i L ^ //> - / v(?^# UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNI| AT LOS ANGELES I REMAINS OF NITHSDALE AND GALLOWAY SONG WITH HISTORICAL AND TRADITIONAL NOTICES RELATIYE TO THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE PEASANTRY. NOW FIRST PUBLISHED IiV It II CROMEK, F.A.S. Ed. l.DI Mil; ii|- ' | Hi: KEL1QUES OF KOUIIRT IJUItNS.' ' a faithful portrait, unadorned, or manners lingering yet in Scotia's vales. 1 LONDON: PRINTKI) FOR T. (AI)KI.L AMI W. DA VIES, STKANP n>> T. HKSSLKY, Dolt r,, r t, Flat Start. 1810. X N6Cs TO Mrs. COPLAND, OF DALLEATTIE. At length, my dear Madam, the grate- ful task in which I engaged, is per- formed. You well know with what f) anxiety I undertook my humble share in this Work, and how much your kind as- ^ " sistance smoothed my path, and your cheering approbation encouraged me to appear for a second time, before a less indulgent tribunal. What its decision may be I cannot anticipate I respect \1 the censures of good men, and to their favourable acceptance I submit my la- bours. Jt. II. CROMER, L> IV ill m, f)4, Si it-man Street, 1810. <- ; CONTENTS. Page Introduction 1 CLASS I. SENTIMENTAL BALLADS. The Lord's Marie 3 Bonnie Lady Ann g She's gane to dwall in Heaven 14 Thou hast sworn by thy God, my Jeanie 18 Lady Jean's Luve 24 The Broken Heart of Annie 30 Habbic's rrae Hame 32 The Return of Spring 34 The Lovely Lass of Preston Mill 38 Fragment 41 cw*. ' -- - - ' ' IV CONTENTS. Page The Auld Carle's Welcome 46 A weary bodie's blythe whan the Sun gangs down 50 My ain Fire-side . . (Note) 53 CLASS II. HUMOROUS BALLADS. The Pawky Auld Kimmer 59 The Ewe-bughts 63 The Pawky Loon the Miller 66 The Gray Cock 72 Stars dinna keek in 76 Galloway Tarn 7? Tarn Bo 79 Were ye at the Pier o' Leith ? 81 Our Guid-wife's ay in the Right 82 Original of Burns's ' Carle of Kelly-burn braes' . 83 Souter Sawney had a Wife 87 Fairly shot on her 88 Original of Burns's ' Gude Ale comes,' 90 CONTENTS. r Page There's nane o' them a' like my bonnie lassie ... Oft. My Kimmer and I 95 Variations of ' Tibbie Fowler/ Q? Cannie wi' your blinkin, Bessie 103 The Bridal Sark 106 The Bridegroom Darg 113 CLASS III. JACOBITE BALLADS, 1715. Derwentwater, a Fragment 12/ Lament for the Lord Maxwell 132 The Lusty Carlin 137 Kenmure's on an' awa, Willie 139 The wee, wee German Lairdie 14-1 Awa, Whigs, awa 1*17 The Highland Laddie 150 Merry may the Keel rowe 154 Song of the Chevalier 15(> VI CONTENTS. JACOBITE BALLADS, 1745. Page Carlisle Yetts, a Fragment 15g Were ye e'er at Crookie Den ? 163 Cumberland and Murray's Descent into Hell. . . . 160 Harae, Hame, Hame 169 The Waes o' Scotiand. 172 The Sun's bright in France 177 The Lamentation of an Old Man over the Ruin of his Family 179 The Lovely Lass of Inverness 180 The Young Maxwell 184 Lassie, lie near me 1 89 Bannocks o' Barley 192 Young Airly 195 The Highland Widow's Lament 19s Charlie Stewart 201 CLASS IV. OLD BALLADS AND FRAGMENTS. We were Sisters, we were seven 20j Two Verses of Logan Braes 218 CONTENTS. VU Page O who is this under my Window 21Q Lady Margerie 222 Young Airly 226 The Mermaid of Galloway 229 APPENDIX. Scottish Games 251 A Specimen of the Tender Mercies of Claver- house, from the Life of Alexander Peden. . 255 ' Taking the Beuk' 258 Description of the Stool of Repentance 263 History of "Witchcraft, sketched from the popular Tales of the Peasantry of Nithsdale and Gal- loway 272 Character of the Scottish Lowland Fairies 293 Particulars of the Escape of Lord Nithsdale from the Tower, in 1716 3] 1 Account of Billy Blin', the Scotch Brownie .... 330 V1U CONTENTS. Page Brief Memoir of the Life of John Lowe, author of ' Mary's Dream,' by the Rev. William Gillespie, Minister of Kells Parish, in Gal- loway 342 Mary's Dream 362 Old way of Mary's Dream 363 The Design on the Title- Page is engraved on Wood, by Clennell, from the pencil of Stothard. It represents an Old Woman communicating to Lord Nithsdale's Tenants the news of his Escape to France. Vide p. 137. INTRODUCTION. 1 he Scottish poets have raised a glorious fa- bric of characteristic Lyric, the fairest perhaps any nation can boast. The foundations were laid by various unknown hands, and even of those who raised the superstructure few have attained the honour of renown; but the whole has been reformed and completed by a Man whose fame will be immortal as his genius was transcendant. The name of Robert Burns, Jet a Scotchman pronounce it witli reverence and affection ! He produced the most simple and beautiful lyrics himself; he purified and washed from their olden stains many of the most exquisite of past ages. He collected others with all the m acces- lo a mine so XX VIII abundant, it was more a business of selection than of toil, to derive details which might esta- blish what was doubtful, and illustrate what was obscure. At the same time these Remains by exhibiting masterly sketches of the popular genius which produced them, naturally excite a curiosity in readers of every taste, to behold the portrait more fully delineated. Presuming on the excitement of this curiosity, I have ven- tured to describe, at some length, the domestic manners, the rural occupations, the passions, the attachments, the prejudices, and the super- stitions which characterise the peasantry of jSithsdale and Galloway. These details were in part necessary to make the poetry understood, and if they should have exceeded the bounds which a rigid Critic might prescribe, they will not, it is hoped, be con- sidered wholly irrelevant to the purpose I have had in view. In point of style, they lay no claim to the praise of elegance or refinement; for as they were dictated by strictly local observation, they were written with a sole regard to fidelity xxix and truth. Should the outline he found correct, the colouring vivid, and the whole likeness striking, it is a matter of very little moment that the picture appear unreeommended hy the graces of laborious embellishment. I cannot dismiss this volume without grate- fully acknowledging the ready assistance I re- ceived while collecting the materials, from all persons to whom my design was communicated; particularly from Mrs. Copland, of Dalbeattie, in Galloway, and her niece ]\liss Macartney, and likewise from Mr. Allan Cunningham, of Dumfries. Mrs. Copland's exquisite taste has rescued from oblivion many fine remains of Song; and has illustrated them by remarks equally curious and valuable. On a review of the interesting communications with which she; has enriched this collection, the reader will regret that her literary diffidence should have at ail restrained her pen in a task which it was so well quali- fied to perform. If were but justice to ac- knowledge the benefit which these communi- cations have conferred on the Editor; but his XXX own feelings prompt him to a warmer ex- pression of gratitude for her benevolence in opening to him those hidden treasures of Scot- tish Song, of which he had been so earnestly in search. To her lovely and amiable niece, Miss Macartney, he would also offer the ho- mage of his thanks as to the Rural Muse of Galloway, who, with a magic hand, had awak- ened those native strains which were the de- light of a simple and pastoral age; and which, in the bustle of commerce, are no longer heard. To Mr. Allan Cunningham, who, in the humble and laborious profession of a mason, has devoted his leisure hours to the cultiva- tion (;f a genius naturally of the first order, I cannot sufficiently express my obligations. He entered into my design with the enthu- siasm of a poet; and was my guide through the rural haunts of Nithsdale and Galloway; where his variously interesting and animated conversation beguiled the tediousness of the toil; while his local knowledge, his refined taste, and his indefatigable industry, drew from obscurity many pieces which adorn this XXXI collection, and which, without his aid, would have eluded mv research. To those of* his own countrymen who dis- relish every thing that is of Scottish growth, merely because they do not understand, or are not accustomed to it, the Editor fore- see* that these Native Songsters will not be very welcome. Even one of the first among living English poets once observed to him, in a conversation respecting Burns, that ' he was a clever fellozo; but it was a pity he wrote in such a strange, outlandish dialect!' To this sort of prejudiced people an argu- ment will not avail ; and, perhaps, the follow- ing little story may be thrown away upon them. < A country gentleman from the west of Scotland, being occasionally in England for ;i tew weeks, was, one delightful summer even- ing, a>ked to hear the nightingale; his friend informing him ;it the same time, that this bird wa* a native of England, and never to he heard XXX11 in his own country. After he had listened with attention, for some time, upon being asked, if he was not much delighted with the night- ingale, ' It's a' very gude,' replied he, ' it's a' very gude ; but I wadna gie the wheeple of a wkaap for a' the nightingales that ever sang.' R. H. C. London, July, 1810. 17 These elegiac verses, though in some instances they pass the bounds of the simple and natural pathetic, ex- press strongly the mingled feelings of grief and devo- tion which follow the loss of some beloved object. There are degrees of affliction corresponding with the degrees of our attachment and regard, and surely the most tender of attachments must be deplored by afflic- tion the most poignant. This may account for, and ex- cuse those expressions in this Song, which border on extravagance 5 but it must be confessed that the first stanza, with every allowance, is reprehensible from its open and daring confidence in the Deity. The rest are written in a strain of solemn and feeling eloquence which must find an echo in every bosom. The effusion is somewhat too serious for a song; it has all the holi- ness of a psalm, and would surfer profanation by being set to a common tune. 18 THOU HAST SWORN BY THY GOD, MY JEANIE. (galloway, and nithsdale.) These verses are copied from the recitation of a worthy old man, now * raked i' the mools,' as the Scotch phrase is. With him have perished many beautiful songs, remnants of the times which were. He was a dissenter from the church of Scotland, and had all that stern severity of demeanour, and rigidness of mind, which belong to those trained in the old school of divinity, under the iron discipline of Scottish Presbyterianism. Yet when kept aloof from religious dispute, when his native goodness was not touched with the sour leaven of bigotry, lie was a man, as we may truly say with scripture, ' after God's own heart.' There is a characte- ristic trait of him which will lighten the dark- ness of superstition which gave it birth. In 19 that violent persecution" 1 in the reigns of James the seventh, and the second Charles, one of the persecuted preachers took refuge among the wild hills behind Kirkmahoe, in the county of Dum- fries. On a beautiful green-topped hill, called the Wardlazi), was raised a pulpit of sods, where he preached to his congregation. General Dalze/l hastened on with his dragoons, and dispersed the assembly : this consecrated the spot. Our worthy old patriarch, in the fine sabbath evenings, would go with his wife and children to the Wardlaw, though some miles of rough road distant, seat himself in the preacher's place, and 'take the Beuk,' n with his family around him. He kneeled down, and with all the flow of religious eloquence, held converse with his God. This song was his favourite, and he usually sung it at Halloweens, at Kirk-suppers, and other Trystes. 1,1 See the Appendix (H.) " See the Appendix (C.) 20 THOU HAST SWORN BY THY GOD, MY JEANIE. i. Thou hast sworn by thy God, my Jeanie, By that pretty white hand o' thine, And by a' the lowing stars in Heaven, That thou wad ay be mine! And I hae sworn by my God, my Jeanie, And by that kind heart o' thine, By a' the stars sown thick owre heaven, That thou shalt ay be mine ! ii. Then foul fa' the hands that wad loose sic bands, An' the heart that wad part sic love; But there's nae hand can loose my band, But the finger o' God above. Tho' the wee, wee cot maun be my bield, An' my claithing e'er sae mean, [ wad lap me up rich i' the faulds o' luve, Heaven's armfu' o' my Jean ! 21 in. Her white arm wad be a pillow for me, Fu' safter than the down, An luve wad winnow owre us his kind, kind, wings An' sweetly I'd sleep an' soun'. Come here to me, thou lass o' my luve, Come here and kneel wi' me, The morn is fu' o' the presence o' my God, An' I canna pray but thee. IV. The morn-wind is sweet 'mang the beds o new flowers, The wee birds sing kindlie an' hie, Our gude-man leans owre his Kale-yard dyke, An' a blythe auld bodie is he. The Beuk maun he taenwhanthecarlecomeshame, Wi' the holie psalmodie, And thou maun speak o' me to thy God, And 1 will speak o' thee! This exquisite mixture ot love, and reverence to God, is hardly paralleled in the annals of song. Ir is ////, without. 22 warmly touched with the holy breath of love, and yet may well beseem the devotional lips of the good old man who did it honour by singing it. It seems to have been written in those fluctuating times, when the hands which were taking the Beuk would have been reeking with blood ; when the field of deadly strife be- came in a few minutes the consecrated ground of re- ligious devotion. In those times love was tempered with religion ; books were composed in support of this extraordinary union. This song is a fine example of de- votion, chastening the passion of love so as not to ex- tinguish but to refine it to a purer flame. When the turbulence of war had subsided there was time for ap- preciating the blessings of repose, and for composing songs glowing with rural imagery, and ripe with rural sentiment. To these times this song evidently belongs. Men then talked openly of conversing with God, and of wrestling with him in prayer. ' An* thou maun speak o' me to thy God, An' I will speak o' thee.' p P These sentiments proceed from that strong and daring familiarity which enthusiasm inspires, and which conscious worth dictates. In the life of Alexander Peden a prayer is 23 His invitation of the maiden to come and kneel be- side him is natively characteristic : ' The morning is fu' o' the presence o' my God, An I canna pray but thee.' preserved which affords a singular illustration of this re- mark. This prayer was made after the last sermon he preached, in which he thus addresses the Deity : 'Lord, thou hast been both good and kind to old Satiny, through a long tract of time, and given him many years in thy service, which lias been but as so many months : but now he is tired of thy world, and hath done all the good in it that he will do, let him awa with the honesty that he has, for he will gather no more.' Alexander Peden is the patriarch of the Cameronian sect. Hi- prophecies were gleaned about the year l/~0, from the voice of tradition, and interwoven with his Memoirs !>y one of his enthusiastic disciples, who believed he saw his de- nunciations faithfully fulfilling. They are written with great earnestness and simplicity. The volume was long a school- hook in the private seminaries of Cameronian discipline. Fcden was of a character admirably adapted to meet the exigencies of the persecuting times in which he lived. He had great personal courage accompanied with an astonishing promptitude of mind. A firm believer in those powerful visions of futurity which a vivid imagination presented to him, he was stern and severe in his manners; hence his re- 24 There is a fragment of an old ballad which will exemplify in a beautiful but affecting manner, those religious and amorous mixtures of which we have been speaking. It is given from the recitation of Miss Catherine Macartney. LADIE JEAN'S LUVE, A FRAGMENT. * * * * Bluidie was the braid saddle lap, An' bluidie was the crupper, An bluidie were my true hive's hands As we sat down to supper. There's water i' the siller dish ; Gae wash tliae hands sae bluidie: But my luve washed i' the water clear, An' never made it ruddie. bukes had the air of denunciation, and his ' depart from me, ye cursed' was delivered, not in the savage anathematizing tone of a Romish prelate, but with the calm dignity of a Being impressed with the belief of an exalted and immediate intercourse with the Deity himself. 9.5 An' he took up the snawie claitli, Which my twa hands did border, He rubbed ay on his bluidie hands, An' never made it redder. An' ay he dighted his wat, wat cheek, While the holie beuk was bringing, An' ay he looked on his bluidie hands, While the Psalm was singing. An' ' Let us pray,' quo' the gude old carle, An ' Let us pray,' quo' he; But my love sat on the lang-settle, An' never a knee bent he. ' Kneel down, kneel down,' quo the gude old carle, ' Kneel down, an' pray wi me ; ' ( ) there's mercy wi God for thee, auld carle, But there's nae mercy fur me. * * * * Familiar simplicity, pourtraying the emotions of the heart, in those fine traits which so strongly express the peculiar feelings and tints of character belonging to their period of composition, is the marked feature of Scottish song. An ingenious antiquary might collect from these ballads and songs, could their dates be as- 26 certained, the local history of feeling and ideas, which shoot forth in the progress of society. These are pe- culiar to certain districts of country. The following verse may be adduced as fitting the Lowlands, where the severe sense of deep religion is strikingly visible in every old person. It is a pious address of a mother to a daughter, concerning her lover. He disna tak the Beuk : Een's the mair pitie ! He says nae grace to his meat, An' graceless maun he be : Whan he's nae gratefu' to his God, He canna be guid to thee. A noble sentiment, which ought to be written in let- ters of gold ! There is another stray verse, which, though told with a little more sprightliness, is cast in the same mint of opinion with the preceding : My lad canna kneel at the Beuk For fyling the knees o' his breeks, His cheeks are tosie q and dry, Whan tears are on a' our cheeks. ' Tosie, a chcarful glow on the countenance. 27 He downa sing at the Psalm For spoiling his mim, mini mou : The lips which sing na to God, Should never a maiden woo. There are now perhaps few maidens who would re- fuse a husband for these psalm-singing failings. Specimens might be multiplied by an assiduous col- lector: His lips are nae psalm-lips, Tent what I'm saying; Fu' o' sang-profanity, Ken nought o praying : Sac trimlie he fits the reel Wi' ilka gawkie, He'll dance wi' ye, ' O'er Bogie,' ' Maiden, and wrack ye. The Deil's legs bore him I' the road o' grace ance, r Alluding to an old son Gleg, quick. J. 3 / f 38 THE LOVELY LASS OF PRESTON MILL. i. The lark had left the evening cloud, The dew fell saft, the wind was lowne, Its gentle breath amang the flowers Scarce stirred the thistle's tap o' down ; The dappled swallow left the pool, The stars were blinking owre the hill; As I met amang the hawthorns green, The lovely lass of Preston Mill. II. Her naked feet amang the grass, Seemed like twa dew-gemmed lilies fair; Her brows shone comely 'mang her locks, Black curling owre her shouthers bare: Her cheeks were rich wi* bloomy youth; Her lips were like a honey well, An' heaven seemed looking through her een, The lovely lass of Preston Mill. 39 in. Quo' I, *' fair lass, will ye gang wi' me, Whare black cocks craw, and plovers cryr Sax hills are wooly wi* my sheep, Sax vales are lowing wi' my kye: i hae looked lang lor a weel-faur'd lass, By Nithsdale's howm.es an' monie a hill;' Slie hung her head like a dew-bent rose, The lovely lass of Preston Mill. IV. Quo' I, 'sweet maiden, look nae down, But gie's a kiss, and gae wi' me :' A lovelier face, () ! never looked up, And the tears were drappiug frae her ee: ' I liae a lad, wha's far awa, That weel could win a woman's will; My heart's already f'u' o' love,' Quo' the lovely lass of Preston Mill. v. 1 O wha is he wha could leave sic a lass, To seek for love in a far countrie?' Her tears drapped down like simmer dew, I fain wad hike. kised them frae her ee. <' 40 I took but ane o' her comelie cheek ; ' For pity's sake, kind Sir, be still! My heart is fu' o' ither love,' Quo' the lovely lass of Preston Mill. VI. She streeked to heaven her twa white hands, And lifted up her watry ee; ' Sae lanu's mv heart kens ou;ht o' God, Or light is gladsome to my ee ; While woods grow green, and burns rin clear, Till my last drap o' blood be still, My heart sail baud nae ither love/ Quo' the lovely lass of Preston Mill. VII. ' There's comelie maids on Dee's wild banks, And ISith's romantic vale is fu'; By lanely 'Clouden's hermit stream, Dwalls monie a gentle dame, I trow ! O, they are lights of a bonnie kind, As ever shone on vale or hill; But tbere's a light puts them a' out, The lovely lass of Preston Mill. 41 FRAGMENT. (Recovered by Miss C. Macartney.) Gane were but the winter-cauld, a And gane were but the snaw, I could sleep in the wild woods, Whare primroses blaw. Cauld's the snaw at my head, And cauld at my feet, And the linger o' death's at my een, Closing them to sleep. Let nane tell my father, Or my mither sae dear, I'll meet them baith in heaven, At the spring o' the year. The Editor was struck with the resemblance of the following lines to the latter stanzas of the above frag- ment. He heard them sung to a child, by an elderly J i. e. It tlu- winter-cold were but none. 4L' gentleman, who had learnt them, when a boy, in Yorkshire. From the similarity of the sentiment, he is inclined to suppose that they descended from one com- mon source, or that the one is an imitation of the other. To which of them the merit of originality be- longs may be doubtful ; they are both exquisite ; but there is a touch of pathos in these lines which goes directly to the heart, and leaves a sentiment of pity there, which the other piece fails immediately to excite. Make me a grave in yon channel sae deep, Lay a stone at my head, and another at my feet j That there I may lie and take a lang sleep, And adieu to my fause luve for ever I A philosophic historian has somewhere observed, that the pathetic consists in the detail of minute circum- stances. The above fragment justifies the remark ; and if the entire song could be recovered, it would doubt- less afford an ampler illustration of it. Indeed the most popular of our rustic ballads, when analyzed, are found to consist of common-place figures, and homely sentiments, conveyed in the plainest language ; yet taken as a whole, they affect us more powerfully than the elaborate and polished effusions of what may be called the classic school of poetry. The simple and 43 wildly pleasing melodies which accompany them, are perfectly characteristic, and equally surpass in effect the more scientific strains of modern music. In listen- ing to a rustic ballad we inquire not why we are pleasedj it seizes our attention and captivates our mind like a tale of enchantment, where ' more is meant than meets the ear.' Probably its antiquity tends to heighten the charm ; we yield more willingly to the illusion when we consider that we are listening to the same strains which delighted our forefathers, and which depict the manners of the good old times. Attempts have lately been made to revive this primitive style of poetry, but thev have uniformly proved abortive; and however closely they imitated the ancient model, they were rejected, because they were imitations. Perhaps a farther cause of the failure arose from the difficulty of preserving the quaint sim- plicity of the original without descending into puerility and nonsense; or rather because the simplicity of the original is natural, and that of the imitation affected. Of all men of" cultivated genius, Sterne has most suc- cessfully drawn from the true source of the pathetic; his most moving scenes are often mere details of the common occurrences of life, and he has contrived from the most trifliutr incidents to awaken our ten- 44 derest sensibilities. Eut what in him is the result of art, very artfully concealed, is in the unknown authors of our rustic ballads the genuine prompting of unedu- cated nature. They knew nothing of the philosophy of the mind j they had no choice of the various modes of eloquence by which the heart may be moved ; but they followed an unerring rule; they wrote from the free impulse of their feelings, and they found a re- sponse in every bosom. The voice of tradition has confirmed their appeal to the heart, and the applause of posterity has proved, that in a rude age, when the light of reason is uncertain and doubtful, instinct may be a safe and a faithful guide. The rustic ballads of our ancestors are still the delight of every age, and of every rank in life ; and in general those persons who are most eminent for genius and taste are most enthu- siastically charmed with them. As a splendid instance of this truth, we may mention Shakspeare, who has enriched many of his most pathetic scenes with frag- ments of ancient song ; as in the tender grief of the wronged Desdemona, or the melancholy of the dis- tracted Ophelia. On some occasions he has intro- duced them with a characteristic remark, as in his comedy of Twelfth Night, where the Duke, a man of taste and refinement, calls for the repetition of a song 45 which he had before heard, and which deeply affected him by its unadorned simplicity, and rustic pathos. ' It is silly sooth, And dallies with the innocence of love Like the old age.' Come away, come away, death, And in sad cypress let me be laid; Fly away, fly away, breath ; I am slain by a fair cruel maid. My shroud of white, stuck all with yew, O, prepare it; My part of death no one so true Did share it. Not a flower, not a flower sweet, On my black coffin let there be strown; Not a friend, not a friend greet My poor corpse, where my bones shall be thrown. A thousand thousand sighs to save, Lav me, ( ), where Sad true lover ne'er find my grave, To weep there. 46 THE AULD CARLE'S WELCOME. The poetic merit of this song is considerably enhanced from the circumstance of its being founded on a peculiar custom which still pre- vails in the Lowlands of Scotland. ' To wauke the auld year into the new,' is a popular and expressive phrase for watching un- til twelve o'clock announces the new year, when people are ready at their neighbours' houses with het-pints, and buttered cakes, eagerly wait- ing to be first-foot, as it is termed, and to re- gale the family yet in bed. Much care is taken that the persons who enter be what are called sonde folk , for on the admission of the first-foot depends the prosperity or trouble of the year. The Gudemans ' Welcome' to his JNeighbour GudezciJ'e, here given, is an excellent picture of fire-side felicity, and the old Scottish cast of character. The remembered frolics of their 47 youthful days, and their heavenward look of hereafter, present a truly patriarchal and in- teresting scene. I. How's a' wi' my auld Dame, My sonsie Dame, my mensfu' dame; How's a' the folk at hame, Wi' the canty auld Gudeman, Jo? Sit down in peace my winsome Dow, b Tho' thin thy locks and beld c thy brow, Thou ance were armfu' fit, I trow, To mense a Kintra en', Jo. ii. Ance on a day, in tryster time, Whan in thy ee love blinkit prime And through our teens we bore the gret In ilka Kintra ha', Jo; The lasses gloom'd whan thou did sing, The lads leaned roun' thee in a ring, While blythly I took up the spring, And bore the mense awa, Jo! >' Dow, dove. ' Held, bald. 48 in. An', haith! at Kirns d we're canty yet, Amang our Bairnses bonnie bairns; At brydal shaw, or new house heat, We thraw auld age awa, Jo! Tho' past the younkers' trysting prime, Our pows tho' strewed wi' winter's rime, A\ e've linkit thro' a blythsome time, The gowden age awa, Jo ! IV. A mirthfu' thing it is an' blythe, To think on't yet, to think on't yet, Tho' creeping to the grave belyve, Were lifted wi' the thought, Jo! We've fouchten teuch, an' warstled sail-, Out thro' this warl' o' din an' care, An', haith! we've something mair than prayer To help a poor bodie, Jo ! v. Reach me the Beuk, my winsome Jean, My specks bring, and the bairns send in, I'll wale a kind an' halie thing, Seems written just for thee, Jo! osc,' is an old expression for riches. ' A pose o' irewfl,' occur'- in an old Min Thou art a new pearl in gowd I will case ye, An' next to my heart, O! for ever I will place ye. I'll part wi' a' e'er I part wi' my lassie, I'll part wi' a' e'er I part wi' my lassie; I'll tauk wi' my auntie the crown o' the Causie, An' shaw me the lad wha will hae sic a lassie! 95 MY KIMMER AND I. This song seems to be a slip, or scion from * Todlen Hame.' It is but modern. Whan Kimmer and I Mere groom and bride, We had tvva pint stoups at our bed-side; Sax times f'u' and sax times dry, An raise for drouth my Kimmer and I. My Kimmer and { gade to the fair, \VT twal pun' Scots in sarking to ware; lint we drank the glide brown hawkie dry, An' sarkless hame came Kimmer an' 1. My Kimmer and L gade to the town, For wedding-breeks an' a wedding gown ; Hut the sleeky auld priest he wat our eye In sackcloth gowns my Kimmer an' 1. 96 My Kimmer and I maun tak the Beuk, Wi' a twal pint stoup in our peat neuk ; Ere the psalm be done, the dish is dry, An' drouthelie pray my Kimmer an' I. My Kimmer and I are scant o' claes, Wi' soups o' drink and soups o' brose , But late we rise and soon gae lie, And cantilie live my Kimmer and I. My Kimmer is auld, my Kimmer is bent, And I'm gaun louting owre a kent;^ The well o' life is dribbling dry, An' drouthie, drouthie's Kimmer an' I. 1 To lout owre a kent, to stoop, to bend double with age, supported by a long staff'. 