege, C marcas & C s, ad eundum in Normanniam, & ad acquietanda yadia fua Sc expenfas fuas, per breve ejufdem ; Et pro una Hu- chia facienda, & una fabrica, & ufenfilibus facicndis ad dealbandum argentum, & alijs breve Regis ; Et pro una Dn.mo in qua Cambium faiStum eft, & uno panno, & una archa, xliiij s, per idem breve. Alag. Rot, 8. Ric. I. Kci. I. b. in cotnpotoOcknis Parvi Sjf al. de proficuo Camhij. {a) Idem Vicecomes re de xl 1 & xiij s 5* vj d Bi. de remanent! firmae Comitatus ; In thefauronichil ; Et H. Cantuarienfi Ar- chiepifcopo xij 1, quas ipfe recognovit fe re- ceplffe a Vicecomite, & quas ipfe Archiepif- copus debet reddere numero, quia Vice- comes reddidit album : Et debet xxviij 1 & xiij s & vj d Bl. Mag. Rot. 8- R. I- Rot. I. IVtreccJir. (h) Idem Vicecomes [fc. Tomas BafTet, Ricardus le Thus pro eoj reddit compotum de C 1 pro firma de Benfenton de hoc an- no . Et in Perdonis ipfi Vicecomiti C s & vij d & ob., pro Albo de Lvij 1 & viij 3 de Benfenton, quod reddidit de tri- bus annis & dimidio prasteritis, quod non dcbuit reddidiffe. Mag. Rot. 10. 'Job. Rot^ 16. b. tit. Oxenefordfcira. by chap. IX. 0//^^ Crown-Revenue. 281 by Knight's Service (c). The Dialogue concerning the Exchequer fpeaks ahb of the Dealbation of the Sheriffs Ferm {d). Walter dc Bathe Sheriff" o^ DcvonJJ.vre accounted to K. Henry III. for xxvj ]d the Profits of the Contraft for digging the black Mineral, other Sums -for the Iffues of the greater and fmaller Coinage, and Lxxix j- pro minera dealbanda and for Tin that was fold {/). But perhaps thiii Dealbation of the Oar was only whiting or refining it. III. Sometimes (as hath been faid above) when Money was paid- in or tendred at the Exchequer, it was brought to the Fire to be tryed. The Tryal by Fire was called Combujlio, Exatmn, and Af- fahim or Ajjaia. When a Combuftion was made, fo much per Pound w^'i, as I take it, wont to be paid for the Combuftion. For Example : in the third Year of K. Henry II, Richard de Liici Sheriff of EJJ'ex was allowed, upon his Account, xl / x j- x :j anni Hcnrici Regis Sccundi. Vol. I. O o That 282 Of the C R w N - R E V E N u E. Chap. IX. Year of K. Henry 11 (i) : and in the 25th Year of that King (kj : and in the 8th Year of K. Richard \, in Eafter Term flj : and again in the fame Year in Michaehnafs Term fnij: and in the 7th Year of K. John fn). In the 14th Year of K. Henry III, the Sheriffs of London paid at the Exchequer 214/ 6 s 3 J part of the Fenn of that City. The Money was right by Weight. But being brought to the Exatnen of Fire, it lacked upon the firft AfTay xiiij d per Pound, and upon the fecond AfTay xij d. The Sheriffs challenged both Af- fays; and defired a third. But that was refpited till further Or- That is the Title of the Cedule. Then it fol- lows thus, Combuft. de Ghent, viij 1 & vj s &!•](}. And Jo, Combujiiones for feveral other Counties and Towns by name. So tnuch. Mag. Rot. 11. H. 2. Rot. 1. in Cedula. (i) Combuftiones de Termino S. Mi- chaelis xxj anni H. Regis II. apud Weft- mon. fa<5t* ; Comb, de Ghent xxvij s. & iiij d. Comb, de Surreia. Comb, de Hante- fcira iiij I & x s & viij d. The Uke for fever al Counties and other places. Mag. Rot. 21. H.i. in Ced. ad Rot. i . {k) Combuftiones de firmis Comitatuum Anglia?, fadta apud Weftmonafterium in Termino S. Michaelis anno xxv° Regni H. Regis SccunJi : Comb, de Ghent, x s de Veteri, & de Nova xj s ; Item de remanent! ix s & vij d. Comb, de Surreia ; Comb, de Hantefcira, So much, each County. And fo for the rejl. Mag. Ret. 25. H. 2. Rot. x. in Cedula. (I) Combuftiones de Termino Pafchse anni viij Regni Regis Ricardi. Comb, de Notingeham & Derbifcira . . . Comb, de Norhamtefira xxxiij s & v d. Comb, de Wireceftrefira xxij s & ix d. Comb. Burgi de Wireceftria vj s. Comb, de Norfolchia & Sudf. XV s & j d. Comb, de Everw^icfira Lxx s. Comb, de Dorfett & Sumerfett XXV s & viij d. Comb, de Devenfira xj s. Comb, de Staffordfira xiij s & vj d ; Item de codem xvij d. Comb, de Surreta vij s & viij d. Comb, de Cantebrig. h Huntedon- fira xlij s & vj d. Comb, dc Berchfira xij s & iiijd. Comb, de Wiltefira xvij s & iiij d. Comb. Burgi de Norwico de dimidio anno Sexti anni xxv s & ij d. Comb, de Reragio Burgi de Norwico de eodem anno, viij d. Comb. Burgi de Norwizxlixs & viij d. Comb, de Reragio de Norf, & Sudf, de ham vj s & viij d. iiij s & vj d. Comb. vj' anno iiij s & ij d. Comb. Burgi de Be- deford ix s & vijd. Comb. Effexse & Hurt- fordliras C & vj s & iiij d. Comb, de Bedef. & Bukingh. xvj s. Comb, de Warewic & Leirceftreiira xiij s & xj d. Comb, de Lon- donia iiij s. Comb, de Cocham & de Bray xxvs & ixd. Mag. Rot. 8. R. i. In fecunda Cedula affiita Rot. ultimo. (m) Combuftiones de Termino S. Mi- chaelis anni viij Regni Regis Ricardi. Comb, de Cantebrighra & Huntedonfira de toto anno iiij 1 & xj s & x d. Comb, de Nor- hanteftra de toto anno Lvj s & j d. Comb, de Notingehamfira& Derebifira de toto an- no C s & x d. Comb, de Ferendona xiiij s & viij d. Comb, de Reragio de Norf. & Sudf. iiij s & viij d. Comb. Burgi de He- refordia ix s & ij d. Comb, de Heinge- Gomb. de Uplamburn de Hidtredcbiria xvij s. Comb. Burgi de Coleceftria xvj s fi ix d. Comb. Burgi de Norwiz Lj s & ix d. Comb, de Reragio Burgi de Norwiz Ljs & ix d. Comb, de Everwichfira vj 1 & xj s & ij d. Comb, de Kyrketon & Baanton Lxij s de anno prasterito. Comb, de Remanenti fir- ms de Kyrketon & Baanton ij s & iiij d. Comb, de firma de Kyrketon & Baanton hoc anno, Lix s & ix d. Andfo for other Manours, Towns, and Counties. lb. in tertia Ced. ad Rot. ult. (n) Combuftiones de Glov^feceftr. de ter- mino Pafcas xviij s & j d. Combuftiones de Bukingham & Bedefordfcira iij s & x d. The Hie for other Counties andToivns. Com- buftiones de Aura de toto anno ix s & iiij d, Combuftiones de Wireceftr. de toto anno iiij s & ij d. The like for other Towns and Counties. In Ced. annexa ad Rot. ult, Magni Rot. 7. Joh. in Turri Londonia. der chap. IX. Of the Crown-Revenue. 283 der (0). There were alfo Combuftions in the 35th Year of K. Uenry III, for the Money of feveral Counties and Towns (p) : and in other Years. All thefe abovementioned were, as I underlland, Com- buftions of Silver. But upon Occafion, Gold was alfo brought to the Combuftion, As appears in the Cafe here fubjoined. In the Reign of K. yo/jn, NigeJl Ruff'us and Odo le Petit accounted for the Pro- fits of the Cambium of London. Upon their Account feveral Allow- ances were made to them ; wz. For working of Lxv / of Gold, for Crowns and other Ornaments made againft the King's Coronation, Lxv/; "viz. \xs per Pound: For working fourfcore and fix Pounds five Shillings and three pence [of filver], for feveral filver Ornaments,, vj / ix s J viz. xviij d per Pound : for Gold weighing xxj s and viij d, which they took out of their own Stock and ufed about the faid Works, x/; for Silver of their own which they ufed in the faid Works, xj / ij s xJ: and for the Deficiency (in lacco) of the faid Lxv/ of Gold after Combuilion (which Deficiency or Lacciim wat xxxij s and vj d) xiiij / xij s vj d (q). It muft be remembered, that fame Ferms were referved to be paid [0) Stqjhanus Bukerel & Henricus de Rohiiam Vicecomitcs Lundonia de anno Regis hujus xiij°, reddunt compotum de CCC libris Bl. de firma fua : In Thefauro CC & Xiiij libras, vj folidos, iij den., qui fuerunt aequales ad libram fecundum pon- dus, qui pofiti ad examen ignis lacaverunt in primo afiaio xiiij d, he in fecundo xij d -, Vicecomites calumpniantur utrumq; exa- men, & petunt fibi fieri tercium examen : Quoniam vero Thel'aurarius & cateri Ba- rones noluerunt ad tercium afiaium proce- dere fine majori confilio, ponitiir tercium examen in refpe-iftum quoulq; alia inde fiat provifio, & dealbatur libra ad vij denarios. Salvo Regi clamio ad Combuflionem, ut fi plus cadat in tercia Com buftione plus dcal- betur, fecundum ftatuta & confuetudincm Scaccarij. Et eft Comburtio illius tajliae de CC xiiij libris vj folidis ij denarijs fupra- dl£ti&. Libra aquali ad numcrum, vj librae V folidi ; qui i"ubtra<£ti de tallia, reliant CC vilj I'lbras xiiij d Bl. ; & allocatis ill is mifis fuis fecundum quod continetur in Magno Rotulo, debent Lxxxvij folidos v d «b. Bl. Trin, Commim. 14. H. 3. J?s^ (/) DeAmioRegni Regit xxxv** : Comb. O de Bilk. & Bedeford, vij s ; Comb. Villae de Bedeford xxj s & xj d ob ; Comb, villae ■de Kingeflon xvj s vij d & ob. Comb, vil- lae de Bofeham ij marcae ; Comb. Comita- tus EU'exix de primo dimidio anno xl s ; Comb, villrc deNorwico iiij 1 & xij d. And fo for other Counties and Towns. In Ccd. ad. Rot. I. Magni Rot. 35. H. 3. (?) Nigellus Ruftus in Odo Parvus re de Lx 1 & xxij d de proficuo Cambij Lon- doniae : In thefauro nichil ; Et in opera- tione de Lxv 1. auri pro coronis & alijs or- namentis fadlis in coronationem Regis, Lxvl ; fcilicet pro qualibet libra xx s ; Et in operatione de quater xx &: vj ! & v s & iij d, pro pluribus ornamentis de argento, vj 1 & ix s ; fcilicet pro libra, xviij d; Et pro auro ponderante xxj s & viij d, quod dc fuo appofuerunt ad perficiendas operationes Regis de auro, x 1 ; Vx pro argento quod appofuerunt ad operationes de argento, xj 1 & ij s & X d ; Et in lacco port combuftio- nem pr.-ediilarum Lxvl auri, quod fuit xxxij s ^ vj d xiiij 1 & xij s & vj d ; Et habei.it de Superplufagio, xlvij 1 & xiiij s ; qu.Ts pofteu receperunt in denarijs per breve G. filij Petri. Mag. Rot. 9. Job. Rot. 5. h, Londonla. 2 At 2 84 Of the C R o w N-R E V E N u E. Chap. IX. nt the Exchequer Bhnik, and others Numcro, by Tale. It £hall be left to the Reader to judge, what the Difterence in fome Cafes was between the Payment B/uiik, and tlie Payment Numero. I fuppofe it cannot well be adjufted. For as the money was at fometimes more corrupt than it was at other times; fo, it is likely the Difference varied in fome Meafure after that Proportion. I will here venture no further than to recite Ibme Precedents wherein thofe two Sorts of Payments are compared together. For Example : In the nth Year of K. Henry II, the Sheriffs of London and Middlefcx had a Surpluf- age of xxxix/ vs xd Blank, in their Ferm : which Surplufage was to be allowed or fet-ofi" to them in the Aflife of the City of London (that is, in the Aid for the Army of Wales): and accordingly, in their Account for that Aid, they were allowed xlj / v j \] d mwierOy for xxxix/ vj- xd Blank (r). In the 20th Year of K. Hen7y \l, CCiiij / xj s viij d by Tale, are accounted-for, as equivalent to CLxxxxiiij / xvj s xj d Blank : and CCxix I x s xj d by Tale, to CCix / xxiij d Blank : and CCxxxviij / x j by Tale, to CCxxvij I x] s xj d Blank : and CLxxxxv/ xvi iij d by Tale, to CLxxxxvj / viij s X) d Blank [s). In the 2ifl Year of K. Henry II, Gervafe de Cornhill Sheriff of Ketit rendered, in the Ferm of that County, CCxlvij / xv j- vj d niimero, for CCxxxv / xixi' vj ^ Blank ft). In the 2 2d Year of K. Henry (r) Reinerus filius Berengarire & Wil- David de Cornhill re de CC & xixl lelnius filius Ifabel r c de firiiia Lundonia. & x s & xj d numero, pro CC & ix 1 & — Et habent de fuperplus xxix 1 &vs& xxiij dBl., de Veteri firma Lundonias ; In xd Bl. ; Qui computantur eis in affifa Ci- thefauro xx 1 numero; Summa CI nu- vitatis. AI(7g. Rot. ii. H. 2. Rot. 4. a. mero; Et debet C & xix 1 & x s & xj d Idem Vicecomites re de CCC & xxxiij 1 numero. & vjs & viij d, de Auxilio cxercitus Wa- Johannes Bueuint re de CC & xxxviij 1 liae, in Civitate : In Thefauro CC & LI — : &xs numero, pro CC & xxvij 1 & xj s & In fuo Superplus de firma Comitatus xlj 1 & xjdBl., de Veteri firma Lundoniae ; In vs & ij d numero, pro xxxix 1 & vs & thefauro Cs numero; Summa xxxij 1 & xs ; xd. Bl. ; Et debent yj m:^ch. Monetarij Et debet CC & vj 1 numero. Londoniae re dexl marcis, de aflifa ejul- Rogerus Blundus r c de C & quater dem exercituG ; In thefauro xx 1 ; & debent xx & xv 1 & xv s & iij d numero, pro C X niarcas. lb. Rot. 4. b. Lund, iff Midd. & quater xx & vj 1 & viij s & xj d BL, {s) Baldwinus Crifpus, uxor ejus pro eo, de Veteri firma Lundoniae ; In thefauro li- reddit compotum de CC & iiij 1 & xj s & beravit Et quietus eft. Mag. Rot. 20. i/. viij d numero, pro C ic quater xx & xiiij 1 2. Rot. 1. a. & xvj s & xj d Bl. de Veteri firma de Lun- (/) Gervafius de Cornhill r e de CC donia ; In Th.efauro xxxiiij 1 & xj s & ix d & xlvij 1 & xv s & vj d numero, pro CC numero, per manum Ebrardi Aurifabri pie- & xxxv 1 & xix s & vj d bl., de firma gij ejus, &xl numero per Ricardum de anni prxteriti, qui totus fuit in Werra ; Et Berch, and other Aloncy by other Hands, Et de C & xxj 1 & xiij s & ij d numero, de debet xxxviij 1 & xix s & xj d. firma terrae Epifcopi Baiocenfis de eodem annoj chap. IX. Of the Crown-Revenue. 285 K. Henry II, the Fermer of the Town of Hanton had xx / by Tale difcounted to him for xix / vij j- Blank (tt). In the 29th Year of K. Henry II, xxiij / xiiii j j d by Tale were allowed to the Sheriff of Somcrjitjhire, for xxij / xj s vij d Blank fuj. In the fir ft Year of K. Richard I, William Son of Ifabell Sherifi" of London was allowed upon his Account xxxv / '\\\ s xd Blank, for xxxvij / x. d numero, which he had paid by the King's Order to the Earl of Clare (iv). In the fame Year there is charged, on the Burgefles of Catnbridge the total Sum of CCLxx / Blank ; which is (faith the Record) CCLxxvj / XV J numero by Combuftion of vj d {x). In the 4th Year of K. John, Reginald dc Cornhull Sheriff of Ket/f had upon his Account a Surpluf- age of xxxj / xj j vd Blank, which extended or amounted to xxxiij / ij J- vj d numero (y). In the loth Year of K. 'John, William Briwere Sheriff of //'^/7///v>v had a Surplufage of xxvij / \v]s xj d Blank, which was xxix/ iiij s viij d iiwnero (z). In the 12th Year of K. John, the Sheriff anno, Et de Lxxj 1 & xiij s numero, de firma proprefturarum. Mag. Rot. 21. H. 2. Rot, 13. a. Chcnt. [it] Robertus de Sanfto Laurentio r c <3e firma de Hantona. ■ Et debet xix 1 Sc vij s bl[ancos]. Idem r c de eodem de- bito ; In thefauro vj s & iiij d bl[ancos] ; Et in pcrdonis, per breve Regis, ipfi Ro- berto XX 1 numero, pro xix 1 & vij s bl[an- cis] ; Et Qiiietus eft. Alag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 1 3. b. Hcintona. (u) Ipfi Vicecomiti xxiij 1 & xiiij s & j d numero, ad Cuflodiam Caflelli de Bri- ftou, pro xxij 1 & xj s & vij d b![ancisj, per breve Regis ; & Q^ e. Alag. Rot. 29. H. 2. Rot. 3. b. Dorfeta h Sumerfeta. Wil- lelmus de Bendeng. Vicecomes. (w) Willelmus filius Yfabelx r c de quater xx & vii 1 & vj s & j d B). de Vc- teri firma de Londonia ; In thefauro I/ij 1 & ij s & iij d BI. ; Et Comiti de Clara xxxv 1 & iij s li X d El. , pro xxxvij 1 & x d nu- mero pro DC & xxxv Baconibus qui mifli fuerunt ultra mare ad warniiionem Caftel- lorum Regis, per breve Ranulfi de Glanvilla per pn-Eceptum Regis, Et Q^e. Mag. Rot. I. R. I. Rot. 13. a. [x] Burgcnfes de Cantebrigia debcnt Lx 1 BI. de firma Burgi de Cantebr. de hoc anno; Et C & quater xxl BI. de iiij annis prseteritis, Et xxxl B\, de dim. anno de fir- ma Qsiinti anni. Summa, CC & Lxx I BI. quod eft CC & Lxxvj 1 & xv s numero per combuftionem vj denariorum, quia red- diderant in thefauro. Idem reddunt com- potum de eodem dcbito : In thefauro C & quater xx k xvj 1 & vij s & xd numero, Et in perdonis, per breve Regis, Ipfis Bur- genfibus quater xx 1 & vij s & ij d numero, quos liberaverunt in thefauro pro habenda Villa fua in Capite de Rege, de qua vero Rex fecit voluntatcm fuam, Et Q. f. Mag, Rot. \. R. I. Rot. II. a. Burgcnfes de Cantebrigia re de C mar- cis argenti & de vj 1 pro j marca auri, pro habenda villa fua ad firmam ; In perdonis, per breve Regis, Ipfis Burgenfibus Lij 1 & xix s & vj d pro Lij I xix s & vj d quos liberavcrant in thefauro, pro habenda villa fua in Capite de Rege, quam mode non habcnt, Et item in perdonis, per idem breve Regis eifdem Burgenfibus xix 1 & xiij s &xd, quia Rex facit de villa vo- luntatem fuam ; Et Q; f . Ahg. Rot. i. R. i. Rot. II. b. (y) Et habet Superplufagio xxxj 1 xj s i^ v d BI., quas funt ei extenfse ufq; ad xxxiij 1 & ij s & vj d numero. Mag. Rot. 4. J. Rot. 15. b. Kent. Reginaldus de Corn- hull, Sherif. (z) Willelmus Briwrere, Johannes Bonet pro eoj re dc firma. ——Et habet de fu- perpluf. 286 0/*/^^ Crown-Revenue. Chap. IX. Sheriff of Norfolk had in Surplufage xxxij / xiiij s Blank, which was valued at xxxiiij / viij s \] d jiumero (a). In the fame Year, another Surplufage or xxxv/ y. d Blank was valued at xxxvij j vij ^ niimero {J)). In the 14th Year of that King the Sum of QA^v I iij 5 Blank was valued at CLxiij / v ^ y.]d nuniero (c). In the 5th Year of K. Henry III, Richard Son of K. "john Sheriff of Staffhrdjhire was in Surplufage xij / xiiij s xd Blank, which was xiij / viij s ] d numero {d). At the fame Time Hubert de Burgh Sheriff of Norfolk and Siiff'olk was indebted xviij / xv i \] d Blatik, which were xix / xiij s xj d numero {e). In the fame Year, the Men of Ca?nbridge were in Surplufage v s \]d Blank, which was v j- ix ^ numero ffj. In the 6th Year of K. Henry III, Lxxvj j- viij d Blank was valued at Lxxviij s xd numero (g). In the 9th Year of K. Henry III, xlvj s and iij d Blank was extended or valued at xlviij j \\ d numero {Jo). In the 10th Year of the fame King, xv / xj j xd Blank was xvj / vij s \ d Jiumero or by Tale (/). In tlie 20th Year, xij / Blank v/as xij / xij j- Jiumero {k). In the 22d Year, xxiiij / Blank, was xxx/ numero (/). In the 28th Year, iiij / viij ^ vij^ Blank were iiij / xj j- \)d numero pcrpluf. xxvij 1 & xvj s & xj d BL, Qux funt ei extenfae ad xxix 1 & iiij s & viij d numero. Mag. Rot. 10 J. Rot, 4. e. mitcfir. (a) Et habent de Superpluf. xxxij 1 & xiiij s bl., Qua; funt ei extenfa; ad xxiiij 1 & viij s & ij d numero. Mag. Rot. 12. 'J, Rot. 5. a. Norf. Uf Sitdf. (b) £t habent de Superpluf. xxxvs & X d bl., qui funt extenfi ad xxxvij s & vij d numero. lb. Rot. li. a. (c) Et praeterea eft fumma de bianco, C & Lv 1 & iij s bl. ; qu.'E funt extenfae ad C & Lxiij 1 & VE & xj d numero. Mag. Rot. . 14. J. Rot. 5. a. (d) Et habet hie de Superplufagio xij 1 & xiiij s &: X d Bl. , qui funt ei extenfi ad xiij 1 & viij s & j d numero. Mag. Rot, 5. H.T^. Rot. I. a. Berkeftra. Ricardus filius Regis, Henricus de Scaccario ut Cuftos, pro eo, Sheriff'. {e) Et debet xviij 1 xv s & ij d Bl., qui funt ei extenfi ad xix 1 & xiij s & xj d numero. lb. Rot. 3. a. Norf. & Sujf-'. Hu- bertus de Burgo, Ricardus Frelmgefeld Fpro eoj r c de firma. (f) Et habent [fc. Homines de Cante- brigiaj de Superplufagio v s & vj d Bl. , 2 qui funt eis extenfi ad v s & ix d. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 3. Rot. . Cant. & Hunt. m. I. (g) Et habet de Superplufagio Lxxvj s & viij d BL, qui funt eis extenfi ad Lxxviij s & xd numrro. Mdg. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 2, a. in i/Ho. Cant, c? H'Mitc7id. Falkefius de Breautee, Johannes de Ulecot pro eo, She- (h) Et habent [fc. Homines de Kinge- fton] de Superplufagio xivj s & iij d Bl. , qui funt extenfi ad xlviij s & ij d. Mag. Rot. g. H. 3. Rot. 3. a. m. i. Surr. (i) Et debet hie XV 1 & xj s k xd Bl. , qui funt ei extenfi ad xvj 1 h vij s & vd numero. Alag. Rot. 10. H, 3. Sur- ti'ia. m. I. a. (k) Homines de Doreceftre r c de xij 1 Bl. de firma Villas fuse, Qui funt extenfi ad >i)l & xijs numero; In thefauro nichil, Et in Warderoba Regis, Fratri G. apud Claredon, >.i) 1, per breve Regis ; Et de- bent xij s. Alag. Rot. 20. H. 3. Dorjcite li Sumerfate m. I . a. (i) Homines de Scalleby debcnt xxx 1 numero pro xxiiij 1 Bl. de firma de Scalle- by, ficut continetur in Rotulo xviij". Mt- mor. 22. H. 3. Rot. 16. b. Ekr. (m). Chap. IX. Of the C r o w n - R e v e n u a. 287 (w). In the 30th Year, Lxxx/ B/ank was Lxxxiuj / ttu.'ncro (n). In the 49th Year, CCx / xviij s uj J B/ank was CCxxj / ixs ij J numcro (0) : and xx s iiij ^ lacked j rt' (/z) , The Purfe of the Town of Bedford lacked iiij d foj. The Purfe of the Town of Colchejler lacked iij d (pj ; and that of the Town of Notingham iij d (q). When it is faid, that fuch a Purfe lacked iij d, it is, I think, {b) Burfa anni fecundi nlmis fortis fuit i denario. Memor. 6. H. 3. Rot. 13. b. London. (f) Burfa Comitatus \_for one year\ lackat j d. Burfa alia /uit nimis fortis j d. Ale- mor. 1 1 . //. 3. Ro^. 8. a. Staff. (d) Denary CorrRtatus Ebor. laccaverunt ji d, & funt extenfi ad viij d. Alcmsr. 6. il. 3. Rot. w. a. Una Burfa de Walegrave laccavit iij J & ob. Alia Burfa laccavit iiij d & ob. Ter- cia laccavit ij d. Qiiarta requalis eft ad 11- bram. ExtenfE funt ad xd. lb. Rot. ii.b. (^) Burfa de Poclinton jequalis eft ad li- bram. Burfa alia ejufdem villse laccat j d. Extenduntur advijdob. Jl/I^>tor. ii. H. 3. Rot. 5. b, (f) Burfa de Dorceftria laccat iij d. Bur- fa Comitatus laccat jd. Extenduntur ad viij d. lb. Rot. 6. a. Dorf. [g) Afl'aium burfae Londonise lacat xijij d- Aiterum Aflaium lacat xij. Memor. 14. H. 3. Rot. 14. a. Fid, fcii. 3. of CombuJIion j ad arm. 14. H. 3. [h) Burfa Vicccomitis lacat j d. lb. Rot. 14. b. Bed. is" Buk. (i) Burfa de Norwico lacat j den. lb. Rot. \i. b. (/(■) Buifa Burgi dc Coleceftria lacat iij d & ob. Memor. 22. H. 3. Roi. 14. ei. Burfa dc Gipevvich lacat j den. lb. Roi. iS. b. adimum. {I) Burfa Hominum de Norwryco lacat jd. Burfa Hominum de Gipewyco lacat ij d. Manor. 41. H. 3. Rot. 24. b. (m) Burfa Civitatis Hcrefordiae lacat iiijd.> lb. Rot. 26. i>. Burfa deNorthamton lacat iij d. Jb. Rot. 27. a. (n) Burfa Vlcecomitis lacat j d. Me/nor, 49. H. 3. Rot. 17. b. in imo ; In Compoto Vic. Buk. isf Bed. (o) Burfa Hominum de Bedford lacat iiij d. Jb. Rot. 18. (i- (/>) Lakum. Burfa Hominum de Cole- ceftria lacat iij d. lb. Rot. 19. a. in Coinp. Vic. EJfexics. [q) Burfa Hommum de Notingham lacat iijd Burfa Hominum de D^rby squalis. Jb. Rot. 21. /'. Not. Jif Derb. to chap. IX. Of the Crown-Revenue. 289 to be underftood, that there was, upon the Combuftion, a Defi- ciency of iij d per xxs in the Sum paid into the Receipt. It is men- tioned to be fo, in the great Roll of the firft Year of K. Richard I, in the Cafe of Ralf Fitz-Stephen (if I underftand it right.) There, the Combuftion was computed at Sixpence in the Pound (r). As the Revenue in ancient Times was wont to be paid-in at the Exchequer, ibmetimes by Weight, and fometimes by Tale : fo, there were proper Officers and Utenfils provided there, for weighing, telling, effaying, and laying-up of the Money. There was a Pcfour or E''eighcr, a FuJ'or or Melter, Goldfmiths, and others. In the 26th Year of K. Henry II, there were (it feems) two Fufors ; for Gilbert the Fiifor had Livery from the King for his Service [at the Exche- quer]; and in the fame Year, Coals and other Necefl'aries were pro- vided at the King's Charge for making the Allays [at the E-cchequer] (j-) : and Uchtrede Stede the King's Fujor had Livery in the lame Year from the King for his Service ; and Coals and other Utenfils for his faid Office were likewife provided for him at the King's Charge (/), In the firft Year of K. Richard I, foru/i and other Con- veniences were provided [at the Receipt'] for weighing and for telling of the Revenue paid-in [li). And in like Manner other Allowances and Frovifions were made for other Officers concerned in the Re- ■ ceipt of the King's Money. Thefe Officers received Salaries or Sti- pends of the King for their Service. The Offices of the Pefour and Fjifor were Serjanties. Of them we fhall fpeak in another Place (w). Of the Go/dfmitbs no more needeth to be fiiid here, than that there were fuch Perfons ufually employed at the Exchequer, who had (?•) Et Radulfo filio Stephani per Ala- 26. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. iff b. Norhnvtefdra. num Difpenfatorcm, Lxxij 1, ad foltam Re- (/) The Sheriff ^/"Devonftiire was alloived ginas faciendam, per Combuftionem vj dc- upon his Account, what he had expended, In rariorum libra ; per breve Rannuln de Liberatione Mauricij de Charkafon Cambi- Glanvilla, per praeceptum Regis ; EtQ^e. toris Regis, a fefto Decollationis S.Johannis Mag. Rot. I. Ric. I. Rot. 10. b. IViheJcira. ulq; ad oilabas S. Michaelis, xiij s, quali- Hugo '^2.xA\Ai Sheriff. bet die iiij d, per breve Randulfi de Glan- (5) The 5/;^r/^ it/" Northamtonfhire was villa ; Et in Liberatione Uchtredi StedeFu- allowed upon his Account, what he had laid foris Regis, ix s & viij d de xxxix diebus, cut. In carriagio thcfauri a Norhantona per breve Rannulfi de Glanvilla ; Et pro ufq; ad Notingeham, per Willelmum Mai- Carbonibus & Inftrumentis pradidi Fufo- duit Camerarium & Johannem Cumin, vs, x'v,, iij s, per idem breve, lb. Rot. 7. a. per idem breve [Regis] ; Et Liberatione Dcuenefcira. Gilleberti Fuforis a Nativitate B. Marios {u) Et pro forulis & alijs neceflarijs ad ufq; ad odabas S. Michaelis, x s per idem ponderandum h numerandum thefaiuum, breve Regis; Et pro Carbonibus & ne- ix 1 & ij s &jd. Mag. Rot. I. R. i. Rot. cefiarijs ad examin[ationc3] faciend[as], 17. a. Sndhaniona. iiij s & vij d, per idem breve. Mag. Rot. (?i) dip. 24. Fol. 2. Vol. I. P p Livery 290 Of the Crown-Revenue Chap. IX, Livery or Allowance from the King. Thus, in the 5th Year of K. Sicpben, Allowance was made to the Sheriffs of London for the Li- very of the King's Goldfmiths, and for the Coals ufed by them (.v). In the 22d Year of K. Henry II, Allowance was made out of the Form of the City of London and County of Middle/ex, for John the Goldfmith, and likewife for the Coals ufed by the King's Gold- fmiths fy). The like Allowances were made in feveral other Years of "^the fame King and his Succelfors (2). It is to be underflood, that there were Mints in feveral Places of Lm^land ; and Officers employed in the Coinage there j of which Sort were the Moneyours, EiTayers, and Ciijlodes Cuneorum. Thefe Mints and Officers were under the Supervifal and Diredion of the chief Jufticier, or the Treafurer and Barons of the Exchequer. In the 9th Year of K. John, the Moneyours, EfTayers, and Ciijlodes Cuneorum of London, were commanded by Writ Patent to appear at Weftminjier in the quinzime of St. Denys, to receive there the King's Command; and to bring thither all their Dies fealed-up with their Seals, and to fummon all the Workers of Money of London, and other Perfons who were {killed in the Art of making Money, to appear there at the fame Time. And the like Writs ilfued to the Moneyours, Ef- fayers, and Cujiodcs Cuneorum, of Winchejlcr, Exeter, Chkhejler, Can- terbury, Rochejler, Ipfwlcb, Norwich, Le?in, Lincoln, Tork, Carlilc, Northamton, Oxford, St. Edmund, and Durham fzz). There [x) Et Aurifabris Londoniae pro Car- Et in liberatione conftituta Johanni Au- bone, Lxs h xd numero. Mag. Rot. 5. rifabro iiij ! & xj s & v d. Et pro carbo- Ste. Ret. 15. a. nibus Aurifabrorum Regis Londonis Lx s (y) Et in liberatione conftituta Infirmis & xd. Alag. Rot. 4. J. Rot. idt. b. Land. de Lundonia, xv s de eodem termino [fc. & Midd. quarta parte anni] ; Et Johanni Aurifabro (zz) Rex &c Omnibus Monetarijs & Ex- xxijs & ixd & ob. de eodem termino ; Et aminatoribus monetne & Cuflodibus Cune- pro Carbonibus Aurifabrorum Regis, XV s & orum Londonia falutem. Prscipimiis vo- ij d & ob., de eodem termino. Mag. Rot. bis, quod ficut vos & veftra diligitis, ftatim 22. H. 2. Rot. 1. b. Lond. & Aftdd. vifis Litteris iftis fignetis figillis veftris on>- (z) Et in liberatione conftituta Johanni nes Cuneos veftros, & fitis cum illis apud Aurifabro, iiijl & xj s & ilj d ; Et pro Weftmonafterium a craftino S. Dionifij in i-arbonibus Aurifabrorum Regis Londoniae, xv dies, audituri prasceptum noftrum. Et Lxs & xd. Mag. Rot. 24. H. 2. Rot. 9. facintis icire omnibus operatoribus moneta; b. Lond. y Midd. de Civitate veftra, & eis qui fciunt dare Et in liberatione conftituta Johanni Au- confilium ad faciendam monetain, quod rifabro, iiijl & xj s& iiijd. Alag. Rot. i. tunc fint ibi vobifcum. Et habeatis ibi R. I. Rot. 13. a. Lond. 6f A'lidd. The like has Litteras. T. Domino P. Wintonienfi Allowance zuas again made to John the Gold- Epifcopo apud Weftmon. vij die OiSobris. fmith, anno a. R. I. Mag. Rot. (). R. i. Sub eadem forma fcribitur omnibus iVIo- Rit. 1 1, a. Lond. Uf Alicld.. netarijs, U examinatoribus monetae, & Cuf- • - todibus chap. IX. O/Zy^^ Crown-Revenue. 291 There were alio Aflays, made at the Exchequer, of the Money minted at the refpeftive Mints. K. Edward I. [anno 9. or 10.) by his Writ commanded the Barons, to take with tliem Gregory de Rokejle, and ftraightway, before they retired from the Exchequer, to open the Boxes of the Aflay of London and Canterbury, and to make the Affay in fuch Manner as the King's Council were wont to do, and to take an Account thereof, fo that they might be able to cer- tify the King touching the fame, whenever he fliould pleafe (a). In the 24th Year o^ K. Edivard I, an Aflay of fome Silver brought from the Mine of Byrlande in Devofijhire, was made in the Prefcnce ot Peter de Wyliighhy the Treafurer's Lieutenant, Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, and "'John de Cobham, Baron of the Exchequer (/(^). In the 1 2th Year of K. Edward II, an Affay was made of the Money minted in the Exchanges of London and Canterbury between the nth Day of June in the loth Year of the King, and the 19th Day of November in the 1 1 th Year, during which Time, Giles de Hertebergh and 'Terrick de Lofe were Mafters of the laid Money ; and between the fame Day and the 21ft Day oi April in the 12th Year, at which Time the faid Giles alone was Mafter of the Money there ; to wit, of forty thoufind feven hundred and thirty Pounds minted in the faid Exchanges within the faid time. Upon this Affay, it was found, that the faid Money was too weak, and of a greater Allay than it ought to have been of, by two hundred fifty eight Pounds five Shil- lings ten Pence Halfpenny ; as appeared by the Rolls of the faid Allays remaining in the Receipt. For which Defeds the faid Giles was bound to anfwer to the King for himfelf and the faid 'Terrick, as he acknowledged before the Treafurer and Barons. And befides, the faid Giles was bound to anfw^er to the King for C / of melted Silver, delivered to him to be minted by Aiigujlin le Waleys, ICeeper of the faid Exchanges, as the faid Giles likewife acknowledged. The Total for which the faidG/A'j was to anfwer to the King, was three hun- dred fifty eight Pounds five Shillings and ten Pence Halfpenny. Of this Sum todibus Cuneorum, Wintonias, Exoniae, fme dilatione aperiant, & aflaium illud, Ciceftrise, Cantuariae, RofFse, Gipefwici, piout alias per quofdam de Confilio Regis Norwici, Lennse, Lincolnias, Eboraci, Car- fieri con luevit, ficiant, & compotum inde dull., Norhamtoniae, Oxonias, SaiKSti Ed- rccipiant, Ita quoJ fuper hijs ad benepla- mundi, Dunelmi. Pat. 9. y. m. 5. citum I'uum poterit certiorari. Tiin, Corn- ea) Baronibus de Aflaio faciendo. Rex miin. 9 ts" 10. E. Ret. 5. b. mandat eifdem, quod afTumpto fecuin Gre- {b) — in prssfentiaDominorumP.de Wy- gorio de Rokefle, ante receffum a Scacca- lughby Teuentis locum Thefaurarij Can- rio, pixidcs affaij Loiidonije & Cantuarise cellanj Scaccarij, & Johannis de Cobeham P p 2 Baroiiis 292 Of the C R o vv N -R E V E N u E. chap. IX. Sum, one liundred Pounds were afligned to the BiOiop of Ely, in Part of the Debts due to him from the King, by Bill of the Wardrobe. The faid Giles was commanded to fatisfy the faid Bi-, fnop for the faid hundred Pounds, and the King for the reft. Giles alledged that he was unable as yet to pay the fame. Whereupon, the 1 6th Day of May, he was committed Prifoner to the Marlhall. Afterwards, on the 26th Day of "June, he was fet at large, by the Manucaption of //«;.v/rf_y de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and EJ/ex, and of Mailer "Jolm IValc-iuyn (c). In the fame i2th Year, a Wi^it ilfued to the Barons of the Exchequer, reciting that the King's Money minted in his Mints in the BilLoprick of Durham and the Liberty of St. Edmund, in the Time of K. Edward I, and of the prefent King, had not yet been aflayed or tried, and commanding them, to caule the faid Money to be duly affayed and tried, and care to be taken about the fame in other Refped:s, in fuch Manner as was juft and had been accuftomed (dj. In the fame 12th Year of K. Edward U, the Abbot of St. Edmund was commanded by Writ, to caule the Minifters of his Mint within the Liberty of St. Edmund, to appear at the Exchequer in the Odaves of Candkmqjs, and to bring with them Baronis Scaccarij ejufdem. Trin. Commun. 24. E. I. Rot. 38. (7. in bund. 23 y 24 E. I. (c) Londonia. Memorandum quod fac- to afi'ayo de moneta Cambiorum Londo- riae & Cantuariae, inter xj diem Junij anno Regis nunc x°, & xix diem Novembris an- no xj°, quo tempore Egidius de Hertebergh & Terricus de Lofe fucrunt Magiftri mo- netaj prasdidtse, & inter eundem diem & sxj diem Apriiis hoc anno xij, quo tempore didus Egidius per fe fuit Magifter ejufdem monetae, videlicet de xl mille DCC xxx li- bris, monetatis in Cambijs prasdiftis infra tempus pn^diitum, compertum eft quod eadsm moneta nimis debilis &: majoris aiaij fuit, quam fuifie dcbuerat, per CC Lviij 1 vs X d ob. ; ficut patet in Rotulis de diftis afTaijs in Recepta exiftentibus. De quibus defectibus dictus Egidius tenetur pro fe & dicto Terrico Domino Regi refpondere, prout ipfe coram Thefaurario & Baronibus recognovit. Et nichilominus, idem Egidius tenetur Regi in C I, de argento fundto fibi liberato ad monetandum, per Auguftinum le (Jaleys Cuftodem Cambiorum praedido- rum, prout idem Cuftos afferit, & nondum reflituto, quod idem Egidius fimiliter re- cognovit. Summa totalis unde idem Egi- dius debet Regi refpondere, CCCLviij 1 vs X d ob. De quibus afllgnantur Johanni Elienfi Epifcopo C 1, in partem debitoruni quae Rex ei debet per billam de Garderoba, videlicet illae C 1 de argento funiSo &c. Et di£tum eft eidem Egidio, quod fatisfaciat eidem Epifcopo de diftis CI, & de refiduo Domino Regi. Qui dicit fe non poffe ad- huc iude fatisfacere. Ideo liberatur Ma- refcallo xvj die Maij. Poflea deliberatur a cuftodia Marefcalli xxvj die Junij. Et Hum- fridus de Bohun Comes Hcrefordiae & Ef- fexijE, & A'lagifter Johannes Waleweyn, eodem die manuceperunt habere corpus di6li Egidij hie, coram Thefaurario & Baronibus de die in diem, ad fatisfaciendum Regi de omnibus arreragijs & defedtibus per ipfum Egidium debitis, prout continget ipfum E- gidium rationabiliter inde onerari &c. Faf. Conunun. 12. E. 2. Rot. 29. a. ((f) Baronibus per Regem. Quia mone- ta Regis de Cuneis fuis in Epifcopatu Du- ndmenfi & Libertate de Sandto Edmundo, tempore chap. IX. Of the Crown-Revenue. 293 them all the Fixes of AfTays made of the Money, minted in the fiid Mint, as well in the Time of K. Echvard I, as of the prefent King, and not yet aflayed ; to the Intent an Aflay might be made thereof, and fuch Meafures taken therein as the Court of Exchequer fhould direifl. Accordingly, at that Day the Abbot fent to the Exchequer Frere William dc Stowe, Sacrifl of the Abbey, Ciif.os of the faid Mo- ney (and his Attorney in that Behalf, conftituted by his Letters Pa- tent) and Roger dc Rede Mafter of the faid Money, with two Fixes containing the Money taken-out to make the Ailays withal, for the whole Time fince the Money there v/as laft allayed. And two Ailays thereof were now made at the Exchequer j as appeared by the Rolls of the faid Allays, remaining in a Bag in the Cufliody of the Chamberlains of the Exchequer (e). In the 22d Year of K. Edivard \, a CommiHion ifiiied out of the Exchequer to two Ferlons, empowering them to furvey the Money that palled in Payments between Merchants throughout the Realm, &c ff). In tempore Domini E. quondam Regis Angliae p;uris fui feu fiio, affayata non extitit feu icmptata, unde plurimum adn,iratur : Man- dat Baronibus, quod monetam fuam in dic- tis duobus locis modo debito aflayare & temptnre, & ulterius inde fieri faciant prout juflum fucrit in hac parte, & alias fieri con- fuevit. T. Rege apud Eboracum, xxx die Novembris anno duodecimo. Per Confilium. Hil. Brevia 12. E. 2. Rot, 79. a. (e) SufF. De affaia fafta monetae de Bur- go S. Edmundi. Cum mandatum effet Ab- bati de S. Edmundo, quod ipfe venire face- ret ad Scaccarium hie modo in oclabis Pu- rificationis B. l^.Iarias, Miniftros fuos Cam- bij fui infra Libertatem de S. Edmundo quo' rum intereft, cum omnibus Pixidibus de af- faio capto de moneta Regis monetata in todem Cambio, tarn de tempwre Domini Regis £. Patris Regis nunc quam dc tem- pore ipfius Regis nunc, unde afiayum non- dum factum fuerit, ad faciendum inde af- iaium., & ad recipiendum quod Curia inde confideraverit, prout patet per breve Regis inter Brevia retornabilia hujus termini : I- dcm Abbas miilt hie ad Scaccarium ad diem lUum Fratrein Willelmum de Stovi'e Sacri- ftam domus fuae, Cuftcdem diftae monetas & Attoinatum ipfius Abbatis in hac parte. per literas fuas Patentes quns remanent inter brevia huius termini, & quendam Rogcrum de Rede Riagidrum diiTlns moncts, cum du- abus pixidibus continentibus denarios cap- tos pro afTaijs faciendis de toto tempore quo afi'.iyum ultimo faiftum fuit de cambio prre- diifto, prout continctur in retorno dicti Ab- batis inter brevia prjediita. Et fadta fue- runt inde duo afiaya, prout patet per Rotu- los afi"aiorum qui funt in Baga de aflayis refidenti in cuflodia Camerar. de Scaccario &c. Ex Meinor. 12. E. 2. Rot. 24. I. (f) Pro Moneta examinanda. P'dwar- dus D. g. &c. Omnibus ballivis & fidelibus fuis ad quos prtefentes Liter;e pcrvencrint falutem. Quia Mo.ncta noftra per quof- dam Falfiirios ita eft contrafafta & retoi^fi, quod jam fere tota corriimpitur, in ipl!us moncti fubvcrfionem, & totius Populi Reg- ni noflri dampnum non modicum & grava- men. Per quod nuper in finy>ilis Civita- tibus &: viilis Mercarorijs & aiibi per totum Regnum noftrum firmiter inhiberi & pup- plice proclamari fecimuf, ne quis Mercator alienigena feu etiam indigena vel quicumq; alius hujufmodi Monetam retonram feu etiam aliam de alienis Cuneis coi)trafa<5lain de csetero in Regno nortro dcfcrret, vel etiam ca in negotiando vel mercando uterc- tur. Quod fi faceret, prima vice qua quis 2 fuper 294 Of the C R o w N -R E V E N u E. Chap. IX» Li the 3 2d Year of K. Edward I, Thomas Ailrcd and 'John Leu, Cujlodes of the Ordinance for the Money at Ipfwich, were charged in the Great Roll with xiiij / iiij s xj d, for Pollards and Crocards fgj. In the 2d Year of K. Edward II, a Writ was fent to the Barons of the Ex- chequer, for Rehef of Gilbert de Knovill late Sheriff of Devoti, who had received Money in Pollards and Crokards then current, before they were fallen in Value by the King's Proclamation, from a Penny to a Halfpenny (h) j and a general Writ for Relief of Sheriffs, Bailiffs tfr, in this Cafe (i). In the 12th Year of K. Edward \\, (there being then a great Deal of falfe Money abroad) a Writ ill'ued to the Barons of the Exchequer, commanding them to order the Sheriffs of England to make Proclamation, That no Man'fhould import into the Realm, dipt Money, or foreign counterfeit Money, under great Pe- nalties ; and that fuch Perfons as had any dipt Money in their Hands, fliould bore it through in the Middle, and bring it to the King's Cambmm to be recoined. This Writ may be ittw at length in the Roll hereunder cited (k). fuper hoc deprehcnfus exifterct, Monetnm niam retonfam feu etiam contrafactam a- niitteret. Et fi idem iteriiin in confimili deprehenderetur delicto, Monetam illam & etiam alia bona fua fecum inventa amittcret. Et ft tertia vice idem deliftum committeret tn fuper hoc depiehenfus exifterer, extunc de corpoie fuo & etiam omnibus bonis & catallis fuis nobis totaliter incurreretur. Alij autem qui R-Iercatores non cfTent & hujufmodi Monetam retonfam vel etiam contrafai5lam haberent, ftatim earn pcrfo- ravent & ad Cambium noftrum tranfmit- terent de novo fub Cuneo noftro cudeii- dam ; alioquin in quorumcumq; manibus exifteret, nobis ellet totaliter forisfacta. Nos jam attendentes quod Mercatores & alij, Moneta hujufmoJi contrafaifta &: etiam re- tonfa, in Nundinis ferijs & alibi per totum Recrnum nolhum nichilominus utuntur, contra Prohibitionem noftram & Procla- mationem pr;edi£lam : Affignavimus di- le£tos noftios Magiilrum Johannem de Glouceftre, & Johannem de Lincolnia Mercatorem de Hul, ad fupervidendas pa- cationes Mercatorum dc cmptionibus & venditionibus faciendas per totum Regnum noftrum, & ad Monetam de qua hujufmodi pacationes fieri debent arrtft.;ndam & ex- aminandam, & ad ultcrius (uper hoc faci- endum quod ficut prasmiffum eft fieri pro- vidimus in hac parte. Et ideo vobis man- damus, quod eifdem in prsemiflis & hijs quae ad prsmifia pertinent fitis intendentes & re- fpondentes, licut vobis Icire facient ex parte noftra. In c r t h 1 n f f . patentes, quamdiu nobis placuerit duraturas. Tefte W. Bathonienfi & Wellenfi Epifcopo The- faurario &c, xx die Maij anno &c. xxij Pnf. Commun'ia 22. E. i. Rot. 3. b. (g) Thomas Ailred & Johannes Leu, Cu- ftodes Ordinationis monets in Gypewyco, deient xiiij 1 iiij s xj d, de Pollardis & Crocardis ; Et xij d ob. argenti for. ibi- dem. Mag. Rot. 32. E. I. Rot. 1, b. m. 1. Norf& Suf. (h) Mich. Brcvia 2. E. 2. Rot. 30. a, Baronibus, pro Gilberto de Knovill. (/) lb. Rot. 32. a. \k) Hi!. Brevia dinda Baronibus, 12. E. 2, Rot. 85. a. CHAP. Chap. X. Of the Kings Demeanes, '^c. 295 C H A P. X. Offofne notable Parts or Branches of the Crown-Revenue. I. Of the Demeanes of the Crown. II. 'OfEfcheats. III. Of vacant BiJIiopricks and Monajleries. IV. Of the feudal and other Profits arfng out of the King's Demeanes and Ef cheat s ; viz. Reliefs, Wardjloips, Marriages, &c. V. Of the yearly Ferms of Comities, and of Tio-ivns or Burghs and Gilds. VI. Of Fines and Amerciaments, VII. Of Aids, Scut ages. Tallages, and Cuflofns. VIII. Of the cafiial Kevenue. IX. Of the Alms ifually charged on the Revenue. X. Of the Aurum Reginse. XI. Of the levying and receiving of the King's Revenue. XII. Of the Manner of paying-out or ijjiiing it. Of Difhurfements made by Fermers and Accountants. XIII. Cff Imprefi, Affignment, Privy-Seal, and Liberate. I. '\ /f A N Y were the Sources from which in ancient Times the M XV J. royal Revenue arofe. The principal Parts or Branches of it were thefe : I. The Demeanes of the Crown. II. Efcheats ; fuch as I . Honours, Baronies, &c. taken into the King's Hands, and not being ancient Demeane ; 2. Vacant or feized Bifliopricks or Monaileries. III. The Feudal and other Profits arifing out of the ancient Demeane and Efcheats ; viz. Reliefs, Wardlhips, Mar- riages &c. IV. The yearly Ferms of Counties, and of Towns or Eurghs. V. Fines and Amerciaments of many Kinds, in civil and criminal Cafes, and for the Foreft. VI. Aids, Scutages, Tallages and Cuftoms. VII. Cafual Profits of divers Kinds ; fuch as Trea- fiire trove. Waif, Wreck, Goods of Felons, Fugitives, and Out- laws ; and other Things. Firft, Of the ancient Demeane of the Crown. It appeareth, that at the Time of the Conqueft, and during the Reigns of feveral of the next fucceeding Kings, the Demeane- z Landa. 296 Of the Kings Dhmeanes, Chap. X. Lands of the Crown were very confiderable for Extent and Income. The great and memorable Survey of the Lands holden in Demeane within this Realm (which was iiniflied in the Year 1086 (a), and is called Domefday-Book) fhev/eth under the Title, Terra Regis, what and which the Demeanes of the Crown were at that Time, and in the Time of K. Ed%vard the Confeflbr : and hath been ever fince counted the great Index to diftinguifli the King's Demeanes from his Efcheats and other Lands, and from the Lands o^ other Men. But what Part of thofe Demeane-Lands did in Procefs of Time pafs away from the Crown, by Grant, Exchange, or otherwife, and what Part thereof afterwards (during this Period) remained in the Crown, it is not needful for me to enquire. II. Another Part of the Crown-Revenue arofe by Efcheats, Under the Term, Efcheat, I defire to comprehend not only thofe Lands which were moft properly called Efcheats, but alfo thofe ■which, at fundry Times after the Conqueft, became vefted in the Crown, either by Devolution, Forfeiture, Seifure, or perhaps by fome other Title. If v/e look into the Revenue-Rolls of the Pipe, of the Reigns of KK. Stephen and Henry II (which next to Domefday-Bock are the moft ancient Rolls of Recox-d now ex- tant) ami hkewife into thofe of the next fucceeding Kings, we ihall find the Crov/n was then in poffeflion of feveral great Ho- nours, Baronies, and Lands, of that Sort : which are ufually ityled Honor, Baronia, or Terra of fuch a one, Ibmetimes with the Ad- dition of quce ejl in manu Regis ; without exprefling by what Title they became verted in the Grown. Thefe great Efcheats were in the ancient Times ufually committed by the King to certain Perfons in Perm or Cuftody : the Fermer or Cujlos an- fwering at the Exchequer yearly for the Ferm or Kfues thereof. I will here mention (for a Specimen) fome of the Baronies or great Fees which efcheated or devolved to the Crown, and be- came Part of the Revenue thereof. And it is to be noted, that the Words which I cite out of the Records upon this Gccafion, are only the Heads or Titles (in the Revenue-Rolls) under which the Ae- <:ounts of the refpeftive Honours or Lands are placed ; citing of thefe Titles being fufficient (I fuppofe) to fliew, that the Lands mentioned were then in the King's Hands. In the 5th Year of K. (la) y// /Zv £w/fffI>omcfday-Book, Mv DaUorTcar, viz, 1086 is ivriiten in a large coeval H.anJ> Stephen, chap. X. Escheats, F e r m s, ^c. 297 Stephen, amongft other Biironies or Lands then in the King's Hands, there were thele : viz. The re\'eral Baronies or Lands of Berchelai (da), of Otiier Fitz-Coimt (b), of William Peverell oi Londoti (r), of Roger de Molbrai fd), of Eudo the Dapifer (e), of Simo)i Cheijheduit and others (f). In the 19th Year of K. Henry II, there were in the King's Hands, the feveral Honours or Baronies of Earl Conan fgj, ot the Earl of Boioigne fh), of IVilUam de Curci (ij, of William Peve- rell oi Notingham (k), of the Earl of Leicefter (I), of Earl Giffard (m), and of William Fit-z-Alan {11). In the 31 ft Year of the lame King, there were in the King's Hands the feveral Baronies or Fees of Guthleu (0), of Striguil (p), of William de Vefci (q), of Ralf de Caugi fr), of Ralf Son of Mein de Foreji fsj, of Albert Grejle (t), of T'hofnas de Mufcamp [u), of William Painell [w), of the Earl of Leicejier [x), of the Conjlahidary (y), of Robert Fitz-Bernard fz), of [aa] Willelmus de Berchelai r c de firma de Berchelai : In thefauro CC & xxxiiij 1 & xiij s iiij d ad penf[um]. Mag. Rot. ^. Stcph. Rot. 14. a. {b) Willelmus de Albini Brit, r c deCC & X 1 de firma terrse Otueri filij Comitis. lb. Rot. 14. a. (c) Willelmus de Trefgoz r c de firma tens Willelmi Peurelli Londonis. lb. Rot. 14. a. ((f) Robertus de Widuilla & Henricus de Montf. r c de firma tcrrae Rogeri de Mol- brai. lb. Rot. 14. a. (e) Hamo de S. Claro r c de firma terrae Eudonis Dapiferi. Jb. Rot. 14.(7. (f) GaufriJus Cancellarius r c de Ve- teri firma Maneriorum quae cuftodit. Et idem Cancellarius de C . (m) Fid. Mtig. Rot. 33. //. 2. Rot. 2. a. Jiot. I. a.juxt. ts b. Et Mag. Rot. 34. H. 2. Rot. 2. ak^ b. (e) Compotus Robert! Peverclli.; viz. (n) Mag. Rot. 6. R. i. Rot. 1 & 1. no- de Angria. lb. Rot. I. b. tato in ima ma Rotuli 2 /;; dorfo, Rotulus de (f) lb. Rot. i.b. , EfcactJH diverforum Coniitttuum per Hugo- (g) lb. Rot. 5. a. nem Bardulfi & Willclmum de S. Mariae (h) Ib.juxt. Ecclefia. Et via. Ma?. Ra. ■]. R. 1. Rot. (i) lb. Rot. 13. I. 3,4, y 5. («) Compotus terrarum Simonis de (0) lb. in dorfo Rot. in ima ora, CV^q 2 eighth 300 Of the Kings D e m e a n e s, Chap. X. eighth Year of the fame King, Hugh Bardolf accounted to the Crown for the IlTues of Efcheats in the northern and midland Coun- ties hereunder mentioned (p). In fubfequent Times (I think) the Eicheatry was managed by Officers, called at firft Cujiodcs Efcaetarum or Efctitr'uc, and afterwards Efcheatours. However, anciently fome of the fmaller Ekheats were ufually holdcn by the Sheriils of the Coun- ties wherein they l.iy. And the Sheriffs anfwered for the yearly Profits of them under the Title, De Proprcjluris & Efcaetis ; as ap- pears by the great Rolls of every Year, in the Reigns of KK. Henry II, Ri/bard I, and John. And when Efcheats came to the Crown, it feems the Juftices Itinerant took Care within their fcveral Circuits, to have them feized for the Crown, and put in Charge to Sheriffs or other Officers for the King's Profit. This was done, in the Reign of K. Henry II, touching Ehejlon, the Land of Robert de Joy {q) ; and touching an Efcheat in Alenchejier (r) ; an Efcheat in the City of Lincoht (j-) : the Efcheat feized by William de Pirou (/) -, feveral fmall Efcheats in Neivcajile upon Tine and Bacnburc {u) ; and in many other like Cafes. In the 3d Year of K. Elenry III, there were Ciijiodes Ef- chaetanim. Simon TrujJ'ebut was then Cujlos E/chaetarum in Lincoln ; and Gilbert Cujin in Lancajler (w). The Manour of Nutfeild which belonged to the Abbot of Boloigne was feized into the Hands of K. (p) Compotus Hugonis Bardulf de £f- caetis, dequibus debet refpondere in Nor- humberland & in fubfcriptis Comitatibiis, •which are, Cumberland, Lancaftra, Ever- wichicira, Staftbrdfira, Notingham & De- rebifira, LincoUfira, Warewic & Leircef- trefire, Weftmeriland. Mag, Rot. 8. i2. I. Rot. 21. a i^ b. (q) De Efcaetis, per Jufticias Errantes : Idem Vicecomcs [Bertrannus de Verdun] rede Lx s, de Kxitu de Elvefton Terra Robert! de Joy, quae faifita eft in mana Re- gis pro Forefta : In th. 1, Et Q; e. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rsi. 12, b. TVar. tsf Legrec. (r) De Excaetis per Jufticias Errantes : Idem Vicecomes r c de xij 1, de firma de Alenceftria; In th. 1, Et Q. e, &c. Mag. Rot. 24. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. iVar. i^ Legerc. (i) De Excaetis per Jufticias Errantes : Idem Vicecomes r c de xs, de terra Ra- dulfi de Waltervill in Civitate Line. ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. lb. Rot I. a. Lincol. (t) Idem Henricus [de Cornhill] r c de xliij 1 h xij s, de firmis terrarum c^uas Willelmus de Pirou faifivit poft mortem Henrici, fecundum breve quod Jufticiarij fecerunt de valentia ejufdem terrae. Mag. Rot. 28. H. 2. Rot. 8."^. tit. Terra Hen- rici de Efiex. (u) De Proprefturis & Excaetis per Ro- tulum Jufticiarum : Idem Vicecomes r c de viijl h XV s h xd, de minutis excae- tis infra Burgum Novi Caftelli h extra. Et de xlv s & iiij d de duabus Excaetis in Baenburc, and for others. Mag. Rot. 33. H.. 2. Rot. 13. h. Norhtwib. [w) SiiTionTruflebut Cuftos Efcheetarum in Lincolnia debet refpondere de exitibus terrarum Roberti de Lafceles in Folefto & alebi, & de alijs rfcheetis temporis fui. Et fummonitus eft in Kibernia. Terra quae fuit Roberti Ruffi in Nau- ineby feifita fuit per pracceptum Regis. Et Vicecomes dicit quod tradita fuit Gilbertp Cufin, Cuftodi Efcheetarum Honoris de Launcaftre. Almiorand. 2 CS" 3. //. 3. Rot. I. a. Richard chap. X. E sc H E A T s, Fer MS, ^c. 301 Richard I, becaufe that Abbot was a Subjed of the King of France {x). When Normandy (which had for a long Time been annexed to the Crown of England) was feized by the King of France, a very great' Number of Lands became vefled in the Crown of England, by Way of Elcheat or Seizure. For it is to be underflood, that whdll England and Normandy were conjoined under the Obedience of the King of England, the Lands of the EngUp^ and Normans were Com- mon ; that js, the Englijh held Lands in Normandy by hereditary Right, and the Normans held Lands in England in like Manncr._ But when, upon the Separation of Normandy from England, the King of France feized the Lands which the Englifi held in Normandy, the King of England in like Manner feized the Lands which the Nor- nians held in England. By this Means, the Lands in England hoiden by Normans became vefted in the King of England as Efcheats, under the Name of Terrce Normannoriim. And then the King of England (as he faw Caufe) granted them out to Englifimen (or others not be- ing Normans) under a Sort of Condition, namely, quoufq; terra An- glorum & Normannormn fmt Communes, or quoufq; reciis hc^rcdibus reddi- derimus per pacem, &c ; that is, until the Lands of tlie Englijlj and Normans fhould be common, fo that the Englip Ihould hold their Lands in Normatjdy, and the Nonnans fhould hold their Lands in. England, as they mutually did before that Interruption. Which Community of Lands between the Englijlj and Normans was never afterwards reflored. Upon this Occafion (I fay) a great many Lands became devolute to the Crown of England as "Terrce Normannoriim. I will give one or two Inftances of this, for a Specimen. K. HemyXWt. in the 2d Year of his Reign, granted to Robert Marmiun Junior, the Cuftody of the Caftle of Tamivortb and of the Lands which were lately his Father's on the Day of his Death, to hold to Robert until the Lands of the Englijlo and Normans fhould come to be common again, as they formerly were ; and under certain other Provifions (fpecified in the Contradt hereunder cited) made between the King and the faid Robert the Younger fy). In the third Year of K. Henry III. (x) Hubertus de Aneftia r c de xvjl, de (y) Robertus Marmiun junior r c de £rma de Nutfeld quam tenet de Abbate de DI, Pro habenda Cuftodia Caftri de Tame- Bolonia ; Et de iiij 1 de eadem firnia de an- worde & terrarum quse fuerunt Robert! pa- ne praeterito ; quae terra idco faifua tuit in tris fui, unde fuit faifitus die qua obijt, mar.um Regis, quia pradidus Abbas eft de quoufq; Terras Anglorum & Normanno- Terra Regis Franciae ; In th. 1. in i) Ta- rum fint Communes, Ita quod Anglici ha- leis, Et Qj^e. Mag. Rot. 7. R- l. Riot.. 19. beant Terram fuam in Normannia, k Nor- b, Swriia. manni Terras luas in Anglia. Et fi forte antcquam 302 Of the Kings D E M E A N E s, Chap. X. HI, the Rent or Ferme of Bintcworth in HantJJnrc, which belonged to the late Archbilliop of Roan, a Norman, was paid into the Receipt of Exchequer (2:). The fame K. Henry III, granted to Margaret Countefs ot V/inchcfter, the Lands of the Normans that were within her Fee j to hold to her for her Life, and after her Death, to Roger de plenty her Son and Heir ; unlefs the King fhould rellore the faid Lands to the right Heirs of them per pacem &c[a). The fame King granted to William Earl of Albemarle the Manor of Derteford, which was lately the Earl of St. Paul's, to be holden by William, of the King arid his Heirs, until the King fliould reftore it [upon Treaty or Peace] to the Earl of S. Raid's right Heirs (bj. The Lands of the 'Templars, whilft they were under Seizure for the King, were committed to the Cullody of certain Committees, in EJJe.x and feveral other Coun- ties {c). from vacant were of royal III. Some Revenue likewife accrued to the Crown BilLopricks, and from fuch vacant Monafteries as Foundation and Patronage. For in the ancient Times, when a Kiihop, or an Abbot of a Houle of royal Foundation, happened to die, the King ufed to feize the TemporaJties of fuch Biflioprick or Abbey in- anteqiiam pradiiftie terrx fmt Communes iiipradidlo modo, Robcrtus frater ejus feniof veniat ad pacem Domini Regis, ita quod terras qu-re fuerunt patris fiii recuperet in Anglia dc quibus fuit vcftitus die qua ohijt, dicius Rubertus ("enior reddet prsediiSto R. juniori quantum de fine prsdiflo Regi fol- verit antequam terram pradiiElam recuperet, conp'uitatis diclo R. feniori in fine pra^dicfto exitibus terrarum prasdictarum quos R. ju- nior prius inde percepcrit, ;ntaco, pro placito conce- de Dominio Regfs, debet efle in manu ejus, lato ; In thefauro xiiij s & x d ; Et in per- & cxinde percipiet omnes redditus & exitus donis per breve Regis Militibus de Tem- llcut dominicos. Gerv. Dorob. ap. X. Script, plo vj s & x d, Et Fratribus Hofpitalis x d„ «/. 1387. art. 12. Et in Dominio Epilcopatus Lincoiiae qui eft (g) Idem Vicecomes r c JjDanegeldo; in manu Regis ij s & xj d, Et Giilcberta. hi thefauro C & xxiiii ] & iiij d ; Et in Per- de himpingeham xxlj d -, Et debet xij s & ionis, per brevia Kej^is, Euliachio filio i.\d. Alag. Rot, i\, H. z. Rot. ^.a.'Linc. Other 304 Of the Ki?ig s D E M E A N E s, Chap. X. other Profits anTing out of the fiirne. For it is to be underftood, that the King was Founder and Patron of all the Bilhopricks, and likewiTe of many of the Monafteries. For Example : in the Statute De Pro- vifaribiis, made in the 25th Year oi K. Edivard III, it is declared, that the holy Church of EngLmd was founded in the Eftate of Prelacy by the ancient Kings of England, and by the Earls, Ba- rons, and Nobles of the Realm, to inform them and the People of England in the Law of God, and to do Hofpitalities, Almf- deeds, and ctlier Works of Ch;u-ity in the Places where Churches were founded : that certain ample PoiTefllons were affigned to the Prelates of that Church by the Founders, for the good Purpofes aforefiid : that the faid Kings, Earls, Barons, and Nobles, as Lords and Advowees, had and ought to have the Cuftody of the faid Pre- lacies during the Voidances thereof, and the Prelentations and Col- lations of fuch Prelacies : and that the Kings of England ufed in an- cient Times to have the greater Part of their Council compofed of fuch Prelates, for the Profit and Safety of the Realm (z). And in the fame Statute it is exprefly faid, that the King of England was Paramount and immediate Advowee [or Patron] ot the holy Church oi England [li). So that it feems not-unlikely, that the Kings of England (i) Come jadis en Parlcment de bone memurie E. Roy Denglecerre aid noftie Seigneur le Roy qui ore eft ]an dc fon reigne XXV, tenuz ;i CarJoiK, oie la peticyon mys devant le dit aiel & fonconfeil en le ditPar- lement per la conimonake de Ion dit Roi- alme, contenant que comeSeynt efglys deii- gleterre efcoit fonde en eftate de Preiacie tleins le Rcialme Dengleterre, per le dit aiel ii fes pro^enitours, i^- Counts, Barons, Nobles, & auteri) de ion Roialmc, & lour aunceftres, pour eux & le people enfourmer de la Ley de Dieu, & pur faire Hofpitali- tees, almoignes, &; autres cvcraignes de Charyte, es lieuxou efglifes feurenU'onduz, per les almes des fcndours, lour heires, &i toutz Chriftienz. Et certiens pafleflions tant en fecz terres rentz come en avoufons, qui lextcndont al grand value, per les ditz ioiidours feurent affignes as Prelatz & au- ters gcntz de feynt eiglis du dit royalme, pur eel charge fufteigner, Sc noemenient des poireffions qui feurcnt aiTignes as Ercevef- ques, evefquesj abbe-:, prioiirs, religiofes, & auters gentz de feynt efglis, per les Roys du dit royalme, counts, barons, & auters grandes de ion roialme ; mefmes les Ro)"!;, counts, barons, nobles, come feigneours & advowez eufient,& avoir deufient,! a garde des tielx voidances, & les prefentementz & col- lacions des beneficez efteantz des tielz pre- laciez, & les ditz Roys en temps pafl'e fo- loient avoir la greindre partic de lour Con- feil, pur la falvacion du Roialme, quant ils ewrent miftier, des ticlx prelatz &c iftint a- vanches : Le Pape de Rome accrochant a luy lez Seignories des tielx poileffions & benefices, mefmes les benefices dona & granta as aliens qui unques ne demurront en Engleterre, & as Cardinalx qui y de- murrer ne purrount, & as auters fibien a- liens come deinfeins auters, fi come il eufl: eftc Patron ou Advowe des ditz dignitees & benefices, come il ne fuift de droit fo- lonque la ley dengletterc . Statut. de Provifortbus edit, anno 25. E. 3, ap. Pynj'on, fea, I. (^) Et en cas que collacion refervation ou chap. X. E S C H E A T S, F E R M S &*€. 305 Eng/ami ufed, upon an Avoidance, to feize the Temporal ties of BilTaopricks and of Abbeys of royal Foundation, upon the Title of Seigneury as immediate Lords, or if you pleafe, by vertue of their royal Prerogative. Geoffrey Suppriour of Canterbury feems to have been of this Opinion in a Letter which he wrote on Behalf of the Prioury and Monks of his Houfe to K. Henry 11. He allegeth there, that the Prioury did not hold tlicir PoffelTions of the ArchbiHiop of Canterbury, but of the King in Capite, as the Archbishop himfelf held ; which is manifefl: (faith he) from hence, that when the Arch- bifhops of Canterbury die, their Lands are flraitway confifcated [or feized into the King's Hands] (IJ. So alfo the Earls, Barons, and others, ufed to have the Cuflody, during an Avoidance of fuch Pre- lacies as were of their own or their Anceilor's Foundation, by like Title of Seigneury : but the King ufed to have, during Avoidances, the Cuftody of Prelacies of the Foundation of private Lords, in Cafe he had the Founder's Heir in Wardfliip. 'Tis true, the Clergy ufed to complain heavily of the Pradlice oi keeping Bidiopricks and Ab- botricks void ; and there might be Caufe of Complaint : for fome- times both Abbeys and Bifliopricks have been kept void for feveral Years together : but I do not remember, that they ufe to call in Queftion the King's Right of feizing Temporalties upon a Voidance ; provided he filled the See or Abbey again within reafonable Time, and thereupon reftored the Temporalties to the fucceeding Prelate. However, let that Matter be as it will ; in Fadl, the Crown was W'ont to take into its Hands, in the Cafes before mentioned, the Temporalties of Bifliopricks and Abbeys becoming void. Which Teinporalties were generally, during this firft Period, committed to a Ciijios : who accounted to the Crown for the fame. And after- wards, when the Office of Efcheatry was introduced and fettled, the refpcdlive Efcheators ufed, upon an Avoidance, to feize the Tem- poralties for the King, and to anfwer or account for the fame as Part of their Efcheatry, And when the Temporalties had been once feized into the King's Hands, the King had fuch a Pofleffion of them, that the fucceeding Bifliop or Abbot could not enter upon or intermeddle with them, without a Writ to give him PoiTeffion there- c)u provifion foit fait a la Court de Rome (/) fet nos teneamiis port Deum in lie nul efglyfe, provciidre, ou auters bene- Capite dc vobis, ficut & ipfe [Archiepif- tices qui lount de la avowerie des gentz de copus]; quod manifeftum eft, decedenti- ("eint efglis dount le Roy eft advowe pera- bus Archiepifcopis, quia terrae eorum ftatiin mount iminediar, que a mefme le temps de coiififcantur. Somncrs Gavilk, in append, p. voydance 6cc. Ibid. 211. Vol. L R r of} o6 Of the Kings D e m e a n e s. Chap. X. of J which Writ was called a Writ of Reftitution of Temporalties ; and continues in Ufe (in the Cafe of Birtiops) to this Day. But to return to the Point of the regal Revenue in this Cafe : I will ftrait- way give a few Inftances of the Manner, how Bifhopricks and Ab- beys were during this Period committed by the Crown to the Cujiodes; and how the Revenues thereof were by them anfwered. It may be obferved, that albeit this Part of the Crown Revenue was in itfelf purely cafual : yet, as the Kings in five or fix Succeffions after the Conqueft ordered Matters, one may guefs they made it a confiderable Revenue. For the Bifliopricks and Abbeys in England of royal Patronage being numerous, and the Kings ufing to keep fome of them (efpecially the rich and well-endowed ones) long void, as they had generally fome or other of them in their Hands, fo the fame amounted in the whole to a fair Revenue. Hereof fome few In- ftances may be produced. In the 5th Year of K. Stephen (if we do not Miftake in the Time) there were or had lately been in the King's Hands, the Archbifli- oprick of Tork (/«), the Abbey of Glajion (nj, the Abbey of Evejham (0), the Bifhoprick of Durham (p), the Bifhopricks of Co- ventry and Hereford, and the Abbey of Chertfey (q). In the i6th Year of K. Henry II, the Bifhopricks and Abbeys following were, or had then lately been, in the King's Hands : to wit, the Abbey of Hulme(r), the Bifhoprick oi Hereford {s), the Bifhoprick of Bathe (/), the (m) Serlo de Burg, debet xxvj 1 & vij s de xxv s h ixd de Veteri firma Abbatise & iijd, de redditibus Archiepilcopatus de de Certefeia. lb. Rot. 14. i. Everwic dum fuit in manu fua. Mag. Rot. (r) Abbatia de Hulmo. An Account is 5. Steph.Rot. 3. b. m. I. rendered of it, Mag. Rot. 16. H. 2. Rot. (n)Epifcopus de Ciceftra debet xliiij 1 & 1. /'. XV s, de Veteri firma Abbatis de Glafton. (s) Johannes Cumin re de C & xvs, lb. Rot. 7. a. de Veteri firma Epifcopatus de Herefordia: (0) Gaufridus de Clintona r c de red- Et idem de Nova firma de CCC 1 & xj s ditibus Abbatia de Evefham : In thefauro & iiij d : In Thefauro CC & Lxviij 1 & xl 1. lb. Rot. II. b.inimo. xvj s & iiij, Et Galfrido de Ver xxj 1 in [p) Gaufridus Efcollandus r c de quater Lindeberia, quam tenuit prgecepto Regis ad XX 1 & Lviij s & vj d de remanenti firmas Cuflodiam Caftelli, and the reft in other Al- Epifcopatus de tempore Epifcopi. Et idem lowances, Et Quietus eft. Mag. Rot. 16. Gaufridus r c de Veteri firma Epifcopatus H. 2. Rot. 4. a. tit. Epifcopatu'i . Rot. 3. i. (e) Epifcopatus Ciceftrias : Ansfredus de Fering. re de C & xiij 1 de firmis IVlane- riorum de dimidio anno ante eleftionem Epifcopi, per verumdiftum ipfius, prxter redditus Archidiacon[atuurn] & alia con- ftitula reddi poft ftitum S. Johannis. lb. Rot. 3. b. (f) Robertus Clericus de Jalceflea r c de X 1 de Abbatia de Torneia, praeter viftum Monachorum : In thefauro viij 1, Et in reparatione Ecclefia de Tornea xl s, per breve Regis ; Et Q^ e. lb. Rot. 4. b. [g) Galfridus Elyenfis Eleftus r c de Lxx 1 & ix s & xd, de Firma anni prs- teriti de Epifcopatu de Ely, Et de xvj 1 & xj s & iiij d, de Veteri firma tertij anni, de quibus xxiiij 1 remanferant fuper Ricar- dum Thefaurarium. lb. Rot. 4. b. [b) Alexander de Luueigni r c de x 1 & vj s de Abbatia de Muchelneia, prrtter viftum Monachorum : In th. 1, Et Q^ e. lb. Rot. 6. b. (/) Willelmus filius Johannis & Willel- mus de Gund. Clericus Ricardi elecli Wint. rede Lxvj 1 & xiij & iiij d de Ab- batia de Glaftingeberia, de termino quo H. Epifcopus obijt, ufq; ad feftum S. Mi- chaelis proximum poft mortem ejufdem E- pifcopi : In th. liberaverunt, Et Q; f. Idem reddunt compotum de CCCC & xxx I & vj s de anno & dimidio dum eadem Abba- tia fuit in manu Regis : In thefauro CCC & xxx 1 & vj s in iij tallijs : Et Radolfo filio Stephani & Ofberto Clerico C 1 ad opus Domini Regis, per breve Regis. Et Q, f. lb. Rot. 6. b. (k) Wimarus Capellanus r c de xlvij I' & xs & ij d de Abbatia de Hulmo prxter viftum Monachorum. lb. Rot. 7. b. (/) Abbatia de Hida : Magifter Johan- nes & Herbertus Pincerna r c de CC & vij 1 h xvjs & ij d de firmis Manerio- rum Abbatiae, praeter viflum Monachorum. lb. Rot. 10. b. (m) Ricardus Wint. eleclus Willelmus de Gundevill pro eo r c de Veteri firma E- pifcopatus VVintoni<-e. lb. Rot. 10. b. [n) Idem Vicecomes r c de Epifcopatu dc Bada de dimidio anno. lb. Rot, 11. a. tiie Chap. X. Escheats. Ferms &'c. 309 the Archbi£hoprick of Canterbury fo), and other ecclefiaftical Re- venues (p). In or about the 31ft Year of the fame King, there were in the King's Hands, the Abbey of Tork (qj, the Archbilhop- rick. of T^ork frj, the Abbey of Abendon (sj, the Abbey of Sc/by (t), the Abbey of Bardoiay (11), the Biflioprick of Lincoln (wj, the Bifhop- (0) Archiepifcopatus Chantuariae : Jo- hannes Malduit & Turllinus filius Siinonis debent xij I & xix s & vj d, de Scutagio Militum Archiepifcopatus, de exercitu Hy- beriiiz. lb. Rot. 12. h. (p) Ifii non reddiderunt compotum xix° anno. Honor de Belveeir. Hoilor Eyx de tempore Epifcopi Elyenfis. Archiepifcopatus Cant, de dimidio anno ante Eleiftioncm. Epifcopatus Lincolis fimiliter. Epifcopatus \\'intonix limiliter. Epifcopatus de Ely fimi- liter. Epifcopatus CiceftriaLfiniiliter. Epifco- patus de Heref. fimiliter. Abbatia de Wcft- mon. a morte Abbatis. Abbatia Wintoniae a morte AbatilTie. Abbatia de Taviftoche a morte Abbatis. Honor Comitis Conani. Honor Conftabularia?. Il>. in Ccd, ad Rot. I. (q) Abbatia de Everwich : Godcfridus de Lucj reddit compotum de So much : whereof paid in Camera Curis Lxx marce per breve Regis, Et item in Camera Curi;e XX 1 per breve Regis j Et in Elemofina confUtuta iiij 1 & vij s ad Pannos Prieben- dariorum hoc anno; Et in Operatione Ec- clefise iiij 1 & ix s hoc anno ; Et Praecen- tori Ecclefije xxxj s & iiij d, ad faciendos Libros Ecclefiae ; Et Sacriftre ejufdcm Ec- clefiae x 1 & xj s & viij d, ad Luminaria & veftimenta & alia ornamenta Ecclefne hoc anno ; Et Camerario Eccltfije xxxvj 1 & xvijs & ij d, ad veftimentum A-lonacho- rum hoc anno, Et ad procurationem Mo- nacorum C & Lvij 1 & xvij s &: ij d hoc anno ; Et Celerario Eccleiiae ad Potum Monachorum xiiij 1 & vij s & ix d hoc an- no . -Monachis ejufdem Ecclefiae C & vs & viij d Veteris monets ad faciendum Ca- licem vel Textum in Obfequio Ecclefias, per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 31. Rot. 5. b. (»■) Archiepifcopatus Eborac. : Lauren- tius Archidiaconus de Bedeford & Magifter Rogerus Arundel & Willelmus le VavaCur r c de firmis Maneriorum Archiepifcopatus Ebor. de M & C & xij 1 & ij s & xd : In thefauro DCCCC fc.Lxxvij 1 & v s S: iijd : £t Thefaurario Ecclefiae Ebor. xxvs, Et Communae ejufdem Ecclefis iiij 1 & vj s & viij d, Et MonialibusdeS.Clemente xxs, Et in Liberatione Epifcopi de Galeweia xiiij 1 & v s perbreve Regis, — Et in Liberati- onibus praebendariorum & leproforum per diverfa Maneria Archiepifcopatus vj 1 & xviij s . Idem reddunt compotum dc Lix 1 & xvij s & iij d de redditu Sinodalium. Et prsecentori Ecclefiae Ebor. xl s, Et Magiftro Scolarum C s. Idem reddunt com- potum de C & xviij 1 6i viij s & v d de denarijs B. Petri : In thefauro C 1 & C & xviij s & V d : Et Domino Papas per ma- num Archiepifcopi Cantuar. xj 1 & x s ; Et Quieti funt. lb. Rot. 5. b. (s) Magifter Tonias de Hefleburn r c de C & xxxvij 1 & v s & iiij d, de firmis Maneriorum Abbatise de Abendona de di- midio anno. Alag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot, i.b. (t) Abbatia de Selebi : Hugo Murdac & Ernifus de Nevill r c de CC & Lix 1 & vij s de firmis affifis Maneriorum Abbatiae de Se- lebi de ij annis praeteritis. lb. Rot. 5. b. («) Abbatia de Bardeneia : Magifter A- lexander & Nigellus filius Alex. Cuftodes Abbatiae de Barden. r c de firmis aflifis Abbatiae de Barden. de anno & dimidio. In thefauro ; Et in viftu Aionacorum, & in mercede Servientum prasdiilie Abba- tiae, & in alijs minutis rebus in Abbatia emptis, C & Lxl &VS & iiijd; Et E- pifcopo Galweiae C s per breve Regis, Et Q. f. 3. Rot. 8. a. (iv) EpifcopatusLincoliae : Ricardus Bri- to Archidiaconus de Covintre, & Magifter Gregorius, Adam Clericus fuus pro eo, reddunt compotvun de Veteri firma Epifco- patus Lincoliae. Idem Ricardus Archidi.-i- conus & Magifter Robertus de Hardrc r c de CCCCl & xxvijs S< xd, de firmis Maneriorum Of the Kings Demeanes. Chap. X. of Worcejler {x), the Biihoprick of Chcjier fy), the Abbey of Chejler{z,), the Biflioprick. of Exeter {a), the Abbey oi Middelton{b), 310 rick Maneiiorum Epifcopatus Lincoliae, Et de C & Liiij 1 & XV s h iij d de Redditi- bus Archidiaconatuum de anno integro ; Et de xiiij 1 h. ix d de ij prsbendis vacanti- bus, quarum una eft de tribus partibus an- iii, h altera de medietatc anni ; Et de xiij 1 &: vj s & viij d de Ecclefljs vacantibus apud Norhantonam ; Et de vij s & ij d de denarijs B. Petri apud Bugenden de toto anno, Et de Liiij 1 & viij s & vj d & ob. de placitis & perquifitis & operat., unde non habuerunt opus, Et de Lxiij s de Ovi- bus venditis, quia vivere non poterant, Et de vij 1 & vj s & viij d de blado de Wile- gebi vendito, Et de xxvj s & iiij d de ar- rerag[ijs] Epifcopi quae receperunt, Et de xxxiii) s & viij d de remanent! feminis & feni venditi, Et dexvl & xviij s de Ferijs de Stowe : Summa, DC & Lxvij 1 & xv s: In thefauro D 1 & Lxix s & i j d in xj tallijs : Et in Elemofina conftituta Lxxiij praebendarijs per Maneria xxj 1 & xj s & viijd, Et in Sepultura v praebendariorum i j s &. vj d, Et in alijs Elemofinis conftitutis per Maneria xij 1 & xv s & x d, Et Ca- pellano Veteris Templi Lx s & x d, Et in liberationibus conftitutis Servientibus per Maneria xl & iiij s & iij d ob.; Et in operat[ioneJ Torcularium & Sicera facienda,& vino faciendo apud Buggend[en] iiij 1 & XX d, Et in terris quas Epifcopus tenet de Milic[ibus] provinti^ de Stow^a XXX s & iiij d, Et pro reditu Ve- teris Templi xiiij s de ij annis, Et Vicario prasbendas quae fuit J. de Confl:[antijs] ij marc, de toto anno, Et Vicario prseben- dje quae fuit G. Capellani, xiij s & iiij d, Et Archiepifcopo xlij 1 de denarijs B. re- tri, Et in wafto xix s & iiij d & ob. : Summa exitus C & Lvl & iijs & vij d, Et debent ix 1 & ij s & iij d. lb. Rot. 8. b. (*•) Epifcopatus de Wireceflria : Wil- lelmus Archidiaconus de Gloeceftria, & Magifter Robertus de Inglefliam,&Johannes filius Henrici,Cuftodes Epifcopatus Wigor- niae, r c de C 1 & vj s &: vj d de firmis Maneriorum Epifcopatus Wigorniae de di- midio anno : In thefauro quater xx & xvijl & iij s & j d : Et in Elemofinis conftitutis per Epifcopatum Lxiij s & v d, Et Q; f. Idem r c de xxv 1 & xix s & x d de Blado, & Lana, & Cafeo, & aliis minutis rebus per Epifcopatum, venditis ; In thefauro 1, Et Q; f. Idem r c de xxvj 1 & vj s & viij d, de Redditibus ij Archidiaconatuum cum denarijs beati Petri de prasdidto termi- no.. In thefauro XV 1 & xxd, Et Archiepif- copo Cantuar. xj 1 & v s de denarijs beati Petri, Et Q^ f. lb. Rot. 8, b. inimo. (y) Epilcopatus Ceftriae : Magifter To- mas de Hufieborn & Tomas IS^oel r c de xxiiij 1 & XV s de remanenti firmae Ma- neriorum Epifcopatus Ceftriae de anno pras- terito ; Et de xxiij 1 & xj s & vij d, de firma Maneriorum ejufdem Epifcopatus de quarta parte hujus anni, fciiicet a fefto S. Michaelis xxx anni regni Regis, ufq; ad Natale proximum fequens. Et in Dccim[is] conftit[utis] Decan[o] de Lichesfeld xxj s de prffidifto termino — . Et Officialibus Archiepifcopatus xl & vs, de denarijs Beati Petri. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 9. b. (z) Abbatia de Ceftre: Magifter Tomas de Hufteburn & Tomas Noel r c de fir- mis Maneriorum Abbatia de dimidio anno. — In Viftu Monacorum &c. Et Hu- goni de Nunant ElecSo Ceftrenfi xx I per Regem cum Cuftodia Abbatis : De quibus idem Eleftus debet refponderc. lb. Rot. g.b. [a) Epifcopatus Exoniag : Petrus de Wil- ton r c de firmis Maneriorum Epifco- patus Exoniae de dimidio anno. Ricardus Archidiaconus de Wiltefcira, & Jofcelinus Archidiaconus de Cyceftria, & Radulfus de Rupe r c de de firmis Maneriorum Epifcopatus Exonis in Devo- nia & Cornubia de dimidio anno, Rogerus Archidiaconus de Berdeftaplfaj debet x 1, de Redditu Archidiaconatus fui de anno integro. Mag. Rot, 31. H. 2. Rot. 13. b. (b) Abbatia de Middelton : Magifter Ofbertus deDorceftr. & Robertus de God- mannefton r c de firma Maneriorum Ab- batiae de Middelton de dimidio anno. lb. juxt. the chap. X. E s c H E A T s, F E R M s &*€. 311 the Abbey of Tavijhck (c), the Biihoprick of Sarejhury {d), and the Biflioprick of Rochejler [e). In or about the firfl Year of K. Richaj-d I, there were in the King's Hands, the Bifhoprick oiWinton (f), the Abbey of Shirebume {g), the Archbifhoprick of Tork {h), and the Biflioprick oi London [i). In or about the 8 th Year of K. john^ there were (c) Abbatia de Taviftoch : Radulfus de Hofpitali & Hugo Cophin reddunt conipo- tum . Ib.juxt. (d) Epifcopatus de Sarefberia de dimidio anno : Heibeitus Archidiaconus Cantuariae & J. Decanus Sar[efberia2] & R. filius E- brardi Cuftodes Epifcopatus Sarefb[eriae] r c de de dimidio anno ; Et de ■ de blado & lana & alijs rebus venditis & Thedingpeni & Placitis ; Et de xxv 1 & xvj s & viijd de Redditibus Archidiacona- tuum ; Et de iiij 1 de remanent! denario- rum Beati Petri ; Et de viij 1 & vj s de Oblatione Majoris altaris in feptimana Pen- coftes ; Et de iiij 1 & x d de Ecclefia de Saldeburna, quae eft in manu Regis prop- ter contentioiiem Advocatorum : Summa, C & Lxxvij 1 & XV s & ix d & ob. & ij Bi- fantij. Et Ricardo Archidiacono Sar[efberia] & Socijs fuis L 1, ad Operationem de Am- brefb[eria,] f»er breve Rannulfi de Glan- villa ; Et Roberto de Novo Burgo Dec[a- noj Roth[omagi] x marcas de Prasbenda fua, quam confuevit habere de Camera Epifcopi ; The like, to others, quam confue- vit habere de Camera Epifcopi ; Et Wil- lelmo Malduit L s, Et Roberto de Gelde- ford L s, Et Waltero Capellano L s, de praebendis fuis de dimidio anno, quas con- fueverunt habere de Camera Epifcopi, Per breve Regis. Item Epifcopatus Sarefberias de altera me- dietate anni. R. filius Eurardi & Radulfus de Sandlo Mart[ino] r c de dimidio anno, fcilicet a fefto S. Michaelis ufq; ad Pafcha. — Et de xxv 1 & xvj s & viij d, de Redditibus Aichidiaconatuum de eodem termino. — . ijumma, C& Liij 1 & vijd. — Et tribus Canonicis de Praebendis fuis, fcilicet Roberto de Geldeford, & Waltero Capellano, & Willelmo Maid. . . Mag. Rot. 2^. H. 2. Rot. 13. b. {e) Epifcopatus RofF[ae], quia tunc Archiepifcopatus Cantuarise erat in manu Regis. Willelmus de Norhala Archidaconus Gloeceftriae & Willelmus Speciarius & A- lexander de Barentin r c de — de firmis affifis Maneriorum Epifcopatus RofFas, de tribus terminis hujus anni, ufq; ad fcftum S. Johannis Baptifbce inftantis anni proximo pra;teriti . Et de de blado quod Walerannus Epifcopus ante obitum fuum prseftitit. Et de vs & xd, de placitis Archidiaconatus de prsdicto termino. Sum- ma, C & Lxxv 1 6c vij s. Et Priori RofFse, & Priori de S. Grego- rio & Prascentori Ebroic[enrij, Executo- ribus teflamenti Epifcopi RofF[enfisJ xl 1 & vj s & viij d ad idem teftamentum facien- dum, per breve Regis ; Et Archiepifcopo Cantuariag xvj 1 & iiij d, de [firm.] Ma- neriorum praedi(£li Epifcopatus dc termino S. Johannis proximo praeteriti, per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 31. H- 2. Rot. 15. b. (f) Magirter Tomas de Huffeburn & Magifter Ham. & Johannes de Garland red- dunt compotum de DC & xv 1 & xviijs & iiij d, de redditu aflifo Maneriorum Epi- fcopatus Wintoniae, &de redditu Archidia- conatuuni de tribus terminis ; Et de CCC 1 de pecunia Ricardi Winton. Epi- fcopi: Summa, M & C & vij I 6c ix s 5c ixd. Mag. Rot. i. R. i. Rot. i. a. tit. Epifcopatus Wintoniae. (g) Abbatia de Schireburna : Magifter Tomas de HufTeburna r c de C 1 & ij s & V d de redditu affifo ejufdem Abbatise — . lb. Rot. I. a. (/;) Archiepifcopatus Eboraccnfis : Lau- rentius Archidiaconus, & Magifter Rogerus Arundel, & Willelmus le Vavallur, r c dc — de Veteri firma Archiepifcopatus. Idem reddunt compotum de DCC & quater xx & xij 1 &: vijs, de Nova firma de tribus partibus anni — . lb. Rot. 1. a. (/) Epifcopatus Londonise : Radulfus Archidiaconus Coleceftria-, 5: Ricardus Archidiaconus 312 Of the Kings D e m e a n e s. Chap. X. were in the King's Hands, the Abbey of Jlide {Ji), the ArchbKhop- rlck of Canterbury (I), and the Abbey of Malmcfoury (m). In or about the 14th Year of the fame King, there were in the King's Hands, the Bi(hoprickof L/V/fc/'z (^«J, the Archbiflioprick of 2or/& (0), the Abbey of Whitby (pj, the Abbey of Ramjey (q), the Diflioprick of Exeter (r), the Biflioprick of Bathe [s), the Bifhoprick of Chi- chejfer ft), the BiOioprick of Londo?i fuj, the Prioury of Kenilivorth (w), the Archbiflioprick oi Canterbury \x), the Prioury of Canterbury fy), the Biflioprick of Sarejbuty [z), the Abbey of Abbotjhury (a), the Binioprick of Durham [b), the Biflioprick of Worcejler (c), the Abbey of Shireburn (), Alice Wife of Roger Bigot fined in C and fourfcore and xviij /, for her Father's Land [or Manour] of Belvoir (q), Humfrey de Bohnn fined in xxij / and x s, for Relief of his Father's Land frj, Waleran Fitz-William anfwered xxxiij / vj s and viij d, for Relief of his Land (j). In the Reign of K. Henry II, William Fitz-William paid xxv Marks, for Relief of his Land ft) ; Robert de Heliun C Marks of Silver, for Relief of his Land [u) ; Roger de Burim xxvj / and a Mark, for Relief of his Land (iv) ; William Painel (m) Idem Vicecomites [David Archidia- (a) Cap. 7. conus & VVillelmus fllius Ricardi] re de [p) Walterus Hait r c de v marcis ar- xij s de terra de Edingrava, quae fuit Petri geiiti, pro Relevatione terrse patris fui. Mag. Morelli, qui ahijt in Hibernian! contra Pro- Rot. 5. Steph. Rot. 16. b. Conmalia. hibitionem Regis ; In tli. ], Et Q. f. Mag. (q) Adeliz uxor Rogeri Bigot debet C Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 4. b. Buch'mgehamfc. &' & quater xx & xviij i, pro Terra Patris fui Bedtfi deBelveder. lb. Rot. 12. ) Rogerus de Burun r c de xxvi 1 & S f 2 xiij s 3i6 Of the Kings D e m e a N e s, Chnp. X. Falnel C Marks, for Relief of his Land (x) ; Hugh de Chaucu-nbe paid XXX /, for Relief of iix Knights Fees -, Eiias de Mimdevill xnx Marks, for Relief of four Knights Fees (yj ; JValter Briton Lxvj / and a Mark, for Relief of his Land (z) ; Johti de Muntviron x /, for Relief {a): Ralf Makbiff'e Cs, for his Relief [b) ; Theobald de Valeines xxx/, for Relief for fix Knights Fees [c) ; and Robert de Djidaville x Marks, for Relief (^). In the Reign of K. Richard I, Robert de Odavill's Son paid C Marks, for Acceptance of his Homage, and for Relief and Seifin of his Land [e). JP'illiam de Hajlinges C Marks, for Relief of his Land and for the Serjeantry of his Brother Henry ffj ; Ralf Pikot L J-, for his Relief for half a Knight's Fee (g) ; Walter de Niewefjton <»ave xxvii}^ and iiij d, for Seifin of the fourth Part of a Knight's Fee, which was taken into the King's Hands for default of paying Relief (y6) ; Richard del Efire paid xv /, for Relief, for three Knights Fees held of the Honour of Moreton (/). WiUiam de Novo Mercafo fined in C Marks, that the King would receive his reafonable Relief, to wit, C / (/(•). In the Reign of K. John, John de Venecia gave CCC Marks, xiij s h iiij d, pro Relcvatione terrae fuas ; In thefauro xl, Et debet xvjl & xiij s & iiij d. Mag. Rot. 3. H. 2. R.ot — . Not. {3 Derh. a. m. 2. Kogerus de Burun r c de xvjl & xiij s & iiij d de Relevamine terrx fuse. Mag. Rot. 4. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. Not. Uf Dereb. ■ [x) Idem Vicecomes r c de C marcis argenti, de Relevam[ento] terra; Willelmi Painelli. In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 4. H. 2. Rot. 4. «. Line. [y) Hugo de Chaucumba r c de xxxl, pro Relevio vj Militum. Helyas de Mun- devill r c de xxx marcis, pro Relevio iiij Militum. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. tit. Epifcopatus Lined. (z) WalterusBrito r c de Lxvj 1 & xiij s & iiij d, pro Relevio terrae fuse. A4i Capite fyj ; William Son and Heir of John de Moiun xij Marks Relief for the Land which was his Father's [z). Walter de Clyfford was charged with C /, for his Relief [as for a Barony]. But it being found by Inquifition, that Walter held of the King in Capite by a Knights Fee, and not by Barony ; he was acquitted of fourfcore and thirteen Pounds and half a Mark [Part of the faid C/], and charged [for his Relief] with ten Marks only fa). And William Fantoll was charged with C /, for his Relief [as for a Barony], But when it was fliewn before the King, that William held of the King in Capite only five Knights Fees of the Land late of Robert de Belejme : he was charged with xxv/ [the Relief of five Knights Fees, and difcharged of the Rcfidue] {b). The King took the Homage of William Longefpee Son and Heir of Idonea late Wife of William Long- efpee, for all the Lands which lately were Idonea s. And the Abbot uxorem r c de L marcis de Relevio Tercioe partis Baronire quse fait prjedifli Roberti : III Th. nichii, Et in Perdonis ipfi Radulfo L marcas per breve Regis, Et Q; e. lb. Buk. y Bed. (ti) VVillelmus de Hobrig & Agnes uxor ejus r c de L s, de Relevio fuo de dimido feodo i Militis, quod fuit Roberti Picot Pa- tris iplius Agnetis. Ricardus Piiicerna & Alicia uxor ejus [dcbent] Ls, de Relevio pro alia medietate ejufdem feodi. AIng. Rot. 5. H. 3. Rot. — . b. Cant, is Hunt. m. 1. [w) Robertus filius Hugonis de Sotebroc debet C s, pro Relevio fuo de feodo j Mi- litis. Martinus filius Gilleberti de Pefe- mere debet L s, pro Relevio fuo de feodo dimidij Militis in Pefemere. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 13. z Capite of the Archbiflioprick of 2~ork, being tlien void and in the King's Hands (/). Gilbert de Albernun fined to the King in xl Marks, for his Relief for four Knights Fees, which In- geram de Albernun his Nephew held of the Earl of Gloucejler, whofe Heir was now the King's Ward {Ji). John de Matte fdon gave xxs for his Relief. But the Payment thereof was refpited, for that the Sheriff of the County was commanded to take the faid John's Land into the King's Hands, becaufe he had fold it to a religious Houfe without the King's Licence, and the Sheriff was to anfwer to the King for the Iffues thereof (/), John de Baalun paid C /, for Relief of his Father's Lands, which belonged to him by hereditary Right (tn). William Son and Heir of Otto Fitz-TVilliam fined in xx Marks, for Relief for the Lands, which he held of the King by Serjeanty, and in L s for half a Knight's Fee, which he held of the King in Capite (n). Robert Fitz-JValter paid L /, for Relief for half the Barony which Hawife de Lanvaley lately held of the King in Capite (o). John (g) Robertus de Sevanz filius & hj;ies Roberti de Sevanz [debet] C s, pro rele- v-io fuo de omnibus terris & tenciiieiuis qux prKdiiStus Robertus tenuit de Rege in Capite, ficut continetur in Originali xxxiij. Alitg. Rot. 34. H. 3. Kancia. w. i. b. (h) NovaOblata: Ricardus de Berewik filius & haeres Hugonis de Berewik [ ] de Relevio fuo de teiris bi teuementis qus praediftus Hugo tenuit de Archiepifcopatu Cantuari:e vacante & in manu Regis cxif- tente. Mag. Rot. 57. H. 3. Rot. 3. b. Kancia. in iino. (;') Lincolnia. De Relevio Willelini de Paunton. Hit. Commun. 35. E. i. Rot. 31. a. [k) Gilbertus de Albernun r c de xl marcis, de fine pro relevio fuo de feodis iiij Miiitum, quae Ingeramus de Albernun nepos ejus tenuit de Comite Gloverniae, cu- jus h;ejes eft in Cuftodia Regis. Mi:g. Rot. 19. H. 3. Surreia m- 2. b. (I) Johannes de Mattcfdon debet xx s de Relevio (uo. Qiiia pr.eceptum fuit Vi- ceconiiti anno . . , quod caperet terram ip- fius in manum Regis, quia vendidit earn Domui Religionis fine licentia Regis, con- fideratum eft quod Vicecomes relpondeat Regi de exitibus quamdiu earn tenere debet. Memor. 31. //. 3. Rot. 12. d. Glouc, (m) Johannes de Baalun [debet] CI, de Fine pro Relevio fuo de terris & tenemcntis qux fuerunt Johannis de Baalon patris fui, quse ipfum jure contingunt ha?reditario. Mag. Rot. J 9. H. 3. Here/. inJFallia, m. 1. a. (n) Willelmus filius & hasres Ottonis filij Willelir.i finem fecit cum Domino Rege pro xx marcis, pro Relevio fuo de terris quas tenet de Domino Rege per Ser- jantiam, 5z per L s de dimidio feodo quod tenet in Capite de eodem. Alcm^r. 41. H. 3. Rot. 16. b. (0) Robertus filius Walter! qui habet in uxorem Dcrvorgullam unam filiarum & hse- redum Johannis de Burgo filij & haeredis Hawifise de Launvaley qus de Rege le- nuit in Capite per Baroniam, venit coram Baronibus, chap. X. Escheats, F e r m s, ^c, 3 2 1 yohn dc Hawed, who held of the King in Capitc by the Service of faying a Pater nojler and an Ave Maria every Day, made Fine for his Rehef, at two Pater nojiers to be faid by him every Day (p). Peter le Chaumberlein fined in half a Mark for his Relief, for certain Land in Faintre (late the Inheritance of Adam de Faintre) which he held of the King in Capite, by the Serjsanty of Ulliery to the King in his Army [q). Henry Son and Heir of William le Moigne fined ia xviij /, for Relief of his Land of Eyjian, which he held of the King in Capite by the Serjeanty of the King's Lardinary. Ralph le Moigne Anceflour of Henry held the Land by the fame Serjeanty, and the Land was worth xviij / a- Year, as appeared by the Roll of 'Tejla de Nevill(r). In the 35th Ye.ir of K. Edward I, "John de Ratynden^ Coufm and Heir of Alice Mucegrofs, paid xj / ij j- ij d ob. q. Relief for all the Lands which Alice held of the King iji Capite, viz. for the fixth Part of the Barony which Hugh Dyne formerly held. In the 2 1 ft Year of K. Edward 1, Alice wa.s charged with xxv Marks Relief, for the faid fixth Part of a Barony ; the Relief for a whole Barony being then charged at C/. But now, by the Magf2a Carta Regis de Libertatibiis Anglice (which Charter the King by his Writ, quod ejl ifi- ter Commiinia de anno xxix°, commands to be obfervcd in all Points) the King would take but C Marks, for the Relief of a Barony : and therefore Joh?! de Ratynden is charged for the fame Portion of the Barony at the faid Rate of C Marks, ^ non de tanta fiimma pecunice as Alice was charged at, ^'/^. C/ (j). It is to be underftood, that there was a great Difference in Qi^iantity or Extent, between fome Baronies and others, and between fonie Biironibus, & dat Regi LI pro Rclevio de Rege tenet in Capite in Faintre, de has- fuo de medietate Baroniae prxdiftse, De reditate prsediiSi Ada;, per Serjantiam Hof- quibus reddet xxl citra feftum S. Lucise, tiaris Regis in excercitu fuo. Trin. Cum- h refiduas xxxl ad feftum S. Michaelis mun. 15. E. i. Rot. 8. a. proximo fequens. Afich. Communia 1^. E.i. (r) Efie:,-. Henricus le Moigne filius & Rot. I. a. in bund. 13 is" 14. E. i. The Ckrk hsres Willelmi le Moigne finem fecit cuui of the Pipe's entry in the Margin is. In Rot. Rege de xviij 1, pro Rclsvio terra: \ux de xj Regis E. tertij in Effex, Eyiian quam de Rege tenet in Capite per (p) Berk. Johannes de Haured cui tenet Serjantiam Lardineri?e Regis ; quamquid^tn de Rege in Capite per fervicium diccndi terram Radulphus Monachus anteceflor ip- quolibet die j Pater nofter & j . . . B. Ma- fius Henrici tenuit per eandcm Serji-ntiain ; ri;e, finem fecit pro Relcvio fuo, per ij Pat. & valcc terra ilia per annum x\ijj 1, ficut noftr. quolibet die dlcenda. Paf. Brevia 14. continetur in Rotuio Teftse de Nevill fub £. I. Rot. 26. a. titulo Hundred! de Dunmawe. Paf. Con:- {q) Salopia. Petrus le Chaumberlein, mun. 26. E. 1. Rot. 80. u. in bund. 25 i^ qui habct in uxoreni Ifabcllam unam fili- 26. E. i. arum & hjercdum hisi de Faintre, venit (s) Norf. de Rekvio, Paf. Fines 35. E. i. ad Scaccarium, h finem fecit pro Rclevio Rot. 47. h. fuo per dimidiam marcani, pro tcira quam Vol. I. T t Knights 32 2 Of the Kings Demeanes, Chap. X. Knights Fees and others : fome Baronies being larger than others, and fo of Knights Fees ; as may appear by comparing of Barony with Barony, and of Knights Fee with Knights Fee. This Dif- ference, I think, arofe from the refpedive Charters of Feoffment by which the Baronies or Fees were granted-out by the Crown. For if the King enfeoffed a Man of forty Knights Fees, to hold by Barony; or of ten Knights Fees, to hold by Barony; the Tenure was Barony in each Cafe, notwithflanding the Diffe- rence in Number of Fees. So alfo, if the King enfeoffed a Man of twenty Carues of Land, to hold by the Service of one Knight j or of forty Carues of Land, to hold by the Service of one Knight j the Feoffee had, in each Cafe, one Knights Fee. For this and other Reafons, at certain Times, a Diftincftion was made between the Baronies and Fees of the old Feoffment and thole of the new. And accordingly the Barons and Tenants in Capite, did by the King's Command, certify their Fees of each Feoffment apart. The Ba- ronies and Fees of the old Feoffment were (if I have obferved right) commonly larger in Quantity or Extent than thofe of the new. And befides, when Baronies confifled of Fees which lay in feveral Coun- ties or Places, the King's Officers were the better enabled, by the Certificates of the Feoffment of Eredlion of fuch Baronies, to charge the Barons or great Tenants in Capite with their refpedlive Fees, in the feveral Counties wherein the fame lay. But notwith- flanding the abovementioned Difference in Point of Extent, the Re- lief of a Barony was, I think, the fame in Value, whether it was a greater or fmaller Barony; and fo of Knights Fees. However, where the King enfeoffed one Man of one Barony and another Man of another Barony ; if afterwards thefe two Baronies come to be vefted in one Man ; in that Cafe the Baronies did not confolidate in his Perfon, but he held them as two diflindl Baronies, and was chargeable with a feparate Relief for each Barony ; as appears above in the Earl of Gloiicejler's Cafe. Next, as to Wardfhip and Marriage. Thomas de Cokvill fined in C Marks, to have the Cuflody of Roger Torpel's Children and their Land, until they came to their full Age it). Odo de Dammartin fined in D Marks, for the Cuftody of Hugh le Butler s Son and of his Land {ii). Celejiia late Wife oi Richard ^on of Colbern fined in xlj-, (^t) Tomas de Colevill r c de C marcis, pro habenda Cuftodia filij & terrae Hiigonis pro habenda Cuftodia Puerorum Rogeri Pincernse ; In thefauro CC marcas, Et de- Torpel & terrae fuE donee .-Etatem habeant. bet CCC marcas. Mag. Rot, 28. H. 2. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 4. a. Norhant. Rot. ult, b. Surreia. (u) Odo de Dammartin r c de D marcis. that chap. X. Escheats, Ferms, &'c. 323 that (he might have her Children in Wardfliip with tlieir Land, tind that flie might not be married except to her own Good-liking ("io). Wtllia77i Bifhop of "Ely gave CCxx Marks, that he might have the Cuftody of Stephen de Beauchamp, and might marry him to whom he pleafed (x). William de St. Marie-Cbiirch gave D Marks, to have the Wardfliip of Robert Son of Robert Fitz-Harding with his whole Inheritance, with the Knights Fees, Donationsof Churches, and Mar- riages of Women, thereto belonging ; and that he might marry him to one of his [fVilliams] Kinhvomen ; provided, that Robert's Land fliould revert to him, when he came to full Age (y). Godfrey de Cramavill gave xxv I 'k s, for the Cuflody of the Land of Aketcn^ which lately was Ralf de Heldcbouill's, and of Ral/'s Keir during his Nonage {z). Hugh de Flammavill pvofered x /, for the Cuflody of his Sifl:er with her Land (a). Ralf' de Gernemue fined in Lx Marks, that he might have the Cuflody and Donation of Philipp de Niwebote's Daughter with her Liheritance. He found fevcral Pledges for true Payment of the Fine (bj. Jordan de Valeines and his Son Robert fi- ned in XX Marks, to have the Cuflody of the Heir of Rueland de Auvers with his Inheritance, and for leave to marry the Heir to whom he .pleafed, fo that he was not difparaged. If either Jordan or Robert died, the Survivor was to have the faid Cuflody (cj. Earl David [iv) Celeftia uxor Ricardi filij Colberni r c de xl s, pro habenda Cuftodia filiorum fuorum cum terra eorum, nee nubat nifi cui voluerit. Mag. Rot. 32. H. 2. Rot. 13. a. Ghent. (x) Willelmus Elyenfis Epifcopus debet CC & XX niarcas, pro habenda Cuftodia Stephani de Bello Campo cum haereditate fua, & eo maritando ubi voluerit. Mag. Rot. 5. R. I. Rot. I. b. Cant, b' Hunt. (y) Willelmus de San£lae Mariae Ecclefia r c de D marcis, Pro habenda cuftodia haere- dis Roberrijuvenis filij Roberti filij Harding cum totahsreditate fua & omnibus pertinen- tijs fuis & libertatibus ; fcilicet cum fervitijs Militum & donationibus Ecclefiarum & maritagijs Foeminarum ; & ut pofllt eum maritare uni cognatarum fuarum cui volue- rit ; & ut tota terra fua libere revertatur ad cum cum ad atatem pervenerit : In The- fauro C marcas ; Et debet CCCC marcas. Mag. Rot. b. R. I. Rot. 16. *. Gloec. (z) Godefridus de Cramavill r c de xxv 1 & X s, pro habenda Cuftodia terraede Ake- ton, quse fuit Radulfi de Heldebouilla, cum haerede qiToufq; aetatem habeat. Mag. Rot. y. R. I. Rot. 6. a. Nor/, (sf Sudf. {a) Hugo de Flammavill debet x I, pro habenda Cuftodia Sororis fuas cum terra fua, quae fuit uxor Roberti de Aiftan. Scd non habet Cuftodiam. Mag. Rot. 7. R.i. Rot. 6. a. Norf. is Sudf. (b) Henricus de Wichenton debet Lx marcas, Pro habenda cuftodia & donatione filiae Philippi de Niwebote, cum haereditate fua. Sed poftea praeceptum eft per breve H. Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopi, quod idem Henricus attulit Baronibus, ut nonien Ra- dulfi de Gernemue fcribatur pro nona'ne Henrici, cui praedida cuftodia & donafio concefta eft per prccdiilum finem, per ple- gios quos invenit, fcilicet Tomam filium Simonis de x marcis, & Johannem de Corri- herde de x marcis, & Walterum filium Walteri de x marcis, & Ofbertum de Lon>:o campo de x marcis, & Johannem Mona- chum de x marcis, & fuper praedi6luni feo- dum X marcis. Et debet amodo pra-didtus finis a praedifto Radulfo requiri. Afa-;. Rot. 8. R. I. Rot. 4. a. IVareivic. i^ Lnicejlr. (c) Jordanus de Valeines & Roberius fi- T t 2 lius 324- Of the Ki?igs D e m e a n e s. Chap, x' Dnvid gave CC Marks, to have the Cuftody of Stephen de Cameis with his whole Land, till his full Age ; faving to the King the Service of the faid Land j and Earl David was to make no De- flruiflion upon it fdj. Robert de IVatervill with the Confent of Gcoffrty de St. Martin gave xl Marks, for the Cuftody of Geoffrey's Pleir with his Land, during his Minority {e). Philipp Fitz-Robert gave CC/ and C Bacons and C Cheefes, for the Wardfliip of the Land and Heir of Ivo de Miinby, till the Heir came to be of full Age. The Keir was to be married by the Advice and Confent of the King and of Hubert Archbilliop of Canterbury (f) . Bartholomew de Mideton gave C Mirks, to have the Cuftody of the Land and Heir of La7n- bert de Tbetoft, and that he might marry Lambert's Wife to whom he pleafed, but without Difparagement \g). Hubert Archbifliop of Canterbury fined in four thoufand Marks, to have the Cuftody of Robert de Stutevill with all his Land in England and Normandy, with the Caftles, Tenements, Fee-ferms, Wards, Ferms, and Mortgages unexpired ; and to have the Utenfils of Hufbandry that were found upon the faid Lands. The Archbiftiop was to hold all the Pre- mili'es for the Space of four Years, and longer (although Robert fhould happen to die) until he was reimburfed this Fine together with his reafonable Expences. And if the Archbiftiop ftiould die be- fore the End of the faid Term, his AfTignee was to hold all the Pre- mifTes without paying a new 'PinQ(h). Alexander King oi Scotland gave }ius ejus r c de XX marcis, Pro habenda collfira eft plegius de v marcis, & Adam Cuftodia hsredis Ruelandi de Auuers cum filius Drogonis qui manet in Bedefordfcira tota hsreditate fua ; & pro licemia mari- eft plegius de v marcis, Et de xx marcis tandi ipfum h«redem cui voluerit, ita quod debet ipfe Robertus invenire plegios Vice- iion fit difparagiatus ; ita tamen quod fi al- comiti : In Tbefauro v marcas, Et debet ter illorum mortuus fuerit, fuperftes habeat xxxv marcas. Mag. Rot. i. J. Rot. 2. b. & teneat prsediftam Cuftodiam praediflo Norhantefcira. mode h pro prjeriiflo fine. In Th. 1, Et (f) Philippus filius Roberti [debet] CC I Q. f. Mog. Ret. 8. R. I. Rot. 12. b. Buk. & C Bacones h C Cafeos, pro habenda tsf Bt-def. terra qua; fuit Yvonis de Munbi cum h:e- {d) Comes David debet CC marcas, Pro rede in Cuftodia ufq; hsres fit de aetate, habenda cuftodia Stephani de Cameis cum bi maritari debcbit cum confilio Regis & H. tota terra fua ufq; ad legitimam aetatem ; Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopi. Ih. Rot. li, a. Salvo Regi fervitio fuo inde, k quod Comes ///. Item LincoUfcira. terram illam non deftruat. Mag. Rot. lO. (g) Bartholomaeus de Muleton r c de C R. \. Rot. 11. b. Cantebr. 'a Huntend. marcis. Pro habenda Cuftodia terras & (e) Robertus de Watervill r c de xl mar- hferedis Lamberti de Ybetoft, & pro uxore cis per Grantum Galfridi de Sarnflo Mar- ipfius Lamberti maritar,da cui voluerit in tino. Pro habenda Cuftodia terras & haere- loco ubi non fit difparagiata, & ut poflit dis ipfius Galfridi donee astatis fuerit. De ilhm conferre cui voluerit. Alcg. Rot. 4. J. quibus Robertus de Guafre qui manet in Rot. i&. b. Linnlljcira. tit. Nova Oblata. Heiefordia eft Plegius de x marcis, & Ra- (h) H. Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopus r c (hilfus de Mortuo mari qui manet in Lin.- de chap. X. S C H E A T S, E R M S, C, 325 gave C Marks, to have the Wardfliip of the Lands of Earl David (/). Alexander King of Scots gave D Marks, to have to him and his Aflignees, until the Heirs of H. k Bigod Earl of Norfolk were of full Age, the Wardfliips, Marriages, and Efcheats, which fliould hap- pen in the Lands and Fees of Knights and others, holding of the Earl by Knights Service (all which the King reteined in his own Hand, when he lately before granted the faid Lands and Fees to the King of Scots), and to have, during the Heirs Nonage, L Marks due yearly to the Earl nomine Comitatiis : and to have the Prefentations of Churches : and to have L librates of Land which the King like- wife reteined in his own Hand for Ward of Framelingbam-Cajlle -, which Caftle the King had delivered to Roger Son and Heir of the faid Earl, to be kept by the Hand or Dired:ion of H. de Burgh un- til Roger's full Age (k). Adam EJiurmy fined in xxx Marks, for the Cullody of the Land and Heirs of Ralf de Bradeley, who held of the King in Capite by Serjeanty, until their full Age, together with their Marriage. But this Fine was afterwards revoked : becaufe the faid Cuftody did rather belong to HiielinCy who was Wife to the faid Ralf; ilie being nearer [in Point of Seigneury] to the Heir of Riilf by Reafon of Land in Bradeley, which he held of the King by Soc- de MMMM marcis, Pro habenda Cufto- dia Robert! filij & haeredis Willelmi de Stu- tevill, cum tota terra fua in Anglia & Nor- mannia, cum Caftris, & tenementis, & feodi firmis, & wardis, firmis, & vadijs fuis quo- rum termini non funt finiti ; Qiias omnia tenere debet ufq; ad quatuor annos a fefto S. Johannis Baptiftae anni Regis quinti, & amplius quicquid de ipfo Roberto contingat donee peiuniam fuani vel rationabilem cuf- tum fuum inde perceperit ; Et pro haben- dis omnibus carrucis in prsedl<3is tenemen- tis inventis, itaquod fi de ipfo Archiepifcopo interim humanitus contigerit, ille vel illi quibus banc Cuftodiam aflignaverit omnia praedidta tenebunt per prasdiftum finem ; Qui finis intravit in Rotulum per Cartam Regis. Mag. Rot. 6. J. Rot. 14. h. his. pojl Dorfcte & Sumerfde. (»') Alexiinder Rex Scocias debet C mar- cas, pro habenda cuftodia terrarum Comitis David. Memor. 14. //. 3. Rot. 13. b. Nor- humb. {k) Alexander Rex Scottorum debet D marcas, reddendas ad Mediam Quadragefi- mam, pro habendis fibi vel ejus affignatis ufq; ad aetatrm haeredum H. le Bigod Co- mitis Norfolcis, Wardis, maritagijs, & ef- caetis quae exciderint in terris ii Feodis Mi- litum & aliorum qui tenuerunt de eodem Comite perServitium Militare, & quos Rex in manu fua retinuit quando terras & feoda prasdifta conceffit praedicto Regi. Et pro habendis L marcis annuatim de Comitatu Norfolciae ufq; ad petatem praedi<5lorum hae- redum quas praediftus Comes recipere fo- lebat fuigulis annis de Comitatu Norfolciae- nomine ejufdem Comitatus ; Et pro habendis prsefentationibus EcGlefiariim adeofdemhae- redes fpeiStantium, itaquod ad eas praefentet prasdidtus Rex vel ejus affignatus cum eas vacare contigerit. Et pro habendis L libratis terra; ; quas Rex retinuit in manu fua ad Cuftodiam Caftri de Framelingeham. Red- dendo fingulis annis de caetero xx 1 ufq; ad aetatem eorundem haeredum ad cuftodiam ejufdem Caftri, quod Rex reddidit Rogero filio & hasredi pra;di61i Comitis cuftodien- dum per manum H. deBurgo ufq; ad xta- tem ejufdem Rogeri. Mag. Rot. 10. H. 3, Norf. (J Suf. 2 cage. 326 Of the Kings D e m e a n e s, Chap. X. cage, than to the King by Reafon of the Land which he held of the King by the Serjeanty of xx Arrows; which Land and Serjeanty were very fmall (/). Geoffrey Crofs gave xl Marks, for the Ward- fliip of the Lands and Heirs of Sampfon de Mules, who held of the King in Capite by Serjeanty, with the Marriage of the Heirs f?«). John Earl of Lincoln Conftable of Cbejier fined in MMM Marks, to have the Marriage oi Richard de Clare, for the Behoof of iVf<3z/^ eldeft Daughter of the faid Earl (nj. Simon de Montfort fined in ten thou- fand Marks, to have the Cuftody of the Lands and Heir of Gilbert de Unfranville, until the Heir's full Age, v/ith the Heir's Marriage, and with Advoufons of Churches, Knights Fees, and other Pertinen- cies and Efcheats (0). V. Another Branch of the Crown -Revenue confifted of the Ferms of the Counties of the Realm (when they were letten to Ferm) or the IfTues of the Cufiody of them, in Cafe they were put into Cuflody. From the Reign of K. /^/7/w»z r, down to' the fucceeding Times, the King (who was Lord of the great Seigneurie of this Realm) ufed to let-out the feveral Counties of England upon a yearly Ferm or Rent concerted between the Crown and the Fermer, or elfe to commit them to Cuftody : the Fermer or Committee, refpec- tively, rendring to the Crown, at the End of his Year or Term, an Account of his Bailywick either as Fermour or as Cuftos. And fuch Perfon, whether Fermour or Cujlos, was ufually ftyled Sheriff. The ancient Revenue Rolls evince, that the feveral Counties were con- flantly let out from Year to Year, and brought a yearly Revenue to (/) Adam Efturmy r c de xxx marcis, eft. Mag. Rot. 15. H. 3. Lincollnefchira, Pro habenda Cuftodia terrae & h?eredum in dorfo. Radulfi de Bradelega qui de Rege tenuit in (?«) Galfridus de Cruce [debet] xl mar- Capite per Serguantiam ufq; ad aetatem ip- cas de fine, pro habenda Cuftodia tcrrarum forum hneredum cum maritagio eorundem : & haeredum Sampfonis de Mules, qui de In Thefaurario nichil : Et ipfi Adas xxx Rege tenuit in Capite per Serjantiam ufq; marcas, per breve Regis : In quo contine- ad legitimam aetatem ipforum hsredum, una tur, quod idem Adam eflet quietus de xxx cum Maritagio eorundem, Mag, Rot. 19. marcis per quas finem fecit cum Rege pro H. 3. Surreia, pradifta Cuftodia ; Quia ilia Cuftodia po- {n) J. Comes Lincolnias Conftabularius tius pertinet ad Huelinam quae fuit uxor ip- Ceftriae r c de MMM marcis de fine, pro fius Radulfi quae eft- propinquior hreredi ip- habendo maritagio Ricardi de Clare ad opus fius Radulfi racione terrae quam tenuit de Matildae primogenitic filiae ipfius Comitis. Rege in Bradelega per Soca^ium, quam Mag. Rot. 22. H. 3- Ebor. m. 2. b. Regi racione terrae quam tenuit de Rege (0) De Fine Simonis de Monte forti. per Serjantiam xx Flechiarum} quas terra Trin. Catnnmn. 31. H. 3. Rot. 7. a. parva eft & Serjanteriaparvula: Et Quietus 4. the chap. X. E S C H E A T S, F E R M s, ^c. 327 the Crown. For Example : in the Reign of K. Stephen, mod if not all of the Counties were let at Ferm j IVarin was Sheriff or Fermour of Wiltjlnre, DorfetJJiire, [and SomerfetJhire'\ (p) ; Bertram de Buhner of Yorkjhrre (q) ; Odard of Northumberland (r) ; William de Pontearcb of Haritjhire (s), Richard Bafjet and Alberic de Ver of Surrey, Cam- bridgejhire, and Huntendonjlnre (t) ; Richard Bafjet and Alberic de Ver of Rffex and Hertjordjhire fu) ; Richard BajJ'et and Alberic de Ver of Northamptonjlnre and Leicejierfiire (w) -, Richard BaJJct and Alberic de Ver of Norfolk and Suffolk {x) : Richard BaJJ'et and Alberic de Ver of Bukinghamjhire and Bedfordjhire fy) ; Rualon oi Kent (2;); Hugh de Warehille of Sujfex (a) ; Miles de Gloucejier of Staffordjlnre [b) and Gloucejlerjhire [c) ; Reiner de Bathe of Lincobijl^ire fd) ; William de Pontearcb of Berkjlnre fe) ; Willia?}i de Albini Brito of Rutland Halt (/>) Warinus Vicecomes r c de CC & jivj 1 h xvij s & iiij d Bl. de Veteri firma iij Comitatuum ; In thefauro liberavit, Et Q^ e. Et idem de Nova firma de Wiltefcira & Dorfeta ; In thefauro CCCCLiiij 1 & x s ad penfum, & Lxij 1 & iiij s numero . Mag. Rot. 5. Steph. Rot. 2. a. (q) Bertrannus de Buiemer r c de C 1 & Lxxiij s vij d Bl. de veteri firma; In th. 1, Et Q; e : Et idem de Nova firma ; In tiie- fauro CC & xxxiij 1 & v s & vj d . Jb. Rot. 3. a. Ehoracifcira. (r) Norhumberland : Odardus Vicecomes r c de quater xx & xiiij 1 & vj s & xj^d de Veteri firma : In th. 1, Et Q^ e. : Et idem de Nova firma : In thefauro quater XX & x 1 & i j s & jd. . lb. Rot. 3. b. [s) Willelmus de Pontearcha r c de C & quater xx & xvij 1 & vijs & vd Bl. de veteri firma ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. : Et idem de Nova firma ; In thefauro CCCC & quater XX & iiij 1 & iij s & ij d ad pen- fum. lb. Rot. 4. a, Ha?ntcfdra. [t) Ricardus B.iilet & Albericus de Ver r c de firma de Sudreia, & de Grentebru- gefcira, & de Huntedonefcira : In thefauro CCCC & xiiij I & xij d ad penfum . Jb. Rot. 5. a. (u) Ricardus Baflet & Albericus de Ver r c de firma de Effexa & Heortfordfcira : In thefauro CCCC & xx 1 & iij s ad pen- fum . lb. Rot. 6. ^. (w) Ricardus Baffet Si Albericus de Ver r c de firma de Norhamtefcira & Legrc- ceftrefcira : In thefauro CC & xlix I & i j s & Ld ad penfum . lb. Rot. 9. a. (x) Ricardus Ballet & Albericus de Ver r c de firma de Nortfolc & de Sudfolc : In thefauro D & quater xx & xix 1 & iiij s & vj d ad penfum lb. Rot. 10. a. (y) Ricardus Baflet & Albericus de Ver r c de firma de Buchingehamfcira & de Be- defordfcira : In thefauro CC & quater xx & xij 1 & viij d ad penf., Et C & viij 1 numero . lb. Rot. 11. a. (z) Rualonus Vicecomes r c de firma de Chent : In thefauro CCLx 1 ad penf., Et Lxxvj 1 & xxd numero . lb. Rot. 7. a. (a) Hugo de Wareluilla r c de firma de Sudfexa : In thefauro xxiij 1 & iiij s & V d, Et debet x 1 & ij s & iij d. lb. Rot. -j.a. (b) Milo de Gloeceftra r c de Lxxviij I de Veteri firma Statfordfciras ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. : Et idem de Nova firma ; In the- fauro C & XX 1 Bl. lb. R^t. 8. a. (c) Gloeceftrefcira. Milo de Gloeceftra r c de quater xx 1 & xiiij d Bl. de Veteri firma : In th. 1, Et Q_ e. Et idem de No- va firma : In thefauro CC & xxij I & xiij s ad penfum lb. Rot. 8. a. (d) Rainerus de Bada r c de CCCC & XXX 1 & ij s & X d Bl. Et de xj 1 & xij d numero, de Veteri firma : In th. 1, Et Q. e. Et idem Jc Mova firma : In thefauro CCCC h xxij 1 & xiiij s & viij d ad penfum . lb. Rot. 12. a. Line. (e) Willelmus de Pontearch r c de firma de 328 Of the Kings Demeanes, Chap. X. (f) ; Halt oi Pemhroc [g] ; Hildret oiCarlile \oxCumbcrland'\ {/.>); Richard de Appleby of Wejhnerland fi) ; Geoffrey de Furnell of Devonjlnre {k) Jind Cormoall (I). In the Reign of K. Henry II, Henry de Eff'ex the Conftable was Sheriff or Fermer of the Counties of Bukhizbam and Bedford [ni), Wimar the Chaplain was Fermer of Norjolk and Suf- folk [ri), Willi am Bqffet oi LincolnPnre (o), Ranulfde Glanville o{ Tork- Jhire (p)y Robert de IViteJeld of Oxfordpire (q) ; and others of other Counties. In the Reign of K. Richard I, Hugh BiHiop of Coventry was Sheriff or Fermour of the Counties of Warwick and Leicefler (rj. In de Berchefcira : In thefauro CCCC & xxxiij 1 & X s & j d ad penfum . lb. Rot. 13. a. (f) Willelmus de Albin. Brito r c de firma de Rotelanda : In thefauro xxxvij I Et debet XllJ s & vd. lb. Rot. firma xviij s lb. de & Rot. & iiij d 14. n. (g) Halt Vicecomes r c de Pembroc : In thefauro Lviij 1 & ixd; Et debet xxj s & iij d. '^'(hj CHAERLEOLIUM: Hil- dretus r c de xiiij 1 & xvj s & vj d de Ve- teri firma de Chaerleolio & de Manerijs Regis : Et idem Hildretus de Nova firma : In thefauro x!v 1 & x s — . lb. Rot. 14. b. (i) W E S^T M A R I E L A N D : Ri- cardus filius Gerardi de Aplebi r c de Lxxixs & iiij d de Veteri firma : In th, I, EtQ^e. rnon. r c de Nova firma de Weft- inarieland : In thefauro xxvj 1 & xix d. — . lb. Rot. 14. b. [k) Gaufridus de Furnell. r c de Lv 1 h xiiij s & vij d Bl. de Veteri firma De- venefcirae ; In th. 1, Et Q. e : Et idem de Nova firma ; In thefauro CC 1 & xvj d ad penfum . lb. Rot. 16. a. (I) CORNUALIA: Gaufridus de Furnell. r cdexl & ixs &jd de Veteri firma ; In th. 1, Et Q. e : Et idem de No- va firma : In thefauro Lv I & viij s & vij d : Et in elemofinis conftitutis C s : Et in Per- donis per breve Regis, Ricardo filio Wil- lemi X s de confueuidine tcrraj fuae : Et debet iiij 1 & ix s & vij d. lb. Rat. 16. b. {m) ilenrirus de ElTexa Conftabubrius r c de firma dt Bi^chingehamfcira & de Be- dcfordfcira, Meg. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 4. a. («) Wimarus Capellanus r c de fiimade Nordfolch & de Sudfolch: In Thefauro CCCC & xHx 1 & xiij s & xj d Bl.: Et in Elemofnia conftituta Militibus de Tem- plo xl s, Et P'ratribus Hofpitalis de Nord- wico iiij 1 & xj s & iij d, Et Monialibus de Charho xxv s : Et in Terris datis, Ro- fero de Toeni C s numero in Holcham, ',t Herberto de Luci xx 1 Bl. in Difzc, And in many other Deductions or Alkuiancei. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. I. a. (0) Willelmus BafTet r c de firma de Lincolfira : In Thefauro CC & Lxvij 1 & xiiij s &j BL, Et C & ix 1 numero: Et in Elemofina conftituta, Militibus de Tcni- plo ij marcae, Et Infirmis Lincoliae xlvj s & viij d, Et Monachis de Becco vij s : Et in Dccimis conftitutis, Canonicis de Grimefbi xj I : Et in Terris datis, Mili- tibus de Templo xj 1 Bl. in Ecclis, Et Willelmo de HumetLl Bl. in Stanford quamdiu Regi placuerit, Et Eudcnide Bat- vent vj 1 Si xiiij s numero in Hornecaftra, &c. lb. Rot. 2. a. (p) Randulfus de Glanvill debet ix 1 & vj s bl. de Veteri firma de Everwicfcira d« tribus annis praeteritis, quse remanferunt fu- per terram Tomae filij Radulfi : Et idem de Nova firma ; In Thefauro CCC 1 & C & viij s &: i d Bl. lb. Rot. 3. a. (q) Robertus de Witefeld debet xxviij s & vijd Bl. de Veteri firma de Oxineford- fcira de tercio anno, Et Lx s & iiij d Bl. de firma anni prasteriti ; qui omnes re- manferunt fiiper terram Monacorum de Tama, & funt in refpeftu per Regem do- nee inquifitio fiat de terra eorum : Et idem de Nova firma : In Thefauro Lxv I & xvij s & iij d Bl. : Jnd the rejl by Dlfcount. lb. Rot. 5. b. (r) Hugo Coventrenfis Epifcopus r c de tirma Chap. X. Escheats, Ferms ^c. 329 In the Reign of K. jo/jn, WilUam Mariifchall was Sheriff or Fcrmour oiGloucc/lerjInre {s). In the Reign of K. //^'wj' III, P^/6'r Bifliop of Winchejler was Sheriff or Fermour of TIantJhirc (t) ; Richai'd the King's Son, of Berkp.nre (w) ; Geoffrey de Neovil, of Torkjlnre (w) ; Hubert de Burgh of Kent (.v) ; Jofceihi Bifliop of Bathe of SojtierfetJJm-f (y) ', and others without Number, of other Counties. When a County was let out at Perm for more than it was formerly wont to be let for, the Improvement or Advance-money was ufually called Crementiim, the Increment. So it was alfo in the Perm of Towns and Burghs. Simon de Kyme advanced CCC Marks a- Year in the Perm of Lincolnjl.nre (:s). And many others did the like. The firma de Warewicfcira & Legerceftrefcira. Mag. Rot. 2. R. I. Rot. 4. a. (s) Comes Willelmus Marefcallus, Nico- laus Avenell pro eo, r c de CCC & Lxxij 1 & xiij s & vj d BI., de fifma Comitatus. Mag. Rot. I. J. Rot. 3. .7. Gloic. {t) Petrus Lpifcopus Wintonienfis, Wil- lelmus de Sorewell pro iplb, r c de firma Comitatus. Alag. Rot. 5. H. 3. Rot. 2. a. Suhantefirc. (u) Ricardus filius Regis, Henricus de Scaccario pro eo, reddit compotum de D & xlv 1 Sz viij s & iiij d bl[ancis], de firma de Berkefchira. Ahg. Rot. 4. H. 3. Rot. 14. rt. Ricardus fiHus Regis, Henricus de Scac- cario ut Cuftos pro eo, rede firma Comi- tatus. Afag. Rot. ^. H. 3. Rot. I. a. Berie- fire. [w) Galfridus de Neovil, Symon de Hal pro eo, r c de CCCC & xl 1 & vij s & iij d bl. de firma Comitatus : In thefauro xv) 1 & ij d bl. : Et in elemofina conflituta Militibus de Templo j marcani ; Et in De- cima conftituta Canonicis de S. Ofwaldo Xviij 1 & V s : Et in terris datis, Moniali- bus de Molfeby xxx s in foka de Efinge- vvald, Et Canonicis de Marton xl s in Ho- by, Et in quietantia tense de Briggham quam Rex Henricus primus dedit Waltero filio Ofberti filij Algrini de Frifemareis xxliij s, de quibus Homines de Drifteld re- fpondent infra, Et Archiepifcopo Rothoma- genfixll bl.inKillum, and to fiveral others : Et Johanni WafcelinConftabulariodeBam- burc L marcas ad caftrum de Bamburc muniendum, per breve Regis : Et debet xiij 1 & ij s & iij d ob. bl. : Idem reddit compotum de eodem debito ; In thefauro Vol. I. liberavit, Et Q. e. Petrus filius Herbert! [debet] xxxiij 1 &i iiij s & ij d & ob. bl. de remanenti firms Comitatus de dimidio an- no xvj". Petrus filius Herberti debet C & ij 1 & xvij s & vj d & ob. proficuo Comi- tatus de dimidio anno xvj'^. Then folloius the City of York. Alag. Rot. 7. H. 3. Rot. \l. a. Everwikeftra. Then foHoivs thefe fc- veral Heads or Titles: Amerciamcnta pro Duello : De Pr?eflito Piftaviae ; De Scuta- gio Piclavias : De Oblatis : DePrimoScu- tagio : De amerciamentis R. Donholmcnfis Epifcopi : De amerciamentis per 11. dc Bur- go : De Oblatis : De Scutagio de Biham ; DeC)blatis : NovaOblata : Deplacitis fo- reftae coram B. de Infula : Tallagium Ma- neriorum. lb. Rot. 11. a. iff b. (x) Hubertus de Burgo, Rogenis de Grimefton ut Cuflos pro eo, r c de CCCC & xij 1 & vij s & vj d B\., & de C & Lxv 1 & j marcanumero, de firma de Kent. Afc7g. Rot. 9. H. 3. Rot. 12. b. (y) Jofcelinus Bathonicnfis Epifcopu.":, Lucas Ruflel pro eo ut cuitos, r c de C &: quater xx 1 Bl. de firma Comitatus de dimidio anno. Jofcelinus Bathonicnfis E- pifcopus, Willelmus de Sorewell ut cuftos pro eo, re de C & quater xx 1 Bl. de fir- ma Comitatus de alio dimidio anno. Alaz- Rot. 9. H. 3. Rot. 14. a. Sumerfct. (z) Idem Vicecomes r c de CC marcis de Cremento Comitatus de hoc anno : Quia H. Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopus recordatus eft coram Baronibus fuper Scaccarium, quod Rex remifit C marcas de Cremento dc CCC marcis fafto per S. de Kyma ; In th. 1, EtQ^e. Alag. Rot-. 10. R. i. Rot. ^. a. LincoHfcira, u u Crementtim 33*^ ^f ^^^ Kmg s Demeanes, Chap. X. Crementum of Counties was fometimes anfwered in other Things than Money : to wit, in Palfreys, Hawks, ^c. And in like Manner for Towns and Burghs. William Rnffiis rendered x/ and four Hawks Increment for the County of Bukingham : and William Fitz-Richard thirty nine Hawks Increment for the fame County [a). The Sheriff of Worcejlerflnre was to pay xiiij / for a Summaire and a Hawk, the old Increment of that County (b). Another Part of the ancient Crown-Revenue arofe out of the yearly Ferms of Towns, Burghs, and Gilds. If I do not miflake, in the moft ancient Times after the Conqueft (as far as we can find by Records) feveral Towns of England were in the Hands or Pofleirioii of private Lords. But of them it is not my Bufmefs to treat. The Towns, Burghs and Villates of England which were in the Hands of the King, were commonly let to Ferm. And the Ferms of them were anfwered to the Crown, either by the Sheriff of the County wherein the Towns lay, as included in the Corpus Comitatis or as fuperadded to itj or elfe by the Townfmen themfelves per tnamim fua?n, either by the Name of Homines Gives or Burgenfes of fuch a Town, Burgh or Villate, or under the Name of the Provoft or other particular Cujlos or Fermer. Some Examples hereof may be fet- down. In the 5th Year oi K. Stephen : the Ferm oi Warengeford was anfwered to the Crown by Brien Fitz-Count (c), the Ferm of the Burgh of Northampton by Robert Resell (d), and the Ferm of the City of Cokhejler by Hamon de St. Clare {e). In the Reign of K. Henry la) Idem Vicecomes [Willelmus RiifFus] per breve Regis, Burgenfibus de Warenge- reddit compotum de x 1 & iiij Accipitribus ford xv 1 pro paupertate eorum : Et Q^ e. hrton, Overion, Bothelton, the Drengage of U£ircd de Stanhol, the Drengage of Gilbert le Clerk in Stanhol, Hamelton, and Pnjlon [i). The Ferm of the Burgh of Nort/jamfto» WAS anfwered by the Eiirgefles there (k). The Ferm of the Town of Grimejhy with the Soke by the Men of Gnmef- by flj, the Ferm of the Burgh of Bedford by [the Men of] the Burgh f^nj, the Ferm of Brijio by Engehrd de Cygoini fii), the Ferms of the Towns of Camhridg and Hiintendon by the Men of thofe Towns fo), and the Ferms of the Towns of Derby and Notingham by the Men of thofe Towns (p). In the Reign of K. Henry III, the Bur- gefl'es of Gloucejler anfwered the old Increment of tlieir Town and the new {q). The Men of Kingjlon in Surrey, the Ferm of their Town with the old Increment and the new frj. The Burgeffes of Brl/loll a.ccountcd to the King for CCxlv/, the Ferm of their Town, the King having demifed the Town to them at that Ferm (sj. The [h) Burgenfes de Bruges re de vj I & xiij s & iii) d, de firma Villae fuae. Bur- genfes de Salopefbiria r c de xx 1 numero de firma Burgi, Et de x marcis pro ij Fu- gatoribus de Cremento Burgi, Et de v mar- cis de Novo Cremento. A'/ag. Ret. 8. y. Rot. II. (7. Salopefchira. (i) De Crementis Villarum de Lancaf- tria de dimidio anno : Idem Vicecomes r c de xxj s Si iiij d, de Cremento de Skerton de dimidio anno : Idem r c de xxvj s & iij d, de Cremento de Overton de dimidio anno: Idem r c de xs, de Cremento de Bothelton de dimidio anno, de Drengagio : Etdevij d de Cremento Drengagij Uftredi de Stanhol, de eodem termino : Etdevijd, de Diengagio Gileberti Ckrici in Stanhol : Et de xij s de Cremento de Hamelton, de dimidio anno, Et de ix 1 de Veteri Cre- mento de Prefton, de anno integro, ^c. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 20. a. Lane. [k) Burgenfes de Norhamton r c de C & XX 1, de Firma Burgi de Norhamton. Mag. Ret. 10. J. Rot. 12. a. tl) Homines de Grimefbi r c de C & xj 1 numero, de firma Villae fuse cum foka. Aiag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 2. a. Line. (ni) Burgus de Bedeford re de xl 1 bl. de Hrma Burt^i. lb. Rot. 2. a, Bed. {nj Engelardus de Cygoini, PJcardus Burgenfis pro eo, r c de C & xlv 1 de firma de Brifto. 3. Rot. 10. b. (0) Homines de Cantebrigia r c de xl 1 bh, de firma Villae fuas. Homines de Hun- tendon r c de XXXV 1 bl., de firma Villas fua?. //'. Rot. II. a. (p) Burgenfes de Derebi r c de xl 1 bl. de firma Villas fuE. Homines de Notinge- ham r c de Lij 1 bl., de firma Villae fuse. Jb. Rot. 12. a. {q) Burgenfes Gloeceftris r c de C s Bl., de Veteri cremento Burgi. Idem Bur- genfes r c de X 1, de Novo cremento ejuf- dem Burgi. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 3. Rot. 4. b. Gloec. (r) Homines de Kingefton r c de xxviij I & XS bl., de firma Villas fuas de anno quinto Regis. Idem Homines r c de xijl numero, de Veteri cremento villae fuas de pradicto anno quinto, Et de ix 1 & xs de Novo cremento ejufdem villae de eodem an- no. Mag. Rot. 7. H. 3. Rot. 10. b. Reftd. Surreia. The like for the 6th Tear. And the like de hoc anno, vi%, the "/th Tear. lb. juxt. [s) Compotus Briftolli a feflo S. Grcgo- rij Anni oftavi Regis, ufq; ad feftum S. Gre- gorij Anni nonrt Priour 334 ^f ^^^^ Kings Demeanes, Chap. X. Priour of Bathe accounted for the Ferm of the City of Bathe, which he held during the King's Pleafure [t); the Men oi Rochejhr for the Ferm of their Town (u) ; The Burgelles of Gloiicejler for the Ferna of that Town, with tlie old and new Increment (ivj -, The Citizens of Chkhejlcr for the Ferm of tlieir Town and the Arerages of it [x) ; the Men of Aulton in Hantjlnre for the Ferm of their town (y) ; Alexander Bacon (as Ciijlos) for the IlTues of the Wapentakes of Hange Halikeld and Gilling during the Time he held them in Cuftody, and (as Fermer) for the Ferm of them during the Time he held them Burgenfes Briftolli r c de CC & xlv 1 de prjEclifio termino, dc firma villse fuas ; quam villani Rex eis dimifit per talem fir- mam ; ita quod lelpondeant de duabus par- tibus firmse iUiiis ad feftum S. Michaelis, & de refiduo ad teftum S. Hillaiij ; S.ilvn Re- gi ad opus Conftabularij & gentis fus nonii- natis [A'^f, morantis] in Callro Biiftolli pri- fa cerviliae quantum opus hab.ierint ; ita quod Burgenl'es habeant rellduuni ; Et falva Kegi ballia de Bertona Briftolli, &■ de cha- fcia Btull[ij] de Keinefliam, & de Bofco de Furches, quam Rex reiinuit in manu fua. Mag. Ret. 8. H. 3- Gloccejlr. (t) Prior Bathoniae r c de xxx 1 de fir- ma Civitatis Bathonine, tenends per talem firmam quamdiu Regi placuerit : In th. 1, Et Q. e. Afag. Rot. q. H. 3. Rot. 14. a. Sumeyjet. (a) Homines de Roueceftria r c de vj 1 & ix s, de remanent! firms villae fu» : In Thefauro nichil ; Et in quietantia paagij crucefignatorum tranfeuntium per Rofam verfus mare, quod antiquitus capi folebat, fcllicet de homine -equite j d, & de homine pedite j ob., quos Rex de caetero quietos clamavit, ix s, per breve Regis quod eft in forulo Marefcalli ; in quo etiam continetur, quod fecundum quod paagium illud fuerit, vel majtis vel minus per annum, allocetur pj£Edi£tis hominihus in nrma fua, fecundum quod talliatum fuitper Ballivum Vicecomitis h Ballivos Villn? ; Et debent Homines vj 1, qui funt fuper Libcrtates Hominum Archie- pifcopi. Mag. Rot. 9. B. 3. Rot. 12. h. Kanda. (w) Burgenfes Gloverniae rede LI bl. de firma Burgi ; Et de L\ bl. de eadem firma de anno prasterito ; Et de C s bl. de Veteri cremcnto cjufdem burgi, etde C s de eodem cremento de anno prasterito. Idem Burgenfes re de x 1 numero, de Novo cremento eiufdem burgi, Et de xl de eo- dem cremento de anno praeterito. Mag. Rot. 9. H. 3. Rot. 4. b. Glovernia. (a) Gives Ciceftriae re de xxxviij 1 & xs de firma Villae fune, Et de xxxviij 1 & xs de eadem de anno prseteriLO, Et [de] Lxxvij I de annis xiij° & xij°, Et [de] xxxvs de remauenti ejufdem de anno xj°, Et [de] xl s de remanent! ejufdem de anno x° : In Thefaurario Lxxv s de remanent! firmae de anno x° & xj : Et debent C & Liiij I : Idem reddunt compotum de eo- dem debito : In Thefaurario Nil : Et ipfis Civibus C& Liiij 1, per Breve Regis ; In quo continetur, quod firma Vill« Cyreftria computetur Civib.is ejufdem Villa:, de tem- pore quo Villa ilia extitit in manu R, Co- mitis Cornubiae Fratris Regis, videlicet a XX die Augufti aniii xj, ufque ad feftum S. Michaelis anni xvj ; Et de castero quamdiu eadern Villa fuerit in manu ejufdem Comi- tis per praeceptum Regis : Et Quieti funt. Mag. Rot. 15. //. 3. Stulfix. (y) Homines de Aulton debent CC & xlvj 1 xvj s iij d & ob. , de remanenti fir- mse Villae fuK de pluribus annis prasteritis. Set non debent fummoneri, per Breve Regis, In quo continetur, quod confideratum eft coram Rege, quod Epifcopi Wintonienfis & Dunolmenfis fint quieti de Arreragijs ejufdem firmae de tempore quo habuerunt cuftodiam Comitatus ; Et quod Homines Villae fimiliter Tint quieti de eifdem arrera- gijs, praeterquam de quibufdam arreragijs de quibus eft contencio inter eofdem Ho- mines &Johannem Oter & Johannem Swele h Adam de Gurdon, qui fuerunt Baillivi ejufdem chap. X. Escheats, Ferms, &'c. 335 them at Ferm fzj -, the Men of Brijioll for the Ferm of their Town fa) i the Barons and Baihffs of M^inchelji for the Ferm of their Town, which the King granted to them, with all its Liberties and Appurtenances, to hold at Ferm during his Plealure [b) ; Peter Ma- lore for the Ferm of the Town of Mekcumbe and of other Lands, all which were committed to him at Ferm during the King's Plea- fur e (c). By the Inflances produced above in this Sedlon, it appeareth, that the Towns and Burghs were wont to be let out at ferm (like as the Kings Manours or Lands) to fuch Perfons, and upon fuch Terms, as the King accepted. This was the Ufage after the Norman csra: But I have not obferved that the fame Method was ufed before that Time. In the early Times, after the coming-in of the Normansy the Towns and Burghs were mofl: of them (if I have obferved right) let-out at the King's Pleafure : in the fucceedin.g Ages, fome of thera were let-out in Fee, or, as they called it, in Fee-ferm : particular- ly to the Men or Burgeifes of the refpedtive Towns : which Cuftom, as it feems, fo far prevailed, that in Procefs of Time moft of the Towns and Burghs in Kngland came to be let to the refpedlive Townf- men or Burgefles at Fee-ferm; as will, I fuppofe, appear to a dili- gent ejufJetTi viflje tempore quo eadem arreragia debebantur ; & quod ijdeiii Baillivi fimiliter fuit quieti de eildem aireragijs ; Ita tamen, quod ii aliquid ceperint quod ad eandem firniam pcrtinet, quod non folvcrintad Scac- carium, iUud folvant. Mag. Rot. i6. H. 3. Sudhamiifclya, in dsrfo. (z) Alexander Bacon ut Cullos r c de xxxix I xij s xj d, de exitibus Wapentacco- rum de Hange Halikeld & Gillinge, a vij die Marcij anno xix°, ufq; ad j diem Fe- bruarij anno xx; Kt de xxj 1, de flrma eo- rundem Wapentaccorum, a prasdiclo prime die Februarij quo fuit Firmarius, ufq; ad iilj diem Septembris anno xx j per breve Regis in quo continetur, quod Rex concef- fiteidern Alexandre Wappentaccos de Hange Halikelde Si Gillinge, Tenendos & cufto- diendos quanidiu Regi placuerit, ficut V/ar- nerus Eng.iyr.e quondam Cuftos ejufdem Honoris [de Richermmii] illos tenuit, pro- xxxvj 1 quas leddet Rtgi per annum. A^Tg-, Rot. 19. H. 3. in Rot. Compotor. a. (a) Homines Briitolhse r c de CC & xlv 1 de firma villas (us : In thefauro xxxi) 1 & xs ; Ft in clemofina conftituta Militibus de temple j marca, Et eifdem iiijl indenarijs . Jllag. Rot. 30. H. 3. Glovernia, m. 2. a, in imo. (h) Barones & Ballivi de Winchelefe r c de xlij 1, de firma villae de Winchelefe, quani Rex eis conceffit cum omnibus per- tinentijs & lib3rtatibus fuis, tenendam per talem hrmam quamdiu Regi placuerit ; Ita quod ijdem Barones, per manus Ballivorum praedid!orum qui pro tempore fuerint, red- dant annuatim de prseditita firma VVilleltr.o Alaufe & Johannse uxori ejus nomine Re- gis X libras, 6c refiduum praeJiiSaruiii xlij librarum folvant ad Scaccarium, videli- cet unam medietatem ad Scaccarium Paf- chas & aliam medietatem ad Scaccarium S. Michaelis. Et eft data CommilEonis vij die Februarij. Mag, Rot. 6. £. 1. SitJJiv, m. I. b. (c) Petrus Malore [debet] vj 1 x s, de firma Villae de Melecumbe, & terrarum & tenementorum Regis in Dodemerton, Tc- nend. 336 Of the Kings D e m e a n e s, Cliap. X. .t> gent obferver. Let it fuffice at prefent to take Notice, that anciently the Towns and Burghs were wont to be put in Ciijhdy, or let to Ferm, upon I'uch Terms and Conditions as the King or the great Officers of his Court or Exchequer, on his Behalf, thought tit to accept J as may be feen in two or three Inflances following. The Men of the Town of Derby fined in xl Marks, th.d.t'' Wiiliam the Fal- coner might not have their Town at Ferm (d). Peter de Brus fined in CCCC Marks, that he migiit have the Wapentake of Langeberge with the Appurtenances, to hold to him and his Keirs of the King and his Heirs, rendering the accuftomed and ancient Ferm, and like- wife XX / Increment, for all Manner of Service. 'Provided, that in Pleas of the King's Crown, they Ihould anfwer before the King's Jurtices holding the Iters in thofe Parts ; that the Attachments of thofe Pleas fliould be made by the Sheriff and Coroners of the County ; and that in other Pleas belonging to the Sheriff, they Ihould anfwer before the Sheriff (!. 2. ff> placitorum fient per Vicecomitem & Coro- [il) Idem Vicecomes [Randulfus filius narios; De alijs vero placitis qua pertinent Engelram] re de xl marcis, pro Homini- ad Vicecomitem, refpondebunt coram Vice- bus de Derbi, Ne VVilielmus Arturcarius comite. Afcig. Rot. g. 'J. Rot. 7. a. habeat villam. In th. 1, in ij tidlijs, Et (f) Petrus de Bruis debet x marcas Bl. Q.e. Mag. Rot. 9. H. 2. Rot. i. n. Not. de "firma Wappentachij dc Langeberg, & i£ Dal/. XX 1 numero de cremento. Homines de (e) Petrus de Brus [debet] CCCC mar- Scardeburg debent xxxiij 1 de antiqua firma cas, Pro habendo Wapetac de Langeberge Maner. , 6c xxxiij 1 de Cremento ejufdem. cum pertinentijs fuis in Comitatu Ebor. , Manor. 31. //. 3. Rot. n. a. Tenendum fibi & hasredibus fuis de Rcge [g) Petrus de Brus [debet] Lx 1 numero ht haeredibus fuis, Reddendo inde annua- de cremento ejufdem Wappentacci [deLan- tim ad Scaccarium debitam & antiquam fir- geberg]. Mentor. 52. H, 3. Rot, 18. «. ETiam, & prjeterea de Cremento xx 1 pro om- Ebor. ufed chap. X. Escheats, Ferms, c. 337 ufed to arife [h). K. Hc?iry III, abated or remitted to the Citizens 0^ Toi'k x\l Part of their Ferm, during his Pleafure, for Caufes to him leeming meet (/). The fame King granted to the Citizens of Wincbejier, in Compaffion to the Poverty they then laboured under, that they fliould render to the King yearly, for the Space of one and twenty Years then next coming, C Marks, at the fame Terms at which they were wont to render Fourfcore Pounds for the Ferm of their City (Ji). The Mayour and Citizens of Wincbejier fet forth, by their humble Petition to K. Edward I, that K. Henry III, was pleafed to releafe to them xx Marks yearly of the Ferm of their City for the Space of one and twenty Years, and that the faid one and twenty Years were now expired : and therefore prayed, that he would either reftore the faid City to them with the faid Abatement, or affign them a Cujfos of their City. The King had for fome Time delayed to do this : but afterwards he commanded the Barons of the Exchequer, either to commit the faid City to the Citizens for the faid Ferm or fome other Ferm that would be for the Profit of the King and of the Citizens, or elfe to affign them a fit Ciijtos, if they fliould think that to be mofl expedient (I). To the Ferms of the Counties and Towns may be referred the Ferms or yearly Payments made to the Crown by the Gilds of Mer- chants (h) Civitas Wintonias : Gives Wlntonia; ut Cuflodes r c de xxxv 1 & xix d de fir- ma Civitatis hoc anno, propter defaltam ponderis & portze & libertatum : In thefauro nichil, Et in elemofina conftituta Riilitibus de Temple j marca . Mag. Rot. 5. H. 3 Rot. 2. b. (i) Cives Eboraci re de C & Lx 1 nu- mero de firma Civitatis fux : In thefauro C & vj 1 Si vij s & xj d ; Et ipfis Ci- vibus in relaxatione firmx Civitatis, xl I, quamdiu Regi placuerit, EtQ;funt. Mag, Rot. g. H. 3. Rot. 9. a. Everwikejir. (k) Cum Civitas Wintoniie propter in- potenciam Civium ejufdem Civitatis, & paupertatem aliorum inhabitantium, adeo depauperata eft, quod asdificia ejufdem Ci- vitatis dirruta funt & undiq; ruinofa : Rex paupcjtati prsdlctse Civitatis conpaciens, is: ftatum ejufdem meliorare cupiens, de confilio Magnatum qui funt deConfilio fuo, conceiTitciSjquod a teftoS. Micliaelis proxi- mo prseterito ufq; ad viginti h unum annos Vol.. I. proximo fequentes conpletos, reddant Regi pro Civitate praedifta fingulis annis ad Scaccarium fuum C marcas, ad eofdem tcr- minos ad quos prius quater viginti libras Regi reddcre confueveront. Et ideo Rex maiidat Baronibus, quod fie fieri Sc irrotu- lari faciant. T. he. Hil. Memor. 49. H. 3. Rot. 7. a. (I) Major &; Cives Wyntonix accefle- runt ad Regem fupplicando, quod cum ter- minus xxj annorum de quibus Dominus H. Rex eis xx marcas annuas de firma Ci- vitatis Wyntonia; relaxavit jam tranfaiSlus exiftat, Civitatem ipfam pro quaterviginti libris annuis ad Scaccarium inde reddendis reftitueret eifdem, vel quod certus Cullos deputaretur ibidem. Et quia id eifdem di- ftulit concedere certis de caufis Rex, man- dat Baronibus quod ipfis Civibus Civitatem eandcm pro firma priedidla vc-1 alia ad Regis & diilne Civitatis utilitateni nomine Regis committant, vel eis Cudodem idoneum af- fignent, fi pro Rege & ipfis hoc duxerint X X ordinan- 338 Of the Kings Demeanes, Chap. X. chants in feveral Towns oi Eitgland. For Example : In the 5th Year of K. Henry II, the Weavers of London ftand charged with four Marks of Gold for the Ferm of their Gild for two Years : The Bakers of London with one Mark and fix Ounces of Gold (w). In the nth Year of the fame King, the Weavers of London rendered xij / per Annum for the Ferm of their Gild, and the Bakers vj / per Aminm for theirs {n) : and the like in the 15th foj, and 24th Years of the fame King fpj. In other Years of that King, the Weavers rendered xij / per Atmum for their Gild fqj : they did the like in the Reign of K. Richard! fr). In fome Part of the Reign of K. Henry III, the Weavers of London paid xx Marks per Annum for their Gild (j). In the 12th and 14th Years of K. Henry II, the Weavers of Oxford paid vj / for their Gild, and the Corvefers of Oxford xv j- in Lieu of one Ounce of Gold tor their Gild ft). In the 31ft Year of the fame King, the Weavers of Oxford paid vj / in Lieu of one Mark of Gold for their Gild : and the Corvefers of Oxford xvj s in Lieu of one Ounce of Gold for theirs fu). In the Reign of K. Henry ordinandum ; Et quod inde fecerint Regi litteratorie remandent. Mich. Commun. 14. E. I. Rot. 1. a. in bund. 13 ^ 14. E. I. (w) Telarij Lundonise r c de iiij mar- cis Auri pro Gilda fua de ij Annis. Bolen- garij debent j marcam & vj uncias Auri. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. i. a. Telarij Londoniae debent v marcas & di- midiam auri, pro Gilda fua de tribus annis. Bolengarij debent ij marcas auri & vj uncias, Mag. Rot. 6. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. (11) Telarij Lundonise r c de xij 1, pro Gilda fua ; In thefauro liberaverunt, Et Quieti funt. Bolengarij Lundoniae r c de vj 1 pro Gilda fua. In th. 1, Et Q^ f. Mag. Rot. i\. H. 2. Rot. 4. a. («) Telarij de Lundonia r c de iiij 1 de Vcteri firma pro Gilda fua : Et Idem de xij 1 de Nova firma. Bolengarij de Lun- donia re de vj 1 pro Gilda fua. Mag. Rot. 15. H. 2. Rot. 12. b. (p) Telarij de Londonia re de xij 1 pro Gilda fua; In th. 1, Et Q^ f. Bulengarij de Londonia re de vj 1 pro Gilda fua ; In th. 1 , Et Qi f. Mcig. Rot. 24. H. 2. Rot. (q) Telarij de Londonia r c de xij 1, pro Gilda fua ; In th. 1, Et Q^ f. Mag. Rot. 27. H. 2. Rot. lilt. b. Et Mag. Rot. 29. //. 2. Rot. 13. h. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. pe- nult, b. Mag. Rot. 33. H. 2. Rot. 3. b. Telarij de Londonia r c de xij I, pro Gilda fua ; In th. 1, Et Q^ f. Mag. Rot. 34. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. (r) Telarij de Londonia r c de xij 1 pro Gilda fua. In th. 1, Et Q: f Mag. Rot. i.R.j. Rot. 13. a. Et Mag. Rot. 2. R. 1. Rot. 12. b. Et Mag. Rot. 3. /?. I. Rot. II. a. (s) Thelarij Londoniae debent xx marcas de firma Gildae fuse. Memor. 22. H. 3. Rot. i elarij Londoniae debent xx marcas pro Gilda fua. Menior. 29. H. 3. Rot. 13. b. Telarij Londonia debent xx marcas pro Gilda fua. Reddiderunt totum. Alemor. ■^i. H. 3. Rot. 10. a. (t) Telarij de Oxineford re de vj 1 pro Gilda fua. Corvefarij re de xv s pro j uncia auri ; In th. 1, Et Quieti funt. Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 9. b. Telarij de Oxenefoid r c de vj 1, pro Gilda fua. Corvefarij de Oxeneford r c de XV s pro j uncia auri pro Gilda fua. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. (u) Telarij de Oxinefordia re de vj 1 pro j marca auri, pro Gilda fua. In th. I, Et Q; f. Corvefarij de Oxinefordia r c de xvjs chap. X. EcHEATS, Ferms, ^c. 339 Henry III, the Weavers of Oxford paid vj / per Annum for their Gild ; to wit, in the 29th ('w), 31ft (xj, and 41ft (yj Years of that King. This Mark of Gold rendered yearly by the Weavers of Oxford for the Perm of their Gild, was afterwards reduced to xlij s yearly Rent. The cafe was this. K. John had by his Charter granted to the laid Weavers their Gild, and all the Liberties and Cuftoms which they had in the Time of KK. Hejiry I and II -, and, that nobody fliould work in their Craft within five Leagues of the Burgh of Oxford, like as they had this Privilege in the Times of the faid KK. Henry I and II ; the faid Weavers rendering yearly a Mark of Gold : and K. Edward I, at the Beginning of his Reign, being given to underftand that the faid Weavers when they undertook to pay the faid yearly Ferm of a Mark of Gold, were above fixty in Number, and that they were now fo poor and decayed, that they were fcarce fifteen in Number, fo that they had not for a long Time part: paid the faid Ferm, and at prefent were unable to pay it; the faid K. Edward \, in Compaflion to their Poverty, pardoned to them the faid yearly Rent of a Mark of Gold, with the Arreres thereof, and granted, that they might, for the future, during his Pleafure, render xlij j- yearly by the Hand of the Mayours and Bailiffs oi Oxford, sxMichael- mafs and Eajier, in like Manner as they were wont to render the faid Mark of Gold (z). The Weavers of the Town of Notingham rendered xlj per Annum for their Gild, in the 5th, 14th, 31ft, and other xvj s pro j uncia auri, pro Gilda fua. In quinq; leucatas circa Burgum Oxonise, de- th. 1, Et Q; f. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. ficut hanc confuetudinem folebant habere •J. b. tempore H. Regis avi pradidi Regis J, & (w) Telarij Oxoniaedebent vjl pro Gilda tempore patris fui : Et eo tempore quo pro- fua. Reddiderunt totum. Memor. 29. H. iniirioncm diftas marcre aiiri fecerant Tel- 3. Rot. 13. a. larij prsdifti, erant numero fcxaginta & (x) Telarij Oxoniae debent vj 1, pro Gil- plures in villa prasdi£ta, & ipfi jam ad da fua. Reddiderunt totum. Memor. "^i. H. tantam inopiam devcnerint quod vix fint 3. Rot. 10. b. numero quindecim, ita quod de firma prs- (y) Telarij Oxoniae debent vj 1 de Gilda. diftae marcae auri annifae multo tempore non reddiderunt totum. Mempr. \\. H. '^. Rot. refponderunt, nee habent hijs diebus unde 23. b, inde refpondeant : Rex ipforum egeftati pie (z) Baronibus, pro Telarijs Oxonias. compaciens, perdonavit eifdem redditum il- Cum Dominus J. Rex avus Regis, per Car- luin unius marcae auri annuae, & omnia ar- tam fuam conceffiffet eifdem Tellarijs gil- reragia praediftje marcse auri annuse, de dam fuam & omnes libertates h confuetu- gratia fua fpeciali : & eis conceffit, quod dines fuas, quas habuerint tempore H. Re- reddant Regi de caetero per annum, per gis avi praedidi Regis J, 5c tempore patris manus Msjorum & Ballivorum fucrum ()x- fui ; Ita quod fmgulis annis eidem J. Regi onrjt qui pro tempore fuerint xlii s, videli- inde donarent unam marcam auri ; & quod cet unam medietatem ad feftum S. Michae- nemo operaretur de miniderio eorum infra lis, & aliam medietatem ad Pafcha, quam- X x 2 diu 340 Of the Kings D.e m e a n e s, Chap. X. other Years of K. Henry II (a) ; and in the 28th, 29th, 31(1 {h), and other Years of K. Henry III. The Weavers of the City of Tork paid xl per Annum for their Gild, in the 12th, 14th (c), and other Years of K. Henry l\ ; and in the 22d, 27th, 3ilT:, 32d, 52d {d), and other Years of K. He?iry III. The Weavers of the Town of Huntendon paid xIj- per Annum for their Gild in the 5th Year of K. Stephen {e), in the 9th, 15th ffj, and other Years of K. Hetiry II, and in the 30th {g), and other Years of K. Hemi III. The Weavers of the City of Lhtcoln rendered vj / for one Mark of Gold per An- niim, for the Ferm of their Gild, in the 5th Year of K. Stephen {h), znd yj / per Annum for the fume, in the 5th, 9th, 12th, 14th, 15th Years of K. Henry II (/), and in the 41ft and other Years of K, Henry iliu Regi placuerit, eodem modo quo prne- diSam marcam Regi leddere confueverunt, occafione prsedida ; Et quod ipfos de prE- di(3:is redditu & arreragijs quietos effe fa- ciant. Jldich. Comniun. 4. incip. E. I. Rot. I. (I. in bund. 3 ^ 4. £. i. (a) Telaiij de Notiiigcham r c de xl s, pro Gilda fua ; In th. l,"Et Q; f. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 8. a. Telarij de Notingeham r c de xl s, pro Gilda fua. Mi^g. Rot. 14. H. 1. Rot. 5. a. • Telarij de Notingeham re de xl s, pro Gilda fua ; In th. 1, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 8. a. {b) Telarij de Notingham re de xl s pro Gilda fua ; In th. 1, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 28. H. 3. Rot. I. a. Telarij Notinghamice debent xl s pro Gilda fua. Alcmor. 29, H. 3. Rot. 13. a. Telarij de Notingham debent xl s pro Gilda fua. Memor. 31. H. 3. Rot. 8. a. (c) Telarij de Evcrwic re de x 1, pro Gilda fua : In th. 1, Et Q: f. Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 3. a. Telarij de Eboraco re de x 1 pro Gilda fua. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 3. a. {d) Telarij Eboraei debent C s, prq Gil- da fua. Idem Telarij debent CLx & v 1 pro eadem de pluribus annis pceteritis. Me- mor. 22. H. 3. Rot. 16. b. Telarij Ebor. debent x 1 pro Gilda fua, h C quater xx 1 pro eadem de pluribus annis. Memor. 27. H. 3. Rot. 18. a. Telarij Eboraei debent x 1 pro Gilda fua, & CCx I de remanente ejufdem. Reddide- 4 runt C s Diftringantur pro refiduo. Memor. 31. H. 3. Rot. II. a. Telarij Ebor. debent x 1 pro Gilda fua, &■ CCxv 1 de remanente ejufdem. Memor . 32. H. 3. Rot. 13. a. Telarij Eboraei [debent] CCC xxv 1 de remanente firms Gildas fuse de pluribus an- nis pr.-Eteritis. Memor. 52. H. 3. Rot. 18. a. in Compoto Vicccomitis Ebor. (e) Telarij de Huntedona r c de xl s pro Gilda fua. In th. I, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 5 Steph. Rot. 5. a. (f) Telarij de Huntendona re de xl s pro Gilda fua. Mag. Rot. 5. H. z. Rot. 8. a. Jnd Mag. Rot. 9. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. Telarij de Huntendona re de x! s, pro Gilda fua. Mag. Rot. 15. H. 2. Rot. ji.b. (g) Telarij Huntedonis r c de xl s pro Gilda fua : In th. 1, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 3. Cant, y Hunt. m. 1 . b. [h) Et idem Vicecomes [Rainerus de Bada] re de j marca auri, pro Gilda Te- lariorum Lincolias ; In TheHuno vj 1 pro j marca auri, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 5. Ste. Rot. 12. a. Line. (i) Telarij Lincoliae re de vj 1, pro Gilda fua ; In th. 1, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 9. b. Telarij Lineoliae re de vj 1, pro Gilda fua. Mag. Rot. 9. H. 2. Rot. 6. b. Telarij Lincoliae r c de vj 1, pro Gilda fua. Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. i. a. Telarij de Lincolia r c de vj 1, pro Gil- da chap. X. E S C H E A T P, F E R M s, &'c. 341 Henry III (/:). Tlie FuHers of the City of Wincbejler paid \] I per Annum for their Gild, and the Weavers of lllncbe/ler vj / per Annum for their Gild, in the 5th Year of K. Henry II (/) ; and in the 9th, 15th, 1 8th, and other Years of the fiime King (w), In the 9th Year of K. Richard I [n), and in other Years. In the 2d Year of K. Henry II, Godfrey and Wiikvhie rendered viij / for the Fcrm of the Cbapnianjhall \n the City of IVincheJler [0). In the 17th Year of tlic fame King the Sheriff of Hantjloire rendered xx Marks for the Ferm of the Chapmanjlmll oi Winchejter {p), and again in the 27th {q) and 33d Year of the fame King (r), and in the 8th [s), 9th (t), and other Years of K. Richard I. In the firft Year of K. 'John, the Ci- tizens of IVincheJler were charged \vith xx Marks, for the Ferm of the faid Chap?naupaU {11). In the 9th Year of K, Henry III, the Burgeffes of Gloucefter were charged with ij s per Annum, for the Ferm of the Guihalle of that Town (w). da fua. Alag. Rot. 14. //. 2. Rot. 15. b. An J, Mag. Rot. 15. H. 2. Rot. l. b. [k) Telarij Lincolniae debent vj 1 pro Gilda fua & xvlij 1 pro tribus annis praete- ritis. Memor. 41. H. 3. Rot. 29. a. [I) Fullones Wintonias re de vj 1, de Veteri firma annorum praeteritorum ; In th. 1, Et Q^ f. Idem r c de Nova firma de Rot. g. R. I. Rot. 2. a. Sudhant. \ pro iincijs, IcgendMu (n'l jailor) marcis. (0) GodefriJus &: VVulwinus re do fir- ma de Ciiepmannefhal ; In thefauro viij 1 Et. Q. f. /(%. Rot. 2. //. 2. Rot. 1 1, a. tit. Civitas Wintoniae. (p) Idem Vicecomes r c de xx marcis de firma de Chapmanncfhal ; In thefauro xiij 1 -vj 1 ; In th. 1, Et Q_. f. Telarij Wintoniae & iiij s &viiid, Et in rcparatione Selda j„ . ,: 1 J„ \7„.. : c ^ . T.. .u 1 ■c :..rj h,.: :: „ K.. {\ ., n.T^. D,. r c de vj 1 de Veteri firma ; In th. 1, Et Q^f. Idem r c de \j 1 de Nova firm.i ; In th. 1, Et Q, f. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 7. a. tit, Civitas Wintonias. (m) Telarij Wintoniae r c de vj I, pro Gilda fua. Fullones Wintonia; re de vj I, pro Gilda fua. jVIag. Rot- 9. H. 1. Rot. S.b. Telarij \^'^inloni« re de ij marcis auri, pro Gilda fua ; In Thefauro xij 1 pro ij marcis auri, Et Q^ f. Fullones Wiiuonia; r c de vj 1, pro Gilda fua ; In Th. 1, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 15. H. 2. Rot. i\. a. Telarij Wintoniae re de ij marcis auri, pro Gilda fua ; In Thefauro xij 1 pro ij mar- cis auri, Et Q. f. Fullones Wintoniae r c de vj 1 pro Gilda fua; In Th. 1, Et Q. f. M~^g. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 6. b. The like in Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 13./'; And Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 14. b. (n) Telarij Wintonias [debent] xij 1 pro ij uncijs t auri, pro Gilda fua. Fullones Wintoniae r c de xl s, pro Gilda fua de anno prretcrito. Et de vj 1 de hoc anno : In th. liberaverunt in ij talijs, Et. Q^f. Mag. rum ejufdem fori ij s, Et (^e. Alag. Rot. 17. H. 2. Rot. 3. b. Civitas Wintoniae. (q) Idem Vicecomes r c de xx marcis de firma do Chapmanefliala ; In th. 1, EtQ^e. Mag. Rot. 27. H. 2. Rot. 9. a. Sudbaiitefcira. tit. Civitas Wint. (r) Idem Vicecomes r e de xx marcis de Chapmannefhala ; In tii. 1, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 33. H. 2. Roi. 14. b. tit. Civitas Wiiitonix. (j) Idem Vicecomes r c de xx marcis de firma de Chapmanefhalc ; In th. 1, EtQ^e. A'lag. Rot. 8. R. I. Rot. 5. a. tit. Civitas Wint. [t) Idem Vicecomes r c de xx marcis de Chapmannefhall : In th. I, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. (). R. I. Rot. 2. a. Sudhant. Civitas JFltrtonlce. (ti) Idem Ci\es debent xx marcas de Chapmani;c{hall. Mag. Rot. i. J. Rot. I. a. Civitas JIAntonla. {iv) Burgenfes Gloverni^ re de ij s de Guihalle in Glovernia, Et de ij s de eadem Guihall de anno praterito, Alag. Rot. 9. //. 3. Rot. /If. b. Clivcrma. VI. An- 342 Of the Ki7igs Demeanes, Chap. X. VI. Another Part of the ancient Crown-Revenue arofe by Fines, Oblata, and Amerciaments of many Kinds, But this is a Subjed: that affords fo great a Variety of curious Matter, that I chufe to pafs it by here, and to allow it feveral diftindl Chapters {x). VII. Of the Revenue arifing by Aids, Scutages, Tallages, and Cuftoms, we treat in diftindt Chapters (y), for the fame Reafon. VIII. There was a cafual Revenue, which accrued to the King feveral Ways. Of this Sort were Treafure trove, Waif, Wreck, Chatells of Felons and of Fugitives, ChatelJs of Outlaws, Ufurers, Re- creants, Perfons executed, ^c. For Inftance : The Sheriff of Carlile accounted for Gold found within his Bailywick of two Penny Weight fz) ; the Sheriff of TorkJInre for Gold found upon the . Earth of nine Penny Weight {a) ; the Sheriff of Lincolnfl.nre for xx Marks, and two Marks of Argentum blaJicwHy and feven Penny Weight of Gold, found at the burning of i'/oiy^ in that County {b)\ the Sheriff of Northamptonjhire for xxxv / flerling (in Lieu of feven- fcore Pounds jlnjouvins) found at Woburn [c) ; the Citizens of London for a Mark and a Half in Befants, and for vij Befants found under the Earth (d). Salomon de Roffa a Juftice in Eire, came to the Ex- chequer, and delivered to the Treafurer and Chamberlains two Gold Rings of forty three Penny Weight, being Trovure (or Treafure found) in the Eire of the fiid Salomon in Devonjhh'e. They were prized (x) Chap. II, T 2, 13, 14. (y) Chap. 15, 16, 17, 18. (z) Idem Vicccomes r c de auro ponde- ris ij d. In thefauro liberavit, Et Quietus eft. Mag. Rot. 5. i/. 2. Rot. 5. a. Carlco- lium. {a) Idem Vicecomes r c de Auro Invento fuper terram, ponderis ix denariorum ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 8. b. Evcrivkh. - [b) Willelmus de Marton re de xx marcis, pro denarijs & inventis in combuf- tione de Stowa ; In Perdonis, per breve Re^is, GalfridoLincolnenfi E!e£loxx mar- csef Et Q^e. Mag. Rot. 23. H. 2. Rot. 7. a. Line. Idem Vicecomes r c de ij marcis in ar- gento bl. , & de auro ponderis vij denario- rum, de inventis combuftionis de Stowa ; la thefauro liberavit in ij tallijs, Et Q^ e. lb. juxt. infr. (c) Idem [Galfridus filius Petri] r c de xxxv 1 fterlingorum pro fepties xx libris Andegavenfibus, quae fuerunt Simonis de Wahull, inventis apud Woburn h receptis per manum Robert! de Parentin ft.ne(challi Simonis ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Rot. Mag. 5. R. I. Rot. 7. b. pojl Norhantefc'iram. ((^) Idem Gives [Londonife] r c de j marca & dimidia in bizantijs, & de vij bi- zantijs, qua? inventa fuerunt fub terra, ubi Walcherus Mazelinarius ea repofuerat ; In th. chap. X. Escheats, Ferms, ^c, 34.3 prized before the Barons at xxj s vj ^ [e). Philipp de Wlkby a Baron of the Exchequer came before the Barons there, and acknowledged, that he had received certain Treafure trove at Melton in Lcicejlcrpire, to wit filvcr Plates and Clippings of the old Money ', which he fold for XV / XX ^ Halfpenny; which Sum he paid at the Exchequer by Talley now produced (f). The Sheriff of Jori/ZvW' accounted to the King for the C'hatells of Waldeve Son of Ed7nund, which were found amongft the Chatells of certain Fugitives {g). Gr'mchetdl Miitere ac- counted for V Marks of Silver, being a Wreck : and Robert de Bloxe- ham for x Marks of Silver being alfo a Wreck (b). The Sheriff of Cornivall accounted for xxvj / xiij s iiij d, for the Wreck of a Ship lofl off the Ille of Sully (i) j the Men of Paxton for iij s, a Wreck, and the Men of Baketon for xx s, another Wreck [k). In the Record hereunder cited (relating to Sir Thotnas Bavent) it is faid, that Wreck of Sea happening within the Kingdom of England did rightfully be- long to the King, and not to any other unlels by Grant or Licence from the King f/J. Again ; as to Chatells of Felons, Fugitives, and th.l, EtQ^f. Mag. Rot. 8. R. i. Rot. 23. k (e) Memorandum de duobus AnuHs au- reis liberatis ad Scaccarium per S. de RofFa. Idem S. veiiit ad Scaccarium xxx die Apri- lis, & liberavit Thefaurario & Camerarijs duos Anulos aureos ponderis xliij denariorum qui appreciati fucrunt coram Baronibus ad xxj folidos & vj d, de trovura in Itinere prae- didti S. & fociorum fuorum in Devonia. Paf. Commun. g & iO. E. j. Rot. 4. a. (f) Recognitio Philippi de Wileby Ba- ronis de Scaccario. Idem venit coram Ba- ronibus, & recognovit fe rccepiffe de The- fauro invento apud Melton in Comitatu Leyceftrias, videlicet platas argenteas & re- tonfuram veteris monetae, quas vendidit pro XV 1 XX d obulo ; Qiios quidem xv 1 xx d ob. idem Philippus Iblvit ad Scaccarium per quandam talliam, quam protulit coram Ba- ronibus tercio die Junij anno regni Regis E. decimo. Trin. Recognitioiies 10. £, I. Rot. 13. a. in bund. () & 10. E. i. {g) idem Vicecomes r c de v s & iiij d, de catallis Waldeni Slij j^dmundi, quae fuerunt inventa cum catallis fugitivorum ; In th. 1, Et Q, e. M^g. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 8. b. Evervjich. (I.) Grinchetellus Mutcre r c de v marcis argenti, pro j Werec. In Thefauro xxs, Et debet xlvj s & viij d, Robertus de Bloxeham debet x marcas argenti, pro j Wereg. Mag. Rot. 5. Steph. Rot. 12. a. Line. (i) Idem Vicecomes r c de xxvj 1 &: xiij s & iiij d, de Wrecco Navis qux peri- clitata eft in Infula de Sullia; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 33. H. 2. Rot. 11. b. Coryuialia. {k) Homines de Paxton [debent] iij s pro Wrecco ; Homines de Balceton [debent] XX s pro Wrecco. Mng. Rot. 