15 t THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS of Periodical Sets Library Engineering Societies 1913 NEW YORK 29 WEST 39xn STREET 1913 SERIAL PUBLICATIONS IN THE JOINT LIBRARY OF THE ENGINEERING SOCIETIES THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OP MECHANICAL ENGINEERS THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OP MINING ENGINEERS Academic des Sciences, Paris. Comptes rendus. W. Vol. 1-date. Par., 1835-date. Supplement. Vol. 1. Par., 1856. Supple- ment. Vol. 2. Par., 1861. Tables generate. Vol. 1-31. 1835- 1850. Par., 1853. Tables generale. Vol. 32-61. 1851-1865. Par., 1870. Tables gen6rale. Vol. 62-91. 1866-1880. Par., 1880. Histoire de I'Academie avec les memoires de mathema- tique et de physique. 1699-1778. Amsterdam Par., 1734- 1782. Years 1699-1703 are ed. 2. Histoire de I'Acadgmie' avec les memoires de physique. Vol. 1-3. 1666-1698. Par., 1777. Histoire de I'Acad^mie, contenant un abreg historique de chaque Science, avec une liste g6n6rale des MSmoires de mathematiques et de physique jusqu'a 1'annee 1751, inclusive- ment. Amsterdam, 1760. - Histoire du renouvellement de 1' Academic et les eloges historiques de tous les Academiciens morts depuis ce renou- vellement, avec un discours preliminaire sur I'utilitS des mathematiques et de la physique. 1699. Par., 1708. Memoires de I'Academie. Vol. 1-date. 1816-date. Par., 1818-date. Continuation of Memoires de 1'Institut National de Sciences et Arts. Sciences 'math6matiques et physiques. Tables gn6rales des travaux contenus dans les Memoires. Ser. 1. Vol. 1-14. 1795-1815. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-40. 1816-1878. Par., 1881. M6moires de I'lnstitut National de Sciences et Arts. Sci- ences, mathematiques et physiques. Vol. 1-14. 1795-1815. Par., 1798-1818. Continued as MSmoires de 1' Academic. M6moires de physique. 1705-1707, 1722, 1724. Par., 1777- 1779. M6moires par divers savans. Sciences mathematiques et physiques. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-2. 1806-1811; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-32. 1827-1902. Par., 1806-1811, 1827-1902; Tables ggnSrales des travaux contenus dans les Memoires. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-2. 1806- 1811; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-25. 1827-1877. Par., 1881. (Bound in Vol. 25.) Philosophical history and memoires of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris; or, An abridgment of all the papers, 1699-1720. Translated and abridged by J. Martyn and E. Chambers. Vol. 1-5. Lond., 1742. 268112 PERIODICAL SETS. IN ^il{re Ae intfthematlf^ie et de physique. ; 1703, 17D9,' 1723-1^7; 1764-1765, 1776-1J78. Amsterdim- Par., 1734, 1738, 1709, 1777, 1732-1733, 173^1114. 1746-1748, 1750, 1755-1758, 1761-1763, 1765-1767, 1773-17*?. Table gen6rale des matieres contenues dans 1'H.istoire et Memoires de l'Acad6mie. 6v. 1699-1770. Amsterdam-Par., 1741-1779. Vol. 1-3. 1699-1734. Amsterdam, 1741. 'vol. 4. 1735-1751. Amsterdam, 1760. Vol. 5. 1751-1760. Paris 1779. Vol. 6. 1761-1770. Paris, 1779. - Traite physique et historique de 1'aurore boreale. 1731. Amsterdam, 1735. Academic ImpeYiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Bui. (in Russian.) Bi-M. Ser. 6. 1907, nos. 1-7; 1908, no. 11. St. Petersburg, 1907-1908. Academic Royale des Sciences, Paris. See Academic des Sciences, Paris. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proc. Irreg. 1871-date. Phil., 1871-date. Academic Royale de Belgique. Bulletin de la Classe de Sciences. Irreg. 1899-1902, 1905-date. Bruxelles, 1899-1902, 1905-date. Acetylen in Wissenschaft und Industrie. Bi-M. Vol. 13-date. Halle, 1910-date. Acetylene. M. Vol. 6-date. Lond., 1909-date. AEG Journal. M. Vol. 1-date. Ber., July 1911-date. (Con- tinuation of A E G Zeitung.) AEG Zeitung. M. Vol. 11, no. 10-Vol. 13, no. 12. Ber., April 1909-June 1911. (Continued as A E G Journal.) Aeronautical Journal. Q. Vol. 13-date. Lond., 1909-date. Aeronautics. M. Vol. 4-date. N. Y., 1909-date. Aeronautics. M. Pub. by American Engineer and Railroad Jour- nal. Vol. 1, no. 1-12. October 1893-September 1894 bound separately. N. Y., 1893-1894. (Ceased publication in October 1895. During existence was a supplementary subject in American Engineer and Railroad Journal and from October 1894-October 1895 numbers are bound with that periodical.) L'Aerophile. Bi-M. Vol. 1-7; Vol. 8, nos. 7, 9, 11; Vol. 9, nos. 1-4, 6, 8-12; Vol. 10, nos. 1-11; Vol. 11; Vol. 12, nos. 2-3, 5-12; Vol. 13; Vol. 14, nos. 1-6, 9-12; Vol. 15, nos. 2-4, 6-8; Vol. 16- date. Par., 1893-date. Age of Steel. W. Vol. 85-92, no. 23. St. Louis, 1899-1902. (In December 1902 combined with Iron and Steel and formed Iron and Machinery World.) Alabama Industrial and Scientific Society. Proc. 1891-1899. Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1891-1900. Albany Institute. Trans. Vol. 1; Vol. 2, no. 1; Vol. 5. Albany, 1830, 1833, 1867. Allgemeine Automobile Zeitung. W. Vol. 10, pt. 2-date. Ber., April 1909-date. Allgemeine Oesterreichische Chemiker- und Techniker-Zeitung. Organ des Verein der Bohrtechniker. S-M. Vol. 17-18. Wien, 1910-1911. Supplement of Allgemeine Oesterreichische Chemiker- und Techniker-Zeitung. Zentral- Organ fur Pe- troleum-Industrie. (In January 1912 title changed to Zeit- schrift des International Verein der Bohringenieure und Bohrtechniker.) PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 3 Allgemeine Oesterreichische* Chemiker-. tmd Tochn^&6r*<2;eitung. Zentral-Organ fur Petroleum-Industrie. S-M. Vol.' 23-date. Wien, 1910-date. Supplement Organ des Verein der Bohr- techniker. Aluminum World. M. Vol. 1-8. N. Y., 1894-1902. (Combined with Brass Founder and Finisher and Electro-platers Review in January 1903 and formed Metal Industry. Vol. 3, no. 4- Vol. 8, no. 3, title reads Aluminum World and Brass and Bronze Industries. Vol. 8, no. 4-15, title reads Aluminum World and Brass and Copper Industries.) American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Proc. Irreg. Vol. 1-2, 8, 34, no. 22; Vol. 35, nos. 11, 25; Vol. 36, nos. 26-27; Vol. 37, nos. 17, 21-23; Vol. 43, nos. 1-3, 5-12, 15-22; Vol. 44-date. Bost., 1848-1852, 1873, 1899-1902, 1907-date. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proc. Y. 1-date. 1848-date. Phil., 1849-date. American Blacksmith. M. Vol. 2, 4, 6-date. Buffalo, N. Y., 1902, 1904, 1906-date. American Brass Founders' Association. Trans. Y. Vol. 1-date. n. p., 1908-date. American Brewing Institute. See American Society of Brewing: Technology. American Ceramic Society. Trans. Y. Vol. 1-date. 1899-date. Columbus, O., 1900-date. American Chemical Journal. Q. Vol. 1-7; Vol. 15, no. 1; Vol. 16, no. 2; Vol. 17, no. 9; Vol. 21-22; Vol. 25, nos. 5-6; Vol. 26, nos. 1-5. Baltimore, 1879-1886, 1893, 1895, 1899, 1901. Gen- eral Index. Vol. 1-10. 1879-1888. Baltimore, 1890. American Chemical Society. Chemical abstracts. M. Vol. 1- date. Easton, Pa., 1907-date. Journal. M. Vol. 1-3, 4, nos. 5-12; Vol. 5-date. N. Y.- Easton, Pa., 1879-date. Vol. 1-15 published in New York. General index to the Journal. Vol. 1-20. 1879-1898 and to the Proceedings. 1877-1879. Easton, Pa., 1902. Proceedings. Q. Vol. 1-2. Year 1904-1907. N. Y., 1876- 1878, 1904-1907. Continued in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. General index to the Journal. Vol. 1-20. 1879-1898 and to the Proceedings 1877-1879. Easton, Pa., 1902. Twenty-fifth Anniversary Number. 1901. Easton, Pa., 1902. American Chemist. M. Vol. 1; Vol. 2, no. 1-6, 8-12; Vol. 3-4; Vol. 7, nos. 1-8, 10. N. Y., 1870-1872, 1872-1874, 1876-1877. American Electric and Automobile Patents Monthly. M. Vol. 1, no. 1-6. Wash., 1902. American Electric Railway Accountants' Association. See Amer- ican Electric Railway Association. American Electric Railway Association. Proc. Y. 1911-date. N. Y., 1911-date. (Continuation of American Street and In- terurban Railway Association.) Contains also Proceedings of the American Electric Railway Accountants' Association, American Electric Railway Claim Agents' Association, Amer- ican Electric Railway Transportation and Traffic Association. American Electric Railway Claim Agents' Association. See American Electric Railway Association. 4 PERIODICAL SETS-. IN LIBRARY America^ &4otio '.Railway Tra^ppoVtation and Traffic Associa- tion. ' 'See Am erfcan' Electric Railway Association. American 'Electrical Society. Jour. Irreg. Vol. 1-2. Chic., 1875- 1878. American Electrician. M. Vol. 8-17. 1896-1905. N. Y., 1896- 1905. (Vol. 1-7 title reads Electrical Industries. In January 1906 consolidated with Electrical World.) American Electrochemical Society. Trans. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Phil.-South Bethlehem, Pa., 1902-date. Table of contents. Vol. 1-18. 1902-1910. South Bethlehem, Pa., n. d. American Electro-Therapeutic Association. Trans. Y. Vol. 14, 16-17. 1904, 1906-1907. N. Y., 1905-1908. American Engineer. (Chic.) M. Vol. 2-21. Chic., 1881-1891. (Ceased publication in 1892.) American Engineer and Railroad Journal. M. Vol. 67-date. 1893-date. N. Y., 1893-date. (Vol. 70-72, 1896-1898, title reads American Engineer, Car Builder and Railroad Journal. National Car and Locomotive Builder consolidated with American Engineer in June 1896.) American Forestry. M. Vol. 8-date. Wash., 1902-date. (Vol. 8-14, no. 8, title reads Forestry and Irrigation. Vol. 14, no. 9- Vol. 15, title reads Conservation.) American Foundrymen's Association. Jour. M. Vol. 9-12. N. Y., 1900-1904. Transactions. Y. 1904-date. n. p., 1904-date. American Gas Institute. Proc. Y. Vol. 1-date. 1906-date. N. Y., 1907-date. (Formed by the union of American Gas Light Association, Ohio Gas Light Association and Western Gas Association.) American Gas Light Association. Proc. Y. Vol. 1-22. N. Y., 1873-1905. (In 1906 united with Ohio Gas Light Association and Western Gas Association to form American Gas Insti- tute.) American Gas Light Journal. W. Vol. 12, 14-67, 69-date. N. Y., 1870, 1871-1897, 1898-date. American Geographical and Statistical Society. See American Geographical Society. American Geographical Society. Jour. M. Vol. 1, nos. 1-3, 8; Vol. 2, nos. 1-2; Vol. 3, 6-8, 10-32; Vol. 33, no. 4; Vol. 35, no. 3; Vol. 38, no. 7-9, 11; Vol. 39, no. 7-8; Vol. 40, no. 6-7. N. Y., 1859-1870, 1872-1876, 1878-1900, 1901, 1903, 1906-1908. (Vol. 1-2 name of Society was American Geographical and Statistical Society.) American Geologist. M. Vol. 1-36. Minneapolis, Minn., 1888- 1905. General index. Vol. 1-36. 1888-1905. (From 1906 continued as Economic Geology.) American Institute of Architects. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. 31st-37th, 39th-date. 1897-1903, 1905-date. Providence, 1897-date. - Quarterly Bulletin. Q. Vol. 1, nos. 1-4; Vol. 2, nos. 1-3; Vol. 3-date. Wash., 1900-date. American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Trans. Y. Vol. 1- date. N. Y., 1908-date. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 5 American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Proc. M. Vol. 1- date. October 1887 -date. N. Y., J.887-date. (From 1887-1904 both monthly and yearly publications known as Transac- tions. Publications including contents of Transactions and index of authors. Vol. 1-29. 1884-1910. N. Y., n. d.) Transactions. S-A. Vol. 1-date. May 1884-date. N. Y., 1884-date. (From 1887-1904 both monthly and yearly publi- cations known as Transactions. Publications including con- tents of Transactions and index of authors. Vol. 1-29. 1884- 1910. N. Y., n. d.) American Institute of Mining Engineers. Bui. M. No. 1-date. 1905-date. N. Y., 1905-date. (Nos. 1-24 known as Bi-monthly Bulletin.) Transactions. Y. Vol. 1-date. 1871-date. N. Y., 1873- date. Index. Vol. 1-5. 1871-1877 in Vol. 5. Easton, Pa., 1877. Contents and index. Vol. 1-20. 1871-1892. 2 pts. in Iv. N. Y., 1888. Contents and index. Vol. 1-25. 1888-1897. N. Y., 1888. General alphabetical and analytical index. Vol. 1-35. 1871-1904. N. Y., 1907. Index. Vol. 16-20. 1887-1891 in Vol. 20. N. Y., 1892. Contents and index. Vol. 1-30. 4 pts. in Iv. 1888-1902. N. Y., n. d. General alphabetical and analytical index. Vol. 36-40. 1905-1909. N. Y., 1910. American Institute of the City of New York. Annual report. Y. 1865-1866. Albany, 1866. American Iron and Steel Association. Annual statistical report. Y. 1873-date. Phil., 1873-date. Bulletin. W. Vol. 14-date. Phil., 1880-date. American Journal of Mathematics. Q. Vol. 2-6, 8-date. 1879- 1884, 1886-date. Baltimore, 1879-date. American Journal of Mining. See Engineering and Mining Journal. American Journal of Railway Appliances. Bi-M. Vol. 1-7, 11. N. Y., 1883-1887, 1891. (Continued as Railway Machinery.) American Journal of Science. M. Vol. 1-date. New Haven, Conn., 1818-date. Vol. 50. Ser. 1. General index. Vol. 1-49. New Haven, 1847. Vol. 10. Ser. 2. General index. Vol. 1-10. New Haven, 1850. Vol. 20. Ser. 2. General index. Vol. 11-20. New Haven, 1855. Vol. 30. Ser. 2. General index. Vol. 21-30. New Haven, 1860. Vol. 40. Ser. 2. General in- dex. Vol. 31-40. New Haven, 1865. Vol. 50. Ser. 2. Gen- eral index. Vol. 41-50. New Haven, 1870. Vol. 10. Ser. 3. General index. Vol. 1-10. New Haven, 1875. Vol. 20. Ser. 3. General index. Vol. 11-20. New Haven, 1880. Ser. 3. Gen- eral index. Vol. 21-30. New Haven, 1886. Ser. 3. General index. Vol. 31-40. Ser. 3. General index. Vol. 41-50. Ser. 4. General index. Vol. 1-10. New Haven, 1900. Ser. 4. Gen- eral index. Vol. 11-20. New Haven, 1906. Ser. 4. General index. Vol. 21-30. New Haven, 1911. (From 1820-1879 title reads American Journal of Science and Arts.) American Machinist. W. Vol. 3-date. N. Y., 1880-date. American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge. Vol. 2. 1835. Bost., 1839. American Manufacturer and Iron World. W. Vol. 12-68, no. 25; Vol. 69, no. 2-26; Vol. 70, nos. 1-15, 17-26; Vol. 71-78. 1876- June 1906. Pittsburg, 1876-1906. (Incorporated as Indus- trial World in June 1906.) 6 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY American Marine Engineer. M. Vol. 2, no. 3-12; Vol. 3-date. March 1907-date. Chic,, 1907-date. American Miller. M. Vol. 14-date. Chic., 1886-date. American Mining Congress. Report of the proceedings of the an- nual session. Y. 6th-date. Denver, Colo., 1903-date. American Museum of Natural History. Annual report. Y. No. 13-date. N. Y., 1882-date. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1881-date. American Peat Society. Jour. Q. Vol. 1-date. April 1908-date. Toledo, O., 1908-date. American Philosophical Society. Proc. Q. Vol. 1-date. 1838- date. Phil., 1840-date. Early proceedings. 1744-1838. Com- piled by one of the secretaries from manuscript minutes of its meetings. Phil., 1884. Memorial Volume 1. Phil., 1900. General index. Vol. 1-50. 1838-1911. Phil., 1912. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-6; New series, Vol. 1-15. Phil., 1786-1804, 1818-1881. American Physical Society. Bui. Q. Vol. 1-2. Ithaca, N. Y., 1899-1902. American Polytechnic Journal. M. Vol. 1-4. N. Y., 1853-1854. American Public Works Association. Convention. 2. Atlanta, Ga., 1907. American Railway Association. Proc. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1886- date. The volume of 1886-1893 contains an appendix of the Proceedings of the General Time Convention, 1872-1885, and of the Southern Railway Time Convention, 1877-1885. In 1886 the Southern Railway Time Convention united with the General Time Convention and in 1891 the convention became the American Railway Association. Statistical Bulletin. Nos. 52, 53A, 54, 55, 55A-B, 56, 57, 57A, 59A, 60, 61A, 63, 68, 69, 79, 80, 80A, 81, 81A, 82, 83, 84, 84A. N. Y., 1909-date. American Railway Bridge and Building Association. Proceed- ings of the annual convention. Y. 14th-18th, 20th-date. Concord, N. H., 1904-1908, 1910-date. (14th-17th reads Asso- ciation of Railway Superintendents of Bridges and Build- ings.) American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-way Associa- tion. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. Vol. 1- date. Chic., 1900-date. American Railway Master Mechanics' Association. Report of the proceedings of the annual convention. Y. Vol. 1-date. 1868-date. v. p., 1868-date. Index. Vol. 1-33. 1868-1900. Chic., 1901. (1868-1874, 1876-1880 title reads Annual Re- port.) American Railway, Mechanical and Electrical Association. Re- port of the annual convention. Y. 2-3. Detroit, Mich., 1904- 1905. (From 1906 continued as American Street and Inter- urban Railway Association.) American Railway Review. W. Vol. 1-2. N. Y., 1859-1860. American Society for Testing Materials. Proceedings of the an- nual meeting. Y. Vol. 1-date. 1899-date. Phil., 1899-date. Yearbook. 1910-date. Phil., 1910-date. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Trans. Y. Vol. 1- date. Ames, Iowa, 1907-date. American Society of Brewing Technology. Jour. M. Vol. 2, no. 7; Vol. 1, no. 1, 3. September-October, December 1910. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 7 Chic., 1910. (In October 1910 name of society was changed from American Brewing Institute to American Society of Brewing Technology.) American Society of Civil Engineers. Proc. M. Vol. 1-date. November 1873-date. N. Y., 1876-date. Vol. 17-21 in Vol. 24, 26, 28, 32-33 of the Transactions. Transactions. Q. Vol. 1-date. December 1867-date. N. Y., 1872-date. Appendix to Vol. 14. 1885. Index. Vol. 1-21. 1868-1889. N. Y., 1890. Index. Vol. 1-45. 1867-1901. N. Y. f 1901. Vol. 54, parts A-F, contain papers and discussions of the International Engineering Congress, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. Trans. Y. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1895-date. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Jour. M. Vol. 28- date. October 1906-date. N. Y., 1906-date. (From October 1906-June 1908 title reads Proceedings. Volume number same as volume number of Transactions.) Transactions. Y. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1880-date. General index to the Transactions. Vol. 1-25. 1880-1904. N. Y., 1906. American Society of Municipal Improvements. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. 2d, 4th-7th, 12th-14th. v. p., 1895, 1897-1900, 1905-1907. American Society of Naval Engineers. Jour. Q. Vol. 1, nos. 3-4; Vol. 2-date. Wash., 1899-date. American Society of Refrigerating Engineers. Trans. Y. Vol. 1- date. N. Y., 1905-date. American Society of Swedish Engineers. Bui. M. Vol. 3, sup. no. 1; Vol. 3, No. 7; Vol. 6, no. 1-2. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1909, 1.912. American Street and Interurban Railway Accountants' Associa- tion. See American Street and Interurban Railway Associa- tion. American Street and Interurban Railway Association. Proc. Y. 1906-1910. N. Y., 1906-1910. (Formerly American Street Railway Association.) Contains also Proceedings of the American Street and Interurban Railway Engineering Asso- ciation, American Street and Interurban Railway Account- ants' Association, Street Railway Claim Agents' Association of America, American Street and Interurban Railway Trans- portation and Traffic Association. (In 1910 name of society changed to American Electric Railway Association.) American Street and Interurban Railway Engineering Associa- tion. See American Street and Interurban Railway Associa- tion. American Street and Interurban Railway Transportation and Traffic Association. See American Street and Interurban Railway Association. American Street Railway Association. Report of the annual meeting. Y. 1, 3-24. 1882-1905. v. p., 1882-1905. (From 1882-1897 title reads Verbatim Report. From September 1905 continued as American Street and Interurban Railway Asso- ciation.) American Street Railway Investments. Y. Vol. 1-17. N. Y., 1894-1910. (An annual supplement to Street Railway Journal. In 1911 title changed to McGraw Electric Railway Manual.) 8 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY American Telephone Journal. W. Vol. 2, no. 46; Vol. 3, no. 22; Vol. 4, nos. 9, 13, 19; Vol. 5-18, no. 9. 