97 VARIATIONS OF 'TIBBIE FOWLER.' In the Trystes of Nithsdale there are many variations of this curious song. Some of them have been long forgotten. Those here recovered are given from the various recitations which the Editor has picked up, from a diligent search, among the old people of Nithsdale. They exhibit a fine proof of the taste and abili- ties of the peasantry. The brankit lairds o' Gallowa, The hodden breeks o' Annan Water, The bonnet-, blue of fair Nithsdale, Are yonl the Hallan wooing at her, u 9S Tweed-shaw's tarry neives are here, Braksha' gabs frae Moffat Water, An' half the thieves o' Annandale Are come to steal her gear, and daute her. I mind her weel in plaiden gown, Afore she got her uncle's coffer; The Gleds might pyked her at the dyke, Before the lads wad shored them off her. Now she's got a bawsent Cowte, Grai thing sewed wi' thread o' siller; Silken sonks to haud her doup, And half the Kintra's trystin 'till her. Sour plumbs are gude wi' sugar baked Slaes are sweet wi' kames o' hinnic; The bowltest carlin i' the land, Gowd can make her straught and bonnie. I wadna gie twa rosie lips, Wi' breath like mixed milk and honey; Which i' the gloamin' dew I kissed, For Tibbie wi' a mine o' monie. 99 I wadna gie the haffet locks, Wi' blobs o' dew sae richly drapping; Which lay yestreen upon my breast, For Tibbie wi' her ladie happing. q i TIBBIE FOWLER. (the old words.) Tibbie Fowler o' the glen, There's o'er niony wooin at her, Tibbie Fowler o' the glen, There's o'er rnony wooin at her, Wooin at her, pu'in at her, Courtin at her, carina get her, Filthy elf, its for her pelf, That a the lads are wooin at her. Ten cam east, and ten cam west, Ten cam rowin o'er the water; Twa cam down the lang-dvke side, There's twa and thirty wooin .it her. JVooin at her, cSY. Fhere's seven but, and >e\en ben, Seven in the pantry wi' her; Twenty head about the door, I here's ane and forty wooin at her. Wooin at her, isfc. 100 To shew how these Trystes would alter the original cast of a song, we will give some stray verses picked up while in search of others. It was customary for the young men of neighbouring parishes to come to the public Trystes, and sing. Sometimes feuds of bloody termination subsisted between parishes, which were mutually kindled at these mixed meetings, where She's got pendles in her lugs, Cockle shells wad set her better : High-heel'd shoon, and siller tags, And a' the lads are wooin at her. Wooin at her, (Sfc. Be a lassie e'er sae black, An' she hae the name o' siller, Set her upo' Tintock * tap, The wind will blaw a man 'till her. Wooin at her, &c. Be a lassie e'er sae fair, An' she want the pennie siller, A flic may fell her in the air, Before a man be even till her. Wooin at her, (Sfc. * Tintock, a stupendous hill near the town of Biggar. 101 strokes of native satire, nicknames of satirical allusion, and reproach of ancestry and character, would mingle in the conversation, and in song. As a specimen, the following verses may be given, grafted on Tibbie Fowler. Two lads of Dunscore parish, coming to a KirkmahoeTryste had this witty verse interpolated in its proper place ' The Dunscore ' Salt Lairds stilt the Nith, And muddie a' our supper water; The gray-beard solemn-leaging lowns Thravv by the beuk o' God to dawte her. The birds hae a' forhoodi their nests, The t routs hae ta'en the Cairn and Annan, For hoddin breeks and stilting shanks, Between the sun- set and the dawing.' These lines were instantly retorted by this blithsome effort of local parish pleasantry, ' Kirkmahoe louped on her sonks, WT new creeshed shoon and weel darned hosen; And cry'd to maw an acre kail, And hing the pan wi' water brose on; And wha will lend us brydal gear, Sheep amang the Kale to simmer, 'i Forhood, forsaken. 102 Gullies for to sheer their cloots, Swats to foam aboon the timmer.' Dunscore sent her spauls o' sheep, Lent her owre our big brose ladle ; Pewter plates and hansel gear, To mense her wi' at Tibbie's brydal. Ye've pyked the banes o' yere leap-year's cow, Yere aught day's kale's a' finished fairly ; Yere big brose pot has nae played brown Sin' the Reaver Rade o' gude Prince Charlie. An old Nithsdale farmer possessed a fair portion of that satiric humour which belongs to the song of Tilbie Fowler. Having two daughters mair black than bonnie,' he would hint at their uncomeliness ' My lasses wad hae mensed me had I lived among the black, but comelie daughters of Jerusalem, ' he would say ; ' but I'll do wi' them as the Gudeman o' Roan- shaw did wi' his cowtes He put siller graithing on them, and hung bobbins o' gowd at their manes, and shawed them at the market, saying ' Some will gie a bode for ye, for the sonks and bridle !' 103 CANNIE WF YOUR BLINKIN' BESSIE. Tune ' Willie was a wanton wag.' This very modern song seems to have been erected by some poor bard to the memory of the many rubs and jeers he had experienced on his first outset among the young Witches of Galloway. Love has set my saul on fire, Bessie, ye hae blavvn the bleeze; A' the neebors round conspire Night an' day my life to teaze. Cannie wi' your blinkin', Bessie, Beet nae mair the dools 1 dree; Hoolie, hoolie, bonnie lassie, \V i' the glamour u' your ee. 104 Dreigh and doure I hae been yokit, Since our maiden tryste yestreen, Whan my heart I first unlockit On the velvet sward sae green. Lampin Tibbie Deemster saw us Tak a kindly kiss or twa; Syne awa she bang'd to blaw us, Mumlin what she heard an' saw. Slaveriri Jock glowr'd owre the hallan, Kindly speir'd for Wooster Tarn; ( Swith!' quo' he, ' ye beardless Callan, Tak your beuk, and learn your Psalm. Scozvderdowp came to our dwallin, And wi' serious smudgin' leuk. Spier'd at Aunty, gin the Callan Wanted either cleps or crook. 'Deed, quo' Kate, our Clachan howdie^ Rousty eild, taks ill wi' lear, 1 The Clachan Howdie, the village midwife. 105 Bessie's sleek as ony mowdie, They wha cuddle young learn fair. ' Fid gin Davie clew his haffit, Hotchin thrang o' crikes an' flaes; ' Tain,' quo' he, ' their gibes we'll laugli at, Whan I mak the bairns's claes.' Warst of a,' Rob Birse, the Souter, Sent it ringin' thro' the town, How he'd fairly poutch'd the multre ()' the weans's bridal shoon. Blyihe hae L been wi' my Bessie, Blyther days I never saw; Gaun to woo my bonnie lassie, Through the glens o' Gallowa'! 106 THE BRIDAL SARK, AND THE BRIDE- GROOM DARG. (nithsdale.) There is a sort of nursery song in the Pepy- sian Collection which runs thus, The Elphin Knight sits on a hill, Ba, ba, ba, li Hie ba; He blows his horn both loud and shill, The wind hath blown my plaid awa. This would seem to be the original of these twin songs the ' Bridal Sark,' and ' The Bride- groom Dan*.' There is a common Scotch song called ' Captain Wedderburne's Court- ship,' much in the same singular and original way. The lady proposes enigmas, which the captain's versatile gallantry soon finds means to solve or to evade. In these twin songs there is a curious and 107 pleasing collection of Scotch phrases and pro- verbs, sarcastically chosen and skilfully inter- spersed to suit the complexion of the songs. This traditionary wisdom has been substituted by some judicious bard for ' the wind hath blown my plaid awa,' of the old ballad. Speci- mens of these national phrases might be given from almost every song and ballad high in public favour. They are full of instruction, conveyed in language often highly figurative and poetical. Aware of their sterling value, Burns has, with his accustomed delicacy of se- lection, transplanted many of the best and most beautiful into his fields of native poesy, where they will flourish for ever. Those of his songs in particular, which pourtray character, are rich in this proverb lore; which, heightening their strain of original poetry, endears them to every Scotchman's heart. So estimable indeed do these adages and phrases appear in Scotland, that there; is a master proverb to express their value : ' I'll make proverbs you make laws.' 108 THE BRIDAL SARK. Ye may pu' the red gowan that blossoms at Yule, (Blaw, blavv, blaw, soft the wind blaw,) And the gowden-bobb'd lilie that flowers o'er the pool, (And the wind it has blawn my plaid awa!) But a bonnie lass mauna be pu'd till she's ripe, (Saft, saft, saft, does the simmer-wind blaw,) Or she'll melt awa like the snaw frae the dyke, (And the ripe lilie-tap i' the sun will fa ! ) Gae hame to yere mither, my sonsie young thing, (The red, red rose is dawning and a';) Ye'll aulder be, gin the leap year spring, (O sweet on the gowan-tap the dew-blobs fa !) Yere but a young bird wi' the downe i' the breast^ (The purple flower hings on yon abbey wa',) O'er young to hap i' the twigs roun' the nest, (An' sweet frae its tap does the dew-blobs fa ! ) 109 Ye may kame down thae gowd-links thae lang simmers three, (The new paired birds sing blythe i' the shaw,\ And nae yet be fit a bride for to be, (O blythe is the sun for he blinks on us a'!) Thae hands are nae seemlie my sheets for to sew, ( Whan the red gowans at Yule maun blaw,) But to wash the burn lilie amang the May-dew, (The kirk-yard's ready wi' corses to saw.) I hae a web of satin at hame, (The white haw-bloom drops hinnie an' a';) Ye maun make me a sark o't a' gowd o' the hem, (There's hinney i' the wildest weed that can blaw.) Ye maun shape it but r sheers, ye maun sew it but silk, (There's luve i' the heart tho* the lips say na!) Ye maun wash it but weet, like a lilie in milk, (The rose i' the country ay bonniest does blaw.) r Bui, without. 110 Ye maun dry't i' the tap o' the new blossom'd thorn, (The gray swallow bigs i' the cot-house wa';) That never had leaves on't since man was born, (O I'll pu' the yellow cowslip sac powder'd an' braw.) The wind mauna' touch't, the sun mauna see't, (The broom waves yellow whan the simmer winds blaw ;) The dew mauna drop on't, whan laid out tostreek, (At the heart o' the leal love makes the soonest ca'.) Ye maun rufflet i' the bosom wi' witeh-gowan flower, r (The wind wags the rose-tap on our castle wa';) Ye maun starch't wi' the powther of a pink i' the bower, (O the tear-drapso' luve are sweet whan they fa'.) r Witch-gowan flowers are large yellow gowans, with a stalk filled with pernicious sap, resembling milk, which when anointed on the eyes is believed to cause instant blindness. This pernicious juice is called by the peasantrv 'Witches' milk.' Ill Ye maun sleeve-button't wi' twa adder-beads, 8 (O Love at my bower-window saftly did ca' ;) Wi' unchristened fingers maun plait down tbe breeds, l (O dinna leave me, lad, till our twa cocks craw.) s JVi' twa adder beads. Adder beads are very rarely found. According to popular belief, they are of a beautiful dark grey colour, about two inches in diameter, with a hole in the centre. They are the workmanship of the adders, which assemble to the amount of some hundreds in a certain time of summer, to cast off their sloughs and renew their age. They entwist and writhe themselves among each other until they throw off their last year's sloughs, half melted by their exertions. These are all collected and plastered over with frothy saliva, and again wrought to and fro till they are condensed and shaped into an adder bead. Their hissing and noise are frequently heard by the shepherds, when about their painful act of renovation, and woe to those that approach them. The bead is often left, and it is treasured up by the shepherds as a talisman of good luck. ' To make a head,' is a Scottish phrase, applied when a rinp; of people is formed on any hurried and important business. 1 IV i' unchristened fingers maun plait down the heeds. This is an allusion to the Scottish Brownie, whose unbap- tised lingers loved to plait and tit on the ladies' frills. See i he Appendix. 112 Ye maun fauld it and lock it i' the primrose's cup, ,(F the howe-ho wins o' Nith u my love lives an' a',) Ye maun row't i' the rose-leaf sealed wi' a dew- drop, (O the sweet kintra lassie is kindliest of a'.) And when ye hae finished this bonnie bride-wark, (O the lilie wad be bonnie to bloom i' the snaw !) I'll be yere bly the bridegroom and hansel the sark, (O the lav'rocks sing loud when the hawk's far awa.) u 7* the howe-howms o' Nith my love lives an' a\ This line establishes by local testimony a Nithsdale claim to this and the following song. The howe-howms of Nith is a ro- mantic vale, of near ten miles diameter, at the bottom of which stands Dumfries. Cottages, farm-houses, ruined remains of architectural greatness, with gentlemens' seats, beautifully embosomed in plantations, natural and culti- vated, with the richness of the harvest fields, form the noblest scene perhaps in the Lowlands of Scotland. 113 THE BRIDEGROOM DARG." (N1THSDALE.) The fairest roses fade, which nane ever pu', (Blaw, blaw, blaw, saft the wind blaw,) Though the vellow hinnie hings frae their red rosy inou', (Tlie wind fa's saft whare the primroses blaw.) The lealest maidens stand like a rose i' the dew, (The wild cushat-doo has nestlings twa,) And silly man gangs by, nor heeds for to pu', (The saft thistle-tap lines thegowdspink's ha'.) Ye may stand up i' the auld bane dyke, * (There's a worm i' the prettiest rose that can I) law) " Darg, Day's Work. x ' Ye may stand up i' the auld banc dyke. ' This phrase belongs to a game now much neglected among the Lowland peasantry, called the JVadds. Young men and women ar- I 114 And the corbies will pyke ye afore I be ripe, (The young birds sing owre near the hawk's ha'.) ranged themselves on each side of the hearth fire, and alter- nately bestowed husbands and wives on each other. It begins thus : ' O its hame, an' its hame, an' its hame, hame, hame, I think this night I maun gae hame. ' The other party cries : ' Ye had better lycht an' byde a' night, An' I'll choose you a bonnie ane. ' ' O wha'll ye chuse an' I wi' ye byde?' ' I'll gie ye (here name the person) to lie by yere side.' If the partner please : 'I'll set her up on the bonnie pear tree, It's straught an' tall, an' sae is she, I wad wauke a' night her hive to be. ' But if the person proposed be rejected: ' I'll set her up i' the bank dyke, She'll be rotten ere I be ripe, The Corbies her auld banes wadna pyke.' This if she be old If she be young and rejected : I'll set her up on the high crab-tree, Its sowre and dowre, an' sae is she; She may gang to the moots unkist by me.' 115 I'll lay ye down 'mang the gowans to streek, (!' the deer's den the dog has whalpit an' a') And turn ye i' the sun, into love it may ye beek; (O the ice i' the beard o' the thistle will thaw.) I'll wash ye wi' May-dew, i' the neck and the cheek, (The bairn maun be washen by the kimmers an a',) They were wat by the priest i' the mirk Monday y week, (The brocket fac'd cat dights her mou wi' her paw.) This refusal must be atoned for by a wadd, or forfeit. A piece of monev, a knife, or any little thing which the owner prizes, and will redeem. His penance of redemption is fre- quently to kiss those very lips which he had rejected, or any object which is expected to be disagreeable to him. The performance of this looses his wadd. This game, I un- derstand, was frequently used to beguile a long winter eve- ning in the cottages of rustics. V Mirk Monday was a day of almost total darkness, and is frequently counted from as an era. Windy Saturday is another of those traditional eras. They are app'ied as sar- castic reflections on old bachelors or old maids. Thus Burns U6 I was owre the iugs in luve wi' yere psalm-singing look, (There's a blaek prent bible i' the reek o' the ha',) Ye're the half-flayed saint i' the martyrs' book ! (It's my auld aunt's bolster atween the sheets sma'.) I was deep in love, though nae owre far gane, (O love's like the dew, it heeds nae where to fa' ) Wi' death an' his sand-glass on the martyrs' 2 stane (O haffet locks look weel whan they're bleach'd like the snaw.) ' Auld uncle John wha wedlock's joys, Since Mars year * did desire ; Because he gat the toom-dish thrice, He heaved them on the fire.' 1 Wi' death an his sand-glass on the martyrs' stane. The martyrs, as itiswell known, are those unfortunate people who perished in the deadly struggle of the church of Scot- land with English prelacy. Their graves were marked out by their countrymen with hewn stones, ( called the martyrs' -tanes,) rudely sculptured, and strewn with rhymes of scrip- * Mar s year, 1715. 117 And a' for the Sark ye hae gien me to sew, (My bower is a' wormwood wi' gowd-bolts twa,) I hae a darg for a bridegroom to do (Wi' a bed o' sweet nettles for to haud lovers twa.) I hae sax rigs of braid pleugh land, (My bride-hood's ready wi' mantle an' a',) Fenced 'tween the salt seas and the sand, (Wi' sax leal maidens a' waiting my ca'.) Ye maun plow't a' wi' a braid elf-arrow, a (Far maun ye gang ere ye come to my ha') Ye maun rake out the weeds wi' a sjowd-teethed harrow, (A hill o' heckle teeth for to climb owre an' a'.) Ye maun saw't a' wi' ae pyle o' corn, (Deil get the clungest quo the haggis to claw!) tural denunciation against their persecutors. The ground where they are interred is consecrated with devotional pil- grimage. - See the history of the fairies, Appendix (!'. 118 That never had chafT on't since man was born, (The birds pair kindliest whan they 're nestlings an' a'.) To wear aff the birds, be a scaur-craw yoursel, (The gled pykes the banes o' the auld hoodie craw.) And there's never a corbie daur play pouk at yere tail, (The flowers spring up whan the spring winds blaw.) Ye maun weet it wi' dew that never has fa'n, (There's a sour crab grows at our barn wa',) Ye maun cool't a' wi' wind that never has blawn, (And the birds winna big in't nor sing in't ava.) It mauna grow wi' its tap to the sun, (O love pairs low like biythe birds twa;) But maun streek up and ripen wi' the light o' the moon, (Ye may catch a young lass like a bird i' the snaw.) 11.9 Ye maun shear't a* wi' a young tup's horn, (I winna grip wi' chaff like a bird i' the snaw,) That never had woo on't since man was born, (Ye maun catch me wi' corn if ye catch me at a'.) Ye maun thresh't out on yon castle tap, (The Jintic chittles sad i' the high tower wa',) And nae for yere life let ae pickle drap; (The wee-bird's blythe whan the winter's awa.) Ye maun sift it a' wi' a bottomless sieve, (The spring-gowan's cauld wi' it's happin of snaw,) Ye maun sack it up, i' the thumb o' a glove, (But it keeks lovely out whan the sun 'gins to thaw.) Ye maun kill-dry 't wi' ice, ye maun grun't but a q ii aim, b (Will ye bigme a bovvcrique in simmer of snaw;) b )C maun kill-drift wi ice, ye maun gruiit but a quairn : little hand mills which arc yet to he found in sonic old peonies' houses for grinding com. They were common be- fore water-nulls became so general. These stones are thin and Hat, made of field frce-utoue, and arc; called quairns. 120 Ye maun barrel't i the ring of an unchristen'd bairn, (The westlin star's comelie whan the sun sinks awa.) Ye maun make Brydal brose o't but water or lowe, (Twa todlin burns 'mang the birk banks fa') Ye maun borrow smid-meal frae the fairie at the Knowe, (I hae twa mills whilk the todlin burns ca'.) Ye maun dish't a' out in a braid cockle-shell, (Bride's maids are mim at a supper an' a',) For my sax bride-maidens to sup at a meal, (The gled lo'es gore, and the cat lo'es a'.) Besides these there were troughs found at every hamlet for the purpose of knocking their bear in, before barley mills were erected. Small kilns, with ribs of wood, covered with oat straw, over which was spread the corn, were the joint and common property of a few neighbours. Great care was taken while beefing the kiln lest they should fire the straw. Thus the unfortunate Gudeman of Auchtermuchty, ' Then he bore kendling to the kill, But scho start all up in a lowe. ' 121 And whan ye hae finish'd this bridegroom Darg, (My white-sheeted bed is siller at the wa') Come like a blythe wooster an' hansel yere Sark, (An' there's armfu's o' luve atween the sheets srna'.) Not many of these songs appear to be very old ; some of them perhaps not above forty or fifty years. It may be deemed proper to explain in what way they have passed upon the breath of tradition. It is to the country-meetings of men and women, young men and maidens, that we owe their preservation, and often their rise. The first kind of meeting that shall be no- ticed is the Song Trystes. These were agreements of probably twenty or thirty lads and lasses to meet at an appointed house, (either a farmer's or a respectable cottar's,) for song-singing and merriment. There were also wool-combing and spinning Trystes, which, though for the express purpose of friendly assistance, always ended and were mixed with singing songs and reciting ballads. These trystcd themselves through part of a parish, until all the wool was carded and spun. Then were dancing Trystes, which were twin iisters to those of song: the lads would carry wine and 122 whiskey with sweetmeats, to refresh their partners in the intervals of dancing. They then selected some of the most melting songs ; such as were touched keenly with the finger of love: these were sung by the young women ; and their partners joined in the ten- derest parts, which suited their own situations and feelings. The * Lord's Marie ' had its rise from one of these meetings, and it is a fine example of unadorned poesy, and of rustic taste. Many of the songs, however, were ' higher-kilted' than is now meet for a modest ear. Old Glenae, a Nithsdale song, mentioned by Burns, in his ' Remarks on Scottish song,' belongs to weddings and to dancing Trystes. It was sung in the character of an old man, worn down with age, and abounds with local humour, but it is too gross for insertion. It begins ' Silly poor auld Glenae, What ails the kirk at thee ? ' Beside all these, there were Halloween meetings, which, though dedicated solely to spells and charms, and casting cantraips, were intermingled with song- singing and ballad-reciting. 123 To them we may justly place some of the most exquisite productions of the rural muse of Caledonia. Buhns speaks of these meetings and their purposes: ' On fasten een we had a rockin c To ca' the crack and weave our stockin ; And there was muckle fun an' jokin, Ye need na doubt ; At length we had a hearty yokin At sang about.' Epistle to J. Lapraik. ' ' There is another custom here, commonly known in the language of the country by the name of rocking; that is, when neighbours visit one another in pairs, or three or more in company, during the moonlight of winter or spring, and spend the evening alternately in one another's houses. It is here noticed, because the custom seems to have arisen when spinning on the rock or distaff was in use, which therefore was carried along with the visitant to a neighbour's house. The custom still prevails, though the rock is laid aside; and when one neighbour says to another, in the words of former clays, 'I am coining over with my rock,' he means no more than to tell him that he intends to spend an evening with him.' See the account of the Parish of Muirkirk, Statist. Ace. VII. ()I2, 013. 124 Eager to outshine his fellow peasants each selected the finest song for pathos and humour,, which was either printed or recited. They laid hold of their own emo- tions of heart and dressed them up in rhyme. Their own adventures, or particular state of feeling and affec- tion, furnished ample scope for poetic display. The taste of their sweethearts was the critical tribunal to which they appealed, where love and nature were judges, and affixed their seal of approbation. They knew no higher court of appeal, nor dreaded passing below the saws and harrows-of-iron of classic criticism. To these meetings we may assign the many varia- tions and additions which are found in the old songs, and of which, in the present collection, there are a few pointed out, and specimens preserved. SONGS OF HE MTHSDALE AND GALLOWAY PEASANTRY. CLASS III. JACOBITICAL. (1715, 1745.) 127 JACOBITE SONGS, 1715. DERWENTWATER, (a fragment.) James Radcliff, Earl of Derwentwater, com- manded part of the rebel forces in the rebel- lion of 171-3. After an ill-concerted irruption he was taken prisoner at Preston, in Lanca- shire. He is reported to have been a beautiful and noble-looking man. Smollet observes that ' Derwentwater was an amiable youth brave, open, generous, hospitable and humane. His fate drew tears from the spectators, and was a great misfortune to the country in which he lived. He gave bread to multitudes of people whom he employed on his estate; the poor, the widow, and the orphan, rejoiced in his 128 bounty.' (Hisr. of" Eng. Vol. X. p. 200.) This is an amiable character, and though smirched with the foulness of rebellion, smells sweetly of heaven. The Editor cannot find any tradition on which this ballad is founded; it is taken from the recitation of a young girl, in the parish of Kirk-bean, in Galloway. He has searched for it carefully through all the collec- tions he could meet with, but it is not to be found. There are many local songs which, perhaps, never passed the bounds of a few parishes. Revived by casual recitation among the Peasantry, they rarely rise into further notice. In the vulgar mind we frequently ob- serve the strongly marked rudiments of critical judgment. Thus the Peasantry retain those noble touches of nature which are scattered among their songs and ballads, while the indif- ferent verses which encompass them, like dross from the pure ore, are rejected and forgotten. Hence the many gaps in the Scottish ballads, and often single verses of sterling merit where no further traces can be discovered. 129 DERWENTWATER. (a fragment.) O Derwentwater's a bonnie Lord, Fu' yellow is his hair, And glenting is his hawking ee, VVi' kind love dwalling there. Yestreen lie came to our lord's yett, An' loud, loud eou'd he ea', b ' Rise up, rise up, for gude King James, An' buckle, and come awa.' Our ladie held by her gude lord, Wi' wcel luve-loeked hands; lint when young Derwent water came, She loosed the snawy bands. Aw when young Derwentwater kneel'd, 'My gentle fair ladie,' ' Could he id , a Scotticism. K. 130 The tears gave way to the glow o' love, In our gude ladie's ee. ' I will think me on this honnie ring, And on this snawy hand, When on the helmy ridge o' weir c Comes down my burly brand. ' And I will think on thae links o' gowd, Which ring thy bonnie blue een, When I wipe awa the gore o' weir, An' owre my braid sword lean. O never a word our ladie spake, As he press'd her snawy hand, An' never a word our ladie spake, As her jimpy waist he spann'd; But ' O ! my Derwentwater,' she sigh'd, When his glowing lips she fand. He has drapp'd frae his hand the tassel o' gowd, Which knots his gude weir glove; c Weir, war. 131 An' he has drappcd a spark frae his een, Which gars our ladie love. ' Come down, come down,' our gude lord says, Come down my fair ladie, O dinna, young lord Derwent stop, The morning sun is hie.' And high, high raise the morning sun, Wi' front o' ruddie blude, ' Thy harlot front frae thy white curtain, Betokens naething gude.' Our ladie look'd frae the turret-top, As lang as she could see; And every sigli for her gude lord, For Derwent there were three. # # # 152 LAMENT FOR THE LORD MAXWELL. This potent and honourable name is eminent tor its heroic attachment to fallen royalty. The Maxwells distinguished themselves by desperate feats of valour in the cause of the lovely and unfortunate Mary. At the fatal field of Langside they composed part of those gallant spearmen who, unseconded by their flinching countrymen, bore the awful shock of encounter from the furious and veteran phalanx of the Regent. When all was irrecoverably lost, they threw themselves around their be- loved Queen, and accomplished the memorable retreat to Dundrennan Abbey, in Galloway. The Maxwells opposed her rash and mis- nuided resolve of trusting her sister Elizabeth. Not daring to confide in the hope of the return- ing loyalty and regard of her countrymen, she threw herself in the arms of England, a royal and lovely supplicant, and alas! a victim. The 133 valour of the Maxwells was again awakened in the cause of her martyred grandson. When the royal standard was raised, Charles numbered among the remains of unshaken loyalty, the Maxwells of Nithsdale. Charles's letter, re- questing the aid of the Nithsdale veterans, is preserved inTerreaglc's House, the seat of Con- stable Maxwell, Esq. Good or bad report could not subdue deter- mined loyalty: the sword was again drawn for exiled royalty beneath the standard of Mar and the punishment due to the movers of such a premature and ill-conducted effort fell upon those who, contrary to their better judgments, upheld the sinking cause even in the front of ruin. The Karl of Nithsdale was taken prisoner at Preston, hi Lancashire tried and sentenced to decapitation; but bv the extraordinary ability and admirable dexterity of his Countess be escaped out of the Tower on the evening before his sentence was to be executed, and died ;it Rome Anno I 7-14- (1 '' Ad account of this escape will he found in the Appen- dix. 134 LAMENT FOR THE LORD MAXWELL. Make mane, my ain Nithsdale, thy leaf's i' the fa', The lealest o' thy bairns are a' drapping awa; The rose i' thy bonnet whilk flourished ay sae braw, Is laigh wi' the mools since Lord Maxwell's awa. O wae be 'mang ye Southron/ ye traitor lowns a', Ye haud him ay down wha's back's at the wa', I' the eerie field o' Preston yere swords ye wadna draw, O he lies i' cauld iron wha wad swappit ye a'. O wae be to the hand whilk drew nae the glaive, And cowed nae the rose frae the capo' the brave, To hae thri'en 'mang the Southron as Scotsmen ay thrave, Or ta'en a bluidy niev'ou o' fame to the grave. d Southron, an old name for the English. 135 The glaive for my countrie I doughtna then wauld, Or I'd cocked up my bonnet vvi' the best o' the bauld, The crousest sud been cowpit owre i' deaths gory fauld, Or the leal heart o' some i' the swaird sud been cauld. Fu' aughty simmer shoots o' the forest hae I seen, To the saddle laps in blude i' the battle hae I been ; But I never kend o' dule till I kend it yestreen, O that I were laid vvhare the sods are growing green ! T tint half my sel' whan my gude Lord I did tine, A heart half sae brave a brade belt will never bin', Nor the grassy sods e'er cover a bosom sae kin', He's a drap o' dearest blude in this auld heart o> mine. () merry was the lilting aniang our ladies a', They danced i' the parlour and sang i' the hu'. m 1 O Charlie he's come owre an' he'll put the Whigs awa,' But they canna dight their tears now sae fast do they fa' ! Our ladie dow do nought now but wipe ay her een, Her heart's like to loup the gowd lace o' her gown, She has busked on her gay deeding an's aft* for Lon'on town, An' has wi' her a' the hearts o' the countrie roun'. By the bud o' the leaf by the rising o' the flower, 'Side the sang o' the birds whare some burn tottles owre, I'll wander awa there an' big a wee bit bower, For to keep my gray head frae the drap o' the shower. An' ay I'll sit an' mane till my blude stops wi' eild, For Nithsdale's bonnie lord, wha was bauldest o' the bauld, 137 O that I were wi' him in death's gory fauld, O had I but the iron on, whilk hauds him sae cauld ! The feelings of his peasantry on hearing of his escape, though roughly Scottish, are worthy of record THE LUSTY CARLIN. What news to mc, Carlin? What news to me?' ' Enough o' news,' quo' the lusty Carlin, Best news that God can gie.' ' Has the duke hanged himsel' Carlin? I las the duke hanged himsel' ? Or has he ta'en frae the tither Willie The hettest neuk o' hell.' The duke's hale an' tier, Carle, The duke's hale an' her, An' our ain Lord Nithsdale Will soon be 'man?, us here.' 138 ' Brush me my coat, Carlin, Brush me my shoon, I'll awa an' meet Lord Nithsdale Whan he comes to our town.' ' Alake-a-day,' quo' the Carlin, ' Alake the day,' quo' she, ' He's owre in France at Charlie's hand Wi' only ae pennie.' ' We'll sell a' our corn, Carlin, We'll sell a' our bear, An' we'll send to our ain Lord A' our sette gear!' e Make the piper blaw, Carlin, Make the piper blaw ; An' make the lads an' lasses baith, Their souple legs shaw. We'll a* be glad, Carlin, We'll a' be glad; An' play ' The Stuarts back again, To put the Whigs mad ! e Sette Gear, money placed at interest. 139 KENMURE'S ON AN' AWA, WILLIE. William, Viscount Kenraure, was beheaded during the rebellion of 1715. He w is a devout member of the Protestant church; was much regretted ; and his memory is still revered by the peasantry of Galloway and Nithsdale. ' He was a virtuous nobleman, calm, sensible, reso- lute, and resigned.' He was ancestor of the present Hon. John Gordon, of Kenmure. He departed from Kenmure, with about two hun- dred horsemen into England, from whence he never returned. Part of this heroic song is printed in Ritson's Collection of Scottish Songs. It has long been popular in the low parts of Scotland. This copy of it is printed from the recitation of Mrs. Copland. It differs considerably from Ritson's copy. Mrs. ( lopland had selected some of the best verses from those various copies 140 which the Peasantry have of every old ballad and song. The redeemed verses are in brackets: they are evidently of the same age as the others, and, where tradition is uncertain, poetic merit must decide. KENMURE'S ON AN' AWA. Kenmure's on an' awa, Willie, Kenmure's on an' awa; An' Kemmure's lord is the bonniest lord That ever Gallowa' saw. Success to Kenmure's band, Willie, Success to Kenmure's baud; There was never a heart that feared a Whig, E'er rade by Kenmure's land. [There's a rose in Kenmure's cap, Willie, There's a rose in Kenmure's cap, He'll steep it red in ruddie hearts' blede, Afore the battle drap.] 141 For Kenmure's lads are men, Willie, For Kenmure's lads are men; Their hearts an' swords are mettle true, An' that their faes shall ken ! They'll live an' die wi' fame, Willie, They'll live an' die wi' fame, And soon wi' soun' o' victorie, May Kenmure's lads come hame! Here's Kenmure's health in wine, Willie, Here's Kenmure's health in wine! There ne'er was a coward o' Kenmure's hlude. Nor yet o' Gordon's line, [He kissed his ladie's hand, Willie, He kissed his ladie's hand ; But pane's his ladie-eourtesie, Whan he draws his hludie brand.] His ladie's cheek was red, Willie, His ladie's cheek was red; Whan she saw his steely jupes put on, Which smelled o' deadlie feud.] 142 Here's him that's far awa, Willie, Here's him that's far awa ! And here's the flower that I loe best, The rose that's like the snaw ! f f In the ' History of the late Rebellion, (Drumfries, 1718') the author warmly espouses the Whig-interest, and is continually inveighing on the cruelties practised by the Jacobites. Such an outrage on humanity, however, ho can no where adduce, as that of which government was guilty in allowing their mob to insult the Lords Nithsdale, Der- wentvvater, Kenmure, and other captive noblemen, during their approach to London. We record it in his own words: ' The prisoners above-named (with many others) who had been appointed to be carried to London, arrived there on the ninth of December. They were brought as far as High- gate by Brigadier Panton, Lieutenant-Colonel of Lumley's regiment of horse, under a guard of an hundred of his troopers; and were there received by Major-General Tatton at the head of a detachment of about three hundred foot guards, and one hundred and twenty horse-grenadier guards. Here every one of them had his arms tied with a cord coming across his back ; and being thus pinioned, they were not allowed to hold the reins of the bridle; but each of them had a foot-soldier leading his horse : and being ranged into four divisions, according to the four different prisons to which they were allotted, and each division placed 143 between a party of the horse grenadiers and a platoon of the foot; in this manner General Tatton set out from Highgate about noon, and proceeded to London through innumerable crowds of spectators, who all of them expressed their ut- most detestation of their rebellious attempt, by upbraiding them with their crime, shouting them along in this dis- graceful triumph, and incessantly crying out King George forever; no tearming-pan bastard! the mobs in the mean time marched before them, beating on a warming-pan, while the Generals' drums beat a triumphant march. After this, the noblemen, and three or four others, were sent to the Tower; Mr. Forster, M'Intosh, and about seventy more to Newgate ; sixty to the Marshalsea ; and seventy- two to the Fleet.' 144 THE WEE, WEE GERMAN LAIRD1E. i. Wha the deil hae we got for a King, But a wee, wee German lairdie! An' whan we gade to bring him hame, He was delving in his kail-yardie. Sheughing kail an' laying leeks, But% the hose and but the breeks, Up his beggar duds he cleeks, The wee, wee German lairdie. ii. An' he's elapt down in our gudeman's chair, The wee, wee German lairdie; An' he's brought fouth o' foreign leeks. An' dibblet them in his yardie. He's pu'd the rose o' English lowns, An' brak the harp o' Irish clowns, But our thristle will jag his thumbs. The wee, wee German lairdie. " But, without. 145 in. Come up aniang the Highland hills, Thou wee, wee German Lairdie; An' see how Charlie's lang Kail thrive, He dihhlit in his yardie. An' if a stock ye daur to pu', Or haud the yoking of a pleugh, We'll break yere sceptre o'er yere mou,' Thou wee bit German Lairdie! IV. Our hills are steep, our glens are deep, N;ie fitting for a yardie; An' our norlan' thristles winna pu', Thou wee, wee German Lairdie! An' we've the trenching blades o' wier, Wad lib ye o' yere German gear; An' pass ye 'neath the claymore's sheer, Thou feekless German Lairdie! There arc several variations of this curious old song; some of them the Kditor has seen, and heard sung. The one here preserved, seems a little more modern; the others were more homely and roarse in their manner. 7 146 The first verse or" one of them runs thus : ' Wha the deil hae we got for a king? But a wee bit German Lairdie ; An' whan we gade to bring him hame, He was delving in his yardie! He threw his dibble owre the dyke, An' brint his wee bit spadie; An' swore wi' a' the English he could, He'd be nae mair a Lairdie ! ' There are others which merit preservation. ' He'll ride nae mair on strae sonks, For gawing his German hurdies; But he sits on our gude King's throne, Amang the English Lairdies. * # * Auld Scotland, thou'rt owre cauld a hole, For nursing siccan vermin; But the vera dogs o' England's court Can bark an' howl in German !' 147 AWA, WHIGS, AWA! This old song has long been a favourite among all classes, probably for its beautiful tune. The two first verses may be found in the Scots Musical Museum. Those annexed have never been printed, perhaps from their strong and direct severity. We may deem it a fair specimen of that bitter humour which has so long rankled in the bigotry of zeal and party-dispute. It is from the recitation of Mrs. Copland. Aw a, Whigs, awa, awa, Whigs, awa, Ye're but a pack o' traitor lowns, Ye'll ne'er do good at a'. Our thristles flourish'd frseh and fair^ An' bonnie bloom'd our roses, But Whigs earn like a frost in June, An' vvither'd a' our posies. Awa, Whigs, awa. 148 Our sad decay in kirk and state, Surpasses my descriving; The Whigs came 'mang us for a curse, An' we hae done wi' thriving. Awa, Whigs, awa. A foreign Whiggish lown brought seeds In Scottish yird to cover, But we'll pu' a' his dibbled leeks, An' pack him to Hanover. Awa, Whigs, awa. The deil he heard the stoure o' tongues, An' ramping came amang us; But he pitied us sae wi' cursed Whigs, He turned an' wadna wrang us. Awa, Whigs, awa. The deil sat grim amang the reek, Thrang bundling brunstane matches; An' croon'd 'mang the beuk-taking Whigs, Scraps of auld Calvin's catches ! Awa, Whigs, awa, awa, Whigs, awa, Ye'll run me out o' wun spunks, Awa, Whigs, awa. 149 In the copy printed in the Museum there are two verses which bear evident marks of the hand of Burns. ' Our ancient crown 's fa'n in the dust, Ded blind them wi' the stoure o't; And write their names in his black beuk, Wha gae the Whigs the power o't ! Grim vengeance lang has ta'en a nap, But we may see him wauken ; Gude help the day when Royal heads Are hunted like a mauken ! ' h h A mauken, a hare. 150 THE HIGHLAND LADDIE. The Highland Laddie seems to be the son of James VII. This song belongs to the Low- lands of Scotland, as the expression ' ayont the Forth,' sufficiently certifies. It is printed from the recitation of the young girl who con- tributed ' Derwentwater.' She says, ' This song is very rare. An old Catholic woman used to sing it to me, when I was a child, and attached to it many more verses of an inferior nature, which I have endeavoured to separate from the good, and thus give the song a fairer shape. ' 151 Princely is my luver's weed, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie, His veins are fu' o' princely blude, My bonnie Highland laddie. The gay bonnet maun circle roun', Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie; The brows wad better fa' a crown, My bonnie Highland laddie. There's a hand the sceptre bruiks, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie; Better it fa's the shepherd's creuk, My bonnie Highland laddie. There's a hand the braid-sword draws, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie; The gowd sceptre it seemlier fa's, My bonnie Highland laddie. He's the best piper i' the north, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie; An' ha> dang a' avont the Forth, Mv bonnie Highland laddie. 152 Soon at the Tweed he mints ' to blaw, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie; Here's the lad ance far awa'! The bonnie highland laddie ! There's nae a southron fiddler's hum, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie; Can bide the war pipe's deadlie strum, My bonnie Highland laddie. An' he'll raise sic an eldritch drone, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie; He'll wake the snorers round the throne, My bonnie Highland laddie. And the targe an' braid sword's twang, Bonnie, laddie, Highland laddie; To hastier march will gar them gang, My bonnie Highland laddie. Till f'rae his daddie's chair he'll blaw, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie; ' Here's the lad ance tar awa, ' My bonnie Highland laddie. 1 Intends. 153 There are many old fragments of songs to the tune, and repetitions of ' The Highland Laddie.' Some parts of them are characteristic and lively: * * * * A' the lasses o' Dunkel', Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie ; Brew gude ale for Charlie's sel', My bonnie Highland laddie. The bonniest May k in a' Dundee, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie; Made down the bed for young Charlie, The bonnie Highland laddie. ' k Maiden. The Editor has been informed by some intelligent Highlanders that they have many admirable Jacobite song* ' ayont the Forth, ' in the Erse language. 154 MERRIE MAY THE KEEL ROWE. This is a popular bridal tune in Scotland; and, like many other fragments of Scottish song, has the Jacobitical rose growing among its love sentiments. It seems to be the original of that pretty household song ' Weel may the Boatie rowe.' i. As 1 came down the Canno' gate, The Canno' gate, the Canno' gate, As I came down the Canno' gate, I heard a lassie sing, O ; ' Merry may the keel rowe, The keel rowe, the keel rowe, Merrie may the keel rowe, The ship that my love's in, O! 155 ii. My love has breath o' roses, O' roses, o' roses, Wi' arms o' lilie posies, To fauld a lassie in, O. Merrie may the keel rovve, The keel rowe, the keel rowe, Merrie may the keel rowe, The ship that my love's in, O ! in. My love he wears a bonnet, A bonnet, a bonnet, A snawy rose upon it, A dimple on his chin, O; Merrie may the keel rowe, The keel rowe, the keel rowe, Merrie may the keel rowe, The ship that my love's in, O! 156 SONG OF THE CHEVALIER. ' TO DAUNTON ME.' This old song is in the possession of Mrs. Copland. There are several variations of it, all bearing the same stamp of desperate reso- lution. Burns preserved a eopy of it, which is published in his Remarks on Scottish Song. There is a slight difference in the last verse. It is no easy matter to procure a copy of an old song which has been little in print without finding many interpolated verses. There is a stray verse which seems to have formed no part of the original song, but to have been annexed since the fatal rebellion of 1745. It runs thus : O I hae scarce to lay me on, Of kingly fields were ance my ain ; Wi' the moorcock on the mountain-bree. But hardship ne'er can daunton me. 157 Of the many variations the Editor has selected what he deemed the best : Up came the gallant chief Lochiel, An' drew his glaive o' nut-brown -steel. Says ' Charlie set your fit to me An' shaw me wha will daunton thee ! ' This is extremely characteristic of the noble Lochiel. To daunton me an' me sae young, An' gude king James's auldest son! O that's the thing that ne'er can be, For the man's unborn that will daunton me! O set me ance on Scottish land, An' gie me my braid-sword in my hand, Wi' my blue bonnet aboon my bree, An' shaw me the man that will daunton me- lt's nae the battle's deadlic stoure, Nor friends pruived fause that'll gar me cower 158 But the reckless hand o' povertie, O! that alane can daunton me. High was I born to kingly gear, But a cuif ' came in my cap to wear, But wi' my braid sword I'll let him see He's nae the man will daunton me. 1 Cuif- a simpleton, a ninny. ' I started, muttering, blockhead coof.' Burn?. 159 JACOBITE SONGS, 1745. CARLISLE YETTS. (a fragment.) This affecting old fragment is copied by Mrs. Copland, and transmitted for publication with the following remarks. ' There are songs belonging to the history of private families which are cherished by them with all the fondness of traditionary attach- ment. They are preserved with a romantic af- fection, like the gore-crusted weapons of heroic achievement. Such perhaps is the song of ' Carlisle \ etts.' It was composed apparently in those afflicting times of murder and desola- tion, when so many heads of our bravest countrymen ' dripped bloodie' on the gate- *pike-5 ol Carlisle. It seems by the strong pas- 160 sion displayed in it, to have been written when the blood was yet unwashen from the de- stroyer's hand. * I do not think it to have been the compo- sition of a woman. The mild composure of the female heart would have shrunk back from such gory and harrowing delineation. I rather think it to have been written by some of the unfortunate adherents of the Prince, when lurking from wood to hill, amid all the horror* of proscription.' CARLISLE YETTS. # # # # White was the rose in his gay bonnet, As he faulded me in his broached plaidie; His hand whilk clasped the truth o' luve, O it was ay in battle readie! His lang king hair in yellow hanks, Waved o'er his cheeks sae sweet and ruddie; But now they wave o'er Carlisle yetts In dripping ringlets clotting bloodie. 161 My father's blood's in that flower-tap, My brother's in that hare-bell's blossom, This white rose was steeped in ray luve's blood An' I'll ay wear it in my bosom. # # # # ill. When I came first by merry Carlisle, Was ne'er a town sae sweetly seeming; The White Rose flaunted owre the wall, The thristlcd banners far were streaming! When I came next by merry Carlisle, O sad, sad seemed the town an' eerie! The auld, auld men came out an' wept, ' O maiden come ye to seek yere dearie? ' # # # # v. There's ae drap o' blude atween my breasts, An' twa in my links o' hair sac yellow; Thetane I'll ne'er wash, an' the tither ne'er karae, lint I'll sit an' pray aneath the willow. Wae, wae, upon that cruel heart, VVae, wae upon that hand sac hloodie, Which fea>ts in our richest Scottish blude, An' makes sae mony a doleful widow. M 162 It is somewhat remarkable, that amid all the popu- lar bigotry of Scotland in behalf of the reigning Prince, there are no songs in defence of his rights, nor in praise of their deliverer the Duke of Cumberland. The Caledonian Muse, with a romantic attachment, seems to have taken the part of the royal exile, and to have caught hold of the distresses and ruin which over- powered her country. Whoever is versant in the national poetry of Scotland will readily subscribe to this opinion. The gallant, but unsuccessful attempt of the followers of the Chevalier, powerfully interested even those who were adverse to his cause. The bravery and generosity displayed by these unfortunate men, will always be remembered to the honour of their nation; while the merciless conduct of their conqueror will be branded with infamy. The national feeling was strongly roused, and the poets partook of the com- mon sympathy. The Editor does not remember to have met with a more glowing picture of the outrages committed at that time, than is contained in the fol- lowing passage in a letter from Allan Cunning- ham, to Mrs. Fletcher of Edinburgh. c I remem- ber, ' says he, ' a verse of a ballad which I composed, descriptive of the ravages committed in my devoted Scotland in 1745:' 163 ' The orphan-child weeps by the flame-bursting cottage, And prints its light footsteps in circles of gore: It lifts the blood-locks of the brown-cheeked peasant, And screams o'er his wounds, to thy echoes Benmore.' m There is a ballad already published in the Scots Musical Museum entitled ' Crookie Den,' or f The Duke of Cumberland's descent into Hell.' It is the sublime of humour. ' Were ye e'er at Crookie Den ? Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie; Saw ye Willie and his men ? My bonnie laddie, Highland laddie ! They're our faes, wha brint an' slew, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie; There at last they gat their due, My bonnie laddie, Highland laddie. The hettest place was fill'd wi' twa, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie ; It was Willie and his papa, My bonnie laddie, Highland laddie. I'll, naim: nt a biidi hill in Perthshire. 164 The deil sat girning i' the neuk, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie ; Breaking sticks to roast the Duke, My bonnie laddie, Highland laddie. The bluidy monster gied a yell, Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie ; An' loud the laugh gaHe round a' hell, My bonnie laddie, Highland laddie.' Without entering at all into the discussion of po- litical differences which have been set at rest for ever, it is impossible to regard the sanguinary and unrelent- ing persecutions which ensued after the victor)' of Cul- loden, without feelings of horror and regret. We are not to be surprised, therefore, that the peasantry of Scotland, harassed and provoked by those cruel visi- tations, should give vent to the bitterness of their feel- ings, by consigning their oppressor to all the miseries which rustic fancy, inspired by revenge, could devise. The above ballad, though keenly satirical, is but a sketch compared with the one we now present to the reader, which we have selected, as containing, in many passages, a singular union of the ludicrous with the horrible, not unworthy of the genius and the humour i.f Burns. 165 CUMBERLAND AND MURRAY'S DESCENT INTO HELL. i. Ken ye whare cleekie m Murray's gane ? He's to dwall in his lang hame; The beddle n clapt him on the doup, ' Hard I've earned my gray groat : Lie thou there, and sleep thou soun',, God winna waken sic a lown ! ' ii. Whare' s his gowd, and whare's his gain, He rakit out 'neath Satan's wame? He has nae what '11 pay his shot, Nor caulk the keel o' Charon's boat. Be there gowd whare he's to beek, He'll rake- it out o' brunstane-smeek. in. He's in a' Satan's frything pans, Scouth'ring the blude frae affhis ban's ; He's washing them in brunstan lowe, His kintra's blude it winna thowe! The hottest soap-suds o' perdition ('anna out thae stains be washin'. ,n Ready 10 take an advantage inclined to circumvent. 11 Tin Beddle, the gra\c-digjj;cr. 166 Ae devil roar'd till hearse and roupet, ' He's pyking the gowd frae Satan's poupit!* Anither roar'd wi' eldritch yell, ' He's howking the key-stane out o' hell, To damn us mair wi' God's day-light ! ' And he douked i' the caudrons out o' sight. v. He stole auld Satan's brunstane leister, p Till his waukit loofs were in a blister; He stole his Whig- spunks tipt wi' brunstane, And stole his scalping whittle's set-stane, And out of its red hot kist he stole The very charter rights o' hell. o Hoarse, as with a cold. P Leister, is a pronged iron instrument, somewhat re- sembling Neptune's Trident, used to strike fish, and here poetically transferred to Satan. Burns, humorously enough, has made this spear part of the paraphernalia of Death, in his celebrated Satire on Dr. Hornbook. ' An awfu' scythe, out-ovvre ae shouther, Clear-dangling hang ; A three- taed leister on the ither Lay, large and lang. ' * 167 VI. ' Satan tent weel the pilfering villain, He'll scrimp yere revenue by stealin': Th' infernal boots in which you stand in, With which your worship tramps the damn'd in, He'll wyle them aff your cloven cloots, And wade through hell fire i' yere boots.' VII. Auld Satan cleekit him by the spaul', And stappit him i' the dub o'-hellj The foulest fiend there doughtna bide him, The damn'd they wadna fry beside him. Till the bluidy duke came trysting hither, An' the ae fat butcher fry'd the tither ! VIII. Ae devil sat splitting brunstane-matches, Ane roasting the Whigs like bakers' batches; Ane wi' fat a Whig was basting, Spent wi' frequent prayer an' fasting; A ceas'd whan thae twin butchers roar'd, A nil hell's grim hangman stapt an' glowr'd! IX ' Fye ! gar bake a pye in haste, Knead it of infernal paste,' Quo' Satan : and in his mitten'd hand, 1 1c hynt up bluidie Cumberland, 168 . An' whittlet him down like bow-kail castock, And in his hettest furnace roasted. x. Now hell's black table-claith was spread, The infernal grace was reverend said : Yap 'i stood the hungry fiends a' o'er it, Their grim jaws gaping to devour it ; When Satan cried out, fit to scouner, r ' Owre rank o' judgments' sic a dinner.' i Yap, or yape. Having a keen appetite for food. 1 To scouner, to nauseate. 169 HAME, HAME, HAME. This song is printed from a copy found in Burns's Common Place Book, in the Editor's possession. It has long been popular in Gallo- way and Nithsdale, and has many variations, of which this is the best. I. Hame, hamc, haine, Hame fain wad I be, O hame, hame, hame, to my ain countrie! When the flower is i' the bud and the leaf is on the tree, The larks shall sing me hame in my ain countrie; Hame, hame, hame, Hame fain wad I be, O hame, hame, hame, to my ain countrie! ii. The green leaf o' loyaltie's begun for to fa', Tiie bonnie white rose it is withering an' a'; But I'll water't wi' the blude of usurping tyrannic, A;i' green it will grow in my ain countrie. 170 Hame, hame, hame, Hame fain wad I be, O hame, hame, hame to my ain countrie! in. O there's naught frae ruin my country can save, But the keys o' kind heaven to open the grave, That a' the noble martyrs wha died for loyaltie, May rise again and fight for their ain countrie. Hame, hame, hame, Hame fain wad I be, O hame, hame, hame, to my ain countrie! IV. The great are now gane, a' wha ventured to save, The new grass is springing on the tap o' their graves ; But the sun thro' the mirk, blinks blythe in my ee, ' I'll shine on ye yet in yere ain countrie.' Hame, hame, hame, Hame, fain wad I be, Hame, hame, hame, to my ain countrie! It is a fact no less remarkable than gratifying, that no language, ancient or modern, affords an equivalent term for that concentration of domestic felicity and at- tachment which constitutes the meaning of our word Home. A writer, equally celebrated for her eloquence 171 and her knowledge of human nature, has noticed this peculiarity, and her illustration of it is striking, and indeed sublime. ' C'est en vain qu'un Anglais se plait un moment aux. mceurs etrangeres ; son cceur revient toujours aux premieres impressions de sa vie. Si vous interrogez des Anglais voguant sur un vaisseau a l'extremite du monde, et que vous leur demandiez ou ils vont; ils vous repondront : chez nous home, si c'est en Angle- terre qu'ils retournent. Leur vceux, leur sentimens, a quel que distance qu'ils soient de leur patrie, sont toujours tournes vers elle. Corinne, Tome ii. '210. It is this same endearing call of Ho me which vibrates on every chord of a Scotchman's heart; which cheers him in absence from his native country, and sustains him through every vicissitude of toil and danger. The minstrelsy of Scotland has, perhaps, a greater power over the heart when repeated in a strange land ; for. as each song possesses some local allusion, it brings imagination to the aid of memory, and thus produces a '.harm to soothe the woes even of banishment itself. 172 THE WAES O' SCOTLAND. (FROM MRS. COPLAND.) Whan I left thee, bonnie Scotland, Thou wert fair to see, Fresh as a bonnie bride i' the morn Whan she maun wedded be! Whan I came back to thee, Scotland, Upon a May-morn fair, A bonnie lass sat at our town-en', Earning her yellow hair. ' O hey! O hey!' sung the bonnie lass, ' O hey! an' vvae's me! There's joy to the Whigs, an' land to the Whigs, An' nocht but wae to me! ' O hey! O hey!' sung the bonnie lass, ' O hey! an' wae's me! There's siccan sorrow in Scotland, As een did never see. 173 ' O hey! O hey for my father auld ! ' O hey! for my mither clear! An' my heart will burst for the bonnie lad Wha left me lanesome here!' [ had na gane in my ain Seotland Mae miles than twa or three, Whan I saw the head o' my ain father Coming up the gate to me. ' A traitors /wad!' and ' a traitor's head!' Loud bawled a bluidy lown; But 1 drew frae the sheath inv glaive o' weir, An' strake the reaver s down. ' Rearer, one who is alternately the robber and the de- fender of Ills country; one who alike pillage"- friends and foes. Such were the Highlanders' inroads u\v>\\ the Low- landers. Annandale, a distric' in Dumfries-shire, was once the resort whence such banditti issued. The John- stones and Jardines, now two of the most respectable fami- 1: - in the district, were chieftains or leaders, by hereditary ri'dit. A bloody and fatal rivalship existed between tbeni Mid the Maxwells of Nithsdale: hence disastrous and de -|>e'Mte inroad' almost wasted both divisions. Large 174 I hied me hame to my father's ha', My dear auld mither to see ; But she lay 'mang the black izles* Wi' the death-tear in her ee. wha has wrocht this bluidy wark ? Had I the reaver here, I'd wash his sark in his ain heart blude, And gie't to his dame to wear! 1 hadna gane frae my ain dear hame But twa short miles and three, Till up came a captain o' the Whigs, Says, ' Traitor, bide ye me ! ' I grippit him by the belt sae braid, It birsted i' my hand, vaults of stone were used for the security of the chieftains' cattle. One of these was lately taken down atDalswinton, of immense strength, with a ponderous iron-door, which the old men said ' was to keep out the Annandale thieves.' ' Johnstone and Jardine ride thieves a',' has heen affixed as a satirical motto below the marauder-crests. A spur, with wings, is the Johnstone's arms. 1 Unburnt embers. 175 But I threw him frae his weir-saddle An' drew my burlie brand. ' Shaw mercy on me,' quo' the lown, An' low he knelt on knee ; But by his thie was my father's glaive, Whilk gude king Brus did gie. . An' buckled roun' him was the broider'd belt" Whilk my mither's hands did weave, u The classical reader may trace a resemblance of this in- cident with that which decided the fate ofTurnus, after his combat with /Eneas. But it would be equally as unfair to accuse the author of this affecting ballad on that account, as it would have been in Mr. Addison to ground a charge of plagiarism on his parallel ofChevy-Chacc with the iEneid. The absurdity of detracting from the merit (.('the moderns, because their genius approximates to that of the ancients, has perhaps never been better ridiculed than in the follow- ing repartee of Hums, lie was quoting a brilliant sentiment in an old Scotch song, with his accustomed warmth, toape- dantic schoolmaster, who coolly observed, ' that it was very good, hut the thought was in Horace.' ' That may be,' replied Burns, ' but Horace stole it from the Scotchman, tnd be d d to him ! ' 176' My tears they mingled wi' his heart's blude, An reeked upon my glaive. I wander a' night 'mang the lands I own'd, Whan a' folk are asleep, And I lie oure my father and mither's grave, An hour or tvva to weep ! fatherless, and mitherless, Without a ha' or hame, 1 maun wander through my dear Scotland, And bide a traitor's blame. 177 THE SUN'S BRIGHT IN FRANCE. (from miss macartney.) After the battle of Culloden the wretched fugitives were driven among the woods and mountains of Scotland, where many perished with hunger and fatigue. Some took refuge in foreign countries; and there are many af- fecting fragments of song which seem to have been the composition of those exiles. As it was treason to sing them, the names of their authors were concealed beyond a possibility of discovery, and it is probably owing to this cir- cumstance that they are now passed away and forgotten. The following gives a simple and touching picture of the feelings of an exile. 178 THE SUN'S BRIGHT IN FRANCE. The sun rises bright in France, And fair sets he ; But he has tint the blythe blink he had In my ain countrie. It's nae my ain ruin That weets ay my ee, But the dear Marie I left a-hin', Wi' sweet bairnies three. Fu' bonnolie lowed my ain hearth, An' smiled my ain Marie; O, I've left a' my heart behind, In my ain countrie. O I am leal to high heaven, An' it '11 be leal to me, An' there I'll meet ye a' soon, Frae mv ain countrie! 17.9 THE LAMENTATION OF AN OLD MAN OVER THE RUIN OF HIS FAMILY. (MRS. COPLAND.) # # # I had three sons, a' young, stout and bauld, An' they a' lie at ither's sides bluidie and cauld; I had a hame wi' a sweet wife there, An' twa bontiie grand-bairns my smiling to share; I had a steer o' gude owsen to ca', An' the bhidie duke o' Cumberland's ruined them a'. Revenge and despair ay by turns weet my ee, The i;t' ' through the town. The gray-haired men were a' i' the streets, And auld dames crying, (sad to see!) ' The flower o' the lads o' Inverness, Lie bludie on Culloclcn-lee!' v Weeping aloud. 181 in. She tore her haffet-links of gowd, And dighted ay her comely ee ; ' My father lies at bluidie Carlisle, At Preston sleep my brethren three! I thought my heart could haud nae mair, Mae tears could never blin' my ee; But the fa' o' ane has burst my heart, A dearer ane there ne'er could be ! IV. ' He trysted me o' luve yestreen, Of love-tokens he gave me three; But he's faulded i' the arms o' gory wier, Oh ne'er again to think o' me! The forest-flowers shall be my bed, My food shall be the vvild-berrie, The fa' o' the leaf shall co'er me cauld, And wauken'd again 1 winna be. V. O weep, O weep, ye Scottish dames, Weep till ye blin' a mither's ee; Nae reeking ha' in fifty miles, But naked corses sad to see. 182 O spring is blythesome to the year, Trees sprout, flowers spring, and birds sing hie; But oh ! what spring can raise them up, Whose bluidie weir has sealed the ee? VI. The hand o' God hung heavie here, And lightly touched foul tyrannie ! It strake the righteous to the ground, And lifted the destroyer hie. ' But there's a day,' quo' my God in prayer, ' Whan righteousness shall bear the gree; I'll rake the wicked low i' the dust, And wauken, in bliss, the gude man's ee! h b There have been still ruder, if not older words than these, of which all that remain, perhaps, are four lines, which Burns has adopted, and which form the first half stanza of his exquisite verses on this interesting subject. The lovely lass o' Inverness, Nae joy nor pleasure can she see ; For een and morn, she cries, alas ! And ay the saut tear blins her ee. Drumossie Moor, Drumossie day, A waefu 1 day it was to me; 183 For there I lost my father dear, My father dear and brethren three. Their winding sheet the bluidy clay, Their graves are growing green to see -, And by them lies the dearest lad That ever blest a woman's ee ! Now wae to thee, thou cruel lord, A bluidy man I trow thou be; For mony a heart thou has made sair, That ne'er did wrung to thine or thee ! 184 THE YOUNG MAXWELL. This ballad is founded on fact. A young gentleman of the family of Maxwell, an hono- rable and potent name in Galloway and Niths- dale, being an adherent of Charles, suffered in the general calamity of his friends. After seeing his paternal house reduced to ashes; his father killed in its defence; his only sister dying with grief for her father, and three brothers slain; he assumed the habit of an old shepherd; and in one of his excursions singled out one of the individual men who had ruined his family. After upbraiding him for his cruelty, he slew him in single combat. The Editor has taken some pains to ascertain the field of this adventure, but without success. It has been, in all likelihood, on the skirts of Nithsdale, or Galloway. These notices being known only to a few of the Stuarts' adherents, have all perished along with the fall of their cause. 185 Whare gang ye, thou silly auld carle? And what do ye carry there ? I'm gaun to the hill-side, thou sodger gentleman, To shift my sheep their lair. Ac stride or twa took the silly auld carle, An' a glide lang stride took he: ' I trow thou be a feck auld carle, Will ye shaw the way to me?' And he has [jane vvi' the sillv auld carle, Adown by the green-wood side: ' Light down, and gang, thou sodger gentleman, Tor here ye canna ride.' He drew the reins o' his bonnie gray steed, An' lightly down he sprang: Of the comeliest scarlet was his weir coat, Whan; the gowden tassels hang. He has thrown aff his plaid, the silly auld carle, An' his bonnet frae 'boon his bree; An' wha was it but the young Maxwell! An' bis irude brown sword drew he! 186* Thou killed my lather, thou vile South 'ion! An' ye killed my breth'ren three! Whilk brake the heart o' my ae sister, I lov'd as the light o' my ee! Draw out yere sword, thou vile South'ron! Red wat wi' blude o' my kin! That sword it crapped the bonniest flower E'er lifted its head to the sun! There's ae sad stroke for my dear auld father ! There's twa for my brethren three ! An' there's ane to thy heart, for my ae sister, Wham I lov'd as the light o' my ee ! The admirers of Scottish rustic poetry, of which this Song is a beautiful specimen, are again indebted to the enthusiasm and fine taste of Mrs. Copland for the recovery and contribution of these verses. There is a variation in the third stanza, which would have been adopted had it not been an interpolation. It expressly points to the scene of encounter. 187 ' And gane he has wi' the sleeky auld carle, Around the hill sae steep ; Until they came to the auld castle Which hings owre Dee sae deep.' ' The noble strength of character in this ballad is only equalled by the following affecting story. In the Rebellion of 1745, a party of Cumberland's dra- goons was hurrying through Nithsdale in search of rebels Hungry and fatigued they called at a lone widow's house, and demanded refreshment. Ilerson.a lad of sixteen, dressed them up lung kale and butter, and the good woman brought new milk, which she told them was all her stock. One of the party inquired, with seeming kindness, how she lived ' Indeed,' quoth she, ' the cow and the kaleyard, wi' God's blessing's a' mv mai/cn.' lie arose, and with his sabre killed the cow, and destroyed all the kale. The poor woman was thrown upon the world, and died of a broken heart the disconsolate youth, her son, wandered away, beyond the in- quiry of friend-, or the search of compassion. In the conti- nental war, when the British army had gained a great and signal victory, the soldiery were making merry with wine, and recounting their exploits A dragoon roared out, ' I once starved a Scotch witch in Nithsdale I killed her cow and destroyed her greens; but,' added he, ' she could live for all that, on her God, as she said!' 'And don't you rue it,' cried a young soldier, starting up, ' don't you rue it ?' ' Rue 188 what ?' said he, * rue aught like that ! ' * Then, by my G d,' cried the youth, unsheathing his sword, ' that woman was my mother ! draw, you brutal villain, draw.' They fought ; the youth passed his sword twice through the dragoon's body, and, while he turned him over in the throes of death, exclaimed, ' had you rued it you should have only Veen punished ly your God! ' 189 LASSIE, LIE NEAR ME. Lang hae we parted been, Lassie, my dearie, Now are we met again, Lassie, lie near me. Near me, near me, Lassie, lie near me; Lang hast thou lain thy lane, Lassie, lie near me. Frae dread Culloden's field, Bluidy and dreary, Mourning my country's fate Lanely and wearie; Wearie, wearie, Lanely and wearie, Become a sad banish'd wight, Far frae my dearie. 190 Loud loud the wind did roar, Stormy and e'erie, Far frae my native shore, Far frae my dearie ; Near me, near me, Dangers stood near me, Now I've eseaped them a', Lassie, lie near me. A' that I hae endured, Lassie, my dearie, Here in thine arms is cured, Lassie, lie near me. Near me, near me, Lassie, lie near me; Lang hast thou lain thy Jane, Lassie, lie near me. ' f It has been suggested that this song would look better if it were printed JViJie, lie near me, instead of Lassie, lie near me. Had not the Editor thought that these songs, in their present garb, were worthy of all acceptation, he certainly would not have brought them before the public. He is conscious that he cannot by any attempt at this sort of 191 squeamish delicacy atone for presumption. Who would pardon even Dr. Johnson and his brother commentators, if, instead of illustrating, they had dared to garble the works of the immortal Shakspeare? A licence of this sort, if once assumed, would lead to mischiefs of incalculable extent; every puny critic would be correcting and altering, until the original text of an author would no longer be known. What would then become of the standard works of our poets ? Their finest effusions, their boldest flights, their most vivid descriptions, would be all at the mercy of those witlings, who fancy that the power of discovering faults im- plies the power of correcting them, and whose vanity in dis- playing that power is only equalled by their abuse of it. It is hardly possible to fix a standard of public taste by which each poem might be tried and qualified for general approbation. The fable of the old man whose wives plucked his head bald because one disliked white hairs and the other black ones, shewed the futility as well as the danger of at- tending to these scruples. It would be easy to alter de- tached parts of these songs with some effect, but not with- out destroying the good old harmony of the whole. In fact, then 1 appear- to be no other way of mending the writings of these forgotten bards but as the Highlander mended his gun : ' He ga\c it a new stock, a new hick, and a ncic barrel. , 192 BANNOCKS O' BARLEY. In the Scots Musical Museum there is but one verse and a half preserved of this song. One is surprised and incensed to see so many fine songs shorn of their very best verses for fear they should exceed the bounds of a page ! The Editor has collected the two last heart- rousing verses, which, he believes, will com- plete the song. Bannocks o' bear-meal, bannocks o' barley, Here's to the Highlandman's bannocks o' barley ! Wha in a brulzies will first cry ' a parley ! ' Never the lads wi' the bannocks o' barley ! Bannocks o' bear-meal, bannocks o' barley, Here's to the Highlandman's bannocks of barley! ? A scuffle, a quarrel. 193 Wha drew the gude claymore for Charlie? Wha cow'd the lowns o' England rarely? An' clavv'd their backs at Falkirk fairly? Wha but the lads wi' the bannocks o' barley! Bannocks o' bear-meal, &c. Wha, when hope was blasted fairly, Stood in ruin wi' bonnie Prince Charlie? An' neath the Duke's bluidy paws dreed fu' sairly ? Wha but the lads wi' the bannocks o' barley! h Bannoeks o' bear-meal, &,c. h Among the brave supporters of Prince Charles few excited greater admiration than the seven Highlanders who concealed him in Glenmorriston s cave, and, in disguise, procured necessaries and information. Although fugitives, and in poverty, these seven had the nobleness of mind to prefer fidelity to the man whom they considered as their prince, to thirty thousand pounds, the reward offered for his person. (See Home's History of the Rebellion, if it be proper to call that a history, in which facts of the first im- portance are deliberately and dishonestly concealed, and in which the severities inflicted after the battle of Culloden, are altogether omitted.) But of all the men who preserved an unshaken fidelity to theChevalier in his falling fortunes, O 154 the most heroic was Roderick M'Kenzie, who sacrificed his life for him, with a presence of mind, and a self-devo- tion, unparelleled either in ancient or in modern story. ' About this time, one Roderick M'Kenzie, a merchant of Edinburgh, who had been out with the Prince, was skulking among the hills about Glenmorriston, when some of the soldiers met with him. As he was about the Prince's size and age, and not unlike him in the face, being a gen- teel man, and well dressed, they took him for the Prince. M'Kenzie tried to escape them but could not, and being determined not to be taken and hanged (which he knew, if taken, would be his fate) he bravely resolved to die sword in hand; and, in that death, to serve the Prince more than he could do by living. The bravery and steadiness of M'Kenzie confirmed the soldiers in the belief that he was the prince, whereupon one of them shot him; who, as he fell, cried out, ' you have killed your Prince, you have killed your Prince,' and expired immediately. The soldiers, overjoyed with their supposed good-fortune in meeting with so great a prize, immediately cut off the brave young man's head, and made all the baste they could to Fort Augustus, to tell the news of their great heroical feat, and to lay claim to the thirty thousand pounds, producing the head, which several said they knew to be the Prince's head. This great news, with the head, was soon carried to the Duke, who, believing the great work was done, set forward to London, from Fort Augustus, on the eighteenth of July.' 195 YOUNG AIRLY. This beautiful fragment is evidently copied from an old song called ' The Bonnie House of Airlie' Probably some proscribed minstrel of 1745, has infused into it the stronger poetic glow of Jacobitism. ' Young Airlie' was eldest son to Ogilvie, Earl of Airlie, and with his father's vassals joined Prince Charles. He married a daughter of Johnstone of Westerhall in Annandale a lady of characteristic family courage, who followed her lord through all the dangers and troubles of war. In the hasty inarch through Dumfries, a confidential friend wished Lady Ogilvie to return to her father's from the uncertain tumult of rebellion. ' O! Mary (said she) Charlie's the righteous heir! wha wadna gang wi' Charlie!' Young Lord Airlie escaped to France after the battle of Culloden. 196 YOUNG AIRLY. Ken ye aught o' gude Lochiel, Or ken ye aught o' Airly ? ' They've buckled them on their weir-harnessing, An* aff an' awa wi' Charlie.' ' Bring here to me,' quo' the hie Argyle, My bands in the morning early, An' we'll raise sic a lowe that heaven shannasloke In the dwalling o' young Lord Airly ' What lowe is yon?' quo' the gude Lochiel, Whilk rises wi' the sun sae early ? ' ' By the God o' my kin,' quo' the young Ogilvie, It's my ain bonnie Hame o' Airly! ' ' Put up yere sword,' quo' the gude Lochiel, An' ' put it up* quo' Charlie; ' We'll raise sic a lowe roun' the fause Argyle! An' light it wi' a spunk frae Airly.' 197 * It's nae my Ha', nor my lands a' reft, Whilk reddens my cheeks sae sairlie; But my mither an' twa sweet babies I left To smoor i' the reek o' Airly.' 198 THE HIGHLAND WIDOW'S LAMENT. This song has been known in another garb, for many years in Galloway. The three last verses, within brackets, are now first printed. The fifth, sixth, and seventh verses, are wholly by Burns. He sent a copy of it to the ' Scots Musical Museum.' O ! I am come to the low countrie, Ochon, ochon, ochrie! Without a penny in my purse To buy a meal to me. It was nae sae in the Highland hills, Ochon, ochon, ochrie ! Nae woman in the country wide Sae happy was as me. For then I had a score o' Kye, Ochon, ochon, ochrie! Feeding on yon hill sae high, And giving milk to me. 199 And there I had three-score o' yowes, Ochon, ochon, ochrie! Skipping on yon bonnie knowes, And casting woo to me, I was the happiest of a* the clan, Sair, sair may I repine, For Donald was the bravest man, And Donald he was mine ! Till Charlie Stewart cam at last Sae far to set us free ; My Donald's arm was wanted then, For Scotland and for me. Their waefu' fate what need I tell! Right to the wrang did yield ; My Donald and his country fell Upon Culloden field! [I hae nocht left me ava, Ochon, ochon, ochrie! But bonnie orphan lad-weans twa, To seek their bread wi' me. 200 [I hae yet a tocher band, Ochon, ochon, ochrie ! My winsome Donald's durk an' bran', Into their hands to gie [There's only ae blink o' hope left, To lighten my auld ee, To see my bairns gie bludie crownes' To them gar't Donald die ! k ] 1 Crowns, or Crouns the skull or crown of the head. ' Clowr'd snouts, an' bluidie crowns,' Old Scottish Ball. k The determined fierceness of the Highland character urges to acts of desperate resolution and heroism. One of a clan, at the battle of Culloden, being singled out and wounded, set his back against a park wall, and with his targe and claymore bore singly the onset of a party of dra- goons. Pushed to desperation he made resistless strokes at his enemies, who crowded and encumbered themselves to have each the glory of slaying him. ' Save that brave fel- low,' was the unregarded cry of some officers. Golice Macbane was cut to pieces, and thirteen of his enemies lay dead around him. 5201 CHARLIE STEWART. The following affecting heroic verse con- cludes all the Jacobite songs of merit that could be collected. ' # * # O dreary laneliness is now 'Mang ruin'd hamlets smoking, Yet the new-made widow sits an' sings While her sweet babe she's rocking. ' On Darien think, on dowie Glencoe, On Murray, traitor coward ! On Cumberland's blood-blushing hands, And think on Charlie Stewart!' 1 These songs, with the exception of one or two pieces, have been taken down from recitation chiefly of Catholic families, in Nithsdale and Galloway, by whom they were preserved and communicated with an enthusiasm propor- tioned to their attachment to the cause. The reader may refer to Ritson's two volumes of Scottish Songs and Ballads, in which he will find a selection of Jacobite songs from copies already printed, which, the Editor conceives, will nearly complete the collection. SONGS OF THE NITHSDALE AND GALLOWAY PEASANTRY. CLASS IV. (old ballads AND FRAGMENTS.) 205 OLD BALLADS AND FRAGMENTS. WE WERE SISTERS, WE WERE SEVEN. This curious legend is one among a conside- rable number which were copied from the re- cital of a peasant-woman of Galloway, upwards of ninety years of age. They were all evidently productions of a very remote date, and, what- ever might be their poetical beauties, were so involved in obscurity as to render any attempt at illustration useless. This tale was preserved as a specimen of the rest, being not only the clearest in point of style, but possessing a cha- racter of originality which cannot fail to inte- rest the reader. Though not strictly what may be called a fairy tale, it is narrated in a similar 206 way. The transitions arc abrupt, yet artfully managed, so as to omit no circumstance of the story which the imagination of the reader may not naturally supply. The singular character of Billie Blin' (the Scotch Brownie, and the lubbar fiend of Milton) gives the whole an air of the marvellous, independently of the mystic chair, on which the principal catastrophe of the story turns. In the third volume of Mr. Scott's 'Border Minstrelsy' there is a ballad called Cospatrick, founded on three more imperfect readings of this ancient fragment, interspersed with some patches of modern imitation. The entire piece is not so long as the present copy, and the sup- plementary part but ill accords with the rude simplicity of the original. It is like the intro- duction of modern masonry to supply the di- lapidations of a Gothic ruin; the style of ar- chitecture is uniform, but the freshness and polish of the materials destroy the effect of the ancient structure, and it can no longer be con templated as a genuine relique of past ages. There are many incongruities in Mr. Scott's 207 copy, which it is strange that so able an anti- quary could have let pass. For example : ' When bells were rung, and mass was said, And a' men unto bed were gane.' In the Romish service we never hear of mass being said in the evening, but vespers, as in the original here given. Mr. Scott also omits that interesting personage the 'Billie Blin,' and awkwardly supplies the loss by making the bed, blanket, and sheets speak, which is an out- rage on the consistency even of a fairy tale. WE WERE SISTERS, WE WERE SEVEN. We were sisters, we were seven, We were the fairest under heaven, And it was a' our seven-years' wark To sew our lather's seven sarks; And whan our seven years' wark was done We laid it. out upo' the green : 208 We coost the lotties us amang Wha wad to the greenwood gang, To pu' the lily but and the rose To strew witha' our sisters' bowers. I was youngest, my weer was hardest, And to the green-wood I bud n gae, There I met a handsome childe, High-coled stockings and laigh-coled shoon, He bore him like a king's son; An' was I weel or was I wae, He keepit me a' the simmer-day, An' though I for my hame gaun sich, He keepit me a' the simmer-night; He gae to me a gay gold ring, And bade me keep it aboon a' thing. He gae to me a cuttie knife, And bade me keep it as my life. Three lauchters o' his yellow hair, For fear we wad ne'er meet mair. # # # First blew the sweet, the simmer-wind, Then autumn wi' her breath sae kind, m Lots. " Must. 209 Before that e'er the guid knight came The tokens of his luve to claim. Then fell the brown an' yellow leaf Afore the knight o' luve shawed prief ; Three morns the winter's rime did fa', When loud at our yett my luve did ca'- ' Ye hae daughters, ye hae seven, Ye hae the fairest under heaven ; I am the lord o' lands wide, Ane o' them maun be my bride I am lord of a' baronie, Ane o' them maun lie wi' me O cherry lips are sweet to prce, A rosie check's meet for the ee; Lang brown locks a heart can bind, Bonny black een in luve are kind; Sma' white arms for elasping's meet, Whan laid atween the bridal-sheets; A kindlie heart is best of a', An' debonnairest in the ha'. Ane by ane thae things arc sweet, Ane by ane in luve they're meet But when they a' in ae maid bide, She is fittest for a bride v 210 Sae be it weel or be it wae, The youngest maun be my ladiej Sae be it gude, sae be it meet, She maun warm my bridal-sheet. Little ken'd he, whan aff he rode, I was his token'd luve in the wood; Or when he gied me the wedding-token, He was sealing the vows he thought were broken. First came a page on a milk-white steed, Wi' golden trappings on his head, A' gowden was the saddle lap, And gowden was the page's cap; Next there came shippes three, To carry a' my bridal-fee Gowd were the beaks, the sails were silk, Wrought wi' maids' hands like milk; They came toom and light to me, But heavie went they waie frae me. They were IV o' baken bread, They were fV of wine sae red jVly dowry went a' by the sea, But I gaed by the greenwode tree; An' I sighed and made great mane, 211 As thro' the green wode we rade our lane; An' I ay siched an' wiped my ee, That e'er the greenwode I did see. ' Is there water in your glove, Or win' into your shoe? O am I o'er low a foot-page, To rin by you ladie ! ' ' O there's nae water in my glove, Nor win' into my shoe, But I am maning for my mither, Wha's far awa frae me.' # # # ' Gin ye be a maiden fair, Meikle gude ye will get there, If ye be a maiden but," Meikle sorrow will ye get; For seven kings' daughters he hath wedded, But never wi' ane o' them has bedded; He euts the breasts frae their breast-bane, An sends them back unto their dame. lie sets their backs unto the saddle, An' sends them back unto their lather: But be ye maiden or be ye nane, " i. e. li you arc not a maid 212 To the gowden chair ye draw right soon ; But be ye leman or be ye maiden, Sit nae down till ye be bidden.' Was she maiden, or was she nane, To the gowden chair she drew right soon. Was she leman, or was she maiden, She sat down ere she was bidden. Out then spake the Lord's mother, Says, ' This is not a maiden fair; In that chair nae leal maiden E'er sits down till they be bidden.' The Billie BUn' then outspake he, As he stood by the fair ladie; 'The bonnie May is tired wi' riding, Gaur'd her sit down ere she was bidden/ But on her waiting-maid she ca'd, i Fair ladie, what's your will wi' me?' O ye maun gie yere maidenheid, This night to an unco' lord for me. * I hae been east, I hae been west, See Appendix. 213 I hae been far beyond the sea , But ay by greenwode, or by bower, I hae keepit my virginitie. But will it for my ladie plead, I'll gie't this night to an unco lord/ # * * When bells were rung, an' vespers sung, An' men in sleep were locked soun', Childe Branton and the waitinG; maid Into the bridal bed were laid. lie thee down, my fair ladie, Here are a' things meet for thee; Here's a bolster for yere head, Here is sheets an' comelie weids. # # # ' Now tell to me, ye Billie Blin', If this fair dame be a leal maiden?' ' I wat she is as leal a wight As the moon shines on in a simmer-night; 1 wat she is as leal a May, As the sun shines on in a simmer-day. But your bonnie bride's in her bower, Dreeing the mither's trying hour.' 214 Then out o' his bridal bed he sprang, An' into his mither's bower he ran : ' O mither kind, O mither dear, This is nae a maiden fair; The maiden I took to my bride, Has a bairn atween her sides. The maiden I took to my bower, Is dreeing the mither's trying hour.' Then to the chamber his mother flew, And to the wa' the door she threw; She stapt at neither bolt nor ban', Till to that ladie's bed she wan. Says ' Ladie fair, sae meek an' mild, Wha is the father o' yere child ?' ' O mither dear,' said that ladie, ' I canna tell gif I sud die, We were sisters, we were seven, We were the fairest under heaven; And it was a' our seven years' wark, To sew our father's seven sarks. And whan our seven years wark was done We laid it out upon the green. Q\5 We coost the lotties us amang, Wha wad to the green wode gang; To pu' the lily but an' the rose, To strew vvitha' our sisters' bowers. I was youngest, my weer was hardest, And to the greenwode I bu? gae. There I met a handsome childe Wi'laigh-coled stockings and high-coled shoon, He seemed to be some king's son; And was I weel or was I wae, He keepit me a' the simmer-day; Though for my hanie gaun I oft sicht, He keepit me a' the simmer-night; He gae to me a gay gold-ring, An' bade me keep it aboon a' thing; Three lauchters o' his yellow hair, For fear that we sulci ne'er meet mail*. O mither, if ye'll believe nae me, Break up the coffer an' there ye'll see.' An ay she coost an ay she flang, Till her ain gowd-ring came in her hand; i' Must. 216 And scarce aught i' the coffer she left, Till she gat the knife wi' the siller-heft; Three lauchters o' his yellow hair, Knotted wi' ribbons dink and rare : She cried to her son ' whare is the ring Your father gave me at our wooing, An* I gae you at your hunting ? What did ye wi' the cuttie-knife, I bade ye keep it as yere life? ' ' O haud yere tongue, my mither dear, I gae them to a lady fair; I wad gie a' my lands and rents, I had that ladie within my brents ; I wad gie a' my lands an' towers, I had that ladie within my bowers.' ' Keep still yere lands, keep still yere rents, Ye hae that ladie within yere brents; Keep still }ere lands, keep still yere towers, Ye hae that lady within your bowers.' Then to his ladie fast ran he, An' low he kneeled on his knee; ' O tauk ye up my son,' said he, * An', mither, tent my fair ladie; 217 O wash him purely i' the milk, And lay him saftly in the silk ; An' ye maun bed her very soft, For J maun kiss her wondrous oft.' It was weel written on his breast bane, Childe Branton was the father's name; It was weel written on his right hand, He was the heir o' his daddie's land. 218 TWO VERSES OF LOGAN BRAES. (FROM MRS. COPLAND.) It was nae for want, it was nae for wae, That he left me on the Logan brae: There was lint in the club, and maut in the mill, There was bear in the trough and corn in the kill. # # # The wind it was lowne, the larks had left the sky, The bats were a' flown, the herds had left the kye; The sheep were a' faulded, nought was muvin but the moon, As we wander'd through the rye to the lang yel- low broom. 219 O WHO IS THIS UNDER MY WINDOW ? This old song is taken down from the singing of Martha Crosbie, from whose recitation Burns wrote down the song of ' The Wau- krife Minnie. 7 It has a fine affecting tune, and is much sung by the young girls of Nithsdale. Burns has certainly imitated the last verse of it in his ' Red, red Rose.' ' O who is this under my window? O who is this that troubles me?' ' O it is ane wha is broken hearted, Complaining to his God o' thee.' ' O a^k your heart, my bonnie Mary, O ask your heart gif it minds o' me! 4 Ye were a drap o' the dearest bluid in't, Sac hum as ye were true to me.' 220 ' If e'er the moon saw ye in my arms, love, If e'er the light dawned in my ee, I hae been doubly fause to heaven, But ne'er ae moment fause to thee. ' My father ca'd me to his chamber, Wi' lowin' anger in his ee; Gae put that traitor frae thy bosom, Or never mair set thy ee on me. 'I hae wooed lang love I hae loved kin' love, An' monie a peril I've braved for thee ; I've traitor been to monie a ane love, But ne'er a traitor nor fause to thee. ' My mither sits hie in her chamber, Wi' saute tears happin' frae her ee ; O he wha turns his back on heaven, O he maun ay be fause to thee! ' ' Gang up, sweet May, to thy ladie mother, An' dight the saute tears frae her ee; Tell her I've turned my face to heaven, Ye hae been heaven owre lansr to me ! ' 221 O up she rose, and away she goes, Into her true love's arms to fa'; But ere the bolts and the bars she loosed, Her true love was fled awa. ' O whare's he gane whom I lo'e best, And has left me here for to sigh an' mane; O I will search the hale world over, 'Till my true love I find again. ' The seas shall grow wi' harvests yellow, The mountains melt down wi' the sun; The labouring man shall forget his labour, The blackbird shall not sing but mourn, If ever I prove fause to my love, Till once I see if lie return.' 222 LADY MARGERIE. With the exception of a few unconnected fragments, nothing now remains of this old ballad. The reader, however, may be pleased to peruse the legend as recorded by the tra- ditions of Galloway. Lady Margerie, the heroine of the song, was beloved by two brothers, sons of a neighbour- ing Baron. The suit of the youngest, whose name was Henry, being rejected, he, by inge- niously imitating his brother's writing, ob- tained an interview in an adjacent wood, and warmly brought his fair one to regard his ten- derness with less indifference. The language of the youth in this instance, though homely, is pathetically expressive: ' D' ye mind, d' ye mind, Lady Margerie, When we handed round the beer ; Seven times I fainted for your sake, And you never dropt a tear. 223 D* ye mind, d" ye mind, Lady Margerie, When we handed round the wine ; Seven times I fainted for your sake, And you never fainted once for mine.' She expostulated with him on the impropriety of bringing her into an unfrequented place for the purpose of winning affections, which, she observed, were not hers to bestow. But find- ing him determined to have either a favourable answer or a peremptory refusal, she frankly confessed that she was with child by his brother. Frantic at the loss of all he loved and valued, the young man drew his sword, and, with the characteristic barbarity of those rude times, cruelly murdered the lady. The following stanza presents an image too horrible to be contemplated, were it not imme- diately coupled with a wildly sublime thought: ' And he's ta'en the baby out of her womb, And thrown it upon a thorn: I,et the wind blow east, let I he wind blow west, The cradle will rock its lone.' 224 The horrid deed was no sooner done, than the elder brother was apprised of it as he pur- sued the boar in a neighbouring forest; for it would seem that supernatural agency was more frequent in those times than at present. The young hunter was following his game with ar- dour, cheering his dogs and poising his lance, ready to engage the monster when at bay : ' But when brother Henry's cruel brand Had done the bloody deed, The silver-buttons flew off his coat, And his nose began to bleed.' i Astonished at this singular phenomenon, he immediately flew to the bower of his mistress, where a page informed him she was gone to the ' silver wood,' agreeably to his desire. Thither he spurred his horse, and meeting Henry with his bloody sword still in his hand, 1 The circumstances mentioned in the two last lines of this verse are believed by the vulgar in Scotland to be pre- ternatural signs to announce the commission of murder. 225 inquired what he had been killing. The other replied : 'O I have been killing in the silver wood What will breed mickle woe; O I have been killing in the silver wood A dawdy and a doe.' A mutual explanation took place, and Henry fell by the sword of his unhappy brother. How much truth may be in this legend is un- certain, time having so thoroughly effaced every vestige of the supposed savage transac- tion, that even the finger of tradition points not to the plaee where the tragedy was acted. Some of the old people of Galloway still retain the thread of the storv, with the few wild de- tached stanzas here presented to the reader. 226 YOUNG AIRLY. There are several copies of this Song, one of which begins thus ' The great Argyle raised ten thousand men E'er the sun was waukening earlie; And he marched them down by the back o' Dunkel', Bade them fire on the bonnie house o' Airlie.' The following appears to be an older copy, and has finer touches of poetic merit. It fell in about the Martinmas time, An' the leaves were fa'ing early, That great Argyle an' a' his men came To plunder the bonnie House o' Airlj. * Come down and kiss me, Ladie Ogilvie, Come down an' kiss me early; Come down an' kiss me, Ladie Ogilvie, Or there's be nae a stanning stane o' Airly.' 227 * I winna kiss thee, great Argyle, At night or morning early; I winna kiss thee, thou fause, fause lord, If there should na be a stanning stane o' Airly. But take me by the milk white hand, An' lead me down right hoolie; An' set me in a dowie, dowie glen, That I mauna see the fall o' Airly.' He has ta'en her by the shouther blade, An' thurst her down afore him, Syne set her upon a bonnie knowe tap, Bad her look at Airly fa'ing. # # * * Haste! bring to me a cup o' gude wine, As red as ony cherrie; I'll tank the cup, an' sip it up, Here's a health to bonnie Prince Charlie! I hae born me eleven braw sons, The youngest ne'er saw his daddie; 228 An' if I had to bear them a' again, They should a' gang alang wi' Charlie ! But if my gude Lord were here this night, As he's awa wi' Charlie; The great Argyle and a' his men, Durst na enter the bonnie House o' Airly Were my gude lord but here this day, As he's awa wi' Charlie; The dearest blude o' a' thy kin', Wad sloken the lowe o' Airly. 229 THE MERMAID OF GALLOWAY. Tradition is yet rich with the fame of this be- witching Mermaid: and many of the good old folks have held most edifying and instructing communion with her by her favourite moon- light hanks and eddyed nooks of streams. She Avas wont to treasure their minds with her ce- le-tial knowledge of household economy, and would give receipts to make heavenly salve to heal the untimely touch of disease. A charm- ing young girl, whom consumption had brought to the brink of the grave, was lamented by her lover. In a vein ot renovating sweetness the good Mermaid sung to him ' Wa I vc let the bonnie May die i' yere hand, An' the mugwort flowering i' the land' lie cropped and pressed the flower tops, and administered the juice to hi> fair mistress, 230 who arose and blessed her bestower for the re- turn of health. The Mermaid's favourite haunts and couches were along the shores of the Nith and Orr, and on the edge of the Solway sea, which adjoins the mouths of those waters. Her beauty was such that man could not behold her face, but his heart was fired with unquenchable love. ' Her long hair of burning gold,' through the wiling links of which appeared her white bosom and shoulders, were her favourite care; and she is always represented by tradition with one hand shedding her locks, and with the other combing them. Tradition tells, that this world is an outer husk or shell, which encloses a kernel of most rare abode, where dwell the Mermaids of popu- lar belief. According to Lowland mythology, they are a race of goddesses, corrupted with earthly passions their visits to the world, ' though few and far between,' are spoken of and remembered with awe their affections were bestowed on men of exalted virtue and rare endowments of person and parts. They 231 wooed in such a strain of syren eloquence that all hearts were fettered by the witcheries of love. When their celestial voice dropt on the ear, every other faculty was enthralled. They caught the beloved object in their embrace, and laid him on a couch, where mortal eyes might search in vain into the rites of such ro- mantic and mysterious wedlock. Though possessed of the most soft and gra- cious qualities, yet when a serious premeditated indignity was offered them, they were imme- diately awakened to revenge. A devout farm dame, in the time of the last persecution, was Troubled in spirit at the wonted return of this heathenish visitant. A deep and beautiful pool, formed in the mouth of Dalbeattie burn, by the eddy of Orr Water, was a beloved residence of the Mermaid of Galloway. ' [' the first come o' the moon' she would seat herself on a smooth block of granite, on die brink of the pool, comb her golden links of hair, and de- liver her healing oracles. The good woman, in ;t frenzy of religious zeal, with her Bible in her hand, had the temerity to tumble this 232 ancient chair into the bottom of the pool. The next morning her only child was found dead in its cradle, and a voice from the pool was often heard at day-close, by the distracted mother: ' Ye may look i' yere toom cradle, And I'll look to my stanej And meikle we'll think, and meikle we'll look, But words we'll ne'er hae nane ! ' All the noxious weeds and filth that could be collected, were thrown into the pool until the stream was polluted, and the Mermaid de- parted, leaving' a curse of barrenness on the house, which all the neighbours for several miles around, arc ready to certify has been faithfully fulfilled. William Maxwell, Esq. of Cowehill, is the bridegroom ' Willie' of this romance. Accord- in u; to popular history, he was nephew to the * Lily of Nithsdale,' heroine of the sublime song 'She's gane to dwall in Heaven.' Cowehill is beautifully situated on the banks 233 of the river Nith, five miles above Dumfries, surrounded with groves of oak, and plantation trees, and is now the seat of Johnstone, Esq. 234 THE MERMAID OF GALLOWAY. (from tradition.) There's a maid has sat o' the green merse side Thae ten lang years and mair; An' every first night o' the new moon She kames her yellow hair. An.' ay while she sheds the yellow burning gowd, Fu' sweet she sings an' hie, Till the fairest bird that wooes the green wood, Is charm 'd wi' her melodie. But wha e'er listens to that sweet sang, Or gangs the fair dame te; r Ne'er hears the sang o' the lark again, Nor waukens an earthlie ee. It fell in about the sweet simmer month, I' the first come o' the moon, That she sat o' the tap of a sea-weed rock, A-kaming her silk-locks down. 'To. 9,35 Her kame was o' the whitely pearl, Her hand like new-won milk; Her breasts were a' o' the snawy curd, In a net o' sea-green silk. She kained her locks owre her white shoulders, A fleece baith bonnv and lang: An' ilka ringlet she shed frae her brows, She raised a lightsome sans;. I' the very first lilt o' that sweet sang, The birds f'orhood 3 their young; An' they flew i' the gate o' the gray howlet, To listen the sweet maiden. V the second lilt o' that sweet sang, Of sweetness it was sae f'u'; The tod lap up owre our f'auld-dyke, And (lighted his red-wat niou. I' the very third lilt o' that sweet sang, Red lowed the new-woke moon; The stars drapped blude on the yellow gowan tap, Sax miles roun' that maiden. k Fur hood t forsook. 236 ' I haedwalt on the Kith,' quo' the young Cowehill, ' Thae twenty years an' three, But the sweetest sang e'er brake frae a lip, Comes thro' the greenwood to me. O is it a voice frae twa earthlie lips, Whilk makes sic melodic? It wad wvlc 11 the lark frae the morninsr lilt, And weel may it wyle me?' ' 1 dreamed a dreary thing, master, Whilk I am rad ye rede; I dreamed ye kissed a pair o' sweet lips, That d rapped o' red heart's-blude.' ' Come hand my steed, ye little foot-page, Shod wi' the red gowd roun'; Till I kiss the lips whilk sing sae sweet,' An' lightlie lap he down. ' l\is< nae the singer's lips, master, ' Kiss nae the singer's chin; Touch nae her hand.' quo' the little foot-page, 4 Ifskaithless hanic ye'd win. u Jfylc, entice. 237 O wha will sir on yere tooni saddle, wha will hruik yere gluve; An wha will t'aukl yere cried x bride, I' the kindlie clasps o' luve?' He took a(f his hat, a' gowd i' the rim, Knot wi' a siller ban'; He seemed a' in lowe> wi' his gowd raiment, As thro' the green wood he ran. ' The simmer-dew fa's satt, fair maid, Ancath the siller moon ; But eerie is thy seat i' the rock, Washed wi' the white sea laein. Come wash me wi' thy liiie white hand, Below and "boon tiie knee ; An' I'll k;ime thae links o' yellow burning gowd, A boon th v bonnic blue ee. How rosie tire thy parting lips, 1 low lilie-white thy ikin, An' w eel I wat thae kissing ecu \\ ad tempt a saint to sin.' Lrlid, betrothed. > la luicc, in a blaze. 238 * Tak aff thae bars an' bobs o' gowd, Wi' thy gared doublet fine; An' thraw me aff thy green mantle, Leafed wi' the siller twine. An' a' in courtesie fair knight, A maiden's mind to win, The gowd lacing o' thy green weeds, Wad harm her lilie skin.' Syne coost he aff his green mantle, Hemm'd wi' the red gowd roun'; His costly doublet coost he aff, Wi' red gowd flow'red down. ' Now ye maun kame my yellow hair, Down wi' my pearlie kame; Then rowe me in thy green mantle, An' tauk me maiden hame.' ' But first come tauk me 'neath the chin, An' syne come kiss my cheek ; An' spread my hanks o' wat'ry hair, I' the new-moon beam to dreep.' 239 Sae first he kissed her dimpled chin, Syne kissed her rosie cheek ; And lang he wooed her willin' lips, Like hether-hinnie sweet! ' O! if ye'll come to the honnie Cowehill, 'Mang primrose hanks to woo, I'll wash thee ilk day i' the new milked milk, An' bind wi' gowd yere brow. ' An' a' for a drink o' the clear water Ye'se hae the rosie wine, An' a' lor the water white lilie, Ye'se hae these arms o' mine.' ' But what '11 she say, yere honnie young bride Busked wi' the siller fine; Whan the rich kisses ye kept for her lips, Are left wi' vows on mine?' lie took his lips frae her red-rose mou', His arm frae her waist sae sraa'; ' Sweet maiden, I'm in brydal speed, It's time I were awa.' 240 * O gic me a token o' luve, sweet May, A leal luve token true;' She crapped a lock o' yellow gowden hair, An' knotted it roun' his brow. ' O tie nae it sae strait, sweet May, But \vi' hive's rose-knot kynde; My head is fu' o' burning pain, O salt ye maun it bynde.' His skin turned a' o' the red-rose hue, Wi' draps o' bludie sweat; An' he laid his head 'mang the water lilies, ' Sweet maiden, I maun sleep.' She tyed ae link o' her wat yellow hair, A boon his burning bree; Amang bis curling haffet locks She knotted knurles three. She weaved owre his brow the white lilie, Wi' witch-knots inae than nine; < Gif'ye were seven times bride-groom owre, This night ye shall be mine.' 241 O twice he turned his sinking head, An' twice he lifted his ee; O twice lie sought to lift the links Were knotted owre his bree.^ i Arise, sweet knight, yere young bride waits, An' doubts her ale will sowre; An' wistly looks at the lilie white sheets, Down spread in ladie-bowre.' An' she has prenned r the broidered silk, About her white hause bane; Her princely petticoat is on, VVi' gowd can stan' its lane. He faintlie, slowlie, turn'd his cheek, And faintly lift his ee, And he strave to lowse the witching bunds A boon his burning brce. Then took she up his green mantle Of lowing gowd the hem; Then took she up his silken cap. Rich u i' a siller stem ; u lira', the brow. ' Prenm'd, pinned K 242 An' she threw them wi' her lilie hand Amang the white sea faem. She took the bride ring frae his finger An' threw it in the sea; ' That hand shall mense* nae ither ring But wi' the will o' me.' She faulded him i' her lilie arms, An' left her pearlie kame; His fleecy locks trailed ovvre the sand As she took the white sea-faem. First raise the star out owre the hill, An' niest the lovelier moon ; While the beauteous bride o' Gallowa' Looked for her blythe bride-groom. Lythlie she sang while the new-moon raise, Blythe as a young brydc May, Whan the new-moon lights her lamp o' luve, An' blinks the bryde away. * Nithsdale, thou art a gay garden, Wi' monie a winsome flower; 5 To ?ne?ise, to grace. 243 But the princeliest rose o' that garden Maun blossom in my bower. An' I will kepp* the drapping dew Frae my red rose's tap, An' the balmy blobs o' ilka leaf, I'll kepp them drap by drap. An' I will wash my white bosom A' wi' this heavenly sap.' An' ay she sewed her silken snood, An sung a brydal sang; But aft the tears drapt frae her ec, Afore the gray morn cam. The sun lowed ruddie 'inang the dew, Sue thick on bank and tree; The plow-boy whistled at his darg, " The milk-inav answered hie; 1 In kepp, to cratch, to receive in the act of falling. Thus Burns : ' Mourn, Soring, thou darling of the year! Ilk cowslip cup shall kep a tear.' u Al /its dar%, at his work 244 But the lovelie bride o' Gallowa' Sat wi' a wat-shod x ee. Ilk breath o' wind 'mang the forest leaves She heard the bridegroom's tongue, And she heard the brydal-coming lilt In every bird which sung. She sat high on the tap towre stane, Nae waiting May was there; She lowsed the gowd busk frae her breast, The kame frae 'mang her hair; She wiped the tear-blobs frae her ee, An' looked lang and sair ! First sang to her the blythe wee bird, Frae aff the hawthorn green; x ' Wat-shod' is a phrase peculiar to Dumfrieshire and Galloway. ' Bless the bairn, its een's wat-skod,' is the mother's cry when she finds her child's eyes brimful of tears. Among the peasantry it has an endearing and fa- miliar sweetness perhaps from frequent usage, and being a traditional phrase. 245 ' Loose out the love curls frae yere hair, Ye plaited sae weel yestreen.' An' the spreckled woodlark frae 'mang the clouds O' heaven came singing down ; ' Tauk out the bride-knots frae yere hair An' let thae lang locks down.' ' Come, bydc wi' me, ye pair o' sweet birds, Come down an' byde wi' me; Ye sail peckle o' the bread an' drink o' the wine, An gowd yere cage sail be.' She laid the bride-cake 'neath her head, An' syne below her feet; An' laid her down 'tween the lilie-white sheets, An' soundlie did she sleep! It was i' the mid-hour o' the night, Her siller-bell did ring; An' soun't as if nae eartlilie hand Had pou'd the silken string. There was a cheek touch'd that ladye's, Cauld as the marble stanc; 246 An' a hand cauld as the drifting snaw Was laid on her breast-bane. ' O cauld is thy hand, my dear Willie, O cauld, cauld is thy cheek; An' wring thae locks o' yellow hair, Frae which the cauld draps dreep.' ' O seek anither bridegroom, Marie, On thae bosom-faulds to sleep; My bride is the yellow water lilie, Its leaves my brydal sheet!' This romantic and affecting ballad was transmitted to the Editor by Jean Walker, a young girl of Gallo- way, who preserved the songs ' She's gane to dwall in Heaven,' ' Thou hast sworn by thy God, my Jeanie/ ' The Pawkie Loon the Miller,' and ' Young Der- wentwater.' The following extract from a note ac- companying it may be an illustrative specimen of the language and ideas of Scottish peasants. ' TO MR. CROMEK. ***** A weed turns a flower when its set in a garden. Will these Songs be better or bonnier in 247 print ? I enclose you a flower new pou'd frae the banks of blythe Cowehill. Il has long grown almost unkend of. Gentility disnae pou' a flower that blumes i' the fields; it is trampled on for a weed when its no in a flower-pot. I see you smiling at the witching lilts of the sweet-singing Mermaid. Well, come again to Galloway. Sit down i' the gloaming dewfall on the green merse side, amang the flowers ; and if a pair of lil ie arms, and twa kissing lips, and witching een, forbye the sweet movement of a honey dropping tongue, winna gaurye believe in the lilting glamour of the Mermaid, ye may gang back to England, singing ' Praise be blest ! ' How will your old fashioned taste, and the new fangledness of the public's agree about tliese old Songs? But tell me, can a song become old when the ideas and imagery it contains are drawn from nature ? While gowans grow on our braes, and lilies on our burn-banks, so long will natural imagery and natural sentiment flourish green in song. ' 1 am perhaps too partial to these old Songs ; It is because duy recal the memory of parental endearments: the posies of our fathers and our mothers I hold it not seemly for a daughter to let wither. That the peasantry of Scotland possess a greater portion of natural taste and information than the vulgar 248 class of any other nation is considered paradoxical by their unbelieving brethren on this side the Tweed. Were evidence required to establish this fact, a Scottish peasant would exclaim ' Where are your Ballads and Songs, the beauteous fugitives of neglected or unknown rustic bards? Where are your sacred reliques of poetic devotion with which every Scotchman's heart is filled ? the plaint of despair, the uplifting raptures of love, or the heart-warming lament of domestic misfortune ? With us they live ; with you they have never existed, or have perished ! ' A P P E N D I X. 251 APPENDIX, SCOTTISH GAMES (A.) p. 10. ' ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND.' This boyish amusement seems to have had its origin from the more deadly games which our forefathers played upon the borders. The hoys cast lots till they are equally divided, and a king is chosen as leader of cither party. The boundary of the kingdoms is then fixed, and marked out with small wooden pins, and a war- den is placed by each party to keep those marks unmoved. A small ring is then described, at an hundred paces distance from the boundary; this is His Majesty's capital, where his trea- sure, represented by the boys' hats or coats, is deposited. War being declared, every eye is on the alert; the parties marshal upon the borders, make feints of attack, while some of the boldest 252 attempt to bear away His Majesty's trea- sure. If the intruder be caught on the hos- tile ground he is taend, that is, clapped three times on the head, which makes him a prisoner. He is set down within the circle of the capital, nor dares to forfeit his pass of honour unless relieved by some of his country- men. This retaking is accomplished by touch- ing the party with the hand, he gets free, and tries to accomplish his retreat. To relieve a prisoner, and pillage with impunity, is reckoned a notable exploit. The game is finished when those of one king- dom carry off the other's bonnets and coats, keeping their own secure. This curious game somewhat resembles the pilfering Border war- fare of old, and may be considered an excel- lent satire on the struggles of nations for petty rivers, and paltry dukedoms. 'the outs and the ins.' This game is peculiar to the low countries of Scotland, and is very common in JSithsdale and Galloway. It seems to be formed from the mutability 253 of Border inheritance, and is the ' Debateable Land' which so often caused the English bows and the Scottish broad swords to be drawn. Our forefathers seem to have directed the sports of their children to the practice of stratagem and plunder; and this remnant of other times was the miniature of deadlier games, and disciplined youth to the bloody play which awaited them in manhood. A circle is drawn and neatly divided into six parts; on one of these is cut another circle of ten feet diameter, this is called the ' Ins,' and the large circle is called the ' Outs.' A stone, or branch of a tree, is set up at these marks in the large circle; these are termed ' Dools.' The boys divide in equal numbers and cast lots for the Ins, which is the seat of glory and heroism. The fortunate party all step into the Ins, and the other party run to the Outs; a boy then steps forth from either side. To be- gin the game, the boy in the Outs throws a ball of yarn covered with leather or party- coloured thread so as gently to light on the other's hand, who stands with it open, and his arm in a swinging attitude, in order to strike the hall. This he does with threat dex- 254 ferity, avoiding the outer party, and prevent-* ing them from catching it as it flies: which should one of them catch loses the Ins. The boy, on striking away the ball, runs to the first dool, and touches it with his foot. One of his fellows stands forth in the Ins, striking back the ball, while his partner gains another dool, and so on till he recovers the Ins. The other one who struck away the ball in his absence runs the same career. But should the ball be caught, or while he is running to reach his dool, should he be struck by the ball from the outer party, the Ins are lost, and the enemy rushes in to the evacuated dominions, and again the game goes on. A more youthful game than this, but evi- dently of the same origin, is common, I believe, on the borders of either kingdom, called ' Keep the Castle,' by the English, and < Haud the Bowerique/ by the Scotch. One boy takes possession of a little knowe top, or hillock, from which his fellows attempt to dislodge him. Whenever he is pushed off his conqueror suc- ceeds, and this is repeated until one of them, reigns king beyond the power of dethroning. 255 APPENDIX (B.) p. 19. The following affecting narrative is taken from the life of Peclen, and though it has had a verv extensive circulation, from the circum- stance of its being quoted in the notes to Mr. Grahame's popular poem of 'the Sabbath,' yet it exemplifies so strongly the severe persecu- tions which the Presbyterians endured, that no apology need be given for its insertion in this place. ' One morning, between five and six hours, John Brown, having performed tlte worship of God in his family, was going with a spade in his hand to make ready some peat-ground. The mist being very dark, he knew not till the bloody Claverhouse compassed him with three troops of horse, brought him to his house, and there examined him; who, though he was a man of stammering speech, vet answered him distinctly and solidly; which made Claverhouse to examine those whom lie had taken to be his guides through the muirs, if they had heard bim preach? They answered ' No, no, he was ne\er a preacher.' He said, ' If he has never 256 preached, meikle has he prayed in his time:' He said to John, 'Go to your prayers, for you shall immediately die.' When he was praying Claverhouse interrupted him three times: one time that he stopped him he wa9 praying that the Lord would spare a remnant, and not make a full end in the day of his anger. Claverhouse said, ' I gave you time to pray, and you are be- gun to preach ;' he turned about on his knees, and said, ' Sir, you know neither the nature of praying nor preaching that calls this preach- ing;' then continued, without confusion. When ended, Claverhouse said, ' Take good night of your wife and children.' His wife standing by with her children in her arms that she had. brought forth to him, and another child of his first wife's, he came to her and said, ' Now, ' Marion, the day is come, that I told you would come, when I first spake to you of marrying me.' She said, l Indeed, John, I can willingly part with you.' Then he said, ' This is all I desire; I have no more to do but to die.' He kissed his wife and bairns, and wished purchased and promised blessings to be multiplied on them, and his blessing. Claverhouse ordered 257 six soldiers to shoot him ; the most part of the bullets came upon his head, which scattered his brains upon the ground. Claverhouse said to his wife, ' What thinkest thou or* thy husband now, woman?' She said, ' I thought ever much of him, and now as much as ever.' He said, it were justice to lay thee beside him. She said, ' If ye were permitted, I doubt not but your cruelty would go that length; but how will ye make answer for this morning's work.' He said, ' To man I can be answerable; and for (jod, I will take him in mine own hand.' Claverhouse mounted his horse, and left her with the corpse of her dead husband lying there ; she set the bairn on the ground, and gathered his brains, and tied up his head, and straighted his body, and covered him with her plaid, and sat down, and wept over him. It being a very desart place, where never victual grew, and far from neighbours, it was some time before any friends came to her: the first that came was a very fit hand, that old singular Christian woman, in tlu.' Cuminerhead, named Elizabeth Menzies, three miles distant, who had been tried with the violent death of her husband ;it Pentland. 258 afterwards of two worthy sons, Thomas Weir, who was killed at Drumclog, and David Steel, who was suddenly shot afterwards when taken. The said Marion Weir, sitting upon her hus- band's grave, told me, that, before that, she could see no blood but she was in danger to faint, and yet she was helped to be a witness to all this, without either fainting or confusion; except when the shots were let off, her eyes were dazzled. His corpse was buried at the end of his house, where he was slain. Peden's Life, p. 21. APPENDIX (C.) p. 19. ' TAKING THE BEUK.' To describe this sublime ceremony of devo- tion to God, a picture of the Cottar's Ha', taken from the more primitive times of rustic sim- plicity, will be most expressive and effectual. On entering a neat thatched cottage, when past the partition orhallan, a wide, far project- ing chimney piece, garnished with smoked meat, met your eye. The fire, a good space removed from the end wall, was placed against a large whinstone, called the cat-hud. Behind this 259 was a bench stretching along the gabel, which, on trysting nights, was occupied by the chil- dren ; the best seat being courteously proffered to strangers. The Cottar Sire was placed on the left of the fire, removed from the bustle of housewifery. A settee of oak, antiquely carved and strewn with favourite texts of scripture, was the good man's seat, where he rested after the day's fatigue, nursing and instructing his children. His library shelf above him displayed his folio Bible, covered with rough calf skin, wherein were registered his children's names and hour of birth; some histories of the old re- forming worthies, (divines who waded through the blood and peril of persecution) the sacred books of his fathers lay carefully adjusted and pretty much used: and the acts and deeds of Scotland's saviour, Wallace, and the immortal Bruce, were deemed worthy of holding a place among the heroic divines who had won the heavenly crown of martyrdom. Above these were hung a broad sword and targe, the re- mains of ancient warfare, which happily the hand of peace had long forgot to wield. From the same pin depended the kirn-cut of 26'0 corn,* curiously braided and adorned with ribbons. Beside him was his fowling-piece, which, before the enaction of Game Laws, supplied his family with venison and fowls in their season. At the end of the lang-settle was the window, whieh displayed a few panes of glass and two oaken boards, that opened like shutters, for the admission of air. On the gudewife's side appeared her articles of economy and thrift. A dresser, replenished with pewter plates, with a large meal chest of carved oak, extended along the side wall; bunches of yarn hung from a loft or flooring, made of small wood or ryse, spread across the joisting, and covered with moor turf. The walls,white with lime, were garnished with dairy utensils (every Cottar almost having one or two kye) At each side of the middle entry was a bed, sometimes of very curious and ingenious work- manship, being posted with oak, and lined with barley straw, finely cleaned and inwoven a The name sometimes given to the last handful of graia tut down on the harvest field. 261 with thread ; these were remarkably warm and much valued. Family worship was performed every evening, but on the sabbath morning it was attended with peculiar solemnity. At that season all the family, and frequently some of the neigh- bours, presented themselves before the aged vil- lage apostle. He seated himself on the lang- settle, laying aside his bonnet and plaid. His eldest child came submissively forward, and un- clasping the Bible, placed it across his father's knees. After a few minutes of religious silence, be meekly lifts his eyes over his family to mark if they are all around him, and decorous. Opening the Bible he says in a tone of simple and holy meekness ' Let us reverently worship our God by singing the (eighth) Psalm." He reads it aloud; then gives or recites line after line, leading the tune himself. The Martyrs is a chosen air, so called in honour of those men who displayed a zeal worthy of the name, and perished in the persecution. All the family join in this exquisitely mournful tune till the sacred Ming is finished. A selected portion of scripture is then read from the sublime soarings of Isaiah. 2 you njrer proselvtes. From the gigantic ruins of his cinpire(\\ hieU 276 still remain in the breath of tradition) the poet of Scotland has been led to lift up his voice, and cry, ' Far ken'd and noted is thy name! ' With the foresight of a lawgiver, Satan esta- blished and promulgated laws, made ordinances, and set apart certain times for infernal delight and revelry. Trystes, where the whole Warlocks and witches of a county were assembled, are yet re- membered among the peasantry with terror; they were wont to date their age from them ; thus ' I was christened o' the Sunday after Tibbie Fleucher's Hallowmass rade.' The noted tryste of the Nithsdale and Gal- loway Warlocks and witches was held on a rising knowe, four miles distant from Dumfries, called ' Locher-brigg Hill.' There are yet some fragments of the witches' Gathering Hymn, too characteristically curious to be omitted. ' When the gray Howlet has three times hoo'd, When the grimy Cat has three times mewed, 277 When the Tod has yowled three times i' the wode, At the red moon cowering ahin the clud ; When the stars hae cruppen' deep i' the drift, Lest Cantrips had pyked them out o' the lift, Up horsies a', but mair adowe, Ryde, ryde, for Locher-lrigg knowe /' Roused by this infernal summons, the earth and the air groaned with the unusual load. It was a grand though a daring attempt for man, or aught of mortal frame, to view this diaboli- cal hurry. The wisest part barred their doors, and left the world to its own misrule. Those aged matrons, deep read in incantation, says tradition, 'could sit i' the coat tails o' the moon,' or harness the wind to their rag-weed chariot; could say to the west star, ' bvde thou me!' or to the moon, ' hynte me in thy arm, for I am weary ! ' Those Carlins of garrulous old age, who had suffered martyrdom on the brow for the cause, rode on chosen broom-sticks, shod with murdered men's bones. These moved spontaneously to the will of the possessor; but the more gay and genteel kimmers loved a softer seat than the bark of a broomstick. A bridle shreded from the skin of an unhapti/.cd 278 infant, with bits forged in Satan's armoury, possessed irresistible power when shaken above any living thing. Two young lads of Nithsdale onee served a widow dame, who possessed a bridle with these dangerous qualifications. One them, a plump, merry young fellow, suddenly lost all his gaiety, and became lean, as if 'ridden post by a witch.' On his neighbour lad's inquiry about the cause, he only said, ' Lie at the bed stock an' ye'll be as lean as me.' It was on a Hallowmass ee'n, and though he felt unusual drowsiness, he kept himself awake. At mid- night, his mistress cautiously approaching his bed-side, shook the charmed bridle over his face, saying, ' Up Horsie,' when, to his utter astonishment, he arose in the form of a gray horse ! The cantrip bit was put in his teeth, and, mounted by the Carlin, he went off like the wind. Feeling the prick of infernal spur, he took such leaps and bounds, that he reached Loeherbrigg knowe in a \'e\v moments. He was fastened by the bridle to a tree, with many more of his acquaintance, whom he re- cngiized through their brutal disguise. He looked petriiied witli affright when the Father 279 of Cantrips drew a circle around the knowe, within which no haptized brow could enter. All being assembled, hands were joined, and a ring of Warlocks and witches danced in the enchanted bound with many lewd and uncouth gestures. In the centre he beheld a thick smoke, and presently arose the piercing yells and screams of hellish baptism, which the new converts were enduring. Startled and terrified to furious exertion, he plunged, pulled, and reared ; and praying ardently to Heaven, he shook off the bridle of power, and starting up in his own sbape he seized the instrument of his transformation. It was now gray day ligbt when the conclave dispersed, for their orgies could not endure the rebuke of the sun. He watched his mistress, who, all haste and con- fusion, was hurrying to her steed; shaking the bridle over her brow, she started up a ' glide gray mare,' and was hastened home with such push of spur that all competitors were left far behind! The sun was nigh risen as he hurried into the stable. Pulling oil' the bridle his can- trip-casting mistress appeared with hands and feet lacerated with travel, and her sid<'> pricked 280 to the bone. On her rider's promising never to divulge his night adventure, she allowed him to keep the bridle as a pledge of safety. To ride post on the human body was a privi- lege enjoyed only by those who paramoured with Satan, or had done some signal feat. Many of these grovelling hags, to escape the detection of their neighbours, had to belie the form of God in the unholy semblance of cats. The import of these meetings is now indistinctly known, and popular report wanders in uncer- tainty. It is hinted, from glimpses gotten by daring wights, that ' Kain Balms' were paid to Satan, and fealty done for reigning through his division of Nithsdale and Galloway. These Kain Bairns were tiie fruit of their wombs ; though sometimes the old barren hags stole the unchristened offspring of their neighbours to fill the hellish treasury. Their rite of baptism was still ranker of glamour; so much so, that the voice of tradition ' speaks lowne' when de- scribing it. They were stripped naked, and the hellish hieroglyphic was impressed on their sides and bosoms. It has puzzled the wise to decypher these characters, else deeper insight 281 into the laws and civil government of our arch enemy might perhaps have been acquired; but this unknown language was proof enough to roast the possessor. While this Satanic hieroglyphic was writing upon them, their yells were horrible; but the healing ointment of perdition was poured on it and allayed the smart. These marks secured them from outward ailment, and from beinsr assailed by the dint of mortal arms. Jackets, woven of water snake skins, at a certain time of a March moon, were much in vogue among the crusading servants of Satan; and are yet re- m< mbered by the name of ivarlock feckets. Tra- dition has arrayed the brave persecutor Claver- house in a lead proof jacket, lie rode through the hail of bullets unhurt, pushing on his career of" victory; but at length was marked out by one of those very men whom he had proscribed and persecuted. Wis cUiunwd Jacket could not resist a ' silver sixpence' from the mouth of a Cameronian's fusee! Apart from these general meetings, or ' Hal- lowmas Hades,' as they arc vet called, there were trvstcs of friendly converse and of consul- 282 tation, held between a few of the presiding Carlins, where the private emolument of the parties, or the revenge of injury offered them, was amply discussed. Here drugs and charms were compounded and formed; figures were shaped in clay of those who had encroached on their empire, which, when pierced with pins, conveyed by sympathetic feeling their maims and wounds to the person they represented. The baking of the ' Witch Cake,' with its per- nicious virtues, is a curious process, recorded in a traditional song, which we here give entire, to convince the fair reader that her lot is cast c The worthy author of ' Satan's Invisible World dis- covered,' ingeniously shuffles the lewdness of Scottish Song on the devil's shoulders. ' As the devil is the author of charms and spells, so is he the author of several handy songs which are sung- A reve- rend minister told me, that one who was the devil's piper, a wizard, confessed to him, that at a hall of dancing, the foul spirit taught him a haudy song, to sing and play, as it were this night, and, ere two days passed, all the lads and lasses of the town were lilting it through the street. It were an ahomination to rehearse it.' Page 142, <283 in safer times, when nature is the only tempter, and love the only Witch Cake. ' The Witch Cake. ' I saw yestreen, I saw yestreen, Little wis ye what I saw yestreen. The black cat pyked out the gray ane's een, At the hip o' the hemlock knowe yestreen. \Vi' her tail i' her teeth she whomel'd roun', Wi' her tail i' her teeth she whomel'd roun', 'Till a braw star drapt frae the lift ^ aboon, An' she keppit it e'er it wan to the grun'. e She hynt them a' in her mow' an' chowed, She hynt them a' in her mow' an' chowed, She drabbled them owre wi' a black tade's blude, An' baked a bannock, an' ca'd it gude! She Iiaurned it weel wi' ae blink o' the moon, She haurned it weel wi' ae blink o' the moon, An withre-shines thrice she whorl ed it roun', ' There's some sail skirl ere ye be done.' i /..y/_i!. s ky. i. c. She ca ii^lit il ere it fell t<> tlie ground. 284 ' Some Lass maun gae wi' a kilted sark, Some priest maun preach in a thackless kirk; Thread maun be spun for a dead man's sark, A' maun be done e'er the sang o' the lark.' Tell nae what ye saw yestreen, Tell nae what ye saw yestreen, There's ane may gaur ye sich an graen, For telling what ye saw yestreen! ' Caerlaveroc and New Abbey are still cele- brated as the native parishes of two midnight caterers in the festivals of Glamour. They were rivals in fame, in power, and dread. On the night of every full moon they met to devise employment for the coming month. Their confederacy, and their trysting haunts, had been discovered, and were revealed by chosen and holy men who ministered to their Creator and fulfilled his dictates. Debarred from holding secret conference on the solid sward, they fixed their trystes on the unstable waters which separate their parishes. This tale, so full of character, was taken down by the Editor from the word-of-mouth evidence of the man who saw all that passed; and it must 285 must be told in his own simple, expressive language. ' I gaed out ae fine simmer night to haud my halve at the Pow fit. It was twal' o clock, an' a' was lowne; the moon had just gotten up ye mought' a gathered preens ! I heard something firsle like silk I glowered roun, an' 'lake! what saw 1 but a bonnie boat, wi' a nob o' gowd, an' sails like new-coined siller. It was only but a wee bittie frae me, I mought amaist touch't it. ' Gude speed ye, gif ye gang for guid,' quo' I, for I dreed our auld Carlin was casting some o' her pranks. Another cunning bout cam' aff frae Caerla'rick to meet it. Thae twa bade a stricken hour thegither sidic for sidie ' Haith,' quo' I, ' the deil's grit wi' some!' sac 1 crap down amang some lang cowes till Luekie cam' back. The boat played bowte again the bank, an out lowpes Kimmer, wi' a pyked naigs head i' her ban'. ' Lord be about us!' quo' I, for she cam' straught for me. She howked up a green turf, covered her bane, an' gaed her wa's. Whan 1 thought her hamc, up I gat and pou'd up the bane and lined it. 1 was Hey'd to gae back for twa or three 86 nights, lest the diel's minnie should wyte me for her uncannie bout, and lair me 'mang the sludge, or may be do vvaun I gaed .back howsever ; an' on that night o' the moon wha comes to me but Kimmer! 'Rabin, quo' she, fand ye an auld banc amang the cowes ? ' ' Deed no, it may be govvd forme!' quo' I ' Weel, wecl, quo' she, I'll byde and help ye hame wi' your fish. God's be me help, nought grippit I but tadcs an' paddocks! Satan, thy nieve's here, quo' I ' Ken ye (quo' I) o' yon' new cheese our vvyfe took but frac the chessel yestreen ? I'm gaun to send't t'ye i' the morning,) ere a gude neebor to me; an' hear'st thou me! there's a bit auld bane whomeled ancath thae cowes; I kent nae it was thine. Kimmer drew't out ; ' Aye, aye, its my auld bane; weel speed ye! 1' the very first pow I gat sic a louthe o' fish that I carried 'till me back cracked again.' These full moon meetings never boded good to the sister parishes : whole fields of corn would be thrashen by the winds, and loans of kye would lowe to death; stack yards were wholly unroofed, and sometimes there were most alarming visitations of unwedded throes 287 among the poor kind hearted lasses; till the very ' Cannie Wyfe' cried, ' Enough!' It is a popular klea that a witch must infuse part of her own spirit into the person or beast which she has obtained commission to destroy. A farmer of Galloway, coming to a new farm, with a beautiful and healthy stock, saw them die away one by one, at stall and at stake. His last one was lying sprawling almost in death, when a fellow farmer got him to con- sider his stock as bewitched, and attempt its relief accordingly. He placed a pile of drved wood around his cow, setting it on tire; the flame began to catch hold of the victim, and its outer parts to consume', when a man, reputed to be a warlock, came flying over the fields, yelling horribly and loudly, conjuring the far- mer to slake the fire. ' kep skaith wha brings't,' exclaimed the fanner, heaping on more fuel. He tore bis clothes in distraction, for his body was beginning to fry with the burning of bis spirit. The fanner, unwilling to drive even the devil to despair, made; him swear peace to all thai was or should be bis, and then unloosed his imprisoned spirit by quenching the fire. Some farms have a powerful curse upon 288 them, that the first of whatever stock enters the farm its kind will not prosper. To avert this some creature of a class that can best be spared is set in as a victim of atonement for its betters. * ///, or uncannie een/ rank high in the scale of witchery and glamour. These, with some, seem to be an endowment of nature; and with others a gift from a place whence no good gifts come. Sometimes the innocent possessor of such mischievous talents would curse the very light which guided his footsteps. An old man, still remembered in ISithsdale, had een of such unsonsie glance, that they blasted the first born of his yearly flocks, and spoiled his dairy. He would carefully shun his maids coming home with the milk at bughting time. Calves were kept from his sight, and butter was never ehurned in his presence; nay his good heart kept him from ever looking man full in the face. He lived and died esteemed a pious worthy man, who possessed powers which he wished not to use; and who never intentionally unclosed his een to the detriment of any living thing. But some old women make a more judicious 289 use of these precious endowments. When they find how much their ' uncannie een' are re- spected, they sedulously seek out objects on which to exert their influence. The wise and discerning people, instead of flying in the face of the ' Unsoiisie Carlin,' pay her tribute in secret, to avert her glamour. A goan of new milk was a bribe for the byre; new meal when the coin was ground, and a dish full of groats compounded for the crops. Did she but once hint that her pot 'played nat brown/ u chosen lamb or a piece of meat was presented to her in token of friendship. She seldom paid rent for her house, and every young lad in the parish was anxious to cast her peats; so that Kimmer, according to the old Song, ' lived can tic and hale.' Before markets were so fully attended, the Lowland wives would go at the sheep-shearing times, into tl.e Uplands, taking pieces of cloth, sugar and tea, &e. &c. for baiter in the wool trallie. ' The pawkie auld dame' trusted to her far known character, going always empty handed, vet she returned with the heaviest and fairest fleeces. L 290 The most approved charm against cantrips and spells was a branch of rowan tree e plaited, and placed over the byre door. This sacred tree cannot be removed by unholy ringers. Elfcups f were placed over stable-doors for the like purpose. Even the mid-leg kilted daughters of Caledonia made use of charms to ward the sad effects of the witch cakes, and the kittle casts and grips to which they were often ex- posed. A string of rowan-berry beads was knotted around their necks and arms; but the e The Mountain Ash. Perhaps the expression in Shak- speare, ' aroynt thee, Witch,' which has puzzled so many of his Commentators, and which they have hunted after from language to language, may have been originally writ- ten, ' a rowan tree, Witch* that is, ' I have got a rowan tree Witch, and I fear thee not.' It is well known that the popular superstitions of both parts of the island were originally the same. It requires something more than a mere knowledge of old French and Anglo-Saxon to be a proper Commentator on Shakspeare, and many of the Scotch peasants understand some of his most difficult ex- pressions much better than the most learned of them. f These are little stones, perforated by friction, at a water- fall, and believed to be the workmanship of the lilves. 291 witches' prophecy was necessary to be ful- filled; ' Some Lass maun gae wi' a kilted sarkj' for the cunning Carlin would cast knots on the lasses' coats, which took the whole skill of the ' Cannie Wife' to unloose! Some favoured witches were empowered with charms and spells quite removed from the common track of gla- mour: this is noticed in ' The Pawkie Anld Kimmer.' ' Kimmer can milk a hale loan o' kye, Yet sit at the ingle fu snug an* fir" dry.' She possessed a sympathetic milking peg which could extract milk from any cow in the parish. The way of restoring milk to the udders of a cow bewitched is curious, and may benefit pos- terity. A young virgin milked whatever milk the cow had left, which was of bloody mixture and poisonous quality. This was poured warm from the cow, into a brass pan, and (every inlet to the house being closed) was placed over a gentle lire until it begun to heat. I'ins were dropped in, and closely stirred with a wand of rowan tree. When boiling, ru.-.tv nails were thrown in, and more fuel added. The witch 292 instantly felt, by sympathetic power, the boil- ing medicine rankling through her bosom, and an awful knocking announced her arrival at the window. The sly ' Guidwyfe' instantly compounded with the mother of Cantrips for ' her hale loan of kye;' the pan was cooled, and the cows' udders swelled with genuine milk. We will close our history of witchcraft with the only notice we could collect, of a cele- brated personage, called the GyreCarline; who is reckoned the mother of glamour, and near a-kin to Satan himself. She is believed to preside over the ' Hallowmass Rades;' and mothers frequently frighten their children by threatening to give them to M'Neven, or the Gyre Carline. She is described as wearing a long gray mantle, and carrying a wand, which, like the miraculous rod of Moses, could con- vert water into rocks, and sea into solid land. Lochermoss, which extends from Solway sea to Locherbrigg-hill, was once, according to tradition, an arm of the sea, and a goodly- anchorage for shipping. A proud swell of the Hallowmass tide, which swept away many steeds from the Carlint's assembly, so pro- 293 voked her, that, baring her withered arm, she stretched over the sea her rod of power, and turned its high waves into a quagmire! There are still carved beaks, boats, keels, and other remains of shipping, dug up in the moss at peat casting time. APPENDIX (F) p. 117. CHARACTER OF THE SCOTTISH LOWLAND FAIRIES, FROM THE POPULAR BELIEF OF N IT H S D A L E AND GALLOWAY. The origin of Faery is involved in obscurity, (nit it may be traced, with great probability, to i lie Persians and Arabs, a people of lively and creative fancy, whose talcs of the marvellous have been handed down to us in the amusing translations of the Sicur Galland. The Persian word Peri bears a close; affinity to the modern denomination, and the Arabian terms (ii/ut and (iinnistnn, corresponding to our terms Fairv and Fairyland, give stronger credit to the conjecture. We iiiuv suppose the supcr- tition to have gradually spread among the barbarians <>i the North ot Asia and Europe, 294 and to have mingled itself with the mythology of the Goths, from whom it has descended by tradition to their posterity, and till of late formed a part of the popular belief in every country of the western world. Marmontel, in his tale of the Sylph, takes occasion to regret its decay; and every lover of poetry must par- ticipate in his feelings, when he remembers the delightful reveries of Spencer, the sportive revelry of Shakspeare, and the exquisite ro- mance of Wieland. But though these fantastic agents of mischief, and good-luck, have been banished from the court and the palace, yet they still linger in those remote abodes of sim- plicity and primitive ignorance, where the torch of science has not vet reached, or sheds doubtful and uncertain light. In illustrating the manners of the peasantry of Nithsdale and Galloway, it becomes a duty to give some ac- count of their popular superstitions; and of these the native Fairies and Witches are the most singular. They possess a feature of indi- viduality distinct from those of other nations, and congenial to the peculiar character of the people. On this subject the reader will, doubtless, prefer the testimony of oral tradition 295 to the more doubtful authority of antiquarian lore, and black-letter research. There are few old people who have not a powerful belief in the influence and dominion of fairies; few who do not believe they have heard them on their midnight excursions, or talked with them amongst their woods and their knowes, in the familiarity of friendship. So general was the superstition, that priestly caution deemed it necessary to interpose its religious authority to forbid man's intercourse with these ' light infantry of Satan /' They were small of stature, exquisitely shaped and proportioned; of a fair com- plexion, with long fleeces of yellow hair flow- ing over their shoulders, and tucked above their brows with combs of gold. A mantle of green cloth, inlaid with wild flowers, reached to their middle; green pantaloons, buttoned with bobs of silk, and sandals of silver, formed their under dress. On their shoulders hung quivers of adder slough, stored with pernicious arrows; and bows, fashioned from the rib of a man, 296 buried where ' three Lairds lands meet,' tipped with gold, ready bent for warfare, were slung by their sides. Thus accoutred they mounted on steeds, whose hoofs would not print the new plowed land, nor dash the dew from the cup of a hare-bell. They visited the flocks, the folds, the fields of coming grain, and the habitations of man; and .woe to the mortal whose frailty threw him in their power! A flight of arrows, tipped with deadly plagues, were poured into his folds; and nauseous weeds grew up in his pastures; his coming harvest was blighted with pernicious breath, and whatever he had no longer prospered. These fatal shafts were formed of the bog reed, pointed with white field flint, and dipped in the dew of hemlock. They were shot into cattle with such magical dexterity that the smallest aper- ture could not be discovered, but by those deeply skilled in Fairy warfare, and in the cure of elf-shooting. Cordials and potent charms are applied; the burning arrow is extracted, and instant recovery ensues. The fairies seem to have been much attached to particular places. A green hill; an opening in a wood; 297 a burn just freeing itself from the Uplands, were kept sacred for revelry and festival. The Ward-law, aa ever green hill in Dalswinton Barony, was, in olden days, a noted Fairy tryste. But the Fairy ring being converted into a pulpit, in the times of persecution, pro- scribed the revelry of unchristened feet. La- mentations of no earthly voices were heard for years around this beloved hill. In their festi- vals they had the choicest earthly cheer; nor do they seem to have repelled the intrusion of man, but invited him to partake of their en- joyments. A young man of Nithsdale, being on a love intrigue, was enchanted with wild and delightful music, and the sound of mingled voices, more charming than aught that mortal breath could utter. AVith a romantic daring, peculiar to a Scottish lover, he followed the sound, and discovered the Fairy banquet: A green table, with feet of gold, was placed across a small rivulet, and richly furnished with pure bread and wines oi sweetest flavour. Their minstrelsy was raised from small reeds, and stalks of corn: he was invited to partake in the dance, and ;:e- : :iled with a cup of wine : 298 He was allowed to depart, and was ever after endowed with the second sight. He boasted of having seen and conversed with several of his earthly acquaintances whom the Fairies had taken and admitted as brothers! Man- kind, measuring the minds of others by their own enjoyments, have marked out set times of festivity to the Fairies. At the first approach of summer is held the ' Fairy Hade ;' and their merry minstrelsy, with the tinkling of their horses' housings, and the hubbub of voices, have kept the peasantry in the Scottish villages awake on the first night of summer. They placed branches of rowan tree over their doors, and gazed on the Fairy procession safely from below the charm-proof twig. This march was described to the Editor, with the artless simplicity of sure belief, by an old woman of Nithsdale: ' L' tbe night afore Roodsmass, I had trysted wi' a neeber lass, a Scots mile frae hame, to talk anent buying braws i' the fair: we had nae sutten langaneath the haw-buss, tiil we heard the loud laugh o' t'owk riding, wi' the jingling o' bridles, an' the clanking o' hoofs. We banged up, thinking 299 they wad ryde owre us ; we kent nae but it was drunken fowk riding to the fair, i' the tore night. We glowred roun' and roun', an' sune saw it was the Fairie fowks' Hade. We cowered down till they passed by. A leam o' light was dancing owre them, mair bonnie than moon- shine: they were a wee, wee fowk, vvi' green scarfs on, but g ane that rade foremost, an' that ane was a gude deal langer than the lave, wi' bonnie lang hair bun' about wi' a strap, whilk glented lyke stars. They rade on braw wee whyte naigs, wi' unco lang swooping tails, an' manes hung wi' whustles that the win'playcd on. This, an' their tongues whan they sang, was like the soun' of a far awa' Psalm. Marion an' me was in a brade lea iiel' whare they cam by us, a high hedge o' hawtrees keepit them frae gaun througli Johnnie Corrie's corn; but they lap a' owre't like sparrows, an' gallop't into a green knowe beyont it. We gade i' the morning to look at the tredded corn, but the bent, a hoof mark was there nor a blade broken.' In the solitary instance-, of their intercourse with mankind there is a benevolence of charac- K Jhtl /.', except one. 300 lor, or a cruelty of disposition, which brings them down to be measured by a mortal stand- ard. In all these presiding spirits there is a vein of earthly grossness, which marks them Beings created by human invention. It is reckoned by the Scottish peasantry ' Unco sonsie' to live in familiar and social terms with them. They will borrow or lend; and it is counted uncanny to refuse a Fairy request. A woman of Auehencreath, in Nithsdale, was one day sifting meal warm from the mill : a little, cleanly-arrayed, beautiful woman, came to her, holding out a bason of antique workmanship, requesting her courteously to fill it with her new meal. Her demand was cheerfully com- plied with. In a week the comely little dame returned with the borrowed meal. She breathed over it, setting it down bason and all, savin gt aloud, ' be never toom.' The gude-wife lived to a goodly age, without ever seeing the bottom of her blessed bason. When an injury was unwittingly done them they forgave it, and asked for amends like other creatures. A woman, who lived in the ancient Burgh of Lochmalen, was returning late one evening to her home from a gossipping. A little, lovely 301 boy, dressed in green, came to her, saying ' Coupe yere dish-water farther frae ytre door- step, it pits out our fire!' This request was complied with, and plenty abode in the good woman's house all her days. There are chosen fields of Fairy revelry, which it is reckoned umonsie to plow, or to reap. Old thorn trees, in the middle of a field, are deemed the rallying trystes of Fairies, and are preserved with scrupulous care. Two lads were opening with the plow one of these fields, and one of them had described a circle around the Fairy thorn, which was not to he plowed. They were surprised, when, on ending the fur- row, a green table was placed there, heaped with the choicest cheese, bread and wine. He who marked out the thorn, sat down without hesitation, eating and drinking heartily, say- ing, ' fair fa* the hands whilk gie.' His fel- low-servant lashed his steeds, refusing to par- take. The courteous plow-man ' thrave,' said my informer, ' like a breekan, and was a pro- verb for wisdom, and an oracle of local rural knowledge ever alter ! ' Their love of mortal commerce prompted 302 them to have their children suckled at earthly breasts. The favoured nurse was chosen from healthful, ruddy complexioned beauty; one every way approved of by mortal eyes. A fine young woman of Nithsdale, when first made a mother, was sitting singing and rocking her child, when a pretty lady came into her cottage, covered with a Fairy mantle. She carried a beautiful child in her arms, swaddled in green silk : ' Git my bonnie thing a suck,' said the Fairy- The young woman, conscious to whom the child belonged, took it kindly in her arms, and laid it to her breast. The lady instantly disappeared, saying, ' Nurse kin', an' ne'er want!' The voung mother nurtured the two babes, and was astonished whenever she awoke at finding the richest suits of apparel for both children, with meat of most delicious flavour. This food tasted, says tradition, like loaf mixed with wine and honey. It possessed more mi- raculous properties than the wilderness manna, preserving its relish even over the seventh day. On the approach of summer the Fairy lady came to see her child. It bounded with joy when it beheld her. She was much delighted 303 with its freshness and activity; taking it in her arms, she bade the nurse follow. Passing through some scroggy woods, skirting the side of a beautiful green hill, they walked mid-way up. On its sunward slope a door opened, dis- closing a beauteous porch, which they entered, and the turf closed behind them. The Fairy dropped three drops of a precious dew on the nurse's left eye-lid, and they entered a land of most pleasant and abundant promise. It was watered with line looping rivulets, and yellow with corn; the fairest trees enclosed its fields, laden with fruit, which dropped honey. The nurse was rewarded with finest webs of cloth, and food of ever-during substance. Boxes of salves, for restoring mortal health, and curing mortal wounds and infirmities, were bestowed on her, with a promise of never needing. The Fairy dropt a green dew over her right eye, and hade her look. She beheld many of her lost friends and acquaintances doing menial drudgery, reaping tin corn and gathering the fruits. This, said she, is the punishment of evil deeds! The Fairy passed her hand over 304 her eye, and restored its mortal faculties. She was conducted to the porch, but had the ad- dress to secure the heavenly salve. She lived, and cnjoy r ed the gift of discerning the earth- visiting spirits, till she was the mother of many children; but happening to meet the Fairy lady, who gave her the child, she attempted to shake hands with her c What ee d'ye see me wi', whispered she? 'Wi' them baith/ said the dame. She breathed on her eyes, and even the power of the box failed to restore their gifts again ! Had the Fairies of the Scottish Lowlands always cherished mankind with deeds of hospi- tality such as this, their name and power had ranked high among the supernatural beings who preside over the fate of luckless mortals; but their attachments were mingled with base and unworthy passions, and fitted them for breaking through the moral obligations of so- ciety. Hence they began to covet the sons and daughters of men, and promoted, with their elfin power, this base attachment. The young men of greatest promise, and the fair maids of 305 most comely virtue, and of rarest personal beauty, were naturally enough the objects se- lected by them for the gratification of these amorous desires. But these gallantly courteous, and loving elves, did not confine themselves to unwedded paramours, but coveted their neighbours' wives ; nor did they meanly steal their choice, after a vulgar or ordinary manner, but laid ambushes, and formed stratagems beyond the reach of earthly conception. Alexander Ilarg, a Cottar, in the parish of New-Abbey, had courted and married a pretty girl, whom the Fairies had long attempted to seduce from this world of love and wedlock. A few nights after his marriage, he was stand- ing with a hi/ve net, awaiting the approach of the tide. Two old vessels, stranded on the rocks, were visible at mid-water mark, and were reckoned occasional haunts of the Fairies when crossing the mouth of the Nith. In one of thesv' wrecks a loud noise was heard as of carpenters at. work ; a hollow voice cried from I he oilier ' II >, xohaCryc doing! 1 ' I'm making a rcifj'e to Saudi/ Ilarg. r replied a voice, in x 306 no mortal accent. The husband, astonished and terrified, throws down his net, hastens home, shuts up every avenue of entrance, and folds his young spouse in his arms. At mid- night a gentle rap comes to the door, with a most courteous three times touch. The young dame starts to get up ; the husband holds her in forbidding silence, and kindly clasps. A foot is heard to depart, and instantly the cattle low and bellow, ramping as if pulling up their stakes. He clasps his wife more close to his bosom, regardless of her entreaties. The horses, with most frightful neighs, prance, snort, and bound, as if in the midst of flame. She speaks, cries, entreats, struggles: he will not move, speak, nor quit her. The noise and tumult in- creases, but with the morning's coming it dies away. The husband leaps up with the dawn, and hurries out to view his premises. A piece of moss oak, fashioned to the shape and size of his wife, meets his eye, reared against his gar- den dyke, and he burns this devilish effigy. Tradition extends the Fairy power to heights which may be deemed encroaching on the pre- rogative of heaven. The moulding of bodies 307 from wood into the features and proportions of the human form is skilful, and proclaims their power in sculpture; but cloathing these in flesh and blood, and breathing into their nos- trils the breath of life, is an emanation from God, and must be of Divine permission. For the stealing of handsome and lovely chil- dren they are far famed, and held in great awe. But their pernicious breath has such power of transformation, that it is equally dreaded. The way to cure a breath-blasted child is worthy of notice. When the mother's vigilance hinders the Fairies from carrying her child away, or changing it, the touch of F'airy hands and their unearthly breath make it wither away in (very limb and lineament, like a blighted ear of corn, saving the countenance, which un- changeably retains the sacred stamp of divinity. The child is undressed and laid out in un- bleached linen new from the loom. Water is brought from a blessed welt ', in the utmost silence, before sunrise, in a pitcher never before wet; in which the child is washed, and its clothes dipped by the fingers of a virgin. It> limbs, on the third morning's experiment, plump up, and all it-> former vigour returns. 308 But matron knowledge has frequently tri- umphed over these subtle thieves by daring experiments and desperate charms. A beautiful child, of Caerlaveroc, in JSitlisdale, on the second day of its birth, and before its baptism, was changed, none knew how, for an antiquated elf of hideous aspect. It kept the family awake with its nightly yells; biting the mother's breasts, and would neither be cradled or nursed. The mother, obliged to be from home, left it in charge to the servant-girl. The poor lass was sitting bemoaning herself, ' Wer't nae for thy girning face I would knock the big, winnow the corn, and grun the meal!' ' Lowse the cradle band,' quoth the Elf, ' and tent the neighbours, an' I'll woik yere wark.' Up started the elf, the wind arose, the corn was chaffed, the out 1 vers were foddered, the hand mill moved around, as by instinct, and the knocking me// did its work with amazing rapidity. The lass, and her elfin servant, rested and diverted themselves, till, on the mistress's approach, it was restored to the cradle, and began to yell anew. The girl took the first opportunity of slyly telling her mistress the adventure. ' WliaVtttce do kV the wee diel?' 309 said she. ' I'll vvirk it a pirn/ replied the lass. At the mi Idle hour of night the chimney top was covered up, and every inlet barred and closed. The embers were blown up until glow- ing hot, and the maid, undressing the elf, tossed it on the fire. It uttered the wildest and most piercing yells, and, in a moment, the Fairies were heard moaning at every wonted avenue, and rattling at the window boards, at the chimney head, and at the door. ' In the name o' God bring back the bairn,' cried the lass. The window flew up; the earthly child was laid unharmed on the mother's lap, while its )26 not in a condition to see any other company. I begged to be shown into a chamber below stairs, and that they would have the goodness to send her Grace's maid to me, having some- thing to say to her. I had discharged the chair, lest I might be pursued and watched. When the maid came in, I desired her to present my most humble respects to her Grace, who they told me had company with her, and to acquaint her that this was my only reason for not coming up stairs. I also charged her with my sincerest thanks for her kind offer to ac- company me when 1 went to present my pe- tition. I added, that she might spare herself any further trouble, as it was now judged more advisable to present one general petition in the name of all: however, that I should never be unmindful of my particular obligations to her Grace, which I would return veiy soon to ac- knowledge in person. 1 1 then desired one of the servants to call a chair, and I went to the Duchess of Montrose, who had always borne a part in my distresses. VV r hen I arrived, she left her company to deny herself, not being able to see me under the af- fliction which she judged me to be in. By 327 mistake, however, I was admitted-, so there was no remedy. She came to me ; and, as my heart was in an ecstasy of joy, I expressed it in my countenance as she entered the room. I ran up to her in the transport of' 1113' joy. She appeared to he extremely shocked and frighted ; and has since confessed to ine, that she appre- hended my trouhle had thrown me out of my- self, till I communicated my happiness to her. She then advised me to retire to some place of security; for that the King was highly dis- pleased, and even enraged at the petition that I had presented to him, and had complained of it severely. L sent for another chair; for I always discharged them immediately, lest I might he pursued. Her Grace said she would go to court, to see how the news of my Lord's escape was received. When the news was brought to the King, he Hew into an excess of passion, and said he was betrayed; tor it could not have been done without some confederacy. He instantly dispatched two persons to the Tower, to see that the other prisoners were well secured, lest they should follow the example. Some threw the blame upon one. 328 some upon another: the Duchess was the onlj one at court who knew it. ' When I left the Duchess, I went to a house which Evans had found out for me, and where she promised to acquaint me where my Lord was. She got thither some few minutes after me, and told me, that, when she had seen him secure, she went in search of Mr. Mills, who, by the time, had recovered himself from his as- tonishment; that he had returned to her house, where she had found him; and that he had re- moved my Lord from the first place, where she had desired him to wait, to the house of a poor woman, directly opposite to the guard-house. She had but one small room up one pair of stairs, and a very small bed in it. We threw ourselves upon the bed, that we might not be heard walking up and down. She left us a bottle of wine and some bread, and Mrs. Mills brought us some more in her pocket the next day. We subsisted on this provision from Thursday till Saturday night, when Mrs. Mills came and conducted my Lord to the Venetian Ambassador's. We did not communicate the affair to his Excellency ; but one of his servants 329 concealed him in his own room till Wednesday, on which day the Ambassador's coach and six was to go down to Dover to meet his brother. My Lord put on a livery, and went down in the retinue, without the least suspicion, to Dover, where Mr. Mitchell (which was the name of the Ambassador's servant) hired a small vessel, and immediately set sail for Calais. The passage was so remarkably short, that the captain threw out this reflection, that the wind could not have served better if his passengers had been flying for their lives, little thinking it to be really the case. Mr. Mitchell might have easily returned without being suspected of having been concerned in my Lord's escape; but my Lord seemed inclined to have him continue with him, which he did, and has at present a good place under our young master. ' This is as exact and as full an account of this affair, and of the persons concerned in it, us I could possibly give you, to the best of in} memory, and you may rely on the truth of ii. 1 am, with the strongest attachment, my Dcat Sifter, your's, most, affection, ly, \\ i n i ni j; n \ ii n i sn.\ 1.1; 330 APPENDIX (H) p. 212. ACCOUNT OF BILLIE BLIN'. This is another name for the Scotch Brownies, a class of solitary beings, living in the hollows of trees, and recesses of old ruinous castles. They are described as being small of stature, covered with short curly hair, with brown matted locks, and a brown mantle which reached to the knee, with a hood of the same colour. They were particularly attached to families eminent for their ancestry and virtue; and have lived, according to tradition's 'undoubted mouth] for several hundreds of years in the same family, doing the drudgery of a menial servant. But though very trusty servants, they were somewhat coy in their manner of doing their work: when the threaies of corn were counted out they remained unthrashen ; at other times, however great the quantity, it was finished by the crowing of the first cock. Metiers of corn would be dried, ground, and sifted, w ith such exquisite nicety, that the finest 331 flour of the meal could not be found strewed or lost. The Brownie would then come into the farm-hall, and stretch itself out by the chimney, sweaty, dusty and fatigued. It would take up the pluff, (a piece of bored bour-tree for blowing up the fire) and, stirring out the red embers, turn itself till it was rested and dried. A choice bowl of sweet cream, with combs of honey, was set in an aeecs>ilde place : this was given as its hire; and it was willing to be bribed, though none durst avow the in- tention of the gift. When offered meat or drink, the Brownie instantly departed, bewail- ing and lamenting itself, as if unwilling to leave; a place so long its habitation, from which nothing but the superior power of fate could sever it. A thrifty good wife, having made a web of linsey-woolsey, sewed a well lined mantle and a comfortable hood tor her trusty Brownie. She laid it down in one of bis favourite haunts, and cried to him to array himself. Being commissioned by the gods to relieve mankind under the drudgery of original sin, Ik was forbidden to accept ol wage-, or bribes, lit." 332 instantly departed, bemoaning himself in a rhyme, which tradition has faithfully pre- served : ' A new mantle, and a new hood ! Poor Brownie! )'e'U ne'er do mair gude ! ' The prosperity of the family seemed to depend on them, and was at their disposal. A place, called Liethin Hall, in Dumfries-shire, was the hereditary dwelling of a noted Brownie. He had lived there, as he once communicated, in confidence, to an old woman, for three hun- dred years. He appeared only once to every new master, and, indeed, seldom shewed more than his hand to any one. On the decease of a beloved master, he was heard to make moan, and would not partake of his wonted delicacies for many days. The heir of the land arrived from foreign parts and took possession of his father's inheritance. The faithful Brownie shewed himself and proffered homage. The spruce Laird was offended to see such a famine- faced, wrinkled domestic, and ordered him meat and drink, with a new suit of clean livery, 333 The Brownie departed, repeating loud and fre- quently these ruin-boding lines ' Ca', cuttie, ca ! A' the luck o' Liethin Ha' Gangs wi' me to Bodsbeck Ha.' Liethin Ha' was, in a few years, in ruins, and * bonnie Bodsbeck' flourished under the luck- bringing patronage of the Brownie. They possessed all the adventurous and chivalrous gallantry of crusading knighthood, but in devotion to the ladies they left Errantry itself far behind. Their services were really useful. In the accidental encounters of their fair mistresses with noble outlaws in woods, and Princes in disguise, when the kind ladies had nothing to shew for their courtesy but a comb of gold or a fillet of hair, the faithful Brownie restored the noble wooer; laid the lovers on their hridal bed, declared their lineage, and reconciled all parties. lie followed his dear mistress through life with the same kindly solicitude; for, when the ' mother's trying hour was nigh,' with the most laudable promptitude he environed her with the 'canine 334 dames/ ere the wish for their assistance was half-formed in her mind. One of them, in the olden times, lived with Maxwell, Laird of Dalswinton, doing ten men's work, and keeping the servants awake at nights with the noisy dirling of its elfin flail. The Laird's daughter, says tradition, was the come- liest dame in all the holms of Nithsdale. To her the Brownie was much attached: he as- sisted her in love-intrigue, conveying her from her high-tower-chamher to the trysting-thorn in the woods, and back again, with such light- heeled celerity, that neither bird, dog, nor ser- vant awoke. He undressed her for the matrimonial bed, and served her so handmaiden-like that her fe- male attendant had nothing to do, not daring even to finger her mistress's apparel, lest she should provoke theBrownie's resentment. When the pangs of the mother seized his beloved lady, a servant was ordered to fetch the ' cannie wife,' who lived aeross the JSith. The night was dark as a December night could be; and the wind was heavy anions; the proves of oak. The Brownie, enraged at the loitering 335 serving-man, wrapped himself in his lady's fur- eloak; and, though the Nith was foaming high-flood, his steed, impelled by supernatural spur and whip, passed it like an arrow. Mount- ing the dame behind him, he took the deep water back again to the amazement of the worthy woman, who beheld the red waves tumbling around her, yet the steed's foot-locks were dry. ' Ride nae by the auld pool,' quo' she, ' lest we should meet wi' Brownie.' He replied, ' Fear nae, dame, ye've met a' the Brownies ye will meet.' Placing her down at the hall gate, he hastened to the stable, where the servant-lad was just pulling on his boots; he unbuckled the bridle from his steed, and gave him a most afflicting drubbing. This was about the new-modelling times of the Refor- mation ; and a priest, more zealous than wise, exhorted the Laird to have this Imp of Heathenism baptized; to which he, in an evil hour, consented, and the worthy reforming saint concealed himself in the barn, to surprise the Brownie at his work. He appeared like a little, wrinkled, ancient man, and begun his nightly moil. The priest leapt from his ambush, and 336 dashed the baptismal water in his face, solemnly repeating the set form of Christian rite. The poor Brownie set up a frightful and agonizing yell, and instantly vanished, never to return. The Brownie, though of a docile disposition, was not without its pranks and merriment. The Abbey-lands, in the parish of New Abbey, were the residence of a very sportive one. He loved to be, betimes, somewhat mischievous. Two lasses, having made a fine bowlful of buttered brose, had taken it into the byre to sup, while it was yet dark. In the haste of concealment they had brought but one spoon ; so they placed the bowl between them, and took a spoonful by turns. ' I hae got but three sups,' cried the one, ' an' it's a' done! ' ' It's a' done, indeed,' cried the other. ' Ha, ha!' laughed a third voice, 'Brownie has gotten the maist o't.' He had judiciously placed himself between them, and got the spoon twice for their once. The Brownie does not seem to have loved the gay and gaudy attire in which his twin- brothers, the Fairies, arrayed themselves: his chief delight was in the tender delicacies of 337 food. Knuckled cakes, made of meal, warm from the mill, haurned on the decayed embers of the fire, and smeared with honey, were his favourite hire; and they were carefully laid so that he might accidentally find them. It is still a common phrase, when a child gets a little eatable present, ' there's a piece wad please a Brownie.' II is mantle and hood seemed of perdurable materials, and remained unde- cayed for hundreds of years. In the articles of nicest housewifery he excelled; witched cream that had been churned without success, when touched by the charm-dispelling fingers of the Brownie, yielded its yellow treasure. In tin; morning the butter would be found neatly washed and beautifully dressed out; the kirn and staff well scalded, and placed in (heir former situation. They were the noted guardians of the ' kind bees,' and the protec- tors of the dairy* so that the proverb was al- most plucked from Canaan's brow, ot a land flowing with milk and honey. They were, to all appearance, beings of a very superior race; invulnerable to the spells and cautraips o! 7, 338 deadly witchcraft, and proof against every thing but baptismal affusion. They bore neither bows nor shafts like the Fairies, but relied solely on their own superior endowments. Their love of women and dainty food, proves them of earthly mixture ; but they conducted themselves in a way worthy of their celestial origin. In family economy they were un- rivalled ; and the degeneracy of Scottish house- wifery may be justly laid on the baptizing fe- rocity of their stern reformers, which banished from the farmer's hearth the noblest domestic that industry ever held in fee. e e Some features of this story have been already laid before the public by Mr. Scott. The Editor hopes, however, that he may venture, without any violation of modesty, to as- sert, that the account here given, is in itself original, and to him it appears more complete than that in the Minstrelsy . Should the reader be of the same opinion the want of ntire novelty will easily be forgiven. 339 To estimate justly the high character of the Scottish Peasantry, and to acquire a true relish for the exquisite beauties of their Doric dia- lect, it is necessary to live among them, and to enter into their ideas and feelings. The Edi- tor, therefore, in closing his account of them, dares not indulge any sanguine hopes that it will be as acceptable in his own country as in Scotland. This apprehension is dis- couraging; but he has the satisfaction to ob- serve, that much of what he had to say in recommending the Scottish Peasantry to the notice of his countrymen, has been anticipated by an authority very generally respected, the Edinburgh Review. In IV'XXXI, in a critique on Mr. Grahame's (leorgics, are the following comprehensive and philosophical observations. ' The last peculiarity by which Mr. Gra- ham* 's poetry is recommended to us, is one which we hesitate a little about naming to our English renders: to be candid with them, 340 however, it is his great nationality. We d< love him in our hearts, we are afraid, for speak- ing so affectionately of Scotland. But, inde- pendent of this partial bias, we must say, that the exquisitely correct pictures which he has drawn of Scottish rustics, and of Scottish rustic scenery, have a merit, which even English critics would not think we had overrated if they were as well qualified as we are to judge of their fidelity. We will add, too, in spite of the imputations to which it may expose us, that the rustics of Scotland are a far more in- teresting race, and far fitter subjects for poetry than their brethren of the same condition in the South. They are much more thoughtful, pious, and intelligent; have more delicacy in their affections, and more reflecting, patient and serious kindness in their natures. To say all in a word, they are far less brutish than the great body of the English peasantry. At the same time, from being poorer and more lonely, their characters and way of life are more truly simple, while the very want of comfort and ac- commodation with which they are sometimes surrounded, holds more of the antique age, 341 and connects them more closely with those primitive times, with the customs and even the history of which they are still so generally fa- miliar. The Scottish landscape, too, we must be pardoned for thinking, is better suited for poetical purposes than the prevailing scenery of England. Its great extent and openness the slight shade of dreariness that is commonly thrown over both its beauty and sublimity and the air of vvildness and antiquity which it derives from its rocky hills and unploughed valleys, possess a charm both to the natives and to strangers, that leads far more readily to poetical associations than the fertile fields and snug villages of the South.' The Editor will close this volume with some account of the Life; mid Writings of John Lowe, one of the most distinguished of the ( iallowav bards. 342 BRIEF MEMOIR OK THE LIFE OF JOHN LOWE, author of ' mary's dream.' By the Reverend WILLIAM GILLESPIE, MINISTER OF KELLS PARISH, IN GALLOWAY. As no pathetic ballad was ever more popular in this country than 'Mary's Dream,' it is presumed that some account of its author, (who was a native of Galloway,) will not be considered an intrusion in the present Collec- tion. The authenticity of the memoir will not be doubted, when it is known that the gentle- man who communicated it is minister of the parish in which Lowe was born, and that his father was one of the poet's best friends, and most intimate correspondents. The history of the latter part of his life, which he spent abroad, Mr. Gillespie collects from notices furnished by his own correspondence, and from the communication of the Rev. Mr. M'Conochie (an old and early associate of 343 Lowe's,) transmitted from Virginia, which gives the unfortunate particulars of his death. If the public sympathize in the interest felt by the Editor on perusing this excellent memoir, their approbation will give a value to the thanks which he here expresses to the gentle- man by whom it was communicated. John Lowe, author of the pathetic and popular Ballad ' Mary's Dream,' was born at Kenmore in Galloway, in the year 1750. His father was gardener to Mr. Gordon of Ken- more, son of that unfortunate nobleman who paid the forfeit of his life and titles for his ad- herence to the House of Stewart in 1715. Our poet was the eldest of a numerous family, and as the excellent institution of parish schools in Scotland affords, to the humblest of her sons, the opportunity of educating his children, so Lowe was early put to the parish school of Kells, where, under an assiduous and able teacher, he imbibed the rudiments ol classical education. lie discovered an early ambition of becoming a scholar, but, on leaving school, 344 his father's narrow circumstances did not enable him to assist his son in the further prosecution of his studies. At the age of four- teen he was bound as a weaver to a respectable and industrious tradesman of the name of Heron, father of Robert Heron, author of a History of Scotland, and of several elegant translations from the French lano;ua2;e. He was impelled by ' dire necessity,' to follow an employment so unsuitable to his genius, for, by the earnings of his labour, he soon after- wards put himself to school under one M'Kay, then schoolmaster of the neighbouring parish of Carsphairn, an eminent teacher of the lan- guages. He employed his evenings in teach- ing church music, as he possessed a very just ear, sung well, and played with considerable skill on the violin. These qualities, added to a happy temper, and an uncommon flow of animal spirits, made Lowe very acceptable wherever he went, and gained him many friends who assisted him in his education, both with their money and their advice. In these respects, he was eminently indebted to the minister of his native parish, a man as dis- 345 tinguished for the disinterested benevolence of his character, as for his sublime and unaffected piety, and his chearful and amiable manners. g By these means Lowe was enabled to enter himself as a student in the University of Edin- burgh in the year 1771. For this generosity of his friends he is accused of never having afterwards been sufficiently grateful, but while he ceased not to express, in the warmest man- ner, his obligations to his benefactors, his ma- lignant fortune denied him the means of cancel- ling them. Even in his best days, prosperity smiled upon him, rather in hope, than in pos- session, and a dependant man, struggling with difficulties, is frequently obliged to procrasti- nate the day (if payment, to make promises he is unable to fulfil, and to breathe wishes he has no power to realize. ' No post, no pelf, by servile means I sought, Nor e'er was rich a moment but in thought.' Lowe. i The late Rev. John Gillespie, Minister of Kells. 546 In his most juvenile letters we trace the mind of the poet alive to every change of nature, and vicissitude of the seasons. ' We have had/ (says he, in one of his earliest letters from col- lege,) ' a long and severe storm here, hut now we have a very agreeable spring, the time of the singing of birds is come, and the song of joy is already heard in our laud. How sweet now to leave the noise of the busy world, and with frequent footsteps to gather health from the gale of the morning! To raise the soul to heaven with pious ardour, and hail the new- born day ! To bask in the chearful beams of the sun, the image of its great original! In short, we are like people transported in an instant, from the terrible icy shore of Zembla, where eternal tempests madden, and dreadful whirlwinds roar amid the frozen mountains, to the banks of the JNile, where a lasting ver- dure clothes the fertile plains, where wintry blasts, and the storms of dark December, are never known. Pardon a comparison so bold, but I am enraptured with the agreeable change, and I dare say you will be so also.' 347 On his return from college, he hecame tutor in the family of Mr. M'Ghie, of Airds, an amiable country gentleman of small fortune, who had several beautiful daughters. The house of Airds is pleasantly situated on a rising ground embowered with trees, washed on one side by the Ken, and on the other by the Dee, which here unite in one river under the com- mon name of Dee, though this is but a tributary stream. It is not easy to conceive a situation more favourable to the descriptive Muse; and here, Lowe, who had previously given some marks of a poetical vein, gave free scope to his genius, and composed many little pieces which he frequently recited to his friends with great enthusiasm. Of these, it is to be regretted that few copies are now to be found, though there are some songs yet sung by the common people (in that district of Galloway called the Glenkens,) which still bear his name. At this period of life, when the mind delights more in descrip- tion than in sentiment, in pictures of nature than in those of manners, he composed a pretty long pastoral poem entitled ' a Morning Vocin,'' 348 which is still preserved entire in his own hand- writing, and, though written at a time when his taste was but imperfectly formed, is the offspring of a lively imagination and of one who ' mused o'er nature with a poet's eye.' He here, likewise, attempted to write a tragedy, the scenes of which he used to read to some of his companions, as he successively composed them; but as this, the highest effort of human genius, was at that time, and perhaps at any time, above his reach, there is no cause to re- gret that no part of it is now to be obtained. He used to invoke his Muse from the top of a picturesque cliff, which rises suddenly over a thick wood on the banks of the Ken, and commands a varied, beautiful, and exten- sive view of the surrounding landscape. He erected for himself a rural seat on this spot, which is still called ' Lowe's seat,' and planted it round with honeysuckles, woodbines, and other wild shrubs and flowers. Here he re- cited aloud his poetic effusions to the invisible inhabitants of the woods and the streams, and here likewise it was lie composed the well- 34.9 known ballad which makes the story of his life chiefly interesting to the public. 1 ' ' High on a rock his favorite arbour stood, Near Ken's fair bank, amid a verdant wood ; Beneath its grateful shade, at ease he lay, And view'd the beauties of the rising day ; Whilst with mellifluous lays the groves did ring He also join'd.' Lowf.'s Morning. There was lost at sea, about this time, a gentleman of the name of Miller, a surgeon, who had been engaged to Mary, one of the young ladies of Airds, an event which would Ions: since have been forerotten but for the '' In a letter, written seven vcars afterwards from America, to an early friend, he says ' The beautiful hanks of tin- river Rappchanock, where tii" town in which I now reside is situated, with all their luxuriance and fragrance, have never to me had charms equal to smooth Km, or murmur- ing Dee.' ' Thou wood of Ainh ! balmy retreat of peace, innocence, harmonv, and love, with what raptures do I -till reflect on thee ! When were yu there, and does m\ arbour stdl remain, or is there now any vestige ot m< favourite walk; ' 350 tender song of ' Mary's Dream,' which has given to it immortality. It is to be presumed, that our poet was sensibly alive to the misfor- tunes of a young lady whose sister had inspired him also with the tenderest passion; and we regret to state that his fidelity to the object of it, though equally worthy of his admiration and his Muse, was but little consistent with the warmth of his feelings, and the earnestness of his professions. But perhaps, he excused him- self with the levity of Montaigne, that ' love is contrary to its own nature if it be not vio- lent, and that violence is contrary to its own nature if it be constant.' His views were now directed to the church, and he had spent another session at the Uni- versity of Edinburgh. Seeing, however, no prospect of a Living, and impatient of de- pendence, he resolved to try his fortune in America, where he fondly hoped his talents would be more highly appreciated, and where he indulged the pious expectation of being better able to assist his aged mother and his other relations at home, for whom he ever ex- pressed the warmest affection. In writing to 551 one of his best friends, he says, ' Think not my concealing from you my design of going abroad proceeded from any diffidence of your friendship, far otherwise. But for fear of alarming my poor mother: I know how shock- ing it will be to her, but I hope to have it in my power to be of more service to her there, than I could be at home.' In the same letter, (dated 13 March, 1773,) he says, ' I delivered a discourse this duy in the hall with great ap- probation, both from my professor and fellow- students. As it was the last i shall ever perhaps deliver here, I resolved it should be as good as it was in my power to make it.' He embarked for the new world in the same year, being invited as tutor to the family of a brother of the great Washington, a situation which supplied some hopes to his ambition. He afterward- kept an academy for the educa- tion of young gentlemen in Fredricksburgh, Virginia, which succeeded lor awhile, ;is he himself stales, ' beyond his most sanguine wishes, and to which students resorted from a vast distance.' It suffered however souk inter- ruption by one of those winters ol intense frost 35i2 and deep snows which occur in America; which, having shut up the town from any communication with the neighbouring country from which its productions were supplied, compelled him to discharge his boarders, and for some time he was not able to collect them together again. ' Often/ says he, ' have I heard Scotland called a cold place in winter, but never did I experience any thing equal to what I felt here last winter (1784). My ther- mometer was frequently sunk entirely into the ball, and it was with much difficulty that a fire could then be lighted even in the closest rooms. And when the ice broke away it was the most dreadful sight I ever beheld ; houses, trees, ves- sels, &c. &c. all moving away together in one common plain of ice on the river Rappehanock, which is close by this town, and the propertv destroyed is immense beyond description.' Sometime after this Lowe took orders in the church of England, the then fashionable religion of this part of the United States; ob- tained a living in that church, and became eminently respectable for his talents, his learn- ing, and his sociable and pleasant manners. 353 He appears to have been so much elated by his good fortune that in some of his letters home he flatters his imagination with the hopes of revisiting his native country in a diplomatic capacity. These were the golden days of Lowe, but an event took place which clouded the meridian of his life, and blasted his happiness for ever. Two years after he left the shores of Britain he addressed a poem, of considerable length, to her who was the object of his earliest affec- tions, and who seemed still to possess the chief place in his heart. 1 In this poem he thus breathe^ his passion ' My busy sprite, when balmy sleep descends, Flies o'er the deep, and visits all her friends ; Then, only then, I see my charming dame, Ah ! must we only meet but in a dream ! What hindered me when first thy fondest slave, My hand to give thee, as my heart I gave? 1 Tins Lady was, after the death of Mr. Lowe, married to a very respectable country gentleman in her native county, and still lives. A A 354 Wedlock itself would need no grave Divine To fix his stamp upon such love as mine; A love so pure, so tender, and so strong, Might last for ages, could we live so long.' And afterwards he adds ' Fair faces here I meet, and forms divine, Enough to shake all constancy but mine.' But notwithstanding the ardour of these professions his constancy was not so much proof, as he imagined, against the temptations to which it was exposed. He became enamoured of a beautiful Virginian lady, and forgot his first love on the banks of the Ken. The young lady, however, refused to listen to his addresses, and he had even the mortification to witness the fair object of his attachment bestowed on a more fortunate and deserving lover. It is singular, that the sister of this very lady be- came as fondly attached to our poet, as she herself had been indifferent to him, and he al- lowed himself to be united to her merely, as he states, ' from a sentiment of gratitude.' But every propitious planet hid its head at the hour 355 which made them one she proved every thing bad, and Lowe soon saw in his wife an aban- doned woman, regardless of his happiness, and unfaithful even to his bed. Overwhelmed with shame, disappointment and sorrow, he had re- course to the miserable expedient of dissipating at the bottle, the cares and chagrins that preyed upon his heart. Habits of intempe- rance were thus formed, which, with their wretched attendants poverty and disease, soon sapped the vigour of a good constitution, and brought him to an untimely grave in the forty- eighth year of his age. k A letter from Virginia, from an early ac- quaintance of Lowe's, gives the following par- ticulars respecting his death That, perceiving his end drawing near, and wishing to die in peace, away from his own wretched walls, he mounted a sorry palfry and rode some distance k From the hasty manner in which I have been com- pelled to write this Memoir, I have not been able to fix the precise time of his death but, from some circumstances, I am led to place it about 1708, which makes Lowe forty- eight years old when he died. 356 to the house of a friend. So much was he de- bilitated that scarcely could he alight in the court and walk into the house. Afterwards, however, he revived a little, and enjoyed some hours of that vivacity which was peculiar to him. But this was but the last faint gleams of a setting sun; for, on the third day after his arrival at the house of his friend, he breathed his last. He now lies buried near Fredericks- burgh, Virginia, under the shade of two palm trees, but not a stone is there on which to write ' Mary, weep no more for me ! ' The abandoned woman, to whom he had been united, made no enquiries after her hus- band for more than a month afterwards, when she sent for his horse, which had been previously sold to defray the expences of his funeral. Such was the tragical end of the author of ' Mary's Dream,' whose domestic misfortunes ' broke a heart already bruised,' and terminated a life which was worthy of a better fate. As a poet, he unquestionably possessed that vivida vis animi, that liveliness of the imagination, 357 that sensibility of the heart, which are the inseparable concomitants of poetical genius, or rather, which conspire to form it. The few fragments which we have of his juvenile poems, imperfect as they are, and made still more so by the inaccurate memories of those from whom they have been chiefly obtained, show a mind capable of still greater efforts, and leave us to regret that he had not cultivated his genius by more frequent exercise. Much might have been expected from an imagination corrected by maturity of judgment, a taste refined and polished by the perusal of the most finished models, and a diction made more rich and se- lect by unremitted habits of composition. His ' Morning Poem,' written at the age of twenty- two, contains some pretty stanzas, of which the following are no unfavourable specimen. ' Hail! to the new horn clay and cheering light, What various beauties charm the ravish'd sight, 1 low sweet with early steps, to view the fields, Ami taste the charms which grateful Summer yields, With watchful eye, to tread the riowery mad, And follow nature up to nature's God, 358 On Ken, whose sweet meanders glide away, And add new beauties to the rising day ; With Dee, whose murmuring music fills the grove. Where sportive Naiads sing their mutual love j The opening flowers along their borders blow, And in their bosoms with fresh lustre glow ; In every wood, the feather'd songsters raise Their cheerful notes, to sing their Maker's praise. Aloft in air, the skylark wings his way, And thrills his notes in sweet melodious lay : The sooty blackbirds, scatter'd thro' the grove, Now warble forth their mellow notes of love : The dark grey thrush, which in the joyful Spring, My slender pipe had often taught to sing, On yonder twig sends forth its tuneful voice, Bids hills be glad, and rising woods rejoice ; The spreading broom displays its golden hue, And, nodding, bends beneath the pearly dew ; The snowy hawthorns, rising here and there, With grateful fragrance fill the passing air : Amid their boughs, within each little nest, The tender passion glows from breast to breast.' ' The poem called ' Lowe's Lines/ though very defective in the execution, and, in some of its sentiments, inconsistent both with each other and the passion which it breathes, has 359 likewise some pathetic and beautiful lines, and manifests at once the tenderness of the lover and the imagination of the poet. His letters are well written, and evince a correct and manly understanding, and a warm and benevolent heart. But it was his evil destiny to struggle with dependance, and that time was to be con- sumed in providing the necessary means of his subsistence, which, in happier circumstances, might have been employed in the indulgence of his genius, the cultivation of his taste, and in twining round his brow the wreath of im- mortality. It may not be uninteresting to state that he was very handsome in his person. His figure was active, well proportioned, and rather above the middle size; his hair was of an auburn hue, his eyes were blue and penetrating, his nose aquiline, and the whole expression of his countenance open and benevolent. These qualities, united to a fine voice, and lively and insinuating manners, made him a favourite of the fair sex, and he might have secured a handsome independence by marriage it he could have brooked a union in which his heart had no share, lie was, however, more sus- 360 ceptible than constant, and one act of infi- delity was, by a retributive justice, sufficiently punished by the subsequent misfortunes of his life. His faults, like those of most men of acute sensibility, sprung out of the same soil with his genius and his virtues. It was re- marked of him, that he always evinced that manly independence of character, which is the offspring of a superior mind, conscious of its powers; a quality he shewed even when a boy at school, by a severe beating which he gave to a gentleman's son who was older than him- self, and to whom his schoolfellows used to look up with deference; and, surely, it be- comes us to lean gently on those faults to which he was at last driven by that domestic infe- licity which, to a delicate mind, is, of all evils, the most difficult to bear; and, while we blame his errors, we cannot forbear to sympathize with his misfortunes. In short, his character, like that of all others, was of a mixed kind, but his good qualities far outweighed his de- fects. VV . G. Kell? Manse, 29th June, 1810. 361 Such is the valuable account of Lowe, given by Mr. Gillespie. The Editor will here shortly add what he was able himself to discover re- specting the ballad of ' Mary's Dream/ among the peasantry of Galloway. This ballad is extremely popular among them, but in a form materially different from the printed copy, long familiar to the public, which is entirely English. Their copy, if not altogether Scotch, is strongly sprinkled with it. But there is more than a mere difference of language; it extends to the imagery and scenery of the poem. Was this ballad origi- nally written in English by Lowe, and gradually ((inverted by the country people into language and imagery more congenial to them? Or was Lowe himself the author of both copies; and if so, which is the original: This is a euriouB enquiry. Yet it is an enquiry which the Editor believes can lead hut to one conclusion, lie himself docs not entertain a doubl thai the Scotch copy is the original; hut as the other 362 has also its beauties, and has been long a favourite of the public, it would be charged upon him as presumption were he to exclude from this collection a ballad of such celebrity. He is induced therefore to insert here both the copies, that the public may award to which of them the preference is due. Mary's Dkeam. The moon had climb'd the highest hill, Which rises o'er the source of Dee, And from the eastern summit shed Her silver light on tow'r and tree : When Mary laid her down to sleep, Her thoughts on Sandy far at sea ; When soft and low a voice was heard, Saying, Mary, weep no more for me. She from her pillow gently rais'd Her head to ask who there might be ; She saw young Sandy shiv'ring stand, With visage pale and hollow ee ; ' O Mary, dear, cold is my clay, It lies beneath a stormy sea; Far, far from thee I sleep in death ; So, Mary, weep no more for me. 363 ' Three stormy nights and stormy days, We toss'd upon the raging main j And long we strove our bark to save, But all our striving was in vain. E'en then, when horror chill'd my blood, My heart was fill'd with love for thee : The storm is past, and I at rest; So, Mary, weep no more for me. O maiden dear, thyself prepare, We soon shall meet upon that shore, Where love is free from doubt and care, And thou and I shall part no more ! ' Loud crow'd the cock, the shadows fled, No more of Sandy could she see ; But soft the passing spirit said, ' Sweet Mary, weep no more for me!' Old way of ' Mary's Dkeam.' The lovely moon had climbed the hill Where eagles big 1 aboon the Dee, And like the looks of a lovely dame, Brought joy to every bodies i v , 1 Build tin. ir nests. 364 A' but sweet Mary, deep in sleep, Her thoughts on Sandy far at sea ; A voice drapt saftly on her ear, ' Sweet Mary, weep nae mair for me ! ' She lifted up her waukening een, To see from whence the voice might be, And there she saw her Sandy stand, Pale, bending on her his hollow ee ! ' O Mary, dear, lament nae mair, I'm in death's thraws '" below the sea $ Thy weeping makes me sad in bliss, ' Sae, Mary, weep nae mair for me ! ' ' The wind slept when we left the bay, But soon it waked and raised the main, And God he bore us down the deep, Who strave wi' him but strave in vain ! He stretched his arm, and took me up, Tho' laith I was to gang but " thee, I look frae heaven aboon the storm, ' Sae, Mary, weep nae mair for me! ' ' Take off thae bride sheets frae thy bed, Which thou hast faulded down for me; "' Thraws, throes. n But, without. 365 Unrobe thee of thy earthly stole I'll meet wi' thee in heaven hie.' Three times the gray cqck flapt his wing, To mark the morning lift her ee, And thrice the passing spirit said, ' Sweet Mary, weep nae mair for me ! ' Here the Editor thinks, that, whoever com- pares these two copies together, cannot en- tertain a doubt that the Scotch one is theorigri- rial. There is that freshness and vividness of colouring in its sentiments and descriptions, which uniformly characterize the genuine transcripts of feeling; and the scenery and imagery is such as a native of Galloway, in the flow of inspiration, would be unavoidably led to use. In all these respects, it materially dif- fers from the printed copy, which, though very beautiful indeed, and certainly more uniformly correct, and higher laboured than the other, contains a great deal less of the simple language ol the heart, and has no dis- tinguishing feature by which ii can be at- tributed to the native of one part of the island more than another. To go no further than 366 the two opening lines : The English copy merely describes the moon rising over a moun- tain, the source of a river: ' The moon had climb'd the highest hill Which rises o'er the source of Dee.' But in the other, we have the picture faith- fully described, which was present to the poet's imagination : ' The lovely moon had climbed the hill Where eagles big aboon the Dee.' We see here a Scotch landscape in all its characteristic sublimity; the towering cliffs lost in the clouds, the frightful abode of the eagle ! The two concluding lines of the first stanza in the English copy ' When soft and low a voice was heard. Saying, Mary, weep no more for me,' are infinitely tamer and more prosaic than ' A voice drapt saftly on her ear, Sweet Mary, weep nae mair for me ! ' $67 The omission of the word saying, in the Scotch, and bursting at once to the speech, has a happy effect. How beautifully tender are the two follow- ing lines: 1 Take aff thae bride sheets frae thy bed, Which thou hast faulded down for me.' And how cold and formal, in comparison, are the lines ' O maiden dear, thyself prepare, Sec' Every description seems, in a similar man- ner, to have lost what it had of picturesque effect in passing from Scotch to English. For instance, the crowing of the cock at the dawn of morning, is described in the following lines as a Shakspeare would have described it: 'Three times the gray cock flapt his wing, To mark the morning lilt her ee.' Here every thing is in life and motion, fresh from a creative fancy; but the daringness of fancy which dictated these lines, must have 36$ been long subdued, and succeeded by very different emotions, before the same poet could coldly write ' Loud crow'd the cock, the shadows fled.' Every reader, of true poetical taste, must have felt the bold sublimity and pathos of the whole of the third stanza ' The wind slept, &c.' Here, in addition to the natural awfulness of the scene, the poet has called to his aid whatever is most interesting and majestic in religion. There is a simple sublimity in the lines c And God he bore us down the deep, Who strave wi' him but strave in vain ! He stretched his arm, and took me up.' to which the Editor believes it would be doing an injury, were he to compare it even to any thing of Burns. It is of a higher cast, and is more akin to the wild inspiration of a Job or h David. The struggles of suffering humanity, 36y opposed to the arm of Omnipotence, present a contrast at which our faculties are lost in wonder and awe. But even here, when his struggles are over, and when the gates of bliss are opened to him, his affection remains un- impaired. All the happiness of heaven is insufficient to make him forego his love; he enters it with reluctance without her, and still watches over her with tremhling solicitude. ' He stretched his arm and took me up, Tho' laith I was to gang but thee.' Madame Stael quotes, in Corinne, a thought of her father's, who represents it as an alle- viation to a poor sinner, amidst all the tor- ments of hell, that he caught an opening giimpse of heaven, when his beloved spouse was about to enter it. This thought has been very much admired; but it appears strained and sought after when compared with the passage of the Scotch pod. The reader will see that all these finely- imagined circumstances do not appear in the 570 English copy. When the ardour of the poet's mind had cooled, and he had to grope his way in a language not so familiar to him, they would appear to him of too bold a nature, and, on that account, no doubt have been sup- pressed. It would be trespassing on the patience of the reader to enlarge on this subject. The Editor is conscious that he has already dis- cussed it at too great a length ; but he hopes the enthusiasm which he feels for a beauti- ful poem will weigh with a generous public in his justification. THE END. T. ISensley, Printer, Bok Court, Fleet Street, London. THE PROCESSION OF CHAUCER'S PILGRIMS TO CANTERBURY. A PRINT, FROM THE WELL KNOWN CABINET PICTURE, PAINTED FROM THIS SUBJECT, By THOMAS STOTHARD, Esq. R. A. IS NOW ENGRAVING IN THE LINE MANNER, By Mr. BROMLEY, and R. II. CROMEK. The Picture is 3 Feet long, and 1 Foot high. The Print will be executed exactly of the same size. The Price of the Prints will be Three Guineas; Proof Impressions, Five Guineas. Gentlemen who wish to possess this Engraving, are requested to forward their ad- dress to Mr. Cromek, No. o4, Newman Street, London ; and as the number of Proof Impressions will be limited, an early applica- tion is indispensable. The scheme of this Work is in everv r s[>ect very extraordinary, as will best appear from a short representation of the Author's de- sign, as explained by Mr. Tyrwhilt, in his preface. " Chaucer pre- tends, that intending to pay his devotions at the shrine of Thomas a Becket, he set up his horse at the Tabard Inn, in Soutlnvark ; that 2 he found at the Inn a number of Pilgrims, who severally proposed the same journey ; and that they all agreed to sup together, and to set out the next morning on the same party. The supper being finished, the landlord, a fellow of sense and drollery, conformably to his cha- racter and calling, makes them no disagreeable proposal, that, to di- vert them on their journey, each of them should be obliged to tell two stories, one going, the other coming back; and that whoever, in the judgment of the company, should succeed best in this art of Tale-telling, by way of recompence, at their return to his Inn, should be entitled to a good supper at the common cost ; which proposal assented to, he promises to be their governor and guide." The Scene of the Picture is laid in that part of the road to Canter- bury which commands a view of the Dulwich Hills ; the Time a beautiful and serene May morning. The Pilgrims are grouped with a decorum suited to their respective characters, and in the order in which we may suppose Chaucer himself to have seen them, headed by the Miller playing upon his pipe, under the guidance of Harry Haillie, the Host; who, as Master of the Ceremonies, is repre- sented on horseback, standing in his stirrups, in the act of com- manding attention to the proposal he is about to make, of drawing lots to determine which of the company shall tell the first Tale. Near to him is a line of five characters the Knight; his Son, the Young Squire; the Franklin, or Country Gentleman; the Serjeant at Laiv; the Merchant, and the Doctor of Physic. The Squire is mounted on a White Horse near the Knight, and betwixt these two figures is seen the Ileve. Close behind the Squire his Yeoman ad- vances, habited in green. The front of the next Group is also com- posed of five characters The Lady Abbess; her Nun; the Nun's Priest; the Good Parson; and his Brother, the Ploughman. The figures immediately behind the Lady Abbess are, the Shipment ; the Oxford Scholar ; the Manciple, and Chaucer. Next, moupted upon an ambling Nag, approaches the Wife of Hath, heading a group of four figures: She is represented in brisk conversation with the Monk and the Friar 5 behind them are the Pardoner, dressed in blue, and his friend the Sompnour, in white. The last group of this motlev Cavalcade is composed of the Gold- smith, the Treaver, the Haberdasher, the Dyer, and the Tapestry Merchant, all Citizens of London, attended by their Cook: with these jolly Pilgrims the Procession closes. The Work is in great forwardness, and may be seen at Mr. Cro- tnek'sj 04, Newman-Street. London, August 15, 1810. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 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