'j. R. i. Rot. 6. a. Norf. & Siif. (1) Thomas de Bavent Miles atachiatus fuit ad refpondendum Domino Regi, quare cum Wreccum maris applicans in Regnum Angliae ad Dominum Regem & non ad ali- um pertineat nifi ex fpeciali licentia Regis &c, idem Thomas ufurpavit fuper Regem, & appropriavit iibi Wreccum maris percof- teras maris inter Benacre & Snodefpyk in Comitatu Suftblciae, fine licentia Regis & Progenitorum Regis, ad valenciam CCl &r, in exhaercdationem Domini Regis &c. Et Thomas venii & defendit quicquid eft in exhicredationem Regis Sic; Et dicit quod non conftat ei ubi fit Snodefpyk, neq ; (]uid fit ; JhcI if Sr\ode{pyk be not his Soil of El}on', he 344- Ofth be Kinvs D E M E A N E s, Chap. X. and Convi6ls. The Sherift" of Norfolk and Suffolk accounted for two Marks the Chatells of a Fugitive who fled ior gelding a Man (wj ; the Sheriff of Lincoln for xxxiij / xvj j iiij dy the Chatells of feveral Fugitives and Perfons that died by the Judgment of JFater («) ; the Sheriff of Torkjhire, for viij / xij s y.] d the Chatells of Fugitives and Perfons that died alfo by the Judgment oi Water (o) ; and other Sheriffs in like Manner. With thefe Forfeitures the Sheriff was charg- ed regularly every Year upon his Account : unlefs it happened that no fuch Forfeitures arofe, or that no Affife was made in his County within the Time of his Sherivalty (p). Moreover; the Sheriff of Canibridgejlnre accounted for viij s the Chatells of Geoffrey de Hereford who was flain (q) ; the Sheriff of Gloucejterffire, for the Chatells of Fugitives and Perfons hanged according to the Affife oi Clarendon [r); the Sheriffof Tbr/yZv'rd'for the Chatells of one Wiliiani who was hanged, and of Repnald de Linton convidied of Mifdemeaner in the Forefi: (j) ; Ro- bert Mantell and William Fitz-Ralf, in their Account of the Paunage and Iffues of the King's Forefts in Lngland, anfwer for the Chatells cf feveral Fugitives and Perfons that died by the Tryal of Water {t), the he fayi he took no xvreck between Benacre & Snodefpyk, or clfewbere in the King's or any other Man's Soil; but, if Snodefpyk he his Soil fl/'Efton, he claims to have JVreck there ; and that he and his ancejiours have had IVreck there time out of mind. He fays alfo, that a J Frit of Quo W a ran to was lately, in the time of K. Edward I, brought againji him relating to IVreck and other franchijcs in Efton, which Quo Waranto was Jlill pending and undeter- mined: and prays Judgment, Whether he Jhall be obliged to anjxver here for the fame Thing, Hereupcn it was ordered, that a yury fl.mdd be fumifioncd, to try the faid Fa£i of taking and appropriating the JVreck beitveen Bcjiacre & Snodefpyk. No Judgment is entered in this Roll. A4ich- Commmun, 2. E- 2, Rot. 35. b. [m) Idem Vicecomes r c de ij marcis, de catallis cujufdam fugitivi pro hoinine emen- tulato. In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot, 11. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Ncrf. (sf Sudf. (n) Idem Vic. r c de catallis Fugitivorum & eorum qui perierunt in Judicio Aqua;, quorum nomina hie fubfcribuntur : In the- fiiuro xxxiij 1 t^ xvj s & iiij d, in xxx tallijs, Then follow the names of the perfons. Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot, I. a. Line. (0) Idem Vicecomes r c de viij 1 & xij s. & xj d, de catallis Fugitivorum & eorum qui perierunt ad Aqusm: In tliefauro libe- ravit in xj Tallijs, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 1. Rot. 6. b. Everiuicfc. (p) Ifte Vicecomes (of Shropfhirej non reddit compotum de catallis Fugitivorum ; quia de illis non fuit fadta aflifa in Comi- tatu illo. Meg. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 4. b. Salopefcira- (q) Idem Vicecomes r c de viijs qui in- venti fuerunt de pecunia Galfrioi de Here- ford occifi : In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 15. H. 2. Rot. 10. b. Cant. iJ Hunt. (r) Idem Vicecomes r c de Catallis Fu- Q;itivorum & Sufpenforum per Affifam de Clarendon, Qiiorum nomina fubfcribuntur. Mag. Rot. 15. H. 2. Rot. 8. b. Gloiuec. {$) Idem Vicecomes [Randulfus de Glan- vill] r c de V s & ix d de Catallis Willel- mi fufpenfi. Idem r c de xliij s h viij d, de Catallis Reginald! de Linton rettati de Forefta. Mag. Rot. 16. H. 2. Rot, 3. a. Everimchfc. (t) Robertus Mantcllus & Willelmus fi- lius Radulfi r c de Perquifitionibus & minu- tis eventibus Foreftarum Regis per Angli- am, tarn de hoc anno quam de anno praite- rito : fcilicet, de v s pro Cane non cxpeda- to; chap. X. E s c II E A T s, F E R M s, &'c. 345 the Sheriff of Eji'x for the Chatells of Fugitives, Outlaws, and Per- fons that died by the Tryal oiWaier (//); the Sheriff of Torkjlnre (w), the Sheriff of NorthamptonJJm-e (x), and the Sheriff of Cornivall fyj for the Hke; with many others. The Sheriff of Surrey accounted for the Chatells of Ailric dc Lingefc/d who was expcdatus (;2), Geoffrey de Cojlentin for the Chatells of two of the King's Burgeffes, who were flain {a) ; the Sheriff of iL/«f(9/^//6/rmu I'ua fine divifa. ■/l:/'ag. Rot. 16. H. 2. Rot. 3. b. Everiuichfcira. (i) Ricardus Archidiaconus PiiSiiavias & Ricardus de Aumeri Prsecentor Lincoliae r c de M & iiij 1 & xvs & vd, de firmis Maneriorum Epifcopatus, h de Redditibus Archidiaconatuum, & tie Feria de Stowa, hoc anno. Idem reddunt c de C & ij s & viij d, & de j Cipho argenteo pendens xij Iblidorum, de pecunia Gilleberti qui obijt inteftatus ; In th. 1, Et Q^ f Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 7. b. tit. Epifcopatus Lin- colise. (k) Petrus de Bello & Hugo de Begge r c de denarijs quos receperunt de Abbatia de Bello, prster viftum Monachorum ; In thefauro Lxx 1, Et Q; f- Idem r c de xxxiiij 1 & xiiij s de catallis Pelokini Bal- livi de Abbatia qui obijt inteftatus. In th. J, Et Q; f //'. Rot. 9. b. tit. Abbatia de Bello. (i) Idem Praspoiitus [Civitatis Lincolia?] r c de xx.xj s, de catallis prefoiteri qui de- venit monacus cum uxore fua. In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Ret. 12. H. 2. Ret. i. a. (m) P^eginaldus de Cornhil! debet dimi- diam marcam, de precio Caretta; quas occi- dlt hominem ; Et dimidiam marcam, de precio alterius Carettse qua occidit homi- nem — . Regina!di*s de Cornhill debet viij s, de precio cujufdam equi qui occidit homi- nem. Jud other tike Debts for Deodands there. Mag. Rot. 4. H. 3. Rot. \2. a. Kanci::. hi) Johannes Thorald debet j marcam, quia cepit quoddam deodandum fine warran- to. Mag. Ret. 54. H. 3. Reftd. Ebor. m. 2. a. (5) Adam de Cathemera r c de Lxvj s & viij d, de pecunia Hugonis Orbi Foenc- ratoris ; In th. 1, Et Q. c. Mag. Rot. 16. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. Beroclfc. {p) Idem Vicccomss r c de xij s & viij d, de 1 Ciiap. X. Escheats, F e r m s, &'c 347 Chatells of "Robert de Seviz an Ulurer (q) ; Adum dc Blund for the Chatells oi an Ufurefs frj ; the Sheriff of Rutland for the Chatells of Hugh an Uiurer [s) ; the Sheriff of Wiltjhire for the Chatells of EJlrild an Ufurefs ft). In like Manner in Normandy, the Chatells of Ufurers were wont to be conlifcated. The Chatells of two Perfons hereunder named who lived and died in the Pradice of Ufary were paid-in at the Exchequer there [ii). Again ; in E'ngland the King had in fome Cafes the Lands of Perfons condemned, for a Year and a Day after their Condemnation; which was ufually called the Year Dav and Wail. Robert de Tindejlegb was condemned lor cutting off" a Man's Foot and Hand. And the King was to have his Land for a Year and a Day (-w). The Land of Thomas de Stunfgate an Out- law was in the King's Hands for a Year and a Day (.v). Geoffrey de la Pomeray fined in xx Marks, to have the King's Tear in the Land of William de Strete and his Corn and Chatells fy). Margery de TVyteleJbury fined in CCC /, to have the Chatells of her late Hufband a Felon de fe, faving to the King the Year, Day, and Waft of his Lands {z). To thcle other Inilances might be added. Li the Cafes abovementioned, relating to the Chatells of Felons, it is (I think) to be underffood, that upon the Party's Convidion, his Chatells be- decatallis Raduln de ValleFoeneratoris ; In th. 1, Et Q; e. Mag. Rot. 17. H. 2. Rot. 6. b. JVar. y Legrcc. (q) Idem Vicecomes r c de xx s dc ca- tallis Robert! de Seviz ufurarij ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. R.ot. 8. b. Evcridchfcha. (r) Adam Blundus r c de xviij s & iiij d, pro catallis Fceneratricis. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 4. a. Nordhant. (j) Idem Vicecomes r c de xiiij s & vj d, de catallis Hugonis ufurarij ; In th. 1, Et (^ e- lb. Rot. 4. b. Rotel. [t] Idem Vicecomes rcdeiiijs, de ca- tallis Eftrildae fceneratricis. In th. 1, Et Q^e. Mag. Rot. 1. R. 1. Rot. 10. b. Hllt. (u) Ricardus Beurel debet xl s, dc ca- taills Gonr. mortal ufurarij. Ex Fragm. Alagni Rot. Norm, de anna 1 1 84. inTurr. Lend. m. I. b. Et de Cx fo. xd, de catallis Geruini dc Verne mortui ufurarij. lb. m. 1. a. (?t,') Nicolausde Mol. [debet] xxs deexi- tjbus terrjE quae fuit Roberti de Tindeflcgh dampnati abfcifione pedis & pugiii ; quse terra debuit efle in manu Regis per annum & diem. Mag. Rot. 3. H. 3. Rot. 16. b. Surreia. (a) Idem Vicecomes r c de j marca, de exitu terra: Thomaede Sturefgateuthlaghati, cxiftentis in manu Regis per j annum ic J diem ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 9. //. 3. Rot. 13. a. Line. (y) Galfridus de la Pomeraie debet xx niarcas, pro anno Regis habendo de terra VVillelmi de Streta, & bladis U catallis ejul- dem. Set non debet fummoneri, quia non habuit nee habere potuit pro quo promifit; Quia Rex dedit terram illam &cat.il!a Hen- rico de Heliun, ficut continetur in brevi Regis quod eft in forulo Marefcalli. Mag. Rot. 13. H. 3. Devonia, m. i. b. (z) Margeria quae fuit uxor Albrici de Wytelefbury dat Regi CCC 1, pro haben- dis omnibus bonis & catallis qua; fucrunt pr3edi6li Albrici viri fui felonis fc ipfuin iub- mcrgendo, S.ilvis Rco-i Anno die 5c Waflo de terris & tencmentis quae fuerunt cjulclem Albrici. Tvhi. Commun, 18. £. !• R'^t. — a. Yy came 348 Of the Kings D E M E A N E s, chap. X. came forfeited. For if the Party died after the felonious Fadl, and before Convidion, his Chatells were not by the common Law for- feited to the King. So it was held (in the 2d Year of K. John) in the Cafe of Robert de Gofmton, who was imprifoned for burning a Honfe, and died in Prifon before Convidion (a). Again ; In the 33d Year of K. Edward I, John Bert/jai/d accounted for the Profits of the Lands of Williajn Berthaud an Idiot j which were feized into the King's Hands for the faid JVilliam's Idiocy (/;). IX. Now we are upon the Subjedl of the regal Revenue, we mull: do fome right to the Piety of our Anceftours. Upon Perufal of the an- cient Revenue-Rolls, it appears that in thofe Times, many Branches of the King's fixed Revenue were charged with Alms. Out of the fixed or fettled Revenue there was generally fome Portion confecrated to pious Ufes. This Alms was called Ekcmojyna conjiitiita, the fet- tled Alms. To which may be added, the Decma conjiituti^. Thefe the Accountant conftantly paid out of the Revenue within his Receipt to v/hich they were affixed, and had an Allowance thereof upon his Account, by the Ufage of the Exchequer without being obliged to fue-out a particular Writ or Warrant of Allowance in that Behalf. The famous Author of the Dialogue concerning the Exche- quer takes Notice of this (c). And there are many Inftances of the Eleemofynee conftitutce and Decmcs cofijiitutce cited in thefe Volumes. The Knights Templars had a yearly Alms called Eleemofyjta conjlituta. charged on moft of the Ferms of Counties in England (dj. The Canons of Sarcjbury had a Decima conjiitiita payable to them out of the King's Forefls [e). And divers other Religious had the like. {a) Et debet [viz. Reginaldus de Corn- pertalem firmam afeftoPafchse anno xxviij, hill, Vicecomes] xxxij s, de catallis Robert! quamdiu Regi placuerit ; reddendo unam lie Gofinton. Sed recordatum eft-, quod videlicet medietatem ad Scaccarium S. idem Robertus traditus fuit in prifonu Regis Rlichaelis, & aliam medietatem ad Scacca- per Alexandrum Arfic, cujus homo fuit, pro riuni Pafchas ; & de refiduo extentae pras- quodam retto de conbultione Domus, & diflse inveniet difto Willelmo rationabilem ibidem fuit mortuus non conviftus, & ideo fuflentationem fuam ; ficut continetur in catallaejus non pertiner,t ad Regem, nee Memor. anni xxviij. Mag. Rot. 33. E. i. debet fummoneri. Mag. Ret. 2. J. Rot. Refid. Ehor. pojl Item Kane. 15. a. Kent. (f) Dial. L. 2. cap. 6. Liberationum [b) Johannes Berthaud [debet] xij marcas quaedam. de firma terrarum & tenementorum Willel- [d) Cap. lO. fefl. 5. & fcii. 12. mi Berthaud Idiotae ; quae terrs & tene- [e) Henricus Efturmi r c de iiij 1 & xs menta extenduntur ad xij 1 iiijs ix d per de Forefta de Savernac : In Thefauro iiijl annnni, &: quae funt in manu Regis pro eo & xij d : Et in Decimis conflitutis, Cano- quod idem VVillchnus eft idiota, & non fuf- nicis Sarefberioe ix s : Et Quietus eft. Mag. ficit ad regimen fiii nee fuorum ; Tenend. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. M.b, JViltefcira. Moreover, chap. X. E c H E A T s, F E R M s, &'c. 349 Moreover, feveral Penfions were wont to be paid to certain of the King's Servants bv his command for their Subfiftence, when they were difabled by Age or Sicknefs to ferve him longer ; viz. A Penny, three Halfpence, two Pence, &c. per diem. Thcfe were called denarius diiirnns, duo denarij diurni, &c : and were ul'ually charged on the Ferm of fome Sheriff or other Accountant. It may fuffice to give two or three Inftances hereof. Anno g" Henrici II, xxx s &c v d were difcounted to Pain Sheriff of Surrey for fo much by him paid to Jo/jn the Almoner [viz. fome one that received Alms of the King] fyj. The like Difcount was made to Gerva/e de Cornhelia Sheriff anno x° fg). The fame in totidem verbis, anno i i° (/6), anno 12° (/), anno 13 (k), anno \\(l), and in the 27th Year of that King (m). In the Reign of K. Henry III, the Sheriffs of London were commanded to pay unto Richard the Carter the Penny ^tr Day of the King's Alms, which Nicolas the Carpenter ufed to repeive of the Sheriffs of that City for the Time being {n). The King granted to Rlias de Mcleford (for his good Service) three Halfpence per Day dur- ing his Life, de eleemofyna Regis conjlituta in GloiiceJlerJJ:ire ; to be re- ceived of the Sheriff of Gloiicejlerjhire : and to Fejitecoji de Farnham the King's Porter two Pence per Day, to be received of the Sheriff oi EJJ'ex, until the King fliould otherwife provide for him (0). In the King's Houfhold there was an Eleemofyna Jiatiita and forinfeca, befides what was dilpenfed in Oblations, in daily Alms by the Hands of the King's Almoners, in cloathing for the Poor, and in other (f) Et Johanni Elemof[inario]xxx s &: cigena xxvj die Maij. Paf. Communia 2<). V d, Et eidem vj s & viij d. ad pannos. H. 3. Ret. 9. a. Mag. Rot. 9. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. Surreia. (0) Rex Baronibus. Sciatis quod pro (g) Et Johanni Elemof[inario] xxx s & fervicio quod Elias filius Willelmi deMele- V d, Et eidem vj s & viij d ad pannos. Mag. ford nobis inpendit, conceffimus ei tresobo- Rit. 10. H. 2. Rot. 4. b. Surreia. los diurnos ad vitam fuam, percipiendas per {h) Mag. Rot. II. H. 2. Rot. 11. I). Surr. manum Vicecomitis Comitatus noflri Glou- (i) Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 8. b. Surr. ceftris eodem modo quo Robertus deWail. [i) Mag. Rot. 13. H. 2. Rot. 13. b. nuper defunclus illos tres obolos de elemo- Surreia. fina noftra conftituta in Comitatu praediiSto (1) Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 14. a. per manum dicti Vicecoinitis percipere con- Surreia. ("uevit. Et ideo vobis mandamus, quod (m) Mag. Rot. 27. H. 2. Rot. lilt. b. eidem Ellas dictos tres obolos habere facialis Surr. in forma pradicta. T. &c. Breve eft in f. (n) Londonia. Mandatum eft Viceco- M. Paf. Commun. 49. H. 3. Rot. 8. b. mitibus, quod habere faciant Ricardo Ca- Pentecoft de Farnham's vl'.o /iwc^ per i/jjf re) Et in expcnfis Domus Regis, una ha. 77v //7v, mutatis mutandis, in Mag. -cum Elcmofina ilatuta & foiinfeca, praster Rot. 20. H. 3. -Vinum, ceiam, & Speciariam. Et in [q) Dial, de Scacc. L. 2. cap. 26. Ad Oblationibus Regijs, & oblationibus debitis base noverint. Et vid. hie paul. infr. Capcllanis pro Anulo, & in Elemofinis Di- {r) Galfridus de Luvers debet iiij marcas urnis Regis in Itineribus permanusElemofi- & dimidiam pro Auro Reginas. Sed non narioram Regis, & fotularibus & vcftimen- debet fummoneri ; quia nil tenet in Capite tis pauperum, & in mandato pauperum, Et de Rege. Mag. Rot. 13. Job. Rot. ig. ^. elemofma data Sororibus de Bocland, Sc tit. Suthamtefcira. claff.cis pulfandis pro mortui:;, a die Mercu- (s) Willelmus Morant re de L marcis, ■iij proxima ante feftum S. Dunftani anno pro habenda terra, ficut continetur in Ro- xviij", ufcj; ad \'igiliam Apoflolorum Simo- tulo praecedenti; In thefauro xl, Et debet iiis ic Judae anno xix° incipiente, utraq; die xxxv marcas. corr.putat;!, quater xx 1, viij s & viij d & ob.; Aurum Reginae : Willelmus Morant r c •quaium particulre continentur in Rotulo de iiij marcis, pro dimidia marca auri de fine t;uem praedidlus W. liberavit in thefauro. fuo fuprafcripto ; In thefauro ij marcas, Et J^I.ig. Ret. ig. H. 2r- ''• Rit- C'lmpotoi-. m. i. debet ij marcas H dimidiam. Mag. Rot. 10. ^. in Comtoti TFalta-i dc Kykham deGardero- J. Rot. 5. b. Sudfexia. r Mark chap. X. Escheats, Ferms, &'c. 351 Mark of Gold of Aurtwi Reghice, for his Father's and Brother's Re- lief and his own (t). In the tenth Year of the liimc King, Ralf de Hofdeng paid eleven Marks and forty Pence for Queen's-Gokl [u). And feveral other Perfons were charged in the Gi\'at Roll and Ale- tmranda of the Exchequer for Queen's-Gold ; namely, Adam Paincl f'lv), Robert de Archh (x), Henry de Nciill (y), Henry Bloio f-zj, and Wifcard Laidet [a). In the firfl Year of K. Edivard 1, Walter Archbilhop of York, by the King's Appointment, came before the Barons of the Exchequer, and there prefented Walter de Aiibeny to be Collecftour of the Aurum Regin^e due to Alienor the King's Con- fort (b). And in the fame Year, the King commanded the Barons to admit Mafter Walter de Giideford, to receive at the Exchequer the Aiirum Regince for Alienor Queen Confort (c). In. the 7th Year of K. Edward I, Jobn de Whattele was the Qaeen-Mother's Keeper of her Aiiriim R.egmcc fdj. In the ninth or tenth Year of the Reign of K. Edward I, Eleanor the Queen Dowager appointed Walter de Cajlel to be Oijios and Receiver of her Gold, and likewife her Attor- ney in the Exchequer to profecute and manage her Pleas and other Affairs there. This Appointment ihe certified to the Trcafurer and Barons by her Letter (ej. When Men were indebted, to the Queen for the {i) Aurum Reginae ; Jacobus de Novo Mercato [debet] v marcas & dimidiam auri, de Relevio patris fui bf 27. E. I. Roi. 25. b. (r) de la vertecire deinz noftre dit Hofidr [de Walingford]. Hi/. Brevia 12. li. 2. Rot. 82. a. Pro Edmundo Bacoun. (s) E.bor. Vicecomes venit Sc tulit Dl^ marcas, vidt!i:et CL marcas de firma, 5f refiduum de Summonitionibus. Aliih. Jd- vtiitus 14 y 15. E. 1. Rot. 25. a. S.uaimonce Chap. X. E s c H E A T Sj F E R M s, ^c. 355 Summonce of the Exchequer, and other Part for the Summonce of th^Judaifm {t). The Sheriff of the Counties of Warivick and Lc/- f^/Ztv- paid in Hke Manner {ii). At Eajlcr mino 15 E. i, the Sheriff of Yorkjl:ire paid CCCCL Pvlarks, viz. CCCCL Marks for his Perm, and CCC Marks upon the Summonces (w). The Sheriff of the Counties of Warijcick and Lciccjler paid C quater xx / viz. Lxxv / of his Perm, and fourfcore and ten Pounds upon the Summonce, and XV / of the "Jiidaijm [x). There were alfo feveral other Officers befides the Sheriff of each County, that an'fvvered for fuch Part of the Crown-Revenue as \va§ within their Care. For Example ; the Efcheatours, Forcffers, Cuf- tomers, Permers of divers Sorts ; and in fucceeding Times, the Colledlors of Tallages, Difmes, Quinzimes, iifc-j and others. But in Cafe thefe Officers could not jufticiate or enforce the King's Debtors to make Payment, the Sheriff of the County was armed with Power enough to do it. I have been fpeaking here of the ordinary and fet- tled Procefs of the Exchequer ; howbeit, if the King wanted Monev very urgently, he fometimes iffued-forth fpecial Writs to Sheriffs hnd other Officers concerned in colleding his Revenue ; command- ing them to get-in Money with all Speed. Thus, a Writ wis felit to the Sheriff of A^(?r//6z/w^6r/^-^(/, enjoyning him (as he tendred his Perfon, his Honour, his Lands and chatells, and all that he had) to make fuch effedual Diftrefs for the King's Debts, that he might be able to pay the fame into the Exchequer at the Times prefcribed by the Writ; and the like Writs were fent to all the Sheriffs of England (y), A Writ was fent to the Sheriff of NortbamptonflArey (<) Lincolnla. Vicecomes venit & tulit tulit C quater xx 1. De quibus Lxxv 1 de DCxxxv marcas. De quibus CCxiij mar- firma, & quater xx xl de Suinmonitione, cse iiij s vj d de firma Comitatus, Et CCC & xv 1 de Judaifmo. PaJ. Advent, ib. Ret. cuater xx, x marcae x s dc Summonitione 24. <7. bcaccarij & xxxj marcae de Summonitione (y) Norhumberland, & omnibus Vice- Scaccarij Judasornm &c. Ii. Rot. 25. a. comitibus. Mandatum eft Vicecomiti, quod (u) War. & Leyc. Vicecomes venit & ficut corpus fuum & honorem i'uum, terras tulit CC xlix marcas. De quibus Cxxix & catalla lua, & omnia quas habet diligir, marcx de firma, & Lxxv 1 xv s viij d de talem diftridionem fieri faciat pro dcbitis Summonitione Scaccarij, & vj nrarca; iiijs Regis quae ei veniunt in iummonitioiie, quod ind, de Summonitione Scaccarij Judajorum. habeat unam medietatemad Scnccarium nof- Ih.juxt. trum apud Weftmon. in craflino S. Hilarij, [w) Ebor. Vicecornes venit per Rober- & aliaminedietatem sd Scaccari«m Pafchs : tum de Sutton Clericum fuum, & tu]it cxceptis debitts atterminatis : Eodem modo CCCCL marcas de firma, & CCC marcas mandatum eft Vicecomiti Eboracifcirns. Et de Sumrnonitionibus. Paf. Advoitus 15. £. omnibus Vicetomitibus An^iiae. Memor. i. Rot. 7.4. a. 35. H. 3. Rat. 4. a. (y) "War. & Leyc. Vicecomes venit i^ Z z 2 commandiiig 35^ Of the Kings Demeanes, Chap. X. commanding him to pay forthwith into the Exchequer the Debts therein mentioned ; or elfe the King would fo chaftife him, as to make him an Example to all the King's other Bailiffs (■zj . A Writ was fent to the Sheriff of Lancaflnre, to haften him in paying-in the King's Money {a) : and the like to the Sheriff of WiltJJnrc {b). A Writ was fent to the Sheriff of Northumberland, ftraitly charging him to levy and pay into the Exchequer the Moneys therein men- tioned, by fuch a Time; and to warn all Fermers within his Baily- wick, to pay-in the Areres of their Ferms at the fame Time,, as they tendred the holding of their Ferms and their own Safety (c). A Writ was awarded to the Sheriff of York, commanding him to levy CCCC Marks upon the Summons of the Exchequer for the laft Iter in his County, and to pay the fame at the Receipt by fuch a Time; if he would efchew corporal Punifliment, Lofs of his Goods, and the King's Difpleafure ; declaring, that if he failed therein, he fhould be fo feverely chaftifed, that others iliould learn by his Example how dan- gerous it was to difobey the King's Precepts. And the like Writs were awarded to the Siieriffs of other Counties [d). A Writ iffued to {%) Rex" Vicecomiti Norhamton ; Certe fi ad te & tua nos graviter caperemus, non deberes mirari, pro eo quod quafi contem- pnendo noftrum prEceptum, Tallagium Burgi noftri de Norhamton, quod folvi de- buifl'et a die Pafchae proxime praeterito in unum menfem, nondum eft nobis folutum ; Igitur ne in te manus gravaminis extenda- mus : Tibi prascipimus, quod ftatim vifis Litteris, diiStum Tallagium, unacumxlijl xiiij s X j d ob. quos nobis debesde pluribus debitis, ad Scaccarium noftrum apud Weft- inon. ftatim niittas ; Alioquin fie te caftiga- bimus, quod Poena tua alijs Ballivis noftris dabitur in Exemplum. 'Trin, Ctnnmmi. 39. H. 2- Ret. n. a. (a) Lane. Mandatum eft Vicecomiti quod fine dilatione levari faciat , ita quod habeat dcnarios coram &c a die Pafcha in XV dies, ficut leipfum voluerit confervare in- dempnem ; Si hoc breve. Menior. 42. Hen. 2. Rot. 13. ^. (b) Mandatum eft Vicecomiti WiJtefiy, quod ficut le ipfum & omnia fua diligit, ha- beat aJ Scaccarium die Lunce in fefto S. Barnabffi Lxxv 1 & v s, quos Regi debet &c de rebus affifis bic. Trin.Commun, 49. H. 3. Rot. 11. b. {c) Memorandum de brevibus miflis diverfis Vicecomitibus pro Rege, de dena- rijs levandis. Norhumbria. Quia Rex in obfidione Caftri de Kenillworth magnos fumptus fecit, propter quod denarijs plus folito indiget : Rex mandat Vicecomiti in fide qua Regi tenetur firmiter injungens,. quod de firmis & clarioribus debitis quae ei veniunt in Summonitione habeat ad Scacca- rium apud Weftmon., in craftino S. Hillarij vel citra, C iibras Regi folrendas ibidem. Et hoc nullo modo omittat, ficut indigna- tionem Regis & grave dampnum fuum vitare voluerit. £t fcire faciat omnibus firmarijs in balliva fua, quod habeant tunc ad ipfum Scaccarium, quicquid Regi debentdeeifdem firmis, de terminis Pafchae & S. Michaelis proximo praeteritis, ficut ipfas firmas ulte- rius tenere voluerint & feipfos fervare in- dempnes J Et habeat breve &c. Memor. zi. H. 3. Rot. b. () Et pro auro ad dcauranda fraena Re- gis Lvj s, per EpiCcopum de Ely. Et pro CC ulnis lineae telas ad facienJas nap- pas &c. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Ret. I. a. Lundonia, (q) In vino ad opus eorundem [filiorum Regis], & in Corredio ipforum. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. I. a. Lundonia. (r) Et in Corredio Regis Scotiae C & xxiij ! & ix d, xvj dierum. Mag. Rot. 3. H 2. Rot. 4. a. Evcrwichfc. Bertran de Bulemer Sheriff". (i) Ii!em Vicecomes [Willelmus de Bel- locampo] r c de xiij 1 numero, pro Sum- mario & Accipicr. ; In thefauro Lxxv s & ijd, Et pro Armis j\egis infularum,LxxviijS &vjd, per breve Regis, Et ad conducen- dum venationem Regis de Wireceftria ad Lincoliam, xliiij s & viij d, per breve Re- gis, Et pro Armis filij Maddoc Lj s & viij d, Et Gaufrido Monaco vj s ad Scutellas ; Edgaro Clerico iiij s ; Et "Q^ e, Mig. Rot, 4. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. JViveceJlrcfc. (t) Et in Liberatione Sneccas v\] I in transfretatione ipfius. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. Devoufcira. («) Et in liberatione hominum de Efnecca C & ij s & viij d. lb. Rut. 7. a. Hantefc, (wj Et in Corredio Reginx Lvij 1 & xiijs &viijd, per breve ipfius. Mug. Rot'. 5, H.2. Rot. 7. a. Hantefc. {x) Et Radulfo de Hading xxx 1 ad Cor- redium Reginre, per breve ipfius. Et Hu- goni de Plugenoi xxv 1 & xs ad Corredi- um H. filij Regis, lb. Rot. 9. a. Ghent. (yj Et in Corredio Henrici filij Regis Lviij I per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. mit. (z) Et in Liberatione Efiieccse, quando Dux Saxonias & Regina transfretaverunt, vij 1 & x s, per breve Rannulfi de Glan- villa. Mag. Rot. 31. //, 2. Rot. 14. b. Hantona. Gervafius Prwpofitus de Sudhan- tona, Jccomptant. for 366 Of the Kings Demeanes, C^iap. X. for the King's Helmet and Girdle or Belt {a') ; the Sheriff of SuJJ'ex, for the Equipment of three Ships that went with the King's Daughter towards Saxony [b) ; the Cuftos of the Abbey of Sf. Edmtmd, for the Corrody of the Archbifliop oi Norivcy {c). The Fermour of the Town of Soutbamton, by Vertue of the King's Writ, advanced xl Marks to Richard de Limefy, who was going in the King's Service to C P {d). The Sheriffs of London difburfed Money for furbifliing the King's Swords, for Gold to gild them, and for Work done upon the Points and Hilts of them ; and for the Coronation-Robes of the young King and of his Queen, for the young King's Riding-robe, and for three filken Cloaths [e). The Farmer of the City of Win- chejler, paid twenty Pounds to Ailward the Chamberlain, to buy a Robe for the young King -Sit Winchejier-Fair ; and likewile provided divers Silver-Utenfils for the Chapell of the Queen, Daughter to the King of France. At the fame Time Richard Archdeacon of PoiBiers, Ciijtos of the Biflioprick oi Winchejier, difburfed CC/ to Ojbert Clerk of the Chamber and other Chamberlains for the King's Ufe, upon his Journey, after his return from Ireland; and for the young King's Corrody for three Days before his Coronation, and alfo on the Co- ronation-Day fjj : and furthermore, for two Garments fitted up with Skins (rt) Et pro Roba ad opus Reginae quater XX 1 & vj s & viij d, Et in conduitu ejuf- dem Rohae xx s, Et in Galea Regis & zona xvjl & vj s & viij d. Mag, Rot. 5. H. 1. Rot. I. a. Lundonia. (b) Et in Liberatione iij Navium de Shorham, qiine abierunt in Saxoniam cum filia Regis, xiiij 1 ; per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 13. H. 2. Rot. 3. b. Stithfexa. (c) Et in liberatione Archiepifcopi de Norweia, Lix 1 & x s de xvij feptimanis, per breve Regis, Et Wigano Clerico j mar- cam. Mag.^Rot. 28. H. 2. Rot. 6. b. tit. Abbatia S. j^dmundi. (d) Et ipfi Ricardo [de Limefia] xl mar- cae, per breve Regis, ad eundum in fervitio fuo ad Conftantinopolin. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 14. ^. Hantona. (e) Et pro Gladijs Regis furbandis, & pro auro ad eofdem adornandos, xxvj s & ij d, per breve Regis. Et ad Puntos & Heltos eorundem gladiorum, xl s in argen- to Bl., per breve Regis. Et in Soltis, per breve Regis, pro Roba Regis filij Regis & Reginae fux, in Coronatione eorum apud Wintoniam, quater xx & viij 1 & x s & iiij d, per breve Regis, & per teltimonium ^dwardi Blundi. Et item pro Roba Regis filij Regis ad equitandum, & protribiis pan- nis fericis, viijl & viij s, per breve Regis, ii per j^dwardum Blundum. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 10. b. Lund, y M'uld. (f) Et Ailwardo Camerario xx 1 ad e- mendam Robam Regis filij Regis in Nun- dinis Wintoniae, per breve Regis ; Et pro i Summario, & cofi^ris, & j Tapeto, & pro "ij Urceolis, h] pixide, & duobus candela- bris, &: ij pelvibus, &j thuribulo, & j Tex- to; h his omnibus argenteis ad oblequium Capellae Reginae filioe Regis Franciae ; Et pro j palefrido ad opus Willelmi Clerici e- jufdem Reginse ; xiiij 1 & xvij s, per breve "Regis. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 6. b. tit. Civitas Wintonii. Et Ofberto Clerico de Camera & Came- rarijs Regis CC 1 ad portandum cum Rege quando redijt ab Hibernia, per breve Regis; Et in Corredio Regis filij Regis de tribus diebus ante Coronationem fuam xijl & xj s & yd, per breve Regis ; Et item in Cor- redio Chap. X. Escheats, F e r m s, &'c. 367 Skins of Mountain-Cats, for red fcarlet and green, for Boots, Spices, Eleduaries, Silks, and otlier Things fg) : the Sheriff of Dcvof?JJ:iri', for Materials to cover the King's Houfes at Whickejlcr, and for carry- ing them by Sea to Hainton (h) : the Cujlos of the Abbey of Hyde, for the Corrody of Geoffrey the Harper (/) : the Sheriffs of London, for Cloaths and Conveniencies for the King's Sifter who was married to David Son of Ocn [k) : the Former of Windfor, for Wine, Perry, and Sider (/) : the Sheriff of Hantjhire, for the Subfiflence of the King's Horfes which were lately brought by the Treafurer from be- yond-Sea (;«) : the Sheriffs of London, for divers Garments and U- tenfils mentioned hereunder (??) ; the Sheriffs oi London, for ten thou- fand Crown-nails to be ufed about the King's Chapell at Winchejler (0) : the Fermour of the City of Winchejler, for Hangings for the King's Chamber, and Entertainment for the Ambailadours of the King of Sicily (/>), and Robes for the King of France's Daughter redio ejus in Ipfa Coronatione, Lv 1 & xj s & ij d. Ibid. Rot. 6. b. tit. Epifcopatus Wintonias. (g) Et pro ij penis de Cattis Muntefijs xxixs, Et pro XXV ulnis de Rubea Efcarlata ad opus Regis, vj 1 & xvij s & vj d, Et pro xxvj ulnis viridis Lxxiijs & viij d, Et in liberatione Radulfi de Palerna, & pro farpeleria praediiStorum pannorum v s, Et pro X paribus Ocreorum xv s, Et in fpecie- bus & Eleiftuarijs per Jofcph Medicum x 1 ic vij s, Et pro xij pannis fericis & v pelli- bus de lutrtis xiij 1 & xix s & ij d, per breve Regis filij Regis, De computando iibi per fidem Balliorum fuorum quicquid ex- penderat in rebus miflisPatri fuo in Hiber- niam. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 6. /-. ///. Epifcopatus Wintoniae. (h) Et pro Afzeifijs ad operiendas Domos Regis de Wintojiia vj 1 & xiij s & iiij d, per breve Regis ; Et pro locandis Navibus ad deferendas per mare proedidtas Afzeifias ufq; ad Hantoniam, iiij 1 & xvij s & viij d, per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. •j.b. Devenefc. Robertas filius Bernardi> Sheriff. (/) Et in Corredio Galfridi Cytharedi, V s, per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. I. a. tit. Abbatia de Hida. (k) Et pro pannis & apparatu Sororis Regis, quam David filius Oeni duxit uxo- lem, xxviij 1 & xvij s per breve Regis, & per vifum ^dwardi Blundi. Mag. Rot. 20. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Lond. & Midd. (1) Et in cuftamento Vini & Pirati & Si- cerje, vj s & viij d. Mag. Rot. 21. H. 2. Rot. 9. a. IVindefor. (ot) Et Willelmo de San6lo Mauro & Godman Armigeris Regis, j marca, ad pro- curandos equos Regis apud Wintoniam, quos Thefaurarius duxit fecum de Ultra mare, per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 7.\. H. 2. Rot. 12. a. Haiitefcira. [n) Et pro ij Coftris, & tribus paribu? Buigiarum, & iiij Barhuz, & ij Pelliceis varijs, & j Coopertorio dc BifTis & Scarlata cum Gulis, H iiij fellis Summariorum ad opus Regis Junioris, vij 1 & iiij s, per breve Regis, &J per vifum i?£dwardi Blundi. Et in operatione Catena aure.-e ad Auream Cuppam Regis, x s, per breve Regis. Mag, Rot. 22. H. 2> Rst. I. b. Lond. iff Midd. (0) Et pro x millibus Clavorum corona- torum ad Capellam Regis de Wintonia, XXV s & vj d, per breve Regis. Afag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. I. b. Lond.^bf Midd. (p) Et pro xl ulnis deCanevaz tinguen- dis ad Cameram Regis, & alijs minutis ap- paratibus quando filia Regis ivit in Siciliam ;;lij s, per breve Regis ; Et Magiftro Wal- tero de Conflantijs Archidiacono de Oxine- ford L marcae, ad procurationem Nuncio- rum Regis Sicilia?, &:c. Mag. Rot. 22. H. %, Rot. 13. b. againfl 368 Of the Kmgs D e m e a n e s, Chap. X. againfl Eafter [q) : the Fermer of the Town of Hanson, for Wines and the Carriage of them, which Wines v/ere choien hy A/exander c/e Bnrenti?! the King's Butler, and fent to feveral of the King's Houfes for his Ufe, to wit, to Fekeain, Nothigham, Gattintunc, Wudcjioke, Merlebergy Tkegrave, Liitegarejhale, and Clarendon (r) : the Sheriffs of London, for a wrought Mattrefs for the Queen's Ufe (s) : the Sheriff of Gloiccejierjlm-e for the Corrody of the King's Son and his Family, whiht he rtaid at Gloucefter [t) : the Fermer of the Honour of the Conjlabuhiria for Neceflliries for the Ship of Henry de Scbornis, when it failed to Spain for the Infanta of Fortigall [u) ; the Sheriff of Hantjhire, for Corn, Barley, and Honey to make Ale with, for the Duke of Saxony s Ufe ; for bringing a Robe of the Duke and Dutchefs of Saxofiy from Wmchejhr to London ; for the Livery of Ser- jeants that looked to the King's Horfes at Winchejler j for the Duke of Saxony's Expenfes in coming from Winchejler to London ; for the Corrody or Entertainment of the Queen and the Duke of Saxony at Porchejler and Poi'tfmoiith, and of William the Duke of Saxony s younger Son (to) : the Sheriffs of London, for Saddles with their Fur- (q) Et pro iiij ulnis &dimidia Efcarlatae, & pro una pena varia & pellicea & j Sa- belina & xxxij ulnis Lineae telae ad opus Fi- liae Regis Francias contra Pafcha iiij 1 & V s & vj d, Et pro iij ulnis de Bifo ad opus cujufdam pueri fui iij s & vjd. lb. (>■) Et pro C modijs Vini quod Alexan- der de Barentin elegit ad opus Regis, xxxvl per breve Regis — ; Et in cuftamento & ca- rjagio ducendi Vinum quod Alexander de Barentin ei dixit ex parte Regis, quod mif- fum fuit ad Fekeam, & ad Notingeham, & Gattintune, & Wudeftoke, & Merle- berge, & Titegrave, & Lutegarefhal, & Clarendon, xj 1 & xvj s & iiij d, per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 13. b, tit, Hantona. [s) -^ — — & [pro] una culcitra perpuncta ad opus Reginae h puellae fua? . Alag. Rot. 24. H. 2. Rot. 9. b. Londoma& Midd. [t) Et in Corredio prsdidi filij Regis & familiae ejus, dum moram fecit apud Gloe- ceftram, xl 1 & xiiij d, per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 31. H- 2. Rot. 10. a. Gloef. (u) Et Rannulfo de Gedding & Henrico de Cornb[ill], xlviij 1 & xiij s & iiij d, ad emendum funem & inftrumenta Si alia ne- ceflaiia ad Navem Henrici de Schornis itu- ram in Hyfpaniam pro Puella de Portigal ; per breve Rannulfi de Glanvilla. Alag. Rot. 30. Hen. 2. Rot. II. b. tit. Honor Conf- tabularis. (w) Et pro frumento & ordeo & melle ad Cervifiam faciendam ad opus Ducis Saxonise Lxxvj s & xd, per breve Regis & per vi- fum Galfridi de Caritate : Et pro ducenda Roba Ducis & Ducifl'E Saxonias a Winto- nia ufq; Londoniam, xx d, per idem breve: Et in Liberatione oflo Servientum Regis cum duobus equis qui moram faciunt apud Wintoniam cum Harnafio ejus, a fefto S. Ambrofij ufq; ad feftum S. Michaelis, xixl & xii) s & vj d, per breve Regis : Et in expenfa Ducis Saxonias a Wintonia ufq; Londoniam, Lxxviij s, per breve Regis : Et Radulfo filio Stephani xiij 1 ad procuratio- nem Reginae & Ducis Saxoniae apud Por- ceftriam & Portefmuam, per breve Regis : Et item ad procurationem VVillelmi junioris filij Ducis & Familise fuae a fefto Annuntia- tionis ufq; ad feftum S. Michaelis, xxviij 1 & ij s & ix d, per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 14. a. Sudbantefcira. All thefe Sums were allowed (inter aliaj to Gal- fridus filius Azonis, Sheriff, niture chap. X. Escheats, Fer MS, &> c. 369 niture and Reins, and for Scarlets, Burnets, green Cloths, and other Habits of Verry, Gray, and Sable, for the Ufe of the Queen, the King of France's Sifter, and of other Ladies and Damifclls j and for a Robe for William Son to the Duke oi Saxo?iy (.v). Oio Fitz~ William Sheriff of EJJex and Hertford had Allowance for Money laid out in providing great Numbers of Poultrey and other Things againft the King's Coronation (j) j Oger Fitz-Oger Sheriff of Bukingham and Bedford had Allowance for the like Provifions made againfl the King's Coronation (z) ; Henry de Cornhill Sheriff of Surrey had Al- lowance for the like Provifions [a) ; and Alan de Valeines Sheriff of Kent for the like [U). The Sheriff" of the Counties of Notingham and Derby provided Neceffaries for the Queen and her Family, during her flay at Notingham (f). The Sheriff of Kent provided Linen and other Things for the King's Purpoint, and Neceffaries for his Cham- ber, and Robes for the Queen's Damfells and others {d). The feveral Sheriffs and other Farmers ufed alfo to difburfe for Provifions and Expences relating to War, Arms, Garrifons, Knight- hoods, and fuch like. The Sheriffs of London difburfed for feveral (x) Hcnricus de Cornhill & Ricardus fi- lius Reineri r c de C & quater xx & xvij 1 h. xxiii) d Bl. de \'eteri firma de Londonia c'i de Middclfexa : In Thefauro xxv s & iij d Bl. : Et pro Scllis & apparatu eorum hi. Lorengis ad opus Reginre, & Sororis Re- gis Franciaj, &■ Dominze de Caflro Radulfi, ) : the Sheriff of Kent, for Robes and other Neceffaries at the making of Knights (g). Likewife they difliurfed for the Maintenance, Armour, and other Neceffaries, of the King's Approvers, who were employed to convidl Offenders by Diiell : and for the doing of Juftice upon Offenders, by hanging, or other Punifiiment. In the Reign of K. Henry II, the Sheriffs of London difburfed for the Livery or Subfillence of Gerard, the Falfo- nary, and of a certain Woman a Proverefs (r) ; and for executing certain. Counterfeiters of the King's Seal, for a Houfe to burn a Robber, and for executing certain other Perfons, to wit, a falfe Moneyour, one William Ofrniind, and a Man that was vanquiflied in a Duell i^s). The Farmer of the City of Winchejler, for the Livery of Ivo an Appellant, and of William a Prover, and for doing feveral Executions (t) : the Sheriff of Wiltjliire for Ex'ecution of Robbers (;/). In another Year, (n) Idem Vicecomes [Hubertus de Bur- go] r c de C & xxix 1 & xiijd & ob., de remanent! firm.x Comitatiis de Kent de anno quarto Regis, ficut continetur ibidem ; And for feveral other Debts. In Thefauro nichil; Et ipfi Huberto M & DC & Lvj 1 & xviij s & vj d & ob. quos pofuit per prjEceptum Regis in Caftro Regis de Doure muniendo & Srmando, & in militi- bus, & fervientlbus, h balifturijs, in eodem Callro tenendis anno Regis fecundo h ter- cio & quarto, ufq; ad feftuin S. Michaelis ejufdem anni quarti ; per breve Regis quod eft in forulo Marefcalli, Et Q^ e. Meig. Rot. 4. H. 3. Rot. 4. b. Norf. & Suff. (0) Et Willelmo de Doura xiij 1 & vj s & viij d, per breve Regis, ad faciendum fe Militem. Afcig. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 12. h. Ghent. (p) Et pro Pannis & Equis Sc alijs Ap- paracibus ad duos Milites faciendos xij 1 & ij s & vj d, per breve Regis. Alag. Rot, 22. H. 2. Rot. I. b. Londonla l^i Muld. (q) Et pro tribus Robis de Scarlatto & tribus de Virldi, & ij Baldckinis, & j Cul- citra, & alijs neceflarijs ad faciendum unum Militem, xxxiij 1, Per breve Regis. Alag. Rot. 6. J. Rot. i5. a. Kent. Reginaldus dc Cornhull Sheriff. Et pro tribus Robis de Serico, & tribus de Viridi cum Bifis, & tribus coopertorijs & tribus Culcitris, & tribus Sellis cum loris, & pro tribus paribus Lintheorum, & tribus paribus Camifiarum h braccarum, & pro alijs minutis apparatibus ad faciendos Mili- tes, xxj 1 & X s & ij d. Per breve Regis.. Mag. Rot. 11. J. Rot. i.b. Kent. Regi- naldus de Cornhull Sheriff. (r) Et in Liberatione Gerardi Falfonarij xxiiij s & ixd & ob. Et in Liberatione cujuldam Feminas probatricis Regis xv s & i j d & ob. Alag. Rot. 2. H. 2. R.ot. i. a. Lund. & Midd. [s) Et pro Judicio Falfonariorum Sigilli Regis, xiiij s & ij d. Et pro una domo ad comburendum unum latronem xiij s & iiij d. Et pro disfaciendo falfo Monetario, vj s & viij d ; Et pro disfaciendo Willelmo Of- mund, vs; Et pro disfaciendo homine vie- to in Duello, v s. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. I ., a. Lundonia iif Midd. (t) Et in liberatione Ivonis qui appella- vit Alanum de Mumbi, xiijs ; Et in libera- tione AVillelmi Probatoris xxiijs ; Et pro jufticijs & judicijs faciendis, xvij s & ij d. jMag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 7. a. tit. Civitas Wintoiiije. (u) Et projuftitia facienda de Latronibus, xxviij s & iiij d. M^ig. Rot, 5. H, 2, Rot, 6. a, Wiltefcira. the chap. X.. E s c H E A T Sj F E R M Sj &'c. 273 the Fermer of the City of Winton found William Hafard the King's Prover in Maintenance and Clothes, another Prover with Maintenance, and a third with Maintenance and Armour (to) : the Sheriffs of London provided Maintenance for fcveral of the King's Provers, and difourfcd for the Expence of Juifes, Duells, and Executions [x] :. the Sheriff^ of ^////Z'?re' provided Armour for fome of the King's Ap- provers, and was at other Charges about them (y) : tlie Sheriff of Wiltjlnre p^rovided Poles for the Juifes of certain Robbers, and paid the Priefts for bleiTmg or hallowing thofe Poles (%) . The Sheriffs of London found Maintenance for the Approvers, and difburfed for conveying them to Oxford and 'Northamton fa) : they alfo difburfed for Executions and Duells [h). The Sheriff' of Kent difburfed Year after Year, for the Livery of the Porter of Canterbury, who ufcd to do the Executions for the County of Kent (c) : the Fermer of Wind/or, for making a Ditch for Juifes [d) ; and the Sheriff of IFilt- JJ.iire, for the like Service (e) : the Sheriff" of Eff'ex and HertfordJJnre, [iv^ Et pro Corredio & pannis Willelmi Halardi Probatoris xij s & iij d ; Et in li- berationc Rogeri Noel Probatoris xxix s & iiij d ; Et in liberatione & armatura Odonis Probatoris xxiiij s & iiij d. Mag. Rot. 12. //. 2. Rot. 8. (7. Ctvh. JVinton. (x) Et in liberatione ij probatorum Regis a fello S. Michaelis ufq ; ad Purificationem, xxij s & ixd. Et in liberatione ij aliorum probatorum vij ebdomadarum viij s & ij d. Et in liberatione viij probatorum a Pafca ufq; ad feftum S. Michaelis, C Si xiiij s & viij d. Et in liberatione vij probatorum a fefto S. Michaelis ufq; ad feftum Omnium San£torum xxiij s & iiij d. Et in cufta- mento xxxiiij Juifiorum, & xiiij hominibus dibfaciendis, 6: xiiij hominibus fufpendenvlis, & V Duellis ix 1 & xj s & iij d. It/. Rot. 10. li. Lundonla i5 Middeljexa. (y) Et pro Scutis & armaturis Probato- rum, vij s, Et pro Cuftodia Probatorum xxij s &vd. Et pro ipfis conducendis, XXV s & iij d. Mug. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. Wilt. (■z.) Et pro polis parandis ad Juifuim La- tronum, v s ; Et Prefbyteris pro bencdi- cendo eildem polis, xx s. Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 5. L mit. (a) Et in liberatione vij Probatorum a fefto Omnium SamStorum in iij feptimanas, xij s & i'jd; Et pro locandib ij Carrt-ttis ufq; ad Oxiiiefordiam ad illos dcferendos. iiij s. Mag. Rot. 13. H. 2. Rot. r, a. Lund, is Midd. Et in liberatione ij Probatorum in xxxiij feptimanis, xxxviij s Si ij d ; Et pro j Car- retta locanda ad eos deferendos ad Norham- tonam & retro, iiij s. lb. juxt. Lund. & Midd. [b] Et in cuftamento quinq; Juifiorum, & i duelli, & ij hominibus disfactis, & j fuf- penfo, XX s & iiij d. Mag. Rot. 13. //. 2. Rot. I. a. Lundonia h Midd. (c) Et in liberatione Portarij Civitatis, XX s, quia facit Jufticiam Comitatus. Mag, Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 9. a. Ghent. Et in liberatione conftituta Portario Ci- vitatis,quia facit Juftitiam Comitatus. Alag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 9. a. Ghent. Et in liberatione conftituta Portario Ci- vitatis X s [for half a Tear'\, quia facit Juftitiam Gomkatus. Mag. Rot, 14. H. 2. Rot. 14. a. Ghent. Et in liberatione conftituta Portario Gi- vitatis Gantuarice, qui facit Juftitiam Gomi~ tatus. A'Icig. Rot. 32. //. 3. Kancia. m. 1. Londonia (jf Alidd. m. I. a. Et in liberatione duorum probatorum per Cxlix dies, unius per Cvj dies, unius per Lxvij dies, & unius per Cv dies xlviij s, Et in duellis armandis xxvij s xj d, Et in jufticia facienda ix s vj d. Mog. Rot. 31. £. I. Lond. Midd. m. i. a. Et in liberatione j probatoris per dies, unius per CLxvj dies per Cxx dies xl s xj d, & in duellis ar- mandis xxvj s vj d. Et in expenfis & mifis faftis per eofdem Vicecomites, pro Johanne Comite de Afceles & Johanne le Waleys Scotis, inimicis rebellionibus & pro- ditoribus Regis, per judicium Curine Regis apud Weftmonafterium, didtum Johannem Comitem de Afceles ful'pendendo decol- lando & corpus ejus concremando, & dic- tum Johannem le Waleys fufpendcndo & decollando, vij 1 iiij s viij d. Mag. Rot. 35, E. I. Rot. ult. m. I. a. Londonia Midd. Et & duorum 37^ Of the Kings D e m e a n e s, Chap. X. of Walter Bifliop of Carlik the King's Treafurer [x). The Sheriff of the Counties of Bukingham and Bedford, by the King's Command, bought four hundred and twenty eight Hens, and cauled them to be czxvicA to Wefti/iinJIer fy). The BaiUfFs of iJ/v/M provided Congers, the BaiUffs of Neioenham Lampreys, and the Sheriff of Eff'cx Fowls and other Viduals, for the King's Ufe (z). The Sheriffs of London were commanded to fupply four Pence per Diem, for the Maintenance of the King's white Bear and his Keeper in the Tower of Londoji id). The fame Sheriffs were commanded to provide a Muzzle and an Iron Chain and a Cord for the King's white Bear in the Tower of London [b) ; to build a little Houfe in the Tower of London for the Et in liberatione j probatoris per CCCLxiij dies, uiiius per CCLxvij dies, ■and of other Provas, Cwiij s x d ; Et in jufticia facienda, j;j s viij d. ALig. Rot. J. E. 2. Lond. M'ldd. m. i. a. Et in liberatione j probatoris per CCCLxiiij dies, iinius per C dies, & unius per Cxiiij dies, xlviij s ij d. Mug. Rot. 13. E. 2. Lond, iff Midil. m. i. a. Et in liberatione j probatoris per C'!'! dies xinius per xiiij dies, and of other Provcrs., iiijl V s V d, Et in jufticia xlj prob[atoriim] fa- cienda xiij s viij d, Et in ij duellis arman- dis xxxiiijs vj d. Mag. Rot. 19. E. 2. Lotid. M'ldd. m. \. a. (a-) Rlajori & Baliivis Oxonias. Rex cifdem; Mandamus vobis firmiter injuna;en- tes, quod ftatim vifis Litteris iftis, de firma villa veftriE ematis quingentas ulnas de Ruf- feto, videlicet quamlibet ulnam de precio X den. vel circa idem precium, Et centum paria fotilarium, ad opus Pauperum, quibus prasccpimus ea eroganda per vifum Venera- bilis Patris W. Karl. Epifcopi Thefaurarij jioftri ; Et ea fub omni t'eftinatione cariari facialis ufq; Londoniam, eidem Epifcopo ibidem liberanda ; & cuftum quod ad hoc pofueritis computabitur vobis ad Scaccarium jioftrum fuper compotum veftrum. T. J. Bathon. & W, Karl. Epifcopis, xiiij° die Decembris anno xiiij", Mich. Comitmnia 14. H. 3. Rot. 3. b. (y) Et pro CCCC & xxviij Gallinis emptis & cariatis ufq; Weftmonaftcrium, Lxiij s & vj d, per breve Regis, per quod prseceptum fuerat quod cmeret M gallinas & XX capteolos, Mag. Rot. 20. H. 3. Bid. i^ Bed. m. 2. a. (a) Pro Baiilivis Briftollise. Rex Baro- nibus ; Allocate Baiilivis &c Cv s vj d, quos pofuerunt in emptione CCC Congro- rum & D Hak. Breve eft in forulo Maref- calli. Paf. Cornmun. 32. H. 3. Rot. 6. b. Rex Baronibus; Allocate Baiilivis noftris de Nevv-enham in firma Villne fuae Lxvj s iij ob. pro Lampredis. B e in f M.. lb. Pro Willelmo filio Reyneri. Rex Baro- nibus ; Allocate Vicecomiti EfTexis Cxij s xj d, quos pofuit in Volatilibus & alijs Vic- tualibus. B e in f M. lb. Rex Baronibus ; Allocate W. filio Rey- neri Vic. Efi'exix Lxxj s viij d, quos pofuit in una Cuppa emta. B e in f M. lb. ((7)Rex Vicecomitibus Londonl.-e falutem. Pracipimus vobis, quod cuidam Urfo noftro Albo quern mittimus ufq; Turrim noftram Londoniae ibidem cuftodiendum, h cuftodi ipfius, fingulis diebus quamdiu fucrint ibi- dem, habere facialis quaiuor denarios ad fuftentaiionem fuam. T. Rege apud S.Ed- mundum xiij die Seplembris. Liherat. 36. H. 3. m. 4. [Hanc injlantlarn, i£ Jequentcs fex feptemve, mecum communicavit Fir in me amicijjimus Georgius Holmes Generofus, Antiquarius.] [b) Rex VicecomitibusLondonisfalutem. Praecipimus vobis, quod cuftodi albi Urfi noftri, qui nuper millus fuil nobis de Nor- wagia & eft in Turri noftra Londoni.'e, ha- bere facialis unum Mufellum & unani Ca- thenam ferream, ad tenendum Urfum ilium extra aquam, hi uiiam longam h fortem Cordam ad tenendum eundem Urfum pif- canlem in aqua Thamifise; Et cuftum &c computabitur &c. T. R. apud Windcl'ore XXX die Oclobris. Liberal. 37. H. 3- m. 15. King's chap. X. E S C H E A T Sj F E R M s, ^c. 577 King's Elephant [c) ; and to find Neceflaries for the King's Elephant and his Keeper in tiie Tower of London fdj. The Sheriff of Glouccjier was commanded to caufe xjc Salmons to be bought for the King, and put into Pyes, againfl Cbrijlmafs [e) : and the Sheriff of SuJJcx to buy Brawn and other Provifions for the King's Table (f). The Sheriffs of JViltJhire and Sufcx were ordered to buy each of them a thoufand Ells of fine Linen Cloth, and fend it to the King's Ward- robe before the next Wbkfontide fg). The Sheriff of Southampton was ordered to caufe the Image of St. Chrtftopher with our Saviour in his Arms, and the Image of St. Edward the King, to be painted in the Queen's Chapell at Winchcjler {h) : and the Sheriff of Noting- hamjhire, to caufe the Queen's Chamber at Notingham to be painted with the Hiflory oi Alexander (/), The Sheriff of Kent was ordered, under great Pain and Forfeiture, to buy C Ship-loads of grey Stone, (f) Rex Vicecomitibus Londoniae, falu- tem. Prascipimus vobis quod de iirma Ci- ^ itatis noftraeLoiidonia?, fine dilatione conf- tiui facialis apud Turrim noftiam Londo- nias, unum domum longitudinis xl pedum & latitudinis xx pedum, ad Elefantem nof- truni ; provifuri quod taliter fiat & ita foru's fit, ut cum opus fucrit ad alios ufus apta & neccffaria. Et cuftum &:c computabitur vo- bis ad Scaccarium. T. R. apud Weftmon. xxvj dieFcbruarij. Llhcrat. 39. H. 3. 7n. 11. (1^) Rex Vicecomitibus Londoniae, Prje- cipimus vobis, quod a fefto S. Michaelis proximo ptastciito, & quamdiu fueritis Vicecomites Londonire, & Elephans nofter fuerit ibidem, inveniatis cidem, & cuftodi fuo iieceflaria, prout rationabiliter opus fuerit ; Et cuftum &c, computabitur &c. T. R. apud Weftmon. 1 1 die Oilobris. Libcrat. 40. H. 3. m. 3. (e) Rex Virecomiti Glouceftrioe falutem. Pr.Tcipimus tihi, quod ctni viginti Saimones & in pane poni facias ; & nobis mittas Lon- doniam contra inftans feftuiji Natajis Domi- ni. Et cuftum &;c. 1". Rege apud Radin- gam xij die Decembris. Lihcrai. 26. U. 3. m. 13. (f) Rex Vicecomiti SulTexi.e fal'jtcm. Prxxipimus tibi, quod emi faci;is in balliva tua contra inftans fcftum Natalis Domini, X Braones, cum capitibus, x Pavones, Lcu- niculcs, C pcrdices, ii. D gallinas, 5c om- nia prsdidla mitii facias ulqj Weftoion., ita Vol. I. quod fmt ibi die Lunas proximo ante Natale Domini. T. R. apud Rading. xj die De- cembris. lb. m. 14. (g) Rex Vicecomiti Wiitef. falutem. Prx- cipimus tibi quod fine dilatione emas .-d o- pus noftrum in balliva tua mille ulnas Li- neas tel?e pulchra? 5: delicata?, & illam ve- nire facias in GarJerobam noftram apud Weftmon.quinto die ante fcftum Pentecoftc-s ad ultimum. T. Rege apud Windefore xxvij dieMaij. Idem mandatum eft Vicecomiti SufTexia; de mille uhiis Lineas telx. Lihc rat. 37. H. 3. 711. 4. {h) Rex Vicecomiti Suthamtoniae falu- tem. Prascipimus tibi quod de exitibus Comitatus tui depingi facias in Capella Re- gliiae noftras apud Wintoniam fuper Gabu- luni vcrfus occidentem, imaginem S. Chrif- topheri qui, ficut alibi depinoitur, in ulnis fuis deferat Chriftum, ti imaginem Beat! Edwardi Regis, qualiter tradidit anuluin fuum cuidam peregriiio, cujas imago finii- liter depingatur. Et cuftum quod ad hoc p:)fueii3 computabitur liz. T, Rege apuJ Windbfore vij die Maij. Liberal. 32. H. 3. m. 7. (i) RcxVicccomifiNotingbamije faiuiem. Pra-cipimus tibi quod in Camera Rcgi;i.-e noitrx apud Notingham depingi facias bif- toiiam A'e.xandri circumquaq;. Et cuf- tum &c, per vifum tc<:, computabitur tibi ad Scaccarium. T. Rfge apud Notingham XV die Januarij. Liberut, 36. H. 3. ?«. 15. C c c and 378 Of the Kings D e m e a n e s, Chap. X. and to convey the fame to JVeftmhiJler, for the King's Works upon the Church there fk). The Sheriff of Surrey and SuJJ'ex provided fe- veral Sorts of Vidluals for the Kin2;'s Ufe ao-ainft the Feall of St. Edward (I). The Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk difburfed xxx Befants to be ofiered at St. Edmund's Shrine for the King and Queen, and their Children (w). The Sheriff of Haf/?/J:lre was commanded to be m Readinefs at liich a Place in his County fuch a Day, to convey fafely the King's Money to Portejmouth (n). The Sheriff of JViltfiire provided Oxen, Hogs, Sheep, and divers other Things for the King's Ufe when he was at Marlborcngb foj. In the Reign of K. Edward I : Letters Patent iffucd out of the Exchequer to feveral Sheriffs and- ethers, to provide and carry to feveral Ports, Corn and Vidluals, for the Ufe of the King and thofe who were in his Service beyond the Sea(/>). The King by his Writ commanded the Sheriff oi Northwn- berland {k) Kane. Miindatum eft Vic. quod in fide qua Regi tenetur, & ficut noluerit quod tlcfeftum fuum graviter Rex puniat, fub omiii qua poterit feftinatione emi facial & cariari ufq; Weftmon. C navatas grifue pe- tr£e ad opcraciones quas ibi fine dilatione fieri Rex priccepit ; & talem & tarn fcftiiian- tem diligentiani ad hoc mandatum Regis cxequenduin apponat, quod fe inde Rex commendare debeat, & ne W. deHaverhull Thefaurarius & Edwardus quibus opcraci- ones pratuiflas Rex injunxit faciendas cul- pain dilationis in fe rehiiidere poffint fi prse- diclre operacioncs contra voluntatem Regis differantur. Cuftum autem quod pofuerit cum illud fcirc fecerit praediftis Thefauraiio ti Edwardo, ftatim ei reddi facient de prs- ccpto Regis. Memor. 28. H. 3. Rot. 8. a. (I) Rex Baroiiibus ; Allocate eidem Ni- cholao [dcWauncy] VicecomitiSurr. Suflex. in cxitibus eorundem Comitatuum, vj 1 xij s quos pofuit per prsceptum noftrum in Bra- onibus, ovis, ducis, gallinis, pullis, & cu- iiiculis, emptis ad opus noftrum in balliva fui, & nobis mifiis contra feftum S. Ed- wardi. Meiusr. 35. H. 3. Rot. 8. b. (m) Rex mandat Baroni bus, quod allocent Willflmo de Suineford V'icceomiti Norf. Si. Suft"., in exitibus prredictorum Comita- tuum, xxx byfantios oblatos pro Rege & Regina & Liberis fuis ad feretrum B. Ead- niundi. Memor. 42. H. 3. Rot. 17. u. («) Mandatum eft Vic. Suhamtonias, quod fit die Veneris proxima ante feftum B. Petri ad Vincula Tempeftive inter Farn- ham & Peteresfeld, ad conducendum fub falvo condu6lu Thefaurum Regis ufq; Por- tefmue. Memor. 38. H. 3. Rot. 19. a. (0) Baronibus de Scaccario, pro Viceco- mite Wiltefiaa : Rex mandat eifdem quod allocent eidem in exitibus ejufdem Comita- tus XV 1 xiij s ij d & ob., quos per praecep- tum Regis pofuit in bobus, porcis, mul- tonibus, lardo, pifce, fcutell. falar. placell. frumento & avena emptis ad opus Regis per eundem Vicecomitem quando ultimo fuit Rex apud Marleberg , & iiij s & xd pro caiiagio frumenti & avenae . Me- mor. 52. H. 3. Rot. \i. a. (p) Kancia. De Vicecomite, Alexandro le Convers, & R. de Bremefgrave aflignatis pro Vidualibus capiendis ad opus Regis. Rex Militibus, Liberis hominibus, Ballivis, Miniftris, & omnibus alijs & fingulis de Comitatu KancijE, ad quos prsefentes Literas pervenerint falutem. Quia blado, viftuaii- bus, & alijs neceflarijs ad opus noftrum & noftrorum nobifcum in partibus tranfmarinis exiftencium quam plurimum indigemus, Af- fic;navimus Vicecomitem noftrum Comita- tus praedifti, & dilectos Clericos noftros Ri- cardum de Brimmefgrave hi Alexandrum le Convers, ad M D quarteria frumenti & D quarteria avenae infra Comitatum ilium ad opus noftrum juxta forum Patriae emenda & capienda, prout ijdem Vicecomes, Ricardus^ chap. X. E s c H E A T s, F E R M s, &'c. 3 79 ierland to ftore the Caftle at the Town of Neivaijlk upon ^rync with Viduals and other Neceffaiie?, and to caufe it to be lafely guarded (q). A Writ iflued out of the Exchequer, to Peter de MoUington and the Sheriff" of Lincoln, ordering them, under Pain of the King's Dlf- pleafure, to provide Corn and other Necellaries for the King's Army in Scotland frj. A Writ of privy Seal was fent to the Barons of the h Alexander melius viderint faciendum ; Ita quod piicdidi Vicecomes, Ricardus & A- Icxander blada ilia fic empta & capta in Co- mitatu prxdicfto ufq; Sandwycum fine dila- tione aliqua cariari & ibidem in Navibus poni, & exinde ufq; ad nos in partibus prae- c-iw RcUiuab. 15. E. Z. Rot. 88. .'). rcfpeiflivc- i84 Of the King s D e m e a n e s, Chap. X. refpetfllve Proportions of Victuals direfted by the Writs, for the fame Ufa [k). In the next Place, it was ufual to attorn Sheriffs or Accountants to pay Money to Pcrlbns to whom the King was indebted. This was by Way of Alfignment. But Aflignments were fometimes made, payable out of Moneys in the King's Treafury. For Example : £/- 7neric Archdeacon of 'Durham and others paid to Robert de Braibroc by the King's Order, ten thoufand one hundred and fix Marks and eight Pence Halfpenny, which Robert was to keep by him at Nortb- ampton for the prefent, and afterwards to difpofe of as the King lliould direift. The King by his Letters under the great Seal, com- manded Robert to pay that Money forthwith to Engelard de Ctgoiniet and Robert Wolf (I). K. John commanded the Provofts of Scarde- hiirc, to pay the Perm of their Town to William de Harecurt, who \vas to difpend it in the Livery or Maintenance of the Serjeants that did Duty in Scardeburc-Caftle (?7i). The King afligned feven fcore Pounds arifmg out of the Ifl'ues of the Iters, to Riehard King of Al~ maignc in Part-payment of a greater Sum by him lent to the King (n). The Keeper of the Cambium at Londo7i was commanded by Writ, to pay unto William de Gloucejier xx/, which the faid William was to difpofe of in fuch Manner as the King had ordered him (o^. {k) Ib.juxt. (I) RoSertus de Braibroc debet j Spriva- riuin forum Ut fcribatur in Magno Rotulo, quod ipfe attulit Litteras Regis dependentes a Sigillo, fuper Scaccarium & leftas ibidem coram Baronibus, continentes h^c verba. J. Dei gratia &c ; Roberto de Braibroc fa- lutem. Mandamus vobis, quod ftatim vifis Litteris iftis tradatis Engelardo de Cigoinie & Roberto Lupo, decern inille & C & fex rnarcas & oi\o denarios & obolum, quos habetis apud Norhanton cuftodieiidos, ad portand. ubi pracipimus ; qua; vobis libe- rata; fuerunt per manus Eimerici Archidia- coni Dunelnii & Philippi dc Ulecot & Bri- an! de Inlula. Et in hujus rei teftimonium, has Litteras noftras Patentes yobis mittimus. T. meipfo apud Stockton v die Aprilis, an- ro rcijni noftri xi". Mag. Rot. 12. 'J. Rot. ig. b. poft Norbant-fciram. Robert de Brai- broc acc'Ainted this Tear for the County of Northampton, ut Cuftos. Ih. Rot. 19. a. (in) Scardebiirc. J itcr.'e Regis. J. Dei gratia, Prspofitis de Scardeburc ; Manda- njus vobis, quatinus firmani villas vcftr;jr li- beretis fideli noftro Willelmo de Harecurt, ad liberationem faciendam fervientibus mo- rantibus in Caftro de Scardeburc; Et com- putabitur vobis ad Scaccarium. T. me ipfo apud RofFam, xij die Novembris, anno r n •xvij". Ex Mt'inorand. 6. H. 3. Rot. 11. b. (n) Baronibus, pro Roberto de Norton. Qiiod allocent eidem in exitibus itineris Juf- ticiariorum ultimo itinerantium &c fepties viginti llbras quas per prasceptum Regis li- beravit R. Regi Alemanni;E illuftri in par- tem folucionis duorum niillium fexcentarum quaterviginti & feptem marcarum & dimi- dire, in quibus Rex tenetur eidem fratri fuo pro mutuo quod ei fecit ad urgentiffima jiegocia fua expcdienda. Tefte ice. Afe- mor. 55. H. 3. ^.3/. 4. a. A further Pay- ment was ordered to be made out of the Fines before yujllccs itinerant of the Fore/}, towards- Siitisfcu'iion of the Debt due to the King of A\- maigne. Jb. Rot. 5. a. {0) Mandatum eft Cuftodi Cambij Lon- doni;E, qifod habere faciat Willelmo de Glouceftre xxl, ad faciendum inde quod Rex ei injunxit. Memor. 42. H. 3. Rot. q. a. 2 The Chap. X. Escheats, F e r m s, ^c. 385 The King affigned to Anthony Peff'aigne the Cuflomes of St. Botolph till he fliould be paid, out of them, certain Debts which, the King owed him (p). The King commanded the Colleftours of the new Cuf- tomes of three Pence /)fr Pound for Yarmouth, to pay unto IViiUam Servat all the Monies which they had then in their Hands or Ihould receive (for thofe Cuflomes) till Lammafs Day, in Part-payment of the Debts which the King owed to him (qj. The King being indebted to feveral particular Perfons in London in Dec and odd Pounds, for Purveyances made in the City and Suburbs, and to feveral Merchants Strangers and Natives in M / for Merchandifes and Neceflaries for the King's Houflaold and Wardrobe : and the Major, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Citizens of London having undertaken to fatisfy, on the King's Behalf, the faid Debts to the refpediive Creditors : the King granted and affigned to the Major, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Citizens the Ferm, and other Iffues of their City, arifing by Aids, Tallages £fi', to the amount of the faid Sums, in Satisfadlion thereof (r). Richard (p) Edward par la grace de Dcu &c, Au lieu tenaunt de Trel'orer Si as Barons de noftre Efcheqer falutz. Nous avoms entendus qe vous avez ouftez hers de la mein noftre chierMarchaunt Antonyn Pef- faigne de Gene, la Cuftume de Seint Bo- tulph & les autres cuftumes qe nous li a- vonis affi^nez taunk qil foit payez diceles dacuines dettes qe nous H devoms : Et nous merveilloms durement de ceo qe vous avez tieu chofe fait faunz noftre feu & noftre \o- lunte : Par quoy nous mandoms qe au dit Antonyn facez faunz nul delay reaver les dites cuftumes, & les luy feftrez tenri, fo- jonc les affignementz quil en ad. Et vous fcfoms favoir, qe fi vous luy ouftez plus de mefmes les affignementz fauntz noftre vo- lunte & noftre maundement, nous vous chaftieroms en tieu manere, qe autres en prenderont enfaumple. Done fouz noftre Privc Seal a Houeden, le xij jour de juyn Ian de noftre Regne quint. Trin. Brevia 5. E. 2. Rot. 53. b. (q) Norf. Mandatum eft ColIetSloribus Nova; Cuftamae triurn denariorum de libra apud Jernemutham, quod omnes denarios quos penes fe habent, h quos fiint recepturi de Cuftuma prasdiftaufq; ad Gulam Augufti proximo futuram, liberari & habere fa- ciant Willelmo Servat, in partem folutionis Vol. I. debitorum in quibus Rex ei tenetur ; Re- cipientes &c. T. Thefaurario xix die Junij anno primo. Trin. Brevia Irretor- nab. I. E. 2. Rot. 84. a. (r) Baronibus, pro Majore, Aldermannis, &: Civibus Londonise. Cum Major, Alder- manni, Vicecomites, & caeteri Gives Lon- doni.-E nuper nianuceperint fatisfacere pro Rege de feptingentis & fcx libris quinq; (o- lidis & uno obolo, quos Rex debebat diver- fis hominibus ejufdeni Civitatis, pro Vi£lu- alibus captis ab eis ad opus Regis in diiSta Civitate & Suburbio cjufdcm, de quibus Iii- dentur.ie inter ipfos Majorem & Vicecomites ex parte una, & diledlum Clericum Regis Ingelardum de Warle cuftodem Garderoba* Regis, funt confeftae ; Ac jam gratantcr manuce perint fatisfacere pro Rege citra fcf- tum S. Michaelis proximo futurum Mer- catoribus tarn Alienigenis quam Indigenis, de quibufdam rebus & Merchandizis, & ajijs necefi'arijs, pro Hofpicio Regis & Magna Garderoba fua ufq; ad fummam Mille A'larcarum ; Rex volcns Majori, Al- dermannis, Vicecomitibus, & Civibus de praediftis pecuniarum fummis fatisfacere ut tenetur, concefterit eis & affignavcrit totam firmam Civitatis praediftae, h omnes exitus quos per Summonicionem Scaccarij prasdicfti infra eandem Civitatcni & Com. Midd. ad D d d opus 3§6 'Of the Khigs DemeaneSj Chap. X. Richard Hyivyjl? Sheriff" and Steward of Cornwall, was commanded by a Writ of the Exchequer, to pay out of the IlTues of his Sherifwick and StewardOiip, and out of the Coinage of the Tinn, CCCLxxi}/ xiiij J iiij ^ ob. to A/itony di Pe/Jaigne oi Jamm, for fo much which the King owed him (j). Sometimes Ailignments were made, payble out of Money remaining in the King's Treafury. For Inftance ^ the King affigned to Hugh Pope xlvj / and a Mark, which was due to the King from Gerard de Hedon, in Part-payment of Moneys which the King owed to Hugh : and Hugh had a Tally upon the Treafurer and Chamberlains for the fame (t). The King owed Peter Kaylan CCCxxxiij / by Letters Patent, and had ordered that C/ Part thereof fhould be paid to him at this Inftant Exchequer of Eafter : by another Writ he now commands the Barons, to caufe the faid C /tobe paid to WUlia?n EiiJlyoJiiQV the Ufe of Peter («). K. Edward \, purchafed of "John Fitz-Renaud the third Part of the Fee of the Spigurnelh to the great Seal j for which third Part, the King afTigned to him C /, payable by Walter de Langeton, Keeper of the King's Wardrobe, at London on Wednefday then next coming ; but in regard Walter could not be at London on that Day, the King by Writ of privy Seal, commands his Treafurer to pay the faid C / to John Fitz-Renaud or opus Regis, de Auxilio & Tallagijs Regi ibidem conceflls & proximo concedendis, "vel ex alia caufa quacunq; exigi contigerit aut levari, per manus didlorum Vicecomitum & aliorum Miniftrorum Regis, ad prsedivfta .Auxilia & tallagia levanda & colligcnda af- fignatorum aut aflignandorum, quoufq; prae- dixhequer], to repay forthwith to the Abbot of St. Oen at Roan C Marks, which he had lent to the King for his urgent Occafions (p). K. Benry II, by his Writ of Liberate commanded Richard the Treafurer and William Makhiit and Warin Fit-z-Gerold his Chamberlains, to pay out of his Treafury to the Carthufum Friers xxv Marks, Part ot the L Marks payable to them yearly by Virtue of the King's Charter (qj. K. John by Writ of Liberate, commanded his Treafurer and Chamberlains to pay out of his Treafury to the King of Man, thirty Marks which K. John had granted to him (r). K. Henry III, by Writ of Liberate (o) Rex &c G. filio Petri & Baronibus turn marcas, quas nobis commodavit ad de Scaccario Londonine falutem. Sciatis magnum negocium iiortrum. T. me ipfo quod nos fufcepimus Alardum de Eflrepi in apud Rothom. vij die Junij. Pat. 5. y. m, 9. hominem, & dedimus ei viginti & quinq; (q) H. Dei gratia Rex Angliae & Dux libras fterlingorum de feodo. Et ideo vobis Normanniae & Aquitanis; & Comes Ande- mandamus, quod infra inftans feftum S. Mi- gavias, R. Thefaurario, & Willelmo Mal- chaelis illas xxv 1 affigrietis ei. Et fi illas duit & Warino filio Giroldi Camerarijsfuis, ei aflignare non poffitis infra terminum il- falutem. Liberate de Thefauro meo xxv lum, illas viginti quinq; libras ei habere marcas Fratribus Cartufi.-e, de illis L mar- faciatis de Scaccario noftro ad feftum illud cis quas do eis annuatim per Cartam meam. S. Michaelis.' Et a fefto illo ufq; ad feftum T. Willelmo de Saiia;e Maris Ecclefia a- S. Michaelis in unum annum illas ci affig- pud Weftmofter. Ex rejcrlpto Aittogr. in netis in terra, ita quod nobis melius fervire Jrchiv. Turr. Londonia. poflit. T. Comite W. Marefcallo apud Ar- (r) Rex &c Thefaurario & Camerarijs gentomium xjdie Augufti. Put. 4. 7. ;.v. 11. falutem. Liberate de thcfauro noftro Regi de (p) Rex &c G. filio Petri &c, Manda- Man triginta marcas de Dono noftro. T. *nus vobis, quod reddi facialis fine dilr.tione me ipfo apud Weftmon. xxix die Aprilis Abbatt Rothom. d« SaniSo Audoeno Cen- anno rn vij. Per Jufticiarium. CI. 7. J. m. i. 2 commanded chap. X. E s c H E A T s, F E R M s, &^c. 391 commanded the Treafuer and Chamberlains, to pay out of his Treafury unto Baldwin Emperour of C P, five hundred Marks and xx / to- wards his Expences ; both which Sums the King had given to him. They were direded to pay it out of the beft Money they had (sj. The fame King by Writ commanded the Treafurer and Chamber- lains to pay to Mailer Henry the King's Poet, Cj-, due to him for the Arreres of his fb'pend. And they were to pay it without delay, al- though the Exchequer was then fliut (/). A Liberate iflued for the Priourefs oi Morlaive, for paying her at the Receipt fo much, in Lieu of the fame Sum, which the King had remitted to her, and which fhe had aftually paid to the CoUecflours of the Trentifnw for the King's Ufe {11). The King commanded his Treafurer Philipp Lovell, to pay unto Columbus de Burgh the Money due to him from the King j for the Payment whereof, two Writs of Liberate had been already iflued (w). K, Edward I, by Writ of Liberate ordered that fifty Marks ihould bs paid out of his Treafury, to Hainon Hauteyn and Robert de Ludham Jufl:ices of the Jews, towards the Expences they had been at in the King's Service (x) : and ten Pounds to Nicolas del CaJieUy towards his Expences in the King's Service (y) : and five hundred Marks (s) Rex Thefaur^irio &c, falutem. Li- berate de Thefauro noftro BalJewino Impe- latori Conftantinopolitano quingentas mar- cas de Dono noftro de Meliori moneta qiiam habetis, Sc xx Ibras ad expenfas fuas fimi- liter de Dono noftro. 1\ R. apiid Wodcf- tok XXX die April is. Libcrat. 31. H. 3. m. 8. [t) Rex Thefaurario & Camerarijs fuis falutem. Liberate de Thefauro noftro di- \tSto nobis Magiftro Henrico Verfificatori centum folidos, qui ei debentur de arrera- gijs ftipendiorum fuorum. Et hoc fine di- latione & difficultate faciatis, licet Scacca- rium fit claufum. T. R. apud Wodftoke xiiij die Julij. Libcrat. 35. H. 3. ;;(. 6. [u) Buk. Colledtores xxx*. Loquendum. Rex Thelaurario h Camerarijs ; Liberate de TheCauro noftro Priori (Tee & Sandlimo- nialibus de Morlawe, quibus perdonavimus xxx^m fuam & hominum fuorum de catal- lis quae habent in Com. Buk. ; cujus fum- ma eft xxiij folidi v den. &ob.; & qu;e reddita ; ft ColleiSloribus Tricefimje noftrae ad opus noftrum, xxiij folidos v den. h ob. pro prKdi(5ta tricefimaj Tcfte &c.. Mc- mor. 22. //. 3. Rot. 5. I. (w) Philippo Lovell Thefaurario, pro Columbo de Burgo. Rex eidcm P ; Qiiia Columbus de Burgo nobis laudabiliter (er- vivit in Vafconia, tarn circa cuftodiam Caf- tri de Cufac quam in alijs : Vobis manda- mus, quod pecuniam quam di6to Columbo debemus ad Scaccarium noftrum, unde ha- betis duo Brevia noftra de Liberate, ei per- folvi faciatis. . Ahmor. 39. lien. 3, Rot. 13. a. (x) Rex Thefaurario & Camera) ijs fuis falutem. Liberate de thefauro noftio, di- ]ec1:is h fidelibus noftris ITamoni IIaute)-a 5; Roberto de Ludham, Jufticiaiija ad cuf- todiam Judeeorum affignatis, quinquaginta marcas, ad expenfas fuas pofitas in fervicio noftro in OiRcio pra:dii5to, & circa fcniti- nium ciftarum & coftrorum Judceoium nol- trorum per Angliam inde acquietandas. Dac. per manum W. de Mcrton Cancellarij ncf- iri apud Weftm., ij die Aiigufti anno r n priir.o. Per breve Robcrti Burnell. Lih- rale I.E. \. ?n. 1. (y) Liberate de thefauro noftro, diledc Clerico noftro Nicholao de Caftcllo decern librss;,. 392 Of the K'mg s D e m e a n e s, Chap. X. Marks to 'John de Drokenesford Keeper of the Wardrobe by the Hands of John de Lijle one of the Barons of the Exchequer, towards the King's Expences in Scotland fxj : and twenty thoufmd Marks, to the faid Jolm de 'Drokenesford, for the Expences of the King's Houf- hold [a). In the Reign of K. Edward II, a Writ of Liberate iffiied to the Trealurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer, for paying of MM Marks to Adomar de Vale?ice Earl of Pembroke, out of the Eigh- teenth granted to the King by the Laity at the Parliament holden at Tork, towards the Expedition againft Scotland. Soon afterwards, Adomar came before the Barons of the Exchequer, and attorned Ma- nento Francijci to receive in his Name M/ Part of the aforefaid Sum : and granted and acknowledged before the Barons, that the M/ fo paid to Mancnto, fliould be defalked from the faid Sum of MM Marks, and that the King fhould be acquitted for fo much againll him the iixdi. Adoinar [F) . K. Edivard II, by Writ of Privy Seal, or- dered D / to be paid to John Biittctourt at the Receipt of Exchequer (c). The fame King fent a Writ to the Keeper of his Treafury, and libras, in fubventlonem expenfarum fuarum quas fecit in fervicio noftro, circa quafdam inquifitiones exaniinandas de prascepto nof- tro, & circa alia negocia ei per nos injunc- ta, expedienda. T. R. apud 7\irrim Lcn- donias xxv die Nov. Lib. 4.. £. 1. m. 11. (■z) Memorandum quod iiij'" die Malj (ielatum fuit hie Breve Regis cujus tenor fequitur, per manus Johannis de Infula. Rex Tliefaurario & Camerarijs falutem ; Liberate de thefauro noftro diIc£lo Clerico noftro JohaiinideDrokenesford CuftodlGar- derobce noftrne per manus Johannis dc Infula unius Baronum Scaccarij noftri, Quingentas marcas, ad quafdam expenfas pro nobis in partibus Scotias faciendas, prout eidem Jo- hanni ex parte noftra plenius eft injuniStum. T. Rege apud V/eftmon. xxix° die Marcij anno xxvij'. Et memorandum quod per iftud breve nichil liberatur, quia equitatio fuper Scotos dcfccit eo tempore quo fieri debuerunt expenfas praediftae. Paf. Com- mun. 26 y 27. E. I. Rot. 24. b. ((?) Rex . . Thefaurario & Camerarijs fuis falutem. Liberate de thefauro noftro, dile£to clerico noftro Johanni de Drokenef- ford Cuftodi Garderobse noftra?, viginti Millia marcarum, ad expenfas Hofpicij nof- tri inde faciendas. T. Rege apud Villam S. Johannis de Perth xv die Julij. Per bil- 1am de Garderoba. Lib. 31. E. i. m. 2. [b) De denarijs aftignatis Manento Fran- cifci per Comitem Penbrokia:. Memoran- dum quod cum Dominus Rex mandavit Thefaurario & Camerarijs hujus Scaccarij, per breve iuum refidens ad Receptam Scac- carij, quod ipfi liberent Adomaro de Va- lencia Comiti Pembrochias duo millia mar- carum, de exitibus xviij* Regi a Laycis in Parliamento Ebor. ad menfem Pafcae proxi- mo prasteritse convocato conceflie, fuper apparatu fuo verfus partes Scociae in Obfe- quio Regis ; Ita quod eidcm Comiti de fumma praEdi(fta fatisfiat ad feftum S. Mar- tini proximo futurum, prout in mandato praedifto plenius continetur : Idem Adoma- rus praefens coram Baronibus xvij die Julij nunc ponit loco fuo Manentum Francifci ad recipiendum nomine ipfiusComitis M libras de fumma prsdifta,, in fatisfaftisnem M librarum praefato Manento per ipfum Ado- marum hie recognitarum ; Et concedit quod praediiStae M librae decidant Domino Regi de fumma praedifla ; Et quod Rex, fa£la folutione prasfato Manento de M libris pr-se- diclis, verfus ipfum Adomarum fit quietus he. Trill. Commun. 12. E. J.. Rot. 38./^. (c) For the good Service done by John But- tetourt chap. X. Escheats, F e r m s, &^c. 393 and to the Barons and Chamberlains of his Exchequer, commanding them to make an Affignment of Cxv/ to William de CiiJJimcs, Clerk of the Wardrobe, in fuch Manner that Willlatn might have prompt Payment made to him thereof, towards providing of certain Gar- ments and other Things hereunder mentioned, for the Ufe of the King, the Queen and her Damoifelles, and the King's HouHioId. This Writ was delivered to the Chamberlains [d). The fame King by Writ of privy Seal Dormant, direded x / a- Year to be paid at the Exchequer to Frier Luke de IVodeford Confeflbur to K. Edward I, and to the prefent King {e). Again; K. John affigned to Eujlace de Nevill Lx Marks of Silver, to be paid to him at* the Exchequer j and commands his Treafurer and Chamberlains to pay him one Half thereof at the Term of St. Michael [anno regni 2°) and the other Half at Eafter next following (fj. A Liberate Dormant iffued for the Abbot of Croxton, for paying to him Cj yearly at the Receipt, till fuch Time as the King fliould affign to him C j of yearly Rent in Land/^^j. The five Chaplains that faid divine Service in the Chapells of tetourt upon the Sea near Scotland, the King gave him D /, to be paid at the Receipt of Ex- chequer, by Virtue of a privy Seal remaining at the Receipt. Mich. Brcvia<). E. 2. Rot. i2. b. in into. {d) Edward par la grace de Dieu &c, Au Gardeyn del Office noftre Treforier, & as Barons & Chaumberleins dc noftre Ef- cheqier, faluz. Nous vous mandotns, qe pur fis draps pur la lyvere de nous & de noftre chiere conpaigne, & pur la pclure contre cefte procheine feftc de Noel, £t pur treis draps pur Corcetz pur noftre dite con- paigne h fesdamoifeles od la pclure, Etpur naperie, lienge tele, &: autres chofes qe nous covendront contre la dite fefte, facez aver a noftre chier Clerk William de Cuftances Clerk de noftre Garderobe aftignement de Cent & quinfze liveres en afcun lieu cove- nablc, par la ou il purra preftement eftie fervi. Donee a Langeleye Mareys le x jour de Decembre Ian de noftre regne xv"is. Hoc breve liberatur Camerar. die Jovis in craftino S. Hilarij. Mich. Brevia 15. £. 2. Rot. 47. a. (e) A Privy Seal direHed to the Treafurer, Barons, isf Chamberlains., for paying x I a- Year out of the Exchequer, to Frere Lucas de Wodeford vjho had been Confefjhur to K. Ed- . Vol. I. ward I. and the prefent King, in aid of his Sujicnancc, Donne 6. Jul. Ian 12. The JVrit ivas delivered to the Chamberlains . Trin. Brevia 12. E. 2. Rot. iij. a. (f) [Johannes] Rex Angliae &c, W. Thei'aurario & G. & R. Camerarijs, falu- tem. Mandamus vobis, quod Lx marcas argenti, quas aftignavimus Euftatio de Ne- vill ad Scaccarium noftrum tuari in Rotulo noftro de feodis. Et medicta'em ei faciatis habere de termino S. Michaelis anno r n fecundo, hi aliam medietatem ad Pafcha proximo fequens. T. G. fiiio Petri Comite Eftexiae, & B. Comite Albem [arli;e apud] Merleberg, xx die Oftobris. Chart. Anliq. D. n. 7.b. dorfo. (g) H. Dei gratia Rex Angliae 5:c ; W. Thcfaurario & Camerarijs fuis falutem. Liberate de Thefauro noftro Abbati dc Croxton fingulis annis C folidos ; videlicet ad feftum Sanfli Michaelis L folidos, Et ad Pafcha L folidos, quos ei & canonicis fuis conceftimus fingulis percipiendos ad Scaccarium noftrum ad terminos prjrdi(itos, loco C folldatarum terrse qua? eis affignatae fuerunt in Manerio noftro de Tiiigdcn, pro Aninia Doinini J. Patris noftri, donee eis aflignaverimus alibi Centum folidatas terrse. In cujus rci teftinioiiium, has Liitcras nof- E e e tras ■394- ^f t^^^ Kings D E M E A N E s. Chap. X. t)f St. yohn and St. Stephen at Wejlminjler, had a Writ of Liberate Dormant, for paying them twelve Pounds and ten Pence every Year for their Salary ijj). Several Writs of Liberate were made and feal- ed according to the Contents of certain Bills, which were delivered to the Bidiop of London, then the King's Chancellour, under the Seal of the Bifhop of Coventry, at that Time the King's Treafurer and Lieutenant in England fij. A Compofition having been made at the Exchequer with Bernard Prior and certain Mariners for their Wages j a Cedule of the Sum adjudged to them was fent to the Treafurer's Lieutenant and Qiamberlains of the Exchequer for Payment thereof {k). Writs of Allocate were alfo frequently made in the Chancery, upon Bills tranfmitted thither from the Exchequer (/), In fine; if Money iflued out of the Exchequer unduly, he that received it with- out Warrant was liable to anfwer and account to the Crown for the fame [in). tras Patentes fieri fecimus. Telle me ipfo apud Weftir.onafterium, vij° die Septembris anno regni noftri xiij. Mag. Rot. 13. //. 3. in clorjh. Tit. Warewyk & Lciceftr. (7^) Rex Tiiefaurario &c falutem. Li- berate de Tlicfauro noftro fingulls annis, ciiiinq; Capellanis noftris miniftrantibus in CapellisS. Johannis &S. Stephani Weftmo- nafterij, duodecim libras & decern denarios pro ftipendijs fuis . Pat. 29. H. 3. m. 10. {2) Et memorandum quod ifta brevia {viz.. the Writs of Liberate entered above in the Roll) fafta & confignata fuerunt, juxta contincnciam quarundam billarum lub fi- gillo V'enerabilis patris W. Coventrenfis & Lych. EpifcopiThefturarij Regis, 5c locum ejus ill Anglia tenentis, Venerabili patri R. Londonienii Epifcopo Cancellario ipfius Regis, menfc Junij anno &c tricefimo quinto, liberatarum ad dicta brevia in for- ma dcbita facienda ; quae quidem biliae af- filantur inter billas de iflo anno. Lib. 23. E. I. m. I. in Ceil. (k) De compofitione fa<3a cum Bernardo Prior & marinarijs de Vadijs luis. Trin. Co7nmun. 19. E. 2. Rot. — a. (/) London. John de Lincoln Cuftos Catnbij iveis alloived what he laid out by the King's Order in repairing the Honfes of the/aid Cambium at the Toiver of London : Unde fumma totalis eftxvl liijs: De qua qui- dem fumma concordatum eft, quod idem Johannes habcat billam Cancellar[io] pro brevi de Allocate habendo . In the margin, Habet billam. Trin, Commun, 1.2. E. 2. Rot. 30. b. (m) Baronibus, pro Rege. Edward par la grace de Dieu &c. Por ceo qe nous avoms entendu, qe plufours gentz puis la mort noftre cher piere, qui DIeus aflioile, ount receu graunt fommes de dcners a la refceite du dit Efcheker, & iiors de la Tre- forie qe feut a noftre dit Pere, & qe ore eft noftre, faunz commaundement de nous : Vous mandoms & chargeoms fermcment enjoignantz, qe vous faces fercher par les peaux des chamberleyns du dit Efcheqer qe adunqes furont, comme bien de deners ount efte liures hors de la receite & de la 'I'reforie avaundites, & a queux pcrfones, & perqi comaundement, puis la mort nof- tre dit Pere, jufqes a la Seint Michel der- rein pafte ; E faces venir dcvaunt vous au dit Elcheqer, totes lesdites perfones qui unl refceu deners en la manete avauutdite, pur refpoundre & acounter de meifmes ceaux deners^ Done fouz noftre prive feal a Re- dinges, le ij jourde December Ian de noftre regne primer. Alieh. Brevia i. E. 2. Rot. 21. a. CHAP. Chap. XI. Of Fines for Liberties. 395 CHAP. XL Of Fines and Amerciaments. I, II. Of Fines for Liberties. I. T"^ I N E S Oblatas and Amerciaments made another Part of the J/ Crown-Revenue. Which Revenue, in the yearly Amount of it, was very confiderable ^ efpecially during the firfl Period. 'Tis furprizing to fee how numerous the Fines and Amercements appear- ing upon the Revenue-Rolls of the ancient Times, were, and how many various Ways they arofe. It mull: not be expefted, that I fliould go about to enumerate all the Kinds of them ; or that I fhould exhibit an hiftorical Dedudtion for each Kind which I fhall take Occafion to mention. Let them therefore, if you pleafe, for Order's fake, be reduced to two general Clafles, "viz. Fines and Amerce- ments for the Foreft, and Fines and Amercements in civil and cri- minal Cafes. As to Fines and Amercements for the Foreft; it will not, I conceive, be neceffary or very ufeful, to fpeak largely concern- ing them. It may fuffice to obferve, that by the Revenue-Rolls of KKK. Henry II, Richard \, and folm, they appear to be many and great ; fo that from the Foreft Counties, by Trefpafles, Defaults, Purpreftures, and otherwife, an ample Revenue was yearly raifed. As to Fines and Amercements in civil and criminal Cafes, I will treat firft of Fines, and afterwards of Amercements, What I would fay concerning Fines, fliall be reduced to thefe three general Heads : viz. Fines for Liberties, Fines in Law-proceedings, and Fines in general or of a mixt Nature. Under the Head of mifcellaneous Fines (a)^ we will treat of thefe following, 'viz. Fines relating to Offices, and to Trade ; Fines for Licences of feveral Sorts ; and Fines for Bene- volence, for Proteftion and Aid, for Seifin of Lands, &c. Upon each of the general Heads above mentioned, I muft beg leave to be co- pious ; partly, becaufe I would make it appear, that the Revenue urifing this Way was confiderable ; but efpecially, becaufe by the Account I Hiall give of thefe Matters, there will be fo niuch of the Ancient Law and Ufages of this Realm laid open, that I fuppofe the (a) I call them mifcellancsus, becaufe they are of feveral KirJs ; end are, for Alcthod's fake, rediaed here to one head. E e e 2 Reader /> 96 0/ F I N E s fo}' Liberties. Chap. XI. Reader will find in it fotnething not only new but curious and ufeful. In Reference to the profering, accepting, and paying of Fines, fe- veral Things may be obferved. For Inftance ; after a Fine hud been profered and accepted, if it fell out that the Party could not have or obtain the Thing for which he fined, he was then to be acquitted of the Fine. In which Cafe, in the ancient Times, his acquittal was ufually entered in the Words, fed 71011 debet hide fummoneri, together with the Caufe of fuch acquittal, ^ia non habuit reSlum nee habere potuJt, S^uia non habuit pro quo promijit, or the like. But fometimes, where the Party was for that Caufe to be acquitted of his Fine or cblatiim, he was obliged to pay a new Fine for fuch acquittal. Ro- bert Fitz-Ralf owcA. XXV Marks, that he might have a Record. But becaufe he could not have the faid Record, it was adjudged by the Barons of the Exchequer, that he fhould be acquitted of the xxv Marks. Neverthelefs, he paid a new Fine of xl s, for fuch acquit- tal [b). If the Party obtained the Thing for which he fined, as foon as he had either perpaid or fecured the Sum of fuch Fine, he was wont to have the King's Charter made to him accordingly. To fhew the Manner in which this ufed to be done, I have, in the fecond Sedlion of this Chapter, fet-down two or three Precedents, taken from the Charter-Rolls of K. John : to wit, in the Cafe of Gilbert Fitz-Reinfrey in the firfl Year of K. John ; in the Cafe of the Bur- gelTes of Dunwich in the fecond Year; and in the Cafe of the Men of Bojion and of Lenn in the fifth Year. If the Party fining failed in Payment of his Fine, he could not have his Charter for the Thing defired : as it appeareth in the Cafe of the Abbot and Monks of Bee [c), and of the Londoners (d). Again ; when a Fine had been profered, and refufed by the Crown ; in Cafe the Party profered an (I) Robertus filius Radulfi filij Bernard! Abbati & Monachis de Becco j Feriam, a- cebet xxv marcas, pro habendo recordo, pud Manerium fuum de Swinecumb, fin- ficut continetur in Rotulo viij^. Sed quia gulis annis per tres dies duraturam : &c. non potuit habere recordum prxdiftum, Teftibus &c. Datum per manum S. Prae- confideratum eft per Barones quod non pofiti Beverlaci &c apud S. Ebrulfum, xxij debet inde fummoneri. Five lines loiut-r, die Marcij anno &c quarto. I/i the Margin Robertus filius Radulfi filij Bernardi r c of the Charter-roll it is writtt-ri thus, CzmAh- de xl 5, Ut non fummoneatur de xxv mar- batis de Becco. Et notandum quod base cis quas promiferat pro habendo recordo. Carta fcripta fuit & figillaia in Normannia, ficut continetur in Rotulo viij"; quod re- anno regni Regis quarto ; Sed liberata fuit cordum habere non potuit; In th 1, Et anno quinto, eo quod Abbas prius non ha- Q; e Mag. Rot. 10. R. I. Rot. i. b. Bid. buit denarios ad quietandam Cartam iftam. bf Bedef. m. I. Rot. Cart. 5. Joh. m. 14. {c) Johannes D g &c. Sciatis quod con- {d) Hie paul. inf. fea, 2. ad ann. I. Joh. ccffimus 5f hac carta noftra confirmavimus, Gives Londonise dant. Addition, chap. XI. Of Fines foj- Liberties. 397 Addition, that Addition was called a-einent urn finis. Robert Son of Ralf profered firfl thirty Marks, and afterwards encreafed his prefer by ad- ding ten Marks more, to have a Concord confirmed (t'). Robert Bu/Jel profered a Fine of C Marks, to have an Inquifition ; and af- terwards added xx Marks by Way of crementiim Jims (f). Robert de Stokeport added two Palfreys to a Promijjiim which he had made to obtain a Confirmation for certain Lands \g). The like was done by others. II. Manifold Fines were paid for Grants and Confirmations of Liberties and Franchifes of fundry Kinds : In the fifth Year of K. Stephen, the Londoners fined in C Marks of Silver, that they might have Sherifi's of their own choofing [JS). Lucia Countefs of Che/ler fined in C Marks of Silver, that Ihe might do right in her Court be- tween her Vafi[als (/). U^rcd Son of Walleof \n xx Marks of Silver and iij Palfreys and iij Chafcurs, for the Liberties of Soke and Sake [k): and Ranulf Avenell in x Marks of Silver, for the like Liberties (/). Thomas Son of Uiivet fined in one Chafcur, that he might be Alderman in the Merchant-Gild of 2'^ork (m). In the Reign of K. Henry II : the Citizens of York fined in xl Marks of Silver for Re- fpite, that they might not be impleaded out of their County, until the King's Return (nj. The Burgeffes of Bedford hncd in xl Marks, to (e) Idem [Robertus filius Radulfi filij Bernardij debet x marcas, qiias poft pri- mam oblationem dc xxx marcis accrevit, per Rotulum Curi.-e. Alag, Rot. 22. Hen. 2. Rot. 5. k. Hunt. (Jf Cant. (f) Robertus Buflel debet xx marcas de Cremeiito finis C marcarum quern prius fe- cerat, Ut Inquiruio fiat fecundum primum fineni. Mag. Ret. 3. y. Rot. 20. a. Lane. (g) Robertus de Stokeport r c de x mar- cis pro ij palefridis de cremento de promifTo, pro habenda confirmatione Regis de tribus carrucatis terras in Birflafbrum. & in Kel- frimefhereng. In thefauro C s, & debet ij marcas & dimidiam. Mag. Rot. 3. "J. Rat. 20. a. Lane. (h) Nova l'lacita& Novae Conventiones. Homines Londonias reddunt compotum de Cmarijis argenti, Ut habeant V ic[ecomitesj ad ele£tionem fuam : In thefauro xxx 1 ; Et in Perdonis per Breve Regis, Regi Sco- tias xvj s, Rannulfo de Piclavia vij s, Epif- copo de Ely vj s & x d [And Jcvcral other fmall Sums to others ] ; Et debent xv 1 & vij s. Alag. Rot. 5. Steph. Rot. 15. a. (I) Et eadem [Lucia Coniitifla Ceftriae] debet C marcas argenti, Ut pofTit tcnere Reftum in Curia fua inter Homines fuos. lb. Rot. \2. a. Line. (k) Uctredus filius Wallcof r c de xx marcis argenti & iij palefridis & iij fugato- ribus, Pro Soca & Saca quae Rex ei conccf- flt. lb. Rot. 3. b. Norhiwib. (/) Rannulfus Avenelius r c de x mar- cis argenti, Ut haberet Socam & Sacani in terra fua. lb. Rot. 10. b. Siidf. (m) Thomas de Everwic filius Uliveti debet j fugatorem, ut fit Aldermannus in Gilda Mercatorum de Everwic. lb. Rot. j.b. (n) Gives Eboraci r c de xl marcis ar- genti, pro refpedtu ne placitarent extra Co- mitatum fuum donee Rex vcniret ; In the- fauro xl marcas, Et Quieti funt. Mag. Rot. 3. H, 2. Rot. 4. a. have 398 Of V INKS for Liberties. Chap. XI. have the fame Liberties as the Burgefles of Oxford had {o). The Burgeffes of ^/'rt'Tcy^z/rj' fined in ij Marks of Gold, to have their Town at Ferni (/>). The Burgefles of Bruges in xx Marks, to have their Town at Ferm (j'). The Men oi Andover in x Marks, to have the fame Liberties in their Gild, which the Men of Wilton and of Saref- bnry h.id in their Gild (r). Robert Son of Bujiard in x Marks, for a Confirmation of his Purchafes, and that he might not be impleaded except before the King or his Jullicier (j). The Men of Prejhn gave C Marks, to have the fame Liberties that the Men of Ne-wcafile had (/). The Men of Coventry gave xx Marks, to have the King's Confirmation of their Liberties {ti). The Citizens of Norwich four- fcore Marks, that they might have their Liberties &c (w). The Soke of Dunham xxx /, for a Confirmation of the Liberties which they had in the Time of K. Henry I (x). The Men o^ Brijloll L /, to have refpite, and that they might not plead without the Walls of their Town, till the King's Return into England fy). The Burgefles of Cambridge CCC Marks, and one Mark of Gold, to have their Town at Ferm, and be exempt from the Sheriff of the County's (5) Burgenfes de Bedeford r c de x! mar- cis, pro Cart.i Regis habenda, Ut Tint in 1/ibertate Biirgcnfium de Oxineford ; Inthe- fauro xxx marcas, Et debent x marcas. ji/c?"-. R'A. 13. H. 2. Rot, 7. a. Buchingcb. y Bed. [p) Burgenfcs de Salopcfbcri re de ij mar- cis aiiri, pro habenda villa fua ad nrmam ut dicunt ; In Thelauro xij 1 pro ij marcis aiiri, Et Quiet! funt. Mag.' Rot. ih. H. 2. Rot. g. b. Salopejc. (q) Burgenfes de Brug. r c de xx mar- cis, pro habenda villa fua ad firmam : In Th. 1, Et Q, f. Ih. juxt. (r) Homines de Andeura r c de x marcis, Pro habenda eadem Libertate in Gilda fua, quam Homines de Wiltona & de Sarefberia habent in Gilda fua ; In thefauro liberave- runt, Et Qiiieti funt. Aliig. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 13. rt. Hnatefdra. (s) Robertus lilius Buftardi debet x mar- cas, pro conflrmatione de perquifitionibus fuis, Et ne ponntur in placitum nifi coram Rege vei Julticia fua. Mag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. (/) Homines de Prefton r c de C marcis, Pro habenda Carta Regis, ut habeant Li- btrtates quai Homines de Novo Caftro ha- bent. lb. Rot. 5. b. Lancafra. (u) Homines de Covintre r c dc xx mar- cis, Pro habenda conflrmatione Regis de Liiaertatibus fuis. Afag. Rot. 2S. H. 2. Rot. 8. <7. ffW. iif Lcgerct/ir. tit. De Placitis Curi.r, (lu^ Gives Norwici r c dequater xx mar- cis, proCanibio, 5c pro libertatibus fuis ha- bendis, & pro habendo refpeiStu de Aflifa de Nova difr[aifina] ; In th. 1, Et Q, f. Mag. Rot. 29. H. 2. Rot. 2. /'. m. I. Norf. &f Sudf. (.\) Scka de Dunham r c de xxx 1, pro habenda conflrmatione de Libertatibus fuis quas habuerunt tempore Regis Henrici ; la Thefauro vij 1 & x s, Et debent xxij 1 & X s. Alag. Rot. 29. H. 2. Rot. 8. a. Not. y Dereb. Socha de Dunham r c de xxij I & xs, pro habenda conflrmatione de Libertatibus fuis quas habuerunt tempore Regis Henrici. Alag. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. 7. b. Not. isr Denb. (y) Homines de Briftou r c de L!, pro habendo refpeftu, & ne placitent extra niuros villre fuse, donee Rex veniat in An- gliam. Alag. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. 5. intermeddling chap. XI. (9/ F 1 N E s for Libert i e s. ;99 intermeddling [z). In the Reign of K. Richard I : the Knights of Surrey fined in CC Marks, to be quit of all Things pertaining to the Forell {a). The Burgefles oi Northampton fined in xxx /, to have their Town at Ferm, and for their Liberties fb). The Wapentake of Anejly gave xix/ & xj d, to have Qnitance of the Foreil by the King'a Charter, and to be no longer within the Forefi: (f). The Burgeffcs of Carlile gave x Marks, to have their Liberties [dj. Robert de Car- dinan gave x Marks, that he might have a Market at Lojhvethiel [e). The Fullers of Whichcjlcr x Marks, for a Confirmation of their Liberties (f). The County of Bedford xx Marks, to have a Charter of Liberties of the Foreil (g). The Burgelles of Tork CC Marks, for their Liberties (h). And many other Towns and Perfons at various Times, in the Reigns of KK. Richard L and fohn, fined in various Sums, for Grants and Confirmations of divers Sorts of Liberties, Franchifes, and Exemptions, according to the Tenour of the refpeftive Records hereunder cited; that is to fay ; the Men of Ipfwich (/), the Citizens of Norwich {k)^ the Men of Ketjicvene and Hoiland (/), the Men of Puntdeburk [z) Burgenfes de Cantebr. r c de CCC marcis h j marca auri, ut habeant villam fuam ad firmam, & ne Vicecomes fe iiide intromittat ; In thefauro xl marcas, Et de- bent CC & Lx marcas & j marcam auri. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 4. b. (a) Milites de Surreia red CC marcis, Ut fint amodo quieti de omnibus quae per- tinent ad foreftam ab aqua V\'aia5 ufq; Can- tiam, & a Strata de GeJdedon ufq; Meri- diem, quantum Surreia durat. Mag. Rot. 2. R. 1. Ret. 12. b. Surr. (b) Burgenfes de Norhantona r c de xxx 1, pro habenda Villa fua ad firmam, & pro Libcrtatibus fuis habendiii : In th. 1, £t Q. f. Mag. Rot. 3. R. u Rot. 12. a. (c) Wapentacum de Anefli r c de xix 1 & xj d, pro habenda Quietantia forefts per Cartam Domini Regis, & quod non fit am- plius inforefta. Mag. Rot. 5. i2. i. Ret. ^.a. Evcrivlchfc. (il) Burgenfes de Carliolo r c de x mar- cis, pro Libcrtatibus fuis habendis ; In tb. 1, Et Q. f. lb. Rot. 6. a. Cumb. (t) Roberrus de Cardinan debet x mar- cas, pro habendo foro apud LoftwetcU. Afag. Rot. 6. R. 1. Rot, 12. a. m. 2. Cor- auwalia. (f) Fullones Wintonise r c de x marcis, pro liabenda Carta Regis de Confirmatione Libertatum fuarum. Mng. Rot. 6. R. I-. Rot. 15. a. Sudha?it. (g) Et [Galfridusfilius Petri re] de xx marcis de Comitatu de Bedeford, pro ha- benda Carta fua de Libcrtatibus P'oreft.-e. Mag. Rot. S. R. I. Rot. 6. b. poj? Sudfexam. (h) Burgenfes de Everwich dcbent CC marcas. Pro Libcrtatibus fuis habendis. uMag. Rot. -J. R. I. Rot. 7. a. til. De Pro- mi-ffis. (i) Homines de Gipefwiz red Lx mar- cis. Pro habenda Villa fua in manu fua per Crementum C folidorum per annum de fir- ma, Et pro Confirmatione Domini Regis de Libcrtatibus fuis. M.'ig. Rot. 6. R. I. Rvt. 4. b. Nordfokh & Sudfolch. (k) Gives de Norwico rede CC marcis. Pro habenda Confirmatione Libertatum Ci- vitatis fuse per Cartam Domini Regis Ri- cardi, Et pro habenda Civitate in manu fua, ita ut refpondeant de firma debita, ad Scae- carium deTermino S. Michaelis -, In tb. I, Et Q. funt. lb. Rot. 4. b. cod. tit. (I) Homines de Ketftevena & dc Hol- landa dcbent C marcas, Ut fint ad tale Ser- vitiun 400 Of Fines for Liberties. Chap. XI. Puntdebiirk(m), The Burgeflcs of Dowc^^r (//), the Men oi Lincoln (o), the Burgelles o^WorceJler (p), the Abbat oi Per/ore (q), the Men of Ipj-wkh (a-), the Burgelies of Scardeburgh (j), Gilbert hitz-Remfrey (/), the Abbat of Burgh (u), the Fullers of JVincheJier (w), the Citizens of Lincoln {x), the Citizens of London fy), Philipp Biihop oi Durham (2), vitium Cairucatarum & Hydag. ficut fole- bant elTe temporibus Anteceflorum Domini Regis ; fciiicet ad defendendum v Ciirruca- tas de Ketftevene & de Hoilanda contra duas Carrucatas deLindefia. lb. Rot. 8. a. Line. (;«) Homines de Puntdeburc debent x marcas, pro habenda tali confirmatione de Domino Rege, qualem habuerunt de H. Rege Patre. Mag. Rot. b. R. i.Rot.ii.b. Everwic. (n) Burgenfes de Danecaftra r c de L marcis, pro habenda Villa & Socha fua ad firmam, pro C k xxv marcis per annum ; In th. 1, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 6. R. u Rot. 1 1 . i. Everwkfc. {o) Homines de Lincolnia r c de D mar- cis, Pro habenda tali Confirmatione de Do- mino P.ege de Libertatibus fuis, qualem ha- bent Burgenfes de Norhanton. lb. eod. Rot. 8. b. (p) Burgenfes de Wirceftria r c de x marcis, Ut fint in eo ftatu Libertatis fua; verfus Homines de Gloeccftria, quo fuerunt tempore quo finem iftum fecerunt, donee Rex venerit in Angliam vel aliud inde pras- ceperit. lb. Rot. q. b. {q) Abbas de Perfora [debet] x marcas, Pro habendo foro die Mercurij fingulis fep- timanis apud Bradeweiam. Mag. Rot. 8. R. I. Rot. I. b. IVireceftr. tit. De Promiflis, per H. Cant. Archiepifcopum. (r) Homines de Gipefwiz debent Lx mar- cas, pro habendis Libertatibus fuis. Mag. Rot. -j. R. 1. Rot. 6. a. Norf. y Sudf. (j) Burgenfes de Scardeburc debent vj marcas, pro Libertatibus fuis habendis, fi- cut Carta quam habent teflatur. lb. Rot. 7. t. m. 2. Everivichjcira. (t) Gilebertus fiiius Reinfridi r c de CI, Pro habendis vj libratis Terrae& Quietantia de Cornagio, & alijs Libertatibus fuis ha- bendis, fecundum tenorem Cartae Regis quam inde habet. Mag. Rot. g. R. 1. Rot. i.b. JVeJlmerieland. Tit. Oblata fa), the Burgefles of Oxford (c), the Abbat of St. Alban (d), the Men of Ketjievenc and Hoildnd {e), the Abbat of 7'ork, the Burgefles of Scardeburgh, the Burgelfes of York, the BurgelTes of Beverly, and the Abbat of S. Mary of Tork ffj, the Burgefles of Dumvich [g), the Burgefles of Sarejb'iry (a) Gilebertus filius Reinfridi r c de CI, Pro Cam's fuis confirmandis ; Et pro ha- bendis furchijs Si folFato in feodo quod te- net per fervitium feodi Militis de Rege in Comitatu Lancaftriae; Et utConvciuio fac- ta inter Regem Ricardum & ipfum tenea- tur, fuper quietancia de Cornagio ; Et pro tcnenda terra in Kendale in pace, qiiam ha- bet de dono Regis Ricardi : Per Plegium Jobannis Bricwerre de xxx marcis, & per plegium Radulfi Gernun de xxx marcis, & per plegium Robert! de la Mare de xx marcis, & per plegium Ricardi de Vernun de X marcis, & per plegium Gilcberti de Norfolch de xx marcis, ii per plegium Ri- cardi de MalebilFe de xl marcis. Sed re- i'pondet inde in Lancaftre in anno fequenti. lb. Rot. 15. i. Weftmerieland. Johannes Dg&c. Sciatis nos concefllfle hi prsfenti Carta noftraconfirmaflejGilberto filio Rogeri filij Reinfridi & hsredibus fuis port eum, liberam Curiam 5c furcam & f'ofTam cum Socc & Sacc, Tall h Them, & Infengenthef, in feudo Militis quod tenet de Honore Lancaftrias, h Mercatum in Warton fingulis Ebdomadis uno die, fcili- cet die Mercurij. Quare volumus & firmi- ter przcipimus, quod prxdiftus Gilbertus & hsredes fui port eum, habeant & tencant omnes prtedidtas Libertates & Mercatum prsediftum, bene & in pace, libcre & quiete, integre, plenarie, & honorifice in perpetu- um, cum omnibus Libertatibus &; liberis Confuetudinibus ad hujufmodi Curiam & Mercatum pertinentibus. Ita tamen quod Mercatum illud non fit ad nocumentum vi- cinorum mercatorum. Teftibus W. Lon- donienfi hi. G.Wintonienfi Epifcopis, G. fi- lio Petri &c. Data per manus S. Wellen- i:s Archidiaconi & J. de Gray Archidiaconi (jlouceftrise apud Poreceftr. xxvj die Aprilis Anno Regni noltri primo. Rot. Cart. i. "Job. Par. 2. n. 148. (b) Nova oblata fadta coram Rege in Vol. I. partibus tranfmarinis, & miffa Galfrido filio Petri : Burgenfes de Cantebr. [debent] CC & L marcas, pro habenda Villa fua ad fir- mam, hi talibus Libertatibus quas Liberi & Uominici Burgi Domini Regis habent qui Libertates habent. Robertus filius Akari r c de iiij marcis, pro brevi Novse diffaifin^ &c. Mag. Rot. I. Job. R'jt. 12. a. Cant. &f Hunt. [c) Burgenfes Oxenefordis r c de CC marcis. Pro confirmatione habenda de Li- bertate fua, quam habuerunt tempore H. Re- gis Patris Regis ; hi pro Libertate quam Cives Londoniae habent ; & pro habenda Villa fua ad firmam, refpondendo de firma ad duos terminos anni, licut Carta eoruin teftatur. lb. Rot. 16. b. Oxenefordfcira. {d) Abbas S. Albani [debet] CCC & x marcas. Pro habenda quietantia Carrucagij, & pro habenda Prote£lione ne refpondcat nifi coram Rege, & pro habendis Libertati- bus fuis ficut continetur in Carta. Mag. Rot. 2. J. Rot. 3. b. E£cx bf Hurtfordfcira. (e) Homines de Ketftevene & de Hoilandc r c de C libris, Ut Carrucagium de eis ca- piatur ut antiquitus folet capi, fcilicet v car- rucae contra ij carrucas de Lindefeia. lb. Rot. 6. a. Line. (f) Abbas Ebor. r c de C libris, pro Cartis fuis renovandis. Burgenfes de Scardeburc debent xl marcas, pro Confirm;;tione Carts fua?, quam habent de Rege H. Patre Regis, de Libertatibus Villas fuae. Burgenfes Ebo- raci r c de L marcis, pro Confirmatione Cartarum fuarum de Libertatibus fuis, Bur- genfes de Beverlaco debent D marcas, pro habenda Nova Carta de Libertatibus & quietantijs fuis, hi pro Cartis fuis confirman- dis. Abbas S. Marije Eboraci debet j palc- fridum, pro habenda Confirmatione Regis de Deciina Venationis. lb. Rot. 8. h. E- vcrvj'icb. (g) Burgenfes de Dunwiz [debent] CC marcas Sc v Miliaria anguillaru.n, pro ha- F f f bendo 40 2 Of Fines for Liberties. Chap. XT. Surejbiry (Zi), the BurgefTes of Divifcs (/), the Templars (/•), the Burgelll'S of Southampton (/), the Burgeiies of Prejlon (mj, the Ab- bot of Lillcjlndl («), the Priour of Lancajler (o), Hugh dc Merevill bendo Wrec & Lagan, ficut continetur in Carta ("ua ; Et C marcas, Ut Carta de Li- bertatibus eis teneatur. lb. Rot. lo. b. Nor- folch. Uf Sudf. Johannes D g he. Sciatis nos concef- filTe & praefenti carta confirmafie Burgenfi- bus noftris de Dunewichge quod Burgum de Dunewichge fit Liberum Burgum nof- trum ; & habeat foccain & faccam & Toll & Theam & Infangenthef ; & quod ipfi per totam terram noftram quieti fint de The- lon[io], & leftagio, & pafTagio, & ponta- gio, & ftallagio, & de leue, & de danegeld, & de ewagio, de wrec h lagan, & de om- nibus alijs confuetudinibus ; falva libertate Civitatis Londonioe; Et quod ipfi rec- tam & folitam firmam fuam per manum I'uam redJant ad Scaccarium noftrum ; & quod nullam fectam faciant Comitatuum velHundredoruiTi,nifi coram Jufticiarijs nof- tris ; Et cum fummoniti fuerint erte coram Jufticiarijs, mittant pro fe xij legales homi- nes de Burgo fuo, qui fint pro eis omnibus ; & fi forte amerciari debuerint, per fex pro- bos homines de Burgo fuo & per fex probos homines extra Burgum amercientur. Con- ceflimus etiam eis, quod filios & filias fuas poflint libere ubi voluerint in Terra noftra maritare, & viduas fimiliter per confilium amicorum fuorum ; & perquifitiones fuas de tenis & ediricijs in villa fua, poffint dare aut vendere, aut facere inde quod voluerint & quando voluerint. Conceflimus etiam eis Hanfam hi Glldam mercatoriam, ficut ha- bere confueverunt. Qviare volumus & fir- miter pn-Ecipimus, quod prsdi£H Burgenfes noftri prffiiiominatas libertates & liberas con- iuetLidines habeant h teneant, libere pacifice & integre, fine omni inpedimento. T. E. Elyenfi Epifcopo Willelmo Marefcallo he. Data per manum H. Ca.ituarienfis Archi- epifcopi Cancellarij noftri apud Rupem Au- rivall[is], xxix die Junij anno r n primo. Rot. Cart. I. Job. par. 2. nu. 164. [b) Burgenfes Sarefbiri^ [debent] x inarcas, pro habcnda confirmatione Regis de liberWtibus fuis fccundum cartam Regis patris Regis. Mag. Rot. 2. J. Rot. i\. b. JFilt. tit. Nova Oblata. (i) Burgenfes de Divifis debent xij mar- cas li j palefridum, Ut habeant cartam Re- gis de cartis fuis confirmandis quas habent de patre Regis. Mag. Rot. 2. Job. Rot. II. b. JFilt. eod. tit. [i) Templarij debent M libras (fed re- fpondent infra), pro Confirmatione Carta- rum fuaruni, Et ut fint quieti de amercia- mentis quas exigunturab eis ad Scaccarium ; Debent etiam habere fajfinam Infulae, unde diffaifiti fuerunt fine Judicio ; Et cum faifiti fuerint, debent inde juri parere, Templa- rij reddunt compotum de M libris, pro Confirmatione Cartarum fuarum, ficut fu- pra continetur ; In thefauro Nichil, tt ipfi Regi M libras per Breve Regis, Et Quieti funt. lb. Rot. II. a. Lond.& Midd. [l) Burgenfes de Suthanton [debent] C libras, Pro habenda villa de Suthanton ad firmam in perpetuum, pro CC libris per annum, cum portu de Portefmue h omni- bus alijs pertinentijs ad firmam illius villas, unde eadem villa faifita fuit tempore Regis H. lb. Rot. 14. b. Sudbantcfcira. Suhamtefira. Burgenfes de Hamton dant Domino Regi CI, Pro habenda Villa de Suhamton ad firmam inperpetuum pro CC I per annum, cum Portu de Portu Mues, h omnibus alijs pertinentijs ad firmam VilliE- de Hamton pertinentibus, unde eadem Villa faifita fuit tempore Regis H. Et habent Car- tam Domini Regis inde de praediita firma refpondenda ad feftum S. Alichaelis ad Scaccarium Domini Regis. Oblat. i. "J. m. 19. (m) Burgenfes de Prefton r c de Lx mar- cis & iiij chafcurs, pro Confirmaiione cartae fu?e. Mag. Rot. 2. Job. Rot. 17. a. Lan- cajlra. (n) Abbas de Ljllefhull debet xxl, pro habenda carta noftra de communibus liber- tatibus & quietantijs, Mag. Rot. 2. Job. Rot. 8. b. m. I. Everivicfcira. (0) Prior de Lancaftra r c de ij bonis Palcfridis vel de x marcls, Pro habenda Pfotedtionc chap. XI. Of Fines fo7' Liberties. 40; (/)), the Men of Grime/by fq), the Burgefles oi Exeter (r), G. BiOiop of Wincbejler (s), tlie Men of Kaermcrdm (tj, the Men of Burgb fu), the Men of Hcllejlon (ivj, the Burgefles of Prejlon (x), the Men of Newcajlk upon T^ine, and the Men of Neioburne fy), tlie Men of Robiri, the Men of Jaclinton, and the Men of Corbrid" hsercdibus fuis, Liberta- libu-s & Coiifuetudinibus quas in eadem Villa antiquitus habuerunt & habere debue- runt; Et pro habenda inde Carta Regis, lb. Rot. 18. b. Norfolch^ Sudfckh. Johannes D g &c. Noveritis nos, ad inftantiam & petitionem wenerahilis patris noftri J. Norwicenfis Epifcopi fecundi, con- cefGfle & hac prasfenti carta nofha confir- maffe, quod Villa de Lenna fit Liber Bur- gus in perpetuum, & habeat omncs liber- tates & liberas confuetudines, quas Liberi Burgi noftri habent in omnibus. Salvis ip- fi Epifcopo & fucceflbribus fuis, & Willelmo Comiti Arundelliae & hercdibus fuis, liber- tatibus & confueiudinibus quas ipfi in prae- difta villa antiquitus habuerunt. Quare volumus &c . Teftibus, Domino Cantuarienfi Archiepifcopo, W. Londoni- enfi Epifcopo, G. filio Petri Comite EiFexias R. Comite Ceftriae, Gaufrido de Say, he. Data per manum Simonis Praepofiti de Be- verlaco &c apud Lamheham, xxvij die Januarij anno regni noftri quinto. Rot, Cart. 5. yob. m. 14. (f) Homines de Lancaucton r c de v marcis. Per fic quod Mercatum de Lan- caucton, quod folet efie per diem Domini- cam, fiat per diem Jovis. Mag. Rot. y. J. Rot, 1. a. Corneivallia, (i) Egidius Epifcopus Herefordenfis r c de ij Palefridis, pro habenda Carta Regis de Libertatibus fuis. lb. Rot. 22. b. Here/. (h) J. Epifcopus Norwicenfis [debet] j Palcfridum, pro habendis quibufdam Lit- teris Patentibus de Libertatibus qua;fcriptx funt in Magna Carta ; Et j Palefridum, pro dupplicanda Carta de Len. lb. Rot. 20. bis nunuraio. (i) Burgenfes de Salopefbiria r c de C marcis, pro habenda Villa de Salopefbiria ad feodi firmam cum hundr. ad illam per- tin. & cum alijs Libertatibus qusecontinen- tur in Carta Re^is quam habent. lb. Rot. ■j.b. (ij Burgenfes Gloeceflriae r c de^ C marcis,, 40 8 Of Fines for Liberties. Chap. XI. of his Church of Ocham and the Chapells belonging to it (/), the Barons, Knights and free Tenants of the Rape of Hafiings {m), the Men of Gr/wtj/Zy/ (tt), the BurgelTes oi Mcrleherge [o), Geojjrty Fitz- Pierre for the ? nor ck oi yippleton {p), the Abbot and Canons of GrJmeJby (^), the Barons of Pevenejil (r), the Citizens of London (j-), He?iry de la Pomeraie for the Men of Exeter (/), Philipp Bifhop of Durham («), the Priour and Monks of Worcejler f'wj, the Men of marcis, pro liatenda Villa Gloeceftriae ad firmam, ficut folebant, fecuiidum Cartam fuam quam de Rege habeiit. Mag. Rot. 8. y^h. Rot. 2. a. Glcece/irefchira. (I) Jacobus Salvagius debet iij Palefridos, Ut omnesTenentes Ecclefiee fus de Ocham & Capellarum ad eandem Ecclefiam perti- iientium, liberi fint & quieti in peipetuum lie Sedtis Scirarum & Hundredorum, & de Auiilijs Vicecomitis & omnium B.iillivorum be Miniftrorum fuorum, & de omnibus alijs qiine ad Vicecomitem vel Baillivos vel Mi- niftros fuos pertinent. lb. Rot. 5. b. Kent, (m) Barones & ]Vlilites& Libere tenentes de Rapo de Haftinges [debent] Lx marcas ti j palefridum, quod quieti fint de commu- ni Summonitione Placitorum Forefta, cum Jufticiarij in Comitatum Sudfexis veneiint ad placita Foreftse placitanda ; Ita quod omnes de Rapo illo qui inde cum eis quieti efle voluerint, participes fiant ad Finem ; De quibus Coni^abularius debet refpondere. lb. Ret. 6. b. Sudpx'u!. (n) Homines de Grimefbi [debent] Lx marcas & ij Palefridos, Pro habenda villa lua de Grimefbi ad feodi firmam, per anti- quam firmam & per Crementum. lb. Rot, 10. a. Line. {0) Burgenfes de Merleberge debent x marcas, Per fie quod Burgenfes de Briftoil non vexent eos in aliquo contra Libertatem Carta; Regis. lb. Rot. 1^. b. JViltrfira. (p) G. filius Petri debet j Palefridum pro Priorifla de Appelton, cui Rex concelTit quietantiam de Comitatu & Wapentac & de Sedf is eorum, & de auxilijs Vicecomitum & Servientum eorum, & quod non ponatur in placitum de aliquo Dominico fuo nifi co- ram Rege vel Capitali Jufticiario fuo. Mag. Ret. g. J. Rit. 3. b. LincollJ'chha. (q) Abbas & Canonici de Grimefbi de- bent XXX marcas, Ut homines eorum ma- nentes in terra quam eifdem Canonicis ded. ad feodi firmam in villa de Grimefbi, non fequantur Curiam Burgenfium de Grimefbi, fed propriam prasdidtorum Canonicorum ; nee de aliquo fint refpondentes prsdiiflie Curiae Burgenfium ; ita tamen, quod fi Rex tailliaverit Burgenfes, prasfati homines Ca- nonicorum taillientur per fe. Ibid. Rot. 3. b. Line. (?) Barones de Pevenefel debent xl mar- cas, pro habenda licentia facienda unam Villam fuper Galetum inter Pevenefel & Langelee, Tenendam per Libertates quas homines de v Portubus habent, Et quod habeant fingulis annis unam Feriam duratu- ram per vij dies in Natali S. Johannis Bap- tiftae, & pro j Mercato fingulis Dominitis diebus, ita quod non fint he. Hid. Rot, 5. b, Sudfexia ; Nova Oblata. (i) Cives Londonia [debent] j bonum Tonellum Vini, pro Carta fua dupplicanda. Idem [deben:] xiij 1 & xvij s & vd, pro Libertatibus fuis habendis. Ibid. Rot. 5. b. Vid. infra (z). (t') Henricus de la Pomeraie debet mar- cas, Ne homines de Lideford habeant melio- rem Libertatem quam homines Exoniie. lb. Rot. 1%. b. Dcvt'nefcira. (u) Philippus Epifcopus Dunelmenfis r c de M I, Pro habenda benevolentia Regis, h pro habenda quietantia de omnibus teiris fuis & feodis in Ebor. & Line, de Scdtis Scirarum & Hundredorum, & de Auxilijs Vicecomitum & aliorum, fecundum teno- rem Carta; fuse quam inde de Rege habet ; & pro habendo Aufilio de Terris fuis quod modo alTifum eft, fcilicet de marca xij d ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. lb. Rot. 7. a. (w) Prior & Monachi VVigorniae r c de C mnrcis & j Palefrido, Ut habeant in quaruor Chap. XI. 0/ Fin E s for Liberties. 409 of Kingfioji {x), Agnes de Clifford (_y), the Citizens of London {z), the Burgefles of Southampton {a), the Prlour of Durham (b), Robert de Marjigham {c), the Men of the Wapentak of Anejiy {d), the Burgefles of Tarmouth (ej, Richard de Luci ff), the Abbat of Peter- burgh (g), Henry Bifet for deafforefting his Wood of Borkfc and his quatuor Manerijs fuis, fcilicet Lindrugge, Wulwardeflega, Stoka, & Clive, & in om- nibus pertinentijs eorum, Socam & Sacam, & Tol h. Team, & Infangenethief, cum Judicijs Aquas & Ignis & Furcarum & Fer- ri, & cum quictantijs aJiarum Libertatum, ficut continetur in Cartis Regum quas inde habent ; In thefauro Nichil, Et in Perdo- nis ipfis Priori & Monachis C marcas, Per breve Regis, Et debent j Palcfridum ; In thefauro v marcas pro Palefrido, Et Quie- ti funt. Ibid. Rot. 19. b. JVtreceJireJcira. {x) Homines de Kingefton r c de C 1, Pro habenda in manu fua integre Villa de Kingefton cum pertinentijs ad Feodi firmam. Reddendo indeannuatim ad Scaccarium per manum fuam LI; De quibus pacabuiit xxviij 1 & xs Bl., fcilicet Antiquam fir- rnam, & Refiduum pacabunt Numero, Si- cut in Carta eorum quam de Rege habent continetur. Mag. Rot. 10. 'J. Rot. 1. a. Surre'ia. (y) Agnes quae fuit uxor Walter! de Clifford [debet] j bonum PalefriJum, Qiiod habeat tota Vita fua Manerium fuum de Witham, Et Homines ejufdem Manerij qui fui funt habeant quietantiam dc Sciiis & hundredis, & Se£lis Comitatuum, & Auxi- ]ijs Vicecomitum & omniuni Bailivorum fuorum; Et pro habendis Litteris Regis de hoc Patentibus. lb. Ret. i. h. Kent. (z) Idem [i. e. Gives Londonias] r c de xiij 1 & xvij s & V d. Pro Libertatibus fuis habendis ; But this Debt is cancelled in the Roll, a Line being drawn under it, Qiiia re- cordatum eft, quod Finem fecerunt pro MMM marcis, pro habendis Comitatibus ad Antiquam firmam, fcilicet pro CCC li- bris Bl.; de qua fumma prasdidtae xiij 1 & xvij s & V d funt. Jb. Rot. 3. b. Londonia tf Middelfexa. [a) Burgenfes de Suthamtonia [debent] xl marcas & duo dolia vini de Aucerra, pro habenda Villa fua de Suthamtonia ; Et Vot, I. reddent Regi infra nonum f annum Regni Regis omnia debita quae ei debent ; Iia quod Rex eis locari faciat C s per annum in flrma fua, pro Terra quam Rex Ricar- dus dedit Canonicis S. Dionifij in clemo- fma. lb. Rot. 6. b. Suthamt. + Probably, this Fine was profered in the gth Tear. (b) Prior Dunhclmenfis r c de D mar- cis & vij Palefridis, pro fe & Hominibus fuis, pro Libertatibus fuis utendis, ficut fo- lebant tempore P. Dunhehnenfis Epifcopi, tam in Forefta quam alibi, Et pro habendo Bofcho de Heiwurd quod idem Epifcopus eis reddidit. Ibid. Rot. 7. b. (c) Robertus filius Radulfi de R-Iarfig- ham r c de j Palefrido, Ut non ponatur in aiiqua Affifa vel Recognitione, nifi fit de Jure Regis attingendo, fi forte contentio inter Regem & alios oriatur ; In thefauro v marcas pro PalefriJo, Et Quietus eft. Ibid. Rot. 8. /'. (d) Homines de Wapentaco de Anefti r c de C & XX marcis & iij palefridis, Ut ipfi 5c hiercdes eorum fint quieti de Foref- tagio ; &: ut totum illud wapentac fit quic- tum de omni Foreftagio ; & ut illud cum omnibus pertinentijs fuis fit extra Foreftam. Mag. Rot. 10. J. Rot. 1 8. a. Everwicbfcira. (e) Burgenfes de Gernemue r c de C marcis & x Millibus Allecium, Per fie quod habeant Burgum de Gernemue ad Feodi firmam inperpetuum ; & quod Bur- gus ille Liber Burgus fit, ficut in Carta Regis quam habent continetur. lb. Rot. 8. b. Notfolch y Suthf. (f) Ricardus de Luci [debet] i bonum Palefridum, Pro habendo fingulis annis unam Feriam apud Manerium fuum de Renglas, duraturam per j diem, ad feftum S. Jacobi ; & pro habendo uno Mercato ibi qualibet die Sabbati ; ita quod non fit ad nocumentum Vicinarum feriarum & vici- norum Mercatorum. lb. Rot. 10. a. Cumb. {g) Abbas de Burgo r c de C Sc xl G g o- marcis, 41 o Of Fines for Liberties. Chap. XI. his Manour of Kcdemmjlre {h), the Knights and Freeholders of the Honour of Brariblc {ij, the Burgeffes of Sbrewpury fk), the Men of Cornivall (I), the Burgeffes of Shorcham [m), the Tenants of the Biflioprick of Durham who held Lands in Lincolnjlnrc (n), Alan de Mimby foj, the Men of JVarham (/>), Hugh PaJJekwe (c[), Roald Fitz- marcis, pro ij Cartisrenovandis, ficut con- tinetur in Rotulo iij. lb. Rot, 12. a. Nor- hamiefcira, (b) Henricus Bifet debet CI, pro ha- bendo Bofco de Borlefc, & ut ille Bofcus & Manerium fuum de Kedeminiflre fint deaforeftata, ficut perambulata fuenint per Vifum H. de Nevill & Militum Provintiae. Mag. Rot. 11. y. Rot. 6. L TVireceJlrefcira. (i) Milites & libere tenentes de Honore de Bramble r c de C 1 & j bono paltfrido, Pro Libertutibus fuis habendis quas habue- runt tcinporibus Dominoriim ("uoruin, fe- ciindum conruetudinem eorum antiquam ; Salvo hoc, quod quietum clamant venari in Warenna Regis, quamdiu Honor ille fue- rit in manu Regis ; Et pro habenda inde Carta Regis. Mag. Rot. ii. J. Rot. i. a. Sudfexia. (k) Burgenfes de Salopefbiria debent xx marcas h j Palefridum, Pro habenda Carta Regis, quod nullus emat infra Burgum de Salopefbiria Coria recentia ve! Pannum crudum, nifi fit in Lotto, h aflideatur & taillietur cum eifdem Burgenfibus. lb. Rot. IT,, b. Salopefdra. (I) Nova Oblata : Finis inde dcbuit in- Irare in Rotulo fequenti, quia non eft de hoc anno x° fed de anno fequenti : Homines lie Cornubia debent D marcas, Pro habendo Vicecomite qui eos Jufte deducat ; Et CC marcas, ut Rex remittat eis Malivolentiani fuam : Set ifta debita conprehenfa funt in fine fubfcripto : Idem Homines reddunt compotum de M ii CCC marcis, conpu- tatis in fine ifto fupradictis DCC marcis, Qiiod Rex conflituat eis Vicecomitem de fe ipfis, Et talem qui omnino fit refidens in hoc Comitatu, Ita quod ipfe eorum fit Vicecomcs quamdiu Regi placuerit & ei bene fervierit, Et cum Rex Vicecomitem ilium amovere voluerit, alius de fe ipfis fub eadem forma eis prasficiatur, Et quod ipfe Vicecomes fi forisfeccrit, non per Comi;a- tum vel per Judicium Comitatus, per fe ipfum de fuo id Regi emendet ; Et pro ha- benda inde Carta Regis : 'I'ermini, ad Scaccarium Pafchae anni fequentis CC & L marcae, Et ad Scaccarium fequens pofl: CC & L marcas, Et ad quodlibet Scaccarium poft CC marcas ; In thefauro CC &: iij, marCEe, Et debent M & quater xx & xvij marcas. Mng. Rot. lo. f. Rot. 12. b. Cornubia. (m) Burgenfes de Sorham r c de xxx marcis. Pro habenda Villa fua ad firmam pro Lxx 1, cum ea Libertate quam Villa ilia folebat habere, quamdiu Regi placuerit ; Et pro habendo PafTagio fuo quamdiu Regi placuerit ; Et quod iint quieti de mala tolta ; ita tamen quod nee equus ukra pretium trium marcarum, nee Canis, nee Nuncius ignotus, necaliquis Burgenfis vel mercator ibidem habeat paflagium, fine brevi Regis, & nifi jurent quod nuncium non ferent nifi ad honorem Regis. Mag. Rot. 11. jfeh. Rot. I. a. Surifexia. (n) Tenentes de Epifcopatu Dunelmenfi in LincoUfira r c de iiij Bonis Palefridis, quod Vicecomes Lincolnias permittat eis habere Libertates & Liberas Confuetudines quas homines de prasdicSo Epifcopatu ha- bent, fecundum tenorem Cartje Regis quam habent. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 2. a. (0) Alanus de Munbi r c de C marcis & iij bonis Palefridis, quod fit quietus de Sec- tis Comitatuum Si Hundredorum tota Vita, fua. Ii. Rot. 2. a. (p) Homines de Warham r c de C mar- cis, pro habenda Carta Regis de Burgo ha- bendo de Warhani cum pertinentijs de Rege & hsredibus fuis, eis & eorum hseredibus, ad Feodi firmam, per xx libras pacandas annuatim ad Scaccarium per manus fuas ad Fefl:um S. Michaelis. lb. Rot. 7. b. in imo. Dorfite fj Sunierf. (q) Hugo Paflelewe re de xl marcis, pro habenda Confirmatione Regis de Li- bsrtatibus N E s for JL I B E R T I E S. 411 Chap. XI. Of F I Fitz-Alan frj, the Monks of Battel (s), the Priour of Burgh {t), the Men oi Brantoji (i{), the Monks of St. Aiijlin of Canterbury (ivj, the Canons of Chkbcjicr (.v), the Monks of Durham (y), and the Men of GudmaiCijlre {z). During the fecond Period alfo, many Fines were made for Liber- ties and Franchifcs of fundry Kinds. For Example; the Citizens of Hereford fined in C Marks and ij Palfreys, to have the King's Charter, that they might hold the City of Hereford at Perm, of the King and his Heirs, to them and their Heirs, for ever, for xl / to be yielded at the Exchequer; and that they might have for ever a Merchant-Gild, with a Ilanfe, and other Liberties and Cuftonis thereto belonging; and that they might be quit throughout England, bertatibus fuis liabendis & teneiulis, quas Henricus Rex Pater prffidiiSli Regis Johaii- nis ei per Cartam fuam conceflit. lb. Rot. 19. rt. Nsrhant. (r) Roaldus filius Alani debet ij bonos Palefridos, Ut Carta Regis ei teneatur. Alag. Rot. 13. J. Rot. 4. Evenuich. [s) Monachi de Bello [debent] Mille & D inarcas, Pro habenda Confirmatione Re- gis conceflionuin, & donationum, & liber- tatum, quas Reges Anglias anteceflbres Re- gis eis dederunt & carta fua confirmavc- runt, ficut Cartas eorum rationabiliter tef- tantur ; Et ut decedentibus Abbatibus ejuf- dem Loci, habeant cuftodiam domus ius, & liberam adminiftrationem omnium rerum & polleflionum fuarum ; & quod Abbatem fibi prasfeiuent de feipfis, fecundum formam Eledtionum quae eft in Regno Regis de Prselatis. Ih. Rot. I'j. a. (t) Prior de Burgo [debet] CCC marcas & C fummas frumenti & C fummas avenas, Pro habenda Cuftodia Donius fuas in- tegre dum vacaverit, retentis in manu Re- gis Militibus & Donationibus Ecclefiarum cum vacaverint ; Et pro habendo Auxilio de libere tenentibus fuis, exceptis Militibus ; Et inde habet Litteras Regis Patentes : Termini, Ad feftum S. Johannis Baptiftae anno Regis xiiij" C marcas, & ad feftum §. Andreas C marcse, & ad feftum S. Hy- larij C marcae : Idem Prior ctiam reddet fingulis annis Regi de firma ejufdem Ab- batiseDC libras. lb. Rot. ij. b. Reftduiwi de Norhamtefcira. (z() Homines de Branton reddunt com- potum de xl, ut Robeitus de Sechevijl eos non diftringat ad faciendum ci alias Confuc- tudines quam Regi facereconfueverunt, dum fuerunt in manu fua : In th. I, Et Q. f. Alag. Rot. 13. J. Rot. 10. b. Devencfcira. (w) Monachi S. Auguftini Cantuarise r c de M marcis, Pro habenda Cuftodia Abba- tiae eorum cum omnibus ad eandem Abba- tiam pertinentibus ; Salvis Regi Militibus & Donationibus Ecclefiarum, quamdiu Abba- tia vacaverit : Termini, Ad feftum S. Yla- rij anni xiiijmi D marc.-e, Et ad Pafcha fc- quens D marcae ; ita tamen quod reddent de Abbatia ilia in prime anno D marcas, fcilicct ad Pafca prsedidlum CC & L mar- cas, & ad feftum S. Michaelis CC & L mar- cas, & poftea quolibet anno, quamdiu Ab- batia vacaverit, reddent D marcas. Aiag. Rot. 14. J. Rot. 2. a. Kent. (x) Canonic! de Ciccftria r c de C s, ne fait incaufati contra libcrtates Cartarum fuarum; In th. 1, Et Q. f . Ma^ Rot. 14. y. Rot. 10. a. Siidfexia. (y) Monachi Dunelmi [debent] D mar- cas & V palefridos, pro habcndis Libertati- bus fuis, quas habere folcbant tempore H. Dunelmenfis Epifcopi & aliorum Epifcopo- rum. lb. Rot. 5. b. (■z) Homines de Gudmenccftre [debent] C marcas, pro habenda villa fua ad firmam, & pro habenda inde Carta Regis. Mag. Rot. 13. J. Rot. 8. b. Cant. & Hunt. Homines de Gumeceftria [debent] xxx marcas, pro habenda communa pafturse fu;e inter Hemmingeford & Pontem Huntendo- ns, ficut habere debent 5c folent. Aiag. Rot. 15. 7. Rot, 8. a. Car.t. iJ Hunt. G g g 2 of 412 0/" F I N K s for Liberties. Chap. XT. of Toll, and Laftage, of Paflage, Pontage, and Stallage, and of Lcve, and Danegeld, and Gaywite, and all other Cuftoms and Ex- acftions fa). The Citizens of Lincoln fined in CC Marks, that they might not be tallaged that Year, in the Tallage which was laid upon the King's Dcmeanes ; and that they might have their Town in Perm that Year, as they had in the Time of K. 'John ; and that for the fame Year, they might be quit of the xl / Increment of the Ferm of their Town (b). The Abbot of Feterburgh gave M CC and XX Marks for himfelf and the Knights and free Tenants of tiie NaJJ'um Biirgi, that the Najj'um Burgi might be deafforefted : the fame Abbat gave a Palfrey, to have the King's Letters Patents, that no Body might hunt in the NaJJiim Burgi unlefs with the Leave and Confent of the Abbot and the Knights and Free Tenants (<:). The Men of Bruges fined in xxx 'Marks, to have a Charter of Liberties {d). The Priour of C^r/^W fined in one Palfrey, to have his Char- ter of Liberties mended [e). The Citizens of Exeter fined in xl Marks, that their Liberties might be maintained (f). The Men of Dorfet and Sumerfet gave C /, to have a Perambulation made with- in thofe two Counties, fetting forth what Lands are to be deaf- forefled and what are to remain Foreft, according to the Tenour of the King's Charter of Liberties of the Foreft (g). The Citizens of (a) Gives Herefordije [debent] C mar- cas & ij Palefridos, Pro habenda Carta Re- gis de Civitate Herefordiie habenda ad fir- niam, de Rege &: haeredibus fuis, fibi & hosredibus fuis, impcrpetuum, pro xl / red- dendis ad Scaccarium ; Et ut habeant in- perpetuum Gildam Mercatoriam cum Han- la h alijs libertatibus & confuetudinibus ad illam pertinentibus ; Et ut quieti fint per totam Terram Regis de Teloneo, & Lef- tagio, Pafiagio, Puntagio, & Stallagio, & de Leve, & Danegeld, & Gaywite, & om- nibus alijs confuetudinibus & exadionibus, M.ig. R)t. 2. H. 3. Rot. 9. b. (b) Idem Cives [Lincolniae] r c de CC marcis, Ne taillientur hoc anno, occafione Tallagij quod affifum fuit fuper Dominica Regis ; Et quod habeant Villam fuam ad firmam hoc anno, ficut habuerunt tempore Regis J. patris Regis ; Et quod de hoc anno prxdifto fint quieti de xl 1 de cremento fir- inae Villa: fuae. lb. Rot. 9. b. Lincolnfchira. (c) Abbas de Burgo r c de M & CC & XX marcis, pro fe & Militibus & Libere tenentibus qui terras & tenementa habent in Naflb Burgi, qui fimul cum praedifto Ab- bate finem fecerunt pro NafTo Burgi deafo- reftando. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 3. Rot. 6. a. NorhatHptefir. Idem Abbas r c dej palefrido, Pro ha- bendis Litteris Regis Patentibus, quod nul- lus curreret in Naflb Burgi, infra feftum S. Johannis Baptiftie anno Regis J. decimo- feptimo, nifi de voluntate &licentia Abbatis & Militum & libere tenendum. Ib.juxt. (d) Homines de Bruges [debent] xxx marcas, pro habenda carta Regis de Liber- tatibus fuis. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 3. Rot. i. a. Salop. [Homines de Bruges debent x 1, pro habenda Carta de Libertatibus. Mag. Rot. 7. H. 3. Rot. 12. b. Salop.] (e) Prior de Kertmel debet j palefridum, pro emendanda carta fua de Libertatibus fuis. lb. Rot. 3. a. Lane. (f) Cives Exonias r c de xl marcis, Ut Libertates fuas manuteneantur. lb. Rot. 9. a. Devonia. (g) Homines de Dorfet & Sumerfet [de- bent] Chap. XI. Of Fines for Liberties. 413 of Lincoln fined in CC Marks, that they might not be tallaged this Time, in the Tallage which was laid upon the King's De- meanes at the Feafl: of St. Andrew in the fecond Year of the King ; and that they might have their Town in Ferm this Year, as they liad in the Time oiY^.^ohn; and that they might be quit, for the faid Year, of the xl / Increment of the Ferm of their Town; and that they might have the Tallages of their Town, as they were wont to have them in the Time of K. Johni^h). The Priour oi Spalding fined in iiij Palfreys, for Letters Patent of K. 'John, that the Priour and Monks of Spaldi?ig and their Copartners of Spalding and Pinch- beck, might have the Liberties granted to them by the Charters of K. Richard znd K. "John, fo that they might not be prejudiced by the Interruption of their Liberties made by the King's Bailiffs after the faid Grants, but might neverthelefs enjoy the fame for the Fu- ture entirely and without Hinderance fi). The Abbat of Fever/ljam fined in xxv Marks for v Palfreys, for K. Jolms Confirmation of the Poffelfions granted to that Abbey, by K. Stephen, by Maud Queen of 'England, by Richard de Lucy, by Ra.lf Pikot, by Simon de Turevill, by the Abbat of Clarenbald, by William Uncle of K. John, by W. Earl of Boloigne, Warenne, and Morcton, and by Robert de Betun, accord- ing to the true meaning of their refpedive Charters (k). The bent] CI, pro Perambulatione facienda in partes illas in Comitatibus de Dorfet & Sumerfat quas deaforeftands funt & illas quae foreftae remanebunt fecundum tenorem Cartas Regis de Libertatibus forefta? ; & pro metis 5: terniinis ponendis inter utrafq; partes illas; & pro deafForeftatione parcium illarum quae deafForeftandje funt, ficut pras- dictum eft, fecundum metas & terminos prjedidos. Mag. Rot. 3. H. 3. Rot. 14. h. (h) Gives Lincolnias [debent] CC mar- cas, Ne tallientur hac vice, occafione tal- lagij quod alTifum fuit fuper Dominica Re- gis ad feftum S. Andreas anno Regis hujus fecundo; Et ut habeant Viliam iuam hoc anno ad firmam, ficut habuerunt tempore J. Regis Patris Regis ; Et quod quieti fint hoc anno prasdidlo de xl libris de Cremento fir- ms villae fuae ; Et quod habeant tallagia villas fuae, ficut habere confueverunt tem- pore J. Regis Patris Regis. Mag. Rot. 3. H. 3. Rut. 10. b. L'mcolneftra. (i) Priorde Spaulling debet iiij Palefridos, Prohabendis Licteris Regis J. patentibus de concefllone Priori & Monachis de Spaulling & Pincebec habenda, de Libertatibus eis conceflis per Cartam Regis Ricardi, & per Cartam Regis J. ; ita quod eis non noceat, fi qua interruptio fafla fuerit a Callivis Re- gis deeifdem libertatibus poflquam eis con- celfe fuerant, fed quod cas habeant nichi- lominusdc csetero integre abfq; impedimen- to, fecundum tenorem prafdittarum Carta- rum quas habent. Il'id. Rat. 10. I/. Lin- cobtefira, (k) Abbas de Faverefliam r c de xxv marcis pro v Palefridis, Pro habenda con- firmatione Regis J. de hijs quae habent de dono Regis Stephani, & Matillidis quon- dam Reginae Anglias, & Ricardi de Lucy, & Radulfi Pikot & Simonis de Turevill, & Abbatis de Clerenbold, & Willelmi Avun- Guli Regis J, & W. quondam Comitis Bo- loniae, Warennas, & Moretoniae, & Ro- berti de Betun Advocati Attrabati, Sicut Cartae ipforum Donatorum rationabiliccr teftantur. Ibid. Rot. ii. a. Kent. A Citizens 414 Of Fines for Liberties. Chap. XI. Citizens of Cologne gave xxx Marks, to have Seifin of their Gildhall in London (I). The Bifliop of Exeter, and the Barons, Knights and others of the County of Cornivall gave D Marks, that the King would appoint them a Sheriff from amongft themfelves, and to have Quitance of the Carucage lately affefled in England (w). The Bilhop of Exeter, and the Barons, Knights and all others of the County of Cornwall gave M and CCC Marks, for Deafforeftation and other Liberties granted to them by the Charter of K. John : of this Fine, the Bifliop was to pay C & xxxix /, and other Perlbns their fe- veral Quotas f}{j. The Men oi Norwich fined in vj Po'freys, to have their Liberties (o). The Burgeffes of Cambridge fined in L Marks, to have their Liberties (^). The Weavers of Oxford fined in a Cafk of Wine, to have a Writ commanding the Mayor and Provofts of Oxford, to let them have the fame Liberties in that Town, as well in Cloth-working as in other Things, which they had in the Times of K. Henry II, K. Richard, and K. John fqj. Henry Vicar of St. Marys Church at Geldefbrd g3.ve xl j-, to have a Fair to be held near that Church for three Days, till the King fliould be at full (I) Gives Co]onia£ reddunt compotum de xxx marcis, pro habenda faifina de Gild- halla fua in Londonia : In thefauro libera- verunr, Et Quieti funt. Ma^. Rot. 4. H. 3. Rot. 10. a. Land, (sf Midd. {m) Epifcopus Exonienfis Barones Mi- Jites & omnes de Comitatu Cornubise r c de D marcis, Ut Rex conftituateis Viceco- mitem ex ipfis ; & pro quietantia Carruca- gij nuper affifi in Anglia : In Thefauro CCC & vj 1 & xij s &: vj d, Et debent xxvj 1 & xiiij s & ij d. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. g. b. Cornub. (n) Epifcopus Exonienfis, Barones, Mi- lites, & omnes de Comitatu Cornubiae r c de M & CCC marcis de Fine fuo, pro de- aforeftatione & alijs Libertatibus eis con- ceflis per Cartam Regis J. Patris Regis : In Thefauro C & xvij 1 & x s, Kt debent DCC & xlix 1 & iij s & iiij d. Jb. Rot. 9. b. Cormib. Epifcopus Exoniae, Barones, & Milites, & omnes de Comitatu Cornubiae, debent CC h quater xx h xviij 1 & vj d, pro de- .aforeftatione Cornubiae, ficut continetur in Jlotulo fexto : De quibus prasdidus Epif- copus debet eos adquietare de C & xxxix 1 & xvij s & iij d ob. ; & refpondet in De- vonia : Et Reginaldus de Valle lorta de C & xxxiij 1 & V s & iiij d ; & refpondet in Devonia : Et Willelmus Briwere de xxvl & vij s & X d ob. , quos recepit, per in- quifitionem inde faftam ; & refpondet in Devonia ; Et alij Quieti funt. Mog. Rot. II. H. 3. Rot. I. a. {0) Homines de Norewico debent vj pale- fridos pro habendis Libertatibus fuis. Afag. Rot. 7. H. 3. Rot. 6 a. Norf. & Suf. (p) Burgenfes de Cantebrigia r c de L marcis, de fine fuo proLibertate fua haben- da. Mag. Rot. 9. H. 3. Rot. i. b. [q) Textores Oxonis r c de j dolio Vini Pro habendo brevi quod Major & Praepofiti Oxonias permittant ipfos habere Libertates in Villa Oxonise, tam in pannis faciendis quam alijs, quales habuerunt tem- poribus H. Regis, R. Regis, ), William Son of Ojbert {q), Oliver Malhcrbe (r), William de Vemdz (sj, Robert de Gaitt (/), Brian Fitz-Ralf {ti), Geoffrey de terra quam clamat verfus Rogerum de Mil- liers. Mag. Rot. 1 6. H. 2. Rot. 3. a. Ever- ivkh. i^ Mag. Rot. ij. H. 2. Rot. 5. a. Everwicfc. (c) Agnes de Amundevill r c de x mar- cis, pro redlo liabendo de Catallis Domini ful de Divifa fua ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. IL. Rot. 10. b, Nichohfcira. (d) Rogerus de Wikerlai & Jordanus fra- ter ejus debent x marcas, pro Recto feudi ij Militum, quod Rogerus de Tilli tenet de Henrico de Laci. Sed non habuit Re(£lum nee breve de Redo. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 8. a. Ever'ivichfcira. (e) Willelinus de Anefia debet x marcas, pro Refto Terras qviam Willelmus de Cole- villa tenet. Sed nondum habuit Redum. lb. Rot. 12. a. IPllt. (f) Radulfus Vinitor r c de xl s, pro habendo Refto de x 1 verfus Ricardum fi- lium Willelmi ; In thefauro xx s, Et debet XX s. Mag. Rot. lb. H. 2. Rot. II. b. Londonia ijS Midd. (g') Simon de Canci debet xl marcas & ij Accipitres, pro Reilo terrje ; quod non- dum habuit. Mag. Rot. 27. H. 2. Rot. 4. a. Line. (A) Ofbertus Sclvein r c de x marcis, pro Recto de feodo j Militis verfus Ricar- dum de Luvetot. lb. Rot. 4. a. Line. (i) Willelmus de Ou r c de ij marcis, pro habendo redto de Lana verfus Wale- rannum filium Willelmi. Mag. Rot. 31. //. 2. Rot. 5. a. Evenvich. (k) Rogerus de Chalz r c de iij mar- cis. Pro RecSlo de catallis verfus Robertuni dela Wile. Mag. Rot. 29. H. 2. Rot. ii. b. Berrochfcira. (I) Johannes de Alneto debet xl s. Pro redto in Curia, de Advocatione Ecclefias de Steinton verfus Lambertum de Scoteigni, Mag. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Line. (m) Fulco Ruifus r c de xxv marcis, L't libera lege poflit fe defenders de rctto Tufardi. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. m. 2. (n) Robertus filius Gikel reddit compo- tum de XX marcis, ut habeat Vadia & de- bita quae jufle debebantur Patri fuo. Jb. Rot. 5. b. Evc^wichfcira. (0) Simon filius tiiftachij debet ij uncias auri, pro habendo re6to de Vadio luo ver- fus AVillelmum Cotcrell. Aiag. Rot. i. R. I. Rot. 13. b. Lond. y Midd. (p) Bartholomjeus de Crec debet xx mar- cas, pro recto de Sudflet. Sed mortuus elr, & non habuit reflum licet niultum inftitif- fet. Alag. Rot. 1. R. I. Rot. 3. a. Nordf. iif Sudf. (q) Willelmus filius Ofberti debet xl s, pro Reflo de xj marcis & iij s i^ iiij d ver- fus Adam de Sudwerch. lb. Rot. 13. b. (r) Oliverus Malherbe debet ij marcas, pro habendo reflo de Implemento & Stau- rarr.ento terras fuse de Newcton, qu.jm Ro- gerus filius Rocel. habuit ad firmam. Jb. Rot. 3. /;. (j) Willelmus de Vcnuiz debet C li- bras, Pro habenda Forefteria de Alfiefholc, & reflo de Draicote verfus Walterum de Sanfto Gcrmano ; & pro habenda Maref- calcia dc Domino Rege. A-Iag. Rot. 4. R. I. Rot. II. a. Sudhant. (/) Robertus de Gant debet DC marcas, pro habendo rc£to de terris quas Comes Simon dederat : Set confideratum eft per Barones, quod hseres ejus vel aliquis pro eo non debet inde refpondere, donee asta- tem habeat qua poflit & debeat placitare. Mug. Rot. ^. R. 1. Rot. 6. b. Lincollfcira. [tt) Brianus filius Radulfi debet C mar- cas, pro habendo Redto de Baronia de Pe- dewurda, & de xv Militibus fefFatis perti- nentibus ad pra;di6tam Baroniam, verfus Henricum de Perci : Et fi prasdidiam Baro- ni^.m dirationaverit, dabit CC marcas. Mag. Rot. 7. Rie. 1. Rot, 18. b. Sudfexx. I i i 2 Beauvall 428 0/ Fine s. Chap. XII. Bcauvall (w), Thomas Briton (x), the Abbot of Kirkeflal fyj, Henry de Urteley fyy), William de Crei/Ji (z), William de Molbrai {a), the Men of the Soke of Walter le Ver (b), the free Sokemen of AJkeby and T^inton [c], Robert de Curtenai and Alice his Wife [d), and William de Ciriton {e). The County o^ Norfolk fined, that they might be fairly dealt-with (f). The Burgh of Ge^-nemne fined, that they might be dealt-with according to the King's Charters, which they have for their Liberties (g). Several hundreds of Northamtonjloire fined, that they might be heard without Impeachment (/6). {w) Galfridus de Bella valle debet xv marcas, pro habendo re£lo de medietate Villae de Gatton, fecundum Cyrographa & Cartas fuas de hxreditate uxoris fuE, ver- fus Robertum de Gatton. Mag. Rot. 7. R. i. Rot. ig. b. Snrreia. {x) Tomas Brito debet xx s, pro ha- bendo Redo de C ovibus h v Vaccis & C folidis Bladi k Cafei, verfus Edgarum filium Goding. Mcig. Ret. 10. Ric. i. Rot. 9. b. (y) Abbas de Kirkcftal debet xxx mar- cas"' pro habendo Redo de Grangia fua de Michelwcit, de qua habet Confirmationem Domini Regis Patris, unde Adam de Brus eum difTaifivit. Sed poftca confideratum eft per H. Cantuaricnfem Archiepifcopum & Barones de Scaccario, quod praedidus Abbas & Monachi nondcbent amplius inde fummoiieri, quia Rectum non habuerunt nee habere potuerunt. 3, Rot. 3. b. Ever- lachjcira. (yy) Henricus de Urteleia r c de j marca, prohabeada inquifitione qua occafione cap- tus fuerit, & ut inde poftea jufte deducatur. In th. 1, Et Q, e. Mag. Rot. i. Job. Rot. 4. b. Evertv. m. 2. (x) Willelmus de Creifll r c de xx mar- cis hi j Palefrido, Ut jufte & fecundum Confuetudinem Anglije deducatur, deDote ouam Cecilia filia Gervafij de Clifton cla- mat verfus eum. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 8. b. Not. y Dereb. (a) Willelmus de Molbrai debet MM marcas, Ut Rex faciat eum deduci jufte & fecundum Confuetudinem Angliae. lb. Rot. 12. b. Everwichfcira. [b) Homines de Soca Walteri Le Ver quae eft in manu Ada; Malveifin debent xxs, Per fic ut jufte deducantur coram Jufticiarijs Itinerantibus de injurijs quas ipfe Adam eis intulit. Mag. Rot. 4. J. Rot. 8. b. Norf. ^ Sudf. (c) Liberi Sokemanni de Afkebi & Tin- ton re de XX marcis & j palefrido, Ut Henricus de Nevill eos jufte deducat de te- nementis quae tenent in eifdem villis, nee ab eis exigat confuetudines vel (ervitia quae fa- cere non folebant tempore H. Regis Patris Regis. Mag. Rot. 6. J. Rot. 6. b. Line. (d) Robertus de Curtenai & Alicia uxor ejus debent CCC marcas & duos palefridos. Pro habenda faifina Medietatis Villa; de Caudebec, unde Alexander de Caudebec habuit faifinam per Prasceptum Regis, ita quod ipfi poftea deducantur de tota Villa de Caudebec fecundum Confuetudinem & Af- fifam Regni. Mag. Rot. 8. J. Rot. 4. b. Cumberl. Nova Oblata. (e) Willelmus de Ciriton, Vicecomes pro eo, r c de CC 1 & ij palefridis & ij Aufturis, Per fic quod Rex reddidit eidem Willelmo totam terram qua; fuit Galfridi de Bofco apud Delce ficut jus fuum ; ita ta- men quod fi idem Galfridus redierit ad Ser- vitium & Fidem Regis, idem Willelmus fine dilatione habebit reftum verfus Galfri- dum de prsdidlae terra. lb. Rot. 5. b. Kent. Tit. Nova Oblata. (f) Comitatus Norfolchiae [debet] xl marcas, ut poffit pulcre tradlari. Mag. Rot. II. 7. Rot. 4. a. (g) Burgus de Gernemue [debet] xxv marcas, ut poflint tra£tari fecundum cartas Regis quas habent de Libertatibus fuis. Jb. Rot. 4. a. (h) Simon filius Petri Vicecomes r c de Lx marcis de xxx Hundred, de Norham- tefcira, ut audirentur fme occafione. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 3. Rot. 4. a, II. Of Chap. XII. touchwo; L A VV- PROCEEDINGS. 429 II. Of Fines for Writs, Pleas, Tryals, and Judgment, Richard Son of Gilbert fined in CC Marks of Silver, for the King's helping him to recover his Debt againft the "Jeios (/). Manajfer de Guerres fined in xvij Marks of Silver, for his Father's Land which the King helped him to recover againft Geoffrey de Matjnevill {k). The Bifhop of Rochcjter fined in Lx Marks, that he might not plead againft Fidk de Fontibus, otherw^ife than according to the Charters of his Church (I). Fidcher de P/eiford fined in x Marks of Silver, that he might have his Judgment in England in the Earl of Moretons Court f>ii). Adam Son of Ahired gave C Marks, that he might have the Record of the King's Court, touching a Plea between him and Agnes de Rihurc (n). Serlo Son of Tiirlauejion gave x Marks, that he might make his Defence in Cafe he was appealed for a certain Homicide {0). Reimond de Baldac gave xx Marks, for an Appeal (p). Walter de Burton x Marks, for free Law in an Appeal of wounding (q). Hugh Fitz-Ralf fined in ij Marks, that he might implead Elias dc Amundevill in Earl Simon s Court (r). Humjrey Bncidnte fined in one Mark, that he might implead William de Reimes in London for the Manour of Eggeware (j). Walter Son of Amfr. in v Marks, to have a Recognition of the County concerning the Land of Rapejlon (/). William Fulkelin in one Mark, to have an AfTife [11). Walter le Villein (i) Et idem Ricardus [filius Gifleberti] debet CC marcas argenti, pro auxilio quod Rex fecit ei erga Judaos de debito fuo. Mag. Rot. 5. Suph. Rot. 6. a. Ejjexa. (k) ManafTerus de Guerres r c de xvij marcis argenti, pro terra patris fui quam Rex fecit ei habere de Gaufrido de Manne- villa. lb. Rot. 6. a. EJJ'ixa. {I) Epifcopus de Roueceftra r c de Lx marcis, ne placitet contra Fulc. de Fonti- bus nifi fecundum Carthas Ecclcfia; fuse. lb. Rot. 7. a. Ghent. (m) Fulcherus de Pleiforda debet x mar- cas argenti, Ut habeat judicium fuum in Anglia in Curia Comitis Moriton. lb. Rot. 10. b. Sudf. (n) Adam filius Alur. reddit compotum de C marcis, Ut habeat record[um] Curise Regis de placito inter ipfum & Agnetem de Riburc. Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Norf. &■ Suthf. (0) Serlo de Turlaueftona debet x mar- cas, Ut habeat dirationationem fuam, fi ap- pellatus fuerit ab aliquo de morte cujufdam uiide retatus eft. lb. Rot. 4. a. Not. Is Derb. (p) Reiinundus de Baldac debet xx mar- cas, Pro appellatione Walteri Probatoris de Falfonaria. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 3. b. (q) Walterus de Burton r c de x mar- cis, Ut Nicholaus filius ejus habeat Liberam legem, fi appellatus fuerit quod vulneravit hominem ad Herbam. Mag. Rot. 15. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. Staf. (r) Hugo filius Radulfi r c de ij marcis, Ut poflit placitare in Curia Comitis Simo- nis contra Helyam de Amundevill. Mag. Rot. 17. H. 2. Rot. 7. b. Line. (j) Hunfridus Bucuinte r c de j marca Ut placitet contra Willclmum de Reimes in Civitate Lundonia, de Terra de Eggefwera. lb. Rot. g. b. Lwidonia ^ Mldd. (t) Walterus filius Amfr. r c de v mar- cis, pro recognitione Comitatus habenda de terra de Rapefton. lb. Rot. 9. a. Ghent. (a) Willelmus Fulkelin debet j marcam, pro affifa habenda de j Carrucata terras in Enewurda. lb, Ghent. gave 430 Of F IN E S Cliap. XII. gave C/ for his Brother Enm/J, pro fine 'Juifcj; [la). The Earl of Leicefter gave D Marks, for a p'ine [or, an Accord] upon an Ap- peal which was brought by Bertnim de Verdun and his Men againft the Earl of Leicefier's Men, for Breach of the Peace (x). William de Leicefire fined in v Marks, that the Abbat of Valdey might be lum- moncd to anlvver him concerning a V/ood ( y). Ralf de Chainey fined in xxj, that WalkeVme Hareng. might be compelled to come to the King's Court {z). William Silvcfier de Brai fined in xl j, that he might be in Seifin of his Mortgage, when he ihould be impleaded for it {a) ; William de Lever ton fined in x Marks (^), ai^d Richard del Lech in v Marks, for the like {c). William Son of Stiir gave x Marks, for a Recognition touching the Land of Teivill in Normandy {d). William Son of Ulgcr fined in Cs, to have a Recognition for his Mother's Frankmariage, whereof ihe was difleiiled in the late War (e). Maurice de Wadenhal fined in iij Marks, to have a Recog- nition upon the Seifin of his Uncle ; William de Hay in v Marks, to have it enquired by lawful Matrons, whether Lmme de Setuans was delivered of a Son or not ; Henry de MalUnges in xl s, to have a Re- cognition of Mortdanceftour (J). Hugh Fitz-Roger fined in one Mark, for a Recognition for a Houfe ; and Hugh de Nevill in x (w) Walterus Villanus debet C 1 pro Er- naldo fratre fuo pro fine Juifae de Ricold. Mag. Rot. 1 8. H. 2. Rot. 7. a. Line. [x) Comes Legreceltriae debet D marcas, Pro fine Appellationis quam Bertrannus de Verdun & homines fui fecerunt verfus ho- mines Comitis Legreceftrias de Pace infrac- ta. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 8. a. War. W Legrcc. (y) Willelmus de Legreceftria debet v marcas, Ut Abbas de Valle Dei fummo- neatur ad placitandum cum eo de Bofco. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 8. a. War. iS Ltgrec. (z) Radulfus de Chaifneto r c de xx s, Ut VValkelinus Hareng. compellatur venire ad Curiam Regis ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 29. H. 2. Rot. 11. b. Berrochfcira. {a) Silvefter de Brai debet xl s, Ut placi- tet faifitus de Vadio fuo de Siuelifho. Mag. Rot. 21. H. 2. Rot. 5. a. Bilk. & Bed. (^) Idem [Randulfus de Glanvill, Cuf- tos of the Honour of Earl Conan] r c de x marcis, de Willelmo de Levertona, ut pla- citaret faifitus de terra fua. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 8. b. <;V. Honor Comitis Conani. (c) Ricardus del Lech r c de v marcis, Ut placitet faifitus de terra fua. lb. Rot. 8. b. eod. tit. (d) Willelmus filius Sturi debet x mar- , cas, pro recognitione quam habuit de Ter- ra de Teivilla in Normannia. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 13. a. Hantefclra. (e) De Placitis & Conveiitionibus Curiae : Willelmus filius Ulgerij debet C s, Pro ha- benda Recognitione de Maritagio matris fus, unde diflaifita fuit tempore werras fine Judicio. Mag. Rot. 23. H. 2. Rot. 3. a. (f) Mauricius de Wadenhal debet iij marcas, Pro habenda Recognitione de j Car- rucata terrae in Holewude de faifina Henrici Avunculi fui. Willelmus de Haya r c de V marcis, Ut inquiratur per legales Mulie- res, fi Emma de Setuans qus dicitur pepe- rifle, haberet puerum annon. Henricus de Mallinges debet xl s, Pro habenda Recog- nitione demorte Willelmi Fratris, de ij Ju- gis terrae. Mag. Rot, 27. //. 2. Rot. 10. a. Ghent. Marks, chap. XII. touclmig Law-proceedings. 431 Marks, to have his Record and Judgment touching Land {£). uilexander de Rogham fined in xl s, that he might fue the Earl of Arundel zn^ Robert de Mortemcr in the King's Court (/;). Robert de Albiney gave v Marks, that Bcddivin Wake miglit be fumnioned to warrant the [Manour or] Land oi IVeleive to his Wife (/). Roger da Sumervdl gave v Marks, that the King would command Robert de Laci to warrant to him fix Bovates of Land (/-). William de Lcelay gave XV Marks, to have a Recognition for the Land of Beldun, to find whether the Anceflour of John Son of R[Julff vtz.% feized of that Land on the Day that K. Henry 1, was quick and dead (/). The Citizens of Lincoln fined in xx Marks, that their Plaints might be fpeeded, faving the King's Right (mj : and the Town of Cambridge, for the fame («). Robert de Hall fined in xxxij / odd, for an Ailife of Mortdanceftour foj : Dionyjia de Trad (p), and Humfrey Briton (§'), for the like. Henry de Kernet and his Wife fined in xl s, to have a grand Alfife for Land in Colemer fr). Henry Son oi Arthur gave x Chafcurs, to have a Recognition againfi; the Countefs of (g) Hugo filius Rogeii debet j marcam. Pro Rccognitione j Mafagij in Civitate Liii- colis, verfus Willelmum Prefbiterum H Willelmum filium fuum. Hugo de Nevill r c de X marcis, Pro habendo Recordo & Judicio Cuo de terra in Golfe, verfus Gode- fridum de Burun. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Line. (h) Alexander filius Willclmi de Rog- ham debet xl s, Ut placiiet in Curia Regis verfus Comitem de Arundel & Robertum de Mortemer. Mag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Ncrf. ts" Suff. (i) Robertas de Albineio r c dev marcis, Ut Baldvvinus Wach fummoneatur ad wa- rantizandum uxor! fuce de terra de Welewe. 10. Rot. 9. b. [i) Rogerus de Sumervilla r c dev mar- cis, Ut Rex prascipiat Roberto de Laci quod jufte warantizet ei de vj Bovatis terrae in Barnebi. Mag. Rot. 31. Hen. 2. Rot. 5. b. Everwlch. (I) Willelmus de Leelay r c de xv mar- cis, Pro habenda Rccognitione de terra de Beldun, quam Johannes filius Effulfi cla- mabat adverfus eum, fi prjedecefibr ejuf- dem Johannis, qui Anglicus fuit & per quern ipfe terram illam clamabat, fuit faifitus de terra ilia die & anno quo Rex Henricus a- vus Domini Regis fuit vivus & mortuus. Ih. Rot. 5. a. Evcrwichfc. {m) Gives Lincolias reddunt compotum de quater xx marcis, ut Loquels fuas dili- gentur traflentur, falvojure Regis ; In the- fauro 1, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. lb. Rot. 6. i/. Lincolfclra. [n) ViJlata de Cantebrigia r c de x mar- cis, ut loquelae fuas diligenter traftcntur, falvo jure Regis : In th. I, Et Quicta eft; lb. Rot. 4. b. Cant, l^ Hunt. (0) Robertas de Halla redilit compotum de xxxij 1 & iiijs & viij d, Ut liabeat Af- fifam de morte Warini fratris fui, de feodo ij Militum & dimiJij in Sunderland. Jb. Rot. 14. a. Sudbantefcira. (p) Dionifa filia Robert! de Traci debet XX s, pro habenda Rccognitione de j Carru- cata terras, de Saifina Patris fui quando abijt Jerufilem. //;. ((j) Humfridus Brito r c de xl s, pio Rc- cognitione dc feodo dimidij Militis, de fai* fina Radulfi fratris fui. lb. Rot. 12. b. Dorji isf Suinerf. (r) Henricus de Kernet & Sabella uxor ejus re de xl s, pro habenda Magna Aflifa de j hyda terrae in Colemera, verfus Michae- lem de Verfona. lb. Rot, 14. a. Sudbant. Copland 43: 0/ F I N E S Chap. xir. Copland ioi one Knight's Vttfs). John de Cabuis gave j Mark, that his Plea againft Ralf dc Hugenden for xv ShiUings-Rent might be [determined] before the Jufticiers (/). The Priour of Kenilivorth fined in C s, to have Judgment for the Land of Fleechamjiede which was in the Templars Hands {ti). Jobi de Lacell fined in yXs, that it might be enquired, whether a Carue of Land in Birking was in De- mand in a Cafe wherein Duell was had between Simon de Lacell and Adam Fitz-Petcr (w). Ralf de Ewiun fined in L j and viij d, to have the Record of the Bifliop oi Lincoln's Court [x). William Wifcbard fined in iiij / and vj s, to have an Enquefl of the Vifnue, to find whether he was appealed out of Ill-will or not (y). Walter- de Ou and his Brother fined in xl s, to have a Writ to the Provofts of Be- verley, to deal juftly with them for the Lands in Beverely, which they claim againft Richard Fitz-Harry and his Wife ; and that the Proceedings may not be ftopt, if the Rents and Houfes fo claimed lliould prove worth more than xl j {z). nomas Son of 'Jojlen gave half a Mark, that a Concord made in the Court of Eujiace de Vefci might be entered in the Rolls of the Jufticiers {a). Willia7n Orie- fcuilz gave C j, that it might be enquired whether he was with Earl John [againft the King] {b). Robert de Ejjart gz.\Q C s, to have an (s) Henricus filius Arturi debet x fuga- tores, pro recognitione feodi j Militis ver- fus Comitifl'am deCoplanda. Mag. Rot. 33. H. 2. Rot. 7. b. Cumb. (t) Johannes Cabuis debet j marcain, ut loquela fua de xv folidatis redditus verfus Radulfum de Hugenden fit coram Jufticijs. Alag. Rot. I. R. 1. Rot. 2. b. Buk. iJ Bel. tit. De Oblatis Curhe. (u) Prioi- de Kenillewurda debet C s. Pro habendo Judicio de Flechamfteda fecun- dum Cartas i^uas, quam Tcmplarij tenent. Af^g. Rot. ^. R. I. Rot. 7. a. IVar. y Le- grcccjh. (w) Johannes de Lacell r c de xl s, Ut inquiratur utrum j carrucata terrae in Bir- kinge, quas eft de Socha Domini Regis, fuit in clamio, unde Duellum fuit inter Si- monem de Lacell h. Adam filium Petri, qui recuperavit vcrfus Patrem fuum xxiiij car- rucatas terrse cum pertinentijs in Byrking. Mag. Rot. 5. 7?. I. Rot. 5. b. Everwichfc. (x) Radulfus de Ewiun r c de L s & viij d, pro habendo recordo Curiae Epifcopi Lincolienfis, inter ipfum & Rannult'um de Gofebertefcherche. Mag. Rot. 5. R. i. Rot. 4. a. Lincolfdra. (y) Willelmus Wifchard r c de iiij 1 & vj s, Pro habenda Inquifitione de Vifneto li appellatus fuit per Attiam necne ; unde Vicecomes habet Plegios : In thefauro vj s, Et debet iiij 1. Mag. Rot. 6. R. i. Rot. 14. b. Bid. bf Bedef. (z) Walterus de Ou & Tomas fraterejus debent xl s, pro habendo brevi ad Prapofi- tos de Beverlaco, ut jufte deducantur d(j terris quas clamant in Beverlaco, verfus Ri- cardum filium Henrici & Hydam uxorem fuam ; Et non remaneat, fi Redditus Sc sedificia valeant per annum plufquam xl s. Mag. Rot. 7. Ric. I. Rot, 7. b. Everivuhfdra. {a) Et de dimidia marca de Toma filio Jofleni, pro Concordia, fafta in Curia Euf» tachij de Vefci, inbrevianda in Rotulo Juf- tic. Mag. Rot. 7. R. I. Rot. 7. a. Ever- wichfc. m. 2. {b) Willelmus Oriefcuilz debet C s, Ut inquiratur fi fuit curn Comite Johanne con- tra Regem. Mag. Rot. j. R. i. Rot. 13. a. Gloec. Enqueft I chap. XII. touching Law-proce edings. 433 Enquefl: to find whether Roger the Butcher, and Wace, and Hunfrcy appealed hitn of Robbery and Theft out of Envy and Ill-will, or not (c). Henry de Brunden fined in x Marks, to have a Writ of Mortdanceilour for the Gaol of Winchejler, before H. Arclibiihop of Canterbury; provided, that he fliould pay the Fine, though the Verdid upon the faid Writ paffed againfl him (d). Geoffrey dc Derky fined in iij Marks, that Juftices Itinerant might enquire, in what Manner a certain Recognition was taken againfl him in the Earl of Moretons Court, during the War between the King and the Earl ; which Recognition was taken, as Geoffrey alledged, contrary to Law (e). Richard Grtindfon of Truite fined in xvj-, to have his Plea before the Juftices at Wejlniinjier ffj. Walter Truitel and his Son yohn gave x Marks, to have an Inquifition by Oath of the Bur- gefles of Northampton, to find certain Articles (hereunder exprefiTed) touching the leaded Houfe in Northampton : and if the Enqueft: found for them, they were to pay the faid x Marks [otherwife not] (_§•). William de Sudley gave x Befants, to have an Enquefl: of free Men of the Counties of Gloiicejler and Worcejier, to find, whether Peter de Widendon had Entry into certain Land in Winchecumhe, as Guardian of the faid William, or by hereditary Right (/6). Alice de Bereford, and Ojbert, and Clement, and yames, and William gave x Marks, to have a grand Aflize againfl Robert de Filgerijs, for C Acres of (c) Robertus de Eflart r c de C s, Ut inquiratur utrum Rogerus Carnifex, & Wa- cius, & Hundfridus appellent eum de Ro- beria & Latiocinio, per Invidiam vel atiam, aniion. Mag. Rot. 8. R. i. Rot. 13. b. Everwlchfcira. (d) Henricus de Brunden debet x mar- cas, pro habendo brevi de Morte Antecef- foris, deGaiola VVintonije cum pertinentljs, coram H. Cantuaricnfi Archiepifcopo ; Tali conditione, quod fi amiferit Jus fuum, dabit X marcas. Mag. Rot. jo. R. i. Rot. 2. b. Sudhantefclrn. (e) Galfrldus de Derlega debet ij mar- cas, Ut inquiratur per Jufticiariob Itineran- tes, quomodo quasdani Recognitio capta fuit fuper eum per Wilielmum de Bernek de xxiiij s Redditus, tempore Werras inter Regem & Comitem Moritoniae, in Curia ipfius Comitis, qus capta fuit contra Con- fuetudinem Regni, ut dicit. .lb. Rot. 15. a. Dorfete i^ Sumeif. VuL.I. (f) Ricardus filius Ricardi filij Truite r c de XV s, pro habenda loqucla lua de xx folidis redditus coram Juftic. apud Weft- monafterium. lb. Rot. 10. a. Cumb. [g) Walterus & Johannes Truite! filius fuus [debent] x marcas, pro habenda In- quifitionc per facramentum legalium homi- num Burgi de Norhantona, fi Domus Flum- baia in Norhantona fuerit Jus Julian.-e ma- tris ipfius Johannis quas mortua eft, & cum ea data in maritagio przediiSto Waltero ; Et fi Rex Henricus Pater Domini Regis diflei- fivit eos, eo quod non reddidcrunt termino ftatuto Auxilium quod ab eis exigebatur ; & poflea liberavit eandem Domum Roberto de Sanfto Paulo Taillatori fuo, quam mo- do tenet uxor ipfius Roberti, ipio Roberto defun£lo, ut dicit: Ita quod fi Inquifitio. Domum illam dederit, dabunt Domino Regi iilas X marcas. Mag. Rot. 1. Job. Rot. 2. b. Norhant. (/;) Willclmus de Sudlege debet x Bifan- K k. k tia. 434 0/ F I N E s Chap. Xir. of Gavelkind-Land (i). Gilbert de Turn gave C/ (which Fine h« had before proffered to K. Richard I) to have the Record of a Plaint which he had brought againft Hcwwti de Mafci, who was baftardized in Court Chrlftian ; and to have the faid Hamon's Land, according to the Record of the Court : fo that if he recovered the faid Land by the Record of the Court, he was to pay the faid C / fk). William de Adredejhull gave D Marks, to be paid to the Crown, if the Re- coo-nitours in an Affize fliould find by Verdid:, that Grace Wife of Adam de Nevill was not the Daughter of Thomas de Selebi ; and if thereupon he recovered the Land which he claimed againft them : or if the Recognitours fhould not fine for Ada?}i, he was neverthelefs to pay to the Crown D Marks fl). Geoffrey Malduit fined in xxx Marks, to have it found by Verdiil in an Afiize againft William Briton, whether the Manour of Chigivell was- mortgaged by Alberic de Chigwell Uncle of Geoffrey, whilft he had in Cuftody Geoffreys Mother (whofe Heir Geoffrey is) with her Land, or whether that Manour was the Inheritance of William y. and that the Proceedings ia that Aflize might not be ftopped by Reafon of the Nonage of William ; this fine was not to be demanded of Geoffrey before the faid Verditt was taken [m). John de Montague fined in x Marks, to have an Enqueft to find, whether the Church of tia, pro habenda Recognitione de dimidia virgata terrae in Winchecumbe, ad recog- nofcendum per Liberos homines Comitar tuum de Gloeccftrefira & Wireceftrefira, Utrum Petrus de Widendon habuit introi- tum in terram illam, per Wardam ipfius Willelmi dum erat in Cuftodia fua, vel per Jushsereditarium. Mi:g. Rat. i. Job. Rot.. 3. a. Ghecejlrejclra. (!) Alicia de BereforJ, & Ofbertus. &' Clemens & Jacobus, & VVillelmus debent X marcas, pro habenda Magna Aflifa verfus Robertum de Filgerijs, de C acris Terra; de Gavelikende iivBareford. lb. Ret. 5. b. Kent. m. i. [k) Gilebertus de Tiirrl debet G 1, quas promifit Regi Ricardo, pro habendo recor- do loquclce (11.13 quani habuit verfus Hamo- nem de Mafci juniorem, qui abaftardatus eft in Curia Chriftianitatis, ut dicit ; Et pro habenda terra ipfius Hamonis fecundum recordum Curias ; Ita quod fi recordum Cu- riE dedcrit ei illam terram, debebit praedic- tas C libras, lb. Rot. Ii. a. Tit. Item l,in(ollfcira. (I) Willelmus de Aldredefhull debet D marcaSj Si Recognitio recognoverit quod Gratia uxor Adas de Nevill non fuit filia Tomse de Selebi ; & fi fic terram habere poterit quam clamat verfus eos ; Si vero Recognitio illud non recognoverit, fed quod terra Adae & uxort fuas remaneat, Tunc dabit Adam praediftas D marcas. lb. Rot. U. a. Item Llncollfclra. (;») Galfridus Malduit debet xxx marcas^ pro habenda Recognitione de Terra de Chigewell verfus Willelmum filium 5: h»- redem Roberti Britonis, Utrum ilia Terra fuit Vadium invadiatum ab Albcrico de Chigevifell Avunculo ipfius Galfridi dum- Matrem ipfius Galfridi habuit in cuftodia cum terra fua cujus hsres ipfe G. eft, vol HiEreditas ipfius Willelmi ; Et quod ilia Recognitio non remaneat propter jetatem ipfius Willelmi ; Et illi denarij non exigan- tur ab eodem G. antequam Recognitio ca- piatur. Alag. Rot, 2, J. Rot. 3. b.. EJpx £3" Hurtfordfdra, Langeber^ Cliap. Xn. touching Law-phoceedings. 43 5 Langcberg were removed out of his Seigneury, by the Bifliop of Wor~ ce/ler, wrongfully and without Judgment of Law, to the Prejudice of his Right of Advoufon ; and if it were fo, that the Church might he rebuilt within the faid Johns Seigneury fyij. John EJkcUing fined in L Marks, that he might hold quietly his Land in E.ng!and: and in X Marks, to have an Inquifition, whether his Son Robert had Entry into the Land of the faid John in Parfuru Efkellifig in Nor- mandy by Johns Confent, or not ; and to have Seifm of that Land, in Cafe the Enqueft fhould find, that Roiert had not his Entry by the Confent oi John (0). Earl Patrick gave x Marks, to have a Jury of twelve lawful Men fummoned before the King or his chief Juf- ticier, to find whether his great Uncle was not feized of certain Land lince the firil Coronation of K. Henry II (/>), The fiune Earl gave xl Marks and iiij Palfreys, to have an Enquefl before the King or his JufHcier, to find whether his great Uncle was not feifed in his Demeane of certain Lands, the Year and Day that the War began between K. Henry II, and his Son Hemy &c (q), James Bagod gave one Mark (to be paid at the next Summonce of the Exche- quer) that Walter Bagod might be fummoned before the King uhi- cimq; &c, to hear his Record and Judgment touching certain Land, whereof James araimed againfl him an AfTife of Mortdanceflour be- (n) Johannes de Monte Acuto debet x marcas, pro habenda Inquifitione, Si Ec- cleua de Langeberga fit amota a feodo ipfius Johannis per Epifcopum Wigornienfjm in- jufte & fine Judicicio, in detrimentum Ad- vocationis fuas ; Et fi itafuerit, reasdificetur in feodo ipfius Johannis. Jb. Rot. 7. a. Dor fete & Sumerfete. (0) Johannes Ertcelliiig r c -de L marcis pro tenenda in pace terra faa in Anglia. Et de X marcis, pro habenda Inqrjifitione, u- trum Robertas filius ipfius Johannis habuit ingrefium in Terram ipfius Johannis in l*]ormannia, fcilicet in Parfuru Eflcelling, per grantum ipfius Johannis annon ; Et pro habenda inde faifina fua, fi Inquifitio dede- rit quod idem Roberfjs non intraffet in Terram illam per grantum fuum. Ih. Rot, 7. a. DorfeU i3 SumeTjetc. {p) Norhumberland. Comes Patricius dat Domino Regi x marcas, pro habenda jurata xij liberorum & legalium hominum lie Viljneto Midelton.& Raddun, coram Do- mino Rege vel Capital! Juftic. Domini Re- gis, in o(9:abis Claufi Pafchas, Si Edgarus Avunculus Comitis Walth. patris Comitig Patricij, fuerit faifttus de fervicio Liolfi fiiij Liolfi, poft P-rimam Coronationem H. Re- gis patris Domini Regis, de iij Midelton & de Raddun, fcilicet de xxx s per annum, & de iiij Watingis — . Oblata 2. J. m. 8. (q) Idem Comes Patricius dat Domino Regi xl marcas & iiij palefridos, pro ha- benda recognitione per xij liberos & legales homines de Vifnetode Bowie & Engeling- ham coram Domino Rege vel Jufticia fua in oflabis Claufi Pafchae, Si Edgarus A- vunculus Comitis Wald. patris Comitis Pa- tricij fuit faifitus in dominico fuo ficut de feodo de Villa de Bewic, & de Egelingam, &deLilebumc cum pertin. Anno & die qua warra incepit inter H. Regem Patrem Domini Regis & H. Regem juniorem fi- lium fuum, & fi occafione illius werrae indo fuit diflaifitus 5cc. ObJata 2. J. m, S, K k k 2 fore 43^ Of Fines Chap. XII. fore Juftices Itinerant (r). William de St. Patrick fined in j Mark, to have a Jury of xij lawful Men of the Vifnue of Nutehal, to en- quire whether Geoffrey de St. Patric gave to the Prioury of Lenton the Church of Nutehal, and made his Charter thereof when he was of found Mind, or in liis laft Sicknefs (s). Ralf de Ecclesfeld, Parfon of the Church of Ecclesfeld, fined in xx Marks and a Palfrey, that the King would caufe the Recognitours who lately gave a Verdict between the Church of Ecclesfeld and Gerard de Fur?iivall, to come before the King, and teftify how and wherefore they gave their faid Verdid: j and that that Church might quietly enjoy what was allowed it by that Verdidt ; and that the King would give Ralf his Damages fuftained by him fince the Verdidt (tj. Pobert Pincun fined in one Mark, that the Sheriff might be commanded to enquire by Oath of good Men, whether Robert committed to Roger de Ttviford t\NO Vir- gates of Land and four Shillings of Rent in Edburg, when he went into Ireland; and whether that Land and that Rent came into the King's Hand by any other Title or Means, than becaufe Roger fled the Country for a Homicide, which he was fuppofed to have com- mitted (u). William Son of Odo fined in v Marks, to have an En- quell (r) Jacobus Baggod dat Domino Regi j marcam, folvendam ad Summonitionem Scaccarij, per fic quod fummoneat VValte- rum Baggot, quod fit coram Domino Rege ubicunq; fuerit in Anglia, auditurus rationa- bile recordum & judicium fuum, de j Car- rucata terrae cum pertin. in Baggodeby, un- de prrediclus Jacobus aramiavit affifam de itiorte antecefloris, verfus ipfum Walterum, coram Juftic. Itinerantibus inpartibus illis, & qua; tunc remanfit ea occafione, quod idem Walterus eidem Jacobo notam Baftar- dise objecit, ut dicit. lb. m. 8. Jacobus Baggot debet j marcaiii, Per fic qued fummoneatur Walterus Baggot quod iit coram Rege, auditurus rationabile recor- dum & judicium fuum as above in the Obla- ta-Roll, to ut dicit. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 12. b. Evenvichfc. (j) Willelmus de Sanfto Patricio debet j marcam, Pro habenda Jurata xij Legalium hominum de vifneto de Nutehal, Si Galfri- dus de Sanfto Patricio dedit Prioratui de Lenton Ecclefiam de Nutehal, & Cartam fuam inde fecit in ligia poteflate fua an in infirmitate unJeobijt. Mag. Rot. ^.J. Rot. 8. b. Nat. y Dereb. (i) Radulfus de Ecclefeld debet xx mar- cas & j palefridum, Per fic quod Rex facial venire coram eo recognitores qui fecerunt ultimo juratam inter Ecclefiam de Ecclef- feld &*Gerardum de Furnivall de Bofco de Ecclesfeld & de terra de Wulwineleia, ad teftificandum unde & qualiter illamjuratam fecerint ; Et ut pr»dii3ae Ecclefiae remaneat integre quod ipfi ei adjuraverint ; Et ut Rex faciat habere praedidto Radulfo Perfo- nae Ecclefije prasdiflse dampna fua quae ipfe rationabiliter monftrare poterit ipfum G. eidem Radulfo poft juratam illam injufle fecifle. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 12. b. Ever- ivkhfclra. Terra Archiepifcopl Ebor. («) Robertas Pincun debet j marcam, Ut Vicecomiti prascipiatur, quod per liberos & legales per quos rei Veritas poterit inqui- ri, Utrum idem Robertas commifit Rogero de Thwiford Paraftro fuo ij Virgatas terras & iiij folidatas Redditus in Edburg, qtiai funt jus & hasreditas ipfius Robert! ut di- cit, quando ivit Yberniam ; Et utrum Ter- ra ilia & redditus ille devenerunt in manum Regis alia occafione, quam eo quod idem Rogeriis chap. XII. touching Law -proceedings. 437 quefl of true Men of the Vifnue of Baenbiircy to find, whether his Father Odo was feized in his Demaine as of Fee on the Day of his Death, of one Carue of Land in Baenbiirc, or notj and whether /F//- liam be not his next Heir ; and whether that Land did not come into the Hands of K. Richard by Reafon WiUiain was not in England at the Time of his Father's Death (w). The Abbot of St. Edmund fined in L Marks, to have an Enqueft according to the Cuftom of England, to find, whether the Market which the Monks of Ely have of late fet up at Lack'mgehce, be to the Hurt of the Town and Mar- ket of St. Edmund or not -, and if it be not to their Hurt, that then it may remain as it is, and if it be to their Hurt, that then the Market at Lachingehee may ceafe (x). Ifabell Wife of Simon de Parco fined in ij Marks, to have an Enquefl to find, whether two Virgates of Land in Million, which llie and Ralf Son of Simon claim againfl. RalJ de Torp and Amy his Wife, and Chrijlian Sifter of Amy, were the Inheritance of the iliid Simon, or whether he purchafed them, or whether he had them in Frankmariage with Margaret his firfl Wife fy). The Men oi Lechton profered x Marks, to have an Enquefl made by the next Hahmots and by lawful Knights and others of the Vifnue, to find what Cuftoms they did in the Time of K. Henry II {z). Simon k Bret fined in x Marks, to have an Enqueft to Rogerus fugit a Patria fua, propter mortem cujufdam hominis quern occidit, ut dicitur. lb. Rot. \-j.b. Tit. JFarewich bf Lcinrjire- J'cira ; De Oblatis. (w) Willelmus filius OJonis r c de v marcis, Pro habenda Inquifitione legalium hominum de vifneto de Baenburc, utrum Odo Walcnfis Pacer fuus fuit failitus in Do- minicofuo utde feodo, die quaobijt,dej Car- rucata terra; cum pertinentijs in Baenburc, aut non ; Et fi idem Willelmus filius fuus fit ejus haeres propinquior ; Et fi terra ilia devenit in manum Regis Ricardi, eo quod idem Willelmus non fuit in Anglia ad obi- tum Patris fui. Ih. Rot, i8. a. Norhiim- bcrland. {x) Abbas Sandi Edmundi [debet] L marcas, pro habenda Inquifitione fecundum confuetudinem Anglias, utrum Mercatum quod Monachi de Ely de novo habent apud Lackingehee fit ad nocumentum Villae & Mercati Sanfti Edmundi necne ; Et fi non eft ad nocumentum Villx & Mercati, tunc remaneat ficut modo eft ; Et fi eft ad no- cumentum praedi(5torum, tunc cefTet Mer- 4 catum illud. Mag. Rot. 4. Job. Rot. 8. b. Norfokh y Sudfokh ; hlova Oblata. (y) Yfabella uxor Simonis de Parco r c de ij marcis, Pro habenda Inquifitione, U- trum duas virgata; terra? cum pertinentijs in Multon, quas ipfa & Radulfus filius Simo- nis clamant verfus Radulfum de Torp & Amiciam uxorcm ejus & Criftianam foro- rem ipfius A, fuerint de haereditate ipfius Simonis, Vel illas adquifierit in Ligia po- teftate fua, vel illas ceperit in Maritagio cum Margareta prima uxore ejus, lb. Rot, II. h. Norhantcfc'ira, (%) Homines de Lechton [debentj x mar- cas, Pro habenda Inquifitione per proxima Hallimota & per Legates Milites & alios Homines de Vifneto, quas Confuetudines ipfi fecerint tempore H. Regis Patris. Sed quia inquifitum eft quod Homines de Billef- don promiferunt prsediflas x marcas, fine affenfu pradiiStorum hominum de Ledton ; confideratum eft-, ut requirantur ab Homi- nibus de Blllefdon. Mag. Rot, 4. J. Rot. 2. b. Bid. ^ Bedef, find. 438 0/F I N E S Chap. XII. find, \yliat was the Value of thofc Chatells which 'John de Lanvalei took from him ; and to have Right done him for thofe Chatells againil: the faid John ; and that the Verdidl might be taken at Wejl- tninj}er, in a novel Diflefine which was arraigned between him and WiU'uvn k Bret and Alexander de Pumton, before the Juftices in Eire in hincolnpire (a). Wiiliatn de Mara fined in one Palfrey or four Marks, that fix Knights who took a Bribe, as he alleged, might be put out of the Jury in a grand AiTife, and fix others be put in their Places (h). Wiliiam de Cbampell gave ij Marks, that Oliver de Tract might be fummoned to appear at London, to ihew caufe why he fold the Catell of JVilliam, which he had diftrained for certain Service demanded of William, but not acknowledged by him [c). Gilbert de Lafci gave C j-, to have a Writ of Jujlicies againlf PhilippaX'Sitc Wife of Robert Briton, for a Debt of xxx Marks which Hie owed him (d). Geoffrey de Paveilli gave one Mark, that an Affife of Mortdanceftour, which was fummoned to be before the Juflices Itinerant, between him and Agnes de Rutinton, might be fummoned before the chief Juf- ticier at Lincoln (e). Roger Peitevin gave x Marks, to have Right againft the Conftable of Chejlers Steward, who entered into his Land, and committed Waft there, to his Difherifon (f). Wiiliatn Buhiirt £ned in ij Marks, to have an Enqueft to find, whether he was ap- pealed for the Death of one Godwin out of Ill-will or for juft Caufe [a) Simon !e Bret debet x marcas, Pro habenda Inquifitione, Quid catalla quae Jo- hannes de Lanvalei ei abftulit valuerunt ; Et pro habenda rcfto de catallis illis verfus pra?di£tum Johannem ; Et pro habenda Recognitione Novae Diffaifmae apud Weft- monafterium, quae aramiata eft inter ilium & Willelmum le Bret & Alexandrum de Puinton coram Jufticiarijs Itinerantibus in Lincollfcira. lb. Rot. 17. a. tit. Line. Nova Oblata. (i)WiIle]mus de Mara debet j palefridum vel iiij marcas, pro amovendis a jurata Mag- jias Aflifas, quam idem Willelmus aramivit verfus R-obertum de Mara, fex Militibus ^ui mercedem acceperant ut dicit ; & ut sdij fex loco eorum aflignejitur. Mag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 4. b. Here/, in Wallia. {^c) Willelmus de Champell r c de ij marcis, Ut Oliverus de Traci fummonea- tur ad eflendum Londonise, oftenfurus quare vendidit averia ipfius Willelmi ; pro S'irvUio quod ab eo exigit, & quod ipfe non recognofcit ; In thefauro liberavit, Et Quietus eft, lb. Rot. 6. a. Devenefcira. (d) Gilebertus de Lafci debet C s, pro habendo brevi de jufticianda Philippa qua; fuit uxor Roberti Britonis, quod jufte & fe- cundum confuetudinem Angliae reddat ei xxx marc.ns, quas ei debet ut dicit. lb. Rot. y. a. Norhumberl. (e) Galfridus de Paveilli r c de j marca, Ut Affifa de Morte Anteceftbr. quje fum- monita eft in Adventu Jufticiariorum, inter ipfum & Agnetem uxorem Willelmi de Ru- tinton, de iij bovatis terrse in Rutinton, fummoneaturcoram Capitali Jufticiario apud Lincolliam : In th. 1, Et Q^ e. lb. Rot. 13. b. Not. ts" Dereb. (f) Rogerus Peitevin r c de x marcis, pro habendo reSto verfus Senefcallum Con- ftabularij Ceftris. qui terram fuam intravit, & vaftum & exilium inde fecit, Deficut idem [Rogerus . . . .] Hompgium & Rele- vium fuum obtulit. lb. Ret, 16. b> Ever' wicfcira, 2 (S) Chap. XII. touching Law-proceedings. 430 {g) ; and Richard de Lccchefiam fined in one Mark for the like (h). Richard de Luct fined in xv Marks and a Palfrey, to have it enquired by Oath of twelve good Men, vvhat Cuftoms and Services his Tenants in Copland ought to do to him, and did and ought to do to his Ancef- toursj and that he may have the fame, in Cafe the Enquefl: find for him ; and if by the Enqueft the faid Tenants be amerced, that then the King fliould have his Part thereof {i). Walter de Mahiirdin fined in XX s, that an Enqueft might find, whether he held his Land by Serjeanty or by Knights Service {k). The Priour of Bermundfey fined in V Marks, to have an Enqueft to find, which were the Priour's Demeanes in Bedlngho on the Year and Day wherein the Priour de- mifed the Land of Bovingho to Ralf de ^cnhag., who as it feems aliened the faid Demeanes ; and to have Seifin thereof, according as the Enqueft fhould find (/). Earl Patric fined in x Marks and iy Brachetts andvj Levereiers, to have an Enqueft of lawful Knights of Northumberland, to find, what Service Liulf Father of Thomas did tc Edgar Son of Earl Gofpatric, for certain Manours, on the Day when Edgar was diffeifed thereof by Reafon of the War between K. Henry II, and the King of Scotland; and that the Enqueft might not be delayed by Reafon that Thomas Son of Liulf held the faid Lands of the King ; in regard it was the King's JPleafure, that Earl Patric fhould do to him the Service which his Anceftours ufed to do to- the King's Anceftours, and that the faid Thomas fhould do to Earl. Patric for thofe Manours, the Homage and Service which the En-- (g) Willclmus Buhurt debet ij marcas, homines illi inciderint in Mifericordiam per pro habenda Inquifitione, iitrum appellatus illam Inquifitionem, quod Rex inde habeat fit de Morte Godwini in Mendham, per partem fuam. lb. Rot, 20. b, Cumberland • ■ aatiham vel ex jufta caufa. lb. Rot. 19. b. Nova Oblata, Norfokh ^ Sudfolch, [k) Walterus de Mahiirdin r c de xx s (h) Ricardus de Lecchefham debet j mar- utfiat Inquifuio, utrum teneatTerram fuam cam, pro habenda Inquifitione legalium lio- per Seijantcriam, vel per Servitium Militis. minum, utrum Tom^s filius Willelmi ap- Mag. Rot. 6. Job. Rot, %, b, Hereford /« ■ pellat eum odio & per atiam, vel eo quod Wallia. idem Ricardus inde lit reus. Ibid. juxt. (I) Prior Bcrmundefeias debet v marcas (;■) Ricardus de Luci r c de xv marcis pro habenda Inquifitione Legalium homl^ & j palefrido, Ut inquiratur per facramen- num qui melius fciant rei veritatem, Quje turn xij legalium hominum qui melius ve- fuerunt Dominica Prioris Bermundefeije lint veritatem dicere, quas Confuetudines & in Bedingho, anno & die quo idem Prior fervitia homines fui ei facere folent & de- tradidit ad firmam Terram de Bovingho bent, & quae fecerunt & facere debuerunt Radulfb de Qj^ienhag., qui ut dicitur Do- anteceflbnbus fuis, de liberis Tenementis minica ilia alienavit ; Et pro habenda inde ijuae de eo tenent in Copland ; Et quod faifina fecundum quod Inqyiiiitio dederit.- ea habeat, fi ea illi recognita fuerint ; Et fi J5. Rot. 3. ^. . 44'^ 0/ Fines Chap. XII. •qiieft (hould find to be due (m). Jojlan de AmundevUl fined in xx Marks, to' have a Recognition of Mortdanceftour at Wejlmmjler, •concerning the Stewardfhip of the Land and Palace of the Bifliop of Lincoln (nj. Maz.elhie de Cumhe and her Sons, ^c. fined in one Mark, to have an Enqueft to find, whether they w^ere accufed for the Death of a Man, who was found dead upon Mazeline's Land, juftly or out of Hate and Envy (o). Ala?! Trenchemere fined in iij Palfreys, to have an Enqueft of fix Knights and fix free Men of the Vifnue of Gumcfelve and Potefdon, to find, how his Men of the faid Towns hold ; whether freely or otherwife, and by whom they have the Liberties which they claim j whether by the King or by the SherLft' (/>). Richard de Liici fined in one Palfrey, that twelve good Men might enquire upon Oath, what Cuftoms and Services his Men ufed and ought to do to him fqj. Robert de Vaux fined in xx Marks, to have an Enqueft to find, whether Robert his Father was difleifed of fix Virgates of Land in Wihnundecote unjuftly and without Judg- ment of Law, and by the Wrong and Power of William de Long- champ King Richard's Chancellour; and what Right the faid Robert and his Anceftours had in that Land ; and whether Walerarn Bachard had Entry into that Land, any otherwife than by the faid Chan- cellourj and that Robert might have Seifin thereof, if the Enqueft (m) Comes Patricius debet x marcas & coUnenfis. Ih. Rot. 6. b. ij Brachettos & vj Leporarios, pro habenda (o) Mazelina de Cumba & filij fui & Inquiritione Icgalium Militum de Comitatu Radulfus Ruffus r c de j marca, pro haberr- Norhumbeiland, qui melius fciant & velint da Inquifitione, Utrum retati funt de Morte ■veritatem dicere, Quod fervicium Liulfus ctijufdam hominis qui inventus fuit mortuus Pater Tomse fecit Edgaro filio Comiris fuper Terram ipfius Mazelinas, jufta occa- •Gofpatricij de Manerijs de Tribus Middel- fione & proinde culpabiles finr, vel per ton. 5c de Rodun cum pertinentijs, eo die -odium & invidiam. 3. Rot. 8. b. Siul- -quo pra;di£lus Edgarus inde diflaifitus fuit Jexia. pro Werra inter Regem H. Patrem Regis [p) Alanus Trenchemere debet iij Pale- & Regem Scotia?, ne remaneat ea occafione fridos, pro habenda Inquifitione per facra- quod Tomas filius Liulfi prasdiiEtas terras mentum vj Militum & vj Liberorum homi- tenet de Rege, Quia Rex vult, quod divftus num de Vifneto de Gumefelve & Potefdon, Comes faciat ti inde Servitium quod Prae- Qualiter homines fui de prsdicSlis villis te- deceffores fui Suis fecerunt, & quod prae- nere debent, Libera vel aliter ; & per quern didus Tomas faciat Inquifitum Servitium habent, vel per Regem vel per Vicecomi- & Homagium fuum praedifto Comiti P. de tem, Libertates quas habere clamant. lb. ■ preediftis Manerijs. lb. Rot. 4. b. Norhum- Rot. 8. b. Surreia ; Nova Oblata. berlnnd; Nova Oblata. [q) Ricardus de Luci r c de j Palefrido, («) Joflanus de Amundevii'l debet xx Ut inquiratur per facramentum xij Legalium marcas, pro habenda apud Weftmonafteri- hominum, Quas Confuetudines k. Servitia um Recognitione de Morte Anteceflbris, de Homines fui ei facere folent & debent. lb. Senefcalcia Terrae & Domus Epifcopi Lm- Rot. 11. b. Cumberland. found 1 chap. XJI. touching Law- proceedings. 441 found for him (r). William de Marifco gave ij Marks, to have a Writ of attaint (j) ; and Richard Revel v Marks, for the like (/). Fulk Bainard-gave iiij Palfreys, that William de Scarlarijs and Bcnet, Steward of Roger de Kerdejhn, might be diflrained by their Land and Chatells, to furrender to him Roger de Kerdejlons Son and Heir, v^'ho ought to be his Ward, with his Land and Chatells [li). Elyas Martin gave XX Marks to the King and ij Marks ad aurum Reginay that cer- tain Rolls of the Juftices at Tork might be produced in order to convid: Fives the Jew of Falfity (w). William de Andeford gave ij Marks, for attaching Jordan de Belnei and others, who were appealed of his Father's Death [x). Walter de Grantcurt gave y\s, to have Knights and other lawful Men in his Jury againft Hugh de Poljlede (y). Benet de Blakeham gave two Palfreys and one Hawk, that Ralf Son of Brian and others might be fummoned to appear before the King's Juftices, to anfwer to the faid Benet for his Chatells which they injuftly carried away and fpoiled (2;). The Men oi Stanley gave one Palfrey, that it might be enquired by Oath of lawful Men, (r) Robertus de Vallibus debet xx' niar- cas, pro h.ibenda Inquifitione, Si Robortus de Vallibus Pater ipfius fuit difTaifitus de vj virgatis terra; in Wilmundecot injufte & fine judicio, & per Voluntatem & Vim Willelmi de Longo Campo Cancellarij Regis Ricar- di ; Et Qiiod jus idem Robertus & Ante- cefl'ores lui habuerunt in terra ilia ; Et fi Walemannus Bachard, qui poftea per eun- dcin fuit faifitus, habuit alium ingreflutn quam per ipfuni Cancellarium ; Et pro ha- benda faifina illius terra, fi Inquifitio ei dederit. Ib> Rot. ij. b. IFareivtc isf Leir- cejiria. (fj Willclmus de Marifco debet ij niar- cas, Pro convincendo, per xxiiij"' illos xij Juratores qui fuerunt Juratores de Nova DiiTaifina quam idem Wiljelmus aramiave- rat fuper Radulfum de S. Mauro de terra de elude. Mag. Rot. 6. 7. Rot. 14. bii b. Dorf. csf Sumerf. Nova Oblata. {t) Ricardus Revel debet v marcas, Pro habcndo brevi de Attingendo per xxiiij A-lilites, xij Juratores qui juraverunt Quod dampnum Willelinus Dacus habuit per dil- i'aifinam quam Ricardus el fecit. Ib.juxt. ante. [u) Fulco Bainard r c de iiij Palefridis, Ut Willelmus de Scalarijs & Benediftus Seiiefcallus Rogeri de Kerdeftoa Jriftringan- Vol. I. tur per terram & catalla fua, quod fine di- latione reddant praediclo Fulconi filium & h.-credem Rogeri de Kerdeflon, qui debet efle in Cuftodia fua ut dicit, cum catallis ad prasdi£lum hseredem pertinentibus, & cum tali faifina terrarum fuarum qualcm pater fuus habuit die qua obijt. ALig. Rot. 8. 'J. Rot. 3. b. Nor/, iff Sudf. (w) Elyas Martin debet xx marcas, & ij marcas ad aurum Reginas, Per fic quod Rotuli Jufticiariorum qui fadli fuerunt apud Eboracum, proferantur ad convincendum Vives filium Aaron de falfitate cartaium. Mug. Rot. 8. J. Rot. 18. a. (jr) Willelmus de Andeford debet ij mar- cas, pro atachiando Jordanum de Belnei & alios, appellatos de Morte Patris fui. Mag. Rot. 9. J. Rot. \-].b. Norf. b" Sudf. (y) Walterus de Grantcurt debet xl s, pro habendis Militibus & alijs Legalibus honiinibus in Jurata fua verfus Hugonem de Polftede. lb Rot. ij. b. (z) Benedi£tus de Blakeham r c de ij Palefridis & j ollurco, Per fic quod Ra- dulfus filius Briani & alij ponantur per Va- dium & Plegios, quod fint coram Juftic. Regis, refponfuri ipfi Benedicto de catallis fuis qu« injufte afportaverunt & dcvaita- verunt ut dicit. lb. Rot. 17. B. L 1 1 \v hat 442 0/ Fl N E S Chap. XII. what Cufloms and Services the Men of the Manour of Stanley ufed to do to K. Henry II, whilft that Manour was in his Hands (aj. Herebert de St. ^nntin fined in v Marks, for attainting a Jury that ferved in an Affize of novel Difleiline, arraigned between him and Stephen de St. Hylary (b). Adam de Befton fined in xv Marks, that it might be enquired by View, whether a Partition had been duly made according to a Chirograph thereof made between the Parties (c). Hugh Pevcrel fined in x Marks, that the Sheriff might en- quire, whether Walter Fitz-John appealed Daniel de Nimelande of his Brother's Death, out of Hatred or not; and if the Enqueft find Daniel not-guilty, that then they may have leave to come to an Accord (d). Warin Son of "Joas fined in one Mark, that an Affize of novel Difleifin fummoned betwixt him and Martin Prudhiime con- cerning a Franktenement of Martins, might be taken before William de Montague and his Companions [e). Warner de Waxtonejljam fined in v Marks, to have the King's Writ to attaint a Jury (f). Alan Son of Ketell fined in xxx Marks and one Palfrey, that it might be enquired, whether he amoved the Serjeants who kept the Pleas of the Crown in Copland) or not (g). Hugh le Grofs fined in one good Norway' (a) Homines de Stanlega r c de j Pale- frido, Ut inquiratur per facramentum Le- galium hominum, Quas Coiifuetudines & quae Servitia Homines de Manerio de Stan- leia facere confuerunt Regi H. Patri Regis, dum eflent in manu fua. lb. Rot. 19. b. TVareivlch i^ Leircejlr. (b) Idem [i. e. Falices de Breaute] r c de V marcis de Hereberto de San(Eto Quintino, proconvincendis xij per xxiiij de Aflifa No- vas DiiTaifmae aramiatae inter ipfum Here- bertum & Stephanum de Sanfto Hylario, lb. Rot. 21. b. (c) Adam de Befton debet xv marcas. Per fic quod videatur, fi Milites qui per facramentum fuum [fecerunt] particionem inter ipfum & Willelmum Grammaticum, de quodam Bofco & Bofculo inter Befton & Middelton, unde contentio fuit inter eos, fecerunt iliam particionem fecundum conti- nentiam Cyrographi inter eos fafti, & fe- cundum metas in praedifto Cyrographo dif- tinftas, necne ; Unde idem Adam queritur, quod ipfi aliter fecerunt particionem illam, quam deberent fecundum tenorem Cyro- graphi prasdicli. lb. Rot. 7. a. (d) Hugo Peverel r c de x marcis, ut Vicecomes inquiri faciat, utrum Walterus fiiius Johannis appellet Danielem de Nime- lande de morte Fratris fui odio Sc atia, vel eo quod inde culpabiiis fit ; Et fi Inquifi- tio ilia dederit, praedictum Danielem inde non efTeculpabilem, quod habeant licentiam concordandi ad invicem ; In thefauro libe- ravit, tt quietus eft. Jklag. Rot. 10. yoh. Rot. 5. a. Devenefchlra. (e) Warinus fiiius Joas debet j marcam, Ut AfTifa Novas Difl'aifinae fummonita inter ipfum & Martinum Prudhume, de libero tenemento ipfms Martini, capiatur coram Willelmo de Monteacuto & Socijs fuis. lb. Rot. 5. C7. (fj VVarnerus de Waxtonefham debet V marcas, pro habendo brevi Regis de At- tingendo per xxiiij legales homines de Vif- neto de Fifhide xij juratores qui falfum ju- raverunt ut dicit, de Morte anteceflbfis cap- ta inter ipfum & Galfridum de Tany, de duabus virgatis terras in Fifhyde. lb. Rot. 15. b. Effex Isf Hurtf. (g) Alanus fiiius Ketelli debet xxx mar- cas & j palefridum, Ut inquiratur utrum praedidus chap. XII. touching Law-proceedings. 443 iV«7r«'«_y-hawk, to have a Pracipe before the King fh). Simon de Lindon fined in xx j, that Maud de Bihamel might be attached to ap- pear before the King at his next coming to Northaifipton, to anfwer to Simo7i upon an appeal of Felony (/). Fidk Son of T7jeoi;a/d fined in C Marks, to have a VerdicSl of good Men of the County, touching Things charged on him relating to the Men of the Town of Cam- bridge and the Jews (k). Hugh de Normanvill fined in one Horfe and one Hawk and two Dogs for Partridges, to have a Writ (/). Roger Son of 'Nicholas gave xx Lampreys and xx Shads, to have an Enqueft to find, whether Gilbert Son oi Alured gave to Roger CC Muttons to obtain his Confirmation for certain Land, or whether Roger took them from him(;«). Alan de Galwey and Elena his Mo- ther gave DC Marks and vj Palfreys, to have a Recognition con- cerning the Land of JVixendene and Bofegate, whereof Richard de Morevill Father of Elena was feized, at the Day when the War be- gan between K. Henry II, and William King of Scotland, and whether the faid Richard was diflTeifed for any other Reafon than becaufe of that War fnj. Herald Son of Humfrey gave xx Marks, that Philipp le Truan, who was indifted of Homicide, might have his Judgment according to the Verdidt of the Country (0). Henry le Salvage gave half praediilus Alanus amovit Servientes qui cuf- todiebant placita Coronse Regis in Copland, necne. Mag. Rot. il.J. Rot. 8. &. Cumb. [h) Hugo Groflus debet j Bonum Oltu- rum Norrenfem, prenaentein, bene feden- tem, mutariuin, pro habendo quodam Prae- cipe coram Rege : De quo Comes Alberi- cus debet rcfpondere, per breve Regis. li. Rot. 17. J^i) Simon de Lindon debet xx s, quod Maria de Bihamel atachietur, ita quod fit coram Rege in proximo Adventu ejus apud Norhanton, refponfura eidem Simoni de Fc- lunia unde earn appeliat. Mag. Rot. 12. y. Rot. 2. a. (k) Fulco filius Teobaldi debet C mar- cas, (fet refpondet infra f), pro habendo Veredicto Legalium hominum de Comitatu, fuper his quas ei imponuntur de Hominibus de Villa de Cantebrigia & de Judaeis — . f Fulco filius Teobaldi reddit compotum de C marcis, ficut fupra continetur ; In the- lauro nichil, Et in perdonis ipfi Fulconi C marc^, Per breve Regis, Et Quietus eft. Mag. Rot. 12. Joh. Rot. 11. a. Fulk ac- counted this Tear as Sheriff of Cambridge and Huntcndon Shires ; Ibid. (l) Hugo de Normanvill debet j equum aufturcum & j Sprivarium & ij Canes ad perdices. Pro habendo Brevi. Mag. Rot. 13. 'fob. Rot. 18. i. Tit. Norhumberland. (w) Rogerus filius Nicholai debet xx lampredas de primis varijs, & xx Aloias, pro habenda Inquifitione, Utrum Gilebertus filius Aluredi dedit eidem Rogero CC bi- dcntes, pro habenda Confirmatione ipfius Rogeri de terra qure fuit patris fui, an ipfe Rogerus ei illas abftulit. Mag. Rot. 13. J. Rot. 8. a. Cant. & Hunt. (n) Alanus de Galweia & Elena Mater ejus [debent] DC marcas & vj Palefridos, Pro habenda Recognitione de terra de Wix- indene & Bofegate, unde Ricardus de More- vill Pater ipfius Helens fuit faifitus die qua Guerra incepit inter H. Regem & VViilel- mum Regem Scotise ; Et fi alia occafione fuit difiaifitus praefatus Ricardus, quam occafione prsdidlae Wcrrx. lb. Rot. 13- a. Norhanitefcirii . (0) Heialdus filius Humfridi debet xxx L 1 1 2 marcas. 444 0/F I N E S Chap. XII. half a Mark, to have an Enquefl to find, whether he was guilty of the Death of fiich a one or not fp). WiUiam de Ainesford gvivc one good Norivay Hawk or two (other) good Hawks, for leave to accord with Hugh de Beaiichanip, and two gooii hautcine Falcons, to have a Writ (q). Robert de Ellejlede fined in fix Fox-dogs of one Sort and fix of another Sort, to have a Pone againft Henry de St. George (r). Jordan de Sake^oill fined in C Marks, to have a Fracipe for his Wife's Inheritance ; and whether he withdrew his Suit, or agreed it, or got the Land by Judgment, he was to pay to the King the faid C Marks (s). John Son ol Roger gave half a Mark, that Chrijlina Daughter of Berengare might be fummoned before the Juftices Itinerant, to render unto the faid John one Mafage in Winchejler, which he de- mifed to him for a Term which was now expired [t), Richard de Paide/l:ol gzwc one Mark, that an Afilze between himfelf Difi!eifee, and Richard Bloet and Hugh de Wajjhnar Difi"eifors, might be fum- moned to Wejimirijler (u). The Men oi Portfmouth gave three Calks of Wine, that the King would command fome of the Juftices that went Iters in Hantjljire, to go to Port/mouth, to hold the Pleas of that Town which ought to be brought before the Jufi:ices, accord- ing to the Charter of K. Richard I [w). Gilbert the Chamberlain gave marcas, Per fic quod Philippus le Truan, retatus de morte Sinionis, habeat Judicium fuum fecund urn propontum Patriae. lb. Rot. 17. a. Line. {p) Henricus le Salvage debet dimidi- am marcam, pro habenda Inquifitione, u- trum culpabilis fit necne de morte cujufdam hominis. lb. Rot. 19. b. Suthamtefcira. (q) Willelmus de Ainesford debet unum bonum ofturum Norrenfem, vel duos bonos ofturos, pro licentia concordandi cum Hu- gone de Bello Campo ; Et duos Falcones Hauteins bonos, pro habendo Brevi. Mag. Rot. 14. Job. Rot. 2. a. Kent. (r) Robertus de Elleftede debet vj Canes Wulperettos & Baldos, & vj alios Canes Wulpeculares, pro babendo Pone verfus Henricum de Sanfto Georgio. Mag. Rot. 16. Job. Rot. 15. b. Sudfexia. (s) Jordanus de Sakevill debet C mar- cas, pro habendo Prjecipe de haereditate quse uxorem fuam contingit, ita quod fi fe retrahat, vel pacem faciat, vel praediftam Terram per Judicium adquirat, prasdictas C marcas Regi reddat. Mag. Rot. 16. y. Rot. 16. b. Norfokh dff Sudf. [t) Johannes filius Rogeri debet dimidiam marcam, pro fummonenda Criftina filia Be- rengar. coram Jufticiarijs Itinerantibus, ad reddendum eidem Johanniunum Mafagium cum pertinentijs in Wintonia, quod ei dimi- fit ad terminum qui praeterijr, ut dicit. Mag. Rot, 2. H. 3. Rot. 2. a. Sutbamtefc. tit. Nova Oblata. (u) Ricardus de Paulefliol [debet] j mar- cam, Ut affifa inter jpfum diflaifitum, & Ricardum Bloet & Hugonem de Wailemar diflaifitores, fummoneatur apud Weflrmonaf- terium. Mag, Rot. 2. H. 3. Rot. i. b. TVilteftra. tit. Nova Oblata. [vu) Homines de Portefmuth debent iij dolia vini, Ut Rex praecipiat quofdam ex Jufticiarijs Itinerantibus in Comitatu Su- hantonice mitti ufq; Portefmuth, ad tenen- dum ibi placita illius villaequasad Jufticiarios pertinent, fecundum tenorem cartae Regis Ricardi avunculi Regis. Mag. Rot. 3. H. 3. Rot. 3. a. Stibant, a Mark, Chap. XII. tOUchi?1cr Law -PROCEEDINGS. o 445 a Mark, to have his Appeal tried zX. Wejlnnrijlcr (x). Bartholomew Ba/Jk fined in v Marks, to have Juflices to take an Affile againfl: Brian the Forejler and Thomas French, for a Tenement in Hemmton (y). Frumbald de Heregrave hntd in half a Mark, that in his Writ of grand Affife, mention might be made of the Time of K. Henry the Elder (.s). Simon de Piiedon fined in half a Mark, to have men- tion made in his Writ of grand Affife, of the Time of K. Richard fa). Walter de Turbcrvill ^nad in a Mark, to have a Plea-day before Autumn f<^j. Adam Bliind oi Bodmine ^ntd. in ij Marks, that there might be a Duell between him and IValter de Stolde, for CC Pieces of Tin, which Walter faid that Adam had flolen from him (c). Odo de Dammartin fined in ij Palfreys, to have a Pone againft Richard Hacun touching a Duell waged between them for hand in Hamelin ton, and touching another Duell waged between them ior Land in Cattioi (d). Thomas de Lincoln fined in a Mark, to have a Record before the Juflices of the Bank, touching a Plaint for Land in Thorp {e'). The Burgefies of Plimton fined, to have an Enqueil to find, whether they were in Poileffion in the Time of Willia?n Earl of Devon, of certain Liberties granted to them by that Earl's Charter, or not (f). Emery de Sacy fined, to have an Inquifition to find whether he ought to be (x) Gillebertus Camerarius debet j mar- cam, pro habendo appello apud Wcftmo- nalkrium ; per plegiagium Radulfi Gernun. Mr.g. Ret. 3. H. 3. Rot- 9. b. EJfex'd Hertf. (y) Bartholoniasus Bafiet de Heminton debet V marcas, pro habcndis Jufliciarijs ad capiendam afllfam verfus Brianum Forefta- rium'& Thomam le Franceis, de tencmento in Heminton. Mng. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. I. a. lyar. Is' Leic. Nova Oblata. (z) Frumbaldus de Heregrave r c de dimidia marca, pro facienda mentione, in brevi fuo de Magna aflila, de tempore H. Regis fenioris : In th. I, £t Q. e. Mc^g. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 2. a. Buk. & Bed. (fi) Simon de Pitedon debet dimidiam marcam, pro habenda mentione, in brevi fiio de Magna AlTifii, de tempore Regis Ri- cardi. Jb. Rot. 4. a. Dorf. & Sumerf. (b) Walterus de TurberviJl debet j mar- cam, pro habendo j die placiti ante autump- num. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 4. a. Dorf. (sf Sumerf. (c) Adam Blundus de Bomine re de ij marcis, pro habendo Duello inter ipfum & Walterum de Stolde de CC 'fruftis ftagni quae idem Adam ei furatus eft ut dicit: In th. I, Kt Q. e. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 9. b. Cornub. (d) Odo de Dam.martin debet ij pale- fiidos, pro habendo Pone contra Ricardum Hacun de quodam Duello inter eos vadiato de terrain Hamelinton, & de alio Duello in- ter eos vadiato de terra in Cattun. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 12. b. Norf. & Suff. (e) Thomas de Line, debet j maicam, pro habendo recordo coram Juftic. de Ban- co, de Loquela qua eft inter ipfum & Ro- bertum de Normanvill & Gilkbcrtum de Bifech. de terra in Thorp. Mag. Rot. -. H. 3. Rot. I. h. in irno. War. &. Leic. (f) Burgenfes de Plinton r c de xxx marcis pro vj palefridis, pro habenda Inqui- fitione per probos & legales homines de vifneto de Plinton, utrum fuerint in faifiiia tempore Willelmi quonda.Ti Comitis Devo- nijede Libertatibus eis conceffis perCartam ipfius Comitis quam inde habent an non. Mag. Rot. 9. H. 3. Rot. 3. b. Divonia. A. Sheriff 446 Of Fines Chap. XII. Sheriff of HamJInre all his Life-time, or no (g). Warm de Mun- chenfy gave a Palfrey of the Price of v Marks, to have a Plaint be- fore the King {h). 'John Kcchel and the reft of the Men of Brampton gave XX Marks, to have their Plaint before the Bidiop of Wincbcjler and yohn Maimfel {i). Baldwin de Frivill profered half a Mark of Gold, that it might be enquired, whether John le Moyne took, in the feveral hundreds and geldable Tov/ns of the Counties of Cambridge and Hiinteudon, in the Sheriff's Turn, certain Sums of Money, againft the Cuftom ufed in the faid Counties : and that it might be enquired, whether "John de Marines took the like Money in the faid Hundreds : and whether yohn de Marines took of a certain Villate of Baldn'ins one Mark, for that every Man that was twelve Years old did not come to his Sheriff's Turn : and whether Williajn de Selford g2.\e. to the faid yohti le Moyne fixty Acres of arable Land, and twelve Acres of Mea- dow, holden of the laid Baldwin, to procure him the faid William de Selford to be delivered out of the Prifon wherein he was detained for the Death of his Father John de Selford (k). And the Sheriff of Cambridgcflnre was commanded to fummon twelve Men, as well Knights as others, to be at the Exchequer on the Morrow of St. Martin, to make an Inquifition concerning the Matters above re- hearfed (/). (g) Suthamton. Emericus de Sacy ob- tulit Domino Regi v marcas, pro habenda Inquifitione fi debeat tota vita fua efle Vice- coircs vel non. ^a- Aienior. 25. H. 3. Rot. q.a. (h) Warinus de Monte Canifij [debet] j palefridum precij v marcarum, pro haben- da quadam loquela coram Rege, Et Lx marcas pro difi'aifina. Mug. Rot. 31. H. 3. Kancia. m. 2. h. (i) Nova Oblata : Johannes Kechel & caeteri Homine; de Bran;pton [debent] xx marcas. Pro habenda quadam loquela coram Wintor.ienfi Epifcopo & Johanne Maunfel. Mag. Rot. 32. H. 3. Rot. . Ca>;t. & Hunt. M. 2. n. (k) Memorandum, quod Baldewinus de Frivill ofFe;t Domino Regi dimidiam mar- cam aurij Per fic quod inquiratur, Si Jo- hannes le Moyne cepit in fmgulis Hundredis & viUisGeldabilibusComitatuumCantebri- giae & Huntendonias in i urno Vicecomitis pecuniam contra confuetudinem ufitatam in eifdem Comitatibus ; Et quod fimiliter in- quiratur, Si Johannes de Marines cepit in przedidis hundredis confimilem pecuniam : Et fi idem Johannes de Marines cepit de quadam villata ipfius Baldewini unam mar- cam, eo quod quilibet homo xij annorum non venit coram eo ad Turnum fuum tem- pore quo fuit Vicecomes in eifdem Comi- tatibus : Et fi Willelmus de Selford dedit praedifto Johanni le Moyne Lx acras terras arabilis & xij acras prati falcabilis, quas idem Willelmus tenuit de eodem Balde- wino, eo quod procuraret ipfum VVillelmum libcrari a prifona qua detentus fuit pro mor- te Johannis de Stlford patris fui. Mich, Comnmn. 40. H. 3, incipletite 4J. Ret. i.a. (I) Mandatum eft Vicecomiti Cantebri- giae & Huntendonise, quod venire faciat coram &c, in craftino S, Martini xij tarn Milites quam alios liberos & legales homi- nes de Comitatu Cantebrigiae, qui nulla af- finitate attingant Baldewinum de Frivill, nee Johannem le Moyne nee Johanncm de Marines, per quos &c, ad recognofcendum &c fi praedifti Johannes & Johannes cepe- runt in fingulis hundredis & villis Gelda- bilibus, as above ; Et habeat breve &c. Mi- ?nor. 40. H, 3, incipiente 41, Rot. 3. a. in. As Chap. XII. touclmig Law- proceedings. 447 III. As to Fines for Expedition, or Speeding their Right; there are many Inftances thereof. Ralf Son of Simon fined in ij Marks, for fpeeding his Right (m). Fines were made by feveral others in liice Cafes mutatis 7nutandis : namely, by Gilbert Fitz-JValter (n), Hugh Son of JValdin fo), OJhert de St. Laurence (p), Fulk de Munpincons Wife (^), Ralfde Ferrers frj, Roger Fitz-Peter (s), William de Roan (/), Richard de Rue (u), Robert Malherbe (10 J, Ralfde Crumivell (at), Ailmund de Hertford (yj, Richard de Graenvill (z), Robert de Frendelgajl (a), Nicolas Son of Robert fbj, Walter de Nevill Clerk (cj, Alan de Witherefdal (d), Sam/on Fitz-William (f), Agnes Daughter of Maud (m) Radulfus filius Simonis r c de ij marcis, pro redlo fiio feftinando. Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 4. b. Salop. (n) Gillebertus filius Walteri r c de x marcis, pro redto fuo feftinando. li. Rot. 5. (7. Norhantefc. (0) Hugo filius Waldini r c de v marcis, pro reSto fuo feftinando de feodo j Militis. lb. Rot. 6. a. Gloec. (p) Ofbertus de S. Laurentio debet xl s, pro redto fuo feftinando, de feodo j Militis de Dote uxoris fuas. lb. Rot. 8. a. Hante- iefclra. (q) Uxor Folqueij de Munpincun debet C 1, pro redto fuo feftinando, de terra quam clamat verfus Adam filium Aluredi. lb. Rot. 2. a. Norf. (if Suthf. {r) Radulfus deFerrarijs debet x marcas, pro Feftinando Judicio fuo de Ricardo Fa- bro, qui eum & homines fuos appellavit de Cervo quern eos capere vidit, & poftea fe inJe retraxit. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 9. b. Devenefc. (s) Rogerus filius Petri r c de xx 3, pro recjto fuo feftinando. lb. Rot. 6. a. {t) Willelmus deRothomago r c de xxx marcis, pro feftinando Judicio fuo de placito inter ipfum & Hamonem Pichard de terra de Wereflea. Mag. Rot. 15. H. 2. Rot. 10. b. Cant, y Hunt. (u) Ricardus de Rue r c de v marcis. Pro feftinando jure fuo contra Michaelem de Furneis. lb. Rot. 3. a. {w) Robertus Malherbe debet C 1, Pro feftinando Reito verfus Nicholaum de Man- na, de hsreditate fua in Normannia& An- glia. Mag. Rot. 18. H.Q.. Rot, 4. b, Buch- ingeh. £3° Bcdef. (x) Radulfus de Crumwella debet v mar- cas, Pro feftinando redo fuo de Widmere- pol verfus Robertum de Heriz. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. 7. b. Not. cJ Dereb. (y) Ailmundus de Hereford r c de C s. Pro Judicio fuo feftinando. Mag. Rot. 31. //. 3. Rot. 13. b. (z) Ricardus de Graenvilla r c de x mar- cis, pro feftinando refto fuo in Curia Regis verfus Alanum de warneft., de terra Ceci- liae de Abetot. Mag. Rot. 31. i/. 2. Rot. 10. a. Gloec. tit. Dc Ohlatis Curi^. {a) Robertus de Prendelgaft r c de iij marcis, Pro redo feftinando verfus Willel- mum de Buinebroc, de terra de Buinebroc. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Line. (b) Nicholaus filius Roberti filij Harding r c de x marcis, pro feftinando judicio fuo de terra de Stanbrige, verfus Aeliziam uxo- rem Roberti Giff'ardl. Mag. Rot. i.Ric. i. Rot. 11. b. Cant, iff Hunt. (c) Walterus de Nevill Clericus debet xl marcis & ij palefridos, U t Rex non im- pediat ipfum quin poffit agere verfus Jo- hannem de Alencun, fuper Ecclefia de Hoton. Alag.Rot. 3. Jol'. Rot. 2. b. Line. {d) Alanus de Witherefdal debet C s, Ut Aftifa, quam aramiavit verfus Rogeruiii Gulafre, de Nova Diflaifina, non remaneat. lb. Rot. 11. b. Norf.bf Sudf. {e) Samfon filius Willelmi debet xv mar- cas, Ut Recognitio de Morte anteceflbris quam aramiavit verfus Magiftn:m Reginal- dum Parifienfem, de ij hidis Terrje & di- midia in Ceftreton, proccdat ; qux reman- fit 60 quod idem Reginaldus dedit Regi x marcas ut ipfa remaneret ; Quas x marcas pacavit 448 0/" F I N E S Chap. Xir. (J)y IViUiam de Alta Ripa {g), Henry Lcvefque (h), Roger dcHo{i), Mafler John de Rammejbiri (k), Fiilk Fitz IVarin flj, Alan de Crep- ping (;«), Falk de Breautce for War'me Fkz-Gerold («) j and many others. IV. It was alfo ufual to make Fines for flopping or delay of Pleas, Tryals, and Judgments. For Inllance; Ralph Bernage fined in x Marks of Silver, that he might not be impleaded for his Land during his Life (o). Richard de Bere and his Son William (p). Raff Son of Godric {q), and Robert Giff'ard, feverally fined for the like Caufe (r). William Croc fined in xvij / and x s, that he might not be impleaded for his Land, until the King's return into Ef?gland {s), and Adam Ti/im, pacavit in CMmera Regis in Normannia. Mng. Rot. 5. 7- Ri'f- J- ''^ Cant. & Hunt. if) Agnes filia Matildae debet j mar- cam, Ut Affifj. de Morte Anteceflbriim, qune remanfit coram Jufticiarijs itineranti- bus, inter ipfam & Tomam le Telier, de j Mefagio cum pertinentijs in Bukingeham, occafione j marcas quam ipH; dcJit ad opus Regis ut Aflifa ilia remancret ufq; in Ad- ventum Willelmi de Braiofa Junioris in An- gliam, de quo ipfe Mefagium illud tenet, lummoneatur apud Weftmonafterium. lb. Rot. 7. h. (g) Willelmus de Alta Ripa debet x marcas, Per fic quod Rex mandet Abbati de Torinton & Prioribus de Thronholm & Eilleftiam, quod procedant in cognitione caufas, authoritate Litterarum Domini Pa- pae eis commiflae, inter ipfum & Willel- mum filium Alani, juxta formam prasdicSa- rum Litterarum ; non obftante aliqua Pro- hibitione a P>.ege fafta. Mag. Rot. 7. J. Rot. 14. b. JVtliefchira. (h) Henricus Levefque debet iij Palefri- dos, quod jufte & fine dilatione procedat loquela inter ipfum H. Petentem, Et prio- rem de Ely Tenentem, de placito Terrse in Merle & in Meldcburn, quae remanfit per prxceptum Regis ; De quibus J. Epifcopus Norwicenfis debet reddere pro eo ij Palefri- dos. Ma£. Rot. 9. y. Rot. 10. b. Cant, isf Hunt. (i) Rogerus de Ho [debet] j Ofturcum, quod Loquela quae eft inter ipfum & Ra- dulfum de Tivill, de placito terra de Cro- peftoft, procedat. Mag. Rot. 9. J. Rot. 17. b. (k) M:igiftcr Johannes de Rammefbiri debet iij Palefridos, Pro habendis Litteris Regis Judicibus Delegatis, ut procedant in caufa quae vertitur inter quendam Monacum S. Petri fuper Dinam, & Priorem de Stutef- biri, Mag. Rot. 11. J. Rot. iT,. b. Staff". (/) Fulco filius Warini [debet] C libras Si j Dextrarium, pulcrum, Sc talem quod non fit eo melior in Wallia, Pro feftinando Judicio verfus Robertum le Vavafur de Ma- nerio de Edinton. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 14. b. Evenvicfiira. [m) Alanus de Crepping r c de x 1 & ij d pro Rogero de Ginges, pro feftinando judicio. Mag. Rot. 7. H. 3. Rot. 4. a. («) Falkefius de Breautee debet j Oftu- rum pro Warino filio Geroldi, pro fefti- nando Juilicio. lb. Rot. l~i.<7. Evcriwkefira. (») Radulfus Barnage r c de x marcis argenti, Ne placitet de terra fua in vita fua ; In thefauro xl s, Et debet vij marcas ar- genti. AJag. Rot. 5. Steph. Rot. 2. a. Dorfeta, tit. Nova Placita isf Nova Convcif tiones. (p) Ricardus de Bera& Willelmus filius fuus r c de iiij 1 & j marca argenti & j Dextrario, Ne placitent de terra de Burbec. lb. Rot. 4. a. Ha?ntefdra. {q) Radulfus filius Godrici debet j E- quum de Lxs, Ne placitet de terra fua. lb. Rot. 11. b. Line. (r) Robertas Giffardus r c de j Dextra- rio, Ne placitet de terra quam Ricardus de Holeweia clamat verfus eum. lb. Rot. 16. a. Devcnefcira. (s) Willelmus Croc debet xvij 1 & x s, Ne touch'm^ Law-proceedin G S. 449 Chap. Xir. T'tfiin, that he might not be impleaded for his Lnnd, till Kigell dc Albims Son was knighted (/). IVilliam de Alhamare fined in C Marks, that he might not be impleaded by his Men, for the Land which his Father held in Domaine [ii). Rulf de Lamarc fined in \1 Marks of Silver, that he might not be impleaded by his Nephews (iv). Anfcbetill de Herokurt fined in xj / xiij s and iiij d, that nei- ther he nor his Heir might be impleaded for his Land [x). Maud de Stichc/kvald ^ntd. in x Marks of Silver, that fhe might not be impleaded for her Land [y) : and Fines of the like Sort were feverally made bv, . . . Son oi Ser/o (zj, Nigell de Ramcnton {a), iind. Richard de Davidr- -ville (b). Hafcidf 'box\ of Ridiou fined in xl s and a Deilrier, for Refpite of a certain Plea till the King came into England [c) ; Roger de Lacell, that he might not be impleaded till Robert Marmion was knighted, (t/); and Williain Fkz-Gerold, that he might not be impleaded till tlie Chr'ijhnafs next alter the King's Voyage from Porlfmoiith (ej. IVUHarn de EJJi'bi fined in v Marks, to have the King's Writ m ?v- JpGTideret ff). The Men of Southivark gave viij /, to have Refpite in. their Plaint againfl: the Men o{ Lo7idon (g). The Burgeffes of Cam- hridge gave Lxvj s viij i/, for Refpite of their Plea (/>). Conan Son of Ne placitet de terra fua donee Rex redeat in Angliam. Jb. Rot. 2. a. li^litt-fcira. (t) Adam Tifun r c de xv marcis argen- ti, Ne placitet de Terra fua, donee filius Nigeili de Albini fit Miles. Ji. Rot. 3. a. Everivlcfcirei. (u) Willelmus de Albamara debet C marcas argenti, ne placitet verfus Homines fuos de terra quam pater (bus tenuitin Do- minio. lb. Rot. 3. a. Everwic. (w) Radulfus de Lamara r c de xl mar- cis argenti, ne placitet de terra fua erga Nepotes fuos. Ih. Rot. g. a. Norhamt. (x) Anfchetillus de Herolcurt r c de xj 1 & xiij s & iiijd, ne placitet de terra fua nee hseres fuus. lb. Rot. 9. b. Legrec. (y) Matilda uxor Radulfi de Stichefwal- id. debet x marcas argenti, ne placitet de terra fua. Mag. Rot. 5. Ste. Rot. 12. a. Line. (z) . . . nus filius Serlonis debet iiij mar- cas argenti vel j dextrarium qui valeat iiij marcas argenti, ne placitet de terra fua erga WalKrum & fratres fuos . lb. Rot, J 6. a. Devcnefc. (a) Nigellus de Ramentona r c de x mar- cis argenti, ne rcfpondeat pro calumpnia Vol. L M Morcardi de terra Patris fui. lb. Rot. i. b. Not. iff Dereb. [b) Ricardus de Davidvilla r c dc x: marcis argenti, ne placitet de terra fua de Weftona. lb. Rot. 1. h. (c) Hafcujfus filius Ridiou r c de xl s & j Dextrario, pro refpeitu cujufdam placiti donee Rex veniret in Angliam. lb. Rot. 3. b. Everivi'c, {(l) Rogerus de Lacell. r c deCs, Nc placitet de terra fua donee Robertus Mar- mion fit Miles, lb. Rot. 12. b. Line. (e) Willelmus filius Geroldi debet j mar- cam auri, Ne placitet de terra fua, ufq; ad Natale Domini poft tranfitum Regis de Portefmue. lb. Rot. 13. a. Berchcfcira. (f) Willelmus de EiVebi r c de v mar- cis, pro brevi Regis ne refponderet. Mtig. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 5. a. (g) £t idem Homines [fc. de Suthwerch j debent viij !, pro refpedtu Loquela; verfus Homines Londonias. Aliig. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Surreia. {!}) Et idem Burgenfes [de Cantebrugia] debent Lxvj s & viijd, pro refpeiTlu placiti fui. lb. Rot, 2. b. m ni Helius 450 0/F I N E S. Chap. Xir. He/ias gtivc XXXV s and iiij nj Hamelinus Decanus debet j Acci- pitrem Norr. &j Girfalconeni Iflandicum, Ut loquela fua difteratur. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 7. a. Line. (n) G.ilfridus filius Reginald! de S, Leo- degario r c de xl marcis, Ut affifa remaneat quam Canicrarius de Tankarvilla require- bat adverfus eum. Mag. Rot. 23. H. 2. Rot. 11. a. Sudfexa. (0) Henricus de Pirarijs debet x marcas, Ut recognitio de terra de Saxebia remaneat, 5j ut reftum fit inde inter eum & Willel- mum de Pirarijs. Mag. Rot. i\. H. 2. Rot.. 7. a. War. (^ Legerc, (p) Willelmus GifFard debet xxx mar- cas, Ut recognitio de terra de Dercet re- maneat. lb. juxt. (q) Engelram de Dumar debet xx mar- cas, pro habenda pace de placito terras fuae, lb. juxt. (r) Abbas de Ramifia r c de quater xx marcis, pro habendo refpeitu ufq; ad Paf- cha de Placitis ei impofitis ; In thefauro xl marcae, & debet xl marcas. Mag. Rot. 21. H. 2. Rot. 9. h. Berehefcira. (s) Willelmus de Langetint r c de x T, Pro habenda terra fua in pace, de qua Hu- go Clericus voluit habere afllfam : In th. I, Et Q^ e. 3. Rot. II. a. Everwiehfeira. (i) Radulfus filius Stephani r c de ij marcis, Ne ponatur in placitum, quamdiii terra Comitis Brit, fuerit in manu Regis, de terra quam tenet in villa S. Botulfi ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Line. land Chap. XII. touching Law -proceedings. 45 r land{u). Mabel Pancefot fined in vj / and iij j and '\\\] d, tlicit the Duell between -her and Robert her Brother might be hindered (\o). Fines of the like Sort \inutatis mutandis] were made by Nicljolas Fitz- Robert (xj, Robert de St. Stephen (yj, Jordan Riiff'us and his Brother David (z), Henry Fifz-Gerold (a), Agnes Walie (b), William dc Car- rou (cj, Roger de Hachoure (dj ; and many others. V. Sometimes the Parties Litigant profered the Crown a certain Portion payable out of the Debts which they recovered. Some pro- fered Half, others a Fourth, or fome other proportional Part of the Debt due to them, in order to h.ive or recover the f;\me at Law. For Inftance ; Robert de Cybecay fined in half his Debt, viz. in xvij Marks and a Half, that he might have xxxv Marks which he had [ii) Civitas Exonias r c de L maixis, Ut habeant pacem de Placito Cambij donee Rex veniat in Angliam. lb. Rot. 6. a. (w) Mabilia Panzevot r c de vj 1 & iij s & iiij d, Ut Duellum inter earn & Rober- tum fratrem fuuni impediatur. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 11. a. Dorf. iJ Swiurf. [x) N.icholaus filius Robert! r c de C & quater xx & xv marcis, Ut pofllt tenere in pace terras quas fuerunt Widonis filij Tiece, quas Reginaldus de Argentein da- mat adverfus eum, iifq; ad reditum Domini Regis de Iherofolima. Mag. Rot. 4. i?. i. Rot. 10. h. Gloccejlrefcira. {)■) Robertus de SaniSto Stephano debet XX marcas, pro habendo refpedlu ufq; ad claufum Pentec[oftes], de habendo Dtimino Regc ad Warant[iam] de faifina quani ma- ter ejus habuit de terra fua. Etll Dominus Rex ei warantizaverit, tunc dabit xl mar- cas cum praedidtis xx marcis. Mag. Rot. 6. Ric. I. Rot. 17,. a. ni. I. Devencfcira. (z) Jordanus RufFus & Frater ejus Da- vid debent v marcas, Pro habendis Litteris Regis de ProteiSione Patentibus, Et quod non refpondeant de Terris fuis in Briftoll nifi coram Rege, Et pro habendo refpe£iu de Appello Roberire unde appellati funt per Atiam ut dicunt, quoufq; Rex venerit in Angliam. Alag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 5. [/. Gloec. [a) Kenricus filius Geroldi debet iij palefridos, Per fie quod dies diffufus conf- tituatur a Simone de Patefliul) & Socijs fiiis per Litteras Regis, fibi & Willelmo de Alneto, de Recognitione mortis anteceflbris. Mag. Rot. g. J. "Rot. 17. 5. Henricus filius Geroldi r c de C marcis & j patefrido, Pro habenda faifina Terrae fiiDe de Geynefburg, de qua Rex eum fine Judicio difi'aifiri fecit; ita quod Adam Ti- fun, qui non tenuit Regi Terminos fuos, refpondeat de his quse de prsdifta terra cepit, praster ilia quae inde ad Scaccarium reddidit, fi Regi placucilt; & quod prx- diiflus Henricus non refpondeat de placito illius Terras, donee pr^didtus Finis perfol- vatur ad terminos quos Rex ftatuerit. Il>. Rot. 18. i. Berchfcira. Nova Oblata. [b) Agnes Wac r c de Lx marcis, Ut teneat de Rege in Capite Terram de Wi- chendcn, quam Willelmus dc Humez Pater fuus dedit ei in Maritagio per manum H. Regis ; Et quod pacem habeat tota vita fua de Placito quod eft inter ipfam, & Ab- batem & Canonicos de Nutlega de eadeni Terra. Mag. Rot. 9. Job. Rot. 15. a. [c) Willelmus de Carrou r c de xl un- cijs auri, quod non inplacitctur de .terra fua de Muleford, quam Galfridus de Canii clamat verfus eum ; In thefauro xx marcas, Et debet xxx marcas. Mag. Rot. 10. 'J. Rot. 1 . b. Barrocfcira. {d) Rogerus dc Hachoure [debet] vj 1 xixs vj d de fine, Ne procederetur ad in- quifitionem ; per plegium Radulfi filij Ni- colai & aliorum. Mag. Rot. 2S. //. 3. Rr^. I. a. Not. isf Dcicb." M m m 2 recovered +52 0/F I N E 9 Chap. XII. recovered in the Country-Court againft Ralfde Tilney (c). Thcophajiia de Wejiland in half of CC and xij Marks, tlwt flie might recover the \^mz^^^■^\\^^"Ja:■ncs de Vvgkekjlon (f). John Ru/ris gave the Moiety of xxij" Mark^ and half a Mark, for diftreining his D-ebtors to pay him the faid Money {g). Maffheio de Leiccflre fined in a fourth Part of his Debt, to be received out of the Debt itfelf, to have Right (h). William Son of Edulf fined in a fourth Part of what he could recover againit the BurgelTes of Vclrcd (i). Roger k Norreis and Ger- •vafe Son of William fined in a fourth Part of what they could recover again ft Robert de Ros (/'). Robert de Mara and his Wife, fined in a fourth Part of xx Marks, for compelling Robert Bhy by Law to pay it fl). William Ilerlizun gave a fourth Part of what he could recover of xxx Marks (the Fine to be paid out of the firft Money) for fummoning Richard de Unfrawvill before the Juftices of the Banky to pay him (the faid William') his faid Debt (;;;). Edith King gave a fourth Part of her Debt, for diftreining her Debtors to pay it («). Nicolas Morel fined in Lx/, that the Earl oi Flanders might be dif- trcined to render him three hundred forty three Pounds, which the Earl had taken from him : this Lx / was to be paid to the King out Salo- mon of the firft Money that Nicolas could recover of the Earl [o). {e) Robertus de Cybecay r c de xvij mar- eis & dimidia, pro habcndis xxxv niarcis, quas difrationavit in Comitatu verfus Ra- dalfLim de Tilnea. Mng. Rot. ji. H. 2. Rot. 3. h. Notvlf. & Stidf. (f) Theophania de Weftland debet me- distatem de CC & xij marcis, projuftici- aiido jacobum de Fiighclcfton. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 4. b. ICiniui. (g) Johannes Riifus de Ipro debet medie- tatem xxij marcarum & dimidiae, pro dif- tiinoendo Galfridum Scarpe and 5 others, ad rcddcnd'jni ei pr,-edi<5t:am pecuniam. Mag. Ret. 5. H. 3. Rot. 9. a. Evcrw. (li) Mathieus de Legerceftria debet j maicam, Pro redo iiij librarum verfus Jo- haniiem de S. Helena & uxorem ejus, acci- piendam de ipfo dtbito. Mag. Ret. 30. H. 2. Ret. 4. b. Bitrcch. (i) Willelmus filius Ediilfi debet quartam parrem de hoc quod potcrit dirationare vcr- fiiE Burgenfcs de Udred, de L 1 quas cepc- runt ab eo. Mag. Rat. 10. R. i. Rot, 10. (I. Nahu.r.b. (i) Rogerus le NoiTeis & Gervafius fili- us Willelmi debent quartam partem cafallo- rum fuorum ad valentiam xxx 1, de hoc quod inde dirationaverint, pro jufticiando Robertum de Ros, quod fine dilatione rcd- dat eis prsdidla catalla. A'lag. Rot. a. f. Rot. 5. b. Lond. y Mldd. [I) Robertus de Mara & Felicia uxor ejus debent quartam partem de xx [marcisj, pro jufticiando Roberto Bloy. Mo g. Rot. 5. H. 3. Rot. 12. a. Cant. dS" Hunt. (?n) Willelmus Herlizun debet quartam partem de hoc quod adquirerc poterit de xxx marcis, de primis denarijs, pro fum- monendo Ricardo Unfrancvill coram Julli- ciarijs de Banco, ad reddendum ei illasxxx marcas. 3. Rot. 7. a. Lsnd. tf vWdd. (n) Editha qure fuit uxor Ricardi Kino- debet quartam partem dexl & iiij d, pro jufticiandis debitoribus furs. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 2. b. Devon. (0) Nicholaus Morel [debet] Lx I, de primis denarijs quos habere potcrit de Co- mite Flandrix, de CCC&: xliij 1 quas idem Comes \ chap. XII. touching Law -proceedings. 453 mon the Jew fined in j Mark out of every feven Marks that he could recover againll Hugh de la Hofe (p). Robert de Alneto fined in viij Marks (to be paid out oi the firll Money) for fummoning Hugh de Morewic before the Juftices of the Bank, to render him xxviij Marks (^). Again ; others fined in a third Part of their Debt : Hervey le Grofs fined in the third Part of xv Marks, that the Abbot of Beidieu might be jufticed or fummoned to render him the faid xv Marks ; the faid third Part to be taken from the Debt itfelf (r). Hugh de Nevill fined in the third Part of DCC Marks, to have Right (j). And the feveral Perfons hereafter named, fined refpediively in a third Part of the Debt due to them, to have Procefs of Law in Order to recover their faid Debt : namely, Alexander Crede (/), Richard de Lancell. («), William Bajiard and his Wife (-u;'), Felicia de Winterburne [x), Emnie de Belfo and Alexander Baldric (yj, Reginald Son of Reginald and his Comes ei ahftulit, ut idem Comes diftringa- tiir ad illas reddendas. Mag. Rot. S. R. i. Rot. 18. a. Line. tit. De placitis & Conventionibus per H. Cant. Archiepif- copum. (p) Salomon Judaeus de Gipevvico debet j marcam de quibuflibet vij marcis qiias di- rationare poterit veifus Hugor.em de la Hofe. Mag. Rot. 9. R. I. R:t. 16. a. Norf. & Sudf. (q) Robertus de Alneto debet viij marcas de primis denarijs, pro fummonendo Hu- gone de Morewic coram Jufticiariis de Ban- co, ad refpondend. ei xxviij maicas. Afag. Rot. 5. H. 3. Rot. I. l>. Norbunb. (r) Norhamton. Herveus GralTus dat Domino Regi terciam partem xv marcarum. Per fic quod Abbas de Beiiliu jiifticiccjr, quodjufte& line dilatione reddat ei illas xv marcas, quas ei debet 11 1 dicit, ficut rationa- bilitcr &c. Tercia pars capiatur de ipfo debito. Oblata 1. J. m. 4. (i) Hugo de Nevill debet L marcas, Ut Comes Au2;i diftringatur ficut conlineturin Rotulo prazcedenti ; fed not diftriflus eft ; Et terciam partem de DCC marcis, pro habendo refto, ficut continetur ibidcDi ; Sed poftea recordatum efl per Jufticiarium, quod finivit per terciam partem omnium debito- rum quae debtbantur Henrico de Cornhull fine certa fumma. 3,iag. Rot. 4. y. Rot. 15. ^. Kent. (/) Alexander Crede debet terciam par- tem xiij marcarum, pro habendo rccio de illis xiij marcis verfus Robertum de Bakepus, Mag. Rot. 4. y. Rot. 9. h. IVilt. [ti) Ricardus de Lancell. debet tertiain partem xx marcarum quas Henricus filius Willelmi ei dcdit de Concordia inter eos fafta coram Recje, Ut Henricus diftringatur ad illas ej reddendas. lb. Rot. 12. b. Cor- vnvcilUa. (z'j) Willelmus Baftard & Bencia uxor ejus debent tertiam partem de xj marcis & dimidia de primo folutis denarijs. Pro ha- bendo refto inde verfus Hamonem Capella- num, & Robertum Nigrum, & Agnctem qus fuit uxor Godcfridi Capellarij. lb. Rot. 20. b. (x) Felicia de Winterburne debet terci- am partem de perquifito d-e xv marcis, pro- jufliciando Willelmo de Winterbornc, quod reddat ei xv marcus. Mag. Rot. 10. y. Rot.. 4. a. JVHt. (y) Emma de Belfo [debet] terciam par. em xiiij marcarum, pro jufiiciando A- dam de Eggcmare quod rcddr.t ci xiiij marcas. Alex. Baldric. & Tomas de Ca- mera & Stephanus lilius David debent ter- ciam partem xx marcarum, pro jufiiciando Elyam pn-epofitum de Gipefwiz & Hcnri- cum filium Karoli, quod reddant eis xx marcas. AJag. R'J. 12. J. Rot. 4. a. Wife 454 0/F I N E S Chap. XII. Wife (z), Simon Son oi Henry {a), Hamo Brand {U), Samp/on of Corn- wall [c), Alexander Baldric [d), Roger de Belcbamp (f), Henry le Lori- mer (f), Edilda de Bradele {g), Laurence le Mercer., and Richard Son of Maud{'j), yohn Crofs and jllice Daughter oi Ojielin (/), William de Stiburg (k), 'John de Greewwicb (/), and Hawife de Lanvaleton (;«) j it fell out to be the Cafe of this Haioife, that flie could recover no more of her Debt than vj Marks ; and therefore upon paying of ij Marks (the third Part of what (he recovered) into the Exchequer, flie w^as acquitted of her faid Fine («). VI. Upon (z) Reginaldus filius Reginald! & Rei- nild uxor ejus debent tertiam partem decern & ix marcarum, pro jufticiando Ricardum, quod reddat eis xv marcas^ & catall. ad va- lentiam iiij inarcarum. lb. Rot. i"] . b. Siid- hayitefcira. («) Simon filius Henrici [debet] terciam partem de xlijl ii xviijs & iiijd, pro ha- bendo brevi de jufticiando Radultum Baf- fet, Ricardum filium Willeimi, Rogerum de Mohaut, & Willelmum de Brav, quod reddant ei debitum praediftum. Mag. Rot. 1. H. 3. Rot. I. a. Staff. (i) Hamo Brand debet tertiam partem de xj marcis de primis folutis denarijs, pro habendo brevi de debito illo verfus Willel- mum de Bofco. Mag. Rot. 4. H. 3. E.ot. 10. a. London, y ATidd. (c) SampCon de Cornubia debet terciam partem de xv marcis, pro jufticiando Roge- ro filio Waldtth ad reddendum ei illas xv marcas. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 3. Rot. 1. b. 2\orhiimb. (d) Alexander Baldric debet terciam par- tem de XX marcis, pro jufticiando Elya. lb. Rot. 3. a. Norf. is Suff. (e) Rogerus de Belchamp debet terciam partem de xxv marcis, pro jufticiando Wil- lelmo filio Adse de Hoton. Alag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. g. h. Cumb. (f) Henricus filius Simonis Lorimeri de- bet terciam partem de Lv ], pro jufticiando Comite Devoniae. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. I . b. Devon. This Debt Jiands in Charge, in Memorandis 22. H. 3. Rot. 13. a. De- von., And Manor. 41. H. 3. Rot. 28. a. Devon. (g) Edilda de Bradele debet terciam par- tem de viij marcis, pio jufticiando Waltero Boichet. 3. (/;) Laurentius le Mercier debet tertiam partem de xxxv marcis, pro fummonendo*^ Johanne de Kenn ad reddendas ei xxxv mar- cas. Ricardus filius Matillidis debet terci- am partem catallorum ad valentiam de xxj marcis & ix s, pro jufticiando Willelmo le Pohier ad reddenda ei praedidta catalla. Mag Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 4. a. Dorf. & Sumerf. [i) Johannes de Cruce r c de tercia parte de XX marcis pro jufticiando Karolo. Alicia filia Oftelini r c de tercia parte de xiiij marcis & xvij s, pro jufticiando Radulfuni Blundel. lb. Rot. 5. a. Kantia. (k) Willelmus de Suburgo debet terciam partem de x marcis, de primis denarijs, pro jufticiando Berengario le Moinne ad red- dendum ei illas x marcas. Mag, Rot. 6. //. 3. Rot. 6. b. Norhant. (I) Johannes de Grenevifiz, quiexigitde Hamone Brand Lx 1, debet tertiam partem totius debiti quod ab eo perquirere poterit, ^ pro fummonendo praedido Hamone coram Juftic. apud Weltmon. ad refpondendum ei de debito illo. Mag. Rot. 7. H. 3. Rot. 7. a. Kancia. (rn) Hawifa de Lanval. debet terciam partem de xxiij 1, pro fummonendo Wil- lelmum de Hafting ad reddendum ei xxxiijl, ita quod Rex habeat terciam partem de primis denarijs. A<[ag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 9. a. Hertf. («) Hawifa de Lanvalet. r c de ij mar- cis, pro Fine fuo quern fecit per terciam partem de xxiij 1, Pro fummonendo Wil- lelmo de Hafting coram Juftic. de Banco, sd reddendum ei debitum illud ; De quo non habuit nee habere potuit nifi vj mar- cas ; ficut teftatum eft; per Juftic. ; In Thefauro Chap. XII. touching Law -proceedings. 455 VI. Upon what hath been offered in this Chapter concerning th Fines that v/erc wont to be paid for Law-proceedings, we may here if you pleafe, make a fliort Refleftion; in Order to explain and il- luftrate a Claufe (hereunder cited) in' the great Charters of KK. John and Henry III. We have feen above, that fome Men uled to pay Fines, to have or obtain Juflice or Right j others, to have their Right or their Proceedings or Judgment fpeeded ; others, for flopping or delaying of Proceedings at Law ; and that others were obliged to pay great and exceflive Fines [viz. a fourth Part, a third Part, or half, of the Debt they fued for) to obtain Juftice and Right according to their feveral Cafes. So that the King feemed to fell Juftice or Right to fome, and to delay or deny it to others. Againft thefe Mifchiefs, a Remedy was provided by a Claufe in the great Charters of Liberties made by K. Jo/jn and K. Henry III. That Claufe in each of thofe Charters runs in the fame or confonant Words; which are thefe, Nidli vendemus, niilli negabimiis, aiit differ emus, reSfum vet pijlitiam \6). Here we may obferve three emphatical Words, Vendemus, Negabimus, 2.nd. Differemus. By mdli vende-mus, were excluded the exceffive-higli Fines : by nulli negabimus, the flopping of Suits or Proceedings, and the Denial of Writs : by jiulli differemus, fuch Delays as were before wont to be occafioned by the Counterfines of Defendants (who fome- times would out-bid the Plaintiffs) or by the Prince's Will. And this Claufe in the 2;reat Charters feems to have had its Effei!l. For though Fines for Writs and Procefs of Law in many Cafes, were always a Part of the Crown-Revenue {viz. from the Time of the Conquefl, or foon after) and were conflantly paid, as well after the making of the great Charters as before : yet, if my Obfervation does not fail me, the Fines which were paid for Writs and Procefs of Law, were more moderate after the making; of thofe crcat Charters than they ufed to be before ; and, I think, the adlual Denial of Right, and the flopping and delaying of it, which before, upon paying of Money or Fines, ufed to be pradliced, were by thofe Charters quite taken away, or by Degrees brought into difufe. Thefauro ij marcas, Et fic Quieta eft. Hlji. Angl. in append, p. 13. in into. Mag. Rot. 8. H. 3. Rot. 7. a. EJJix ^ Mng. Chart. R. H. 3. infpeda bf conf.r- Hertf. mata ab E. I. viz. .e.x antogr. Charta E. 1, (0) Mag. Chart. R. Joh. cap. 49. Brad, inter archiv. Ecckf, Collsg. IVeJlm. Hift. Angl. in append, p. 137. b. Tyrelli CHAP. 45^ 0/ F IN E s of (divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. CHAP. XIII. Of Fines of divers Sorts. I. Of Fines relating to Offices. II. Of Fines made by Tenants in Capiteyor Licence to marry, &c. HI. Of Fines for leave to trade. IV. Mifceilaneous Fines for Licences. V. Of Fines for the Kings Favour. VI. For his ProteSlion and Aid, VII. For his Mediation. VIII. For Sei/in. IX. For Replevin or Bail. X. For Acquittal. XI. Fines of divers Kinds. XII. Count erf nes and concurrent Fines. XIII. Of the Way of fining ifed in Normandy. ANY Fines were made for leave either to hold, or to quit cer- ^ , ^ tain Offices or Bailywicks. Forlnftance ; Henry de Lamare fined for his Father's Office {a). Henry Efnrmy, for his Father's Office and Part of his Land [b). William de St. Falery, for his Father's Land and Office (c). Bertram de Bulemer, for his Father's Land and Office [dj. Serlo de Burg for his Son Of erf s Office [e). Henry Fitz- Herbert, for his Father's Land Office ff). Odo Son of Godric for an Office of the Foreft {£). Robert Son of Godfrey, for his Father's (a) Henrlcus de Lamara r c de xxviij 1 terra & minifterio patris fui. lb. Rot. 3. a. & vj s & viij d, pro minifterio patris fui de Everivic, Veltraria. Mag. Rot. 5. Stepb. Rot. i. a. (e) Serlo de Burg debet xx marcas ar- Oxcnef. genti, pro minifterio Oftjerti filij fui. lb. Rut, [b) Henricus Efturmit r c de xxv 1 & 3. /■. Everw. vj s & viij d, pro Minifterio & parte terrae (f) Henricus filius Herbert! Foreftaiij patris fui. lb. Rot. 2. a. If'llt. debet dimicliam marcam auri, pro terra & (f) Willelmus filius Herberti de Sanito minifterio Patris fui. lb. Rot. 4. a. Han- Walerico r c de C & xilj s & ilij d, pro tefcira. terra & minifterio patris fui. lb. Rot. 2. a. (g) Odo filius Godrici r c de iiij marcis fVilt. argenti, pro terra & Riinifterio Hufbondi {d) Et idem Vicecomes [Bertrannus de Fcreft[arij]. Jb. juxt. Hamtffc. Bulemer] r c de CC marcis argenti pro Land, chap. XIIT. 0/ F I N E s of divers Sorts. 45 7 Land, Office and Houfes (^6). Hugh dc Tifcamp, for the Office of Dapifcr to the Biihop of Winton (/). JVilliam Chincwc, for William de White'weys Land and Office {k). Witfo Son of Lettc/lan, for his Father's Land and Office (/). JVilliam deGla/ion for his Uncle's Land and Office [mj. Robert the Ulher for his Father's Office (?i). E- hrard fined in ij Marks of Gold, that he might be Dapifcr to William de Albamarc no longer {0). Robert de Stanley gave xx Marks of Silver, to have the Sheriffdom of Staffordflnre for five Years {p). Geoffrey the King's Chancellour fined in MMM and vj / and xiij s and iiij d, for the [Great] '$,fA fq). Richaj-d Fitz-Alured hne.A m xv Marks of Silver, that he might fit vi^ith Ralf Baffet to hold the King's Pleas {r). Brient Fitz-Coimt fined in C and Lxvj / and xiij s and iiij d, for the Office and Part of the Land of Nigell Doily (s). William k Lutre and two others fined in vj Marks of Gold, to be quit of the Sheriffwick of London (tj. The Judges and Jurours of Torkjlire fined in C/, that they might not be Judges or Jurours any longer fu) ; Robert Sou of Siivard, for the Office and Widow of Hugh Chivilli fw) ; William [h) Robertus filius Godcfridi debet dim. marcam auri, pro terra & niinifterio & do- nnbus patris fui. Ib.juxt. (i) Hugo de Fifcampo r c de j marca auri, pro Dapiferia Epifcopi Wintonioe ; In thefauro vj 1 pro j marca auri. tt Q. e. //'. Rot. 4. a. [i) Willelmus Chinewe r c de dim. marca auri, ut fit faifitus de terra & Mi- nifterio Willelmi de VVlteweia. lb. Rot. 4, l>. Honor de Aurundel. (/) Witfo filius Leueftani debet dimidi- am marcam auri, pro terra & minifterio Patris fui. lb. Rot. 15. a. {m) Willelmus de Glafton r c de CCC & viij marcis argenti & ij den. , pro parte terrae & niinifterio Walchelini avunculi fui : In thefauro xx marcas argenti, Et Regi fe adquietavit in Normannia de xx marcis ar- genti, per breve Regis, Et debet CCLxviij marcas argenti & ij d. lb. Rot. 2. a. Dor- feta. (n) Robertus Oftiarius filius Giff. r c de j marca auri & vij uncijs pro Minifterio pa- tris fui. lb. Rot. 5. a. Grentebrug. (o) Ebrardus Dapifer Willelmi de Alba- mara r c de ij marcis auri, Ne fit amplius Dapifer Willelmi ; In Thefauro vj 1 pro una marca auri, Et debet j marcam auri. Jb. Vol. L Rot. 3. b. Evcriukfcira. (p) Robertus de Stanlega debet xx mar- cas argenti, proConiitatu [fc. Stadfordfcirae] habendo ufq; ad v ann[os], Et ipfe tantum tenuit. lb. Rot. 8. a. (q) Gaufridus Cancellarius debet MMM & vj 1 & xiij s & iiij d, pro Sigillo. lb. Rot. 14. b. (r) Ricardus filius Aluredi Pincernae de- bet XV marcas argenti, Ut federet cum Ra- dulfo Baflet ad Placita Regis. lb. Rot. i r. a. Buchingebawfcira. (s) Et idem Brientius [filius Comitis] debet CLxvj 1 & xiij s & iiij d. Pro Minif- terio & parte terrae Nigelli de Oilli. lb. Rot. 14. b. tit. JVarengeford. (/) Willelmus le Lutre, & Gaufridus Bucherellus, & Radulfus filius Herlewini reddunt compotum de vj marcis auri, Ut exeant de Vicecomitatu Londonix ; In the- fauro iij marcas auri, Et debent iij marcas auri. lb. Rot. 15. n. (u) Placita W. Efpec & Euftachij filij Johannis : Judices & Juratores Eboracifcirae debent C 1, Ut non amplius fint Judices nee Juratores. lb. Rot. 3. b. (zy) Robertus filius Siwardi r c de xv marcis argenti, pro Minifterio & uxore Hugonis Chiviili. lb. Rot. 6. a. EJJex. N n n Son 458 Of Fines of divers Sorts, Chap. XIII. S on of Guy the Cook for his Father's Office in the Court (x); Maen- 'nin for the Shcrifttiom oi Buckingham "xn^ Bedford iox four Years /yy; IFilliam de Ainesjord for the Sheriffdom of Ejj'ex and Hertfora for five Years (z) ; Hugh de Warehille for the Sheriffdom of Northampton and Leiceftcr for live Years {a) ; Aubrey de Very to be quit of the Sbicrivalty of Eff'ex and Hertfordjhire {b) ; Ernald Biiceil, that he might part with his Bailywick (c). Witnar the Chaplain fined in CC Marks, to be quit of the Sherivahy of Norfolk and Sujf'olk, and of all Complaints touching him and his Serjeants ailing under him in that Office, wherein the King was concerned [d). Jofen de Amundevill fined in xx Marks, for the Stewardfliip of the Bifljop of Lincoln {e). The Bifliop of Coventry gave CCC Marks, to have the Prioury of Coventry in his Cullody during Voidances y and CC Marks, to have the Sherifalties of the Counties of Warwick, Lei- cejler, and Stafford (f) . William de Lifarijs fined in CC Marks, to have his Office of Forefter fg). Richard Engaine in CC Marks, to have the Sherivalty of N'orthamptonfire for three Years (h). Oto Fitz-William in C Marks, for the Sherivalty of Hertfordffire and Effex (/) ; Gerard de Canvill in xv /, to have the Sherifwick oi Liticolnjhire and Cuftody of tlie Caftle of Lincoln {k) j Raf and Reginald de Cornhill Brothers of (a-). V/ilislmus filiiis WiJonis Coci r c Je dim. marca auri, pro minifterio Patris Aii in Curia. lb. Rot. 9. a. Norhamt, £3' Legrec. (y) Et idem A'laenfininus debet x marcas iirgenti, dc Gerfoma, pro Comitatibus ha- bcndii ufq; ad iiij annos. lb. Rot. u.a. Euchinghnmfc. £2' Bedef. {%) Willelmus dc^ Aiensford r c de C inarcis argcnti de Gerfoma, pro Comitatibus [viz. de EfTexa & Heortfordfcira] habendis V annis. Ib~. Rot. b. a. {a) Hugo de Warelvilla r c de CC mar- cis argenti dc Gerfoma pro Comitatibus [de Norhamt. h. Legreceftr.] habendis ufq; ad V annos. lb. Rot. 9. a. (h) Albericus de Ver debet C mar- cas argenti, Ut exeat de Comitatibus de Lf- fexa & Heortfordfcira. lb. Rot. 6. a. (c) iSrnaldus Bucel r c de xxx niarcis; h iij Accipitrlbus, Ut poiTit exirede Ball[ia] iua. M/rz- Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. II. b. Land. &• "M'ldd. (c/) Idem Wimarus Capellanus debet DC marcas, Ut fit quietus amodo de Viccconii- tatu, & de omnibus ouerelis erga le U Ser- vientes fuos, de his quae per ipfum fecerint de tempore quo tenuit Comitatus, quae ad Regem pertinent. Mng. Rot. 1. R. 1. Rot. 3. a. Nord. & Surif. (e) Joflenus de Amundevill debet xx marcas, pro Senefcalcia Epifcopi Lincolien- fis habenda. Mag. Rot. 3. .R. i. Rot. i.b. (f) Epifcopus Coventrenfis r e de CCC marcis, pro Prioratu Coventria habendo Idem Epifcopus debet CC marcas, pro ha- bendis Vicecomitatibus de Warewicfcira & Legerceilrefcira & Stafford fcira. Mag. Rot. 2. R. I. Rot. 4. a. (g) Willelmus de Liforijs debet CC mar- cas, Pro habenda forefteria fua. Mag. Rot. 3. R. I. Rot. 12. a. Nordhant. (h) Ricardus Engaigne r c de CC mar- cis, pro habendo Vicecomitatu de Norhan- tona per tres annos, & pro redo hareditatis uxoris fu^e. Ib.juxt. (/) Oto filius Willelmi debet C marcas, pro Vicecomitatibus Herefordias & Effexise haben , Rot. 9. 7. Ret. 9. b. EJix iif Hurif. 2 Year 462 Of Fines of divers ISorts. Chap. XIII. Year (ij. Geoffrey Fitz-Feter fined in x Palfreys and x Hawks, that the King of Scotland's Daughters might not be committed to his Cuftody (/■). Luke Son of £t.';7wr<^ fined in xx Marks, that he might be removed from his Office of Forefter (/). Peter de Alto bofco fined in xx Marks and a Palfrey, to have (amongft other Things) the StewardHiip of the Abbey of Hulme (w). y'llhrede de Jarpunvill gzve ij Palfreys, that Ralf her Nephew [or Grandfon] and Johi Fitz-Bcrnard might fupply her Place for that Year in the Serjeanty of the Falconry («j. Mailer Michael Belet profered Lx Marks, for the [King's] Butlerfliip. But he was acquitted of the Fine, becaufe the King took that Office into his own Hand foj. Adam de Pemieblri gave v Marks, to have the Bailywick of the Serjeantery o^ Saufordjhire, (the fame being his Right and Inheritance) whereof he was difieifed by Reafon of the War moved between K. Jo/j-n and his Barons : provided that Adam and his Heirs fliould do to the King the Service referved by K. yobns Charter, which Adam uow produced before K. Henry and his Council (p). Robert Mantel gave C Marks, to have the Cuftody of Ejjex and Hertfordjhire, as long as the King pleafed and Robert fliould fcrve well; Robert to name an Under-SherifF (to ad: for him) with (i) Fulco filius Teobaldi r c de C & XX. marcis & iij paJefridis, Pro habendis Comitatibus de Cantebr. & de Huntendon. ad firmam, a Pafcha anni Regni Regis Jo- haniiis viij, iifq; in vij annos fequentes, cum Cuftodia Caftelli de Cantabriggia, Redden- do inde fingulis annis firmam quam prs- diiti Comitatus reddere folebant, & pras- terea quolibet praediftorum vij annorum C marcas de Cremento, lb. Rot. 10. b. Nova Oblata. (i) G. filius Petri debet x Palcfridos k x oflur., Per fie quod Filiae Regis Scotite non committantur ei in cuftodia : Set recor- datum eft per P. ^Vintonienfem, quod Pale- fridi non debent exigi fet Ofturi, quia Rex ei perdonavit Palefridos. Mag. Rot. 11. "J. Rot. 17. b. (I) Lucas filius Bernardi r c de xx mar- cis, Ut amoveatur a forefta, ita tamenquod refpondeat de tempore fuo quo foreftarius fuit, de p'acitis & amerciamentis. AIng, Rot. 12. J. Rot. 7. a. [m] Petrus de Alto bofco r c de xx marcis & j palefrido, Pro habenJa faiCna terrae . Rot. 10. b. Sudfalc. (x) Et [Lucia ComltiiTa Ceftrias debet] D marcas argenti, Ne capiat virum infra v annoG. lb. Rot. 12. a. Line. [y) Albreda uxor Radulfi fine Averio debet iij marcas, Pro licentia nubendi. Mag. Rot, 22. H. 2. Rot. 10. a. Deven- fcira. (z) Aeliza quae fuit uxor Willelmi de Heriz debet C marcas, Ut non cogatur nu- bere nifi cum voluerit. Mag. Rot. ib. H. 2. Rot. 10. h. {a) Emma de Luvetot debet viijl & xvj s & iij d, Ut liceat ei nubere. Ib. Rot. 10. b. Not. isf Derb. [b) Maria Malduit r c de xiijl & vj s ii, viij d, Pro rehabenda terra fua, & ne capiat virum contra voluntatem fuam. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. m. I. EJfex hf Hurtf. (fj Matilda Comitifia de Warewich de- bet Dec marcas. Pro habenda terra patris fui, & Dote fua, Et ut non nubat nifi cui voluerit. Ib. Rot. 5. b. (d) Emma de Normanvill & Roheifia & Margareta & Juliana forores r c de x mar- cis, pro licentia maritandi fe ubi voluerint ; In th. 1, Et Quietae fvint. Mag. Ret. 7. R. I. Ro/. iS. b. Sudfcxx. (e) Roheifa de Doura r c de CCCC & L 1, Pro habenda medietate omnium ter- rarum qu,-E fuerunt Ricardi de Luci Avi fui, & quas poflea Ricardus frater ipfius Ro- heifa habuit tani in Anglia quain in Nor- mannia ; & pro licentia maritandi fe ubi voluerit, dummodo non maritet fe alicuiex inimicis Regis. Mag. Rot. 7. R. i. Rot. i. a. Kent. (f) Helewifa de Werres r c de xx mar- cis, Ne maritetur, quia vovit Caftitatem ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Ahg. Rot. 10. R. i. Rot. 6. b. Norf. ts- Sudf. (g) Gundreda ComitiiTa r c de C 1, Ne maritetur invita ; & li nubere voluerit, hoc fiat per Confilium Regis. Matildis de Fel- mingham [debet] v marcas. Pro fe mari- tanda ubi voluerit. Ib. Rot. 6. b. Norf. y Sudf. (h) Conftantia quae fuit uxor Radulfi de Crammavilla rede xx marcis, Ut fi mari- tari noluerit, non diflringatur ; Et fi vo- luerit, non fiat nifi afienfu Regis. Ib. Rot. 10. a. Norhumberland, (i) Ib. Rot. 10. a. (k) Maltildis de Diva r c de L marcis, Ut non cogatur maritari, Sed maritetur per Confilium Regis fi fe maritare voluerit. Ib. Rot. \\,b. Cantebr. (ff Huntendonefcira. (1) Sibilla de Tingerie r c de CC mar- cis, pro habenda terra de Maretot & de Wandour, & licentia maritandi fe cui vo- luerit de Fidelibus Regis. Mag. Rot, i. J. Rot, ij. a. Dorf. W Swnerf. (m) Ricardus de Luci filius Reginald! de Luci Chap. XIII. 0/" F 1 N E s of divers Soris, 465 Wife of Thomas de Burgh («), Helewife de Stuievill {0), Hek-mfe dc Tindal (/>), Alice Countefs of Warwick fq), Emme del Mcifnil (r), Ij'abell Ae Merefey (j), Hdeiaife Fitz-Robert (t), and Haivife Countefs of Albemarle (uj. Geoffrey de Mandevill gave twenty thoufand Marks, that he might have to Wife Ifabell Countefs of Gloiicefter with all her Lands and Knights Fees {uu). William Fitz-Richard gave xlvj Marks and a Palfrey, to have his Land, and for his Relief, and that he Luci r c de CCC marcis. Pro habenda ter- ra in Copland & in Camerberg, h pro fe maritando ubi voluerit, & pro habenda rationabili parte fua quas euni contingit de terra -qiiam clamat verfus Comitem Albe- marliae & uxorem ejus, & verfus Robertum de Curtenai & Aliciam uxorem ejus : Et per hunc Finem quietus erit de Relcvio fuo : Per Plegios qui annotantur in Rotulo de Fini- bus fa Haivife late Wife of William de Mortaner (c), and Mar- garet Camoys [d') find refpeilively upon the like Occafion. III. Many (vS) Willelmus filius Ricardi filij Ricar- di r c de xlvj inarcis & j palefrido, pro ha- benda terra I'ua, & de Relevio fuo, h ut poflit Ce maritare cui voluerit. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 9. b. Corniib. {x) Cecilia qiias fuit uxor Hugonis Pe- ■verel debet xij 1 & x folidos, pro fe mari- tanda ubi voluerit. Ale/imr. 22. H. 3. Rot, 13. a. Devon, (y) Rex mandat Baronibus, quod Gal- fridusde Lczinan frater fiius recepit a Tho- nia de Audham & Yfabella uxore ejus, illas duccntas marcas per quas cadem Ifabella finem fecit cum Rege, per Tic quod fe ma- ritare poflet cui vellet ; & quas ducentas marcas prsefato Fratri fuo ailignaverat de dono fuo. Memor, 40. H, 3. Rot. 11, a. (z) Radulfus filius Willelmi [debet] C marcas de fine, quod poflit ducere in uxorem Margeriam quas fuit uxor Nicho- !ai Corbet qui de Rege tenuit in Capite, & quod eadcm Margeria poflit fe maritare ■<-idcm. Qiii requiritur fuper eundem in Salopia. Mag. Rot, 10. E. 1. Rot. i, a, Ncrthuiiib, (a) Alefia Bertram [debet] xx marcas, quod non compellatur ad fe maritandam, Alag, Rot. II. E. 1. Si^£ex m. 2. a. m imo. [a) Ifolda filia ii una haeredum Stcphani de Bougton debet C marcas de fine, quod poflit fe maiitare cuicunq; voluerit. Mag. Rot. 18. £. I. Kivic. m. 2. a. (c) hlawifa qua; fuit uxor Willelmi de Mortuo mari defundli qui de Rege tenuit tn Cupite, in prsfencia Venerabilium Pa- trum R. Londonienfis, W. Elienfis, W. Conventrenfis & Lych., Thefaurarij, Epit- coporum, J. de Langeton Cancellarij An- glije, ncc non Baronum de Scaccario, & quorundam Jufliciariorum de utroq ; Banco eis aflldentium, Finem fecit cum Rege per C 1, pro liccntia Regis habenda quod pof- fit fe maritare cui voluerit, dum tamen ad Fidclitatem Regis exiftat. Et per Finem ilium concefl'um eft eidem Hawifx, quod poflit fe maritare in forma prredifta. Et in continenti afllgnatur Finis praediftus Ed- mundo Comiti Cornubise in partem Soluti- onis debitorum in quibus Rex eidem Comiti tenetur. Et prasdifla Hawifa inde fecit re- cognitionem idem Comiti ; ficut continetur inter recognitiones hujus termini. Hi/. Communis 25. i^ 26. E. i. Rot. 63. b. inter Fines. (el) Suflex. Margareta de Camoys, qua; fuit uxor Johannis de Camoys defundti qui de Rege tenuit in Capite, finem fecit cum Rege per Centum marcas, pro licentia Regis habenda fe maritandi cui pro voluerit &c ; Et per finem ilium concelTum eft ei, quod fe maritet cui &c ; dum tamen ad fideli- tatem Regis exiftat. Et quia Rex per Lit- teras fuas Patentes, inrotulatas inter Com- munia de Termino S. Hillarij proximo prae- terito, conceflit Edmundo Comiti Cornu- bia; confanguineo fuo, quod habeat & per- cipiat hujufmodi fines, quoufq; eidem Co- miti fuerit fatisfa(Slum de debitis in quibus Rex ei tenetur, nee de debitis illis ei hu- cufq; eft fatisfaftum : Thefaurarius & Ba- rones inftanter afllgnarunt praefatam Mar- gar^tam, quod fatisfaciat difto Comiti de praedidtis Centum marcis, in partem folu- tioais debitorum prsdidorum j videlicet ^uod I Chap. XIII. Of Fines of divers Sorts, 467 III. Many Fines were made relating to Trade or Merchandife, witli its Incidents : the Weavers of Ox/ir^/ rendered a Mark of Gold, for tlieir Gild fcj. The Corverfers of Oxford rendered v Ounces of Gold by Way of Gerfome, to have again their Gild (f). Robert Son of Lciiejlan rendered xvj / for the Wearers Gild in London {£). The Weavers of Lincoln fined in ij Chafcurs, that they might have their Cuftomes [or Kights], as the King commanded by his Writs (/6). The Weavers of Winchejlcr fined in one Mark of Gold by Way of Gerfome, to Jiave their Cuftomes and Liberties, and the Eleftion of the Alderman [of their Gild] : and the Fullers of IVinchefter rendered vj / for their Gild (/). Arnald Son of Mabel, for Leave to export Corn to Norwey (k). The Burgefles of Gloucejler, that they might buy and fell in their Gildhall, for the Lnprovement of their Burgh (/). Hiigb Oifil and Adam his Brother fined in L Pvlarks, that they quod folvat ei L marcas ad Pafclia proximo futuriim, & L marcas ad fcftum S, Michaelis proximo fequens. Et Willelmus Paynel Miles deComitatu Sufl'cxia:, Walterus de Favelij Miles dc Com. Wiltefia;, Robertus de Glamorgan & Thomas de Warblington Militcs deCom. Suthamtoiiije, pr.-eientes in Curia manucc- perunt, quilibet per fe & pro fe & in folido, teneri reddere ditSo Comiti pra;dii5tas C marcas ad terminos Supradi£tos, nifi prae- fata Margareta tunc eas iblverit. Et con- cciFerunt pro fe hjeredibus & executoribus fuis, quod Baroncs de Scaccario de tcrris &: catallis ad quorumcunq; manus &c, ad opus diiSi Comitis praedi6tas C marcas fieri facinnt in forma prredicla. Et prsfata Mar- gareta habet Litteras dc Liccntia praedifta, liatas ij" die Oiftobris fub teftimonio I'he- i'aurari) &c. Pollea Walterus de Eylefbury executor teftamenti prredicti Comitis venit in pleno Parliamcnto apud Lincolniam, & recognovit quod diftus Comes rccepit dic- tas C marcas, prout Willelmus de Carleton ^ Rogerus dc Hegham Barones dc Scaccario teftantur ; & fic quieti funt. Mich. Fina 26 is" 27. E. I. Rot. 63. a. (e) lelarij de Oxeiieford r c de j mar- ca auri, Pro Gilda fua ; In theCauro vj 1 pro j marca auri, Et quieti funt. Aldg. Rot. 5. Step/). Rot. I. a. (f) Corvefarij de Oxencford r c de v uncijs auri dc Gcrfom.i, Pro Gilda fuu rc- o habenda ; In Thefauro xxx s pro ij uncijs auri ; Etdebent iij uncias auri. IL Rot. i. a, (g) Robertus filius Leueftaiii r c dc xvj 1, de Gilda Telariorum Londonice ; In the- fauro 1, Et Q. e. //;. Rot. 15. a. [h) Telarij Lincolije r c de ij fugato- ribus, Ut habeant confuetudines fuas, ficut Rex prajcipit per Brevia fua ; In thefauro xls pro ij fugatoribus, Et Q. f. lb. Rot, 12. a. (i) Te'iarlj WintonitE debent j marcam auri de Gerfuma pro Confuctudinibus & Libertatibus fuis habendis & pro Eligendo Aldermanno fuo, Et amodo dabunt ij mar- cas auri per annum ; unde reddunt compo- tum inferius. A4^g. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 8. a, Hant('fcira. Telarij Wintonia: r c de j marca auri dc Gerfuma, Etdej marca auri proGilJa lua, Et de Lx s de dimidio anno, In thefauro XV 1 in iij tallljs, E-. Q; f. //;. Rot. 8. a. Civit. JVint. Fulloncs Wintoniae r c de vj 1 pro Gilda fua, In th 1, Et Q^ f. lb. juxi. (k) Mm. filius Mabilia; debet ij Girfal- coiies, pro Liccntia duccndi Bladum in Norweiam. Jilag. Rot. i-j. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. NorJf. if Sudf. (f) Burgeiifes de Glocceftria r c de ij s, Ut poilint emere 3i vendcre in Gildhalla fua, ad emcndationem Burgi ; In th. 1, Et Q. f. Mog. Rot. 5. R. 1. Rat. y. a. O O Z might 468 O/T 1 iJ Es of divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. might buy and fell in England^ without being charged with Difmes and other Dones, for two Years. And Hugh O'lfd fined in CCCC Marks, for Liberty to trade in England aad the King's other Domi- nions, and to carry away his own Merchandizes whitherfoever he would, either in time of Peace or War; provided that if he wrong- fully owned any other Man's Goods, he fliould forfeit his own (/;;). Nigt'/I di' Havene g'cive L Marks, for the Partnerfliip in Merchandizes which he had with Gcrvafe de Hmiton {ji). Walter de LeJJ'ehi and William de Cotes gave xviij/ de cremento above the ufual Perm, that they might have the Toll and Mills of Gnmejbi with the Soke at Perm ; they rendering L / per annum in the whole, and repairing the Mills when the fame wanted Repairs : and that the Merchants coming thither might fifely pafs and repafs without Difturbance, paying their Quinzinie : and that the faid Men of Grimejbi might fafely pafs and repafs through the King's Dominions with their Merchandifes, under the right and ancient Cuftomes. And accord- ingly the Sheriff was commanded to give them Seifin of the faid Tolls and Mills, if he faw it to be for the King's Profit (0). The Men of Worcejier fined in C j-, that they might buy and fell dyed Cloth, as they were wont to do in the time of K. Henry (p). And feveral other Towns fined for the like : as Bedford {q), Beverley and (m) Hugo Oifel & Ailam frater ejus de Grimefbi cum Soca fu?., praeter firmam [debcnt] L marcas, Ut poffint emere & quae inde reddi prius confuevit ; Ita quod vendere in Terra Domini Regis, fine Deci- ipfi per toLum redJent per annum L 1, &: mis & alijs Donis a proxima Pafcha poft ipfi ad cuftum fuum Molendina ilia reparare (ecundam Coronationem Domini Regis jji faciant fi reparatione indigeant ; Et per fic duos annos. Hugo Oifel [debet] CCCC quod mercatores qui illuc venient falva marcas. Pro licentia negociandi in Anglia poffint ire & redlre fine inpedimento, per & in alijs Terris Domini Regis, & abdu- xv partem dandam ; Et per fic quod prse- cendi mercaturas fuas proprias quocunq; dicli Homines de Grimefbi falvo poiTint ire voiucrit, five fuerit pax five werra ; ita & redire per terras Regis in marcandifis fuis quod fi akcrius res advocaverit, fuas amit- per reclas & antiquas confustudines. Et tat. Sed ex hijs reddidit Domino Regi C mandatum eft Vicecomiti, quod eis fine marcas ultra mare ; ficut Rex teftatur per dilaiione fuifinam de pr.tdiftis tolneto & Litteras fuas Archiepifcopo Cantuar. direc- molendinis habere faciat, fi videric commo- tas. AJag. Rot. %. R. i. Rot. 23. b, Londonla dum clTe Regis. Mag. Rot. 6. 'J. Rot. 6. b. fcf Midd. Line. (/;) Nigellus de Havena [debet]. L mar- {p) Homines Wigorniae-r c deCs, Ut cas, pro focietate marcanJifarum quam ha- poffint emere & vendere pannos TiniSos, buit cum Gervafio de H.intona. Mag. Rot. llcut (blebant tempore Regis Henrici. Alag. 9. R. I. Rot. 2. a. SudhiiHt. tit. De Con- Rot. 4. J. Rot. 1. a. JViraJlrejara. ventionibus per H. Cant. Archiepifcopum. (^) Homines de Bedeford r c de iiij (») Waiterus de LeiiTebi Si Willelmus marcis, Ut poffint emere & vendere pannos de Cotes debent xviij 1 de Cremento, Pro Tindtos, ficut folebant tempore Regis Hen- habendis ad firmam Tolneto & Molendinis rici. lb. Rot, 2. b. Other Chap. XIII. Cy F I N E s of divers Sorti. 469 other Towns in Toi-kjlnre (r), Norwich (s), Hiintendon (t), Norths iimpton fu), Glouce/ler (w), Notingham (x), Ne-wcajUe upon line (y)y Lincoln {z), Stanford, Grimejhy, Barton, and Lafford [a], St. Albans and Baldack {b), Berchamjiede ic), and Chcjlerjeld (^d). Nicolas the Dane was to give the King a Hawk every Time he came into England, that he might have free Traffick throughout the King's Dominion [e). William Blund for himfelf and his Men of Bricb and EJlorp, fined for the hke (J). And the Men of Dunivich {g), Simon Ciirlevacb (h). {r) lb. Rot. 4- b. Evcruilchfdra. \s) Homines de Norwiz [debent] C s, Ut poflint fine dampno emcre & vendere pannos TiikSIos, ficut folebant tempore H. Regis, lb. Rot. 8. b. Nor/. ^ Sudf. tit. Nava Ohlata. (i) Homines de Huntendon re de xl s, Pro habenda licentia ut poflint vendere pan- nos Tindlos, ficut folebant tempore Regis Henrici j Li thefauro 1, Et CK f. lb. Rot. 10. a. (u) Homines de Norhanton r c de x libris, Ut poflint emere & vendere fine dam- pno pannos tindlos, ficut folebant tempore Regis Henrici ; In th, 1, Et Q. f. lb. Rot. 11. b. (w) Burgenfes Gloeceftrije r c de x mar- cis, Ut poffmt fine dampno emere tindlos pannos de qualicunq; fuerint latitudine vel llriaitudine; In th. 1, Et Q. f. lb. Rot. 13. rt. (jr) Homines de Notingham r c de v marcis, Ut poflint emere Si vendere tindtos pannos de quacunq; fuerint latitudine, ficut folebant tempore Regis Henrici ; In th. J, Et Q. f. lb. Rot. 14. a. (y) Homines de Novo Caflello fuper Tinam r c de xxv marcis, Ut poflint tibere emere & vendere panuos, ficut folebant tempore Regis Henrici j In th. i, Et Q^ f. Jb. Rot. 14. b. (z) Homines Lincollise [debent] xl mar- cas, Ut poflint vendere 6c emere pannos tindlos, ficut folebant tempore Regij Hen- rici. Jb. Rot. 17. a. (a) Ibid. Rot. 17. a. juxt. (b) Idem Vicecomes r c de ij marcis, de Hominibus S. Albani, Ut poflint emere & vendere Tinctos pannos, ficut iblebant tem- pore Regis Henrici ; Et de xs de Baldach pro eodem ; In thefauro liberavit in ij Ta- leis, Et Q. e. lb. Rot. 19. b. Ejp.v & Hurt/. (c) Homines de Berchamllede r c de xl s, Ut poflint vendere fine dampno pan- nos Tindlos; In th. 1, Et Q^ f. Mug. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 10. b. tit. Berchamjiede. (d) Homines dc Cefiref [eldiaj r c de ij marcis, ut poflint emcre & vendere pannos tindtos, ficut folebant tempore Regis H : In th. 1, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 4. Job. Rot. r. b. Not. & Derb. tit. Item de Ublatis. viz. ex Mag. Rotulo Cancellarij Scaccarij. (e) Nicolas Dacus debet in quolibet Ad- ventu fuo in Angliam j Oflurum Regi, Uc poflit falvo & fecure ire & redire cum Mar- chandifis fuis, &: negotiari per totam Ter- ram Regis, quietus ab omnibus Confuetudi- nibus quas ad Regem pertinent. Miig. Rot. 6. J. Rot. 8. a. Londoniai^ Midd. If) Willelmus Blundus debet iiij Pale- fridos, Ut ipfe & homines fui de Brich & Eftorp quieti fint de Seclis Scirarum 5c hun- dredorum, & auxilijs Vicecomitum & Bail- livorum fuorum, & de omnibus placitis & querelis quje ad eos pertinent, ufq; ad ter- minum, ficut contlnetur in Carta qu.im ha- bent; Et quod poflint falvo ire 5c negotiari cum Merchandizis fuis per omnes terras Regis, faciendo intle reflas Confuetudines, Mag. Rot. 7. J. Rot. 16. a. Efex fef Hurtfordfcira, (g) Homines de Dunewiz debent C Mil- lia allecum, Per fie quod falvo & fecure eant cum Navibus fuis. lb. Rot. 20. bis. a. (b) Simon Curlcvach [debet] C s, (jj.iod' falvo & fine inpedimento poflit abJucere a Terra Angli2e ufq; Valericum v Lcftos de Corijs, 5c falvo redire, Faciendo inde rec- tas confuetudlnes. Mag. Rot, 10. J. RoU 3. a. JVar. ^ Leirccjh. 2 and 470 0/" F I N E s of clivers Sorts. -Chap. XIII. and Alexander de Warham (/), fur the like mutatis mutandis. The Abbat of Fcfcaivp fined in two Barrels of Wine of Auxevrcs, that he niiffht have the King's lyCttcrs Patent of Licence to brintr into England one Ship-load of Wine, at one Time, before the Feaft of St. Peter ad vincula in the eleventh Year of the King's Reign (k). Gerard k Seintier gave two Tonells of Wine, for Letters Patent giving; him leave to bring into England a Ship-load of Wine ^/^. Geojf'ery Fitz-Picrre, the Chief Juilicier, fined in two good Norway Ha'wks Sec, that Walter le Madine might have leave to export a Hundred Weight of Cheefe out of the King's Dominions (//;). And K. Jobn by his Letters Patent, gave to FcrniaU his Burgcfs of Bayonnc and to Bernard, Fermald's Partner, leave to bring a Ship-load of Corn from Normandy to Baicnne. But the Letters Patent imported a Leave for that one Voyage only (?z). Hither alfo refer the Fines and Difmes paid by Merchants upon feveral Occafions. IV. Befides the aboveraentioned Fines for Licences, there were fome Fines which may be called mifcellaneous, as being of divers Sorts. For Example : Mattheto de Vernnm fined in C Modiioi Wine, for the Concord of a Duell for his Brother (o). Robert Darcy fined in KJ / and a Mark of Silver, for a Concord which he made with (i) Alexander de Warham r e de ij tonellis Vini, Pro habenda licentia abducendi unam Navatam Salis & Coriorum ufq; in Nor- manniam ; In Thefauro Nichil, Et Rcg- nias ij dolia Vini, per breve Regis, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 8. J. Rot. 13. h. Dorf. iif Su- nn) f. Nova Oblata. (k) Idem Abbas [de Fifcammo] debet ■ij dolia vini Aucerenlis h rafpati, pro ha- bendis Literis Patentibus de licentia ducen- di in Angliam .unam Navatam vini femel in- fra feftum S. Petri Advincula anni regni Reais xj. Mag. Rot. 11. J. Rot. i.a. Sud- Jiexia. tit. Nova Oblata. (/) G erardus le Seintier debet ij Tonella Vini, pro habendis Literis Regis patentibus de licentia ducendi in Angliam unam Na- vatam vini. Per plegiagium Briani de In- fula. Mag. Ret. 11. J. Rot. 12. b. Ever- wichfc. [m) Idem G. [filius Petri] debet ij bo- nes aufturcos noricnfes [fanosj & integros & ij terccll. [fed habet inde quietantiam per breve Regis], pro licentia danda Waltero le Madine ducendi C pondera cafeorum extra terram Regis. ^lag. Ret. 13. "Joh, Rot. 6. b. Efiexa & Hurtfordfcira. (11) Rex &c Senefcallo Norman n ire h Ballivis ("uis &c. Sciatisquod nos deJimus licentiam Fermaldo Burgenfi noflro de Bay- ona & Bernardo focio fuo, ducendi j Na- vatam bladi de Normannia ufque Baionam. Et idco vobis mandamus, quatinus ipfos Bladum illud fine impedimento abducerc pcrmittatis. Et valeant Litterje iJt.TS hac ibla vice, folummodo ad banc Navatam bladi ducendam. T me ipfo apud Dan- front, XXV die OiSobris anno r n quarto. Pat. 4. J. m. 8. Several ether Letters of Licenee to trade, negociari per terram Regis, may be feen in this Bundle of Pat. 4. J. (0) Mathaeus de Vcrnun debet C modios Vini, pro Concordia Duelli fratris fui. Mag. Rot. 5. St(. Rsi. I. tf. his chap. XIII. 0/ F I N E s of divers Sorts* 471 his Brother concerning Land (/>). Joldeioin Son of Savan'c fined in L Marks, for a Convention touching Land {q). Ralf de Btifkervill gave a Horfe, for the Concord of a Duell (r) j Herbert de Patejley xl Marks, for Leave to accord concerning a Duell (j)j Hugh Arch- deacon of JVells, one Tunn of Wine, for Leave to carry DC Summs of Corn whither he would [t). Drue the Mi?!er gave x Marks, that he might open a Mine {u). William Son of Aldid fined for Leave to continue in El/'ex after he had abjured that County (w) ; and another P&rfon for the like {x) ; Adam de Nevill for leave to have a Servant of his with the King's Servant, to keep the Corn and Chatells which he had upon certain Land, that no Damage might enfue (_y) ; Walter de 'Trailli for Licence to accord upon an Appeal for Breach of the Peace [z) ; the Wife of Hug/j de Nevill fined in CC Hens that fhe might ly with her Hulband one Night (a). The Abbot of Rucford gave X Marks, for Leave to eredt Houfes and place Men upon his (/>) Robertus de Areci re de xj 1 h] marca argenti, Pro Concordia terra quam fecit erga Fratrem fuum : In Thefauro x marcas argenti, Et debet Cs. lb. Rot. 12. a. Line. (q) Joldewinus filius Savarici r c de L marcis, Pro Conventione Terrje. In Per- donis, per breve Regis, eidem Joldewino L marcx, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot, 6. H. 2. Rot. 7. b. Suthfexei. (r) Radulfus de Baficervill re dej Equo ferrand. pro Concordia Duelii, Ipfi Regi liberavit, Per breve fuum, Et Q; e. Mag, Rot. 31. //. 2. Rot. 13. b. Heref. in JVal. (j) De eodem Herberto [de Patelleia] xl marcas, Pro licentia concordandi de Duello vadiato inter eum & Johannem Camerari- um ; Per plegios annotates in Originali, quorum nomiiia Vicecomcs habet. Mag. Rot. 10. 7. Rot. 8. h. (?) Hugo Archidiaconus Wellenfis de- bet j Tonellum vini, Pro licentia ducendi D C fummas Frumenti quo voluerit. Sed per recordum Cancellarij non debet fum- moneri, quia non habuit nee habere potuit pro quo promifit, Et fie Qi e. lb. Rot, 11. e. Dorf. I3 Sumerf. (u) Nova Placita & Novae Conventio- nes : Drogo Minetarius r c de x marcis, y t poffet aperire Minariam j In thefauro 1, Et Q; e. Mag. Rot. 9. H. 2. Rot. i. a. Salopefc. [iv) Willelmus filius Aldid r e de x marcis, Ut poffit remanere in EfTex quam prius abjuraverat. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. 7n. 2. (x) .... nges r c de V marcis. Pro recuperando Comitatu quern abjuraverat. lb. juxt. (y) Adam de Nevill debet xx marcas,. Pro habendo ferviente fuo cum ferviente Regis, ad cuftodienda blada & catalla quae idem Adam habet in terra quse fuit Tomx filij Willelmi de Sarefbiri, ne aliquid mali vel dampni inde contingat. Mag. Rot. i. Job. Rot, II. a. Item Line. (%) Walterus de Trailli debet C marcas, Pro habenda licentia concordandi cum Ri- cardo Dimmebac de Appello Pacis fradtae. Mag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 7. b. Buck. & Bedef, (a) Uxor Hugonis de Nevill dat Domino Regi ducentas gallinas, eo quod poflitja- cere una nofle cum Domino fuo Hugone de Nevill. Plegij, Thomas de Sanford de centum gallinis, & ipfe Hugo de centum gallinis, reddendis infra capud C^iadrage- fimae ; & fi quceillarum fuerint adtuncrcd- dendje, reddantur ad proximum Pafca. Rot, Fin. 6. 7. OT. 8. dorjo. Land 472 0/" F I N E s of divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. Land neir Welhang, to fecure his Wood there from being ftolen [b) ; Roger dc Tooni x Marks, that the Path which ufed to lead through the Court of the Canons of Wejlacre., might be made without the Court of the faid Canons [c). The Cook of Winterhorn the Town of Alurcd de Lincoln gave x Marks, for Leave to agree with Robert de Monajleriis a Verderour whom he had beaten Q). Ralf Bard\olf'\ fined in v Marks, for Leave to arife from his Infirmity (^). William -de Aincsford gave one good A^orWiT^'-hawk or two other good hawks, for Leave to accord with Hugh de Beauchamp, and two good Hautein- falcons, for a Writ [f). Peter de Goldinton gave one Hawk, for Leave to enclofe certain Land, Part of his Wood of Stokes, to make a Park of it {g). Peter de Perariis gave xx Marks for Leave to fait Fifties as Peter Chivalier ufed to do ; viz. xx Marks for the 5th Year, and xx Marks for the 6th Year of K. Hetiry III {h). The Men of Sneinton gave xx j, for Leave to till three Acres of Land in their Field lying near the Path that leads from the Town of Noting- ham to Carkton (i). V. As to Fines for the King's Favour or Good Will, and that the King would remit his Anger and Difpleafure : A great Number of (i) Abbas de Rucford r c de k marcis. Pro licentia faciendi domes, & homines af- fidendi fuper terram fuam juxta Welhang fuper Magnam Viam ad defenfionem Bofci fui quern homines de Welhang folebant fu- rari ; ita tamen quod Chiminum Regium non obturcr. Mag. Rot. 9. J. Rot. 11. i. Not. far" Derd. (c) Rogerus de Tooni r c de x marcis. Per fic quod Cheminum quod folebat efle per medium Curia; Canonicorum de Weft- acre, fiat ficut faflum eft extra Curiam corundem Canonicorum. Mag. Rot. lO. 'J. Rot. 8. b. Norf. & Suthf. {d) Cocus lie Winterburn Alurcdi de Nicoi debet x reiarcas, Pro licentia con- cordandi fe cum Roberto de Monaileriis Viridario quem verberavit. Alag. Rot. II. y. Rot. 9. a. Dorfete W Sumerjcte. (e) Radulfus Bard, debet v marcas. Pro licentia furgendi de infirmitate, Mag. Rot. XI. J. Rot. II. <7.. Not.iff Dercb. tit. No- va Oblata. Vid. Brafi. de Leg. Angl. L. 5. Trail. 2. cap. 10. jeil. 6, 7, 8. tit, De JEfibniis. (f) "Willelmus de Ainesford debet unum bonum ofturum Norrenfem vel duos bonos ofturos, pro licentia concordandi cum Hu- gone dc Bello Campo, ii duos Falcones Hautcins bonos pro habendo Brevi. Alag. Rot. 14. J. Rot. 2. a. Kent. is) Pctrus de Goldinton debet j, Spriva- rium bonum cercellarium & nnitarium, Pro licentia claudendi de bofco de Stokes unam leucatam inter hofcum h planum, ad par- cum inde faciendum. Mag. Rot. 16. J, Rot, 2. a. Bid. y Bedtf. (/') Petrus de Perariis r c de xx marcis, pro licentia fallicndi pifces ficut Petrus Chivalier fallire folebat, ficut continetur in Rotulo xij, de anno praeterito ; Et de xx marcis pro codcni de hoc anno : In th. 1, Et Q, e. Alag. Rot. 6. n. 3. Rot. 9. b. Cornub. (i) Homines de Sneinton r c de xx s, pro tribus acris de bafl'o rifleto excolendis, in campo fuo juxta chiminum quod vadit de Notigham verfus Karleton ; In th. 1, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 13. H- 3. Net. tf Derb. tn. 2, b. Perfons Chap. XIII. 0/ F I N E s of divers Sorts. 473 Perfons made Fines upon this Occafion. Amongll others, OflK'rt dc Leictjier {k), Robert dc Abrincis (I), the Wapentakes of hlcljc and Graf ho [tn), William de Cahaigncs (;/), Gilbert Son of Fergas (0), (k) Ofbertus de Lerec. debet CC marcas aigenti, Ut Rex perdonaret ei & Ofberto Clerico fuo Malivoleiitiam fuam. Mag. Rot. 5. Stcph. Rot. g. a. Norhamtefcirn. (/) Robertas de Abriiic. r c de CLxx marcis argenti, Ut Rex perdonet ei Mali- volentiam fuam pro Filia Geldewini de Dol. lb. Rot. 16. a. [m) Idem Vicecomes r c de x\ s de Ncs Wapentagio, Ut pacifice tra£tentur. Idem Vicecomes r c de ij marcis de Grafiio Wa- pentagio, Ut fine occafione audiantur. Afag. Rot. 14. Hen. 2. Rot. 5. b. The like, of other JVapentakes. Ib.juxt. (k) Willelmus de Chahaignis debet M marcas, Ut Dominus Rex remittal ei iram fuam, & pro confirmatione Cartarum fua- rum. Mag. Rot. 24. H. 2. Rot. 4. a. Norhantefcira. {0) Gillebertus filius Fergafi [debet] DCCCC & xix/ & ix J, pro habenda Be- nevolentia Regis. Mag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. 4. b. Cumbr. (p) Galfridus Ridel [debet] quater xx 1 & xHx s & j d de eadem mifericordia [fc. Foreftae], Et ut Rex remittal ei iram fuam, Jb. Rot. 6. b. (q) Adam de Port r c de M marcis, pro P'ine terrse fuae& haereditatis uxoris fuse in Normannia, & ut Rex indignationem fuam ei remittal, & homagium fuum fufci- piat, lb. Rot. 10. a. Sudhantefcira. The like, of others: In Mag. Rot. Hen. 2. pajfim. (r) Willelmus de Hafliinges debet C marcas. Pro habenda benevolentia Regis, pro eo quod non transfretavit ad Summoni- tionem Regis in exercitu Normanniae. Mag. Rot. 6. Ric. I. Rot. 4. b. Nordfolch is" Sudfolch. (s) Ricardus MalcbiiTe r c de CCC mar- VoL. I. cis, Pro habenda benevolentia Domini Re- gis, quia dicebatur fuifle cum Comite Jo- hannc, El ut fit quietus de forisfado occifi- onis Judsorum Ebor., Et pro habendis Ter- ris, & Wardis, &Forefteria fua, ficut ha- buit quando Rex iter arripuit Jerufaleni. lb. Rot. II. b. Everwich. {t) Cives Londonis [debent] M & D marcis de Dono fuo. Pro habenda benivo- lentia Regis, & pro Libertatibus fuis con- firmandis, & de Auxillo fuo ad Redempti- onem Domini Regis. Alug. Rot. 8. Ric. 1.' Rot. 23. b. (u) Reginaldus de Cornhiii r c de D marcis, Pro habenda benivolentia Reo-is, fo ut omnes Baillias fuas teneat ficut eas un- quam tenuit melius, & quod fit quietus dc omnibus querelis& exactionibus pertinenti- bus ad Regem ; Salvo rationabili compoto fuo ad Scaccarium ; In thefauro CCCCJ marcas, Et debet C marcas. lb. Rot. 2? Ghent. (w) Yfolt quondam uxor Philippi de De- rebi r c de xx marcis, Pro habenda bene- volentia Regis, & pro pace habenda dc omnibus debitis, lam de Reragiis quam de aliis, quce ab eaexiguntur a Domino Re^e vel a Viceomite ; & pro habenda cuflodia puerorum fuorum cum terra qua: fuit Pa- tris eorum ; & pro debitis fuis & viri (ui prxdiifli habendis, ficut monftrare poterit quod ei reddi debeanl. Eadem etiam Yfol- da quietam clamal totam pecuniam quje fuit Domini fui in Abbatia de Geroldon, Si iij Abbatia de Derlega, fi aliqua ibi invenian- tur. Mag. Rot. i. J, Rot. 15. Z-. Not. 5" Dereb. (x) Henricus de Cobbeham debet C marcas & iij Ofturos Norrcnfes, pro haben- da benevolentia Regis J, co quod non fecit prxceptum Regis. Gilo de Badelefmar de- P P P bet 474 ^f Fines of divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. Thomas the Clerk (y), Walter de Lafcy (zj, the Abbat of Selhy {a)y Ralf Miirdac (b), Roger de Ho {c), Walter de Clifford (d), Robert de Faux (ej, Walter de Turberville (f), William de Coniburk (g), Mafter Michael Belet (h), the Mayor of Lincoln (i), Hugh de Nevill {k), Ranmdf bet X marcas 5: j Ofturum pro eodem. Wil- lelmus Panforiere debet xv marcas h] Ni- fum mutatum pro eodem. Homines qui non venerunt ad prasceptum Regis [ de bent] CC marcas pro eodem. Mag. Rot. 4. J. Rot. 15. b. Kent, (y) Tdmas Clericus de Camera debet ij Palefridos pro Roberto Capelhno, Ut Rex perdcnaret eidcm Roberto Malivolentiam fuam, quia comedit cum prsdi£to Toma apud Corf. Mag. Rot. 6. Joh. Rot. 18. b. No,/. & Sudfolch. (z) VValterus de Lafci r c de D 1 & xl i, pro habenda benevolentia Regis Ri- cardi. Mag. Rot. 7. J. Rot. 27.. b. Heref. (a) Abbas de Selebi debet xl marcas & ij Palefridos, Ut Rex ei remittal Malivolenti- am fuam, quam erga eum habuit eo quod contradixit dare ei Tertiamdecimam, & unde Rex praeceperat quod amerciaretur ad plus quod poflet. Mag. Rot. 9. "J. Rot. 7 a. (b) Radulfus Murdac [debet] L 1 & vij s & viij d, pro habendo amore Regis Ricardi. Mag. Rot. II. J. Rot. 14. a.. Oxeneford- fcira, (c) Rogerus de Ho [debet] x marcas & j chafcur de x marcis. Pro habenda gratia Regis, & pro habenda Terra fua unde dillaifitus fuit quia verberavit Servientes Regis. Alag. Rot. 9. J. Rot. jj.b. {d) Walterus de ClifFord [ debet ] M marcas. Pro habenda Benevolentia Regis, & ne Inquifitio fiat fuper eum de prifis fuis in Comitatu Herefordiae : Termini, In fefto 5. MIchaelis hujus anni CCCC marcs &c. Mag. Rot. 10. 7- Rot. 9. b. Heref. in IVal- I'la. tit. Nova Oblata. {e) Robertus de Vallibus r c de DCC hi L marcis. Pro habenda Benevolentia Regis. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 13. a. Cum- berland. Robertus de Vallibus r c de MM mar- cis. Pro habenda gratia Regis, Et ut fit quietus de omnibus debitis quse Regi de- biiit tarn de debitis Judaeorum quam dc alijs : In Thefauro CCC & xxxl : Et de- bet M 1 & V marcas ; de quibus Willelmus Briwerre debet v marcas ; & de quibus de- bet reddere D marcas antequam exeat a prifona ; & poftea de M marcis faciet fecuri- tatem Regi per Cartam &; per Obfides an- tequam exeat, quod ad terminos qui ei fta- tuentur prxdiflas Mille marcas Regi per- folvet ; qui fi terminos illos non fervaverit, tota terra fua incurretur in manum Regis, quse tradita eft Aliciae matri fus. A-Iag, Rot. 13. J. Rot. 15. a. Cumb. (f) Walterus de Turbervill [debet] M marcas. Pro habenda Benivolentia Regis ; Et ut ipfe & Homines fui & filij uxoris fua; fcilicet Tomas 5c Willelmus quieti fint de rctto foreftae & de omnibus alijs querelis & occafionibus ; Et ut idem Walterus quietus fit de Mifericordia in quam incidit pro Cu- ftodia Johannis de Fernhille : Ita quod red- dat D marcas infra xv dies poft Pafcha an- no Regis xj°, & obfides liberabit fcilicet fi- lium fuum & duos filios uxoris fuse, & to- tam terram fuam, quod praedi(5tum termi- num fervabit ; & nifi feceret, obfides fiji incurrent, & terra fua remaneat quieta Re- gi : Et alias D marcas reddet ad terminos quos Rex ponet, & inde plegios inveniet ; & nifi pofllt plegios invenire, prasdidli ob- fides & terra ejus eodem modo incurrent ut prasdiflum eft. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 8. b. tit. Refiduum de Wiltefira. (g) Ebor. Mandatum eft Vicecomiti, quod Rex perdonavit hxredi Willelmi de Corneburk mille marcas & duos palefridos, quos idem Willelmus promifit Regi J. pro benevolentia fua habenda, & qui mortuus fuit in prifona Regis J. pro praedifto debito : Et praeceptum eft Vicecomiti, quod didum haeredem pro prsedifto debito non diftringat. Memor, 11. H. 3. Rot. 3. a. (h) Magifter Michael Belet r c de D marcis, Pro habenda benevolentia Regis, & Terris & redditibus fuis de quibus dillai- fitus fuit occafione Malivolentis quam Rex 1 Chap. XIII. 0/ F I N E s of divers Sorts. 475 Rannulf the Chancellour (I), Simon Fitz-Walter (m), 'John Dabbetot, William de ^latremaris, and "John de Humet fn), Walter Boye fo), Henry de Nevill (p), Matthew de Bixtrop [q), William de T'ilic (r). GeoJ'ery del IJle and William deRos feverally fined, that the King would remit his Indignation (j). Robert de Barentin and others fined to erga eum habuit. Mag. Rot. 13. J. Rot. 21. Oxefordfcira. [i) Adam Major Lincoline r c de D marcis. Pro habenda benevolentia Regis. Tota Villata manuceperunt ; Et Tomas de Paris & Radulfus filius Lefwini Praepo- fiti Lincoliae funt Plegii ipGus Majoris, & hoc manuceperunt cum tota Villata; In thefauro CC & xix 1 per manus Johannis filij Hugonis. Mag. Rot, 14. J. Rot. 12. b. LincoUfcira. (k) Hugo de Nevill r c de fex milli- bus marcarum, Pro habenda Benivolentia Regis pro duobus prifonibus captis in Ca- ftro de Craeferegus qui fuerunt in cuftodia fua & evaferunt, fcilicet Huberto Hofe Sc Ricardo de Alta Ripa ; & pro aliis caufis in carta fua aflignatis, quje liberata fuit fuper Scaccarium ponenda in Thefauro : Termi- ni, Ad feftum S. Ylarij anni Regis Quarti- decimi D 1 ; Et ad Pafca proximo fequcns D 1 ; Et ad feftum S. Johannis anni Qiiinti- decimi D 1 ; Et ad feftum S. Michaelis D 1 ; Et in anno fequenti duo millia marcarum ; Et in tercio anno tantundem ad cofdem ter- minos : Et per hunc finem quieti erunt om- nes . . . . fui tarn clerici quam laici, & ipfe H & haeredes fui inperpetuum, de omni- bus receptis, & de omnibus compotis, & inquifuionibus, & querelis, Sc exadtionibus qu^ ad foreftam pertinent, a tempore quo primo foieftariam [habuitj ufq; ad feftum Omnium SamStorum anno Regis xiiij" ; Et ut etiam quieti fint tarn ipfe quan". lui de omnibus receptis quas receperunt de Epif- copatu Sarefberiae dum fuit in cuftodia ip- fius Hugonis, unde non refpondit ; ita ta- men quod Epifcopo fatisfaciat. Mag. Rot. 14. J. Rot. 16. b. tit. Refiduutn Compoti Hugonis de Nevill. (l) Ranulfus Cancellarius [debet] D marcas, pro habenda gratia Regis. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 7. b. Rannulfus Cancellarius r c de D marcis. pro habenda gratia Regis. A'fag. Rot. 15. y. Rot. 19. a. Dorf. iif Sumerf. (m) Simon filius VValteri debet C mar- cas & j dextrarium, pro habenda benevo- lentia Regis J, & ut idem Rex remitteret ei omnem iram & rancorem fuum, qucin erga eum habuit eo quod fuit cum Baroni- bus Regis inimicis confoederatus. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 6. b. Norhant. (n) Johannes dc Abbetot debet x marcas & iij Auftur. mutarios, pro habenda gratia & benevolencia Regis. Mug. Rot. 1. H. 3. Rot. 5. b. War. ^ Lelc. Willelmus dc Quatrcmaris debet xx marcas, pro habenda gratia Regis. Johannis de Humez debet XX marcas & palefridum pro eodcm. lb. Rot. 5. h. juxt. (0) Walterus Boyc r c de xlviij 1 & xvij s & iiij d, pro habenda gratia Regis. Mjg. Rot. -J. H. ^. Rot. II. rt. EverwI.L'- fira. (p) Henricus de Nevill de Burrede r c de L m. pro habenda gratia Regis. lb. Rot. 11. b. Everiv. (q) Mathasus de Bixtrop r c de x mar- cis, pro habenda gratia Regis de tranfgref- fione, eo quod fuit de familia Falk. de Brc- aut. Inimici Regis: In Thefauro iiij mar- cas, Et debet vj marcas. Mag. Rot. 8. //. 3. Rot. 2. a. Oxoncfordfira. (r) Willelmus de Tilia r c de x mar- cis pro habenda gratia & benevolentia Re- gis, & pro habendis terris fuis & bladis & catallis qua capta fuerunt in .nanum Regis eo quod fuit cum Falkafio de Breautee ; In th. 1, Et Qi e. Mag. Rot. 9. H. 3. Rot. 3. a. Surr. tit. Nova Oblata. [s) Galfridus de Infula debet quater xx XV marcas, Ut Rex remittat Indignationcm. Ex Memor. 31. H. 3. Rot. 10. b. Sutkt. Willelmus de Ros debet C marcas, Ut Rex remittat Indignationcm. lb. Rot. 11. a. Ebor. P P obt.i tin 476 Of Fines of divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. obtain the King's Favour (/). The Citizens of London fined in Twenty thouland Pounds to obtain the King's Good-will {li). And the Citizens of Hereford fined in DC Marks, for the King's Good- will (10). AT. Fines were wont to be made for the King's Protedlion and Aid. For Example : Robert Grejlet fined in xx Marks of Silver, that \\\& King would help him againft the Earl of Moreton in a certain Plea (x). The Dean of London lined in xx Marks, that the King would help him in his Pleas againtt tlie Bifliop (_y). Robert the Archdeacon fined in a Mark of Gold, that the King would maintain him (z). William Son of Eiido fined in x Marks of Silver, that the King would help him to recover his Land of the Earl of Britain [a). Geoffery Son of Herlewin fined in xx Marks of Silver, that he might have his Land again of Robert de Raimes {b). William Son of Ot/jo gave (/) Robertus de Barentin debet CC qua- ter XX iij libias xl denarios, pro habenda •rratia. Rogerus filius Radulfi de Wine- {ham debet CC xlij 1 v s vij d, pro baben- da gratia. Memor. 41. H. 3. Rot. 28. b. Sumerf U' Dcrf. Barentin's Fine was pro habenda gratia Regis }. Manor, 31. H. 3. Rot. 8. h. Humeif. isf Dorf. [u) Rex diledlis & fidelibus fuis Baroni- bus Vicecomitibus & toti Communitati Londoniae i'dutem. Cum injunxerimus diledo & fideliflimo Johanni de Warenna Comiti Surrise quaedam Negotia noftra fpccialia h urgentia facienda, conceffimus ei de dono noftro ducentas marcas, de fine ■viginti Milium marcarum quern nobifcum feciftis pro bona voluntate noflra habenda : Nos de veftra diledlione fpecialiter confi- dentes, Vobis mandamus rogantes & fir- miter injungentes, quatinus de fine prae- dido, diledlo & familiari noftro Magiftro Godefrido GifFard Canes Uario Scaccarij no- ftri, didas ducentas marcas habere facialis, liberandas praefato Comiti ad pr.edicta Ne- gotia inde expedienda. Et hoc ficut de vo- bis confidimus, h nos & honorem noftrum & veftrum diligitis,. nullo modo omittatis ; fcire vos volentes quod (i curialitatem ifram nobis & praef^.to. Comiti fcceritis, nos vobis favorabiles invenietis & gratiolbs tcmpori- bus oportunis. la cujus he. Telle Rege apud Northampton 9° die Maij. Pat. 50. H. 3. m. 16. (lu) Baronibus, pro Edmundo fratre Re- gis. Certain Areres of a Fine of DC Marks, per quas Gives Hereford iae finem fecerunt cum praedifto Rege H, pro bona voluntate fua habenda being Jiill due : The King by his Writ commnnds the Barons, to levy the fame Areres for the life of Edmund the Kings Brother, and, when he Jhould be perpaid the fame, to acquitt the Citizens thereof. Paf. Commun. 7. £. I. Rot. 6. a. (x) Robertus Greflet r c de xx marcis, argenti, Ut Rex juvet eum verfus Comitem Moritoniae de quodam placito. Mag. Rot. 5. Steph. Rat. 12. (7 Line. (y) Decanus Londonis re de xx mar- cis argenti, Ut Rex juvet eum erga Epifco- pum de placitis fuis. lb. Rot. 15. ), the Abbot of Holmcultram {q), mafter Simon de Ferlington (r), the Dean and Chapter of Tork (j), the Abbefs of Caen (/), Walter de Lijle (u), Walter de Stewkley {w), the Prioury of Montague (x), Maurice de Gant Rex ei confirmavit, dum modo ftet ad Rec- tum fi quis verfus eum inde loqui volue- rit ; Et pro Protedione, ne ponatur in placitum nifi coram Rege vel ejus Capital! Jufticiario ; Et per fic quod non refpon- deat de Terra de Cathangre, vel alijs ter- ris fuis, nifi per Legem h Affifam Regni. Mag. Rot. 2. '/. Rot. 7. a. Dorjete iff Sumerf. («) Robertas de AimoueI'dal debet v marcas. Pro hubendo Brevi de Prote(£l;ione, ne ponatur in placitum de aliquo tenemento l"uo nifi coram Rege vel per Breve Regis ; Et ut fit quietus de Seftis & hundredis, & de omnibus placitls hi querelis, excepto murdro & latrocinia h alijs quae fpedant ad Coronam Regis. lb. Rot. 17. a. (0) Decanus & Capitulum Londoniae [debent] ij palefridos, pro Prote£lione, ne vexentur contra Libertates cartarum fua- rum. A4cig. Ret. 2. J. Rot. is. a. (p) Magifter Templi [debet] j pale- fridum, pro habendis Literis de Protediione ad opus Fratrum Militiae Templi ; & ne ponantur in placitum nifi coram Rege vel Capitali Jufticiario. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 19. a. Loud, y Midd. (q) Abbas de Holcoltram r c de x marcis pro ij palefriuis, Pro habendis dua- bus Protei^tionibus de quietantia telonei, pontagij, & pafiagij, & omne confuetudine, de omnibus qua? emerint vel vendiderint ad proprios ufus fuos in Anglia & Ybernia. Jb.Rot.\%.b. Cumb. (r) Magifter Simon de Ferlington debet CCC marcatis bladi, rccipiendas de fruifti- bus Ecclefiae de Houedene, conputatis in his trecentis marcatis prima promiffione quam didtus Simon prius inde fecit Regi de medietate frufluum ejufdem Ecclcfisha- benda; Ita quod non debet Rex habere inter totum nifi CCC marcatas tantum : Scilicet pro amovenda vi Laica & excom- municatos qui fe tenuerunt in Ecclefia de Houedene contra ipfum Simonem ; & quod de coetero nulla vis Laicalis eidem Simoni fuper praedifta Ecclefia inferetur ; & fi forte frudlus hujus anni non fufficiant ad perci- piendas praedidlas CCC marcatas, hoc quod reftabit perficietur de fruflibus ejufdem Ec- clefiae fequentis anni. Alcig. Rot. 4. 'J. Rot. 4. b. EvtTivich. (s) Decanus & Capitulum Ebor. [de- bent] CCCC marcas Si iiij Palefridos, Ut Rex recipiat eos in pace, proteftione, 6c defenfione fua ; Et ut non ponantur in pla- citum de aliquo quod in pace tenuerunt tempore H Patris Regis, vel tempore Ri- cardi Regis, vel tempore Regis Johannis, quamdiu controverfia duraverit inter ipfos & Archiepifcopum Ebor..; Et ut fi Archie- pifcopus, vel aliquis alius, eis in aliquo for- mam aliquam intulerit, forma ilia ftatim amoveatur, & ut corpora armatorum qui inventi fuerint in rebus vel redditibus fuis capiantur, & -non dimittantur nifi per man- datum Regis vel Capitalis Jufticiarij ; & pro habendo inde Litteras Regis Patentes. Mag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. ij.a. [t) Abbatifla de Cadomo r c de xl mar- cis. Pro habenda pace de Senefcallo Nor- mannije & Lupefcario ; & pro habendis Litteris Regis de Proteflione ad praedicSlum Scnefcallum & Lupefcarium ; & ut Homi- nes fui quos Senefcallus Normanni,E cepit, ei replegientur ufque ad Adventum Regis in Normanniam ; & ut Lupefcarius in nuljo forisfaciet Terrae vel Hominibus fuis per Ruftarios fuos ; & quod ipfe reddat Abba- tifiifi Homines fuos ; quos ipfe & Rutarij fui ceperunt cum catallis eorum. Mi/g. Rot. 6. y. Rot. 12. a. Glaec. (u) Walterus de Infula r c de xxx mar- cis & j Palefrido, Pro irrotulanda ad Scac- carium Carta de Conventione fa£ta inter ipfum & Comitenvde Infula, Et ut Rex eam manuteneat & protegat. Mag. Rot. 9. J. Rot. 14. b. Sudhant. (w) Walterus de Stiueclea r c de x marcis, Per fic quod Clerici fui qui habent Laicum feodum, diftringantur ad redden- dum chap. Xlir. 0/ F I N E s of divers Sorts. >^yg Gant {y), the Men of Grtmejl)y {z), the Priour of Lantony {a), the Burgefles of Gloiicejler {b), and the Men of Wicimb (c). VII. Fines were made to obtain the King's Mediation or Inter- pofal in Mens Affairs. John Son of Ordgar fined in one Norway Hawk, to have the King's Requeft to the King of Norway to let him have his Brother Godard's Chatells {d). Williafn de Ford fined in C Marks, to have the King's Requeft to Earl Patrick, to reftore to William his Father's Land whereof he died feized ; and if the Earl did reftore it at the King's Requeft, then William was to pay the C Marks, otherwife to be quit {e). Hugh Oi/el was to give two Robes of a g-ood Green-colour, to have the King's Letters Patent to the Mer- chants of Flanders, with a Requefk and Monition to them to render him a thoufand Marks, which- he loft in Flanders. And if Hugh did not deliver the two Robes to the King at Candlemafs next, he was to deliver four Pair of Robes of a good Green-colour at the Lent fol- lowing (f). The Abbat of Hide fined in xxx Marks, to have the King's diim ei legale Compotum ; In Thelauro 1, Et Q. e. 7/-. i?ff/. 10. ^. Cant. ^ Hunt. (x) Prioratus Monachoriim de Monte Acuto debent Lx marcas, Ut [ Rex ] fe non intromittat ad reftituendum Durandum quondam Priorem ad Prioratum ilium, qui male fe geflit in eodem Prioratu. A^ag. Rot. 10. J. Rot. u. <7. Dorfete & Sumer- fete. Nova Oblata. (^y) Mauricius de Gant debet C marcas, pro habendis pluribus Precipe, Et ut Rex adjuvet eum de ReiSo fuo habendo de hijs qu;e clamat per ipfam Praecipe, Ut & Rex de Reftis fuis quas funt in manu fua, faciat ei quod fueritjuftum ad voluntatem Regis. Mag. Rot. ID. J. Ret. 14. a. Line. [z] Homines de Grimefbi r c de ij pa- lefridis, quod non vexentur injufte contra libertatem Cartae Regis ; In Thefauro x marcas pro ij palefridis, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 10. '/. Rot. 14. a. Line. (a) Prior S. Mariae de Lantoni debet ij palefridos ^ C lampridas, pro habendis Lit- teris Regis Patentibus de ProteiSione. Mag. Rot. 12. y. Rot. 9. b. lit. Rcftd. de Hercf. in TValliii. {b) Burgenfes de Gloeceftria debent CCC Lampridas, quod non diftringantur : Refpondent infra, 4 Buro;enfes Gloecellrise r c de CCC Lampredis, ficut fupra conti- netur. In Thefauro nichil, & W. Comiti Marefcallo x Lampredas, per breve Regis : Et debent CC & quater xx & x Lampre- das. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 3. Rot. 4. b. Glocc. (c) Homines de Wicumb debent xx s, ut non occafioncntur de burellis fuis vendi- tis continentibus minus quam duas ulnas. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 3. Rot. 6. b. Bud. Of Bedef. {d) Johannes filius Ordgari debet j Ac- cipitrem Norr., pro habenda prece Regis Henrici ad Regem Norweia;, de habendis^ catallis fratris fui Godardi. Alag. Rot. 6. Ric. I. Rot.i. a. Line. (e) Willelmus de Forde debet C mar- cas. Pro habenda prece Regis ad Comitcm Patricium, ut reddat ei terram quas fuit Pa- tris fui, & unde pater fuus fuit faifitus die qua obijt ; Ita quod fi pradiftus Comes red- diderit ei terram fuam ad preces Regis, tunc dabit praedifhas C marcas ; Sin autem, in- de quietus erit. A/ag. Rot. 3. 'J. Ret. 18. a. Norhumb. (f) Hugo Oifel debet ij Robas de bono Viridi, pro habendo Litteras Regis Patcn- tes Mcrcatoribus Flandrije, h petitione & ammonitione, ut reddant eidem Hugoni Mille' marcas quas amifit in Flandria. Et debet 4-80 Of Fines of divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. King's Letters of Requeft to the Lord of Canterbury, to remove cer- tain Monks that were againft the Abbat [g). Alexander de Muntjlcbet lined in xx Marks, to have the King's Requeft to William de V/altham, to marry his Daughter to him ; and if Alexander had her to Wife, he was to pay the xx Marks, otherwife not {IS). Roger de Trihanton fined in xx Marks, and a Palfrey, to have the King's Requell to Richard de XJjnfranville to give him his Sifter to Wife, and to the Sifter that flie would accept him for her Hufband (/). WilUatn de Che-veringeworth fined in v Marks, to have the King's Letter to the Abbot of Per/ore, to let him enjoy peaceably his Tithes, as he en- joyed them in the Time of the Abbot's PredecefTours {k). Matthew de Hereford Clerk fined in x Marks, to have the King's Letter of Re- queft to the Lord of La>uiaff ^an-A. William de Braiofe, to let him en- joy peaceably his Church of Schenfrith (/). Andrew Neuelen gave three Flemijli Caps, to have the King's Requeft to the Priour of Chikefand, for Performance of an Agreement made between them [m). Henry de Fontibus fined in a Liimbardy-Horfe of Value, to have the King's Requeft to Henry Fitz-Hervey, that he would give him his Daughter to Wife ; Henry firft fining with the King for leave to marry her [n). Richard de Nevill fined in xx Palfreys, to have the debet reddere illas Robas ad Purificationem anno Regni noftri quarto : Ita quod fi tunc illas non reddiderit, reddet ad Caput Jejuni) proximo fequens iiij paria Robarum de bo- no Viridi. Mag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. i. *. Land. & Midd. (g) Abbas de Hida [debet] xxx mar- cas, Pro habendis Litteris Regis deprecato- rijs Domino Cantuarienfi, ut ipfc amovere faciat quofdam Monacbos qui funt contra iprum Abbatem. Mag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 11. b. Sudhartrfclra. (h) Alexander de Muntfichet debet xx marcas. Pro habenda Peticione Regis Wil- icJmo de Waltham, ut det eidem Alexan- dro filiam fuam in uxorem, ita quod idem Alexander illam habeat, & tunc dabit prs- diiSas XX marcas ; Sin autem, inde quietus crit. Ih. Rat. IJ. b. {/) Rogerus de Tribanton r c de xx marcis & j palefrido. Pro babenda Petitione Regis ad Ricardum de Umtranvilla, ut det jUi Sororem fuam in uxorem, & ad iplam Mulierem, ut ipfa capiat eum in virum. M»g. Ret. 6. J. Rot. 6, L Line. (k) WilJeinus de Cheyeringcwrth debet V marcas, Pro habendis Literis Regis direc- tis ad Abbatem de Perfore, ut permittat ipfum pofiJere Decimas in pace, ficut eas polTidebat tempore AntecefTorum fuorum. Mag. Rot. 9. J. Rft. 6. b. Dorfete & Su- merfete. (I) Mathaeus de Hereford Clericus debet X marcas, Pro habendis Litteris Regis De- precatoriis ad Dominum Landavenfem & Willelmum de Braiofa, ut Permittant ip- fum pacifice poflidere Ecclefiam fuam de Schenefritb. lb. Rot. 15. b. Heief. in IFallia. (m) Andreas Neuelun debet iij Cappas pluviales de Flandria, pro babenda petiiio- ne Regis ad Priorem de Chikefand, de te- nenda conventione facta inter ipfos, Mag. R:t. 9. J. Rot. 5. b. Loud. (n) Henricus de Fontibus debet j Equum de Lumbardia de precio. Pro habenda prece Regis direifta Henrico filio Hervei, ut ei det in uxorem filiam fuam quse fuit uxor Walteri de Bolbec, fi ipfe Henricus finem fccerit prius cum Rege pro ea maritanda ; Per Pllgiagium Hugonis de Bailloel. Mag. R>t. 10. J. Rot, 18. <7. Everwichfcira. King's chap. XIII. 0/ F IN E s of divers Sorts. 481 King's Requeft to Ifolda Bifet that fhe would take him for her Huf- band {0). "Jordan Son of Reginald fined in xx Marks, to have the King's Requeft to William Painel, that he would grant him the Land of Miles Neirenuit, and the Cuftody of his Heirs ; and if Jordan obtained the fame, he was to pay the xx Marks, otherwife not {p). Roger Fifz-Walter fined in three good Palfreys, to have the King's Letter to Roger Bertram's Mother, that flie would marry him (^). And Roger Son of Nicolas fined in all the Lampreys he could get, to have the King's Requeft to Earl William Marefchall, that he would grant him the Manour of Latigeford at Perm (r). VIII. Men fined, to have Seifin or Reftitution of their Lands or Chatells ; and that they might not be difieifed. For Example ; the Abbot of Wejlminjler gave M Marks of Silver, that he might recover and keep fafeiy the Goods of his Church which had been difpcrfed (j). Ingenolda gave ij Marks of Gold, that flie might have her Frankmariage, Dower, and other Things (/). RanulfSon of I/ige/ran gave X Marks of Silver, that he might have his Land which he had recovered at Law [u). Robert FoJJ'ard gave Lx Marks of Silver, to be refeized of his Land (tv). 'Turbert Son of Gamel gave xl Marks of Silver, that the Kin^ would give him Seifin of his Land from Wiirumi de Albemarle (xj. John de Amundeville gave x Marks of Silver (a) Ricardus de Nevill [debet] xx Pa- lefridos. Pro habenda petitione Regis ad Yfoldam Bifet, ut ipfum Ricardum capiat in virum. Plegii, VVillelmus de Cantelu de L marcis, VVillelmus Malet de xxv marcis, Willelmus de Harecurt de xxv marcis. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 8. a. IVilt. (p) Jordanus filius Reginaldl Foreftarii debet xx marcas. Pro habenda Petitione Regis ad Willelmum Painel, ut concedat ei terram qui) Emma de Humez quae fuit uxor Galfridi de Nevill r c de xx marcis. Pro tenenda in pace hasreditate fua ulque ad Adventum Domini Regis, vel aliud inde prjeceperit ; In Thefauro ), Et Q^ e. Mag. Rat. 5. R. I. Rot. $. b. Wcjlmerhland. (aj Cecilia de Alwardefbi r c de j mar- ca, Pro habenda rationabili parte fua de Feodo quod ipfa & Galfridus Martell & uxor ejus foror ipfius Ceciliae debent partiri. lb. Rot. 9. a. Gloec. tit. De Oblatis, per Cancellarium. (p) Jammes de Ros r c de vj marcis, pro habenda faifina de iiij libratis terras in Wuda, de qua difFaifit'.is fuit quia diceba- tur efTe Efcaeta Regis. Sed recognitum fuit coram Jufticiarijs Itineratibus, quod terra ilia eft Jus & hsreditas ejus ; In the- fauro liberavir, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 6. R. I, Rot. 17. a. (q) Henricus de Puteaco debet xx 1, Pro Q_q q 2 habenda 484 Of F 1 N %s of clivers S'arts. Chap. XIII. have his Land and Inheritance, and that he might not abjure the Realm, he having undergone the Judgment of the hot Iron (r). William de Thievcjpathe gave vj / and odd, for the fame ; he having likewife undergone the Judgment of the hot Iron [s). Alan Son of Rollmid g7i\c XX Marks, to have Seifin of certain Land, the Seifm whereof i?^?//"^?^*^*; recovered againfl him, becaufe he had not the King to warrant in Earl 'John's Court at fuch a Time, at which Time the King was in his Voyage from Jeri/falem (/). William de Clynton gave x IVTarks, to have Seifni of his Manour of EJlon (which is a Sergeanty of the King's Lardry) until the King's Return («). William Earl of AricnJell gave CCC and Lix / xiiij s and iiij d, to have Seifni of the Honour of Arundell, except the Caftle, and the Town oi Anmdell, and the Mills; and the Honour oi Petworth {w). Walter de Newingfon gave xxviij s and iiij d, to have the fourth Part of a Knight's Fee, which was taken into the King's Hand for not paying Relief (.v). Hugh Son of Lef'win gave iij Marks and an half, to have the Town of Cornburc which was mortgaged to him, until the Term prefixt for the Criice-fignati (y). Robert de T^urneham gave D Marks, for Quitance of the Manour of Doncajicr (being the In- heritance of Joan his Wife) which was mortgaged to K. Henry I, for D Marks [z) ; and that he might have that Manour as fully and entirely h'ribenda faifina Terrre de Colingeham & de Cumpton, unde Rex Pater eum diffaifi- vit injufte. Mag. Rot. 6. R. i. Rot, 11, a, Evcriuich. (r) Reginaldus de Tewaden debet xx marcas. Pro habeiida Terra fua & hsredi- taie, lit lit non abjuret Terram Domini Ree;is, quia tulit Judicium Calidi Ferri. lb. Rot. 12. a. Cortiuival'ia. («) Willelmus de Clynton r c de x marcis, Pro habenda faifina de Terra fua de Efton, quae efl: Serjanteria Lardar. Domini Regis, ufq; ad Adventum Re^^is. Mag. Rot. 5. i2. I. Rot. 11. b. Bilk. (J Bedef. (m;) Willelmus Comes de Arundel de- bet CCC & Lix 1 & xiiij s & iiij d, Pro ha- bcndo Honore de Arundell, excepto Caftel- lo, & villa de Arundell & Molendinis, &: (ij Willelmus de Thievefpathe r c de Honore de Pedewurda. Mag. Rot. 6. R. i. xj 1 & xvj s & viij d. Pro habenda terra fua Rot. 16. a. Sudfexa. & hsereditate, Et ut non abjuret Terram Domini Regis, quia tulit Judicium Calidi Ferri. Mtig. Rot, 9. R. i. Rot. 1, a. Core- WCiUia. (t) Alanus filius Rollandi debet XX mar- cas. Pro habenda faifina de vj libratis terras in Teineford, unde Radulfus Murdacrecu [x) Walterus filius Thomas de Niewen- ton debet xxviij s & iiij d, pro habenda quarta parte fcodi j Militis, quas capta fuit in manum Ren;is pro defalta Relevij. Mag. Rot. 7. R. l.^Rot. 1. h. mrecefir. (y) Hugo filius Lefwini debet iij marcas & dimidiam, pro habenda villa de Cor- peravit faifinam verfus Alanum, quia Ala- neburc ad terminum Cruifiatorum ficut va- rus non habuit Regem ad Warantum in dium fuum. Mag. Rot. 7. R. 1, Rot. 7. a. Curia Coniitis Johannis, ad terminum prce- E-vcrwic. fixum, fcilicet in fine trium menfium ; & (2.) Robertus de Turneham r c de D Rex tunc erat in Peregrinationc fua de Je- marcis. Pro Quietantia Manerij de Dane- rufalem. Mag, Rot. J, R. 1, Rot. 8. a.. caftria. Norhantefcira, S chap. XIII. 0/* F I N E s of divers Sorts. 485 entirely as it was mortgaged, Richard Giibiun gave xl Marks, to have Seifin of certain Land, whereof his Ancellour Hugh Guhnin was difleifed by the King's Will [a). Robert de Wuljie g^\z CC Marks, to have Seifin of the Archdeaconry of Coventry ac- cording to his Charters (b). Mafter William Te/lard gave CCC Marks, to have Seifin of his Archdeaconry, which was adjudged to him by Judges Delegate [c). William de London gave L Marks, to have again his Land whereof he was difieifed for being on Earl "Johfis Side in the Caftle of Noti?igham [dj. Fulbert of Dover gave CCCC Marks, to have Seifin of the Caftle of Chilkam and the Town ; provided he ftand to the Judgment of the King's Court, againfi: the King or any other Claimant (f). William de Montague gave C/, to have fuch Seifin of Chaldcfey and the Hundred of Piddelton, as was adjudged to him in the Court of Marleberg whilfi: the King was Earl \oi Moreton\ (f). James de Winchelfy gave Cj, to have fuch Seifin of his land as he recovered by Afiife of Mortdanceftour, where- of he was afterwards difleifed unjuftly and without Judgment (g). William Turpin gave xl Marks, to have Seifin of his Lands, Mort- gages, and Purchafes, whereof he was dilleifed at the Will of K.. caftria quod eft de haereditate JohannE ux- oris fuas ; quod fuit invadiatum Regi H. Primo pro D marcis ; Et ut habeat totum illud Manerium cum pertinentijs fuis ita integre & plenarie ficut illud Manerium in- vadiatum fuit : In Th. , Et Q. c. Mag, Rot. (). R. I. Rot. 4. a. Everivichfclra. (a) Ricardus Gubiun r c de xl marcis, Pro habenda faifina deC folidatisTerrae in- fra Burgum & extra, quse dicitur Terra de Grangia, unde Inquihtio fa) Willelmus Briewerre debet Lx mar- cas & j palefridum, Pro habendo Drengagio <]uod fuit Gileberti de Calvele, & pro ma- ritando filio &: hrerede fuocum toto praedic- to Drengagio. lb. Rot. 18. a. Norhianb. (q) Willelmus filius Odonis r c de x marcis, pro habenda faifina de j carucata terras cum pertinentijs in Baenburg, unde pater fuus & alij anteceflbres fui fuerunt laifiti in Conqueftu Angliae ; quae faifita fuit in manum Regis pofl: obitum ipfius Willelmi, eo quod ipfe tunc fuit in Scotia. lb. Rot. 1 8. a. Norhumb. (r) Prior & Canonici de Gifeburne de- bent Lx marcas & ij palefridos, Per fic quod convocato Clero & populo, audiatur per cartas eorum quas habent de Ecclefia de Scelton, utrum dcbeant habere Ecclefiam illam in proprios ufus ; Et fi Cartas teften- tur quod illam habere debeant, illam habe- ant. Mag. Rot. 4. J. Rot. 4. b. Everwich. [s) Radulfus de Belfo debet xx marcas & j Palefridum, Pro habenda faifma de feo- do dimidij Militis in Crek & in Burnham cum pertinentijs, qualcm recuperavit &ha- buit coram Jufticiarijs Itinerantibus per Af- fifam de Morte aiuecelToris ; Unde poftea diflaifitus fuit per prsceptum Regis, eoquod Gilebertus de Norfokh fecit intcUigi Regi, quod Affifa ilia capta fuit contra ipfum duin habuit Militem fuum in Servitio Regis, qui prius proteftatus fuit coram eifdem Jufticia- rijs, fe nullum Militem habuifie in praedicto fervitio Regis ut dicitur. Mag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 19. a. Norfokh & Sudf. (t) Alexander de Prefton debet viij s, pro habenda faifina j tofti in Prefton, unde in- quifitum fuit & recognitum, quod Rogerus de Leirceftria eum inde injufte & fine judx- cio diflaifivit. Adag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 20. a. Lane. (ti) Hugo BufTel debet CCCC marcas in Mifericordia Regis, Ut warantizet illi de- faltam illam per quam perdidit faifuiam de Terra fua de Honore dc Pelwrdham, & ut faciat ei habere inde faifmam fuam quani perdidit per praedi£tam defaltam. Mag. Rot, 4. J. Rot. 12. a. Lane. (w) Ricardus le Kenteis debet C marcas & prxterea xxx marcas, Pro habendis ter- ris & tenementis & vadijs & firmis quae fue- runt Ricardi patris fui ; Unde fuit faifitus die qua obijt ; & catallis & cartis ipfius, qua in manum Regis capta funt ; if pro habendis debitis ejufdem patris fui. Alag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 3. b. JFar. Is Lelrc. tevill 488 0/ F I N E s of divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. tevil (x), Thomas de Aula (yj, the Abbot of Teukcjhury (■:;), Cecilia de Hadley (a), Petronilla Countefs of Leicejier (b), Wtlliam Fitz-Roger (c), Henry Earl of Hereford (d), the Abbot and Monks of Salley («?), 'Thomas de Aydenn (f), 'Juliana de Kilpec {g), Nigell de Luvetof (*•) Nicolaus de Brettevill debet xx mar- cas, Per iic quod Rex conceflit ei quod fuccedat jure hasreditarioWillelmo de Bret- tevill patri fuo in x libratis terrae, quam Rex Henricus Pater Regis dedit eidem Wil- lelmo pro homa2;io Sc fervitio fuo. lb. Rot. 10. b. EJfex '^"Hurtf. [■f) Tomas de Aula re de xl marcis & j Palefrido, pro habenda Terra Feodi fui in Bridlesford, qua; ei Efcaeta fui: occafione Feloniae Willelmi de Bridlesford, qui earn de eo tenuit & amifit per Feloniam. Mag. Rot. 6. J. Rot. lo. b. Sudhant. (z) Abbas de Tiolcefbiria debet ij pale- fridos, pro habendis Liiteris Regis ad Ju- ftic. Yberniae, de habenda faifina duorum Manerioium fuorum, qua fuerunt capta in manum Regis quaiido vacavit Abbatia de Tiokeftiria. lb. Rot. 12. a. Ghee. (a) Cecilia de Hadlega debet Lx marcas & j palefridum, Pro habenda faifina de Ma- nerio de Brumlega, unde diffaifita fuit per G. filium Petri Jufticiarium ; ita quod red- det inde iiij 1 per annum, & faciet inde Ser- vitiuin X partis feodi j Militis, ficut conti- netur in Carta Regis quam inde habet ; & pro maritanda fe ubi volucrit ; & pro ha- benda Cuftodia Filij, & Maritagio ejufdem ita quod non difparagietur. 3. Rot. I2. b. Salop. (o) Petronilla Comitifla Leirceflriae debet MMM marcas. Pro habendo Leirceftriam cum pertinentijs, cum Feodis & Dominijs omnibus quae pertinent ad Hcnorem de Grantemeifnill infra Comitatum & extra, fi- cut jus fuuni & hxreditatem ; ita quod Re- gi remaneant omnes terra; Normannorum quce funt de eodcm feodo j & quod Domus de Witewich committatur cui Rex volue- rit, qui [de] fideliter Regi ferviendo obfi- des dabit, & prasdiiSta Comitifla omnia pra?- difta quag Rex ei reddidit tenebit, nifi per Judicium Curiae Regis difl'aifietur. lb. Rot. ij. b. War. (s Leiii.eJ.h-. (c) Willelmus filius Rogeri debet C I, Pro habenda rationabiii parte quae contin- git Agnetem de Scoteigni uxorem fuam de terris quae jpfam de jure contingunt ; & pro habenda Etnefceia terras illiusficut earn ha- bere debet. Mag. Rot. 6. J. Rot. 6. b. Line. [d] Henricus Comes Hercfordire debet L marcas & j Palefridum, praster L marcas & j Aufturcum prius promilTa, pro habenda tali faifina de Feodo xx Militum in Honore de Huntendon, qualis tempore H. Regis Pa- tris Regis Matri fuas, cujus haeres ipfe Hen- ricus eft, in Curia Regis adjudicata fuit ; & pro habenda tali faifina de Rihale cum per- tinentiis, qualis eidem Matri fuse fimiliter adjudicata fuit in Curia Regis tempore Ri- cardi Regis, ita quod per totum dat C mar- cas & j Palefridum & j Aufturcum. lb. Rot'. 9. b. Wilt. (e) Abbas U Monachi de Salleia debent x marcas &: j palefridum, Ut Rex non per- mittat quod dilfaifientur de Ecclefia fua de Taucaftre, nifi per judicium Sanflse' Eccle- fiae vel Curias Regis. Mag. Rot. 7. 'Job, Rot. ^ b. m. I. Item Everwichfcira. (/) Tomas de Aydenn r c de C mar- cis, pro Fine Conftantire filiae Roberti Furre, pro habenda terra quK fuit ejufdem Roberti qui terram illam non forisfecit, Et pro habenda tota terra ilia de Dono ipfius Conftantias, quod ei fecit in Curia Regis poftquam inde plenariam habuit faifinam, excepta una virgata terrae quse eidem C re- manfit, ilcut Litters Regis Patentes quas idem Tomas inde habet teftantur : Et per hunc Finem erit didtus Tomas quietus de C libris, quas prius Regi promifit pro eadetn terra. Mag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 10. b. (g) Juliana quae fuit uxor Johannis de Kilpec r c de L marcis & j Palefrido, Pro habenda rationabiii Dote fua de terris qua: fuerunt ipfius Johannis viri fui ; Ita quod' Dos fua ei affignetur in Rokeflega & la Feme ubi vir ejus ei affignavit : ita tamen quod non habeat in Villa ilia plufquam Terciam partem omnium terrarum qua; fu- erunt prasdiiii Viri fui, Et fi minus ibi fue- rit, chap. XIII. Of Fines of divers Sorts. 489 (/)), the Abbat of York fi), Thomas de Haverbull (k), Sibyll de Valeines ilj, Richard Son oi Truke {m), Pl-^illiam the Clerk of Baieux {n), Williain Son of Rofcclin fo), Adam de Tindal {p), Robert de Ma?idevilk fq), Seiher rit, perficiatur ei alibi ; Ita tamem quod de Serganteria nuUani Terciani habeat : Et pro fe maritanda cui volueiit, nifi inimicis Regis ; E)t ita quod cum fc maritare volue- iit, hoc prius Regi monftrabic cui fe mari- tare voluerit : ht quod rationabile tefta- mentum Viri fui teneatur. Salvo debito Regis. Alag. Rot. 7. J. Rot. 22. b. Hcref. (h) Nigellus de Luvetot r c de iij Pa- lefridis, Ut Rex amoveri faciat Laicam for- ciam ab Ecclefia ipfius Nigelli de Spoford, & quod non permittat ipfum inde deflitui nifi per Judicium Lalcae Curias vel Curias Chriftianitatis. lb. Rot. 7 a. (i) Abbas Ebor. debet L. marcas & j Palefrdum, Pro removenda Laica vi de Ecclefia de Scriueton quam Walterus de Nevill ibi pofuit. Jlfa^. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 12. i. (k) Tomas de HaverhuU debet xl mar- cas, Pro habenda Terra & catallis fuis quae capta fuerunt in manu Regis pro tribus peJlibus Leporum & uno Leporario invento in Domo ("ua. Mag, Rot. 9. J. Rot. 5. b. Land. & Mldd. [I) Sibilla de Valeines r c de C & xx marcis & j palefrido. Pro habenda Terra & catallis fuis unde dilfaifita fuit eo quod non potuit habere homines fuos ad Re£tum pro retto Forefts, Et ut pacem habeat & ijuieta fit, Et pro habendo bofco fuo unde diffaifita fuit per praeceptum Regis, & ut poflit in illo capere Eftuveriumficut folebat fine vafto. lb. Rot 7. a. (m) Ricardus filius Truite debet xx marcas. Pro habenda Terra fua in Baillia Vicecomitis de Cumberland, unde dilTaifitus fuit ultimo per prsceptum Regis, eo quod ivit in Hiberniacum Johanne de Curci. lb. Rot. 12. a. Cumbetl. [n) Willelmus Clericus de Baioco de- bet j palefridum, quod teneatur in pofl'ef- fione Ecclefiae de Niwiton, quam advcrfa- rius ejus nititur ei auferre per vim Laicam, Mag. Rot. ro. J. Rot. 18. a. Everw. (a) Willelmus filius Rofcelini r c de Lx marcis & j bono Olturio, Pro habenda fui- VOL. 1. fina terrarum fuarum, unde diffaifitus fuit per Praeceptum Regis, eo quod dicebatiir quod ei forisfecerac cum Rogero de Crcfli. Mag. Rot. g. J. Ro;. 16. a. (/>) Adam de Tindal debet x marcas. Pro habenda faifina Bofci de Langel., qui appellatur Wiucteleia, cum pertinentiis, unde Rannulfus de Kriinton rccuperavit faifinam verfus eundem A. per Aflifam No- va; Dilfaifina;, & quod idem Rannulfus trahit ad feodum Regis Scocias ; Et debet idem A. intrare per fe in faifinam illam pra- di>ai Bofci cum pertinentiis fuis, ita quod nullus Vicecomes fe intromittat, & non de- bet rcfpondere de Nova DifTaiiina. Alag. Rot. 10. J. Rot. 7. b. Norhwnb. (q) Robertus de Mandcvill [debet] CCC & quater xx 1 & v marcas & v palefridos ^ iiij Ofturos Norrenfes, Pro habenda Baro- nia de Merfwude cum omnibus terris & te- nemcntis & pertinentijs, quK Henricus dc Tylli tenuit & antecefloribus ipfius Roberti injufte deforciavit ; & qu2 recognita fuit per facramentum legalium Militum fub- fcriptorum elTe Jus & haereditas ipfius Ro- berti & antecefforum fuorum, videlicet, Of- berti filij WiUelmi, Roberti filij Reginaldi, Roberti filij Ricardi de Hac, Henrici de Stoic, Alexandri de Waddon, Radulfi de Vallibus, Walteri de Wudiet., Radulfi dc Torini, WiUelmi de Vallibus, Gerardi de Broilon, Philippi de Horfey, Tcrrici de Mudiford, Ricardi filij Roberti, Hugonis de Givelton, Radulfi de Cruket, WiUelmi de Cinnoc, Johannis Malherbe, WiUelmi filij Galfridi, Hugonis de Greinton, & Si- monis Buzun ; qui p.-oteftati funt fuper fa- cramentum fuum, quod Galfridus de Man- devill Senex tenuit Baroniamde Merfewude cum omnibus pertinentijs fuis ficut jus fu- um Si hsereditatem; &i genuit de prima ux- ore fibi defponfata Rohertum de Mandevill ; Ipfe Robertus genuit Galfridumde Mande- vill de Croere ; Galfridus de Mandcvill ge- nuit Rohertum de Mandevill patrcm pra- dicli Roberti qui ut didum eft cum Rege finivit ; Galfridus autem Scncx de Mande- R r r viU 490 0/* F I N E s of divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. Seihcr de ^lenci (r), Beatrice de Warenne (s), Robert Maldidt (t), Thomas Rtijfus (n), the Abbat of Cbcrtfey (w), Hugh de Gurnai (a-), William de St. Michael fy), Be/ief Son of 0/l?ert (z), Richard de Cumb \(i)\ vill mortiia prima uxore fua alium uxorem defponfavit ; de qua genuit Radulfum de Mandevill ; qui port obitum ipfiiis Galf'ridi Senis tenuit praediftam Baroniam, per vo- luntatem H. Regis, eo quod fuit Melior Miles quam Robcrtus de Mandevill frater fuus quern genuit ex prima uxore fua ut diffium eft ; Idem Radulfus genuit quan- dam hlism Dyonifiam nomine, quae nupta fuit Wilielmo filio Johannis tunc Senefcallo Normanniae ; & idem Wilklmus genuit ex ea Henricum de Tylli : Et per hunc Fi- nem prasdiftum tenebit idem Robertus & hasredes fui praediftam Baroniam cum om- nibus terris & tenementis prasdictis, de Re- ge & hxredibus fuis, cum omnibus pcrti- nentijs, libertatibus, & liberis confuetudini- bus fuis, in Dominicis, in feodis h fervicijs, foreftis & chaceis & venationibus & percur- fibus iuis ; ita quod nee ipfe Robertus vel haeredes fui inde in aliquo diffaifiabuntur vel implacitabuntur nifi per Breve quod appel- latur Breve de Redo, fi quis verfus eos lo- qui voluerit, & Jus in eis fibi vendicaverit : De quibus debet reddere per annum C 1 & jj palefridos. Aiag. Rot. lo. J. Rot. w.b. Dor fete y Swnerjeis. (r) Seiherus de Qiienci r c de tribus optimis cafzuris. Pro habenda medietate Suburbij Leircelhia quod paititum fuit per Juratam legalium hominum ultimo faitam per praecepcum Regis. Mag. Rot. lo. J. Rot. 3. a. TVar. ^ Leircejlr. [s] Beatricia filia Willelmi de Warenna r c de MMM & C marcis reddendis infra iiij annos, Prohabendis terris & tenementis quas fuerunt Patris fui, & quae ei haeredi- tarie defcendunt, Et pro habenda rationa- bi!i Dote fua quae earn contingit de tene- mentis quK fuerunt Doun Bardolf quon- dam Viri fui, Et quod non diftringatur ad ■fe maritandum, Et quod debita qu;^ Pater fuus Regi debuit reddantur de communibus catallis quae fuerunt tarn Patris lui quam Milifentia uxoris Patris fui, die qua Pater fuus obijt. Alag. Rot. 11. J. Rot. 5. b. Norf & Sudf. [t) Robertus Malduit debet xx marcas, Pro habenda parte fua de terris & texiemui- tis qua: fuerunt Robert! GifFard, Tenenda de Roberto de Mandevill tanquam de Pri- mogenito Participe fuo ; Salva eidcm Ro- berto de Mandevill Eifnefcia fua, lb. Rot, 14. «. Oxcnef. (u) Tomas Ruffus r c de xxx marcis. Pro habenda failina C folidatarum terrae cum pertinentiis in Ymmemere, unde fuit diliaifitus eo quod Servitium terras illius no- minare nefcivit. Mag. Rot. 12. y. Rot. 8. fl. (w) Abbas de Certefeia [debet] C mar- cas, Prohabendis Eggeham& Torp Mane- riis fuis. Si catallis Manenorum ipforum, quae capta fuerunt in manum Regis occafi- one mortis Hugonis de Torp, quern Simon ferviens ejufdem Abbatis interfecit ; Qui Fi- nis intravit per Robertum de Beregefeld niandato Johannis £lij Hugonis. Mag. Rot. 15. y. Rot. 21. a. Surreia. yohannes fdius Hugonis, Robertus de Beregefeld pro eo, Vicecomes, this Tear. lb. (x) Hugo de Gurnai [debet] DCC marcas. Pro habendo Manerio de Wan- doure, ita quod non diffaifietur nifi per Ju- dicium, & quod non trahatur in placitum nifi per Breve quod appellatur Breve de Refto. Mag. Rot. 11. jf. Rot. lb. a. Buck. iff Bedef. [y) Willelmus de S. Michaele [debet] X marcas, pro habenda faifina de xliij foli- datis redditus in Aiwell, unde diflaifitus fuit per prsceptum Regis, & pro PaiTagio fuo. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 12. b. (z) Benedidus filius Ofberti prapofiti de Pufinge debet xij marcas, pro habenda ter- ra & catallis quae fuerunt patris fui, quas capta fuerunt in manum Regis eo quod idem Ofbertus fecit fe foreftarium. lb. Rot. 4. a. [a] Ricardus de Cumb. per Humfridum de Scovill fratrem fuum r c de xl marcis & ij palefridis & j Oituro, & infuper inve- nit Regi obfides pro fideli fervitio, Quod ipfe Ricardus poiTit reverti ad pacem & fer- vitium Regis, & habere terram fuam unde diflaifitus fuit quia receflerat ad Willelmuni de Braiofa in Yberniam. lb. Rot. 7. b. Matthew chap. XIII. (9/ F I N E s of divers Sorts. 491 Matthew de Cliuedon {b), Regina/d de Gofmton (c), Ellas Glnant {d), Robert de Loiidon {e), William de Gary (/), Mafgaret hte Wife of Robert Fltz-Roger (g). During the fecond Period, Fines were aJfo made by the Perfons liereunder named, to have Seifin of their Lands: viz. by Thomas Son oi Ivo (h), Richard de Ka?ivill{i), Samuel de Burton {k), Robert Blimd on Behalf of Ralf de Hiichenden (I), Bakkvln Conltable of Boloign, and William de Haye (mj, Walter de Merk (n), Ralf Beer and Jordan de {b) Mathaeus de Cliuedon debet xxv marcas, pro habenda terra fua, iinde fuit difTaifitus eo quod non transfretavit cum Rege in Yberniam; quia Finis x marcarum non fuitfufficiens pro habenda pace dePal- Cxgio fuo. lb. Rot, g. b. [c) Reginaldus de Gofinton debet L marcas, pro habenda terra fua, unde fuit diflliifitus occafione Malivolenti^. lb. Rot. 9. b. juxt. [d) Elias Ginant r c de v marcis, pro habenda faifina quintae partis feodi j Militis, unde Conftabularius de Waren2,efbrd eum dillaifivit, eo quod non potuit facere fervi- tium iilius partis & pro Paflagio fuo : In th. I, Et Q. e. lb. Rot 10. a. [e) Robertus de Lend, r c de x I pro habenda faifina de L folidatis redditus in Bacfcete, unde difTaifitus fuit pro concela- mento fervitij fui, & pro paflagio fuo Yber- nix. lb. Rot. 15. a. Suneia. if) WiUelmus de Cario [debet] CCCC marcas. Pro habenda faifina dc Mideford cum pertinentijs in Comitatu de Berch- fira ; & pro habenda inde Carta Hegis, ut Manerium illud tcnere polTit ficut antecef- fores fui tenuerunt ; Et pro habendo brevi de Morte anteceflbris verfus Willelmum Marefcallum, de x libratis terras cum per- tinentijs quas clamat ex parte Reimundi GrolTi avunculi fui ; Et pro habenda faifina Domus de Cario : Et inde Regi obfides in- venit de fideli fervitio : De quibus debet reddere per annum C marcas. Aiag. Rot. 15. 'J. Rot, 5. a, tit. Refiduum de Berch- fira, (g) Margareta quae fuit uxor Robert! filij Rogeri [debet] Mille libras, Pro ha- benda faifina de tota hajreditate fua de qua prasdictus Robertus Vir fuus fuit faifitus die quo obijt : Ita tamen quod ftet redo fiquis verfus earn loqui voluerit; retento in ma- nu Regis Caftro de Norvviz quamdiu Regi placuerit ; Et per fic quod habeat jus in Curia Regis de hasreditate fua quam pater fuus habuit die quo obijt, & de toia hasre- ditate fua quam Viri fui alijs dederunt ; Et per fic quod non diftringatur ad fe mari- tandam ; Et per fic quod omnibus diebuj vitae fuse quieta fit de debitis Judasorum, qux pater fuus debuit Judaeis in vita fua; Et quod habeat dotem fuam fecundum con- fuetudinein Regni Anglice, fi filius fuus earn ei dare noluerit. Mag. Rot. 16. J. Rot. 16. b. Norfolch iff Sudfolch. [h) Thomas filius Yvonis r c de j marca, pro habenda tali faifina de terra fua qua- iem inde habuit in inicio guerrae. Mag. Rot. 2. //. 3. Rot. 4. a. Berk. (/) Ricardus de Kanvill [debet] CCC marcas, pro habendis terris & tenementis qua; fuerunt patris fui. lb. Rot. 4.(7. Berk. (/•) Samuel de Burton debet ij marcas, pro habenda faifina de terra fua de Burton, unde Vicecomes eum diflfaifivit auftoritate fua propria ut dicit, & unde alias faifinani habuit per piaeceptum Regis. lb. Rot. 4. b, Glocc. (/) Hasres Roberti Blundi de Londo- nia [debet] x 1 pro Radulfo de Huchenden, pro habenda faifina terrarum fuarum. //'. Rat. 5. a. Land. & Alidd. [m) Baldewinus Conftabularius Bono- niae debet xv 1, pro habenda faifina de ter- ra fua de Sepeland, unde Rex J. eum dif- faifivit ut dicit. Willelmus de Haya debet V marcas, pro habenda tali faifina de terris quae fuerunt patris fui, qualem habuit die qua recefTit, &c. lb. Rot. 7. a. EJJixia is' Herif. . («) Walterus de Merc filius Johannis de Klerc r c de v marcis, pro habenda R r r 2 tali 492 0/ F I N E s of divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. de Caerdif [o), John Fitz-WtUiam [p), William de Boterels fq), Gervafe de Stmervill (r), Robert de Alneto and Maud de Kauz (s), Helt Fau- cillum and Henry de Crammavill (t), William Biifcel fu), John Flam- bard fw), William de Pontearch (x), Richard de IVroteham (y), the Heirs of Brian de Lijle [z), Richard Son of Aiicher [a), and others. till fnifina dc omnibus terris qune fueruiit Willelmi de Merc fratris fui, cujus haeres ipfe eft, qualem idem Willelmus inde ha- buit die qua guerra incepit : In th. 1, Et Q. e. lb. Rot. 8. a. Cant, ij Hunt. (o) Radulfiis Beer & Jordanus de Kaer- dit'debcnt x marcas, pro habendo molen- dinode Wurle, quod Willelmus deCurte- nai els invadiavit ufq; ad Terminum qui prsfixus eft in Carta fadla fuper hoc inter eos. Alag. Rot. t,. H. ■^. Rot. 14. b. Dorjct y Suinerfit. [p] Johannes filius Willelmi filij Alani debet x millia marcarum, pro habenda ter- ra patris fui, ficut continetur in Rotulo xvj Regis J. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 3. Rot. 6. b. Salop. {q) Willelmus de Boterellis r c de qua- ter XX marcis, pro habenda faifina terra quss fuit Willelmi de Boterellis patris fui, quE eum contingit jure hsreditario : In th. I, Et Qi e. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 9. b. Cornub. (r) Idem Vicecomes debet vj palefridos pro Gervafio de Sumervill, pro habenda iaifina. Mag. Rot 6. H. 3. Rot. 3. b. Not. iff Derb. [s] Robertus de Alneto debet j palefri- dum, pro habenda faifina. Matiilis de Kauz [debet] M & L marcas, pro habenda faifina. lb. (t) Helto Faucillun [debet] xviij 1 & viij s h viij d pro Willelmo fratre fuo pro habenda faifina. Mag. Rot. 7. H. 3. Rot. 4. a. EJfex (J Hcrtf. Henricus de Cram- mavill r c de iij martis & dim. & j palefri- do, pro habenda faifina. lb juxt, {11) Willelmus Bufcel r c de v marcis &j palefrido, pro habenda faifina. lb. Rot. II. a. Everw. (w) Johannes Flambard [debet] v marcas, pro habenda faifina. 3. Rot, J I. a. (.v) Willelmus de Pontc arche debet v marcas, pro habenda faifina terrae de Swin- don quas capta fuit in manu Regis eo quod non fuit in exercitu Wallias. Mag, Rot, 9. H. 3. R'.t, 7. b, IFUt. (y) Ricardus de Wroteham r c de L marcis, Pro habenda faifina foreftariae Co- mitatus de Sumerfete, &; cuftodiae parci de Neweton, qus ipfum hareditarie contin- gunt ; de quibus idem Ricardus fecit Regem fecurum, per Johannem Marefcallum & Jo- hannem de Erlega, quod reddet Regi ad Scaccarium S. R4ichaelis anno ix° xx mar- cas, & ad Scaccarium Pafchae anno x" x marcas, he. . Mag. Rot. 9. H. 3. Ret, 14. a. Sumerfete. (z.) Thomas Brito, Alicia uxor ejus, Wil- lelmus de Glammorgan, & Radulfus de Scopham, haeredes Briani de Infula, debent C marcas de Fine, Pro habenda faifina dc terris & tenementis qua fuerunt ipfius Bria- ni, & quae capta fuerunt in manum Regis pro debitis ipfius Briani, & de quibus idem Brianus obijt feifitus ; Comput in eifdem, C folidis per quos Finem fecerat prius cum Rege pro habenda feifina de terra quae fuit ipfius in Blaneford. Et praeterea quietum clamaverunt Regi Manerium de Kinge- Iliang. cum pertinentijs de fe & hasredibus fuis in perpetuum. Per fie quod Rex ca- piat fe ad executores teftamenti prasdicfti Briani & ad catalla & blada quae fuerunt ipfius Briani de omnibus debitis quae idem Brianus Regi debuit, tam de Comitatu Ebor. quam de inquifitionibus fuper eum fasStis, & de omnibus alijs debitis ; Sal- vo etiam hoc quod terra de Comitatu Ef- fexise, quas eft de feodo Comitis War. & quam Rex tenet in manu fua de voluntate ipforum hseredum, in manu Regis rema- neat, donee praedidli hasredes inde waran- tum fuum oftenderint quod idem Brianus te- nuit eas in feodo ; Salvis Regi terris in Comitatu Cantebrigias, de quibus Rex dicit quod idem Brianus non habuit inde [feifi- namj nifi per baillium Regis J. Mag. Rot. 19. H 3. lit. Dorfete & Sumerfete. (a), Ricardus filius Aucheri [debet] di- midiam marcam auri, pro rchabenda Ballia fua. Alcmor. 49. H. 3. Rot. 18. b. in Com- po. Vic. EJJhia is' Herif. IX. Ma:iy Chap. XIII. 0/ F I N E s of divers Sorts. 493 IX. Many Fines were made, that Men might be difcharged out of Prifon, and replevyed or bailed to the Cuflody of lawful Men. For Example j Fulk Fitz-Ralf fined in xlix /, to be difmiffed out of Prifon fb). Peter the Chamberlain, Walchelln the Clerk, and. Geoffrey de Bnrne, fined for the fame {c). Hugh de Karkton fined in iiij Marks, that he might be under Plevine {d). Harm Son of Thora fined in ix Marks, that his Son Roger might be bailed by fafe Pledges (e), Urvoy de Cahnll fined in Lxxiiij s, for the like (f), and Andrew de Crikelade in xx Marks, for the like (^). William de Cbaijhey fined in xv / and xiij s, that he might be let out of Prifon, wherein he was put for a Mifdemeaner of the Foreft {h). Yfilia late Wife of Adam Saltmarp gave x Marks, that fhe might be under Plevine to ftand to Pv-ight, touching the Death of her Hufband [hh). Elias the Dean fined in C Marks, that his Sweatheart and his Children and Servants might be let-out upon Bail ; fo that they might fland to Right in the King's Court (/). Rojcelin Hofe fined in a Mark, that his Son Joh)i who was imprifoned for the Death of William Son of Jordan, might go out of Prifon upon fafe Bail, till the coming of the Juftices [Itinerant] (/<:). William dc Kevilli fined in C j, that his Wife, who was imprifoned, might be delivered to the Cullody of lawful {b) Fulco filius Radulfi r c de xlix 1, Ut exeat de captione, & aJimpleat Conven- tiones quae inter eum ik Regem funt. Mag. Rot. 5. Stepb. Rot. 15. a. [c) Petrus Camerariiis Epifcopi Win- ton, debet DCCC & xliiij marcas argenti, ut exiret de Captione. Walchelinus Cleri- cus filius Chepingi debet xij marcas auri & j unciam & dim., Ut exiret de Captione. Et idem debet CC marcas argenti, ut exiret de eadem captione. lb. Rot. 4. a. Hantefcira. Gaufridus dc Burna r c de ij uncijs au- rt, ut exiret de Captione; In thefauro xxx s pro i) uncijs auri, Et Q^ e. lb. Rot. 4. b. {d) Hugo de Karletcn r c de iiij mar- cis, ut fit fub plevina ; In thefauro 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 10. b. Norhunib. (e) Horm fil. Thorje r c de ix marcis & dim., Ut Rogerus filius ejus poffit mitti per falvos plegios. Jllag. Rot. 1. R. i. Rot. ^. a. Everwich, (f) Uruoius de Caliul & Willelmus de Brai r c de Lxxiiij s, Ut pofTuit replegiari. lb. Rot. 7. a. Cornualia. [g)^ Andreas de Crikelade r c de xx mar- Mag. Rot. I. J. Rot. de XV 1 in quo- Mag. cis, Ut replegietur. 13. b. Wilt. [h) Willelmus de Chaifneto r c & xiij s, Ut exeat a Carcere Regis, pofitus fuit pro forisfado foreftse. Rot. 5. i2. I. Rot. ic. a. Oxiticf. . . . de Caifneto r c de xj 1 & xviij s, Ut exeat a Carcere Regis in quo pofitus tuit pro forefta. Mag. Rot. 10. R. i. Rot. 13. «. Oxenef. [hb) Yfilia quae fuit uxor Adas de Salte- mareis r c de x marcis, ut poflit efTe fub ple- gio ftandi recSo de morte viri fui. Mag. Rot. I. Job. R.ot. 3. a. Gloec. (i) Elyas Decanus r c de C marcis. Pro habenda Arnica fua & filijs & fervientibus fuis per plevinam ; ita quod polTmt flare rcfto in Curia Regis de hoc quod pertinst ad Curiam Re^is. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 8. b. Not. y Dird. (k) Rofcelinus Hofe debet j marcam, Ut Johannes filius ejus, inprifonatus pro Morte Willelmi filij Joidani, poffit exire a prifona per falvos plegios, ufq; ad Adventum Jufti- ciariorum. Mag. Rot. 4. J. Rot. 6. b. Sud~ hantefcira, ^ Knight& 494 Of Fines of divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. Knights of Effex, who fhould have her to Right if any Plaint was moved againft her (/). And feveral other Perfons fined in feveral Sums, for the hke C^inie. mutatis mutandis : namely, Alured de Glen- ham [ni), Walter de Vafci fn), Reginald de Bathe fo), Marmaduke de Tivenge (/>), Thomas de Rafe [q), Hugh Son of Emme (r), Gilbert de Sta?!jbrd fs), and John le Teingre (t). K. "John, in the 9th Year of his Reign, by the Writ hereunder cited, llraitly commanded, that no Man who was appealed for the Death of any one, fhould be re- plevied, or delivered to Bail or Hoftages, unlefs by the King's fpe- cial Command ; but that fuch Perfon Ihould be kept clofely in Gaol, till he had received his Judgment (u). However the King himfelf continued to ad: in thefe Cafes in the fame Manner as had been ac- cuftomed in the former Times. To proceed : the like Fines, to be delivered out of Prifon upon Bail, were made by the Perfons here- (1) Willelmus dc Kevilli debet C foliJos, Per fic quod uxor fua inpril'onata tradatur legalibus Militibus Effexise cuftodienda, ita quod habeant earn ad reftum fi loquela verfus earn moveatur. lb. Rot. 19. b. Ejpx tf Hurtf. tit. Item Nova Ohlata. (m) Aluredus de Cilenham debet C s, Ut ipfc & Gilebertus fVater fuus, qui retatifunt de morte cujufdain hominis, committantur cuftodiae duorum vel trium Militum de Comitatu Lincolise. Mug. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 9. b. Line. («) Walterus de Vafci r c de C marcis, Ut replegietur, ita quod ii aliquis de paren- tela Willelmi de la Mule ipfum W. de mor- te Willelrni appellaverit qui pofllt & debeat, Walterus refpondeat. Mag. Rot. 1. J. Rot. 14. i. Devenefc. (0) Reginaldus de Bathonia r c de xx marcis, Ut liberetur in cuftodia Amicis fuis legalibus hominibus, qui eum habeant ad reftum quando debueriiu ; In thefaurol, Et Q, e. Mag. Rot. 5. 7. Rot. 7. b. Buk. ^ Bed. (p) Marmeduc de Twenge debet Cs, Ut fit in cuftodia legalium Militum, qui appellatus eft de Morte bominis, ufque in Adventum Jufticiariorum in partibus illis. Mag. Rot. 6. y. Rot. 14. bis. b. (^) Tomas de Rafe r c de C s, Ut tra- datur probis hominibus fub falva cuftodia, qui retatus eft de morte Reginald!. Mag. Rot. S.y. Rot.g.a. Line. (r) Hugo filius Emmae debet j marcam, Ut fit fub Plevina ufq; coram Jufticiarijs Itinerantibus, de Morte Radulfide White- feld. Idem debet dimidiam marcam. Pro habendo brcvi de Inquifitione, an ipfe Cul- pabilis fit de Morte Radulti de Whiiefeld annon. //'. Rot. ij. b. Norhant. (j) Gilbertus de Stanford debet Lx marcas & ij palefridos, Ut liberetur G. filio Petri in cuftodia, & quod idem G. ipfum falvo committat cuftodiendum quoufq; Rex vpluntatem fuam praeceperit ; Per Plegios annotatos in Originali, lb- Rot. 12. b. Osinefordj'cira. (t) Johannes le Teingre debet C marcas & X Leporarios Magnos Pulcros & Bonos pro Redemptione fua, unde pacabit xl mar- cas &: V leporarios antequam exeat a Prifona, & de Lx marcis & v leporarijs invenit Regi Obfides, fcilicet Tomam & Galfridum filios fuos, quos Jufticiarius recipiet apud Sud- h an ton am. Mag. Rot. 9. J. Rot. 14. b. Sudhant. Nova Oblata. (u) Rex &c Jufticiarijs & omnibus fideli- bus fuis falutem. Prohibemus diftricte, ne quis appellatus de morte hominis replegie- tur vel in cuftodia tradatur vel oftagietur, nifi per fpeciale prsceptum noftrum, fed in Gaola firmiter teneatur, donee coram Juf- tic. judicium fuum habuerit. T. Domino J. Norwicenfi apud Wudeftok, viij die.No- vembris. Pat. 9. J. m. 4. under Chap. XIII. Cy Fi N E s of divers Sorts. 495 under named, to wit, by Geoffrey de Cumpton (w), IfoM late Wife of William de St. Peter {x), If'illiam de Egremunt and others (y), Ahired de Everton and his Fellows {z), John and Henry the Parlbn of North- bnrk's Sons (a). Earl David for his Son to be his Hoftage (/;), Wil- liatn de Audley Knight and Luke de Audley Efquire (f), and William de Hedfiint (d). Under the fecond Period, the feveral Perfons hereunder named, fined that they might be bailed or delivered out of Prifon : viz. Adam de Wanton (^ ), Geoffrey de Dichford and others {/), Nigell le PFifie {g), Ely as Cokerel {h), Robert le 'WeMoef (/), IFalter de Clfford (w) Galfridus de Cumpton debet iij pn- Jefridos, Ut ipfe rettatus de morte Oiberti filij Hilarij de Eftwud, fit in cuftodia lega- lium hominum ufq; ad primam affifani cum Jiifticiarij in partes illas venerint, & tunc llet retSo. Mag. Rot. lO, J. in Gloecc/lrc- Jcira. (a-) Yfolda quae fuit uxor Willelmi de S. Petro r c de X marcis, quod fit fub ca- dem Plevina qua fuit quando Jufticiarij Re- gis Itinerantes fucriint in Norhumberland ; eo quod retata fuit de receptatione Latro- num ; In Thefauro 1, Et Q; e. Mag. Rot. 10. J. Rot. 7. a. Norhumb. tit. Nova Ohlaia. (y) Willelmus de Egrcmunt, & Wil- lelmus filius Gocelini, Si Robertus fiiius U6liedi, retati de Forcia de morte Walter! Belle, r c de V marcis, Per fic quod fi non fuerint culpabiles de morte e)ufdem Walte- ri, tunccomniittantur fub cuftodia legalium hominum. Il>. Rot. 10. <7. Curnb. (z) Aluredus de Everton & Socij fui debcnt iij marcas, Per fic quod poffintcom- mitti cuftodiae legalium hominum, ex eo quod capti funt pro combuftione Domorum Rogeri hlij Nicolai. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 11. a. (a) Johannes & Henricus filij Perfonae de Nordburc r c de x marcis, Ut fint in cuftodia. Alag. Rot. 14. J. Rot. 15. a. War. bf Leirc. (t) Comes David debet ij Aufturcos Norrenfes fanes & integros, pro habendo fiiio fuo obfide in cuftodia. Mag. Rot. 13. J. Rot. -8. a. Cant, (s Hunt. (c) Wilieimus dc Aldithlega Miles & Lucas de Alditlega Armiger [debcnt] XXX 1 & ij pulcros equos, Ut deliberentur a prifona. lb. Rot. 11. b. War. & Lcircejlr. {d) Willelmus de Hcdfunt appcllatus de morte Gamel filij Hugonis de Dive debet x marcas, ut tradatur probis hominibus in cuf- todia. Mag. Rot. 14. J. Rot, 10. a. Sud- fcxia. {e) Adam de Wanton debet x s, Ut tra- datur in ballio. Mag. Rot. 7. H. 3. Rot. II. b. Evervj. (f) Galfridus de Dichford r c de j mar- ca, Ut tradatur in ballio xij probis & lega- libus hominibus de Comitatu Gloeceftris, iifq; ad Advcntum Jufticiariorum Itineran- tium, ad ftandum re£lo de morte Henrici filij Radulfi le Poher : In Thefauro dimi- diam marcam, Si debet dim. marcam. Idem Vicecomcs r c de dimidia inarca, de Ricardo de la BulTei rettato de morte praediiSta, ut tradatur in cuftodia ; Et de dimidia marca, de Waltero de Bello monte pro eodem : In th. 1, Et Q; e. Mag. Rot. 4. H. 3. Rot. 6. a. Glocc. (i) Nigellus filius Oftjerti ieWine, cap- tus & detentus in prifona Regis apud Exo- niam, pro morte Gemiani de la Yerd, r c de xl s, ut tradatur in ballio ufq; ad adven- tum Jufticiariorum : In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. i. b. Devon. (h) Elyas Cokerel r c de Lxviij s & iiij :i:f Lcgerccjh: is) Hugo de Chaucumba r c de j mar- ca, Ut fit quietus de Sacramento verfus Ab- batcm de S. Albano ; In thef. 1, Et Q. e. ALg. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. (b) Hugo de Vcrli r c de xl s, Ut fit quietus de Sacramento de placito terras ver- fus Willelmum ). Fid/k de Oyrt gave xx Marks, to be quit of CC Marks demanded of him for the Thirteenth ; provided, that when the King had fpoken with the Commiffioners of the Thirteenth, Fulk ihould (1) Radulfus Brito r c de CCCC h Lxx 1 & ix s ^ V d, Ut fit quietus de Com- poto fuo de exitibus Tcrrx qurc fuit Henrici de EfTcxa & Honore Coniitis Boloniae dum fuit in ejus Cuftodia. Mag. Rot. 31. ii/. 2. Rot. 2. a. Ejfex U Hurif. {k") Johannes Malcravers r c de C tnar- cis, Ut fit quietus de placito appellationis de Pace Domini Regis, pro qua filius fuus ivit ad Juifam Aqu£. Ih. Rot. it., h. Dorfeta t?" Sunierfcta. (I) Galfridus & Willelmus de Tichefeia [debent] vj 1 & ix s & ix d, Ut inrotulentur in compoto proprefturarum, ficut Odo de Tichefeia inrotulatus fuit, cujus haeredes ipfi funt. Mi'g. Rot. 10. R. I. Rot. 14. a. Kent. (m) Andreas de Crikelade r c de xx marcls, Ut rcplegietur. Sed poftea recor- datum eft per Willelmum Briewerrc, quod Finis ille fadtus fuit, per fic ut prasdiftus Ar.dreas quietus efiet de refto pro quo dice- baturcaptus cum quibufdnm utlagatis ; & ut Plegij ipfius efient quicti de plegiagio quod fecerunt. Mag. Rot. 1. J. Rot. 13. b. JFtltcfcira. (n) Robertus filius Rofcclini de Bradele- ga r c de xxx marcis & j palefrido, Ut fit quietus de propreftura Advocationis Eccle- fiae de Bradelcga, quam ipfe & Pater fuus fecerunt fuper Regem ; & Rex dimifit ei tenere Ecclefiam illam ficut perfons, te- nendam tota vita fua deDono Regis. M^g. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 2. b. Line. (0) Homines de Prefton r c de x marcis & j palefrido. Pro habenda pace de Lo- quela quam Teobaldus Walter! habuit ver- fus eos de Gibetto & Gaiola in Prefton : In thefauro ix 1 & dimidiam marcam, Et de- bent j marcam. Mag. Rot. 3. y. Rot. 20. a. Lane. tit. Nova Oblata. {p) Aluredus de Norwi debet j palefri- dum, pro habendis Litteris Regis patenti- bus, de pace de appello & retto unde retta- tus fuit de morte Tocgieue uxoris Ofberti Wreng de Claihangre, nil! aliquis per ducllum eum appellare voluerit; & per pleg[iagium] Petri de Stokes. Mag. Rot. 7. Joh^ Rat. 1^. a. m. i. ftand chap. XIII. Of Fines of divers Sorts. 499 fland to what they reported {q). Roald Fkz-Alan gave CC Marks, to be quit of an Amercement laid on him for retufing to fwear touching the Thirtceiith, and to have the Caflle of Richemunt whereof he was diffeifed for that Caufe, and to liave the King's Letters Pa- tent to diftrain the Knights of Richemunt to do their Caftle-gard (r). Eujlace Parfon of Ludenham fined in xv Marks, to have Peace touch- ing a Dyke which he had caufed to be made in Form of a Saltier (j). Thomas Croc gave xx Marks, to have the King's Peace and Pardon for coming to an Accord upon the Appeal he had brought for his Father's Death {t). Henry le Martre gave Lx Marks, to be quit of the Trefpafs of being found in the King's Foreft with Leveriers and beating tlie King's Forefters, &c (u). Adam le Ape gave xx Marks, to be quit for having fet Traps in his Wood (w), and Robert the Smith gave half a Mark, for making the Traps (x). Gilbert da Bad- loel g2i\Q X Marks, to be quit of the Trefpafs of bearing a Bow in the Foreft fy). William Blimd g'i.vt ij Hawks, to bs quit of a former Fine (z). Robert de Burun gave x Marks, to be quit for not having his Man Blackoker forth coming to fland to Right {a). Mafter Culumb was amerced C Marks, for taking fourfcore and eight Cheverons in {q) Fulco de Oyri debet xx marcas, Ut de CC marcis qus ab eo exiguntur occa- fione xiij=, pacem habere peimittat, ita ta- men ut Rex loquatur cum Juiliciarijs xiij^, fuper quorum Recordum inde fe pofuit, ad faciendum inde nihilominus quod recor- dati fuerint. AIng. Rot. 9. 'f. Rot. 3. /'. Line. (r) Roaldus filius Alani debet CC mar- cas 5i iiij palefridos, Pro quietantia amer- ciamento eo quod jurare noluit pro xiij», hi pro habendo Caflro de Richemunt undedif- faifitus fuit eadem occafione, & pro hab«n- cis Litteris Regis Patentibus de julViciando Millies qui Cuftodiam debent ad Caftrum de Richemunt, ad Cuftodias illas faciendas. lb. Rot. 7. a. (j) Euftacius Perfona de Ludenham de- bet XV marcas, Pro pace habenda de quo- dam foflato quod fieri fecit apud Ludenham in modum Saltorij. Mag. Rot. 9. J. Rot. 1 1. b. Not. y Denb. (t) Tomas Cioc r c de xx marcis. Pro habenda Pace & Perdonatione Regis de hoc, quod concordavit de Appellatione quam fccerat de morte Patris fui verfus Willel- mum de VViteham & VVillelmum de Wa- rengeford. lb. Rot. 14. b. Sudhant, (t/) Henricus la R'lartre r c de Lx mar- cis, Ut fit quietus de hoc quod inventus fuit in Foicfla Regis cum Leporarijs, &: Foref- tarios Regis verberavit, & pro alijs tranf- greflionibus de Forefta. lb. Rot. 14. b. (zu) Adam Simia de Stappel. r c de xx inarcis, Pro pace habenda de hoc quod po- fuit in Bofco fuo caicatrappas. lb. Rot. 14.^. (a) Robeitus Faber de Odiham r c da dimidia marca, quia fecit calcatrappas. lb. juxt. (y) Gillebertus de Bailloel debet x mar- cas, Ut fit quietus de hoc quod tulit ar- cum in forefta. lb. Rot. 16. a. Lane. (z.) Willelmus Bluiidus [debet] ij Oftur- cos, Ut Rex ipfum quietum efle faciat dc C libris, quas ei promifit pro habendo Ma- nerio de Heiford quod Willelmus filius Ro- cel. tenet, & quod idem Willelmus Blun- dus non habuit per Finem ilium nee per eum ftetit. Mag. Rot. 10. '/• ^''*- ^- ^■ (ti) Robertus dc Burun debet x marcas, Ut fit quietus de hoc quod non potuit ha- bere Blackoker honiinem fuum ad reduni, &: ut fit quietus de loquela fua. lb. Rot. lO- /;. Lankajhia. tit. Di placitis For.'ftie per H. de Ncvill. S f f 2 the 500 Of Fines of divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. the Forell by Night. For this Amercement his Lands were feized into the King's Hands {b). John Son of IViUlam h Lech, gave xxx Marks and a Palfrey, that he might be quit of the Debts due to the Kino- from William his Father, particularly of certain Amercements incurred by his Father for Concealment of the King's Money, and for a Trefpafs charged on him for his autumnal Juflicelliip [c). Wil- liam Earl oi Arundel I gave two good Norioay Hawks and one good Palfrey (not in Money) that he might be quit of a certain Manucap- tion id). The Knights and Free-tenants of Cumberland gave C Marks, that they might be acquitted of certain Trefpaffes of the Forcft [e). XI. Many other Fines were wont to be made, which being of fundry Kinds,' are for Method's fake, put here under one Head. For Example : the Perfons hereunder named fined to the King re- fpeftively, for the Caufes hereafter mentioned. OJhert Sylvain fined in vij Marks of Silver, that he might hold a certain Knight's Fee of the King in Capite (f). John EJiurmy fined in xxj-, for the like ig). An/elm Vifcount of Roan fined in half a Mark of Gold, that he might hold in Capite of the B'xfho^oi Winchcfter, certain Lands which he held of Thomas de SL John (h). John Fitz-Jfaker gave fourfcore Marks of Silver and two Deftriers, that the Manour oi Etton might geld at fix Hides (/). The Burgclles of Lincoln gave CC Marks of [l) Magifter Culiimb. debet C marcas, pro quaterviLiinti li ofto cheuronibus capiis roflcinrer. Sed iion debet fommoiieri, per Fincm fubfcriptum. Magiflcr Culumb. de- bet L marcas, pro habenda quietamla de C marcis de amerciamento Foreltse, & pro ha- bendis redditibus fuis, unde fuit dilF.iifitus pro eodcm air.merciamcnto. Mag. Rot. I2. y. Rol. 14. i. Everwicfdra. tit. De placitis Foreft-ae. [c) Johannes filius Willelmi de Lech, r c dc xxx marris & j palufrido, Ut fit quietus de dcbitis 'VVillelmi patris fui quae exige- b.iniur per Siimmonitionem Scaccarij de airerciamentis in qua; pater ejus ini:idit pro concelamento denariorum Regis, & pi-o trsufgrtiTione ei iinpofita de Jufticiaiia (ua Auturnpnali dum Rex fuit in Hibernia. Mag. Rot. 3. H. 3. Rot. 8. a. Not. W D.rtb. [d] V/illelmus Conies Arun Jellix debet ij bonos oftur. Norr. & j bonum palelVidum, lion in denarijs, ut fit (^ietus de plegiagio. Mag. Rot. 4. H. 3. Rot. 5. a. Sndfe.x!^. (e) Milites& libere tenentesde Comitatu de Cumberland [debent] C marcas, Ut fint quicti de tranrs^reffionibus forefias ejufdem Comitatus & alijs. Alag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 9. b. Nova Oblata. (f) Ofbertus Sylvanus r c de vij marcis argenti, Ut tcneat in Capite de Rege fco-' dum j Milllis quod fuit Willelmi filij Gau- fridi. jMiig. Rot. 5. Steph. Rot. l. b. Not. &■ Derb. is) Johannes Efturmit re de xx s, pro xl i'olidatis terras tenere de Rege in Capite. ih. Rot. 2. a. rriit. [h) AnCelmus Vic. Roth, r c de dim.idia inarca auri, Ut teneat in Capite de t.pifco- po Wintonienfi terras quas tenuit de Thoma de Sandto Johanne. Jb.Rot.i^.a. Bercke- fcira. [i) Johannes filius Walteri r c de qua- tcr XX marcis arg^jnti h ij Dextrarijs, Ut Alanerium dc Luona geldeC amodo pro vj liidis. Jh. Rot. J 3, a. Silver Chnp. Xlil. O/FiNES of divers Sorts, 501 Silver and four of Gold, that they might hold their City of the King in Caplte (k). William de Ho&on gavu x Marks of Gold, that he might have to Wife the Widow of Geoffrey de Faiiarc. with her Land, and the Cudody of her Son till he might he knighted ; and that afterwards the faid Son might hold the faid Land of the faid William (/). Agnes de Belfago lined in xxxv Marks of Silver, becaufe her Son went over to the Earl of Flanders [m). The Abbot of St. Ed/mind fined in xxv Marks of Silver, that he might have again the Manour which he gave to Richard Son of JValchelin (;/). Baldivin Son of William fined in xx j, for refpiting his Man Edward touching a Homicide foj. William de Buiff'ey gave xvj / and a Mark, for a Partition of Walter Efpecs Land (p). Joldeivin Son of Savary gave L Marks, for a Convention touching Land fq). Wjlliam de Nevill gave X Marks, that a Convention touching Land, made between him and the Abbot of Hulme, might be kept (rj. PP'illiam de Caifnei Sheriff oi Norfolk and Suffolk, gave x/, that his Account might be delayed (i) ; John de Merlebergh x xxv Marks, and Mahiimet v Marks, for a Duell (2*); William de Sixteendaie [ox Sezevals) fourfcore Pounds, for having deflowered a Woman by Force {11) -, Laurence the Prieft xx [k] Burgenfes de Lincolia r c de CC marcis argcnti & iiij marcis auri, Ut tenc- ant Civitatem de Rege in Capite. lb. Rot. 12. a. (I) V/illelmus de Hoflona r c de x marcis auri, pro uxore Gaufridi de Fauarc, habere in uxorem cum terra I'lia & filium I'uum habere in cuftodia donee poflit cfl'e Miles, & poftea idem filius tenere terram ilLim de eodemWillelmo. lb. Rot. lo. a. (in) Agnes de Belfago r c de xxxv mar- cis argenti, quia filius fuus perrexit ad Co- rr.item Flandrije. lb. Rot. lO. a. Kortf. (n) Abbas de S. Edmundo r c de xxv marcis ;ir^enti, Ut rehaheat Mancrium quod dederat Kicardo filio VValchelini. lb. Rot. 10. b. Siidf. (0) Baldevvinus filius Willelir.i r c de xx s, pro refpeftu EJuardi homiiiis fui de homine quem occidit. lb. Rot. 16. a. De- vencjc. (/)) Willelmus de BuKTelo r c de xvj 1 & xiij s & iiij d. Pro terra W ilteri Efpec partienda ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. M.ig. Rot. 6. H. 2. R.'t. 5. !>. _ (^) JoiJewinus filius Savarici r c de L marcis, pro Conventione terras ; In per- donis, per breve Regis, eidem JoldewinoL marcae, Et Q^e. lb. Rot. j. h. Suthfcxa. (r) Willelmus de Novilla debet x marcas, Ut Conventio terras facfia inter ipfum & Abbatem de Hulmo fit ftabilis. Mag. Rot, 9. H. 2. Rot. 3. h. (i) Idem Vicecomes [Willelmus de Cailnei] re de xl, pro mora Compoti fui: In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mng. Rot. 7. H. 2. Rot. I. h. Norfolch y Suthf. [t] Johannes de Merltberga r c de xxxv marcis, pro Duello. Mahumet r c de v marcis pro Duello. Alag. Rot. 7. H. 1. Rot. 2. a. JViltcfcira. (u) Willelmus de Scxtcnedal r c de qiiatcr xx 1, pro mulicre vi fututa ; In the- iauro XX m.ircas, Et debet C marcas. A. Dorf.is' Sumerfete. marcas & vj Palefridos, Per fic quod Finis [e) Robertas de Vallibus debet quinq; fadtus per Cyrograph-am & per finem Du- Optimos Palefridos, Ut Rex taceretde Ux- elli, inter ipl'um & Willelmum de Curton, ore Henrici Pinel. Ih. Rot. 13. a. Cumbr. de feodoj Miiitis & dimidij cum pertinentijs (/) Homines de Branton r c de x 1, Ut in Elingeham, coram Juftic. Regis, tenea- Robertas de Sechevillcos non diflriiigat ad tur. Mag. Rot. <^. y.Rot.ij.b. faciendum ei alias Confuetudines quani Rcgi (i) Oliverus de Hafelea r c de quater facere confuevenmt dum fueiunt in manu " XX marcis, de fine fuo pro Sacramento unde fua ; In Thef. 1, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 13. calumpniatus eft ; In Thefauro xj marcas, J. Rot. 10. b. Devenefcira. Et debet Lxix marcas ; Willelmus filius {g) Jacobus de Poterne r c de C marcis, Elyae r c de xx marcis pro eodem. Jo- Quia dedit licentiam Euftacio de Vefci & hannes de Oilli r c de L marcis pro eodem ; Ricardo de Unfranvilla, concordare fc de yind nine Perfons more fined in their refpc^ive Appello fafto inter eos, fine licentia Regis. Swims, pro eodem. Alag. Rot. 9. J. Rot. Mag. Rot. 9. J. Rot. 20. b. If^ilttj'chira. 5. b. Oxcnef. "Jamei de Poterne ivas at that Time a Jujiice (f) Epifcopus Wintonienfis [debet] j Itinerant in JViltJhire, lb. Rot. 20. b. Tonellum vini Boni, Quia non reduxit ad (h) Burgenfes Gloeceftriae debent CCC rnemoriam Regis de Zona danda Comitiil'ae Lampridas, Per fic quod non diftringantur de Albemar. Mag. Rot. 11. J. Rot. 14. b. ad inveniendum Prifonibus de Piftavia nt;- Sudhant. cefTaria, nifi id gratis facere vcluerint. lb. {d) Aluredus de Lincolia re de C !, Rot. 21. a. Y.o quod non debeat transfretare in Piftavi- (/) Gives LincoUis r c de CI, pro ha- am cum Eudone de la Jaile & Galfrido de bcndo Adam Majorem quamdiu Regi pla- Nevill ; ita quod fi Rex vel transfretare cuerit & ei bene fervierit : In Thefauro ve] Mr.gnam Flotam mittere vohierit, ipfe Lxxvl, Et debent xxv 1. A'lag, Rot. 12, Aluredus transfretabit fe altcro. A'lag. Rot. J. Rot. 3. a, T t t 2 and 5o8 0/FiNES In thefauro terra partienda. Mag. Rot. j^. H.i. Rot. Lx s pro dlmidia marca auri ; Et debet di- 4. a. Biiching. isf Bedef. midiam marcam auri. Gaufridus Buche- [0) Burgenfes de Gloeceftra r c de rellus r c de C s, Ne efcambium duraret quater xx & x marcis, pro Concordia inter quod fecit cum Adelulfo Flandrenfi ; In ipfos & Ailwinum Merciarium, In th, 1, £t thefauro Lx s, Et debet xl s. Mag. Rot. 5. Q^ funt. Ailwinus Merciarius r c de x Steph. Rot. 15. u. marcis, pro eadem Concordia, In th. 1, Et (/; Et idem Robertus [Grevefac] debet Q, e. Mag. Rot. iz. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. Tiu Lij marcas argen;! "i dimid!;jm, Ut Mane- Gloet. Burgum. xium de Burwardefcota geldet amodo- pro vj 2 tween 512 Of Fines of divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. twcen him and Roger de Mucks : and Roger de Mucks fined in C s, for the fame Concord (/>). Walter de Percehaie fined in v Marks, for the Concord of a Duell concerning Land: and Robert de BreideJJjalm v Marks for the fame Concord (q). JVilliam Fitz-Robcrt gave Lx Marks, for a Fine or Concord by Duell between him and IFarner de Cam- puma, touching certain Land : and Warner de Campanea xx Marks, upon the fame Account (r). Humfrey Macael gave xv Marks, for 'avowing that he held certain Land of Robert Fitz-Pkn~e, which he ought to hold of the King in Capite : and Robert Fitz-Pkrre xxx Marks, that he might not be under the King's Difpleafure upon that Account (j). Robert de Hertford g2ivc ij Marks, to have Right for two Hides of Land in Hodfdon, againft Alan Son of William : and Alan Son of William ij Marks, that he might not be impleaded for the fame Land till he came to be of full Age. It feems Alan prevailed {t). Albrede Trujebuf gave L Marks, to have Right againll Alice Peverel and her Son : and Alice and her Son C Marks, to have Right againft the fald Albrcds (ti). Adam Son of Norman fined in xviij / and odd, for marrying his Daughter to William de Leelays Son : and William de Leelay in xxij s and viij ^, for the fame (w). Otho de Tilli fined in (p) Willelmus de Liega r c de x 1, Pro Concordia inter eum & Rogerum de Mueles : Rogerus de Mueles re de C s. Pro eadem Concordia. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 9. b. (q) Walterus de Percehaie r c de v marcis, pro Concordia Duelli de Terra : Robertus de Breidefliala debet v marcas, pro Concordia ejufdem Duelli. Mag. Rot. J 4. H. 1. Rot. 6 a. Everwichfcira. (r) Willelmus filius Robert! r c de Lx marcis, pro fine Duelli de terra de Saxebi, inter ipfum & Warnerium de Campanea ; In thefauro x marcas, Et debet L marcas. Warnerius de Campanea debet xx marcas pro eodcm. Alag. Rot. 18. //. 2. Rot. 7. /}. £.ina>lfc. (s) Unfiidus Machael r c de xv marcis. Quia advocavit tcnere terram de Groflebi de Roberto filio Petri, quam debuit tenere in Capite de Rege. Robertus filius Petri r c de xxx marcis, Ne habeat oft'enlam •Regis de priedicta loquela. A'lag. Rot. 26. B. 2. Rot. 5. i (/) De Placitis Curiae : Petrus de Sutton X c de XXXV 1 & xiij s & iiij d, pro parte fua ^e terra ejus fuit Radulfi filij Geroldi j £li- zia filia jErnulfi Aurifabri r c de iiij s & iiij d, pro confirmatione de terris fuis ; Ro- bertus de Hurtford debet ij marcas, pro re<3:o de ij hydis terrae in Hoddefdon verfus Alanum filium Willelmi ; fed non habuit reftum ; Alanus filius WiJlelmi r c de xxvj s & viij d, ne placitet de eadem terra donee habeat setatem. A'lag. Rot, 29. H. 2. Rot. 3. a. Effix y Hujtf. (u) De Ob!atisCuri;e: Aibreda TrufTe- but r c de L marcis, pro habendo refto de rationabili parte fua de terra quae fuit Matilds de Doura, veifus AeJiz Pevcrell & Galfridum filium fuum. Aelizia Peverell & Gall'ridus filius ejus r c de C marcis, pro habendo refto de rationabili parte fua de Hon [ore! de Brunna, verfus prsdiftara Albredam. "Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 4. L Cant, is" Hunt. (w) Adam filius Norm, reddit compotum de xviij 1 & xvj s & viij d, pro maritanda filia fua filio Willelmi de Leelai: Willel- mus filius Hugonis de Leelay reddit com- potum de xxij s S: viij d, pro maritanda filia praediiSi Ad;e filio fuo. Mag. Rot. 31. H, 2. Rot. 5. a. livcnviihjc. xxxii) / chap. XIII. Of Fines of divers Sorts, 513 xxxiij / and odd, that his Daughter might be given [in Marriage] at the King's Will: and Henry del Puifac in vij/and odd, to have the Daughter of Otho de Tilli (x). Willimn de Beaumont fined in L Marks, for marrying Maurice de BarJImnis Daughter, contrary to his Agree- ment made for marrying the Daughter of Ranulf de Gedding : and Maurice de Barjl^am in C Marks, for giving his Daughter to the faid William contrary to the faid Agreement (y). The Men of Lincoln fined for Leave to agree with the Men of Grimejhy in a Plea con- cerning Toll : and the Men of Grimejhy for Leave to agree with the Men of Lincoln in the fame Plea (z). Rannlf de Vaux fined, that Judgment between him and Robert Son of Adam might be delayed for one Day : and Robert Son of Adam fined, that he might have his Judgment (a^. Walter de Bajkervill Hufband of Emme de St. Lieger fined in L Marks, to have Seifin of her Land after her Death, he having had a Child by her ; and that he might not be difl'eifed thereof without Judgment : and Geoffrey de Longchamp in xxv Marks, to have the Land of the faid Kmme his Mother, as her right Heir : but the King refufed to accept Walter s Fine, and gave the Seifin to Geoffrey {J}). Nathanael de Leveland ^nd. his Son Robert fined in Lx Marks, to have the Cuftody of the King's Houfes at Wejlminjler and of the i%>/f-prifon, which had been their Inheritance ever fince the (x) Oto de Ttlli r c de xxxiij 1 & vj s fum & Robertum filium Adve difFeratur per & viij d, pro habenda Cirftodia Nepotis fui, unum diem : Et de j mnrca de Roberto & filia fua detur ad voluntatem Regis : Hen- filio Adae, pro habendo Judicio fuo. lb. Rot. ricus del Puifac r c de vij 1 & vj s & viij d, 17. a. Cumb. pro habenda filia Otonis de Tilli ; In the- {b) Walterus de Bafkervilla r c de L faurol, Et Q; e. lb. Rot. 5. a. Everwich. marcis, Pro habenda faifina Terras Emmas (y) Willelmus de Bello Monte r c de L uxoris fuse unde fufcepit prolem ; & quod marcis. Quia duxit uxorem filiam Mauricij non diflaifietur nifi per Judicium, undc fuit de Barfham, contra Convejitionem quam diiTaifitus occafione debitorum Judaorum ; fecerat de ducenda filia Rannulfi de Ged- In Thefauro nichil; In Perdonis ipfi Wal- ding. Mauricius de Bariham r c de C mar- tero L marcae, per breve Regis; Qiiia cis, Quia dedit filiam fuam praedifto Wil- Rex reddidit praediftam Terram Galfrids klmo contra Conventionem praedi£tam. de Longo Canrpo filio prredidts Emma Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 3. b. Nordf. W ficuti re6to haeredi, qui fiiiivit cum Rege, SuJf'. pro habenda praenominata Terra, per xxv (2) Homines Lincolnlae debentj Accipi- marcas, Et fie Quietus efc. trcm, pro licentia concordandi cum homi- Galfridus de Longo Campo [debet] riibus de Grimefbi de placito de Theloneo. xxv marcas de fine iuo quem fecit cum Rege Homines de Grime(bi reddunt compotum pro habenda tota Terra qus fuit Emni;e de j Accipitre, pro licentia concordandi de Sanflo Leodegario Matris fu:*, qux cum hominibus Lincolniae de eodem placi- fuit uxor Walteri de Bifkervilln, ficut Rec- to ; In thefauro xx s pro j Accipitre, Et tus hasres ; Per plegium Ofbe; ti I'c Lon- Q. f. Mag. Rot. 7. R. i. Rot. iz. a. go Campo. Mag. Rot. 7. R. i. Rut. 13. a. (a) Et de XX s (by the Sheriffs Hand) de Glowecejir, Rannulfo de Vallibus, Ut Judicium inter ip- VoL. \. U u u Conquefl 514- Of Fines of divers Sorts. Chap. XIII, Conquefl ; and that they might not be hindered therein by the Couiiterfiue of Osbert de Longchamp {c) : and OJherf de Longchamp fined in D Marks, to have the King's Favour, and Seifin of all his Lands and Chatells whereof he was diffeifed by the Kii.g's Command, and to have Seilin of the Cuftody of the Gaol of London with the Appurtenances, and of the Cuftody of the King's Houfes of Weft- minjler : provided, that Right be done therein in the King's Court, according to the Judgment of the Kings Court, in cafe any one would implead him for the fame (dj. IVilliam Bricwerre profered XXX Marks, to have Seifin of the Manour oi Fotejlon which the King gave him, and which he committed to the Cuftody of Henry de Sec- cheville; and afterwards to ftand to the Judgment of the King's Court, if any one would implead him for the fame : and the Heirs of Henry de Secche-viHe profered xl Marks, to have Right againft William Brieiaerre, or an AfTife according to the Judgment of the King's Court, for the laid Manour (f). The Abbot of Whitby profered C Marks, that the Burgefles of Whitby might not ufe the Liberties granted them by the Abbot and Convent of Whitby and confirmed by the King, till it was adjudged in the King's Court, whether the faid Abbot and Convent had Power to grant them thcfe Liberties or not : and the Burgeiles of Whitby profered fourfcore Marks, that they miffht have a Confirmation of the faid Liberties, accordmg to the faid Grant made to them thereof (/). The Abbot and Convent, as it [c) Natanael de Leveland & Robertus quam Dominus Rex ei dedit ut dicit, quam filius fuus r c de Lx marcis. Pro habenda dicit fe com:Tiififie cuftodiendam Henrico de Cuftodia Domorum Regis de Weftmonaf- Secchevilla ; & poftea ftabit inde Judicio terio h Gaiolae de Ponte de Fliete, quaeft Curife Regis, fi quis ver(us eum inde loqui hsereditas eorum a Conqueftu Angiije ; ita voluerit. quod non remaneat propter Finem Ofberti Baldewinus Giffardus & Jordanus de de Longo Campo. Mag. Rot. <). R. i. Rot. Abernun ha:redes Henrici de Secchevilla II. (I. Land, y Midd. [debentj xl marcas, pro habendo ReiSto de {d) Ofbertus de Longo Campo debet D pra;di(5\a Terra de Fotefton verfus prasdic- marcas, Pro habenda gratia Regis, h faifi- turn Willelmum, vel Aflifam fecundum na omnium terrarum & catallorum de qui- Judicium Curias Regis. Sed debent fum- bus diffaifitus fuit per praeceptum Regis, Et moneri in Devonia, ubi habent terras, pro habenda faifina de Cuftodia Gaiolae de Mag. Rot. lO. R. I. Ret. ii. a. JFar, is" Londonia cum pertinentijs, & de Cuftodia Leircejl. domorum Regis de Weftm. ; ita quod inde (f) Abbas de Whitebl debet C marcas, redlum fiat in Curia Regis fecundum Judi- Ut Burgenfes de Whitebi non poffint uti cium Curiae Regis, fi quis verfus eum inde Libertatibus fibi conceffis ab Abbate & loqui voluerit. liiag. Rot. lo. R. i. Rot. Conventu de Whitebi, & Carta Domini 14. b. Kent. Regis confirmatis, donee judicatum fit in (e) VVilielmus Briewerre debet xxx mar- Curia Regis, fi Abbas &Conventus eis dare cas, pro habenda faifina Terrs de Fotefton potuerunt illasLibertates : Willelmus Cle- ricus. Chap. XIII. Q/* F I N E s of divers Sorts, 5^5 it feems, prevailed [g). The Relidt of Ralf de Cornhidl profered CC Marks and three Palfreys and two Hawks, that rtie might not be married to Godfrey de Liivein, and that ftie might marry fuch Perfon as Ihe liked : and Godfrey de Luvein profered CCCC Marks, that he might have the Land and Wife of Rafde Cornhidl, unlefs (lie could fliew a Reafon to the contrary (/>). Mafler Roger de St. Edmund fined in CCC Marks, that he might have two Pair of Letters Pa- tents ; one Pair to be fent to all the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Rkbemiind, that they might receive him for Archdeacon of Rich - rmind, and be intendant and obedient to him as their Archdea- con ; the other Pair to be fent to the Sheriff of Torkjhire and his Bailiffs, that they might proted: Mafler Roger, and fecure him that no Injury or Violence be done to him touching his Archdeaconry, either by Clerk or Layman : and Mafter Honorius counterfined in CCC Marks, that he might have the King's Letters of Protedlionj. and might enjoy his Right in the Archdeaconry o{ Richeinund (i). Mafler Roger, I fuppofe, prevailed {k). The Men of Carlile profered ricus, & Radulfus filius Sudof, & Simon de Kefeburn, debent quater xx marcas, pro fe & tota villata de Whitebi, Pro habenda Confirmatione de Libertatibus fuis, ficut Abbas & Monachi de Whitebi eis confir- maverunt & concefTerunt. Mag. Rot. j.J. Ret. 4. h. Everivichfcira. (g) Johannes Rex. Sciatis nos conceffiffe P. Abbati de Witebi, quod Carta Ricardi de Watervill quondam Ahbatisde Witebi & Conventusejufdem loci quain Burgenies de Witeby habent & quas eft contra dignitatem Ecclefias de Witeby , non confirma- bitur a nobis. Dat. 13. Januarij. Chart. 2. J. m. 16. n. 42. [ex coiUaan. MSS Matt. Hutton de Aynho S. T. P.] (h) Reliaa Radulfi de Cornhull debet CC marcas & iij palefridos & ij Accipitres, Ne ipfa maritetur Godefrido de Luvein, & quod poflit fe maritare cui voluerit, & pro terris fuis habendis. Godefridus de Luvein r cde CCCC mar- cis, Pro habenda terra & uxore Radulfi de Cornhull, fi ilia rationem non poterit pro- tendere quare eum recipere non debeat ; In thefauro nichil, Et in Perdonis ipfi Gode- frido CCCC marcas, per breve Regis, Et Q, e. Mag. Rot. 2. J. Ret. 3, l>. Efex ijf Hurt/. V (i) Magifter Rogerus de Sanito Edmun- do debet CCC marcas, Pro habendis ij pa- ribus Litterarum Regis Patentium ; quarum unae mittantur univerfo Clero de Archidia- conatu Richemundiae quod habeant ipfuni pro Archidiacono Richemundia;, & quod ei tanquam Archidiacono fuo fint intendentes & obedientes ; Si alias mittantur Vicecomi- ti Eboraci & Baillivis fuis quod ipfum Ma- giftrum R. protegant & cuftodiant, & non fuftineant ei de Archidiaconatu fuo per cle- ricum vel laicum aliquam violentiam inferri' vel injuriam. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 12. b. Everwichfc. iVIagifter Honorius debet CCC marcas. Pro habendis Litteris Regis de Protedtionc,. &ut poflit utiJurefuofuperArchidicaconatu Richemundije. Ih. paulo infra. Hoved. P. 2. p. 'jil.n. I, 10. temp. R. I. Et lb. p. 793. n. 20. te?np. Regis J. Et ib. p. 823. n. 30. Et p. 824, 825, 826. (k) Rex Univerfo Clero totius Archi- diaconatusRichmundias. Mandamus vobis, quod dile£tum Clericum noftrum Magif- trum Rogerum de Sand'to Edmundo Archi- diaconum Richmundiae habeatis pro Archi- diacono Richmundis. T. fecundo die Martij anno regni fecundo. Cktrt. 2. J. n. 10, dorf. xl Mark5. U U 2 5i6 0/ F I N E s of divers Sorts, Chap. XIJI. xl Marks, that they might have then- Town at Ferm, rendring the ancient Ferm and Lx s Increment : JFiliiam de Stutevill profered the fame Fine and the lame Increment : and the King accepted of Wii- Uam's Profer fl). The Men of P^'wr^'/Z' profered v Marks, that they might hold the Town of Penreth in their own Hand, rendering the ancient Ferm and Cornage and hkewife Qs Increment; the Men of Languadeby profered one Chafcur, that they might hold their Town in their own Hand, under the ancient Ferm and Cornage, and at Lx s Increment ; the Men of Salkil and Scoteby made the like Profer : but the King committed the faid four Towns to William de Stutevill ; irnd he was to render yearly the ancient Ferms, and xx/ Increment: and thereupon the faid feveral Townfmen were acquitted of their refpeftive Prefers (;«). Sitnon de Kyme and Robert the Chamberlain fined in Lx Marks and a Palfrey, to have a grand Affife : Simon was to pay XX Marks of the Fine, and Robert was to render xl Marks and the Palfrey («). Mafter Si?non de Ferlington fined in three hun- dred Marks-worth of Corn, to have the Kmg's Letters of Protec- tion : and Philipp Bifhop of Durham fined againfl him for the fame, on Behalf of the Priour and Monks of Durham and Peter Thebcrt their Clerk. The latter Fine prevailed (o). Sam/on Fitz-Williani (}) Homines de Carduil debent xl mar- cas, Pro habenda villa fua ad firmam, red- dendo inde antiquam firmam &de Cremen- to Lx s. Set Rex tradidit villam Willel- mo de Stutevill, tenendam per antiquam firmam, & per pradictum Crementum de Lx s. Et ipfe VVillelmus dabit praediftas xl marcas quas ipfi Homines obtulerunt, nee debent Homines inde fummoneii. Willelmus de Stutevill debet xl marcas, Pro habenda villa de Carduil ad firmam, ficut Homines de Carduil earn voluerunt habere per finem quern obtulerunt. Idem debet Lx s de Creniento ejufdem vills. Mag. Rot. 3. 7. Rot. 18. i. Cumb. [m) Homines de Penred debent v mar- cas, Ut poflint tenere villam de Penred in manu fua, reddendo inde antiquam firmam, & Cornagium pertinens ad villam illam, & C s de Cremento per annum. Homines de Languadebi debent j chafcurum, Ut poflint habere villam fuam in manu fua ad anti- quam firmam, & Cornagium ad illam per- tinens, & de Cremento Lxs. Homines de Salkil debent j chafcurum, Ut poflint tenere villam fuam in manu fua, reddendo antiquam firmam, & de Cremento Lx s. Homines de Scotebi debent j chafcurum, Ut poflTint tenere villam fuam in manu fua, red-- dendo inde antiquam firmam : Sed poftea Rex commifit prsediflas quatuor villas Wil- lelmo de Stutevill, ad reddendum inde an- tiquam firmam, & prseterea xx 1 de Cre- mento per annum; Jit prjedifti Homines debent efie quieti depraedicla pccunia quam obtulerunt ; ficut annotatur in Rotulo de Oblatis, quern Petrus Morin liberavit in Thefauro. Idem Vicecomes [Willelmus de Stutevill] r c de x 1, de Cremento prne- didarum villarum de dimidio anno : In th. 1, £t Q. e. lb. Rot. 18. b. Cumb. (n) iimon de Kyma & Robertus Came- rarius debent Lx marcas & j palefridum, ita quod idem Simon inde dabit xx marcas, & Robertus xl marcas & palefridum, pro ha- benda magna Aflifa de tribus partibus feodi j Militis in Merfton, utrum fcilicet idem Robertus qui tenens eft majus jus habeatte- nendi feodum illud in Dominico de Rege in Capite, an praedidlus Simon in Dominico de Honore Gloeceftris. Mag. Rot. 3. J. ■ Rot. 2. b. Line, fined Chap. XIII. 0/ Fin E s of divers Sorts. sn fined in x Marks, that a Recognition might be fummoned between him and Mafler Reginald de Paris for certain Land in Ccjlreton : and Reginald de Paris fined in x Marks, that the faid Recognition might not proceed. Afterwards Sam/on Fitz-William fined in xv Marks, that the faid Recognition might proceed (p). Robert RiiJ/el hncd. in iiij Palfreys, to have the King's Charter for certain Lands which Helene de Pappeworth held by the Service of feeding two poor Per- fons every Day for ever, for the Soul of the King and his Anceftours : and Heleyie de Pappeworth and Walter her Son counterfined in xx Marks and a Palfrey, to have an Enqueft to find, whether the faid Land, whereof Robert Ruff'el difieifed her, was her Right and Inheritance by Delcent, or whether fiie held it in Almoigne to feed two poor Perfons for the King's Soul : the King accepted Robert Ruffil's Fine {q). The Monks of St. Edmtnd fined in C Marks, that" the Bur- gefles of St. Edmund might do to them the Cuftoms which they ought, and which they were wont to do in the Time of Abbot Samfon and other Abbots : and the Tenants of St. Edmund fintd in CCCC Marks, to have an Enqueft of Knights of the County, to find by wliat Cuftoms they ufed to hold in the Time of Abbot Samfoji and his Predeceffours ; and that they might hold by the fame Cuftoms whilft the Abbey was vacant (r). XIII. (o) Magifter Simon de Ferlinton r c de CCC marcis bladi, ficut continetur fupra in alio Rotulo : In thefauro nichil, Et in Per- donis ipfi Simoni CCC marcatas bladi, Per breve Regis, Propter finem fubfcriptum quern Monachi Dunelmenfes fecerunt, Ec Quietus eft. Mag. Rot. 4. J. Rot. 5. a. Item Ehorafcira. Philippus Epifcopus Dunelmenfis r c de CC marcis, Pro habendis Literis Regis Pa- tcntibus de Protectione, quod Prior & Mo- nachi Dunelmenfes 5c Ecclefiafua dcHouc- dene, & Petrus Theberti Clericus fuus, fint in ProtciEtione h. cuftodia Regis; & quod nullus eos inde injulte vcxct vel moleftet ; In thefauro 1, Et C^. e. Ib.juxt, (p) Samfon filius Wilielini debet x mar- cas, Ut R«cognitio frmmoneatur inter ip- fum & Magiftrum Reginaldum Parifienfem, de duabus hidis terrrein Ceftreton. Sed non debet fummoneri. Quia prohibitum eft per brevi Regis quod eft in forulo Marcfcalli. Mag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. I. a. CantebriggcJ'cira U Huntcndoncfcira. Samfon filius Wiljclmi debet xv marcas Ut Recogiiiiio de Morte Anteceilbris quam 2 aramiavit verfus Magiftrum Reginaldum Parifienfem de ij Hidis Terras & dimidia in Ceftreton procedat ; qua remanfit eo quod idem Reginaldus dedit Regi x marcas ut ipfa remaneret ; quas x marcas pacavit in Camera Regis in Normannia. Ib.juxt. (1) Robertus RufTel r c de iiij palefridis. Pro habcnda Carta Regis de x virgatis terrae cum pertiucntiis in PappewurS, quasHele-' na de PappewurS tenuit per Servicium paf- cendi in perpetuum fingulis diebus duos Pauperes, pro Anima Regis & Anteceflb- rum fuorum. Elena de Pappewurd & Walterus filius eius debciit xx marcas & j palefridum, Pro habenda Inquifitione, Si terra de Pappe- wur"S unde Robertus Ruftel eos diflaifivit fit Jus & hn?rcditas ipfuis Helence de Anceferia, an ipfa earn tenuerit in Elemofina pafceiidi duos Pauperes pro Regc : Sed non debent fummoneri, quia non potuit [erunt] habere Inquifitionem, propter Finem quern Rober- tus Ruflel fecit. Mag. Rot. 10. J. Rot. 9. a. Cunt. (J Hunt. tit. Nova Ok'iita. (r) Monachi de Sandlo Edmundo [de- bent] C marcas, Ut Burgenfes de SancSo Edmundo 5i8 O/FiNEso/' divers Sorts. Chap. XIII. XIII. Having in this Chapter and the two Chapters next hefcrc it, given fome Account of the Revenue arifing by Fines: I will here produce a few Inflances to fliew, that the like Way and Method of fining was ufed in Normandy. Ralf dc Baudritot gave xiij Befants, that he might have a Fair for one Day, to be holden at Michaelmajs yearly by the Chapel at Stiiblelond ; fo that it be not to the Nuifance of the neighbouring Fairs, And the Steward of Normandy was commanded to let him have and enjoy the faid Fair [s). Thomas de Beaumont gave xxv Befants, that he might have [free] Warenn throughout his Lands at Novill, Warevill and UJievili, as his Anceftours had before him (/). William de Angehill fined in x Marks Anjowvins, to have Right for the Advoufon of the Church of Angervill and a Mill there, againft Robert de Angervill, and that his Plea might not be flopt becaufe Angervill was a Fief del Haubert (u). Alice del Hof- pice fined in xxx Befants, for herfelf and her Children and their Par- ceners, to have Right for the Land of Afcloville to the Quantity of one Fief de Haubert, whereof E7nme de Mara and her Children deforced them. The Steward of Normandy was to take Sureties for the Fine (w). The Earl of Chejler gave the King C/ Anjouvins, to have Right for Land, Parcell of the Honour of Croyl and Scye and the Fees and Services of the Knights, which he claimed againfl Peter de Sabloil. Warin de Glapion Steward of Normandy was command- ed to do Right to him therein {x). Ralf de Avon zndi his Brother Richard EJmundo faciant eis confuetudines quas eis Regi xxv bifantia, pro habenda Warrenna faccre debent & eis facere folebant tempore per terram fuam apud Novill & Warevill & Abbatis Samfonis & aliorum Abbatum. Uftevill, ficut anteceffores fui earn habue- Mag. Rot. 14. J. Rot. 18. b. Norfokh & runt. Terminus, Ad hoc feflum S. Mi- Siidf. chaelis. Plegius Robertus de Trefgoz. Tenentes de Sando Edmundo [debent] Oblat. Norm. %.^.m. 3. CCCC marcas, Ut inquiratiir per legales {u} Willelmus de Angelviile dat Domi- & difcretos Milites de Comitatu, per quas no Regi x libras Andegavenfes, pro haben- confuetudinestenere folebant tempore Sam- do Redto de Advocatione Ecclefise de An- fonis Abbatis & praedecefibrum fuorum ; ita gerville, & molendino quodam in eadem quod fic tenere poffint duni Abbatia fuerit villa quam clamat verfus Robertum de An- vacans. lb. Rot. 18. h. gervill, & non remanent eo quod fit Fcu- (1) Conftentin. Radulfus de Baudritot dum Loricae. Rot. Oblat. Norm. 2. J. m. 4. Jat Domino Regi xiij Bifancia, pro haben- (w) Alicia de Hofpitio dat Domino Regi da feiia quadam unius diei in fefto S. Mi- xxx bifancia pro fe & filijs & participibus chadis fingulis annis, ad Capellam S. Mi- fuis, pro recSto habendo de terra Afclovilla chaelis de Stublelond ; Ita quod feria ilia cum pertinentijs ufque ad feudum Loricee, Mon fit ad nocumentum vicinarum feria- quam Emma de Mara & filij ejus deforci- rum. Et mandatum eft G. de Glapione, ant» Senefcallus Normanniae plegios acci- quod ei illam feiiam facial habere. Oblnt. piat. Oblat. Norm. 2. J. m. 3. Norm. 2. 7. m. 3. (x) Comes Ceflriae dat Domino Regi (t) Thomas de Eellomonte d^t Domino CI Chap. XIII. (y F I N E s of clivers Sorts, 519 Richard gave the King x Marks, that he might have, before the Steward o^ Normandy at Caen, the Record of an Aflife made before the King's Jufticiers at Bernay for certain Land. The Steward of Normandy was commanded to caufe the faid Record to be brought before him without delay according to the Cuftom of Normandy (y), Willia7n de Font ear ch gave the King a Tonell of Wine of Auxerres, that Simon de Kyme might be diftreined to render him xlj / Anjouvini which he owed him {z). Robert le Moigne gave the King xx Marks of Silver, that the Body of Gervafe TeJJy, who was a Fugitive in the Time of KK. He?2ry and Richard I, might be taken and fafely kept, and that thofe Perfons who had made Marriages with him, might be attached to appear before the King, when he came next into Normandy to anfwer in the Premifles {a). The Priour of St. Gabriel g^'ft the King XX Befants, that one Recognition after another might not be taken between him and Richard de Lucellis for the Land of Filers, unjuftly and againft the Cuftom of Normandy [h). In Normandy, Fines were paid in Law-proceedings, at the Rate of a Moiety, third Part, or other Proportion. For Example : Robert de St. Serenic gave the King xx /, that Reginald de Niz might be dif- treined to render him xl /, in which Sum he was condemned in Expenfes by ecclefiaftical Judges, to wit, by the Abbat of Hambee and the Priour of St. Severe. And if the faid Judges could not com- pel Reginald, then Geoffrey Mauchen was commanded to compel him C 1 Andegavenfes, pro habendo redo de (z) Willelmus de Ponte Archiae dat Do- terra de Honore de Croyl & de Scye cum mine Regi j Tunellum vini Auferrenfis, pertinentijs & feodis & fervicijs Militum, Ut Simon de Kyme diftringatur quod jufte quae clamat verfus Petrum de Sabloil. Et & fine dilatione reddat ei xlj 1 Andegaven- mandatum eft G. de Glapion Senefcallo fium, quas ei debet, ficut rationabiliter Normanniae, quod ei inde redum faciatha- monftrare&c. Oblat. Norm. 2- J.m. i. here, & non remaneat occafione exercitus {a) Cadomum. Robertus Monachus dat quin redum inde ei teneatur. Oblat. Norm. Domino Regi xx marcas argenti, pro ca- 2. J. m. 4. picndo corpore Gervafij Tcfl'y qui fugitivus [y) Radulfus de Avon & Ricardus fra- fuit tempore H. Regis & R. Regis, & pro ter ejus dant Domino Regi x marcas, Pro ilio falvo cuftodiendo, & etiam pro illis habendo coram Senefcallo Normannis apud athachiandis qui cum eo maritag. fecerunt, Cadomum, recordo Aflife facSx coram Jul- quod fint coram Domino Rege cum venerit ticiarijs Domini Regis apud Bernay, de in partes Normanniae inde refponfuri. Ter- terra quam clamabat verfus Rcbertum de minus : Ad feftum S. Michaelis reddantur. Pontcardun, & Willelmum de Pontcardun, Oblat. Norm. 2. y. m. 4. is. Dominam de Broill. Senefcallus ponet (/<) Prior de Sanfto Gabriele dat Domino ei terminos rationabiles quos voluerit. Man- Regi xx bifantia, per fie quod recognitio datum eft etiam ei, quod illud recordum non hat fuper recognitionem, inter ipfum & coram eo apud Cadomum facial venire, Ricardum de Lucellis, injufte &; contra jufte & fine dilatione,& fecundumconfuctu- confueiudinem Normanniae de Terra de dinem Normannix. Oblat. Norm, 2. Joh. Vilerijs, Oilat, Norm. 2. 'Job. m. 2. m. 2. 2 by C20 0/" F I N E s of divers Sorts. Chap. XlII, by Lay-hand to pay the flud Debt, and was to take the laid xx / to the King's Ufe out of the (xiA Debt {c). Erncife de la Faleife gave the King the Moiety of two hundred and thirty eight Pounds Aiijouviiis, that he might recover a Debt of that Value which a certain Jewefs of Caen owed him {dj. Stephen Son of Therric gave the King the third Part of XXX / Anjowvins, that Walter de QteiTll and others might be julliced to pay him that Money [e). Fines were alfo made in Normandy in other Cafes. Robert de Tilhl gave C / Anjowvins, that he might marry the Daughter of Peter de Ri- •i;^/-^ and have her Inheritance. The Steward oi Normandy, upon Roller t's giving him Security for this Fine, was commanded to give him Seifin of the Damfel and her Inheritance. And if the Damfel's Mother re- fufed to furrender her, then the Steward was to command the Mo- ther and other Kinsfolk not to entertain her f/J. Richard de Riveres gave DCC/ Aujouvins, that he might marry Adam de Pcr/V Daugh- ter {g). Roger de Planes gave DC/ Anjouvins, that he might marry Richard de Rivere's late Wife and have her Land. The Stevv'ard of Normandy was commanded to take fufficient Pledges for this Fine, and tranfmit their Names to the King, and then the King would appoint Terms for paying it. The Pledges were, the Earl of Mellent for C /, the Earl of Chejler for C /, and about fourteen other Perfons for tJicir refpedlive Sums (/6). Robert de St. Serenic Prieft gave xl/ Anjouvins, (c) Robertus de San£lo Serenico dat de Ely & Petro de Golo & Waltero de Domino Regi xx libras, Per fic quod Re- Otevill & Johanne Gabardquod ei illos de- ginaldus de Niz diftringatur ad reddendum narios reddant. Ob/ni. Norm. 2. J. m. 3. xl 1 unde coiidempnatus fuit pro expenfis (f) Robertus de Tillol dat Domino Regi per Judices Ecclefiafticos, fcilicet per Ab- Centum libras Andegavenfes, pro habenda batem de Hambee Si Priorem San£ti Severi. in uxorem filia Petri de Riveria cum hsre- Et mandatum eft Gaufrido Mauchen, quod ditate fua. Et mandatum eft G. de Gla- fi ipfi Judices ipfum Reginaldum non pof- pion Senefcallo Normannise, quod fi ipfs fmt conpellere, tunc eum conpellat per ipfum fecurum fecerit de pecunia ilia, tunc manum Laycain, quod illud debitum red- faciat ei habere faifinam puellae praedidlas dat, li de illo debito praedictas xx 1 ad cum haereditate fua. Mandatum efl: etiam opus Domini Regis capiat. Oblat. Norm. 2. quod i\ Agnes mater illius puellse noluerit y. m. 4. earn reddere, tunc prscipiat matri ipfius () Rotulus Normanniae inceptus die Danfront, quod habeant Communam in Afcenlionis de Oblatis receptis anno regni villa fua de Danfront, & infra Banleucam Regis J. fecundo. Rat. Ohiator. Norm. 2. fuam, quamdiu nobis placuerit. Et in hu- y. tn. &.. jus rei teflimonium inde eis Litteras noftras (;«•) Rex &c Johanni Marefcallo &c ; patentes fecimus. T. me ipfo apud Rotho- Sciatis nos conceflille quod probi homines magum xxv die Februarij. Pat, \. J. m. ■^. noftri de Faleifa Communam b_abeant, tain Communa. chap. XIII. Of Fines of divers Sorts. 525 Communa at Caen, with all the Liberties and free Cuftoms belonging to a Communa, during the King's Pleafure {a). The fame King by Letters Patent remitted to Nicolas de Savigjiey the Legem aqiK? which he was to have undergone : and granted to him the Liberty of wag- ing Duell within the King's Dominion of Norma7idy (b). In thefe four Cafes laft mentioned, it is likely that the Parties paid Fines for the Privileges granted to them refpedlively. But there are no Nor- man Fine-Rolls of thofe Years now extant. Hitherto we have treated of the Revenue arifing by Fines, (a) Rex &c, Jufticiaiio, Senefcallo, Si omnibus &c. Sciatis nos concefliire dilec- tis & fidelibus noftris Burgenfibus noftris de Cadomo, quod habeant Communam I'li- am kpud Cadomum, cum omnibus Liber- tatibus 5c liberis confuetudinibus ad Com- munam pertinentibus, quamdiu nobis pla- cuerit. T. Petro de Stokes apud Aurival- lem xvii die Junii anno r n quinto. Pat.. (b) Rex Sec Omnibus ad quos &c Sci- atis quod quietavimus Nicolao de Savigni- aco Legem aquae quam dcbuit fecific. Et volumus & precipimus, quod propter hoc non reraaneat quin libera pofllt duellum fa- cere per terram noftram. T. me ipfo apud Aquilam xxviij die Julij. P^t. 4. 'J. m. 11. CHAP, 526 0/ Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. CHAP. XIV. Of Amerciaments. I. Of the Difference between a Mifericordia and an Amercement. II. Of the Amercements of Barons. III. Of Freedom from Amercements ; viz. By Prerogative , by Charter t by Privilege. IV. Of Amercements granted to Lords of Seigneuries. . V. Of the Amercements fet in general Terms dtNVikr'\.coxd\.z, and ds Mifericordia Regis pro Forefta. VI. Of particular Amercements : viz. For or by Reafon of Murders and Manjlaughters ; VII. For Trejpaffes or Mfdemeaners ; VIII. For Dtffe'i/ines i IX. For Kecreancy ; X. For Breach of Afji-ze ; XI. For Defaults ; XII. For Non-appearance, and quia non habuit quern plegiavit ; XIII. For falfe Judgments ; XIV. For not making Purfuit. XV. Of mifcellatieoiis Amercements ; viz. For T^refpajfes of divers Kinds. AS I have before given fome Account of the Revenue which arofe by Fines and Oblatas of divers Kinds ; I mull now fpeak briefly concerning that which arofe by Mifericordias or Amercia- ments. And I fuppofe, there are many curious Things to be ob- ferved in the Records which will be cited upon this Occafion. But the Revenue arifmg by Amerciaments was fo like to that which arofe by Fines, that having treated largely of Fines, I may be allowed to treat of Amerciaments with the greater Brevity. If fome of the In- ftances here produced, as of Mifericordias or Amercements, fhould prove to be Inftances of Fines or Oblatas, it will be no Wonder. For it frequently falls out, that in the ancient Times Amercements are hardly to be diftinguifhed from Fines by a nice Obferver. It may fuffice then, if the Inftances here produced be of the Nature of Mifericordias or Amercements, or reducible to that Head. And you may Chap. XIV. O/Amerciaments. 527 may pleafe to know, that thefc Inftances are only fome few gathered out of a great and immenfe Number appearing upon the Revenue- Rolls : It not being my Defign to fliew the Quantity or Amount of the Revenue which arofe this Way (for it would be an endlefs Work to offer at that) but to (liew in fome Meafure the Spring from whence it flowed, and the Manner in which it arofe. I. It is likely there was fome Difference between a Mifericordia and an Amerciament . For Example : It was called an Amercement, after it was reduced to a certain Sum ; and a Mifericordia, both before and afterwards. As in the Cafe of Bonefei the 'Jew : he was put in Mife- ricordia for a Novell Diffeifm ; and afterwards fined in a Mark of Gold, for Refpite to be amerced thereupon before the King himfelf (a). Richard de Wrotham was fummoned to appear at the Exchequer, to make Fine there, for a certain Mifericordia incurred by him for a Novell Diffeifin (b). When a Mifericordia was reduced to a certain Sum, it was faid to be admeafured or affeered. For Example ; Sa- muel the Prieft of Pilton was put in Mifericordia by [or before] William Fitz-John [a Juflicier] at C Marks : and that Mifericordia was after- wards upon the Oath of his Neighbours admeafured or affeered [by the Jufticiers] at xl Marks (c). William Son of Henry was affeered at X Marks, for a Forfeiture of the Foreft (d). In the Iter of G. Fitz-Peter, and of E. Bifliop of Ely, and P. Bidiop of Durham Jufticiers, Hetiry de Puteaco and others, were put in Mifericordia, but were not as yet amerced or affeered {e). The Abbat of Furneis was ('(j) Bonefei Judaeus de Wireceftria debet cordia C marcarum, in quam pofitus fuit j marcam auri, pro refpedu ufque coram per Willelmum filium Johannis, per xl Rege de fe ammerciando de Mifericordia pro marcas ; per Sacramentum vicinorum fuo- Nova diflaifina. Aliig. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. rum ; Et debet xx 1. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. 5, i. Rot. 10. a. Dorfcta & Sumerfeta. (i) Somerf. & Dorf. Mandatum eft Vice- [d) Willelmus filius Henrici r c de x comiti, quod venire facial coram Baronibus marcis, pro forefado foreftse ; de quibus &cdieJovis , Ricardum de Wrotham, aftoratus fait in Herefordfcira in Walia. ad faciendum finem fuum coram eifdcm ; Mag. Rot. 22. H. 1. Rot. g. a. Gloec. de quadam mifericordia in quam incidit pro (e) Ammerciamenta fada per G. filium Nova diffeifma. Hil. Commun. 25. H. 3. Petri & E. Epifcopum Elyenfem & P. Epif- Rot. 2. a. copum Dunelmenfem, De his qui in Itine- (c) Honor Ricardi de Monte Acuto : ribus Jufticiariorum non fuerunt amerciati, Samuel Prelbyter de Pilton rede Lxiij 1 fed pofiti in Mifericordia : Henricus de Pu- & xij s & vj d, de Mifericordia ; In The- teaco r c de C marcis pro Diffufina &:c. fauro Lxxij s & vj d ; Et in Perdonis, per Mag. Rot. 10. R. i. Rot. 3. l>. Ever' breve Regis, ipfi Samueli xl 1 pro pauper- wichfc. tate fua; Quia admenfuratus eft de Miferi- in 52S Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. in Mifcrkordia for the Fore/l ; the King amerced hhn at D Marks (f). Warin de Sluedic was in Mifcricordia ; which was reduced by the Jufticier and Barons of the Exchequer to Lx Marks [g). Thomas de Columbiers fell into a Mifcricordia before the King's Juftices ; and thereupon he was amerced at C I (h). The Men of Cambridge were amerced by the King's Command. Thofe Amerciaments were impofed on them fer Capita, by William de Wind/or who was fent by the Barons for that Purpofe (/). The Hundred of Amelberge were charged with an Amercement for a Murder; and the fame was affeercd at xx s [k). 11. In the great Charter of K. 'John, it is faid, Comites & Barones non amercientur niji per pares fiios, & non nijifeciindum modiim deliSli (I), And K. Hairy the Third's great Charter of Liberties (as to the Amercement of Barons) runs in the very fame Words (mj. After- wards, Henry de Bratton in his Commentary of the Old Law, ex- prefles himfelf thus : Earls and Barons are not to be amerced unlefs by their Peers, and according to the Meafure of their Trefpafs -, and that by the Barons of the Exchequer, or before the King himfelf (^;/j. But this Matter is clogged with feveral Difficulties. I will not at prefcnt ofler at removing them. Nor am I fatisfied, that I am able to do it with Succefs, if I fhould attempt it. Let it fuffice to fet down here fome Precedents referrible to this Head, which may give feme Light to the Subjetfl:. K. Hemy III, {anno regni 3°) by his [f) Abbas dc Furnellis debet CC mar- tebrigia de CCC & L marcis praecepto Re- cus & ij Palefridos, Ut fit quietus de Rlifeii- gis f'adla per Capita, per Willelmum filiuni cordia D marcarum uiidc amerciatus fuit Ricardi de Windlefor milTum per Barones. per Regem, de P'orefta ; De quibus H. de Mag. Rot. 12. J. R. II. a. in imo, Nevill dt-bet rcfpondere, ficut recognovit ('/^j Hundredum de Amelberge debet xx s per Breve fuum. Mag. Rot. 8. J. Rot. 7. pro Murdro. Sed non debent fummoneri, h. Lam. p. 366. tit. Nova Oblata. Quia amenfuratum fuit prascepto Juftic. (g) Warinus de Quedic debet C marcas, coram S. de Segrave ad xx s, quos pacave- pru eodem [i. e. De mifcricordia] : Sed runt in Rotulis praecedentibus. Alag. Rot. poflca ammenfuratus fuit per Juftitiarium 10. H. 3. Surr. m. i. a. &c Barones ad Lx marcas. Mag. Rot. g. (I) Mag. Chart. R. Joh. cap. 27. apiid J. Rot. 7. b. Brad, in Hiji. Angl. Append, p. 133. (A) Tonias de Columberijs r c de Lx (m) Mag. Chart. R. Hen. 3. cap. 14, in- marcis cl j d, pro Mifcricordia in quam in- fpeSla iJ confirmata ah Ediv. I. Rege; viz. in cidit coram Juflic. Regis apud GeJdeford, Cbarta de Infpeximus autogi-apha, in Archivo unde amerciatus fuit pro C 1 : In Thefau- Ecclej. Coll. iVeJhnon. ro nichil, Et ipfi Regi in Camera fua Lx {n) Comites vero vel Barones non funt inarcas & j d per breve Regis quod eft in amerciandi nifi per pares fuos, & fecundum forulo Marefcalli in Effex, Et Q. e. Mag. modum delicti, & hoc per Barones de Scac- Rct. 12. y. Rot. 4. h. tit. Anurciamenta. kario vel coram ipfo Rege. BraSf. I. 3. ///, ae Stirreia. de Corona, cap. i. ^eii, l-fol. 116. b. (i) Ammeiciamenta Homini:m de Can- 5 Writ chap. XIV. Cy A M E R c I A ivi E N T s. 529 Writ commanded the Juftices Itinerant in Kent, to hold all Picas brought before them which were plain ■^r\Afine contev.tionc, and to amerce all fuch Perfons as fliould be in Mifericordia before them in common Pleas, except Earls and Barons, who (faitli the Writ) are to be amerced before our Council. The King further commands them, that as to all Demands of Franchifes, made before them, either by the Lord of Canterbury, the Earl of Clare, or others, that they fliould refpite or adjourn the fame to the Quinzime of St. Hilary, before the King's Council at Wefiminjler ; and if any arduous Pleas arofe before them which could not be determined before them with- out Difficulty, or without Advice of the King's Council, th .t they fhould likewife adjourn fuch Pleas to the faid Time and Place (0). "Theobald de Verdun was amerced C s for a falfe Plaint. He Was charged with that Debt in a Roll containing the Names of certain Barons that were amerced before the Juilices of the Common Bench in the fixth Year of K. Edward I {p). In the 8th, 9th, and other Years of K. Edward II, feveral Earls and Barons were amerced in the Court of Common Bench, in Pleas of Land and Pleas of other Kinds; namely, Thomas Earl of Lancajier, the Abbot of Croyland, Robert Fitz-Walter, Thomas de Fiimivall, Geoffrey Luterel, William dc Brewofe, the Abbot of St. Alban, and Thomas Bardolf. The Ellreats of thefe Amerciaments were delivered into the Exchequer by William de Bereford a Juflice of the Common Bench ; and the lame were fent out in Procefs to be levied for the King (5?), The Abbot of Croyland was (ff) Rexjufticiarijs itinerantibus inComi- diflos diem & locum. Telle W. Mare- tatu Kanciae Salutem. Mandamus vobis fcallo Comite Penbr. apud Turrim Loiido- quod omnes loquelas plaiias, quas fuerint nias nono die Decembris. Coram Domino fine contentione, & coram vobis venerint, Winton. Epifcopo, Clauf. 3.//. '^■tn. 13. teneatis ; & omnes illos qui coram vobis in- (p) Theobaldus de Verdun debet C Sj ciderint in mifericordia de communibus lo- pro falfo clamore ; ficut continetur in Ro- quelis amercietis ; exceptis Comitibus & tulodeBaronibusamerc[iatis] coram Juflic- Baronibus, qui coram Concilio noftro a- [iarijsj de Banco anno Sexto. De quibus merciandi funt. Omnes autem Demandas Vicecomes debet ipfum acquietare, ficut quae coram Vobis fuerint, quas homines recognovit. Et refpondet infra. Mag. Rot. exigunt de libertatibus, videlicet quas Do- 1 1. £. i. in Rot. de Item Eflex, & Refiduum minus Cantuar. Archiepifcopus, G. Comes Surr. m. i. h. de Clara, vel alij exigunt, in refpedum po- (q) Amerciamenta Comitum & Baro- natis ufque in quindecim dies poft feftum nuni in Banco de termino S. Michaclisanno Sandli Hillarij coram Concilio noftro apud regni Regis E. filij Regis E. odlavo . Ley- Weftmonafterium. Siqure etiam Loqucls ceftria ; De Thoma Comite Lancaftrix ardus coram vobis emerferint, qus coram pro falfo clamore de placito terr;e, xx 1. De vobis fine dificultate terminari non poffint, termino S. Hillarij anno odtavo ; Lincol- nec fine Confilio CoiKilij noftri, eas fimili- nia, Dc Abbate de Croyland pro injufta de- ter in refpedum poni facialis ufq; ad prae- tencione dcadvocatione Ecclcfic-e de Wyge- VoL. I. Y y y loft, 530 Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. was diflrained by Writ ifTuing out of the Exchequer for L Marks, be- ing the Total of two Amercements at which he was amerced as a Baron; that is to fay, he was amerced at xl Marks for an unjuft Deteiner of the Advoufon of the Church of Wigtofty and at x Marks for a fiilfe Plaint ; as appeared by a Cedule of the Amercements of Earls and Barons in the Common Bench of the 8th Year of K. Edward \\; which Cedule was affixed to the Origwcils of the loth Year. In Hilary Term in the 1 2th Year of that King, the Abbot came into the Exchequer by Frier Orger de Frefionhh Commoigne and Attorney in tJiat Behalf, and pleaded that he was unjuftly and unduly amerced at the faid L Marks, as a Baron. For (he faith) he doth not nor ever did hold by Barony or by Part of a Barony. At the fame Time he exhibited to the Treafurer and Barons a Writ of the Great Seal, direfted to them, which was of the following Import, that is to fay : It recites. That the Abbot of Croyland by his Petition prefented before the King and his Council had complained, that although he did not hold any Lands or Tenements by Barony or Part of a Barony, in refpedl whereof he might be amerced as a Baron ; never- thelefs, he was unrightfully amerced as a Baron, to wit, at forty Marks in the Plea for the Advoufon of the Church of Wygtoft, and at ten Marks in another Plea, for not profecuting j in regard the Juftices of the Common Bench, in the Eftreats delivered by them into the Exchequer, had erroneoufly ftiled him a Baron : that the faid Sums of Money are now demanded of him by the Summonce of the Exchequer, as if he had held by Barony or Part of a Barony, and had been duly amerced : the Writ recites alio, that the King was defirous, that the Abbot fliould not in this Cafe be unduly charged, but rather, if by Miflake of the Abbot's Stile or Title, any Thing had been un- fairly attempted againft him, that the fame fhould be redreffed : and thereupon the Writ commands the Treafurer and Barons, that they toft, xl marcje. Amerciamenta Baronum thamtonia, De Abbate de Croyland pro do termino S. Michaelis anno nono. Cant, falfo clamore, x marcs. Ebor. De Thoma De Roberto filio Walter! quia non eft pro- de Furnival pro pjuribus defaltis, xl s. fecutus, x! s. Notingham, De Thoma de Ebor. De Thoma de Furnival pro injufta Fiirnyvall pro pluribus defaltis, C s. De detentione, Lx s. Orig. lO. E.i. m. 2. termino Pafchas anno nono : De Galfrido m Ccdula. This Cedule ar Roll is endorfed in Luterel pro pluribus defaltis, xl s. Amer- a Coeval Hand, Hunc Rotulum liberavit hie ciamenta Baronum in Banco de termino Mi- Willelmus de Bereford Jufticiarius de Banco chaL-lis anno decimo : Suflex, De Willelmo iiij" die Marcij anno regni R. E. filij Regis de Brevvofa pro pluribus defaltis, x 1. De E. xj°. Et prreceptum eft Vicecomitibus Abbate de Sandlo Albano pro pluribus de- fmgulorum Comitatuum infrafcriptorum vtj faltis, C s. &c. De Termino Hillarij anno die Marcij di£lo anno xj°, quod fieri faci- undecimo : Norfolcia, De Thoma filio Hu- ant debita infrafcripta, ita &c in craftino gonis Bardolf pro falfo clamore. C s. Su- claufi Palchsc. lb, dorfo Ced^ fhould chap. XIV. 0/ A M E R c I A M E N T s. 531 fhould confult, if they thought meet, the Juftlces of the Common Bench, and fliould learch the Book of Knights Fees and other Memoranda of the Exchequer, and if they found that the Abbot held nothing by Barony or Part of a Barony, and that he and his Prede- ceflbrs were not wont in Times paft to be amerced as Barons, then they fliould fpeedily rectify what had been done amifs, and fhould do to the Abbot full Juftice, and releafe him of the faid Amerce- ments. Upon reading of this Writ, the Abbot prayed the Court of Exchequer, that when they had fearched the faid Books and Memo- randa, they would corredl and annull, according to the Tenour of the faid Writ, whatever fliould happen to be found erroneoufly done in the Premiifes. And forafmuch as the faid Amercements arofe be- fore W. de Bereford and his Companions Juftices of the Common Bench, the Court thought it expedient on the King's Behalf, to confult with the faid Juftices and others of the King's Council, and diredled that in the mean Time diligent Search be made in the Book of Fees, and the Rolls and Memoranda of the Exchequer, before they proceeded to difcufs the faid Affair : and gave the Abbot a further Day till theQuinzime of Eafter j and ordered the Demand of the faid Amerce- ments to ceaie in the mean Time. The Abbot had feveral Days of Ad- journment. Upon Search, it was found in the Roll of Eflreats of the Iter oijohn deVaux and his Com^z.mor\s\n Lincohtjhire, in the tenth Year of K. Edivard I, that in that Iter the Abbot of Croyland was amerced amongfl the Barons. There is no Judgment entered upon this Roll : The Proceedings end there as is fet-forth hereunder in the Margin (r). Afterwards, (r) De Clameo Abbatis tie Croyland per partem Baroniae. Et exhibuit Thefau- fa£lo quod non debet amerciari tamquam rario & Baronibiis breve Reijis do Magno Baro. Cum Abbas de Croyland diftriiflus Sigillo, quod eft inter Communia de hoc eflet per breve de Scaccario pro L marcisde anno, in hsc verba. Edwaidus d. g. R. duobus amerciamentis ad quas idem Abbas Anglia&c. Thefaurario & Baronibus fuis amerciatus fuit tanqiiam Baro Reg [is], de Scflccario falutem. Querelam diledli uno videlicet de xl marcis pro injufta nobis in Chrifto. .. Abbatis de Croiland per dctentione de Advocatione Ecclefia de petitioncm fuam coram nobis & confilio no- Wygetoft, h alio de x marcis pro falfo ftro exhibitam recepimus, continentem, clamore, prout continetur in quadam ce- quod licet ipfe non teneat terras feu tcnementa dula de amerciamentis Comitum & Ba- aliqua per Baroniam vel partem Baronia?, ronum in Banco de anno Regis nunc per quod tamquam Baro amerciari debeat, odlavo tachiata Originali de anno x°. idem tamcn Abbas ad quadraginta marcas Wem Abbas per Fratrem Orgcrum de pro injufta detentione Advocationis Ecclefiac Frefton Commonachum & Attornatum de Wygetol't, ii ad decern marcas pro eo fiium venLt hie, h dicit fe injufte & quod quoddam placitimifuumcoram Juftici- indebite fore amerciatum ad prasdiiSas L arijs de Banco non fuit profecutus, eft mi- niarcas ut Baro. Dicit enim quod ipfe non nus rite tamquam Baro amerciatus ; pro eo t«net ncc umquam tenuit per Baroniam feu quod in extraiSlis Jufticiariorum prDcdiiilorum Y y y 2 ud Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. Afterwards, in the 1 5th Year of the fame K. Edward II, the Abbot of Croyland prefented a Petition to the King, fetting forth therein, that he (the Abbot) held no Lands or Tenements per Baroiiiam vcl per partem Bargnice, ftec per aliquod fervicium per quod tanqnam Baro amerci- cri dek-^ret ; that neverthelefs, he was amerced before the prefent King's Juftices of the Comwon Be?ich at one Time in xl Marks and at another Time in x Marks ; and abb in the Time of K. Edivard I, in the Eire of John de Vaux at Lincoln, he was unduly amerced as a Baron : whereupon the King had already commanded the Barons of the Exchequer tofearch the Book of the Knights Fees and other Rolls of the Exchequer concerning the faid Abbot's Tenure ; and if they found that the Abbot did not hold by Barony or Part of a Barony, or ad diftumScaccarium liberatis, Baro pcreof- dem Jufticiiirics minus provide intitulaba- tur ; quae quidem pecuniarum fumma ab ipfo Abbate jam per fummonitionem difli hcaccarij, ac fi per Baroniam vel per par- tem Baroni£ tenuiirct & rite amerciatus fu- ifit-t, exiguntiir minus juile. Et quia prje- fatum Abbatem nolumus indebite onerari, let f: quid in hac parte per hujufmodi inti- tulationem & furreptionem minus rite at- leir.ptatum f-jerit, modo debito emendari : Vobis mandamus, quod vocatis ad hoc Ju- fliciarijs nofiris praediflis fi necefle fuerit, & Icrutatis Libro noftro de Feodis, & alijs Memorandis de Scaccario, quse videritis ex Hac caiiia fcrutanda, A vobis conftare pote- rit, quod prasdiftus Abbas nichil teneat per Baroniam vel partem Baronias, & quod ipfe & prsdecefiores fui temporibus retroadtis lion confueverant tamquam Barones amerci- ari ; tunc id quod taliter eft inde indebite a-ttemptatum, fine dilatione corrigi & pras- tato Abbaii inde fieri dcbitum Jufticis? com- plementum, & demandani eidcm Abbati pro amerciamentis praedictis fadtam facia- lis pendente dicto negocio coram vobis in- decifo relaxari. T. meipfo apud Eboracum viij die Novembris anno r n duodecimo. Er petit idem Abbas, quod vifis & fcrutatis Libris & Aiemorandis prsdiilis, fuper piae- iniflls id quod erroneum reperiri contigerit in hac parte, corrigi 5c revocari faciant, juxta tenorem ejufdem brevis. Et quia vi- detur Curiae, quod ex quo didta amercia- menta proveniunt de amerciamentis coram W, de Bereford & focijs fuis Jufticiarijs de Banco, expedit pro ftatu Regis quod deli- beracio fuper hoc habeatur cum eifdem Ju- fticiarijs, coram quibus idem Abbas incidit in amerciamentis praediflis, & nichilominus quod fcrutinium de Libro Feodorum, Rotu- lis, & alijs Memorandis quae valere pote- runt, diligenter fiat & plenarie, antequam procedatur ulterius fuper difcufHone inde fa- cienda ; datus eft dies praedidto Abbati ufq; in quindenam Pafchse eo ftatu quo nunc ; & interim loquendum eft cum prsefatis Juftici- arijs & alijs de Confilio &c. Et concefTum eft quod didlus Abbas interim habeat pacem &c. Foftea adjornatur ulterius ufq; quin- denam S. Johannis. Ad quem diem venit &adjornatur ulterius ufq; quindenam S. Mi- chaelis. Ad quem diem venit per diftum attornatum ; & adjornatur ulterius ufq; quindenam S. HiUarij ; & interim pacem. Poftea adjornatur ufq; ad proximum Parlia- mentum ; & interim habeat pacem. Poftea fcrutatis Rotulis & Memorandis de Scacca- rio, compertum eft in Rotulo Extradtaruin de Itinere Johannis de Vallibus & fociorum fuorum, Jufticiariorum Itinerancium in Co- mitatu Lincolniae, anno Regis E. patris Re- gis nunc x°, inter Barones amerciates in Itinere praedifto, quod annotantur ifta ver- ba fic, De Abbate de Croylaund pro tranf- greflione XX 1. Poftea didlus Abbas habet diem fuper clamio prasdifto, ufq; in menfem Pafchae. Poftea habet diem, ficut contine- tur in Memorandis de anno xiiij inter Re- corda de termino Pafchse. Hil. Commun. 12. E. 2. Rot. 23. (7. Chap. XIV. Of Amerciaments. 533 by other Service for which he ought to be amerced as a Baron, and that the Abbot and his Predeceflburs had not done to the King or bis Progenitours any Service in their Armies, then theBarons ihould correct what had been improvidently done by the Juftices of the Common Bench, and fhould difcharge him if he was wrongfully charged : provided that if it Hiould happen, that the faid Abbot was difcharged of the faid Amerciaments, then he fbould be amerced to the King's Ufe for the Caufes aforefaid by his Peers according to the Tenour of the great Charter : Now the King being willing to know what had been done at the Exchequer in this Cafe, commands the Barons of the Exchequer to certify him thereof under the Seal of the Exche- quer, that he might caufe to be done therein what was rightful, and according to the Law and Cuftom of the Realm ^i^). In the 19th Year of K. Edward II, this Cafe happened. Thomas de Furnivall [t) the elder complained to the King, that albeit he the faid (s) Baronibus pro Abbate de Croilland the Writ recites as above is fet forth. & praefatum Ahbatem de eo quod per hujuf- modi furreptionem per eofdem Jufticiarios Regis de Banco indebite onerabatur exone- rari facerent ; provifo quod fi contingeret jpfum Abbatem de diftis amerciamentis ad diftum Scaccarium exonerari, tunc per pa- res fuosjuxta tenorem Magnx Cartae ex caufis prjevijs ad opus Regis amerciaretur. Rex certis de caufis Cerclorari volens de eo quod inde fadlum eft coram Baronibus ad Scaccarium praedi(3um . T. Rege apud Weftmon. xij die Novembris anno xv. HiU Brevia 15. E. 2. Rot. 48. b. [t) De Thoma de Furnival feniore exo- nerando. Dominus Rex mandavit hie bre- ve fuum de Magno Sigillo fuo, quod eft inter Communia de anno xiiij°, in hsec verba. Edwardus D. g. R. A. D. H. h D. A, Thefaurario & Baronibus fuis de Scaccario falutem. Ex parte dileeSi & fi- delis noftri Thomse de Furnival fenioris no- bis eft oftenfum, quod licet ipfe Baro non fit, nee terram fuam per Baroniam vel par- tem Baroniae teneat, nichilominus idem Thomas pro quibufdam defaltis, in [quas in] quibufdam Curijs noftrib incidit ut dici- tur, in eifdem Curijs tanquam Baro amerci- atus fuit, h vos viginti & o£lo libras tref- decim folidos & quatuor denarios, per di- verfas patticulas ab eo ad opus noftrum ea de caufa exigi facitis, in ipfius Thomx di- fpendium non modicum & gravamen, ac contra legem h confuetudinem regni no- ftri : Et quia nolumus quod eidem Thomae injurietur in hac parte, Vobis mandamus, quod fi per infpe£lionem Rotulorum & Me- morandorum de Scaccario prasdifto, vcl alio modo legitimo, vobis conftare poterit, prae- fatum Thomam Baronem non effe, nee terram fuam per Baroniam vel per partem Baronias tenere, ut prsdicStum eft, tunc ip- fum Thomam de viginti & o£lo libtis tref- decim folidis & oSto denarijs praediSis exo- nerari & quietum efie faciatis ; Provifo quod idem Thomas juxta tenorem Magnae Cartje de Libertatibus Anglias amercietur. T. me ipfo apud Weftmon. vij die Oftobris anno r n quarto decimo. Et modo ad quindenam Purificationis B. Maris, venit hie praefatus Thomas per Johannem de Driff"eld attornatum fuum, & queritur ip- fum Thomam graviter diftridum effe per Vicecomitem Eboraci pro Lx s, & per Vicecomitem Notinghamiae & Derbise pro ix 1, ad quas fummas amerciatus fuit parti- culatim coram diverfts Jufticiarijs tanquam Baro, &: hoc injufte, quia dicit quod non eft Baro, neq; tenet nee unquamtenuit ali- quatenementa in Comitatibus praedidis per. Baroniam nee per partem Baronix ; Dicit enim, quod tenet Mancrium de Sheffeld in dicto Coraitatu Eboraci de Domino Rege per 534- Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. faid Thomas was not a Baron, nor did hold his Land by B Part of a Barony, yet for certain Defaults in the King's Cc arony or Courts, he was per Homagium tantum, Maneriuni de Whylbn in eodem Comitatu de Galfrido Lutiel, Manerium de Wyrkfop & Gref- thoip in Comitatu Notinghamise de Rege ut de Honore de Tykliull, per fervicium quatuor fcodorum & quartae partis feodi iiiiius Militis, Manerium de Eyom in Co- mitatu Derbiae de Rege ut de Honore Pe- verelli, Manerium de Middleton in eodem Comitatu de Thoma de Chaworth, & Ma- nerium de Bracyngton in eodem Comitatu Derbies de Honore de Tuttebury ; Et dicit quod nunquam tenuit aliqua alia tenemen- ta in eifdem Comitatibus, nee quod un- quam tenuit per Baroniam vel partem Ba- ronias, ut praediiElum eft. Et hoc paratus eft verificare qualitercumq; Curia &c. Et Icrutatis rotulis fuper exailione pr<-Edi£la, compertum eft quod xij 1 exiguntur de Thoma de Furnival de diverfis amercia- iTientis ad quas amerciatus fuit tanquam Ba- ro, coram diverfis Jufticiarijs quia non ve- nit, videlicet Lx s llcut continetur in Mag- no Rotulo de anno xvij" in Eboraco, & ix I ficut continetur in eodem Magno Rotulo in Not. Derb., & ficut continetur in Rotulo de amerciamentis Baronum coram diverfis Jufticiarijs de diverfis annis, afForatis anno xv°, qui eft hie in Thefauro. Et quia Barones antequam ulterius iic, volunt cer- tiorari fuper fuperius fuggeftis, concordatum eft quod inquiratur inde ; Et quod Rober- tus deNotingham Remcmoratur hujusScac- carij affignetur ad capiendam inde inquifi- tionem &c, ita quod certificet quid inde quamprimum &c. Et datus eft dies pras- fato 'I'homae per attornatum fuum praedic- tum hie a die Pafchae in unum menfem, ad audiendum & recipiendum inde quod Cu- ria &c. Ad quern diem idem Thomas ve- iiit hie per didlum attornatum fuum. Et praed-i(Sus Robertus mifit hie tres inquifi- tiones coram eo eaptas fuper prsmiffis, quae funt inter Inquifitiones retornatas ad Scacca- rium hie hoc anno decimo nono, viz.. One taken at Roderham in Yorkftiire, by which it is f^uud that Thomas de Furnival fenlor fjeU the Manour cf Sheffeld and the abcve- faid Lands in Yorkftiifc, by the Services ?mn- tioncd in the Inqulfuion, and that he did not hold the fame by Barony or Part of a Barony, nor held any other Lands befidcs thefe in the fame County ; another taken before him at Notingham, by which it is found, that the faid Thomas held the Manours of Wyrkfop and Grefthorp, and the abovefaid Lands in Notinghamfhire, by the Services mentioned in the fame Jnquifition, and that he never held the fame by Barony or Part of a Barony : and a third Inquifition taken before him at Derbv, by which it is found, that the faid Thomas held the Manour of Eyum, and the abovefaid Lands in Derbyfliire by the Services mentioned in the fame Inquifition, and that all the faid Tenements were never holden by Barony or Part of a Barony, and that the faid Tho- mas did not then or ever before hold any other Tenements, befides thofe mentioned in the Inqui- fition, in the faid County. [This Roll contains nothing more'\. Hil. Commun. 19. E. 2. Rot. 3. a. As to tin Cafe of Thomas de Furnivail, / do Jhrewdly fufpeii that the Matter cf his Plea, enquired into, will appear to be untrue. Thomas de Furnivail the elder and Thomas de Furnivail the younger, both before the Time of pleading this Plea, and after, rvere fum- m.oned to attend at the King's Parliaments ainongfl the other Barons of the Realm : viz. anno 22. Edw. i. Dugd. Summ. to Pari. p. 6 ; anno 23. E. i. lb. p. 9, 11, 13 ; anno 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, cind 33. E. 1, lb. ad annoi illos ; the like in the Reign of K. Edward II, and unto the 12th Tear of K. Edward III, lb. ad annos illos ; anno 22. E. 3, Thomas de Furnivail was fummoned again, and in feveral fukfequent Years ; lb. ad annos illos. It is true, holding by Barony, and being fummoned to attend amongjl the Ba- rons in Parliament, were in thofe Times very different Things. I make no inference ; but having barely mentioned this Matter, do leave it to the Reader's Judgment. More immediately as to the ^lejiion, IVIie- ther Thomas de Furnivail held ly Barony or no. I have not Leifure at prcfent to collet an Account of the Reliefs which were paid to the King Chap. XIV. CyAMERCIAMENTS. 535 was there amerced as a Baron, to his great Damage, and agalnfl the Law and Cuflom of the Realm : fo the King by his Writ command- ed King by the Furnivalls from Time to Time. Put I will try to /hew., that the Land or Seig- netirie of William de Luvetot was an Ho- nour or Barony, that the Manour of Sheffcid in Yorkfhire and the Manour of Wyrkfop in Notinghamfhire were Parcel! of the Barony cf Luvetot, and that the faid Barony was vejled in the Furnivalls : the proving of which, will be more concluftve than the pro- ducing of Reliefs. In the 2C)th Tear of K. Henry II, the Land or Seigneurie of William de Luvetot ivas in the King's Hands. Ralf Murdac then accounted for the Perm and Pro- fits of it. Jnd in the Great Roll of that and other Years, it is called an Honour or Ba- rony : Honor Willelmi Peverelli. Idem Vicecomes [fc. Radulfus Murdach Vice- comes Notingehamfcirae & Derebifcirse] r c de CC & xix 1 & viij s, de firma ejufdem Honoris : In thefauro x! 1 & vij s & j d ; Et ill Terris datis to fever al Perfom ; Et ha- bet de Superplus ij s & iij d ; qui conputan- tur ei in Honore Willelmi de Luvetot. Terra Willelmi de Luvetot. Idem Vic- comes rede xxvj 1 & xiij s & iiij d, de Veteri firma Terrae Wilklm- de Luvetot . Stephano de Camer? xl marce, per breve Regis, Et Q. e. Et idem de Lxvj 1 & vj d, de Nova firma hoc anno : In Thefauro Lxj 1 & xix s & v d ; Et pro Utenfilibus in Dome Regis deClvpeft[on] xxxvjs & vjd, per breve Regis; Et in fuo Superplus de firma Ccmitatus xviij s h vd numero pro xviijs B [ancis] : Etin Superplus dc Honore Peverelli ij s & iij d ; Et debet xxiij s & xj d. Idem Vicecomes r c de xxiij 1, de pcrcjui- fitionibus ejufdem Honoris : In Thelauro 1, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 29. H. 2 Rot. 8. a. In the 2,0th Tear of the jame King, Ralf Murdac accounted for the Perm and Profits of the faid Barony of Luvetot. Out of which Perm and Profits tin Allozvance was made to R!l]{ for Moneys by him laid-oiit in flocking and hujbanding the Lands belonging to the faid Barony ; to wit, in flocking the Alenour of Sefeld [or Sheffeld) ivith Catell, and likcwife the Mamurs »/" Wyrkefop and Gringelay; and for Moneys laid- out in ivaliing ShefFeid- caftle, and in fowing the other Lands of the faid Honour: 'J'erra Willelmi de Luvetot. Idem Vicecomes [Radulfus Murdach Vice- comes de Notingeham & Derebifcira] rede Lxvj 1 & vj d, de Nova firma : In The- fauro xxix 1 & XV s ; Et in inftaur[amento] Terrae S. Sefeld, pro xl vaccis & iiij tauris, ad inftaurandas ij vaccarias viij 1 & xvj s, per breve Regis ; Et pro viij bobus xl s, per idem breve; Et pro xij fcrophis &j verre xiij s, per eidem breve ; Et pro j Af- fro ij s & vj d, per idem breve ; Et in inftaur[amento] terrae de Wercheflbp, pro x vaccis & j tauro xliirj s, per idem breve ; Et pro viij bobus xl s, per idem breve ; Et pro CCC ovibus xij 1, per idem breve ; Et in inftaur[amentoj terras de Gringelay, pro x vaccis & j tauro xliiij s, per idem breve ; Et pro viij bobus xl s, per idem breve; Et pro C ovibus iiij 1, per idem breve ; Et pro v fcrophis & j verre vj s, per idem breve ; Summa, xxxvj 1 & v s & iiijd, Et Q. e. Idem r c de xvj 1 de perquifitioni- bus ejufdem terrse : In Thefauro Lx s, Et debet xiij 1 : Idem r c de eodem debito ; In cuftamento claudendi caftellum de Sedfeld vii 1, per breve Regis ; Et pro bl.ido ad fe- minandam terram ejufdem Willelmi de Luvetot vj 1 per idem breve, Et Q; e. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. 7. b. In the 34;/; Tear of the fame King, Ralf A'lurdac account- ed for the Perm and Profits of the Barony of Luvetot ; and was allowed for the decimse conftitutoe paid in the fcveral Manours of that Ba'ony, and ij s v d for Cajllcgtinrd of Tikhill-raftle, and iiij I .x s for the Wages of GenfiJarmes that kept guard in SafFeld- caftlc belonging to the Honour or Barony of Luvetot : Terra Willelmi de Luvetot. Idem Vicecomes [fc.de Not. & Dereb. vi/.. Radulfus Murdach] r c de xxv 1 & X s, de Veteri firma ejufdem Honoris : Et idem de quater xx & xviij 1 & ix s & ix d, de Nova firma: In thefauro quater .\x 1 ^ Lxviij s & xj d : Et in deciiiiis conl- titutis per Maneria Honoris, vj 1 & vs; Et in Cuftodia de Tikehilla, ijs &vd; Ec Viffilibus ejufdem Caflelli, vij d ; Kt tii ^ •* CurtoJu 53^ Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. ed the Treailirer and Barons of the Exxhequer, that if it appeared to them that Tbovias was not a Baron, nor did hold his Land by Ba- ronv Cuftodia Caftelli de S-iffeld de ipfo Ho- ii[oic] .... & j fervienti iiii 1 & x s per breve Regis, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 34. H. 2. Rot. b. 711. 2. poji Not. & Derb. In the j'ucaedlng Times^ the Barony of William de Luvetot — was vejlcd in the Furnivalla. In the third Year of K. John, Gerard de Fur- iiivall the ^Txthai fried in CCCC Alarh, that the King would receive of Gerard the Son, his Homage for the Barsny "which lately was William de Luvetot's : Hie ante, cap. 13. ^v?. 8. ad ann. 2. Job. Gerardus de Fur- liivall. Put thefe Things together. It is found by the Inquifition above fet-forlh, that Thomas de Furnivall the Pleader of this Plea was fiz£d of the Manonrs c/"ShefFeld and AVyrkelbp. And I have fieivn above, that ihofe Manours did belong to the Honour ofhu- vcJtot. In this Cafe c/" I'homas de Furnviall, i doubt the King was ill ferved. For if, injlead of cciufuig Inquifitions to be taken in the Country in the Manner above mentioned. Search had been made [which was the ?noJl proper Method) in the Rolls and Membranes of the Exchequer, K. Edward II it^Wc/, I fuppofe, have been fecure from JVrong, and Pojlerity from Deception. In the 35//; Year of K. Edward I, the Ba- rons of the Exchequer took the right Courfe for the King's Benefit. It ivas in the Cafe a/" Wil- liam de BreouCe : which flood thus. William de Breoufe, Son and Heir of William de Breoufe, was attached to anfwer to the King for his Relief. William comes and pleads, that his Father on the Day of his Death held, and be himfelf doth noiv hold of the King in Capite, the CaJUe of Brembre in Suilex, and the Manour of Giiher in Wales ; but that he doth not know hoiv much is due to the King for Relief for the f aid Cajlle, in Regard the }aid\N\\\\2im his Father, at the Time of his Anceflours Death, was under his full Age, and that in like Manner for Time beyond Memory, all his Father's other Anceflours to whom the faid Cajlle defended, were un- der Age when their refpeiiive Anceflours died, and that during all that Time, the King and his Progenitours had the JVardjhip of the feve- ral Heirs of the faid Cajlle until they came to be of full Age : He faith, that his Father and his Anceflours, when they were to do their Ser- vice in the Armies of the King and bis Progeni- tours, defendedthefaid Cajileand Land 6i/"Brem- bre by the Service of one Knight : and thereupon he prayeth, that the Rolls of the Exchequer may be fcarched touching the faid Relief; he being ready to fatify the King for the fame, as the Trcafurer end Barons Jhall adjudge. Search was made in the Rolls and Memoranda of the Ex- chequer. It ivas found in the Book o/'Knights P'ees, that Brembre was charged as an Ho- nour. It was alfo found that William and his Ancf lours, as well in the Exchequer as in the King's other Courts, zuere hitherto conjlant- ly amerced and affeered as Barons, and paid their Amercements as fuch, luithout any gain- Juying. The Treafurer and Barons, having 7naturely confdered the Cafe, adjudged that the faid'WWWs.m Jhould be charged with Relief for the faid Cajlle, as for the Relief of a Barony. The Record of this Pleading and Judgment fol~ loweth : Suflexia. De Relevio Willelmi de Breoufe. Willelmus de Breoufe, filius & liaeres Willelmi de Breoufe, attachiatus fuit ad refpondendiim Domino Regi, de Rele- vio fuo de terris & tenementis quae diftus Willelmus pater fuus tenuit de Rege in Capite die quo obijt. Et Willelmus venit & cognovit fe tenere, & didtum Wilielmum patrem fuum tenuifle, de Rege in Capite die quo obijt, Caftrum de Brembre in Co- mitatu Suflexiae, & terram de Guher in Wallia : fed dicit, quod non conftat ei quantum debetur Domino Regi de relevio de Caftro praediflo, eo quod pra;di£lus Willelmus pater fuus, tempore obitus an- tecefibris fui, fuit infra xtatem &c, &fimi- liter omnes anteceflbres ejufdem Willelmi patris fui, quibus praediftum Caftrum hae- reditario defcendebat, fuerunt infra xtatem quando anteceffores fui obierunt &c ; & Dominus Rex & progenitores fui habuerunt inde cuftodiam &c, poft mortem cujuflibet tenentis ufq; ad legitimam xtatem fmgulo- rum hxredum quibus Caftrum illud hxre- ditario defcendebat, a tempore quo non ex- tat memoria : Dicit tamen quod in fingulis exercitibus Chap. XIV. Of Amerciaments. 537 Barony or Part of a Barony, then they (hould difcharge hhn of the faid impofed Amercements ; provided, that Hhomas fliould be amerced ac- exercitibus Regis & progenitorum Regis, quando ipfe Rex & progenitores fui habue- runt fervicium fuum ike, ipfe 'Wiliclmus & anteceffores fui defenderunc Caftrum & ter- rain de Brembre pro I'ervicio unius fcodi Militis &c. Dicit Infuper quod dicla terra de Guher tenetur de Rege in Capite per fervicium unius feodi Militis, de dono & te- oft'amento Regis Johannis quondam Regis Angiias avi Regis nunc ; & inde ollendit cartam ejufdem Regis Johiannis in hssc ver- ba ; Johannes Dei gratia Rex Anglic, Do- ininus Hibernia?, Dux Normannia?, Aqui- taniie, & Comes Andegaviae, Archiepii'co- pis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Co- mitibus, Baronibus, Jufticiarijs, Vicecomi- tibus, Ballivis, & omnibus Miniftris & fi- delibus fuis, falutem. Sciatis nos dediffe conceffifie & prnefenti carta noftra confir- mafle, dileflo & fideli noftio \V'illLlir.o de Breofa, totam terram de Guher cum omni- bus pertinentijs fuis in Wallia, Habendam 5i tenendam Abi & hseredibus fuis, de no- bis &: hceredibus noftris, per fervicium uni- us Militis, pro omni fervicio, Quare volu- mus & iirmiter prsecipimus, quod praediiSlus Willelmus de Breofa, & haeredes fui poft ipfum, habeant & teneant totam praedidiam terram de Guer, cum omnibus pertinentijs fuis in Wallia, de nobis & hsredibus nof- tris, per prasdiftum fervicium, ficut prje- didtum eft, bene & in pace, libere & qui- ete, integre, plenarie, & honorifice, cum omnibus libertatibus ii liberis confuetudini- bus fuis, in omnibus locis & omnibus rebus ad prasdiclam terram pertinentibus, Hijs Teftibus, Baldewino Comite Albemarlis, ^Villelmo de Humet Conftabulario Nor- manniae, Radulfo Taxone tunc Senefcallo Normannia, Roberto de Harecurt, Hugone de Gornaco, Johanne dePratellis, Petro de Stokes. Datum per manum Hugonis de Well, apud Rothomagum, xxiiij die Febru- arij anno r n quarto ; Et petit idem Wil- lelmus de Breoufe fcrutinium rotulorum hu- jus Scaccarij fieri fuper relevio folvcndo de Caftro prsdicto, afierens fe paratum efle inde fatisfacere Domino Regi, prout The- VoL. I. cording faurarlus & Baroncs decreverint &c ; Et fcrutatis fuper hoc roiulis & memoranJi'j, quia in Libro Feodorum, Brembre reper- tum eft fub titulo de Honor[ibus], & prs:- dictus ^^'illclmus & anteceflbres fui, tam hie in Scaccario quam alibi in Curia Regis, femper hadtcnus quando amerciandi fuerant, amcrciati & aftbrati fueruni tanquam Baro- ncs &c, & fic amerciamenta fua folverunt, nulla reclamatione vel contradiiSlionc inde f.i£la, nee aliunde per ipfum Willclmum aut anteceflbres fuos aliqualiter allc2;ato, quod non fuerunt Baroncs tenentcs per Ba- roniam, nee quod non debuerant tanquam Barones amerciari & afforari &c, Thefaura- rius & Barones hie habito inde diliTemi confilio & tra(Statu, cencentcs tantum dc- bere folvi pro relevio de Honorc &c, quantum pro relevio Baronia, habcnteiq; relpedlum ad feifinam Regis de amerci,;- nientis prasdidtis aftbratis & folutis tanquam amerciament[is] Baronum 5<:c, fine' recla- matione vel calumpnia inde facia, confide- rarunt quod idem Wiliclmus de Breoufj oneretur de relevio fuo de Caftro prxdiclo tanquam de relevio Baroniae &e, & pro prasdicta terra de Guher pro uno feodo Mi- litis ; Et fuper hoc idem Willelmus one- ratur alibi in Memorandis hujus anni, inter Fines de hoc termino. Et prsdidus Wil- lelmus dicit, quod praediflus pater fuus non tenuit alia tencmenta deRege in Capite&c, nee conftat Curiae quod ipfe tenuit &c. Ideo idem Willelmus inde ad praefens fine die. Trln. Commun'ia 35. E. I. rot. 59. u. in bund. 34. is' 35. E. i. parte I. Accord- ing to this Judgment, William paid Jlr the Cajlle of Brembre one hundred Marks Reliefs •which was the Relief of a Barony : Sufiex. Willelmus de Breoufe, filius & hares Wil- lelmi de Breoufe uefundti, dat Domino Regi Lxxj 1 j marcam, pro relievo fuo de omnibus terris & tenemeiuis quae diflus Willelmus pater fuus tenuit deRege in Ca- pite die quo obijt, videlicet C marcas de Caftro de Brembre in Comitatu Sufilxiae, cc Cs pro terra de Guher in \Vallia, qua te- netur de Rege in Capite per fervicium unius Z z z fcodi 53^ Of Amerciament s. Chap. XIV. cording to the Tenour of the great Charter of Liberties. In Hilary Term in the faid 19th Year, T/oomas came into the Exchequer, and pleaded, that whereas he was diftrained by the Sheriff of Tork- Jlire for Lx s, and by the Sheriff of the Counties of Notingham and Derby for ix /, being Sums at which he was amerced as a Baron before divers Juftices, he was greatly wronged therein ; forafmuch as he is not a Baron, nor doth or ever did hold any Tenements in the faid Counties bv Barony or Part of a Barony : for he faith, that he holdeth the Manour of Sheff'eld in Torkjhire of the King by Homage only, the Manour of W'byjlan in the fame County of Geoffrey Lutrel, the Ma- nour of Wyrkfjp and Grejlhorp in the County of Notingham of the King as of the Honour of Tykhull by the Service of four Knights Fees and the fourth Part of a Fee, the Manour of Eyotn in the County of Derby of the King as of the Honour of Peverel, the Ma- nour of Middleto7i in the fame County of Thomas de Chaworth, and the Manour of Bracington in the fame County of the Honour of Tutbiiry : and that he never held any other Tenements in the faid Counties, nor did ever hold by Barony or Part of a Barony : and this he is ready to aver. Upon fearch of the Rolls of the Exchequer,.. it was found, that Thomas had been before this Time amerced as a Baron. Howbeit, the Court of Exchequer ordered that Robert de Notingham the Remembrancer fhould take Inquifitions concerning the Matters pleaded by Thomas. Robet-t took Inquifitions according- ly : whereby it was found, that Thomas held the refpedtive Manours hereunder mentioned, by the Services fet forth in the Inquifitions ; but that he did not hold them by Barony or Part of a Barony. There is no Judgment of the Court in this Cafe entered upon the Roll. Touching Amerciaments in general, feveral Things may be ob- feodi Militis, ficut continetur alibi In Me- mino S. Michaelis in rotulo brevium. The inorandis hujus anni, inter recorda de hoc Pipe-mvard in the Margin is. In Rotulo fe- termino, ubi etiam continetur, quod prae- cundo Regis E. filij Regis hujus in SufTex. di£lus Willelmus per confiderationcm The- lb. Trin. Commun. Rot. 66. a. Here we fee, iaurarij & Baronum, oneratur de pr?edi£tis the truth was difcovered by fearching in the C marcis pro relevio&cde Caftro prffidicio, Book of Knights Fees. But the King's Offi- tanquam pro relevio Baronije Sec. Poftea ccrs might have evinced, that Brembre was an prxceptum eft Vicecomiti, quod fieri faciat Honour or Barony, by a Record of much higher Lxxi 1 i marcam praedidlas, Ita &c in craf- Authority than the Book of Fees, to wit, by the tino'S. Michaelis. Poftea ante diem ilium Great Roll of the nth Year «/ K. John, Rex obiir. Ed ad diem ilium Vicecomes wherein Bramble or Brembre is exprefly Jiyled non rcturnavit breve. Et prscceptum eft an Honour. That Claufe of the Qre^t^oW is Vicecomiti,ficut continetur in Memorandis cited in this Hijiory, Cap. ii. Sc£l. 2. ad ann. de anno piimo Regis E. filij Regis E, Ter- 11. Joh, Milites & libere. ^ ferved chap. XIV. 0/ Am E R CI A M E N T s. 539 ferved. It was frequent for fome Perfons to be amerced for the Trefpafles or Defaults of others. Lords of Seigneuries were amerced for their Men, and for fuch as were de manupajlu fuo ; Tedings and Frankpledges for fuch as were within their Teding or Frankpledge ; and the like. Of all which, feveral Inftances may be feen in this Chapter. III. When general Amercements were fet upon Hundreds, Towns &c, for Murders, or fuch like, fo much thereof as was charged upon Lands within that Hundred, Town &c, which the King held in De- maine, was difcharged of Courfe. Richard de Luci was charged with xiiij s ij d, being Amercements of former Years for Murders. But he was acquitted thereof, becaufe they fell upon the King's De- meane-Lands [u). Lands holden by the Queen were alfo free from common Amercements. Several Barons and Lords of Seigneuries had the like Freedom from common Amerciaments, by Charter, as I fuppofe, from the King. For Example : the Sheriff of Northampton- Jhire was charged with half a Mark an Amerciament impofed by Alan de Nevi/I on Acheley, twenty Shillings impofed on Haringwortht twenty Shillings impofed on Fodringhey, and other Sums, of Amercia- ments impofed on other Towns hereunder mentioned} but the King of Scots, who was Lord of the fame Towns, having Freedom from thefe common Amercements, the Sheriff was difcharged thereof (w). In like Manner and for the like Reafon, the Sheriff of the Counties of Cambridge and Huntendon was difcharged of the Amerciaments (a) Et idem Vicecomcs [Ricardus de de Bragefeld Regis Scotia : In PerJoiiis, Luci] r c de xiiij s & ij d, de Veteribus per breve Regis, Ipfi Regi Scotiae j marca, murdris. Super Dominia Regis remanfe- Et Q^ e. Idem Vicecomes r c de dimidia runt, Et Q; e. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. marca, de Pedinton Regis Scotise: In Per- 3. a. donis, per breve Regis, Ipfi Regi Scotine, (iv) N. P. & N. C. De Placitis Alnni de dimidia marca, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot 13. H. Nevilia. Idem Vicecomes r c de di- 2. Rot. 8. a. Norhanti-fcira. Simon filius midia marca, de Acheleia Regis Scotia; : In Petri, Sheriff. Perdonis, per breve Regis, Ipfi Regi Sco- Idem Vicecomes r c de dimidia marca, tise, dimidia marca ; Et Q. e. Idem Vice- de Drahton Regis Scotiae : in Perdonis, conies r c de xx s de Haringewurda Co- per breve Regis, Ipfi Rfgi Scotia; dimidia mitifile. In Perdonis, per breve Regis, Regi marca, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de j Scotiae, XX s, Et Q^ e. Idem Vicecomes marca, de Berton Regis Scotia;: In per- r c de XX s, de Fodringeia Regis Scotia : donis, per breve Regis, Ipii Regi Scotise, In Perdonis, per breve Regis, Regi Scotise Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de dimidia XX s, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de j marca, de Herdewich Regis Scotia;: In marca, de Bofieta Regis Scotise : In Perdo- perdonis, per breve Regis, Ipfi Regi Scotise nis, per bieve Regis, Regi Scotiae j marca, j marca, Et Q; e. Jl>. Rot. S. b. Norham- Et Q; e. Idem Vicecomes r c de j marca, tiUira. Z z z 2 l^'reunder 54-0 Of Amerciaments, Chap. XIV. hereunder written (a) ; and the Sheriff of the Counties of Warwick and Leicefter (y) ; and the Sheriff of the County oi Northamton fz). Barons of the King's Exchequer had Freedom, for their Lands and their Tenants, from common Amerciaments, by their Privilege of fitting at the Exchequer {a). Ecclefiaftical Fees or the Lands of the Clergy and Rehgious fb) were exempt from common Amercia- ments (c). And other Perfons were exempted from them by Vir- tue of Charters. The Burgh ol Aru7idel was difcharged of an Amer- ciament for a Murder, becaufe it was found by Inquifition made by the County of Suffex at the command of the chief Jufticier, that the Burwh was not wont nor ought to be charged therewith (d). Gilbert de Aldcrmanbury had a Charter from K. Richard I, granting him Freedom from Affiles and Suits to Court, and commanding that if he was to be amerced, he fhould not be amerced at above half a Mark. By Virtue of that Charter, he was acquitted of two Marks and a Half, an Amerciament for a Default (ej. IV. Divers Lords of Selgneuries were, by Charter from the King, cntituled to have to their own Ufe the Amerciaments that arofe within their Seigneurie. However, the Lords were to claim the fame at the Exchequer. William de Burne and others belonging to the Biihop of Bathes Fees were amerced for a Diffeifm ; and that (x) Idem Yicecomes r c de xxs, de Stiueclai Regis Scotias : In Perdonis, per breve Regis, Ipfi Regi Scotisc xxs, EtQ^e. Mag. Rot. 13. //. 2. Rot. \\. a. Cantebr. . (h) Et idem Vicecomites [viz. Ricar- Thomas de Cirenceflrc, Sheriff". dus Baffet & Albericus de Ver] reddunt [g) Roberius filius Hugonis debet xxv I compotum de xxvj s & viij d, de Placitis & viij s k iiijd de Mifericordia. Aluredus G. de Glintona de Forefta. Mag. Rot. 5. de Poilton r c de xvij 1 & xvj s de miferi- Ste. Rot. 5. a. Grcuiebr. Cff Hunted. cordia ; In Thefauro liberavit in ij tallijs, {i) Albericus Clericus r c de xxxvj s & Et Qi e. Folco Ribald r c de xiij marcis viij d, de Placitis Raduifi Baffet de Forefla. de mifericordia ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Tu- In th. I, Et Q^ C. lb. Rot. 5. b. Sudreia. roldus de Nevill r c de xiij marcis de mife- (k) De Adifericordia Regis pro Forefta sicordia; In th. 1, Et(j^ e. Ricardus filius fua ; Adam de Brus r c de C 1 de miferi- 5 cordia. ^4-2 Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. others in DevonJJoire (I) ; upon Robert Corbet and others in Shrop- (Inre {m), upon many others in Northampton/hire («), upon Gilbert de Mimemue and others in Herefordfiire fo), upon William Fitz-Rmidulf and others in the Counties of Notingham and Derby (/>), William de Bracy and others in Worcejierjlnre fq), Richard Son of Heldebrand in Wilijhire frj, Hamo Peccatiim and others in ^jfex and Hertfordjlnre (j), and upon feveral Perfons in Hamjhire {t) ; and in the Reign of K. John, in Torkjlnre See (u). There are many other like Inftances in the Reigns of KKK. Hemy II, Richard I, and yobn. But we will proceed to fpeak of the Amerciaments impofed in criminal and civil Caufes. And in regard fomething hiftorical and ufeful may be obferved from thofe Inftances wherein the particular Caufe of the Amerciament is fet down in the Records, I fhall take leave to be pretty copious in producing Examples of that Sort. The Amercements in criminal and common Pleas which were wont to be impofed during this firft Period and afterwards, were of fo many fe- veral Sorts, that it is not eafy to place them under diftindl Heads. Let them, for Method's fake, be reduced to the Heads following : coitlia pro Forefta ; TIkh follows a Ltjl of about Jevenfcore Perfons amerced in feveral Sums pro eodem. Mag. Rot. 22. H, 2. Rot. 8. b. Everwkbfcira. The like Amerciaments •were impofed this Year in other Forejl Counties. (/) De Mifericordia Regis pro Forefta fua. That is the Title, nen follow the Names of about ^0 Perfons ; viz. Henricusde Nonant re de xx marcis, de mifericordia pro Forefta. Jnd fo for the other Perfons, Each fo much, pro eodem. Mag. Rot. 23. H. 2. Rot. I. a. Devenefcira. (m) De Mifericordia Regis pro Forefta: Robertus Corbet r c de x marcis de miferi- cordia pro Forefta ; In ih. J, Ft Q. e. There are about 30 Perfons more Jlanding in Charge for the feme. lb. Rot. 3. a. Salop. («) Under the Title, De Mifericordia Re- gis pro Forefta, about 60 Perfons are put in Charge this Tear in Northamptonfhire. lb. Rot. 6. a. (0) De Mifericordia Regis pro Forefta : Gillehertus de Miinemue r c de L marcis de mifericordia pro foiefta ; In th. 1, EtQ; c ; In all about 30 Perfons. lb. Rjt. 4. a. Herfordfcira in IValia. (p) De Mifericordia Regis pro Forefta fua : Willelmus filius Randulfi r c de L marcis de mifericordia pro forefta. They are about 60 Perfons. lb. Rot. 4. a. Not. ij Derb. {q) De Mifericordia Regis pro Forefta fua : Willelmus de Braci r c de L 1 de mi- fericordia pro forefta ; And others for the fame ; in all about 40 Perfons. lb. Rot. 4. b. IVireceflrefc. (r) De Mifericordia Regis pro Forefta : Idem Vicecomes r c de L marcis de miferi- cordia Ricardi filij Heldebrand pro forefta : And others for the fame ; bei>?^ about 30 or 40 Perfons. lb. Rot. 6. h. JVilt. (i) Item de Mifericordia Regis pro Fo- refta : Hamo Peceatum r c de C m:ir..is de mifericordia pro forefta ; And others, in all above 50 Perfons, for the fayne. lb. Rit. 9. a. EJfexa iff Hurtf. (t) lb. Rot. 10. a. Sudhantefcira. There are above forty Perfons in this County amerced pro forefta. (uj De Placitis Foreftse per H. de Ne- vill. Then follow the Names of about fifty Men and Villates, viz. de mifericorJijs tio- minum & villarum quorum nomina & de- bita annotantur in Rotulo quern praediiftus H. liberavit ir» Thefauro. Mag. Rot. 10. y. Rot. 18. b. Everivichfira. Amercements chap. XIV. O/Amerciaments. 543 Amercements, for or by Reafon of Murders and Manflaughters, for Mifdemeaners, for Diffeifines, for Recreancy, for Breach of A {fife, for Defaults, for Non-appearance, for falfe Judgment, and for not making Suit, or Hue and Cry. To them may be added mifcellanc- ous Amercements, for Trefpaffes of divers Kinds. VI, As to Amercements for or in refpedt of Murders or Man- flaughters : the Hundred of Fahjley was amerced xx Marks, for a Murder ; the Sheriff of Hantjhire levyed it, and anfwered it to the Crown. The Hundred of Clere was amerced for a Murder [w) : and Amercements for the hke Caufe were alfo fet upon the Hundred of Chejlerton (x) ; the Hundreds of Berde/iaple, Northcbelmsford, Witham, and Lexden (y) ; the Hundred of Hertford (2) ; the Hundreds of Faverjham and Middelton faj ; the Judges of the County and of the Hundreds of Suffolk (b) ; Liulf de Aldredejley {c) ; Stephen Son of Erchembald (d) ; Odo Son of Alfi, and others {e) , Nigell de Doncajler ff) ; the Hundred oi Lattgetrie {g) ; the Hundred o^ Black- Hadfeild (^h) ; (w) Idem Vicecomes r c de xx marcis argenti, pro j murdro in Hundrtdo de Fa- lefleia : Idem Vic. r c de x s & ix d, pro j murdro in Clerehundredo. Mag, Rot. 5. Steph. Rot. 4. a. Hamtefcira. (at) Et idem Vicecomes r c de x marcis argenti, pro j murdro in Ceftretonehun- dredo. lb. Rot. 5. a. Grentebrug, (y) Et idem Vic. r c de xx marcis ar- genti, pro j murdro in Hundredo de Berdef- tapla : Et de xv marcis argenti, pro j mur- dro in Nortchelmelesford hundredo : Et de xv marcis argenti pro ij murdris in dimidio hundredo de VViham : £t de xx marcis ar- genti, pro ij murdris in Lexdenehundredo. lb. Rot. 6. a. Effix. (z) Et idem Vic. r c de x marcis argenti pro j murdro in Hundredo de Heortford. lb. Rot. 6. b. Hccrtf. (a) Et idem V ic. re de iiij 1 & xiij s & V d, proj murdro in Hundredo de Fever- fham. lb. Rot. 7. a. Ghent. Et idem Vic. debet xxx marcas argenti, pro j murdro in Hundredro de l\'Iiddeltona, pro j Homine qui alium interfecit quem Infirmi abftule- runt Jufticiae Regis. lb. Rot.-], a. Ghent. [b) Idem Vicccomites r c de xxv 1 & XV s, de Judicibus Comitatus & Hundieto- rum, lb. Rot, 10. b, Sudf. (c) Nova Placita & Novae Conventiones : Liulfus de Aldredeflega r c de CC marcis argenti h x fugatoribus & x accipitribus, pro morte Gamel. ; In Thefauro xl marcas argenti ; Et debet CLx marcas argenti, & X fugatores & x accipitres. lb. Rot. 8. Stutfirdfc. (d) Stephanus filius Erchembaldi r c de X marcis argenti, pro interfeiStione hominis Willelmifilij Odoiiis. lb. Rot. ib.a, De- •venefc. (e) Odo filius Alfi debet Lx s pro occi- fione filiorum Tochi. Oliver de Cail and ethers Fine pro eadem occifione. lb. Ret. 16. b. Gornualia. (f) Nigellus de Dunccaftra r c de xx m. argenti, pro forisf. filiorum fuorum qui iii- terfecerunt j hominem. lb. Rot. 3. b. (g) Idem Vicecomes r c de v rr.arcis, pro Murdro, de Langetrie hundredo. Mug. Ret. 6. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. Ox'mefortfcha. (h) Idem Vicecomes r c de iiij marcis, pro i murdro unius Flandrenfis in Blache- hadfejdhundredo : In Thefauro xxxviij s ic ix d : Et in Perdonis, per breve Regis, In Dominio Regis iij s & vj d in Cumba ; Et Henrico filio Geroldi Camerario vs Si vjd ; Et debet vs & viij d. Al^ig. Rot. 13. H.. 2. Ret. I Ghent. Ralf 544- Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. Ralf dc Burguignon and Graham dc Graham ft) ; Walter de Chaif- ncy (k) i the Towns of Rech and Ne-wbigging {IJ ; the Abbot of Petcrburgh {m) ; Ojbert Dabetot f?i) ; EUethorn Hundred (o) ; Ed~ munton Hundred (p) ; the Hundred of Blakehadfeld, and other Hun- dreds fq) ; the Hundred of Redderbrugg (r) ; certain Tedings in Devonjhire {s) ; the Hundred of Perjhore (/) j and other Hundreds, Towns, and Perfons without Number. VII. As to Amercements for Mifdemeaners : they were of fundry Kinds. For Example : Walter Croc ^v•as in mifericordia Regis, for unjullly taking and deteining of xxx j [u). Malger the Clerk and others were amerced, for letting two Duelis be made by one Man (l) Radulfus de Burguignon debet Lx marcas, Quia permifit abire duoi homines de Graham, qui alios duos occiderunt in eadem villa, & non mifit eos per Plegios. Grahamus de Graham debet x marcas, Qiiia non habuit fratrem fuum ad reftum, qui cofdem homines occidit. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. (k) ^V"alterus de Chaifneto r c de xx s pro homine fuo qui hominem occiderat qui ab CO aufugit. In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 16. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. Gloec. (I) Villata de Rech r c de j marca, quia nil fecerunt de homine qui alium interfecit in villa fua ; In thefauro liberavit Et Qui- eta eft. Villata dc Niwebigg[ing] Bernardi r c de iiij marcis, pro eodem forisfaito ; In th. 1, Et Quieta eft. Mag. Rot. 17. //. 2. Rot. 5. b. Norhumb. (m) Abbas de Burgo debet CC marcas, pro homine quern Petrus de San<£lo Medar- do interfecit. Alag. Rot, 22. H. 2. Rot. 4. a. Norhayitifc. (n) Oftjertus de Abetot r c de x! s de mifericordia, pro j^Aiwardo rettato de mor- le hominis. Alag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. JVireceJlr. (0) De Placitis Rogeri filij Renfridi 5c Sociorum ejus. Idem V^ic[ecomitcs] r c de vsde EUethorn hundredopro Murdro. Mag. Rot. -i.R. I. Rot. 13. b. Lend. i^MUd. [p) Nova Placita & Novs Conventiones per Magiftrum Tcmam de HufTtburn, 5c Robertum de Witefeld & Adam de Tor- noura & Simonem de Kyma : Idem Vic- [ecomesj debet xl s de Edcimeton hundre- do pro Murdro, & quia non venerunt sd primam Summonitionem, Mag. Rot. 3. R, I. Rot. 11. b. [q] Deadmerciamcntis Hominum per G. Roffenfem Epifcopum, & Olbertum filium Hervei, & Socios fuos : Idem Vicecomes r c de iij marcis, de Hundredo de Blake- hadfeld pro Murdro. Idem Vicecomes r c de iiij marcis de Heihohundredo, pro Se- pultura Willelmi de Garing. non vifi a fer- viente Vicecomitis. Idem Vicecomes r c de ij marcis. Pro falfa prasfentatione. Idem Vicecomes r c de iij marcis de Totentrie- hundredo, Pro Murdro & falfo difto. Idem Vicecomes r c de j marca de Tendwar- denehundredo, Pro ftulta commendationc banae cujufdam occifi. Mag. Rot. 8. R. 1. Rot. I. a. Kent. ()■) Idem Vicecomes r c de x 1 s, de Redderbrugg hundredo, pro concelamento retatorum de morte Willelmi Ruffi, Mag, Rot. 7. R. I. Rot. 18. b. Sudjexx. [s) Idem Vicecomes rede xvj 1, de Mi- fericordijs Tedingarum pro Fugis Latro- num ; quarum nomina & particulas debito- rum Vicecomes habet. Mag, Rot, g. R. i. Rot. I. a. Devenefc. [t] Hundredum de Perfore debet Cs, pro Murdro. Mag. Rot. 10. J, Rot, 10. a. Tflrccejir. [u) Et eft [fc. Walterus Croc] in mi- fericordi* Regis, ft Rex non eft ei Wa- rand, de xxx s quos injufte cepit & non reddidit. Ahg. Rot, 5. Ste, Rot, 11. b. JFar, m Chap. XIV. Of Amerciaments. 545 in one Day [p) : the Hundreds of Hertmere and Stoiv, for Conceal- ment of Pleas (a) : Etijiace de Braham, and feveral others, for ill- keeping a Duell fyj. Tiirold de Nevill was amerced, for harbouring waived Pcrfons againft the Aflife : and Gilbert de Civera, for the like .(z) : Bartholomcio de St. Trinity, for harbouring a Robber {a) : the Heirs of Richard Sparo-w, for deteining Money which lately belonged to their Father, who was in fnifericordia Regis [b) : Turbert of Godel- ming for forbidding certain Jurours to do the King's Aflife ; and Robert de Briddingebejl for forbidding the Jurours to give a Verdidl touching a Recognition for the Church of Southwark (c) : Jofce the Jeii), for •lending Money to Perfons that went into Irelmid againft the King's Prohibition {d) : William de Frijion, for taking Cognifance in his Court of a Robbery, and for adjudging a Duel thereupon {e) : Herbert the Smith, for falfely claiming to be a free Man, whenas he was a Clown (/) : the Town of Weinfet, for taking Toll illegally {g): William Provoft of Tadwell, for detaining certain Sheep which fliould have been replevyed [h) : Williatn FoJJ'ard for a Mort- [iv) Malgerus Clericus, quia fecit fieri una die duo duella ab uno homine, debet C s. And aftei- nam'nig feveral Perfons, Ifti prsefcripti funt in fnifericordia, eo quod fue- iunt in Curia Malgeri Clerici, pro bino duello ab uno homine fafto. Miig. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 3 h. Everiuichfira. (-J V^icecomes r c de v marcis de Hertemere hundredo, pro placitis celatis. Idem Vicecomes r c de ij marcis de Sto- hundredo, pro placitis concelatis. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 2. b. Norf. l^ Sutf [y) Euftachius de Braham r c de j mar- ca, pro Duello male cuftodito. Wimundus de Spreuton r c de dimidia marca, pro codem Duello. Willelmus de Rcines r c de dimidia marca, pro eodem Duello. Jnd four others, pro eodem. Ib.jaxt. (z.) Turoldus de NevUla r c de j marca, quia hofpitatus eft Waiuos homines fuper affifam : In th. 1, Et Q^e. Gilbertus Ciuera r c de dimidia marca, quia hofpitatus eft j Waiuum : In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot, 14. H. 2- Rot. 6. a. Everw. (a) Bartholomaeus de S. Trinitate r c de ij marcis, quia hofpitatus fuit Latronem : In th. ], Et Q. e. lb. Rot. i. a. Lund, i^ Muld. (b) Hasxedes Ricardi Sparewe debent xij marcas, quia habuerunt pecuniam patris fui ^ Vol. I. 4 qui erat in mifericordia Regis. Mag. Ret, 14. H. 2. Rot. 1. a. Lund, isf Midd. (f ) Turbertus de Godelming debet j mar- cam, quia prohibuit Juratoribus ne facerent Affifam Regis. Robertus de Briddingeheft r c de j marca, quia prohibuit Juratoribus verum dicere de quadam Recognitione dc Ecclefia de Sudwerc. Mag. Ret. 15. H. 2. Rot, 12. b. Surreia, [d) Jofce Judasus de Gloeceftra r c de C s de mifericordia, pro denarijs quos prae- ftitit illis qui contra prohibitum Regis afcie- runt in Yberniam; In th. 1, Et Qj e. Mag. Rot. lb, H. 2. Rot. 5. b, Gloec. {e) Willelmus de Frifton debet x mar- cas, pro Duello concordato & judicato in Curia fua de Latrocinio. Fidk Ribald and feveral otlxrs for the jame, Mag. Rot, 1 6. //. 2. Rot. 10. b. Line. (fj Herbertus Faber debet j marcam, pro falfo clamore quern iic\t ut Liber cum fit Rufticus. Mag. Rot, 16. H. 2. Rot. 10. b. Line. (g) Villata de Weinfiet r c de ij marcis, pro Theloneo quod injufte cepit; [n th. 1, EtQ^e. lb. Rot, 10. a. Line. (h) Willelmus Praepofitus de Tadewellc debet j marcam, pro ovibus quas tenuit fu- per wagium & pl^giam. Mag, Rot, 16. H. 2. Rot, 10. b. Line. A gage 546 Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. gage uniuftly taken (/') ; Gervafe Son of Stigand, for letting Odo the Proven relide in his Seigneury, without finding a Pledge {k). The Town of Ledcaimbe was amerced, for harbouring a Perfon unknown who had flain five Men, without taking Frankpledge of him ; and [the Town of] Midwinter, for harbouring a Man that was not in Frankpledge (/) ; the Town of Brumejbell, for receiving of Nicolas Son of Walter without Tething {in) ; Samfon the Sadler and Bodin the Shield-maker, for felling Shields to the King's Enemies fn) ; Jukel of Aherton, for intercommoning with the King's Enemies fo) ; Robert Brown, and divers others, for the fame (/>). William le Latimer was amerced, for remaking a Dyke which had been levelled by the King's Command {q). The County of Somerfet was amerced, for committing a Duel in a Hundred which ought to have been in the County (r) ; Geoffrey de Hanton and the Hundred of Spelthorn, for bringing Ruflicks to make a Jury (j-) ; Edward Leg, for the like (t). Philipp Son of Wiard and five others were amerced, for letting one, in a Trial of Ordeal, bear the Iron twice with only one Heating (u). (i) Willelmus Foffard r c de x marcis, pro vadio injufte capto. A), Divers Perfons were amerced ^ri) Imprejjiom Jigdli (r). VIII. Men were amerced for DilTeifines. Ji-alf Son of Huilard'Wi^ amerced far a Difleiline made againft the King's Allize {d). Ralf Barre [e). Mailer Eniife I'ne Earl of Gloucejler's Clerk and Richard the Earl's Eiquire (f) were amerced for the like, Edivard ^deling was amerced for a wrongful Dilfeifine (g) ; the Abbot of Gireiui/s (>6), and the Abbot of St. Marie of TorA [i), for the fame Caufe. IX. For Recreancy. Ralf de Siimertoji was amerced for Recreancy (k) : Herbert de Stukely (l), Adam de Haddon's Man, and Ansfrid Cokerel [m), Ralf de Bejlon («), Ralf de Wimundcote [0), Walter de (z) Henricus filius Wulfnodi de Pecham debet dimidiam marcam, quia placitavit de placito finite in Curia per breve Regis. Jkfjg. Rot. 32. H. 2. Rot. 13. a. Ghent. (i Abendon and Burell of Low^ow .• and that he (the faid Walter) was in Fellowfliip with the fiid Hamon in the faid Robbery, he offereth to prove by his Body, as the Court (/>) Walterus de Cuthbrichhill r c de XXX s, pro recreantifa nepotis fui : In Th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. i6. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. Glocc. [q) Mulier quae recrcdidit de appellati- one viri fui occifi debet dimidiam marcam. jlfag. Rot. 16. H. 2. Rot. g. a. Civltas IVintonits. (r) Et de Lx s de Willelmo Pugili Gil- J<:berti M, pro Recreantifa. Mag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rit. 7. b. (j) Robertus Blundiis r c de Lx s, pro Recreantifa. Mag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. 7. b. Et ih. j-ifxt. (t) i'Edwi de EiTerefton debet xx s, Pro Recreantifa fua. Mug^ Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. II. ti. Devenefani. ■ (k) Bernardus dc Bantefcnappe debet Liij s, pro Recreantifa. Alag. Rot. i. R. I. Rot. K. a. Dcvcni-fi:. [ui) Radulfus homo Prioris r c de Lx s, pro recreantifa fua. Il>. R'.t. iQ. a. G!orc. (x) Uxor & iilij Seifil Croin r c de xx s, pro Recrcantila ipi'uis Seilil ; In th. 1, Et Q. f. Mag. Ret. 7. R. I. Rot. 8. b. He- re/, i'h TVallia. iy) Hugo de Kancia, viftus in duello [debet] Lx s & iij d. ob. pro recreantifa. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 3. Rot. 4. n. (2.) Amerciamenta pro duello : Alanus de Wilton r c de xliiij marcis de miferi- cordia ; Hugo de Mauneby rede xxvj m. de mifericordia ; Ricardus de Wiuele- ftorp r c de xvj m. de eodem ; and others, de eodem. A4tig. Rot. 7. //. 3. Rot. 11. a. Everiv. (a) Garcio qui refutavit bellum [debet] j marcam. Mag. Ret. 4. H. 2. Rot. 4. a. LlncoUefcira. Idem Vicecomcs r c de j marca pro Garcione qui refutavit Ducllum. In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 9. b. Line. (It) Hugo de Kirketon debet j marcam, Qi^iia abfeiitavit fe de Duello. Mag. Ret. J 2. H. 1. Rot. I. a. Line. (e) Yvo vir Emmae debet Lx s, quia re- traxit fedc Duello fuo, die quo debuit p«g- nare. Mag. Rot. 31. //. 2. Rot. 5. b. iliall chap, XIV. Of Amerciaments. 55' fliall award. Hamon came and denyed the whole. And faith that he will defend himfelf by his Body. Whereupon it was awarded, that tliere fliould be a Duel between them. A Duel was ilruck. And Hiinmi being vanquirtied in the Combat, was adjudged to be hanged. It was found, that Haman had no Chattels to forfeit to the King. This Cafe is entered in a fmall Membrane remaining in the Queen's Treafury of Records in the Tower of London. It is witten in a little Hand, of the Reign (as I guefs upon View) of K. Henry III. But the Membrane (which contains feveral other Appeals befides this) hath fuffered by Time or Weather, fo that fome Parts of it are fcarce legible. The Figure of the Duel is drawn at the Top of the Mem- brane ; and is correfpondent in Size and Dimenlion to the Sculpture in this Page. Four fmall Holes have been formerly made in the ^atwunU^i 'ii^aUer Jl.o»f, TWW AXK. Top of the Membrane; probably, to put Strings in, to file or hang it up. One of thofe Holes palTeth through the Face of Walter Blowcberme. The Words of the Record of Appeal in this Cafe are fet-fbrth hereunder in the Margin {d). {d) Idem Wakerus [fc. Bloweberme pro- bator, named a little above] venit & appel- lat Hamonem le Stare de Wyntonia per ea- dem verba [viz. de latrocinio], fcilicet, quod fuerunt de Cruce apud Wyntoniam, & ibi furati erant pannos & alia bona, unde . . . Ha- Hio habuit ad partem fuam duas tunicas, unam fcilicet de panno de Hybernia, & unam tunicam partitam de panno de Aben- doQ & de burello Londoni% ; & quod iitnul fuit cum eo ad faciendum didlum latrocini- um, ofFert difrationare per Corpus fuum, ficut Curia confideraverit &c. £t Hama venit & defendit totum ; [Et dicit] quod wit fe defendere per corpus fuum &c. Idea Gonfideratuni eft quod duellum fit inter eos &c. Et [eft dujellum inter eos per- cuflum. Et prxdidus Hamo fuccubuit. Ideo ad Judicium de eo &c. Nulla habuit eatalla. Ex Vet, vurnbrma in archivo Rcgio Turris Land, X. For 552 CyAMERCiAMENTs. Chap. XIV. X. For Breach of Affife. Ra/f Son of Garner was amerced for breaking a Houfe againft the Affife (e) ; Richard de Hilton, for freighting of Corn againft the Prohibition (J) ; Reginald de Riptiin {g), and Roger Malarties (h), for Breach of the King's Affife. Ailric .de Witegrave and Gilbert de Witegravcvftrt amerced for a Superfife (/'). XI. Many Amercements were fet upon Men for Defaults. Robert de Fraxineto was amerced vij Marks of Silver for a Forfeiture (or Default) at the Exchequer (h). William de Otrinkcham was amerced ij Marks, for not profecuting his Plaint (/). Swetman Kempe was amerced at half a Mark, for departing from, the King's Court with- out Leave {m). Daniel of Durham was amerced at iij Marks, for departing from the Court without Leave, he having a Plea there («). The Burgefles of JVarhajn were amerced xx Marks, for a Default [o). Jordan the Earl of Gloiicejler s Dapifer was amerced L Marks (/>), Patrick Son of Edgar xx s {q), and the Town of Croyden a Mark (;•) for the like : and others without Number. Herbert Son of Anjketil was amerced for withdrawing from his Plaint (j-), and Ralf de Stietton, for withdrawing from his Appeal (/) ; the Hundred of Tauton, for (e) Adam Painel debet xl s, Pro DifTai- fina fuper breve Regis. Radultus filius Garneri debet xx s. Quia fregit domum fuper Affifam. Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. I. a. Line. (f) Ricardus de Hilton debet C s, Pro blado caricato fuper affifam. lb. Rot. 3. b. Everwich. (g) Reginaldus de Riptona r c de vj s & viij d, Pro divifa fradla fuper Affifam Regis ; In thefauro ), Et H. 2. Rot. 7- b (i e. A4ag. Chantehr. ijf Rot. 14, Hunt. . (h) Rogerus Malarteis re de vj s & viij d, Pro Affil'd frada fuper Affifam Regis. Jb. juxt. (/) de Placltis H. & W. Coventrenfis & Herefordenfis Epifcoporum & Sociorum fu- orum ; Ailricus de Witegrava r c de iiij s fe ij d pro Siiperfifo. Gilebertus de Wite- £;rava r c de v s&ij d pro Superfifa. Mag. Ret. 7. R. I. Rot. 19. b. Staf. (k) Rubertus dc Fraxineto r c de vij marcis argenti, pro forisf [adtoj Scacc[arij] h pro pace frafta. Mug. Rot. 5. Stepb. Rot. JO. a. Nortf. (/) Wiilclnius de Ottrinkeham debet ij marcas, pro defedtu profequeneli loquclam fuim. A'lag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot, 3. b. Ever- wichfc. [m) Swetman Kempe debet dimidiam marcam, quia receffit a Curia Regis fine li- centia. Mag. Rot. 16. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Buk. y Bedef. [n) Daniel de Duralme debet iij marcas, quia receffit a Curia Gne licentia cum eflet in placito. lb. Rot. 3. b. Norhumb, (0) Burgenfes de Warham, Homines Co- mitis de Gloeceftria, r c de xx marcis, pro Defalta : In Perdonib, per breve Regis, ipfi Comiti XX marcas, Et Q^ f. Mag. Rot. 22. H.2. Rat. II.. a. Dorjcta iff Sumerfita, tit. De mifericordia Regis de Forejia Jua. (/i)' Jordanus Dapifer Comitis de Gloe- ceftra debet L marcas, pro defalta. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 10. a. Ghee. (q) Patricius filius J^ldgari r c de xxs, pro defalta ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. lb. Rot. 5. a. (r) Croinden Archiepifcopi Cantuarienfis r c de j marca, pro defalta; In th. 1, Et Quieta eft. lb. Rot. 14. b. Surreia. (s) Herbertus filius Anfketil debet j mar- cam, quia retraxit fe de loquela fua. lb. Rot. 10. a. {t) Radulfus de Snetton debet j inarcam, Quia retraxit fe de appellationeiua. lb. 2 not chap. XIV. Of Amerciaments. ^11 not making known to the Sheriff the Death of Walter dc Watcky {u) ; the Citizens of Norwich Lx Marks, for not having a Jury ready ac- cording to Summons ; and xx Marks for not putting the Men of their City into Frankpledge (zvj ; the Men of [the Ifle of] IVight C / for the Default of two Days in not coming before the Juftices {x) ; Berton [belonging to Ralf de Cahaignes] was amerced ij Marks, for not coming out to meet [or not appearing before] the Jufticier {y) ; Earl Patric, for vouching the King to Waranty and not hav- ing him {z) ; Btmet the Clerk, for not having one in Court whom he vouched to Waranty {a) ; Roger de Coifneres for the Default of his Prover (b). Kiohher and two others, liege Men, of the King of Scotland, were amerced for not appearing before the King's Jufliciers [Itinerant in Northu?>iberldnd'\ {c) : but they were dif- charged of thefe Amercements, by Virtue of the King's Writ of Ferdono made to the King of Scotland in this Behalf {d). The Priour of Kenilworth was amerced, for not forth-bringing his Servant in Order to ftand to right [e). The Abbat of St. Aujiins Men of Mhijler, for failing to profecute their Plaint againfl the Abbat touch- ing Suit to the Abbat's Court and other Cuftoms ff) ; Robert de [u) Idem Vicecomes r c de v marcis de Tauton hundredo, Quia non monftravit Vicecomiti mortem Walter! de Watelea. Ih. Rot. 12. Dorf. &■ Sumerf. [w] Cives de Norwico r c de Lx marcis. Quia non habuerunt Juratam ficut fummo- niti fuerunt. Cives Norwici r c de xx mar- cis, Qiiia non pofuerunt homines ejufdem Civitatis in Francpleg. lb. Rot. 3. a. [x) Homines Infulae de Wicht debent C 1, pro ij defaltis veniendi contra Jufticias. Mag. Rot. 16. H. 2. Rot. 9. a. Hantffcira. Homines de Wicht debent C 1, pro defalta ij dierum veniendi coram JufticiJ?. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot.b. b. Hmit. (;<) Bertona Radulfi de Cahannijs r c de ij marcis, quia non venit contra Juflici- am ; InThefauroj marca, Et debet j mar- cam. Mag. Rot, 14. H. 2. Rot. 7. b. Cant. iJ Hunt. m. 1. (z) Comes Patricius [debet] C marcas . Not. is Derh. (b) In Mag. Rott, cujufvisanni H.I. R. i. Is 'Job. Pajfim. (c) Radulfus le Norreis r c de dimidia marca, Quia non cepit Latronem quem ca- pere potuilTet. Villa de Kenerbi r c de i] iuarcis. Quia non habuerunt ad redtum ho- miueiu rettatum de Puce iiifracta, Torebi Guidonis de Valle debet v marcas, Quia noluerunt venire coram Jufticijs ad dicenda placita Coronae. Villa de Salmunebi r c lie j marca. Quia recepit hutlagatum. Mag^ Rot. 14. //. 2. R^i. 5.6. (el) Francplegium Nicholai filij Selarij debet dimidiam marcam, quia ron habuit quem plegiavit. P"rancplegium Rogcri filij Godcfiidi dimidiam marcam, pro fuga Wil- Iclmi. P'rancplegium Scrlonis Franci debet dimidiam marcam, pro fuga Willelmi. Francplegium Ricardi tilij Wadi debet di- midiam marcam pro fuga Johannis filij Ro- ger!. Francplegium Willelmi BafTet debet dimidiam marcam, quia non habuit quem plegiavit. Francplegium Alani Stulti debet dimidiam marcam, pro fuga Willelmi de Fochcfbi ; ivith other like. Mag. Rot. 7. R. r Rot. 15. b. IVar. i^ Lcirc. (e) Robertus Lupus debet j marcam, quianon habuit Willelmum de KauencdifTe & Radulfum Foreftarium, qui fuerunt de manupaftu fuo. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. I. a. JVar. & Leic. (f) Prior de Lantonia debet j marcam, quia non habuit manupaftum luura. Ih. Rot, 3. a. Ghee. 4B amerced, 556 Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. amerced, for a falfe Judgment of his Court (g) : the Hundred of Sheft- bera, and Blacktoriton and Framiton fh). The Hundred of Waleton (i), Ojbert the Prieft oi Lambeth (/^), the Hallimot of Lambeth (/), and others. 'Emme the Priefl: of Nethford's Concubine was amer- ced, for a falfe Appeal {tii). The County oi Norjolk was amerced for a falfe Judgment {?i). XIV. For not making Purfuit or Hue and Cry : Walter le Taverner was amerced for that Caufe ( r c de xiij 1 ^ vj s & viij d pro eodem. Petrus filius Turoldi r c de xls pro eodem. Agemundus ferviens Ab- batis r c de xiij 1 & vj s & viij d pro eo- dem. Willelmus Difpenfator r c de xxvj s & viij pro eodem. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot, 6. b. Hantefc. was 560 Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. was given in the King's Court (q). Walter the Linendraper was amerced, for refufing to help in making the King's Money (r). The Men of William the Moneyour, and others, were amerced, for a Quarrel or Scuffle {j) ; a certain Burgefs of Baenkirg, for buying a Horfe without Pledge {/). Gilbert Long was amerced, for not level- ling or taking-away a Sluice or Pond, according to the Jufliciers Command [u). The Town of Selby were amerced, for fuffering the Flemings to carry away their Chatells (ivj -. Gerard Son of Lefwin, for harbouring the Chatells of the Flemings {x) ; Robert Son of ^fze [y), and Hugh Son oi Lefwin {z), for the fame. William de Selby was amer- ced, for not flopping the Flemings when he faw them go through the Town of Selby fa), and Edric de Ultra Ujam, for buying the Chatells of the Flemijigs, he knowing them to be the Kiiig's Ene- mies (b). Roger de Bray was amerced, for receiving Homage of a Boy whom he had in Wardfhip [c) ; Nicholas de Bramham, for faying that the Abbat of Batail had the Kini^'s Charter for Buck and Doe in the Foreft, and afterwards retracing it [d) ; the Tov/n of Leives, for Concealment of one that was flain, and for harbouring of certain Men who were accufed of Falfonary (e) ; Avelina de Ry, for (y) Willelmus de Pirarijs debet j mar- cam, quia non expe£i:avit judicium in Curia Regis. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 8. a. JVar. (sf Lcgrec. (r) Walterus le Lingedrapier r c de v rliarcis, quia noluit facere monetam Domini Regis ; In thefauro ij marcae, Et debet iij marc-is. M<>g. Rot. 29. H. 2. Rot. 9. a. Oxinef. tit. De Oblatis Curiae. (sj Homines Willelmi Monetarij debent juxt pro catallis Flandrenfium quas receptavit ; Ernaldus debet dimidiam marcam pro eo- dem. lb. Rot. \i. b. Evsrw. (z) Hugo filius Lefwini r c de x mar- cls, quia receptavit catalla Flandrenfium in cellario fuo ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. 3. (a) Willelmus de Selebia r c de v mar- cis, quia non retinuit Flandrenfes quos vi- dit ire per villam. In th. 1, Et Q; e. lb. Mag. Rot. C s pro j Mefleta. Wulmarus Bradfot & Gerbodo debent ij marcas pro j Mefleta cuin Homiiiibus Canonicorum. 16. H. 2. Rot. 2. b. Carleol'nim. i,t) Quidam Burgenfis de Baenburg de- bet viij s, quia mercatus eft equum fine plegio. lb. Ret. 3. b. Norhumb. [u] Gilkbertus Longus debet xl marcas, quia non proftiaverat ftagnum quod dcbuit prcftrafle prascepto Juftic. Mag. Rot. 21. H. 2. Rot. 5. Dfvvncfc. (w) Villata de Selebi re de C s, quia fuflinuit Flandrenfes portare catalla fua ; In th. L, Et Qiiieta eft. Mag. Rot. 21. H. 2. Rot. II. b. Eveiwichfi, [x) GcrariKis filius Lefwini r c de C & Lxvj 1 & xiij s & iiij d, quia receptavit ca- tr.lla Flandrenfium, lb. Rot, 11. b. (y) R.obertus filius Afze debet x marcas (b) Edricus de Ultra Ufam r c de xxx marcis, quia emit catalla Flandrenfium fci- ens eos inimicos Regis. lb. juxt. (i-) Rogerus de Brai r c de xl s, Quia cepit Homagium Pueri qui erat in Cuftodia fua. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Buk. Ijf Bed. (d) Nicholas de Bramham debet unam marcam, Quia dixit quod Abbas de Bello habebat Cartam Regis de Cervo & BifiTa in Forefta, & poftea inJe fe retraxit. Sed ha- bet inde pacem per Libertatem Cartas quam Ecclefia de Bello habet. ]b. Rot. 12. a. JFilt. {e) Villata de Lewes reddunt comp. de XX marcis. Pro concelamcnto cujufdam oc- cifi, Et pro Reccpt.itione hominum qui funt rettati de Falfonaria. lb. Rot. 13.^. Sittl- jexa. caufing Chop. XIV. Of Amerciaments. 561 caufing her Son to be knighted whilil: he was the King's Ward {f) ; Eimald Dulzan, for demanding certain Land which he had before quitclaimed in the King's Court [g) j William Fitz-Walter, for refcu- ing the Diftrefles taken by William de Bouvill fb) -, Hugh del Bcch, for denying a Summonce which was made before the whole County (J) i Gilbert Son of Gilbert, for refufing an Aflife after he had de- fired it [k) ; Hervey Gorge, for refufing a Writ of Aflife (I) ; the Men of Tichefoure, for refuflng to be Jurors in an Aflize (mj ; Hervey the Clerk, for impleading the Abbefs of Winton contrary to the King's Command (n) ; Savary the Clerk, for endeavouring to take away a Bow from the King's Servants in the Forefl (0) ; Ilger Luvel for naming himfelf by another Name than his own fp) ; Wil- liam de Gejjinges, for denying a Thing which he afterwards con fefTed (§'); William Scurre, for commencing a Plea in the fpiritual Court for Lay-fee (r) ; and Simon de Medelwolde {s), Adam de Hauville (t), the Priour of Worcejier {u), and Richard de Stratton (ivj, for the like. (f) Avelina de Ria debet CI & C & xij s de Mifericordia, pro filio fuoquem fe- cit Militem dum elTet in Cuftodia Regis. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 5. a. Nordf. & Slid/. (g) j^rnaldus Dulzan r c de x marcis de mifericordia, quia queftus eft de terra quam prius clamaverat quietam in Curia Regis. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 5. a. Norf. & Sudf. (h) Willelmus filius Walteri r c de xvij I & vj s & viij d, quia refcuflit Nammas Willelmi de Bouvill. Ib.juxt. (i) Hugo del Bech r c de v marcis, quia negavit Summonitionem fadtam coram toto Comitatu. 11/ . Rot. 14. a. Ghent. (i) Gillebertus fiiius Gilleberti debet dimidiam marcam, quia noluit accipere Af- fifam quam petierat. Mag. Rot. 24. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. JP'ar. is' Legercejl. (I) Herveus Gorge r c de v marcis, quia refutavit breve de Affifa. Mag. Rot. T,l. H. 2. Rot. 3. a. Nordf. U' Sudf. {m) Homines de Tichefoura debent v marcas, quia noluerunt jurare Aflifam Re- gis. Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 5. a. Rotcl. [n) Herveus Clericus debet dim. mar- cam. Quia implacitavit Abbatiil'am Winto- nise contra prxceptum Regis. Mag. Rot, 25. H. 2. Rot. 9. a. Sudhant. Vol.. L (0) Savaricus Clericus debet xxvj 1 & iiij s & iiij d, pro Arcu quem voluit auferre Miniftris Regis in Forefta. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 1. Rot. 10. b. Surre'ta. (p) Ilgerus Luvel debet dimidiam mar- cam, Quia nominavit fe alio nomine quam proprio. Mag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. i. a. (j) Et de dim. marca de Willelmo dc Geffinges, Quia negavit quod poftea cog- novit, lb. Rot. 2. l>. Norf. y Suff. (r) Willelmus Scurre de Abbendon de- bet ij marcas. Quia placitavit in Capitulo de Laico feodo. /b. Rot. 3. a. Bcrchefcira. {s) Simon de Medelwolde debet x mar- cas, Quia placitavit in Curia Chriftianitatis dc Laico feodo. Mag. Rot. 31. //. 2. Rot, 3 "■ (/) Adam de Hauvilla r c de dimidia marca. Pro placitando de Laico feodo in Capitulo : In thef. 1, £t Q^ e. lb. Rot. 4. a. Nordhant. (u) Prior de Wiieceftria r c de x marcis. Quia tenuit placitum do Laico feodo in Cu- ria Chriftianitatis. A. ^5/. 8. b. (w) Ricardus de Stratlon r c de dimidia marca, quia traxit Johannem Lanceieuee in Curia Cliriftianitaiis de placito Laici feodi : In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Mr:g. Rot 1. R. 1. Rot. 9. a. Dorf is Swiicrf. 4C Sueifi 562 Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV, Sue'm 'Tabor was amerced, for having Bows and Arrows contrary to the Affife (at) ; the Bifhop of Chiche/ier, for hunting without leave in certain Woods which were the King's Efcheat fy). The Adul- terine Gilds in Londofi hereunder mentioned, were all of them amer- ced at the Sums and in the Manner hereunder expreffed : to wit, the Gild whereof Gofct'/m was Alderman, at xxx Marks ; and fo for the reft of them (zj. Thefe Gilds were called Adulterine, becaufe they were fet-up without Warant [or lawful Authority.] For fo 'tis explained in fubfequent Records referring exprefly to this great Roll of the 26th Year (a). And the Burgeffes of 'ToteJiels were amerced V Marks, for their Gild [fet-up] without Warant (h) ; Ralf Dives of Litiford, Colbern, and Eggulf [c] for the like. The Burgefles of {x) Suein Tabor r c de xl s, Quia ha- buit arcus & fagittas contra aflifam. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. ''Rot. 13. a. JVilt. (y) Epifcopus de Cyceftria r c de x marcis, quia venatus eft: fine licentia in Bof- cis de Efcaeta Regis ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 33. H. 2. Rot. 8. b. Sudfexa. tit. De Placitis Foreftae per Galfridum fili- um Petri. (z) Admerciamenta de Gildis Adulteri- jiis in Civitate : Gilda unde Gofcelinus eft Alilermannus debet xxx marcas. Gilda Aurifabrorum unde Radulfus Flael eft Al- dcrmannus debet xlv marcas. Gilda de Haliwell unde Henricus filius Godr. eft Al- dermannus debet XX s. Gilda Bocheioruni unde Willelmus Lafeite eft Aldermannus debet j marcam. Gilda de Ponte unde To- mas Cocus eft Aldermannus debet j mar- cam. Gilda unde Willelmus de Haverhill eft Aldermannus debet x marcas. Gilda unde Johannes Albus eft Aldermannus debet j marcam. Gilda Piperariorum unde JiLd- wardus eft Aldermannus debet xvj marcas. Gilda de Ponte unde Ailvvinus Finke eft Al- dermannus debet xv marcas. Gilda Parario- rum unde Johannes Maurus eft Alderman- nus debet j marcam. Gilda unde Rober- tu3 Rochefolet eft Aldermannus debet j mar- cam. Gilda unde Ricardus Thedr. Fel- trarius eft Aldermannus debet ij marcas. Gilda de Sandlo Lazaro unde Radulfus le B.irre eft Aldermannus debet xxv marcas. Gilda de Ponte unde Robertas de Bofco eft Aldermannus debet x marcas. Gilda Pe- regrinorum unde Warnerlus le Turnur eft Aldermannus debet xl s. Gilda unde Odo Vigil eft Aldermannus debet j marcam. Gilda unde Hugo Leo eft Aldermannus de- bet dimidiam marcam. Gilda de Ponte unde Petrus filius Alani fuit Aldermannus debet xv marcas. Mag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. 11. b. Londania ^ Middelpxa. {a) Gilds Adulterinje Civitatis quarutn Aldermanni & Particulae annotantur in Ro- tulo anni praeteriti, debent C & xx 1 de Mi- fericordia, Quia conftitutae fueruht fine Wa- ranto. Mag. Rot. 27. H. 2. Rot. ult. b. Londonia iff Middelfexa. And again., Mag. Rot. iq.H. 2. Rot. 13. b. Lond. U' Midd. ^, ^^ b. Tit. de Placitis Curia. Macr. Rot. 32. H. Rot. 4. a. y Mag. Rot. 33. H. 2. Rot. 3 Mag. Rot. I. R. I. Rot. 13. b. Mag. Ret. 2. R. I. Rot. 12. b. &c. Gives Londonise debent D & Lxxl & XV s & j d, de pluribus debitis, ficut conti- netur in Rotulo prascedente ; De quibus, C & XX 1 debent exigi de Mifericordia Gil- darum AduUerinarum, ficut continetur [in Rot.] xxvj Regis Henrici. Mag. Rot. 10. Joh. Rot. 3. b. (b) Burgenfcs de Toteneis r c de v marcis. Pro Gilda fine waranto. Mag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. 7. a. Devenefc. (c) Radulfus Diues de Lideford r c de V marcis de Mifericordia, Pro Gilda fine waranto in eadem villa. Colbern r c de v marcis, pro eodem. Eggulf r c de iij marcis, pro epdem. Ib.juxt. Bodmhie Chap. XIV. Of Amerciaments. 56. Bodmine for the like {d). Ailw'm the Mercer was amerced, pro Commii- na [for fetting up a Community in the Burgh o'iGloiicefter\ j and Henry Hand, and the reft of the Men of that Town, for the fuiie {c). RaJf Son of Godwin and others were amerced, for fending to Leke/fer for a Coat ofMail(/); Hcrvey de Helyon, for tumultuoufly feizin^; a Champion's Shield (g) ; WiUiam Sellar, for ftanding it out to a Re- cognition of Mortdanceftour, which pafled againft him (-6) ; the Sheriff of Worcejler, for a Murder by Defalt of proving Englefchery (/). Stephen de Merefet was amerced pro Jlulto rejponfo {Ji) ; Gilbert de Heanly and Richard Eftreche were amerced pro falfo diSio, touching a Robbery and a Rape (/) ; Nicolas Son of Liulf was amerced pro Jlu/lo diSio (m), and Ernald the Prieft («), John Blund (0), Henry the Dean (/>) ; the twelve Knights of the Hundred of Cotcjlaw^q) ; the twelve Knights of the Verdidt of Wicumb (r) j Adam Barat one of the (d) Burgenfes de Bodmine r c de Cs, Pro falfo di(fto fuo, Et pro Gilda fua fine waranto. lb. Rot. 7. b. Cornub'ia. (e) Ailwinus Merciarius r c de C 1 pro Communa. ; In Thefauro xlvij 1 & xvij s ; Et in Soltis per breve Regis, ^dwardo Blundo xj 1 ad adquietandam Robam Regis filij Regis & familias Regis ; Et debet xlj 1 & iijs. Henricus Hund r c de xx marcis pro eodem forisfadlo ; In thefauro xj 1 & vj s & viij d ; Et in Soltis, per breve Regis, yEdwardo Blundo xl s, ad adquietandam Robam praedidlam, Et Q^ e. Coeterl Ho- mines ejufdem Villas r c de quater xx & xvij marcis, pro eodem forisfafto ; In The- fauro liberaverunt in xxiiij tallijs, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 16. H. 2. Rot. s-t. tit. Burgum de Gloeceftra. (f) Radulfus filius Godwini reddit com- potum de viij 1 & viij s & viij d, quia mifit Legerceftriam pro Lorica. Alag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 4. rt. Nordhant. Johannes cum Pugnoxixs & x d, yfW Geoffrey Heagday jj s & xd, for the fame. lb. ju.\t. Adam filius Turgifi r c de i j s &jd, quia mifit Legerceftriam pro Lorica, Mag. Rot. i. R. I. Rot. 6. b. (g) Herveus de Helvon r c de Lxxv s, Qj^'ia faifivit ie de Clypeo Pugilis cum tu- niultu. Mag. Rot. 30. h. 2. Rot. 6. a. Devenefc. (/;) Willelmus Sellarius r c de dimidia niarca. Quia expedavit recognitioncm de morte antecefibris fui per quam perdidit. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. 4. a. JVar. iff Legerce/ir. [i) Idem Vicecomes r c de v marcis. Pro Murdro per def. probationis Englefcherias. Idem Vicecomes r c de ij marcis de Mane- rio de Wikebout, pro eodem. Mag. Rat, 31. //. 2. Rot. 8. b. Wtrecejlr. (k) Stephanus de Mereflet r c de ij mar- cis, pro ftulto refponfo. In th. 1, Et Q; e. Aiiig.Rot. 17. H. 2. Rat. 5. a. Everiuicfc. (I) Gillebertus de Heanlega r c de iiij 1 & xiiij s & viij d, pro falfo diiSo de Ro- bcria. Ricardus Eftreche re de xij s & viij d, pro falfo di£to de Rappo. Mag. Rot. 29. H. 2. Rot. i\. a. JVirecefr. (m) Nicholaus filius Liulfi r c de ij mar- cis & dimidia, pro Stulto didlo fuo. Mag, Rot. 1. R. I. Rot. 7, a, (n) j^rnaldus preftyter debet j marram, pro Stulto di£to. lb. Rot. i^. b. Staff. (0) Johannes Blundus r c de dimidia marca, pro Stultiloquio. Mag. Rot. 7. J, Rot. 10. b. (p) Henricus Decanus de Undel. debet V marcas, pro Stultiloquio. Alag. Rot. 7. H, 2. Rot. IZ- b. Refid. de Norhamt. (q) Duodecim Milites de Hundrcdo de Coteflaw r c de una marca, pro Stultilo- quio: In thefauro dim. marcam, Et debcnt dim. marcam. Mag. Ret. 4. //. 3. Ret. 1, a. Bed. i3 Buk. (r) Duodecim Milites de Veredifto de 4 e 2 Wicumb 5^+ Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. the Recoo^nitours of a certain Affife, for the like ; and Robert Wenge (sj, and Jobn de Karum (t) for the like, ^ian OH de Lamm was amerced, for entertaining a certain Woman againfl; the King's for- biddal (?/) ; Richard Dorefcuilz, for having affiled, as it was faid, at the Sieoe of BrijM-cafile (w) ; Gimdwin of EJhote was amerced, for unjuftly vexing "the Jurours f-vy* ; William Long, for taking down a Man that was''hanged, without [confent of] the King's Bniliffs (y) ; the Townfmen of Hertford, for breaking the Bridge of IFare with- out Warant (s) j Peter Son of Adam, for not coming to the King's Chancellour about the King's Bulinefs, when he was fummoned {a) ; Hugh de Bekhamp for a wrongful Plevine [b). The Citizens of York [made Fine, or] were amerced, for not coming to meet the King, •when he came to Tork &c. {c). Robert de Boxtede was amerced, for intruding into the Land of Otrepol, and refufing to quit Poffeflion thereof to the Sheriff's Serjeant [d] ; the Men of Wilton, for falfe Meafures (e) ; the Frankpledge of Henry the Miller for an Efcape ; and Mifericordia fua quia non ven'tt ad Cancel- larium ad Summonitionem fuam, propter negocia Regis: In th. ], Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 3. i?. I. Rot. 12. a. Norhant. {b) Hugo de Bekhamp debet j marcam, pro ftulta plevina. A!ag. Rot. 2. Job. Rot. 12.(7. Cant. & Hunt. tit. De placitis forcftae. (c) Gives Eboraci re de C J, Pro ha- benda benevolentia Regis de eo quod non venerunt obviam ei in adventu fuo apud Eboracum j & ut fint quieti de eo quod non hofpitati fuerunt Baliftarios Regis ; & pro habenda quietantia obfidum quos Rex ab eis exigebat, quamdiu Regi placuerit : In Thefauro L marcas, Et debent C mar- cas. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Ret. 12. b. Everwkhfc. (d) Robertus de Boxteda debet xv mar- cas de Mifericordia, quia intrufit fe in terra de Otrepol poft mortem uxoris quae illam ad Dotem habuit, & noluit exire pro Scrviente Vicecomitis. Afag. Rot. ^. R, 1. Rot. 12. a, Ghent. (e) Homines de Wiltona r c de v mar- cis pro falfa menfura : Reginae liberaverunt, per brevia Reg. EtQ. f. Mag. Rot. 5. R. i. Rot. 6. b. (f) Francplegium Henrici Molendinarij debet dimidiam marcam pro fuga Galfridi Beche. Francplegium Willelmi Pringet debet dimidiam marcam pro fuga Galfridi Parmentarij. Francplegium Serlonis Franc- lignee Wicumb [debent] j marcam, pro Stultilo- quio. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 3. Rot. 1. a. Berk. in imo. [s) Adam Baratunus recognitorum ejuf- dem affifjE debet dimidiam marcam, pro Stultiloquio. Robertus Wenge debet j marcam, pro eodem. Afag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 12. b. Norf. bf Suff. (/) Johannes de Karum r c de x mar- cis, pro Stultiloquio. Mag. Rot. 34. H. 3. Tti. 2. b. pjl Kanciam, tit. Refiduum Buk. & Bed. (tt^ Alanus Oil de Larrun debet xvij 1 & XV s, Qiiia receptavit quandam Mulierem contra prohibitionem Regis. Mag. Rot. 1. R. I. Rot. 13.^. (w) Ricardus Dorefcuilz r c de C s, quia dicebatur fuifTe in obfidione Caftelli de Brirtou. In Thefauro L s ; Et debet L s. Mag. Rot. J. R. I. Rot. 13. a. (x) Gundwinus de Eftcota debet iij s & iiij d, quia injufte vexavit Juratores. Mag. Rot. 2. R. I. Rot. JI. b. Bui. y Bedef. (y) Willelmus Longus r c de dimidia marca, quia proftravit hominem fufpenfum fine Ballivis Regis ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. 3. Rot. 12. b. Sun: (z) Homines de Hertford debent xl s, quia fregerunt Pontem de Wara fine wa- ranto. Mag. Rot. 3. i?. i. Rot. 3. b. m. i. Effex & Hurt/. (a) Peuus filius Adse r c de C 1, de chap. XIV. O/Amerciaments. 5&5 and the Frankpledge of William Fringet, -and the Frankpledo-e of Serb Frankline, refpedlively, for an Efcape (f). Ailward the Serjeant was amerced, for not making known to the Sheriff the Proof of Englefchery which had been offered to him (g) j Ederic de Kentcbiry for a falfe Prefentment of Englefchery {b) ; the Hundred of BoSlone^ for the Default of a certain Maid-fervant who was prefent when a Horfe ftruck a Man and killed him (i) ; the Hundred of Feckham^ for wittingly fuffering a Man to abide amongll: them without Frank- pledge (k) ; the Town of Bnwiejheli for the like (/) ; Robert Son of Guy for fpeaking with the Jurours fm) ; William de Hulme, becaufe he had replevyed a Man that was arreftcd for flaying one of the Kino's Servants, and could not name the Pledges he had taken {n) ; the Hundred of Grenjled, for not knowing the Name of a Man that was killed (o) ; feveral Perfons, for fending Corn to the King's Enemies in Flanders (/>) ; Alice Bertram, for not coming, at the King's Summonce, to be married [q) ; the Knights of BedfordJImr, for Hunting in that County on this Side of the River, before they had produced their Charter of Liberties [of the Forefl] {r) ; Walter Fortiii lignee debet dimidiam marcam pro Wiliel- nio filio Turoldi. Mag. Rot. 5. iS. i. R:t. 8. b. War, is' Legerc. (^) Ailwardus Serviens r c de dimidia marca, pro probatione Anglici fibi oblata non oftenfa Vicecomiti ; In th. ], Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. I if. H.I. Rot. II. fl. JVdt. [h) Edricus de Kenetebiria debet v s, Pro falfa praefentatione Englefcherue. Er- newinus de Kenetebiria r c de ij s & viij d, Quia non prsefentavit Englefcheriam ad horam. Mag. Rot. ^. R. i. Rot. 10. b. Berch. (i) Idem Vicecomes r c de ij marcis de Bodtonehundredo, Pro defalta cujufdani Ancillse quae interfuit quando Equus per- cuflit hominem ad mortem ; In P(;rdonis Archiepifcopo ij marcs, per Libertatem Cartae Regis, Et Quietus eft. Mag. Rot. ■J, R. I. Rot. I. a. Kent. (k) Hundredum de Peckham debet j marcam. Quia permiferunt & cognoverunt quod quidam manfit cum eis fine franco plegio. Ib.juxt. (/) Villata de Brumefliell r c de dimi- dia marca, Pro receptione Nicolai filij Wal- teri fine tethinga. lb. Rot. 19. b. Staff". [in) Et de dimidia marca de Roberto lilio Widonis, Quia locutus eft cum Juratoribus, Mag. Rot. 8. R. I. Rot. 13. b. Everwich. (n) Willelmus de Hulmo debet xlvj 1 & X s & X d, Quia replegiavit quendam homK nem qui captus fuit pro Retto de mortc cu- jufdam Servientis Regis, & quia nefcivit nominnre plegios quos acceperat. Mag: Rot. g. R. I. Rot. 10. a. Not. isf Derb. {0) Idem Vicecomes r c de j marca de hundredo de Grenfted, Pro ignorantia no- minis cujufdam hominis occifi. Mag. Rot. 7. R. I. Rot. 18. b. Smlfexx. (p) Ammerciamenta per Stephanum de Turneham, & Rannulfum Thefaurarium Sareftiricnfem, & Socios fuos, Pro bladis miffis Inimicis Regis in Flandria. Mag. Rot. JO. R. I. Rot. 9. b. EJfex Ci!" Hurtf. The Men of the five Ports, amerced for the fame ; Mag. Rot. I. J. Rot. 5. b. Kent. (q) Idem Vicecomes [Hugo P/ardulf] r c de XX s de Catallis Alicia Bertramni venditis, quia non venit ad fummonitionem Regis ad fe maritandam. //>> Rot. 10. a. Norhumb. (r) Militesmanentes inBedefordfcira [de- bentj XXX marcas, Quia venati fuerunt ia Bedefordfcira citra Aquam, antcquam mon- ftraverunt Cartam de Libertatibus fuis : Mag. Rot. I. y. Rot. 8. b. Buk. ls$ Bedef. tit, Ammercianifnta per Hugon(m de NevilL and 566 Of A M E R c I x\ M E N T s. Chap. XIV. and Robert Hardmn^ for* ill-buying of the King's Wines (j) j Feter de Sciidimor, for bailing Men (without Warant of the King or the Juflicier) who were appealed of Manflaughter ; and for other Trefpalfes (/) ,; the Priour of JVincheJlcr, for a Bow that was found in his Houfe («) ; Ojbert Son of Ralf for not producing one for whom he was Surety ; certain Jurours for taking a fecret Fine or Bribe j fome Men of Eff'elurn, for [felling] ftretched Cloth {w) ; Thomas Son of Gilbert for an Appeal ; Fjlias de Werkfop and Geoffrey the Dyer for felling Wine contrary to the AlTifej the Wardens of the Meafures in the Town of Werkfop for Mifbehaviour in their Office ; and William Son of Terric for a falfe Plaint {x) ; Walter de 'Ttirber'uille, for Bows and Arrows being found in his Houfe [y) ; Robert the Official of Lanette, Amand the Parfon, and Anger the Dean, for hunting in the Foreft(x). The County of Lincoln was amerced, for a Contempt of the King's Precept {a) ; the Men of Devonjhiret for not fuffering //. de Nevill to make a Reguard in that County, nor a Perambula- tion between the King's Forell and the Men of the County [b). Re~ {s) Walterus Fortin & Robertus Hard- win r c de L marcis, eo quod male eme- rant-vina Regis. Mag. Rot. 8. J. Rot, JO. b. [t) Petrus de Scudimor r c de x marcis, Pro hominibus Appellatis de Morie homi- iium dimiffis per Plegios fine waranto Regis vel Jufticiarij ; & pro aiijs tranfgreilioni- .bus: In th. 1, Et Q. e. lu. Rot. 13. b. Dorf. & Sumerf. tit, Ammerciamenta facia per Regc?n. [li] Prior Wintonias r c de x marcis, pro arcu invento in domo fua. Mag. Rot, 2. J. Rot. 14. b. Sudhant. {w) Ofbertus filius Radulfi re de dimidia marca, quia non habuit quern plegiavit. Qi;idam Juratores r c de xij 1, pro quo- dam fecreto fine. Notingham [debet] xx 1 de Taillatrio. Wiljelmus Briewer fdebet] viij s de catallis Willelmi Fabri. De refi- duo de Efieburn j marca, pro pannis eftre- ciatis. Mag. Rat. 4. Job. Rot. 7. b. m. 2. Refid. de Not. [x) Villata de Werkefhop debet xx s, pro tracia recufata. Tomas filius Gileberti de Mifterton debet dimidlam marcam, pro appello. Elyas de Workefhop debet di- midiam marcam, pro vino vendito contra aflifam. Galfridus Tindtor debet dimi- diam marcam.pro eodem, Cuftodes men- furarum de Werkefhop debeiit j marcam 4 pro menfuris male cuftoditis, Reginaldus dc Colewic debet dimidiam marcam, quiaex- Itreciavit Trente. Willelinus filius Terrici debet dimidiam marcam, pro falfo clamore. Mag. Rot, 4. Job. Rot. 7. b. m, 2. Refid. de Notingebanifcire. Et i?i Mag. Rotulo Can- ciUarij Scaccarij de anno 4 Job. poji Somerfete ^ Dorf., in Refid. de Not. hahentur eadem verba qua Jupra. (y) Walterus de Turbervill r c de xl marcis. Pro arcubus & fagitits inventis in Domo fua ; In th. 1, Et C^. e. Mag. Rot. 10. 7. Rot. 4. b. mit. tit, De Placiiis ForeJliS per H. de Nevill. (z) Robertus Officialis de Lanette debet iij marcas. Quia venatus eft in Forefta j Amandus Perfona debet Cs pro eodem; Angerus Decanus debet j marcam pro eo- dem. lb. Rot. 12. b. CcrnuLia, tit. De plac'itis Forejits. (a) Comitatus Lincolniie r c de viij 1 hi iiij s, pro contemptu prscepti Regis. In th. 1, Et Quietus eft. Mag. Rot. 10. J. Rot. 13. b. Li>u. (b) Homines Devoniae [debent] C.CG marcas & j palefridum, Quia noluerunt pati quod H.de Nevill faceret regardum in De- vonia, nee Peramubulationem inter Foreftam Regis & eos. Termini ad feftum S. Micha- elis, &c. Mag. Rot. 11. J, Rot. 8. k De- venefdra, ginald chap. XIV. CyAwERCIAMENTS. 567 ginald de Liidefdon and others were amerced for a Mifdemeaner relating to the Impreliion of the King's Seal (c) ; Richard the Parfon of Sandee for Wine fold contrary to the AfTife (d) ; Simon the Merchant and Robert the Chapman, for dealing in Cloth that was not of the due breadth (e) ; Ahired Haliday, for not producing one for whom he was Pledge; the Town of Hanky, for a Murder and Concealment; the Merchant-gild of 'Thomas del Hull, for an Efcape ; Thomas Par- fon of Pendoc for an unjuft Deteiner (^f). The County of 2'^ork fined in xj / and a Mark, for a Trefpafs and Amercement before Judgment {g). yohn Maletere and his Fellow- J urours paid L s, for the Fine before Judgment [h] ; the Hundred of Laverokefeld with the Arch- bifhop's Liberty paid xliij j, for the like (/); and the Flundred of Wormehw xv] I n\] s u\] d, for the like (/('). So alfo the Counties of Cambridge and Huntcfidoti (excepting Liberties) flood charged with the Fine before Judgment (/) : and the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk [m), the County of Tork (n), and many other Counties, in like Manner. Again ; the Counties of Notingbam and Derby were amerced for refufing to give Judgment concerning Robert Bottc (0). [c) Amerciamenta fa(5ta propter Inpref- fionem Sigilli Regis : Reginaldus de Lu- defdune [debet] CCC marcas pro eodem ; and feveral others pro eodem, Mag, Rot. 13. J. 'Rot. 5. a, Kent. {d) Lincolnia. Ricardus Perfona de San- dee debet xl s. Pro vino vendito contra Affifam. Mandetur Epifcopo. Memor. 2. U 3. H. 3. Rot. 2. a. (e) Simon Mercator debet dimidiam marcam, pro latitudine pannorum non ob- iervata. Robertus le Cheppman debet di- midiam marcam pro eodem. Afag. Rot. 13. H. 3. Not. tf Derb. m. i. h. tit. De amerciamentis. (f) Aluredus Haliday debet dimidiam marcam, quia non habuit. Villata de Hannley debet iiij marcas, pro murdro & concelamento. Gilda mercatoria Thomae del Hull debet xx s, pro fuga Robert!. Thomas Perfona de Penedoc debet j mar- cam, pro injufta detentione. &c. Mag. Rot. 14.. H. 3. Ji'ygornia m. 1. b. (g) Comitatus £boraci debet xj 1 & j marcam de Fine pro tranfgreffione & mife- ricordia ante Judicium. Alcmor. 22. H. 3. Rot. 16. /'. [h) Johannes Maletere & Socij fui jura- tores [dtbent] L s, de fine ante judicium. Mag. Rot. 35. H. 3. Kanc'ia. in. i. b. (i) Hundredum de Laverokefeld cum Libertate Archiepifcopi r c de xliij s, de fine ante judicium : In thefauro ij marcae, Et debent xvj s iiij d. Alag. Rot. 34. H. 3. Kancia. m. 2. a. (k) Hundredum de Wormelawe [de- bet] xvj 1 iiij s & iiij d, de fine ante Judi- cium. Mag. Rot. 35. H. 3. Rot. i. b. m. 2. Rcfid. Heref. (I) Comitatus Cantebrugiae, exceptis Li- bertatibus, debet vj 1 ij s vj d de Fine ante Judicium. Comitatus Huntendonae excep- tis Libertatibus debet vj 1 de Fine ante Ju- dicium. Memor. 31. H. 3. Rj)t. 8. a. (m) Comitatus Norfolcise debet xvij 1 iij s iiij d de p"ine ante Judicium : Reddi- dit vj 1 X s, & diftringatur pro Refiduo. Comitatus SufFolciae debet v marcas de eo- dem. ib. Ret. 12. b. (n) Totus Comitatus Ebor. exceptis li- bertatibus [debet] xj 1 viij s ij d de fine ante judicium. Prxceptum eft Vic. quod diilringat, ita quod habeat denarios ad diem arrsragiorum. Alei/ior. 55. H. 3. Ret. 15. a. (0) Comitatus de Notingham & Dereby [debent] xviij s, quia noluerunt facere ju- dicium de Roberto Botte. Alag. Rat. 28. //. ?. Rot. 1. a. The 568 Of Amerciaments. Chap. XIV. The City of Londoji were amerced M/, for harbouring Walter Bukercl fp). The Community of the Town oi Southampton were amerced CCLxx Marks, for withdrawing feveral of the Duties which they owed to the Caftle of Southampton, and for felling quan- tities of Timber, Lead, and Stone of that Caftle, when it was pulled down (^). The Men of Winche/fey and Rye paid ten Cnfks of Wine, for a Contempt and Trefpafs {r). The County of Tork, to wit, all they that owed Suit to the County-court, were amerced Lv/ xvij s ix d, for a Trefpafs (j). Gcrvqfe de Eff'ewell was amerced at x /, for a Trefpafs of the Mint ; the Town of Storteford x Marks, for a Contempt in not coming to an Enqueft to be taken concerning a Trefpafs of the Mint; and feveral other Towns in feveral Sums for the fame Caufe [t). The County of lAiddkJex was amerced x/ ij j vii) . 193. (c) Qiiamplurium regni noftri fidelium ad nos querela pcrvenit, quod Prselati Ec- clefiarum, Comites, Barones, & Milites, in necefTitatibus fuis pro fuse voluntatis ar- bitrio ab hominibus fuis adjutoria exigunt & extorquent. Statuimus, Dominos non nifi in fubfcriptis cafibus, ab hominibus eorum adjutorium petere : videlicet in re- dimenda perfona Domini, fi forte ab inimi- cis noftris in fervitio npftro captus fuerit, pro faciendo filio R'lilite pro maritanda filia vel forore, pro emenda terra videlicet ea tan- tum vice cum earn emerit pro fervitio noftro vel exercitus noftii, moderate tamen in his quae pro noftro corredo dantur. De prasla- tis tamen Ecclefiarum ftatuimus 5cc . Corjht. Neap. L. 3. Tit. 18. {d) lb. L. 3. //■/. 19. for Chap. XV. 0/ A I D. 571 for Marriage of a Daughter, and for the Lord's Ranfom (c). And it was in Ule in fome Parts of Italy to impofe a Duty, under the Name of Ad, as well upon the feudal Vaffals as alfo upon the Men or Subjects of other Ranks. This was counted a Major data, a greater or Capital Domim or Sefs. For Inftance ; Johji de Ceccano gave to the Abbey of Santa Maria del Fiume, one 'John furnamed Buo7io, with his whole Teniment, and with all his Goods both moveable and immoveable ; referving to himfelf this Power, that whenever he fhould colled: a Major data upon his Signorie, then the faid yohn Buono fliould render to him and his Heirs a competent Aid, fo as not to be aggrieved thereby (f). But as to England. Ranulf de Gla?ivill, fpeaking of the Aids due to Lords from their Men [or Tenants], men- tions the Aid to make the Lord's Son and Heir a Knight, and That for marrying his eldefl Daughter, but makes a Doubt about the Lord's Right to have an Aid for War-fervice. But then he takes Notice of another fort of Aid, to wit, to enable the Lord to pay his Rehef ; which he fays ought to be a reafonable Aid, fuited to the Quantity of the Tenant's Fee or Land, and to his Ability [g). K. WilUam I, took vj s of each Hide through England (h). K. Henry I, took iijj' for each Hide, as Aid pur fille marier (i). But for want of requifite Notices concerning the Aids of thefe ancient Times, I can- not fpeak diftindly of them. IL It is to be underftood, that the Aids which I have mentioned above, were, in the ancient Times, wont to be rendered to the King (e) Le droicS de indire impofer & lever 'Job. de Ceccano dat. 12C9. in Cbronico ayde en quatre cas, c'eft a iif avoir, pour Nova Fojfa ap. Uhbcll. Ital. Sac. T. 1. col. voyage d'outre mer, Nouuelle chevalerie. 487. Mariage dune fille tantfeulement, & pour (^)Poflquamvero convenerit inter Domi- la rancon du feigneur, appartient au feig- num & haeredem tenentis fui de rationabili neur hault jufticier; Et iur les hommcs relevio dando & recipiendo, poterit idem fubjefts en haulte juftice. Confuct. Due. hasres rationabilia auxilia de hominibus fuis Burg. fcft. i^. col. log, no. indc exigere. Ita tamen moderate &c. Sunt (/) ^b° Johannes de Ceccano tra- prseterea alij cafus in quibus licet Dominis do & dono in perpetuum Ecclefise S. Jacobi auxilia fimilia, fed fub forma prxfcripta, Capellulai St. Mariae de Flumine, andtotbe exigere ab hominibus fuis veluti fi filius & Abbot there., &c Socijs ejus quendam Homi- hieres fuus miles fiat, vel fi primogenitam nem meum Johannem Bonum nomine, cum filiam fuam maritaverit. Utrum vero ad toto tenimento fuo, mobilibus & immobili- guerram &c. Glanv. L. 9. c. 8. bus fuis ; refervata mihi meifq; haere- [h) Eo tempore [i. e. Anno rcgni 15] dibus hac conditione, ut quando colligere Willelmus [I.J Rex cepit ab unaquaq; hida faciam majorem datam, ab ipfo Johanne Angliae vj s. Hunt. L. 6. />. 370. «. I. Bono competens quseratur adjutorium, ita Hoved. P. 1. p. 460. n. 10. <;iiod non fit gravatus In Charta prad. (/) Hunt. L. y. p. 379. «■ 50. 4 D 2 by 572 0/ Aid. Chap. XV. by all Perfons who held of him in Capke. To hold of the King in Capite wz.i, to hold of him immediately, fine medio {k). The King's immediate Tenants were to pay Aid, whether they held in Servitio or in Dominico. That is to fay. In the elder Times, Aid was to be rendered by Perfons who held of the King immediately, either by Barony, or by Knight's Service, or by Sergeantie with Knight's Service annexed to it : and by Perfons who held of the King imme- diately, either by Rent-fervice, Socage, or fome other Service which was not Military or belonging to the Shield ; whether they lived upon the Lands that were the King's ancient Demeane, or upon the Honours and Lands efcheated to the King, or upon the Lands of his Wardfhips or Purchafes. I will here produce fome Precedents touch- ing the feveral Aids which were ufual in 'England ; whereof I have taken Notice above. And firft, of the Aid pur fiUe marier. Of this there is a noted Cafe in the Reign of K. Henry IL An Aid was levied by that King for the Marriage of his Daughter Maud to the Duke of Saxony : concerning which there are many Memorials extant. This Aid was one Mark per Fee. It was paid by the feveral Barons and Knights holding in Capite, according to the Number of their refpeftive Fees. For inflance ; in Norfolk and Suffolk, the Earl of Chire paid fourfcore and fourteen Pounds and odd for his own Knights Fees and the Knights Fees of his Lady the Countefs [of the old Feoffment] ; and Ciij j iiij d for his Fees of the new Feoffment. Reginald de Warenne paid ixl x s for the Knights Fees of the Honour of JVormegay. The BiOiop of Norwich paid xl Marks for the Knights Fees which he acknowledged he held of the King i?i Capite, and was charged with Cxvj s. viij d for the Fees which he did not acknow- ledge. The Abbot of St. Edmund paid xl Marks for xl Fees which he acknowledged, and was charged with xij Marks and a half for the Fees which lie did not acknowledge. Earl Hugh paid fourfcore Pounds and odd, for fixfcore and five Fees and a fourth Part of a Fee [of the old Feoffment] and was charged with xxxvij Marks and a Half-mark for his Fees of the new Feoffment. Odo de Dammartin paid one Mark for one Fee. Oger the D.apifer (SherifT of Norfolk and Suffolk) paid Lx / vj s viij d, for fourfcore and ten Fees and a Half of the Honour of Ey. Again ; the Bifliop of Norv:ich paid Lx Marks de promijjione fua for the faid Aid, and the Abbot of St. Edmund Lx Mai-ks de promlfjione fua (I). In the Counties of Effex and [k) Vid.Cap. ib.Scil. i. & xiiij 1 & >: j s &: X d, de Auxilio Filiae {1} Comes de Clara r c dc quater xx Regis, propter C & xxxj Miiites & ij partes Militis, Chap. XV. Of Aid. 573 and Hertford, William de Muntfichct was charged with xxxj I xs for his Knights Fees of the old Feoffment, and with ix s iiij d for the new : William de Raimis with eight Marks for his Fees of the old Feoffment, and iij s iiij d for the new : Walter Fitz-Robcrt with xlij/ vj s viij d for his Fees of the old Feoffment, and xliij s iiij d for the new. Earl Alberic paid xx / xx bertus filius Albrici Camerar. r c de dimidia marca de codem Auxilio ; In th. I, Et Q. e ; with four Pirfons more. Abbas de Burgo r c de L marcis de eodem Auxilio de promiflione /ua j In thefauro xx marcas, Et debet xxx marcas; lb. Rot. 4. a. Norhnmi. {0) De Auxilio Matilda Filiae Regis. Prior de Covintrca r c de x marcis de eodem Auxilio pro Militibus ; In th. vj 1 & vj s & viijd, Et in perdonis per breve Re- gis Willelmo de Belcampo vj s & viijd, Et Q^ e. Robertus Marmion r c de vij 1 & xij s & viij d, de eodem Auxilio pro Mi- litibus ; In thefauro xxvj s & viij d, Et in Perdonis &c, Et debet Lix s & iiij d de Veteri feiTamento ; Et idem debet de Novo Lxx s. Comes de VVarewic r c de Lxviij 1 & iiij s & v d, pro C & ij Militibus & tertia parte j Militis de Veteri fefFamento ; In thefauro xlvj 1 & vs & viijd; Et de- bet xxj 1 & xviij s & ix d de Veteri fefFa- mento : Idem debet de Novo ij marcas pro ij Militibus. Willelmus de Albeneio Brito r c de xxxiij marcis, pro xxxiij Mi- litibus de eodem Auxilio ; In thefauro xxxij marcas, Et debet j marcam de terra Radulfi Chaifneduit de Veteri : Idem debet de Novo iiij marcas & dimidiam de iiij Mi- litibus & dimidio. Fulcho filius Warini r c de j marca proj Milite; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Prior de Covintrea r c de x marcis de Pro- miffione fua ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 4. b. TVar. isf Legrccefir. {/>) De Auxilio ad maritandam filiam Regis : Rogerus de Molbrai r c de Lviij 1 Chap. XV. 0/ Aid. 575 Jhire, Richard de Cormeilks ix Marks for his Fees, Baderun de Mon- mouth XV Marks for his Fees (q), and Hugh de Laci Lj Marks and xl ^ for his Fees (r). In Coniwall and Devonjlnre, Earl Reginald (amongft others) was charged with CCxv Marks iiij s \ d for his Knights Fees in thofe two Counties (s). In the Counties of Dorfet and Somerfet, William de Curci paid xvj / and x s for the Fees of his Father's Honour of the old Feoffment, and Lvj s for four Fees and a fifth Part of a Fee of the new Feoffment, and xj / for the Fees of the Barony of William Me/chin [t). In the Counties of Notingham and Derby, the Earl of Fereres paid Lxviij Marks and half a Mark for his Fees (ti). In Gloiiccjlerjljire, the Earl of Gloucejier paid CCLxj Marks and half a Mark for his Fees {w). And in like Manner mu- tatis mutandis, other Barons and Tenants in Capite by Knights Service throughout the Realm, paid towards the fame Aid ad Filiani maritandam, for their refpedlive Fees. In order to the due levying of this Aid out of the feveral Fees within the Realm, the Barons and Tenants in Capite were command- ed to certify to the King, what Fees they had, how many of the old Feoffment, and how many of the new, and of whom the fame Vv'erc holden. Accordingly, the Barons, and the Tenants, in Capite (who had large Seigneuries) made Certificates of their Fees. Thefe Certifi- cates were called Cartes Baronum ; and were ordered to be laid-up and & xvj s & viij d pro Militibus : In the- fauro xl 1, £t debet xviij 1 & xvj s & viij d ; de Novo vij 1 & xv s & vj d. Willelmus Foflard r c de xxj 1 de eodem Auxilio ; In th. I, Et Q. e. Robertus de Stutevill r c de C & viij s & iiij d de eodem Auxilio ; In thefauro C & vj s & viij d, Et debet XX d de Novo fefFamento. Willelmus de Perci rede xxx marcis de eodem Auxilio ; In thefauro xxiiij marcas, Et debet vj mar- cas. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Ret. 6. a. E- vei'iv'uhfc. {q) Ricardus de Cormeillis r c de ix mar- cis de eodem Auxilio pro Militibus fuis ; In th. 1, Ec Q^ e. Baderum de Munemua r c de XV marcis de eodem Auxilio pro Militibus fuis. In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 8. a. Herfortifcira in TFalia. (r) Hugo de Laci debet Lj marcas &xld de eodem Auxi'io pro Militibus fuis. lb. Ret. 8. a. [i) Comes Reginaldus debet CC h xv marcas & iiij s & v d, de Militibus fuis in Cornubia & Devonia. A'lag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 9. a. Dcvsuiii. tit. De Auxilio Matil- dae filix Regis. (t) 'Willelmus de Curci r c de xvj 1 & X s de eodem Auxilio pro Militibus de Ho- nore Patris fui ; In thefauro xiij 1 &- xvj s & viijd, Et debet Liij s & iiij d de Veteri FefFamento : Et Lvj s pro iiij Militibus fc Quinta parte j Militis de Novo b'eftamento: Idem Willelmus r c de xj 1, de Militibus de Baronia Willelmi Mcfchin. 3. Ret. 10. r7. Dorf. i^ Sumerf. (u) Comes de Fereres r c de Lxviij mar- cis & dimidia de eodem Auxilio ; In perdo- nis per breve Regis ipfi Comiti Lxviij mar- cas & dimidiam, Et Q^ e. AJag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 7. a. Not. Uf Dirb. (w) Comes Gloeceftriae r c dc CC- & Lxj marcis & dimidia de eodem Auxilio pro Militibus ; In thefauro C& Lxxvj marcas & dimidiam, Et in perdonis &c ; Et debet Lxix marcas & dimidiam. Jb. Rot. 8. b. (Jloec, prtferved 57^ Of Aid. Chap. XV. pieferved in tlie Exchequer. A Hutch was made there to keep them in (x). But the Originals of them are not now to be found. Save that there is one of them ftjll remaining in the Treafury of the Exchequer. 'Tis that of Hilary Birtiop of Chichejier. The Tcnour of it may be ittw hereunder in the Margin. In it, the Biflion dif- tin(n;ly enumerates tlie FefFaments of the Knights of his Church, in this Manner : viz. IVa.ter de Clifton hath one Knight's Fee and a Half. Robert de Recham and others hold one Knight's Fee. Ralf Fichet and others hold one Knight's Fee. Ernold le Boteler and others one Knight's Fee. Joi'dan de IJlefiam and others one Knight's Fee, and there is half a Virgate befides. Oliver de Wijlring, and others hold one Knight's Fee. Anfrid de Feringes and others one Knight's Fee. Herbert Fitz-Herbert and others one Knight's Fee. Hugh de Ahnodinton and others one Knight's Fee. Thefe are the nine Knights Fees and a Half j and there is befides thefe, a ninth Part of a Fee^ which ninth Part 'John Brade holdeth : and thefe Fees are of the old Feoffment. Of the new Feoffment, Robert de Denton holdeth half a Knight's Fee wanting one Hide. In Bixla there are ten Hides, which the Bifliop of Chichejter anciently held in his Demeane. But the Earl of Ou took away that Land from the Biiliop and his Church, and thereof enfeoffed four Knights. The Biiliop and the Church [of Chichcjler\ recovered five Hides of it in Demeane ; and two Knights hold the other five Hides of the Bifhop for two Fees (y). It appears by this Certificate of Bifliop Hilary y that (x) Et pro una Huchia ad cuftodiendas Cartas Baronumde Militibus, xxij d. Mag. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. JFilt. (y) H. Dei gratia Regi Anglia & Duci Nonnanniae & Aquitani.^ & Comiti An- degavije, KarifTimo Domino fuo, Hilarius Ciceftrenfis Kpifcopus (alutem & fidele fer- vitium. Domiiie ficut mihi prKcepiftis, dif- tindte hoc fcripto fefFamenta Militum Ec- clefias meae vobis enumeravi. Walterus deCliftonahabet unum feodum militis & dimidium. Robertus de Recham, Anketi], Willelmus filius Alardi & VViard tcnent unum feodum militis. Radulfus Fichet, Mnlgerus, Ricardus de Erham, & Willelmus dc [Harejing. tenent unum feodum militis. Ernoldus Pincerna, Ricardus filius Odo- nis, Willelmus filius Radulfi, tenent unum feodum militis. Jordanus de Iflefliam, Alveredus, Willel- mus Parcertes, Ricardus Mordac, Willel- mus de Selefia, Willelmus Falterellus, Wil- lelmus filius Siwardi, Henricus Palmarius, Radulfus de Deverell, Radulfus de Dena, tenent unum feodum militis, & fupereft di- midia virgata, Oliverus de Wiftring., Robertus de Dent., Ernoldus de Hanfelda, tenent unum feodum militis. Anfridus de Fering. Robertus de Orham Simon de Petraponte Gervafius de Cole- werda tenent unum feodum militis. Herebertus filius Hereberti Robertus Pe- uerellus Willelmus filius Johannis Johannes de Bofco tenent unum feodum Militis. Hugode Almodintona Robertus de Tru- bewica, Franceis, Willelmus filius Nigelli Willelmus de Hareflet tenent unum feo- dum militis. Haec Chap. XV. Of Aid. 577 that the Knight's Fees of the Bilhoprick of Chkhejler were nine Fees and a Half and a ninth Part of a Fee : namely, over and above the five Hides of Land which had been recovered by the Billiop of that See from the Earl of On. It appears alfo by the Certificate made at this Time by 'John Earl of On, that the faid Earl in enumerating his Fees dedudled four Knights Fees out of the whole Number which his Anceftours held, for the four Fees which he faid the Bilhop of Chichejhr now held (z). And yet we find, the Birtiops of Chicbejler ufually acknowledged the Service of but four Knights Fees to be due to the King in the whole ; and difowned the refl. For in the 14th Year of K. Hemy II, the Bifliop of Cbichejler adually paid for his Aid ad Filiam maritandam for four Knights only ; and is put in Debet for the other Knights quos non recognofcit (a). In the 1 8th Year of the fame King, the Bilhoprick of Chkhejler was charged to the Scu- tage of Ireland with but four Knights quos Ep'ifcopus recognofcit. It is true, the Cujios of the Biflioprick was to anfwer to the King for the Scatage of the Knights quos ?ion recognofcit ; but the Reafon of that was, becaufe the Bilhoprick was then void and in the King's Hands Hsc funt novem feoda militum & dimi- tlluni ; 5c fupereft nona pars militis quam tenet Johannes dc Brada ; & hasc funt de X'eteri feffamento. De Novo autem t'cfta- mento tenet Robcrtus de Dent, dimidiiini feodum militis dimidia hida minus. In Bixla funt decern hid:e quas antiqui- tus tcncbat Epifcopus Ciccflrenfis in domi- nio fuo. Comes autcm Augenfis auferens ttrram illam Epifcopo & Ecclcfias fef}avit inde quatuor militcs. Epifcopus Si Ecclefia recuperaverunt de terra ilia quinq; hidas in dominium, &: duo milites tenent alias quinq; hidas dc Epifcopo pro duobus fcodis. Va- lete. Ex autogr. pcna ThrJ. (Sf Ca/ncr. S^acc. ludorfatur Jaip/iira Coava, Sudfexa. Furs Jigilli Epijcopl Ckrjlra Jifruht Iciiwijco }iu?.'i- hranco. A CcriifiMle of the Fcv; cf the Bljhrprick f)f Chichefler h erdered in the Red Book of the Exchequer amongfl other Certlfcata or Ch.irtns Baronum. The Entry made then doth agree in Sltbjlance iclth the Charter here abo\je re- atcd. But that in the Red Book ii a Ctrti- ficate of Bijliop Nicobs. // runs thus. H. Dei gratia — , kariffimo Domino fuo, Nich. Ciceflrenfis Epifcopus falutcm. fcoda- mcnta Ecclefire mcx vobis enumeravi. Wal- terus de Clifton habct feodum j militis & Vol. L dimidium, &c as above; in the Certificate of Bifiop Hilary. Lib. Rub.fol. 84. b. (z) Carta Johannis Comitis dc Augo. H. Regi Angliae &c. Sciatis quod habeo de Veteri feffamento de tempore Rc^is H. avi vellri, in Rape Haftingcs, Lvj rnilites. Sed Lx milites in eodcm Rapo habere folebat pater meus tempore Regis H. avi veftri, De Q^iibus nunc habet quatuor milites E- pifcopus Ciceflrenfis. Undc habctis fcr\-i- cium horum Lvj militum tenencium in prae- dicto Rapo, de V^cteri feffamento. Nomina funt hxc. &:c. Lib. Rub.fol. 85. a. (a) Nova Placita & Novas Conventioncs, De Auxilio Filia; Regis : Epifcopus Cv- ccftriae r c dc iiij marcis dc Militibus quos recognofcit fc debere Regi ; In tliefauro li- beravit, Et Q; e. Idem debet Lxxiiijs & xd de Militibus quos non recognofcit fe debere Regi. Comes de Arundel debet Lvj 1 & vj s & viij d pro Militibus fuis. Richerus dc Aquila r c dc xiiij 1 & xj s & viij dc Militibus fuis, pro unoquoq; Mi-' lite viij s & iiijd ; In I'hcfauro xiij 1 5c ij s & vj d ; Et in perdonis, per breve Regis, Willelmo Malct Dapifcro xxxiij s & iiij d, Et Q^ c. Comes dc Auco r c dc xliiij 1 & vj s & viij d pro Militibus ; wtb others. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. R'A. 13. a. Siitfxa. 4 E (^). 578 0/ Aid. Chap. XV. [b). In the 33d Year of the fame King, the Blfliop of Cbichcfter paid, to the Efcuage of Gcdwcy, for four Fees only [c). To the firii Scutage ofK. Job?iy the Bifliop of C/w/6ty/'cr was charged but for four Knights Fees {d). In the fecond Year of K. Henry III, 'tis faid in the great Roll, that the Bilhop of Chicbejler acknowledged the Service of four Knights only, and denied he owed Service lor any more. It is true, the Cujios of the Biflioprick was charged with the Scutage of nine Fees and a Half and a ninth Part; but that was becaufe the Bifliop- rick was void and in the King's Hands {e). But waving the Cafe of the Bifliop of Cbkhejler, let us go-on to fpeak briefly of the Certificates or Chartce Baronum. The Tenour and Contents of many other Certificates of Barons and Tenants in Capite may be feen in the Red Book of the Exchequer ( /") ; wherein they are entered in an orderly Manner. By Fees of the old Feofl^"- ment in thefe Certificates were (I think) meant the Fees whereof Feoffments had been made before the Time of K. Henry the Firfl:'s Death ; by Fees of the new, thofe whereof Feoffments had been made after the Time of K. Henry the Firfl:'s Death. I will here fet down two or three Certificates for Examples fake. Walter de Medu- ana certifies, that on the Day wherein K. Henry I, was quick and dead, Geoffrey Tallehot held of him (K. Henry I) in Capite xx Knights Fees; which Knights Fees he the (aid Walter now held of K. Henry II : and that, of the new Feffament made in the Time of K. Stepben^ William de Gernat and others held of him fuch and fuch Fees, which he there fpecifies {g). Ricbard de Greinjlede certifies, that he had no Knight {b) Epifcopatus Ciceftris. Henriciis Ar- (e) Ifli habent quietantiam per brevia chidiaconus Cyceftris r c de firma Maneri- Regis: Epifcopus Cyceftr, de ix feodis & orum Epifcopatus Ciceflrias hoc anno &c ; dimidio & ix parte j feodi ; quia Walo Le- Idem debet iiij 1 de Militibus quos Epifco- gatus debet inde refpondere, qui habuit pus recognofcit fe dcbere Regi ; Idem de- cuftodiam Epifcopatus, ficut Rex mandavit bet viij 1 de Militibus quos non recognofcit per breve fuum quod efl in forulo Marefcal- fe debere Regi ; Quia Epifcopatus eft in li ; de quibus feodis idem Epifcopus recog- nianu Regis. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 9. nofcit fe debere Regi fervitium iiij Militum, b. Sudfexa. & alia feoda negat fe debere. Jllag. Rot. 2. {c) De Scutagio Baronum &c. Epifcopus H. 3. Ret. 3. a. in lino. Sudfexia. Cyceftri^E r c de iiij 1 de Scutagio Militum (f) Lib. Rub. penes Rcmcm. Reg. fuorum quos recognofcit; Inth. 1, Et Q. e. (g) Carta Walter! de Meduana. H. Dei Aiag. Rot. 33. H. 2. Rot. 8. b. Sudfexa. gratia Regi Anglire, karilTimo Domino fuo, (d) De Primo Scutagio aflilb ad duas Waltcrus de Meduana falutem & fidele fer- marcas poft primam Coronationem Regis vitlum. Notum fit vobis, quod anno & Johannis. Epifcopus Ciceftriae debet \ iij die in quo Rex Henrius avus vivus & mor- marcas de Scutagio. Mag. Rot. i, J. Rot. tuus fuit, tenuit Galfridus Tallebot in Ca- 9. a. Sudfe.xia. pite de illo xx Milites, quos de gratia veflra de Chap. XV. 0/ A I D. 579 Knight enfeoffed by the old FefFament of the Time of K. Henry I, nor of the new Feffament fince his Death : but that he (the faid Richard) did to the King for his Demeane the Service of one Knight (y6). William de Abrincis certifies firft, his Fees of the old Feffament; and then his Fees of the new Feffament, made after the Death of K. Henry I ; which Fees of the new Feff^ament [were fmall, and] ufed to pay but xij s per Fee, when the King took xx j per Fee of otiurs, and but viij s per Fee, when the King took a Mark per Fee of otheis (i). GeoJJrey de ^cr certifies, that he had nine Knights Fees of ths old Feoffment, to wit, of the Time of K. Hefiry the Ki^^g's Grand- father ; and then enumerates them [k). Accordingly, in the Reign of K. Jobn, the Feoffment that was of the Time of K. Henry II, is called the new Feoffment. In the third Year of K. yohn there is this Entry in the Gj-eat Roll. The Perfons following have Acquit- tance of the Efcuage of Wales, by Vertue of the King's Writs : 17^. Warin Fiiz-Gerold iov Liiij Fees lacking the fourteenth Part of a Fee [of the old Feoffment], and for feven Fees and two fifth Parts of a Fee of the new Feoffment of K. Henry II, lately belonging to the Seigneurie oi Eudo the. Dapifer [I). Again; the Priour oi Co- ventry certified, that he had of the old Feffament feven Knights Fees, and a Third, and two Fifths, and a Tenth j and that his De- meane would make-up in the whole ten Knights Fees {>n). And the de vobis modo teneo, fcilicet Then he fpecifics tiventy Fees and a Half. De Novo fcffamento in tempore Regis Stcphani : Willelmus de Gernat. tenet de dominio meo dimidium niilirem, unde nilluin fervicium habeo. Then follow Tl'altns oiher Fees. Lib. Ruh. fjl. 84. a. (h) Carta Ricardi de Greinllcde. Ego Ricardus de Greinftede nullum militem ha- beo feodatum de veteri feffamento de tem- pore Regis H. avi Domini Regis, nee de Novo poft mortem ejiis-, fed de Dominio meo facio ferviciutn j militis Domino Regi. Lib. Rub. fd. Cj\. a. (i) Carta Willelmi de Abbrincis. JLec funt iiomina Militum Willelmi de Abbrincis in Kancia. Here he fets forth the Fees of the c'4 Feoffment. Then he goes on. De Novo fefFamciito poft: mortem Henrici Regis avi Regis ; fe ifti militcs Willelmi de Abbrincis de Kancia, quando Rex accipit auxiliuin dc Militibus xx folidof, D.ibunt ifti xij Ib- lidos iSc non anipllus ; ii ii inaream accipit, viij folidos dabimt. Tfjen he fets forth the Number of the Fees. Lib. Rub. fol. 83. b. [k) Carta Galfridi de Ver. Kariftimo Domino fuo Regi Anglire, fuus GallVidus de Ver falutem & fidele fervitium. Sciaiis Domine kariflime, quod de Veteri feoda- mento, fcilicet de tempore Regis H. avi veftri, ix Militcs habeo. Walterus de Op- ton per fervitium ij Militum ; and others by other Services. Tefla de Nevlll in cufiod. Re- mein. Reg. Scacc. fol. 30. b. tit. Salopefclra. (/) Ifti habent quietantiam per brevia : Warinus liiius Geroldi de Liiij feodis quar- tadecima parte j feodi minus, Etdc vij feodis h duabus quintis de novo feff-amento Regis H. fecundi, de feo'^o Eudonis Dapiferi ; Comes Albericus de xxx feodis & viij par- te AJag. Rot. 1 3. 7- R"*- 6- b- Ef- fexa bf Hurif. tit. De Scutagio W'alliffi aflifo ad ij marcas. (m) Carta Piioris de Covintria. Prior' de Covintria habet de Veteri feffamento frfVatos vijmilite-i, &: tcrciain partem mili- 4. E 2 . tis. 58o Of Aid. Chap. XV. the other Barons certified their refpedive Fees of the old Feoffment and the new, in hke manner mutatis mutandis. However, fome of the Barons and great Tenants did not fend Certificates. The Names of fuch as did not, you will find faith the Red Book [ji) in the great R^ill of the I 8th Year of K. Henry II, under the Title, De his qui cartas 7ion mifenint. And it is true, that under that Title in mofl of the Counties we find feveral Fees put in Charge which had been omitted or not certified. Of this there are Inflances in Berkjlnre (oj, Northamptonjliire (p), Ejex and Hertfordflm-e (q), and other Counties. But the Cartce here mentioned in the Roll of the i8th Year, were, as I take it, the Cartce or Certificates for the Efcu- age of Ireland, and not for the Aid ad Matildam maritandam. The temporal Barons and Tenants in Capite who fent their Certi- ficates, were generally charged to the Aid for the Number of Fees contained in their Certificates. But if they fent no Certificates, they were charged according to what appeared by the King's Records, or the Teftimony of his Officers. Thus in YorkjJm-e, the Sherifi" col- lei) Nomina illorum qui Cartas noii mi- (erunt reperies in Rotulo Regni fui xviij° fub titulo, Deliis qui Cartas non miferunt. Lib. Rub. fol. noiiito 47. a. Col. 2. (0) Dc his qui Cartas non miferunt : Hu- go de Sanfto Germano r c deLl de feodo Bernard! de San£to Walerico ; In thefauro >llv I, Et debet Cs. Walkelinus Hareng r c de XX s de Scutagio ; In th. I, Et Q^ e. Thomas Baffet r c de. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 2. b. Berchfc. (p) De his qui Cartas non miferunt : Idem Vicecomcs r c de Lv s de feodo Mili- tum de Hecham; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de xxxv s de feodo Milit. dcOhieiaj In thefauro xxxiiijs, Et debet xij d. Idem Vicecomes r c de xx s de feo- do Alani Lazuche ; In th. ], Et Q. e. Jb. Rot. 3. i. Norhaiitefcira. [q] De his qui Cartas non miferunt : Idem Vicecomes r c de Scutagio Militum de terra quae fuit Ofberti Martelli j Scilicet de XX s dc Simone filio Helya?, & de j marca de Willelmo de Bafenvill, & de x s de Mauritio de forefta, & de x s de Ricar- do de Campanea, & de i j s & vj d de Ro- berto cum Barba; Summa, Lv s & xdj In th. 1, in v Tallljs, Et Quieti funt. Hun- fr'idus Vis de Lu r c de xs de Scutagio; Inth. 1, EtQ^e. Jnd five others for the like fmall Sums de Scutagio. lb. Rot. 4. b. EJfex k Hurtf. (r) Idem Vicecomes r c de Feodis Ba- ronum & Militum qui de Rege tenent in Capite in Baillia fua, qui Cartas de Tene- mento fuo Regi non miferunt : fcilicet, de XX marcis de feodo Comitis Albemarlx, Et dc Ij marcis de feodo Comitis Conani, Et dc Chap. XV. Of K I D. 5«i from tlie Knights Fees of Earl Reginald in that County, whereof no Certificate had been yet fent in (j). The Sheriff o'i Oxfordjhirc col- leded a Mark for the Fee of Wakhdin Hareng in that County, who bad made no Certificate of his Fees (t). And the Sheriff of TSJor- thimbcrland paid-in feveral Sums for the Fees of the Barons and Knights holding of the King in Capite who had not certified their Fees [u). So alfo, the Bifliops and Abbots rendered Aid for the Fees belonging to their Bifliopricks and Abbeys. The Archbifliop of Tork paid xx Marks for xx Fees (to) : and the Bifliop oi Durham x Marks for x Fees {x). The Bifhop of Worcefler paid xxxij / xvlj s iiij d for his Fees (y). In like manner, the Abbot of GlajUngbery {z), the Bifliop of Sarejbury (a), and others. The Abbot of E'vep:am paid iiij and a de ij marcis de feodo Ads de Bruis quod te- net de Comite Ceftrirs, Et de xv marcis de feodo quod idem Adam tenet de Rege ; and for the Fees of four others ; Summa, Lxxij 1 & vj s & viij d. In th. 1, in viij tallijs, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 6. b. Evcr- wicfdr. {s) Idem Vicecomes r c de Lix 1 & vj s tc viij d, de Militibus quos Comes Reginal- dus tenet in Devenefcira de Feodo Comitis Ricardi, unde idem Comes Cartam fuam non niifit ; In th. I, Et Q. e. //'. Rot. 9. a. Devenefc. tit. De Auxilio Matildse flliae Regis. (t) Idem Vicecomes r c de j marca, pro feodo Walcheiini Harenc qui de tenemento fuo Cartam non mifit ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Jb. Rot. 13. b. Oxlnef (u) Idem Vicecomes r c de feodis Baro- rum & Militum qui de Rege tenent in Ca- pite in Ballia fua, qui Cartas dc Tenemento fuo Regi non miferunt : Scilicet, de xx 1 de Feodo Bernardi de BailloJ, Et de xl s de feodo Walteri filij Willelmi, ami for the Fees of four others ; Summa, xxvj 1 ; In th. 1, in vj tallijs, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 11. b. Norhumb. (w) Archiepifcopus Ebor. r c de xx mar- cis deeodem Auxilio [ad maritandam filiam Regis,] pro xx Militibus quos recognofcit fe debere Regi ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem debet xxiij marcas 5c dimidiam, pro xxiij Militibus & dimidio quos non recognofcit fe debere Regi. Mag. Rot. 14, H. 2. Rot. 6. a. Everwichfc. [x) Epifcopus Dunelmenfis r c de x marcis, pro x Militibus quos recognofcit fe debere Regi, In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Idem debet xl 1 & xij s & ij d, pro Lx Militibus h ij tercijs partibus Militis U j quarta parte Mi- litis, quos non recognofcit fe debere Regi. lb. Rot. 6. b. Everiu. tit. De eodem AiixHlo. (y) Epifcopus Wigornenfis r c de xxxij 1 Si xvij s & iiij d, pro Militibus fuis : la thefauro xixl & xvij s & iiij d : Et in Per- donis, per breve Regis, Willelmo de Bcllo Campo XV marcas, Et Johanni Marelcalco XX s, Ft in terris quas Rex tenet dc feodo Epifcopatus iij marcas, Et Q. c. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 8. a. jrirecejlr. De Auxilio Matildas filias Regis maritands. (■z.) Abbatia de Glaftingeberia r c de xxvj 1 & xiij s & iiijd, de Militibus quos recognofcit fe debere Regi. Eadem debet Lx s de Militibus- quos non recognofcit fe debere Regi. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 10. n. tit. Nova P. & N. C. de Auxilio M, Filije Regis maritandae, in Sumerfcta. (a) Epifcopus Sarefberienfis r c dc xxj 1 & vj & viij d, de Auxilio pro Militibus quos recognofcit fe debere Regi ; In thefau- ro XX 1 h xiij s h iiij d ; Et in Immemcr.-i quam Ricardus RufFus Camerarius Regis tenet per Regem, xiij s & iiij d, Et Q^ c. Idem debet C U xiij s & iiij d, de Vetcri Feod[amento] Militum quos non recogno- fcit fe debere Regi. lb. Rot. 11. a. Jf-ilte- fcira ; Dc Auxilia MatiLU Filia Regis. half 582 Of Km. Chap. XV. half to the fame Aid, and x Marks dc promijfione fiui to the fame Aid {b). The Bifliop of Coivw^ry paid x/ to the fame Aid, for his Fees, and Lx Marks de proniiffiom fua for the fame {c). The Abbot oi Eynjham rendered C s de promijjionc fua (d), and the Abbot of Burton C s de prom'i[Jione fua {/). It may obferved that feveral eccleliallical Perfons, befides the Aid for their Fees, render a further Sum of Money under the Terms de promifjione fua. This hath made me hefitate. Some- times I have been upon the Point of concluding, that by it was meant what they called the Dona prcelatorwn. But then I confidered, that when Aid or Efcuage was collefted, a Sum of Money de promf- fione fua was fometimes paid by Laicks. Thus Kalf de Sudley paid both for his Fees and de promifione fua ff) ; and when the Citizens of London paid DCLxvj / and a Mark for their Donurn., Reiner Sou of Berenger, Rnlf Bucel, and William Son of Tfabel, who had fre- quently been Sheriffs of London, and probably were fib nexibus Citria Regis, I fay, they paid each of them C Marks de promifjione fua [g). Perhaps it may not be much amifs to fay, that this Pay- ment de promifjione, de promiffb, ox quas proniifit, when it was made by the Laity was a Doniim, and when it was made by ecclefiaftical Per- fons was a Donum Frcelatorum. This lliall be left to the Reader's Judgment. It hath been obferved above, that the Aid due to the Crown arofe out of fuch Fees as were holden of the Crown in Capite or imme- diately. However it fometimes fell out that a Man paid Aid to the King who was not the King's immediate Tenant. For when Aid (/') Abbas de Evefliam r c de iiij mar- promiflione fua; In th. 1, Et Q^ c. lb. cis & dimidia, de codem Auxilio. Abbas Rot. 8. h. Staf. de Evefham r c de x marcis de Promiflione (f) Radulfus de Sudlea r c de xv s & iua de eodem Auxilio. AIng. Rot. 14. H. 2. iiij a de eodem Auxilio pro Milit. In the- Rot. 8. a. IVm-cejIrefcira, tit. Nova P. k. fauro xiij s & iiij d, Et debet ij s. Radul- Novae C, de Auxilio Matildx fills Regis fus de Sudlea re de C s de promiffione fua maritaiidae. de eodein Auxilio ; In th. 1, Et Q; e. (c) Epifcopus Ceftfenfis r c de x 1, de Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 8. b. Gkec, eodem Auxilio pro Militibu-s fuis ; In th. 1, (g) Nova Placita & Novne Convcntiones: Et Q; e. Epifcopus Ceftrenfis r c de Lx Gives de Lundonia r c dc DC & Lxvj 1 & marcis de PromiflTione fua de eodem Auxilio; xiijs & iiij d de Novo Dono ; In thefauro In thefauro xxx marcas, & debet xxx mar- CCC & xxxvij 1, Et debent CCC h xxixl cas. lb. Rot. 8. b. Staffordfcira. tit. Nova & xiij h iiijd. Rcinerus filius Berengcri P. & Novne C. de Auxilio Matildas filiae r c dc C marcis de Promiffione fua. Ra- Regis pro Militibus. dulfus Bucel r c de C marcis de Promiffione (d) Abbas de Egenefham r c de C s de fua. -vVilielmus filius Yfabel r c de CI promiffione fua ; In th. I, Et Q^ e. Mag. de Promiffione fua. Mag. Rot. ig. H. 2. Ret. 14. H. 2. Rot. 13. b. Oxiiuf. Rot. 6. ti. (f) Abbas dc Buerton r c de C s de 2 was Chap. XV. Of Aid. S^Z was collcdlcd, if it could not, by Reafon of fome cafual Impediment, be rendered by the Tenant to his immediate Lord, it might be rendered to the King. Thus Godfrey de Scudemor paid to the Crown v Marks for V Fees : becaufe his Lord Robert Deioias would not receive his Homage [for till he had done Homage he was not compleatly V.ilTal or Tenant to his Lord] [h). Or if it was doubtful whether a Knight's Fee was holden of the King, or of fome other Lord, tlie Aid for fuch Fee might be paid by the Tenant to the King. For Inllance ; the Earl of Arundel alledged that Geldewin Son of Savari held a Knight's Fee of him ; Geldewin denied it ; the Aid for that Fee was anfwered by Geldewin to the King (/). The like was done in the Cafe of Rolland de Dinam and Walter de Dunftanville {k). Not only the King's Demeanes, but alfo his Efcheats and Ward- fhips rendered Aid. This appeareth in fome Meafure by the Li- ftances already produced in this Sedion. To them I will add a few more. Amongft the Efcheats we may place vacant Bifhopricks and Abbeys of royal Foundation. Reginald de Curtenai, who had the Cuftody of Walter de Bolebec, rendered vj / and a Mark Aid for the Fees of Walter which he held of the King in Capite (/). The Sheriff of North amp tojiflnre paid-in xxiij s iiij d for Knight's Fee in Olney which was an Efcheatj and two Marks and half a Mark for a Knight's Fee in Hecham, which was alfo an Efcheat (?«) : the Sheriff of Lincoln- Jhire XX s, for Hacimeby an Efcheat («). If a Bifhoprick was void, the (h) Godefridus de Scudemor r c de v marcis de eodem Auxilio pro v Militibus. Quae idco redduntur, quia Robertus Dewias nondum voluit recipere Homagium fuum. In th. ], Et Q, e. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. II. a. TVilt. tit. De Auxilio Matildse filise Regis. (/) Geldewinus filius Savari r c de j marca, pro j Milite quern idem Comes [de Arundel] clamat, fed Geldewinus negat ; In thefauro 1, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 1 3. a. Sutfexa ; tit. N. P. & N. C. de Auxilio Filia Regis. (k) Idem Vicecomes [Rogerus Hai] r c de ij marcis de Wepham de feodo Rollandi de Dinan, pro ij Militibus quos idem Comes clamat, fed Rollandus negat ; In th. 1, Et Qi e. Waiterus de Dunftanvilla de- bet iij marcas de iij Militibus quos idem Waiterus dicit efie de Superdemanda Co- mitis de Arundel. lb. Rot. 13. a. Sutfexa, juxt. (/) Reginaldus de Curtenai debet vj 1 & xiijs & iiij d, de Militibus Walter! de Bolebec qui eft in Cuftodia ejus, de illis vi- delicet Militibus quos tenet in Capite de Rege. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. I. b. Buching. ts" Bedef. (m) N. P. & N. C, De Auxilio ad ma- ritandam filiam Regis. Idem Vicecomes r c de xxiij s & iiij d, de feodo Militis efca- ett. de Olnea, de eodem auxilio; In th. 1, Et Q; e. Idem Vicecomes r c de ij maicis & dimidia, de feodo Militis efcaetta in He- cham de eodem Auxilio ; In th. 1, KtQ^e. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Ret. 4. a. Norhamtefc. [n) Idem Vicecomes [Phylippus de Kime] r c de feodis Militum qui de Rege tenent in Capite in Baillia fua, qui non mi- ferunt Regi Cartas de Tencmento fuo, fci- licet 5«4 Of K I D. Chap. XV. the Cnftodcs of it anfvvercd for the Aid for the Knights Fees be- longing to the Biihoprick. For Inftance ; John Cumin, Cnjlos of the Billioprick of Hereford, paid iij Marks and a Half for the Knights Fees of that Biflioprick which were not acknowledged {o). When the Biflioprick of Lincoln was void, the Aid for the Kniglits Fees of that Biflioprick was put in Charge to be anfwered to the King (/>). The Archbiflioprick of Canterbm-y being void and in the King's Hands, Ranulf de Broc Farmer or Cujios of it paid-in Lvj 1 xs, for the Aid of the Knights Fees belonging to the Archbifliop- rick. And the Men of NoJ'fete, Otford, Maidjhne, and many more Towns, paid to the King as immediate Lord their feveral Quotas for the fame Aid fq). And whillt the Abbey oi Shaft on was in the Hands of K. Henry III, the Tenants holding of that Abbey by Knights Service, paid Aid to the King pur Fille marrier (i-). licet de XX s dc proprio feodo ; Ec de Ha- ciinebi Terra efcaetie in inaiuim Regis de XX s : In thefauro liberavit in ij Tallijs, Et QiC. Mog. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 5.<7. Lln- colicjara, tit. Nova P. & Novas C. de Auxilio Matilda; P'ilis Regis. (0) Epifcopus de Herford r c dc xv marcis, de Auxilio Filias Regis pro Militi- bus fuis ; In thefauro ix 1 & vj s & viij d ; £t in Perdonis per breve Regis, Willelmo de Bello Campo j marca, Et Q. e. Johan- nes Cumin Cuftos Epifcopatus de Herford r c de iij marcis & dimidia de Militibus Epifcopatus, pra;ter illos quos Epifcopus dicit fe debere Regi ; In thefauro ij marcas ; Et remanent, j marca fuper Hugonem de Laci, 5c dimidia marca fuper Margaretam de Bohun; Qui dicunt fe non debere ilia Servitio Epifcopo. Ahg. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot.'i.a. HerfordefciiainJVaUa. Wiliel- mus de Bello Campo Sheriff. (p) N. P. & N. C. de Auxilio Matilda fili-.e Regis : Epifcopatus Lincolia; debet xll de Militibus quos reco^nofcit fe debere Re- gi. Idem debet xxvilj 1 de Militibus quos non recognofcit fe debere Regi. Willel- nius de Roumara r c de xxxixl & xs pro Militibus; In thefauro xxvjl & xiijs & iiij d, Et debet xij 1 & xvj s 5i viij d ; h vj 1 & vj s & \iii de jx Militibus Si dirnidio quos Willclmus Comes de Rouniaia rclaxa- vit per teftimoniuin Car x fuse. Walterus de Aiencurt r c de xxiij 1 & vj s & viijd pro Militibus fuis ; Et debet Lxvj s & viij d de Novo fcffamcnto. Comes Simon r c de xlv 1 & xiij s & ix d pro Militibus ; Et de- bet de Novo ixl & X s k vd. 3. Rot. 5. a. Lined. [q] Archiepifcopatus Cantuari^ : Ran- dulfus de Broc r c de Veteri firma, Et i- detn de Nova. De Auxilio Matildae Filia; Regis : Idem r c de Lvj 1 & x s de Militi- bus Archiepifcopatus. Homines deNorfie- ta r c de xiij 1 & xs de eodem Auxilio; In th. 1, Et Qj f. Otheford ; Johannes de Moreftona r c de v marcis de eodem Au- xilio; Casteri homines ejufdem vill.-E r c de X 1 de eodem Auxilio ; In th. 1, Et Q^ i*. Homines dc Maideneftan r c de C s de eodem Auxilio ; In th. 1, Et Q; f; And tbc Men of about four and turnty Toiims more. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. JO. b. (r) Somerf. & Dorf. Qiiia Abbatia S. Eadwardi Schaftoni.-e fuit in manu Domini Regis CO tempore quo Auxilium ad filiam Regis maritnndam fuit Regi conceffum: Pra'ceptum eft Vicecomiti, quod diftringat omnes Alilites & libera tenentes de eadcm Abbatj-t, ad reddendum Regi de fingulis feoJis XX s, de pr.x'diiilo Auxilio. Et pr;e- ceptum eft tidem, quod faciat teturnum alijs Vicecomitibus in quorum bailiivis eadem Abbatia habet libeie tenentes. Piif. Cor.- munia 31. //. 3. Rot. 6. a. in. It CLnp. XV. Of Aid. 5 85 III. It hath been Hicwn that the Baronies and Military Tenancies in Cdpite rendred Aid to the King. It was alfo paid to the King by the Towns and. Manours dr Lands which he held in Demeane : and was anciently wont to be affefled by the Jiifticiers Itinerant, or with their Approbation. The City of Lincoln paid to K. Henry II the Aid pour hlle marier. It was aflefled there by the Juftices, and anfwered to the Crown by the Fermours of that City (j). The City of London paid it {f). It was afleffed there upon the feveral Wards of the City, and that Affeffment was allowed by the Jufticiers (u). The Men of Horncajlle paid this Aid. It was affefTed by the Townf- men with the Confent of the Jufticiers (10). The Demeans and Towns in EJfex and Hertfordfjire paid it in this Manner, that is to fay : Hertfoj-d: The Burgeffes of Hertford paid xviij / x j-, "viz. Wiger paid C J-, Henry the Provoll viij Marks, Acur Cj, Edwin half a Mark, Hugh XX s. War in half a Mark, Synoth x s, Herman half a Mark, Walter half a Mark, and Remigius half a Mark. The Town of Walt ham : Ralf le Napier ^-3.16. xxs, and four others their refpedlive Sums J the Commune of Waltham xl j, the reft of the Townfmen iiij / iij s iiij d. Writele : Jofeph le Clark one Mark, William Son of Geoffrey iiij Marks ; the reft of the Townfmen iiij Ixs. Havering : the Men of Havering Lxxiij s iiij d ; the little or inferiour Men of that Town iiij/xj-. Newport: Alfwine of Walden xxs. Robert the Parmentier XX J-, Ralf of Subery xx s ; The other Men of the Town v Marks. Maldon : William Son of Brichtive ij Marks, Stephen xx s, the reft of the Townfmen iiij / xvj s. The Men of Hadjeld Peverell v Marks. (j) Idem [Warnerus filius Turgari & tis ad maritandam filiam Regis ; Qi^iod con- Willelmus filius Ailfi, Fermers of that Town] fideratione Baronum ideo fummatum eft per r c de CC & xxxiij 1 & vj s & viij d de Breve quod Vicecomites liberaverunt in Auxilio Civitatis ad maritandam filiam Re- Thefauro, quia particulae ejufdem Auxilij gis ; Quod ideo Coiifideratione Baronum in uno Rotulo comprehendi non poterant. fummatum eft per breve Archidiaconi Pida- Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 1. a. Lundoma via?, & per breve Guidonis Decani, quae y Midd. funt in Thefauro, quia particulas ejufdem («) Gives Londoniae debent xix 1 & xiij s Auxilij uno Rotulo comprehendi non pote- & iiij d, de Auxilio Civitatis, quod prius rant ; In Thefjuro quater xx & xvj 1 libras aflifum f'uit per Wardas Civitatis, & poftea in CLx Tallijs, Et debent C h xlij 1 & concelTum per Jufticias. Mag. Rot. ^i. H. vj s k. viij d. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 5. 2. Rot. penult, tit. De Auxilio ad maritan- L Civitas Lincol. dam filiam Regis. (/) Nova Placita & Novae Conventiones (lu) Homines de Hornecftara r c de xxix 1 de Auxilio Matildae Filias Regis : Epifco- & xiij s & iiij d, de Auxilio ejufdem Villa:, pus Lundonias re de xiij 1 & vj s & viij d. quod ipfi aflederunt inter fe concefljU Jufti- pro Militibus fuis quos recognofcit fe debere ciarum aliter quam Jufticiie. AIng. Rot. 14, Reiji. Idem Vicecomites r c de DC & H.l.Rjt. 5. «. Line. " xvij 1 & xvj s & viij d, de Auxilio Civita- VoL. I. 4. F The 586 Of A r D. Chap. XV. The Men of Dedham xlilj s iiij d. Robert Blund and Safugel of Stoches two Marks. Reginald Provoii of Pritewell and the other Men of that Town two Marks ; William de la Dune xx s. Chalvedune : Algar the the Prieft half a Mark ; the reft of the Townfmen there xx s. The Town of Berchamjlede : William Son of Aliired xiij / vj s viij d, Simon the Merchant iiij / &c, the other Townfmen xiij / xiij s iiij d. The Upland of Berchamjlede : Ernewi xx s, Ailmer xx j-, the other Men of tlie Upland Lx s. Hemelbamjlede : William Cumin xx j, the reft of the Townfmen x / xvij s iiij d. Aldbery : Herefrei xx j-, tlie other Townf- men Lxxiij s iiij d. ColecheJ}er : Richard de Luci paid xxxij / for the Burgh of Colechejler, the Particulars of which Sum were certified into the Exchequer by two of the Jufticiers Itinerant for thofe Counties, '•jiz^ the Archdeacon of Poicliers and Guy Dean of Waltham [x). The (x) Nova Plactta h Novne Conventiones (le Auxilio ad maritaiidam filiam Regis : Gillebertus de Muntfichet debet xxxj 1 & xs, pro Militibus fuis de Veteri feffamento, & !x s & iiij d de Novo. Comes Willelmus rede quatcr xx & xviij marcis & iiij s & V d, pro Militibus fuis quos habet de Veteri iCiTamento fecundum Cartam fratris fui. Robertus de Valonijs r c de xx 1 & iiij s & V d de eodem Auxilio, pro Militibus. Abbas de S. Albano r c de iiij) de eodem Auxilio pro Militibus. Abbas de S. Albano iC de L marcis de Promiffione fua. Then fellow tbefe feverd Towns, viz. Hurtford : Burgenfts de Huriford r c de xviij 1 & xs de Auxilio filix Regis fcilicet Wigerus de C s, Henricus Prxpofitus de viij marcis, Acur de C s, ^dvfinus de dimidia marca, Hugo de XX s, Warinus de dim. m., Sy- no^ de X s, Herman de dim. m., VValte- rus de dim. m,, Remigius de dim. m. : la thefauro x 1 & vj s & viij d in x talijs ; Et debent viij 1 & iij s & iiij d, fcilicet Wigerus L s, Henricus praspofitus iiij m. Acur L s, Hugo x s. Waliham : Radul- fus le Napier re de xxs de eodem Au- xilio, [and four athers ; Then) Commune Villae r c de xl s de eodem Auxilio. Cae- teri homines ejufdem Villa; r c de iiij 1 & lij s & iiij d de eodem Auxilio. Writele : Jofeph Citricus re dejm.de eodem Au- xilio. Willelmus filius Gaufridi r c de iiij m. de eodem Auxilio. Caeteri homines «jufdcm Vjllse r c de iiij 1 h xs de e.odeni Auxilio. Haveringes: Homines de Hauringis r c de Lxxiij s & iiij d, de eodem Auxilio, prjeter Minutos : In th. liberaverunt in vij tallijs, Et Q; funt. Minuti homines ejufdem Villse r c de iiij 1 & x s de eodem Auxilio. Niv/eport: Alfwinusde Waledene rede xxs de eodem Auxilio. Robertus Parmentarius r c de XX s de eodem Auxilio. Radult'us de Suberia r c de xx s de eodem Auxilio. Cjeteri Homines ejufdem Villse r c de v m. de eodem Auxilio: In th. liberaverunt in vij tallijs, Et Q; f. Mealdona : Willelmus filius Brichtiue re de ij m. de eodem Au- xilio. Stephanus r c de xx s de eodem Au- xilio. Caeteri homines ejufdem Villae r c de iiij 1 & xvj s de eodem Auxilio. Homines de Hadfeld Peverelli re devm.de eodem Auxilio. Homines de Dedham r c de xliij s h iiij d de eodem Auxilio. Robertus Bluji- dus & Safugel de Stoches r c de ij m. de eodem Auxilio. Reginaldus Praspofitus ds Pritewella & Casteri homines ejufdem VilliE r c de ij m. de eodem. Willelmus de la Duna r c de XX s de eodem Auxilio. Chal- veduna : Algarus prefbiter debet dim. m., de eodem Auxilio. Caeteri homines ejufdem Vilhe r c de XX s de eodem Auxilio. {Rat^ 3. a.) Berchamefteda : Willelmus de Windrefore {the fermour) re de ixl & xix s. & vj d de Auxilio Matildae filiae Regis, de Militibus ejufdem Honoris, per Diflum ejuf- dem Willelmi, fcilicet de unoquoq; Milite viij s & xd : In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Villa de Berchamfteda :_ Willelmus filius Aluredi r.c de chap. XV. Of Aid. 587 The Demeanes and Towns In Surrey paid it in this Manner, viz.. The Sheriff of the County paid-in xij / xiij s iiij ^ for the Burgh of Su^- iverk, [Ralf of Ledrede paid-in, by his own Hand, half a Mark,] ix / vj J viij d for the the Burgh of Geldcford, xl s from Cumbe, xij / x .f from Kingejion, xliij s iiij ^ for Hamme a Member oiKingcJlon, two Mar ics for Hertinton, xxxiij s iiij d from Stokes, \_Ace le BraJ'cur paid half a Mark,] Lvj j viij d for Woching, xx s {or Ewe II, Lvij j iox Walto)i, and xl s for Gumfelve (y). The Sheriff of HantJJnre paid into the Exchequer Cix/ ij j, the Aid levied on the City of Winchejler ; which was therefore reduced to that total Sum by Writs of the Archdeacon of Pointers and Guy the Dean, becaufe the Particulars thereof were too many to be comprized in one Roll fz). Robert Son of Sewin paid CC Marks for the Aid of the Burgh of Norhamton (a). In Devon- J/ji're the Demeanes and Towns paid to the Aid in this Manner, viz. The Men of Axminjler xvj / vj s viij d : to wit, Roger Son of Etard r c de xiij 1 & vj s & viij d de eodem Au- xilio, Simon Mercator r c de iiij 1 de eodem Auxilio [with four others, then) Casteri ho- mines ejufdem Villje r c de xiij 1 & xiij s & iiij d de eodem Auxilio. Huppelanda de Berchamfteda : Ernewi re de xx s de eodem Auxilio. Ailmerus r c de xx s de eodem Auxilio. Caeteri homines de Hup- pelanda r c de Lx s de eodem Auxilio. Hemelhamfteda : Willelmus Cumin r c de XX s de eodem Auxilio. Caeteri homi- nes ejufdem Villse r c de x 1 & xvij s & iiij d de eodem Auxilio. Aldeberia : He- refrei re de xx s de eodem Auxilio. Cae- teri homines ejufdem Villas r c de Lxxiij s & iiij d de eodem Auxilio. ,Coleceflra : Ri- cardus de Luci r c de xxxij 1 de Auxilio Burgi de Coleceftra ; quod fummatum eft per brevia Archidiacohi Pi£tavias & Wido- nis Decani f quae funt in Thefauro &: con- tinent debita fingulorum : In thefauro xvij 1 & xiij s & viij d in X talijs. Et debet xiiij 1 & vj s & iiij d. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 3. a. & b. Efexa & Herfordfcira. f Thi-y xvere two of the Jujikes Itinerant in iheje f.'ounties ; De Placitis Aichidiaconi Pictavia;, & Guidonis Decani, & Reginaldi de Wa- jvnna, & Willelmi Baffet ; lb. Rot. 3. /'. (y) Nova placita & Novs Convciitio- hes ad maritandam filiam Regis : Idem Vice- comes r c de xij 1 & xiij s & iiij d, de Au- xilio Burgi de Sudwerc. Radulfus de Led- reda r c de dimidia marca de eodem Au- xilio, Idem Vlcecomes re de ixl & vjs & viij d, de eodem Auxilio de Burgo dc Geldeford. Idem Vicecomes re de xl s de Auxilio de Cumba. Idem Vicecomes re de xij 1 & X s, de Auxilio de Chiii- geftona. Idem Vicecomes debet xliij s & iiij d, de Auxilio de Hamma membro de Chingeftona. Idem Vicecomes r c de ij marcis, de Auxilio de Hertintona. Idem Vicecomes r c de xxxiij s & iiij d, de Au- xilio de Stokes. Azo le Brafcur r c de di- midia marca de eodem Auxilio. Idem Vice- comes r c de Lvj s & viij d, de Auxilio de Woching. Idem Vicecomes re de xx f, de Auxilio de EweJia. Idem Vicecomes r c de Lvij s & iiij d, de Auxilio de Wa- letona. Idem Vicecomes r c de xl s dc Auxilio de Gumcfelva. Alag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 14. b. Surreia. (z) Idem Vicecomes r c de C & ix 1 & ij s, de Auxilio Civitatis V/iiitoni;E quod fummatum eft per brevia Arthidl.xoni Pidlaviae & Widonis Decani quse Cunt in Thefauro, quia particulse ejufdem Auxilij non poterant uno Rotulo compr^hencii ; In thefauro quater xx & vij 1 & vj s & viij d iii Lxxix tallijs, Et debet xxj 1 S: xv s 5c iiij d. Mag. Rot. 14. //. 2. Rot. 12. a. Ha'r.te- fdra. (a) Robertus filius Sewini r c de CI de firma de Norhamtona. Idem r c de CC marcis de Auxilio Burgi 'de NorhnuK tona ad maritandam filiam Regis. A'-fag. Rji. 14. H. 2. Rot. 4, a. in imo. 4 F 2 one 588 Of Aid. Chap. XV. one Mark, y^/ij'/Wrtt' Dz^;w half a Mark, with others; th^ Conwiunf of the Town two Marks. The Men of Bramton xiiij / vj j- viij d : to wit, Richard 'T'oplord xx s. Ragenier half a Mark, with others ; the QoinmuHe XX s. The Men of Seftbcry Cxiij j- iiij d : to wit, Ailric the Carpenter X J', /?/r/ii2;-), In the Counties of Dorfet and Siimerfet, the Men of So>nerton rendered iiij /. Robert the Provoft oiNorcury xl s; the reft of the Men of Norcury vj / xiij J' iiij d. Geoffrey of Axebridg two Marks, William Wider two Marks : the other Townfmen of Axebridg together with the Commune of that Town vj /. The Town of Cheddre two Marks {c). In Kent, the King's Demeanes and Towns paid in this Manner, viz, the Sherift of the County paid into the Exchequer for the City of Rochejier ix / xiij s iiij d, for Dertford vij / xiij s iiij d, for that Part of Shornefs which was the King's xxxvj s viij d, for Hou xj /, for Middeltoll xxxij / xiij s iiij d (the Items of which Sum were certified by the Jufticiers Itinerant) for Ofspringe viij I v] s viij d, for the City of Canterbury Lxxij / xiij s iiij d (the Particulars of which Sum were likewife cer- tified by the fame Jufticiers) for Braburne, Saltwood, and Honychild iiij / (d). After the like Manner feveral Towns in Wiltpire paid to this {y) Homines cle Axeminiflra r c de xvj 1 & vj s & viij d : fcilicet Rogerus filius Etardi de j marca ; Aldredus de Duna de dimidia marca ; wuh thirteen others ; De Communi ij marcae ; In thefauro xj 1 & x s in XV Tallijs, Et debent iiij 1 & xvj s & viij d, fcilicet, Letuarie v marcas, Idefbol- dus Flamaiigus xx s, Sewulfus xs. Homines de Bramtona r c de xiiij I & vj s & viij d : fcilicet, Ricardus de Tope- louerd de xx s, Ragemerus de dimidia mar- ca, ivhh feveral others ; De Communi xx s ; In thefauro x 1 in xxj talijs, Et debent iiij 1 & vj s & viij d ; fcilicet Ricardus Toppe- loucrd X s, Alviva h filius fuus x s &:c. Homines de Seftberia r c de C & xiij s & iiij d : fcilicet Aiiricus Carpentarius de X s, Ricardus Marcandus de j marca, Suel- lardus de dimidia marca, Trenchepais de dimidia marca, ti'ith others; De Communi XX s ; In th. 1, in xj tallijs, Et Q; f. The like for the Homines de Hirtilanda, the Homines de Nutewell Oliver! de Dinan, the Homines de Liftona, the Homines de Litle Tpuvertona, the Homines de Lide- ford, and others. Mag, Rot. 14. H, 2. Rot, 9. a. Devencfdra. [c) Homines de Sumertona r c de iiij 1 de eodfem Auxilio, In th. 1, in vij tallijs, Et Qi f. Robertus prspofitus deNorcuri r c de xl s de eodem Auxilio. Caeteri homines de Norcuri re de vj 1 & xiij s & iiij d de eodem Auxilio ; In th. 1, in xij tallijs, Et Q. f. Gaufridus de Axebruge r c de ij mar- cis de eodem Auxilio. Willelmus Wider r c de ij marcis de eodem Auxilio. Casteri homines de Axebruge re de vj 1 cum Com- muni Villas de eodem Auxilio. Villa de Ceddra r c de ij marcis de eodem Auxilio ; In th. 1, Et Quieta eft. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. 10. a. Dorfeta U' Sumerf. [d] Idem Vicecomes r c de ix 1 & xiij s & iiij d de Auxilio Civitatis Roffeceftriae ; In thefauro viij 1 & vj s & viij d in xiiij tal- lijs, Et debet xxvj s & viij d. Idem Vice- comes r c de vij 1 & xiij s & iiij d de Au- xilio de Tarenteford ; In th. vij 1 in xv tal- lijs, Et debet xiij s & iiij d. Idem Vice- comes Chap. XV. Of Aid. 5^9 this Aid their refpedlve Sums j to wit, the Men of Chepeham vij / xiij s iiij d; the Men of Mdchefljam ix / vj s viij d\ the Men of Gatejlert xl s ; the Men of Calne Lxj; the Men of Malmejhery vj / xiij s iiij d ; the Men of Wexcumb xxvj j- viij d, the Men of Bcdcwind iiij /, the Men of Wilton x/ vjs viij ^, the Men of Sarejheri vj / xiij s iiij ^, and the Men oiHegt7-edeberu xvj I v] s and viij d (ej. It was paid in like Form by the Demeans and Towns in Norfolk and Suffolk ffj ; and by the Demeanes and Towns in other Counties. So alio, the Demeans of the Bifl:»op- prick of Batlj (then in the King's Hands) were affifed C / to the fame Aid (g), and the Demeans of the Biflioprick of Sure/bury L I to the fame Aid (/>). In fine ; in the Reign of K. Hc?2!y II, the Money- ours, who were alfo particularly dependant on the King, were wont, as it feems, to have Aids and Tallages affiled on them, as they were airelfed on the King's Demeane Men and BurgelTes. The Money- ours of London paid to this Aid ad Jiliam fnaritandam : Achard the Moneyour paid C s, Lefivine Befant five Marks, Aikvme Finch two Marks, with others (z). And the Moneyour s in Norfolk paid to comes r c de xxxvj s & viij d de Auxilio Hominum de parte Regis de Schornes ; In th. xxiij s & iiij d in iij tallijs, Et debet xiij s & iiij d. Idem Vicecomes r c de xj 1 de Auxilio de Hou ; In thefauro x 1 & xs in xxix tallijs, Et debet x s. Idem Vice- comes r c de C & xxxij 1 & xiij & iiij d de Auxilio de Middeltolla, quod fummatum eft per breve Archidiaconi Pidtavias & per breve Widonis Decani, quas ipfi liberaverunt in thefauro & continent debitum uniufcujufq ; In tliefauro Lxxij 1 & iij s & iiij d in quater XX & X tallijs, Et debet Lx 1 & s. Idem Vicecomes r c de viij 1 & vj s & viij d de Auxilio de Ofspringe ; In thefauro vj 1 & xiijs & iiijd in ix tallijs, Et debet xxxiijs & iiij d. Idem Vicecomes r c de Lxxij 1 & xiij s & iiij d de Auxilio Civitatis Cantua- rije, quod fummatum eft per brevia pras- diftorum quae funt in Thefauro & conti- nent debita iingulorum ; In ihelauro xlviij 1 & xvij s in Lxxv tallijs, Et debet xxiij 1 & xvj s & iiij d. Idem Vicecomes r c de iiij 1 de Auxilio de Braburna, & de Saltwuda, & de Hunechild ; In th. J, in vij tallijs, Et Q. e. lb. Rot. 14.0. Ghent, jub tit. Nova P. & N. C. ad maritandam Filiam Regis. (e) Mtig. Rot. 14, H. 2. Rol. II. a. JViltifcira. (f) After the Earl of Clare and Reginald de IVarenn Isfc, as cited above in Se£}ion 11, it folloius ; Homines de Burc in Langelande, Homines de Langelande, Villata de Hage- net, Villata de Wineferding, and feveral Filiates. De Honore de Eye : Villata Eyae, Villata de Torendona, and other Villates. De Dominijs de Norfolc : Villata de Or- mefbi, villata de Cauftona, and other J'iUtitCi ; each of them, fo much, de eodem Auxilio. Mag. Ret. 14. H. 2. Rot. 2. b. Norfolc i£ Suifolc. (g) Idem [Vicecomes, Ricatdus de Wij- tona] r c de CI, de Affifa fiicla fuper Do- minia Epifcopaius ad maritandam Filiam Regis. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot, 11. b. tit. Epifcopatus de Bada. (/;) Idem Vicecomes r c de L 1 de Afli- fa facia fuper Dominia Epifcopatus, ad ma- ritandam Matildam filiam Regis. Mag. Rot. 15. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. JVilt. (i) De Auxilio R/Toiietariorum Lundoniae ad maritandam filiam Regis ; Achardus Monetarius debet C s, Lefwinus Befant r c de v marcis, Ailwinus Finch debet ij mar- cas, and others. Afag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. I . a. Lund. U Midd. the 590 Of Ai D. Chap. XV. the fame Aid together with the Burgefles : that is to fay, Turjlan and William Son of Derewold, and William de Wiclewood, Moneyours of Thetford paid five Marks and a half j and the Moneyours of Norwich ten Marks {k). But in procefs of Time, as I remember, the Moneyours obtained of the King Exemption from Tallage and other Privileges (kk). IV. King Richard I, levied an Aid for the Ranfom of his Perfon, when he was taken and imprifoned in his Return from the Holy Land. The Revenue-rolls of that Time fliew how it was charged and anfwered. The Tenants ifi Capite both Barons and Knights paid it under the Name of Scutage or Efcuage. It was called by that Name, becaufe it was afleffed upon them at fo much per Scutum, or for each Knight's Fee. The Barons and Knights paid at the Rate of XX J- per Fee. At the fame Time there was alfo a Payment made towards the King's Ranfom, by the Name of Hidage. I will fhew- forth fome Inftances of both thefe Payments. Firft, of the Scutage. In Norfolk and Suffolk, the Barons and Knights paid Efcuage for their feveral Fees, towards the King's Ranfom, 'viz. William de Wareiine paid xiilj I v s, Geoffrey Fitz-Pier vij / for the Fee of William Bhind, William de Dammartin xx s, with others. Some Per- fons not having their capital Baronies in thefe Counties, the Sheriff anfwered their refpedlive Efcuages for them, "viz., for Warin Fitz~ Ceroid X s, for JoAn de Rocheford x s, for Si?no}i de Abrincis iiij / xv j, for Walter le Veer and William Son of Oliver xx s, for Willia?}i Rfcorcevielle xx s. Some .others obtained from the King Acquittance of their Efcuage, becaufe they were with him in his Army in No?-- viandy, viz., the Earl of Clare, Robert Fitz-Roger, the Earl of Arundel, Robert de Trefgoz, and the Bifhop of Ely (/). This Efcuage was paid in (k) Burgenfes de Tedford r c de xl mar- {kk) V'ld. pojihac. Cap. i-].fe£l. 7. cis de endcm Auxilio. Turftanus & Wil- (I) De Scutagio ^i Redemptioiiem Do- lelmus filius Derewoldi Willelmus de Wi- mini Regis : Willelmus de Warenna r c de clewuda Moiietarij de Tedford r c de v xiiij 1 & v s de Scutagio fuo. Galfridus marcis h dimidia de eodem Auxilio; In filius Petri debet vi)] de I'codo VVillelmi Soltis, per breve Regis, Reginaldo de Wa- Blundi. Willelmus de Dammartin r c de rcnna v marcae & dimidia, pro Scutagio fuo xx s de Scutagio, &c. De his qui non ha- tjuod Rex ei perdonaverat, Et Q^ f. Bur- bent Capitalcs Honores in hoc Comitatu : genl'es de Norwico r c de CC 1 de eodem Idem Vicecomes reHHit in thefauro x s de Auxilio. Monetarij de Norwico r c de x Scutagio Warini filij Geroldi, Et x s de marcis de eodem Auxilio; In Soltis, per Scutagio Johannis de Rocheford, Et iiij ;1 breve Regis, Reginaldo de Warenna C & & xv s de Scutagif Simonis de Abrincis, Et xvj s & viij d, de Scutagio fuo quod Rex xxs de Scutagio Walter! le Veer Sc Willel- ci perdonaverat, Et debent xvj s & viij d. mi filij Oliveri, Et xx s de Scutagio Willel- Jh. Rot. 2. b. Norfolcb tf Sutf. - mi Ciiap. XV. Of A r D. 59 J in like Manner mutatis mutandis by the Barons and Knights in the other Counties : viz.. In NorhamtofiJJ.vre (m), Cambridge and Hunttm- don Shires {ii), Notingham -auA Derby Shires (o), Oxfordjhire (/>), Stnf- fordjhire (q), Yorkjijire (?•), in the Counties of Dorfet and Soinc7fct{s)^. of Warwick and Lcicejier [t), and the reft of the Counties. Towards this Aid or Scutage, each Knights Fee was charged (as is faid above) with xx i'. Conjlance Countefs of Britanny paid after that Rate ; namely, C and xl / for C and xl Fees belonging to the Honour of Britanny in England {u). mi Efcorcevielle. Iti habent Quietantiam per Regem, quia fuerunt cum eo in Exer- citu Normannis : Comes de Clara, Ro- bertus fllius Rog^u, Comes de Arundel, Robertus de Treigoz, Epifcopus Elienfis. Mag. Rot. 6. /^. i^ Rot. 4. b. Nordfokb & Sudf. (m) De Scutaglo Militum ad Redemp- tionem Domini Regis : Abbas de Burgo rede Lx 1 de Scutagio, &c. De Scuta- gijs Militum qui non habent Capitales Ho- nores in hoc Comitatu: Idem Vicecomes re de XX s de Scutagio Euftachij de Watford, &c. lb. Rot. 5. rt. Noibant. (n) De Scutagio ad Redemptioncm Do- mini Regis : Gillebeite Pecche r c de xix 1 & XX d de Scutagio fuo, &c. lb. Rot. 5. b. Grtntibrig. iff Hirntcd. (0) De Scutagijs Militum de Notinge- liamfcira & Derebifcira ad Redemptioncm Domini Regis : Idem Vic. r c de x 1 de Scutagio feodi Rogeri de Burun, &c. lb. Rot. b. a. (p) De Scutagio Miliuun ad Redemptio- riem Domini Regis : Alexander Arfic r c de XX 1 de Scutagio fuo, &c. De Scutagio Militum quorum Capiudes Baronis non funt in hoc Comitatu : Idem Vicecomes re de X s de Ricardo dc Oilli, Et de xx s de Ricardo filio Nigelli, Et de dim. marca de Roberto de Harocurt, &c. Mag. Rot. 6. R. 1. Rot. 6. b. Qxir.ef. (j) De Scutagio ad Redemptioncm Do- mini Regis : Epifcopus Ceftrenfis debet xv 1 de ScutP.gio Militum fuorum. Radulfus de Sum?ri r c de LI de Scut;-,gio feodi Gerva- fij Paineli, Sfc. lb. Rot. 3. b. Staff. (r) De Scutagio Militum ad Redemptio- ncm Domini Regis ; Archiepifcopus Ebor, r. c, dexxlde Scutagio pro Miiitibus fuis, Another Willelmus de Molbrai r c de quater xx & viij 1 &: V s dc eodem Scutagio, &c. Da Scutagio Militum qui iiabent Quietantiam per Regem in hoc Comitatu : Idem Vice- comes r c de xxxj 1 & x s de Scutagio Willelmi FolTard, Et de viij 1 de Scutagio Willelmi de Stutevill, &c ; Suinma C U Lxij 1 & XV s & vij d : In tiiefauro nicliil, Et in Perdonis per tJrevia Regis pradidtis Miiitibus, C & Lxij 1 & xv s &: vij d, Qviia fuerunt cum Rege in Exercitu Nor- niannioe. lb. Rot. 11. b. EvervL'iihfc. (s] De Scutagio IVIilitum de Dorfeta Sc Sumerfeta ad Redemptioncm Domini Regis : Henricus de Xilli r c de xiiij 1 & xv s de Scutagio, Abbatia de Glaflingeberia r c d<5 xl 1 de Scutagio Militum fuorum, 5cc. lb. Rot. 13. b. [t] De Scutagio ad Redemptionem Do- mini Regis. Prior de Coventria r c de x 1 de Scutagio; In Thefauro liberavit, Et^Qiiic- tus elh Comes de V'^arevAc r c de C 1 Sc xlvj s Si viij d dc Scutagio ; loith the Scu- tages of fever al others; then it foUoius : lUi habent quietantiam per Regem : Comes de Ceftria, Comes David, Hugo de Say, Ra- dulfus fllius Wigaui, VViJo de Diva, Co- mes dc Ferrarijs, Comes VVillelmus dc Al- bemara, Ricardus Baffet, Rogcrus de Mor- tuomari, Glllebettus EalFet, Willelmus dc Longo Campo,. Willelmus de Sanfto Jo- hanne, Willelmus de Btlmes, Henricus Falconarius, Hamo filius Hamonis, Ro- bertus Marmiun, Willelmus de Albeneio. Mag. Rot. 7. R. I. Rot. 15. b. JVar. l^ Lelrccjir. {u) De Scutagio Militum ad Redemptio- nem Domini Regis. Couflantia Comitifla Brltanniie r c de C 6c xl 1 dc Scutagio fuo. de feodis C & xl Militum, quos Ecmas dc 592 Of Aid. Chap. XV. Another part of the Aid for K. Richard the Firft's Ranfom was aiifwered-for at the Exchequer by the Name of Hidage. It feemeth that by Hidage was meant the Aid charged on Lands holden by fome other Service than that of the Sliield, In the Reign of K. Edivard II, Hidage imported either Tenure in Socage or fome fuch infcriour Sort of Tenure, and was oppofed to Tenure in Chivalry. Thus the King commanded the Barons of the Exchequer to certify him, how much Land in Bofeyate in Northamptonjhire was holden by Knights Service, and how much in Hidage (nu). Towards the Hidage for the Ranfom of K. Richardl, the Sheriff of 5'(j;;/^r/?'/ levied within liis County two hund- red fourfcore and thirteen Pounds eighteen Shillings and two Pence ; and the fame Perfon being alfo Sheriff of Dorfet levied within that County two hundred forty one Pounds three Shillings and nine Pence. This Hidage was affeffed upon the Hidelands of thole two Counties by the King's Jufticiers, to wit, by Thomas Archdeacon oi Wells, Alexander Dean of Wells, Adam de Greienvill, and Nicolas de Meriet (x). The Sheriff of Worcejierjloire levied for the Hidage of his County four- fcore and nineteen Pounds twelve Shillings. Which Hidage was afiefTed by the Jufliciers, Peter Archdeacon of Worccjler, Johfi k Puhier, and Richard de Ambrejley fyj. And one need not doubt but that this Hidage was an Aid. It is exprefly called the Hidage railed throughout England in Aid of the King's Ranfom (z) : And de Burc Senefcalliis ejufdem Comitifiae co- ram Baronibus recognovit pertinere ad Ho- noreni Comitis Britanniae in Anglia. Alag. Rot. 6. R. I. Rot. 11. b. Everivichfc. Et Vtd. hie Cap. 1^. feSi. 4. paid. infr. in Lane. Roberto Grefle. (z(.) Baronibus, pro Rege. Quia qui- buldam certis de caufis certiorari volumus, quantum terras in Bofeyate in Comitatu Norhamtonine tenetur per feodum Militare & quantum in Hidagio, & de quo : The King commands them to certify him thereof. T. XXX Aprilis anno xv. Paf. Brevia 15. E. 2. Rot. 52. b. (a-) Hydagium ad Redemptionem Do- mini Regis in Sumerfeta : Idem Vicecomes r c de CC & quater xx & xiij 1 h xviij s & ij d de Hydagio de Sumerfeta affifo ad Redemptionem Domini Regis, per Tomam Archidiaconum de Welles, & Alexandrura Decanum de Welles, & Adam de Greien- vill, h Nicholaum de Meriet, RaduUus Luvel r c de C 1 pro Fine Baror.iae fuas de Kari. Item Hydagium in Dorfeta ad proedidlam Redemptionem, per prasdidtos : Idem Vicecomes re de CC & xlj 1 & iij s & ix d, de Hydagio de Dorfeta per praedidtos. lb. Rot. 13. /.. (y) De Scutagio Militum ad Redemptio- nem Domini Regis : Epifcopus de Wirc- ceftria r c de xlix 1 & vj s de Scutagio Militum fuorum, , Radulfus de Sume- ri r c de iiij 1 & vj s & iiij d de Scuta- gio, &:c. Hydagium ad Redemptionem Domini Regis: Idem Vicecomes r c de quater xx & xix 1 & xij s de Hydagio de Wireceftrefcira, aflifo ad Redemptionem Domini Regis, per Petrum Archidiaconum Wigornic-E, & Johannem le Puhier, & Ri- cardum de Ambrcfleia. lb. Rot. g. b. (z) Idem Vicecomes r c de xxxv 1 & xij s, pro Fine qucm fecit cum Juftic. pro Hydagio in Cumberland, quod exigebatur per Angliam ad Auxilium Redemptionis Domini Regis : In Thefauro xv 1 & xij s, Et debet xxl. Mug. Rot. 6. R. i. Ret. 9. a, Cunib. the Chap. XV. Of A I D. 593 the Carucage paid towards the King's Ranfom for the Socagc-lands belonging to the Honour of Lancajier is hkewife called an Aid [n). Add, that the Payment made by the Citizens of London towards the Ranfom of K Richard I, is called by the Name of an Aid i^b). To- wards the fame Aid, Rulf Pirot paid a Fine of xxx Marks for liis Knjghts Fees, And [for his Socage-lands] gave x Marks dcdono{c). V. K. Henry III. had an Aid to marry his Sifter Ifabel to the Em- perour. It was two Marks out of every Knight's Fee, both of the old and new Feotf:nent ; and was granted to him by the Commune Con- Jilium Regni {d). The Payment made to this Aid by the Prelates was called Auxilium Pralaioru?n, and was entred in a Roll by itfelf [c). VI. The fame K. Henry III. had an Aid to marry his cldeft. Daughter. It was raifed out of the Baronies and Knights Fees holden in Capite, in Purfuance of a Provifion made by the Common Council of the Magnates of England ff). The Quota of it was xx j- per {a) De Scutaglo Militum de Lancafira ?d Redemptionem Domini Regis : Idem TheobalJus [WalteriJ r c de Lxxij 1 & vj s & viij d de bcutagio Militum Honoris de Lancaftra : In thefauro xlvij 1 & vj s, Et in Perdonis, per breve Regis, Roberto Grefle xij 1 pro xij Miiitibus, ficut idem Tedbaidus dicit, Qviia abierunt cum Rege in Normanniam. idem T. r c de Lxx 1 & iij s de Auxilio Carrucatarum tcrrae Ho- noris de Lancaftra ; In thefauro liberavit, Et Quietus eft. lb. Rot. g. a. Lane. [b) Gives Londonias debent ]\I & D marcas de Dono iuo pro Bcinevolentia Do- mini Regis, & pro Libertatibus fuis con- fervandis, & de Auxilio fuo ad Redemptio- nem Domini Regis. Miig. Rot. 6. R. i. Rot. \2. b. [c) Radulfus Pirot debet xxx marcas de fine fuo pro feodo iiij Militum, Et x mar- cas de Dono ad Redemptionem Domini Re- gis. Mfig. Rot. 7. R. I. Rot. 9. b. Cant. & Hunt. [d) Qiiia per Commune Confilium Reg- ni conceira; fuerunt Rcgi duae Marcse de iingulis feodis Militum, de Auxilio pro- miiib ad fororcm Regis, videlicet tarn de Novo Fcofamento quam dc Vetfri, nee conftat Rcgi qu£ v.el quot feo^a Militum Vp^. I. funt in Comitatu Herefordi?e : Idro nianda- tum eft Vicecomiti, quod diligenter iinjiii- rat, per facrainentum xij tam Miiitum quam aliorum proborum & legalium hominuni, per quos &c, & qui tales lint &c, quot feoda Militum teneaniur dc fingulis tencntibusde Rege in Capite in Comitatu fuo, taru de Novo Feofamento quam de Veteri ; Et di- ftringat tenentes fingula feoda prsdicta ad reddendum Regi duas marcas dc fingulis feodis de prsedicio Auxilio, nifi prius ei ■ inde fatisfecerint ; Itaquod habeat pncdiiSlos denarios a die S. Trinitatis in quindecim dies; Et inquifitionem habeat ad cundem diem, Tub figillo fuo & figillis Inquifitorum, Et hoc breve. Paf. Coiumun. 32. H. 3. Rot. S.b. {c) Idem Vicecomes r c de xiij I & j inarca de Auxilio Prarlatorum ad maritan- dam Sororem Regis Romanorum Inperatori, quorum noniina annotantur in Rotulo de Auxilio Prselatorum : In Thefauro nichil, Et ipfi \'icecomiti in parte folutinr.is CC marcarum quas percipit prn Cuflodia Ca- ftrorum Novi Caftri J?c B^mburc & Conii- tatus Norhumbria; xiij 1 & j marca. Ali/g. Ret. 21. //. 3. Rot. I. b. Norhumh. (f) Cantebr. Rex Vicecomiti. Q^iia pro- vifum eft per Commune Conliiium iMagna- 4 G tuni 594 Of Aid. Chap. XV. per Fee. In UerefordflAre, the Bilhop of Hereford paid towards it, XV /for XV Fees which he acknowledged, ^Xi6. William de Stutevill xxn]l for the xxiij Fees of Hugh de Say {g). In Torkjhire it was paid by the Barons and Knights of that County, viz. Peter de Savoy, the Countefs of Ou, Richard de Percy and others [h) : In Norfolk and Suffolk by the Earons and Knights of thofe Counties, viz. John Marefchally Richard de Clare, the Heirs of the Earl of Arundel, and others (?) : In the Counties of Cambridge and Huntendon, by the Barons and Knights of thofe Counties, viz. Gilbert Pecch, Nigell de Amundevill, the Billiop of Ely, the Heirs of fohn Earl of Himtendon, and others {k) : In Hantjhire, the Bifhop of Winchejier paid Lx / for Lx Fees which he admitted, and ftood charged with xiiij / xs for xiiij Fees and half a Fee which he difowned. The Abbat of Hyde rendered XX / for XX Fees ; and others pro rata (I) : In Gloucefterjkire the Abbat turn Anglise, quod ipfi reddant Regi de &c. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 3. Rot. 2 fingulis feodis Militum quaede Rege tenent in Capite, & de quibus debent fervicium Militare, xx s. , ad Primogenicam filiani Regis maritandam : Et cum praeceptum fit, quod Vicecomes difliingat H. de Ver Co- mitem Oxonias, ad reddendum Regi xx s. de fingulis feodis fuis qua: de Rege tenet in Capite, & de quibus debet fervitium Mili- tare : Mandatum eft Vicecomiti, quod pa- cem habere permittat Martino La Cham- berleng h tenentibus fuis, de eodem Auxi- lio pro praediilo Comite. T. ut fupra [i. e, J. Fraiicigena fexto die Februarij]. Hil. 'Jo7nmun!a 31. H. 3. Rat. 4, b. (g) Auxilium concellum Regi ad Primo- genitam filiam fuam maritandam fcilicet de quolibet fcodo xx s : Idem Vicecomes r c de ij s de Roberto Malherbe de x* par- te j feodi ; Et de ij s de Radulfo de Bray dc X' parte] feodi ; Et de xv 1 de Epifcopo Herefordiae de xv feodis qus recognofcit ; Et xxiij 1 de Willclmo de Stutevill de xxiij feodis qux fuerunt Hugonis de Say ; A/rii for ethers. Alag. Rot. 29. H, 3. Herefordia in IVallia. ?n, i. a, Auxilium conccfllim ad Primogenitam filiani Regis maritandam, fcilicet de Scuto XX s. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 3. Rot. i. b. Ejfex y Hertf. [h) Petrus dc Sabaudia . . . de Honore Richcmundias de Auxilio ad filiam Regis maritandam : Comitiffa Augi [debet] Lx 1 & XV s de eodem, Ricardus de Percy xv 1 de eodem, Wilielmus de Percy xv 1 de ecdem. &c. Mag. Rot. 31. n. 3. Kot. 2, in. I. b. Ebor. (i) Johannes Mar. [debet] xviij 1 de Au- xilio ad filiam Regis maritandam, Ricar- dus de Clare quater xx •& xj 1 xviij s & j d de eodem, Hasredes Comitis de Arundel xlj 1 de eodem, Dimidium feodum in Ayle- fliam & Wefthall x s de eodem, Rogerus ]e Bigod Cij XV s de eodem, Petrus de Sabaudia 1 . . . de eodem, de Honore Riche- mundise in hijs Comitatibus. lb. Rot. 3. b. m. I. Norf. tf Suff. (i) Gilbertus Pecch [debet] Cs de Au- xilio ad filiam Regis maritandam, Rogerus de Sumery x s de auxilio ad filiam Regis maritandam, Radulfus de Kameis x s de eodem de dimidio feodo Rogeri Torpeil, Nigell us de Aumundevill debet v marcas, de eodem, Epifcopus Elyenfis xij 1 & dimi- diam marcam de eodem, de feodis quje non recognofcit, Hsredes J. Comitis Hua- tendoniae xl s de eodem, Petrus de Sabau- dia. xxvij 1 & V s de eodem. Afag. Rot. 31. H. 3. Rot. 6. a. m. 2. Ca?it. ^ Hunt. (I) Auxilium Regi conceffum ad Pri- mogenitam filiam fuam maritandam, fcili- cet de quolibet feodo xxs; Epifcopus Win- tonienfis [debet] Lx 1 de Lx feodis quas recognofcit. Idem Epifcopus debet xiiij 1 & X s de xiiij feodis h dimidio quae non re- cognofeit. Idem Vicecomes r c de xx I de Abbate de Hyda de xx feodis, Et de XXV s de Willelmo de Warblinton de j feo- do h iiij^ parte unius feodi, &c. Mag. Rot, 29. H. 3. Sudhant,. m.z. b^ of Chap. XV. Of Am, 595 of Winchecumb xl i for two Fees, WiUlam de Hajiinges Cj for five Fees, with others (m) : In the Counties of Warwick and Leicejler, Philipp Marmium paid xj / ix j for xj Fees and a fourth and a fifth Part of a Fee, the Priour of Coventry was charged with ten Pounds for ten Fees, Margaret Countefs of Winchejler (or elfe Roger de ^lency) with Lx / xiiij J- for Lx Fees and a half a fifth Part of a Fee, being the Moiety of the Fees of the Honour of Leicejler, Simon de Montfort Earl of Leicejler with Lx / xiiij s for the other Moiety of the Fees of that Honour, the Earl of Warwick with Cij / and half a Mark, for Cij Fees and a third Part of a Fee j with fome others (n) : In the County of Northu?nberland, John de Baillol is charged with xxx / for XXX Fees (o). Bertram de Crioi/und Jeremy de Kaxton, Ctijlodes of the Archbiflioprick of Cafiterbury during the Avoidance of it, were charged to the fame Aid for the Fees belonging to that Archbifliop- rick {p). There was a Payment made to this Aid by the Prelates over and above what they paid (as I take it) out of or for their refpedlive Fees, It was put in charge in the Revenue-rolls feparately, under the Name of Auxiliuin prcelatonitn or a prcclatis. In Gkiicejler- Jliire it was paid by the Abbot of HeyneJJoam, the Priour of Newent, the Abbefs of Caen, the Priour of Latitony, the Abbot of ?t. Aujiin of Bnjlol, the Priour of Horjley, the Abbot of Cirencejier, and the Abbot of Glouccjler (^) : In Northumberland, by the Priour of {m) Auxilium concefTeum Regi ad Pri- de alia medietate feodorutn Honoris Ley- mogenitam filiam fuam maritandam ; fcili- ceflriae. Comes Warwici [debet] C & cet de quolibet feodo xx s : Idem Vice- ij 1 & dimidiam marcam dc C & ij fcddis comes r c de xl s de Abbate de Winclie- & tertia parte j feodi ; with others Mag. cumb de ij feodis ; Et de C s de Willelmo Rot. 29. H. 3. War. isf Lflc. m. i. a. de Haftinges de v feodis dc eodem ; Et de {^0) Joh.iiines de Baillol [debet] xxx 1 de XX s de Henrico le Flemeng de j feodo de xxx ftodis de Auxilio ad filium Regis mari- eodem ; And for others. Mog. Rot. 29. tandam. AJag. Rot. 30. H. 3. Norhumbr. H. 3. Glovernia itt dorjo m. 1. m. I . h. (?;) Auxilium Regi conceffum ad Pri- (/>) B. de Crioill & Jeremlas de Kaxton mogenitam filiam fuam maritandam, fcili- Ciiflodes Archiepifcopatus Cantuaria; [de- cet de quolibet fcuto xx s. Idem Viceco- bent] . . . dc eodem Auxilio [ad Sororem mes r c de xj 1 ix s de Philippo Marniiuii Regis maritandam], de feodis Archiepif- de xj feodis quarta h qiiinta parte j feodi ; copatus. Alag. Ret. 32. H. 3. Kar.cia. tn. Et de xs de Ada de Peryton de dimidio i. b. i:::mo. feodo in Oflexhell. Prior de Covintr. [de- [q) Auxilium conceffum RegJ ad Pri- bet] X 1 de x feodis. Margareta Comitif- mop-eiiitam filiam fuam maritandam, fcili- fa Wintnnias (Rogerusde Qi^iency) [debet] cet, De quolibet feodo xxs:— — . Dc Lx 1 xiiij s de Lx feodis & dimidia & qiiin- eodem Auxilio a Praelatis conccfTo ; Abbas ta parte j feodi de medietate feodorum Ho- de Heynefham [debet] v marcas, dc eo- noris Leyceftrine. Simon de Monte forti dem ; Prior de Ncwent [debet] xl s de co- Comes Leyceftrise [debet] Lx 1 U, xiiij s dem; Baiiiivus Abbaiiflae de Cadamo dc 4 G 2 Mun.'tu- 59^ of Hefkjhiinu and the Abbot of U Lantony [s). Qf\ I D. Chap. XV. I the Priour of Tmnouth [r): In Hercfordjinre, by 'igtnore, and th.e Piiours of Accky^ KiJJkvell, and Yll. Kir. 597 myun paid xxij / xvlij s for eleven Fees and' a fourth "and a fifth Part of a Fee, and the Priour of Co-ventry xx / for ten Fees fyj. This Aid was paid to the King hy fuch Perfons as held of him in Capite by Barony or Knight's Service, and to the King's Tenants in Capite by fuch Perfons as held of them in Capite by Knights Service. When the King's Tenants in Capite paid Aid to him, he ufed to grant to them that they might receive Aid pro rata of their Teha'nts in 'Capite. For Example ; Baldwin de Frivill was diftrained for the King's Aid pur faire Fitz Chivaler, He alledged, that he did not hold in Capite of the King but of Alexander de Abctot, tjiat Alexander held ©f William de Beaiichamp, and William of the- Bifhop of Worcejlcr, and the Bifliop ^in Capite of the King. Thereupon, it was ordered that- Baldwin IhoLlld not be diftrained to render Aid to the King (.•^). Gerva/e de Horton was diftrained for the King's Aid pur faire Fitz Chivaler. He alledged, that he held nothing of the King in Capite; nor of any one that was the King's Ward. It was ordered^ that the Diflrefs fliould ceafe [a). William de Winter hull was releafed of a Diftrefs, upon the fame Allegation [b). Again; the Bifhop oi Wor~ cejler caufed Rok'rt de Bracy to be diftrained to render to- him v s, for r c de XXX I de xv feodis, In thefaure xxix 1 & debet xx s ; Idem Epifcopus [debet] vij 1 de iij feodis & dimidio quje non recogno- 'fcit. . And' the like Aid for others. Mag. Rot. 38. H. 3. Here/, in TVal. w..i. b. ■ (y) Auxilium Regi concelTum ad Pri- mogenitum filiiim fuum Militemfacieiidum, ("cilicet de quolibet feodo xl s. Idem Vice- comes r c de xxij 1 & xviij s de Philipo Marmyun de xj feodis, ' quarta & quinta parte j feodi ; Et de xx s de Ad'a de Pery- ton de dimidio feodo in Oftefhull ; Et de XX 1 de Prioie de Coveiitr. de x feodis ; with the Aids of others. Mag.. Rot. 38. H. 3. War. (J Lcic. in dorfo Rottdi Compotor. 7/1. 2. b. (z) Mandatum eft VicecoirJti Wygor- niae, quod fi Baldevvinus de Frivil! non te- iieat dc Rege in Capite, fet de Akxandro de Abctot, & Alexander de Willelmo d'e BelJo Campo, & Wilielmus dc Epifcopo Wygornenfi, & Epifcopus de Rege in Ca- pite, ut idem Baldewinus dicit : Tunc de diftriftione quam eidem Baldewino facit pro Auxilio ad Filium Regis Militem faciendum pacem &c, & averia aut catilla&c. //'. R;f. 13.. *. («) Berk. Monftravit Regi Gervafius de Horton, quod cum ipfe nichil teneat de Rege in Capite, nee de aHqtio qui fn in Cuf- todia Regis, Wilielmus de Engelfeud injufte cepit ab eo iij marcas & dimiuiam, de Auxi- lio ad Primogenitum filium- Regis iVlilitem faciendum, tempore quo prseJidtus Willcl-r mus fuit Vicecomes in Comitatu Devoniie,, ut dicit : Et ideo mandatum eft Vicecomiti, quod venire facial &c in craftino S. Niclm- lai praedictum VVillclmum, ad oftendendum quo waranto ipfe cepit prs:Ji(iio3 denarios a prafdiiio Gervafio ; Et habcat breve. AIc- mor. 39. //. 3. Rot. 5. a. (b) Monftravit Rey Wilielmus de Winterhull, quod cum ipfe nichil teneat de Rege in Capite in Comitatibus Surreia: & Sufl'exias, Vicecomes ipfuin diftrin^^it ad reddendum Regi fex libras de Auxilio ad filiuni Regis Militem faciendum pro Ra- dultb de Fay ut dicit, Et mandatum eft Vicecomiti, quod !l ita eft, ptasdifto W, de demanda pacem &c, Et avciia &c. TriK. C^.mmun. 41, H. 3. Rot. f] . a. t!)4 598 Of Aid, Chap. XV. the eighth Part of a Knight's Fee, towards the fame Aid pur faire fitz Chivaler ; the King having granted to the Prelates and others Power to colledl that Aid of luch Perfons as held of them m Capite by Knights Service : Robert came and fhewed by Petition to the King, that he did not hold in Capite of the Bilhop of JVorcefter, but of William de B?-acy, who held of William de Beauchamp, who held in Capite of the Bifhop : whereupon it was ordered, that if the Cafe was fo, the Sheriff fliould not diftrain Robert, but William de Beau- champ, to pay the faid Money to the Bilhop for the King's Ufe {c). When the King's Tenant in Capite paid Aid to the King, it was ufual (in the Reign of K. Henry III, and afterwards) for the faid Tenant in Capite to have a Writ, commanding the Sheriff of the County to affift him to levy the faid Aid on the Perfons who held of him in Capite, according to the Proportion of their Tenancy. This was done in the Cafe of the Archbifhop of Tork {d), and many others. VIII. In the i8th Year of K. Edward I, an aid to marry the King's eldeft Daughter {viz. xl s out of every Knights Fee) was granted to the King by the Barons and Magnates of England; provided, that this Grant Hiould not turn to their Prejudice, but fo that for the Future an Aid to be granted in the like Cafe might be encreafed or leffened, as the Magnates of England for the Time being fhould think meet, and that the faid Aid fhould be levyed out of Fees, in fuch Manner as Aids were wont to be levyed {e). IX. Aid (c) Wygornia. Monftravit Regi Rober- Regis. Memor. 38, H. 3. Rot. 8. a. tus de Bracy, quod cum ipfe nichil teneat {d) Leyceftria. Mandatum eft Viceco- de Epifcopo Wygornenfi in Capite, fed de miti, quod fit in auxilium Archiepifcopo £- Willclmo de Bracy, & idem Willelmus de boracenfi ad diftringendum Milites& libere Bracy deWillelmo de Be!lo Campo, & idem tenentes fuos in Comitatu Leyceftriae, ad Willelmus de Bello Campo de prasdifto E- reddendum Auxilium Regi conceflum ad pifcopo in Capite ; Vicecomes injufte dif- Piimogenitum filium Regis Militem faci- tringit ipfum ad reddendum prsedido E- endum, de feodis quae de eo tenent in Ca- pifcopo vs, pro oftava parte Feodi unius pite in eodem Comitatu, videlicet de Scuto Militis, de Auxilio ad Primogenitum filium xl s. Quia idem Archiepifcopus refpondet Regis Militem faciendum ; Quod quidem Regi inde per manum fuam. Manor. 39. Auxilium Rex concefferat Praelatis colligere H 3. Rot. 8. b. de Tenentibus fuis per fervicium Militare [e] De Auxilio Regi concefib ad Primo- in Capite : Et iJeo mandatum elt Viceco- genitam filiam fuam maritandam. Alemo- miti, ouod fi ita eft, tunc de demanda quam raiidum quod die Jovis primo die Junij anno facit prredido Roberto de prsedidlis dena- regni Regis Edwardi decimo oftavo, Con- rijs, pacem ; ii diftringat prasdidlum VVil- gregatis coram Kege apud Weftmonafteri- lelmuni de Bello Campo ad reddendum prje- um Epifcopis, Wintonienfi, Bathonienll, diclo Epifcopo prsedidtos denarios ad opus Dunelmenfi, Karliolenfi, & Magiftro VVil- 5 klmo Chap. XV. Of A I D. 599 IX. Aid pur faire Fitz Chivaler, or pur fille marrier, was not de- mandable froni Lands which were hrld either in Frankalmoigne or Socage. Not out of Lands holden in Frankahnoigne ; as may ap- pear in the Cafe of the Priour of 'Thurgarton [f), of the Priour of Boxgrave fg), and of divers others : nor out of Lands holden in So- lelmo de Luda Ele>fto Elienfi, Dominis Ed- mundo Fratre Domini Regis, VV^illelmo de Valencia Avunculo ejufdem Domini Regis, G. de Clare Comite Glovernias, J. de Wa- renna Comite Surreiae, H. de Lacy Comite Lincoluise, H. de Bohun Comite Here- fordias, & quibufdam alijs tarn Baronibus quam Magnatibus Angliae ; Concordatum eft & communiter concelTum, quod ad Au- xilium ad Primogenitum Filiam Regis ma- ritandam dentur de quolibet feodo xl s. Ita fcilicet quod non cedat eis in praejudicium praefens conceffio, quin Auxilium alias in cafu confimili concedendum augeatur vel minuatur, fecundum quod Magnates An- gliae tunc temporis duxerint concedendum ; & quod pr), Walter de Coclzfield (/'), and others. X. Hitherto we have fpoken of the three noted Aids, viz. To knight the King's eldcft Son, to marry his eldeft Daughter, and to ranfom his Perfon. There were alfo fome other Aids rendered to the Crown which were not, for ought that appears, of either of thofe three Kinds. Some Inftances thereof may be here produced. In the 5th Year of K. Stephen, an Aid was paid to the Crown by the Burghs or Towns. The Sheriff of the Counties of Notingham and Derby col- ledted an Aid from the Burghs of thofe two Counties {k), the Sheriff of Dorfetjlnre an Aid from the Burghs of that County (/), the pr-sedicla faiSta fuerit, fine Jilatione relaxari faeiant eidcm. T. Rege apiid Ditton, decimo oiSavo die Septcmbris anno nono. Mich, Brev'ta 9. E. 2. Rot. 7. «, The tike Writ mutatis mutandis for the Dean and Chafter of St. Paul London, to be quit of the Aid ad Primogenitam filiam E. I. niaritandam. lb. Mich. Brevia 9. E. ■X. Rot. 8. a. For the Abhat of Sees, to le qti't of the fame Aid pur Filie marrier. IL. Rot. 8. a. For the Abbot of Dureford to be quit of the fame Aid pur Fille marrier. lb. Rot. 10. b. For the Abbot i^ VVelbeck, to be quit of the Aid pur Fille marrier. lb. Rot. 16. b. For the Priour of Boxgrave and the Abbot and Convent of Keynclham, to be quit of the Ai I pur Fille marrier. Jb. Rot. i8. a. And for divers other religious. lb. & alibi pajfiri. . [h) Monftravit Regi Johannes de Sun- riynghull, quod licet iple omnes terras & tenemciita fua in Styntesford in Comitatu Dorlcta- teneat in focagio h non per fervi- cium Militaie, , Baronss pr«textu Auxilij r,^iadragii)ta folidoru-.Ti Domino F, quon- dam Regi Angliie patri Regis nunc, de linguHs feodis Milimm in RegnoAngli.fi, :d prirnogeixiam filiam fuain rnaritandam concefTi, ipfura Johannem ad Auxiliuni hu- jyfaioJi pro.uno fcodo Militis & dimidio clfi tcfris ik tcnementis pr.-edidtis, ac fi ea per fervicium Militare tenerct, cum non te- jiE;at, pr.X'ftanduin nichiioiViinus per Vice- cpmitem Regis Co"i't'it"S pra^djiSti diftringi faciunt minus jufte, in ipllus Johannis dif- pendium non modicum, & contra formam conceffionis prasdi<3je. Ft quia Rex noa- vult quod praefato Johanni prajudicetur in; hac parte, Mandat Baronibus quod fi per, infpedtionem Rotulorum difti Scaccarij, vel, alio modo legitiino, Baronibus conftare po-. terit di£lum Johannem terras & tencmenta aliqua in Comitatu praediiSlo per fervicium Militare non tenere, ficut praediftum eft, j tunc ipfum Johannem de Auxilio pr-redi^flo, deterris & tenementis fuis praedidlis pr.-eftan- do, prout juftum fuerit, quietum efl'e per-r mittant. Ft dift ridionem i"i quam ei ea oc- cafione fieri fecerint, fine dilatione relaxari faciant eidem. T. Rege apud Weflm, ter- cio die Decembris anno fecundo. Mich, Brevia 2. E. 2. Rot. 31. />. (i) Baronibus, pro Waltero de Cokefeld.. "Tis a Writ for freeing his Lands which were ■ held in Socage., f-om the Aid ad Primogenitam filiam Domini E. quondam Regis Angliae • Patris Regis rnaritandam. T. xviij die. Septembris anno nono. Mich. Brevia g. E. 2. Rot. 7. b. The like Il''riis luere ijjiied for fcveral others, to free their Lands n,hich xvere held by Rent' Service, fi'om Scutage. Mich. Brevia. ib, (k) Ft idem Vicecomes r c de Auxilio. Eijrgorura ; In thefauro xiij 1 v s &c. Mag. Rot.. 5. Ste. Rn. 1. b. Not. iSf Dereb. • 11) Ft idem Vicecomes r c de Auxilio Eurgorum ; In thefauro xjl. Ft in Perdo- njs per breve Regis, Burgeiilibus de Sando , Fduardo xj s pro paupertate eorum ; Bur- gcnlibtis Chap. XV. Of Aid. 6oi the ^hev'i^ o? WilfJJ.vre an Aid from the Burghs of that County {mj, Turgis the Aid from the City of Tork («), the Sheriff of Cambridge- jhire the Aid of the Burgh of Cambridge fo), the Sheriff of Hunten- donJJ.nre the Aid of the Burgh of Hmitendon (/>), the Sheriff of Hert- fordjlnre the Aid of the Burgh of Hertford {q), the Sheriff of Norfolk the Aid of the Towns of Norwich and Tbctford (r), the Sheriff of Suffolk the Aid of the Burgh of Gepefwic (j), the Sheriff of Devon~ Jhire the Aid of the City of Exeter ft) ; and other Sheriffs in like Manner from the Burgh or Burghs within their feveral Counties. This Aid feems to have been a yearly Payment. In facft, it is ac- counted-for in the like formal Words wherein annual Fcrms were wont to be accounted-for. For Example ; In accounting for the Aid of the prefent Year, they faid reddit cotnpotum de Auxilio : in ac- counting for the Year next before, they faid reddit cotnpotum de prate- rito auxilio [u) : and in accounting for the Year next before that (or the third Year) they faid I'eddit compotum de Veteri auxilio, or de genfibus de Doreceftra xl s, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 5. Ste. Rot. 2. a. Dorfeta. (m) Et idem Vicecomes r c de Auxilio ^urgorum ; In thefauro xiiij 1 & xviij s ; Et in perdonis &c ; Summa xlij s ; Et Q. e. lb. Rot. 2. b. JFilt. [n) Turgifus Colka. -de Everwic r c de Auxilio Civitatis ; In thefauro xll, Et Q. c. lb. Rot. 3. b. (0) Et idem Vicecomes r c de Auxilio Burgi de Grentebrugia ; In thefauro xl & xiij s & ix d, Et in perdonis &c; fumma, xixs & iijd ; Et debet vij s. lb. Rot. 5. a. Greniebrugejcira . {p} Et idem Vicecomes r c de Auxilio Burgi de Hunteduna; In thefauro viij 1 ; Et Q. e. lb. Rot. 5. a. Hunted. (y) Et idem Vicecomes r c de Auxilio Burgi de Heortford ; In Thefauro Cs ; Et in Perdonis Burgenfibus de Heortford, Cs, propaupertate fua, Et Q; e. Mag. Rot. 5. Ste. Rot. 6. b. (]■) Et idem Vicecomes r c de Auxilio de Norwic ; In thefauro xxv 1, Et in per- donis, per breve Regis, Burgenfibus de Norwic C s, Et Q; e. Et idem Vicecomes r c de Auxilio Burgi de Tietford ; In the- fauro vij 1, Et in perdonis per breve Regis Burgenfibus de Tietford Lx s, Et Q^ e. Jt>. Rot. 10. a. Nortf. Vol. I. ' 4 {s) Idem Vicecomes r c de Auxilio Burgi de Gepefwic ; In thefauro vij 1, Et Q. f. lb. Rot. 10. b. Sudf. (/) [Idem Vicecomes r c de] Auxilio Civitatis ; [In thefauro &c]. lb. Rot. 16. a. Devenefclra. (n) Et idem Vicecomes r c de iiij 1 Sc xvj s &^ vj d, de prneterito auxilio Civitatis [de Oxenef.] Et idem Vicecomes r c de auxilio Civitatis : In thefauro vj 1 & iij s, Et in perdonis per breve Regis, Burgenfi- bus de Oxeneforda xl . Jb. Rot. 1. a, Oxenef. Et, idem Vicecomes r c de praeterito au- xilio Burgi de Sudwerca. Et idem Vic. re de auxilio Burgi de Sudwerca : In thefauro xxiiij s . lb. Rot, 5. b. Sudrcia. Et idem Vic. rede iij s de prseterito auxilio burgi de Statford : In perdonis per breve Regis Epifcopo Sar. iij s, Et Q^ e. Et idem Vic. r c de xxv s de prseterito auxilio burgi de Tameworda : In perdonis per breve Regis Burgenfibus de Tamewor- da xxvs pro paupertate eorum, Et Q. e. Et idem Vic. r c de auxilio burgi de Stat- ford : In thefauro Lxiij s & viij d, Et in perdonis per breve Regis Epifcopo Sar. iijs., Et Q. e. Et idem Vic. r c de auxilio bur- gi de Tameworda : In thefauro xxv s, Et Q,c. lb. Rot. 8. a. Staf. H Auxilio 6o3 Of A I D. Chap. XV. Auxilio ter-cij annt (w). At this Time alfo, an Aid was rendred (as it leems) by the Counties in like Sort. The County of Middle/ex ren- dered an Aid (called prctterltum Auxilmn Comitatus) for the fecond Year next preceding (x). In the fecond Year of K. Henty II, the City of London paid to the King an Aid of Cxx / (yj, the City of Lincoln an Aid of Lx/, and likewife a Donutn of Lxvj / xiij j \n]d fzj, the Burgh o'i Shrewjbury a Doniim of x Marks, and alfo an Aid of C j {a)y the Burghs of Gelde- ford and Sutbwerk each C^ for Aid (b), and feveral Burghs or Towns in the other Counties paid in like Manner their refpedive Sums for Aid ; as may be feen in another Place [c). In the 7th Year of K. Henry II, the Citizens of London and Gervafe de Cornhell an- fwered for M Marks the Donum of the City {d). This Donum is called (in the great Rolls of the 9th and 12th Years hereunder cited) {w) Et idem Hamo [de S. Claro} r c de i marca argervti, de Veteri auxilio Civitatis [Coleceftrae] tercij anni : In th. 1, Et Q. e. £t idem Hamo re de xx 1 de auxilio Ci- vitatis praeteriti anni : In thefauro xiij 1 & ij s & iiijd — — . Et idem Hamo r c de auxilio Civitatis Coleceftra; : In thefau- ro \'l . lb. Rot. 14.. a. The Hie Way i)f accounting for the Aid of Warengefard ; lb. Rot. 14. b. (*) Et idem Vicecomes re de xvl & XV s de praeterito Auxilio Civitatis, Mag. Rot. 5. Ste, Rut. i^^a. Londonia. Et idem Vic. r c de Auxilio Civitatis, lb. Rot. IS- b. Et idem Vic. r c de xiiij 1 & ixs & xjd de proeterito Auxilio Comitatus. Jb. Rot. iS- b. Midd. (y) Et idem Vicecomites r c de C & XX 1 de Auxilio Civitatis. In thefauro Lv 1 & xs & vjd. Et in Soltis Mercator[ibus] Regis XXX 1, per Willelmum Cumin. Et in Perdonis per brevia Regis, Cancellario xxiij s & viij d, Et Epifcopo de Eli xl s, Et Willelmo fratri Reg. Lxiij s, Et Warino filio Ceroid i Lx viij s & viij d, Et Henrico de Effexa xxvj s & viij d, Et Richardo de Luci xiij s 5c iiijd, Et Cordubanario Re- gins XX s, Et Vicecomitibus xl s. Sum- ma, xiiij 1 & XV s & iiij d. Et in Wafto XX 1, Et Qiiieti funt. Mag. Rot. 2. H, 2. Rot. I. a. Lund, bf Midd. (z,) Civitas Lincolise. Idem Cives r c dc. Lxl de Auxilio Civitatis; In thefauro xxvl; Et in Perdonis, per breve Regis, Epifcopo Lincoliae x 1 ; Et in Wafto xxv 1 ; Et Quieti funt. Et idem Cives r c de Lxvj 1 & xiijs & iiij d, de Dono Civitatis ; In th. 1, Et Q. f. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. [a) Et idem Vicecomes r c de xl mar- cis, de Dono Comitatus ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Et idem Vicecomes r c de x marcis, de Dono Burgi de Salopefberia ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Et idem Vicecomes r c de Cs, de Auxilio ejufdem Burgi, In th. Ls, Et in Wafto Ls, Et QiC. lb. Rot. 9. a. SaJopefcira. [b) Et idem Vicecomes r c de C s de Auxilio Burgi de Geldeford. Et idem Vicecomes r c de C s de Auxilio de Suth- werch, Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Surr. [c) Chap. i"]. feSi. I. OfDanegeld. ad ann. 2. H. 2. (^) Cives Lundonije & Gervafius de Cornhella r c de M marcis de Dono Civi- tatis ; In thefauro CCCC & quater xx & xij 1 in vj tallijs, Et in perdonis, per brevia Regis, Militibus de Templo vij 1 & vj s & viij d, Et Reginae xij 1 & xiij s, & iiij d, Et Epifcopo Lincolienfi xiij s & iiij d, Et Hen- rico filio Geroldi xij 1, Et Thefaurario xl s, Et Conftabulario Turris xl s, EtInfirmis vjl & xiij s & iiij d, Et Epifcopo de Eli XX s, Et Cancellario xls; In Soltis, Wil- lelmo Cade Lxxvj 1 per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. J. H, 2, Rot, 3. a. Lundonia, by Chap. XV. 0/ A I D. 603 by the Name of Auxilium. For Example ; Of the Donum there was anfwered in Money and by Difcount feveral Sums (though by Chance they are not fummed-up in the Roll) amounting to DC xiiij / vj s viij d. So there remained due to the Crown Lij I v] s viij d. Which Sum of Lij / vj j viij d being in Arere is put in Charge in the great Roll of the 9th Year as a Remanent of an Aid, in the Terms de Veterl Auxilio (e). And in the 12th Year of that King Gervafe de Cornhell paid part of the fame Remanent Account for Surrey under the Terms de Veteri Auxilio ff). Moreover, in the i ith Year of K. Henry II, the Sheriffs of London anfwered to the Crown CCC and xxxiij / and odd under the Terms de Auxilio exercitus Walice, for the City of London : and the Moneyours of the fame City paid-in xl Marks under the Terms, de ajjifa ejufdem exercitus (g). In the 17th Year of K. Henry II, the Sheriffs of London paid DCLxvj / and a Mark [for the Citizens] by way of Donum towards the King's Expedition againft Ireland {h). In the 23d Year of K. Henry II, the Sheriff of Devonfiire paid-in the Aid raifed out of the Burghs and Towns in his County, to wit, for Exeter C Marks, for Coliton XX J-, for Nicholas Rudge two Marks, for Richard de Geddeley half a Mark, for Lifton xx s, for Lidford iiij /, for Scheaftbere xx s, and other Sums for other Towns. Thefe Sums were affiled upon the Burghs and Towns by Ralf Fitz-Stephen, Turjlin Fitz-Simon, and' William Ruffus, Jnfliciers Itinerant (i). In the fame Year, the Sheriff of Gloucejlerjhire accounted for the Aid affeffed by the faid Jufliciers Itinerant on the Burghs and Towns of that County, to wit, for the Aid of the Burgh of Gloucejler C Marks, of Cirenceficr XX Marks, of Wiiichecianb four Marks, of Miine two Marks, of (e) Gervafius de Cornhella debet Lij 1 {l) De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarunt & vj s & viij d de M marcis de Veteri de Devenefcira, per Radulfum filium Ste- Auxilio Civitatis. Mag. Rot. 9. H. 2. phani, &Turftinum filium Simonis, &Wil- Kot. 7. a. LondoniiS. lelmum RufFum : Idem Vicecomes r c de {f) Et Idem Vicecomes [Gervafius de C marcis de Auxilio Civitatis Exonia: ; In Cornhella] r c de Lij & vj s & viij d, de th. ], Et Q^ e. Idem Vicecomes r c de remanenti M marcarum de Veteri Auxilio xx s de Auxilio de Coliton ; Nicholaus Civitatis ; In thefaurox 1, Et debet xlij 1 & Rugga de Fenotri re de ij marcis de co- vj s & viijd. Mag. Rot. I2. H. 2, Rot. 8. dem Auxilio; Ricardus de Geddelega de- l. Surreia. bet dimidiam marcam de eodem Auxilio; [g) Hie ante. Cap. c).fe£f. 3. Idem Vicecomes r c de xx s de Auxilio de (^h) Idem Vicecomites r c de DC & Lifton, Et de iiij 1 de Auxilio de Lideford, Lxvj 1 & xiij s & iiij d, de Dono quod fe- Et'de xx s de Auxilio de Scheaftbera ; and cerunt Regi in Exercitum Hyberniae. Mag, of other Towns . Mag. Rot. z^. H. 2. Rot. Rot, 17. H, 2. Rot, 9. b. Lund. £3" Midd. i. a. Devenefcira. 4 H 2 Chiltham 6o4 Of Aid. Chap. XV. C hilt bam C s ; and of others fk). In the fame Year, an Aid was alleffed on the Burghs and Towns in Wiltpire by the Juftices in Eire abovenamed, and was paid by the feveral Towns, viz ; Merleberg paid xl Marks, Malmcjbery xx Marks, Cumbe which was lately Earl Reginald's Town iiij /, Litleton the fame Earl's Town v Marks, Sares- bery xx Marks, Divijh xx Marks, Wilton xx Marks, Calne Lx s, Melchejham xij Marks, Chipeham xx s, Bedewinde iiij Marks, and Wejl-Ciimbe five Marks (/). In the fame Year, an Aid was affeffed by Ralf Fitz-Stephen and his Companions Juftices Errant on the Burghs Towns and Men in Cornwall. It was paid thus. Lanzavent07i paid, iiij Marks, Hellcfton iiij Marks, Winielton one Mark, Canieton iiij Marks, Bloijlon one Mark, Clemejion xx s, Carwinton iij Marks, All-ward Son of Sei-ic vij Marks, Roger de Scaccis iiij Marks, Alan de Hellejion xx Marks (;«). In or about the 24th Year of K. Henry II, an Aid was paid to the Crown out of the Lands of Earl Richard in Devonpire (nj. It was aflefled i^k) De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum, per Radulfum fllium Stephani, & Willel- mum Ruftum, & Turftinum filium Simo- nis : Idem Vicecomes r c de C marcis de Auxilio Burgi de Gloeceftria ; In th. I, Et Q^ e ; Idem Vicecomes r c de xx marcis de Auxilio de Cirenceftria; In th. I, Et Q; e. Idem Vicecomes r c de iiij marcis de Auxi- lio de Winchelcumba, Et de ij marcis de Auxilio de Muna, Et de Cs de Auxilio de Chiltham ; and for other Towns and Men (in J^umber fourteen) ; Summa, xxxij 1 & xiij s & iiij d ; In th. 1, in xiiij tallijs, Et Q. e. lb. Ret. 3. b. Ghee. (I) De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum in Wiltefcira, per Radulfum filium Stepha- ni & Turftinum filium Simonis & Willel- mum RufFum : Idem Vicecomes re de xl marcis, de Auxilio de Merleberga ; Et de XX marcis, de Auxilio de Malmefberia ; Et de iiij 1, de auxilio de Cumba, quae fuit Comitis Reginald!; Et de v marcis, de auxilio de Litleton, terra ejufdem Comitis : Idem Vicecomes r c de xx marcis, de auxi- lio Burgi de Sarefberia ; Idem Vicecomes r c de XX marcis, de auxilio de Divifis ; Idem Vicecomes r c de xx marcis, de auxi- lio de Wiltona; Calna r c de Lx s de eo- dem Auxilio ; Idem Vicecomes r c de xij marcis, de auxilio de Melchefham, Et de XX s, de auxilio de Chipeham ; Villata de Bedewinda r c de iiij marcis, de eodem auxilio; Villata de Weft Cumba r c de v marcis ; de eodem auxilio ; In praedifla Operatione de Clarendona v marcas, per breve Regis, & per Vifum praedifti Rober- ti [Malduit] ; Et Quieta eft. Summa de- nariorum Regis in Caftro de Sarefberia, Lxj 1 & xiij d, Et in Operatione Domorum Regis de Clarendona, CC & Lxviij 1 & xvijs & ix d. Mag. Rot. 23. H. 2. Rot. 6. b. Wilt. (m) De Auxilio Burgorum & Villarum & Hominum de Cornubia, per Radulfum filium Stephani & Socios fuos : Idem Eu- ftachius [filius Stephani, the Sheriff"] r c de iiij marcis de Auxilio de Lanzauenton, Et de iiij marcis de Auxilio de Hellefton, Et de j marca de Auxilio de Winielton, Et de iiij marcis de Auxilio de Carneton, Et de j marca de Auxilio de Bloifton, Et de XX s de Auxilio de Clemefton, Et de iij marcis de Auxilio de Carwinton, Et de vij marcis de Ailwardo filio Serici, Et de iiij marcis de Auxilio Rogerij de Scaccis ; Sum- ma, xxj 1 ; In thefauro liberavit in x tallijs, Et Q^ e. Alanus de Hellefton r c de xx marcis de eodem Auxilio ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem Euftachius debet x marcas de Auxilio de Dorceftria. Mag. Rot. 23. H. 2. Rot. 1. b. Cornubia. («) Willelmus fillius Stephani r c de C & xxv 1 & xiiij s & xj d & ij Bizancijs de terra Comitis Ricardi in Devenefcira. Mag. Rsi. 24. H. 2. Rot. 1. 1). by Chap. XV. 0/ A I D. 605 by the King's Jafliciers upon Earl Richard's Demeanes in that County j and anfwered by the Towns of Phimton, P/umland, Tiverton, Hiine- ton, and other Towns (0). In the 26th Year of K. Henry II, the City of London flood charged with an Aid for the Scutagc of Ire- land (/>). In the 3 2d Year of the fame King, the Citizens of London flood charged with the Areres of feveral Efcuages, Dones, and Aids of that City {q). K. Richard I, took v s de Auxilio, out of every Carue or Hyde of Land through all England {r). This Aid is called there a Tallagium (j-). In or about the 5th Year of K. 'John, an Aid was paid by the Prelates, under the Name of Doniun Prcvlatoritm. In Lincolnjhire, it was paid by the Abbot of Torenton, the Abbot of Grime/by, and other Prelates (/). In the 9th Year of K. John, the Citizens of Loji- don flood charged with M/, for a Fine towards the King's Voyage («). In the nth Year of K. John, Nicholas de Verdun flood charged with DLj /, for the Aid impofed on the Knights Fees of the Earl of Leicejier's Honour in the Counties of Warwick and Leicejier, for nine Years and a Half, to wit, from the 2ifl Year of K. Henry II, to the fecond Half-year of the 30th Year of that King. This Aid was afTeffed by the Command of K. Henry II, foon after that Robert Earl of Leicejier was taken at St. Edmund. And it was not to be allowed to the Sheriff [as Part of the yearly IfTues of his County], but to be yielden to the King as an additional Acquefl; for when the Knights of that Honour paid no Aid, the Sheriffs anfwered at the Exchequer for {0) De Affifa Dominiorum Comltis Ri- & viij d, pro Militibus quos non recog- cardi quae requircbatur in Devenefcira, per nofcit. Mag. Rot. 26. H. 2. Rot. 11. /». Willelmum Ruftum, & Radulfum filiiim Loud. Stephani, & l\irftinum filium Simonis : (y) Gives Londoniae debent C & Lx Idem Vicecomes r c de xl s de Auxilio de viij 1 & ix s ix d, de pluribus Exercitibus, Phimton, Et de ij marcis de Auxilio de & Donis, & Auxilijs Civitatis Londoniae. Plumlanda, Et de xx s de Auxilio de Le- Mag. Rot. 32. H. 2. Roi. 4. a. fa, Et de Lx s de Auxilio de Tuiverton, (r) de unaquaq; carucata terras t de ij marcis & dim, de Auxilio de Hu- five hyda totius Anglise. Hoved. P. 2. neton, Et de dimidia marca de Auxilio de p. 778. n. 50. i^ p. I'J'^. Culinton, Et de dimidia marca de Auxilio (5) lb. p. 779. n. 20. de Exeminiftra, Et de dimidia marca de (t) Dona Praslatorum. Abbas de To- Auxilio de Topefham ; Summa x 1 ; In renton x marcas, Abbas de Grimefbi v thefauro liberavitin viij tallijs, Et Quietus marcas, Prior de Stilcefwald v marcas, Pri- eft. lb. Rot. I. b in hno. or de Markebi ij marcas, Prior de Kerke- (/>) De Scutagio Hyberniae. Idem Vice- ton ij marcas. Prior de Hack iij marcas. comes r c de Lxv 1 & xv|d de Auxilio Ci- Mag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 9. a. Line. vitatis de eodem Scutagio : In thefauro ij [u) Gives Londonise [debentj M 1 pro marcas, Et debent Lxiij 1 & xiiij s & viij d. fine paflagij. Mag. Rot, 9. J. Rot. 5. b. Epifcopus Londoniae debet xvij 1 & xvj s Lond, their 6o6 Of Aid. Chap. XV. their full Ferme. This Matter was fettled by an Inquifition taken in the fourth Year of K. 'John, and was afterwards certified to the Barons of the Exchequer from the King's Court by Smon de PateJJmll, according to a Memorial made thereof by Geoffrey Fitz-Pierre who in the fourth Year of K. Jo/m was chief Jufticier [w). This Aid feemeth to have been a yearly Payment. It accrued in fuch Manner, that it was hardly diftinguifhable from the yearly IlTues of the Counties. In or about the i2th Year of K. John, the Towns paid an Aid for the King's Voyage into Ireland. The BurgefTes of Ghu- €ejier paid D Marks to that Aid, the BurgefTes of BriJioU M Marks ; and others their refpedtive Quotas (xj. In the fame Year, the Citizens of Lincoln were tallaged at D Marks, for the Aid of Ire^ land (y). In Procefs of Time, the Word Aid came to be ufed in a large inde- finite Senfe ; as will partly appear by the Inftances which I (hall here produce. And there came into Ufe a new Word, Suhfidium, which, if I obferve right, was not at all or not frequently ufed in the more ancient Times. To proceed; In or about the 13th Year of K. Henry III, a Scutage was affelTed (i;/^;. three Marks for each Knight's Fee) by Advice of the Earls and Barons fummoned X.Q Northampton for that Purpofe. The Archbifliops and Bifhops were not, for certain Rea- fons, fummoned thither. Afterwards, in the OtSaves of St. Michael in the fame Year, the Lord of Canterbury and his Suffragans met at London. And the faid Suffragans were induced to confent, that a Scutage {hould be affeffed upon their Knights, viz. three Marks upon (w) Nicolaus de Verdun [debet] D & a Curia Regis, per Simonem de Patefhull, Lj 1, de Aufilio Militum Honoris Comitis & per recordum G. filij Petri tunc Juftici- Leirceftrias in Warewicfira & Leirceftrefira arij. Mag. Rot. II. J. Rot. 2. a. Wejime- de ix annis & dimidio, fcilicet a xxj anno rieland. Regis H, ufq; ad fecundum dimidium an- (x) Auxilium Villarum ad Paflagium num xxx""' anni ejufdem ; Quod Aufilium Yberniae : Burgenfes Gloeceftriae r c de affifum fuit per pra;ceptum Regis H. fta- D marcis, de eodem. Homines de Brif- tim poft Captionem Roberti Comitis Leir- tou r c de M marcis, de eodem. Homi- ceftriae apud Sanftum Edmundum ; Quod nes de Radecliue r c de M marcis, de eo- Aufilium non debet conputari Vicecomiti, dem : In thefauro CC & xxxvij 1 & vj s fed reddi Regi tanquam nova adquifitio, & viij d, Et Engelardo de Cigoni CC &- quia antea Milites illius Honoris nullum xxv marcas ad ponendum in thefauro Re- dabant Aufilium, h Vicecomites femper re- gis apud Briftou. Homines Templario- fpondebant ad Scaccarium de plena firma : rum de Radecliue r c de D marcis [de Et eft fumma Auxilij per totum in praedic- eodem]. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 13. b. tis ij Comitatibus Lviij 1, per Inquifitionem Glocajlrefcira, faftam anno Regis J. quarto, quando Wil- (y) Gives LipcoUiae r c de D marcis, lelmus de Cantilupo fuit Vicecomes: Et de Taillagio fado ad auxilium Ybernias : hoc mandatum fuit Baronibus de Scaccario In th. 1, Et Q; f. Mag, Rot. 12. J. Rot. 3. a. each Chap. XV^. 0/ A I D. 607 each Knight's Fee. Wherefore, the faid Bifliops agreed to give to the King for an Aid, as much as they ufed to anfwer to him for Scutage. Provided, that this be not conftrued to be done by Reafon of the Sum- monce ad habendiun fervitium for the Voyage into Gafcoigne, and that by this Grant of theirs no Right be gained or loft by the King or his Heirs, or by the Bifhops or their Succeffors (2). In or about the 14th Year of K. Henry III, the Abbey of St. Aujlin at Canterbury paid to the King C Marks, for Aid towards the King's firft Voyage into Britaigne, over and above the Efcuage due upon account of that Voyage for the Knights Fees of the Abbey (^). In or about the 20th Year of K. Henry III, the Archbiihops, Bifhops, Abbots, Priours, and other ecclefiaftical Perfons, at the King's Requeft, granted to him an Aid for his urgent Neceffities, out of all their Knights Fees, as well thofe for which they anfwered when they paid Scutage, as thofe which they reteined to their own Ufe, to wit, two Marks />^r Fee. Left therefore this Grant and Preftation of Aid fhould at any Time be drawn into Confequence, the King by his Letters Patent declares. That this Grant made by the Clergy, the fame being voluntary, fhould not in future Time be prejudicial to them or their Succeffors {^b). If I guefs right, one Reafon of the great (•%) Sciendum eft quod cum Scutagtum cffet aflifum, fcilicet de feodo Militis iij mar- cs de Confilio Comitum & Baronum apud Norhamton in craftino S. Mariae Magda- lenas anno Regni Regis Henrici tercij xiij° ad hoc vocatorum, & ex certa caufa non effent vocati Archiepifcopi & Epifcopi, poftea in 0£labis Beati Michaelis eodem anno convenientibus Londoniae Domino Cantuarienfi & SufFraganeis fuis, InduiSi funt per Dominum Regem didi SufFraganei quod affideretur Scutagium fuper Milites fuos, fcilicet de feodo Militis iij marcae. Unde difSti Epifcopi dido Domino Regi concefferunt tantum dare in Auxilium, de quanto ei confueverunt refpondere de Scu- tagio, Et hoc non propter Summonicionem eis fa£lam ad habendum totum Servicium fuum quod Domino Regi debent, apud Potefmue ad transfretandum cum eo in Wafconiam, Ita etiam quod per banc Con- ceffionem fuam Domino Regi vel hseredi- bus fuis, feu Epifcopis vel Succefforihus fuis, nichil juris accrefcat vel decrefcat. Mag. Rot, 13. H. 3. in dorfo, tit. Lincoll- Jbira. 5. (a) Idem Vicecomes r c de CI, de Prio- ratu S, Trinitatis Cantuariae, de Auxilioad Primam Transfretationem Regis in Britan- niam ; Et de C marcis de Abbatia S. Au- guftini Cantuariae de eodem ; In th. I, Et Q, e. De Finibus & Scutagijs ad Primam Transfretationem Regis in Britanniam ; Scuto aflifo ad iij marcas : Abbas de Sanifto Auguftino r c de Lx marcis, de fine pro Paflagio & Scutagio xv feodorum. In the- fauro 1, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 14. //. 3. tit. Refiduum Kancis, pojl IP^gorniam, m, Z.b. {b) Rex omnibus ad quos prsfentes Li- ters pervenerint, Salutem. Sciatis quod cum nuperrogaffemus Archiepifcopos, Epifcopos, Abbates, Priores, & alias perfonas Eccle- fiafticas de Regno noftro, quod pro urgenti Neceflitate noftra Auxilium nobis impende- rent, Ipfi gratis & fpontanea voluntate fua communiter nobis concefferunt quoddarn Auxilium de omnibus feodis fuis, tarn de illis de quibus nobis refpondent quando Scu- tagium datur, quam de alijs quns retinent ad opus fuum, videlicet duas marcas de Scuto. 6o8 0/ Aid, Chap. XV. great Precaution ufed in thefe Cafes by the Clergy might be this. When they paid Efcuage, either for Aid pur faire Fitz chevaHer, or pur File marier, or upon Summonce ad habendum fervkium, it was mofl: commonly doubtful what the true Number of their Knights Fees was. Infomuch that they ufed to anfwer for fome Fees quce recognofciint, and to fland charged with others quce 7ion recognofcunt j for the latter, the King ufed to take Efcuage when the Bifliopricks or other Prelacies were void and in his own hand ; but when the fame were full, the Fees qua non recognofcunt were commonly kept in charge in the Revenue-rolls, but were feldom or never, for ought that I can find, actually paid-for. Thefe, probably, are the Fees which are here meant by the Words de al'ijs qua retimnt ad opusfuum. So that when the King demanded a Seigneurial Aid, or an Efcuage upon Summonce ad habendum Jiwitmn, the Clergy infilled that they had not fo many Fees as the King's Officers ufed to charge them with. On the other part, when they voluntarily granted to the King an Aid or Efcuage, they fometimes granted it to be ifl'uable out of all their Fees whether acknowledged or not acknowledged. And this Sort of voluntary Grant was, I fuppofe, moft for the King's Profit. Add, that there was alfo another Convenience in the voluntary Grants of Efuage, even in the three feigneurial Cafes as well as others ; and that was, that all doubts or difputes about the Quota or Rate of the Aid or Efcuage (namely, whether it fliould be one, two, or three Marks per Fee) was thereby prevented or taken away, . Furthermore ; In or about the 26th Year of K. Henry III, the Blfliops of Rngland^ at the King's Inftance, liberally granted to him an Aid, for his urgent Necefiity, towards his Voyage into Cafcolgne., to wit, y\s per Fee, for fo many Fees as they were bounden to anfwer for when they rendred Efcuage : and the King granted to the Bifliops, that towards that Aid they fliould receive xl s out of every Knight's Fee holden of them. Hereupon, the King grants to the Bifliops the Letters Patents hereunder recited, whereby he declares. That their Grant of this Aid fliould not prejudice them or their Succeflburs, or their Eccle- fiafliical Liberty ; provided alfo, that this his Conceflion fliould not Scuto. Ne igitur hujufmodi conceflio & Ecclefijs fuis, in pofterum non derogetur. auxilij praeftatio poffit aliquo tempore trahi In cujus rei tcftimonium, has Literas noftras in confequentiam, Concedimus pro nobis Patcntes fieri fecimus. Tefte Rege apud ts. hsiedibus noftris, & prxfentium tenore Weftmonafterium iiij die Mai). CoiifiniiJes jiroteflamur, quod pro gratia hac vice nobis Literas habent Lincolnienfis, Bathonienfis, fafla, praedictis Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Epifcopi [&j Norwicenfis. Pat. 20. Jti. 3. Abbatibus, Prioribus, bi alijs perfonis Ec- m. 8. clcfialllcis, vel eorum SuccefToribus, aut 2 prejudice Chap. XV. Of A I D. 6og prejudice himfelf or his Heirs («:). In tlie 27th Year of K. Henry III, the Abbat of Hyde paid an Aid for the King's Voyage under the Terms in Subfidium Transfretationis nojlra: (d). In the 31ft Year of K. Henry III, an Aid was rendred for the King's Voyage into Gaf- coigne. It was paid by JV. de Lanaijlre [e), by Ralf de Cameis fjj, and others. In the 37th Year of the fame King, the Burgefles of Cambridge paid an Aid under the Terms /« Auxilium Transjretationis in Vafconiam fg). And in the fame Year the Citizens of London paid an Aid under the Terms in/ubjidiwn cundi in Vafconiam {Jo). An Aid or Vintifme was granted to K. Henry III, for feveral Purpofes, as it feemeth. I cannot tell at prefent in what Manner it was granted or (c) Literae Patentes Epifcoporum. Rex omnibus hoc fcriptum vifuris ; Sciatis quod cum peteremus ab Epifcopis Regni noftri, quod Auxilium nobis facerent pro urgenti neceffitate noftra, de qua eis conftabat, contra Transfretationem noftram in Waf- coniam anno regni noftri xxvj", ipfi libe- raliter nobis concefTerunt, fcil. de fingulis feodis Militum fuorum, xl s, & de tot feo- dis de quot ipft nobis tenentur refpondere quando nobis faciunt fervicium Militare. Et nos conceflimus eifdem Epifcopis, quod ad praedidum Auxilium noljis faciendum habeant de fingulis feodis Militum quae de eis tenentur, xl s. Nos igitur nolentesquod ex hac eorum conceflione nobis fafta de me- ra liberalitate fua & non alia ratione, Ec- clefiis fuis vel eis vel eorum fuccefToribus poiTit praejudicium aliquod generari, vel Ecclefiafticse Libertati in aliquo derogari, per has literas noftras Patentes hoc duximus proteftandum. Nolumus etiam quod per banc conceflionem noftram quam fecimus, nobis vel h.-eredibus noftris accrefcat vel decrefcat. Mich. Communia 27. H. 3. Rot, I. b. ad tmwn. (d) Rex Baronibus ; Sciatis nos rece- pifle de Abbate de Hyda, in fubfidium Transfretationis noftrae, L marcas apud Wyntoniam, per manus Fratris Petri Ca- merarij de Hyda, & Reginaldi de S. Ead- wardo Clerici ipfius Abbatis, dei Mercurij in Vigilia Apoftolorum Philippi & Jacobi anno xxvj°. Et nos pro praedidtis L marcis, rsmifmius di£to Abbati Scutagia feodorum quinq; Aiilitum quae tenet in Domiaico de fervicio xx Militum qua nobis debet, & diiEtus Abbas refpondcbit nobis de fcutagijs Vol. I. 4 XV Militum quae de nobis tenet in Capita. Et ideo &c Breve e. in f. M. Trin. Com- munia 27. H. 3. Rot. 12. b. (e) W. de Lancaftre debet xj 1 ij s vij d ob. de Auxilio ad Transfretationem in Vaf- coniam, & xl 1 pro habenda Cuftodia. Idem W. debet refpondere de feodis Honoris Lancaftrix de eodem Auxilio. Manor. 31. H. 3. Rot. 12. a. (f) Idem Radulfus [de Kameis] Vice- comes debet xiij 1 xix s xj d ob. de Au- xilio ad Transfretationem in Wafconiam. Epifcopus Exonienfis debet refpondere de Auxilio ad primam Transfretationem. lb. Rot. 12. n. Surr. & Sujfc.v. {g) Burgenfes Regis de Cauntebrigia li- beraverunt per praeceptum Regis Warino filio Geroldi, illas xx libras quas Regi pro- miferunt in auxilium Transfretationis fuae in Vafconiam. Et mandatum eft Baroni- bus de Scaccario, quod ipfos inde quietos efle faciant. T. Rege apud VVintoniam xxiij die Junij. CI. 37. H. 3. m. 8. (h) Gives Londonia; de D marcis quas Regi promiferunt in fubfidium eundi in Vafconiam, & pro quibufdam Libertatibus habcndis, liberavcrunt Rogero Sciflbri CCC marcas liberandas Henrico de Lulc. merca- tori pro pannis fericis ab eo emptia ad opus Regis, h refiduas CC marcas liberaverunt in Garderoba Regis P. Chaceporc cuftodi &c die Dominica proxima ante fcftum S. Johannis Baptifta; per praceptum Regis. Et mandatum eft Baronibus de Scaccario, quod ipfos Gives de pr^diiflis D marcis quietos efte faciant. T. Rege apud VVinto- niam xxij die Junij. CI, 37. H. 3. m. 8. I afleill-d. 6io Of Aid. Chap. XV. afTefled. But the Colledours of it paid it to the Hands of Frerc Adam de Boclajid Treafurer of the Hofpital of Ckrkenioell, Frere William de Medbiim Treafurer of the New Temple at London, and Giles de Audenard Clerk of the King's Wardrobe ; and they three account- ed for it at the Exchequer in the Manner hereunder fliewn ; viz., Firfl, they accounted for the IfTues of the faid Vintifme arifing out of the feveral Counties; the Total whereof was, 27,013/, jd oh.: Then, for the IfTues of it arifing in feveral Cities and Towns ; the Total whereof was, 2096 /, i j, ^d; then, for the liTues of the Aid towards the prefent King Edward the Firft's Voyage into the Holy Land, received of the Bifliops ; the Total whereof was, 541/, 6 j, viij d: and laftly, for the Vintifme received of fundry Abbots, Priours, and other Religious, as due from them and their Villains ; the Total of v/hich was 1848/, 9 j, 3^. The Total of the whole Receipt was, 31,488/ ij s, lodoh.: Whereof in Expenfes and Payments by order of the King or his Vicegerents, 47,232 Marks, 5 J", 6 ^ob.: which in Pounds was equal to the Total of the whole Receipt : So the Accountants were quit (J). In or about the i8th Year of K. Edward {!) Compotus Fratris Adae de Boclaunde Thefaurarij Hofpitalis de Clerkenewell, & Fratris Willelmi de Medburn Thefaurarij Novi Templi Londoniae, & Egidij de Au- denard quondam Clerici de Garderoba Domini Regis H, de denarijs receptis de Vicefima eidem Domino H. Regi concefTa, per manus Colleftorum ejufdem Vicefimas in diverfis Comitatibus, ficut continetur in Compoto ejufdem Vicefims qui eft in The- fauro, per breve Regis, in quo continetur quod Rex mandavit Thefaurario & Baroni- bus de Scaccario quod audirent compotum praedidtorum Fratrum & Egidij, de omni- bus receptis & liberationibus ejufdem Vice- fimse, & expenfis fadtis per Walterum Ar- chiepifcopum Eboracenfem, Rogerum de Mortuo rnari, & Robertum Burnel, de Vi- cefima antedidta, Kt quod omnes liberatio- nes mifas & expeiifae failas per prsdiftos re- ceptores de di£la Vicefima de mandato & per literas pra:di6i:orum Archiepifcopi Ro- geri & Robert!, locum Regis tenencium vel unius eorum, eifdem receptoribus allo- centur. Then follows the Account of the IJfues of the faid Vintifme in feveral Counties. Sum- ma omnium fummarum prascedencium. xxvij Mille xiij 1 vij d ob. Then follows the Account of the fame arifing in London,, York, atid other Cities and Toiuns. Idem r c de CC quater xx v 1 ij s, receptis de Vicefima Civitatis Londoniae, per manus Walter! Box & Robert! Hayrun, ficut con- tinetur in praedido Rotulo ; Et de xxxiij s X d, receptis de eadem Vicefima ibidem per manus Bartholomas! de Caftello ; Et de Cxx 1, receptis de Vicefima Civitatis Lin- colniae, per manus Willelmi de Holegate Majoris ejufdem Civitatis ; Et de CC 1, receptis de Vicefima Civitatis Eboraci, per manus Johannis de Kirkeby Civis ejufdem Civitatis ; Et de xxxviij 1 xij d, receptis de Vicefima Vills Salopesbirise, per manus Alan! Straweloue. Et de D Lxiij 1 vj s viijd, receptis de Vicefima Baronum Qiiinq; Portuum, per manus Stephani de Peneceftre Conftabularij Dovorias ; and of other Towns. Summa, MM quater xx vj 1 xvj d. Then follows the Aid for the King's Voyage to the Holy Land. Idem r c de LI receptis de Epifcopo Elyenfi per manus Walter! de Wylburgham, de Auxilio Regi H. concefib ad peregrinationem Regis E. in Terrain Sanftam ; and other Sums received of other Bijhops ; Cliap. XV. Of Aid. 6ii Edward I, the Citizens of Tork paid into the King's Wardrobe CCCL Marks, to the Sublidy for the King's lart Expedition againft Wales {k). In the Reign of K. Edward II, an Aid was granted to the King in his Parliament holden at Tork, in fuhfidium of his War with Scotland (ij. And a Subfidy was granted to K. Edward II, towards his War with Scotland. It is called a Doniim. Walter de Norwich a Baron of the Exchequer and Roger de Swynnerton Conftable of the Tower of London were appointed by the King to take the Recogni- tion of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of Lo?idon, for their quota of the Sublidy to be paid to the King this Year for carrying on the War with Scotland. In Eafter-term that Year, Walter de Norwich recorded or declared upon the Exchequer, that the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of London, in the Prefence of the faid Walter and Roger, who both went into the City upon that Occalion, did willingly grant to the King for the faid Subfidy, MM Marks (f7tj. Befides the general Aids or thofe which were per Communem ajifam Bijhops ; Summa, D xlj 1 vj s viij d. LuJIly ; Idem r c de M DCCC xlviij 1 ix s iij d, de quibufdam Abbatibus, Prio- ribus, & alijs viris Religiofis, pro Vicefima fua & Villanorum fuorum ; quorum Prae- latorum nominacontinentur in quodam Ro- tulo quern praediiSi liberaverunt in The- fauro. Summa tocius Receptse, xxxj Mille CCCC quater xx viij 1 xvij s ,x d ob. In Thefauro nichil, &c. Summa omnium prascedencium mifarum, xlvij Mille CC xxxiij marcae v s vj d ob. ; In Libris, xxxj Mille CCCC quater xxv iijl xviijs xd ob.; Et Quieti funt. Ma^. Rot. i. E. i. in Secundo Roiulo Compotor. a i^f h. [k) Idem [viz. Magifter W. de Luda Eledtus Elyenfis & Cuftos Garderobae Re- gis] venit coram Baronibus, & recognovit fe recepiffe CCCL marcas de Civibus Ebo- raci, quos ijdem Cives conceflerunt Regi de Subfidio ei conceflb in ultima Expeditione fua Walliaf. Tritt. Recognit. l8. E. I. Rot. a. {IJ Rex Jufticiario fuo Walliae falutem. Quia per Literas noftras mandavimus Ca- merarijs noftris Suthwallias & Northwalliae, quod ipfi duas mille marcas de primis dena- rh de Auxilio per probos homines noftj-os Terrse noftiae Wallia;, in ultimo Parlia- mento noftro apud Ebor. tento in fubfidium guerrae noftra; Scocias gratanter conceflb provenientibus, dilefto Mercatori noftro Antonio de Ufedemar vel Johanni de Ufede- mari attornato fuo, per asquales portiones liberari & habere facialis, pro diverfis groflis providcntijs noftris pro expeditione guerra: noftrae praedidtie per ipfum Antonium dc die in diem prout ei injunximus faciendis : So the King commands them to haflen the faid Payments. T. J. Wyntonienfi Epifcopo Thefaurario noftro, vicefimo quarto die Januarij. Hilar. Brevia Irrttorn. 12. E, 2. Rot. 150. b. (m) Londonia. de Dono fafto Domino Regi per CommunitatemCivitatisLondonijB. Walterus de Norwyco Baro &c recorda- tur, quod cum Dominus Rex nuper affig- naftet praefat[um] Walterum & Rogerum de Swynnerton tuncConftabularium "T'urris Londoniae, ad recognicionem Majoris Al- dermannorum & Civium Civitatis Londoniae recipiendam de quodam fubfidio Regi prs- ftando pro expeditione guerras Scocias hoc anno, quod ijdem Major Aldermanni & Cives Civitatis prasdiftse, coram eifdem Waltero & Rogero nuper exiftentibus apud Londoniam, gratanter conceflerunt Domino Regi in fubfidium guerras fuas praididla' MM marcas. Paf. Commun. 16. E, 2. Rot. a. ad iiinan. 4 I Anglict 6l2 Of Aid. Chap. XV. Anglioc extending through the whole Reahn (ri^^^ there were, as it leemeth, certain Aids impofed upon the Demeanes, Efcheats, &c, of particular Counties or Places, for certain Purpofes relating to thofe Counties or Places. An Aid by Way of Hidage was laid on the Counties of Dcvo}i and Cornwall for the Siege of the Ifle of William de Marifco (o). The Sheriff of Somerfet accounted for xl Marks, which he had received of the County [by Way of Aid], for the De- fence of the Maritime Parts againfl: PFilliaj?i de Marifco (p). And an Aid was raifed upon [the Demeanes of] the Counties of Dorfct and Somerfet, for the King's buildings at Gillingham [q). XI. Albeit Men ufually paid their Aid according to the Method or Form in which it was affeffed ; yet fometimes they were admitted to make Fine with the Crown for the fame, or (if you pleafe) to pay it in a grofs Sum. The Hofpitalers of St. jfohn of Jerifalem and the Knights Templars, fined refpedlively in the Sum of DCC Marks, for the Defence of the Realm, for the Confirmation of the great Char- ters of Liberties and of the Foreft with the Articles newly added thereto, and for the none [or ninth Part] of all the temporal Goods of them the faid Priour of Jerifalem and Mafter of the Temple and their Confreres refpedlively and of their Villains in England; provid- ed, that this Done be not hereafter made ufe of to their Prejudice or Servitude, or to the impairing of their Liberties (r). The Barons of the (n) Et pro xij carrucatis de Dominijs Regis per diverfa loca adquietandis de dena- rijs fuper eas aflifis per communem affifam Anglic, xxxiij s per breve Regis. Mag. Rot. 2. J, Rot. 13. b. Berchfcira. {0) Et de [fci'l. G. filius Petri r c de] xlvij 1 & xvj s, quas recepit a Ricardo Clerico Willelmi Briewerre, de quodam Hidagio pofito in Comitatibus Devoniaa & Cornubiae ad obfidendam infulam Willelmi de Marifco. Mag. Rot, 4. Job. Rot. g. b. JViltffcira. (p) Idem Vicecomes reddit compotum de xl marcis, quas recepit a Comitatu ad Cuftodiam partium Maritimarum contra Willelmum dc Marifco; Et de xl de ca- tallis Galfridi Novi utlagati : In Thefauro nichil : Et in fuo fiiperplus quod habet iu- pra in firnia Comitatus xxxvj 1 xiij s & iiij d ; Et Qiiietus eft. Mag. Rot. 4. Job. Rot. 7. b. Stimerfeie & Dorjite, (^) Idem Vicecomes r c de C marcis, , quas recepit de Camera Regis, Et de C mar- cis quas recepit de Coronarijs de Dorfeta & Sumerfeta, de Auxilio facto per Comitatus ad Opus de Gillingeham : In Thefauro ni- chil : Et Cuftodibus Operis de Gillingeham Lx marcas . Mag. Rot. 6. Job. Rot. 14.. bis. b. Dorfeia (J Sumerfeta. (>■] London. De Dono Fratrum Hofpita- lis & Militiae Templi in Anglia pro De- fjsnfione Regni &c. Prior & Fratres Hofpitalis S. Johannis Jerufalem in Anglia dant Domino Regi pro Defenfione Regni, & pro Confirmatione Magnas Cartae de Libertatibus Angliae 5c de Forefta, una cum ceteris Articulis nunc eidem Cartae additis & conceffis, Et p""© nona omnium bonorum Temporalium prae- didlorum Prioris & Fratrum & Villanoruui fuorum in Anglia, DCC marcas. Ita ta- men quod iftud Donum nunc fadlum, alias uoa Chap. XV. Of Aid. 613 the Cinque Ports fined in MM Marks, for the Quinzime of the Cinque Ports ; whereof the Port of Hajimg undertook to pay DCC Marks, and the Ports of Dovor, Sandioicb, Romenhal, and Ucth MCCC Marks ; as Roger de Tilmanjlon for the Port of Hajling, and "John de la Sale Mayor of Dovor and Thomas de Schelming for the other four Ports, acknowledged before the Barons of the Exchequer (j). The Mafter and Brothers of the Knights Templars, and the Priour and Brothers of the Hofpital of St. ^ohn of Jenifalem, came and made Fine for the Trentifme of their own and their Villains Goods, which had been granted by the Prelates and Magnates; and the Mayor and Aldermen of London came and made Fine for themfelvcs and their Community for the Vintifme of their Goods, which had been granted by the Citizens, Burgelles, and Tenants of ancient De- meane, as well towards the Knighthood of the Prince, as towards the Defence of Scotland againft Robert de Brus {t). And at other Tillies lion vertatur In fervitutem vel confuetudi- nem Libertatum fuarum. Et Cedula dic- torum Prioris & Fratruni continens iltud Donum, h Donum Magiftii h Fratrum Templi, invenitur inter inquificiones retor- natas ad Scaccaiium hoc anno vicefimo fexto incipiente. Magifter & Fratres Milicise Templi in Anglia dant Domino Regi pro Defenfione Regni, & pro Confirmacione Magns Cartse de Libertatibus Anglis & de Forefta una cum cjeteris Articulis nunc additis eidem Cartae & conceflis, Et pro nona omnium bonorum Teinporalium prasdidlorum Ma- giftri & Fratrum & ViUanorum fuorum in Anglia, DCC marcas. Ita tamen quod iftud Donum nunc faftum, alias non ver- tatur in fervitutem vel conl'uctudinem con- tra Libertates fuas. Mich. Communui 2^, is' lb. E. I. Rot. 32. a. (j) Barones v Portuum, videlicet Ro- gerus de Tilmanfton, Stephanus de Pene- ceftre Conftabularius Caftri Dovoriae & Cuftos eorundem Portuum pro Portu de Hafting, Et Johannes de la Sale Major Do- voriae & Thomas de Schelming de Sandwy- co, pro Portubus Dovorire, Sandwici, Ro- menhal & Heth [debent] MM marcas de Fine pro xv'' fua infra Portus prasdiiflos. De qui bus Portus dcHafting obligat fe fo- ]uturum DCC maixas ficut diclus Rogerus teftificatus eft, Et praediili Portus Dovorias Sandwici Romenhal & Heth MCCC mar- cas ficut prnediili Johannes de la Sale & Thomas de Schelming pro fe & tota Com- munitate prasdiflorum iiij Portuum recog- noverunt, ficut recognovit, ficut contine- tur in Rotulo xxv. Mag. Rot. 33. E. i. /;'/. Kane. in. 1. a. (t) Memorandum quod ad Craftinum S. Trinitatls proximo pra;teritum, Prajlati & caeteri Magnates regni pro fe & tota Gommunitate ejufdem Regni, conceflcrunt Domino Regi Tricefimam bonorum fuo- rum omnium temporalium extra Civitates Burgos &. Dominica Domini Regis ; Et Cives Burgenfes & tenentes Dominicorum praediftorum Vicefimam bonorum fuorum, tam ad MiliciamEdwardi filij Regisprsdidli, quam ad fublldium defenfionis terrje Scocise contra Robertum de Brus &ipfius Complices inimicos Regis &c. Et forma ConceiHonis fupradiilae plenius aniiotatur in Memorandis anni prsEcedentis termino Trinitatls. Et fubfcriptl venientes modo hie concefierunt fatlsfacere Regi pro Tricefima & Viccfima prEdidtis iplos contingentLbus, ut patet fub- fequenter. Anglia, London. Frater Willelmus de la More Magifter Milicine Templi in An- glia venit, & pro fe & fratribus Ordinis prs- didi, conceffit reddere Do.nino Regi hie, pro 6i4 Of Aid. Chap. XV. Times, it was ordered that Fines fliould be taken for Aids, Subfidies, or Tallages (it). XII. Inferiour Lords of Seigneuries had of their Tenants the three notable Aids before mentioned, to wit. Aid to make his eldeft Son a Knight, to marry his eldeft Daughter once, and to ranfome his Perfon. For Example ; the Countefs of Albemarle had an Aid from the Men of her Manour of Sevenhampton, to make her Son a Knight (w). Ralf Fitz-Ra/fhii^. an Aid paid to him by his Tenants m pro triceffima propriorum bonorum fuorum temporalium & Villanorum fuorum in Anglia, feptingentas marcas. Et pro hoc conceffum eft eis, quod propria bona fua & Villanorum fuorum non taxentur ad Tri- ccfimam fupradidtam ; & quod fi Taxatores quicquam inde levaverint, id reftituant in- dilate ; Et quod folvant fummam praedictam per aequales porciones, in Craftino Purifi- cationis B. Mariae Virginis proximo futurae, & oftabis San£ti Trinitatis & Craftino ani- niarum proximo fequentibus. Poftca ad diem illam Attornatus praedifti Magiftri venit, & oftendit Literas Regis Patentes de privato figillo, teftificantes ipfum folvifle in Garderoba Regis CC libras de fumma pras- pro redemptione difli Domini veftri, tale & tantum Subfidium fludcat miniflare, ut idem. 6i6 Of A I D. Cliap. XV. Inferiour Lords had alfo of their Tenants, upon Occaiion, fome other Aids hereafter mentioned : to wit, Aid to enable him to pay tlie Fine for his Rehef or Seifin of his Inheritance, or other Fine made with the King; and Aid to enable him to pay his Debts. The Sheriffs of the Counties of Huntendon, Lincoln, and Northampton were commanded by Writ of the great Seal, to diflrein all the free Tenants of the Abbot of Peterburgh in their Bailywicks, to render to the Abbot a reafonable Aid to enable him to pay to the King a Fine of Lx Marks [a). Ifabell ck Bolebec fined in CCC Marks and iij Pal- freys, that flie might not be diftreined to marry, and that if fhe would marry, it should be with the King's Aflent &c; and that fhe might have a reafonable Aid of all her Knights and free Tenants, to enable her to pay this Fine {h). Robert de Mortijner gave the King a Palfrey, that he might have a reafonable Aid [of his Tenants] [c). William de Molbrai was impleaded by William de Stiitevill for certain Lands. Upon fome Occaiion i-elating to that Plea, William de Molbrai made a Fine to the King ; and demanded of his Tenants the Abbots of Fountance, Rivalle, and Byland an Aid to enable him to pay that Fine. The Abbots indeed infifted, that they were not obliged to yield fuch an Aid to WilUatn de Molbrai, and gave the King a Fine of C/, to have the Judgment of the King's Court, whether they were obliged or not (d), H. Bifhop of Lincoln fined to the King in C and x/. idem Dominus vefter, veftro auxilio medi- ante, a diiftorum Ininiicorum manibus ce- leriter deliberari valeat ; de quo veftram poffimus benivolentiam & fidelitatem erga didlum Dominum veftrum ex merito com- mendare, & vobis etiam grates referre de- beamus ; & ut idem Dominus vefter, cum redierit, veftris profeflibus, ob inpenfum fibi a vobis in tanto neceffitatis articulo prre- fidium, fpecialiter aftringatur. Tefte Rege apud Grenhou, primo die Septembris. per jpfiim Regem. Pat. 17. E. 2. p. 1. m. 15. (a) Mandatum eft Vicecomiti Huntin- doniae, & Vicecomiti Lincolnia & Vice- comiti Norhamtonia;, quod jufticient omnes libera tenentes Abbatis de Burgo in balliva eorum, quod faciaiu eidem Abbati rationa- bilc auxilium, ad acquietandum fe verfus Dominum Regem de fine Lx marcarum quern fecit cum Domino Rege. CL 7. J. m. 2. {b) Yfabella de Bolebec debet CCC mar- cas & iij palefridos, Ne diftringatur ad fe maritandam ; & fi fe maritare voluerit, hoc fiat per afTenfum Regis; & ut Rexwaranti- zeteam verfus omnes Dominos fuos, ne ali- quis eorum ipfam diftringere poflit.ad fe maritandam; & pro habendo hoc quod aretro eft de rationahiii parte fua quae earn contingit verfus Sororem fuam, ficut illud habere debet : Et pro habendo rationabili Auxilio de omnibus Militibus & libere te- nentibus fuis ad Finem iftum acquietandum. Mag. Rot. 9. y. Rot. 18. a. Devenejcira. tit. Nova Oblata. (f) Robertus de Mortuo mari r c de j palefrido, Pro habendo rationabili Auxilio. Mag. Rot. 10. 7. Rot. 8. b. {d) Abbates" de Fontibus & Rivalle & Bieland re de CI, pro habenda confide- ratione Curias Regis, utrum debeant auxi- lium facere Willelmo de Molbrai, ad ac- quietandum eum verfus Regem de finequem fecit cum Rege quando inplacitatus fuit per Vy'ilJelmum chap. XV. Of Aid. 617 X /, that he might be quit of fending Knights to the King's Army againfl Earl Richard Marefcball, and might have his Efcuage of that Army for the Knights Fees which he held of the King in Capite; fo that if the King pardoned [or remitted] any of that Elcuage, fo much was to be allowed to the Biihop in this Fine ; and if Efcuage for that Army did not run, the Bifliop was to have the Kind's Let- ters direfted to the Sheriff, to raife him a reafonable Aid upon the faid Fees to enable him to pay the laid Fine (c). John Earl of JVar- ivick had the King's Letters Patent direded to his Knights, Freemen, and other Tenants, requefting them to yield him a competent Aid for the Difcharge of his Debts (f). The Priour of Lewes had the King's Letters to his Tenants, for a reafonable Aid tov/ards dif- charging his (the Priour's) Debts {g). The like Letters were obtained by Hug/j de Ver Earl of Oxford, by the Countefs of Ou, the Abbat of Walden, and Fulk BaJJ'et Provoft of Beverley [h). It may be noted, that thefe are only Letters of Requeft. For 'tis provided by the great Charter of K. John, that the King fliould not for the future grant [abfolutely] to any one Leave to take an Aid of his free Men, fave in the three Cafes, viz. to ranfome his Body, to make his eldeft Willelmum de Stutevill de terris quas ad- verfus cum clamavit : In Thefauro nichil ; Et ipfi Regi in Camera fua CI, Et Q. f. Alag. Rot. II. y. Rot. 12. b. Everivicfcira. (e) H. Lincolnienfis Epifcopus r c de C &; X 1 de fine, Ut fit quietus de Militibus inittendis ad exercitum Regis contra R. Co- mitem Marefcallum ; Et pro habendo fcu- tagio fuo ejufdem exercitus de feodis Mili- tum qufe de Rege tenet in Capite ; ita quod 11 Rex aliquid de Scutagio illo perdonaverit, aiiocabitur ei in fine prasdiflo ; Et fi Scuta- gium inde non currat, idem Epifcopus lia- bebit Literas Vicecomiti direftas, de ha- bendo rationabili Auxillo de prasdiflis feo- dis ad finem ilium adquietandum. Mag, Rot. 18. H, 3. Lincolnia. (f) Rex Militibus, liberis hominibus, Sc omnibus alijs tenentibus de Johanne de Ple(r. Comite Warwici falutem. Cum pras- diiHus Comes gravibus & immoderatis fum- ptibus & varijs anxietatibus corporis fatiga- tus exiflat occaficne fervicij nol^ri in VV'af- conia, ubi laudabiliter & ftreiiue fe gerebat, & infuper nobis perfolvere debeat in brevi pro omnibus feodis fuis Auxilium nobis de- Vot. I. bitum ad Primogenitum filium noflruni Militem faciendum, quod quidem Auxilium ad Rlilitiam filij fui ei impemlere non tene- mini, unde gravius oneratur : Vos omnes & fingulos afit'£luofe requirimus & rogamus, quatinus prsfato Coniiti competens praebere velitis Auxilium ad ipfius debita relevanda, prout honori veftro & neceffitati fuae melius videritis convenire ; Tantum pro hac peti- tione noflra facientes, quod vobis favorein & gratiam propter hoc dcbeamus liberalius impertiri temporibus opportunis. T. Rege apud Weftmon. vij die Januarij. Pat. 30. H. 3. m. lb. (g) Prior Lewenfis habet Literas Direc- tas Hominibus fuis, de rationabili auxilio ad debita fua acquietanda. Pat. 18. H. 3. tn. 16. (h) Hugo de Ver Comes Oxonias habet Literas direftas Militibus & liboris homini- bus fuis deprecatorias, de Auxilio ad debita fua acquietanda. Pat. 18. H. 3. m. 16. The like for the Countefs of On, and the Abhnt of \\^z\QAen. lb. m. 16. The likefr Fulk. Dailet. lb. m. 9. 4 K (/; Nos 6i8 0/ A I D. Chap. XV. eldeft Son a Knight, and to marry his eldeft Daughter once ; and that in thofe Cafes it fliould be a reafonable Aid {i). Again ; Nicolas de Freinbaud Committee of the Biflioprick of Ely during the Vacancy, rendered an Account, as of other Iffues of the Temporalities, fo of certain Aids : particularly, he anfwered xx Marks the Aid of Frank Tenants of the Town of E/y, xx Marks the Aid of Frank Tenants of Wychcford Hundred, vj / and odd the Aid of Frank Tenants of the Town of Wijebech, and CCxv / viij s the Doniim or Acknowledg- ment of the Villans belonging to the Manours of the Bifhoprick [k). But of thefe Aids to private Lords it is not my Bufmefs to treat at large. {i) Nos non concedemus de castero ali- cui, quod capiat Auxilium de liheris homi- nibus luis, nifi ad corpus fuum redimendum, & ad faciendum primogenitum filium fuum Militem, & primogenitam filiam fuam femel maritandam ; & ad haec non fiat nifi la- tionabile Auxilium. Ex Mag. Chart. R. yoh. cap. 20. apud Brad. Hiji. Angl. in Append, p. 132. £3" ap. Tyr. Hijl. Angl. in App. p. 11. (k) Compotus Nicholai Freinbaud de exitibus Epifcopatus Elienfis, vacantis per inortem J. de Kyrkeby nuper Epifcopi ejuf- dem loci, a quarto die Aprilis anno xviij, ufq; XXX diem Maij anno eodem, antequam Rex reftitueret temporalia Epifcopatus pras- didti Magiftro Willelmo de Luda Decano S. Martini Magni Londonias, in Epifco- pum Elienfem eleflo, per Literas Regis pa- icntes quae refident in forulo Marelcalli : Idem reddit compotum de Cix I vd, de redditu aflifo . Et de vij 1 xvj s viij d ob. de certis confuetudinibus de Wydepunt Arundineti, Wardfilver, Somerlode, He- dernweth, Coupenn, Foddircorn, & Wyn- felver, per idem tempus, in quibufdam Ma- nerijs Epifcopatus ejufdem ; Et de xx mar- cis de Auxilio libere tenentium de villa de Ely per idem tempus ; Et de xx marcis,, de Auxilio libere tenentium in Hundredo de Wycheford ; Et de vjl xs xj d ob. q. , de Auxilio libere tenentium de villa de Wy- febech, per idem tempus : Et de CCxv 1 viij s de recognitione villanorum in Mane- rijs Epifcopatus, per idem tempus : Et de Liii 1 iiij s viij d ob, de placitis & perquifitis Curiarum, per idem tempus. Mag. Rot. 18.. E. I. Rot, I. a. m. 2. in Rot, Compotornm.. CHAP. Chap. XVI. Of EscuAGE. 619 CHAP. XVI. Of the Revenue ariji?tg by Scutage or Escuage. I, II. Efciiage-money arofe out of Fees holden of the King in Caplte. III. Some Serjeanties paid if. IV. It was in lieu of perfonal or aSitial Service in the King's Army. V. If Barons or Knights holding in Capite did not do perfonal Service, they fent Knights in their fead, or tnade Fine Ne transfretent, &c, according to the ^antity of their Fees. VI. And then they were acquitted of their Efcuage for fich Fees. Of the Writs of acquittal ufiial ijijuch Cafe. VII. Efcuage was not chargeable on Lands holden either in Frankal- moigne or Socage. VIII. I'he King's Tenants in Capite by Knights Service had Efcuage of their Te?iants by Kiights Service of the Fees for which they paid Efcuage to the King. IX. How that Efcuage was colleSied. I. T~p S C U A G E or Scutage was a Duty or Service arlfing out of X^ J Baronies and Knights Fees. It denoted Servicium fcuti, the Service of the Shield : and was wont to be rendered thus, to wit, for every Knights Fee the Service of one Knight, for every half a Fee the Service of half a Knight, and fo in Proportion. Baronies were charged with Efcuage after the like Manner ; to wit, according to the Number of the Knights Fees (whether they were more or fewer) whereof the Barony by its original Enfeoffment did confiflr. This Service of Scutage was performed two Ways, either perfonally in the King's Army (of which, it is not my Bufinefs here to treat) or elfe by pecuniary Commutation. All thefe Particulars will be exemplified in this Chapter. It is true, that the Word Scutagium, when ufed in an ex- tenfive Senfe, did anciently fignify any Payment alTell'ed upon Knights Fees, whether fuch Payment was for the King's Army or not. Thus the Aid arifing out of Knights Fees for ranfoming K. Richard I, is called Scutagium ad redemptionem Regis ; and other Aids fct upon Knights Fees were alfo fometiiiies called Scutages. But in regard Scu age or 4 K 2 Efcuage, 62 Of E S C U A G E. Chap. XVI. Efcuage, in the moft ufual Acceptation of it, fignified the Payment or Service rendered for or in refpeft of the Army, in this Chapter I conftantly ufe it in that Senfe. Scutage therefore or Efcuage was a Duty arifing out of Baronies and Knights Fees, for Service in the King's Army. It was wont to be rendered to the King out of all Fees holden of him immediately, either lit de Corona, or of his Ho- nours and Efcheats, or of his Wardfliips and Purchafes. The ancient Way of charging or anfwering it, was fo much T)e Scutagio Wallice, &c ; ox pro Militibtis, for his Knights Fees j or de Exercitu Wallice iicci^a). Thefe Efcuages pro exercitu were wont to be paid to the King by his Tenants in Capite by Knight-Service. 'Te?mnt in Capite fignifies immediate T^enant [b). The Phrafe in Capite was commonly ufed in that C^) A learned chief Jujlice, of great Re- putation in the ccumwn of Laiu of England, fpeaks of Efcuage as if it was a Tenure. But I fuppofe it luill appear by the Records cited in this Chapter, that Efcuage was not properly a Tenure, hut rather a Duty or Service incident to Tenure by Chivalry. His Words are thefe : " Every Tenure by Efcuage (faith he) is a " Tenure by Knights Service : but every «' Tenant that holdeth by Knights Ser- " vice, holdeth not by Efcuage, as fhall " be faid hereafter. Cok. Comment, on Lift, fol. 69. a. " It is to be obferved, that he " that holdeth by Caftlegard or Cornage, " holdeth by Knights Service, and yet he " (hall pay no Efcuage, becaufe he holdeth ■■' not to go with the King to War. Cok. Comm. ib. fol. 69. b. But, I prefumc, this Matter will be eafily fettled ; if we recoUeii, that when a military Tenant did ailual Service, whether in an Army or in a Cajlle, then he paid no Efcuage. Sire Thomas Lif'eton the famous Author of the Treatife concerning Tenures and Ejiates [upon which Treatife Sir Edward Coke wrote his Commentary) faith, " Tiel tenant que " tient fa terrc per Efcuage, tient per fer- " vice de Chivaler. Litt. Ten. L. 2. c. 3. fe^. 95. Ncre, by tient fa terre per Efcu- age, ive are to underfiand, per le Service de Efcuage; as if he had faid, He that yieid- eth Efcuage, holdeth by Knight fervicc ; for Efcuaoe is an incident to Knight-fer- vice. (b) It is wonderful to fee how much the No- tion of Tenancy in Capite, which is in ttfelf plain and ftmple, hath been obfcured and per- plexed by Writers. Within the Memory of Man there have been eager Difputes about the Tenants in Capite, By what I have read of the Con- troverfy, I cannot perceive, that it zvas ever agreed amongfl the Difputants, What Tenancy in Capite was ; or that they had a diflin£i No- tion of it. There is another Thing to be here remembered, which may jujily feem Jlrange. I mujl fpeak of it with great fubmi(fion. In the twelfth Year of K. Charles II [cap. 24.) a Statute was made, entituled. An Ai5t for the taking away of Tenures in Capite and by Knights Service and Purveyance &c. // ivas intended, by that Statute, to tah.e-avjay, and aholijh Tenure by Knight- fervice %vhe- thcr of the King or of a Stibje£i, with the Fruits and Appendages thereof viz. Wardjlnp, Mar- riage, Relief, Efcuage &c ; and to take away Wardjhip, Marriage, Relief, Efcuage, and other Feodal Profits or Services incident either to Tenure by Barony or by Serjeanty. But there are fame Clauja in that Statute relat- ing to Tenures, vjhich, if I do not iniflake, are worded in Terms fo complex and indf/iinSl, that like a two-edged Sword they cut both Ways. Upon which Matters it is not bchoveful to en- large in this Place. In general, as to the Na- ture of Tenancy in Capite, one may prcfume to fay. It has not been fujfciently cleared by thi- Comynon- Lawyers, or even the Antiquaries of our Nation. Sir Edward Coke has no luck in the Explication he gives of it, in his firji Inftitutes, />. 108. a. Nor is Opinion in the Chap. XVI. Of E S C U A G E. 62. that Senfe. For Example ; Alexander de Budiciimhe fold certain Land to Thomas Fitz- William. And Seifin thereof was given to Thomas by Haicife de Gurney Lady of the Fee per ramum arboris, to hold of her in Capite by the fanie Service that Alexander did to her, namely by the the Cafe needful to he recited here. Mr. Selden f peaks as if he thought a Baroii and a Tenant in Capite was ail-one ; Not. & Spicil. in Eadem. p- 168. Et Tit. Hon. p. 575. And Sir Vi. SpeJ man yrt///;, that in the Time of K. Henry II, every Tenure ii> Capite ivas accounted a Tenure ly Barony ; Glojfar. ad vocein, Baro, p. 72. col. 2. Jn this Cafe both Air. Selden and Sir H. Spelman, altioough in Part they are not far frorn the Trulh, have fallen flrnt of giving a clear and juji Explica- tion. I think it may he rightly faid, thcit in tlie ancient Times ( fuppcfe about the Time of K. Henry II) mofi of the Tenants holding of the King in Capite were real or reputed Barons ; not barely bccaufe they held of the King in Capite, but partly for that Rcafon, and chiefly becaufe they held of him large Seigneuries. And there was, as I take it, Jo great a likenefs between a Baron and one of the King's Tenants in Capite ivho held a targe Seigneurie, that in the Reign of K. Henry II, they made little cr no Difference betiveen them. There was alfo another Thing which jnadc Tenancy by Barony andTenancy of the King in Capite by Knight- Service fo like the one to the other ; and that •was, the indetermined ^tanti/y or Number of Knights Fees neceffitry to compofe a Barony. For whereas fome Baronies or Honours luere exec (five large, conffling of a very great Number of Pees : others again vjei'e fo fmall, that by the Quantity of them or the Number of the Fees whereof they conffled, they could not be known to he Baronies. In Sum ; Every Baron, properly fo called, was a Tenant in Capite : but every Tenant in Capite was riot, by Reafon of his Tenure in Capite, a Baron or a reputed Ba- ron. From the Reign ofK. Henry III, down- wards to the fucceedirig Times, the Tenants in Capite became very numerous. So that it feme - times happened, that a Alan was the King's Tenant in Capite of a Half, or a garter, or a tenth Part of a Knight's Fee. JVhich fmall Tenancies in Capite were far different from Baronies. Again ; if a Man held of the King 4 in Capite by fome other Tenure than Barony or Chivalry ; fuch Perfon although he was a Te- nant in Capite, xuas by no means a Baron. Men jcem to have been led into their confufed J Fay of fp caking upon this SuhjeSl by fuppofmg Tenure in Capite to have been a dijiindi Kind of Tenure, in like Manner as Tenure by Knights Service, Socage, and others were, IVhich Suppofition is fallacious and untrue. For Tenure in Capite luas fo far from being a dif- tin£i Sort of Tenure by itflf, that it might be predicated of the fcveral other Tenures; that is to fay, a Man might hold of the King in Capite, either by Barony, or by Knights Service, or by Serjeaniy, or by Socage, or by Fee-ferm. And if it be faid that a Man held of the King in Capite, without mentioning exprefy by luhat Service, it is to he underjlood, that he held of the King immediately, in Oppofition to his holding immediately of another : and that Phrafe was ufcd in fuch Cafe, when the Service was n'jt in ^lejlion, but the Tenure only, to wit, whe- ther it was mediate or immediate. But the fal- lacious Suppofition above tnentioned had entered into the Alinds of Men long bcprc the Rei^n of K. Charles II. For Example ; Q, Elilabeili by her Letters Patent dated at Weftminfter the \()th Day fi/'Noveniber ;';/ the 42 Tear of her Reign, granted to Richard Ryves and John Burges Gentlemen, the Mancur or Lor d- Jhipof^ovicombc in Wiltfliire, and diver: others Lands, in Fee fimple. The Tenure ivas referved in thefe IVcrds : Tenendum de nobis hasredibus ii. fucceiToribiis iioftris, ut de Manerio noftro de Eftgieenewich in Comi- tntu noflro Kanciae per fidclitatem t.uitum, in libero &c communi focagio, & non in Ca- pite, nee per iervilium miiitare, pro omni- bus alijs redditibus, fervicijs, &c ; Ex. 8. parte Orig. 42. Eliz. Rot, I. The fame ^4cen by Letters Patent dated the i\th Day of March in the fame 42 Tear, granted t: Sir John Spencer in Fee fimple, the Scite of the Prioury of Tortington //; Suflcx &:c, Te- nendum de nobis 6'f, in the fame IVerds as abo^M 622 Of Esc u AGE. Chap. XVI. the Service of the fifth Part of a Knight's Fee (c). Whereas cer- tain Baihffs of free Hundreds in hjj'cx and Hertfordjlnre did not make due Returns to the Sheriff of thofe Counties, the King commanded the Sheriff to enter into thofe Hundreds and diftrain m Capite (that is immediately, without making any Pi'ecept to the Baihffs) (^). It is faid of one '^ohn Craft, that he was not Ballivus nojler in Capite ; that is, he was not put into his Bailywick by the YAngJine medio [but by another Perfon who had the fame Bailywick from the King] {e). Robert Bracy alledged by his Petition exhibited to the King, that he did not hold of the Bifliop of Worcejler in Capite, but that he held of William de Bracy, and William de Bracy of William de Beau- champ, and William de Beauchamp of the Bifhop in Capite (f). Roger de Calejion held [the Land of] Calejlon of the King in Capite by Socage, rendering yearly Lviij s iiij d [g). John de London accounted to the King for the Iffues of certain Land which was John de Lambroke's, who held in Capite of Eujlace de Durvile who held in Capite of the King ; the Lands of which faid John were efcheated to the King by Reafon of Felony committed by Eiijiace for which he was afterwards hanged. John de London accounted alio to the Crown, for the Iffues of certain Manours which were Robert de Beauchamf s who held of the King in Capite by Barony j and for the Cuflomary Aid of certain Manours, which were lately Mabel Rivels, who held in Capite of the King by Barony ; and for the Aid of the Villains in Timere/berwet above hi the Grant to Ryves ; lb. Rol. lo. Hundredorum in Balliva fuanon refpondeant And 7nany other Letters Patent, made in the ad retuinum fuum, intret in Hundreda & Reign of thai ^een and afterwards, are of the diftringat in Capite. Memor. 22. H. 3. fameTenour. Whereas the latter JVords, h now Rot.\\.a. inimo. Effex 13 Hertf. in Capite, are [with great Submijftm) repug- (e) Mich. Commiin. 27. H. 3. Rot. 5. b. nam to the Former, TenenAxim ile nohh. And Vid. Cap. XXIII. Seii. 3. Oxonia. therefore the Tenure [if any) referved to the Et quia. Crown hy thefe Patents, was in Truth, Tenure (f) Memor. 38. PI. 3. Rot. 8. a. Vid. \n Oa^m by Socage. Cap. XV. fe£i. 7. Wygornia. Monftravit. (c) Ad tenendum in Capite de me & de (g) Rogerus de Calefton qui tenet in meis haeredibus fibi & fuis haeredibus. Form. Capite de Rege Kalefton per Sokagium, Anglic. Nu. C. Several Manours and Lands reddendo per annum Lviij s iiij d, fecit fi- were holden in Capite of the Bijhop of Dur- nem cum Rege per L s pio Relevio fuo, & ham ; quas de nobis tenentur in Capite. dcbuit fccifTe finem pro Lviij s iiij d. Et lb. Nu. Y)L,x\iiv\\. And hnk\m Vifcount de ideo prasceptum eft Vicecomiti, quod dif- Roan ivas to hold Land In Capite of the Bijhop tringat eum pro viij s iiij d Regi reddendis ; 5/" Winchefter, Hie ante. Cap. 13. fell, 11. ita quod habeat denarios I'uper arreragia ilia; «, ad ann. ^. Steph. Si debent illi viij s iiij d poni in iVlagno (d) Vicecomes habet diem ad reddendum Rotulo. Memor. 32. H. 3. ad finem Ccm- arreragia fua in odlabis S. Illarij. Et prse- poti de IVilief. Rot. 12. b. ceptum eft ci, quod fi Ballivi Liberorum 4 which Chap. XVI. O/ESCUAGE. 623 which was lately the Land of Henry de Waddone, who held of the King in Capite •■> and for the IfTues of the Abbey of Muchc/ney, which was alfo holden of the King i?i Capite (h). Robert de Tudenhatn, and Eve his Wife, Tenant of the Manour of Ere/well in Suffolk, were at- tached to anfwer in the Exchequer, touching that Manour. yohn de Ereficell, who followed for the King, declared againft them, fet- ting forth that the faid Manour was holden of the King i?i Capite as of the Honour of Boloigiie ; and to prove that, he fliewed, it was holden in Capite of the King by feveral Perfons in a continued Courfe of Defcent : which Perfons refpeftively did Homage to the King, paid him Relief, and died in his Homage j and that at length, rt came to the faid Eve by Enfeoffment in Frankmarriage, which was made ad tenendum in Capite de Rege: wherefore he faith, that the faid Manour is Ifili holden of the King immediately [i). Richard de Ok- beare (^) Idem [Johannes de Londonia] r'c de iiij 1 vij s, de exitibus unius virgatse terr^ quas fuit Johannis de Lambrok in hoc Co- mitatu, qui tenuit in Capite de Euftacio de Durvile qui de Rege tenuit in Capite ; Cu- jus terr£E & tenenienta fuerunt efchaeta Re- gis, per feloniam quam idem Euftacius commifit, pro qua poftea fuit fufpenfus ; a fefto S. Georgij anno xxxiiij, ufq; xiiij diem Februarij anno xxxvj", antequam li- beraret eandem terram Rogero de Lam- brok filio & hseredi pradidi Johannis, per breve E. Abbatis de Perfhore tunc Capitalis Efchaetoris Regis citra Trentam. Et de xvj 1 vij s vj d, de redditu afllfo in Mane- rijs de Stok, Merfton, Schepton, & Hac- ciie, quae fuerunt Roberti de Bello Campo qui de Rege tenuit in Capite per Baroniam viz. from Juch a Time, to ftub a Time anno eodem, antequam liberaret eafdem terras Roberto filio & hceredi praedifti Robert!, per breve prasdifti Abbatis; Et de Lxvj s viij d de Auxilio Cuftumar[io] in Mane- rijs de Stok, Swell, & Peret, quae fuerunt Mabiliae Rivel qua de Rege tenuit in Ca- pite per Baroniam ; Et de Lx s de Auxilio Villanorum in Timerefberwe quod fuit Henrici de Waddone qui de Rege te- nuit in Capite, a die Veneris Sec ; Et de xxxiij 1 vij s xd, de exitibus Abbatias de Mucheleneye quae de Rege tenetur in Ca- pite, a die Jovis proxima ante Nativitatem S. Johannis Baptiftae anno xxxvj, ufq; ter- cium diein Julij anno eodem, antequam liberaret eandem Abbaciam cum terris & tenementis ad earn pertinentibus, Fratri Johanni de Barnevile eleifto in Abbatem ejufdem Domus, per breve Regis — . Mag. Rot. 6, E. I. in Rot. Compotorum Rot, ult. m. \. b. (/) SufFolcia. De Roberto de Tudenham & Eva uxore ejus attachiatis. Et prse- fatus Johannes [de Erefwell qui fequitur pro Rege] pro Rege dicit, quod praedi£lum Manerium [de Erefwell] tcncri debet dc Rege in Capite ut de Honore Bononiae, & non de alio. Dicit enim, quod quidam Ra- dulphus de Rouceftre I'enior tenuit praedic- tum Manerium in Capite de Domino H. quondam Rege Anglis Patre Regis nunc, ut de Honore prxdi£io, per fervicium duo- rum feodorum Militum, & obijt in Homa- gio ejufdem Regis H. de eodem Manerio, antequam fupradi(Sla Concordia fa£ta eflet inde in Curia ipfius Regis H ; Cui quidem Radulpho fucceffit quidam Willelmus de RouceftrefiliusSc hares &c; & homagium in- de fecit eidemRegi,&folvit inde relevium&c tanquam pro duobus feodis &c ; h quod defuniSo ipfo Willelmo, cum hsredem de corpore fuo legitime procreatum non relin- queret, fucceffit illi Petrus de Rouceftre frater & haeres &c, & homagium Regi fecit pro eodem Manerio, & Solvit relevium Sic ; & obijt in homagio Regis dc eodem Mane- rio ; £t eidcm Petro fucceffit Henricus dc Rouceftre iilius h ha;res ^'c ; U obijt in homasio 624 0/E S C U A G L'.. Chap. XVI. beare Brother and Heir of Roger de Okbeare held the fourth Part of the IVlanour of Rillaton in Cornivall of the King in Capita, as of tiic Earl- dom (or County) of Cornivall then being in the King's Hands, by the Services hereunder mentioned ; and paid his Relief for the fame [k). Alexander de Sioereford, whilfc he refided at the Exchequer, col- lefted out of the Rotuli A/males or great Roils of the Pipe, many Me- morials concerning the Scutages which were aflelled in the Reigns of KKK. Henry II, Richard \, and yohn, and until the 15th Year of the Reign of K. Henry III. Thefe he hath put-together in the Red Book. He could not, it feems, give an Account of any Scutages more ancient than the Reign of K. Henry II. " For he had not feen or *' heard, that any Scutages were aliefled in the Time of K. He?iry I {I). I fuppofe he means, that none were mentioned in thofe few annual Rolls of that King's Time which then remained. In truth, 'tis more than probable that there were Scutages alleffed in the Reign of K. He?iry I ; although the annual Rolls of his Reign are loft. For that King in his Writ (hereunder cited) directed to William Conftable homagio Regis de eodem Manerio ; Et poft morteiri ipfius Henrici, quidam Radulphus filius & hxres ejiifdem Henrici tunc fuit in- fra atatem, &ratione minoris aetatis ejufdeni Radulphi filij Henrici, Rex habuit Cuf- todiam ejufdem Manerij ufq; ad Icgitimani EBtatem ipfius Radulphi, fimul cum Mari- tagio ipfius Radulphi &:c ; £t poftquain idem Radulphus ad plenam aetatem fuam pervenit, fecit Regi homagium pro eodem Manerio & feifinam inde habuit iic; & iade poftmodum feofFavit quemdam Hamonem Pecche, tenendum de Rege &c ; qui qui- dem Hamo poftea rcfeofFavit ipfum Radul- phum, & Evam uxorem ejus neptem ipfius Hamonis, in liberum Maritagium de eodem Manerio, tenendum in Capite de Rege &c; & idem Radulphus obijt in homagio Regis inde &c ; & diiSa Eva mode uxor dicti Ro- bert! de Tudenham tenet adhuc idem Ma- nerium, & continue illud tenuit hucufq; per di£lum feofFamentum prsedifti Hamonis, abfq; ulla mutatione flatus quern ipfa in eodem Manerio habuit per idem feoffamen- tum he. Unde dicit pro Rege, quod idem Maneiium immediate de Rege adhuc tene- tur. tie. Hilcnij Rccorda i. E. 2. Rot. 41. tf. (k) Cornubia. Ricardus de Okbeare frater & haeres Rogeri de Okbeare dat Do- mino Regi Jtij s vjd, de relevio fuo de om- nibus terris & tenementis quss didtus Roge- rus tenuit de Rege in Capite die quo obijt, & pro quibus diclus Ricardus fecit Regi fi- delitatem, ficut continetur in Originalibus de anno oflavo Regis nunc, videlicet dc quarta parte Manerij de Rillaton, quam dictus Rogerus tenuit de Rege in Capite, ut de Coinitatu Cornubias in manu Regis exiftente, per fervicium duorum folidorum per annum, & per fervicium faciendi fectam ad Curiam de Rillaton de menfe in mcnfem, & inveniendi unum hominem quolibet quar- to anno ad intendendum Ballivo didli Ma- nerij ad levanda debita de placitis & per- quifitis Curiarum, ficut praediftus Ricar- dus recognovit. Sed dicit praedi6tus Ricar- dus, quod Ricardus de Polhampton nuper fenefcallus Cornubiae jevavit diclos xijs vjd de Relevio &c. And fo it ivai found in Rich- ard de Polhampton's Account de exitibus fe- nefcalcias proediilae de anno viij". Faf. Fi- nes &c. 9. E. 2. Rot. 113. b. (I) Temporibus enim Regis Henrici pri- mi, licet ejufdem paucos infpexerim Anna- les, nee infpexi vcl audivi fuifi^e Scutagja aflifa. Lib, Rab.fol. notato xlvij. a. col. 2. of Chap. XVI. 0/ E s c u A G E. 625 of Cbe/ic'j-, commandedj that the Abbot and Monks of IVcJlminJlcr fliould hold their Land of Pcriton free from Scutage and all other fc- cular Preftations [m). But Alexander goes on. " Tlie firft Scutage *• (faith he) as far as I can colle6l out of the annual Rolls, was " aflefled in the fecond Year of the Reign of K. Henry Fitz-Eniprefs. " It was for the Army oi Wales : and was affefled only upon thofe " Prelates who were bound to military Services. The Quota of it " was XX J- for each Knight's Fee fn). Several of thefe Scutages arc *' mentioned in the Citations out of this great Roll, which may be " feen under the Title, Danegeld (0). " The fecond Scutage, faith ♦' he, of that King was afleffed for the fame Army of Wales, as you " may find in the great Roll of the fifth Year of his Reign. It was " two Marks for each Knights Fee ; and was affeired not only upon *' Prelates, but alfo upon other Perfons and their Knights, who " held of the King in Capite, according to the Number of their Fees. " It was afl'efTed likewife upon the reft of the Knights of each " County in common. And this Scutage is entituled, De dono: for " this Reafon as I conceive (faith he) becaufe not only the Prelates '* who were bound to military Services, but others alfo, as fuppofe *' the Abbots of Batell and Shreiii/bury, &c. did at that Time give " an Aid. And note, that in this Cafe the Doniim of the Prelates " makes a Sum of Money anfwerable to the Number of the Fees " which they held of the King in Capite ; counting two Marks fur " every Knights Fee. And the Doniwi of the Knights of each *' Prelate was according to the fame Proportion, to wit, two Marks " per Knights Fee. For Example ; the Abbot of St. Aujiin at " Canterbury, who held of the King xv Fees, yielded Cxlvj / and a ** Mark ^(? Doto ; the Abbot's Knights xx / rti? JDwo. Which Sum (m) H. Rex Anglorum, Willelmo Conf- Ricardus BafTet facial fieri. T. codem Ri- tabulario de Ceftria falutem. Praecipio cardo BalTet apud Udcftok. Es uutogr. in quod Abbas de Weftmonafterio & Mona- Archivo EccLf. Coll. lyiiftmon. fubjlgillo niiitilo. chi teneant terram fuam de Peritona, quam (n) Piimiim Scutagium Regis Henrici Pater tuus pro aiiima uxoris fuae Ecclefias fccundi. Primiim omnium Scutagiorum, dedit in Elemofinam, ita bene & honorifice, prout rumor ex Rotulis ad me devcnit, affi- h libere &jufte, h quiete de Scutagio & fum fuifle regno [leg. anno regnij Regis omnibus fecularibus confuetudinibus, ficut Henrici filij Imperatricis fecundo ; ut infe- pater tuus primitus ipfi Ecclefix dedit & rius in fuo rcperics annali. Fuitq; Scuta- conceflit, & ficut ipfi poftea melius tenue- gium pro exercitu Waliiie, fuper Praelatos runt & tempore Hugonis Comitis de Cef- antum qui ad Militaria fervicia tenentur tria. Et fuper hoc nullus forisfaciat eis vel aflifum ; videlicet pro quolibct feodo Mili- rebus fuis quicquam, Et fi fuper hoc quic- tis xx folidi. Lib. Rub. fol. nttato xlvij. b. quam de fuo injufte captum eft recdatur, col. I. ne audiam inde clamorem. Et nifi feceris, (o) Chap, Xf'^II.fecl.i. Vol. I. 4 L [xx /] 626 Of E S C U A G E. Chap. XVL " [xx /] plainly agrees with the Number of the Fees, at two Marks " per Fee. Again ; the Knights of the County [of Kent\ yield their •' Scutage in a grofs or common Sum. You will find an Account " of thefe Matters in the great Roll of the 5th Year. I am apt to " think, all the Prelates at tliat Time gave the King a Donum m '* common, and diftributed it into certain Proportions amongft them- *' felves. This may be colleded from the unequal Sum impofed on ♦* feveral of them. And though this was entituled a Do?7um, I fup- " pofe it was in Truth a Scutage ; [for the Reafon before mentioned, " and like wife] becaufe the Sheriffs of Worcejler and Warwick ac- *' count for the Knights Fees of the Bifhop of Worcejler and the Earl " of Warwick. And therefore I have fet-down this Donum as a " Scutage, amongft the other Scutages here mentioned (/>). In this fifth Year of K. Henry II, the Payment made by the Prelates, Ba- rons, and Knights, is called a Tioniim. For Example ; in Ej]ex, the Bifhop of London gave CC Marks de Dono ; his Knights xl Marks ; the Knights of the County of Eff'ex fourfcore Marks ; Robert de He- Hun XXX Marks for his Knights j and Roger and Richard de Ramis, each xij / and a Mark fq). In Hertford/hire, the Abbot of St. Al- ban. (p) 01*° Rotulo fecundum ejus Scuta- giuni Si propter quod aflifum reperies. Se- cundum ejus Scutagium aflifum pro eodem cxercitu Wallias reperies in Rotulo anni qutnti Regis ejufdem inferius. Fuitq; afli- fum ad duas marcas pro quolibet feodo, ron folum fuper Praelatos, verum tarn fuper ipfos, quam fuper Milites fuos fecundum numerum feodorum, Quitenuerunt de Rege in Capite ; nee non & fuper refiduos Mili- tes fingulorum Comitatuum in Communi. Intitulaturq; illud Scutagium, De Dcno. Ea quidem, ut credo, ratione, quod non folum Pra;lati qui tenentur ad fervicia Militaria, fed etiam alij, Abbates utpote de Bello & deSalopefbirie, & alij, tunc temporis dede- runt Auxilium. Et nota quod Dona Prje- latorum in fumma pecunije convenienti feo- dis qus tenent de Rege in Capite. Ita quod ij marcje computentur pro feodo uno. Do- na tamen Militum cujuflibet Prcelati fufli- ciunt in ea fumma, ut pro quolibet feodo poflent computari ij marcae. Uc, verbi gra- tia, Abbas S. Auguflini Cantuarise qui te- net de Rege xv feoda Militum reddit ibi compotum de Cxlvj libris & j marca, de 4 Dono. Milites ejufdem, de xx I de Dono. Quae fumma manifefte convenit de numero feodorum ; Computatis ad feodum ij mar- cis ; Caeteris vero Militibus Comitatus red- dentibus compotum in i"umma Communi. Quod totum reperies inferius in Annali Quinto. Credo quidem omnes Praelatos in Communi aliquid de eo tempore dedifle Regi: Diftributionefq; inter fe feciflTe; quod habere poteftis ex inaequali fumma quam- pluribus inpofita. Fuifle quidem Scutagium, ex hoc arguo, licet Donum intrtulatum, Qiiod Vicecomites Wigornias & Warwikij reddunt ibi compotum de Scutagio Militum Epifcopi Wigornienfis & Comitis Warwi- kiae. Propter quod, inter alia Scutagia iftud Donum pro Scutagio appofui. Lib. Rub.fol. notato xlvij. b. col. i . Et idem Vicecomes r c de Scutagio Mi- litum Abbatis S. Auguflini ; In thefauro XV 1, Et Q^e. Mag. Ret. 2. H. 2. Rot. 12. b. Chent. [q) Nova Placita & Novas Conventio- nes : Idem Vicecomes r c de CC marcis, de Dono Epifcopi Lundoniae ; In thefauro liberavit in ij taleis, Et Q^ e. Idem Vice- comes Chap. XVI. Of E S C U A G E. 627 hin paid C Marks de Dono^ and the Knights of that Abbey xij Marks, and the Knights of the County xxij Marks de Dono frj. In Norfolk and Suffolk, the Bifhop of Norwich rendered CC Marks, de Dono, and his Knights Liij / and half a Mark ; the Abbot of St. Edmund Cxxxiij / w] s and vi\] d, and his Knights Liij/ and a Mark; tlie Abbot oi Hidm xxl, and his Knights iiij I; the Knights of the County xlviij / and a Mark j the Knights of Peter de Val. xxiij Marks {s). In Kent, the Abbot of St. Aujlin paid de Dono C xlvj / and a Mark, and his Knights xx/; the Knights of the County oi Kent hi; and the Sheriff of the County C Marks, de Dono (/). The Hke Payments de Dono were made in the other Counties. And whereas the Pay- ment made by the Prelates is in this great Roll oi the 5th Year ftyled a Domitn ; Alexander de SwereJ'ord fuppofeth the fame was in reality a comes r c de xl marcis, de Dono Militum ejufdem Kpifcopi ; In thefauro xxiij 1 &xiiij.s •& iiijd ; In perdonis, per breve Regis, Ra- dulfo de Haft, j marca. Et Radulfo Medi- co iij marcae, Et Sorori Willelmi Archidia- coni vs & viijd, Et Q. e. Idem Viceco- mes r c de quater xx marcis, de Dono Mi- litum de Effexa. Idem Vicecomes r c de XXX marcis, pro Roberto de Heliun deMi- litibus. Idem Vicecomes r c de xij 1 & xiij s & iiij d, pro Rogero de Ram. Idem Vicecomes r c de xijl & xiij s & iiij d, pro Ricardo deRamis. Idem Vicecomes r c de XX marcis, de Dono Burgi de Coleceftria, In th. 1, Et Qi e. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2, Rot. I. b. EJJixa. (r) Abbas de Weftmonafterio debet xxl de Scutagio. Nova Placita & Novas Con- ventiones : Idem Vicecomes r c de C mar- cis, de Dono Abbatis de Sanilo Albano, In thefauro liberavit in ij talleis, Et Q; e. I- dem Vicecomes r c de xij marcis, de Dono Militum ejufdem Abbatis, In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de xxij marcis, de Dono Militum de Hurtfortfcira, In thefauro xij 1 & xviij s, Et in Perdonis &c, Et Q. e. lb. Rot. i.b. Hurtfortfcira. (s) N. P. & N. C. Idem Vicecomes r c de CC marcis de DonoEpifcopi Norwicen- fis, In thefauro C & xxxl & xiij s & iiij d, Et inperdonis &c, Et Q. e. Idem Vice- comes r c de Liij 1 & vj s & viij d, de Do- iio Militum ejufdem Epifcopi, In th. xlixl & vjs & viijd, Et in perdonis &c, Et Q; e. Idem Vicecomes r c de C & xxxiij I & vjs & viij d, de Dono Abbatis SancSli JEd- mundi. In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c deLiijl & xiij s iiijd, de Dono Mi- litum ejufdem Abbatis. Idem Vicecomes r c de XX 1, de Dono Abbatis de Holm, In th. I, Et Q^ e. Idem Vicecomes r c de iiij I, de Dono Militum ejufdem Abbatis, In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Idem Vicecomes r c de CCCC & xiiij 1 & xiij s & iiij d, de Dono Civitatis, In thefauro CCCC & ixl & vj s & viijd in iiij talleis, Et debet C & vj s & viijd. Idem Vicecomes r c de x mar- cis, de Dono Burgi de Tetford, In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de Cs, de Dono Burgi de Gip., In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de xlviij 1 & xiij s & iiijd, de Dono Militum de Comitatu, In thefauro xviij 1 in ij talleis, Et in perdonis &c. Idem Vicecomes r c de xxiij marcis, de Dono Militum Petri de Val., In thefauro xjl &c. U. Rot. 2. a. Norfolc. £r" Suthfolc. [i) N. P. & N. C. Idem Vicecomes r c de C & xlvj 1 & xiijs & iiij d, de Do- no Abbatis de S. Auguftino, In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de xx 1 de Do- no Militum ejufdem Abbatiae, In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes re de LI, de Do- no Militum de Chent, Inth. 1, in iij taleis, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes rede Lxxvj 1 & xiij s & iiijd. In th. I, in v taleis, Et Q^ e. Idem Vicecomes r c de Cs de Dono Burgi de RofFa. Idem Vicecomes r c de C mar- cis de Dono fuo. lb. Rot. 9. a. Cbinl. 4 L 2 Rentage 62 8 0/ E s c u A G E. Chap. XVI. Scutage, becaufe their Doniim made a Sum (as he computed it) an- Iwerable refpeclively to the Number of their Fees, at fo much {viz. two Marks) per Fee. And in Truth, if the Payment made by the Pre- lates was made out of or in re.(pt£t of their Fees, at fo much per Fee ; it was, I fuppofe, in itfcif a S cut age : fo much per Scutum and fo much per Fee being the fame Thing. However, the Payment made by the Abbot of EveflMm's Knights in this 5th Year, is exprefly called a Scutage (u) ; and fo is that made for the Fees of the Earl of JVarivick {w) ; whofe Heir was, I think, at this Time the King's Ward. When Alexander has fpoken of the Efcuage of this fifth Year, he goes on to recount the feveral Efcuages aflelTed in the Reigns of the Kings whom he there names. It is not my Defign to give a Hiilory of all thefe Efcuages. I fliall only mention fome of them, and therewith fet down a few Things that feem neceffary to illuftrate the Subject. In the feventh Year of K. Henry II, the Abbot of Chertfey was to yield iiij / for his Knights Fees. Hugh de Muntburg and Barthlotneiv de Caifne yielded each a Mark for Scutage for their Fees (x). In the fame Year, in Herefordjlnre, OJhert Fitz-Hugh rendred xx/ Efcuage for his Knights Fees, Adam de Fort xv Marks for his Knights Fees, Robert de Catidos xv Marks for his Knights Fees, and Ralf de Salcey x\s for his Knights Fees, the Bifhop of Hereford x/for his Knights Fees, and Hugh Forejier one Mark for his Efcuage. Robert de Bajkervill was charged to this Efcuage with one Mark : But the fame was refpited, in regard he alledged (and gave Security to prove) that he did not hold the Land (for which he was fo charged) by Knights Service. At the fame Time ; the Sheriff of Hereford- Jliire rendred xx / for the Do?ium [or Tallage] of Hereford fy). In (n) Idem Vicecomes [Willelmusde Bello Lxxiij Militibus ; In thefauroLxiij I & iiij s Campo] re de xx 1 pro Ofberto fiiio Hu- & ij d in quatuor talleis, Et in perdonis, per gonis, de Dono ; In th. ), Et Q^ e. Idem brevia Regis, ComitifTae de Warewich xx Vicecomes r c dexll, de Dono fuo ; In th. marcae ; and to others: Summa, xxx 1 & 1, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de xl 1, ij s & vj d ; Et debet iiij 1, quas Walterus de Dono Abbatis de Evefliam ; In th. 1, in de Hereford ei disforciat. Aiag, Rot. 5. H. ij talleis, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de 2. Rot. 4. a. TVarnvicfcira. Scutagio Militum ejufdem Abbatis de vj 1 {x) Nova Placita & Novae Conventio- & xiij 3 & iiij d, In th. 1, Et Q_ e. Idem ncs : Abbas de Certefeia debet iiij 1 de Mi- Vicecomes r c de C s, de Dono Abbatis tilitibus fuis. Hugo de Munteberga r c de de Perfora ; In th. 1, Et Q^e. Idem Vice- j marca argenti de Scutagio. Bartholomaeus tomes rede Lvij marcis & ij s, de redemp- de Caifn, r c de j marca de Scutagio. Mag. tione Monetariorum. Alag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 7. H. 2. Rot. 7. a. Swria. Rot. 4. a. IVirecefircfc. (y) Nova Placita & Nova Conventio- (w) Willelmus GifFardus r c de Scu- nes. Idem Vicecomes reddit compotum tagio Militum Comitis de Warewichia de de xx marcis, de Dono de Hereford. Of- 4 bertus Chap. XVr. Of E S C U A G E. 629 In the 1 8th Year of K. Henry II, the Efcuage of Ireland cxxxvt to be put in charge. To this Efcuage feveral Perfons are charged under tliis Title, T)e Scutagio MiUtiwi qui nee abieriint 5cc, the Efcuage of Knights who did not go into Ireland, nor fent thither any Knights or Money. For Example ; in Tork/lnre, William Foffiird rendred xxxj / and X s for his Efcuage. The Archbifliop of York rendred xx / for his Efcuage, for Knights Fees which he owned ; and flood charged with xxiij / and x s for Knights Fees which he difowned. JVilliatii Painel rendred xv / for his Efcuage of the old Feoffment, and Hood charged with xx s for his Efcuage of the new Feoffment. Henry de Laci rendred xliij / and xv s for Efcuage of the old Feoffment ; and owed xxxj / and xvj d of the new Feoffment. The Bilhop of Durhafn rendred x / for the Efcuage of the Fees which he owned ; and owed Lx/xviiij s iiij^for the Fees which he difowned. Then follow the Names of fome Barons who had not yet fent-in their Charters or Certificates of their Fees. For Inftance ; Robert de Briis rendred C ^ for his Efcuage. The Earl of Albemarle xx /, Gojcelin the Queen's Brother vj /, Adam de Brus xv /, Willia?n Painel de Alta ripa Lxx s, and Guy de Valle xx / (-z). In the fame Year, under this Title, " The *' Scutage of Knights who did not march into Ireland, nor fent *' Money or Knights thither, the Abbot of Abendon and others an- *' fwered Scutage inBerkJlnre [a)" Under the like Title Areres of bertus filius Hugonis r c de xx 1 deMiliti- bus. Adam de Port r c de xv marcis de Mi- litibus. Robertas de Candos r c de xv mar- cis de Militibus. Radulfus de Salceia r c de xl s de Militibus. Robertas de Bafcher- vill debet j marcam : Sed dedit vadium di- racionandi quod non tenet de feodo Militis. Epifcopus Herefordiae r c de x 1 de Mili- tibus. Hugo Foreftarius r c de j marca de Mi!. Mag. Rot. 7. H. 2. Rot. 4. a. Here- fortfcira in IValijs. (z) Nova Placita & Novae Conventlo- nes, De Scutagio Militum qui nee abierunt in Hyberniam nee Milites nee denarios illuc miferunt. Willelmus Foffard r c de xxxj 1 & x s de Scutagio ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Ar- chiepifcopus Eboracenfis r c de xx 1 de Scutagio ; In th. 1, Et Q; e. Idem debet xxiij 1 & xs pro Militibus quos non recog- nofcit fe debere Regi. Willelmus Painel r c de XV 1 de Scutagio : Idem debet xx s de Novo fefFamento. Heniicus de Laci r c de xliij 1 & xvs de Scutagio de Vetcri fefFa- mento : Idem debet xxxj 1 & xvj d de No- vo fefFamento. Epifcopus Dunelmenfls r c de X 1 de Scutagio Militum quos recognofcit fe debere Regi ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Idem debet Lxl & xviij s & iiij d de Militibus quos non recognofcit fe debere Regi. De his qui Cartas non miferunt: Robertas de Brus r c de C s ; In th. 1, Et Q; e. Comes de Albemara r c de xx 1 De Scutagio. Goi- celinus frater Reginae r c de vj 1 de Scuta- gio. Adam de Brus r c de xv 1 de Scutagio. XVillelmus Painel de Alta ripa rede Lxx s de Scutagio. Guido de Valle debet xx 1 de Scutagio. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 5. a. Evenvicfc. (a) N. P. & N. C, De Scutagio Mili- tum qui non abierunt in Hyberniam nee de- narios nee Milites pro fe miferunt. Abbas de Abendona r c de xxx 1 de Militibus quos recogaofcit fe debere Regi. Hugo de Bochlanda r c de xx s de eodem Scutagio. Willelmus de SifF'rev/aft r c de xx s de Scu- tagio. Mag. Rot, 18. H, 2. Rot. 2. a. Berchfc. Scutage- 630 0/ E s c u A G E. Chap. XVL Scutage were anfwered in the Counties of Notingham and Derby, by the Barons and Knights of thofe Counties [b), and by the Knights in Norfolk and Suffolk {c). In the faid eighteenth Year, in Kent, under the hke Title, De Scutagijs Milttum qui nee abierunt 6cc, thefe Perfons are charged to the Efcuage of Ireland, to wit, 'John de Dovor xiiij / Walter de Maene xxix / for the old Feoffment, and xxx s for the new, IVilUam de Ros vij /, William Son of Helte Lxx s of the old Feoffment, and iiij s of the new, Walkelin Maminot xxvij /, and xx s of the new Feoffment. Under the Title, De his qui cartas non mife- 7'unt, the Sheriff of Kent rendred viij I xs for fo many Fees as he could find in his Bailywick of the Honour of Peverell of Dovor (d). The Priour of Coventry rendred x /for the fame Efcuage. And Cxlj / xvij s vid was rendred for the Efcuage of the Earl of Leicejlers Knights Fees -, whereof five and thirty were fmall Fees of Moreton, as the Earl's Dapifer declared (e). The Efcuages for the Army of Ireland are charged in like Manner in the other Counties in the great Roll of this 1 8th Year of K. Henty II. So alfo the Efcuages for Efcheats, Voidances, and Honours or Lands then being in the King's Hands, are charged in the Manner following. In the Counties of Dorfet and Someffet, under the Title, De Scutagio Militum qui nee abierunt &cc, the Archdeacon of Poitiers, Cujlos of the Abbey of Glajiingbery, rendred xl / for the Fees owned by the Abbey ; and ilood charged with iiij / xs for the Fees difowned j which iiij I xs was to be rendred to the King by the Cujios, becaufe the Abbey w^as {b) De Scutagio Baronum qui nee able- gio. In th. 1, EtQ^ e; Idem debet iiij s de runt cum Rege in Yberniam, nee Milites Novo fefFamento. Walkeiinus Maminot nee denaiios iliue pro fe miferunt, lb. Rot. r c de xxvij 1 de Scutagio ; Idem debet xx s 2. a. Not. y Derb. de Novo fefFamento. De his qui Cartas (c) De Scutagio Militum qui nee abie- non miferunt : Idem Vicecomes r c de viij I runt in Hyberniam nee denarios illue mife- & x s de Militibus quos invenire potuit in runt. Lucas de Debeham r c de xl s de Ballia fua de Honore Piperelli de Doura ; Scutagio. Rogerus de Verli r c de v mar- In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot, 18. H. 2. cis, pro habendo Servitio de Hominibus Rot. 10. a. Ghent. fuis. Mag. Rot. 20. H. 2. Rot. 4.^. Norf. [e) N. P. & N. C. de Scutagio Mili- fcf Sudf. turn qui nee abierunt in Hyberniam cum [d) De Scutagijs Militum qui nee abie- Rege, nee Milites nee denarios illue mife- runt in Hyberniam, nee Milites nee dena- runt : Prior de Covintre r e de x 1 de Scu- rios illue miferunt : Johannes de Doura de- tagio. Anfehetillus Mallor. & Robertus bet xiiij 1 de Scutagio ; Idem debet xx s de Capell r c de C & xlj 1 & xvij s & vj d. Novo fefFamento. Walterus de Maene re de Scutagio Militum Comitis Legreceflriae, de xxix 1 de Scutagio; Idem debet xxx s De quibus xxxv funt de parvis feodis de de Novo fefFamento. VVillelmus de Ros re Moretonio, per verum diftum ipfius Dapi- de vij 1 de Scutagio, In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Wil- feri. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 8. a. War. lelmus filius Helte r c de Lxx s de Scuta- ijf Lcgrec. then chap. XVI. 0/E S C U A G E. 631 then in the King's Hand (f). The Archdeacon of Poidicvs ac- counted for the IlTues of tlie Biflioprick of Winchcficr., to wit, for the Ferms of Manours, the Rents of Archdeaconries, and the Fair of Winchcjler. At the fame Time he rendred Lx / Efcuage for the Fees of the Bilhoprick which were owned by the Bilhops ; and flood charged with xiiij/xj for the Fees which were difowned j which xiiij / X J was to be paid to the King, becaufe the Biflioprick was then in the King's Hand [g). In the fame Year, 'John Malduit and tiirjiin Fitz-Simon Committees of the Archbifhoprick of Ca72terbury rendred Lx / for the Knights of the ArclibiHioprick which were owned, and ftood charged with xix/ for the Knights that were difowned ; which xix / was to be paid, becaufe the Archbidiop- rick was then in the King's Hand (h). In the fame Year, the Sheriff of TorkJ]:ire rendred iiij / viij s iiij d, for the Knights Fees holden of Wartre an Efcheat (/) ; and the Sheriff of Lmcolnpire rendred xxx x, for the Efcuage of certain free Tenants v/ho held of Hacuneby an Efcheat (k). In the fame Year, Randulf de Glanvill Fermour of the Honour of Earl Conan, accounted to the King as well for the Ferms of the Manours belonging to that Honour, and the Service of the Drenges, and the third Penny of Gipejhvic, as alfo for the Efcuage of the Knights Fees j but his Account of the faid Efcuage was refpited for the Prefent, becaufe he could not as yet difcover the true Number of the Knights Fees (/). , (f) De Scutagio Militum qui nee abie- runt in Hiberniam nee Milites nee denarios jlluc miferunt : Abbatia de Glaftingeberia, Archidiaconus Pidlavias pro ea, r c de xl 1 de Multibus quos recognofeit fe debere Regi. Idem debet iiij 1 & x s de Militibus quos non recognofeit fe debere ; Regi reddendis quia Abbatia eft in manu Regis. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 6. a. Dorfeta £3' Sumer- feta. (g) Ricardus Archidiaconus Piftavije r c de CCC h Lxxix 1 & ij s & viij d de E- pifcopatu Wintonize de quarta parte anni prasteriti. Et idem de Nova firma de M & D & Lv 1 & xviij d, de firmis Maneriorum Epifeopatus Wintoniae, & de Redditibus Archidiaconatuum, & de Feria Wintonis hoe anno. Idem r c de Lx 1 de Scutaaio Militum quos Epifeopatus recognofeit fe debere. Idem debet xiiij 1 & x s, de Mili- tibus quos non recognofeit fe debere Re^^i ; & debent reddi quia Epifeopatus eft in manu Regis. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 6. L {h) Johannes Malduit & Turftinus filius Simonis r c de Nova firma Areiepifcopa- tus. Idem reddunt compotum de Lx 1 de Scutagio Hibernis de Militibus Archiepif- copatus quos recognofeit fe debere Regi ; In th. 1, Et Q. f. Idem r c de xix 1 de Militibus Arehiepifcopatus quos habet pra- ter Lx fuperiores ; quia Arehiepifcopatus eft in manu Regis. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 2, Rot. 10. a. tit. Arehiepifcopatus Can- tu arise. (/j Idem Vicecomes r c de iiij 1 & viij s & iiij d, de feodis Militum qui tenent de Ef- caeta de Wartra ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. A'lag, Rot. 18. H. 2. Rot. 5. a. Everwicfe. (k) Idem Vicecomes r c de xxx s, de fervitio libere tenentium de Haeunebi terra efcaete ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. lb. Rot. 7. a. Line. (/) Honor Comitis Conani : Randulfus de Glanvill re de vj 1 & viij s & ij d de Veteri firma anni prseteriti deeodem Hono- re ; In th. 1, Et Q, e. Et idem de CCCC & xxx 632 0/' E s c u A G E. Chap. XVI. It hath Been oblcrvcd before, in Chap. XV, of Aid, that Charters or Certificates of Knights Fees were fent-in, when the Aid for marrying K. Henry the Second's Daughter Maud \w3iS levied; which Aid was charged in the Revenue-rolls of the fourteenth Year of that King. But in truth, it feems to me, that in the ancient Times, whenever Scutages were to be levied, the Barons and Tenants in Capite did, by the King's Command, fend-in Certificates of their refpeftive Fees, either toties quoties, or at lead moft ufually. This appears in fome Meafure by the Red Book of the Exchequer and Tejla de Nevill; efpecially by the former, wherein the Certificates of Baro- nies and Knights Fees, which were fent-in upon feveral Occafions, are fairly fet-down. Which Ufage of fending Certificates continued, as it feems, even to the Time of K. Henry III. In the twentieth Year of whofe Reign, when the Aid ad Sororem maritandam was levied, the Barons fent-in Certificates of their Fees. The Certificate of Robert de Beauchamp of Hacche for his Barony, made upon that Occafion, may be itzx\. in the Formulare Anglicanum [m). The Originals of thefe Charters or Certificates made upon the refpeftive Occafions of levying of Efcuages, are not now (for ought that I know) to be found. But there are fome hints given of them in feveral Claufes which I have cited, in this Volume, out of the great Rolls of the Pipe. At pre- fent I fliall inftance only in the Scutage of IrelaJid, which was put in charge in the i8th Year of K. Hetifj II. It is likely that the Barons and great Tenants in Capite fent-in Certificates upon the Occafion of that Scutage. For in that Year, fome Perfons are charged with the Scutage oi Ireland, under the Title, De his qui Chartas non miferunt : particularly, Robert de Praeres, Rolland de Dinan, and Ralf de Toeni fnj. And it appears, that thefe Perfons were charged in the Roll of this 18 th Year to the Scutate of Ireland and not to the Aid for O" & XXX 1 & xj s & ij d de hoc anno, de fir- (n) De Scutagio Miliuim qui nee abie- mis Maneriorum, & de icrvitioDrengorum, runt in Hyberniam nee R4ilites nee dena- & de tertio denario de Gipefwieo : In the- rios illue miferunt. Comes de Arundel r c fauro CCC & xxixl & xijs & ix d ; Et in de Lxvj 1 & x s, pro Militibus de feodo Elemofinacanftituta, In firmis Hofpitalisde Comitis de Auco ; In Thefauro Lij 1 Et Richemunt, x s, pro v fummis frumenti, debet xiiij 1 & x s. Then it immediately fol- Et Monialibus de Richemunt, iiij s, &c. /»wj ; De his qui Cartas non miferunt. Ro- Idem de Scutagio Militum ejufdem Hono- bertus de Praeres re de x s de Scutagio, ris de Exercitu Hyberniae ; In thefauro C In th. 1, Et Q: e. Idem Vieecomes r c de & Lxxvj 1 & xij s & j d. Sed non reddit xl s de Militibus Rollandi de Dinan in Bal- jnde compotum ; quia nondum potuit fcire lia fua; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Idem Viceco- Humerum Militum ejufdem Honoris. Ai Q^ e. Idem Vicecomes r c de iiij 1 de iiij d, de Dono Burgi de Mealton ; theri- Scutagio Militum tcrrx q«3G fuit Willelmi are in all about forty Tovjtn more. Idem Vice- Painelli de Alta Ripa ; In thefauro x s, Et comes r c de CC 6c xxvj 1 6: vj s 6c viij J, in perdonis, per breve Regis, Rannultb de de Dono Ci\itatis Eboraci ailifo per Jultie- GiaiiviU Lxx s de tribus ivlilitibus 6c dimi- [ias] fuper Homines ejufdem Civitatis prac' y the Service of two Fees only : ami that the King or his Progeniiours were 7iever feized, either by Fine or perfonal Service, of any other Services done by the Priour \_for the Time being] or his Men ; as would, he faid, appear by the Memoranda of the Exchequer. And whereas it zvas found \_as above] in the Exchequer-Rolls, that certain Sums had been paid or accounted for to the Crown, for thefaid Aids to make the King's eldcjl Son a Knight, and to marry his Sifier ; the Priour noiu plead- ing alleged, that that ought not to prejudice him at all. For, he faid, thofe Aids were not nor ought to be accounted Services ; but that they were in truth only certain Subfidies ^ri2«/- ed to the King by the great Men and the Com- munity of the Realm purely out of their free JFill, and were to be levied as well of other Te- nants as of thofe who held of the King in Ca- pita. For ivhich Reafan, he faid, it was to be underjlood, that thofe Aidsivere rendered as well for the Fees of the Priour s Tenants as for the Priours own Fees ; and this he faid, might appear by the Certificate which the Pricur of Coventry tnade to the Barons of the Exchequer by K. Henry's Command, cf the Fees which he held both of the old Feoffment and the new : by which Certificate, the Priour of Coventry (at that Time being) certified, that the Fees Vol. I. which the Pricur then held in Deameane, and thofe which his Tenants held of him, were in all ten Fees is'c. fFhereupon the Priour tiow pleading, payed Judgment, zvhether in regard he held all his Land and tenements by the Ser- vice ofi two Fees only, and in regard it was not found, as he faid, by any Records in the Ex- chequer, that the King or his Progenitours were ever feized of any other or mere Serz'ices by the Hand of the Priour ofi CcywcrMvy or his Prcdc- ceffors ; whether in this Cafe the prefent Priour ought to be charged luith any Concealment of Service. Upon this Plea, the King's Serjeants deftred to take Advifiement. There were feve- ■ ral Adjournments. And no Judgment is entered upon the Roll, either for or againji the King. This is the Cafe, as it Jlands upon the Roll in Hil. Commun. 17. E. 3. ex parte Remem. ■ Regime, and as it is cited by Dr. Brady in the Appendix to his Inirodu^ion &c, p. 25, 26, 2J. I fuppofe, any Man who recolleits the precedents occafionally cited in this Volume, may perceive that the matter here pleaded by the Priour was falfe. For Example ; the Priour pleads, that he and his Predecefiours held all their Lands, ivhethcr holden in Dominico or in Servicio, by the Service ofi tivo Fees only ; and that the Kings ofi England were never feized, by the Hand ofi the Priour, either by Fine or petfonal Service, of any other Servire thanfior two Fees. IFhereas, in Fa£l, the Pri- ours ofi Coventry in ancient Times were con- Jiantly charged fior ten Fees, and paid Ejcuage for fio many. For InJlance ; the Priour of Co- vcntry certified to K. Henry II, that the Fees ofi his enfieoffed Knights and bis Demeane a- . mounted to ten Fees. And accordingly, in the . 1 4//' Tear ofi that King, the Priour paid for ten Fees, to the Aid ad Filiam niarit:indam ;. as may be fieen in the (Chapter of A\d, /<■/?. 2. In the lith Tear of K. Henry II, the Priiur paid Scutage fior ten Fees, to the Scutage of of Ireland. In the 33). Thomas de Nevill was charged with the Remanent of a for- receptum fuit Scutagium : Ideo non potuit dlftingui per Baronlas. Idem Vicecomes [Hugo Bardolf] r c de Lxxvij 1 & xiij s h iiij d de Scutagio Miiitum de Norhum- breland ad Redemptioncm Domini Regis. Mag. Ret. b. R. I. Rot. lo. a. [m) Robertus de Turneham debet iiij 1 & ij s & viijd, de Scutagio Willelmi Fof- fard. Sed recordatum eft per Barones, quod Terra illius Willelmi fuit in manu Regis quando Scutagium fuit affifum; h quod Scutagia ilia non funt nifi fuper Domini- cum. Et ideo non debet fummoneri. Ma^. Rot. I. y. Rot. 4. a. Everivichfcira. (n) Willelmus Luvel debet ij marcas pro feodo j Militis. Sed non debet fummo- neri, quia recordatum eft quod non tenet feodum illud de Rege, fed de Comite Leir- ceftrias. Mag. Rot.^. J. Rot. 15. a. Oxenef. (sjCompotus Epifcopatus Dunhelmenfis, a fefto S. Johannis Baptiftae anni decimi, iifq; ad feftum S. A'lartini proximo fequen- tis, Et inde ufq; in tres annos proximo fe- quentes. Eimericus Archidiaconus Dun- helmenfis ii Philippus de Vlecote r c de D quater xxl & ix s & xd & ob., de red- ditu Maneriorum Epifcopatus, a fefto S. Johannis Baptiftae, ufq; ad feftum S. Mar- tini proximo fequentis ; and other Ijfucs. Idem r c de M & CC & Lx 1 & iij s & xj d, de redditu affifo Maneriorum de anno jntegro proximo fequeuti. Et de M 6c C & Liiij 1 & XX d de Taillagio iVIaneriorum ; Et de xxiij 1 & xij s & ij d & ob. de Scat- blado de confuetudine annua vendito ; and for other ijjues of the Bijhoprick. Idem r c de M & CC & Lix 1 & xixs & vij d, de redditu Maneriorum de anno praeterito; and. for other Iffues in that Tear. Idem r c de M & CCCC & Lxxiijl & xiiijs & ixd, de redditu affifo Maneriorum cum quibuf- dam pofitis ad firmam de hoc anno ; Et de CC & vj 1 & XV s & viij d de Taillagio Maneriorum ; and for other Iffues that Year. Idem r c de M & C & quater xx & xvj 1 & iiij d, de finibus pro effartis & propreftu- ris tenendis & finibus mulierum ne marita- rentur, faclis per R. de Marifco & B. de Infula, unde caufs & particulx funt in Ro- tulo qui eft in Thefauro ; Et de DCC mar- cis & de XXXV marcis pro vij palefridis, de Militibus de Haliwarfollc ; Et de Lxx mar- cis de eifdem ad opus Reginse pro habendis afTifis Regni Angliae, falvis libertatibus E- pifcopatus Dunhelmi ; Et de M & D & xix 1 & xs, de finibus Miiitum & libere tenentium pro Paflagio Hyberniae ; Et de xviij 1 & xj s, de proficuo Cuneorum ; Et de Liij 1 & ixd de Scutagio Miiitum qui non fuerunt in exercitu Waliiae ; and for other Iffues of the Bijhoprick, Mag. Rot. i^.Joh, Rot. 4. b. (p) Robertus de Bello Campo & Gal- fridus de Abetoft & Willelmus de Chede- rington. Chap. XVI. Of E S C U A G E. 645 a former Efcuage due from the Honour of tlie Earl of Zr/Wj/?(r, an Eicheat [cj). K. Edimrdl, in the 7th Year of his Reign commanded the Barons of the Exchequer by his Writs, to caufe his Efcuage to be levied without dehiy in all the Counties of the Realm, of the Knights Fees holden of him in Capite, to wit, xl s per Fee, for the Army of Waks, in like Manner as llich Efcuage was wont to be le- vied : and to caufe the Efcuage to be levied in like Manner, of the Knights Fees holden of the Inheritances of the King's Wards ; and of the Knights Fees holden of the King's Honours, Efchetes, and Purchafes; to \N\\.y\s per Fee (r). K. Edward I. {anfio regni 34°) fent a Writ to the Barons of the Exchequer, to haften the levying of his Efcuage for the Army of Scotland, commanding them to levy it, as well of the Knights Fees holden of him in Chief, as of thofe holden of Elcheats and Honours then being in his Hands, and like- wife of thofe holden of his Purchafes and Wardfliips (j). And in the fame 34th Year, a Writ was awarded to the Sheriff of Cornivali, rington, pro omnibus libe-e tenentibus de Hoiiore Willelmi de Bello Cainpo, debent MM marcas. Pro habcnda Cuftodia terras Wilekini de Bello Campo Domini fui ufq; ad quatuor annos ; ita quod Rex maritabit ipfum Wilekinum pro voluntate fua quan- do voluerit; & ipfi debent eum tenere in iservitio Regis ut vadlettum ad cuftum co- rum ; & fi Rex voluerit habere Scutagium de terra fua, bene ei licebit : Termini, In fefto S. Hilarij anno regni Regis x", CC & L marcs, Et in fefto S. Johannis CC h L marcae, Et in fefto S. Michaelis CC & L marca-, Et fic de Scaccario ad Scaccarium quoufq; totum perfolvatur. Mag. Rot. 11. J. Ret. 6. /'. nireajir. (g) Terra Comitis Legerceftras : Thomas de Nevill debet xxx s de Rcmanenti Scu- tagij Militum de Terra Comitis de Leger- ceftra in Ballia fua. Mag. Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. I. b. inter Honorcs. (r) Baronibus de Scaccario pro Rege. De Scutagio levando. Rex niandat eildcm firmiter injungens, quod per ftngulos Co- mitatus rcgni fui fine dilatione Ie"ari faciant Scutagium fuum, de feodis R-Iilitum quae tenentur de eo in Capite, videlicet de fcuto. quadraginta folidos, pro exercitu fuo Wal- lise anno regni fui quinto, fecundum quod hujufmodi Scutagium pro alijs excercitibus Walliae in cafu confimili levari confuevit. T.-Scc. X-vj die Febr. aixno Septimo. Item mandat eifdem, quod fine dilatione levari faciant fcutagium fuum, de feodis Militum qus tenentur de hasreditatibus hae- redum infra aetatem h in cuftodia fua exif- tencium ; videlicet xl s de fcuto &c. Item mandat eifdem, quod per fingulos Comitatus regni fui fine dilatione levari fa- ciant Scutagium fuum, de feodis Militum quae tenentur de efchaetis fuis & Honoribu3 in manu fua exiftentibus, & eciam de feodis Militum quas funt de perquifito fuo, vide- licet xl s de fcuto pro exercitu fuo praediifto. Et fafta funt brevia de prasdi£lo fcutagio levando per Angliam. Et Viceconiitcs ha- bent diem ad refponendum de eodem in quindena Nativitatis S. Johannia. Puf. Commun. 7. £. i. Rot. 4. a. [s) Rex mandat Baronibus, quod fine dilatione levari faciant Scutagium Regis pro Excercitu Scotis anno tiicefimo pri- me, tarn videlicet de feodis Militum qus de Rege tenentur in Capite, quam de illis quse tenentur de Efchaetis Regis & Hono- ribus in manu Regis exiftentibus, nee noa de perquifito Regis, ac eciam de feodis Mi- litum quae tenentur de haereditatibus ha.'— redum infra statem & in cuftodia Regis exiftencium, videlicet xls de fcuto pro ex- ercitu praedidto. T. R. apud Wyntoniam, xvj'" die Aprilis anno xxxiiij'". Paf. Brevia. 34. E. I. Rot, 27. a.. commandinjj 646 Of E s c u A G E. Chap. XVI. commanding him to levy the Areres of the Scutages oi Scotland, pay- able out of Fees holden in Capite, or holden of Efcheats, Purchafes, or Wardships (/). Diomjia Wyne was attached to anfwer, for that flie did not do her Service for the Manour of Penkejlon, in the Army of K. Edward I, in Scotland anno regni 34, nor fined with the King for that Service. But it being found by Inquifition, that {lie and her Anceflours held that Manour a tempore quo non extat memoria of Thomas de Cadurcis and his Anceftours, and not of the King in Capite, as was fuggefted, flie was difmiffed fine die («"). Efcuage was demanded of '"John de Waretine Earl of Surrey for the Manour of Pritewell. But he was acquitted of it. Becaufe when the Efcuage ran, he was an In- fant and in the King's Wardlliip j by Means whereof the faid Efcuage had been anfwered to the King (w). Beatrice de Kirkton was dif- treined for Efcuage for the Armies of Scotland. But becaufe fhe did not hold her Land by Knights-fervice immediately of the King, but of Simon de Driby, the King by his Writ diredled to the Barons, or- dered her to be difcharged of it, unlefs Simon de Driby her Lord was, at the Time of thofe Armies, under-age and in the King's Cuftody. [For then the King would have been entituled to her Efcuage > for by having Simon (her Lord) in Wardfliip, he became immediate Lord to her]. And the like Writs iffued in the Cafe of Henry Hufe, William de Lijle, and Walter de Davintre {x). But if a Tenant by Knight's Service was not the King's immediate Tenant, he was not charged with Scutage to the King, but to his immediate Lord. (/) Cornubia. A Writ to the Sheriff to de Simone filio Rob'erti de Dryby per fer- levy with allhajie^ the Areres of the King's Scu- vicium Militare, & non de Rege ; The Col- lages o/'Scotland, viz, of Knights Fees holden leSiors of the Scutage for the Armies of Scot- ef the King in Capite, or holden of his Ef- land of the xxviij, xxxj, and xxxiiij. Years of cheats, or of the Honours which were in his K. E. 1. dijlrained her for the faid Scutages^ Hands, or of his Purchafe, and of the Fees ac fi ipfa terras & tenementa praedifta de holden of the Inheritances of Heirs who were in Rege immediate teneret per Servicium fu- ihe King's Cujlody, within the Sheriff's Baity- pradi£lum, cum non teneat : The King com- wick : and to have the Money at Wejhninjler tnands the Barons, that if they found it to he fo, in 15 S. Martini. T. xv die Oftobris anno they Jhould ceafe the dijlrefs, Nifi pridiflus xxxiiij. Mich. Brevia 34 fif 35. E. I. Rot. Simon fuit infra aetatem & in cuftodia dit7v- the fame Scutages, Ibid. Rot. iS. h. es jhe laid her Lands in little Alkeby &c, However, Chap., XVI. Of EscuAGE. 647 However, fometimes the King granted, to one that was not his im- mediate Tenant, leave to pay his Efcuage at the Exchequer per manumfuam .Thus K. Henry \\\y commanded the Sheriff of Cambridge- fliire by Writ, to foibear demanding Scutage of Robert Fitz-lValter and his Knights; becaufe the King had ordered Robert to anfwcr for it per manum fiuun fy). And Nicolas de Guronde, who held two Knights Fees of the Honour of Peverell of Dovor, had the King's Writ appointing him to pay his Scutage ^d-r manumfuam [z). It is to be underfiiood, that in general, Efcuage was paid according to the Proportion or Sum that was aflefled ; fuppofe at the Rate of one, two, or three Marks for each Knight's Fee. Neverthelefs, many Doubts were wont to arife about the Payment of it. Sometimes the Quantity of the Service due from a Tenant by Knight's Service was uncertain : that is to fay, it was fometimes doubtful, of how many Knight's Fees a Man (or his Anceftour) was enfeoffed ; and by Con- fequence, what Sum he was to pay for Efcuage. This uncertainty about the Number of the Fees frequently happened in the Cafe of eccleiiaftical Perfons, Bifhops and Abbots. Of which, there might be two Caufes : One, for that the Endowment of many of the Bifliopricks and Abbeys was very ancient, fo that the Form of their Enfeoffment could not eafily be known in the fucceeding Times : Another, for that it was many Times doubtful, whether they were enfeoffed of fome of their Lands, to hold by Baronial and military Service, or in Frankalmoigne. In fad:, we often find ecclefiaffical Per- fons charged to Aids and Efcuages in this Manner, viz. Such a Bifhop reddit compotum of fo much pro Miiitibus quos recognofcit, and debet fo much pro Miiitibus quos non recognofcit fe debere Regi. Again j in the Cafe of other Perfons holding in Capite by Barony or by Knights Service, it was oftentimes uncertain, by how many Knights Fees they held. Some Honours or Baronies confiftedof more Knights Fees than others did ; and fome Fees were much larger than others : Infomuch that it was in fome Cafes doubtful, Whether a Man held by Barony or by Knight's-fervice ; in other Cafes, Whether a Man held by the Service of one Knight's Fee, or of more than one, or of [y) Cantebrigia. Mandatum eft Vice- (z) Nicholaus de Guronde qui tenet comiti, quod pacem habere permittat Ro- feoda ij Militum de Honore Pevereiii de berto filio Walteri h Miiitibus fuis de de- Doveria, diftringendus eft in Kancia, quia manda Scutagij ; quia concelTum eft eidem tulit breve Regis Vicecomiti Buk. pro col- per Regem, quod refpondeat inde per ma- ligendo fcutagia fua, ad refpoiidendum pet num fuam. T. J. Bathonienfi Epifcopo manumfuam. Memor. 14. H. 3. Rot.11. xiij die Maij, anno r n xiiij. Paf. Commun, a. in compoto P'icecomitis Buk. ^ Bed. 14. H. 3. Rot. b. i>, how 648 Of Es C U A G E. Chap. XVI. •how many Knights Fees. In the i8th Year of K. Henry W, William Achard was charged with Efcuage for three Knights Fees. But he alledged, that K. Henry I, granted the Lands (in refpedl whereof he was fo charged) to Willimns Grandfather by the Service of one Knight. .And it feems, upon paying Scutage for one Knight's Fee, he was acquitted of the reft of the Scutage [a). In the 2 2d Year of the lame King, Walter Abbat of Tavijiok was charged with Scutage for fixteen Fees, But he alledged that K. He?try I, by his Charter quit- claimed the Church of Tavijlak by the Service of fifteen Fees fl>). In the Reign of K. Henry III, WiUiatn de Fefnes held certain Lands iii EffeXy which were then eftimated at fix Knights Fees. William alledged that he held the fame by the Service of one Knight's Fee. And therefore an Enqueft was ordered to be taken concerning the fame : that is to lay, the Sheriff of EJJ'ex was commanded to fummon certain Inquifitors to appear before the Barons of the Exchequer, to find, whether William de Fefnes or any of his Anceftours did or ought to do to the King or his Predeceffours more or other Service than the Service of one Knight, for the fix Knights Fees which he held of the King in Capite of the Honour of Boloigne, and whether the full Service of fix Knights was not formerly anfwered to the King in Scutage at the Exchequer, and if it was, whether thofe Fees were then in the Hands of the King, or of William or his Anceftours, and whether the laid Scutage was (in that Cafe) freely paid by William or his Anceftours as due, or was extorted from them by the Sheriff (f). (a) Willelmus Achard r c de Lx s, pro Militibus fuis ; In Thefauro xx s, Et debet xl s. Sed calumpniatur, quod Rex Henricus Avus Domini Regis conceflit Avo fuo Feo- dum fuum per ferviciumj Militis. Mag. Rot. 18. //. 2. Rot. 2. a. BerchfcWa. {h) Walterus Abbas de Taviftoke debet XX s de Scutagio. Sed calumpniatur, quod Rex Henricus Avus Domini Regis clamavit Ecclefiam quietam per fervitium xv Mili- tum per Cartam Aiam. Mag. Rot. 11. H. 2. Rot. 10. a. Dcvenefclra. tit. De Scu- tagio Hybernias. (c) Ellex. MandatumeftVicecomiti, quod venire faciat coram Baronibus &c, a die S. Michaelis in xv dies Rolandum de Akfted , Comitem Hugonem de Vcr, & Vitalem Engaync [they are four and tivsnty Pcrfoiis) ad recognofcendum fupcr facramentum Suum, ft Willelmus de Fefnes vel aliquis antecefforum fuorum aliud Regi vel praedecefforibus fuis fervicium fecerint vel facere debeant quam ferviciumj Militis pro vj feodis Militum quae dicitur de Rege tenere in Capite de Honore Boloniie, & fi aliquando plena fervicia vj Militum de illis feodis foluta fuerunt Regi in Scutagio ad Scaccarium, ficut tempore Johannis de Cor- nerde qui aliquando fuit Ballivus Regis de Honore Boloniae, vel tempore aliorum Bal- livorum ejufdem Honoris, utrum tunc feo- da ilia effent in manu Regis vel in manu difti Willelmi vel aliquorum antecefforum fuorum ; & utrum di<£la Scutagia tunc fue- runt fponte foluta a didto Willelmo & Mi- litibus fuis tanquam debita, vel ab eis per Vicecomitem extorta. Et habeat ibi tunc hoc breve. Memor, 22. H. 3. Rot, 6. a. On chap. XVI. 0/EscuAG£. 649 On the other Hand, fome Knights Fees were remarkably fmall. Such, for inllance, were the Fees of the Honour of Moreton, whicli were commonly called the parva feoda Moritonice, and paid lefs for Efcuage than the generality of other Fees. I think, fome Fees of the Honour of ylqiiUa were of the fime Sort. The Knights of Earl "Reginald in Cornivall and Dcvo?! were charged according to the Pro- portion of Efcuage which v/as demandable from the Fees of Morctou {d). . And the Fees oi Gilbert de Aqiiila in Stiijj'ex were likewife charged as fmall Fees of Moreton [e). The Difference between the Efcuage of the Fees of Moreton and that of other Fees, was about one third Part. For Example ; three Fees of Moreton made two other Fees, or thereabouts. Thus, Richard Fitz-1Villia?n certified to K. Henry II, that he had ten Knights Fees of the Fees of Moreton, whereof three amount to two other Fees ffj. And William Fitz- John certified, that he held of the King in Capite of the new Feffa- ment of the Honour of Moreton feven Knights, three Knights of which Sort did the Service of two other Knights [£), or thereabouts. William de Cahaignes held nine Knights Fees in the Counties of Dorfet and So/nerfet. Thefe were of the fmall Fees of Moretoigne. And therefore, to the Scutage of Galwey, which was fet at xx s per Fee, he was charged for them no more than xij s vj d per Fee (hj. Gilbert de Aqiiila paid to the fame Scutage of Galivey xij s v]d per Fee, for certain Fees of Moreton which he held in the County of Siiffex (ij. In the Reign of K. Edivard II, when xl s was taken for every great {d) De Scutagio Cornubis ad Redemp- feodo de Moretonla, unde tres faciunt duos, tionem Domini Regis : Idem Vicecomes fcilicet Radulfus de Dumere tenet duo — . r c de C & xxxiiij 1 & xj s & viij d, de Lib. Rub. fol. 87. /'. Dorf. Scutagio CC & XV Militum & tertis partis [^g) Ego Willelmus filius Johannis tcnco j Militis de Honore Comitis Reginald! in c^e Kege in Capite de Novo feftamento de Cornubia & Devonia, qui reddunt Scuta- Honore Moretoniae vij milites, unde tres gium ad feoda JVIoritoniae ; In thefauro ds'i-. milites faciunt fcrvicium duorum militum. Mog. Rot. b. R. I. Rot. 12. a. Cornu'cualia. lb. fol. 87. b. Dorf. {e) De Scutagio Militum ad Redemp- (h) Willelmus de Chahaignis debet ixl tionem Domini Regis in Sudfex. Epifco- de Scutagio ix Militum. Sed recognituin pus Cyceflrenfis r c de iiij 1, de Scutagio efl: per Ju(lic[iamj, quod funt de Parvis Militum fuorum quos rccognofcit ; In th. feodis de Moretoig[niai, & quod de fmgulis ], Et Q. e. Gillebertus de Aquila debet xxj I feodis rion debet nifi xij s & vj d. Mng. Rot. h xvij s & vj d de Scutagio Militum fuo- 33. H. 2. Rot. 12. a. Dorf &' Sitmerf. rum, fcilicet de quolibet Alilite xij s & vj d; (i) Gillebertus de Aquila r c de xxj 1 & Qiiia funt de parvo feodo Moritonire. Co- xvij s & vj d, de Scutagio Militum fuorum, mes de Auco r c de Lxij 1 & x s de Scu- fcilicet de unoquoq; R4ilite xij s & vj d. And Ugio fuo; with others. Mag. Rot. b. R. i. William de Chahaignis tk- Hie for his^ Rot. \b.n.- Knights. Mag. Ret. 33. H, 2. Rot. 8. b'. (f) Carta Ricardi filij Willelmi. — Vo- Siidfisa, bis mando quod dcbeo vobis x milites de Vol. I. 4 O Fee, 650 Of E S C U A G K. Chap. XVI. Fee, for Scutage, and for Aid ad Primogenltam filiam marttandam, the fmall Fees of Moreton ufed to pay but xxv s per Fee; as the Tenants of thofe Fees alleged. And therefore when they have been charged above that Rate, they have obtained Writs of Difcharge pro tanto {k). III. It is faid above, that Efcuage was paid out of Knights Fees. There were alfo fome Serjeanties that paid Efcuage. Simon Puncard paid half a Mark Efcuage for his Serjeanty (I). Robert de Orton paid xx s Efcuage for his Serjeanty («). Walter de Badvent paid XX s Efcuage for his Serjeanty, and Ralf Flenihig two Marks for his Serjeanty («). But peradventure thefe Serjeanties were alfo holden by military Tenure. For fometimes Knights Service was annexed to a Serjeanty ; that is. Lands were holden both by Serjeanty and by the Service of a Knight's Fee or Part of a Knight's Fee. For certain Lands, Parcel of the Serjeanty of William de Paris in Ayjlon and Clinton, Richard de Crokel the Tenant was to do the Service of the thirtieth Part of a Knight's Fee : and for certain other Lands,. Mefuages and Woods, Parcel of the fame Serjeanty, William de Paris was to do the Service of one Knight's Fee, and to provide for the King in his Army whitherfoever he Ihould go, one Serjeant with two- Horfes for xl Days at his own Charges (0). For certain Land be- quarto Scutagio : Baldewinus Wac r c de XX marcis de eodem ; Qui finis intravit per Os JufticJarij. Walteius de Badvent debet XX s pro Serjanteria fua. Idem Vicecomes r c de X marcis de Heniico filio Galfridi de Nevill pro feodo j Militis, Et de vj marcis de Henrico de Nevill filio Hugonis de Ne- vill pro feodo j Militis, Et de ij marcis de Radulfo Flandrenli pro Serjanteria fua. [k) Baronibus, pro tenentibus parva feoda Moritonije in Comitatu Cornubise. Pif. Brevia g. E. 2. Rot. 41. 6. The like Vvrits iJJ'ued for John de Carminou and William Whita ; Paf. Brevia 9. E. 2. Rot. 41, b: For William de Botreaux and his Tenants in Cornwall : and for W. Bifhop of Exeter and his Tenants in Cornwall j Paf. Brevia 9. E. 2. Rot. 43. a: and for fe- veral others \ lb. Rot. 43. b. (I) De Finibus Militum & Scutagijs : Idem Vicecomes r c de iij marcis de G'alfri- •do de la Hofe, ne transfretet, & pro feodo j Militis de Honore de Kinton, Et de dimi- dia marca de Simone Puncard qui tenet per Serjanteriam. Mag. Rut. 3. J. R/>t. 15. a. Berch. (m) De Finibus Sc Scutagijs Militum de Tercio Scutagio : Idem Vicecomes r c de XX s de Adam de Simpling. pro- feodo di- midij Militis. Robertus de Orton debet xx s pro Serjanteria fua. Willelmus de Greinvill f c de XX s pro eodem. Alag. Rst. 4. y. Rot. 1^. a. Oxenef. («J De Finibus & Scutag^^ Militum de Mag. Rot. 5. J. Rot. 9. a. Line. (0) Idem Vicecomes [debet] xj s & ix d de Ricardo de Crokel, pro quater xx & xiiij acris & dimidia terrae, de Serjantia Willelmi de Paris in Ayfl:on & Clinton ; Et faciet fervicium tricefimae partis feodi j Militis ; Et C & xj s de Willelmo de Pa- ris, pro xviij virgatis & CC & trihus acris terrae & dimidia acra prati, & pluribus me- fuagijs, & pluribus particulis bofci, de ea- dem Serjantia ; Et faciet fervicium unius feodi, & inveniet Regi in exercitu fuo ubi- cumq; ierit, unum fervientem cum duobus equis per xl dies fuper cuftum proprium. Alag. Rot. 34. H. 3. tit. Refiduum Buk, & Bed. tn, 2. b, foji Kant. longing; chap. XVI. 0/ EscuAGE. > 651 longing to the Serjeanty of Godfrey k Fau-kener in Hurji, the Tenant yobn Hereberd was to do the Service of the fixtieth Part of a Knight's Fee fp). And if the Tenure of Land (either in the whole or part) was Knight's Service, the Tenant was to render Efcuage. But if Lands were holden by Serjeanty only (and no Knight's Service was annexed) they were not to pay Efcuage. Walter de Mahurdin was charged with Elcuage for his Serjeanty : but when it was found by Liquifition, that he held by Serjeanty and not by Knight's Service, he was dilcharged of the Efcuage {q). William Agiiilon (who had mar- ried the Heirefs of Bartholomeiv de CheytieyJ was charged at the Ex- chequer with feveral Efcuages. But when it was found by Enqueft of twelve Knights of Surrey, that he did not hold his Lands in that County, viz. in Adintone (which was the Inheritance of the faid Bartholomew^ by military Service, but by Serjeanty (to wit, by the Serjeanty) of finding a Cook at the King's Coronation, to drefs Vid:uals in the King's Kitchen) he was acquitted of the Efcuages (r^. 'Joan late Wife of Thomas de Liidelawe was charged for the Manour of La7igeton with feveral Efcuages of the Armies of Scothmd z^t^tdi in the 28th, 31ft, and 34th Years of K. Edward I, as if it had been holden of the King by the fourth Part of a Knight's Fee : flie alleged, that the Manour of Langetoji was a Member of the Manour of Scrivelby, and that the Manour of Scrivelby with its Members was holden of the King by Grand Serjeanty, and not by Knight's Service : Hereupon, the King by his Writ commanded the Barons, that if it appeared to them, that the Manour oi Scrivelby was holden of the King by Grand Serjeanty, and that the Manour oi Langeton was a Member of the Manour ot Scrivelby, and that yoan or her Anceflours had not formerly paid Efcuage for the (p) Johannes Hereberd & Emma uxor bet j m.ircam de Scutagio dc Kerr, ficut ejus [debcnt] xvj s, pro triginta quinq; a- Aipra continctur, F.t Xx s de finibus' & cris terras de Serjantia Godtfridi le Fauke- fcutagijs, ficut continetur ibidem, Et XX s ner in Hurft ; & faciet fervicium fcxagefi- de Scutagio Piftaviae, ficut continetur ibi- mse partis unius feodi. Mug. Rit. 34.!" H. dcm, Et x s dc Scutagio de Elve^-n, ficut 3. Kancia. jji. i.b. continetur ibidem. Sed non debet fummo- (q) Walterus de Mahurdin debet j mar- neri ; quia rccognitum eft per praKCcptum cam, de Scutagio. Scd non debet refpondere Regis coram Baronibus dc Scaccario, per la- . de Scutagio fed de Serjanteria ; ficut inqui- cramentum xij Miiiium ejulclem Comitatus, fuum fuit per G. filiuni Petri ; ficut conti- quod non debet Servitium Militate dc tcr- netur in Fine inferius f annotate ; nee eft ris quas tenet in hoc Comitatu, de hxicdi- fummonendus de prz;di(3a marca. f Wal- tatc dii?ti Bartholomasi de Cheney in Adin- terus de Mahurdin reddit compotum de XX s, tone, fed Serjanteriam, fciliccr inveiucndi ut fiat Inquifitio, utrum tentat terrain fuain iinum Cocum in Coronatione Regis, ad fa- per Serjanteriam vel per ferviiium Militis. ciendum cibum, qualcm Senclcallus Rcgrs Mag.Kot. 6. J. Rot. 7. h. Ht-rtf. in JFallia. prsceperit, in Coquina Regis. J/'Jf. Rut. (rj Willelmus Aguilon, qui habet haere- 18. H. 3. Surreia, dem Barthyloma;i dc Cheney in uxorem, de- 4 O 2 laid 652 Of E S C U A G E. Chap. ^.vr. A" faid Manour of Lan'geton, then they fliould difchnrge her of the faid demanded Efcuages (s). And Pbilipp tie Hajlang being charged with Efcuage for the Manour of Comber ton in the County of Cambridge, fhewed to the King by his Petition, that the faid Manour was holden of the King by the Service of keeping the King's Falcons and not by Knight's Service. Hereupon, the King by Writ ordered the Barons, if they found it to be fo, to difcharge him of the Efcuage (t). IV. Efcuage-money was in heu of perfonal Service, And there- fore the Barons and Knights were commonly charged with Efcuage or Fines for Efcuage, under the Terms, Pro exercitii, De his qui tion abieriint &c, Fines pro pajjagio, or the like ; as appeareth in the feveral Sections of this Chapter. But I think it is to be underftood, that Perfonal Service was required mofl flridlly, if not folely, of the Te- nants holding by Knight's Service in Capite lit de Corona. For if a Man held his Land of the King by Knight-fervice as of an Honour then being in the King's Hands, and not as of the Crown, fuch Tenant was not indifpenfably obliged to do perfonal Service in the King's Army, but was to pay the King Efcuage when it was affefTed. At leaft, this was alledged to be the Ufage in the Reign of K. 'Edward II ; in the Cafe of Gerard de Wachejham («), a.nd Thomas de Inglejthorp (-k'). V. When- {$) Baronibus pro Johanna quce fult uxor Thomas de Ludelawe. T. Rege apud Dyt- ton xiij die odobris anno none. Mich. Bre- ■uia 9. E. 2. Rot. 13. a. (t) Baronibus, pro Philippe de Haftang. Pnf. Brevia 9. E. 2. Rat. 40. a. {u) Petitionem Gerardi de Wachefham coram Rege Si Confilio fuo exhibitam Rex accepit, continentem quod licet ipfe teneat de Rege Manerium de Stanftede in Comita- tu Suft". per fervicium uiiius feodi Militis, ut de Honore de Hagenet & non de Corona, per quod fervicium aliquod corporale in ali- quibus exercitibus ratione Manerij illius fa- cere non debet, fed fcutagium Regi ficut caeteri Tenentes de eodem Honore cum afli- cleri contigerit folvere tenetur, Idem tamen Gerardus ignorans Manerium illud de Rege ut de prsedido Honore teneri, fervicium corporale pro uno feodo Militis tarn ad fum- monitionem Domini E. quondam Regis An- glias Patris fui, quam ad fummonitionem fui in excercitibus Scociae faspius fecit, & fer- vicium hujufmodi de eodem Manerio deberi> ac fi Manerium illud de Rege ut de Coro- na teneretur, recognovit ; per quod di£lus Gerardus Regi fupplicavit, ut fibi remedio ad exonerationem Manerij fui praedifli de. hujufmodi corporali fervicio faciendo Rex. dignaretur providere : Rex igitur nolens, quod recognitio praedidla, fi per errorem taliter fafta fuerit, cedatin prasjudicium aut exhaeredationis periculum prafato Gerardo feu hasredibus fuis in futurum, Mandat Ba-, ronibus quod fcrutatis Libris de Domefday & de feodis & alijs Memorandis ejufdem Scaccarij, C per infpedlionem eorundem vel alio modo legitime cis conftare poterit,. ipfum Gerardum di£lum Manerium de Rege ut de Honore pradiilo per fervicium Supra- diftum tenere & non de Corona, Tunc non obftantibus recognitionibus prasdiftis,, ipfum Gerardum Si hxredes fuos ad facien- dum corporale fervicium ratione Manerij, praedidtl Chap. XVI. 0/E S C U A G E. ^53 V. When the King went forth with his Army, he was wont to ilimmon his Barons and Tenants m Capite by Knights Service to be ready to do their Service in his Army according to the Number of their Fees and Quantity of their Tenure. This was called Summonce ad hahmdum Servitinm. For inflance ; K. Henry III, in the 7th Year of his Reign, by a clofe Writ of the Great Seal, commanded the Sheriff of Kent, to fummon without Delay all Archbilhops, Bifhops, Abbots, Priours, Earls, Barons, Knights, and free Tenants, and all others in his Bailywicic who owed the King Knight-fervice or Serjeanty, to be at Worcejler, on the Morrow of the H. Trinity, with their whole Service, ready to go with Horfes and Arms in the King's Service, whitherfoever he fhould command them. And hereof he was alfo to make Proclamation throughout his Bailywick. The like Writs iffued to all the other Sheriffs of England (x). K. Henry III, prsedidli in excercitibus de caetero fummo- iiendis nullatenus diftringant, (et ipfos inde exonerari & quietos etTe faciant. Provifo quod ipfi Scutagium de eodem Manerio fi- cut creteri tenentes ejufdem Honoris, cum affideri contigerit, modo debito Regi fol- vant. T. Rege apud Line. xiiij'° die Fe- bruarij anno none. Per Petitionem de Confilio. Trin. Brevt'n 9. E. 2. Rot. 58. a. [w) Monftravit Regi Thomas de Inglcft- horp, quod licet ipfe teneat de Rege medie- tates Maneriorum de ReynhamSc de Ifling- ton cum pertinentijs, quae quidem medie- tates ad valorem decern marcarum per an- num vix attingunt ut dicit, per fervicium medietatis feodi unius Militis tantum, ut de Honore de Haghele, & non de Corona, per quod fervicium aliquod corporale Regi in aliquibus exercitibus fuis ratione medieta- tum praedi(Sarum facere teneatur ; didtufq; Thomas ficut casteri tenentes de Honore prasdicSo de medietatibus pr3edi£Vis Scuta- gium Regi folvit, ut afferit, quociens Scu- tagium in eodem Honore contigerit affideri : Idem tamen Thomas credensmedietates prae- diftas de Rege ut de Corona teneri per Ser- vicium corporale pro medietatibus praediftis, tam ad fummonitionem Domini E. quon- dam Regis Angliae Patris Regis nunc, in diverfis exercitibus fuis Scocise, quam ad hujufmodi fummonitionem Regis pluries fe- cit ut dicit, & fervicium hujufmodi de diiStis medietatibus, ac fi de Rege ut de Corona tenerenturj deberi improvide recognovit j propter quod prasfatus Thomas Regi cum iuftamia fupplicavit, ut fibi fuper hujufmo- di corporali fervicio indebite recognito, pro didtis medietatibus & per ignorantiam plu- ries ut praemittitur facSio, veiit de remedio congruo providere : 80 the King commands the Barons, that if it appeared by Domefday Book, the Bock of Fees, or the Rolls and Mc- moranda of the Exchequer, that the faid Moie- ties ivcve held of the King as of the faid Ho- nour, and not as of the Crown, then they Jl?ould acquit him of the corporal Service in the Kijtg's jinnies ; provided that he pay Scutage when it ftiall be afcjfed on the Tenants of the faid Ho- nour, T. Rege apud Ebor. 4- Nov. anno 12. Hil. Brevia 12. E. 2. Rot. 76. b. [x) Vicecomiti Kancias falutem. Pras- cipimus tibi quod fine dilatione fummoncri f.icias per totam ballivam tuam Archiepif- copos, Epifcopos, Abbates, Priores, Co- mites, Barones, Milites, & libere tenentes, & omnes alios qui fervitium nobis debenc. five fervitium Militate vel Serjantije: quodq; fimiliter clamari facias per totam baillivam tuam, quod fint apud Wigorniam in crafli- no S. Trinitatis anno regni noftri feptimo, omni dilatione h occafione poflpofitis, cum toto hujufmodi fervitio quod nobis debent, parati cum equis & armis ad eundum in fer- vitium noftrum quo eis praeceperimus.. T. H. &c. apud Weflmon. 25 die Maij. Eo- dem modo fcribitur omnibus Vicecomitibus- Anglias. CI. 7. H, 3. tn. 10. clorfo. SOf 65+ Of E S C U A G E. Chap. XVI. in the 48tli Year of his Reign, fent Writs into the feveral Counties, commanding the Sheriff to take with him the Cnjhs pads of the County, and to fummon the Archbifliops, Bifliops, Earls, Barons, and all others who owed Service to the King, to meet the King at London fuch a Day ciun fervitio in quo nobis teneritur fy). K. Htmry III, in the 49th Year of his Reign, fent his Writs to the Bifhops, Abbots, Priours, Earls, Barons, Knights, and all others who held of the King in Capite (and had not taken Part with the Earl of Gloucejler againft the King, commanding them to come to IVorceJier with, all fpeed with Plorfes and Arms & toto fervitio vcjiro nobis debito, in Order to march againft the King's Enemies (z). On Saturday the 4th Day of OBober, Anno 26 £. 1, the King's Writs or Letters direfted to the Barons of the Realm, touching their Service in the King's Army in Scoilatid, were delivered at the Exchequer to the Sheriffs of England, who were to deliver them to the Barons refiding in their feveral Counties ; and the Treafurer fent his Letters, by a MefTenger of the Exchequer, to the Keepers of the King's Wardrobe, with like Writs or Letters from the King to be delivered to the Barons of the Realm who were relident at the King's Court {a). In the 30th Year of K. Edward I, a Sum- (y) Tu vero Vicecomes, alTumpto tecum Cuftodc pacis Comitatus prasdifti, prs- diftis Aichiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Baronibus, & omnibus alijs qui fervitium nobis debent, denuncies & firmiter injuiigas ex parte noftra in Jide & homagio quibus nobis tenentur, & ficut feipfos terras & tenements fua dili- gunt, ut non folum cum fervitio in quo nobis tenentur, fed quilibet quanto virilius & potentius poterit veniat vel mittat ad cundem diem cum equis &armis &c. Pat. 48. H. 3. citat. a Brad, in H'lji. de Angl. P. I. in append, p. 241. (z) — Vobis mandamus in fide homagio ii dile6tione quibus nobis eftis aftriiSli & fub periculo amiflionis omnium quas in Reg- no no/lro tcnetis, ac fub debito facramenti &c firmiter injungentes, quatinus ilatim vifis Uteris iftis, omnibus alijs prastermifTis, cum equis & armis & toto fervicio veftro nobis debito, nee non bi toto pofle veftro, I'ub onini feftinatione de die &no(Steufq; VVvgorniam veniatis, parati exinde in manu forti ire nobifcum fuper inimicos noftros &:c. CI. 49. H. 3. ciiai. a Brad, in HijL P. 1. in append, p. 244. [a) Liters Regis de Excercitu fuo in partibus Scociae direftx diverfis infra fcrip- tis. Memorandum quod die Sabbati iiij» die Oclobris anno R, R. E. xxvj° finiente, liberata fuerunt ad Scaccarium Brevia fub- fcripta, Vicecomitibus & alijs infrafcriptis : Videlicet, Vicecomiti Cumbrias unum Bre- ve diredlum eidem Vicecomiti : Item tres Literas, liberand?e Roberto de ClifFord, Jo- hanni de Lancaftre, & Johanni Baroni de Creyftok. Item Vicecomiti Norhumbria;, Una Li- tera : £t eidem tres Litterse liberand.-e Ro- berto filio Rogeri, Waltero de Hunter- coumbe, & Roberto de Hilton. Item Vicecomiti Ebor. UnaLiftera : Et eidem xj Litterse liberandae Willclmo La- timer Juniori, Willelmo le Vavaceour, Ra- dulpho filio Willelmi, Roberto de Tate- fhall, WillelmoLatimer feniori, Biianofilio Alani, Willelmo dc Rythre, Petrn de Malo Lacu, Waltero Faucoumberge, Thomae de Fournivall, & Nicholaode Meynili. Item Vicecomiti Line, una Littera. Et eidem iiij litters liberanda; Phiiippo de K)mbe, Philippo Darcy, & Gilberto Pcc- chc, & Thomas de Multon. Item Chap. XVI. Of E S C U A G E, ^SS a Summonce ad habe^idum fcrviciwn was fent to Jg/jk de Warenn Earl of Item Vicecomiti Not. & Derbix una Lit- tera. Et eidcm ij Litterx llberanda; Hu- goni Bardolf & Willelmo Sampfon. Item Vicecomiti Warr. & Leyc. una littera. Eteidemiij Litters liberandx Wil- lelmo de Feriers, Alano la Zouche, & An- drew de Eflley. Item Vicecomiti Salopise 5j StafFordia; una littera. Et eidem xv Litterx, iibcrandse Reginaldo de Grey, TheobalJo de Verdun feniori, Theobaldo de Verdaun juniori, Nicholao de Audidele, Rooero do Mortuo Mari, Edmundo Baroni de Staft'ord, Ra- dulpho de Grendon, Johanni de Grey, Ra- dulpho Baflet, Johanni Leftraungc, Rober- to de La Warde, Bagoni de Knouvili, &; Petro Corbet, Ricardo Comiti Arundel ik Fulconi filio ^Varini, Item Vicecomiti Herefordiae una Littera. Et eidem iij Litters liberandse Johanni de Haftinges, Edmundo de Mortuo Mari, & Thomas de la Roche. Item Ada: de Hergwinton una littera li- beranda Vicecomiti Wygornias, Et una lit- tera liberanda Johanni de Sule. Item Vicecomiti Glouceftriae una littera. Et eidem iij Litterae liberandje Johanni A- badam, Johanni Giffard de Bromfield, & Thomx de Berkeley. Item Vicecomiti OxoniasSc Berk, una lit- tera. Et una littera liberanda Henrico Tyeis. Item Vicecomiti Northamtonias una lit- tera. Et eidem vj litterae liberandai Nicho- lao de Segrave, Johanni Lovel, Willelmo Tuchet, Thomae de Latimer, & Johanni de Feriers, & Vicecomiti Rotelandia;. Item Vicecomiti Bedfordias & Buk. una Littera, Et eidem ij litterse liberandas Johan- ni Engaygne & Radulpho Pypard. Item Vicecomiti Cauntebr. & Hunting- don una Littera. Item VicecomitiNorf. ^Suff. una Littera. Et eidem iiij"' Litteras liberandas Comiti Marifcallo, Willelmo de Morley, Johanni de Ingeham, Roberto de Monte Alto. Idem Vicecomiti Efiexiae U. Hertfordise una Littera. Et eidem vij Litters liberan- dae Comiti Hertfordiae, Humfrido de Boune, Comiti Oxonise, Eymero de Valencia^ Hu- goni de Veer, Johanni de Ryvers, cc Johan- ni de Clavering. Item Vicecomiti Kancis una litterae. Et una liberanda Willelmo de Leyboiirne. Item Vicecomiti Midd. una littera. Et una littera Vicecomitibus Londonias. Item Vicecomiti Surreiae & SufTexis una Littera. Et una Littera liberanda Willelmo Breoufe, & una Rogcro La Ware. Item Vicecomiti Suthamtoniae ima littera. Et eidem iiij°'' litters liberands Johanni dc Infula, Johanni de Sancto Johanne, Johanni filio Reginald!, & Johanni de Moeles. Item Vicecomiti Wiltefns una littera. Item Benedidto Spryngvall Cuftodi Stag- minaris iiij""' litters, liberands Willelmo Martyn, Hugonl de Courteney, & Galfrl-' do de Caunvill, ^ Vicecomiti Devonis. Item Vicecomiti Somerfets & Dorfetas una littera. Et eiJem vj litters, liberands Simoni de Monte acuto, Johanni de Moune, Alano Plukenet, Hugoni Poyntz, Johanni de BelloCampo, & Elis Daubeny. Item Vicecomiti Cornubis una Littera. Item Vicecomiti Weftmerlandis una Lit- tera, Et Vicecomiti Lancaftris una lit- tera. Item mittuntur Domino Johanni de Infu- la ii Domino Johanni de Drokensford plu- res Litters per Litteras Thefaurarij & per Thomam Bellard nuncium de Scaccario, li- berands fubfcriptis commorantibus in Cu- ria, videlicet Comiti Warenna^ Comiii L.incolnis , Comiti Lancadris, Comiti Warr., Comiti Glouccftris, Comiti Pa- trick de la Marche, Comiti de Anegous, Henrico deLancaftre, Hugoni le Defpenfer, Roberto filio Walteri, Johanni Wake, Jo-- hanni de Segrave, Henrico de Percy, Ro- berto de Scales, Willelmo de GrandiiFono, Waltero de Beauchaump, Patricio de Dum- barr Juveni, Edmundo de Haftinges, Wal- tero de Teye, Roberto filio Pagani, Jo- hanni de Hudlefton, Petro de Chairvenf, Euftachio de Hacche, Willelmo de Caun- telou, Johanni Paygnel, Johanni deCante- lou, Johanni de la Mare, Henrico de Pyn- keny. Ads de Welles, Roberto de Touny, Waltero de Mouncy, Hugoni de Mortimer, Alexandrode BaJliolo, Simoni Freler, &; Ri- wirdo- 656 Of E S C U A G E, Chap. XVI. of Surrey, and to the reft of the Peers feverally [h'). The Hke io the Ecclefiaftiques ; and to the Cinque Ports (r). But the Service of the Cinque Ports in this Cafe was not Efcuage, but the fitting-out of Ships for Sea-fervice. For at the fame Time feveral Writs were ifiued to Sea-port-towns in divers Counties, to furnifln-out each, one or more fliips \d) . When a Man was to prove that he had done his Service in the King's Army, he commonly made his Proof by Certificate or Tefti- mony of the Commander in Chief, or of the Conflable or Marefchal or their Lieutenant, or by the Rolls of the Marlhalfey of the Army, FJe7ie la Zoucbe held by a Knight's Fee, and the fixth Part of a Knight's Fee. She was charged with Scutage for the fame at the Exxhequer. But in regard fhe did her Service with the King (bahidt Jervich(7)i fimm cum Rege) m the Army of Wales, according to the King's Precept or Summonce, as appeared to the King by the Rolls of the MarHialfy of his Army, the King by Writ commanded the Barons to dilbharge her of the faid Scutage {e). Jahn Fitz-Reynald was charged with Scutage for the Army of Scotland. But it being teftified before the King's Council, that Jolm did his Service {Jjabuit Jervkium fuuni) in that Army in the Com.pany of Hugh le Defpenfer, according to the King's Precept, he was difcharged of the Scutage (_/'). And Roger de la Ware was in like Manner acquitted of Scutag^e, de- manded for the Army of Scotland, upon the Earl of Warwick's tefli- fying before the King, that Roger had his Service with the King in cardo Syward. Et mandatum eft eifdein per diftas IitterasThefaurarij,quod fi aliqui pras- tliftoruni non inveniantur in Curia, ftatim mittantur LitteijE illae eifdem per nuncios Garderobae. Ex Rat. 2. de Adventu Vicecomi- tiim, fif aliorwn &c. 26. iff 27. £dw, i. .'« dorfo. (b) De rummonitione fervicij Regis. To lie with the King at Berwick upon "Twede cum equis & armis h toto fervicio nobis debito. CI. 30. E. i. in. 2. dorjo. (c) Ibid. m. 2. do7J'o. (d) CI. 30. E. I, m. I. dorfo. (e) Baronibus, pro Elena la Zouche. Rex, Qiiia eadem Elena habuit Servicium fuum cum Rege per prasceptum Regis in exercitu Walliae, anno Regis nuncdecimo, pro fervicio unius feodi & I'exta parte uiiius feodi Militis quod Rex tunc recognovit, ficut per infpedtionem Rotulorum Maref- calciae Regis de eodem excercitu Regi con- flat ; Mandat Baronibus, quod demandae quam per Summonicioiaem Scaccarij fieri faciunt praedidtas EJenas pro Scutagio ad opus Regis, de praediflis feodo & fexta parte feodi de excercitu prsediflo fuperfedeant — , Mich. Memor. 25. £. I. Rot. . in Bund. 24. tff 25. E. I. (f) Baronibus, pro Johanne filio Regi- naldi. Quia teftificatum eft coram Confilb Regis per Hugonem le Derjjenfer, quod idem Johannes habuit Servicium fuum per pr.ieceptum Regis, in Comitiva ipftus Hu- gonis in excercitu Regis Scocia; anno :cxxiiij°: Rex mandat Baronibus, quod demandae quam per Summonitionem Scaccarij faciunt prsefato Johanni pro fervitio de excercitu prosdi£to fuperfederi? & ipfum inde quietum cftb faciant. T. Rege apud Camboc iiij die Marcij anno x''>;v. Pe,- Petitionem de Confilio. Paf. Brev'"' 35. E, I . Rot. 40. a. 2 that Chap. XVI. Of ESCUAGE. ^^1 that Army {g). Roger de Sumervi/l was attached to anfwer to the King at the Exchequer, for not doing his Service in the King's Army in Scotland in the 34th Year of K. Edward I. Roger pleaded, that he did his full Service in the King's Army aforefaid ; and produced a Certificate thereof made by K. Edward \\, wliilfl he was Prince of Wales, and another Certificate from the feveral Aflignees of the Conflable and Marefchall of England. Whereupon Roger was dif- mifledyw^" die (h). If the Barons and Knights holding in Capite did not go in Pcrfon with the King in his Army, in that Cafe fometimes they fent Knights in their ftead, to do the Service belonging to their relpedlive Fees, and fometimes they made Fine with the King Ne transfrctent, or fro remanendo ab exercitu, or quia non abieriint cmn Rege, &cc. Robert de Harecourt was acquitted of Scutage-money by Writ of the Chief Jufticier, becaufe his Son William did Service for him in the King's Army {£) Quia teftatum efl: coram Rege per Guidonem de Bello Campo Comitem War- wici, quod Rogerus de la Ware habuit Ser- vicium fuum cum Rese in excercitu Resis „ , • . . o Scotias anno xxxiiij° : The King conunands the Barons to ceafe the Dijirefs ?)iade on him for the fame by Sianmonce of the Exchequer, and to acquit him thereof: T. Rege apud Karliolum XXV die Marcij anno xxxv. Per Conlllium, Paf. Brevia 35. E. I. Rot. 40. b. (h) Ebor. Rogerus de Sumervill atachia- tus fuit ad refpondendum Domino Regi, quare non fecit fervitium fuum in Scocia anno regni Regis E. patris Regis nunc xxxiiij &;c. Et idem Rogerus venit Sc de- fendit quicquid Sec. Et dicit quod ipfe fecit plenaric Servicium fuum &c in exercitu prae- diiSlo ; Et inde vocat ad warantum Domi- num Regem nunc, adiciendo ipfum Regem tempore quo fuit Princeps Wallise, vivente praediiSlo Rege E. Patre fuo, illud tefti- ficafle & fignificafle, per Litteras fuas Con- filio ipfius Regis E. exiftenti apud Karliolum ad Parliamentum ejufdem Regis E, anno regni fui xxxv° Q^ise quidem Litterae tunc liberatDE fuerunt per illos qui ibi fuerant de diflo Confilio Johanni de Kirkeby Clerico nuper Rememoratori de Scaccario, defuac- to, tunc ibidem prxfenti ad deferendum ad Scaccarium &:c. Qiii quidem Johannes, ut asftimat, eafdem Litteras liberavit ad Scac- carium &c ; & petit quod fcrutats fmt, & VojL. I. 4 quod fecundum earum tenorem fiat ei quod 5cc fuper prxmiflis. Et fcrutatis fupcr hoc Memorandis quae fuerunt in cuftodia prne- didti J. de Kirkeby, inventae funt in qua- dam pixlde Litterae Sic, Sigillo quo Douii- nus Rex nunc utebatur antequam luifict Rex adhuc fignatae in hnec verba. Edward fuiz au noble Roi Dengleterre, Prince dc Gales, Counte de Ccilre, de Pountyf, &: de Mouftroill, as bones gentz du CounfeiJ noftre feigneur le Roi, Salutz & chare* amiflez. Nous vous fefoms faver, que noftre bien ame Monfieur Rogier de Somer- vill 5cc. Don fouz noftre Prive Sea! a Wederhale, le xiij jour dc Fevcrer, Ian du regne noftre Seignour le Roi Noflre Piere xxxv. Quibus quidem Litteris confuta;funt quaedam Litterje Patentes, Sigillis J. de Bo- tourte & Johannis de la Hufe confignatse, in base verba. A toutz qi ceftes lettres verront ou orront, nous Johan Botetourte, Coneft- able en la Cumpaignie le Counte de Ga- ;; nuc; affign'.- parmy le Counte de Hereford Coneftable Dengleterre, & Johan de la Hufe Marefchal, ailigne a meifme la Cum- paignie par Monfieur Johan Lovel lieu te- naunt le Counte Marefchal Dengleterre, falutz en Dieu. Sachez qe Monfieur Roger de Somervill, qi feufl: afligne a la dite Cum- paignie por fon fervice ove deuM Rivaux covertz, lenad fi bien & apertement parfelt, qe en nul point ne lui faygms refprendre. P Ell 658 Of E S C U A G E. Chap. XVI. Army (/). Gilbert Tecchie fined to the King, that he might fend two Knights to ferve for him in the Army of Ireland [k). Robert St. 'John fined for one Knight's Fee, that he might not take the Voyage into Normandy in the fecond Army [of Ncnnandy'] (/). Walter de Bajker- inlle and Walter de Cormeilles fined to the King, that they might ftay in England and not march in the Army of Normandy [m). Amongft the Knights of Cumberland who fined fie tra?isfretent, there are fonie named who held by Cornage ; viz. Odard Son of Adam, Simon de Tixvil, Adam Son of Adam, and others [n) ; and in Wejlmerlamd, Adam de Kicrkebi, who hkewife held by Cornage {0). Again; Hugh Bifhop of Coventry fined, Ne transfretet, and to have Efcuage of his Knights (p). William de Auras Mother, Geoffrey Foliot, and others, fined for the like [q). Richard de Vmfranvill fined with the King, that he might not be under ^the King's Difpleafure for his not going the Voyage to Normandy (r). The Abbot of St. Alban fined for the En teftmoignance de queu chofe a ceftes Lettres overtes avoms nous mys Lenprienz de noz Seaux. Done a Dunlaverdyn le Venrcdy profchein apres la fefire de Seinte Croiz exaltacion Ian du regne noftre Seig- neur le Roi Edward xxxiiij. Qiiibus qui- dem Litteris intelle£lis Roger ivas difmij/ed fine die. Mich. Communia 2. E. 2. Rot. 36. a. (/) Robertus de Harecurt debet dimidiam marcam de Scutagio. Sed habet Quietan- tiam per Breve H. Cantuarienfis Archiepif- copi, quod eft in forulo MarefcalJi de Leir- ceftrefcira h Warewicfcira de anno prste- rito ; Qiiia Willelmus filius ejus fuit ultra mare pro ipfo in Servitio Regis. Mag. Rot. c). R. I. Rot. 3. />. Oxenef. {k) Gilebertus Pecchie r c de iiij optimis palefridis, Ut poffit mittere duos Milites pro fe ; In Thelauro xx marcas, Et debet XX maicas. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 4. b. Nordf. & Sudf. Tit. De Finibus & Scu- tagijs pro Pailagio Ybernire. (/) Robertus de SancSlo Johanne r c de XV niarcis, pro Scutagio feodi j Militis, & ne transfretet in Normanniam in Secundo Exercitu ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. y. R. t. Rot. 18. L Sudfexx. (m) De Finibus remanentium in Anglia : Walterus de Bafkervilla debet C s, de fine fuo quod remaneat in Anglia ab Exercitu Normannipf. Walterus de Cormeilles r c tie xvj 1 pro eodem. Mag. Rot, 8. R. I. Rot. 8. b. Heref. in Walia, (n) De Finibus Militum ne transfretent : Idem Vicecomes re de C s de Odardo filio Adas, pro terra quam tenet de Gornagio, Et de C s de Simone de Tiwil pro eodem, Et de C s de Adam filio Adae pro eodem, and for 5 others : In thefauro liberavit in viij tallijs, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 3, J, Rot. 18. b. Cumb. [0) Adam de Kierkebi debet xxs, Ne transfretet ; qui tenet quatuor acras terrse in Kierkebi in Gornagio. lb. Rot. 18. b» Wejimericland. tit. Nova Oblata. (p) Hugo Epifcopus Goventrenfis debet iiij 1 & XV s, de Fine fuo ne transfretet, & pro habendo Scutagio de xxv Militibus de Scutagio Epifcopatus, & de x Militibus de Scutagio Prioris Goventriae. Mag. Rot. 10. R. I . Rot. \\. a. War. isf Leirc. {q) DePromiflis Baronum ne transfretent, & pro habendis Scutagijs fuis : Idem Vice- comes r c de XX s de Matre Willelmi de Aura, ne transfretet, & pro habendo Scu- tagio j Militis, Et de xx s de Galfrido Fo- liot pro eodem, & pro Scutagio j Militis . lb. Rot. 15. (7. Dorf. & Sumerf. (r) Ricardus de Umfranvilla r c de G 1, Ut Rex concedat ei finem Terrte fux quera fecit cum Epifcopo Dunelmenfi quando Comitatus de Norhumbreland fuit in manu fua; & non habeat Malivolentiam Regis, de eo quod non transfretavit in Norman- niam. A^ag, Rot. 6, R, i. Rot. 10. a. Norhnmb. Knights Chap. XVI, Of E 3 C U A G E. 659 Knights which he ought to have fent into the King's Service beyond- fea (j). Geoffrey de Mandevill who held a Knight's Fee in IViltJfm-e in Demeane, lined ne transJ'reCet, and to have Efcuage of the laid Demeane. Robert de Turevill fined ne transfretet {t). Tburjian BaJJi-t gave the King xjf Marks, for himfelf and the fix Knights which he held of the King i?i Capite of the Honour of Wafmgford, that they might be exculed taking the Voyage {1.1). Haivife de Curtenny, who held eighteen Knights Fees of the King in Capite, fined in xl Marks and a Palfrey, for the Voyage (w). Seventeen Drenges of Wejltihrland (viz. Walter de Harcla, Walter Son oi Durand&ic) fined in L Marks, that they might not take the Voyage [x) ; 'T/jomas Son of Liii/f' (who hehi in Theinage) fined for thcYike (yj. Eighteen Drenges in Wjhnerland fined in L Marks for the like {z). Earl William de Vernun fined pro licentia remaneiidi, and that the King would receive the Scutage of his Knights Fees which he held in Capite {a). Robert Son of Adam fined pro licentia remanendi ne transfretet [b). Walter de Bavent fined for his (j) Abbas S. Albani r c de C marcis, Pro Multibus fuis quos debuerat mifilTe in fervitium Regis ultra mare. Mag. Rot. i. J. Rot. 7. b. EJex y Hurtf. (i) Galfridus de Mandevill qui tenet in Dominico feodum j Rlilitis re de C s, Ne transfretet, & pro habendo Scutagio prae- didli Dominici i'ui. Robertas de Turevill r c de v marcis, pro feodo dimidij Militis quod tenet in Domini- co, Ne transfretet cumcquis & armis. lb. Rot.i^.b. Wilt. («) Bukingh. Thurftanus Bafl'et dat Do- mino Regi XX marcas, pro fe 5c fex Militi- bus ad plus ut crcditur, quos tenet de Domi- no Rcge in Capite de Honore de Walin- ford, ne transfretent. Oblat. 1. J. m. 4. [w) Devonia. Hawifa de Curtenay dat xl marcas & j palefridum, pro Transfreta- tione fua. Tenet feuda xviij Militum ut dicit in Capite de Domino Rege. Noting- ham., Rannulfus de Novo Mercato dat C fol. pro codem. Tenet feudum j Militis ut dicit de Honore de TikchuVi. Dorfeta, Willelmus de Sanfto Leodegario dat iij marcas pro eodem. Tenet feudum j Militis ut dicit de Honore de Duneftor. . Oblat a ^.°J. m. 1. ('a-) Decern & feptem Drengi de Weft- merlland, quorum nomina Symon de Pate- full habet, dant Domino Regi L marcas, ut rcmaneant ne transfretent. Termini ad Paffagium Domini Regis. Nomina ipforum Drengorum funt ha:c, Walterus de Haichi, Walterus filius Durandi, Robcrtus filius Robcrti de Suleby &c. Ohlala 2. '/. ;';. 5. (y) Norhumberlond. Thomas filius Liolh dat Domino Regi ij marcas de Theinnagio fuo, ne transfretet. lb. m. 4. (%) Decern & o£lo Drengi dcbent L mar- cas, de fine fuo ne transfretent : De^quibus Cj. filius Petri debet rcfpondere, quia rccog- novit per breve fuum quod mifit Vicecomiti, quod eft in forulo Marefcalli, quod cos re- cepit. Mag. Rot. 3. J. R-A. 18. b. JVcJl- mcricland, tit. Nova Oblata. (a) A Willelmo Comite de Vernun nul- lum Scutagium requlrendum eft in aliqu.i fnmma ; Qiuafinivit cum Rege pro licentia remanendi, ut Rex capiat de Militibus fuis Scutagium fuum -quos tenet de Rege in Capite. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 15. a. Bcrch- fdra, tit. De Finibus Militum & de Scu- tagio. (^) Idem Robertas [filius Adae] r c dc XX marcis. Pro licentia remanendi nc transfretet; & pro habenda falfina dimiJias carucatae terras in Karleolio, quae faifita fuit in manum Regis, eo quod juratum fuit co- ram Rege terram illam eflc de Dominico fuo ; unde habet Cartam H. Regis Patris Re^is, qui dedit terram illam P.uri ipfius Robert!. lb. Roi. 18. a. Cumb. Noia Oblata. P a PafTage. ^ 66o Of E s c u A G E. Chap. XVL Pallage. The King remitted the Fine {c). The Earl of Clare fined to the King in D Marks, for his Pailage [or Leave to remain in Ung- land'\ {d). In the Reign of K, Henry III, feveral Tenants by Knights Service paid Fines to the King, that they might not take the Voyage into Gafcoigne, befides the Scutages which they voluntarily granted to the King for that Voyage : namely, Robert de Eleford &c {e). A Scu- tage was aflefled at iij Marks for the King's firft Pallage into Britanny. Amongfl the Fines and Scutages for that Paffage, Margaret de Riparijs fined in CC Marks, that flie might be quit of fending Knights with the King in that pallage, and might have her Efcuage of the Knights Fees which llie held of the King in Capite ff) : and Walter de Beau- champ, the Abbots of Evejloam, Perfore, and Wejlminjler, made Fines for the refpedtive Knights Fees which they held in Worcejlerjloire (g). At this Time the BilTiop of JVorceJier paid C and xxxix Marks and half a Mark, to the Aid for the King's firft Paffage [into Britanny] (/6). In the fame Year, the Abbot of Michelney paid, to the Efcuage of Brkaigne, three Marks for one Knight's Fee ; the Abbot of Abbots- Inry C s, his Fine for Paffage and the Efcuage of one Fee ; 'John Pidain xl s, for one Fee of Moreton ; the Abbot of Cerne C s, his Fine for Paffage and the Scutage of one Fee which he acknowledged, and xls for the Scutage of one Fee which he likewife acknowledged, and for which he had not fined ; Robert Belet C s, his Fine for Paffage and the Efcuage of one Fee, and that he might not be knighted this (f) Rex Vicecomiti Lincolni^ &c. Scias mittendis cum Rege ad hoc PaiTagium ; Et q,uod perdonavimus Waltero de Bavent ij pro habendo Scutagio fuo defeodis Militum marcas & dimidiam, de fine quern nobifcum qua; de Rege tenet in Capite; Et ne com- iecit pro palTagio. Et ideo tibi prsecipimus, pellatur ad fe maritandam quamdiu vivere quod ipfum inde quietum cfTe facias. T. me voluerit fine marito ; & fi fe maritare volue- jpfo apud Brehull, xx die Decembris. Sub rit, maritet fe pro voluntate fua, dum modo cadem forma fcribitur Baronibus de Scacca- non maritet fe inimicis Regis. Aiag. Rot, rio. CI. 7. J. in. 7. 14. H. 3. Oxenef. {d) Comes de Clara r c de D marcis, pro [g) De Finibus & Scutagijs de Primo Paf- Paffagio fuo; In Thefauro CCCC & Lxx fagio Regis in Britanniam ; Scuto aflifo ad marcas, Et debet xxx marcas. Mag. Rot. iij marcas. Walterus de Bello Campo debet 12. J. Rot. 4. b. Nordf. & Sudf. Tit. De xiiij 1 de Scutagio vij feodorum. Abbas de Finibus & Scutagijs pro PafTagio Ybernise. Evefham r c de xx 1, de fine pro paflagio & [e] Fines Militum ne transfretarent cum fcutagio de iiij feodis & dimidio. Abbas de Rege in Wafconiam, praeter Scutagia fua Perfore r c de x 1 de eodem de ij feodis. qUdE Regi fponte conceflerunt ad iftam Abbas Weilmonafterij r c de C marcis de transfretationem : Robertus de Eleford [de- fine pro Scutagio de xv feodis. Mag. Rot. bet] j marcam de eifdem finibus. . 14. H. 3. JFygornia. m. 2. h. Mag. Rot. lb. H. 3. Oxon. (h) De Auxilio ad Primam Transfretatio- (f) De Finibus & Scutagijs de Primo nem. Epifcopus Wygornienfis r c de C Palfagio Regis in Britanniam ; Scuto affifo & xxxix marcis &dimidiade eodem, Ii>. m. ad tres marcas. Margareta de Riparijs re 2, i>. de CC marcis, Ut fit quieta de Militibus Time y Chap. XVI. Of E S C U A G E. 66 r Time ; Henry Fitz-Riclmrd xx Marks, his Fine for PafTIige and ths Efcuaoje of vij Fees of the Seigneury of Moreton ; Robert dc Bcaiichamp xl Marks, his Fine that he might not take the Voyage with the King; and John de Montague xij / x s, the Efcuage of ten Fees of Montague belonging to the Seigneury of Moreton fi). In the fame Year the Billiop of Bathe paid C and fourfcore Marks to the Aid for the King's firft Voyage into Britanny fkj. The Bifhop of London fined in Lx Marks, to be quit of fending Knights to the King's Army wliich was fummoned upon Occafion of the War kindled by Richard Marejchall, and to have the Scutage of that Army [from his Knights who held of him] ; and if the King remitted that bcutage to any of his Knights,, fo much was to be allowed to the Bidiop in this Fine {IJ. W. Bifliop of Exeter gave xx Marks, to be quit of fending Knights (w). The Bilhop of Winton gave Lx / for the Aid to marry the King's Daughter, and C Marks, becaufe he was not in the King's Army {ri). ' R. Bi- fhop of Ltnco/n fined with the King in fourfcore Pounds, for the Ser-- {!) De Finibus & Scutagijs ad Primam Transfretationem Regis in Britanniam,Scuto affifo ad tres marcas : Idem Vicecomes r c de iij marcis de Abbate de Michelneye de j feodo ; Et dc C s de Abbate de Abbotefbirie de Fine pro Paffagio & Scutagio j feodi j Et de xl s de Johanne Pulain de j feodo de Moritonia ; ami of other Perfom. Abbas de Cerne r c de C s de fine pro Paffagio & Scu- tagio j feodi quod recognofcit ; Et de xl s de Scutagio j feodi quod fimiliter recognof- cit, de quo finem non fecit ; In thefauro C s, Et debet xl s. Hugo de Meriet [debet] xiij marcas de eodcm, de j feodo h dimidio de feodo Moritonife. Robertus Beiet r c de C s dc fine pro Paffagio & Scutagio j feodi, Et ne fiat Miles hac vice. In thefauro v marcas & dimidiam, & debet ij Marcas. Henricus filius Ricardi r c de xx marcis de fine pro Paffagio & Scutagio vij feodorum de feodo de Moritonia. Robertus de Bello Campo [debet] xl marcas de fine, ne tranf- fretet hac vice cum Rege ; Qui Robertus habet quietantiam de Scutagio xvij feodorum per breve Regis. Johannes de Montcacuto r c de xij 1 & X s de Scutagio x feodorum de Monteacuto de feodo de Moritonia ; In the- fauro nichil, Et Warino Baffet qui habet Cateriuam filiam & hafredcm ejuldem Jo- hannis in uxorem, xx marcas, per breve Regis, Et Q; e. Robertus de Novo burgo r c de XX marcis, de fine pro paffagio hac vice falvo Regi Scutagio xv feodorum ipfius Robert!. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 3. Sumcrjete tf Dorfite, m. I. b. [k) De Auxilio ad Primam Transfretati- onem Regis in Britanniam : J. Batthoni- enfis Epifcopus r c de C & quater xx mar- cis de eodem. In thefauro quater xx & xvj 1, Et Hugoni de Vivonijs de Dono Re- gis XX 1, per breve Regis, Et in Perdonis Johanni de Ken iiij 1 per breve ejufdem Et Q^. e. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 3. m. 1. i>. Sumerf. (J Dorf. . (/) R. Londonienfis Epifcopus r c de Lx marcis de Fine, Ut fit quietus de Militibus mittendis ad exercitum Regis quern fum- moneri fecit occafione Gwerrae quam R. Marefcallus ei movit ; Et pro hahendo Scu- tagio ejufdem exercitus, ita quod [fi] alicui Militum tenentium de eo Scutagiam Rex perdonaverit, hoc allocabiiur ipfi Epifcoi)o in illis Lx marcis. Mag. Rot. 18. H. 3., Londonia ds' Midd. (»/) W. Epifcopus Exonienfis debet xx marcas, Ut fit quietus de Militibus mitten- dis. Memor. 22. H. 3. Rot. j 3. a. Devon. («) Epifcopus Wintonienfis debet Lx 1 de Auxilio ad Filiam Regis maritaiidam, & C marcas quia non fuit in cxercitu. Memor. 31. H. 3. Rot, li. a, in Compoto- Fic. Siith. 5 vice 66. Of E S C U A G E. Chap. XVi. vice of five Knights in the Army of Wales (o). Ralph de Sf. Maure was commanded by the King's Writ to be in Perfon at Carlile fuch a Day, to do his Service in the King's Army againft the Scots, or in the mean Time to appear at the Exchequer, and make Fine to the King for that Service (/>). K. Edward II, had fummoned his Army to march againft Scotland, and had ordered Prc_lamation to be made that all Perfons of whatever State or Condition who owed him Service in his Army, Hiould be ready with their due Service on the Eve of St. "James % Day to march with him againft the Scots. However the King by his Writ commanded the Treafurer and Barons of the Exchequer to ac- cept of Fines, at the Rate of xl / for each Knights Fee, to be paid to the King's Ufe by ArchbiOiops, Bifhops, the Rehgious, Widows and other Women who owed Service in that Army, and were de- iirous to malce Fines for the fame (q). Sometimes the Barons and Tenants by Knights Service were a- merced, for not fending their Knights to ferve for them in the King's Army. Tlie Abbot of PerJJ.^ore was amerced, for not fending his Knights to ferve in the Army of Camanin, as he was warned to do (rj. (o) Rex mandat Baronibus, quod rccepit per manus Reim. de Luk, Orlandini de Podio, & fociorum fuorum Mercatorum de Luk, a venerabili Patre R. Line. Epifcopo quaterviginti libras, per quas idem Epifco- pus finem fecit lecum pro fervicio quinq; nillitum quod Reg! recognovit, pro Exerci- tu fuo Wallise anno Regni R. E. quinto : Ideo mandat eifdem, quod praediiSlum Epif- copum de prasdiftis quaterviginti librisquie- tum efi'e faciant &c. Dat. per manum Th. Beck. Ptif. Commun. j. E. r. Rot. 6. a. (/>) Norf. Radulphus de Sanfto Mauro atachiatus fuit ad refpondendum Domino Regi, quare cum Rex nuper ei mandaflet in hdc & homagio quibus Regi tenebatur, -quod fuiflet perfonaliterad Regem apud Kar- lioluin, in quindena S. Johannis Baptillae proximo prajterita, cum toto fervixrio fuo quod Regi debuit, in excercitu Reo;is, ad proficiendum exinde cum Rege contra ini- micos Regis de Scocia, vel ante diem ilium acceirdlet hie ad Scaccarium, & finem feciffet cum Rege pro eodem fervicio : Idem Ra- dulfus, mandatuni prasdiilum contra Ho- magij fui debitum parvipendens, nee venit ad Karliolum ad diem prsdidlum ad facien- dum fcrviciuni fuum Sic, i;?c citra diem inum ad Scaccarium ad faciendum finem pro eodem, in periculum Expeditionis Regis, & manifeftam fubtraccionem fervicij fui &c. He pleads that the King's Precept luas not delivered to him ; and that he holds nothing of the King for luhich he ought to do any Service in the King's Army. The 'Judgment is, quod ad prsefens eat inde fine die, falva . Mich, Comniunia 34. iif 35. E. I. Rot. 13. a. Parte 1. Kancia. The like Procefs againjl Richard de Rokefle. He acknowledged that he held by Knights Service. No "Judgment. Ibid. juxt. Rot. 13. a. (g) Rex Thefaurario & Baronibus fuis de Scaccario, falutem. Licet fummoneri fe- cerimus exercitum noftrum verfus partes Scociae, & proclamari fecerimus, quod om- nes & finguli, cujufcunq; flatus & condi- tionis exiftant, qui fervicium nobis debent, habeant fervicium fuum apud Villam Novi Caftri fuper Tynam, in Vigilia B. Jacobi prox. futur. promptum & paratum ad pro- ficifcendum nobilcum contra Scotos inimi- cos & rebelles noflrros, ad eorum proterviam cum Dei adjutorio refraenandam : Quia ta- men volumus, quod de Archiepifcopis, E- pifcopis, Viris ReligiofisjjViduis ikaiijsMu- lieribus Chap. XVI. Of ESCUAGE. 663 (r). William de Uajlinges fined in C Marks, that he might have the King's Favour, becaufe he did not March at the King's Summonce in the Army oi Normandy {s). William Bifhop of Winchejler fined or was amerced in C Marks, becaufe he was not in the Army of Gnn- nok nor had his Service there [t). And fometimes they were difleifed of their Land for not doing their Service. Matthew Turpin was dif- feifed of his Land and Serjeanty in Winterlaw, becaufe he was not in the King's Service beyond-fea {11). Duncan de Lafceh was difleifed of three Knights Fees and a half, becaufe he was not with the King in his Army of Scotland with Horfes and Arms (i^y). Roger de Crarn- tmvill was dilfeifed of his Land, becaufe he did not go with the King in his Voyage to Ireland fx). Malgar de Vavafur was difl^eifed of his Land, becaiiie he neither went with the King into Ireland, nor made Fine for the Voyage (y).. VL When Barons or Knights holding in Capite did aftual Service in the King's Army with their Knights for fo many Fees as they were anfwerable for, or if they fent Knights in their flead, or if they made Fine for the fame, they were wont to be acquitted of Efcuage. In lieribus, qui fcrvicium nobis debent in ex- ercitii praedifto, pro fervtcijs fuis Finem no- bifcum facere volentibus, Fines ad opus noftrum per vos capiantur, videlicet pro feodo Militis quadraginta libra;, & pro ininore porcione feodi minus de difta fumma quadraginta librarum : Vobis mandamus, quod de Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Viris Religiofis, Viduis, & alijs Mulieribus pro I'ervicijs fuis nobis debitis. Fines nobifcum facere volentibus. Fines recipiatis ad opus noftrum in forma fupradidte. T. me ipfo apud Ebor. xiij die Julij, anno r n fexto- decimo. Triii. Brevia 15. Edw. 1. Rot. 65. b. (r) Abbas de Perfore [debet] xl s Utfi t quietus TJe mifericordia fua quia non mifit Milites fuos in exercitu de Camarun, ficut fummonitus fuit. Mag. Rot."]. R, i. Rat. 1. b. Wireceftr. (j) Willelmus de Haftinges debet C mar- cas, pro habenda Benevolentla Regis, eo quod non transfretavit ad fummonitionem Regis in Exercitu Normannia;. lb. Rot. 6. h. Norf. iff Stiff. (/) W. Wintonienfis Epifcopus [debet] G ipareas, quia non fuic in Exercitu de Gannoc nee Servicium fuum habuit. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 3. Sudhamt. m, 1. b. (a) Mathseus Turpin r c de j marca, pro habenda faifina de terra in Winteflawe & Serjanteria, unde difTaifitus fuit eo quod non fuit in fervitio Regis ultra mare ut debuit ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. i. J. Ret. 13. b. Wilt. {w) Dunecanus de Lafceles debet Lx marcas & j palefridum. Pro habenda faifina terrse fuse fcilicet feoda trium Militum & dimidij, unde diflaifitus fuit per prasceptum Regis, eo quod non fuit cum Regc cum e- quis 5carmis in exercitu Scotiie. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. Z. b. (.v) Rogerus de Crammavill [debet] C marcas & j palefridum, Pro habenda failina teirs fuse cum pertin. unde difTaifitus fuit eo quod non transfretavit in Yberniarn cum Rege. lb. Rot. 4. a. [y) Malgerus le Vavafur debet CCC marcas Sc tres optimos palefridos, pro ha- benda faifina terrae fuae, unde diiraifitus fuit eo quod non transfretavit cum Rege in Yberniarn, nee finem fecit pro Pafiagio. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 19. /', Refiduum cornpoti de Everwichfcira, 5 «^5^- ^664 Of E S C U A G E. Chap. XVI. -the fecond Year of K. Richard I, in the Counties of Norfolk and Suf- folk, feveral Barons and Knights were charged towards the Efcuage of Wales. Amongft others, Robert de Trefgoz ftood charged with xvij / X J- for the Seigneury of Hubert de Ry, but Robert was difcharged thereof by Vertue of the King's Writ, becaufe he was in Service in the Army of Wales together with his Knights (z). And Robert de Mara, who was charged in Wiltjlnre to the fame Efcuage, was acquit- ted thereof by Vertue of the King's Writ, becaufe he was in the Army (a). In another Year of the fame King, Robert Dewias was charged with Scutage for the Army oi Normandy ; but was difcharged of it by Writ of Hubert Archbifliop of Canterbury the Jufticier, be- caufe he fent three Knights in the King's Service beyond-fea (^). In the firft Year of the Reign of K. John, an Efcuage w^s aflefled at two Marks. Of this Efcuage feveral Barons in Wiltjlnre were ac- quitted by Writs ; fome for adual Service done by themfelves, or by their Knights and Serjeants, and fome by Fine made with the King for their Efcuage : the Earl of Sarefbwy, the Bilhop of London, and the Earl of Leicejier for adlual Service, and Elias Croc, Thomas Fitz- Henry, Robert Giffard, and Robert de Mara, by Fine (c). Of the (z) Scutagium ExercitusWalias, inNord- folch & Sudfolch : Comes de Clara debet Lxx 1 & xvij s & xj d de Scutagio Walias pro Militibus fuis. 'Willelnius de Warenna debet vij 1 & ij s & vj d de Scutagio Mili- tum Honoris de Wermegay. Willelmus de Dammartin r c dexs de eodem fcutagio. Albricus de Dammartin debet x s de eodem icutagio, Willelmus de Albencio Pincerna [debet] xxxviijl de eodem fcutagio. Rober- tus de Trefgoz r c de xvij 1 & xs dc Scu- tagio feodi quod fuit Huberti de Ria ; In perdonis per breve Regis Ipfi Roberto xvij 1 in. X s, quia fuit in eodem exercitu cum Militibus fuis, Et ideo Q. e. Epifcopus Norvvicenfis r c de xx 1 pro Militibus quos recognofcit fe debere Regi ; In thefauro 1, £t Q.e, Abbas de S. ^dmundo r c de XX 1 de Scutagio Militum quos recognofcit fe debere Regi. Rogerus le Bigot r c de Lxij 1 & xij s & vj d de eodem Scutagio ; with fame others. Mag. Rot. 2. R. I. Rot. (a) De Scutagio Exercitus Waliae : E- pifcopus Sarefberienfis r c de xvj 1 de Scu- tagio Militum fuorum. Hunfridus de Bo- hun r c de xvl & vs de Scutagio. Ro- bertas de Mara r c de xxs de Scutagio ; In perdonis, per breve Regis, ipfi Roberto xx s quia fuit in ipfo Exercitu ; Et Q^e. Comes Willelmus de Sarefberia r c de xxviij 1 & vj s de Scutagio ; with the Smtages of feveral others. Alag. Rot. 2. R. i.Rot. lo. a. Wilt. (i) De Secundo Scutagio Exercitus Nor- manniE aiTifo anno praeterito : Epifcopus Herefordias r c de xvl, de Scutagio Militum fuorum. In th. 1, Et Q. e, Robertus De- wias debet xix 1 de eodem Scutag-io : fed habet Quietantiam per breve H. Cantuari- enfis Archiepifcopi, quia mifit iij Milites ultra mare in fervicio Regis. Mag. Rot. 8. R. I. Rot. 7. a. Heref. in Wallia. (c) De Primo Scutagio aiTifo ad duas marcas, port Primam Coronationem Regis Johannis : Epifcopus Sarefberis r c de Lxiiij marcis de Scutagio fuo, Willelmus de Warenna re de ij marcis de Scutagio feodi Henrici Hofe quod habet in Cuftodia, &c. Ifli habent Quietantiam perBrevia : Comes Sarcfberioe, Epifcopus Londonienfis, Comes Leirceftrise, Elyas Croc per Finem quem fecit fupra, Tomas filius Henrici per Finem quem fecit in Gloeceftrefcira, Robertus Giffard per Finem quem fecit fupra, Rober- tus de Mara per Finem quem fecit fupra. Mag, Ret. I. y.Rot. 13. b. mit. fame Chap. XVI. Of E S C U A G E. 665 fame Efcuage feveral Barons in EJfex were acquitted [by Writs] : viz. the Earl of Perch, Earl VVilliatn Marefchall and others ; W. Bilhop of London for his Biflioprick and Wards, ZSc: other Barons flood charged with the Efcuage, becaule the Sheriff could not tell how many Fees they held; Wxr. the Earl de Ferrers, the Bifhop of J'Vinton, and others (<^/). In the third Year of K. John, in the Counties of Cambridge and Himtendon, Nigell de Luvetot paid Scutage for the Fees which he held in Capite, and for thofe which he held of the Honour of Tikebull : and others had Quittance thereof by Writs; to wit, Sayer de ^ency, and others [e). For three Knights Fees in Worcejierpire, Richard Defcrttpes gave C s 7ie transfretet. Other Ba- rons in that County had Writs of acquittal, viz., Ralf de Sumeri, Hugh de Ferrers, William de Berkeley ; and the Abbot of Wejltninjier by Fine (f). In the Counties of Dorfet and Somerfct, Nicolas de Me- riet paid xx Marks, for one Knight's Fee which he held in Capite, and for one Knight's Fee and a half holden of the Honour of More- ton, and one and a half holden of the Honour of Gloucejler, Andrew de Lifewis paid C j-, for two Fees and a half holden of the Honour of Dun/lor. Other Barons and Knights were acquitted by Writs ; viz. Philip de Colwnbieres for x Fees holden in Capite, William de Montague, William Malet &c. {g). Of the third Scutage alfeffed in the {d) Ifti habcnt Quletantiam de Scutagljs affifis ad Duas marcas, per brevia pbft Pri- mam Coronationem Regis Johannis, in Ef- Jex : Comes de Pertico, Comes Willelmus RIarefcallus, Comes de Auco, Willelmus de Humez, , W. Epifcopus Londoni- enfis de Epifcopatu fuo & Wardis, Comes de Arundell, he: Ifti debent refpondcre de Scutagio ; fed Vicecomes nefcit quot feoda habeiit : Comes de Fcrrarijs, Epifcopus Wintonienris, &c. Mag. Rot. I. J. Rot. (e) De Finibus & Scutagijs Militum : Lu- cia de Moyun debet xx marcas pro fcodis vij Militum ; fed refpondet in Dorfete. Nigellus de Luvetot r c de L marcis pro feed is X Militum cjuos tenet de Rege in Capite, & pro feodis v Militum de Honore de Tikehull ; &c. Then h follows, Ifli ha- bent Quietantiam per Brevia: Saierus de Quenci, Archiepifcopus Cantuariae, Radul- fus Pirot. Alag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 10. b. Cant. i3' Hunt. (f) De Finibus & Scutagijs Militum : Ricardus Defcrupes [dtbetj Cs, ne trans- VoL. I. 4 Q^ frctet, pro feodis iij Militum. Epifcopus Wigornenfis r c de quater xx & xviij mar- cis 6: viij s de Scutagio, &c ; Then it follows, Ifti habent Quietantiam per brevia : Abbas Weftmonafterij per finem quern fecit in Middelfex, Radulfus de Sumeri, Hugo de Ferrarijs, Willelmus de Berkel. de feodo j Militis. Alag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. lo. a. mrccjlr. [g] De Finibus &. Scutagijs Baronum in his Comitatibus : Idem Vicecomes r c de XX marcis de Nicolao de Meriet pro feodoj Militis in Capite, & j Militis & dimidij de Honore Moretonia;, &:j Militis & dimidij de Honore Gioeceftrise. Alexander de Lifewis r c de Cs, pro feodis ij Militum & dimidij de Honore de Dunftore, &c. Many Perfons are fet in Charge; Then it folloxvs, Ifti habcnt Qiiietanciam per Brevia : Philippus de Co-" lumbietes de feodis x Militum qu,-e tenet de Rege in Capite ut dicit, Willelmus de Monte acuto, Willelmus Malet, Radulfus Luvcl, and others. Mag. R,t. 3. J. Rot. 3* b. Dorf. is' Sumcrf. Reign 666 Of E S C U A G E. Chap. XVr. Reign of K. ^obut fome Barons and Knights were acquitted by the King's Writs ; for adlual Service, as I fuppofe j to wit, Haknad de Hijrewaji, Richard de Ferrers, and others j and Hoiry de WhitejelJ, by Fine (b). Geoffrey Fitz-Pierre and Earl Dosoul were difcharged by Writs, of the Elcuage for Wales aiTcired at ij Marks (/). The Earls of Arundel and Warenne were difcharged by Writs, of the fame Scutage of Wales : viz. the Earl of Arimdel for fourfcore and four Fees and half a Fee -, and the Earl of JVarennet for xxxv Fees late of Gilbert de Aquila, and for Lx Fees of his own Barony [k). The Feribns hereunder named had Quittance by Writs, of the Scu- tage of Biham which was affeflcd at x j per Fee : Xiiz. Odo de Dam- rnartin for one Fee ; the Earl of Clare for C and xxxj Fees and feve- ral Parts of Fees, and for nine Fees and a Qiiarter of a Fee late of the Countefs his Mother ; '^ohn Marefchall for xvij Fees and a Half late the Fees of Hubert de Ry ; the Bi(hop eleft of Norioicb for xlviii Fees and a Half and a Quarter of a Fee ; the Abbat of St. Edmund for Lij Fees and a Half belonging to his Abbey ; Falk de Breautee for fourfcore and ten Fees and a Half, the Fees of the Honour of Eyey Roger de CreiJJy for xvij Fees and a Half, late of Robert de Ry ; the Earl of Arundel for Lxxvij Fees ; and Earl Roger for C and xxv Fees and a Quarter of a Fee (/). Other Perfons here named had (h) De Finlbus & Scutagij Militum de tercio Scutagio : Then follow the N.imes of the Perfons put in Charge for their Fees. Then, Ifti habent Quietantiam per Brevia : Halenad de Sifrewaft, Ricardus de Feirarijs, Gile- bertus Bailet, Gerardus de Canvill, Epifco- pu3 Londonienfis, Warinus filius Geroldi, Comes de Ciara, — Willelmus Marefcallus [de HonoreGiftardi], Willelmus de Oilli, Willelmus de Harecurt, Tomas Bafiet, Alanus Baflet, Henricus de Whitefeld per Finem, Walterus Pipard, and others, Mag. Rot. 4. J. Rot. 15. a. Oxenef. (i) De Scutagio Walliasallifo ad ij mar- cas. W. Comes Sarefberias [debet] C & xij Marcas et Dimidiam, de fupradiftis Feo- dis [Epifcopatus Elyenfis], Willelmus de Scalarijs r c de xxx marcis de eodem. Hugo de Scalarijs r c de xxxj marcis de eodem. G. filius Petri & Comes David habent quietantiamper brevia, fcilicet Comes David de ij feodis in Bramton & Alcmundebir. Mag. Rot. 13. J. Rot. 8. a. Cant, fcf Hunt. {k) De Scutagio Wallias affifo ad ij mar- cas : Ifli habent Qiiietantiam per brevia ; Comes de Arundel de quater xx & iiij feodii & dimidio ; Comes de Warrenna de xxxv feodis de feodis Gileberti de Aquila ; Et de Lx feodis de Baronia fua. Mitg. Rot. 13. J^ Rot. 9. a. Sudf'x. (/) De Scutagio de Biham aflifo ad x s, Ifti habent quietantiam per brevia: Odo de Dammartin de j feodo ; Comes de Clara de C & xxxj feodis & ij partibus j feodi, & ij partibus j feodi (fic in Rotitlo), Sc tercia parte & quarta parte & viij & ix & x parte, & ij tricefimis partibus j feodi, Et de ix feodis & quarta parte j feodi de feodis Comitiflse ma- tris fuae ; Johannes Marefcallus de xvij, feodis & dimidio de feodis Huberii de Rya; Eleftus Norewiceniis de xlviij feodis & di- midio & quarta parte j feodi ; Abbas de S. Edmundo de Lij feodis & dimidio de feodis Abbatiae ; Falco de Breautee de quater xx & X feodis & dimidio de feodis Honoris de- Eye ; Rogerus de Creifly de xvij feodis & dimidio de feodis Huberti de Rye ; Comes Arundelliae de Lxxvj feodis; Comes Ro- gerus de C & xxv feodis Jc quarta parte. Mag. Rot, S-H. l- Rot, 4. a. Norf & Suff. Qu^ittance Chap. XVI. Of E S CU A G E. 667 Quittance of the fame Scutage of Biham, becaufe they did their Ser- vice in the King's Army : viz. the Abbot o^ Abbotjhury for one Fee; and the Bidiop of Bathe for xx Fees of the Bilhoprick, and for xl Fees of the Abbey of Glajlon (mj. A Scutage was afleffed for the Army of Gannoc, at xl s for each Scutum or Fee. And thefe Pcrfons (amongft others) had Quittance thereof by Writs ; viz. the Abbot of Ramfey for four Fees; the Bifhop of Ely for xl Fees ; Ralf de Cameis for half a Fee ; the Heirs of John Earl of Htmtendon for two Fees fnj. Earl Roger Bigot paid a Fine of MM Marks, to have Refpite during his Life for the Service of C and xx Knights, he doing to the King the Service of Lx Knights ; and to have Refpite during his Life for certain Areres of Scutages charged on him. He gave Ho- ftages to the King for the Payment of his faid Fine, and for due Per- formance of his Service fo). William Fitz-Aldelin was in Arere to the King for the Efcuage of Wales. But he was acquitted of the fame, becaufe he was in Service in the Army (/»). All the Knights of the Honour of Eye were difcharged of the Efcuage of Scotland^ (or rather, they were not charged for it at the Exchequer) becaufe they were in adlual Service (^). Stephen de Hamton was acquitted of the fame Efcuage, becaufe he fent his Son to ferve for him in the Army f?-). The Knights and Free Tenants of Notinghanifiire were {m) De Scutagio de Biham afTifo ad xs : Ifti habuerunt quietantiani, quia fuerunt in Exercitu : Abbas de Abbotefbiria dejfeodo; Kpifcopus Bathoiiienfis de xx feodis deEpif- copatu, & de xl feodis Abbatiae Glaftonias; and the rejl. Mag. Rot, 5. //. 3. Rot. 6. b. Dorf. £3' Stmerf. [n) De Scutagio de Gannoc, Scuto affifo ad xls : . . . de Luvetot r c de x marcis de tercia parte x feodorum Nigelli de Luve- tot. . Ifti habent quietantiam perbievia Regis: Abbas de Ramefiade iiij feodis ; E- pifcopus Elyenfis de xl feodis ; Radulfus de Cameis de dimidio feodo ; Hacredes Johaii- nisComitis Huntedoniae de ij feodis. Mag. Ret. 30. H. 3. Cant. & Hunt. m. 2. h. in ima. [0) Comes Rogerus Bigot r c de MM marcis. Pro habendo refpectu tota vita fua de Servitio C & xx Milicum pro Servitio Lx Militum, Et pro habendo refpedu ton vita fua de deinanda quam Rarones de Scac- cario ei faciunt de areragijs Scutagioriim. Termini :. Ad Natale nnni xiij ''' D marcx ; Lt ad Scaccaiium P.ifcx D marcae : Et inde Regi v Obfides invenit & pro fideli Servicio fuo. Mag. Rot. 13. 'J, Rot. 21. i?. tit. Norfolk. & Sutfolk. (p) De Scutagio Waliae: Epifcopus Wintonienfis debet xxx 1 de Scutagio Wa- Jix pro Militibus fuis. Adam de Port r c de xxvij 1 & X s de eodem Scutagio. Wil- lelmus filius Aldclint re de xij s 6c vjd, de Scutagio j Militis & quarta parte Militis ; In perdonis per breve Regis ipfi Willelmo xij s & vj d. Quia fuit in ipfo Exercitu, Et C^ e. Abbas de Hyda df bet x 1 de codem Scutagio pro Militibus. Mag. Rot. 1. R. 1. Rot. 11. a. Zudhaut. (^) Compotusde Honore de Eva non red- ditur, quia miferunt Milites fuos in Exercitu Scotix. Mag. Rot. 13. y. Rat. 21. a. Norf. Isf Sutf. tit. De Scutagio Scoli.e allifo ad XX s. (r) De Scutagio Scotiae aiTifo atl xx s : Stephanus de Han>toii;i i^dcbet] xx s de uno feodo ; Si-'d non debet ItiiivmorK-'ri, quia miftt filium fuiun in e.:ercitu. lb. Rii. 2t.. b. Oxeu.f. 4 Q.^ not 668 Of Es C U A G E. .Chap. XVI. not charged in the Great Roll to the Efcuage of Biham, becaufe they were all of them in the Army {s). The Knights gI Lincolnjh're were acquitted of the Scutage of Biham; becaufe they did aftual Service in the Army {t). WtUiam de Sl 'John was difcharged of the Scutage of PoiBou ; becaufe it was fhewn before the King and his Council, that he fent his Knights with the King in his Voyage to PoiSiou (u). Richard de Scaianjs was difcharged ot the fame Scutage, becaule it was proved before the Jufticier and Barons of the Exchequer, that Richard's Father did Service by his Knights in Poiclou («'). Thomas de St. Valery having done laudable Service to K. "John in his Army, the King by Writ Patent commands Geoffrey Fitz-Peter his Jufticier, to protedl Thomas and his Eftate ; and if Efcuage was levyed upon his Knights Fees, to reftore the fame ; or, if no Efcuage was already levyed upon him, then to let him receive and have the Efcuage [to his own Ufe], and to enjoy his Land without Difturbance {x).. Philipp de Columbiers was acquitted of Scutage, in regard he was with the King in his Army of Wales, and did perfonally the Service due from him for his Fees (y). Roger de Himtingfeld had made a promijjmif. (j) Scutagium de Biham non eft in Rotu- lo, quia omnes Miiites & libere tenentes de Comitatu fuerunt in exercitu. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 3. h. Not. [t] Vicecomes non refpondet de Scutagio de Biham; qnia omnes Miiites de Comitatu fuerunt in Exercitu. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 15. fl. Line. (u) Idem W. [Willelmus de Sanfto Jo- hanne] r c de C & xiiij 1 de Scutagio Fic- tavias : In Thefauro nichil : Et in Perdonis ipfi W, C & xiiij 1, per breve Regis; Qiiia proteftatum [eft] coram Rege & ConrUio fuo, quod miiites fui fuerunt cum Rege J. in ultimo itinere fuo in PiiSlavia, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 7. b. Suhamtffc. [zv] Ricardus filius Willelmi de Scalarijs debet xxv marcjs, de Scutagio Pidtavias. Sed non debet inde fummoneri ; quia tef- tatum eft coram H. de Burgo Jufticiario, & Baronibus de Scaccario, quod Willelmus de Scalarijs pater ipfius Ricardi habuit Miiites fuos in Pidavia. Mag. Rot. 6. H. 3. Rot. 2. b. Cant. & Hunt. (x) Rex &c, G. filio Petri &c. Manda- mus vobis, quod cuftodiatis & defendatis terram & res & homines diledli & fidelis aoftri I'homs de Sanito Walericoj ipfe enim nobis libenter fervit & nos de ejus fervicio multum laudamus ; & fi Scutagium fuum de feudis Militum quae de nobis tenet in Capite captum fit, vel aliquid aliud de terra fua, id ei fine dilatione reddi facialis. Et ft fcutagiuni prjediilum adhuc captum non fit, illud eum libere & fine impedimen- to permittatis capere & habere, Si de terra fua voluntatem iuam facere, ficut de fua, & ficut ipfe & anteceflbres fui inde facere confueverunt. T.'. me ipfo apud Bonura Portum xvij die Julij. Pat. 4. J. m. 12. (y') Rex Baronibus ; Quia dileflus & fi- delis nofter Philippus de Columbers fuit nobifcum in exercitu noftro Walliae anna regni noftri xlj, & nobis fervicium fuum ratione exercitus prjedientes prajdidlam no- nam partem vel partem ejuldem five mediate five immediate, contra omnes gentes ac- quietabo. In ciijus rei tcftimonium, prce- fenti acquietanciae figilhim meuni appofui. Datum apud Daventre, vigilia Afcenhonis Domini anno rcgni Kcgib Edwardi tricefi- mo quarto. E:< cutogr. in anhivo curia: Augment. Charters Chap. XVI. Of E S C U A G E. 671 Charters that he held in Frankahnoigne and ought to be quit of Efcuage, then they iliould acquit him of the late Efcuagcs for the Armies of Scotland. The like Writs ilfucd in other the like Cafes {g). If a Subjed gave Land to a religious Hoiife in Frankalmoigne ; fuch Land was not to be dilheined for Efcuage, as long as the Do- nour or his Heirs had other Lands in the fame County on which tlic Efcuage might be levied. The Efcuage of Gafcoigne was demanded of the M after of the Hofpital oi Burton-Lazar, for five Virgates of Land which he held in Frankalmoigne. But forafmuch as Frankal- moigne ought not to yield Efcuage whilll the Feofter or his Heirs have Aflets to anfwer for the lame ; a Writ ifllied to the Sheriff, commanding him (if the Cafe was fo) to diftrein the Heirs of the Feoffer for the Efcuage, and not the Mafter of the Hofpital fh).. The Canons of Wroxton were charged with Efcuage for the Manour of 'Torp, which they held in Frankalmoigne, of the Donation of 'John de Montague. And becaufe (fiith the Record) that Frankal- {g) Baronibus, pro Abhnte de Waverle. Ex parte ejuldem Abbatis Rc^i eit oftenfum, ^quoJ cum ipfe per Cartam Domini J. quon- dam Regis Anglise avi Regis, teneat omnes terras & tenementa fua in Waverlega in Corriitaru Surrei^ in puram & perpetuam elemofinam, & eciam quieta de Scutagio ; ]demq; Abbas &c prEedecelTores fui terras & tenementa prajdldla, a tempore confedlionis Cartae pr2edi(S«, Temper hadtenus in liberam puram & perpetuam elemofinam tenuerunt, & de fcutagio Regi & progenitoribus fuis jnde praeftando quieti effe confueverint ; Vicecomes ejufJemComitatus nichilominus jpfum Abbattm ad Scutagium pro excerci- tibus ScocisE, de annis vicefimo otSavo & tricefnno primo ad opus Regis, de eifdem terris & tenementis prasftandum graviter diftringit — . So the King commands, that if tke Barons find it to be fo, they Jliould acquit the Abbot thereof. T. Rege apud Prefion primo die Julij anno xxxiiij". Trin. Brevia 34. E. I. Rot. 41. (7. The like Writ ijfued, upon the like Suggejlion, in Favour of the Abbot of St. James without Northampton; lb. Rot. 41. «: And for the Redor of Aifherugge in Oxfordrtiire ; lb. Rot. 42. a : for the Priour of Lewes ; lb. Rot. 42. a: andforiheJbbefsnfGodtdov/e; lb. Rot. 42. b. In the gth Tear ofK.. Edward Ily like Writs iffited for divers of the Religious : viz. For the Abbot of Leyfton, to he quit of the Efcuage de exercitibus Scotiag de annis regni £. j, 28, 31, & 34. Mich. Brevia g. £.2. Rot. 8. a; For the Priour of Ledes, lb. Rot. 8. b ; for the Majier and Brothers of the Domus Dei Dovorriae, lb. Rot. \q. a; For the Abhefs of Tarente ; lb. Rot. 10. h ; For the Priour of Aftieby Canons; lb. Rot. 12. a ; For the Abbot of Hertiland, to be quit of the Efcuagcs of Scotland, anno 28, 31, ti 34. E. iy lb. Rot. 1%. b; and for other Religious with- out Number, in the Reigns of feveral Kings. (h) War. & Leic. Rex Vicecomiti. Monftravit nobis Magifter Hofpitalis S. Lazari de Burton, quod eum tcncat v vir- gatas terrx in puram & perpetuam ele- mofinam de feodo Hugonis dc iVl in L, tu; diftringis prasdiclum Magiftrum ad red- dendum nobis fcutagium noftrum Waf- coniae quantum pertinet ad prsdiiflam ter- ram : Et quia pura & perpetua clemofina non debet rcfpondere de fcutagio quamdiii feofator veHjus fucceflbres habent per quod poffint diftringi pro praediiitofcutr.gio : Tibi' praecipimus, quod fi ita eft, tunc diftringa* hsredes prsediilti Hugonis ad redden. lum no- bis prsedidurn fcutagium ; & pried ido Ma- giftro pacem habere permittas deeodem fcu- tagio — . Memor. 28. IL 3. Rot. 7. b. moigne: ^72 Of E s c u A G E. Chap. XVL moigne ought not to be diftreined for Efcuage, fo long as yohn or his Heirs have other Lands in the County, upon which the Efcuage might be levyed : therefore a Writ iflued to the Sheriff of Northajn- ■tonjhire, commanding him not to diftrein the Canons, but the faid 'John or his Heirs, by their other Lands, for the faid Efcuage (/). The Priour of Scmpliiigham held certain Land in Boleby in Frankal- moigne, of the Donation of Nigell Fit^- Alexander . The Priour was diflreined for Efcuage to the Aids for marrying the King's Sifter and for marrying his eldeft Daughter. The Priour alledged, that his Feoffor's Heirs were able to difcharge the faid Land holden in Frank- almoigne of the faid Efcuages. So a Writ iflued to the Sheriff of Lincolnfliire, commanding him (if it was fo as the Priour alleged) to forbear demanding the faid Efcuages of the Priour, and to diftrein the Feoftbr's Heirs for the fame. Becaufe (faith the Writ) we are not ^vont to diilrein Lands holden in Frankalmoigne, as long as the Feof- fors are able to anfwer for the fame {k). Again ; Lands holden purely in Socage were not to pay Efcuage. 'John de Rehini held two Carues of Land in Cumberland, by fuit to the County and hundred Court, and was not to pay Efcuage for it (/)* 1'bomas de St. Valery declared by his deed under Seal, that having found, upon Search and Enquiry carefully made in the Cafe, that Robert de Chadelefworth did not owe him Efcuage or other military Service for the Land which he held in Chadelefworth belonging to [i) Northnmtonia. Rex Vicecomiti ; Prior protulit coram Baronibus ; tu diftrin- Conftat nobis per infpcijtioncm Carta; Jo- gis prsedicSum Priorem ad reddendum nobis hannis de Monte Acuto, quod Canonici de Scutagia de Auxilijs nobis promiflis ad foro- W'roxton tencnt Manerium de Torp in pu- rem noftrani maritandam & ad primogenitam sam & perpetuam elemofinam, de donoprae- filiam nofiram maritandam ; Et quia haere- dicti Johannis. Et quia pura elemofina des prsdifti Nigeili fatis iufficiunt ad quie- iion debet diftringi pro Scutagijs, quamdiu tandam diflam elemoiinam de pra;di(3is prasdiftus Johannes vel hasredes fui habeant Scutagijs, ut idem Prior dicit : Tibi prasci- alias terras in eodem Comitatu de quibus pimus, quod fi ita eft, tunc de demanda prEdidla fcutagia poilint levari : Tibi prae- quam [facis] eidem Priori de praediflis fcu- cipimus, quod non diftringas nee diftringi tagijs, ei pacem habere permittas ; & dif- permittas praedi£1:os Canonicos pro praedidlis tringas prasdidlos haredes ad reddendum l'cuta2;ijs, fet diftringas praeditStum Johan- nobis pra;di(fta Scutagia, quia non confuevi- nem vel hsredes fuos per alias terras fuas in mus diftringere liberas elemofinas quamdiu codem Comitatu pro cifdem fcutagijs. Tefle feofatores fufficiunt. T. ut fupra [i. e. T. &;c. Hil. Commun. 27. H. 3. Rot. 8. a, R. Abbate Weftm. viij die Auguftij. Trin. (i) Lincoln. Kcx Vicecomiti. Monftra- Commun. 29. H. 3. Rot. 12. b. \it nobis Prior de Semplingham, quod cum (I) Johannes dc Reinni debet ij marcas, tencat unam carucatam terras cum pertinen- h tenet ij carrucatas terra; in Newinton per ci;s in ISolebi in puram & perpetuam elemo- fedtam Comitatus & de Hendemot, unde i'liiam, de donoNigelli filij Alexandri, ficut Scutagium dari non debet. Mag. Rot, 3. J^ tontiuetur in Carta didliNigelli quam idem Rot. 18. b. Cunib, Thomas's o Chap. XVr. a/E S C U A G E. 67 Thomas's Seigneury, nor was obliged to give him any Aid pur Faire Fltz Chivakr or pur Fil/e inarrier, he the liiid Thomas did, in his Court, acquit Robert and his Heirs of rendring any llich miHtary Service, Elcuage, or Aid : and therefore willed, that Robert and his Heirs fhould hold their Land in Chadekjworth of him the faid Thomas and his Heirs in Socage, at vij / yearly Rent, as his Anceftours had held the fame of the Anceftours of Thomas : provided, that if the King took Elcuage for Thomas's Land and would not grant to Thomas his Elcuage thereof, then Robert and his Heirs might, if they could, obtain Quitance thereof from the King ; but that Thomas would not undertake to acquit them thereof againft the King (/;;). The feveral Perfons hereunder named, had Writs to difcharge their re- fpedtive Lands of Elcuage, becaufe the fame were holden in Socage or at Fee-ferm : namely, William de Welleby, Thomas de Cherlinton, William de Car burr a, Peter Talbot, "John Deyvill, John de Nut tele, and the Abbot oi Stratford («). And Efcuage was not to be paid by Perfons, to I (?n) Sciant praefentes & futurl, quod Ego Thomas de Sandlo Walerico poft magnam jnquifitionem fuper hoc facflam, recognovi quotl liobertus filius Radulfi de Chadclef- wrthe pro terra fua de Chadclefpurfe quae eft de feudo meo, nee Scutagium michi de- bet nee aliud Militare Servitium : Nee il filium meum Militem fecero, vel filiam nuptui tradidero, ad hoc michi Auxilium dare; Unde ipfum & h^redes lues de omni Scutagio & A'iilitari fervicio, & omni Auxi- lio, in Curia mea quietos clamavi. Volo autem & prscipio, quod ipfe & hsredes fui teneant quantum eft uc feudo meo in Cha- dElefpurpe, de me & haeredibus meislibere & quiete, per Septem Jibras quas michi debet de Socagio, pro omni fervitio, ficuti antc- ceflores fui de antecelToiibus meis tcnuerunt. Si tamen Dominus Rex de terra mca. Scuta- gium ccperitquod michi concedere nohierit, jpfcRobertus&h.'Ercdes fui l"i poffunt quitan- tiam quferant ; ipfos enim erga Dominuni Regem non aquietabo. Ut autem haec Re- cognitio mea & quitantia firma & perpetua fit, ipfam prasfenti karta figlllo meo fignata coiifirmo. His teftibus, Radulfo Harego tunc temporis SenelTcallo meo. Wale de Cambrun, Thoma filio Ricardi, Henrico £lio Symeonis, Gocelino de Bailol {with Vol. L ten others by Name) & multis alijs. Ex Aiitogr. in archivo Ecchj. Colleg. JVeJimvi. («) Baronibus, pro Willela.o dc Welle- by & alijs. A IVrit to dijcharge their Lands of Scutage ; the fame being Iield of fohn M. in . Socage, and not of the King in Caplte by Knights Service T. Rpge apud W.ilfyngham vj die 0(5tobris anno nono. Mich. Brevia 9. £. 2. Rot. 12. a. Baronibus, pro Thoma de Cherlinton. A TFrit to difcharge his Lands of S.uiage ; the ■ fame being held m Socage, lb. Rot. 16. a. The like for IPllUam de Carbtirra, for Lands in Cornwall held in Socage. Jb. Rot. ig. a. Baronibus, pro Petro filio Tliomse Talbot. • Aif'rit to difcharge his Lands in Thcrpe in Com. SufF. of Scutage ; the fame being held in Socage per certa fervicia. T. R. apud "Weftm. xxvj die junij anno nono. Trin, Brevia 9. E. 2. Rot. 55. a. A IVrit ijjiicd, commanding the Barons of the Exchequer, to acquit John Deyvill of Scutage demanded of him ; if they found he held the Lands by Rent-fervice and not by Knights Ser- vice, at the Times of the Armies for which the Scut ages -were demanded. lAicb. Brevia 12». E. 2. Rot. 63. h. Baronibus, pro Johanne de Nuttele. A- Writ to difcharge Lands held at Fee-ferm, of 4 R- tbti 6y4- Of E s c u A G E. Chap. XVI. to whom the King by Charter granted Freedom from Efcuage. AJa/n de Simpl'mges was charged with certain Scutages for half a Knight's Fee holden of the Abbey of Rading : the ancient Kings of England had granted to that Abbey, that they (hould be quit of Scu- tage for the Lands they had already acquired or fliould afterwards ac- quire. K. Henry III, confirmed to them that Freedom, of his efpe- cial Grace, and fo that the fame might not be drawn into Confe- quence or Precedent : and by Virtue of a Writ diredled to the Ba- rons of the Exchequer, teftifying the faid Grants, Adam was dif- charged of the faid feveral Scutages, and the Abbey were to be Scu- tage-free for the Time to come (o). The Sheriff o^ Surrey returned to the Treafurer and Barons, that the Abbot of Niifley held of the King m Capita the fourth Part of a Knight's Fee in Gomejhehe. The faid Abbot was attached to anfwer to the King in the Exchequer, for that he, when he was fummoned to be with the King at Carlile on the Quinzime of St. John Baptijt laft paft, with his whole Service which he owed to the King in his Army, neither repaired to Carlile with his Service, nor to the Exchequer in order to make Fine for the fame. To this he pleaded, that K. Henry III, gave to his Abbey all the Land which they had in Goincjhulue quit of Service in Armies, and of Scutage and Tallage. And thereupon he was difmiffed fine die (/>). Add the Cafe here following. It deferves to be recounted, for the Scutages for the Armies s/" Scotland, anno fiint de caetero de Scutagio dimidij feodi in 28, 2^, and 24- E. i. Mich. Brevia 9. £, Seuewell, quod exigebatur de prosdifto 2. Rot. 21. if. Ada: EtQ; e. Mag. Rot. 15. H. 3. Oxone'- Thelike for the Abbot o/'Stratford, for Lands ford, held in Fee-ferm. lb. Rot. 22. b. (p) Surreia. Abbas de Natele atachia- (5) Adam de Simplinges r c de j marca tus [fuit] ad refpondendum Domino Regi, de Scutagio de Kery, ficut fupra contine- quare cum Dominus Rex nuper ipfum Ab- tur : Et de xxs de Finibus & Scutagijs, batem per Vicecoraitem Coinitatus Surreiae licut fupra continetur ; Etdexxs de Scu- fummoniri fecifiet, quod fuiffet ad Regem tagio Pi(£tavis, ficut fupra continetur : In apud Karliolum, in quindena S. Johannis Thefauro nichil : Et Monachis Radinggae Baptiftas proximo prasterita, cum toto fer- iiij marcas per breve Regis, In quo corrtine- vicio fuo quod Regi debuit in excercitu tur. Quod cum a praedecelToribus Regis per Regis &c, vel ante diem ilium accefliflet ad Cartas concedatur Abbati Si Monachis Ra- fcaccarium, & finem fecifTet pro eodem fer- tlinggx, quod ipfi quieti Tint de Scutagio, vicio, idem Abbas nee venit apud Karlio- tam in terris adquifitis quam adquirendis, lum cum fervicio fuo &c, nee ad fcaccarium licet non ufi fuerint libertate quantum ad ad finem faciendum, &c, in periculum ex- terras quas adquifierunt poft prxdiftam peditionis Regis &c, & fubftractionem fer- conceffionem eis failam : tamen de fpeciali vicij ipfius Abbatis Domino Regi debiti &;c ; gratia, ita quod in confequenciam trahi & unde pra^di^f^us Vicecomes returnavit hie non poffit, concedit eis Rex, quod de castero coram Thefaurario & Baronibus, modo in eis tcneatur libertas praedida : Et fie quieti craflino S. Michaelis, quod didus Abbas tenet Chap. XVr. Of E s c u A G E» d-^^ for the fingnlarity of it. Peter Bifliop of Winchejler was charged with CLix Marks towards the firft Efcuage in the Reign of K. Henry HI ; but it was teftified at the Exchequer by Hubert de Burgh chief Jufticier, William Briewerre, and other Barons, that the Bifliop of Winchejler never confenteu to the granting of the faid Efcuage, but conrtantly oppofed it ; and that this was admitted to be true by Wil- ham Marefchall Redlor of the King and Kingdom, and by the reft of the King's Council ; whereupon it was adjudged at the Exchequer, that the Bifliop fliould be difcharged of the CLix Marks (q). VIII. As the Lord who held of the King in Capite by Knights Service, paid Efcuage to the King for his Knights Fees : fo tliC Te- nants of fuch Lord, who held of him the fame Fees by Knights Ser- vice, paid Efcuage for the fame to their Lord, according to the Quantity of their Tenure : and then the Lord was raid habere fciitagia fua, to have his Efcuage; to wit, of his Tenants. The Tenants paid Efcuage to their Lord, to enable him to pay his Efcuage to the King, or to reimburfe him when he had paid it. When the Lord holding in Capite did perfonal Service in the King's Army, or paid or became duly charged with his Efcuage to the King, he was entituled to have Efcuage of his Tenants, for the Fees which they held of him, and which he held of the King in Capite. In this Cafe the Lord might jujiiciare Tenentes Juos, compel them, by Diftrefs, to pay him Ef- cuage. Or if he could not \{vocL{€ii jujiiciare teiientes fiios, he often had a Writ of Aid diredled to the Sheriff, to affift him. But fometimes the Lord was forced to make Fine with the King pro habendo fcufagio fiiQ, to have his Efcuage. Roger de Verli fined in xxvj j and v\\\d, that he might have the Service or Efcuage of his Men [or Tenants] (r). Richard de Reimes fined with the King, as well for his Aid to marry tenet de Domino Rege in Capite quartam dem ; Sed not debet fummoneri ; quia re- partem unius feodi Militis in Gomefheluas cordatum eft per H. de Burgo Jufticiarium, &c. Et Abbas venit h dicit quod nullum & per W. Briewerre, & alios Barones de debet Regi fervicium in ex'cercitu &c. Dicic Scaccario, quod ipte Epifcopus nunquam enim quod &c, thnt K. Henry 3d, founder conceffit nee aflenfum prsebuit, fed fcmper of tkelr Houfe (de Loco S. Edwardi quam contradixit quod daretur illud Scutagiurn, moderni Natele vocant) gave them all the & ita fuit conceirum ei per \V. Marefcalluni Land they hold in Gomefhulue, quietam de & Confilium Regis. Mag, Rot. 5. H. 3. exLercitibus & fcutagijs & tallagijs &c, and Rot. 2. a. Suhantefc. that the prefent Ki/ig confirmed the Grant. Ideo (r) Rogerus de Verli r c de xx\js Sc ad prsfens fine die &c. lb. Mich. Commun. viij d, pro habendo fervicio de Hominibus 34. y 35. E. I. Parte I. Rot. 14. a. fuis : In th. 1, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 21. {q) De Primo Scutagio. P. Epifcopus H. 2. Rot. 8. a. Norf. is" Sudf. tit. De Wintonienfis debet C & Lix marcas de eo- Scutagio Hybernix. 4 R 2 (i) Ricardu». €j6 Of E S C U A G E. Chap. XVI. marry the King's Daughter, as for the Areres of his Efcuage for fe* veral Armies. And had Refpite for the i;ime, becaufe he had not as yet levied the Efcuage of his Tenants (j). Maud Countefs of Warwick fined in xl Marks, that flie might have her Efcuage of xv Knights Fees, and might not be obliged to fend Knights into Service beyond -fea (/). Henry de TFitefeld gave iiij Marks, that he might not go into the Army, though he held in Demeane the fourth Part of a Knight's Fee (z;). yohn de Ha/iings dnti. in xx Marks, for leave to ftay-away from the Army. And the Sheriff of Gloucejler v/as com- manded to levy for him the Efcuages due for the Knights Fees which he held of the King in chief, i:iz-. two Marks for each Fee (iv). William de Muncbenjey fined to the King, that he might be excufed peribnal Service, and that he might have the Efcuage of his Tenants (at). Cecilie Countefs of Hereford fined to the King, that ihe might have Efcuage [of her Tenants] (y). Henry de Braybrok had a Writ of Aid diredled to the Sheriff, to diftrain the Knights who held of him the Fees which he held of the King in Capite, for the Efcuage which he Hood charged with at the Exchequer {z). The Abbefs of St. Edward obtained a Writ direded to the Sheriff of WiltJJnre, com- manding the Sheriff to diftrain the Knights who held of the Abbefs, for Efcuage of the Army of Biham, due from the Knights Fees which they held of her, and which flie held of the King in Capite, to wit, xj- de Scuio ; and to make Diftrefs fo effectually, that the King's Efcuage might not, through his Default, remain unpaid (s) Ricardus de Reimes debet xl de pras- dicto Auxilio [ad inaiitandam filiam Regis], & de pluribus exercitibus. Sed nondum potuit jufticiare tenentes fuos. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 2. Rot. 10. a. EJfex. & Hurt/. (i) Matilda Comitifla de Warewich r c de xl marcis, pro habendo Scutagio fuo de XV Militibus, & ne Milites ultra mare mit- tat. Alag. Rot. -j. R. i. Rot. 7. b. Ever- ivichfc. (u) Henricus de Witefeld debet iiij mar- cas, Pro habenda pace ne transfretet, qui habet in Dominico quartam partem j Mili- tis. Mrig. Rot. I. y. Rot. lb. b. Devenefi. (it) Gloc. Johannes de Haftinges dat xx marcas, pro Licentia remanendi ne tranf- fretet. Et mandatum eft Vicecomiti, quod ei habere facial Scutagia de Militibus quos tenet de Domino Rege in Capite, fcilicet de Scuto ij marcas. Oblat. 2. J- m. 4. (x) Willelmus de Munchenefi r c de xl I marcis h] Palefrido, Ne transfretet, & pro habendo Scutagio fuo : In thefauro x! mar- cas & V marcas pro palefrido, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. 3. 7. Rot. 5. b. EJfex. IsS Hurtf. {y) Idem Vicecomes r c de xxv marcis de Comitifla de Clara ne transfretet. Cecilia Comitifla Herefordias r c de xl marcis, per quas finivit, ficut recordatum eft per Jufti- ciarium, pro habendo Scutagio fuo, & pro Paflagio fuo. Mag. Rot. 3. J. Rot. 21. Kent. (z) Norhamton, Bedeford, Cantebrug. Rex Vicecomiti ; prEecipimus tibl quod fis in auxfilium Henrico de Braybrok, ad dif- tringendum Milites fuos quos tenet de no- bis in C.ipite in bailiva tua, ad reddendum ei primum Scutagium noftrum de Feudis Militum qui de ipfo tenent, fcilicet de Scuto ij marcas ; quod Scutagium exigitur ab eo ad Scaccarium noltrum. Alemor. 6. H. 3. Rot. I. a. {a). Chap. XVI. 0/E S C U A G E. 67' (rt). The Sheriff of Herefordflnre was commanded by Writ, to diftrain all the Knights and Freeholders of Hugh le Poer, to pay him Efcuage for the Fees which they held of him and he of the King in Capite, to wit for all the Efcuages within K. Henry the Third's Time hitherto [b). William de Say d\d perfonal Service in the King's Army in Gafcoigne : and thereupon the King granted him Efcuage of the Fees which he held in Capite [c). The Sheriff of Buckinghamjhire was commanded by Writ, to affifl: the Abbot of VVobiirn to diflrain his free Tenants, to render to him their Efcuages towards the Aid ad Soforem Regis maritandam, to wit, two Marks per Fee {d). The Sheriff of Somerfet was commanded by Writ, to affift Henry de Tracy to diftrain his Knights and free Tenants, to render to him their Ef- cuages de Scutagio Wafconia, which they owed to him for the Knights which they held of him and he of the King in Capite, to wit, xlj- ■per Fee(6'). The Sheriff of Biikinghamjlnre was commanded to affift Alina () Lincolnia. Rex Vicecomiti ; Datum eft nobis intelligi, quod plures funt in Comitatu tuo qui tenent per fervicia Mili- taria, tam de nobis quam de alijs qui tenent de nobis in Carpite, <\\i\ contradicunt folvere nobis Scutagium de feodis fuis, & dicunt quod non tenent per fervicia Militaria neq; dc nobis neq; de alijs qui de nobis tenent in Capite : Et quia fcutagia nobis funt con- cefla per Commune Confilium Regni noftri tam de novo Feoffamento quam de veteri : Tibi prscipimus, quod diligentem facias inquificionem in prsedifto Comitatu tuo, tam infra Libertates quam extra, per facra- mentum xij proborum & legalium tam Mi- litum quam aliorum, per quos rei Veritas melius fciri poterit, & qui tales fint quod nos ad eos capere poffimus fi in aliquo de- liquerint, quot feoda teneant tam de nobis quam de alijs qui tenent de nobis in capite, & tam de novo feoffamento quam de Veteri: Et diftringas eos qui feoda Jlla tenent, ad reddendum nobis fcutagia fua de feodis fuis, Ita quod tu habeas eadem Scu- tagia ad Scaccarium a die Sanili Hillarij in Vol. L quindecim dies, & inquifitionem, & hoc breve. T. A. Thefaurario S. Pauli Lon- doniae none die Decembris. Eodem modo Mandatum eft Vicecomitibus Sumerf. Dorf. Salop. Staff, Heref. Glouc. Kane. SufTex. Devon. Berk. Surr. Oxon. Warr. Leyc. Bed. Buk. Norhamton. Wygorn. Nor- humbr. Mkh. Commim. 27. H. 3. Rot. 5. a. [q) Forma Inquifitionum de Scutagijs. Inquirantur fmgula feoda in fingulis Comi- tatibus, & qui teneant feoda, & de quibus, & in quibus terris fint feoda, & de quorum Honore teneantur feoda, five fint Honori?s Capitales in Com. vel non ; & de hijs qui tenent Capitales Honores in Comitatibus, quot feoda habeant in Comitatibus, h in quibus terris. Et inquifitis feodis & terris modo praedifto, de refiduis villis totius Co- mitatus per Hundreda fiat Rotulus iii quo contineantur nomina fingularum Villarum & nomina tenentium eafdem, & per qua fervicia dicunt fetenere&de quibus, Et ha- beat Vic-'comes Rotulum ilium ad Scacca- rium una cum Rotulo de feodis. Mich. Cormnun. 27. H. 3. Rot, 5. a. A S anfwer 682 Of E S C U A G E. Chap. XVI. anfvver for fo doing (rj. Again, the King ftraitly commands the Sheriffs of Rngland, to get-in the Scutage-money lately granted for his Voyage into Gafcoigiie, viz. three Marks for each Fee, of all fuch as held of the King's Tenants m Capife; and alfo of fuch as held of tlic King m Capite, unlefs they had Writs de habendo Scutagio (j). Alexander de Balliol did his Service in the Army of Wales in the 5th Year of the King. Alexander died. The King granted to Allanor his Widow and to his other Executors, the Efcuage of the Knights Fees of his Inheritance for the faid Army, njiz. xl s per feu turn ; and commanded the Barons of the Exchequer to levy it for them [t). K. Ed\vard (r) Midcleifex. Rex Vicecomiti ; Datum eft nobis intelligi quod deficut provifum fuit per Comir.une Confilium Regni noftri, quod Scutagia nobis concefl'a ad transfretationem lioilram in Wafconiam colligerentur per Vicecomites nollros, Paganus de Clermund diftrinxit Wilklmum Hayrun, h Icvavit Scutagium de tenemento quod de eo tenet per fervicium Militare, contra Provifionem jiraedictam, quod tu levafi'edebuifti, & etiam plus quam idem Willelmus recognofcit fe debere: Et ideo tibi prascipimus quod venire facias coram Baronibus praedictum Paga- num, in Octabis S. Martini, ad refponden- dum quare hoc fecerit, & Breve. T. &c. Mich. Commun. 27. H. 3. Rot. 3. b. The like Cafe in the Perfon of .Alexander, Treafurer cf St. Paul's London ; Alich, Commun. 27. H. 3. Rot. 4. a. Bedeford. Tie like Cafe of Margery de .Siimery ; IhiJ. Rot. 4. a. juxtim, Sumerfct. (i) Hereford. Rex Vicecomiti ; Prscipi- nius tibi in fide qua nobis tencris, & ficuti vis quod nos non caplamus ad corpus tuum terras & cattalla tua, quod tu habeas in Oiftabis S. Andrew apud Weftmon. omnes denarios qui nobis dcbentur in balliva tua, de Scutagio nobis concefTo contra transfre- tationem noftram in Wafconiam, S. de Scuto iij marcas de iingulis feodls Militum quse tenentur de tenentibus de nobis in Capite in balliva tua, & quae ipfi de nobis tenent in capite, qui quidem Brevia noftra tibi non tulerint de habendo Scutagio fuo, & fimiliter de feodis, quE tenentur in bal- liva tua de Wardis quje fint in manu noftra : Interim autem diligenter inquiras, quot hu- jufjnodi feoda tejieantur in balliva tua de fingulis tenentibus de nobis in Capite, &de Wardis in manu noftra exiftentibus, & in quibus villis & de cujus Honore, tam de novo Feoffamento quam de Veteri, ut Ba- rones noftros de Scaccario ad prsfatum Ter- minum inde diftinfte & aperte poffis certi- flcare ; Et vide quod ita plene nobis re- fpondeas de praemifTis ad praedidum diem^ per teipfum vel per aliquem de tuis qui com- potum reddere fciat & poflit, quod ex bono refponfo tuo videaris falvare defaltam quam fecifti, eo quod non fecifti venire prsedi£tos denarios ad Scaccarium ad quindenam S„ Michaelis, ficut tibi fuit praeceptum : Alio- quin nos capiemus graviter ad te pro de- falta ilia : Et fi quos inveneris tibi refiftentes quo minus colligere praedifta Scutagia & Inquifitionem praedi£lam facere pofTis, fum- mone eos per bonos fummonitores, quod tunc fint coram Baronibus, refponfuri. fuper contemptu & contradidlione fuper pra;mifns nobis fadlis : Et habeas ibi fum- monitores & hoc breve, & nomina pras- didorum refiftentium. T. R. Abbate Weftm. apud Weftm. xxix die Odlobris. Eodem modo mandatum eft Vic. EfTex, Hertford, Bed. Buk. Oxon. Norhamton. Wyltef. Suthampton. Surr. Berk. Line. Notingham. Dcrb. Rotel. Weftmerl. De- von. Norf. Suft". Middelfex. Warr. Ley— ceftr. Suffex. Sumerf. Dorf. Cantabr. Hun- tindon. Norhumbr. Kane. Ebor. & Lan- caftr. Cumberl. Stafford. Salop. Wygorn.. Glouc. Mich. Commun. 27. H. 3. Rot. 3. a. (/) Baronibus. Rex conceflit Confan- guinea; fuas Alianora; quae fuit uxor Alex- andri de Balliolo defundti & alijs executori- bus ejufdem, Scutagium ipfius Alexaadri Chap. XVI. 0/EscuAGE. 683 K. Edtvnrd II, granted to IfahcU, Queen-confort, the Efcungc be- longing to him for the Army of Scotland, due from the Knights Fees which the Queen held by Grant for Term of her Life: and com- manded the Barons of the Exchequer, to caufe the fame Efcuage, viz. two Marks rf<^ ASa/Zf?, to be levied and paid to her or her Attorney. But this was ex gratia fpeciali [u). For, as I take it, if a Baron or Tenant in Chivalry did not hold hereditarily or in Fee-iimple, he was not chargeable to the King for Efcuage or Aid, nor his Tenants to him ; but the Tenants were anfwerable for the fame immediately to the King, for their refpeftive Fees or Tenancies. So it was taken in the 40th Year of K. He/iry III, in the Cafe of Join de PleiJJis Earl of Warwick, in reference to the Aid pur faire htz chevalier (ivj. In fine ; feveral Particulars relating to the Manner of collecting the King's Efcuage in the latter Part of our fecond Period, may be oh- - ferved from a Commiffion made to lVil/ia?7i de Hebbeden and Ricbardde Goldejhurgh, in the tenth Year of K. Edward II. Thofe Commilfioners were appointed to levy and colledt to the King's Ufe the Efcuages of the Armies of Scotland oi the 28th, 31ft, and 34th Years of K. Ed- ward I. within the County of Tork, at the Rate of xl s for each Fee. In order thereto, they were to enquire by Oath of lawful Men of the County, what Fees were held /« Capite of the King at the Time of thole Armies, and what of Efcheats, Honours, and Pur- chafes, what Heirs were under Age and in Cuftody of K, Edward I ; and what Archbifliopricks, Bifliopricks, Abbeys, Priouries, and other Ecclefiaftical Dignities, or Offices were then void, the Temporalities whereof did belong to the faid King, and who held the Knights Fees de feodis Militum qus fuerunt ipfius Alex- videlicet duas marcas de Scuto, habere ^i- andri ut de hsereditate fua, pro quibus fer- ciant de dono fuo. T. R. apud £l-or. vitium fuum Regi in excercitu Walliaeanno xij die Julij anno tertiodecim. Per ipfum Regis quinto fecit: Mandat eifdem, quod Regem. Trln. Brev. 12. E.i. Rot. 113. tranfire impunitos, vobis mandamus quod' omnes tam juratores quam ballivos, quos de caetero rebelles feu inobedientes invene- ritis, graviter amerciari, & extra£tas inde fieri, eafq; ad Scaccarium noftrum fub fi- gillis vefttis, prout moris eft, mitti facialis,., ibidem Thefaurio & Baronibus noftris de diito Scaccario liberandas, ut ipfi hujufmo- di amerciamenta levari faciant ad opus nof- trum. T. Rege apud Beverl. vij die Septem- bris. Per Confilium ; & fuerunt Patentes.. Pat. IQ. E. 2. ^an i, /a. ■}.2. . CHAP. Chap. XVIL 0/ T A L L A G E. 685 CHAP. xvir. Of the Revenue aj^ijing by Tallage. I. Of Danegeld. II. Of Tallage under the Name of Donum and Affifa. III. Of the Tallage of the King's Demeanes, Ef cheats, andWardJhi^^^ IV. By whom Tallage ivas wont to be ajjejjed and collected, V. Of Tallage per Capita and In communi, VI. Of Fines for Tallage. VII. Of Exemption frojn Tallage. VIII. Of Tallage rendred to an inferiour Lord., IX. Of Tallage in Normandy. I. ANOTHER Part of the Crown-Revenue v/as Tallage. Be- ^/~\_ fore I come to treat of it, I will Ipeak briefly of Danegeld. For though Danegeld was different from either Aid, Efcuage, or Tallage, I am not willing to pafs it in Silence, and therefore have placed it here. Tis well known that Danegeld was firft fet on Foot in the Anglofaxon Times. However, it continued for many Years after the Norman Conqueft. For Example ; in the Reign of K. Henry I ["jiz. A. D. 1114) it was paid throughout the Realm fa). In the Reign of K. Stephen^ it was anfvvered to the Crown in a pundual and orderly Manner. For inftance ; in the gr.eat Roll of the 5th Year of that King, it is accouhted-for in every County, as if it was a fettled yearly Revenue j that is to fay, in the like Words of Form which were then wont to be ufed in accounting for the fettled yearly Revenue. Thus the Danegeld for the firft Year i^viz. the immediate Year ac- counted-for) was called barely Danegeldum or Novum Danegeldum ; the Danegeld for the next preceding Year, pmteritum Danegeldum ; the Danegeld for the third Year preceding, Vetus Danegeldum, &c. After this Manner the Sheriff of London and Middlejex accounted for Danegeld (bj : Thus alfo Pain Trenchard- was charged with the Areres (a) Anno Gratia MCxLiij [Malt la fiHe Ex Chron. aniiq. in Cod. MS. R. g. ii. in ]e Rey Henri] fuft efpofe a Henri )e quart Bibl. Coll. S. Trin. Cantab, p. 36. t ^f"P- Emperour de Rome, a Magunce en Al- pofe he means, DCCCC. maigne, e corunnee a Emperice ; la quele (i) Et idem Vicecomes r c de vijsde Ve- ]e Emperour dowa de CM f chivalers. A teri Dangeldo : In thefauro v s, Et in Per- ce! tens fu done Danegeld par mj Engletere. donis, per breve Regis, Gervafio filio Ro- j geri 686 0/ T A L L A G E. Chap. XVII. Areres of Danegeld for the Ifle of Wight, for fix Years paft, to wit, for the tirft five Years de frceteritis 'Danegeldis, and for the fixth or lafl Year de Novo Danegeldo (<:). This was the Manner of accounting for Ferms or other Parts of the yearly Revenue j as may be {^.^n in many Inftances. For Example ; a Ferm for the firft Year or the Year immediately accounted-for, was called Nova Jirma, or barely Jirma ; the Ferm for the fecond or next Year pafl:, Firma anjii ■prceteriti or Vetus Jirma ; the Ferm for the third Year part, Firma anni tertij, or Vetiis firma, &c. In this Manner (for inflance) the Sherifli's of London accounted [d) : as did all the otiier -Sheriffs of England at that Time. However, I am not pofitive, that Danegeld was a fettled yearly Revenue. The famous Author of the Dialogue concerning the Exchequer feems to have thought it was a yearly Re- venue in the Times before the Conqueft, but not afterwards [e). In the beginning of K. Henry the Second's Reign, the Sheriffs con- tinue to account for Danegeld. Gervafe and John Sheriffs of London and Middle/ex accounted for it. They paid into the Treafury xxxix / and odd. Part of the Danegeld of Middle/ex. Other Part of it {viz. xxxv / xiiij s) was in Perdonis, that is, was remitted by Virtue of the King's Writs, and Set-off from feveral Perfons, namely, from Reginald de St. Vakry xj /, from the Monks of Bee Lviij s, from the Archbifliop of Canterbury xiij / as Superhidage, from the Barons of Walingford iiij / viij s, from the Bifhop of Fly ij s &c. And the Sheriffs were difcharged of the Refidue {viz. x I) becaufe it was in ivafio. The Danegeld of Middle/ex was, in the whole, Lxxxv I ] s \]d {/). Pain Sheriff of Surrey ^ccount&di for the Danegeld of that County. geri ij s, Et Quietus eft. Mag. Rot. 5. Infulx : In thefauro xj 1 & viij s . lb. 'Su. Rot. 15 Z-. Middclfexa. Et idem Vice- Rot. 5. b. •comes r c dexxvij 1 & xv s & iiij d, de prse- {d) Quattuor Vicecomites Londoniae terito Danegeldo. Ibid. reddunt compotum de firma Londoniae. Et idem Vicecomes r c de Danegeldo: Fulcheredus filius Walteri r c de CC & In thefauro xxxv 1 & ij s, Et in Perdonis ix 1 & xv s & vij d BI., de Vcteri firma Lon- per Breve Regis, Regi Scotias x s, Archie- doniae. piicopo Cantuar. xvl & vj s, Epifcopo de Johannes filius Radulfi filij Ebrardj debet Sando David iiij s, Epifcopo Ceftrenfi v s, vij 1 & vj s & xj d Bl., de Veteri firma Lon- Abbati S. Trinitatis de Rothomago Lxij s, donise de tempore patris fui. Mag. Rot. 5. Monachis de Becco Lviij s, Brientio filio Ste. Rot. 15. a. Comitis iiij 1 & viij s, Willelmo Elemofina- (e) Dialog. L. 1. cap. 11. Infula noftra rio XX s, . Summa fs/'/^^ Per- fuis. dona] xlix 1 & xviij s & vj d, Et Qiiietus (f) Middelfexa. Gervafius & Johannes eft. Ibid. rede Danegildo. In Thefauro xxxix 1 & {c) Infula de Wicht : Paganus Trencar- vij s & vj d. Et in Perdonis per brevia Re- dus debet iiij I de prasteritis Danegeldis In- gis, Reginaldo de San). By this (/>) Kent. Radulfus Picot r c de firma ita adquietavit vel in debito pofuit vel dedit Comitatus. In thefauro vj 1. Idem r c de fuperplufagium Vicecomiti. Simile fa'dutn Danegeldo. In thefauro quater xx viijl fuit de Danegeldo. Sed ilium Rotulum non XV s. Et in quietantia illorum qui annotan- vidi, licet alium viderim. Ideo pofui plene tur in Rotulo, xvj 1 vs [leg. vij s] iij d. hoc Secundo anno Corpora Comitatuum & Et in vafto viij s. £t debet vj s vij d. Sum- exitus Danegeldi ; ut ex particulis poflit ma, Cv I xvj s xd. Quid fit Danegeldum, fumma probari utriufq; Lil/. Rub. Scacc.fol. & propter quod aflifum, libro fuperiori [viz. 186. a. in the Dialogue between Magifter & Difcipu- Chent. Radulfus Picot r de Nova firma. lus] eft expreffum. Sed hoc notandum In Thefauro vj 1 ; Et in Elemofina noviter quod Danegeldi non fuit aliqua furama prae- conftituta, MiJitibus de Templo ij marcae pofita in Rotulo, ficuti nee aliqua fumma argenti ; Et in Decimis conftitutis he ; Comitatus in aliquo Rotulo hujus Regis, Et in Terris Datis he; Et debet xj 1 & vij s nee Regis Ricardi ufq; in viij annum ejus. & vj d Bl. Et idem Vicecomes r c de Da- Et hac de caufa ; ut accepl a Thefaurario negildo ; In thefauro quater xx & viij 1 & Willelmo de El}'; Ut ignorarent Viceco- xv s ; Et in Perdonis, per brevia Regis, mites fuper quo deberent refpondere. Sed GIUk de Sancto Audomaro iiij s, and to poft fcripturam conpoti Vicecomitis, cal- others : Summa [cf the In Perdonis] xv] 1 culatis mifis & expenfis de Corpore Comi- & vij s & iij d ; Ec in Wallo viij s; Et de- tatus, eduxit Rotulum continentcm fummas bet vj s & vijd; Qui remanent in Terra Comitatuum fingulorum, h fummam fu- Comitis Gloeceftriae. Mu^ Rot, 2. H. 2. prapofuit, h poftmodum mifas fubtraxit, & Rot. ult. b. Chcnt. m. 1. Vol. L 4 T great 690 Of Tallage. Chap. XVIL. great Roll and by what Alexander (as cited in the Margin) fays con- cerning the ufual Manner of accounting for Danegeld, it feemeth that Danegeld was a fettled Revenue, and accounted-for in like Form with the yearly Ferms of the Counties. After the fecond Year of K. Henry II, I do not find it accounted-for in that Manner. Tis true, in the third and other following Years of that King, feveral Sums are anfwer- ed to the Crown for Danegeld. But perhaps thofe Sums were for the Arerages of former Years. Of that the Reader may judge from what I fliall here fubjoin. In the third year of K. Henry II, the Sheriff of Lincomjhire accounted for C and viij s de Danegildo [q] ; and Walter de Leutorp for xviij / and odd de Danegildo (r). And in the fame Year the Sheriffs of other Counties anfwered for Danegeld in like Manner. This great Roll of the third Year was once thought to be a Roll of an uncertain Year of K. Henry W; but it appears to be a Roll of the third Year, by comparing it with the Roll next pre- ceding. For Example ; in the fecond Year of that King, the Sheriff of Surrey accounted for vij / and ixs the Alfife of the Bifhop af Chichejler, and of Gregory and Ralf Picot ; Part of it was let-off by in perdojiis, and there remained Lij s [sj. For which Sum of Lij s the Sheriff of Surrey accounts in this great Roll of the third Year (/). So alfo, in the Roll of the fecond Year, the Sheriff of Surrey ac- counted for C s the Aid of the Burgh of Geldeford; he paid Lxv j of it, and there remained due xxxv s : and for C s the Aid of the Burgh of Suthwerk ; he paid Lxiiij s of it, and there remained due xxxvj s (u). For which Areres of xxxvj and xxxvj j the Sheriff of Surrey accounts in this great Roll of the third Year (w). Other like In- flances might be produced.. To proceed. In the 5th Year of K. Henry II, Pain Sheriff of Surrey accounted for C and xiiij s de Dane- geldo (at). In the 9th Year, Williajn de Beauchamp Sheriff of Here- (q) Idem Vicecomes r c de C & viij s de Lxv s, Et debet xxxvs. Et idem Vice- Danegeldo. Alag. Rot. 3. H. 2. Rot. 4. a. comes r c de C s de Auxilio Biirgi de Suth- Llncoluj'cira. vverch ; In thefauro Lxiiij s, Et debet (r) Walterus de Leutorp r c de xviij 1 & xxxvj s. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot, 2. e. 5cvij s & vij d de Danegildo. lb. Rot. 4. a. Surr. Everivichfcira, {lu) Idem Vicecomes r c de xxxv s de ('xj Et idem Vicecomes r c de vij 1 & ix s, Auxilio Burgi de Geldeford. In wafto de Affiia Epilcopi Cicellric"e & Gregorij & Burgi ejufdem xxxv s, Et Q^ e. Idem Vice- Radulfi Picot ; In perdonis per breve Regis, comes r c de xxxvj s de Auxilio Burgi de Comiti. Warennx iiij 1 & xvij s ; Et debet Suihwerchi In perdonis per breve Regis Lij s. A^ag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 2. a. Surr. Comiti Warennae xx s & iiij d ; Et in walto (?) Idem Vicecomes re de Lij s de Affifa ipfius Burgi xvs & viij d, Et Q; e. Adag. Epifcopi Ciceftris ; In perdonis &c, Et Q^ Rot. ■^. H, 2. Surr. m. \.a. e. Mag. Rot. 3, H.i. Surr, m. i. a. {x) Idem [i. e. Paganus] Vicecomes (u) Et idem Vicecomes re de Cs de debet C & xiiij s, de Danegeldo. Mag. Rat. Au.xilio Bur^i de Geldeford : In thefauro 5. H. 2. Rot. 8. b, Surraa. i fordJJiirc: Chap. XVII. 0/ T A L L A G E. 691 fordjhlre, accounted for vj / and odd, the Danegeld of Henry de Here- ford fyj ; and Hugh de Raley Sheriff of Dcvonjhire for iiij / iiij s, the Datjegeld oi ^'s.vX Reginald [z). But, manifefjy, fome ol thefe Sums were only Areres of Danegeld. For Example ; the Sheriff of Lin- colnjldire anfwered in the third Year of K. Hcnfy II, C and viij s Da- negeld, as appears here above. Which Sum was the Remainder ot what he had anfwered in the fecond Year. For in the fecond Year, his Account was, paid at the Receipt of Exchequer, C and xlj /; in Ferdonis xlviij / xvj s k. d; iti Wajlo Lxx / xiiij s 'xd ; Ei debet C and viij j (^a). So in TorkJJ.nre, Walter de Leutorp (as appears here above) anfwered xviii / xvij s vij d. Which Sum was the Remainder upon the Account rendered in the fecond Year. For in that Year, the State of the Ac- count was, paid at the Receipt, Cxxiiij / xj xd; In Perdonis x/ xix x iiij d ; In Wajlo xj / xx d; Et debet xviij / xvij .r vij d fb). In Surrey, in the fecond Year Pam the Sheriff (after Payment and Difcount made in the ufual Manner) flood charged with xj / xiij s iiij d Da- negild [c) : and in the third Year, he accounted for xj / xiij s iiij d fd). Of this xj / xiij J- iiij fl' Part was fet-off by in perdonis. And then there remained C and xiiij s. And in the fourth Year he ac- counts for the faid C and xiiij s (e). In Wiltjhire, in the fecond Year Earl Patrick Sheriff of that County anfwered for the Danegeld. His Account was: paid in the Receipt fo much, in Perdonis fo much, In Wajlo fo much, Et debet ix / vij s ixd (f). In the third Year, Earl Pa- trick the Sheriff of that County anfwered for the faid ix / vij ^ ix ^; and (y) Idem Vicecomes [Willelmus de Bel- (c) Paganus Vicecomes r c de Danegil- lo Campo] r c de vj 1 & x s & vj d, de do. In thefauro fo much; In perdonis fo Danegeldo Henrici de Hereford. Mag. Rot. much ; In Wafto fo much ; Et debet xj 1 & 9. H. 2. Rot. I. a. Herefortfcirs in IVolijs. xiij s & vij d [or iiij dj. Mag. Rot. 2. H. (z) Et idem Vicecomes [Hugo de Ralea] 2. Rot. 2. a. Surreia. r c de iiij 1 & iiij s, de Danegeldo Comitis [cl) Idem ^'icecomes [Paganus] r c de Reginaldi; Inth. 1, EtQ^e. Mag. Rot. g. xj 1 & xiij s k iiij d de Dnnegiido. In H.2.Rot.i.b. Devenefcira. psrdoms Jo ?iiuch. Et debet C & xiiij s ; [a) Idem Vicecomes r c de Danegildo. Qiii remanent in Superhidagio Comitis In Thefauro C & xlj 1. Et in Perdonis y^- Clarae in refpedu per breve Regis. Mag. vera! Sums amounting to xlviij 1 & xvj s & Rot. 3. M. %. Rot. 6. a. Surreia. xd; Et in wafto Lxx 1 & xiiij s & xd; (c) Idem Vicecomes [Paganus] debet C Et debet C k viij s. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. & xiiij s de Danegildo. Mag. Rot./^. II. 2. Rit. 5. a. Line. Rot. 7. a, Surreia. (h) Et idem Vicecomes r c dc Danegel- (f) Idem Vicecomes [viz. Comes PatrJ- do de Everwichfcira. In Thefauro C xxiiij 1 cius] r c de Danegildo. In Thefuiro _/i •& X s & X d. Et in perdonis/o 7/;«4Z', viz. much. In Perdonis fo much. In Waflo yj Summa, xl & xix s & iiij d. Et in wafto much, Et debet ix 1 & vijs & ix d. Alag., xi 1 & XX d. Et debet xviij 1 & xvij s &; Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 11. b. JViltcfcira, vij d. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. .^5/. 5. b. 4 T 2 . it 692 Of Tallage. Chap. XVIK it is exprefly called a Re}}mne?tt or Arere (g). Again, in the twelfth Year of K. Hetiry II, Walter de Luitorp accounted for the Danegeld of Wcftmerland. And there it is likewife called Vetus Danegeldiim, an Arer- age of a former Y&'5.r(hJ. But there is another Thing that is puzzling; namely, that although (as I faid before) Danegeld is not, for ought that I have obferved, accounted-for in the Great Rolls as a yearly Revenue, after the fecond Year of K. Henry II : yet I find fome Things which v/ould lead one to believe that it was paid feveral Years after that fecond Year. For Example ; in the 20th Year of K. Henry II, OJbert de Brai was amerced xl /, becaufe he hindered or forbad Danegeld to be paid out of the [King's] Demeanes (/). This Amerciament charged upon OJbert was not, as it feemeth, an old Debt ftanding in Arere, but was fet upon him in this 20th Year ; becaufe, upon fearch, I do not find it charged on him in the great Rolls of the iBth or 19th Year of this King. Further; In the 21ft Year of the fame King, Writs of Summonce ifiiied out of the Ex- chequer into the feveral Counties of England, for levying of Dane- geld (k). And befides that, we find in many Charters made in the latter Part of K. Henry the Second's Reign, and in the Reigns of KK. Richard \, and Jolm, grants of Freedom from Gelds and Dane- gelds and other Exadtions ; though it does not (for ought that I know) appear, that any Danegeld was paid or anfwered to the Crown in the Reigns of the two lail-named Kings. To which, I cannot tell whe- ther it be a fatisfadlory anfwer, to fay, that thefe Words were in- ferted in Charters pro forma, amongft feveral other Words referring to Anglofaxon Cuflomes which were gone or going into difufe. It may be obferved, that in all or mofi: of the Accounts of Dane- geld rendered anno 2. H. H, there is a large Deduftion made, under the Terms in Wajlo. The Reafon of which might, I fuppofe, be this : In the Reign of K. Stephen, the Realm had been fo waft- ed by the long inteftine Wars moved between him and the Emprefs, . that at the beginning of K. Henry the Second's Reign, the Lands charged with Danegeld could not pay the fame. Deduftions were (g) Idem Vicecomes r c de ix 1 & vij s mifericordia, quia prohibuit Danegeldum h ixd de Remanente Danegildi. Mag. Rot. dari de Dominijs. in Thefauro liberavit, 3. H. 2. Rot. 3. a. JJ-'iltefara. Et Quietus eft. Mag. Rot. 20. H. 2. Rot. (h) Walteius de Luitorp r c de vij 1, de 9. a. Berchfcira. Veteri Daiiegeldo dc Wcftmarieland. In (k) Kt Heliae Oftiarioj marcam, ad por- th. 1, Et Q. e. Mjg. Rot. 12. H. 2. Rot. tandas Summonitiones de Danegeldo per 3» (7. Evc'riuicbfc. . AngliaTi, per breve Regis. Aliig. Rot. 21. [i) Ofb;rtus de Brai re de xl marcis de H. 2. Rot. 3. a. Landonia U. Middiljexa. alio 1 Cliap. XVir. Of Tallage. 693 alfo made in feveral Towns under the Terms in Wajlo. The Sheriff of CambridgePrtre had an Allowance or Difcount made to him out of t-he Term of his County, for the Wajliim of Lands in Sahcim, and for the Wajliim in the Burgh of Cambridge and the Mill there (/). By the Precedents cited above in this Seftion, it fliould feem that Dane- geld was a Sort of a Hidage, or a Revenue arifmg from Lands as divided or meafured by Hides. \\\ the Accounts rendered of Dane- geldy we find fome Allowances or Difcounts were made of certain Sums de Superhidagio. For Example ; in the Account for the Dane- geld oi Middlefex, xiij / was fet-off as Super hidage of the Archbifhop of Canterbury (?nj : in Surrey, xv / xiiij s was fet-off as Superhidage of the fame Archbifliop (;z) .• and in the fame County oi Surrey, there was a Remanent of Danegeld put in Refpite, as Superhidage of the Earl of Clare {0). The like Dedudions for Superhidage were made in other Counties. Again ; it feems that the Danegeld was charged upon Land, becaufe it is paid by the Men of the Counties only; the Cities and Towns anfwering at the fame Time under the Name of an Auxi- lium or Donum. Thus when the County of Lincolti yielded Da^ie^eld the Citizens of Lincoln yielded an Auxilium and a Donum (/>). When the County of York paid Danegeld, the City of York paid an Auxili- tm or Dojium {q). When the County of Kent paid Danegeld, the Burgeffes of Canterbury paid an Aid and a Donum, and the Burgeffes oi Rochejler an Aid{r). And other Counties and Towns paid in like Manner. IL Next (/) Cantebruggefclra. Paganus Vice- de Lx 1 de Auxilio Civitatis ; In thefauro comes r c de firma ; In thefauro fo 7nuch ; xxv I ; Et in pcrdonis, per breve Regis, E- In terris datisyi much. In Wafto de Sahara pifcopo Lincolije x 1 ; Lt in Wafto xxv) ; xvj 1 numero per deftruftionem Faramufi, Et Q. f. Et idem Gives r c de Lxvj 1 ^ Et in defeftii de Cumbertuna C s, Et in xiij s & iiij d de Dono Civitatis. In th. 1 Wafto Burgi de Cantebrigia & Molendini Et Q^ f. Mag. Rot. 2. H. i. Rot. 5. t>. iiij 1 J Et debetyi much. Mag. Rot. 2. H. [q) Idem Vicecomcs r c de Danegiido dc 2. ^i5^ 2. b. Evcrwichfcira. Et idem Vicccomes r c do (m) Et de Siiperhidagio Archiepifcopi, xl 1 de Auxilio Civitatis Ehoraci ; Jn ill. 1, xiij I. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. i. a. Lund. Et Q. e. Et idem Vicecomes r c de CCC is" Midd. citat.-fiic patjl. fup. Si xxxiiij 1 & ij s & viijd, de Dono Comi- (n) Et in Superhidagio Archiepifcopi, tatus & Civitatis ; In Thefauro y» ;wYi/!> ; Et xvl. & xiiij s. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Roi. 2. in Soltis Jo much kc. Et idem Vicecomcs a, 8urr. citat. hie paid. fup. r c de Scutagio Militum Archiepifcopi ; h\ [0) Et debet C & xiiij s ; Qiii remanent thel'auro vij 1, Et (^ e. Et id.-m Vice- in Superhidagio Comitis Clarae in refpc£tu comes r c de Scutagio Militum Epifcopi per bieve Regis. Mag. Rot. ■^. H. 2. Rot. Dunelmenfis ; In thefauro xl, Et Q^ c. 6. a. Sior. citat. hie paid, f up. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. (p) Civitas Lincolias : Gives Lincolis ^rj Burgenfes Gantuariaedebent xx mar- ie de Nova firma &c. Et idem Gives re cas de Auxilio Civitatis. Et idem Vice- comcs 694. 0/ T A L L A G E. Chap. XVII. II. Next of Tallage. There were two Sorts of Tallage : one paid to the King ; the other to a fubordinate Lord. We will firfl: fpeak of that rendered to the King, and afterwards lightly of the other. The Tallage rendered to the King (excluding the Tallage of the yeivs ; of which we do not treat in this Chapter) was raifed upon his Demeanes, Efcheats, and Wardfliips, and upon the Burghs and Towns of the Realm. In the' elder Times it was ufually called Do- num and Ajjifa. Doniim was a general Word, and was ufed with great latitude. To avoid Confufion, I have in my own Mind re- duced its meaning to two or three particular Heads : that is to {^.y, when it was paid for or out of Lands which were not of Military Te- nure, it fignihed Hidage ; when it was paid out of Knights Fees, it •was Saitage ; and when it was paid by Towns and Burghs, it was Tallage: or (if you pleafe) being taken under this threefold Refpedl, it may be compared to the faid three Payments, Hidage, Scutage, and Tallage: or, it fignified in general, according as it was applied, either Aid, Scutage, or Tallage. In thefe Senfes the Word Do7im/it feems to have been ufed in the Reign of K. Stephen ; and likewife in the beginning of the Reign of K. Henry II; particularly in the fecond, fourth, and fifth Years of that King j as will (I fuppofe) ap- pear by the Records of thofe Times which are cited in this Volume under the feveral Chapters oi Aid, Scutage, and Tallage. In the fuc- ceeding Times (if I obferve right) Doniim came to be ufed chiefly for Tallage. I will here produce fome Precedents relating to the Pay- ments which were ftyled Donum, Ajifa, and Tallagium. Firft of the Donum. In the fifth Year of K. Stephen, Geoffrey Ejlolland tlien Cujlos of the Bidioprick of Durham accounted to the King (amongft other IfTues of that Biflioprick) for Lviij / vj j- viij d for the Dojium of the Knights of that Biflioprick (s). In the fame Year, the BurgefTes of Graham and the Tenants of the Soke there were charged with xviij/ and oomes r c de XX marcis de Dono Civitatis xx 1 & xxxvj s & iij d ; Et debet xxviij ! & Cantuarias ; In thefauro xiij 1 & ij s & ix s & ijd. Et idem Gaufridus r c de viij d ; Et in perdonis iiij s, per hreve Re- Lviij 1 & vj s & viijd, de Dono Militum "is, Epifcopo de Eli, Et Q^ e. Burgenfes Epifcopatus ; In thefauro xlv 1 & vj s 5c «k Roucceftria r c de xl, de Auxilio Civi- viij d cum Militibus de Lindefia ; Et debet tatis Roueceftrise ; In thefauro C s, Et in xij 1 & xs. Et idem Gaufridus r c de xlvjl Soltis Willelmo Cade xxxiij s & iiijd, Et ^ vs & ii'jd, de Tainis & Dreinnis & in Wafto Lxvj s &: viij d, Et Q^ f. Mag. Smalemannis inter Tinam & Teodam ; In Rot.i. H. r. Rot. 12. b. Ghent. thefauro xxxvj 1 ; Et debet xl & vs & is) Et idem Gaufridus [Efcollandus] r c iiij d. Ahg. Rot. 5. Ste. Rot. 13. b. in d€ C & X I & v s & v d, de Cornagio Ani- a7nl). In the fourth Year of K. Henry II, a Donum was anfwered both for the Counties and for the Cities or Burghs. For Example ; the County of Wiltes paid fourfcore Marks of Silver as the Dojium of that County fc). The County of Cumberland paid L Marks of Silver for their Donum, and the City of Carlile xx / for theirs {d). The County of So?nerf:t paid C / for their Donum {e) : and Berkflnre xl / for theirs (f)- (/) Burgenfes tie Graham & homines tencntes de Soca debent xviij 1 & j maicam argenti.de Dono Regis, Alag. Rot. 5. Ste. Hot. 12. a. LirtcoL [u) Et idem Vicecomes r c de C & vj 1 & xiij s & iiij d, de Dono Comitatus h de Murdro. Et in Perdonis per breve Regis, Fratri Regis C & iij s, Et Fratri Regince Willelmo de Peiters iiij 1 ; and to others, Mag. Rot. 2. H. ^. Rot. 12. b, Ghent. (w) Et idem Vicecomes r c de Liij I & vj s & viij d, de Dono Comitatus. In Sol- tis Willelmo Cade xx I &c. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot. 2. i. Gientcbrug. [x] Et idem Vicecomes r c de Lx mar- cis, de Dono Comitatus. In thtfauro xx 1 &c. Ih. Rot. 2^h. Hurif. (y) Et idem Vicecomes r c de C & qua- ter XX 1, de Dono Comitatus. \n thefauro C & Lvj 1 & iij s & ix d, &c. lb. Rot. 5. a. Lincol. (2,) Norhantuna. Robertus filius Sawini r c de firma Norhantunu;; In thefauro LI; Et in Soltis eidcrn Roberto LI, per breve Regis ; Et in Elemofina noviter conf- tituta Miliiibus de 'I'emplo j marcam ar- gemi; Et habct de Superplus j marcam ar- genti ; Et idem r c de xl marcis, dc Dono Civiiatis Norhantunse ; In ih. 1, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Ret, 8. b. (a) Et idem Robertus [filius Goeboldi] r c de xl marcis argenti, de AlTifa de Ro- telandia ; In thefauro vij 1 &viijs & vd; Et in perdonis See ; Et debet vij 1 & xj s & iiij d. Mag. Rot. 4. H. 2. Rot. 4. I/. {b) Idem V^icecomes r c de xvl & xvij d, de Afifa Comitatus & dc Auxilio de Gipef^ vviz. Idem Vicecomes r c de v marcis ar- genti, de Afifa de Gipefwiz ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de quater xx I, de Afifa Comitatus ; In thefauro xiij 1 & xvij s & iij d ; Willelmo Cade xxx 1 in Sol- tis Regis per taleam. Et Willelmo Cuiniu & Johanni Marfcallo C s in Soltis Regis j Et in Perdonis — . Alag. Rot. 2. H. 2. Rot, I. b. Sudfok. (c) Idem Vicecomes r c dc quater xx marcis argenti, de Dono Comitatus ; In thefauro xiij I & xvj s & viij d, Et in perdo- nis &c ; Et Q. e. lb. Rot. 2. a. IVilt. (d) Idem Vicecomes r c de L marcis ar- genti, de Dono Comitatus ; In thcf.iuio xxixl, Et in perdonis &:c, Et Q; c. Et idem Vicecomes r c de xxl, de Dono Civi- tatis Carleolij, In th. 1, Et Q^ e. lb. RoU 2. a. Carleolium. (e) Idem Vicecomes r c de CI, de Dono Comitatus ; in thefauro Lj 1 h xiiij s & ij d, Et in perdonis &Cj Et debet vij 1 & xij d. 696 0/T A L L A G E. CTiap. XVII, (f). The County 0? Ejex paid CC Marks of Silver de Bono [g) ; the County of L'mcoln CC /, and the City of Lincoln Lxvj / and a Mark {h). The County oi York paid D Marks of Silver de Done, and the Citizens of Tork CCCC xliiij / and a Mark (i). The County of Kent rendered fourfcore Pounds for their Doniim, and the Burgefles of Canterbury xx Marks for the Doniim of the foregoing Year (kj. The County of Middlefcx rendered xl Marks of Silver for their Do- 7ium {IJ ; and the County of Wirecejier Lx Marks of Silver for theirs {ju). So alfo the Towns and Burghs rendered their rQfyz&.ivc Dofiiims i and likewife particular Perfons theirs. The City of London paid Mxliij / for their Donum (n) ; the Burgh of Oxford paid Cxvij Marks, the Moneyours of Oxford xiiij /, and the Jews of Oxford xx Marks, for their refpedtive Dofums {0) ; the Burgh of Cokhefler paid xx Marks dc Dono (p) i the City of Tork paid fourfcore Marks and odd de Qui remanent in hundredo Hugonis de Guiidovil!. U. Rot. 2. b. Sumerfct^i. [f) Idem Vicecomes r c de xl 1, de Do- no Comitatus; In thefauro xiiij 1 &viij s, Et in Corredio Reginx xiij 1 & ij s & x d, Et in perdonis &c, Et Q^ e. lb. Rot. 2. b. Berchfcira. (g) Idem Vicecomes r c de CC marcis argenti, de Dono Comitatus ; In Soitis, Willelmo Cade LI & ixs & vd, Et in perdonis &c, Et Q^ e. lb. Rot. 3. b. EJfcxa. (/;) Idem Vicecomes r c de CC 1, de Dono Comitatus, Et de Lxvj 1 & xiij s & iiij d, de Dono Civitatis ; In thefauro &c. lb. Rot. 4. a. Lincoliefcira. (/) Walterus de Luitorp r c de D marcis argenti de Dono Comitatus ; In thefauro C & quater xxl & xx s ; Et in perdonis &c; £t debet xxiiij 1 & viij s & viijd. lb. Rot. 5. a. Everivichjcira. Idem Vicecomes [Bertramus de Bulemer] r c de CCCC & xliiij 1 & xiij s & iiij d, de Dono Civium de Eboraco ; In thefauro CCl & xxxiij I & vj s & viij d ; Et in Soi- tis &c ; Et debet Liij 1 & xiij s & iiijd. lb. juxt. (k) Burgenfes de Cantuaria r c de xx marcis argenti, de Dono Regis de praeterito anno; In th. 1, Et Q. f. Nova P. & N. C : Idem Vicecomes r c de quater xx 1, de Dono Comitatus ; In thefauro xxjl & iijs &: iiijd ; Et in perdonis &c. lb. Rot. 9. a. Ghent. (I) Idem Vicecomites r c de xl marcis argenti, de Dono Comitatus. In thefauro xiij 1 & vj s & V d Et in perdonis &c : Summa, xij 1 & xiiij s & xj d ; Et debent xij s ; Qui funt in refpeftu fuper Barones de Warengeford, per breve Regis. Mag^ Rot. 4. H. 2. Rot. I. a. Midd. [ni) N. P. & N. C. Idem Vicecomes re de Lx marcis argenti, de Dono Comitatus ; In thefauro viij 1 & x s, Et in perdonis &c. Mag. Rot. 4. H. 2. Rot. 6, a. IVtreceftre- fclra. (n) Idem Vicecomites reddunt compotum de M & xiiij 1, de Dono Civitatis Lundo- nix ; In Thefauro DCCC & xxxvijl & xs & vd in o61:o tallijs; Et pro Ocreis Regis, Reinerode Valencia, xl s, Et in Soitis, per brevia Regis, RadulfoWafpaill Cmarcae de Gaufrido Burfario, Et Johanni Buch. iiij 1 Si xiij s & iiijd, Et in auro ad Cuppas Re- gis xls ; Et debent C Sc xxx 1 & iiijs & vij d. Af{ig. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. I . «. Lundonla. (0) Nova Placita & Novae Conventiones : Idem Vicecomes [Henricus de Oilli] r cde C ic xvij marcis, de Dono Burgi de Oxine- fordia ; Idem Vicecomes r c de xiiij 1 de Monetarijs de Oxinefordia ; Idem Vice- comes r c de XX marcis pro Judaeis. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. Oxinefortfcira. [p) Idem Vicecomes r c de xx marcis de Dono Burgi de Coleceftra; In Thefauro liberavit, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot, 5. H. 2. Rot. I. b, EJfi'xa. I Dono Chap. xvir. Of Tallage. 697 Dono {q) ; and in like Manner the Towns oi Markbwg and Cnhie (r), the Burghs of Stafford and 'Tamvx)rth {5), the Burghs of Geldeford and Sutbiverk (t), the Towns of NoruHch and Ipfwich {u), the Burghs o;' Merleberg, Cable, and Riijlejlml [iv), the Burgh of Bedford (.v), the Burgh of Chichejier (y), the Citizens of Lincoln (;s), the Men of Hereford {a), and the City oi Exeter [b). Again; the Barons and Knights paid to the King for their refpeftive Fees and perhaps other Lands, under the Name of Do7ium. The Abbot of St. Alban paid C Marks for his Doniim, the Sheriff of Hertfordflnre anfwered xij Marks for the T)onum of the Abbots Knights, and xxij Marks for the Doniim of the Knights of Hertfordffire (<:). The Bifliop of Bath rendered D Marks for his Doniim, and the Sheriff of Sumerfete xl Marks for the Dofium of the Bilhops Knights [d). In hke Manner Payments were made under the Name of Doniim^ by the Knights and (q) Idem Vicecomes r c de quater xx marcis & vj s & viij d, de Veteri Dono Ci- tatis. lb. Rot. 5. a. Evenvuhfc. (r) Idem Vicecomes r c de x marcis de Dono Burgi de Merleberga. Idem Vic. r c de ij marcis de Dono Burgi de Calna. Ih. Rot. 6. a. Wilt. (s) Idem Vicecomes r c de xl de Dono Burgi de StafForda. Idem Vic, r c de C s de Done de Tamewurda. lb. Rot. 4. b. Staff. (t) Idem Vicecomes r c de x marcis, de Dono Burgi de Geldeford. Idem Vice- comes re de C s de Dono Burgi de Sut- werca. Mag. Rot. 7. H. 2. Rot. 7. a. Surreia. (u) Idem Vicecomes r c de CCl de Do- no Norwici. In thefauro C & quater xx & ix 1 & vj s & viij d. Et debet x 1 & j marcam. Mag. Rot. 7. H. 2. Rot. i. a. Norf. & Suthf. Idem Vicecomes r c de XXV marcis de Gipefwico ; In thefauro xv 1 &c. Idem Vicecomes r c de x marcis de TefFord ; In th. 1, Et CX e. Ib.juxt. [w) Idem Vicecomes r c de x marcis, de Dono Burgi de Merleberga; In th. 1, EtQ^ e. Idem Vicecomes r c de xl s, de Dono de Calna ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem Vice- comes r c de X marcis, de Dono de Rufle- fhala. lb. Rot. 2. a. Wilt. (x) Homines de Bedeford r c de xl mar- cis, de Dono Burgi de Bedeford ; In the- fauro liberaverunt in iiij tallijs, Et Q. f. lb. Rot. 2. b. Buchingeh. iJ Bcd.-f. Vol. L (y) Idem Vicecomes r c de v marcis, de Dono Burgi Ciceftrise ; In liberatione i\li- litum de Pevenefel v marcas, Et Q^ e. lb. Rot. 2. /'. Siidfcxa. (z) Cives Lincolias r c de CCl de Af- fifa ; In thefauro C & xxxj 1 & iij s & iiij d in ij tallijs, Et debent Lxviij 1 & xvj s &: viij d. lb. Rot. 3. a. Line. (a) Idem Vicecomes r c de xx marcis, de Dono de Hereford ; In thefauro xij 1 & xij s & viij d, Et in perdonis, per breve Regis, Miiitibus de Templo xiiij s, Et Q. e. lb. Rot. 4. a. Hcref. in Walljs. (b) Idem Vicecomes r c de quater xx 1 de Dono Civitatis Exoniae, In thefauro Liijl &c. lb. Rot. 5. a. Devcnefc. (c) Idem Vicecomes r c de C marcis, dc Dono Abbatis de Sanclo Albano. Idem Vicecomes r c de xij marcis de Dono Mili- tum ejufdem Abbatis. Idem Vicecomes r c de xxij marcis, de Dono Militum de Hurt- fordfcira. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. i. b. Hurtf. (d) Idem Vicecomes [viz. Ricardus de Radduna] r c de D marcis, de Dono Epif- copi Bathoniae; In Thefauro CCCC mar- cas in duabus talleis, Et debet C marcas. Idem Vicecomes r c de xl marcis, de Dono Militum ejufdem Epifcopi. Idem Vice- comes r c de xxiiij 1 & xiij s & iiij d, de- Dono Burgi de Ivelceftria ; In thefauro li- beravit in iij Taleis, Et Q. c. Mag, Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 3. b. Suwerfda. 4U Theines 698 Of T A L L A G E. Chap. XVII. Theines of Northumherland {e\, the Knights of Nigell de Luvetot ff), the Abbot of Eve/ham and his Knights {g), Gerard Giff'ard, Henry Fitz-Herbert, and Humfrey de Bohiin fh), the Bifhop of Bath and the B. oi Winchefier (ij, and the Counties of Somerfet {k) and Tork (I). In the 7th Year of K. Henry II, Pain Sheriff of iSz^rr^j was charged with Lij s an Arere of the Donum of that County for a former Year, which Lij s (faith the Record) remain the Superhidage of the Earl of C/are {m). Thus we fee that in the moft ancient Times, Donum was applied with great Latitude of Meaning. Afterwards, if I mif- take not, it came to be moft generally ufed for Tallage (ji). In the Reign of K. Richard I, the Theines and Drenges of Nor- thumberland were tallaged. They paid each of them fo much de Dono (0). When the King's Demeanes and Lands in Staffordjlnre were tallaged, the Men of Neiv-Cajile, and others, paid fo much de Do/10 fp). When the King's Demeanes in Torkfiire were tallaged, the Men of Heftngwald and of forty or fifty other Towns anfwered fo much refpedlively de Dono (qj. In Torkjlnre, an?20<). R. I, a Tal- lage (<•) Idem Vicecomes r c de quater xx & xvj libris de Dono Militum & Tainorum. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 2. b. Norhumb. (f) Idem Vicecomes r c de xx marcis de Dono Militum Nigelli de Luuetot. lb. Ret. 8. b. Huntend. [g) Idem Vic. r c de xl 1 de Dono Ab- batis de Eve{ham. Idem Vic. r c de Scu- tagio Militum ejufdem Abbatis de vj 1 & xiij s & iiij d. Jk Rot. 4. a. IVireceJir. (h) Gerardus Giffard r c de iiij marcis de Dono luo. Henricus filius Hereberti r c de V marcis de Dono fuo. Himfridus de Buhun r c de Lx marcis de Dono luo. lb. Rot. 6. a. Wilt. (i) Epifcopus Bathon. debet LI de Dono fuo. Epilcopus VVinton. debet xxxiij s & iiij d de Veteribus Milltibus de Glaftinge- beria. Mag. Rot. 7. //. 2. Rot. 7. b, Su- merjeta. (k) Idem Vicecomes debet vij 1 de .Veteri Dono Comitatus. Mag H. 2. Rot. 3. b. Sumerfeta. Idem Vicecomes [Warnerus de Liforijs] r c de xiiijl & xv s & vj d, de Veteri Dono Comitatus. Mag. Rot. 7. H. 2. Rot. 7. b. Sumtif. (I) Walterus de Luitorp r c de xxiiij 1 Si w] s fj viij d, de Veteri Dono Comitatus. & xij d . Rot. 5. Mag. Rot. 5. H. 2. Rot. 5. a, Everwichfc. [m) Idem Vicecomes [Paganusj debet Lij s, de Veteri Dono Comitatus ; qui re- manent in Superhidagio Comitis Claras. Mag. Rot. 7. H. 2. Rot. 7. a. Surreia. («) Vid. prox. Seii. {0) Tallagium de Teinis & Drengis de Norhumberland : Tomas filius Liulf debet C s de Dono ; Gillebertus de Chalveka debet xxxs de Dono ; and fcveral others d.c Dono. Mag. Rot. i. Ric. i. Ret. 14. b. (p) De Tallagio Dominiorum Regis & Terrarum perRobertum Marmiun& Socios fiios : Homines de Novo Caftro debent vj 1 & xiiij 8 & viij d de Dono ; Jnd others. So much, de Dono. Mag. Rot. 2. R. 1. Rot. 2. a. Staf. (q) De Tallagio Dominiorum Regis per Godefridum de Luci & Socios fuos : Idem Vicecomes r c de viij 1 6c j marca, de Ho- minibus de Hefingev/alda cum pertinentijs fuis de Dono, Et de ix 1 & xv s, de Homi- nibus de Pikeringe de Dono, Et de xij 1 & xix s &viijd, de Hominibus de DrifFeld de Dono, Et de xxviij s & iiij d, de Ho- minibus de Niwebigginge cum pertinentijs de Dono, Et de vij 1 & dim. marca, de Ho- minibus de Pokelinton de Dono, Et de Lxxvj s de Hominibus. de Setriaton de Do- no, chap. XVII. Of Tallage. 699 lage was fet or made by Philtpp Bifliop Elecfl of Durham, Hugh Bar- doift and their Fellows. The Citizens oi York paid it [by Poll]. It was paid [in Grofs, or in common] by the Men oi Efmgwald, the Men oi Wirkcburc, the Men oi Brirelai, the Men of Z//V/, iS6-/'/;w Wapentake, the Men of Dancbi, the Soke of Scallcbi, the Men of Clarho Wapeji- take, the Men o'i Lonefdak Wapentake, P/V/J-tv-w^g- Wapentake, Pikeriiig, AnejU Wapentake, the Men of St. Marie's Abbey in l^ork, the Free- men of the Archbilhop of Tork living without Ripon, the Men of Stratford, the Men of liatton, the Men of Scarborough, the Men of Dancajicr, and the Men living betwixt the Oufe and Dcriveat. It was alio charged on or paid by Joh?: Son of Ernald, Ajketil de Wetivong, Hugh Son of Ramdf, Simon the Dyer, Gerard Parfon of Stoclai, Alexander Parfon of Clapham, and other particular Perfons, under the Terms de Dofio (7-). When the Burghs and Demeanes in Wiltjhire were tallaged to K. Richard I, the Men of Merleberg, Cahie, Devifes, no, Et de vij 1 & xvj s & viijd, de Hominibus de Sneit, Et de xxj 1 & xviij s & iiij d, de Hominibus de Scardeburc ; Then follow the refpe^lve Sums de Dono of about 40 or 50 Toivns more: and it concludes thus, Et de C & xlij 1 & vij s & X d de Dono Civitatis E- boraci, Et de Lvj s & viij d de Hominibus de Scallebi de Dono : Summa, CCC & xxxv 1 & iiij s & iiij d : In perdonis per breve Re- gis praEdi<3:is hominibus CCC &xxxvl & jiijs & iiij d ; Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 3. R. ' 1. Rot. 6. b. [r] Taillagium fadlum per P. Dunelmen- fem Eleftum & Hugonem Bardolf & Socios fuos : Cives Eboraci, quorum nomina Sc debita annotantur in Rotulo quem praedidti liberaverunt in thefauro, r c de quater xx & vij 1 de praedifto taillagio : In thefauro Lxxvij 1 & xviij d. Et debent ix 1 & xviij s & vj d. Homines de Efingwald rcdexxxiiijl & V s & viij d. Homines de Wirkeburc rede Lvj s & viij d. In th. 1, Et Q: f. Homines de Brirelai r c de xxxiij s & iiij d. In th. 1, Et Q. f. The Men of fome other Towns paid their Money alfo in the Treafury, and were quit. Homines de Lid debent xxxvij s. Schiraiwapentacum debet xxiiij s. Homines de Danebi debent xiij s. Soca de Scalltbi debet xxj s. Homines de Clarho wapen- taco debent Lij s & iiij d. Homines de Lunefdal wapentaco debent xj s. Pikering wapentacus r c de vij 1 & x s & viij d, In thefauro 1, Et Qiiietus eft, Pikeringa r c 4 de iiij I, In thefauro liberavlt, Et Chiieta eft. Anefti wapentacum debet iiij 1 & xvs. Willelmus Sueteluve de Lutton debet v marcas de Dono. Johannes filius Ernaidi Capeliani de Tikehul r c de j marca dc Dono; In th. I, Et Q; e. Homines Ab- batiae S. Maris Eboraci debent xiij 1 & xviij s & viijd. Liberi homines Archie- pifcopi Eboracenfis extra villam de Ripun [debent] Liiij s & iiij d. Homines de Stratford r c de viij s, In th. 1, Et Q^ f. Homines de Hatton r c de xvj s. In th. I, Et Q: f. Homines de Scardeburc r c de x!ix 1 & iij s &• iiij d. In th. 1, Et Q^ (. Homines de Danecaftre r c de xxvij 1 &: v s, In thefauro xxij 1 & xviij s, Et de- bent iii) 1, & vij s. Homines inter Ufam & Derwent debent xx s. Afketil dc W'ete- wong debet ij marcas & dimidiam de Dono. Hugo filius Ranulfi de Jarun debet ij mar- cas de Dono. Simon Tindlor debet ij mar- cas & dimidiam de Dono. Gerardus per- fona de Stoclai r c de xv marcis de Dono, In th. 1, Et Qi e. Uctredus filius Afiin, debet j marcam de Dono. Alexander per- fona de Clapham debet j marcam de Dono. Radulfus Fin de Eboraco debet v marcas de Dono. Robertus filius Odardi de Lod- derden r c de ij marcis & dimidia de Dono, In th. 1, Et Qi e. Hugo Ferling de Dane- caftre debet C s de Dono. Mag. Rot, 9. R. I. Rot. 4, b, Evervjichfc, U z and 700 0/Tallage, Chap. XVII. and other Towns, anfwered fo much rcCpeiEiively de Dono (j). When the Burghs and Demeanes in JViltJhire were tallaged to K. Job?!, the Men of Merleberg, Calne, Divifes, and other Towns, anfwered in Hke Manner de Dono (/). Tallage was alfo called Ajjifa. William de NevilL Sheriff of Norfolk, rendered at the Exchequer CC Marks of Silver, for the Ajjifa of that County (ii). JFiliiam de Fraxineto Sheriff of Suffolk rendered xv / and xvij d, for the Afjife oi that County [and for the Aid] of Ipfjjich (iv). The Word, Affa, fignified (amongft other Things) an Afreffment. It is ufed for the common Charge or AfTefT- nient made upon a County for Defaults and other Amercements. The County of Berk were charged with xxxj s and iij d, de Co?}imuni AJ/ifa of that County for Defaults (xj. And the County of Warioick were charged with Lxxviij s and j d, for Defaults and Mlfericordiast under the Name of Communis Ajjifa (yj. III. Thofe Manours or Lands were properly talliable to the King, which the King had in his own Hands. Hence it came to pafs, that the Tallages are commonly ftyled, Tallagia Mane?'iorian Regis, Tallagia Ma?jeriorum & Terrariim Regis quce tunc erant in manu ejus, Tallagia Dominicoriim, Tallagia per Dominia Regis, and the like. Under the Terms, Maneria or Terrce qua crant in iuanu Regis were comprehend- ed the King's Efcheats and Wardfhips. For the King held them (with the Lands thereto belonging) tanquam in Dominico. And in Fatft the King's Efcheats and Wardfhips were wont to be tallaged, when Tallage was affelfed upon his Demeanes. In the 19th Year of K. Henry II, an Affile or Tallage was fet upon the King's Demeanes and Burghs in EJJ'ex and Jiertjordflnrc, by Sefred Archdeacon of Chi- [s) Tatllagium fa£^-um de Burgis & Do- («) Idem Vicecomes [Willelmus de No- ■minijs Regis per pradicftos [Rubly, to the Title next before, tvhieh is, De Coinitatus. Mag. Rot. %. H. 2. Rot. I. a. ■Placitis per VVillelmum dc Sancls Marias Nortf. Ecclefia, h Abbatem de Malmefberia, & [iv) Idem Vicecomes [Willelmus de tjocios fuos ]: Homines de Merleberge [de- Fraxineto] r c de'xvl & xvijd, de Afifa bent] XX 1 deDono ; Homines de Calna re Comitatus h de Auxilio de Gipefwiz. Jb. -de vj marcis de Dono; Homines de Divifis Rot. i. b. Suclfolc. Et Vid. hie Sefl. 3. (^c. r c de xiij marcis de Dono, &c. Mag. Rot. [x) Idem Vicecomes debet xxxj s & iijd, 10. R. I. Rot. 5. a. If 'lit. de Communi Aflifa Comitatus de Berch- (/) Taillagium faftum de Burgis & Do- fcira pro defaltis. Mag. Rot, 19. H. 2-. minijs Regis : Homines de Alerleberge [de- Rot. 8. a. oent] XX 1 de Dono; qua debent requiri (y) Idem Vicecomes debet Lxxviij s & ab H. de Nevill, ficut Vicecomes dicit. j d de Communi Affifa Comitatus de Ware- Homines de Calne r c de ij marcis de eodem, wicfcira pro defaltis & mifericordijs. Mag^ Homines de Divifis r c de xij marcis de eo- Rot. 20. H. 2. Rot. 10. b, IVar, U' Legerc. dem, &c. M«g, Rot. 3. J. Rst. 6, a. Wilt. ciiefer chap. XVII. 0/ T A L L A G E. ■01 chcjler and other Jiifticiers, viz., upon the Towns of IValtham, Bertford, and leveral others here named (2). In the fame Year an Affife was made upon the King's Demeanes in Oxfordjlnre, by Nicolas de Sigillo and Richard the Treafurer. The Burgh of Oxford, and great Tew paid it [a). In the fame Year, an Afhze was made upon the King's Demeans in Dcvonpire, by Guy the Dean, Richard de Wilton, Hugh de Bockiand, and William Ruffus. It was paid by the City of Exeter, the Towns of Axemifijlre and Witeford, that Part of CoUnton which belonged to the King, Lidford and nine other Towns [b). In the fame Year, an Affife was made upon the King's De- meanes in Gloiicejlerjlnre, by folm Cumin, Walter Map, and Turjlin Fitz-Simon. Wajcio the Cook paid towards it three Marks, Ailwin the Mercer C s, Walter the Cordewainer one Mark, rcfpcdtively dc Dono ; and the other Burgeffes o( Gloucejler four (core Marks de Dono. So ahb Dimmoch paid vj Marks, Cirencejier v Marks, the Land of the Abbey of Wejiminjler (which was then in the King's Hand) paid Lxxiij s iii) d, and Hamenel the Land of William Patrick viij Marks (t-). An AlTife was made upon the King's Demeanes in Wiltjhire by Guy (z) De Affifa fa£la per Dominia Regis, per Sefredum Archidiaconum Cyceftr., & per Wimerum Capellanum, & Adam de Gernemue, & Robertum Mantell : Idem Vicecomes r c de xvij 1 & xiij s & iiij d de AlTifa de Waltham. Idem Vic. re de vj 1 & xiij s & iiij d de Aflifa de Hertford. The like, de Affifa de Niweport, de Writela, de Haveringes, de Priterewell, de la Duna, de Chelvedun, de Eumfteda, de Ceftrehunte, de Efenden h Bedford, and de Weftmulna. Meg. Rot. ig. H. 2. Rot. 3. a. EJfcx U Hurtf. De Affifa fada per Robertum Mantell & Socios fuos : Idem [WiHelmus de Windre- lore] r c de xxij 1 de Affifa Burgi de Ber- chamfteda, Et de x! s de Socha de Ber- chamfteda. Ih. juxt. tit. Berchammejleda. (a) De Affifa fafta per Dominia Regis de Oxinefordfcira per Nicholaum de Sigillo & Ricardum Thefaurarium : Idem Vice- comes reddit compotum de xl I de Affifa Burgi de Oxineford. Idem VicecoiT>es r v de xl de Tiwa magna. Mag. Rot. ig. H. 2. Rot. 5. a. (^b) Nova Placita & Novse Conventiones, De Affifa fa(5ta per Dominia Regis de De- \enefcira, per Widonem Decanum, &. Ri- cardum de Wilton, & Hugonem de Boch- land, & Willelmum RufFum : Idem Vice- comes r c de xl 1, de Affifa Civitatis Exo- nix; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Idem Vicecomes r c de C s de Axeminiftra, Et de v marcis de Witeford, Et de ij marcis de parte Regis de Colinton, Et de ij marcis de Lideford, and other Sums of nine other Towns ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Afag. Rot. 19. //. 2. Rot. 4. a. Devenefcira. Comes Reginald us, Sheriff'. (c) N. P. & N. C, De Affifa fada per Dominia Regis de Gloeceftrefcira, per jo- hannem Cumin, & Walterum Map, &: Turftinum filium Simonis : Wafcio Co- cus r c de iij marcis de Dono ; In tii. 1, Et Q. e. Ailwinus Mercerus re de C s de Dono ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Walterus Cor- dewanarius r c de j marca de Dono ; In th. 1, Et Qi e : zvith three others. Alij Bur- genfes f de Gloeceftria r c de quatcr xx marcis de Dono; In th. 1, Et Q^ f. Idem X': fcomes re de vj marcis dc Dimmoch ; In th. 1, Et Q_e. Sic. Idem Vicecomes r c dc V marcis de Dono Cireceflria ; In th. I, Et Q^ e. Idem Vicecomes r c de Affifa terra; Abbaiije de Weftmonafterio quas eft in manu Regis; fcilicet de ij marcis de Bur- toni. ; Ec de xx s de I cddcham ; Et de ij nr.aici* 702 0/T A L L A G E. dhap. XVII. Guy the Dean and Kis Fellows : to it, Mahnejhery paid v Marks, Calm xl s, Bedewinde v Marks, Merlebcrg xl Marks, Sarejbery xx s, tVilton C s, Divifes xl s, Wejlciimbe Lviij j viij d, Melkcjliam vj /, and Gatefterde -aviV] s {d). In the fame 19th Year, the Citizens of Lo/j- don rendered DC and Lxvj / and a Mark de Dono {e). Richard de hiici in his Return from Scotland made an AiTife on the City of Tork: in the 21ft Year of K. Henry II, the Sheriff of TorkJJnre anfwered to the King the Remanent of that Affife (f). William BaJJet and his Companions (Juftices Errant) made an Aflize upon the King's De- nieanes in NotinghamJJ.nre : and Reginald de Luci and the Sheriff of that County made another Affife there : the Towns of Ofwardijbecb and Mainnesfeld anfwered the fame refpetfl:ively {g). An Affife was fet upon the King's Demeanes in the Counties of Cambridge and Hun- tendon by Sefred the Archdeacon and his Fellows. To it the Towns of Cambridge, Fordham, Chejlerton, and Huntendon paid their refpe(5tive Sums (^). The King's Demeanes in Hantjliire were charged with an Affife by Guy the Dean and his Companions i namely, the City of Winchejler, Sunburn, Chelton, and Andover (/). In Norfolk and Suffolk an Affife marcis de Sutton ; SummaLxxiijs & iiijd; In th. 1, in iij tallijs, Et Q^ e. Idem Vice- comes rede viij marcis de Aflifa de Hame- rel terra Willelmi Patricij ; In th. 1, £t Q; e. Mag. Rot. 19. H. 2. Rot. 4. b. Gloec. f The JVord, Cives, is written in the Line, and is cancelled by a Stroke under it ; and the Word, Burgenfes, is interlined; and Jlands as au- thentick. {d) N. P. & N. C, De Affifa fafla fuper Dominia Regis per Widonem Decanum & Socios fuos : Idem Vicecomes r c de Affifa Dominiorum ; fcilicet de v marcis de Mal- mefbeiia, Et de xl s de Calna, Et de v marcis de Bedewinda, Et de xl marcis de Merlcberga, Et de xx s de Sarefberia, Et de C s de Wiltona, Et de xl s de Divifis, Et de Lviij s & viij d de VVeftcumba, Et de vj 1 deMelkefliam, Et de xviij s de Gatef- terde ; Summa, Liij 1 & vij s & iiij d ; In thefauro xxv 1 & vj s in iiij Talijs ; And the reji %vas dijburfedin Liveries of Knights and Ser- jeants. Mag. Rot. 19. H. 2. Rot, II. a. fVilt. (e) Cives de Lundonia r c de DC & Lxvj 1 & xiij s & iiij d, de Novo Dono; In thefauro CCC & xxxvij 1 ; Et debent CCC & xxixl & xiij s & iiijd. lb. Rot. 6. a. (f) Idem Vicecomes [Robertus de Stut- tevillaj r c de Lxxvj 1 & ij s & viij d, de Remanent! Aflifa Civitatis Eboraci, fadtae per Ricardum de Luci in reditu ejus a Scottia. Alag. Rot. 21. H. 2. Rot. 11. a. [g) De Aflifa Dominiorum Regis in No- tingehamfcira, per Willelmum Baffet & Socios ejus : Grun de Levertona r c de xiij s & iiij d, de Aflifa de Ofwardifbech. Item de Aflifa Dominiorum per Reginaldum de Luci & ipfum Vicecomitem : Idem Vice- comes r c de Lxxiiij s & ij d. de Aflifa de Mainnesfeld. Mag. Rot. 21. H.7.. Rot. 4. a. (h) De Aflifa Dominiorum Regis in eif- dem Comitatibus, per Sefredum Archidiaco- num & Socios fuos : Idem Vicecomites red- duntcompotum de xlvljs & viij d de Aflifa Burgi de Cantebriggia. Idem Vicecomites debent vj s & viij d de AlTifa de Fordham, qui remanferunt pro Paupertate. Idem Vicecomites r c de xxij s de Aflifa de Cef- treton. Idem Vicecomites r c de xvj 1 de Aflifa Burgi de Huntendona. A<[ag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. Cant. ^ Hunt. Eb- rardus de Beche &i Warinus de Baflinge- burne. Sheriff's. {iJ De Aflifa per Dominia Regis de Han- tefira. Chap. XVII. Of Tallage. 703 Affife was fet upon the King's Demeanes by Robert Mantel and his Companions, to wit, upon the Men of Mrldehale, the Burgefles of Norivichy the Burgefles of Thetford, the Men of Banham, the Burgef- fes oi Ipfivich and the Men of Oreford [Ji), In the firft Year of K. Richard i, the King's Demeanes and the Terr^e que tunc eraiit in manu ejus were tallaged. To that Tallage, the Men of the feveral Towns and Manours hereunder named paid refpediively fo much de Dono ; namely, the Men of Waltham, the Men of Kings Hadfeld, and others (/), In the third Year of that King, the like Debts ftand in Charge upon feveral of the fame Towns in the Counties of EJJ'ex and Hertford under the Terms of Tallage of the King's Demeanes and Lands (m). In or about 7° R. I, a Tal- lage was made by IV. Bifliop of Hereford, Hugh Barduf, Simon de PateJJoell, Richard del Pec, and their Companions, upon the King's Manours and the Burghs ; 'vix. Upon the Burgefles of Gloucejier, Cirencejler, and Winchecumbe, upon the Men of Neivham, Menjlrc- isorth, Dimmok, Cbiltham, Aura, Redley, and Berton, and upon the Burgefles of Brijloll^ and the Fair of Brijloll {ri). In EJJ'ex and Hert- fordJJnre tefira, per Widonem Decanum & focios fuos : Idem Vicecomes [Hugo de Gunde- vill] debet viij 1 & xiij s & liij d, de Aflifa Civitatis Wiiitoniae, Idem Vic. r c de xlj s de Affifa de Sumbuina, Idem Vic. debet x 1 & VS&: vj d de Affifa de Chelton, Idem Vicecomes debet xvj s de Affifa de Andeu- ra. Mag. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 13. a. {k) De Affifa Dominiorum Regis per F.obertum Mantell & focios fuos in Nor- folcia : Homines de Mildehala r c de xx marcis de eadem affifa, Burgcnfes de Nor- wico r c de xvj 1 de eadem affifa, Burgen- fes de Thedford r c de vj 1 & xij s h viij d de eadem alfifa. Homines de Banham r c de dim. marca de eadem affifa. De Affifa eorundem in Sudfolch: Burgenfes dc Gipef- wico r c de x 1 & xvij s h viij d de eadem affifa ; Homines de Oreford dcbent vj 1 & xvi) d de affifa de Oreford. Mag. Rot. 22. H.'2. Ret. 5. a. [I) De Tallagio Dominiorum & Terra- rum Regis qua: tunc erant in manu ejus : Homines de Waltham debent vij 1 & xvj d, de Dono ; Homines de Hadfeld Regis de- bent vij 1 de Dono ; Homines de parva Bumfteda dthent dimidiam marcam de Do- 5 no ; Homines de Widermundesford debent dim. marcam de Dono ; Homines de Ha- veringa debent C & xvj s & viij d de Dono ; Homines de Niwcport debent vj 1 & xx d de Dono ; Homines de Writele debent C & xs de Dono; The like, of the Men of Stifteda, of Hallingeberia, of Meaidon, erf" Springefeld (quae fuit Radulfi de Bucfcvill) «/"Lageford (quae fuit Radulfi Britonis) of Chigwell (quas fuit ejufdem Radulfi) of Wiggcberga (terra Robert! de Setuarft qui eft in cuftodia Regis) and the Burgeffa of Cokcefer. Mag. Rot. I. R. I. Rot. 2. a. Effix ef Hiirtf.^ (m) De Tallagio Dominiorum & terra- rum Regis : Idem Vicecomes r c de Lxs de hominibus de Hadfeld Regis, Et dc xxxvj s & viij d dc Haveringa, Et de xxvj s & viij d de Dono de Writela, Et de xiij 1 & xvj s & viij d de Burgenfibus de Coleccf- tria, Et de dimidia marca de hominibus de parva Bumfteda, Et de dimidia nuirca de Stifteda, Et de dimidiu marca de hominibus- de Lagerford quje fuit Radulfi Britonis,. Mag. Ret. i- R. I. Rot. 3. a. EJJix & Httrtf. («) De Taillagijs Burgorum Si Mane- riorum •04 Of T A L L A G E. Chap. XVII. fordJJ.nre a Tallage was fet upon the King's Demeanes and Efcheats, by Hugh P ever el, "John de Garland, and Walter de Creppinges {o). A Tallage was fet upon the King's Demeanes, Efcheats, and Ward- fhips in Lincoltijlnre by Simon de Kime then Sheriff of the County, Robert de Ardre, and other Juftices Itinerant (/>). In Worcejlerjliire, a Tallage was affelled upon the Cities, Burghs, and Demeanes, by Hugh Bardolf and his Fellows. It was paid by the Towns of Worcejier, Wiche, Fekeham, Marteley, Suckeky, Bromefgrave, Kide- minjicr, Savernejioke, and Hanky (q). A Tallage was made of the King's Manours and Efcheats in Middle/ex, by Ojbert Fitz-Hervey and his Companions (r). A Tallage was made upon the King's Ef- cheats, Wardfliips, and Demeanes in Cumberlayid, by William Fitz- Aldehn and others (j). A Tallage was fet upon the King's Efcheats and Wardfhips in Berkjhire, by the Archdeacon of BerkjJ.vre and riorum Regis fa£lis per praediilos [fc. W. Epifcopum Herefordenfem, &: Hugonem Bardulf, & Simonem de Patelhell, U Ri- cardum del Pec, & Socios fuos :] Burgen- fes de Gloeceftria r c de CI de Taillagio fuo, In th. 1, Et Q: f. Burgenfes de Ciren- ceftria r c de x 1 de Taillagio fuo, In th. 1, Et Q^ f. Burgenfes de Winchecumbe r c de xl s de Taillagio fuo. In th. 1, Et Q. f. Homines de Niewcham r c de j marca de Taillagio fuo. In th. 1, Et Q^ f. Homines de Menftrewurda r c de ij marcis de Tail- lagio fuo. In th. 1, Et Q; f- Homines de Dnnmoc rede xl s de Taillagio fuo. In th. 1, Et Q. f. Homines de Chiltham r c de iiij marcis de Taillagio fuo. Homines de Aura r c de xl s de Taillagio fuo. Ho- mine-s de Redlega r c de xl s de Taillagio fuo. Homines de Bertona re de xl s de Tail- lagio fuo. Homines de Sloftres debent xl s de Taillagio fuo. Burgenfes de Briftou debent CC marcas de Taillagio fuo, praeter Feri- am. Feria de Briftou debet x marcas de Taillagio fuo. Mag. Rot. 7. R. 1. Rot. 13. b. Gloec. {0) Tallagium faflum de Dominicis Re- gis & Efcaetis, per Hugonem Peverell & Johannem de Garland, & Walterum de Creppinges. Mag. Rot. 8. R. I. Rot. 9. b. Ejjfx &' ^Hurtfordfcira. (p) Tallagium Dominiorum & Efcaeta- rum & Cuftodiarum in Lincollfcira, faftum per^ ipfum Vicecomitem [Simonem de Kime,] & Robertum de Ardre, & Eufta- chium de Ledenham, & Hugonem de Boebi, & Rogerum de Stikefvvald [Jujllces Itine- rant'] : Thrn fellow the Names of feveral Fil- iates, and the Sums at which they were tallag- ed. lb. Rot. 18. i. (q) Taillagium de Civitatibus & Burgis & Dominicis Regis in Wireceftrefcira, per Hugonem Bardolf & focios fuos : Villata de Wigornia r c de quater xx marcis de tallagio. Villata del Wich r c de xx mar- cis de eodem tallagio. Villata de Fekeham r c de ij marcis de eodem tallagio. Villata de Martelega re de xl s de eodem tallagio. Villata de Succhelega r c de Cs de eodem tallagio. Villata de Brumefgrava r c de C s de eodem tallagio. Villata de Kide- miniftre r c de xl s de eodem tallagio. Vil- lata de Saverneftoke r c de xl s de eodem tallagio. Villata de Hanelega r c de xls de eodem tallagio. Mag. Rot. 8. R. i. Rot. I. b. (r) Taillagium Maneriorum & Efcaeta- rum in Middelfexa faftum per Ofbertum fi- lium Hervei & Socios fuos. Mag. Rot. g. R. I. Rot. II. a. (s) Taillagium fa£l:um anno prasterito fu- per Efcaetas, & Wardas, & Dominia Do- mini Regis, per Willelmum filium Aldelmi & Petrum de Ros, & Henricum filium Hervei, & Socios fuos. Mag. Rot. 9. i2. i. Rot, 13. a, Cumb, Others Chap. XVII. Of Tallage. 70s others (t). A Tallage was fet upon the Burghs and Efcheats which the King held in Demeane in Norfolk, by Robert Fitz-Roger and others : and the like in Suffolk {u). In the Reign of K. Richard \, a Tallage was made in hincolnjlnre by Hugh Bardolf and Philipp Fitz- Robert, for the Subfiftence of Serjeants who were in the King's Ser- vice : to it the Citizens of Lincoln paid CCL Marks, the Burgh of Cajire xx Marks, and the Burgh of Grimepy L Marks (w). About the fame Time the Men of Southmnton were tall aged, by Hubert Archbifhop of Canterbury Chief Juflicier, at L Marks, for reteining of Serjeants (x). And the King's Burghs in Shropfiire were tallaged towards the Subfiflence of five hundred Serjeants : viz. Bridgnorth at X Marks, Shreivfbitry at xxx Marks, and other Towns at their re- fpedive Sums (y). In the firft Year of K. John there was a Tallage of the King's Manours in Wiltjhire, To that Tallage, the Town of Malmejbiiry paid C J-, Calne x Marks, Melkejham xij Marks, Cumb xl s, Sarejbury xl Sy and other Towns their refpedlive Sums (z). The Archbifhop of Tork, [t) Taillagium Efcaetarum & Wardarum Regis in Berchfcira, faftum per Archidia- conum de Berchefcira, & Henricum de Kingefton, & Willelmum Achard, & Bal- dewinum de Cuferugge : Villatade Eflebiri r c de xix s de Taillagio ; Villata de Kingef- ton quae eft Radulfi Ballet ... lb. Rot. 13. a. Bercfara. (u) Taillagia facia de Burgis & Efcaetis Dominicorum Regis in Norfolc, per Ro- bertum filium Rogeri & Ofbertum filium Hervei, & Willelmum de Glanvilla, Sc Michaelem Belef, & Magiftrum Rogerum de S. Edmundo : Idem Vicecomes r c de vij 1 5c xij s & vj d de Taillagio Hominum de Caufton ; Et de C & xvij s & viij d de Taillagio Hominum de Saham ; quorum iiomina & debita annotantur in Rotulo qucm pra?difli liberaverunt in Thefauro; In Thefauro liberavit in ij talijs, Et Q^ e. lb. Rot. 16. b. DeTaillagijs fa Jes Wil- lelmi de Erghum r c de C s de eodem ; In th. xl s, Et debent Lx s. J encntes T^uita— cliij de Stotevill in Croptci v: Bartc m (^de- bentj v marcas de eodem. \ llui.' de Kil- lum cum elemofin.i debent xv m?rcas de eodem. Tenentes Willelnii de Veicy in Snayton & Brumtorrdi bent x marcas de eo- dem. Many ether Ti-wns and T< nancies paid it. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 3. •;. Refiduum Ebor. Poji Dc'ioniam. [q) De Tallagio : Villat:. ■■' Huntedon r c de XX marcis de eodem. Villiita da ■ Gomeeeftre r c de xxx niarci: de eodem. Villata de Cantebrigia r c de Lx marcis de • eodem, Mag. Rot. 14. H. 3. Cauntebt 'j Hunted, ni, 2. a. (r) De Tallagio : Bi.rgus Wygornije ■ [debet] xl marcas dc eodem. Villata del Wyz [dtbet] XX mar' as de eodem. Ma- neriorum de Bremmegrave r c de ;:vij mar- cis de eodem. Mir.erium de Fekeham re de vj marcis & dimidia de eodem. lb. JVygorn... in, 2. b. . I. Londotty. Chap. XVIL Of Tallage. 709 London, partly by the Poll (as it feems) and partly upon the feveral Wards of the City in common. For Example ; fome of the princi- pal Citizens were aflcfled fingly : Hugh de Ba/u/ges at xij Marks, Thomas de Stanes at x Marks, William Son of Adam at C s, Henry de Edmonton at x Marks, "John de Wohnrne at xl Marks, Henry de Oxford at x Marks, and other Pcrfons at their refpetlive Sums (s). Then immediately follows the Tallage which was fet upon the Wards of the City : William Son of Be?iet was to anfwer xxxv Marks for the Tallage of his Ward, And^'ew Bukerel xxx/ xvij j and viij .ida fua. Warinus filius Nicholai r c de xiiij 1 & xiij s, de Warda fua. Ricardus de Ruflye [debet] xj 1 & iiij s, de W;.ida fja. Ri- cardus Raynger r c de xiiij 1 xs & iiij d, de Warda fua. Radulfus Sperling r c de ix 1 & xiij s, de Warda fua. Radulfus Sieper- ingg r c de vj 1 & vj s, de Warda fua. Gil- bertus filius Fulconis [debet] xix s, de Warda fua. Walterus de Infula r c de Lxxiiij s, de Warda fua. Portfoken [de- bet] xxiiij s, de Warda fua. Johannes Travers iiij 1 xvj s, de Warda fua. Pctrus filius Rogeri iiij 1 xviij s, de Warda fua. Jacobus Blundus viij 1 xj s & x d, de War- da fua. Baflufliag xxxiij s de Warda fua. Rogerus Burferius re de Iv s, dc Warda fua. Johannes de Solarijs debet xxviij s & iiij d, de Warda fua. lb. juxt. m. l. b. {u) Gives Londonias r c do MM marcis de Tallagio : In thefauro nichil, Ya'\i\ Oar- deroba Regis P. Chacepoic CI, per breve Regis, Et debent MCC & xxxiij 1 & dimi- diam marcam. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 3. Lond. £5' Afuld. m. 2 a, manbiry 7IO Of Tallage. Chap. XVII. manbirj s\'\\ Marks, the Cottagers ol Kalnfal v s, and other Towns their rcfpedlive Sums. The City of York paid D Marks, the Soke oF Pikcring xlv Marks, Richard de Percy s four Carues of Land in the fame Soke iiij /, Herbert de Nevi/fs two Carues in the fame Soke ij Marks, twelve Bovates of Land belonging to the 'Templars in the fame Soke XX s. one Carue of Land of Simon de Wytene in the fame Soke, and one Bovate of Land of Peter Bardolf there xv s, the Villenage of Pikering in common xv Marks, Pontfrait C and iij Marks and half a Mark, the Burgh of Leedes iij Marks and half a Mark, Sleytteburne iij Marks, Bradford v Marks, the two Bondi there iiij s, Daticajier xxvij Marks, the Burgh of Draxe Parcel of the Fee of Hugh Paynell ij Marks, Powell in common iiij Marks and half a Mark, the Villeii- age of Leedes xxxv s, the Foreigners of Allemanbiry xxiiij s, Sandale Lx s, Beautie with its Appurtenances xvj Marks, Skirpe?ibek Parcel of the Demeanes of Robert de Cancy ij Marks and half a Mark, and other Towns their refpeftive Sums (w). To the Tallage afleffed this (iv) Taillagium aflifum per Johannem Gumbaud & Ricaidum de Tatifden : Idem Vicecomes r c de quater xx marcis de Scar- deburc de eodem. Et de ix marcis de Sc:il- leby de eodem. Et de iij marcis de Walef- grave de eodem. Et de Lv s de Elmifliall cum pertinentijs de eodem. Et de xliij s iiij d de Karleton cum pertinentijs. Et de viij marcis de Allemannebiria de eodem. Et de V s de cotarijs de Kainfal de eodem. Et de j marca de Bradeford in Bonland. Et de iiij marcis de Eggeton de eodem. Et de iij marcis de Hoton de eodem. Et de iiij marcis de Litham cum participibus de eodem. Et de ij marcis de Likinton de eodem. Et de vj marcis iij s & iiij d de Boynton Si Nefiewic de eodem. Et de ij marcis & dimidia dc Briddehall de eodem. Et de iij marcis de Clift'e de eodem. Et de V marcis de Roffinton de eodem. Et de j marca de Heertorp & Balleby de eodem. In th. 1, Et Q. e. Civitas Eboraci r c de D marcis de eodem ; la th. 1, Et Q^iieti i'unt. Soka de Pikering r c de xlv marcis dc eo- dem. Qiiatuor Karrucatce terras in eadem Soka quas Ricardus de Percy tenuit [de- bentj iiij 1 de eodem. Dua? carrucatK ternt in eadem foka quas Herbertus de Nevill te- net [debentj ij marcas de eodem. Diio- decim bovatse terrne in eadem foka quas Templarij tenent [debent] xx s de eodem. Una carrucata terra- in Fairemanaeby quani Simon de Wytene tenet, de eadem foka, & una bovata terra quam Petrus Bardulf tenet, in eadem foka, [debent] xv s de eo- dem. Vilenagium de Pikering in communi r c de XV marcis de eodem. Ponsfraftus re de C & iij marcis & dimidia de eodem. Burgus de Ledes [debet] iij marcas & di- midiam de eodem. Sleytteburne [debetj iij marcas de eodem. Bradeford [debet] v marcas de eodem. Duo Boiidy ibidem iiij s de eodem. Stainbur. xxij s de eodem. Sneith cum foka xj marcas de eodem. Wentale xvj s viijd de eodem. Danecaftre r c de xxvij marcis de eodem. Burgus de Daxe feodum Hugonis Paynell ij marcas de eodem. Cat- ton debet iij marcas de eodem. Lithom de- bet x.xxs de eodem. Spotford debet xxx s de eodem. Efingwald & Hoby debent ix mar- cas de eodem. Rowell in communi iiij mar- cas & dimidiam de eodem. Vilenagium de Ledes xxxv s de eodem. Grindlenton iij marcas de eodem. Berewic xxxv s de eo- dem. Mayngham L s de eodem. Fori n fee i de Allemannebiria xxiiij s de eod;ni. San- dale r c de Lx s de eodem. Beautie cum pertinentijs debet xvj marcas de eodem. Scirpcnbec terra Robert! de Cancy ij mar- cas (X dimidiam de eodem. Naftreton de- bet iij marcas de eodem. Toppeclive debet iiij marcas de eodem. Tattcaftre debet i inarcam de eodem. Af^g. Rot. 30. H. 3 . Eior. m. I. b. Year chap. XVII. Of Tallage. 711 Year in HantJlArc, the Men of Southowpton paid CC Marks, the Men of Andover C Marks, the Men of Bajingcjioke xl Marks, and the Men of Aidton Lx Marks (x) : In JFiltJhirc, the Town of Rudes vj Marks, the Town of Mdkejham xx /, the Men of McrUbiirg L Marks, the Men of Lutgarcpal liij Marks, the Town of Sare/biry v Marks, the Town of Divijes xij Marks (y) : and other Towns in other Counties. In the 31ft Year of the fame King, the Citizens of London itood charged with MM Marks for Tallage. And they paid it (2;). In or about the 39th Year of K. Henry III, it was provided by the King's Council at Merton, that the King Oiould tallage his Demeancs in England towards the great Expences he had been at in foreign Parts. The Citizens of London being called before the King and his Council at Merton about tallaging the City, Ralf Hardell the Mayor with feveral others came, and the King demanded of them a Tallage of three thoufind Marks. When they had con- fulted with their Fellow-citizens, they came and offered two thou- fand Marks by way of Aid, faying. They could not nor would give more. Upon this, the King fent his Treafurer Philipp Lovell with others to St. Martins, to receive of the City a Fine of three thoufand Marks for Tallage, in cafe they would enter into fuch Fine, and if they would not, then they were ordered to aflefs the Tallage per Capita. The City refufing to enter into that Fine, the Treafui-er and the other Commiflioners were about to aflefs the Tallage per Ca- pita, ordering the Citizens to fwear concerning the Value of each other's Chattells. The Citizens refufed to make fuch Oath, or to declare upon the Faith they owed to the King the Value of each other's Chatells. So the Treafurer and other CommilTioners came back re infeBa. Afterwards the Citizens came before the King and his Council at Wejlniinjler on the Sunday after Candlemafs. It was there dilputed whether this fhould be called a Tallage or an Aid. The King ordered Search to be made, whether the Citizens had for- merly paid Tallage to the King or his Anceftours. Upon Search, it (x) Homines SudhamtoniE ,r c de CC Homines de Merleberge debcnt L marcns marcis de Taillagio. Homines dc Andoura de tallagio, Homines de Lutegareihal debcnt r c de C marcis de eodem. Homines de iiij marcas de eodcm, Villa SarreR-iiriae r c de Bafingeftoc r c de xl marcis de taillagio. v marcis de tallagio. Villa de Divifis debet Homines de Aulton r c de Lx marcis de xij marcas de eodem. Mag. Rot. 30. //. 3, codem. Alag. Rot. 30. H. 3. Sudhamt. m. Ullicf. m. i. b. I. b. (z) Cives Londonis debent MM mar- (y) Idem N. de Luftefliull Vicecomes re cas de Tallagio. Reddiderimt totiim. Md- de vj marcis de Villa de Rudes de tallagio, moraiuL 31. H. 3. Rot. lO. a, Et de XX 1 de villa de Mclkefham dc eodem, I was 712 Of T A L L A G E. Chap. XVII. was found both in the Rolls of the Exchequer and of the Chancery, that in the i6th Year of K. 'John, the Citizens were tallaged at two thoufand Marks, to have the Interdid taken-off; that in the 7th Year of K. Henry III, they were tallaged at one thoufand Marks ; that in the 26th Year of the fame King, they paid one thoufand Marks by way of Tallage; and that in the 37th Year, they gave one thou- fand Marks and xx Marks of Gold by way of Tallage. Afterwards, on the Morrow, the Mayor and Citizens came and acknowledged, that they were talliable, and gave the King three thoufand Marks for Tallage {a). The King's Efcheats and Wardfhips were tallaged in like Manner. The Lands of the Earl of Leicejier were tallaged, to wit, Chepwicb (a') Pro Rege, contra Gives Londoni;e. Rex mandavit Baronibus, quod anno Regni fui tricefimo nono, pofl: reditum fuum de Wafconia, pofl feftum S. Hillarij apud Mer- ton provifum fuit per Confilium Regis, quod talliaret Dominica fua per Angliam, pro gravlbus expenfis fadlis dum fuit in partibus Tranfmarinis. Et cum Gives Londonise vocati etTent coram Rege & Confilio, primo apud Merton, ad talliandam prjedidlam Ci- vitarem, venit Radulfus Hardell tunc Ma- jor Givitatis Londonis cum pluribus alijs de Civitate eadem, & Rex petebat ab eis tria Millia marcarum nomine Tallagij, & illi habito C onfilio cum Goncivibus fuis ve- nerunt ibidem, &: optuleruiit Regi duo Millia marcarum nomine Auxilij, & dixe- runt prascife quod plus non poterunt dare nee darent. Et tunc Rex de Gonfiliofuomifit Philippum Lovell Thefaurarium fuum, Henricum de Bathonia, Petrum de Rivallc, Rogerum de Thurkelby, & Edwardum de Weflminftre, apud Sanctum Martinum ad recipiendum Finem Trium millium marca- rum pro Tallagio, ft intrare vellent ficut eis piius didlum fuit ; & fi nollent, tunc afliderent Tallagium illud in Givitate per Gapita. Et omnes prsedifti ibidem vene- runt. Et cum praedifti Gives noluilTent intrare Finem praedi(5i:arum Trium millium marcarum, prasdidi Thefaurarius & alij voluerunt affidere illud Tallagium per Gapi- ta, h quod quilibet juraret catalla alterius. Et cum ipfi noluiflcnt facere facramentum, jiec etiam dicere in Fide qua Regi teneban- tur de catallis fmgulorum, difli Thefaura- rius & alij inde recefierunt infefto negotio illo. Poflea venerunt prsedidti Gives coram Rege apud VVeftmonafterium die Dominica proxima poft Purificationem B. Mariae Vlr- ginis anno praedifto & coram Gonfilio fuo videlicet R. Gomite Gornubias Fratre Regis, R. de Glare Gomite Gloucefl:ria2 & Hertfordis, A. Wintonienfi Elefto, & W. Wygornienfi Epifcopo, & alijs de Gonfilio fuo. Et cum contencio efTet, utrum hoc dici deberet Tallagium vel Auxilium, Rex fcrutari fecit Rotulos fuos, utrum ipfi ali- quid dederunt Regi vel Antecefloribus fuis nomine Tallagij. Et fcrutatis Rotulis com- pertum eft tam in Rotulis de Scaccario quani de Gancellaria, quod tempore Domini J. Regis Patris Domini Regis anno ejufdein J. fextodecimo, talliati fuerunt prjedicti Gi- ves Londonias ad duo Millia marcarum ad Relaxationem Interdidli ; & anno regni Re- gis feptimo talliati fuerunt ad Mille libras, & anno vicefimo fexto dederunt Mille libras pro Tallagio ea vice ; & anno tricefimo fep- timo dederunt Mille niarcas & xx marcas auri pro Tallagio. Poftea in craftino, fci- licet die Lunae proxima poft feftum Purifi- cationis B. Mariae venerunt prasdifti Ra- dulfus Major & Gives, & recognoverunt fe efte Talliabiles ; & dederunt R.egi tria mil- lia marcarum pro Tallagio. Tefte &c apud Weftmonafterium xiiij die Februarij anno &c. Breve eft in forulo MarefcallL Memar. 39. H. 3. Rot. 9. a. at CI: ap. XVII. Of Tallage. 7'3 at X / viij s iiij d, and Klngcjlon at xv / xx ^ [}>). An AfTife was made by the King's Jufticiers upon the Lands of the fame Earl in Wiltjkirc. They allifed the Men of Colingebiirn \\ I xij s, and the Men of Everlai at X / and a Mark (t). In the 33d Year of K. Henry II, the King's De- meanes and Efcheats in Luicolnfiire were tallaged by Godfrey de Ltici, yofcelin Archdeacon of Chkhcjler, and William Vavajjur. To this Tal- lage, Grimejhy with the Soke paid xlv/xvj de Dono, Cajire with the Soke xxxj / vj s viij d, Stalingburc a Demeane of the Archbirtioprick oi Tork xlvjj- viij d, Benigivortb the Land of the fame Archbiflioprick xl J, Cnd belonging to the Abbey of Seiehy xxxiiij I v] s viij d, Birton late the Land of Ralf' de IValter'ville Lxvj s viij d, Billingley the Land of an Heir who was in Wardship to the Archbiflioprick of York Liij s iiij d, Ltffint07i belonging to the fame Archbiflioprick xx $. And the Citizens of Lincoln llood charged with CLxxvj / iiij s de dono, aiTeffed on them by the Poll {d). In the fame 33d Year, Appkton the Land of an Heir who was the King's Ward rendred v s de dono [e). In the {b) Terra Comitis Legreceftria : Idem Vicecomes r c de xvj 1 & xvj s & iiij d de firma de Schepwich de parte Comitis &Mi- litum fuorum, de tercia parte anni ante- quam incenderetur ; Et de xxvj 1 & iiij s & ij d de finna de Chingefton de eodem ter- mino ; In th. 1, in ij tallijs, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes re de x 1 f: viij s & iiij d, de Affda de Chep\7ich cum terra Miiitum ejuf- dem villae ; Et de xv 1 & xx d de Affifa de Kingefton ; In th. 1, in ij tallijs, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. ig. H. 2. Rot. b.b. poji Smner- fctam. (c) Terra Comitis Legreceftrix : Idem Vicecomes r c de xij 1 & xiij s & iiij d de firma de Colingeburn dc termino S. Johan- nis antcquam iManerium incenderetur ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes re de xj 1 & xij s de Affifa fafta per Juftic. fuper Ho- mines de Colingeburn ; In thefauro xj 1 & V s, Et debet vijs. Idem Vicecomes r c de X 1 h xiij s & iiij d, de firma de Everlai terra ejufdem Comitis ; In th. 1, Et Q. e. Idem Vicecomes r c de viij 1 & xij s, de Affifa fac- ta fuper Homines ejufdem villae; The like for the Perm and for the yiffi%e of fever ol other of that Earl's Lands. lb. Rot. ii. a. TPllt. (d) De Scutagio Miiitum de Lincolfcira qui s\on abierunt cum R.ege in Exercitum GalvveiEe. Epifcopus Lincolicnfis r c de Lxl, de Scutagio A4ilitum fuorum de Ve- teri fefFamento quos recognofcit fe debere Vol. I. 4 Regi ; In th. 1, Et Q^ e. Oliverus de Aiencurt debet xxxv I, de Scutagio Mill- turn fuorum. Philippus filius Robert! filij Hugonis debet xxv 1, de Scutagio Miiitum fuorum ; with two Perfons more, one for a fourth, the other for a fixth Part of a Fee. De Tallagio Dominiorum & Terrarum quns tunc erant in manu Regis, per Gode- fridum de Luci, .5c Gofcelinum Archidia- conum Cyceftrias, & Willelmum VavalTur : Idem Vicecomes r c de xlv 1 & xv s de Do- no de Grimefbi cum Socha. Idem Vice- comes re de xxxj 1 & vj s & viij d deCaftra cum Socha. Idem Vicecomes r c dexlvjs & viij d de Stalingburc Dominio Archiepif- copatus. Idem Vicecomes r c de xl s de Benigvi^urda terra Archiepifcopatus. Idem Vicecomes r c de xxxiiij 1 & vj s & viij d de Crul cum pertinentijs Abbatiae de Selebi. Idem Vicecomes r c de Lxvj s & viij d de Birton qu.-E fuit Radulfi de Waltervill. Idem Vicecomes r c de Liij s & iiij d de Billing- leia cujus hxres eft in cuftodia Archiepifco- patus Ebor. Idem Vicecomes r c dc xx s de Liffinton in Archiepifcopatu Eboracenfi. Cives Lincolix debeni C ii Lxxvj 1 & iiij s de Dono fa£lo per fingulos homines. Alag. Rot. 33. H. 2. Rot. b.a. Line. (e) De Tallagio Dominiorum &c : Idem Vicecomes rcdcvs.de Dono de Appelton qux eft in Cuftodia Regis cum hserede. Mag. Rot. 33. H. 2. Rot, J 4. a. Berchfc. Y Reign \ 714 0/" T A L L A G E. Chap. XVII. Reign of K. Richard I, a Tallage was made upon the Villains of the Abbey of St. Mary in Tork, at the Time when WiUiain de Cbhnill had the Cuftody of that Abbey : and at the fame Time a Tallage was made upon the free Tenants [in Socage] of the fame Abbey by the faid WiUiam (/). In the Reign of K. Richard I, the Bifhoprick of 'Durham was in the King's Hands, and in the Cuftody of Gilbert Fitz-Rcinfrey and Richard Brieiaerre [g). They as Ciifiodes, and Richard Rot. 3. b. (f) Ruftici Abbatiae S. Marlae Ebor. [de- heiit] xlj s & X d, de Taillagio fafto tem- pore quo W iUelmiis de Chimilla habuit cuf- todiam [y mox po/i], Libere tenentes de eadem Abbatia r c de xviij 1 & X s & ij d de Taillagio fado per prsedidlum W ; Qtiorum nomina & debita annotantur in Rotulo quem prasdiclus W. iiberavit in thefauro. Jklcig. Rot. 10. R. 1. Evcrwiiljfc. ('^JCompotus Gilleberti filij Reinfridi & Ricardi Briewerre de Epifcopatii Dunel- menfi de tribus partibus anni dum fuit in manu Regis. Gillebertus filius Reinfridi U Ricardus Briewerre, Ricardus de Marif- co & Magifter Anketillus pro eis, reddunt compotum de DCCCC & Lvij 1 & xiiij s & vij d, de Redditu aflifo Maneriorum przedidi Epifcopatus de tribus partibus anni dum fuit in manu Regis : In Thefauro D & quater xx 1 & C s & ij d : Et in elemofina conftituta Yfoldajdc Langeceflre, Lxvj s & viii d ; Et ad Cuftodiam Caftelli de Norham xxix 1 h vj s & viij d, per breve Regis ; Et Roberto de Mara xxl, ad fe fuftentandum in Cuflodia Comitatiis ejufJem Epifcopatus, per breve H. Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopi ; Et Priori & Monachis Dunelmenfis Eccle- ftae xl I, ad expenfas I'uas in eundo & rede- undo pro eleilione eorum facienda, per breve ejufdem ; Et in reparationc Magnfe Navis qua? fuit Epifcopi Dunelmenfis, xij 1 U XV s & iij d ob. pc:- breve ejufdem, & per Vifum Ricardi Oifun, & Lamberti de Gatelheued, & Simoriis filij Evse, & Ger- ard! fratris fui ; Et in cuftamento ducendi prasdiilam Navem Londoniam, xl, per idem breve ; Et Roberto de Stofton qui duxit eandem Navern xiij s & iiij d, pro fer- vitio fuo, per breve ejufdem ; and in ether Expenca. De Debitoquod H. Dunelmenfis Epifco- pus debuit Regi per Rotulum Regis : Idem reddunt compotum de vj 1 & xiij s & iiij d,^ de Rogero de Coifnieres de eodem debito, Et de Liiij s de Priore de Kifeburne pro eo- dem, and o.her Debts upon others. De hijs qui nichil reddiderunt de pr«di(So debito : H. Epifcopus Exonienfis debet x marcas, pro eodem ; WilJelmus de Forde debet x marcas, pro eodem ; Rogerus de Ecclefclive debet xij 1, pro Relevio de prK- difto debito; Eudo de Daivill debet x 1, pro aiixilio Epifcopi habendo, de eodem debito ; Eiiflacius de Baillol debet C s de Mutuo, de eodem debito ; Nicholaus per- fona de Lech debet ij marcas, de mifericor- dia, de eodem : Rogerus filius Jukel de Alverton debet xl s pro quadam Donio pro eodem ; Salomon de Norham debet xl s, de quadam loquela, de eodem ; Gillebertus De la lege debet Lxxiij s & ix d, de fifma Villas & aquarum de Horde, de eodem ; Ricardus Camerarius debet xij 1, pro Deci- mis de Halecefira, de eodem ; and other Sums upon others. Tallagium Maneriorum Epifcopatus per praediiSos ; De hijs qui totum reddiderunt : Idem reddunt compotum de CC 1 & Lv s & X d, de Tallagio Maneriorum Epifcopa- tus, quorum nomina & particulae debitorum annotantur in Rotulo quem praediifli Cuf- todes liberaverunt in Thefauro ; In th I, Et Q. 1. Villata de Hefinton h de Torp rede xiiij 1 & xij s & iiijd, de prsedicto Tallagio ; Villata de Stocton r c de vij 1 & iiij d, de eodem tallagio ; Burgus Dunel- menfis re de x ], pro eodem ; Villata de Gatelheued r c de xl, pro eodem ; Bur- gus de Derlinton r c de viij 1, pro eodem ; Drengi & firmarij r c de xix 1 & iij s & iiijd, pro eodem : In Thefauro xvjl &xs & viijd; Et debent Lij s h viij d ; De quibus Ricar- dus & Willelmus firmarij de Riefhope de- , bent Chap. XVII. Of Tallage. 715 Richard de Mareis and Mafter Anketill as Sub-cujlodis, accounted to the King for the Illues and Revenue of the Bilhoprick. They account- ed, rirfh for the Rents of Affife of the Manours belonging to the els, dc Scutagio fuo ; In Perdonis ipfi Gi!- leberto v marcas, per breve Regis ; Quia fuic in Exercitu Normannia; in Servitio Re- gis ; Et Qiiletus eft. Fines Scrvientum H. Epifcopi. De hijs qui totuin reddiderunt. Idem rcddunt coni- potum de CC & xx 1, de Finibus Servicnt- um Epifcopi ; Quorum nomina & debita annotantur in Rotulo prasdi(iloruiTi quern li- bcraveriint in Thcfauro ; In th. !, in xxxj taliijs, Et Q. f. Robertas Pulein r c dc iiij mareis, pro fine fuo. Willeluius Hay r c de XX 1, pro eodcm ; there are about 20 PerJ'ons more. De P'inibus pro Tern's. De hijs qui to- tum reddiderunt. Idem r c de CC & xxvl ti xvj s, de Finibus honiinum Epifcppatus pro 'I'erris, quorum nomina & debita anno- tantur in Rotulo praediiitorum quern liber.i- verunt in Thefauro ; In th. 1, in C & xlii taliijs, Et Q; e. Ricardus de Abrincis re de X mareis, de fina terras fua; j there arc about 28 Persons more pro eodem. Exitus Baroniarum, Dum fuit Epifcopa- tus in manu Regis. Idem Cuftodes r c de C iSt Lxj 1 & xix s & iiij d, dc anno integro de firma Baronise Giionis Haufard ; Et de xxxvj 1 ^ X 3 & iiij d, de firma Baron iae Robert! de Amundevill de anno integro ; Et de Lj 1 de firma Baronije Roberti fillj Mel- dredi de dimidio anno ; Et de xiiij 1 & iij s & iiij d, de firma Baronia; Henrici del Broch de anno integro ; Et de C s de firma Ba- ronize de Alden. de tribus partibus anni ; Et dc XXX s de firma Baronis de Ewurth de eifdem terminis ; Et de xl s de firma Baronias de Tremeldon de anno integro ; Et de L s de firma Baroniae de Herdcwich de tribus partibus anni ; Et de Lxxvj s & vj d de firma Baroniae de Sigeflon de eodem termino ; Et de xj I & vj s de firma Baroniae de Helton de prasJiiSlo termino. Summa, CCC & xxvj 1 ii xviij s & X d : which -was anfwered, part in Money, and part in Difcount. Idem reddunt compotum deC&LxxiiijI & iiij d in Plata, de proficuo Minariae & Cambij ; In th. 1, Et Q. f. Prior Duntl- menfis r c de xxxij mareis, de Dono Anke- tilli Prefbiteri ; In th. 1, Et Q^e. Mag. Rot. 8. R. J. Rot, 20. a. ^ b. bent xliij s & iiij d, Et Willelmus de Herde- wich diniidiam marcam, Et &\{\ de Conic- ford ij s & viij d. Bund de Derlinton r c de Lxix s & viij d, pro eodem ; and J'everal other Villates their refpe^Hive Sums. De Auxilijs Ecclefiarum per praedi(£ios ; De hijs qui totum reddiderunt. Idem red- dunt compotum de xxxij 1 & ij s, de Auxi- lijs Ecclefiarum & Perfonarum quarum no- mina & particuL-E debitorum annotantur in Rotulo quem pnediiSli liberaverunt in The- fauro ; In th. 1, Et Q. f. Magifter Wal- terus de Hadinton r c de xiij s & iiij d, pro eodem ; Johannes de Middclton r c de viij s, pro eodem ; Ecclefia de Eg^lefclive debet iij marcas ; Henricus De la lege debet XX s ; Ecclefia de Novo caftro debet Lx s ; and other Churches. Idem reddunt compo- tum de xviijl &xiij s & iiij d, de Penfionibus Ecclefiarum Epifcopatus Dunelmcnfis ; In thefiiuro liberaverunt, Et Q^ f. Fines Clericorum pereofdem; Q^^ii totum reddiderunt. Idem reddunt compotum de CC & Lxxij 1 & vj s & viiij d, de finibus Clericorum, quorum nomina & debita an- notantur in Rotulo prsedidorum quem li- beraverunt in Thefauro ; In th. 1, In xj Taliijs, Et Q. f. Magifter Nichohius, h Elyas, & Robertas, Perfonas de Hofmua- dcflea r c de xl 1, de fine fuo ; Perfonae Ec- clefiae de Norton r c de Liij 1 & vj s & viij d, pro eodem ; Perfonre de Efinton r c de Lxvj 1 h j marca, pro eodem ; Perfonae de Weilinton r c de xxxiij 1 & vj s & viij d, pro eodem ; Robertus de Hadinton re de xx mareis ; Buchardus Thefaurarius Ebora- cenfis r c de CC mareis ; Idem Bucharu'us debet xxiij 1 de Plata, ficut praedidti Cufto- des dicunt; &c. \^Rot. 20. a.'] Scutagium ejufdem Epifcopatus factum per eofdem. De hijs qui totum reddiderunt. Idem reddunt compotum de xxxvj 1 &; viij s h ixd de Scutagio Militum Epifcopatus, quorum nomina cl debita annotantur in Rotulo praediiJlorum quem liberaverunt in Thefauro; In th. 1, in xxxj taliijs, EtQ^f. Rogerus de Coifnieres r c de Liij s & iiij d de eodcm Scutagio ; Jordanus Efcotland r c de Lx s pro eodem ; \_ivith about 24 Perfons more]. Gillebertus De la lege r c de v mar- 4Y 2 BiHioprick 7j6 0/ Tallage. Chap. XVIL Bilhoprlck : then, for a Debt which Hugh the late Biftiop owed to the King J which (it feems) was to be railed out of fundry Debts due from feveral Peribns to the late Biihop : then they accounted for the Tallages of the Manours of the Bifhoprick which were fet by the faid Cujioilcs : part of this Tallage was paid in Hand to the Cujlodes, and by them into the Receipt of Exchequer : other part of it (being in Arere) was put in charge upon feveral Towns and Per- fons ; namely, upon the Villate of Hejinton and Torp, the Villate of StoBon, the Burgh of Durham, the Villate of Gatejheved, the Burgh of Derl'mton, the Drenges and Fermours of feveral Lands, and upon the Bund of Derlint072, 6cc. Then they accounted for the y^ids of the Churches and Parfons within the Bilhoprick : Some of thefe ^ids were likewife paid in Hand to the Ciijiodes, and by them into the King's Receipt : other Part thereof was fet in charge upon feve- ral Churches and Parfons, to wit, upon Mailer Walter de Hadinion, John de Middleton, the Church of Eggkfclive, Henry Delalege, the Church of Newcajlle, Sec. Then they accounted for the Penfions of Churches of the Biilioprick. Then for the Fines of Clerks, which were alTelled by the Cujiodes : Some of thefe Fines were paid in Hand, and other fome put in charge, namely, upon Mafler Nicholas, Elias, and Robert, Parfons of Ojmundejley, the Parfons of the Church of Norton, the Parfons of EJinton-, the Parfons of Wejjinton, Robert de Hadinton, Buchard the Treafurer of York, &c. Next they accounted for the Efcuage of the Biflioprick, which was fet by the Ciijlodes :. part of this Efcuage was paid in Hand by the Knights of the Biflioprick to the Cujiodes, and by them anfwered at the Receipt: other part of it was fet in charge upon the Knights that were in Arere; and Gilbert Delalege ■w^.s difcharged of his Efcuage, becaufe he was in the King's Service in the Army of Normandy. Then the Cujiodes accounted for Fines of the Serjeants of Biihop Hugh; fome of wliich Fines were paid to the Cujiodes, and other fome landing in Arere : Then for the Fines for Lands holden of the Bilhoprick : Then for the Iffues of the Baronies accruing during the Vacancy of the Billioprick ; to wit, for the Ferm of the Barony of Giles HauJ'ard, for the Ferm of the Barony of Robert de Amundevill, for the Ferm, of the Barony of Robert Son of Meldred, for the Ferm of the Barony of Henry del Broch, for the Ferm of the Barony of Alden., and for the feveral Ferms of the feveral Baronies of Eiviirth, TremeldoJi, Herdewich, Sigejion, and Holton ; the Total of the faid' Ferms being, CCC and xxvj / and xviij s : and laftly, for the Profit of the Mines and the Exchange. In the third Year of K. John, the BijQ:ioprick of Lincoln (being void, and in the King's Hands) was tallaged. Chap. XVIE. Of Tallage. 7»7 tiUlaged (h). In the 8th Year of K. "John, the Archblflioprlck of Canterbury was void and in the King's Hands. In that Year, the Manours of the Archbiflioprick were tallaged at M and Lxv / and ij s and iij d (/). In the 15th Year of K. 'John, Guy dc Chanceh, Farmer or Cujlos of the Barony of JVilHam de Beauchamp, accounted to the King for CCCLviij / iiij s viij d arifing by Tallage within the Space of two Years paft, and for C Marks more, being the Tallage of the Men in the Suburb of JVorceJler {k). In the i ith and 12th Years of K. Henry III, the Bifhoprick oi Durham was in the King's Hands. Malter Stephen de Lucy accounted to the Crown for the Ilfues and Revenue of it arifing in the Vacancy. He anfwered to the King (amongfl: other IlTues) CCC and Lj / and xiij s and vij d^ for the Aid of the Knights and Freeholders of the Biihoprick, and xlij I v]s and viij d for the Aidoi the Burghs of the Bifhoprick, and CCCC and v / and odd, for the 'Tallage of the Drenges, I'heines, and Villans, of the Biflioprick (/). The Aid in this Cafe was affeffed upon the Manours of the (/;) Robertiis de Harecurt [debet] xxxix libras & x s de Tallagio Epifcopatus Lin- collienfis de anno przterito : De quibus vj 1 & xl d funl fuper ipfum Robertum : Et L marcae funt fuper Henricum Coftein, ficut idem Robertus dicit. Sed recordatum eft per Jufticiarium, h per breve fuum quod eil in forulo Marefcalli, quod prasdi6tus rienricus non fuit tailliatus niil ad v marcas, de feodo f fcilicet quod tenet de Epifcopa- tu ; & per illas v marcas debet elle Qiiietus. Mag. Rot. 4. J. Rot. 20. a. tit. Compotus Epilcopatus Lincolliae, de quibus Hugo de Welles 6c Hugo de Bobi refpondent de anno integro. f Feodo feems to be here ujcd for Baje Fee or Lan.l m general. (i) Compotus Archiepifcopatus Cantu- arix, a h9io S. Johannis anni vij ufq; ad Jeftum S. Micaelis ejufdem anni, h de toto anno viij". W. Archidiaconus Tantnnias & R. de Cornhull r c de , Et de M & Lxviij 1 h xviij s & ob. de redditu affifo Ma- jieriorum ejufdem Archiepifcopatus de anno viij" integro, Et de M & Lxv 1 6c ij s & iij d de Taillagio eorundem Maneriorum de prse- diiSto anno integro. Mag. Rot. S.J. Rot. 5. b. (X) Idem G. [Guido de Chancels] r c dc CC & Lx 1 & XV s & ix d, de redditu affifo de Baronia Wiilelmi de Bello Campo d* duobus annis ; Et de CCC & Lviij 1 & iiij s & viij d, de Taillagio de prx'dicto tempore; Et de C marcis de 'lailiagio Hominum in fuburbio de Wireceftria ; Et de C & xv 1 6r ij s & iij d de blado vendito Sec ; ana' in other IJJiies. Summa, DCCCC h xvij 1 & vij 3 & iij d ob. Mag. Rot. 15. J. Rot. 5. b^ (/) Compotus Rlagiftri Stephani de Lucy de exitibus Epifcopatus Dunelmi, a xij" die Septembris anno Regis x", ufq; ad xij diem Augufti anno ejufdem Regis xij°. Idem Magifter S. reddit compotum de M & DCCCC & Lx 1 & dimidia marca, de red- ditu affifo Epifcopatus 6c firma Civitatis Dunelmi 6c Burgorum Epifcopatus de prse- didto tempore ; Et de DCCCC 6c xxvj 1 xij s 6f V d 6c ob., de firmis Molcndinorum de eodem tempore ; \_aiul of fever al other JJfues and Profits ;] Et de xij 1 de Wardis debitis Caftro de Norham per idem tempus ; Et de CCC 6c L j 1 6c xiij s 6c vij d 6c obolo, de Auxilio !\'Jilitum 6c libere tencntium Epif- copatus gratis conccfib ; Et de xlij 1 6c di- midiamarca de Auxilio Burgorum Epifcopa- tus ; Et de CCCC 6c vl6c vs6:vjdde talhigio Drenggorum Theinorum 6c V'illnji- orum Epifcopatus ; Et de C 6c xxij 1 6c xiiij s de finibus 6c mifericordijs hominum ic. villarum, quotum nominibus praeponi:ur Lictera 1", in Rotulo de Itinere Hugonis de Bidcbec 6c fociorum fuoruni, quern Can- ceJlarms liberavit in Thclauro. Summa, Sex mille l>i CCCC ii viij 1 6c x s 5c iij d. Mag. Ret. 13. //. 3. in Rolulo Compctortim, in. I. a. Bifhoprick, 7i8 Of Tallage. Chap. XVII. Bifhoprlck, by the faid Mafter Stephen, WilUam de Tonioiir, W. de Bhckele, and H. Deveneis {m). About the fame Time, the Arch- biflioprick of Canterbury was void, and the Iflues of it were anfwered for at the Exchequer by Bertram de Crioil and Allan Piinnaiint the Ciijlodcs. They account for DCC fourfcore Pounds and odd, Rents of Affife, for DCLxvj / and a Mark for Tallage, for fourfcore and nine Pounds xv s and iiij d for the Scutage of Ke7-y, to wit, for Lxvij Fees and a fifth and an eighth Part of a Fee, and for divers other Iflues and Profits of the Archbifhoprick {n). In the 37th Year of K. Henry III, the Bilhoprick of Chejier [or Coventry] being void and in the Hands of a Cuftos, a Writ ilTued to the Ci'Jlos, command- ing him, to aflefs and levy a Tallage upon all the Manours of the Biflioprick, for the King's Ufe, and to aflefs the fame fo moderately, that the Men of the faid Manours might not he aggrieved (0). In the 52d Year of K. Hemy III, John le Bel, Ciijlos of the Biflioprick of Chichejler, accounted to the King for xxx / and a Mark, for the Fine made by the Cuftomary Tenants of the Manours of that Bifhop- rick, for Tallage, arifing within the Time of his prefent Account, to wit, from the 25th Day of May in the 46th Year of the King, until the 20th Day of 'June in the fame Year(/)). In the fame 52d & quinta & oflrava parte j feodi ; Et de xv 1 vj s & xj d & ob. de proficuo Cuneorum Civitatis Cantuarias.^Summa, M^^cDCCCC & xxvij 1 & XV s & V d & ob. Mag. Rot. 13. H. 3. in Rot. compotor. m. 2. h. (0) Mandatum eft Adasde Afton Cuftodi Epifcopatus CeftiiE, quod per omnia Ma- neria ejufdem Epifcopatus tallagium affideri & ad opus noftrum quamcito potcritis levari facialis ; illud.tamen moderate affideatis, ita quod homines eorundem Maneriorum ultra modum non graventur. T. R. apud Ha- vering vj die Aprilis. CI. 37. H 2- f'l- 13. (p) Compotus Johannis le Bel de exiti- bus Epifcopatus Ciceftrias, a xxv die Alaij anno xlvj, per breve Regis patens, ufq; ad XX diem Junij anno eodem, per aliud breve Regis patens, antequam liberaret di£lum Epifcopatum Magiftro Stephano de Berk- fted eleilo in Epifcopum ejufdem loci. Idem r c de xxxl xiij s iiij d, de fine cuftumari- orum de Manenjs prasdifli Epifcopatus, pro tallagio, per idem tempus ; Et de ix 1 xvj s ij d, de herbagio & paftura venditis per idem tempus ; and for ether IJfues. Summa, Lxxvl v j s iijd. I\'iag, Rat. 52. H. 3. Rot. i. b. m, 2. . Year, (7n) Et in expenfis didorum Magiftri S. & W. de Thornoure W. de Blockele h H. Devonienfis auxilium aflidencium per Ma- neria Epifcopatus x 1 ; Et in expenfis eo- rundem euntium ad Placita tenenda per Epifcopatum, C & iiij s ; Et in expenfis W. de Thornoure venientis a Londonia ufq; Dunelmum, ad affidendum Auxilium, & revertentis ufq; Londoniam v marcas. &c. Mag. Rot. 13. H, 3. in Rot. Compotor. m. T. a. [n) Compotus Archlepifcopatus Cantu- ariae a xvij*^ die Julij anno xij Regis ufq; ad ukimum diem Marcij anno ejufdem xiij°. Bertramus de Crioil & Alanus Punnaunt r c de DCC & quater xx & xiij 1 & xj s & iij d & ob., de redditu aflifo in terris per Archiepifcopatum ; \_and in other IJites and Profits'] ; Et de xxxj s & iij d de fuperplu- fagio de Romfcot ; Et de xxxiiij 1 & xj s & viij d, de Padnagio h daungerijs padnagij ; Et de DC & Lxvj 1 k j marca de Tallagio ; Et de C & Lj 1 & vj s & vj d de placitis & perquifitis ; Et de x 1 & xiiij s & xj d & ob., de exitibus Portus de Romenal & de Hee ; Et de quater xx & ix 1 & xvs & iiij d, de Scutagio de Kery, Icilicet de Lxvij feodis chap. XVir. Of Tallage. 719 Year, John le Bel accounted to the King for the IlTues of the Bifliop- rick of Salijbury (being then void) to wit, from the 15th Day of December in the 47th Year of the King, unto the 6 th Day of April in the fime Year. And amongfl other Iflues, he paid-in fourfcore and fixteen Pounds five ^hiUings and ten Pence, for the Recognition of the free Men and the Tallage of the cuftomary Men belonging to the Manours of that Biihoprick {q). In the fame Roll, Walter de Burges accounted to the King for the IfTues of the Bilhoprick of Winchejier, from the 25th Day of February to the 2d Day of May in the 52d Year of the King. He rendred CCCL/ vj-j ^ob. for the Rents of AfTife accruing at Eajier, together with the Ferm of the Burghs of Taunton and Farnham, and with the Bifliop's Soke in the Suburbs of Winchejier, and iij s ij d iov the Tallage and Stallage of the Burgh of Alreford, and C s for the yearly Doniun of the Manour of Wargrave, and four hundred fourfcore and feven Pounds fixteen Shillings and ten Pence, for the Aid and Recognition made to the King in the Manours of the Bifhoprick v/ithin the Time of this Account^/-). In the loth Year of K. Edward I. Mafter Thomas le Butiller (Son and Heir of Adam leButilkr) accounted for the 1 flues of the Abbey of Evefiam then lately void and in the King's Hands. Upon his Account, he anfwered to the King xlvij / and odd, for the Rents of Affife, xiij / and odd for Halimot-fines, xviij /and odd for the Acknowledgment of free and cuftomary Tenants, and Cxxvij/ and a Mark, for Tallage afTeffed upon the Manours of the Abbey, during (q) Compotus ejufdem J. de exitibus Epifcopatus Sar., a xv die Decembris anno :xlvij, ufq; ad vj diem Apiilis anno eodcm, antcquam liberaret dicStum Epifcopatum 'W'altero de Wich. CanonicfJ Sar. cleflo in Epifcopum ejufdem loci, per breve Regis. Idem r c dc CC xxij 1 xv s xj d, de redditu afTifo Maneriorum Epifcopatus per idem tempus ; Et de vj 1 x s, de firma de Port gabel de Schireborne, & IVIercati de Schire- burn, de terminoNatalis Domini ; and divers other IJfucs ; Et de quater xx xvj I v s x d de rec[ognitione] Liberorum hominum, & tallagio Cuftumaiiorum, de IVIanerijs didli Epifcopatus, per idem tempus ; Et de vij s j d de catallis quinq ; fugitivorum. Summa fummarum, CCCO Lxxix 1 xvj s & xj d, lb. juxt. (r) Compotus Walteri de Burges, pro fe & Nicholao de Romefey, de exitibus Epil- copatus Wintoniae, a xxv die Februarij anno Lij, per breve Regis patens, ufq; ad fecundum diem Maij anno eodem, ante- quamliberarent diiftum Epifcopatum Nicho- lao prius WigornienfiEpifcopo nunc V/into- nienfi Epifcopo per proviltonem Domini Pappe, per a!iud breve Regis patens. Idem r c de CCCL 1 v s j d ob , de redditu affifo per Maneria Epifcopatus de tcrmino Pafchae, una cum firm.i Burgorut* [de] Taunton Zi Farnham, & cum Soka Epifcopi in fub- urbio Civitatis Wintoni.T ; Et de iij s ij d, de tallagio & ftallagio de Burgo de Ahcford, per totum prrediftum tempus ; Et de Cs de Dono annuo in iManeriode Weregrave per idem tempus ; Et de CCCC quater xx viji xvj s X d, de nuxiiio & recognitione Regi fadis in pia;di£Hs Manerijs per praedi-ituin tempus; andin other l[]uei< Summa, DCCCC Lxvjl, lb. juxt. the 720 0/Ta L L A G E. Chap. XVII, the Voidance (s). In the i ith Year of K. Ediva}-d I, the Bifhoprick •of Durham was in the King's Hands. Malcolm de Harley and Guichard (or GivebardJ de Char7ie, to whom the Cuftody of it was committed by Writ Patent, account for the IfTues thereof during the Vacancy : •viz, DCCC ix /, in Rents of Affife of the Manours, in the Ferm of the City of Durham, and in Cei'taintics for guard of Burghs and Ovens or Bakehoufes ; DC fourfcore and thirteen Pounds xixj' and j d, in Tallage affeffed upon the Manours of the Archbilhoprick ; and other Sums for other Parts of the Revenue of that See (/). The Names of the Manours and Towns tallaged in the Vacancy of the Bifhoprick are contained in the great Roll hereunder referred-to. Some of them were thefe ; the Town of RJington, with the Tallage of the tree Men there and the Tallage of the adjacent Towns, the Burgh of Durham, the Burgh of Stoketon with the Tallage of the Bondmen there, the Town of Norton, viz. the Tallage of the Fer- mours. Bondmen, and Cottagers there ; and feveral other Towns (a). In the 22d Year of K. Edward I. yolm de Crokejle accounted for the Iflues of the Manour of Skipton. He paid-in xxiiij / iiij s Rent of Affife of the free and cuftomary Tenants ; xij s in Fines made by the (j) Compotus Magiftri Thomse le Botil- ler filij h. haeredis Adae le Botiller pro eo- dem Ada, de cxitibus Abbacije de Evefham, a primo die Augufti anno x, per breve Re- gis patens, ufq; feftum S. Hillarij proximo fequens, antequam idem Adam moreretur. Idem r c de xlvij 1 v s vij d, de redditu afllfo in Manerijs Abbaciae prasdidlas ; Et de xiij 1 xixsiiijd, de finibus de Halimot in Ma- nerijs, de certa confuetudine, per idem tempus ; Et de xviij 1 xv s vd, de recoo-- nitione tarn liberorum quam cuftumariorum in eifdem Manerijs, per idem tempus ; Et de Cxxvij 1 j marca, de tallagio afteflb per Maneria, per idem tempus ; and in other IJJiies. Mag. Rot. lo. E. i. m. 2. a. in Rotuh C'jmpotor. (i) Compotus Malcolmi de Harle pro fe & Guichardo dc Charne de exitibus Epifco- patus Dunolmenfis, a xiij die Junij anno xj per breve Regis patens, ufq; iiij diem Septembris anno eodem, antequam liberaret dicilum Epifcopatum Antonino Bek tunc Archidiacono Dunolmenfi Elefto in Epif- copum loci prsediiti, per aliud breve Re- gis patens : Idem rede DCCC ix ! xix s X d de redditu affifo Maneriorum Epifcopa- tus, cum firma Civitatis Dunolmi, certb redditu Ward, quorundam Burgorum & Furnorum per prasdidlum Epifcopatum, per idem tempus j and for divers other IJfues of the Bi/hoprick; Et de DC quater xx xiij 1 xix s j d q; , de tallagio affeflb per Maneria Epifcopatus per idem tempus ; Nomina quorum Maneriorum notantur infra. Sum- ma, MMDC XX 1 vi'i s ix d ob. q. Alag. Rot II. E. I. Rot. 2. b. in Rot. Compotorum. (u) Nomina Maneriorum & Vill[arumJ taliiatorum in Vacatiojie Epifcopatus Dun- olmenfis, ficut fupra continetur, & ficut continetur in Rotulo de particulis ; videli- cet : Tallagium Villatas de Efington ; Vil- latag de Schotton cum tallagio liberorum de eadem, & tallagio villnrum adjacentium ; yillae de Weremuth &Tounftal ; Villa de Refhop & Byriden ; Villa; de Houton, cum tallagio libere tenentium & villarum adja- 'centiumj Villae de Warden; Villas de Neubotel ; Burgi Dunolmi ; Burgi de Stoketon, cum tallagio Bondorum ibidem ; Villje de Herteburn, cum tallagio libero- rum de eadem ; Villse de Norton, viz. tal- lagium firmariorum Bondorum & Cotari- orum ; and many otiier Towns. Ib.juxt. cuftomary Chap. XVII. 0/ T A L L A G E. 72X cuftomary Tenants for Licence to Full Cloth ; xvij / x j for the Tallage of the cuftomary Tenants; xiij / iij j, the Fines and Perquifites of the Courts of the military Tenants ; xlj j- viij d., the Pleas and Per- quifites of the Burgh ; and iiij / xvij d, for the Pleas and Perquifites of the Courts of Halimot (iv). At the fame Time 'John de Crokejle accounted for the Manours of Longbeniton and Fojlone ; particularly, for xxxiiij / xij s x d q., the affifed Rent of Freemen and Bondmen j and XX /, the Tallage of the cuftomary Tenants ^irifing that Year fx). This was the Manner of tallaging the King's Demeans, ■Efcheats and WardOiips. Moreover; fome Serjanties were wont to be tallaged together with the King's Demeanes : that is (I fuppofe) certain petit Serjanties of an ignoble and inferiour kind, and fuch as had no military Service annexed to them. For Inftance ; about the 3d Year of K. jfo&fi, a Tallage was fet upon the Serjanteries and the Demeanes in Ox/brd- fhire. Gilbert Mailefmains paid it for his Serjantery, with others (y). But it is to be underftood, that the King's Serjeanties were not to be tallaged without fpecial Precept. So it was holden in the 2Gth Year of K. Henry III, in the Cafe oi Lambert de Bcdeford. The Cafe was this; K. Henry II, granted to La?nbert de Bedeford and his Heirs cer- tain Land in 'Turvey and Braham, to be holden by the Serjeanty here- under mentioned. In the Reign of K. Henry III, Lambert., Heir of Lambert the Grantee, complained to the King, that the Men of (w) Compotus Johannis de Crokede de Manerio de Skipton a craftinoS. Michaelis anno R. R. E. xx, ufq; ad idem feflum an- no R. R. £. xxj, viz. de anno xxj. Idem r c de xxiiij 1 iiij s, de redditu affiio libero- rum & cultumariorum per annum, Mane- riorum de Skipton Skipdon Silefdene Strat- ton & Thornby ; Et de xij s de finibus Cuftumariorum, pro licentia habenda f\il- landi pannos hoc anno ; Et de xvij 1 x s, de Tal!in;io Cuftumiu'iorum de Seilcfdene Skipdon Stratton 5c Thorleby ; Et de xiij I iij s, de finibus & perquifitis Curiarum \\\- litum hoc anno ; Et de xlj s viijd, de pla- citis & perquifitis Burgi hoc anno ; Et dc iiij 1 xvij d, de placitis & perquifitis Cur. de Halemot. hoc anno; and in other IjJ'ueu Summa, CC xxxiij 1 x s vj d q. Mag. Rot. 22. E. I. in Rot. Compotor. m. I. a. (x) Compotus prasdii5ti Johannis de Cro- kefle de Manerijs de Langebeniton & Fof- tone de anno fupradicto. Idem r c dc xxiiij 1 Vol. I. xij s xd q. de redJitu afTifo Liberorum & Bondorum per annum. Et dc xx 1 de tal- lagio Cuftumariorum hoc anno. j4?id it! other Hfucs. Sumnia totius Rcceptx, C qu.t- ter XX vj 1 vij s ixd ob. q. lb. ?n. 2. a. (y) Taillagium fa6tum dc Scrjantcrijs & Dominicis Regis : Gilebcrtus Maicfmains r c de iiij 1 & xij s de taiilagio de Serjan-- teria, Idem Vicecomes r c de dimidia marca de Orton Roberti, Idem re dedim. marca de terra de Blecchefdon, Idem Vic. r c dc i'l marcis de Overorten & de j ni;irca dc Elfeifcotc, & de ij marcis de Hethe de taii- lagio. Idem Vic. debet vj marcas dc terra de Bureford. /»%. Ret. '3. J. Rn. 15. /'. Oxentf. Taillagium factum de Scrjantcrijs & Do- minicis Regis: Gilsbertus Maicfmains [i!u- bei] xl s de taiilagio ; Idem Vicecomes re de xld de Orton Roberti, &c. Alag. Rot. 4. J. Rit. 15. rt. Oxfntf. 4 Z Turves' -"22 Of Tallage. Chap. XVII. Turkey and Braham ditlrained him and his Tenants of the faid Ser- janty, to partake with them in common Tallages and Amercements ; whereas (laith the Writ) our Serjanties ought not to be tallaged without our Ipecial command (z). If Men were not the King's immediate Tenants^, they were not talia^eable to the King but to their immediate Lord. When the Ab- hot of Te'ckefbury and the Archdeacon of Stafford made the King's .Tallages [in BerkJJjire], the Priour of Hurley would not yield to be tallaged by them, becaufe his Church (he faid) was a Cell, and Geof- frey Fitz-Peter was his Lord and Founder [a). A Tallage was alTefleci in Torkjlnre by Richard de Malebiffe and his Companions. The City of York, befides out-lyers, was charged at C Marks, to that Tallage, Roger d-; Schipton was charged C j to the fame Tallage : but was after- wards difcharged of it ; becaufe it was found, by an Inquilition taken by the Jufticier's command, that i^o^^rheld nothing of the King {J?). The Abbot of Peter burgh exhibited a Petition to the King, and there- upon obtained a remedial Writ hereunder fet forth,, diredled to the Sheriff of Lincolnjlnre. His Cafe was this : The Town of Stanford was ii3 the King's Hands by Reafon of Wardfljip. And was tallaged (z) Bedford & Buk. Rex VicecomitL The Writ recites, that K. Henry II. had grc.nlcd certain La^id in T^urvey and Brahzin 10 Lambert de Bedeford, habendam & te- nendam fibi & hEredibus fuis, pro quibuf- dam aczonibus ad dcxtrarium, &alijs ad palcfridum, pro omni fervicio. Lambert, Heir of the faid Lambert, qui terras prsdic- tas tenet per ferjantiam pr^diftam, com- plained to the King, that the homines de Tur- veye & Braham in communi tallagio villa- rum fuarum,. diftringmit ilium & homines fuos qui de eo tenent de eadem ferjantia, ad participandum cum eis in praedi'ilo tal- lagio. Si amerciamentis in quae aliquando incidunt ; Cum ferjaiitix noftrze linefpeciali mandato noftro non dcbeant talliari. Tibi prKciplmus, quod non permittas illos parti- <:ipars cum prsJiftis iiominibus in com- munibus tallagijs eorundem, vel amercia- mentis, nifi fuper eifJcm fpeciale mandatum Eoftrum habueris ; Et {[ quid ab eifdcm five de tallagio vel amerciamentis extorferunt, id eis fine dilatione reJui facias. Et venire fa- cias coiam Baroiiibus de Scaccario, in Craf- tino Cinerum, Abb.itern de Wardon & Ri- cardum dela Le, & omnes alios quibus ali- quid venditum eft de proedlfta ferjantia nnf- tra, ad oftendum quo waranto ipfi ingreffi funt praediftam ferjantiam noftram ; Qiiia fecundum confuetudinem regni noftri fer- jeantiae noftrs non debent feparari fine fpe- ciali praecepto noftro. Et habeas tunc breve. T. A. Thefaurario S. Pauli Lon- doniae, xv Fcbruarij. Poftea Mandatum eft Vicecomiti ut habeat corpora pra;di£to- rum, a die Pafch.ne in xv dies. Hil. Com- ?nunia 29. H. 3. Rot. 6. a. (a) Prior de Hurle nichil voluit promit- tere quando Abbas de Theokefbiria & H. Archidiaconus StafFordis taillagia fecerunt ; Quia dixit quod Ecclefia ejus Cella eft, & G. filius Petri eftAdvocatus Ecclefias fua;. Ex Memor. I. J oh. Rot. JO. a. (b) De Taillagio fafto per Ricardum Malebifte & focios fuos. Civitas Ebor[aci] debet C marcas de eodem ; exceptis extra manentibus : Joh.mnes de Holegate r c de x marcis de eodem; In th. 1, Et Q^ e: Rogerus d; Scliipton debet C s de eodem ; Sed non debent exigi, quia per inquifitio- nem fa£lam prxcepto Juftic[iarijJ nichil tenet de Rege. Mag. Rot. 3. Job. Rot, 12. b. Everwicfcira, by Chap. XVir. Of Tallage. l^Z by the King's Command. The Abbot's Men who held of him in the faid Town, Avere diflrained by the Sheriff to partake with the King's Men in that Tallage ; whereas the Abbot's Men were never wont to be tallaged with the other Townfmen, or to bear part with them in any Tallage, nor did they hold of the King in Capite by Reafon whereof they might be tallaged to the King : fo this Writ iffued for their Relief (c). The like Courfe was taken in Relation to the Manour of Tydefwell in Derbyjhire {d) ; and in other Inftances. The Tallages affefled upon the King's ancient Demeanes were more heavy than the Tallages upon other Perfons living in the Counties at large. For which Reafon, Men fometimes petitioned that they might be tallaged with the Community of their County, and not with the Tenants in ancient Demeane. The Men and Tenants of the Soke of Ofivardkirk in the County of Notingbam petitioned the King, fetting forth, that the faid Soke was formerly ancient De- meane of the Crown of England: that K. Henry III, granted the fiid Soke to Henry de Hajiings, to be holden at the common Law, in Ex- change for certain Lands and Tenements in CheJJnrc which were fo holden : and that, although the faid Men and Tenants and their An- ceftours ufed, from and after the Time of the faid Exchange, to be [c) Lincoln. Rex Vicecomiti ; Monf- travit nobis Abbas de Burgo, quod cum Villa de Staunford qune eft in cuftodia nof- tra, per praeceptum noftrum nuperelTet tail- liata, tu diftringis homines fuos qui de eo tenent in eadem Villa, ad participandum cum hominibus noftris in prasdi£lo tallagio, deficut didti homines nunquam cum eis talliari vel in aliquo tallagio participare confueverunt, nee de nobis tenent in Ca- pite quare talliari debeant, ut dicit : Et ideo tibi praecipimus, quod per Siicramentum &c, fi homines prsdicti Abbatis confueverunt aliquo tempore talliari vel in aliquo tallagio participate cum praediftis hominibus noftris ; Et fi confueverunt, qua ratione ; Et inqui- fitionem habeas coram Baronibus in Oitabis S. Hillarij fub figillo &c : Et interim ho- minibus praedidti Abbatis de praediiSa dif- triftione pacem habere permittas. T. A. Thefaurario S. Pauli Londonise viceftmo die Odlobris. Mich. Commtin. 27. //. 3. Rot. 2. b. [tJ) Ex parte Ricardi filij Johannis Da- nyel Regi eft oflenfum, quod cum ipfe per Cartam Domini J. quondam Regis Angli:e Progenitoris Regis, tcncat fibi & h.-eredibus fuis Manerium de Tydefwell in Comitatu Derbise ad feodi firmam, AfTefibres tallagij quod Celebris memoriie Dominus E. quon- dam Rex Angliae pater Regis nunc, nuper in Civitatibus, Burgis, & Dominicis fuis per Angliam aflideri fecit in Comitatu Dcr- bia; affignati, ipfum Ricardum & Tencntes fuos de Manerio prsdidto, ac fi Manerium illud in manu did:i Patris Regis tempore afteffionis tallagij prsedidiextitiflet, cumnon fuerit, talliari fecerunt ; Cujus pra-textu ipfum Ricardum & Tenentes fuos de Ma- nerio prsedidio per Summonicioncm Scac- carij prasdii1:i jam inquictari faciunt & dif- tringi, in ipforum dampnum non modicum $c gravamen. Et quia Rex non vult quod pr.xdifto Ricardo aut Teneiuibus fuis de Manerio praediiSto injurietur in hac parte, Mandat Baronibus, quod infpcdta Carta praedifta, & audita querela ipfius Ricardi & Tenentium fuorum prxdiiRorum, eis indc faciant debitum & feftinum juilicire com- plementum. T. Rcge apud AVeflmon. primo die Decembris anno fecunJo. JWich. Brevia 2. E. 2. Rot. 32. a, 4 Z 2 taxed 724 Of Tallage. Chap. XVII. taxed with the Comnmuity of the laid County o^ Notingham, and not with the Tenants of the King's ancient Demeanes j yet the AffelTours of the King's TaHage for that County caufed them to be talkged with the Men of the King's Demeanes ; and the Tallage fo allelied on them ran in Summonce of the Exchequer; hereupon the King ordered the Barons, that if it appeared to them, that the faid Soke was fo given in Exchange, and that after the Time of the faid Ex- change the Men of that Soke ufed to be tallaged with the Community of the County, and not with the Tenants of ancient Demeane, then they fhould difcharge the Petitioners of the faid Tallage ; provided they were taxed to the faid Tallage with the Community of the County (.£'). The Men of the Towns of Okham, Egilton, and Langcham com- plained to the King, that their Lands and Tenements in thofe Towns were not of the Tenure of ancient Demeane of the Crown of Eng- land, and that when the King's Progenitours caufed their Demeanes to be tallaged, the faid Men and their Anceftours were not wont to be tallaged, for or in Refpedl of their faid Lands and Tenements, amongft the faid ancient Deameans, but in all Aids granted to the King and his Progenitours by the Community of the Realm, were wont to contribute with the Community of the County oi Rutland : and that lately, when the King afleffed a Tallage upon his Demeanes in the fixth Year of his Reign, they were tallaged as Tenants in an- cient Demeane ; and fuch Tallage was demanded of them by Sum- monce of the Exchequer. Upon this, the King commands the Ba- (e) Monftraveruiit Rcgi Homines & Te- dem Coniitatus talliati fuifTent, una cum nentes de Soca tie Ofwardkirkc in Comitatu illis de Dominicis Regis praediftis talliari fe- Notinghamise, quod cum Sokailladiidum fu- cerunt : and the Tallage ran in Summonce of ifTet antiquum Dorniiiicum Corcns Anglire, the Exchequer. The King cornmands, that if it &Dominus H. quondam Rex AngliaProge- appears to them, that the faid Sake, Socam nitor Regis Gocam illam cum pertinentijs de- prsdiftam prasfato Henrico per dicSumPro- diflet & conceffifict Henrico dc Haftyngges, genitorem Regis de Dominicis fuis in efcam- habendam di tenendam ad Communem Le- bium datam, ac homines & tenentes de ea- gcm, in cfcambium pro qulbufdam terris & dem Soca cum Communitate Comitatus tenementis in Comitatu Ceftri.-B quE fic fi- Notinghamire piaedidli, ^ non cum illis de militcr tcnebaniur; Ac licet homines &: dominicis pr.-edictis, a tempore efcambij tenen.cs pradifli, & apteceflores fui ho- praedifti Temper hadlenus talliatos fuiffe, mines & tenentes de Soca ilia, inter homines ficut praediftum eft ; Then they Jlioidd acquit Commiini'tatis Comitatus Nutinghaniiae, & them of the faid Tallage ; Proviio tamen quod non cum tciieniibus de antiquis dommicis ijdem homines &tenentes cum Communitate Coronpe Regis, a tempore cfcambij-praedidi, prsdifta taxentur, prout a tempore praedio- talliaric: nfueverint: Afi'efTores tamen tallagij to taxari confueverunt. "I". Rege Regis in Dominicis in Coiiiitatu Noting- apuJ Kyngcfclipton primo die Decembris hamise pra^didto, prssJictos homines & te- anno nono, Paf. Brrvia 9. E, 2. Rot. 84. a. nentes, quamiiuam cum communitate ejuf- rons I Chap. XVII. Of Tallage, 725 rons to acquit the faid Men of the faid Demand, in Cafe they found, upon fearch of Doin-fday Book [and other Records] that the faid Towns were not ancient Demeane, and that the faid Men were not wont to be tallaged with the Tenants of ancient Demeane, but ufcd to contribute to all Aids with the Community of the County (f). Wiien a Town was tallaged, the Tallage was raifed upon the Men of the Town : and they were properly the Men of the Town, who belonged to the Gild, and made Merchandife in the Town. In the 14th Year of K. Henry III, a Tallage was aflelfed in Norfolk by God- frey de Crauciunbe and IVilluvn de Haverbull. It was charped upon the King's Demean-men in Norwich, and upon the Town of Yarmouth, upon Liidingland and the Towns of Diin-ivich and Orford, upon the Sokemanns of Wejlon, the Sokage of HuJJaye, the Sokage of Cbclmo- defon and the Suitors there, the Sokage of Thoniey, and upon the ?vlen of the Priour of Norwich, who enjoyed all the Liberties that the other Citizens did within the Town and without ig). In the 2 9th^ (f) Ex parte Homimim villarum dc Oc- ham Egilton & Langeham in Comitatu Ro- telandiae, Regi eft oftenfum, quod cum terra & tenementa fua in Villis praedi£tis de te- liura de Antique Dominico Coronas An- gliae non exiftant, iiec homines ipfi nee eorum anteceffores, occafione terrarum & tenementorum fu'orum in eifdem Villis, iiliquibus temporibus Progenitorum Regis quondam Regum Angli.-e, quando ipfi Pro- genitores Regis Dominica iua in Regno prjedido talliari fecerunt, inter prffidicSa Dominica talliati fuerint, fetipfi fcmper om- nibus auxilijs Progeiiitoribus Regis piwdic- tis & Rcgi nunc poflquam Regni guberna- cula Rex fufcepit, per Conimunitatem dicli Regni conceffis, cum Communitate Comi- tatusprsediiSti contribuere confuevrrunt. The Barons now cxaSted of the Jnid Men fo much., occafione T.:llagij in Dominicis Regis, an- no regni Regis nunc fexto perRegem afil-f- fi, ac fi villa; prsedidtae de tcnura de antique Dominico Regis prredi£to fuifl'ent, & ea occafione homines Villarum pracdicSlarum inter Dominica prasdicta tunc talliari de- buiffent, cum non debeant, by Summons of the Exchequer to the Kings Ufe. The King commends the Barons, quod iScrutato libro Regis qui vocatur Drmus dei, fi per in- fpedionem Libri prsedidti eis coiiftare po- terit, pra?diiSas Villas de tenura de Anti- quo Dominico prasdido non ede, nee ho- mines Villarum illarum inter prsedic^a Do- n-.inica aliquibus temporibus retroaftis tal- l:atos non fuifie fet ipfos feiriper cum Com- munitate prasdicli Comitatus omnibus auxi- lijs Progenitoribus Regis prjedictis & Regi nunc temporibus retroadtis conceffis cojnri- buere confuevifie, ut prsedidum eft; then to acquit them of the faid Demand, and relcafc the Dijireffes. T. Rege apud Lincolniain vj° die Fcbr. anno nono. Paf. Camnmnia 9, E. 2. Rot. 34. a. (g) De Tallagio aflifo per Godefridum de Craucumbe Sc Willelmum de Haverhull. idem Vicccomcs r c de CI de Villata de Norwyz de proprijs Hominibus Regis ; Et de Lx marcis de Villata de Geriiemue, de eodem tallagio ; Et de L marcis dc Lud- higland, de eodem : Et de C marcis de Villata de Dunwvz, de eodem ; Et de xv marcis de Villata de Orford, dc eodem ; In tbefauro nlchil ; Et in perdonis praediitis ViUatis totum prsediclum tallagium, per Regem ; Et Q: e. Idem Vicecomes r c de xl s de Sokemannis de Wefton, de eodem ; Et de XX s de Solcagio dc Huilayc, de eo- dem. Homines qui funt de parvo Sokkagio de Chelmodefton cum fedlatoribus r c de iiij marcis, de eodem, Sokkagiuin dc Thor- 11 ey Of T A L L A G E. Chap. XVIL 29th Year of K. Henry III, the faid Men of the Priour of Noricichy who hold of the King in Norwich, and have all the Liberties that the other Citizens have, within the Town and without, were charged with Tallage(/6). And in the 32d Year of K. Edward I, they were charged with Tallage in like Manner [i). According to this Ufage, in the 5th Year of K. Edward I, it was adjudged in the Court of Exchequer, that all Perfons merchandizing in the City of ■Norwich with the Citizens, fhould contribute with them in Tallages and other Aids. Whereupon a Writ iiTued to the Sheriff of Norfolk, commanding him to permit the Tenants holding of the King's Caftle of Norwich, or other Perfons that merchandized in the City, to con- tribute with the Citizens in Tallages and other Aids, according to •the faid Judgment (k). On the other Part, they who were not Townfmen, and did not exercife Merchandife in the Town, were not to contribute in the Tallages affcfi'ed upon the Town. The Mayor and Bailiffs of the Town of Northampton were fummoned to appeai" at the Exchequer, to fliew by what Warrant they dilfrein Hugh Gu- byon to partake with the Townfmen in Tallage, whereas he exer- cifeth no Trade in the faid Tovv'n [1). It was found by Inquifition, that the Abbot of St. Aujiin at Canterbury, and the Priours of the "Trimty and of St. Gregory there, were not wont to be tallaged with ney r c de xx s de eodem. Hotnines Prioris de Norwyz, qui tenent de Rege in Norvvyz, & habent omnes Libertates quas ipfi de Ci- vitate habent infra villam & extra, debent XX 1 de eodem. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 3. Norf. is Suff. m. 2. b, (h) Homines Prioris de Norvvico qui te- nent de Rege in Norwico, 6c habent omnes libertates quas ipfi de Civitate habent, in- fra villam & extra, [debent j xx 1 de tail- lagio. Alag. Rot. 29. H. 3. Rot. 2. b. hlorf. y iuff. {i) Homines Prioris de NorwyCo, qui tenent de Rege in Norwico, & habent om- nes libertates quas ipfi de Civitate habent infra villam & extra, [debent] Cxxxiij 1 vj s viijd, de pluribus tallagijs, ficut con- tinetur in Rotulo Lv'. Alag. Rot. 32. E. I. Norf. iJ Suff._ Rot. I. a. [k] V'icecomiti Norfolcis, pro Civibus Norwici. Quia in Curia Regis coram Ba- ronibus de Scaccario fuo conlideratum fuit, •qviod quicumq; velint mercandizare in Ci- vitate fua NorWici cutn Civibus ejufdem Civitatis, contribuant cum eifdem in talla- gijs h alijs auxilijs, ficut ipfi Cives ; Rex prscepit eidem, quod homines tenentes de feodo Callelli fui praedidtae Civitatis, feu alios quofcumq; mercandizantes in eadem Civitate cum Civibus praedidlis, permittat contribuere cum eifdem in tallagijs & alijs auxilijs, ju,\ta confiderationem praedidlam. Tefle Rogero de Northwode &c. Per Ro- tiiluni placitorum de anno R. Domini H. Regis vicefimo primo. Mich. Comniunia 4. cf 5. E. I. Rot. I. a. (!) Mandatum eft Vicecomiti quod ve- nire faciat &c a die S. Michaelis in quinde- cim dies Majorem 5c Ballivos villae Nor- hamtoniae, ad oftendendum quo waranto ipfi diftringunt Hugonem Gubyun, ad par- ticipandum cum Hominibus villae praedidtse in Tallagio, deficut ipfe nullas in pn-cdidia villa exercet mercandizas ut dicit ; lit in- terim 6cc ; Et habeat Breve. Memor. 2,<^.H. 3. Rot. lb. b. the chap. XVII. Of Tallage. 727 the Citizens of Canterbury for or by Reafon of the Tenements which they had in that City : and that the Anceftours of Hcwwti Doge and Thomas Cbkhe were wont to be tallagcd by Reafon of the Merchan- dife which they exerciled in that City; but not the fiid Hamoji and Thomas, becaufe they did not exercife Merchandife there. And therefore the King by his Writ commanded the Sheriff of Kent, to forbear demanding Tallage of them the faid Hamon and Thomas {m). The like Order was taken in the Cafe of John de Bloxham. He by a Petition exhibited to the King, fuggeil:ed, that he was not a Ci- tizen of London, nor ufed Merchandize there, nor had any certain dwelling in the City, except a Houle which he had hired for a Term of Years : fo.that he ought not to contribute to the common Tal^ lages affelTed upon the City, nor ought his Goods and Chatells to be taxed with thofe of the Citizens : that neverthelefs the Citizens of London had taxed his Chatells which were found in the City, towards the Quinzime granted to the King by the City out of their Goods, and intended to levy xx Marks upon his Chatells to the faid Tax, arbitrarily andunjulHy : hereupon, the King by Writ commands the Barons, to call before them fuch of the Citizens as they ihould think fit, and having heard what could be offered on the Part of the faid Citizens and of the faid John, to do right to John upon his Cafe (?;). So alfo John le Chaimdeler by his Petition to the King fliewed, that (m) H. Dei gratia &c Vicecomiti Kan- cijeSalutem. Conftat nobis per Inquifitio- nein quam nuper fieri fecimus, quod Ab- bas S. Auguftini Prior Ecclefiae S. Trinita- tis, & Prior S. Grcgorij Cantuarias, nun- quam confueverunt talliari ratione tene- mentorum Suorum quae habent in eadem villa, quando Gives ejufdem Civitatis talli- ati fuerint ; & quod anteceffores Magiftri Hamonis Doge & Thomae Chiche confue- verunt talliari ratione mercandifarum fua- rum quas exercuerunt in eadem Civitate, fet non prrefati Hamo & Thomas, co quod nuUas exercent mercandifas ibidem. Et ideo tibi praecipimus, quod de demanda quam facis per funimoniiionem Scaccarij noftri, prsedidtis Abbati Prioribus, Hamo- ni, & Tliomae, de talliagio ratione lene- mentorum fuorum qua habent ibidem, pa- cem habere permittas, h averia fua feu ca- talla, fi quK capta fuerint occafione prae- didta, eis delibcrari facias. T. Simont Pal- fcleauwe apud Weflin. vlj die Junij, anno regni noftri Liij°. RegijL A. in archivo Ec- ckj. Chrifli Cant.fol. DLxxj, a. ijf b. [n] Ex parte Johannis de Bloxham RegL eft oflcnfum, quod cum ipfe Civis Civitatis Londonias non fit, nee mercandizas aliquas ibidem exerceat, nee certa domicilia vel te- nementa aliqua in Civitate ilia, nifi quam- dam domum quam ad Terminum con- duxerat, non habeat, per quod communi- hus Tallagijs fuper diiStam Communitate;n afleflis vel affidendis cum Civibus ejufdeni Civitatis contribuere, feu etiam bona & ca- talla fua in eadem Civitate inventa ratione Concefiionis alicujus Regi per diiflam Com- munitatem facElae, cum bonis & catallis Ci- vium prasdiftorum taxari non debet, ncc aliquid inde ad opus Regis levari : Cives prxJiiSti, nulla habica cintideratic.ne ad pra:- mift'a, bona & catalla prsrdicli Johannis in eadem Civitate inventa, ratione C^iint.'cde- cima; Regi per didam Civitatcm de bonis fuis- 728 Of T A L L A G E. Chap. XVII. that although he did not conftantly refide in the King's City of Lon- don, nor exercifed Merchandize there, nor did in any Sort enjoy or ulb the Liberties or Cuftoms oi the City as a Citizen } whereby he might be lubjeCted to the Tallages aflefled within the City: yet the Mayor and Sherifts of London caufed his Goods and Chatells within the City to be tallaged to the Quinzime granted to the King from the Cities and Burghs of England, and diflreined him to render Tal- lage for the lame, to his great Damage. Hereupon the King, wil- ling that John fhould not be wronged in this Cafe, commands the Ba- rons by Writ, that if it evidently appeared to them, that John did not conftantly refide in London, nor exercife Merchandize there, nor enjoy the Liberties and Cuftoms of the City as aforefaid, then they Hiould difcharge him of the Tallage alTeffed upon him for the Caufe aforefaid [o). A like Writ iflued for John k Knygbt Servant to Gil- hert de Clare Earl of Gloiicejler and Hertford (p). It hath been fliewn above, that Tallage was payable to the King by the Demeane-men of his Manours and Towns. But if the King granted away a Demeane-Manour or Town (that was wont to be tal- laged) una cum 'Tallagijs hominum ; then fuch Manour or Town be- came tallageable to the Grantee. However, when the King demifed any fuch Manour, or granted a temporary Eftate in it, he ufed to fuis ntiper conceiTE, quamquam alibi in Ren'no Anjjliae ratione Vicefimx Re^i a Coininunitate ejufdein Regni conceffe tax- ata fuerunt, jam taxarunt, & viginti Mar- cus de bonis illis fic taxatis ad opus Regis levare intendvmt, voluntarie & injufte. Et quia Rex prcefato Johanni non vult taliter injuriari, Mandat Baronibus, quod vocatis coram eis qiios de CIvitatc pr^difta fore vi- derint evocandos, & auditis tarn iplbrum Civium quam prsdicli Johannis rationibus in hac p.irte, eidem Johanni inde fieri fa- ciant debituni h, feftinum jufticiae complc- mentum. T. Rege apud Wertm. quarto die Marcij anno fecundo. Paf. Brevia 2. E. 2. Rot. 65. I'. (0) Monfiravit Regi Johannes le Chaun- delcr, quod licet ipfe moram continuam in CivitateRegis Londoniainon facit, nee mer- candizas aliquas ibidem excerceat, feu Li- bcrtatibus vel confuetudinibus Civitatis il- lius tanquam Ci\is ejiifdem aliqualiter gau- deat ve] utatiir, per quod idem Johannes Taliiagijs aliquibus in Civitate prsdicta aflelTis contribuere teneatur : Major tamen & Vicecomites Civitatis prsdiftaj bona & catalla ipfius Johannis in Civitate prsdifta, ratione Quintadccimas Regis nuper de Ci- vitatibus & Burgis infra Regnum Angliae conceffe, talliari fecerint, & ipfuiii ad 'I'al- lagium inde Regi prseftandum diftringant, & ea occafione multipliciter molcftantur, in ipfius Johannis difpendium non modicum & gravamen. Et quia Rex non vultcidem Johanni injuriari in hac parte, Mandat Baronibus, quod fi ipfis evidenter conftare jjoffit, ipfum Johannem moram continuam in Civitate prajdidta non facere, nee mer- candizas aliquas ibidem exercere, feu li- beitatibus vel confuetudinibus Civitatis il- lius uti & gaudere, ut efl didtum, Tunc ip- fum a Tallagio prpcdiflo fuper ipfuni occa- fione prasJii3:a aflelib, prout jaftum fuerit, quietum eife faciant. T. Rege apud Ke- nyngton tricefimo die Maij anno fecundo. Tr-in. Brevia 2. E. 2. RrJ. 79. a. (;) lb. Rot. 83. i. referve i chap. XVIT. Of Tallage. 729 refervc the Tallages to himfelf and his Heirs. K. Hetiry III, granted the Town of Biireicdl to the Townfmen at Ferm ; f.iving to the King the Tallages and Aids of the Town fa). King Ed-ward \, granted to the Burgelles of Retford, that they might hold their Town of the King and his Heirs at Fee-ferm, rendring x 1 yearJy per manus fiias propria^ at the Exchequer ol ^t. Michael ; faving to the King and his Heirs their Tallage, when he or his Heirs ihould xaufe their Dcmeanes in 'England to be tallaged ; and that they might chufe their Bailiff's out of the Community of their Town, yearly or when they fliould think meet (r). The fame King granted to Queen Alienor fc- veral Manours for the more decent Support of her and her Family ; fliving to himfelf the Tallages thereof, when he tallaged his other Deme.ines in England (j-). And Robert Bilhop of Bathe and JVclls made a Leafe to Williani de CalchiiU, of the Manour of Sokele, excepto tallagio tenendum quando Rex talliat Maneriajiia [t). There was alfo in ancient Time a Duty paid to the King under the Name of Carucage j to wit, fo much for each Carue of Land hoi Jen by bafe or inferiour Tenure. Though I find very little about it in the Revenue-rolls, under the Name of Carucage ; yet I mull not wholly pafs it over in Silence. In the loth Year of K. Hc7iry III, WilUam de Mara ftood charged in the great Roll with xxv/ vj j- ij d for the Carucage of Surrey .• the Particulars v/hereof appeared in the Carucage-roU [u). He alio flood charged with vj j- for the Carucage of the Earl olWarenns Men in Surrey {%u). In the fame loth Year, the Abbot of Chertfey owed iiij /, for the Carucage of his Men, as appeared by the Roll of Carucage ; and the Men of Kingejhn, Lxxij s {q) Homines de Burewcll r c de C s de (/) Trin. Manor. 8. E. i. Rot. — a. firma Villse : In thefauro nichil : Et Philip- {n) Willelinus de Mara debet xxv 1 & po Marc C s, ad fe fuftentandum quam diu vj s & ij d, de Carrucagio Comitatus, ficut Reg! placuerit ; Salvo Regi tallagio & aux- continetur in Rotulo de Carrucagio, ALig. jlio ejufdem Vills; Et Q^ f. Mag. Rat. Rot. lo. II. 3. Surrcia, m. I. a. 7. H. 3. Rot. 2. b. Not. y Dcreb. Idem W. [Willelmus de Mara, debet] (?•) Datum per manum noftram apud xxv 1 vj s &:ij d, de Carucagio Comitatus, fi- ,Weftmonafterium xij die Novembris anno cut continetur in Rotulo x". Alag. Rot. 1^. r n quarto. Alich, Commun. 5. ^ 6. £". I. H. 3. Ret. i. a. Surrcya. Rot. 2. ■J. Willelmus de Mara [debet] xxv 1 vj s h {s) Baronibus, pro A. Rcgina Anglije ij d, de Carrucagio Comitatus, ficut conti- matre Regis. The King granted to her feveral netur in Rotulo x°. Mag. Rot. 19. H. 3. Manors in augmentum fuflentationis fuas h m. 2. b. Surr, familiae fuse ; falvis Regi Tallagijs ad ipfum (iv) Willelmus de Mara debet \ j s de inde fpeflantibus, cum contigerit Dominica Carrucagio Hominum Comitis Warennx, fua per Angliam talliari. T. R. apud ficut continetur in R.otulo de Carrucigio. Weftm. octavo die Junij anno o£lavo deci- Alag. Rot. to. H. 3. Snrr. m. i. a, mo. Trin. Commun, 18. E, I. Rot. — /'. Vol. I, 5 A i'ov 730 Of Tallage. Chap. XVII. for the CarriKage of the Men of the Hundred of Kingejlon, as ap- peared by the fame Roll [x). In the Great Roil of the 19th Year of this King, this Carucage of the Abbots is exprefly differenced from his Efcuage ; the Abbot being there charged feverally with the one and the other fy). In the 14th Year of K. Henry III, the Bilhop of Exeter owed xviijj, the Remanent of the Carucage of the religious Houfes in Devonjhire ; and William Talebot and his Companions xiij J, the Remanent of the Carucage of that County (2;). To the Head of Tallage (or elfe to that of Aid) we may refer the None, Dif/ney ^linzime, Vintifme, Trentifme : which were fo called from the Quantity or Proportion of the Payment; as their feveral Names do import. The moft ancient Inftance of a Tallage called by the Name of Decima, that I have met-with to my Remembrance, is in the fixth Year of K. Richard I. In that Year, feveral Towns of DevonJJjire flood charged with the Areres of a Tallage impofed by K. Henry II. But Richard 1, remitted to them thofe Areres, by Rea- fon of the tallagiimi deciinarum then lately affelTed on them (a). The Nones, and the reft of the Quotas abovementioned, and fome others, were (I think) partly Jeigneurial, and partly mixt. Many Things might be iaid concerning them. But the Records which contain the Form wherein they were to be affeffed and levyed, are generally too long to be recited here verbatim. I will content myfelf to refer to fome of them. Which may be viewed upon the Rolls by fuch Per- fons as are defirous to fee the Matter at large. For Example; the Form of taxing and levying the None in the 25th Year of K. Rd- ward I, the Oath of the Taxours, and other Matters relating to the fame, may be ietv\ in the Record hereunder cited (bj. The Record hereunder (x) Abbas de Certefeia debet iiij 1, de hoc Comitatu. Willelmus Talebot & focij CaiTucagio Hominutn fuorum, ficut conti- fui [debent] xiij s, de remanente carrucagij sietur in Rotulo de Cairucagio. Homines Comitatus. Mag. Rot. 14. H. 3. Devonia. de Kingefton debent Lxxij s de Carrucagio m. I. a. Hoirinum Hundredi de Kingefton, ficut (a) De Tallagio Dominiorum Regis & Gontinetur ibidem. Mug. Rot. 10. H. 3. terrarum quae tunc erant in manu Regis H. Sttrr. m. I. a. Patris : Idem Vicecomes r c de xlvj s & Abbas de CertefTeye [debet] iiij 1 de Ca- viij d de Dono Hominum de Witford, and nicagio hominum fuorum ; and others. Mag. ether Sums from other Toiuns ; Summa xxxixl R'A. 14. //. 3. Rot. I. a. Surreya. &vs & ij d : In Perdonis, per breve Re- (y) Abbas deCertefc-ye [debet] xxvj mar- gis, prasdictis Hominibus, xxxix 1 & vs & cas de V Scutagio, ficut continctur in Rotulo ijd, propter Tallagium Decimarum : Et xj, Et iiij 1 de Carrucagio Hominum fuo- Q. e. Mag. Rot. 6. R. i. Rot. 12. a. De- rum. Mciir. Rot. ig. //. 3. Surreia. in. \.b. venefcira. {%) Epifcopus Exonienfis [debet] xviijs, (/>) Forma taxationis & levationis Nonae. de remaiiente Carrucagij religioforum in Ceo eftla foiume qe les Taxours & ks Cuil- leurs 4 Chap. XVII. Of T A L L A G E> IZ"^ hereunder cited flieweth, the Form devlfed by the King's Council, for taxing and levying the Trentifme and Vintijine granted to K. Ed- ivard I, in the 34th Year of his Reign, the Oath to be taken by tlie Taxours of the faid Trentifme and Vintifme, the Names of the Knights and others chofen by the King's Council, to tax and levy the fame in the Counties of England, and the Form of the Commillion made to the Taxours and Collecftours (c). The Form of taxing the Vin- tifme and the Quinzime granted to the King by the Laity ^w/o 1° £. II, and the Form of the oath of the faid Taxours, with other Things relating thereto, may be {&&w in the Record hereunder cited (^). The Form of taxing the Vintifme granted to K. Edward II, ann(^ regfii S° cirdter is contained in the Roll here quoted (e). The Form of taxing the fifteenth and fixteenth in the 9th Year of K. Edivard II, in the Counties and in the Towns, Burghs, and Demeanes of the King, appears in the Rolls cited underneath (fj. In thefe Cafes, the Goods of the chief Taxours were to be taxed by the Treafurer and Barons (gj : and the Robes and 'Jocalia of the Citizens and Bur- gefles leurs del Nevime deivtnt garden en mefme le Nevime affoer & lever, Cell a faver. Primes Counte feient deaus Cuil leurs — . Mich. E. I. Rot. 38. a. in qen chefcun Chiefs Taxours & Conimun. 25 i^ 26. lund. 25 ^ 26. £. I. Le Serement des Taxurs del Noefime. It begins, Celt le Serment as Taxours e Cuil- lurs — , and ends, ne pur autre chofe forf- pris maungier e beivre. lb. Rot. 38. a. Literfe patentes fadlae Taxatoiibus. This is for all the Counties of England. Then fol- low the Appointments of Taxours for the City of London and other Cities and Burghs ; ivith an additional Form for them. lb. Rot. 38. al^ b. 39. a. Sacramcntum taxatorum. lb. Rot. 39. a. Taxatores aflignati. lb. Rot. 39. a. De Taxatoribus amotis. lb. Rot. 39. b. Aflignatio Clericorum ad Taxationem No- nae i'upervidendam. lb. Rot. 39. b. Literse patentes fadae Taxatoribus. lb. Rot. 38. a. {() Anglia. Forma taxandi & levandi Tricefimam h Vicefimam Domino Regi concelTas, fafta per Confilium Regis modo in craftino S. Jacobi &c. fubfequitur &c. Trin. Co?nwunia 24-. £•- 1- Rot. 47. a. in Bundelk notato 33^" 34. E. i. Forma Sacramenti Taxatorum xxx* & XX*. lb. juxt. Nomina Militum & aliorum eleiSlorum per Confilium Regis, ad taxandas h levan- das Tricefimam & Vicefimam pra2di£las fingillatim in diverfis Comitatibus. lb. juxt. Forma Commiffionis faftae Taxatoribus & Colledloribus Tricefimx & V^icefima:. //>. juxt. (d) Mich. Commttn. I.E. 2. Rot. 24. a ^ b. (e) Anglia. Forma taxandi & levandi Vicefimam Regi concefiam. ////. Commun. 8. E. 2. Rot. 6. a. Kancia. Commiffio fada Taxatoribus. lb. Rot. 6. a. (f) Anglia. Forma taxandi Qiiintam- decim-am in Civitatibus, Hurgis, Villis, &; Manerijs de Dominicis Regis. Trin. Com- munia 9. E. 2. P-ot. 105. a, Commiffio fadta Taxatoribus Sc Collcc- toribus. lb. Rot. 105. a. Anglia. Forma taxandi Sextamdecimam. Ih. Rot. 106. a. Commiffio fa^Sla Taxatoribus Sextxdeci- mas. lb. Rot. 106. a & b. (g) Memorandum quod ad feftum S. Michaclis fiat aliqua Ordinatio de Taxa- 5 A 2 tione 732 0/ T A L L A G E. Chap. XVJL geffes were not ufually taxed with their other Goods and moveables. In the 1 8th Year of K. Edward I, the Citizens and Burgeffes of £//f A///y/ granted to the King a Fifteenth of all their Goods and moveables : and the King granted to the faid Citizens and BurgelTes, that the Robes of them and their Wives and certain of their Jocalia flioaid not be taxed to the faid Fifteenth. And the Barons of the Exxhequer having caufed the Robes and focalia of the Burgeffes of Derby to be taxed to the fiid Fifteenth (whereas the Robes and focalia of other Citizens and Burgeffes in Etigland were not taxed to it) as the Bur- geffes oi Derby lliewed by their Petition to the King : hereupon the King commanded the faid Barons to forbear diflreining them upon that Occafion (hj. And if the Taxours made any Omiffion, or com- mitted any other Mifdemeaner, in the Execution of their Office, they "were refponfible for it before the Barons of the Exchequer fi). IV-. In the mod ancient Times, the Tallages were ufually impofed and fet by the King's Jufticlers in their I'efpeftive Iters : afterwards^ by Conimiffioners appointed by the King for that Purpofe. It ap- pears by many Records cited before in the loth Section of the 3d Chapter, Of the fudlcature &c, and in the 3d Se(51:ion of this Chap- ter, that anciently the Tallages were affifed or fet by the Jufticicrs of the King's Court or the Jufticiers Itinerant. Let fome other Pre- cedents be added here. In or about the 2d Year of K. Henry II, an Aihfe was made upon the County of Fj]ex, by the King's Chancel'- lour and Henry de Efex (k). In or about the 19th Year of K. Henry II, a Tallage was affeffed upon the King's Demeanes in Surrey, by Reginald de Warenne and \Gervafe de Cornhill] the Sheriff (/). In the 24th Year of K. Henry II, a Tallage was fet by Raf Fitz-Stephen and Turf in Fitz-Simon [Jufticiers Itinerant] in Devonf?ire{m). In the 9th tionepropriorumbonoiumCapitaliumTaxa- larij & Henrici de Efiexa ; In perdonis, per torum, tam (^lintsdecimx quam aliorum breve Regis, Comiti WarenriK xiiij 1 & ij s, fubfidiorum FCegi cr.ncelTorum in Anglia; Et Q: e. Mag. Rot. 2. //. 2. Rot. 3. «. quie reiervatur Thefaurai:io & Baronibus de EJJexa, Scaccario. Trirt. Communia ^b.isf 2"]. E. 1. (I) Idem Vicecomes [Gervafius de Corn- Ret 31. billj debet iiij 1 de Remanent! Aflifas fafls (h) Trm. Brevia E. 1 Rot. 82. h. fuper Dominia Regis in Surreia per Regi- (/) Lincolnia. De Taxatoribus xx* in naldum de Wareiina & Ipfum Vicecomitem. Liiicolnia implacitatis de omiffione in Taxa- Mug. Rot. 22. H. 2. Rot. 14. />. Surr. lione ejufdem xx=^. Willclmus de Noting- (m) Johelus de Efpretun debet xx s de ham fequitur pro Rege in this Cafe. Tiin. Tallagio, per Radulfum filium Stephani & Cor,imu7i. 5. E, 2. Rot. 62. b. T^urftinum filium Simonis. Mcig. Rot. 24. (k) Et idem Vicecomes [Ricardus de H. 2. Rot. i, b, Devenejcira. Lucij r c de xiiij 1. & ij s, de Affifa CanceL- and Chap. XVII. Of T A L L A G E. 733 and loth Year of K. Richard I, a Tallage was made upon the Town of Colcchtjler by Gccffrey Fiiz-Peter, Theobald JValteis, and their Compa- nions (;^) : and upon the King's Burghs and Manours in Ghuctjtcr- JJ.nre by W. Bidiop of Hereford and his Companions (o) : upon the Men and Towns in the Counties of Notingham and Derby, bv Wil- liam Briciverrc, Sh/ion BaJJel, William de Ride'ware and their l'"cllo\vs (/>) : upon the JJurghs and Towns in Shropfiire, by Hugh Bardolf and his Fellows [q) : upon the Towns in Lincolnjhirc, by the Biihop elccft of Durham and Hugh Bardolf (r) : upon the King's Demeanes in Surrey, by Stephen de 'Turneham, Rauu ft rcaiuver of Sarejbury, and Mafter R. de St. Martin [s). In the Reign of K. 'fohn, a Tallage was made or fet upon the Towns in Cornwall, by G. BiHiop of Winchefler and his Companions (/), and by Mafter Michael Belet, and R.obert Belet, and their Companions (li). In Glouccjleijhire, by Hugh Bardolf (n) Taillagium faflum per Galfriduni n- lium Petri, Si TeobalJum Walter!, & So- cios fuos, de Villa de Colcceftria. ALfg. Rcf. c,. R. I. Rot. 5. b. Efex'^ HcTtf. (0) Taillagium Eurgorum 5c Maiierio- nim Regis, per prsJicStos [viz. W. Herc- fordenl'em Epifcopum & Socios fuos.J li/. Rot. 8. b. Gloec. fp) Taillagium in Notingham &Derbi- fcirc, fadlum per Willelmum Briewerje, i-'i Simonem Ballet, & Willelmum de Ride- ware, &; Socios fuos, de Hominibus '-c Vil- lis quorum nomiiia & debita funt in Rotulo quem prsediiCti liberaverunt in thefauro : Idem V icecomes r c de xj 1 & iiij s & x d de Taillarrio de Soca de Olwardefbeth ; Et de xls de Communi v'illata; de Radford de Taillagio ; Etde xl & iiij s & iiij d de Soca de Maine^feld de Taillagio ; Then follow the Nanus of fveral other Tovj7:s, and of two or three Men. lb. Rot. 10. a. [q) Idem Viceconies [debet] quatcr xx Sc ij iTiarcas & dimidiam, de Taillagio fa<3o per Hugonem Bardolf & Socios fuos, de Eurgis & Villis quorum nomina & debita annotantur in Rotulo praecedenti. lb. Rot. 30. /'. Sakpefcini. (r) Taillagium faflum in Lincollfcira-, per Dunelmenfcm Electum & Muyonem Bardulf: Idem Vicccomes r c de xxs de Taillagio Villataa de Bradc!c2a> t't de xxj s & iiij d de ViUata de Cothun &c. Mag. Mot. 10. R. I. Rot. 4. b. Line, (s) Taillagium faflum pcrStephanum de Turneham & Raniiulfum Thefaurariuin Sarefbirienfem, & Magiftrum R. de SandlO Alartiiio, do Doniinicis Reiiis in hoc Co- niitatu: Idem Vicecomes r c de xlix 1 & vj s Si viij d, de Taillagio fafto de Homi- nibus V'illje de Sudwcrch, quorum nomina Sc d.bita annotantur in Rotulo quern pne- didti hberaverunt in Thefauro ; Idem Vice- comes r c de xj 1 &j marca, de Taillagio hnminum de Kingcfton, quorum nomina & debita &c. lb. R:t. 10. b. Surrcia. [t) Taillagium fadhim per G. Wintoni- enfcm h Socios fuos : Idem Vicecomes r c de xviii s de villata de Hellcfton, Et dc Lx s de villata de Curenton, Et de Vj s de villata de Wireton, Et de vij s de villata de Merethin, Etde XV s de villata de Arwnhel, Et de x s de vill. de Bleifton, Et de xxxvij s & iiijd de Burgo de Hellefton, Et de ij mar- cis de Eurgo de Lancaucton, In thefauro liberavit in viij talijs, Et Quietus eft. Vil- lata de Tewiton debet v s de taillagio. Gal- fridus de Mandevill nepos ElyEe^r c de di- midia marca quia retraxit fe. Alag. Rot. I. y. Rot. 14. a. Coynewallia. {uj Taillagium factum per Magiftrum- Michaelem Belet, & Robertum Belet, & Socios fuos: Idem Vicecomes re de xl I 5t vj s & viij d de taillagio Villarum quorum nomina & debita annotantur in Rotulo quem prjediili Hberaverunt in Thefauro! In thefauro liberavit in xiiij tallijs, Ef Quiclus- 734- Of Tallage. Chap. XVII. Mardolf 2iX\A William Brieiver and their Fellows (w). The Tallage of tiie Town of Southamton was admeafured at Cxx Marks, by Hubert Archbifhop of Canterbury chief Jufticier [x). A Tallage was made in Ha)itpire, by Stephen de Turnham and his Fellows fy) : in Shrop- Jhire,. by Simon de Fatejlmll and Mafter Ralf de Stokes fz) : in Nor- Jolk and Suffolk by Simon de Pateffull and his Fellows (aj : in Lincoln- Jhire, by Jojlan de Nevill, Alexander de Poititon, and Walter Malclerc (^) : in Sud%iierc in the County of Surrey, by Geoffrey Fitz-Pierre (c). In the Reign of K. Henry III, a Tallage was affifed upon the King's Manours and Demeanes in StaffordJ/jire, by Henry de Audeley Sheriff, Willia?n Rufus, and William Patitolf. The Towns of Stafford, JVolverbampton, and Tamivorth paid it {d). A Tallage was affifed upon the Manours in Northumberland, by W. Mauclerc and Simon de Hal. The Men of New Cajile paid their Part of it {e). A Tallage was affeffed upon the Towns in Cambridge and Huntendon Shires bv Thomas de Hemmegrave and his Companions, and Henry de Colevill and Quietus eft. Fleneton & Tamerton r c de V marcis de eodem taillagib. Item Nova Oblata &c. A4ag. Ret. i. J. Rot. 14. a. CornewaUia. (w) Taillagium facSlum per H. Bardolf & W. Briewer h focios fuos : Burgenfes de Gloeceftria [debentj CCC marcas de eo- dem taillagio. Burgenfes de Briftou debent D marcas de eodcm. Homines de Berkelai extra Burgum de Briftou r c de C marcis de eodem. Homines Templariorum [de- bent] L marcas de eodem. Mag. Rot. 1. y. Ret. 3. (7. Gloec. (x) Homines de Suthanton r c de C & XX marcis de tallagio ; quia fuit ammenfurata ad banc fummam per H. Cantuarienfem Archiepifcopum. In th. Lxvj 1 & vj s &; viijd, Et debent xiij 1 & xiij s & 'iij d. A/^g. Rot. 2. J. Ret. 14. i. m. 2. (y) Homines 'Wintonias [debent] DCCC ii vij marcas de Taillagio fafto per S. de Turneham & Socios fuos. Alag. Rot. 3. jf. Rot. 9. b. Siidhantefcira. (2.) Taillagia fadta per Simoncm de Pate- fhull 2c Magiftrum Radulfum de Stokes : I- dem Vicecomes r c de iiij 1 v s & viij d de taillagio de Egmendon, Et de Lxvj s de tail- lagio de Nordlcga, Et de C & vij s &: ilij d de taillagio de Cunedoure. Burgus de Bruges r c dexvij 1 ii xiiij s de taillagio, In th. 1, ,3 Et Quietus eft. Henricus Tinftor r c de iiij marcis de eodem. Willelmus la Yaie r c de iij marcis de eodem. liurgus de Sa- lopeft)iria r c de Lix 1 & vj s & iiij d de eodem, In th. 1, Et Quietus eft. Mag, Rot. 8. J. Rot. II. but held his Land of the King in Capite by a particular Charter [of Enfeoffment] from the King(f). Moreover, the King, if he pleafed, granted to particular Perfons a Freedom from Tallage, For Example j the Templars and the Hofpi- talers of Jerujcikm [by very ancient Grant from the Crown] had the Privilege of having each of them one Man (he was called their Liber Hofpes) in every Burgh in the Realm, who was to be quit of common AiTifes or Tallage alfeffed within his Burgh. This Privilege was fundry Times allowed to them. In the Tallage impofed on the City of Lo?2don for the Army oi Wales, y.xs were fet-off from Henry de CaJJ'el hy virtue of the faid Privilege of the Templars, and a Mark from Herbert the Tanner by virtue of the like Privilege of the Hofpitalers (f). The fame Privilege was allowed to the Tejjiplars and Hofpitalers for the faid Henry de CaJJel and Herbert the Tanner, in the Aid levied (c) Glouc. Mandatum eft Vicecomiti fi- cut pluries, quod ingrediatur Libertatem Abbatis de Cyrneceftria, & diftiingat prje- didum Abbatem per terras & cattalla fua &c, Ita quod habeat &c corpus ejus in Oflabis Purificationis Beatas Mariae, ad re- fpondendum Ricardo de la Pyrie, qui tenet de Rege quandam Terram in Capite in villa de Cyrneceftria per fervicium Militare, Quo jure ipfe diftringit tenentes prafdi(5U Ricardi de praedida terra ad dandumei Tal- lagium. Ex Mich. Rec. 40. H. 3. iruip. 41. Rot- 5. a. {d) Mandatum eft Vicecomiti, quod &c venire faciat &c in odabis S. Martini, xij &c Manerij Regis de Mellccfliara, ad ofteu- dendum quo waranto ipfi talliaverunt Ro- bertum de Holt, qui libere feofFatus eft de teria quam tenet per Cartam Regis : Et in- terim &c. Memor. 40. H. 3. Rot. 3. a. [e) Mandatum eft Vicecomiti, quod ve- nire taciat &r a die S. Martini in tres fepti- manas, Ballivum Manerij de Havering, & fex de melioribus & dicioribus hominibus ejufdem Manerij, ad cftendendum quo waranto ipfi talliaverunt Ricardum de Wygeden, pro quadam terra quam de Rege tenet in Capite in praediilo Manerio, per Cartam Regis quam inde habet ; Et in- terim pacem &c. Memor. 40. H. 3. Rot. 4. a. Ejfex. (f) Idem Vicecomites reddunt compo- tum de xxj 1 & xiij s & vj d de Veteri Ex- ercitu Walis, unde debent recipere Scrip- tum de particulis a Reinero filio Berengariae & W^illelmo filio Yfabel : In Perdonis per Barones j Leprofo x s ; Et Henrico de Caf- fel XX s per Libertatem Templariorum ha- bendi j Hominem quietum de Communi Affifa in quolibet Burgo; Et Hereberto Tannatori Homini Fratrum Holpitalis j marcam,,per praedi£lam Libertatem. Et in Perdonis per breve Regis Homini infirmo- rum de Lundonia dimidiam marcam, Et debent xix 1 & iij s & vj d. Mag. Rot. 16. H. 2. Rot. I. b. Lumlonia y Midd. fcjr chap. XVII. 0/ T A L L A G E. 767 for the Marriage of Maud K. Henry the Second's Daughter (g). In a Tallage fet upon the King's Demeanes in GlouceJ}crJ]??re, Wuljward X.\\c Fuller was charged with iiij Marks, but had quittance thereof as be- ing the Man of the Templars (/;). Godard who belonged to the Hof- pitalers was difcharged of xIj, Part of a Tallage raifed in the Buroh of Cambridge (/). Roger Bunch was acquitted of xvj Marks Tallage, as being the 'Templars Man refiding in the Town of Hereford (/6). Herbert the Mercer was difcharged of iiij Marks, of the Tallage af- felled on the Town of Bedford , he belonging to the Hofpitalers of Jerufalem (I). K. Henry III, by a clofe Writ of the great Seal, com- manded the Barons of the Exchequer, to caufe the Men or Liberos Hofpites of the Templars refiding in the feveral Cities and Towns of E?igland, to be difcharged of Tallage, as they were formerly wont to be {fn). And John Martin a Liber Hofpes of the Hofpitalers of feru- falcm (g) Idem Vicecomites r c de DC Sc xvlj 1 & xvj s & viij d, de Auxilio Civitatis ad maritandam filiam Regis : In Thefauro D & xiij 1 6c v] s Si viij d : Et in Perdonis per breve Regis, Roberto Blundoxls, Et A4ili- tibus de Templo C s pro Henrico de Caf- fel Homine eorum, Et Fratribus Hofpitalis Liij s & iiij d pro Herberto Tannatore Ho- mine eorum, per Cartam Regis de Quie- tantia unius Hominis fui in Burgo: Et de- bent quater XX & xiiij 1 & xvj s & viljd, Alag. Rot. 14. H. 2. Rot. I. a. Lundon & Midd. (b) De Affifa Dominiorum per Jobannem Cumin & Socios fuos : Wulfvv'ardus Fullo r c de iiij marcis de Done. In Perdonis Mili- tibus de Templo iiij marcas per Libertatem quam habent habendi j hominem quietum de tallagio in quolibet Burgo Reg[is], Et Q; e. Mag. Rot. 20. H. 2. Rot. 3. a. Ghee. (i) Idem Vicecoines r c de xvj 1 de AfTifa Burgi de Cantebrigia, In Thefauro xj 1 & vij s & iiij d, Et in Perdonis Fratribus Hof- pitalis xls de Godardo Homine eorum, per Libertatem habendi unum hominem quie- tum in quolibet Burgo Reg. Et debet Lij s & viij d. Mag. Rot. 20. H. 2. Rot. 5. b. Cantehr. & Hunt. (k) De Placitis Epifcopi Herefordenfis, h Simonis de Patelhelle, k Ricardi de Pech, h Roberti de Hafel. : Idem Vicecomes r c de ij marcis de Tallagio Manerij de Maurdin, Et de XX s de Manerio de Lugwurdin, Et de j marca de Tallagio de Stanford ; In thefauro liberavit in iij tallijs, Et Q; e. 'I'allagium VilL-e de Herefordia : Robertus filius Rohardi r c de xl marcis de tallaoio Civitatis Herefordise. Ailmundusde Here- fordia r c de xxiiij marcis de Dono fuo. Rogerus Bunch r c de xvj marcis de eodem Tallagio ; In Perdonis per Libertatem Cartns Regis Militibus de Templo xvj mar- C£, Et Q. e. Mag. Rot. -j. R. i. Rot. 8. /-. (I) Taillagium faftum per G. de Norwiz & Socios fuos : Homines de Bedeford prae- ter Herebertum Mercerium [debent] viij 1 Sc vij s & iiij d, quorum nomina & debita annotantur in Rotulo quern pradidli libera- verunt in Thefauro. Idem Hercbertus r c de iiij marcis de eodem tallagio. In thefauro nichii, Et in Perdonis Fratribus Hofpitalis Jerufalem iiij marca; de taillagio pra.'dicti Herebcrti, qui Hofpes eorum eft, per breve G. filij Petri. Homines de Aillefbir. quo- rum nomina & debita annotantur in prsedic- to Rotulo r c de vijl & xj s & viij d. In thefauro nichii, Et in Perdonis Radulfo & Henrico qui fuerunt Homines Rogeri le Foliutrier vj s per Libertatem Cartse Regis H, Et debent vij 1 & v s & viij d. Homines de Wicumb quorum nomina & debita an- notantur in prasdifto Rotulo [debent] C & xij s & viij d de eodem taiUagio. Afag. Rot. i.y.Rot.S.L Bed. if Bid. (m) Pro Magiftro Mi]iti.c Templi in 5 C 2 Anc;lia. 74^ Of Tallage. Chap. XVIL faleni was ordered to be quit of the Tallage aflelTed on the Town of Ipfwicb («). Again ; K. Henry 11, by his Charter granted to Roger le Folhitricr, the Liberty of having [two] Men of his, free from Tallage. And accordingly, Ralf and Hcn?-y his Men refiding in Ailef- biry, were difcharged of the Tallage laid upon that Town by G. de Norwiz and his Companions (o). K. John by his Charter granted, that the Monks of the H. Trinity of Norwich, and their Demeane Burgelfes refiding in their Lands, ihould be quit ot Tallage &c (/>). K. He?wy III, granted to the Officers of the Exchange at Canterbury, that they ihould not partake with tlie Citizens in the common Tallages of that City {q). The like Privilege was granted to the Keepers of the Exchange, and the Moneyours of London (r), to the Tinners of Cornwall {s), and to feveral Lords of Manours and Towns [t). K. Henry III, gr;inted, that all thofe who were Cruce Jignati for the Moly Land, at the Time v/hen the laft great Tallage Anglia. Mandatum eft Baronibus de Scac- cario, quod Liberos Hofpites Magiftri hi Fratrum Militias Teinpli in Anglia, in om- nibus Civitatibus & Burgis Regni Regis, quietos efle faciant de Tallagio, ficut effe confueverunt i quia Rex vult, quod prx- di6li Hofpites quieti fint penitus de tallagio prasdidlo, ficut prsediftum eft. CI. 37. H. 3. m. 7. («; Noif. & SufF. Conftat Reg! per In- fpedionem Cartje Regis, quod Prior & Fratres Hofpitalis S. Johannis Jerufalem in Anglia, debent habere in unaquaq: Ci- vitate & Burgo five Villa per totam Ter- ram Regis, unum Hofpitem, liberum & quietum de omnibus confuetudinbus & omnibtis exaftionibus quae a Civibus vi.1 Burgenfibus exiguntur : Et ideo Rex man- dat, quod fi Johannes Martin fit Liber Hofpes eorundeni Prioris & Fratrum in in Gepwyco, tunc de demanda quam ei fa- ciunt de Tallagio, ei pacem habere per- mittant &c. Mich. Communia 52. incip. 53. H. 3 Ret. 4. a. ((jj Hie paulo fupra, ad aim. i. R. 'Joh. \p) Pro Priore S. Trinitatis Norwyci. The faiil Charter of K. John is here recited. Mich. Commun. 5. E. 2. Rot. 21. b. (g) Rex mandat Ballivis Civita is Can- tuaria-', quod conceffit Mmiftris Cambij, quod ipfi non debeant pai titipare cum eis in communibus tallagijs preediclae Civitatis. Et ideo praecipit Rex ficut alias, quod de demanda quam fociunt Henrico Clerico & alijs Miniftris de praediiflo Cainbio, de prae- diflis tallagijs, pacem &c ; Et averia & ca- talla 5cc. Et Baillivi &c fint ad Scacca- rium Sic, a die Pafcha; m xv dies, ad au- diendum Judicium fuum de hoc quod di(- tringunt prsediitum Magiftrum Henricum &c contra praeceptum ^'c. Et habeant breve &c. Ex Hi/. Record. 41. H. 3. Rot. to. a. (r) Baronibus, pro Cuftodibus Cambio- rum, Operarijs, & Monetarijs Civitatum Londonire & Cantuaria?. That they be free from Tallage, according to the Charter of K. E. I. Trin. Brevia 8. E. 2. E.ot. 6. a. (s) Baronibus, pro Stannatoribus Com. Cornubire. That they were to he quit of Tal- lages and Aids. lb. Rot. 36. b yt) De i'aillagio fafto per J. Archidia- conum Wignrnenrem & H. deChaucumbe: Idem Vicecomes debet xiiijs & ij d de TailLigio de Fulbornc ; Sed per Recordum JulHciarij non d.bent exigi, Q^iia Domi- nus iliius Villse fciiicet Rogerus de Mol- brai habct inde quietantiam. Theri follow the Tallages of the Filiates of VVilburgeiiam, Su luefhee, fi'Iordone, Barenton, Fuclmcre, and others ; with this Aivard agaiy-Jl them all, Sed p^r Recordum Jufticiarij, Domini Vil- larum illai um habuerunt quietantiam. Mag.. Rot. g. J. Rot. 10. a. Cant. U' Hunt. was Chap. XVir. 0/ T A L L A G E. 749 was aflefled, whether they made Peregrination or not, and were once ready to make their Peregrination ; and the Heirs of fuch Cruce Jignati as were dead, lliould have Quittance of the faid Tall.;ge. And by Virtue of that Grant, in the Tallage of the City of London^ Cs were fet-ofF from PVi//iam Adamfon, x Marks from Bernard de dheokef- biria, and other Sums from feveral other Perfons («). So ahb, the King ibmetimes granted to fundry Perfons, that they (liould be free from Tallage during their Life, or during fome other Space of Time, or from paying fome particular Tallage then accru- ing, or otherwife as he thought fit. K. Hairy III, iranted to Mafter yofj/i de G/ouce/Ire, that he the faid yo/jn Hiould for his whole Life-time be free from paying; Tallage or Toll throughout the King's Domi- nions fwK The fame King granted to Wtliiafn de Peteresfeld, to be quit of the next Tallage that fliould be impofed on the Town of Gnldeford [x). The fame King, at the Liftance of the Friers Minours of Northampton, granted to Simon le Mercer, to be quit of Tallage whilfh he was in the Service of the faid Friers (yj. K. Ediaard II, (u) Idem Vlcecomes r c de C s de Wil- lelmo filio Adas de eodem [Taillagio Ci- vitatis Londonia;] ; Et de x marcis de Bernardo de Theokefbiria de eodem, Et de V marcis de Roberto Godchepe de eo- dem, Et de xl s de Willelmo de Cudinton de eodem \_and other Sums due from other Per- fons] : Summa Liiij 1 vj s viij d. In The- i'auro nichil ; Et in Quietancia Cruce figna- torum Liiij 1 vj s viijd, per breve Regis, in quo contiiietur, quod Rex conceffit, quod omnes illi qui Cruce fignati fuerunt tempore quo Magrjum Taillagium fuit aiTi- fum, five iter fuse peregrinationis fecerint five non, & parati fuerint peregrinationem fuam facere ; & quod hsredcs prasdictorum Cruce fignatorum qui mortui funr, habeant quietantiam de prsEdicto taillagio ; & fimi- liter quod omnes illi qui tempore praedifto taillati fuerunt ad duos Iblidos tantum & minus, & hasredes talium qui mortui funt, quieti fint de prasdidlo taillagio fuper eos affifo : Et Quietus eft. /b. juxt. m. i.b. (w) Rex concefFit pro fe & hjeredibus fuis Magiftro Johanni de Glouceftre Caemen- tario fuo, quod toto tempore vitae fuae quie- tus fit de omnimodo Tailagio & Theloneo ubiq; per totam Poteftatem Regis. Et fic mandavit Baronibus per breve fuum quod eft in forulo Marefcalli. Memor. 39. H. 3. Rot. II. a. (at) Baronibus, pro Willelmo de Petref- feld. Cum Rex per Lutcr s I'uas Patciites [conceflerit] eiJejn Willelmo,quoddeprimo Tailagio qutid affideri contingerct fuper Vil- lam de Guldeford, quando Dominica Re- gis per Angliam faceret talliari, quietus elfet, de gracia fpeciali ; nee Dominica prse- diiSa poft conceflioncm illam ufq; nunc talliari fecerit : Rx nolens quod idim Wil- lelmus in inftanti Tailagio conira contef- fionem praedid:ampr2;gravetur,M.indatquod Litteras praedidtas coram eis legi, & ipfum &c afl'cft'o ad prxfens quietum cfie faciant. T.&c. Breve eft in forulo Marefcalli. Mich. Coinmunia 52. /;.'a/i. 53. H. 3. Rot. 2. a. (y) Cum Rex duduni, aJ inftanJam Fra- trum Minorum NorhanuoniK, concefllrit Simoni le Mercer dc N.rhamtonia, quod quietus fit de Tailagio quamdiu fteterit in fervicio Fratrum prcedicTlorum ; Et idem Si- mon diftorum Fratrum adhuc, ut Rex in- telle\it, immoraretur obfequijs : Mandat Baronibus, quod ad inftantiam Fratris Wil- lelmi de la Bataylc, [quatinusj prpefatum Simonem de xl s, fuper ipfum in ultimo Tailagio per Priorem de Wymundehani afleflls, quietum elie faciant. T. &c. Hil. Comrmin. 52 b" 53. //. 3. Rot. 7. a. granted 75° 0/T A L L A G E. Chap. XVII, granted by his Letters Patent to 'John de Triple Citizen of London, that from the 12th Day oi March in the third Year of the King's Reign, he fliould, during his whole Life, be quit of all Tallages, Aids, Watch and Ward, or other Contributions, demandable of him by Reafon of his Lands, Tenements, Rents, or Merchandifes within the City of London ; faving to the King his due and accuftomed Prifes. The Hlce Grant was made to Jolm k Liiter (2), to Simon de Sivanejlond ih.Q King's Merchant o£ London {a), to Juliana Hardel {b), to (%) Cum Rex per Literas fuas Patentes concefTerit Johanni de Triple Civi Civitatis Londoniae,quod ipfe, a duodecimo die Martij anno regno fui tcrtio, toto tempore vitae luE has LiSertates habeat, videlicet quod fit quietus de omnibus Tallagijs, Auxilijs, vigilijs, & contributionrbus quibufcunq; qux ab ipfo ratione teirarum feu tenemen- torum, vel reddituuni fuorum, aut aliarum rerum feu mercandizarum fuwum, infra eandem Civitatem vel extra, per Regem aut hxredes fuos, Ballrvos feu miniftros fuos quofcunq;, exigi poterunt in futurum; fal- vis Regi prifis fuis debitis & confuetis ; Et quod fi bona aliorum Civium Civitatis pras- diiStae, occafione alicujus conceflionis Regi feu haeredibus fuis per Communitatem e- jufdem Civitatis in pofterum faciendse, tax- ari, aut aliquod Tallagium in eifdem bonis aflideri contigerit, propria bona h catalla ipfius Johannis ubicumq; infra diiflam Ci- vitatem exiftentia, occafione conceflionis hujufmodi non taxentur, quamdiu vixerit, nee aliquid inde ad opus Regis vel haeredum fuorum levetur ; prout in Litteris pradiiSlis plenius continetur : Mandat liaronibus, quod ipfum Jbhannem de omnibus Talla- gijs, auxilijs, vigilijs, conceflionibus, & contributionibus quibufcunq;, qux ab ipfo ratione terrarum feu tenementorum, vel reddituum fuorum, aut aliarum rerum feu mercandifarum fuarum infra eandem Civi- tatem vel extra, a praEdi6to duodecimo die Marcij anno regni Regis tertio, per fum- monitionem Scaccarij exiguntur, &ad Scac- carium exonerari h quietum efle faciant. T, Rege apud Kyngefclipfton, fecundo die Novembris anno nono. Mich. Brevia 9. E. 2. Rot. 19. a. The bke Grant from K. Edward I, to John le Luter Citizen of London, to the Words prifis debitis & confuetis ; Et quod in ea- dem Civitate non ponatur in aflifis, juratis, aut recognitionibus aliquibus, & etiam quod non fiat Major, Vicecomes, Efcaetor, Co- ronator, Praspofitus, Aldermannus, feu alius Minifter ibidem, contra voluntatem fuam; quas quidam Literas Rex per Literas fuas confirmavit. JVith the fame Mandate to the Barons as in John de Triple's Patent., and Tefte as there. Mich. Brevia 9. E. 2. Rot. 21. a. (a) Cum Rex nupcr, antequam dedilTet poteftatem aliquibus Praelatis, Comitibus, & Baronibus regni fui, ad difponendum de Statu ejufdem regni, concefTerit Simoni de Swaneflond Mercatori fuo Londonice, quod ipfe ad totam vitam banc habeat Libertatcm, videlicet quod quietus fit de omnibus prifis, tallagijs, auxilijs, vigilijs, & contributioni- bus quibufcumq; tarn in Civitate Regis Londonias quam alibi infra regnum fuum ; Salvis Regi & hceredibus fuis prifis fuis de- bitis & confuetis ; Et quod idem Simon in Civitate Regis prasdifta vel alibi, non fiat Major, Vicecomes, Coronator, Aldreman- nus, vtl alius Miniiler Regis, contra vo- luntatem fuam ; nee ponatur in aflifis, ju- ratis, feu recognitionibus aliquibus ; prout in Liteiis Regis patentibus eidem Simoni inde confedtis plenius continetur : Rex mandat Baronibus, quod ipfum Simonem, contra tenoreni litcrarum Regis prsdicla- rum, non moleftent in aliquo feu gravent. T. R. apud Ebor. v die Julij anno xij. Trin. Brevia 12. E. 2. Rot. 117. a. (b) Rex concfflit Juliinae Hardel., quod toto tempore vitae lUX quieta fit de contri- butione viginti milium marcarum, per quas Cives Londojiia; finetn fecerunt cum Rege I pro Chap. XVIL 0/ Tallage. 751 to 'John Vamie and t\^^o other Merchants (c), to IVilliam Trent, the King's Butler {d), and to others. VIII. As the King had Tallage of his Demeane-men, io fome fubordinate or private Lords had Tallage of theirs. If I am not miftaken, molt of thefe latter Tallages were alfo Seigneurial. I can- not here give a Hiflory of this Matter. But I find by ancient Re- cords, that many of the Lands which were talliable to private Lords, were fuch as at one Time or other moved from the King, and were wont to be tallaged to him, whilil they were vefted in the Crown. As, when the King granted to a Subjedl a Demeane-Manour or Town, together with the Homages, Aids, Tallages, and other Pro- fits thereof, to hold to the Grantee and iiis Heirs : in fuch Cafe, the Grantee and his Heirs had Power to Tallage the Men of fuch Manour or Town to their own Ufe, when the King tallaged his Deamcanes and Manours throughout England, but not otherwife or at other Times. But fuch inferiour Lord could not rightfully raife Tallage oftner or in other Manner than the King raifed Tallage upon his own De- meanes. For the Tenants were not by the King's Grant tallageable to the private Lord in any other Manner, than they would have been to the King if the Seigneury had flill refted in the Crown. And when fuch private Lord went to raife Tallage, he ufed to have a Writ {^de habendo rationabili tallagio) to the Sheriff of the County ta raife the fame. This I think was the ufual Method in the Reigns of KK. Henry III and Edward 1. Some Inftances muft be produced in Relation to thefe Matters. K. Henry III, granted to the Bifhop of Sa/ijbiiry and his Succeffors, that for the prcffing Occafions of them and their Church, they might take a Tallage or reafonable Aid of their Citizens of Salljbury, at fuch Times as the King or his Heirs tallaged their Demaines {e). King Henry III, when he tallaged his Domains throughout England, fent a Writ to the Sheriff of Buking- hamfcire, commanding him to f vy a Tallage, for the Ufe of Job?! Fitz-Geoffrey, upon the Men of Aikjbury ; which Town John held of the King at Fee-farm (JJ. The like Writs mutatis mutandis, were awarded pro bona voluntate fua habenda, & de om- & SuccefToribus fuis, quod pro neceffitati- nibus tallagijs, prifis, praeftitis, redtmpti- bus fuis & Ecclefia^ fux tallygiuni vel ra- onibus &c. Ex Memorand. 55. H. 3. Rot. tionabile auxilium capiant de pisedidis Ci- e. b. vibus fuis, quaado nos vcl haercdes noftri [c) Tr'in. Brevia 8. E. 2. Rot. 15. a. talhigiutn faciemus in Dominicis noftris. In \cl) Tefte Rege apud CHpfti'ii x" die No- Cl?a>t. Hen. 3. dt.t. 30. die Jan. anno regni vembris annonono. Mich. Brevia. 9. E. 2. 11° per Infpex. Pat. i. E. 4. p. b. m. 12. Rot. 21. b. (f) Qiiia Rex Dominica fua per totum (e) Concedimus infuper eidem Epifcopo Regnuin 75 0/T A L L A G E. Chap. XVII. awarded to tlie Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, for John He Burgh (g) ; and to the Sheriff of Torkjhire for Prince Edward {h). A Writ was alfo awarded to the Barons of the Exchequer, for the fame Purpofe, on Behalf of Jo/jn de Britannia [i). Geoffrey de Lezinati claimed Tallage of the Tenants of the Manour of Hengham (which was of the ancient Demeane of the Crown) (/^). Thomas de Brotherton Earl of Norfolk had the Tallages of his Tenants of the Manour of Bofeham, at the Time when the King tallaged his Demeanes fl). Ihe 1 Regnum fuum talliari fecit, Mantlatum eft Vicecomiti Buk., quoJ de hominibus Villae de Aileftir., quam Johannes filius Galfridi tenet de Rege ad feodi firmam, taillagium rationabile eidem Johanni habere faciat. T. Rege apud Grimefton xix die Decembris. CI. 14. H. 3. m. 20. (g) Pro Johanne de Burgo. Quia Rex talliari fecit Dominica fua per Angliam, Mandatum eft Vicecomiti Norfolciae & SufF. , quod Johanni de Burgo habere faciat rationabile tnllagium de hominibus fuis de CO tenentibus in Manerijs de Cauftun & Sutherton, fi aliquando fuerit Dominicum Regis vel prsdeceflbrum fuorum Regum "Angliae, & talliari confueverint. T. &c. CI. 36. H. 3. m. 4. (/;) Pro Eduuardo filio Regis. Quia Rex talliari fecit Dominica fua per Angliam, mandatum eft Vicecomiti Ebor. , quod fi Manerium de Tikehill cum pertinentijs fuerit antiquum dominicum Regis, & talliari confueverit, tunc Eduuardo filio Regis de tenentibus fuis in eodem Manerio rationa- bile tallagium habere faciat. T. Rege apud Wintciniam xxj die Junij. CI. 37. H. 3. m. 8. (i) The King granted io John de Britannia reajonahle Tallage of the Tenants of the Ma- nours which are ancient Dcmcune of the Crown, and which were John de Balliol's. So the King conmiaiids the Barons of the Exchequer., to caufe John de Britannia to have the Tallage fet by Lambert de Thrikingham and Thomas de Kurnliam upon the Tenants in Thorkefey, aud the half hundred of Ludingland, which were ancient Demeane. Paf. Brevia 34. E. I. Rot. 2g. a, [k) Baronibus, pro Rogero de Flotthorp & Ricardo de Erandcm Euftachio . . & Ni- cholao de Kyneburle, Rex mandat,quodipfi I monftraverunt Regi quod tallagiohominiim Manerij de Hengham, quod eft de Domiiii- co Regis, contribuere non debeant, & ipfi &eorum praedecefibres nunquam hujufmodi tallagijs fuper homines Manerij prae i6ti affefTis contribuere confueverunt : Gaitiidus de Lezinan cui Manerium prasdiiturn Rex conccflit, praetextu cujufdam brevis Regis Vicecomiti Regis Norfolciae direcEli, dc ha- bendo rationabili tallagio fuo de homini- bus Manerij praedifti, a prasfatis Roo;ero, Ricardo, Euftacio & Barthulomaso hujuf- modi tallagium exigit minus jufte. Et ideo mandat &c. T. &c. Trin. Comnmnia 52. ^ 53. H. 3. Rot 12. a. (I) Cum nuper, pro eo quod Rex Do- minica fua per Angliam fecit talliari, man- daverit Vicecomiti Sufl'exiae, quod fi Mane- rium de Bofeham aliquando fuerit Domini- cum fuum vel Progenitorum Regis quondam Regum Angliae, & confueverit talliari ; Tunc Thomae de Brotherton Comiti Nor- folciae, de Tenentibus fuis in Manerio prs- difto rationabile Tallagium fuum habere fa- ceret, ficut alias fieri confuevit ; Ac jam ex parte ipfius Comitis Regi fit datum in- telligi, quod licet praefatus Vicecomes, vir- tute ManJati Regis prjediiti, praefato Co- miti Tallagium fuum de Tenentibus fuis prasdiftis habere fecerit: Tct becai/fe the Af- feffars of the King's Tallage in that Count r, had before afj'effed the faid Tenants to that Tallage., and had delivered in at the Exchequer their Rolls of the Tenants Names, and of the Tallage affiffi'd upon them, the Barons clemar.ded the Tallage of them by Summons of the Exchequer to the King's UJe ; The King com/nands the Barons, quod fi eis conftare poilit, ipfuni Manerium Dominicum Regis feu Progeni- torum fuorum extitifle, & temporibus qui- bus Chap. XVII. Of Tallage, 753 The Abbat oi Cirencejlcr claimed to iiave the Tallages of Iiis Tenants of the Manour of Cirencejier (which was of the ancient Demcanc of the Crown) when the King and his Anceflours levyed a Tallage up- on the Tenants of their Demeanes (;«). The Priorefs of Aumbref- Imry alledged [in her Petition to the King] that the Manour of Melkcjham was ancient Demeane of the Crown of England, that flie held it by Charters of the King's Progenitours in Frankalmoigne, that whenfoever the Men of the faid Manour were tallaged they ought to be tallaged by the Sheriff of Wiltjlnre, and their Tallages be levied for the Ufe of the Priorefs by her own Bailiffs, that ever fince the making of the faid Charters, the Tallages of the faid Men were wont to be affeffed and levied in that Manner to the Ufe of the Priourefs of that Houfe, and that the Affeffors of the King's Tallage in WihJJnre had lately affeffed Tallage upon the faid Men, intending to levy it to the King's Ufe. Hereupon the King commands the Barons to fearch the Rolls and Memoranda of his Exchequer, and if they found the Cafe to be as the Priourefs bad fet-forth, to caufe the faid Affeffours to forbear affeffing the faid Tallage to the King's Ufe, and to let the fame be affeffed by the faid Sheriff and be levied to the Ufe of the Priorefs by her own Bailiffs /Oz^. K. Edward \, when he caufed bus difli Progenitores Regis Dominica fua per Angliam talliare confueverunt, talliatum fuifle ; Tunc ipfos Tenentes de Tallagio fuper ipfos, ut prasdidtum eft, per didlos Afl'eflbres afleflb, addidlum Scaccarium ex- onerari li quietos elTe faciant ; ipfum Co- mitem Tallagium fuum de Tenentibus fuis prjedidHs, prout juftuni fuerit, htbere per- mittentes. T. Rege apud Clipfton Regis, duodecimo die Novembris anno nono. Mich. Brivia a. E. 2. Rot. 2i. a. [m) Ex parte Abbatis de Cirenceftria P.e- gi eft oftenfum, quod cum ipfe Maneiium de Cirenceftria, quod eft de Antique Do- minico Coronae Anglias, & de IVlynty, quod eft Membrum ejufdem Manerij, in Comi- tatu Glouceftriae, per Cartani Celebris me- nioris Domini Ricardi quondam Regis Anglise Progenitoris Regis nunc, teneat pro triginta libris Regi ad Scaccarium redden- dis, pro omnibus Servicijs annuatim: Et idem Abbas & prasdecellbres fui Abbates ejufdem loci, prsedidla Manerium & Mem- brum tenentes, a tempore confeflionis Car- tx praedicix hucufq; tallagium fuper tenen- tes fuos in Manerio & Membro praididis Vol. I. alTidere, & ad opus proprium levare confue- verint, quociens Rex h ProgenitcMvs fui tal- lagium fuper tenentes fuos in Dominicis Regis afTiderc, & ad opus fuum levare fece- rint : The King commands, that the De- mand of Tallage made on the Abbot for the Kings Ufe Jlwuld ccafe, till it be difcujfed in the Exchequer utrum ad Regem vel ad praedic- tum Abbatem, Tallagium hujufmodi de tenentibus prjediiRis de jure debeat per- tint-re. R. apud Weftm. fcptimo die Maij anno nono. Paf. Brevia g. E, 2. Rot. 38. h. (n) Ex parte Prioriflas de Aurnbrefbury Regi eft oftenfum, quod cum Homines ds Manerio de Melkcfliam in Coinitatu Wyl- tefiac, quod eft deatuiqtio Dominico Coro- na Anglize, & quod ipfa Priorilli, per car- tas progenitorum Regis quondam Regum Angliae, tenet in libcram &: perpetuam cle- mofmam, per Vicccomitem Comitatus pra?- diifli talliari, & talliagia eorundem ad opus ij)fius Prioriflae per Ballivos fuos propiios levari dcbeant, quocienfcunq; homines de Dominico pra-diiflo talliari contirerint ; Hominefq; de Manerio praediclo, a tempore 5 D con- Of Tallage. Cliap. XVlL 754 caufed his Demeanes throughout £«^/^;z^ to be tallaged, granted to the great Men of the Reahn, that they fliould have the hke Tallage of their Tenants of fuch Manours as were formerly ancient I>eraeane of the Crown : and by his Writ commanded the Sheriff of Dorfet- Jl.iire, that if the Manour of Fordington was ancient Demeane and was formerly wont to be tallaged, then he Ihould caufe Margaret late Wife of Edmimd Earl of Coriiioall to have the Tallage of that Manour, which flie then held in Dower (o). The hmt King caufed his De- meanes throughout England to be tallaged, and granted to the great Men of the Realm that they might raife a reafonable Tallage upon fuch of the faid Demeanes as were in their Hands, and which were heretofore wont to be tallaged (p). K. Edward II, by Privy Seal commanded confeftionis cartarutn prsedidarum femper haftenus, ut praedidlum eft, talliari, & tal- liagia eorundem ad opus Prioriffse Loci piJE- didii qux pro tempore fuit, levari confue- verint : Afleflbres tallagij Regis in Comi- tatu prasdido, tallagium fuper homines de Manerio prasdido jam de novo affede- runt, & iilud ab eis levare intendunt ad opus Regis, minus jufte, in ipfius Prioriffae dampnum non modicum, & contra tenorem cartarum pra;di£tarum, ac confuetudinem praedidtam : Rex eidem Prioriffae injuria- ri nolens in hac parte, mandat Baroni- Ijus, quod infpeftis Rotulis & Memo- randis Scaccarij praedi£li, fi eis conftare po- rcrit, Homines de Manerio prsedido per Vi- cecomitem praedidum talliari, & tallagia eorundem ad opus Prioriffae loci prasdifti qui pro tempore fuit per ballivos fuos proprios levari, ficut praadidlum eft. Tunc affeffores praedidlos de tallagio hujufmodi fuper homi- nes de Manerio prasdido affidendo, & de eodem tallagio ad opus Regis levando fu- perfedere faciant ; Eofdem homines per Vicecomitem praediftum talliari, ac talliagia eorundem ad opus Prasfatae Prioriffas per ballivos fuos levari permittant; & ea ei ad diftum Scaccarium allocari faciant, prout retroaftis temporibus in confimilibus talla- gijs fieri confuevit. T. Rege apud Wynde- fore, X" die Julij anno decimo. Trhi.Brcvia 9. Ediv. 2. Rot. 59. a. (0) Cum Celebris memoriae Dominus E. quondam Rex Angliae pater Regis nunc, tempore quo ultimo Dominica fua per Ang- Ifam fecit talliari, concefferit Magnatibus de Regno Regis hujufmodi tallagium ha- bendum de Tcnentibus fuis in Manerijs fuis quae funt de Antiquo Dominico Corona Angliae, & tunc temporis praecepit Vice- comiti Dorfetae, quod fi Manerium de For- dington effet Antiquum Dominicum difti Patris Regis, & antea confueviffet talliari, tunc Margaretam quae fuit uxor Edmundi quondam Comitis Cornubias hujufinodi tal- lagium habere faceret in Manerio antedido, quod eadem Margareta tunc tenuit in Do- tem & adhuc tenet, ficut per infpeiPnonem Rotulorum Cancellarias ipfius Patris Regis Regi conftat : Ac jam ex parte ipfius Mar- garetas Regi fit oftenfum, quod vos [^the Barons of the Exchequer'^ Tallagium iliudde Tenentibus ejufdem Margaretae in dido Manerio, ac fi idem Manerium in manu didi Patris Regis tunc fuiffet, per fummo- nicionem didi Scaccarij ad opus Regis exi- gi, & tenentes fuos in eodem Manerio ea occafione graviterdiftringi facitis : Hereupon the King commands the Barons, that if they found the Cafe to be fo, they Jhould firceafe the faid Demand ?nade for the King. T. Rege apud Langele xvij die Junij anno regni (e- cundo. T'rin. Brevia 2. E. 2. Rot. 82. a. (p) Baronibus, pro Priore de Novo loco in Shyrewode. Cum Rex Dominica fua per Angliam nuper fecerit talliari, & infuper concefferit Magnatibus Regni, quod ipfi de hujufmodi Dominicis quje tencnt, & quae hadenus talliari confueverint, rationabile talliagium haberentj 6c Rex Vicecomiti Notinghamiaa. I Chap. XVII. Of T A L L A G E. lyb commanded the Barons, to let Ifabcl late Wife of "John de Rajlyngcs have the Tallages of her Tenants of the Manour oi Brciwpton (being ancient Demeane of the Crown) as the faid 'John and his Anceftours had from the Time of K. John till now, viz. at fuch Times as the King's Anceftours caufed their ancient Dcmeanes and the Burghs to be tallaged (q). It being found by Inquifition taken by the Sherift" .of Ghuccjier, that the Manour of Cherlcton, which was granted by K. He7iry II, to Walter de Effekga, was never, from the Time of that Grant, wont to be tallaged to the Crown, when the Crown tallaged their Demeanes : K. Henry III, by his Writ, commanded the Barons of the Exchequer, to acquit Mabel Revel Heirefs of the faid Walter., and her Men of the faid Manour, of the Tallage lately affeflcd upon them for the King's Ufe (r). The Rolls of the Exchequer were •fearched, and an Inquilition was taken by Virtue of the King's Notinghamiag plurles praeceperit, quod fi Maneria de Waltringham Mifterton & Pa- pewyk aliquando fuerint antiqua Dominica Regis vel Progenitorum fuoruin quondam Regum Anglias, & haftenus confueverint talliari, Tunc Priori de Novo Loco in Sliirwode, de tenentibus fuis in Manerijs prsedidtis rationaiiile talliagium habere fa- ceret &c. Ex Paf. Memor. 34.. E. I. Hot. 29. a. inter Brevia. [q) Edward par la grace de Dieu &c. For ce qe noftre bien amee Ifabelle que feut la femme Johan de Haftynges, nous ad fait entendantz, qe ja folt ce qe le dit Johan & fes aunceftres, tenantz le Manoir de Brampton en Countez de Notingham, qeft del auncyene demeyne de noftre Corone, du temps le Roi Johan noftre aunceftre encea, es temps qant noz aunceftres ount fait taillier lour auncyenes demeyncs & Bourghs, eyent eu les taillages des tenantz du Manoir avantdit ; Nepur- canl nolire Vifconte de Huntyngdon, par inandemcnc qe lui eft venuzde noilredit Ef- chcker, demandc de lui & de fes tenantz de ineifme le Manoir qeft en fa meyn, xv 1 ij s iij d ob. q. por le taillage qe nous feifraes aifeer en noz auncyenes demeynes & Bourghs, en Ian de noftre [regno] lifme, & les deftreynt & greve par cele enchefon ; fur quoy elle nous ad priez de remedie : Et por ce qe nous ne voloms qe la dite Ifabelle ne fes tenantz du dit Manoir, loieat grevez ,5 contre refon en cele partie, Vous mandoms, qe fercheez les roulles & autres remem- brances du dit Efchekier des temps dc noz aunceftres, touchaunrs tieux taillages, fi vous troefl'es qe les aunceftres le dit Johan & il eyent eu les taillages des tenantz du dit Manoir, ficome avant eft dit, adonqes par bref de noftre Efcheker, facez mander au dit Vifconte, qil furfefle de cele demande du tot, & foeftrez la dite Ifabelle, ficome fair deit par refon, & ficome le dit Johan & fes aunceftres les ount eu refnablement es temps avantditz ; & fil y eyt nule difficulte, nous certifiez pleynement fouz le feal de noftre dit Efchekier. Donne fouz noftre Prive feal a Novel lieu en Shirewode, le xxix jour Doiflobre Ian ix. Mich. Brevia 9. E. 2. Rot. i8. a. (r) Baronibus, pro Mabilia Revel. Rex eifdem ; Quia accepimus per Inquifitionem quam fieri fecimus a Vicccomite noftro Glouccftri-e, quod Manerium de Cherlcton, quod Walterus de Eflelega habuit de Dono H. quondam Regis Anglic Avi noftri, nuii- quam poftea talliari confuevit, quando Prse- decefiTores noftri Reges Angliae & nos talliari fecimus dominica noftra : Vobis manda- mus, quod Mabiliam Rivel hoer^dem ejuf- deni Walter!, & homines fuos do Cherlc- ton, de Tr.llagio affifo i'up.-r Manerium il- lud quietos eii'e faciatis. Breve eft in forulo Mar. £t Mandatum eft V'icecomiti. Mich. Corranufiia. 31. H. 3. /?'//. 2. a. D 2 Writ, 756 0/ T A L L A G E. - Cliap. XVIP. Writ, on behalf of the Abbot of St. James without Northampton, to difcover, whether the faid Abbot was wont in Times paft, to be tal- laged for the Rents which he received of his Men in the Town of Northampton. Hereupon the King commands the Barons of the Ex- chequer, that if they found, that the faid Abbot and his Predecef- fours were not wont to be tallaged for the faid Rents, then they fhould difcharge him [the Abbot] of tv/elve Marks and a Half,. Tallage af- fefled upon him by Richard de Shyrebtir?i (j). As the King had divers Ways of raifing Money upon his Demeane- men -, fo inferior Lords (if I have obferved right j dealt with their Demeane-mcn after the like Manner. It is tiaie, the Tallages and Duties paid to the King by his Demeane-men in feveral Ages, do readily fall under the Notice of inquifitive Perfons ; the fame being entered in public Records, and efpecially in the Revenue-rolls ; by which Means alfo, they appear to have been frequent and numerous. Whereas the Tallages and Duties formerly rendered to inferiour Lords by their Demeane-men are not eafily difcovered by us at this Day; the fame having in great Meafure palled under Privacy and Silence : fave that they are fometimes difclofed in Pleas moved be- tween fuch Lords and their Men, and likewife in the King's Revenue- rolls when the Seigneuries of thofe Lords happened to come into the King's Hands by Efcheat, Vacancy, or Wardship. But one would be apt to think, the private Lords were wont to treat their talliable Men with greater feverity than the King treated his. For fometimes the Men claimed by inferior Lords, have chofen to be talliable to the King rather than to fuch Lords ; and accordingly, have come to the King's Court, and alledged there, that they were talliable to the King and not otherwife. For Example ; In the 27th Year of K. Henry III, the Men of Staunford came and acknowledged before the Barons of the Exchequer, that the King ought to have the Tallage of Staunford as he had from his Demeanes, and that he and no other Lord ought to tallage them (/). In the Reign of K. Ed- is) Baronibus, pro Abbate S. Jacobi extra batem de xij marcis & dimidia fuper ipfum Norhamton. Rex mandat, quod Scriitatis afieffis de Tallagio per Ricardum de Shyre- Rotulis Scaccarij fui, h infpedo tenore in- burn quietum efle faciant. Paf. Commuiiia Huifitionis quamdudum fieri mandavit, u- 52^53. H. 3. Rot. 11. a. trum Abbas praedidlus unquam tcmporibus (t) Memorandum quod Homines de retroa£lis tailiari confueverit, pro redditibus Staunford recognoverunt coram Boronibus quos percepit de hominibus fuis in Villa iiij" die Marcij, quod Dominus Rex debet Norhamtonia;, fi iiivenerint quod prasfatus habere Tallagium de Staunford ficut de Abbas vel Pn-edeceffores fui, pro hujufmodi Dominicis fuis, h ipfe debet eos talliare & redditibus quos perceperunt vel percipiunt nullus alius. Hil, Commun, 27. H, 3. Rot. talliari non confueverint, Tunc ipfum Ab- 8. b. ivard Cfiap. XVII. O/Tallage. 757 icard I, the Men of Kwg's Ripton came and alledged before the Treafurer and Barons of the Exchequer, that their Town is ancient Demeane of the Crown of England; that they and their Anceftours were never wont to be tallaged except only to the King's Ufc, when the King caufed the Cities, Burghs, and Demeanes to be tallaged ; that neverthelefs the Abbot of Ramjly had lately caufed a Tallage to be affefled on them, and greatly difquieted them by Means thereof. The Abbot was commanded to appear at the Exchequer in the Odlave of St. Hilary, to I'liew how he claimeth to hold the faid Town, and to have Tallage of them. The Abbot came and pleaded, that he held the fliid Town at Fee-ferm by Virtue of a Charter made by K. Henry I, to Abbot Walter one of his Predeceffours. And fhewed-forth the Charter. The Men of King's Ripton reply, that they were never tallaged to the Ufe of any Abbot of Ratnfey, and that therefore the prelent Abbot ought not to have of them any Tallage, but that if any be affeffed upon them and levied^ the fame ought to be to the King's Ufe. The Parties were adjourned to the next Eafter-Term, and then to Michaelmafs-Term. Search was made in the King's Rolls. And it was found ia the Great Roll of the 7th Year of K. Henry III, that amongft the Manours tallaged in the Counties of Cambridge and Huntendony an Account was rendered of XX J- for the Talluge of the Town of Ripton, which xx s was paid into the Receipt. At the Quinzime of St. Michael the Abbot ap- peared by his Attorney. And the Men of Ripton made Default. The Barons would not at prefent give Judgment in the Cafe, becaufe the Treafurer was then abfent. But adjourned the Abbot to the Odaves oi St. Hilary (n). The Burgeffes of St. Alban, as it feems, chofe ra- ther (;/) Hunt. Homines Regis de Kinges Rip- Et Abbas venit per Attornatum, & dicit ton nuper venientes hie, monftrarunt The- fe tenere Villam praedic de Belveher, h de Walingford, h de Hert- ford, & de Hethfeld, & de Bello loco, cum ecclefijs, terris, & homagljs, redditibus, & omnibus rebus ad eafdem cellas pertinenti- bus. Chap. XVII. Of T A L L A G'E. 761 oufy to K. Henry II. In that Letter he alledgeth, that the Prioiiry did not hold their Poflefhons of the Archbilhop of Canterbury , but of tus, & villam Sancli Albani, cum foro & onini libertatequam Burgus debet habere, hi villam de Watford cum foro &c. Hrec omnia concedimus Deo & ecclefiK St. Al- hani — , ut habcant fuper omnes terras fuas, & fuper omnes homines fuos ubicumq; fint intra burgum & extra, in tantum hi, tarn .pieniter licut proprij miniftri noftri exqui- rere deberent ad opii? noftrum. — Teftibus — .Data xiij die Novembris anno regni nof- tri decimo. Rot. Cart. 29. E. i. nu. 21. per Iiifpcximus. And Pope HonoriusIII. confirm- ed to the Abbey of St. Alban all their PoJJeJpoiis, thusy videlicet Monafterium ipfum beati Albani cum villa tota, ecclefiam beati Petri &c. Data Laterani x kal. Marcij A. D. 1 21 8. Mon. Jiigl. P. I. p. 179. K. Henry III, in the 38//; Tear of his Reign, caifed two Letters Patent of one and the Jame Tenour to he made to the Abbey of St. Alban. They recite that by the Charters of former Kings of England, granted to the Abbots of St. Al- ban, the Men of the faid Abbot ought not to come out of the faid Abbot's Liberties, upon any Summonce or Occafion, before any fujiices or Inquifttours : And therefore the King thereby re- mitted to the faid Abbot one Hundred Pounds, an Amerciament fet upon the Town of St. Al- ban and the Liberty thereof, for that the Men ef the faid Liberty did not come before Henry de MaraaW William de Wilton at Ceftre- hunt, which is out of the faid Liberty, to make Itiquifitions concerning a Trefpafs of the Cam- bium, and to amerce the Trejpajfers of the faid Cambium : And the King afo thereby remitted to the faid Abbot two Marks and a half, at which Summ Nicolas Ic Efpecer, Alexander Stoile, William de Sanrige, and Reginald the Goldfmith ; Men of the faid Abbot'of his faid Liberty, were atnerccd before the faidWtnry iind William /or the faid Trefpafs. Tl^ofe Letters Patent happened to be entred in the Clojc- Roll of that Tear, which cccafioned the follow- ing Memorandum to be made in the Patent- Roll : viz. Memorandum quod Abbas de Sanflo Albano habet quietantiam de amer- ciamentis provenientibus de tranfgreflione Cambij, per breve Claufum quod inrotulatur in Rotulo Claufarum, apud Windefore xvj Vol. I. die Maij ; & poflca per ilUu! breve Claufum habuit idem Abbas breve patens ; & idee hie non fiiit inrotulatum. Rot. Pat. 38. H. 3. r.-i. I . The Letters Patent iccre of this Tenour, to wit : Qiiia conflat Regi per infpeiSionem Cartarum praedeccfibrum Regis Return An- glia;, quas Abbas SanJti Albani babet, quod homines ipfius ALbatis venire non debent extra Libertatcm ejufdcm Abbaiis, pro aliqua Summonitione vcl occafione, corarrt aliquibus Jufticiarijs vel Inquifitoribus : Rex rcmifit eidem Abbali Centum Libras, ad quas Villata & Libertas Sanctl Albani amerciatae fucrunt, eo quod non vcnerunt coram H. de Mara & Willelmo de Wilton apud Ceftrefhunt, quae eft; extra Libcrtatem prasdiiflam, ad faciendum Inquifitiones de tranfgreflione Cainbij, & ad ainerciandum tranlgreflbres ejufdeni Cambii, & etiamduas marcas & dimidiam ad quas Nicholaus Ic Efpecer, Alexander Stoyle, Willelmus de Sandrig, & Reginaldus Aurifabcr, homines ipfius Abbatis de Libertate prasJiita, amer- ciati fuerunt coram praediclis Henrico & Willelmo pro iranfgrelTione pradicla. Et mandatum eft Baronibus de Scaccario, quod Villatam h Libertatem prsdi6lam de prae- di£tis Centum libris, Scprasdiftos Nicholaum Alexandrum Willelmum & Reginaldum, de prxdiftis duabus marcis & dimidia quietos effe faciant, per Libertatem prasdiiSi Abbatis. Tcftibus A. Regina, & R. Comitc Cornu- bias, apud Windefhorc xvj die Maij. per Concilium Regis. Poftea habuit idem Ab- bas inde Literas Patcntes per eadem Verba, apud Weftm. xiij die Odobr. Rot. Claus. 38. //. 3. tn. 7. This lajl Patent dated the 1 -ijih Day of Oilobcr is alfo enrolled by Lifpcx- imns, in Trin, Memor. 11, Ediv. 3. Rot. 13. The Reader will, no doubt, readily difccrn the true State cf this Matter. The Confirmation, and the Grant of Franchifes in ihefe Cafes, are made to the Abbot as Lord of the Town. There arc many parallel Injlanccs to be fecn of Grants ?nade in ancient Times to the Lords of other Towns : wherein the King granted to the Lord of fuch a Town, that his Men of that Town JlKuld have and eti'joy Jueh or fuch a Franchife : irbich Franchife was for the Imprwemcnt of 5 E the 762 Of Tallage. Chap. XVIL of the King in Capite, like as the Archbiiliop himfelf held (y). He flieth for Refuge, from the Archbifhop to the King. Thefe are fome of the Notices relating to Tallage, which the an- cient Records furniHi us withall. In the fucceeding Times, a different Law and Ufage were, as I take it, by Degrees introduced. There is a Piece publifhed by Tothill and Redman fz) amongft the old Statutes the Town like as of a Manour or other EJlate. On the other Part, if a Tovjn luas the King's Town, the grant of a Franchife vjouU have been to the Toxvnfmen thenfelves, or [^as the Phrafe formerly was) to the King's Alen of fuch a Town. At the Time of the Dijfolntion of Monajie- ries, the Town of St. Alban together ivith the Profits of Fairs, Markets, Tolls, tfc. there came to K. Henry VIII. as Parcel of the Pof- fjfions of the Abbot of St. Alban. Fro?n K. Henry VIIJ. the fame dcfcendcdto K. Edward VI; %vho being fei%ed in Fee of the faidTown and Profits, did by his Letters Patent dated the Jith Day of yizj in the feventh Year of his Reign, grant his Inter ejl in the Town of St. Alban to the BurgeJ/es there and ta their Suc- ccffours, in Feeferm ; that is to fay. He made the Town of St. Alban a Body Corporate and Politick in perpetual Succejfion, by the Name of Mayor and Burgeffes, under feveral Regulati- ons ; and granted to the fa id Mayor and Bur- geffes, and their Siicceffours, the [aid Profits and other Franchifes ; They to hold the Premif- fes in free Burgage ; and to render Yearly to the Crown x I as a Fee-ferme, at the Feajl of St. Michael. Concedimus l^faith the Patent) quod didta villa Sanfli Albani in diflo Co- mitatu noftro Hertfordis decaetero fit & erit Liber Burgus corporatus ; ac quod di(3i Major & Burgeni'es fint una Communitas & unum corpus corporatum & politicum — : Habendum to the Mayor and Burgeffes, and their Succefours imperpetuum : Tenendum de nobis haredibus & fucceflbribus noftris, per fidclitatem tantum, in libero Burgagio tlidli Burgi Sanfti Albani, pro omnibus fer- vicijs & demandis, & non in Gapite : Ac reddendo annuaiim nobis hersdibus & fucceflbribus noftris decern libras nomine fcodi-firnia; legalis monet.-E Angliae, ad Curiam noftrain augmentationum & reven- tio.ium CoronsnoftrjE ad feftum S. Michar elis tantum. Ex. i. parte Orig. 7 Edxv. 6, Rot. 32. In Relation to the Tenure of the Town of St. Alban, I think the true State of the Caje was this. JVhen a Town ivas committed, by the Lord of it, to the Men or Burgeffes at Ferm ; then they might be faid to Hold their Town. Otherwife [to fpeak properly) they were Holden. The Town of St. Alban ivas granted to the Abbey of St. Alban, by one of the ancient Kings of England : Tl:)e Abbot and Convent held the Town in Capite or immediately of the King \_in Burgage'}, as Par cell of the Endow- ment of the Abbey ; and they held the Toiun or Burgeffes in Demeane, or [if you pleafe) the Burgeffes were the Demeane-Mcn of the Abbey. So it ivas alfo in the Cafe of the City of New Sarum. That City was granted to the BiJJmp of Sarisbury, by one of the antient Kings of England, as Parcel of the Temporalities of the Bijhoprick «/" -Sarisbury. What then? the Bijliop held the City of the King in Capite ; and the Citizens were the Bifiiop's Dcmeane- Mcn ; — & quod difta tenemcnta funt par- cella Civitatis Novas Sarum, qua quidem Civitas de nobis tenetur in Capite ut par- cella temporalium cpifcopatus prsdiiSi, ex dono hi conceffione progenitorum noftro- rum quondam Regum Anglias fafta — . In charta R. Hen. 3. data xx die cdtobris anno regni xliiij, per hfpex. in Rot. Chart. 15. Ric. 2. «. 5. (y) Sotnners Gavelk. append, p. 211. ciiat. hie cap. \o. fe£l. 3. (%) Tot. Statt. vctt. P. 2./. 36. b. 37. a. Rcchn. Statt. vett. P. 2. f. 37. b. Sir Edivard Coke, 2 Irjlit. p. 532. refers this Statute [if it be one) to the 34//; Year of K. Edward I : Concerning which and other Matters, the Rea- der may pleafe to corfult Mr. Prynn, Hiji. of Papal TJfurpations, temp. Ediv, I. p. 742, 743. 747.- under Chap. XVII. Of Tallage. 763 under the Title, Statiitwn de TaUagio non concedendo. It confifts of four fliort Claufes. It begins Nullum tallagiian, and ends Jint iinper- petuiim. But in Regard I cannot as yet find this Statute (if it be one) in any Roll or Record, I fliall forbear to take further Notice of it here. IX. Tallage was paid in Normandy (asitfeems) in like Manner as it Was in England. K. 'John, anno Regni 2°, granted to Robert de Lijieux and his Heirs, Quittance or Freedom from Tallage, with other Immu- nities mentioned in the Charter hereunder cited j and granted and confirmed to him the Land which was Adam TanBins at Caen and ellcwhere, as entirely as Adam held the fame at the Time when he forfeited it by Felony, whereof he was convidled in K. Henry the fecond's Court ; to hold to Robert and his Heirs and Aflignes, free from -ill Cuflome, at the Rent of xx Capons to be rendred yearly to the King and his Heirs, in lieu of all other Service, Cuflome and Tallage [a). The fame King by his Letters Patent, granted to Philipp de Adnebec quittance of two feveral Tallages impofed on him ; and commanded the Steward of Anjou to acquit him accordingly fbj. And in a Charter of certain Liberties which were granted and con- firmed i.o the Citizens of Roan by Philipp King "of France, one Article was. That they ftiould not be compelled to render Tallage as a cufto- mary Duty, without their own free Grant thereof fc). Thus far of the Revenue arifing by Tallage. {a) Rot. Chart. & Cyrogr. Norm. 2. J. m. 1. n. 42. citat. in Cap. T^.fecl. 9. {h) Rex &c. W. de Rupibus Senefcallo Andegaviae &c. Sciatis quod quietavimus Philippum de Adnebec patrem uxoris Theo- bald! Frefure Baliftarij noftri, de TaiUiagio luper eo pofito apud Cenomannlam in hoc anno, & fimiliter de quodam alio Taillagio de uno anno alio. Ita quod ij annis quietus fit de Tailligijs illis, Et ideo vobis manda- mus, quod ipfum inde quietum elTe faciatis. T. me ipfo apud Pontem Arch, xxix die Junij. Pat. 4. J. m. 13. (cj Nee eos [the Citixens of Roan] coge- remus ad reddendum nobis tailiani percon- fuetudinem, nifi fponte fua nobis dare vo- luerint. In Charta Phil. Regis Franc, data A. D. 1207. intit. Charta Rothomagenfis ; ap. Duihefn. de Scriptor, Norm. p. 1063. «. E 2 CHAP. 764, Of Prize Chap. XVIII.. CHAP. XVIIL Of the Revenue arifing by C u s t o m e s.,. I. Of the Term, Cuftome.. II. Of Prize. III. Of the Dfme and ^inzime of Merchantrs, Avalage, &cc.- IV. Of the Chamberlainjhip of London, Tronage, &c. V. Of Ciiftomes and Duties in general. I, f H""^HE Cuflonie paid to the King was anciently wont to be cal-r- _|^ led in Latin, Confuetiido and Cujiuma. Confiietudo was ufed. in an extenlive Senfe, for Payments or Duties of many Kinds. For- Inftance : K. William I, granted to the Abbey of IVeJhmjiJier, eight Hides of his Demeane-Land belonging to the Manour of P/ri/or^,'_ free and quit ab otnni mea co^fuetudine & cejifn feciiniee quce G^di vacatur anglice [quit of all Manner of Cuftome or Tribute] {a). K. Stephen remitted to Richard Fitz-WilUam x j a Duty payable out of Richard's. Land [de confuetudine terrce fucel {b). In the 9th Year of K.. Henry Illy an Account was rendred to the Crown, of certain yearly Duties, Confuetudines aiinute, which accrued in the Manour of Litilee and were turned into Money ic). In an Account of the IfTues of the Bifliop- rick of Winchefter duriag an Avoidance, there was anfwered to the Crown the Summ of xvij / vij s viij d ob., arifing out of a certain Payment or Duty [de quadam confuetiidi?ie'\ called Kirkethet, by Sale of three thoufand fourfcore and feven Hens [d). In fine, Confuetudines fig- nified Regal Dues {e), and Epifcopal (/'), or other Ecclefiaftical Dues (a) Form. Angl. num. CCCXCVI. ditis per idem tcmpus. Mag. Rot. 12. E. i. {b) Et in perdonis per breve Regis, Ri- Comp. Epifcopai. M"inton. m. i. a^ caido filio Willelmi x s, de confuetudine {e) Salvo nobis jure noftro,& confuetu- rerrffi fua:. Mag. Rot, ^. Stcph. Rot. ib.b, dinibus noftris. Pat. 5. Job. m. i. chat. Gornualia. cap. ■] . ad finem Seii . t,. Rex &c. Senefcallo (c) de aratura & aliisconfuetudini- ■ ex omni exadione & confuetudine bus annuis e)ufdem Manerij [de Linlee] Regia. Form. Angl. nu. LXIV. ccnverfis in denarios. Mag. Rot. g. H. 3. (f) Nullus laicus habeat confuetudines Ret. 6. a. Berk. Epifcopales, vel juftitiam quae pertinet ad (d) Et de xvij 1 vij s viij d ob. de iij curam animarum. [This is a Canon of the Milla quater xxvij gallinis, provenientibus Council of Roan] Ord. Fit. ap. Duchejh. p. de quadam confuetudine quae vocatur Kir- 722, a, adann. IO95. keth^t p'.'j Maneria cjufdemEpifcopatus vea- 1 k)^' chap. XVIir* a7id Cus tomes. 765 {£), and Dues or Payments and Exad:ions of many Kinds (h). But L leave this Matter to the GloJJhriJIs. n. There was a Ciijlome or Duty, paid to the King for Wines, which was called Prija and Rc^aprifa. The Proportion of it was one doUiim before the Mali, and another behind the Maft. Tis true, Prjje was a Word of equivocal Meaning. Properly, it fignified Capture : and was fometimes ufed for Captures taken in War, fometimes for Pur- veyance, Impoft, or Capture of other Kinds. For Example : An Accord was made between 'John Marefchall Keeper of the Caftle of Divifes, and the Men of that Town, deprijis, concerning the Captures made upon the Townfmen by the Warders of the Caftle (?'). And it was ordained, that no Perfon fliould take Prifes within the Realm, fave only the Purveyours for the King's Houfliold (li). In the Reign of K. Edward I, a Statute was made to prevent the committing of TrefpafTes upon the Clergy, by Capture of their Corn, Vidluals, - Catell, or other Goods, againft their Will. In the tenth Year of K. Edward II, a Letter Patent of the Great Seal was iflued, to enforce the faid Statute and put it in Execution ; which Letter Patent is en- tituled, Litem patens fiiper prifis honor urn Cleri (/), K. Henry III, by Writ Patent granted to Simon de Campis Merchant of Doiiay, that he might trade throughout Ejigland; he paying to the King his rightful Duties ; and that no Impoft or Prife fhould be taken to the King's Ufe for Simons Cloth during the Space of three Years (//). But I am- here to confider the Word Prife, as it fignified the Duty paid to the King for Wine. In ancient Times, the Duty for Wines called Prifa was received, for the King's Ufe, by divers Officers. In the Reign of K. Richard I, (^g) et omnes confuetudines quas Royalme, mes forfq; les purveuours pour Ecclefis per reftum habere debent. Form, loftel le Roy &c. Tott, Slat. P. i.fol. 125. Angl. 7iu. LXIII. a i3 b. (/;) Mon. Jngl. fajjim & Form. Angl. [l] Tot. Stat. Vet. P. l.fol. i,6. fr Tonell, and xxx/and a Mark for xxij Tonells of red Wine which were bought for the King's Ufe (n). K. John by his Charter, granted to the Monks of Chrijlchurch Canterbury that the Hundred modij of Wine which the King of France gave them, fhould be for ever free of Modiation and all other Cuflome belonging to the King, at what Part foever of England they ihould arrive (o). K. John (anno Regni 5V by Letters Patent took into his Protedlion two Ships of Alan de Sorhains, having on Board the Wines of OJbert de Killeboe : And thereby commanded, that no Prife fliould be taken (fii) Hie, cap. id.feSi. 4. bus, Jufticiarijs, Vicecomitibus, 'Praepcfi- (n) Engelardus de Cygoini, Ricardus tis, Miniftris, & omnibus Ballivis & fideli- Burcreis pro eo, r c de C & xlvl de firma bus I'uis falutcm. Sciatis nos intuitu Dei, de Brifto : In thefauro nichil : Et in ele- & ob reverentiam Beati Thom.-E Martyris, mofina conftituta Milltibus de Templo j & pro falute animae noftras, & animarum marcam ; Et in Eftaverio xiiij equorum & anteceflbrum & fuccelTorum noftrorum, con- vii earcionum, a xxv die Maij anno ix, ufq; cefTifTe & hac Carta noftra confirmafTe, Ec- ad diem Dominicam proximam ante Nativi- clefiaeChrifti Cantuarise & Monachis ibidem tatem B. Marise anni xij""', CI &' xj s & Deo fervientibus, quod Centum Modii vini viiid, per breve Regis ; Et pro iiij Tonellis quos Rex Francias eis dedit, fint quieti in- de vino Rubeo de prifa, Lx s, fcilicet xv s perpetuum de Modiatione, & omni alia protonello, per breve [Regis] ; Et pro xxij confuetudine ad nos pertinente, ubicunq; toneliis vini Rubei emptis ad opus Regis, devenerint in poteftate noftra. Teilibus, xxxil & xiij s & iiijd, per idem breve; Willelmo Marefcalio Comite de Penbroc, rind divers other Sumim dijburfed by the Fermer Hugone de Gornaco, Roberto de Harecourt, were allowed fo him. Mag. Rut. 12. Job. Johannede Pratellis, Gyrurdo de Fornivall. Rot. 10. b. m. 2. Datum per manum Simonis Archidiaconi (0) Johannes D g. R. A. Dominus Hy- Wellenfis, apud Infulam Andeliaci xxj die bernis Dux N, A, & C A, Archiepilcopis, Odlobris anno R n tertio. Ex Autogr. in Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Comiiibus, Baroni- Archiv. Eccl. Metroj>. Caul. for chap. XVIII. and C u s t o m e s. 767 for tbofe Wines befidcs the King's rc5la Prifa {p). The fame King granted the like Proteftion for two other Ships ; and commanded, that no Prife fliould be taken for the Freight of them, befides the ancient and ufual Prife {q). In the nth Year of K. Joh?i, Bernard Acbard and his Fellows fined to the King in xl Marks and two ToncUs of Wine, that no Prife or Cuflome might be taken of him for two Ships- Freight of Wine (r). In the 14th Year of K. 'John, divers Summs of Money (being the Price or Value of certain Prize-Wines) were anfwered to the King ; viz. for Wines of yinjou, Gafcony, Anxerresy French Wines, and Wines of Saxony (j-). In the 19th Year of K, Henry III, the Fermer of the Town of Sudbamton was allowed feve- ral Summs, for carrying eight Barrels of the King's Prife-Wine to Winchefter, one Barrel of Prife Wine to Bellieu, one Barrel of Prife- Wine to Chrijichurcb, one Barrel of bought Wine to Brumore, three of bought Wine to Clarendon^ and three Barrels of Wine, which the Bailiffs of Siithampton gave the King, to Wudejiok {t). In the 30th Year of K. Henry III, William de Haverhull rendred an Account of the Chamberlainfliip of London and of Sandwich, for three Years : He accounted for MDCCCCLxxviij /. xv j-. iiij d. imprefted to him out of the King's Treafury by divers Writs ; and for Cfj.ij/. viij s. for Dv DoHiims of Prife-Wine, which were fold at Lotidon and at (p) Rex &c Omnibus Ballivis fuis ad quos, &c. Sciatis quod duas naves quas Alanus Junior dc Sorham ducit, in quibus vina Ofberti de Ktleboe funt, in cuftodia & protcdlione noftra funt. Unde vobis man- damus, quod de vinis prasdiftis nullam pri- fam capiatis, praeterquam redlam prifam noftram. Et valeant heae Littcrce ufq; ad mediam Qi.iadragefimam anno regni nof- tri quinto. T. G. filio Petri Comite Eflex- is apud Frigidam MatcU. xvij die Jan. Pat. 5. y. m. 3. '(^q) Et ideo vobis mandamus, quod naves illas cuftodiatis & manuteneatis, & rullam prifam de navibus illis capiatis, nifi ubi prifa folet antiquitus capi. Valeant autem Litterse iftjeufq; ad mediam Quadragefimam anno &c quinto. T. G. Hlio Petri Comite Effexis xviij die Januarij. Pat. 5. 'J. m. ^. (r) Bernardus Achard & focij fui debent xl marcas & ij tonella vini, Ut nulla Prifa vel confuetudo capiatur de duabus navatis vini. Mag. Rot. ix. Job. Rot. 11. b. Nat.bj Dereb. tit. Debita in Epifcopatu. Dunelmi. (j) Et xxj 1 & V s de prof.cuo Lxxiij to- nellorum, de quibus xxxj tonelli funt de prifa, & xlij empti ; qui onmes fuerunt vcn- diti. Mag. Rot. 14. J. Rot. 5. a. ;«. i. Et pro V tonellis Andegavenfis [viiiij de prifa, & tribus emptis ; & pro xlv tonellis vini Gafconias de prifa, & CC & xxij tonel- lis emptis ; & pro ij tonellis Autifiodorcnfis de prifa, & xiiij tonellis emptis ; & pro xxxj tonellis Francifeis de prifa, & xxiij tonellis emptis ; & pro iij tonellis de prifa de Saxo- nia, D & vij 1 & xj s. lb. Rot. 5. a. m. 2. (/) Et in cariagio viij doliorum vini de prifa .!^egis ufq ; Wintoniam, x s & ix d, per breve Regis ; Et in cariagio vinorum Regis tam de Prifa quam de empto, fcilicet unius dulij de prifa ufq; Bellum Locum, et unius dolij de Prifa ufq; Criftefchcrchc, & unius dolij de cmpto ufq; Brumore, & trium de empto ufq; Clarendon, viijs viijd & ob., per breve Regis ; Et in cariagio iij doliorum vini, qua; Baillivi Suthamtonix Rcgi dede- runt, ufq; Wudeftok, xv s vj s & ob., per breve Regis . Mag. Rot. 19. H. j. in compoto de villa Sudbamtonics tn. 1 . b. Sandwich y 68 Of V R I Z E Chap. XVIII. :Sa?2dwic'h; the whole Onus of his Account was, MMCLvij / iij s iiij d : -He paid Part of his faid Onus into the Receipt of Exchequer, vi-z-. •xxxvi/xjj he was allowed CCCCiiij /, in Acquittance of CCCCiiij doUums of French, Gafcoigne, and Anjoiivin Wines, at London and Sandwicby viz. at xxj per Dolhvn : and xxxix/ and half a Mark, in Acquittance of xxij Do/mms of Wine of St. Jo/on and of RbenijJ:), viz. at two Marks per DoHuni ; and xxx / for xx DoUums of French Wine upon the Lee ; and MDCCCxlvj / xvj d for DCCCC«'<.xix DoUums of ¥/ines of Gqfcony, Anjou, French Wine, Rhenip, and Wine of St. ■"^ohn, which were bought ; and for unlading, houfmg, barring, hooping of Caiks, and in other incident Expenfes. the fevcral Summs hereunder mentioned («). In the 30th Year of K. Henry III, Benet Ace and Richard del Prife were charged to account for the Prife of the King's Wines, for the whole Time during which they were affigncd to coUeifl the faid Prife [iv). In the 49th Year of K. He?iry IIIj [u) Compotus Willelmi de Haveihull de Cameraria Londonix& Sandwici, a xxiij die Julij anno xxvij ufq; ad eundem diem anno xxx", fcilicetpertresannosintegros.IdemW. reddit compotum de M & DCCCCLxxviij I XV s iiij d, receptis de Thefauro Regis in pluribus particulis per diverfa brevia Regis lepofita in Thefauro per prjediflum tempus: Et de C & .".'^ij 1 viij s de C & v dolijs vini de prifa Regis, venditis tarn apud Londoniam quam apud Sandwicum : Summa, MM & CLvij 1 iij s & iiij d : In thefauro xxxvj 1 & X s : Et in aquietando CCCC & iiij dolia vini Gallic!, Wafcon[ias], And[egaviae] fcilicet precium dolij xx s, apud Londoniam & Sandwicum, CCCC & iiij 1 : Et in aqui- etando xxij dolia de vino S. Johannis & de Oblinquo, fcilicet precium dolij ij marcas, xxixl & dimidiam marcam ; de quibus do- lijs refpondet infra : Et pro xx doliis mufti Gallici XXX 1 : Et pro DCCCC & ;;'- h xix doliis vini Gafconiae, And[egavias],.& Gal- lic[i], & Oblinqui, deS.Johanne, diverfi- inode emptis per praedidlum tempus, de qui- bus refpondet infra ; quorum empcionis particula; & precia continentur in Ro- tulo quern liberavit in Thefauro, M & DCCCxlvj I xvj d : Et pro reponcndis in ^celario Regis apud Weftmonafterium Lxv ,doliis vini, & eis barrandis, circulandis, Lxvj s : Et in C & v dolijs vini difcarcan- dis & hofpitandis, barrandis, circulandis, domibus condu6lis apud Sandwicum, con- duiflione bataliorum portancium Camerari- um ad Naves per prasdiftum tempus, xlvij s xj d : Et in cariando xxij dolia vinide prifa a Sandwico ufq; Londoniam, xxijs : Et in vino empto ad Aulcagium apud Sand- wicum xxilj s : Et exploratori vinorum ve- niencjum ad portum de Sandwico per prje- didlum tempus, dimidiam marcam : Et ei- dem W. pro cuftodia Camerariae Londoniae & Sandwici per praediclum tempus, xxx I, ficut continetur in Rotulo xxvj in compoto ejufdem : Et in cariando CCxxij dolia vini per diverfa loca, & in eifdem cerclandis, barrandis, & eorum cuftodia, xvl xviij s ix d, per breve Regis, ficut continetur in eodem brevi : Et habet de Superplufagio CCxlijl xix s : De quibus, CC & xlj 1 xviij s debentur mercatoribus pro vinis, quorum nomina liberavit in Thefauro ; Et reftant de Superplufagio xxj s. Mag. Rot. 29. H. 3. Rot. lilt. m. I. (1, (^v) Benedictus Ace & Ricardus de Prifa [debent] . . . de Prifa vinorum Regis ; Ec toto tempore quo alTignati fuerunt ad diftam Prifam cuftodiendam. Mag. Rot. 30. H. 3. tit. Refiduum Suthampt. fcji Berk, rr, 2. b. John Chap. XVIII. and Customes. 769 John de Sivineford rendred an Account of the King's Wines which he had received at divers Places, from Michaehiiafs in the 47th, to Mi- chaelmafs in the 49th Year of the King, He accounted for Lxvj Dolhims received at Southampton, of the i-e£la prifa, which were ac- quitted by the BaihfFs of Southampton, and for Lix Doliums more of the fame reSia prifa, which were alfo acquitted by the faid Bailiffs, and for Lx Doliums more of the fame Prifa, and for L Doliums more of the fame Prifa at Bojion : Total of the Doliums of the Prifa, CCxxxv. He accounted alfo for feveral Wines by him bought and fold {x). In the firft Year of K. Edward I, Poncius de Mora and Gregory de Ro- kele, accounted at the Exchequer for the Chamberlainfliip of London, and the King's Prife of Wines ariling at Southampton and BoJlon, and for a certain Cuftome called Gauge, to wit, from Wednefday next af- ter the Feall of St. Martin in the 57th Year incipient of K. Henry III, unto the Feaft of St. Edmund the King before K. Henry's Death, and from thence unto the Feaft of St. Michael in the firft Year of K. Edward I : They account for Clvjs viij d, for forty three Barrels of Wine of the King's reSla prifa payable at London, which Wines were fold for the faid Sum of Money ; and they account for Cvj/iijj- iiij d, for fifty one Barrels of Wine de rcSla pnfa arifing at Southamton, and fold at that Price ; and for a hundred ninety eight Pounds for fourfcore and nine Barrels of Wine de reSla prifa from Bojion, fold at that Price ; And for xv/xvj j \\]d arifing by the New Cuftome called Gauge, for Wines imported into London, to wit one Penny per Barrel, or DoHum, befides the recla prifa, of which he colleded no- thing ; and for xiij / ij s iij d arifing by the fame Cuftom at Southa/n- (.v) Compotus Johannis de Swineford de merfet anno codem, & de x dolijs emptis Vinis Regis Receptis in diverfis locis, a apud S. Botulphum anno eodem : Summa fcfto S. Michaelis annoxlvj" incipiente an- doliorum de empto, Lxvj dolia. Summa no xlvij°, ufq; ad idem feftum incipiente fummarum tam de prifa quam de empto, anno xlix" : ^t^Cj dolia: De quibus in vcnditione C Idem rcddit compotum de Lxvj dolijs, & Lxxij dolia : & rclpondct de denarrjs in receptis apud Suthampton de redla prifa an- Rotulo prsecedenti in Compoto fuo de Vinis noxlvj% acquietatis per Ballivos Suthamp- Regis, ficut continetur ibidem in Rotulo tonae, Et de Lix dolijs de eadem prifa ibi- compotorum : Et remanent C & xxx dolia ; dem anno xlvij", acquietatis ibidem per §, CCCC;''.x dolia de rcmanente compoti cofdem, Et de Lx dolus de eadem prila ibi- ^. , . ."'J„ • • -n 1 1 . . Jem anno xlviij", Et de L dolijs de ea- J^' ^e v.ms Reg.s .n Rotulo precedent, .n dem prifa apud Sandtum Botulphum anno Ro^'Io compotorum : De qmbus Rcgmaldo , c 1 r 1 r r^r^ "2 JJrumar dc dono Kco;is, i do hum, ncr eodem: Summa doliorum de pnla, LLxxxv , ... .,-;'=■ / ,. ' ^ I ,• breve l\Ci;is ; and Jo he nvjwcrs for many °Idem reddit compotum de xxx dolijs emp- 'f'' ^'T! \ H r'f" "'■ "'7 /"" H'" tis apud Suth.mpton anno xlvij°, E^t de xx f f ""' ^% '^^^"=' ^^<-^^''J <'°''^- ^^^V dolijs emptis ibidem anno xlvi,j% Et de vj ^''- 49- d- 3- '" ^''- Cowr^torvm, m. i. a. dolijs emptis ibidem per Johanncm de So- \'oh. I. 5 F fin 770 Of Prize Cliap. XVIII. ton and Portefmiith -, and for vij / xviij s iiij d arlfing by the fame Cuf- tome at Sandwich fy). In the 5th and 6th Year of K. Edward I, Gregory de Rokejle and Poncius dc Mora accounted to the King, as Chamberlains of London and Captors of the King's Wines through- out England {z). K. Edward I, by his Charter dated in the 6th Year of his Reign, granted to the Barons of the five Ports, that for their own Wines with which they traded, they lliould be quit of paying to him any reifa prifa, to wit, one dol'mm from before and one other from behind the Mart: (a). K. Edward I, in the 26th Year of his Reign, by CommiiPion under the Exchequer-Seal, appointed A'an de Suffolk and Reginald le Barber, to collei.3: and receive, during his Plea- fure, in the City of London, his Cullome payable for Wines imported from Briggerak and St. Emilion, to wit, ij s per dolitim (b). In the 15th Year of K. Edward II, Edmimd de IVyndefore the King's Panetier,. was dirtirained to account to the King, for the Office of Gauge of Wines in- the Port of Brijioll (c). IIL {y) Cotnpotus Poncij de Mora & Grego- rij de Rokele de Cameraria Londoniae, & iz Prifa Vinorum Regis apiid Suthamtoni- am & S. Eotalphum, Et de quadam Con- fuetudine quae vocatur Gauge, a die Mer- curij proxima poft feftum S. Martini anno R. R. H. Lvij incipiente, ufq; ad feftum S. Edmundi Regis, antequam idem Rex mo- reretur, ii ab eodem fefto ufq; ad feftum S. Michaelis anno Regni Regis E. pri- mo. Idem r c de C 1 vj s & viij d, de xiiij dolijs Vini de refta prifa Regis apud Londoniam, venditis per idem tempus, Et de C & vj 1 iij s & iiij d de Lj doliis de rec- ta prifa Regis apud Sutiiamtoniam venditis per idem tempus, Et de C quater xx xviij 1 de quater- xx 5c ix doliis vini de redla priGi Regis apud S. Botulphum venditis per idem tempus. Et de xv 1 xvj s & vij d de quadam Nova confuetudine quae vocatur Gauge, videlicet de quolibet do- lio j d, de vinis venientibus Londoni- am, praeter de dol. de refta prifa de qui- bus nichil cafpit, Et de xiij 1 ij s iij d de ea- dem confuetudine apud Suthamtoniam & Portefmuth per idem tempus, Et de vij 1 xviij s & iiij d de eadem confuetudine apud Sandwicum per idem tempus. Summa, CCCCxll viijs &ijd. &c. Mag. Rol. i. E. I. m 1°. Rot.Conipotor. ?ri. i. h. (z) De die date Gregorio de Rokede & Pontio de Mora, ad computandum [de Ca- meraria Londonis, de tempore quo inde habuerunt cuftodiam], Alich. Conmiun'ia 5. (J 6. E. I. Rot. 3. a. Several alloiviimes were made to them upon their Accompt as Camerarijs Londonis & cap- toribus vinorum Regis per Angliam — . Hil. Comnuin. 6. E, 1. Rot. 4. b. (a) Et quod de propriis vinis fuis dc qui- bus negociantur, quieti fnit de refta prifa noftra, videlicet de uno doleo vini ante ma- lum & alio poft malum. The Charter is to the Barons of the Cinque-ports; Hijs tefti- bus — . Datum per manum noftram apud Weftmonafterium, xvij° die Junij anno r n fexto. Rot. Chart. 6. E. i. m. 2. inCed. (b) De Cuftuma vinorum in Londonia colligenda. ad colligendum & recipien- dum Cuftumam noftram in Civitate Lon- donias de doleis vini venientibus de Brig- gerak & SaricSo Emilione, videlicet de quolibet dolio duos folidos ; Ita quod de exitibus inde provcnientibus, nobis ad Scac- carium noftrum refpondeant. Tefte Tiie- faurario xiiij° die Maij anno xxvj°. Hilarij Ricorda 25 i5' 26. E. I. Rot. 10. b. ex parte Remcm. Thef. (tj Londonia. Prasceptum eft Vicecomi- tibus, quod diftiingant Edmundumde Wyn- defore Panetarium Regis per terras & catalla &c, ita &c in odiabis S. Hilarij ad redden- dum Regi conipotum de ofJicio gaugeti vi- norum in portu villse Briftollise de tempore quo Cliap. XVIII. aiid CusTOMEs. 771 III. Befides the Cuflome paid to the King for "Wines, there were other Duties payable to him by Merchants or Traders for and in Re- fpeci of their Merchandifcs imported or exported, and for Commodi- ties conveyed along the River of Thames. The Duties paid by Mer- chants were anciently called, Difme, Quinzime, &c. The Duty paid for trafficking along the Thames, or at leaft one Sort of that Duty, was called Avalagiim ThatnifKt. Of thefe feveral Duties I will fet down fome Liftances, which lliall be ranked in Order of Time. K. "John {anv.o regniT.'^) granted by his Charter to the Canons of Nenbote, to be Cuftom-free for all Things which they fhould buy or fell for their own [immediate] Ufe {d). In the 5th Year of King 'John, the Mer- chants of Englajid ufed to pay to the Crown a Quinzime for their Goods and Merchandizes. Of that Duty the King acquitted yo^;t^(? Spanny, the Earl of Leicefier's demeane-Merchant {e). Andrew de Lefcheqiier (Uflier of the Exchequer) had K. yo^;/'^ Letters Patent of Proteftion, with a Claufe therein, that he might have a Ship or Vef- fel to carry his Corn, Victuals, and other Neceflaries for his Houfe, from Abendon to London, free from all Cuftoms in going and returning, whilft Andrew was in the King's Service at the Exchequer (y). la the 5th Year of K. John, Hugh Qifel profered M Marks, that he might have the Quinzime arifingfrom Merchandizes throughout Eng- land, to hold the fame from Year to Year, as William de Furnell-3inA. Willi" am de Wroteham held it, and to render to the King by the Year, as much as was rendred the lafl: Year pafl {g). But it feems this Ferme orCufto- cdy of th.e Quinzime and Cambium was not committed to Hugh, but to »quo &c. T. J. de Foxle xxxj die oflobris. ra noflra . T. "VV. de Breofa apud Per Originale de Cancellaria de anno xij in Roth, vij die Junij anno &c quinto. Pat, GloLiceftria. Mich. Brevia 15. E. 2. Rot. 5. 'J. m. 9. 81. /). {/) Andreas de Scaccario habct Litcras (^) Canonici de Neuboth dant Domino Domini Regis Pa;entcs de Peticione f ; & Regi j piilefridum, pro habenda in Caita in fine ponitur quod Dominus Rex concefilt fua hac Claufula, Concedimiis etiam eifilem ei quod habeat quandam Navem qu;e dii- ■Canonicis, quod de omni Confuetudine cat blada & victualia, & alia ncceliaria ad quieti fint in omnibus qua; ad ufus fuos vi£l:um fuum & fuoruoi, ab Abbendon iifqv proprios emerint vel vendiderint. CblcJal. London, quietam ab omni confu;tudine in J. ;n. 7. eundo & redeundo, quamdiu idem Andreas (c) Rex &c Juflic. &: Omnibus &c An- tucrit in il-rvicio Domini Regis ad Saccari- glia; 5;c ; Sciatis quod quietavimus Joh.ui- uni. Pat. 5. y. m. 3. t Itgcndum Protec- ncm de Spanny merv;at<)rcm dilecli &: fidelis tione. Doftri R. Convitis Leirceftrise, de Quinde- (g) Hugo Oifel debet M marcas, pro ha- cima danda de rebus & merchandilis fuis benda quindecima Angliac, quamdiu Regi j)ro])rij3, quam alij Merchatores daut inter- bene fcivierit, de anno in annum, de Mer- j F 2 candifiE 772 Of Prizk Chap. XViin to another [h). In the 6th Year of K. 'John, William de Wroteham and others, accounted to the Crown for the Quuizime of Merchants arifing at the feveral Ports of England except Len, from the Feaft of St. Margaret in the 4th Year of the King, unto the Feaft of St, An- drew in the 6th Year; which Time, according to the Corriputation of the Exchequer, began at the Feaft of St. Margaret in the 6th Year, and lafted to the Feaft of St. Andrew in the 7th Year : They alfo account, for the liTues of the Fairs of Bojlon and of Len, and for the Quinzimes of the Towns or Ports of Newcajlle, Jarum, Catmiy Whitcby, Scardebiirc, Hcdiin, Hull, York, Selby, Lincolne, Barton^ Tmmingham, Grimejby, Bojlon, Len, Yarmouth, Norwich, Dunwich^ Orford, Ipfwich, Colchejier, Sandwich, Dovor, Rie, Winchelfea, Peve- 7iefel, Sajord, Scorham, Chichefter, Soiithamton, Exmoiith, Dertmonth, EJfe, Fowy, and London. The Total of the Sums here accounted for was, four thoufand nine hundred fifty eight Pounds, feven Shil- lings, three Pence halfpenny. The Quinzime for the Port of London was eight hundred thirty fix Pounds, twelve Shillings, ten Pence ; the Quinzime of Bojlon was, ^cv&n hundred and fourfcore Pounds, fifteen Shillings and three Pence ; the Quinzime of Len was, fix hundred fifty one Pounds, eleven Shillings, eleven Pence ; the Quin- zime of Southa77iton was, feven hundred and twelve Pounds, three Shillings and feven Pence (/). In the 9th Year of K. "John, the Citi- zens of London fined in CC Marks, That they might be quit of the candifis Mercatorum, ficut Willelmus de feftum S. Andreas anni Septimi ; Et de Ex- Furnell & Willelmus de Wroteham earn itu Nundinarum S. Botulfi & de Len de an- habuit anno praeterito i Et Rex aflignabit no vij°. Idem reddunt compotum de C & Clericos fuos ad pecuniam inde provenien- Lviij 1 & v s & xj d de Quindecima Novi tern percipiendam. Mag. Rot. ^. J. Rot. 1. Caftelli, Then follow the feveral ^dnximes of b. Lend. & Mldcl. Jarum, Cotun, Whitebi, Scardeburc, H&- (/») Idem H. [Oifel] debet M marcas pro dun, Hul, Ebor., Selebi, Lincolne, Barton, liabenda Quindecima Angliae, ficut fupra Ymmingham, Grimefbi, St. Botulf [«r Bof- continetur. Sed habet inde quietantiam per ton, whofe ^dnzime ivas DCC & quater xx I fupradidtum breve ; quia non habuit Cufto- & xv s & iij dj Len [ivhofe ^dnzhne was DC diam praediiSlae Quindecimae & Cambij. Mag. & Lj 1 & xj s & xj dj. Gernemue, Norwiz, Rot. ^. y. Rot. i.b. Lond. isf Midd. Dunwiz, Oreford, Gipefwiz, Coleceftre, (/j CompotusWillelmide Wroteham Ar- Sandwiz, Doura, Ria, Winchelfea, Peve- cliidiaconi deTantonaSc Reginald! de Corn- nefel, Saford, Scorham, Ciceftre, Sudhan- hull hi Willelmi de Furnell., de Quindena toi\{whofe ^inzimewat DCC &; xij 1 &iijs Mercatorum per Portus maris, prseter par- & vij d], Excmuc, Dertemue, EfTe, Fawi tern in portu de Len a fefto S. Margaretae aW London [whofe ^linzime was DCCC & anni Quarti, ufq; ad feftum S. Andreae an- xxxvjl & xij s & xd.) Summa MMMM ni Sexti, ficut ipfi dicunt, Qiiod tempus fe- & DCCCC & Lviij 1 & vij s 5£ iij d ob. cundum annotationem Scaccarij incepit in Mag. Rat, 6. f. Rot, i6. b. pofi Kent. fefto Si Margaretse anni Sexti durans ufq; ad Quinzime Chap. XVIII.' a7id Customs s. '?->'»■ / / o' Quinzime [impofedon Merchants] {Ji). In the i 5th Year of K. '^ohn, W. Earl ot Sare/bery [Geoffrey dc Frcnighan for him) Matthew Fitz- Herbert (James le Clerk for him) and Roeland Bloety Keepers or War-- dens of the Sea- Ports, rendred to the Crown an Account of the feve- ral Duties following : They account for vij / xj s ik d ob. for Licences for Ships outward bound ; and for CiiJ / xiij s iij d, the AlTife or Duty of Woad in Keiit and SuJJ'ex (the Port of JDovor excepted). At the^ fame Time, G. Fitz-Reinfrey and Bria)i del IJle {JoJon de la Lade and William de Scardeclive for them) accounted for fourfcore and xviij / and a Mark, for the AlTife of Woad at the Ports of Torkjhire ; aiid for xviij / ixs jd, for the Cuftome of Corn and Greafe per circuitiun maris; and for Cvij j ix^ob., by Money received for Wines, to wit, iiij d per TonelL A.t this Time alfo William de Albemii, Brian de Lijle, and G. Fitz-Reinfrey {JVilliam Chaplain and Walter de Monte' aureo for them) accounted for xvij / iij s iiij d the Aflife of Woad in the County of Lincoln ; and for Cxiiij / viij s ix d, Monevs received by Duties payable for Corrr, Salt, Greafe, Honey, and Salmon. Then likewife. Earl Alberic, Robert Fitz-Roger, and William de Huntinn-feld {Ra7iulf Wolf, Hugh de Riparia, and Etijlace de Bafingham for them) accounted for Liij / vj j the Affife of Woad at the feveral Ports of Norfolk and Suffolk ; and for Lv / xix s accruing by Corn, Salt, a Boat fold, and for fifty Quarters of Corn carried and fold againfl the Pro- hibition ; and for xx Marks of the Chatells of certain Pledges of Alexander Horn, forfeited by committing a Trefpafs ; and for xij Marks arifing by Sale of a certain Norman s Wines. Again ; Hu^h de Nevill f William de Hanton for him) accounted for Lxxij /xxij d, the Affife of Woad arifing at Southamton ; and for CLxx/xjj by fundry cafual Profits arifing at the Ports of Devon/hire, Cornivall, Hantjhire, and Dorfetjljire ; out of the Total whereof, the Accountants were al- lowed (amongfi: other Things) for the Charges of arrefting a Ship that put-in at a Place which was no Port. The faid Earl Alberic and his Companions accounted for iiij I \] s iiij d, for the Affife of Woad in the feveral Ports of Effex ; And for Lxiiij j ij ^ for the Duty arifing from Corn and Cheefe (/). In the fame Year, John Fitz-Hugh ac- counted {k) De Oblatis : Gives Londoniae [de- de Frenigham pro eo, Mnthntus filius Hc- bent] CC marcas, Ut fmt quieti de Quin- reberti Jacobus Clericus pro eo, Et Roelan- dena. Mag. Rot. g. J. Rot. 5. b. Loud. dus Bloct, r c de vij 1 & xj s & ix d & ob., (/) Compotus CuftodumPortuum Maris, de ir.u ibus pro liceiuia rccedcndi ; Et de C a fefto S. Michaelis anni xij, ufq; ad Me- h iij I &: xiij s & iij d, de Affifa Waifdis in diam Quadragefimam anni fequentis hunc Kent h Sudfex, ficut continetur in Rotulo annum, W. Comes Sarefberiae Galfridus quern liberaverunt in Thcfauro, prseterDou- rc. 774 Of Prize Chap. XVIII. counted for CCCsxj Marks xij-r, for the Cuftome of Woad -, And for Ciilj s V] d ob., to wit for xx Tonells being the proficuwn of certain Tonclls of Prife-Wines amounting to xvj / x s ; and for xx/ viij j- the projicuum of Lx Tonells of Wines bought and fold (w). In the 19th Year of K. Henry II. OJhert de Brai Fermer of Windrefor, accounted for iii) / vj J- and vj d, arifing by the Cuftoms of Ships palTing along the T!'hamcs {n). In the 41II Year of K. He/?ry III, fFi/h'am de /a Lake was re. Summa, C 5c xj 1 &;vs &: ob. In the- fauro Lj s, Et debent C & vj 1 & xiiij s & ob. G. filius Reinfridi & Brianus de Infula, Johannes de la Lade & Willelirus de Scar- dc'clive pro eis, r c de quater xx Sc xviij 1 c'>c xiij s & iiij d, de allifa WaifJise Portuum Comitatus Ebor., ficiit continetur in Rotu- ]o qucni liberaverunt in Thefauro ; Et de xviij 1 & ixs & j d, de Confuetudine bladi & pinguedinis per ciicuitum maris ; Et de C s & vij s & ix d k ob. de denarijs captis de vino, icilicet de Tonello iiijd. Summa, C & xxij 1 & X s & ij d. In th. ], et Q. f. Willelmus de Albenni & B. de Jnfula & G. filius Reinfridi, Willelmus Capcll. Si Walterus de Monte aureo pro eis, r c de xlvij 1 & iij s & iiij d, de afiii'a Waifdiae in Comitatu Lincollfcirse ; Et de C & xiiij 1 & viij s & ix d, de denarijs captis de blado, & fale, & crafio, & melle, & falmone, li- cut continetur in Rotulo quem liberaverunt in Thefauro ; In thcfauro So ?nuch and fo mil J} ; Et Q^ f. Comes Albericus Robertus filius Rogeri Willelmus de Huntingefeld, Rannulfus Lu- pus & Hugo de Riparia & Eullacius de Ba- iiiigham pro eis, r c de Liij 1 & vj s, de allifa waifdis per portus Nortolcirc & Sud- folcias ; Et de Lv 1 & xix s, de blado, & fale, h j batello vendit., & de L quarterijs frumenti dudlis contra afiifam Si venditis, licut continetur in Rotulo quem lileraye- runt in 1 hefauro ; Et de xx marcis de ca- tallis plegiorum Alexandri Horn pro tranf- greffione ; Et de xij marcis de vinis cnjuf- dam Normanni venditis. Summa, C & xl 1 & xj s & viijd. In thefauro ya much; Et debent_/i much. Hugo de Nevill, Willelmus de Hanton pro eo, r c de Lxxij 1 & xxij d, de allifa waifdia; apud Sudhantonam ; Et de C & Lxx 1 & xj s, de pluribus occafionibus per portus Devonice, Cornubia?, & Sudhante- flras, & Dorfetcs ; Summa, CC & xlij 1 & xijs & X d ; in Thefauro nihil ; Ei in plu- ribus paflagijs Lvij 1 Sz xiij s & vjd, per brevia Regis ; Et in conducendis Navibus ad vehendum Bladum Regis apud Cardigan, viij 1 & xj s per breve Regis ; Et in emen- datione Dcmorum Regis apud Portefmue xlij s li vjd ; Et in cuftodia Galiarum Re- gis apud Suhanton xlvj s & viij d ; Et in cuftodia Navis Regis qua; venit de Gernefi, xijs ; Et in cufto areftandi j navem quaeap- plicuit alibi quam in portu, viij s ; Et debet C & Lxx 1 xixs & ij d. Item Comes Albericus & Socij fupraJicli r c de iiij 1 & ij s & iiijd, de affifa waifdiae per portus Eflexise ; Et de Lxiiij s & ij d, de blado & cafco. Summa, vij 1 S: vj s & iiij d ; In thefauro Lx s & jd ; Et in palTa- gio Walerammi de Lemburec, iiijl & iij s & ixd ; Et dthent ij s & vj d. Homines Coiecellrias r c de ij s & vj d de blado capto, In th. 1, Et Q^ f. Afag. Rot. 15. Joh. Rot. 15. h. po/i Sucihantefcir, (m) Idem [Johannes filius Hugonis] r C de CCC xxj marcis & xij s, de Confuetu- dine Waifdiae de praidiflo tempore ; Et de C & iiij s & vj d & ob., fcilicet^e xx tonel- lisde proficuo tonellcrumdeprifaxNJ 1 & xs ; Et de xx 1 Si viij s, de proficuo Lx tonel- lorum qui fuerunt en-pti & venditi. Summa, CC & xix 1 & viij s & vj d & ob. Idem r c de xxxj 1 de vinis venditis quse rcceperunt a fervientibus Robert! de Turne- ham poil mortem ipfius in Archicpifcopatu CcntuaricE ; and of ct'.^r Receipts ; Summa, C & quater xx & vij 1 Si xiiij s & viij d. A^a^> Ret. 15. 7. Ret. 9. a. (n) Olbcr;us de Brai r c de iiij I & vj s Chap. XVIII. and . C u s T OM E s. 75 was in Arrere Six Marks and a Half for the Ferm of Avalage of the- Thames {o). This Avalage (as I fuppofc) was a Sort of Toll (/). IV. To the Inflances mentioned in the third Sedlion of this Chap- ter, add if you pleafe the Duties paid to the King's Chamberlains of London for his Ufe, the Duties ariling at BiiiiiifgdtL', an.l by Tronap;e &c. In the 8th Year of K. Richard I, Henry )ie Cajleillim accounted at the Exchequer for the Miniftry or Office of the Chamberlainlhip of London for two Years : To wit, for CCCLxxix / xviij d, ariling by the Fines and Difmes of Merchants, for Tin and other Mercatures at London ; fourfcore and fixteen Pounds and half a Mark paid in Fines by Merchants for leave to import Woad into England, and to fell it there ; twenty fix pounds three t-hillings [forfeited] Chatells of the King's Enemies ; fixteen Shillings ten pence, the Chattells of certain Clippers ; twenty four Marks for grifmin opus which was taken from the King's Enemies ; and twenty eight Pounds two Shillings and fix Pence, the Price of certain Prize-Wines |^^j. In the tenth Year of K. Richard I, Gervafe de Aldermanbiry rendred an Account of the Regis — ; Et de xvj s & x d de catallis quo- rundani Retuntorum ; Et de xxiiij mar- cis in Grifio opere fic apprcciato, quod cap- tuin t'uit ab Inimicis Regis ; Et de xxviij I & ij s & vj d de vinls capiis ad prifam vea- ditis ; Et de X 1 de Petio fiiio Neuelun pro hofpitibus fuis : Summa, D & Lxxiij 1 U viij s & X d :_ In Thefauro C 1 : Et Coniiti de Limingis iiij 1 pro una navi locata ad opus ejufdem a Londonia ufq; ad Andwcrs ; Et pro viiSlualibus ad deferendum cum co- dem iiij 1 & xx d & ob., per breve H. Can- tuaricnfis Archiepifcopi ; Et Keiiewrccco filio Reg[is] Wnil[i2e] v marcas & j d, pro uno paletrido ad opus fuum ; Et prfeterea xx\'iijs&jd pro uno cquo ad opus clerici fui, per breve ejufdem ; Et EmniK d,; ]jcn- devlll xl s de Dono Regis, pro Calumpnia fua quam habuit in tribus Milibus grillj opsris quod rex habuit, per breve ejufdem ; Et ad ncgocia Regis facicnda in Wallia & in Marchia Walliae, & in Militibus & Scrvientibus ibi retinendis in fervitio Re;v s, de iirnia Throfni & Scxtaiij cum pertiiicn- tijs de anno prjeterito. Mag. Rcl. 3. iJ. i. Rat. 11. a. Land, is' Midd'. 3 2 9 th 780 0/Pr I Z B Chap. XVIir. 9th Year of that King (g) ; and in the 2d Year of K. Jo/jn (/j). King Edifard II, armo regni 2°, committed to Alexander k Peyntur, the Office of Tronage in London, during his Pleafure : and to Gilbert Haukyn, the Office of Tronage and Clerk of the Market at Newcajile upon Tine, during Pleafure (ij. In the 19th Year of K. Edward W^ the Sheriffs of London were commanded to diftrain 'John le Lung (whom the King had appointed to exercife the Office of Tronage in the City of London during the King's Pleafure) by his Lands and Chatells , to come and render an Account of the faid Tronage. "John came and pleaded, that he ought not to render any Account thereof, for that no Man who ever held the faid Office before him by Com- iniffion from the King ever accounted for it, and that there was no Profit belonging to that Office for which he could account to thet King. Upon fearching the Rolls of the Exchequer, it was not found that any Keeper of the faid Tronage ever accounted for it, or anfwer- ed to the King for any Profit arifing from it. Whereupon, Judg- ment was given, that John fhould be quit of accounting for the faid Tronage {k). But by what Grant or other Means the Keepers of the Tronage at that Time came to be free from accounting I have not obferved. In {£) Stephanus Blundus r c de xlvs de firma Troni & Sextarij de Londonia cum pertinentijs ; In thefauro xs, Et debet XXXV s. Alag. Rot. 9. ^.1. Rot. 11. a. {h) Stephanus Blundus r c de xxvijs, de firma Throni & Sextarij de Londonia cum pertinentijs. Mag. Rot. 2. J. Rot. ii. a. Loud. & Midd. Stephanus Blundus [debet] xviij s, de firma Throni & Sextarij cum pertinentijs. Mag. Rot. 4. J. Rot. 20. b. Land, (if M^dd. (i) Rex xiiij die Marcij anno fecundo affignavit dileiStum fcrvientem fuum Alex- andrUm le Peyntur ad officium Tronagij in Civitate Londonia exercendum quamdiu Regi placuerit. T. Thefaurario &c. Et eo'lem die rcandatum efl- Willelma Servat & Willelmo Cufyn Cuftodibus Cuf- tuma Lanaiun. &c in Civitate Londoiiiae. Hll. Co7;imijp'-n. 2. E. 2. Rot. 10. b. Officium Tronatoris & Clerici Novae Cuftums apud Novum Caflrum fuper Ty- jiam aw comn.ittedio Gilbert Haukyn quam- diu Regi placuerit. Hll. ConmiiJJ', ib. Rot. 11. a. (k) Londonia. Memorandum quod, cum Dominus Rex ix° die odlobris anno prime Regis nunc affignaverit Johannem le Lung Civem Civitatis Londonias, ad officium tro- nagij in eadem Civitatem exercendum quamdiu Regi placeret, praeceptum fuit Vicecomitibus Londonis, quod diflringant praediflum Johannem per terras & catalla &c, ita quod haberent corpus ejus hie modo in craftino S. Michaelis, ad reddendum Regi compotum de trcnagio praedidlo de tempore &c. Et idem Johannes venit hie modo ad prs- di(3um craftinum, & dicit quod nullum compotum inde reddere tenetur, quia dicit quod nullus qui dictum officium ante ipfum tenuit ex commiffione Regis, umquam inde computavit, nee eft aliquod proficuum fpeflans ad officium illud de quo compotum aliquem Regi .reddere debet. Et fuper hoc fcrutatis Rotulis [non] eft compertum, quod nullus cuftos tronagij prasdicti um- quam inde computavit, nee quod refponde- atur Domino Regi de aliquo proficuo pro- veniente de eodcm tronagio. Ideo con- fideratum chap. XVIII. a7td Custom es. 781 In the 23d Year of K. Henry II, William le Brim and William k Bhind accounted for xxxvj / for the Ferni of the ^icen's liithe (/), in the 28th Year William le Brun accounted for xlij /, the Ferni of the Recti's Hi i he {m); in the 29th, 31ft, and 33d Years of the fame King, the Citizens of London accounted for the Ferm of the faid Hitbe {n). In the 9th Year of K. Henry III, Andrew Biikerell and 'John "Travers had the Ripa Regince [the ^cen's Hithe] in Ferm {0) ; in the nth Year of that King, it was granted to Richard Renger at the. Ferm of xl / per annum during the King's Pleafure (p) ; afterwards, it was holden by Andrew Biikcrel and John Travers, and by the Citi- zens of London and Thomas de Cirenccjlre as CiiJiodes{q). V. In Proccfs of Time, the King's Cuftomes came to be mofl: ge- nerally called Cujiu?na. In the 26th Year of K. Edward I, there was payable to the King for Cuftomes, for every Sack of Wool carried out of the Port of Len half a Mark, for every three hundred pelles lanut(E half a Mark, and for every Laft of Leathers one Mark. The. King appointed Hugh de MaJJingham and Ranulf le Ken to colledl, re- ceive and keep the faid Cuftomes at Len during his Pleafure, and to account for them at the Exchequer. And a Writ iffued to the Sherins of the Counties of Cambridge and Huntendon, Notingham and Dcrlry, Bedford and Buckingham, Warwick and Leicefier, Rutland and Norfolk, commanding them to make Proclamation in their feveral Bailywicks, that all Merchants fhould carry Merchandifes of that Sort to the fideratum eft, quod idem Johannes quoad de anno ix° ; De quibus Infirmi Hofpitalis compotum praediclum recedat quietus. Mich, S. Egidij Londonis debent habere xxx s de Commiin. 19. E. 2. Rot. — a. elemofina conftituta. Alag. Rot. 11. H. 3. (/; Willclnius Brunus & Wlllelmus Lond. i:f Midd. m. \. a. Elundus r c dc xxxvj 1, de firma Hedae Re- (/>) Ricardus Renger [debet] xl I de gina?. Mag. Rot. 23. H. 2. Rot. 11. b. firma Ripge Regina;, quam Rex conceffit ei Lutidutiia. per talcm firmam annuatim quamdiu Rcgi (m) Wlllelmus Erunus r c de xlij 1, de placuerit. Jb. juxt. firma Hedae Reginae. Alag. Rot. 28. H. 2. (q) Andreas Eukerel & Johannes Travers Rot. 12. b. Lund. debent XX I & xs de firma Rips Reginx. (n) Gives Londonise r c de xlii I de firma Sed ipfi non debent fummoneri pro illo de- Heda; Reginae. Mag. Rot. ig. H. 2. Rot. bito, fed Gives Londoni» & Thomas de 13. b. Londoriia £3" Midd. Gyrenceftria debent inde rerpondere, Qiiia Gives Londoniffi debent xxj 1 & xvj s & probatum eft per infpedioncm Rotulorum viij d, de Veteri firma hedse Regins. Mag, prxcedentrum, quod iftud debitum quod Rot. 31. H. 2. Rot. 13. b. petebatur de ditSlis Andrea &: Johannc, de— Gives Londonias r c de xviijl & xvj s & bent peti de diilis Givibus& Thoma de ul- viij d, de Veteri firma Hedae Reginae. timo dimidio anno x°, quando ipfi Gives & Mag. Rot. 33. H. 1. Rot. 3. b. Thomas fuerunt Guftodes ejufdem Ripae, (0) Andreas Bukerel & Johannes Travers Mag, Rot, 14. H. 3. Lend, l^ Midd, m, i. a, [debent] xx I & x s de firma Ripae Regins faid 782 Of V R I Z E Chap. XVIII. faid Port, whenever they exported them, faving to the King his faid Cuftomes for the fame. In like Manner, Cuftomers or Cuftodcs Ctif- tumce were appointed for the feveral Towns or Ports of Neii) Cajile upon Tim, Kingjion upon Hull, Bojlon, Yarmouth, Ipfwich, Southamp- ton, Brijloll, and London (r). The Mayor of London and other Citi- zens, in obedience to the King's Orders, caufed a Scale to be made for weighing of Wools. They brought it to the Treafurer and Ba- rons at the Exchequer, affuring them it had been examined and ap- proved by the Scale [or Beam] which was ufed for weighing the Wools in London. The Treafurer and Barons flraitway delivered it {r) De Cuftodia Cuftumre Regis apud Len conimifla. Rex decimo die Aprilis an- no xxv" affignavit Hugonem de Maffing- ham & Ranulphum le Keu, ad Cuftumam fuam Lanjrum pelliuin lanutarum & cori- orum exeuncium Regnum fuum apud Len colligendam recipiendam & Cuftodiendam quamdiu Regi plaiuerit ; videlicet de quo- libet facco Lanze dimidiam niarcam, hi de trefcentis pellibus lanutis dimidiam inarcam, £c de quolibet Lafto coriorum unam mar- cam ; ita quod de exitibus inde provenien- tibus Regi refpondeant ad Scaccarium : Et ideo mandatum eft omnibus ad quos &c, quod eifdem Hugoni & Ranulpho in prae- iniffis, & in omnibus quae ad praemifla per- tinent, fmt intendentes & relpondentes in forma praedicla. In cujus &c ; T. The- faurario die & anno fupradiiSis [i. e. quinto die Marcij anno xxvj"] De Procla- matione ejufdem. Et mandatum eft Vice- comitjbi'is Cant. & Hunt. Not. & Derb. Bed. & Buk. Warr. & Leic. Rotel. & J^orf., quod per ballivas fuas, in fmgulis Burgis h Civitatibus & villis Mercatorijs proclamari faciant, quod omnes mercatores hujufmodi Mercandizas fuas ad portum pras- di(Stum ducere Sc cariare faciant, quando- cunq; & quocienfcuir.q; fibi viderint expe- dite, ad quafcunque partes extra regnum noftrum voluerint, eas ducant & duci fa- ciant ; falva nobis prius cuftumanoftra inde debita in forma prsedidla. T. ut fupra. Nor- humbria, De cuftodia cuftuma apud No- vum Caftrum fuper Tynam. Per confimiles Litteras affignantur Henricus le Efcot & Petrus Graper ad cuftodiendum praedicSam cuftumam apud Novum Caftrum fuper Ty- 5 nam. T. Thef. apud Weftmonafttrium v' die Maij anno viceffimo fexto. Et manda- tum Hugoni de Cardoil & Adas de Eboraco clerico, nupcr cuftodibus novx cuftums ibidem, vel uni eorum, quod illam partem figilli Regis quod vocatur Colcet, & quod Rex ad didtam cuftumam deputari fecit ia portu praedidlo, quam ijdem Hugo & Adam in cuftodia fua habent, diftis Henrico & Petro liberari faciant. T. Thefaurario apud Weftmon. eodem quinto die Maij anno praedido. Ebor. Kingfton fuper Hul. Per confimiles Litteras affignantur Line, apud S. Botulphum. per confimiles litteras affig- nantur Norf. Jernemuta. per confimiles lit- teras affignantur Suft". Gypewicus, per confimiles Litteras affignantur — . Rot. iQ. a. Suhamton. per confimiles litteras affignantur — . Rot. \o.b. Briftoll. per confimiles litteras affignan- tur — . London, per confimiles litteras affignan- tur Adam de Rokefle & Johannes de Can- tuaria apud London. T. ut iupra. Et confimili modo mandatum eft Albrico de Fifcampo clerico diclse cuftumse ibidem ut fupra ; T. ut fupra eodem quinto die Maij &c. Poftea quinto die Maij anno xxvj", affig- nantur Adam de Rokefle & Albricus de Fif- campo ad cuftodiam lanaium, pelliuin la- nutarum, hi coriorum apud London ; ficut continetur alibi inter memoranda hujus an- ni, inter commiffiones de Termino Paf- ch;E f. H'd. Communta 25 ^ 26. Ed. i. Rot. 10. a. l:S b. t Pof. Commun, Ibidem Rct.ii.i. to chap. XVIII. a7id C u s t o m e s. 783 to William de Barton to be carried to Hugh de Majingham and Ra>mlp/j le Ken, Commiilioners of the King's Cultomes ot Wools and Leathers at Lenny to be ufed there for weighing the Wools exported. And they delivered the faid Wilaam, in ;i Purfe fealed with tiie Ex- chequer-Seal, the Seals appointed to be ufed by the faid Ciif- tomers for the Cocket in cuitoniing the Wools and Leathers at Lcn ; who was to convey them to tlie faid Hugh and Ranulph [s). About this Time the Community of the Realm granted to the King, in Aid of his War againft France, the Cuftom or Duty of xl s for every Sack of Wool, and v Marks for every Laft of Leathers exported out of the Realm, for the Space of two Years, or three, if the faid War lafted fo long. And at the fame Time the King granted, that he would take no Cuflome of the faid Community without their common Aflent ; faving to the King and his Heirs the Cuftomes of Wools, Woolfells and Leathers granted to him by the faid Commu- nity before that Time. The King releafed to the faid Community of the Realm the faid Cuftome or Subfidy of xl s and v Marks. And thereupon commanded the Cujlodes of his Cuftomes in the feveral Ports of England to forbear receiving the fame : and likewife com- manded the Sheriffs of the feveral Counties to make Proclamation in their Bailywicks, that all Merchants and others who defigned to export Wools, Woolfells, and Leathers, might fafely carry them to the feveral Ports where the King had a Cocket, paying the old Du- ties only, viz. Half a Mark for every Sack of Wools and Woolfells, and a Mark for every Laft of Leathers ft). In the 9th Year of K. Ed-iVard [s] De Coketto & Trona de Len miffis Maflingham & Ranulpho le Kcu de Lenn, ibidem. Memorandum quod Nono die deputatis ibidem ad Cuftumam lanarum & Maij anno prsfenti Henricus le Galeys coiiorum a portu illo exeuncium ad opus Major Civiratis Londonise & ^Vi!le'mus de Regis cuftodiendam, ut eadem pro lanii Eetoyne Camerarius ejufdem, h alij Cives ponderandis utantur in hac parte. Libera- Civitatis illius, venerunt hie & proiulurcnt runt infuper eidem Willelmo de ilarton fiib coram Venerabili Patre W. Coventrenfi & pede Sigilli Scaccarij, in quadam burfa, ill.i Lichefeldenfi Epifcopo Thefaurario, & Ba- Sigilla qua; deputantur pro Colcetto quo ronibus, quandam Tronam pro lanis pon- difti Cuftodes uti dcbcnt cuftumando lanns derandis, quam per mandatum Regis fieri ' h coria in praedidto portu de Lcnn, ut idem fecerant, aflerentes earn bene h fideliter fore Willehnus Sigilla ilia fic figillata didlis Hu- examinatam & probatam poft Fronam fuam goni & Ranulpho d^ferat, eifdcm libcranda, qua utitur in Londonia, de lanis a portu tadturis indc quod prredidlum c[\. Paf. illo cxeuntibus ponderandis 5cc. Ec in Communia ib. £. i. Ret. -j i. in Butui. 25 (J continentiThefaurarius &: Barones Tronam 26. E- I. praedidbm a Majori Camerario & Civibus (r) Cuftodibus Novs Cuftumae apud No- admittentcs, earn liberarunt Willelmo de vum Caftrum fuper Tynam. Rex Cuftodi- Barton Cleiico, deferendam Hugoni de bus Novae Cuftumxfuae apud Novum Caf- 784 0/ P R I Z C Chap, xviir. Mdivjrd II, the faid Cuftoms were payable to the King, viz. For every Sack of Wool carried out of the Port of Brijioll half a Mark, for every three hundred pelles lanutce half a Mark, and for every Laft :of Leather one Mark (u). If Merchants defrauded the King of his Cufloms, they forfeited their 'Goods uncuftomed. The Treafurer and Barons ordered Inquifitions to be taken in all maritime Places about the Concealment of the King's •Cufloms for Wool &c, and to be returned into the Exchequer (w). A Writ trum fuper Tynam falutem. Cum nos, ad inftanciam Communitatis Regni noftri, re- ^miferimus cuftuinam quadraginta folido- rum, nobis nuper in fiibfidium Guerrs iioftrae contra Regem Franciae conceffam, de quolibet facco Lanas exeunte Regnuni rioflrum, percipiendam per biennium, vel triennium, fi tantum duraflet Guerra ilia concedentes quod cuftumam ilLm vel aliam fine voluntate & communi af- •fenfu ejufdem Communitatis minime capie- mus ; Salva tamen nobis & hsredibus nof- tris, cuftumaLanarum Pellium & coriorum per communitatem diili Regni nobis prius concefTa : Vobis mandamus, quod recepta cuftuma dimidia: Marcae de quolibet Sacco lanae h pellium lanutarum, & fimiliter cuf- tuma unius Marcje de quolibet lafto corio- rum, exeunciufn didlum Regnum, prout j)rius fieri confuevit, captioni didlorum <}uadraginta folidorum de Sacco Lanae & pellium, & quinq; Marcarum de Lafto co- riorum, Superfcdeatis omnino, T. W. Conventrenfi & Lychfeldenfi EpifcopoThe- faurario noftro, apud Weftmonafterium, xxiiij° die Novembris anno Regni noftri xxvj". per Confilium. Confimili modo mandatum eft cuftodibus ejufdem cuftumae apud Kingefton. fuper Hull, Sanftum Bo- tulphum, Jernemutam, Gypewycum, Lon- doniam, Sandwicum,SuhanUoniam, & Brif- tolliam. 1'. ut fupra. Mich. Brevia Irre- tornah. 25 Cf 26. Ed, i. Rot. 27. a. (u) Rex Major! Ballivis & toti Com- liiunitati VilLe BriftolliiE falutem. Quere- 1am Martini de Horncaftel recepimus con- tinentem, quod licet nuper aflignaflemus ipfum Martinum ad colligendos & recipien- tios oinnes exitus provenientes de Cuftuma LanaruBi, peilium lanutarum, & coriorum In portu Briftollije, una cum Johanna de la Marync, videlicet de quolibet facco Lanae exeunte portum prxdii^um dimidiam mar- cam, de CCC peliibus lanutis dimidiam marcam, & de quolibet lafto coriorum unam marcam, ita quod idem Martinus de exiti- bus inde provenientibus nobis refpondeat ad Scaccarium noftrum : Neverthclefs, the faid Alayor and Bailifs had for a great xvhtle collcBed the faid Cujiomes and applied them ta their own IJfe, ad grave dampnum noftruni & contemptum manifeftum, necnon juris noftri Regij prajudicium manifeftum, pr;e- fertim cum Cuftuma praediiStaad nos & non alium in Regno noftro dejure noftro Regio pertineat : And thenfore the King commanded the faid Mcyor and fix of the better Men of their Community^ to appear at the Exchequer in craftino Cinerum, to aujwer touching the Premijfes, and to hear the 'Judgment of the Barom therein. T. H. de Stanton v die Fe- bruarij &c. Per prasceptum Baronum. Jn Alias IFrit was awarded in the Cafe ; T. H, de Stanton iiij die Marcij. Hil, Brevia Retornab. 9. E. 2. Rot. i6j. a. (w) Memorandum pro Inquifitione fa- cienda fuper Concclamento Cuftumae La- narum &c. Memorandum quod xiij ' die Oc- tobris, Thefiurarius & Barones ordinarunt, quod Walterus de Glouceftre & Johannes Randolf afTignantur adeundi omnes Portus Maritimos Angliae, & omnia loca Maritima ubi aliquod Paflagium verfus partes tranf- marinas fuifte diiiofritur, ad inquirendum per Sacramentum legalium hominum par- tium illarum, fi quae Lanae pelles aut Corea a partibus illis tranfducSa fuerunt ufq; par- tes Tranfmarinas occulte vel aperte, Cuftu- ma Regis debita minime foluta, & perquem aut quos, &' ubi, h quantum lanx' Corio- ruoi Chap. XVIII. a}id Custom Es. 7S5 A Writ iffued out of the Exchequer, for arrefling the Wools of cer- tain Foreign and Engiijh Merchants, exported uncuftomed, Ralph de Dalton and Johji de AJlagby were ordered to arrefl: them (x). K, Edward I, anno regni 25, by his Writ of Privy Seal, commanded the Treafurers, Lieutenant and Barons, to fufif^r Aymer de Valence or his Attorneys to export twenty Sacks of Wool free from Cuftome or other Duties demandable for them ; fo that the fame was done with as much privacy as could be, that other Perfons might not take Example thereby to defire the like Pcrmiflion (y). Perot le Taillour, who held the Office of Alnager of Cloth in the feveral Faires of the Realm, having forfeited it, the King by Writ of Privy Seal commands the Trealurer to let Pieres de Rdelmeton have it, if he was fit for it {z). And a Writ was made-out, TeJ?e Tbcfaurario, whereby the King committed the Cuflody of the Alnage and Affile of Cloth through- out England, during the King's Pleafure, to the faid Peter de Edel- 7ueton ; who took the Oath for that Office before the Treafurer and Barons {a). K. Edward II, granted to Thomas deWygbt, the Cufto- dy rum aut Pellium. Et inquifitiones inde faftas retornent hie fine dilatione, )ub figillis fuis & corum per quos fa£t:as fuerint &c. Mich. Commiima 26 is" 27. E. i. Rot. 3. h. (a) De Lanis in Portu de Jarum fupcr Thefe aneftandis. Trin. Brevia Irretonab. 26. E. I. Rot. 9 1, b. in bund. 25 fs" 26. E. I. [y) Edward par la grace de Dieu Roi Dengleterre &c, A Lieu tenant noftreTre- foiier e as Barons del Efchckier falutz. Nous vous mandoms, qe vous fouft'rez nof- tre chier e amy Cofin Monficur Aymer de Valence ou fes attornez pur luy, paflcr la outre jufques a vint fakes de fa Layne, quites de la cuftume, e de tot ceo qui a nous en appent, quil homme quil vodra ou qe fes gent^ voudront, iffint totes voics qe ce foit fet le plus privement qe vous por- rez, fi qe autrcs ne preignent enfample de nouz chargier de tieu chofe. Done fouz iioftre prive feal a Wynchelfe, le xxij jour dauft Ian de noflre Regne xxv. Mich. Com- 77:unia 25 £3' 26. Ed. I. Rot. 14. a. inter Brevia. (z) Perot le Taillour — qui avoit Lau- nerie des Dras es foires de noftrc Realme having forfeited the fame hy fome Dtfatdt in Vol. 1. the Exchequer : the King, at the Injlance of his Daughter Margaret Duchefs of Br.ibant com- ?r.ands the Treafurer to let Pieres de tdelme- ton have it, in Cafe he was found fit for that Bailywick. The (Frit of Privy Seat is dated at Gaunt the laji Day of January Ian 26. Hi!. Comoiun. 25 & 26 E. 1. Rot. 56. l>. inter Brevia, (a) Rex xxj die Martij anno xxvj", commifit Pctro de Edelmcton Cuftodiam Ulnarias & Aflifae pannorum tarn cifmari- norum quam tranfmarinorum, venalium per totum regnum Anglis, ad voluntatem Regis cuflodiendam. Ita quod de exitibus foris- fadluiae contra affifani prs.liflam invento- rum Kegi refpond^t ad Scaccarium. Et niandatum eft omnibus Ballivis & fidelibus Regis, quod pra-dicto Petro tanquam Cuf- todi Ulnarise & Affifa prsdiits, in hijs quae ad cuftodiam illam pertinent, fint in- tendentes& refpondentes in forma prasdiiTta. T. Tliefaurario die & anno fupradidtis. Et memorandum quod Cuftodia Alfifa: pra;dic- tse commihitur praefato Pctro, praetextu cujufdani Brevis Regis de privato fuo figillo, Thefaurario inde diredli, ad inltanciam Margaretae filise Regis uxoris ducis Braban- ci£e,quod quidem breve invenietur in (orulo 5 li Marefcalli 786 Of Prize Chap. XVIII. dy of the Paflage of Lead of Avcrdupoife, and of the Tronage, and of Wools, in the Town of Kingjlon upon Hull, to hold the faid Cuftody during the King's Pleafure {b). Marefcalli inter Communia de anno prae- fenti. Et praedidlus Petrus praeftitit Sacra- mentum hie, coram Thefaurario & Baroni- bus, die fupradi<£to, quod bene & fideliter fe habebit in piaedidto officio &c. Et man- datum eft Hugoiii Cifibri, nuper Cuftodi Aflifae praedidae, quod de Cuftodia prae- diiSta ukerius fe non intromittat. T. ut fupra. Hd. Commun. 25 ^ 26,£dw, I. Rot, 9. b, inter Commijjiones. (b) Baronibus, per Regem, pro Thoma da Wyght. Cum decimo oiStavo die Aprilis anno regni fui fecundo, Rex concelTerit di- ledo fibi Tliomas de Wyght cuftodiam Pafl'agij Plumbi averij de pondere, & trona- gij, 6c lanarum, in villa Regis de Kyngef- ton fuper Hull, Habendam quamdiu Regi placuerit — &c. Trifi. Brevia 6. Edw, 2. in bund, aniii 5. Edw, 2, Rot, 55. ^. CHAP. Ch. XIX. Of the Division of the Ki?igs Courts. 787 CHAP. XIX. Of the Division of the King's Courts. I. Of the EreBmi of the Bank or common Bench. n. Of the Time and Ma?iner of its Erection, I- I? ROM what hath been faid in the former Part of this Vo- _|"^ lume {a) it appears, that the King's Palace or Court was an" ciently the great and principal Seat of Judicature in this Realm* But in Procefs of Time (towards the End of this firft Period, as I fuppole) the Judicature of the King's Court came to be divided. And by that Divifion, common Pleas were referved to a Court then newly crecfted j which Court was called the Bank, becaufe it was fixed at Wefmiti/ier ; at which Place the Jufticiers thereof were to fit, and not to follow the King's Court. The Bank was, probably, fet-up in Aid of the King's Court, as the Iters formerly were. It hath been indeed for fome Time part a received Opinion, that the four fuperior Courts holden at this Day in V/eJlminJler-hall, are of coeval original and Antiquity. This may be a ufeful and wholefome Propofition amongft Lawyers ; as it ferves to prevent or filence needlefs Dif- putes concerning tl\e Pre-eminence of one or other of the Queen's Courts : nor is it my Part or Defign, to oppofe what may feem to be admitted amongll the learned Gentlemen of the Faculty of common- Law. However, one may be permitted to balance this Matter as it were in pulvere fcholajlico ; or even to difcourfe of it in an hiflorical Way, for the Diverfion or Speculation of inquifitive Readers. It is to be remembered, that in the ancient Times next after the Norman Conqueft, the fuperiour Judicature was ufually called Curia Reg-is ; as hath been fliewn before in the third and other Chapters of this Volume. This Curia Regis did then ordinarily exercife Jurifdi<5tion both in criminal and common Pleas. And the Name or Style of the Bank or Jufticiers of the Bank doth not (I think) occurr till a great while afterwards. From hence it may feem likely, that the iBank or Common Bench was a Court different from the Curia Regis, and {a) Chap. I, 2, 3. 5 H 2 creded 788 Of the DiYi^oio^ Chap. XIX. ereded at fome fubfequent Time. And as the Bmik hath all along, fince the Time in which we have the firft Notice of it, dealt only or chiefly in common Pleas : fo it falls out, that the Curia Regis ceafed to deal ordinarily in common Pleas, about the fame Time that we fuppofe the Bajik was eredled. This leadeth us to conclude, that the Bank was erec!l:ed by the Divifion that was at fome Time or other made of the Ki?2g's Court, or (if you pleafe) by the Separa- tion of common Pleas from it. Concerning which Matter we are now to enquire further. II. It is not eafy to fix precifely the Time, when the Divifion of the King's Court was made. Peradventure, it might be begun in the Reign of K. Richard I, or K. John, and compleated in the Reign of K. Henry III. The great Charters of the two laft-named Kings were, no doubt, of great force to bring about this Divifion. But it is likely the Thing was effed:ed, partly by an Ufage which prevailed in fome Meafure before the making of thofe great Charters, and partly by virtue of the great Charters themfelves. However, one may reafonably believe, it was not effefted uno iSiu, but by Degrees. Let us confider fome Particulars referrible to this Subjedf. In K. Johns great Charter of Liberties dated in the 17th Year of his Reign, it is faid, Commimia placita non fequantur Curiam nojiram, fed teneantiir in aliquo certo loco [/?). Here by Curiam nojiram, may pro- bably, be underftood the Kings Court holden in his Palace j and by aliquo ccrto loco, the Bank. So that by virtue of this Claufe, and of the like Claule (which I fliall mention by and by) contained in K. Henry the Third's great Charter of Liberties, the Bank might be eredlied, or rather confirmed and eftablillied. It is likely however, that the Bank was not firft and de novo eredied in the faid 17th Year of K. John. For in the fame Charter of K. John dated in that Year, there is mention made of the Jujliciarij nojlri de Banco (cj : which fhewSjthat there was a Court called the Bank in being, either before or atlealf at that Time. In Truth, there was a Court called the Bank, and Jufliciers ftyled Jufticiarij de Banco, feveral Years before the 17th Year of K. John ; as will appear from the Records which I fhall cite by and by in this Seiflion. About the Time when common Pleas were, as we fuppofe, moving off from the Kings Court, certain Phrafes were introduced which, for ought that I have obferved, (h) Mag Chart. R. Joh.apiid Brad, in Hift, Angl. vh. Jpp. p, 1 32. cap. 22. (c) lb, Mag. Chart, R. Job. cap. 23, 24. were Chap. XIX. Of the Kings Courts. 7S9 were not before in general Ufe ; fuch as Curia Regis apud IVelimonaf- teriufn, "J itfticiarij Regis dc IVcJlmonaJhrio or apiiJ IVcJimouaJlcrimn, Ban- cus, and 'Jiijliciarij de Banco. For Example; In the 7th Year of K. Richard I, IVilliam des Blez gave x s, to have a Recognition of NoveJle Difleifine at Wcllminftcr {d). Robert de Sal'-aagc gave xx s, to have his Plaint in the Ki/:g's Court at lVeJlminJ}er againli 'John de Cumbe, for the Marriage of Agues Daughter of "John, whofe Marriage (he fiiLi) was in his Guift (e). John de Cumbes gzve ij Marks, that a Recognition might be re-i'ummoned in the King's Court at lVeJ}>?m:J}jr, which had been fummoned there once before, between him .and Robert Falconer and others, for one Knight's Fee ffj. IVilliam Agiiillon fined in C s, to have Right in the Kings Court at V/eJlnmiJler, for one Knight's Fee in Nordborne (g). In the 9th Year of K. Richard I, Robert Blund prayed that a Concord made between him and Roger de Ginges in the King's Court might be written in the great Roll. The Import of which Concord was, that Roger enfeoffed Robert in Fee of certain Land in Giiiges in the Tenure of Richard Doljin : and that Richard quitclaimed the fame Land to Roger before the King's Jufticiers [or Jufticier] at Wejlminfier (hj. 'Tis true, in this Cafe of Robert Blund, the Concord was made in the King's Court: and it does not appear, whether the Word Jujiic. in the Record, be fingular or plural. If it be fingular, then the Concord and Quitclaimer therein mention- ed might be made before the high Jufticier at Wejlniinjler in the Curia Regis. For which Reafon 'tis doubtful, whether this Inflance be ap- pofite or not. In the fame 9th Year of K. Richard I, Henry de la Pome- raie enfeoffed Henry de Furnell of certain Land. And thereupon the FeofFer received the Feoffee's Homage in the King's Court at IVeJi- fninjier {/}) De Novis promiflis pofl: Reditum Matildam de Hagunierc uxorem ejus, de Regis ab Alemannia : Willelmus des Blez fcodo j AJilitis in Hen Si in Melchegrave. r c de xs, pro habenda Recognitione de Mag. Rot. 7. R. i. Rot. 18. b. Su-ljixx. Nova Diffaifina apud Weftmonaileriim ; In [g) Willelmus Aguillum debet C s, pro th.l, Ec Q^e. Mag. Rot. y.R. i. Rot. 18 L habendo re£lo iii Curia Regis apud Weft- (e) Robertas le Salvage rede xxs, pro monafterium, de feodo j Miiitis in Nord- habenda loquela fua de donatione Agnetis borne, verfus Maniel Agiiillun & Ricarduni iilia Johannis, quam dicit ad fe pertinerc, in Aguillun. Ib.juxt. SudJ'ex. Curia Regis apud Weftmonafttrium, verl'us (h) Robertus Blundus filius Bartholomsi Johannem de Cumba ; In th. 1, lit Q^ e. Blundi de Londonia r c de dimidia inarca, Mag. Rot. 7. R. I. Rot. 18. b. Sudfxx, Ut Concordia facta inter ipfum & Rogerum (f) Johannes de Cumbes debet ij marcas, de Ginges in Curia Regis fcribatur in Mag- pro refummonenda recognitione in Curia no Roiiilo, fcilicct quod prsediiflus Rogcrus Regis apud Weftmonafterium, quae fum- dcdit Si cone, ffit pr:enominato Roberto monita f'uit antea in eadeni Curia ibidem, IMujiJo & harredibus fuis, pro homagio Sc inter ipfum, & Robertum Falconarium Sc fervitio fuo, totam tcrrani quam Ricar.Jus Dolfin 790 Of the Division Chap. XIX. minjler fi). In the fecond Year of K. yoh?t, there were yiijliciarij de Wejlmonajlerio. Ralf de Rochejier gave a Hawk and a Palfrey, that a Recognition might come before the Jufticiers of Wejiminjler three Weeks after Eajler, which was fummoned to be there at the fame Term, and which the King had commanded fhould come before him at that Term ubicimq; cJJ'et ; and that the Recognition might proceed before the Jufticiers, notwithftanding the King's faid Command for removing it (k). In the third Year of K. 'John, one 'John de Birikin gave X Marks, that the King would warrant to him a certain Day wherein he ought to have appeared before the Jufticiers oi Wejiminjier {/j. In the ninth Year of K. John, Robert de Hajiings gave xx Marks, that twelve lawful Knights of the Rap of Hajiings might be fum- moned to appear before the King's Jufticier [or Juftiiciers] at Weji- m'nijlcr, to find whether the faid Robert or Simon de Ecchi?2ghafn had the beft right to the Stewardftiip of the Honour of the Earl of Oti in the Rap of Hajiings (m). Again ; in the lixth Year of K. John there were Jujliciarij de Banco. David Ruffiis and Amabk his Wife fined in half' a Mark, that a Recognition of Mortdanceftour which pended before the Jujiiciarij de Banco might be brought before the King {n). In the 7th Year of that King, William de Mendham fined in Dolfin tenuit de ipfo Rogero in Ginges, quam terram ipfe Ricardus quietam claina- vit prsenominato Rogero coram Juftic. Do- mini Regis apud Weftmonaftcrium, & duos Campos quorum unus vocatur Aisfcld, and divers other Lands &c. Mog. E.ot. 9. R. i. Rot. II. Lnndrmta iff Midd. (i) Henricus de Furnell [debet] j mar- cam, Ut fcribatur in Magno Rotulo quod Henricus de la Pomeraie conceffit & dedit & carta fua confirmavit ei & hafredibus fuis, pro homagio h fervitio fuo medietatem to- tius terrae de Ar, cum omnibus ad eandem terram pertinentibus, praster medietatem molendini quae eft in litigio . Et Hen- ricus de la Pomeraie de prjedidta terra cepit Homagium fuum in Curia Domini Regis apud Weftmonafterium. Mag. Rot. 9. R. I. Rot. 9. b. poj} Siaff'^rdfaram. .[k) Radulfus de Roueceftri.i r c dej Ac- cipitrc & j Palefrido, Pro habenda Recog- Ritione coram Jufticiarijs de Weftmonafte- rio a die Pafcha; in tres fcptimanas, quae prius fuit fummonita ibi ad eundcm termi- Kum ; quam Rex prascepcrat venire coram eo ad terminum ilium ubicunq; effet ; ita quod non remaneat propter illud praeceptum : In Thefauro j marcam pro Accipitre & v marcas pro Palefrido, Et Q^ e. Mag. Rot. 2. J. Rot. 3. b. EJfex y Hurtford. {/) Johannes de Birikin debet x marcas, Ut Rex warantizet ei quendam diem, quo debuit efTe coram Jufticiarijs de Weftmo- nafterio, de placito Terrae, verfus Rober- tum de Budliers & Ylariam uxoremejus, & ne pro abfentia illius diei ponatur in de- falta nee in aliquo fit perdens. Alag. Rot. 3. y. Rot. 1 2. b. Everivichfcira. [m) Robertus de Haftinges debet xx marcas, Per fic quod xij Legales Milites de Rappo de Haftinges fummoneantur, quod fint coram Juftic. Regis apud Weftmonaf- terium, ad recognofcendum utrum prasdic- tus Robertus vel Simon de Ecchinghani majus jus habeat in Senefcalcia de Honore Comitis Augi in Rappo de Haftinges. Mag. Rot. g. 7. Rot. 4. b. [n) David Ruftus h Amabilia uxor ejus dcbent dimidiam marcam. Pro removenda Recognitione de Morte Anteceftbris quae eft chap. XIX. Of the Kings Courts. 791 in xl/, to have a Writ whereby the Plea which pended between him and Richard Son of Drue before the Jufticiers of the Bank, might be removed before the King [o). In the 8th Year of the fame King, there were Amcrciiimenta de Banco impofed by S. de Pateji.ndl (p) ; the like in the i6th Year /^yj, and other Years of that King. Thefe Amerciaments, flyled Amerciatncnta de Banco were impofed before Si- mon de Patejlmll, and eftreated by him into the Exchequer. Which may give us Occafion to enquire, in what Poft or Office Simon de Pate- jlmll was at that Time. Matthew Paris fpeaking of him after he was dead, fays he was formerly chief Jufticier of England (r). In the ninth Year of K. yohn he fat (perhaps as chief Jufticier) in the King's Court at Wejlminjter : for in that Year a final Concord was made in Curia Regis apud Wejimon., before the King himfelf, Simon de Pate- Jlndl, and two other Jufticiers, between Thomas de Prejlon, and Ratf Abbot of Wejhni?ijier, touching the Advoufon of the Church of Per- ham, whereof a Recognition of Darrein Prefentment was fummoned between them in the faid Court (j-) : and in the lame Year, a Plea of Mortdanceflour pended before Simon de Patejlmll and his Companions, between Henry Fitz-Gerold, and William de Alneto (/) ; 'tis not indeed exprefly faid, that this Plea was in the Bank : but 'tis likely it pended there, partly becaufe Mortdanceftour was one of that Sort of Pleas, which now began to be withdrawn from the Curia Regis, and were a few Years afterwards, by K. John's great Charter, exprefly referved to the Bank, in Cafe they could not be determined in the Counties "where they arofe {11); and partly becaufe 'tis certain that about this Time, Simo7i de Patejlmll, who was either chief Juflicier, or at leafl eft coram Jufticiarijs de Banco, coram fauroliberavit in xix Tallcis, Et Q^ e. ^Z-;^. Rege, de dimidia carrucata & quarta unius Rol. 16. J. Rot. 16. b. Norf. Ls" Stidf. carrucatae in Sutton. Mag. Rot. t. J. Rot. [r] — hlium videlicet Siiiionis de Pate- 16. a. fhulle qui quandoq; habcnas moderabatur (fl) Willelmus de Mendham debet xlJ, totius Anglise Jufticiaiij. M. Par. ad anr\ Pro habendo brevi, quod loquela qua eft 1239. inter ipfum & Ricardum filium Drogonis (s) Form. Angl. nu. CCCLXIV. coram Juftic. de Banco fit coram Rege. (/) Henricus filiusGeroldi debet iij palc- Mag. Rot. 7. y. Rot. 20. bis, a. fridos, Per fic quod dies dift'ufus conftituatur (p) De Amerciamentis de Banco, per S, a Simone de Pateftiull & Socijs fuis per Lit- de Pateftiull. Mag. Rot. 8. J. Rot. 6. b. eras Regis, fibi & Willelmo dc Air.eto, dc Siidfex ; Et ib. Rot. 17.. b. i^c. Recognitione mortis anteccflbris. yJ/^Tj. /?«/. (q) De Amerciamentis de Banco: Idem 9. J. Rot. jy. b. Vicecomes [Johannes filius Roberti] r c de [u) Mag. Chart. R. Job. cap. 22, 23. apud xl & X s, de mifericordijs h minum quo- Bradcium in Append.' Hiji. Angl. p. 132, rum nomina annotantur in Rotulo quem S. 133. de Pateftiull liberavit in Thefauro ; In The- 2 one 792 Of the Division Chap. XIX. one of the King's Jufticiers (w), fat in the Bank {x). But whether Simon de Patcjhull was, properly, chief Jufticier of the Bank, or whether there was at that Time any Officer fo flyled, I have not yet difcovered. Again j in the 14th Year of K. John, there were Pleas in the King's Court before Sinmi de Patefitill and his Compa- jiionsj in the Cafe of John Chern [y), and others {z). So that all thefe Matters being put together, it feems likely enough, that the Bank not being as yet compleatly fettled (nor perhaps fur- niflied v/ith a fixt Prefident or chief Jufticier) the Perfon v/ho was the chief Jufticier of England ufed to fit and adt at this Time as well in the Bank, as in the King's Court and the Exchequer. But this I propofe only as a Conjedlure. Moreover, although there was a Bank in being in the Fore-part of K. John's Reign : yet it feems that even at the End of his Reign, common Pleas were not compleatly feparated from the Kings Court. For in the Claufe, Cormmmia placita tion fe- quantur Curiam nojlram, it is implied that common Pleas did then, at leaft in fome Meafure, follow the King's Court : upon which Ground 'tis ordered, that for the Future they fhould not follow the King's Court, but he held in aliquo certo loco. And in Fa(5l, it ap^ pears, that common Pleas did ftill in fome Meafure follow th.t Ki}igs Court, even during all that Part of K. John's Reign, wherein (as is fliewn above in this Sedtion) there was in being, a Court called the Bank, until the 17th Year of his Reign : this I fay, appears in fe- veral Inftances, fome of which are cited in this Volume {a\, and need not be here repeated at large. And it feems that even the above cited Claufe in K. John's Charter made in his 17th Year, did not prefently quite take away from the King's Court the former Ufage of dealing in common Pleas, or compleatly annex them to the Bank. For in the great Charter of Liberties made in the 9th Year of K. Henry III, Son of K. John, it was thought neceffary to grant and order m tot idem verbis, that Communia placita nonfequantur Curiam nojlram, fed teneantur in aliquo ccrto loco (b). And in Fadl, fome (w) Cap. ul:.. jea. 7 ti 8. r c de xxiij I & vj s, & viij d de Mifericordijs (a) pauh fup. hominum quorum nomina annotantur ia (y) De PLicitis CuiIe per Sim. de Pate- Rotulo quem S. de Patefhull liberavit in fliull& focios fuos : Johannes Chern debet thefauro. lb. Rot. 14. a. Buk. i^ Bed. dim. marcam pro injulta detentione. Philip- {a) Vld. Cap. ■^. jfe^. 6.^8. Cap. 12. pus de Horfie debet xx s pro injufta deten- feSi. 2. tione. . Mag. Rot. 14. J. Rot. 13. b. (i) Ex Mag. Charta atitogr. H. 3, infpe£lm_ Somerf. bf Dorf. ^ conf.rmata ab Edw. I, in archiv. S. Petri (z) DePlacitis Curix : Idem Vicecomes JVeJlmon. viz. cap. 11. n common chap. XIX. of the Kings Courts. 793 common Pleas were ftill brought into the Curia Regis during thofe Years which pafTed between the 17th Year of K. 'John, and the 9th of K. Henry III. For Example ; PhiUfp de Crediho and Miles de Kimbridg fined in a Mark, that their PLiint might be remo\'ed from the County into the \Kings\ Court (c). Anora Maban fined in xx Marks, for a Prcecipe, and to have Right done her thereupon in the Kings Court [d). And one would be apt to think, fome Pleas of the Crown were at this Tune holden in the Bank. For in the 5th Year of K. Hcjiry III, Geoffrey de Norton and others fined in one Palfrey, that an Appeal of Robery and Breach of the Peace, for which John de Harpetre and others were attached, might be brought before the Juflices of the Batik {e). In the tenth Year of K. Henry III, Ernald Servant to the Bifliop of Car Hie brought an Appeal againft Philipp Marc for a Robery and Breach of the Peace. The Appeal was prefixed by the King's Precept to be before the Juflices of the common Bench in the Odlaves of St. Hilary. The King, by a Writ of his great Seal, commanded the Juftices of the common Bench to refpite that Appeal till the Oi^laves of the Clofe of Barter (f). In the fame Year, Satnfon Ernald and feveral others were accufed, for having been concerned, with other Townfmen of Ry, in demolifh- ing the Houfe of William Son of Gerbcrt, and in carrying away, by Robery and Force, fome of the King's Money which was then in the faid Houfe, and fome of Willianis Goods and Chatells. William brought an Appeal againft them for that Caufe. The Appeal was at- tached by the King's Precept to be before the Juflices of the com- mon Bench in the Odaves of St. Hilary. But in reg;n-d the Perfons appealed were gone into the King's Service in foreign Parts, the King commanded the Juftices of the common Bench, to refpite the Appeal till the Odlaves of the H. Trinity (g). In (■t)Philippiis de Crediho & Milo deKim- & alij attachiati funt pro Roberia & pace brig debentj marcam, Ut Loquela fua po- Regis frafta, vcniat coram Jiiftic. de Banco. iiatur aConiitatu in Curiam. Mag. Rot. 2. Mag. Rct.^. H. 3. Rot. 6. h.Doif. (s' Siiricrf. H. 3. Rot. 2. a. Suthamt. (f) Mandarum eft Jufticiarijs de Banco (d) Anora Maban [debet] xx maicas, quod appellum quod hrnaldus fervicns Car- pro habendo Praecipe verfus Thomam Baffct leolenfis Epifropi facit verfus Phtlipputn 6t PhiUppam uxorem ejus,demedietate villce Marc de roberia & pace Domini Regis de Alilcincdeld, U ut ei inde redum tenea- fraifla, & coram vobis venire pra-cepimus in tur in Curia Regis. lb. Rot. i. a. Staff. odlabis S. Hyllarij ponant in refpeaum ufq; (e) Galfiidus de Norton, Elyas de Yrn- in oitabas Clauli Pafchae anno x". T. Rege ham, Petrus de la Leegrave, h Adam de apud Clarendon xxx die Decembris. Rot. Eiilford debent ] palefridum, Ut appellum Litcrat. 10. Hen. 3. m. 3. auo Willelmusfiliusjohannis de Harpetre {g) Rex JulUciarijs fuis de Banco falu- ' Vol. I. 5 1 tern. 794- Of the Division Chap. XIX. In the Reign of K. 'john (if my Obfervatlon does not fail me) af- ter the Eredtion of the Bank, the Style of the fuperior Court began to alter. By Degrees, the Phrafe Curia Regis (for the fuperior Court) went into difufe. And the Pleas and Proceedings in that Court were frequently faid to be coram Rege or Domino Rcge ; and in Pro- cefs of Time, coram Domino Rege iiblciinq; &c. I will give a few In- ftances of the Variation in the Style of the Curia Regis in the Time of K. Jo/bn. One John de Mutton fined in half a Mark, that Hervey Bagot and Mllifent his Wife might be fummoned to appear coram Rege, to anfwer for an Intrufion into certain Land [/j). 'Thomas de Wuttorp gave xv Marks, that the Land which. Beatrix de Falerford held in Dower in Falerford, of the Gift of Alan de Wuttorp whofe Heir Thomas is, with the Chatelis found upon the fame Land, may be taken into the Kind's Hand : and that Simon de Klme and others may be attached to anfwer before the King, for intruding into the faid Land (/). Heit de Brandefton and others were to be fummoned to appear coram Rege at the Suit of Roger de Doal [k) : WtUlam the Dane was to have an AfTife of Novell DifTeifine coram Rege (I) : Wll- /lam Fttz-John and others ought to have had yohn the Champion of tem. Sciatis quod Sampfon Ernald, Ricardus Wymund, Johannes filius Simonis and about thirty Perfons more, qui ut dicitur debuerunt interfuifl'e cum alijs Hominibus de Ria do- mui Willelmi filij Gereb. profternendas, & ad denarios noltros de firma villae noftrae de Jernemue qui fuerunt in domo ipfius Wil- lelmi & res & catalla ipfius Willelmi in roberia & contra pacem noftram afportanda, unde loquela per appellum ipfius Willelmi attachiata eft coram vobis per praceptum noftrum in oftabis S. Hyllarij, profeili funt infervicium noftrum ad partes tranfmarinas. Et ideo vobis mandamus, quod loquelam illam ponatis in refpcflum ufq; ad oitabas S. Trinitatis anno r n x°. T. Rege apud Merleberg xix die Januarij. Rot. Liberal. 10. H. 3. m. 3. (/i) Johannes de Mutton debet dimidiam marcam, pro ponendo per vadium He. veium Bagot & Mllifent uxorem ejus, quod fint coram Rege oftenfuri quare ipfi intruferunt fe in una Hida terrae cum pertinentijs in Lutiwude, unde placitum fuit inter ipfos & Nicolaum patrem ejus. Mag. Rot. 6. jf. Rot. 16. a. Stafforclfcira ; Nova Ohlata. {i) Tomas de Wuttorp [debet] xv mar- cas. Per fic quod tota terra quam Beatrix de Falerford tenuit in Dotem in Faler- ford de Dono Alani de Wuttorp cujus ha»- res idem Tomas eft, cum catallis ibi in- ventis capiatur in manum Regis ; Et quod Simon de Kime & Philippus filius ejus [and others here named) atachientur re- fpondere coram Rege, quo waranto intrufe- runt fe in pradiftam terrain. Mag. Rot, II- y- Rot. 7. b. Lincollfcira. [k) Rogerus de Doai debet j marcam, quod Helte de Brandefton & Sewhal de Neweton, &quidam alij ponantur per vad. & pleg. quod fint coram Rege, oftenfuri quare afportaverunt domos & gardin. ipfius Rogeri, & ignem pofueiunt fuper feodum dimidij Militis in Kelelberge, poftquam habuit inde Judicium fuum in Curia Regis. Mag. Rot. 12. J. Rot. 4. a. Nordf.'isf Sudf. [I) Willelmus Dacus [debet] dimidiam marcam, Pro habenda recognitione Novas Difl'aifinae coram Rege contra Umfridum de Rokel., Et j palefridum, Ut carta quam habet audiatur. lb. Rot, 7. b. Roger chap. XIX. of the King s Courts. 795 Roger de Hafeldcn, coram Rege (w). The. Abbot of St. Edfnundv^^s to have Simon de Livrcmere Clerk coram Rege on Afhwednefday («). Robert de Sidebi fined in viii Marks, that his Recosrnition might be coram Rege (^ D I V I s I o N Chap. XIX. be moft generally called Curia Regis coram ipfo Rege, or coram Domino Rege ubicunq; fuerit ; and has been fb flyled ever fince. And as the Style of Curia Regis for the iuperiour ordinary Court was retained for feveral Years after the Divifion of the Courts : fo the Style of Curia Regis coram Rege or coram Rege ubicunq; fuerit for the faine fu- periour Court, was by Degrees coming into ufe before the complete Divifion of the Courts. Thus in the 2d Year of K. fohuy a Precept iffued for removing a Recognition or Alfife pending before the Juftices of Weflmirifter, before the King ubicunq; ejj'et, in the Cafe of Ralf de Rouecejler (s). And in the fame Year, James Bagged fined in a Mark, to have TFalter Baggot fummoned before the King ubicunq; juer it in Anglia, to hear his K^ecord and Judgment in an Aflife of Mordancef- tour (t). But after the Divifion of the Courts was com.pleatly efFed:- ed, the Style of Curia coram Rege and coram Rege ubicunq; fuerit came into general Ufe, and continues in Ufe at this Day ; as hath been in- timated here above. For Example: In the i8th Year of K. He?iry 111, a Caufe or Plaint depending before the Juftices of the Battk, be- tween Richard de Percy and William de Percy was ordered to be brought before the King ubicunq; fuerit ; it being the King's Pleafure to have it determined in his own Prefence (u). To which, other Inflances might be added, if it were needful. The Exchequer having been, during the greateft Part of the iirfl Period, a Member of the Curia Regis, and a Place for determining fome of the Common Pleas brought into the Curia Regis, the Separa- tion of Common Pleas from the Curia Regis did confiderably afFedl the Exchequer. In Truth, Common Pleas were taken away from the Exchequer, by the fame Means by which they were taken away from the Curia Regis ; as hath been before fuggefted in Chap. VI. How- ever it is to be underftood, that after the Divifion of the Courts, there flill remained fuch a Communication between the Court coram ipfo Rege, and the Exchequer, and the Bank, as might be naturally ex- peiled between three Courts fpringing out of one common Stock. Concerning that Communication fome Memoires have been produced in the Vlth Chapter juft above cited. And I will add here a few (s) Hk, Ctip. 19. /t'J?. 2. pau!o /up. ponant coram Domino Rege ubicunq; fuerit (/) Cap. 12. fe£}. 2. a die S. Trinitatis in fex feptimanas : Do- («) iVIandatum eft Jufticiarijs de Banco, minus enim Rex vult, quod loquela ilia ter- quod loquelam qu ae eft coram eis per prae- minetur, & pax inde fiat in prasfentia fua. ceptum Regis, a die S. Trinitatis in unum T. Rege apud Kenynton vj die Julij. CI. menfem, inter Ric ardum de Percy & Wil- i8. H. 3. ?n. 16. lelmum de Percy d e fine faito inter eos, 2 Words chap. XIX. of the Kirig s Courts. 797 Words concerning the Office of the King's Mo.rcfclMiU, in order to confirm what hath been above oblerved concerning the Divifion of the Courts. Before the Divifion of the Courts, the King's Ma- refchall executed fome Part of his Office, either by Himfelf or his Subftitutc, in the Kings Court and in the Ex'chequer. And he con- tinued fo to do, after ihat Divifion, without any new Inihudions or J'owers from the Crown, for ought that appears, granted to him in that Behalf : that is to fiiy, he adled by his Subftitutes in the Court holden before the King Himfelf, in the Exchequer, in the Common Bcnch> and in the Court of the Marefchalfey of tlie King's Houf- hold. From the Inftances produced in Chap. XXIVth, Secft. 6, it appears that the Marefchall of Enghind for the Time being had a Clerk who refided and adled for him at the Exchequer, after the Di- vifion of the Courts. And it appears from the Precedent hereunder cited, that after the faid Divifion of the Courts, fome Functions of his Office were executed in the feveral Courts and Places here above mentioned. For Example : K. Edunirdl granted to Thomas Earl of Norfolk the Office of Marefchall of England, to hold to him and the Heirs Males of his Body. The Earl died without Male Iflue of liis Body. Thereupon, K. Edward III granted the faid Office to William de Montague Earl of Sale/bury, to hold for the Term of his Life. Up- on the Death of William Earl of Sale/bury, K. Edward III, appointed Robert de Herle and three others hereunder named (or any three or two of them) to feize into his Hands the faid Office of Marefchalfey of England, with its Appurtenances, in whatfoever Courts or Places the fame was to be executed, as well in the Court of the Marefchalfey of the King's Houfliold, and in the King's Bench, and in the Common Bench, and the Exchequer, as alfo in all other Courts and Places whatfoever within the Realm of England. And the faid Office was feized into the King's Hands accordingly (nso). At (w) Anglia. De OfRcio Marefcalli in Marefcalcias Anglix tenuit ad terminum Scaccario capto in manum Regis, & certis vitJc fuse, ex cimceflione noftra quam ci perfonis ad officium illud cuftodiendum ju- fecimus poft mortem Tliomae nuper Comi- ratis. Dominus Rex rnaiidavit hie breve tis Norfolcix- & Marefcalli Angli.e, qui 'hole Tenour and the Context of the Places jufi: now cited, feemeth rather to favour the latter Senfe abovementioned. It is to be noted, that Glanvill no where elfe in his Book (for ought that I remember) ufeth Words neceffarily importing that there was a BaJik in the Reign of K. Henry II, or expreffeth himfelf in any other Terms befides thofe v/hich I have mentioned, that may feeni to bear fuch an Import. And if we confider the Tenour of Glanvill's Trea- tife or Text, we fhall find, that his general Difcourfe turneth upon Proceedings that were had in the principal Court, the Curia Regis. In particular, the Inftances which I have cited, are I think to be fo un- derftood. For Example : Glanvill in his 2d Book is fpeaking of Men who had Caufes depending in the Curia Regis. " In thefe Caufes " (faith he) the Tenant may put himfelf either upon Duell, or up- " on the King's grand Afiize. If he put himfelf upon Duell : then *' the Point is to be finally determined by Duell. If he chufeth to " put himfelf upon the Grand Alfize ; the Dem.andant may like- " wife put himfelf upon the Afiize. If the Demandant do once *' put himfelf upon the Afiize, and do exprefly declare before the ** Juftices fitting in Banco, that he would do fo, he cannot " afterwards go back, but mufi: fi;and or fall by the Afiize." Here (I fay) Glanvill is fpeaking of Caufes pending in the curia Regis : and therefore it feemeth mofl: natural to underfiiand, that the Juftices in Banco fedentcs were the Jufiiices fitting in the Curia Regis j That bein^ the Court to which his Difcourfe relateth. In like Man- ner, in the 8th Book, he fpeaketh of final Concords made in the Curia Regis. Contitigit autcm (faith he) muUotiens loquelas mot as in Curia Re- chap, XIX. of the Kings Courts. 8oi gisi per amkabilem compofitionem fif Jinalem concordiam tcnn'mari {aj.. Then it followeth : Sold mitem Sec ; as I have cited him here above^ So that from Glanvi/l's Context it feemeth his Meaning was this : When the final Concord was made in the Curia Regis, the Ufage was to have it drawn-up by Afl'ent of the Parties in a communis Scripiiira or chirograph, each Part whereof perfedly agreed with the other Part :. Yfhiich. communis Scrip'ura OY chivogva.Y>h. was wont to be read or-recited before the Juftices there in Banco rc/idejitibns, or in open and folemn Court; and one Part of it to be dehvered, before the Juftices there, to one of the Parties, and the other Part to the other Party. The like Expofition mutatis mutandis may aptly be given of what Glanvill faith in the firfl Chapter of his iith Book, as it is above cited : namely, that where any Man is admitted to be Attorney for another, the Mafter or Principal ought regularly to be perfonally prefent in Court when he prefenteth his faid Attorney : Which Prefentation of the Attorney ought to be made before the King's Juftices whilft they are fitting in open Court. Moreover, it may be noted by the by, that when G/anvil/ in the 6th Chapter of his 2d Book fpeaketh of the Grand Aflize, he cannot well be underftood of the Times antecedent to the Reign of K. Henry II : Becaufe (as the Antiquaries fay) that King was the firft that brought into Ufe or eftabliihed the Tryal by grand Aflife in England. It is alfo to be noted, that the Form of a Final Concord which G lanvil/ ktteth down in the 2d Chapter of his 8th Book, beareth Date in the 33d Year of K. Henry II : which is but a few Years before the Time to which I have above aligned the Eredion of the Bank. So that, whether we take tliis Matter the one Way or the other, that is, upon the Foot of what I have alledged in the Forepart of this Chapter, or upon the Foot of what I have quoted out of G/anvi/I, there will be but little Difference in the Cafe in Point of Time. But if the general Expofition which I have before given of Glanvill's Words be admitted ; then the Obje(51'ion grounded upoa. them will be of no force. (a) Glanv. L. 8. c, i. THEENDOFVOL. I. 4 HI .-)U UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES COLLEGE LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below. %13 6 4 Apr 24 6 4 Apr 24 6 4 /fTc'o coi 1-18. ^1%i Book Slip-25m-7,'61(C1437s4)4280 UCLA-College Library ' HJ 1028 M26h v.1 c:oiu Libn D 000 534 807 3 f .#>