1900-1901, 1902-August 1908. N. Y., 1900-1908. (In September 1908 combined with and continued as Telephony.) American Water Works Association. Proc. Y. Vol. 1-date. v. p., 1881-date. (From 1883-1902 title reads Report of Pro- ceedings.) Vol. 1-2 and 6 are reprints. Analyst. M. Vol. 32-date. Lond., 1907-date. Annalen der chemie. M. Vol. 365-date. Lpz., 1909-date. (Title reads Justus Liebig's Annalen der chemie.) Continuation of Annalen der PJiarmacie. Register. Vol. 369-372 in Vol. 372. Lpz., 1909. Register. Vol. 373-376 in Vol. 376. Lpz., 1910. Register. Vol. 377.-380 in Vol. 380. Lpz., 1911. Annalen der Elektrotechnik. S-M. Vol. 1-5. Lpz., 1906-1910. Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie. M. Vol. 38-date. Ber., 1910-date. Annalen der Physik. M. Vol. 1-62. Halle, 1799-1818. (Continu- ation of Journal der Physik. Continued as Annalen der Physik und der Physikalischen Chemie.) Annalen der Physik. M. Ser. 4. Vol. 1-date. Lpz., 1900-date. (Continuation of Annalen der Physik und Chemie.) Annalen der Physik. M. Beiblatter. Vol. 1-date. Lpz., 1877- date. (Vol. 1-23 title reads Beiblatter zu den Annalen der Physik und Chemie.) Namenregister. Vol. 1-15. 1877-1891. Lpz., 1893. Namenregister. Vol. 16-30. 1892-1906. Lpz., 1909. See also Annalen der Physik. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Vol. 77-236; new series, Vol. 1-69. Lpz., 1824-1899. (Continuation of Annalen der Physik und der Physikalischen Chemie.) Vol. 45-47 contains Ver- handlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft. (Continued as Annalen der Physik.) Sach- und Namen- Register. Vol. 1-76. 1799-1824. Lpz., 1826. Namen- und Sach- Register. Vol. 1-120. Erganzungsband. 2-4. 3 pts. in Iv. Lpz., 1845-1865. Namen- Register. Vol. 1-150. Er- ganzungsband. Vol. 1-6, nebst Jubelband, und Sach- Regis- ter. Vol. 121-150, Erganzungsband Vol. 5-6, nebst Jubelband. Lpz., 1875. Sachregister. Poggendorff'sche Folge. ^ o i. 1-160, Erganzungsband. Vol. 1-8, und Jubelband. 1824-1877. Lpz., 1888. Namenregister. Vol. 151-160 (1874-1877 nebst Ergan- zungsband. Vol. 7-8 der PoggendorfT schen Reihe und zu Vol. 1-50 (1877-1893) der Reihe von Wiedemann. Lpz., 1894. Sachregister. Vol. 1-50 (1877-1893). Lpz., 1897. Jubelband. Lpz., 1874. Erganzungsband. Vol. 1-8. Lpz., 1842-1878. Annalen der Physik und der Physikalische Chemie. Vol. 63-76. Halle, 1819-1824. (Continuation of Annalen der Physik. Con- tinued as Annalen der Physik und Chemie.) Annalen fu"r Gewerbe und Bauwesen. S-M. Vol. 1-date. Ber., 1877-date. (Also known as Glasers Annalen ftir Gewerbe und Bauwesen.) Literaturblatt. Vol. 54-59. Ber., 1904-1906. Annales de Chimie. See Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. M. Vol. 1-date. Par., 1789- date. (Vol. 1-78 title reads Annales de Chimie.) Table gene- rale. Vol. 1-30. Par., 1801. Table g6nrale. Vol. 31-60. Par., 1807. Table g6ne>ale. Vol. 67-96. Par., 1821. Table genSrale. Vol. 1-30. Par., 1831. Table ge"n6rale. Vol. 31-60. Par., 1840. Table. Ser. 3. Vol. 1-30. Par., 1851. Table analytique des mati^res. Ser. 3. Vol. 31-69. 1851-1863. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 9 Par., 1866. Table analytique des matures. Ser. 4. 1864- 1873. Par.. 1874. -Tables. Ser. 5. Vol. 1-30. 1874-1883. Par., 1885. Annales de TElectricite. W. Vol. 1-3. Bruxelles, 1882-1884. Annales des Mines. M. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-date. 1795-date. Par., 1795-date. (1795-1815 title reads Journal des Mines.) Table alphabetique et analytique des matieres. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-28. 1795-1810. Par., 1813. Table alphabetique et analytique des matieres. Ser. 1-2, Vol. 39-59. 1816-1830. Par., 1831. Table alphabetique et analytique des matiSres. Ser. 3. Vol. 60-79. 1832-1841. Par., 1847. Table alphabetique et analy- tique des matiSres. Ser. 4, Vol. 80-99. 1842-1851. Par., 1852. Table alphabetique et analytique des matiSres. Ser. 5, Vol. 100-119. 1852-1861. Par., 1868. Table alphabetique et analytique des matieres. Ser. 6, Vol. 120-139. 1862-1871. Par., 1873. Table alphabetique et analytique des matieTes. Ser. 7, Vol. 140-159. 1872-1881. Par., 1882. Table alpha- betique et analytique des matiSres. Ser. 8, Vol. 160-179. 1882-1891. Par., 1893. Table alphabetique et analytique des matieres. Ser. 9, Vol. 180-199. 1892-1901. Par., 1904. Annales des Mines, partie administrative ou recueil de lois, d6- crets, arrdtes et autres actes. M. Ser. 5, Vol. 1-10; Ser. 6, Vol. 1-10; Ser. 7, Vol. 1-10; Ser. 8, Vol. 1-3, 6-10; Ser. 9, Vol. 1-9; Ser. 10, Vol. 1-date. Par., 1852-date. Annales des Mines de Belgique. Q. Vol. 8, pt. 4; Vol. 9-date. Bruxelles, 1903-date. Tables generales. Vol. 1-10. 1896-1905. Bruxelles, 1906. Annales des Ponts et Chaussees. Bi-M. Memoires et documents. Ser. 6, Vol. 17-18; Ser. 8, Vol. 31-35, 37-date. Par., 1889, 1908- date. Lois, de"crets, arretes. Ser. 6, Vol. 9; Ser. 8, Vol. 8, pt. 2-date. Par., 1889, 1908-date. Personnel. Par., 1889. Annales du Conservatoire Imperial des Arts et Metiers. Y. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-10; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-10; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-4. Par., 1861-1902. Annales Industrielles. W. Vol. 26. (2v. of text, Iv. plates.) Par., 1894. Annales Teiegraphiques. M. Ser. 1, 1855-1856; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-8; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-19, 21. Par., 1855-1856, 1858-1865, 1874-1892, 1894. (Publication suspended from 1866-1873 inclusive.) Table generale. 1855-1890. Par., 1891. Annals of Electricity, Magnetism and .Chemistry. Q. Vol. 1-10. 1836-1843. Lond., 1837-1843. Annals of Philosophy. Vol. 1-3, 1800-1802; Vol. 1-16, 1813-1820; new series, Vol. 1-12, 1821-1826. Lond., 1801-1804, 1813-1820, 1821-1826. Vol. 1-2 are second editions. (In 1827 combined with Philosophical Magazine and Journal and formed Philo- sophical Magazine.) Annee Scientifique et Industrielle. Y. Vol. 1, 19. 1857, 1875. Par., 1857, 1876. Annuaire par le Bureau des Longitudes. Y. 1833, 1838, 1879, 1897-date. Par., 1832, 1837, 1879, 1897-date. Anthracite Coal Operators' Association. M. February-April, Au- gust-December 1897; 1898-October 1901. N. Y., 1897-1901. Appleton's Mechanics' Magazine and Engineers' Journal. M. Vol. 1-3. 1851-1853. N. Y., 1852-1854. Arcana of Science and Art: or An Annual Register of Useful In- ventions. Y. Vol. 10. Lond., 1837. 10 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Architectural Record. M. Vol. 3-4, 23-date. N. Y., 1893-1895, 1908-date. Architekten- und Ingenieur- Verein zu Hannover. Zeitschrift ftir Architektur und Ingenieurwesen. Bi-M. New series 8, Vol. 49-date. Weisbaden, 1903-date. Alphabetisches Sachregister. New series, Vol. 1-8. 1855-1862. Hannover, 1864. Sechstes alphabetisches Inhalts-verzeichnis. Vol. 38-47. 1892-1901. Weisbaden, 1904. Archiv fur Eisenbahnwesen. Bi-M. Vol. 31-date. Ber., 1908- date. Archiv fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Hiittenkunde. Y. Vol. 1-26. Ber., 1829-1854. Archiv fur Post und Telegraphic. S-M. Vol. 37-date. Ber., 1909-date. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. M. Vol. 1-36; new series, Vol. 1-64; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-34; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-date. Par., 1846-1857, 1858-1878, 1878-1895, 1896-date. (Preceded by Bibliotheque Britannique and also Bibliotheque Univer- selle des Sciences.) Archives of the Roentgen Ray. M. Vol. 6-16. August 1901- May 1910. Lond., 1901-1910. Armour Engineer. S-M. Vol. 3-date. Chic., 1911-date. Artizan, a Monthly Record of the Progress of Civil and Mechan- ical Engineering. M. Vol. 1-29. Lond., 1843-1871. (Vol. 1-3 title reads Artizan, a Monthly Journal of the Operative Arts.) Asociaci6n de Ingenieros Industriales de Barcelona. Revista tecno!6gico industrial. Vol. 14. Barcelona, 1891. Asociacion de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Mexico. Anales. Irreg. Vol. 1-7, 9-date. Mex., 1886-date. Association des Inggnieurs Electriciens. Bui. Ser. 2, Vol. 11; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-date. Par., 1899-date. Association des Ingeni6urs sortis de 1'Ecole de Li6ge. Annuaire. Ser. 4, Vol. 1, no. 6; Vol. 2-3. Liege, 1882-1884. Bulletin. New series Vol. 1, nos. 5-6, 9-12; Vol. 2, nos. 1-8; Vol. 4, nos. 1-2; Vol. 7, nos. 3-12; Vol. 8, nos. 1-8; Voi: 9, nos. 1-12; Vol. 10, nos. 1-12; Vol. 11, nos. 1-6. Liege, 1877- 1887. Association des Ingenieurs sortis des Ecoles SpSciales de Gand. Annales. Vol. 16-20, new series Vol. 21-24, Ser. 3, Vol. 1-6, Ser. 4, Vol. 1, Ser. 5, Vol. 2-date. Gand, 1892-date. Association for International Conciliation. Documents. Irregr. 1-16, 18, 20-27, 29-date. N. Y., 1907-date. Monthly Bulletins. Irreg. April, July 1908-June 1909, August 1909-April 1910, June 1910-February 1911, April 1911- date. N. Y., 1908-date. Association Frangaise pour 1'Advancement des Sciences. Comp- tes-rendus de la session. Y. 1-36. Par., 1873-1908. Association of American Portland Cement Manufacturers. Bui. Irreg. Nos. 1-4, 7, 9-16, 18-date. Phil., n. d. Concrete Review. M. Vol. 2, nos. 9-12; Vol. 3, nos. 1-11; Vol. 4, nos. 1-2, 5-10. Phil., 1908-1909. Association of County Surveyors and Civil Engineers of the State of Indiana. See Indiana Engineering Society. Association of Edison Illuminating Companies. Minutes of the annual meeting. Vol. 1-17. 1885-1901. N. Y., 1887-1902. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 11 Association of Electric Lighting Engineers of New England. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1. Bost., 1903-1904. Association of Engineering Societies. Journal. M. Vol. 1-date. v. p., 1881-date* Association of Gas Engineers and Managers. Report of the pro- ceedings. Y. 1887-1897. Lond., 1888-1898. Association of Harvard Engineers. Harvard Engineering Jour- nal. Q. Vol. 1-date. Cambridge, 1902-date. (Vol. 1-6 known as the Journal of the Harvard Engineering Society.) Association of Harvard Engineers was organized in 1908. Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors. See Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engi- neers. Association of Railway Superintendents of Bridges and Build- ings. See American Railway Bridge and Building Association. Association of Railway Telegraph Superintendents. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. 7th-26th, 28th-date. Milwaukee, 1888-1907, 1909-date. Association of Vermont Engineers. Vermont Engineer. Y. Vol. 1. Burlington, Vt., 1909. Association Technique Maritime. Bulletin. Y. No. 10. Par., 1899. Associazione Elettrotecnica Italiana. Atti. Bi-M. Vol. 1-9, 11- date. Mil., 1898-1905, 1907-date. No index in Vol. 11. In- dice. Vol. 1-10. 1897-1906. Mil., 1908. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the meeting. 6th-7th. Sydney, 1895-1898. Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers. Proceedings. 1897- 1903; Vol. 1, nos. 1-5; Vol. 2, nos. 1-4; Vol. 3, nos. 1-3. Mel- bourne, 1897-1908. Years 1897-1903 have no volume number. Volume number begins with year 1904. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Sydney, 1894-date. Australian Mining and Engineering Review. M. Vol. 1-date. October 1908-date. Melbourne, 1908-date. Australian Mining Standard. W. Vol. 11, nos. 356-369, 371-372; Vol. 12, nos. 373-425; Vol. 13, nos. 426-428, 430-439, 442, 444- 459, 461, 463-467, 469-471, 473-475, 477; Vol. 14, nos. 478-489, 491, 493-496, 498-511, 513-514, 516-517, 519-529; Vol. 15, nos. 530-535, 537-544, 546-549, 551, 555-556, 558, 560-561, 563- 565, 568-580; Vol. 17, no. 607; Vol. 18, nos. 622-633; Vol. 19, nos. 634-636, 640-646, 648-659; Vol. 20, nos. 660, 663-679, 681- 685; Vol. 28, nos. 717-737; Vol. 29; Vol. 30, nos. 764-790; Vol. 31-date. Melbourne, 1895-1901, 1902-date. Automobile. W. Vol. 15-date. N. Y., 1906-date. Automotor and Horseless Vehicle Journal. See Automotor Journal. Automotor Journal. M. Vol. 2-date. October 1897-date. Lond., 1898-date. (Vol. 2-6 title reads Automotor and Horseless Vehicle Journal.) Berg-und Hiittenmannisches Jahrbuch. Q. Vol. 20-22, 27-29, 31- 37, 38, pts. 2-3; Vol. 39-40, pt. 3; Vol. 41-date. Wien, 1872- 1874, 1879-1881, 1883-1889, 1890-date. Berg-und Huttenmannische Zeitung. W. Vol. 22-43 ; Vol. 44, nos. 1-35, 37-52; Vol. 45-48; Vol. 49, nos. 1-13, 15-44, 46-50, 52; Vol. 50, nos. 1-7, 9-46, 50-52; Vol. 51, nos. 1-18, 20-52; Vol. 52, nos. 1-38, 40, 43; Vol. 53; Vol. 54, nos. 1, 5-24, 27-28, 31, 33-40, 12 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 42-52; Vol. 65, nos. 1-9, 11-52; Vol. 56-63. Freiberg, 1863- 1904. (In 1904 was incorporated with Gluckauf.) Bergbau. Bergtechnische Wochenschrift. W. Vol. 23-date. Gelsenkirchen, 1910-date. Bergrechtliche Blatter. See Oesterreichische Zeitschrift ftir Berg und Hiittenwesen. Beilage. Bergrechtliche Blatter. Bergwirtschaftliche Mitteilungen. See Zeitschrift fUr Praktische Geologic. Beiblatt. Berliner Elektricitats- Werke. Mittheilungen. M. Vol. 1-date. Ber., 1905-date. Beton und Eisen. M. Vol. 3-date. Ber., 1904-date. Bibliotheque Britannique: or, Recueil Extrait des Ouvrages Peri- odiques et Autres. Sciences et arts. Vol. 1-60. Geneve, 1796-1815. (Continued as Bibliotheque Universelle des Sci- ences. Sciences et arts.) Bibliotheque Universelle des (Sciences. Sciences et arts. Vol. 1- 30. Geneve, 1816-1825. (Preceded by Bibliotheque Britan- nique. Sciences et arts. Continued as Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles.) Black Diamond. W. Vol. 3-10; Vol. 11, nos. 1-10, 12-27; Vol. 12- 13; Vol. 14, nos. 1-12, 14-26; Vol. 15-16; Vol. 17, nos. 1-3, 5-26; Vol. 18-22; Vol. 23, nos. 2-26; Vol. 24; Vol. 25, nos. 1-14, 16-26; Vol. 26-29; Vol. 30, nos. 1-24, 26; Vol. 31-date. Chic., 1887- date. Boiler Maker. M. Vol. 8-date. N. Y., 1908-date. Boston Journal of Commerce. W. Vol. 23-62. Bost., 1883-1903. (Vol. 23 title reads Cotton, Wool and Iron and Boston Jour- nal of Commerce. Vol. 24-34 title reads Boston Journal of Commerce and Cotton, Wool and Iron. Vol. 54-62 title reads Boston Journal of Commerce and Textile Industries.) Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Monthly Bulletin. M. New series, nos. 1-17, 19-date. Bost., 1906-date. Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. September 1879-June 1881. Bost., 1881. Boston Society of Natural History. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 19-date. 1876-date. Bost., 1878-date. Brass World and Platers' Guide. M. Vol. 1-date. Bridgeport, Conn., 1905-date. Braunkohle. W. Vol. 8-date. April 1909-date. Halle, 1909-date. British Almanac of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Y. 1843, 1848, 1853, 1858, 1867, 1883. Lond., 1843-1883. (See also Companion to. the Almanac.) Companion to the Almanac or Year-book of General In- formation. Y. 1828-1868. Lond., 1840-1868. Complete in- dex to the Companion. 1828-1843. Lond., 1843. Year 1828 is ed. 4. See also British Almanac. British Annual and Epitome of the Progress of Science; ed. by R. D. Thomson. Y. 1837-1839. Lond., 1837-1838. British Architect. W. Vol. 41-46. Lond., 1894-1896. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the meeting. 1-8, 11-date. 1831-1838, 1841-date. Lond., 1831- 1837, 1841-date. Index to Reports and Transactions. 1831- 1860. Lond., 1864. British Association of Gas Managers. See Institution of Gas Engineers. British Columbia Mining Record. M. Vol. 1-2, 9-14. October 1895-1896, 1902-1907. Victoria, 1895-1896, 1902-1907. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 13 British Federated Society of Mining Students. See British So- ciety of Mining Students. British Foundrymen's Association. Proceedings. Biennial. Nos. 6-date. Lond., 1908-date. British Iron Trade Association. Annual Statistical Report. Y. 1884, 1886, 1888-1890, 1894, 1899, 1902-1905. Lond., 1885-1905. Bulletin. No. 20, 24-25. Lond., 1892-1893. British Refrigeration. M. Vol. 4. Lond., 1901. British Society of Mining Students. Journal. Vol. 27, no. 6; Vol. 1-2; Vol. 29, nos. 1-7. Birmingham, June 1905-June 1910. (From October 1907-June 1909 this Society combined with the Birmingham University of Mining Students and formed the British Federated Society of Mining Students. Under name of that Society two volumes were published. Begin- ning with August 1909 this Society was discontinued. The British Society of Mining Students was restored and their publication was a continuation from that last issued by that Society previous to the federation. Ceased publication with June 1910, Vol. 29, no. 7.) Brooklyn Engineers' Club. Proceedings. Y. 1897-date. Brook- lyn, N. Y., 1898-date. Bucks County Historical Society. Collection of papers read be- fore the Society. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Riegelsville, Pa., 1909- date. Builder. W. Vol. 17-18. Lond., 1859-1860. Building News and Engineering Journal. W. Vol. 68-71. Lond., 1895-1896. Bulletin des Usines Electriques. Vol. 1-7. Par., 1896-1907. Bulletin Technique de la Suisse Romande. S-M. Vol. 34-date. Lausanne, 1908-date. Bullettino Telegrafico. M. Vol. 15, 17-21. Roma, 1879, 1881-1885. California Academy of Sciences. Bulletin. Vol. 1-2 (no. 1-8). San Francisco, Cal., 1884-1887. Occasional papers. Vol. 1, 3-6. San Francisco, Cal., 1890, 1893-1899. Proceedings. Vol. 2; Vol. 3, pt. 3; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-6; Ser. 3, Vol. 1, nos. 1-3, 5-10; Vol. 2, nos. 1-2; Ser. 4, Vol. 1, 3. San Francisco, Cal., 1858-1862, 1866, 1888-1896, 1897-1904, 1907- 1908. California Miners' Association. Annual convention. 3d, 5th, 7th- 15th. 1894, 1896, 1898-1906. San Francisco, Cal., 1894, 1897, 1899-1906. California University. Geology Department. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Berkeley, 1893-date. Canadian Electrical Association. Proceedings of the convention. Y. 5th, 10th, 12th-16th, 19th-date. Toronto, 1895, 1900, 1902- 1906, 1909-date. Canadian Electrical News and Engineering Journal. M. Vol. 3- date. Toronto, 1893-date. (Vol. 3-9 title reads Canadian Electrical News and Steam Engineering Journal.) Canadian Engineer. M. Vol. 8-date. May 1900-date. Toronto, 1900-date. Canadian Gas Association. Proceedings. Y. 3d-date. Hamilton, 1910-date. Canadian Institute. Annual report. Y. 1886-1894. Toronto, 1888-1894. 14 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Proceedings. Irreg. Ser. 3, Vol. 3, 5-7; new series, Vol. 1, pt. 1-2, 4-6; Vol. 2, pts. 1-6. 1885, 1886-1889, 1897-1904. To- ronto, 1885-1904. (Continuation of the Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and History. In 1890 title changed to Transactions. In 1897 Institute began again the publication of Proceedings, together with the Transactions.) Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. 1889-date. Toronto, 1891-date. Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art. M. New series Vol. 1-15. Toronto, 1856-1878. (Vol. 12-15 title reads Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and History. In 1879 title changed to Canadian Institute Proceedings.) Canadian Machinery and Manufacturing News. M. Vol. 5-date. Toronto, 1909-date. Canadian Magazine of Science and the Industrial Arts. M. Vol. 1-19. Montreal, 1873-1891. (Vol. 1-6 title reads Canadian Patent Office Record and Mechanics' Magazine. Vol. 7-10 title reads Scientific Canadian Mechanics' Magazine and Patent Office Record.) Canadian Manufacturer. W. Vol. 34-date. Toronto, 1897 -date. (1897-August 1908 title reads Canadian Manufacturer and Industrial World. In September 1908 title changed to Can- adian Manufacturer, together with a change from semi- monthly to weekly publication. The weekly edition is divid- ed into editions, namely: Office edition, Construction edition, Power edition, Machinery and Supplies edition.) Canadian Manufacturer and Industrial World. See Canadian Manufacturer. Canadian Mining Institute. Journal. T. Vol. 1-date. Ottawa, 1896-date. Index. 1891-1903. t. p. w. (1896-1898 known as the Federated Canadian Mining Institute. The federation consisted of the Mining Society of Nova Scotia, the General Mining Association of Quebec, and the Ontario Mining Insti- tute.) Quarterly Bulletin. Q. No. 5-date. Montreal, 1909-date. Canadian Mining Journal. M. Vol. 28-date. Ottawa, 1907-date. (Incorporated with and took the volume number of the Can- adian Mining Review since March 1907). Canadian Mining Review. M. Vol. 8-16; Vol. 17, nos. 1-3, 5-12; Vol. 18-27. Ottawa, 1889-1907. (Incorporated with and con- tinued as Canadian Mining Journal since March 1907.) Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. Irreg. Vol. 1-7, new series Vol. 1-3, 5. Montreal, 1856-1862, 1864-1868, 1870. Years 1856-1868 published bi-monthly. Year 1870 published quar- terly. Contains Proceedings of Natural History Society of Montreal. Canadian Patent Office Record and Mechanics' Magazine. See Canadian Magazine of Science and the Industrial Arts. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Report of the annual meet- ing. Y. 1892-1896, 1898-1908, 1910-date. Montreal, 1892- date. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Montreal, 1887-date. Canal Record. W. Vol. 1-date. September 1907-date. Ancon, Canal Zone, 1907-date. Campagnie Internationale des Telephones. Bulletin. W. Vol. 1, nos. 1-5, 7-66; Vol. 2, nos. 2-52. Par., 1882-1884. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 15 Carnegie Institution of Washington. Yearbook. Y. No. 1-6. Wash., 1902-1907. Cassier's Magazine. M. Vol. 1-date. November 1891-date. N. Y., 1891-date. Castings. M. Vol. 1-date. October 1907-date. Cleveland, 1907- date. Cement Age. M. Vol. 2-date. June 1905-date. N. Y., 1905-date. (Concrete Engineering combined with this magazine Janu- ary 1911. Cement and Engineering News. M. Vol. 22, nos. 1, 3-12; Vol. 23- date. Chic., 1910-date. Central Station. M. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1901-date. Centralblatt fur Accumulatoren- Elementen- und Accumobilen- Kunde. See Centralblatt fur Accumulatoren- und Galvano- technik. Centralblatt fiir Accumulatoren- Technik. See Centralblatt fur Accumulatoren- und Galvanotechnik. Centralblatt fur Accumulatoren- und Galvanotechnik. S-M. Vol. 3-9. Ber., 1902-1908. (Vol. 3-4 title reads Centralblatt fiir Accumulatoren- Elementen- und Accumobilen-Kunde. Vol. 5-8 title reads Centralblatt fiir Accumulatoren- Technik.) Centralblatt fiir Elektrotechnik. M. Vol. 5-7. Mun., 1883-1885. (Continuation of Zeitschrift fiir Angewandte Elektricitats- lehre. In 1890 incorporated with Elektrotechnische Zeit- schrift.) Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaontologie. S-M. 1900-1906, 1908-date. Stut., 1900-date. Repertorium zum Neuen Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaonto- logie 1905-1909, das Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie 1905-1909 und die Beilage-Bande 21-28. Stut., 1911. Chemical Abstracts. See American Chemical Society. Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa. Journal. See Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa. Journal. Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa. Proceed- ings. Irreg. Vol. 1-4. May 1894-1904. Johannesburg, 1894- 1904. Chemical Engineer. M. Vol. 5-date. November 1906-date. Chic., 1906-date. Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa. Journal. M. Vol. 1-date. February 1898-date. Johannes- burg, 1898-date. (February 1898-February 1903 title reads Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa. No publication issued from October 1899 and May 1902.) Chemical News and Journal of Physical .Science. W. Vol. 1-83, 89-date. Lond., 1859-1901, 1904-date. Vol. 77-80, 82 pages cut and missing. Chemical Society of London. Journal. M. Vol. 27-date. Lond., 1874-date. Index of Journal Vol. 1-25, 1848-1872, and to the Memoirs and Proceedings, 1841-1847. Lond., 1874. Collec- tive index of the Transactions and Abstracts. 1873-1882. Lond., n. d. Collective index of the Transactions, Proceed- ings and Abstracts. 1883-1892. Lond., n. d. Collective in- dex of the Transactions, Proceedings and Abstracts. 1893- 1902. 2v. Lond., n. d. 16 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Chemiker- Zeitung. S-W. Vol. 11, 13-date. Cdthen, 1887. 1889- date. Supplement see Chemisch-Technisches Repertorium. Chemisch- Technisches Repertorium. S-W. Vol. 13-date. Cothen, 1889-date. Supplement to Chemiker- Zeitung. Vol. 13-23, 25 bound with Vol. 13-23, 25 of Chemiker- Zeitung. (Vol. 13- 31 title reads Chemisches Repertorium.) General-Register. Vol. 6-10. 1867-1871. Ber., 1873. General-Register. Vol. 11- 15. 1872-1876. Ber., 1879. General-Register. Vol. 16-20. 1877-1881. Ber., 1883. General-Register. Vol. 21-25. 1882- 1886. Ber., 1889. General-Register. Vol. 26-30. 1887-1891. Ber., 1893. General-Register. Vol. 31-35. 1892-1896. Ber., 1898. Chemisches Central-Blatt. General-Register. 5 Folge. 1897- 1901. Ber., 1902. Chesterfield and Derbyshire Institute of Mining, Civil and Me- chanical Engineers. Transactions. Vol. 3, pt. 2; Vol. 6-14. Lond., 1875, 1878-1885. Chicago Journal of Commerce. W. Vol. 44-59,, 61-71. Chic., 1884-1897. City. W. 1883-August 1884. Lond., 1883-1884. Civil Engineer and Architects' Journal. M. Vol. 1-22, 27-28. Lond., 1837-1859, 1864-1865. Civilingenieur. Q. Vol. 1; new series Vol. 1, pt. 1; Vol. 2, pt. 1; Vol. 8, 14; new series Vol. 24, 26-33. Freiberg-Lpz., 1848, 1853-1854, 1862, 1868, 1878, 1880-1887. (Year 1848 title reads Der Ingenieur.) Clay-worker. M. Vol. 49-date. Indianapolis, Ind., 1908-date. Club de Engenharia. Revista. M. Vol. 1, nos. 1-8, 12; Vol. 2, nos. 8-9, 11-12; Vol. 3, no. 3. Rio de Janeiro, 1887-1889. Coal. W. Vol. 1-2. N. Y., 1882-1883. Coal and Coke. S-M. Vol. 17-date. Baltimore, 1910-date. Coal Mining Institute of America. Proceedings. Y. 1907-date. Pittsburg, 1907-date. Coal Trade Journal. W. Vol. 18-45, 47-date. N. Y., 1879-1906, 1908-date. Vol. 42, pt. 2 lacks index. Cold. M. Vol. 1-date. November 1909-date. Watertown, N. Y. f 1909-date. Cold Storage. M. Vol. 7-10. N. Y., 1902-1903. (With June 1904 consolidated with Ice Trade Journal and continued as Cold Storage and Ice Trade Journal, taking the volume number of Cold Storage.) Cold Storage and Ice Association. Proceedings. S-A. Vol. 3- date. Lond., 1902-date. Cold Storage and Ice Trade Journal. M. Vol. 1 1-date. N. Y., 1904-date. (Formed by the consolidation of Ice Trade Jour- nal and Cold Storage in June 1904. In October 1907 took volume number of Ice Trade Journal, which was Vol. 34.) Cold Storage and Ice Trade Review. M. Vol. 9-date. Lond., 1906-date. Collection Academique, composed des mfimoires, actes, ou Jour- naux des plus ceiSbres academies et societ6s litteraires, etrangres, des extraits des meilleurs ouvrages periodiques, des traites, particuliers, et des pieces fugitives les plus rares concernant 1'histoire naturelle et la botanique, la physique experimentalle et la chymie, la medicine et 1'anatomie. Vol. 1-9. Partle etrangere. Dijon-Par., 1755-1770. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 17 Colliery Engineer. See Mines and Minerals. Colliery Engineer and Metal Miner. See Mines and Minerals. Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades. W. Vol. 38-date. Lond., 1879-date. Colorado College. Colorado College studies. Irreg. Vol. 7-10. 1898-1899, 1901, 1903. Colorado Springs, 1898-1903. Colorado Scientific Society. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 2-date. Denver, Colo., 1885-date. Colorado State School of Mines. Bulletin. S-A. Vol. 1-date. Golden, Colo., 1900-date. Columbia Engineer. See Columbia University. Engineering So- ciety. Columbia University. Engineering Society. Columbia Engineer, being Transactions of the Society. 1898-1899, 1906-1908. N. Y., 1899, 1906-1908. Columbia University. School of Mines. Engineering Society. Yearbook. Y. 1893-1894. N. Y., 1894. Columbia University Quarterly. Q. Vol. 10-date. N. Y., 1907- date. CornitS des Forges de France. Annuaire. Y. 1904-date. Par., 1904-date. Bulletin. 1884-1888, 1890-date. Par., 1884-date. Compass. M. Vol. 1-3. N. Y., 1891-1894. Compressed Air. See Compressed Air Magazine. Compressed Air Magazine. M. Vol. 1-date. March 1896-date. N. Y., 1896-date. (March 1896-September 1908 title reads Compressed Air.) Concerning Municipal Ownership. M. Vol. 1-5, no. 3-date. N. Y., 1906-date. Concrete Engineering. M. Vol. 1-5. Cleveland, 1907-1910. (Com- bined with Cement Age January 1911.) Concrete Institute. Transactions and notes. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1909-date. Concrete Review. See Association of American Portland Cement Manufacturers. Concrete Review. Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers. Papers and Transactions and Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. 26th. New Haven, 1910. Conservation. See American Forestry. Construction Moderne. W. Ser. 1, Vol. 9-10; Ser. 2, Vol. 1. Par., 1893-1896. Copper and Brass. M. Vol. 1, nos. 1-4. March-June 1907. De- troit, Mich., 1907. (Incorporated with Metal Industry in August 1907.) Cordage Trade Journal. S-M. Vol. 5-13, 37-date. N. Y., 1892- 1896, 1908-date. Cornell Civil Engineer. See Cornell University. Association of Civil Engineers. Cornell University. Association of Civil Engineers. Cornell Civil Engineer. M. Vol. 1-5, 7-date. Ithaca, N. Y., 1893- 1897, 1899-date. (Vol. 1-14 title reads Transactions.) Crank. 9 numbers yearly. Vol. 6, nos. 5-9. Ithaca, N. Y., 1892. (Continued as Sibley Journal of Engineering.) Daguerreian Journal. S-M. Vol. 1. N. Y., 1850-1851. Deutsch-Oesterreichischer Telegraphen Verein. Zeitschrift. M. Vol. 1-5, 9-13. Ber., 1854-1858, 1862-1866. 18 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte. M. Vol. 7-date. Ber., 1874-date. (From 1884-1896 issued in two sections: the Berichte and the Referate. The Referate combined with Chemisches Zentralblatt in 1897.) Generalregister. 1868- 1877. Ber., 1880. Generalregister. 1878-1887. 2v. Ber., 1888. Generalregister. Vol. 21-29. 1888-1896. 3v. Ber., 1898 Deutsche Mechaniker- Zeitung. S-M. 1909-date. Ber., 1909- date. Beiblatt zur Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenkunde. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. Literaturverzeichniss. S-M. Vol. 8-date. Brns., 1909-date. Verhandlungen. S-M. Vol. 1-7, 11-date. Ber., 1878-1879, 1881-1883, 1909-date. (Vol. 1-7 appeared with Fortschritte der Physik Vol. 34-35, 37-39 (1878-1879, 1881-1883) and not published separately. Year 1892 appeared in Annalen der Physik, Vol. 45 (1892). Vol. 1-7 title reads Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin.) Deutsche Topfer- und Ziegler-Zeitung. S-W. Vol. 40-date. Ber., 1909-date. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Luftschiffahrt. S-M. Vol. 13-date. Ber., 1909-date. Deutsche Zuckerindustrie. W. Vol. 34-date. Ber., 1909-date. Deutscher Geologische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Vol. 1-24. Ber., 1849-1872. Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmannern. Verhand- lungen. Y. Vol. 29-41, 43-47. 1889-1901, 1903-1907. Mun., 1889-1907. Didaskalia, Blatter fur Geist, Gemuth und Publicitat. Daily. 1854, 1862. n. p., 1854, 1862. Contains articles on electricity, telegraphy and telephony. Digest of Physical Tests and Laboratory Practice. Q. Vol. 1, nos. 1-3; Vol. 3, no. 1. Phil., 1896, 1898. Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal. W. Vol. 1-date. Stut., 1820- date. (Vol. 1-211 title reads Polytechnisches Journal.) Real index. Vol. 1-78. 1820-1840. Stut., 1843. Real index. Vol. 79-118. 1841-1850. Stut., 1853. Real index. Vol. 119-158. 1851-1860. Stut., 1861. Real index. Vol. 169-198. 1861-1870. Stut., 1871. Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. Q. Vol. 1-3. Dub., 1861- 1863. L'Eclairage Electrique. W. Vol. 1-53. September 1894-Decem- ber 1907. Par., 1894-1907. (Known as La Lumifcre Elec- trique from April 1879-August 1894 and 1908-date.) Ecole d'Application du Genie Maritime. [Papers.] 1884-1889. Par., 1884-1889. Economic Geology. S-Q. Vol. 1-date. Lancaster, Pa., 1906-date. (Formed by consolidation of American Geologist in January 1906.) Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 2, 5- date. Edin., 1874, 1888-date. Edinburgh Journal of Science. Q. Old series Vol. 1-10; new series Vol. 1-6. Lond., 1824-1832. (In 1832 united with Phil- osophical Magazine and formed the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine.) Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. Q. Vol. 1-14; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-57; new series, Vol. 1-12. Edin., 1819-1860. (Vol. 1-14 title PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 19 reads Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. Incorporated with Quarterly Journal of Science.) Edinburgh Review. Q. Vol. 90, 149. Edin., 1849, 1879. Eisenbau. M. Vol. 1-date. Lpz., 1910-date. Eisen-Zeitung. W. Vol. 25-date. Ber., 1904-date. Electric Age. See Electrical Age. Electric Club, New York. Papers read before the Club. Nos. 4, 9-10, 12, 14-18, 20-27. N. Y., 1887-1891. This Club was in existence from May 1886-June 1894. Papers were also pub- lished in Electrical Review, N. Y. Electrical Club Journal. See Electric Journal. Electric Journal. S-M. Vol. 1-2. Chic., 1895-1897. Electric Journal. M. Vol. 1-date. 1904-date. Pittsburg, Pa., 1904-date. Topical index. Vol. 1-7. 1904-1910. Pittsburg, n. d. Topical index. Vol. 1-8. 1904-1911. Pittsburg, n. d. (February 1904-May 1905 title reads Electric Club Journal.) Electric Light. See Electrical Engineer. Electric Patents Weekly. W. Nos. 1-8, 14. Wash., 1889. Electric Power. M. Vol. 1-9. 1889-June 1896. N. Y., 1889-1896. No more published. Electric Railway Gazette. W. Vol. 13-14. N. Y., July 1895- June 1896. (Continuation of Street Railway Gazette.) Electric Railway Journal. W. Vol. 32-date. June 1908-date. N. Y., 1908-date. (Formed by the consolidation of Street Railway Journal and Electric Railway Review.) Electric Railway Review. M. Vol. 16-19. July 1906-May 1908. Chic., 1906-1908. (Formerly known as Street Railway Re- view. Title changed July 1906. Consolidated with Street Railway Journal in June 1908 and formed Electric Railway Journal.) Electric Telegraph and Railway Review. W. Vol. 1-2. Lond., 1870. (Vol. 1, nos. 1-5 title reads Electric Telegraph Review.) Electric Telegraph Review. See Electric Telegraph and Railway Review. Electric Traction Weekly. W. Vol. 3, nos. 1, 4-5, 11, 13-14, 16, 18-52; Vol. 4-date. Cleveland, O., 1907-date. (Vol. 1-2 known as Interurban Railway Journal.) Electric Trunk Line Age. M. Nos. 1-38. October 1907-Noyem- ber 1910. N. Y., 1907-1910. (Consolidated with Railway Electrical Engineer in January 1911.) Electrical Age. W. Vol. 5, no. 24; Vol. 6-7, 9-11, 13-14, 15, nos. 1, 3-6, 9-13, 15-26; Vol. 16-22; Vol. 23, nos. 1-20, 24-26; Vol. 24, nos. 1-14, 16-22, 25; Vol. 25, nos. 2-4, 6-12, 14-17, 19, 21, 23, 25-26; Vol. 26, nos. 1-25; Vol. 27, nos. 1-4, 6-9, 11-13, 16-17, 20-26; Vol. 28, nos. 1-16, 18-26; Vol. 29, nos. 1-2, 4-26; Voi. 30- 41, no. 5. N. Y., 1889, 1893, 1894-June 1910. (Vol. 6-7 title reads Electric Age. Discontinued June 1910 and combined with Southern Electrian January 1911, retaining the volume number of Electrical Age.) Electrical Engineer. W. Old series Vol. 1-6, May 1882-1887; new series Vol. 1-date. 1888-date. Lond., 1882-date. (Vol. 1 title reads Electric Light. Known as Electrical Engineer since May 1883.) Electrical Engineer. (N. Y.) Vol. 1-27. N. Y., 1882-1899. (Vol. 1-2 title reads Electrician. Vol. 3-6 title reads Electrician and Electrical Engineer. Vol. 7-27 title reads Electrical En- ,20 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY gineer. In March 1899 consolidated with Electrical World under the title of Electrical World and Engineer.) Electrical Engineering. W. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1907-date. Electrical Engineering (Chicago). See Telephone Magazine. Electrical Engineering and Telephone Magazine. See Telephone Magazine. Electrical Industries. M. Vol. 1-7. 1890-1896. Chic., 1890-1896. Weekly World's Fair supplement. Vol. 1. June 15-Novem- ber 2, 1893. Chic., 1893. (Incorporated with American Elec- trician in May 1896.) Electrical Magazine. Q. Vol. 1-2. 1843-1846. Lond., 1845-1846. Electrical Magazine. M. Vol. 1-4, 6-7, 9-date. Lond., 1904-date. Electrical News and Telegraphic Reporter. W. Vol. 1. Lond., 1875. Electrical Power. M. Vol. 1-3. February 1903-December 1905. Lond., 1903-1905. Electrical Record. M. Vol. 1, nos. 1, 3-6; Vol. 2, nos. 1-6; Vol. 3, no. 1; Vol. 4, no. 2-date. N. Y., 1907-date. Electrical Review. W. Vol. 1-date. November 1872-date. Lond., 1872-date. (Vol. 1-29 title reads Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review.) Electrical Review and Western Electrician. W. Vol. 1-date. February 1882-date. N. Y., 1882-date. (Vol. 1 title reads Review of the Telegraph and Telephone. Vol. 2-52 title reads Electrical Review. In November 1908 Western Electrician combined with Electrical Review and formed Electrical Re- view and Western Electrician.) Electrical Times. W. Vol. 21-date. Lond., 1902-date. (Vol. 1-18 title reads Lightning. Vol. 19-20 title reads Lightning, the Electrical Times.) Electrical. World. W. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1883-date. Index. Vol. 1-28. 1883-1896. N. Y., 1897. Index. Vol. 29-52. 1897- 1908. N. Y., 1897-1908. (Continuation of the Operator. In March 1899 Electrical Engineer consolidated with Electrical World under the title of Electrical World and Engineer. In January 1906 American Electrician consolidated with Elec- trical World and Engineer under the title of Electrical World.) Electrical World and Engineer. See Electrical World. Electrician, a Weekly Journal of Telegraph, Electricity, and Ap- plied Chemistry. W. Vol. 1-5. Lond., 1862-1864. (Discon- tinued in May 1864.) Electrician. W. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1878-date. Electrician and Electrical Engineer. See Electrical Engineer (N. Y.) Electrician (N. Y.). See Electrical Engineer (N. Y.). Electricien, Revue Internationale de 1'Electricite. W. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-9; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-date. Par., 1881-1885, 1891-date. (In January 1891 Revue Internationale de I'Electricitfe was in- corporated with Electricien. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-9 title reads Elec- tricien Revue G6n6rale d'Electricite.) Electricite, Revue Scientiflque. Irreg. Vol. 1-6, 8. Par., 1876- 1884. Electricity. W. Vol. 1-30. N. Y., 1891-1906. (Ceased publica- tion April 4, 1906.) PERIODICAL SETS IHJT LIBRARY 21 Electricity. W. Vol. 1-5, 7-9, 15-date. Lond., 1890-1893, 1894- 1895, 1901-date. (Vol. 1-21 title reads Electricity and Elec- trical Engineering.) Electricity. (In Russian.) M. Vol. 1-4. St. Petersburg, 1880- 1883. Electricity and Electrical Engineering. See Electricity. Electro, Revue Internationale de 1'Electricite. M. Vol. 3-date. Bruxelles, 1904-date. Electrochemical and Metallurgical Industry. M. Vol. 1-7. N. Y., 1902-1907. (Vol. 1-2 title reads Electrochemical Industry. In 1906 Iron and Steel Magazine was incorporated with Elec- trochemical and Metallurgical Industry. In January 1910 title changed to Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering.) Electrochimie. M. Vol. 3-6, 9-11. Par., 1897-1900, 1903-1905. (Continued as Revue de TElectrochimie et de 1'Electrometal- lurgie.) Electrocraft. M. Vol. 3-7. Detroit, Mich., 1907-1911. (Incor- porated with Electrical Review and Western Electrician Jan- uary 1912.) Electro-metallurgist and lElectric Light Journal. M. Vol. 1, nos. 1-6. January-June 1880. Lond., 1880. In Wheeler pamph- lets, Vol. 113:6. Electro-techniker. S-M. Vol. 1-4. Wien, 1882-1886. Organ fur angewandte Electricitat. Elektrische Bahnen. See Elektrische Kraft-Betriebe und Bahnen. Elektrische Bahnen und Betrieb. See Elektrische Kraft-Betriebe und Bahnen. Elektrische Kraft-Betriebe und Bahnen. Tri-M. Vol. 1-date. Mun., 1903-date. (Vol. 1-2 title reads Elektrische Bahnen. Vol. 1 published bi-monthly. Vol. 2 published semi-monthly. Vol. 3-4 title reads Elekstrische Bahnen und Betriebe.) Elektrotechnischer Verein in Wien. See Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau. Electro-chemist and Metallurgist & Metallurgical Review. M. Vol. 1-4, pt. 2. Westminster, 1901-1904. (Vol. 1, nos. 1-3* title reads Electro-chemist & Metallurgist. 1902 changed to bi-monthly publication. Vol. 3-4 Organ of the Faraday So- ciety. Discontinued December 1904.) Elektrochemische Zeitschift. M. Vol. 9-date. April 1902-date. Ber., 1902-date. Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau. W. Vol. 1-4, 6-date. Wien, 1883-1886, 1888-date. (Continuation of Zeitschrift fur Elek- trotechnik. Vol. 1-23 title reads Zeitschrift fur Electro- technik.) Electrotechnische Zeitschrift. W. Vol. 1-6; Vol. 7, nos. 1-4, 6-12; Vol. 8-18; Vol. 19, nos. 1-47, 49-52; Vol. 20-date. Ber., 1880- date. (In 1890 Centralblatt fur Elektrotechnik was incor- porated with Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift.) Elektrotechnischer Anzeiger. S-W. Vol. 12, nos. 11-103; Vol. 13, nos. 1-104; Vol. 14, nos. 1-93, 95-105; Vol. 15, nos. 1-42, 44-45, 57-58, 60-83, 85-105; Vol. 16, nos. 1-30, 32-102; Vol. 17, nos. 1-44, 46-54, 56-75, 77-93, 95-105; Vol. 18-24, 26-date. Ber., 1895-1907, 1909-date. Elektroteknisk Tidsskrift. Tri-M. Vol. 17, 19-date. Kristiana, 1904, 1906-date. Elettricista. S-M. Vol. 1-8, 10-date. Roma, 1892-1899, 1901- date. 22 . PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY L'Elettricista. Aevista mensuale diretta da Lamberto Cappanera. See Natura. Elettricita. W. Vol. 8-10, 13-17, 21-date. Milano, 1889-1891, 1894-1898, 1902-date. Engineer (Chicago). S-M. Vol. 5-45. N. Y.-Chic., 1883-April 1908. (Years 1883-1887 (Vol. 5-14) title reads Mechanical Engineer. In May 1908 incorporated with Power and con- tinued as Power and the Engineer. Scientific Machinist was incorporated with Engineer in September 1898. Steam En- gineering was incorporated with Power, date unknown.) Engineer (London). W. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1856-date. Engineer and Machinist and Engineering and Scientific Review. M. Vol. 1-2. Lond., 1850-1851. Engineer and Surveyor. See Engineering News. Engineering. W. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1866-date. Engineering-Contracting. See Engineering & Contracting. Engineering and American Contract Journal. See Engineering News. Engineering & Building Record and the Sanitary Engineer. See Engineering Record. Engineering & Contracting. W. Vol. 25-date. N. Y.-Chic., 1906- date. (January 1906 Roadmaster and Foreman incorporated with Engineering-Contracting under title of Engineering- Contracting and Roadmaster and Foreman. Volume number was 21. In May 1906 Contract News was incorporated with Engineering-Contracting, changing from monthly to weekly publication, and retaining the volume number of Contract News. In July 1907 Engineering World was incorporated with Engineering-Contracting. 1906-May 1911 title reads Engineering-Contracting.) Engineering and Mining Journal. W. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1866- date. (Vol. 1-7 title reads American Journal of Mining. Mining Magazine was incorporated with Engineering and Mining Journal in August 1906.) Engineering Association of New South Wales. Minutes of pro- ceedings. Y. Vol. 1-date. Sydney, 1886-date. Engineering Association of the South. Proceedings. Q. Vol. 6- 7; Vol. 9, nos. 3, 5-6; Vol. 11-19; Vol. 20, nos. 2-3; Vol. 21- date. Nashville, 1894, 1896, 1898, 1900-date. (Vol. 6-7 title reads Papers read before the Engineering Association, etc.). Transactions. Y. Vol. 6-7, 9-11, 13-16. Nashville, 1894, 1896, 1898-1900, 1902-1905. Engineering Digest. M. Vol. 1-6. N. Y., 1907-1909. (Vol. 1-2 reads Technical Literature. Combined with Industrial En- gineering in January 1910 and formed Industrial Engineer- ing and the Engineering Digest.) Engineering Magazine. M. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1892-date. Engineering Mechanics. W. Vol. 1-6, 8-16, 18-19. N. Y., 1882- 1894, 1896-1897. (Vol. 1-13 title reads Mechanics.) Engineering News. W. Vol. 1-date. Chic.-N. Y., 1874-date. (Vol. 1-2 title reads Engineer and Surveyor. Vol. 3-8, 49- date title reads Engineering: News. Vol. 9-18 title reads Engineering News and American Contract Journal. Vol. 19-48 title reads Engineering News and American Railway Journal.) General index. 1874-1890. N. Y., 1891. (2 cop.) Index. 1890-1899. N. Y., 1900. (2 cop.) Index. 1900-1904. N. Y., 1905. Index. 1905-1909. N. Y., 1910. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 23 Engineering News and American Railway Journa). See Engineer- ing News. Engineering Press Monthly Index Review. See Revue de 1'Inge- nieur et Index Technique. Engineering Record. W. Vol. 3-16, 19-date. N. Y., 1880-1887, 1888-date. (Vol. 3 title reads Plumber and Sanitary Engi- neer. Vol. 4-13 title reads Sanitary Engineer. Vol. 14-16, no. 18, title reads Sanitary Engineer and Construction Rec- ord. Vol. 16, no. 19-Vol. 21 title reads Engineering & Build- ing Record and the Sanitary Engineer.) Vol. 1-2, no. 6, pub- lished monthly. Vol. 2, no. 7-Vol. 4, published semi-monthly. Engineering Review. M. Vol. 5-date. N. Y., 1895-date. (Vol. 5-10 title reads Heating and Ventilation. Vol. 11 Heating and Ventilation consolidated with the Sanitary Plumber, forming Engineering Review. The volume number of Heating and Ventilation is retained.) Engineering Review. M. Vol. 2-date. Lond., 1900-date. (Vol. 2-9 title reads Peilden's Magazine.) Engineering Review, published by the Engineering Societies of 'Purdue University. Y. No. 1-2. Lafayette, Ind., 1905-1906. Engineering Society of Columbia University. See Columbia Uni- versity. Engineering Society. Engineering Society of Wisconsin. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. 3d. 1911. Madison, n. d. Engineers' and Power Users' Magazine. M. Vol. 1-8. Bost., 1895-1898. (Vol. 1-5 title reads Lord's Power and Machinery Magazine and Builders' Handbook. Vol. 6 title changed to Engineers' and Power Users' Magazine, which was formed by incorporating Safety Valve and Stationary Engineer with Lord's Power Magazine.) Engineers Club of Central Pennsylvania. See Engineers Society of Pennsylvania. Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Proceedings. Q. Vol. 1-date. Phil., 1880-date. Engineers' Journal and Railway and Public Works Chronicle of India and the Colonies. S-M. Vol. 1. Calcutta, 1858. Engineers' Society of Pennsylvania. Journal. M. Vol. 1-date. n. p., 1909-date. (Vol. 1, nos. 1-4 name of Society reads En- gineers Club of Central Pennsylvania.) Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania. Proceedings. 10 nos. yearly. Vol. 1-date. Pittsburg, 1880-date. Index. Voll 1-20. 1880-1904. Pittsburg, 1906. English Mechanic and World of Science. W. Vol. 1-58, 60-64, 67-70, 72-date. Lond., 1865-date. (Vol. 1 title reads English Mechanic. Vol. 2-10 title reads English Mechanic and Mirror of Science and Art. Vol. 11 title reads English Mechanic and Mirror of Science. Vol. 12 title reads English Mechanic World of Science.) Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto. Annaes. Y. Nos. 1-5, 7-13. 1881-1885, 1902, 1905-1911. Ouro Preto, 1881-1911. No. 1 is edition 2. Have also edition 2 of no. 2. Factory. M. Vol. 1, nos. 3-6; Vol. 2, nos. 1-4; Vol. 3, nos. 1-2; Vol. 4, nos. 1, 3-6; Vol. 5-date. Chic., 1908-date. Faraday Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1905-date. Federated Canadian Mining Institute. See Canadian Mining In- stitute. 24 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Federated Institution of Mining Engineers. See Institution of Mining Engineers. Feilden's Magazine. See Engineering Review. Fer et Acier. M. Vol. 1-date. Bruxelles, 1905-date. Field Columbian Museum. See Field Museum of Natural History. Field Museum of Natural History. Publication. Geological series. Irreg. Vol. 1, nos. 1-11; Vol. 2, nos. 1-10; Vol. 3, nos. 1-date. Chic., 1895-date. (1894-1908 known as the Field Columbian Museum.) Publication. Report series. Y. Vol. 1, nos. 1-6; Vol. 2, nos. 1-5; Vol. 3, nos. 1-4; Vol. 4-date. Chic., 1894-1907, 1909- date. (1894-1908 known as the Field Columbian Museum.) Financial and Mining Record. W. Vol. 13-20; Vol. 21, nos. 1-24; Vol. 22, nos. 1-10, 12-27; Vol. 23-29; Vol. 30, *ios. 1-26; Vol. 31, nos. 1-20. N. Y., 1883-1892. (Years 1883-April 1885 title reads Mining Record.) Fire and Water. See Fire and Water Engineering. Fire and Water Engineering. W. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1386-date. (Continuation of Fireman's Journal. Fireman's Journal was incorporated with Fire and Water in November 1886. Vol. 1- 32 title reads Fire and Water.) Forest Leaves*. Bi-M. Vol. 3, no. 9, 11; Vol. 4, nos. 1-6, 10-12; Vol. 5, no. 1-Vol. 6, no. 11; Vol. 7, no. 2-Vol. 8, No. 5, 7-8, 11- 12; Vol. 9, no. 2-3, 5-9, 11; Vol. 10, no. 1-12; Vol. H, no. 2, 5-9, 11; Vol. 12, no. 2, 4, 10; Vol. 13, no. 1-date. Phil., 1892- date. Forester. M. Vol. 4, no. 2-9, 11-Vol. 8, no. 12. Wash., 1898-1901. Forestry and Irrigation. See American Forestry. Forestry Quarterly. Q. Vol. 1-2; Vol. 3, no. 2-4; Vol. 4-date. Ithaca, N. Y., 1903-date. Fortschritte der Elektrotechnik. Q. Vol. 1-date. Ber., 1887-date. Fortschritte der Physik. Vol. 1-55. 1845-1899. Ber., 1847-1900. In 1877 this periodical was issued in 3 sections. The third section, Physik der Erde, continued to 1889. Vol. 34-35, 37 39, 1878-1879, 1881-1883 contain years 1-7 of the Verhand- lungen of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. Con- tinued in the Berichte der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesell- schaft as Litteratur-verzeichnis. Namen- und Sach- Regis- ter. Vol. 1-20. 1845-1864. Ber., 1872. Fortschritte der Technik. Jahrbuch des Internationalen Insti- tuts fur Techno-Bibliographie. Y. 1909. 2v. Ber., 1909. (Continuation of the Repertorium der Technischen Literatur. The monthly publication Is called Technische Auskunft and the annual cumulation called Fortschritte der Technik. From 1910-date in this library continues as the Engineering Abstracts of the Journal of the International Institute of Technical Bibliography.) Foundry. M. Vol. 1-4, 24-date. Detroit-Cleveland, 1892-1894, 1904-date. Vol. 1 lacks January 1893. La France Automobile et Aerienne. W. Vol. 1-date. Par., 1896- date. (Vol. 1-12 reads La France Automobile.) Franklin Institute. Journal. M. Vol. 1-date. Phil., 1826-date. Index. Vol. 1-120. 1826-1885. Phil., 1890. Index. Vol. 121- 140. 1886-1895. Phil., :i896. (Continuation of American Mechanics' Magazine. Vol. 1-6 title reads Franklin Journal and American Mechanics' Magazine.) PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 25 Franklin Journal and American Mechanics' Magazine. See Frank- lin Institute. Journal. Gas and Oil Power. M. Vol. 3-date. Lond., 1907-date. Gas Engine. M. Vol. 3-date. Cincinnati, O., 1901-date. Gas Engineer's Magazine. M. Vol. 18, 21, 23, 25. Lond., 1902, 1905, 1907, 1909. Gas Institute. See Institution of Gas Engineers. Gasmotorentechnik. M. Vol. 1-5; Vol. 6, nos. 1-9; Vol. 7-date. Ber., 1901-date. Gazette de 1'Electricien. W. 1906. Par., 1906. General Electric Review. M. Vol. 1-3; Vol. 4, nos. 2-6; Vol. 5-6; Vol. 7, nos. 1-3, 5-6; Vol. 8, nos. 1, 4-6; Vol. 9-date. Schenec- tady, N. Y., 1903-date. (Vol. 1-8, no. 5, title reads General Electric Company Review.) General Mining Association of the Province of Quebec. Journal. Vol. 1-2. 1891-1895. Ottawa, 1893-1895. (In 1896 formed a part of the Federated Canadian Mining .Institute, which in 1898 became the Canadian Mining Institute.) General Time Convention. See American Railway Association. Proceedings. Genie Civil. W. Vol. 1-31, 33-date. Par., 1880-1897, 1898-date. Vol 52, no. 6, missing. Table g6n6rale des matieres. Vol. 21-40. 1892-1902. Par., n. d. Geographical Journal. M. Vol. 1-32. Lond., 1893-1908. Geological Magazine. M. Vol. 1-3; new series, decade 5, Vol. 6- dat^, Lond., 1864-1866, 1909-date. (The Geologist was in- corporated with this magazine in 1864.) Geological Society of America. Bulletin. Q. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1890-date. Index. Vol. 1-10. Rochester, 1900. Geological Society of London. Proceedings. M. Vol. 1-4. 1826- 1845. Lond., 1834-1846. Quarterly Journal. Q. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1845-date. Classified index to Transactions, Proceedings, and Quarterly Journal of the Society up to 1868. Lond.. 1870. Index. Vol. 1-50. 2 pts. Lond., 1897. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-5; series 2, Vol. 1-7. Lond., 1811-1856. Geological Society of South Africa. Proceedings. Vol. 10. Jo- hannesburg, 1908. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 2, nos. 3-11; Vol. 3-4, 6, 8-date. Johannesburg, 1896-1899, 1903, 1905-date. Geologisches Zentralblatt. S-M. Vol. 12-date. Lpz., 1909-date. Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm. Forhandlingar. Y. Vol. 9- 15. Stockholm, 1887-1893. Gesundheits-Ingenieur. W. Vol. 32-date. Miin., 1909-date. Giesserei-Zeitung. S-M. Vol. 2-date. Ber., 1905-date. Glaser's Annalen fur Gewerbe und Bauwesen. See Annalen fur Gewerbe und Bauwesen. Glasgow Mechanics' Magazine and Annals of Philosophy. W. Vol. 1-5. Glasgow, 1824-1826. Gluckauf. W. Vol. 32-35; Vol. 36, nos. 1-26, 28-52; Vol. 37, nos. 2-52; Vol. 38, nos. 1, 3-6, 8-52; Vol. 39-date. Essen, 1896- date. Inhalts-Verzeichnis. Vol. 31-40. 1895-1904. Essen, 1905. Good Lighting and the Illuminating Engineer. M. Vol. 7-date. March 1912-date. N. Y., 1912-date. (Continuation of Illumi- nating Engineer, N. Y.) 26 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Graphite. M. Vol. 6-date. Jersey City, N. J., 1904-date. Gummi-Zeitung. W. Vol. 22-date. Ber., 1907-date. Harvard Engineering Journal. See Association of Harvard En- gineers. Harvard Engineering Society. See Association of Harvard En- gineers. Heating and Ventilating Magazine. M. Vol. 3-date. N. Y., 1906- date. Heating and Ventilation. See Engineering Review. Horseless Age. W. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1895-date. Vol. 1-3 pub- lished monthly. Ice and Refrigeration. M. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1891-date. Illinois Society of Engineers and Surveyors. Annual report. Y. 2-3, 5-12, 15, 17, 24-date. Chic., 1887-1888, 1890-1897, 1900, 1902, 1909-date. Illinois University. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1-date.. Urbana, 111., 1904-date. Illuminating Engineer. M. Vol. 1-6. N. Y., 1906-February 1912. (From March 1912 has the title Good Lighting and the Illuminating Engineer.) , Illuminating Engineer (London). M. Vol. 1-date.' Lond., 1898- date. Illuminating Engineering Society. Transactions. M. Vol. 1- date. N. Y.-Easton, Pa., 1906-date. Illuminator. M. Vol. 1-2. Cleveland, O., 1904-1906. Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, the Colonies and India. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. 2-date. Lond., 1904-date. (Vol. 1-4 issued as a quarterly supplement to the Board of Trade Journal.) Imperial Journal of Art, Science, Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 1-3. Manchester, n. d. Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engineers. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 5, 7-22, 24-30, 33-date. 1878-1879, 1880- 1896, 1897-1904, 1906-date. Lond., 1879, 1881-1896, 1898-1904, 1907-date. (In September 1890 the Association of Municipal and iSanitary Engineers and Surveyors was incorporated and the name of the Society became the Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engineers.) General index. Vol. 1- 15 in Vol. 15. Lond., 1889. Index. Vol. 1-30 in Vol. 30. Lond., 1904. Incorporated Gas Institute. See Institution of Gas Engineers. Incorporated Institution of Automobile Engineers. . Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1906-date. Index. Vol. 1-5. 1906- 1910 in Vol. 5. Incorporated Institution of Gas Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1-12. 1891-1902. Lond., 1892-1903. (Combined with Incorporated Gas institute and formed Institution of Gas Engineers.) Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. lst-16th. Lond., 1896-1911. (From 1896-1900 known as the Municipal Electrical Associa- tion. It was incorporated in April 1901 and name of Associa- tion changed to Incorporated Municipal Electrical Asso- ciation.) Index de la Presse Technique. See Revue de 1'Ingenieur et Index Technique. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 27 India-rubber and Gutta-percha and Electrical Trades Journal. S-M. Vol. 37-date. Lond., 1909-date. India Rubber World. M. Vol. 18-date. N. Y., 1898-date. Indian Electrical, Mechanical & Textile News. See Indian In- dustries and Power. Indian Engineer. W. Vol. 1-28. Calcutta, 1886-1897. Indian Engineering. W. Vol. 1-date. Calcutta, 1887-date. Indian Industries and Power. M. Vol. 3-date. Bombay, 1905- date. (Vol. 3-5, no. 4, title reads Indian Electrical, Mechan- ical & Textile News. Indian Motor News was incorporated with Indian Industries and Power in October 1908.) Indiana Engineering Society. Proceedings. Y. 5-13, 16-25, 28- date. Greenfield-Indianapolis, 1885-1893, 1896-1905, 1908-date. (No. 5-6 title reads Proceedings of Association of County Surveyors and Civil Engineers of the State of Indiana. No. 7-10 title reads Proceedings of Indiana Society of Civil En- gineers and Surveyors.) Indiana Society of Civil Engineers and Surveyors. See Indiana Engineering Society. L'Industria. W. Vol. 4, 22-date. Milano, 1890, 1908-date. Industrial Engineering. M. Vol. 1-2. Pittsburg, 1909. (In Jan- uary 1910 consolidated with Engineering Digest and formed Industrial Engineering and the Engineering Digest.) Industrial Engineering and the Engineering Digest. M. Vol. 7- date. N. Y., 1910-date. (Formed by the consolidation of In- dustrial Engineering and Engineering Digest in January 1910, retaining the volume number of Engineering Digest.) Industrial Magazine. M. Vol. 5, nos. 10-12; Vol. 6-7; Vol. 8, nos. 1-4; Vol. 9, nos. 6-7; Vol. 10, nos. 1-5; Vol. 11, nos. 1-6, 8-12; Vol. 12; Vol. 13, nos. 1-3. October 1906-April 1908; June 1909- June 1910; August 1910-November 1911. N. Y., 1906-1911. (Consolidated with Industrial Engineering January 1912.) Industrial Progress. M. Vol. 1-2. Milwaukee, Wis., 1909-1910. (Discontinued with December 1910.) Industrial World. W. Vol. 40-41; Vol. 42, nos. 1-33, 45, 51; Vol. 43, nos. 10-23, 25-52; Vol. 44-date. Pittsburg, July 1906-date. (Incorporated American Manufacturer and Iron World in July 1906.) Industrial World and Iron Worker. W. Vol. 15-40, 42-50, no. 11 Chic., 1880-Mar. 17, 1898. (Vol. 15-17 title reads Industrial World. In September 1882 the Chicago Commercial Adver- tiser was incorporated with Industrial World and became In- dustrial World and Iron Worker. In March 1898 was incor- porated with Iron Trade Review.) L'lndustrie des Tramways et Chemins de Fer. M. Vol. 1, nos. 1- 5, 7-8, 10-12; Vol. 2, nos. 1-7; Vol. 3-date. Par., 1909-date. L'lndustrie Electrique. S-M. Vol. 1-9, 11-date. Par., 1892-1900, 1902-date. Industries. W. Vol. 1-14. Lond., 1886-June 9, 1893. (On June 16, 1893, combined with Iron and continued under the title of Industries and Iron, retaining the volume number of Indus- tries.) Industries and Iron. W. Vol. 18-27. Lond., 1895-1899. (Discon- tinued with Vol. 28, 1900.) Industry. M. Nos. 30-89. San Francisco, 1891-1895. (No longer published.) Ingenieur. S-M. Vol. 2-date. Ber., 1908-date. 28 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Ingenieur. See Civilingenieur. Ingenieur Electricien. S-M. Vol. 1. Par., 1886. Ingeni8rs-F6reningen i Stockholm. F8rhandlingar. Bi-M. Vol. 14-25. Stockholm, 1879-1890. L'Institut de France. L' Academic des Sciences. L' Academic des Beaux-Arts. L' AcadSmie des Sciences Morales et Politiques par Gaston Darboux et Autres. Par., 1907. Le Palais-L'Institut. L/Acadgmie Franchise. L' Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres par Alfred Franklin et Autres. Par., 1907. Institute of Metals. Journal. Semi-annually. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1909-date. Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of Proceedings. Q. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1837-date. Name index. Vol. 1-58. 1837-1879. Lond., 1885. Subject index. Vol. 1-58. 1837-1879. Lond., 1881. Subject index. Vol. 59-118. 1879-1894. Lond., 1895. Subject index. Vol. 119-170. 1894-1907. Lond., 1909. Name index. Vol. 119-170. 1895-1907 and index to Transactions of Engineering Conference 1907. Lond., 1910. - Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-3. Lond., 1836-1842. (No more published.) Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. Transactions. Y. Vol. 13-17, 19, 23-30, 32-date. Dub., 1882-1887, 1889, 1894-1903, 1904-date. Institution of Electrical Engineers. Journal. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Lon., 1872-date. Index. Vol. 1-10. 1872-1882. Lond., 1882. Index. Vol. 11-20. 1882-1891. Lond., 1892. Index. Vol. 21- 30. 1892-1901. Lond., 1901. (Vol. 1-19 title reads Society of Telegraph Engineers.) Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transac- tions. Y. Vol. 2-7, 9-date. Glasgow, 1859-date. (Vol. 2-14 title reads Institution of Engineers in Scotland. In 1865 Vol. 9 the Scottish Shipbuilders' Association was incorpor- ated with the Institution of Engineers in Scotland. In 1871 was incorporated as Institution of Engineers and Shipbuild- ers in Scotland.) Institution of Engineers in Scotland. See Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Institution of Gas Engineers. Transactions. Y. 1876-1893, 1896- 1897, 1899-1900, 1903-date. Lond., 1876-date. (Years 1876- June 1881 known as the British Association of Gas Managers and the title reads Report of Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. Years 1882-November 1890 known as Gas Insti- tute and title reads Transactions. In 1890 was incorporated and title became Incorporated Gas Institute. In November 1902 the Incorporated Gas Institute combined with the In- corporated Institution of Gas Engineers and formed the In- stitution of Gas Engineers.) Institution of Junior Engineers. See Junior Institution of Engi- neers. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. Q. Lond., 1847-date. Index. 1847-1873. Index. 1874-1884. Index. 1885-1900. Westminster, n. d. Index. 1847-1910. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1- date. Lond., 1892-date. Index. Vol. 1-13. 1892-1904. Lond., n. d. Index. Vol. 1-15. 1892-1906. Lond., n. d. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 29 Institution of Mining Engineers. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1- date. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1889-date. Index. Vol. 1-10. 1889-1896. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1898. Index. Vol. 1-30. 1889-1905. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1908. Index. Vol. 31-40. 1906-1911. Lond., 1911. (Vol. 1-11 title reads Federated In- stitution of Mining Engineers.) Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1860-date. Index. Vol. 1-21. Lond., 1881. Index. Vol. 22-28. Lond., 1887. Index. Vol. 29-35. Lond., 1895. Index. Vol. 36-42. Lond., 1901. Index. Vol. 1-46. Lond., 1905. Insurance Engineering. M. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1901-date. International Association of Fire Engineers. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. 39th. 1911. Roanoke, Va., 1911. International Association of Municipal Electricians. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. * 5th-llth, 15th-date. v. p. 1900-1906, 1910-date. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. A-D. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1902-date. A. Mathematics. B. Mechanics. C. Phy- sics. D. Chemistry. International Engineer. M. Vol. 9-11; Vol. 1. N. Y., 1906-1907. (Vol. 9-11 title reads International Steam Engineer.) International Institute of Technical Bibliography. Journal. En- gineering abstracts. M. 1910-date. Lond., 1910-date. At end of each year this Journal 4s cumulated in an index of seven subjects, namely: Applied Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Military Engineering, Mining and Metallurgy, Engineering Supple- ment. (Continuation of Repertorium der Technischen Liter- atur and Fortschritte der Technik.) International Marine Engineering. M. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1897- date. (Vol. 1-11 title reads Marine Engineering.) International Railway Congress. Bulletin. (English edition.) M. Vol. 10-12, 22-date. Brussels, 1896-1898, 1908-date. Proceedings. (English edition.) Vol. 1-5. Brussels, 1901- 1902. International Railway Fuel Association. Proceedings of the an- nual convention. Y. Ist-da'te. v. p. 1909-date. International Steam Engineer. See International Engineer. International Verein der Bohringenieur und Bohrtechniker. Zeit- schrift. S-M. Vol. 19-date. Wien, 1912-date. (Continuation of Allgemeine Oesterreichische Chemiker- und Techniker- Zeitung. Organ des Verein der Bohrtechniker.) International Railroad Master Blacksmiths' Association. Report Lima, O., 1908, 1911. Interurban Railway Journal. W. Vol. 2, nos. 1-23. June 16-No- vember 17, 1906. Indianapolis, Ind., 1906. (In January 1907 title changed to Electric Traction Weekly.) L'Invention. M. Vol. 8-9, 12-21. Par., 1852-1854, 1857-1866. Iowa Electrical Association. Proceedings of the annual conven- tion. Y. 8th, llth. Des Moines, Iowa, 1908, 1911. Iowa Engineering Society. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. 19th-date. Iowa City, Iowa, 1907-date. Iowa Street and Interurban Railway Association. Report of the annual convention. Y. 2d-4th. Dubuque, Iowa, 1905-1907. 30 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Iron, the Journal of Science and Manufacture. W. Vol. 1-41. Lond., 1873-1893. (Being the new series of the Mechanics' Magazine. United with Industries in June 1893 and contin- ued as Industries and Iron.) Iron Age. W. Vol. 24-date. N. Y., 1879-date. Iron and Coal Trades Review. W. Vol. 29-46, 49-date. Lond., 1884-1893, 1894-date. (In 1894 the Bulletin of the British Iron Trade Association was incorporated with this magazine.) Iron and Machinery World. W. Vol. 92, no. 24-Vol. 96. Chic., December 13, 1902-1904. (Formed by the consolidation of Age of Steel and Iron and Steel in December 1902. Consoli- dated with Iron Trade Review in August 1906.) Iron and Steel. W. Vol. 74-80. Chic., 1889-1902. (In December 1902 combined with Age of Steel and formed Iron and Ma- chinery World.) Iron and Steel Institute. Carnegie Scholarship* memoirs. Y. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1909-date. Index. Vol. 1-2. 1909-1910 in Journal Subject and name index. Vol. 59-82. Lond., 1911. Journal. S-M. Vol. 1-date. 1869-date. Lond., 1870-date. (Vol. 1-2 title reads Transactions.) Index. 1869-1881. Lond., 1883. Index. Vol. 36-58. 1890-1900. Lond., 1902. Name index. Vol. 1-50. 1869-1896. Lond., 1898. Subject matter index. 1882-1889. Lond., 1891. Brief index. 1869- 1894. Lond., 1895. Special volume 1890. Subject and name index. Vol. 59-82. 1901-1910 and Vol. 1-2 of Carnegie Schol- arship memoirs. Lond., 1911. Iron and Steel Magazine. M. Vol. 7-11. Bost., 1904-1906. (Con- tinuation of Metallographist. Vol. 7 title reads Iron and Steel Metallurgist. In June 1906 incorporated with Electro- chemical and Metallurgical Industry.) Iron and Steel Trades Journal. W. Vol. 42-date. Lond., 1888- date. Iron Trade Review. W. Vol. 28-30, 32-33; 34, nos. 1, 3-10, 12-52; 35-date. Cleveland, O., 1895-1897, 1899-date. (In March 1898 Industrial World and Iron Worker was incorporated with Iron Trade Review. In August 1906 Iron and Machinery World consolidated with Iron Trade Review.) Ironmonger. W. Vol. 26-33, 35-40; January-March 22, May 3, July-December 1890; 1891-1899; Vol. 90-93; Vol. 94, January 12-March 23; Vol. 95, April 6-June 29; Vol. 96-99; Vol. 100, July 5-September 20; Vol. 101, October 4-November 22; Vol. 107, June 4-25; Vol. 108, July 2-September 17; Vol. 109-113; Vol. 114, January-March 24; Vol. 115-date. Lond., 1881-date. Isolated Plant. M. Vol. 1-date. December 1908-date. N. Y., 1908-date. Jahrbuch der Drahtlosen Telegraphie und Telephonic. Bi-M. Vol. 1-date. Lpz., 1907-date. Jahrbuch der Electrochemie. Y. Vol. 1-9, 12. 1894-1902, 1905. Halle, 1895-1904, 1909. Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitat und Elektronik. Vol. 1-4. Lpz., 1904-1907. Jahrbuch ftir das EisenhUttenwesen. Y. Vol. 1-5. 1900-1904. Diisseldorf, 1902-1907. Erganzung zu Stahl und Eisen. Jahrbuch fUr den Berg- und Httttenmann; hrsg. von der Konigl. Bergakademie zu Freiberg. Y. 1866-1868. Freiberg, 1866- PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 31 1868. (Continued as Jahrbuch fiir das Berg- und Hiitten- wessen im Konigreich Sachsen.) Jahrbiicher der Kaiserliche Konigliche Central -Anstalt fiir Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus; hrsg. durch die Kaiser- liche Akademie der Wissenschaften. T. Vol. 1-8, new series, Vol. 1-37. Wien, 1854-1900. Jahres-Bericht iiber die Leistungen der Chemischen Technologic: hrsg. von J. R. Wagner. Y. Vol. 1-15, new series, Vol. 1- date. Lpz., 1856-date. (Vol. 1-4 title reads Jahres-Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemischen Technologie. Vol. 5- 10 title reads Jahres-Bericht iiber die Fortschritte und Leistungen der Chemischen Technologie. In 1870 a new series was formed. The numbering of both series continues to date. Vol. 26-28 title reads Rudolf von Wagner's Jahres- Bericht, etc., fortgesetzt von F. Fischer. Vol. 29-date fortge- setzt von F. Fischer.) General register. Vol. 1-10. Lpz., 1866. General register. Vol. 11-20. Lpz., 1876. General register. Vol. 21-30. Lpz., 1889. Jern-Kontorets Annaler. Q. Vol. 1, 3, 5-12, 14-15, 18, 21-29; new series, Vol. 1, pt. 3-6; Vol. 2, 4, 12, pts. 1-4; Vol. 13, pts. 1-6; Vol. 16-27, 28, pts. 4-5; Vol. 29, pts. 3, 6; Vol. 30, pts. 1, 3-6; Vol. 31, pts. 1, 6; Vol. 32-53, 54, pts. 2-6; Vol. 55-62, 64-date. Stockholm, 1817, 1819, 1821-1828, 1830-1831, 1834, 1837-1845, 1846-1847, 1849, 1857, 1858, 1861-1907, 1909-date. Bihang. 1828. Stockholm, 1829. Bihang. 1837. Stockholm, 1839. Bihang. 1868. Stockholm, 1868. Bihang. 1900-date. Stock- holm, 1900-date. Register. 1891-1895. Stockholm, 1897. Register. 1896-1900. Stockholm, 1902. Journal de Chimie Physique. Irreg. Vol. 1, 4-date. Par., 1903, 1906-date. Journal de 1'Electrolyse. See Journal du four Electrique et de 1'Electrolyse. Journal de Physique ThSorique et Applique"e. M. Vol. 1-date. Par., 1872-date. Journal der Physik. M. Vol. 1-8, new series Vol. 1-4. Halle, 1790-1797. (Vol. 1-4, new series, title reads Neues Journal der Physik. Continued as Annalen der Physik.) Journal des Mines. See Annales des Mines. Journal des Sgavans. Vol. 1-86. 1665-1728. Amsterdam, 1685- 1728. Journal du four Electrique et de 1'Electrolyse. S^M. Vol. 14- date. Par., 1905-date. (Vol. 14-16 title reads Journal de 1'Electrolyse.) Journal fiir Gasbeleuchtung. W. Vol. 51, nos. 1-6, 10, 12-25, 27- 30, 33-38, 40-43, 45-47, 49-52; Vol. 52-date. Mun., 1908-date. General register. Vol. 32-46. 1889-1903. Mun., 1905. Organ des Deutschen Vereins von Gas- und Wasserfachmannern. Journal of Electricity, Power and Gas. W. Vol. 1-date. San Francisco, 1895-date. (Vol. 1-7 title reads Journal of Elec- tricity.) Journal of Gas Lighting, Water Supply, etc. W. Vol. 23-50, 51, January 10-May 1, May 15-June 19; Vol. 52, July 3-10, Au- gust 7-December 25; Vol. 53-55; Vol. 56, July-November 25, December 9-30; Vol. 58-61, 64-92; Vol. 93, nos. 2225-2230, 2232-2237; Vol. 94-95; Vol. 96, nos. 2264-2268, 2270-2276; Vol. 97-98, 109-date. Lond., 1874-1890, 1891-1893, 1894-1903, 1903- 1904, 1905-1907, 1910-date. 32 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Journal of Geology. S-Q. Vol. 1-date. Chic., 1893-date. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. M. Vol. 1- date. Easton, Pa., 1909-date. Journal of Industrial Safety. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 3. February 1911-March 1912. N. Y., 1911-1912. (No more published.) Journal of Natural History, Chemistry, and the Arts. M. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-5; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-36. Lond., 1797-1813. (United with Philosophical Magazine in 1814.) Journal of Physical Chemistry. M. Vol. 6-date. Ithaca, N. Y., 1902-date. Journal of the Telegraph. S-M. Vol. 1-23. N. Y., 1867-1890. (With which the Telegrapher was incorporated in February 1877.) Journal of the United States Artillery. Q. Vol. 1-date. Fort Monroe, Va,, 1892-date. Index of authors. Vol. 1-20. 1892- 1903. Journal T616graphique. M. Vol. 1-11, 25-date. Berne, 1869- 1887, 1901-date. Junior Engineering Society. See Junior Institution of Engineers. Junior Institution of Engineers. Journal and record of transac- tions. Y. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1884-date. (Vol. 1-4 known as Junior Engineering Society and title reads Record of Transactions. Vol. 5-12 known as Institution of Junior En- gineers and title reads Record of Transactions.) Justus Liebig*s Annalen der Chemie. See Annalen der Chemie. Kaiserlich-Konigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt in Wien. Jahr- buch. Y. Vol. 1-10, 12-23, 24, pt. 2; 26, 29-date. Wien, 1850-1859, 1861-1874, 1876, 1879-date. General register. Vol. 1-10. 1850-1859. Wien, 1863. General register. Vol. 11-20. 1860-1870. Wein, 1872. General Register. Vol. 21-30. 1871- 1880. Wien, 1881. General register. Vol. 41-50. 1891-1900. Wien, 1905. Verhandlungen. Irreg. 1858-1859, 1861-1867, 1876, 1880, 1884-date. Wien, 1858-1859, 1861-1867, 1876, 1880, 1884-date. Pages 1-126 missing from year 1899. Years 1858-1866 pub- lished with the Jahrbuch. General-register. 1891-1900. Wien, 1905. Kaiserliche K6nigliche Technologische Gewerbe-Museum in Wien. Mitteilungen. Irreg. New series Vol. 14-16, 18-21. Wien, 1904-1906, 1908-1911. (Ceased publication December 1911, but is continued by the Kaiserliche Konigliche Technische Versuchsamt in Wien.) Kali. S-M. Vol. 4-date. Halle, 1910-date. Kansas Gas, Water, Electric Light and Street Railway Associa- tion. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. 3d, 5th-12th, 14th. v. p., 1900, 1902-1909, 1911. Knowledge. M. Vol. 1-5; new series, Vol. 6-date. Lond., 1882- 1884, 1909-date. Ktfnigliche Materialprufiingsamt zu Gross-Lichterfelde West. Mitteilungen. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Ber., 1883-date. (Vol. 1- 21 title reads KOnigliche Technische Versuchsanstalt.) Ktfnlglich Preussische Geologische Landesanstalt und Bergakad- emie zu Berlin. Jahrbuch. Y. Vol. 1-date. 1880-date. Ber., 1881-date. Register. Vol. 1-20. 1880-1899. Ber., 1910. Kttnigliche Technische Versuchsanstalt. See KBnigliche Material- prufUngsamt zu Gross-Lichterfelde West. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 33 Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. Tidjdschrift. Irreg. 1903- 1905, 1907-date. 's Gravenhage, 1904-1905, 1907-date. Kyoto Imperial University. College of Science and Engineering. Memoirs. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Kyoto, 1903-date. Lake Superior Mining Institute. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1-date. Lansing, Mich., 1893-date. Lead and Zinc News. S-M. Vol. 11-13. September 1906-Febru- ary 1908. Joplin, Mo., 1906-1908. Light Railway and Tramway Journal. M. Vol. 14-date. Lond., 1906-date. Lightning. W. Vol. 3-20. Lond., 1893-1901. (Vol. 19-20 reads Lightning, the Electrical Times. Vol. 21 changed to Elec- trical Times.) Liverpool Engineering Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1- date. 1876-date. Liverpool, 1881-date. Locomotive Quarterly. Q. Vol. 5-6; new series Vol. 1-date. Hartford, Conn., 1871-1873, 1880-date. London. W. Vol. 1-7. Lond., 1893-1897. Lon'don, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. M. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-66, 68; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-11; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-37; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-50; Ser. 5, Vol. 1-35, 37-46, 48-50; Ser. 6, Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1789-date. (In 1814 united with Journal of Natural Philosophy and continued as Philo- sophical Magazine and Journal. In 1826 united with Annals of Philosophy and continued as Philosophical Magazine. In 1832 united with Edinburgh Journal of Science and continued as London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Jour- nal of Science until 1840.) Index. Ser. 4, Vol. 20-30. Lond., 1860-1865. London Electrical Society. Transactions and the proceedings. Y. 1837-1843. Lond., 1841-1843. London Mechanics' Register. See New London Mechanics' Reg- ister. Lord's Power and Machinery Magazine and Builders' Handbook. See Engineers' and Power Users' Magazine. Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer. W. Vol. 38; Vol. 39, nos. 1-11, 13-26; Vol. 40-date. New Orleans, 1907-date. La Lumiere Electrique. W. Vol. 1-53. April 1879-August 1894. New series, Vol. 1-date. Par., 1879-1894, 1908-date. (Pub- lished as L'Eclairage Electrique 1894-1907. Ser. 1 published monthly.) Index. Vol. 1-10 in Vol. 10. 1883. McGraw Electric Railway Manual. Y. Vol. 18-date. N. Y., 1911- date. (An annual issued in connection with the Electric Railway Journal. Continuation of American Street Railway Investments.) Machinery. M. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1894-date. Magazine of Popular Science and Journal of the Useful Arts. Vol. 1-4. Lond., 1836-1837. Magazine of Science and School of Arts. Vol. 1. Ed. 3. Lond., 1842. Magnet. S-M. Vol. 1, nos. 1-15. N. Y., 1880. Manchester Association of Employers, Foremen, and Draughts- men. See Manchester Association of Engineers. Manchester Association of Engineers. Transactions. Y. 1883- date. Manchester, 1883-date. (1883-1885 title reads Papers 34 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Read Before Manchester Association of Employers, Fore- men, and Draughtsmen.) Manchester Geological and Mining Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 15-date. Manchester, 1880-date. (Vol. 15-27 title reads Manchester Geological Society. Federated with Institution of Mining Engineers in 1904.) .Index. Vol. 1-28. Manches- ter, 1908. Manchester Geological Society. See Manchester Geological and Mining Society. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Memoirs and proceedings. Vol. 1-5; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-15; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-10; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-3, 34-date. Lond., 1789-1802, 1805-1860, 1862- 1887, 1888-date. * Proceedings. Vol. 1-26. Manchester, 1857-1886. Manchester Steam Users' Association. Memorandum by chief engineer. Y. 1901-1903, 1905, 1907-date. Manchester, 1901- date. Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society. Annual report. Y. 1883-1897. Winnipeg, 1884-1898. Transactions. No. 1-5, 15, 17, 19-22, 24, 26-31, 33, 35-38, 40-50, 52. Winnipeg, 1883-1898. Manufacturer and Builder. M. Vol. 1-26. N. Y., 1869-1894. Manufacturers' Gazette. W. Vol. 6-22. Bost., 1884-1895. Manufacturers' Record. W. Vol. 51, nos. 14-26; Vol. 52-57; Vol. 58, nos. 1-9, 16, 19, 22, 25-26; Vol. 59, nos. 3-4, 6-7, 9-26; Vol. 60-date. Baltimore, 1907-date. Marine and Railway Gazette. M. Vol. 3, nos. 4-12; Vol. 4, nos. 1-3. Baltimore, 1894. Marine Engineer. See Marine Engineer and Naval Architect. Marine Engineer and Naval Architect. M. Vol. 23, nos. 271-276; Vol. 24, nos. 277-284; Vol. 25, nos. 292-300; Vol. 26-date. Lond., 1901-date. Marine Engineering. See International Marine Engineering. Marine Journal. W. Vol. 19-22. N. Y., 1896-1900. Maschinenbauer. Vol. 24. Lpz., 1889. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Abstract of the Pro- ceedings of the Society of Arts. 22d-29th. 1883-1891. Bost., 1884-1891. (Discontinued in 1891. Later numbers published in Technology Quarterly.) Master Car and Locomotive Painters' Association of the United States and Canada. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. 25th, 41st. Reading, Mass., 1894, 1910. Master Car-Builders' Association. Report of the proceeding's of the annual convention. Y. lst-6th, 8th-date. 1867-1872, 1874-date. N. Y.-Chic., 1874-date. (Title page of lst-6th report reads History and Early Reports.) MScanique-Electricite". M. 1908-date. Par., 1908-date. Mechanical Engineer. W. Vol. 1-date. Manchester, 1898-date. Mechanical Engineers' Association of the Witwatersrand. Jour- nal. M. Vol. 1-3, no. 7. Johannesburg, August 1902-Febru- ary 1905. (Continued as Transvaal Institute of Mechanical Engineers.) Mechanical World and Metal Trades Journal. W. Vol. 15, 17-21; new series Vol. 9-date. Lond., 1883-1886, 1891-date. (Vol. 15- 20 title reads Mechanical World and Steam Users' Journal.) Mechanical World and Steam Users' Journal. See Mechanical World and Metal Trades Journal. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 35 Mechanics. See Engineering Mechanics. Mechanics' Institute of the City of San Francisco. Report of the industrial exhibition. Y. 4th-5th, 7th-9th, llth-31st. San Francisco, 1864-1865, 1870-1874, 1876-1900. Mechanics' Magazine. Vol. 1-69; new series Vol. 1-28. Lond., 1823-1872. (Vol. 1-57 title reads Mechanic's Magazine, Mu- seum, Register, Journal and Gazette. New series title reads Mechanics' Magazine and Journal of Engineering, Agricul- ture, etc. In 1873 incorporated with Iron, being a new series of Mechanics' Magazine.) Mechanics' Magazine and Register of Inventions and Improve- ments. M. Vol. 1-5, 7-9. N. Y., 1833-1835, 1836-1837. Memorial du GSnie Maritime. Irreg. Ser. 3, Vol. 1-9, 12; Ser. 5, pt. 10-date. Par., 1901-1903, 1910-date. Metal Industry. M. New series, Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1903-date. (Formed by the incorporation of Aluminum World, Brass Founder and Finisher and Electro-platers Review in Janu- ary 1903. In August 1907 Copper and Brass was incorpor- ated with .Metal Industry.) Metal Worker, Plumber and Steam Fitter. W. Vol. 69-date. N. Y., 1908-date. Metallographist. Q. Vol. 1-6. Bost, 1898-1903. (Continued as Iron and Steel Magazine.) Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering. M. Vol. 8-date. N. Y., 1910-date. (Continuation of Electrochemical and Metallur- gical Industry.) Metallurgical Review. M. Vol. 1-2. N. Y., 1877-1878. Mexican Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1-date. Mexico, 1909-date, Mexican Mining Journal. M. Vol. 5, 10-date. Mexico, 1907, 1910-date. Michigan Academy of Science. Report. Y. 1-9. Lansing, Mich , 1900-1907. Michigan Electrical Association. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1-date. v. p., 1904-date. Michigan Gas Association. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. 18th-date. v. p., 1909-date. Michigan State Horticultural Society. Annual report of the sec- retary. Y. 36th. Lansing, Mich., 1907. Michigan Technic. See Michigan University. Engineering So- ciety. Michigan Technic. Michigan University. Engineering Society. Michigan Technic. S-A. Vol. 4, 8, 10, 17-date. Ann Arbor, 1888, 1895, 1897, 1904-date. (Vol. 4, 8, 10 title reads The Technic.) Military Service Institution of the United States. Journal. Bi-M. Vol. 2-8; Vol. 9, nos. 33-34; Vol. 28-32; Vol. 33, nos. 124-126; Vol. 34-38; Vol. 43, nos. 155-date. N. Y., 1881-1888, 1901- 1906, 1908-date. Military Telegraph Bulletin. M. No. 1-65. March 15, 1884-Sep- tember 16, 1889. Lond., 1884-1889. (No more published.) Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society. Irreg. Vol. 1, nos. 1-2, 4-7; Vol. 2-3; Vol. 5, nos. 23-26; Vol. 6- date. Lond., 1877-1880, 1884-date. Index. Vol. 1-10. Lond., ' 1905. Mineralogical Society. Journal. See Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society. 36 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Mineralogische Mittheilungen. 1876. Wien, 1876. (Continued as Mineralogische und Petrographische Mittheilungen. Years 1871-1873 bound with Kaiserlich-KBnigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt in Wien.) Mineralogische und Petrographische Mittheilungen. New series, Vol. 28-date. Wien, 1909-date. (Continuation of Mineral- ogische Mittheilungen.) Mines and Minerals. M. Vol. 5-date. Scranton, Pa., 1885-date. (Vol. 5-7 title reads Mining Herald and Colliery Engineer. Vol. 8-13 title reads Colliery Engineer. Vol. 14-17 title reads Colliery Engineer and Metal Miner.) Mining and Engineering World. W. Vol. 4, nos. 81-93; Vol. 6, nos. 94-115, 117-119; Vol. 6; Vol. 7, nos. 147-171; Vol. 10; Vol. 11, nos. 250-252, 254-276; Vol. 12; Vol. 13, nos. 1-20, 22- 24, 26; Vol. 14, nos. 1-12, 14-26; Vol. 15; Vol. 16, nos. 1-7, 10-26; Vol. 17; Vol. 18, nos. 1-21, 23-26; Vol. 19-date. Butte, Mont-Chic., 1896-1897, 1899-date. (Known as Western Min- ing World until May 1903. From May 1903-July 1911 known as Mining World.) Mining and Geological Institute of India. Transactions. Irregr. Vol. 1-date. Calcutta, 1907-date. Mining and Scientific Press. W. Vol. 10, 20-23, 34-date. San Francisco, 1865, 1870-1871, 1877-date. Mining and Scientific Review. W. New series, Vol. 23-25, 27-30. Denver, Colo., 1889-1890, 1891-1893. Mining Association and Institute of Cornwall. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-4. Camborne, 1887-1895. (Formed by the amalgamation of Miners' Association of Cornwall and Devon and the Mining Institute of Cornwall.) Mining Engineering, with which is incorporated Mining. M. Vol. 1, nos. 2-17, 19-24, 26-29; Vol. 2, no. 30-55; Vol. 3, no. 56-65, 67; Vol. 4, nos. 68-79; Vol. 5, nos. 80-91; Vol. 6, nos. 92-103; Vol. 7, nos. 104-108, 110-115; Vol. 8, nos. 116-127; Vol. 9, nos. 128-139; Vol. 10, nos. 140-date. Lond., 1896-date. Mining Herald and Colliery Engineer. See Mines and Minerals. Mining Industry. W. Vol. 2-12. Denver, Colo., 1887-1893. Mining Institute of Cornwall. Proceedings, Irreg. No. 2-3, 5-8, year 1883. Truro, 1877, 1880, 1882-1883. (Combined with Miners' Association of Cornwall and Devon in 1887 and formed Mining Association and Institute of Cornwall.) Mining Institute of Scotland. Transactions. (5 numbers a year.) Vol. 1-date. Hamilton, 1879-date. Index. Vol. 1-12. 1879- 1891. Hamilton, 1891. Mining Journal. W. Vol. 48-58, 60-date. Lond., 1878-1888, 1890- date. (Vol. 48-82 title reads Mining Journal, Railway and Commercial Gazette. Supplement not bound with volumes.) 75th anniversary number. August 1909. Mining Magazine. M. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1909-date. Mining Magazine. (N. Y.) Vol. 1-5, 9, 10, no. 5; new series Vol. 1, no. 1-6. N. Y., 1853-1855, 1857-1860. Mining Magazine. M. Vol. 10-13. N. Y., 1904-1906. (Pacific Coast Miner was incorporated with this magazine in 1904. Consolidated with Engineering and Mining Journal in Au- gust 1906.) Mining Reporter. W. Vol. 45, nos. 1-7, 9-26; Vol. 48, nos. 1, 4- 13, 15-27; Vol. 49-56, no. 23. Denver, Colo., 1902-1907. (In PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 37 December 1907 combined with Ores and Metals and formed Mining Science, retaining the volume number of Mining Re- porter.) Mining Review. M. Vol. 2, no. 5-Vol. 5, no. 4. January 1873- December 1874. Georgetown, Colo., 1873-1874. Mining Review. S-M. Vol. 7-10. January 1876-April 1877. Den- ver, Colo., 1876-1877. Mining Science. W. Vol. 56, no. 24-date. Denver, Colo., 1907- date. (Continuation of Mining Reporter and Ores and Metals, which combined in December 1907.) Mining Society of Nova Scotia. Journal. Irreg. Vol. 1-3, 5, pt. 1-2; Vol. 6-11, 13-date. Halifax, 1892-1895, 1899-1900, 1900- 1907, 1908-date. Mining World. See Mining and Engineering World. Mining World and Engineering Record. Vol. 17-29. Lond., 1879- 1885. Mittheilungen aus der Praxis Dampfkessel- und Dampfma- schinen- Betriebes. See Zeitschrift fur Dampfkessel und Maschinenbetrieb. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt iiber wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographic. M. Vol. 1-32, 36, nos. 7-12; Vol. 37-43. Gotha, 1855-1886, 1890-1897. Erganzungsbande. llv. 1860-1877. Gotha, 1860-1877. Inhaltsverzeichniss. 1855-1864. Gotha, 1865. Inhaltsverzeichniss. 1875-1884. Gotha, 1886. Mitteilungen iiber Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiete des In- genieurwesens insbesondere aus den Laboratorien der Tech- nischen Hochschulen. Irreg. Vol. 21-date. Ber., 1905-date. Mitteilungen iiber Gegenstande des Artillerie- und Geniewesens. M. Vol. 41-date. Wien, 1910-date. Mitteleuropaischer Motorwagen- Verein. Zeitschrift. S-M. Vol. 8-date. Ber., 1909-date. Model Engineer and Electrician. W. Vol. 20-date. Lond., 1909- date. Modern Electrics. M. Vol. 1, nos. 5, 8, 10-date. August, Novem- ber 1908, January 1909-date. N. Y., 1908-date. Modern Light and Heat. M. Vol. 1-11, no. 1. Bost., 1886-1891. (Vol. 1 title reads Modern Light. Continued as Electrical Progress and Development.) Mois Scientifique et Industriel. M. Vol. 12-date. Par., 1910- date. Monthly Magazine; or, British Register. Irreg. Vol. 1-46. Lond., 1796-1818. Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review. See United States Nautical Magazine and Naval Journal. Motorluftschiff-Studiengesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Y. Vol. 4. 1910- 1911. Ber., 1911. Motorwagen. Tri-M. Vol. 12-date. Ber., 1909-date. Munich. Konigliche Polytechnische Schule. Mittheilungen. Nos. 1-21, 24-25, 27-28.. Mun., 1873-1892, 1896-1897, 1900-1902. Municipal Electrical Association. See Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association. Municipal Engineering. M. Vol. 22-23, 32-date. N. Y., 1902, 1907-date. Municipal Engineers of the City of New York. Proceedings. Y. 1903, 1905-date. N. Y., 1904, 1906-date. 38 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Municipal Journal and Engineer. W. Vol. 12-19, 23-date. N. Y., 1902-1905, 1907-date. Published monthly 1901-1905. National Academy of Sciences. Biographical memoirs. Irreg. Vol. 1-4. Wash., 1877-1902. Memoirs. Irreg. Vol. 1-8. Wash., 1866-1898. National Association of Cement Users. Proceedings of the an- nual convention. Y. Ist-date. Phil., 1905-date. National Association of Cotton Manufacturers. Transactions. Y. Vol. 48-date. Bost., 1890-date. (Vol. 48-79 title reads New England Cotton Manufacturers Association.) National Association of Stationary Engineers. License .commit- tee. Report. Ed. 2. Chic., 1906. National Car and Locomotive Builder. M. Vol. 11-26. N. Y., 1880-1895. (Consolidated with American Engineer in June 1896. Vol. 11-16 title reads National Car Builder.) National Car Builder. See National Car and Locomotive Builder. National Commercial Gas Association. Proceedings of the an- nual meetings. Y. 3d-date. N. Y., 1905-date. National Electric Light Association. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1, nos. 3, 5, 10, 12; Vol. 2, nos. 3-7, 10-12; Vol. 3, nos. 1-6, 9-12; Vol. 4, nos. 1-2, 10-11; Vol. 5, nos. 1-date. N. Y., 1907-date. Convention daily. Daily. June 1-4, 1909. N. Y., 1909. Proceedings at its convention. Y. Ist-date. N. Y., 1885- date. Index. Conventions 1-32. 1885-1909. N. Y., 1909. National Electrical Inspectors' Association. See Electrocraft. National Engineer. M. Vol. 3-4, 7, 8, nos. 1-10; Vol. 9-date. Chic., 1899-1900, 1903-date. National Fire Protection Association. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. Ist-date. v. p., 1897-date. Index to subjects covered in the printed records. Chic., 1909. Quarterly. Q. Vol. 1-date. Hartford, Conn., 1907-date. National Geographic Magazine. M. Vol. 9, no. 5; Vol. 10, no. 8, 11-12; Vol. 11, 12, no. 1-9; Vol. 13, no. 1, 5-8, 12; Vol. 14; Vol. 15, no. 1-4, 6-7, tl-12; Vol. 16, no. 3-12; Vol. 17-date. Wash., 1898-date. National Machine Tool Builders' Association. Official report. S-A. Atlantic City, N. J., 1911. National Physical Laboratory. Collected researches. Y. Vol. 1- date. Lond., 1908-date. Report. Y. 1901-date. Teddington, 1902-date. National Telephone Exchange Association. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1-12. v. p., 1880-1890. National Telephone Journal. M. Vol. 2-date. Lond., April 1907- date. Natura. M. Vol. 1-4. Firenze, 1877-1881. (Vol. 1-2 title reads L'Elettricista. Rivista Mensuale Diretta da Lamberto Cap- panera.). Naturae Novitates. S-M. Year 1-13. Ber., 1879-1891. Natural History Society of Montreal. See Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. Nature. W. Vol. 1-67, 79-date. Lond., 1869-1903, 1908-date. Nature. Revue des Sciences et de leurs Applications aux Arts et a 1'Industrie. Vol. 18. Par., 1889-1890. Nautical Gazette. W. Vol. 73-date. N. Y., 1907-date. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie. Irreg. 1839-date. Stut., 1839-date. (1839-1862 title reads PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 39 Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologic und Petrefaktenkunde.) Allgemeines Repertorium. 1840-1849. Stut., 1851. Repertorium. 1905-1909, das Centralblatt fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie 1905-1909 und die Beilage-Bande 21-28. Stut., 1911. Beilage Band. Irreg. Vol. 5-15, 17-19, 28-date. Stut, 1887-1902, 1903, 1909-date. New England Cotton Manufacturers Association. See National Association of Cotton Manufacturers. New England Water Works Association. Journal. Q. Vol. 1- date. Bost., 1886-date. Index. 1882-1903. Bost, 1903. New London Mechanics' Register. W. Vol. 1-4, new series, Vol. 1-2. Lend., 1824-1826, 1827-1828. (Vol. 1-4 title reads London Mechanics' Register.) New York Academy of Sciences. Annals. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1879-date. Memoirs. Irreg. Vol. 1-2. N. Y., 1895-1905.- Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-16. N. Y., 1881-1898. New York Electrical Society. Transactions. Irreg. No. 1-10, 12. N. Y., 1888-1906, 1908. New York Mirror. W. Vol. 15-17, 19-20. N. Y., 1837-1839, 1841- 1842. New York Railroad Club. Proceedings. M. 1897-date. N. Y., 1897-date. New Yorker. W. Vol. 3, no. 20-26; Vol. 4-7, 9-10. N. Y., 1837- 1840. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Chemical Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-5. 1868-1882. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1871-1883. (In- corporated with (Society of Chemical Industry in 1883.) New Zealand Institute. Transactions and proceedings. Y. Vol. 1-14, 17-18, 31, 33-35, 37-38, 43-date. Wellington, 1875-1881, 1884-1886, 1898, 1900-1902, 1904-1905, 1910-date. Index. Vol. 1-8. Wellington, 1877. Index. Vol. 1-17. Wellington, 1886. New Zealand Institute of Mining Engineers. Transactions. Vol. 1-2. Auckland, 1897-1898. Newton's London Journal of Arts and Sciences. M. New series, Vol. 1-23. Lond., 1855-1866. Norsk Teknisk Tidsskrift. Bi-M. Vol. 1-15. Kristiania, 1883- 1897. (Ceased publication in 1897. Continued as Teknisk Ugeblad.) North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1852-date. (Vol. 1-18 title reads North of England Institute of Mining Engineers.) General and subject-matter indices. Vol. 1-17. 1852-1868. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1869. General index. Vol. 1-38. 1852-1889. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1902. Subject-matter index of mining, mechanical and metallur- gical literature. 1900-1902. 3v. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1902- 1907. North of England Institute of Mining Engineers. See North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engi- neers. Proceedings. Vol. 13, nos. 1-5. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1893-1895 40 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Transactions. Vol. 1, 3-4. Newcastle-under-Lyme, 1879- 1880. (Continued with Federated Institution of Mining Engi- neers since 1889.) North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1-date. 1884-date. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1885-date. Northwestern Electrical Association. Annual convention. 4th. Milwaukee, Wis., 1896. Nouvelles Annales de la Construction. M. Ser. 6, Vol. 6-date. Par., 1909-date. Nova Scotian Institute of Science. Proceedings and transactions. Irreg. Vol. 4, pts. 1-4; Vol. 5, pts. 2-3; Vol. 6, pts. 2-4; Vol. 7, pts. 2-4; Ser. 2, Vol. 8, pts. 1-4; Vol. 9, pts. 1-4; Vol. 11; Vol. 12, pts. 1-2. Halifax, 1876-1896, 1902-1907. (From 1862- 1890 known as Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science.) Nuova Cimento. M. Vol. 1-28; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-16; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-36; Ser. 4, Vjol. 1-12; Ser. 5, Vol. 1-date. Pisa, 1855-date. Indice. Ser. 1-4. 1855-1900. Pisa, 1903. Oberschlesischer Berg- und Hiittenmannischer Verein. Zeit- schrift. M. Vol. 48-date. Kattowitz, 1909-date. Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein. Bericht uber die XIV Versammlung Deutscher Architekten und In- genieur, abgehalten am 30, 31 August, 1 und 2 September 1864 zu Wien. Wien, 1865. Wochenschrift. W. Vol. 1-16. Wien, 1876-1891. Vol. 7- 16 bound with Zeitschrift Vol. 34-43. 1882-1891. Zeitschrift. W. Vol. 1-date. Wien, 1849-date. Register. 1849-1870 bound in Vol. 26. Wien, 1874. Register zur Zeit- und Wochenschrift. 1871-1891. Wien, 1882-1893. Register. 1892-1902. Wien, 1903. Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur Berg- und Hiittenwesen. W. Vol. 27-date. Wien, 1879-date. Beilage. Bergrechtliche Blatter. Q. Vol. 4-date. Wien, 1909-date. Beilage. Verein-Mitteilungen. M. Vol. 23-27. Wien, 1904-1908. Ohio Electric Light Association. Proceedings of the annual con- vention. Y. 6th, 9th-13th. Cincinnati, 1900, 1903-1907. Ohio Gas Light Association. Question box presented to annual convention. Y. 19th-20th. n. p., 1903-1904. Ohio Institute of Mining Engineers. Ohio Mining Journal. No. 1, 4, 17, 21, 24-25. Columbus, O., 1882, 1884, 1888, 1892, 1895. Oil and Gas Journal. S-M. Vol. 7-date. St. Louis, 1908-date. (Vol. 7-8 title reads Oil Investors' Journal.) Oil Investors' Journal. See Oil and Gas Journal. Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter. W. Vol. 77, no. 16-26; Vol. 78- date. N. Y., 1910-date. Operator. S-M. Vol. 1-16. March 1874-September 1885. N. Y., 1874-1885. (In October 1885 consolidated with and continued as Electrical World.) Ores and Metals. S-M. Vol. 7, nos. 2-12; Vol. 8; Vol. 10-11; Vol. 12, no. 17; Vol. 13, nos. 21-24; Vol. 14-16, no. 23. Denver, Colo., 1898-1899, 1901-December 5, 1907. (In December 1907 combined with Mining Reporter and formed Mining Science, retaining the volume number of Mining Reporter.) PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 41 Organ des Verein der Bohrtechniker. See Allgemeine Oesterreich- ische Chemiker- und Techniker-Zeitung. Organ fiir die Fortschritte des Eisenbahnwesens in Technischer Bezeihung. S-M. New series, Vol. 47-date. Wiesbaden, 1910- date. (Sach-und Autoren-Register. Tears 1864-1873 Oder neue Folge, Vol. 1-10 und Supplement-band 1-4. Wiesbaden, 1873. Sach-und Autoren-Register. Years 1874-1883 oder neue Folge, Vol. 11-20 und Supplement-band 5-8. Wiesbaden, 1883. Sach-und Namen-Verzeichnis. Years 1884-1893 Oder neue Folge, Vol. 21-30 und Erganzungs-band 9-11. Wies- baden, 1894. Sach-und Namen-Verzeichnis. Years 1894-1903 oder neue Folge, Vol. 31-40. Erganzungsband 12-13. Wies- baden, 1904. Sach-und Namen-Verzeichnis. Years 1904-1907 oder neue Folge, Vol. 41-44. Wiesbaden, 1908. Ottawa Literary and Scientific Society. Transactions. Irreg. No. 2-4. 1899-1907. Ottawa, 1900-1907. Our Magazine. M. 1855-1856. Edin., n. d. Pacific Coast Electric Transmission Association. Report of the annual convention. Y. 2d-7th. v. p., 1898-1903. Pacific Coast Gas Association. Proceedings of the annual meet- ing. Y. 13th-date. (Vol. 6-date.) San Francisco, 1905-date. Pacific Coast Miner. W. Vol. 7-8. San Francisco, 1903. (Incor- porated with Mining Magazine in 1904.) Page's Magazine. See Page's Weekly. Page's Weekly. W. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1902-date. (Vol. 1-5, no. 4, title reads Page's Magazine.) Pattern Maker. See Woodcraft. Pennsylvania Street Railway Association. Report of the annual meeting. Y. 12th. n. p., 1903. Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl- edge. Vol. 1-9; new series, Vol. 10-16. Lond., 1832-1846. (Vol. 15-16 title reads Knight's Penny Magazine. No more published.) Penny Mechanic, and the Chemist. W. Vol. 3. Lond., 1838. Petroleum. S-M. Vol. 4-date. Ber., October 1908-date. Philippine Journal of Science. (6 numbers.) Y. Vol. 1-date. Manila, 1906-date. Philosophical Society of Washington. Bulletin. Vol. 1-11, 13, 15, pp. 127-187. Wash., 1874-1892, 1900, 1909. (Ceased pub- lication with Vol. 15, p. 187. Combined with Journal of Washington Academy of Sciences.) Photographic Society of London. Journal. Vol. 1. Lond., 1853- 1854. Physical Review. M. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1893-date. Physical Society of London. Abstracts of physical papers from foreign sources. Vol. 1-3. Lond., 1895-1897. (Continued as Science Abstracts.) Physical Memoirs. Vol. 1. n. p., 1888. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1876-date. Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt. Wissenschaftliche Ab- handlungen. Irreg. Vol. 1-4, pt. 2. Ber., 1894-1906. Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. See Deutsche Physikal- ische Gesellschaft. Physikalische Zeitschrift. S-M. Vol. 1-date. Lpz., 1900-date. Plumber and Sanitary Engineer. See Engineering Record. 42 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Polytechnic Engineer. Y. 1901-1907, 1910-1912. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1901-1907, 1910-1912. Polytechnic Journal. M. Vol. 1-6. Lond., 1839-1842. Polytechnisches Journal. See Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal. Popular Electricity. M. Vol. 1-date. Chic., 1908-date. Popular Science Monthly. M. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1872-date. (Vol. 48-57, no. 1, title reads Appletons' Popular Science Monthly.) Index. Vol. 1-40. 1872-1892. N. Y., 1893. Popular Science News, Nature, Invention, Electricity, Chemistry, Medicine, Hygiene. M. Vol. 31-32, no. 11. N. Y., January 1897-November 1898. Portefeuille Economique des Maschines de 1'Outillage et du Ma- teriel Relatifs a la Construction. M. Ser. 3, Vol. 3, 11-12; ,Ser. 5, Vol. 7-date. Par., 1878, 1886-1887, 1909-date. Post Office Electrical Engineers' Journal. Q. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1908-date. Postal, Telegraphic, and Telephonic Gazette. W. Vol. 1. 1883- 1884. Lond., 1883-1884. Power. W. Vol. 7-date. N. Y., 1886-date. (In November 1884 Steam was incorporated with Power and the title for Vol. 7- 11 reads Power-Steam. In May 1903 Science and Industry consolidated with Power. Engineers' Review consolidated with Power in December 1907. In May 1908 Engineer (Chi- cago) was incorporated with Power and the title became Power and the Engineer. Beginning January 1908 changed from monthly to weekly publication.) Power and Lighting Economist. Q. Vol. 1-4. Troy, N. Y., 1901- 1904. Power and Transmission. M. Vol. 11-12. Mishawaka, 1896-1897. Power Wagon. M. No. 51-date. Chic., 1909-date. Practical Engineer. W. Vol. 1-4, 7-date. Manchester-Lond., 1887-1890, 1893-date. Practical Magazine. Vol. 1-5. Lond., 1873-1875. Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine. M. Vol. 1-4; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-2. Glasgow, 1841-1847. Practical Mechanics Journal. Vol. 1-8; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-9; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-5. Glasgow, 1848-1870. Illustrated index. Vol. 1-4. London, n. d. Praktische Maschinen-Constructeur. S-M. Vol. 1-20, 22, 42-date. Lpz., 1868-1887, 1889, 1909-date. Generalregister. 1868-1880. Lpz., 1881. Atlas. 1870-1887, 1889, 1909-date. (Years 1870-1887 bound separately, later volumes bound with text.) Progressive Age. S-M. Vol. 9-date. N. Y., 1891-date. Prometheus. W. Vol. 20-date. October 1908-date. Ber., 1908- date. Public Service. M. Vol. 1-9. Chic., 1906-1910. Quarry. M. Vol. 12-date. Lond., 1907-date. Quarterly Review. Q. Vol. 94. Lond., 1854. Radium. M. Vol. 6-date. Par., 1909-date. Railroad Advocate. W. Vol. 1-4, no. 11. N. Y., 1854-1857. (Vol. 4, no. 7, title changed to American Engineer.) Railroad and Engineering Journal. M. Vol. 61-66. 1887-1892. N. Y., 1887-1892. (American Railroad Journal and Van Nos- trand's Electric Engineering Magazine consolidated in 1887. The volume number is that of the American Railroad Jour- PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 43 nal. Vol. 67 title changed to American Engineer and Rail- road Journal.) Railroad Car Journal. M. Vol. 2-11. N. Y., 1891-1901. (Vol. 11 title reads Railroad Digest.) Railroad Digest. See Railroad Car Journal. Railroad Gazette. W. Vol. 1-44. Chic.-N. Y., 1870-1908. (In June 1908 combined with Railway Age, forming Railroad Age Gazette. The volume number of Railroad Gazette is retained.) Railway Age. W. Vol. 19-45. Chic., 1894-1908. (In June 1908 combined with Railroad Gazette and formed Railroad Age Gazette, retaining the volume number of Railroad Gazette.) Railroad Age Gazette. W. Vol. 45-date. N. Y., June 1908-date. (In June 1908 Railroad Gazette combined with Railway Age and formed Railroad Age Gazette, retaining the volume num- ber of Railroad Gazette.) Railway and Engineering Review. W. Vol. 20-date. Chic., 1880- date. (Vol. 20-37, no. 13, title reads Railway Review.) Railway and Locomotive Engineering. M. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1888-date. (Vol. 1-4 title reads Locomotive Engineer. Vol. 5-13 title reads Locomotive Engineering.) Railway Club . of Pittsburg. Official proceedings. (9 numbers yearly.) Vol. 1-date. Pittsburg, 1902-date. Railway Electrical Engineer. M. Vol. 1-date. Chic., 1909-date. (Electric Trunk Line Age consolidated with this magazine in January 1911.) Railway Engineer. M. Vol. 30-date. Lond.. 1909-date. Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way. M. Vol. 5, nos. 5-12; Vol. 6-date. Chic., 1909-date. Railway Gazette. W. Vol. 8-date. Lond., 1908-date. (London edition of Railroad Age Gazette.) Railway Machinery. M. Vol. 25-date. N. Y., 1905-date. (Early volumes known as American Journal of Railway Appliances.) Railway Master-Mechanic. M. Vol. 16-21, 23-date. Chic., 1893- 1898, 1899-date. (With which is incorporated Railway Pur- chasing Agent and Supply Trade Journal. Vol. 17-18, no. 5, title reads Railway Engineering and Mechanics.) Railway News. W. Vol. 91-date. Lond., 1909-date. Railway News. (N. Y.) M. Vol. 9, no. 10-Vol. 10, no. 4. N. Y., 1890. Railway Reporter. M. Vol. 1, 4-6. Pittsburg, Pa., 1880/1882- 1884. Railway Review. See Railway and Engineering Review. Railway Signal Association. Journal. Q. Vol. 1-date. Bethle- hem, Pa., 1909-date. Proceedings. Vol. 1-5. 1895-1908. Bethlehem, Pa., 1906- 1908. (Vol. 1-2 title reads Digest of Proceedings and is a re-publication of the Proceedings of the Railway Signaling Club and the Railway Signal Association from 1895-1905.) Railway Signaling Club. See Railway Signal Association. Railway Times. W. Vol. 95-date. Lond., 1909-date. (With which is incorporated Herapath's Railway Journal.) Railway World. W. Vol. 6-16, 18-21, nos. 1-30, 32-48. Phil., 1880-1890, 1892-1895. (With which was incorporated United iStates Railroad and Mining Register.) Rassegna Mineraria. Tri-M. Vol. 26-date. Torino, 1908-date. 44 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Recueil de M6moires, ou Collection de pieces Acad6miques, con- cernant la medicine, 1'anatomie and la chirurgie, la chymie, la physique experimentale, la botanique and Thistoire natur- relle, tiroes des meilleures sources, et mis en ordre par J. Berryat. Vol. 1-4. Dijon-Par., 1754-1770. Register of the Ar/ts and Sciences. Bi-W. Vol. 1-4 in 2v. Octo- ber 1823-June 1827. Lond., 1823-1827. Repertorium der Physik. Vol. 1-8. Ber., 1837-1849. Repertorium der Physik. Vol. 1-27. Mun., 1866-1891. (Vol. 1-3 title reads Repertorium fur Physikalische Technik fur Math- ematische und Astronomische Instrumentenkunde. Vol v 4-18 title reads Repertorium fur Experimental-Physik, fur Physi- kalische Technik.) General-register. Vol. 1-15. Mun., 1881. Repertorium der Technischen Literatur. Y. 1823-1853. Ber., 1856. Neue Folge. 1854-1873. 4v. Lpz., 1871-1878. Neue Folge. 1874-1878. 2v. Lpz., 1875-1879. Neue Folge. 1879- 1908. 30v. Lpz., 1881-1909. (From 1877 this index was issued from the Kaiserlich Patent Amt. Ceased publication in 1908. Continued as Fortschritte der Technik.) Repertory of Arts and Manufactureres. See Repertory of Patent Inventions. Repertory of Arts, Manufactureres, and Agriculture. See Reper- tory of Patent Inventions. Repertory of Patent Inventions. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-16; Ser. 2, Vol. 1- 45; new series, Vol. 1-18; enlarged series, Vol. 1-40. Lond., 1794-1862. (Ser. 1, Vol. 1-16 title reads Repertory of Arts and Manufactures. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-45, title reads Repertory of Arts, Manufacturerers, and Agriculture. Index. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-16; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-8. 1794-1806. Lond., 1806. Repertorium fiir Experimental-Physik, fiir Physikalische Tech- nJk. See Repertorium der Physik. Repertorium fur Physikalische Technik fiir Mathematische und Astronomische Instrumentenkunde. See Repertorium der Physik. Review of American Chemical Research. M. Vol. 1-6, 8-12. Easton, Pa., 1895-1900, 1902-1906. (Vol. 1-3 formed a part of Technology Quarterly, Vol. 8-10.) Revue de 1' Aviation. M. Vol. 4-date. Par., 1909-date. Revue de 1'Electrochimie et de l'Electrom6tallurgie. M. Vol. 1- date. Par., 1907-date. (Continuation of Electrochimie.) Revue de 1'Ingenieur et Index Technique. M. Vol.. 1-4, 10-date. Lond.-Bruxelles, 1903-1904, 1907-date. (Vol. 1-3 title reads Index de la Presse Technique. Vol. 4 title reads Engineer- ing Press Monthly Index Review. Vol. 10-18 title reads Technical Index.) Revue de MScanique. M. Vol. 1-date. Par., 1897-date. (Vol. 1 lacks June 1897.) Tables d6cennales des matieres et des noms. 1897-1906. Par., 1907. Revue de Metallurgie. M. Vol. 1-date. Par., 1904-date. Revue Electrique. S-M. Vol. 1-date. Par., 1904-date. (Organ de L'Union des Syndicats de 1'ElectricitS.) Revue g6nrale de Sciences Pures et Appliques. S-M. Vol. 11- date. Par., 1900-date. Revue G6n6rale des Chemins de Fer et des Tramways. M. Vol. 16-date. Par., 1893-date. Revue Mineralurgique. M. Vol. 1-5. Par., 1903-1907. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 45 Revue Scientifique, Industrielle et Commerciale des M6taux et Alliages. M. Vol. 1-date. Par., 1908-date. Revue Universelle des Mines, de la MStallurgie. M. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-40; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-22; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-60; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-date. Par., 1857-date. Tables des matiSres. Ser. 3. 1888-1902. Par., 1903. Richmond Railroad Club. Official proceedings. M. Vol. 1, nos. 1-7; Vol. 2, nos. 3-7, 9; Vol. 3, nos. 1-9. Richmond, Va., 1902- 1904. Rivista Marittima. M. Vol. 41; Vol. 42, pts. 3-4; Vol. 43, pts. 3-4; Vol. 44-date. Roma, 1908-date. Rivista Telegrafica. Vol. 1. Napoli, 1881. Rochester Academy qf Science. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1- date. 1889-date. Rochester, N. T., 1891-date. Rock Products. M. Vol. 9, no. 7-date. Chic., 1910-date. Royal Dublin iSociety. Economic proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1- date. Dublin, 1899-date. Scientific proceedings. Irreg. New series, Vol. 12-date. Dublin, 1909-date. Royal Engineers, Corps of. Papers on subjects connected with the duties of the Corps. Vol. 1, 3-10; new series, Vol. 17-18. Lond., 1837, 1839-1849, 1869-1870. Vol. 1 is ed. 2. (Binders title reads Professional Papers.) Royal Geographical Society of London. Journal. Vol. 1-50. 1831-1880. Lond., 1833-1881. Vol. 1 is ed. 2. (Publication ceased with Vol. 50.) Index. Vol. 1-30. Lond., 1844-1867. Index. Vol. 31-50. Lond., 1881-1884. Atlas maps and plates. Vol. 1-11. Lond., 1831-1841. Proceedings. Vol. 1-22; new series, Vol. 1-14. 1855-1892. Lond., 1857-1892. (Continued in the Geographical Journal.) Supplementary papers. Vol. 1-4. Lond., 1886-1890. Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-8, 13-date. Lond., 1818-1871, 1908-daJe. Royal Institute of British Architects. Journal. S-M. Ser. 3, Vol. 15-date. Lond., 1908-date. (Included Transactions since 1894.) Royal Institution of Great Britain. Notices of proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1-16. 1851-1901. Lond., 1854-1901. Index. Vol. 1-4. 1851-1866 in Vol. 4. Lond., 1866. Index. Vol. 1-12. 1851-1889 in Vol. 12. Lond., 1889. Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts. Q. Vol. 1-12, 14-23. Lond., 1817-June 1828. (Vol. 1-5 title reads Journal of Science and the Arts.) Royal Society of Arts. Journal. W. Vol. 56-date. Lond., Feb- ruary 1908-date. (Known until January 1908 as Society of Arts.) Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 15, 17- 21, 23-date. Edin., 1887-1888, 1889-1897, 1899-date. Royal Society of London. Abridgments from Philosophical transactions relating to electricity, galvanism and magnet- ism. 15v. Lond., n. d. Catalogue of scientific papers. Irreg. Vol. 1-12. 1800- 1883. Lond., 1867-1902. Subject index. Vol. 1. Pure mathe- matics. 1800-1900. Cambridge, 1908. Subject index. Vol. 2. Mechanics. 1800-1900. Cambridge, 1909. 46 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Memoirs of the Royal Society; or, New Abridgment of the Philosophical Transactions by B. Baddam. Vol. 1-6, 8-9. 1665-1740. Lond., 1745, 1739-1740, 1745. (Vol. 1-2, 5, 8-9 are ed. 2.) Philosophical Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1665-date. After 1886 (Vol. 177) published in two classes: (a) Natural Science; (b) Natural History. General index. Vol. 1-70. 1665-1780. Lond., 1787. Continuation of alpha- betical index. Vol. 71-110. 1781-1820. Lond., 1821. Philosophical Transactions and Collections; Abridged and Disposed under General Heads. 1665-1750. 12v. Lond., 1722- 1756. From 1665-1700. Ed. 3. 3v. Lond., 1722. Same. Ed. 5. 3v. Lond., 1849. From 1700-1720. Ed. 3. 2v. Lond., 1749. From 1720-1732. Vol. 6, pts. 2-4. Lond., 1733. From 1719-1733. 2v. Lond., 1734. From 1732-1744. 2v. Lond., 1747. From 1743-1750. 2v. Lond., 1756. Philosophical Transactions from their Commencement, in 1665 to 1880, Abridged by C. Hutton. Vol. 1-18. Lond., 1809. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. 1800-date. Lond., 1832- date. (2 copies of Vol. 1-2.) (Vol. 1-4 title reads Abstracts of Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions. Vol. 5-6 title reads Abstracts of Papers Communicated to the Royal Society.) Record. 1897. Lond., 1897. Same. Ed. 2. 1901. Lond., 1901. Year-book. 1896-1898. Lond., 1897-1898. Royal Society of New South Wales. Transactions, journal and proceedings. Y. Vol. 9-date. Sydney, 1876-date. Royal Society of Victoria. Proceedings. S-M. New series, Vol. 16-date. Melbourne, 1903-date. Transactions. Vol. 5, pt. 1. Melbourne, 1909. Royal Statistical Society. Journal. Q. Vol. 68, pt. 4; Vol. 69, pt. 2; Vol. 72, pt. 3. Lond., 1905-1906, 1909. Royal United Service Institution. Journal. Q. Vol. 4, no. 15; Vol. 5, no. 17, 19; Vol. 6, no. 21-23. Lond., 1861-1862. Rugby Engineering Society. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1-date. Rugby, 1903-date. Safety Valve. M. Vol. 10. N. Y., 1896. St. Martin's Magazine. Vol. 1. November 1874-December 1875. Lond., 1874-1875. (Continued as Telegraphist.) Sammlung Elektrotechnischer Vortrage. Vol. 1-10. Stut, 1899- 1907. Sanitary Engineer. See Engineering Record. Sanitary Engineer and Construction Record. See Engineering Record. Sanitary Era. S-M. Vol. 2-4. N. Y., 1887-1890. Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. Transactions. Vol. 1. (In- cludes 3d Congress report 1879.) Lond., 1880. Schiffbau. S-M. Vol. 9, nos. 1-2, 4, 6-23; Vol. 10-date. Ber., 1907- date. School of Mines Quarterly. Q. Vol. 1-date. November 1879- date. N. Y., 1879-date. Index. Vol. 1-10 in Vol. 10. 1890. Index. Vol. 11-20. 1889-1899. N. Y., 1900. Index. Vol. 21- 30 in Vol. 31. 1910. Schweizerische Bauzeitung. W. Vol. 55-date. Ztirich, 1910-date. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 47 Schweizerische Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift. Vol. 1-2, 4-date. Zurich, 1904-1905, 1907-date. Schweizerischer Elektrotechnischer Verein. Bulletin. Associa- tion Suisse des Electriciens. M. Vol. 1-date. Zurich, 1910- date. Science. W. Vol. 1-12; new series, Vol. 7-8, 1 4-date. Cambridge, Mass.-N. Y. f 1883-1888, 1898, 1901-date. Science Abstracts. M. Vol. 1-date. Lond., 1898-date. Scientific American. W. Vol. 2-date. N. Y., 1846-date. Scientific American Supplement. W. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1876- date. Catalogue. 1876-1910. N. Y., n. d. Scientific Arena. M. Vol. 1. June 1886-May 1887. N. Y., 1886- 1887. Scientific Canadian, Mechanics' Magazine and Patent Office Rec- ord. See Canadian Magazine of Science and the Industrial Arts. Scientific Digest. M. Vol. 1, nos. 1-5. December 1911-April 1912. Kansas City, Mo., 1911-1912. (No longer published.) Scientific Gazette; or, Library of Mechanical Philosophy, Chem- istry, and Discovery. Nos. 1-18. Lond., 1825. Scientific Memoirs, selected from the transactions of foreign academies of science and learned societies. Pts. 1-18. 1837- 1852. Lond., 1837-1852. Scientific Roll and Magazine of Systematized Notes. Q. Vol. 1, pt. 1. Climate. Nos. 1-6; pt. 2. Aqueous Vapour. Nos. 7-11; Baric Condition. Nos. 1-2, 6-7, 9-12. Lond., 1880-1897. Seismological Journal of Japan. Vol. 17-19. Yokohoma, 1893- 1894. (Vol. 1-16 appeared as the Transactions of the Seis- mological Society of Japan.) Index to Transactions. Vol. 1-16 in Vol. 17. Yokohoma, 1893. Seismological Society of Japan. Transactions. Vol. 1-16. 4v. Yokohoma, 1880-1892. (Continued as Seismological Journal of Japan.) Shaffner's Telegraph Companion. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 4. N. Y., 1854-1855. Sibley Journal of Engineering. (9 numbers yearly.) Vol. 7, nos. 1-5, 7; Vol. 8, nos. 1, 5-9; Vol. 9, nos. 1-3, 5-7; Vol. 10-11; "Vol. 12, nos. 1, 3-4, 6-9; Vol. 13-date. Ithaca, N. Y., 1893-date. (Continuation of the*Crank.) Signal Engineer. M. Vol. 1-date. Chic., 1908-date. Sociedad de Ingenieros. Boletin. Vol. 9. Lima, 1907. Sociedad Geol6gica Mexicana. Boletin. Vol. 1-date. 1904-date. Mex., 1905-date. Society Aeronautica Italiana. Bollettino. Vol. 6-date. Roma, 1909-date. Socigte" Beige d'Electriciens. Bulletin. M. Vol. 4, 6-7, 10, 21- date. Bruxelles, 1887, 1889-1890, 1893, 1904-date. Soci6t6 Beige de GSologie de PalSontologie and Hydrologie. Bul- letin. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Bruxelles, 1887-date. Tables genSrales des matiSres. Vol. 1-20. 1887-1906. Bruxelles, 1907. Nouveaux Memoires. Irreg. Nos. 1, 3. Bruxelles, 1908, 1910. Soci6t6 Chimique de Belgique. Bulletin. M. Vol. 22-date. Gand, 1908-date. 48 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Chimique de France. Bulletin. S-M. Ser. 4, Vol. 1-date. Par., 1907-date. (Continuation of Soci6t6 Chimique de Paris.) Table alphabetique des matieres. Ser. 4. Vol. 1-2. 1907. Par., 1907. Societe Chimique de Paris. Bulletin. S-M. Ser. 3, Vol. 33-36. Par., 1905-1906. (Continued as Soci6t6 Chimique de France.) Table analytique des matieres. Ser. 1-2. 1854-1874. n. p., n. d. Table alphabetique des matieres. 1875-1888. Par., 1894. Table alphabetique des matiSres. 1889-1898. 2v. Par., 1903. Table alphabetique des auteurs. Ser. 3, Vol. 31-36. 3v. Par., 1904-1906. Societe" d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie Nationale. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1-date. Par., 1802-date. Table g6nrale des ma- tieres. 1802-1900. Par., 1838-1902. de 1'Industrie Minerale. Atlas. T. Vol. 1-7, 15; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-15; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-15; Ser. 4, Vol. 2. Saint-Etienne, 1855-1862, 1869-1870, 1872-1901, 1903. de 1'Industrie Minerale. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1-15; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-15; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-15; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-date. Saint-Etienne, 1855-date. Table des matieres. Vol. 1-15 in ,Ser. 1, Vol. 15. 1855-1870. Par., 1870. Table analytique matieres. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-15. 1871-1886. n. p., n. d. Table analytique matieres. Ser. 3, Vol. 1-15. 1887-1901. n. p., n. d. Table generale des matieres du Bulletin. Ser. 4, Vol. 1-15. 1902-1911 et dans les Comptes rendus mensuels. 1902-1911. Saint-Etienne, 1912. Comptes-rendus Mensuels. M. May 1877, April 1879-Sep- tember 1893; November 1893-April 1896; June 1896-June 1900; August 1900-December 1908, 1909-date. Saint-Etienne, 1877, 1879-date. 1909-date bound with Bulletin. Table des matieres. 1872-1877. n. p., n. d. Table g6n6rale des ma- tiSres du Bulletin. Ser. 4, Vol. 1-15. 1902-1911 et dans les Comptes rendus mensuels. 1902-1911. Saint-Etienne, 1912. Soci6t6 des Ing6nieurs Civils de France. MSmoires et travaux. M. 1880-date. Par., 1880-date. Table g6ne>ale des matieTes. 1885-1904. Par., 1905. SociSte Frangaise de Mineralogie. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. 30-date. Par., 1909-date. Societe Frangaise de Physique. Bulletin des stances. Irreg. Par., 1900-1904, 1906-date. G6ologique de Belgique. Annales. Irreg. Vol. 30-date. Lige, 1902-date. Memoires. Vol. 2, pt. 1-2. Li6ge, 1904, 1910. GSologique de France. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. 1-14; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-29; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-8, 10-28; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-date. Par., 1830-date. Table generale et analytique. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-20. 1844-1863. Par., 1867. Compte rendes des Stances. S-M. Ser. 3, Vol. 21; Vol. 22, nos. 1-10, 12-18; Vol. 23, nos. 1-15, 17-18; Vol. 24. Par., 1893-1896. Memoires. Irreg. Vol. 1-5; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-9. Par., 1833- 1873. GSologique du Nord. Annales. Y. Vol. 8, 32-date. Lille, 1880-1881, 1903-date. Industrielle de Mulhouse. Bulletin. M. Vol. 72-date. Mulhouse, 1902-date. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 49 Internationale des Electriciens. Bulletin. M. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-17; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-date. Par., 1884-date. Societe" 'Scientiflque Industrielle de Marseille. Bulletin. Irregr. Vol. 31-37. Marseille, 1903-1909. Socie"te Technique de 1'Industrie du Gaz en France. Compte- rendu du congrds. Y. lst-30th. Par., 1874-1909. List of members de la iSoci6t6 1886-1908 found in Compte-rendu 1888-1909. Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education. Proceed- ings. Y. Vol. 1-date. 1894-date. v. p., 1894-date. Index. Vol. 1-10 in Vol. 10. 1902. Society of Arts. Journal. W. Vol. 1-23, 25-31, 33-56. Lond., 1852-1875, 1877-1883, 1885-January 1908. (Continued as Royal Society of Arts.) Index. Vol. 1-20. Lond., 1863-1873. In- dex. Vol. 31-50. Lond., 1895-1904. Society of Automobile Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. 3, no. 2; Vol. 4-date. N. Y., 1908-date. Society of Chemical Industry. Journal. S-M. Vol. 1-date. Man- chester-Lond., 1882-date. Vol. 1-20 issued monthly. Collec- tive index. Vol. 1-14. 1882-1895. Lond., 1899. Decennial index. Vol. 15-24. 1896-1905. 2v. Lond., 1907-1908. (New- castle-upon-Tyne Chemical Society was incorporated with Society of Chemical Industry in 1883.) Society of Engineers. Transactions. Y. 1861-date. Lond., 1861- date. Index. 1861-1909 in volumes for 1886-1909. Lond., 1887-1909. Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tokyo, Japan. Journal. Y. Vol. 1-date. Tokyo, 1897-date. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transac- tions. Y. Vol. 1-date. N. Y., 1893-date. Table of contents. Vol. 1-6. N. Y., n. d. Society of Telegraph Engineers. See Institution of Electrical Engineers. Sound Waves. M. Vol. 5, nos. 2-6; Vol. 6-15, no. 1. December 1902-January 1908. Chic., 1902-1908. (Incorporated with Telephony in September 1908.) South African Association for the Advancement of Science. South African Journal of Science. M. Vol. 6-date. Cape Town, 1909-date. South African Association of Engineers. Journal. M. Vol. 14- 16, no. 4. Johannesburg, 1908-1911. (In February 1911 con- solidated with South African Institute of Engineers.) South African Association of Engineers and Architects. Annual report. Y. lst-2d. Johannesburg, 1893-1894. Proceedings. Vol. 3-5. Johannesburg, 1895-1899. South African Engineering, with which is incorporated South African Export List. M. Vol. 4-9, 11-date. Lond., 1905- 1908, 1909-date. South African Institute of Electrical Engineers. Transactions. M. Vol. 1-date. November 1909-date. Johannesburg, 1909- date. South African Institute of Engineers. Journal. M. Vol. 9, no. 5-date. Johannesburg, December 1910-date. (In February 1911 South African Association of Engineers and Transvaal Institute of Mechanical Engineers was incorporated with this Institute.) 50 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY South African Journal of Science. See South African Association for the Advancement of Science. South Straffordshire Institute of Iron and Steel Works Managers. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 6-14. Stourbridge, 1890-1899. (Continued as Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute.) South Wales Institute of Engineers. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 17, no. 5; Vol. 25-date. Lond., 1891, 1907-date. Southern Electrician. M. Vol. 7-10; Vol. 42-date. Atlanta, Ga., 1909-date. (In January 1911 Electrical Age consolidated with this magazine. The volume number of Electrical Age is retained.) Southern Railway Time Convention. See American Railway As- sociation. Proceedfngs. Spolek Architektuv a Inzenyru v Kralovstvf Geske"m. See Tech- nicky Obzor. Sprechsaal. W. Vol. 42-date. Coburg, 1909-date. Sprengstoffe, Waffen-und Munition. S-M. Vol. 4-date. Charlot- tenburg, 1908-date. Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 15-date. Stourbridge, 1899-date. (Continuation of South Staffordshire Institute of Iron and Steel Works Managers.) Stahl und Eisen. S-M. Vol. 1-date. July 1881-date. Diisseldorf, 1881-date. Gesamt-Inhaltsverzeichnis. Vol. 1-26. 1881-1906. Diisseldorf, 1908. Stationary Engineer. M. Vol. 16-17. Chic., 1895-1897. Steamship. M. Vol. 19, nos. 223-228; Vol. 20-date. Leith, Janu- ary 1908-date. Stevens Institute Indicator. Q. Vol. 4-date. Hoboken, N. J. f 1887-date. Stone. M. Vol. 6, no. 5; Vol. 11, nos. 5-6; Vol. 12-27, no. 2; Vol. 28, nos. 10-12; Vol. 29-date. Chic.-N. Y., 1893, 1895-1903, 1908- date. (Ceased publication in 1904; began again in 1908.) Stone & Webster Public Service Journal. M. Vol. 1-date. Bost, 1907-date. Street Railway Association of the State of New York. Report of the annual meeting. Y. 1st, 3d-14th, 18th-22d, 25th, 27th- date. v. p., 1883-1897, 1900-1904, 1907, 1909-date. Street Railway Bulletin. M. Vol. 5, nos. 9-12; Vol. 6; Vol. 7, nos. 1-7, 9-12; Vol. 8-date. N. Y., September 1906-date. Street Railway Claim Agents' Association of America. See Amer- ican Street and Interurban Railway Association. Street Railway Gazette. M. Vol. 1-12. N. Y., 1886-June 1895. (Continued as Electric Railway Gazette.) Street Railway Journal. M. Vol. 5, 7-31. 1889, 1891-May 1908. N. Y., 1889, 1891-1908. (Consolidated with Electric Railway Review in June 1908 and formed Electric Railway Journal, retaining the volume number of the Street Railway Journal.) General index. Vol. 1-22. 1884-1903. N. Y., 1904. Street Railway Review. M. Vol. 1-3, 5-15; Vol. 16, nos. 1-4, 6. 1891-1893, 1895-June 1906. Chic., 1891-1906. (Continued as Electric Railway Review beginning July 1906.) Surveyor, Engineer, and Architect. M. 1840-1842. Lond., 1840- 1842. Surveyors' Institution. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 40; Vol. 41, pts. 1-4. 6-13; Vol. 42-date. Lond., 1907-date. Index. Vol. 1- 42. 1868-1910. Lond., 1910. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 51 Sydney University Engineering Society, New South Wales. Journal and abstract of proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 11-date. Sydney, 1906-date. Technic. See Michigan University. Engineering Society. Mich- igan Technic. Technical Index. See Revue de 1'Ingenieur et Index Technique. Technical Literature. See Engineering Digest. Technical Society of the Pacific Coast. Transactions. Annually. Vol. 1-9, 10, nos. 1-2, 4. San Francisco, 1884-1893. Technicky Obzor. W. Vol. 13, nos. 33, 36-37; Vol. 14, nos. 5-6, 8-24, 26-30, 32-40; Vol. 15, nos. 1-22, 24-40; Vol. 16, nos. 1-2, 4-41; Vol. 17-date. Praze, 1905-date. Technics. M. Vol. 1-4, no. 20. Lend., 1904-August 1905. (No longer published.) Technique Moderne. M. Vol. 1-date. Par., December 1908-date. Technische Auskunft. See Fortschritte der Technik. Technologist. M. Vol. 1-2. N. Y., 1870-1871. Technology Quarterly. M. Vol. 1-21. Bost., 1887-1908. (Dis- continued December 1908.) Technology Review. Q. Vol. 1-date. Bost., 1899-date. Teknisk Tidskrift. M. 1891-date. Stockholm, 1891-date. Teknisk Ugeblad. W. Vol. 22-date. Kristiania, 1904-date. Telegrafista. Vol. 1-3, 5. Roma, 1881-1883, 1885. . Telegraph Age. S-M. Vol. 14-24, 19-21, 23-26. N. Y., 1894-1909. (Continued as Telegraph and Telephone Age. In 1902 a cor- rection was made in the volume number, hence Vol. 19-24 are for years 1896-1901 and also for 1902-1906.) Telegraph and Telephone Age. S-M. Vol. 27-date. N. Y., 1910- date. (Continuation of Telegraph Age.) Telegraph Chronicle and Civil Service Recorder. S-M. Vol. 19, nos. 237, 239-247; Vol. 20-27; Vol. 28, nos. 352-361, 363-364; Vol. 29-date. Lond., 1902-date. Telegraph Electrical Society. Transactions. 1874-1878. Mel- bourne, 1875-1878. Telegrapher. M. Vol. 1-13, no. 551. N. Y., 1864-1877. (In Feb- ruary 1877 incorporated with Journal of the Telegraph.) Telegraphic Journal. W. Vol. 1-2. Lond., 1864. Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review. See Electrical Re- view (London). Telegraphist. M. Vol. 1-3. Lond., 1884-1886. Telegraphist. Irreg. Vol. 1. February-December 1876. Lond., 1876. (Continuation of St. Martin's Magazine.) Telephone Engineer. M. Vol. 1-date. Chic., 1909-date. Telephone Magazine. M. Vol. 1-26, no. 2. Chic., 1893-August 1905. (Vol. 1-11 title reads Electrical Engineering. Vol. 12- 14 title reads Electrical Engineering and Telephone Maga- zine. Incorporated with Telephony in September 1905.) Telephony. M. Vol. 2, 4-6, 9-date. Chic., 1901, 1902-1903, 1905- date. (In September 1905 incorporated Telephone Magazine. In September 1908 incorporated American Telephone Journal and Sound Waves. In July 1910 volume number changed to 59.) Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity. Q. Vol. 1- date. Baltimore, Md., 1896-date. 52 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Textile World. M. Vol. 8-15. Bost., 1896-1898. (In April 1903 Textile World and Textile Record consolidated and formed Textile World Record.) Textile World Record. M. Vol. 25-date. Bost., 1903-date. (Con- tinuation of Textile World.) Timber Trades Journal. W. Vol. 66-date. Lond., 1909-date. Tonindustrie Zeitung. Tri-W. Vol. 32-date. Ber., 1908-date. Tokyo Imperial University. College of Science. Journal. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Tokyo. 1887-date. Traction and Transmission. M. Vol. 1-10. Lond., 1901-1904. Monthly supplement to Engineering. Tramway and Railway World. M. Vol. 12, 14-date. Lond., 1902- date. Transmitter. S-M. Vol. 13, nos. 1-8, 10-12; Vol. 14-16; Vol. 17, nos. 1-9, 11-12; Vol. 18, nos. 1-5, 7, 9-13; Vol. 19-date. Syd- ney-Lond., 1903-date. Transvaal Institute of Mechanical Engineers. Journal. M. Vol. 3, no. 8-Vol. 5; 7-9, no. 4. Johannesburg, March 1905-Novem- ber 1910. (Continuation of Mechanical Engineers' Associa- tion of the Witwatersrand. In February 1911 consolidated with South African Association of Engineers.) Traveling Engineers' Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. Ist-date. Buffalo, N. Y., 1893-date. Treasury Construction Society. Proceedings of the annual meet- ing. Y. No. 3. n. p., 1911. Tschermak Mineralogische. See Mineralogische Mittheilungen. Turbine. S-M. Vol. 1-date. Ber., 1904-date. L'Union des Charbonnages Mines et Usines Metallurgique. Bul- letin. Irreg. Vol. 11, no. 5-10; Vol. 12-14, 16-date. Liege, 1879-1882, 1884-date. United States Association of Charcoal Iron Workers. Journal. Bi-M. Vol. 1-9, no. 1. Phil., 1880-1891. United States Miller. M. Vol. 15-18. Milwaukee, 1890-1893. United States Nautical Magazine and Naval Journal. M. Vol. 1-7. N. Y., 1855-1858. (Vol. 1-2 title reads Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review.) United (States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Q. Vol. 1-date. Annapolis, Md., 1874-date. (Vol. 1-4 title reads Papers and Proceedings.) General index. Vol. 1-27. 1874-1901. Balti- more, 1902. Universal Engineer. M. Vol. 7-date. N. Y., 1908-date. Upsala University. Geological Institution. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Upsala, 1892-date. Index. Vol. 1-10. 1893- 1910. Upsala, 1910. Van Nostrand's Electric Engineering Magazine. Vol. 1-36. N. Y., 1869-1886. (In 1887 consolidated with American Railroad Journal and formed Railroad and Engineering Journal.) Vassar Brothers Institute. Bulletin. No. 1-2. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1906. Transactions. Y. Vol. 3-7. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1884- 1896. Verein der Deutsche Zucker-Industrie. Zeitschrift. M. Vol. 69- date. Ber., 1909-date. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Wochenschrift. 1878-1883. Ber., 1878-1883. Inhaltsverzeichnis. 1877-1883. Ber., 1884. PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY 53 Zeitschrift. W. Vol. 1-3, 6-date. Ber., 1857-1859, 1862- date. Inhaltsverzeichnis. Vol. 38-47. 1894-1903. Ber., 1904. Verein zur Beforderung des Gewerbfleisses. Verhandlungen. (10 numbers yearly.) Vol. 89-date. Ber., 1910-date. Vermont Engineer. See Association of Vermont Engineers. Victorian Institute of Engineers. M. Proceedings. Vol. 6, no. 12; Vol. 9-date. Melbourne, 1905, 1908-date. Virginia Manufacturer. W. Vol. 2. Buchanan, Va., 1891. Virginias. M. Vol. 1-6. Staunton, Va., 1880-1885. Vulkan. S-M. Vol. 9-date. Frankfurt-a-Main, 190 9-date. Weltall. S-M. Vol. 6. Ber., 1905-1906. Werkstattstechnik. M. Vol. 3-date. Ber., 1909-date. West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute. Journal. Y. Vol. 1- date. 1892-date. Glasgow, 1894-date. West Virginia Coal Mining Institute. Proceedings. T. 1908- date. Fairmont, W. Va., 1908-date. West Virginia Mining Association. Annual meeting. Y. 1910. Washington, D. C., 1910. Western Association of Technical Chemists and Metallurgists. Western Chemist and Metallurgist. Vol. 1-6. Denver, Colo., 1905-1910. (Ceased publication December 1910 and Society no longer exists.) Western Chemist and Metallurgist. See Western Association of Technical Chemists and Metallurgists. Western Electrician. W. Vol. 1-43. July 1887-October 1908. Chic., 1887-1908. (Combined with Electrical Review, New York, November 1908 and continued as Electrical Review and Western Electrician.) Western Gas Association. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. 10th-28th. St. Louis, Mo., 1887-1906. Western Mining World. See Mining and Engineering World. Western Railway Club. Official proceedings. (9 numbers yearly.) Vol. 1-9, no. 6; Vol. 9, no. 8-date. Chic., 1888-date. Western Society of Engineers. Journal. Bi-M. Vol. 1-date. Chic., 1896-date. Western Telephone Journal. M. Vol. 8-9, no. 5; Vol. 10-13, no. 5; Vol. 14, no. 1-3, 5-6; Vol. 15, no. 1-2, 6; Vol. 16, no. 1, 3-6; Vol. 17, no. 1. Vinton, Iowa, 1906-August 1910. (Consoli- dated with Telephone Engineer in September 1910.) Westminster Review. Vol. 3, 21. Lond., 1825, 1834. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Transactions. Vol. 8. 1888-1891. Madison, Wis., 1892. Wisconsin Engineer. S-M. Vol. 3-4, 6-10, 12-date. Madison, Wis., 1899-1900, 1901-1905, 1907-date. Wisconsin Gas Association. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. lst-7th, 9th-date. v. p., 1902-1908, 1910-date. Wisconsin University. Bulletin. Engineering series. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Madison, Wis., 1896-date. Bulletin. Science series. Vol. 1-date. Madison, Wis., 1901-date. Witwatersrand Mining and Metallurgical Review. M. Nos. 1-21. Johannesburg, 1890-1891. (Incorporated with South African Mining Journal in 1891.) Wood Preservers' Association. Proceedings of the annual meet- ing. Y. No. 2-date. Laramie, Wyo., 1906-date. (No Pro- ceedings issued for 1908.) 54 PERIODICAL SETS IN LIBRARY Woodcraft. M. Vol. 1-date. Cleveland, O., 1904-date. (Vol. 1-8 title reads Pattern Maker.) Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Journal. Vol. 1-date. Wor- cester, Mass., 1897-date. World's Progress. M. Vol. 1, nos. 4-8, 10-11; Vol. 2, no. 12-Vol. 5, no. 10. April-August, October-November 1905, December 1906-October 1909. Wash., 1905-1909. Yale Scientific Monthly. (9 numbers yearly.) Vol. 9-14, no. 9; Vol. 15, no. 2-date. New Haven, 1902-date. Zeitschrift fur Analytische Chemie. Autoren- und Sach-Register. Vol. 1-10. 1862-1871. Wiesbaden, 1872. Autoren- und Sach- Register. Vol. 11-20. 1872-1881. Wiesbaden, 1881. Autoren- und Sach-Register. Vol. 21-30. 1882-1891. Wiesbaden, 1894. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Chimie. W. Vol. 1-2, 4-date. Ber., 1887-1888, 1890-date. (Vol. 1 title reads Zeitschrift fur die Chemische Industrie.) Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Elektricitatslehre. M. Vol. 1-4. Mun., 1879-1882. (Continued as Centralblatt fur Elektrotechnik.) Zeitschrift fur Anorganische Chemie. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Lpz., 1892-date. Index. Vol. 28-30 in Vol. 30. Lpz., 1902. Index. Vol. 31-33 in Vol. 33. Lpz., 1903. Index. Vol. 34-36 in Vol. 36. Lpz., 1903. Index. Vol. 37-39 in Vol. 39. Lpz., 1904. Index. Vol. 40-42 in Vol. 42. Lpz., 1904. Index. Vol. 43-45 in Vol. 45. Lpz., 1905. Index. Vol. 46-48 in Vol. 48. Lpz., 1906. Index. Vol. 49-51 in Vol. 51. Lpz., 1906. Index. Vol. 52-54 in Vol. 54. Lpz., 1907. Index. Vol. 55-57 in Vol. 57. Lpz., 1908. Index. Vol. 58-60 in Vol. 60. Lpz., 1908. Index. Vol. 61- 63 in Vol. 63. Lpz., 1909. Index. Vol. 64-66 in Vol. 66. Lpz., 1910. Index. Vol. 67-69 in Vol. 69. Lpz., 1911. Zeitschrift fiir Beleuchtungswesen, Heiz- und Liiftungs-Technik. Tri-M. Vol. 8-date. Ber., 1902-date. Zeitschrift fur Bergrecht. Q. Vol. 14-15, 42-49. Konn, 1873- 1874, 1902-1908. Zeitschrift fiir das Berg-, Hiitten- und Salinenwesen in dem Preussischen Staate. Irreg. Vol. 1-date. Ber., 1854-date. Haupt-register.' Vol. 1-25. 1853-1877. Ber., 1879. Inhalts- verzeichnis. Vol. 1-150. 1853-1902. Ber., 1903. Atlas. Irreg. Vol. 20-27, 29-52. Ber., 1872-1879, 1881- 1904. Literatur. 1901-1903. Ber., 1901-1903. Statistischer Theil. Irregr. Vol. 20-22, 50-date. Ber., 1872-1873, 1902-date. Zeitschrift fiir das Gesamte Schiess- und Sprengstoffwesen. S-M. Vol. 3-date. Mun., 1908-date. Zeitschrift fiir das Gesamte Turbinenwesen. M. Vol. 4-date. Mun., 1907-date. Zeitschrift fOr die Gesamte Kalte-Industrie. M. Vol. 16-date. Ber., 1909-date. Zeitschrift ftir Elektrochemie und Angewandte Physikalische Chemie. S-M. Vol. 1-date. Halle, 1894-date. (Vol. 1 title reads Zeitschrift fiir Elektrotechnik und Elektrochemie. Vol. 2-9 title reads Zeitschrift fttr Elektrochemie.) Generalregis- ter. Vol. 1 Namenverzeichnis. Vol. 1-10. 1894-1904. Halle, 1910. Generalregister. Vol. 2 Sachverzeichnis. Vol. 1-10. 1894-1904. Halle, 1911. PERIODICAL SETS IN I IBKARY ' ." -' 55 Zeitschrift fiir Elektrotechnik. $ee Eltik,tr atechsik und Maschin- enbau. *?!** "* ** ", Zeitschrift fiir Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau. W: Vol. 6, 8- date. Potsdam, 1903, 1905-date. Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenkunde. M. Vol. 1-date. Ber., 1881- date. Beiblatt. Deutsche Mechaniker-Zeitung. Zeitschrift fur Kleinbahnen. M. Vol. 2, 9-date. Ber., 1895, 1902- date. Zeitschrift fur Praktische Geologic. M. Vol. 1-date. Ber., 1893- date. General-register. Vol. 1-10. 1893-1902. Ber., 1903. - Beiblatt. Bergwirtschaftliche Mitteilungen. M. Vol. 1- date. Ber., 1910-date. (Bound with Zeitschrift fiir Prak- tische Geologic.) Zentral-Organ fiir Petroleum-Industrie. See Allgemeine Oester- reichische Chemiker- und Techniker-Zeitung. Zentralblatt fiir Chemie und Analyse der Hydraulischen Zemente. M. Vol. 1-date. Halle, 1910-date. Zentralblatt fiir Eisenhuttenwesen. M. Vol. 1-3. Ber., 1906- 1908. (Ceased publication December 1908.) Zpravy Spolek Architektuv a Inzenyru v Kralovstvl Gesk^m, See Technicky Obzor. Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc. ^ Stockton, Calif. T. M. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. , - D 268112 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY